HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-24 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 MONDAY, NOVEMBER 24, 2003 IN BUSINESS Drivers C8:Ught between tax hike, repeal Conflicting reports about the repeal of the 'car tax' leaves confused drivers on and off the road. spokesman Steve Haskins said. "We've had to reprogram all our computers to handle this, which is a mammoth job. And untll we get that job done ... we're just asking people to handle it by mall, which quite frankly is probably the best way to handle ft anyway." She wasn't sure what she'd have to pay, she said, because she'd heard con- Olcling stories from the media and from tallcing to people. INSIDE For more bu1ine11 news, aee PageA2. Allcl1 Robinson Daily Pilot COSTA MF.SA-If you have a car reg- lstradon fee due, you'n!! bener off mak- ing a trip to the post office than the De- panment of Motor Vehicles. For now, drivers with registration ex- piring between Oct 1 and Jan. 29 are belns charged a tripled Ucense fee if they visit the OMV to pay in person. Although Gov. Arnold Schwarzeneg- ger's fim order of business after taking office was to repeal the license fee In- crease thac became effective Oct-I, car owners muse mall In their payments if they want to pay the reduced amount now. "We expect that to change some time in the not-too-distant future.• OMV Visitors to Costa Mesa's OMV office on Friday had mixed responses to the Ouctuatlng car registration fef>s. Sonie Czupryk of Fountain Valley left without paying her license renewal fee She saJd her fee shot up from $79 to $282 because the increase. ,, A DMV employee Ntold me to pay the whole thing and 1 would be relm- bursed," she said. "I'm not going to wait in line for an hour to pay it. You bet I'll want my money baclc. • that's for sure." she said. She'll mall in her payment if it makes a big different in the cost, she said. While waiting in line, llnda Tanner or <. oMa Mesa said she's been in Michigan for !>even months and dJdn't lcnow about lhe ree changes. Other customers. such as Sherrill Svalstad of Fountain Valley, got their re- newal notices before the Oct I fee in- crease. "I don't have the money to bum, Sn DRIVERS, Pase M Surf City project has Newport's attention The Newport City Council may ask that a traffic study for Huntington Beach's Pacific City be modified. June Casa1rande Datly Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The city next door has plans to build n 31.5-acre com- plex of commercial. retail. residentiaJ, of- fi ce and restaurant space that includes 400 hotel rooms and 516 condominiums. What does thjs Huntington Beach de- velopment have to do with Newport Beach? Maybe nothing. Maybe everything. The Newport Beach City Council will decide Tuesday whether lo pul in their 1wo cents on a project some believe could crea1e craffic ru1d other problems for its neighbors to the north. OONlEACH/OAILYPllOT Student Marcy Cano, nght, gives a higfl.frve to a youngster for fini~hing an assignment at the Newport Harbor High preschool center. In a letter tha1 council members may decide to put their names on, Asi.istant City Manager Sharon Wood suggests tha1 traffic effects or Lhe Pacific City project along Paetfk Coast Highway be analyzed as far south as Dover Drive. which would show the project's effects on several major interseceions in Newpon Beach. The envl· Preschool to close School district officials say the child care program at Newport Harbor High School will be shut down by the end of January. schools, the program will shut down at the end or January. Parents offered to pay more to keep the ~hoof open, distric1 spokeswoman Jane Garland lktid, but the district cannot "be in the private preschool business." Al 1\Jesday night's school board mt·c1 mg. parents implored district olficials to c;pare the program. The dt'>lrict would look into ii and get hack to parents, Assistant Supt. of I lcmentary f'..ducation Susan Des- pl·nas told them. M1rl11 O'Neil Daily Pilot NEWPORT BP..ACI I -A pre- school program at Newport Har- bor HJgh School will close in Janu- ary despite prote$ts by the parents. The program, which uses high school students to care for the children, has been operating for 25 years. It Is meant to be funded by lhe tuition parents pay but has been unable to support Itself. In August, Newport-Mesa Uni- fied School. District officials warned parents that the school would have to meet the same standards as its &tale-funded counterparu. Because an enroll- ment quota has not been met, and the part-time class lacb a teacher with the proper slate credentlaJ, one not required at private pre- "It's a very nice preschool, and ii ts licensed. but to truly have it be developmentally appropriate, we need to meet certain require- ments,· GarlMd said. "We wan1ed It to be a high-quality program. but It's a very strict requirement and onJy a part-time program. l o get a quaJified teacher to go into ll is dJfficult.. ··1 think they were saying they'd rail us just ro appease us." said Eli7.abelh Root, whose 4-year-old daughter, Emily. is in the program. "I ooldng at lhe board members' faces, 1 don't think they know the whole story." Purents who bring their chll- Sn PRESCHOOL. P11t AA THINKING ALLOWED A gun, a badge and a tie 0 h sure. , It's always the tlreftghters who get asked to be models in the community fashion hows, but retailers are missing out on the real trendtetters: the Costa Mea Polke Department detectlvea. That's risbt. You need look no funber than the comer oC AU.r Drive and P&J.rvtew Ro.id for the Jatett ln white-collar acyte for the blue-collar wolUr. Since Police Chief John HenAley took the lead, h e has mandated detectivea-who do not sport the tndJdOnal Unlfonn -wear suitl and ue. evtt)'dly. So what will the mtn Of Colt.a Mell . PO be wearing this season? •Mo t detectlves will be spo~ darker colors thls season, Del. Mark Manley said. ·1 llke the darker eanh tones for the winter and blues lO match my eye. .... We may traditionally be blue-collar workers. but that doesn't mean we can't be fasbJonable and profi our Inner expression and personality." (ls ft just me, or does Manley .sound like he'• been moonlighting for El Fashion Olnnnel1) Mal\ley. who lnvestfgates crtme agaln.s! people, tuch u homkldes, is S..AUOWED,P ... M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com GIVING THANKS What ere you thankful for this year? Good health? Family end friends? Wlultever it la. l.i us know by calling (949) 642-6086 or aendlng ua an •mail et ~.com. P\etM spell your name and Include your hometown and phone number. The Pilot will run • nlectl°" of tht f'hponnt on Thank.lo~Oay. The deadline for submissions Is Tuesday. WEATHER ~ Light winds will make short work of the momlng clouds. SeeP11eA2. COSTA MESA The Planning Comml .. lon will consider holding a town hall mMtlng on the proposed moblle horM ordinance. SeePqeA3 SPORTS The Newport Harbor High footb1ll team belltvea experlenc. gained this Mason should help In 200'. SeeP11eA5 See SURF CITY. Pa&• A4 EDUCATION Keeping homeless in school still a test Though schools are better able to help them, more than a third of the district's homeless students didn't return this year. MarlH O'Ntll Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Despite new laws meant to gjve homeless children better ac- cess ro public education, student reten· lion remains a problem for local schools. At the end of last year, 276 students Identified by the Newport-Mesa Unified School District as hom~ were enrolled, district spokeswoman Jane Garland said. As of Nov. 1, 93 didn't return and 31 new homeless atudenta had enrolled. •its so dUrlcult to educate theae clill· dren becauee they're constantly on the move.• said Garland, who also serves as the d~trlct't homeleu Ualson. Novem ber ts Home)ea Aweftneas Month. Reaching transient atudents is easier now than lt was 1n years past, largely be- ... HOWi ESS, P11eM AJ ~. ~ 24, 2003 BUSINESS SPOTLIGHf . • THE BUSINESS OF LANGUAGE Clear and present dangle I s that a dangler in your press release? Or are you just happy you wrote anything? last week, I got onto the subject of participles and felt a little guilty for sidestepping the most notorious participle of all: the dangler. a also felt a little guilty for roughing up a 'IV news personality, but measurably Jes,, so. Actually~ now that I think about it. I'm feeling pretty good about that) The term "dangling participle" ls the quintessential example of why grammar scares the bejesus out of so many people. Everyone seems to have some fuzzy, nightmarish memory of .-------. hearing the tenn in school and being expected to understand IL Yet no one can seem remember what on earth it means. Well.1\re got some good news. You don' have to know what it means. I hfnby deaee that. from this day forward. you may go through the rest of your PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRNt< I OM.Y Pl.OT John Lemme and Amanda Lemme demonstrate how they use the vault obstacle course to help with body extension in a natural way. . ' JUNE life In blissful ignorance of CASAGRANDE this term yet l<mi certain that you're not accidentally embarrassing yourself by dangling something for the wodd to see. 10 do this, you need only follow this two-word imperative: Make sense. Or, in its expanded fon:n, make sense. dam It! A way to ditch the personal therapist Consider this sentence: Walking home from the beach. my surfboard was getting so heavy I could bareJy carry it A Newport Beach company is offering online information and videos for people to diagnose and treat themselves. Allele Robinson O&ly Piiot ' 'D o II yourself' IS". phr.LSC not often applrl>d to physlcaJ tht'rJPY, but John Lemme aim.~ to ch.mge lhnt Although l.enune\ ~ Beach busit~\. l'hern~ SoJuoons. ha.\ taken clJt>nt' m pen.on for SIX yeru!i. It lo; now branching out 10 offer its ·anatonucal therapy" to dien~ over the lntemet. After~ oollne or in person. Therapy Solutions suggests a personalized regimen of therapeutic enrdses. ·its hard wort. beca~you\ee got to do those exercises every day. but its so worth u. • Therapy Solutiom client Julie Reilly said. She was introduced to Lemme by her sister, who visited Therapy Solutions for dinlcal therapy all er hip surgery. "'The reason I went to him was because I've had back problems for 30 years and I've done everything Ito relieve the palnJ: RclDy said. ·1 just never was getting anywhere.· What is Lt that doesn't make sense here7 (Please be seated. 1b1s may come as a shock.) Surfboards can't waW Every time anyone ba.s ever used the tenn "dangling partidple" in your presence. this ls the soJe idea they were trying to convey (unless it was a euphemism for something we won' be discussing here). See, participles are pieces of two· and three-and sometimes four-word verb fonns. ·1 was insulting someone in this colwnn las1 week." The "was" ls half of thi5 verb. called the ·auxiliary.• The •Insulting" ls the other half. which happens to be called a participle. P'arddples usually end In ·Ing, ·ed and ·en. Some are irregular. such as the past participle of"sew," which is •sewn.• Whenever you start a sentence with a word that ends in ·Ing or any other participle, you're creating a danger that the second half of the sentence won't match the first half. Lemme dei.cnbes anatomical 1herapy as a •twicl~ olJ approad( I.hat doesn' use heat. cold, massage or any of the 1edmiques of traditional ph)'5lcal U1empy. Using an onllne questionnaire and videos of exerci.c;e<1. people can diagnose their physical problems and learn waY"' to correct them without ~r 'leeing a lhenlplst. he said When she started woridnR with Lemme in January. the exercises were hanier because she wasn' as flexible as she thought, she &1.id. President John Lemme of Therapy Solutions, a business that has launched a Web-based program for physical therapy information. •Sewn to fit a 7·year·old, she felt pinched In her tight zebra-striped pants." It was not "she" who had been sewn. h was her pants. (Let us hope they ~re sewn well.) •1t'i. really a way where people can fix them!.clves. fix their own posture. 6.x thar own pain symptoms.. he s.ud 'fyplcal onhopedac therapy fOCUleS on the symptom of the problem. whether its an arthritic knee or an aching back. Lemme &aid. but hi.