HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-12 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 12, 2003 PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /OAILY PILOT Mason Cooper, 7. hands a carnation to veteran Arcadio Agunod dunng a Veteran's Day ceremony at St John the Bapbst Catholic School on Tuesday. Agunod, 96, is a purple heart recipient who served m both World War II and the Korean War. Below, fourth-grader Caeh Siddall plays the recorder with her classmates dunng a rendition of "Yankee Doodle Dandy.* Honoring those here and abroad M1rlaa O'Neil Da1lyP1lot M arine Staff Sgt. David Alexander couJd hear the fifth-grade class at SL John the Baptist Catholic School In Costa Mesa sing the Corps' theme song from nearly 2,000 mlles away. Stationed in Hawaii, he listened on the phone Tuesday as hJs sister sat m a pew at the school's annual Veteran's Day program. holding her cell phone out toward the singers. Last year, Alexander stood front and center with other veterans -and military personnel at the program. but this year duty called. Students, parents and parishioners salute veterans at St. John the Baptist Catholic School. THINKING ALLOWED "I lcnew it wouJd mean a lot to him to hear it." Susan Levy said as she cradled her 5-month-old son, Nicholas. "I See HONOR, Paae A4 Battle scars at the ripe old age of twenty-something I t used to be that Veteran's Day con1ured up images in my head of my grandpa -of the photo he used to show me in which he was free from wrinkles and heart medication. His strong i.houJders were pulled back in his Army unlrorm, the dressy version of the umform he wore while serving in World War II. rllis year the image Is one of a fresh young face. The kind of ldd you wouJd '>ee wallc.ing around Orange Coast College with backpack In hand, rushing from one class to the next. The same girl you might run Into ripping your dcket stub at the movies or serving your rti . I LOLITA HARPER \ dinner. There is a new generation of war veterans and they are a remarkable mix of youthful Innocence and mature wisdom. Theirs Is a wisdom that comes from hard-fought battles In the Iraqi desert, where they learned the vaJue of a decent meal, the meaning of teamwork and the fragility of Ufe. J caught up with 21-year-old, Newport Beach Marine Ian Voss, who recently rerumcd from tus tour in Iraq. Thankfully I caught h!m between celebrations He was home brieOy. talcing a 'lhower to sober up before going to dinner with his father. he said. "I've been drinking since 10 a.m . ." Voss said. "I went to breakfast with my mom and then went to the Shamrock with some Marine friends ... We did a lot of toasting in the bar and that is about it." Veterans of all ages did thelr share of coasting Tuesday and Monday -the See ALLOWED. P•11 A4 . . Two plans l on stage for arts district Costa Mesa City Council has a choice as it decides how the area can best be improved. Deirdre Newm1n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -When city leader-; consider the best way to require South Coast Plaza Town Center propeny owners to improve tts aesthetics and character. they will have two opuons. One, put forth by planning and redevelopment staff members, recommends ap- proving the long-awaited Theater and Arts District Plan. whJch was required by the de- velopment agreements for the Segerstrom Town Center, Seg- erstrom Center for the Arts and TWo Town Center. The other, suggested re- cently by PlannJng Commis- sioner Katrina Foley, proposes to bypass the plan altogether. Instead, Foley wants to ac- complish similar goals and COSTA MESA also provide funding for aru and music in the Costa Mesa public schools without all the plan's bureaucracy. ·Monday, the Planning Commission unanimously approved both proposals, leaving the decision to the City Council. One resident, at least, has already made up her mind - for Foley's proposal. "I'm a big believer in the arts." saJd Olarlotte Alexan- der. "I can't imagine a school system that doesn't have an outstanding arts program be- cause you never know what's going to capture a child's imagination -what quirky little thing will keep someone straight and whole and achieving in life. It could be musk or plcldng up a paint- brush or reading a great book. "The thinS' we don't plan on are often the lhinS' that make life worthwhile and I'm thrllled It's available,· she said. The commission had con- tinued the Theater and Arts See Pl.ANS, P•1• A4 Police identify dead carjacker Police say the man who died in a Costa Mesa trash bin on Monday was Adam Casler of Nevada. DHpa Bh1r1th Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The Orange County Coroner has identified the man who died on Monday after diving in a tr~h container to evade po- lice as 25-year-old Adam Cas- ler of Nevada Casler reportedly attempted to rob and carjack a woman In the parldng lot of a Ralphs supermarket Monday after- noon, police 'iald. He died minutes after diving into a Dumpster at a nearby condo- minium complex In an at- tempt to flee from authorities. police said. The circumstances in whJch he began running away from the scene and how he ended up In the lrash bin are still not clear, Costa Mesa Polke Lt. Dale Birney said. He declined to comment further stating that the Inci- dent is stlU under Investiga- tion. The cause of Caslet's death has also not yet been deter- mined. said Joseph Luclty, su- pervising deputy coroner. "An autopsy has been done," he said. "But It was in- conclusive." Lucky said a battery of tests, including toxicology tests, wiU be done in the following weeks to determine how Cas- ler died. He added that Cas- ler's last known address was In Nevada. Lucky declined to comment on whether there were any gunshot wounds or other vislble Injuries on Cas- ler's body. - Police said on Monday that the call had lnJtially come out as attempted robbery, but that it later evolved into a carjack.- Ing. Officers spent almost two hours outside the trash bin as SM CARJACKER, P•11 M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~cim Mourners remember that loving feeling WEATHER ~ Threat of rain lhould hang over Newport-Mesa 111 day. SEE PAGEA1. CITY COUNCIL Newport Beech city ludera wlll consider dropping anot"-r $94,000 Into tht reconstruction of N.wport Harbor High'• pool at tonight'• City Council meeting. SEEPAGE AS SPORTS Newport Harbor High graduate Eddie Johnaon 11 getting a ftefd full of e>tpelienoe .. the purur for the NFC. Minn.tote Vlkln91. SIEPAGEM A crowd honors the memory of Bobby Hatfield, who died last week at 63. Deep• Bh1r•th DailyP110t IRVINB -The many worlds thar Bobby Hatfield Inhabited for the lut 63 years fused Into one Tuesday afternoon. Runl)y members. frlends and hundreds of tam Jammed Mari- ner's Cllurch to celebrate the life of the man who wu musld.n, husband, father, &lend and prac- dcal joker rolled In one. Hatfteld, who Ilona with his partner Bill Medley and their band, the Rl&bteout Brothen. pioneered what hu been hailed as blue-eyed soul, died lut week In a hotel room In Michigan halt an hour before taking the stage for a scheduled performance. The Newpon Beach duo stuck together for 41 years and was In· ducted Into the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame earlier this year. On Tuesday, giant screens played and re-played the band'• biggest hits while Oashing con- cert pictures and vldtos. Those In attendance swaYe<l to the Wt· ~~ notet of •unchained Melo· dy" and tapped their feet to the evergreen beat of "You've Lo r That Lovin' Feeling ... Those who knew him be'3l re· membered Hadleld as they bar· tied a barrage of emotions. They expressed grief and devastarton ct his sudden demise, but be- SM HAmELD, Paa•M MMK C. DUS~ I DM.Y fllOT Bobby's daughter, Vallyn, wipes away a tear wt1ile she speaks about her father in Tuesday's memorial service at Marinefs Churct\. - ~ 1 • r Wednesday. ~ 12. 2003 .LOCALS ONLY , NEIGHBORS Pauf Fnlnk. crettlve dil'9ClOt •nd hffd dealgnet of Pltul f,..llk lnduttMs, lnc.lnCocta M ... 1nd fe>nTMr Orange Coat College •rt ~~ . ~' 't... . J:, I , '·~ ~" 1 . . < .. •nd fnhlon Paul frank student recently taught five Nalk>n• of Current tuues In fahion at occ in tandlm whh his former iMtructor ctNtsdN Amaral. 1n 11aodate profeaor of f•ahion ... ROl'VM Brim, director of wetsuits and~ for Hurley lntemetlonal, was• guest inatruetor recently at Orange Coast College for iU Current lswea in F.ahlon course ... Marin• Corps Pvt. K.,t. A. c..m.1, son ofleny end J•nMt T. c..H1u of Com Meu, recently completed 12 weelts of basic tr1inlng et Marine Corps Recruit Depot Kyle A Casillas greduated from Estancia High in 2003 ... ~m .. E. Garmon former OCC and Coastline Community College administrator was selected aa pruident of Orange Coast College'• new Ementus Institute .. A.chef P9r'U tt.mtttion. Costa M..-reaident and former~ of the OCC'a Alumni end Frienda Aan., WM recently Mlected u the vicl Pf"ldent of the Emerltua lnstlMe .•. Judy UndNy of Coct.a M ... WH selected N NCf9tary and treasurer of the Emeritu1 lnltitute . M•rine Corp1 unce Cp;. MdW>IM a. ZerwnbJ, aon of Sheny A.~ of Cocta M ... •nd Scott A z.,..mby of Albion, recentfy returned from en eight-month deployment embartced on bo•rd the USS two Jun. white ealgned to the 28U't Marine Expedrt.ionery, N8M In Camp Lejeune. N.C .... Frank Norm1ndin of Cotta Meta was recognized by the Rotary Club of Santa Ana u October Student of the month 111 Mater Def High School. Norm1ndln la active clubs In cluba, the Aaocleted Student Body, Cempu1 Miniltry and athletk:I. He hat • 3.27 gred•point 8V8f'809 and 11 involved with the National Honor Society. Reneiuance 1nd speech and debate. • NEIGHBORS tPolhghta ediievementa In the community. Please direct noteworthy rnformation to Lui• Pena by fax at (949) 646-4170, or tend e-mail to lu1• pen11@l11t1me1.com. PET OF THE WEEK Rottweiler mix Homeowners assodadons continue to hinder adoptions of larxe breed dop and cau.e grief for people Who adopt puppies that grow above bdgbt~ns. ·eo· II a 9·month·old. spayed female, Rottwdltt mix puppy who WU rac:ued by C:OmmunJty AnJma1 Network with tht help o( the landlord who rallied agahut h1a homeowners ueodatlon and ri&bd ftnaridal punlahment to protect the ttt>tal tetWlti' dog. Our reecue team ls faced whh tho continued problem of b&a c1op neec:Una p11cemen1 and noc enough temporary hornet beU1t provided by the pet·kJYin&commwlity. lt took ue quite a Wb1Je and a lot of teleph.orie wort to find NiP&a Scr#a.rt who delcrlbeil her new folltr doc aa •awelOIM" and ... b&g kM tq who loves ~· On a d&Dy bull. our l'8ICUI phone Unee are faced with the problem ot "big dop• ~ lmmedlate help u renters are forced to give up their animab. Cost Meta resident Patti Dennis of Valerie Pollard dog ttainJng wW be uled to provide an evaluation consultation !or the dog. 1be Involvement of a trainer wOJ make It euier for '"Bo• to find the right home and II an added perk for her oew pet parent We ere accepting donations, memo checb to • Bo'• Rescue,· Her tr1l1ning and the vet medlcal nec.iesst.~ were q¢te Cold)t Someone wW get a peat~ The Community Anlmel Network 11 • oommu~ppe>n.d lnfmfl ~!Inking people and pees lhrOugh communil'( action. S.. of*' 1nlmtle avail.oi. for edOptloft all www.~°"' orltlOC> bv ~llO't pet ttOr9 M FleNon lllend ~noon end 4 p.m. on W'Mbnda. lnfonnltion: tMtl 7&1-314e, Of~ 10 m. Commu~ AOltNI Netwofti at P.O. Bole 1982. Ntwpott 8-d\, CA92968. Daily.A Pilot \ .......... Glne Alexander, Lorl Aridit9on, 0.niel Hunt. ,_ s.l1owtu. o..ia-... NIWllTM' ~ ...... Crinw end oouna repotter, (Ml 174-4221 t#apll./JIM,.,,•"1tlrrw.oom JuMCss 1•• NMpott IMdl '9POfllr, ,...,.,..m /unt.~n<»•IMlmfle.oom L.Olea ... • Colum• ou~ r9POftM, (IMl)PM211 loltta.harpM·~ ~ ...... Cotti Mete ,.,.., ,..., 67"'4221 dlirdfe,,,....,,..,,.,.ma«ll'I .... O"Nll Education ntpOl'ter, (Mtl 17~ tnMfu.°'*1•i.ri,,,.. com ""'* "9fte NfW9 ...ittant. (148117~281 lu11.f»M•""""'-·com FOR A GOOD CAUSE MARK C. OUSffi/OAl.Y PLOT Newport Beach resident Don Krofee helped place 12 homeless children in the Orange County Phoenix House. The children are originally from a Phoenix House tn San Diego, but the home was destroyed during the recent fires. Finding a place for the displaced S ometimes, what dlildren need most Is love. Other times, It's discipline. But every once ln a while, a child ln need can use someone who knows how to cut through red tape. children -not all 13. Normally, it would take about a month to untangle the web of bureaucracy required to get the approvals -a month in which the children had no place to stay. around fire codes that designate how many pf.Opie can occupy a space. Newport Heights resident Don Krotee was able to come to the rescue of 13 children whose San Diego C:Ounty group home was destroyed in the recent wildfirel>. Krotee, who found out about the situation through his Santa Ana planning and architectural firm, had a strong suspicion he might be able to help. ·Then we saw some reorganization ln the mens"and women's dormitories could allow to the others," he sald. The quick response of Krotee and the fire marshals allowed the children to get shelter in about a day instead of a month. The adolescents of Phoenix Academy's Descanso facility. which b a one-year treatment program for drug and alcohol problems, got shuffled around to several faciht1c\ after the wildfires destroyed the place they called home. Phoe~ Academy's Santa Ana facility offered the children shelter. but state and local rules onl>• allowed them to take in a few more He toured the Sa,nta Ana Phoenix House with the fire inspector. using his architect's eye to scrutinize the layout and design of the place to make better use of the space. "We went through and we found an underutilized conference room, and it had a large enough area to house some of the kids: Krotee said, explaining that the restrictions centered mainly ·we were able to adjust our program so that these kids could receive treatment on a continuous basis." said Winnie Wechsler, executive director of Phoenix Houses. who credited all the state and local agencies for their help in making that happen. ·There was no interruption of these kids' treatment." Theu people h•ve been •rre.ted r•c•ntly on •u•piclon of driving und•r the influenc• of •n intoxicant. They h•v• only been •rrHt•d on •u•picion of• crlm• •nd, H with •11 •u•pect•, •re con•id•r•d Innocent until proved gullty. COSTA MESA Sund1y • Anthony Thomea Ven1u1doll, 32, Coat• Meu P'HOTOOlllAPHERS Martt C Ouatln, Don l..Nctt, l<MTIT~ RIAOERI HOTUNE llMI) M2.eoe8 Record your oomm.ntt about the Dally Pilot or newt tlpe. Addf..- Our lddtWN It 330 W S.y St., CoSU1 ~.CA 82927 OfnC9 hours are Monday· Friday, 1;30 a.m. · 5 p.m. '" ConceillM It la the Piiar'• polley to promptly OOfT9Ct 111 errore of aub91.anoe. Pl .... call llMI) 704-4324. NI The N9wport BeecM:oN ...... Deity flllot (U5'S-144-8001 It publl&Md dally. In Newpott 8ucti and Co.ti ~. aubtcr1ptlona are av1llable only by aubtcrlblng to The Tlmea Orange County (IOO) 2524141 In ,,... out9ldt of Newpoft Beed\ Ind Cotti Meea, tubecrlptlona 10 the 0.lly Pilot .,, evallable otlfy by nm ct ... m.11 for S30 per month. (ftrlcea Include all appllclble ttat. Ind local &MM I POSTMASTER: Send lddreae cNno-to The Neiwport ~ Meaa Delly Piiot, P.O. lolC 1NO, Cotta Mell. CA 92'2&. DUI ARRESTS •Martin Bahena-Arzate, 30, Costa Meu • Matt Henry Wunder, 31, Cypreu S1turd1y • Alex1nd1r Edward Aah, 24, Costa Meu • Frederick John Waailewakl: 20, Coate Meaa • Jared LH Fuller, 24, Huntington Beecn •Erick Santiago Cotl·Hernandez. 26, Loi Angel ea • JHon Kelly Lancatter, 22. Riverside Frid1y • Abeltrdo Mejia. 21 , Santa Ana Thursday •Heather Katherine Murphy, 21 .Cotta Meu Wednesday • Blair George Ston1, 23, Co1ta Meal NEWPORT BEACH Monday • David Mlcnael Wyatt, 40, Hawaiian Gardena -Jum Casagrande • JHon C. Bon, 37, Newport BHch Sunday • Ctrl W. Gardolfo, 55. Bolingbrook, Ill. Saturd•y • Brian Kenneth Eachbach, 31 , S•n Clemente • Joseph MlchHI Kelleher, 26, Huntington Beech • John Larson Gre1teth, 28, Newport BHch Thursday • J1ml1on Herold Sung. 27, Monrovia Copyright No news 11toriee, lllU11t1.rlon1, klltorlal matter or adVert1Mment1 herein can be rac>rodu~ wfthout wnttan permlNlon of copyright owner SURF AND SUN HOWTO~US Circulation The Timas Orange County (900) 252·11141 ~ Chult\ed IM9l M2·&e78 Dilipley (948) 142~21 EdlloMI New9 (!Mil 84'2·5e80 ltMMU (949) 574-<Wl New9 ... (M9) ~170 lf»0"9 re <Ml l50-0110 IE-fNI: dllllypilof•lllt1,.,....com ~()Moe ....... °"* 19491842-4321 ....... ,.. (Mt) 631-7120 Publlthed by Tlmee Community Ntwt, 1 dMalon of me Loa~ Timea ~ TitMa CN. All rightl t.