HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-11 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 11, 2003 ... High school holds itteniOrial 1 :. Corona del Mar High remembers student ~atthew Ramirez, who was killed in a motocross accident on Halloween. . ,DH pa Bharath . Daily Pilot • •. • NBWPORT BF.ACH -They • • Qled tears aa they talked about : • .i.tatthew Ramirez's smile. • • That dazzling smile that made •;.-tUs "big" cheeb look even blg- !•:Or. : :-That blg. old amlle was good • ! •ough to.make anyone's day. :: :: That smile wu gone from Co- : t~ma del Mar High School's cam-. :. pus but not from the hearts of students, teachers, counselors, friends and family members who packed the high school's theater auditorium Monday evenlng to celebrate the life of the 17-year- old senior who died after he was hit by a dune buggy while riding an all-terrain vehicle in the motocross event Glamis on Hal· loween. Matt had a passion for din bikes -a love be shared with his dad, Rigo. "Bvery year, ThanbgMng weekend was their big week- end," said Matt's, brother, Robert Ramirez. "That's when they'd go to GJamts to ride their di.rt bikes." But this year, they had decided to go earlier, he said. Matt died dolng what be loved doing the most. his friend Dan· lella Marin said. ·ru miss bis laugh. bis chuck- le," she said, gazing at his shrtne his friends had made in his memory outside the auditorium. lt bad everything Matt liked - from a model A1V to a pair of Jordan shorts he loved, a can of Diet Coke -his favorite drink - a bottle of Romance, the brand of perfume he liked and even take out boxes from Pick Up St1x, the O:llneae restaurant whose food be often enjoyed. ntcla Doran was in tears as she talked about Man's loving and caring nature. "He never had anything bad to say about anyone,· she said. "He's not someone you expect dead. He was a good, good kid: Matt was also active in his chW'Ch the OuistJan Tabernacle ln Santa Ana. The church's youth choir for which Matt played the congas. sang hymns in his honor. The service was punc~ted by laugbler and tears. Teachers talked about his mild manner and his respectful behavior while KENT TREPTOW I OMV Pl.OT Genevieve and Rigo Ramirez listen to a Corona del Mar High See MEMORW., P•e• A4 student's story about their son Matthew, 17, who died Oct. 31. Trees at root of Trinity lawsuits . . •. . ~ . . . . •' . .; .. .. . . .. -~ In a countersuit, the broadcaster claims neighbors damaged ficus trees to force removal Deirdre Newm•n Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -Trinity Otristian Center officials dldn't cum the other cheek to neighbors who sued the reli- gious organization over con- cerns that ficus trees planted at its sprawling complex pose a threat of damage to homes. The Ouistlan network has filed a countersuit against the neighbors, alleging damage to the ficus trees and conspiracy to deprive Trinity of its rights to religious broadcasting. 1l\ree neighbors sued the Otristian television network on Sept. 18, demanding that it remove 37 ficus trees that run along the block wall that sepa- rates the center from the Life- style I tomes community. These neighbors say the fi. cus trees haven't caused any damage yet. but they are con- cerned they will in the future. "We spoke to an arborist. and he said It's just a matter of time before the roots start get· ting under the homes and up· lifting the foundations and causing plumbing problems,· said Vance Ito, one of the plaint.l.IJs. Trtn.I ty's coun tersui t. filed on Oct. 28, accuses the neigh- bors of entering Trinlty's prop- erty and damaging the trees. It also charges them with con- spiracy and harassment, blaming them for a City Coun- cil decision in April that pro- S.. TRINfTY, P•1• A4 .. 1 ... .-PUBLIC SAFETY PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT ' ' .· Antonio Rossi, left, stands at attention while U.S. Marines from Los Alamitos are honored. .· Showing off their pride Su sp ect dead after faile d carj acking . . •. ~ ' .. . . ,. . U.S. Marines, police and firefighters join Newport Elementary students to celebrate Veterans Day MmrlH O'Neil Daily Pilot N ewport Elementary started off Veterans Day celebrations with the bang of cannon fire from a tall ship bobbing in the watera just beyond the school's Proud to Be an American Day assembly on Monday. Students wearing military cape. parents and hundreds of others gathered on the school's beachfront playground to pay tribute to America and lts military on a picture-perfect. sunny Southern California SM PRIDE, Pac• A5 Cameron Jabara, 6, far right, joins other kindergartners in saluting the flag on Proud to be an American Day at Newport Elementary. THE VERDICT The unidentified man jumped into a dumpster while fleeing. Police are unsure how he died. DHP• Bh.r•th Da1tyP1lot COSTA MESA -An uniden- tified man suspected of trying to rob and carjack a woman on Monday afternoon dled af. ter he dove into a dumpster "While fleeing al.lthorlties, offi- cials said. Officials, by Monday eve- ning, still had several unan- swered questions about bow the Incident unfolded and how the man died, Costa Mesa Police 11. Dale Birney saJd · :~Get me to the church and the court at the same time T here was a period when J wu in church ftve dayt a week. 1b1I would have come u 10me surprise to my mother, who wu always bot.beted by my lade of church attendance. • Tht reuoo for my being in chun:h •• wu a caction to Oranae Couilty'a '· ~ No. I wun't praytng fOt all thote :~to go back to Omaha or wherever they came from. R.sther, I wu holdJnl court. ... The beel.ttltul old court houee. now : • : #puted historic lt&lUI, was erected • -~ Oralile County wa prb:nai1ly ~ •.,nc:ultunl wttb a Ind popuWlon. and lt only contained four courtrooms. Thote rour courtrooms were IUftldent for many ~but then all cbole people from Ormha intved. met the tour counrooma c:Ould no longer ROBERT =the tncreaaed GMDNER The time wu not iipe for & MW court ~ & IOludon WU found. Prom lhe late lM>il &mdl me new Oranfe C.Ounty Courthouse was built in the late '609. mo.t of us Superior C.Ourt judges tried our cues in old church buildlngs scattered around downtown Santa Ana. It woried out beautlfully. The chun:h bulldinp lent themseM:s to easy co~ to couruooma. and because ~wu psytna tuea on them ~ nothJnt Wll bdng taken off the iurua.; Admittedly, thm were drawbaCb. Thate old chutch buildJnp were abort of ~ftng, eo when anyune ftueMd a toOet anywhere In the buDdlhg, aD procadinp In court ltopped undl tbt roer died down. I guess parishioners had been tralned not to go to the toUet while the m1nlster was dellvertng hJa sermon. There wu also the W\le of location. 1be converted chun:hes were ecattered around downtown. wbk.h meant eome wUk10g, but this dldn' 8trike me~ pudculuty tnemdeot. .i lelit not any more tnenident than the prtMnt ~ In the current OOUrthOWle. ~the hike 6'om the peddrig lot and the qClluos 1n front of the elefttoq, it can tab people longer to get to wbae the)' iimw to ao todmy thU1 It UIM!d to he\UDICT,PlpM The man, judged to be In his 20s. reportedly accosted the victim in the parking lot of Ralphs supermarket on East 17th Street. he said. "'The call initially came out as an attempted robbery.· he said. "It later evolved Into a carjaclclng. We're still trying to detennlne what exactly hap- pened that caused the suspect to run from the scene." The man somehow entered a condominium complex be- hind the supermarket. ran through the alleys and finally jumped into a dumpster In one of those alleys, Birney said. A police officer, who was a few minutes behind the man, stopped near the dumpster as SM SUSPECT, hp M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE . ON THE WEB: w..w.~C001 WEATHER ~ Rafn'a elmost • .. ,. tNng, just not right awsy. SMPapA2 SPORTS A2 Tuetdly, Nowmber 11, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK The U.S. has a lot of history The Daily Pilot visited Costa Mesa High School and asked students in Tracey Olguin's 11th grade AP United Stateiliistory class, 'What is the hardest thing about taking an AP class?' "Staying modvated. lbere'a IO much reading we have to do. Sometimes you have to Just stop reading for a couple days. then catch up." MICHEW PAYNE, 16 "The tests are challenging. but challenging in a good way. It's expanding our hori7.ons. We really have to th1nlt about everything. .. 8ETif MAGNUSEN. 16 "The mounting amount of reading every night The wort Is hard to do. That and all the reading at the sam.edme." CANHMAl, 16 •lbe tests -it's a college-level class. Sometimes, you study too hard and It's not good enough; but if you don't study, It's not good enough." SANORA StOKES, 16 "The amount of reading we have to do. Sometimes I put It off, and I'll have to read a30-page chapter over the weekend." CHRIS PAKTEL. 16 "It's a lot of reading and a lot of wort. but IOlguinJ makes It Interactive so It's more fun. And she's so energetic.· EVAN SPEHCER,16 -JnlmMws and photos compikd l1y Marisa a~tl ON CAMPUS • ' IN THE CLASSROOM MM!< C. OUSffl I DAA.Y Pl.OT NiklU Joyner hotds up her group's answer to a question during Thursday's Af' U.S. history test review in Tracey Olguin's class at Costa Mesa High School. Getting their U.S. histories sttaight M•rl11 O'Nell Daily Pilot P an AP U.S. history teacher and part Alex nebek.. Costa Mesa High SchooJ teacher 1hlcey Olguin may not have big prlr.e money to give awsy, but she does have all the answers. And you don't have to phrase them In the form or a question. In a review session for an upcoming test, Olguin spUt her t t th-grade class into six groups and gave each a small while board. Then she gave everybody 60 seconds to answer each question lo a classroom competition for bragging rights -and just maybe some higher test scores. ·Name the pel"IOn IWC>Ciated with and the document written In response lo the Turiff of Abomlnadons," Olguin asked The members of Group Six quickly put their heads together and came up with the answers. Anh Mai, 16, wrote: •John C. Calhoun" and "S. c.arouna P.xpolldon• on her group's board with a big blue marker. •Boardl up1• Olguin demanded, and each group abowed their whiteboards. each with the correct answer. •Oh. that was an easy one." she admitted as she gave each team two potnu for answering both pans of the question correctly. She made up for the easy question with one nobody got 1ben, abe gave them a little slack. •Name the reason for and time frame in which 1rlsh lmmigrants came to America.• "Yesr Anh declared triumphantly after Olguin gave her group two poml' for writing: "Tu escape potalo famine" and "18408. on its board. Sandra Stokes and Paul Nguyen. both 16, gave each other a hlgh·Ove. Over the next couple questions, team member Canh Mai. 16, came up with every answer for the team. "You know too much. Canh. • t 6-year--old Ouistine 1Wohig teased. Meanwhile, Team Three members tried to cut a deal for partlaJ qedit "Can we have I~ points?" ~IW Joyner. 15, Wed. "We got pan of It right" Because every game needs a bonus round. Olguin came up with a real head-scratcher for a 10-polnt final queslJon. "What was the name of the pro-labor court case from 1842 and what group did the decision fawr1" she asked At the urging of her teammates, Canh wrote down: "Commonwealth v .. • while her teammates thought long and hard. "Pul down an 'H,'" Canh suggested. "I know It starts with an 'H.'" As the clock dcked down, Team Six's final answer was: "Commonwealth v. Hart. favored union.• It twned out they were only two letters off -Commonwealth v. Hunt -but they managed aevet1 and a half points for their effort and second place overall. Despite NUdd's best efforts to broker a deal, 'learn Four ended up In last place. But she wrote a little consoladon message on th.e board for her team. •Tham 4 are all winners to me." she wrote, ad<fVlg a smiley face at the end And Team Five, which came out one point ahead ofTtam Four. bad its own message: "We beat team •.• • IN THE a.ASSROOM It a weekly feature in whk:ti Daily Pilot education writer Marisa O'Neil visia a campus in the Newport-Mesa area and writes about her experience. SCHOOt LUNCH IENU . IMgeri, lettuce end plddea; pura; reduced fat a-.ot; and cflOk:e of milk hot dog on • bun and potato rourlda; reitina; a fruit turnover. and~ of milk. The Newport-Mw Unlfltd Sd'6ol CWll°"" "'*"' d"*-wltct.y ....... .,, .... .. Studentl mey dM>oM a~ ...... TM aelection mev lndUde • ...... • ••• •• tiDI enttM. Schoof lundMI.,. '2 wit ............ being Mfwd ... Wiiie . TODAY Vehnn't O.V; no IChool WEDNEWY The MuncNble Lundi lllld; ortwoJlll..,.._ THURIOAY Orteral dlidcen aaled with fresh baktid whole greln roll: 0t two toft beef taco• with lettuol, dlffM and ..... ; frnh fruit; and choice Of milk. AtlDAY •The Munc:tteble lunc:tt Siied; 0t 1 Folter F.,,.. oom dog; blbot' carrots with l'9nch ~ moa Of 100% fruit lu'ce; hltilv belted coolie; end dM>loe ~ mlllc. MONDAY 11'i MuncNble Lundi Siied; Ot Oeicar ~ ......... The Mun<Nibte lundl s.tad contains 1oeeed greena. c:fMnY tometoet, cradt.,. and protein tourCM IUdl M cheele, eunftower aeedt. fruit yogurt end honey·roalted peanuts (•peanut butler on ltltct dlya). Daily A Pilot l'HC1l'OORAl'HE M8'tt c. Dudn, Don LMch, KM1C Tf'9pl0w MADERI HC1JUNE (IMS) &IU-«>88 Copyright No newt storlM, illustrations, 1chtot11I matter or aetv9rtlaemanta herein can be rtprOduced without wrlttlf'I pemiltalon of copynght owner.· SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST 20 lcnota. The waves will be 3 feet on • west swell of 4 to 6 TMre'e • 20% chance that feet. At night, the wt~ will be YOL 97, NO. 315 News &llicw'I Gln11 Aleundet, Lori Andereon, Oenlel Hum. P9ul Seltowftz, Oenl.c Stevena NlWllTAFP O...,.lherMh Crime and courts~. (9481 574-422e ~~,..m•lllflnw.com ..... c .... , .... Newport 8eadl t9POfW, (9481574-4232 }Un&"'*fll .. ldl•l«Jnw.oom Lolta ...... Columoi.t. culture '9POf'W, (Mt) 574-4271 ~.hMpM•IMlm-.oom ~ ......... eo.t.e Meaa reporttlr, , .. , 174-4221 c#lnn.,,....,,,.,,•IMl,.,,..oom ...... ()'NII Ectuc.tlon ttipOrter, (941) 17~ m111'1".ont1H•leflnw.oom .... ,... Newt~, .. ) 67'"4211 lu~.,.,.,,., Oom Record your comments 1bout the Deify Pilot Of new. tlpe. ~ Our~ II 330 W. Bey St.,~ Mela, CA 92en Office hours .,.. Mondly -fftdly, 8.30 1.m. -5 p.m. Cotl'ldoM It II the Pilot't RQ!lc:y to promptly con-ec:t 111 wron of autiet.noe. ,,..... call (IMll ?