\ method loolcs at how the ailing body part got out of alignment and what the rest of the body Is doing to compensate. She still goes to Therapy Solutions in person, she ~d. but now she also uses its Web site to do many of the exm::ises at her Newpon ~home. Lemme said he~ developing his anatomical therapy method about five yean ago after he helped a client over the phone. telling her what exercises to do Using whal he'd seen in the clinical setting. he devetoped pro6Jes of clients and a series of questions about what type" of pain people were experiencing. Lemme saJd he~ not a doctor or a phy.,ical therapist. but he has served ~ director for several phY"C".U therapy clini~ He learned the principles on which anatomiall therapy is based by tudymg the methods of physical therapists of the early l 900s. he wd. In September, Lemme launched onhne sqviccs largely aimed at corporatio~ that can use his ~rvices in employee wellnes,, programs. Through his~ site. clients can a~ information. including more than 400 vfdeo dips of exen.ises. at any time. I le expeas his business to take off because with the availability of the Internet. doctors are no longer the only resource for medical help. Corporations are muting to ask em~ to take more responsibility for their health. Lemme said. Leuune said his clients donl balk at the dlsdpline and efi'ort required to foDow an exercise regimen. ·Pain is tbe best motivator: he saJd. ~see peopJe who have tried IM!r}'lh.lng else." Not all danglers are dangling participles, but it's all the same basic Idea. Make sure that your first clause •agrees• with the part after the comma -your second clause. ln the rurft>oard sentence. It would have been better to say •While I was walking down the beach. my surlboard ... : But it's atlll OK to st.art with "walking" as long as the walking Is being done by the upcoming subject: "Walking home from the beach. I was nearly crushed under the weigllt of my heavy and unwieldy swfboard." It's that simple. Go forth. n~ little busine:M writers. and never dangle again. •JUNE CASAGRAN>E COYerl Newport Beectr end John Wrtyne Airport. She may be r9IChed at (949) 574-4m or by e-m811 et june.c.t1$11Qran<kltllatl,,,_com. DailyAPilot PH010GftAPtiERS Copyright: No neww ttorios, SURF AND SUN M.lt C. Dustin, Don Leed\ itlu1tratlont. editorial mattar or K.tMlt T"9QCIOW edvortiaementa herein can be reproduoed without wrin.n WEATHER FORECAST SURF . A!ADERS HOTUHE permiulon of copyright owne< 1949) 642 eoee It'll be pertly cloudy this 'South-feeing brNka wlll get VOL 97, NO. 328 Aeoord your commenta lbovt the HOW lO REACH US morning, but fill deer with 1he a visit from IOflle WNlt 0.ily Pilot Of MW1 ti~ ~ THOMAS H. JOHNSON Newsfdton ~ The Timee Orange County help of aome light windl that IOUthwett swefl bearing onfy Pubhlh« Glne Alexander, Lori Andenon, Our ldd,.. .. 330 W Say St, eo.tl (800) 252-9141 wm go through the night. The waitt-hlgh surf. TONYOOOEAO Den.-! Hunt. hul Settowia. Mele, CA G2S21 Office hours ere ~'tiling highs will be from M to 71. The northwelt awen will Edm:Jr Dani.tSi........ Monday ~ Friday, t.30 1.m. ·Ii p a11llW 1949> 642-5878 The lldM will be mosttv continue tta decline Into .AJC1t OE1T1NO ~~r NEWSSTAff eon.ctb11 °""'8Y (949) 942-432\ c:IMr tonight. The lows will be lnc:oo.-quenc.. Don't go we.t, 0..,........,. It II the P11ot'a Po iCV to promptly EdltoMI from 44 to 61. young man. Promc>Uone Dnctor Cnme and coutt1 f9PO't«, COl1'tC1 all ~ of eubstanc9. ..... '"'°'1Ntlocc w......-v: IM9) 57""'22t "'--call 1949) 764-4324. (949) 642-6680 EDmNOnAff ~.,,,..,._,..,.tl,,.,...com ~1949)67.WUJ www.nws.nou.(1(111 www.-.mlder.otg l.J. Cahn JuneC1119,.,. fY1 News Fu (949) 64&-4t10 Meneg ng Editor. Newport~ '9pOl'l9r, Thi Newport~ Meal ~ ru <1M11 es>-0110 BOATING FORECAST TIDES (949) 67'-4233 (M9) 574-4232 D.lly Pilot IU6PS 1448001 la E-mal: dallypi10t•t.time&"°'" a,/ c.1t11• ,.,,,..·"°"' juM.cauorandf•'-tlm•.c10m published dally In N.wport 8eed1 MelnOfloe Condttlonl wUI be al,.,._ The NtrtJonef Weather .,......GcMMt L.olltl tte.pef lrid eo.t. MMe. eubtcnption. are ..... ()Moe 19'9) 642-4321 OMr the lhofe Md on Che°'*" SeMct MY1 ttwlhlgh tkte. In City Editor, ...._ ru tMt> 631-lta (M9)1&M324 Columnist. culture~. ...,a111ble only by 1ubecfibmg to The ... today. Vlriable Wfndl It 10 .... of 7 fMt and mfnortldet .,._~ ~com (949) 17'-4276 Times Or•ng• County (800) knotl wttl beCom9 w.tllfty at CW9f1'ow In low-tying aren .,. ........ °""" lolltll ,..,,,,,., I.nm# c:om 262·1141. lne,....outaideot 10 krloW -• ltttle stronger poetfbte through Wedi ieectay • Spoita £d1t0f, OelrM~ ~rt BNd'l •nd Cott• ,.. ... , doMt' to land. The W8VM will (949157~ CoSIAI Mese niporterr, 1949) &7~2t tublM:tf Pt1ont to the Detty Pilot M be 2 fMt or am.tier on• WMt TirM HllgM rk/lllfd.duM.lllllm. c:otn Mell of 3 to 5 Mt 2:11 LR\; 1.71 fMt\ow JoMJ. ...... t»lrdrw.~•w1nw.eom wa1lable only bV first c1 ... mall for Alt ~Of' I New. Ced Chi.f, MeftMO'Nll S30 per month. IPrioet Include .it Publllhed by Tlmet community At n6ght. the 1CMcnot west 8:321.m. 7.191Mlhigh la48) 17...U2• Eduettlofl ,.,,., 1949) 674-4268 applte41bte 1t•te and kical IUM.) windl wttt continue on the S~p.m. -1.Sfeettow ~ IM•mt11 «>m ~.OMll ,.,,,,,_com POSTMASTER: nd ddrest fMwl, • dfvt.IOn of the Loe Mgelet Inner WWtwe; fac1her out. the 1~15 p.m. 4.1 fwet hlgh ... Maaai'* ......... d'l•no-10 Tho NeWpon windl wlfl becOme light and PhoCO Editor, New......._ IM9117'"429t ~ M ... O 1lyP11ot. PO C'l003 T\mftl CN. All t:ilJhta varfeble tlg9ln. The l'Mlfl on WATER.TEMPERATURE IMI~ .-w.mCICl'ri•"""* oom ~tlllltlmfll.com b 1&80, Co9tt Mela. CA 9262' f'eMMd. the outer wnn wiN be out of • thenorttn.-. . COSTA MESA PLANNING COMMISSION PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI Here are some of the ltems lhe cornmlsslon will consider Monday. request from Mlke McDaniel and Joseph Bo\wr for an exception to dty ~enrs for minlmum lot width and area to subdivide a lot Into two p4roels. The lot Is In the 3000 bJock of Fillmore Way. •WHAT: next Planning Comml .. lon meeting • WHEN: 8:30 p.m. today MOBILE HOME ORDl~CE The width exception ls necessary because the two parcels are 49 feet nanowtt than the JOO-foot minimum lot width requJred by city code. The area exception Is requJred because city code requires a minimum 12,000-square-foot lot. The first parcel Is proposed at 5,345 square feet and the second is proposed at 6,084 square feet. • WHERE: City Hall, n Fair Drive •INFORMATION: (714) 754-5245 The commission will reconsider an ordinance that replaces and expands the city's procedures for mobile home park conversions. The commissJon will disCWIS whether a town hall meeting Is necessary before It votes. The Oty Council wants new rules to give It more authority over the conversion process and to delinea1e the procedure for mobile home park closures. WHAT TO EXPECT think It's a benefit 10 allow that to happen.· PERMIT APPLICATION WHAT TO EXPECT "We've had a lot of discussion whh a lot of the key players who have had input into this, and I would like to see us move It to the council as quickly as we can without rush.Ing It," Chairman Bruce GarlJch said. lf the parcels axe subdivided, they will fit in with the majority of the parcels on the rest of Fillmore Way, In tenns of width and area, say planning staff members. Werd.ln-~Jde U..C Is requesting the Planning CorQnlissJon's approval to subdivide three pa.reels at Creekside Commercial Development into atx parcels. The property Is near the aoutbeast comer of Bristol Street and Randolph Avenue. It is requesting a permit for off~sJte paaing and for shared driveway access to a public street. EXCEPTION TO REQUIREMENTS WHAT TO EXPECT Planning staff members don't expect any major negative land-use effeas from the subdivision. The commission will consider a ·They've made the case for the (excepdon), so I suspect we will probably do that. but you never know.· GarlJch said. "There was some discussion in the study session whether the findings for the (exception) were up to snuff .... That whole area Is one we're always trying to Improve, so I ·1 don't thJnk It's very controversial, so J thJnk It will probably go through.· Garlich said BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Emulex completes merger with Vixel Data storage company Emu- lex Corp. announced ii has com- pleted lu acquisition of Vixel Corporation. Emulex offered $10 per share and merged a wholly owned subsidiary into Vlxel. Vlxel shares are no longer listed on the NASQl\Q exchange. Emulex is the top provider of hot bus adapters, sophisticated devices that help companjes manage massive Oows of infor- mation. Vlxel, based In Bothell, Wash.. produced embedded switches, which increase data storage by allowing more drives to be connected than Is possible with other devices. "Emulex Is now positioned lo deliver to . . . customers both I.he (inpul/outputl silicon tradi- tionally produced by Bmulex and the lnSpeed embedded switching solutions supplied by Vlxel. Including embedded switch on a chip and root switch products that are core to next· generation storage archltec· rures." said Paul Folino. the company's chaimian and chief executive officer. Newport Realtor ell Sacramento property of Llncoln Village Park, a busi- ness park in Sacramento. for $8.95 million after completing some upgrades. The business park is an 85,742-square-foot commercial property that features slx two- s1ory buildings. The property was acquired by CT ReaJry in 2001. Severa) office sultei were reconfigured to Increase space. The property now has a 94% oc- cupancy rate. The property was bought by a llmJted pannership of various tenants. "Our Initial investment plan for I.his included several stra- tegic improvements designed to elevate the property to a stronger market position within Sacramento," said John Valen· tine, senior vice presidenl of ac· quislllons for the company. OCC offering a class on the Vietnam W-ar Orange Coast College's his- tory department will offer a three-unit class during the spring semester that looks at the Vietnam War. The class will focus on rhe military, diplomatic. pollt1caJ and economic aspects for the conlrol of JndochJna since 1946. It will also focus on U.S. involvement in the war. Newport Beach·ba~ed CT Re-There will be two secuom of airy Corp announced the sale History 197. one from II: 10 a.m. to 12:35 p.m. Tuesdays and Thursdays and the other 6:30 to 9:40 p.m. Thursdays. The fee for the course is $18 per unit. For more Information, call (714) 432-5072. Olarlie Kenned) of Sperry Van Ness represented seller the Kamat Family lhJst. Buyer'I Don and Patricia Barton were represented by Bon111e Millier of PrudentJal. Newport library closing Newport law office for renovations takes on new partner The Newport Beach Central Ubrary will be closed Dec. 15 through 19 for renovations. The Friends Meeting Room will be repainted and re-car- peted. The Teen Center on the second noor of the library will get n ew furnishings. The Balboa and Corona del Mar branches will remain open. On Dec. 16 and 18, the Marl- n~r's Branch will remain open untll 9 p.m . For more information, con· tact the Newport Beach Central Library at (949) 717-3800 or visit http://www.newportbea· c/1/ibrary.org. Eastside Costa Mesa apartment complex sold Sperry Van Ness has com- pleted the sale or a two·build- ing apartment complex in Cosra Mesa The complex. on Costa Mesa's Uiststde. consists of one 'ltngle-family residence and five apartments. The law firm of Newmeyer & DilUon Ll.P welcomed Thomas H. Reilly, a labor and employ- ment lawyer. as a partner at its Newpon Beach office Reilly advises employers on labor and employmeol law. "Our firm is very pleased to welcome Tom Reilly 10 the partnership," ~aid Tom New- meyer, administrative partner. "He is a s ignificant addition ICl our employment law prac- tice." Newport libraries closed for holiday The Newpon Beach public li- braries will be closed Nov 27 and 28 for the Thankbgiving holiday. All library branches will re· open Nov. 29 with regular hours. from 9 a.m. to 6 p m For more information. con- tact the Newport Beach Central Library at (949) 717-3800 or VJSit htrp:l/www.newportbl'n chlibrary.org. Monday, November 24. 2003 A3 s.lon, Mltary, Law hfora.nt I 00" HAND WASH fill WASH If IT RAINS WITHIN 24MRS I $U9 S6iew ID ~ 1'n Mtv. SO, 200l 699 With lhis Ad Tito's European Autohaus and Robin Hood Auto Brokers Have Teamed Up To Offer You The Best Service/ l'un lt.iw ( l1 I t '.l\l' Y1111r \:l·\l \\·liit ll' I 1 ( 1111 Yu u r I I 111 ll l' ( ) r < >II i ( 1. • '\.\'\\/( :\\'d, .\ll\ \l.lk\', \11\ \l(Hfl-1 ... l'.1 .,! I!,' I !'111 f!1·.; ;. I l!J.111• 111.: '•'I I 1.:c:l111 .. 1·1, !1111111.111 l'q•1t11.•il, 111 I .I\ "1 I 111.111 I lw11\41111h uf 1·,.,., .\11thf1c·1I t '"'"'"'''''· 18+ Years Exp erience Rare, Hard to Find Cars is Our Specialty Call Dave Schneider 949.650.2222 GETTING INVOLVED THANKSGIVING • G£TTING INVOLVED runs perlodlcally In the Dally Pilot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574-4298. