HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-19 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY,NOVEMBER19,2003 ; ' Bechlef's petition ~ denied Former Newport Heights resident was convicted of murdering his wife during trial in 2001. 0Hpa Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -A 36· year-old former Newport Heights resJdent and father of three, found guilty of murder· Ing his millionaire wife and dumping her body in the ocean, lost his bid for a new trial last week after an appel· late court denied his petition. Eric Bechler was sentenced to life ln prison without the possibility of parole after he was convicted in March 2001 of killing hls 38-year-old wife, Pegye, during a boating trip off the Newport Beach coast that took place in JuJy 1997. Be- chler was 31 at the time of the murder. Prosecutors had argued that Bechler bludgeoned his wife on the head, stuffed her dead body ln trash hap and ~led her down lnto the ocean. ~s body wa.9 never found. Prosecutors said he killed her to get mo1e than $2 million in life insurance. Jurors found BecbJer guilty of a special circumstance of "lying in wait," and deter· mJned that he attacked her suddenJy in an unsuspecting EDUCATION Eric Bechler was found guilty in the 1997 murder case of ~is wife, Pegye. moment. They. however, ac- quitted Bechler of a charge that he murdered for financial gain. Bechler's attorneys had filed the appeal based on jurisdic· don issues and other matters relatfng to the body of evi· dence in the case. Defense At· tomey John Barnett had ar- gued that according to prose::utor's accounts, Bechler had killed his wife and dumped her eight miles off the coast. But, he said. the Orange County sheriff's jurlsdJction ended within four miles of the coast. Another factor that was part of the appeal was the "corpus" issue -ln other words, a "body of evidence" that could be negated because of lack of proof that a crime happened. The law state. the court should not consider any of the defendant's statements unJess there is evidence of a crime. And usually the victim's body is the prlme proof that a mur- der was commJtted. See BECHLER, Paee A4 Asbestos removal · prompts concern among parents Work at Harbor View Elementary triggers decision to pull students for the day. Marisa O'Neil Da1lyPUot COftPNA DEL MAR -Pat· ents of 52 children at Harbor vtew Elementary School pulled their children out of Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER Sunny with a little wfnd. Expect temperatul'M to tNCh the lower SO. In the hotteat p.1rt of town. SeePa1eA2. CITY HALL . The Cotta M ... Chy Council let• up on pens to creft 1 ll*l•l egreement wtth tht owntr of two mObllt home pafb. S..Pa1eA3 class Tuesday as disagree· ment about the school's con- struction con tinues. The walkout came during work to remove or seal asbes- tos from clBMrooms in the school's final construction pbase. Bowing to parent com- plaints about the removal tak· Ing place with students on campus, Newport-Mesa Uni· \ fled School District Supt. Rob· ert Barbot decided the work SM ASBESTOS, Pase M FORUM Noi~ It atandlng behind UM grocery ato ... atrlktra. 5"P11•AI • .. DRIVER KILLED IN FREEWAY ACCIDENT STEVE McCRANK I DAILY PILOT Billy Kwon of the California Highway Patrol investigates a fatal accident where a blue Chevrolet tru ck collided with a road sign pillar, killing the driver and injuring a passenger, on the southbound Corona del Mar Freeway north of Bison Avenue on Tuesday. One person dies, another taken to hospital after solo crash One person died Tuesday evening after the truck the person was driving crashed into a light pole on the right sh oulder of the Corona del Mar Freeway, CallfomJa Highway Patrol officials saJcl guard rail Wllb protruding Imo the roadway, she saJd. Traffic was snarled and a SigAlert was Issued at 8:02 p.m. The person who was driving the vehicle died and the condi· tion of a passenger in the 1J1Jck was not known, Willits '13.Jd. The passenger was '1JlnsportE'd to a ho~pitaJ, she said. The accident happened at about 7:50 p m. on the southbound Corona del Mar Freeway near Bison Avenue when the driver of a blue Otevrolet truck lost control of the vehicle, hit the pole and then crashed into the guard rail, saJd CHP Officer Stacy Willits. Wllllta saJd both the driver and the passenger were trapped in r.he overturned truck and had to be extricated by Orange County Fire Authority officials. The overturned truck blocked the No. 3 lane and part of the -Deepn Rhnratfl Students decry campus conditions Rat problem at Co rona del Mar high is 'disgusting,' one pupil tells Newport-Mesa school board members. MarlH O'Neil Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Corona del Mar High School has a serious rat problem and aides ln r.he special education classrooms are too overworked, students and parents told New- port Mesa Unified School District board members Tuesday night. "We want to bring the lclds out of I.his dis· gusting room,· said senJor Brittany Malone, who spoke to the board along with fellow senior Courtney Ryc.hel. "Please do some· th1ng about this. Come spend one day in the classroom to see the disgusting environment they're studying In." Brittany and Courtney were among three students, along with senlor Oauclia Mendoza. who collected 500 student signatures in three days asking the. board to take care of the problems in the special education classes. The teachers are so overworked they have had to give up lunches and conference time. Oaudia Lold the board. Complaints dJd not stop there. Parent Gre· ta Anderson-Davis, who has removed her child from lhe special education program, stood before the board and saJd thal the rat problem is campus-wide and not Limited to certain classrooms. Leslie Connell. another parenL. echoed An· derson·Davis' comments by relating that she saw a rat on Lhe campus earlier thJs month while she was i.peaking to a teacher there. Supt. Robert Barbot sought to calm par· ents and studenls' concerns. "We know there's a rodent problem," he saJd. "We need to bring extra help and spe· cial attention to it. I don't think we can ellmJ- nate it, but certainly can do something better than we have done in the past: The problems in the special education classrooms went public earlier this month when the parents of 14 of16 special educa- tion students in a Corona del Mar High class kept their children out of class to pro· test what one called the "controlled chaos" of too few teacher aides and a classroom infested with rodents and cockroaches. Parents and school district officials have met to dlscusi. 1he problem. Following ruesday's meeting, Brittany said Corona del Mar's students strongly backed the special education classes. "The school definitely supports the spe- cial ed. department 100%," sh e said. "Mrs. Thatcher (Suzy Thatcher, the special educa- tion teacher) has her hands full . She's the one who keeps the program together.· Oaudla Is a member of "Best Buddies," a group that brings special education stu- dents together with their mainstream counterparts. Brittany and Courtney both volunteer time with the special education students. Anderson· Davis said she was pleased the students brought the issue before the school board. which. she argued, will now have to deal with the students and parents' concerns. Barbot said the district also would ensure the special education classes have enough aides. •MARISA O'NEIL covers education end mev be reached et (949) 574-4268 or by e-m11I et m1rlsa.onell a l11t1m111.com THINKING ALLOWED Staying fit from an early age L ooklng around the beaches, parks and communlty centers ln Newport-Mesa, it doesn't aeem that obesity ls much of a problem. Everywhere you tum, you see people riding bikes or roller-blading. moms with jogging trollers or busy professionals S{leaking off to the gym during a lunch brea~ LOLITA HARPER nutritional awareness. Newport· Mesans stlll must be careful to not promote a lifestyle that leads to decreased energy and increased waist slu, said packing pounds on Munexpecdng~ people, there lies a truth that we, the proud residents of the United States, are coUectJvely fat. Not ·rat• by Hollywood tandards, which would be considered a slze 6 and above. Not "big-boned,• athletic or "thick" people. CA1J of which I have been described as.) I mean unhealthy. J'hose at ri k for heart disease, diabetes or worse. SPORTS It Is not uncommon to see a mother orrour in a string bUdni, looking as good -or better - • than lhe dJd ln high achool. Or a father or three In bis rnJd·40s stlll out on his surfboard before work. 1bJa ls the land of b«utl/ul people, nonfat mocha·latte-chJnoa and augur fret f'roun yogurt. registered dietician and owner of Newport Nutrldon, Theresa Grumet. The American Medical Assn. reported that nearly 9·million youngsters, ages 6 to 9, are now seriously overwetght. S1mJ.l&.r atud.les have revealed child obesity has tripled In the Unlted States lnce 1980. Newport Harbor Hlgl'I glrit vollevt>ell betttN Edlaon In ClF pleyoff ectfon. S..Pa1eM • But eve,n with our hetghtened •tt Is really crazy, (obesity! ls a huge problem," Grumet satd. Obe$ity ls a growing problem In the United State& Beneath the Oak regarding Oreo's. McDonalda and soda allegedly In CaliComla. nell'ly 40'lf. of SMAUOWEO,PlleM r Wfttliesday!, ~ 19, 2003 .LOCALS .. ONLY. FOR A GOOD CAUSE Music to his earS Voluntttrlllg ls• wayofllfe for Michael ~erson. The 50-~·old Costa Mal rllklent. who also owns hl.s busfnaa in die dty. staned eipemndni the Joy of helptna people a few yem ago When he got Involved with Youth f.mployment Service , a local nonproftt that helpt young people find Jobs. "Jt Just started with me looking for people to hire,. be srud. "Sl~ l got lnvo~ed with that group and with other orpnl.i.aOons doing littJe thinp like upplylng coaee and giving !hem aome of my time ... Peteoon al!O volwueers with local orpntzalions such as the Someone c.a.ro. Soup IOtcheo as weU as othm In the county, such u Discovery Arts at the Olildren's Ha.pita! of Orange County. La.st month, he helped out the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society by participating In its National Balloon Sales Program. "What I did was had these paper baJJoons fhr ..We in my tore.· Peterson exptamed. ·People could buy one of th~ balloorn. for SS and we would Inflate It and put It up In the store with either their name on it or a name they choose 10 put on the balloon.· Pctel'MJn has owned Java-1'-Go coffee hop on Newport Boulevard for the last seven years. He Is aJao a part·tlrne muslcJan who plays the guitar and organfaes shows for corporadons. Petel"80n sees music in tu. future u a voluntttr I fe says he has plans to raise money for the Discovery Ans program throlJ8h mus.le llhows. "I'd like to get local musical talent orpniz.ed so they can raise money doing what they do best," he said. For Peterson, the satisfaction comes from "knowing that you're doing somcthJng to help people.• ·vou get tired of hearing about all the bad sluff, •he 5ald. ·it's hard to explain why f do It But it has nothing to do with being nol1ced or getting recogniz..ed. • OOUGlAS ~/DAILY Pl.OT Michael Peterson, owner of Java-T-Go coffee shop on Newport Boulevard and -Story l1y Dttpa Bharath 19th Street, volunteers to supply coffee to local nooprofit organizations. PET OF THE WEEK Siamese tabby n1w1d<.'f" Is a yoWlg Siamese Jabby all that Is lost Night-shift secunty office"' found the an1maJ In a parking lot crying after last week's thunder and lightening stonn. Alloth<·r animaJ was found on 38th Scroet nt about the same rime, 50 we are calling him "UghtcnJng. ~ DtAnna Pfaff Martin, the foun - der of Community Animal Net-wort. received ·n1under's rescue cruJ aboul 11 :JO p.m. and served to rescue him on that stormy nlght When an animal is lost It r.hould be everybody's blWn to help pan.ldpatc In finding the orfglnal owner. When a stray cat ls m Ing and gives birth to kit· lens that are not touched by hu· mans. the generation grows up u part or lhc local wlldlile and ends up afraid of humans. Microch1p implants can be llfe·savtng to a Mruy cat Animal shelters and many telCUt groups nadonwfde consider, ~ If your pet doei ran scan for the tlny cblp that ls not go outdoors. Thanb to the implanted under the skin. and Newport Beach Pralle PamiJy the infonna.Uon can be retrieved. Foundation. C'.ommunlty Animal enabling the pets' owner to be Netwoftt purdwed a unJvmal noufled. The3e ure .... vi.ng devices mJcroc:hJp ecanner that searches ~ tomethlng t!'Vt'ryone should rescued anlmab for Implants. Dail~A Pilot VOL 97. NO. 223 THOMAI H. JOHINIOH N9wlfdleDn PubU.shet Gina Aleunclef. LOfi Andenon. TOHYDOOERO Dtnlel Hunt. Paul s.itowiti, Editof Oenlel Stwent JUrlt OITllNQ A~~M NEWlflAP Oeepe Bhend\ Promotion. DlrectOr Crim. Ind COUIU ~· (9'9)&74-4:1 EomNOnAR d#pa thmtt•,_,,_ oom Uc.fin JuMC1111rlf• M•:r;ne Editor, Newpolt 8Mc:tl ~. ll&t 174-4233 (149)574-032 •J mhn ,.,,,,,...com junt1.f»#fl,..,_.IMI,,_ tJOm ~a-.. Lollii ..... City fdllot. CMll~ CoklrMllt. oulture reponer. dnlel=~ IM)&~ lolrt.t hMp« •1«1nw..oom St)Oftl Edftot, a...Ncwmu 1Mlf~2J rldlMd durlfltlt.nm.oom ea. Mete '9pOfMf, , .... , 174-4221 .,...,, ..... t»lf'dlw.MWmMI•,_,,,.. oom Alt Olrtldof I Newt Oeek Chief, ....... oiw CMl17~ Educatton tepoftlr, ( .. ) 17 ..... ~~....,.com l'MrlN OMM•,..._oom ... Mcerll* "* ..... "'°'° ldlW>t, ............. ,.., PM2tl (Ml,...... ..,,.,...~ *""-mocnnt••~ TI1e Web site wwwanlmalni!t- u.c>tt.org has a ·eree· m1sfiing pet dlrectory and offers dps on bow to ftnd your mi5slng pet. Abo. a valuable resource for the Orange County animals Is the (714) 978- PB'TS hotline oaered by Animal PHOTOORAPHERS Mal1c C. Ou1tln, Don l..Mcti, Kent Trepcow =:=r- "9oofd your comments about tM Dtlly Pilot °' new. tlP9 Addf.- Our lddr9M II 330 W. S.., Sl. CoN Mela, CA 92127 Otrice houra lf'I Monct.v· Frid.Iv, 8:30 t.m. • 5 p.m. ~ It le the Pllot't policy to promptly C0"9Ct all em>rt of aubltanc.. ..... c.tll (949) ?&M324. FV1 The Newport~~ 0.11'( Pilot tUSPS-144«'.>0l la publlehed dl1ly. In Newpott 8-dt end eo.a ....... ~becriptionl .,. avtilatM oNy by tubeoribing to The Tlmet Onlnge ~ 18001 2&2tf41 In .,... outlllde of Newpott 8-dt and~ MeN. eubletlptlOM to the OtllV Piiot are ev,.,.,. only bv flnt ctat. mall for S30 per month. (PricM Include all ~ --end IOctl tall•.) flOITMAITE": Send~ ~to The Newport ~Mlm Dllty "°'-· '-0 lcM IMO. Coila Meea. CA tm1 A.Mist.ance League. lhe group has an office at• the Orange County Animal Shelter and can help Identify If your Jost pet is there. ~r. experts agree you need to go to the shelter and look for your anlmal, as color and breed descriptions ~ often misunder· stood on the phone. Be aware that Costa Mesas ltray animals go to the Humane Society in Huntington &ach, 21632 Newland St. Huntington Beach. (714) 536-8480. Newport Beach strays go to the Newport Beach Animal Shelter that Is in- side the Dover Shores Pet c.are C.enter, 2075 Newport Blvd. (at Victoria Street) in Costa Mesa. (949) 722-8301. •The Community Animal Networt II a communlty-94.1pponed animal organization lin«lng people and petl through community .alon. See other animals available for adoption at www.anlm.tlnetworlt.org, or lt<>c> by Ruuo'I pet store .t Fashion Island betwMn ooon and 4 p.m. on weekende. lnfonnatk>n: l949) 7~ or write to the Community Animal Network 8t P.O. Box 8682.' Newport BMch, CA 92868. Copyright: No n.wt storl•, llfultl8llona, edltorial mauer or •~ hefeln can be reproduced without wrttt.n pwm'-'on of ~ht owner. HOW TO MACH UI ~ The Tlmee Orenge County (800) 252-9141 ......... ~ a ... .., 941642-lle78 ~ (M9) 642.-4321 ~ New. (IM9) 142 5e80 lt*1t(M9)674-4223 Newt,.. (M9) 14M170 lpofts,.. (lot&) -.0170 &-4Nll: dllllypllot•i.t1mee.com Mllllt OMIDe ........ ()Mee (IMt) &U"'321 .,...,..,...,,8317120 ~.I Publllhed by Tlmte Communlt'f · Newt, • dMtlon of Che Loe AnQelllt Tlmee ~Tinmc:M.Mi'tgtlll ,...,.., NEIGHBORS 0..