-v.d. WEATHER FORECAST It •hould be mostly cloudy with a chance of rein throughout the day. The high• wlll be from 66 to 73. The Iowa wlll be from 63 to82. Information: www.nws.noa•.gov BOATING FORECAST l ight v1l1abte wlndt at 1 ... th•n 10 knob on the Inner Wltlrl wlll become wett«ly It 10 to 16 knotl by the •ftemoon. The wevee will be 2 feet or emeller on • wfft aw.II of 3 to 6 fHt. After midnight, the winds will be nontMrty at 10 knota. F1rther out the varleblt wfnd1 wUI become northwesterly at 10 to 16 knotl In the afternoon. NotthWMt of Sen Nlc:hot11 l1land, the winds wlll be northw.sterty 1110 to 20 knota. , Th• WIVH wlll be 3 fMt on I Wiit awell of 4 tO 8 ffft, At night, the wlnd1 wlll be out of the north It 10 to 20 knots. The wev11 will ahrlnk to 2 feet or 1m1ll1r. SURF Th• northwett wlll really cut back on for w1ve1 In the kn••·hlgh r•nge. A 1llght burst of touthWMt twell might mike for w1l1t· to chett-hlgha •t IOUtMlclng brHk:t. w.ter qu1thy: www.1urfrl<J.r.ol'(I TIDES nm. 3:161.m. 9:461.m. &:21p.m. 12:43e.m. ........ 2.77feetlow S.&e ffft high 0.31 fHtlow 3.20 fHt high WATER TEMPERATURE 8edegrH1 Milestone for O.C.'s Habitat for Humanity Costa Mesa home is the lOOth built in the county, and group's l ,OOOth in the state. Allcla Robinson Daily Piiot With the help of many hands that lald a cornerstone. Marlt Findlay and hls wife, Quoline, will SQOn reach a personal mile- stone. The Find.lays will become homeowners and resJdenta of Costa Mesa when they move with their three daughters Into a new home, the lOOth house built by the Orange County chapter of Habitat For Hwnanlty. On Tuesday, Habitat For Hu- manity volunteers and members of Girl Scout Troop 1734 were among a crowd of about 150 celebrating the construction of the Pomona Street home, which is also notable as the l ,OOOtb home built In California by a Habitat chapter. Habitat for Humanity Is an international organwuion that builds affordable housing with donated materials and volunteer labor. Future homeowners are Included In the building process.. Mark Findlay was Involved with his house every step of the way. "I did roofing. a little bit of painting. concrete," he said. "I was here almost every week.· FindJay was one of many vol- Fl.£ PHOTO I DAILY Pt.OT Volunteers lift one side of a house built by Habitat tor Humanity in Costa Mesa. The house, which was finished Tuesday, will belong to Mark and Caroline Findlay. unteers who helped build, said Pete Major, executive director of Habitat for Humanity of Orange County. Recruiting people to build homes Is no trouble, Major said. The problem is where to build. F'lnding land for homes is .. the Achilles heel of Habitat for Hu· manity of Orange County.• Ma· Jor said. "We rely on government and private landowners to make land available so that we can build," he said. And theres a high demand for everything Habitat can build. Major said four families were rt'· cently selected from a.bout 400 that applied 10 Uve In existing or future Orange County Habitat projects. With the city's skyrocketing home prices. •affordable hous- ing Is very, very difficult to find or provide,• Costa Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan said. The local shortage of afford- able housing shows no signs of Improving. According to Orange County's 2003 Community Indicators re- port. Jn July 2002 just 22% of households in Orange County could afford the median priced single-family home, which then cost $432,630. lbat 22CJJ, was a leYttl·polnt drop from the 29' of house- holds that could afford the COWlty's median priced home In 2001. For now. Orange County's Habitat chapter Is combating the problem as best It can. The Find· lays' home shares Its Pomona Street lot with one other single· family home and two buildings mat will each house two famlUes -all built by Habitat for Hu- manity. The group ts also working wirb the Orange Gounty Technology Collecttve, a councll of nonprofit technology associations, 10 offer Habitat homeowners acce& to technology-related products. tra.ln.ing and work experience. Major said knowing how to use technology ls a valuable tool to help end poverty. ln keeping with those techno· logical goals. the Findlay·~ house will be equipped with a wirel~ network connection. But that's not the only reason the f:amUy is excited about mov ing in. ·rught now we're living with my parents, so we're looking for· ward to it," said Findlay, who plans to move In to the home in February when the rest of the homes on the lot are completed. The house will mean more to the family because they helped build it, he said. uwe've seen it from the ground up, . . . plus we've known our neighbors from day one." Decision on pooling more resources tonight NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW Newport Beach City Council co uld give more money for reconstruction of the pool at Newport Harbor High School. June CaH1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The City Council will vote tonight on whether to chip in an additional $94,000 to help Newport Harbor High School refurbish its swim- ming pool, bringing the city's to· tal contribution to about $250,000. The city last year agreed to chip in for the pool's refurbish- ment under pressure from New· port-Mesa School Boa.rd offidals who argued that. because the city uses the pool for some of its recreation programs. It should FOR THE RECORD pay some of the upgrade costs At the time, school board offi· ciaJs wanted to split up the estl· mated SI-million work Into two phases. "The school district had come to us and said, 'You use the pool somewhaL Would you be willing to help pay for the refurbish- ment?' which we agreed to do," City Manager Homer Bludau said. The city agreed to chip ln S 156.000 -25% of the $625,000 price tag for the first phase of the work. But once work staned, It became clear that there was no ruming back. ·When we got engaged in the first part and saw what we were actually dealing with it became apparent that we couldn't do that," explained Paul Reed, as- sistant superintendent for the Newport-Mesa Unified School District. "It was not going to be cost effective.• Reed explained that, if the work were done in two phases, part of the first phase would have to be tom up in order to do the second half of the work. add- ing to the project's cosL Rather than spread out the cost of the work over a second budget cycle -a plan that would cost more later to post· pone some spending now -dis· trict officials realized that the $1 million worth of work should be done all at once. They proceeded with the work without assur- ances that the city would up Its contribution. Council members will decide • tonJght whether 10 chip in an ad ditional $94,000 to help offset the costs. The city uses the pool for swim classes, lifeguard training and~­ erclse classes. Reed said that work on the pool is nearly done and It's almost ready to reopen. • SnNl-Pri•11t1 for M1" do Wo111t• • 011tr 80 Pitc11 of Eft1ip11tt"t • Prlt111u Pilllt11 Stt1.io • SPINNING Tl111111r with N1w St11t1·1f 1'11-Art Cytkt. • J 6 F#/J-1i1111 P1rto""I 7r11i"'" • C/Ji/J C.r1 811•-"''" M • S11t . • c,,.,,,,,,,,,, p.,,,,.,,, • Y•t•• ui Chi, Smull C"""' • Sup, P11111r P••I• C.r•I• • Sh1wr1, St'""' d-Towtu . o., s,. • At"l""a.rtlM1t111111/ChlH/rtttt1r l Here are some items the New- port Beach ary C.OunciJ will consider tonight. NO STUDY SESSION Tunight's public meeting won't begjn until 7 p.m.. as there's no study session sched- uled for this afternoon. RECOVERY HOUSES In response to a series of complaints about noise com· Ing from the Narcanon resi- dential drug rehab on Balboa Peninsula. council members tonight will consider what can be done about nuisances caused by recovery houses. If council members vote yes to- night. it will begin a proc~ of revising zoning ordinances to give the city more control WHAT TO EXPECT Council members have little to lose and much 10 gain by voung yes on tonight's agenda item. The hem would not mean any change would come. ii would just be the first step toward deciding what changes can be made and whether the city wttnts to pumue them In the future. It's also a safe bet that residents affected by such businesses or worried about future recovery houses moving Into town will have a lot to say on the subject tonight. ARCHITECT GOETZ CLIENTS Fonner dients of architect Andrew Goetz could get some protection from the dty m light of recent charges that Goett may have ~ survey data on varioll-1. projects. O>undl members will consider isrulng FY1 WHAT: Newport Beach City Council meeting WHEN: 7 p m tonight WHERE: City Council Chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Bl11d INFO: Agend111 and staff reporu ere a111ilable online at http:ltwww.c1ty.newport beach.cs.utr, for Information by phone, call (9491 644-3000 a "special circwnstances v-.ui ance" for the 30 to 35 home!. that may have been built OUI. side city guidelines due to false survey information. WHAT TO EXPECT Oty Attorney Bob Burnham has drafted the agenda item as a starting point for COWlCiJ members to discuss their op- tions. The council could choose instead to require any and all homes out of compU· ance to remodel or they wuld decide 10 do nothing at all. SEASHORE DRIVE STORM DRAIN Oty Council members will consider how to deal with a delicate situation involving the California Regional Water Quality Control Board. The board has been putting pres· sure on the city to report back on its efforts to clean up pollu· I.ion from a stonn drclln in the Seashore Drive area into the Santa Ana River. WHAT TO EXPECT The city has committed to taking steps to help prevent polluted runoff in the area. But some worry that this stonn drain is being held to a higher standard than other stonn drains throughout the region. -C.Omplkd by ]WU! Ca.sagmnde Wednesday, NoYember 12, 2003 AJ Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • c.ocktalls 000Qualicy Scnice' '• 00"NigtuJy Eotenalnment ... I u1· l/r,,, ,.,,,,,.,,, (~II <9·iCJ) 6·th. 7'J·M ICJ'J~ 11,ln, ,\\.t.' .. C .u .. 1.1 \'4,·,,. I>··~,.'""" w-. '-'' r-' _. • r ...... ,... .... • .. WHY PAY RETAIL? WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC • /11>;,., t5.171a/1d_N/.</if;_,,.,,.N/I • GIA & EXlL Certified Di&monds r ..J_._ • Customized Orders •Engagement & Wedding Rings • Repairs While You Wait • 16 Independent Merchants @j~ Floral & Gifts '1~ ~ Z'UM 'Jen ~ ~o.e en tJffe:.e 50 °10 0FF Decorated Wreaths• Topiaries• Ga.elands Mon-Fri 10-5:30 •Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street #13. Costa Mesa• (949) 646·6745 I A.rt"> from Ralph I M ~. ~ 12. 2003 PlllUCWETY POLICE FILES coaa-. ........................ .......... ,. ............... ~ 11 l:O'IP-n\. ....... ............... ............... .._., ... _ report.d .. ,.p.m. ..... . •c....-..... ,. .... ~ ... ,......... .... 3t00 baodc at ~ e.m. SUnc:lltV. • ..... -.....: All-'* WM l'llP0n9d In h 100 blodl .. 2:Cll2 p.m. ~. • ...... Vlllle...,. .. All IMMilt w NIPOltld lft the 100 blOdi .. 12::0l un. Mondty, ·~lallll1u•&Ahotne burglMy w rtpOrtld In.,_ 2tOO bfo<* 11tl:t e.m. ~. ALLOWED Continued from Al birthday of the Marine Corp. Rugged, retired Gunnery Sgt. George Teplch, also a Newport Beach resident. snJd be was moved by the young men and women who joined him at a huge Marine Corp birthday pany at the Arches, whJcb is owned by retired Marine Danny Marcheano. The veterans ate, drank and shared stories from the battlefield. ·11 was a gre;it pany, Danny really outdJd him.self this time but when I 53w those young Marines .. • his voice Lrailed off. Teplch was 24 when he served in the Vietnam War and said he could recalJ what It was like to be ·a kid In the middle or hell.· He started telling a litory In the jungle, whlle he served as a com.bat engineer ofRclal but stopped abruptly. -You don't wanna hear about it,· he sald. ·Anyways. it was very emotional for me. It always ts. But it was even more so with an or our young Marines." Young Marines, such as V~ who endured the thick of battle, practically lived In a tank and survived for days at a time with tittle food or rest, before he was even able to legally toast his military brethren on Veteran's Day. Voss just turned 21 about a month ago. •1t's pretty much a tradition that on Veteran's Day and the Marine Corp b~ that you get yoWtiell trashed, Voss said. ·1 combined them both today because I had school yesterday.· But the drunken party life is ' n ...... C....~Grllllii ... ,_...In IN 1100111ocl Mtetl7a.m.~ ... ,.... ... ~ .... ... 1tp0n.d In thl 100 ...... .. 1z::r7 P,tn. aun.y, •&fORTIUCH • ..... • • • "1wod1ll1m -flllt1Mllnlhl20000 ................. • c:..-...: Loud rnulic .. repoMd In .. 1100 blodc lit 10;2'~ Mondfy • . .--.. .... ~-­"'*'9d In .. 700 bloc* It 2;0I p;m. Moltdjy • • h _. 1 ... llMlt; Atlutglary -I IP 1 ltid In ... 1100 bloct .. 4 PJ:ll. ..... • •• ---: 'YMdelam -~lnltleolOObkd 11t 10:<JI p.m. M~. an anomaly for Voss, who pends most of his lime at Orange Coast CoUege or wortlng for lhe Pun Zone Boating Co. as a harbor tour guJde. The discipline instilled In him d\.IJ'lng the corps has not faded, as he diligently-works his wuy through coUege. • 1 work a lot and go to school a lot,• be said ·Tuday Is my first day off in ... I don't know how long.• His mother, Marsha Stelnbrenner. was pleased to steal away some time with her flOn on the special day. he said she was moved by the lessons she was learning from her own child and floored by what he has accomplished at such a young age. "He showed me some of his photos from being In battle for the first time today ... they were very moving," she said, with a snUlle. "He still doesn't talk too much about it and I learned not to ask a lot or questions .• For Steinbrenner, Veteran's Day was always about her Cather-In-law, who served as a bomber in World War n. or people she knew that served In Vietnam. But today II was about ·her baby." "My son. at 21-y~-old, is a war veteran," she said. •That really made It a lot more real. And my awareness was heightened that there are so many more of them over there, getting killed, or hurt. We all must put them In our prayers and not forget them.• • LOUTA HAAP£R wrilea columns Mondays, Wedneedeys end Fridays. She mev be reeched 111 (9"9) 57...a275 or by •mall at loliU.hMpertlllltimn.com. No matter what you're doing, your hometown newspaper FITS D il Pil I IN... a y ot HATFIELD Continued from Al carnt ecswk and n05t.alglc wb1le remembering the gOod timel they had aha.red wfth hhn. That lncistve wtt and wick_ed sense of humor everyone seemed to adore In Hatfield was ever-pttSent throughout the seMce. ·1 ftnally got my dad to come to church with me today,· aaJd HadieJd's daughter, va.tlyn. Bd'ore the laughs died down. she choked up and said tearfully: ·eut I always thought It. would be for my wedding. Not for his funeral lt'a too soon." His son Bobby Jr. said Hatfield was the "kindest man~· who would indulge his fans and treat everyone with respect -rrom waiters, bus boys and casino workers to band members and others who worked ror hlm and with hlm. His partner Bill Medley said he had no words to describe the bond between the two. •1 can't explain that bond." he said "I wouldn't even try.· Medley talked about the night he and Hatfield drove to the Ren- dezvotu Ballroom in Balboa for their first concert as the RJght- eou,, Brothers. In the car, for the first time, they heard themselves on the radio. ·we were like a couple of 13- year-old girls," he said. "We were so excited to hear ourselves. It was an lnaedible feeling.· ·We pulled over to the side or the street." he added, ·and then we made out for a little bit ... • A roar of laughter foUowcd as Medley smlled and nodded. ·we were together for 41 HONOR Continued from Al wish he could be here for this. Maybe next year.