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunllios for the Orange County Council Include fund-raising, program development and training to exlltlng troops and padc.I. (714) 546-4990. BOYS & GtRlS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts workthop teac:her1. Call for location•. (949) 642-2245. CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel I• 1eetdng volunteer counselors and medical ltaf'f for Summer Camp and Teen Adventure Camp. The organization I• dedicated to providing educational camping progrem1 free of cnarge to c:hlldren living with HIV and AIDS. (323) 663-5006. Preaenta Greg Topper Every Tuesday Night at Ten Orange County's Origin al Lounge Entertainer Plays Orange County's Original Underground Lounge La Cave Restaurant 1695 Irvine Ave., Co1ta Mesa (949) 646-7944 Award Whming PREMIERE Seafood Resmurant in Orange County at Olli t':\(('IHl<'d ll\('1111 will ii\( lud(' rl D«Hlitl1 Hl<ll H<h\<..,I I rn n Turl--t '\' l>irnwr! Thursday November 27th From 2pm Until 8pm 2100 w. O T<1nfront, Newport Beach, C,\ Reserve Now (949) <i73-2 1 oo www.21oceanfront.<.01u zagat rated "t he best C l{..-\H u :c.s· Rnct ·ew·r-elusive , \Hr\l <>"I I • With a GORGEOUS OCl:.AN VIEW BACKOHOP Live Enrcnalnmcnt • Mond(\Y Night Football • Valet Pc1rki11~ Wine Cellar For Private Panics Now Booklng Holiday Banquets And 2 1 Oceanfront's Annual New Year's Bctll M Mon<Joy. ~ 24, 2003 . PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA •Anton~ Aaaul11nd battery was rtported In the eoo bloc:t at 12:42 e.m. Sunday. ·~Roedend Sunftow9r Aiwenu« Stalldng WU l"9POft8d It 1 p.m. Saturday. • tfytand ~and 8outtl Cout IMve: A person was reported tlMplng In vehicle at 8:30 a.m. S.turd1y. • EHt MeM Ytrdt Otfw: A pereon was reponed with an °'*' contatner at a public pattt In d'le 1600 blodt at 1 :20 p.m, • ~ 8outewrct. A pereon was reported driving under the lnnueoc:e of alcohol or druga In the 1800 blodt at 1:10 a.m. S.turd1y. • ~Boulevard: POIMUlon of drug perephemalla was reported In the 2200 block at 1 :20 a.m. S.turday. DRIVERS Continued from Al ·1 didn't even th1nk about u.• she saJd. ·1 have an old car, so It' not very much anyway.· Louise McNeil of Newport Beach came by Friday to renew her driver's license. She dealt with the car reglsttalion Cee in a different way. ·1 bought my car In the middle of September so I didn't have to pay the car tax,• t.he said. Czupryk said she will pay her ftt soon, but she added, "Who knows when they're going to re- fund us? It'll be a nice surprise In the mail when it comes.· After paying her lkense fee, Tannef w d she was chargod about what '>he exp«ted. If a re· fund ls due her. she said, "l'n1 not going to worry about a few bucks. l'li let the state have It." JIMkin~ said while some cus- tome""' may be confused abour license fee amounts, he ha.,n't heard of any problems. ·1 think people are ju t o glad that they're oble to pay the lower car tax In the flrst place," he said. SURF CITY Continued from A 1 ronmentaJ study for the project only considers lnlffic effects aJong Paci.fie Coast Highway to Broolchun;t Street. according 10 tht' letter •Diagrams indicate that al· most 25' of the pro1ect lraffic IS amk1pated to use f>'acific Co;u.t Hi8hway 111 Newport Beach," Wood wrote. "The impacts of thi.' ndclitiona.I Lrnffic. some 3,000 daily trips, must be analyzed in detail · The mailer adds fuel to the fi~ already i;Jmmerlng between Newport, I luntington and Costa Mesa over the question of whether to build a l9th Street bndge. The environmental report for the Pacific City project's pos· sible effects on Coast J-Ughway traffic uebasedontheassump tlon that the bridge will be built to link Huntington to the Costu Mesa Freeway. But bu11u.o;e I lun· tington and Costa Mesa oppose the bridge, Newpon leadm may want the traffic study to look at what would happen to Newport traffic If Huntington and Costa Mesa got their wny. HlWPOftT 8lACH • IMboe~end ""'-.,,..... A dnmk driver wee rtpBrt.d et 1:56e.m. Sundey. • llY Avenue: A dlaturbllnce wu reported In the eoo blodl st 10:31 t .m. Sunday. • lefvue lane: An Injured enlm.I was reporttd In d'le 400bloc*at12!17 a.m. Sunday. • Corlll ~A pany waa reported as a dlaturbenoe In the 200 blodt a1 3:11 a.m. Sundly. • Eut 8aeboe loulewird: Medical aid Wlll requested In tht 300 blodt et 3:02 p.m. Sunday. • ~ Locblelgh ~A sutpldout au~ was reported In the 1900 block ll 2:&2 p.m. Sund1y. • Via Udo 8oud: A burglar •••rm WH reported In tht 400 blodt et 1 :48 p.m. Sund41y . • w..t 8elMJe 8oullwrd: A 911 h•ng.up call we• reported In th• 1300 bled et 3;51 p.m. Sunday. ·we've mtl.ly worked hard to make sure that the whole proc· e Is really simple.· He 8lld the OMV expects to give ftbout 4 million refunds to Callfomla residents who paid lo· creased license fees. Refunds will be recroactlve to Oct. 1. DMV employee Ali Mattison on Friday was dlcectlng custom- ers Into two lines ln front of the office. Some people have had questions about the car license fees. and ~nobody really knows anyth!ng." hl' said. For him and other employees, the office's reduced staff iB a bJg- ger problem than car-~ wor· ries, he said. Layoffs because of bud· get cuts have whittled th Costa Mt"•a office's staff from 26 em- ployees to seven, Mattison said. "That' why our customers are gl'ttlng upset." he said. for information on vehicle li· cense fees visit lm11:1/ wt41w.dnwca.goo. • ALICIA AOIUNSON covert bu1ineu, politics and the environment. She can be reactied 11 19481764-4330 or by e-mell at alicl• rotJln1on Olarlma.com. "The completion of this link Is not a certainty, and our under· standing ls that the city of Hun· lington Beach has agreed to ana- lyze projects with and without the 19th Street Bridge,• the letter states. Steven Rosansky. the Newport Beach city councilman whoso district includes that su.d! of CoaM HJghway, said that the project could have significant tmplications for Newpon. •Any large developments that a.tT going to Increase craftic on Co~t Highway are definitely of interest to Newport Beach,• Ro<>ansky said. I luntington Beach City Coun- cilwoman Debbie Cook aaJd that all comments on the environ· mental repon will be ta.ken loto consideration. "Those are perfectly legitimate concerns for Newport Beach/ Cook said. ·And all concerns on the ElR will be addressed; whether they're addressed to their ~ti faction ls a dlfferent matter." •JUNE CASAGRANDE coval'9 Newport Beam and John Wayne Airport. Sha mey be readied et 1949) 57"'-'232 or by 8-'m1ll et fun1.ca111gr1nde@latim.-.com. BANQUET.ROOMS Av•le.ble for fu,,~ festive PtarUes! PRESCHOOL Continued from Al ~ to the three-da)"'a·week pre- school wonder wbmt theft chll· dren will go when the PfOIJ'llDS doees. and the echool~ adminls· ttator, Wanda Shelton. won1et that the high acbool atudeots will I a valuable leam.lng expert· eoce. Higtl school 6'Ud.ents In hc:r child d~lop~t class &pend time in the classroom either Interacting wlth or obattYl.ng the 3· and 4·year-otds. The high school and the prea::bool dents bene«lt trotn the nW!nt, she aaid. •1 lib the lntetaction wi the ceenagera," Root said. addln& that P.mJly Is mon otltgOing n •1 don't thinlr. that would be the cue II ahe went to another pll!IChool" HOMELESS Continued from Al cause of the McKinney-Vento Home! F.ducation Assist.ance Act. a pan of the federal No Oilld U!ft Behind Act. The new leglsla· lion made public education more accessible to homeless Stu· dents. In the past. studenta from homeleu fam.illes often had difti. culty enrulJ.i.bg in khool because they could not provide a perma· nent ad<in!:u or proper docu- mentation. which was required by law. "We. like so many districtS, were going by the letter of the law, ~ everybody must have residence, sa4<1Mlchae1Murph~ ltJe district's director or student 5tT'Vfces and fonner homeless U· aison. "But tbat's a problem If they can't give It to us. Maybe they were li~B-in a motel 29 days. then sbilt1ng to another motel, then another motel· Murphy helped set up a one- room schoolhouse at the Orange ALLOWED Continued from Al hip to looking good on the job, but he ha&n't gone Arman! or anything. Most of his suits are from discount retailers such as the Men's ~ouse, he said. He checked the tag on bis suit Friday: Nordstrom. tt said. ·Ah man, it's not like many of my suits are from Nordstrom," he said "Most are from the Men's Warehouse. Be sure you mention that. because J don't want to get a hard time. I'D take so much heet from people who will say, 'Nordstrom? Yeah right. He always looks like such a slob.'" But even Manley-his own worst critic -knows he looks dam good Ln a suit "As soon as I put on a suit and tie, my age went down five years and my balding spot grew in a littJe, • Manley said. "It even AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Coate Me ... CA 92627; by e-mail to lu/1.pena@latlmes.com, by fax to (949) 84M170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include th• time, date and location of the event. as well as a contact phone number. TODAY The~ Co\lftty Chapt9r of Chlldhelp USA will have a fundrelaer from 4 to 9:30 p.m. for dine In and from 10 a.m. to 9:30 p.m. for take out at the Newpon Rib Company, 2196 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mea. The Newport Rib Company will donate 20% of ead'I blll to Childhelp USA. Retervatlona: Nancy Whitlock. (949) 64M228. WEDNESDAY TheC...Maeelet'6orC..,. will be celebl'9Ung ThlnkagMng with a home-coolced mal. The .-vent la tpOnlOt'ed by Surat Singh of Angel'• Auto $po, The cost for d'le evtn1 11 $2 per pertOn. The oott to become a m.mbtr of the center la $18. lnfotmrion: (M9) &46-2368. FRIDAY :'1Mi9wtlbe•..,...... Thanlttglvlng ule at the Orange County Mel'ket Pltce from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at 1M Orange County Ftlrgrounda. Adm1Mfon will be flee. Thef'8 wtn bt en attlune' end craftwt' comer, photol wtth Senta Cl1u1 end ... eonel entertainment The dlttrict hu ln'lngtd tor the blgb achool lt'Udenta to '° lO I three ataie-llndfd PrelChooll and ieYeral pcM.te ptelCbooJa In tht Gu1and eald. Shelton wonies that her wdenta wUJ be confined to obleMng the c:hll· drm. not lntencting with tt1Clll, and wlD lole interett In the pl'O'- pm. Aa It ts now, the students can parddpate in d.Urerent lt.amlni acdvldel 'with the childm1. Stu· denta in the class said that wotk.· Ing with the children will prepare them for eventuel parenthood or WOtk as teacher&. •rt'• run to play with the little kids.• Nick NoYomy. 15, said. -.ic:y have a lot of dl1ferent per· aonalldes. Some are calm. and aorne ate more frantic. But this ls good because they think of us more like friends than teachers.• After the preadlool'a teacher left last year. district oftidals de- Cowity Interfaith Sbeher lo Costa Mesa a few yea.rs ago to get arowtd the problem and educate the chlJdren there. The echool libut down after they round out they could not legally run a achool lib that Since the McKlnney·Vento Act and a $100,000 grant associated with lt came to the district. things have signlfkantly improved, said Murphy. now the president of the sheltKS board of trustees. Students may enroll and start class without a permanent ad- dress and before they haw all the docwnents. "We can take a more humane approach and try to put children in the closest school to make a connection with their teacher, with the students, with the prln· dpal. • he said. "Those are major stabillring inOuences ln their lives." The district's Nurturing Enrlch· Ing 'Thachers program, which started last year, helps educate teachers and school staJf about the special needs of homeJess students, coordinator Diana Hensley said. They also work on makes me look a bit thinner, which I prefer.• Del Sgt. Don Holford, who Is in charge of propeny, economic and street crimes, said he Is used to being in suits. Before his promotion to a leadership position in the detective J:>ureau, he worXed in the Profe.Wonal Standard Unit. And as the title suggests, the dress code was profes.sional: meaning suits and ties. Before that. ln the late 1980s and early '90s. suJts were required o( detectives, which Holford was.. "I'm used to it." HoHord said. "I've got plenty of suits and ties already." As his rank. has been upgraded, he has upgraded his fashion sense. ·1 have not continued with the polyester suit tradition,• HoHord said. "I don't thinJc. they are Italian ... Wait" He looked at the label •Enrico Corsini: be said. SUNDAY The O,.nge County Chapt• of the Swedish Women'• Edu~tlonal Aun.will have It• annual Swedlah Chris1maa event, whim promotes Swedish traditions at 11 a.m. in th• Costa Mesa Neighborhood community center, 1846 Pattt Ave. The cost will be $2 for ctilkfren youngtr than 16 and $5 foradult11nd older teenegera. Information: (949) 786-2734, http:l..WWW. chapters-sWN.or(J/orangflCOunty. dded to m&U the ldlool ldhere to the AtDe it.andaids Jta other preli:hool9. which are~ for tu· ~ who meet loW·lncome re- qulmnenta. 'ltacbers at those ecbooll must have child develop· mmt permits. whlch are dlft'mmt from teachlng permltl ~uired at most private preschools, Gar· landuld. stnce tchool started. the class hu had a series of subsdtute teachen, the Jatesc of whom has o~ to "4ly Wltil the achool doees. 