-Abergei.. ftorel dellgnet from Newport BNch. Wll ewitrded honorable mention at the Society of Amer1c9n Florfltl' Svtvie Cup • Design Competition during it• 199th ennuer convention In· Boq R.ton. Fla. A.berget repreaented the Clllfomla State Florel Alan. at the compethk>n ... Joab ec.w. a student at St. Joechlm School in Cotta Me11, received a certificate of merit for hi• volunteer community serJk:e from the Prudential Spirit of Community Awarda program ... Karl! Fost.r, a student at St Joad'llm School in Costa Mese, received a certfficete of merit for her volunteer community aervi<le from the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program . .. Samantha Cludd, a student at St Joadlim School in Costa Mesa, recelved a certificate of merit for her volunteer community service from the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards program ... Sww ChftstenMn was named to lead product operations and Steve Christensen com pl lance depertment at Tahitian Nonllnt.,.. national'• South em Cllifomi.'1 tal" o1flce, located in ColtaMeu ••• l<Mrt H..wy, coordinator and CCHhairman of the Balboa Yad'lt C1ub's CHOC Regatta, prnented a $3,600 c:hedt at the Santa Ana Country Club to Donna DIBart, chairwoman for the Cinderella Guild of Children's Hospital of Orange County for the CHOC Regatta and to Donna BIMchl, president of the Cinderella Guild of CHOC Hospital. • NEIGHBORS epotllgllt.1 edllevements in the community. Please direct noteworthy Information to Luis Pena by fax at (9491646-4170, or tend e-mail to luis.pena@latlmn.com. Donna DiBari, left, serves as the chairwoman of the Children's Hospital of Orange County Regatta for the Cinderella Guild of CHOC Hospital; Kent Harvey, center, serves as the coordinator and c~hairman of the Balboa Yacht Club's CHOC Regatta; and Donna Bianchi serves as the president of the Cinderella Guild of CHOC Hospital. DUI ARRESTS ThHe P6Qple have bHn amnted recently on auspicion of driving under the influence of an Intoxicant. They have only been 11rrttSted on suspicion of 11 crime and, 111 with 1111 •usl'«fa. are considered innocent until proved guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday •Jose Crisoforo Sllve·Tocpen. 34, Cotta Mesa • Tina Marie Valdez, 26, Costa Mesa •James Charies Bice. 61, Newport Beach • Jam• Joseph Torres. 20, Bell Garden• • Mlc:hael Donald Tutwiler, 46, long Beach Saturday • Katherine Dolora Coteman, 29, Cotta Mesa • Paul Erv1n Adkln1, 63, Costa Mesa • Danny Joe Byers, 46, Cotta MNa • Mamerta Uaa Byer1, 37. Costa M ... • Kelty MeganVenderhapen. 25, Newport Beadl • Dennis Dean Shaffer, 60. Newport Beadl • Jaamine Lam. 24, We1tmln1ter lh\.lndrt • Yoshiteru Shiwa. 62. Irvine Wedne9day •Joie Oejesu1-Flores. 25, Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH Sundsy •Brigitte Gisela Williama, 41, Newport Beadl •Juan Jose Medina. 27, Long Beadl Saturcbly • Glenn Scott Koadl, 41. Newport Beach •Jeffrey James-Timotfly Manu1, 34. Newport Beach • German Niklforoff. 38. Rancho Santa Margarita Fttday • Donny Gofdberg, 32. Corona • Beverty Ann Stln10n, 42. Newport Beadl •Holly Christine Fowler, 26, Huntington Beach Thunday • Mlc:hael Donald MclMn, 32, Newport Beach • Rhonda Lee Potter. 39. Huntington Beach Wedlawlay •Jennifer April Takaca, 32, Long Beach SURF AND-SUN WEATHER The winds w1n be out of FORECAST the welt It 10 knots after midnight TodeV wffl be more of the tame."'" be atnny, but SURF expect '°""' wlndl out of the not1hM8t It 10 mph. Most bt'eaka will be The winds wUI ~ loc*lng et waist-high• aa the aouthwettertv bv tht northwest end aouttMfelt lftemoon, TM hight will be badcde>Wn • ~om n to 11 cteg,.... Not the best autf, but Toinlght ihOU1d be dear. pretty consistent. The loWI Wiii be from 49 to Wltilrquelty: 64. WWW~rfrlder.OIQ ............ 0: www.nwt.no.e.oov . TIDES 11Me BOATING ........ FORECAST 6:6~a.m. 5.0t fMt high 11:67 a.m. 1.58fMtlow V.rtabte wtridf llt 10 lcnotl 6:37p.m. 4MfMthlgh or llghterbecome~ 11:46p.m. 0.88fMtlow llt 10 ~ bv the afternoon on the ltMw wttlfl. WATER Fa,._ out, nofthea8t wlnda It 10 ~ wHI TEMPERATURE beciome ~It 10 knotl. ~, dtgrwl Coun~il puts brakes on mobile home deal Councilwoman Libby Cowan lashes out at a trailer park property owner, saying he must work with tenants. Deirdre Newman OallyPdot a cll&ng 10 the d ty's general plan to convert HI Nido and Sriug Har· bor into l1 medical omce build· lng. He has al.so said that h will dote the pwb It the appliaidon ls not approved. About 4~ ot the ownen from both parts have a.lteady acx.-epted his rclocat.lon offer, Brown so.Id. Brown 'iald he has a reloaltlon team on i.ite IWO limes u W\.'Ck to help the remaining ownel'8 find u suitable pat\ to move to. COSTA MESA -Oty lende"' The Brown family ts also Monday halted the Planning spending $7,000 to $8,000 a C.Ommlsslons efforts to craft an month ln rent to hold spaces at lnterim measwe to protect the other parks for these owners to mobUe home owners at lil Nido move to, said Joe Brown Sr., who and Snug Hamor trailer parks, consults his son and two daugh· wh.lch are slated to be closed ln ters, who jointly own the park. June. But they aren't having any luck The City C.Ouncil unanimously with the holdouts, Brown Sr. rejected both an Interim ordJ· •1 just want these people to nance and an agreement with say. 'I want to move here or one of the parts' owners, Joseph there,•• Brown Sr. saJd. ~lnstead I G. Brown, on the grounds that get, 'You're just a bad guy.' I guess neither could be applied retroac-it comt.>S with the territory. My lively to Brown's pending appU-family has done nothing but be cation. kind to these people for all the Instead, the council directed years we owned IL Wf!!re not a big the comml Ion and members of corporation. just a lictJe ramily, the planning staff to conllnue and we feel for each of their woating on a comprehenc;ive pain.· mobile home park ordinance In July. the City Council di that would pertain to park con-re<.ted planning staff members to versions and closures. change the city's procedures for But Councilwoman Libby Co mobile home park conversions Lo wan put Brown on notice that he make them more spec1ilc liO it should work with the rnoblle would have more authority over home owners on an equitable re· the process. The city'& authority is location package. From the dais limited by state law. Monday night, she launched Into The Planning Conunil....ton fir.1 a cool, collected diatribe against considen..'tl a broad ordJnaJllt' Brown, declaring that if he fails to that could be applied to Brown'i. treat the owners re!>peclfully, he application, and would expand can expect the council 10 JCt the city's authority to also mcludc c,wiftly to protect the owners m mobile home park closures. the future. Hut at the Ckt. 13 meeung. "I do not believe Brown ha.<. planning staff and corruni.'>b1on been fair and equitahle -he has crs realized that if this ordinance heen despkable," Cowan I.aid. were approved, Uruwn would "My challenge is to take this have to redo his applicaUon and break we're giving you and be-relocation report. So an Interim come a decent human being. ordinance pertaining only to \\brk with (the owners! and Bmwn was suggested. Plarmlng come to a solution, because if I CommiSsion Oialnnan Bruce get the relocation repon and Garllch i.aid the ordinance Wa!. things are not satisfactory. ru ~ pursued as a safeguard, ince it slam an interim ordinance on would have required Brown 10 you.· comply with an independent re Brown said he disagreed with view of his relocat.lon report Cowan's characterization of him. Deputy City Atty. Marianne MWhat's happened is Ubby ha.<> Milligan then suggested an heard months and months of agreement be negotlated be residents, and not much else tween the city and Brown that from us, which is our choice," would accomplish the same pur· Brown said. "I thinJc we i.hould pose as the Interim ordinance, put together a package and refute but be done faster and protect evetythlng There's just some stuff the c11y Crom Uabll1ty. that isn't real realislic."After the After rejecting both the interim decision, loud cheers erupted ordinance and an agreement, from a group of mobile home council members lndlcated that owners from the two parts. This U1ey are anxiously awaiting the group has railed against the relo Independent examination of the cation pack.age Brown has of· relocation report, which Brown fered a<1 nol being equal to the pald for. The third-party review ii. v-dlue of the homes. Brown Is expected to be ready early next mainly offering owners S3,()()() to year. relocale. Councilman Mike Scheafcr Irene Shannon, a feisty owner c;ald he was imprci.sed by Co who has been one of the moM wan\ unrestrained comment., vocal, said she was pleased wilh toward Brown. the council's decision. "It.showed a lot of courage on ~With the conditions they put her part 10 say that,· Scheafer on It, I'm reaJ encouraged, be Mid. "Sometimes people don't cause any chance of it going have 1he guts to say what they retroactive was slim," Shannon re-dlly feel She kind of i.ummed sald. up wha1 we all feel. I thought she In May 2002, Brown applied for did a wonderful thing (Mondayl COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL 1-letl' "" Stmw uf t/i(I Items t/Je cvu11ell m1isulerrd Monday: IKEA PARKING LOT The council considered a re- quest from IKF.A to change the Home Ranch master plan and the North C.OSta Mesa Specific Plan to alJow construction of a new parking lot for its business at 1475 South C.Oast Drive. In November 2001. when the project was approved, 1.520 parldng spaces were pru· posed. Bur changes made to the parking lot during con· struction resulted In there be- ing only 1,430 parking spaces available. llCEA bought the cor· ner propeny next to its site for a parking lot. Since thls wm a substantial change of use rrorn the offices that were ap· proved for this site under the I tome Ranch master plrm, re· view of the change wa<. re· quired. WHAT HAPPENED FY1 WHAT: City Council meeting WHEN: 6:30 p.m., Dec. 1 WHERE: City Hall. 77 Fair Drive INFO: (714) 754·5221 but.ion. These are city funds, not Measure A funds. Lhat the school district is w.ing for up· grading its schools. • $300,000 from the klirvic.'W Park Development Pund • S 133,000 for the coni.1ruc LIQJl of a traffic signal, for which no location ha.c, been designated yet • $150,000 from the M!Mlng Unit Sidewalk capital improve· ment project • S70,000 that We.LS going to be used to replace the Wake ham Park picnic 'heltcn.. Pub· lie services staff mcmben. have determined that thc&e &truc- tures will last for ;mother i.ev· era! years, with some repairs. WHAT WAS SAID Ml have some concerns with some of the allocallons, llke the sidewallc funds." Manwo1 said The vote was 3·2 with Steel and Mansoor dls8enting. The council unanlmou_.Jy TEEN COMMITTEE approved the i;equt.>sl TEWINKLE PARK IMPROVEMENTS FUNDING The council consldcrt'd re allocating funding from other sources in the amount of about Sl.3 million for ap· proved upgrades to the TeWin Ide Park lake, athJeuc complex and skateboard park. WHAT HAPPENED The council approved reallo eating the funds, with the con- ditJons that any of the funds tha1 are not spent be returned to the special projects account and that a liiit of where the funds are alloca1ed from be maintained. Councilmen Allan Mansoor and Oiris Steel db· sented. This is where the money wdJ come from: • $299,760 an 2002 Roberti· Zeberg-1 lams funds, whlch aw • granted by the state and can only be used for the purchase, development or redevelopment of parks for recreational purpo~'- • $200,000 from t11e exbting Net Revenue/Spe('lal Pro11..><:ts account • SI00,000 from Ule TuWin Ide School parking 101 conlrl· night." ·nie Planning Commisi.ion will again consider the comprehen· 1ne council considered d1~ banding the AdVlSOry Commit· tee of Thens as a formal com- mittee of the council and instead expanding the corn · millee to advise both th1: council and the recreation di· vision. 'fhe Advisory Committee of Teens is a council-appointed committee that was created m 1997 to provide perspective and input regarding commu· nity proje<.1.S. improvemenu. and activiU~ 1ha1 appeal 10 youth. It also respon~ 10 re· quests for Input from the ~ounl"il, cornmJss1om •. committees and c,taff member'>. Over the pai.I two years, the committee has had several ml'l:llllg<i where a quorum of the members was not achieved and some c;talT members felt more lime was belng spent on organizing 1he comminee rather than the committees actlvltlet.. WHAT HAPPENED The council approvt'tl tJio,. banding the commlttee and pulling the group under the auspices of the recreation di vi sum. Ille vote wac., 4 10 I with Man<;o0r dissenting. 'live mobile home park conver i.lon/closure onJlnamt• al iti. meeling on Monday. BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Special Ed advisory meeting tonight The Special Education Com- munity Advisory C.Ommittee for the school district will host o community resource presenta- tion and parent meeting tonJgh1. The meeting will Introduce parents and professionals to communlry resources that can &upport and enhance the educa- tion of special needs children. Representatives from organl· z.alions like Special Olympics and the-I.earning Disabilities Assn. of Orange C.Ounty wW be there. Spanish translation and child cate wUJ be available to partJci- pants.. The committee Is a group of pan?nta. educations and mem· bera of the communiry who are concerned with spednJ educa lion wues and programs ln the Newport ·MC3a Unified School District. The committee serves In an advisory capacitY, to hefp de- velop home-school partnerablps, parent educadon programs and recommcndatJon.s to the school board on 1~laJ education IB- su n1e meeting will be hdd froru 7 to 9 p.m. ln th board room or the Newpon·Mca Educadon Center at 2985 Rear St. For more Information, call C.Osta Mesa Mayor Gary Monahan, who chairs the committee, at (714) 754·5192. Newport Explorers nab 6 trophies in county meet The Newport Beach Police Hxplorers Post I 050, a group of 14· to 21 -year-olds who train In law enforcement and perform community service, brought back six trophies from the Ex- plorer C.OmpeUtlon of the Orange County Law Enforce· ment Explorers last we~end. The Newport Explotirs Post won fl.rat place for handling of domcstJc vtolence, hostage ne· gotJatJona and crime scene ln· vestigatlons. The team alao won the second-place trophy ln the domestJc vfolence-bandllng c. •gory n second-place trophy fo1 andlltlg DUI situations and 1hln place for male phy11icnJ agtllt) Men1bcrs of the Newport Beach team wbo competed an!: Nouhad Coplan. Kyle Werner, 'ltt.Yeln Nguyen, O\arle1 Al· bright, Ann Sh1ndJer, Kim Shel- ton, Sara Bottum, Sergio Luna. Brtan Budrow, Ashleigh WU· Uama-Pearcc, Jim Speicher and D vtd Mcdlna. Newpon'a wu on of 43 Rlrplorer Po ti to par· FOR THE RECORD , tic1pate in the competition, which took place Saturday and Sunday at the Sheriff's Tactical Training Center in Anaheim and Included 11 even ts. Public invited to nature cente( walk 'Ille public Is lnvfted to visit Newport Beach's envt.ronmen- 1al Nature Center at noon Thursday for a walk through the center w11h 11c, founder, floberl House. Created in 1972 on unused land next to Newporr I larbor High School, the center now is a garde!] featuring 14 of Callfor· nla's 28 plant communities in duding a desert und redwood forest. The center is at 160 I 16th !'it. For more lnformat.lon, call 949· 645-8469 or visit www./:'N(_;pn- ter.org. 'J'l lt' ( ,.t'11fi1' '"''';' ,,,;,,,, 1·,,11I11 i1· /, ( u 111i1111.' Sewiq, Quilting& Embroidery Expo New. ZO-Z2, ZOOS Of'.Ulte Comity Fair 6 Bqoaldoa Cent ... CoetaM ... , CA Oerterwl Admluion: •10.00/da,y 11ckctl ~bl pu~ et the door Hou,..: 9;00tm -&;()Open delly ~ I so o ) ~ .; '..! Io\.-. • • , •1 1 1 fl I 1 10 I W~.sday, NcM!ni>er 19. 2003 AS Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday Cr Tuesday 6-9p,n Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Qualiry Scniu' .. ... Nightly En1uu.inmcn1• •• I,,. U'-4•'' ,,.,,,·an1 t;..,I/ (949) <>'16-7 91'1 I<>'>~ 1,. in•· 1'-c.., c,,.,,. Mc:•" n.-•• -.. 