&M324. m The Newpon ~ Meu O.lty Piiot (USPS-144«>01 II ~deity. In N9wpoft hld'I and COllll Meee. ~ .. 9Velleble ontv by IUbecribing to The rm. Or.,. County 18001 2'2 .. 141. In .... ouc.ldl of NtiwPcHt IMdl and CoeU Meee. eu~ltidOI• '°the O.lty PllOt.,.. ~Ody by "'9tdeee mell for ao per month. CPrtoee 1nc1'* 111 tppk ....... and loc:el taw.) flOSTMASTIR: Send eddr'lee ~ton.~ ~ Meee Dtfty l'llo4. P.O. b 1MO, Co.ta Mm. CA 92e29. HOW TO REAQt US ~ The Tlmee Or1nge County 18001262-9141 Adweedllt19 ar n '*I (9481842-6678 ~ (9491842~21 Edltolilil News (94918'2·5680 lpot1s(949l 574-4223 News r... (9491848-4170 ....... ,... (Mii eeo-0170 E~ t»lypllo( hHNna com· Mllltotllle ....... Office 1949) 842~21 ....... ,.. (9491131 7128 PU~ bV Tlmtt community New*.• dlvi•lon of the Lot~ T~._.. the rain wlll ltaj:! this out of the north at 10 to 20 - 1flenl00n; It loOia quite~~ 1cnot.. The wevea will shrink to it'll ltlrt before the day la over. 2 feet or smaller. The hlgha wlll be from 66 to 74. The cttance of rein will nae SURF to 60% thla evening. Until then, It'll be mostly dO\ldy. The Iowa wlH be from 64 to 82. Wonndon: www.nws.nou.(IOV BOATING FORECAST Ught. v9riable Witlda on the Inner Wit.WI wll become ~eriy It 10to 15 ~by the~ The~will be2Wor.....,onewest .w.11ofIto1'9et NW midnight. the wfnde w1n be nofthef1y • 10 llnoea. Ftlther out. ttM>M light, veNble wlfd wll become nol1hliuut1~ • 10to15 knota lri the .... llOOfl. Ncwtttu.-of Sen~ llllftd, .... wfll bt ~ ...... tv 1110 to The northw9.t awell 11 paa1 lta ~ but It sh<x.ild a1111 provide chest-to ahoufdet.hlgh w....... A etlght burat of IOOthwett 8Wtll might make fOt Wlilt-to '*-t-hiQht It eoutM.dng brNb. W.Wquelly: www . .u~org TIDES T1IM 2;571.m. 9:11e.m. 4:46p.m. 11:2tp.m. · ......... 2.51 '-tlow 5.78 .... high 0.131Mtlow 3.s?fMthtgh WATER TEMPERATURE •cteg,... Tuesday,~ 11, 2003 A3 City~ Bay Club speed toward parking deal A plan would make getting to the pubUc boardwalk behind the resort easier. June C1111r1nd• Daity Piiot NEWPORT BEACH - A wel- come cure for eome unwelcom· Ing public parldng at the Balboa Bay Oub could be juet uound the comer. City officials and Bay Oub rep- resentadvee have hammered out a potendal plan to make the public property more welcoming by providing easier accet1 to free parking there. Memben of the pubUc can patk ror free for a half hour at the Bay OUb to take advantage or the boardwalk behind It. How· ~. they must uae die valet eervice. lt'1 fret, but local.I and clty oftldala believe that lt~ a hindrance to true public acceee to the land and that some usen mfgbt feel_ pressured to tJp the valets, mating the parking le11 than free. The club, which lits on clty- owned property, ls operating on a 50·year lease wfth the city. Be· cauae It Is on publtc tidelands. club operators are required to BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Council meeting pushed to Wednesday The Newport Beach Oty Cowicil will meet Wednesday this week because or the Vet- eran's Day holiday on Tues· day. Oty Hall will be dosed Tuesday and will reopen Wednesday. The meeting will begin at 7 p.m. In the City Council chambers at Oty Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. Agendas and staff' reports are available onllne at http:// wwwdty. nftVP<Jrt· GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INWLVED runs periodically In the Dally Pilot on a rotating baala. For Information on adding your organization to thla lilt, call (949) 674-4298. ASSN.RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mau group 1port1ors and suppona outreach community service programs, auch as the homeleu 1anctuary. Volunteers are needed. (714) 640-5803. BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adultt with developmental diaabllitle1. As a •citizen Buddy:' voluntaera will vlalt with a buddy twice a month and call or e-mail them once a WHk. The organization alao haa an e-Buddlea program that form• friendship• entirely over the Internet. Volunteer• for that program must be at leaat 12 yaara old. (714) 646-1826 or www.bestbuddles.orp. BIG BROniERS, BIG SISTIRS The local chapter la looking for men and women older than 20 who have lived In Orange County for at least six months and have been on the job for at least three months to serve as big brothers beach.ca.us. For ln.ronnadon by phone, call (949) 644·3000. OCTA to hold open house on Centerline The Orange County Trans- portation Authority wfU host an open house on Wednes- day to Inform the public about the environmental studies on the CenterUne light rail project. The authority's board of directors is expected to se- or big alstera for children age1 6 to 16 from single-parent homes. (714) 644-7773. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opponunltlea for the Orange County Council Include fund·ralalng, program development and training to existing troops and packa. (714) 648-4990. BOYS l GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area club1 need voluntHr coache1 and ana and craft• workshop teachers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2245. BRAIUE INSTTTUTE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization la looking for volunteera with a ba1lc knowledge of Wlndowa 96198, Mlcro1oft Word and a wllllngne11 to leam the adaptive equipment used by lt1 students to participate In varloua ectlvltlaa at the Oasis Senior Center In Corona del Mar. Volunteera will tutor legally bOnd edult atudents u1lng computera and other adaptive technology. Mary John1on, (714) 821-6000, ext. 2113. CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer coun1elors and medical staff for Summer Camp and Teen Adventure Camp. The organization Is dedicated to providing educational camping programs free of charge to Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday 0-Tuaday 6-9pm Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails ···Quality Semcie•" ••"Ntgtidy Entenalnmcnt"• / ,,, II. •r1111/1011• I ,,fl (') 1•)) h,.,,, ,., .• i If t'I l Ii\' II• \H f U\t I \11' I II, , I •, • , ,11·1• 1 ,,, 11 BE lect a preferred route for CenterUne by the end of the year. The public Input gathered through these hearings will be considered in that decision. The authority also wants to learn more about how op- tions for light rail may affect the community. The open house will be held from 4:30 to 7:30 p.m. Wednesday at the Costa Mesa HUion, 3050 Bristol St. Fore more Information, call (714) 560-5598. children living with HIV and AIDS. (323) 653-6005. CENTENNIAL EVENT COMMITTEE Volunteers are needed to serve on a Centennial Event Committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Corona del Mar in 2004. Community Input on the final form of that committee la also aought. Information; (949)676-0501. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NETWORK The network needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cata In local neighborhoods. Volunteer• would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them back to the property where they were found. The goal of the program la to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 769-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The pl1yhouae needs volunteers for ushering, backstage work, malllnga, typing, controlling lights and many other dutlea. (949) 650-5269. COSTA MESA HISTORICAL SOCIETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa Meaa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the archlvea, library, museum, docent and public outreach programs. (949) 631-5918. provide public acceu to 10me of the property, espedally • d\e boardwalk on the water directly behind the club. Oty attorney Bob Burnham said that a plan la now on the ta· ble that would allow visitors to use spacet on the east aide of the parldng lot without having a valet park their cara. A& it ls now, paJting would be free for 30 minutes, after which It could also be free with validation by buying lunch or making eome other pwdwe at the dub. • rn city property,· aty Man· ager Homer Bludau aid. "We Just want to be good 1tewiuds of the property and make sure the pubUc has access u ts required by the Coastal Act.· Bludau said that the plan would include signs alerting visi- tors to the free public parldng. There would be at least 10 free spaces. Coastal ~on ~ta.ff members must approve the plan before It can take effect. Jtay Oub repmentadves were unavailable for comment on Monday. Newpprt Beach resident Do- lores Otting has spoken at City Council meeting"S to ask that the Bay Oub provide more pubUc- frtendly parking. "I guess, at least, this a step in the direction," Otting said. Cable rules set for a read Newport Beach is trying to get more local channels and programming from cable TV providers. June Caea1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -Back in 1966, long before anyone had ever heard of M1V or HID, the city adopted an ordinance to govern what would one day be called cable TY. Except for a few minor tweaks over nearly four decades, that or- dinance has remained pretty much the same. UntU now. On Wednesday, the Oty Coun- cil will get a first reading on a major overhaul or the city's cable 1V ordinance. Once a new ordJ· nance Is passed, the city will be in a poslllon to head to the bar· gaining table with Cox and Adel- phia representatives to persuade the city's two cable providers to give subscribers more stations, more local programming and better customer service. "The only reason the city gets a say in thls at all is because of the strip of city land that the cable companies have to use," said City Councilman John Heffernan, who serves on the city's Telecom- munlcatlons Committee. Under federal conununlca· tions legislation, the city does not have the power to say whlch companies can provide cable service here and whlch cannot. All the city can do is formalize Its relationships with the cable pro· viders through franchise agree- ments. The city's existing agree· ments with it.a two providers expired two years ago and have been extended through January. It's likely that the city will need another extension because there are only three council ~ remaining before the end of the year, and Wednesday and Nov. 25 are scheduled as the first and second readings of the ordJ- nance. "'This orwnance will set the groundwork -rules for cus- tomer service, etc.,· said Marilee Jaclcson, the city's public infor- mation officer, who has been worldng on upgrading the ordJ- nance. "Then we go bac1t to the inwvidual cable operators, we sit down and hash out the specifics or what we want from each op- erator." Besides improved customer service, the city hopes to land more and better community pro· Parllt:dan Iner lalkld •• l••d- 2004'1 Ari llfl grammlng. For example, right now, each of the city's two cable companies broadcasts one city channel in Newpon Beach. Officials will ask that they each provide three local cable channels, wtuch would be filled with community, educa- tlonaJ and government program- ming such as broadcasts of school sports. OPPOSE IRVINE ANNEXATION (IAND·GRAB) MCAS EL TORO! Irvine's promise to build a "Great Park" is real~ a real-estate development and land grab. To oppose, attend the IAFCO meeting Wednesday, November 12, 2003 9:00 a.m. County Hall of AdminMtratioo, Santa Ana PRE MF£11NG RAllY 8:30 A.M. Express your opposition at the meeting and write the Local Agency Formation Commission 12 Ovlc Center Plaza, Room 235 Santa Ana, California 92701 For furtM informabon call 949-22~5004. or 94%75-6a37 of~ AirpM Working Group M T .... Nowmber l l, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY Fire causes about $850.000 in damage No one wu bwt fn a SW\day evening ftre which caused about $850,000 in damage to a three--story Newpon Coast home. New· pon Beacb ftre . olftdals uld. The call came in at about 6:15 p.m.. Sunday when the r ldtttt In I.be 80 block or Anjou reported that he smelled amob minutes af. ter he tried to tum on h.la fireplace. omdals l&1d. The amob detector went olr, and the resJdent saw smoke In the attJc and called 911. saJd Jennifer' Schulz. spokeswoman for th~ Flee OepanmenL When tlretlgbters arrived, they saw smoke comJng out or the home and immedi· ateJy loatted the fire in the attic, she said. Flreftgbters lnJtia.Uy called a second alarm on the fire because they believed It POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • E..i Bay StrMt: Petty theft wat reported In the 100 blodc at 2:4e p.m. Sundey. • Mstol StJMt Md '9u!Mno ~An as .. ult Witt reported st 10:14 p.m. Saturday. •~Drive: Vandalltm wet reported In the 1000 blodl et 4:35 e.m. Saturday. • ~Awnw: A home burglary waa reported In the 2400 blodl et 8 07 e m. Satu rday. • South Cout Drive: A h11-and-run waa reported in the 900 blodt 11 8·23 p.m Saturday. • Tullp Lane. Grand theft wat reported in the 100 blodl at 11;68 a.m. Saturday • Eut 17th Su..t: Petty theft wit reported In the 100 blodl et 9.22 p.m. Saturday duatened adJattDt homea. but later called off' t0me of thole unttl. otftdals Mid. The ft.rat Ooor was dear. but lbe eecond floor was blanketed in smoke. The ftN crew vented the roof to dear up the amolce and then went about battlln1 the blat.e, Schulz aald. They bad the (ire exdngullhed ln about 40 minutes, she Aid. 