'J\J.idon leaped from $80 to Sl75 a month ln August. and en- rollment dropped lrom the re- quired 18 childml lO 11. Those who remaJn have sald that they would pay more to keep the school open and that other par· ents have expressed interest in enrolling their children. But the district would rather cloee a school than let It operate one·oo-one with the children. "Stad$tically, (these students) cnlght have more trouble read· Ing" Hensley said "1bere's a very high probability they're at least a grade behind In reading. and maybe math. They get discour· aged easily and often don't have a place to do homework. You might get kids who won't come to school because they doo't have socb... Accord.Ing to the district's new policy, a student is classi6ed as homeless if he or she is sharing a residence, living in a motel or trailer, staying in a shelter or liv- log on the street or in a car. By law, they cannot discriminate against homeless students, and if a. homeless student moves, even out of the district. they must pro· vide transportation if the student wants to stay at the same school. Right now, former Costa Mesa residents who moved to more af. fordable housing in Stanton and Hwltington Beach still attend dlllir old schools. Garland said. 1bough most homeless stu· dents attend schools on the Westside of Costa Mesa. they are It sounded Italian, but he wouldn't dare asswne. "I wouldn't want to participate in the ethnic profiling of suits," Holford said. As every fashion aficionado knows, accessories malte an outfit and Costa Mesa detectives have not neglected that important detail. HoHord likes to sport ·run· ties. On Friday, he l'fOre soccer balls, and last week it was WlnnJe the Pooh. They are all "in good taste," he said. Manley said he is ·an about the stripes.· He likes color. "Colorful, yet professional" is hts motto. Although Hensley's fashion mandate was rumored to be widely unpopular at first. Holford and Manley said they have no problem with It. "I think we have seen positive results from the way we look.· ManJey said. "The public seems lo like IL It hasn't beeo a bother or an inconvenience. It gives a TM Chudl Jones Gallefy In the Atrium Court of Faahion l1lend will pruent an exhibition of art of the animated film "Dr. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christmas" with voice actress June Foray and animation producer and director Phll Roman. The eX'.hlbltlon will be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The gallery It at 401 Newpon Center Drive. Information: (9'9) 759-0768, http:l!Www.chudqona.com. n.t Orange County Coalition for 'Vbuth will host •Let Your Voice Be DEC. l .._rd .. from ~30 to 8 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza will hwe ha Cotta Meu Neighborhood 21st annual T,...ughtfng Community Center, 1845 Partt, Ceremony at 8 p.m. at~ Centw Costa Mna. The event It to let Pal't(. adjacent to the Wactln Sooth youth vol99 their concemt, talk at • difTS'Cllt ltandatd. Gullnd d. The d1stJict wm wotk with the parmll to place thelr dill· dnm lo other achoob. the laid. Many other pl"CJIChools In the a.rea have lengthy waltfJl8 lists. Some, such as Ocean Breeze ClliJ. dren'a Center In Newport Beach and A O\ild's Place larn1ns Cen· ttt in Cmta Mesa. said they do have pots available. Givm the choice, parents said they would rather keep !heir dllJ. dren where they are. Many feel the class was doomed from the start of the )Ur. ~School just started two mootbs ago. w Root said "Now, it's going to stop in two months. The lcids a.re here, the tadllty Is here . Why close itr' • MARISA O'NEI. cove,.. education end may be r&ldled at (!M9) 674-4268 or by e-mell et mariu.onei/@lftlmes.com. not confined to that area. she added. Many transient families do not necessarlly fit most people's per- ception of the homeless. Hensley said. ·A lot of homeless parent.'i work, they just don't make much money and can't afford housing.· she said. "The average person is Caucasian and has lived In the area for I 0 years or more. Some are from here.· Because the holiday season can be especially challenging for the homeless, organimdons are doing what they can to help out St Joachim Catholic Olurch and School is having a ThanksgMng dinner for the third year in a row. The dinner has grown from about 160 in the first year to 427 last year, organizer Regina Con- soli sald. Mose of those people. she said. are families who are just having a tough time maJcing ends meet • MARISA O'NBl covers education and may be reamed at (949) 574-4268 or by tHTiail at marlsa.oneil@larimttS.com. professional reflection.· Oh. good answer. Did I mention Manley is up for a promotion1 But Holford backed him up. "All the detectives look sharp.· Holford said. "Jt's the softer, gentler Costa Mesa Police Department." Soft and gentle, huh1 What about this year's must-have acces.sory. Holfordt "I have all my men ln Otilder rugs," he said. "It looks really impressive.· • (For those who are not in the know, Olilder rugs are the classic over-the-shoulder-pistol- holders.) This winter's police department: Soft, gentle, and packing some heal • LOUTA HARPER writes columns Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays She may be reamed at (949) 574-4275 or by e-mail at lolira.harper@lar1mes.com Th• Cat Fanc:*s Ann. win haw a ctiamplon1hip and household pet cat 1how from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The even1 will feature up to 226 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along with rescue cats and kittens looking for a home. Information: (858) 455-9390. National Untvenlty't c.nt.rfor Cultural and Ethnic Studies will present -The Allure and Slghifl~nce of Body A.rt from 10:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m, at N1tional University, 3390 Harbor Blvd. Information: {714) 429-6408, lzukas@nu.edu. Coest Plaza. The 90-foot whtte fir about luuea and to Influence DEC. 7 win be adorned by 15,000 lfghts. policy decl1lon1. Information: The Cet f11nden Aan. wlll have e The oaremony will f98tllre 1tw All rlet§edd.ca.gov. ctiampfonlhlp and household pet American Boyt Chorus end an ~t show from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at appearance by honontty emcee, DEC. 6 the Orange County Fair & Jennlf..-Yorlc from Kn.A-TV. The eo.t. M ... Men'• Club will Expolltlon Center. The event wlll aponsor the Fairview feature up to 226 of the wor1d'• A meeting In euppott of Developmental Toomament finelt pedigreed call will be there Democratic pruldentlal benefiting Fairview along with reteue cats and ldtt1n1 ~ndldlte \'Vesley It Clartt will be Developmental c.nter at the lool<lng for a home. Information: held et 7 p.m. at the Hari> Inn, 130 Costa Men Golf & Country Club. (868) 456-9390 . E. 17th St., Costa M.... The entrance fee will be $70 VOlunieere will lhare Information today end S135 for both dayt. The eon. Me9a Men'• ClubWlll end Clartt'• poeitlon1 on key Information: (949) 846-2886.(949) eponeor the Fairview luuaa. Information: 903-8090 Devefopmenttl Toomement Info voluntHrsforclart.oom, benefiting Felrvtew http;tMiww.mHtup.oom. w.wo.f 8ehool wit PNMnt ha Developmental Center 1t the Win1er foeltfval from 3 to 8 p.m. at Coate Mau Golf & Country Club. DEC. 3 2360 Canyon Driv.. Thtrt will be The entrance* will be $76. The And-&AT ~ wtll MQOnel craft mal(lng, mullc, lnformatlon: (949) ~.(949) hold•~ from 7 to II p.m. In theattt and lntematJonal food. 903-9090 1M ASS room at Corona dtl Mer There will be a nominal d'l1rge at tfioh Sdlool. Thh INlll bt "'*' the gate. Information: (949) The MWft1h annuli IWboa w.nct ..,......., an open foNm for 15.,._nM. W.lldng HolkSay Home Toor wf!I oomme11t1 end~. and an be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. a1 Ou9lne for lmplemtntjng The An11l1tae ~........ Balboa ltland. Tictttl cost $20. ~ ""°""' S1udents, will be after tht 8'.30 t .m. m ... at lnfonn1tion: (949) 873-4280. pertnta, end...,_.. are w.icome Our Lady OUMn of Angeltt, 2048 to lhnd. lnfom\etlon! Amendl Mar VIS1• Drlve. The pr..,.r aty of Ntwpot1 lwih 1tlh ~llfllil•, (941) 71.17a brMkfMt wtN fNtUl'9 ~ annu1lwtnter ~ldliilnd wtll ~ Mtdellne Tucci "'"*'from 101.m. to 1 p.m. tt DIC. 4 TlnMN", fOunder of •GeiY' Or.nt Howt.nd PM.114h Av9nue n. 0.... CouMY a..-.,, "'°'for Kldl. TMr9 wRI be. .,., .... AVtriit. There wtll bie CN9( Chlldhtlp USA wtN hew a hofld.y polnMttlt plant ul9 ehr the ao tone of anow dumped onto the boWQue and luncheon It 10 t .m. bt'UkfMt. :TM brwkfeet le Ql'OUnda for 1M enjoymtnC of the In iM Hyatt AQnCy, 17800 spontof'ed bv tht c..e r.,.. community. Thtrt wtn be JtmbOrH BM(, fMne. Fot foundtn Gullcf. The cost 11 t $15 ldfvNea Mt.• wtm.r ClfuMI Whhlcd It (148) MM22I. ~ lnfonMUcin: (M8) &M-31151. ttWV8dont contact Heney dOnldOn. fnfoim.uot'I: (Ml) OM* along Wilt\ senta. J ~----__........_------~-----------------~-----~~ -" 't. QUOTE OF THE DAY •'A forward or midfielder coming in on Zach {Wells] would do well not to have a physical confrontation with him." Tom F1tz1erald, UCLA men's soccer coach Sporta Edllor RicMrd OuM: (949) 5 7 44223 • Sports Fu: (9491 650-0 l 70 . IMR1< C. DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT The Newport Harbor High field hockey team captured both the Sunset league champ1onsh1p and the postseason Tournament of Champions this season, the latter a program first. Front row, from left, Ashley Hamson, Danica Kalmbach, lyndsi Foster, Dana Owad and Maddy Anderson. Middle row, from left, Victoria Swigart, Cologne Schmidt, Reese Simmons, Kristen Jendrusina, Lauren Curtis, Jenny Taylor and Ashley Gleason. Back row, from left, Coach Sharon Wolfe, Casey Ibbetson, Kerrie Gates, Tiffany Vandersloot, Amanda Wittman, Danielle Pfaff, Jilllanne Whitfield and Rachel Zarnow. HIGH SCHOOL FOOTBALL Tars learn from the best Los AJtos shows Newport Harbor what it will take to conquer the division. Patrick Laverty Da1lyPtlot Newport 1 larbor senior tailback Mau Encln.ias saJd it clearly prior to the Sail- ors' first-row1d game Friday against top-seeded Los Altos. "If you want to be the best, you have to play the best,· Encinias told his teammates. The Sailors just may have lost to the best team in the Clf Southern Section Division VI playoffs Friday. falling to the Conquerors, 28·0. While it ended a run for a collection or seniors, including En- cinias, it showed all of the players who will return next year exactly what ii will tale to be the best. "(Los Altosl can compete in any divi- sion, ff Newport Harbor Coach Jeff Brin- kley said. In hopes of compel.Ing with the Con- querors next season, Newport Harbor, which finished the season 7-4, will quickly get to wort. Job No. l will be re· placing the majority of the offensive and defensive lines. All of Newport Harbor's offensive line will be graduating with the exception or guard Stephen Joslin and the Sailors will lose defensive tacldes Aust.In Nieto and Ma.it Temple. "We've got 10 develop some linemen," Brinkley said. But Newpo11 1 larbor will return a pair of talented qua11erbaclcs, Kasey Peters. a junior, and sophomore Tom Jackson. II!> best receiver, Spencer I.ink, as welJ as standout linebackers Thomas Martin, Trevor Theriot, Greg Miner and Taylor Young. were all JUnio~ this M!ason. "We're going to have some experience coming back," Brinkley said. "We'll have I.he majorily or our defense returning and it all start'> with being able to play deren~.· TI1e rerumers learned a thing or two about Sea View League play after going 5-0 in their preleague schedule. New port I !arbor lost three league gamei; by See FOOTBAll, Paee A6 MONDAY MORNING UARTERBACKS THE NEXT LEVEL EYE OPENER niily.4Pik>I. Sporu Ha.II ol Fame 1~1i11/lo.alillc••llt.,, Dec. 1 honofet BILL WETZEL Monday, November 24, 2003 A5 THE BIG EASY Recalling upset for the ages W ell, it djdn't happen. It usually doesn't. Oe:.plle the preparation, the motivation and a stable of thoroughbreds, Newport Harbor High's football 1eam saw its 2003 campaign close out Fnday njght as lop-seeded and undefeated Los Altos prevailed with a convincing 28-0 victory in the first round of the CIF Southern Section Divbion VI playoffs. There are two Uungi. you always hope to avoid when U1e end comes. (I) Don't go out with a blowout loss. and (2) don't go out with a goat in a very close dec1s1on. To that extent, there w~ succ~. A kickoff return and 78 yards of offense hardJy equate:. to a 20 0 halftime lead. But there'!> no denying Lo<> Altos' credentials. There's a reason Los Altos has that No. I label in the Division Vl playoff.,, and 11 brings 10 n1111d another No. I. wh1rh found a band or S.'lilurs up against it. Friday'i. loss at Los Altoi. ma.Jted the 25th anniversary or ROGER CARLSON OllC Of lhe greatel>t games ever played by the Sailors. the night the undefeated Sword'irnen or St. Paul, ranked No I in Southern California, i.eeded No. I in the CIF Aig Five Conference. met their waterloo on their own home field. It was a quarter or a century to the night when Bill Plz7Jca's unheralded Sailor. swept into Santa Fe Sprin~ and recorded one or lhe great upsets or Southern California prep football history. "We were kind of an afterthought (as the pamngs were released)." said Piuita, the Sailors' wach f'rom 1974-78. I larhor had finii.hed third in the Sunset League and entered U1e playoffs with an overall record or 5-4. t:ven the at-large team wa!. given more respect as the top-ranked SI. Paul juggernaut. under the coaching or Marijon Ancich, and a..._ .. i.,ted by Dick Bruich. wa.'