· A student body of about 600, parents. parishioners and the odd ceU-phone listener honored and remembered veterans in the fourth annual event at the school. Military veterans and personnel, Including two recently returned from service In Iraq, filled the first three pews at the service. Each received a single, whlle carnation from a student. "Every day Is a good day to thank a veteran for fighting for our country so we can live the PLANS Continued from Al District plan several times to al- low the applicants -the Orange County Performing Arts Center. South Coast Repertory. South Coast Plaza an<f Com- monwealth Partner&-enough time to addre~ lingering ques- tions from commis.sloncrs about the development agree- ment& Development agreements are hashed out before the city gives Its approval to certain projects and usually Include applicants committing money to the city for community benefits In re- turn for entitlement!! they re- ceive. The plan's Intent is to ·create a sense of place and Identity withln the Theater and Arts Dis- trict and to provide a fundlng mechanism for public lmprove- ments, • Foley said. It would ac- complish this through thin~ such u landscaping, slgnage, lighting standards and banners. South Coast Pla7.a Partners. which Includes South C..oast Plaza. the Orange County Per- forming Arts Center, South ~t Repertory Theater and the new concert hall. was required to fund $1 million In improvements ln the area. through its d~lopmeat agreement And CommonWealth Partners. which owns 'JWo 1bwn Center. WIS required lo fund $1.2 million. Foley l&ld abe had been wres- tling with the plan and won- dered If It wu needed at all •tt teemed to me that It was an extra layer of admlnlatrallon where the goals or the plan wem lofty and good but could be ac- compllsbed without all this ad- mlnlltntJon.. ahe a.aid. stnce there wu only a limited amount of funding neces&4ry for pubtk lmprovetneota - CARJACKER Contilled from Al they U1ed to get a re ponse from CUier. Sliney Iii.Id thlt CUltt WU ~ for the ftnc 10 mlnu and •hat lie Ml~ tbt adea Of the Cont.llrier, but th nMMmerua Mopped within mlmrta. Plilaiiiecika eumined Cbler years." he said. ·We were like this old married couple. We were. even beginning to look lilce each other.· ·And if I wore tight pants we could even sound like each other," he said with a laugh, re- ferrlng to his own smoky. barl· tone voice that complemented his partner's higher tenor. "People told us we were mar- ried except that we dldn't make love." he said. "But when Bobby and I went on stage, that was just like malcing love." He would mis.s his friend. brother, partner and their two· pan harmony, Medley said ·I'd miss our roclc 'n' roll and being on stage and looking lo my right and seeing my friend,· he said. American dream," Mayor Gary Monahan sald at the service. Keynote speaker Lenore Rickert, a Navy nurse from 1939 to 1945, hared her experience of worlting in a Pearl Harbor hospital on Dec. 7, 1941. That day. she said, everybody did what they could to pitch in and help those Injured In the air anack. •When I think or Veteran's Day, I thlnlc of everything everybody dld that day,· she said. Levy's daughters, IO·year-old Rachel and 8-year-old Michelle List sang ·vou're a Grand Old Flag" and every grade sang a patriotic song for the veterans - everything from "Yankee Doodle Dandy" on recorders to a special about $650,000 of the $2.2 mil- lion total -she also wondered ir the city could derive more community benefit by ta.king a different path. Foley had also been wrestJlng with trying to find funding for theater arts and music for Costa Mesa students after she found out that funding fo r Sonorn El - ementary School's drama club and Art Masters program had recently been cut. Her son Sam started kindergarten at Sonora this fall. SuddenJy, she had an epiph- any: Why not take the leftover money from the development agreements that wasn't neces· sary for fundlng public irnprove- menll> and use It instead to pro- vide arts ant.I music education for students? "It just dawnet.1 on me, ft Foley sald. ·This is how we can make the community benefit and streamJine this whole process to accomplish two great things. We're the City of the Arts and we should have arts throughout the whole city." Foley's plan suggests that a mini um of $300,000 be allocated to creating an Arts and Music Scholar program to provide funding for programs, produc- tions, courses, field trips and scholarship!! for Cosa Mesa pub- lic school students ages 4 through 18. Paul Freeman, spokesman for South Cout Plaza Partners, saJd the group ls amenable to either alternative and lauded Foley's proposal for lts lngenulty. •1 encourage the council to seriously consider the aJtema- tlve plan, as It Is Inventive." Freeman said. • ~e NEWMAN cover1 Cost. M ... and may be reeched at (9491 574-4121 or by •mall It thlrdf9.MWm•n•tatlmea.com. Lolita Hall* contributed to thll report nnd pronounced him dead. PoUc•~·~ rrom ~ and We> towwt blood on the WllePC>n. Btrtwy aid. tnveedpton att .un taWns to 8cM!nJ people who wttnelled Che lnddent. be llld. •DBM ~CCN'9fS publlc ......, .... COUrtaj'She mey be ~.ttMt'7~orbv HNll., ~-bMr•th• ,.,,,.,,.,. com. Medley's speech was received with a standing ovation. Brad Gerrett. co-star of CBS sitcom ·everybody Loves Ray- mond~ continued where Medley left off rocldng the house with his own brand of humor. ·eobby was really my mentor because he was the only one who could out-drink and out- gamble me: he sald. "There were five words he never said; 'Let's call it a night.'" Band members also narrated fond memories and recalled thelr ~bossft as a man with an in- domitable spirit and as one who lived life to the fullest Those in attendance also learned that Hatfield was actively involved in Lupus International for which he has raised more drum marc.-h. Kmdergartener.. led the crowd ln the Pledge or AJJegiahce and National Anthem -enough to tucker out the average 5-year-old. "l didn't see any of it," kindergartener Sabastien Resonnett-Blues admitted after the program. "I was asleep.· A few heads down from him during the assembly, Adriel Arabe, 5, dozed on 6-year-old Mara.ide Richards' shoulder while she leaned against him, also snoozing. Mara.ide finally stirred. a little confused by the situation, just in time to stand for a medley of armed fon:es tunes. She nudged Adriel awake. But all the ldndergarteners woke up for a visit from U.S. Bill Medley, Bobby Hatfield's longtime musical partner, perlorms MPreclous Lord• on the piano during Tuesday afternoon's memorial service at Mariners Church in Irvine. MARK C. DUSTIN I DAlt.Y PILOT than $1 million by organl7ing charity golf tournament& He got involved with the organization afteT his wife was diagnosed with the dJsease several years ago. Karen and Will ~ of San Oemente said they came to the service to ·show our respect· •They brought a lot of happi- ness to thelr fans.· saJd Karen Banse. ·we just saw them In Las Vegas in June and thelr harmony and stage presence is Incredible. "They may not perfonn any more. But thelr musk wi1l last forever." • DEEPA BHARATH covert public safety.and courts. She may be reamed at (9491574-4226 or by •mall at dtHJps.bhsrsth@lstimes.com. Army Staff Sgt. Thomas Ralph. recently returned from service in Iraq, after the show. His photo bang.g in their classroom and the entire class had been praying for him all year long. teacher CoUeen Pena sald. Ralph graduated from the school in 1983. ·All the ldndergarteners are learning about Iraq now,• 13-year-old Aubrey Brown explained. ·it's important for them to reafu.e things are going on now. To them, fighting ln a war Is something that was done by their grandparents." • MARISA O'NEIL covers education and may be readled at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at mari111.oneil@lstlmn.com. ALLEN, Louise D. Louise 0. Allen passed away at home on Balboa Island, Sunday, November 9, 2003, she was 100 yrs. old. Lou was born July 1903 In the OaJles, Oregon and graduated from SL Mary's Acade my In Portland, Oregon before moving to Pasadena, CA. Her love of people and her famlly wu the reason she became Involved being a den mother, PTA. Member of Pl Beta Chi Sorority, St. Luke Hospital Awclllary, Rose Matie Guild, Delta Tau Delta Mother'• Club, St. John Vlanney Auxiliary, Town •n Gown, Women'• Civic League and Orange County Jr. Phil. Always Interested In famlty activities, learning new things, avid reader and SC football fan, golfer, al'tlst, had a wonderful gift for words. Devoted wife of the late Wllllam Allen, beloved Mother of Wiiiiam 0 . Allen, Moira (Allen) Podlaka, much loved grandmother of: Shauna (Allen} Waller {Bin Wal_,, Ka.art Allen, Melinda (AJlen} Anton, Michael Allen, Annissa Mantrl, and Step Grandmother of Stephen Podlaka, mother-In-law of Eldrid Allen, great-grandmother of Natalie, Blake, Allleon, Caroline. Erle, Kaarl, Ashley, All, Cariaaa and JoahuL She loved us all to pieces! Memonal Services Friday, November 14, 2003 at 1 o am St. John Vlanney Chapel, 304 Marine Avenue on Balboa 191and. In lieu of flowers, those persona desiring to honor her memory, send flowers to YOUR Mother or loved one. Donations can be made In her memory to: Hoeg Hoapltal'a 552 Club or the Sisters of the Hofy ~ ReChment Fund ( Wednesday, November 12, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW 10 .G~ PU8USHED -lAa.r.: Mail to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn-at the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 •Ruden Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mail:Send to ds1/yptlot@l11timn.com •All comtspondence must include full name. hometown and phone number (for verfflcatlon purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions f~r clarity and length. READERS RESPOND Stamp ·not very appropriate during time.s like these AT ISSUE: A U.S . Postal Service stamp honoring the Islamic holiday Eid. When Daily Pilot writer Lolita Harper called me to question the mass e-mail regarding the U.S. Postage stamp commemorating the Islamic/Muslim holiday Ramadan I spoke candidly about my opinion and thoughts as to 'why I agreed that it is inappropriate for our government to release such a stamp. I also concluded in my conversalion that the world ls full of misguided fanatics. The fanatics I was referring to were the extremists who distort the truth and leads others astray with their distorted teachings. People like Adolph Hitler, Charles Darwin, cults like the Ku Klux Klan, world religions, and the atheists. None of these misguided p~ple or groups were present in the laying of the foundation of the United States of America or our Constitulion. Our Conslitution was written by God-fearing men who believed that everyone should be allowed the freedom to believe and pursue happiness. Our forefathers put their ,trust in God and forged their beliefs in our Constitution and displayed ii on our 1.."UJ'Tency. But take a good look our country today. The foundation of belief and trust in God has all but eroded. The God of the Bible Is all but dead. We have shaped God into our own image as we celebrate our own interpretation of who or what we want God to be. Nor do we say that there are absolutes or even such a thing as "sin" in today's "politically correct" world . We shun good and celebrate evil and we invent "disorders" for our immoral and irresponsible acts. If this country will no longer tolerate prayer in our schools or the Ten Commandments to be displayed in our courtrooms, what are we to then swear on if the Bible also is discarded? Will truth then be subjective to every man's own interpretation? And if displaying the Ten Commandments violates the separation of church and state, what business does the United States PostalService have in commemorating any religious holidays? There is only one true God and the only path to him is through Ws son Jesus Christ I believe in the same God as my forefathers. It is my hope that all men would celebrate and worshlp Wrn. And I would hope that this country would repent and tum back to God. Every other road is empty and leads to destruction. These are not my thoughts or opinions, it is God's truth. But fortunately for the liberal and for the perverted in our extremely liberal democracy, you are free to worship and celebrate whatever you so desire. RUSSEU NlEWIAROWSKI Santa Ana Heights In response 10 Lolita Harper's article, "Someone's putting their foot down about a stamp,• Monday: People willing 10 take a stand or matce statements of their convictions are often persecuted. Such is the case in Harper's article regarding the news of the U.S. Postal Service stamp celebrating Ramadan. Harper takes issue with my personal choice to boycott the stamp being used during the Christmas season. My e-mail to friends was in regard to the inappropriateness of the timing of the stamp in light of loss of U.S. lives in the recent past at the hands of Muslim extremists. Christmas is a Christian holiday. And as a Christian, I embrace forgiveness, peace, love, hope and charity. I low is it then that I am being branded as a "misguided fanatic" for stating persona'.! feelings and rights under the Constitutional protection of freedom of speech and religion? How is it that a stamp issuance by the U.S., Postal Service and my choice not to purchase it is worthy of the attack I received from Harper'/ What a shame that the very issues of freedoms of religion and speech, so touted by Harper in her venomous attack on me, are not also extended to me? It is a double-edged sword, isn't it? HEAlliER SOMERS Costa Mesa ln her article about the new postage stamp honoring a Muslim holiday, Lolita I larper seems lo feel that anyone who does not think like her is wrong. Apparently she is not familiar with thousands of years of history. She would attribute the acts of love, peace. and charity toward all to the Muslim faith, while, in fact, all through history Muslims have been counter to most societies in which they live. As ~ericans, we have been targeted by members of this faith because they do not like us. Yet we let them come to this country and exercise their freed om of religion. For our kindness and goodness, many of our own died on Sept. 11 , 200 I. Harper would have us believe that only a fanatical faction of the Muslim religion practice such heinous behavior. Nevertheless, ii is difficult to celebrate their religion while so many have died and while many of our young men and women continue to die trying to help Iraq rid themselves of a dictator as well as find and destroy the terrorists who would do us more hann if possible. To think otherwise Is naive. But then, Harper is young and time will be her best teacher. Meanwhile, if some of us don't want to buy a stamp that honors this holiday, ii is our right as Americans. And ii does not make us bigots or fanatics. ROSE OHR Huntington Beach GIFT GUIDE #I Wednesday, November 26 Thuruiay, November 27 Fritk1y, November 28 l>L~I H IN~ I OR ~l'A< IJAll\I KI ORIAI Wallldclay, ~ml>« 11). lOOl $pm. IJfAllllN~ FOR <.AMIRA IH.Am AO\ Mon&y. Novrmlxr !4 2003 ~ p.m. GIFT GUIDE #2 Wtd11tsday, Dtctmbtr JO Thunday, Dtumbtr 1 I Friday,_ Dtctmber 11 Ol'ADll'41 IOR \rAC'FlADVf.R'IOIUAI W<dnaday, Dealmber }, 2003 S p.m. Of.AOIJNI: FOR C AMMIA RLAUY ADS Monday, Deocmber 8, 2003 S p.m. AJtPASOF CIRCULATION DAILY PILOT Wcdnad.t!I No-cfn!,(t l6 and Dtamber 10, 2003 Nt-wpott 8tach • CoroN ckl Mar NfWPOtt c-. a.. MtM HutmNCroN BEACH INI>En.ND£NT Thinci.y, ~ 11 Wl~ll,200) Hunti')Pll bh <XWTUNB PflDl' Pnclar, ~bcr ll and DunibCI 12. JOO) t..,n.. Bail HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES crrv Of COSTA MESA Costa Mesa Chy Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 764-5223 M..,or. Gary Monahan Coundt: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Scheafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949)644-3309 M.yor: Steve Bromberg Council: Gary Adams, John Helf8man. [)id( Nichols, Steven Rosansky, Tod Ridgeway and Don Webb ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana, CA 92701 • Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa. Newport Beach). (714) 834-3220 •Thomas Wilson, 5th District (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3550 STATE SENATE Ross Johnson (A), 35th District, 18552 MacArthur Blvd., Suite 395, Irvine, CA 92715, (949) 833·0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; Press Secretary Pat Joyce, (916) 323·1200 STATE ASSEMBLY John Campbell (Rl. 70th District, State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 319·2070 E-mail: districtlO@ assembly. ca.gov Ken Maddox (Rl. 68th District, State Capitol. Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) (916) 319-2068; Or local office at 1503 South Coast Drive, Suite 205, Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 668-2100; Fax: (714) 668-2104 E·mail: Ken.Maddox@ asm.ca.gov U.S. HOUSE OF REPRESENTATIVES •Chris Cox (A), 47th District, 1 Newport Place, Suite 420, Newport Beach, CA 92660, (949) 766-2244; or 2402 Rayburn Building. Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-5611; fax (949) 251-9309 (represents most of Newport Beach) E-mail: christophsr.cox @ mall.house.gov •Dana Rohrabacher (R), 45th District, 101 Main St., Suite 3C, Huntington Beach, CA 92648, (714) 960-6483; or 2338 Aaybum Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, (202) 225-2415; fax: (714) 960-7806 (Represents Costa Mesa and West Newport) E-mail: dans@>mail. house.gov U.S. SE.NATE • Barbara Boxer (D). 