1-'-•'-\lll•ll.tl•-ot>".IO WHY PAY RETAIL? WHOLESALE TO THE PUBLIC . /,.;~. Y:.17uu1m·1/. </Ar11N"t"1w1 • GIA & EXiL Certified Diamonds :.... .... • • Customit.ed Orders • Engagement & Wedding Rings • Repairs While You Wait • 16 In dent Merchants 699 With This Ad 599 With This Ad Orange Ceast Middle College High School ~CAR WASH Q. • Weather permitting ~ e Satanlar, November 21, 200h 91M a.m. • ZIOO p.m. ~ o at MUtiaen Elementary n ZIOO Marlaen Dr. 0 g}.-d Newport Beach P o (0. lnlM ..... WI• l7da It. ... Oner) v ss.oo doaatloll ,..aested. Fmadl to .-e 1al1Mt hr educational Beld ~and Other lea111lq ~:)· opportaaldel oatdde the ~ o ol•~ o °' cla11n1m. .l~. ~ • ~Vcl -.c. I M Wai*letday, ~ 19, 2003 BECll.ER 9lbl court wu of lbe opbllon to 1998. ptlliend. actteM 11na New, Wlllf tblt chi ... crllJI were not con· "We have gotten a lot of re-a recording de\1ct and~ a Calllnued from Al dUIL1ed tn lknDar co~ IDd tpOnM 6om all over the country convmudon about the mwdtl. lho*t llOt hew been tlCel\'9d U tuPPOrtinl Stk, • tJnda 8echJet New WU Uo the ltu witMll ~· l.Opeciyllld. ..Jd.. "The-Web lite ls under re-In the hllb•proftle utal that WU 88ch1er't ~ WUIWn lo-1!de lec:bler'I ~ Linda construcdon now but wfU be up featured by televlalon propum pen)'i iald he Wdl IJJe a peddOn ledM. • alUci b •19 dJeip-abort)y. • • such U ABC't •20120" and COV• to tb9 1t>,,.U... court to ......, ~ "1th tis. appellat.9 Unila Bechler llkl ahe will ered by channds 1uch u Court the appeal. 11 dllt peddon » d9-coun\ "Bedaion. • vi.lit her IOJl In atate prlaon dUa TY. nlecL he wtll ..,..a 11 furtbillr to "Mi. ~y dld an acellent weekend. New, who II now marrted. the thuweSUpr.ne Court fob wkll the appeal." lhe AUL •tfe'a dolnsJust tine,• &huald. mother of dvee c:hJJdren and ex· ':The W:Dily IHla very IVOrWY• .,But we hope th&t the Califomla •tfe'• well·Ubd there and ii even pectlng her towth cb.Ud. aaJd Be- lbal my client wltt ~a ~ SUpreinl Court Judpl the cue wod:ing ln the legal library." dller •tfll gives her nfsbttnare& dea.Aoo, • he eald. on ICI lepJ mmt.• Pegye'a father, Glenn M.anhal.I, •rm ecst.adc that the ~peal ropcny Aid the abd9 ~ • Tho 8echJer limily ldD «>per· who 1ivet With his wl(e, June. In was denied.• she said. •But I al· (;qurt has the authority to cor· atea lbe fr#b«;hl#r.c:om Web lite Dater, N.M., said he .I.a ti..,py ways fear he's going to do some· rect errors In n.lllnp made bY that p. updated lntarmation with the outcome of the appeal, thing to me when 1 least expect lower cowu. Several *'-ww. aboUt Bechler'• appeal prociea wbJch wu decided Pdd.ay. lt,. , • railed In BedlJet'• NJpeaJ arid· The' me also offers a sao~ooo re-"lt was. one more good atep, • She even fears fo.r her llfe. New the appel.l.ate court had ~ ward 8>t tnlormation about .the be aaJd. "The d.lstr:fct attorney lai.d. •ponded with a 4S·page ~ wt..bouta of Pegye Bechler. had usured us that we had a . •1 think about him tmTY day,• be aafd. who II claUnt may have eacaped strong cue." abe said. "I never leave my door Among the ~ the court to aaochtr country to dodae fed-But despite the law and what unlocked. J have 'caller ID.' It was cndeal of tlle vfdeo tapee ol. eta1 prilon time for Medicare goes on ln courts. "life toet on,• scares me sometimes to think sea ut&s, wtUch proMCUton hUd.: said Manha1l. The Manalla that he wouldn't have gone to used to show that Becblet't ltOry In Jlnuliy. Mf.V AUted Uvf.ns adopted two of 8ecb.Jer's chll· prison lf I hadn't worn the wire. about his wlfe'1 diappearanee me.. 1 c:o.ta Mesa company d.ren aft.er his arrest. Ke would've been a free man. wu ootcredlble. JCopmyaakl. OIM:e opented by Eric and Pegye "'We haw two of our grand-And I'm~ he's sitting thete ln Bechler had cla1med bl! Wll Aei:hla ~ to pay $1.6 mil-ch.lld.ren and our oldet da.ugtner his jall cell thinking about me on a body board behind a tented Uon to reeolve allepdooa of bu one." Marahall laid. "The and bow J sent hlm to jall. • speedboat when a wave pitched Medicare &aud. The aealemmt bays ue playing football. The him under water. Whe:o be aur-•tenuned !mm allegadom that gl.rl.s playing aoccer. They're • DEEM BHARATH covera public faced. he said. his wt!e bad cl»-GertQri. a wboUy ~eel AlfV llappy little child.ten.~ ufety and courta. She may be appeared. := from 199& to 1998, Bechler wu arrested 1n Octo-reechedat(949) 674-4226orby y charged COIU on tta ber 1999 aft.er a two-year lnvesti· e-mail at dHpa.bharathll M.tlclnl COit reports !mm 1992 pdon. Authorities had Becbler's latlmn.com. IENDITHAHU TO UTAHCtA ~ IC..aot. COl'TA MEIA COllllMfTY 1.0.1.~ SOY "'°°IWI OOITA MEtA'AMIJU ~ AHO ALL MY 'A*.Y ,., ... ~Mid"--'""' ,,,,,. .,. ~CM,_.--. llmllftr's UnlWllM 1""'111t O{CIA ~s :J:~ ~ Sl'IU~ SOFfWAft ~ moDs <Dnl*ling fosf 'fQSyf ,NI emoO bom, Wtbmcll lnstont MG>ging ond moitl ........,. .... Slfl u, cw. www.locolnet.com ;.. 9. - Continued from Al chlldreo are phyafcally unftt. accordlng to a recent f8POlt by the C.alltomla Center for Public Heahb Advocacy. The llUdy used Che multi of the 2001 Callfomla Phyaical Fltoeaa Test to reach these concluaJona. Remember those test where you had to sprint for erasers, run a mile, cowit bow many pull·upt or slt·upt you could dof ~tty. kids anm't pedonnfna u well as genandoDI paat. In acklldon to poor performance on tetta. docton are 8nd1ng an ala.rm.lns Increase of 1YPe 2 Diabetes. hypertension and joJnt damage ln cbJJdren -prob.lema that were once only .een ln adults. State Health Dllector Diana m. Bonta said. Bonta aaid these children aie also at greater r1&k for chronic health prob#ma later. I "U flipping throup a magazine on the exetdle bib the other day and I came acrou a lhocldng statistic: the awrage Amerlcan child apendl 38 houra a week in front of the teltviaion. Yep. SI. Thal,, a full-time job. A.ltb~gb dangerously overwelght people are more BANQUET ROOMS Aval....._ for El;"~ fe~tive P iirtie~ ! 7~~~,~~ t-. ~-· .. ()/lie~ S(;f0 0FF Decorated Wratht • Top.i&ria • Gatlancb Moo-Fri 10.!:30 • Sat 10-5 • Sun UM 369 E. 17th Street 113, C.. Maa • (949) 64U745 (Ac:a1 tom often found in lower sodo-economJc tettinS', there are three wamlng signs that are prevalent hem also. They are: jobs and lives that are more sedentary than ln the put (white collar work. littlng at a desk all day); eating at home less because of so many dlffeient activities (National Owity League, AYSO, Uttle League, tennis and piano lessons); and the diet "yo·yo" syndrome, Grumet said That's right. even all that conscious calorie counting could be laying the foundation for weight problema. Hnot obesity, an eating disorder or poornutridon,Gnunetsaid.She said the media Is a huge culprit in promoting that model-waif-like figure, and that me&aage tends to hJt certain asperu of thls community llke a brick wall. •1 am ln Corona del Mar and I see kids with eating disorders, it ia a real concern,'' Grumet said •Many are very aware of It, though. and tab steps to correct it. or prevent It. But some people just get caught." We are lucky to live in a beaudfuJ community, where we can walk around the Back Bay . surf, ride b!Us and ride Rollerblades along the beach. but there la a di1ference between having access to activities and getting out and doing them. ·oh sure, people want to enjoy the outdoors here but people also make excmes," Grumet said. •Even if we live In a beautlful area. it ls all about makrng(exe.rdse)apriority." ln a society where we have the money to buy state·of·the·art entertainment centers, the best computers with the most RAM. Sony Playst.adon, Nintendo Game Cube, DSL. DVDs. CDs and MP3s, can we afford the AROUND TOWN • Send AACXJM> TOWN ltem1 to tM Daitv Pitot, 330 W. Bay St., eo.t.. M ... , CA 92827; bv Hnall to /ul .. ,,.,,alll•tJ,.,,.._com; bv fax to (949) 646-4170; or bv calling (949) 674-4298. lndude th9 time, ct.ta end location of the event. 11 well • • c:ontac:t phone number. consequences of sitting around on our B·U-T-n using them? Perhaps people can keep those well-earned dollars and buy simple toys such as bikes, roller skat.es. skateboards and athletic equipment. which promote active lifestyles. Last time I checked, the game of tag didn't cost a dlme and burnt a good 300 calories. Oh yeah, and slow down, Grumet said. "That is kind or it, ln a nutshell: Our lifestyles are too fast." Grumet said "People don't have time tQ plan their meals and sit down and enjoy nice. sa.dafylng and healthy foods." J also have It on good authority that a lot of people ln this area are looking for causes to get Involved with: here's one. This community can use Its wealth and influence to bring more awaren~ to this epidemic. Obviously, the overall health of our state and county ls Important, but if you want a reason that hJts closer to home, think of what it will cost to treat obesity-related illnesses in those. Imagine the taxes those money-grubbing legislatures are going to want to tab out of your paycheck to pay for the chronic health problems of lower-income children who suffered from poor nutrition. Think we have budget problems now? Walt until Medicare is clamoring to pay for triple bypass surgery for the one child In five, who grew up to have heart disease. •LOLITA HARPER writes columns Monday1. Wedne~aya and Fridays. She may be reacned at 19491 574-4275 or bV a-mall at lo/lta.harp#lrf/Jlatlme1.com. Food Be Your Medicine,· a free seminar bv Chartea Holmes, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the Patio CaM. The mertet 11 at 225 E. 17th St lnfonnatlon end reeervatlon1: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595-6667. The Fnel* cl Newport Coat wm have their annual meeting at 7:30 p.m. In Room No. 1 at the Oaal1 Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. Hiatortc Orange County film1 wlll be shown, end an update Wiii be given on development In Ctyltel Cove Stete Park. Information: (949) 844-6998. The~~ DvttroPtlY ft1tnde eupport group wtn mett at 7 p.m. at Coco., 2760 Harbor Btvd., Cotta Meu. lnfonnedon: (949) 860-1212, (714) 481-!MOO. THURSDAY TM 0..,. County,..., Ind Expoti1lon Center wtll hOtt the Creative Sewing Fair from 9 e.m. to 6 p.m. at bulldlng No. 10. The COit wlll be f7 •nd no charge for cl\lldren I year1 end younger. Information: (72A) 325-6689, hlfP.:11\Nww,..wf~tl.oom. UCINlnt'aC...forWomenand Men end the Crot1 Cul\'l.irel Cenetr wttl pnlMnt .,ARoom Withe View. A Lit. of Acdvllm" from noon to 1:30 p.m. It UC lrvtnn Ct'OM Cuteural Center. The pNMntatJon wttt be .,, ec:tl"9 dlecl-'on on ~end 9lhnlclty end how ft lffecta women'I,.... In reldOfwhlp to vtolenct. lnformdon: tM) 82A-eOOO.. ASBESTOS Continued from Al will only take place after school hours. "The parents had concerns," district spokesperson Jane Gar- land said. "There were no prob· !ems and it didn't put anyone at harm. We did this to relieve par- entB' anxiety." Notes went home last week telling parents that the work would start Monday and signs were posted throughout the campus, said Bonnie Martin, di· rector of project manager McCarthy Construction. The problems started Monday when gaps appeared ln the tent covering the work area. Princi- pal Mellissla Ou1stensen said. Work stopped while the plas· tic was repaired, but parents protested when it resumed while their children were still ln class. Today, 52 students stayed home, Oui.steruen said. District officials, including Barbot, met with parents Tues- day morning. Work will now take place from 2 to 6 p.m. this week. and should finish by Sat- urday, Martin said. "We are following. by l~tter of the law, all procedures and guidelines from the (Air Quality Management Department] and (Environmental Protection Agency). over and beyond what ls required," Martin said. "We SATURDAY The Oninge County Felr Ind Exposition Center will hott the Creative Sewing Fair from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at building No. 10. The coat will be $7 and no charge tor d'llldren 6 yeara end younger. Information: (714) 325--5689, hnp:/lwww.HWfngeventa.com. fahlon Wand wfl hoet ltl 1nnuel tree lighting ceremony at 6 p.m. The tree will be lighted at th• end of "Celebrate the Seaton,"• tong end def'lel8 apectacular bv ltudenta fonn the Orange County High SdW>OI for the AIU. Info. nnatlon: (949) 721·2000. http:// www.mopfahlonl-1and.oom. caw Hei•"IUtOn w11reec11nc1 1lgn hl1 new chlldren'a book •Hany & Hannan: The Amencan Adventure: at 2 p.m. at Barnet Sc Noble, Matro Pointe, 901 South Coest Drive. Information: (714) 444-0226. MONDAY The~Coonty~ of Chlldhelp USA wlll hive a funck'llMr from 4 to 9:30 p.m. for dine In end from 10 1.m. to 9:30 p.rn. for tab out It tht N.wport R1b Company, 2198 Harbor Btvd., Cotti Meta. The N.wport Rlb ComPlnV will donate 20% of Heh bHI to ~ldhetp USA. A.-vltlone: Nancy Whfdod(, (9'8) 6ite 42281 HOV.2t The COlea M.e..., CerWllr wftt be~ Thanbglvlng wtth. home<looktd mMI. The went II~ bv8'mit 6'ngh of Angel't Al*> Spe. The OOlt '°' the went .. $2 perpenon. The OOltto become. rnembet of 1he .,_.lit $11. lnformedon: (M) 148-2318. NOV.21 hired a thlrd·party company for air-quality monitoring and all of our levels to date are well below permissible exposure limits." The asbestos ln question is In window putty and some plaster wall&, Martin said. Maximum acceptable levels for airborne fi. ber particles during the removal are .01 fibers per cubic centi- meter. According to a report from Ambient Environmental, which is monitoring air quallty during the procedure, the samples have ranged from .002 to .005. The company also uses differential pressure air filtration devices with HEPA filters to keep fibers in the work area. If the work ls done correctly. the process is generally safe, said Michael T. Klein.man, a pro· fessor of community and envt· ronmental medicine at UC Ir· vine. Operating procedures keep the public risk low, he said. •If I thought lt was a safety Is- sue, I'd be leading (students) all out of the school myself," Cluis- tensen said. But parents said it's more than the potential danger to their stu· dents that worries them. "It should have been caught," said parent Meg Harrison, who did not pull her child out Tues- day. "But It took parents making phone calls to stop it. So many things have not gone the way they said they would. It's a ques· tion of credibility." County Martet Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admiulon will be free. There wlll be an artlaana' end creftera' comer, photo• with Santa Oau1 end eeeaonal entel'talnment. NOV.29 The Orange County Colony of Me'fi'ower Descendants will have It• ennuel Compact Dey Luncheon et 10:30 e.m. et the Holldey Inn 3131 South Briatol, Coate Mffe. Anyone who 11 deacended from one of the 26 known heed1 of femlllea can join. Information: (949)~6871 , http:/lwww.ocmayflower.org. NOV. 30 The Onlnge ~nty Chapt« of the Swedlah Women'• Educatlonel Aun.will heve lta annual Swedlah Chrtltmae event, Whlch promotea Swedl•h tredftlona st 11 1.m. In the Coete Mt1e Neighborhood community center. 1846 Perk Ave. Th• coat will be $2 for chlldren younger th~n 16 and S6 for ldulta and older teenegera. lnform1tlon: ('48) 786-2734. DEC.1 South Cout Pleu will hwe ID 21 at ennuel 'frM.Ughtlng c.rtmony et e p.m. It Town Center Pert, ldJtctnt to th• W.atln South Cont PINI. The 9()..foot Whitt flr will be edomed by 16,000 llQM:e. TM ceremony will feeture the AH Amertcln Bov• Chorue •nd an 1pp .. rene1 by honorary •"*9, J•nnlfer Volt from KTl..A..'fV. DIC.4 .The Orllfile ceu.tty ~of O,Hdhelp USA wtfl heYt • hotldey boutlquie Ind tunc:Non et 10 1.m. In lh9 Hy11 Aegencv, '"°° Jlmboree louleYlfd, IMnt. For 1111~1 oonteat Neney Whltlocl It (- 144228. " Wectielday, Noveni>el 19, 2003 A! FORUM . HOWTOGETPUIUSHED -Ldert: Mall to Edltorfal Pl99 Editor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Piiot. 