> given the S.ulors as fif'l>t round fodder in us anticipated tiUe march. Absolutely no one. outside or the Newpo11 Harbor inner circle, ~uve U1e Sailor-. a chance for an upset at St. Paul, where the Sword'tmen had racked up something like a 50 game winning streak at home. Not only did SI. Paul (9-0) have a See EASY, Paae A6 Zach Wells PHOTOC~TESYOt UCLA Former Sailor has had rewarding run as d efen sive anch or fo r reigning NCAA champion. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot J ust one class shy of complet.lng his degree in American literature and culture, UCLA senior 7,.ach Wells has been majoring in soccer this fall, with a minor in shutouts. And the fu5t-team AU-Pac-to goalie has aced most or his comped don, helping lead the def ending NCM champion BruJm to an 18-J-J record and the No. J seedJng in the 2003 NCM Tuumament. The Brulns. who enjoyed a Orst·round bye, begin defense of their nadonal dtle Wednesday, ta.king on vtsldngTulsa (13-5·2). lt'a the time or year Wells, a former Newport H~r High standout. has been antlclpal1ng ever since experiencing the euphoria of last ycru's national crown. ·up until Marth and April. we ~re still kind of basking in our gt rry. so to apeak. • said W. Us, who, bentna a stunning upset. figures to add to his coUectJon of school recO'rda over the next couple weeks. ·1n a gcnenll .ell! • we've been a little ft&t thl lea.SOR. It seemed like we didn't get too excited abou1 the wtn.1 and we didn't gel too down ahout the loc;..,," The lone setback. a 1-0 loss 10 Maryland Sept. 5, in the tlmd game or the year, was followed by a 15-game winning streak I.hat included 13 shutouts and a 40·3 scoring advantage. Only a 2-2 Ue agaimt the Univer.lly of San Diego Nov. 13 provided any additional humility for Coach Tom Fit7.geraJd's Juggernaut. Wells aclcnowledge'I this year's postseason quec\t comes with added pressure. "J can't remember the lasl lime a No. I seed won the tournament and it's always hard to repeat: Wells said. "!"or myself, it' just more motivation to t(O out and prove we are the best." Wells has been among the best ~in the collegiate ranks. ever since he emerged as a sophomore starter. His teammates voted hlm team MVP after the 2001 season, In which he set a school single-sea.son record with lOJ saves and posted a Pac-10-leading nine shutout$. last season, he had 90 saves and seven shutouts. I fe was also at hiJ best when ft counted most. He was named Defensive MVP of the College Cup - the port's Pinal Four-anchoring a defense that blanked Stanford, 1-0, In the dde game. This year, Wells ha.• 10 shutouts, 66 saves and a stingy 0.39 goals-against average. The goals-against tandard would shatter the old lngle-season UCLA mm of 0.53 ~ by fonner AU·A.mctican Anton NlstJ "' both 1969 and 1986. At 6-foot-2, 190 pounds, Wells. who also starred in volleyball for the Sailors, is among the bigger keepers around. And. he said, hJs willlngness 10 engage in contact with opponents factors into his biggest strength on the field. "Prom what other people have said, I think being able to read the game and anticipate on croMeS Is something that distinguishes me,· Wells saJd "l 'm al<;o prelly confident coming out for balls. so I'm able to take away n larger portion of I.he 18-yard box than a more timid goalkeeper. I've been knocked around, but I don't have much fear. When you come out wtth your knees and elbows, your maln focus is to hold onto the ball. If ra competitor) happens to get knocked down, It's not intentional on my part." Fitzgerald also believes physlc41 prowess works in Wells' f'avor. •A forward or mJdftelder coming in on Zoch would do well not to have a physical confrontation with him," Fitt.geraJd said ~ d his college career h exceeded his expectadons, but he ~ e~ to get an opportunity to play profi! !llonally. His co.ch agrees. "Duttng my two years here, 7ACh has been a huge pan of' our team.• Fit7.geca.ld saJd. "He's a tremendou kid who t smart and a ~IY good athlete. Heh been huge for us and it' going to be difficult to lote blm. But players move on and l u pect 1~ch will have som opportunltf to continue playing." I I M t.tond.ty, Nowntier 24. 2003 SPORTS BRIEFLY CdM, Tars open on road 1111 Daily.APilot 1111 ports Hall of Fam Both travel to San Diego Tuesday to begin play in CIF State tournament. Neither Corona del Mar High nor Newport Harbor could come up with a ClF Southern SectJon ft1rb volleyball title this weekend. but both schools will continue to piny (or a champioiuhlp. The Sea Kmg\ and the Sallors open the CIF State champlon- mlps Tuesday. after qualifying ~ the runner -up ln thtlr re3pec· uvr Southern Section dtVl'llOn& Corona del Mar (21 9). which lost ln three games to Bishop Montgomery In the Southern Section Division lll·A ftnaJ Fri· day. wOI be at Uruverslcy High of San Diego (25-6). the San Diego Section champion. Tuesday at 7 p.m. Newport Harbor (25·6). which lost In four games to Mira Costa Sarurday in the DMsJon 11-AA 6· nal, will aJso tnlvel south, vWung ~:rtpps Ranch (27·41 ln the Divt· .. ion II championships, Tuel>Clny at 7 p.m. Scripps Ranch won the ~Diego Section crown. A victory by the Se-a Kings could earn them d rematch agaJmt Bishop Montgomery. c;eeded No. 2 In the eighHeam Southern California bracket. in 'Wturday's regional semifinal Newport Harbor. !>hould 11 e<i· c.1pe the first round. would bkely face Mater Del. tht• \oulhrrn Stiction Divi ion ll ·A champion .u1d the No. I SoCal i.eed OCC given No. 2 seed • VOl.J..BYB"1J..: The Orange Coast College women's volley· ball team t-orned the No 2 <ieed rn the Southern California re· glonaJ playoffs and will meet l.ong Beach City < ollege, at home, m the first round l\Jes day at 7 pm. The P1rott-s I 17 :.!). hoping 10 make It to the state tournament for the 1hird !ttraight year. On· 1shed second In the Orange Pm plre Conference behind (,olden Wesl, whtch earned the No. I ~eed In the regional lrvme Val· ley College, also a member of the Orange Empire Conference, EASY Continued from AS tremendow program lhl'tt' wa .. an intimidation factor on tllill fabled Sr . .Paul gndlron whkh was 'tecond to none No on~ bur Pi7..zlcn, who had !teen his team stve 1:-.di.,on all 11 could handle before -.ucC\.lmbi.ng, 13-10, m Suno,et League play. And. the Sa.tlors hadn't really felt the intimidation factor for Nt'vt'ral years. "Wt went up there." rt'Called PtT.Zlca. "and lo and behold. my two-way radio equipment got lost. The rules were such that they had 10 offer equaJ equlpment 10 what they had, and they couldn't, so they t·ouldn't use their radios So that set them off right away " Such "loss" of equipment wai. usually a parochial school trlck. forcing an opponent to often forego 111 usual modt' of operation. although Pl.zzica admits no such trickery The Sailors struck for a touchdown easly ln the game and, In the second half, broke a 7 · 7 dead.lode with a field goal They hung on to post an lncredlble, 10-7 shocker. leaving a scar on that field that ha• never healed. "Our kida were In the bus to comt bade and their fans were still &ltllng there ln the 'itands ln shock. They dldn'\ move.· said Plrdai. Pi.1%1ca'I wife, Betty, was aeeded third. ~1 think It really ahows the urength or our conference," Pl- rute'> Coach Olut'k Cutenese s.Ud Six Pirates All-OEC • VOLL.BYBAU.: Six members of the Orange Coast College women's voUeybaU team were named AU-Orange Empire Con· ference by the drcuJt's coaches. Sophomore ~euer Amber McCarthy, ulong with opposite Oltistlne Woller and outside hiller Donita Oro1.d. were first· tl'am honorees Libero Melissa Sherman. .l.long with outside hitters Marti Memolt and Brenda Balley. were st>cond·tt'am pJclcs. McCarthy. with I ,299 aMl.st.s In her Coast career, rurpassed HeatJwr Ruhl (l,281) as the tl'am·., all-time leader. McCar- thy has alsu tallied a team-lead· Ing 36 service aces and hu added 148 digs. Woller. a transfer from UC Ir· vme, has slammed a team-high 246 lills through 19 matches, heading Into the Southern Cali- fornia regional playoffs, which begin Tuesday. Drozd, a native of Sofia. Bui garia, has 1allled 218 kills and lends the Pirates wlth 23 solo block5. Balley has added 129 killi. Sherman, a sophomore, has ama'ii.ed a team-high 259 digs wh1lt' Mt'rriott slammed 132 Ulb before rolling her right an- kle in the regular-season finale again111 Cypress Wednesday. Merriott will not play for the Pl· rate!> in the post.sea.son Vanguard runners shine •CROSS COUNTRY: Van· guard Univeri.ity junJors Jenny Thune anti U1 Hulpe fini~ed 34th and 90th, re'>pectivt'ly. at the t-.AIA women\ cros~ coun try 1 hamp1on'!h1pi. Saturday at Tom sawyer State Park In 1.ouis· ville, Ky I hunt'\ time of 18.39 over the 5,000 meter cour!>e was 11 sec· ond' oil her personal record. Thune\ fini'h wa!> rhe i.econd best hy a I.Ion runner, topped only by 'lheri Hall's ninth-place drove the Sailor.. home 111 that dellnou~ bui. and 11 carried over mto a I 0· 7 victory over Redland' the m·lCt week before eventual CIF Rig Hve Lonfercnce champl11n· Fountain Vall~ was able tu top the Sailors, 14·9, in the )emiflnal "We had some tough lad~· recalled P11.1.it;a. "II wru. really a &torybook year for us. TI1e ltids really got down 10 bu1lness." fhe game was bUled as "No 16 ~ No. l" and Pi7..71ca. who loved tu use the bulletin board to his advantage. played the 'nub to 1he hilt. ·~1 Paul really did have a grc:•Jt team and wa' overlooking u,," \aid Pizztca. "I lu1ow in the lMl' 'tages of the ((ame, I was do mg a lot of praying.· Thh \'1.3.'I a team which i.cored I :l polnti> or rewN In all but a 21 h win mer We">1mlni.ter. ~urely 11 must be a rt"l'Ord for a UF !major ..chools) semifinalist to score fewer than 11 points per game (I 0 6) over a course of 12 o;1an'! 11 wru. onei>flho<iC night-of-nights at the l>iJot when ~poruwriter I toward L Handy returned and went to the chalkboard, inserting a 10 alon~lde Newport I larbor. and then. tumlng toward us with a wry gnn. a 7 by St. Paul. The knee-Jerk reaction wns an t•xplo Ion In the office, but 1 don't think any of us really beUcved Howard until his story wu belng set In cype. Handy's story revolved tlround the exploits of Mike showing ln 1990. Hulpe. an Estancia High product. posted a time of 19:24. ·eoth of our girls ra.n preny weU, • Vanguard Coach Bryan Wilkins saJd. ·Even to be In the top I 00 Is pretty good at thll level o( competition." The women's race consisted or 256 athletes. Tars' Schlesinger signs • VOLLBYMLL: Adam SchJe- slnger. 11 6-foot·S aeruor •etter at Newpon Ht.tbor Hlgh, Nt.t signed a national letter of Intent to continue his volleyb.U career at Long Beach State. Schlealllger was recruited by 10 IChoola, lncludlng 2003 NCM champion Lewis Univer- sity and runner-up BYU. '"l think Long Beach State has an outstanding coaching staff and an ellcellent student-ath· lete aupport department,• Schlesinger said. Schlesinger ls also a member of the Balboa Bay VoUeybaU Oub team that finished third at the 2003 JunJor Olympics in Phoenix. Artz. UCI's Wmg honored • VOllBYBAU: UC Irvine' Kelly Wing, a junior outside hh· ter. earned b.er fourth Big West Player of the WeeJc award after leading the Anteaters to a win over Cal Poly San Luis Obispo with a UO match-record 43 kl.lit Nov. 14. Wlng connected on 43 of 80 attempts and had just 14 errors to hlt a season-best .363. She wu also responalble for nJne kills in Game Five, including match point. and came up with 11 digs for her 16th double· double of the season. Wing sur· passed her previous mark or 35 kJIJs, which she recorded against Long Beach State earlier this season, and the 43 kills are the lughest number of kills in the Big West since the rally -.coring format was adopted. Blaze triumphs twice •SOCCER: Costa Mesa Blaze. an APP under-12 girls soccer team representing Region 120, Johnson and Brian Ward in the running game, and at quarterback wa'i Dave Hitzel and a junior named Alan GaddJs. Up front. the Sailors were anchored by Joe Carnahan (6·foot-5, 255 pounds), along with Brett LEcluse. Brett Smith. Ryan Abbate, Brad Sell, Steve Kraemer and NeU Ross. Dave De Ruff and Scon Benjamin were tight ends and Cllris Cates was a wldeout. Dave Thompson was Harbor's hammer at middle 'backer and I lltzel, Abbate. Benjamin, Fernando Castorena, Jay Volzkl' and Ward were alJ very big on the defensl~ side. Scott Giem was another in a long U_ne of sterhng ldckers. Pizzica's as.