11 2 Hart Senate Building, Suite 112, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3553; or 312 N. Spring St.. Suite 1748, Los Angeles, CA 90012. (213) 894-5000; fax (213) 894-5042; E-mail: boxer.senate.gov/ contsct/webform. • Dianne Feinstein (D), 331 Hart Building, Washington, D.C. 20510, (202) 224-3841 ; or 1111 Santa Monica Blvd .• Suite 915, Los Angeles. CA 90025, (310) 914-7300 E-mail: ssnstor<<V feinstein.senate.gov • • QUOTE OF THE DAY "It wus so exciting to see him play. My heart was bursting with pride. 11 t Charmatne Cbwke, mother of V1lunas punter Eddle Johnson Al Wednesday, NownUr 12, 2003 Steve Vlr1•n Dally Pilot T here were three teams with one victory that pulled off upsets Sunday. Just another day in the NFL In San Diego, a 41 -year-old quarterback further established his magi c, while a rookie punter took his lumps, booted three solid punts and gained more experience in the league. Like Doug Aucte, Eddie Johnson has come a long way to reach the NFL Johnson, a former standout at Newport Harbor High and Orange Coast College, is also seeking a trademark such as Flutie's magic. • •• He wants to be known for his accuracy, hang time and for pinning opponents deep ln their own territory. He wants to be known as the ultimate specialist. But Johnson has reallud it will take ume and sacrifice. It will a.tao include aetbacb. which he and hit team endured Sunday when Aude led the OuU'gers to a 42-28 upset over the Vikings in his first start of the season. The Oiargers' victory put a damper on Johnson's first pro game in Southern California. but be remained positive. I le said he felt blessed to see his family and friends at the game. Most of them, about a doun, wore purplt' I ~lrts with the No. • on the front, and "Johnson" on the back. "It's great, man,· Johnson aald of playing back in Southern c.a.utorniL "Since we landed It's been sunny. There's no place like ho • Johnson saJd he's been enjoyin~ experi. ence In the NFL and he)w!S learned to also take his punCjlhg . posiuon as a job. He has to bring his best every game, he saJd, because as the Oiargers proved, you never know what may happen. The NFCs mayhem and parity. whJch give credence to the tenn, "on any given Sunday,· make for great entertainment, but It causes pro coaches to eek out tabllity and consistency. Those slmp~~u:u~es. u opposed to the flair and ta, can be the difference In a close game. It's why the Oiargers turned to a dlft'erent quarterback agalrut the VUd.np. Drew Brees had been lnefBclent, Spot1a Ecltor RSctUwd Oum: 19491574-4223 • Spof1I Fa: 19491650-0170 PRO FOOTBALL Former Newport Harbor, OCC standout is booti.ng fourth-down kicks for the Vikings. PHOTOS BY MARK c ous~ I DAILY PILOT former Newport Harbor and Orange Coast College standout Eddie Johnson 1s now the Minnesota Vikings punter. ineffective and, just as bad, he was losing confidence. And, so San Diego turned to Flutle. The C&rollni Panthers, this year's surprise team of the NFL, use a power running game, hard-nosed defense and also rely on their special teams to eke out victories. Johnson has been a pan of the Vikings' revitalized defense, whJch actually fell apart Sunday. Yet, that defense, whJch has been aided by Johnson's punting, helped lead Minnesota to a 6-0 start. Now the Viklnp and their defense are loolclng GIRLS VOLLEYBALL to Johnson again, when they play at Oakland Sunday. "He's coming along very well every weekend,· Vildngs defensive tackle oms Hovan said. "He's maturing as a See JOHNSON, Pase A7 Little things go long way for Sailors With attention to detail intensified in playoffs, Newport Harbor sweeps Villa Park in first round. Stew• Vlrs•n Dady Pilot NEWPORT BBACH -In a ftnt- round match of the ClF SOuthenl Section DMs.lon fl ·M girls wlley- baU playoff! that (eatured a heavlly favored Newport Ha.rbor High squad. It WU th little thlngi that matteredm l ... Miller commits to Baylor University EYE OPENER II I>aiJyAPikX • Nov. 17 honor" JIM JORGENSEN ROWING occ oars shine Pirates win men•s collegiate eight and novice eight in San Diego Crew Classic. Orange Coast College swept the first two spots in the 12-boat men's collegiate eight race and also won the men's novice eight Sunday at the San Diego Fall Crew Oassic on Mission Bay. occ finished the course. esti - mated by OCC Coach Larry Moore at three miles, in 20:25, to win the collegiate eight, fol - lowed by another boat of Pirates one second behind. , The winning OCC boat in- cluded Wes Temple, Steve Egner, J.T. F.ger, Jake Carr, Nolan Rous- sel, Russ McShane, Ray Coates, Brian Moran and coxswain Ash - ley Thomas. WOMEN'S TENNIS Former TarwinS . . in desert Second-seeded Natalie Brave~ man, a Newport Harbor High graduate and sophomore at Pep· perdine University, capped ~ spalkling run with a 6-2, 7-5 vie>- tory over Kelly Baritot, from me University of Texas to win die Women's Fall Desert Collegiaft! Classic flnnls tournament Sun- day at tlfe Desert Princess Co~ try Oub in Palm Sprinp. Braverman, a two-time Sea View League individual cham- pion who went 43-5 in her New- port career, didn't lose a set in winning four matches in the 32- player field that included players from schools such as UCLA. USC, Texas, the University of Ari- zona and Bayior University. • Braverman also teamed with Pepperdine teammate Merve Astmgil to reach the semifinals in the doubles draw before being upset, 8-2, by a USC team of Crt- rine Vennuelen and Dianne Mlt- tias. Newport Coach Dan Glenn dJdn' want his player1 to edge put vlstt· Ina VUla Park. He wanted the Sailors to perform weU, to pay attendon to detail and to avoJd llopplnesa. Ntwport CZZ-5) did just that and pt the Spartan."' 25· l 7, 25·9, 25· tA. ahaWtna JwdJy any weakri laptda.lly In fl Game 2 vt~ Harbor wOJ play Katella ln the aec- ond round 'Ihunda}' A coin mp to- day will determine the home team. The Seflon. cblmpjona of m. Sea View Leque and tanked No. 2 ln CIP Dfvillon ll·M bthlnd Mira eo.ca. built • 12-0 lead, In the tee· ond game, led by lel\JOr A!ymOn Jen· ntnp' eerws. Shi c:oDec:ted eve aces and eerved for 11 ltraJaht pO&nts, u It WU .enior P.miJy 1\amef (Mwn kills) who •tarted the pme wtth a kill to awe the ..w to Jennlnp. . "I th1nk that WU our ~t leld o( the MUOn, • Glenn II.Id. "With rally ICOring that's pretty bud to do. But wttb AJri(>n eetVing I'm a much better coteh When lhe'• beck there ripping hir jump eerve. • teeTMl,PIPM K£NT TIIUTOW I OM Y Pl.OT Newport Harbor's Alyson Jennilgs -s a spike as teammate Lauren t.tler looks on dWina Tuesday's Clf OMsion IAA frikound mltCh 11ainst \" .. Plf1(. • Daly Pilot SPORTS Wednesday, Noverri>ef 12, 2003 A7 Going fo r the repeat Orange Coast's transition game figures to pick up in state title' defense. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Mike Thornton said he watched the tape 20 times during the summer when he wanted to rellYe the magic of last spring. The Orange Coast College women's basket- ball team was on Ooud Nine last March when the Pirates rammed through their last five opponents to win the schools first state championship in the spon. Four players return off that state title team to anempt lhe re- peat effort. but Coach Thornton said talk of bad-to-back champi- onships is a little premature. "I'm hoping the success from last year can carry over, but it's unrealistic to think we can do it again," Thornton said HSaddle- back is supposed to have the best team ever in women's basketball.· The Gauchos went 29-3 a year ago, including a perfect l4-0 mark in Orange Empire Conference play. and entered the Southern California regional playoffs as the top seed. Coast went 2-l to finish third in lhe Mt San Antonio Tuumament to begin the season last weekend. Thornton sald this year's Pirates are quick learners both mentally and ptzysically. • 1 think we will be able to get transition baskets and pressure more." Thornton sald. "We are stronger in both areas. Our fresh- men can really run the floor.· Freshmen Rhondi Naff (Costa Mesa) High and Biava Arganda WOMEN'S BASKETBALL KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Alisa Carrillo, right, drives around teammate Ruby Viloria during a recent practice at Orange Coast, the defending state champ. (Westminster) fi!,rure to join sophomores Alisa Carrillo and Amy Shaw in lhe starting rotation with the fifth spot receiving com- petition from Jessica Olades and Kirsten Von Tungeln. J\Jganda. a 5-foot-10 guard, earned Co-Most Valuable Player honors in the Golden West League a year ago while Naff, a 6-0 forward, led the Mustangs with 18.5 poin&i; per game and was named first-team all-league. Naff was named first-team AU-Pa- cific Coast League in the 2001 - 2002 season when Mesa was a member there. "Rhondi will play the "three" for us. fill the lane on lhe break and get up and down lhe Ooor," Thornton said. HShe is working on improving her perimeter shoot- ing. She has a shot at being a Di- vision I player." Coast's backcourt figures to be strong again with the addition of Arganda. taldng the place of Nancy Hatsushi, MVP of the state tournament who ~ferred to play at C.Oncordia UnivenJty in Ir- vine. "She is the jack of all trades," ·niornton said of Arganda. "I told her she is like !Earvin! Magic Johnson. "Nancy le; the best pure shooter I've had at Coast and was the most intelligent point guard. She was like having a coach on the Ooor. Both jArganda and fresh- man Oladesl can get to the bas- ket better than Nancy w uld." Freshmen Stacee Sanchez (Costa Mesa), Theya Fernandez. Ruby Viloria, Shaadi Ariazand, Christen D'Alessandro and l:!velyn Gomez round out Thornton's op- tions at guard while sophomores Celeste Haueter, Olarlenda Van Buren, alongside 5-l I freshman center Lauren Stepanslc:l (Wood- bridge), play on the front line. "D'Alessandro i!> a good perim- eter shooter and wing player at the 'two' or 'three' spots,· Thorn- ton said. "Stepanski will be a good offensive rebounder." Canillo (6-0), an all-state tour- PHOTOS BY MARK C: DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT Minnesota Vikings punter Eddie Johnson, center, watches Sunday's game from the sidelines at Qualcomm Stadium in San Diego with quarterback Duante Culpepper ( 11) and Lewis Kelly (61 ). JOHNSON Continued from A6 pro and he's going to be one of the better punters In this league in the future.# Against San Diego. Johnson's first punt seemed to have put Minnesota's defense on the advantage, as he pinned the Chargers on their own 15 with 9:50 left in the first quarter when the Vikings trailed, 7-0. Johnson's punt was so high, nm Dwight had to call for a faJr catch. However, four plays later, third-year running back laDalnian Tumlinson outran defenders near Johnson's aldellne on his way to a 73-yard touchdown run, the longest of his career. In the third quarter, Johnson recorded a 41-yard punt, but since It was from his own 14, the Owgers started at their own 43, and ewntually drove down for anoc&.. toucbdown, a Tumlinson I-yard run, that gave San Dtego a 35-14 lead. Wllb 11 :16 remalnlng, Johnson got off his ftnal punt. He lhaobd It, but It still got a good bounce and went for~ yards to San Diego's 27-ya.rd line. Flutle 1Umed around and led his team on It.I flnaJ scortng dr:fve, which wu capped by his 13-ya.rd run • that came after he had fumbled • the ball. 1COOped it up and juked a defender before dMng across the goal line. The VUdnp we~ upset after their toes, co IS)' lhe least. Randy Mou, who had 120 yards and one touchdown on 11 catches. did not •l*k to the media. and the same. went for defenslw back Corey O\avous. Johnson Minnesota punter Eddie Johnson stretches on the field at Qualcomm Stadium. did not have reporters or cameras In his face after the game, but he was just as frustrated with the loss. "This one does hurt," Johnson wd. "We spend all of our time together. It's my work. Tt's llJce a regular job, but It's a tittle more fun. You have the highs and the lows and you experience that with your team. fl might be different If specialists walked ln and kicked and walked back out That's not how we do IL We 11tay the whole time. And, that's why It hurts to lose." As the VI.kings prepare for a possible run ror the playoffs. Johnson haa enjoyed the seasQn. C.Oming out of Idaho State, NCM Division l·M ball, his rise to the N"PL hu hem sweeter for him, he aa.ld. "It's been temflc/ Johnson ta.Id. "I feel vccy fortunate, very btesaed. I don't le.now how to deteribo it when you'~ out there In front of 65,000 people and you hit the ball and you do well In what you do and you do it In a game on national TY. There are no words to describe that feeling, the joy you gel from that. ti's a high, a total high." Among Johnson's biggest fans Sunday was his mother, Olarmalne Oarlce, who arrived at Qualcomm Stadium about 9 a.m. to tailgate. She decorated 3 friend's motor home with signs in support of her son, EddJe. She has seen him use the hard way to land in the NFL. Johnson nearly became academically ineligible at OCC. He could have probably played for a NCAA Division 1 program out of high school. but it took time for him to reall7.e his · potential. "It was so exciting to see him play," said Oarke, who also watched Johnson play in his first game against the Green Bal Packers at l..ambeau Field. My heart was bursting with pride. He's been through a lot. He knew that he was playing below rus level because of the decisions he made. I remember him realizing. 'this ls where I'm at and this is what I did.' And, he just put his head down and started rebuilding. He was All-American two years ln a row at Jdaho State and did a really fantastic job to get where he Is today. •rt was a really hard time coming from Olvhlon l·M. espectaUy for a punter," she continued. "He did a fantastic job. It mates it way more sweeter. You'n! not playing on 'JV !lite the Dtvislon I kids are: you're lnst~d In bobunk ldaho trying to have your little Ught beam. It dJd and be'• htre and that's an that count&" TtEPIRAlES nament selection. finished sec- ond on Coast ln scoring aven1ge (12.6) and rebounds (62) while leading the team in field -goal per- centage (.563 on 183 of 325 at- tempts). "!Carrillo! has improved a lot and should be one of the best in- side ptayers in lhe state," Thorn- ton sald. "She catches the ball well and finishes well. She is defi- nitely our go-to player." Shaw averaged four JX>inl'i and 14.3 minutes a year ago while fin- ishing second to Nancy Hatsushi in three· point percentage (.38.l on 36 of 94 anempts). The 6-2 Von Tungeln, Coast's tallest player, av- eraged 4.2 points and 5.5 re- bounds per game a year ago, but a sprained ankle hac; limited her playing time this fall. Jamie Croy, formerly "Shine," will ~ist Thornton along with Leigh Marshall. Budget wnstraints have !>hon- ened the regular season from 28 to 24 games (excluding tourna- ments), providing for some ex- tended breaks. CXX: doesn't play its next game until ii hosts C.Crritos Nov. 21, a span o( l2 days between contests. ln December the Pirates play in lhe Cuesta Tournament Dec. 4-6 and don't return to action until the Coast Oui.strnas Oassic two weeks later. • "The bottom line is everyone has the same gaps in time, you just have to go out and play hard," lnornton said. Not much has changed in Thornton's preparation as he be- gins his 15th season leading C.OasL "We try not to look past each game and only wony about us, not the other team," Thornton said. "lust try to be the best you can be." HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Brave hearts Harbor's linebackers led rally that kept Tars in playoff contention. n at the Newport 1 la.rOOr 7-yan:l line ln the fourth quarter. Newport Harbor came up with a goal- Une stand, aJded by the efforts of backup line- backer Tuylor Young. who was in on three of the four stops, and the offense then drove 99 yards foe the winning \ ' Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot Thomas Martin Needing a victory to score. maintain hope of reach-"I don't know if the in- ing the CIF Southern tensity goes up or what Section Division VI play-happens.~ BrinlcJey said offs, Newport Harbor of the goal-line stand. "I I ligh's just think that the play· defense ers knew that their stepped backs were against the forward wall." with a Greg Martin (6-foot, 2l5 Lremen-Miner pounds), Miner (6-1, dous ef-190) and Theriot (6-1, fort Friday, holding La· .