HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-20 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSDAY,NOVEMBER20,2003 Local judge will run for Senate Superior Court Judge Jim Gray, a longtime Republican, will leave the bench to challenge incumbent Barbara Boxer as a Libertarian. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot Longtime Orange County Su- perior Court Judge Jim Gray an- nounced Wednesday that he'll leave the bench for a year to run for U.S. Senate. was appolnted superior court judge by former Gov. George Deukrnejlan ln 1989 and has been elected to three consecu- tive six-year terms, the latest be· ginning in 2002. He has also served as a municipal court judge, an assistant U.S. anomey and a lieutenant ln the U.S. Na- val Reserve Judge Advocate Gen- eral Corps. . traditionally a Ubertarlan issue. The federal government's role should be merety to help states enforce thelr own drug laws, he said. Another of his platforms ls re- duclng the size of government with "sunset" laws requiring Congress to vote every five years on fundlng for federal agencies and programs. If voters wait for Republicans and Democrats to address these rwo Issues, Gray said, "we have a long wait comlng." them. In addition to his work as a judge, Gray started a peer court program that brings real juvenile court cases to Orange County high schools, where juries of stu- dents make recommendations to the judge adjudkatlng the case. He also created the county's first drug court ln 1984 to handle repeat drunk drivers and Is known es an advocate for the lo- cal Vietnamese community. Gray adopted a son, now grown, from Vietnam. MARI< C. OUSffl /OAA.V PILOT Judge Jim Gray announces his candidacy for the United States Senate in the Old Santa Ma Courthouse on Wednesday afternoon. A self-described "lifelong Re- publican." Gray told a group of about 60 supporters at the old Orange County Courthouse that he'll run as a Ubertarlan for the senate seat held by Democrat Barbara Boxer. Gray, 58. of Newport Beach An outspoken critic of the fed- eral government's war on drugs. Gray said one of the reasons he became a Ubertarlan was that ending the drug prohibition is Also on Gray's agenda are local control for education and health care, and making the fet&eral gov- ernment cover the costs of illegal lrnmigratlon instead of letting state and local governments pay •(The Vietnamese in America! are people that are living the American dream, but basically, they have no voice ln our gov- SeeSENATE,Pa1eA4 Balboa Theater unveils new plan The long-troubled landmark has a new chairwoman, a new design and a fundraising goal. June CHa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -A new chair- woman. a new buildlng design and an ambitious new fundraislng goal are among the reasons that Balboa Theater supporters say that the future for long· troubled theater project ls looking up. The Balboa Performing Arts Theater Foundadon has announced a goal to raise S2 million by 2005 to transform the guned space at 707 E. Balboa Blvd. into a world- class, 320-seat venue for live theater, dance. music and even tum screenlngs. "While It may sound ambitious, it really isn't when you consider It.• board founder Dayna Penit said. Nancy Gardner has been elected new chairwoman of the foundation board of directors. with Pettit becoming the first member of the group's new emeritus SH THEATER, Pa1e A6 :TRAFFIC ' Newport ·widening • ~upported • 'A transportation ~ommittee recommends the city add another lane to Pie main thoroughfare west of 19th Street. Deirdre Newman Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -After months of aoul searching. a transportadon commlnee D gave Its blesling on Tuetday to the widen- lngol~~ A trons majodty of the Downtown and P.astltde 1\'anaportation Ad Hoc commJt· tee voted ln favor of adcllng a fourth northbound lane between 17th and 19th atreett and a fourth 1autbbound lane be· tween 19th Street and Broadway. The project. which allo lncludea a host of enhancementa for the downtown area. Is belng studi.d for ltl environmental ef. fedl and la expected to go to tho Ctty CoundJ for colllideradon ln March. The pro.pect of wldenlna Newport Boulevard hu been controVmtal because aome men:hanta ln the area are con· cemed that ft wW Just add to the CC>llpf· OOUGl.AS ZIMM£RMAN/OAILY PILOT Children pick out books in the Wilson Elementary library amid new benches, cushions and rugs donated to the school by IKEA. How Swede it is MarlH O'Neil Daily Pilot W Uson Elementary School's library looks like the set of a trendy reallty show, only with more boolcs. Bright ied and blue rugs with big white dots cover the floor. Red and blue benches sit on the Door, and fUchsla cube·llke stools dot the room. Cushions arranged as an impromptu futon beg for someone to sprawl on them with a good book. Even the librarian has a zebra-striped chair. Daily Pilo t AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ Fog IUllU thing• on. Clouds end It. S.PaaeA2. SPORTS Newport Harbor Hlgh't footbtll tqm Pf'paret for en unftmill•r role: the underdog. IMhpBl Local students get some off-the-wall furniture in their classrooms care of IKEA Costa Mesa sketches of an IKFA-style library and they got most of the furniture in May. Ubrarian Nancy Johnson i.lowty got things set up, then finished things off over the summer. ·• "It looks Uke something out of HGTV,-PrtnclpaJ Candy Sperling said, referring to the 1V channel that features shows about room redecoration . Most of Wilson's library revamp came courtesy of a $6,677 furniture donation from the new IKF,A Costa Mesa. Aa part of a promise by the Scandlnavia-based furniture store to help area schools, the company made donations totaling S 154,650 to Costa Mesa's 19 schools, according to Newport-Mesa Unified School Dtsoict reports. Wilson got the benches, cushions, rugs, picture frames and a new checkout desk ln the deal. They also got tables, which Sperling said ended up wo~ better ln classrooms than ln the library. A designer came ln and made THE BELL CURVE The new furniture replaces old tables and mismatched plastic chairs and transformed the library, Sperling said, into a place students really enjoy visiting. "The kids come In here quieter, ready to read," she said. "We're finding that they're bener behaved, take care of things in the See SWEDE, Pa1e A6 Thoughts stirred from high above M y wife and l apent last week.end ln Palm Desert as the gueau of Bruce and Susan Sumner, rejold.ng wtth our good frtendt and hosta ln the rerrwbble prograe Bruce - Newpon Blach resident and former Orange County Superior Court Judge -la maklna ln hla recovery from a stroke. We hung out much of the time on their patio, enjoying the desert air with a late fall tang, diverted periodically by golf en ch1pptna lnto the water trom the th.ln1 tairway Ju.t beloW UI. 1bat WU the unplinried entertainment. 'lbt planiled variety ~_.,,,..,...,.._...,....., took ua to the new JOSE'-H N. BELL ca.stno ln downtDWn Palm Sprlnp, but, best of all, to the Palm Springs Air Muaeum. There, for two happy boun that must have teemed much Jongertomy compan1ont. I communed with almott every airplane I flew for tho Navy ln World War ll, all ln vtnt1&9 cond1don. reedy for flight. Th .. wu the Stearman blplane -the Yellow Peril -ln wbk:h I flnt aoJoed, which must look every bit as prtmitive (o the young peopJe examlnlng thete artifacta as the World War I planes once looked to me. There was the aleek. dependable SNJ, ln which I took my advanced tralnlng and later instructed cadets about to pt their wlnp. And the sturdy SBD. with itl perforated dive tllpl and its gun mounted ln the rear coclcplt. They all looked larger than life. and I ran my banda CMr them. brlnglng up memodet thn>ugb my ... CURVE.hleM Al ~sdly. NMtnbw 20, 2003 POLITICS· THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE .. Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, seen here after a human rights rally in July on the east side of the Capitol building, witl speak today before the House water resources subcommittee on a bUI to allow U.S. Ports to levy fees on cargo containers to raise money for secu(ity and Infrastructure. Cox plans to watch homela~d security department closely Allol• Robln1on and S.J . Cahn OlifyAk>t Rep. Cluil C.OX on Wednelday announced plant to require the Department of Homeland Security to llltlbllsb prtorldel and dadlJna in building lta major propama -euenti&Dy to face the mn.e ICMSny by Congress u the rettofthefedenlgovemment Cox, the cbalrman of the House Select Committee on Homeiand Seauity, said:·~ by the Department of Homeland Security shouldn't be detennined arbttrarlly, or pollddzed. Progress lhould be gauged by a realistic set of meuwa that will lead to a atronger depe.ttment and a more eecure nadon. • Cox was named the head of the committee after the creadon of the homeland leCUrlty department after the terrorist attacb of Sept. 11, 2001. "We are crafting leglslation to enaure we ful1lll our overslgltt responalbWtiet owr the largest re·organizadon of the federal government In the past hall·century. • Cm said. ·1t'1 wry lmporunt that we make cleat what Congrea consJdm prtortttet. and to establlsb deadllnea. where neceaary, for meet1ng these priorities." Rohrabacher prepares to comport himself Rep. Dana Robrabuber planned to speak this morning before the U.S. House water resourees aubcommittee about a bW he proposed to help local port.a pay for lnftutruc:ture and security upgrades. H.R. 3028, the conllln.er tee bW. would allow poru to levy fee.a on Clf'80 containen that pus through and use the money for aecurity and lnfrutructure.· Ports now have to ask the federal government for money to meet the lncreued aecurlty requirement.a or the 2002 Maritime nansponadon Security Act, Rohrabacher spokesman Aaron Lewil 18.id. The Loa Angeles and Long Beach port complex ls the third largest In the world, and the amount of crade It handles ls expected to triple within 20 years, Lewll aaJd. "What bener way to create a new revenue atream than by putting a ree on the number of conta.lnen that pass through theret" he aaid. However, Lewis said strong oppoaltion ii expected from abipptng industry lobbytsu. who protested ln September when Rohrabacher's container fee bW wu added as an amendment to the Water Resources Development Act. AJ an amendment. the container fee provision failed, Lewta aaid. More names, but more validity? And the endorsement& keep coming, AJ the March 2 primary election draws closer. local candJdatea are working hard to gain 1upport from all types of organizations and fellow poUtlclana. Thls week's press releases included one from 70th Asaembly District candJdate Oluck O,Vore of Irvine, announcing that he's endorsed by 74th Dlltrlct Auemblyman Mark Wyland, a fellow Republican. One of DeVore's opponents, Martanne 7Jppl of Newpon Beach. also aent out • endorsement-related tldlnga. Colorado Rep. Tom 'IUcredo, who has fought for lmmJgration refonn, now endorses Zlppt, for whom Illegal lmmlgration ls also a major Jasue. Devore and Zippl will vie with <Stau ert.dcb, OMmcbot Gupta. Lons Pbam and Don w.per to be the ,Republican candidate for the 70th district seat ln November. Vu 'ban, a cancUdlt.e fo' the 88th AIMmbty Dtmtct ..... th1I week announced Illa newest mdonemesit, &om U.S. Rep. Durel i.a, who le coaaldend the father of the pabematortal recaU. nu will 1ace 1e11ow Republlcan Mark Leya ID the primary. Don't call me, I'll call you The latest Inremet poll at Rep. Cox'• Web a.lte suggestions bothersome phone calls know no panyUnes. Figuring the majority of the 100 or so respondents are among Cox'a Republican backers, h appears the right to being left alone outweighs any bua!neaa·frlendly perapectives. The latest question is: "Wu it right for a U.S. OlJtrict Court Judge to block the National Do·Not·Call Registry legislation?" At this polnt. 74" are saying •no." And, yea, 269' are saying "yes." Math'• not a problem here. POLITICAL CALENDAR NOVEMBER DECEMBER The AepUbllcln ~ CommittM meeting le trldltlonaffy not held. I: at.ti Crtdch for AeMmblY wfll hold I holfdev ctlebr'Mion Ind fund.fWlng 1ecepdon et 5:30 p.m. It Flw CroWnl ,...,rent In Catone def M•. ~ (SMe) 7&e-2620 to: Newport Heft>or' Alpublk:an Worn9n ... hOld I CtWlllrriel J*ty It 11:30 ........ the 8ilboe 8-v Club. lnfonndon: (M) 7'iN088 17; ... bol ley RepubUCan Women Federatld wll hold. CMltmle 8o.t...,.. petty 1t e p.m. et ttM BaHe CottntNan v.d1t Club; The iPeCla' ~Wiii be USC Hell of Ferner Anlhonv O.W. lnfonndon: JudV(t49,61W877 JANUARY ti: The ... lbbil Ptrty of Orange County Cenlrll CommlalN wtll hold 1 genetW m..11"8 It 7 p.m. tt the Soulh Co.t Plai1 WMdn., HoMI, ••Anton Blvd., Coet. Mml. Admllllon II tr., end ... Alptlblclne .,. 'Mlcofnl. (71') .... FEBRUARY 19: The A1JJ1 lbllcan hrty of Ortnge CoUnty Cenlrll Commle.e wtll hold• glMial tnlldng It 7 p.m. It 1hl South Coilt Plaia WMdn HcMI, .t 881 Ancon Btivd., Cotta ......~lefrM,•nd•ll ...,.,..,. INMkome. (71•) --56 • The .....,...lcen Part)' of Or1nge County wtl hold ltl IMUll Ptllldlnr'I o.v Cf*'V Pie ft1 Dlplion It Anfontlk> Rietonnt9 In South CoeetVlbge Im~ .-the cdr9I commlttN mNdlig. lnfonnltlon: (71•) ee88666 POLITICS ASIDE • S.J. Cahn is on uslgrunent. His column will return next week. I! you have a political tip, he can be reached at (!K9) 574...(233 or by e-mail at s.Jcohntflallma.com. Daily A Pilot flHO'TOORAPHE"8 Copyright No newt atoriel, SURF AND SUN M.tt C. Oultln, Don Lied\ lllustretlc>fw. editorial matl« Of K.etlt~ ~ti.rein can be r8Clfoduced Without wrftten WEATHER FORECAST nolthweat wind ~n 10 MADERS HOnJNl permi.ion of copvright ownlf, ind 20 knota with 1-to 3-foot (Nl)Ml«*S Ar .. 1 of denM fog along w.v.a on a northw.at awell of VOL 17, NO. 32.4 Record vour commenta 1bout the HOW TO REACH U8 th• co1st-with vfalblltty leu 6to 7feet. Delly Piiot Of' newt tl1>9-a...a.don then a quart.Hnlle -ahould TI40MAI H. JOHNSON News EdleDt9 Addf'9le The TltnM Orange County Publlllw Ghw ~.Loft Anderton. Our 9ddr9U le 330 W. Bey St., ea.ta (I00) 252..eM1 greet you thl1 morning; om.r SURF 'TONYDODIRO Daniel Hunt:~ s..towtu.. MtM. CA 92827. Office hours ire AdwettWI~ than thlt, •iq>eet pertly doudy Editor Oenlel~ Mondly • Ftfdey, I 30 1 m. • !I p.m. ..._with hight In the upper South-ftdng brNkl wtll be ,AJO'r a.mNQ 0 111led 148) M2-M71 ~~ NEWISJAR ~ ~(Nl)Ml...&321 eo. to ml6-70a. Ught wtnct. doing belt. wfth c:hnt-to O..,. ltwr.cfl It i. the Piiot'• policy to promptly fdleoftel from the IOUthweet ahould 1houldt,..,,lgh eete -bigger PromocJona Dl*'M Crime ind couru ,.,,ottet, co"9d all etr0n of eubltlnce. ~ oomt Into pfey lttt In the day. INl)l74-We Pl9Mec.11 (949) ~. (M) Ml-6880 et tlmn et 1t1ndout apott. tDmNOn.v. '*f».bhMMh•1at1me1.oom Ii*" (1481174423 Ovemtght. mo,. doude W.1t•fecfng btlc:::hM will be UC. JuMCu11rw1de "" ,...,.., ... ,...,..170 Ind I butfd..up of patchy fog. running M iit· to cheat-high. ~ngEdltor, Newport 8-t\ ,...., '""'~~Mwt ._.,.. ,_ tMI ll504170 Lowi fn:>m the uppw 40t to A rldical ddal lwlng will be ( !17'Mm (Mll17'-"W2 '?illy Pilot IVSPS·1'4-IOOl 11 &fMlk dllllypl1ot•i.t1,,,.com tower50I. hMe llter thie week. bringing tJ ~• ,.,,,,,.. com /u,.~-"'*•IMlnwa.oom P')bU"*I dllly. In NtwpOft 8eldl MIAlte>lll9 ~ thlt plttem to S-foot-hlgh WIVM It high tide O....GcMMt . Loll8...,., fnd Cotti ~. IUbecrlptjona IN ......Olllee(IM9)~1 repett tM ~JCt three or four thankl to 1 ntw moon. ~~32A ~ c:uftur9 ,.,.,.,, ev.u.te on1y ~ tu.,...,.,.no eo The ...._,_!Ml 83M12CS deys. W...-e11ty; .,,..:::::::::""'" , .. ,~5 -nm.~ CouMY (800) ~: www.turlrldtr.org lpoftlEdftof, lolltl.,_,,.,.,.,,,_,oom 212"'141. In ...... ou'1idl of lw " ~.IM9.l'OM.fl<N , .. )17'M22S °"'*" ........ NeWp(wt leec:tt end COIQ Mete. aolTING FORECAST TIDES t. tfdWd.dunn.,...,.,C!Otft Co.et Melt ...... , .. ) 57'-4221 tubeoriplonll to the Deity Pilol M w Time tWtM ,,...,,,._ dWdn#.fWlmllfl.,,.,,,,_oom "''"*-onfy bY flttlt d..a mtll '°' Loolr for vifilbft wtndt It 8:181.m. 5.58 fMt high An Dl*IOt I NMe o.et a.f, ..... O'Nal S30 per momtt. IM:iet lnclU<M etl (M) 574-422• (~,...,._,,...,~ ~-.end loOll uu..) "'btlehed ~ Timte CommuMv 10 Motil cNngfng '°the weet 12~'1 p.rn. o. 70 fMt high ~•,_,,..oom lnMN Otlll•....,oom flOSTMAST!R; Send eddr'll9 ...... ~of 1M l.OI MoeM IM« on In !hit Inner~ 8:38p.m. 4..53fMthJgh .... ~ ......... 'T\rnea WIWI ehould bt tt 2 .._.or ~toThe~ ,,.ldllor, ,..........,.,...,.,..... ~ MeM Olly Not. l'!O CZ003 T1,,_ CH NI tlQflta ...,on1·.-11 .. mewell WATER TEMPERATURE , .. ,~ ,.._,,.,,.."""'* com '*" .. .,. 2 IM' ...... ,...,"*'**.,..,,,_oom lox 1NO, C-. Meee. CA t2e29. ~. Out ftnher, expect• 81d.g ..... . • •• • . ·· • f . ~. Greenlight protests hotel vote January referendum on proposed peninsula development ·is at issue as city leaders say it is the best way to gauge residents, opinions. June Caaa1rande fact that an argument can be Dady Pilot made that It's not aub)ect to NEWPORT BP.ACH -The Greenllght Committee ls pro· resting the city's dedsion to send the Marlnaparlt hotel project to a general vote instead of a Greenlight one, saying It sets a dangerous precedent for the city to bypass the growth· control law in approving future hotel projects.. City Atty. Bob Burnham re· spooded with surprise at the matter's coming up now, saying he belJeves that the city's plan for considering the project is appropriate. "We don't think it bypasses the (GreenlightJ lnitJadve," Burnham said. •What the coun· cu did was put the matter on the ballot notwithstanding the CireenUgbt.. In February, the City Council agreed to send to voten the question of whedler a 110-room luxury resort should be built on the Balboa Peninsula al the site of the Marl.napart mobile home park. They did so saying that they did not believe that a Greenllgbt vote was required on the matter, but they believed It was the best way to determine whether the project should be built. The Greenllght ln1tladve re· quires a vote on projects that exceed the city's general plan maximums for any specific area by more than 40,000 square feet of commercial space, 100 dwell· lng units or 100 peak-hour car trips. Bwnham uld that, for hotels. the GreenlJght Initi1ulve ls trig· gered solely by the number of car trips a project would gener· ate. Greenllgbt spokesman Phil Arst disagreed, saying that he believes the city ia breaking the law by nor holding a Greenlight election. "The understanding of the voters at the lime they passed that charter amendment was that the (square footage! mea- sure would apply to hotels,~ Arst said. Unofficial studies by devel· oper Stephen Sutherland sug· gest that the resort will not gen· erate 100 peak·hour car trips. An official environmentaJ study that is now underway will lo· elude traffic projections. The council's February deci· slon lO send the matter to the voters was also a way to ensure that an envirorunentaJ report be done on the project, council members said. Arsl also said that, under a Greenllght vote, more lnforma· don for the publJc would be re· quired prior to the balloting. lo· cludln& on the lease agreement for the property. The matter ls scheduled to go before voten In January. •GreenIJgbt Is not taking a po· sition pro or con on hotels, but we're defending the voter's right to decide, Arst said. Sutherland nilla Hospltallty was selected by the council from among eight developers who submitted proposals for the sJte. Sutherland's project would be built on what Is now the site of the Marlnapark mo· bile home park and the tennis courts and playground area on Balboa Boulevard between 15th and 18th streets. The developer has agreed to provide new public tennls facill· ties. a new Girl Scout house and playground and has commJned money to lmprove the Ameri· can Legion post adjacent to the site. NEWPORT BEACH PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA Here are some Items to be considered by the Planning C.OinmWlon tonight: WEST SANTA ANA HEIGHTS An item on the agenda tonlgbt could pave the way for the city to annex West Santa Ana Heights, the Santa Ana Country Oub, the area south of Mesa Drive and the Emerson Street area. The lswe before commissioners ls whether to add the areas to the city's wning codes. WHAT TO EXPECT . The county Local Agency Formation Commission requlres the city to have wnlng on the books for areas to be annexed before the anne:xadon can lake place. The city wnlng wlll be identical to the county's wning for the area. so officials have assured residents that there will be no changes to the equestrian narure of the area. CONEXANT SIGNS Conexant Systems would like 10 add a GU third sign a1 Its 4000 MacArthur Blvd location. but rules for Koll Center office builcilngs such as Conexant's allow only rwo signs per building. The company took their requesl to the ciry's Modifications Committee, which agreed that Conexan1 is an unusual case and should be allowed a third sJ.gn. The committee approved the company's request, but Planning Co~lon Chairman Steven Kiser has called the matter up before the commission. WHAT TO EXPECT The company's two signs already exceed the size normally permined In the area instead of staying within the 200-square-foot limit for building signs. Conexanl's rwo signs measure 387 square feet erufl. The sign size could be a factor in the commission's decision whether to allow another sign. BALBOA THEATER . The dry's Landmark Buildin~ ordinance will come into play for the flrst time today as commissioners consider an item that wlll pave the way for the creation FY1 •WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Beach Plannlng Commission • WHEN: 6:30 p.m. today • WHERE: City Council chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Agendas and staff reports are available onllne at http://Www.city.newport-beach.ca us; for information by phone, call (949) 644-3200. of a Balboa Theater on the Balboa Pavilion. The item before commL'iSloners ls whether the theater property al 707 P. Balboa Blvd. should be allowed 10 exceed the height and density requirements for the area, in part by redoing the roof and adding an elevator tower. WHAT TO EXPECT The Landmart Buiklin~ ordinance paves the way for the approval or such measures. Also, the historic building is already exempt from many newer zoning codes. And because the woric isn't likely to have much effect on views, it's hard to say at this point whether there will be much controversy over the project. Q: Ttusday. NoYembet 20, 2003 A3 Featuring .A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Motu!Ay cf Tuuday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ~ .. QualJty Service••• · "'"•Niahdy Emcru.lnmcnt.-.u , ,,, ,_., •••• , f ''"ti"' (~di (\)119) <>·~(,."?<) .• ,. ICttJ\ f 1,11u. \,'-. < ""1.' \1n•.• ,,, ...... , ......... 1 "• • ""' 1, '" ' ....: • h-,. ,, ·' • "'' NEW STORE NOW OPEN Ski/Snowboarll/Colf Tuning/Demos/R~nta s uipment/ Apparel/ Accessorfe$ , OS LEASlNG PROGRAMS 2700 West CoMt Highway Newport Beach 949.631.3280 Superior Customer Service Competitive Deposit Rates State of the Art Technology My 16-year-old was diagnosed with cancer. b thefe a fOCllity In Otonge County that often the most up-to-dole ASKA CHOCDOC AND Much More Others promise, but we GUARANTEE. Visit us at your convenience! Free Valet Parking Commercial Bank of California 695 Town Center Drive, Suite 100 Costa Mesa, CA 92626 714-431-7000 www.combancal.com Where Business is Personal™ Member li'DJC ffeotmenti Leonard Sender. M.O. Medc:al Oteclor lhe (:HOC Cancer IM"1Uf9 QUESTION #24 CHOC's Cancer Institute serves u a rcgjonaJ center fur the treatment of cancer ~VCI. 1M CHOC's Cancer ....... dolm'l't *>Pal the .... dlDical 1riala nl lilYwed ~· 0.. ..... Mio incWel ·--~ ...,...IOblCIR my ... QlltfWnbo,t b: ............. .., llil«•owa..