HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-11-26 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.. Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 26, 2003 DOUGLAS ZIMM£RMAN/OAILY PILOT Boxes of ttianksgiving meals were handed out to families in need by the CM900 Club, a division of the Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce. The meals were boxed and handed out at the Shalimar Learning Center on Tuesday. Dinner is served Dtlrdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MF.sA-Rosa Madrigal will be spending Thanksgiving with seven of her family members. including nephew Vic- tor Alfonso. 14, who will be experiencing his flrst Thanksgiving dinner. Members of Costa Mesa Chamber of Commerce hand out Thanksgiving fixings pon Mesa Unified School Board trustee. "This is an immediate need that we can help with right away.· Thirty members of the club gathered on ShaJJmar Drive with fixin~ such as milk. potatoes. apples. pumpkin pies, tortillas and turiceys. of course. In an effi- cient, assembly-line fashion, they boxed up the goods. They also threw in o;ome toothbrushes and toothpaste for good measure. she received her meal. On Tuesday, Madrigal's Thanksgiving preparations were eased by the CM900 Oub, a dMsion of the Costa Mesa Olam- ber of Commerce. The club contributed turkeys and Thanksgiving fixin~ and boxed them for familJes In need who are served by Shali- mar Leaming Center. This is the fourth year that the group. named for the Roman numeral that the letters "CM" stand for, has pitched in to help families In need. "We do so many things long-term try- ing to improve the community," said Dave Brooks. a club member and New- The club members contnbuted 1temr, on their own. like Bill Pierpoint who brought 150 pumpkin pies, and got con trlbutions from businesses like South Ml'm so happy," Madrigal beamed as See DINNER, Pae• A4 Port, bay streets target of burglaries Police are warning residents there to be wary following of a string of break-ins during the past month. Deep• Bh•r•th Daily Piiot NEWPORT BEACH -Police are warning residents in the city's "port and bay streets" about burglars who have hit sev- eral homes In the area, stealing Items worth tens of thousands of dollars. The flrat of this strlng of bur- glaries occurred on Oct 25 in the 2300 bloclc of Port Carlisle Place, said Newpon Beach Po· lice Sgt. Steve Shulman. Inci- dents were reported as recently as Thursday. Several homes In the area -including those on Dralte's Bay. Morro Bay. Port Olelsea Place and Port Aber- deene Place -were hit, he saJd. ~We don't lcnow for sure yet If the same people are responsible for all these incidents.• he said. #There does seem to be some similarity tn the way they en- tered the homes." Most of the victims were either remodeling their homes or had just completed construc- tfon work. Shulman sald. H~e burglars) eJther pried open a door to make entry or broke a glass window or door or got in through an unlocked door," he 'laid. They mo Uy took either cash or expensive 1ewelry, Shulman said. Police, in the next few days. will be putting out alerts In the communJty giving residents dps on how to protect their property and what ro do If they see any- thing suspicious, he said. Detec(.fves are investigating the Incidents and have a few leads, but haven't made any ar- rests. Shulman iaJd. Residents, meanwhile, must tak' precautions such as locking de>Ors and windows and using burglar alarms If they have them. he said. "They should leave lights on during the evening hours,• Shul- man said. "Residents planning to have worlc done in their homes should check out con IT8ctors before they hlre them. And if you give your keys out 10 woricers, make sure you get the loclcs changed afterward.· Bob Rovzar, a I 0-year resident on Port Cllelsea Place, saJd he had heard about the recent bur- glaries, but wa&n't aware that It was a string of burglaries. Rovzar said one of his neigh- bors ls a victim, but that people on his street are not panicldng. "It's an unbelievably great • See BURGLARIES, P•1• A4 Brawl leads to arrests Fight between two homeless men over magazine left one in serious condition, officials say. Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot t.O~'TA MESA -A drunken fight between two homeless men over an issue of Maxim magazine ha:. left one man in the hospital with severe inju· ries and another in jail facing one count of attempted mur- der. officials said Tuesday. Costa Mesa police officers arrested 36-year-old Anthony Doug Maris on Sunday after- noon alter Maris got into an ar- gument over the magazine with 39-year-old Victor Lopes and then kicked and beat him. said Lt. Dale Birney. The Incident happened at about 2:45 p.m. behind the 2200 block of Fairview Road, he said. Both men had been drinking before they got into the fight, Birney said. Lopes ~ufTered "major facial and head trauma." he said. "After beating up Lopes, Ma· ns walked away from the scene leaving Lopes bleeding and unconscious," Birney said. "Lopes must have remained In that condition for at least 20 minutes before paramedics ar- rived and transported him to lhe hospital • Lopes was taken to Hoag Hospital Presbyterian where he still remains, Birney said. He declined to release the nature of Lopes' injuries and hospital officials said Tuesday after- noon that they were unable to get an update on Lopes' condl· lion. See BRAWl, Paae A4 NEWPORT BEACH Council speaks on Pacific City Newport Beach officials say the Huntington Beach project raises several concerns. June Casaerande Daily Pilot N~WPORT BEACH -The city will get its two cents in on a project planned for Huntington Beach, council members de- cided fuesday. The City Council voted 7-0 to chime m on the environmental study for the Pacific City proJe<:t, saymg that the study and the development raise a number of concerns for New- port ul'm glad lo see the city is making our position known.· Councilman Steven Rosanslcy said. Not surprisingly, the biggest concern is traffic. The 31.5-acre complex of commercial, retail, residential, office and restau- rant space includes 400 hotel rooms and 5 l6 condominiums and wUJ add about 3,000 car . trips a day to Pacific Coast Highway in I lun11ngion Beach Some of this traffil. I'> sure to cross over Into Newport. and Newport leaders want the study to talce a closer look at exactly how much. A major sticking point be - tween the two cities has 10 do with rhe 19th Street Bridge. TI1e environmental study considers traffic increases 1f the bridge ls built. bur doesn't look at what happens if it 's not and what that could then mean to Coa<1t I Ugh· way in Newport. "Huntingion Beach analY1.ed it as if the bridge were there.~ Councilman Tod Ridgeway said. • We want them 10 analyze It as if there were nor a bridge because they didn't want the bridge in the first place. I think that they'U come up with sub- stantially different answers." Assistant City Manager Sharon Wood explalned that It's customary for the city to offer comments on large pro1ects that could direclJy affect New- pon Beach. WThis project looked like It had great possibility to have im- pacts on Newpon Beach so we See COUNCIL, Pa1e M THINKING ALLOWED Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER Once more, fog will wrep the coat Jn the morning. But the 11\9m000 should be ftlrly CINr Ind crifp. S4iePapA2 GROCERY STRIKE CUttomer9 .,... Wiry •bout the TMmlte,. joining t.M GroctfY ltore ttrtkt ju1t 11 the hoMdeyl hit. S..hpA3 SPORTS A tale about the plight of the turkey Ah. Only 36 dny hours before my Impending ttyptophan hiifl. You know, the Jclnd of mood-altering climax that comes only after a satisfying meal of tender turkey. petf ect)y-ned tutllng. 11teamt"CI vegetobl and gravy. With my mind ort my turkey and my turkey on my mind, the article In Tuesday'• Pilot &bout 1'i.r1 Anderaon's fifth.grade cl at Newport Hel.ghtf FJementary School, Rlllly grabbed my ancndon. Usl~ a clever and tmaginaltvt tea.on p!M, Andet'IOn reed the children a story by Dtv Pilkey tJtJed "1'Wu the Night Befort! 'ThlllbgMng," yeah. try ftndlng a pair of ~~n jeans kJftt thtsftgure. During my wns months. 1u.sM10 b<lrrly peck at my fwd and then t.abr a two-ml/8 trot, hoping to shalJf inchn from my watst. It uw a mtsembk llXUttonet. 1 u.w gauntly, awkward and rm wanted. Thls uw ~rt/ found G.O.D. Gobblln On DUplay. an organtz.atton, formtd by the wontkrjtu group of cuUnary uperrs, 14ught '"'to accep. t and lout my body-finding tri rru1 bc®t)t A1y 1J'C'P$ ha111 quJrt a S.. ALLOWED, P .. t M • A2 w~. NowrOet 26. 2003 .LOCALS ONLY DUI ARRESTS ~ peopi• ,,_v. bHn •rrwtMJ '9<»ntly on .usplcion of driving under th4t lnnu•nc. of •n mt~ant 'TMy h•w only bHtt •rre.ttldon1uq>lcJonof•crlm• •nd. ff with •II WSP'JCU, are con•I~ lnno<»nt until provtld guilty. COSTA MESA Sunday • Derek Thomas Newcomer. 28, Newport Be•ch Se1urday •John Paul Slnek. 38, Coate Mau • Ni<*ol•• Schubert. 33. lrvlne • Bret Kenton Beshore. 24. Newport Beac:h f'ftd.y • C•therlne Benn, 40. Coate Mesa • Momoyo Kawai. 23, Huntington Beach Thur9day • P. J. Manyak. 46, Cypress Wednesday • Richard Brandon Loomis, 55, Costa Mesa NEWPORT BEACH Sundmy •Tommy Rezvan. 27, Huntington Beadl •Alex Valencia, 21, La Habra Saturct.y • J•rrod Oanlef Bue*, 21, Long BMctl • Bonnie Ferber MarsMll, 67, Newport Betch • Kevfn Daniel Sullivan, 33. Newport Beach • Yoon Sun C.rotlne YI, 23, Htdendt Heights • Guillermo Fernando Retes, 18, Riverside • Bry•n Vlllogea, 21. Fullerton Mtey • Jonath1n Mark Bradley, 21. Riverside • Lacey Lynn HarrellOn, 19, Santt Ana • Rohlt Krtahan, 27. Newport 8eec::h ~ • Conor Matthew Miiier. 26, Newport Beach • Stephen Jay Miller, 35, Newport Beach PET OF THE WEEK Persian and Main Coon Ob1wan i'> J ~tJver Persian male lat who i~ neutered. Princess I .eah I.'> a 11Uver Main Coon fe male cat who is a payed. Both are 7 month'> old and purebred. IWo beautiful and highJy-de- '>1red animals wtU sau.sfy some- one's wish U"it this holiday se4· '>On. J11e nght thing to do is to male Obiwnn and Princess Leah available to be adopted together '>Ince the two have grown up with one another. Adopting two animaJs Ii. great because people' work and play schedules some- times leave many animals lonely. New pet parents are often re· lstant to get two animals. but come back later wishing they had. The ones that were con- vi nced to get two are so appre- ciative and often come by to teU u'i, or they call saying they can't imagine mi.~lng the experience of watching them play and groom each other and g~tlng to see the different personnlldes of each. lnose that adopt only one animal soon feel guilty coming home lute. Animal!! do miss the rontact and are happi t having wmc type of compank>nsh.lp and it makes It easier to keep cats indoors as they are not as bored and are less likely to try to run outdoors. Our network members learn from the pet parenting class that those whom consider the Utter box duty or smell to be a prob- lem with two cats can use a pine or com-type Utter that Is avail- able at pet supply stores. These Utters have less odor and allow you to Dush the "duty. -But be- ware, cats demand changing the brand of Utter to be done gradu- ally. It is a must to read the dim:- tJon.s on the bag and allow the animal to get slowly grown ac- custom to the change. • The Community Anlmtl N8'WC>tt i1 a community•upponed animal org1niutlon linltlng people and peta through community action. See othef anlmala evalllbla for adoption at http;/N/ww.•nifN/MtWorlc.orp, or stop by Rtna0'1 pat store at Fashion Island between noon •nd 4 p.m. on weekend1. lnformstlon: (9491 759-3648, or write 10 the • community Anlmtl N8'WC>tt at P.O. Box 8882, Newpon Baach, CA 92658. Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 330 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Newt EdlecNs Publllh« Gina Alexander, Loff Andarlon. TONYOOD£RO Dani.I Hunt. P1ul Saltowla, Editor Daniel Stellenl JUD'( OCTl1NO NlWISTAff Advan~ Director O..,. lhanlctt I LANA NION Clime Ind C0\11'9 repoftef, PromotioNI Direct« 19491 574-029 EDmNOSTAff dHpa bMr111h•i.t1maaom l.J.c.hn JuNC 119Mda M1nag111g Editor, Newpott Budl repor\4W, 1949167 ..... 233 (948) 57"-4232 1.J ~hn• ,.,,,,,_com )Un&.~ln<#.l«Jnw.com DIMtla Ooua.t Oty Edt10r. ~ ....... (9it9J 764..c:J2A Column'-', oulture ~. <»MD./IOUI« "*'-.com (949) i74-U11 ...... Dunn IOllt1.1Y,,,.,-•lldtrle9.com SJ)Oftl Editor, 0..... ,..,,., ...... 1949157 ..... 223 Co1t1 Meel 1"8pOfUW, (NI) 67"-4221 ridWd dunn•JM.lm. CXlln JoM;J ...... dlltdla~tl,..__com M Oirec1or I Newt o.t Chief, .... O"Nll (9491 574...U2A Edvc:MIOn ~. (949) &?....-}oi9.M111ro.t11«1m-.oom ,,,,,,,."'*'.~ ~~ ....... Photo Editor. New. ll8ltltllnt. (949) 6'7"-4291 (9481114""361 le."'-'*" Jlt.imet.com mw.~•~.eom FOR A GOOD CAUSE Richard Chee se & Lounge Against the Machine are performing the 16th annual Turkey Bash organized by the Red Wagon Foundation tonight at the Hard Rock Cafe in Newport. A day for a Turkey Bash W hat do UttJe red wagons, a perfectly browned rurk.ey, turntables and a giant electric guitar have in common7 Why, the 16th annuaJ Turkey Bash of course. TonJght, at the Hard Rock Caf~ in Newport Beach. Red Wagon Foundation will hold llB tracUtJonal Thanksgiving party complete with performances by Rkhard Oteese and Lounge Against the Machine. a deejay-mixing up the hottest grooves on the music scene -and dozens or 21-and-over revelers in the Orange County area. The Red Wagon Foundation has been rocking Tha.nlcsglving eve for years and combining a good cause with an out and out good time. Th1s year, the money rabed will benefit the Big Brothen and Sisters of Orange County, said Michael Smith. an area busJnes.vnan and co-founder of the Red Wagon Foundadon. -The night will be full of fun and all for a good cause,• Smith said. Smith and friend Richard Allred started the foundation as a way to "give back• to the community and Invest in the leaders of tomorrow, he said. As a result. the Irvine-based charity raises funds Cora variety of different ca~ that promote the positive development of youth FYI What The 16th annual Turkey Bash Wh4"1: 8 p.m. tonight Wh .... : Hard Rock Cafe. Newport Beach Cost: $25 tax deductible tickets at the door lnfonnatlon: Call Michael Smith at (949) 250-031, ext 3018 through education, mentoring, athletics and the arts. Last year the event raised $25,000, Smith said. lbnlght they hope to top that number and give a big lump sum 10 mentoring programs at the Big Brothers and Sisters organization. And where exactly does the wagon come in7 ls It used to truck the money raJsed to its destination? No. A red wagon is one of the most simple, yet endearing ~bols or childhood, Smith explained. The lght or mention of one conjures up Images or a fun ride along the neighborhood streets. or a carefree youth. For too many children, however, those days are rare or nonexistent and the focus o( the foundation is to help provide that type of happy-go-lucky attitude that should be lnhe~t In being a kid. -Lolita llarper NEIGHBORS Maflne CofPI Pvt. Juon G. DeeN, a 1997 graduate of Newport Harbor High, recentJy graduated from the Ught Almored Vehicle ~lrman Courae. Deere received Jllltrudion on trouble-shooting, repair and inspection of light armored vehldet that provide Infantrymen wtth the capability of performing offensive and defensive milSiona requiring agility •nd fire power ... M.nn. CofPI Pvt. Noe G. Eahduyata, aon of .iu.... end VlctlOffno &tr9de of Costa Mea, • 2003 graduate of Estancia High School, recentty ~ted 12 weeb of balk: training at Marine Corps Recruit Depot, San Diego •.• MlchHI •Mac.•Rocco of Costa M ... ,was telectedfor an lntemahlp by the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Am 81 part of Michael the Center's Vilar Institute Rocco for Arts and Management Rocco graduated from UCLA .. KevlnL Shannon, a resident of Costa Mesa, has been named Orange Coast College's "Faculty Member of Kevin l. Shannon the Year" for 2003-2004. Shannon teaches "elementary algebra; "intermediate algebra" and "statistics for teaching." OCC's entire staff voted on the selection. • NEIGHBORS spotlights achievements in the community Please direct noteworthy informatk>n to Luis Pena by fax at (949) 646-4170, or tend e-mail to luis.pena@latimes.com. GElTING INVOLVED • GEmNG INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For information on adding your organization to this list, call (949) 574~4298. NEWPORT BAY NATlJRAUST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to a81ist with naturalist-led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center is at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. (714) 973-6829. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERE CINEMA GUILD The Newport Beach Premiere Cinema Guild. which supports the Newport Beach Fiim Featival, la looklng for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic and cultural heritage in t he community and should have a love of cinema and• desire to raise awareneas of the film festival. (949) 253-2880. NEWPORT-MESA YMCA The YMCA needs• variety of general volunteer help. (949) 642-9990. Ptt01'00IW'ttER Copyright: No newt atoriea, SURF AND SUN Milt C. Dustin, Don l.Hdl, llluauationt, .clltorial m1ttar or K.-ntT~ ~ herefn ain be ~UOld without written WEATHER IOUth-feclng breaks aa the AfAD£RS H0'11JNE permission of c:opyrlght owner. FORECAST · underwhelming southwest (Mil 842-«188 awell peak.a. Don't eat too R9cord your oommants about the HOW lO Rl!ACH US Petc:hy fog wfll prwall In the much turkey. bec:aute thlng1 Dally Piiot Of nawa tips. ~ moming, but It ahoutd d .. r up should pidc up by Friday. ~ The Tlmee Ontnge County later on. Ught winds will be ~qualtty: Our adesr.. le 330 W. Bly St, Cotta (800) 2152-9141 af'OUl9d fOf' moet of the dey. WWW.Mlrfr#der.org Mala, CA 82827. Offlol hours .,. Achw1Wn9 Mondrf -fridey, UO a.m. • 5 p.m. 01111fted (949) M2·5e78 The~ wfU be from the Conecdot• ~ (948) 6'2..:n1 low to mid 80'1. The lows st TIDES It " the Piton pollcy to promptly • EdetolW night wtll be from 44 to 60. CIOn'9Ct all ln'Ofl of IU~. ,._. lnfiDfmdon: Todey should be the Jut dey "'-call (M8) 7M-4324. (949) &4Me80 WWW./M'l.noM.(l<JV of 7-foot morning high tldn ,.,. lportl (9491574-4223 and the poqibillty of minor Nawtr.(949)&1M170 BOATING tkSal overflow. However, the Thi Newport BMc:hlColtl Mell 1pcM1s ru (9491 e&0-0110 Defly "6ot (USPS-1~1 Ii E-m.1: dllllypllot•latl"*-com FORECAST Nstk>nal 'NNtMr SeMce says publilhad deity. In NewPort Budl Malf\Olb that homtc>WM,. In low-tying and Colllit Meta; tubtcriptione .,. ...... <>Moe (948) 842"'321 WM1 wfnda Will be from 10 coeattl .,.... ahould monitor ........ ,_ (941) 131 7129 to 15 lrnoca on the Inner wmtert. their pre>p9fty. ~only by eubacribing to The Tonight. the wfnda Wiii be out Tlmee Or.nge County 18001 Ill• of the l'IOf1hwelt end TIMe HellM 252-8141. In.,... outllda of eventuarly becori'ie v•riable. 3'.37 a.m. 2.~fettlow N9wpcHt 8eld't Ind C0«.8 Mala. Out fefi'ler, wtndi wtl .,. 10:001.m. a.nr..chlQh IUbaortpdonil to the Dally Piiot .,. from 21to36 ~out of the &34p.m. •1.19fwtloW Mlltabfe Only by firlC daiae 1'1\111 for northweet. Tonight, the windl 12:28p.m. 3..711-tNgh '30 par month. (P'riote lnctUde 811 Publlthed by Tll'M9 Community wMI cetm a bh. :l!:. wevee ~--•ndlocel'8xaa.J NMe. • dlvlaion of the Loe Angalel and ewefl will I . WATER POSTMASltR. Send~ Timaa ~toThe~ C2003 nme; CN AM rigM8 SURF TEMPERATURE leec:M:'*8 Meta Daly "tot. P.O. lolc 1MO. Colca ~CA t282e. ~- ot a.dltobelp .... [ .. ..... ....,"' ........ ._. __ -~--­.. ID die 'In•' 11 u811D&l.-~lt ~~...,___ .... *-•a--. Omli tn ca... ..... Wiil .... ,_.ID 1M Bawp" COid W7 ........ ... &nm••...._ ... . Iha ......... .... Gard~mllilia Ana WUa\ be avdlble uadl~3. The 0.-.... aiuft:h .w •.. cbe _ liomn..a lhiouata Prtday In lieu of die Saiila Ana Annory. The Good Samarilan OWrcb in Wdtinlmter wlll terw ., a abeher &om s.Rinlay until the ~ 1\ieaday. the Pulleiton Anl)ory WQ1 be aVdablt for tbe entire duntiOn Of the pro· pm: The sOC:fety wanted to start the program eartY this year due to the COid we.dw, the ~ de- Dwid and the Med, program director Scon Mather said. It wu able to dO ao becauae it raJ8ed some additional fUnds. aild because churc:ties UM The Cn»M· . me '-offered their h04pi· talify, Mather added. "We were deaperately looking for *>mewbere ud 1he Croeaing kindly atepped up arid aald we could uae their slte, • Matherwcl The .odety ueea bUMS to pick up the homeh;.a at vmoua lo· cadona. POr the Slant.a Ana Armory the bu& stope at two apota In Salu. AnL '.Ibey get ~ otr at the abeJ. ten In the evening and are~ up In thi momtng: WbUe they are at die armory, ~ re- cetve a bot meal and can ~ lilfonilatton from vanoua medkal and aerilce orpniudona. -I>Wdrc NllAll'll4n D:>ughnut shop opens in Newport ~PY Kreme dougb- nuta opened II• first branch in Newport Beach on Tuesday at 1be Bluffs Shopping Center at 1Sl6 Bison Ave. The store will be open from 6 a.m. to 9 p.m. Mond,i.y through Friday, 1 a.m. to 9 p.m. on Sat· utday and 7 a.m. to 8 p.m. on Sunday. The popular national chain opened lta first atore In California In 1999. Senior center holds luncheon 1be eo.ca Mesa Sen· k>r Center la hocttn1 Jta annual~ liancheon today featur~ ~ nmey. ·~ IDMbed JM.)tatoes. . vea· ....,._ aUberry eauc:e and pwnpktil ~ Rel· imdlDna.,. n,qwnd. Tbe lunc:beon, lpOD• .arwd by SUrll SlDgh of Anle_l'a Auto S,.. COIU $2 and will take place from U:45Lm. to I p.m. (949) 645·2356. AIM GPDROLll fMltl7MMI fll: ... , ., .... Learning life lessons Davis Education Center students get classes on free enterprise, the economy and life in business . M•rlaaO'Nefl Daily Pilot BuddJng entrepreciew'I at Davis F.ducation Cen· ter got a lesson in btg business Tuesday during JunJor Achievement~ Representatives from Pepsi Co., spoke to stu- dents in each class about free enterprise. the economy and how busineues opemte. Visitors run the classes for half of the day using lessons that fol- low a curriculum set up by Junior Achievement. an organirJltion that teaches students about business and enterprise, and brings them together with wocking profesQonals. "These people come from all wallcs of life and do different jobs," Assistant Prindpal Judy Burgess said "It's good for tbeae students to have a role model gtvtng them then expertise.· Students learned about sales. advertising. mar- keting and the basics of starting a business. They also learned how to land the job they want, said Vice President and General Manager of Pepsi Bot- tling Craig Reese. MARK C. DUSTIN I DAILY PILOT Pepsi representative Robin Garity, left, keeps track of time while watching Peter Fitzpatrick, right, assemble pens during a hands-on production demonstration. ln his dap, students went through the applica· don process, job qualifications and conducted mock interviews, showing examples of the good, the bad and the ugly of job-seeking. Saying you like to sleep late and play video games all day is not going to get you that dream job, Reese warned. view are still years ~y. Reese said that early preparation will help cement their learning. "We tell them that those behaviors and attitudes start today," be said. "This is really good because we get to learn what It's like in the real world," said 9·year·old Hayley Price, who wants to be a children's therapist But even people who work. for a multi-national conglomerate like Pepsi realize that elementary school students can be a tough crowd. The students caught on quickly and pointed out mistakes in the "bad~ interview. "They did a fake interview," explained 9-year-old Adam Stanton. who wants to be a computer tech· nician. "The lady walked up to the manager and was chewing gum. We mentioned that that was rude." Although the working world and first job inter- "People who have been in sales for 30 years still get nervous talking to kids," Reese said. "They can do presentations in front of 400 people, but when you get in front of 20 fourth-graders. that's a differ- ent story." Shoppers keep eyes on shelves Addition of Teamsters to grocery store strike worries some customers as the holidays near. Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot The holidays may be difficult this year for everyone affected by the labor dispute between gro- . cery clerks and three major gro- cery chains. The strike and lockout of United Food and Commercial Work.ers union members Is now in its seventh week. On Monday when picket lines were extended to include distribution centers for Albertsons, Ralphs and Vons stores, Tuamsters who drive the stores' trucks honored the strike and stopped deliveries. "We think it's great," said Holly Swedelson, a grocery checker who has been locked out of Costa Mesa's AJbertsons store on Harbor BouJevard. Swedelson and her co-workers held a candlelight vigil Monday night outside the store as a qui- eter alternative to a rally. She said the vigil was "for world peace and to let us go back to work and be with our families and get everyone back on track.• On Tuesday, not even holiday necessities were drawing shop- pers to Vons on 17th Street in Costa Mesa, where about 20 workers were pick.edng in a nearly empty parking Jot. "With the Teamsters going out. we feel good.• head meat cutter Nancy Martensen said. While few shoppers have been visiting the store. Martensen said it's frustrating when they do. "It's a slap in the face espe- cially the people you know." she saJd . The union already had dis- cussed extending the picket lines but held off while negotia- tions were taldng place. Local 324 representative Frank Sim- kins said. "The (employers! decided they didn't want to budge on any of the issues," he said. After striking for seven weeks, he said, "a postponement is not acceptable." But Albertsons spokeswoman Stacia Levenfeld said it was the union that ended the latest round of bargaining by an- nouncing they wouJd extend the pickel lines. "The unJon has again demon- strated that staging events and attempting to increase incon- venience to our customers is more important than focusing on the real issues that would re- solve this labor dispute." she said. To minimize the effect on cus- tomers, Albertsons set contin- gency plans in motion Sunday night. Levenfeld said. "We'll continue to supply our stores," she said. "Customers in our stores will find the products that they're loolcing for their holiday dinners." Shopper Donna McKinnon of Costa Mesa said she stopped at Vons on Tuesday for a few holi- day items and the store shelves were well stocked. Though she used to shop at Vons several times a week, she said she stayed away as long as possible because of the pickets. "l had a big freezer that was well stocked so I thought, 'I can ride this thing out,'" she said. "I felt bad crossing the picket line . but I thought. 'I had to get this stuff.'" Down the street at Ralphs. Ann Norman of Newport Beach said she found everything she needed in the store. "When the Teamsters joined I thought, 'Uh oh, there's not go- ing to be any stock.'" she said. "I was surprised. Everythjng was well stocked. The clerks were nice.• A statement from Albertsons said no further talks were sched- uJed as of Monday night. and Simkins said union members are prepared to picket for "as long as it lakes.· Wednesdciy, November 26. 2003 A3 (AVfuN.S 'EL :&giCIIlTO BANQUET ROOMS Available for £\;;,~ fe~tive P ~rties ! THAllSGIVING SALE Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday & Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••QuaJj1y Service• .. .. ~Nigbdy Enterta.inmmt•• • I ;,,. lltt.1·11·'1ti1111" <id/ (949 ) 646-7944 ,,,.,, l1 vuu· ;\\4'•1 c·.,"·' ,\.h,·,u l 11•rH, •• 9"'\nl \\ia '91 ht1•t• '\ }O. II-.. It ... P"' " l· \H Tilo's European Autohaus and Robin Hood Auto Brokers Have Teamed Up To Offer You The Best Service! 18+ Years Experience Rare, Hard to Find Cars ts Our Specialty Call Dave Schneider 949.650.2222 Orange County Tuamsters Lo· cal 952 President Bob Hahn was at the Albertsons distribution center in Irvine on Monday, where workers began picketing at noon. He said about 700 em· ployees at the Irvtne facility, in· eluding more than 200 drivers. are affected by the extension of pick.et lines. Give one boo1t OUT schools get two. Daily A Pilot M ~. November 26, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COITAmM .... _ ...... _ NI' ••" ........ SM of dn'91WM~M11:11 p.m. Sunct.y • • ........ -....: P,9ay ~ ... ~ lnthl 3300 blodc. 1:21 p,m 8'lndlY ....... lloed:An *"'°U'91 Mt F9P0"9d In the 2700 bloci .. 2:27 p.m. ~ . • tWbor '°*-* '-¥ lhtft WM rtPOf'8d In the 3000 bioct .c •:42 p.m. $undtv • • NNpaft~ Grend U,.ft from e vehldHIMI r1IPOft9d In the 2200 btcx* .C 4:23 p.m, Sundfy, • .,_, 1ad8'Net: Vand.illtm wtl l'9p0rted In the 200 bloct .c t-.38 p.m. Sunday, • We9t W"9on StrMt: Ari UMUlt WU ... ported In th• Warning pulled from pan of beaches About b.alf the num1* of warning lgna that we.re ~ttd SUnda.y on local l>Nches warning the public about high le\ of bacterla In the water wtm takl-n out on f\JeSJay, Newport Bach Ufegub.!d 1.t. Boyd MlckJey iaw. Health officials hlld tn- auucted lileguaid.s to pott the algn1 ilong th coast late Sunday n1omlng after t)\cy ALLOWED Conbnued from Al follo1vir1g. 771e dance, tl1e "wrkey trot," tooS Mmtd after my ancestors and Nell Armstrong's first mMI on the moon uw turkey Did you know that June is nalional turl.:ey 104/ers momll7 11wt's rlgllt, a wlwle month just for us. My ona unsightly, pale frame can now bt bron.ud to a <klickm.s, golden sli.ade Cone arr tllose Itchy. annoyingfeatl1ers. as the gobblers offer frtt plucking to the "tile cllose11 ones." And tlUJJJks to aduanamena In h1rl.ey breeding 1eclmology, I lam'f' grown lmmerwly, causing TTW to fall 011t.1r at tlrrw because I'm top hetwy I admit, It ls a tad annoying. but 1Wf« /11.ttMd of btmg the la.st turkey in the coop to be picked I am flnt m I/tie. Ready for my clotf' up -my day in tlie s1m, er. OL~n. Well. you b10w wluu I fnMn On 17rursday. / w/11 be the crntt'r of attt>ntfnn 17,,. pltt't' de re.si.stanCf' I will '"" pamperrd, batlrt>d and massaged. I will receit't' t/11• latest rn exfollating salt rul" and aroma tl1empy treatrrients My /mas will pact' anxiously abom tlie kltcfiett. tending to my t>very nred. Even tl1e men in tile living room wfll tum tllefr attmfion from tile football game to clreck on my pmgrrss W1um tM primping is tl1rougl1 and I mnu my <kbut, peopl1 wtll gasp. n1ey will clirer. And tl1ey will.clap at tire slgllt of my toned a11d trim body. fNrfoctly perc/Jtd on display. Pamek1 Atu.krson Ml yo11 '1oon out No Mriou.sly. dl111t rlglu in 11iat's wily I"'" l1ere Treat me like '"' pi«e of meot T 1tw mMJll IO be This is my true ailllrig. My reason for living. I am the st.or of 11umksgi11it1g and I am proud co take tliat ftnnl amain call. LDUTA HARPER writes columM Mondava, Wedn .. day1 1nd Fridays She may be rudled et (9491574,..276 or by •m•ll at folit1.harr»r•l•tlrna.c:om. lacolMll' s """"-" lnllfMt cmss .95~ ~ snur sonwME ~ mom~ ta & easy1 'M m• Wlhlnon, lnstont ~ anil men! ........ Acaiil • Sip u, o..11111 www.localnet.com :" •. .. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND lOWN ltema to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Coate MeH, CA 92827; by •mall to lula.,,.n••t•tlme1.com; by fa)( to (949) 848-4170; or by calling (949) 57._..2~. Include the time, date and location of the event, 11 well 11 a contact phone number. TODAY The Costa MMe Senl« c.nw will be celemtlng Thanksgiving with a hom..a>c>ked meal. The event la sponsored by Su..-1 Singh of Angel'• Auto Spe. The colt for th• event la $2 per peraon. The C09t to b9com• a member of the center la $18. Information: (949) 846-2356. FRfDAY There wiU be a~­ Thanklglvlng aale at the Orange County Market Place from 7 1.m . to 4 p.m. at the Orange County F11rground1. Admlaalon will be free. There will be an artiaana' and creftera' comer. photo• with Santa Claus and seaaonal entertainment SAT\JROAY Th• 0...nge County Colony of Mayflower OelQendanta will have It• annual Compact Day Luncheon at 10:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn 3131 SoU1h Brl1tol, Costa Meu. Attyone who 11 descended from one of the 26 known head• of famlllM can join. Information: (949) 648-6871, http:l!Wwwocm.tytfower.orp. SUNDAY The 0,.,. County ehapt9r of the Swedleh Women'I Educational A.Ian. wlll heve lta annual SWedlah Chtlatm .. event. whlc:h promotes Swedlah tradition• at 11 a.m. In the Costa M.., Neighborhood community center, 1&46 Part Ave. The coat will be $2 for c:hlld111n younger than 16 end $6 for edulta and older teen.gera. Information: (9'9) 786-2734, http://www. dl•pte~.orplonngecounty. MONDAY South eo..t Plue wfll hew "- 21st ennual Tree-lighting Ceremony at 6 p.m. at Town Center Partt, edjeoent to the w.atln South Coeat Plaza. The 90-foot white fir will be adorned by 15,000 llghta. The ceremony wlll fNture the All Amerlcen Bov- ChoN1 end en eppearence by honortry emcee, Jennifer Yortc from IC'TlA·TV. A rnMtlrle In 9UPPOf1 of Oemocmlc Pf'99fdentlel candfdlte W.11-v K. Cleric will be held It 7 p.m. It the Herp IM, 130 E. 17th St.. Col1a Meu. VoluntMt'I will lhe111 lnfo""atlon end Cllftc"e po.Jtfona on key 1--. lnfomlltfon: lnfo•votuntMrlfol'c:lllft.com. llttp:/Mww.mHtup.oom. OEC.3 TheAnO-IAT movement wt1 hold e mMdng fTom 7 to 8 p.m. fn the AS8 room at Cofone del Mar High Schoof. Thete wlll be guest tPMt ..... en open foNm for oom"*"S end quedone, end an outline fOr l~ig tducetlonelrefofm.Studentt. pertntl, end~ ere w.icom. to tbnd. lnformtdon: Amandi""* ............. , 7tt-17Se. OOUGlAS ZIMMERMAN I DAILY PILOT Eva Lopez grabs a box of Thanksgiving supplies of food while her sister Oralia Lo~z (left) holds the turkey. Eva's son, Alexis, 4, is next to her. Boxes at thanksgiving meals were handed out to families in need by the CM900 Club. DINNER Continued from Al Coast Plaza. Penjoyan Produce and the Orange County Market- place. DEC.4 The Orange County Chapt9r of Childhelp USA will have a hollday boutique and luncheon at 10 e.m . in the Hyett Regency, 17900 JamborM Blvd., Irvine. For reservations contact Nancy Whltlodt at (949) 648-4228. The Chudc Jon• Gallery In the Atrium Court of Fashion Island will preaent an exhibition of ert of the 1nim1ted film ·or. Seuss' How the Grinch Stole Christm11· with voice actress June Foray and animation producer end director Phil Roman. The uhlbltlon will be from 5 to 8;30 p.m. The gallery is at 401 Newport Center Drive. lnformetion: (949) 759-0758, http:l!Www.dludr.jonn.com. The 0nnge County Coelttton for Youth will holt •Let Your Voice Be Heard· from 4:30 to 8 p.m . at the Cotta Meu Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Park, Costa Meu. The event la to let youth voice their concerns, talk about Issues and to Influence policy decl1ion1. Information: rle@tldd.ca.gov. DEC.6 The Costa Meaa Men's Club will 1ponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview DeveloPmental Center at the Co1t1 Meaa Golf & Country Club. The entrance fee will be $70 today and $135 for both d1y1. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903-9090 Waldorf School will present its Winter Featlval from 3 to 6 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Drive. There will be eeaaonal craft making, music, theater and lntematlonel food. There will be a nominal charge at the gate. Information: (949) 574-n34. The Angeletaa Prayer Bt'Nldut will be after the 8:30 e.m. mass at Our Lady Ouffn of Angeles, 2046 Mar VlstAt Drive. The preyer breakfast will feature guest speaker Madeline Tucci Tannehill, founder of •Gary'a Place for Kida. There will be a polnHttie plant sale after the brealcfeat. The brealcfaat la sponaoted by the Caaa Teresa Founder. Guild. The cost I• e $16 donation. Information: (949) 640-0886. The c.t Fenders Aun. will have a d\amplonahtp end houNhold pet cat ahow from 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. at the Orange County Felr 81 Expoaftion Center. The event will future up to 225 of the wor1d'• flnett pedigreed Cit• will be there along with reecue ceu end klttena loolclng for a home. Information: (868) 465-9390. Nltlonel Unlwtelty't Center for Cultural end Ethnic StudlM wlll pf'Mtnt *The Allure and Slgnlftcenoe of Body Alt from 10-.30 1.m. to 12:30 p.m. It Nattonel UnlWralty, 3390 Herbor Btvct Information: (714) ~ tzuU.•nu.~. OEC.7 The Olw'lt County ... Place wlll hold Its foUrth 1nnuel Holiday C.r Show end~ C.r lrMtetlonal from 7 1.m. to 3 p.m. at the Oringt County Falrgroundt. ~ Wiii be Cluatc c:ere, motorcvctM Ind ttuc:b decomtd fOr the hOfkMya. ni.r. wltt "'° .,. pedal Cltt end d\lldrtn'I pedel cer rtCM. Thirt "It's a great way to get into the holiday splnt, for sure," saJd Jeff 'Thller, Marketplace presidenL Shalimar serves about 300 families with an after-school progn.m on the Westside, but could only provide meals for 125 of them. Rocle llarbor OlUrch will 1110 be holiday entertainment end outdoor shopping. Information: The Cat Fenden Aun. will have a champion1hip and household pet cat ahow from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & E)(posltlon Center. The event will feature up to 225 of the world's finest pedigreed cat.a wlll be there along with reaeue cata end kitten• looking for a home. Information: (858) 466-9390. The Costa M ... Men's Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center et the Colta Mesa Golf & Country Club. The entrance fee will be $75. Information: (949) 845-2886,(949) 903--9090 The aeventh annual S.lbo1 laland Walking Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa Island. Tlctcets oost S20. Information: (949) 673-4280. City of Newport hach 14th annual Winter Wonderland will happen from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m . at Grant Howland Park. 6th Avenue and Iris Avenue. There will be over 30 tons of snow dumped onto the ground• for the enjoyment of the community. There will be activities sud\ as winter carnival games along with Santa. Information: (949) 644-3151. DEC.10 Body DesJgn wW oh' a free seminar and demonstration on the latest tectmology on cellulite treatments from 7 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Drive. The event Is presented by Mary Oellene, a massage therapist. Information and registration: (949) 722·3556, getfit@~ign.tv. DEC.11 The Campu1 COlleaou• of Orange Cont College wlll hofd a lundleon to ralae funda for the OCC Disabled Studenu Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will be •n1•rtalnment provided by 1Vf er Hoff and t<Jro Kiro, who will be playing with the Harry end Grece Stoel• Children Cent9r. The co.t la $9.50 per peraon. Information: .i..ndardtlnt•hotm•ll.com. OEC.12 Feehlon laland end Star 98.7 Radio will ~ a holiday toy drive from 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. In Bloomlngdele't Courtyard. CUstomera are encoureged to drop off an unwrepped new toy to be pieced under the Faahlon Island Ctu1stm81 trH. Information: (949) 721·2000. http:/Awtw.thopfaahionlll•nd. com. The R.nex lympethedo O,ltl~ frlend9 auppon group will meet at 7 p.m. It Cocos, 2760 Harbor Btvd., Cotta MeM. lnformetJon: (949) 650-1212, (714) ~1.84()0. DEC.21 '9lhloft "1llnd will ho.t ltl tnnutl M9north Ughtfng CeremOnv It 3 p.m. at Bk>omlngdele'a Courtyard. The fWnt Will be *'9d by Rabbi Atuven Mintz of ~ Chabed JMleh Center In Ntwp0rt BMd\. lnfonnatfon: (949) 721.:zooo. htrpi~.ahop fHlllonl~oom. will take care of the rest for Thanksgiving. sald Lindsy Pi.ke, the center's director. Pike said she was grateful for the CM900 club's generosity. "Its a great opportunity to bring the community together and get some new faces on the COUNCIL Continued from Al did refer it to [the Environmental Quallty Affairs Comminee1: Wood said. That committee examined the environmental study on the Pa- cific City project and wrote the comments that CJty Council members will sign off on as their own. Besides traffic. Newport Beach's comments also question whether the environmental BRAWL Continued from Al Maris was booked on an as- sault with a deadly weapon charge, but the Orange County Dis trict Attorney filed one count of attempted murde r on Tues- day after looking at a report about Lopes' injunes, Birney said. He said several homeless peo- ple in the city get involved in fights and cause distuibances, but it seldom escalates to this point. "The type of mcidents we often come across are where they are combative or are in- volved ln some type of assault," he said. Such incidents involving the homeless do occur from time to time In the city. On Nov. 10, 2000, police arrested a 39-year- old homeless man on suspicion of bludgeoning to death another transient. The 47-year-old dead BURGLARIES Continued from Al neighborhood," he saJd. HUnfor- tunately we're having a string of problems. We have to stay vtgi- lant as a community, look out for each other and make sure we put an end to IL· Robert Thomas, who hu lived on Port Carlisle Place (or about 30 years. sa.ld he Is "surprised" to hear about the burglaries. "In all the time I've !Md here, I've heard about lnddents here "Employee. ,. "Empkado." street." Pike said. •Families are able to enjoy meals that might not otherwise.· • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (949) 574-4221 or by &-mail at delrdre.newman (§lat/mes. com study adequately considers the project's possible effects on air and water quality. For example. Newport Beach Is also taking the liberty of correcting projected populadon figures in the docu- ment, and suggesting that the developer use porous pavement whenever possible ln order to prevent runoff into the ocean. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covera Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at /une.casagrande<!!latlmn.com. man was found in some bushes in a commercial area Harbor Boulevard. On Oct. 9, 2001. a quarrel over sleeping space among a group of homeless people escalated when one man pulled out a knife and stabbed another man multiple times. ln that case, however, the injuries were not life threatening. Marls Is being held In Orange County jail In lieu of a $50,000 bail, according to information posted on the Orange County Sheriff's Web site. He was re- leased from the jail barely a day before he got arrested again, the Web site showed. Maris had been arrested pre- viously on Oct. 15 for disorderly conduct and releated on Satur- day morning. three days before his sentence ended. • OE£PA BHARATH covers public safety and courta. She may be reached at (949) 574-4226 or by •·mall at deepa.bharath@latlmes. com and there, but never somethlng so serious that police have to is- sue alerts; he said. The police department will also conduct home security in- apectlons on request, he said. Those lnterested are asked to call (949) 644-3669. Anyone with in- formadon about the reported in- cidents are asked to call (800) 550-6273. • DUM IHARATH cove,.. public aafety end court1. She may be reached et (949) 674-4228 or by e-mail at clHpe.bN,.thOl•tlmn. com. · ''Arbtit~hmtr: " •'Employ/." , ! I I "'I ' . I • I ' I ' , ) : ,' I I WednesdaY, November 26, 2003 AS .. .. FORUM HOW TO GET POIUSHED -t.a.n.: Mall to Editorial Pege Editor S.J. C.hn et the Oelly Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Coate Mesa, CA 92627 • ~ Hotllne: Call (9491 842-6086 Fu: Send to (9491 646-4170 &m.ll:s.nd to dallypllot<fllatlmn.com • All correspondence must Include full name, hometown end phone number (for verification purpose&). The Pilot reaerves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. • t ti. ~· • • • .. ., • ) I I • I COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Thanks for the smiles and help in the aisles , By Sue Cl8fk 17th Street: He lcnows most of the customers and his irrepressible good nature shines through each transaction. about food.) .. I'm grateful for the local businesses and employees who • love their jobs and take pride in them. lt's so appealing to see a peison who ls cheerful, interested and professional. no matter what their occupation. They aren't afraid to chat briefly with a customer. while not keeping the next one waiting too long--a special art. They pick up the phone but tell the person on the other end that they have a customer (me) and may they call back. They put their personal problems on bold and maintain a cheerful demeanor. Ruben at Sav-On in the Costa Mesa Counyatd by 24 Hour Fitness: He is funny, kind and outgoing and makes buying shampoo an occasion. Jilleen at Ralph's on lrvine Avenue: l miss her; I have never seen her have a bad day. and her charm lights up her customer's day. l hope the strike will end soon, Jilleen. The staff at Mongolian Barbeque are pro mpt and positive -add to that the food. Yum. Mepbisto's Shoes on Westcllff Drive: They know what artlvitic o.r sore feet are like, and they care. They also gjve you a small bottle of Penier while you try on shoes. I wish I could say Mephisto's are inexpensive, but they are not. However. you get what you pay for and they know what you need. Panda Express by Home Depot: Good food, professional clerks and pride in their establishment. These are only a small part of wonderful professional folks in the communlty. My "pleb• are in a small comfort zone where I shop. You will know yours. and you know they type of employees and owners to which I refer. They radlate charm and pride in their work. They make buying a doughnut a happy occasion. and recommending lrung-pao chJcken a serious matter. Here are a few with which I've been impressed in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach: the councer clerks at Wmchell's Donuts on 17th Street: They keep the place spotless and are impeccably polite. I can tell they have pride in the store. Richard at Diedrich Coffee on Kazu at Otoito on 17th: Kazu is unfailingly polite whlle offering delicious, ine~ensive food and quick service. Seaside Donuts on the Newport Pier: I wallc.ed in IO years lacer, after living near there, and Carl still remembered me. I couldn't believe it. (Gee most of these seem to be I am grateful for all of them. HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES STATE SENATE Rosa Johnson (R). 35th OIS1rlct. 18662 MacArthur Blvd .. Suite 395, Irvine. cA 92715, (949) 833-0180; fax: (949) 833-0696; Presa Secretary Pat Joyce, (916) 323-1200 STATE ASSEMBLY John Cempbell (R), 70th District, State Cepitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (91 6) 319-2070 E-mail: district70@assembly.ca.gov Ken Maddox (RI. 68th District, Stat~ Capitol, Sacramento. CA 95814, (9161(916)319-2068; Or local offioe at 1503 South Coast Drive. Suite 205, Costa Mesa 92626; (714) 688·2100; Fax: (714) 668·2104 E-mail: Ken.Msddox@asm.ca.gov STATE COASTAL COMMISSION 45 Fremont St., Suite 2000, San Francisco, CA 94105, (415) 904-5200; regional office in Long Beach, (310) 590-5071 GOVERNOR Amold Scnwarzenegger (R), State Capitol, Sacramento, CA 95814, (916) 445-2841; fax: (916) 445-4633 E-mail: govemor@govemor. ca.gov Read Newport-Mesa Aie you concerned about the low test scores at o ur schools in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach? During the past four years, the efforts of the Daily Pilot and the Rotary dubs of Newpon-Balboa, Newport Irvine and Newpon Bea.ch Sunrise in support of the Lot Angelu Tunes Reading by 9 program has raised more than $24,000, including $1 0,000 from Daily Pilot readers co deliver 16,500 books co kindergarten ch rough crurd grade students at Pomona, Whittier and Wilson Elemencary Schools. These schools have the highest percentage of limited-English speaking students and lowesc test scores. The Daily Pilot and the rhree Rotary Clubs are launching a campaign chis fall with $6,800 com mitted by clubs, co be matched by an cquaJ amount from Daily Pilot readers chat combined, wiJ I purchase an additionaJ 7,800 books for the three elementary schools. The real difference in improving reading skills is you, your employees, or members! Join the Daily Pilot in a new program. Rut/ Newport-Mes11 by giving one how of your time, once or twice a month during the school day, readi ng to students at either Pomona, Whittier or Wilson Elcmcncary Schools. Make a company, club, community group or congregation commitment to Rvul N""J'Ort-Me111 and encourage imcrcsced employees and members ro take an how once or twice a month to read to students at one of the three elementary schools. They can do it on their tun~ hour, coffee break tim~ or during work hours .. Companies, d ubs, community groups and congreganons that make a commitment to RllUI NftVJ>ort-Meu will be recognized in the Daily Pilot during the school year. Students arc available for RllUI NftVJ>~MeM beginning at 8: 15 a.m. uncil 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. It's easy, it's fun an d it's very important if we arc to help students master reading by the age of 9 and become produetivc citizens of our community. It's easy for you, your employ~cs or members co panidpatc. Just call one of the three schools lisrcd below and 1denafy yoursdf as a RllUI NntljJort-MnA volunteer, identify th~~ and rune you have available and you will be scheduled with a classroom er at the school you called. The teacher will hdp you get sWtcd and provide Reading by 9 books to we with the srudcncs. Pomona -(949) 516-6980 Whittier -(949) 515-6990 Walaon -(949} 515-6995 _Yes, count on-----------co support .RuJ Ntt!port-Mu.. Yournamc~~~~~~__;.~~~~~~Phone ~~~~~~~~~- PAX ____________ E-mail _________ _ FAX this fonn to (714) 921-86SS. For more information, call Jim de Boom at (714) 921-8665. ReaJinS al Daily.APilot .. ._. ... Mother is proud of her son's stand on stamp Wrong or right, 1 had to JOt down my thoughts on the stamp fiasco. Wee It or not, in my opinlon, ltl about foreigners coming lo Amer ica and agreeing with a young woman's pathetic stamp idea. What will be next? Shame on Americans. Where is your loyalty for ou.r forefathers? They left England for religion with God at the head , not man. I'm very proud of my sort Russell Niewiarowald for standing up for the truth. The Bible says the truth will set you free. MARGARET NIEW1AROWSKI Santa Ana Heights lue red light cameras really worth it7 In my opinion. absolutely. Red light running is not the exception but the norm in Newport-Mesa. This anti-social, potentially lethal lawlessness is seemingly acceptable by other drivers. I am the only one 10 react (my beloved morher-in-law having been Jcilled by a red-light runner who got off with a fine) and I usually receive a curse and the one-digit salute in return. I only hope that the cameras have a sobering effect on scoff laws. bring in lots or money and, perhaps, prevent many accidents and the loss of lives. WALL.ACE WOOD Costa Mesa I am writing in response to All1son Spousos' letter about the people behind the picket line. After reading her very well-written article. ail I could think. was "wow.~ Her MAILBAG submJsslon so polgnat\tly stated the plight of the grocery store workers. I have yet 10 cross the picket line -formed just blocks rrom my house - due to the fact that r see all of the people she described on a dally basis. They are nice. hard-working people, who are crying co make it in this very expensive place we are so fortunate to live in, all the while making our lives that much easier. Her leuer hardly exhibits the "skilb" of 1he "unskilled worker." Kudos to Spousos. KEUI DAVIDSON Newport Beach Keeping drivers in check a is welcomed Re: Howard Nathanson ("O\eckpoints violate civil rights,·· Tuesday} may not Uk.e the checkpoints 10 check for driver's licenses and vehicle registration forms, but they are not, as he want:. readers 10 believe. a violation of civil righrs when they are conducted correctly My 7-year-old son and I had the opportunity to view rhe checlcpoinr on Fairview Road thal Nathanson commented on. The Costa Mesa Police Department Is lo be commended for running such a professional operation. Nathanson also tries to hnk this perfeccly legal and appropriate checkpoint with the Patriot Act, which many of us who care about civiJ liberties are concerned about. It doe:.n't fly. It's apples and pears. As one who is very concerned about civil rights, I told my son that the police should be counting cars and only stopping every car whose number came up. I suggested that they were probably stopping every tenth car. Thereafter, my son made a gBJTle of counting back in the line of cars to predict the next ones that would be stopped. The police were precise ln only stopping every tenth vehicle. Then. at one point, my son told me they weren't stopping the tenth car anymore. I suggested to my son that they had probably switched lo every flheenth car because o f the traffic. My son adjusted his count and that's exactly what the police had done. This precise counting puts such stops within the law and prevents officers from stopping people who they may just not like -for whatever reason. While we were watching, we saw no mistakes. Not one. We were also close enough to observe that the officers were polite and professional It's time we took drivers off the road who don't follow our laws. Those who don't have driver's licenses or registrations show a contempt for our laws that may carry over to other areas as well -such as speeding up and running red llghcs while honking their horns, which is now a common sight on Fairview Road. I hope the Costa Mea Police Departmenr has many more checkpoints on Fairview Road and in other parts of Costa Mesa as well. I would be only too happy to pull up and show them my driver's license, my registration, and my insurance card -if my vehicle was the tenth or fifteenth in the line of cars. If I'm stopped because the officers don't like the way 1 comb my hair or some other simUar thing, I'll be the first one to complain. M.H.MIUARO Costa Mesa Thanks to the efforts & contributions from the following , 125 local families will be enjoying Thanksgiving dinner this year. 2003 CM900 Thanksgiving FOOD DRIVE DONOR LIST McDaniel Builders Blue Vlolet Networks Rutan & Tucker South Coast Plaza CJ Segerstrom & Sons Newport Rib Co. OC Market Place LSA Assod ates Dally PJlot Comcast Cable Con ~ra Foods Pioneer Packing Orange Coast Jeep Theodore Robins Ford Golden Truffle Rainbow Magnetics Mesa Verde State Farm Ins. Country Club Smart & final Stater Bros. Markets Vons El Indio Toftl!lerla Penloyan Produce WARE Disposal Buddy Bearbower Gordon Bowley Dave Brooks Jim Dale Dr. Don Drake Dave Elliott lltn Ellis Werner Escher Jack Faulkner CM900 Members Ed Fawcett William lacoby lim Pooler Tom tohnson Jim Poteet Randy Garell Klaus Goedecke Manfredo Lespier Bob Robins David Grant Ed Lynch Tom Sargent Dr Steve Grant Bob McDaniel Clayton Shurley Gary Cray Patrick Munoz Dave Snowden Richard Ham Sean O'Connor leff Teller Gordon Hanscom Biii Pierpoint Fran Ursini Del Heintz Tony Petros QUOTE OF THE DAY '"It w1Un 't like we weren 't trying, but we just had no flow, no purpose. .. Pllt "oultMt, UC Irvine men'1 basketbal coach M Wednesday, Nowmblr 26, 2003 lpof1I £c11Dr ltlctwd Dunn: (949157..,.223 • lpof1I Fu: <9491650-0170 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY Pl.OT UCl's Greg Ethington batttes with two Stanford defenders. Bek>w, ucrs Adam Parada scores on a putback with teammate Stanislav Zuzak (12) elevating. UCI schooled by Stanford Cardinal's 11 -0 start is knockout blow; Anteaters vow to learn from Tuesday's setback. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot BREN EVENTS CPNI'F.R -ft was as ii the UC lrvtne men's bubtball team stepped from the tl~ff drde Into an alternate dimension ln Tues· day's 72-59 nonconference losa to visiting Stanford, before a capacity crowd of 5,000 Ill the Bren Bvents Center. Whlle Stanford (2·01 scored the Ont 11 polnta, lncludlng two dunks and a three·polnter, and the calm Cardinal players Oexed their obvious muscles ln full pump-up mode, the bom (2·2), like the rims they fired wildly at for most of the first half. appeared to shrivel into submis· slon. The Anteaters had clearly entered the blowout zone from whence, despite a meaningless final scoring surge. they would not escape. It wu 13·1, before UCI netted Its first Oeld goal, just more than four mloutes In. and two Outs Hernandez three·polntera gave the No. 20· ranked C&rdinaJ a 24-5 bulge, on the way to a 48·25 halft1me advantage. UCJ made just two of Its first 14 Oeld·goal attempts and finished 9 or 28 for the half (32.J ~). whJch ended on an &-0 Stanford run fueled by two more I femandez three balb. "They're a well-coached, seMC>ned team and we just are not at that level of development,· UCl Coach Pat Douglass said after becoming the Cardlnal'a 23rd straight Big West Con- fcmice vk:tim. •11 wasn't Uke we weren't trying. but we just had no o~ no purpose ... We dkln't have the structure and dbdpllne to play a team at that level· The Ust of UCJ shortcomings wu magnified In the presence or the con- Odent Cardinal. whim e:Jq>OUnded early upon Its 84-57 conquest or ua last year at Maples PavWon. ·1 don't know If (the bot start! took llOmething OUl of UC U much U it encouraged us,• Stanford Coam Mike MonqJomery said. "We were pl~ our Ont pme on the rold, without Josh (Oilldreaa, a preteUOn AlJ. American who aat out with a foot In· Jury!. Maybe ft WU a UttJe hangovet' from 1ut year, when we thwnped them pretty good.. Whatever the psychology, ua &hot 8Ye Jlrat.half aAr balls. with only a 7-0 run thilt bepn with 9:47 left before halftime to Item the bleed1ng. A Roa Schraeder three-pointer wfth 6:27 left ln the half pw I IOme- wNt dWhJlk>ned croWd the chance to l'Oll. Then. Adam ~ l&ofoot tt.lrl1aiound fade9way puDed the '!lat. en Within 27-19 wtth 5:58 left before the break. But Stanford. whJch sank 9 of 16 three-polnten, lnduding 6 or 7 by Hernandez, a 10phomore polnt guard who missed all oC last season due to Injury, hit three bombs to finish the half. It allo cashed ln 6 of 8 foul shots, most earned by some brulstng big men. Hernandez llnisbed with a game· high 22 polnta. while Parada (12), as well as Stanialav 7.uzak. Matt Okoro and Mike P!evberha (10 apiece) man- aged double ftgures for UCL Parada (5 of 9 from the Reid) was the only Anteater lo shoot better than break-even and he added a game· and le&tOO·hlah nine rebounds. He said his team should learn from Stan· ford's eense ot urgency. "They came out ltrOngel" than us.• Parada aak1 "We had aome K'J)'ll who were a Utde nttYOUS and we tried to • rush our shots. too much. (The c.ardi· nall bad only about four or Ow poues.. 