HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-21 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotAT A GLANCE ON1HIWll: WWN,.,,..com GMNGTHANKI IHWDIN,,tpM THINKING ALLOW D I don 't smell a rat, and I tri d Thtnt1191vtng Dey. Thi dtldllnt for ewm~ I 'l\IMday. WIATHIR ~Ind""".'"""'°" Of' two iwllt • ........ Al HAPNNINQI Dtvtd~"'" --...... M IPCMtTI ' V T NEW .1004 'Eftl Automatic NEW2004 BEETLE · convertlble •• ••.... '°' 11 lonttll ..... Ta 1111111110. t 1t 11s ..-11.-nn.{1~77Vf3~1~ 3klo. ctoeed end lease. Total Q1vt off $5000 i'dudes $2636.09 cap cost reduction. Fnt payment, tax, lcense and feel and SO MCtlity deposit and $576 bWlk fee. 10k miles per yw. 1~ per mile excess. Next pf)m8nt dUt 30 days after Inception. Next payment 006 30 days aft• Inception. NEW2004 TOUARiG Automatic • • . • • .. . • .. . " ' . . I Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 Nature center founder Robert House offers . monthly tours of the native reserve . Lori Whalen enjoys the scent of a bay leaf during a walk through the nature center. Alicia Robinson Dally Pilot S ometimes in life, you have to take time to stop and smell the bay laurel. Environmental Nature Center founder Robert House did just that Thursday while giving a tour of the nature preserve that he founded in 1972. The 3.5-acre nadve plant garden next to Newport Harbor High School features habitats recreating 14 of the 28 ecosystems that can be found in California. House led the visitors who came for the tour through the center's desert. which boasts palm trees and cactuses; a freshwater marsh; a stream environment; and even a redwood forest area. House's monthly tours were canceled over the summer to make way for children's . nature camps but will resume full-force ln January. The center ls always open to the public and offers school programs during much of the year. FRl>AY, NOVEMBER ~1. 2003 Once an unused gully that House described as •raw land," the center has. PHOTOS BY KENT TREPTOW /OM.Y PM.OT From left, Sally Felling, Frank Feller and Environmental Nature Center founder Robert See GARDEN, Pac• M House examine pine trees during a tour of the center on Thursday. THINKING ALLOWED I don't smell a rat, and I tried rats had been spotted, hoping to catch a glimpse of one of the, um, cageless class pet& What I got instead was a guided tour or the room from middle school prlniclpal Broob Booth. LOLITA HARPER "We can't let you lit in on a cla.ss.'" she said. •That requites pedal permission from the dlstrtct and three.day nodce." wanted was to attract a friendly rodent. 'Ihankfully, those -Handt Snacks" aacbn and cheese deals -which l Wee lQ keep around ln case my son needs 10mething to munch on - were gone. I braced myself and walked across the aging campus -built sometime tn the 1960I-to Ms. Suzy Thatcher's room. (also known as Ms. T.) I don't know what I expected. but what l saw was one ot the most nicely decorated and Inviting classrooms. things that attracted some of the vermin, so they are now gone, Booth said. The bird feeders, garden and pond are all part of learning life skills, which is an essential and fun part of the special education curriculum. Booth said. She theo took me Inside to show me the steel plates, just put in place, to stop the rat3 from burrowing tn from the root. Something about foam rubber and steel wool and being very proactlw about the problem. l lcnow she wu sincere, but she also had tba1 public relations tone in her volce -abe had to put on a good front to the medJa. I '. Glmpbell,' Cristich lead packs in funding Campbell has raised $624,000 for his state Senate run. Assembly candidate Cristich has raised $207,000. Allcla Robinson Daily Pilot How much it costs to run for elected otnce in Orange County depends on whom you ask. In the Republican primary race for the 35th Senate district seat, the front runner in terms of fundralsing ls 70th District Assem- blyman John Campbell. In a campaign 8- nance repon filed in October, Campbell re- ported a cash balance 0($624,364. That's more than twloe as much as the $2B6,171 his opponent. 68th District Auem· btyman Ken Maddox. listed as his balance. The reports covered the period from July 1 to Sept. 30. Campbell said this week that since the repon was med. bis total has sur· passed $800,000 and his goal for the cam· paign ls •considerably h.lgher than that" He said he expectS to wind up his fund- raising with $1.25 to Sl.5 million. Although Maddox's goal of $400,000 is much Jower, he said he's not worried by Campbell's campaign coffers. SM FUNDING, Pa11 M THE ENVIRONMENT City might fine lawn drenchers Newport officials are considering how to encourage residents and businesses to prevent runoff caused by over-watering. June C1111rand1 OatlyP1lot NEWPORT BFACH -ln a never-ending quest to keep ~d out ot the harbor and ocean, city officials are tum1ng an eye toward those who until now have continued to pol- lute unpunished and often unaware. On the heels of their efforts to educate residents about environmentally trlendly car washing. dry officials are considering what to do about businesses and residents who over-water lawns. Assistant Oty Manager Dave KlJhaid be is preparing an item for the ary Council's con- sideratJon that could become the law of the land. The Item will ask whether the city should take steps to educate and even pun- ish businesses and people who water their I All right, J'U take what I can get. J did a quick mental rundown of what I had ln my pUl"le. The last thing I The entrance to the room houses a vegetable garden, with strawberries and tornatot!S. and a lrol pond. There u&ed to be bUd feeders. but they were determined to be one of the SM ALLOWED. Pase M SM LAWN, Paa• M · Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON1l4EWEB: www.~com GMNGTHANKS Whet 11'9 you th1nkful for thll veer7 Good health? family and fr1endt? • WMtmr h 11, let ua know by celtlng (948) 8'2.:eole °' ~1g~enHn1Ntt · ~•Dnaccm ,..._..,... yourneme ind lndudt yc,ur hometown and ~numbir. The Plot Wtl Nn. "*"°" °'"''""" .. °" ThanksvMng Day. The deadline for aubmltak>N I• Tueldey. WEATHER ~ Cloudt •od even eraln drop 0( two IWllt. S..Pac•A2 HAPPENINGS Otvid c...ldy k.-pe on rcding. SHhpM SPORTS ' VlngUlrch No. 4-taitlttd women"~*"' beatte Wlelmlt•r Cohge. S.PIPAlO Keeper of evidence locker hands over keys Police property supervisor Bob Bork Will retire after 24 years with the department. DHpa lharattt OaityPUot B ob Bott hu &eell a lot tn the two decades he'• spent look1na after the Cost&Meulob Depa.rtmerit'• property room. He'e eeen them all BlOod·tWned dOtbee. bonee, a me.er that hOUied a woman's corpie for yeen. tombtton.e;-ewn a medieval bill and chain. eo.tr. wtD n!tW Monday alter ~tbe~ttOrU yMll. A week now, he'll WiRK C. OUSTIVOM..YN.OT Tacked.., befi'Mt rettma :~ &ipeMsor 80b ... ~ , ... M Botk's desk is 1 stilt fta& sianed ottMr CosUa Mesa poke. drtve crosa-country with h1I wife. BonnJe. to his new borne in a Florida c:ounay club where be hopes to Jpend the rest of h1a lite punulbg hia passion - golf. On Thursday. after a redrement party and golog .. way luncheon, It WU ID begl.M1nc to sink bl for Bodt. "I've done this a lcq time," be Mid. Joolcl"8 up at the colorful bdoona bobbfng around his otllce. "It'• obVlOUlly emodonaJ for me to ON THE . . Randy Seton has been appohrted to Newport Beach CoastaVBay Wibr ~ Citizens AcMsotY Committee. An official member June C1111rand• Oa1lyPilot W hen Randy Seton attended b!s first meeting u the dty's newest representative to the Newport Beach Coastal/Bay Water Quality 0111.ens Advlsoty Commi~ this month, It was as if nothing bad~ Just as at earlier meetinp. Seton was there. Just IS 8.1 earlier meetinp. be was acting as a concerned ddl.en who just happened to have a wealth of knowledge about local water-quality ls.1ues: Seton ls one of the leaders of Orange County ~ •CoastX.eeper was lnvlted to gl\'e a pn!MDtation to tho commh:tee a couple )all back. and rve been going f!ller since.· WHAT'S AFLOAT •WHAT'S AR.OAT It publllhed perlodJcelly. If you .... planning• neutical ewnt submit iM Information to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa M .... CA 92627; by fax to (949) ~170; or by •m•ll to dallypllot•latlrnn.com. SPECIAL EVENT The Newport Harbor Naudcel MuMum wm have en exhibit C>C*'lng for •Hooked: The Lure and Lore of Sport Aehlng;" at th• Grand Salon from 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. through Feb. 29. The muaeum 11at161 E. Coaat Hlgttw.y. Newport e..dl. lnformetJon: (948) 673-7883, http://\www.nhnm.e>tg. SAILING Cl.ASSES Selling Fudnetion otr.. datMe In tao.Ung Ufety and Nlllng yaal'rC»Jnd for pertonl with dl .. blllU... Free. (949) M0-1678. Orange County employ9n ......... their empf oyeea out to Newport Beec:ft on weekdav-to enjoy • day of .. mng c:oortMV of Orange Coast Colleg•. The Schoot of Selling end S..menahlp now often• chance for groupa to wort with the on-boe;d lnatructor on dlW.rent Nillng techniq\MS while they get edvtoe on how to perlonn well In butjneu, No sailing experience nlC*Nry. One-dey cle.,.. co.t from $100 to $125. 1949) &CS-9412. OJ.ne-Coeat CoMeee .. o4tMtrw. nonc:rtdlt Longtime water-quality watchdog Randy Seton is named to the Coastal/Bay Water Quality Citizens Advisory Committee Setonaald. He wu e.ppoUited by CouridJmari Geiy Adams to till-.:~ on a eomn:dttee Seton calls a ·•'I Who of locll environmental experts.. For example.~~ Jack Skinnet Alllltar1l Clly Mmlp 1)mye Jaff and coonryw.-r ..q elpCl't MDoka Mazur m on the mnvDfnee. "I think Newpon Bilch tUel the t.... ring for water qudly ror c:idel &Ions the intemMdlate UdoS .aiing dMI In November. The clM Wioukf be t-.n after completion of• beginning Alling cleet. The cla .. will mfft tron, 1:4& to 6:30 p.m. Sunday eftemoona tn November at ttM OCC s.fllng Center, at 1801 W. Plldfic Cont Highway In Newport BMch. Regiatntlon 11 $115. Information: 1949) 846-9412 Orange Cout Colleoe"• Schoof of Salling and S..man•hlp will offer a beginning sailing class on board a 30-foot Shields sloop. The claa mMta from 9-.30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Saturday and Dec. e and 13 •t OCC'a S.lllng Center In Newport Beach. Th• colt It $326. lnformation:(949) 646-94Al2. BOAT RENTALS Wldt Mettna ~et the a.lboe Fun Zone, you can enjoy neutlcal tl(J>e~ from mlld to wild. Take a Mlf-gulded tour of the bay In your choi~ of power end ull watarcreft, jump the oc:een ewellt In a S.e-doo Jetboat. put you eport-flehlng Ill.Ill• to the tut In a futty equipped Boston wl'Mllet, or 10ar above h ell on a ptru.tll flight along the Newport COHt. Complimentary Ice end beverages •rt included with •II electric boat rental•. a.l»oe loet Aentala can put~ on the water In meny ways: wtth atngfe end double keyaka, et.c:trfc boats, 14-holder ullboete, pedal boets and Nn•bouta for offshore u.. or c:rulalng the bey. Bel boa Boat Rental• elao holdt two-hour ecevenger hum. eboerd the electric bay boats, providing group ec:tMty for corpor9tlone. bh1hd1v-. nonprofit orgenfzdon• end group outings. The hunt pactagei Include boetl, trMa quMdont, mepa, Poterokt cameras and supplJee. The cost of• hunt b9giM et S22S per boat end catering 11 evalleble at en additional rai.. For hunt re1ervatk>n1, cell (949) 673-7200. EJecbtc boat Nntal• ... evalleble by th• hour at Duffy Electric BOit.a, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beed\. All ~are equipped with window endoaurN and CO pleyere. Ice and c:upa ara provided. Reservetlont ei-e 1uggested. An hour rentel It $76. (949) 646-6812. ,.., boats. elactJtc bolstl, boogie boarde, keyeb, lnftatabl• rafts, c:atemerent, be.ch fumitu,. and wetsuits ere evallable for rent at Ret0rt Water Sports at Newport Dunes. 1949) 729-1160. Gondofe toure .,. °"9f'9d by the Gondoae Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8. The $76 cost IQdude.a a batket of brwad, chMM, .. iaml, loe, gt• ..... a blanket. muafc: and• Polarold plc:tu .... Wine 11 alto available. (949) 676-1212. Gondoll~l101W. Coast H1ghWey, of'f9rt on.-end two-hour gondola end .... A one-hour tour wfth d\ampegM Is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne I• $180. Pldtup It evallabl• at waterfront retteuranta. (949) 87MsM. DailxAPilot PHOTOOfWHUIS Malt c. Ouedn, Oon LMctl, ~T~ MADERIHCmM (Ml)M2.eoel ~t No MWI storitt, Ill~ tdttorill meuer or ~'*-lnc:an be nlP'Oduced ~ wrfailrl penni9tlon of ~he owner. ,...,...,. Glnt AleUtlder, Lori Anderaon, Danltf Hurte. PllUI WoWiU, 0..-. ........ Nlwt .... o.,e-... CriMt Ind oou .. rtlP(>ltW, 1•1•~21 ~·IMJ,,,..com .-.c .... ~ IMd\ 1"9POf*, (Ml~ Jurt-.~•,.,,,,,_com ........... ~cufture~. IMl51'M211 ~•,.,.,_com DllWiilNla- CDlllMlae...-, (Mt l?M221 ...,........,. • ..,,._oom .... O'Nal EducMlon NPOIW. IMl 1~ ~·~ a.Me ................ .,..... ~·Mdnlile.ccim Aeoord your .commenta •boUt the Delly Ptlot or newt tips. ~ Our adclreee It S30 W. lay St., ea.ta Me.a. CA 82827 OflSce houn.,. Mondrr -f-rtdty, 1:301.m.. 5 p.m. Coca MDF It .... Piion po4icy "> prompCly oon-eet atl enwa of wbatlnce. '*Mcell i941l ~ m The NewpOf1 ~ Meae Deity Plot (UPS-14'-IOOl le publllhed d9ily. In~ IMd\ Ind Costa MeM. .,.......,,. ... Mllaible otrlr w euOeartblng to The nm. Or.,.. County CIOOt ZIZ ... 141. In ..... °'*'de of ~IMdtendC.--... Mlblicrfplol• eo e. Olly PWot ... ...... Ottff byflrll .. !NI tot ao .-monlh, c,.._ 1ndudll e11 epplc ... , ..... end loml ..... ) P'08'TMASTEft: Send....._ cNf'191 to The Nll#poit ···~ .... Deir.....,., P.O lofi 1-. C....-._ CA l2ta. HOW TO MACH ut ctiiull-.. The Tlmee Ontnge County (I00)~-11't Alh•U I I a .,_ IMI "2""71 '*""" ( .. ) 142-4321 ..... ..... IMI MZ..fSllO "*" ,...,.,~ Nliwa'9rCMl-...170 .,.,.. .... (M) 90.()170 .... ~·~ -...a.. ....... a... ... ,142"°21 ...._ .... ( ... )e3"712t Nllltted ~Tlrnlt ~ ....... cMalon Ofltie Loa~ TlfNI. -TtmaCN.NA._. ......... THE HARBOR COLUMN Dreading the dredging Ahoy. Well, I'm o6again cruil1ng on the hlab aeu this week. but don't worry, I wtU be baclc just in thrie for my Sunday iadJolhow. if the forests were allowed to be thinned. The effects of eel grass protection is now being felt In the harbor, with some dodcs sitting on the bottom at low tide. And lunontwo di«erent voyages. On one, I will be a.board with someone whom MIKE people out fishing bllV't found aome WHITEHEAD spedet are now otf-limJts with regulations impoMd without IDO$l of you in Newport Harbor Will mnember- ~ ....,._ Remember~ He was the Newport barbormaster, and be i;etired thfl year to set sail on his Unlfttte motor yacht. Well. be planned to join the Baba }WI& auisen, but inltead. Kuulea ls putting bis yacht on a Dockwtse transport ahlp. Hill next stop ls Ptorfda. I mentioned that Kasules . auislng Floridian waten to Gmy em. owner or Hills Fuel Dock. and Hill pointed out that Marty better get use to running by the fathometer. "We are veiy lucky 1n th.is area with the depths that we haw," Hill told me. lt is ttue that most boaters cru1aing in our local waters only look at the depths for flshlng. There are presently two bOls before Congress that couJd help our dredging sftuadon with respect to beach restoration projects. The National Beach Recreation.Act with Senate Bill 1653 and House of Repraentatives em 2492 will requite the U.S. Army Corps of Bnalneers to take Into . consldetation the economic benefttl of recreational when evaluating beach restoration. The lkst page or both bills states; •A bill to ensure that recreation benefits are accorded the same weight as burdcane and storm damage reduction benefits and environmental restoration benefits.• The short title is cited as the NNational Beach · Recreation and Economic Benefit& Ad..• 1bls could be good news for Newport Harl>or, which needs beach restoration on our harbor beaches, especially Balboa lsJand't eouth slde. I have a great plan: While dredgf.ng the Santa Ana River to build a new marina to the Oty of Costa Mesa at 19th ~we can transport the And to rebuild our harbor beach. l think the envttonment:al movement bu gone over the top without regard to big pJct\Ue. Yes. envkomnental concema a.re lmport&nt. but we must keep M!rything in perspecdw, wbJch ha not been the cue. nu for example the horrlftc fires. which may have been dramadcally leas deattucdve auppordve ldentiftc data. It ta known that tome Oflidak (not our local otBdala) who me Imposing the eel grass protection have said that they th1oJc there can never be too much eel grass. However, we have teen aome results: the public is starting to tab notice of all the regulations because now they are feel.Ing the effects. Lately, some ft.shlng restrictions bave been eased, and leg1slalors are starting to look closely at the stile of affain a«ecttng the public. I think that we need to get baclc to common sense and use realistic sdentillc studies to help shape the use of our resources. Yes, our harbor must be dndged. Just think what would happen if a hillside slipped and blocked your driveway, the debris would be cleared away immediately. So why is it difl'erent when the water currents deposit silt under a dodc1 Leave your driveway blocbd by debris and tt too will start growing an ecosystem. Yes, some beaches must have aand replenished after being eroded away not only to save the beach, but to maintain ~usable the beach for the pu~c. \.-.. Now, we Should take in account the economic value and the reaeadonaJ benefits when d.iJcussing these issues. If not. It might not be much longer when walking on the beach will be illegal because you may step on a S811d crab. Everyone remember to tune in this and every Sunday to my Boathouse Radio Show from 4 to S p.m. on KCBQAM (1170) or listen over the Internet at wwwboalhOuseradhl.com. Also, you can call-in durlng the show to (888) 344~1170 and Join In Southern Callf omla~ only boating talk radio show. Safe voyases- •MIKE WtlTEHEAD 11 the Pilot'• bolting and h1rbor oolumnlst. s.nd him yOYr harbor and mtrine-ruttd thoughts Ind story tuggestlont by-.mailto mllc••boathoUHtv.com or vlalt http:ll'Www.boathouutv.oom. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST lntennltttnt ofoude will persltt todty, and In the w.nlng, there will be 1 20% chance of rein. Wtndt wlff 1lto be• fKtor, coming from the IOC.Rhwest between 10 tnd 16 mph for moet of todey, Expect drtule end foe neer the bellc:hel. • High t9mp«etU,.. will pe..it In the 90-0egt-.. !'Inge. lows wtll be frotn the upper 40t to '"'°"°" ~ WWW.IMS.nc>M.llOV BOATING FORECAST 00..to the ..... the ...... tie from .. eouth Md .......... 10llnOll wllh wewe • 2 feet or.._ on .,., .... ,. ... from3tol .... "' ............ hiWlndl ..... '° .... ..._11G1ttcw ... ~1 IO ........ Out ......... wind• will be t>etwe.n 20 •nd 30 knots wfth higher gutta llkely. Wwea from 3 to 6 feet on a WMtem swell between 6 •nd 8 feet.Expect th• wevea •nd awell• to IMMn but ttM wind to continue let•. SURF SoUth-1-cfng epota will be running 'Mitt-high Mta - chnt-hlghe .tthe ~ -Ind W911-'8c:in(j brMb ehoukf be the Ame. --...-r. www.eurfrldw.orv TIDES ........ 12:201.m • 1:411.m. 1:2&p.m • 7:30p.m. WATER TEMPDAMll ' -.. ,.• FISH driver rem~mbered Friends in Service to ljumanity members hold a memorial for Vic Berry, who delivered meals to people confined to their homes. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot NEWPORT BBACH-Vlc Berry didn't like to be the center of attention. He wu more comfortable lavtshlng bJa generous attention on othen u a volunteer drlver for the •mobile meals• division ofFrtendt ln Service to Humanity. He had 11.ld he didn't want an organlz.ed memorial service before he pa.saed away recently of kidney failure at the age of M, Rev. Bob Parry Aid. But that didn't stop a small group of volunteer drlvers from gathering ln bJa honor and celebrating hia compassion and contribution to the oommunity. 'Ibunday afternoon, they met at l!nsfan Vlew Palk and shared their feellnga about Berry. The park has a •tunning view of the harbor and as they spoke, the sun got brighter, u if his splrlt was ah1n1ng down on them. ·He would hate this (gatherlng] because he hates being recognized for the great guy he was,• said Mark Jaques. "When I lost my Dad, be filled the void u an uncle. I knew there was always a light at the end of the rainbow." . Berry started volunteering for the service group a little more than seven years ago after his wife passed away. He bad already lost his two children -his son had died ln a motorcycle accident and hia daughter had passed away from a blood disease. Friends ln Service to Humanity works ln conjunction with Hoag Hospital -Hoag prepares the meals, and the group's volunteer drivers pick them up and deliver them. ,.· Friday, NoYembef 21, 2003 AS f CIW).L:N.S a :BM!CHITO BANQUET ROOMS Av•ll•bl• for fV;,~ festive P <ArtieS. ! Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every MonJay 0-Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Q.ualJty Service .. • •-Nlgbdy Eote.rtainmeot*" • I (JI N,., •. , , .. ,,,,,,,, ( ,,// l?t\<)) 6 46 -7'''''' I (>4)~ In in" \"'··~ ( fl'l.l..1 \1r'.a U1a .. ., ""''"~" ~t .. n ~• '"'"' \.'-'•I~· ' ,,, .. ",., • \II Spa Gregorie's AND SALON GREGO RIE 'S c~7~ f:,._.. ~:/.~_..·CA~ r; ' ~ Diana Townsend referred to Berry u her "guardian angel" because of Berry's actions after her son, Daniel, was ln a violent car crash In 1997 on ll'vlne Avenue. Berry lived nearby and called 911. KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Ken Englar, left, is greeted by the Rev. Bob Parry at a memorial ser\.ice for FISH Harbor fvea volunteer Vic Berry, wtiose portrait adorns the amphitheater at Ensign View Park. 14-'P u• CeMbtwte 5 Yffl'I of Suconal I Special Events WMlt of Novemb« 23: ._.,If u.z:s.a: ModtMIOfft/Mw 0.11 .........., ""*1~0.,, ~ ........ o.r ,...,..,..Hlwr~ ,.twdtr ~ c..., 0.11 rt~ ""'-'wJ "He literally saved my boy's life." Tuwnsend said. ' Tuwnsend's eyes started tearing up u she talked about Berry's continued concern for her and her son after the accident "Every day. I picked up my meals, I would get hugs," Townsend said. "He continued to nunure so much love and hopefulneaa ln a bleak time for me." Berry inspired Joan Oamp to become a volunteer. He used to deliver meals to Oamp's parents. When they died, Oamp began volunteering. She now deliven meals with Bunetta Pickett, another volunteer. "That's why my friend and I are delivering food now,• Oamp said. •1 wanted to give something back." Berry won a few awards for his volunteer efforts, said Sal Torres. program director for the mobile meals program. And Berry was so committed to the program that In addition to delivering meals, he would be at Hoag every weekday helping to get the meals ready. "He had a great attitude and was willing to help others,~ Torres said. FOR THE RECORD . Thursday's story •Greenllibt protests hOtel vote• lnclud!d a wrong date for an ~ eJection on Whether to build a luxury resort at Madnapark. That ques· tlon wOJ be put to voters on ~ Novern· ber 200& ballot lhwaday'a wBest Buys• column in· duded the wrong dates for Puhlon b- land'• Ou1.stmas tree llgbUng. Jt will tab place at 6 p.m; today and Saturday. .._..--_-.---~ -. ;:;_ .. ---- ' . . . ' . . -· -·· .. l<alde11 ff.J0.41. ,...,,. • 1lwMe Del/' Spa Gregorie's Hours Monday 11 am 9pm, Tuesday Sunday 9am·9pm 200 Newport Center Drive, Suite 100 Newport Beach. Cahtorn1a 92660 WWW.SPAGREGORIES.COM (949) 644-6672 THE HOLIDAYS MADE SIMPLE AT SOUTH COAST PLAZA MAKE IT EASY ••• An array of services to make your holiday experience merry and brighL • Concierge Service• -Stort informalion, putonal 1h<>pper a.uUmnct, tltmln and ~I information, rutaurant rutrr1ah'on1, South Coast Plaza grjl cwtificatu and 1troUer and wlu~lcllair rmtak • Holiday Gift Guide • Pid on• up aJ any concierp JuA:. • Complimentary Pack.age Check. • Custom Gift Wrapping at Select Store1 • Extended Holiday Hours • Special· Sea1onal Stores • Five Valet Parking Stations MAICB IT MDIOJldt.B ... ~your holiday lhoppiDg etpaience with family fun. photo• with Santa. and the 1ound1 of the season. • Santa•• Photo• • Santa'• Village & Crafts • Reindeer Caroueel • Santa'• ~re11 Train • Live Holiday Mu11 . MABE IT FESTIVE ..• When the shopping is over, relax and savor the season at the theatre. A Chriltmas Carol November 29 -December 27 South Coast Repertory La Posada MfiRica December 9 -24 South Coast Repertory Tlte Nuicradu American Ballet Theatre December l 7 -21 Orange County Perf onning Arts Center For additional holiday event information call the concierge at (7 J 4) 435-2083. Take a b~ak from the holiday busde to enjoy deleaable wisine from award-winning South Coast .Plaza restaurants. • Antonello RJ toraute • Cafe Pucal • Claim Jllmper • Darya Fine Pertian Cui1ine • Gu1taf Anders & Back Pocket • Morton•• of Chicago • Pinot Provence • Royal Khyber Fine Indian Cui1inc • Scott'• Soutti C~att Plan • Th lubhouse • Troquet • Yujean Xang'• Asian Bi1tro • MAKE IT RELAXING ••. Buy a spa gift certifi<·atc for that special person on your list and at the same time treat yourself and release holiday stress with a massage, facial. manicurl', pedicu n.• or other luxurious pa treatments. • Aveda Lifestylt' Salo11 & p.i • Georgette Klinger Salon • The Spa at South Coast Plaza MAKE IT CONVENIENT ... Trying to find the perfect gift? South Coast Plaza gift certificates arr ideal for everyone on your list. Honored at over 280 stores and restaurants at South Coast Plaza. South Con 1 Plaza Village, Orange County Pe rforming Arts Center, Westin South Coa 1 Plaza, South Coast Repertory and The Spa. Available at all concierge dcsk.s. For more information call 714-435-2083. 405 ~·.Y ., 8rut•I StrHI 100·7~·'888 • 7U·4J5·208J C•U far ~I Ae/JMy ANn. www.nt1t1'f0t1l(pl•zo.co11t M fridliy, ttow.1• 2l, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS . Officers oonored for keeping roads sober Co&ta Mfta police oftlttri walked away whh M'Ytn out or l4 awarda handed out~ the ~ C.Ounty c.bapcer or Molbt,. Aplnst Drunk DrMns. The ~tkm hon· ored aftkcrs who amsted the most drunk drivtn. . Fuurt n ollk:rn county· wld were ~ at • luncheon we ~ for ar- n!Sting 100 or mo~ drunk drivera. Coica Mesa officen OuU Walk. Ollis BatCI, .Bryan Wadkins. lose lbrres, Dan MDet, Mike Manson and Fran.It Ou1stkan recefved awards for ma.Icing 100 or LAWN Continued from Al lawn• so much that the water runs lnto the tl'eet and the tonn drains. "What we're looking at would be Ill\ ordinance that would al~ low us. but not require us. to cite repeat offenders when there~ ex- cessive lnigatlon or commetdal property or homeowner associa- tion property or an indivtduaJ~ property that adds a slgnlflcatll amount of pollution to the stonn drains.. Klff said The ilem could come before the council In Jan'Uary. Over-in1gatlon of lawns and lu.ndscaplng contributes Jgnill- cant pollution to the bay and ocean because It sends pollu- tants such as fertilittrs. pesti- cides and debris lnto the storm c1raiJu, leading ultimately lnto the harbor and ocean. ·~r-irrigatlon is a problem: said Mayor Steve Bromberg. a former member or the locaJ wa- ter-quality committee that has eumlned the effects or over-wa- tering. "Where the water's not soaking Into the ground any lon- ger. ll's running off Into the side- more.llftlCS. Whit\ note:woJthy Is that dMlle of.lker'I mMle the U'· In only ttmie montht.; CoMa Mell. Uitftc oflk:en work on the DUI tc.m tn th.J'ee.month rohltioo • unre>mmatdy. our dcy bu• high number of dnU\k dtfwn.. Aki eo.ca Mesa Polkt Lt. Karl Schuler, who la also the tate cb.a1r for MADD.. That if ~ o( neigh-bori08 beech cities wbete peopJe cocne to party u weD as the number of ban and ('eSt&Unulll tn Costa Ml!SI. he sakl • Four Newport ee.dl po- Uce o1!kt-ra-WUUam Dep- wtg, Matt Keyworth, Dunon PWos and ~rry White - were also ~ at the luncheon. 'Ibele olBcen made between 25 and 63 arrests each. 'Over-irrigation is a problem. Where the water's not soaking into the ground any longer, it's running off into the sidewalk, the street and the storm drain.' Mayors.. Brombers Wlllk. the street and the storm drain ... The ordinance could help the city comply with strict new rules goveming the poUudon that en- tent local waten through torm drains. In broad terms, those county-lmpoeed rules state that no pollutaotl should enter the itorm dra1ru. Jt Includes pet wute, )eaves, soap and lawn chem.lcals. Wa1er-qualJty experts sey that most people tend to program thelr automatic Irrigation sys· tems to water lawns mote than n~. They reconvnend that if the water runs off the lawn and into the street. the~ tern be resei to a lower watering levet I GARDEN Continued from Al bec.Olne an educ.tional bawn lettl by thoulaodl ol studsllS e.ch yell. ltl redwoOd ~ 4 feet ~when planted In Che c:en~ tarly days. now and more than 100 feet tall. Houle l&ld 160 tpedet of blrda ha been ldentil.led ln I.he center~ various habAaus and lhtW rare bird~ have been sighted there In the lut month. The nature cienten auooeta ts due=to~.•hWt tclX>OI olc>gy teacher for 39 )alS an«1 a fountaCn or biowteclge about the rmny planes and o-ee. that gr,aw at the center. "We had no Idea If these plant.a were golnc to swvive or not When we lint planted them,· HoU9C said. "But Ibey have. It's an ~riment. you mJghtaai" 1Wng conservation a step ALLOWED Continued from Al listened to her txplanations or things but wu more lnterated In the room. lbanbgMng decorations were UPi as well u bright and colorful letters, pollen and samples of the cblJdren'a work. lb my untrained :7:• lt looked lib a fun place 10 eem. Then the kids came In from their modlfted physlcal education c1u& They hugged Booth and anxiously sat at their worbtations. Some of them shot me sJdeways glances - th~re leery or the stranger In room. Then It hit me. TheJdds. That's what this Is all about. It's FUNDING Continued from Al Rather than tdytng on tund- ralslng, Maddox saJd, he's build- ing his campaign. on local en- donements' from the 35th Senate district and his record as a legislator over lhe past five yean. •1 think I will be incredibly fartber. a..~ materWI In bea9dhll tbe ~ WMrl .. ....... Nlwpor1 H9rbor ~ ScboDl WM= a hc:J:lf fat I ~ be made~ Che center wuuktror Che din. He~ unearthed by~Hetoit& • ooapny to daiDM8 lhe old '*phooe &)c>lll dial eaeeo rht t"mtet'I poundl 60Cll the hiah tchool athJedc 8ekk. And when it WU too e:xpenllYe to hire Jandacapen to CHllde the...-. Houle enliilted btgb ICbool ltUClentl to pull weeds. plant creee and miete WllldrC Qafk. While bk bftilidth ot ~and wymanner make bbn aeem .wee a natunJ. · HQuae didn't• out to be a teacher. Mer c:oUefe be wo.dced for the~ aervlce In YOeemlte NadonaJ Pi.rk. but he wanted to do .more to promote COnaetVadoo. "I worbd tn the wlldemeea and laW the vaJue a( the • nOt about rat.a. It's not about horrlbfy~t 1t&niniatraton or whine)' parents. tn about the kids. And those who care about them and want to make thJ.np right for them. Such as those In the Best Buddies program. Fellow st:Udenta without 1eaming dLsabWtles. who are dedicated to woddog with thote In Ma. Ta clu&. Belt Buddies Brittaoy Malone, CA>urtney Rycbel and Oaudla Mendoza~ the ones who brought the iuue to light and gathered 500 lflnatures on a petition asking the board to W;e care of the vmn1n problem. '"Their actions abowed a corrunJtment to the ltUdenta and the program,• Booth said. MThey are wondeJf\.d and competitive at ($400,000) 1n get- ting my message ou1... Maddox saJd. "I've always run very lean campalgns." Of the a1x Republican candi- dates eeeldng the 70th District Assembly seat. Corona dd Mar businesswoman Qisti Cdstich had the most cash as of October when the reports were filed. Qistich reported a cash total of $207,0'70, or which $34,088 was raised dwtng the reporting period or July 1 to Sept 30. Ou.ick Devore was dose ~ hind with $203, 133 In his war chest. He raised $126, n2 or the total between July and Septem· ber. Donald P. Wagner followed De- Vore, ending the reporting pe- riod with a cash 1otaJ or $96,270. Of that totaJ. $32. 735 was raised In the reporting period. Newpon Beach reskfent Mar- iaJtne Zippi reported an ending cash balance of $64,200 and con- tributions or $3,559 for the re- porting period. 1Wo of the six candidates, Long Pham and Oionchol Gu~ ta. dJd not me campaign finance reports with the Orange County Registrar of Voters. March pri- mary candidates who raise or spend lea than $ l 1000 are not required to me a report until Jan. 22. Both Zippi and Wagner m.IS3ed EVIDENCE Continued from Al wOdm.-md WMled to let other= &.m lbout it tO they ~ltand t,ppl9c:lalli ta.. be llld. And "°'* eeerm to have dooe j\11( that. •1 ~ lt WU Wonderfu1. • eakl Siiiy Mile. • b ·tlme ... C.-villcor who ...... w 'Jbundly'l lour. .. 'am de8nitely ... to come back.• The center now has thiee full-time emplo)'eee and la opandina eome ol its plan• hlibitUa. A buuerty home will be built at the c:eotet In 2004 and a new bulldlng ro houee the c:enla"'• ollloel, llQeUID and amall gift thop ii planned for the fUtUre. •[t1ouae·a1 ~II still tn plice today frOm when he IWted tbe facility over 30 years e,o.• said Bo Glover, executive dirictor cl the c:eoter. Betauaeao many students visit the center to learn, Glover aaSd. •his legacy wUl live on for a long. loog dme! supportive.• ls Booth mad? Or even a little pertwbed that. as a result, 1V news cameras and major newspapers ha~ jumped on the •rat.s story'l" Nope. "We've been through It before." Brooke saJd. •it happens.• So what J.s done in responser Well. In addldon to the steel plates to block the rats from buD'owing In from the cell.Ing. the school has also trimmed back the trees so the rats can't climb up and Jump onto the root, she said. BlperU have detennlned the rats aren't getting tn from the ground, so the adlool tcheduled other pest control experts to come out Thursday afternoon and check out the ceilings. The tomato the Oct. 10 deadline to file their reports. Zi.ppi said here was filed on Oct. 17 because "the dates got away from us.· Wagner said he filed his report Nov. 12 because of •a change tn campaign trea· swers." Zippl downplayed the lmpor- t&nce or money to her campaign. She said she's hoping to raise an- other $10,000 to $20,000 befoie the Maleh 2 primary but that abe's running a grass-roots cam- paign that depends on volun- teera rather than cash. ·1 have enough money right now to do everything lhat I have planned because or the amount of wlunteen that I have," she said. Wagner said the recall WU ab- aorbUlg most voters' attention in the past few weeks. but now that lti over, he'll shift his campaign Into a higher geai: He plans to raise a total or $250,000. He said he's the only one of the candidates who has held elected ofBce and thus may be better known to the public. Wagner doesn't expect a bigger war chest than Crtstich, he said, •because she can self-fund .... J hope to not have to match [De- Vore) in fundnlising. but I'm cer- ta.lnly going to try.• DeVore said bis fund.raising goal ls $400,000. He'a counting on the endorsements he's re- be said Their job is challengtng, Bolk said. "Ewry month,~ goet at~ l,000 pieces of evidence that come in." he said. •0ur job fa to accept, aecure and safeguar:d aD that evidence and then reJeue it when It's needed In court during thetdal." 