-. need,,. TheAYA ~ addtesxs quaJity-of- life ~ resu~ from cancer treatment, including those re'-'d to~. sexuality, family, cOIJeSe and career. At CHOC wo treat the whole child. It '1 what YO\l 'd txpec:l ftOilt ~oc- ~T MISSION or•"11Pll dlW .... .,., ... ~ • • M Tlu'sdBy, ~ 20, 2003 -l Suspeet in Bloomingdale's theft held > · Police found the tore security guard's handcuffs in the ., 36-year-old woman's home, officials say. DHP• Bharath Daily Pilot NEWPORT HP.ACH -Polke um tcd a 36·yeu·old Laguna Niguel massage th~t Wednesday who they My stol4S a Sl40 ~ aauf from BloomlngdaJe._ In Pash.Ion Island lasl Y.eek and then escaped after f1ghting off the &tore'• aecuriry officer. Newport Beach poUce de~­ lvcs searched Kim Ann &no._ home at about 7:45 a.m. . ~and ~ her af. Into Jbe ttnre .net bepn to ter they roUnd die ICICUrity om-bandadr heft Studtnao llld. But c:eA h&ndcuOil ak>ng with a copy Barro owwged to llgbt tho MCU• of a ~ wlth • IU>I)' riry oiftcer, freelna hencU and abOut the lnddeAt and a ~ running out with the haildculf or Ba.no. oftklala .ud. 1d11 artached to one wrbi he 1be lnddent happened on Slid. Nov. 11 al about ll:20 a.m. Police ofllcen responded to Someone celled 911 and re-the caJl. but e.rt'O WU aone by ported \1\1.t • theft had occurred that time. Shu1mln &&id. ln BJoomln~'I end that the The end.re inddent. bowwct. N&p«:l. a woman, heel left the wu caught on tape. PlcturM of store wearing ono handcuff on ,Barro Mte publlsbed 1n newt· her wrist, Sgt Stew Shulman papen and local telev\slon lta· Mid. dona played the ~ The woman. lderuJDed., Bar-tape. whk:h helped ~ ro, had been teen oo a IWWO· ftnd and llT8St Barro, Shulman lance c:amei. IC'dng suapldoul aald. and wu ultlmatdy :r:uttfna •People who saw her recog- a pink acarf' Into a Ibo bl& ntzed her and called the police she was can\'ing. he with her name." be said. The store'• eecurfty omcer toJ. More Incidents of tbJa kind are lowed Barro. brought her back to be expected as the holidays ~b9.ad.. StORll have ramped up thdr effolU to deter thefts bJ h1rina mon worten. and many have lnatal1ed ~ted equip- ment to protect theft tn~tory," Shulman a.Id. "PotendlJ tb.leves sboWd be aware that II caught atnl1ng ln sto tn Newport Belch. they will be~· He added that It may help store owners to post an em- pl~ at the atote eoaance. Dudog the buay holiday aea- IOO that-may not only help cus- tomers who may have questions or coooerm. buJ may help pre- vents tbeftJ or ltOp people who have the propensity to commit thefts." Shulman uid. 8aao la being held In Newpon Beach dry jail in lieu of a $5,000 ball Police identify freeway crash victim Russell Wayne Bridge, 35, of Laguna Beach lost control of the 2003 Chevy Silverado. DHP• Bharath Daily Ptlot NEWPORT BEACH -om- dals have ldenllfled tbe man who died ln a nerce crash on the Corona del Mar Freeway on fuesday night as 35-year-old Rusi.ell Wayne Bridge of Laguna lieach. me one-car collision oc- SENATE Continued from A 1 emment today," he said. He has also wtirten a book. about the fallure of U.S. drug laws and a mu lc:al abou1 the Importance of education that will be performed by junior high -.c hool students In Santa Ana. Gray will face at least one Ub- cnarian opponent, Gail Light- foot, In the March primary. Five WIDENING Continued from Al lion, thereby deterring shoppers from frequent.Ing the area. The approval of the comm1t· tee -although It ls just advisory -is slgnlficant because the commlt1ee represents a cross· set'llon of ~ldents and mer· chanls who will be affected by the widening. City Ttansporta· lion Director Peter Naghavf saJd. "The majority vote, to me. showed that thls group of repre- sentativ~ from the buslneu community and the residential community realu:ed we do have a traffic problem and If we do nor address It at th1a point. we would have some serious issues eight or 10 years dawn the road," Naghavi said. "At that point. the Issue would be ao much bigger that somethlng so much bigger would have 10 be done." CURVE Continued from Al flngertips. The SBD had been dug up from the bottom of Lake Mk hJgan. where lt waa lost In one of the fiascoe that never got lnto the pubUc press. When I was going through prtmary rugbt tta.lning at the Chicago s.lturb of Glenview. we were to Ing ao many Navy pilots tn comb&t that d perate measwea wctt taken to speed up our tralnlng. One or the more desperate was converting 11 l.ake Mlchlgan passenger crulser Into a Jeep carrier for pUota to practice carrier Jandlnp. Unfonuna1ety, the converted crulwr dJdn't go very fut. So when It tumc~ lnto th wind to take on alrcrtft, there had to be u near gale blowing to milt the landings and tab·of& aafe. Sometfmea. under pteMUre 10 get pUou out to cornt.t areas, that Wty pOlnt WU fUdpd and pl;an ended up In Lab Mlchlgan. That'a wt..t happened to the Impeccably : restored dlve bomber at tho : Palm Sprinp Mr Mllleum. I • don't blow how many pj,ane. • .. the U.S. loft thll way (J>Oota '" were ap))IU'e:!'ltly &bit to get OU1), but u cadeu uaintna nearby. heard fa.nta.itJQOy il\ftlted curred at about 7:50 p.m. Tues· dar on the IOUthboWld C.Orooa de Mar freeway n.ear Bison Av· enue when Bridge loat control of the ~3 Chevy Sllverado pickup {ltlck be was driving, veered off the roadway and cruhed into a steel guard tail. California H.ijbway ~trol ofll-cia.11 said. . •The vehJcle then came to Republicans, one member of the Peace and Freedom Party, an<! incumbent Boxer have abo filed LO run in ~ primary. Gtll)' said be feels he has a chance of winning because peo· pie will agree with his stances and are angry with the present state of politics. "It Is definitely an uphill fight," he said. "However, strang- er thJngs have happened. My view i.s that we att right on the issues and people are angry about what is happening today Regardless of their vote, some committee members expressed mixed feellngs about It Randy Garell, of the Grant Boys 00 Newport Boulevard, supported IL "I voted for the project with great trepidation/ GareU said. "I voted for It because I felt. wtth all lhJngs consJdered, It's prob- ably the best course of actlon for the downtown ana. • Jessica Palan)ian, who owns two automotive service shops wtth her father, Jerry, In the Newport Boulevard area. went the other way. "We understand that there are things that need to be done - there are problems with traffic congestion," PaJanjlan aaJd. •We weren't rure that this was the best solution or that the prob- lem la enougb of a problem that we need to do anything major at thJs time." The coundl Ont approved studying the widenlng of New- port Boulevard ln 200 l and se- rumors, all or which came back to me vfvfdly u l marveled that I had ever 6own this monster. But the most provocative part or the day was a complete swprlse. We had blwidered in on the dedJcatJoo of a huge new mural to celebrate the Tuskegee Airmen, and some of them were there to take part In the program. Their history brought back memories considerably leaa benJgn than the restored aircraft.. Their detennlnation to defy and overcome blatant and stupid prejudJc:e -wtdeepread in thJ.s counrry al the atan of World War 11 -that black men lacked the lntelllgence, ekiJl and cow.ge to Oy military al.cud made them the ftnu to break lhJt color line. It didn't come euOy. Only ancr they d.latingulshed thenuelves ln combat wtth the Army Alt Force and won two PresJdentlaJ Unit Ota.dons were they able to break down aome of the walls of tegttptlon I.bat canied ovtt into cMllaJtllfe aftc.r the war. Now. py men and women who MV8 alao dJa~ tbem.etvel are fadnJ the aero• blanket prejudlct ln the mOltary. The c:onal~ pror;raa we've made •Ince Wodd War U In chipping away at dltcrltn1nadon bu to bo be1anCed .imt our CacWty for Cl'lllklng It up ~r & MW minority appeert co be threiltenlrig. • Thia WU dla~nitf Wuttrlled when I~ hOme and reed the~ G&:oOadni t..oUca Harper ror htt t'OUlh. eveo-handed and ~ wooderfuJ cotumn about ihe local piOple Who .. resl on it• roof against a sign pole," CHP Officer Colleen Richanhon &aid. The collision wu so severe that Bridge died on the spot. she said. The Orange County coro- ner had scheduled an autop&y for Wednesday. After the colliafon, Bridge was trapped In the veblcle and had to be extrlcated by firefighters, Riclwdaon said. CHP offtclals Aid Tueaday evening that there was a passenger in the car. But Richardson confirmed on and they want a positive choice." Orange C.Ounty Libertarian Party OUl1nnan James Rushing said the county b.as about S.500 regiBte~ Ubert.arlan votera. 'We'tt averaging about "' or the vote for all of our candJdatea (at the local, state and federal levels!." he said. At present. there are no de- clared Ubertarians serving In Congress. but about 1,200 non- partisan elected officials in the counny are Ubertarians, Rush- cured $700,000 from the county for the srudy. It also formed the Downtown and East.side Traqs· portatlon Ad Hoc Committee to recommend short-and long· term solutions to improve traftlc congestion on and around Ne)¥· port Boulevard. A few months later, many resi· dents and business owners spoke out against the widening project. In 2002, the study went to the council agaln for reconftnnation becall3e of opposition ro the idea. The commJttee proposed postponing the project to pur- sue other options. and some council members suggested tt· turning the $700,000. The coun- cil ultimately re-autborlud the study and kept the funds. The CQmmlttee tried to soUd t public feedback. on the plans to widen Newpon Boulevard . with an open house in late October, but It only attracted a sparse tumour and one wrtrten com· ment trying to make refusal to buy a new U.S. stamp commemorating an Wamlc holiday a mark of patrlotinn. The reaction to thoee first angry letten haa ftlled the Forum page for rhe past week. It has included a.n avalanche of grateful mall from Muslims all over the world after the Council for Amertcan lalamJc Relations Included Lolita'• column In Its newsletter. MOit of the rt!lt came from local letter writers attongty critical of Lolita'• aitica. So Lolita needs auppon from me about u urgently u Barry Bonds neecb more batting practice. But bere goes anyway. Uke the 'IWlbegee Airmen. who were lumped en maae Into a mJtbical and tot&Dy lnaCc:Wate vtew of our Afrtc:an Amttk:an ddzenl, to It has become popular ln tome Ouitdan rundamentallst drclea to rcpid aJJ Mu&Um Ameticant N tome.how abarlng respolWblll~ for the terrorist ~ aplnat thlt country. 1bla reeaonlng IDlba Jt poaible to tum a awnp com.memot'l.dnt a MuaUm bollct.y dedk:ated to peace. tolennce and r.mJJy valu .. lnto a ~ of batttid. Thia arsument bu been deconwueted IW1kdY by NWtaJ folWD letter wrlten, to lee me edd jull cwo thc>uihta. oo. or the mott C:omiatent myth.a ueed to~ tundanlebtalilc docttfne Ja to portray the founderl or this c:ounoy u unJ¥tll'l&Uy iand unllatft'll)y oommllted to the cone.pit of a~ nuson. ,,. i. both ...... Uld ~ 1biM ""'9 com;plel men with COllyAa ._that canOnlybe~ Wednesday that Bridge was the sole occupant of the vehicle. Investigators have not yet de· termined what c:au.aed Bridge to lose control of hl.s vehicle, Ridwdaon said. The overturned truck blocked the No. 3 lane and part of the guard rail wu protruding into the roadway, officials said Tues· day. TrafDc wu snarled, and a stg- Alert was iasued al 8:02 p.m. that luted for mott than four hours. officla.Ls said: Ing saJd. While lt's uncommon for a candldat~from another party to join the UbeJtarian party and run on lt.1 ticket, Rushing said. he bas hJgb hopes for Gray. "This ls totally 1'811'," he said. "Th.II ls 0\11 bright star th.at we've been looking for." • ALICIA AC>llWSON covers busineu, Po11t1c1 1nc:1 the envlron"*'t. She can be reeched at (9491764-4330 or by e-mail at 1/lcl1.roblneon0 /1timn.com. Garell · said he was disap- pointed that more people hadn't gotten Involved ln the commit· tee'• dJAcul.sW111 over the past two years. "'lbe memben of the commit· tee worted really hard on thb for a couple of years, and no de- clafons were reached easily," Ga- ren said. "Over the put couple of years, I've seen less than stx people come to any of our meet· tngs, and they are public. And yet I have a feeling that when thJs ce>mea before the council for a vote, there will probably be a big turnout." Along wtth approving the widening Tuesday, the commit· tee also approved a alew of up- grades for Newport Boulevard and the surrounding downtown area, such as adding planten and using decorative lighting. • DEIADRf NEWMAN covers Costa M ... end mey be reactied 1t (949) S7<M221 or by •mall st deirdre.tWNtNne /.Umn.com. indMdually In historically sound blographles. But President George Wuhington leftliuJe room for doubt when his adminJstratfon negotiated (and John Adami signed) a • treaty that uld Dady: "The government of the United State la not. in any sense, founded on the Chrisdan reUgf on." Them, we have the complaint that the boycott-the-stamp activists are being attacked for thelr religtoua viewa. What the authors or this boycott don't undentand la that aitic:a are not cballenging their personal religtoua convictions -and never would. It a only when these convictions -whk:b Cundamenta.Usta of all faiths, Including Chrildan, regard not aa human oplnJon but absolute truth -are exported to lnnuence IOdal and p0Udcal c:hange that they enter the marketplace of ldeas and are o~ to challenp. That'• where lA>Uta found t:Mm -ln the Pilot malt And cesponded by o«ertng thOM relpOm(ble an opponunJty to explain further their reuom for u~ redplentt of t.hetr e-mail to pua th1I &Sona to~ : pe.triodc AMERICAN you mow.• And by cMoc tho Jail wonl to Rev. DenDUt Short. ,......_. of Che Newport ...... Jrw.e Interfaith co.mca. Wbo u.ured 1* chal •to blame the vut mll<>dt)' OI dte deYOUdy ~ IUld PM~lcMDt adb«ente to lllun la )Ult not it&ht" And not wryOuildan, eitb4rr. • JO •••• N. -.a. ... ,......,. of ~Me ............ eotumn ....... ~ PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Costa Mesa woman sexually assauJt.ed A Costa Me.a woman re- ported to pollce on Tuesday ~g that she was (or- dbly taken from oulllde her home and aaually u- sauJted while being drtveo mound tn a c.ar, otlicial.s Mid. 'Ibe woman was walking from her home to I.be traSh bin outside In the 1800 block of MonroYta Avenue when she was grabbed from behind. Costa Mesa Police U Dale Birney saJd. "She said she was forcibly placed on the backseat of thevebicle, driven to an un- known area in the city and sexually assaulted wUh an unknown object during the drive.." he said. At some point, Birney said, the woman was let out of the vehlcle and she walked borne. Police are in· ve&tigating the Incident and are not releasing the age of the woman. be said. Incidents such as this ln POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • AJrwey Avenue: An adault waa reported In the 3100 blodc at 11:13 a.m. Tuesday. • Bennuda Drive: Grand theft was reported In the 3100 blodt at 12:49 p.m . Tuesday. • Harbor Boulevard: An auto theft waa reported in the 3200 blodt at 6:35 a.m. Tuesday. • Joenn S1rNt Graffiti was reported In the 700 blodc at 6:39 a.m. Tuetday. • K.Mmus Dt+w. A hit-enckun was reported in the 100 blodc at 9:39 a.m. Tuetday. • l'tumer'S11wt and Pomona ,...,.,.: A vehicle burglary was reported at l :59 a.m. Tuesday. •West W\laon StrMt A OBITUARY Oleta Myers Ml. Oleta M~rw. a 30- yur Colt& Meaa resJdent. died Nov. 13 of chronic ob· wbJch a woman Is attacked by a ~f uid ICXU&lly a.'iS&Ulted arc an •uncom· rnon occurrenct" In the city, Birney ao!d. Man robs Costa Mesa lingerie store No one was Injured llfter an armed gunman entered a C.Osta Mesa llngerfe atore and made away with an undJscloscd amount or cash Monday night, offi - cials aald. The incident occurred at about 9:15 p.m. at Lodons and Lace in the 700 block. of Baker Street. A man In hls mJd 20s hurrledJy en- tered the store teUlng em· ployees, who were ready to d o e the store, that lie needed to buy somethlnk, LI. Dale Birney said. The man then pointed a handgun at one of the em· ployees and demanded money, he said. An em· ployee opened the cash register, and the robber took the money and Oed. Birney said. No further de· script ion or the robber was available. robbery was reported in the 300 blodc at 9:44 a.m. Tuesday. • West 18th S11Mt and W.Uec. Awnue: Vandalism was reported at 3:25 a.m. Tuesday. NEWPORT BEACH • West Btllboa Boulewrd: An auto theft was reported in the 1200 blodc at 8:49 a.m. Tuesday. • Bayview C4rde: A hit-and-run was reported in the 60 blodt at 9:48 a.m. Tuesday. • Flllglhlp Roed: Grand theft was reported in the 400 blodc at 2:42 p.m. Tuesday. • Ho19 Olive: An assault was reported in the 100 bloc.k at 12:46 p.m. Tuesday. • Via OA.dto: Grand theft was reported In the 100 bloc.k at 6:08 p.m . Tuesday. atructJve pulmonary dls- eue. She was 79. Myers ls surv)ved by her daughters Marilynn Pell• and Joyce Bradley; and son Steve Myers. A private service was held. PHOEBE BROWNELL Paned away November 19, 2003 -Age 85 -of a Neuro- Muacotar dlseaee. Long time resident of Newport Beach. She wu a G1r1 Scout and Cub Scout leader, PTA preeldent, Orange County Women'• Architectural League President, NMr-Founder of Newport (Now QC) Art Museum, A6tJve In Laguna Museum, Art and Craft collector, Interior Decorator and Consultant. Swvtved by (husband) Hwt> Brownell, 3 sons: Jim, Doug, and Scott. 1 Daughter. Laurie Lowry. 8 Grandchildren and 4 Great Gr.ndcNldren. In lieu of now.a • Memorial gifts may go to: Unlvenlty of Southern Catfomia Neuromuscular Center c/o Valefie Aakanu, lncluslon Body Myoattla Research, 637 S. Lucas Ave., 3rd Floor, Los Angeles, CA 90017, (213) 743-1612 FREEMAN ROYAL WILLIAMS JR. Freeman Royat Williama, Jr., beloved hua.band, father, gnndfaiher and gfMl-grandfather puled away on November 14, 200S In Newport BMch, Cafffomia where he had raided tor the put elgtrt years. He WU born October 11; 1 eoe. In Slit Ltike Cfty, utah to Ff'Ml'Mf\ Roylll WIName and l.auta Bullock. H• marrf•d Vonda Lanena °'"'1 on AuaUlt 26. 1932 Jn the &lit Lak• LD!f T4NTiple. He WU a devoted, 1119 long member of the Chut'Vh of J..ut CMtt of Latt.-.d8Y Salnta. He MM'Ved In a ~ o( poefUOM ln the chutch lncludlna. Branch ~~ 8llhoo Md Stab Patrtarch. He Ilsa fufftlled a mluk>rl with hl9 .-wtfe In dnctfng tt,. M..-Mione Vlattora ~ert.4::2 a.ter tMv MIVed • twnple ordtnance wot1cM'9 ln the = ... J4e WM~ fOf ~ y.ar. by SWlft & Company. poeltfont u WI eccountant and otnoe manager. Att.r ,...,.ment, h• beoame an avid and accompllth•d get'IHloglet. Hie beloved wtfe, Vonda P('9ceded hlnl In dMttt on Jutv 23. tM. He la ~by eone Donald Freemen Wll"am•, M.01 of Nftpoft 8Mch, Celtfomle and Ootdon HatOld WHNarns. M.D. of 8ehnont ~; a daught• Laura J~ Mld9efy of South Jot'dan, Utah; a .tater Edna Bullock .... Id of Ogdett, Ut.h; ~khn and tw.my nine .... ~. A ~ wa hekf at the Hart>or HMe Ward. Church of JMUt CMet of Latter..ct.Y 8alnta. ::=-&Mch, eettfomia on NoYemb9r 11. 2003~ Funen.I .. be held Id~ p.m. ~ ~. Hcw....-r 22. 20Cli3 ..... W111lrotl Lawn~. 3401 Soutl'I E Drtw. wt.. fMfldl mey cal from 12:4&-1 :..a p.m. MMoee. lntem.-.'lt wta be et tM Waaatcf\ lawn Pn. OCTA asks driving puhlic f of input . Transportation officials want locals to offer ideas for how to get traffic moving on the Corona del Mar and San Diego freeways. DelrdrtN•WtMn Daily Pifot • NEWPORT-MESA -Sltting ln ' bumper-to-bumper tnfllc day aAer day on the San Diego free. way makes drivers wonder when traftlc will pt movtng. J But oounty traosportadon om- dals WIUlt the public to think of bow to pt traffic movfn8 be· tween the Corona de1 Mar free. way ln Costa Mesa and the San Gebrlel RMr freeway at the Loa Angeles County line. • That ~ why they are Inviting public input on an 18-mooth study of Improvements for the freeway, which bandlea more than 300,000 car trips every day In Orange County. The request la unuaual ln the aenae that the public will have the opponuntty to bralnstonn Ideas, Instead of cominenting on already-deviled plans, lib the pnx:eu will hdp transportation planners better understand not only the current needs. but the futute tra.na:portation needl here In Orange Count)\" Nguyen eald. After the 18-month study pe·· rtod, the authority wlll •tart p~· Um1nary .J!..annlng on the blue- print of I Nguyen aald. The Web site tbar will provide Information about the 18-month process ts: http:// octa.Ml/40SM1S.asp. Those who want to achedule a presentation where people can comment to county officiala In penon can call (71') 560-5972 or aend e- mail to csllve1bttgfloc.'1a.Mt. NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT BOARD MEETING WRAP-UP INSIDE THE DISTRICT H~ Is a dedslon coming out of Tuesday night'a Newport-Mesa Unlfted School District meeting: MEASURE A QUARTERLY REPORTS The Measure A Citizens' Oversight Committee and Project Management 1Um presented repori. for the third quarter of 2<J;03. which ended Sept 30. WHAT rr MEANS The oversight committee meets on a regular basis and monitors progresa of construction under the $110-millfon school lmprowment bond. In Its repon, the committee conduded that It feels wappropriate progress Is being made." The Division of the State ArchJtect has approved plans for Wilson, Davia, Killybrooke, Sonora, CoUege Park. CallfomJa, Adams, Paularlno, Anderson and Pomona elementary schools, TeWln.kJe Intermediate School and Costa Mesa High School, said BoonJe Martin, a dJ.rector for McCarthy Conatruction, the company doing the work. Plans for Rea, Uncoln, Newport and Victoria elementary acbools and Newport Harbor Hlgb School have been submJtted for approval. In the nm quarter, Martin said that they plan to bid and award oonttacta and atart work on those achoola. A Mc:Canhy repreaeniative ls 8ylng to St. Louis thla week to oversee build.Ing of the long-delayed windows for Harbor View Elementary School, ahe said. The windows should be Installed over the Thanksgiving holiday. So far, the project has cost $30,834,646. WHAT THEY SAID Martin said McCarthy was ·comfortable" with the cost so far. BRIDGES TO YOUT-H SELF-SUFFICIENCY The program worb with students, age 14 to 22, and their parenta to get them ready for the working world. NEXT MEETING •WHEN: 7 p.m. Tueaday, Nov. 18 •WHERE: Roderick H. MacMlllltn Board MHtlng Room It the Olatrfct Education Center, 298~A Bear St., Cotta Mesa •INFORMATION: Agendaa ,,.. 1vall1ble Mveral daya prior to each meeting at http:llwww.nmu"1.k12.ea.ua/d~Wboel. WHAT rr MEANS: Newport-Mesa Unlfl~ School District was one of five Orange County districts selected by the Slate Department of RehabWiation to receive Social Security funds for a demonstration program. '*''iiCIN> Newport-Mesa got $64,315 to work with 25 students. The program taJ'BelS students who receive Social Security benefits, Including those In foster care, substance abusers and disabled students. It uses paid work experience, Internships, career and traNltlon plannJng, and Independent living options to help studenu become self·sufftdent and prepare for llfe after school. • BANQUET ROOMS Avallllblefor fl.f;,~ festive P<irtie~! BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS · Three fair board members reappointed Three members of the Orange County fair Board were re- appointed last week. Families are Invited to come have children's picture taken with jolly old Saint Nlck. • school's campus Dec. S and 6. NOW OPEN UNDER NEW OWNERS! Board President Palrlcia Velas- quez, past President Ruben A. Smith and Peggy Haid.I of Corona del Mar were asked to continue serving on the board by former Gov. Gray Davia. The fair board is composed of nine volunteen appointed by the governor. Santa coming to South Coast Plaza on Friday Santa Oaus Is coming to town. He'U be arriving at South • Coast Plaza at 2 p.m. on Friday · to set up shop In the Jewel Court, In front or Macy's and between Sa.k.s Fifth Avenue and Nordstrom. The Orange County HJgh School of the Performing Art&, Jolned by students from the American Bailet Theater, wtll al&o perform select scenes from ·The Nutcracker." Santa haa also Invited SO •wtsh kids" from the Make·A· Wish Foundation of Orange County and their families to Join him for breakfast from 8:30 to 10 a.m. Dec. 3 at Santa's Vil· lage, located In Carousel Court In South Coast Plaza. For more information, calJ (714) 435-2000 or go to ltttp:ll www.southcotutpaza.com. OCC students gear up fo r Poinsettias sale Poinsettias grown by Orange Coast College horticulture stu· denl8 wtll be on sale on the Horticulture students grew approximately 12,000 plants ln five greenhouses to get ready for the aale. Students planted them In September and have been nurturing them for the annual sale. Red, white, pink. burgundy and other color plants wtll be sold in four, six and 10-inch pots. They cost from $5 to more than $40. Hanging baskets and centerpieces wtll alao be for sale. The sale wtll run from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. daily. Horticulture Garden Is just off Adams Av· enue, adjacent to the college's Technology Center. All proceeds from the sale are earmarked to fund student projects. A IJve video cam that shows plants growing In one of the college's greenhouses can be accessed on OCCs Web site at http://greenhousecam.occ. cccd.edul11ttw/vlew.shtmL The Original MIKE'I CARPET$ OVER 30 YEARS IN COSTA MESA • Now Owned & Operated by Mesa Upholstery • ALL CARPET & FLOORING CURRENTLY MARKED DOWN 30°/ooff ~s~ Vinyls • Ceramics Wood • Laminates CALL NOW 642-8400 DESIGN CENTER ''For All Your Decorating Needs!" • Custom-Made Purnlture • Slip Covers • Patio PumJture • Draperies. Shades. &~preads Wonderful French 5istro Cuisine Prix fixe Menu The E>eaujolais Nouveau ; Courses fur $18 has arrived at & A La Carte Menu Pescadou E>istro! M-.......,v+ r>cach ~) 675-6990 • 5:}0-1 TUC6-Sun THE ' I Come shop at the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET rd ONE Karastan • Lees • Mannington Mo haw k • Liz Clairborne And Much More 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751 -2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach and Los Angeles S I L V E RB E RG SU R ~C A L A ND M DI C AL GR U P .... Reverse the effects of the Sun .... IPLrM Intense Pul ight Treatments • Rosacea • Brown Over a luaci _..,. • die-.-.... that sun~ •c-.. • Intense PU19td Ujht (IPLTM). To learn more call: Nancy L. SUvtrbuJt M.O. . o..u,__~.