330W. Bay St., Coate Me .. , CA92627• ~ Hodlne: Call (949) 642-6086 Ftuc Send to (949) 64&-4170 E-mail: Send to dallypllotOlat/~oom •All COtTnpOndence mutt Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purpoaea). Tha Piiot reservea the right to edit all 1ubmlulon1 for clarity and length. Johnny Sanchez, right, an Att>ertsons employee for 13 years, cheers with Carolyn Pfeiff er and others on Harbor Boulevard and Wilson Street. Maey readers are fed up with the strike. fll.EPHOTO/ DAILY PILOT READERS RESPOND No sympathy for the strikers AT ISSUE: Grocery shopping during the United Food and : ·Commercial Workers . ' union strike. shopping venue is Mother's Mark.et On Thursdays, I would go to the farmers marlcet at the Orange County Fairgrounds because Smith Farms sells organic products. And then there's a German bakery from Dana Point at the market, and I sometimes would buy bread from them. For my meat and chicken, I go to Whole Foods in Tustin. But I'm very grateful for Mother's Market because they stoclt up a wonderful supply of organic Items. Especially the fruits and vegetables: you can't beat that Most of the large chain grocery stores may have organic foods but Its such a small, small, small section. It's a token you might say, so why even bother to go there. ,.. Al first, I avoJded the markets . ' with the picket lines. After I read , that they were unwilling to pay a ' small share of their health , ' lnsurance and wanted it for free, :, l now shop anywhere I want. So, as far as the grocery stores go; if they depended on my patronage they would have been out of business a long time ago. So, the strike real11.hasn't hurt me. At Mother's they do sell Hegan Daas and I buy Hagan Daas lce-cream.But~lwantthe larger sl.z.e, I do go once In a whlle to Ralphs because they have coupons. Rvery hard-working person I , know bu had their insurance go , '' up some -even doubled. It's .. hard on everyone. So I say to '.. them, get over It and get back to . work. The only time I go to Vons is for my recycling. I take my bottles cans and plastic bottles and go to Vons and get my refund. Other than that, J really don't ftnd it necessary to shop at the regular grocery chains on a regular basis. But by in large I don't patronize the markets just because they don't stock the organics like Mother's Mar~et does. And I am so thankful that they are here. ANN MERRITT Corona del Mar ... · ' I haw been a shopper of " organic foods for a number of , years now. So, my maJn JUNE MCKINZJE Costa Mesa •" BEA PART OF COSTA MESA'S 50T" ANNIVERSARY , I tt Costa Mesa As part of the CostaMazing SOth Anniversary Cekbration, the City of Costa Mesa is seeking Costa Mesa busine1ses, organizations or individuals who are interested in purchasing a street banntr that will be displayed on some of the most highly travekd streets in our City. The 3 foot by 5 foot banner will feature the CostaMazing logo along wilh your name (left). ... ·' l " CostaM_¥ing Years - YOUR NAME HERE The first set of 100 banners are up and a waiting list has been started for the second set thal will go up for S'ix (6) months starting in December 2003. After the CostaMazing Cekbration banner is removed, iJ will be gi.ven to you/ The cost of the banner is $200. This opportunity is available to the first SO respondents. If you are interested, please compleu the lnfonnallon b1low and return to: Amy Kuchta, CostaMazlng Coordinator, (714) 754-5065 City of Costa Mesa 77 Fair Drive P.O. Box 1200 Costa Mesa, CA 9262' ·--------------------------------------------· Banner Display Name: __________________ _ I I I I I ContactName~·----------~Titlc,_· ________ ! Addms,_· __________ Tclcpbooe No.:_. ___ ..-.......; __ _ Number of Banners you are interested in: ___________ _ B"""'' Imprint ii llMU.d to J llMr o/ tut 011'11 "° l()fo•, IS cluuoc#n ,,, UM. Do NOT wllM# "'1""11t. I I I I I I I I I I ·------~-------------------------------------· LETTER TO THE EDITOR Huma~ity extends to our four-legged fri~nds The article, •Police rule out shelter negligence In dog theft. M on Nov. 6, contains misleading information. Here Ls a different version of the event "Security" is an inappropriate word to use regarding the actions of those at the Orange County Humane Society In regard to the stolen dog. I would not leave a $1,200dog1n a fenced yard overnight unless I intended for someone to take It Marines don't leave their secret documents unguarded or unlocked. Security. in the proper sense of the word here, Is either guarded or locked. There were no guards and no locks. There were no provisions for security to speak of when the puppy was stolen. There was no negligence because it was standard operating procedure to have no security. According to th~ article the Last Chance for An1mals organization states, "even a fenced yard and locked gate are no guarantees that your dog wUl not be stolen.• The proper application of security here ls merely a matter of app)ytng common sense. The humane creatment for a puppy would be to: have tags made for the dog; report to the police the dog m.Wing; pay out-of-pocket for a lock or, seeJc one of the plenty of good hwnane people out there, who would be happy to lend or contribute to pay for a loclc or other types of security. None of these humane things were done by the Mowner" or anyone else, that we know about. other than, my wife, Tracey (ELFBRATE Dorame. A Costa Mesa city ordinance states that a stray animal has to be reported to the police and says nothing about reporting it to Animal Control The puppy was reported to the Costa Mesa Police. Dorame was coerced Into relinquishing the dog to Animal Control upon the threat of being charged with grand theft. The puppy did not neces.sarlly have to be sWTendered to I.he Animal Control in the first place. The puppy was deemed heallhy and had shots from a Costa Mesa veterinarian before being Impounded at I.he Humane Society. Dorame also had every Intention of retumlng I.he dog to the rightful owner. Fvery lost puppy and I.heir owner i,hould be so lucky as to have Dorame to take care of them. There are plenty of officers coUecting dogs. yet not enough to investigate stolen ones. And U1e ~helters should.be trying to fi11d loving familles for arumals not to take animals away from loving families. Go down and checlt out this Mno kill" shelter. Iii It really all that humane? The humane choice would be to allow the puppy a better environment with Dorame. The puppy went from a warm, loving home to a cold thief's hands. The Last Olance For Animals also states I.hat finding a stolen pet Is hard work. It is endless and heartbreaking. There is not much support for those with stolen pets, unfortunately. Friends and family will want you to give up. adopt another dog. get on with 0\ TH E BA Y. your Ufe. There are few people who truly understand the endless questions and worries and fears that you wUl have. Is your dog safe? Is It alive? Is It being abused? ls It warm and being fed properly? Is It being used for research? The questions and the worry haunt you endlessly. The Costa Mesa City Attorney Is presentJy investigating ownership of the Orange County Humane Society. Whether the puppy belonged to the Humane Society, the City of Costa Mesa, or whomever, remains to be seen. Dorame was denled the fair opportunity to adopt a stray 'puppy. just lib any other citizen of Costa Mesa would The children of Costa Mesa High School are saddened to hear that the puppy~ '>lolen Unfonunately, even the mo~t responsible pet owner. loM: their animals. 'lbere is no guarantee that they have the opportunity to reclaim their pets If there is the opponunity for it to be stolen from a shelter. Oilldren especially, are psychologitall~ lfllpacted during a time of cn,t., and lose hope when pubhr officials are unsupportivc of their grief. AB American citizen.. ... we should be obligated to have u concern to avoid the demorah7.auon of our dultJrcn and our society. I urge you to be concerned and exrumne the polic1e<., and procedure" of the animal 'lhcltcr; on behalf of our cilie!>. our citilln'>, our children and our impounded pets. JON DORAME Costa Mesa THIS NEW YEA R1 S HO LIDAY. Bogart courted Bacall here and you can almost env1s 1on thC'm twirling around the dance floor. Now you too can celebrate' 1n sty le at the New Year 's Eve Gala in the Grand Ballroom. En1oy a spectacular five course feast, dance the night away to lcl Y Sterling and his acclaimed orchestra th en toasl with Dom Perignon at the str~e of midnight. Only at the Host of the Coast. $250 per person inclusive. Overnight stay and kids packaRe'i available. For information and reservations call 949 630- 1221 West Coast H ighw~y I Newport Beach l Callforn la 92661 949 645-5000 I Fax: 949 630-421 S l www.b1lboabayclub:tom - QUOTE OF THE DAY "What I likttl the best about thif match is that they combined composure with o rtal fighting spirit.'' • ClvitdllnMft, CdM arts Volleyball coach M WeO'IHday, NcMmber 19, 2003 ~YIDrNcNnlDunn: (949157~223 • Spoft1Fu::(949)650-0170 , • GIRLS TENNIS EYEOPENER • Oaily~Pikx • S,....IWflffl-.. ~.i..ruAonollliol Nov. 24 honot'M FRED HOKANSON f CdM ·sends Mater Dei packing Sea Kings win 12th match in a row to advance to CIF semifinals, while handing Monarchs their first loss of year. Mut1.h. for tile September match, but the duo thOwed up In fine form Tuesday, con· tributing five ol CdM'a 13 winL Mul:2'h and freshman dOublel partner Jiilian .Braver- man lost Just four games In sweeping, while Holland toot two or three sets. • ~yl 10 l wasn't going to klee this time. I bad to beat her," Damion sa.ld. "She is really good and hlts the ball hard. I had to wait for her to miss and have an easy ball to put .. • away." :' Feichter moved Damion to singles toward • • Junior Jami Steele and frealunan Hayley the end of the regular season and she seems a ' to have adjusted comfortably. • · • FOUNTAIN VALLEY -The Corona del Mar Hlgb girts tennla team wrapped up Mater Del's season In a tight package and lent the host Monarchs Into the otf·seeson. not to be open«! again until next ran. Young swept at No. 1 doubles for CdM, while the duo of nor Jadde Manning and freahman Mi· randa Young, Hayley's twin ter, won two of three teta. Rachael Millei daimed one-set, while fresh. man fill Damion won two sets before Michelle Al· kins replaced her In the third round. CdM woo the match after the second round. ~ 10-2, subdu- ing Coadi Scott Fek:hter'a lnfdal nerves. '"This type of match could make th.lnp good for : you. It could mab your future." Feiduer aakl of Da· mion's victory over Murphy. Oamlon received additional motivation from Brett Hansen-Dent, stepbrother of fonner CdM standout Tuyk>r Dent. a three-time singles cham- pion on the Association of1!nnls Professionals tour this year who ts ranked 32nd. Damion and Murphy · both hit balls with Hansen-Dent. who watched Da- mion Jn a CdM mateh for the first time this fall. The See. Kings. on the other hahd. rmWned on their journey through the ClF Southern Section OM· idon J playo6. dispensing of lhe previously unde- feated Monardls. 13-S. lo a quartedlnaJ match 'JUes- day al the Loi CaboDeros Sports Village. The Sea • lClngs (15--4) have woo 12 matmes In a rrM and ·rs there atl)'One out here who Is not nerwus? 1 don't think so," Feichter said during the flrst set MARKC.DUSTlN/OM.YPllOT avmsed a l(>-8 losa to the Monarchs (18-1) In 5eJ>" Corona def Mar's Brittany Holfand rips a tembet Damion's first. and second-rouad matches lasted the longe5t out of the remaln1ng five. but the hsh· man ma.iotained her poise. Damion beat MicbeJle Murphy, a friend whom she often pracdc.es with. 6-3, In the second round to give CdM the deciding 10th poinL "He's not supposed to cheer for either one of us In the fear that the other one might hurt him.· Da- mion said joldngty. De&P.te the 1oas, the l8llfPs ana sm0es wm CDlttnue · • backhand in Tuesday's CIF Division I quarterfinal CdM didn't have aenlocs Brittany Holland. the Pa· "· match aialnst host Mater Dei at Los Caba.lleros. cific Cout League singles champion. and Juliette "(In the previous match tbls year! I lost, 6-4. (to See CdM, Pqe A7 ' No denying Sea Kings Corona del Mar sweeps Notre Dame of Sherman Oaks in CIF Southern Section Division III-A semifinals. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot SHERMAN OAXS -WhUe the C.Orona del Mar Hlgb (Prls volleyball team celebrated and posed Cor pictures, Sea King Coach Bill ChrlstJansen paused before speaklng, took a look At his squad land produced a wide grin. ·Maybe ft was our time: he said. U WU their time, Indeed. Q>rona del Mar, which baa lost ln the aemltlnal o( the CJP playofl'J the past five' ~ara. broke through the CIF Southern SectJon Division Ill·A semUlna.ls with a 25·20, 25·18, 25-18 Victory <Mr host Sher· man <>ab Notre Dame Tuesda~ TI\e Sea Kings will face top-seeded Bishop Montgomery In the ClP DMsJon ID·A dtJe match Friday or Saturday ar Cypress College Corona's vtcrory also seemed Cattfu), and redeeming, for senior Undsey En lgn who delivered a match-high 16 kills. Lost year. P.nslgn was out with a kidney ln!ect.lon and miSled the quarterfinals and Cc:IM~ semifinal loss to Har· va.rd. Westlake. But there was no holding her back this season. •AJt season long I W85 ready for the playoffa," said f.n., sign. who collected 15 digs. •1 didn't want to let my team go down." Ensign was a threat throughout tvety gapie and Not.re Dame had no answer. When the Sea JOngs weren't going to Bnslgn. they also had Junior Joroan Smith and aenlor t,.au· ren Snell to depend on. Snell, who Quiatian.sen said had the bes;t game of htt career. recorded 11 kills and Smith had seven. SneD aho provtded two nces. "ThJ'i feels awe5e>me." Snell said momenta after she slammed the match-ending kill. ·11·s my fourth year and we had been going to the semifinal every year Md losing. But we all came together." The Sea Klngs (21 ·8). the No. 2 seed, pulled away from a 15~15 tJe ln the first game. The victory seemed pivotal, as CdM never relinquished the momentum and fed off Notre Dame's crowd. "Our goal was LO keep them quiet.• Ensign said. ln Game 'JWo. the Sea Kings .Uenced the Knights (18-7) with eound ball control and relentless pressure at the net. CdM pulled away Crom a 17-14 lead by outacorlng Not.re Dame, 8.,., u P.mign ended the game after finishing an u- 51.st from Btu, the team'a senior setter. "We had a team meeting ~ore this match." said Btll. who had 36 assists. "We aD wanll!d lt We weren't gong to let anything stop ua." Ouilti~ relayed a simple, yet motivatlonal mea.aae before the match. •1 told the girb they need to restore the C.Orona del Mar ttaditJon, •he said. "What l liked the best about this match KENT TREPT<M I OAlt.Y Pk.OT The Newport Harbor High girts volleybaR team celebrates after defeating Edison in fives games Tuesday in the Clf Division UM semifinals. Sailors . win a classic Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot HUNTINGTON BEACH -Alyson Jennin8s caDed tt urrea1. l.Auren Miler desc:ribed lt as the •most Intense match" abe has • ~::o~ ~ coukl be used to describe what can only be called a dasst.c CIF Southern Newport Harbor advances to 12th CIF section final with five-set victory Tuesday over Edison Kellie King Ced Jennings for the final two of her 14 kills and once tho ball hit the hardwood on the od>er aide of the net. the Sailora ltOnned the Ooor and Cell to the ground lo a pOe cdebratlng a match where they had to win the final two games to prevail. teammates, "We pla~ like a team." u they emerged to welcome parents and friends with hugs. "It's so exciting," said Miller, one of eJght sen· lors who were detennlned not to Jet their season and Newport career end. •rt was so dose, point after point. It went bade ancj forth. I just tried to stay fOCU5Cd and not look at the score.