'IWenry-tlwe ftntftgtlten from Newport Beach, Costa Mesa and the Orange C.Ounty Fire Authority re- sponded to the lncJdent with two ensfnes, two trucb, a paramedic unJt and a banalion chief. Schulz saJd there wu about $700,000 In structural dam· age and about $150,000 damage to contenta. Only the second Ooor suffered severe smoke and ft.re dam· age, officials au.id. A leak or a break in the chimney pipe poe.sibty sparked the 0.re, lnvestiga· tors said. • w.t 18'h &trMt: Val')dalism wat reported in the 700 blodt et 5:32 p.m. Saturday. NEWPORT BEACH • fut 8alboll aout.vard: Battery was ,reported In the 100 blodc at 8:32 a.m Sundey. • 8eysAde o.iw: A commercial burglary wn report.cf in the 1100 blodl at 10:51 a.m. Sunday. • Campus Drive: Vandalism WH reported In the 3900 blodt at 2 e.m. Sonday • Eut Co.et Highw9r. A hit-end·run waa reported In the JOO blodt at 2:39 a.m. Sunday. •Mono Bey o.iw: A home burglary wit reported in the 100 blodc st 11 :27 1.m. Sunday. • ~ CenW Drive w..t: Grand theft w11 reported In the 900 blodl at 1:34 p.m. Sunday. All Types of Window Treatment.I • Valance• & Cornice Boxes • Roman Shade• • Blinda • Vcrticah • Sbuttcrt • Bed.spread. Co,,,plimt111J1'1 CoMS.dutiort ;,. Yo.,r Horu 2(),,. ' # ) I ,, .. ,, . ' I I ! I . ",,I <-:>r :1: ·· .. ·. DES IG Factory & Showroom 1998 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa ~~ (949)642-8400 :,~ • s,,,,;.p,/•1111 f•' Mt11 0-w.,,,,,,, • OD1r 80 Pi1tt1 •/ Btf "IJ"'"'' • P,./p11tt Pi1Au1 S111J/• • SPINNING Tbtt11t, •ltlt N1w S11111-of1lit·Ar1 Cytu1. • 16 F•ll·ti•t p,,,.,,.1 11'11/111" • 011" C.rt 811,,,_,. • .,. M • S.1. • c.,,.,,,,,,., P11rlri111 • ,,_I"• T11I C•I, Stntt/, Cw111 • Stt/, p,.,,,, r"'*'I• C11N.lo • S/J1w,,, S1t11111 tf T•wll • D111 ~ · i~.,,.,."""'~"''"'''c""'''"'"'•' 949760-5054 www ... up.aom • wwwflliot111cDtapa. ,IOI Ea.I f'acik COoit ~. Coroino Oii Mai, ' MEMORIAL Contnled from Al bJs friends deacrlbed him u a fun guy to hang out with. Robert Ramirez said about 1,200 people came to the Santa Ana church on Priday !or Matt't funeral. Matt't a1ster Outstine Aguilar and hla nleoea and nephew were a1iJo present at I.be memorial eervtce on Monda~ •My brother touched a lot of lives. .. Aguilar M1cl. Matt's mother, Geoevleve, Kid she had no idea her aon had so many frlenda. •it's awetome to see how be affected other\ Uva.• she said. •I'm touched by the unity amoog the studenll to do this for Man." The achoo! will dedicate a &e· quola tree ln Matt'• memory. h.la counselor said. Principal Sharon Fry said this was a dUIJcuh dme for everyone who wu close to Matt. ·Sometimes we forget eadl TRINITY Continued from Al hiblted Trlnlty from getting a permit to broadcast outside on a regulu buJs. Trinity had pre- vtousty broadcast outside for years without the proper per· mil. John Cuorla, Trinity's attor- ney. was not available for com- menL Jn 1996, Trinity built its inter· national headquarters, with an lndoor broadcasting facility, ln north Costa Mesa. The bad blood between Trin- ity and Its neighbors began in July 2000 when the PlannJng C.Ommisslon denied Trinity per· mission to extend the block wall SUSPECT Continued from Al he heard noises coming from It. he said. "He looked Inside and found th.ls man in there.· Birney said. The police officer, who was also a hostage negotiator. tried to open up the llnes of commu- nication with the man In the dumpster. ·But he got no response," Birney said. "So he called for backup." PoUce ln the department's helicopter, ftylng above the scene. Informed officers on g(Ound that the man appeared to be "Railing." he added. "Our officers could also hear him kicking the sides of the dumJ>8ter and trying to say somet.hing. but they couldn't hear anything because the sounds were all mufiled," Bir· neysald. About 10 minutes later. the noises stopped and the man became "completely silent." he said. Almost an hour later para· medics arrived, entered the dumpster, examined the man PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW I DALY PILOT At left, student Lindsey Wood laughs as she recabs one of the fun times she had with Ma~ew Ramirez. At right, pictures and handwritten m~ssages adorn a table at Cor~ def Mar High. one of ua hen! lo C.Orooa del Mar touches a whole other world." lbe said. "We aee a unaJJ pan of everyone every day, but we never see the rest of their lJvu. We don\ understand that unless something llke this happens." to 22 feet. The wall ta part of the resldenia' properties. not Tun- ity'a. Neighbors had complained that the wall was "prl&on-llke" and unneighborly. Tension simmered a.gain ear- lier this year over Tri.nlty's out· door broadcasts. which neigh- bors complained created nuisances with noise and park- ing. In April, at Trinity's request. the Oty Council decided to consider the outside broadcast· lng permit even though the Planning C.Ommisslon had rec· om mended waiting nine months to see If Trinity could comply with an operations management plan It was re- qulred It to create. City leaders ultimately rejected the permit, but said Trinity could still apply Matt's friend Katie Doran said hla passing has "brought a Jot of people together." •When I think of Man. I don't think of a clique," &he said. "He bonded with everyone. He was genuine. He was always him· for speciaJ event permits to broadcast outside a few times a year. Trinity planted the ficus trees after the wall extension was de- nied. The neighbors asked them to remove the trees, but ninity refused, Ito said. So they filed a lawsuit because they felt that was their only resort. Ito said the ficus roots have already damaged the block wall, causing it to tilt about four inches. . ·it's becoming a liability to us -If the wall tilts over and if somebody is on the other side of It,• Ito said. Stacy Swanson·Schofro and Dianne Dorrien filed the suit with Ito. Trinity's countersuit claims that these three ventured onto DON LEACH I OAA.Y PILOT Costa Mesa Police investigate a dumpster in a Westside alley in which officials said a fleeing carjacking suspect died. and pronounced him dead, Bir· ney said. The Orange County coroner was still examining the unidentified man on Monday night. Police recovered a handgun from the man, Birney said. ·we don't know If he was wounded, but we did find some blood on the handgun," he • said. ·The man had bulky clothes on, so I couldn't see if there was an actual wound.· Birney said detectives were also Interviewing several wit· nesses who were giving differ· ent accounts. Tom Hoover. who lives near- by. said he saw the man jump over a fence and land on an al· self." • DE.EM BHARATH covers public uf~ end courts. She may be reectted at (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail et dHp•.bharathtll•tlma•.com. TrlnJty's property and damaged the trees. It states that these neighbors were ·w111ful and ma· llcious~ in these actions and de· stroyed the trees so that Trinity would have to remove them. The Ouistlan network is asking for at least $100,000 to restore the trees. It also accuses these neigh· bors of conspiring to "inten· tlonally violate Trinity's rights to the quiet use and enjoyment of Its propeny and to Trinity's con· stitutional rights In regard to the free exercise and practice of Its religion and ln the conduct· Ing of Its church services.• • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Cotta Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by &-mall at d11/rdre.newman@l11times.com. ley at the condominlurn com· plex. "It was, like. an eight-foot drop.· he said. "A sUver gun dropped out of his pants and dropped on the concrete. He picked It up and continued to run," SeveraJ residents looked on as police officers worked ln their complex. queslionlng wit· nesses and securing the area around the dumpster. Neighbor Steve Velez said he moved into the complex barely three months ago. "I'm not too shocked,• he aald. HThings llke this happen no matter where you are." But Sherri Candelaria said she is afraid for the safety of her children and others. "It's scary because you think It's safe, you leave a door open," she said. ·Anything could have happened today. This guy could've taken anyone hostage. It makes me nervous. upset, confused and very wor· rled, H • DEEPA BHARATH covers public ufety end courts. She may be reached et (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at dHpa.bh11rath @latlmes.com . AROUND TOWN VERDICT sandals.14va lavas, and pandanus pod beads on Samoan days, and 1 never detected any dlft'erence in the dignity of the court. • Send AAOUND TOWN ltema to the OeilY Piiot, 330 W. Bay St, Cocta M .... CA 92627; bv e-m1il to lula.,,.,,a•1-tlmn.oom: by fax to (949) ~170: OI bv calling (IMI) 674-4298. Include the time, date end locetlon of the event, ee well ee e contact phone number. TODAY The Amenc.n l-ek>n Newpof1 Harbor Post 291 will have a Veteran• Dav memorial Hrva and lund'leon In honor of those who have fallen In the llne of duty et 11 a.m. at 21515th SL The cost will be S5 for non-veterana. lnfonnatlon: (949) 674-5070 WEDNESDAY The Fe!Mew Pwk Ftlench' fund·raltlng committee wlll host their quarterly public meeting from 6 to 8 p.m. at Cofor Me MIM et Trtangle 'Square, 1675 Newport Blvd. Information: (714) 754-5698. http:l...WWW.cmfafrvl•wpart.org. The Newport leech Pubic Ubrary Foundation'• Manuecrlpta Book Oiec:uaaion Group will mMt to dlecuM •Atonement• by Ian Mcewan at 8:15 a.m. at the Newport Beach Central Library. lnfonnadon: (949) 717-3890. THURSDAY . Molhef"I M.t.t wll h-. a fret women'a aupport group worbhop led by Cheri Schatz, heafth edu~or, from 6:3010 8 p.m. In the Pillo Ca,. at the Cotta SMTOWN,P .. •M Continued from Al take to get from d)e Methodist Olurch building to the Auembly of God building ~ bloclcs away, and at least In those days, there was an element of fun Involved. We had lawyers, litigants and jurors tn.lpsing all over downtown Santa Ana In sean:h of the former church that was now the courtroom to which they had been assigned. It was good ex.erdae and done In a kind of festive mood tha1 took the edge off some of the acrimony lnberent in Udgadon. It's hard to s14y mad at your opponent when you are both engaged ln a trea5un! bunt for a courtroom In which to vent your spite. We misplaced a rew people, but never lost anyone pennanently that f can remember. Thfle were a few soreheads who complained about a Jou of dignity for the court. Poppycocld fn S&moa, we wore Judictal robes on Pa1ql (white man) days and From the standpoint of the judges. it was pretty nifty to sit ln a remodeled church complete with staJned glass windows. fancy carved pews and a bench where the pulpit used to be - and quite easy to feel like you were dispensing a little divine justice.. So. If the county finds itself short of courtrooms and doesn't want to take advantage of my earlier suggestion of 1taggering hours, county leaders might consider churches. U they do, I have one suggesdon: If the Crystal Cathedral ls up for sale, pus It up. People get a UttJe testy when they lose lawsuits. and the temptation to throw a brick might be too strong. • AOIERT GARDNER la a Corona del Mar resklent end e former Judge. Hie column runt Tuesdays. ( VIEIRA, AlaftW1Her HH P•H•d a way NcMinlber 8, 2003. Anyone =to pey thil6r .... .~joln ue at ~In Cotti Meta on Thuraday, ~1S .t~ DON LEACH I OM. Y Pl.OT U.S. Marine Sgt. Kendall Wallingford, left, talks to kids from Newport Elementary. Kaelin Daty, center, asks about Wallingford's medals for mar1<smanship. PRIDE Continued from Al day. Members of the U.S. Marine Corps. local police and fire departments and a retired lieutenant general spoke to the students about freedom, flag etiquette and love of country at the third annual event "It's our state and our country. and we have to be proud of It.· said S·year·old Peter Harano, who was wearing a black Army beret. The patriotic celebration first started at Newport Elementary in 2001 in the midst of renewed nationalism after the Sept 11 terrorist attacks. In the aftermath, students started asking questions that parent Kelly Swift, organiur of the event, thought needed to be answered. "They wanted to know why everyone was flying the Oag, why we had a moment of silence," Swift said. "I wanted to do something each year that answered those questions and celebrated being an American." The event has grown in its t.tuee years year into what is 'They wanted to know why everyone was flying the flag, why we had a moment of silence. I wanted to do something each year that answered those questions and celebrated being an American.' Ketty Swift Event organizer now a one-and·a·half hour tribute filled with son~ patriotic speeches and a fly-over by Newport Beach's police helicopter F.agle. This year, parents, students and passersby on the bike path nearly filled the playground. wit gets better every year," said teacher-librarian Stephanie Taylor, who was wearing a full Uncle Sam costume. WThe children are very enthusiastic. It brings everybody together as a community.• With the gentle crashing waves and the 1812 replica Lynx privateer sailing along the coast as a backdrop, members of the 228th U.S. Marine Corps wearing their dress unifonns stood stick-straight in the midday sun for the whole event. which Included a round of "Happy Birthday" to ceJebrate the Corps' formation on Nov. 10. 1775. Marine and former Newport Heights Elementary student Staff Sgt. Ola.des "Cass" Spence -whose wife anended Newport Elementary -told students a little about his experience In Iraq. Freedom of choice, he said, Is an important part of being an American. like choosing. he joked, if you like Scooby·Doo or Saappy·Doo better. Students also serenaded the crowd with a medley of military song">. Klndergartners In berets stood to sing "The Caissons Go Rolling Along." Second-graders in Navy beanies sang ·Anchors Aweigh." Others sang songs of the Marines, Air Force and Coast Guard "We practiced in our classroom every morning for a long time," said 7-year-old Ouistina O'Beck. who wa.