-----., 221) are all first-year guna Hills scores to starters, but they have overcome an I I -point been the leaders of the halftime deficit and post defense this year and an 18-14 victory. that was evident against Keying the defense Laguna Hills. was the Sailors' trio of Manin was a part of 1uruor linebackers, l3 teckles for the Sail 'lbomas Martin, Greg on .. including a 13-yard Miner and Trevor The-Trevor sack that he shared with riot. Theriot tackle Austin Nieto and After allowing 194 another 4-yard sack. yards and two touchdowns in Miner contributed with a big the first half, Newport I larbor's tackle for a loss in the sec:ond defense limited the I lawks to 58 half and Theriot had a couple yards over the final two quar-tackles for losses and was a big ters. part of the Sailors' goal-line The biggest stop came after stand, including the fourth- l.ab'una Hills recovered a fumble down stop at the I-yard line. SCHEDULE TODAY Basketb•ll College men -Vanguard Blue-Gold game, 7:30 p.m. College women -Vanguard Blue-Gold game, 7:30 p.m . Soccer College men -UC Irvine at Riverside, 1 p.m. Surfing High school boys and girls - Newport Harbor at Mater Oei at Brookhurst Street, Huntington Beach, 6:30 a.m. Volleyb•ll Community college women - Riverside at Orange Coast, 7 p.m . Weter polo Community college men - Orange Coast at Ventura, first round of Southern California regional playoffs , 2:30 p.m. College men -UCSO at UC Irvine. 7 p.m. · Book Drive a..>..-... The Rotary Clubs of Newport-Balboa, Newport Beach Sunrise and Newport-Irvine Fountain for Youth Funds will match up to $6,800 in contributions made by the public to buy reading books for the libraries at three Newport-Mesa Elementary Schools on the t Wes1side of Costa Mesa -Pomona, Whittier and Wilson Schools. The books wltt'Be used bY children in Kindergarten through Grode 3 as they master Engl1Sh and Reading. -------------------------~-~-------------------------Yes. I want to help children master Reading and English by the age of nine. Here is my contribution to buy books for Pomona, Whittler ancf Wilson Elementary Schools. _ $10 will be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds arid buy 12 reading books. _ $25 will be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 30 reading books. _ S50 will be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds atld buy 60 reading books. _ $100 will be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 120 reading books. _ Other amount to 'be matched by Rotary Fountain for .Youth Funds. Make your tax-deductible check payable to Rotary 5320 Foundation and mall to: . Dally Pilot Promotions Department/Reading by 9 Book Drive P.O. Box 1560 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 To order books for our students, your contribution to be received by December 15, 2003, Is greatly kppredated. Donors and the amount given will be recognized in the Reading by 9 Honor Roll In the Dally Pilot unless they request not to be listed by ch~ing here: _Please don't list my name. YOYrNam---~---~~~~-~---~~~~-~~~~~-~~ -~ Add~'"--~~~~~~----~---~~---~------~ City and z1,..,_ __________________ Phone._ ____ _ l -~~~--==---J-:-~ -~ - Al ~1. November 12, Z003 SP O RT S BRIEFLY CalP y's Day honored ronttl'r Cc>Qa High muJd. sport stAndout Sharon Day. who has ahll>ed this n for the Cal Poly San tu.fa Obispo womem IOCCW teef\\_ WU tnbbed Tuesday u the Bia West Conference Fresh· man of die Y~ Vanguard open s in style • MSJCETBAU: CellUa WOMEN'S TENNIS CdM grad Yels~y lauded l'ionncr Corona del Mar High 1tandout Anne Yeltey, now play· Ing wom n'a tennlll tlt Stanford, h been Klected the Nation.al High School Senior Glrls nnn11 Athlete of the Year Coe 2003, the NatJonal High School Coachet Association annouooed recently. A two-time doublc:s champion at the United States Tennis Asso- dadon SUpemaUonaJ clay court championships, Yelsey also won the doublet titJ at the USTA Girls' 18 National hard court champions.hip with Rl,ia 1.al.a· meda. Yelsey oJso holds the aln- gtes and doubles titles at the F.as· ter Bowl girls 18 champlonshJp. ·rtte NHSCA setecu coaches and senior Athletes of the Year ln 20 boys and g1rl.'J port& and sponsors l l nadonal champion· shJp events In the sporu of wres- tling. goli. and soccer. O\ly, the third c.aJ Poly player to retdve an individual honor foJ. lowtng Oe:femlvt ~ or the Year Sima Simmons and Goal· kttpt-t of the Ynr Greta Shirdon. 'iCOted alx goal! and rtaudcd a l~wn hi~ sh assists. She helped I.he Mw tangs win last weekend'• H~ Wc5t toumrutwot at UC Irvine .u,d gain on outumat:lc bttth lnto the NtM tournament Josef son drained six of 11 thrte-polnt tries to earn a game hlgh 18 points to lead cht> Vanguard Unfve~lly women._ baaketboll ceam to 1166-52 non- conferc:nce viccory over host San Diego State 10 open tht' sea5on 1\Je'!day nlglu. Kt'Uy Schmidt scored 15 point& wh Ue Usu Ftulkner added 14 to go with Lacey Burn"' 13 for the lJ on • rated No 4 111 the NAIA. Locey MiUb (six points) rounded out the scoring for Vanguard. KENT TREPTOW I OAl.Y Pl.OT Newport Harbor High's Kiley Hall ( 11) slams the baU past Villa MILLER Miller to compete against cur- rent teammau: Alyson Jennings, who has commJtred to the Uni- versity of Texas. UCJ's Hayley McNallan. Caro- lint! !Cabe and Alyson Spencer were VOlt'C.I fil")t team All·Big ~' by 1lw dn:ult'i. coaches. Day was u '*'<..vnd·tcam honoree. Park defenders Ashley Williams, left, and Heather Adle in Tuesday's CIF Southern Section Division II-AA first-round match. Continued from A6 With her college choice 6.naJ. !zed, Miller enters the OF Southern Secrlon playoffs with· out stress. Bucs bank on playoffs •SOCCER: Sophomore Mar· co San1angelo of Orange Coas1 College scorl'd 111 the 871h mln- uu.• Tuesday ns the Piru1es t'dKt:d host San1lngo Canyon, l ·O. In OranJ(e Fmpire Confer· e-nt.e mt'n'!i i.ot:t:l'r action. OCC (13-5-1. 10·3· I In the Ol l) I~ hoping for a berth ln thl' Sou1hern C.ahfornla re· l(lllllal playoffl>. In which palr· lnJ<" will be announced today. Biola sweeps host VU • VOLL£YBt\l.1; VisillnK Blola 'IWt•pt Vanguwd, 30-19, JO 24. \0 27. tn C.oldl•n State Athletic Lu1tfl•renct' women's volll'yball Ill 1io11 l\Je!.day Keri Del l<.1<1' l~d VU 114· ll. ti 11 in rhe Cj~A< l with I I i11gs Jnd 111ne kill' B1ula *' lll·~. 15··1. Sage Hill makes history •VOLLEYMLL: Sage llill School's girb volleyball team claimed the school'~ nrsl vie· tory In the ClF Southern Sec lion playoff& ln any spor1 l\Je day nlgh1 with a 25-19, 25 I 9, 25· 19. Dlvi1>ion IV-A first-round victory over ho\I Fairmont Prep. Sophia HWgren ll'd the Light nlng (9·8) with 15 ~Is followe-d by I 0 from Cat Dailey. 1 lillgren added five M:rvice aces. The Ughtnlng will play Maranalhd In the second round Thuri.da> with a com flip roday to detl.'r mine the home 1eam. Sailors finish unbeaten • FOOT&\U.: The Newporl Harbor High Crt>1>hmen footbdll team defeated host Lagund Hill1-, 20· I 6. Thuri.day to ftn1sh the i.eason undt'foa1ed in mne games and clinch the !>ea Vtew Leagu'e chll1llpH111,hip. LagunJ Hill' fell to 7-'J. TARS Continued from A6 Though II was most likely Newpon'& largest lead of the sea· son. Glenn could care less. He's pleased with victories. but there are other parts of the game tusr ~ 1mponant for him "We have so many lirtle thJngs to work on. I wasn't that con· cemed with the score. a'l much as I was with their executing,· Glenn s&d. ·For M>me of the 1earru. that are ahead down the road. we're going to have to do the litUe things. so that'i. what we're Lryi.ng 10 focus on • That'& also wl1y. Glenn called a timeout In Game I when Villa Park (10 II), an at·large reprc· i.eniatlve of the Century League. rallied from a I :!-b deficll to come w1thin one. Aftl.'r the tune· out. rhe Spartam scored jll5t six more polntS. wtille the Sailors went to Jennings, Turner. senior Lauren Miller and Junior Kiley Hall to grab baclt the momen· tum. ~. bound for the Uni- versity of Texas. contributed eight ldlli. 17 assists und six aces. Miller, who recently commined 10 Baylor, recorded elgh1 ld.lls. two ace and two blocks. Hall had six kills, three aces and two blocks. while Alexis Kerns also provided three acei.. Seniors Kel· Ue King (12 assists) and Elizabeth Oayton produced two aces each. Half of the Sailors' roster is made up of seniors Glenn is hoping those players will step up. while they are eager to meet the challenge. "We have a really good con· nection and the thing Is: we do not want to lose." Miller said "Everyone has so much heart and hopefully lha1 wiU keep us winning.~ schools would have likely only offered walk-on possibilities.. An All·Sea View League and AU-Newport-Mesa selection last season. Miller's interest in Baylor was piqued by her former Gol- den Wes1 Volleyball Oub Coach Kevin Wray. a Baylor graduate who also assists with the Bears. Playing in the Big 12 will allow occ Continued from A6 The occ novice erght winner finished in 21:13. 39 seconds \ahead of runner-up San Diego State ln the time-trial format. The Pi.rates' winning novice eight included Steven Edmonds, Patrick lsrnel. Mike Oxbig. Jeff Collen. Shane Rubin. Corey Hopkins. Brandon Cesear. Sam Proctor and cox.swain Lauen Bei- tel. OCC also won the men's "It's detinltely a relief,· Miller said. The Sailors. the defendJng DI· vision ll·M champions, will be· gin defense of their dde 1onlght at home at 7 p.m. against Villa Park open four with cox. finishing in 22: 11 to best San Diego State by 37 seconds. The Pirates were third m that race, as weU. OCC was second in the men's novice four e\lent. clocking a 25:03, 17 seconds behind UC Sama Barbara. Also In the men's novice eight. OCC boats finished ftfth, sixth. !.evenlh and eighth. OCC was I 0th in the women's collegiate and 1un1or novice eight and seventh in the wome n'!> col- legiate eight. Legal Notices llWPOIT IUOI 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 Leoal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 legal Notices OTl COUIKI. AlifltOA SUUAIY COOIKI CHAMIOS • noo llWPOIT IOWVAID ....... 12.2003 'llUllY Sl SSION C.Anr.lltd HI trJNVl Nf A I I 00 I' M r o R Rl\;UlAR MHTINC rueu1. 11u111Nc. I 11111111 RI SIU! NI f 14 JI OCI l\N 11111111 1111110 Vl\RIANl..I NO 7003 ~ ANO AMEND MfNT TO MOOfflCATION f•fllMll NO 1007 049 <l'AlUUJ Ill>> ORDtNl\NCf UN t.11111 r t OMM ll NIC A !IONS 1111\N(.tll~f S lnltlalloo uf ur dtnanc• It ft(Qver f f•trl11 .. , rubhtlted Nowpnr I 81oM.lt cv,t• M~u ll•llr l'otuf N"nmbN l1 1003 W7 14 fidltiM lllnlnns ... s....... f h• lnllowtn1 P•• '"'" 11• dn1n1 bu•unft'' •• lluom•uno~ D1111m•rll~. l ! 4 I I S 11 m no• r lo• Id •lll8 1\11\n Vo•to C•lo '"""' lj?l)~ 0f¥tc1 II lunu 21411 •11n1ni•rl,.td •168 Alow V••I<> f.11tforn10 q7f,.,(, Nolin f olol, Hl/4 I I• U•br1, lo li•bl4 (.Ah f11tnt1 '*'6.11 CIHll I W1lh•"'' ill/ " 161h ~t S••I ll••· h t 11hfn111" 'f(J/40 fh1\ tiu\IO•\\ I\ t r1n ~Udl'd by 11 J•n•1 al ,,.,,,.,.,, .. , ... H•¥t ynv sl•tlttl Ju1t1M h11\IM\\ Y•I' N" 0 ••••I II ~·n•• t tw \l•t•n•,.nt w•t lol•d Wllh th• l.l'ullly (.lor~ nf Onnt• C:uu11tv on 10 1!1101 20016 .. 1711 011lr Pt11>I 0<1 /1 2'9. No¥ 5. 11 1001 W209 At""-t.siltss --~ The lollowlni pro \1111• .u• ct..una bu''""',. A\ •I CR l AT [ bt C•~ •ttve H•\Qut(f'\ £ n (nmpn""' 1111 lhan10d I nler tainmenl 14~ Prumonl ur y Or l Newpnr I tluc h CA 92660 H•len M<l." Uoy )4~ l'romunl• r y C>r I Nowprorl 11,..,h 1 11 91660 fh1• bU,ln•\\ J\ Lfm ducted by .,l ond1V1d1,.1 llAV• yuu \l•r l•rl llnon' bu"""" yet I v., 1011~ Ol Helen McC.,lhy Tilt• s1aten11nl w•• filed wollt lh• c:nunty Ct.rk of O• oni(e Cuuroty on 10. 20/0l 200HH2JIJ Oaoly Piiot Ckl 11 l9 No• '> 17 7003 Wl08 Fktltleus ....... "-s.....I !ht foll11wt11t P""""' ate d• mi bu""''' '" Spec Ir• Wnod t 1 •II 183~ Whtlt•~I. Suotr f IJ. Cu•I• Mn•, r.olot 91617 J1m1t~ Hoh•rt f'.tt\un 9j8/ t ••tl•.al Av• G111d1n Cru•• (olol 97844 Mydun1 1Juon1 , • ., """ ~ 1117 C1nt,.1 A•• C:Mden Cruv. CAlof 'li'W Thi' bu\lne's. 1\ 1,,rn1 due t•d by hu•b1nr1 •••d wol~ lioa yuu •lcorlr<I rlumc bu•uoe\\ vel1 Nn Jarn~\ R Pe,.nn• Tht• tl•l•menl wo hied wtlh th• luunly Cltfi. of Oline• C.cu1nt1 on 10/29 03 200HHU26 Dttly f'rlot No• !I 17, 19 16 ;>003 W7?6 smllOI COtlT Of CAllomA, coum Of OWGl OWIGICOUWTY SUP9IOl COllT PlOIAnCOtlT OPWTDS 341 Tll cm DIM, POST OfflCI IOI 14171, OWIGI, CA 92'1 J.. I S7I rmnoN Of l.t.l l U. SUPlllOI CCUT Of CAlfOblA, Cotlm Of OWGl COUNTY SUPlllOI CotlT PDAn COUIT OPWTDS s.t I Tiit cm DIM, POST OfRCllOX 14111, 0WGt CA tu 1J.. IS71 PmTIOll Of DAVI CADS -" DAYl STUAIT CAIHS fOI OWIGl Of lWll fOI OWIGl Of IWll OIDfl TO SHOW CAUSI fOI OlOO TO SHOW CAUSI fOI OWIGl Of IWll OWIGl Of Wll WI IJllll: An22l9 WI lllUO: unm TO All INT(R[ST[CJ PERSONS I Peltfooner R uhel R Mill• ftled 1 pelolron wtth fltl\ t(IUll fM • <!Kr .. th•n11nr namt\ •• fl'lllow\ ltec hel Rt roe Mtlls tu Rat hrl """ lu\ulle ? IHC COUR f OHOI RS lh•f •II pl•Mln\ 1111,. nt•d on lhl\ mailer \h•ll •Pv••r befurr lh1\. rnurt •t th• horo111 1nd1uted btlnw lo show uu•• ol •ny why lh• ti•lthon f<11 chan11• of """'' 'hould lll)f bt &• ~nt1d NOltCf Of Hf ARING O•I• 17 !O OJ T1n111 "/ 00 pm Depl l71 llt• addrtn rtf th• cuurt " '""'' " noted •bov• i II copy of tht\ Order •~ '>ho"' Ct u•• 'h•ll h• uubll\had el lutf ontt u< h wHI< for fou1 \U(C0\1¥• .... ks prtof lo the dale HI luo '1011111 on the p~ltl"'n too Ute follnw1n1 "~W\ P•P•• of Ctn tr •I rtll u l•hnn. pnnttd 111 '"" (Ounty N•wvur I B••<" I Co•I• Mau l>•oly Polfll Deter NOV 10 200J JUOOI SHULA Flll, JUOGI Of THI SU"· ltM>ltCOUltT Publ"h•r1 N•wpor I Beech Cv<I• M•u O~•lr P1101 Nv••mbor 17 l'l 16 o.,, omb•r I 7001 Wl•I TO All INT(R(STED PCRSDNS I Ptlolooner OAllt CAIRNS 11\a OAVl SIU ART t AtRNS ftl•d • 11•lllron ""'" lhtt <OUtl '"' • d•tr•• t hana1n1 n1mH A\ lollowi DAV[ CAIRNS to OAV( S TUART CAIRNS PAll! N l 1111 COURl ORO! RS that •II p~nont 1nt11 oted on thl\ mall•• Vi•P •1>11..ir belort lh" •uurf •I th• ht.111na 1nll1uted below tr; 'huw ••u•• of any, "'toy tit• pelohcooo lnr th1na• ol n.m• '.hnool<I not b• &• ~ril•lf NOTIC£ 01 HE ARINC, Oatt Ott ?O ;>001 T '"'' 2 00 pm Oopt I 11 lhe Adltro\\ nf th• 1uurt I'\ \Amr 4, not~d Abtlli,. l II cnp• "' "'" OrM• to 'ihow CAot\e '""" I•• pubhthrd •I l•nl nn< .. ••th w,.,,., lot tuu• ~Ul(f\\clY\i Wrf't-'\ SJt 1C1r tn the ,.,,.,,. ••t f'l' h""""& un lh,.. uP.htinn m '""' tnflr1w1nv •lflW\ lf.tJlftr ftf iti,•fl•I .ti I tf( U latton "'' mt•d 111 lh1~ lllUnly NI Wl'Of!T BEAtH COSTA ME SA OAll Y PtlOl O•I•• NOV 10 WOS MA•JOltll l AlltO CAltHR, JUOOl OF 'fHl su,.uuoa coun Publt\hcd Now111u I ll .. <h Cn\I~ Mn• Dilly I otnt November 11 19 7b . Dt<•mb.r l . ?OCH W7J8 ~COtlTOf CA1loatU. COUNTY Of hip 341 n. CJty Drtw, P.O.lea1'170, Or ... 1C..HW-IS701 lm.tMJwJtktC.... rmnoNOfl.-I ..... ~ .... 1...M G. lcWA. ~CW, L lcWM•w.lef hf*a-.lcWil,A -fOI OWIGl Of MAil OlOO TO SHOW CAUSl fOI (IWtG( Of lWll WI NUMIU: unm TO All INllRtSTEO PERSONS I Ron•ld C McM•ck1n •nd Ctnd( l MtMtck1n on beh1I Ill P•ttttontt Raauet Renee M<:Ma•kon 3 minor lll•d a pefotoon wtlh lht\ court for a deuu ch•n11ln1 names .n lolloW\ R1quel Renie Mr Ma• krn to Requet Hou Mt.Moc kin 1 rnr wurn DHUI HS lh•I •II p.,\ons Inlet nl•d in this mall•• 'h•ll •1>11ur b•lo•• lht> court •I llt• l1••11n1 ondocaled b•low 111 \how taU\e <I •nv .. n~ lht pelttonn for r h•nte l\f n•nlt should ool b• arAnled NOTIC( or HlARINC D•t~ 0[ C JO 2003 T omc l <JO pm Dept l 7.1 II>• •ddf••• ot lh• rnurl I\ 'rnre •\ noltd 1boo 1 A ""PY ol tho• Ord11 Ill 'Sttow r auu •h•ll be publhhad •l ltul un'• • .. h wok lor lou1 '\i•rt•'\\IV• Wet:k' PttOf In the d•I• H f for huflnt "" th• 1H1lltonn 111 th• follnw•na new' p•1•~• nl 1en•11I c It tu l•lton. prtnted 111 th" county N1w11Ufl Buth Cotl• MH• D•tly Po!QI Oetet NOV 10 200S MAaJOltlf lAlltO CAltTllt, JUOOl OF THI SU,lltlOlt COUlt'f Publl1h•d Newport B•1ch Costa Meu D"IJ f'tlol Nu¥t111ber 12 19 76 December ) ;>OCH W?~ SUUONS ON CIOSS..COMPWfT (OTAOOIUUDKW) MONTANA DEL LAGO o · RCC M ASSOCI ATES. l P NOTICE TO Cron Defendanh (Avrsu • llcuudo) A C SHHT METAL, AU.NCO Of CM.IFORNIA w BRADUY WINOOW CORPORATION ill\d for merty llnown .n AllNCO WINOOWS or CAL IFORNIA/OIAMOND WINDOW CORPORATION, e&.E FRAMING CONSOU DA TtD W( II I'*-RPffOOI ING dba CONSa.IDATCD WAT C RPllOOf INC OU1CHMAN PlASTlRINC. FAR v.t.S T ROOf INC, FIRE STOP, FORD TU CAlAX£ PLASTERtNC. GATEWAY ORVWAU M GREA TlR ALARM a:Mf'AHY lUCAS ' ~R COMPANlS. OAK ftrlk.l, INC , STONE CATE ROOf INC NfJ ROES I ttvOU(lfl :Dl, IOC.lusrw YOU NI!. 8EINC SUED BY c,°"~INl'll Cl\ I.Id llesta ~) RGC·M ASSOCIAITS. LP • Call for noa L 1m1ted Partner >hip You hive ~ Cl\I. Hlll\R DAYS 1fter IM wmmons " \«~lld oo )'OU to ,. o1 lypewrrft.., lll'()On~ o11 It. cnurl A lftl., cit ~ ull .. 111 not prutec:t y<>u, v<>•• lypewt ollen r ...,,,.,... mtlll bo "' 1•Cll* !q.11 fnrm ti YI•• WMYI UW' • °"'I tll 1'4,y fOOt CMI " YflU do nol frle you• •"'4>0flSol on tome you mo1y '°"' 1111' c-. and ynur waen. money •od p1~tr may "" tall.,, ... tt""'t furt1-WW1\1111 ff tom !he C0<61 Jtwwe alt other ltc;ol •"'lUll-•h Yuu m.y wMll tu <.. "" •llorney rr11ht •w•y If you do not l•n•.w M> elt11tney Yotl n11y t•ll :111 •lfornoy rtf•r al S.