• Miller tallled a team·hlgh 16 kD1ll, Kytng over the net repeatedly to pepper shots down the llne. She also had lour .ervtce ~ two coming when she aerwxl nine COllleC\Jtlve points to gfYe New· port a 24· 18 lead in Qune 4. .. S.. SEA KINGS, hi• M =Davison O·M girts vol· aernit1nal won by vlsldng • Newport Harbor HJgb. 27·25, 12-25, 22-25, ~19, 17-15, against host F.dison Tueaday night Sentor outside hitter Alexis Kerm toJd her See SM.ORS, P .. e Al • . GIRLS BASKETBALL Costa Mesa to experiment at center as new season opens • • • • With not much height on the roster, the Mustang will go ;mall In bid to return to playoffs. .8'rtc"~ .CMily PllOt . • ScOUrtng the campu for hdgbt, Cotta Meta ffiah &iJ1a bubtball coach Jim Wttb came up tmpey handed and wu fon:td to tum to an alter• aathelde&. And UI a rk1wf one for bUketbell. The Mu.tangs wlU enter the 2003~ aeuon, attempting to extend their atttak or c:onaecutfvt playOff appearance. to 16, with a S·foot-3 center. Yes. Colla Mflll'a center wOI Ubly be one of the ehortat players on the c:oun. bUt \Wela bu lJtt.le other chOlce. "That't aoln« to be our probleni," Weeb aald •()Ur ~ la our l8dt of hetcbl But we're a good lhootlng team and we haw a IOt of depth. We hive a lot oC ~~coming olf the bench." The dtpth tJestnt with 5·3 aenl~r point guard Caeaty Brick. the Muttanp' lone returning •tarter, and extends With returhlng vanity players Suzy Trujlllo. a 5·6 1ento1 6hootlng guard. and A&hley Kelly, a 5-6 aenlor fotwatd. Ukety jolnlng that trio ln the IW1ing lineup wtD be 5-6 guard/forward Bethalty Vergara. the MVP of the junlor vanity team u a freshman lat season, and lwr altter, Brittany, who WW be the team'a 5·3 aenlor center. Meta's lack of hefcht will force Weeki to change things up a llttlt bit and while he plana on 1tld:lng to hit tradJdonal m&n·to·man deftNe, the Mui· ~ may bt forced to Pf'elllUle the ball more often. "We're gol.NJ to try all aorta of things, plddng up lhe tempo, pl'f:SSlng," Weeki said. "We're going to atlck to our man-to·man defense. but we may pick them up deep. Or~ may drop back aod Jutt hope our opponents mJM their ahota." He'• hoping the Mustanp don't m.lta too many of theln, wlthoUt a big offqutve rebounder tnaSde. But Weeb it alto hopeful that Bc1ttany Verpnl. I P>od three-polnter &hooter, cu pun the OW9t'· tJon'a center out from underneath the buket. CDM Continued from A6 for Mater Del, Coach Richard Berman said • •1t was a tough one today,• Berman said "We had confi- dence off of beating Mission Vi- ejo (in the first round) and en- dured a tough match Saturday (against Mira C.Ostal that was back and forth the whole way. We took tha1 emotion and tried to tum another upset, but ii wasn't in our favor. · "CdM is experienced. We lost, but I still think we are a better team We stand united always." But the Sea Kings are the ones moving on to Thursday's semifin- als against top-seeded Peninsula. CcfM 13, Mater Del 5 SINGLES -Holland (CdM) def. Van Oppen. 6-1, def. Bullod!, 6-1.~ost 10 Murphy, 5·7: (1ub) Atkin• (CdM) lost. 2~. Damion (CdM) won, 6-4, 6-3; Miller (CdM) won, 6-1, lost, 1-6, 1-6 DOUBLES Steefe-H Young (CdMl def. Devaney Nguyen, 6-1, def. Velasco-Zamucen, 6-0, def. Grandstaff-Van't Hof, 6-3; Braverman-Mutzke (CdMl won, 6-2, 6-2. 6-0; Manning-M Young (CdM) won. 6-2, 7-5, 1011, 4-6. SPORTS SEA KINGS REIGN: Above, Corona del Mar's Amanda Rubenstein, center, hugs Brittany Holland, left, and Jill Damion, right, after their first-round victories in Tuesday's CIF Southern Section Division I quarterfinals against Mater Oe1 at Los Caballeros. At left, Damion smashes a backhand return . Below, CdM's Jillian Braverman lunges to make a for~hand volley in doubles. The Sea Kings defeated Mater Oei, 13-5, to hand the Monarchs their first setback of the year. PHOTOSBYMARKC OUSTIN/DAll.Y~OT • Wednesday, November 19, 2003 '-1 GIRLS TENNIS Top .:. seeded Sage advances The Sage Hill School glrjs tennis team, seeded No. 1 in the CIF Southern Section Division V play- o~ ousted qqartert).nal host San Otmas. 16-2, on Tuesday to advance to the Thursday's semifinals against fowth-seeded Malibu (16-2). A coin flip today at the section office wW determine the home team. Freshman Stephanie Langer paced the Ughtnl.ng with a sweep at No. I singles. while Nos. 2 and 3 singles players, Sarah Geocaris and Alle Hsu. respectively, also swept Jessica Tsoong and Sarah Flynn won two of three sets at No. l doubles for Sage Hill (18·3), while Grace Graham and laura Webb won two of three at No. 2. Sage Hill's third doubles. freshman Carissa CUm- mings and sophomore Rachel Heyler, swept all • three sets and lost only Hvegames. . San Dimas fell to lS:S. Sage Hill reached the quarter- finals last year and is playing its fourth varsity season. CFDMllonV QiiiififtlMi s. Hll 11S, s.... Dlmu 2 Slngles-Linger (SH) def Sctilllel", 8-0, def. Vt11a, 6-1, def. Lopez, 8-0; Goocarta (SHI won 6-2, 8-0, 6-1; Hsu (SH) won 8-0, 7-5, 6-1. Doubles-Tto0ng-Flyllll (SH) lost to C.rn11han-Coffln, NI, def. Ta. FulCOk•· Tr FulCOka, 6-1, def Calvanlc:o-Horstmann, 6-0; Graham-Webb (SH) won M, 6-0, lo.i 3-6, Cumming Heyler (SH) won 6-3, 6-2, 6-0 SURFING Tars rip in great conditions · On a perfect morning for surfing. Newport Harbor High continued Its undefealed fonn for the seventh consecutive meet as lhe host Sailors knocked off Calvary Olapel. beaten only once before, 87-18, at 56th Streel in Newport Beach off the jetty with sets run- ning as high a& eigh1 feet. Newport won all four events -boys short board, Jong board, body board, and the combined girls short/long board cornpc!J- don. The 7-0 Sailors scored 87 out of a possible 105 points in seven heats, taldng first place In five and placing 13 of the 21 top- three positions. Luke Serqulera won the first boys short board for the sernml consecutive week with team- mate J. J. Frei placing third Rob Delorme, Taylor Shaw and Ouistian Morabito corn pleted the Harbor second-heat sweep, while Steve Far- mer was first in the third heat with Joe Riggio tak.· Ing second. The fourth team heat had Reagan Ritchie, Olarlie Bucking- ham and Andrew Nahin taking ~ccond, third and fourth places The Newport body boarders led by Man Kretschmar (fir!>I place for the third time this sea- son) with Daniel Mathews and Cameron While taldng third and fourth places. Kretschmar scored the high individual wave score of the day with a 6.0. The long boarders remained unbeaten led by first place fin· isher Oiase Smith, while Rennet SchJesinger took third. The girls combined shonflong board team was lead by Jill Aus- tin and Usa Turk, who were sec- ond and third, respectively. Newport Harbor faces Dana 1-lills on the roa~ at 6: 15 a.m. Thur'>day at Salt Creek Beach VS. #19 ST.ANFpRD Tuesday:, Nov. 25, 7:00 PM Bren Events Center Wear gold or yellow to the game and be a part of making the Bren a "Sea of Gol Also, Gold "Rip 'em Eaters" T-shirts given out to the first 1,500 fans, of Kustom Imprints Tickets: Adults -$15 Reserved, $12 GA GET YOUR TICKETS NOW, SELLOUT I EXPECT~Dlll Call (949) 824..SOOO ( ... .. . ,.. ~. November 19, 2003 SPORTS KOO T~TOW /OAl V PlOT Newport Harbor's Taryn Tamutzer (14) and Holland Osadche (16) block a shot by Edison's Ashley Colher (5) durmg Tuesday's CIF Southern Section Division I~ semifinal match at Edison. SAILORS Continued from A6 "We had a rl'dhr> thec:k an~ ..aid, '\\'hu \\iUlh 11 more?' Miller ,,uo "\\'t• \\aillt.>d to keep our "l'nlor WJr ~otng." Newport lt•d tht• founh game. 10 "i. but I d1s11n d.umed 13 of the nt•xt Ill fl<Jllll' Ill take an IH l'l lead lll'lort• ~hlll'r\ aforemen- unned '>ln:aL. ul ~rvt"> began A veieran-laden Sat.tor Mluad k.ept Iii. rnmp<l'>llrt' in a raucous gym "I don't thmk anyone slopped believing. Jenning'> i.aid. "This ream hab Lremendom heart. Titb t!> why Wt' worl hmtJ In the long matches. to keep pu..,lung. • Newpon .. mt<Unl'd m endur· unte \\folt· l:th'><>n playen. '>huwed s1w" uf laugue. Legs be- gan to giH• and hJ..lls found the nt•t wtth 1110n• regulu.n ty. lhe S:ulor. (2·l SJ, -.eeded sec- ond in D1V1\l<ln II AA. began dogging the middle m the final rwo gamt•s ll!>tnK 1unt0r KJJey I lnU. Taryn lamut.L.cr and Hol- land Osadche to deter the Otarg- era from llnding holes they took advantage of In the first two games. Neither team led by more than rwo points in the Mh game. The Sailors twice had match point, but they hit two balls long to give serve back LO Edison. A Miller kill guve serve back to the Sailors and King served the final two points. Senior outside hJtter Emily l\Jrner tallied 11 kills while Hall added eight to go wlth four by 1umor faryn Tamutur and one by(hadche. ll1e Owgers (17-J), seeded third, were led by 24 kills from CoUeen Bucke to go wlth 13 by Ashley Collier. Three ace serves by Kari PestolesJ seaJed the vlc- rory for the Olargers in Game 3, i.ending the home crowd and Olarger bench inro a frenzy "Edison is a great ream,• New- pon C'..oach Dan Glenn said as Mi'>ty May, among many others, congratulated him. Glenn coached May. an Association of Volleyball ProfeMionals tour champion, at Newpon. ·we made some unforced er- rors. even In Game 1, and some mental mistakes. not to take any- thing away Crom Edison," Glenn said "It was a great match wlth a good crowd. I love 10 watch kids play. "l am so happy for the seniors. I really have a special attachment with th1s group.· Glenn leads the Sailors 10 their 12th appearance In a CIF section final since 1974. The Sailors, win- ners of eight CJF crowns, face top-seeded Mira Costa. a three- game winner over Capistrano Valley, Friday or Saturday at Cy- p~ College. Mira Costa swept Newport in the 2001 final. ~ve waited the whole sea- son to play them,• Miller said. "ln my four years. we've never beaten [Mira CoSta), so we will be ready." SCHEDULE TODAY Volleyball Community college women -Cyprea at Orange Coast, 7 p.m. Presenting Sponsor Simple Green Official Sponsor Estates West Magazine and ti~ Commodores Club 1 of the Newport &ach 0111n1ber of Commm:e mt'ltt you to atttnd ti~ g5t1t~~~~ w~~1Pl>~ ~e~mkte 1l-2~ 200.1 6'::10} .m. ecu·A 61)()~ "ow Q/C;bclay ~each~~,," and tM ~;ltf o/ ~Mi ~om/U'~i Presented by Prudential CAiifornia &alty f~ llP't tnfannolion Cllf lo ~I 1111 miry form, pldW tAll lht N_,,m bh 0 141111-of C'.oMmact •I (949) 729wWJO Qr NU ww.drrulirwtabolltpt1aJuo111 CdM Continued from M:J is that they comblried ~ sure with a ml ftghdng sp(Qt. We knew (che kriigbtsJ woWd ~ balance and they Weren't go.lng tO make a lot ot mfStilt.a. They're a good team." While CdM had experience ln the ClP lemiftnals, the KnfgbtS oouJd be better btown as rook- iea. Tuetday night WU their first appearance In a CJF semlft.ntl. "(The Sea Jangsl 'Were Just a lot bigger than us," Notre Dame Q>ach Shannon Tuttle said. Ca'-YBric* SUiyTrujllto Ashley K.tlly Bethilny .Vergara s.;u.ny V.rgar• Deanna Senchez JudleAUntel Tracy .Bjelland H .. ther Cluff \lenlNEnMI SollEneel Janae Cr•ven MUSTANGS ·' Continued from A6 ' 'I ' (;psta Mesa's depth continuet witfi a strong bench. funlor Heather Ouff, 5-6, will cqinpefe for a spot in the starting lineup. while sophomores Deanna San- chez (5-3 point guard), Judie Akansel (5-5 shooting guard) and Tracy Bjelland (5-7 forward} will all serve as valuable back- ups. ; Of course, wlth four soph<>"- mores in the rotation, Weeb ex· pects growing palns. •If our sophomores develop qwckly, we're golng to compete very well," Weeks said. "But with four sophomores, you're going to have mistakes. There's going to be games where you get hot and games where you don't get hot." One player who will be a tlig help U she is able to get hot is 5- foot-11 junior Venise EnesJ. She and her sis ter, 5-8 senior Soli, "And, we definitely oould not atop (Ensign). But it's been a bU&t teaSOD for ua. My team l~t and scored three points oo thelr match point." • Mac:bm.Se Conover'a serving bfob the final game open for CdM. The Sea King eenlor served for five straJght poJntt, as CdM broke away from a S·3 tit!, to lead, 8-S. The Sea 1'lnp won two long rallies that both ended on Notre Dame errors. En.sign and Smith recorded a kill each ln the run, and one of C:Onom:'a aerws caught the net and landed f'Ot a.n ace. However, the Knights were able to oome back and even· • tually cut the deficit. 11-10. 1beo CdM went on a 4· 1 run, which prompted a Notre Dame time- out. Yet. the Sea Klnp oondn~ed to acore and npt a~ until · the ~ts had to use their ftnal timeout. ~ CdM senior Victoria Rice· re- corded a lclD for a 20-15 lead that gave serve to the Sea Kings. No· tre Dame commJtted an em>r and Tuttle slgna)ed for a timeout. Afterward, Sm.Ith served for three more points, two con)1ng from Knight errors and one com· ing from I Britta Nielsen lclD that gave CdM match point ' ,, .. FILE PHOTO I DAILY ""OT Costa Mesa High's Cassey Brick (with ball) 1s a returning starter for Coach Jim Weeks' squad. Mesa opens with CdM on Dec. 1 r'. are both playing basketball for the first time. Weeks said. Venise, the tallest player on the Mustangs' roster, Is a very good athlete. "If she develops. that changes a lot for us,~ Weeks saJd. What won't change Is the way the Mustangs approach every game. With the Golden West L«gue strong on top wlth Es- tancia and Ocean View, and Westminster and SaddJeback also expected to be contenders, Mesa knows it will need wins early in the season to extend its playoff run. "Every game ls like a playoff game for us because lf you win 11 games you make the play- ' offs.~ Weeks said. "We start ·off with CdM on Dec.I and that:S an important one right from the start." That game will give a (ew clues to how the center exeert- ment works. Sophomore Janae Craven (5-7) was expected to compete for the center spot but has bad surgery on both knees in the past year and isn't li.k.efy 10 return before late January. But Uthe Mustangs shoot the ball well, they may not need a true center. "We're a good outside shoot- ing team, but with no Inside game I don't know how we're go- ing to take advantage of our out- side game: Weeks said. Read Newport-Mesa " Are you concerned about the low test scores at our schools in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach? During the past four years, the efforts of the Daily Pilot and the Rotary Clubs of Newport-Balboa, Newport Irvine and Newport Beach Sunrise in support of the Los Angeles Tunes Reading bv 9 program has raised more than $24,000, including $10,000 from Daily Pilot readers to dCliver 16,500 books to lcin<!ergarten through third grade studenu at Pomona, Whittier and Wilson Elementary Schools. These schools have the highest percentage of limited-English speaking srudcnu and lowest tcsc scores. The Daily Pilot and th 0 e three Rotary C lubs arc launching a campaign this fall with $6,800 committed bt dubs, to be matched by an equal unount from Daily Pilot readers chat combined, will purchase an additional 7,800 books for the three elementary sc hools. Join the Daily Pil your time, once Pomona, Whi Students arc Monday thr srudcnu mas lc's easy for you schools lisrcd be identify the day an classroom teacher at provide Reading by 9 difference in improving reading skills u~ your employees, or members! ~ program, &All Nnvport-Me111 by givi ng one hour of th during the school day, reading to students at either entary Schools. group or congregacion commicrnenc to &aJ estcd employees and members to take an hour : dents at one of the three demcntary schools. : £fee break time or during work hours. sand congregations that make a commitment• nizcd in the Daily Pilot during the school year. orl-MuA beginning at 8: 15 a.m. untiJ 2 p.m.~ fun and it's very important if we arc to help 9 and become productive citizens of our r members to participate. Jwt call one of the th~ yourself as a RIMI N"'1p0rt-Me111 volunteer, have available and you will be scheduled with a • ool you called. The ccachcr will help you get started and to use with the nudcnts. , Pomona -(9,.9) 516-6980 Whittier-(949) 515-6990 Walson -(949) 515--6995 _Yes, count on _. ---...--------to support RIMI Nft11J>ort-M11 .. FAX dW form co (71'4) 921·8655. ~r mor? information, aJJ Jim de Boom at (71~)_a21~5. ReaJinS 131 ... ,..... .. Liiii .... -~--........... ."'-.... -""' .... -... ·~:or .. ~ -· ~TU) wt:A'lll:"'1IOOf. I~' -fl9I, Mfl I«) c111 CCftSIUlAm> : PUr<zoJ:fYA WATEIPI OOf l NG I .... OUTCHIM ~ A. .. o...a..·,..... fM. .,, llOOfltC; Ali[ -4 "' · e .. -iu.11 sroP': fOllD lU. ~ , .. , .. ,, •ec•••., f'LASTCRIHC. 6AT(WAY w.,.... J........ ORYWAU.. lK QOltlt a. PW• of aw -Rt· Al.MM rn.Nf'f UJCAS etlpt . Newporl ·MtH a. M!1ICEft COMoN«S, U11iflff School Otabk:t • OM ...._ INC. STOHC rwc~ 29115 1 ..., OAlt llOOl Hi; #., ros Strtft, Cotta ..... Ce l ..-..,_ 300. .._ 11'2'121 'l'OU Ml 8(JilG HO c. ""L•cl N1m1: BY ~ (A ,...'"'' A" Moct.rn Ucl. ta • dllnwicltodo). tutton Cot ta .... Hiii! AOC M ASSOCIATES. L.P. .kllool • Calllo111I• l imited Coftlrtd A Sl1t U11• P.......,. dttfro11nd E19'trln l Ym1 '*"JO CAl.fJC)AA ~ •M4• 1M-M ~vs....,"*__,._ 0. "'4:e Pian• .,. 011 Ir "'* Oii yoll to ... tilt: l'ROJlC-T MAHAO· ~lttM r..