1Wo yee.ra ago. the department bought two 24-by-12-foot freezers to store biobuardoua evidence. •0ne of thoee free:r..en Is full. aod the other one it a quarter ot the Wlf full,. be aalcl. Bodt'a job lndudet d.ispoldng of thfnp u well. Undl dgbt ~ .. Bolk ueed to bold ti» . ~'aaucdona. l remember ,etdng on top of a table with a mkmpbone In our~ and~olf bJ~ for 25 <leflta," be aa.ld. "lt WU fWi iand ewn beart·Wannlng to .. the look on a ldd'a face wheil be boutlbt a bike tor. quarter. lllut It tot to be too much, and we bid to hand it CMlr .., • pro• ... Ol\ll auction~· Sdl. bk>octf Ciodm .nd pay bodyJJ1111ce...,.•an6Q"; on' tbi penon Mncllr'I then\ Bolk....S. "Wbe JUU loot 11 d'I bloody dodm._ID a roc.Q, yuu ...... -.......... . ..,.,_.., ......... "I loot at lhe t...lncbeblll .... mdt ........... bliotil .. 0...tlab.r~~-.,_ .. o... .... ot tis pmt ... W.•u' IW ,.., r ••mt.._ ~"T_: ....... ,_ .... ... ,...,. .... ._ .... o.lti P'ilot Hrue II Jule happy to INare ,. ~with lhe ptJbk -~ betievtng, and f'l!ldinl I this In a boot and teeing aJI the pktutel la not the tame 11 experienc:IQg It.• he taJd. Since .... too expensive ror tehoola to tab atudeota ro all of the stat.el various plant habitats, )b.ase said, ~bring (Wure lO them.. In January, House will be honored for his efforts with a conservation award pcaented by the Newport Beach chapter of the Daughters or the. Ametican Revolution. The next tour of the Environmental Na~ Center. 1601 16th St.. will be al noon on Jan. 15. For mol'e in!ormation, call (949) 645-8489. • AUCIA~COllerl buainea, polhlca and the environment She can be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail at •llcia.roblfJ$0() tl l•tif'f'Ht&com. garden will most likely have to goabo. "These things tend to attract rodents. .. Booth said or the garden. Really, what It seems we have here is a group of parent.s standing up for their children; a group of students flexing their muscles to make grown-ups pay attention; and a school dlslrict that -not really proactlvely- but at least reactively, took one on the chin and is doing its best to fix the problem. Sounds like a great lesson in civic duty. One that can't be found in any textbook. • LOLITA HARJ>ER writn columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays. She may be reached et (949) 574-4276 or by e-mail at lolii..harperOl•times.com. ceived from local elected officials to glve him an edge over Qisdch, whom he sa1d ls his main oppo· nent. ·Shes probably going to have to spend a Joi oC money lo get her word out,· be saJd. •rm comfortable if she outspends me two to one." If Crisdch achieves ber goaJ - close to $1 million -~e1J be the top fundraiser In the 70th Ar sembly District campa.tgn. She saJd she didn't raise much money tn the last reporting pe- riod because she suspended her own fundraising for three months to support the recall election and support Arnold Schwaruneger as governor. Crisdch added that she has no concerns about raJsing enough money. •t know that I will fully fund the budget for my campaign." she said. However. she's also focusing on getting out and meeting with voters, she said '"The campaign is really won in the living rooms of people's homes," she aald. "We're not just relying on a bunch of money.· • AlJCIA ROBINSON covers busln-., politics end the environment She can be reached et (949) 764-4330 or by e-mail et •licia.robfn90n0 1atimes.com. .... ..,......,..Pubic ...., .......... ...., .. ....... DMDl•llf ...... . .....,.,..,. ........ ""'"~ .. rndly, ~ 21, 2003 Al FORUM \ ' . . HOW 10 GE1" PUa llttB> -L-..: Mall'° Edltoriet Pllge Edhof $.J. C8hn .t the 09Uy PUot. 330 W. Bey St., Coct1M .... CA92827 • RMder. Hodnec Call (949) 842-6086 Fu: Send to (9491 ~170 ~S.nd to dai/ypllof•ta,,,,,_com •AM COfT•poodenc• ITIUlt lndude W name, hcnlMDwn end phone number (fot wribtk>n purpoee1). The Pilot l"IMIVll the right to edit all submi.k>na for clarity end length. MAILBAG Don't judge striking grocecy workers so hastily I am saddened and frustrated by • the constant plcket·bashing I see submitted by the readers. Saddened, be<:ause or the public's lack of compassion toward lhese wo~ers. I bear of, and have been witness to, people golng out of their way to show their disgust and disrespect for hard-working employees of muldmJlUon-dollar corporations, who are trying to maintain thelr way of life and their financial security. What happened to helping out your fellow manT Frustrated, because the people who take it on themselves to put pen to . paper (or finger to keyboard) are not ln possession of all the facts. It Is not just about paying for health coverage. ln fact, if you aslt any grocery employee, I'm sure they would be wllllng to pitch ln fur their coverage. What they are opposed to, however, ls the company brlnging tn new employees at a lower wage, who get all the hours. It Is about the companies freezing their pension contributions. FU PHOTO/ONLYPl.OT Grocery W()ri(ers continue their strike at the Albertsons on the Balboa Peninsula between Newport and Balboa boulevards after a union ratty. Before you form an opinion about these people, maybe you should consider what you know they do. ' They work holidays, weekends and nights. They have gone almost 10 years without any substantial raise. They are at the mercy of the store manager (who Is non-unJon) to give them any amount of hours with the possibility of said hours going from 40 one week to 24 the next. They work hard and deaJ with the public nonstop throughout their day. How many times have you seen a customer be rude to a grocery clerkT For this, they definJtely deserve the right to try and maintain their work condJtions. You will notice that the grocery employees are not asking for anything additional. Just to maintain what they were promised upon the start of their employment. CHERYL CRUZ Costa Mesa Corona del Mar is not the model of a clean campus Rat lnfestatlon at Corona deJ Mar High School? Why amt not surprisedT I invite anyone, especially Corona del Mar parenu, to visit ~campus arid ask to see the quad area right after lunch. The 6.lth ls awful. Students don't bother to throw their lunch trash lnto t:lie cans that are conveniently located -within throwing distance -from the tables where they sit Seagulls have a field day as students scurry to their fifth-period classes. I taught at Corona del Mar from 1978 to 1981. The trash on campus was an issue even then. ln 1981, I was hired to teach at Pacifica High in Garden Grove and was so surprised to see that the Corona deJ Mar and the Pacifica high campuses were identical, designed by the same architect and buUt by the ~e contractor. One huge difference, though: Pacifica was (and still ls) squeaky clean in comparison. ln the early '90s, I attended a teachers' conference on the Corona del Mar campus on a Saturday morning, and the campus was filthy. Trash and food from Friday was still strewn about the quad area. Inside the same buUdlng where l had taught, the rugs Jn the hallways were decaying and stained from spilled drink and food. I was aghast. I applaud the students who were concerned enough to circulate and sign the peddon presen1ed to the Newport-Mesa Unified School District board of trustees. I recommend that they also sponsor a campus·wide campaign to get rid of tlie garbage after the nutrition break and lunch. (Perhaps the Associated Srudent Body could pitch in and buy some more trashcans.) The day students finally take some owners' pride in their school, the rats will dJsappear. FLO MARTIN Costa Mesa The Di.ff erence ls Di.gnity THERE ARE MANY CREMATION AND FUNERAL SERVICE PROVIDERS BUT WHAT THEY PROVIDE IS NOT THE SAME. There is a difference in care and service when you plan with a Dignity Memorial• Se'."ice Provider: +EXPERIENCED COUNSELORS We want to relieve as much of the stress as possible during what is already a difficult time. Our trained and caring staff will discuss pricing, benefits, plans and service options answering all of your questions dearly and simply . • l 00"' SERVICE GtJARANTEE A I 00 percent service guarantee that supports our commitment to provide service beyond expectations. +TRAVEL BEREAVEMENT PROGRAM Significant savings on Aight amngcments and other travel needs such as hotel and car rental to out-of ·town family members. + HANDUNG Youa NEEDS BEFORE, DURING AND AFrEll Dignity Memorial's care extends beyond the service. Our Aftercare• Planner helps swvivors through the sometimes burdensome legal and business affairs they must attend to after a loss. +COMPASSION Ha.PLINE A 24-hour a day telephone line, staffed by licensed counselors for the bereaved to obtain counsel during the difficult months,ollowing a loss. + FREE INTERNET M.EMOllAL Through www.mem.com, we will provide an Introductory Everlasting Memorial• at no cost that provides an opportunity to celebrate the life of a loved one. LEt US BE YOUR TRUSTED ADVISOR. LETTER TO THE EDITOR Bullying ·as a rite of passage is not right I ainged when I read Steve Smith's column about ·eu.Uying no. teasing go ahead.• Smith remlnlsced about the "good ol' days" when be was In schooJ and bragged how be survived the jeers of his peers. As an educatot for 2.0 years, l would lilte to Inform Smith that times have changed. Now we have violent video games that simulate the destruction of the "enemy." When Smith was growing up, be and others could imagine In their head many revenge scenarios to get back at your taunter. Tuday, there are weapons readily available to our youth so they can stop anyone I.hat ridicules or humiliates them. Smith obviously has not read I.he documentation on "threat assessment,• done by the Secret Service. that studies teenagers who have brought weapons to school to stop the tormenting inflicted on them by their peers. Teenage shooters were interviewed In thls study, and the common thread with the majority of these kiJJers was that they were bullied and teased at school. Bullying is not limlted to physkaJ violence. The everyctay humiliation of "put downs" and name-calling is oftentimes worse In the eyes of the victim than what anyone could ever physically do to them. Though you may think teasing is a "rite of passage" at school and It assists the process of becomlng "resilient," that is not always the case. Most kids are resiUent. Some lcids, even though they have been abused In the worse of circumstances, are able to survive. But there al.so exist those child.ml, for whatever reason, that are picked on daily because the more powerful of their peers perceive a weakness and an opportunity for ~one-ups·manshlp." Every day is a torture for these students. They are hurnJllated constantly and the butts of many jokes. Thelr peers condone this type of behavior because they are relieved I.hat they are not being picked on. The destiny of these 1ormented lcids rests In the · hands of fate. Some or them have good friends that protea them. or 1eachers that lntervene or parents that advocate for them to slop the daily torture. But what happens to those kids that are too embarrassed to tell their parents or ask for he.lpT Whal do I.hey do? They endure It as long as they can and hope it goes away. A few of them can no longer bear it. Smith. what do you suppose happens to themT. If Smith actually studied the effects of "constant teasing.• he would know that these studentJ are the ones you read about that have commlned suicide, or brought weapons to school to stop the harassment Some kids you may not read about because they can't bear school anymore and merely drop out I am confused about Smith's logic. He tallcs about character education and vaJues. Putting down somebody else and teasing will probably never go away, but It certainly Is nothing to brag about or encourage. Shame on you, Steve Smith. CYNDIE BORCOMAN Newport Beach Electrlc boats, byab, Whalen, surtboatds ••. Jf it floats, we'll trade Call now for a free no obligation quote and to receive a free Personal Planning uude. PAOFIC VIEW M.EMoaw.. P.wc AND MOlm.IAaY COIONA om. MAJ 949.644.2700 FD117e Plmla BaO'THERS Blil..1 Bao.u>WAY MOll'IUilY Con'A MESA 949.642.9150 1•,' •• I' I !I I I' ' '. ~ lt towards a new Duffy. -baft a put tclecdon of new and certifled Pre- Otmed DuftYs ln stock. There'• no better time to tnde up. Stop by thlt wtJCRndt Our frienclly ltaff needs an cxcuee to take a ~ The new loot .Dodd. bout a woodaful array of re.tures and com.tons. Entertain ln ~ clwioa the molt Catift dme of the yar. Sllp1 11V8ilable, •k for details. Theft'e DO bcUu way to~ the bay ••• Th Plnt 8i Phtest la Eledrk 1loals Slrece 1970 2001 W. Clast HlllJ • NtfJl/Ort Bt«h • (949) 645~12 72 HOURS M Fnday, ~ 21, 2003 &ATVROAY. MouMtnp. The Corona del M• High SdlOOI d,.,-oe dlpeltment will preMnt .The~·. 7 p.m ... Corona del Mw Hlgl\ Sdlool'I Ullle ThNtr9, 2101 Eutblu1' Drive. Tlc*ftl COit $7 In edvencnnd S8 tt the doof. lnfon1\a11on; (949) 515«>49. A new challenge· • David Cassidy will perform with the Pacific Symphony Pops at the Orange County Performing Arts Center Lule Per.. Daily Piiot D avid C&ssldy, the quintessential 1970s teen pop idoJ, keeps on roding wlth a new twbt to symphonic music at the Orange Coun ty Perfonnlng AIU Center. Cassidy. 53, best known for his portrayal of Keith Pa.rtrldge ln the early '70s 1V show "The Partridge Pamily," has~ performing for more than 30 years. Cassidy had seven hit singles wlth the Partridge Pamily, lndud.ing "BnU!ng Up ls FYI •WMAT:Oavid Cauldy perform• wfth the Pacific Symphony Popa •WHEN: 8 p.m. today and Saturday •WHERE:Th• Orange Coonty Performing Arte Center •INFORMA110N: (714) 765-6799, (714) 556-AATS, http:llwww.pacific symphony.org • TICKETS: $25 to $105 Hard Tu Do" and ·1 Th.Ink I Love You.• He bad ftw bit si.nglea as a solo artist. which include "Cheri.sh" and "Could It Be Forever: , Cassidy bas since extended his talent to Broadway. He appeared in the original production of "Joseph and the Amazing ledulk:olor Dreamcoat. • He also appeared ln "Blood Brothers" with his real life half-brother Shaun Cassidy. Over his long career, Cassidy has IOld more than 25 million record& For many artists, these past accomplishments would be enough to satisfy and fulfill their goals and dreams. "During my last wortd tour, l played stadiums, and It wu five years of madneu and h)'5terla." Cassidy aa.ld. "I wanted to do other things. and the only way that I couJd do that was walking away from the top.• Fame and money aren't that Important to him. Cassidy said. and he doesn't try to compete with thole two factol'I, because be wants the art to be the reason for doing what he does. He feels that doing It for the low of the art ls what bas made hb:n a suooea ·1 don't want to play the same put CM!r and OYer again. l've done thaL ... Tbere'a no challenge In doing tomething you've done, a.s great as it ts." Cuskly said. SUNDAY Shr I 11 .... .t OCC. Orange Cont College't Theatre ~will IUIQe Shek..,..,n gen<Wbending c:om.ctv .,.welfth Night" ttvough Sundey. Show tlmee are 8 p.m. • Thuf"ldr/l lhn>ugh Satunt.vl et¥12 p.m. Su~ All perlorman<* will be in the Drame ub TheeC1e on the 0CC cempue. 2701 Fairview Roed In Cocta M .... ~Pilot BEST BITES M'any options on Turkey Day By Greer Wylder M any consider Thanksgiving the best holiday of the year because it centeQ on food, friends and Cam.Uy who gather in the spirit of giving thanks, without all the hubbub of an Easter Bunny or a Santa Oaus and the complications of glfta. A lovingly prepared dinner at home is bard to beat. Yet. there are myriad food decisions for that home meal numerous choices for bringing prepared food in, or even selecting just the right location for dining out The pilgrims' first harvest feast at Plymouth ln 1621 lncluded com soup, succotash. fowl, berries, beans and maple sugar and comsta.rch candies. Some of these authentic and traditional dishes remain favorites that everyone expectS at the meal. Yet. often in an attempt to serve the traditional dishes many home cooks get stuck. in a time warp. robotically preparing grandma's oJd 1950s style dishes. More than ever before, there are vast and easily accessible resources to assist the home cook to preserve the Thanksgivings culinary traditions, while still ce!ebratingwlth the new and uvorr Oair. Consider expen advice from three sources: magazines, cookbooks and programs OD the Food Network.. Wonderful easy-to-follow recipes from turkey to desserts grace the entire issues of November's •eon Appetit• and ·Gourmet" magazines. Imaginative dishes from ·eon Appetit• include roast turkey with pomegranate glaze, sweet and sour radi~lo, Balsamic-roasted acorn squash with hot chilles and honey, sweet potato brulee. and ginger calce wlth caramelized pears. William-Sonoma has two outstanding cookbooks fill with old favorites and new twlst.s: "Thanksglvlng" and "Thanlcsglving: Festive Recipes for the Holiday TubJe." The Food Network channel devotes an entire week of constant programmjng to Thanbgfvlng fun. Celebrity chefs such as Bobby Flay, Sara Moulton and F.merll lagaMe demonstrate tasty trtclcs and new Thanksgiving adventures from planning to cooking-and even presentation. caut.dy la taking up a new challenge by perlorming with the Pad6c Symphony Pops. ... CHAU.ENGE, Pac• A7 ~~ Ca~sidy, 1970s pop singer and Partridge f amify kid, wiff perform new orchestrations of his hits with the Pacific Symphony PoPs at the Orange County Performing Arts Center . Before you work on your battle plan for your Thanbgivlng dinner, relax. take a break. tum on the 1V and see how the expert.a do It Then download the recipes and other helpful infonnadon from the Food Network. You11 be all set to put on your own Thanbgivlng abow at home! Both you and your guests will THEATER Afaturistic 'Macbeth' at Vanguard ByTomTttu1 Daily Pilot S haketpeare'a plays have been tranaformed and relocated all over the Old World and the New. A current example la Orange eou, College's producllon of "Twelfth Night," aet in 1939 Hollywood. A few blocb away. Vanguard Unlvuaity bu launched •Macbeth• into the Aature. H~c:.thefu~-u dlrector Sutan Bertompu viitialiuS fl -Jln't of the •Star nu• vviety. Her future. just 10 yean down the road, la a poet·apocalypdc world populated by auritVora or a nuelMr holocautt who ecrape aDd c:Mw for power much 11 they did fn Shatetpeen .. time. OttMrrwlle, •MKbetb" " ~ J)!'etty mUdi on• tradJUolW level ln one of the more vtscera1 lnterpretadona of the trqedy presented in local theater. Bloodlettlnt aboundt, pantc:ularly fn the aecond act, which Is punctuated by a ahowdown between Macbeth and Macdu1J that wOJ draw gupa and winces from the audience. The to·called •Scot:dah play" rem&lna one of Shakes~'• moat virulent and vlolent creadona, and Berkompu doan't aklmp on the camqe, preeeottnc tome of the moat bloodled and battered characters ywt teen on a local •tip. She\ Ualsted mfa1\tily by flaht cboleOll'aPher auutopher Wli. who bu dalped eome ~ reiU8dc t.ttle ICell-. 