__a-......,ti1 ...... ('MllW Diii I 'I • Pm• fndke • l'wwpltr ..._. b '""II,_. • Mlidllt llllbl ...,_" l l LJM 810daruk, R.N. • Ottf ti 1 n """'9<• ltdi•H LMr l •ll1te; UCI • ftlftll•e ctlitlnl nJtfiHft .. lftW ........ '""'. 949.760.0190 trWW.:SOvcrbtramd.com ,,,,. ... •r .·7A.A y\·~ ·IV\IJ ~ \ ... j ...... ,,,. Dennis Rodman checks into rehab The Former NBA superstar's agent said he wants to clean up and get back on the court. bald for montJ " Bodman. mown for h1I ability to grab re- bOunds. tWld a p confttrrxe on JWy· 15 to announce that he would try to make a Restaurant on aaspldon of ~ drunk In public after getting complaints thar be was n driving his 47-foot Fountaln powerboat Sexual Otocolate under the lnftuence of al· cohoL Deepa Btt1r•th OaHyPitot comtb4dc.: I "Wdvc boen tn talb with plenty otteams." Prince c:L "But nothing has worted out so Car." Officials said sherUJ'a deputia saw Rod-• • man fall to the ground and determined, after qUt'.$doning him. that he was lntOJdcakd and unable to care for himself. Rodman was htJd In Newport Beach city jail but WU re- leased the same day after he ~rtedly IO- Rodman. who has NEWPORT BP.ACH -Fonner NM super- sta..r Dmnls Rodman hat ~ne lnto aJcohol mW> to clean up his act and to ~ bade In the game. h1s agent said Tueaday. played (or several NBA teams. lncJudlQg the Chi• CllgO Bulls, Detroit Pb- tons. the San Antonio Spurs and the Los Ang~lee I.Akers. would love to play again for the laken. Prince aald. bered up. • Abo, In September, a Jury decided to re-:. Rodman b been goJna through out·pa· tleat treatm nt with a private counselodor alJnOSt a month. said Damn Prince. his New )ersey-blwd agenL Uevc him of a dvil suit ftled by lo ~n Ann • McGoweo. who alleged Rodman had drugged and &exuaDy assaulted hei: In his Seashore Drive home. • • West Newport's notorious party host made the decision 10 enter rehab when he was slapped with a DUI last month ln I.as Vegas. tus agent said. "He'd love to go back and play for Phil: he Dennis Rodman 53.id. In August 2001, Rodman was slapped with :: two misdemeanors for allegedly racing bla boat In Newport Harbor. Oflicials waited more than a month to officially charge him. Rodman, a frequent vfJltor to the colorful city, hit a pole while t:rytng to pop wheeUes on a borrowed motorbike outtlde a strip dub. The incident In w Vegas la.st month was Rod.man's fourth en- counter with the law In the past four months. On Aug. 3, Harbor Patrol depudes Im-- pounded Rodman'a boat because he had re-: portedly used a private dock without per-• mission. He paid a $63 fee for towing and • more In fines. "Dennis really wants to play basketball again.• Prince said. "He has been pracddng In September, Orange County sheriff's depulJes arrested Rodman near the Cannery board. "I think we're in a positJon 10 succeed.· foundation Executive Dinctor Mary Lonicb said New rules rolled out on Wednesday indude holding board elections every three years and holding an Independent audit of the organizadon every year. computer lab and a big, comfy chair makes the ideal venue for story time, Prlndpal Jane Holm said. Bui, as \Vfth all llCf.A furniture, some -or a Joi -or assembly is required. "We have nine awesome dads and one grandpa we call the 'Furnirure Putting-Together Dads,'" Holm said. "They work like an assembly line. One evening. they put about 40 lhlngs together." Foundations for TeWlnkle lntermedlare and Estancia and Costa Mesa high schools also received substantial donations from the Home Ranch Development on which the I KEA was built C:J. Segerstrom & Sons, developers or the project. donated a $2 million for an educational endowment as part of a deal with the city. • MARISA O'NEIL covers education and may be reached at (9491 574-4268 or by •mail at marisa.oneil@latimes.com. I • project. with a new-~ 'l-... quee. light fixrures and other amenities. The wortc was done · with donated labor and materials · valued at more than $20,000. The $6.5-million renovation will be paid for with future and past fundraislng. including a $1-mil- lion gift already secured from phi· lanthroplsts Donn.a and John Oean. Lonich said that such measures can go a long way toward solidify- ing the group's image u a profes· slonal and aedible oa:ganJzadon, which Is essential to fundraislng. she said All artisfs rendenng of the Balboa Theater. !bey have a very new and very experienced board or directon. and I have every reason to believe that the board and the executive director will see this project through lo completion.• said Mayor Steve Bromberg, a long· time supponer or the theater. "This will not only be a project Newport Beach can be proud or. but it will be an arts venue for all or Orange County.. The foundation also laid out new plans for the redesign of the theater. In recent years, planners have encountered serious 'obsta- cles to cnatlng enough space for ~ room.'!, restroo~ and office space. They bad planned to build these In the existing base- ment area. but hit a dead end AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN item• to the Deily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mea, CA 92627; by Hnell to lula.penafllatimn.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event, aa well as a contAlct phone number. TODAY The Orange County Felr end Exposition Center will host the 0-..tive Sewing Fair from 9 e.m. to 6 p.m. et building No. 10. The cost will be~. lnformetion: (7241 326-6689, http:l..WWW.Hwingevenr..com. UC IMne'e c.ntw for Women and Men end the Crou Cultural Center will preaent •A Room With a View: A Ufe of ActMMi,. from noon to 1 :30 p.m. at UC Irvine'• CrOM Cultural Center. The preaentetlon will be an ectlve diacuNion on gender and ethnldty end how It affecu women'• livet In reletionship to vtolenoe. Information: (949) 8~. FRIDAY The Oninge County Fair and when they learned that. because It was below the water table, cost- ly physical reinforcements would be needed to make the space us- able. The new plan is to add a sec- ond story for office space and restrooms. On top will be an ·en- Exposition Center will host the Creative Sewing Fair from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at building No. 10. The cost will be $7 and no ctiarge for ctiildren 6 years and younger. lnformetlon: (724) 326-5689. http://www.uwingavants.com. The Btuffa ClubhouM wflf have • holiday boutique from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 2414 Vista del Oro, Newport Beacti There will be jewelry, hendbags. clothing, ltlltioll9f)', home d6cor, gerden decor and mucti more. Ten percent of the profrta will go to one of these pertldpatlng ctieritles: Casa Tereu, Eastbluff Elementary School PTA. the Glasa Slipper Guild of CHOC, El Sot Academy and St. MrcNel and All Angels. Information: (949) 644-5860. South CoMt P1au wa1 welcome Santa Oeus at 2 p,m. In the Jewel Court by The Wishing Tree in front of Mac:y's between Saka A1th Avenue end Nordstrom. Scenes from •The Nutcrec:ker• will come to life with performanca by the Orenge County High School of the Arts and appeeranoea by etudenta from the Ameriean Ballet t~tnTS102 ~Wlfa!HIA & AEDIJEUEAN CU1SliES Thanksgiving Day Feast November 27, 2003, 10:30 am -4:00 pm, $29.95 Adults $14. 95 Children Under 14 Years ~51:TU.'tc :::.=::.~ ~Wad With SMk* IOMted Tom Turtcey ...... dvoornl -~~ .. a= c-..r Sat.cl G,iecr AtlMBc .s:Jmo., =... SMnon wfth ~~Gel T,...._Mll Camiturt llUe a..-Cfftft •ans with s..M Ahl~ ..... ShaleoU <>r..-Tomafo's.&.d with _......., sw.t Potatoes 'Cll.wleto VIMll'••le Oranp Cranberry IMh o.ertluffet radtt'°""I Pumpkin ,_, ~he• Tart,~ Ctumble, !Whit• Chocolet. •••pberr) a"'"_. tertainment deck• where fund- ra.lsers can take advantage or ocean views while wooing Impor- tant donon;. The new design will preserve lhe original facade or the building. Supporters have completed a facade repair and beautification Theatre. Information: (714) 435-2000, http:l/Www.southcoastplua.com. Flllhion l.a.nd will host lb annual tree lighting ceremony at 6 p.m. The tree will be lighted at the end of ·ee1ebrate the Season: a song and dance spectacular by studenu from the Orange County High School for the Arts. Information: (949) 721-2000, http://www.ahop f11shionisl11nd.com. SATURDAY Chrtt Heni.'lgton, owner end dllef artist at Henington Teddy Bears, wlll Read from his first published chlldren'• book. "H•rTY and Hann.h: An American Adventure: at 2 p.m. et the Metro Pointe Barnes & Noble Boobellers. Information: (714) 64().{j667, http://www.harrlngton taddyburs.com. ftalhion ••nd wlll holt lb annual tree lighting ceremony et 6 p.m. The tree wm be lighted at the and of •Celebrate the Seeton;' a aong and dance apectecular by student.I from the Orange County High School for the Arts. Information: (949) 721-2000, http://www.lhop •JUNE CASAGRANDE COll9fl Newport Beec:h end John Wttyne Alrport.. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 ()( by e-mail at ;..m..cnag,.nde latJmacom. fashionisland.com. MONDAY The Onlnge County~ of Chlldhelp USA will have a fundraiser from 4 to 9:30 p.m. tor dine in and from 10 e .m. to 9:30 p.m. for take out at the Newport Rib Company, 2196 Harbor Blvd .• Costa Men. The Newport Rib Company will donate 20% of eacti bill to Childhelp USA. Reservetlona: Nancy Whitl()d(. (949) 6484228. WEDNESDAY The Co.ta MeN Senior c.nuw will be celebrating Thanksgiving with e home-cooked meal. The event It sponsored by Surat Singh of Angel'• Auto Spa. The cost tor the event it $2 per person. The cost to become a member of the center is $18. lnfonnetlon: (949) 846-2356. NOV.28 There wtll be a~- Thanklgivlng 981e at the Orange County Mertet Place from 7 e.m. to 4 p.m. et the Orange County Felrgrounda. Admlaalon will be free. There will be an erti98na' and craflera' comer, photoe with Santa Oaua and 1eaeonel entertainment. \t(l\I Hll ., ···~le 1 '1()\lt() ... Fl()t kMIW ~11rN l'OI Ill CHANGING JOBS. M.\_'-" Alli hn l!lol\lf "1it n.• T '°ft• 111'1U1 m.Mnl y1our ~II~ I from )..Vr pt 'iou• cmpl<•)'CI~ pl.in tnlll 1 !it.a&t f'.rmt-lr.tlt.li.W IRA_....., )Wt J••" 0.D int roJ.q WE LfVf WI IERE YOU LIVE~ - Tlusday, NoYember 20, 2003 A1 FORUM l • HOW TO GET PU8USHED -l.eaert: Mall to Editorial Page l;dttor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa M ... , CA 92827 • AHc-.ra HoU1n« Cell (949) 842-eo88 Fu Send to (949) 846-4170 E-mal:S.nd to dllllYP/lotfllatlmn.com •All COrteapOndence must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for vertfi<lltlon purpe>MI). The Piiot rMervet th4' right to edit all aubmlhlona for clarity and length. EDITORIAL City is right to review homes D ozensof homeowners whose houses are taller than the law allows at least can be thankful they violated Newport Beach city codes. The Newport Beach City Council last week wisely decided not to punish homeowners of 32 properties built beyond city allowances because an architect. Andrew Goetz. allegedly submitted wrong survey information. Instead, the council ls on its way to approving Mspeclal ctrcumstances variances" for six homes, if not more, that are now under construction. "Wftre going to. look at every property individually," Mayor Steve Bromberg told worried homeowners at a council meeting earlier this month. By taldng each house on a case-by-case basis, the council isn't taking the easy route, but it is certainly on the right one. No one should be punished for the actions of someone else. Goetz was arrested Oct. 15 on su&pldon of forgery after city officials alleged he had falsified survey information on building documents filed at City Hall. Since then, city staff members have identified at least 32 homes about which they say Goetz may have provided false information. 1\velve are already built and could be subject to review later. Of the 13 Goetz-designed homes under construction, six are near completion and will be reviewed by city officials as soon as possible. Such an effort by City Hall is not unusual and Is an example of the aggressive civic service Newport Beach residents have come to expect from their representatives and city workers. Reviewing the construcdon of individual houses will, of course. take extra time and effort But for homeowners •devastated" - as one of the affected women said -by the revelations. It will be time well spenL COMMUNITY COMMENTARY B ully pulpit used to b rowbeat By Geoff WHt thoughcful consideration. The council apparently F rom a distant vantage rejected It out of hand. polnt -beside a Despite the fact that the crtUcally injured affected residents friend in Las Vegu -I apparently applauded the read Deirdre Newman's decl ion Monday nJght, I account Wednesday find myself very concerned c·c:ouncU putt brakes on with the way it came mobile home deal•) of about. Ubby c.owan·. tirade at n1e heavy handedness Tuesday'• City Council of this decision i5 a perfect meeting regarding an example of Councilwoman interim ordinance for Cowan'• 1tylc. I'm not at all mobile home park comfortable thal Cowan, resJdenta. During her as a former -and perhaps apeech, the apparently rutwe -mayor. continue. took~ the ownel'1 of El to display a 1tyle that can Nido and Snug Harbor only be deacribed as mobile home parka -bulJylng. While t can Brown & Auodates -certalnly understand the because of their frustration she and oilier unwlllingneaa to treat the councfl members must abouHo-be-ousted feel, and the displeasure mldenu more equitably. they feel tOward the park ~ l.rutial ractJon was. owner, I am very "Rlgbt on, Ubby!" dlsippolnted that alfalra In I thUed the feeling this city still aometlmet attributed to Mike Schea!er end up looking Ub a when he lajd, "It shOwed • • playground ftght rather lot of courage on her~ tJu.p the deUberatjona of to aay that. Sometimes. mature, tntelllgenl leaden; peopk don't haw the guts Naffio-calllng from the d&l to :say wb&t they really fttl. It WtU beyond acceptabli She kind of ewnmed up deci>rum. what we aD feel I thought The lack of clear: lbe did • wond.edul thing dlrectJon by the council to (MondayJ nl&hL" ibl appointed commiulona c.rtmnty. an~ne who continua 10 be a problem bll wuched lhe emtll for thJt dty. Wlrnesa the ~up to that council current lawsuit in which meet1na can heYe no tht ctty and private doubt .bout the anpt cttiF.ena are being sued by IDDll of die r.ldenll of the the potentW ~of ~,...about their the 1901 ~n .flfaza ' llDtWWn funue. In receat pc:otect. That piojilct ......, Che pa.t ownen lliOuld never have ,c>Hen a.. Md dlllr u far u II did Wlthout nt 1 •tl«Mnad more commum~ IDp\aL ia 11,. .......... lroiD Wblll rm mCountpd mft1 .......... mowd Ihle the~ ....... ......,, but rNldenla olPJ Nido and ........... ii.wed up ~ ....... ~In fact. ... ....... .... ....... an.a, rteelw mole ....... moath rMlaalbleand~ ....... amudlmcn ~-IMblildivl ... plc:CLn,. die.,. ...... ... ........... ...,..... .. . .,, ... ·--dly .,.............. ....... ............ ... 11 t ' Id....... ...... to I&> A 'M lblt ., b•CI t t I. ~ •• .., ...... _... Ttildd le lld!ml• Wllll•fl~1ttk lb dllNaw•waoot 11111=-... .. ..... f ..... 11•°"9 illllldl ...... •• .. MAILBAG DON LEACH /DAILY P1LOT Manne construction worker L. T. Riley pounds out chunks of rocks with a hammer on the deck of the Balboa Pier. Fntrance to Balboa Pier creates visions of grassy lawns. trees. granted. from streetJlghts to needs a makeover ponds and places for people to play. lifeguards. is made possible by our In the double-speak of Agran and collectlve taxes. The same people who I called in about slx to eighl months his co-conspirators, the Great Park rail against the taxes would scream ago In regards to the entrance to the means office buildings, condos, the loudest if any pet service or public Balboa Pier. It's an area of about 100 housing developments, factories and works were curtalled. feet long by 30 feet wide. In that area. huge profits at the taxpayers' expense. Of course there Is pork and they have eight palm trees planted. The The taxpayer and the voters should excessive spending, but that is why entrance is broken apart everywhere. remember that the former El Toro we voters have phones and faxes and When I complained about II, they did Manne base and all such properties e-mail You scold your go down and patch some of It. do not belong to any bureaucratic representatives and let them know However. in that area. there is a branch of government, they belong to what you expect from them and hold minJmum of 20 cracks. Some of them 3 the taxpaying public. them to It. feet long. Solution: Remove the trees, We aJI know what will happen: A It ls unreasonable to assume that rip out I.he entrance, and replace it. few years after El Toro has been stolen we can enjoy all of the same services GARY FlSHER from the public, there will be a huge with less money. Something will have Newport Beach cry for an airport. Land wiU be bought to give, and that will make some for btlhons of dollars and more segment of our society very vocal and Health benefits are harder to billions will be spent for such an very unhappy. What will we cut: police airport, with the old attitude of "who protection, school projects. aid to the come by -get used to it cares what the cost ts to taxpayers?" Why should an existlng aJrport that elderly, the needy, the IU? Will we cut environmental protection, road 1, in fact, have made it a point to go would cost the taxpayers very little be repaJr. emergency ald or medical to my local grocery store more often turned over to Agran and his care? since the st,rike. I believe the strike 1s co-conspirators? If any right-minded Individual had not necessary. The scamming of the American to make the choice, 11 would be These are unskilled people making taxpayer should be stopped. agonizing. an hourly wage complaining about As Pat Buchanan so wisely said, "It WAUACEWOOD having to pay a small amoun1 to get is time for the peasants to roll out the Costa Me~a health coverage. I, as a professional. guillotines." The rot that permeates spend hundreds of dollars per month America needs to be cleared away. School district public to have medical insurance for my The space at El Toro ls family. How can I support someone irreplaceable. To allow this to be relations called to question earning an hourly wage wanting stolen from the taxpaying citizens things handed to them? for the profit of a few greedy This letter is in regards to the I think they need a reality check. individuals would be Measure A problems at Harbor View They need to find out what ls unconscionable and would be a ~chool In Corona del Mur. As a happening in the real world. and not crime agalnst our descendants. taxpayer and community member just listen to what their union ls In addition, we now have the same with two small children (a toddler and telling them they are •entitled to.· people -who will desecrat,e anything a preschooler), I attended the Nov. 6 Compensation packages with benefits for an extra dollar -about to destroy Measure A meeting. Included by the employer have our magnificent giant hangers, our The behavior that I witnessed from become more scarce over the years. memories of World War II. Th8$C the Newport-Mesa Unified School ELAYNE CARVER structures are irreplaceable. historical District representatives was Newpon Beach structures. These people and their absolutely appalllng. Teachers and political buddies have no shame. paTents had vaJJd -and sometime~ Great Park plan scamming Future generations will despise them frightening-concerns regarding .but fonunately for them -as I have safety Issues during construction. taxpayers out of real estate observed In the U.S. for the last 70 When confronted with these years -these barbarian almost concerns, district representatives Jane Orange County has certain fame as always prevail. Garland and Swan Despenas showed the scam capital of the United States It is so sad to see so few citi.7,ens their true colors by becoming hostile. Pew counties can beat us In care about our historic past untU it Is aggressive, defensive and Investment fraud, embe1..zlement and destroyed. condescending. theft by taxpayer-paid employees of O.L. WARW1CK Al. one teacher who had just spoken all sorts -noting that the huge Costa Mesa attempted to leave the meetJng, I majority of ~ubUc employees are watched Garland interact with her. honest and atdworklng. Balanced budg~t will the tip both verbally and physically. Garland's Our latest scam ls the Great Park. body language was inappropriate. at brought to us by lrv'lne Mayor Larry the scales in favor of a few the very least. When a parent came to Agran and hJs co·consplrators. the teacher's rescue, Garland verbally Using the weU-proven tacllcs of the The most frightening thing I abused her. too. I was glad to be •Great Ue Technique,• so well received from the gubernatorial recall standlng out of the way. polished by the communists. NazJs is the reaffirmation of the stupidity of Is this way the d istrict handles valid and other people manipulators of Hlce people and the ease with whkb they safety concerns? 11 this the way our Ilk. the •imply &y&tem still works: the can be easUy manipulated and made school district wishes to portray ltselfl blgger the Ile, the more euUy It can be to belleve lies. Very poor. told. Taxation Is the mafostream of our SANDY WK1'TE To most people, the Great Park society. Everythlng that we take for Newport Beach HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY Of COSTA MESA Cotta MMe City Hall, n F-elr Otfve, Costa M ... , CA 9282.e, (714) 754-5223 Mlyor: Gary Monahan Coundl: Libby Cowan, All•n Menaoor, Mfka ScNaftr and Cl'lrit Stffl Cl'TY 61 NEWPORT BEACH Newport BMc:h City Han, 3300 Nowpon Btvd., Ntwp<>rt 8eac:h, CA 92M3, (Me) 944-3309 Mllyiof: Steve Bromberg CoUnll: Gary Adlm1,John Heffernan, Olde Nldtoft, 61.wn Roantky, Tod Ridgeway .ndDonWlbb COMT COIMHl'V Cou.EGE DtSTRICT ~ Oflloe: 1370 Adtfnl ,.,..,.,,Colt.a "-i. CA 82Gt, (714) '32-6198 Ch~ Wllllam M. V9ga 8oerd: ~t Plul Berget, Viet PrMldtnt Armando Ruiz, George Brown. Jeny Patteraon and Walter G. Howald; etudent trultM Madeline Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCtfOOl DISTRICT District omc.: 2985-A Bear St., Costa M .... CA 92$28, (714) 424-6000 ........ ~Robert Barbot loeid: ,,..._Jdtnt Mal1ha Fluor, Viet Pretldtnt Dan1 Blad(; Clert S..-.nt Stok ... O.Vld Brooke, Tom Eg1n, Ju<fy Franco and UndeSnttn MESA CONSOU>ATED WATD DtS'TNCT 1M6 Plloiiftda Ave., C09Ce Mete. CA '282~ (949)831-1200 loerd: Prteldent Jim Attdnaon, Vice PN8ldtnt Mike Healey, Trudy Ohllg-Hall, Fred Bodcrnlller end Paul E. Shoenberger COSTA MESA SAHfTARY DISTRICT P.O. lox 1200, Com Meta, CA 92628-1200, (714)~ IOerct Ptteident Mtnt Schafer, Jim ~"-Alt fl9nv, Greg Woc*fdt end o.n Worthlfl9ton OMNGE COUNTY 80MO OF l&ftlMIOa Hall of Adminlttredon, 10 Civic c.nt ... ftaza, S.nta AM. CA 92701 • •Jim save. 2nd Olltrlc:t <eo.t. ~ • NtwpOl't hid'I). (714) ~ • ThorNit wteeOn. Wt Dlllrict (NMpOrt coe.u. (714) .. .., ' • i • : ' .. .. • '" .. • • • • .. .. • • • • • • • • .. j • I I • I I ' • .. Al Thi.ncflY, ~ 20, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD Joining together for the greater cause 0 ne of tho molt Important upectJ or~ COmmuntty II It.I wWin&neU to J01n Coteet to dect poGtive cbarige on behalf of Important cau-.. A group or CorQn.t del Mar Hl&h School parmtt have come together and ~ated the COriununJty School Pannenblp to fund propaz:m that are apedftc:aDy dealgned to pro019te tolerance arul reapec:t. o~ ft eound.t •taUcby.fedy." Tuletance and respeCt. howeftr, are two ---....... ~ 1ngr9dlenu that are ~lnour community. our nadon and' our wodd.Weuk ounelves, how can we expect our cbildren to develop the Vlluee th.at embrace tolerance B. W. COOK ~":c:n~t demol\IUate a path for the younger generltion to foUow. The Community Sc:bool Pannenhlp was founded and orpnlzed by Lucy Ste1nbers. wt.Ce of 1p<>rta qent Leftb StetnlJers. Lucy Stelnbers'a mluion began wllh the purpose of combating bullylng In m. IChooll, and aotna one step further to au.lit Jn con1lict resolution and to promote relfl.lence among ICbool children who have been the objecta of the bully. "Thete grograma have pl'O'ml to be a lifesaver for children that often do not have a voice expreesfng their feeUnp,• said Cyndie Borcoman. I member of the Community School Putnenhlp Foundation. The parents lnvotved recently hosted a celebration at the Newport Cout home of Daw and Lmu1e Mardi. In keeping with the theme of teacblng tolerance. organizers created an award they call "The Peter Biehl Memorial Peace Award.· The late P9t.er Biehl and hJs widow, Unda BJehL are the parents of the late Amy BJehl. who WU murdered in South Atrica a decade ago while working for peace ln the ttglon. At the celebration the award wu presented to ...... Yarrow or the Ca.mous folk group •Peter, Paul and Mary.• Yanow'1 daughter Bethany also received the award Cor her wort tllmlng a documenwy focusing on the lives of ftve South Alrican women. Attmdlng the event ~re Sharon fry, principal or Corona del Mar High • School. ............ Dmll9 "/)' • t ~Moea. and Pllial 8DllSc:otdl ._, Allo lnvOlved were 0.