-.. at Cll't otfle•. Mc:Certhy thla CC01. Bulldlna Co111p1nl11, A 111ttrw 111 pflOllt c.1 20401 S.W. 81rdl StlMI, wll not pro411d you, ~ Sult• 300, Newport l)\j19Mltlln,....... 1nm1 tetcll, CA 92MO Ill In Pf'CI* ..... 1orm N M'Ctrtll1 811lldrn1 you wllllt the COIM1 to Co111P11lts/Mtal11He "A ,_ 10\lf c:.a. CIJllu . 298~-C Our If you do not flt your Str .. t, C:0.U M .... C. reoiponte on time. tOOI 12626 1MY loee the ca., and 1.01 SUMMAaY Of 'r04Jf ....._ money llld won. praperty ""' bt .... l'rojtct o .. crlptlon. without flr1tler _,.,. Thlt PfOIKl consists of from tllt COlt1. pl\Htd modlrnlutlon of Tllart .,.. other ~ Cost• Mella Hleh tchoot requlr-tJ. Y04l may In tllt Newport Mtsa ..it lo eel 1n ettorney Unified School District rVit IWrt • you do no4 ~If~. lntreslruc· "'-en 11.tunwy, you tw• llPl\'ades of Stt. mey call 111 attornty u.•••P•"'"" llectrlcel retlmil w vlce or a lecJlf ... , le w v •• t.. . lid oftlcl (llsled In tilt ....... .,...... ..... ptlOnl book). ~ (...,.ta -4 OttputS IN que le ,....._."OMY. _...,_ .ta cacm l'rt llmln.ry EltlmAla ~ usted llerll un "'2S,OOO.OO 11kZD di ~ DIAS CAL t.OJ HOTICL tlCWllOS pen pr-llr A. NOTICE IS HE REBY unt respuall esaiQ a Cl\IEN that Newport mequ1na en est. corte Mna Unified School Uni aria o una llllrnede Odlrlcl actinc by and ~ no le otr..1 tllrovcfl It's Govwnint prCllllcaof!; 111 r111f1U1Ste 8oet6 win rec:ttv• sealed 9ICfb • ~ befit bids for ewerd of • que cumpllr con las conlrect for the ebove· formalld1du l•11lu n1med Pro)tct up lo, but "P!cipildn 111 usted qu..-e llOl ll ltr tllen lht bid qui le aorta ~ su dHdflne. -B. l tds shi ll be 11 S. ust.d no pr-11 su c:eiv1d on the pl1c1 f9111UGll a ~. puede Id t n ti f 11 d I ~ o VI per def ti Cll$0, y ~ Whether or not bids •re pueden quit. su sa&wlo, opened euctly 1t the su dlnero y ob'lls cosasdll 11111• flied In this notice, su prQCliedld no bod wlll be received SIR avt>O ~ por •lt11 tht btd dudlln1. ~·de II corte C PlAHS AlfO SPEC Eanten otios r-'°' lflCA TIONS AA£ AVAll • 1ep1ts. Puede que usted AOL[ November 11. quier 1 Ila mar • un l003. Th• documents llbc>pdo lnrnedlatamente may bt reviewed •I the SI no c;onoct a un PROJECT MANAGER's lbopdo, puede ..,_ 1 othc:e (we adduss olem un --de reh!rencit H below) OR CAN BE de abapdot 0 I UN P.URCHASEO FROM· ofQw de 1yudt 1eCi11 (vea INTllNn llUlf'aJHl1 .i dlrectono telefonoco) ttJ72 (eutrHtlt• CASI NUMlla1 C:.•t.,, lr•lne, <A. (M-ttlttC...) ,,.... ('4t) 552-0 2((00216 1n a. fAX (Ht) sn-"-· ,,..._ s......,.u 120t o,.t.{X-tos.c- D Thi Olslrrcl will be plell!lt flW a/ 1 /02 lllltlatln1 1nd enforcl111 the nemt and 1ddtns a La bor Compllenct of th• court os · (rt Proa11m In 1cc.ord1nce nornbre y d .. c:don de I• with lht provosrons and corte es) SUPERIOR requwt ments of Assem-COURT OF CAlJORNIA. bty 8111 1506 and COUNTY or ORANGE. pursuant lo C1hforn1a SOUll4 CENTRAL JUDI lebor Code sections CIAL DISTRICT, 751 West ·!770 et seq. All con· Santi Ana Boulevard, tractors ind the11 ap-Slnla An•, CA SouUI pllc1bi. s11bconlrectors <Antral Osstroct 11trlotmln1 on the proj· The name. ldch n . •nd • ect stl• wlH bt requwtd telephone number of to comply with the Cross-Compla1Rant's al requlrem1n h of the lornty, Of Crou-Com l•bor Compllanct Pro pleln1nt'J without an p am on elusive of, but ettMntY Is· (ll nombre. not llmlttd lo provlclln1 II dlrtcclon y el numero tht l abbt Cornpli.nce de t•lono del al>oaaclo Offrc1< Of Ills/lier defo del dernandlnte. o def rcnated repr11enlltlv• demlnd.nte (Ille no 1- lh• rlcht lo conduct •l>oa•6o. ts) .loyia Z 'audit" Interview' of the Grunfltld 1112f>/I, lr11dnmen perlormlna G1lll•n l Greeorr on Ille proiect slle on 1163237, LORBER an u deemed nec:n111r1 CRE.ENFILD POLITO & bn11 dunna 1mpfoyte11 PENGlll Y llP. I~ normel wMkona hours. Stowe Orwe. Pow1y CA at no 1dd1tlo!lal cost lo 92064, 8511/513-1020 f AX the District. or erry ul 85111513-1002 the District's reprnen DATL (ftdle) AIM OJ, tatlvts or •a•nh 200S, AW SlAUll, £ heh BIOO£R mu•t a.\ ~}. ..., PA poet • bid bond or othlt MOUA VAMO l't', ~ MC11rlty In tht 1mount ~) of 10% of the 1mounl l>llblalied flMwport Belch· of the bid with Ill• bid. Costa Mtu Dally Pilot F h eh 8100£R. '' Octobef 29. November 5, m11ltaneously with lht 12. 19. Z003 W214 uec:ullon of the Con trect Acfeement. will be req11lr1d lo furnish • l•bor end M1l11l1I Ptrform1nce Bond 111 tn amount equ1I to JOO percent of the Contnct sum and • r 11thful Ptrlor manc1 Bond on an amount equal to 100 perc:tnl of tllt Contuct Sum. Said Bo11ds shall be trom 111 1drnrttld Cllofornll St.H'ety 111111 ftct«y to the Diitrlcl and listed In the r •dtr al R•J11t•. lss111d br lht Otp11tm1nt of TrHtury and llcenHd In Cellfor Ille. Said bonds 111111 tllm1ln In full force end effect thro111h the IU.lftRIM petiod C: Tiit BIDOER shell bt • lk:enMd contreclor PUl'Mltnl lo the Bu1lnt11 and Prof"JtOnels Codi and be llunstd In the •1)111k1ble cluilf1Callon1 lor tlle tradQ for whlell tllt conlrector Is avb rnlttina •bid. it. Thia projtc:t h11 3'1 Olubltd V1tert n Bual· no1 [nt.,prlst parllel -.WUon 10•1t. I Q1111Uoti1 1bovl thll l'ROJ£CT sho uld b• directed to lh1 PROJECT MANAOER. Conllct; c1111 Scarln11 Ttl•· pllone · 714/424·8"0. flr111: Mc:Ctttll)' 81111dln1 Co. FAX 714/424 1951 J. Ito Bid m1y bt •tlhdf '"'" until Nlntt1 d1y1 •fl•• th• 81d °'*''"•Oat•. It Tiit Olstrlet re •"" tht npt to reject tnf end ell bids Of to .. .,., lrresvlwttiff In .,,y bid. L Ntwport Meo Unlfltd khool 01.Jlrlct It "' •1quel DC>POfllHllty' .... ·rJ::· ::c:'' -............ "'..,........ .. M44eft -... INSTlKT ,,... ~ .......... W4. P11•Halltd "'"''ort IMC!\ eo.t.e "'-DllllY = NMt miler 12¥J13 ---~ ~~ •H • ICC M ASSOCI• ATULl:.P. NOTIC:f TO Cron• o.ftt!Ntlta: (AvlH 1 ~) A.C. SffUT• MlTAL: M I NCO O' ~-llWUV WIO)W OOll'OMTION -~l- ::rontA/1>tAllO:t ISC13'tl llOTKI Of Pl1IOOll TOAlmSTa ISTAnOfi w Allll J. s&Klll • WJ. SUClll ... WM1B JOtll SUClll tb WAllll SUCllltb WMTSUCIB WlllU22217S To an he,,., benefo c1arles, creditors. con tlna•nt cred1ton. and persons who may olh 1tw1se be Interested 1n !tit will Of estate, or both, of WALTER J SUCKIH •kl W J SUCl(tEl aka WALTER JOHN SUCKIEL ah a WALTER SUCKIEL aka WALT SUCIUCl A PETlflOfC FOii PRO· BAn has been hied by DARRELL LAKC ii\ !tit Superiol Coull of Cell lornl1. County of OR ANGE. THE PETITION fOR PROBAfC ttquuh OARRtll LAllE be .,, pointed 11 person1t repr1n nt1tlvt to 1d mlnlsttr tile ettate of ti!• decedent. THr Pf TITIOfC 1tqut$I• the deuflnt'• Will and codlcll1, If 1ny. b1 tckniltad t.o proball. The Will •nd 1111 codlcllt er• n1llllbi. for 111mlllf tlon In the f1i. kept by the coutt THC I'( T1TIOfl r~h eutllorlty to 16rnlnltl1< the tstlte undtl the lndeptnde11t Admlnlt ITltlon of C•l•lta .\cl (Tiits Authortty will 1llow the perlOfltl repfaell l•tlv1 to ltllt ''""' tctlOM wtu.ovt ot>t1ln · 1111 court 1ppronl ltfor• t•lll111 c11t1111 wwy lmpotttnl •cllon•, 110-Ytf, tht P'fUOntl rfel'IMltlltlw will be 11quwt4 to IJVI llOIJCt to Int• 1941 ptl'aona 11111tU "'9y ""'' wtlfM llOtiCe Of c~ I• ll\11 PfOOOMMf K llOn ) Tiit l114'tpelldtnt td· •lllltfH ll4111 111tllorlly .... " ..... llflllst aft lnltrt'ltN f*Mll ,... 1111 otltfcboll to tht ll'titlOll Alld llloWS aoH "'". ""'' "" C:OUfl 11\outd 111t Wtrlt ltlt ~lty A HCNmfC "' the ,.tlttotl will be llfld In OfCU•U ll 200J 11 141 , ,,_, 111 &;rt: L7S *-'" ,, ,.,-"" (1t1 Drift aeutti, Oflftllt, CA -.-. If' YOU Ol.lCt lo tM """'"" •• lht 111t1t10t1, JOU llhouJd ..,_.., et the lltail111 •lld •t•t• )'.Out Oll-~IOM Ot flit wrltte11 " ••th lhl t o.Ht M ore llM ht1tlll1. YOIJI ~--1lle ln P••nn 1r lly -ro111 •llQrnty, '' YOU Alt[ A CREDI l OR or cont111unt creditor ot tlle dtcuMd. row mwt f1 .. ,_ c:i.1111 ••O! tht c_. 111d 111111 • copy to tfle perlOMI rlClf-ftletlv• ~ltd by the court wlthh1 fo111 rnonths from lht dal• of lht fwst lw11anc:t ol lttltft •• provkMd In l'robete Code "'tlon 9100 The lime fOf ftlona «• ml wolf !lot uplre before four months from the htllflna det1 noticed •bovt. YOU MAY l XAMIHC lht hit li.911t br lht co11rt If rou are 1 pe<IOll 111 lt1tsltd In lht t ttelt, you mey fii. wllll the court 1 Rt quu l lor Sc>ecial Nollet (fMm OE 1!°>4) of the 1111111 of en lnventQtY end awt•is•I of estate es.sets or of •nr pelrlion or eccount H provided In Prob1te Code section 1250. A Request for Special Notice form IS tvalleblt lrom the co111I cletli. • ........,t.r ... ........-. 1"-'4 H. s-.-(Mf. 1120 ' Vtfl l er-n Ave .. Ste. t '60, ln1M, CA t2612-,00S Publlshtd Newport' Btacll-Coste Mtu 01Uy Pilot Nonml>« 13, 19. 20. 2003 ThW921 IS< 1S7l2 ll>TICI Of Pllm TO...m lSTAnOft aGll UIW flMIOA lb UllA lAIW ISTOIES WUIO. Am 1'5 lo 111 he"'· benefo· c1111es, ued1tor1, con tonaent c.r editors. and persons who may olh erwlse b• 1nterosled In the will or estet1, or bolh of· GLORIA LAUAC r IGU£ROA eka GI ORtA lAUAE ESlORES A PETlllON roR PRO BATE has been loled by Roland l r 1aueroa and Susan ri1ueroa (ak1 Susen FonHlh) 1n the Sllpefior Court of Ceh· IOfnla, County of OR ANGE. THC PEllTION FOR PROBAff 11qutsts Ro· lend l r •auero• and Susan f11u110• {ah Suun Frnuth) be appointed as personal representative lo ad minister the estate of lh• decedent IHC Pf llTION requests the decedenl's Will and cod1cols, of any. be edmolted to prob1te The Will and 1ny cod1c1i. 1111 1v11lable tor • umona lion In the Ille kept by the court THC PCTHION requests aulhoroty to adm1n1ste1 the u tale under the lndepe11d1nt Adm1nl1 lration of E 1tatu Act (This Auth0<lty will allow lht person1I repre~n· t1llve to lalle many 1ctoon' without obte•n· rn1 court •PP• oval Before t•lo.1n1 certain very important echons, however, th• personal 11presenl1tlv1 will be 11quifed to &JV• notice to 1nlernted perM>ns unlHs they hue w11ved nol1te Of con\enttd lo lht proposed action.) The independent ad~ mln1Stret1on euthoroty will be lfanlcd unleu en interested person hits an ob1ect1on to the petition and shows aood c1uM1 why the court 'hould nol arenl th• eutho11ty A HEARING on the peloloon will be held on DECEMBER 11, l003 11 I 45 pm in Oqit l7J loctted at 341 The Crtr Orlvt South, Oren1e. CA 92868 IF YOU OBICT to the cr1nl1nc ol tht petition. you should eppear 11 the h11ron1 ind state your obiechon' or Ille w11tten objecllOns with llM 1 ourt before the htarlnfl. Your 1ppurance m1y be 1n pe,,on or by your elloroey IF YOU All( A CRCOI· lOR or cont1n1ent cr1d1tor ol Ille decH ud, you must We your cl11m with the court 1nd m1il • copy to the personal repreuntelove 1ppornted br the court within lotH months from the d•I• of tile first 1uu1nc• of lotlers u provided In Probet1 Code Hctlon 9100 The tome tor f1Un1 claims wlll nol uplt• ti.tort lout monlht fro,. the hHrlnr d•I-nottetd 1bov1. ' YOU MAY EXAMINE J .... Ille kepi by ll>tl cOllf I If rou are 1 penon lrto 1.,nted In th• u tatt, you m1y flit with lht cour I • Requett f0< Spect.1 Notkt (form 0£ 154) of tllt fllln1 of an Inventory and eppr•lttl of n t•t• HJtta or of AIQ, '"' f'CTITION ro1 f'lt08ATl ltQllHh AICLAAOO l.OHZ bt AHO!nllld et W tontl , ... 11t1tlve t• ed "" t• tai. •let• of tht .... at. I Ht It ti f'IOff r tq11e1h ltlt dtctdent'a Woll 111d codlclla. II any, be tdmitted lo probeta. l llt Will 1114 .ny c.odlclh 11 • avllilllblt for eu"""•· llOll 111 1t1t ro1it ~..,_ 1>y tl\e c~rt. THC "fTITION requatt e11tllor1ty to admlniitlr th• estate undtt th• Independent .Admlnlt· lr•tlotl of bt.t.. Act (Tlllt Awltlorlty wlll llo• the perlOl\lf ,..,,_n 1111¥• to t•kt rn1n1 llC!t'9n• .,1111out obtain l"ll co11rl eppronl. 111101• t1llln1 ctrt1fn very lml)Oftlnt actiOna. how1v1<. the 1>1oon1I reprnent1tiv1 wlll bt rtqulrtd to crve nollct to 1nt•rttt1d person1 units• they he¥1 w1lv1d nollce or cons1nted to tht propostd action.) Th• Independent ed· m1n .. tr1tlon euthor1ty will bt 11•nttd unltu an lnl111sted perion files en objection lo th• petition •nd show1 aood CIUM why lht tC>lltt lllould nol crant tht 1uthor1ty A H£AAIHG on the petition will b• held on D£CEM8ER 11, 2003 11 1;45 p,m. 1,, Dept L73 located et 3'1 The City 0.rve Soulh. Onna• CA 92868 If YOU OBJECT to lht ar•nllna of th• petition. yo11 'llould IPP811 1t the hea•IH 1nd st1te your ,llb19'llon1 or folt wrltt•n Ob19Cli04" wrlfl the court befM• th• htM1na Your eppHr1nc1 m11 bt In person or by your attorney IF YOU ARC A CRCOI· TOR c>r conl1n11nt c.redotor ol the d41cnsed you must 11~ your cl11m with the courl and m11I • copy to t11e person1I ••1-1•uentat1¥e appolnlt d by the court w1th1n four months from the d•te of the hut 1ssu1nc1 of leU.,s n provided In Probate Code Hctkln 9100 The lune 101 fol1111 claims will not uplre belo11 four montt11 lrom the heeront datt noticed above YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ille kepi by the cour I If you •• e • ~r son 1n ler9't1d 1n the estate, you may hie with the cour I 1 Requnl for Spe<11I Notice (form OC 154) ol the hlrnc ol an inventory and apprarul of Mlete assels or ol any petition or 1CGount es provided on Prob1l1 Code HCllOn 1250 A Requut tor Special Holrce IOfm ll av11lable from the court ci.rk A".-y fw ,.,11'-1 UTHUA J. STAllll, HQ. 902 fAllMONT WAY o.ANGl, CA 92Ht Publlshtd Newport Beach Oeolr Polol No vember 19. 25, 26, 2003 WT245 IS( 13703 llOOO Of Pl1IOOll TO lDlll5Tll ISTAllOfi IMiM JCllll ll.IOY Wlll>.Aml20 1ny petition °' account '41.1 es provict.d In l'robala · A Cod4 ltCllon \~ A petlt R1q11tal for Spec;11I OE It 11, 2003 et Notice form Is avellablt 1.45 '·"'· 11'1 0.pl. L73 from th• c.ourt ci.rk locltwd et 341 The City A".-y fer Pwtlt'-1 Dtt~t Soutll, Ountt. ('.A SMrity A. .. w. I~ 111911 .. w ...... ~kM If YOU oe•c1 lo the ••• OtY aw. w .... 1r111tln1 ,, th• petlflOll, t Ttl. n..r you tllolllll 'P9't' et lht Or.te, CA tt .. I 11 .. flnt •ltd atilt your P11blllhtd Newport objections °' 1111 written Bttdl Co••• Mt-.. oen1 ob1te11o11:11 w1t11 tht court Piiot Novtml>tr 19, ~1 btittt ll't Mtflftl Yovr zt, 200l W1°l14 IPP"r•Mt mty M In ptnon or by your ISC 1'115 •ttorney. IO""'Of-,,. YOU ARC A CRCOf IN ""'-fOll or cont1111111 I TO Alf I Sia atdltor of Ille dtcatMd, BtAll Of: '°" m11tt ''" 1out cJtllll -•&Aa&MI_, With tht COWl tft4 fMll -· -loWK" I Cot'Y to tht ptBOllll am ,.,...,.11\Jvt 'W'l-nltd bJ ~ eoort within '°"' • _., L UIPfI lllOlltht from lllCI '•t• of <A11•Anl756 IM tnt lltutnct of To ell l!Ma Mntfl letW. II jlitOvidtd In ._....... .-' ~btlt Code MCllte , __ et ..... on. cOfl· tUIO. Tiit time lot fllln& ·~· cttdltlnl, •lid cltll'llt •Ill llOt .... .,. PtnOR• wtio "''' otll .. erwht bt lltteretttd In ••tort follf' monthl tTOlll the will Of "l•t• ., tht hHrlfl' dale 110tktd Mtll of· MMY W •M•t I AllA LOl'U CLAllK TOU .... .,. ()WM[ tht ... SHUlltYI l Of'( 1 ,.. 11._t _, tt1 .. owt " A f'CTITION f ~ f'ttO r:: •• t ,_ .. 111 I ATt flH 11tM f11tf 11r ..... lft tht •Utt, All.lMIPO iOf'ft 111 tllt ~.-: =~·:;' ~'; ~lo! C:O.t of Cd __ .., ............ ..__111 DC ... 'WW' .. ts --.... • IM) t f Ule f~ If H lrwutory and wral.-el of •lilt nMts or of tny 1141tition or account u proyldff 1n PJml• Code ttdlorl lZSO A ltequut for Speclal Hotlt• tor'" la •nllal>te ttom tllt COUil Clef\ .. ...._. "' ,,.. '"' W"'-A. •9.y, I-+ lU4S.lMOI. .... H•r•••r. UT M7S7 Published Newport Beach Coile Mna Delly l"Uot November 13, 19, 10, 2003 ThWll20 hcrwla.: 11S1JM.SI ll01ICI TO calOIS OfMISAIU•Of nmlll TO TlllSRI llCOIOUC llVllMI UCllSI 1UC<s..'101et..,_. 1&'2407Jet-.1 NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that t bulk salt of nsels end • lrtnsftr of 1fcohollc bever •J• lk:enw Is 1bout to be made The n1me(a). Social Secunly Of f't d er1I Tu Numbers and buslnus tddrus of lh• Seller ( l)/lictflHt(S) ert• S1n1 heon Kim en d Morin Ptr1l, 4790 lrv1111 Blvd., 1103. lfvlne. CA 92620 SSH or Ftderll T .. No 614·26--6~9 Dolna Buslneu as· llllll Susi!• All other businua n a me(s) a nd a d dreu( es) used by tht Seller (s)/hcenue(s) wjthln tht PH I thfH years, as staled by the Selfet (s)/l.ICIRMl(S), IS/ ., ... The names(s) Social S.C1111ty or Federal T11 Numben ind address of t h e Buyer(s)/ appllcanl(s) 11/are· Harry llho Shin. 19061 Stonehunt lane. Hun t1n1ton Buch CA 92648 SSN or Federal Tu No The nseh belna sold •re aener•lly desc11bed H Furniture. f11lurn, equipment, tools aood wlll lrede name. luse h111d onleosl, tuuhold omprov•menls, 111 lflnsf111ble per mots, and hunses, and In· ventory or stock In lredt ind ts/•re louted et 090 Irvine Blvd., 1103. Irvine CA 92620 The type of lrcen~ to be transferred ts/are Rntaur1nl now issued tor th• premises loceted al On Sale Bear & Wine. E•linc Place. 