~istants were the late Larry Doyle. Hank Cochrane and Tim Par'iel, the laiter P.<itancia High's curren1 athletic director. FOOTBALL Conbnued from A5 a combined 13 points and those 13 points meant the difference between a first-round meeting with Los Altos and playing a 1hird·place team from another league. ·1 think through the league &t"&SOn one of any nwnber of plays could have turned the League St'ason arowtd," Brinkley said. -1r we rum that around. grabbed two key vlctorfes Nov. 15· 16 to take sole possession ol second place In the Area Q standing . The team (6-2·\) had one regular-season game ldt before beading into the play- off& Celebrating the 1nillenniurn Jn play Nov. IS. Blaze over· came two deficfts to defeat ~rba Unda, 3-2, dropping their victim's record to 5-3· l. Striker Shay Goldberg twice found 1he net for the Blaze. while Karen Vlllalba also scored FRED HOKANSON for the winners. The ttam'1 offense, led by the ball handling and passlng of Justine Cathey, consistently pressured Yorba Linda's de· fense. Orange Coast · The Blaze's defense. which has allowed the fewest goala As longtime OCC coach, athletic director, it has essentially been a Pirate's life for him. among Area Q teams. was led Steve Vlr1en by the tenacious play of Jeana Daily Piiot de ArabJ and Misha Brown. mid.fielders Allyson WaJlace and F red Hokanson ls all Meagan Henderson, as well as about loyalty. Yet that is sweeper Erin Rodman. not the reason why he ln Nov. l 6 action, Blaze has been at Orange notched an impressive 4-1 vie· Coast College for the pMt 35 tory of previously unbeaten years. Tustin (7 -l -1). Goldberg He's there because of the matched her two-goal perform· people working alongside hJm ance ln the previous game with and he's also there because of a pair of scores against Tustin. the school's wccess. Strikers Jenny Johnston and •tt Is the best commurucy Kendra Fisher rounded out the college around, bar none," said scoring for the Blaze. Goal· Hokanson. who is OCCs Athletic keepers Shona Lamb, Amy Director. •t thlnlc the reason it's Ramirez, and Wallace held the the best is because we hlre the usually high scoring Tustin · best people. The roaches who team to a single goaJ. are here have been here for Tustin's shots on s oaJ were years. TI1ey want to help nnd do limited due to the defensive the rig.ht lhing for OCC. It really play of NataUe Sekel and Aman-is a family here.· da Watson. Hokanson teamed Newport blanks Edison •ROLLER HOCKEY: The Newport Harbor roller hockey team Improved to 3·0· 1 with a 5-0 victory over Edison Nov. 16. the Importance of loyalty when he was in high school Actually, his loyalty was tested and he ended up doing what was best for a new school. •1 really liked his attitude and l 1ust liked the way he coached." said Hokanson, who wu also lnJluenced by fellow athletes at UCSB. "When you Uve with guys who want to be coaches and tha.l'i all they talk about. you start to think like that. If I was living wlth stockbrokers l would probabty become a stockbroker.~ I lolcanson, who also earned a master's degree in admfnistradonatOlapman University, began his coaching and teaching c:.a.rttr at Westminster. He became the first alumnus to worlr. at the school. La1er, in 1969, he was hired at ()C(. as the throws coach for the PtraLes traclc and field team. From 1978 to 2000 he was the head coach of the men's and women's squads. Goaltender Mike Mosher re- corded his first shutout of the season, ~topping 27 'ihol\ nn goaJ from Edison (2·0· I l. Rory Campbell led the offen· slve attack with two goal<. while Jesus Sotelo added one goal and an as.-.1s1 Young Fred Hokan'lon played football at Hunungton Beach High and he was lookmg forward to his Fred Hokanson ·rve had so many good memones. • Hokanson ~d. "I have had good memories of coaching. When we won our firo;t conference champiom.h1p in track. And Sheldon Blockburger, he's the best athlete I ever Vince Mongo (o ne assist) and Cory Adler udded one goal apiece wlth assl'itS from Preston Kelly. In Piu.ica's reign. the Sailors were 35-19 in the 1oughes1 of circles. were CIF semifinalist'\ three tim('S and defea1ed Corona del Mar all five yea". J le capped hls career as athletic director, hiring football coach leff Brinkley and current athletic director Erle Tweit. A native of Ohio, he arrlvt>d at Harbor In 1967 as an assistant 10 Wade Watts and closed out a 22 year career with a IO·year run as athletic director A great Sailor in the Long Gray Une · Piz:l.ica, a resident of Hemet, saw all of I !arbor's games this year, as is his custoro. including Friday night's duel with No. 1 Los Altos in I laclenda Heights Heyl See you next Sunday! ROGER CARLSON Is the former sports editor for the Dally Pilot. HI!> column appears on Sunda)". I le can be reached by e-mail at rogeranddorothea@msn.com senior season because the Oilers were going to be "excellent," he said. I lowever, the team was broken up when Westminster High opened and Hokanson was m the area which required students to transfer 10 the new school. Hokanson was not pleased but he !>till made the most or lus final year wlth the Uons. ·1 did not want to transfer at all,• he said. KBut I was out for all the sports at We'>tnunster. I had pride in the school • I lokanson graduated in 1960 from Westminster. He wd the cla.'>'> of 1960 has reunions that also include the '60 class of Huntington Beach because i.o many or the people know each other and have been linked ever since Wesuninster opened After Hokanson graduated at Westminster. he went to OCC. where he played football and competed in track and field. He ll1JUred hls back and played one year as an offensive taclcle for the Pirates. He found his niche in the throwing events for OCC. Eventually Hokanson excelled In the hrunmer throw, but that came after he transferred to UC Sn.nta Barbara. 1n his senior year with the Gaucho11, he toolt up the hammer and qulclcly found we're In a differe11t position the playoffs." In suooess. Hokanson and a teammate built their own hammer ring and trained for that final season. He reached the NCM Ouunplonships ln Division 0. The Sailor; will ready them· selves for league play next sea· son with a slightly different schedule. ltabuco Hills and Paramount wUl not ~ on the schedule next season and Brin· kJey said the Sailors att ldJl look- ing for opponents ln Wetk l and Week S. One possibility would bt a trip to 1 fawnU for the aeuon opener. Brinkley said pl&)'lng ln paradise ls on the backbuiner right now, thol.13h It remaJns an outside po lbWty. later, when Holcanson went on to coach at OCC he started the hammer throw compC'tition for the Pfrates. At UCSB, Hokanson ea.med a degree in physical education. The ldeo of becoming a coach waa bupifed by the people he associated with. Hobruon al.so admired hJs coach, Sam Adams. - --.. - lMOll•••uo n coached." Hokanson ~o said he enioyed coactung all the athletes, including l.eon Phillips, a standout in the javelin. Hokanson also was excited to be part of ground·brealclng spon!i at OCC. He hel~d start the women's track and field team. "It was a thnll when we started women's lratk." he said. "We started women's track at OCC and we became a power." 1 lokanson s1opped coaching in 2000 and bt.>Carne the AD and the dean for physical education. Last year. the P1ra1e' claimed the California Community College all-sports trophy. the third time OCC has won the award, which ha.' been issued the pasl 10 year-; l11t Pirates al.c;o won the Orange f.mpire Conference Supremacy Award, the honor for overall excellence in athletic achievement. It wa~ the 22nd ume In 26 years OCC has earned the Jward. "That has been exciting." Hokanson said. "Tu be a part of the start of something. to keep It golng, thats what has also been exciting and great.· Hokanson, who lives in Mesa Verde with his wife. Judy, ls the latest honoree of the Dally Pilot Sports Hall of Fame. SCHEDULE TODAY ....... Col11191! WOfMn • Ptpp.tdiM at UC ll'Vlne, 7 p m. TUQQAY 1111 ...... Coll-o• m.n • 6teoford It UC Irvin., );()I,, m.: C.1 llt>ly Pomona at Vangu.N Univ r••ty. 7:30 p m I •II ll<o• 271 7590 ( -f•:.• f I II•··•• lo lllv•I 011••1t.1 1•.1•lc BBB} ... r, • • • • • . ....... Monday, Novembet 24. 2003 A7 --------_ltlll_ .... ____ t.itlDIGIS -....... -""" .... .. Liiii*'--Upl..... .. l.1111 .... -............ -,.,...... -asc m• '90lll OI "1ID 'IOIJM Lil 8lA110ft WllM T. PAS<OI, I Wll0.Am212 fo tll 11th, btn1fl· ,1a1i.. c1tdlton, c:on t1nt1111I e.t1dilon, aod PfBo"• Wllo m•y oth -·se bl mttfntlHI In tfl• -.111 Of "~-·~1 Of bolll, of. WILLIAM T l'A$C0£, IU A nmlOfl fOlt PRO BAT£ hu bten filed by SAllAH LEE MARTIN PASCOE 111d ROlAHO SPURS, ESQ In ll1t Su.,.rlOI Court of C1fl· fornla, County of OR AHCE. THE PETITION FOR P898AU 1tauot1 SA· ltAH LU M~TIN l'AS· CO£ u• ltOLAND Sl'l [It$. uo " •• POlllltcl u perao111f llPf9M11lttlvt1 to •• l'lllnlstH tlMI ut1t1 of thedtct44nt lHC PETITION nquutt tllt cl.udtnt'• Will encl codlcll1, It eny, be aclm\1114 lo 1>1ob1t1. lhe Wiii •lid any codoclls .,, •vtil•blt flH , .. mtfte hon 111 Ille hie kept by lht COUfl TH( l'UITION rtqu"u •uthotlty to tdmonl•IH tlle u\1\1 undtf IN Independent Adm1nls ll1Uon of b tet11 Act (lllis Authority will 11tow tl1t ~son1I t11>1 .. tn· lttlvn to ttlt.e m1ny 1c:tion1 w1tllout obi• n Ina tour\ appro .. t Belo11 t1kina ctr t•ln Policy v•r1 lttoPIO't.-it ·~-. llo-."9(, the IMWM>Nt r•-ntab-Wiii M 1eq11ittd to 11111 110t~ to lntttM\lld '*'°"• linleu they ti.ve w1lwetf notice 01 conunltd to th• propoHcl KtlOn.) lh1 lnd1pende11t ad· mlnl1trat1011 111thorlty will b• I' •nl•d 11111tn 111 lnteruted pen•n hlH 111 Mitctlon lo the 1141ht1on end "'°"" aoott CIVM wl\y tllt toutl should rte>l lflnl the 1uthoflty A HEARING on the e•tlllon will bl held on 0€CUl8ER II. 20Q3 1t 1:45 pm. In Otot l7l ~loci et 341 Tho City Orlv1 South. Or1n19. CA 92868. IF YOU OBJECT to tht 1rent1na of th• petition, )'Oii lllOuld _.., t t U10 hH!lftt 1114 at.ti 10Uf uon. cat t• Wl'rtten tloM wlUI tilt cowt t lht h06rfl\I. Your 1pp .. 11nc:. '"''I be In peraon or h 10111 1ttorne~. IF YOU AAE A ClllOI· TOii ot untlnaent crtdttor of th• e1tce1 .. d, you muat Ill. )'OU.I ~IM With th• cowl end mill • copy to \ht per-' re,rotnhtlYU ap pointed 111 IN eowt w1t1111t four monllla fron1 tlle dalo ol the fint luv-of lettan u provided In l'rob1t1 Colle '41CtiOn 9\00. The Um. for flli111 cl•tm• will not nplre befort fo11r month• from the ht1rln1 dtl• nollctd 1bove. YOU MAY EXAMINE tht f1i. 11111t Illy tllt court tf ,.. .,. • pt(IOll In' l••ltd 111 Ult .,., •• 1011 m1y file with lhe co11rt • R1q110\t for 59«1•1 Notice (f0tm 0£ I~) of th• II~ ot '" Inventory ind apprtlul ol esltte 1ntb or of any ,.11tlon or 1c:count •• ptowlcltd in l'rob11te Code ..clloll l250 A Raq11nt for Special Nollc;t fOflll II IVllllbto trom IN co111t cllrll .,,.,..., ,_ httfl-. lvt• & Tlldl ... W' '-' fre4'#1c M•a. ~"' AaMlll llw4., Ste. l400 (ftMMH-.CAtHH Pullll•h•d Newport Bt1ch Cotti Moe Daily Piiot Novtmblf' 2•. 28. December 1, 2003 ~F849 SELL S.lf~. ,.. ...... ...., NPMTaTOftMiS Ale llCllAllOI MICWOllS llmCITOllom s..Jff bldt wlll ba rtc.Ntd et tht ollk:t of 11\o l>lipertment of l'twk1 and lloc:rttllon, .-.ortll trll Sttvlu Center. Phont (911) 15,·4274, OM Cepltot -'•II S11lle 500. Sacttmtnto C.11· lornl• 95114, up to 2 , .... T~. Oo· ~ 11, tdOa, et whkh llm• and pt.ct lt\oy will b• p11bllcty 09tntd end rHd for performlna the work u lollow1; f11rnlah tll ltbcH, m1torl1ls, tool1 and equ111menl nec•n•r y lo rthab1llt1te, r11tort. and Improve the mlr11truc· 1our unwanted lure end up to 22 lttms tl\foup cleu1Utd so\lgu In lbt Cmlll How to Place A Cove H•t111tc 0.Vltt et ClrtSTAl COVE SlATE l'Altll, Otlf'IW lllld LOI A" I t Counties, Cell for1tt1, co~l•I• 1nd 111 1cco1d1nc:t will! the plan• ind apeclfkatl°"• lhtrtfor1 ud tucll ldcl'tndt lt1t<tto H mty be l11utd pt10f to bid ope11lnt dale. LkettM required: A C111lnHr'1 Eallmate: 17 6$ M1lllofl • $9.3' Mllhon Holt A, )ob ahoWinl Wtlf be held et 11 00 1 m . Monday, Hovembt< 24, 20Q3 et CRYSTAL COVE STAlt PARK, nMtt 1t U1e LO• Tra11co1 Offlu, 1"71 f'1 clflc Cont HWY. la,un• 8t1ch, C1fllornl1 92651. Alle11denc:e 1t tho job 1howln1 11 MAIWATORY end wlll be the ooly oppo rt11n lty m•d• ewall1ble for proapec:tlv• bidders to view the 11t• wllh perk p«sonr1el. Ho Bid wlll b4 consldefad from • COlllrtCIOf th•I did not •tt•nd the m•ndttory IOb 5'1owln1 Prospact1w1 blddtr• may u1m1n1 •nd obtlln bid lor n11. apt1:1fk:tt10ns, end pl•ns by down· loadina the bid pacha• from tht Cellfornl• Stet• Conlrac:la Ra11star at www cscr da1.c1.aov/ cscr/ The bid peckaat " 1lso av1ll1bl• on CD Ir•• ot charc• The CD can be obla1,.ed by lulna a t1q11u1 to (916) 445·9027 In 1ccordenco wit.II the provisions of Section 1770, 1773 and 1773 I of the l •bor Code, lht Oep1rtmenl ol l'ilfh end Rtcreetion has uc.r l11n•d that 11'1• fenetal prav11l1na 11tts o waaes 1n the county in which lh• worh 11 lo be dona be u fisted by tfl• Department ol Industrial Relat10111 A copy of lh• CLASSIFIEAD 11tt111p It on 1.i. 1t t111 tor11 COlllllttfCi.l Cod9 •dch11 li.tt4 tbOVI kcti.n 1109 2 YU/HO Sucnuful bldcttt wll Y provklt l'ayment lon4 lho """' •nd 1ddreu 111d l'arlormenct lond, of the pet.Oft with wl\om OVMTMINf Of cl1 na mty bt f1I d It PAlll(S AMO Tiie hcr•w '-'""'• HCllAUON 21161 Litle (Mt# Of., 1\11tt •· c.i-., Ste t 20. Le .. '-"· Oltect# CA HHO •nd the IHI 1"11bll•htd Newport "d•I• for hlln1 cltlma lly Bbch Co•t• Mtll Dilly 1ny credit°' 111111 b• l'llot HClvtfflbtr 19, 24, Dattmbtr 11, 2003 20Q3 WM2<&e wl'llch Is tt'lt bu~lntst bow..., •M&S.i IOTICI 10 cmnolS Of ... Wl "''(. s.c. 610S\ NOllC[ IS HfllEBY GIVEN that • bulll Hit la •bout to Ila medt lllt n1me(s), b1o11lneas •d· dfHl(H ) of the Sell tr(a) ere · A&M SHOMAll. INC., 14161 JEFFREY RO , IRVIHE. CA 92620 Dolna B111inns 11 QUIZHO'S 14093 All other busin•n n1mn(•) and 1d dfeu(11) ulld by the Stllctt(•) ••thin the PHI lhlff ytlrs, H stiled by the Seller(s), ls/11tt HONE The nam•(s) end 1ddrts& ol lht Buyer(a) 1s/11e: BRAVO VEN· TURES. IHC . 