8trtompU ., haa ellclted tome pc*":::rfonnwea ouaofb.r FYI •WHAT: •Macbeth• •WHERE: Vangu1rd Unlvertttv lyceum Thetter, 66 Felr Drive, eo.t.Meu • WHEN: Cloelng petforman<:4t1 at 8 p.m. t~y; at 2 end 8 p.m. S.tufdty; and at 2 p.m. Sunday •COST: $10 • CALL: (714) 68H145 undergraduate and grad\late student cut. Perhaps the moat dynamic lndJvtduaJ accompUahment ii Ouistopher numan'a revenge-bent Macduff, teething cwer the mwden of bJa wtle and c:hDdren, and •taytng on" wtth Utonllhlng gusto. He'I a1IO the ttronce-t epeakef of the company, brintltnl • th~ oratory 10 hli mlaelon. SM BEST, Pqe A8 HAPPENINGS Fridly, NcMlcTM 21, 2003 A1 REELCRmcs • 'Shatter~d Glass' breaks down, 'Love Actually' not re.ally 'Glass' only deals with pieces of the true story F iw yeara and a Jayson Bla1r tcandal later antva the tell-all movie desaibing bow a 24-year-oJd from the Untversity of PmmytvanJa duped the famous political magazine, the New Republic. While the Blair tnddent introduced themes of race and ...--~-.,....~--wotkp)ace afDrmative action into public discourse, the Stephen Glass a1falr ln 1998 asked some equally Important questions still 1 1ANDREW =~·did NGUYEN the public's appetite for saladous jownalism allow 'editors to overlook the dubious gaps and criticism swround.lng Glass's •human interest" stortes? NOW PLAYING be smarter knowt.ng one reuoo why joumallstfc traud occura ln the 6rst place. • ANOAEW NQUYEN It. freelance writer living In Cost• MMa. 'Love Actually' not actually a good film ''L ove Actually" should be a good movie. The acrlpt waa written by Richard Curtis, who also wrote the scripts for •Four Weddings and a Funeral• and "Notting Hill" The ca.st is filled with talented actors such as Uam Neeson, .-------. Bmma Thompson. Alan Rickman, Laura Unney, HugbGrant and Colin Flrth. seduced by an English accent. If CUrtis. who also dli'ected •Love Actually," had removed these useless dlstractlona, he could have added more depth to the primary plots. The failure of "Love Actually" ls e pedally sad becau e the main story lines could have been made into a good, enjoyable romandc comedy. The new prune minister (Grant) falls In love with the woman who brings bim tea (Martine McCutcheon). A widower (Neeson) grieving the lo or bis wife helps his young stepson with his first crush. A marrled couple (Thompson and Rickman) with children go through a midlife crisJs. Each of these plots bad Jts bright or touchJng moments and could have used a little more time to develop fully. Watching a bad movie ls just a waste of time. Watching a bad movie that had the potential to be a really good movie, like "Love Actually," is a waste of tlme and a sad WhUe "Shattered Glass" paints an inteiadng picture of the events that led to Glass's downfall, It chooses only to partially address the wider problem of a media and public more fond of sensationalism than noteworthy journalism. Fortunately, there are good performances by Hayden Christensen and Peter Sarsgaard, (the former playing Glass. and the latter playing Oiuck Lane, his editor) whJch translates nicely into on-screen tension - a delight for those who didn't read about the real life drama in newspapers during the post-Lewinsky era. Capt Jack A»brey (Russell Crowe) batUes enemy forces in "Master and Commander.• TRICIA BEHLE The main theme is the wonderful Idea that the world Is full of all kinds of disappointment. •Shattered Glass" begins at the height or Glass's days at the INew RepubUc. where the young THEATER Continued from A6 Macbeth hlmse1t veteran Vanguard actor Tim Larson, requires more stage time to establish hls true nature, but when sufficiently warmed up, Larson is a powerbome. Larson plays Macbeth as an asthmatic, ~ ovenveigbt ruler, gasping and panting as his murderous toll mounts and wrlthing in the thrall of the three "weird sisters" who dictate his fate. Katbl)'n Scott delivers a superb account of lady Macbeth, the true power behind the saW8t?ry. Scott beautifully coaxes her husband into violent ambition, and her descent into madness via the famous blood-stained sleepwalking scene Is particularly well fashioned. Fred Ingels Impresses as the not-long-for-thJs-world King Duncan, a jolly, hearty ruler who gives no modvadon for his murder. Jack Clark is a solid, sinewy Banquo whose post-mortem appearance at Macbeth's table (via a video screen, which only Macbeth can visualize) launches the new ldng's journey into mental purgatory. Add.Ing a high degree of spice to the production 8le the three witches -Amy Maier, Lawa Manchester and Christi Brixey- wbo ~hardly wltcbes of the h88Ph variety. All are quite writer loafs around the office in hls socb, schmoozing with bosses and flattering co-workers. Ouistensen. whose acting in •Attack of the Oones" and Mille as a House" ranged from whiney to more whiney, nails a character who Is charismatic but extremely needy and acquiescent to authority - which helps to explain why Gbw does what he does. Sarsgaard is equally good in his role, although his heroic posturing at the movie's end seems all too forced. As we all .,, fetching, as is their spiritual leader. Mary House, with whom they writhe about the stage under Maier's choreographic movements. Jeff Fazakerley excels as the throne's true heir, fleance. in a pedormance that seethes with vitality. Michael Milligan, Darren Rouanzoin, Scott Faring, Mark Parker and AJ. Teaters also acquit themselves well as military figures on both sides, while Ryan Stice has a nice five-minute solo shot as a drunken porter. c.altlln Macy-Beckwith is lmpressive as Lady Macbeth's loyal lady in waiting, and Rebecca Hull Is solid as her doctor. The makeup design team of <hrissy Tihollz. and Elicia Maclean must be aedlted with a fantastic piece or wort. creating the many and varied bloody effects of conflict. Costumer Ua Hansen has taken the concept of futuristic dress in a wodd annihilated by weapons of mas,, destruction to its logical conclusion, wlth only lady Macbeth fetchingly garl>ed. Any production of •Macbeth" should be an exhaustive experience, and Vanguard University certainly qualifies in this regard -the audience files out as shaken as the actors must be, and the post-show cleanup backstage must be equally challenglng. • TOM 111\JS reviews locel theat9f for the Daily Pllot. Hl1 reviews appear Fridays. Michael !hey lcnow now, there was a lot more than two or three tnddents ln whJch Glass's pieces were questioned or critidud. Beside this point. the movie keenly depicts a way of life for journalism school graduates in whlch writers are literally at each other's throats to get their byUne in, so much so that a real $tory on a lAtin American country cannot compete with a fabricated one on the ~ Bad Bionic Boy." Although these scenes suggest a wider range of culpabWty for Glass' joumallstic CHALLENGE Continued from A6 Th.is will be his first time perfonning on stage with a symphony of its caliber. His pelfOnnance will include all new arrangements wrttten for the Pacific Symphony. The perfonnance will include hits such as ·1 think I Love You· and ·0oesn't Somebody Want to be Wanted.• He asked his fans on his Web te what song they wanted him to perform with the Pllcific Symphony, and the No. 1 response was ·01er1sh," from his 1972 solo debut q.lbum. ' .. , 'I 11' \, J 1 111-> I ' I I F .\1 P I 111 . I ' S H l ( I\ ,\. ( \I{ p I I \ : i. 1 . . • • .• ' .. j KENNY ':· PRINTER ART GALLERY INTERNATIONAL oJfenses, the ending ultimately displeases with a much lesser assignment of blame. Despite the crude approach toward a weak ending. •Shattered Glass" is still an entertaining ride through the competitive and fast-paced world of journalism. Moreover, It provides an illuminating look at what lies behind the polidcal corridors of a mainstream political publication. Indeed. with stories I.lb the sex bracelets displacing news of events in the Mideast and elsewhere, we'd all "When they offered the opportunity for me to do it. I thought. 'There's a challenge ... . Here's somethlng that I haven't done that I'd like to do." Cassidy said Longevity has been a mainstay or Cassidy's career. He ·was recently voted the No. 2 teen Q: love and affection between people. Unfortunately, •Love Actually" ls a regrettably bad film. There Is a lot of crudeness in the rum that is unnecessary and actually detracts from some or the better story Unes. Another problem ls that there are just too many stories and characters for one film. There are several weak secondary subplots that do not add to the film and could have been edited out, such as one about an English guy who travels to Wisconsin because he believes the U.S. is tilled with beautiful women who are easily Idol in VH-1 's 50 Greatest Teen Idols. corning in second to Britney Spears. •As far as being recognii.ed for my accomplishments. it's always a compliment I'm flattered. and I guess it's not a disgrace to be second to Britney Spears.~ Cassidy said. • TIUCtA BEHLE lives in Newport Beach and works as a software validator. 1 670:.1 I\ I "I Six Seventy West Happily Announces our Annual lnvmtory &ducti4n BLOWOUT! OMD1y011/y Saturday, Nov. 22, 2003 11 AM co4 PM Accessories, Antiques, Art, and Furniture HUGE SAVINGS! 670 Weit 17th Scrcct, Sec. 02 Costa Meu (Wmof~Bl..J) (949) 646-1822 My daughter tel playing tag in the house and hit her arm on the coffee table. It's not MOll9fl. but n MM It tu1s. C~ II be bfoten' ASKA CHOCDOC Samuel Rcs1nfeld. M.O. ~Olcipedlc ll..,.on Jf,. ....... - ..... ~lll.,, lfdlitplin im't leVCn, we MC Ml ..... aJlll flll»cmdll-b201D • 5 t 11• .... ....... fl'., .. ............... . . • Decorated Wreaths • Topiaria • Garlands Mon-Fri 10-5:30 •Sat 10-5 •Sun 10-4 369 E. 17th Street 113, Costa Mesa • (949) 646-6745 IAcrtu from Ralphs) s.1on, Mltsy, LIW W.nm11C I 00" HAID WISI Fill WASH IR UllS WITl9I Mm I $1." .............. . ~ .... ,.. ........ ....... ..... ............ 88 Ao 1lllil1 lilh II the WW 1.r 0111r Ill . . : I I I www .benlhane.co• .. ~.rt ... cla 42IO llrcll ltreet (141,111•22 HAPP NlNGS THEATER 'Sweeney Todd' razor sharp at UCJ ByTomTitu1 WldMibn add to the pOo ~. an 81rady lho41n8 production FYI Daily Pilot omlnola• mulic eccompanJee the and the ultimate showdown •WHAT: "Sweeney Todd: The runereat la:De -and tlWt ts .. beMftn baJber and Judge. Oemon Barber of Fleet Street" s tephen Sondhdm has the play beglna. Simon bas . Melodramatic? OeftnheJy. But •WHERE; ct1rre Trevor Thuter, traWrkd many and varied created a~ a~re enthralling newrtheleu. UC Irvine averm during h1t more that 5WTOUndt the action, with o At UCJ, Robin BUdt b rawr •WHEN: Cloalng performanees than ~ )'al'I W monarch of bup 5Wlt.b sliad M:IOll9 the lharp as the mad barber. his at 8 p.m. tod1y: and It 2 and 8 ihe Brolldway mUlical, from back scenic wall that turnt red eyes glowipg with the prospect p.m. Saturday slapstick comedy r A funny when a murdet occur& or ew:rmore ~Bua •COST: S12 to S24 Thing Happened on the Way to At the out.et. the audirn~ Inhabits the character of • CAll: (949) 824-2787 the Fonun ") to lighthearted must identify with Swftney-a ~ey with a throbbing prances through his segment as romantic f'a.re (•Company," •A batber unjuslty throWn into passion fed by years of false Utde Night Music") and even a exile. whole wife and dilld have Imprisonment and a magnificent a touring "showbiz;" baJber flight off'ancy (•tmo the been taken by a vlcioualy COl'tupl singing voice and s~ presence. garbed much liJc.e Caesar Woo&"). Judg'C; Hilvfng ~be Valerie Rachelle Is a welcome Romero's old Jolcu In the But with-~ 1bdd.. returns to London wWin8 contra.st. a comic deUght a.s the ·eatman• 1V series. mbdtled "The Demon Barber of revenge and ll'Vlng tor tbe ple baker Mrs. l..oYett. who The musical dominance of fleet Street.• Sondheim made an moment that this judge settles • supplies a pracdcal soludon for conductor Dennis Castellano's abrupt detour Into Grand Into bis betbet's cha.Ir. the dJaposaJ of SWttneY• plt orchestra and the large, Gulgnol with a story that bas Its Until this can happen, victims. Rachelle hits her sttfde ghostly chorus choreographed oripu In tbe London of 1785-Sweeney practices hls lethal craft muslcally In the coquettish ·ey by Donald McJCayle provides the the newspaper account of a OP wrlous townspeople. who aM the Sea: as she attempts to turn continuous atmosphere of balber driven to murder by then transformed Into ostensibly Sweeney's focus to more impendlng terror. Jurney Jungim jealousy. That legend pw and delidous meat plea by hJs pleasantmattm"!i. Suh has designed an became magnified over the years accomplice, Mrs. Lovett The backward youth who all-encompassing background Wltil Sondhdm gave it ftlgbt Thgether, they manage to becomes theiJ' unwitting which meshes hideously well with hi grotesquely compelling eliminate much or the accomplice is splendidly played with Elizabeth A. Cox's period musical. population or London and feed by Breu 1eresa. whose reaction costumes and the downbeat Sweeney Is swinging his '¥-Or It to the rest. making light or to the grim truth Is a chllJ.lng lighting or Lonnie Rafael Alca.rez. with a vengeance at UC !nine. their new joint venture In the sequence. Kurt Norby Is strong "Sweeney Todd• is an where dlrector Eli Simon has show's o~ comJc number, ·ny es the love-struck sailor out to overwhelmJng challenge for any mounted a magnificent the Priest. which gleefully cloees rescue Todd's captive daughter theater group, and UCJ has production or this nightmarish the first aet. -played wlth sweet answered with a dynamic melodrama The subject matter After lntermis.sion, the mood vulnerability by Sharon RJetkerk. production calculated to give may be a bit grim for the more darkens considerably, blackened Martin SWoverla.nd renders a playgoers nightmares set to squeamish theatergoers -and even further by the powerful performance as the evil music. UCI certainly hasn't toned it Imprisonment of the barber's Judge Turpin. with Martin down -but It's a banquet for daughter in an Insane asylum. a Giannini particularly impressive • TOM TITUS reviews local theater the theatrical gounnet deranged beggar woman whose as bJs accomplice and toady, for the Daily Pilot His rtNiews Bodies Utter the stage as two Identity creates shock waves in BeadJe Bamford. Daren Herbert appear Fridays. BEST ma.shed russet potatoes, candJed • Bristol Rums, a premier items come with ready to bake yams, toasted almond suing grocery store. takes phone orders mstructions. There are even Continued from A6 beans. and cranberry relish. The on holiday meal-; through today. homemade Oreos. Daily, the rest or the dishes are seasonal It offers beautifully prepared bakery serves rosemary/shallot, favorites: peppered grenadines ot traditional and nouveau main raisin/fennel and Kalamata olive be thrilled. Why, there are even tllet mignon with sauce "Diane"; and side dishes, including whole round sourdough breads. Fresh programs for meatless Piero's OSSO buco; filet of Atlantic roast lUlby ($4.29 per pound); pastries, artisan breads, 6ne Thanksgiving dlnners. eJegant salmon poached in chardonnay. roasted goose ($9.99 per pound) cheeses, illy coffee and ~dinners, or En~ can be substituted for and crown roast of port ($14.99 pre-made sandwiches are also 30-mlnute Thanksgiving dinners Florida Stone crab claws, or a per pound) -both of which available. The chocolate (lurp11www.foodMttuort.com). 24-ounce ponerbouse steak. come stuffed ~sun-dried espresso cookies sell out Another route at Thanksgiving Adult dinners cost $45; chlldrens cheny stuffing .99 pound); everyday. is dining out or. the simplest of dinners, $22.50. and poached salmon fillet ($21.99 The Village Bakery Is open all. phoning in The RJtz is at 880 Newport pound). from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Monday Thanksgiving-to-go meals. Local Center Drive In Newport Beach. Clloose from old fashioned through Friday. It's at 2937 Bristol restaurants, delis and bakeries Call (949) 720-1800. traditional stuffing ($5.99 per St. in Costa Mesa. Call (714) come to the rescue on the biggest • For gourmet take-out pound); sun-dried cherry 75 1·2220. feast of the year. vegetarian dinners. try the 1Jnc pistachio stuffing ($6.99 per • The SUnOour Natural Babry • Al Bayside Restaurant. ~. Non-vegetarians can make pound); yam souffi~ ($6.99 per offers special Thanksgiving items, Newpon's sister restaurant to turkey at home and then order pound) butternut squash risotto including darling sugar cookies In Irvine's Bistango, you can from Zinc's holiday take-out ($7.99 per pound); green beans Thanksgiving shapes; bread.9; celebrate Thanksgiving In style menu. Almandine ($7 .99 per pound) rolls and an array of fresh pies. with "new American cooking.