41 310078 SAME Th• bulk sale and trensler ol the alcohohc beveroae l1cense(t) 11/ are intended to bt consummated et the olf1ce of New Star Escrow. JOJO W 8th SI •203, Los An1eles, CA 9000!> and tht 1nbcl pated sale date la December 9. 2003 The Bulk sale Is sub1ect lo C1llfornle Un1lorm Commercial Code Stcllon 6106 2 YES/NO Y The purchn• pr1ce or consid1r1llon on con necllon wolh the sale of the bus1n1ss end tr1nsft1 of Ula license os l ht sum of S340.000 00. 1nclud1n1 inventory nllm1ted 11 S2.000 00. which con· slsls of the followona DESCRIPTION AMOUNT Cash S 112,000 00 Check S 170,000 00 It hu been ac11ed between the Hli.r(&)/ locenue(a) and the 1nhnded buyer(s)/ Tr•nsleree(s) as re qu11ed by S.C 24073 of the Busoneu and Pro fession' codt. th•I the cons1de111ton tor lrens fer of the busrneu Ind license 11 lo be patd only aiter the lr1nsle< hes bean 1pproved by lht Department of Alcoholic Bever •1• Con Ir ol Ot1t11 (SI~• ef SeU.r(t)/ lJc ... H t(•)) /S/s ......... ,,.. /S/Mw ... f'.ti (s.,._. ef l vyt<i•l/ ....lc..t{o)) /S/ Herry 1111. Shltl Publhhed Ne,.,port Beach Co\la Meu 011ly Pilot November 19. 2003 CNS 608263 W247 11>00 TO mDnOIS Of IWSALU•Of lf'l1ITll* 1011MSRI llCOIOUC llV8Aa UCBl5I jU.C.C.'101 ........ I& P2407ht....., &aw kt 70031-DY Nolle.• It htr•by a•van 11111 a bulk nit of •SMI& 1nd 1 tr ansfw of elc;oholk beveraa• lo censt Is t bout to bo made. Tilt nemes. Socl1I ~urlty or Fedtr•I lu Numbers. end 1ddtess of the S.Utr /tan ... trt MAI JASMIH£ COii l'Ol!ATION. 3355 VIA LIDO STE. H, N£WPORT BEACH, CA 92663 The b11sl111111 1a known ... CAllfOflNIA BEACH SUSHI 6 SAKE. t i o llnown It C.AllfOftNIA 8FACH The ntmH, Sotl•I S.Curlly or 'teltt•I Tt~ Numbers, and Udru ... s of tllt 811y1</Trenslwtt ere SCUHO HU ~ . lt20 SALf.110$0 OR . ltOW\.ANO HEIGHTS. CA 91748 ~listed by lht Stlltt/ llunr.te, •II otlltr butl11H1 111rnn and ,...-.._. uMd •Y Ult $tllef/Llc.tntM willllll tllr" , •• ,. befor• the dtt• ~ell lltl wn aenl or dtllvtrtcl to tlle Buy•/ Trensfer• 1r-e: CM.I· f<>RMABCACH TN t te bt 6old ... dncrll>H Ill "'*"'' H: ruRNITU1'E, flll. TUltU . tQUU'Ml NT TftM)(IWtl OOOOWll.l ~~ dASCHOlD MlNT aM ll't ioe.tA41 e UM VIA LIOO STt. H, Nl.Wf'O«T BEACH. CA t266J TM kind of ll«llff to be lrtnsflf'rH tt: ON SAU. Ir LR a W.,_. l'AMO l'\ACt, UCCNSC I· 4M145ll -lu6N4 '°' tllt ....... loultd 1t m5 VIA LIOO STt. ~Wf'OltT SCACH, CA Tiit 111tlclMltd cltl• t f Hit ule/henlfu I• O.C....., 9, 2003 et lht otflee of United lwow Co., "'82 Otrdtn 01ovt Blvd., •22.!L 0.,dtll Grove. C. 9.tll'M. l ht ""°""' of I.ht pwclllM ptlc• 111 con tlcMtt tlon lt1 <Ollfltchon •ltll tll• t1.111sfer of llctllH all4 bueintu. lncludlr11 tht N tlmettd lftvtfltory. 11 lht sum or "80.000.00 wllk h con llilb of tllt foHOWlftl' Oetc:rlj)hon Amount • CM<ka UG0.000 00 It h•-S been llfMd btlwt~ the Sellat ./ LktnsM erld I.lie I" tended luyw/Trens1v ••· u required lly Sec 2*>73 of tht l usllltU end l'rofenlont Code. lhlt tht contldtt •tkHI tor the tr an1ler nf tht bualn1si •nd llctnse i. lo be pel4 only 1fter thl trenif., llu btt11 Al> provM by the O.part· 111111t ol AkOllolk 8tv· •• 'f' Control OA 101 Oct .. .,. 27, IOOJ IS..,__ tf Wlff I lit.-) MAI IASM•t <OVO- IATIOM, • <-'If-a. c.r.w ..... Ir• /S/ U I UYU•I MIYA)IM. PUSIOIMT Ir• /S/ YOSHIUI RUIMOTO, SlQIT&aY / ASSTHC. (~e ef hyer/ tre..f«-> /S/ U UNd HH WON f>'ubll1hed Newpo11 B111ell-Co1ta Mesa Daily Pilot November 19, 2003 CNS 60820.J W248 IS( lSMJ MOTICI Of PITIJlOll TOANmlll ISTlnOf: JAM Pnll..S WllO.Am14t Io ell heir1. benefl· cl111H. c11d1lort, con· tonaent crtd1lors. and penons who may oth- erwise be 1nt1nll1d on the will or estate. or both. of: JAM( S Pf TER DOBBS A PETlllON FOR PRO· BATE hn been tiled by MICHAEL V DOBBS on the Superior Court ol C•hlorn1a, Countr of ORANGE. THE P£TlllON FOR PROBAlE requesh MICHAEL V DOBBS be eppoonted 11 pe<Sonal representative to a<I minister lh• estate ot I he decedent rt![ PETITION requests authOfily to administer lht estate undtt the Independent Admm1s lr•loon of £stales Act (lh~ Aulhnfttr will allow the personel reprnen· !alive lo take many actions without obt1ln· 1n1 court 1pprovel Before taklnc certain very omportenl achons, however. the pe1sonal repu,.nllh~• will be required to 11v1 nohc.e lo interested persons u11i." they have •a1ved notJce or consented to the proposed achon ) The Independent ad mlntslrahon authority wlll be 1r anted unlen e n lnt11uted parson Illes 1n obieclion lo lht pehtlon and sho..n aood ct11se wlly the court should not crenl 111« euthorltr A HEARING on lhe petition wlll be held on 0£CEM8ER 11. 2003 al 1 45 p.m tn 0091 L73 located 1t 341 The City Ortve South, Oran11. CA 92868 IF YOU OBJECT to the cr•nlln1 of the petition. you sho11ld 1ppe11 at the htanna and sl1t1 your ob,.ctlons Of hi. wrotten ob,ectrons with the court before the horlna Your 1ppearenct may be on penon or by your 11torney IF YOU ARE A CREDI TOR or conlln11nt cud1tor of the decea~. you rn11st flit your claim with the court end mell 1 copy to the personal represtnl1tlv1 1ppolnted by the courl w1lhln four months from the dale of tht fwsl ruu1nce of ltttel'I H prrvlded •n Probate Code uc llon 9100. Th• time for llltnC clt lms wlll not 11p111 l><lf0tt four months from the ht1tm1 d1lt noticed above YOU MAY fX.AMINC the file kept by the court It yo11 11• • person In terested in the ttlat1. you mey 11i. with the court a Request tor Special Nohe.• (form 0£ 154) of the fWn1 of on Inventory and 1pprelltl of /stet• nseh or or an pehtlon or eccount 11 provided In Probete Code sec.hon 1250 A Requut for Sp1c11I Notice fMm is n 11table from the courl cltrk AttwMy f« Petltl-1 ,., ... '· •• _.. lt41. a1...i a .. ~ •• ll.I' S tJ(_._,_.W.., , ... tltt, <A '2180 Pubhshed Ntwporl Beach Costa Mtse Deily Pllol November 12. 18. 19, 2003 WT233 ..... ~­.......... DIPAITllR Of Palis A9lf<llAD P91CWGBS IOTICI TO-.S s.11ee1 bids .. ,n bt 1ec.lvM •t lht office of ttltt O.~ertmtnt of P.wh and Atereatlon, North t r n Service Ctntu. l'hOnt (91') 65H 274, Ont C-stltol Mitt, Suitt SOO. Secumtnlo, Call- fornla 9$1"1, "' to I , .•.. ~ ..... ,....._, n , tOOJ., at wlllc.11 t11111 end pJK. thty ... ., be p11bUcly optntd end rMd for ptrfOfftlllll Ult --.. follows. f11111ltll •II l1bor, tnal.,l•I>, tool• 111d equipment MC-.r)' to ,~ ... , .. ,Of .. Md llftprow tht l11trt1t111C· lure end up to 22 cottqH In the Ct-ytl•I Cove 'ltlatofl' Oietrld •t CRmAl COW: SlAlt P MK. Ortnp 11R41 La .,..._ Covnhn. Call fo1111t, COftlP!et• Ind 11'1 ICCOUll llCt With tM p1111a •ltd 't*lllotlo"' ll'ltttlore ind uci. Mdtnde ll!tfalo •• •r Ill klltM pr lor tt Mel .. -....... ~. Novtll'lbet 19. 2003 Al -Llpl ..... -lefll ..... -lictnM reqwed· A l111lne•r's hll1!111t1: S7 5 Miiiion IU 5 Mitt Ion !tote: A job 11\o•lna Wiii be lliekl •I ll.00 • Ill. MoftOay. Novtmbtr 24, 2003 al CltYSTAL cove SJAn l'AllK. "'"' •t th• Loa Ir •ncoa Olflet. 1471 '•clflc Cout HWY, L1111111 lu<h, C.lltornlt 92651 Altend.tnce ti ttltt Job Mlowt.111 .. ltW«)A 1 ()ftY end will bt tlla only opport unity tn •d• •Vliltblt tor PIOi(lettlv• bld6t11 to wltw tht all• Wllh 1111'\ ptta<>nntl NO lid wiM bt COtlllldtrtd from 1 Contractor t111t d id not 1tte11d 11\e m1nd1tory tob ahowll11 P101op1cllve blddtr• may eurn1r11 i nd ol>tlln bid lorrM, 5P1C1f1C1tlona. end plens ~ down loedl"I the b pa< .... from tht Cekfo.n11 S••t• Contuch Re1•sltr et WWW c1cr d1s ca.aov/ cv;r I Tht bid p1ckea1 Is 1110 ev1llabi. on CO free of char&• The CO con be obtaoned by f111n1 • requut to (916) 445-9027 In •ccordance with the pro¥11lons of Section 17/0 177J and 11731 01 tht L •bor coo.. tht Otpettmenl of Parks end lltertlllOll has llCtf• t1lned tllal the a•neral r.1tv1ol1n1 r etes of wean n th• county in whkh lht wor-is lo be don• be n listed by the Oepertmenl of lnduslrlal Relations A c:opy ol lht lltllna' 11 on Ille et the •ddrns listed above. Succeasful bidder shell provide Parmenl Bond and Ptrformenct Bond OlPAITMIMT Of f'AHSAMD HCal.ATtON ...... G. <.a.-, Olrecttt Published Newport Buch Coil• Mese Dally Pilot November 19. 24. 2003 WM1116 ..,. court Of CAIJOlllA, (QTY Of OUl'6I Cwrrt Ulla COUIT PIOUnCOUll OrllAmMS S41 Tll OTY DIM, POST OfRCHOI 14171, 0Ullif.CA'261S.IS71 PITIJlOll Of DAVI CABS ... DAVI STUAl'f CAlllS fOI OWl6I Of lllll OD8 TO SHOW CAll5I fOI Ollll&f Of lllll WI llJllll: Am2JS 10 All INT£R£STEO PERSONS I Ptlllooner OAVt CAIRNS 1k1 OAVC SIU ART CAIRNS filed a pellloon with lhlt court tor • decree than11na names .n follows OAl/f CAIRNS to OAV( STUART CAIRNS PAllEN 1 TH£ COURT OROCRS thet 111 persons lnttr esled 1n ttm matter shell •P9•11 before this court al the heerona lnd1cal1d below to show uuse of any. why the pelttlon for ch1n1• of name $/lould not bt cr•nted NOTICE Of HEARING 01le. DEC 30 2003 Tonie. 2 00 Piii 0 11>1 L13 Fht addr11s of lht court is umt as noted eboo 3 A copy ol lhl~ Ord., to Show Cause shill be published at lust once uch week for lour \Ucren1ve weeks proor to the date HI for ~1111n1t on 111• petoloon on lh1 followonc new' paper of aener al rn t u lelion pronted on this county NEWPORT BCACll/COS IA Ml SA DAll Y Pll OT Ot1t11 NOV t 0 200S MAaJOall t Atao <AU~ JUOGI Of THl SUf'HIOa COUH Published Ne wport B11ch Co~I• Meaa Dally Pilot November I?, 19, 26 December 3, 2003 W238 .. 088 TO SIOWCMSllCll --Of- Wl--mmt TO Al l INTER!STEO l'CRSONS l. lton•ld o Mdote4,JI In ind Clnd1 l McMlctlln on btJl1lf of Petltlontr: R•quel lltnM Mc.Mllclllll, 1 minor f~tcl a ~tltlon With thb COUfl fOf 8 deuM Cll41f\&lftl namel ts followa R1q111I Rtnff McMtckln to Raquel ROM McMK llln ?. TJol{ COURT ORDER$ lMI Ill pt:tlOM lnltf H ied In lllb lfttllll INft epj1911 before lh11 court el the 11 .. nn1 lndJcattd below to Jhow CIUH If 1ny. why the peUIJon for chana• ot n1ma should not be 111nt1d NOTIC( Of HCARINO Oett . OEC 30 2003 Time 2:00 pm Otpl L73 Tiie addrus ot the court is ume H noted above 3 A copy of this Order to Sho• Cause 1ohall be publbhed el lt1sl once each wu k for fouo WCCHSIVI WM llS prior to th• d1t1 H I tor hee•ll11 on the petition In the tollowlna news p1pet ol aentr1I cncu lahon, pr1nt1d on lhos co.orly Newport Beach Co1tl Mtu Dally Pilot Dtit.1 NOV to toos MAUOatl lAtao <AllTla, JUC>Ol Of YHI SIWlAIOI <ouat Publlshtd Newport Beach·Coste Mist Oe1ly Pilot November 12, 19 26, December 3. 200J W139 ..... (OUIJ()f c.uc.. CCUITY Of OUll&f OW&ICCUITY Stl'lllOI COUit P'lOIA Tl COUil OPIU?ms 341 Tll an DIM, POST OfRUIOl 14171, OUllif. CA t26 IS.1S71 Pl11rKll Of...., l llt fOI OwtGf Of lllll OID8 TO SHOW CAUSl fOI OWl6I Of IWll WI 111111: A2222lt ro All INTERESTL 0 PERSONS I Pthlloner Rachel R Molls hied • pelohon with this co111 I lor • decree chana11111 name' n follows Rachel Rene Mill' lo Rachel Rene lO\\tlle ') Ttlf COURT OROI RS that •II penons inter e$lltd on this miller shell eppuo before lh11 court 11 the horona lnd1c1led below lo show cause 11 any why the petotoon IOf ch•n&e of n1me should not b111• anted NOTIC[ OF HEARING Date 12 JO 03 Tomr 'l 00 pm Dept l f1 Th• 1dd11n of lh• r o•i•t Is ume n nol@d •bove 3 A copy of this Of dtr to ShOw Cause shall be published al least onu each week for lour succeuove weeb prior to the d1te set tor hurrn1 on the pel11ton 1n the lollowona ne11n paper Of ceneral ClrCU l1llon. printed in this county. Newport B .. ch/ Coste Men 01ily Piiot Dot11 NOV tO 2001 JUOGl SHllLA n u , JUOGl Of THE SUl'I· atoll <OOH Pubh1htd Newpor I Beach·Co•t• Mesa Oa1lv Pilot November 12. 19. ?6 Orramber 3 2003 W741 Adltles ...... "-S....... The follow1na pe"on& are do1n1 business n South Pointe Invest menh 949 South Coot Or1v1 Suite 600, Cosl1 Mesa CA 9?626 Arnel D•velopm1nt Comp1ny. a Cahtorn11 Corpor•llon (CA). 949 South Cont 011ve. Suitt 600, Coit1 Me~• CA 92626 GLA Financial Corpo r•llon. 1 Callfornll Corporation (CA), 949 South CoHI Or1ve, Suite 600, co,t11 Mesa, CA 926?6 Thh bu1meH 1s con ducted by • t•ntr•I pertnerthtp Have you 1tarl11d do1n1 bu~•nen yet? Yes. Of/2911981 Arnt! Development Corpo11tlon. Rudr J Baldon•. r ucullv• v .... President Thol statement wn flied with Ille County Cltrl! a[ 0!1011 Counh oo ll~ ao.J6tMt90 Dally ,.llOI Nov. Otc. 3, 10. 2003 llOllalM'lm • Th1 Ott~&• Co11nty S1nlla l1on Olatrlct. Calllornla, wtH rtoeln bids untll Dec....,._ 16, 2001 .. i .oe ,_. Bkh ITlll\I be tKt tVtd et tht Di1trict'1 Admlnl1tJ1Uv• l obbr or l'urc.11111111 Office br th• d•t• htr•lll•bov• Mt forth. 1l which lltnt thty wjll be GPt11ed and H emlMd •I the Olstrld l'utthu ifll Office, 10144 f 1111 Av•-· founte•n Vall<ty, Calll orn••. for the lullowl111. OYflHAUl Of • fOIJtl (t) PlHNSnVA- MIA ~OCHS OAS COM,.CSSOltS Wl<lllCA1IOH MO. S-200S-tU Staled b1d1 must be lubmllltd on lhe lorrn supplied by the Ojslflcl In accord•nce with 111 l)rOVlatOn\ ol th• Sptcl• hnhons Spt1.ilruhons. bid blaoh 11110 lurlher 1ntormal1011 may be ublalned al the •bove iiddress. l~ltphone (714) !>917~ Publt~hed N1wpor I Buch Cost• Men Oa1ly Pilot Novembar 19, 2003 W2SO ,..... ...... "-S..... lh• follow1nc penon• .,. do•na bu\lnOl Ill. Sii•clr • Wood Cr t it, 1835 Whittler, Suite F 13. Costa Mua, C1hl 92627 lames Hobert P11M>n 9382 Central Ave Garden Grove r.ahf 9?844 Myduns Duone Par son\, 9382 Cenlral Ave .. Card•n Grnve. Caht 92844 Th" buuness os con- durted by husb•nd •nd w•fe Hdve ynu stu lrd doona bu11nu~ yeti Nu J;ames R f> •""'" !hos sl1l@m•nt wn Mod with the County Clerk of Oran&t C:nunty on 10129/03 200SH 6SS26 Oa1ly Pilot Nov !i. 12. 19 26. 2003 W226 SELL your stuff through classi fied! STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • C"1.ui/ifd ii CONVENIENT wlitdttr JOI' 'rt 1>f1Jln1. 1tlliltr, or j1ISI loolint, c'4ssi{Wlllu WhilJ JOIUUtA f CLASSIFIED (949)~5'78 Tht U,.J (Npartmnfl 1111ht Daily f>i/q1iJpl.tautl to1111M111ttt • "'"'~ "'1W llVtlif.tb/.t tJj MW hn'Mm. Wl will'"'"' SEARCH iht "'"'u for!"" "' no txtro "'41ft. 11.nJ 111w !"" ibt ,;,,,, 11"'1 tht trip to thr Court H011Jt 11t S11nl4 Au 77""', of rou1", ~ tiN sta.rrh is t#mp/ad wt wsU fil.t !""' fotirious businm umt ~t willt 1111 UNfl'J Cini. f'U/JliJh ~ II Mt~ for four wttb IU 'tf IUm/,,, "1w •M fhm /ill !""' /rHf ef ptd>IK4tion with tl>t Cou"1] Cid. Pkau stap "110 /ill JO"' ft(l/tUJus l11•11nas nAmt Jtl1.Jmtmt ~t ~/Mil] Pi"1I. 3JO W. &:y S4 Cost.c Mts4 If JO" e-1m11 mp h, plust Ml 111111 (9'9) 6#2--011 aJ Wt wi/J lfltdt ~for 1"" t4 "4Mk thfl 1*"-rt ~ ,,,.,L If JO" MU htzw ""J forlJttr ~ ~ r11/J 111 llM mw t.1'U It "'°" tha t lM lo 41Jin JOfL (jHJ /M(j ;,, JflM' """ bwlnas! Pilot M l.lpl..._ ............ .. 1411 ...... .. llllf.... -Uell ..... 11111 ltllo•-,.,_, .,. ~ .......... a) ClAOY HE. •> tltASH N TltlNKUS. 18111 tvor}lrrnt lanf, Huntlnctan 811<1!, CA 92'48 (11111 w.... 11112 lvot1(f•t lettt, Hlin llntlctn .. Kh. CA lm4I lhis !Mn-It '°"' ductt4 llJ •n lndlvldu11 Hav. yt'll 1tac ttd doinl """""" 1•tf Yu 09/01/lOOl £i.ynWlll'd ' n.i. 1tat1mtnl wn llltd •Ith Ult to.ftly Cletk of O.tllf• County on 10/Jl/OJ tt0Mt6'7JO ou., '"°' Ho'f. 5, lZ. tt. 21. 2003 WUt Policy Rate and deadlines an: ubjcct to change without notice. The publisher rcbervcs the nght lO censor. rcdusify, revise or reject any cla.uified ad venjsemcnt. Please repon any error lhat may be in your classified ad 1mmedtatcly. The Daily P1loe accepts no ltabJhty for any error in an advcruscmcnt for which it may be rc~ponsjblc except for the cost of the ~pace actually occupied by the error. Crt:d1t can only be allowed for the first llbCnioo. lNNOUNCllWfTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SllE BUSINESS & FINAHCW. All fHI Nlalt aclv•tl)S ~ In lllh M~ II •ulljiK 1 lo 1111 f edeul r •11 1100111111 kt of 1968 n amended wh ich m•llu It lllt1at to edvacl1M •en1 111••• tllct, llmllellon or dtr.ctrmtnallon tit•-' on tKt, Colot, r•~. 1111, ha11dic1111. ttn11Ual •tatlK Of nalion•I otltln, O< •n Intention to m111t eny ~II Pfifer-. kln1t1 ''°" °' ••r.ctl"'iinatl!Otl." lllls ntwsp.aper •111 not llno•lnltY Keep\ In)' '""" llMmtnt fOf ,.., 1thl1 •hlc h 11 In viollltlon ot thl l•W. Out rud1n "' h~.::l '"'"'"*' "''' '" . inta ~UMd Ill tllll M~ •rt avatlatllot on en equ,1 09P01 l11nlty ball9 To complain of .ia otrnlfl.llott, cal HUD lol ,, .. •I l-I00-414~ . Sill your stutf ttl'OU&f1 I classified! 