<. wearing a sailor's hat. • MARISA O'NEll covers education end may be readied et (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail et msrisa.oneil@latimas.com. TOWN Continued from A4 Mea atore, 226 E. 17th St Information and retervatlon1: (949) 631~741, (800) 695-6667. The °'9nge County,.. and expo.ltlon Center will host the Sugar Plum AIU and Craft.a Fe.tlval from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. In building No. 10. Information: (682) 598--0857. http:llWww.•uflllrplumcr•lts.oom. FRIDAY The Orange County Fair and Exposition Center wlll host the Sugar Plum Arts and Craft.a Feltlval1rom 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. In building No. 10. Information: (682) 698-0857, http://Www . .ugarplumcrafb.com. The Co8ta MeM Senior c.rt.t will p,...nt • benefit performance of •Late Nite Catechl1m," an Interactive comedy by Vi<*I Quade and Maripat Donovan, at 8 p.m. In the Robert 8. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tl<*eta are $35 or $75 for preferred seating. Information: (949) 645-6080. The Susan G. Koman Foundation'• Three-Day Walk will begin today at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center in Costa Mea. The walk will and in Los Angelea at the Home Depot Center Athletic Facility. Information: (800) 826-1000. SATURDAY The Orange County F111r and Exposition Center will host the Sugar Plum Arts end Crafts Festival from from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In building No. 10. Information: (562) 698-0857, hrtp:/IWww.sugarplumcrafts.com . The Cotta Mesa Senior C.nwr will pre18nt a benefit performance of "Late Nite Catechism," an interactive comedy by Vl<*i Quade and Meripat Donovan at 8 p.m. in the Robert B. Moore Theatre at Orange Coast College. Tldteta are $35 or $75 for preferred seating. Information: (949) 645-5080. The Costa Mua Hi.tortcal Society will conduct a docent training class to train tour guides for the Diego Sepulveda Adobe in Estancia Parle from 1 to 4 p.m. Information: (949) 631-5918. Suite A, Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 831-6687. http.:IJWww.bdbayfjtneu.com. The Earth~ Foundation Will host "Hold On To Your Butt; a cigarette litter beaCti cleanup day, from 8:30to 11 :30 a.m. at Newport Beacti Pier, Newport Blvd and 211t Strwt. There will be prizel, a • ac:evenger butt hunt" and refrnhment.1. Information: (949) 846-6183, http://Www.NffhrnocJroe.org. The Co8ta Meu Senior c.rt.t will host a Dog lover'• Expo from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. In building No. 14. The cost wllr be $10 for adults, $5 for aenlors. Children 3 and younger get In for free. Information: (310) 480-7007. SUNDAY The CM~ County F9lr and Expo11tlon Center will host the Sugar Plum Arts and Craft.a Festival from from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. In building No. 10. Information: (562) 598-0857. http:llWww.•ugarplumcrafb.com. The Costa Mell Senior c.rt.t will host a Dog lover's Expo from 9 a.m. to 7 p.m. In bulldlng No. 14. The cost will be $10 for adults, $5 for seniore. Children 3 and younger get in for free. Information: (310) 480-7007. Parent Help USA. a nonprofit child abul8 prevention center, will have a benefit and classical guitar concert by Wertln from 4 to 7 p.m. at Carmelo's Rlstorante Italiano, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mer. There will be dinner, prizes and auction. Information: (949) 650-3461 MONDAY The Foundera Guild of Casa Teresa will have its annual holiday luncheon at 11 e.m. at the Ritz, 880 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The cost will be $50 per person. Send chedts payable to Casa Teresa to Marguerite DiStanlslao, 1430 Lincoln Lane, Newport Beach, CA 92660. Information: (949) 548-2515. Unda Bi.hi, co-foundet' of the Amy Biehl Foundation. who will speak about her foundation's worlc to support e democratic and peaceful South Africa at 7 p.m. at the Argyros Family Lecture Hall at Sage Hill School. Tickets will cost $10 per person or $25 for a family of three or more. Information: (949) 219-1395. Baell Bay Atnn1 wlll hold lb first Olympic Charity event from 8 NOV. 18 e.m. to 4 p.m. at 2675 Irvine Ave., C.rdlac aurgeon Aidan Riina will Toesdly, ~ 11 , 2003 A5 dlacua ha.rt valve repair versus replacement at O p.m. at the Hoag Hotpltal Cont.renc» Center. There It no cost to attend. Reaervatlons; (800) 614--4624. Mottter't Mertcet wtn h.ve a free aemlnar, "Is There life After Pumpkin Pie" by Judith Todaro from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The market It at 226 E. 17th St Information and reeervatlons: (949) 831-4741, (800) 595-6667. NOV.19 Mother'• Marbt wil host "let Food Be Your Medicine; a free 1amlnar by Char1e1 Holmea, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the Patio Cafe. The market ls.at 226 E. 17th St. lnformarton and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 695-6667. The Friends of Newport Coast will have their annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. In Room No. 1 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. Historic Orange County films will be shown, and an update will be given on development In Crystal Cove State Park. Information: (949) 644-5998. NOV. 20 The °'8"9• County Fair and Exposition Center will host the Creative Sewing Fair from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at building No. 10. The cost will be $7 and no charge for children 6 years and younger. Information: (7241 325·5689, http://Www.sewlnQevents.com. UC Irvine's c.m... for Women and Men and the Crose Cultural Center will present "A Room With a View: A Life of Activism# from noon to 1 :30 p.m. at UC Irvine's Cross Cultural Center. The presentation will be en active discussion on gender and ethnicity and how it affects women's lives in relationship to violence. Information: (949) 824-6000. NOV. 21 The Orenge County Fair and Exposition Center will host the Creative Sewing Felr from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m, at building No. 10. The coat will be $7 and no charge for children 6 years and younger. Information: (724) 325-5689, http://www.sewingevents.com NOV. 22 The Orenge County Fair 1nd Exposition Center will host the Creative Sewing Fair from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at building No. 10. The cost will be $7 and no charge for children 6 years and younger. Information: (724) 325-5689, http://Www.sawingevents.com. ~-4 ........ M Tueway, November 11, 2003 FORUM . ' HOW 10 GET~ -~ Mall to Edltoritl Page Editor S.J. Cahn 8t the Dalty Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Cotti Mela, CA 92827•R11 it.•"°"'* C.11 (949) 642-8086 Am: Send to (M9) 84&o4170 , £-m.V:S.nc:t to d1llyptlot@Jatirrw.com •Alt co~ mutt lndude fuU neme, hometown end phone number (for V9ribtion purpoeet). TM Piiot ~the right to edit an aubmlulon• for ~my and length. ·· ' COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Shaking things up with Shakespeare By SueCl•rk A lnld.a 8roughton, one of the most positive and passionate teachers at my i.chool, decides she wants to cnealti a Shakespeare class for the 11tudents. C-reekside High School is a condnuatJon &Choo!, meaning we recetve kids who are struggling at the four traditional hlgh schools in the lrvine School Dbtrict. More th.in likely, they've endured Shaliiespeare previously anrl ardentJy hope to avoid It while with us. • "(in~at 1t.lt:a, • Is my response, anc.J together we write a currlcuJwn. Some of the plays Hroughton will U>ver are "flamlct," "Macbeth• and, my pl·rsonaJ favonte, ·Romeo and Juliet." f'w seen Broughton In action waching her cla.~. lfl had the rhu11cc to t.:hoo!>e one teacher in the entire chi,trict for my daugl11er to have had, It would hr 'he l'w 'l'l'n Broughton flllllJ> up 011 d rhalr to make a pulnt, and 1 know she dances •1.nd leaps !01 1oy lf a srudent <loci. well. I've heard her Monday mantra sun8 tu a sluggish, parcied-ou1 group: "Monday Is my fdvonh: cla)' ot the week! Let's get going! lh~ students gag. but they get going. lne noiM' I heaI wht>n I walk by her da\•" ., L'> that rare l-<lucatronaJ !found of kids talkmg. arguing. defending and dlwgreelnK the sound of leamln.8. Broughton Is !>mart, funny, yet professional, almost a throwbac.Jc to the one-room schoolmarm. Ye,, iJw it. kind, but don't think ?<he won't holler at someone If • th~ ar~ dl'>l'c!>pectful. If they walk away. i.h1.•ll follow them down the hdll. You really don't wanl lu me!>ll with her. When our '>C'hool hltd an old O'aditJon of no mandatory homeworl(. she bexa11 teaching al our site and promptly d1·manded It. Many otlwr 1l'at.h1·rs followed suit \hake'>pt·.irc would be no 1h1Tt•rt·111 Wt• h..mdprcked the first clas.s. II " ,, po..,.rrfttl thing to tell a ,tud1•nt they ve been picked for rhcir po1en1ial to handle a 1 hallt·ugmg rnrricutur:n. Iii 1111>;1111111. our assist.ant pr 1111111.tl a11c.J I ui.ed a rnmh111J1iun of logic and 1111u11ion 10 create the classes. < )ne platinum-haired sleepy 'urlt-r '3it.I. "Who me?" A pale, thm ~irl profoundJy depressed and making u scriet of d1..as1ruus decisions appeared 1·111r;1lly shucked. yet rose to the tKl<l\ion. A wannabe ~thug~ touk the class four quaners in a row. ,tucJylng each play until we torcNI him out 10 make room for '>ome otJ1en. I he self-fulfilling prophecy was at work. Broughton does all the hard stuff, and I get the fun of being the "wannup act." When the students start Hamlet, J drop in and pose this question: "What would you do if your Dad died under suspicious circumstances and your uncle moved tn with your mom?" They don't llJce th.ls one bit. In fatt, they freak. "Dude, that Is just sick.· groans a disgusted boy. There are mumbles of agreement. "Would that be depressing for you1" "Totally. J'd kick that guy's (expletlvet , too." .Then I talk about how I'd treat Hamlet and Ophelia In my private praclice today. I talk about antidepressant treatment and whether Hamlet would benefit from It. We discuss girls' self·esteem issues. It's a good chance to segue to what to do if a student knows someone who might be suicidal. Kids bring up questions about the legality of a man's brother marrying h!JI wife. Others ask. about whether an antidepressant Is addictive or ask. to <Jee me later ln my office. It's loud and lively. When the class starts "Macbeth,· my quest.ion Is this: "Girls. do you want to be the power behind the throne, or own your own throne?" They usually aren't sure what th.is saying means. We talk about Nancy Reagan and Hillary Ointoo, and the girls' own boyfriends. I ask the boys what kind of wife or girlfriend they want. (If they say they want a subservient one, they usually get shouted down.) I bring up guilt and the lust for power. A. debate ragei. over .Banquo's ghost scene. Sometimes we discuss obsc lve·compulslve disorder and lady Macbet.b's hand-washing problem. The dass ts currently one of the most popular on campus. A Uterary Oub was formed from a nucleus of interested members, and they've raised enough money to attend Vanguard University's upcoming production of •Macbeth." "Dressing for the theater means khakis, nol jeans,• the girls tell the guys. "KhakJs?" grumbles a boy. "What about nice jeans, no holes?" A Shakespearean chorus of no's ensues. My task is to go look. for a tailored s.ld.rt, since my taste. like theirs. runs to jeans. I have one that used 10 fit, but It ~ a bit snug in the waist "Oh, that this too solid Oesh would melt." • SUE a.ARK la 11 Newpon Beec:ti resident end a high actrool guidance counaelor et Creekside High School In lrvlne. MAILBAG FILE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT : Costa Mesa Police Chief John Hensley during a Q and A interview with the Daily Pilot in June. Pounding the pavement is positive policing Regarding the Sunday Pilot editorial titled "Community policing a promising change" and Dierdre Newman's Costa , Mesa article about Costa Mesa Police Otlef John Hensley's proposed plans. Hats off to Hensley's change in policing policy. Pew things could make me feel more comfortable here than knowing the officers on my beat As opposed to standing on my porch wondering why that patrol car just roared down Elden Avenue doing 65 mph. The dine has come for patrol officers to get out of their cars. MARKT. WOLFE Costa Mesa Regents Resort is not residents' rival Bravo to Ouistine Dabbs for her well-written, well-thought-out letter in support of the Regent Resort that appeared ln the Dally Pilot on Saturday. I hope many Pilot readers had an opportunity to read and consider her position and will give the issue much thought before vodng next year. DAVID BARTH Corona del Mar Westside schools are clearing difficult hurdles l wanted to respond with applause to the letter to the editor ln Friday's paper. Mary.Cappellinnl had It right-we need to look at all the angles and be appreciative for the many people who are doing a wonderful job at teaching ow students. Sometimes we get carried away with looking at standardized test scores to evaluate everything in our lives. The scttools on the Westside are doing a fantastic job and of course need to work hard because of the children that are coming in with no English. ad.ministration are not only challenged appropriately by the educational, developmental and social needs of these ' children; but are hampered by funding sources that provtdd inadequate resources to help them in this valiant pursuit I GREGORY S. BUCHERT' Newport Beach 1 The people who write for the Daily Pilot sometimes have a real warped view, which ls extremely conservative, and I think you need to maybe temper what some of them write. Shalimar concerned with su~a ':! students' education Special education requires special dedication The story about the special education classroom at Corona del Mar last week highlighted some of the many challenges faced by the special education students and staff at many facilities throughout the county; namely, Inadequate funding to provide services to one of the neediest resources in our community. While the story focused on the undesirable