-Hiie. who c:o-cbalred the event with Lucy 5(elnbeq, and~ Bo1COIDD. For more Information on the Community School Pattnenhtp fund, pleae contact Borciof1)an at (714) 543-S407. CHLDftSn IUMMI The OUJdml'• aw.u. a nonprofit orpnJZation dedk:ated to the pm"eDtton and treatment or Cb.lld abuse, held ltl 10th annul! Mighty Rubber Ducky Derby at Wild RJven Water Pllk. lrvtne. More than 5.000 loc:aJ dtiz.enl auended a day at the water part cha.Ired by the dynamJc Liia PuJimoto. The derby bepn I dee.de 1gO under the generoue epomorablp of JobD md Donna Own U I family ptheriq that Introduced the Otildren'I Bureau to On.nae County. • Donna Crean had been a loving advocat.e of the OUldren'• aureau Lot Angela. one of the oldert chUd eervlcet agendea in Southern c.all!omia. founded Jn 1904. Donna Crean uw the need for help In Orange County and put bet formidable lnftuence behind raJa1ng funds to launch the Orange County Bureau. Over the years. the event bu srowo dram&dcally, and this year, working with JJaa Pujimoto. a dedicated team tnclucllng Neal Aton. Umne Hmta, Bruce MecRm, tWdl MIDll' and Mldde Shaptro helped to bring in a capacity crowd to watch thouundl of yellow rubber duclcs ftoat down the Wild Rtvera waterway to a ftn1sh line. Racers adopted the ducb for $10 each, with proceed.a benefiting the Clilldren's Burau, and wlnnen were gtven tncred.lb~ prizee. Al Jn years past, the day Included ewnptuOUI 11.Dlplino from ID &nay Of local ratauranti and plenty of water part fun for the kids. Newport Meea eupport came from Bart.ra ~. Ph,w. Green. Una OwNfler,.., Goldwlder <lay. Lorl Intns. Bart.ra HIDlbaw, Ron Dom1ngua and Rofal Radtb. Sponaor Washington Mutual Bank WU represented at the event by Scott K)pen. ORANGEWOOO PALS It wu Jungle Boogie for the Orangewood Pals. an organization or young professionals In the community Peter YarrC'/# of the folk group -Peter, Paul and Maly,• right, his daughter Bethany YarrC'l#, left, and Sharon Fry attend an evening in the Newport Coast for the Community School Partnership Fund. Dave March and Laurie March host an evening honoring singer Peter Yarrow at their Newport Coast home. wortlng to 1upport the children of Orangewood. A safari-theme fundralaer brought In $60,000 for the children at Orangewood Ch1ldren'J Home. Acrobatl balanced on bearru In leopard C<»tumel and tribal drummers wfth painted races greeted the crowd u C.ttme de la cmne eerved a dinner of Jungle-inspired deUcaclee Including shrimp akewen, yam fries and giant chocolate aeam puffe for dessert. In the crowd were Monica AvDa. Mk:beDe Ouanonneau. Sma Pmbr, Rick Baant. Windy Drab, PhD &calette and karen Runmeeen. •TH! CAOWD 1ppeer1Thurtdays1nd Saturdaye. The Village Bakery 2937 Bristol Street, Costa Mesa At the Camp next to Lodge Restaurant Rustic Apple Croustade Shelly's Pumpkin Pie Meyer Lemon Tart Aubergine's Chocolate Souffle Cakes ready to bake with instructions Sides & Sauces Chocolate Espresso Cookies Homemade Oreos Holiday Cookies Brownies W:~Wayatr1Tkr!l3~ · Gourmet Sandwiches Artisanal Sourdough Breads onion walnut, kalamata olive, rosemary, raisin feMcl, seeded rye, ciabatta, parmcsan foccada, baguette domestic artisanal cheese pecan sticky buns sour cream pecan coffee cake croissants cranberry scones coffee, espresso granola Call now for your holiday order . 714:-761-2220 ~ """"' •. ,,.. Simi,., ... ,. 3,_ Orangewood Pals Monica Avila and Michelle Charvonneau helped raise $60,000 for the children of Orangewood. . .. , .. . ' -LIPE 4 LelSURE Ttulday, ~ 20, 2003 Id BEST BUYS Lighting up the tree and the season : µgttdng ceremony wtn cab . F uh.km llland• (Cltlve crce • PlaCe today end Sa:twday ~ 6 p.m. The 115-foot tnle wUf t ~It the end of •Celebrate Seuon. • a '°"'and daoot ~ byatudentsfiom ~Orange c.ounty HJgh School ~the Arts. : .. ~afttrtbe ""litefnony. Santa will be at his :...-for photos and visits on ·~ lslandi Atrfum Lawn. : MolldayJ through Wednadays : from Dec. 1 lhrougb 17, visit.on c:an recefve $2 oft Senca phou. with a carousel pa-. A portion of prooeedl from Sent.a pho«>S will be donated to HomeAid Orange • c.owuy, a nonprofit organJzadon that builds ahdten for the temporarily homeless. ·Fashion Island'• white fir a>met from ML Shasta. FLOWERS FOR ntE HOll>AYS Select beautiful, simple arrangements or 5triJdng Oowers designed for formal weddinga at Fnncb Buckets. <:o-owner Sussanna Davidson divides her tlme between Pash.ion Island ;. f.1k1 her origtnal Santa Fe Springs : llzcation. Her~ In fine arts •eilhances her creativity. She :siiedallus In European styte ;crangements (compact. without • )Jieru. ); and old-fashioned wrap iJOuquets tied with tissue paper '. 4nd beautlfuJ ribbon. Davidson 1t 'drawn to vin1.age looks -she 1l&OCb gaJvan.ix.ed Faench flower &.tdets, unusual ums and chooses hard-to-find Dowers. Ci& Items available Include band-blown g1aM vases from all AFTER HOURS •Submit AFTER HOURS item• to ~ Daltv Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa M"8, CA 92677; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491 574-4295. . SPECIAL EVENTS . ': tisTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College it offering a nine-part film history on Alfred 11itch<:odt. The series will be moderated by retired OCC profeuor H. Arthur Taualg. Each MAk>n will be held et 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The . ~will be held et OCC'1 Ane ''1U Hall 116. Adml1Slon ia S6 for :Multa and $6for1enlor1 and :; ¢c studentl. For more : t~ormation, call (714) 432-5880. --:lJW«SGMNG-EVE BASH jig Brothers-Big Siltera of O..nge County will have its l'hankagivlng Eve Balh from 7 ..,P.m. Wednaday to 2 a.m. ~l'ldey, Nov. 27 at the Hard 1fodc Cafll In Falhlon laland, 461 : flewport Center Drive. Tic:bw will .. Colt $25, $20 in edvance. : IDformatlon: (714) 644-m3. : l'/JIP:llwww.blgbrooc.org, • hftp://Www. redw11gonfound11t1on. • :VO· ilHG OF UGKTS llle Commodorea C1ub If the ~rt Beach Chamber of .Qtmmeroe will host the Ring of Ugma home decoratJng : 'C'O'npetltJon in December. All •home, bullnet1, and yacht clubl : r'-ino tM hert>or are invited to ; ~pale. Decorations must be 1,. pface by Dec. 8. Information . ik9l 729-4400. : ;fCWPOR'T HARBOR ;.;aftJSTMAS BOAT PARADE ,..le.utJfully decorated yac:hta, ,. · ltt, kayaks and canoe1 wlll sail ~.tong the harbor In the 961h • ~al Newport Harbor Award Winning PREMIERE Seafood Restaurant In orange County GREER WYLDER around the wodd. botanlcal IOepl. preteJved am.ngiementt and ~ :r,:. loc:aJ wbb~~ Pluta pan-time. French Buckett II open from I 0 a.m. lO 9 p.m. weekdays; from 10 a.m. lO 7 p.m. Saturday. and from 1 J a.m. to 6 p.m. SUnday. 1r1 In the Atrium C.oun tn Fashion island ln Newport Beach. Call (800) 652-9551. Df.CORATIYE WALLS Brett 8IAc.kman is a talented muralist who mostly pa.Inca in high-tmd ft!lklenca. but he can work with all budgets. Blackman paints murals and provklea decorattw painting In homes from Los Angeles (O San Diego. He'a been working on ~raJ . beaudlul mwals In a mau50leum at Loma Vista Memorial In Pullerton. The style is remlnJscent of Michelangelo's wort in lbe Sistine Olapel "I've gotten to know the people who come in there dally, to visit loved ones long gone. and It's nice to make the spac.e more beautiful for them," Blackman saJd He was chosen to design the T·shlrt and poster for the 2004 Corona del Mar 5K in lune. ·1ba1 has been a very ex.citing pr~. working with the COM Chrittma1 Boa1 Parade Dec. 17 through 21. Each night, the parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. et Collln1 Island and last two end a half hours. The parade 11 hosted by the Commodore1 Club of the Newport Beech Chember of Commerce. Information: (949) 729-4400, http://Www.chrl•tmn bo8tparade.com MUSIC RITA COOLIDGE The Orange County Perfomung Atta Center will present Grammy Award-winning vocalist Rita Coolidge at 7:30 p.m. through Saturday et Founders Hall. Tk:tew cost $66. lnfomiatlon: (714) 656-ARTS, http://www.ocpac.org. THE GREAT lEOHAAD 8ERNS1EN Carl St Clair and the Pacific Symphony give a tribute ooncert 10 St Clefr'1 longtime friend and mentor Leonard Bernstein at the Orange County Performing Ari Center today. The orchestra will perform Symphonic Dances from "West Side St<KV" and excerpts from "Candide" and "On The Town:" The concerti ltert et 8 p.m Ti<*eta are S20 to $35. For informetion, call (714) 755-6789. DAVID CASSIDY David Cnlicfy will be performing aome of hi1 greatest hitl, IUCh aa "I Think I Love you• end "Doesn't Somebody Want To Be Wanted; at 8 p.m. Friday end Sa1urdey llt the Orenge County Pefformlng Al'tl Center. Tidteu cost S25 to $106. Information: (714) 766-6799, http://www.paclflaymphony.org. VERMEER STRING QUARTET The Orange Couniy Phllhermonic Society wlll prMent the Vermeer Strlng Quartet 11t 8 p.m . Monct.y at the Irvine Ban:t.y TMetre. Tu. cost IMll be from 12810 32. • lnfonnstlon: (948) 663-2422, www.phi/harmonboc#ty.org. c:hambct.'' Blackman taJd. • Olents can e·mail Bllcbnan and he1J amd aamplet of hfl work. CaJJ (949J 637.elel or tend e-maJ to bbllldanan~t.tgrlly.com. MEN'S STYLE ~ ~<Jo«blns­PurnllhlnP. elUtblllhtd ln 19'1, hu Just receMld the latest Polo Ralph Uwml aube and faD collectk>m. There are alto bea.udful new Southwtck and Corbin collections to cboote l'rom. Free valkla•ed parldng Is available behind the ttore. AlklNon'a ls open Crom 9-.30 a.m. 10 5:30 p.m. lt'a at 3430 Via Udo in Udo Marina Village. Call (949) 673.()653. . VALUE MO LOOKS Foreftr ZI ofrera a brand of value-<:ontdoul tttnds for women. Puhions amve daily. This phenomenaJJy succeW'ul abopping COncq>I WU conceived by a young couple, ~n and lln Sook Owlg. Together, they've created one of the fastest growing apparej companies; more than 150 stores have opened In the U.S. and Canada. The range of fashions varies from casual. lo dressy. There's e\TO a lln~e coUectlon. Accessories include handbap, select makeup, shoes and scarves. CaJJ (949) 719-6621 or vi.sit httpJlwww./of'f'V8r2 I com. BARGAINS ABOUND Mino Mlaaka Datgner Outlet Is a 7.500-bquare-foot showroom of home fumWungi ST. LAWRENCE STRING QUAR1£T The St Lawrence String Ouertet wUI perform at 7:30 p.m. Tuesdey In Foundera Hall at tN Orange Couniy Perfomling Atta Center. Tk*et.I COit S42. Information: (714) 666-ARTS. http://Www.ocpac.org. ARTURO SANDOVAL Grammy and Emmy Award winner Arturo Sandoval will perform al 7:30 and 9 p.m. Nov 28 and 29 at the Orange County Performing Atta Center's Jazz Club. Tldtets cost $49 and $56. lnform.Uoo: (7141656-ARTS. http://wwwocpac.org BASH2003 The 33rd ennual Orange County l..tve Mulic Feaival Will be from noon to midnight Nov. 30 at the Newport Beech Merrion Hotel and Tennl1 C1ub at Falhlon laland. 900 Newport Center Drive. Ti<*et.1 wtll cost from S14 to $28. lnformatk>n: (949) 64(MO()O, http://Www.ocmusicl1n1.org. VfVM.DrS FOUR SEASONS The P9dfic Symphony wiJI perform Vivaldi'• *The Four Seasonl," 8occherlni'1 Sinfonia In 0 minor No. 4, and Corefll'1 Concerto GroNO In Fm.,, at 8 p.m. Dec. 3 and 4 at the Orange County Performing Atta Center. Tidtetl COit S20 to $66. Information: (714) 755-6799, http://www.paciflcsymphony.ora. 'A JOURNEY TO JOY' St Andrew's Presbyterian Churd'I wUI host Sentlago C.nyon College'• music departmenlt annu.i winter fNtlval concert "A Journey to Jav" et 8 p.m Dec. 6 at 800 St Andrews Road, Newport Beech. TMf9 will be I 1<>0-member chorale bded by a prof8111onel on:Mltr•. Ti<*eta COit S16 per person and S12 for Mnlors. ttudent9 and c:hlldren yoonger than 12. lnfonn.Uon: (714) 628-4828 . Our extended menu wlll Include a Traditional Roast lbm Turkey Olnncrt -hursday November 27th From 2pm Until spm 5 :· 21 oo w. oceanfront, Newport Beach, CA · Reserve Now (949) 673-2100 www.21oceaofroot.com 7..agat rated .. the best CAAB LEGS' and ·ever-eluslY ABALONE" w1th a GORGEOUS OCEAN VJ w BACK.DR P.- Uvc Ent rt lnment • MOOday Night Football • va1c1 f>Jr1dng Wine ccuar POf Prlvat P-<ln w BooklOR uoUday Banquets And 21 oecanrronrs Annual and ~IOJd GI bup1n prices. Scheduled lnd"ude: m1rron and ~rk reduced ~ 00 Sl1unby, emy chair will be~~ and nt1Ct week. CluUu1 l~flll wW be redue2d. The &howroom hoUllll lampt and dbttng. IMng and bedroom fumttun?. Miner M~ la open from 10 am. to 4:30 p.m. Monday through Saturday. It._ at 2925 A1lway Ave. In eo..ta Mesa. Call (7 l 4) 979-ti67'9. SURFSTYlE n. Pros HouK. ~cd In 1962, can't compete wfch stytiah. cutting-edge IUlf thopll. bul what ft lacb In modem desqp1 fl makes up for in old-fuhJoned charm. It'• OM or Newport'• ~ treasured surf shop&. The FIO(C House aiay. true to surf, atricdy offering top-quahty boatds and wetswts. Top brands come from Qul.bilver, Hurley, Rusty, Ripcurt. O'Nem and more. J'here'• I~ a smaO Ae:lectiuo of apparel II'• also one of the few Ii.hops th.ii ~ we~uili. Ille 1oervice extftldi the IJfe of many wil.S The frog House 111 open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Monday throul(t1 Friday; from 8 a.m. w 6 p.m Sarurday; and from 8 a.m to 5 p.m. Sunday. II'& a1 6'J08 W C J>a'>I I lighway in Newpon Bc-.t.ch C .all (949) 642 5690. •BEST BUYS appears Thur~ Send mformauon lO Greer Wylder at grMrwylder a yahoo com: ist 330 W Bay St . Costa Men, CA 92627. or by fax at (9491 ~ 4 t 70 KINGS SNiE.R$ The KJng'a Slnger1, England'• premier vocal enMmble, wlll perfonn et 3 p.m. Dec. 7 at the Irvine Barclay Theetre. 4242 Campus Drive, Irvine. The cost will be from S30 to S36 per person and full·llme atudent are half price. lnfonnatlon: (714) 740-7f178. http://Www.lhebardayorg RESTA NAVIOAD CONCERT Jose Feliciano wrll i<Mn menedl1 bandleader Nau Cano a1 pan of the 10th annual Fie.ta Navidad 949 .646.5479 C1oth1r g & Acces'.,()("1f" Bout''l'J'' • 1822 A Newport Blvd , Co\ta Mc~ /<.om«'r o( Nfwput & Hotl>or) • S.. HOURS. Pase AlO www.lisyb.com • Pdrl-.ing Avail6l;le ,,... B.icJ • Mon <..,t I() 7, ',1~ 11 ', ANTIQUE ROW & GARDEN CAFE / 1M 1/11,.,,, / 11n.Ubl"f1. '11fl'f"" C ( ,.fJ,, 111./,y Trll'lt111tNtf lll l.111t4tf <,ifn uJ ( ,,,,J,,, lxr11r "'1J1 /,., '"'" IJ~lll°""f (111rt/nr (Aj, (,,,,Jn, P11IN1 I ''"'"I"" "'t Hrr.,lrf••I I 11ttrh. f,11 •"" t11t '''"',. /Mr C.AFE HOUR.\ M1ni-.~11 9111r1 -4pm Y.""1a I# Chtzfllk/1m, Usd 0-!iAr~ Boolu, C111t#m Pkt11rt Fr11m1Nf, F11r111111rr IU1U>r11111m '""' m IKh mt>rr I ROW HO(IRS: T11< S-.110.m jp,. (949) 72~1 lil PREE Lithovaph with every purehtUe 1 IOO MIMI AYHM, 1641, C08tl ..... CA 12121 0-.... Tiit • OlltM of Pim c..) ·" AlO TtU • ~ 20, 2003 'Lt f t" 1,1.1 .. lJ R I. NO PLACE LIKE HOME Check your shelf life INK RILL P E RU Vt· AN . CU I S l"N E NEW 1WIUGHT MENU FROM 4·7PM DAILY KAREN WIGHT · rnu.t ·hav from lht r 1. Ot nth• th Jv and m~e&hdt po II ont If y"unffd to om· lllod le J boob or arrwotk. I'm onJx afvfn1tou fut&#tnt Cktlled Ste.ab, lufood And ,,. .. , rmlttfon w add h lvn If you have 1 boob·unty Ubrary. If you want to add more d 'Plh to yout th«1Jv1t, palllt the b ck ol tho lhtJvn a din reru c.nlor. Jf you w"u 1ubd ry, p Int th# 0 11 ·r l·11ec .c $5 off Entire Bill •• , ... .,..,.1....,o112' "'-· .... 1 .. u ~··· ,,.,.., • .J, ' Ow. llof t I• I •1l11l.1 M•nu • One ,., t.dik, ot &o ~ _,•if~ •"7' utl..., • U., b"' k.lng chi .. mt eolor u th wall I( yf.iu nted a f 04.:aJ point Jn tht roum, dwoM a boldtr au:uni color Yuu have Y"'" •IA k of HundMton... CO.ti Msa. J01 Mllit It.,....... MO lttttof It.,~ 714.J74.Jl99 714A44MH mu11 hn -•tart tht '"''•Clan prOUtt by pluJns boob on rh1 •IMlvn n,.,, black u m1ny boob hurl1.onta.lly vertlull)' A horl/4>ntal .UU of • • COUNTRY BISTROT (~"me cekbrau the arrwal of the Nouveau Beaujolais Thur.d2y, November 20 4 t:ourM: dmncr include• / h«,rtl c uf wine . $34 per per&on 11 ..... .,,wJ jlfA'"'" Ar~~ Call for JW~tt'itllont . 949.955.2755 11s;REET 8 AUTY CENTER '11it Large.st, '} illtJt, 'f ritnifiLst 'Beauty Supp(y & '}ufi StTVllc. Salott In Oral1fjt County NEW AIWVALS Of ~P~Br1ttltu HOURS Continued from A9 cone.ti ti I p.m. D.c t It the Otenoe County P9rl0tm "'1 M. • c.m.r. Tlc:Mtt COft 120 ID lfi, • lnform•tk>m (9491 &n-2422. httptM-ww.ph1h1fmon1e1<><i.1Y org JAZZTRJO Gulfftt••m Rfta.urtm In ~ ~ 8ndt Pf..,,... fi ll • tflo GondtV through WedMldlV •• ,.,., em.tttfnmeM It 850 ~~ •.• ~le.ch Houff •rt 6 lo 9 p m Sunday •nd e to 10 pm Mondlv thtoueh w.ctneedlV , .... , 71f.0118 WW<LYJAM The SWdfo c.ft ptn.tnft ~ Nlohf Jemt from 1 to l1 pm .very~ "'Wlnftd'" mv*'•n. lnc:WcH gultlr f'ftV•r•, baM f'ftVtt•, tlneet•· drummer•, Qyboardifte Ind octt.rt It 100 M9'n Sc., Newpoft 8Md1 ,, .. ' )176 77t0 MNdMA GINA WWW«> JAZZ w .. i.r 1..#ota 4'nd O~ld ~,, tt._ ~ Yorll J•u CM'ltiecd'111 DIN. ~ 41t M•mm• Gin. It 2&1 E CoMt Highw.y "' NMpo'1 at 8 p.m Ftldr;• Mtd wrd•y• .,,a ti 7 pm ~Ind Mondeyt Of•~ OM'°"" dw duo on v~ on MondlV• ff'• frH lnfO<INVOn '"°' 171-feOO MUSJC 11.f THl GML The Sf~ Grill off.,, llv• mutie Frid.ty Ind 8.tluf dly nJQhtt. Orte Morgan, Nk* Peper Md~ Gord*I {known n MPO) petfonn dNlk rode, Nt8 Ind ewln(I ti 8:aQ p.m. Mdlve. Mtrvtn GreQOtY Md MPG Wltl perform c:ffffk roe*, Ming Md ""8 It•~ p.m. S.WrdfV•· The r#teUrent le 11 no Udo Patt Orlv•. Newpott S.edl. NH, (949) 67&-a.474 MUleC AT THI PWCAN The RUlty Ptllcel1 off.,.1 Che mutk. of Common Gtound from Wtdoffd.-; through Sunday. The b•nd r»tformt from 7 ID 10 p,m . Wtdnetd"V •nd Thurtldev, from t:ao p.m to 12:30 e.m. ~ tnd S.Wrdl)' •nd trom 2 to I p.m. 8und•V· The r..c.urent It It 27a5 W CoNt Highwev, Hf'WPOf1 kldl. NH. ("9) 642·3431. MU..c Kr PUYERI PttVtr• '"""""' '' r1CW offeri"9 Uvt mv-'c from t p m. ID midnight fNety Frldev tnd Seturdty. Ptevtre It tt 612 W. 19th It , Coete M .... No cover charge. (fMj} 04&-6016. WWW«> MUSK: .At11hci11y'e Awerbolt Affi.urtnt 1n N•Nf)Oft s..d1 p<tNntf .J..-. <J<• th.I .. JC 011 Frldty •nd S.Wrd•y ~toi~ tnd SundtV for bfundl. The progrtm '"""" •II vour ftvom.t on th• ~ Anthony't It It 161 E. Co"' Hignwty. (948) 173-34%6 POP.ftOCK NfO FLAMENCO TIU 6, 1 funk. rodt end Motown act, perf ormt It t P m Seturdev• tt Ctr~1 R¥torem., 3620 E Cont Highw.-;, Cor0tt1 d.i Mtr Solo guit.ttltc """ S...1 John · We bi!lo11g to llH u!(Jrld's larg~st Jk><»jng retail group • crx>p. Jennifer. Brenda We a,., /IN 11/atlt ;/Joor.Ing Mallrs lndltlldU!l/IY ou""1d """ o/JP.(llM , 1,0()() STOU BUYING POW1Jll I ; ' Ufetl•• •. ,, .. ,, c.,,., :s1•• utett .. WtlrNldy ........ '2'' Ufetl•• ..,, •• 1y Ctr••lc • 1•• Ufetl .. .. ,..1y WMtl •2•• 100% FREE llo Questions Asked (J(J ~ ckdNlnl* . If fDIJ lk>'1 'I /JI# II, ~iiJlll~ll bOoumaketap tbo<iktnd. I th alKQ Of bbO - t . iey C'1l look ht vy. Don't I!')' to pul all th• bQoka un on htlt. Nnl, pl&cl Cb• pl.c1ut • Tty not tu Ch rdo ft , tJdi: wtth thl cl fca, u h 11 babr photot or tcunUy pktur . Alack and white photos ate nty on Jht t)'I and don't dlttract tht way 1 bt11t11Jy CO)~r d photOlf&ph wtlT." II )'Ou h v• 1 Jot of color photO(tlp , u .. them tparfnaf y. llo your plcrwn n td utra htlghtf Pf c• thl tram ln a pl c. holder to mab them look f 11pr and mort Important. Now for the artwork: Ute pl~1Chlltnh1nceth• bll nee, nor dut1u1. It tho pleu I• bfg 1nough to have a lift ot ltl own on • tabltrop or lh• wa1J, move It oft the Ahelf. htJf art thould bltnd tn. Jt you have •mall hangtng picture, anwotk 01 a clock that It bat vtew d on the wall, pt the naJl.I oul and han1 It. Don't J*f Offllt dfflicaf fttmeneo tunM It 7:10 p.m. Tundev• Ind ~.Fr ... (9'1) 17&-1922, SATURDAY NtGtfT Ml CW•.O lthibethl end m. Stone Bridge B•nd plev rod< 1nd R&8 "' I p.m. h1&Hdtyf tt Sutton Pttc.e H~'t Trltnen L.ounge, 4800 Mec:Atthur 81vd., N.wport e..dt. FrH. (849) 47&-2001. STAGE 'TEN UTTl.I N>IANS' The Coe1-M..-CMc Pteyhoute wlll pteHnl Aglthe CMltle't "Ten UUS. lndltne• lhrQUOh Suncs.y It m. Cotti MeM OW: ~. ee1Hem1ton St, Cotta M.N. TicMts wlll CM $10 ID $19. lnformdon: (9'9) eeo-6209, htlp:llwww.ct:#l6mt1M plryhouu.org. 1WEllTH NGHr Or.nge eo... Cofi.ge'• Thew• o.r>•rtment wlU etege &hebepetr•• ~ ng c:omtldv "'Tw.lflh Night .. through 8undlV Show°"*,,., p.m Thur~• thtough a.turd.ye •nd 2 p.m. Sundeyt. All performanc.et wtU be In lhe Drtmo Yb The•t1• on the ()C(. ctmpu1, 2701 F•lrvt.w Ac>6d 1n Coft.IM-.. 'MAC8ETH' VtngUard Unlverttty't theti.r ~rtm•nt wlff pr....n 6h...,,.are'1 .. M~· today through 6undtV ft the cotleo-'• t.v'*6m ThQt.ef. Perlorm.nc::. wllf be at 8 p.m. Thurtld9yt •nd FrldtV• Ind It 2 •nd 8 pm s.turdl)'t tnd Sundeyt. There wtU be no 2 p.m. m.Unee Nov. 16. tnfonnltlon: (714) tsee-3610, 'tWEVCY TOOO' The a.in Tr...-or Sd'OOI of the Mt( deptrtmentt of Otema, OlnCe tnd Mu* 11 UC lrvtne pt...m 1he motbl tM,., .. 6w..,..yTodd: The 0tmon Bltber ot ANt JtrMC* It 8 p.m. through s.tu~ Ind ti 2 p.m. SetUrdty, Tk:Mu~from$12to $24. lnfOf'Tnll.iOf'Y. (Ml '2.4-2787, (9'8) eu.6000. 'THE IMPORTANCI OF BEN fMHU1' o.c.rw.w. con*'V of • KARIN WIGHT It e H.wpott htch ttt~m. H.r c.otumn funt Tlwrtd.yt tnenMf• wfff bit ,,.,.,°"'*' through o.c;. 14. Perlorm."'-H wlll be "'. p.m. Thuftc:»v•, fr1deyt Ind lnJrcMyt Ind Sundevt tt 2:30 p.m. Tldc«t""' ' $17 opening mgm, ~ f13 lnfonn1don: (M) 821-0288. THI MOUIEnW' Coron• cNf Mir High Schoof drltnl dtptNnent wltf preetnt '"The MouMttep'" at 7 p.m. through S.Wrdl)' at Cot0tt1 cNf M" High Sdtoof't U1rJe TNltr•, 2101 Eeltbfuff Orlve. Tlcbta C091-• • .., ,,, ..... end .. at lhe door ln10f'f'NtJotY. (949) 51M049. • , 'OURTOWN' Newpof1 ... rbof HJoh lc:Nlof• .. ThMtM Ml~wtu pteMnt Thorton WMdtr't *Our Town .. It 1 p.m. llturdly tnd .a 2 • pm. fklndly It Cot&I ~ Hagft • Sc:hoof t t.v'*'m 'ThHt«, • FtlMlw ~enw IM F.U Oftve. Tlcbta cott f& to f10. Information: (949161&-8341. THE ..uct.r woaD Utanc& ~ 8c:ttooft drtmt ~wt• pr...m "The Mirede WC>fbr"' .a 1'.10 p.m. D.c. 4IO8Ind12.net13 It the 8•"'-t• Vtn Hott Thetitt 11 Eatandt HJgh Sdtool, 2na ~.-•.. <:-.~ Tlc:Mte cost te. lnformatlOn. •> 51&-e631. 'FTI A WOM>EltfUL UFI' The Oty of~ lndt wt# , pretentthe~~ ,. • Thutt•• ~""""' producdon of Ott pity "'IC't A w~ Uf.., 0.c. actwougtt 1 "' Coron• det Mer Htgft Sc:ftoort Thelltt, 2101 e.tbluff ~ Perlor~ ~a,. ft lp.m O.C. 5, 41t 1~ tncU p.m. O.C f Md It l p,m. O.C. 7. TlcMtl cott $2 to • tt f"'°'1'Mdon "49) ........ 31&1, ht/p'//www,gMJClt)#AJOml ~r~ ART l .UMPMk TM ettJtc I 8-n PM wt#~ ' ln~tndboc*~ I from 6 to 8 p,m, O.C. t II JutW• F1n1.M ~,nlMltlnt/lw., 8elbot ltfMd. lnfonncidon Ind • r-.,v.ilon: (M1 '1J.Olla. L J A LE I U R ll I TRAVEL TALES Elder spacemen Old enough to remember the stan of the space race? The Cosmosphere in Kansas ~ a •pace camp for people 55 or older. Ttutt»y, NowtrC« 20, 2003 AU I (·],',', Du1111 Wc·ll - • • ' ·' ••7'• GIANT IMPORTED ROSES 59c . MlxandMatch· ea Your Choice of Color o r $9 ~Per Grower Bundle • 7-..,,, of 25 Item• raoM THI DlllGN DIPARTMENT CHOOM MOM THUi OflC DUIONI TO INHAHCI YOUI THANUOMHO CUlllAnON. 1uomoHM IOUNDI OI OllDNOI OI MAIJHOUA, tMAtS. ~ IOSllAHD LIYI ll(W 111.00 OWi 10W11 OI NMr, tofll, NY AND~ FIOM 121.00 1flOI , 1111OI#MMtlMIMlfJIMIH1J14 OW$ CIJIES ot flnl llllO ffCM4 IJl.00 1IOW8AllANflllMl(fl14 OCAI W«AOf COCUCOOH COH1Al8S "1t:ID ,.._ f llJJO, Cl 9111 Ill YOUI '900* CCHrAMa IOI A IAMOUI am~ MIANfJIJMNr.,.. HOUDAY "DlllONIR" INGREDIENTS. 1IONYI • MICT MOM NNI llMAHO, MH CAUA LIY • ICAOC, OIANOI OI IUIOUNDY, flflH llT1DSWElT, ~ ~,, ICIHffD OOAHIUM, ""'WH1f ~ LIYI, (YAWJM OIOlf) snAYI DOWJ JOIOIT TO IH UI POI THI f.ATUT IN WIOGI• ROWlll, 'AITY CIHTllPllCU, _, AIUNOIMIHTI AHi> FUNllAL DISPLAYS. 1309 l.OQMf AVE. 22800 .. A• IAllBERT coerADM '=•W: (714} MIM>810 (949) 581-5568 AU 1tusday, ~ 20, 2003 ~ ~. iS:r/uMmu.~«'~" • GIA• BOL CerW!ed Dtamondl • Cua1omiled Ordel'I • Enppmeni. Wedding lUnp • Bepatn While You Walt • 18 t Merob&nt.t 90-6H-H77 • 12110 Bu on B } • Nrwpo11 Bnt h !MxwnoMI F11U FtUh,..u, fa•l'tlnllt far. '"'"'· """ lr111h" Srl,.tU,,,,,., ,,,,.,,,,,, """,,,,.,., ,..,,,, Dmp _fr.,,, Nir.J.t M1J/n, IN1u ~M 1-r;n,,,,,,,.,.,, Rr1Hu11 111JU." Alhm• M,,J,,,/J c-,,,., _,. .. 7/,, G1r11•1 A fan n/.IHti." •f 1#1111ir--r AlfJ nwwl I'"' W1MI l111ul •/Cm •rr r l 1.-11 •I fall """'" ,,,., '-"''"' ,,,, /"'",." '"°""· '"'"" ,,,._, ,,,,,,., "'"'' ,,,., ''"" """' ff 1-' _,,.,, """ _,., s., llf far""' ,..., ~., ,._,, Ml Ill &IJ.lt~~M/..lflt NOW OPEN SUNDAYS ANI ,,.,._,,, _,J 7 ,_. Nu.II MJ/n ,_"" '""'-' ,., .. i • ..J """'-'' ~ ·-&r/..,wlt ., lklU "'- . l lF E & LEISURE ON VACATION . .. O~Pllot I Nick Rycroft, Jessica Arias and Dan and Barbara Rycroft of Costa The Davis, Helfich and Yeager families from Newport Beach Mesa enjoy their trip to Niagara Falls. spend their Easter vacation in Maui, Hawaii. TRAVEL Continued from Al 1 lf we didn't do all the entries in the computer correctly, mission control would contact us through our headseta to make the necessary corrections so we would not crash and bum. II was nerve racking but exhilarating. Upon takeoff from. the launch site, the noise and the vibration and then the tilt of the module as we entered orbit was so realistic. Once we were in orbit. we launched our payload successfuJJy, and could see It out the wind()W of the shuttle as It soared ofl Into space. Re-entry brought more sounds and vlbratJon and a forward tilt to Elder·naut. Mission control was guiding us toward the runway approach, and the touchdown area ruled one of the three· computer screens. As commander, it was my duty to land the EJder-naut safely back on earth. A picture-perfect landing almost ended in disaster when I overlooked one minor detail. When the two rear wheels touched down. I thought the mission was complete. UttJe dJd I realize that the nose wheel had to touch down and we needed to taxi to a halt. A gentJe reminder from mission control saved us from crashing on the runway and our mission turned out to be a great success. Upon leavt.ng the ship with high fives among the crew, we stepped out and walked down the gantry a mid cheers from the other crews, who were now to have thelr tum. · What makes the whole program work so successfuJJy and why all the participants were so elated with the week's activities is the dedJcadon of the staff who are passionate about their work and the 40 volunteers who did everything from transportlng us from the aJipClrt in Wichita to relrleving the rockets that we launched In the Held. This has to be one of the most unique experiences offered to a generation that remembers the exciting beginning of the race to the moon. • WENDY ABBOT 11 1 resident of NtwPort Beach. • TRAVEL TAUS runs on Thurtd1vs. Have vou, or someone vou know. gone on en interestln(I v1c.tlon 7 Tell us 1bout your adventures In about 400 word1, eccomp1nied by • couple of photo• tQ ctioose from thll do not have the Dally Pilot In them, and send them to Tr1vel Tales. 