1413 ABSOl U f{ AUC HOH ~ ...... Mottl, 5~/ tern Hw1 101, Santa Barb.,• Co11nty, CA Commtfclll. Otc:. llth. 11.00•m , 1 310 798 7944 Edmo11d 111111' Baton. f1£ 8roht, 3110 W f'Klfic; Colllt Hwy, 1 101, Torr•nn. CA 905C)5,_ let1y Cuic !\Ina LPM162M08. I 800 662 !1464, If' llln• Auction .. lllC., l f'M.!16481SI, Alu T Todd, lf'Ml626807 (CAl •SCAN) ~ .... ......... Tiit lolklWlflC P«SO"' ., • 6otll& •u\lnffl •• TIM AMI h '-lt Ntl· "°"· MOO w OtHll• kont, Newport fludl, Cal1h>tn" t2t6J W8 lnvHllMllll (CA). 6400 W. OcHnfroni, Ntwport Bttcll, Cell '°'" .. 92MJ I .. fNMMU ta CM~ Ol l\•t.n1111 Nv•-" •• tlllt •UletMnt wt• hied •llti tlMI COllnty Clftll of Ot•np County ea 10/0l/Ol ,..,.....,. o.11,~ P•t Nof 5. 12. It. 2', 21.lOl W230 Ac-. ..... .......... The 1011o•1nc pw.on• .,. 411111 ... ,_ ., Cu.fl In lt•"'t· 252J O«an llvd I 4. C«On• Otl MM. CA 92626 .,..,.,., !Dy Collist411, 2525 0.:.." Blvd 8 4, tot 011e dtl M.,, CA m25 Th• 11""""-~ CUii dlleted by an ltld1v dv.i H111e you irt-rt*' 41Nna bvslfltt.t yei1 No Jemes 11•}1 Coll1S1• Thi• •t•l•nMnt •H l,M Wltll tM County ci..11 ot Otafl&e Covnty on 10/31/03 tOOJ6tH71a Dally Pilot Nov. S, 12, ti 26. 2003 W220 Rim. ..... ........ 1 h• follo.,lnc ptrM>n• ., • dolnt builntss as. Oownl111 $ttHI lQ. 841 HtwpcM'I C.ntM Df 152. lf1waqc& Buch. CA How to Place A CLAss1FrnAD .......... -~ lh• lollowin1 petlOnS Me do flt bvSllllH H . IV Handyman, 5211/• Ou:hkl Ao .. Curc.111• del Mer, CA 9262S ii"' V foa, f>2\I/• Ord11d Avt . Corona def Milr. CA 9262S Thtt bus1nes4 Is con ducted by an mdtvidual Hav•· you alltl'ltd dohlll busi~• y.t1 v .. , S·ll•OI Jun y [ga .... ..... ........... lh1 Mlow1111 Ptf!W"• 1te ~I t111a1nesa ,5. Sllumlifl• f•tlflubon. 2638 R1nn1de Or • C°'ta Mew. CA '2627 0•111el Allan '"'•'· 2U8 11101 tld• Or . Cc.sit MMll. CA 91621 This &1\1\1-~ con duc:tlld by an Kld1vodu&I "*•t JOU •lMtlld dolnt ·-•}let? Yu9/0l Oanltl Allan P.rHI Thr~ 1tattmtnt was fried with the Courity Clwll ol Or.iii• County on 10/31103 200, ... ,,,, O•il1 Pilot Nov 5, J? • 19.26,2003 \V?l l ~ ...... ... s...... ..-----Deadlines ---Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pin ' . Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00p'm B •"'ax (949r 631-6594 Ry Phone (949) 642-5678 Wedne~ay .............. Tuesday 5:{)()pryl : Thur-.day ........... Wcdnl!sday 5:00pm : By Mail/In Person: (J'kmr incl• )our..,,.. -i pflcwv numba IOd ,.c II call yuu blick widl a pri'1t' ljll(MC I 330 Wci.t Bay Street ~Mesa. CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd & Bay Sc .-- ESTATE SAU I lours Telephone 8:30am-5.00pm Monday-Friday Walk-In 8:30am-S:OOpm Monday-htday Index . SOOS-SISO --, ' ' . , ' . ·-- •. I • a &tat• lllYntonl SmMI Monty Map "'"ft•nlltd Au$lif\. TtUS ts IM II plact 141 tilt U S to invtl'l In IHI estate find out why vbll MIW510 DllUI WllllWATIVIWSI l hlHIM trom .,nd Zbr 31>• 11ppt1, 21>f Iba low "· 2l:1lf1« & laundry, wo,..ful condltJon fl.495.000 Act Bob.....,, 1131 RlllllJ To Sharl &030 ......... S...,H ·-In 48r HoUM Share bath no/peVpr'lce w .. l•J '-:h .... ., .. S575m S400 dlo & I/• uhb. r. 11949 50().9908. ~ I SU. ...... :lir 2 lull ~ houM. w/dotached 11J11 & Cl-' room $3250,lmo ~-~·TlZI S,..f11rfftnl -.... Badt Nf'I 14 hr storac•. 4()0. 600sl u11iu May st.ore •tlhl Ills. Iowa r1t .. c..I C.Wolyn 96&).J.B) Zbr 2bt apt, l ca1 Pf. 7941 Stai-II Ave.. Anrl Nov 21. 11250 + dep CaH 714 842-92M UOO 1SU STUOtO l.rc• closet & beth. sunny npotllt'I, $1000m A.I\. 949 675 6161 WHtdtff1 lr1 2l>d, i'b• condo Upstaws. carport. 1256 RvtllHICI $1350/rno •71• &32 1766• (Ulfhf ... N•t•ah• lbf Iba unit eveil now -2llA ~ mdJ. S1260m 609 Nweblus ,_ ~ .,_ .._ 6#, f'tllll M-725-alS. no pal poei. ft be simn ~Norw~ • IM ... llPC*'. I _. ..,...., *1Yt lly Of\l}I ,....._.. lbt lba pellO, S l7.l/2Marau•rlt• tiflplKt. &hared w/d S1•+11t11Mt6~2m hllups, 1 cer pr•p Alt Oct .. ••••I Sunny '1500/M0949-293-4630 ~"*Y--l*Y ar••a..flJ,llll!Ch 2 c .,, '*-pool IMO. Hr, tie, .,,.,...., sm pait ... !(AIM ._,.... Condo, Fp, comfNUll~ 177·704 8141 at204 s.... te hecflt tit l.!i&a. fp, ,.,. ... patio, 11600/-yea1ly !M9 673-2507 paot. ll'HI location. . wwwlll•l11pro 00111 $37511 949 187 • lt 5 . RESORT/ VACATIOM '-'-........... tl'llM ufll( IWlll + carpett, ..... t~.~ , .. _., ..... Raf &111111 PROPfRTY _w_ .. _,, ____ &_ FGRMLE .... ...,., ........ eny 'OndlllOlll, LOCM. \'OIJNl ROtlTL •nr 11\u•llonl '° ~ ~ 714 345 "* Olllr"-WIClllll """" 9111 ~,, .. •..!!'!! ..,..,..(CM.-..-., .... '-.. ClASSlflED Friday .................... ThutMlay 5:00pm : .. Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pni · Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm Daettfterals 7915 VACATIOl ISfTALS SAUS & lllfTMS •• Sp' • Desert CoAtKt ...., Ant!J 160-JD.11Jl ~au bolls.com DOR Se your unwanted Items the •asywayl Place a Class If led ad today I 642-5678 • PLUG IN -" .. ptug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters . ..... • ~~~ I~ ~u1y Endoc1l11olop o~• In Newport Buch Co11l1Cl 9'9-~·8&55. ~-~ _...,.._.,_.FT ~~luy. IMW '01 .U ,....,., 3 0, 5spd, 2311 ml, f11H fact warranty, allver /bltl llhr, CO, mnrl. 19in whit, 'bHllhfvl 11111 new cond, Im 1vall v995621 124.9' 8lu !M9-586-1888 _ .... _ ~ ••• c. .... Sot! m1, blk/blk llhl' blk c11rl111 rool, Bose CO. 1m-fm, chrm whls, aold pl!a. books/rec:0tds, lillt new $8995 11557281 8-r t .. -561-IUI WWW.M ..... f,C- c.-..c 'ta .,..,.. Wll<tt/Ollllltaf ltllf loW 1111, bte111ih1t ••lc•ntl COl\d, ~ & out, dWltl "''"'· 10 dllO c IJ2" •• ,_ ••• ,,, 1111 ..... , ···- ~. ,-:: ect'::r:::F. Nt.itic .,... 1•11 ltflf blKll lot>, b .. 1111tul hilt 11.W COll4. '7995 tic"' d.567%1 ......... -···- 'OOC&M "" J8I( ""· Cll.mpacne. Mnrl. a>.'"" Po-(791156) $17.111!5 •01 ,_ ,., S'9 VB, spcwt pq. "100f'I roof, CO, lNdtd (605391) $17,915 "H ,,.,, ,_._ Lincoln certified, -owner. mmf, CO (672059) 121,500 'HU Premium I'll.a. mnrf, co. clv-. loaded (4UQY870) 129.!lflS ,,.,..,,..,., UltWle 4r..4', top of hh,w/,_.tion •rst-. nwf, !:M>. drms. llncoln c.rtlrlmd (0>663) SA 1.88!> 714-540-5630 COSTA& llKUIBOllT fer4 '6S •••••"I Convertlbl1, orl1ln1l -........ lt.d. w/ft•'J Int.et A'OI02 Ohco4'1\led l•WHlle'99 lie~. ltrt lllter tl/9971 Mint S.11 MlWS211"ta 8r011tr, ,.,. 1111., IVS497 Mutt W ••wn1a."OO """· l*llJ1119' 1't'0517 Obcounted IMWJJOt'Ot Wlllte, ta11 •2466 Mutt s.. llMW~'99 81 ... ""' '"'" fV21 U Must s.11 9MW 740ia '00 • llronze/\111 lt!D5e Olscount•d 1MW74°"''00 81adl. tan Int., 1Y943S Olscovnted BMW 740ll '01 8111.t/pey 12843 Musi S.e IMW740ll'OI Sltvtr, lf•Y tV8606 Creal Buy BMW 740!! '01 WMt,IAY 13951 Ct11I Buy a.nr-..•02 81Kll,1JtY IJY4367 Ctt1IB11y HwieyD-... 't2 !fed, black •Y8109 Dl1<ounted t49-650-5' 1 s COVllOTI8& .a....,si•'t7 1hm. Ian 13M8 Creel Oe•I J..,_Xlt'tt Blue, Ian IV79'7 Otseounted ,...,...x1a·oo Graen. l•n 11280 Must S.U ....... , .... owner. solid car, ~ f08!>9 Ill $!&500 dlo 9'1!Hl~29C Red. tan GrutOul WHITI'IER LAW SCHOOL Exam Proctor Whrttler Law School is lookilg for proctcn to administer final exams at our Costa Mesa c:aT1JU. Fall exams wil be~ between Dec. 10-19; SpcTig exams in May, 2004. Good ~and \'9ltlel akils a IMt. Computer 'kA9wledge helpful. Involves some lifting and arryrig. Must be available to WOik cJtmg the day. $Hlllv. Ideal tor l9llees and stay at home moms. Fax °' mail letters c:A ilterest wilt! ~ hist0<y °' i.rne to PhYls Sands (no phone call, please). Whittiu Law School ~.JU Hubor BoukYard <Mt& Maa, CA 92626 (714) '"'4-34S8 (Eu) few4 't7 ,_en low ml, books/rtcordt, 2· owners. met1lllc bur 1undy. fully 101d1d Cata&ed/llOll smllr must '" lo 1pprec:lal• 13995 v245nt 91\t 949-586-18118 -.ec,.r. .• - Ot--4 '00 ...... u 3311 metalltc solver blue ar•y 1011 fully to1ded, Ilk• new cond $10,999 ¥455721 lll!r ~111118 ...... ,. ..... _ H_. 't7 4cc•4 2dr cou~ EX. V tee 111aln1, 6911 bl1Ck/1'•Y lthr, SMf, be111l1f11l u1>m1rk1d cond, can11c1. "°" MMi $11495 vtl0126751 81<1 98511111 -oqllb.c.om Best place In tlle world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classlfled 642·5&78 C11ifornl1 l1w ,.. auht that c011lt1c j(lft talllfl& )obi lllat lqtal $500 fl/I "'°'' (.._ or malMIM) "' liuntaO b1 tho toolrectors St1t• ltttnse Board. State • elto rlqllirn that contr1clofa l11tklde tJwlr &c.ftu ,_,.,.,. 11111111 l<IVlrtislrla. You c.111 chodr. t"9 1t1t111 of your llunHd ce11lractor 11 'www.csl~c1.r.v or 800 321 CSL • U111i ce11Md co.tr.ctort S.11111.1 lob lhlt total llt1 lllU $500 m1111 •bl• In their 1dv11tlttmenta th•I they ar1 nol llclltHd 111 Ill• Conlrtcton Stltel~&owd· ....... Al 1•11, • I z HANDYMAN ln1t1ll, rtftc• c.binels ~ ~ o.c n464&-1S c..tC--. I~ f1 I •, ' ' ' Wealthcorne Ma.tile Grlftlte Inc. ....... ss••• ............ ......... ,.,. ..... c.-.. ... .... C I ..... ..... 111111 ..... 1mL ... _ .... n•.•--- MlaQDIS CUO '02 Black, bled llV91.77 Olsc:ou"led MERCE0£S E320 '01 BIKll. Blldl tl/5458 OIKounted MERCEDES E320w1 '99 Gre•n. l1n IV4581 Gr11l 0.11 M£RCE0£S MISS 00 Sliver. bl1ck 138S9 Grut Oul MERCEOE S SSOO '95 W111te, Ian 13650 Discounted MUCIDlS SISOO '00 Wl11le. tan I0580 M111t Sell MINI COOPla '02 8111e. &r•Y I0962 t.eustSeH roacHr ewr-.,. Blacll, Dl1ot. IVI068 01scounled ro.tSCHI C-r-'tt Blu.. pay IV6049 ...,st Sell Qvele Mencust '01 Sliver. blacll ifVO 139 Oncoun tad ...... 't6 ,,.._,. SI 2ck coup.. auto luHy loaded, white. mnrf, elloy whl~. buut1lul cond SS995 11897241 811.r t4t-SM-llN __ .....,.. .. _ eona.a-.r, trldi ltecii S.._ , ... Colwlrlll, Pat>o, Drlvlwly Fwa.,lc. 88Q. Ma 25Yra hp ,.,.,, 7}+657-7594 '--._., w.ti c.rn.it. &1dl. ... '111, ~--~No lobllllolnllll~ U.,.Nllldllnl YOCMHOal WPIOVUUJCT rtoncn Call 1 plumber. p1lllltr. lla11dymen. °' •1 of lhe IJHt urv!Us listed here In Ollf 1trvlca dlroctOfyl THESE LOCAL SVC PEoPt.C CAN HELP YOUTOOAYl Bridge · 8Y. CHARLES GOAEH with OMAR SHNUF Md TANNAH HIRSCH 00.lT·VOOltSEU' DefENS Nomnt •1 q 1'0105J ~K~ • 1070 EAST ... O AJ U o J14 • .\KQIJ Opemng lead. Five of • If ¥0U ane sure thal you know the •inntDa drfcaae ud that panner m1,lht OOl hl~e all the informanoo dial Is a va1 lablc to you, tAk.e pu1111Cr otr the boot. Do it ycut'M'lfl basl· Wcsl were playln1 a forc:ina duh system Smee an po-.etful JAOUAl '... vor -lo14Md. UlC. 1111. alnV ______ ..,. coreeous, $13,750 1Pvt rHllLWS 4Ul0 Party, 949·494--0011 I J.,_, 't4 XJ6 " ..... Pits metallic ttd tan lthr, be1ullf11I «lifn•I cond, mutt see to appreciate. 11r1pd, non smkr, $6995 v702571 B•r 949 516-J888 www.ocpeW.c-,..._ ... '-' ... ch1mp1n1•. chro1111 wllls. pr•m IOUlld, lo Jedi. aorseous. must sell $29,995 949 650 3390 UXUS SC400 't5 Tr.cllon control, hulad suit, ovtrdflve, mnrl. chrome wllls, new ll<u N1k1mlchl sound sys. I? chine• ed. spoiler , blue/ tan vety clean $9750 949 244 3324 UM• '00 lS J10 V6, Ilk •ctuel ml, cham pa1n•/sray 11111. mnrl, CO ch<ome wl>ls. wperb •S flew cond throuatit. books, records. $10,995 v045829 8"' 949-5116-18118 www.e.,-.t_ •• ,,.4 ...•• <210 81tullful b1lck/cr11m tully lo1dtd, ~howroom Wout S92!iO 114-751·2464 ••r .. 4•• •ts 1120 Blacll/blk bHUI, 111 091, ltOll4I nic9f. new major SVC, $10,250 714-751·2464 'tJ _....SI.JOO, 3111 '"'· ~-. Orme Whls. ,._oorn condltlon l22.5G> 114-5n-0700 MM._.. 'USM Sl Wh1te/lln, lm"'9C In/out runs areal, new toft top, dYa'lw.. SIJ,!Ul 714751~ • ..,.-.._M 'ff 4.0S[ Bosch 111jectlon, 4511. ml, ch1mpa&n• t11Yer/lt ttn lthf. chtm Wtllt, IMtvt Uk1 new c:o!'.!IJ _!!, 9,995 v452361 8lw ~llllJ -·~·­.......... ·ts•.l>SI IJOll+m1, bl1ck/l1n It.hr. ,, , ,..,, ...._ ,,,._ _,, Whtie (19808) 127,980 "'' .«'C ... ssoo s.1- (19408) $52.980 "OOJ~n• Clwlmc>llJll (19817) $43,!lllO fTt.lfWLUOO Srivet w/IJ•Y ltlw CO, pwr moonroof, Per feet conc:tt (194531) $1 7.980 ............. CUCJZO Coupe BIKll (193941) 143.960 ,,. Mer""" SOOSt . ...,. Whit• (20) $21,980 '91.S.-NOS ,...,.. Maloon (19852) 12.980 '9S repr. C.fk. C-ertlW. WW.. [)ep9ndable and F uni (194781 ) SS,990 HIMWJlllS Rad (19470) $16 990 "001'.,... .,, ,.,,.,, Stlve< (19441) $52.980 UM~UML Smok• Sil'lllt (19732C) $16,980 01 ••wn,.o, White (196690) $35.980 Mt-S74:nn M1'SAll10 ;'Sj I 1 Cl9 111perb cond lhfou1hl. .. _____ _. boolls. rec0tds Sl0,995 "'°45129 .. g,&581). ... -.. .,...,_ Twrn •ts Ol whit•, lo1ded. all options, Immaculate $2500 714-75t·2'64 UClNSID CONTIACTOtl HD lob \Do am. M -"*' Reoalr. remodel, llllS, ...,,_w.:MM415-31¥ AoaMWl1lt s.tw. '0 l SW2 w...,. 5ipd, illek, silvat , arty lnl.p<tm sound, beauhlul hkt ntw cond S699S ~ 9 8kt 9'9-586-18118 ---··"- PfSTORI I PCPAIR & R£"'100HlliG CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18Yttf)p•GMIRtll'I AIPl.-Of~ ~AtmocMr.. lJS71'M2 94&-305-7899 CDml.lmll AIWNl'ENANCE • t.cidallW. c-dtl 0 Job 'Ibo SMoll Da'NB...t.ltoa M9-12W2'2 MAM TMI MAMO'raM 1'1 ... WXS10 llflv9*. Prem, a>, lowMI ' (M6l2Jl) s.34,900 ...... ,.°" Blll/B•. loaded, lu•ury (Ml2074) $23.900 '9flMWZ.J I.I CO loth« !>SP. Very Quick (F91U2) $18,900 .... .._..,,'° WhVl1n, CO. loaelld. NM:e Cer (684789) $19,900 ,,,.en.Jn CUJ10 81k/81k. Crm Whls, CO, Classy (055516) $23.900 'Of ferJ '~ISO #Nr- J.y "-"*- 4-0.. Ch< m Whb. ooty Ilk ml (870104) $31,900 "''.,._Air,_, Sl Auto. ro. Moy, lthr (202551) $18,900 ........... ,,10 White/Tan, CO, Sharp (684789) $19.900 ,,,,.,.,.. . ._ ,,,.,., loaded. Musi Sec:rl- lice (094773) $16.900 ... ,..,.... .... _ C-.t S.lvw, S·sc> CO, low miles. sreet p(M:e (623482) $23,900 ley•I• 't1 c-• DX 60k ~ m1 auto. pw, pl, cru1u whrle/cr1y int. supe<b $5295 vlS7829 Bkr 949 !186 11188 ---~· .. - ~TO TMI DU•Plll 714 968-18112 AVAll.AllLE TOOAYI 94967H566 FIND ,:;.-:. ~ wcw., 111•antoed :=:::e~ ~,. .. ~ ....i~ ... =_r.,._ .. _=_· .. ~. No¥ember 19, 2003 All TODAY'S CRQSSWORP PUZZLE Aub __ m_IOUl_w __ •_ BOATREPAIRSI v ............ 'OJ ...... SERVICES Co"v Turbo blt,/bll, 1700 m1, lmmacul1le co11d, ••••••- S25.500 g,a<).67S-81d BOA11 SUPS/ AUTOMOBlfS, MOORINGS/ MISCWMEOUS l.AllNCHING/ BOAT PARTS& ACCESSORIES 9045 STORAGE 9680 ,.._ w-4 2 ll11>s avail up lo 55ft W•l11r & power Incl alto <-rv vm.g. sllp up to SSft and 1..,.w. Dt shp up to 90ft @ vaunt lot w/spectaculir 'llteWS 949·67S-4847 ~ IB cb rdlJ 00111> Allm. q, -/wrr4trda/ ~bolbnpn meo8m~6Zll IOATSlJr,Sidtlte,60tl plus main cha nnel HtwPQl'I Peniltsula, new docll 949 67S·S900 JSft MOO.IHO wltt. boat tor sale '" He'WJ)O<"t Beech Can Chuck 949 645·0334 CLASSIFIED It's tht solu· tionyou're searching/ or· whether you 'rt seeking a home, apart· ment,petor new occupation! 7Sft IOAT SUI', Sublet 1or 0ec & Jen m ,,. " . on XMAS IOAT PAIWK llCMI !M9 640-0562 SEU ........ PUBLIC NOTICE The C11it Public Utll1t~ Commission requires that all usad houuhold coods moYtts f"nl their I' U C Ca l number; limos 1nd ch1uff11111 prl11t I heir T C P. n11111bet In 111 1dvw tiMmenls. 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PEACOKCTUR POQUAILTWP FIUVULTURE A Y P V U L T R U L j LPEACOCKMI ~ • ~~~ ~\(.2e 4 2•( \\"° 2f • • 24 21 3 • 22 CONDORVEEC OCGQUAIYLA NPUFFINWGN CHICKENXAE RTNP UF INEW 8• 7\ 10 NEXT TO SANTA MOHtCA SEAJOOO Ofll ntE COMP Of RIUERTON t 17TH ST. SPORTS CARDS • SPORTS GIFTS DESIGN • CUSTOM FRAMING • MEMORABILIA 170 E. 17TH STREET, STE. 101 COSTA MESA, CA 926Z7 v VJ ~o?.·~~ .. ~~O , ./6cu~,Jtic ffxu~ • 9 .~ .7ttun'°A? o/lft~CVutmp z~ Full Time • Part Time 7 :00 am to 6:00 pm AMI Affiliated Ages 2 to 8 Back Bziy HJonte~~ori 398 University Dr.• Costa Mesa (949) 548-3771 -- ELEMENTARY • MIDDLE SCHOOL 11 • 1~· •14 20 •19 • 1& PLAYMATES PRESCHOOL Since 1964 . • Developmental and Early Childhood Educatlon Programs For 2 Yrs. thru Pre-K • SDedal Em~s on Kinderaarten ~iness at the Pre-K Level • Potty Training Available Full ~ & Morning Half-Day Sessions Monday 1hru Friday 6:30om·6:00pm Director: Artene Shapiro (714) 540-1919 Statil UclnM t 300600796 795 Paulartno Ave. • Costa Mesa Located Between Bristol & Bear Sf. Affiliated with Park Private Dc;wy School • • PARK PRIVATE DAY SCHOOL 51Na1966 ~through Ith Grade . Christian Montessori Schools i and Academy : PMdpal Suzanne Lamond, M.A. Ed. REAOINGIUNGUAGE ARTS ~RAM EMPHASIZING PHONICS STRUCTURED FOR HIGH ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENTS ONE & lWO·VEAR KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM. We Accept Children 18 Month to 12 Years 259~ve. 1130=.Ave. 7000~Rd. 949·631-9749 714·744·1578 94~1091