physical situation, It falls to highlight the fact that Corona del Mar High School ls providing multiplci services to dozens of children with special educational needs through many other venues at the school. As a parent of one of those children, I can attest that the teachers and the members of the school administration are very supportive of meeting the multiple needs of the children. Their dally actions and accommodations not only make It possible for the adolescents to learn at an appropriate pace, but they assist greatly In molding young adult.s that will make product.Ive contributions to society. It is a shame that these extremely dedicated special education teachers and the rest of the faculty and Mary Cappellinni was right on in her letter "Criticism of Westside schools unfair," publlabed Friday. While she listed many of the positive things being done by the community to aid the Westside schools, there Is one major effort that wasn't included -the Shalimar Learning Center, which ls operated by the nonprofit group Think Together. , Hundreds of students from the schools : mentioned in the letter have been ; helped after school with their homework I by volunteer tutors at Shalimar Leaming I Center. The major financial support for this operation bas come from St. Andrew's Presbyterian Otwch. Utilizing Shalimar as a prototype, Think Together has opened a dozen of these learning centers with volunteer , tutors in needed areas of Orange County. : More are planned, and many more are needed. Continued financial support and volunteertsm for these kinds of organizations wlll go a long way ip helping to move these English-learning kids into the mainstream. , RON HENDRICKSON : Newport Beach; • EDITORS NOTE: Ron Hendickaon is a member of the Shelimar Learning Center steering committee. READERS RESPOND On opposite sides of the bridge AT ISSUE: The Daily Pilot editorial "All too familiar bully can be seen from 19th Street," about Newport Beach's support for a bridge across the Santa Ana River. W c felt compelled to respond to the Sun t'<iitotfal coneem.ing ~e building of a bridge In Costa Me.'3 over the Santa Ana River. First the cdltorlaJ was Inappropriate and divisive. Wo a.re neighboring communities wt th many sbatcd and common go3b. 1'he newspaper has lost idgbt of the overall need to pte$Crve a pleasant envtronmt>nt tor all the comntuntues Involved. But please understand that the cit)' of Newport Beach has, In our opinion, a valid concern that If the bridge~ are not builc, the cuwuy mw ter plan requires that Con!it I tlghway be wfdmcd tagain. • Wt oan lfW a ftnthand account of What lt Is ltke to live aJon the eigtlt-ta:ne •frffway" with sow1d watl• that weto built to dent .. 'ci nolso only undl the yrar 2000 and that are now 1e>rdy htod X!Utltc!. We u, on ' Sea.shore Drive nt>ar the Santa Ana River. ln thla area. Coast Hf3hWlly ls seven or eight lanes wide, from the Santa Ana River bricfae to the Newport Bo~ overpass. near the Archet. l>tea.se, think about how larse a blghway dl.at ta. The area Ctom the S&nta Ana River to the • Atchet bridge" ts a reetdenttal areJ. Homes run all along Coast Highway on Seashore Drive, In Newport Shores, Udo Sanda, and Balboa eow.. to n'ame a few. But we must remember where all thia tnftlc ta com.Ing Ctom. The article mentiont traffic "barreling" through Co ta Meta and Huntington Beach neighborhoods. The tralDc is orfp1attng in Huntington Beach arid ~aJongc.out HJahw8Y and other flreet4 throush our rcaf.dentlal ~rhOods, and on throu&h lO Newport Boulevard. H.cliji.lrdk:i.s of Whether Newport Boulevard is called a freeway or not, It still servet as one. Ped.laps the Issue Is that all the reel.dents of Huntington Beach who need to reach buslneases In Newpon Beach. Costa Mesa and Irvine are choosing to travel to their destinations throucb our realdendal nelshborhoodt rather than on the San Diego Pteeway. Maybe what ls needed is a freeway ln Huntington Beach to OOMec:t wtth the San Diego Freeway. thus elJminat1ng their travel through our retidertdal communltlet. Another eotulion would be to Just leave thlnp u they n. Then la not much vacant land left in Calta Meea or Newpon ee.cb and oertMIPI there .. flO need to build anj more ~In etther c;tty. we hope lhe ddi.ena of Cole.a M.a wid be able to iJndentaDd why we Canel the dty Ol NeWport ~ant~ to wfdenJng Cout ~and ~WI wtD. be Ible to r.m. comprOlillM to the alllc ~ lhlt tl9 tbn.llt on our ddelby~ cornmunida And we U.O hope tho Dally Piiot eclitodal •tar. rather than creating ill will and dJvtsion, will take a step toward unifying our cities' needs and help support a co~. . . NfO EUZAIETH KIRCHNER Newpon Beach The lead editorlal ln the Dally Pilot SUnday bit the nail square on the head. Yan ago. the dty oftidlls of Newport Beach used their ftnandal and polidcal power to have Calttanl atop plana to develop a Pldftc Coast Freeway. BecaUM of lhia action. rhe ptopoeed interchange wlth the Coeta Mee& freeway at the propoeed Padftc Cout Preewly WU abend.oned. ~how eee the burden that Newporc Seidl o1Bda1a haw pllced on the dtizent of Colta MeM and the dty of Cotta~ We tee mlMM ttafftc goirig duOuah the Newport Boulevard cOmdorandtll~ lllde ltreetl to reldl the Cotta ~ PteeWl)l name that" P:OI to or Comlrw rrom NeWport 8eeCh. Afao note the m:c:eeetve. and tpledlng. Newport Beach tn11lc going through Costa Mesa's P.astalde neighborhood heading for the Cotta Mesa Freeway. Now, the ftnanclal and political powers of Newport Beach oOlclals are raising their ~heads again. They do not want anymore traftlc to come from the we.ton Coast Highway. Therefore, they demand that a 19th Street bridge be built over the Santa Ana River between Costa Meta and Huntington Bead\. Newport Belch oftldals want dda trdlc to cbanneJ ==.,Mein Westside Newport Beed1 Olldala are not IOOd ~They could care 1-about Colt.a Meu and Its tolidenta. Their pMt and current actiom 1Upport thla statement The ddet of Colla Maa and Munttnaton Beach lliouJd -.y flnn In their rejecdon Of Newport Belch'• pro~ 19dl so.~ It .. ihnolt UitpoM8lile to OppoM the Miw of the Ody POOc newapaper. A8 a newspaper, It posses the upper band: It pleb or chooses whom and what It allowa to appear on its editorial pages. The edltol'8 control the debate 1 and much of Its tone. And eo It ls : with their Involvement in the I current 19th Street bridge project: If\ Costa Mesa. I Unfortunately. the editors of the Pilot have choeen, by thelr rude editorial on SUnday, to fight the tnstruatlon o( the brtdse linking, COlta Meea and Hwltington 8e8ch by mortlpg to sheer name calUng. ~ that Newport Belch, whk:b views the bridge u a logk:a1 oonnectlon of two COIW ddel. u • bunch otbulliel. Yet repr6lee of wbkb city you ~ In. we Ill want to be able to MCMI ~and eu0y • betwM\ e.id't other. It mUea Foci~ and IOdal tente. 1bil .. Why the l 9Ch Street bridp .. hfahl)' deUrilble .• , COllDICll tbe ~pie and Lt Qtvca dW ~ m.; Wini and need. IQ~ for In the.lalwer ~Ind h wUfbrtna ~ FcJd to the entft area. ........ Newpon Beach QUOTE OF ntE DAY "I went in and told him I was ready to put everything I had Into the program my senior ytar." Brtan Campos, Newport Har,bor football player HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYERS OF . THE ·WEE:K WEEK9 CDSTA~A =c • 5-~30Sr. A defensive end, made three taddes fora loss In theaecond half apar1clng a late rally for Mesa. Rodt110 Gutierrez 6-4275Jr. The big left tadtle didn't min an assignment providing blodcJng for the Mustangs' offense. CDRONA DEL MAR Had three ta<*lea for a loaa, five quarterbadc pressures and also made two ta<*ln on the lddtoff team. Completed six passes for 180 yards and two toudldowns and also ran for 49 yards on 12 carries. ESTANCIA Chad Sherrell 6-0 225 Sr. The offensive lineman and Inside • linebadcer continued his recent trend of strong performances against Orange. e 0 Noe Mllrttnez 5-11185 Sr. Caught one paufor16 yard• and also returned a lddcoff for 'n v•rds giving theEaglea goodflekt potltlon. NEWPORT HARBOR ~erUnk 5-9171 Jr. Caughtatx paueafof99 yardaanda touchdown. Altoc.meup with. big third-down conversion lat• ln~g1me. 0 . ® Thomae ...... l-0215 Jr. A~er, w.elnon 13 laddte .. the Sllofsheld ~Hftlt. IC04'tlt11 In the..oonc:t .,..._ EYE OPENER Daily A J>OOc Sparu Hall olttame <iW&.r~ll"ll1 ...... Nov. 17 honorff JIM JORGENSEN lporUEdbrRJdwdOunn: (9491574--4223 • Spoft1Fu:l949l650-0170 Tuesday, Noverrter 11, 2003 A.7 GIRLS TENNIS FOOTBALL Finding finite rewards I r super-slow-motion replay were available to review Newport Hamor High's come-from-behind Sea View League football victory over Lagwla I lills Friday night, Sailors senior Brian Campos might serve as hh own visual aid. Twice while attempting to punt, the 5-foot-8, 182 pounder was upended by Hawk rushers, both times drawing roughing-the-kicker penalties. The second nag. thrown in Newport's own end wne, extended what proved to be the game-winning, 99-yard touchdown drive. The fourth-quarter drama helped the Tars (6-3) end a three-game lo!>ing streak and enhance BARRY their chances of STEVE McCRANK/DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar senior Brittany Holland, shown in action earlier this season, won the P~cific Coast League singles title Monday at the Racquet Club of Irvine. She also has three league doubles titles. See story Page PS. obtaining an at-large FAULKNER bid into the CIF Southern Section Division VI playoffs. On both plays, Campos wru; temporarily suspended In mid-air, the vertical No. 8 on his jersey lipped sideways. mirroring the symbol for infinity. In Campos' case, however, infinite possibilities may be more accurate, considering how he has capitalized on a senior season that, not so long ago, was as difficult to define as a sideways eight. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL Lions on the prowl "Brian played well as a freshman and was a very good athlete for us," BrinlcJcy recalled of the youth football veteran who, despite his kicking and punting prowess, always considered hinlSClf a player who kicked, rather than a kicker who played. "Rut he probably wasn't a..o. highly motivated the following two years in the program. I knew he was a Uttle discouraged and It wouldn't have surprised me if, one day lru.t off-season, he came in to say he wasn't going to be playing I this season).• Vanguard, stocked with talented newcomers and ranked No. 4 in preseason NAIA poll, aims to at least match last year's success. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot The days when Van· guard University's women's basketbaU team could lay low and surprise people are long gone. Despite losing six four-year senlo~ from last year's NAJA Tournament sernifinaUst. Coach Russ Davis' Uons enter tonight's season opener at San Diego State as the No. 4- ranlced team in the NAJA preseason poll And. though Davis is anxious to encourage modest expectation'>, his ex- citement over a talented crop of new- comers betrays such misdlrection. Even the uncertain status of injured junior Jennifer Wilcox. an AU-Golden St.ale Athletic Conference performer who Jed the team with 11.1 points per game and was second wltl1 7. I re- bounds per contest, isn't enough to dis- suade Davis. "I don't want it to sound Like were the l..a.kers, but we have a chance to be pretty good," sald Davis. whose previ- ous seven seasons have brought four conference titles, including last year. and five trips to the NAlA Tournament. Vanguard had never been to the na tionaJ tournament before the arrival of Davi.'t, a former girls coach at Estancia High. ·As long as we stay healthy, we can compele with anyone in the coun try." Wilcox. battling a buJging disc, can't be counted upon, but Davis believes the remaining nine-player rotation gives him plenty to work with. u Any one of the nine are going to start throughout the ~eason." he sajd Leading the newcomers is junior llC Irvine transfer !Jsa Faulkner, a gifted point guard, a'i weU as blue-chip fre!.t1 man Kelly Schmld1, a 6-foot fo"-'3rd with prolific potential. "Faulkner Is pretty good," Davis i.aid or the 5-5 standout, who averaged nearly 36 minutes, as well as 8.5 points and 6.5 assiBts al \JCI last season. "In one scrimmage with our alumni, she hit seven strulght three pointers. And, In the first 20 minutes, she had 12 assi'll'> and one turnover." Schmidt, a four-time all-!>late per- former at Ironwood I hgh in Glendale, Arf7_, posted 36 points and 17 rebound, in another scrimmage, <iaid Davis, who beat out Division I programs for her services. Lindsay McOellan, a 5-7 freshman guard out of Tempe, J\ri'l_, was ranked as high as 47th nationally by one re- cruiting service. said Davis, who loves McOeUan's athletic ability. Lace}( Miiis. a 5-6 junior guard. made 81 three-pointers for last year's 28-10 squad and, along with 6-0 sophomore THE LIONS 3 Cecilla Josefsson 6-0 5 Lindsay McClellan 5-7 11 Anna Dittenbir 5-5 12 Lacey Mills 5-6 15 Lacey Bums 5-11 21 Lisa Faulkner 5-5 23 Jennifer Wilcox 5-7 32 Rachel Besse 6-3 33 Kelly Schmidt . 6-0 Colteh: Russ Davis (eighth year) So. Fr. Fr. Jr. Fr. Jr. Jr. Fr. Fr Cecilia Josefsson (61 three-pointers last year) could help Vanguard break its own NAIA single-season record of 8.4 three halls per game. Lacey Rums, a 5-11 freshman out of San Clemente I Ugh. has abo been Im· pressive and Davis delivered high praise to 6-3 freshman Rachel Besse, out of Soldotna, Alaska. "In just three months IBei.'le) hru. im· proved as much as any player I've had in 2.1 years of coaching.· Davi\ o;a1d. "~he has really long arms and '>he lan be dominating, defens ively." Freshman Anna Dittenbir adds depth In the back.court, while \Ophomore Crystal Lendennan (lorn Al'htlles' ten- don) and freshman Jesska Pasquale (torn ACL) will be forced to redshlrt. "It's the most talented team I've ever had, athletically." said Davi!