•Lf OI a '-Clll ""' olf11.• (llsled ., tr. ""°'"' bod<) Dnpuu de qua le ffilTl!&l"'" "'" c1fact0n ~Jcliual U'lted toeM un plato do X> DIAS CAI ENOAAIOS pora pr-i. 11n.t r_...1, 11\0'rta • rNQUrna ..... i. t'Olll Uni Uf1I 0 UM ltamadl telt!lt>Nct no le oft-• Q45C1 '°" -..i n "' prUllCCIOl't, Ml 11$pUC$\a ncrtta • "*llJlfll Ilene qu~ cumµlh con 111 formaltdadn lta•les IPO!Mldas v usted -• qui Ill air1e ..cud>e "' c...o Sr us!Alcl no pr-i. w r~ • ttllmlJO, ~ pe<CS..t et caso. y le pueden QUftar "' '\aleno, "' dont!r o y otr u cOUMll SU pr(l(lledad wn • ""° ldrclonal por p.wt. de la cor le f •!Sten llbn. requllolto. leit311'\ Puede QUt 115ttd quou 1 ll•m•r 1 un •boelldo onmecbt.amenle. So no conoc• a un .tl>Opdo. iMdt IW!w I un -vttto dt ref•encr. cle~O IUNI oflclN cM ayuda leP (vu el drr ec:lot to tllllonlco) CASI NUMlllts (M--•4elc ... ) 0 2CC0021' H-. St.,hett S--'vel4 o.,.t. CX-105, <-· ,1.111t fti.4 I /1 /02 Tht n•-and lddrus of the court I• C(I nomote Y d#KCton de IA corle es) SUPERIOR COUR l Of CAllf ORNIA COUNTY or ORANG( SOUlH CCNfRAl JUDI· CIAt DISTRICT, 7!>1 WMI Sant• Ana Boule¥ard S•nl• Ana CA South Cctnlrel Oo>bKt Tho neme • .omn,. and l~ltphone number of rrnn Compl11n1nt ' Al· lmoo•y or Cron Com 11l•1nanl• without 1n •llt>1ney •~ (Et nomb<e. la d"t<cton y 11 numero "" telefono llol •botado d•I tlem•"dant1 n <let demandantt qu• no llflnt •bo&odo. u) loyoa l Crunfoeld #112571. c;,11,.n l Cre1ory •163737 LORBER GRHNFIHD POI.Im ' Pl NGlll Y llf', l"l985 Stowe Orov•. Poway, CA 92064 ~13 1020 fAX ~111002 OATli (fecM) JON OJ, 200J, Al..Ati SlATllt, Cle.to (A-'t}. ~,A MOUA \'AHO l 'f, DetMY Co.i-4-) I l'ubhshed ~wport 8'!ach Cost.a Meu Delly Piiot Octot>et 29. Novef'l\ber S 12 19 2003 W214 llOTKI TO CBfTOIS OflWSALI ~ 6IOM105 U.C.c.) bow kl 7003MY i:nmllll a:.! at tQ5 Nult<.e •• lu11eby 11ven ~ If~ 8M..80A, CA lo tredotort of lh• within .., n1m•d Hiier thal " bulk TN bjt .... rd ...... Hie Is •boul lo It• m1da al lllDch* ......_ of the asseh r1•tcrtbed bt91(a) 1nr9 fnlndldl:> balow be ~ • "' lht r •m•(s) ~nd ollce al ~ bu•tnus tddress(•O of TIT\£ EICAOW, INC.. lh• ulltr •rt tXCCU 011 WL1ttJE a;~ TM: STYLE ClEANlRS, &UTE a , ~ INC , ~949 HARBOR .. ...-. .,.. CA ICIOtO rd Bl VO , COSTA MESA. CA ~ 97676 fll ~ • dlll 11 The loc•lton '" Cali UPON BJANOE Olfl lornta of the thief MA8CUC9m utculovt othn ol lht Th9 &::::':i pra « ulltr 11 2949 HARBOR W llldls '1 CXJrnCbl 8lVI>, COSTA MUI\, Cl\ ........ al ,.. 916'6 tuh9rd ...... Olh As ltsted b1 the "lltr, .._ la fll ""' al I •II othtt bus1neu nafl>ts 4l,IJDQ.llD. n:ld'a Ind tddrHMS ll\td by ~ _..,.., • I tlHt uHe1 within lhfM 1,IOD..Oll, "*'1 C0"9llll al ,,., , before th• date "' ~ IUCh Ust WI\ Mnt or OE9CAPTO'I, ~· dtltvtr•d to th• buyer CMH: M,lm.00. are 0N0"1:0 DEMAN> NOTE: Tht n1me(1) and t4Q,llll100 bu.lneu •ddl "' ol lht ·-:~: buytt ere JUM SUK fll rd SOHO. I 8G!!!l r ttldbr oo1t h St.l Rowltnd Ht!Chl•, CA ~). 91148 ~ ~ Sc MJr.I ~ The euets to be told te ~ rd •rt dtl<flb!od In l t!Hllal ~· CIOCll, .. h H fu1111l11rt, ftlhH•, OOl.W'*»i b..,.._of •QulPm•nt, 1oodwlf1, .. ~rd---111 tr•d•n•m•, ru .. hold tO i. -.-. ,,. fll lmf.rovtment and lnttf -"'., " , tnd con111nt not to ntllllrt.e•~ comjltle arid I• locat•d .. tlV b 1r°ii*'..:&:.: 11 2949 IWtlOR tlVO ~ COSTA MCSA. CA 916~ VWJUAN .-The l111ilntn 111m1 ,.., uud by It!• Mlllf •I ~H II«> ICIU th•t locallon 11: OtC• UQN........_.. UTIV( SfYl.£ CltANCllS ~OWl'Tlll~ IC. TIHI lflt•<tpelM date of tilt btrlll &ale la Dtc. 2. 200l at ttlt efflct of: ~r Unl1td l"-1•• Co , 1142 llAO«lOITA ~ 0 1rden Grovt lllvd .. DM.YPLOT'WllQI f20I, t.tfct111 011111" Ce 91944 lhe bulk Hie ts sub 1ect to Caiofornra Uno loom Commercial Code Se<llOn 6106 2 If \O \Ub,act the name and •ddren ol the person wrlll wllom cleonoi m•y be ftltd ti United £"row Co , 8942 Cardell Grove Bl¥d . •208 G11dtn Grove C1 92844 Ind Iha Int day for fol1n1 c la oms shill bt Oec I 2003 whoch ts th~ bus•nen d•y 1>1lore the ule d11e spe~1f1ed abn•• OATCO October 18 2003 /S/ JUNG SUK SONC Published Newport 8e.~h Co>ll MeH Oatl'f Polol Novembu 12, 2003 CNS 605004 W23!> llWPOIT IUSA llRD sotOOl DlSTICT 1.01 llD mu. OA'fl AHO ,LACI, COST A MISA HIGH SCHOOL A. 114 o ... ,., ... """ ottd tld Deo4llner T ....... y. o ......... , 2tt4, 200J. 2.00 , .... . B Pl1et of Bod Rt ceopt Newpor I Meu Unofotd School 01s111ct Purchnma. 2985 B Bui Street Costa Meu, C• 926?6 C P101ect N1me Mu\ura ·11· Modern 111IK1n Costa Meu Hoth School Contr •<.I II · Site Un de111ound El ectroc~I Pat~•I• I ... " 101·04 D Place 't•n' are on IM PROJ[CJ .WANAC ER i; olloc.t McC11thy Butld1n1 Comp~n1u 20401 S W Bitch Street Suttt JOO , Newpor I 8e"h CA 92660 McCarflly Butldrn. Compantes Meuure 'A Offttt 2985-C Bear Slrttl. Costa Men, Cll 926?6 1.02 SUMMARY Of WO.ltr Protect Oncroptoon Th11 l)fOjecf cons11h of phased m<>dern1zallon of Costa Mru Htllll school tn the Newport Meu Unofltd School 011t11ct Spectltcally. 1nfr1tlruc tura upar•dff of Site U..4••1•-4 lle<trlcel e ttd lew V•lt•t• H<ti"-• • .,.t-• r ... chi.llflt c....,ulta Oftd , .. n ...... oNLY. PttUmlnary f\1tm1t1 $4~.00000 1.os NOTl<lc A NOTICE IS HEREBY GIV[N that NewptHI Mn a Unlfl•d School District .,11111 by and lhruu1h lt'1 Governin1 8oerd will rtettv. 11alt.d bids IOI 1w11d of a conlratl tor the 1bon n1mec1 Projtet up to, but not l1tt1 then the bid dudllne. B Bide shall be re celved In th• plu• tdtnlltled 1110••· wtielhet /If not bid• 11• c>pened n 1ctly 1t the ttme flHd In thlt notice. no bid will be r ectlved .tft•r th• bid dHdhnt C l'LAHS ANO SPEC fflCA TIONS ARE AVAll ABl( November 11. 200.l lht document.a m1y bt rtvllwtd ti lllt PROJECT MANAOl!R'1 offle• (Mt 1ddrn.1 Item H below) Oft C4" 8[ PURCHASED FROM UUllMR IUlfpttlNft 1 •J7 I (e11.ttr11ctl•t1 (et1ter, IFYltt•, CA. fHHfJf4t) SH· 7561, (Ut) SH· 1209 0 Ille Oisll let Wiii be 1n1Utt1n1 end 1nlorc1n1 1 l t bor Complltnc• Prop1m In ecco1dtl!C1 with tilt p1ovlllon1 tnd rtQulrtmtnb of Ai.14111 bl'f 8111 150I t hd p!fftvtfll to Caltfotnl• l abor Cod• uctlont 1110 et HQ All con• trecton end tlltlr •P• pHcablt 1ubcontrec:ton ,.rl0tmlftl Oft tho prol oct •II.I wltl ltt raqulrld lo compl~ wllh thl 1111u1r11110ttl of Ill• lt~ C.l!tlllilnct ,fO• p 1m lnclu 11~0 of, but not limllect to provldln1 t , . Oltoctt or ht' her du 11n•l•d roprntnltlt¥e the rr1ht lo conduct "audtl' onlervrew• of the tr 1desmen perlormin1 on the pro1ttl site on •nu deemed necesHry btsts du11n1 employees norm11 wo•~•na houri. al no add1lt0n1I cost lo lhe 0111rrct or any of the 01strtcf • r1prnen ......... or •aents E Each BIOOER mu•I post • btd b<Jnd 01 other H•Urofy on file amnunt or 10% ol the amount of the bod woth the bod F E"'h BIOOER 11 mullaneously wolh lhe ueculoon of the Con fr1cl Ae•Hmenl, wtll be r equu ed to lurnosh • l•bor and Ma luoal Pertormanre Bond on an 1mount equal lo 100 percent of the Conlracl 1um •nd • fatlhful Perform1nce Bond tn 1n 1mou111 equal lo JOO percenl of the Contra(! Sum Seid Bonds ~h•ll be lrom an admolled C1hforn11 Surety ut11 faclory lo lhe Ontrtct and listed In lhe r eder •I Re111st11 1uued by the Department of lru suty and l"en,ed on Callfor noa S11d bond\ •h•ll remain on full lore" ind ellvcl lh1ou1h the cu., int"• pe11od C fl•• SIOOl R shall b• • licensed contrat lor pur\uanl lo lhe Bu\lnen 11nd Profenoonal\ Code ind be licensed in the 1ppllcable clo11foc•toont for the lr•des In• which the conlr3Clor '' 'ub mtttonc a bod I• lht\ p•o1ecl hu 3'\. Otsabled Veter •n Bu\1 neu tnterprrH p<1rht1 patoon coal1 I Questron\ 1bout thos PROJtC T should bt d11ect1d fco lhe PROJlCT MANl\ClR Contact C1a11 Sca11na1 Tele phone l 141424-8950. Ftrm McCarthr 8uold'"I Co rAX 11414?4 ~I J No Btd m1y be wtlhdr awn unUI N1nely days afttr the 81d Opentn1 01l1t K The D"troct re Mrvn th• 111hl lo re,act •n'f 1nd all btds °' to waive trre1u11111tu tn •ny bid L Newpor I Meu Unified S~hool Ot,trtct IS 111 "equel OPp<>rtunn;· omployer M. Ne tel• .......... lecalMlle ..,.~lil11e wlll ... _ • ., ......... f44en If! the OIS'fltl<T ,.,,. twl•" et the time ef ... 4. Publishad Hewpofl Buch·CO$ll Meu Oally Piiot Novemb11 12. HI, 2003 W24J ISCIJHJ llOTICI Of PITI1DI TOMmSTa lSTAnOfi WMS Pf1D OOllS WI llO. A222149 To •II heka, b•n•fl cltr1e1 utdttor• eon ttncent ua.d1l0tt. tnd per•on' who may oth etw111 bt lnttrHttd In lh• Witt or ttt•t•. or lloth, of IAMCS PETEii 0088$ A M:TtTION 'OR PAO 8ATt hi' b .. n ftled by MICtiAll V OOHS In the Superior Coutt of C111tornl1, County of ORAHCE THC l'CTITION FOii ,llOllATE 1eQ11 .. tt MICH.Vl Y 0088& b• •P90111ltd 11 jWton•I 11prnent1t1v1 to Id· mllll\1tt tho Ollate of '"' detecltnt TH( f'tflllON ffCIUHtl 1ulhyfll1 to 1dl'llni.ler the Hltlt undtf the Independent Admlnl1· tr1t1on ol C1t1ie1 Act (Tll11 Alltlt«lty will ti " the penonel 1epr-· l•lr•t lu tall• 1111n1 acllon• without obt.lft 1111 Ultl 1ppto111I 11•11>11 t1kln1 urt1ln v1ty 1mporl1nt 1cll04I•, • rcprnent1tove woll be requlri4 lo 110 notice lo interested person' unln1 they hav• w11¥td noflce °' contenled lo lh• prop<»td action ) The tndependent •d mtnoslrat1on aulhoroty wtll bl &•anted unlus 1n onteroted ptrson ftlu an ob1tcllon to lht pelttoon and \howa 1ood uuw why lht court \hould nol 1ranl the 1ulh0<lly A HCARINC on the pet1t1on will be held on 0£CCM8£R 11. 2003 at I 45 pm tn D-c>I L73 loceled al 341 The Coty Onve South Orencc CA 92868 Ir YOU OBJECT to the I' an1tn1 ol th• petition you 'hould appear 11 the llH1ln1 end atal• your ob,ec:Uons °' tilt written objacll<><u wttll ttlt court belor• the hHrtn1. Your appear1nce m1y be In parson or by your attorney If YOU llRE A CREDI· TOR or conl1n1ent er editor ol the clecused. rou musl ftle your tlatm woth lht court and m11I • t opy to the parson1I repruenteltva •PPotnttd by the court within four monlhs lrom the date of lh• ltrst 1uu1nu 'l ltltlll U PIO¥tded' Probate Code sec It 9100 The tlmft for IJllne claims wlll nol uplre before lour month1 from th• heu ona date nolocad •bo¥e YOU MllY lXAMINE the Iola ktpl by the court ff you arP • per'IOn tn· !er ••led tn the nllle. you may ltle with tl1t court 1 Requul lor Spe<tal Notte~ (f0tm Of 1!>4) ol the flhn11 of an in¥entory and •PP• 11u1 or esUlt esseh or of 1ny 1>•h\lo" or account u provided In Probate Code u cloon 1250 A Rtquul lor Special Notoce fo1m " 101l1bte from the cour I clerk Att ... n•y f.., '91111Mtrt '•t•~ J. ··~·! htJ. ltl""I & NI-, W' J I S CMt-lol W.-, T.,.th•, CA '2710 Published Newport Buch Co1t1 MeH Dally Pilot Novernbar 17, 18, 19, 2003 WT233 ~ ...... N..se.i..t lh• followlna peraons 11• doln& bu11ne11 1t Celuy Mor'\t•••· 18627 8rookhunt Slt•el, 138:2, Fountain Y1lley. CA 92708 Artl\e Cntt1pr11es, Inc (CA), 18627 lroollhur1t Sl!Ht, 1382. Fount11n Vtllty, CA 92708 Thi• bu11neu Is con ductad by • corporatton H•vt you 1terltd dollll bua1ne11 .,,n No llrltN E.nterprit.tt, Majid S1l11t, Ptoldtnt Thia steltment "" hlff with the Co11nty Clerk of Oun1t Cou11ty on 11/'07/'03 200Ht•4411 Dilly Pilot No11 1~1•2t?i 26, Dee. 3, 2003 " 411 ......... ........ TIWI foltow1n1 pt non• •re doln1 bual114.. ... The Ruf ftt•l• l'Ctt WOtk, 14()() W OcOln front. Newpo<t INdl. Cahf0t11ill 9*3 WI lnve 1menh (CA), 6400 W Oc1111front. N•wr.o•t 1 .. c11, Call· forn • 92'el rh11 bvslneu 11 con dllcted lly • COf P«•lleft Hive 10ll 1l1tlld dolflt b11•11u1 yen Vn Ol/'Ol/1~ W8 lllYlllmtnla, Wtll· ""' l1mllll/f'tf•ldti1t T1111 tllttment ••• filetl with UM Collnly Clerk of Ouna e Count7 on 10/31/'0l 20H .. Ha.. 01Hy l'llot l'foy IW, )!i 11, 21, 200.t • aw ·----~~----------------~-------.--- •cma Of"""' NIA&IMO NOnCI IS NUllY OIVlM thet 11\e City M•n.ett ol the City ot Newport IHch h .. de•lan•l•ct • hn1h11 olflcet lo llulct • p111llk hf*#l111 end mlllle find 11111 a110 recom111fnde tloin uo the luu1 or wMlMr the I nat-ftmily 1Hldenc1 1t 1918 Oovtr 01h,.' con111tutu • pubic nulUllce PllfW.lll to ""wl)Ot t Budl Mu nlcljlel Code Section I 0 fl() AM 1lenu found to be • public 11ulslnu wiH be 1emovtd t1onl vi.w trom the public rllflt·of way The conditions con1h· tutin1 the alle11d n111 unct are es follow1. 1 Newport Buch Munlclplll Code Section 20.66.040(B )(3)(•) Perll ln1 In req11ired y11cb· A trailer Is stored within lh• front yerd SI lbll(... .tf U WhlCh IS not ellowed 2 Un1fo1 m 8u1ld1n1 Code Sectt0n 1607 4 4 Specie! roof loeds Yaroou~ items ere sl0ted on Ille 1001 1ncludln1. bul not fim1l1d to, old tares, • table, a wood pallet end other covered store1• Items on the second story roof over the a•raae 1 he root 11 nut destined for sucli pu1 posu nor appi oved for such by the bu1ldina offlclal 3 Newport Beach MunK•pal Code Section 10 50 020(C) Accu mulal1on ol rubb15h Linh and debris Yaroous items on the pro~1ty art v1slble from the public 111ht-of wa, 1nclud1na, but not l1m1ted lo. • scraen door, wood doors. push lawn mow er, 1 wood pallet, chain, bricks, concrete "P rap, and o.lhlf miscellaneous ll•mi other items •rt towered by black plasUc toverina appro .. mately one h•lf of the yard 4 Newport Beach Municip•I Code Section I 0 !IO 0?0< r ) Obst rue lion of public raJlll of w1y In 1ddtl1on to • vehicle p•rt.ed on the public i•dewalk, a lra1le1 tonaue. the front of an •ulomob1le lh111 and other m1Hellaneuus 1lern1 Ob\lrut l the pubhc 111ht of·way 5 Newport Beach MLlflklJI~ c .. &Kl..., :IO 60 020(A)( I) fa• ten"°" Into YMft A pwtlal l1nco In Htet\ of Ille j>O(mlttect th1" '"' htt1hl limll oaiata In the ftont 1••d I Unlf0r111 4dmlnli tutlve Code S.clion 301.l· •n aw111111 h" bMn 1ttuhod to a wall above • w&Mow without pe11111t1 Of' ln'll'CllOM. NOTt(I lS fUllTMll ONllf tllat a p11bllc fl11rtn1 llu bttn t.<lleduled t1ef0tt th• htat1n1 ofticer c1H11 nahd by the City Maneatt 11 4 00 p m un tlle 24th d•y of No-.. mti.r, 2003. Ill Ille Council Chambets of the City ol Hewpo<I 8Hch City Hall, 3JOO Ntwpor I Bou1 .. ,, d, Newport Buch, Catllornia, at which tlmt end pl1ce •nr and au Ptoons lnte.,.stad may •PP .. , and be hH1 d In lklu of • personal •PPHI anca, 1nter"ted ptuons may submit written meteu•ls to Iha Code and W1te1 Qualify C nlorcemenl M•n•c., for rev~w and conlidtr allon by No wtmb11 21 2003 All submitted m1l1111li will be presanted to the hnr1n1 oflice1 The procudinas will b• recorded by 1 lOUrt reporter fOf lnlormallun call (949) 644 3220 Jim Sana.eh, Code & Waler Quehty Enforce ment M1n•1e< City of Newport Bt<tlh Publ .. hed Newpor I Beach Costa Mesa D•1ly Pilot Novembe1 II. 12 13. 2003 1Wlh838 RctN.9'111ess -s...... The lottow1n1 per sons are do1na bus1nos u W1tneric hn1t1el, ?!iO 8111tol SI , Co•I& Mesa CA 9?6:>& Strole runbutr. 7188 Mekn•e St •c. Buen• Park CA 906?1 I ha\ buianeu " ~on ductr<! by 1n 1nd1V1du1t llavr you started doing bus1n"'' yel 7 No Slfole Tunbulr Thi~ s tatement we\ f1ted w•lh thr r.ounly Cltrk of Orance founty on 101)1/03 2003'963713 Dilly Pilot Nuv S, 12 19. 26. 2003 W?2J .. l.lllllllllCll ISCIM llO'ACI Of Pl1lll* TO•UUa 1$JATIOf: llCJIAllW.UKU · WUO.Am074 To •II ltelrt, benefl darles, crldlton, con lln1•nl crtdlton, 111d '*"'°"' who 1111~ Olll _,._ be lnlttltltd In Ille w1I or e1t1tt. or both. ol "ICHAAO W llJCRLll A l't:TITIOff FOR PRO BATE h•• .... n f1t.d by CHRISTIN AHN MAit LOW in the Suptflof Court of C111fo11111 County of OllAHGE THE PC TITION FOR PROBATE "qunh CHRISTIN( ANN MAR LOW be 1ppolnl•d H penon1I taprtsantallv• to admlnlsttt the .. t•I• ot the decedent THE PETITION requeab the decedenrs Wiii ind cod1c1ls, If 1ny, bt admitted to p1ob1lt Tho Will and any cod1e1h ara availabt. for eom1n1 hon 1n lh• Ille t.epl b, Ille COUii THE PETITION reque1ta •ulhoflly lo administer the nt•l• uno" the lndepondenl Admlnls l1ahon of r st a tu A<:t (Th!i Aulhonly will allow the personal repreun t•l1ve to l4ke m1ny action• without obl11n ina court approv1I Befort tfkinl cerl1111 very important aclloni howeve<. the penon•I represenlallVe will be required to I"" nolact to 1nlcruled per\ons unless they heve waived nol1u Of con•ented lo lhe proposed nlton ) The andependenl •d m1n1slnllon authuraly will be aranted unlus an interested pe1son llin an ob1oc1ton lo the petition and 'hows aood t•u•e why the court should not ar •nl th• •ulhOlily A H(ARINC on the pellllon wall be held on DCC£MBIR II ?OCll 11 I 4'> p m in Oepl I 71 louted at 341 111~ Caty 011ve South Or .me• r. A 92868 IF YOU OBJCCl lu the c• anlanit ol lhe peltlion you &llduld appur "' lne hurtn1 ~nd stale 7n1ir ob1ec11on\ ur lilt written obiectlons walh the court M f«I tht ll&Mtnt Yow ..,,... anq lllfY llt Ill ptraon or l>y y111r ettorney IF YOU AAt A CREDI TO" Of cu11t1111•nt "tclitOI ol lht dtc.eMd, you ""'1t hi. YOllf dt m w1tb 1111 court 1nd lllJlll 1 tot>t to the !MlflOll•I 1 tl>ftttnttllvt 90pol11ttd by tlll cou1 I wrlllill lovr month• hom tho ctatt of Ille I irtt lssu1NK1 of letlM• H PfOVMled Ill Ptobett Code HChOll 1100 The llfllt fOf fil~ cltlnl, wlll not uplr1 belOft IOlll month• from the hu1m1 dtlt notl<td •bo•e YOO MAY l XAll'IHC lht Iii• t.ept by the court II yOll 111 I ptflOfl in 111 n tad In the nt1t1, yuu n11y 11111 with Ille tour t • R111u .. 