330 W Bev St .. Cotta Me ... CA 92827; by e-mail to d11/yp/lot@latlme1.com; or by fax to (949) 848-4170. Wendy Abbot poses in a NASA space suit while on vacation at the Cosmosphere in Hutchinson, Kan. THE HOLIDAYS MADE SIMPLE AT SOUTH C .OAS·T PLAZA ..... n&.UY ••• An array of services to make your holiday experience merry and bright. • Concierge Scrvicce • Sll»Y iriformation, P"l<mol 1/topp" o.ui.slana, tltmJn anti hoal mformat10n, rul/luronl rulrVations, Soutlt CotUI Plau 8'fl tt1'1ifiea1u and 1troUw om/ wll~tk/Jair rmtau • Holiday Gift Guidt> • Pad on' up al any condnp a4.ZA. • Complimentary Pa.ck.age Checl • Cuatom Gift WrappJng at Select Store• ' Extended Holiday Hours • S~cii.J Sea on.al Store • Five Valet Parking Stations . MAD IT OlldLL.. FnhaDa' your holiday &bopping experience with family fun. photos with ·Santa. and the •ound• or the season. • Santa'• Photo• • Santa'• Village It. Craft• • Reindeef' Carouael • Santa•• Expre 1 'Ira.in • Live Holiday Mu ic MAD IT ftlTIVB ... When the shopping is over, relax and savor the season at the theatre. A Christmas Carol November 29 -December 27 South Coast Repertory La Po¥ada MfiRica December 9 -24 South Coast Repertory The NuJCl'tldu American Ballet Theatre December 17 -21 Orange County Perfonning Ans Center For additional holiday event information call the concierge at (714) 435-2083. MAD IT D&UCIOUI.~ • Take a break &om the holid:1y bottle to enjoy delectable cuisine from award-winning South Co t Plaza restaurants. • Antonello Ri1tora.nte • Cafe P~al • CJ.aim Jumper • Darya Fine Persian Cui1ine • Cu1caf Andert & Back Poekct • Morton•• of Cbicago • Pinot .Proven<"e • Royal Khyber Fine Indian Cui foe • Scott'• South Coa t Plaia • The Clubhou • 'Iroquet • Yujcan Kan&'• Atian Bi up Buy a epa gift certificate for '1h a1 speciaJ perton on your list and at the 1iame time treat yourself and release holiday trc ~ with a massage, facial, manicure, pedicure or other luxurious pa lreatnwnts. • Aveda Lifestyle Salon & Spa • Georgette Klingt>r Salon • The Spa at South Coast Plaza Trying co find the perfect gift? South Coa1t Plaza gjft certificates ar<• ideal for everyone on your 1i4't. Honored at over 280 tores and restaurants at South Coast Plaza, South Con t Plaza ~ Village, Orange County P rfomling Art Center, We tiJl South Coast Plaza, South Coa t Repertory and The Spa. Availoble at all concierge detk.s. For more information caJJ 714-435-2083. , .. · QU01J OF THE DAY • "[The Sailor$ are) coming here to beat w. They're not coming here to ju.st play welL" Grel Geno, Los Altos ·, · foott>aM coach • 3>irates sweep Cypress in tegular-season finale, but .. lose sophomore Marti Merriott for the playoffs. ~t1ve Vlr11n Daily Pilot ., _ COSTA MF.sA -A cruel coincidence .. plagued the Orange Coast College women's volleyball team during its &weep of Orange Empire Conference , 'ffsitor Cypress Wednesday ~L • At the beginning of the season, OCC • • do~ch Oluck Cutenese, ln his 11th sea· . --New RlclWd Dunn: (949) 574-42~3 • lporta Fu: (949) 650-0170 son. really didn't know what to expect of his team. Now as the regular season ended, a blt of the unexpected vibe returned, as sophomore Marti Memott in· jured her right ankle ln the third game and will not be able to play for the Pirates ln the postseuoo. The Pirates, who won. 30·27, 30-23, 30·19, will begin Southern CalHomia re· giooal play Tu~y. Merrion. an outside hitter, wu third on the team ln killa with 132. In the third game with OCC lead.Ing. 13·12, Meaiott appeared to have landed on a Cypress player's foot that wu across the line un· der the net. Merrtott'a ankle rolled and she immediately cried out in pain. . • *Losing Marti is hard," Cute-nese sald. "Wtve saJd were strong and now we'll see lf we are." OCC (17-2, 12·2 in confer· ence) showed its strength in defeating the Olargera rather easily led by Ouis· tine Woller's 22 kills. The victory capped a season in which the Pirates earned a No. 2 ranking in the st-.te and ftn1sbed second ln its conference to Golden West. "I'll be honest, at the beglnnlng of the year, I didn't~ this.• CUteneae said. SH occ, Paa• 82 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL EYEOPENER • Daily~POOt • ,..... .... "' .... ~ .... .....,...,,. Nov. 24 honol'ff • FRED HOKANSON Thursday, NoYember 20, 2003 11 Orange Coast College's Chontel Palomino (12) dives for the ball during Wednesday's On,nge Empire Conf ere nett match against Cypress. The Pirates swept the regular-season finale. KENT TREPTOW I OAILYPILOT ~Sailors star as underdogs Customarily the favorites, Newport Harbor will attempt to knock off top-seeded Los ~· Altos in first Tound Friday. . ~ Patrick Laverty : Daily Pilot • .-All too often, Newport Harbor Hlgh's football team : has been the hunted. Sailors Coach Jeff Brinkley often tells his team, they are the one game opponents circle on their sched- ules, hoping to knock off a school with a strong foot; ball tradJtion. Almost always the favorites, the Sailors finally get to reverse the tables Friday in the first round of the ClF Southern Section Division VI playoffs. The Sailors (7 ·3), fourth-place finishers in the Sea View League and an at-large entrant into the playoffs, will travel to Los Altos (I O·O) ln Hacienda Heights to take on the top-seeded, undefeated Newport Harbor and defending champion Con· b"oth football querors at 7:30 p.m. team finishes True underdogs for the !h1t time •aaon 10-0. all season, the Sailors will be at· faa-82 tempting to knock off a team that X has won IO CIF Southern Section .-.ptampionshipS', including three in the last four years. • But those numbers alone won't earn Los Altos a ctory and Conquerors Coach Greg Gano knows at • ... ·(Newport Harbor is] very good,• Gano said. "We .{iidn't get any luck by drawing these guys. We're the No. 1 seed and we drew a 7-3 team, but they're the at· l~e team so I understand. I just think we could have ~tome worse teams." For the Sailors, there wasn't really a worse draw .4,an Los Altos, but no matter the opponent, the , flOle plan doesn't change. • "It's like every week." Sailors Coach Jeff Brinkley said. "We need to take care of the ball. hopefully get aome first downs and keep thelr offense standing on the sideline. They've got some speed and they can hit you quick." • The Conquerors are averaging 37.7 points per . pme and have allowed just 9.4. They've acored at rt 22 points in every game and haven't allowed paore than 16. · ~!;Jke any underdog, the key for Newport Harbor ;,pu be gaining some early momentum. In an elimi- d.oo game, that momentum can build to a ere· ndo and as the game wears on, the longer the Sall· sdck around, the more fearful t,he favorites tAAAt< C. DUSTIN I DM.Y Pl.OT SM SM.ORS, Pac• 84 Newport's Spencer Link will be looking for room to run Friday night against top-seeded Los Altos. DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL PLAYER OF THE WEEK Tom Jackson After starting the season as school's junior varsity quarterback, sophomore has helped Newport Harbor reach CIF playoffs. Oatly Pilot • On Pridly, wben the s.Don line up for Newport Harbor's foe has appeared in four straight championship games, winning three . Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot . A8 Impressive as Newport Harbor High has been under Coach Jeff Brinkley -14 playoff appearances in 18 seasons. a 25· 11 postseason record, a pair of CIP Southern Section champiooships and three other appearances in the title game -It Is all old hat to Los Altos. The Conquerors, the No. l seed ln the Division VI playoffs and Newport Har- bor's first-round opponent Friday, have won 1 O section cbamploosh.ips since 1972, including three in the last four sea- sons. Since taking over the program. Los Al- tos Coach Greg Gano has compiled a 75- 12 record. He has guided the Conquer- ors to 16 straight victories entering Fri· day's contest and is attempting to take them to their fifth consecutive CIF See FOE, P•1• 84 THURSDAY'S CHALK TALK PILOTPICKS F1idev'• game Newport Harbor et l..09 Altos 7 p.m. et Loa Altos ·Lin Alto• by 7 Last week'• pic:b: 2·2 (50%) Season total: 28-9 (75%) a ftnt·round OF SoUtbem Section pa.,otr 'etrlck Laverty • 1aw tbe Iron)' T 001 ~n always knew he bad battle .pmt Loe Alta.. Jacbon will be • stto,ng ~ bUt playtns the q~ l1aviDJ r1'en from third oqpmi7.ed footblll for the first OD the depth cbal:t to the leader ln the time three yeen aao. be laid he huddle because o( lnjwiel to the two cldn\ biYe tht couraae to try out for pbyen ahead of him. QUliterbrd. It wun\ WhatJacboo eipeeteet when be He~ for wide rec:eMr~ but wu made lnto IWted bit a.oPOOmore aeuoci u the junior a linemul. lbat Wll, \md1 bk Jr. All-American vantty quarterback. COICb llW bUn Jaamcb a bal 50 yUda prior to a ·~not.• Jacbon said. "I WU Jw.t pnldjce and turned biiD into. quuterbeck. ~to leun ~Up to tbeAHeo When Che pl8,.aftl roled llOUnd, two .,..,. (MpilJ .... 1-.1n die dB... • lbM JldiOrl on the~ c:hirt wtn ~ That Week. ..cond-~ quarterbilct MldUMil and .... Fl .. dUIDCe under Clater.. Greeri Wll out with. OODCUllion. Jlcbon ~thll ~'Which took PlliOI wbei'I naMd ..... ~In~ But...., theNlwport Hllboi ~~ Wll ~ lor Che f'Wpon·MeM,....... JlidclOri I .. a lhuftd.y, HcMn1bef 20, 2003 SPORTS KENT TREPTOW I DALY Pl.OT Corona del Mar's Brittany Holland and the f~ Sea Kings travel to top.seeded Peninsula at 2 p.m. today in the semifinals. Sea Kings, Lightning all set for semifinals CdM in Division I and Sage Hill in Division V are both away in matches today. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Corona del Mar lligh's girls Lennis team has already knocked off one undefeated school ln the ClF Southern SectJon Division l playo~ and It will o.1tempt the same feat again at 2 p.m. today against host Peninsula ln one section semifinal involving a New- pon ·Mesa school Sage Hill's girls Lennls team (18-3) will play hosl Malibu al 2 p.m. today In a Divl· slon V semlllnal. The Ughtnlng, playing their fourth VU'iity aeuon, reached the quarterfinals last year. The Sea Kings (15-4). the fourth seed, come off a 13·5 triumph over prevfou Jy undefeated Mater Oet In the quarterfinals, but face a stiff test from top-~ed Penln· suJa (21 ·0). The Panthen defeated the Sea Kings. 12·6, In a nonJeague match earlier this fall. ·There ls a lot of speculation about whether they will stack the doubles or play the 6ame way the tint time.• CdM Ont-year coach Scott Feichter said. Ml wouldn't occ Continued from Bl ·Tuey reaJly worlced haril and they really came toptbcr and things have •moothed out• Wttlle Cutent11e was d~Jop· Ing his team during this past off· season he didn't know what to npect because he had players with potential, plus he did not lusve Woller on board. Woller, a UC Irvine t.ransta, caUod Cute· nae a week bcf om the fall le· m · ter started and uUd. "Can I play volleyball there?" c:Nulge very much if J was (Penlnlula Coach Mlb HoegetJ. I would lib to get l1x or eeven doubles vt&rlea. We will have to have one of our career days.• CdM bu received contributions dwing 111 current 12-match wtnptng stla.k from the doubles tandem of senior JuJJette Mutzke and Jillian Braverman. who have Jost Just one eet alnce Feichter paired the two during the nllddle of the season. Mutzke wu paired with freahman Jill Da· mlon eadler thU Call and the two ewept all three let.I against Penlnlula. "(Mutzb) ta a peat player who gets re· aulta." Feichter ea1d.. SenJor Brittany Holland, the Padfic Coast ~ afngJee champion, bu Jost just Cour letl th!a leUOn. Sage Hill. the top Red tn DMsion V. will face fourth·eeeded Malibu (16-2) aller coming off a 16-2 victory over Sin .Olmu 'r\lad8y. The Ugbtn!nc. who have won 13 matches ln a row, have al.ready made echool h.Wory by wiJlnlng the first Academy Leque title In a gjJ1.s 1pon, amassing an 11 ·0 league record. Stephanie Langer, who played No. 1 aln· glee Tuesday ap1Nt San Dlmu, la 48-13 in Ingles for Sage Hill. while teammate Sarah GeocarU Is 55..&. Geocaria and the doubles team of Jetalca Tsoong and Sa.rah Flynn were pch league flnall1t1 for the Ugbtnlng. Flynn II 49-9 ln doubles; 'hoong la 47-12. Felchter said Wednesday he would prob- abty start senior Amanda Rubenstein In the thud alngles llot for CdM alonplde Oa· mlon and Holland. "(Rubenstein) worb hard and her lnlen· slty often allows her to pull out seu: Feich- ter a.Id. Senior Jackie Manning and freshman Ml· randa Young. along with the duo of .Jami ~le and Hayley YoWlg. ln addition to sophomore singles player Rachael Miller, have come up with some clutch vlctories for the Sea Kings, who defeated Peninsula, 11·7, In a Olvtaion I quarterfinal last year. Courtney Carnahan also makes up the ftve CdM eenlora. Feichter called Damion'• two alnglea vic- tortea Tuesday with teammates and oppo· nentl watching the Mhlghllght of the play- offa. • •Hopefully the rest of the glds aaw that and feel that same aon of urgency," Feichter a.Id. "(Oamlon) didn't back down. •The four teams remaining have done a lot to aeparate thermelvet. from the pack. The main thin8 ls walltlng out with your head held high. knowing you gave your ab- aolute best. That ta why people play com- petJt.lve eporU." Woller, a Conner Newport Harbor Hlgb 1tandout, leads OCC lo kills wtth 146 and en· tered Tuesday's match tled for ftrst ln •he conference ln kills per game. She hAI abo found a home with Plratea alter nvtog PHOTO$ BY KENT TIUTOW /OM.Y Pl.OT NxNe photo, Orange Coast Colege's Christine Woler U) slams it past Tordra Sessions of Cypress (7) in Wednesday's match. At right, Orange Coast College's Brenda Baitey (3), left, and Marti Merriott (10) block the shot of Cypress' Kathy Haas (8). the Ant.eaten. . ·ua wun't me: Woller aakt wflh aimpUdty. ·1 dedded to come here. I'm havlng eo much fun. 111 could stay here for four )'C*ll I would. l loYe lt" 1n addition to Woler, the Pl· rates have mo . bad freshman Oonb Droid contribute u a key player ln their nm to the Southern California ~ Dror.d has lhoiwn atreme lm· pnmment. Cutenese l&ld, while tophomore Amber McCarthy hal been eoUd throughout the eeuon. Qatenae knew McCar· thy WU plenty capable of ND· nine bJe offenee. McCarthy collected 41 asallts, 11 dip and four aces against the Chargera (11·7, 8·6). She entered the match, chlrd in the state lri UllstJ per game. Drmd .. corded 1 O kills, and fmbman HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Sailors go l 0-0 Tars end season in dominating fashion with 38-6 win over Woodbridge. Newport Harbor Hlgh'• hlh· DWl b>ct.11 teu:n completed an undelnted eeaon with a 38-6 victory~ W>Odbrldge. The s.Bon went 10-0, won the Sea VJew fn8Ue and dominated yet another opponent by defeat· tog the Warrlora to close out the le8IOO last week. Newport built • 28--0 lead be- fore bal.t'dme, as running back Ja· een Ruiz scored twice. H1s 7-yard ICalDJ>tt got thl.n8* started for the Sailors. Qwu1aback lCevtn WUllama thteW two first·~ toucbdoWn.s. one to Janett Dan1eJ and the other to Ruiz. Wll· liams also coqnected with Btttt Houten and Ben Buttolph on two-point oon- venlon puses. Buttolpb. the SailoR' fullba~ 'scored a 3-yard TD run, and Nlclc Ftazler booted a 35·yard fleJd p ln the second halt Houten also blocked a punt that even· tually eet up Buttolph'a touch· down. and an intercepdon by Owe Bums led to Frazier's fie.Id goal. Alex Warnock rounded out the scoring for the Sailors, inter· cepdng a pass and returning It 30 yatds for the touchdown. MEN'S SOCCER Five Pirates earn All-OEC honors Orange F.rnplre Con-aists, 10 goals and seven ference coaches ldected assists coming this sea- two forwa.rda, a mid· son. fielder and two defend· Serpas scored 11 goals era from the Orange and added eight assists Coast College men's IOC· (30 points) for the sea· cer team to the all-con-son, tallying all but one ference equad. ln each category during confer· Sopbomo~ defender John ence play. Gauthier, eophomore midfielder Gauthier was one of the an- Joel Sotolongo and freshman for· chors on the Coast defense, want Joie Serpas were the three while adding two assists. ftnt-tam selections while Vellanoweth's speed. experi· sophomore defender Steve Vella· ence and technical ability gave noweth and freshman forward the Pirates an edge on defense. EU Sol.II were picked to the sec· Solis finished with seven goals ond team; · and a team-leading 11 assists for !:ie>toblgo finished his Coast Cout (13-5·1, 10-3·1 ln confer- ca.reer with 12 goals and 13 as-enc.e). YOUTH BASKETBALL F.nsign def eats Sowers in championship game The Enalgn eigbth·gnlde girls bulte1beD team would not be deoJed thla time, defeating Its rtval Sowers. 20-17, to claJm the league championship Friday. RDlip Uled strong defense and character to defeat Sowers. which they bad l<>1t to by one point in the final game of the regular eeuon when both teams camelnS-0. The wtn was espedally gradfytng llnce Ensign lost to Sowen for the championship Brenda Billey added eeveb JdUe and four blocks. Merriott bad seven lcWa and eight dip. "I think pur chances our Juat u ~ u they ever been.· Olteneee Mk!. last year. Sowers clalmed victories ln playoff finals of basketball, volleyball and soccer last year. Alaba Young, c..ldy Geynor. Jamie Heenan. 'byior ffoldm, CedUa Snllllen, Malla Hohl. Allie Noon, Catherlne Cameron, Regina Cuevo, Crystal Mala, 1e9dca Uncoln, ~ Ston:h, Kdtey Niebuhr and l..m.uen PuJwbekke all contributed to the championship. SCHEDULE TODAY Bask8tbll College women - Westminster College at Vanguard Univeraity, 7:30p.m. Golf High echool girts - Newport Harbor'• Nstalie Oraganza in CIF Southern Section individual c:Nmplonshipe at Mi•lon lak• CC In Desert Hot Springs. ...... High ld\ool girts -CIF Division I temlflnal: Corona def Mer et Penlnsule, 2 p.m. CIF Division V semifinal: Sege Hill et Malibu, 2 p.m. WE'VE BEEN SCRVICING FORDS ALMOST AS LONG ns FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport· Mesa Communi t y Ford De aler •15es••e•n• Dirr• .. - N••Dwtm•LM CompQ1M11tllj One -........ a... ... 30«, ........ , ...... . l ) ~ ~ :t i t t ( I SPORTS YOUTH SOCCER YOUTH FOOTBALL Newport shuts out CdM Three different Newport players · score goals on a rain-soaked field. The Newport Beach girls under· 11 AYSO APP team beat Corona dtl Mar on Saturday, . 3·0, in a rain-soaked Region 97 contest at Uncoln School O\e1lea Barth and lbrt SUrtt pressured the CdM goalkeeper in the first quarter with Barth scoring the first goal off a cro from Lauren Grupe. Newport continued to domioate in the second quarter when Sarah Wilby found the back of the net when the opposing goalkeeper dropped the ball. In the second half, Beth Barnard, Wilkey and Claire Sliva took several hota and Silva scored the third goal of the game otf a cross from Blabley Ficenec. Gwen Gaylord, Sadye BUlby and Mary Yeqer played great defense while K~ McLeod and Veronica Mclean were solid In lhe goa,\. Amy ICanotz, N.c.lie Swift and Klanna Whipple worked . hard at mldfteld to keep Newpon strong. The game was called at the end.of the third quarter due to heavy rain. In glr.ls under-14 actlon: • SpifBna.tors 3, Newport Crush2: Newport Crush lost their first game of the sea.son In the playoffs, but It was a , tremendous game for both teams. The Crush had a penalty kick with less than two minutes to go In the game to tie It, but the shot was blocked by the Sptftlnators' keeper, Laura Catron. Kua Poster scored two goals for the Splffinators and Marlena RamUton added another. The Splftlnator defense was led by Alexandra Mclnw.h at sweeper and Haley Willard and lCyUe Sheppard at mJdlleld. Stellar performances by Atyma Lee, K'atberlne Sanden and Unda Prffman held the Crush to two goals. ICrtltln Buller and Brittany Sowen scored one goal each for the Crush and keeper Nkbole HorUdl had double-dlglt saves. In girls under-12 play; • Blue Attitude l. Blue Crush o Csemlflnals): 'IWo of the best goalkeepera, 'labttba Goff and Undsay Andenon. in the division squared off on Sunday momlng with the rest of their teammates. The Crush's Paige More and Ava Nellon led several attacks, but the Attitude's Goff turned JACKSON Continued from B 1 Kasey Peters broke his collarbone late ln the fourth quarter, Jacbon suddenly found himself playing his ftrst varsity game. •r was ln such a bit of shock that I barely remember anything,• Jackson said. But remlnd him of his 60·yard touchdown strike to Spencer Unk with 16 tee0nds remaining ln the game and the memory become. rather clear. "Needless to say, J was pretty excited at that polnt," Jacbon said. "But I was just trying to wtn the game because I realiud we • adll had a chance. There were ~ aomethlng lib 30 seconds rernalnlng and lt we recovered the onalde kick. .. ~ • With Peters lost for the teQC>n • and NewpOrt Hatbor fallJn8 to "'0-2 In Sea View l.eque play. thml were a lot ot l& The Sallot1 now Md an untested 10phomora pJaytrie quartetbock and three .,-na remalnln8 to ii&ht the . ~ thlp and make the playoft'JI for .. the fifth atral&ht ee&l()n. • Though tho next c:ontoat, : apJnat lrvtM, WU Harb<>(• tb1rd ~ ~t io., Jacbon proved that : he wu more than capable or • guiding the offense. He • completed 12 of 26 p.-. for un yan1t and cwo touchdownt arid aieemed to pin thl contldence of hit older teammatel. ._.. "JUat comlna •n. lhe main • probWt'n ..r&\ ~ tf I WU •Paito~e~lrid : "'°"die dowrl ahl ftlld;. : ~ llld. .._""' ..... the I : ..,. to tw¥f OIM.:dlla In mt." themawa~ The An.lrudt bpt Anderson bwy with lhota from s.r.h Buc:kfnlham, EmUy RouJ. andErtb ..... Mid.6elden Morpn ~ and ICatbryn Zimmermann kept feeding the ball into center when MadCenoa Zorn. who scored a goal late to b~ak the tie. • Kade Kehoe bad another strong game for the Attitude u did defenders NUdd Vletn. CaltUn Tuna and Brtanna Tnuton. •Blue Attitude 1, Soccer Sirens O CcbamplonshJp): Buckingham took a pass from Vieira and fired a shot that hit the crou bar. The ball dropped straight down and Zorn drilled ft lnto the back of the net for the game-winning goal Mid.fielders Zimmermann, Kehoe and Page kept the pressure on the entire game as Rosales and Sammy . Parr.I had numerous shots on goal. Sweeper nuxton nulll.fted any $iren offensive attack and goatkeeper Goff was hardly tested. Defenders Moody and Tuna made sure the Sinn.a never bad a clean shot on goal. Nlc:hole Vento and Sydney Oayton played well ln the wt.nnlng effort. • Sirens 1, Breakers 0 (semifinal): Forward Abby Mlc:hae11on scored ln the first quarter off an assist from Shayanne Ulman for the game's only goal. An1 Hart>ottle, StephaoJe Petenon and Paulette Loubet kept the ball In the Sirens' zone for much of the game. The Sirens advanced to the semifinals with a l ·O victory over the Hot Shot&. Awry Amie. scored the lone goal from an assist by Callea Bbenberg. Nkole Parah used her speed to bring the ball upfield many times. The Sirens' defense. whJcb bas allowed just one goal during the playoffs, was led by Rebecca Arnold, Becky Gula and sweeper Delanle Unden. Goalkeeper Mkhelle Loubet added to the shutout. In girls under· I 0 play: • Breakers 3, Golden Flames 0: Saiker Meaghan Kay scored In the first half to give the Breakers a 1--0 lead. Her shot from the 18-yard line bounced over the-Golden Flames' goalkeeper's bead and Into the back of the net F.a.rly 1,n the second half, forward Robin Young booted a ball from the comer and twin sister Ou1ltlna Young deflected it to forward ICart Hancock, who scored the first goal ln her AYSO career. The confidence Increased with a 9-of-18 passing performance for 138 yarda and a touchdown l\galn.st Laguna Hills in a must-win game for Newport Hamor. Need.Ing a victory lo the regular season finale, the confidence culmlna.ted with an outstandlng game by Jacbon, wbo puled for 257 yank and four touchdowns. A aelf-desaibed .rudent at the begbm1ng of the yar, who was attempting to gaJn a grasp of the olrenae, Jacboo had become a main weapon for the Sailor&. A Cew minute. latet • swteperba.ck Alylon Delbrook pused to striker Ou1adda Young. who pounded the ball into the net for the final goal The Breakers lead thelr tllght with 10 points. •The Fighting Pickles 4, Green Anoles 2: Hunter JennlAp scored two (JOala while ICaW Brande and Madllon Grant each scored · one for the Pfclcles. Grant added two usuts. A1l9e Lanen. Anna Newmu and Suab 1.omaya played led the mJdfteld wblle Hannah Nance and &bdllon Koblenberpr were strong defensively .. SWeeper Delaney Bell stopped several Green Anoles' acoring opponunities. •Surfer Girls l, Rattlers 0: ICylee Pochlrowlld ICOred the only goal of the game In the teeand quarter. The ~ttiem' offense, led by Delaney McC.ardle, RJdcy Archie and Julia Cordet, threatened the whole game but were slowed considerably by sweepers NJcole Perrier and Amber Eary with strong defensive support from Caroline JohlllOn, Nicolette Polvre and Sarah Sweet.land. The Surfer Gilli mJdfteld of .Jenna Cutillo, l!.mma l:fowU'd, ICelly Turret and Taylor Dlttoe kept steady pressure on the Rattlers defense and created several scoring opportunJtJes for Pochirowskl and NUdd Rodriguez. Solid first half gbaltending by Eary set the defensive tone of the game, but the late-game goal tending hero lea of ICarll Leal clinched the Surfer Girls victory. • In boys under-to action: •'Ibxic Fumes, 2 Spitfires 1: The Tuxic Fumes advanced to the cha.mplonshJp final with the victory in driving rain. The Fumes were led by goals from Nlc:olu Sargeant and Vincent Aqueveque. Supporting Sargeant and Aqueveque on offense were Hamilton Randle, Stevie Mkhaellen, and T9ddy Barry, Tynan Yanap. Marco Martinez, Jacob Camey and Luke Rockwell led the defense. •Toxic Fumes 2, AtomJc Fireballs 0: Sargeant and Randle scored the two goals in the ahutout, whJch gave the Fumes the league championship. Outstanding goalkeeping was provided by MJchaelsen and Aqueveque, who each made many saves. Martinez, Palmer, Camey and Yanaga shut down the opponents'attackrepeatedly while the mJdfield was controlled by Barry, Connor Mullin, RoclcweU and Cullen Jeheber. Of course, he was thankful that the sanora had a couple other weapons to ease hi. transition, naroely senior t4lINck Matt EndnJaa IU'ld jwllor receiver Spencer Unk. "That was a hU8e help." e;enlor aeaaon. Jackson said. "I can't even "I'm really tryin8 not to look delaibe It. Jutt Ja\OWiDa they too {ar ahead." Jacbon Mid. "I'm were all behind me. I mean. Just Just crytng to focus on Los Altot gtve the b8JI to Spemlet and he'll th1t week." do the rest" No matter bow he performs Jackson did exactly that on hit apiNt tht No. 1 aced. It wU1 be fourili tOuchdown put ~ touch to bench I player who tw chrowioa • lhbrt route t.O. Llnk bad auch 1uccea1 In IUCh. a ahon who turned It lnto a 9S·yard dine. bUt Peten ti ll the NO. 1 touchdoWn. • quartemack. "That's all him. that's not me.