>, who pin· points The Master's, ranked No. 5 in the NAIA, as the top GSAC competition this season. Campos admittedly pondered as much, going so far as to run the Idea by his closest friends. Inspired by their insistence that he would be sorely missed this fall, he instead came to BrinkJey with a different notion. ·1 knew IBrinlcJeyJ was a little upset by my perfonnance and my attitude my junior year,• Campos sald "I went in and told him I was ready to put everything I had Into the program my senior year.· Brinlcley said Campos' declaration was welcome news. ~More typically, I'll bring a player in and try to explain to them the kind of potential they've got and what they need to do to realfae that potential." Brinkley sald. "Rut Brian came in voluntarily one day. I think he understood I wasn't pleased with his focus.· Brinkley noticed a change immediately ln Campos. whose new atdrude shone th.rough during spring and summer workouts. Campos opened the fall as a starting comerback. in addition to his kicking chores. And though Campos was briefly SH FOOTBALL, Pa1e A8 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Two-minute drill • Tuaoro High had nn opportunity to pull off a rare free kick ror three points at the end of rqulatlon In Its 28·2 l overtime victory over Corona del Mar Friday. Forced to punt out ot his own end zone with four 1eCOnd$ remaining, Corona del Mar's ICevtrl Weich booted one 24 yard to the Seu Kings' 27-yard line. The punt returner dld not sJgnal ror a fair catch, but lfhe had, the Titans could have bad a rree kJck. whkh could have en~ed the game. "I was surprised they did not I call for a fa.Lr calcl,J," Corona del Mar Coach Dick ~sald. . The field-goal attempt would have been 37 yard , but the Sea Kings would have been forced to line up at the 17 ·yatd Une and could not provide a rush. Thsom also would have been BlJowed to kick without a holder, using the same tee that iJl med foe kickoff: • Despite the final ACOre, Corona dcl Mar actually emerged from tbe overtime game wtth a de, a rule the PadOc Co:ut league coach put Into effect season. The coaches got the Idea. whJch allows for tlebreakera tr the teams finish with identical recordl but doa not pcnall.7.e the tostna team, Ctom the Golden Weet l.eague. But the Golden Wcat League ellmlnated the rule th year, Co6ta Mesa eo.ch Drill Nrtdnl wd ·11 wu that way unlll this year," Perkin8 said. "Now h'• ellher you wln or you lc:Jile.. • Of course, the Mustangs lost an overtime game to SaddJebaclt this teason and tr ... DRIJ..hpAI Game busters ' - High achool playa of 30 yard• or more • 12 -1<9Yin Welch (Corona del Marl touchdown pesa from Tom Welch. • 31-Jofg• Quiroz (Costa Mesa) pau from Gary Gonzalez. • 31-Juon John.ton (Estancia) kickoff return. • 17 -Noe Martinez (Estancia) kickoff return. • H-Spencer Unk (Newport Harbor) paH from Tom Jackaon. • 31 -Jorg• Quiroz (Costa Mesa) pau'from BN~ WllkJNon. GAMESTOPPERS Last week's big defensive playt • NBWPORT HARBOR -Cornerback Btlan Campot drl1 a receiver for a 2-yard lo ... Out.side linebacker 'lftwr 'lberlot. nail a back after a reception for a I ·yard Joa, after end Sumi Daltflan applied pre$Sure on the quarterback on the play .•• Peter Hoyt and KhallOan comblne on a s-yard cit ... Thenot atuft's a draw play for a 6-yard lo ••• 1\ckJe Austin Nieto strln out a runnJng play, allowing 1 loyt to make tho tackle for a short gain ••• Comerback Matt Bndn ... drtJI a recetver n r the sldelJne to break up a would-be compleUon ••• Hoyt presaures tht quarterback on back·to·back incompletion .... Nieto and mJddle s.. GAME8UST£RS, , ... Al SPORrS CIF SOUTHERN SECTION PLAYOFFS Sage top seed, CdM· No. 4 Freth oO th echool's Or c to the quarterllnals, a rematch Acudemy League t.h.le in uiy against Mater Del. whlch de· girls spon, Sage Hill School's . feated CclM, 10·8. ln the season umnl teun1 earned tht> No. l opener. letd In the CIF Soutbcm Sec· Newport Hatbor (13-4). CO· Uon OiWJon V pJayoU Monday champJon of the Sea View The Llfih1J1i11g nre one of four League. is on the same side of are tc."MlS to make the playoffs, the Division I bracket as the Sea all or which will play bo"t to K1nWi. but bl1b a tough road first round matches Thurad.ty. ahead lf It wtahes to meet il6 Corona del Mar. winntr uf Back Bay rivnl in the semlftnalL eight ection thle . but OUbled in The Sailors will be at home the ..emlnuab la3t yea.r. earned Thursday against Northwood • the No 4 t.eed In Division r It (10·10), an at-large entry from will rnccJ Vblting Bishop Mont the Pacific C.oast League. Loom· gorncry t8· I Ol Thun.day at l Ing In the second round ls Mls· p.m slon League champion Harvard· rtw Sea KJngi. (12·4), CO· Westlake (ll -6). After that the cllJ.1T1p1ons or the Pacific Coast 'Jan wouJd Ukely face top-seed· Lt'ague, e111er the playoffs hav· rd Peninsula (18-0) in the Ing won nine conset.uuve quarterfinals. mutche'I. A victory over Bishop In Division V. F.ttancla (13·1). Mon1gomery. the lhlrd·pla<:e the undefeated champion of the entry from the Serra League. Golden West Le gue, returru to would earn Corona del Mar a the playoffs for the teeon'd etund·round mutt.h with either straight season. The Eagles wtU Sa.11 Oemente ( 15 J) or El Mo· play hosl to Magnolia, the third· dene (12·J) 1md look.Ing ahead place entry from the Orange t.easue. Thursday. Sage HW'• opponent will be Jetermined today. The Ugbling (13-5), who reached the11uarter- flnals Jut year, wUl meet the winner o( Baldwin Prut. ( 11 ·9) and Ontario Quist.Jan (8-7). both thlrd·place teams. Cd!d, Tars,~esain • WA.TBR POLO: Newport Harbor, Corona del Mar and Costa Mesa, each or which ftn- lshed second ln their respective leagues, will all begin play ln the CJF Southern SectJon play· offs Thursday. Tue Sailors (16-10) wlll play a home game at Corona del Mar High in the first round of the Division I playoffl against Milli· kan (18·6), the second-place entry from the Moore League. If Harbor can escape the flnt round. It would likely have a quarterfinal meeting with No. 4·seeded El Toro (21·6). The Sallors bowtd out of the 2002 playofra wlth a 9-41 lo to BJ Toro ln the quarterfloala. Corona del Mar (7·18), which reached lut year'• tJtle match after wl.ftnlng three straight tl· tles from 1999-2001, finished the regular season as co·cham· pion or the Paclfic Coast League. 'Ille Sea Kings wtll P1-Y host to Laguna Hills (21·5), the third·place tum from the Sea View League, ThW'lday at 3:15 p.m., with the Newpon Harbor game to follow at 4:30 p.m. A victory would likely match CdMup wlth top-teed.ed Har· vard-Westlake (23·2) in the quarterftnala Saturday. Costa Mesa (15·6), second· place ftnlaher in the Golden West League, will be the lone area team to begin the playoffs on the road, playing at No. 4· seeded Esperanza (12· 7), the Sunset League runner-up, Thursday. BRIEFLY H olland is a singular sensation Cowna del Mat High senior Bri1t.u1y llolland, who had shared in Padfk CAa.'it Le.ague double:. ti tle<i tht: last three yea.rs dJld teamed with Tuylynn Snyder to win the UI-~ulhem Secuon double'-' utle last fall. won the PCI single<> crown Monday al Ra(."QUt:l Oub of lrvme. I lolland defeated Laguna Beath'" Oalre Reach. 6-2. 6·2. ln the rubber mall h between the two ~ <;eas0n "The first time we p.luy00. I lost and the ~ond dme, I beat her;" Holland said "She'i. a great player and all the games today were very cio'>C!. I just thuu. I t.cune out stronger I ww. really focw.ed and I told my-.elf I nee<fod to get off to a good i.tart. I th mk a.11 aspecU; of my game were on today. lnclud mg my <ierw and my ground i.trokes. I Willi happy with my levd of play." Holland defeated Catherine Yoo from Northwood. 6-3, 6-3, in Monday's semifinals. Holland teamed with Snyder. a l003 graduate, to win the PCL doubles crown in 2002 and 2001. She did the same ln 2000 along· side partner Leslie Damion. now a ..ophomore at UC Sama Barbara. "Doubles was reaDy fun. but I decided I might M weD go for it ai1d play singles this year." Hol· land !Nlid. "With CTF coming up I team playolf.s bqpn Thursday and the individual champion· ~ps are set to open Nov. 221, this was a really good way to prepare for it" 1Wo CdM doubles teams. ln· duding the top-seeded tandem of i.enior Juliette Mutzke and fresh. + B REITLING 1884 TRADUW~bk ~••hlon laland·N•wport •••oh t4tn21-to10 www TradlllonalJewelera com www.•••tT&.tN•.co11e • man Jil1Jann Bra.vmnan, were de- feated in the semifinals Monday. Mutzk.e-Bravennan lost to a team from Laguna Beach. 6-3, 6-4. Tiurd-seeded Miranda and Hayley Young. both CdM fresh. men. were defeated by a Laguna Beach duo. 6· I. 6-1, In the other semifinal. CdM finishes seventh • GOLP: The Corona del Mar High girls golf team concluded its season Monday. flnlshlng seventh among 17 learns at the OF Southern Section Southern division championships at El Prado Golf Course in Chino. Ju nior Katie Albright had the low round for Coach Mike Starkweather's Pacific Coast League champions, carding an 8-over·par 80. Sophomore Veronica Fried· FOOTBALL Continued from A7 replaced In the secondary. an Injury gave him another opportunJty to swt and he has taken full advantage. "I couldn't ask for more than we've gotten out of him." Brlnltley said. "He has been 100% on lleld goals 14 for 41 and his punting {31 lticp for a 39.S·yard average! speaks for ilSelf. He has done a great job for us and. now. has taken on the role of defensive back.• Campos' 59-yard punt on Newport's first second-half possession Friday. pinned the Hawks at their own 13, setting the stage for a subsequent safety that helped tum the tide. Newport drove for a touchdown after the ensuing free kick. man (84), sophomore Katie McKltterick (89), freshman Jon- na Kim (95), junior Ce.itlin McDonald (99) and juruor Mag· gie Nelson (101) also played for the Sea Kings, who are already anticipating next season. Pirates wrap it up GOLP: The Orange Coast Col· Jege women's golf team com- pleted its season at the Southern California Olamplon· ships Monday at El Dorado Park Golf Course in Long Beach. OCC finished si.xth among six teams. but Coach Barry Wallace saJd the experience of reaching the postseason sbouJd pay divi· dends next fall. LotTalne Fernando shot J 7 · over-par 89, while Joanne Du· rocher (91). Ashlee Kendall (95) and Laura Sumpter (97) also scored for OCC cutting llS deficit lo 14· I 2. which ii later overcame for the 18·14 win. Brinkley said Campos' punt was a huge key to the comeback and Campos sald he was gratified to have such a big hand. er foot, in the victory. Campos is, he said, extremely thankful he dJd not give up on football. He also believes the rewards that have come throughout his senior season have justified his choice to remain in the program. "It's just a whole different experience that I can't really describe," Campos said. "To hear your name on the [pubUc-address 5)'5temJ for something glorious you just dJd -It's hard to explain how much adrenaline and how much positive energy comes aver you. It's overwhelming ... Perhaps infinitely so. SAGE HILL PLAYERS OF THE WEEK Ray Um 5-10 190 Sr. Provided quality bloddng from fullbadt poeltlon, gained 38 yarda on 12 carrlee and played flnebadcer. Marcel Sohl 6-2190 Sr. Shut do~ Caplltrano Valley's power running game from 1'111 def9n1lve end position, making eeveral ttdd• for a loa. ® GAMEBUSTERS Contiotitd from A7 'beckerThoaml Martin combine Qn ll 13·yard sack ... Ou~lde 'b4cktt Gl'tl M1otr leads a pack or tacklers on a 3·yaid loss ..• Nido blows up an interior run. tordng a .f.yard lo ... Martin records a 4-yard aack •.. Endn!u bctab up a pue and nearly pleb h off •.. Outside 'bad.er~ Youot makes a big ftrst hit on a l ·yard gain, then. two plays later, leads a swarm ot tacklers to stuff a run for no gain, Thylor then ts jolned by Hoyt and Theriot to make a fourth-down stop and complete the goal-line 11tand ... Encinla.s ha.mmm a re«lver alter a catch ... Hoyt and renow end Seen Rowe meet at the quarterback to combine on a S.ya.rd sack. •CO.RONA DEL MAR -Senior Mordy Ornguze J1lCQVers a fumble on the opening lclcltoff ..• Junior linebacker John Sbanabm stope 'Ielot0'1 Ont running play for just a 1 ·yarcl pin ... Senior defensive end 8dan Dunn limits a 1ltans' ball carrier to a 1-yard gain ... Junior afety Shane CoW.nt puts a big bit on a receiver causing a dropped pass ... Junior comerbaclc M.11 Bud dps away a pass ... 0rngu2e ends the first half with an lntercepdon ... Safety K.evtn Welch comes up to make a big hh on a running play, llmlting Tesoro to a 3·yard gain, then makes a sliding interoepdon on the ensuing play after reading the quarterback perfectly ... Sophomore defensive end Matt Burgner makes a taclde for no gain ... Burgner, a.Wated by Kevin Welch and sophomore Brett Crowley, halts a runnln' play for just a I ·yard gain ... Burgner stops another run for a 1 ·yard gain ... Junior linebacker 'fyler Lance shuts down a running play for no gain, then combines with K.evln Welch to force an inoompJetion on fourth-and-5 ... Crowley. Kevin Welch and Lance combine to stuff a running play for a l ·yatd loss in overtime. • ESrANCIA -Senior linebacker Bu.bba Kapk.o tackles the ball carrier for a 2·yard loss ... Senior lineman ClJad Sbendl takes down a running baclc for a 2·yard loss ... Kaplto stops a running back for no gain ... Shenell tacldes a running back for a I ·yard loss ... Kapko and Sherrell, as well as senior Mtke Sofia team up to stop the running back on two consecudve goal Une stands. forcing Orange to give up the ball on downs. • COSTA MESA-Junior outside linebacker Jeff Waldron returns an Interception 9 yards, has two touchdown-saving tacltles to stop a 35·yard return wtth an Interception and ma.Ices three other Jcey defensive stops ... Junior llpeneu blocks a field-goal attempt by Westminster in the 6.rst quarter ... Qualle Vargu leads a defensive surge with a solo tackJe to force a third·and· 11 situation deep in the fourth quarter ... Vargas Is in on four tacltles for minus yardage ... Sophomore Ryan ~U averages 31.7 yards on six punts, including a 53-yarder that forces Westminster to start four series from its 13, 12, 7 and 17. • SAGE HILL-Peter Haderlein is one of the major tone-setters with a sack of Capistrano Valley Ouistlan quarterback Jeremy Ward In the first quarter ... Don Ayers finishes a 23-yard pass play by Capo Valley Oui.sdan with a touchdown-saving taclde early in the second quarter ... Marcel Sohl and FAdle Huang combine to throw CVC runrung back George Vardalcostas for a 6-yard toss in the fourth quarter. It forces the second of two fourth-quarter 6eld·goal attemp[t. both of which failed. DRILL Continued from A7 the change hadn't been made, Costa Mesa's playoff chances would be much lmproved. •As it is. Costa Mesa's playoff hopes rely on gaining the at-large berth, but they will Ultely have one less victory than La Serna. Though Cosla Mesa's nonleague schedule appears stronger than La Sema·s. the breakdown of their victories is nearly even. The Mustangs have defeated teams that are a combined 12·33. La Sema's victories have come against teams that are a combined l 7·44. • l( the Mustangs don't make the playoff. it will be the first time Perlclns has missed out on the postseason since 1999. when he was coaching Estancia. • Newport Harbor Coach Jeff Brtnltley lamented his team's lack of eft'on In the first half and Laguna Hills took full advantage. The Hawks drove 85 yards on 15 plays with the opening kickoff and outgained the Sailors. 