8'oos that wee not up to par. They had • couple little lulls. but they brouaht the lntmaity beck up and we couldn't inatch It. This ls a great game for ut to learn bow hard we have to go.· NIMiell• •• ...... 72. UCIMMll ....... -o.vte 8, Robfn90n 5. Uttte 8. Hernandez 22. l.otllch 11, Wllhlngton •• IOn:tdw 8, Grunfeld 4, ~eu 3. 3-pt. goela. Hemtndez 8, l.octkn 1, Robfneon 1, w.hlligton 1. Fouled out • None r.mnic.11 • None UC IMM· Zudell 10. Okon> 10, ,.,_ 12. Gtoger 8, SdW'Mdel 3, E~ 10, ~ 4. Ethington 2. 3-pl. goelt • Zulek 2, EfM>eme 2. Sdw9dtr 1. Fouled out. NoM. ~-None. ~. •25. 9tlnford. UC h1ne senior center AcS.n Parldl ftnts a baseline shot over Stanford's Joe ~chafer in nonconference ac1ion TueSday night at the Bren Center. EYE OPENER • Daily.iJPi~. Spor'la Hal JF...e , ......... ~ Dec. 1 "°"°' .. 81.LWETZE.L BRIEFLY Newport rallies for victory Sailors' girls volleyball team sets up rematch with Mater Dei in regional semifinals. The Newport Harbor High girls volley· ball team dropped the first game, but rallied back to win, 22·25, 25-22, 25-21, 25-21 over host Scripps Ranch in the first round or the CJF State DMsfon IJ champion· ships Tuesdaf ln San Diego. The Sailors (26-6) will play at Mater Del. which swept Mt Whitney, Saturday at 7 p.m. ln the re· gionaJ semifin· a.ls. Senior Aly-Newport Harbor head son Jermings coach Dan Glenn recorded a team·blgb 14 kills to help lead the Sail· ors' comeback. while Emily Turner (nine kills), Lauren Miller (seven), Kiley Hall (five) and Thryn Tamutur (three) also contributed. KeWe King produced 25 assists and Jennings had 19. Miller's serving was also Import.ant, as she tallied seven aces. Scripps Ranch ended lts sea.son at 27·5. "We were playing a team that was coming off winning a CIF (San Diego Section) crown," Glenn said. "I thought we hung ln there and weathered the storm.• Sea Kings fall in San Diego • VOLLBYM.LL: The Corona del Mar High girls volleyball team saw its sea· son end as host University High of San Diego earned a 21 ·25, 25-15, 25-21, 25· 19 victory in the first round or the CIF State Division III championships Tues· day. University's Buring Rud finished with 10 kills. The Sea Klngs, Pacific Coast League runners-up, finish 21 -10 and placed second to Bishop Montgomery in CIF Southern Section Division fll·A. OCC sweeps in first round • VOLLBYMU..: Sophomore oppo· site Olrlstine Woller led all players wilh 16 kills to lead the Orange Coast College women's volleyball team to a 30-24, 30· 12, 30-26 win over visiting Long Beach Tuesday in the first round of the Southern California regional playoffs. Sophomore libero Melissa Sherman tallied a team-leadlng 13 dJgs while Woller amassed 11 dJ,gs and two aces to go with 11 kills by Donka Drozd. Brenda Bailey had elgbt kills and ~ blocks while sophomore setter Amber McCarthy dJshed out 42 assists for Coast 08·2), ranked No. 2 ln the state. Freshman Cllontel Palomino slammed seven kills ln place of Marti Merriott, who injured her right ankle ln the regular season 6naJe fast week againat Cypress. Cout boats either Victor Valley or Ventura in the second round at 7 p.m. Saturday. Trojans' April Ross honored • VOu.BYBill.: Newport Hamor High product April Ross, a senior out- alde hitter at use has been named Pac-10 Conference Player of the Year ln women's volleyball. Ro11, a fow-tlme all-oonference honoree, ls the firlt USC player to earn the conference's top Individual honor. She bas led the Women of'lroy, the de- fending nadonal champions, to a 27-0 record, the No. 1 natJonal ranking an~ a 39-match wtnnfng at.Jell. Heading into the final two regular· season matches, Rosa bad 1,478 career kills to rank seventh in \JSC history. Her 152 service aces are second ln school annals. GU Poly drops Vanguard • MSDTIWLi cal Poly Pomona earned a 68·50 nonconference men•a buketball wln Tuesday over bott Van· guard UnJveralty. The 2003 NCAA Dlvt· alon If West region champion Broncoa lmpro\led to 2-1. The Uom feU to 3·3. cal Poly't Jeff Bonda and VU'a lkWt JClm ab&red acort.nc bonora wtth 15 pointa each. Horace WOrmely 8dded nine polnta and four llalatJ for the U- ona. and Tun Burnette and Leocl ROt· boro\iah e.Ch pbbed m boUdl tor \lanauard. which wtll hoet Mary NOtle Dame at 7:30 p.m. Friday. .. ""' .... -""' ..... •111h ......... .. -ISTUU•i ---. ..... Am CASlam!MS To •II Wt, Mllttl clefla, tft41ton, tOfl• tln1•11t c.edttor•. •n4 l*'&OM who "''Y OUI· WWIM 114 lnt«MIM '" llM wlh 0t •I.It•, °' both, of, 01..0AIA 1.AUA£ 'IOUEJtOA ake CL°"IA I.AIME. ESTOftU A PETITION fOft PRO• BA lt "-s IMlt n filed by Ao11nd l . Fl111tro1 •11d Su .. n Fl1uaroa (Illa SUHll flna.eth) In tll• SUj)trlot Court of C1U for nft, County of ~· AHCE THE PETITIO.. fOR PROBATE requub Ao· land l. Flll/«O. and Susan f"l1u1ro1 (•k• Susan Finseth) be t!pl>Okltad n ~rson1I rtpttsentatlve to ad· llllntstef tht esl.ltt of tllt d1cede11t. Ttlt PETITION requesb tht decedent's wm •nd cod1co1, if eny, b• 1dm1tt1d to prob1t1. Thi Will and any cod1clls art avtlltblt for u tmlna· llon In Ult fife kept by the COUii. TliE PETillO .. requnb author1t11 to 1dmen1st1r tht estate under th• lnd1pend1nt Admlnl&· 1nt10A of lmtM Act. <™-~tllorlty .. tltoW tt. .., .. ,... ~M(l- hlttv• to ttll• 111an1 11etion1 wrlllo•t oblalft 1111 o urt 1ppront. 99™• l .. ln• Ctrtllll ••o• lmpottAnt tctlontl llowevtt, the~· ,..., ... 111.uve wlil bt ~"Id to 11ve 110tlct to 11\tlN'uted per~M unftM 11\ty h1v• walv.4 notte• or "11Mtltad to tfle Of Ol»Nd K t ion.) The lnlteoenunt •d · mlnlstretlon authotlt'f wlll be cr•ntld 11n1tsa en lnltrt1t1d person fllta • n objtc Uon to th• petrtlon 1nd .nows IOod '9UM Why the CO\lr t ahould not v•nt th• IUthotlty. A HEMING on the petlllon wlll be held on OEC£M8ER 11 2003 •I 1:45 p.m. In n.;;;., L73 located at 34(YIM City Orlv• So11lll. Or 1n1e. CA 92868. IF YOU 08JECl lo the IV 1ntln1 of th• petition. you $hould tpe>efr et tht h11rlnt and &tat• your ohftcllons or lilt written ob~llons With tilt court bafort lht ht1r1111. Your appearance m•y bt In perion or by your attorney. IF YOU ARE A CREDI· TOR or contlnctnt cr•dll0< of th• deceued. you must file your clalm wtlh the nourt ind mill 1 copy to the personal rep• e&1ntat1v1 appointed II~ tllt court wttlllll foll! 111011"9$ fl om UI• .... Of "" ftrtt -~· •' t.tteu " Pf0¥6*4 In Prolltl• eoa -ti°" $100. 111• tll!MI for hllllf Cltl!M "111 !'If\ Opitll kfol• fo« 1110fttht from llw "-'lrll dtll flOtlcff 1llon. YOU MAY t:XAMINE tilt flit littlt by 11\t COY' t. H you 111 t ~In· teH•l'td tn Ula U.ttte, you may flle with tflt cour I • Atqlitd for S!*ltl Notice (form OE· UM) of the tllin& of t n lnVtlllory and IC>Pft~al ot u t1tt ultts ot of any petition or 1uo11nt •• provided hi l'rob•t• COO. H<:tloll 1250. A lttquut for Special Notice form ls eoRtblt from the co11r I cit~. . .._,._ .... ..._, IMrleyA. ... •,t~ ..... &..-! '-"''"9 H~ tlty thlcl. w .. t, 17tU'-t ~.CA92' .. 'utillahtd Nawpor t Be&ch-<:ost1 Mtu D•llr Piiot NoVtmbtr 19, ~. 26, 2003 WT2'4 ascum IOTICI Of"""°' TOAllmm mAnOf: saY UllMA LOPU· QMll ... SlllBY l IMZ WUIQ.AUJ15t To tll I.in, kneft tleti.t, uNtt~. e011· ~t ct..Wt. tM PMIO,. who may •th• .,._i., _,. lftltt•ltd In tlte Wiii Of •t•le.1..~ Ntll OI. SlilARY °""'' IAltA LO'IZ·Cl..AAICi 1litSHnln't. lOf'U A .-£ TITION r Oft f'ltO IA 'II llu ._,. flltd lly ~E\..AROG l..OPU In lllt Supwlof COilt ~ of Cell· fornla, County o1 °"' AHGt . • UtE PETITION FOR PllOSATE r eq_uuh ABELARDO LOPU be 1ppolnt1d u pe.reon•t r._,11 .. ntttlv• to ed m\111\tef "'' utatt ot tlltdttetdtnt. THt PlmlON requKta th• dKed•nt's Wiii and codlclls, It 111y. I>• •dmltl8d to probete. The Will and 1n1 codlclla ate 1va!i.111e for H•mln•· tlon In Ille Ille kept Dy the co11rt. THE PETITION requesh •uthOfity to ;Jdmlnbter In. u t1t• under th• lndtptndot Admlnls· tr1tlo11 of Ettates Act. (Thlt Auttwlty wlll 1llow the "r'°"el reprts•n· t1t1ve to ta.kt m1ny actions without ollt1in· Ina court approvel. 8elor1 l~kin• cer111n very 11n901t1nt ectlont however. th• personal rtpresenlalive wlll b• 1tqulred to &fve nollc:• lo lnt•rHltd persons unleu they hive w•lved nol"' or connni.d to AOYDTtSIMIM1 JOtl DISIOM IU1U>la NIQUAUftCATtOM Sub,.cl to cond1t101\s prescribed by lht Univenlty ef Collfwotf•, .,....,., responses to the Un1v1ralty's Prel)\Jahflcetlon Questionnaire for a Oeslan Build contract "e iou&ht from De$11n Builders for the lollowlna pro lo' t CINfW f'LANf CHIWl Srlf' S .. ~ .. 11 ............ ,0 COOUtlUTIOtl ADOITION fO tHI contlAL f'\ANl Pr•ct N-"n tta IOS UMIVllSITY OJ <AUFOtlNIA, taV1tll f'llQUAl.lflCAltoM Of PlOSPICTIVI OISIGN IU•DIU Th• University's primary objective In ut1llzh111 the desl&fl build epproech ts to brtna lh• but available lnt11r1ted desi11n end construction experience to this Projl(:l The Unt~trsity has determined lllal O.sJ1n Builden who submit propoNls on this Pro1tct must b• prequ1hf11d. Pr1qu1llfled Oestan Jluildtrc1 will be required lo have lht followlna C1llforni1 contractor's l1eense GfHllAl lNOINllllMG, "A" -4 GINlltAI. IUlUHNG, •t • GU•lltAI. DISCIJPTioN Of WOllC The WOik Is comprised ol two seperately 1pproved pro,ecls. (l) Central Plant Chiller Step 5. and (2) Co1enerallon Addition lo the Central Plant Documents for lhen pro~cts wlll be 1uued Hp1rtl•ly. Addltlonally, the University ts conslder1n1 a number ol Atlornates lo the projects. c..tw.a "-' ClllUer Step S1 Th• base work for tins UCI Des1an 8u1lo RFP is a Chiller f\dd11lon Project et tile Central Plant 11 UCl's main campus ln Irvine, Cal1torn11. Tht l'rojecl wlll con•tSI of the inst1ll1tlon of 5,000 tons ol chilled water c1pec1ty by the 1dd1tron ol chillers .,,d cooflne lowers. The silt lor lh• project ll localed adjacent to the northeast wall of the Campu' C11Hral Plant el UCI'• main c•mpus In trvlne, California. Th• ulsti11& bultdlna "'Ill bt upended at the exlsl1n1 chiller 1oom floor el1v11ion lo lhe northeast atone West Peltason Drive low1rd tile thermal enercy stor•c• (TES) tank ln the full width of the n1111na butldlna. Tiie upanseon wlll ai.o Include a full b111mtnt 1t lO feet In depth undtr the upanded lloor for lh• chllltr '"' II rs expected lhel \he bulld1n1 axpan•ion will 10111 approlimattly 9,900 square feel The faclllty eru Includes 1ppro•lmalely 5,.cx> squere feel •t th• ulsl1na chiller room floor level for the chlllers and 1n addltion1I 4,500 square leet of basemen I area for punips, coolina lower pipe headers. star ter1. vr drives. ind condenur. In puparatton for tht basement. the proiect must 1110 Include new routine ol eltclrlcal power fted&, comm11nlci1tlons lints, and drain p1pln11 underatound In the eru planned for th• buemer1t. The buildlfll and 111 structuru wlll ba cut·ln·place r11nl01ced concrete and sletl fram1n1 w1lh e•terior anvelopt to match ••l,tlna. Tht project w~I Include tlle mstallatlon of two new electt1c c•nlrlfu11I chlUers ind ptlm.,y chilled waler and coollne tower pumps Tht project will also Include tlle removal end reinst1ll1hon of the ulstlna outdoor chiller CH 6 and its chilled w1ter and toolln1 tower PUl'l'lj)s Into lht new facility. Addition•! coolfnJ towers ert also included to be lnstal,.d alone tht fine of .. 1s11ne towtr tell• lO ll\e no.-theHt. Th• new coolin1 tower bnln shall allan with the Ht$t1n1 bu1n such tll•t watar may frMIY p1u from ulslin& ctlls lo new 1nd btc~ 111ln H demand end operation shlth amone all cooltna to .. ., ctlls. Coolln1 towtr structure '*•II also match lhe nistma In prepantlon fot tht cool{nc lowers, the project must also include the complete removal of the Ice stora1t system, Ice area walls, and under1round ice v1ull. Elec:ltrcal sw1tct111ear Inside tile tee 1tor11e aru and additronal sw1lchenr outside the will to the northwest for the chiller CH·6 must bl ftmOvtd Thi protect includes power distribul1or1 for all chillers, pumps, 1nd coolln& towef fans and ' new electric letder duel bank lo lhe u1stm1 subs la hon louted eppro•lm11ely one (I) mile lo Ille eouthwesl. TIM new syst1m wlll be proarammed to support the ulstrna TES system. The d911an bulld bid dooumenb, includlna development efforts, well be based on 1\tctrlc c•ntrllupl ch1llus rated tor 2,500 tons coolin1 capacity aach C...--1len "'°"'' The base work for lh1s UCI Deslan Build Rf P 1s 1 Co,11ner111011 Pro1ect at the tentral l'l•nt •t UCl's m•ln campus 1n Irvine, C•liforn11 The Protect wlll eona11t of the l11st1llatlon of ont n•turel aas ftrtd turbine 11ener1tor (GT) with chilled water Intel coollna. on• hut reco11tty deam ;enerator (HRSG) deslaned for lutur• duel firina. and two reciprocallnl natural ps compressors .. ch s11ed to svpply 200~ ol the GT demand. Th• Protect wlll 1lso include boiler fMd PUITll>S to supply the HRSG, • dturator to replace the Ul$11na feed water tan~ and supply th• boiler fttd pumps. two h111h lemptrature water hHI txchanctts to convart slum to hot wattt, 1 dump condenser to condense excess slum lrom tht HRSG, 12 kV power d1strlbullon within the lec:lllty, and new el1ctr1c teeder duj:t bank to the eatst1n1 substation The HRSG .,.,,11 be furnished with• control system to meel 1nv11onmen1al air permit requirements Th• site for the project 1$ located adjacent to lhe south west well of th• Campus Central Plant 11 UCl's main cempus In Irvine, Calllornta. The ulsllna bulld1na: wlll be eipanded at the u1slln1 boiler room floor alenleon to tlle southwest alon& Wesl Peltuon Dnve toward l'11 tunnel and beck to lh• south11st n nttded lo accommodate the sp•ce requlfements ol the proposed GT. HRSG. 10 comprenon. plus future antlc•patad upan11on of the coeeneratlon laclhty The tutur1 up1nst0n, 1n the final bulld-out of lhe facility, will b• bestd on en addillonal 0 T, HRSG, natural 1as compressor. and a new condensma Steam Turbine 11ener1lo' (ST) with condenser and coohne towtn. The current pro1ect wlll 1ccornmod1te the planned future upan$1on by excavtllna all lhe 1nlecip1ted trn needed tor the current and tulur• coaeneraUon systems •nd slructuru " the ulstlrea bolter room floor tle~etlon. Tht bulldtn1 will either be buUI In lls entlfely In lht current proltct or lh• butldlna wlll be built lo llouse only the currtnl project equipment and retainlna w1tls will bt erected to contain the futur• spices ti the u1stln1 borlat room elevation T'ht ret1inlnr wall• would become th• basis for the bulldin1 wills In !he final bulld out. The buildin1 •nd all structµrts will be of reinforced concrelt •nd steel lramln& with uterior tnvtlope to match txistina. Gener•I 1rran11ements and thermal cyclt modelln1 would be btsed on either a Solar or GE 1u119lltd system Both pro1ects well include the prthm1nary desl1n, prepar1tron of worh1n1 drawin1s, 1nd con1truchon basad on the UC lrvtn• Campu1 Standard\ and OHl&n C11te111 plu1 p10111tt lPetlllc dHlan and llerformance cr1tar11 Cetttffl f't..t Chtlle< St., S cfHlp oH <M•tf"vd l ... <HI etl'-te1 (._.-retl-,,_, cfHll" 9"cf <-ltt11CllM c•tl etlf-11 (Co11neollon Plan! fundma pendtna appronl) 'toCIDUlfS $ '4, 17 t ,000.00 $17,0Jt.,000.00 Tht prequ1llftc11ion procea& wlll bt conducted en lwo parla •nd wlll result 1n lht 1el1d1on of prequ1Ufltd Oealcn Bullden who will be Issued propoul documents for this Project l'•rt l will bt the subm1tt1I of 1 Prequallflcatlon Questionnaire. After receipt of the Preou11ille1t1on Quutlonn1lte, the University will review and dttarmlnt • point ~ore for Heh subm1tt•I Scorlna of Otslan Builders for Part I will b• daltt mined by lh• appllcatlon of 1n eat1bl1shed rtl1na sytlem Oealan Builders who meet rtit requtrtmenh In Part I. wlll be 1nterv1ew•d In Part 2 of tllt$ Preciu•llfle1tlon proceu. Pait 2 wltl be the Interview Outen Builders wlll be notlfl1d in wrllina whether or not they have bMn tcltcttd for tlle Pert 2 lnltrvltw. lhe Interview wlll 1dd1us the Items described In lhe ,.,..qu1llfk1tlon Quesllonneire. Tha results ol the lnte1 view will be separ •tely scored blStd on an , t.tbllahtd ratin1 system. The OUtflll Builders who 111 H\41cted by the Unlvenily tn Ptrt 2 "'111 b• ptt(lutlifltd to submit Proposals for this Project f'M.QUALlfKATIOM SC:MIDUU 011 W ..... 14.y, Ntvttftlter 26, JOOJ, Prequ11if1callon Qu.-llonntlres will be issued lo 1rterosted 0111111 8u11dera et: De'11n & Conslluction Services. U11lvtrt1llJ ot C.llfornl•, livlnt, 5201 t alllornl• Ava11u1, Sult• 250. lrvln•. CA 92697 ·2450, (Cornlf of Bison 1nd California Av111u1) FOf lnfortnatlon caH tht hotline (949) 824-81' 7 or (949) 1124-8034 011 1'Wn4-y-, ·-~ 4, 200l, • M_..wy Oe&l.91" t..IW.' Pr...Clfl< .. I"" <""ftret1<e wlll bt GOndvett d ll•alnnlna promptly at 10.00 A.M. Only OeaJa11 BuUc1t11 who p11tlclp1l1 In the Conftrlll't In Ila 1ntlt1ty '#Ill be allow.d to 1ullmlt l'r1qu111llc1tlon QuntlonnaJru. Pinon• tnlvlna •fter IOtOS A.M. wlA '"' ............................. ..,,_, ... o ...... _. ..... Perttcl,-to 1W _, .,, D••lr & C...etnr<tlM Slrllce•, Ultlv ... elty el t.11..,..._, ...,,._, 1201 t.tlfen1J. A.Y-e, Svtte ISO, Sullh1•t1 -4 Wrlthf (Mf.,1t1ct 11-, lrvfne, <A t26t7°2450, (C•ft1er .t C.tffenile AYMW W II.-Aw.,,_) fw """'* tflf_.14111. cltltect Swtt ...... _ ttt (Ht) HA-I S27. TIM ........ ,. r•<elw ~ ... ,,..,..lflqtf-O,,..tl-.fre• wlll ~e lllvn<My, Dt<_.., 11, 200) et 4.00 P.M. at: Onl&n & Construction Servlcu. Attention: Scott Moulton, Unlv11slly Of C1lll01nl1, lrvin1, 5201 Ctlilornl• Avenue, Suitt :ZSO, Irvine, CA 92691·2450 · Deal•n Bullder Prtquallficatlon Quntlonn1lraa, lncludlna 1ny 11ql.llr.d 11t.c:hm111l1, sh•ll bt u bmltted In st•ltd 1nv1loPH m11k1d with t1'1 110t1tlon 011 lh• outside. •t1s10N IUllDlll PllQUAUJKATION QUISTIONNAMI f« <INTUl PUHT CHIUll STIP S PNfHt Nu..,._ tt1t40 ""4 <OGlNllATION l"tANl ""t.ct N_..,. tt11os• end 1ddf1utd to th• offict dtsfcll•ltd •l>Oll• Mt(WOI OMI OllOMAL A"O ntall COPtll Of fHI PllQUAUfKATION QUllTIONNMll (Wll'M ~n.-atMINft). Dulan Buifd•r al!•ll uaume tun 11sponslbll1ty for thnel11 dtllnry •I tl\t location dtaf&llattd for rtcelj)t of Plr1qu1lillc1tlon Q11tt tlonn1lru . Ottl, ttltpllonie, facalm11t1 or ttltlf•l>hlc Prtqu1hfk atlon QllMtlonnelrn art Invalid tlld ~Ill not bt KC•l)ltd. No l)ftqulllfk t don doc;umtnt1 will b<l ICClllt•d afttr 4.00 r.M., ~. O.C..-... I J, toOs. How1v11. th• Unlnralty rfftl'Vtl tht rl&M to ,.queat, 1tulv .. •nd •velu•t• au41c>ltment1I informttlo" •fttr lhe 1bov1 t1m1 •nd d•t•. Succesafvl Dffltr1 8uOder1 will bt 11otlfltd of CM d•t•, time and ~t!oll of their inttrvlewa. ltOUHT JOI ,llOPOSM • O.,llfl Bulld•n wlll be nollfltd 11rll1thtr or not they h11re bttn p11qu1Ufled t iter th• Unlvw11ty eval\letn tht ,,.ult. ol the lnlttvlaw. An "AclYertlttment To Prtc1uehlltd Ptopottte• wlll tollow t91ClfVin& the utcl dtt••i times., 111d locetlon conctt11lna tlll •v•1liabJlll1 of P(opoMf Oocumenta. Bid (Pr0110s.tl) Sacurlty 11 th• •mount of JO$ of the lurnti Sulll Bue Prit. Proponl, ududln1 •lttfnattt. .n•ll acicompeny t lCh Ptopoill. fht 1urety lnuhta tlll 81d 8 011d 11\all bt, on tll• PrOl)oul O..dllnt. 111 admltt•d aurety l11au1tt u dtfi111d lft th1 Cetitornl• Coclt of Civil Proctdutt S.Ctlonlw.t.120. AH 111.r.uranc• policies re<1111fld to bt olltal111d by lh• o.lln 8utlder &hall be 1u1>jtct to eppro111I by Unhrwsity lor IQl'm 111d tubattM•· All pollcln fOf Cotn!Mrclal F'orm O•w•I Lllblllty, E•c.u Litbllil\' Butlntu AlltOlllOllllt llabNity t nd Proft,.IOl!tl 1.-ltblhty rn•ut111e. thtll bt INUld by omoenl.a with • 8ttt rttlna of A• Of bttt1t1, and • flnenclel clea.lf1e•t1on of WI or b•tttr (or •" equlv•\tQt 11t.1n1 lly Stand••<I • Poor°' Moody'•). Alt ~lklu r~qulr•d for Worllare' Como•nt•llOll •"d [lllJllor••' litbillly 111141\'lllct tlllll llt "4Utd by COl!lj)tlllta (I} lll•t ll•V• ..... t•tln& of a.