• !"J'hat'• the way tt wUJ probably Jacbon illd. But ft doet count u ·•wt out in the aprtna. anyway. one Of the IOpbOmOre'a diht ICuey'a the quarterback," touchdcM'nl in jUM CMS' three = Halbor Coach Jeff 11'1* thtt 11M01¥ "Which Im aak1. •eut they'll both not shy to tab credit ror: compete. Katey Will bt given the JlcbOn ll&d with a laUgh. ftm oppOrnmity. but wet. 1bt ~ touchdoWna are always open to compeddon." ~~but JecbOn Jttbon Mid be'U pley anyway tw llio ooinpleted becter dWi ehOukt P9tert be the atarUng 4~ Of hit puMI anCl lhrOwri quatt.Crbeek next year. though I jUIC one lnteltllpClon. return to the lino dOetn't eeem For .U hil IUO(_., hl'a not lnuninent. ewn Chinldns lbcRll WllM WW *Jutt ,.laying wouJt1 bt peat.• hlppln wbln IWrl NCul'Dl ln JaddlOl'I said. ·1 can't .. .eaibo tt. .... ~IO Jll'Plle b hit Nit piaytnsll a peat ffC:li.nl." ' Matt Garza aUudes a defender in Jr. Midget Seahawks game. Seahawks soar into championship game The Newport-Mesa Jr. MJdget Seabawb continued the Jr. All-American Football playofl's with a 38-0 victory over the Mona Park Pathfinders to continue their undefeated season. Robbie Boyer returned a Pathfinder punt 25 yards to set up the Seahawks' ftrst offensive drive. Quarterback Matt Barkley found Jacob GOdart for a 40·yard touchdown. Gildan later added a 55-yard rushing 1D with blocking from Matt Gan.a, l!rlk Ruic, Boyer, Justin FJboum, C.orbln McNutt, ICevln Morgenstern, PranJde Ruao, Max Sdegler and Ste\'en Devertan. Bartley connected with halfback Carb VaJde8 for a 45-yard touchdown to open the second quarter. Gana added another touchdown run. Brett Hanrahan then blocked a Pathfinder punt and ran 35 yards for another Seahawk touchdown. Hailrahan, Elboum, McNutt, Ala VoOalre, Stiegler and Morgenstern led the defensive line. Hunter Alder, 'nlylor McSunasi Morgan Brombal, Scottie Olene, Tyler Hannon, John Hard, Ryan Lawler, Patrtck Marin-Finn, Jame9 MclCennon, 1nvla Prlcket, Ault1n RaJgu, Kevin RMk and IUcbard 1bwmend provided solid play on both offense and defense. The Seahawb face Norwalk in the AFL-NPL championship game Saturday. If they defeat Norwalk. the Seahawks would play ln the Super Bowl the following weekend. In first-round playoff actlon: • Seahawks 42, Rowland I !eights Raiders 20: Gari.a blew the game open with touchdown runs of 30, 25 and 5 yards In the first half. He then added a 50-yard touchdown catch In the third quarter on a pass from Barkley. Hanrahan blocked a punt In the first quarter and Boyer raced 70 yards to paydirt on a punt return. Glldart scored on a 45-yard run and added several ~lo tackles. McNun sacklld the quanerback several times while Olene and linebackers Eric Rask and Marin-Finn made key stops. Safety Heard came up to make some stops. Barkley went 3 for 3 with two completions to Garza and one to Valdes. Barkley was also 6 for 6 on his PATh Alder booted the OnaJ extra-point try for the Seahawb. BRIEFLY Diefenbach picks UCLA Newport H4rbor Hlgh senior JamJe Diefenbach, a 6·foot-8 middle blocker, hu signed a let- ter of Intent to continue hJ1 vol- leyball career at UCLA. Diefenbach, who earned ftnt- team All-Sea Vlew League hon- ors as a junior for the league chflllplon ~ors·, narrowed hJa choices to UC Santa Barbara. . UC San Diego and New York University before selecting UCLA. "I like that UCLA ls a com· ~edtlve program and I was Im- pressed with the coaching staff,• he said. "It seemed like the right place for me.• Diefenbach, a repeat New- port· Mesa Dream Team selec- tion, missed the fint part of l~t season after reconstructive lcnee surgery, but established himseU as one of the premier mJddle blockers In Orange County. Diefenbach will also play cen- ter for Larry HJ.rst's boys basket- ball team this winter, anxlout to return to the court after missing last season with a tom anterior cruclate ligament. -Bryce Auurton Mustang trio lauded •WATER POLO: Three play- ers from the Costa Mesa High boys water polo team and one from Estancia are featured as first-team selecdons for the Golden West League, which also Included second-team rec· ognition for the Mustangs and Eagles. Senior Brian Tipton, junior Anthony Adamowic1 and sophomore Kyle Thorsness earned first·team. all league honors for Costa Mesa, which finished second In the Golden West and reached the CIF Southern Section Division IJ playoffs with a 15-8 record. For Estancia, which fini hed 9-ll, 2-4 In league. senior Paul Collier received first-team lau· re ls. Eagles senior Anthony Her· mann, aJong with Costa Mesa senior Brian Knox and team- mate Evan Spencer, a junior. collected second-team recognl· lion. I I 114 llusday, NQyeniler 20. 2003 SPORTS °"" Pilot j I HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Brave hearts Newport Harbor High's offensive line provides the space for the offense to sail. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot duo, but Curtla Peters went down with an lnjury. On the right side, Jo Jin worked his way into the swtlng lineup only to see his season temporarily halted with an ankle lojury earlier this season. Healthy again, he has solidified the right guard posldon. 0 ne of the keys for Newport Hasbor ln lts ftnt·round playoff game agalmt Paul CamerzeU Stephen Joslin Daniel Packham Mark Temple u.ffered a high ankle spraJn during the Sea View League season and hu mlsaed the la t few games. He is expected to return to the stanlng lineup this week though. Nick Watkins Temple bas been Another constant has been the play or Ca.merzell,at tackle. The biggest member of the offensive line has done a strong job of opening holes ln the right side. The seventh and final member of this group has been 6-1, 218-pound junior EIJery Murphy. wl)o has started at right guard and provided relief at other spot throughout the season. top· seeded Los Altos will be gettJng protection from its offen'1ve · line. lf they simply repeat thelr performance against Woodbridge, everyth.lng ahould be OK. the quarterback. allowing for 257 yards through the air. Newport Harbor's front five, coosbtlngof senJor left tackle Nick Watkfm (6-foot-3, 24-4 pounds), senior left guard Mark Temple (5· 11. 220), senior center Oanlel Packham (5-11, 212), junior right guard Stephen Joslin (6·1, 256) and senior right tackle Paul Camerz.ell (6-2, 270), don't get the headlines that the quarterback. runnJng back and receiver do. but they make everyth1ng those players accomplish po 1ble. playing left guard while Curtis has been out and bu proved Invaluable all season, moving from one spot along the line to another. Also a standout at defensive tackle, Temple also started at right guard earlier th1s season. Because of the work or these seven players, Newport Harbots runnlng backs, quarterback and receivers post the stats that they do. Without the offensive line, none of that would be possible. The Sailors pUed up more than 450 yards of offense tn a 42· 13 drubblng or Woodbridge Friday a.a the offensive llne opened holes for 205 yards worth or rushing and prevented any sacks on Watkins entered the season. along with 5-10, 209-pound left guard Eric Curtis, as the lone returning starters on the offensive 11.ne. Slotted next to each other on the left Ide, Watkins and Curtis proved a more than formidable Packham has been a constant ln the middle of the five-man front and didn't miss a beat when the Sailors changed quarterbacks midstream after Kasey " .. ~ • . . . MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Newport's Matt Enemas (1) runs over a Woodbridge defender in Friday night's league finale. FOE Continued from B 1 championship game. Helplng him in the cause Is a roster that locludes 13 players who have been with him for three years, including defensive end Brfaham Harwefl and run· nlng back/strong safety DanleJ Drayton, both of whom have committed to UCLA ffl know we're on everyone's fir- ing squad, but we ha"!' a bunch of kids that have been there be· fore,• Geno said. "You can't sub- stJtute for thaL At the same time. that can create complacency· Complacency haan't been evi- dent thJs sea.son as the closest game the Conquerors have played was a 22·13 victory over the defending Divtsion DC cham- pions, La Habra. . DIRECTIONS Newport Harbor et Lot Ano. 15325 E. Lo. Roblet Drive, Hllcl.nda Height. Take the Cotta Mesa Freeway going north 1nd exit onto the S.nte Ana freew1y north. Continue on the 6 to the Orange Freeway (1)7) north to th9 Pomona Freewty (60) weet toward Lot Angeles. Exit Hacienda Boulevard and tum left onto South HIClenda; right onto Thl'M P1lmt Street; left onto South Kwf1 Avenue end right onto East Loi Robt• Avenue Los Altos' average margin ·or victory ls 28.3 polnt& In their last five games. the Conqnerors have averaged 46.6 polnts and that ln· eludes a 55-0 victory over Charter 2 00& Oak. a Division VJ playoff team, a 35·14 victory over Wilson, an- other Division Vi playoff team, and a 42-13 victory over South Hills, the No. 3 seed ln the Divi- s1on VII playoffs. The Conquerors have done It by buylng loto Gano's system. "If you take a look at our stats, we have nobody that's super-su- per. • Gano sa)d. "OUr kids don't really care about stats." Harwell, a presea.son All· American, Is approaching the school's career sack record, held by USC defensive tackle Shaun Cody. Brown and Drayton have each rushed for more than 550 yards and the Conquerors' two quarterbacb, who each play half the game, have both thrown for more than 900 yards. Newport Harbor definJtely has lta work cut out against Los Altos. But the Sailors' own traditJoq was built lo games like this. .%lief# Cf{)~ .!lltYaAu ~'W rtJec.m1~ '/I mu/-EY!ui/wdqy, 0ecQ11buc 1<9 ANN GdioROL11 (Ml)l7MZ41 Fa:(•)U1 .... Dail y Pilot MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY Pit.OT Newport Harbor's Brian Campos (8) leaps to take control of a loose ball m Friday night's game against Woodbridge. The Sailors hope the ball bounces their way Friday night against Los Altos. SAILORS THE SAILORS . . Continued from Bl become of an upset ·1 thlnk It'• more execute early," Brinkley said. •we need • to take care of the football and execute so we don't let them get any kind of momentum golng." Ht. W.. Yr.,_, M 162 lo OI •10 171 ,, T1I •1221 J• ,. M '71 .I< WI! •2 -Jr Wiii .. , 1IO Jf Tl W244 Ir. LT '°'° 20I Sr LO •11 212 .. c •1 JN Jr llG .. , 210 .. '"' Los Altos' momentum ls pri- marily produced by senior run- ning back.a Randall Brown (862 yard1, 17 touchdowns) and Dan· lel Drayton (553 yar<b). But the Conquerors are not !lfraid to throw the ball either. They have two quarterbacks, senior left· hander 1 on &trada and junior right-hander Daniel SandeUo, who have each thrown for more than 900 yards thJa seuon. Each quarterback playa one half, with the switch made at halftime. Their top target is senior Tlu Alo, who hu more than 700 yards receiving. Brown, Drayton and Alo a1sO play ln the Conquerora' second· ary and will take tunu attempt· lng to shut down the Sallors' p lng ga.rhe while 6-foot·2, 250·pound defensive end Brig· ham Harwt'IJ provides the pus rush. Harwell, who la approach· lng the .chool sack record held by USC1 Shaun Cody, and Dray· ton have both committed to UCLA. Slowtng down Harwell, who hu more than 60 aacka In his high achOol career, wtU be a key as Saile>r1 eoPhomore quarter· back Tom Jack.t<>n anempta to coMect wtth Jwuor receiver Spencer IJrut for big plna. "We c.tn maybe 1tkJc a fftht end over there, give them some extra help lf pecessary,~ Brlnldey said. "But obviously, we'd like to go with a basic scheme. Anytime you concentrate too much on one guy It allows other guys to make the play.• Gano said the Conquerors wiU be concentrating on shutting down Unk (53 receptions for 945 yardl and 13 touchdowns) and senior taJJbtck Matt End· nJas (236 carries for 1,287 ~ and nine touchdowns). But the Los Altos Coach has also been impressed with JaCbon, who took over under center after Jun· tor Kasey Peters went down for the sea.son with a broken collar· bone. •He's a good quarterback for a sophomore,• Ge.no aald. "Boy, he hu polse for onJy being a sophomore. They don't loae a whole lot with him tn there." The Sailora wtlJ be attacking a defente that lost outllde line· backer Osc4i lbantt to a knee lnjury two weeks qo. 'The ab· aence of the three-year •tarter allOMd WUSon'a Prtce WllU to rush for 25 I yard1 ln Friday'• rqular aeuon finale, Gano Hid. It wu the ftrat tJme 1 back had f DEFENSE Hl M Y& ,_, .. , 101 Ir. DI M 3112 St OT .. ,, 120 Ir. OT •1 ,. Jf DI •1 n1 JJ. LI ~211 Jr LI .. , 1IO Jr. LI •10111 Sr Cl M 112 St Cl MllO lo 68 ., llO "' .. rushed for more than 100 yards against the Conquerors this sea· son. . • 4 Newport Harbor enters the ' : game ln good health. Senior left • guard Eric Watldru ls expected : to return to the startJng lineup : after misslng time with an ankle • lnjury and junJor free safety Alex .: Orth b also expected to start al-; ter 1lttlng out recently because or a back lnjury. The only player ~ ruled out this week ls backup ·= quarterback Michael Green, ; who la still suffering symptoms ; from a coneu lon earlier th1I " sea.son. Fteahman kevtn WU·. Z llams Will be llasbot1 backup : agalnat LOI Altos. •• A near full-1trength squad ls : another plus for a team that la ~: attnnpllng to p\ill off what : would be a monumental upset : In the minds of mo t. though, • ' Ganod~. ·I "We're playing quarter-by· ~ .. quarter," Gano ta.Id. "We don't look ahead to the 1econd round, ~, They've got a great tradition. 'They're comln1 here to be.t U1. ,: They're not comm, here to jutt " play well. They're going 10 try to fl.rid our holes. We've got holea. Jutt lib eVft)'body ..... _ ...... ~ ..... -~---1.1111 .... . ......... IKUMI ....... 101 I .. 15W10fs WMmJ..-. •• J. ... WM'lll• .. ...... .. " .. waamtm TO tll heh. l>IMfl derllt, crtdllOr•, con t1nacnt Cft4itws. lttd persons who ma)' olh ttllrita be ifttw .. ttd In tit• wtH 1)1 ••lilt. Of both. ol· WAL T(R J. S UCl(IH •kt W.J. SUQ\1£l ab WAlTrR JOHN SUClllH eh WAl TCA SUOl<ICt •kt WALT SUCIUCL A PETITION JOR PRO RATE has been llled by OARRCU LA.KC In fht Superior Court of Call lornla, County of Oft. ANGE THE PETITION FOR PROBATE requuh OARRHL l AXE be tP· pu111t1d h Pt•aonal 1tpttserotahve to •d minister Ult ulllt of ttMclecedtnt. THE 1'£T1TlON 1eq111sb tilt dectdenl'l Will end codlcll1, If any. be adtnltted lo Piob•t• The W1U Ind eny todlc•lt ... nallll>lt for tumina uon In tM hit llapt by thtcOllft lHE PETITION relflJ9)b ~11tlt0rlly to 1dn11nl1lt1 IM tlleta undar 1111 lndtpt11de11t Adminis· tr•tiOn ol Ealalts Act (Thit Authont1 w .. allow lht ptflOntl rllPt'tHft t.Uve to t•kt m1ny no.lion• without obl1ln 1n1 court epprovat. Btlo+'t t.kln1 cartain very lmportent 1cllon1, ho wt VII, lht per son ti repres1nt1llve will bt tequ11td lo Rive notice to lnltrnl•d oertona unleu they ha•• weivtd notio.t or consented to the pioposed 1clio11 ) lht Independent 1d 1111nlslr1tlon 1uthorlly wlll be ar•nl•d unless 1n lnteruttd person 11111 1n olljtc:tion to the peltllon ind shows aood tauM why• th• court '>hould not 1r ant lht authority A HlARtNC on 1111 pehl•on will be held on OlCEMBER II, 2003 11 l 45 p m on Otpl l /3 located al 341 The City Orrve South Or:ena•. CA 92868 tr YOU OBJEC' lo tilt ar•nt1n1 of lh• petition, you should •P,ptar •t lilt he1r1111 •nd stale your objecltons or Ille wnlten ob,ection• with Ill• court belore IM lleallna Your •ppe1ranct m1y be In person or by your ltlO(QIY. If VOU AIU A CRLOI TOR or Unlf111ent etM!tor of ttot -.....- rou """l fi .. yow ~Ill/fl wtlh the ,_t •ltd !Mil • eiopy to ,,,_ "''°"'' l'IHIMlllltl'tl WOfnlM by tM Cfift wllhlll IVIH lllOfl ffom the dalt of l1lt fnt ~· ol ltlttn ., PIOVidad in l'roll•t• Code MCIHHI 9100 Tiie t11ne fOt ft11n1 ct.em• will not uptre MIOfa lout rttc.nllu from tht llttt nc dltlt 11otlcld •bovt VOU MAY t.XAMHC the lflt li-c>t b1 the COUI t II you ., • • person In IM11le4 In the taltte, ,.~ m.ty fllt Wrth the court 1 Rtqunt for Sc>tcl•I Ht>Uce (form OE 1~) of Ult hlin1 ot •n lnwentory and apprelul of .... ,. IU•I• or of 1ny petition or account H pt01tldtd In Probate Code 1Ktlon 1250 A Rtqunt tor Spttlal Notice form 11 evlllablt from tht courl cltrk. . ......., .... '"'"-' l,._4H.S9-1.,.. tHOt v-i{.,,..,. ..... ,s ••. llto, ......_,CA t26U·100J l'ubllalltd Ntwpur I BeKh Cotti Mase Oattr Pilot November 13, 19 20. 1003 ThW921 OTYOf COS'fAllSA OUll5( CCMl'll, CAIJOmA ll01kl IMJll$ llS HOTIC( IS HEREBY GMN thet t.Ultd pro po:ult IC# lu111r hln1 all la boo , m11t11 l•b. equll> menl, lrallJPOl'l•Uon •nd su<h otllu lacllrllff ea may be requited flf lHI <OHSftUC'1'totf Of 1111 tMf'HYIMINTS AT THI HAMllTON SlltllT COMMU .. rn OUDIN. SU HAMILTON STllU -CITY ... OJl<T NO. 01·21, wlll be received by the City ol Co~ta Meu al lh" Office of the Coty Clerk, 71 r air Drove. Cn~la M•s• C•hfOfnta, until the hour ol 10.00 ....... M--4•r, Hev ... i.., 24, 200J. el which hme they wlll be opened publlely end rt1d 1loud on Ult Council Chambers Staled proposals th.Ill beer the title ol the work and n1me of th• brddtr but no other dlslfn1u11h1n1 marh Ally bid 1ec11vtd after Ott scheduled clos1n1 lime for lh• r1eeopt of bids Mlall be rtl111ned to bidder unopfmad It shall be the solt"r•spons1bl1tty of the bidder lo '" lh•I hi• bid IS rtctlVtd in proper time A ut of Bid Oocu m•nla m•y be obleined 1t the Olflet of tht CUy (. ... , II f •If Drive, Coata Mitt, C1ktot1111, "'°" ... ,. .... ~ •• et•••.fSto.oo.a. -n•• ._... .. ISM 11111st bt lft(luded if Mnfled l>J mtll 9" Oocullllllb .,.... otlMf contrec:t Mcwnenh 11111 11.0 l>4i Hlmonad •t 11\t Offtce of Ille Cltr Cltrll •f the City of C..ta Melt. lid Oocumtnl.t will oot IMI meMd u11"" the addltloul is 00 chlfl• la lntludtd with payment hcla bid Wll lHt made on lhe 'ropoul lon11, •hffll ' l lhroulfl P 9a provided 111 the conlt tct documtnh. end 1h1lt be 1ccomplnltd by a c11t tui<fd or t111t1er-. check ur a l>ld bond tor not ten than 10~ Of lht amount of their bid, m•de peyablt lo Ille City ol Cotta Meu. No propoHI shell b• COii sldertd unless ac:com panltd by such cashi«'a check, C•sh, or blddllf 'I bond. No bid slutll bt con· 11der1d unltu rt 11 made on t bl•nti propoul IQI m fur ru$1\td by Ille City ol Costa Mtu tnd IS m•de tn •ccor dallo With 'lilt provisions of the Ptoposal rtqutt• men ls (Kh btckl« must have a Clu~ ·s· httf'IM and.I Of "C 13" kcenM. and alw IMI prequtllfltd H r41q111red by Ltw A Contractor ullna • craft Of cl1111flc1ti0n not shown on th• CeMJal Ple\'afllnc W•I' Otlermlfletlon.s m1y bt 11qulttd lo 11•1 the w•c• r •lt ol that c1 eft or cl•nlfl"lfon most closely rtlated to It 11 shOwn 1n the Gener1t Oetumlnations effec:llv• 1t tfte lime of th• call f()f blcb. The Contr1ctor shall comply with the pro•I· stons ol Section 1110 to 1780. mcluslve. ol the C•lifOfnfa Labor Cod•; the pre•111tn1 rate end scale of w1aes O$lab· ltshtd by tilt City ol Costa Meu, which 111 on Ille wolh the Crly Clerk ol Ille City nt Cost.I Mtu, and shall for lell pen•ltles pre scrtbtd thtreon for noncornoltanc:e of u•d Cod• Tilt Cely Council of th• C1tr of Costa Meu rtser•H Ille ro11ht lo rtttel •ny 1nd/01 all bt61 JUUi FOlOK O.,..ty CJty a.rt., City e( <-•• .... Published Ncwpor I BHch Costa Mesa Oa1ly Pilot Nowember 13, 20. 2003 fh918 ADVllTISUISfT FOi DM Ula PllQUAlllCATIOll ••• .... .._ 1''11 • ISlAIOfs --lllOT CASl•Am•• to 1a Ilda, ti.ntf1 ciao... ct .. l«•. con l!!"141fll c.ectittr" •nd ,.,_. who mar olh· -•M be 1nternttcl in Ult wllt or ttttl•, Of bOth, ot• HOCH JOHN attllOY A l'CTITIOH 'Oft 1'!'0 ISAl( llH been 1119.d by WllLIMI A MILLOY In lht $Upatlof Coutt Of C1llfor11la. Countr of OftAHGf THE P£llf10N ,OR PR08ATE ttqti~la WIL LIAM A. MILLOY be 1ppolnttd It perton•I repruentatlve to td mlnl1tat tM nl•I• of tht decedent THt: P£ TITIOH rt1tunu tht dectO.nt'a Wilt •nd codlctle, If •nr. bt admitted t.o J)lobata fha WIH •nd an1 codk.lh at• neollblt for ''"""" tlOn 111 tM ltit ktpt by the court THE l'ETITION requull aulllorltr to administer the Hiatt under IM Independent Admlnts· trehon ol Ettates Act (Th~ Aulllonty will 1low I.ht parson1I •t111tff11 l1tlve to lellt m•ny KtlOnl Without oOlaln Ina court •1>1>tovel Before Ukln& Utt11n •• y lniPOr lant "llOn• hOWtVtl, lht PtflOIUtl reprnent.bn will be required to 11ve notice to lnlertsttd .,.nona unle11 ther hevt waived notlea or co11Mnt1d to lh• prOjlOMd 1Ctlon) The Independent ad hli"lih allon 1uthorlly will be 111nttd unleu 1n lnler11t1d ptrion fllu 1n ol>jeclion to the petition ind shows 1ood c1uM why the coufl should nol ar1nt lh• authority. A HEARING on the petition will b• held on OCC£MBCR ll. 200J •I I 45 pm In Dept t 73 louted al 341 TM City Drtwe South Orana•. CA 92868 ff YOIJ 08.l(CT lo the 1r anlin1 ol lh• peltt1on you should 1P9Ur •I IM htartn1 ind ttllt your obje<lion• or hit w11lltn oC>jeeth>!ls with tM court before lht heatlna Your IPIHl•rence m1r be 111 person or by your attorney Ir YOU AR( A CRfOI TOR or c ont1n11nl c1td1lor ol Ult d.ceaMHI. you must Ille your cl.ttm with the court and m11I • copy to lh• per 'Uln1I reprtMntatevt appointed by tM court w1th1n lour months from the dale ol tb1 frat l11y1nc1 pf Subject lo conditions prescribed by the Unlve<11ty of Calilorni1, Irvine, rtspon1M lo the 1Jni•e111ty's Prequ1Mf1eatlon Qut1lionnelrt for a Oettan Bulld conttacl 1re souaht from Onlan Builders for th• lollowln1 project. SOUTHll" UOIAL ROAO ''.i.ct Hutllkf1ttl141 U"IVIHtTY OF CAUFOaHIA, laVlNI f' .. QUAUIKATM>N Of NOSPICTIVI DIS~" IUlt.Dl&S The University's pr1m11y ob.-Cllv• In uliliilna the desl&n build approach ts to bron1 lht btd 1v1ll1ble lnletftltd dtslan ind conalluctlon uperitnce to this Project The Un1vets1t1 has determined that OnlOI lultllera WllO tubmll proposals on lhn Project fftllst be prequ•ltfled Preo111lilled Ontan BulldtrJ win be r•1ulred to hive I.ht followlna C1lilornll conlt1elor's Ucenw OutllAl lNCNMI llffO,•a• OINIUL OIS<RWTtoN Of WOH The propoaed SouttMrn R1d11I Projtcl includes earlhwort., ro1dway, storm drat11. utility, ltehtenc. 