· The menu indudes: and port and currant sauce The Sunftour Natural Bakery Is Bayside serves a three-course mushroom, celery root, butternut ($5.99 per 15 ounces). open 7:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. traditional meal, or order from its squash and 1\13cao white bean Bristol Farms is at Corona del Monday through Friday. It's at regular menu. The dinner Is soup; fre6h asparagus. beet and Mar Plaza in Newport Beach. Call 427 e.. 17th St. in Costa Me.u. Call served from noon to 8 p.m. Zinc Waldorf salads; baby (949) 760-6514 or visit (949) 646-1440. It .fu.<;t opened a On the prtx fixe menu, there's pan-seared vegetables; balsamic http://www.briswlfarms.com second location, at 2950 Grace fresh garden salad with roasted vegetable salad; and • Pinera Brad Bakery~ lane In Costa Mesa. Call (714) gorgonzola cheese, toasted pine ginger garlic carrots with toasted offers delicious holiday season 424-0176. nut and red Anjou pear, or puree almonds; and as an entt6e. Items. Its hoUday bread is a Local restaurants open for or roasted chestnut soup with eggplant Parmesan, mushroom special recipe that starts with Thanksgiving include: saffron and chives. The organic nut loaf, and stuffed peppers sweet egg dough, then combines • The Ardvs restaurant serves turltey is serwd with savory wlth creamy~ chard topping. honey, golden raisins, whole a traditional Thanksgiving dinner m~m focacda bread Desserts Include apple galette, cranberries, chopped apples and from noon to I a.m. for $19.95 pud<fins bunennllk mashed pear almond tart, pumpkin pie. cinnamon sugar and tops it with per person. The regular menu is potatoes; natural gravy and pumpkin cheesecalce tart and streudel Holiday shoppers can available, too. It's at 3334 W. seasoned wilted greens and pumpkin squares. The deadline give the bread as gifts. or serve it ~t Highway in Newport cranberry sauce. Dessert choices for orders Is noon Tuesday. with breakfast The specialty loaf Beach. Call (949) 645-7077. are pumpkin pie with vanilla ice The Zinc ear~ is at 3222 E. Is $5.95, and is available through • Twenty-one Oceanfront's cream and wann chocolate Olast HJgbway In C.Orona de1 mid-January. Also for the mended menu lndudes a sou!™ cake with Amaretto ice ~ Call (949) 719-9462 or visit holidays are aanbecry walnut tradfdonal roast tudr.ey dinner crerun.1The cost ls $29.75 per hrtp:l/wwuuinccafecom. bagels With honey walnut aeam eerwd from 2 to 8 p.m. 1\uby person, $14 for children 12 and • Hatt.e Olbe Cafte also has a cheese. Seasonal soups are Forest COmel with ltuOlng, mabed younger. speci.al ThanJc:.sglving to-go menu. mushroom and Santa Pe com potatoel, 1'ylablel and a Bayside RestaW'aJlt ls at 900 Gounnet and traditional dishes chowder. choice ol dellert. Soups and Ba}'liide Drive in Newpon Beach. include: herb-roasted turkey Panera Bread ls open from 6 l8lada me l la carte. The regular Call (949) 721-1222 or Wit breast; beef tenderloin with red am. to 9 p.m. Monday to Friday; menu le ava8able, too. 1he cost http://Www.BaysUkRest.aurant. wine sauce; tmdidonal mashed from 7 a.m. LO 9 p.rn. Saturday; .. $28 per penon. 'IMnty--one com. potatoes; Maytag blue cheese and from 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. SUnday. Oooanfront la at 21 Oceenfront • Thahksgivf ng at the RJcz, mashed potatoes; maple glazed It's in the Bluffs Shopping Center In Newport Beech. c.u (949) Newport's five-star restaurant. ~ potatoes; focacda bread at 1348 Bison Ave. in Newport 673-2100 or vlllt otrers a llawiess dinner served and apricot stuffing (with or Beach. Call (949) 721-8800 or visit http://www.21 ocmnfront.c:om. from 11:30 a.m. to 8 p.m. A without spicy Italian aausage; htqrJ/www.panembread.com • Plnot ProYmce will serve a pre-set menu rea~ six green beans; baby oam>ts; •The vm.p Bab:ry at the four-course prix fixe appetizer choices. five en trees evetyone's Rlvorite salad (greens, Camp offen a spedal holiday Thanksgiving dinner from noon and a Thanksgiving sampler or Maytag blue cheese and toasted menu. Its owners. Tun and Liz.a to 8 p.m. for $44 per person. A desserts. Appetiz.ers indude candJed walnuts); butternut Goodell. also have the famed credit card and an authorl2:ed Mlline lobster bisque loced with squash soups; rustic apple pie, Aubergine In Newport. the s1gnature a.re required to hold a Armagnac, wild mu.Woom pecan tart and Oour-&ess Tu>quet at South Coast Plaza. the reservation. Pinot Province Is at "cappuccino" with morel foam chocolate torte. The deadline for Red Pearl Kitchen In Huntington 686 Anton Blvd. In Costa Mesa. and "the famous Ritz salad" with onim is Monda)( Pick-ups on Beach and the Lodge n!Staurant Call (714) 444-5900. c.a.nadian bay shrimp and Thanlcsglvlng Day wW be from 8 at the Camp. Belgian endive. to 11 a.m. Holiday treats Include rusdc • BEST lfTES runs 9V8fY Friday. The most tradJtlonal ent:ree ls Haute Cakes Caft'e Is at I~ appJo aoustade. Shelly's Greer Wylder cen be~ at the l"OMt Diestel Rancb turkey Westdiff Coun In Newport pumpkin ple, Meyer lemon tan 11f'HfW'lfderflyahoo.oom; at 330 W. and tpblct gnryy set'W!d with Beach. Call (949) 64Z..9551 or vtsll and Aubergine's delicious Bay St. Costa MeN, CA 92627; or bV savory bnoche pecan dreaslng. http://U/l.l,IW.hau~com. chocolate souftl~ cakes. Some fax at 1949) 646-4170. Tilo's European Autohaus and Robin Hood Auto Brokers B1111e Teamed Up To Offer You Tise Bat Sentlcel 18+ Years Experience Raft, Bani to Flad Cars ts Om Spedalfy can Dave SCllneider 949.650.2222. ' cfem0i LIVING ADVERTISEMENT Quality llvlng for seniors at Avalon In Newport Avalon, an assisted living and Alzheimer's community specializes in quality Uving for seniors. Residents enjoy spacious prlvate suites, a sOda1 activities program, ans & crafts program, cable 1V, weekly housekeeping, laundry and linen service, and on-site wellness program. Delicious meals are served in the private dining room . Ch.ciuffered transpottation is available. Two Newport Beach locations: Avalon at Newport West & Villa Rosa Alzheimer's Care, 393 Hospital Road. Call (949) 631 -3555. Avalon at Caring Companions At Home ~- • 1.· I ' • • \ , Newpon F.ast, 4000 Hilaria Way, (949) 642 ·5861 . Also in Placentia. 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Uving residence which wiJI seniors being cared for at lifestyles has resulted in an • Visit multiple facilities surely put your mind at J I've bun nottctng articles and ads for lwmt care services in the paper recently. What e.xactly are these sentlces and how do I go about getting started? ., home have fewer health increase in the over--65 to observe the daily ease. The grand entrance complications, report more population, and assisted routines. leads to a beautiful great ' ~ ~ positive feelings about their living is becoming the •Review the facility's room which opens onto a Ufe, and even tend to live 1 habitat of choice for older contract as part of your magnHkent courtyard. , . longer. Best of all, home .Americans. research .After enjoying the . care usually costs less than Before choosing an • .Ask for the licensing or grounds return to the -Susan, Corona del Mar Dear Susan, .... being in a hospital, assisted assisted living facility (ALF), certification inspection elegant dining room for a living facility or nursing know services may or may report. sumptuous meal Someday you may need to hire a caregiver to help someone in your family with personal care, housekeeping, meals or errands.11tis might be after a loved one is hospitalized for an operation. or aslour parents slow down an are unable to do things for themselves. That's the time to call a home care agency and interview in-hom e caregivers. home. not be offered and how to The MetLife Market Trans rtation. is caring Companions At I evaluate those services. Survey of .Assisted Living availabi~·or medical Home is committed to • Assess the functional Costs 2003 found that the helping senwrs remain ;n abilities of the older adult. average cost of an ALF in ap~ob=nts, shop1f1~g The advantages of using home care services are many. Home care can help seniors live independently at home alone or with their their homes by providing Engaging the services of a the U.S. is S2,379 per an . E?· .as we as competent geriatric care manager may month, or $28,548 per year. leisure activities .. companWn/caregivers. It is help you with your Medicare and Medicaid Costa. Neuporte ts located at 881 Dover Drive, assessment. The National don't cover the cost of conveme~tfy located at Ste. 260, Newport Beach. j .Association of Professional Al.Fs, but most long-term 2283 Fainnew Rd., Costa Call (949) 574-0750. Geriatric Care Managers care insurance policies do. Mesa . Call (949) 646-6300. a . anng mpanions .9l.t :Home. <Arinx Companions At Home is committed to helping seniors remain in their homes by providing chem with competent companion/caregivers. Our companions assisr with: · • Personal Care • Dr. s Appointments • Meals • Companionship, Comfort t!r Supp(!rt .. ~ • Light Howekeeping •Medication Reminders • Shopping 0-ErranJs • Hospital Discharge AJJ companions are bonded, insured and highly qualified. We offer an affordable solution and keep in touch on a regular basis with both client .and companion. 881 Dover Dr., Suite 260, Newport Beach (949) 574-0750 CouNTRY Q _lJB CoNVALESCENT J-IosPJTAL, !Ne. Country Club Con 1Palesce11tJlospital, bu·., a rnoden1, pri.,ate, skilled rtursingfticilit.y is located behind the Santa.ylna Country Club in the .Newport r/Jeach/<Back <Ba,y area four rniles fiun1J foag ~lemoria(j-lospital <Presbyterian Small 54 bedfacility,Jantily owned and operated since 1973. 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DuM: <949157~223 • Sporti Fee <94916500170 GIRLS TENNIS · CdM upende~ • I by Peninsula Top-seeded Panters remain undefeated with 11-7 victory over Corona del Mar in semifinals. BJlce Alderton Ody Pilot ROWNG HJUS E5tATFS -Co· rona del Mar High girls tenn1I coach Scott Feichter didn't hesitate when uk.ed tf Peninsula wu the best team the Sea Kings have faced lh1I year. •Oh yeah." Feichter aa.ld alter the undefeated and host Pant.hen se- cured what turned out to be an 11·7 victory ln a CIF Southern Section Di· vision l semifinal on a chilly Thuraday afternoon. Alex Jwewitz improved to 55~ with a sweep in singles for the top-teeded Panthers (22-0), who claimed six or nine doubles sets. SenJor Macall Har· kJns and partner PaJge Weber, along with the duo of Fmily Aston and ertka Scbweyer, each won three aetS as Penlnaula cook a 10-5 lead In the thltd round to aeaJ the victory. CdM senior Brittany Holland took two or three 1et1 at No. l sin- gles for the fourth-seeded Sea Klnp (15·5). •1 hoped for the sweep. but that Is the way It goes," Hol· land said. •PenlnJUla ls a tough team e.nd Alex is a great player. She bad the better day on the court than I dJd. • The Panthers defeated the Sea Klnp, 12-6, In the teams' prior matcbup earlier this fall Holland trailed, 5-2, but came back to within 5·4 against Jurewit.z, who held serve to seal the victory. CdM tral.led, 4·2 and 8-t, and re- ceived a clutch alngles victory from senior Amanda Rubenstein over Rib 1llt1U110, 7-6 (7-5) in the second round. Rubenstein hJt a backhand drop shot to seal the win. Earlier she powered a backhand down the line to go u:p. 6·5, on Thtsuno. "That was a key win," Feichter said about Rubensteln's victory. "If we would have had a few other career matches we would have been gol· den." Junior Jami Steele and freshman partner Hayley Young tallied the Sea Kings' fourth victory Thursday a8aJnst Penlnsula'1 StepMnie Olen and SM TENNIS, Pqe All Top-seeded Sage Hill loses in· semis Lightning better their performance from a year ago, but host Malibu advances with 10-8 win. Another year. another step closer. Sqe Hill School'• girls tennis team became the first squad from any spon at the IChool to advance to the semi- ftnals In the OF Southern Section playoff&. But the Ugtunfng, seeded No. 1 ln OMslon V playoffs. had tbelr run end on the road Thunday when they ~ UI*{ by MalJbu, 1().8. Last season, Sage Hiil {18-4) bowed out ln the quarterflnaJs. The Ughtnlng recefwd strong play from thetr doubles teams, which won two games each. But the visitors managed just two victories ln aingles, both by freshman Sarah Geoc:ar1s. Raebel H~r and Palen Andrews stood out in doubles, combining for &-4 e.nd 6-3 victories. Jessk:a ~ng and Sarah Flynn Ibo won two sets, as did Grace Graham and Laura Webb. SM SAGE, Pqe Al 1 SURFING Sailors suffer flfst loss Girls shine, but Newport Harbor falls to host Dana Hills; Shea records best scoring wave. Vanauard University's Kely Schmidt drives to the basket in traffic, bankitg it Offtheatns llUsda'j~ In VU's 83-54 win over Westmilster COiiect. OOHL.EACH! OMY"-OT • wins with a go..75 victory a1 Salt OeekBeach. The small 2-3 Coot waves at a higb tide helped to aeate a competiUve contest, as Newport won the girls ahort board event, but lost bcPJa short bomd. long board. body board and glds Jong board ewota. }W:dor Amie Benjamin led the New- SMSURf,Pec•All FU PHOTOS/DM.YPLOT Corona del Mar High's Lauren Snell, left, battles Northwood's Jaci Bayley io Pacific Coast League action. Spirited Sea Kings a-wait title match Second-seeded Corona del Mar faces familiar foe in Bishop Montgomery at tonight's Division III-A title match. Bf1.ce Alderton OailyPUot Througbout the OF Southern Section Divislon ID·A glds wUeybaJJ playoffs, Corona del Mar Hlgh has steadily gained Its composure and developed a competiUve spirit. one whidl c.oadl Bll1 Ouisdanseo hopes will help drM the team to a championship. The Sea Kinp (21-8), the No. 2 seed. are one step away from the Dtvislon ID-A tttle and will face top-seeded apd familiar nemesis Bishop Montgomery at 7 tonight at Cypress College. Blshop Montgomery defeated CdM three of the last four The Sea Kings pfan to be as focused tonight in the CIF See SEA KJHGS, Paa• A12 Division llH\ finals as Breanne Ogden is on this play. WOMEN'S BASKETBALL . Lions pull away .. .. fr0m Westminster Vanguard diills 7 of 9 three-pointers after ha1.ftime to improve to 3-0. ~Miilner , ------'"'""'~ __ ...._ _____ ...,., ____ ..,._ __ ~----~--.............. --............... --,.--~J*--'~t--------"...,...,--------"!"'--~·~-~------··;;-.---..:..--."'"-'!'----~-------------..._,,,_.;1 __ __. I I . I I I SPORTS fti(lay, NcMmber 21, 2003 HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL COLLEGES UCI baseball signs 2· recruits UC Irvine has received stgned com.mJunenrs from two outfield- e.n;, baseball coach John Savage saJd. Brock Bardeen, a senior at Fallbrook High. hit .320 as a jun· lor, recording 35 RBis and four home runs. The 6-foot-2, 190· pound outfielder ls a Team One National top 100 pick and was a OF All-Avocado first-team selec- tion as a junior. He was also a member of the Tampa Bay Devil Rays scout team. Five Anteaters make Big West 2nd team •SOCCER: UC Irvine had ftve players Tuesday named to the 2003 All-Big West Conference second team. Senior Anthony Vlzcarra earned second-team honors for the second straight season. Jun- ior goalkeeper Cameron Rossi merited second-team honors af. ter being named honorable mention In 2002. Juniors Sebastian Galmarini and Efrain Salcedo were second- team honorees for the first time in thelr careers. UNBEATABLE: The 2003 Newport Harbor freshmen football team, behind head coach Joe Urban, captured the Sea View League title and finished the campaign unbeaten in 10 games when the Sailors knocked off Woodbridge, 38-6, last week. Unton hit .376 last season wlth 36 runs, 12 RBis, l 0 stolen bases and seven doubles. The 5-9 left· hander helped Cre pl High to a CIF Otvtsion lll championship and was an all-Mission League honoree. Unton was also named the El Segundo tournament's Best Offensive Player. Sophomore Chris Klotz was the only sophomore to be named to either squad as he was named All-Big West second team for the first time. TENNIS Continued from AlO Heather ZinkJewicz, 7-5. Steele and Young led. 3-0, before the Panther duo cut the lead to 6-5. With Steele serving, Young lined a volley to clinch set point. Steele and Young were involved ln the two longest matches in both the first and second rounds. Their first set took al· most an hour to complete. Freshman JW DamJon, along With the doubles tandems of Ju- liette Mutzke and Jillian Braver- man and Jackie Manning and Miranda Young, each won one fet Freshman MJchelle Atkins played one set in the third round for Rubenstein. Damion led, 3·2, in the sec- ond round against Tania Mahta- nl and the two would battle Into a tiebreaker won by Mahtani, 7-6 (7-4). , Manning and Miranda Young trailed Harkins and Weber, 2-5, before winning the next two games before the Panther duo prevailed. Harkins, a left-hander who will continue her tennis career at the UnJverslty of lllinois, cast ~ imposing presence at the net with herfHoot-2 frame., "She is an outstandirlg dou- bles player,• Mutz.Ice said of Har- kins. "She covers all of the net so we tried not to fob it to her. We tried to be consistent and get to the net, but they Just outplayed us." Harkins slammed an over· band against Braverman and Mutzlce that ended In the ball sticldng In the fence. Harkins played singles while Jatsuno was In doubles in the reams' prior match this season. Damion was palred with Mutzlce and the duo swept in that match SAGE Continued from AlO Despite the season-ending loss, the possibility of taking things even further next season is bright. particularly with all three or Sage Hill's singles players competing as freshmen this sea- son. while Braverman played singles. "We really have two solid dou- bles reams: Peninsula Coach Tom Cox saJd. "When Schweyer and Aston won the first set, it was cruise control." "We had to wfn most of the matches In the second round, but they had the advantage in games," Mutzke said. The Panthers had an 18-game edge following their nlnth win, virtually sealing the victory. CdM ousted the Panthers. 