+ or bttltr end • flnancltl claulfkallon of YIU 0t Mtlt4' (or •n eq11lv1lent retln1 by &t1ndtfd l roor "' Moocty't) or (II) thtt .,. accept.bit to Ute Untvaully. The Ctrt1flc1t1 of Insurance ah• !I. llfiitd on ttit linlvenlt(• f0tm. • r'rbtptellvt 0.slcn 8 ulldtn lntendln& to bt 1)114Ullifftd 11'1 illt0tm1d tfllt thty Wiii bt 11,tbJtcf to and must fully coml)ly with 111 ol th• Pl'oPOMI contlltlons lllC.lu4i"' 100• ptyment end lOOlo ftt111e11c. bonu. i')I lnforlll•lton 1ubnllltld for Pf'41ijtlfflC1tlon •vtlUlllOfl Wiii bt COlltldttld Oftlei.f lnfOfll'ltlloll .ci:-•d In confld4Mt , t nd lllt Unlven ltr wlll cntlnl•ln Ila confl4etltlt "b to lilt ••t111t peunltttd ~tie"i1n1v1tally r.-~ the rl&hl It 1tftet tny Of ell 19'11Qnut to l't,q1411iflutlon Qut\tlonnent tll4 ... , ., •If "*"'-•ltd to "'"'' •• , nOIHllthlfltl WttllVl•fltltt '" '"' rttl)Ol!U or PfOCPONI •aim Of nc tNVEltSITY orCA1..1,0lfflflA ••rtity of Ctllfori''· lfv'"!tt ,._ f'tlot ~ M 0.Cel!IMf I .......... ........... .. ""' ..... ~. ~ 2~. 2003 A7 .. ....., ............... - tlW llfO,OMd actlOlt.) Tiie lnftpt114•nt Id· 8'l11l1tttt1on euUlotl~ wtll lM 111nt8d unlen 111 111ttr11t1~ .-rao11 flits ... objection to tflt PtlltlOll •lld ••a loo4 cauae w~ tht coutt Wuld not 1r1111 t"4 1utllorlty. A HEAltlNC on tht Ptlllloll will Ill htld on OECUllD 11. 2003 ti l:45 ,..m. In Otp(, US IOCtled tt 3"41 l ht City Orlvt South, Or•111•. CA 92868. Ir YOU 08JECT to tht 11 an.ll111 of lll• petition, you lho11fd 119peer at tht ht•f\f\a and 1t1tt your obeetlOna or We written ob llona wilt! the court bt ore the fle11rln1. Your 1ppeeranc1 m1y be In person or by rou1 attorney . IF YOU -.R£ A CREDI· TOR or contln11nt creditor of thl dt<lus.d, you must Ille your claim wilh thl colH t •nd meil • co11r to th• pettonal rejlfntnt1tlve 1ppolnttd by th• court within four monlha from tht d•t• of lht flrJt Issuant• of letters as provided 111 flroll•te Codt sectlo11 9100. Th• time for liltna cltlml wlll not upirt before four month& from th• htar•n1 date noticed abov•. YOU MAY EXAMINE the Ill• kept by lhe co11tt II you are 1 perion rn· ter11ted In th• utate, you m•'f fllt with !ht COU•I • RtqUttt for Spteltl Notice (lorm DE· IM) of th• fllln1 of •n lnvtnto1y and app11i11I ol estate •nets or of any p1Mlo11 or account as provided In Prol>tta Coda section 1250. A Rtquut for Specl1I Notice lorm la avallllble hom lhe court cltrk. AttwMy f« f'ell"-n AlTHUt J. STAllU, ISO. 102 fAtaMONT WAY OUNGf, CA '21 .. Publi•htd Newport Bnch·OaUy Pilot No vembtr 19. 25. 26. 2003 WT245 llOOO TO CIEDITOIS Of IWWI {S«tlm 6104-4105 U.U.) fSCIOW llO. QI.fl Notict 1s hereby &iven to c1 editors of lht w•lhln named ullar that a bulk \Ile ts about to bt madt or lht assets descrtbtd below. The n1 me( s) and business •ddress(s) of tllt aeller 1re. KlHN YOUNG LH, 15415 JEFFREY RO . #108. IRVINE, CA Tht louuon In Cttl· lorn1a of the chttl uecutlve office of !lie stlltt Is: 15415 lCfFR(Y RO , illl08, IRVINE. CA M listed by Ille seller. ell other business nemes and 1dd1HHS U50d by the seller within three years before the dale such llst was uni or deflvtrad to !ht buyer ate: NONE The name(s) and business addrns of the buy11 are: KYEUNC EUN KIM. 15415 .l.ffREV RD .. •108. IAVl .. E, CA Tht assals to be sold are described In 11ene11l u · furniture, fixtures. equipment, 11oodw1ll, tradenamt, luaehold, Improvement 1nd tnltr est. ind covenant not to compete tnd is loc1fed et· 15415 JEFFREY HO , 1108, IRVINE. CA. The Buslnen 111 mt used by Int Hiier at tllat loc1l1ons Is: IRVINE TEACHER'S SUPPLY ' CHILDREN BOOKSTORE The 1111tclp1ttd dale of the bull\ sale " Dec 16. 2003 at the office of Unlt.d E&crow Co . 3440 Wiishire Blvd . •600. los .Ancel", CA 90010 Th& bulk ult hi sub· ttct lo Cahfornl• Uni· form Commerc11I Code Section 6106.2 II so subjlCI, tht name and addteu ol lhe pe,,on wtlh whom cl•lms mey bt hied 1s lUHICI IUM Sl. U - CIOW OfflCllt U..11•4 .. ., • ., <•.. l 440 Wlltlllre llv4., f.00, lM AfltelH, CA ~\0 and the last day for llllna claims shell be Dec. 15, 2003 which is the business d1y belore lhe stle dale sp1cll11d above KVEUNG CUN "'IM. (TRANSFEREES) Publlshad .. twporl Beach Cosla Mesa 011ly Piiot November 26, 2003 CNS 609936# W254 llOTICI TO CBTOIS Of IWSAU (*tllm. to.-410.S lltc.) lSCIOW MO. Ql.fl Notice 1• hereby atven to creditors of th• within namtd ttll11 lh1I • bulk ult Is ebout to be m1de of the nHh d11crlbtd below. The name(s) tlld bua1ness addrtu(s) of the 1tll11 "e· JOHN YOUNG LH. 1541!1 JEHAEV RO , 11011, IRVINE. CA Tiit location In Cell· f ornlt of th• chltf e uculiv1 office of Ult atller la: 15415 JEFFREY RO .• HD8, llMHt. CA At lltllld by tllt Hlltr, 1frl>!Mr but/nfH namtJ and 1ddr111es uud by the .. lltt Within thrH ye .. a btfort the dale 1udt llat w11 ""' or dlllvtttd to th• buytr 111:HONf Th• n1111tC•\ end bu.lnut 1ddr1SJ of the buy.,-ere. KvtUNO E"" KIJe\ 15415 UfRtY RO., f 108, lllVIHt:, CA Tllt t SMtta to be sokt lfl dttCtibtd fl'I ftfll'lf 11: F11111iturt. flatUt ... 1qulpm1n1, c oodwlll, t,.dtn1m1, lauehold, 11'1\Pfovtmtfll •nd ln\tr ••I. tnd covtnent nol to compete 1nd It loc•tld et: l&tl& JEFFREY RO., i l OIJ, IRVIHE CA Th• lu1ln111 11•m• 1111d by tht ltlltl' •J the( totetlo11 I•: lltVINt TtACHlR'S SUPPLY J ~ORUt 80C)U t0Rt 1'1lt •ntldott.H dete of 1111 .... ult ta DK Jt, JQOJ •t tllt office of' !Jlllttd [taOtf co • J4AO WIWIW• IN ... ..00.. Lo. MDlft, CA toolO ........... It•· llfl to C!l!!l!n!s U11!· twin Commtn:lal Codi Sediol! llOU, If " Wb;.c1 11\t ll&lnl 1n4 td4rtsa of tll• IH"on wlt ll whom cl1ima may bt Wed 11 [UftlCl KIM Sil. U ~ow PfflCfR. Unltld l•~r11 w Co , l••o Wlllhlrt llvd.1.!!00· Loe Ans••· CA llW10 and 1111 ... ~, u y fa. fmnc ca.lmt tll•ll M Off 1$, 2003 which h tbt bUllMU d•y IMfw• ttll UI• d•I• apt clfltd •bov•• /I/ ICYIUNO IUM •JM fiiubtlthtd Newport B11ch Coste Mui l?~ilr P114>1 Nov•~btr ff. iooJ Crt5·'°9936 W2~ swmcourtOf CAllOmA, ccum Of OIM&f cun..,.C01111 PIOIAllCOUIT OfllAtmS Ml Tll( cm DIM, POST OfffCUOX 14171, OIAMf, CA t2' 1S.1S7t Pltmll Of tAYI CAlllS •MVISlUMTU. fOI CIWlli( Of lfAll OIDll TO SHOW CAOSI FOi OIMMOflWU W1..aamms lD All l .. TERESlED PERSO .. S: I. Petitioner: OAVE. CAIRNS ah D"VE STU· AfH CAlllNS filtd 1 petition with th11 court for a decrtt chen11ln1 n•mtt n follows: OAVE CAIRNS lo DAVE STUA~T CAIRNS · PALLEN 2. THE COURT ORDERS that •II per$0ns lnttr· qttd 1n this matter shall 1ppt1r before this court at tht hearln1 1nd1cated below to show cause 11 any, why the pettllon for ch•nae ·of name should not be er anted. .. once OF HE.ARING O•t•~ DEC JO 2003 T '""' 2:00 pm Oto\,: L73 The addren of the cour I 1s ume n notftd above 3 A copy of this Oroer lo Show Cause shill be published et lust once each wuk lor lour lUCcesslve Wtths pnor IO the date set 101 heenna on tt\e peltllon In Iha followlne new'· paper of 1eneral rncu· lation, printed 1n this count~. NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA DAil Y PILOT Dotti NOV \0 200J MAllOlll lAllD tAJllll. JUDGE Of fMl SU,.llOl COUlT Published Ntwporl 8Hch-Costa Mesa Dallv Piiot November 12, 19, 26. Otetmber 3. 2003 W238 5"9IOI COllT Of WfOl:llA. ((Qfl'f Of hip S411M Oty Drift, P.O.lex14170, Onllp, C.. tmJ. I S70, i..-xMttctc.- PrnTIOltOf ...... .... ~ ... ..... 6.lcllllbi•°"Jt ............. a....ia..l<WM,A -FOIOWMOf WU OIDla TO SHOW <AUSI FOi CKMG(OfMI( WlllJl&A22W2 TO All INTERESTED PERSONS· I . Ronald G McMackln a~d C•nd' L McM1ckin on behal of Pe11teoner R1qutl Rentt McMachen, • minor fit.d 1 petition with thl• court for .• deer et ch•nalna n•m•s as follows: R1qutf Rtf\oe McM1ckln to Raquel ROM McMact.1n 2. THE COURT ORDERS th1t ell persons Inter· ttl•d In this melter 'hell 1ppur bafott this court at lh• htarlna 1ndlcettd below lo \how CllUst If 1ny. why lht pettllon for ch1n1e of name •hould not bt c11nltd. NOTICE OF Ht.ARING Otte. DEC JO 2003 lime: 2:00pm0epl ·L73 Tnt 1ddre11 ol lh• court ll 111T1e as noted abovt. 3 A copy ol 11111 Order lo Show Cause shall bt publlshtd at lust onct ••ch wn~ lor four 'urcenlve wub prror lo lh• d•I• set for hearlns on tht petition 1n tl,e followrna news· piper of 1•ner11 clrcu· ltllon, printed In this count~. N1wpoll BttC:h Co•t• MtH O•lly l'llol Detet NOV 10 2001 MAlJOlll lAllD <Alli~ JUl>Ol Of THI SUPla1oa COUIT Publl11ttd Newport B11ch-Cott1 Mesa Delly Pilot Novernbtt 12, l9. 26. Oectmt>.1 3. 2003 W239 ..,.COCITOf (AllOIMA, COlinOfOIAIGI OUMICOUlm SUPmot court NCllAftCOCl'J OPllA....S 34 J l1lf cm Dl't\ POST OfRCHOl mn, ...,um1i.tm PltnmOfW.tL .. Rll<JIAMOllUI OIDll TO 5'tOW CAW IOI OIMllOIM Wl~mmt TO At.l INTUESft D 'CR SONS· • 1. flttlllonw: Rai:htl It tt.Mt Olttd • petltlOll Wlth tl'llt covn for • dtcrH ch1n1ln1 nemH H followac l"chel .Rtrtt Mii~ to ltAcll~I R•llJ Lli>tHl~ 2. THC COUlff oitoeRS lhet •II plfsonl lnttt· .. ltd In lllS. metlw sllell epe>elf before this cowt ·~ thl hHflnt lftdlctlad Mio• ,0 UOlll CtyM If 1ny, why tilt 1>1tltlon for chtt11• ol n•mt thOuld "°' bt er•1111d. HOTICll Of HCARN 0111. 12•30 03 Tl11111 2.00 pm Otclt L73 Tht eddfe\l ol lM C.wfl I• Mmt H not.-''°"' 3, A COl>t ot ltllt Or .. to t 11ow ems t1!t1t bt pullllelltlt et IH st one. ••ell wttlt for four tlleC41bJVI ~· ptlOt to tht d.t lt Ml fOf 11tv1111 on tht j)ttltlon In UI• toltowln1 newa ~ ot ttntrlil clfcu i..t1on, ,,,rn114 In '"'' c.ountt Newl)Ott lle!ICll/ Coata Meat Oelty Pilot ..... vaetooa IUDel SMULA flU, NDOI Of TMf IWl.- lllOl <OUIT "ubli1h1d Newport 811ch•Co&t1 Mt1t Dally Ptlot Novtmlltr 12, 19, 24. Otetrnbu l. Z003 W241 The lollowlna persont are dol111 business ts: St>uth Point• lllYt•I· mtnb. 949 South CoHI Orlvt, Suite 600, Coslt MtH. CA 92626 Amel Denlopmtnl Comp1nl'. 1 California Corporation (CA), 949 South Coast Drive, Suite 600. Costa Mtt1. CA 92626 CLA Fintncl•I Corpo ration, a C1llforn1• Coroorallon (CA), 949 So11th Conl Odv1, Su•le 600. Coste Mesa. C" 92626 Thi• buslneu Is con dueled by· /1 aeneral Plftnersh.lp Kave you \tart1d do1n1 business y•t7 Ye$ 07/29/1987 Arntl Development Corporation. Rudy J. Beldon1. E.ucullve Viet Prnldent The' statament wes flled wltll lhl County Cler~ of Or1111e County on 11/06/03 200l6'H290 Oa1ly Pilot Nov 19, 26. Dec 3, 10. 2003 W252 S.......t Um•• ttflhuf fktltlM ........ The foltowtn1 P•"on has abandoned the use ol the Fictitious B11s1 neu Name. El lAN 2~2 El Toro ~d •5, lake for Ht. C1l1tornl1 92630 1he fictitious Business name ralerred lo above wn flltd 1n Orana• County on 02/18/03. fill NO 20036933143 Cindy Yu, 2 Celt" trvrne. Calltornle 92602 This bus1r1eu ts con ducted by. 1n mdlv1d111I Cindy Yu This slaltmenl wu filed with Ille County Clerk Of Oran11• County on 11/03/03 200S6 .. St11 Daily Pilot Nov t 9, 26. Dec. 3. 10. 2003 W2!>1 fktltlM ...... "-S........ The lollow1n11 person~ are doint bustne~~ n Spectr• Wood Cr•lt. I ll'\5 Whit lier, Suite f · 13. Costa Mtu, C•hf 92627 lamu Robert Person. 9382 C1ntial Ave., Garden Grove, C1lll 92844 Mydun1 Duon1 Par· '°"'· 9382 Centrtl •ve , Gatd•n Grove, Call! 92844 Thes business ts con ducted by· husband 1nd wllt Have you st•rted dome busln•u ytl' No lames R Parions This sta tement wu llled w1tll the County Clerk of 0flnte County on 10/29/03 2003'9UJ26 Dilly Piiot Nov !t, 11. 19. 26 ?OOl W226 FidMla .... "-*-' Th• lollowinc penons are dotna business as l . B. J. M1n111ement, 1650 So Harbor Blvd . An•helm, CA 92802 Garr Assocltles. lne (Otl1w1re). W Earl Garr. Jr .. \650 So Harbor Blvd., f\n•htlm, CA92802 This bustnen 1, con dueled by • corporttlon Htvt you tt11t•d do1na business yet? Yes 9/1/03 Gerr AHOClllH. Inc . W. Earl Gur, Ir , Ptts Iden! r~., Jl1t1m1nt wn flltd with the County Ct.th ol Oranr• Countv an 10/'Zl/03 20016t UIU Daily Pilot Nov. 5. 12. 19, 26, 2003 W228 ........... .......... 'Ott followln& peraon1 1<• dolcll bu'1nes1 .,. 1) OLAOY BCE, b) TllASl'I M TIUHICETS, 11112 lvorycr11t Lant , HUnlln1ton Buell, CA 92148 [11yn W11d. 11112 lvotycres( Lent, Hvn tlnaton 811d1, CA 92641 Tllit b~I~ 11 t.OI\• d11cted by· en lndlvidutl l'l•vt yo11 •lifted doln1 bualntsi yel? Yts 09/01/2003 [l1y11 W1rd Tllla 1t1t1mtnl waa t~ with th• County Cl11k of 011n1• County on 10/31/03 200Ht6S720 Dilly Pilot Nov ~. 12. 19, 26, 2003 W22 l RdttliM ..... .... ~ Tht followlna p111on1 •rt dolnc buslnus u : lrlnlty Enlerprllts. 209 N 8alhont. ..ewpo1t Buch. Caltt. 92662 Grea G Holden, 209 N. Baylront Newport Buch, CA 92662 Chuck Coventon. ?l46 K1n11 St.. Yorba Lindi. CA92U6 This bu51ntu IS con· dueled by • aenerel parlner•hip Have you S11rled do1ne busmess v•t7 Yes 12·1·85 C1e111 G. Holden ThlS 1lttemen1 wn l•led with the County Clerk ot Or•nat County on 10/31/0J 200J6tU712 Dally P~ot Nov 5. 12. l9. 26. 2003 w22• ~ ..... JI.MS.._. The followm1 persons In <lolnll bU\tntU U I) Strtllhlltne SpeClil lsh. b) Strelehtllne Spec11ltsls Racina. !>641 Pl•za dot Amt,.tn. Aneh•lm Hills. CA 92807 Scott Aleiand•H Spenct . ~l Plata de .Amenles Anaheim Hills, Cll 97807 This buStnen is c~n ducted by. an lnd1v1d11el Have you sllrled d011t11 buslnen yel1 No Scott" Spence Thi• s tatement was !tied with the County Clerk ol Or •nee County on 11/24/03 20016t661l6 Dtlly Pilot No• 26, Dec. 3. 10.17,2003 W2!>9 RdttlM~ .... s,..., lhe followln1 ptrsont ar• doma business as Tht Rt1I £stale Net· work, 6400 W Ocean· front, Newport llnth, Cal1lorn11 92663 we lnvedmenh <CA). 6400 W Ocunlront. Newport Butt\, Call· for ntM' 92663 ltns bu~meu Is ton· ducted by a corporation Have you st11 led dome busmn~ yel7 Yes 01/01/199!> W8 lnveitmant\, Wtll· 11m 8amrah/l'ra&1dl!nt Tht\ statement w3\ filed with tht Couoty Clerlt ol Ounae County on 10/31/03 200HtUIAO Delly Pilot Nov 5, I :l 19, 26, 2003 W2:l9 Ad!llM ... ... s.... lh~ lollowlna pelsons ere dolns buslnus n G1luy Mort1111e. 18627 Brookhursl Street, 1382, Founlaln V1ll1y. CA 92108 Arllu Enterprests. Inc (CA). t8627 81ookhursl Street, •382. r 01inta111 Valley. CA 92708 Thi' buslt•ns " con ducted by • torporal1on Hnt you slarltd dolna business yet? No Artlu Enterprl&es. M111it Saf11t, Prtsld•nl This sliatemenl was filed with the Cnunly Cltrlt ol Or1n1• County on 11/07/03 200J6tM411 Dilly Piiot Nov 12, 19. 26.0ec.3,2003 W240 AdttfMW.S "-S....... Tht followlne ptr$Ons •rt do1n1 busm•n as HO·OADDY SURf COM· PANY. 1680 16th St E212, Newport Beach CA 92661 Jim Stuflens. 1680 16th St E2l2. Newport Buch, CA 92661 lr.1t y I onaslreth. 7140 8 Coste Meu. Cost~ Mesa. CA92627 Th11 buslnen '' "on ducttd by· co pulnt" Have you d.11 ted dolntt buslntu yet? No Jtm S1Mff1n1 Thia 1o t11111nt WH flt.td with ttla county Clert. of Ot111" County on I0/3l.I03 IOOl .. H121 01lly Pl14t ltov. &, 12..t 19. 21. 2003 WUe The follow1n1 PlfSOM tct doll\& bU'tlfltta ... Artform lnttrlors. 11771 Mu St., Oerden Grove. CAH&tl K1Ur1yn1 Nowakowsk•, 11771 M•c St.. Gardt'1 Grove, CA 92841 • Thi' bu1it11U Is con· ducted by: an l11dlvtdu1I Have you l\4'!ted cloln& buslntn yet? Vo. 3·27· 03 K1t1t1yn1 Now1kowslla This sl1l1m1nt wu flled with the Counly Clerk of Oren&• County on 10/06/03 200l69'01J6 Oatly Piiot Nov. 5, 12, 19, 26. 2003 W230 Adfllm ..... ... s...... The lollowin& persons ,.. dotne business as. (actl In Uvln11. 2525 Ocean Blvd 8·4. Corona del Mtr, CA 92625 l•mn Rey Collis I ti, 2S25 Ocean Blvd. II 4, Corona del Mtr, CA 9262!> This busintu 1s con ducted by: an 1ndlvtdual Have you started doln11 busen•u yetf .. o l•mts Ray Colhst11 Thi• statement wu ltled with the County Clerk of Oran11e County on 10/31/03 200J 696l1 ll D•lly Piiot Nov 5, 12, 19, 26, 200J W220 RctltlMlwMllss ..... s....... T ht lo1low1na Ptr\on' ue doma business as. Elite Equipment. l~ A111onquln St Su1le # 144. Hunllnaton Beach. Cahlorn1a 92649 Michael Stephen ltult 1!>431 Caprt C1r Hun· t1neton Beach. Calllorn1a 92647 This b11s1Mu Is con ducted by •u lndlv1d11tl Have you •Ill ltd dotna 1>us1noss y~t' No l\41chnl Hult Thrl st1tament was llltd with \he County Cler~ of Oran11• County on 10/28/03 200Ht0l OS Dally Pilot Nov 26, Ott 3. 10, 17. 2003 W2!>8 Rdltim hdMss "-5""-t The tollowlna persons •t• dolnt buslnH~ as Oowmna SlrHI LO 841 f'tawporl C•ntor Or •52. Newport Buch. C" 92660 Liz Quiroz, 741 "n•lco• W•y 1 H, Newp1HI B .. cn. CA 92660 Thll bu11ntH '' con-ducltd by an lnd1vldual Have you slerled do1na bus1n.ss yet? Nn Liz Q1mo1 This statement was filed with the County Clerk of Oranae Counly on 101?2./03 200l .. U629 Oatly Piiot Nov 12. 19. 26. Dec J. 2003 W242 FldhlMW.S "-S........ The loilowine persons •re dom1 hu\lnen es Wlonerschnllzel. 250 Bristol SI , Cos.It Meu. CA 92626 Strole Tunbulr. 1188 MelroH SI I C Buen• Parh. CA 90621 This bus1nen 11 con ducted by· •n end1v1dual Have yau sl3t led do•n& business yet' No Soote Tunbuh This dattment wn hied with lh• County Clerk or Ortnce County on l0/31/03 200S6t6l7"' Dt1ly P1lol Nov 5, 12. 19. 26. 2003 W223 fldltt. ..... ..... 5""'-' 1 he fnllnw1na per tons •rt doma bu\lnns n · He11U11• rtne All. ~ 11 lh Sh ~el Hunlln(lon Buch CA 926'18 K~the1 ine .Ann Nor"'· 509 I \th Street. Hun unaton Beach Cf\ 9?648 1hl~ businns ts con due led by 1n tndtv1d1•al Ha~e you started dt>tni: huslnt>~ ye\7 No K•thtrif'te Norrts lh•~ 'latem•nt wu M•d with tht County r.1 .. 11 llf Oranee County on 11nt/Ol 200ll696SU I Dally Piiot Nov. 26, Ott 3, 10.17. ?QOJ W?60 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • ........ ...s...... l'ht follow1111 911'10n1 .,. dolll& lluslneu '" •) ECOllO Envt!OM, II) E co110 E11v•lopt com, MM W. MKArtllut Blvd Suite 408, Sant. Ana. CA92704 l tw,.nc• Sl•a••. 22.US fod1ot~&h Wey. t.•k• forest, CA §270' This t>uslMM i. con duetld b)'' en l!1dhlldu1I H1v1 you stttltcl dolna buslntY yet? Ho l1wrtnet Sltetl This 1t1tement wu f1ltd with tht County Cltrlr. of Oranae County on 10/31/03 20Ga696l724 Otlly Piiot Nov. 5, 12 19. 26. 2003 W219 ,..... .... ... s....... Tht lollow1n11 peraons are doln1 bu.sinus u JV H1ndym•n. 52Jlh Orchid Ave .. Corona del Mar,CA9262S 11111 v f11•. !>211/t Orchid Ave .. Coron• dti Mtt, CA 92625 This busmen 11 con dueled by: en lndlv1du1I Have you st_,led doln~ buslnen yelf Yts. !> ll Ol Jtm V. fO• This sUlamenl wu filed w1tti th• County Clark of Oranae County on 11/17/03 200J696SU2 Daily Piiot Nov. 19, 26 Dtc. 3. ID, 2003 W2!tl ffc1111M ..... --~ The followloa oer son' are do1n1 bualqess as SMA FINANCIAL SCR VICES, 20111 Crater Cr . Hvuhneton l),.ch, CA 926'6 Sh11on M, -.uaenstetn 20111 Crftttr Cr , Hun· Un&fon e .. ch, CA 926~ This bu11nns Is con dueled by an tndMdu•I Have you started doma b1111ntss yet7 Yes 1/98 Sharon M Auaensteln 1h1s \lalement wa• filed wtlh tho Counly Clerk ol Or.nae Counly on I0/21V03 200S .. UJSI D11ly Pilot Nov 26. Dec 3. 10. 17. 2003 W256 RctlW .... ... *'-' The lollowlna person1 11e dolnt busineu as Strttmllne f1br11:1t1on 2638 Riverside Or . Co5lt Mesa, CA 92627 Danttl Allan Parse! 2638 Riverside Or Co111 Meu, C" 92627 Thi\ bu11ntu t\ con ducl•d by •n mdtvldutl 11ave you 'larltd clo•tlll bi.tintss yel? v .. 9/03 Darnel Allan Puul Thi• "•lement wa• !tied with the County Clerh of Or •nt" County on 10/31/03 20036963117 Dally P1lol Nov 5. 12. 19,26.2003 W217 FldltlM ...... •s.-t Th9 followttll person• are dOl!1K business u . Gary·, Mobile Scrten Sorv1te. 3441 Summer .el Cucle. Costa Meu. CA 92626 Ctry Ooltnlo.•, 3441 Summerset Circle, Cosio Mesa CA 92626 This buslntn 1s con ducted by an u1d111tdu11I Have you r.ta1 t•<I domjt bu&1nest yet? No C•1y W Ooltnlo.a Tiiis \Ultmtnt was hied with tht County Cler~ fJf Or enae County on 11/10/03 200S69'4S7l Daily Pelot No~ I?. 19 26 3. 2003 W236 fktftlM ...... "-S....... The tollowina persons •re doma bus1nesa as: lnnov1t1on Salon. 