111nalfutlon 111d l1111bc1pe lor a new ro1dway 1nd u ten110ns to u1Shn1 101dway• al the Un1ver11ty of C•hlornla, lr•lna cempu• The Dnlsn 8u1~r wlll provide lull desl1n en11neertn1 and construction serwocu required to complete the ptOjtCI a.s dellntd In performance documenh to be onutd by lht University Key tltmenta of tht pro,.cl Include. • Approtimat•fy 70,000 CV cul ind hfl to provide e balanced proiect r.tte • Approaomately 9,000 lf' ol 1oedw•1 •ncfudm1 base. pavernenl. curb and aulltt 1nd $rdewelk • 2 lane d1v1ded Southern Rad~I Road (4 to111 lhroulh lints ind turn pockets 11 1ntenecllons) with land1t11>td median connectln1 East Ptflason !Hove wrlh the lnlenac:hon of Culva1 Ortve, Shady C1nyon 1nd Bonlt1 Canyon, 1nclud1nc full build out of the ulhm1le cross section 1ncludlnc curb and autter. relsed med11n, 11dtwlllk, rfehl·ol way, and teparated bib line • 2 letM roadway utanslon ol Callf0<nl1 A.enut connecllne lh• e11sUn1 terminus of C1hfo1n1a Avenue adiecent to lht Student Recreallon1I F ac1l1ty to the mtenectlon of Cal1torn11 and C•brlellno Otrvt Portion• of California Avenue will be constructed lo 1/r width p1vem1nt with lull credtna build out Retsed medians and lull lnltr'11Clt0n build-out will be provided el Southern Radlel Road • Potent11I 2 lane ea tension ol RusMll Avenue to new Southern R1di1I • Potentl•I allernalt larmln•tlon of P1lo Verdi Road and G1brl4llno Orlvu al Cut P•llason Otrvt • Slan•llHd Inter 11cllon1 at CeUfornla ind Soulharn Radial, Callfornl1 end Ruutll, and modll1c1tl001 of ulstlna 111nallztd lnltrMCliOn of Soulhwn Redial Road and Culver Drive • Street L111ht1n1. s11ntn1 ind str,plna for •11 lmpro•emtnls. • L1ndsc:ape 1nd l111dsc:1p1 lrrl1et1on ol rnediana end rlaht·of way• •dlte•"l to new lmprov1m11nl1 • lnt•tf•ct with ul1tln1campu1101dw1y1 and interface with City of Irvin• at Cul••r Othte •Protection of 56" MWO water lint, 30· IRWD reclalmed w1terllne, and other ulllllit• within the proJecl llmils. • l>raln•a• 1yaltm for new roadw1ys and conntclion• to ott site systems lncludlna 1ppro1lm1ttly 5000 Lr ofRCP end CSP (1pproxim1tely 18" to 60" 0) • Potentlal reconstructlon/relocallon of 1n ulstin1 retention buln tpp111-lm1tely 300'1 • 150'w • lS'd Add1tlonelly. Ill• Oes•an Bu1fd1r will prOVlde hydroloO atudin and tHOCl41ted hrdr1ulle 1nalnfff'ln1 dnl1n to convey olfllt• dr1ln11e throu1h the pror.ct tilt, 1nd on site drain•t• from the ro1dway 1nnlope 1nd slopH Dulan and Conslructlo" coal es1tm1t• SS,740,000.00 f'ROCEOURES Th• pteq111llhc1tlon procesr. wtll b• conducted 1n two perts end wlll rnult In the nlectlon of prtqUtlllled Ottlan BIHldtrs whO w1H bt os1ued proposal documents for thrs Project Perl l w1M be the 1ubm1ttal of a Prequ1lllie1Uon QuHllonnaire After rtceic>t ol the Prequ1l11it1llon QutsUonn1ltt, the Unlvttslt( w1H review and dettrmtnt a point score for ucll tubmlll•I ~or1n1 ot Dtt•tn Bulldtn tor Part will be dtlem11ned by the appllutlon ol 1n esl1bh.t\td retina 1y1tam Dnl111 lu11der1 who mael Ult rtquorements tn l'atl l. will be lnltrvMiwtd kl Pert 2 ol this l'requalllic1t10n ptocau Perl 1 will be tM Interview 0ts1&11 Bullclers will be notltltd In wrthna whelhar or not tlltt have llttfl selected t0< lht l'art 2 lnl•rvltw TM Interview will •ddrt,, 11111 items dttcJlbed In tht l'requatlflc1llon QuntJonnalr• TM rnufts of tti. 1nterv1tw '"" be MC>er•ltly scored b111d Oii •n nl1bllsllad r•tlnc system Th• 0.11111 Builders who .,, stltcltd by the Unfveraity '" l'art 2 wtll be j)ftqullifltcl to tubm1l l'r0pouls lor lhls Project .._IOUAUnCATIOfl satlOUU On ~. Nw..._.. to, tOOJ, Prequtllhcation Qllftttlonnaifti will be IStutd to lntttnt.ad 0t111n 8ulkt.11 11· 0tsl1n & Conatruclion S.rvleei. Unlnnlty of Callfornfa, ltwlM, S101 C•Mlornta A"-n11t, Suit• ~. lrvlllt, CA 92697·2450, (Corner of Bison end Cahfornl• Avenut). for lnf0tm1llon call tht holllna (949) IZ4 11170<(949)1124·8034 On W.._t4ey, ,...,..._.. 26, tOOJ, • M ....... ery Dn .... hlf4w f'r...itfkett.ft <-f-• will b• conducted l>qlnnlnt ptomptly •t l 1IO A.M. Only f>allan llulldtrs W!lo partlclptlt 111 lht Conf11ence In It. entirety will be allowed to aubmlt Prequallflc1t1o11 Queit10111111ru. Person• ltfrMna aftlf l ;IJ A.M. wlll not be 1llow•d to tubmlt P1eqv1llflcatlon Quntlonn1lr11 Pertlclpants all•" lllMl •t: Oealtn a ConatructiOn Sar¥1Cts, Un1vtralty of Ctllf01nl11 ltvln•l_5201 C1llf0tnl1 Avtnu•. Suite 250, Su'lllnn ind Will.ht COnlattnc• Room, trvlne, CA 9M97 2'4:iu, (Cmntr of C111fornl1 Avtnut and 111.M>ll Avenue),'°' furtt .. r Information, cont1ct Lynn J1111tr tl (949) W 7009. Thi ...._ t• tMtlv• ~te4 ~"'""-Q-~tt wll Ila w ..... ..,., DH~ J, toOI ., 4.00 f'.M. at: Oeslcn a. Con1tructlon 1-rvlcu Atta11llon; Lynn Javier, Unlveraltr Of C1Ufornt1, lrvlt1t, &201 Ctlflornl• Avanut, Sult• 250. lrvlnt, CA 92697 2450 0.11111 Oulldtt' f"r1Q111llflc.tlon Out•llonnelr", lncludlnt 1111 required ettachm.nb, 111111 bt 111b111ltttd In ... ltd tllVllOPH mlfktd with Ille not1llon on the ouhldt, •OE!ICN OUllOCR PREQOAUflCATION QUlSTIONNAlllE lor SOtJfHfRH RADIN.. llOAO. PftOJECT NO. 9911tJ" 1nd tddrnMd lo the ofllct dul=:::v•· ltClUN OM1 AND THUi Cortll Of THI l'fllQUAUIKATtoN OVISTIOMIWU (W1TH ATIA<MUnS). Ott.1&11 Bulldtr &hall 11JUmt full r119ont+llllity for t111111Y dallvaty 11 tflt i.eellon dulpllt1f for receipt of Prt~•llflcatlon Questlonn•lr•. Oral, 1.titptlofllc, tacllillilt, Or te...,.eplllc r1equat1fluUon Quntlonn1lrn ere l11olld and wlll not IHI accepttd. Ho flttquellflcallon clocul!llH'lta wilt IHI eccepttd •1111 4.00 , .... W .... e4ory, Dae~ J. toOJ. Howevtt, the UllMts;ty r'-"' Ult rllfll to ,...,._1, racelve, and aolutt• wppltrntntal lnformetlon alter tlla •bovt tlrM end 41att. ~ccusfut Ot"'-' l11llW• wlll be notified of U.. dale, tlmt •nd loc•llon tf lhtlr '"'""'""' llCMIUTPOlt~ • OtMcft 8u1141tr• wlll lie nolftltd lllhtther or not they llave llMn Pf•qu•llf•d •ft• tflt Ulliwer.Jly evek11tn ltlt rulllh of Ull In\#~ All "AdvarllMtMnt To f'l'1Qt11Wfl4lf f'1~1· will follow pecltyina tlle uect 4atea U-and IOctllolt to11ettnlilf l1lt eo11AW.ty of l'ropouf O«.umenb 114 ("OINIMI) S.Cwlt1 ln Ill• all'MMlnt Of l~ ~ tht lllll'P Slim 8* l'rk:• "'°'""· ••e"'4lnt •lt•n•t ... '""" KCOft'ltllfl1 ffclt Preposet TIM MH"•tr lulllnt ttla lkl BoM 111111· llt, on Ille f'fO!IOM! 0t9dllnt, 111 ldmlttM t11retr lllWf• H ftllnad Ill lhl Cal!IOtft I C«ft ef CMI ,roce4uft Section 115.120. , Alt IMUflllC• poltclta reqwrH to be ~ ly h °'""' Sultchr lhatt bl tllb!Kt to '"""''' •t Uttlvtr&lty toi '°'"' ·,114 w•u111c1 All f)Ollc.ln for Comttwc1a1 '•"' 011W1t llalltllt1, h l llbill\r. lut n A11t~t. Uabllttr 111f ProftulOllll U•l>lfity lnt41ttntt .tt1ll bt luuld by comp111M11 wltll • '"' t1t1n1 of A or llttl.,, en41 • llllanc111 ,11 ... llc•llOll of Viti or hlter (or 1n ..,..,llomt rtllllt •1 Sten4atd • ,.oor Of Moo4f•). All ,ollcln r-.itrt41 hit WOf•er•' Compan .. tlofl '"' (fllflloytta' ll1btlltr ,.._1111(. "'•" bt luutd •r tu-..nltl (I) tflet lllw • lttt 1et111t Of I+ Of bltt.r, en41 a ftnlllt'ltl ctat.MflcllllOtt or VIII llf bet* (or en tq11lc;ettnt 11bn.1 •r, Sf1n4'1rd a roor °' Moo6f1) ., <•> ttt•t tr• ecupltl>lt to Ille Uni'feruty Tiie Certtflc•t. of 11t11n11tt tll• be ltttltd Oii the tl111Y1111ltf• ftrm ''OSfHICtlv• °'""" lt111fer• 1t1t1nd1111 lo N PftqQlliflltl tft lllfon!Wlll lhel lht1 .. 1M be 111blect .., 11'1d mutt Mly · cOll!Plr wltlt •M of th• "'°'°"" condilio!I• mclucHna 100~ p11.-nt 1n4I lCI0.1 ~forllletlCI~ All 1ntormet1on idftlttllf fOf pt1q11•lllfcetlon tvtl111tto11 •Ill IMt cori•lfllttd offltl•I 1nf0tm1llon KC1Vltl4 IA t6!1ftdtnct, el!d tlll lJlllv11tUy wlH -•n.talll ill c.cutfldentlellty to ttla 11lt11t permitted hrl••· f1't llfll-llty ,..¥• tM tltfll t• rei..t •nr °' •II '"""'"' to ''lllV•ltfk.etlon Qlltitlo11n11Jn '"' °' att ,....,..... fft4 t• wllv• •nr N!l Ntltltl 1t,ep1.,1t1e1 Ill any rpPCl!IM or "'°'°"' IC9Wtcl THI: lllGlNTIM THC ~UITYOf CM WOftlM lftrofCtllf9ttlit,lrw!M ......... 1001 ........ ' -lilll...... -ltlll ..... ...... IS ll'OVldtf In l'rob•l• Cede MCtlOil 1100 Ille hm• tot hhna tlall'IU w1U nol '"""' 11tl0t• tow monlha fr°"' tilt .._,1n1 d'tl• nol1<.td •bo.,. YOU MAY EXAM!fU:. tti. Ma .,ot •Y tti. court If ~011 •••• ""'°" In• '""'" In Ult •t.le, 1Q11 may hie with lht co11rt • Rtqunl tor Si*lal l'toUce (fOfm Ol IS.-) of lht hllft& ol 111 klventory and eppu111I of HUI• HUI• or of eny 11tlill011 0r K(ount •• p1o•tdtid In l'ro011t Code Mellon l~. A Rtquul tor !lr>tciel Holle• IOfm It 1v1ll1ble front lht 1 our I rltrk PttltS-M Pt• Pan wtlfl.. l. Mihy, Et .. I SM S. 2100 f . New H•••••r, UT 147$7 1"11bll1htd Newpot t Btach Cost• Mtu Otlly Piiot Novtmber 13, 19. 20, 2003 ThW920 llOTJCIOfMK .. NOTICE' IS HCR[BY GIVEN lhel • pubhc hear Int wlll bt held by the Co111 Mtu City Counuf on OecemtHtr I, 7003, •t 6 30 p m , 111 th• Co1111c:11 Ch•mbers ot Coty Hill. 17 Fair Ortvt, on lhe lottow1n1 Item ~ Y(AR EXTENSION lot r1nel Mastto Plan l'A Ol 33 rt(ll.ltsltd by John l(rappman of Common Wttlth Pa1tnffs. LLC. at Two Town Center, 3201 l'••ll C.nltf Drive On October 21. 2002. Counc:ll adopted th• pr090sed prni-tt for the constr11tt1on ul •n Ill ttor y office llu1ldin1 (400.000 SqUIHI leel), S ltnl p1rkl111 •true lute, delftOllllon ol two •••stlna structures, and r1eonflau11tlon of Sllf • face p•rkln1 In the I wo Town Center subarea or Soulh Cont Plata Town Center The f' 1nal Master Plen a ppr oval elso included 1n :amendment to lhft South Co.st Plaza Town Center P11llm1nary M•sttr Pl1n (PA 00 38) •nd • variance from slreet Hlback require menls (0 propoud. 70' requ11td) tr Hll MORrMrN TION(O ACTION IS CHAlLENCCO IN COURT lhe cll1fltn1t n11y bl! limtled to only tho~• IUUts ra1Hd II lh• pubhc Mir ma desu •bed 111 lht noltu or tn w111ten corrHpondtnct delivtttd lo th• City Councll al. or prror to. lhe public hurrna NOTICE IS ruRTHCR GIVC N that ti the above lime end pl•ce all tnter .. ted p9r\Ons m•y •ppear and be heard by the City Counclf on lhit 1bov1 it•m JUUf fOlCll(, o-.utJ City Cl..-k Pubhshtd Newport Beach Costa Meu Dally Piiot Nu .. mh"r 20. 2003 lh931 S......ef ~••••••tfUMef fldllm...-.Ulmt Ille fot1ow1n1 person his 1b1ndoned the use of the f 1c11uous Busr n•11 Name Isl Vision Auto Clan 2800 Shin t1r Or , COJI• Meu CA 92626 TM f 1Clllt0us Business name r1lerr1d to 1bove was l1ted 1n Or ana• County on 7 12 02 FILE HO 20026909768 (lloporn Yoolanawm 2800 Shant., IH Costa Mtu CA92626 Cerlyle 0 Cornwell 2007 Tehuh• Terrie•. Coron• dtl Mar CA 9262'; Thll bullntn " con 1h1rltd by • 11en@ral partnership Eltlj)otn Yootan•w1n Thl1 •l•lemwnl wn flltd with lht County Cterr.. ol Dune• Countt on 11/14/0l 200H9UOl7 Dally Piiot Nov 20, 21, Dec 4, 11, 2003 Th95~ SEU ;our unwanted Item' throuah clus11itd Rell-. ..... ........ The fotlowlftl ,.nona Mt '°1,. lnnlM'Q H 1) 1'.Ult1il Plitt-•. •>l'1 .. t11il ,.,~ ..... c:) Pulllta1l Ca111t11 M.n.c•ment. 2•~ VI• 0tJ Oto, lquM Nll'l'f, cAtn~n Cr ent f W1rnt1. 2014 Vt1 Otf Oro, l quna H~I. CA 12611 Paul F1ti ClllllOll, 2111 Santa A.11• Ava .. Co•t• Mtu,CA'2611 Thi• bu1111tu It con ducttd by • 1•n•r 11 Pl•IMU.lllj) H•ve you ~IM tad dolna bu '""' yet? No Ctanl f Warntt l'aut Fill C1bbon lhtS llllemtnt WH flltd With th• County Clerk of 011n1• County on 11/18/03 200UHJ4U Dally r11ot Nov zo. 2/, D«. 4, 11. 200J Tl\941 ~~ "-S....... ftM tollowlna 0«Wn\ II 8 do1fltl butlMU I> •> hchnlul Aauh l'Ow•r Men•1•n1tnl Cro11p, b) fechnlcal Antis C-i>ll•I ~n•1• mtnl Croup, 8451 .lennJ Ori•• Unit 16, Hunllna ton Beach, CA 921)46 Sl.,lllle Sy~l•m1. lll. 84SI Jenny Drive Unit 16. Huntlnaton BHch, CA92646 Thi• b11>tnen 11 con ducl•d by l1m1ted Llablltly Co Have you \Urt41d do•tlll buMneu y•t7 Yn. 10/ 98 Statlllll System1. llC, W1f111m J. CaHCH, Cen Mana&et flus •llltmtnl WH f1fg<t wllh tht County Clflk of Or 1n1• County cm I 0/24/0J 200ll6967US Oatly Piiot Ot I 30. Nov. 6, 13, 20. 2003 1h9ll fktllMW.U Mmes..... Tilt followtna per\nn~ nrt cloln& bus1neu 111 Mofa•n £ Auo~••t" 338J Fuchsia St Cosla Mua CA92626 Charle~ A £ Mon• H Murc•n. Sr . JJ83 Fuchsia SI Co\ll MeH CA92626 lhOmu Ctora• M<>t 1an. 3750-C Bear SI Santa Ana CA 92626 Kimberly Kuuipo Mor 1•n 3!J9 16111 Place Costa Meu CA 91621 Tht1 business " con dueled by 1 1•ner al partnenhtp Have you sl•rled do•na busmen ye17 Yn, 1986 Mona H Mor11n Tiits statement wu ftled with Ille County Clerk ol Onnae County on 10/24/03 200ll69129a4 Oa1l1 Piiot Oct 30, No• 6, 13, 20, 2003 Th896 ~..._ ... --.. Th• foHowlna p•non' art dotna buslntn n WALCORR. 1620 (Im An . Cosh Mesa, CA 92626 John Terrance Corria an. 1620 Clm Ave . Costa Ma", CA 92626 Ad1m Walburaer. 968 l•n1'"1 Ln . Costa Meu, CA 92626 Thi\ busrnass " con duCll!d by· CO OlflMf\ Hive yoo 1111ted dollll buwnus yet? Yu 10/1/ 03 John T elf 1nct C0<t111n This sl1ttment wu filed with Ill• County Clerk of Or1n1e Counly on lOIZ•/03 200>6912947 Diiiy Ptlol Oct lO Nov 6, 13, 20, 2003 Th892 RdllMa.i.u lmtS...... The lotlow1nc persons 1re d01n11 bu1lntss u e) Olamondlot com b) Petro heh Oistrlbul1n11, 17155 Von Kerm1n A•e , Suitt 112 113, lr•lnt, CA 92614 ROM Ol'llt lbuttna. Inc (CAltf ), I 71S5 Von Karm•n Ave. Suitt 112 113, Irvine, CA 92614 fbiJ buJIDll\ ll coo , ducted •Y. • corpeotion Have you 1 t.v1ad dcM/tt 11111.,... y•t1 Yn 10 06 tl ROM Di lftbuU..1 Inc .. R1eh1rd Wolnrten, l'ruldc!nt This 1t1teMt.nt wit hltf with tllt C...nt1 Ci.tr.. of O!ana• Covnt1 on ll/ll./03 200-. ........ 0111; Pilot Nov 20, 27, Dec '· II, 2003 lh93!> 1 he toltowln1 perwns Mt dolnf bUllflffl 11 SOLID CCH~Ol OCY, I !199 Super lot Avt IA'l. Co,t• Mesa, CA 92627 C a. C Lo.alstlc Devlc• Co1p., 1599 Supatlor Ave. 1"2. C~l1 Meu. CA 92627 This buslntn 11 con ducttd by· • cor por•tion Havt you •1•1 ltd dolntJ bu11neu rel? V••· 07/ 2003 C 6 C lo111~11e Oevi<t Corp , Chrl\ l illMI. CEO 11111 slaltment wu hied with lhe County Cieri. ol Or•nae County °'' I 0/24/03 2003696290 D11ty Piiot Oct 30. Now 6. I 3 20, 2003 Th89!1 Rd!llM ..... lmtS....... 111• t0How1n1 pwM>nt .,. dolna bUilMU .. Enh•n<.•d Perlorm•nct Center, 23' E 17111 SI •too. Cost• MUI CA 91611 Oen1H Ann l<14 khltt, 1433 SujH!rlOr llve •206. Newport Oeach CA 92663 This bus1nes• rs c:on dueled by •n 1nd1v1dual llave you •tarted doln1 bU1llltsS yet? Yo Jin. 2000 Dani•" Ann lotkhafl Tltl'I •l•l~me11I W8' flied w1lh Ute County Clerk of Oranac County on 11/18/0l 200JH6S42' O••ly Pilot No• 20 '17. Oec 4. It 2003 Th9J7 flctlW ..... "-S..... I ha follnw1n1 P•"ons Ir~ do1n1 bu11r1us as S1n1lelr •ck Publie1tt0ns 2074 Conhn•nlal A•• Cost• Men. CA 92627 Robert R R11muntn, 2074 Cootinenl1I Avt r.osta Mesa, CA 92621 lane Hyde. 207• Con l1ntnl1f Avt Cost• Mesa.CA92627 Thll bu\lntu " con duded by hu•b1nd and wile lfoe you •tatted do1n1 bus1nut yet1 YH 7/1/ 03 Robttt Rumuuen Th•• st1ltmtnl wn filed with the County Cltrk of Ore1111• County on 11/14/03 200J6965101 D•lfy Pilot No• 20, 27, Oecc 4, 11. 2003 Th949 ~ ..... lmtS...... I ht lollowln& penon1 ar • du1111 business n Ctpll1I Heallhc•re Slaffina. 177 Rtvertlde Ave.. Sulla 1004, New p01t Buch, CA 92663 Peler J Hayn, 325 Colltn• Ave , Newpor I Ruch CA 92662 OoualH C Hayn, 325 Collins An Ntwpor I Buch CA 92662 fhos business Is con ducted by husbend and Wlft Hne you sl111ted do1n1 buslntn ytl1 No Pll11 J H1yts This sl1temtnl wu ftltd with th• County Clerk ol 011n1• County on 10/28/03 200JHUUJ OaU1 Pilot Oct JO, Nov 6, 13,20,2003 Th903 The lollowina person• ere dotna buslne11 o L• S1err1 HtlKhh LLC. 111242 McOurmoll, St. H, lr••M. CA 92614 P•tlftc Grand Con•I Inc . M1n111na Member (C•lll), 18242 M<Dur mnlt C:t H. Ir ••nt, CA 92614 fhls bu,lneu ts con d11ded by 1 corpor1llon H•ve you aw led dn•nc bus1n1n yet7 Yes Oclobtr 2, 2003 l'u1foc Cr•nd Consl Inc Ron•ld £ Le1rand P111 This l111tmanl was filed wllh lhe County Clerk of Ofan1• County on 11/18/0J 2001HU419 Oa1fy Pilot Nov 20, 27. Oec 4, 11, 2003 Th942 Tht.rlday, ~ 20. 2003 • _ llpl ..... -.. l.1111 .... .......... ... s..... Tlttl followlitl ,._, .,. fOlnt bullnHI " lmptltilwt l'rW!tll\1 & Cr~lct, SJO$ Cellll Wey, YOfh llnda. CA 921111. t•hlf't l'nnllfl& & Cttpltic1 Inc (CA), ~ C.itet Wey, VOi•• LlllU.CAt2177 fhli butlnau i. con• ducted by 1 cotpoutlon Hevt ,ov altfte4 dolnt bu1k1eH yet7 Yn Octolltr lat Imprest.Iv• l'rlntfnc & Ct 11>h1c:1, Sa11dl F ahrny Pr .. dtnt fhtt 11t1ternent wn filed with the County Clerk of Ofana• County on 10/14.f0.3 butlnlU ~·1 No C1lltorr11a Fields, In , Ste111ft flttf, Offic.,, ,1-'"nl T1ue alattmtftt WM flle4 with the County Cltfll of Onna• County on lontJQ3 MOHt6Uta 0 ... 1 ri1ot Ott JO, Nov •. l.l, 20. 2003 '"~' The lollowlna penon1 .,, dolna bu11nu1 as. P1w~ 'N l'aw•, a Pr11 teulonal Pttet4e S.. vice. 70 P1rlt CtHI. Newport Cont, CA 92657 Brklatl Su• Jo11H, 70 1"1rll Crt_aJ1 Ntw11utl Coast. C,_ lr'n57 tOOH9 .. '21 Daily Piiot Nov. 13, 20, 21.0tc.4,2003 Tll929 f his buslne11 Is con ducted by: an 1ndiv1du1I Have you tWltd do•na bualntn yet7 Yt&, 5/13/ •. 02 Brlda•t Sue Jona1 The lollowln1 IHI'"°"' ., t doln1 bur.lne11 al Oo ltooll, 4~ Campi/I 01 #21!>1_~ewporl 8Hch CA 94!1iW Robtfl Kaller. 4500 Campua Or 1115. ;~ort Buch. CA P1ul SmM1te11, 4~ C1mpua Or •?I'>. ~ort Btach <.A Thlt butJneu os con ducted by • 1ennel p1rlnttshlp Hnt you stNttd dotnl blnlntn y•t7 No Robl!t Ktlllt Tiiis 1t1tement w,. hied with the County Clerk of Oran1e Cuunly on l 0/2.8,IOJ tOOUHll24 01111 Pelot Oct 30. Nov 6, 13, 20. 2003 lh\1()4 fldltll9......, "-*'-' Th• lollowina pe"o"' •r• doina busrn••• •• o .. nce Coa.t Co11tull 1nta. 1420 l ldon11er Ave •212. Sant• An• Calllorma !1270!i Thomu David R•11d~ll 1711 ( Lyer Road •1'>9 Sant• An• Ci1ltl11rn1a 9270S Thor. bu\1110\\ t\ tun dueled by an ond1vtdu•I Hawe you •l•rltd du1n1 bu11neu ytl? Yu lO/?l/03 lhOmas Randall Thtt statement wu hied with the County Clttk ol Onn1• County on 10/21/2003 20016912121 011ly 1'1101 Now 20 21 Ott 4 11 ?003 th~ AcM. .... "-*-' I he lollowlna person• ere doln1 business H All In The ram11y Counsehn& and Psycho lhe••PY. 408 Wutmln sler Sult• to 0. Newport 8Hth, CA 92663 Andrew No•kes. "°8 WHtm'"sler Suitt 10-0, Newport Buch, CA 92663 This buslnus 11 con ducl•d by an lndtvtduaf ~lave you 1t1rt1d do1n11 bu.inf's yet? No Andrew Noakn Thi• stetement wu hied with the County Clttli of 01en1• County on 10/24/03 t00Ht'2941 Deely Piiot Oct 30, Nov 6, 13. 20, 2003 fh893 AcM. ..... "-*'-' The lollowln1 persons •r• doin1 bu•inen as a) Wt1tbay ProtMrties b) Weslb•y Apertm1nt1, llb Rochtsttt SlrMI, Cost1 MeSI, CA 92627 Wulbey P1oporlies M1nettmtnf lLC, (CA), 136 Rochnter Street, Costa Men, CA 92627 This bu1in11H '' con ducted by limited Lleblllly Co Hewe you 1tarled doln1 buatntu yet? Yes 09/ IS/1998 Wnlbay Properties M1ne1ement. LlC, RI· th11d A S.wall, Sol• Membtt This sl•lemenl wu flltd with lll• County Clerk of Oren11 County on 10/24/03 100169'2917 Dilly Piiot Oct 30. Nov 6, 13,20,2003 Th890 .......... "-S..... file followtna perM>ns •rt doint buslneu u 4 St11on1 Etllt Enter talnmtnl. 2052 •6 Nawport Blvd , Ste 132 Coat1.,.._1,CA92627 Petrtcli Mlcll1tf P1renon. 240 N Buell· skin Wey, Ota111e. CA 92869 This bu11n1u 11 con ducted by· an lndMdual HIVt you lllfted doln& buslnt" ytt7 No Petrick Mfclletl Ptr1110n Thia 1tat1m1nt waa llltd with the County Clefk ot Oranae County on 10/2&/03 !OOIHHllt Delly Piiot Oct. JOt....Nov. 6, 13, 20, 2003 1n900 ............ ......... The followl11a p11 t0ni '"' do1TI1 bualntn H '. Pleulde Olllery L.L.C., 300 l'CH Suitt 107A, Huntinato11 l..eh. CA 92MI l'l«aldt Oelltry L.L C (CA), 300 l'CH Suitt ~~nllnatOfl 8'1<11. Tlllt buslntu It COii• ducted •1 llmll•d li.t..Uty Co ... ..,. you •lMttd dolft1 tw...,. .. r~tl Y• IO l OJ l'ler.W. Callery L.L c .. Jo.a Rullln, MIMltlf Thi• atat.ment was flltd wUh the County Cllfll of Or~p County 011 ll/1 '1'03 toOUtH41t Dally Not !tow. 20, J!1 09'.4, 11, 200! Tll:MU ........ .......... TM folloWllll ptnOn• •1• Hin• W.llltlh ••: Cokt SI-Cft1llltl'J, 124&, 18711 Alitoo Crffii ~*mU~· AAto v111o. callft111tl1 Fltlclt, Ille ~~1Tf!f.cco. lrvlfte, Ttlla ~ i. '°"' •ta4 •r • ow,..-1t10t1 "*UW!!M"*"' .. Thi~ &tetement wh filed With Ille Co..nty Cl«t. of Ora111• County on 11}14/03 :lOOSH650tl Oelly Piiot No•. 20, 27, Dec 4. I 1, 2003 Th9'7 n.-...... ......... 1 h• folloWlnl peuons are doons l>uslntu as Robotic Pll'konc w .. 1 Cont, 901 0o¥t St1Mt Sult• 210, Newpo1t Buch, CA 92660 Woodparll O"'elop menl Comp:eny, Inc (CA), 901 Oovt SltHt, Suite 270, Newport Beach, CA 92660 This bullnus Is 1:on ducted by a corporation Have you st1rt1d doln& bus111eu rel? Yea, 09/ 01/2003 WoucJparll Develop menl Co Inc., Gerrttl Scott Gayner. Pru This statement wu ftl1d with the County Clerk of Or anae County on 10/03/03 20036960617 Oa1fy Piiot Oct JO. No• 6, 13 20 2003 Th909 fldliM .... lmtS...... The lulluwlna ptrMJns are doon1 busmen •• Crultve Pl1y 09'•Cn• 170 E 17th St Cost• Mt.a Cll 92627 Reutt 8 Jlekwn. 110 E 17th St Costa ~u CA92627 Lonnie 0 Vu'~ I JO [ 17th St Co•I• Mtu CA 92627 Corh1 J Blankenbtll•r 170 E 17111 SI co.ta Mesa, CA 92627 This business '' con dueled by 1n ind1v1dual Ha•e you started doon1 buslneu yet? Yes No•ember I, 2003 Curtis J 8lanllenb1ller Thi' lfalernent wu llled with the Counly Clerk ol Oran&• Cu1111ty on 11/18/03 200J696S42S 01lly Pilot Nov 20, '11. Dec 4, 11 , 200J lh936 ,... ..... ----the foltowtn1 perM>n. ere dolnc business n Procedure E.n1lnttr's lnr . 23141 Vtfd.uao Or # lOS. Laauna Hiiis, CA 92653 PECROUP INC . (CA>. 23141 Ptrduao 01 •IO!i l11un1 Hllh l.A 92653 This business es con ducted by 1 lorporatton Hne you started doinl busrneu yet? Yes. 1988 PECROUP, INC Bruce Bakhsll•tt PreSH!tnl Thia sl1tement wn llled wrlh the County Cltrl< of Or1n1• County on 11/14/03 200ll69UOIA 011ly Piiot Nov 20, 27. Dec. 4. I I. 2003 1119!12 Fldltlla ...... ... s ...... The lollow1n1 per aons ere doln1 butinen n The Advocecy Croup, 17801 Cartwrlaht Road, lrvtnt, CA 92614 The Or1n1e County Advocacy Croup, Inc (CA), 11801 Certwr~ht Road, lrwlne, CA 9261 T h11 business Is con ducted by 1 corporation Have you slatted d-Oln1 busrneu yet? Yes 11/03/2003 The Oranp County Ad•otl&y Group, Inc . Dtbre l T1eb11ton1 Pru This 1l•tement wu hied wtlh the County Cieri< of Oun1• County on 11/10/03 20016964.Stl Oe•ly Piiot Now 13. ?O, 27. Ott •. 2003 Th9?6 Actt.. ..... ... s....... Tiie followtna l>""o'•' are dolna bu11nest H ' Eltdrlcllcorpioft com, 2217 Harbc>~ Bouleverd. 522, Costa Mae. CA 92626 Ed.die S. MclMSt, "/211 Harbor Bouleverd, 522, Co•t-Mt"'. CA 112626 Ousllo Nillollc. 2277 tlarbor Ooultrvard, 522 . Cott. Mt11, CA 11262' Thi.~, i. con ducltd by. co pert1*• Hive YOll atarild dolna buslMU tet1 Ho Elkto. SllOoa Mel .... This at•t•ment wet t'*td with tilt County Clerk ot Orlftl# Co4i11ty on IJ/lOIOJ toOMtM7n Diiiy Piiot Nov. 13, 20, v. o.c •. 200) Tll'2I Re-. .... ......... Tiie folloWMt WMl'lt .,. ~I~,.... as: Shanti LMna. 1071 Sant• Rou Ave •• C0tt1 Mt1t,CA~ C•t Clfllede U Mktll KeH, 1071 Santa ROii Ave., Coat• Mtu, CA tlt2t • Thia •uslneu Ill co.n ducted •r •" lndMclvtl Htvt you •'-lid doln1 lluslnau yell Yu, 11 04.ol ["I ltltltH £1 alletll Kell Thi• tltt1ment WH flted Willi tllt COV11ty Cliltll •f °'*"" County on U/14/03 .......... 0 .. y "'°' "°"· 20. ~!.i. O.C.4, u. 2003 Til111W '· .......... ......... The fotlowl111 l>tf a.ore• ttt ftlnc bll11MH n · Sklnetln. 1310 W. Stewart _f:!!::1~/, Ot• 111ae,CA~ IC•I• Anti ~llftlly, 3'4 Ror1n ltnt, Co't. M4IM. CA 112621 l hit buslnbs It tu11 dueled by en lrld1v~I Have you \11rttd dotnc bVltr""Jett 'fnllM Kati McC•tthy 11111 st•ltmenl w•• lll•d with IM County Cieri. uf 011n1• County 011 10/31/0j 2oou .. u22 Delly Piiot Nu• fi, 13, 20,27,2003 Th91S .. RctlllM ..... •s...... !he lollow1na per,un• •re dOiOI busln•u •• tlud Hf&h Cra111ons, 7014 Pl"e11t1a Avt Co\h Mn• C~ 926?7 Mell Ad•huhn 2014 Pl.11ont1• A•• Co~I• Meu CA92677 This bu\111en 1~ t on dulled by •n 1nd1v1du•I llfVt YIW \l•rttd dutnl bu.,neu yet' No Mall Adel\ohu Thos ''•'•"'''"' was hied w1lh lht Cuunty Cltrll ol Of1nae Cuunly on 11/111,/0l 200S696S421 O••ty 1'1lnt Nov ;>() 'JI. OK 4. II 2003 Th938 fldlti. ...... llmtS...... lht lonowlnc ptr\Qn\ tre dol111 buMn•n o Renita Rkcl Dcsf1tn• 10 lyun, N.,wjlOrt Cuot CA 92657 1102 Penny Lavole. lO Lyon, Newport Coast, CA 976S/ 1102 I his bu•I""" " c on du1.ted by en 111d1V1due1 · Have you st11 led 00111£ bu~lneu yel' Y•• M.,thol X>Ol Penny I •vo1e 1111" $(119!Tlf!nl WO !tied with th• Cou1lly Cl•rk ul 011n&1 Cuu11lv on 10/24/0J 200J69629Jt Dally f>tlol Od JO Nu• 6 13 10, ?003 1h891 RdtttM-....U .... s...... The tullow1n1 penons dte do1n1 bullntu u Ou,khorn Ou11n. 12 Ju111le1 Hiiis Orfwe, Ntwporl Blh, CA 92660 Marth• H1u1n Ellioll 1? Jupiltr Hills Or Newport Bch. CA 92660 ThlS but1n1as 11 con ducted by an 1nd1v1du1I 11 .. 1 you 1l1rltd d<lm11 buitnns yet1 No Mer Iha H 1111011 lhtl statement wn hied with lhe County Cttrk of Or Anfl• County un 11/07103 200,6964.4M O••fy Pilot Nov I J. 20. 27, Otl 4. 2003 111923 Rd!llM ...... llmtS........ Th• foll9w1n1 ~rM>n• art doln1 buslneu as •) Whowtllnownet-~ corn. b) WWKN com 11121 HM bur Blvd "6Cl6 t.411 MtM CA92617 Oan B1<rett I~ Tuhp ln Unit C Cost• Mew CA 92627 I his bu~ntss " tnn ducted by an 1ndrv1dual 14ave you sllf led c1o1n1 bustneu yell No Oan B;arretl I h11 statemenl WH leltd with tilt County Clerk of Onn11 County on ll/14/03 200J696SOH Dally P1lol Nov 20, 27, Dec 4, 11, 2003 Th951 FldllM ..... ......... the lollowlna peraont ••• dotn1 bualnen as Annlhtr View. 408 Wutmtn,tar. Su1t1 10·0, Ntwporl Bt1ch, CA 9?663 Marilyn K•pl•n. 608 Wutm'"•ltr. Suite 10 0, Nawpor I 8t1cll, CA 9?663 I hos bu••ntn " con dueled by en md1wtdual Hut you sl11led dome buslnass yet7 No Marllyn K1pl1n Thill> statement wn hied with the County Clerk of Oran1• Ce>vnly on 1012•/0J 200J696t94t 01111 Pilol Oct 30, No• 6, 13. 20. 2003 Thll94 Adlll. ..... ......... Thw lollowlnc l)tl1on• art doona builnasa u St 0£POT, 1733 Motl rovl1 •N. Costa M11.