11·7, In last year's CIF quarterfinals. "(CdMJ is the only team to beat us in a CIF final and bas the best record or any team agalnst us,• Cox saJd. "We've lost 14 matches and CdM has prob· ably accounted for six of those.• "It is disappointing to lose in the semis because my freshman and sophomore years we went to the finals," saJd Mutz.ke, who has narrowed her college choices to UC Santa Barbara and UCIA "It was exciting to maJte the semifinals and we all gave our best shot today," said Holland, who will compete In singles in the ClF individuals beginning at 11 a.m. Saturday at the Costa Mesa Tunnis Center. Holland, Manning, Mutzlce. Rubenstein and Courtney Car· nahan made up CdM's senior class. Qlf SoulMm Section OMtlon I Semlfln1I Penlnsula 11, CdM 7 Singles-Holland (CdM) def. Teuuno, 6-1, fOlt to Jurew1tz, 4-6, def. Mehtani, 6-2; Demlon (CdM) won. 6-1, lost. 0-6, 6-7 (4-71. Rubenstein (CdM) won, 7-6 IH!I. (sub) Atkins lost, 1-6, Ruben1teln foll, 2·6 Doublet -Mutzke-Brevermen ICdM) lost to Webef.HerkiM, 2-6, lost to Scnweyer-Aa1on, 2-6, def. CHen-Zlnklewicz, 6-0; St .. fe-H Young (CdMI 1011 .• HI, 3-6. won. 7-5. M1nnlng-M . Young (CdM) lost, 4-6. ~.won,6-1. CF Southern Sec1lon OMelofl V Semfflnall Malibu 10. 8--tu I Sing ... -G80C8rill (SH} Iott to Stew1rt, 6-6; def. Moller, &-0; def. Perelman, 6-1; La•r (SHI loll HI, 0-3, HI; Hsu (SH) lost 0-31 1-6, CH;, Ooublel-Teoo~Flynn 1SHl def. Fame-Sermlento. 6-3; loll to M. Zw.lglC. Zweig, 3-e; def. ICohl'lllNldlc. 6-1; Graham·W.bb (SH) Iott. 3-6, won, 6-1, 6-2; Cummlng•Hev* (SH) lost 4-e; (sub) Andrews-Hevlef won M,6-3. SCHEDULE YOUTH FOOTBALL Costa Mesa teams head for title games 1\vo Costa Mesa Pop Warner football teams are advancing to the championship games in their respective divisions. The Jr. Pee Wee Blaclc Mu.stangs defeated the Long Beach Gold Rams. 34-0, in their latest triumph Saturday to record thelr sixth shutout. Parker Norton scored three touchdowns, the first on a 48-ynrd punt return after the game's opening series. The others came on runs of 18 and 22 yards. Gneme Frue1' added the extra point to gjve the M~an~ an early 8-0 lead. Mark Contnns scored touchdowns on runs of 40 and 38 yards wlth help from the offensive Une of Dakota Gilbert, Grant McKee, Pruer, Tyrer Henry and Dillon Mllltt. Buzzy Yokoyama. who returned an interception SO yards. Mk:had 18ormlna. Contreras (interoeption), Henry, McKee, Bnndon IC.eOy, Jack Jdl'rles and Zack ~rteout provided strong tackling. The Mustangs will play in the Orange Bowl for the first time In 13 years and will face the undefeated Yorba Linda Longhorns at 10 a.m. Saturday at Tesoro lhgh. In Pee Wee play: •Costa Mesa Green Mustangs 14, Brea Bengals 0: Mike KeOy intercepted a screen pass and returned it 45 yards for the first Mustang score and Todd Davia converted the two-point uy for the 8-0 lead. The Mustangs' second touchdown 6une on the second-halfklclcoffwhen Frank DeNoewer returned it 71 yards. Outs Gute played well on both sides of the ball along with Daniel Derieg. Bren Parthlng added an Interception and the defensive unit helped the Mustangs avenge a loss to Brea earlier in the season. The Mustangs face the Stanton Ralders for the championship at 2 p.m. Saturday at Tesoro. PttOTOS BY OON LEACH I DAll.Y PILOT Above, Vanguard's Rachel Besse grabs an offensive rebound in front of a Westminster defender. At right, Vanguard's Lacey Burns drives around Westminster opponent, looking for a passing lane. LIONS yond the arc m the final 20 min· utes. Vanguard was I of 7 on three-point t.ries before the break. SURF Continued from AlO port girls' short board team with a second-place finish, while Lisa Evans and Chanel Rosa took third end fourth, respectively, to conr.ribute to the short board win Danlel Shea registel"l.>d the high individual wave score of the day with a 7.5 in the shon board event Joey Head and Robbie Delorme collected second- place finishes in the boys shon board. and Nathan Stoneman and Brian Pearson both placed third In respective heats. The boys short board Mjuad lost for the first time this year, as did the boys long boarder!>. Tanner Pri~ and Owe Snuth placed founh and fifth. re- spectively. Daniel Matthews ca.me in first in the body board event, collecting his third first-place finish of the year. Jill Austin and Lisa 'l\.trk. finished third and fourth. respectively. yet also In a losing effort in the girls long board event The Sailors wiJJ return to ac- tion at 6: 15 a..m Tuesday In the league tinaJe against Los Alamitos at Anderson Street in Sunset Beach. The Thrs wtil compete in the league finals at Newport Dec. 2. Afterward there will be five non- league meets to prepare the Sailors for the state championships In Oceanside Feb. 21-22. Continued from AlO Sophomore Cecilla Josefsson had aJJ three of her three-pointers after halftlme and junior guard Lacey Mills connected twice from threed6m In the second half, in· eluding one to trigger a Vanguard run just 13 seconds after Inter· mission. quickly overwhelmed. Rebekah Steenblik led West· minster with 18 points and nlne rebounds. a game·blgh 21 points. She added nine rd>oWlds and connected on 11 of 12 foul shots. despite miss· ing seven minutes of the opening half due to foul trouble and sit· ting brlefty after plclcing up her fourth foul with 14:07 left in the game. Junior point guard Usa Faulk- ner, a transfer from UC lrvtne, held up her end of the marquee pairing, collectlng 18 points, elsiit asslsta and five steals. Faulkner made both of her three-pointers after halft1rne to help the Uons net 7 of 9 from be- Vanguard used a 10-0 spurt early in the opening half to take command, but, with Schmidt on the bench, Westmlnster (3·4), which Davis expects to aack the NAIA top 25 when the next poll ls releMed, rallied. The Griffins, based In Salt Lake Oty, closed to within 28·25 wlth 2: ll left in the half, but were Vanguard used runs of 9· l. 9-0, 8-2 and 9-2 to keep its Victory margin this season at a healthy 32.7 points. Vanguard's hot perimeter shooting helped It finish 50% from the field, while Its pres.sure defense helped force 23 West- minster turnovers.. Vanguard unleashed a full. court press to start the second half. which increased the tempo and produced more open looks. The Uons now have 12 days to prepare ror thtir Golden State Athl.etk: C.Onfere.nce opener Dec. 2 at Blola. Nonconfwence \'a"flUard 83, WeltmfnS1111' 54 WettmlnlW· Fadcrell 11, Lavton 6, Steenbllk 18, Johnson 9, S!.8Wart 6, 8ar1l9V!'>. 3-pl goet1 · Johnson 3, lavton 2. Stewert 1. Fouled out. Barney. T1cflnk:alt • Coldl Part. V9nguarct • JoNfleon 17, Burnt 7 Sdlmldt 21, Faulkner 18, Milla 8, WllooK 8, Besse 2. Mi:Clellan 2. 3-pt. goal• -Joeef'aton 3, Miiia 2, Feulkner 2. Wlloox t Fouled out -Bums. Tectink:ala · NoM. • P 0 R TS BRIEFLY Pirate outfielders say aloha to new home 9range Coast CoUep sopho· more outOelders Jose Castaneda and Jeff Ptukowsld ba\'e e&ch ligned national letten of Intent at the Univerilty of Hawe.it OCC baseball coach lohn AJtobeW II.Id. Castaneda arrived at OCX:: vta Cypress eou •• where he played 29 games lalt year for the state champion Owgers. He hit .255 with two home runs ln "1f at- bats. Piaskowsld played in 29 games for OCC 1Nt year, battirig .289 with &Ix home runs and 17 RBis and playing errorleas lo the field. Draganza misses cut •GOLF: Newport Harbor High sophomore Nata.lie Ora· gama shot 81, Just three strokes from qualifying for a playoff at the CIF Southern Section indJ- vidual championships on the par-72 cou.rse at Mission Lakes Country Oub In Desert Hot Springs Thuriday. The top 22 advanced to the CJF-WSCGA cba.mplonshlps. Oraganz.a mi ed the cut, which was 78, for the playoff. She shot 39 on the front and 42 corning ln, which lrtcluded birdies on holes 9 and 10. Huipe is Lion of Week •CROSS COUNTRY• Van- guard Unlverslty · Junlor women's cross country runner Liz Hulpe, who qualified for Saturday's NAIA champlon- ahlps tn Kentucky. hu been named Uon of the Week. HuJpe earned her ticket to Kentucky with a time of 19:08, good for 17th place among 107 runners at the NAIA Region JI charoplonshfps ln Fresno. HuJpe. an &tancla High product, ls hoping to better her personal Sk record (18:36) in her 6rst trip to the NAIA chun# pionshJps. flt.£ PHOTOS I DM.Y Pit.OT Corona def Mar's Jordan Smith, above, Is one of the Sea Kings' top players. Below, Corona del Mar girts volleyban coach Bill Christiansen congratulates Rylee Dennis in a recent Pacific Coast League match. CdM hopes to celebrate more tonight. ·YOUTH SOCCER SEA KINGS Continued from Al 0 yean In the semillnals. with rwo of the three matches going to Ove games. CdM last ap· ~ared In a l«tion dtle match in 1997, when lt defeated Lil Habra.. ·11 was Just bad luck or a really fantastic play by the opposluon that made the dfffer- ~ce in those three-hour matches,• OuU-uansm. in his thitd year at the CdM helm. said of the prior losses to Bl.shop Montgom- ery (23-8). ·And thoee matches were In (the Knighta'I gym. I feel good It is at a neutral court this time. I am not indmkiated at an by them. .. Otristiansen saJd the regular-season fi- nale against host Newport Ha.rbor was the loudest gym he has been lo this fall. The Sea Kings lost to Newport. but he aaw encour- aging signs. "Even though we lost to [Newport!, the girls understood what they could do and It has carried us In the playoffs so far," Olrls- tlansen said. "You always tty to stay com- posed when thing9 aren't going great. but at the same time be fired up. We are getting better and better at that." The Sea Klnga also enter tonight's match relativdy healthy compan!d to last year, when middle blocker Undsey Ensign missed both the quarterfinal and semJ.final rounds with a kidney infecdon. CdM has been rolling of late, sweeping its ~ playoff' matches. Including a 25-20, 25·18. 25-18 victory over host Notn Dame of Sherman Dab In a semltlnal Tuesday. ·The scores don't reflect tlow tough (No· tre Dame) ts: Ouistlan!en said. "There were good rallies and lots of digs. We played really well and they dJd coo. It was a good match in a hostile gym that was loud. It was a good test for us.• Senion Ensign and captain Lauren SneU, among others, have provided consistency at middle blocker alonplde junior outstde hit- ter Jordan Smith and senior setters A&h.ley Bill and Mackenzie Conover. "It's the players who malce this posslble." • Ouistlansen said. The Green Mean Kicking Machine girts under-8 soccer team went undefeated this year in AYSO Region 5 7 action. Llpl Noaca 2MO Legal Nodca WcaJM.dt1alll 1.01 ltO TIMI, OATt AND Pl ACI, lllllY- aaootlJ AND SOMOU IUMlNTAH SCMOOl.S A. I W °"""" T'-H 11 .... DHilll•tt Tti..rs4•'f, D•n•~•r • ..... IOOl I OllOO ,... "'ac• of lld llec••I IMwport ... ,. Unified School Olitrkl ,..,. ch~. 2ttS 8 S.tf SlrMI. Co\tt Meit, Ca 92621 B P101act Name MQsure •A• Klllyl>rooll<o •nd Sonore Elt1Nnw1 Schools SID 1103 04 C. Plac1 Pl•ns ••• on hie PRO,IECf MAHAO· CRa olf1u, Mc:Cfllhy 1111\cllnt Cempanlu, 20401 SW l11ch Slrttl. Suite 300, Newport luc:h, CA 92660 McCerthy 8ulld1n1 Comp1nltt/MtHUrt .A. Office. 2985 C Bur Str .. t, Co1t1 Mua, Ce 92il28 1.H SUMMAlY or wou. Prtl•ct Desc,.ptlon Thlt PfOIKI conl!Ut of th• ph1Hd '"odefn11•· bon of t'*O prototype tlementary schools In the Ntwpor1 ..... Uni fl1d School Dlatrlcl Speelflcally, hHlth & aafety Cof\Plllnce, ADA compllenct, bulldln1 ahtll lnltf'lly uppa6M, cln aroom lnt1rlors, technoloo 1nd Infra· lltlKIUft 119(f'edes 'refom1nery Eattmate S4 .!)()(). 000 00 r OJ MOTKft A NOllCE IS tt£11E8Y GIVEN that Ntwport Mau Unified School Ol1tr1Ct act1111 by and throush ti • Govttnrn1 OOllld .. ,11 reullte sealed blcb IOf awatd ol a contracl for,U.. above named Project up to. but not l•ttt llun th• bid dtaclllne B Blda sllaJI be rt· c•lvtd In lht place ldentllltd above Wlltlhtr or nol bids are opened uaclly at lh• tune flatd In thl• notice. no bid will be recelvMI alltr th• bid deedllne. C Pl.ANS ANO SPEC· IFICATIONS ARE AVAIL -.&LE NOW flw docu ments ma~ b• revl•wtd at the PAOJCCT MAH· AC( ll'a office (st• address Item H btlow) Oft CAN BE 'UllCHA.S£D FROM INT8"1T IWINfNf o I •S72 CeH tr-.tl•n (e•t.,, lrvl•e, CA. t 2606,J t4t) SU· 7stt, ' Ct••> sn-''" D TIM Olslttct will be .n1tlal1n1 and tnforcNI& a lebot Comphanc• Pro1nm 111 eccordance w1tll Ula PfOVlMons and requottmenls of Assam bly Bill l!I06 and pursuent to Cahfornla l •bor Code ttctrons 1770 tl. seq All con tr1clors and their •P plicable subcontacton p11formm1 on lhe pro1 eel Slit will be required to comply with th• rtquirements of tht Labor Compliance Pro 1ram lnclus>n of, but not llmlttd lo 111ovldln1 the labor Comdlltnct Officer or hla/htr dts· 11111led repre .. nt1tlve the rtlflt to conduct •audit" interviews of the l••d•am•n performlna on the llfOi.tt Siie on an u clMnMd necessery bu11 d11rln1 employefls nor mel worktn1 houra. 11 no ldclllionltl co.I lo the D111tlct, Of any of th• Disltlct'• r•- tettves or i•nts E h ell IOOUt m111t post 1 bl4f llon4 or other &eeurlty In the amount of I~ of the •mount ol lht bid wltlt the llld f Each 8100£11, ll· muHeneovlly with the uecutlon oi tM Cen· tract Aott111t11t. will lie r•QUlfM lo f111111$h I labor and Mattrral Ptr'lormance Bond In an emount equal to 100 perc•nt of the Contract sum •nd a faltllful ,.,lotmance Bond In en amount equal lo 100 percent of the Contr1et Sum $11d londs ihall be from tn admitted CahfOf n1a Sur aty satlt• factory 10 llM Dlslrlcl ind lrsttd in lh• ftdtflll 11 .. tsler, Issued by the Depatlmtnl of TrHwry and llctnstd In C•lrfor · nll, Said bonds ah•lt remain In tuu force 1nd e lhct throu1h the 1u11111t" period C. The BIOOER •h•ll bl a llctn1td con tr actor punuant to the B11llneu and 'roft11ion1fs <:off OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE end be llc9n.11d In the 1pplicablt clHSlfiCI liol\S fot the Irides lot which lhe contuctor b sub· m•ttlna • bid H.. This P'OJKl has 3~ 01sable4 Vt\af 111 Busl nua EnttrprlM parlJcl· P•tt0n roats I Quubpnt about Uus ,ROJECT •htufd bt dwect.41 to the PROJECT MANAGEll Cont1et lonn'9 Ma11t11, Tele· pl\on1 714/424 1950. Form Mc:Cwttly Bullcltnc Co FAX 714/424·8951 Addrua 2985·C Bt11 SltHt. Cost1 Mae. Ca 9262S J No Bid may be withdrawn untrl Ninety days aft•• the Bid Open1111 Dtl1 K The Distncl re- aervn the rlcht to r1i.tt any and 111 bids or to welvt ln11ularltles In an1 bid . l Newport Men Unified School District Is 1n •equal opportunity' e"'ployer •· T1te i.144en wlll ~e ,., .. 1r.4 ,. '''~••llf y . For pr1quah1fca,t0n pacha· H please contact the AN ORDINANCE OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA AMENDING TITLE 13 OF THE COSTA MESA MUNICIPAL CODE REGARDING FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS TO COMPLY WITH THE NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM. THE COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION WILL HOLD A PUBLIC HEARING FOR CONSIOERA TION OF THE FOLLOWING: (1) AN ORDINANCE TO INCLUDE CURRENT FLOODPLAIN MANAGEMENT REGULATIONS OF THE FEDERAL EMERGENCY MANAGEMENT AGENCY'S (FEMA) NATIONAL FLOOD INSURANCE PROGRAM IN TITLE 13 OF THE COSTA MESA MUNICIPAL CODE, (2) ADOPTION OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE RATE MAP, AND (3) ADOPTION OF THE FLOOD INSURANCE STUDY. THE COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WILL BE THE FINAL REVIEW AUTHORITY. ENVIRONMENTAL DETERMINATION: EXEMPT. Thls public hearing will be held as follows : DATE: Monday, December 8, 2003 TIME: 6:30 p.m. or as soon as possible thereafter PLACE: City Council Chambers at City Hall n Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, California Public comments In either oral or written form may be presented dunng the public hearing. For further Information, telephone (714) 754-5245, or visit the Planning DMaion, Second Floor of City Helt, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, Callfomia. The Planning DMsion la open 7:30 a.m. to -. 5:00 p.m. Monday.through Friday. · • OFFICIAL PUBLIC NOTICE i ' 2MO Legal Noaca 2MO Legal Noticel 'rof•cl Ma11•1•r at aJloveeddless. H l'fo t~n• or lacslrnlle mlChlne win bt 1v1lleble to biddert on tilt DISTRICT premises at tlle tl11>1 of 11111 P'ubllshtd Hewporf Bud'r-Costa Meu D•llJ Pilot Novtmiler 21. 21, 2003 fl19 Tht fOHoWlfll P«MlllS are doffll business es Pro lvtrVH-. 11~ Eest O.bce lane. Mahetm. CA92805 Metalhb, lLC (CA). 715 E. Dtbr1 lane, Anaheim, CA 92805 Tllis l>Usln•u 11 con· ducted by limited llltllltty Co Hne you star1td clolnr b11slneu yell Yu. Oct . I. 2003 MetelFab, LlC, Ale~ Danza. CEO This stetement wu flltd with the County Clerk of Orana• County on 11/03/03 200J6tH ts4 Dally. Piiot Nov. 7, 14, 21, 28. 2003 fl06 PWlJ( llO'fl(I review by Ule Plannln1 med aaent for South 111-'-_....,1,&.... Department of the City CoHt Pleza, for the ,.__.,.._ -of NewpOt't Such ... w annual review and P...,UP200J.04S •fter heu l•y, De-arnendme11t of the S..· iaa-•.1.7) ,_11« 2, 200S. Writ· ..