1901 E LAMBERT RD '101, LA HABRA, CA 90631 ll'la ntth balna sold ere 11nerally dncrlbed ts All f URNll UR[, FIXTURES. EQUIPMl'.Nl , MACHlHERY, lEAS£HOLD IMPROVEMENTS, STOCK IN TRAD£. COOOWlll AND BUSINESS NAME end era loceted •I 14161 JEHRlV RD IRVIHE CA 92620 The bulk nla 1s rn le,.ded to b• consum m•t•d 11 the ottict of Tiie f.scr ow forum end lh• 1ntoc1p1t1d 1111 dale Is Oecembar 12, 2003 The bulk ult 11 sub Jtcl to C1lllorn11 Uni· dlJ l>tfOf• lh• Hto date tpe<lfled ebon llUYffl(S) 8flAVO YEN TURES, INC.. A CAll· FORNIA CORl'OflATIOH By. 81MA.l l'ATEL, C~O/ PRt:SIDENT By: flAMNEll< WAllA. CfO{TR(ASURER Published Newport 8each·Co~t• Mn• Dilly Piiot November 24, 2003 CNS· 609580# M846 fktltlla ..... ... -.... The follow1n1 persona •rt do1111 bustneu 11 Cerl1nd O<a1'.a. \0()1 W 17th SltHI •S. Costa Mes., CA92627 Roy Garland Waslllkt, 1800 Parh Hewpor I •202. Newport B1ach. C.492660 Cllerlolte leyna Drake, 1800 Perk Hewpor l 1202. Newpor t B11ch, CA92660 This bu11n1u IS con ducted by • r1n111t Plflnershlp Have you alerted do1111 busmen ytt1 No Roy G WQtl•lo.1 This st1t1ment wu tried woth the County Clerk of Ot1n1• County 01110'30/03 200S6'6Ult 01lly Pilot No~ 3, 10, 17. 24, 2003 M838 Ac-. ... ... s....... The lo1towl111 pe11011• lfl dolnt bU\llltU es· Thi TrN1Ure Hut, ~ W. 11th St IQ-32. Cott• Mt•t,CA924.i1 Thtr n• A.lm•t• ttend, 1917 trvlnt Ave., Coal• Mtu,CAl2627 This bu1lnus Is c:011· d11ettc1 by en ind1w1du1I tl•w• you 1t.art1d dolflr llusfnn1 )'ti? Ho lheftH AJ~ ~IUI Thtt alltemenl was hied w1ll'I Ill• Co1mty Clttk ol Oftn11 County on ll/21/03 200Ut6Sttl Dally Pllol Nov 2'. O.C: 2, 9, 16, 2003 T854 Re*'-..... -s..... The lollowina per sons 11• dolna busl11ess as. lilted Productions. 169 N Shetlar Or1n11. CA 92866 1'11tick Cuaene Smith 169 N ~1ffar. Ot1n11, CA92866 this buslntu IS ton· dueled b)' •n ind1vldu1I Have you slatted clolnl busineu yell No P1trkk f. Smith This stalemtnt wo frftd with the County Cle•k of 011na• County on 1 l/0~/03 tOOSH64072 D11ly Pilot Nov 10. 17, 24, Dec l, 2001 t.\843 Clmi/Wil CONVENl.BNT •ltttlttr '°"'rt bNJilti, itllint, Of jJuJ lool:btt, tlossifW luis """JOU""'' CUSSJFIED ('49) 642-5678 ....---Deadlines ----Monday ...................... Fnday S:OOpm Tue~day .................. Monday S:OOpm Rates and deadlines are subJCct to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right Lo censor. reclnss1fy, revise or reject any clasMfied adveruscmem. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Druly Pil ot accepts no liability for any error in an adven1sement for which 11 may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error Credit can only be allowed for the fi~t insertion. By Fax (949) 631 -6594 By Phone (94Q) 64:!-5678 By Mail/In Person: 330 West Bay St.reel Costa Mesa. CA 92627 At Ncwpon Blvd. & Bay St Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS ~ & MISC. 101G-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 1489 2305·2490 I Pica.'"' 1nclulk your~ and rhvrw: numM wlCl ,.,e'll call you hltt ~ "11h • I'"<-"' qU<* I Fnday .................... Thursday S:OOpm II ours Saturduy ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30am-5 OOpm Monday-Fnday Walk·ln 8·JOam-HlOpm Monday·Fnday Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm Index ==-SI 30lt-lt40 l ESTATE RSAU SOOS·58SO '' . . . ...;~ i 1 I ! • ll-il..... • 'I I .·• & . I' I fPJli!lt. lili1 7402·7466 IOOS.1510 lJnder thc Scn·in· Directory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) . Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 _Fou_nd ___ 1s_10 HOME 3610 Rental To Share 60.10 Gt.It I ~ ,_..,. 3bt 2 SW CUltoo1 I tfnOd llvrm Ip -..woom pool • VKMlt 2471 HtpOll ~IOOmo Ill 9ot9-!>1~2Wl 1111 real est.ti• 1dvert" inc 1n tins n.., .. P•Ptt is 'ubjecl lo lh~ Federal fa., Hou"n& Ad ot 1968 u emtnd•d whlcl'I meku 1t 1lleaal to advertise ·1ny pr eltr •nee. llm1le11on or dl\crlmmation b1sed on rece, colc><, relialon, H•. handicap, t1m1llal i tatus or nellonal or111n. or •n Intention lo m•k• any such prefeunc:e, llmlla- llon or d1scr1m1n1tron fh1t 11ewsp1per win not know1nal'1 •c.cept 1ny 1dvcrrhs•mtl'll lex 1ul utete which 11 In wioletlon of the l1w Our readers 11• htnby lnformtd that all dweH· lnp 1dverllM1d In th~ ne-.sc>1pt1 era .v1tl1b1t cm all equal op!>()f tunlty bes ls To complain of cH• trlmlnatlon, un HUD toO· ,,.. •t I ·800·424-8590. fOUNO Blue •v•d youna fURHJSHINGS 1dull eel 11 r Hhoon 1,11ncl p1rk1n1 rer 11• 90-'44·2UI 'OUND Cit Newport B11cti Penin l8tti St i W B1lbo1 Cell to describe 949 6« 2l28 Humer•ut tra•eler• cJ!eclie. round In Apr ti 2003, 1ny 1nlor m•llon ltad1n1 lo owner cont1ct l"vnt111lor C•nn1n CMPD 714 7~ 5294 Pm Of fll VICTllS lllD YOUI llBPI 400 ANIMALS RESCUED WITH HD OWNERS MONCY DOHA TIONS HUMAHl SOCllTY C/OPAWS 2'1> r lllGHl ANO SAN 8£RHAROINO CA 97~ Hlr-11..-htote S .. e Newport lch. french couche. w1n1b1ch ch1lra, love sub. Ir bt & dr Tommy 81h1m1 furn• lure, dresden. bronras. r~ *'1l&. llt!m, clr'r6. '51 ol ...... * 714-751-8>«> ....... """' 0..,.1 ... Court 112 price. almost -.~ ........ & blld ct.ts bistro llbll, 4 cNh. chtnt Clbintl, and ~ 9$61!>-5666 tHlUT SlUGH HO Sold -i. tnnd ,.. " bOa must -Worll'I ~SIC $250 9&.1!607 l'lne drnlna ltbto, CNnt & <·hro1110 dna tbl• w/ctn, ._ Whitt lrll 21cub ft 949-675-6634 Audklnl 14&1 =~ 1110 QUHM MAnaass HT ~tnndr.waW In ~ W/WWf SIC $1111 an.,..~ WANTED QUES Oldw SMo F.,,.,.,._ l'IAHOS ' Colltd!bl.tt ·~·­........ -• oo<or."-- .. CASH PAID .. ..,...,. . .,...~ Wl8UVUTATU . ......,_. ... ~-.... v ... rAITIR" OUU SIASOM Prlv.te O•di tt-t!ftt OM tppros l/llr from Newport 8Hch hc1I 1t11t h11nt11111djlc:ant to stet• waterfowl relu1•. ownenlllp lnttretl & •PP' oa 375 1c:res of land & lm1>1ovemt11tl • yoor own eamp compound w/ttructure end 2 tr1lltrs. Wondct1lul rr1. nlahl 880'' • wine tot1n1 durllll duell "''°" • meny ottt•I ldt•I fOt 2 lrltndl Of t1thtr & 1011. Cell Mille •1310541 ~. I ' Ii.di ......,_ cwdl t1ctlltnt eond•llon $450. Call dly 714-Ml-1200 t'tOl'llnt 949-642-4211 IAMIS CJtMI 8Y ~Willllllt&bllca ~~~ JEWS.RY/ 3480 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Wlfla IClf1'N & CAn 8aall fed & Hinj '-' ri ans ""'-:m o., i-.. ... llbld ....s. ,,.... ... dllwlrmm1 ""' .. ~llfUI a. v.i.G "" ,, .... 12• ~ZZ79 www anlm1lnetwor~.or1 Dogs 3615 MelfteH ,.,., fem•I• 9 wttk5 all shots $700 (t4') 67S ... S7t - I hou~• hom sand 2bf lb• upper. 2b• I b• tow ., . 2 car 1•r & 11undry wonderful cond1llon Sl.495,000 Alt Bob 949 631 1131 Ope.. Heu•• s.,,.. l2 -4 Newport lsl1nd B1yfrot'll w/p1lv1t1 bo•I docll Unaurpnstd ci,u•lltfl lolaf remodel in 99/00 2br 21 /lb• + uceptlon1I den. 3812 Ch1nntl Pie. $2,075.000 Aat David 949·718·1520. Hl/O"-View a-Otunlront/22nd Pr1 VII• '"' unfurn. share b1. ultll paid n/sm~ k11lhen•lla. lndtr, 1blll lo Ne-.porl pier, S730m Call Sem 949 27 8 7905 (balwHn 9em Spml Stora~•rao• Space for Rent 6060 Hl'I 24 hr tlor•r• 400· 600sf u"'b M•y store vach~I~. lowt retu c.I C.olyn 949&1-l:Bl RE$IOOffiAl RENT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUHTY a-.., ..... ~ 2ba home ... 1 ~ orient.ad wl die U<: -.ppll. • lflll• till n-1q1a S28!:6n let Natlilie 949-ni 5016. I SW. ..... Jtw 2 f\JI ba hOUW, w/dltad'led pt lo auest room $3250/mo Mmt -9$642-7222 l'.,.ln•ul. lbl lb1 patio l1ttplac1 $1\tred w/d hllups. I car ,., •a• Atl Sl500/M0949-293 4630 2lr 1 h, MW l*!Vcarpet, 2-ar ..... bldly.-d, l/2 bb:ll lo -. l'l'Ult -Sl8XVmo 9119-278-J!Ui Cll '*-' 9e1Tt'Spm ""'1 Huntington Bad! 2W. ii..~ 2/c pr, outsldl petio, pool. Haw tit. 2br lb• •Pl. I car I". w/d.111J net 100 HarW 7941 St•rk Ave 11va1t ~ Sla:x> 714-mt9Z5 Nov 21, S1250 + dtp Cell 949 S33 13117 VIAa\V llASIS .... NIWPOllT HOMU a_.k Con ... 2+Br 4llU GttUNDT llAlTOU •• t'{.... 1 Pl• l 28 hi...__ ....... 9't-47Mt61 -port ..00..1.newappl 1• ,_,,., -~....... & crpt. 3 wlndlona tit WANT YOUR DISPLAY td pieced st1tawldel 118 Community 11ewspaper1 Ruchln1 over 3 mlHion Callfor nl1n1. Add value lo your 1dvertlslll1. Cell now for • FREE Inf or· m1tlo11 paclleae 866-800- 2672 www.cel·1un com (CAL•SCAH) & belha. mstr w/2nd FP, H•wpwf a.or.. 2br 2ba $195Wmo 714-390-5810 ~io, w/d, ~ " n1wor ClffMll, pall & Ille 2201 w1 ........ 4 lwte yrty !M911664A57 2 c t•ndtm , ... wdhll· l~r , .... .._.., qut•t !b~':ir 3jl.J:r_;~ Balboa Ptnlnaila ups, •ct IM9-29J.4630 me. "•wly rtfurblshtd UCI Alhl11t1cs 111h1 Director for Community/ Youth Prot Vl~ll. hll.//www 1thletics.uc:t.edu IOI con,, ;ob delcr.,tion All CASH CANOY Routt Oo 1011 tttn $800 In 1 d1y Your own local candy route. lnclvdff 30 rnectiinta and tend)' Ah for S9,995 Mull1vand, UC 880 Oftnd Blwd Deer l'trll, HY ll729. ..........,_ ,,__.,.,,.~ UOOISllSTUDIO 2 cer 8"· wd hllup~. OatVl•S ,••T·TIMI £1....., _. ,..__,....., Jlt 21e + ......... _, Ya•rly $2300/mo !M9-7S9 0874 " '"" """ lift• clostt & hlh, • Mon f rl 01111• nlee can llOO 998 VENO (CAL •SCAN) HOME INSPECTION TRAINING Comprahen t1v1 5 day h1nd1 on c-st. AIM> ICSO MolCI ln•p1cto1 Trelnlna. .\pptowtd ASHI Mlle'• NAHi CEU'a • CR~IA CCC'a lulldin1 Stlect IOO ·Zl7 7t7t www bvlid*nP"C• com (CAL•SCAN) RRl&tlll iiiiSM1cai;iiiiiiii;i;iiiiiiiiiiiiie;w RESORT/ R Estat9 VACATION hwestonl PROPERTY Smart MontJ Mep rlna Rtnlltd Au1tl11, Tutt" the 11 piece In the U.S to lnv11t lnrttlHttlt. Find out why vltlt. Blf{~ Ktnn Rennt<, \l2 423 5626 FORUL.e ... ...--MISCBJMEOUS WAn RBfTAIJ Sm.ii Oftlco epaco. win rtntortublu .. L.Ooll• :::Z:.T ... _ a 1n1 for t lood •llu1lloll ,_. 0-. • 114°751 44M• -.-.-,.--c-.-•• -.-.-... - I,. IMANI ,.Ultsl tll•re t.ownl'lol.IH, m1t1 11111tt wlbt Comrn l>OOV ""· ~tod. O••&• S750/ fl'0949 842-6120 MA V£1'111HC 11W1t ~ ATTMUIA<M .,.~_.__ ............ ·-2Q"1 .,_ WK. AtT. t4f·llf-ttst 11\l(CAl~ evlll 12/15 11p1talrs unit sunny uposure. $1000m d I Id f 11 c If I", fp $2000m • ullls -,1t 949-67!1-41161 THI IWff'S 4bt 2bt Den I•,. P86•2 7~7• 1 9&275-ml8 9&533-78fil5 IDwh!\ 2 ~. 2 ..., •n !Mr ..... 111 "''· l ,_ OW, wd ~ 2 c ,., mmm uttl 1 & ulellita TV p11d. poet~~ , ...... tty ,. ......... .. tbt 'lbt unit avtJI now $1150m $09 Nllrcrsavs Cell 1'1111 t49-725453S "' 11Mi •'· IJpptf, l CH.., .... drlv. by only 517 .1/2 M111u1rlta $15115 •• te.51S-3XXI l-. Kt J.~ ftonl 11nlf, lat ... + _C_l!POfl, If Ut loctlion, SJJDO/mo ..... .,.....,.. W/O. nur Ho11 Hosp, St300/mo 949 631 4984 3br 2b• lipper lev•t Woetcllff1 Lr12bd, 2ba b•~l'ro11t unit. period co11do. Upatalrs, cerport, t\yle .. 11\ vii. l c I"· 1256 Rut11nd St3SO/mo •at $2900 t49 293 4631 •714 832-1766• t now l11rln1, ult/ c 1\erlna urv•fl. blrttndtr/llerlst• tiosVctlllltf. apply In ptrSOll M·f . 2·4 pm 369 E. 17th 1lrtet CM teceptle•ht efflce _..,..., llwlM Mdll tectU< el office ben•f•h • 40111 • mell rn- ••111 ulMy 1equnments ncer1.l1@coa !!.!.!...__ The Cl~1flcd Advcrtislii& Otpa.nmcn1 will be cl~ on Thursday, November 27ch &'. frt<by. November 28th, 2003. We will re-open on Monday, D«cmbcr I sc at 8:30 a.m. lf you'd like an .Jd to .lP(>Cal in the newspaper from Thursday. November 27th thru Monday, December I st, you mun call by 3 p.m. on Wcdnaday, November 26th, 2003 HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING/ 949.642.5678 Daily A Pilot """' --- Bridge &i CHAALES GOREN with OMAR SHAAtP and TANNAH HIRSCH AM!'WJ;~row Q I • • W\I Ir, )UU buld. • •U o A~QU14 o \Wd • KQJ Yoor r11 h1 "4nd Cl(J{lllllCIK qicm chc btddu\a ~Ith a v.~ IYtU dLufwmdl .. Whll 00 )'OU bid MW7 A •With h al\ C\~lkrtt QWnp Miil llnJ lbc L.inJ~llt'Cll ul cJ• IV.U llcat'8 ~Id he IOO ~ll.l\C Show your irU tWfll llblllly by lwnPfDJ to rour heiu1a. It pM.111tf bakt. ha.bnr.