119 yards to mlnus·l yard In the first quarter. At halftime. Laguna Hills held a 194-64 advantage In total offense, had run 37 offensive plays to Newport's 21. led, 14·3. and had possessed the ball all but 7:10 of the first 24 minutes. •The Sailors went with a new color-scheme Friday, wearing blue jerseys with whlte panlS. but Brinkley said it had nothing to do with trying to break a three-game loslng streak. lnstead, the combination uniforms (not worn by the Sailors, who usually wear all white or all blue, since 1989) were used to provide a better conuast to the Hawks' light-gold home jerseys. • Newport Harbor sophomore quarterback Tom Jae.boo completed 7 of 8 second-half pass attempts for 118 yards and a touchdown and ran for the go-ahead TD to spearhead the Tars' rally. • Kevin Welch broke his own school record for longest pass play with a 92-yard touchdown reception Friday. but this time he added twin brother Tom to the record book. Tom Welch hit his brother on a quick slant route mldway through the Ont quaner. Kevin tipped it to hirmelf. then outran the Tesoro deferuie for the first touchdown of the game. Last seasorr. Kevin scored on an 87 ·yard touchdown reception from Jonathan Hubbard. • Corona del Mar lost sophomore linebacker Shaun Mohler to a shoulder lo jury after he was bit returning a kickoff with 6: 16 remaining In the second quarter. Mohler, one of the Sea Kings top defensive players. did not return to the game. But Corona del Mar Coach Dick Freeman said Sunday that the Injury did not seem serious and Mohler should be in the lineup for Friday's pivotal game against University. • Fatancfa HJgh has been shut out two weeks in a row. The Eagles have not scored since there was 8:40 lei\ ln P.standa's 26-20 losa to Santa Ana Oct. 24, when Bubba ICapko bulled in from I yard out. 'That'& 104 minutes. 40 seconds alnce the last time the Eagles have put points on the scoreboard. • Senior M1b CahlD, a running back and linebe.cker for F.stancla. did not play because of an anltle injury Friday agalnst Orange. He upported bis teammates on the sideline. He was wearing a dress lhln and tie with slack& ·He looked sharp,• e.tancia C.oach Craig Fertil aaJd WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKIN G THEM! Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer NIBDWHEELS? Compllmenblry On• D•r Rent.I C•r WHtr 30«, 80IC or IOIC malntenenoe No ceilh ValUe. Ont to • oueteln*. Ont pat~. ~ , 1/30l2003 l I ~ I I• Policy .. , .......... • Liii' .... -........... SEU your unwented Items lhroue:h classified SEU your unwanted items lhrouah cl11s1f1od IOllCIOf '9K&BSMI Nohce I• M;.Or _ """' pet S.Chon 21100 1t 1eq of tti. C.•llorn11 lhmlltU to Prof11~1 Cede tllat the U"tf· ti&Md, SUPUIC)R MINI STOltAGC, looted at 1100 Sup.,tor An .• Costa Mu.a, Ctl1l•nt11, C1111nty of Otentt. Slit• of Ctkfo111la wlll ~n· ckKt • publk ""'" Nllt ot tht f*IOllll proptftJ ~rilled below at J.JO P.111 Of! lllt 18 d•J ol Movttnbfl. ~l lh1 Und111l1n•d wlll ICCll)I c11h bid• to Hllsfy • lttn for past diie rant and lnc14tn11ls Incurred. The s tor11e IPICU 1•111Hlly con'l\I of the followln1 •PPll•ntn, 1l1ctrontcs, houaehold fur111ture ind beds, i.~s. c4bl11ob. llJOflona 1oocls, bkyclas. toy•. b•by Items. clothln1. ollrn equipment and fur111ture, hand a11d power tools. vehicle pt<b Ind ICCH$0!Has, boxn (conte11ts un t.110.,.n), mutlul lnslru llMnh end olhl<f mtS celltneous ll1ms HAfrlE Of ACCOUNl SPACE HUM8CR Joh11 1 homH Ho5llo Ir t37 Pll~lop W Roe 243 Danltllt ~ Putn•m 373 Rrdl Morrow 401 T111a loulse Cross 418 Humberto Perez 642 Domontc Hefler• 643 Auctlonee1 's N1mo J1me1 R O'Bnen Bond Number l!>Mi.>!>941 Auclloneer's ltllphone Number (909) 681 ·4113 Publlshed Nowpor I Bead! Coal• Men Daoly Pilot No•embttr 4. 11, 2003 T834 ........ ... s...... TIM lollow1n1 PKM>na lfl dol"I bu•lntU H Otlllp Col/Ill)' . Ttleul 0tl1111Hliorl, 12IO 81son Stt 19·09, ftle1Wport 811th. Cllt forn;1~ Sanely Youn1m•n K111clll•I. 27385 Via flMll, M1uton Vlej(I Cellforn .. 92691 Thi. bllsilltu Is con ducted by. en lndlvtclual Htwe you-1t111ted clolna bu$1111S1 yen Ho Sandy You11•n11n Knecht•! Thlt. st .. temellt • wn tiled with lhe County Clort. of 0111111 County on 09126/0J IOOS6tst:TU Daily Piiot Od 21, 28, Nov 4, !I. 2003 1827 NOTKI Of PUIUC HIMIHO NOTICE IS HIHIY GfYlN th1t the City M1naaer of th• City of Newport Beech hH desl1n1ted a h11rln1 otlktt to hold 1 public h"rl11c end make llnd 1n1s and recommende llOllS on the Issue ol whether thl Mnile lemtly residence et 1918 Oonr Drove conslllultl • pul>llc nuisance puuuent to Newpott Be1ch Mu nlcrpal Code Section 10.50 All Items lou11d to be a pubhc nu1s.nc• w1H be removed from view from th• publtc rtflhl of WIY The conditions con•h tutrne the allea•d nut unce are as follows 1 Newport Buch Mun1c1p1I Code S..ctton 20 66 040(B)(3)(1) Put.1ne in required yards A trailer rs stored within the lront yard selbeck area which os not ~llowed 2 Untlorm 8u1ld11111 Code Sechon 1607 4 4 Special rnol loads Vattous olems are stured on the roof lntludonc. llow to Place A but 110t ~1111ttd to old tw11, • table, • .. ouct ptlltt end othtt c;ov , .., ll>ftlt Itel!!.• Clll lh 1eeo11d 1lory rtMll over tlll 1.11111. Th 111vl 11. not dttiallM lvt tu<h PIWIJO&U nor fll'Plu"f4 10# sucll by the bu1ld1n1 oltielll 3 Ne .. porl Buch Mu11lc;lp1I Coclt !>•Won 10 'I() 020(C) Al<u 111ul1t1on ot rubbtth, t1uh •Ml debit• v.,.....,. lt•m• on lh• P•Oi\<l•IY ere v1Slbl1 from tht publlc rl1ht of w1y. lncludln&, but not llmlllKI to, • K rffn door, wood eoora, pu•ll lawn mow tr. -wood p1H1t, 'h'"'· br Ith, ~Olltrtlt r Ip 11p, end other ml11eell1neou1 Items. olh•r 1t1nu 1ue covered by bl1ci. pl•••k coverl11K af,pro•lmal•ly one h•lf ot t 1e r1rd 4 Newport Buch Municipal Code Stcllon 10 50 020(f) Obst rue tlon of public. 111ht of w1y. In •ddollon lo 4 nhlcle part.ed on the public •ldewalll, • triller tontut, the lront of 1n automobole chttt end other m1,c;ellaneou' rt ems obstruct the publk. riallt ol way !I Hewp11r I llut h Muntcrpel Code Set IH>n 20 60 020{A)( I) £ < tentrcln into 1ard\ A P•rll•I le11c• '" •HUS ol lht pttm1lled thrff loot httr.hl hmot nl1h in lhe ITonl yard 6 Uniform Ad1r11n1s tnllve Code Sa•lmn JOI 1 An 1wnon1 h•s been •llached to • w•ll •bove • wrndow wothoul per moll or 1nspe<.llun1 NOTICI IS fUITHH GIVEN that 1 publlc he111n1 ha' been schedulod before lh• heerina ufllcer dosl& rtaled by the Coty Man11tr 1t 4 00 p m on th• ?4th d•y of No vember, 2003, In lho Councrl Ch11mbers ol the Coty of Newport 811th Ctty Hell, 3300 Newporl le1110.,d, N11W11ort le-.h, Cthfornl1, at wll II I · elld pt.ct eny • : •It peoont 111ternt1d 1111; eiio-ar •ud be h.,1d In litu of II l)tl ~9'1•1 tJIP4IWlllCe, fllltrHltd Ptfton• may Mitwl•I written 111.1terlt" to the Co4e end W1ter Queltfy lnfo1um1"t lhn•Ctf 101 rtvww •nd Lo11a1~r1tlon . by No Vlll\btf 11. lOO' AM •ubmltte<t m1terl1I• will be PftHAlld to the he111n1 offtctr lh• procHdln11 will b• rtcotdH by • eo11rl rtj)Otttl t Of tnfOftTYltOll tall (94!t) 644 32?0 Jim . 111114111, Cod• & Wiler Quality Enlor<.e ment M111o11er. City of Newport Be1th Publlsh•d Newport Boech Co.ti Mes. Dally Piiot November 11, 12, 13, 2003 IW1h8l8 fldltlM-...U Nmts....., Th., lollowm1 Ptl\un• lll t dONIK bU\llltU "' 0..r lech Sto1e 2150 B s.n MN h•I l>t•v• HSI Co,I• Mn•. C11itoin11 9?621 C11n(.rt<> Do C1l'ro 21 !;() B S•n M1ch•t D11ve •UI ro,I• Meu C•h loim• 91677 I hll l>u\lneu 1s <.on d11Ll•d by dn ondivodu•I H1v1 you •tarted doon, b<nine" Y•I' No G1•n""" Di Cll'tu lh,. ,11tem1nl w•• lolrd with the County Cl•1k of Oran&• Countr on I0/?0103 200'69US9S D•1ly Pllut Oct 28, Nov 4, 11. 18. 2903 183J n...-u ... s..... Ill lolluw1n1 penuns tre dottll &IUVll~ U ' •> ca1,1i... n,., II) Newport 8oet. "°"' Mtm St, l•l\N. CA 92611 C1t9lln• 'H""I" Stnlct, Ille. (CA), 400 .. in St . 8alboll, CA 92tWil Htn yciu stwttd dcrif1I buillltU yto\ 1 Yes 1993 C•l•llne P1nen111 Service Inc , Robert B'-cll. P1esidcnl Thtt st1lcnie11I wo llled With 01e County Clerk ol l>fena• County Oii 10/16/03 200Ht U07l Dally Piiot Nov II. 18, 25. Dec. 2, 2003 T837 RclllM ..... ......... lllt full.iw1111 pe1ton1 •rt dOHI llU 111.U ll' 181 tt;iuOI' w 19th Stre et, Cott• Miu , IAJI fottol 91621 Luo V•r llu1111. 1J087 Stflur J .>I , c., den Cr111~ C..lrl"'"'' 9280 ''"' bU\ltKU ,, ton d11.1~c1 bf 1ndtv1clu1I IU¥c 1uu &l•r ttd dob11 llu;,.1nesa J•tr Ho Lu• Vin Ho1n1 lhis atetement wu hied with the County Clerk of 0<111&• County ull 10/16/()3 200Uf62019 ll••ly Piiot Oct 21. 28 Nov ~. 11. 2003 1829 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section to frnd servi~t..~ from electronics dnd plumbers, to landscaper, and painter'> Daily Pilot Class1f1r cl Lomm11n1ty Ma rke tpl;ice ..--Deadlinrs --- Rates and deadlines arc subject 10 change withoul nolicc. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify. revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accept!> n<> liability for any error in a11 advertisement for which it may . be responsible ex1..Cpl for the co:.1 ut the space actually ()C(;uptcd by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fint insertion. CLASSIFIEAD Monday. . .............. Friday 5 OOpm l Ui.!:-.day ................... Monday :d)(.Jpm ANNOUNCDA£NTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL ENTERTAINMENT C.llftdlr of him 1310 (QGAl llOU5llG °"°""'" All rul estet1 tdnrhs 1n1 In this newspaper Ii subiect to lht Ftcle11I Feil Housm1 Act of 1968 as amended which m111u It 111•1•• to edvtth" ·any prefer· ence, llmlt.llon or discrlml111Uon btstd 011 11c1, color, rtlllloll. tu. handictp, fe1111lltl st1lut or neUon•I orl1ln, or 111 tnte11tlo11 to maka •llY such preferenct, llmll•· tlon or dlscrlmln1tlon • This ntwspeper woll not llnowlntlY eccept eny 1dv11'tl"me11t for rut u tet• which la 111 violttlon of Ille l1w Otll' rudert are htr•ll1 IRIOfmtd th•t Ill dwell ltip tdVtf tlNd m thlt ,,. • .,.,,., are anrlablt " •n equal 09P«tun1ty ..... o compl1l11 ol dll allnlnatlon, cell HOO toll tr•• •I l 800 424 8500 1475 aHMtnOU<ls norm f'UJA uva most rainet n•il f•ce Vlli19 IM9 rn 7841 MAflW WOIDSTO WOIFOI • YOUI 642-5671 2305-2490 maa.. ..... ..... AM.CAmt? .......,.i-1.A•· .. e• no By Fax (949) <>J l-M94 tf'!-.; ... 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S8.e 19S Lee., verHlln, ·-•• 60 m1c;hlne1 ex;attons Wllltt twin 8tlll11I Bed Included all fOl at0,995 w/n1w m11tr11s 19/0 IOO.-Sot·7.0. down $89 mvnthfy ( IOS/ ?lb monlhs) Sunset Renchc~ free mep>/ t)l(.l\H:O. I U) 343 9444 (CAI. •S('M) Cirhl St1n&r1y, both tn alnt COM 949 648 ~ MA YEIOfG llOtm 40 MISCEUMEOUS IO S Mlluna machtMI ROO'"' 0 3a 18.B 2Ho down WIC N..41 b)..B.9311 (CAl-scAN) --~---- TrMMt ....._. your lluslneu -Uerfed o• utendtd7 Alttrnlhn ~ It the toluhon c .. •mmo 3111 ---~ -------- Rental To "'8l't - NI/Clue View S- Ocunlto11t/22nd, Pri vet• rm. Ulllut", "'-• b• u111s p1ld, n/smll, ktl,lltnttle, Ind! f . lb• to Htwpotl plet. S730m t1H Stm 949 218·7905 (bttWHn 91M-5Pm) NtWp9rtSht'Mll- ln 4&r tlovM. Sh«• b1th llQ/pfVpr... Wiit to i.dl. ........ 1&1$tn • MOO dltp 6 II• utlft c.194950091a. Under the Service Directory Ba1111er Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Corona del Mar CIHn & Newl 406 Hehollope (Front Cot laae). COM lbd Iba new ~1tc1Mn ' b•ll1 fp. hrdwd ftr 111 I R llt 1.111 ShMtld Wit) -;49 b }.J 0400 21tr I ... A6it. " I II , uv•r inc1 r , .. wd1 "'" hllup' dlshw1 nu 111 I• SI /!>O/rno 949 IM>J I 1•111 Ocee11 vlewl .1u1111~ autyd tnlly s,>ae I slory 2br .. din 2he. Ip, •lllM h 'I <. pr ColTm pool ~ Sm J.111 1111 Ki-1 r.\o'nl K/7·/04 8&4ff .9,04 wwwt.lel11p1 u com BHu newly rtmod Jbr lb.t, 'J l. &•r, flew hdwd fir~. II'''"'" clrs, tppl'\, Ip. 110 amlt. patio '3250/ mo + dep 562 493 6126 M.,t. Apul lovely G1ted CoMm, ""' Trl•11att ~uart, 2br lb• W/llf 6 frfa, $1095. lbr 1'1 W/petlo, Urpc"t atou•• M .,...,, .,... p~ld IOtfn Mlt ... 1 .. ~'°'-f.11191> I SlM CHMMM, 1.-1 lllW 2tw l .bb• tow11 houtt 'tyle 2522 [Iden Sl'75/inot49 M2 MD Newport Beach YIAllll Y UASIS flHt NIW'OttT HOMIS No buc 1l bay 2br I !>ba up11o:r ur ot I ,_., ptrllln& spa<.e, ytly lse I I 850m AVJll N••W 909 793 6617 IU <UllmDY ltlALTO«S Jiu Jlto !Mwe, quiet 949 67S 6161 er•• 11ewly refurbrshed UDO ISU STUDIO I •• 1 • '"'~t & b•lh 1mny • a~o\urr SlOOOm A1.t '11'1 675 1>161 21R 2U CONDO, Ip 2 •tr llll. wd hllUp\, S2!JOO/mo 949-759 0814 lro1 ''"' uu P•h 1ioul C11te Jbo 2b• sina fem •'' 1 .. c \I JIJIJ, "' 11""'1 ,.,,denu patio. steps Nuw 'J4 1 '""' bl M> tu bay I c I", •II S2!i00 949 293 4631 l'enlntula I hr I h,o '"''° 111•11111 ~ \h~red w/d Jbo 2b• uppe1 levol lohuw I ~., R"•ll• Aat b;1ylron1 unit parlud s1•1001MO '149 l9J %JO 'IYI•. art vu, 1 c 1er, • N•wpert Helgltta • lhd lb• ..:•r 1•/ll/lr IQ/ ulol onrl SI /00/mo 94'1 b50 76l5 -------2br 2b• nr NP pier close to ~hops ' resluartnh Ip, I c 111 wd hllupt SlllOO/mo 949 293 4630 .. ,, $2800 949 293 4631 a..w.1 ......... Aub.;;; M111 klnto~h computer 1•1111 M•dlt.11 Olf1u Newport Bttch. $11/hr tt11ve nn1 949 280 83!