1 fOf Spec I al Notice ( '°' m Of IM) of th• fllln& of an Inventory and 11>11rel11I of 111111 .,.,..i. OI of 1n7 petition Of account 11 provided 1n Probate Code aechoo l 250 A Request for Sptc11I Nol"• lorm " available from the c:ourt cleft. Att-yt.P..m-1 '"""'"'LT~. Wl•-Mr, Wl•M & w ... •-lll J.une• I. Wui..IM, ..... (CSllU7U) hos Mofn St., Ste. 1300, frwlnt, CA t2'14 Published Newpor I Beach Co1ta Mesa Da1l7 Pilot November 6. 12, 13, 2003 ThW913 Adt-.a ..... ... s..... the followana persons '" dnanc busiOHs as l 8 J M1naaement, 16!1() So Harbor Blvd , An1he1m, CA 92802 Garr Associates. Inc (D~laware), W (1rl G~11 , Jr . 16SO So ll11bor Blvd , Anaheim. CA 9?802 lh11 business is con dueled by 1 corporation !lave you started doina businn• yet1 Yn9/110J C1rr An0<11tes Int W Earl Carr JI Pro adenl Th" •lalement wu hied with the County Ct.,k ul Or 1n1te County 0r1 10/?3 OJ 2003'9'2123 Oail1 Pilot Now S, 12. 19. Zti, 2003 W228 ,... ..... ... *'-' Tht lolluwl111 PttM>ll• tr• dol11& butlnl'I• H 1) GLADY BU, b) TRASH H llUHKE fS, 11111 lvor~crttt line, H1t11ll111toit h•dl, CA 926'1 !leyn Wtrct. 111 U IYOf~Cltl I l 1ne, Ihm tin on Buell, CA 92GU T la buttneu II COfl dll(ttt4 by '" lncjavlclu•I Have you 1ttrttd clvjtl1 builneuyetf Yt109,/0l/2003 (layn W11d Thia 1h1ten11111 WH hied wllh the County Cltfk of Of1n11 Counly Oii 10/ll/Ol IOOHHJ720 D•lly Pilot Nov !>, 17, 19, 26. 2003 W121 fldllM ...... "-*'-' Th• lollowln1 penon1 .,. dol11& buslntu H HO·DAOOY SURf COM PANY. 1680 16th St E212 Newport BHch. CA92661 J1n1 StHffen" 1680 16tl1 St l211. Newport BHch CA 92661 Tracy lonptrelh, 2140 B Costa Mesa. COlla Mesa. CA 92627 This buslntn " con ducted by· co pdrtners Hove you starltd doin& businftu ytt7 No Jim Stuffens Thll statement wu flled wllh the Counh Clerk of 011n1e County on 10/31/03 20036963721 Darty Pilot Nov !>, I? 19. 26. 2003 W118 S1IUOllS ,AMY LAW) OTAOOll MIKW • DBIOIO DI fAILIA HOTIC£ TO RESPON DCHl (Name) (AVISO Al DE MN«>AIXl ( NoniOr e) to\e(>h P1u1 S.veee You Nt befflll ill9d A usll!CI le Hlan d!Nnand •ndO PCTITICMR'S NAMC IS Cl NOM8Rf Of l ()(MANO ANTI I S I w Ann Sava&" CASI NllM61 R (Numero .,_.I C•W) 03000e6S• You holtt .lO CAl.CNOAA DAYS afteo th" SunHnon~ •nd Pelrhon ••~ 'W'<Vt'd on you to ht.> • R9\jl<lllv (101111 1787) •I ""' U>Url <11nd ~ve • ~~v on tl'MI pellho~ A '-'ti~ ..., phone ca• wall root protect YRM II you !lo no! hie ...-fftllPOllM on tlmt, the COllfl ml~ l!W.e 1>tdt•• 1lltcUn1 yout -·· yoc# P'lll*'Y· •nd custody ol yoUf c:Nldrwi You nay be Clfdlled lo pay fillPPOft •nd attorney '-Mid eo.ts It you cenoot P•r "" fillnfl ,... -th• c..-kif • '" w.W. form If you want llpl llOYtCt. C:Ollllct I lewyer -=~ 30 DIAS CAL[HONllOS ...... recbr ~ n:t. Cltlelon 11*1111 y Pfbclon, PM• COii~ Y prt wit• w fcwm..utlO de ~tl(~folm 1282) trlt• Ill (Orte Una urte o una ll1m1d1 l.i.tonlCA no It ofl-• prolecclon. SI usled no pr1t111la Mi Rtsj>UUI• 1 tle1'f1PO, I• coi!e poede up1dl1 ordenes que 1f9i:lan ltU malllf'l'IOOIO, SU pr opledad y QUt ordtMll q111 usted Pt&Ull man lt!llCJOll, hollof MI()\ de ltJoc.00 y .. , COSIH S. no puede ~· lb c~t.• ""' .. pres.nC.-de la demanda poda al klUM IO de la corte que le de un fwmulaflO de He>nelk!Otl de ~ nwn.os (Wwtt ul Court f -Mid Col.b) Si desea ohtenlf con"'° le&•I. comunaques• de inmedltllo C:Oll Ull lbop do NOTIC£ The resh dmlna U<den on the b1<.k •t• In ellecl a1a111st bulh hll\band Mid wilt untij the petlbon ~ dlsm...ed, • tttdeeml',nt ii ent119d or the COUI I makH lurthe1 01de1s Thne orden •• enforceable .nywllere an C.lllor1111 by any law enforcemenl 0H1te< who hu IKPIV~ or wen • <opy of I""'" AYISO I~ prohiblc.,,_ jUdlctales que ...,., teen •I rewuo de est.I crbuun son efectrvlb p¥a ~rnbcx conyu&n. tanlo et ~so tornO la e'.lj>(>U. hMOIA que la pel1l1on •e• r..:hazad<t "' cllc. I• una deuu1n hnal u la CUllt t.lptda lfl'.1 If UtCIOMt!' adiclOlldle\ Ditha-. jllU habit~ poeden h.t<Of'41 cumpllrM tualqu,,.. 1 •r I• de Ca~IUI 111.1 i.aur l<Mklu"" all"flle del orclen puM1<0 que la• h.oya re<:lbtdu u que hay• vish> una t upi.1 de ella:. I r11e na'"" amt ''""""' nf the CCK .. I l:S (I I 1••nbl• y dlrecc.IOn de l.t ~Ill I• e•> ORANCE COUNTY Wednesday, Nowm>er 12, 2003 At •utl' .... • l'lll .... $UP\,AIClA COtMT r AMll Y LAW COl.«l Ol'(ftA OOHS, lot 1 THE CITY D11M., rem OFFICE 10X 14110, OIW'C£. CA 9286J 1570 341 Tho City Drive. Or1111e1. CA 92868 3209 2. The MlllO, 8ddrlU llld ttl1phont number di ~-.uor ... r °' petilionwr w1lhou en tttorfltl' II.. (Cl nomt ... II dl'9ctlOll )' ti llllflMfO • W.tono .. lbot<lldo .. ~.o .. .,_.,,,, que no •- ~ n) lM AM S1v11• 6100 ldince• "-· '501, HuntqtoA Buch CA 9'l647 (1\4) ~/Ill 0.... t /U/OJ AWi aAYut ~..., C. AlOAPI, Oeputy HOT1CC T'O THE PERSON SERVED. You ere -..o n •n iodlvidual Publl1h1d Newport Buch Centi Mesa D~-y PMot Ottob« l:l, 2'9, Novtmb« !i, I?, 2003 W206 Ac-. .... Clafk of 0. ana• Cuunty on 10/JllOO IOOM9'171t Dilly r11ot Nov 6, 12, 19, 26, 200.l W224 Rdllll9 ..... ie-s....... The tollow1111 1>•• •on• are doln~ bUt~n•o ,.. Down1n1 !ilrftt LQ, 841 lffwpott C.ntet Dr ~2. ~Ott B .. ct1, CA l1r Q11t101 141 Am1&0\ Way l It, Newport Buch CA92"0 fllli. bu•lnes. b ~ull' dutltd by an 1nd1V!<W•I ll•ve you \l•I ltd dofn& bu.inen ytlt Ho t 11 Qu11or lhi1 sl•t•menl wu lated with the County Clerk ol Or an1e County on 10/22/03 200H9U'2t Dilly Pilot Nov 12. 19. 26, Dec J, 2003 W24? ... se....t lh" fnllnwan1 person• Tht followanc person~ .,, clo1nc busin"" •• are doll\& bus1nen as Streamhnt ~1bm1t1on Carys Mobile Screen 2638 R .. .,\1dt 01 Se1W1U, 3441 Summ.,1 Co•t. Mr\I CA 92621 ul C11cte, Costa Me\A. D•n1et Allen Par\el CA 92626 2b )8 Riverside Dr . Clfy Dohnk•. 3441 Costa Mes. CA 9?671 Summerset Clrclt, Costa I hii bU\lllO\ 1' con Mol, CA 92626 duOed by an 1nd1v1dual This business 1> ton Han you 'lar led tlotna duded by an 1ndiv1du•I bu•mcn y~I? Have you started clmna YH 9/0J bus•neu yet' No D1n1e1 Allan f>•r\fl GaryW Oollnh lhl\ \l•lem~nt wa\ This statement w•s flied with lh• County laird walh the County CINk ul 01•11~~ <..uu11ty C 0 c on 10 JI/OJ k'rll ol r •nee ounty 20036t•JT l T on I l/l0/03 200Ut64S7:1 Daaty Piiot Nov 5 12 Dealy Ptlot Nov 12, t9 ~'J ?6 2001 W'Jll 26 3 ?003 W236 fktlllM ..... llmtS..... I he follow1n1 persoa1s ire dome busmen u Ir 1n1ly f nlerprlles, 209 N Bayfront. Newport ll••rh, Cahf 97662 G•eu C Hulden. 209 N Bdyhont. Newport Buth CA 92662 Chutk Covenlun 21-46 K1n1 St Yorb• land• CA92886 I hu. bu\lllt' \ ., t: nn dutled by • ~~nr1 11 p~r 111" ~hap ti..tVt' )'OU Sf At lt'd tloinr bU\tflt'\ ytl? ""' I l I 8~ r.r~u G Hold"" lhl\ \lalemenl wa' hi'<! with the Countx lhe lollowma ptr'°n' •re do ma bu\lneu AS PS Marlin lnL 926 Al•lu Or . Cu•I·• Mo~. CA 92626 PS M.11hn hal IC:A). 9?6 At•laa Ur C:tl\la M•sa. CA Cl?f)'f> lh1s bu\lnU\ I\ , on du< ll'd by a r or1111,.ta10n H•wr ~uu •.I JI led duana bu\IOf',. y"t 1 No P!\ M"r Ian In• f•.1111 J M,,..u11n l't~\h1 .. nt fh1' '' ,, .. 111,.ot w . .-. f1lrd w1llt tftr' l11ottly C '"'" uf th ""at" l uunly 1111 0'l l(),UJ 20036960112 0111ly P1lul Oct ll 29 Nov '>. I?, :?003 W71 I Tiie lolloWlftl ptfaGllS en dOlnt bu\lntu H Sant•n• Sail1n1. Inc • 24631 Pr1sclll1 Or .. 01na Po1111 c~ 92629 Saddie Up, Inc (CA), 24831 f'rliclfJ1 Dt , 01n1 Point, CA 9?629 l his biBlntH I• con dliclld by. 1 cOfpor 1tlon Hevf yo.r llMl•ct dolnl buMnm yet? Ho S.ddle Up Inc Marc Huatl•ton P11t.ldenl Th" stalemenl wu, filed with the County Cltr~ of O.an1• County on 10/16/03 200H9'20H 011ly Pilot Oct 22, 29, Nov 5. 12. 2003 W212 ~ ...... .... *'-" The fotlowi111 perwn• are doi111 bu,ints• 11 a) Erono Envelupe, b) Econo En .. IOP• com, 3633 W MtcAtthu1 Blvd Suite 406 Sant• An• CA 92104 Lawrence S1•1•I 22836 r O&bOfOuflh Way l•ke Fo1esl CA 'Jl704 This bu.,nn\ '' lun ducted by an 1nd1vldu•I Have you •tar led dolna busaneu yel? No l •wrence S•eael Tlus stnte1nenl wn lllrd with the County Cte1k of D1an11~ County on 10/Jl/OJ 2003'9U724 011ly Pilot Nov !> I?. 19, 26. ?OOJ W219 11ditiMt.JiltH ... s....... The followana pe1Sons die dome busmen n A1tform lnlt'riors. 11/ll Mac St . G1rden Grove CA 92841 Ila tar zynu Nowakuw\k1, 11771 Mdl SI . Carden Cru.e. CA 92841 lh11 bu•anu\ as con dueled by on andiwidu~I Hive you •111 l•d doana bu\.IOIU yeP Ye\. 3 ?I 03 Kala11yna Now .. t.uw~k• Iha~ 'latemenl wH l1lt!<I with th~ Counly Cl•tk of Qian.:~ rounty on 10 06/03 20036,.0136 Daily 1'1lol Nov '> 12 19 21> 2001 W?J() SEU your unwanted Item• thruuah das"l1ed .......... •s....... The tollowln1 pttsons all dolfl& bUSllllH U f aetl In Uv1111. 2&25 oc .. n Blvd II 4, COfOOI dtl Mt•, CA 916111 JlmH R1y CoHiit ... 2525 Oc11n Blvd 8 4, Coron• del Mar. CA 9262!> lhl> bu•lneu os con ducttd by an 1ndMdu11 Haw• you •lAll ltd ckll111 bu1l11Hs yet? Ho ltmu Rey ColUslw lhl) ,, ....... nt WI' filed with lhe Coullfy Cletk of Oran1e Counly 01110/ll/03 200HHJ711 Dally Piiot Nov !>, 12, 19, 26. 2003 wno fldltlM ... "-S..... Tfle follow1na pe,.ons are dulfli busintH u Soulharn Cahform• Mold ln11Ptetors, 301 North Coop1rr Street S•nla Ane, CA 92103 Steven Chafin Bar Mi 101 Horth Conp11 Street Santa Ana, CA 92703 Th" butintu is con dueled by an indiwidu11 ltave you started 0011111 busineu yet7 No Steven C 8e1nH lhh st1t•m1nt W8\ hied with lhe County Cler~ ul Oranae County on 9/?3/03 ~ 200H959JSS D11ly Pilot Oct 12. 29. Nov !I. 12, 2003 W210 MllM .... it.es...... I h• lollowtnc person\ ••• dc>m1 businen n Innovation Salon IS-48 Adams Ave. Costa Mes.i CA92626 hmmarle Dinh, 3116 W Isl Street. H•. S1nta Ana CA 9?703 I has buS1nes1 1s con· ducltd by an andlv1dual Hoe you slerted doing bu"ne~' yel' Y .. uct I 2002 lamm•ne Dinh lh1~ statement w" hltd with th~ I uunly Clerk of Oranae C:n11n1v on 10/31/03 200J69U71S D11ly P1lul Nov 5 I? 19, 26. 2003 Wlll Index How to Place A -----Policy-----... CLASSIFrnAD By Fax (94916" M<M i"'-t &todr - Hy Phone ·~"' 641 ~6711 By Muil/ln Per~on: H() WN B•) Sllttt C0\11 \1c~a. CA Q2627 Uti-24'9 S ERVICE DIRECTORY ... For All Your Home and Business Needs - 1 11d('1 1'1L SL 111" I l11 u 1•11\ f;.11111l'1 .i ...... _.,,.., ... a11,..la'.l •llt• pncr'fdl w •.ooo Ha.el FAclt wm For Only 132 per Wttk (4weelc minlmwn) • (ti .... "'" S7Mm ENTERTAINMENT taltndarof Ewnll 1310 lQUAl HOUSltG OfPOl11llTY All real estate 1dverhs 1n11 In this newspaper is subject to the f edenl r lit Housint1 Acl of 1968 as •mended which mikes 11 tlle11I to advtrllse •any prefer enc1. limltat1on or dtscr im1n1tlon based on race. color 11l11t0n, HJ handicap. familial sl•tus or nahonal 01111n or •n 1ntent10n to m1h any such P••l•unce hm1te· hon or dixrimanataon • This new,peper will not t.nowln&ly accept 1ny •dvertrsemenl for teal utate which 11 1n wlolation of Iha law. Our •••ders are hereby informed that 111 dwell inas •dverll11d in this newspape1 are 1¥•ilabl1 on en equ1I Ol)9ortunlly bHil To compleln ol di•· cflmln1Uon, c1M HOO loll- Ir tt It l ·800-424 4590. 1413 04dtf 5t$ Fum!Wrt PIANOSl~ ·~·~ ·11-·-·0Mt--.. CAMfPAID .. -----wt auY 18TA1U ·~ ........ -...... . COtJSIGNMErJTSl I I I General HOME Announcemenb 1610 FURNISHINGS DUCK SEASON ,,,,, ... O..di """'' ... C ..... •P9•0• I/hr from Newporl Buch £ •ctl lent huntin1 ad11c1nl lo sllle w1terlowl refua• owner•hlp 1nlernl & appro• 375 acres of land & 1mprovsmenh • your own r1m1> tompound w/~tructure and 2 11a1lers Wonderful, rn n1aht BBQ'• ' wine lnlin& duran1 cluck 11uon • many ••l•a•I Ideal loi 2 f11end\ Of f1t11t1 & '°n Call Mi~• al 310 !>41 08!>4 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 Mllcellaneous SeMcea CASH FOR STRUCTURED S11tl1menVAnnulty paymenla.11'• your moneyl Gal c111h now when JOU ""d It mo1ll ~_, .. ,,_,_, Hip-II-lol•I• Sele Hewptt1 l clo. French couch•. wincback chairs. love Hats. Ir bt & dt Tommy B1h1ma lurnl lure. dtesden, bronres, flfbtn>t lanl!I. .... ......... n °' (llW6'Cr.. * n4 7!il.a.> OUHH MATillSS HT Or1hopeclc. brlnd -td an pMsbc w!'WWT Sir; Sl~ CWI dli'M 9&~ CHlllY SUIOH HD Solid wood. br.nd MW 11 box nut mow Wor1h .xi w: $250 9'&'Hrfl111 White twin Bellini Btd w/new mallttn 1970 11111 Sttnar•y. both 1n •Int cond 949·646 50!l4 SPORTING GOODS/ r.AMPING/ EXERDSE EQUIP MlsctlllnlCIUS Spoftjng Goods :mo ,,. •efl .. ,, .. .,.,11 •ucellent Condition• $300 call 949-574·2561 MISCEWHEOUS MERCHANDISE NHD A HEW COMPUT CR> But no Cash? Approved Guannleedl• New Fast Famous Brand No Credit Chee~. bid crtdtl, banliruptcy OK I 800-418-4680 •checkina eccount rt· quired (CAL •SCAN) AU STiil ll.OGS. 2.8x30 Wll $8,9()(), sell $3,890 38•4't wn $14,900. ult SS,950 4hl06 wu $32,916, ttU,$12,916 lst Como ht Servel Tom 800 392 7806 I iOMfS r<)f1 Siii f ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Corona dtl Mar OftN SAT-SUN 1-4 756 Avocldo ?br 2ba conctl. So al POI. 'Cl Sot lhlrnM ~ 949 ~2294 OPIN SAT 1-S Jt 10 c-•ry c1ui. NIW ON THI MAllllfl M•H Verde 3br 2 !>ba remod house new Ill•/ cerpel/wandow• appfs. paint tn"d' & out ? Ip 11t lam fir plan Onr sued beet. yd $689 000 Jim & lt1l11 flrsl THm Hewpci1 e.d1 71•7!11 2181 Ulle P...ti Cen4e o,-s.t-s.,.. 12.4 4Sl0rl-Wey Jlw 2.S~, fp, leh ef uw .... •I c-... ,.., $4 lt.000 A11 De.i '-I 949-64'-0. 10 Sltllll'lwrl Pwdwwa. 1.fl17 411'.HY 4'£ (Clli~ JEWS.RY/ 3460 ....,,,. DIAMONDS/ ~ .... COOL HAVll JOI Entry ltvtl Positions, 18.+, no updnal -wy, 1 ... ,. ....... PRECIOUS METALS f:'.JJ: .. "' • MJSCEWNEOUS AISOl.UTI GOl.OMllfll RENTALS lfln11P01lltlOn, lod11n1 ~:'F~ 1lR. (rA~ c. ... c •• ,. ....... Old Colntl Oold, •ltvtf, jtwtlry, w•lch<lt, enliqun coltectlbln 949 642 9448 AN11QUES ~RURFJ ~-1111 "10 SUS.SS EOlftENT - 60 vendina m1cht1111 ~n-...._•1..,T...,0-..._-.-- with tacalle11t locetlona ,_... 0 Olltl'W 11 for Sl0,ll5 S»-2J4..alZ -1-1-14-,-<-"-,-.-.-,-,-, t.c.111 ......... , .... 60 1111chll'ltt 1oc1tlon1 tncfudtd tfl for SI0.995 IOO-sot·79" Tr..Me tt"lfttl your bualntu starft d or ultndtd? Alter11•tlve 8utlntH Is lM sotvtlon. c111166 2n mo. • • sher• lownhoutt, mstr suite w/be Comm pool/ spe, 11tld Oarae• $750/ mo 949 64? M20 lfl/Oc-Yl•w ·-Octtnfronl/22nd, Prl ult rm, unfurn, ahar• ba, ullls ~Id. n/smt., lillChell•ll•. lndry, lblll to Ntwpott plef, $730m Clll Sem 949 271-7~ (bttwMn 9am·5Pm) ... ...,. ,..., .. ·-In 48r HouH. Sh11• bath, no/pot/pr-a-. W•fll to bMch, nltt ., .. ~~ • S400 cleO & 1/4 utlh Clll .. 5C»-9llOI C1~hltfr 11a11I I I lbf bt unit ftlil now I lZIOlot G09 IW Phllll4t 725 Al ">cv.pcin Blvd & BJ} 'it flour~: klcphoot' M lcfollll ~ ffipm \1onclJ)' Fnday WJlk·ln 8· '<lam-HX)pm Monday Fnd.ly 2iw 1 b. A;!, S<1 ol Hwy over rntl f c.a1 8" wd h~ups d1s~wr nu prh $1/~. mo 949 863 1190 014 COM 2br Iba ht>U'MI • ,., no ptl SI 700 2br I b• •Pl • 1ai No pet S2000 114 8.18 8398 Oc••n wlewt Sunny cou1yd ll1lr/ Sp.Jc. 1 >lay 2llr + den i!bl Ip tttadl ? c p r.ornm pool $14&1 sm flltl <*. Klc!n ~ 877 704 8649 •9204 wwwklelnpro lOm Buu newly remod Jbr 2ba 2 t aai, new hdwd firs. 1ran111 ctr s. appl, tp. no >mk P•ho S.IOOO. mo + dep 562 493 6126 M•rl• A,111 lovely Gahcl Comm n .. r Tt11na1e Square, 2br lb• w/a1r & 111& $1095 lbr Iba w/pal10. Clfpo1t, t101a11 IP5 Wllllt, ""' paid. Klein Mei•meo4 Ul ?Ol-8;49 [al !m I SIOI CHUMING, like renlntul• lbr lbil patio. l11tplHt \h.ued w/d hkup~ I tor 1ar •11e All $I 'JOO/MO 949 293 4630 a. lh. nt... f)ilri/tMpel 2ar P• badlyad. 1/2 blodl lo -· must -nmmo 9&278-l'!n> ca1 i.-i 91m5pm ~ 2W. 2iMi '-'a 2/c pr, rxlbm (lllllo. pool, f'tew tit. w/d/rfw nrl 103 lwtKJr Woo<a sum 114-m.1925 7br lb• nr NP pier close to ihops & resluManb Ip 1 t 111 wd hkups $1800/mo 949 2'3 4630 Nr h~~t h/b•y 2br l !iba uppt• unit l car park1n1 \PilU yrly lie SJB!;Om Avail Now 909 793 6617 l.., SIMI it-.. , quiet 11ea n•wly relutbiShtd 2 car I". wd hkups. S2!JOO/mo 949 759 0874 THI IUJ••s 4b1 2ba towrtm. 2 11:1. 2 ,,....,., ~~CJ:~ new 2br I Sb• town Cwt• 3br 2b• sinl lam house slylfl 2522 Elden residence, patio. steps Sl 375/mo 949 642 5488 lo bay I c 111. •1t Huntmgton Hartlour ....... L& mslJ Zbt lbt, ctsew crpt. -wi-pr, trnbll \Ill, $tips lo pt1vbcf1 Sl575 JZJ..561~7 Newpoft Bnch YIAA1Y LIASIS .... NIWPOlrT HOMO 1&1 CMIUNOY llMTOU Mt ... 