~ u1 Pll"CJ. Ille 1111U know tho.it )'OU tuive "lmi<ill)' "-~ ror pnw 1n you• 0""11 hanJ. llllJ ""'II flCl IC'.'Qfdlo&Jy. Sh!1t1ld lhc t~ ncnc~ hold 111U11 ot tile t1n:nilll. IOUt ,htatl» '*Ill ~C _.I 11..cful ~ Q l • l:aM Wc:M \.11lntn1blt. ~ South )'OU hold. • 15 KQU Qt7J • KQ J The tlidd111 hat riraccicdrd· NOR11f !.1" SOl1TU • WIST ,. . ' ' Whlll M:llon lln yuu I.Ille? A. h b 1rmru1111&11llllkc 11 pcnaJ1y dwble but. .i-111ld )'OQ defeat llw' cunu-.'t one inc.le 1dov.o ~o u unhl..eJ)', ~II)' Miier )'ClU v.itl WW1l EaM 11lx111t the t.1 brak In tn1mpa>. ruu IU'C lll14 .,.,_. lo llCI nd> f1U1n 11n <'•1111 too puuiu.. Whlll you m1gti1 do IS dnw dcc:latu I bluepnot how''' Uldk 1ht hwxt. and tJw could rmve e11pcn\IVC A pai\ I\ ~pnKinll Q l · Vul111.'f'lll>le. )Ou hold •AQ5 AK6 AKJ • AKJ6 Wbai " yuur opening htd~ A · Sllltn&cly cntlUQb. Wrr 1~ 1 K!\l book operutll lhol lial httn p.in l>f die pmc far Ml lon.J tJw mo'il ha~c fOfJIOllc:n 1bou1 11. Open luur ~·1 . lt\lmp1 That I~ nol ICC·ll.'ll..inf. 1'1111 ll5ls pertner IO nu~ the levt ont lor cacti .:c. i..111a or lfllC'Cll hr hcllch While wrne rday i.yM.crm nucht be able IO Wlt'OVCI' lhc llG1C infotma. don. the 1ui:tlut1 will be Ion& and ~ Q •• r.11u Wai \'lilncnblc. SWiii )OU hold. • Q ,. J t' " Cl 0 l ' • I( 0 '7J The llidJiftJ hat proceockd: soum wr.,1tT NC»tm ;r I .._ l ,_ 2 .... l• .... 1 WM dn you bid now? A • Hijlhll&hl lht O'illillll.lm IWIU!'t' of )'tU haod a.ftd the IILcly tnWrt by t.lvw.tQ llM&l ao m1Kh ol )'UUf wcn,tili lte1 In lhc unl>ld Mill l'wu no tNmp 1$ lht l'Of'l'CC\ btd '''""* tbm: Ill wuuJd dlow Clltra valuca. I! po.Mar.~ "''"' 11vae or tlUlo WJU(, IO pmc. . Q 5 • k. ~ \Ulombit. )'VU hnld • ,0001 1117 J 64 •Q 107 The blddin~ l\a} proc~ M >Rnf ~;A!ff SOUfH W~'T I• ,._ 1 Whlll do you bid now., The obp.'1of!helllrtton11 lO locGt I llWllp 11111. Ideal ij '4-4 lit 1n , m>ljor and. v.11h ttu~ 11'1 mmd. rt.p>nd one hew\. Do DUC kt lht .... ~ uC the \Uo I <kttr you. Sholl IJ you e l«t tu rnpond uoe >pllde. bypii..aloa bt-.aru. k~11eh1 IO'il' II potc114ial f:.4 lit In Q 6 • f;JL~ W"" vutner.ihle ll' South )llU bolJ •Klt51 6 AKQl<I 4 176 The btdJtng hot\ ~ WFST Nomt EA.'\'T Mlrm J ,._ .,_ T Wh<ll 111.tion oo yuu lake'' A • Wr: l>U~I yuu mak II WtC()UI tluulllc Milt no nu.<tal.c there I) wmc real rhl. Bui ~·c Jiuv..~ lhlll. , , you pm dlD lYPC u( hand Oii I.hi> auction. you are l•Hna ~ IJl'Pl>ntflts ~ lO \teal CottVlnt '16 CPI AlllO, It. •II po•~r whola/red inter bH u, runs s lrona S7~ obo 949 1'4 3324 t1t1n I• 'n&...-......, ,.. fMtilled. """ ~ ... _, ... tr.---· f~pow.. ~'"""'' (ll/95) $l6.97!> 'D2a.-..." Top IJf U>e line, q>«t .... ITIOOllloof. uwonw.. "'°"'eom frer.11 (CI07ll5') W.9116 -~-··· T419 of tNllM w~•.,ls•'*' ~y'l-. dual-•n,enl• t1inmet1t. kHlleCI (>42024) 24,985 -oru-•ts Spool f'k1 w/moonroo1. CO. lot6e4 (60UI I) '17 .ll50 ,,,~flfl1- Cer c.1tfild, 6 ~ & mi. -rtnty, moor.-oof, 00 (671~) $19,911!> 1> I u..c..ti. c_,,. _,. MoonRoof. CD. Sharp (611912) Sl9.7 I'S 'OJ~~ ••• Top of the 11118. ult.I met.pl\&. OW. Ma• Sys, Moc;wool, lotded &~Corlilted (0>663) S4Ullti 7t4-54t-SUO COSTA EA tmulllOllT COVE IOTOlllG AUDIA4 '00 lll•ck. w/ar•Y inlet lwt/IJ2 Oisc:ounted •MWJHle'tt Blac-. l•n inter 1'19918 Must Sell IMWJHl'tl Bronl~. un inlet 1'15497 Must Sell •MW J211e'OO Gre11n, tan onler #Vf15l>J 01\'..0Ul\ltd IMWUOl'OI s.AlES S.les Mnllaen 0!1e of the h11he1t p•ld jobs in Amenc:a, H11hly SUCCOHIUI nallon•I company Will Ir aln We provide 1ppo1ntments Cd Oon I IOO·l22 .. l03 clcrilurl<@•• lcomrncofp com (cA[•SCM) ••w •0 1 u ...... 3 O. Miid 2311 ml lull ltct w•renty s1lwer tb• ltht, CD mnrf. 19111 whls. bnul\lul i.1 MW cOfld, fin 4¥111 w995621 S24,995 8"' 949 5116 18118 ••r4 '6S M1utoa 1 Whitt. tan Conver !Ible Ofl&•n1l 12466 ..-Ullt See _,,. .. ,_ Co4dloc '98 c .. er• JOii ml, blk/blk lthr. bllt ~,, .... root, 8oH CO, 11n·fm, chfm whls. 101<1 l*a. boot.s/1ec:0<d~ hka new 89!1 YM1181 811• .... J .. "'* --·~··-C ... lllec 'U DeVlll• whllt/o•tmeal llhr low ml, beautllul on11in1l cond, Inside & out chr m whls. 10 d~c C, $3295 Bkr 949 586 1888 --.OCfM!llt•.c- Co41Uec 't i DeVllle wM.tCMtrncal lthr low ml be9utrful Of ...... COt1CI Inside & out chr m whb. $2995 8"r 949 S86 1888 www ........ .- Clwy.kr '96 $ ... rt,.. LXI Conv ISi< ectu•I m1 rnetalhc areen len llhr bla<ll top. buulofuf lo ... new cond. $7995 IHm v 156n 1 8"t 94') 5e6 1888 __ .....,_ owner. solid car, nut ... S18.!m ..... 7l929Cl Fer4 '91 '""""• Gl low ml, boo!ls/rtcords, 2 owneri.. mel1lllc bur cundy lulty lo1ded 1ara11ed non smkr must we to ap1>1ec11lt S399S •216/ll Bllt !M9 'J86.11188 \ilrww.•~··- FORD TEMPO '90 Cr1y, IUIO 114 'YJI 010!> Gr-' '00 Mor't"• lS 3311 metallic '""' blue JT•Y llhr fully lo.ded. ltlie new cond SI0,999 lllilfi>m Bht 949 !i8>-lfll8 .•... ., ....... .. H_. 't7 Accw4 ld< coupe ex v tee •n1111• 6911 bleell/lfeY llht '\llrl be•ullful unmer ked cond aar <iaed, non smkr $849!> v•Ol26751 81\r 9&!116 UBl -Dlplb.a:m ~ • ....-,,e1v-;t;Si 2dt coupe. auto lully loeded wlule. mnrf alloy whls buut1ful c:ond $5995 v89724 l Bl" .... J ... 1 ... www • ..-1.~ BMW~99 Blue 1rey inter #V21 11 Mu1t Sell BMW /40.11 '00 Bron11/l•n 191!>8 01scounted IMW 7401e'OO Black tan 1nl~t •V94l!t Ot~ounled BMW 740tl 01 Blue/1•~) •2843 Musi Su IMW74011 '01 Sil•••. arey #V8605 Gte.I Buy BMW 74-0tl '01 Wh1le.1r~y 139!>1 CtHI Buy a..., ...... 02 Bink atty 'V4367 Crul Buy H.,.fey Dev Foll! '92 Red, bluk •V8109 Ot!>e:Ounted JAGUAl ltt6 VDP loeded 87K m1 alnl/ 1«1eous SIJ.7'j0 Pvt Party 949 494 0011 HOME, ffEAL TH AND SUSINESS 0 C•lil0<•I• It• re 11u.res lhlll c:1111trac· ton lalt_lr\I ~~ 11111 tolJll s:JQO °' -• (labor « meterltlt) be IKenMCI by the Co111t1etora Stet• license lloMd St.le ltw alw rll(llllt• lll•l co11lrtclot1 Include \htit ltcet\se nun"* on ell *"-l1'AllC YOll ca11 chedl the at.tua of your llce1111d t•1t•••tl01 ., w"w olt. t• 10.i 01 llOO 321 CSLll U11U unnd conlrtcl0<1 t.•1111 Jobs lh•t tot1I l•n then $500 muat 1lett in lh11r •dvttllHmtnll lh1t they 9r1 1101 llc:tllHd t.y 1111 Contreetof\ Stile Ucenw 8owd • A·lNMtOYaM ~=-~ Ooie 714 ~72!!1 ...... Wealthcome Marble Granite In~. ·-· ,. .... .......... ta.11•• ............. U..C......• .... , .... 111.a1·11 t ...... Ji.Vii 1mL .... _ ..... nu•.-... tl I' :1 \ , I ' . ' ' .. concrmaMaonry l rtdt It.di St-• Tiie Concrl'IJI. P11Jo, Orlww•Y rtnplc, BBQ Rers 75'1'1' l•p rerry 714 !>!>7 1~ c-.._, W..t Cement. Bra. Sb-. f ... ~--~* joblDolflllllnW~ OalllDp Pllbllltliftl YOUll NOMI ••novg'"' f'lOJIClf Cell • pl11mbe4, pelnlllf h1rwty111a11 Ot any ol \ti. I' Ht -•l<tt ll~l•d "-'• 111 out service dHctorrl lH(Sl LOCAL SVC P( ()Pl[ CAii Hrt P YOO TOOAYI I .LC. llMtrlc low pttta loclll conttect«. no job too MIWI. no job loo fMI, IW1 '40• r...._ UCllMllOJal (714)142-1410 lKlMSID COMTllACTOR He> job loo 1m. NI MrW:e! Rep.•, remodel ftn~. Sjlll, ,_ -9t9-645-J6156 ''" Safvlc•• Yard Cleanup, M1inten1nce; Si>flflkler Aepalt, ti1ulin1 lt4t}Ho.-781 CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18'1'11 &p. Giii! Ref's M "'-ol ConstNr:8on ~~c.,. umm 949--305-7699 Gm.W. IF.PAii •IWN'IINANCI -~·~ 0 Joh 'Ibo ""'" o ............. 9'9-322-1292 Home Repair G..11C....... &~ C•penh,. • Plun11>1na DrywaA • S\Uc:to PMlbne Tiie & ll'IOI'• 20-+ Yt•s Eapeuenul JI 714-fft-S77' HuHng JUNl TO THI DUMPlll 7,.·968 IW AVAll.A8lE TOO-'YI 949 673 5566 ...... a-..._...,.,, Wkly/Bl "~ly/Monlhly Rer• GrHI r•IHI lmtldl ~~949l780837 -~,.,., ....... •••'•••Dr•iT•at111l Oat. OMV, 1'1•••'*¥•• ALAN Titl MAMOYMAN Dflfi ~ Al.1,,«ll IUtrentMd 7'WJ7 .. 7U ~ lllchlll, Ooors. '"*" t«p .. ---r," fi.ll Y1 •ur t1, , · ~· n, " "' . n .... • ~ •. , .. ,I .... .. ::"' ~ . I .;:-: 1 ) •-y·~-~-st•u•ff_. classified! IUT aovdUH/Hr. S..~NAQtmin.wtd 11&.JMl J2J ., lltJ l13b>tl11 II , .. ...... Wo ....... w. ,.,.,., (aaz75) $11,lllO 1'1Ac...IW Sil/Grey, CUltom Wiiia. co. !Git ""· ( ll 651 I) f l J,900 "ff S&·SOO SC)Oft ha/AMO. a-. Mulllto 1 lop• (107291) 139.900 ... cuo WhVl111 Auto -· Ntc• Car (0911216) 114.900 'OZ..,..,,.._ ff Auto, A/C, CO. Re11 Spit (263427) $10.900 H•----limthHI lOldttd. S&1e Pr teed (09'7 /l) Sl6 900 'OOOUOO Wlll/T en Pl11tnum Series. Lo"' Mt. CO (099216) $15,900 'ff OS"10 8'/T en CO Nah Audlo, lo~d (046903) $21, 900 .,,,..OS.- Top ol 1111 ~lne. Bose. co. V84 :>t.. (4'4967) $19,900 .,••-..•-•.o HSI Auto. 4WD. Multi CO, loaded ( 326806) $14 900 Jo.,... ·•• XJ• v .. .i.11 Pies mel•lllc red Ian ltht W•ulllul Oflltnll cond . rnusl st• to apprec1ale. p,.aed. non Sll\lor, S6~ ,,102s11 8kr 949 S86 1888 www.ecpe!tl.•- LAND IOVll 2000 01scover y II SO 7, du•I nooon1 Is. r~•r 1ump w ats, healed .eat lac warr 36.000 ml $21,900 V2lm.1lll ~ 11~2'27{>161 ll'XUS SUOO 'ts Traction control. huted u•ls o"erdrrn. mnrf, cnrome whls. 11•" Ure• N•ll•mtehl 1ound 'Y' 12 chanae cd, spo1l11, blue/ tan. very clean S97!i0 949-244-33?4 U.c ... '00 LS SlO V6. Ilk aclu•I 1111 <ham P•an•/1r1y llh1 mnrl, CO cllto,,,., whl$, ~upe< b as new 1.ond throul!hl. books re<OfdS Sl0.995 "°45829 BAI 949 ~ 1888 --... ,.~ .. - Merced•• 't6 C210 Beauttlut balck/cream lully loaded, showroom lrt/OUI $92!1() 714 ~I ?464 Mercedet 'tJ U20 Black/blk beaut. all opt none -MW INljOf 11n; Sl0,2!JO 114 r,,1 1464 ........... · .. noo J.o or111 owner full boob & rec:ords blk Uht, t hrnme whl, beaulllul Ortll 1.und. must ne to •PPt'dal• $A199S v9687 34 Bkr Ht-516-1H8 --.. ~1 ...... 'tS ........ Sl.300, 31k "" ~ °"""' VHI. ,..__,, oond w:wrriy msoo 11Hn {000 Moving' SlarlQI PUBLIC NOTICE The Calll Publlc Ulllllin Comm•n•on tequlft\ that •II UHd household 1ood\ mover• P"nt lhe1r P U C C•f r numbt1 hmo~ ind ch•ulleu" print th111 I C P number In all edver hMunenh If you have an1 iunltons 1bo11I ttie eaeltly ol a movet, limo o r C:h•ulleur. cell PUIUC UTIUTIU COMMIJSfON aoo u1..au1 -....... --------- '-Xll'OO trffn 1111 •tno Must Sell ......... ~··· Rid, tan 1()859 Cl'NI 0.al MRClOU CUO '02 Black. blac~ •V9?77 Dtseo11ntecl Ml:.RC£0£S C320 '01 11141ct., Blnll •V~ Olsc:ounttd MERCEDES E320wt '99 Green. Ian l\1•581 GtHI Deel MERC£0£S Mil>~ 00 S1lv11.blaclt 13859 CrHt 0.11 MlRCCOC.S S~ '9!> Wllole. Ian 13650 01\counled MllCIDIS SISOO •oo White, tan 10580 Musi Sell MINJ COOf'fl '0 2 8lue.111y •0962 Mu1I S.11 ,ottSCHI Cwreni 'tt Bl•ck bleek •VI068 01scounled POH041 Cernre 'ft Bl11e, 11r•y 4V6049 Musi Sell Qvele M1nau,1 'O I Stlve• bl•tk llVOl 39 Doscountecl '4t .. ~St1S PHllllPS AUTO 'VV •AeW U llS 5611 m1 ( 19470) $16.980 'ff .J.,,._ v ....... l"tAS 3711 ml (19812> $.27.980 '99 Je., Cll ...... ff ASlul (198081 ) $9, !la> ,, 1 ... .,. lS400 Stlwer tow m1 (194531) $17,980 .,, Mtw<etln CLSOO 4911 mt ( 197~1) $49 980 'VV Men e<h• 1:100 Oeoset, PflC~d to \ell (1984?) $13.980 'VS M.,,.,,_, 1600 WMe,64.km1 (19836) 25. 980 'VT Merce<l.1 SU20 . ...,., 4311 m1 (19859) $28.980 V4 Mere.de• SUOO lt°""'•'•r Whtie (19020) S?\.980 ·••~•oos c...., 6/~ '"' (1911!17) $12 980 ... v .... w...-#ew•-"-(19/28) $9,980 '49-574-7177 PHIJJ'S AUTO , . ., ...... Joy...,'• Palntl"t lop Quahly, Ct1mpetlhv1 lnlertnr /( x I l •648218 Cell la~ 949 6!>0 ~ llAINIOW OIQI MMff Pamhn&~«>t. ~~ Ou•ltty jOOI Ir,.. !Kl-le l 156989, , 14 6l6 888a Slwa MDMAll~ (t4t)U5-2JS2 .... P4ee ••• "° Sl Wll!Wter1, inllllac ill/out tuns • .,,, n•w ,.alt lOf), cmin.. 11.t!JX) ™llSlaet Penct.e 'Ol c_.. •• 4 8 11Vttn Ml, Alfe ktl ollt; .,,.,, °'' poMibl.,' "'' m1, 11•-• ..,,.nt a •lltll out,.. Of rained on 112.6(JO ollo 949 J2M241 RANOI ROVlt "'* l WB, Uf>K nil, blut/t•n. •If su1ii.11sk111. imm~1 ul•I• throuanout $&4~ PM2Bi'fll bWI 1\4.?2J.Sl.Q •-.. .. .,.,. '9f •OSC Bo~ll lnjechoo, 4!* nw. cht"IPl&M slhltt/lt ltn lthr. dlfm whls, k•ut hb MW cond, $19.995 "452361 &kt 9&5116 ·-w-.• '·'-a-.. ••vw 'ts4.0 SI llOlo+m1. bltcl\/1111 llhr, superb cond throucht, boolla, records SJ0,995 ~~--~111118 -.ec,-.c-. Se"-'Ol SWI W .... S54)d. slick, 11tver, &HY inl,Pftm sound. l>Mut.1111 h!<t MW cond i6995 v?.35719 Biii !M9-S86-1888 WWW Teunt1 'tS Gl ..,.lilto, loeded, all options. lmmac:ul1te $2500 714·7Sl·U6• Teyote '97 Cerello DX 60ll • mi. aulo pw pl, er UIS<! whtll/CllY int supe1b SS29S .. 1S7829 Bkr !M9 586 1888 ····~'·'-VeOt•w...-'OJ leetle Conv Turbo bll/blll. 1700 m1, 1mmacul1te cond. S25.500 949--61!> IBlll BOAT PARTS& ACCESSORIES BoltPar1s& Accessorfel -sooo ...-4 lteht/llft $1SOO (t•t)72J-114S BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 ,..,.,_I•'-"' l shp~ avail up lo !>!>II Wele• & power incl al$o C-•ry VIiia.-shp up to SSft, and 1.-y.tde Dr shp up to 9011 @ vacant lot W/'1>1t\eeul111 WteWS 949 6/5·4347 IAAly IB cb °'* CDY1) ...uti. r.., CDlfl/Wrdlrrda/ ~ bt4lrn P9t. *"° 1lllXl ~!IJlQll JSft MOOlllNO with boa I for 5ale tn Newpor I Beach C•ll Chuck 949 645 0334 1Sh IOAT SUP, Sublel lor Dec ' "'" S?J I* ft . on XMAS 80AT PMADE ROUT( 'M9 6.tO 0551 Ne..,..n leCKh SO h Slip •••1l1blf> S 10001 mo tall •949 173 3143• AIT1r,"ol._.tr · ·~·~ (949) 543-0769 _...... (tlfn S...,& .... ,... Custom Hand Painted Ml.r1lla ' f .... l')Wq. MP.t tor In !lJ.M:al .«16( THl STinf'Pfll Spe<.Mihtlna In Wallpllllf lttmonl l1581241949 l60 1211 WlQdow eating ...... w....o.... s-e.. fkptflenced ' .......,.. Trni.a. Silla, Screens 7l4 t57 3301 caot.eOtWUT wweoow SOVKI Sahafechon Gutr1ntee4 •t4tl311W 11r SELL your stuff ttW'ougfl classified!