-strom Town Center l'"'w.ru ten commenb or Input Devetopm.nt AcreerMnl Notice Is hereby 11nn related lo the project (DA-00-02), tocatad tHI 11111 an applfcallon has should IM aubmitted to of 8rostol SlrHI, south bHn submitted bt the Planntnt Oepllrt/Mnt of Sunflower Avenue. <•,t•tl•• Je••• te by Mond.ty, Dec~ wnt of Annue of th• ,e,,.lt • ,eneael 1, 200J, In orde< to be Ma, .ncl north ol Anton l~r•v•-•t fecllfty considered rn th• Plan· Boulevard, nclud1n1 the tliet ''eclelfaes f• n1n1 Dwector'a d«ISlOn Seaerstrom Center for ,e..,.1c.1 ~epy wttt1 If epprovMI at the tlm. the Ari$ Env11on1Mnlal pfi.te• tf9fnl.,/deu-ol rev,.w, the a119tal ct.twm1nat10n. uempt " .. • ,_., ef tlte period of 14 clays wrll 2 Plannrnr Apphcallon ,...,._.,.,.ti-Ats. befln ffom that d•t•. PA·02·10 (Rev11ed) for i.av.e4 In tlte .,,,,. durinr which t1rn. any Fathad E Kllostav•. to corti-fa • ,..,._, te 1ntere1t1d party or thew construct 4 new de .._ -lalle' • "'•"' au I homed a1ent 11 lached, two· story Mnalt _..,. V.. .. • lflevtd of lhat decl\lon l1m1ly re11dences lo e44e4 -et1fty. n e may Me a notice of replica 5 u lsl1n1 ....... atr1fce I•-app .. I to the Plannln1 dw•"lnas. located at 258 clv.i.1 .tJy1fc9'/•tv• Commission with a 1t11n1 Santa Isabel Avenue In r111111ecwler 111•11•1• f" of S915 00 to defray 1n Rl ion• Environ· '""•'J• Hewn ef the cost of the 1ppe.I mental determination .,.,., •• fer tlie ptocedure. tumpt. -• ... faclllty 11ae le The 1pollctUon and 3. Condtttonal UH ,,.,.. ..... k f •·"'· dtvelop~nl plans of Permit PA-03·45 for K•n • I P·"'· .. lVMlley, tilt PfOposai project art Kahlon. to 1llow an Tltws4ey, -4 Sofut'-anll1ble J or public exist1n1 mlnl·market 11 lloy en4 "'llY epent• review and fnspectlon et lht Harbor F 1lr sas •• •• •p,e lntMt•t tht Pl•nnln1 Depert· station to up1r1de their .... ,, Mint tlte ,.,. ment1 City ol Newport Alcoholic 8tvere1e uls IMltlnM a "-ef 8 .. cn 3300 Newport Control llctnH from tlie ,.,i..wy ,.n-i 8oulnerd. Newport type 20 (off·salt beer ,...,.__, "" (P100 Seadl, Cel1tornl1. m59-1n6 wine) •nd to make •·"'· te l rOO ,.... 1768 For furthar lnlor· the required public llelly). At .. lndMetl IR mallon contact tilt conven1tnca or n-Mty th .,Um._ Is • Newport Buell Plannina llndint to type 21 (off· ,...., t• ..,_ tlie o.p., 3 tmenl •I (949) 1144 sale·fu" Hquor), located ~ ,.,,_..h 3200 al 2502 Harbor Boule· ,._. ,_It ttte "•'-• MOTlo The upensa of vard In • Cl ron• i.etw"• H dt l1tll1-thb notlCI Is paid ffom En~ircmme11tal deltrml· ~ -.... ... • f1lu1r fee eollecttd nation· uempl tei.thliM••ta •• • from Ille tppllcant. 4 Plannlns Applk•tlon ....,_ .t SOO ,_, ,ubll1hed Newport 'A 03-46 for Kfuaar The property Is localed BUch Costa Mesa DallY Archllec:ts, aulhorlred rn the H< ObttrcL '"°I November 21. 200l acenl for JoM9h Novo1, P'roperty located •I F922 lo modify an uistrnr 211 1 l . c ... t Hltlt-conc11tlonll 11sa 1>«mlt ..,ey, S.Cte 20S ,.,bllc hear111p will be to allow ranovalion of 1 ,.,,.. rev1tw1n1 11111 held bw Ult Costa ~· convent \o ffYln& quar • project, It hH bttn Plann1n1 COlllfftluicHI at lets (3 bedrooms) lor determined that II It City Htll. 77 Farr Orlvt, prlffts lllld HJO<lal• cate1orlcall1 u•'"Pl Colla Meu, Caltfor11i., es wtlf as community under the r1qulr1menb 11 6.30 p.m .. or as soon nrvlce ind mHtln1 or llM C.l1fornla Envl • as powblt tllafulttt on faC111bes, locat.d et 1943 r011mental Quality ~t • .....,,, OK-W I, Ora11r1 Avenue with • under Class I (Elbhn1 2001, r111rdln1 lht conditional 1111 !*mil FtclhUu) followtnl 1pphcalJOfls to ellow off •It• p1rkln1 "-•Int Olrectw'a l DIV e Io pm• n t ti St. Joachim'• Clwrch u.. '«•It W200~ Ast"mtnt DA·03 06 for foc1t1d ti 1964 Orena• ,.01:J:;;:l:;1 ~·~e:btd::il":';;':;:or;.L:;f':•u:;! ~'';":;m:':"·:;;:•:Vtb:;o Avenue In the R:Z·MO • anll Rt 1onu, fts4)ee• tlvtf1 Envlronmentel dtlt1mlnatlon. ntmpl. 5. Tentativa Tr1el Mep l · 16S7• tor Ken K11ron Arch1t.ct/l.onr Duon1, 1utborlitd •t•nt for Ole9 le. for • ont·lol aubdMtlon for condo· mlnlvm p11rpo••• (conversion from 1partm.nb t.o condo· mfnhlm• prnlou1fy •!1fl'OH4 uncle!• P'A OJ. lt); foc1te4 at 726 W Wilson Slr•t rn an R2· Ml •-· Envko""""t•I 11ttaa11ln1(ioll b~I . ' At!Pt•I ot lOfllnl AdlMllstteto,., llecilllon of Mrnot Ot.sicn RtYtlW lA·Ol·ll for Doyle Forth, 1uthot11e4 1p11t IOf t1111 111d L\z «;11111 lllAM. 10 ••r•nd 111t aetOIMI floor o a alnlte felllify retttltnce by & 15 SO ft,, located 11 337t fvclls11 111 '" ltl MO lOnt. En11lron1 .. nt11 •t•mit\tlKMI taetntil 1. Htlusln1 lfttpeclMtl f'lol' •m Status RtpOrt for futltltf Inform•• 11011 on th• above i1Hft<1tt0n1, tellpftont <11•> ™ $2.,, Gf wtait th6 ofttte of h P'IN • 11ln1 Otv1tlon, """' 200, 11 hw Ortve, Costa Mffl, Cllfforrila U11101 cur Of CAllOIMA, CCMfTY Of 0rwtp Ml n. Qy Dttwl ar.,.,umu -.. ..... c... """°" Of: a-1• 'Y ... FOi OwtGf Of IAll ODii TO SllOW CAUSI FOi OWIG(OfllAI( Wllmll:A221144 TO All INTERESTED PERSONS 1 Patrlioner Aemeen Mohammad Vaklfl hltd a pellllOn with thrs court for • dtcrN ch•n11ns names as follows R1mun Mohamm•d Vet.Ill ch•nttd lo Ch1d Lowell Val\IU 2. THE COURT ORDERS that 111 persons lnltr· tsted In this melter shall •r,.., betore 1h11 c.ou•• • th• h .. rlna lndlc•l•d below to &how ceusa II eny, why Ille petition for chant• of n1mt should not bt 1r•nted NOTICE Of HEAAINC Oate· 12·30 03 Time 2.00 pm Dept l 73 TIM •clclfus of the court 11 aame as noted above 3. A cop1 ol this Order to Show Cause lhall be published at lust one. H eh WHll tor IOUf wcc-.lvt weeks p<lor lo tht dale sat fot h•ar1n1 on the petition rn the lollow1n1 newt paper of 1•ner1I clfcu fatJon. prrnted 111 this covnty Newoorl llucll/ Cosl• Mae D1ff1 '!lot 0••· 0<11', 2001 MAUOlll LAllD CUTD, JUDOI Of THI '"''~ <C>Uln Publlshtd Newport .. ach·Costa Meu Dally "lot November 14, 21, 21, Oecemllet !>. 2003 f907 omlfJICI CITY Of COSTA& OROINANCC 03-13 Is athe6'.llH to bl In full force end tfttcl 30 dtys from lt.t edopllon 011 No11tr\41Nf 17. 2003, Ind wu 1dopt1d by the follow111, rou ull vot1 COUN< l MIMUIS1 AYIS.M......_,lteet, c ••••••••••• ,, ~.M0111 111Me, AHltfl1111Me. O"OINANCC 03·11 relltu to o t111dult the time 1111111 of tlle tffte· tlvtnt\s of 1n4 the Rtdevelopment Pl•n for tlle Downtown Rtdevtl Op!Mnl P'rojecl Alu THC f Ut l lF.llT ef tlil 0144Nltlc.t lfttY l>e I Nd NI tllo City Clertl. & Office, 71 hit Oti~•. CQsta Mno. MllPO..Ctlt,~ ClfrOlfti '"llllalled Newport IMcll Ce11t1 Mat Dilly Piiot Hovemller 11, 2003 Fill 'ulllllflll M1wport lt11ell C.t1 Meal Diiiy 'llot Nouralltr 21, 10C>J Pill ._llliiiiiliiliiiiii_ .. t ·---~----.. .. . --- • ' -' Frid.if'/, November 2l. 2CX>3 AJS ----------------lllll ........ _l.1111_,,,_ .... _____ ............. ""' ..... -Lill' ... -llpl ..... ....... -·l.11111**" -L,.iNallca 2MI LeplMalcll M MllOICI ..... ""'91( ... ,_._. ,...Mlf fllotite Ml , ..... , llVtll tltal •II applk 1hon hu '*" ll!~itted bJ lllll Slllnore CliltlC lo, re· ~ the llltrochKtlon of 1n l~ndtnt m1n•p .. 1111>11>llmtnt ill con- iUnetlon with a ti! ncao laclllty. Tiii mHstf: itr\llCI wlll opu1 • d11r1n1 th• r•11111r w,.,._., ~· ot ,.,. fll'imll')' il11ncart utt Tiie fuihlt ... provlH a ""lie room IOf -by tilt mesu .. lttlln"l•n. Tiit proPtfl)' Is louted 111 the RSC Olstrk.t. Pt4'f*'IY locel1d at 2503 leslbluff Drive, Sllit• 10& Afler rcv1ewi111 tllll prolfcl, it has betn dtlermllllld ti.at it 11 ute1orlully eumpt pnde< 1111 requnmants of tllt Calltornla Envl· romnent• Quehty Act undet Cles• 1 (hisllna F1cilitles). Pllnninc Olfeetor's Use Petmlt UP2003-0A2 Is aclltdultd for review by the Plannlnt o..i..-tment ol tht City ol N1wport Bu·ch •• er •ffer f-4ey, O__..r 2, 2oos. w nt11n com- ments or 111PUl related to tne prolect should be submitted to lht Plan· nl11a Depart ment bt M"""", Dec: ..... r t, 2001, In ordtf to be considered In t"' Plan- nln1 Owtc1or'f dtt1$l0fl. If ~oVld 11 Ula Umt or rev11w. Ult appttl pe<1od or 14 days """ belin lre>m th1I data, durlna wtllch tune any mtl!f'Hltd PMty or their eulhorl11d 11ent •I· &Tiellad of lh•t decision ..,1-flle • notu of to• two· toty, llllC... ........... ......... ........ JoAnn Allee ll1ht, ~11 lo ,.,. Pi.nn"'I ltmlly tWO.flCt, lout.d ... .........__.. -.._ ...__. ... .......___. 31131 VI• ~ Ylcente, tomn1t"'°" Wllll • •ilitii •t llJZ f'llllMUIA Platt -- --S.11 Jwan c..>I '""°· CA t ... , stl5 00 t• .,,., In • POlt MO ,..... T1Mt fOllOWlfll !*Mii• Tile '*•Ille ...,,~. fN lotlowlna persons 92675 Ult eo.i ol ti.. "'"'' £1h"~"""'t., Hl«flll•. w1 Milli INllMMU ilt: 111 lloillc ~1111M ••' •• ~ ~ ta:' Cer1ld lH l1lltr. IN~I. NI.on. e•lfllPt ~licit 9-lllld W-81ooewetw Mer\M an4 Sl\eHkd Chll•ectlC, 311• VIA $11\ \'1«11le, TN ._,,bntJon Ind J. rtenned Sl111ln1 M1thl, flJO lliwkt 31111-'• 1)0.170 Lido tol. Dovtr °''"· Slllte s.n Ju«n c.pq.n&llO, CA ••''°""""' '""'' of l"rocr-U. OJ• lc>t !!.!_t!:.i. C01t1 Me-.. CA Parh Ot., Newport ZM. He.,..,t ltecll, CA 92115 tt.. ll'oPOM fllO~I Wt tnc A Clc;hod1I. tu lJ~ 9..ch, CA t2U7 ~ fhis bullnus !. c~· tVtlltlll• fOt public IAoft,.d tpnt for Clleryl lau lt1dl f11llm1n. rrancla A umn1. 25 0 nlll s SlleooMd, ducted b1 lluwnd Ind flritW llld m~llOn ll 8loodworlll/M1hubl1hl 1010 W MacArthut C1mbf11 Or., COl'on1 Del OC .. 20 PalatlM· •t40, wlf• the Pl1nnln1 Oepatl Moton ot North Amtu 8h1d., '79, ~111ta Al\1, M•t. CA9'~ llvlne, CA92'l2 ti•.,. yov •h1tltd dolnt meol1 City of Hfwl)Oft Cl, lot ntw ••t"ior CA 92707 Jo•n• Clm•llH, t0319 Thlt bu1l1141n Is con-b11Jlnn1 yetf No Buen 3300 Htwl>Oft 'ien• lnckld1n1 • J!> hiidl fll~ bu••,,... It co11· Pound. Ava , Wh1llNot, clllcttll 1t1· 111 lmhvld11al JoAnn Bllllf Bouluerd, Newport frtfll•ndlfll "'" (1:1' dli(tu by H lndillldual CA&ll..03 Hive you ,IMl.cl dollll lllla 1lalernt11t w-. Yctcll, C.Jlfor1111, ~ 111.ulm1111 lleltht •I· .._,, y u 11Mtld dur.c Tlllt buslMu la con b11t!Ms• 1•tf f"-d wltll tlle Cou11ty 1768 for lurttler Info. lowtd). loc1lld 11 1860 b~lneh ,.11 ctwcttd llt • 1-•I YuOc:t. 22, 2003 Cle•li of 011111t1 County m1tlon co11tecl the H.vbof Boulev11td ~ft 1 Yu 10 Ol·OJ jUtlntrUI• Oanllt S. Sheppard, on ll/0'./'03 NeWJIO(l lltech "'4nninc Cl iona (11v11on"*!ltl lul lt•dl ''"""""' ltl•• •'"' sfl•tt•d dc>lnt O C. 200-" .. 404t 0.-tmenl at (9") 644 dtteunln•bon n•mpl 11111 1t1ttmtnt was t>u'lk!t.U yet? This 1t111ment WM Dilly Pilot Nov. I. 14. 3200 Pulllished Newport f"-d with Ill• County Yu to \ 03 hl.ed wlttl the Co1111ty 21, 21, 2003 fll95 MOUt TIM Hptna.t of Bellcil·Co\l1 MH11 Oaily Cle1 k of Oranc• County F,.nc:lt A Unlnl Clefll of Oreoce County this notice Is paid from Pilot Novambar 21, 2003 on 11/10/03 This 11111m-111 wu on lll03.l'03 • tmn1 r" collected F920 toolH64702 filed with t~ County 200M .. 3ttl from lht IPl'lktnl --------Dally Pilot Nov 14, 21. Cllf• of Ore111t1 County o.11)' Pilot NoY. 7, lA, P11bllshtd Newpo1t SUllMYOf PIOfOS& 28, O.C. ~. 2003 f910 Oii ll,,,./03 21. 28, 2003 F901 Buc.hcosll Meu Daily ,_..011 • ...,, -------too>MMCM2 Pilot Nonmbtr 2t, ·•··~ ~..... D~ PllQt Now 7, IA, 2003 F92J cm Of COSTUllSA ._ ___ zu.a. 2003 rll96 0Rt>IHAHC£ 03 12 la T'·· r llo a.-_ ..... -,....... fhe Cosll MtM lonlclt Admi111str1tor win render 1 decision on Thutsd1y, Otcembef 4, 2003 or 11 soon H po&slblo there al let. on the follo•in1 items: l Zollina Appl1C:1hon ZA ·03 86 Mich"I .. c8ride. aulhorind -cent IOf Cwy BIKk, for • m1110< dtsl&n 1 •view for 1 1.197 sq ft HCOfld·alory addition to • smale·femlly resldenca 'fl1lll 1 mlnOf mod1hca· lion lo deviate from r111 )'Nd setb1rk require ments (20' required, 16' P<090sed). locat1d al 202 21st Strfft 111 an RI zone E nv1ronme1tt1I dtt.m1n•bon 11emot 2. Minor DISIJll Review ZA·03·9l 10< Roy Sas.kl. 111thorlztd 11ent for Randal and Erin [Ill'.\, fOf en approxlmately !>2 sq. ft, second-storx add1tlo!J s .... -.... 1414 to .. _ In luU ,... o w1n1 persons -...._v "" •• do111a bu'1nest ., force and effect :JO daY$ Eucutlv• Pr ... nc-e. 670 ... ......, from 111 adoption on Newport Ctntw Drive, Th• followlna ptfsons Hove.mb•t 17, 2003. •nd lllll floor, N•wport era doln1 b11slnau u : WU •doµltd by tll• Beach, CA 92660 A11$0t>9 • MY"•· 3730 follow ins roll c•ll vote: P 1 er ct /Te Ibo I lL c E Euclid Ave.. °'an11. COUNCtl MIMIPS1 (CA). 620 Newport CA 92864 A'tt:St • ......_. St..C,, Center Drove, Uth floor, St~n Mytn 3730 ~!!~•· ••••••• • ~j!ort Buell. CA E Euc:lld Ave., Or•lll'· _,.,. MOIL "-· "'"'"""' Cl 92869 u sun, M.e. nus b11s111ttsa 1s con ,.,.It AllSOflP, l Acan· ORDINANCE 03 12 dvcted by Limited thus, Las Flotes. CA r•tn to the Rlld<lvel Liability Co 92688 oprn.nl Plan l0t the Hn• 1ou slatted doln1 Tiils bus1nus 11 con-Oowntown Redevelop· business yeU ducted by • 1en1t8I ment Project A1H Yes 09/01/2003 partnership THE fUll TUT of the Pleru/Ttlbol LlC, Have you 11\utod dolna o.dinanct may be rnd Cll•flu Dimon, Mlnapr buslntu yet? No In U?e City Clerk'• Offic:e. This 1talttn1nl ••~ S~htn Mye<a 77 Faif Ori~•. Cott• hied with th• County Thll stetemtnt wu Mesa Clerk of Onn1• Co1111ty t'*I with the County ~JUUi ',~.... Oii t0/29/03 Cttrk ol 0<1n1• County .. , ..._.. 200u .. :ust Oii I0/?1/03 P b • •d Newport 011ly . Pilot Nov 1 14 IOOH•62471 Bndl Cotta Mau Daily 21 , 28, 2003 F900 Daily Piiot Oct 31. Nov Pilot November 19, 2003 7, 14 21. 2003 F884 PIHryour•d today I (949) 642-5678 SEU ca1~,-. youi unwanted C949>~71 ltemJ throu1h classil1ed TM followl111 petlOM .,. dolnc bu1lne&1 es· SH R .. I Art. l62t Mtll Or. 145, S•nla Ana ~ts,CA 92107 Peny L" Jan11u1wsli.I, 1621 Ma11 Ot. "45, Santi -'na Helcllt.t, CA 92707 1l\jj buSIMU ,. con· ducted by •n indMdll-' H•v. JOU sUwted 410111a business r•l7 No Perry Januueml Thn 1tatamant was tiled will! tllt County Clerk of Ortna• Co11nly on 10/29/03 200J6tU47t Dally Pilot Oct. 31 . Nov. 7, 14. U, 2003 Fll88 ......... "-*-" The follow1nc persons wa dolna buslneu es: JoAnnt Hometown An· tlques, 23782 Mtfcur)' Road, l•k• Fornt. CA 92600 How to Place A The toflowlna ptl'Nns er• dolna busll\Ms u : Wlntllf Pfop«tles. 1905 Fullerton Ava., IW, C.ta "'"'·Cwt 92627 Wrlll•m JoMPh W111ter, 1905 F11llef"ton Ave •W. Costa Mesa. C.kf. 92621 This busilMSs is con ducted by: en lndlvldu•I Wave you started do1n1 buslnau yll7 No Wlltllm .loste>fl Wlnhw fllla 1111.-nt WIS filed with Ult County Clerl of 0t1n1e County on ll/04IOJ IOHH440SS Otlty Pilot Nov l. 14, 21, ~. 2003 F897 fk-. ..... -~ TIM lollowlna p.,sons .,, dofna bus-. as. West Cont lmporl1. 1963 E Blair Ave . s.tnta Al\a,CA92705 Arif EnttfP<lll, Inc (CA), 1901 E Oeete An., Santa Ana, CA 92705 lhls business Is con- ducl•d by· 1 corp0t1lion Ho• x9111t!ftt4 doinc CLASSIFIEAD By Phone 1949) 642-5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 Wes! Bay Sirea Com Mesa. CA 92627 tlfj.lftt By Fax 1949) 631-6594 1"'-..wr,..-............. At Newport Blvd. cl Bay SL SERVICE DIRECTORY .... a1,..~··· fllllt .. I -Por All Your Home and Busin~ Needs - AJI real estate 1ctvertl1 ma m this ,....,.,,"" ,. subiect to lilt f edtrel '"Fair Hoemc Act of 19118 es amended which mall.es ti ille1el to advertiw ·any prefer inc•. hmil1t1on or dlsc:r1ml111tkln based on t8Ce, color. reUalon, su. handk:1p, famHlal statua or nahonal 0<\11n, Of an JnttntlO<I lo makt lllY sucJI prefer111e1. llmlll tJon or dllctlm1nehon • Thrs n•W1')1Plf will not kflOWlllfly accept lny 11dverhsem1nl to. r11I Ul•te which IS In \llolahon of lh• lew Out tt•den ere hertbl Informed lhtt all dwel • lnp ad•trtlsed in this lltWSj)lp« .,. tVt1lable on an equal 0P90ftunily lles1s To compl11n or dis cttm.Mbon, ul HOO loll fr• et l·80CH24·8S90 Oldw s• funlit\n fl'IAHOS l Collediblw ·~·­............. Ol'mt,....... .. CAIN PAtl> .. --·--WE llUY UTATU • ._.....,. lnendl,..,. 1'1& Genni -N-_,_,---,-...,--,,-,,-s..-Annoa11cemenb 1110 t -2 lOO'a of Antiques tnd collechbln · China Nlj)pon Bn1tl•, Auurle Garmany, limoau. Oraden. Occupied Ja pin: Gltsa·arl 11ni, C1mbrld1•. Ouncen Miller, OepresslOfl, llC\f· rines. dfess11 lloan, mlftltuus, ert pottery, Cloisonne cold tnd silYef jewelrr. starhn1. i1lver plate, paper &oods. V1tt0flan cha11 . wood barrel• Also prints. lamp1. patio l11rnit1111. 1424 llntoln, PCH/Oover/Wtslclllf/ Hllflland/M..-len/l.lncoln Follow lhll ~iansl 1419 •c...-o.i••• 444 Beaon11 & 2nd Ave. 7-12 Saturday Only. DUCK SIASON f>rtw•t• Duct Muml"I Ch.11 epPfO• l/llr from Newport Beach Excel lent hun\lna adltcenl lo stilt waterfowl 1 elu1• owneuh1p inttfest & app<b• 375 eun of l1nd & 1mprovell'ltnls • yow own ump compound w/structure 1nd 2 h atler1 Wonderful F" n•ahl BBQ's & wine tasllna dut1n1 duck season + m1ny utrasl ldtal for ? friends or ltlhe< & \On Cell M1k1 at 310 !>4l 0854 Mory, ... -....t i..-t of Msus be edored atorified. lo•.. • P'• ..,..,ed Ulouehl lht world no'fl • locen< S.Cred oua•Y SUIOM llD Solid wood. br ..ct ,.. Wt bo• must ,,_ Wort! SSX>sac2JO!M9-~ PIM dlnona teblt. ~ & Chr•t1te dna tblt w/du . ._ While ffll 2lcub It 949 67~ heart of Jesus. prey for e• It.cl leethr c-dt us, St.· Jud• WOfller of' Hctlt.nt c.ond1tlon 1450. snlracl.a puy tor us 9 CAii dar 714 8A8 1200 llmeg daily for 9 days eveniq 949 642 4281. Lolf 1505 SWOUS ._. WDGMf !Mt o., 11/11 tn11e lOSS1 w. c.1 ,_ nu wtllt• poodle 1111a, lmbllf ~Or, t-lll•dld eyH, Poao VIClnlly of ~ la.231-!l'B7. occ f-d 949-548-1234 !M9 246 6585 1510 FIWICWJ PRORSSIONAL SERVICES Ral£:mlll 3480 snca Jf.WFJJff/ DlAMONDSI PRECIOUS METALS ,OUND cat, Newport Buch P1111n 38\h St • W. Balboa Call to dt1Ct1bt 949 64A 22ZI "••er•.. trewele;• <hed.. f 011nd In Aprll 2003, 1ny lntormatlon leadln1 lo owner conlKI lnnstl .. tor Cannen cwo 711-75.e 52" Art you In hn111c111 Cf Isis? Need Mol\9) t lclll 1w1y7 Monty evtllabll for· Otbt COllsolldltlon. 8u1lneuea or Homa Equity. Mini. $51<, Good °' Bad C<td1ll NO f'CESI B1nkruptcy 1cceptedl To aPPI~ cell Toll FrM 1·17Ht12·9397 ,_,, ...... Old Coins! Gold, sll~er. ~1 ••• w.. lllllQI* collectibles '49 '42 94A8 3110 R Estate lnve1tonl Sm1rt Money Mice· r1n1 Rinked Au•tl1t, lean ts Illa 11 piece lft lfMI U ! lo llMKI ln•••lutete. F llld out why vblt BUY~ Menn RaMer, 512-423-5628 Hours: Telephone 8:30am-5-(X)pm - Monday·Fnday Walk-Ill S:30am-S:OOpm Mollda}·Fn<lay OPtN SAT-SUN 1-S '' 10 '-'"(Wt NIW ON TMI ti(AUITI Mata Ve<4-lbr 2.5b• remO<I house, "'"" tile/ carpeVwindows, 1ppl's. paint Inside I out, 2 Ip, art tam fir plan Olflf .u..4 btekyd S619,000 Jim 6 lnhe first T11m ~ e.:ti n•1!i1 ZUll Dll'llX WllJIWATB YIWSI I lloase from Nncl Zbt ~· upptf, 2br Iba low i/f, 2 Clf ltf I. leundry, wondtt rul condition $1.495.000 'ct Botl 949 631 I 13l RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Rlndlll,flnntl COUl$y Pnlplrtr 5915 ~llSTIMGMC. 