-, Ca 9262/ "b• lH Blalk, 4 Escaped• Ct., Newport e .. ch, CA 9?663 Thlt bu•kltn Is con dueled by an lndMdual Jiave you atetttd dolna bu•lneu r•tl Ves ll 3 200.J AbeLHBl11k Tltlt al•lemenl wea flltd wllh the County Clerk of OJll\lt County on 11/0l/03 200MtU"I 011ty Ptlot !tow. 6, IS. 20, 27. 2003 Thtl• ' I J • Tl!nc!!t· ~ 20: 2003 ..._..... Clmk of Of•..-C-ty on I 0!2AIOJ ........... 200St9tl,t7 TIM follow111• peoon• O.tlJ l'llot Ott IO. Nov .,, ""'9 bvllnut at I. I , 20, lOOl Thl09 Tiit Ol!au l'rOjACI. lllO -----...... ---Of!Olil Or., COila Mou, CAl2'2t ,,... lmdlveti, II'.;. (CA>. I TIO OrlOll Or , C-11 Mnt, CA tl'all llld llullftnt Ir. '4111• Mlecl ,,, • COfPOfAllOll ...... '°" llerled cloilll bu"MM ytl? 'f*I, 10/ 1'/03 hoolt Involved. Inc .• IMI '11111llle1111, l'ruidetlt Thia IUlA-1 Wll fii.d w1U. ttlit Coufttr Cw• of Ou • Co1111t1 ... ll/l4JOJ 200st .. Sotf O•lly 1'1lot Nov 2:0, ]!J OIK.•. ll.aioJ Th~ fktl.. ..... -~ The follow1111 lltftont ,,. dol11t !M.llftlls ". Hlinl.aftflOft 8n01 w .. i.u _. tt.rniltOfl Ave 1101. tfvttl111at011 Bt~.CAtleU o.tr.n Cito Trinh, 100 H. J111tln Pl. Anaheim, CA 9ZIOI Thi• b111ln1n It con ductt4 by •n lndMd1111 tt.ve )'Oii started dolnl IN.sinus y•t1 YH ll/l/OJ Oenen Ciao TrlM Tillt llll-t WH ltl!d Wit!! lilt CmlX ............ ......... The f~Po • ,.,_ ...... ltut!MtA •• ~([Cf.. 321 HellOYff Dr , Coeta Moa, CA 9212' VCECC INC. (CA), 328 tllnonr Dr.. Coal• Meea,cAm21 Tiils •11"""6 It COii • ducttd lty• • corponllc>n twve you •l•ted 4lolnc bv\ll'ltl1r•U Ynt l·OJ VUCE INC • Ade111 CCIOlo1. CfO, Oewid Cope, cro Tti11 •let•mtnl WH fllM with Ille Co11nty Cltfk of Ot1na1 County Oii l lflS/03 200)6 .. 1420 O••ly l'llctt No" 20, 27 Dec. '· 11, tool ThtM Poli cy ;;;;:;;.., ~·" ... t111ty f. >tw1tt, l)C ll11t 1t11t11Mnt wH toled With !tit Cou11ly Cl«k ot Or1111 .. cou11ty OA ll/ll/OJ 1MM9H 411 Oa.ty l'llOt lfow 20 !7. o.c ' 11, 200) ThtJ.'! fkllM ..... ......... rtte folloWI ptflOnl .,. tkilna 11utl11H1 n • Tiit Newporl C11alo111 CIOtlt19' 1 1811 Sandel• wood. <0otl8 MIM, CA 12621 ~h111Ct11Nt, 1616 ~twoff. CO.t• Meae.CAm21 TI111 IMlsineu II ~Oii • MIN lty. t11 111cl1widual Htvt yow 1t.ftM ~ MIMQ yell 'l'ea; Jan ), lt95 Dou~ tv111 Cnmer This 1t1t1m111t wH toled w1t!I the Covnly Ct.1k of Or1np Co11nty Oji lOl2&/0J to0M9UIH 0•"1 l'llot Od JO, Nov 6, 13. 20 2003 TMOl lll111U1• St, C11t• Mna,CAtM:ll lll• buMn•U It '°" diict!M by 111 lt!dtv•t 14•111 YCHI lllrtM *'ins ltflinu• ,.u No lylef Hoff Thia 1tat-.nt waa fiH w1tl1 the Cowtty CS.II of OiMp COW't1 • U/11/0l ,..,. .. ,.., Dtilr l'iltt No~ N. V. Dec.'· 11, 200J lhtlt ........ ... s...... The totto.1111 tMtaona .,. doliftt "'10t• ... tub1ll1 lloae. IHO ll•on, Sult• H07, :;.egtrt huh, CA All• Petet 1, 1210 liun, Sult• 19C97. Newport B••ch, CA 92660 lhtl bU,llltU It COfl· ducltd bt tn lndlvktual Htv• '°" •l•led doint bu1111tsay1tfNo Alli,,,.,. Tlll• atett-nt wu filed with llM County Clelll of °''"'' County on 11/14/03 IOOJ .. H 100 O•lly l'llot Nov. 20, 27. I* 4, 11. 2:003 Th948 a.rt. ol Ora1119 C:O.l'IY °" 11/14/0l ......... Olil1 roilot How. N, 27. '*·' 1l,20Ul T t&0 .......... ... ..... The ...... "4.IOfll ., . .-.~ ., OIK0t 111, II Vi11t .... l 1111111 ,...., CA Wf1 l Mtry A. Pt)ot II Vlntqe, l0&11n• Hl1111t, CA92'77 Tlllt ~ Iii Cll'I• ducttd by: 111 illdiwo~ Hne YOCI ttMIM 4olnc IMintu yetr Ho "'"'' l'•IOt 'f1Mt tltl._t WH hlecl w1tll 1111 C.1111ty Cletk of Qf 1n1a Co1111ty Oii U/18/0J 200J .. UtM Otlly l'llot "ov 20 2.!.t. Oto 4, 11. 2003 lh9s' Aclla.i ..... ......... The foflOW!l'I P•MM lfl dolf'll . bUMlllU 11' Hain• Dttlfn • lftt•· rton, 910 E. Chtprn•n. Ora111•. CA 92166 Bonnie ._ Hlqlnt, 910 E. Chtpm1n, Of 11111, CA 928116 Thia butiness I• con• d!Kttcl by: •n lndlvlClu1I Ht'it )'OU lllf'*I do•lll ltus.neu yet? Yu.~ 1·• lo 111tM,Ha!m How to Place A lllll lt ....... 111 ., .. filtd witll tlle Covnty Clwk of Ol•nae Count; on 10/2410J ...... ,... DailJ Pilot Oct 30. How 6. 1 20. 200J llltOI ......... ......... Tiit folio~ ,.. .... ere doilla bv\IMH At• Advanced En11nHrtn1 S~t1l'llt, '1'2 St1tr1 Tt.. Ln.. Irvine, CA 12112 Nie~ ltour•n•. .s42 S-ra TrH Ln, ln1l11e, CAt2'll Thit bll-la COii• dlklld by •n lnclrvldual Me" you allflM doiftt lt1&11n.uy1tf Ho Nltlll<ou11w11 Thta alll•m•nt "" Oltd WllJ1. 1111 Covnty c;11d1 of Ot1n11 CC>Unty on 1 l/07IOJ • :l00Mff440t O•ily l'llol Nov IS. 20. ZJ. '*· 4, 2003 111924 Rem. ..... "-S...... 1'11• followln1 per.ons tr• dolna bu1ln111 11; Fotlune rltne11, "802 N ept un 1,1. __ ~_1w port 8tKll,CA~ Jene f'Oflune, 4802 Neptune. Newport Beach, CA 12M3 T!111 h>•OSJl ii son· ..... , 111111 ........ Hive ;ou lbrW "°"" IMIMM11 yet? Yet Mii 200J Jnwfti1&11111 Thlt 1bl:Mllfll w11 tHd witll t11e C(IUIJ~ Ctett ot Or•ftlt C:O-ty Oii l OIZIJQ3 IOIMMU17 Deilr l'itot Od. 30. "'°" 6, 13. 20, 200l Tha ~ ..... .......... Th• to11ow1nc Plf'°"' ,,. cloina b11t1neu .. • I.NO Co111rnu11lcatl011• • 411 ,. ..... Newport 8uch, CA 92t6J Lou• N Dt.-M, Jr .. 411 Flepiu,. Htllfj)Oft hlH;h, CA 926tJ flllf llUllll ... 1t COii• •uctu by en lndMdull Hive you 1t1tttd dolnl b11•1nttt yttl Yea9/l/OJ • Louil N. 0.llT!Oftd, Jr, Thi• attttment wH fllecl with 1111 County Cltt1l ol 0t111 , cou11ty on 10121JOJ tooJ .. U H t Dilly 1'1lot Oct 30. Nov 6, 13, N. 200J Th905 MldlMI 0 s.... JOI H•llliltoll SttMt, Co.a. 1illeM CAm27 Thia tlullntu ts ~ due Itel by Ml 111clividlltl ..... you ....... d9lltC bu~1retr No MicllMIC S... This 1tat11111u1t ••• IM wotll tlll County Clttll ot Oren,. County .. ll/07/0J ...,. .. ~ Delly. 1'1lot Hov, 13, 20, 17, Dee.'· 2:003 Th'2S ......... ........ The loUow1111 per.Ont afl doll'I ltUM~ U . un .. , ..... '°'' 1'1111111•1 3..oo 1038 Vit ()Htto, =rrt ench, CA Lo11don Could, 3"400 1038 vi. Qoorto, New 90<t 8e1ct1. CA 92913 This butln•aa la con · ducted by· •n mclMdull Have JOll •taftld dol"C buslnn1 ytt1 Y"· 11/ OJ LOflclon Collld Thi• 1tettrnent w11 filed 1111th tM County Clerk ol Oranp County on 11/14/03 tooHt6'0f4 Deily Pilot Nov. 20. 'l7, ~ '· 11, 200J Th944 Plaq)ourad today! (949) 64~678 ...... ..... .......... Tiie folowlfll ,., ... ., ..... ~" Sacw• V~• ,..,. cetHH11, UOO NewPCiil ""' . si.. :JOI .... ._,. ~.CA._, • RIMrt Ftkt, mt S lhr11toltl Or., Salll) A11a,CAt1/04 Tllit butitllll la c_.. diM:l•cl by: en !l'lfl"""" H.ave )'Oii llerttd ~ buslne11111tt No Robtft r ale• 4 This tl•IMMllt wa fllecl with the C041tt\t Cltfll of Of1n1• Co1111tr on lor4/03 200M96JJ ll ~ Dally Piiot Oct )(). "°'· 6, 13. N . 2003 Th19 TtlUSAJ.t Yotl 'GWGESALEI In CWSIFIED (949)642-5671 __ Deadlines-- Rates and deadlines arc 1ubjcct to change without ooc:ice. The publisher reserves lhe naht to censor, reclassify, revise or reject any classined advertisement. Please report any error that may be m your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advemsement for which 1t may be responsible except for lhe co c of the apace actually occupied by the error. Credjt can only be allowed for che first insertion. CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-.6S94 tl'lemc tneluds your-aad pfllJM llWllbtt ~ ~ ·11 ull ¥°" h•d: with. pnae qUOle.) ' Telephone 8:30am-S:OOpm Mooday·Friday By Phone (949) 642-5678 Hours Index By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay Street Costa Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay SL Walk-In 8:30am-S:00pm Monday-Friday Wednesday .............. Tuesday S:OOpm . Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3 :OOpm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm AHNOUNQMENTS .~ .... " -~ i • . 1 I I . ~ . .r-;w - . • • I .. & MISC. 101~1110 . ~ 4 • ----7402·7466 GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINAN CW EHTERTAINMOO Cllendlrof Ewntl 1310 EOUM llOUSM °"°"""" All fHI estate ed'<trlll 1n1 In llm nt••P~ IS subjtct lo the ftdt11I ratt Ho11,1n1 Act of 1961 o •1111nd1d whic h meku II 1lle1 .. 1 10 •dwertlM any prelt1 ence ll11111111on or d1Krom1n1l10n baaed on tee• coi..t rtll&IOfl, ua, handicep. famillet atalvs tw ••I-al 01111n, or an 1ntenl10n to mall• 111y well prel11enc1, llm1t1 llOfl or d1•cr11111111tlon • Thla newt.,•11'1 wlll not k11uwln1tr 1ccepl 1ny adv11tl11m1nt IOI' rul nt•I• which la 111 vt01At10n of the law Our rudtta en htrelty infOfrned thel en dwell lllp td,,.rhHd ~n 11111 MWIC>lpef Aft tllllltbM Oii Ill IQull UPCl(>rhlfl1ly bUI'.\ To cornpl1ln of di• crimrnellon, uN HllO loll fr" et l 100 424 11590. OW.Style~ l'IAHOS·~ ...................... ........ .., .. ~ .. CMMMID .. ____ ....,. WlltUVdTAlU ·---~-­,..,.. co r J s 1 r, 'Jr., f,' Ts your stuff c1:!::te'd1 • I ' ~ . . ... -....~ --J. : '• ...... _ ... ~ . .. -,~ SOOS-5150 ' I : ... · _, 2305-2490 . 'I ' I . -aw.-- EltltlSala 1411 Genenl ,.-.-wpen--1-•ec-h-,r-t,-S.-t Announcemlnta 1110 t -2 l00'1 of AntlQun and colltctoblfl Chin•· Nippon 801tla, Auelrll. Germ1ny, l11110111. Dresden. O«ui>Md JI· pin Clau art &1111, C1mbrld11, Ouncen Miller, DtC>ftnlon, li111 flnH, dtHHf bOKH. mlnlturu, art pottery C101sonn1, 1old end sliver jtwetry, eterllna. stlvto plate, peptr •*'· Vlclorl111 chllf, wood ll•rr•la. Allo prlnh lamp1 patio furnolure 1424 ltncoln. PCH/Dovtr /Wnl,llff/ H landni&trw.t1/\.11'1Coln Follow Ult lltMI M•y the .. cretl hawt ol Jesus be ador~d. &1orlf11d. loved & pre· S«Ytd thoulfll lht WOfkl now & fOftver S.cred ltta<t of Jesus, prey fOf us, SI Jude WOfklf ol mwecles pr1y fOf ua 9 Umu datly !Of 9 d1y1 Sl.IOUS _ .. _.~ WllOHT MatteM fM'PtY l1m1 .. lOSlt w.-=-nu 9 ••Iii• '•II 111011 1100 COllftW I) ·-111•1Cllcl (t49)671·1S7f CunnlMcl l.S231 .., ANANCWJ PROFUSIONAL SERVICES MISCB.lANEOUS MERCHANDISE -1419 flnlncill J -STHl IUIU>INOS ........, Pllnlll"" •UH Up to 70" ottl 30a50. • ,..,...,, -.-c-.,---0-.-,-.-.,-.-___ ... ...._ ___ &1'Ull_ 40160. IOa 100 Can lbMllmtlt 444 8ttonl• & 2nd Ave Att you 111 lln111c1tl o.Ntrl Roy llX)..499.27IO 1 l2 Saturday Only crisis? Hffcl Mo1>ty rllht ~ ..._., K-M-1 "'fay1 Monty IYlil•hlt ........ tli\ Pe ~ ID -- 1505 i..tt D .. lt/18 mall white poodle ml•. •mbt• •Y~. Poao v1e1nlty of OCC rew•d 94$-548-8234 949·2'6·6585 IOf Debi Coll1ol d•llOll, ~-~ ~,.... pn rrrl 8u•l11u1u 01 Ho111e JMIU'UIUW bl/111a1• Lets telk, rciu111 Mom sSK. Oood llllnrmund c.twn•7ZJ605m.a Of 8•d Cred1ll HO I CUI ~ -8ai*ruptcy acceptedl To Rat &Im apply cell Toll Fret ADVERTISE STAT£WIDEI lll'vlcll MCA I an 572 9397 2 Col11mn a 2 5· Olspl•y ii•iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii"'°'-w 1d I 18 Communit y HOME RIRHISHllGS newso.,.,. Reach over 36 tnilllo11 Cahf0fnl1n1 FRU lnf0fm1Uon p.U· e11. IH·I00·2672 www.c •l·•c•11.com (CAl •SCAN) Estate lmfMtonl Srn•l1 Mo111y Mac•. 11111 ltanlltcl Au11111. Tues 11the11 plett in llM U S lo "'"ut 1!11UllllAl1 Find out why vl•ll· 1<11111 Renn'!i 511 411 s&n IOOS·IS10 Opatt "-te -1-4 405 81y Hiii. PflCtd lo Hll 111639,000 2 llf .. bdrint, 2.5 belht T1ttyH11•e Armatrona l'ropert'" Mt 7ll "'°° • 11' l 1 rH.kr the Sl'n ice Directory Barmer Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 RESORT/ VM-ATION PROPERTY FOR SALE 2~ 11Mt ept, upp«, I Ctf P'•I•· drive b; 011ly 517.1/2 Mer1uerll1 $lS95 + u419&51S-3m Oct•• vlawt Sunny autyd -, S.-I my CA,.•nn Vll UGI Studio with 111 $900 18r with I" Sl 100/mo. No smok•/pet 9 49 673 0346 Hewpen l•lofttl .. y. frant Just compl1t11J remodeled! 2br 11hbf. Hup So. llG!nl pell9, $2SOO/mo w/dodl. 1v,. lortdd ,_smoi..s. Oawe/Ac1 71"812-!'1668 ' oe.RaotWICltlon 2br • cllln 2lla. "' llUadl 2 c ., Conwn pool rwio. Siii "" ~ l<len ""'1t. 877-704·1649 J9204 CA""HY VlllAOI Studio w/pr $900 IBr w/1ar SI 100/mo No lmOkll/pet 949-673-0346 Cm 3br 2ba 1ln1 ta.V reslde11ce, petlo, stepa to bay I c I"· •at $2500949-293·4631 • Pro,erty 5970 wwwkltlnpro com llAllSTATI UtlVH TMI NT ...... ~plus] c.lNlls on 3 IC, pool, ~ Views, cloM lo vill.ttl Etllb inc-Mort uruta oil Rtm111 --~I &..•r lw 2.s1Hi front 11111 . 1er•1• + .c_erport, arut loc.etlon, SJJOQ/mo '49-176-6086 Sllwt ,_ reMel 3br 3b1 house, 2 Ctr Jlf. wd hllups. SJ500/lllO "' A,tt. t .,_ ow. ulll's & 11t1lhl1 TV paid, W/D, neer Hoea Hosp, $1300/mo 949·631 4984 Jbr 2ba upper lava) w .. 1ctJff1 Lr1 2bd, 2b• baytronl unit. peri~ condo. Upstaln. Cll'potl, 1tyle, ,,, YU, I c .... 1256 Rutlan013SO/lllO •at '2800 949·293·46311 MtSCB.lMEOUS RENTALS 949-222-1uo •714·132· 1766• StvtlM A,f., fu111'd, nr RentllTOShlrt I030 Tri Sq, coiy, oultt, hd ,.,.a..111a lbr lb• p1tlo dldl. *"" .., _.,, llreplace, s~11td w/d l Sltla (Hte MtH rVpet sn5mo 9411Mi42·2818 hkup1, I CAI' llrlll Ast sllatt townhouM. rmlt $1500/MO 949-293·4630 suit• w/b• Comm r,;v M•pl• Apt1t lovely ...... 91.led c.,;8* 750/ Cafed Comrr1. nnr 0c-tr ... t .. _1y lbr ......... tr•-n..t.. S"u1r1. -r lb• ' .. mo 9-M2·56 w/~e:a 1;.., II~. lltr lbA, wood/llH• 1pt, Nt/Oc-VS.w ._ lb• w/petlo, Ctrporl, =·~ MlwportCoat 0cHnlront/22nd. Prl alor111 a "'*• hlfl v•I• rm. unlurn, 1h1re paid Klein ,...,,... be, ultls peid, n/1mk, 877·J04.e549 Ext 93J> kllchentlt1, lndry, lblk to H1wport pl4ir1 S730m. Cell Stm 949-i:78·7905 (bttw1t111Mm·5'>m) ... ~, ....... ._ In ''8r HOllM Shlll'I bltll, no/pttt/fJIUCL w to '-di. nice -$S7Sm + $400 dtll & V• uliL Cal 949 500 9908. E Sid• 2br 1 b1 lrlp1u, 1 cr.r, 1ooct silt fenced l" . 371 Woodland •a 1225/mo 71• ~J.4866 l'•U. a. ... '" -.. laundry, peUo, ciur.t 'll 00 ll 20C s lr.c>o/lllO Stepe te kedt 21f' 1.58•, fp, pre11, pello, $1600/mo yurly 949· 673-2607 < .. 949. tAS.Sl44 a.ie, a. <.-. Ve fir, l Sft>I CMAUllNO, llkt OWia PlllO. pad. ""'°' tit, lllW 21>f l .!lbl IOWfl• ~ lncS 103 Htttlor houM atylt 2522 lld•n Woodt SIJl> TJA.383-19125 11376/lllO 949·64M488 2br 2ba nr NI' pitr cloM to thoe>s a retlu1rent1 r,, l c 1a1 wd hk1191 11800/mo 949 29J.46JO Crytttll C-t ntlfl)' MW •subour111" 5br, 6b1 lu•ury llOtne w/vltwa f hua• bHkyud. Y111 '"· S9000nl Optn Sat Sun 12·•· 28 Salldy Cow Deve/Act 714412·5661.: VM:ATION RSfTALS ~ ltO rs&AND PAlAOtSI ~ j-AT THI HACH MN 2• "' atorea•. 40(). w.-w w.w UMOP Stoo,000 600sf unltt Mey 1tor1 ar, 2'/... l pt, l c.wport. 1400+tl, lltW -& apt 3 ......-. cr1 Sl9'iCVmo 714-311().WIO ......... ,, ....... ,. dltdle. found ill A,lrll 20DJ, 1ny in!Oftnltloll ._.,. to O"'* contite1 lnvt1tratt11 Cannell CMl'O 11NM 68' ....... ....._ .... e.cehnt '°11dttlOll $4~ C.11 "' 71 4 1411200 -------'"'"'"I SM9 642 4lll !-'I -1111 WllSOWllV d RI -~ Wlllllut a b11itA ,,.:-..::::.... -U·fi:'~ CW.""'"°' l/W tro1111 ""'*' l•Kll heel t hlml-C Mit<ffll t. tlttewettrfowlrlfvft, ---llllfl'•t " ..., •• '1 ICfllOfllM & lmpro¥111!111M1 yow own ctt'llj) compound w/1tr11el11r1 ud 2 ,,..,. Wonclfrfllt r r1 lllpl 110 I A WIM tnt1111 ••11111 4'110 .............. , ...... . ..... tor% fl' .... ., ,....., ..... Cell ... ..... ~, ... 8/8.ll'fl ......, PlllllUI IETAU -"----~-AOT. t49·21f-HH vtehlclta, low1 11111 • •W•'*flMtMtt•, tny c011d1l1011I, Hr, He, "Nir.,•tl Cll C.ot;n ..,_JlllO lllJ lllU•ltonl Col!clo, ,,, COllllTIU;:lt -..cuAY TOwtllOMI 71• MS OM pool, amt locehon . AESIOENTIALRENTALS llW Ull 1Wcl. --. .., fll', .------·-----$37511 Nl"'7·11 5 ORMGE 7• ~,,,,,,.IQ HOt.ESFOR&Ali: ...... Cllll Cotlf1Y ClUllOUT YOllHOUSI MlHA UIA&ISAllJ CAil (Mt) 642-5671 QllMIE 649 AlTIDA C1tl4 e°'""' m.JY amonatt 11t11IU•rnllh.n -=-------dotter 1111a1t1tor1, 1111' -'l ~ IPt)fOI 1400 tf SM9 .... CAUfS l uuty hOiM, hlallfat '91111 W/lfllCl v1tw of bay a city lfPb ft.Mt .... SCtfl4MtlllMt•l'tet1 11M1Pt•Mt11a..Jt5' YUllYUAUI ......... _ .... _, .. ,.. "'41Ml61 f • Jlle 9tMe, quttt eru, newly rehirbl1111d 2 or P':.c •• w• hk11p1, 12300/lll0-7!')9-0874 ,.. llWm "" 2bt ~2-.2 .... ,......._le~ pod. GaMllD EVERS Retriaereted * wlntl Sob & mt. ''' scheduled ~ r.,... Pey based Oft ,!•I*-ll00-2A7· 1010 Of www Gfl Truck com (CAL•SCAN) -IMW '01 11 c-.., l 0, St¢, 2391 ml, lull lttt wwranly, 11lvtt/bHt. ltllr. CO, mnrf, lllln whls, bteutlful hlla 11tw cond, hn n1il. v995e21 124.995 8l!r !M9•1• .,,.. •d'~ lltt • cona-. '*°"'....., .................. IW e.1llliN "' ,,. .. ••r*""·--· ,...,_ WD6-.~-­(JJ,_, am ..,, ...... Top of t11t Inf, .,_, llllC.~Ooif. dw--. tllowroa.i .... ('°7JM) RJ.9'1$ ........ ...., f 0p of \he line w/New111Uo11 •>-tl•111. dull ICrMtl, ent• • talnrMnl, ~ded (.142024) 2.UIS ,,,.._..,, Sclort~ W/mooNOOf.CO. loffed (60Sltl) 117,8!i0 ""' UiN8't s,. ,_ c.r c.111..i. e ~ 791 ""· w•nnty, ..-oo1. a> (87l059) 119.985 ,, , I.Mt-"' ,_,,_ _,., MoonRoof, a>, $1\atp (617972) $19;175 fet4 ......... . Convtrhltl• orl1i111l ""''• IOM car. ,.._ .. .., ... 7Jt21Cl Jw4't7T_fk,._ 1111. Mok"rtc0t•. i . ••fltf •· metalllc bUf 1111~1fy, fully ludelf pr•JM/non 1mllr muit '" to 1ppr1c11t1 SJ9l6 Y2~nl llkr -~l--....... -.. .,, hr4 J-. """' Gt•ll I lk ml NC, lllw ..u. Wllrt.t ....... book .... SJa25.., 64• 0975 '"'"' '00 ..... ll 3~ mt I alllc sllvtr blut ll'•Y ltllr fully loldad, lillt fltW cond 110.l!ll Vllll!!&7Zl ., ..... •-·4Mpttltl.ce• c.tlloc '91 Geter• sot. mt, blk/blk llhr, blll ctlfl•I• roof, 8011 CO. •m·fm, chrm whls, sold PkL bookt/records, lillt new $8995 v55728l Bllr. 949-ffl-11H --~··'- 1U&a-r.~ ..,., T~ of the h . ulll-m.tt N !Ml. HIV Sys. Moonroaf, loedld & Lincoln c.rtJfied ......._ ''1 M-4 2dr COUfN Ell, '/•tee tnelnt, &911 ltfKk/trty lttlr, anrf. bttuliful unmtrktd cond, 11t•&ecl. non &mlcr 18495 vt0l2675l Bkr ----.Gqllhcarn ........... .-,.w. st • -_AllDl_m_ICIClw __ •_ BOAT PARTS & Ce411toc '91 OeVine whlte/01lmul ltllr tow mi. b .. ullful orl11n1I cond, lntidt & out, chrm whb, 10 disc C $3295 Bkr 949·S8S·1888 2clr coupe. auto tuAy .------... lotded, wnite, mnrf. 1lloy whit , buutlful P~ AUTO Cl Athletlc1 IHkl ' eclor for Community/ -.X.th Proa Visit /WWW.lff*tics.uci.eG; ~,,,,~ "O•IVHS ,AU-TIMI --~·.c­ Ce4ra.c '91 DeVllle Wlute/Oltmeel tttw1 low ml, beautlM orlflnl ~ Inside & out. chrm wllb, 12995 8"r. 949-5116-1888 _,..._ COYEIOJOllG (.lXlll&3) $41,8!15 714-546.U COSTAIBA LIK(Q ... COYI IOtomlG ~-si•'t7 llllcll, ttn •3548 Great 0..1 '1fon·Frl Ortve ntca ce" AUDI A4 'OO J...-XJt '99 ,and 1•t paid for 11 C1ll Bleck. W/lrtY mter Blue, ten .Oen 949 862·7474 •V080l Discounted #V7947 Ol1Counled .... AUtri~ ,or busy EndocrlnololY ,office in Ntwport Beech <Conttct 949 64S ~5 IMW 1211• '99 '-XII '00 Bl L t I t Crean. tan ac;R, •n n ., 11280 Mu•t Stll •V9978 Mutt Stll • ~up~ IMWS211 '91 ~X~'ff W.... plniJn _. FT Brontz, tin Inter #0859 Greit O..I )it S-IXhriy tuv •V5497 Must Stll iGood ~ !KB!J!&l8ll IMW S211• '00 Ml•CIDIS C210 '02 •ece,tlenht efflc• •--..r, Irvine arch1· 'tectural office, bentftts ;; 4011<, •·mall resume ,with 11lary raqulfementi .ocarch@co• net "est1ur1nl jeoo,.,.., c..lta & lledl .ti-.e~Lido Olntt N8, 2 yH up req ea• remmv 94g.num Green, tan lnttr 811ck, black •V0567 Ol1Counted IV92J7 Discounted IMWUOl 'Ol Wh•te, len •2466 Muit Stt BMW540l '99 Blue, arey Inter #V2111 Mutt Stll BMW 740ta ·oo Bronze/tan '9158 Oltc:ounted MERCEOE S E320 '01 Bleck, Bfactl IV54S8 Oiscounttd MERCEDES E320wa '99• GrMn, tin 1V4581 Grett Oul BMW J40IL •01 M'1•c1DES sisoo Too cond '5995 v8972A1 Bkr Ht-s .. -1 ... -~·.c­JAGUU 1996 VD, lNdtd. m ml. dnV ppoua, $13,750 Pvt Pt1ty, 94t-4M.0011 J..,_ '94 XJ6 V-4ett Piii metallic red tan IUlr, ti.1ultful orfatnll cond, must Ht to ewt•d•t•. 1••1•d. non tmkr. 16995 v70257l 8kr !Mt-516-1181 -.~l.teM 1.,-Xltl c•vt '91 ch1mp1n1•. chrome whls. prtm sound, lo· Jadl, paeous, must sen '29,995 949 650-3390 lAMD •OVH 2000 Olscovery H $071 duel moonrft, ,.., Ju1"P sHts, lle•l•d seat fee w1rr Je,000 ml, S21,900 vamBI .tlln ~11261&1 uxus SC400 'ts TraclJoll co11trol, llHted 1111ts, overdrive, mnrl, ChrOIM Wiiis, new lnl N1kamlchl sound sys, 12 chana• cd, 1po1ler. blue/ tan, very cleen S9750 !M9·244-3324 ~ '00 lS 110 V6, Ilk Ktual ml, cham PICM/lflY 111\r mnr1, CO. chrome whls, sUpetll IS new cond throuallt. book1, records. Sl0,99S y()45829 8lu 949-586-1888 www.e<pttlt,llftl 4Teachlnt pH ev•ll, Pelrtad ' Credentl11td ~/middle school up ;sodel Stud+u & Lin· ~ Arts a plus ~ •I Gree• Church & 'Sdtoob. 6931 Edmc• HB. Blue/arey White, ten #2843 Must See •IY.>80 Mu'l Sell Merced.. '96 C2t0 ..,.,,_ v• ~ 0-In Liiie Forest <lr..i SSS tor --)-win ffll.e.OM.l IMW74011 '01 Silvw, l'•J IV8605 Greet Buy BMW 740il '01 Whitt,crey 13951 Crut Buy CMYT .. '02 Black, lf•Y 1V4367 Greet Buy Herley Dev Fellt '92 Red, bl.ck •V8109 Discounted MIMI (OCWU '02 8uutiful b1lck/crum Blue, cr•Y luUy loaded. showroom #0962 Must Sell Ill/out $9250 714-751·~ ,0.SCHI Cerrere '99 Bltcil., bleck 1VI068 Discounted 'OHCHI C•rena 'ff Blue ar•t •V6049 Must Seit Qv1le M•nau•t ·01 Merce;11 '95 1120 91Kll/blk b .. ut, ell ot>I, none nicer. new major IVC. $10,250 714-751 2A64 "fl ...... suoo, Jlk ml. lmmllculeta, Clvme Whls. ihowroorn conOlloll S22.500 Tl4-5n-0700 Silver, black IV0139 Ol1counled MemiclH 'II 560 SL While/tin. lmmec m/out runs 1rut, new soft lop, cmn.. su:ro JM.l51·l!E4 t4t-6SO.StlS WMWlntl 5611 mt (19470) 111.980 '"i.,,.., ~-­l'IA 371' ml (19112) 127,980 'ffJ-.a-.kH ASlnl (UllOll) 19.190 '1Le-.U400 Sllvw, low mt (194531) 117.9llO "'•-e••asoo 49kml (197Sl) $49.980 ..,, •• u.-.uoo 0.tsel. pttcad to sell (19842) S23.9l!O 'fS Mer...J.. SIOO Whitt 64k ml (19836) 25,980 'fT Meuefle• SU:ZO •Nhfw Gmt (198S9) 128.9!!0 '4 MHCMll• SUOO .... ,., Whitt (19020) $21.980 'fl SA.U HOS C.- 6711"" (19152) 112.980 ,,,v .... ...., #•1111•••''-( 19728) S9,980 '49·574-7777 rHl1fS AUTO ;"';111tum IANGI •OVH 1991 LWB, 1151< ml, blue/ten. •tr suspenst0n. lmm1c· ulat• thtouallout 16495 Pll61SB> .th! n4-22Z~1.61 • ..,,e levtr '99 4 OSE Bosch lnjectt01. 45k ml, ch1mpa1n• silver /II tin lthr, chrm whl1, bHul llke new cond, $19,995 v4b2361 Bkr949-•Ul88 www.ecpeltl.cet11 •-ee • ..,,.., '954,0 SI llOll•ml, b11cVt1n lthr, iwparlt cond lllroualll. ~record• 110,~ 8"r 949-51888 w-.ecr•·•- Setwll 'O I SW2 w..- Sspd, lltCk Stiver lfl1 1nt.prem IOUnd MlllttM I 1 lltw corn! 16995 VZJ5719 8"r 9$51&-1• -·-T-'9S Gl wlllte, lo1d1d, 111 options, lmmacutel• ~ 714-751-2464 Tey.t• '97 Cerelte DI 60k + ml. auto. pw, pl, crulH . whtlt/arey Int . •uperb $52% vlS7829 Bkr 949·!>86· 1888 w-.ecpeltl.c- V .. 1w .. lf'I '01 IHlle Conv Turbo btl/bll, 1700 1111. lmm1cul1t1 cond, $25,500 94MJS.8Q ~~ AUTOS WAHTEO -sooo re-4 ...... , .... SIS00(94t)721-Sl41 IOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOAT1SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LWHCHING/ STORAGE 9680 I.it... leland 2 1llps 1v11I up to 5Slt W1l11 lo power incl aho c-ry Vt ..... slip up to 55ft •nd lrp14e Dr sllP up to 90fL @ vecenl lot w/sptc:taculif views 949--675·4847 IOAT U., 11da Ile. 60ft ph11 meln clltn ntl Newport P1ntn1ull. new dock. 949-675 5900 Hft MOORING with botl ICJf 111• In Newport Buch Can Chuck 949 14>-0334 BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LWNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 NeWf""1 1-c11 SO ft Slip 1v1ll1bla SIOOO/mo Cllll e 949-723·310e SELL your stuff through classified! Best place In the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Class If led &42·5678 , HEALTH AND BuslNESS RS· Cehfornfa lew rt · qun• that contrte· IMI l1kln1 Jobi lhet tot1I $500 or more (labor or meterlals) bt Uctnled by Ille Contrectora Stat• Lteen11 8oerd Stele tr. tho requna 11111 contrectors Include tlleif llctnM 11uml>tr on ell 1dvtrttS1na. You ctn check tht 1tatu• of your llunull contrector ti ..,.,w.calb ti JOY or I00·321 CSL8 . Unll cen11d contt1chwt tklna fob• th•t tohl lu1 than ISOO uat state In their 1dvert111mtnll 111•1 Ill•)' 11• not lrcenMd bJ Ille Contractors Stele Llctf'IM 8-d" ...... A· Z HANDYMAN lnshll, ret~• cebin1b ~ dJ. °°" n4-548-72!il TifE HOME l'llO HANDYMAN EXTIAORDJNAIRE L.ocally Owned a Operarcd. Serv1na Some Of oc·a Finect Propcniea Since 1913 949-316-597S 1 ............ . ...... 714.--...... TtlUs._, YOUR GW&EWll la CWSIRED 949 642-5671 c.,.tA111'1Q11'1 oCAllflllo<MPIT~ R1palts, Petchln1. Install Courteous. 1ny ala jobt. Wllollsatel IM9-49Z·OZ05 ---. . 1.1.C. lt.cfrfc Low pra. 1oc.tl connaior. no Job too 111111, no joll too bl&. Wt upon ,.,..,. IJIClG-ll~ (11•>•.U-1410 l.KINSID CCHITUCTOI Nojobtoo1111Mww.I R••ir, remodel, f1n1, tpl, MW l\IC 949 M5 J&e8 ~ for~'°" iteeds ... HandymlN HomeRlplr RE'> fOlll • RE PAIR & Rl MOllll INr. HanclylnlW HomtRtpalr A.LAN THI HANDYMAN All worll suerant••d ~ Ellctrital, Doors. '""'carp .. ~ NNI TO THI OUMPI II 714-961·11182 AVAllAlll TOOAYI IM9 873 5516 HollMCtanlng Movtno a Storage PUBLIC NOTICE The C11il 'ubltc Ullhttes Comm1u1on requires that all used llou11hold 1ood1 movera rrlnt lhtlr P.U.C C1 T number; hmot and chauffeurs print their T C P number tn all 1dvtr tlsements II you have eny ,utttlona ebout U1t 111hty of • mover, llmo or chaufftur, call. PUll.K UTIUTllS COMMISSION eoo 111--1 •1 ~=r~:~;.~.:: work frM 111 L•375e02 714 Sll 1534 7 J90 ~!I .. '\ MTOM PAlnltt ,,on c1t1n. quekty wo<ll lnter10t/ut 111d dol:k• L17034689494001054 90IMS 1ISMIJftUIO aWOODiiNW * ...... _., .,,....,4-elll., PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services f com electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. mW!'Oll' ltN'.H • COSTA Ml.SA Daily Pilot Cl<l'>'>llH'd Commumty M a rketpl-1((• Pllntfng ,.., ...... ~elnfJ119 Top QuehlJ, Competit1v1 lnttt tOr IE x t L•648228 Call .ley 949 650-5066 UINIOW CllCLl MAINT P11nlin(~I. Hou-'~ Qualfty IOOI fret •tlmll• L "569897 714 636 8888 5lWll U.DWICU.. (t4') US-UH Se your unw•wt•tl lte1t11the •••yw•yl Place a Cla11lfledatl tetleyl 642-5611 •• NEW .IOO• .IEftl Automatic ILL NEW IOO• PHAETON ' .. • • •