1~ Adams Ave CCK!a Me.sa. CA 92626 Temmarle Dinh, 3126 W ht Strut, '74, Santa -.ne. CA 92703 Thi. bu1tn1u is con ducted by• an lndMdu•l Htv• you ~tarted do1n1 business yet 7 Yu Oct I · 2002 hmmo1rlt Dinh Ttlls r.lalemen\ wu fOed ""'th th• County Clerll of Or a1111e County on 10/31/03 200J6'6J7 IS Dilly Piiot Nov 5. 12. 19, 26 2003 W222 The Ltglli IRµrtmtnl 111 the DAi/y Pilot is pk111ed IQ 11nnounrt 11nrw11rv1rt now awi/Abk 10 """ bulinastt. wt wiJJ now SEARCH tlN Mmt for!"" 111 "'' txt'rll rhargr, 11nd 111w !"" the timt 11.nJ tht trip to the CouN Ho14t in S4n.u AM. Thm. of ~u~. afar thr tL11rth is romplnLd wr will file!""' fic#tiolU blllinas Mmt sf4tmrmt with tht Cn1t1J Cllr*, p"blish ontt 11 wttk for fa"' wttlts llS rt'luirttl by lllw 11nJ thnr fik your proof ofpuhlic111W,, with tht <Aunty Ckrk. Plust Mp bJ tc fill JO"' finitio111 hrinm namt sl4tnnmt at thr DtUly Pilot. 330 W. &y St, CoJt4 Mt111. Jf JON r1111not llOp b). pkast calJ w a (949) 642-4321 '""we '41i0 wuik1 '"""'l"""'ts for JO" 10 h""'1k thu promkrr "1 NiL . If pu 1houl.J haw ""l fa rthtr fUtShON, plak raU us'"'" UN wiJJ ~ flfDrt than pl4 to IS:li.st you. Gd<Ni w in'°"' fUUI bNJinmJ Pilot l .. . . How to Place A CLASSIFIE AD Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm Rates and deadline arc ubjed to • chlnae withou1 oouce The publisher rescf"'e the riif\l to censor, reel lf y. revise or reject any cl ified advertisemenL Please~ any mor that may be in your cJassifaed Id unrnediately. The Daily Pt.lot accepcs no liability for any error in an edveni5emcnt for which it may be ~ponsible except for the cost of the By Fa (949) 631-6594 Cl'k-include )OW rwnt llnd phone numba and ~·11 r.ell 1flll t.i.. .. 111t a~ 1f11!* ) By Phone l949) 642-5678 By Mail/Jn Per on: 330 West Bay Street Wednesday .............. Tuesday S:OOpm Thursday ............ Wednesday S:OOpm pace actualJy occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fint msenion. AHNOUNCIMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SALE ESTAn Telephone 8'.30am·.H>Opn) • Monday-Fnday Hours Index ,._ ...,, --- • • , I I \• . - Costa Mesa. CA 92627 A1 Newpon Blvd. & Bay St Walk·ln 8:30em-S:OOpm Mooday-Fnday Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ·---· :~ 'i. _ 7~7466 ..........,-.--. . . . ,. . . . ' . ~ ~.-.Ja.•-•..._ - l rHkr thl' Sen in· D irector\' Ba1111n Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week BUSINESS & FINANOAL R SAl.f SOOS·SISO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 2305·2490 Col'8dlbla/ _Found ___ 1s_10 APPLIANCES 3050 MISCEWNEOUS Mtmcnllllla 11IO N........ ,,.,,.,.,. MERMJU•DISE IAUJIDI c .. 10 Mete .,... Hcelhttf < ..... , ...... ...., .. "''"' ....... ,, .... ...., Coronaclelb P ... 1......., lbr lb• paliO. flftpl1ce. ~h•retl •Id 2br 2ba 1pt. 1 c1r 1.,. ltllups. l c1r carece All 7941 Sterk Ave Avail St500/MO 949 293·4630 S$ ,...,. nc ell.ell•. feund In Aj)f1I UVIMO All P'Ullfl8S WVV. f<W 4 llf(_..S '°°l. eny lnform1llon GMAT HOUDAY Glfll tlr:t ~ ES. !IOI & ah lud1na to owntt conlKI Mm. oil, r:11 fN ~ :-:-;..~6~~ ln"nll11•t or Cannan tllht*..., 11 .. ~1.a>n $705,000 Nov 21 , $1250 + dep Cell 949·533-1387 Milaf1anloua At"'' 714-Ht-21'4 -------CMPO 1J4-7S4·629' HOME FURNISHINGS Mtrdlandlsa 3855 AN lMPIRE STCCl NewportBndl Bu1ld1nc Company Pro lXOTIMO WAlU VllW OOERTAltMEHT Calendar of EVll1b 1310 (QUAl MOU5llG ~ All rul .. tete e6vetl11" '"• In th•' n•~~ la \ub11ct to ,,,. r.o.1al f •11 Hou\•n1 Act of 19611 '' •mencl1d wh1th m1llo 11 111•1•1 10 •d••r '"' ·any CM •l•r · 1nce. ll1nllet1on or do"runrn1t10n ll1Md on race. colc>I. r.i.0on. ua, h•ndKIP lam !lei 11at~ or n1t10n1I llf•llft or en int1n1JOn to meh eny 111cfl prel11enc:e. llm1t1 llon 01 dl1crim1n.1Jon • Thll ne~peper wllt not know1n11r ICnpt 1ny •OvHhumenl for r .. 1 Ullle WltlCh I\ 1n WIOleUon ol th• , •• Oit• read1n er• hereby informed that •II dwell 1np advertised 1n '"" new&p•Plf are 1v1ll1bl1 on 111 equal opPorlun1ty bail~ lo complt1n of d11 ttlmHl.tllOl'I cell HUO tOll Ir" et J .:lO 424 8$90 AucUona 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Oldw Strlt Fumttwe P'IANOSl~ ·-·-................ ,.,,..._.... t• CASff PA80 tt ef'e' .... ttflil""f'• .... wa auVUTATU . .......,........,_ ..,.. ! CONSIGNMENTS ) .. , ... .,... . , '1,1, ' ''. I f ' , t' ~.," I ' : • :' ,·;. I ) 1506 l"t ht II/It met• whit• pooellt 11111. 1mhf •Y'1. Poao vicinity ol occ .... c1 9'9 Ml-8234 949 246 esa5 rm Of,. VKTIH llBTOUllBI! 400 ANIMAl.S RESCUED W1 I H HO C>WH~ llS MONE.Y OOHATIONS MU MAHI Soat'fY C/OPAWS 240 [ HIGHlAHO SAN BERNARDINO CA 92404 N•lp W•t•4 ti.-kt· ........ Dey Thu" Hpv Uth. NP8 ''" ljln1 to itplHOI 7 8 ()()pm $50/ht lo Pfep1re Th•nh11vm1 cltnner mulled pol• Ion, ••Hlpolaloo r:H & onioru, •h1lf1n1 Tllfhey Grevy, C1rv1 T urhey I w1H have the turkey 1n the onn et 1000.m 9'91331441, bll .. MUI General AIQJI--* 1110 DU«U ASOM ''"'"'' 011<1& ...,,.,,,., ('tufl lpjKOJ l/hr from No.port B••~h £a eel i.nt hunl1n1 •dieunl lo '"'' w1ttflowl Jtfu1• ,..,., ... ,.. htete Sole ,.,.....,.... le.lo. French couch•. •1nabtck thews, tove 111b Ir bl & d• Tommy Baham• lurn1 "'" dtel4Mn, bf<HUH T~ .... lltu.~ '1/ool~•n'-7!>18)1() l!Mft Atleft G-11-CotKI tn pr1". elmost -.-i .....,_ .._. & bed tllelb. blltro ~ 4 chlirs. ~ cblat. end ..... 949-675 S5f,6 IAMB <HAit 8Y RGbimoM. Wlllnut & llladl IMl!llr eood condition S12!1ll4·5610218 JEWB.RY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS MfTALS c_.,,.,,. ..... Old Coinsl Cold. •llvtr. ,..,..y .... ~. anbQues <o119ctlbles !M9 642. 94A8 v1d1nt the H11hnl 601 U•P.tD,'51 Qu1hty "'' en11neered Gree LIV W/2.tffR SEC Metal 8u11d1n1 Sy1tem1 28A 2.S8A Sl,250,000 Ht• d Q u., t er• d 1 n Lido Per~ Rulty Mery Southern C•hlornl1 Call Lou l(IOhlt1 now C0t feclory d1<ec1 949-675 2700 pr lc1nc 800 343 3443 (CAI. •scAN) 110 ISLAND PAIUDISI Meple Apul Lovely C•hd Comm, n••• TrMlnlle Squere. 2br Ille w/11r & tr11 $1~. lbt I b• w/p1t10. carport, 1tor•1• 11115 "'*• ,_, p11d. Klelh ~ 1fl7 ~ U.t UX> VIAil Y lfASIS flNl~HOMfS la.l _.Y lllAL Totts ........ 75-4161 .. ..,.... "--2bt 2ba newat c111ptl, pail & UICI 2 c llnckm . ,.r, •dhlf.· ups. •11 949 293·46.JO $SOO • lit -2llf 2111 nr l'P pe-cti. ID ftlps ' testulnntS _,, l c pr wd. sum 9&293-t6J:l AT THt llACH l SID' CHU.MINO, W.e Bastnea UMDU St00,000 "'"" 21>1 I Sb• town UDO ISU STUDIO lar11 clOul & b1th. sunny uposure. SlOOOrn A&• 949 675 6161 ... 2'(..t.a.. I pr l ~ «XMI. new ICIC>I ' Ctpl 3 wlndsotll at Sl950/mo n4 390-5!»0 Qcipol1unltfes AGT. •49-ttt-tSSt house style 2522 Elden Sl375/rno 949 642 5488 .... 417 h IYriYn. 2'Jkfru~2 llr Apt. I Yew Old, 1J11b. wd .._.., 2 c fl', uUl's & ulelllle TV paid. t0t1 pod S23J) ~ Busfnessa and Newport Cont fnndlllel 3905 STRADA 21 oon:uM WAHRD 2' ...... To M 3br ctwn ms tr 3 !>b1 wen tiom f'aT'e. twn 14> ~I. flJ11f V11tuel l0\11 ID Sl.!m P/T. fl!D) r/T lptOC com $1670.000 I* ll'IOroW CA tP1-8 Aatl°"'rw. ~637 0J00 '!'& -forNJocd*csn (c.Al -SCAN) SHOPt SHotl SNOPl Post " cuttomen & 1•• petd S.C:rel Shoppers nMded for locel st(l(H 1nt1u11nh & theater~ fln1bt• hOIKS [m11I rtqUlred I 800-585-9024 ••I 604t (CAL •SCAN) MISCEUAHEOUS ROOAl.S RentalToShare I030 Ml /Oc-View R- Ocunlronl/22nd Pro vel1 rm, unlurn 1l>•r• ba. ultl• p1ld, n/smt., AISOlUll OOLDMIHtl l11tch1nelle. lndty, lblt. 60 vend1n1 mach1nn lo Newport p1et. S7lO<n with u~ellenl loobons C•ll S•m 949 278 7905 lb< t sea tlltlldt house w/d 1n htt, d/w. lrtt. fp, l c '"· backyt1d, Sl800m pell S2S eatre mo (949) 378·3606 W/O, neer Hoaa Hoep, $1300/mo 949-631-4984 WHl<hffi Lr1 2bcl, 2b1 condo Upsl•lfs, cerport 1256 Rult.nd $1350/mo *714 832 1766* JI., 31oe """••, quiet a1e1 11e•ly rtlurb11Shtd 2 cer 1ar wd hllups S2l00/mo 949 759 0974 3br 2ba UPP" level bayhont unit period style. trl vu, I c e•r, aet S2800 949 293 4631 .. ,... l•tltl .... tolll•ttlel Call todQ to pllC8,.. 811 Ctasslflelll4!-5171 -------------------------- T he Classified Advertising Department will be closed on Thursday, November 27th owner~ 1nt.,nl & ..,.,,o• 375 ~re• of l1nd & Improvements • vou1 own temp compound w/tl•udurt ind ,2 tr•1fe" Wonderful rrl n1Mhl BBQ·s & wine tulln1 dur1n1 ducll MHOn • meny UIJHI Ideal lor 2 tr iend\ or 1111Mr & son. c.n M•k• Musi Sell 800 2JA 6911 CbelwHn 9am ~m) f cm 3610 Riii E:mtt StinoeAianoe t •CM o.. ,., w.. s.mca 4250 Space forRent 6060 t & Friday, November 28th, 2003. We will re-open on Monday, December I st at 8:30 a.m. Cot.-.. ,,_.. , •• Pe11lan kllltn' Red, iimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil~ "" 24 hr $lor11•. 400 t lortolwlh6" •• ~b. R Estate 600sl units Mir •to•e f $400Mt-21._,.IJ v•hoclo lows ratu lnvestorsl c.1c.o¥i~•JOO t 11 310 541 0854 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 MllClllaneous llrvtca UCASHU C.sh now tor structllftd Mlllementt •t1nu1tlft end 1n1urence USCUI t 1 t life'' Uncert11nt1n Hippen• Pit Ownetl N11d Help W1U M1n11111d Adult Cah &. Older 001' ""d new homu Adopt Adult A11l1ntls thos Xma•' lO day return Polley www •'ltmalnetWOf• Off W9fl'lt """ & CAJ'S a.:. r111 & 1tnt ,_, ., ~rt~ l>O.,~ ... llbad -..s. ..... -.~"'~ NM.._ la. \IM1dl ,., (7 ....,. 11~ ~1}}9 ••w en1malnetwor• Off PIJO\lh 800 794 7310 ... -...... --... JG. Wenlworlh JG Cla:dJWis Wentworth tnlll\I CISll c·~,' '"N/Dl!T now tor 1truclurtd V•Yri;. 14n1 1 • I t I • m • n I t wltttltu ]Of11t'f s._CAL •scAN> "' • .. m ... •l/Jllfl, _,,., CASH FOR STRUCTURCO orftutl«Miltf, S.UlemenVAnnurty ,1-.U:.J "'-payment$ lrs your .. _.,,_ ..i money• Get cuh no• lwt-ltttl' when you nttd II mosll • r-' oi..t-1111t ti,.--. CLASSIFIED ~.Mlfl:~ Ul-5678 (CAl.-sc:AH) Smerl Muney Ma11 11ne Renhed Austin. R£SIDfNTIAL RENTALS t Tun u the ti plau 7JM f 1n th• U S lo 1nvut ORANGE '""' In '"' estate t f Ind out why vt~ll COUNlY ll.tnnRan- 511 473·5626 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY OPEN SAf-SUH 1-S 3110 (-try <hill MIW ON THI MARllfl MIU v.,de Jbr 2 Sb• ,.mod houH new hi• cerpet 'windows, ai>pri pa.nl laslde & out, 2 Ip If t lam lk pi.n Over 1lz1d backyd S689.000 Jim & Ltallt Finl Tum """"'°" a.ti n~ ics; It.., 21Hl, Unturn•lhtd w/d ttov1 fr11. Avail I Jtn I YHtly lust 9626 793 36~ ._,le Cett ... 2 ~e,. 28e. too-i-n.. -llltdl & IMIM, msll w/2nd f P. \Unny patio. w/d, qtlilt 1t S2'5(Dn"~7 Hr He + Mtk. Yearly anll lZ/15 11psi.n unit, 1u. Fp $2000ln + utdt 949 27!>-8811 •5.13-7166 • • • t • • • • t • If you'd like an ad to appear in the newspaper from Thursday, November 27th thru Monday, December 1st, you must call by 3 p.m. on Wednesday, November 26th, 2003. HAVE A HAPPY THANKSGIVING! 949.642.5678 Pilot -------~--------~-~------- ' e Call (949) 642-5678' G ET TH E p 0 I NT? Daily l'ilol ( '"""i l'ied ad" \\(Irk lot \ 4 1 11 1 '1 I --lMW '01 U ,....,., 3 0, kpcl, 231! ml; full f1et wttranty, sliver /blk llhf, CO, mntf, 191• wtill. bN11tllul lilt new c0fl4, fin avail. ¥995821 S24.!llli5 11111' 9-&Sl• -·· u-( ....... c.,.,. sot ml, blVb• Ith<. bllL carrl .. • roof, Bott CO, am Im. cllfm •his, told Ilka. boolls/ttc:Otda, lih n.• $899S vS!i7281811t t4t-su-t ... -_,,.a.1.u. c.411 .. c 'ts DoVlli. whiWotttMal ltlv. low mi, btautrful ~ cond klslcM " out, clwm wtlls. $2995 BM. 949 586-Ul88 WWW ocpeili - °'-•' ... ·-· CMIO 2dr coupe, V6, 30K 1ctu1I ml, all~tr /c•••n mtlalhc. CO, bHutlful Okt ntw cond, $6995 Y872491 a.., 949-581H888 WWW ocpei11- ... --·· -tGlr't'I iii ... CPI CIW MN Mii Auto, .c, au "°-· W!lltl/tH illter, llM11, flllla ltrOllf i1fl00 ... .. , ... .._,ui. ,.,..._.,swr-c. C4rdlld. 6 ,n. 1!ik A watra11!1. lllOOIYaof, co (671059) Sl9.915 "'' "'-" c.... ~ MooriftoQf, m. Slw1I (611!J12) Sl&.715 w....-..-.... Tapallhlh .... 11'11111 plrc. ow. ,. Sys, Moonroof, l.OllCllcl .. line'*' c.rbfild (.1Xl663) ..... 114-540-SUO CostUISA llkOUI lllOIY ........... . Crttt1. ta11 nno a. .. tw ,...,..,. .... "'"'· 1111 QSt CrttlO..I .UCUKS CDO 'Ot 8~11,blacll "'92.11 Discounted •RCED£S E320 '01 811<:11, 81Kk IW458 Obc:ounted MCRCEOCS £3~• '99 GrMn,tan IY'58l CrHt Oo•I MCRC£0ES ,,_.55 '00 S~tf. blac~ U8S9 Great DNI MCJtCE.OC S S500 '95 Whit•. ten •~ Ollcountod •DCIDH SUOO '00 Whitt, ta11 l'06IO Must Sall MIMICOOHa'OI Blue. pay tOe62 Must S.11 POlSCMI C-e ~t Blue, l'ay 'V6049 M11sl Sell Qvale Mancusi ·01 Sllvef, black •V0139 Discounted .. , ... ,, . .,. ..... Convertible. orlalnel owner, solid cer. ITUll .. $l8.9Jl dlo 9&719al Clwyelor '96 Sor.t"'9 Utt Conv, 1811 actual mr. .. _____ _. FORD TEMPO '90 $750 metallic areen tin ltht bl•ck top. bt•uhh1I like new cond, $7995 tlfm v15672181u' 9&581H888 ...... +'~ PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. N(\M'()llT if...CH •(()STA MESA Daily Pilot Cli\~sified Community Marketplace COVllOTOll6 AUDIM 'OO Black, w/tr ey inlet •V0802 01scounled IMWS211e'ft Bblck. tan tnltr IV9978 Must Sell IMW S211'tl Bronll, tin .,,., •VS497 Must S.ff IMW.S211e'OO GrMn. l•n 1nt1< •V0567 Discounted IMW UOl 'Ot Wh1le, l1n 12466 Mu$I See BMW~'99 Blue, erey 1ntar IV2l I I Musi Sell BMW 740.a ·oo Bronre/tan •9158 Discounted IMW 74010 '00 Bl•clt, tan inter #V9435 Olscounled BMW 740tL '01 8lue/1rey #28AJ Musi Su •MW 74011 '01 S1lve1, If ey IV8605 Greil Buy BMW 740ol 'DI Whtie. 1rey •39!>1 Great Buy CltovT ...... '02 Black crey IV067 Great Buy H...toyOovF•'t2 Red. black IV8109 O~ounled MHSO-S'1S 714 957 0705 OMC SurtHor~11 LSI 2500, 4wd, 70li. • mo, 1old/l•n lthr, atre Mel. s urerb ortc cond Sl ,995 vi52461 8kr t4t-S16-llll --. ..-1.- Or-4 '00 Mor ... LS 33li mel•lloc stlvu blut l'•Y llllf Cully loaded. 11"8 new cOO(j Sl0.495 "'8!6721 SN 9&!JIJS.18118 ·····2·•1 ..•• Hen4o ''7 Accord 2dt coupe EX V·tac encine, 6911 black/lf•Y lthr, snrf, be•ut1ful unmerked 'ond. 1ar •ctd. non smltr SM95 •IOl2675l Bkr 98!5LlllB -.oq!IDam Mende 'H Prelude SI 2dr coupe, aulo fully lo1d1d. white, mnd. alloy whls, bHullful cond S!>99'.i v897?41 Bkr 94'-516-1111 www.oc,..ai1.c- Jotu. ·oo s ,.,... s.o v6. 3511 mt. full fact wt<r, silv11/oalmul llhr, mnrl, CO. memory pk1, be1ul like new unmarked cond, $23995 vf752262 Bkr 949-~ 1888 www.ecpoltl.COM J..-'O 1 lUtl 261i 1111, MT factoty warr blll/blll lthr n•vi1111on. chrm whls, loolla new. smells nt•. fenlnlic nlue. $37.995 11457829 Bkr t4t-S16-tlU -· sm ,..-. ..... Bridge. "" CHAALES OOAEN ~OMAR SHAAtF and TANNAH HtRSQi LA.DY LUO: SMfLiS ~~ NOtrTU IA.lt'f •• ,_ l• ... ~ ,... ........ Operuna lead: Jack of c;> J..-'t4XJ6V ....... Pies -t•lllc ted tan lthr. boa11llh1I 0<ic11\tl cond. must ue lo 1ppncl1l1, Jara1ed. n°" smkr, $6995 v702!>71 Slit 949-586·1888 -........ - LAND IOYll IOOO Discovery II S07, dual moonrfs, , .. , 111mp uals. heeled SHI tac wan 36,000 ml, $21 ,900 V.BU1t k"'1 mm-61& UMolll '00 LS JIO V6, 1111 1ctu•I ml. cll•m P•en•/sr•Y IUlr. mnrf. en. clvome whls. superb at new cond lhrouchl, book•. records, $19,995 v04S829 Slot 949-586 18118 w-. .cr•.c•111 MCRCCIXS BNL ·01 SL!;()() lo•ded 11lver Sports pkc. AMC whls. 9ll ml, MloVttm cond, 302 119 SSZ.750 714 S.1187 Morcede• 't6 C210 Beautiful balclt/cr .. m fully loaded. showroom Wout $9251> 714-~I 2*i4 Merced .. •ts u20 81adl/'blll bHUt, •II opt. none me• new rTWIOI sllC. SI0.250 714-7!>1·2464 Mor ...... '19UOOJ.O or11 owner lull boob & recO<'ds. bllo lthr, chrome whl. bHul1ful or11 cond, mu'll see lo ac>c>rec••le $4995 v968734 Bkr •4t-Sl6-1HI -·!Cf9'·' .... ..,, ---suoo. 31k ll'4 lmTmJlllt, a.me w-. lhM'con a>nd ~ SZl.!B) 714577-0100 PorHM 'O t CWTere 4 Blk/lan mt, Atro kit pll1. every opt poulblt, 4lo m1. never ipenl • nlahl outside ot rained on S62.SOO obo 949 322 6248 ._,. .... ., ... 4.6 HSE 48k ml. lull fact warr, blklb• llhr. 18" chrm whls, superb cond tlwOUlftl $23,99!> .111201 Bkr 949 586 1888 -.-,.i.1.c- UMOl aovta 10s l W8 11511 mo blue/l•n. 1w suspension 1mm•c ulate throuehout S6495 PN!i2lllllJ kh1 n4-222-6161 PHIWPSAUTO "ffMW.lltG 5611"" (1900) $18,980 'ft>~V ..... l'&AS 371iml. (19812) $27.980 .., JHlfl a-.l .. A Steal (1!*181) $9.980 t? taavs U400 Silver. low ml (194531) $17,980 '" •• #'C ... cuoo 49" mo (19751) S49,980 '" •"""" 1100 Oersel. priced lo sell (19842) $23.980 'fSMotte<IHUOO WMe.6Cll ml (19136) 25,980 'f? Matt ... SUH ....,_ 4311 m• (198!>9) $21.980 ,. "'°" ... .suoo .... ,., Wllil• (19020) $21.980 'f• SAAi ~Sc..., 67k ml (19852) $12.980 ,,,v ... ........, #owlHtf• (19728) $9.980 Ht-S74-7777 PtlJfS AUTO ,... t <Im ..... • .. ., '00 4.0 SE 161. octu11 mo. full fact w1rr blk/c•rm•I flhr. be•ulllul hh new cof\d Mu•I see to lllP' ... SZB.985 .0171196 Bltr 949-58& 1888 ---~-<- ffoME, ffwTH • ~-- Calilornle l1w re qvlr• llllt conttac ton ta111ns ..,1>1 th•I total $500 or more (llbO< or mat•llt.) be lamtd by llle C0Dtr1cto11 Stale License Boatd Stale law abo rtQUlrts that conlrectors Include tMlr license number oqelt~Vou can chock tilt status ot yo111 llc•nnd contractor el ww*.«lb ce.cov or 800 32l·CSl8. Unit· censed contrectors ltkln1 joba th•t tol•I lau than $500 must t\1t• In lhelr advertlsemants 11111 they t<t not llc•natd by lhe Conlreclor• , .... lktnM Bollfd. M••a ...... 1, Iii M A • l HANDY MAit Install, reface cabinets. ~~ ~ DalC 714-56ns8 ',, fllfll. flfl'.lirl " I'' ~.HHH \ t~f ' . :"1' y • .. ' l ·' " • ,.,. . . NM lO"" IU_,lll 1l41A 1112 AVM.A8lr TOOAYI 94H7ll* "ff JOOM Auto, llatller. CO. Prem Wills (699V5) '12,900 'OZ~'" StVCrt~. custom Whls, CO, 261< ml (116521) Sl3.900 'f•U-SOO SC>ort Piii/AMO. Bou. Multi CO. 2 Tops (107Z91) $39,900 'HCllO Whl/l•n. Auto, moon Hice Cit (099216) $14.900 'O;~-SE Auto, A/C, CO R- Sc>lr (2634.27) SI0,900 H4....._. Limited, Loaded. Sale Priced (094173) $16.900 WOs.tOO Wht/hn Pl•llnum Seron. low Mt ro (099216> m .ooo '''GUOO Bllo/lan CO, H<tlo• Audio. Loaded (046903) S2 I. 900 'f?l-40~ Top of the Lina. Bos.. CD.V842l (444967) $19,900 .,, ........ .,4.0 HSI Auto, 4WO, Multi CO. Loacled (326806) $14.900 .......... , •• , 4.0 SE 8()1.•m1 bl•ck. tan llhr &uper b cond lhrouahl booi.~ rec01d'I $10.99'..1 v046829 BM 949 !186 1888 -.~.c- "-·~·· Wkly/Bl wklJ/Monlllly R1fs Grul ret9'! llMld1 --~ 949 m-0837 v .... ~. (o«net• & ·~ 8ricll. Block, SU.. Ccincr9lll RWComm U747448 714 965·2824 MllcllMca Wednesday, NcNembet 26. 2003 At TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE f_.,• 'tS GL wfllto, loaded, all opltons, lmm•culalt S2500 714-7.Sl-24'4 Toyolo '91 Cor.U. OJ 60k + mo, •uto, pw. pl, cruise. wh1la/1r•y 1nl, superb S4~ vl!>7829 Bkr 949 !>86-1888 •-·4Kfl06tl.c- TOYOTA 1112 '9t whlle. owner 11r>ce '92, re1 m11ntenance. must sH to 1ppreclate $3800 obo 949·322·5192 .,. v.u ..... -ltn, Ian, New moto<, runs sreatl $3200 obo *""' 4~0612• v .... ....,·oJ •••"- Conv Turbo bllv'blk. 1100 mo. 1mmaculal1 tond. $25.500 949 675-8808 SELL your stuff through classified! McMng&Staflgl PUBLIC NOTICE The Calif Pu•llc Ullhtlts CommtKlon requll'H U11t all used ho11sahotd coods movers rrlnt their P.U C C1 T nurnMt, ltmos ind chaullturs print their l C P number In an IHtvw· Us.ments If you havt any que•tlons eboul 1111 11111111 of I mover . limo 01 clleulftur. call. PUJLK UllUTIH COMMllSION 100 177-1167 .... 9045 AUTOS WANTED .... ru:wq a rd. Tndls. 'hr1r. P!ly CW\ f rw 1QIM1l WI amt lo you =~ Ut-221-5641 BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 7Sft IOAT SUP, Sublet for Dec .. Jan S23 pw ft on XMAS IOAl PMADC llOUTl 949-64().-0562 I .;.-:. I tctvalonof MITJ •"90<t stWER JETTING ELECTRONIC SLAB L£AK OETfCTION friendly Service f4t -67S -t304 -.~CX)lll ~75:U91 Ht•tJrl'CI SlWll AllDllUll~ (t4t)HS-US2 CIASSIFIED It's till solu- tionyou're searching/ or- whether you 're seeking a home, aparl· menJ,petor new occupation! \•II ;:,our Car '" (' u(Jl,d ! .......... ,..,, Custom lft"d Painted llo\nll • f 111•. ~ M.e b hft Dm-84. TMlSflltPn.1'1 Si>«iallt111& In W•llpellf Removal l.f51124l '49 * lZll WllMC--. ..., ....... a... s....... b.,.,.,_ ' ........ Trttlt.t.Slll1. Scre1n1 7\4 957·3301 eot.M .. WUT WIMOOW SQVICI SAl1il1etluft G1111anttoe1 • !Mi 631-15'2. SELL your stuff U.-ough classified! . . I i J HI-TIME wine ceOars • With all that gc>es oo in the world I throughout the rest of the year, the winter bolklays bring thoughts of home and pe8ClC, family, OC'W I. beginninp, rdt.ction and oclcbration. Prom Thanb&Mhl to New Yw's, IDOlt North Americans YiilJ find thc:m9dvcs at tome typed. gathering - ~ rdigious or ICCUlar. traditional or c! l.nformaJ. and p>d food and drink an: .~ an impol1ant part ot any occasion. Why not brina a sift Msket to stw;_~ for the ~A 10 Fcatwina the finest wi.ncs. been, lpirits and cham~ Hi-Thne nu a buket or~. &Ct i to make your holidays brighter. A beautiful display is set up imide their store. with plenty of pbotoe on their WdJ site (www.hitimeswinc.com) and a full-color spread in tbc:ir cunmt newslctt.cr. U)'Oti~ the ape holtin& the pany, Hi-Tune is your "bcvcragc tcotral" for all I tortt ot party suppUea. from keg beer to bulk ia:, drink m.ixcs to spccialty o1M:s, plastic ware to crystal. • Occembcr ls ffi-Thne'a trad1tlonal month for plddng out their~ wines rdc:ascd the ~year. 1bc:ir IClccdona, from Australia. Italy, Fraoo: and the United States, are featured tn their December DCWlletter and Web lite. Whal looking for the perfect gift for the wine fan, tbeec lists an: • great start to finding the right wine in the ri&bt price range. Wbdhcr it's a Bordeaux 2000, an Aussie Shiraz 0r a bOOtiquc California Cabcmet Sauvlpoa. the lists. rcYCal it all. Hi-Tune bu one of the top chalnptgDC adcctioiu in the mtioo. IO don't forFt the bubbly! Hi-7Jnw Wint Cd/an, 2SO Ogle Stnd. Costa Moa. Call (949) 6SIJ..IU63. Fat-oMne purc:Jwes. vi.fit www.JUrimewbv.ntt. Crush Oothin& provides cmaordinary five star service, along with the latest .fashion treads and an unbelievable concept. of "ao much at $20 or less.• Our customers shop two or three times a week in ontcr to take advantage of the daily deliveries of CRlJSH c10ffimg new mcrchandiac. A small section of the store is devoted to upscale off price designer apparel with ~up to 75 percent off regular prices. Many of the designer labels thai arc sold at Crush arc also available at the major department stores and boutiques for much, much more. Our customers come into Crush looldng for complete outfits and we can accom:moclatc them with our fabulous selection of jewelry, lingerie, shoes, velour sweats, trendy career separates, denim jackets and jeans, clubwear, dressy separates fut spccia.I cvcnta and JeUy bandbap in citrus colors. O'Wh Oolhing, IDB. 11th SL. Costa Mesa. Call (949) 631-330.3. . PTAZA Jewelery mart The newly expanded showroom at Plaza Jewelry Mart features 16 independent merchants who feature quality jewelry at wholesale prices. You will find GIA and EGL certified diamonds and engagement and wedding rings. They also offer custom orders and repairs while you wait. Pfaza J~lry Man, 3721 S. Bristol, (bawttn Sunjlowu and MocAnhur). Call (714) 979-.il.15. Hours ar~ 11 a.m. to 6:30 p.m., Tiwsday through Saturday. A new ski/snowboard/golf store rcccntly opened in Newport Beach to serve the most discriminating sports enthusiasts as weU as those wanting to look the part. The oonccpt ot penooaJi.ud service. is e:xcccded only by the level and quality of the apparel and cqulpment found a1 Stdan Kaelin Ski & Golf located ac~ from Joe's Crab Shack at 2700 West Coast Highway. Functional and fashionable apparel, much of it imported from Europe. high tech boot fitting equipment. and a full tin\Ci PG A golf professional with state-of-the-art club customi2ing and swina anaJysls equipment raises the bar in servicing the needs of local clicntele. Penional shopper service, gjft registry, and a program of equipment lcasin& for juniors for both ski and snowboard packages, &R on two spacious levels paclccd with the late.st in technical expertise for all three sports. Rental skis, tuning, demos, a fllf hhtina cage, and a ..:;;-.......,;;...-:;.;,&,,~...---------.. professionaJ staff were brought in from the POA and Aapen to u&st in getting active Orange County rcskttntJ prcd up to tie the belt thc:y can be ln the world of leisure and lif'cstyk sports. Stclan Kadin and his wt.le Stacha. whose BllPhfp lklrc::l in AlpCD have been 1CfVina thC DCicda ot Southern Californians vacationin, ill the Rodcy Mountains for 9'0l'C 1h&n rT ~ have bfou&ht thdr Clldmtvc lblCI Md vut experience to a 10,~ IOCatbt ~Newport Beach, wttta a.14'adent. me partdna. ~~~~Ja-~~~attXaelln§ld ct Golf at (949) 631-3280. .. .. - 8 w • I I ~ • ~ J • I I ~ • 'ti c! ~ 1;i ~ ! .a ~ House of Tiki is a very hip atore-1ocated at 1860 Newport Blvd., across the street from Triangle Square in Costa Mesa. This Polynesian pop culture shop has everything from too mugs to ba'mboo and rattan furniture. They recently celebrated their suC<USfuJ second year, and arc planning to cxp!nd and open a tropical showroom. nearby. H 0 U.~.E 0 F :=::;~~~~=~~unfy ti I He has a passion for travel and the outdoors. The lifestyle he enjoyed living in Lanikai, Oahu for three years scaled hts love of the islands and au that tropical paradise represents. Being an independent store owner and furniture designer has long been Johnson's passion, so when he moved back to the mainland, he applied his artistic talents toward opening House of Tiki. His long range plans include designing furniture and importing various goods from all over the South Pacific. He attributes his creative talents to his grandfa1her, Truman Bailey Sr., who was a successful photographer, designer and writer in the 1930s and '40s, and traveled extensively throughoul the South Pacific. Bailey, whose work appeared in Ufe and National Gt0graphic, wrote a book Wes Johnson, owner, House of Tilci titled Polynesian Vnuure. He also founded the institute of Manual Arts in Lima, Peru, where he Uvcd out his life and his dr?ms. HOUM of Tua is open Monday through Saturday, JO a.m. to 6 p.m.; Sunday. LI a.m. to 5 p.m. Pur~ umque gift items by visiting www.hoos«>ftiki.lld. ,. THF ,FIRST PAGE a cffilcf ren s bookstore The holidays are here! So it's time to relax and have some fun. The First Page is making it easy and fun to shop for the holidays. We all know that shopping with kids can be a challenge, so The First Page children's bookstore was designed with curious little ones in mind. All books arc displayed by age category and face out for easy shopping, and our expert staff can help you find exactly what you want with no delay. We carry titles for babies through eighth grade, pregnancy, parenting and the top literary picks for moms and dads, such as TM Sttret U/e of 8tts and The Da Vinci CO<k. We have theme baskets for every little boy and girl -fTom down on the farm 10 intergalactic, and from princesses to dinosaurs -which include books, toys and activities to make the season bright. Don't know what to gel your pre-teen niece for the holidays? Try our spa-sampler and a newly released book, all WTapped up with care. In a hurry? Call ahead and let our staff be your personal shopper. The First Page offers free storytime Monday 1hrough Friday a1 10 and ti a.m. for all ages. There will be a special visit from Santa Claus on Salurday, Dec. 13, from 2 10 4 p.m .. and a Chanukah event Monday, Dec. 22 from 4:30 10 5:30 p.m. TM First Page, 710 E. 17th St., C<ma Mesa. Call (949) 645-5437. Custom Gift Wrap at No Cbirge UPS at No Cha'rp • Mall All Over the World WINE MERCHANT Overstreet's Wine Merchant specializes in personal and corporate gifts, custom made on the premises, and fine accessories and stemware for your entertaining and lifestyle. -Since 1972 Delivery -Local and Nationwide Easy Shopping by Phone 949.566.9463 • 310.278. 7322 or visit us at www.winemerchantbh.com • LAG UNA CANYONARTI STS.coM OPEN STUDIO EVENT .Sot & Sun: Dec 6 & 7 1 Oam-6pm 30 studios start at 3251 Laguna Canyon Rd. Laguna Beach 949.493.0383 www.LagunaCanyonArtlsts.com Mass age:. Slun carc:. Body Tr c:atmc:nts (949) 376~2772 1555 South Coast Highway Laguna Beach www.aquaccrraspa.com f ...-..-------···-·--·------· ·-·-- G R A N D OPENING 1=dlhch door One-of-a-kind Home & Garden Accessories Bring this ad for a I 0% discount thru Dec. 24th Eastern Europe Antiques • "Bedhead'" Paramas Exclusive Majolica from Russia • Unique cards & candles Baby Gifts & Children's room accessories • Umps. Pillows & Unens Ceramics from Italy • local artisan's photoiraphy. &lass & cer.\m1cs 949. 497. 7899 Located in the lumberyard Hall J&4 Forest Avenue, Suite 9, Laiuna Beach • M·f 10 6. SAT 10 s. SUN 11 .s Propriewr Ow>n Slurt.y I'-l'ft ~' @ McCalu ~) SAVINGS OF UP TO Need a Lift? - Speda.11 & Gift Certfflcatet Avallablel SVE~f} DAY (949) 494-7637 . S n A 384 FOl'Mt Ave. tm • Lagune Beech .~ ~ www.1uemarlndaysp11.com GIFT CERTIFICATU I PRIVATE I GROUP PARTIES -* Full ll Half Day Packages Massagn 8 ~nit-Aging Facials. Wniin, Salt Glows and More. Spttial Holiday Pad.age( l\s Low Ai. $45 <\JJ)(Jmlf -o/) /a rrit na c;.. lo,; Tht' R<"lrral 0Jy \11a visit www.YM"c1;1 rom • )OJ Hro•d"'il)', Sutlt 1108 •For iln .ippolnlmtnl call 94'l.4\ll '>414 • WWW.YMSPA (OM UNIQUE GlfiS I JEWELRY BOOKS I MUSIC I CARDS ESSENTIAL OIL I INCENSE PSYCHIC READINGS ENERGY HEALING AURA/CHAKRA READINGS .\ND CL\SSI.S Gift CertljiCllt£s Available Mention this ad by December 24th and receive 10°/o OFF OPEN LATE DECEMBER STH DURING HOSPITALITY NIGHT 1 :r 2. 5. ~ (/) 2~ g :g 5 ae~~ OQ QI -;::o. "' to 111 Tbund•y. )!!. December .. .,., 1st Thl.WSdoy'$ ~ Artwalk ! Prtday. Deelember 5t.b: "' :; Hospltollty Night OQ BuslnOsses ~ 0 open Iota i i ART .;;? I . Laguna Convon 2 Artists ~ (949) 493 0383 a ~ SPA "' 8 Aquotetro w (949) 376.2772 PA91110ft Satisfy My SoU (949) 376.7163 (h/I. hefs. hOme) BboKs 8orhoby Rudge (949) 497 AJ79 I (\nJluOI t>ookl) I .IEWr.LRY c Hayes Jewelers I (949) 494.3513 faortlO IOlll) ~A~ • i I • I f ~ • ·ns nm UUON TO OIYE AIOUX. n.r.i ~a. the~ of ... el9nt RoAex omepeca to t.a d'8t tp9C:lll to11le()I• how you f-'. And no matt« whdl style of Ralmc you d1oole. you1 be iM"I • 8Jft a( lastq ql.Uty, ~ Md dainbiity. WNtt you ,,,... ~ Ow-·-list this )'W; dlleCk it twice. lwJ - who's rice~ to daerw a P..oml ·'if • • • • • • • • • .BOLEX • •JEWELERS . 3.408-1 Via Oporto, Newport Beach 949-673-9334 THE AT~k~Je~C CLUB Did you know that the average per80ll gains five pounds OVCT the holiday leaSOn? The best method to stave olJ holiday weight gain is to incorporate a fitness regimen before it's time to make New Year's resolutions. 1.ccna DhaJJa, pcnonaJ traina and owner oCThc Athletic Oub for Women, offers ways to find the time and motivation to stay fit during the holidays. • Wear your soeakcn to the mall. While 9C8rChing for that pctfoct gift, walk at • f1lSt JJ11CC. Take an extra lap around the mall~ store visita. Park your car far from the entrance and enjoy the extra cxm:isc. • Schedule your workout& When you make this appoinbnent with yoursdf. you're making your health a priority. E\icrl better, Id • date with a personal trainer and get. in a full workout in a limited time period. • Drive by the gym. While you arc out running cm.ods, duck into your gym for a half hour oo the treadmill or 20 minutes of strcogt.h training. Quick workouts add up! • Have J"OUC gym bag packed with essentials and c:xtra clothes in your car or by your desk, 80 you're always ready to c:xerci8c. • Elm::isc early. Oct to the gym first thing in the momin& or oo your way to work. If you leave it for later in the day, other thinp can ~up. • Foaus OD the benefits. Remember, cradac can help you sleep better, give you more energy and increase self-esteem. The Athlt:tic Oub for Wanem. Z036 Quail SL.~ &om. Call (949) 8S2-8655. Y• CWct of lint DeldOls fltrtt hem ... w... ,..... .... . ~~ ....... .... .. CnidlJ I.ii ftW lb & D s' as Spa. 1111rt WI • .w.. ... ..,,--.......,.._. ............ ' -I I ' - www.benlhana.com Three Dog Bakery in Newport Beach opened its doors more than five years ago. It started with "two guys, three dogs and an 89 cent cookie cutter that has turned in the: world's greatest howling success!" Founders or the Newport Beach in the Corona del Mar Plaza, Sandy and Roger, buih the business on the philosoJ:!hY or balancing highest quality merchandise, foods and fun with an equal devotion to helping dogs and the community. THREF DOG .. DaKery close·to-the·earth·ingredients, without salt, sugar, chemicals, aniticial preservativel> or animal fat -all developed for lhe discriminating canine palate. There are Boxer Brownies, Pup Tarts. rrrrRRRibs. Fetch 'n' Sticks and Drooly Dream Bars. just 10 name a few. Check out the big dog favonte: the monstrous "Dino Bone" for the Jurassic Bark. Unique mcrchandi-.t· mcludcli collars, howls, sweater,, 10}' and cH·n a fc\\ 1hings for twQ-legged Hsilor-.. Several timr' .1 \car the hakl-n: hold' Pel \dopllon Da\"> \ oluncn·r ... lrnm k'H. .• 11 Pooches can enjoy fresh baked treats made only from wholesome, natural, animal shelter" .111d 'ariou' n·,rnc i:rnup' romt· 1ogethcr !O t1nd fom1heo; for tht'\t" IO\·abk bur h11mdc,., dog,. In add11111n. ,, rx·rn·nr ot I hrec Dog Bal.er. profi1-; go to canine 1h.inlrt''>. Don '1 mis~ ~ix-rral C\C"nh rhroughout 1h1· }Car· a ,um mt r pool part). Ho\\ 1-C > \\ 1·t·n < nstumt· p<1rt\ and a "''t from "ianca J1m·1· /)of!, Ha~en•. 92.J .4mn11/11. \cwport Hrnc/1. <tiff ('I.JI/) 7fi0·36.J7 AnER THANKSGIVING SPECIAL SALE 25·50% OFF 0 LUXURY LIFESTYL E SPORTSWEAR AND EQUIPMENT STEFAN KAELIN SKI & GOLF 2700 W EST COAST HIGHWAY • NEWPOIIT BEACH 949.631.3280 N 8 w • ' 1 • l .. I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L •' ~ GREEN SYSTEMS j mternat1onal • J I -l'O .i f Specializina ln Phalacnopsis orchids, also known as the butterfly orchid, come discover them in a variety of cclors: white, whJte with red "lips.· deep pink, striped pink and yellow. There is a wfde selection of other types of orchids. Including Onddium: some smell like chocolate; Denc!r<>bium: often used for Hawaiian leis and corsages; Epidcndrum: outdoor loving; O.ttleya: often with gorgeous giant blooms; Paphlopcdllum or Lady Slipper, Miltonia or pansy orchid; Brasia Rex and Colmanara Wildcat wfth bright yellow, burgundy, mahogany and deep violet bloeaom.s. Grttn Systmu lntemational is opm ~Saturday to the public. It Is located at 20J62 Birch St., N~port &ach. Call (949) 756-WI. 949 . 722 .1803 SOT.E comfort The holiday season is fast approaching. With many of us planning to attend offi~ parties.. family gatherings. friendly gct-togethers. as well as shopping for gifts, plan on spending many hours on your feet. The average person will spend abour 48 hours on their feet this holiday season, so it is important that your feet are well prepared for the grueling hours ahead. Many podiatrists feel that neglect. a lack of awareness of proper foot care and ill-fitting shoes can lead to foot problems. Problems with feet arc often the initial symptoms of other health conditions such as diabetes, arthritis, and nerve and circulatory disorders. Foot ailments can be the first signs of a more serious problem. Women have about four times as many foot problems as men, which means it is important for women to find a balance between good footwear and fashion . This will lead to good foot health. Podiatrists suggest that women wear shoes with heels of different heights and alternate them dally. Comfort, not.fashion, should be the primary Factor when determining which shoes to purchase. When selecting your holiday footwear, remember the shoes that you choose to wear arc almost as important as finding that perfect gift. Whether attending an elegant office party or a family gathering. it is important to be fashionably comfortable. Don't give up comfort at the expense of your feet. One out of every six women has foot trouble -don't be that one. Give your feet the gift of comfort. Sok Com/on is located ln QJrona de/ Mar Plaza, 836 AWJCOdoAve .• Nnvporr &ach. Call (949) 644-5939. • Holiday Photocards • Greeting Cards •Gift Wrap • Holiday Home Decor • Stationery • Paper Goods & More! PELICAN HILL 1 ANO OAK CREEK go f clubs The 2004 Players Club Program offers unbelievable savings, special privileges and world class golf -it is the ultimate gift for golf lovers. Award-winning Pelican Hill Golf Club in Newport Coast and Oak Creek Golf Club in Irvine. Orange County's only public Tom Fa~io--designed golf courses, are offering more benefits than c.-ver before with their combined Players Club Program for 2004. For the first time in the Program's history, Players Club participants and their guc.-sts all play for the same special rate. In addition, participants will be able to tee off one.-hour earlier than the general public during super twilight hours. They also will receive 20 percent off all non-sale Golf Shop purchases and range balls and will be invited to Oak Creek Golf Club, 12th hole take advantage of special (.""Vents including quarterly clinics and food and beverage promorions. "In the past two years we occasionally enabled Players Club participants to bring three guests at the Players Club rate. The response was so tremendous, that we decided to extend this value to our customers for the entire year. It's a fabulous offer that gives our customers three world-class Tom Fazio courses to choose from," said General Manager Hansjocrg Maissen, who oversees Opt'rations at the two clubs. "'The Players Club is an unbelievable program providing incredible value," said Kent Jordan, a Newport Coast resident who plays twice a week at the two locations. "These clubs take care of their valued customers. The fact that you can play two great venues with unparalleled service and exceptional benefits is why I join the program year after year." See GOLF CWBS, page 12 le & Fashion 5 Points Plaza r;:, POIN r:.:. t • I """ .A,, Main Street at Beach Blvd. (In Huntington Beach) 714/1141-00J6 www.5polntsplaza.com N 8 w \ ~ j • I f • • Award Wmning Titles • Great Gift Ideas • Special Events • Free Gift Wrap A •pecial vi.it from Santa Cla\U s.turda,, Dec. 13, 2 -4 p.m. & a efianu.kalt event Monday, Dec. 22, 4:30 -5:30 p.m. LF CLUBS, continued from page 11 For a single annual calendar year fee or $500, The Players Club offers the following privileges: • Pelican Hill Golf Club {Two 18-hole Tom Fazio-designed golf courses): • Weekday Green Fee or $135 (Monday -Thursday) -$40 savings • Weekend Green Fee of $165 (Friday -Sunday) -$85 savings • Oak Creek Golf Club (One 18-hole Tom Fazio-designed golf course): • Weekday Green Pee of $75 (Monday -Friday) -$20 savings •Weekend Green Fee of$99 (Saturday -Sunday) -$36 savings Leading golf publications have consistently recognized Pelican Hill as one of the country's top golfing destinations. In 2003, Pelican Hill ranked third behind Pebble Beach and Bandon Dunes in T & L Golfs Reader Survey for Best Resort for Course Conditions, Golf Staff Attitude and Pace of Play. Jn 2002, Golf Magazine placed both courses on its list of the "'Top 100 Courses You Can Play" in America. Golf Magazine has also named Hole 17 on the Ocean North Course as one of the •&st Holes in the World." Golf Digest ranked Pelican Hill as one of the country's "Best Golf RCllOrtS." honoring the club with its "Pour Star Award" for both courses. Oak Creek Golf Club, with the same $CrvlCC and course condition standards of Pelican Hlll, has qulclcJy bcoome a favorite among avid Orange County golfers. Oak Creek Golf Club· features one of the most extensive and well-developed practice facilities in Southern California. Practice Center amenities include 65 lighted Bermuda grass hitting stalls, a large practice bunker, two putting greens, a practice chipping green and expert instruction from eight PGA professionals. Both Pelican Hill and Oak Creek Golf Clubs are owned and managed by The Irvine Company. For l'10f'e information about Pelican Hill Golf Gub and/or 71rl! Plqya-s Gub, call (949) 760·0707 or visit www.