7Mtt1 UOO ISU STUOIO Lara• closet & bath sunny nposurt, llOOOm ~· 949-675-6161 2H 21A CONDO, Ip, tr11. dw, no pets. pool. ltl loc $1600/mo Avtil Now 949 6!Kl 87 30 S2500 949 293 4631 .,,... •• 24~1 1111• f Plan, upareded, .. p1nd1d S289S Owntt 949-632-11489 SELL your stuff through classified! Rate' ;md dc;idltnn arc ~ub1ecl to change wrthout m111cc. The publ 1~hcr rcwrvc~ the nght to cen!tor, recJas\1fy. rev1!te or reject any cla~~tlicd advert1!tcment Pleil\e report any error that may be in your clas,1fied ad 1mmed1atcly. The Daily Pilot aLLcpt~ no ltabtlety for dJlY error tn an advcrt1~emc,n1 for which 1t may be rc,pOn\lhlc eitc.ept for the co~t of the 'pace actually occupied by the error Credit can only be allowed for the rlf'\t insertion. ----Deadlines --------. Mnnd.1~ ruc ... t.1) Wci.l1lf'rl11y TI111Nf") ' h!day 5 OOpm Mondlly ~ OOpm Tuc..Jay 5 OOpm Wcd~'><luy ~H)()pm Friday Sn1unJn~ !oour1tlay .. ThuN!ay 'i llOpm J.r1Juy Hlt.lpm . .l•rulay 5:tl0pm ~fNll ........ _. Ma<klnlosh computer \kllll Mtdlt al Off Ire Newport Beach. Sl?/hr luve ms1 949 280 8352 DIUVIU rAU TIMl Mon F11 Drawt nart Ull and eel p11d lor 11 Call Oa" 949 861 74/4 10 ACRE PARADISC Sedu•aon PflVltV fllHI trHs llu1e \/1tw\ Deer llll, Horsemen'• drum Electric 11ravel ro•d• $19,995 Super Term1 Western N M H1tchln1 Poll land. I 888 812 ~ (CAL ·scAN) ....... Mlrbl ,..,.. !Of buay Endoulnoloay office In Newpor I Buch Contact 949 64!1 885'> r /T, ll ... 1 typtn1. Wiii wOlk a1ound 1<h1dul1 Hl11y based on tap ~949 1!12 0186~ SELL your stuff through cla ssi fied! SHOPCet PAID 10 SHOP Secr1t \h<appers needed Pose "' cu•lomers and 11•t P••d Loni 'tore~ rutauranl\ & thuten r tei1bt• hourJ E m••f required 1 -800-~ 9024 ut 6048 <CAL •SCAN> WUIHOUSI f'05mOH Busy company an NB M!ells reltable ltldrvlduai up'd in~,_,., stodllns. etc tor r /f ~ Cornpul• sllllls • mus1 St•I f.SN>. Fu ..-& sairt req to 949-2!H-OUI PUT AFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! 949 642 .. 5678 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. NEWl'Ofrr GEACH• CO!>TA MCSA Daily Pilot .. Ill • I TODAY'S CRQSSWQRD PUZZU STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Tbr Lrpl Drpmw111111ht LN1/y l~lot u pvliff 10 1nM1111<t , MMt sm1'r """' 11•11!.t;lr"' """ hsrll(lln ~ """ ll#fl/ SE.ARCH tht u1111for1"" " iw ar.. rhtuzr. 1114 1111t Jl'll tht """ 11wi 1ht tnf "' 1/N <A11 Ho"" 111 Siin11 Aiu. Thm. qf c.1U1t, eftn tht 1mrlt u t1mp!LrrJ """ tv1ll fib!""' fimtiMu biu111t11 """"ltllmll'lll f//lm 1bt u""'1 Cid, fll;/uh 1ncr 1 llJttt for fovr 111ttis 111 rrt/IUftd;, l.tw •M thtn fik Jllr" proof 1/p,.;/""'1#11 ltlllh tht ullJJIJ Ctm. Pkrut l#f "1 ti fi/l }°''' fot1tro1U .himas 1111111 ll4JtJMll 111 tht °'11] P,/4~ JJO w &tJ St, Usll Mt11 If""' C611MI sttJp,,, pvm r.JJ IU "' (')49) 64M32 I llM II\' 111J/ mdt ilnltlll""'"lJ for JOll fl""""" mu proaJ.11rr"' 1'Yi£ If JO" iJ.o,JJ h111t 11fJ fo,W, 'f""1I011J. ~ a/J 111 .nJ wt wJJ bt '"'"' tlw11 rJ"" I# llllUI 11111 fMI fMt/r 111 ~111 lltlll bJu1/U11 Daily.A Pilot SfrVlce Dlrtcb'y C1llfornl1 law re· qulru that contl'ac:· tOt'I t.-ins jobs th1t tot.I S500 or more (labor or m1tetl1I~) be llctnsed by the Contractors Slat" Lk:enn Boerd. Slit• llW •llO r1quir11 11111 eontrectora Include their license number Oii ela..dVetlisln&. You can tllt<.11 the alalut of your llcenaed contractor 11 www.cstb.u .1ov or 800·321-CSLB. Unll· cent•d con tr 1ctor1 tekln1 joba tltlt tol•I 1111 thin S500 mu•t atete In their 1dv1rtlHm1nts thet they 1rt not licensed by th• Cont11ctora St1t1 Llelnte Bo1td." CarpttRtpalr,talll oCAU'IT~CMPITO Rep11r1, P1tcllln1. Instill Court10111 eny alu jobs. Wl\oltiPltil 949-492·0205 C«lalM' Mllorwy c.,.., LL your stuff houah classlfledl Br.~dge SOUTH wts r .... .,.. ,. .... ........ Opening lead: Ace e>f ¢ ,Ynterday, we dilliCuJSed how • -JAMMIJl'ff lted, lift inl« IVOl59 Dtteovnled JMUAllJl'ff 81111, IAln hller #V7'4? Cteet8uy LAM aGVll '01 4J 8ronb:, tan lntlf fY8IZZ MA/st $111 MlaCIDll CJIO '02 8la<k, lll1ck Inter 1\19211 Greet Buy Mll«OJS C.l40 '02 8ur11ndy. 1111 lnttr •VOJ65 011eounlld MOCIDIS CUC-500 '03 Wlllte, bleclt Inter 1116783 Oltcovnlld MllCfDIS 1110 '01 81Kll, black lntw #\'5458 Miid Sell MlaCIDlS U10 WA '01 Gr••n. tan Inlet #V458l Must $111 Ml.ICIDIS Mll20 '01 Black llV9118 Dltcounted MllCIDlS MIHO '01 Black, bleck inter cow.- &AMltllOYD'01 4,f 8rOt1t1, tan Int., IV8122 Gr .. t 0.11 MllKPIS CllO '01 Bi.c\, blKll lnter fV92n oi.eo11ntec1 Mll<tMS CHO '01 ' lufltndy, l'e'/ lftw fV036!I , • Mu.t s.11 MllCIOIS CUC·SOO '03 Whit•, bleek Int., M713 Creel Dnl MllClOU 1120 '01 Blacll, black Inlet #VMSI G11et011I MllClOH 1120 WA 'OJ G1Hn, ten Inter tV4581 Mint S.11 MllUDH MIHO '01 Bleck Ml18 MustStll MllCIDIS MIJ20 '01 Black, blaek Inter #V3467 Discounted MlaCIDIS SH '02 Silver, blKll lnt11 IV3'47 Discounted &.u.•OVll MWPOITHA<N .,.,_,,.._ .....,.,,,. vt Only 41k millll. 7 c~'Urks ..,,, .... ,,u Prlfnfurn f90fl pk&, Navl&ltlon ~. 28k ml. (~ 129.996 .,,,_,._ .... ._ ow EnWtllnnwit. (GIV40lllal) IZJ,9!l5 '01 °""'>' ,.,._ ,, .. °'*' ... IM>, mrwf &morel (427~85619) 129.995 .,,,... ......... ----toad. nwf, a>. lo Iii (41.W4l3116) S29.9!ll '01 MW SUI i;.rt Prwnbrl ~ 1l)Ol1 ~ (4'/SJ!fMm> w ,995 ......... .., -AlllDmotlvt - •V3'67 Discounted MllCIOIS SH '02 Sliver, black Inter MllCIDH S 1500 '00 · While. tan Inter #V0580 GrHI Diii ~l&lml, ...... roee lllno & men (42'NJ210e6) ms 9000 IMWXS 2002 Sport Packaae 2 1,000m1ll$ 949-760·9 3!>1 <•4111•• ,., o.vm. whrtl/oatmNI lthr. low mi, ~t.lful Millnal Cond inside· & oot, chrm whta, ~ Bllr. 949-586-1888 -...... - <J.ryel-. '" s.~1,.. LXI Conv, ISie actual mf, ·met.Ille &ften tan lthr bS.c:k top. b11utlful hke new cond, S7995 firm vl56nl BIU'. 949-51J6.llll8 _,,.,_ coav"n 'H CPI Auto. ac, 111 power, white/red Inter, be1u, runs stron1 $8600 obo 949·2"·3324 UXUS SC400 '95 Traction control. he1ted Hila, overd11ve. mn1f. chrom• whl1, new llrn. Nakemlchl aound sy1, 12 chanp cd, 1poller, blue/ tin hl&h ml, very clean $9750 949 244-332' Uftc .... '00 LI 110 V•, llk actuel ml, cham· p11ne/1ray lthr, mnrf. CO. chrome wills, superb a1 new eond lhrouaht, books, records. $12.995 v045829 Bkr 94~51J6.1888 --.......... .... DalllDp Plblllhlng YOUIHOMI IMPIOVIMINT PIOJICTt Ctll • ~lumbtt. p1lnt11, endym1n, or eny of the ~Ht awvlcu listed ett In our service difectoryl THCSE LOCAi. SVC PEOPLE CAN HELP YOUTOOAYt -------- "9S IMW 11S CON-vr Wllltl/T an. Auto. CO. Nice (038194) $17,900 '01 M.,u .J.• Cl.XSS AMO Biii/Biii, Only 1811 miles ( 18006) $49.900 'fS MwcH.. Sl.SOO ,_ Rere Red. Bose, low Miles. Must S.11 (107291) $26,900 'OOMtH'Cttl.1UIO s• Lo1dtd, N1v1. Low Miles (07 3237) $41,900 '01 .. ,,..,.,.., 1c11, •• Auto, AC, l ow Ml like New (221430) S13.900 '02 M/r1111i/1#r/ Monftl'o SPorl Sllvet. Auto, f>ower Evlfyth1n1 (013108) Sl7,900 ,,, #/-""'" $& Auto~ CD, Alloy, Lthr (2025:>1) SIS.900 'fl MentHlt1 llZO Wltltl/T1n, CD. Sharp (684789) S19,900 ..., , .... ,. ... _ """' Loaded, Must Slcfl ftee (094773) Sl6,900 'ff,.,., .. loJ<lftl' ,_, Sliver, 5·111, CO, Low ml~. IUHI price (623482) $23.900 ""''-''~ XU lOll Ml. Like New, Loaded (Al8:104) S23.900 Mt-650-2222 Tie's..,_ AlllliM l-t• lev., '954.0 SI SOii• ml, bl1ck/l1n lthr, superb cond lhroueht books. records Sl2.995 v045829 Btu 949 S86 1888 w-.ecpolt.,om F1llWOOd GMAT ...WOOO T.,.lfit herdwood mh ~tmd. f,.. dllwry 1,12 cord, St 50 lull 949-439·9663. flooMWTill O.ISTOM CMAJM TU lnst.tlltlon ....... c.-lllWc. marble, *'"'· ..... 1975 L~13* Jiff 714-612-9.161 &LUCY._..~ R~outln & ln1t1ll1tlon Tl 0£.AH 949·673.8065 714-846-11526 714-88). 31.ll wtnHOln oavwau. Gm"llln~ All ph1tes •m/lra lobs. CUA~rs. f1lr, fr11 llndlclp ng •l 7140-1"7 Eledrtcallanlca SMAU. JOI IX"IT Looi, Qulcll RuponM HolM, Yetd & Dock Elect 3) = l'.Mlclm Ei.c.tc l -.-10e2 DtrtwW ..... •r.-<-Sprlnkl•n llplfldH. Repeln, Trou~ Clunups, Tr• s.rw:.. Pllntq S.W. & morel ffM I.II I)> )bl ~ MO*' 714-tls.int I .LC. llemlc I.ow pr'- local COl#actor. no lob too 111111. no lob too II& IW1 l4'Qll r..-t l.1Clo.t10'108 (714)142-1410 TtM~lte,Yard Clt1mrp, llilltlnt1n1nc1, UCINSID COMTIACTOI Sprlnklef Repair, HauHn& No lob too 1111. NI ..,...., (,.9) uo . ..a111 R1e111t, 1tf'IOdll, fens, ... ,., -94IM4Wlll!6 I" > 1 I j I •I 'i.,+ ! I' I' fl f I COVllOTOlll AUOIAA 'OO Blick. W/lfl'! Inter IV0802 Di1count1d IMWHSl'OO Blick. w/tan 1nte1 #V2813 Discounted IMW Hile '99 Black, tin Inter •'19978 Must Sell IMWS211 '91 Bronlz, tan Inter tVS-497 Must Sell IMWS281e 'OO GrHn. tin inttr t\I0!>67 01scount1d fV3'47 Gr11t Buy MOCIOIS SI JOO '00 Wllite, tin lntw IV0580 Gr11t Buy POUCHI 996 '99 BUfrundy. ten Inter IV2592 Gr11t Buy POISHI CAttllJtA'99 Blu1. any lnt11r IV6049 Discounted POISOfl CAUllA '99 Bliek, bl1ell Inter •Vl068 Must Sell OUAU MANOUST '01 Sliver, bl1ck Inter •V0139 Must Sell VW PASSAT'02 IMW 5401 '99 Sliver, V•Y Inter Blue, arey Inter •V3655 Discounted tV21 ll Muat Sell IMW 740le'OO Bleck, tin Inter #V9'J5 Discounted MMSO.sttS COVE IOTOlllG POISCHI t96 '99 Bur1undy. tin Inter f\12592 Must Sell POISHE CdllU '99 Blue, arey Inter fV6049 DIKounted · PotSC:HlCdllU'99 Blac:k, black Inter •Vl068 Discounted QUAll MANGUST '01 Sliver, black Inlet #V0139 Must Sell VW PASSAT'02 Sliver. 1rey Inter #V3655 Must Sell MMS0.5'15 Setunl '01 SW2 w...,. 5spd, stick, "Iver, 1r1y inl,l)f'em sound, beeutitul like new cond $6995 v235719 8kr 949-586-1888 wwwACpllll.- '01 MIW XS '1t<f ~ 33( milll. Nlw., (~~141.996 ........ UJIO ~ a< mill. ctw'aml (4294{183&59) 162.996 '01~ 118. Tow pkc. etc. (292259) $21,996 '01 .......... 4.6. Nlw,D (4a88) MM4M44S WIDIOVll llWPOIT IOOt Or-cl '00 Mcwqut LS 3311 metallic silver blue 1rey lthr fully loaded. like new cond Sl0,899 V!lllf6721 8kr 9&58tH888 www.ocpeltl.cem IMW 7401e'OO Bruntz, tan Inter IMW 74011 '01 fer4 '65 Must.,19 #V9158 Cre1t Buy Blue, arty Inter Convertible, orl1ln1l t\12843 Must Sell owner. solid c1r. ITUll .. $Ul.!D) dlo 9&719-:9U Nl11oft '91 Ctft1ro XI 2dr, 5spd, aold, A/C, am· Im cus. oria ledy owner books, records. surerb cond throuaht, S 795 v#9l5572l 8lw 949-586-1888 IMW 74011 '01 SUvtr, arey IMW 74011 '01 IV8605 Crnt Buy White, arey Inter IMW 74011 '99 Antllraclt, arey #VS063 Gre1tBuy IMW 74011 '01 Blue, arey inter tV2843 Cr11t Buy IMW 74011 '01 White, arey Inter #V3951 Discounted IMW 74011'01 Silver, arey inter •V9942 D1scount1d IMWMS'ta Sliver. bl1ck Inter #V2897 Great Buy IMWMS'0 2 Silver, arey mter IV3962 Must Sell IMWllUO 'Oll 414 Red, vn649 Mutt Sell IMWZS '9' Black. tan lnt11 •Vl309 D1scount1d JAGUU I TYPE ' 7 4 yellow •V4024 Must Sell JAOUAl'S-TYPl '00 GrHn, tin Inter •V7783 Great Buy JAGUAI XJ• '97 Bleck, tan inter IV3!>48 Discounted JAGUAI XJI '00 Green, tan Inter -1280 Cr11t Bux =Ir CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yrs Exp • Gtell IW't M Plll9'I of Conlllucllon ~~Eicpn l.1577982 949-305-7699 GmlAL IEP.QI 'llAWll'1WD Dan llamllton 949-:4%2-1292 AlAN THI HANDYMAN •V3951 Must Sell IMW 74011'01 Silver, auy Inter #V9942 Must Sell IMWMS'ta SHVlll', bl1ck Inter #V2897 Discounted IMWMS'02 Sliver, 1rey Inter #V3962 Discounted IMW 11150 'OJ •14 Red, V17649 Mull Sell IMWZ.S'9' Bleck, tan Inter #Vl 309 GtHI Buy JAGUAl I TYrl ' 74 yellow IV402• Gr11t Buy JAGUAl S-TYPI 'OO Green. tin Inter #V1783 Must Sell JAOUAI XJ• '97 Black. tin Inter j1VJ548 Great Buy JAGUAI lUI '00 Green. t•n Inlet •1280 Dl1counted JAGUAI lUI '99 Red, l•n Inter •V0859 Must Sell JAGUAI lUI '99 Blue, tan Inter •V7947 Discounted 9(9..650.5915 HoClll Clanlng ......... c...ia.._... Svc SrMc o.c. fot 25yrl rllldantlllVsm bua Free at -~ !M&637-4113 ....... c•-i;;c:~·" Wkty/Bi·wkly o~. Rtf1 Grett rtlesl I 1 9&548-4285 9&2'JB.Ql37 All work 1u111ntffcl Pbntq. E111C1t1c11. Doors, HST MOVW SH/Hr. F~ c:ar'P *' -~ s.r~•nc All Cltlet lnllll'ed Tl63844 3"·9IJ7-ll93 I •• C>U ····.aw ...... y .. r "•••· Scr•t>e c:elllflll, future w11ta, Clrj)4ltltry, file • Appo•1 Floo< ,_, .. i-412·&51 10,... • .,.,._. Mii( TO'"' ou•''" 7l•·t61·1112 AVAllA8LE tOOAYI '49-173·'* 32.3..Q>. 9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE Th• c111r. P11bllc Utlllllff Comml8'1o11 rtq11J111 that 111 UMd hounllold 1ood1 mover• rtlnt tll•lr P U.C, Ct T numbtf; llmo1 •nd ch1uff11111 print their T .C.P. numbtt Ill 1H ldver• ti.-11. " you !lave e ny quutlont •bout tll• le .. llty of • mo.,.,, ltmo or ch1uff-. un: ~vnunu C INSllOM .,, ..... , www.ecpoltl.cem HMClo '97 Accorcl 2dr coupe EX, V·tec et11ine, 6911 bl1ck/arey lthr. snrf. beautiful unmarked cond, 1ar11ed, non amkr S8995 vl0126751 Bkr 9&5116-1.1111 -.Aqlllb.cun "Employee." "Empleado. " "Arbeitnehmer." "Employe; '' m"S CUSTOM PAlln'IN9 Prort, clun, qu1ktt\woril tnterlor/11t end dock-. l1703468 949-40().1054 J.yMte'•' ......... Top Qu•llty, Competitive Interior/Eat l~28 Cell Jty 949·650·!50&8 •CIWlllOnof MITJll"°"' SCWER JCTT1NQ ELEClltONIC SlA8 LEM DETECTION Frllndly S.rvle• t4f-61S-tl04 -· .all'll . -... u. (t4t) 641·1JH .. ,.....:!.~1.• '1Ctcwr:f~S2.CXXI Sl9,99S W~~..tu (Modlll 38U. 38T, 3BP,JQQ) <Of ,,_ ,.,.,_,., XS l3000 Off MSRP (Model 4CC) 1U 1!1.w WU w..-.,, $3000 Oft MSRP (Mc>clel 'lC) -n0v-.«w..-i1uea (7~) 'OZWU~ -l2(),888 (523706) '0041s.d. 15,988 (7211•51) 'DI ,_,., w...,.., 13.988 (70S219) -ozwuw...,.. 19,888 (820576) P\a ac-mwit lees nftu..ll'IJt'tniiru dwll5 Ind ll'IJ ..moo tmtrw dwilL M vdds u;.ct lo pncr sa NI ... '** lo tiunsr., dly d poilbtm 8fJ6. 764-lll l we.-~ AUTOMOBILES, MISCEUMEOUS .. ... .. ... . ,. Wanted 9045 ·--AUTOS WANTED .., .. n.nq a rd. Truda, V-~Cad\me TDM-c We ame ID )OU w/cd"I. Prj _ Jl0.$100,S!iW 90-221-5641 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 Nowpert leach SO ft Slip ev1ilable $1000/mo etll •949·723·3143• Tutortng SelYlces Creolefttlelo4 Ttocher 1vall for lutorlna In all subjects K 8 References 1vail Diane 94&-689 7194 --~ S4lip & ..... ,..., • Custom Hind P1lnted Ml.r* & F Mia, PIS!fiw. Mist lor '*' !UMl81 .... THI STllPPHI Speclallzln1 in Waflpepr Remonl Llf5882419'9·360·1211 OCH.OINWHT WIHDOW SllVKI S1tl1f1cllon Gu1r1nt11d • 9'9·631-1562 * It's the solution you're searching for·whether you're seeking a home, apartment pet or new occupation! . I .. --. ,.., . ... .. . L .. ., ... • " • .. • • En1oy sit down views of the coast mountains and sunsets in this open house with outdoor living on a large corner lol with room to expand P 1t10 1> A l $899.0(X) T Co:-.an & R. Bito\x' <).f<). fU1.9~ 11 9·NA97.333 I U111que oceanfront estate perched on a cliff above the Pacific Ocean. mouth watering views abound from ttus 1ncred1ble home w/ numerous decks & private salt water pool 011-1 HH> A l SH,700,000 jt D\ 81.o~~OM 9/i9.79.~.5 068 BEST OF RITZ P OINTE Ritz Pointe with panoramic ocean. Catalina and golf course views Huge master suite. gourmet kitchen with 5 BR, 4.5 BA. 4.320 sq ft. upstairs loft ottlce, 1 main floor bedroom 0PFERED AT $2,099,000 LF.EANN CANADAY 949.249.2424 .. Ocean view home with spacious l1v1ng room & open kitchen 3 Bedrooms 2 5 Baths 2 view decks PA \ff-I.A Hrnno" 9i9.63 ~.6667 A~t A:'-.DA HoRT<>" 9·i9. 122.6122 Exqu1s1te P.State is situated 1n the prestigious guard gated community of Pelican Hill in Newport Coast f n1oy panoramic views of the oc.ean harbor and city lights from all levels ol this unique property 0FHHH> A'I S6,/i95,000 JIM & )A ...... 9i9.677.526 ~ TEAM H OOVER EXPERIENCE • KN OWLEDGE • RESULTS ANN E & JOHN HOOVER • DEANN E MACINNES 949.219.2560 -- -= -------- J I • I . HARBO R VIEW .HILLS Build your dream home on this approxunately 20 000 square foot lot with absolutely beautiful views of the ocean harbor and city Affords privacy and seclusion OlllKl l> A l 52.395.000 LAMM' Lt .,, II 949.874.620 I CORONA DEL M AR Breathtaking ocean islands pavilion and city views Close 10 world renowned beaches Gorgeous grounds with waterfall fountain and outdoor fireplace Fnterta1ner s paradise 011110 I) A I 52. 500,000 M AI I Gl I 1.HX,I 949. 500.4 W9 Sothebys INTE"NATIONAL REALTY PRIME WATERFRONT PROPERTY Approximately 120· front feet on desirable Bayside Drive In Corona del Mar . Vintage single story Baylront with preliminary plans for two story home Private dock for large Yacht 3BR, 4BA OFFERED AT S6.795,000 M ICKFY H ARTLINC, 949.723.0940 , .• ( \'."-.11\1 -;'l' \ 11 I \ < , I • 1\1 \I I '1 .. Oceanfront on the sand. 3 bedrooms. elevator, pool, Catalina's sunsets and ready for move·in 0111 IUD Al 53,999,999 DAYNA P ETTIT 949.673.3899 CORONA DEL M AR • BREAKERS DRIVE EXTREMH Y RARE LOCATION • En1oy the beach lrtestyle from this beautrtul. 580 4BATH home Nestled on the prestigious private gated street of Breakers Drive. features of this beach style home include pergo and mar· ble floori ng master suite w/ views. 1etted tub and bidet. plus side and rear yards & view balcony PRt:~t.NTEI> AT Sl,999,000 M ARY M c.COY 949.293.1552 SP YGLASS HILL • CORONA DEL MAR Spec:tnW lw:f' Sd~ (keal, ~ catah & SIJiselW.VSfromhSqleMlone, ~ ttmltjruwJhWNoad bn, ~ ~ & ~wood cm-~ 00001* Wlef1 w/ plll8 ~ ard le;Jde(I gms catnlly. 8Dyald illllres ~ <XN- enx! IDJ, 1Ulr9 greM & exQl.JSlle lniscaprwJ This hane IS fMt 2.600sf & sls O:I In~ 29,roosf ~ (rd4!5 sq.) PRE!IENTFO A"r. $2,.395,000 LINOZEE 8RACHO 949.500.2340