36 ICleS $24,900 Borden St•t• Lend ~rand! .. ~ fltrstaff tftl, Ptrl«I 6.100' "'"* ~ mount.I *-""°' .. flll8llCinl. AZLR 1-377-282 5263 (CAI..~ RESORT/ YM:ATIOH PROPBITT FOR SALE MISCBJ.MEOUS REJfTALS Rentll To lhlrl 6030 l Sl4t (ts'• Mtse sher• toWllhouse. msh suite w/111 Comrn llOOV ape, ptld Qarq• S750/ tno 949·642·5620 Nl/Oc-Vl•w ll- Octanlront/2i'nd, Pri· Vil• t m, 11nfu1 n. 1hM1 b1. utlli paid. n/amh, llllclllntlta, lndry, lbl*I to Newpocl pltf.1. S730m c.11 s.m 949 ~71 7905 busln•n yel7 No Alla (11\trf)flu, l11e:., flladtf Hoot.lie. Prn~nl lll1a •llltment wu ldt4 •1111 the County CltR of Of•nr Couoty Oft 1 l/OJI03 20016tM011 Datly Pllelt "ov. t4, '21, n. o.c 6, f003 r91f fl-. ... .......... The tol'owlna P"''°"' Ill dOinl iwo;lftHI U : Wtstern Bu1l1hnc £rec· lion ServlCH, 113 A Mont• Vitti Cost• Mesa, CA 92611 Wnts A Wildey, 183-A Mont• Vista. Costa r..sa, CA 92627 'tltis bulln,s• ts con due.led by. an lndMdu•J Have you sl1rled do"11 bUSl1141SS yell No James A. Wildly This sl•t•ment wes lkd wltll the county CM<ll of Oran1e County on \1/12/03 200,. ....... Dally Pilot Nov 14, 11, 28, Otc. 5, 2003 I 911 AdlllM .... ... s..... The lollow1nc persons a<e doint buslllHS H . quiet Cardtner, 2183 Feinllaw Rd 1102. Cost• Mesa, CA92627 Gerald C11101 y Ste· ll'IOn, 942 Concurd Ct , Visla, CA 92081 This business is con ducted by an lndlvldual Hive YOll slefted dotnC bUSlllUS yet? No Gerald Crqory Sttmon fh1s statemenl was hied with Ille Counly Cieri. of Otanae County on 11/04/0l 200S'9U04S Daily Pilot Nov l , 14, 21,28,2003 F894 Tll• fonowmc perwns 8tl .. Oilll bU•Jlll ' 1:1. 11 fncoi•. I/ fllcote Cl , flltwport Bell, CA 92663 Wt1rtfl l ROif, J7 E11core Ceurt, Nfwpon Buch. CA 92'63 lhls lluslneu It con dueled by: 111 Individual "-"' you 'twtad doinc bll'flinat yat? Yu 6/03 W111tnl lloM This steltment was hlad w1lh Ille County Cllrh of Ol•nl' Copnty on l012JJOJ 200HtH7M 01lly Piiot Oct SI. Nov 1, l4, 21, 2003 F885 ,.... ..... "-S...... 111<1 follow1111 pet sons ar• do1n1 buslnen u . °'"'II' Coest C.1>1t•I. 10522 Sll•d'ff id1• Or .. Santa Ane Cel1lorn1a 91705 Paul v E1w111. 10522 Shadyrldae 01 , Santa Ana, C11ilornl1 92705 This bus1neu u. con dueled by an 111d1vldu1I Have you &l11tlld doi111 busmen 11tt No Peuf V Crw1n This st1t1menl was hied,. with the County Clef~ ol Ot•ne• County on I 0/29/()3 200U9'SSSS Dally Pilot Nov t4. 21. 28. Dec !1.2003 F913 SELL your stuff through classified! .......... ........... Jbt l"lloW Al jltl ~Ottl II • ctolna bu'liMI\ POW• Re111t"' I. I~ IA £ St Gertrud• Pt , Santa M1. C-' !>VO\ L•I A B"I"· ll05 IA £, $t Certrudl Pl San1• Ai-a. CA 92/0!I Th11 buslrieu I• con di<K.ltd by 111 l111tiv1(1U1I Have you mrtf'(I do"'t business yet? Nu Lori A. Btt lllf Th" stalttrMn\ 'NU tlkd w1lh the ~unly Cl«• or Dfl • County 011 11/0!).IOJ 200SHUH2 01il1 Piiot Nov /, 14 21. 28. 200.J f903 fktl!IM ....... "-S..... fht lollowln1 l)ft wns are dolnc busi..-s n~ CASE 8Al8USTERS. 100 Paleco De Oto S•n Clemente. CA 91672 Robert Wtnll. lt>O Patero De Oro. San Cle1T1elllt. CA 92612 Thl'l bu,1nou IS con ducted by 111 1nd1vkh111I Hevo you 1t1rled dome business YIP Yea, Seplembt1 l, 20QJ Rob..-tW1nk This sl1tement wa .. hied 'fl1lh the County Clerk of Ot•n1e County on t0/10/03 20036961471 Daily Pilot Nov I. 14, ?I 28, 2003 ~ 90!> SELL your stuff through classified! .-----Policy------. Rates and deadhnes are subJCCl to Change wnhout nohcc TI1c publisher rcscNci. the ngllt to cen!JOr. reclai.<,1fy, rev1-.c or rc.)'.'Ct any clas~ificd adveniscmcnt Plca'lc rcpon any error 1ha1 may be in your classified ad immediately. The Oaily Pilot aC'ccpls no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be rci.pons1blc except for the cost oft.he space actually occupied by the error. Credll can only be allowed for lhe first m.sert1on ----Deadlines-----. Monday Frldlly '·00rm TucM!ay. ... . .... Mond11y HX)pm Wednci.<Lly Tuesdlly .HXJpm ThurMSay ...... W~:.doy ~l.(XJpm • J.nday. lllur..Juy ~ IW~nn StlN!te ,lflt .. lurn'd, nr Tri Sq, coiy, quiet, rd did\, ......... rVPet S715rno 9'$6.:l 21'18 Ill $810... I mile to btlcll, 'UUI Ct1ls. SIO'it, fna. cell ten 4' mor• 113 l , .. St ..... ,....2.421 Me,11 A,ht lovely Cated Comm. near T 1 f1n1le Squ•1 e, 2br I b• w/111 & 11111. il095, lbr lb• w/paho. utpo1l stou1e ~ ""*· hllll paid lli1ln ~ Ill ~ E•I 'J1IX> So1urday ... ... l·mlay l IW>pm Sunday r·ncluy ~ OOpm 11r Apt. 1 Y-OW, uUh I. nlrlhtt 'IV paid W/Tl, nu1 Ho•J Hosp. SUOO/mo 949 6 I 4984 w..-1cJlff1 lr1 lbd. 2b• condo Up•l110. c.irpo•I. 1256 Rutland Sll50/mo •714 832 t 766• er,.1.a , .... .,...,,y '"'w ·s.11k>u1 n• !ibt 6b1 luauty home w/vie,.~ & hu11• bnky11d Yea•ly tu, S9000m Open Sal & Sun 12 4 28 Sindy Cuvc o.~e/Aal 114 817 '>668 RentaJa Wlllted 7880 Relnd 1n111 .. , • ..,...~ ~lty 9'.fl\ fUIJffl a 1 P-lrK• lbr Iba P•too ~ e..rtl un P-1 loreplace, ~haftd w/d t&Ai1 ~ 94!1 fBl a.Tl hkups, I ctr 111r1ce A&t $l500/MO 949 29J 46JO Oc-fr"'' yMf'ly t b1 lb•. wuud/1l.s1 apt, VACATION RENTALS views, p.trk'"" "°""'* SI 600 • utlb 949-6!1().lll2J Dtseft Rentals 7915 [ SfC1t 2tH J bi lr11>le•. ST~ te a.aedt Ur I c I"· lood size fenced •~•. Fp 111•1t petoo yard, 3Tl Woodland IB Sl600/mo yearly 949 $1225/mo 714 423 4666 &7HS07 VACAOO!t IOOAlS WlSUOOALS tl'a!m llm ()Mt f'•U• l• 21tr Ibo Apt. laundr")'. peho. qui el 11100·11?00 Sl300/mo Cel f4t-64'-SS44 l StOl CHARMING, hh new 2br I Sb1 lown hOuSe style 2522 Elden 1137S/rno 949 642 5488 ... , sw. T_._ Jbr 2.5ll. aatotn ,__, fMm. fl>, UYoom. l'()OI, 11J', vacant '24n Hapol S21lnno ... 949-51~20Xl IACUAY TOWNHOMf :ls 2.5be ,.11. •. clJI p WIXVln> er• 1ow1 .,., Nov7l4~ 2lr 1h,. IWW jllrilClflll!I. 2..-...... badlyard, 112 blodl Ill oc-1. t1UI -SlSXV-9&218-1'Ui cal ~ 9oim 5pn «tt .... w. 'lie p . OUllldll 1)1111111, pool. ~ tilt, w~ .a. 103 Harbor Wooci. SUD> 714-Jn.1925 21>f Zb• nf HP P* 'lose to •hop~ & 1estua11nts Ip, 1 c 1ar wd hkups Sl800/ll'IO 949 293 4830 Slw,21(.""'lpt,I ca-port. 400<sf, -tqll &crpt.3 ......... a1 s t950/mo 714 l90 58'10 st.. Siio "-••· q11i.t area newly relur~l•htd 2 cer 1•r wd llllup1, $2300/mo 949 7S9 0814 fHI IW"S 41>< ?be towmm, 2 sl:f. 2 ~ wd ~ 2 c ... tuliil ~~~ Coobct MtchHI "1\ts 1Ql.mrri1 p!~com ONSIGm.mns j PlnOf•WlllS ...... :;::·::.. .......... 2llia homl. prol M I ml 2bf 2be apt. l cat llf . ID i-21, 1111n1. ~ 7!Ml Sterli A•I Avail 1w111 Die-I ~ 112 "" Nov 21. SI 250 • dtp Nawpwt l.i-4 hy• tr-• lust (ompletety rtfnOdtled! 2bc t • / .. H1J1!t Sn f~ fl'ho 12SOO/ll'IO W/OoO .., .. Ill' add let II mo lallM, O.v.tAet m 812 5668 EWLOYMBCT, AGENCY, • ANIMAl.S RESCUED WITH NO OWNERS MONt Y DONATIONS MUMAMI SO<tllY ftm11n 3435 M..tt ... P"flf>)' ltmale --------9 -h 1U stiota S700 1"-Ahl .,_...... (Uf) 61S~S7t C/OPAWS 2AO E tflCHtANO SAN BERNMOtflfO CA 92.404 Court 1/2 price, 1lll'IOtl new,~'*"""'.,...,.. I lied diem. bitro l.lbM. 4 dllh. db c.Dir.t. "\Ma M967f>-~ The Cl~ificd Advertising Department will be dosed oo ThuiWy. November 27th ti Friday, Novtmbtr 28th, 2003. We will re-open on Mon<lay, ~mbcr lst at 8:30 a.m. If you'd like an ad to ip~r in che newspaper from Thursday, November 27th thru Monday. Dcccmbcr 1 \!• you mu.st call by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26th, 2003. HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGMNG! 949.642.5678 Daily A Pilot . ~-----·------ •m••••• ........ -lutUHMO SAU. "flntl CIHranctl" Prlttd tn s.n No S.le•m•n Co Oifett/Sav• 20 .: ZA, $2.900 25 -JO. •l,900 JO • 40 i.s.zoo • • so H.900. !10 l llO $20.IOO Otlltr1 ,....,..., l~(CAI. •SCM) A Hf..W C~Rf 811t no CaM!f Appfc>vtd Cu111nt11d1• ,..., f11l· tamoU\ Brend. No Cf•dll ~fl. bad credo OK I aoo •ta 4180 •Clllckl!ll ~<ount fl• ~n4 (CM ~CAA) ......... WM19 Smd Office *PK•. wMI rent « sut.lebt. Looi! lllJ ler a pod 1ll11eUof1. • 714 ,~, 4A\l • COt.OAAOO lAM> SALE 110 uru •0,100 UShl•w •11or11111. ll11ral ran,h, pt Iota ,.uw11. Neat to 1.000 et•• t•c. •rt•. yr round •cceia T•l/tt.c t 'ACtl tent flnllhelnC Ctll IOll ,,.. 800 191•5113 (CAi •SCMO 0,... .._. '-"· '1-4 Na-.port Island 81ylront w/puul• lloel dock U111urp1ned q111my1 Total r9fl'Odel In '99/'00 ?tit 'l' /-ttl• • .. c.ptlofl11 den. 3112 Ql.llflflll Pie. $2,075,000 Att Oavfd M9:711-1S10 0.-........ !lln l .. ~ 81y Hill, prlcacl lo sth 11 $639 000 2 i.111 Mtma, 2.~ 111th1 Terry Hllfd'.• Armatrona Properties 949 111·4'00• 114 -.a31..J3U Cill 949 "3 11387 ' ~ NlwpOrtltadl ... farRtlt 60&0 YlAlll.YUASH ..,. 2• "' 1t0tace. 400 600lf units Mer 1t0t• •tclliCIH, Iowa rttft c.. ~ 966).lJll) ........ c1... a "••• '°' ......... (ftOfll Cot U.), ) COM, 111d, lbt, MW kllclltft 6 bath, Ip, hrctwd ftr In Lii Ve_.,_, Slllred W/O 949'33 Qe(JO ... Mw.atl MOMIS -.L .... Y MN.TOttS tff-415-6161 UDO tsU STUDIO 'lMI• cloMt & balh, 111nn1 uposurt. $1000m All 949 61& 6161 CAMMHY YtlUGI St11dlo with 11r S900 I Br •1th ,., SUOO/mo No smoh/pet 949 &73 0346 Cllff lbr lb• sln1 lam 1 estdtnc• peho. 1ttp1 to bay I c 1ar. art S25009'9 293 4631 31>r 2ba upper lt••I b1ylro11t unit PlflOd style. lfl vu, I c I", •at Sl800 949 293 4631 llr ........ Milt ,.. tOlldo, '~~ .... ~ ... n.lllw ... 0X> 9C9-2!»-.Q) ......S..fs'-4( ... Gt1cn.na.-..1~--. 30W. QI • ..:. .. ODrmL PD>tncl.-~ 9mGJZI ANO RESUME SERVICES •••AHNOIJNCEMENf••• Hwm1 t0< 200.llPoobl poMtlons f'adtrel hit• Sl!>.!iO·S39.00./llr No optrlenre n•u'U'V C11try ltv•I 'fl1lh r ull 8enof1h. Paid lr.lnona Call 7 d1ya 101 Info toll ,, .. (877)329 !1268 hi 131 (Clll •SCArf) • "*ANHOONCUW Nl • • • Hnll'tl fno 100Vf'Hlal pM•tlOns ftdttal ""'· • SJ4 80 $.18 00•/hr. Ho ottatlenct n•\taMty f ntry l e¥111 with I 1111 Oiu1tllh Paid tr.111nin1 Call 1 d•r• '"' 1111u t111t tree (181)1ZG 2'H3 l lt 701 (CAL •SCAN) .. CA.Stt ADVAIKU HNI Ctillfll\. \h11tlwtjl t11111ent1 An11ult1u. tnherllancu, flush, Core f unlto<t& ~ 11111! IQO. ~ 0411 (<;Al •SCAM) UCI Alhltl1 t. ueb Oht.t• tor ~lY/ YOMtl Pr.tC VIUt Mt:J/W'rll~ ID .... . -~ Al• frid:(. ~ 21. 2003 . l ~RQssW8:~'~uiiLE I ~~~ ... -----------------------,.,J. MdT~HtAICH "Employee.'' "Empkado." "Arbeitnehmer." 0 EmpkJye. " C111fer111a l•w ,.. 41*• tl\lt conlr.c· IOR Ulllnf ~· !Mt tot.ti ISlO « mart ( t.bcw Of 11\atet ..... ) be llctnied lly tlltt Contrectora State lkfllM 80«d Slit. ... "'° ,...., .. that conttectort lnclfft the• llc«I.. nvnw on 4111 H'ftrtlliftc. V041 cllll clltdl the status o t your llc111nd eo1tr1ctor t t ww-.Hltl Ce rv or IOO 321 CSL u11n tensed contrecl0tt tet.1111 loh tll1t tot•I lest then $500 muat etat1 In llltlJ 1dv.,tl .. "'9nla llltl tht)' 11A llOI llCtll~d llJ 1114 Co11tredou .... ,. LkenM lo«d.· r~••• RlntMll• • . --., I • I ' I 'I, ' t' .... ,.,..... . ..... -.,w, Irvine erchl· 1ect1Kal off1t1, ben1f1ta •"*=m'*"-+ <IOlK, •·m•il reium• IWM IUU'l-wtll! ulery requlrerMnti -oc11cl!~co• nel ~ .. T eoch\J\t ,., ovolt, Decreed ' CrecMntlalecl w/mld41e ecllool ••P Socitl StUdlte ' Lan-.,... Atbt pM. ~ at Gree• Cll"rcll &. Sdlooll. 6931 EcfNl&tr H8 JOIN OUR TEAM end mike a dtffertnc:e 111 the C.ltfot~ Almy NatloMI Querd you cen 1•t lllOMY lot collqe end certer tralnlna call I· IOO·GO ·OUARD . (CAl. •SCAN) YOlltHOMI IM'1IOYIMINT NOJt<n C11h pkill"W. jMtlntll'. "'"""""· « a11y et tl1t pt1t wvtcu llSted lier• In 01K _,,1c, dwtctoryt THES( lOCAl SVC l'EOl"l.£ CAN Hill' VOOTOOAVI IMW 'Ol ZS , .... , 3 o. "-41, ~ ml, lull feet werrenty, •ilverlbll llhr, CO, mMf, 191n whl•, bHullful llllt new cond, fin aveil. 11995621 124.••~--.... , ,,_ C..-. 'ti c.tero sot ml, blk/bllll lthr, blll urrt.,. root, Bou CO, em Im, clwm wllll. eotd pl\1. boollt/recotds, 1111• n .. S899S ~7281 9kt •••-s.a-lut -. ..-..,- Co41ltec 'ta OeYlll• wllitl/oelmetl 11111' low ml, bHulllul orlalnal cONI, in.Ide a. out, chun Whll, 10 dtK C, $329S Ur. 90·516·1111 --~'·'- C.4111ec 'ti O•Vlllo wt}iWoatmMI llhr, low "''~ .... -0 --l~drmwlllt, ~ 811r. Mt-516-1111 -···- UCIMSIO <otnUCTOI ND)'Jtl ... lftl.M....., R.,-,,.,,...,..,_, .. -""'~ .. floortltlJ1lt I ,, :.11"" ·\It H• "· f : .. , · (''I " '' . •r.• . • . .. ~'ff S.Wlflll LXI Conv, 1811 1etu11 mr. -t.tlllc 11'"11 tMt ltJll' bite:~ top, tinutllul lih MW colld, 17985 firm y1.5f721 ., --.1- Wrilw • • •·- <OlvnTl'M<H Auto, tc. •It '°.,.,., Wlllt.,,red Inter, ii..u. runt •lro111 S7!IOO obo Mt-2U-l.32' ,.,, '•s ... , ... , ConHrtJlll•. erl1ln1l owner. l6lid ca1, ..-., GU» 11Do W7J9.2Kl .,, ..... ,.,... "- Gtwtl .. _ .... AIC. "" ~~w.tbook VN'3525~15 o,...J '00 .... LS 3311 mttllllt .u.... blue lfty ltlv lully loaded. ""-• ,_. cond '10,991 ~·------......... _ ...... ,, A.luff 2dr cOjjpt EX. V·ltc enalne, 6911 bl«WIJ•Y ltlw, enrf, h111llful u11m1rhd cond, 1artlld, non smkr 18495 v.01297$1 Bt.r ----Jlqllllb.orin .._.'ff Pr .. SI 2• -... lllt» fun1 lotded, whit•, m•rl, 11101 wllb, llaHt1h1I clllld '599S -897NI Bt.r ............. -....... ~ J,HUH ltf6 Y" i...-. am m1, •lnV IO!'l•OH, Sll,150 Pvt ,.ertJ, ~9-•M..0011 COWIOtomlt 'Tt!'k~~., •JS48 Cr t OHi ~Ill ... . '1lkot, tell flV19/11 Ditcounltd ,.,,,., ...... o.-.ten •1290 111\11t Sall J..-!Cfl'" ltld, ten ,_9 <lrutDNI •tacrots etH •02 Bla,11, bl«• IV9'111 0tSC01"1ltd MOtClDES U20 01 Blacll. Bltcll IV5458 oi.counltd MCltCf.DU E32<hor• '.9t GtMn,i.,. IV458l CrHt 0..1 M£1tCEOt;S flfl5$ '00 Sil~•r, blacll 13859 Grffl Oe1I MEltCEDES $500 '95 Wl\1la.1-. •3650 1>11cou11t..t MUICIOH SISOO '00 Wlllta. l•n '°580 ""'' s.n MINt COOl'll '02 Blue, arrt f0962 M111t Sell l'OllSCHI CwrtH 'ft lltcll. blttll tVlOU OISCOunttd ~<MICwl' .... 'tt BIUl, IJIY 1"6049 M111t Sell Qvalt Manrust 'Ol S11<1w, blacll •V0139 Oiscounltd J..-r '94 JJ• Y-.4.ft Pin metallic red tan llhr, bltullfut orl1tn1I cond, muat "' lo AUot A• '00 apprec:11tt, prated, non Blecll. •ll'•Y lnltf s~. $6995 ~70ZS7l IVOI02 Otseounted Bt.r M9·586-llSS www.ecpeltl.c-UIW Ullo 'tt Bltdl, l•n Inter Jotuor lilt ,...,,, •ta fV9978 Must S.U champanat. chrome • tMW SHI... whls. Pf•lll sound. lo· lronb, 1111 Inter .lad. IOlllOllS, must .-II IV5497 Musl Sell $29,99S M~5S0-3390 LANO ROVH 2000 tlllW S211o '00 Discovery 11 SD7, d111t Orffn, tan Inter moonrls, , .. , Jump •V0567 Discounted sHb, lleatad ••I ltc UIW SIOl '01 warr 36.000 ml, 121,900 Whitt, ten VSl5DI .Im 714m61Q •2Mi41 MY•t Saa uxus sc•oo 'tS 8MW !MOi ·99 Tracllon control, htaltd Blue, ll'•Y lnlw S4tls. ovtrdtlvt. mnrl, Ml 11 Mvst Sall cllromt Wiiis, n•* Ur•. Nalltm1ehl 1011nd •rs. 12 BMW 740!• '00 ch•nl' cd, spoitsf, blua/ 8ront.elt•n tan, ""Y titan S9750 19158 Oltcounled 9o48 244 3324 IMW 7401o '00 &Mt<• '00 LS SlO V6, lladl. tan Inter l lk eclual ml, eh1m• lllV94JS Dncountad P•sne/IT•' lthr, mnrl, 8MW 740ll. 'Ol CD chrome whts, &11perb Blut/lf•' as new cond throurtit. 12843 Musi Ste llooka, records, Sl0,995 vOiaS829 8llr 96-586-1888 IMW UOll '01 •-·~11.c-Slllltt. arty IVIS05 GrHl Buy Merct4-a 't6 CHO 8eaulllul llatcla/trHm BMW 740il '01 hilly loadtd, sfH>'llfOOm WMt, IJIY in/out S9250 714-7512* 13951 Greet 8uy a..v-TohM '02 M•rc•cl•• •ts HIO 8ftcll, .. ,., Bltcll/blk b111.1t, alt 0,1, ... ' -nic.. -lllllclt Nu.1 Crnt llllY s¥t. SIO.i50 714-151·246A ......,hv,..'t2 fled, blecll 1111 ... c .... • 'It UOO S.O •V8l09 DIK oun-.d orla 0¥1ntf tun book$ & rtcorda. blll ltllf. chrome MU~S91S whl, 11taut1ful orls cond, _______ ,.., _ .. -to IPtlftctete $4995 wt61734 Bt.r •••-sa•~1ata www.ecpellf.~- -·-·hi - "'9MWIMJ ti4l ml. (19t70) $1S,9IO ..... ,~ ... 37' 1111 (19812) W .980 ....... ~ A Stt•I (ltlOll) '9.980 IT&...-Ud# Sitvw. low ml (la.5ll) $17,CJIO '" ,,.,_,.. asoo •911 1111. (19~1) s.e9.980 "'"~"°" Oeisel, prleed to ul (I 9M2) $23,980 '9SM_..UOO Whitt, Mk ml (19836) 25. 980 ,., ,,__.. SU10 ,,_.,., 43kml (19859) $28,980 ..,,._...suoo ....,... WMe (19020) $2~ ,980 'ft MAI 900S c-67k ml (19852) s 12.980 ... v ........ ,_...,,...,, (197%1) $$,980 M9·S74-n77 MllSAllTO ......... UNGI IOVIR lttJ LWB. ll!iK ml, blu./t•n, "' suspentlolf. lmmn· ulabl lhrouatiout $64~ PN'fJJlllBJ kh1 714-222~161 ........ ,,,.,. ... 4.0st Boich ln)tctlo11, 4511 ml, cllalllll•&n• ellvtr /It ten lthr. cllrm whl•, baaut 1111• new cond, $19,995 w45.236l • 96-5116-llD -·!Cf!!\•·-•llnf• levw 'ts4.0 SI IOt.+ml, bl•ck/tan lthr. supe• b cond throuaht • boolt1, records $10.995 llOC5829 8kt BG-sa&-1• _, .... ,_ s.tvno 'O I SW2 w...,. Sspd, slick, sllvtr, Ct•Y lnt.j)(em aound, lltautllul llh new cond $6995 v2l57l.9. !M9-~l- ., ................. Corlw.·T""'° ~ 11'0 ~ 1mmecutet• colld. J0.900 MH7S-8ll ~El •• m.1 ..... ...... -AUTOS WAHTEO LOAMS UP TO $!lOI • Mo Crtdlt Checti '°' Salt [111plo)td lndtwlcluelal WWW dide211orrow .conyl.A (CAL•SCAN) BOAT PARTS& ACCESSORIES -SOOO '""4 lttht/U~ $1SOO(t•t)72J.ft&J BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ lAUNCHIHG/ STORAGE 9680 ..... 1"-41 2 sl•pt avell up to 5Stt. Weter & power Inc l al•o C~Vl .... tllpup to 5511, end lrplcle Or sllp llP to 90lt. (§) v•cent lot w/sptcllcu!ir VltWI 949-675~7 D.ty IB clll 9*, Cllll1'I rtbb,fll>-~/ ==-~r1' IOA 1' SLW I Mdt tie. 60tt plua main ch1nn1I Newport Peninsula, new dock. 949175.5900 Utt MOOfl,_.O wltll boil for sale In Newport Buch Call Chuck 949-645-0334 www: a yd,.. ,_,,, 'ts Ol lotllttt, 7Sft IOAT ~ Sublet lo1dad, all options, for OllC & .Ila ~ per ft., Immaculate $2500 oo XMAS llOAT PMAOI 71•~7S1-2... aoutt9&640-0552 PUTAFEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOUI (949) 642-5678 * ... Sip i.-lfl ..... up ID 12/i ti.II. 111¥ llW1d °"° .... llClft, ~ 9'~922·7777. Newpon leodl $0 ft Sllp 1vaff1ble 11000/- cell • 949·723·3143 • SELL your stuff through· classified! Al1T'li'tlt"'a • . •C.....icW (949) ?48-0769 " TAKE 'A TEST~DRIVE TODA'! j TUSTIN ~1t I •888~.297•·so .74]J MAZDA . . ..... . .-~ 48 month lease based on $399 per mo + taxw/$500. customer cash down.12K miles peryear.15¢ permlleexcessW..-&·..,..;on·-~ credit, Exclud~ gov•m~nt ~·-~~ ~·~ •OY .~.•t.·~tatlon pr&~ratJOf.l. char:ge and any e"-1l•~1on testf ng -~_arge • • s Auto Ce~ter ·Drive _ ~-TUllln -Allfo·. C•mtef·J" ~ www~tvstln1naztla.co111 ·• ___ .................. •-· ,_.w ~ UI ...