>2 HIVllS PAllT·TIMi Mon Fri Drive nlc;e 1.•n 1nd set pfld IOf 11 C "1 0•11 949 862 7474 , /f, lltM tfflftl, ~oU wor• 1round :.1.h•~ II ul•ry baStd "'' • p 0949 752 0191h r •••AHHQUNC(Mf Nl-;;; H11111& fllf 2003/P.i .tat l'OJ•llon~ 'Mtlrtl 11111. a1S!i0l900t/hr. Ho u1Mrltn1.t 1i.ceu1r:t r nfry I •~fl w1tll F 11lf D t11l1t' I' •141 tn1n1111 Ctn I ""1' lot Info tol4 ,. ... <'17H2t 5.l'til r •t, UI tf.Al •S<Wf) STARTING ANEW BUSINESS fr • • • • • • • • • • • !ht Lip/ IX,.""'111111 '1 '"' 0111fy Pilot IJ pl.rt.kd" tWU/Wll«. lltW Im/I(( _, ,..,,f.b/t II llC'lt /n.J1'1(1"'1. lf( .. 1U -5f.AR(H rht 11o1"" fo• rw •t,,. DllTI r/..irir. •v ""' r w """'"" w m'" "1t ~.,, H11U1"'5.11,. AllL TM , 1f to1m<. 11fu'r IN wrrh 11 l#t11pbrn/"" nil fik 'I"' firrmolll tMs111ro 114"1< tlQJtmllU 1t1th thr C.#olff) [fnl /"'""-" •'llt Inti r,, fot.r atth"' "'I"'"' "1/,a1111i tltnr fo ,..., pwf of"'""''"'" 1< 11J. thr u..,, lid f>it1J1 11u1 lry 19 filt .'fllk' firntiow hslfl(U 114111t lltlUlflllll Ill IM l>11Jy Pr/#1 J ro Ir &iJ c;, (,.,u ~f,.. If JO•"""°' 1to1'1]11t6lf r'1/"' 111 (9491 642..fJl I 11..J •I' ••IJ 1111i't P'fllllft"""'O for J'll II J,,,,,Jk /hn f"'tJ,.,,"' 11111l If ,_;111J.0W J,,,~., "'! forrlttr '1""""111. fl<m r.U iu ,.,/ "" ...,JJ irt ""'" IN1t r;W lit WIJI ~· ~Ill(~ 111 )'l/llt lftll.' hslllflll Daily 1 Pilot 0 Calltornlt l1w rt· qulr• llltt tont11c· Iott lalllftl ~· 111•1 10181 S!IOI) Ol lllOl'I (lebor ot 111atwial1) 1M Wt-.d b'J lllt Contrectors St•I• LICll'IM Soard 51111 law .ito leqlMU llltt contrec1or1 iMhlh thtlr ~" nulftllet on '" ldYll11111AC. Y 011 ctn d!Kk 1"'9 it.tut ol .,our llctn11d c on tr 1cto1 1t •ww.c"11.ct 10• or IJ00-321 CSl Unll· Cln"d cont11cton 1tkln1 loh thlt total ltu tha11 $500 mutt 1t1t1 In 111111 1dverllt1manh 11\at ther ''' not llctnHd by th• Co11t1•ttot1 Stai. lan111 11 .. rd • Clrptt ""'""'"' ouun~CAanTo ltep.Ws, '•tdllll .. 111.Cell Covrlt011t. 1111 •il• lo"- WholtHltl 94i-492·020S Clr"'*1 Cclncr*. _, Wealthcome Ma"" Crankt Inc. ....... Sl.111" ............. ............... ..... Clflllllll .. lrlllllC11•:: ...... ;, ~-=..e I PAI· \Vi vulnmble. E.tij It. Notmt •H O ) o AJU WEST •OU 116 •AQJ lUJ EAST •A• "KQ 117'5 •S AQt'7142 OU .. ., SOlTT8 • K ltt?U Ii;' lC 1t 0 3 •IC90 !1!t .,....1Mdd•ns· ... ._..,I SOUTH WIS1' NOmt •• I l• J O J6 ,_ J I) .... ,. ,_ 4• .... .... .... Operuna lead: Kina of o Wouldn't II ht Ake sf. whco • defender ii facc:d wilh • problem. one can Iii.It ~ fur help Thouab wonh -illepl, •lanahn:th lfle conect card can bt IDll't e. Soutll miJN have tried a c ub rtite oa tbe 1e1:uad round rlllbe.r lhln the Clotic diamond CUl>-bid That COUid C.411i.c 'tJ O•Y'"• wh1Woatmul lthr. low 1111. buutit111 or.in.I cond lnMdt & out. clitm wtlls. $3495 8111 9'9-5116-1888 _..,....._ Ce4111ec 'tJ D•YIU• whlte/oatlN91 lthr. tow llV. bQulllul oricjn81 concl tnllde &. out. chi m .mi.. ~ 81u !M9·!1116 UlllS --...--Ctwymr 'H S.lwl~ LJU Conv. 1811 tclual m1, -t•lltc lfMn l•n llhr blac~ top, ti.aultlut 1•• mtw cond, $79116 firm v\56721 • 949 586· l888 -··•1-cot1vm1 'H CPI Auto, ec ell power, wllit1/red Inter, buu. runs stron1 $8600 obo 949 244 3324 COVllOTOlll6 AUDI AA '00 Bl1ci.. w/ar•y Inter #V0802 Otacounled IMWJUl 'DO Bleck w/tan tnltf •V2813 Otscount1d IMW Ulle'tt Bl•ck, ten lnttf •V9978 Musi S.11 IMWHl!'H WfllMOln HYWAU All J>f\llH 1111/lra lobs. C\UICI ~a. fair, frtt .._ L4000» 714-6» 14'7 81drtc1111Mca SIUU JOI IXPllY Loni. Quldl Rtsponst ltomt, Yard & [)o(k EIKI 20 Vil Eq, Durum Olf:n l.IZJ!i810 M&o.JIMZ 1.1.c. n.ctrlc low pflc. lcal CGM"cklr. no .,0 mo 111111. no ~ IDo II& IW1 i.,an ~ lflClo.ll!WI (714)142-141D U<IMSID CONTUCTOI No JI* '°° -. ,. ..,...., flepw. rWllOCM4, '-· ..,., -M: 9«M46-l&'l6 Rltwoad ' ' ' ,,,1 I l(i' I ,. ''· t ' • ,,.....,,_ .... , tVS4t7 Mnt S.U tMW S211e'00 Or.N,'-.. '"' 1VOS'7 l>lw-te4 IMW '40f '99 ......... ,, """' •Y2l 1 l Mont kit IMW 740le 'DO ... c\,t-latat' 1Yt4JS Dl•<-'e4 IMW 740te '00 • , ...... ,_ i.tff tvtUI Or..tluy IMW74Dll 'OI Slh.,, tr•Y tYMOS Gr_.lwy IMW 74011 'tf AMl-u1<lt,F•Y tYS061 Oreet a.,y ••w 740tt'01 ........ y , ... ., #V2UJ Oreet Ivy IMW740t1'01 Wt.1'9, P:•Y lflter t VHS I DI-tell IMW7401'01 Slt¥•t, f'9Y Mt., ,Y99U Dltc-1e4 IMWMI'" Slht•t. Mecl l11t .. •Y2197 o. .. tlvy IMWMJ'02 Sii.,.,, F•Y lrtt., tVJ .. 2 M1ttt S.tl IMWll tSO '01 ........ Y•7Ht Mnts.a IMWU 't6 lledi, ,_ .... ., tY I SOt Olu-t•ll JAOUAl I TY'I ' 74 y•llew IY4024 M11•t S.11 JACNIU S·TYPf '00 o ...... ,_ ...... tV771J Or"' Ivy JAOUAI IU6 't7 ... Ji .... , .... IYJS41 Dl-t•ll JAOUU XJI 'DO Or•en, ,_ 1111., • 12IO Or..t lwy JAOUAa XJI 'tt ••II, ,.,. lllttr IVDlst Dlt<-1•11 JAGUM XJI 'tt llve,t ... 111ter tY7t47 OrMt tuy LAND lOYllt '0 1 4 ........... ·-.... .. Aoor1nt'fllt lf.Alrt .... =. R~1outln & tn1ta atlon Tl OE.AH 9'9 673·8065 71~ 71...a:J.2ml = ~·=+ ... <- Sprf nlllars ~H, Repairs, Tt 111. Cltaoupa, l ,. Servlc•. ~ s.w.. .. morel QI )Qr::-.- 71...,1J. s-..a. l4llMl=:,lftt & Olrdllq, .. _, ,,.itJI 11111 wt. N M, ..... ...,.. n4CZJO!llD tre. knlce, Y11d Clunup, M1lnt1n1nc1, Sprinklet It~ H111llt11 , ... ,. 711 CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 11Y11&,•0-~ Al,.,_ol~ ~--&in ~ SMO-SOS. 7888 DJUI •llAINnN.VG • wmw • CoiliillKil 0 lob fbo &Mil •tRCIOIS CUO '01 ta.ck, Weck ltttw 1Vt277 O,...tlvy Mlfl<IDIS C240 '02 lur.-4't, tr•Y lftt•r fVOHS Dl•-tM MOCIDIS CUl-5" 'OS Wiii••· .. t.dl ·~ tYt71J Dlt_t ... MOClDB U20 "Ot lleck. w.di ...... •YUSI Mwt I.ti MllCIDlS 1120 WA '01 ~ .... ,,_lltfff •Y4 sa I Must, .. MPCIDIS MIJJO '01 li.da fYt11 I Dlac.wt ... MIRCIOIS MIS20 'DI ti..11, w.cti ... ,., •Ya4'7 Dl•-'•ll llHCIDIS SSS '02 Slf¥t1', ~lock r-. IYS447 O,. .. ~ MUCIDH S UOO '00 WMt•,'-'41tW tYOSIO °"9t Ivy 'ORSCHttt• 'tt lw.-tly, t• ltlttl' •V25'2 CkNt luy 'otlSHICAlltfaA'ft llv•, F'Y lftt•r t Y.049 DIM.-tell '~CHICAatlllA 'tt lledi, Medi lftt•r f Y10H Mutt ktt OUAU MANGtnT '01 SltvH , Wedi Wit., ttYO 1 Jt Mfft S.I YW ,ASSAT'02 Sltv••·F•Ylnlttf •YHU Dl"""tM '4MSO.St1S,., Gr-II 'DO Mw~ LS 33tl mtlatltc s1tnf blue Cf•'J lthr lully lo1cUd. ltk• new cond SI0,199 vtlfi6nt Blot 9&58&-18118 www.•~tJ•"'·'•"' H_.,. 't7 Ac.cw4 2dr coupe EX, V-t•c 1n11ne, 6911 bl1ck/111y llhf, 1n1f, beautiful unmark•d cond. ,.,.,ed. non 1~r S8995 wlll01267SI Bkr 9&58;.).8111 -~ Pl•ce your •d today I (9.49) 642--~678 =Ir A&.AM TNl HANDYMAN Allwor~IHd ~ Docn Flllltfl cerp Ill:._.. c...... Cat,.J11t~ Ofyw.~ • St~eo Pllntlnc. file & lflOlt ~V-•E~.t J171 ..... _.,,. Id CIFlfl"ely ...... y•wr "•••· Stre:: '*""'II• Tt!ltlll• 1111 • Ca'll8fltry. llle & tt.r,•5 Floora Jay 949 41 · 51 20 ,,... • .,...._. ........ ,,.11 ... , 'e11treod11111,.. lootly Ownld 6 ~tld Since 191J ~5975 ..... NM• TO TNI DUMPlll 7l4tll llQ AVMAllll lOOAYI t'f61HMI .... a..1111 ...... c..1~ tw. .. vii& oc b ~ ~1urrw11t •MOOM MM.17;41U "-Chi'~~·· Wfll•lll·wllly o= ""~Qr ... ,..... ...... nMll1 ..... "f'1 llliitl .._ __,.,,, w Onf1 4 ll1 "*'· 7 peu. dufl llMWoOf (~ J17JI& '91MWIH4 f'fMiium "'°" .... llitttteatltlft SJtt.m, 2ami (~ IZl9l5 Wf.J ......... ._. OllO tMwWltWJ•lt. (~m.B .. ,""",...._,, .. Qi.Jld .. ow. mrrf • marlf (4Z/~) S2l9ll5 ~...., ........ ,.,,_,. LOldld. !Mlf, a>, lo ri (41W$1.m.5> 69!15 .. , ..... Siii .,_ ~~ll>Olt ...,... (4251~ fDll/f; w....,._ .,.., Or1I'/ Ull ml.~ "*..,, __ (~) s:».M 'OIMWXSOf Or1I'/ l2t< ~ Niw., (..,.~ $41,9915 .............. Or1I'/ a< .... clYomt (~)'62.9:15 '01-.wy '4. Tow H de. (2!11Zl8) '21.!i95 ,,,...,.._. U.Mw.D (......al} Mt-640-6445 W.IOVll llWPOIJ llAOI COVllOTOlll& IMW740ll'Ot 81ut, crey Inter f\12843 Must Stll IMW 74011'01 White, arey Inter #V39Sl Must S.11 IMW 740lf'Ot • $11..,, IJ•Y inter #W9fl Must S.11 ~MWMl 'te Sllv.,, black lnte< •\12897 0tuount1d IMWMS'02 Sliver, arty Inter •VJ962 Discounted IMW It I.SD 'OJ 414 lted, V•1649 Must Sall IMWll'tt 81tdl tan lnltt 1\11309 Creal Buy IAOUAll TYrf' 74 yellow •V402A Crut Buy JAOUAa S·TYn '00 Crten, Ian Inter •V7783 Must S.11 JAGUAl XJ6 't7 Black, ten Inter •V3548 Cr Ht Buy JAGUM XJI '00 GrHn tan inter 11290 Olscounted JAGUAR lUI 'tt Rtd, ten Inter f"°8!19 Mu't Sell JAOUAJI lUI 'tt Blue, t.n Inlet •V79<4 7 Ol&coun led SEU 1 your unwanted tlemt throuah clautlled ()perl7~ LowAatw 11onio-Speolttla lit1C91911 049-845-4646 lllT MOVIH SsS/Hr. SeraJ';l.All Clll•• lnsurtd Tl 32.l 997-1193 J2l.630.9971 c.a PUBLIC NOTICE Thi Cellf. ,ubllc UlllllJU Comrnlwon ttQUtrts that •• uttd houttllold sood1 m0\1111 r;1nt their P' u C C1 T number, limos tnd ch1uffeurt Pt lllt tllalr TC f 11u11111tt h1 all •dnr· 11 .. menb If you h•v• 111y iu.•tlons tbout ll1t 11allly of • mo11u, "'"' Of ch1ufteut, can. 'UIUC UTIJTllS CO.lllHICMI .,, .... , ~JIOYla'91 • 6 ltonh, tin Int• tV"22 0r,.t 0 .. 1 .-uacne .. 1 ... ~. bN<ll "''* rwt'/1 OIKO\lnltd Mll<Dfl <MO '02 lute•'"''· ~ey lntw .wl65 M11tt S.11 MD<IOll CUlr-$00 '03 Wttltt, bi.ct. Int« M713 C,.ttOHI •llCIDlllHO 'O 1 Black, blKlt lntlf •VS451 c, .. , °"' MD<toll IHO Wt. '01 Crttn ten 1nttr f\'4581 ~·· s.u Mlt<IDH MJUO'Ot lllacll IV911B Must S.U MllCIOIS al.120 'el Blac~. blecll lntlf fV3"67 Otteounttd MDCIDHUS'02 Silll.,, bladl 11119' •V3"7 l»&uuntad MllCfDU SI SOO '00 Wllltt, t111 lnt•r •VO!l80 Grett Deal ~SCNI tt• 'tt 8ur111ndy. t•n lntM t\12592 Must Siii 'OUNI <AUUIA 'ft Slut. 1111 Int• IV6049 Dlscou{lt.d 'OISCNICAllll_.'tt 8r.t~. black Inter fV1068 Obcounted QUAll MAHOU$T 'DI Sliver, black lntt1 fV0139 MuttS.11 VW 'AJSAT'02 Silver, If•'! intt1 illV3655 Must S.11 Mt-4SO.St1S 'Q.t .. SM PrlCt $21.996 Factory Rlbate..$2,CXXI NO COST $tt,"S w~~ SM>OttMSRP (Modeh 38U. l8T, 38P,38Q) 'Of ,,_ ,.,,...,_ JU S3000 Off MSRf> (Modlll .tCG) "OC ,,._ WU' w.--S3000 Off "4SRP (Modtl 41.C) "9o..9edrW.,... $1!1,988 (7631MJ&) 'OZ WU'S.-. S20JJll8 (523706) '004r.s.dM 15;988 (7211'51) "Ol~W ..... 13.9118 (706219) 'OZ WIU'W.-19))118 (820576) P\a GcMlrnmlnl ... end ... 1111 ha dwlll nl Wt/....., .....dw91 Mwt.- Ujid lo pnor -Ad Ull'• dr9 lo buli-. o.td~ 5764-1111 S...c..t~ 'ct:f '• ...... Z1'lts ..= Prlctl Guartn work. FrH 11t. Lill375602 71.e.!>38· 153.t 7.390-2945 .. 'S MTOM 'AIMTINO Pion, clun, quality WCH'k lnlarlor/ul and clocks. li703468 949-400-1054 Jeye.e;t'• , ..... ::ft Top Qutl~, Com~t lvt Interior 11 lf648221 C.• Jey 94M50.50M UHllOW caal MMIT ":&.wiut. Houwl:f! Qut bl flH ..timl e L 7 71.e.63Hlll .......... ·~Of M9f noert SEWEii JETTING ELfCTROMC SW LE.Al< Dt llCTIOft , ,._'ti StflrKt ···-· ·-···· .,,.,,. .com -• .. QIAme (t4f)Ml·IHI "°""'a IUSC*AIU rt.UMHRI.~ frwUtltr.= OCTfQJ Dllt. 71 tl.50 "01 NIH_ Ah,_ st Auto, CD. Alto1. Ltlv (202SS1) SlUOO Ml••• 't 1 (Mt~ lCI 2dt, Sspcl, Cold. A/C, am· im ceu. orlt lady owntf book•. 1tCOfft. 111pera cof\4 tllfouallt, SltoO "'9!ll5721 • •• 18111 ·-·..-'·'-...... 'tl CeiitH Q 2•. Slpd, to14, A/C. am· fm cau, or11 led>'-"" b00~1. tecorda, supttb cond throuallt, . SI 795 ~l 8111 98-586-IS88 -·~··-..... Rever 'tS4.0 II • BO!l+m1, black/tan lthr, aup•b cond throuaht. boolls, records S 12. 995 vo..5129""' 96-586-18 -·ecr"·-'fl 1119"CMIH llH Wllll•/Tan, CO, Sharp (684789) $19.900 Strtunt '01 SW2 W..-n 5spd, 1tlcil, sliver. lrtY /.~~~ int.l)fem sound, ""'1hM Ilka new cond $6995 \12JS719 8111 M9-586-llR "' ,..,.,. ,.,,__ .,.,,, loedad, Must Satrl· flet (09C773) $16,900 ,., , .... hlfftw <-Sliver. 5-ap, CO, Low milt•, 11ut price ( 62.3482) $23,900 '01 ~ flqJM• Xtr I Cl. Mi, Lille Hew. loaded (Al8204) S23,!l09 t4f.6S0.2222 Tle'1 .... ...... --.•- BOAT REPAJRS/ ~.;~,.· .seR_m_s __ 3 2 llt e11to, loedtd, BOATS SUPS/ ~~rvf, 11~.l.ocf~ MOORINGS/ :.=,. :.i. s:rn LAUNCHING/ ~~~-STORAGE fH4 '92 AtrHt•, 1uto, ell pwr, mutt IH to btlltvt $3199 v381U036 ..._., ... Wile waeon fl'etn Oft; 68k ml. It .... ,.,....., '*· ..... CGllCI, -*<Dt7 CJ-y 1>1 .... lS iitfy 31k m. 1<88 &riO Wiiii ~ .. price. ~Slll991915 . .. ,_ LE. • 3 llltr, auto. 7 pess. loaded, 1 Int •11•1>9 $6999 tlOC 12 .......... cs. \16, l8tr .... dwll. top ol .. Int, nut -lo ~ S8IJ!il9 R:I O#IN -. IOCIZM5 a.....y ... Ito., V6 4 311!, hilh output, LS -'"· lcMchd, must , ... $8440 •5376 ..._., '9S s...I Sedan. lint _,.. 1 • -· t\M:ICb .... nut ... $:Ja o.«:12 ..... '0112JOO, rid. Sspd. or4y $131 m. ..... -i. ~ucll er 1.ll llmt wtda 18199 -Mll157 TOMATO AUTO WJS 714-37 ... 21 IJ 714-417-19'1 Pllftlblng "-l<KIPlUM .... R•p•lr• • ltemodtllnc FREE ESTIMATE U61739t 714·9119-1090 ~ Al."2r:!.W.• • •C--W (949) 548-0769 TrvelMlll ....... h'-4 .. ,, f()( ul> to SOit IM)al, ull or lowar profile powttboat prtf11red. 949 675 48A7 It's the solu- tion you 're searching/ or· whether you 're seeking a home, apart· ment,petor ·new occupation! TutoM9 Semca Crtllttfltlel"8 T-clter nell lor lutor1n11 1n all 1ubjecls 1\-1 R•fttancu t'lall Diane 949-689-719' WaJICMrtnp ""' & ...... ,..., Custom Hand Pal11ttd ""* & fat•, Plllntlrw. Mil lot lln Q'681 .... THI SH""al sg:cltlllln1 In Wa papr Removal LttUl:241949·360·1211 Window Cltlnlng OOU>INWISt WJHOOW sraVt<I Sah•facUon Guarent"d * 949-631-11162 .. CllSSlflfO It's the solution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home, apartmen~ pet or new occupation! • • . . ~ -• • • • , t' • • /0 ' ,.. ... .. - # .. , - .... ....... -..... ~ .. -.. " ,. .. 2004 i)~y OC fair & Expo Costa Mr.so MMCH 4 ... 6 JUNE 10 ... 12 SEPT 50 ... OCT 2 NOV 11~14 'Netetl<.rl~~e 9-9 ~nde 9-5 ,. tPleaae use ga+e #0 Sa+.) Free Adtnlsslon 6-Par!<-lng ~c;;~ti;t;+~ Da+es and T' mes +o be: announced on our websr+e:. F>r<;S<;n.ts I-loltJay 0hoppthj' AJv<;ntu~<;S /) -OrangG CoU>nty · Fatr ~Expo · · ahJ th~ ~ AnahGtm • . Con1/lnt1on CGntgr ·~10&~. - FE8TX~l\L© One of the largest shows of its' kind in 1Soutnern California. 0 t ~~~·1 . ~~ ..... .-Ii ................... ~- •' .. -