~/icanhill.com. For more infomwtiOl'I about Oak Crttlc Golf Club Oll4/<>r ~ P~s CTub. call (949) 653·5300 or visit www.oalccrttlcgolfdub.com. •GIA & EGL Certified Diamonds •Customized Orders •Engagement & Wedding Rings •Repairs While You Wait • 18 Independent Merchants NEWPO RT ·:· !!ll l : consignment g'"a1f ery Newport Consignment Gallery, located at lhc end of the 55 Freeway in Costa Mesa, has just opened their 8000-squarc-foot showroom. ft is filled with beautiful antiques, upscale furniture, pianos, office furniture, retro vintage pieces. an and home accessories, lighting and chandeliers, statuaries and fountains, and much more! Newport Consignmenl Gallery also offers many 01hcr services. They include eslate liquidations, legal appraisals, estate auctions, business liquidations, pick up and delivery service, house caJls and consignment o r cash buy-ours. All I his is lopped off by 20 years of professional experience. Newport Consignment Gallery is also licensed, bonded and insured. Whe1her you have a single piece or a house full, arc in the marker to sell or buy, and desire fair market value, call the: experts at Newport Consignment Gallery. E-mail us or bring in a photo. Newport Consignment Gallery, 1941 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, (949) 650-4670. Visit www.newportconsignmentgallery.com. Lotions & Lace One Stop L•ve Shop t-bn: Mon-Thur 10-9 • Fri-Sat 10-1 0 • Sun 11-6 , • .,..._ IUGI com MIU 6912 Wamw Aw. 743 lobr ser..t 1860 '*' lwe. ..... C...-1 llodl W. lrw.tal Acrole from K Mart (714} M-0900 (71~ 429-1911 (71~ 974-3539 . Also in: IWarside, Mcnk:lair, Moreno \tJley and San Berncd. io • For 111 vour _. and need~ Beer, Wine, Spirits, Gifts, Glassware, legs, Mixers, etc_ N 8 w THE SPA and fitness center The Spa and Fitness Club gift card is the perfect holiday gift ... it's more than a gift .~ it's an experience. For those of you who can't bear the hassle of trying to decide what to purchase some.one who has it all, The Spa and Fitness Club offers the glft of str~ relief to both the frustrated shopper and deserving recipient. The Spa, Orange County's most exclusive day spa and Lifestyle club since 1994, offers pcrs6naJizcd gift can:ls in any denomination for luxurious pampering treatments that nourish the mind, body and spirit. More than 60 different beauty and body treatments arc available. For the ultimate spa experience, we recommend the Deluxe Spa Pedicure to revive and rejuvenate, a microdcrmabrasion treatment that includes a relaxing Hydrating Facial or the Hot Stone Therapy to massage away tension and stress. The Spa off crs a signature line of skincare products, candlca and neck pillows to create the perfect spa environment for the home. All products can be combined with gift cards to make ideal gifts for family mcmben, co-workers or friends. The Spa and Fitness Center has J-4 tTCJtmcnt rooms. state-of-the-art fitness equipment, group exercise classes, yoga. outdoor swimming pool and deck. caft, luxurious locker rooms with premium amenities, whirlpools, steam rooms and saunas. Memberships arc available for saving on spa treatments and unlimited use of the c:xtenslve fitness facilities. ~Spa and Fitness Cmt" is located at 695 Town Cmt" D~. Costa Mao. adjacmJ to tM Pnforming Ans Cmld in Orange County. To pu~ gift cards. coll (714) 85().0050 or purt:hase onlin.e at W"Ww.thapaandfitnes.rdub.com. Cal's sinoc 1962. has been a Southern California haven for the amateur and professional photograph.er (or almost 40 years. The store's line of 35mm, medium and large format cameras is extensive, backed by service and suppon with dealer demos, camera clinics and extended warranties that benefit the customer. Whether you're in the market for an incxpcnsiv<· vacation camera, a hobbyist's dream camera. or a professional's tool of the trade. visit Cal's. where CAL'S rAMERAS ana video sales professionals guide you through the maze of Jargon. specifications and features. Offering service, education and fair prices by providing the customer a comprehensive package, Cal's educates the buyer before the ~le (often times resulting in the purchase of a less expensive product than was imagined). as well as offering a competitive price, and then supponing that purchase with after sale instruction. Cal's carries most every manufacturer's accessory for a product, both new and old. The store's inventory is enormous, and if Cal's is out, it's because the manufacturer is out. But, they are happy to order any part you need. They are computerized for efficiency and tracking, and dedicate an individual for monitoring those orders. Cal's Cameras and Video, 1710 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. Open Monday through Saturday. 9 a.m. to 5:10 p.m.; c/Qt~d SwuJays. Qi// (949) 646-9383. nvE R STRE FT'S Dar anCf Wine mercnants Rendezvous at Ovcrstrcct's Bar -not a pfacc, not an addr~ ·-a state of mind. Owners Dennis and Chris Overstreet have created a wonderful respite for their customers and friends who enjoy an inviting setting for sipping their favorite beverage, discovering a wine, sampling the menu, listening to great jazz and partaking in stimulating conversation. This intimate and sophisticated bar is tucked in at the entrance of Lido Marina Vitlagc. Overstrcc1's features 25 fine wines by the gliw and premium spirits and liqueurs from around the world. Wine tasting seminars and wine dinners are offered throughout the year. Whether you prefer to sink into an overstuffed chair, gather at a couch sett in& or rendezvous at the bar, the atm06pherc feels like a private club. Bar cujsine features salads, appetizers, entrccs. desserts and imported chec:sc& For private parties and corporate events, Ovcrstrect's is the ideal setting. Come discover a unique repertoire of gifts, gourmet foods. wines and spirits that can be gift wrapped while you relax. Ovmtrm's MM Mtrdrant and 01:-emrttt's Bar, J4(}() Via Lido, Newpon 8«lda. Sltopping hours: Tiu:sday, 11 a.m.. to 6 p.m.: Wtdnesday • Salurday, 11 a.m. to JI p.m.; Sunday, noon to 6 p.m. Gift wrap: ddi!ln'y availabk. BOT ltotur Wtrliwday • 7Jlw:sday, 5 lo n p.m.; Friday • SaJurday, 5 p.m. lo ~· Li..ufn I() jazz. 1'11mday • s.tw~ 8~ BpJ#. ~ ~". • ••••• i • 11 :r Q. 0.: C» '< (./) 5 "O "O 5 O'Q C» -;:+ V> CD C'D ~ ?: )> ~ d ~ OQ IJ) c g [ II> ~ ~ II> 3 ~ .... N 8 w •• i I • I I ~ • ... .. o., ~ H.,,., ~ p. 1"' .-,.,, /"1u S,. IAIJMt,.,, Cdrtl """'"""" ~"··· MCIAL MCUG• FtloH $160 POil TWO 80 11N. MCW.S lO USO POil TIN MaM1 ia¥1I UP to $100 °" OUll fAaM. PJroa1AGa GWT° MCICAGI $300 -A~ I lS...~•$100SM ....... OWT ~ $510-A $/00 WINCS 6 SM Hcus • $100 SM Dou.w" GIWfO GWT ~ $900 -A $320 Sl*'NCS 12 SM Hcus • $200 SM OowK 9Gooo loilNo GAn.-laAHD SM~ 11111 •• ....,,.,... ~ 24, 2(IO.J -· _.,.,.....,..., .... G{f <ltifio#a ... ~ """'~ "°""'"' *~ JOHN BLOESER carpet one Serving California since 1879, John Bloeser Carpet One has a wonderful selection of name brands including Karastan, Lee, Armstrong, Liz Claiborne, Mohawk and more. Come visil the newly expanded flooring/window covering showroom offering a comfortable, pacious environment to find just what you've been looking for. John Bloeser Carpet One treats you like famity -continuing to provide you with unparaJlclcd customer service _ as they have done for more than a century. Jolin Bloeser Carpet OM is located at 1917 S. Bristol St., Costa Mesa. Coll (714) 751-2324. Open Sundays. Additional store locations in Long 8"ach and Los An~les. ~:..__::__:._~~~--l -B LACKMAN LTD. jewelers ~- Blackman Ltd. invites you to come in and assist you with your holiday hopping. Perhaps a wooden animal from Africa, Bali or Thailand for the animal lover or whim ical naturalistic frogs from noted British bronze sculptor Brian Arthur for 1he nature lover. For the Duffy owner or nauticaJ fan, a limited edition signal Oag Baccarat decanter and set of tumblers or a Chelsea sh1pbcll clock. For the newlywed couple or a new baby, a silver tray, frame or other keepsake can be hand engraved by our resident engraver Susan. There is a ~utiful selection of gifts and collectibles -RoynJ Copenhagen china and figurines, Georg Jensen sterlina ilvcr, Limoges boxes and sterling silver animals from Milan, Asian art. and estate jewelry as well as jewelry from Buropc: and the Orient. Jewelry always brings a holiday twinkle and we have some very special pieces, such as o strand of south sea pearls, a delicate fairy pin by Masiern, a pink sapphire bracelet end matching ring, a carved Amctrlnc pendant set by local island artl t Jean Francois Albert. Or have something designed by our master goldsmith George who brings more than 60 years of experience in designing and making fine jewelry. Give the gift of time -a new Rolc:x and we have the latest stylesr Or bring in that sentimental one and have our master watchmaker Alex refurbish it. Blackman Ltd., 3408-l Via Oporto, Ncwp6rt Beach. December hours: Monday · Saturday, 9:30 a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sundays by appointment. Call (949) 673-9334. Compliment~ ring cleaning. Happy holidays from BladiMn. luJ. -Bf"Utt, Tri.rh, &tmie, <korg~. Ala, Linda ;;;;;iiiiiii;iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiii:iiiiil ... an: Nilwl. your ~amity }ftwkr .rirttt 1957. ,; Where's t!1e Party? is becoming one of Orange County's WHERE 'S much you care. tfi e pa rty Not only arc the favorite stops for all of its party needs. Whether it is the perfect invitation or a unique gift for a special someone. Where's the Party? is ready to provide it. Since Where's the Party's? expansion, the store owner said that she is, ·so excited about all the scrvia:s we've been able to offer our loyaJ customers.· This holiday sea.son, you can find beautiful and classic tableware holidays their specialty, but the owner takes pride in offenng a wide selection of invitations and party goods for baby showers.. weddings, birthdays, anniversaries. bar and bat mitzvahs and any event that n~s custom designing. With 2004 just f)!Ji!!:!:I~ around the comer Where's the Party? is ready to provide balloons. specialty hats, horns, blowers, confetti, banners and all the extra touches to make your New Year's Eve party a splash. to complement your office and boat parade parties. For intimate gatherings among family and friends. let Where's the Party? help create the atmosphere that reflects your own personal style. As the owner likes to say, "Just remember·-it wouldn't be a party . without us.. Where's the Party? offers a large selection of gift wrap, ribbon and holiday gift bags. If you feel too busy this holiday season, let Where's the Party? wrap your presents in a way that is sure to say how Stop by one of Orange County's most unique, custom invitation, stationery and themed paper goods store. VI.Sit Wheres the Parry'! at 170 E. 17th SL, Costa Me.so. Call (949) 722-1803. Hoon arr Monday • SaJurday, 9 a.m.. IQ 6 p.m. Antiques I Collectibles • Pianos Upscale Furniture • Artwork WE OFFER Consignment or Cab Buy Out • House Ciiis Pick Up and Delivery • Uquldatlon of your estate Business Uquldatlons • Estate Auctions • Legal Appraisals Licensed, Bonded I Insured ,. . Jo(~ holiday. Orange County's Premiere Comfort Shoe Store For Men and Women Featuring: Taryn Rose, Mephlsto, Dansko, Ecco, Noot, Allen Edmonds and many more. Corona dell Ma Pozo 836A\JOCOOO Averoa I ~Beach I Nea Br1stol Fams 949.644.5939 I www.SOlecomtortshoes.com • 1T il I , ~ I 0: QI '< en f ::I OQ QI -~ OJ 11> ~ ~ ! ~ 11<1 I ~ . I "' 8 w . ,. -· ... u -~ J • I I -:i ~--.....__ __ _ Santa 10 vi It Udo Marina Villaae. Udo Marina Villaae presents the Famous Rock·n-Roll Santa on Friday, NoV. 28 from noon to4 p.m. Holiday shop In the village and enjoy the sin&in& $anta, hot millt'd cider and cookies. Oct a free picture with Santa and cntt'r tht' raffle priu: drawlna for an opportunity to win a gift fT'6m the following hop1 and restaurants: Carol's Boutique A fine Men's Wur, Udo Marina Book Shoppe, Annette's Place, Mandan,a's Boutique, Raj's Perfumcrlc, Blackman's LTD Jewelry, Camelot R~taurant, SolciJ Crew Salon, Mardo's Fine kwtlly. te Bistro Rtat1uran1, Atlantis Day Spa. Mama Mia's Restaurant, Oondola Romance, World Antiques & Estate Jewelry. The dra"'1na will take pl~ at 2 p.m. Please donate a canned good or unwnppcd toy for flre vicdmt. UdoMariM V'rlla~ is l«uttd at 3'QO fTa Oporto. Nftt'fXJff lkadt. • ---.... ---+ __ ....,,_,,........,. --........ ....... -........ -- Clients relax to soothing sounds and refreshing aromas while receiving treatments that range from relaxing masaaga to strong. super-effective, phannaccutical grade versiQns of glycolic peels and chemical peels at Gaylec Signature Spa in Newport Beach. Oaylee Signature Spa ofJeTS the Signature Facial, the European Pacial, the GAYLEE signature spa Collagen Nourishing Facial and th~ Hot Stone Therapy Facial, and unique body treatments including the Green Tea Detoxifying Body Wrap and the Grapefruit Body Po lish. The spa also offers waxing and maJce-up application services. The spa primarily uses Gaylee Skin Care products, exclusively formulated by owner Gayle Hanson. ---~-...;;;.;;.-.:.;...~_, Using her knowledge of chemistry and skin care formulation. Hanson created her products using the most powerful, anti·agjng ingredients found in nature, including neroli, raspberry and camphor. Gay1cc products arc non-comedogenic, hypoallergenic and they arc not tested on animals. Gayle Hanson has more than 20 years experience in the skincare industry as a skincare/makeup educator and paramedical csthctics, product developer and is a leading skin care and salon expert. She blends her experience and professionalism with warmth and compassion while continuing to be on the forefront of skin care technology. She is passionate about skin care: "Your skin determines the way you feel. For me, helping people feel good about them!IClvcs gives me energy." For m«t! infom1a1ion on Goyltt Signaturt! Spa. call (949) 640-4fJ93. For information 011 Ooyltt Skin Cart! products, call tht! Spa or visit www.goyltt.com. Mention This Ad For Extra Savi YJS' -:J 0 > RECOMMENDED BY PODIATRISTS athletic shoes • lifestyle apparel • performance fit Get the best of both worlds Nationally known, locally owned. Expect professional shoe-fitting service 1n the brand you trust. Hard-to-find sizes are easy here: AA to EEEE and woman's size 5 to men's 161 achieve new balance ~lore your .spiritual side, pick up c H6 5RA a gift or two or Just have some fun I Come in and browse around -explore both your inner and outer worlds! s a c ,BJACH n ua~ckyai'ds Products for soulful living include: unique gifts, jewelry, books, music, cards, essential oils, incenS('. Tibetan & crystal bowls. psychic readings, energy healing, aura/chakra readings and classes. See you soon! -Jill Templin, owner SUE dMARIE'S . av spa Set in a tranquil and convenient location, Sue Marie's Day Spa offers the perfect escape from the worries of daily Ufe. From the instant you arrive and are greeted by the spa's soft lighting and relaxing music, to the time your treatment is finished, you'll sec why most visitors become regular customers. The spa features a soothing Egyptian ambience and a wide array of produc1s and services specially designed to relax your body and revitalize your soul. From European facials and microdermabrasion to aromatherapy massages and luxuriating body wraps, you're sure to find the perfect products and services for you. Your joutney toward revitalization beg.ins here. Sue Marie's Day Spa invites you to acquaint yourself with the luxuries that await you: warm massage oils, cxpen massage techniques, lush and lav1sh body treatments, and much, much more. Be sure to visit our Web site at www.suemariesdayspa.com for "SpcciaJs" ... whether you want to pamper yourself or give a gift certificate to someone special, you'll find the best spa treatments in the area at Sue Marie's. Call Siu Ma~·s Day Spa at (949) 494-SMDS (7637) for funhn inform.ation or to m.au an appointmnit. Call today, and giw yourself tM royal treatmmt! Located at 384 Forest, lagun.a Beach. You can call it a lamp. hut why wouJd you? This bcaurifuJ gift measures 20 inches in height and is onJy SSS. It of gorgeous items under SIOO that you will find at Beach 'N Backyards. ~ !Uit Beadi 'N Backyard.f. It is locaied next to Ross at 291 E. 17th St. in C.osta Mm F<X" additiiJ!wl inf<Jml.aJion, c.all (949) 645-SPAS (Tll7). Fine Fur11iture Makes Fi11e Gifts. Barca\gunger· A large selection of Barcalounger reclining chairs can be found at H .J. Garrett Furniture in Costa Mesa. What a great gift Ulea! Many fine brands to choose from . Visit our spacious showroom today! '""')'"~"'1 1-l. J. Garrett Ft1r11itt1rc 0 "l'll ( c111,1rl1111 ~~ \11111 "·'' l f l '" (1 ~':"'" , 221 -1 I Lirhor Bhd .. Co,t .1 .\k ,,t • ('J 1'J J (Hh .02 ~.::, "1111 . 1.1 tc• ~ .. .. • •ta I") ~ I . I f ~ 1il ~ •• ~ -"' QO c: Q ~ ~ -0 '8 :I: 4 • -· I btcame C\wVes II • new approach IO fit'*I that hal htlped over one million women reach their p1. W. t>frer a proven rhitty·rniauls wOJtaw ud c:oaune._..o wcisht \O!I• in an tnvironmelll thM .. 1 frieadly and suppcwiiw. Aad thil ...,. &nilllkllll • tJa. difference. 0.. • m 111 C.. end ~ a place whofe ,.w ._ • ow.- NOW OPEN IN CORONA DEL MAR (949) 640-5566 NEWPORT l.ENTER orfhopeOic For a unique gift this holiday season for a friend or loved one, think about giving a fashionable walking stick. SpcciaHzing in the largest selection of canes in California, choose from styles from all over the world, including Africa, England, Germany and Italy. lo convey someone's di stinctive tastes. From distinctive handcrahed woods to the compact aluminum Traveler model, there's a walking slick to suit any budget and taste, with prices ranging from SI0.95 to $695. If you're looking for an original stocking stuffer idea. how about a whimsical, yet practical hochom '! Bcau11ful cusrom gift wrap is available ar no charge; shipping is available worldwide. NNporT Cmter Ortl10f)('d1c I\ /ocatt"<l at JOO Cmter Dm't'. Sre. /()/, Veur>ort /Jeuc/1. Call (9-19) 615-0065. Opm ~1mulm tlirt>URh fmlm, 11 a.m. to II p.111. · 'w111rdm, 'I· W u.m. 111 I p.m. FIVE POINTS plaza A family of stores serving families like yours, center gin ccnificatcs arc accepted at aJI stores without an expiration date and beautifully gift boxed with a free Bath & Body Works gift sci.• Gift ccrti6catcs arc on sale at Titanium Tickets, The Managcmcnr Office (located behind Dell's) and The UPS Store. There arc 36 service-oriented retailers for aJI your home dtcor, family fashion, entertaining and gift giving needs. The "all rhc stores you want, all one place" center takes the stress out of holiday shopping. 5 Points Plaza has been voted a "Best of Orange County" award recipient for the past seven years. _ Look for upcoming events such as 5 Points Plaza's LocaJ Chef's Night, The Surf City Shoppers Shuetlc, Sidewalk Sales and more happenings that support local charities. New residents and vi itors arc welcomed year-round with free gifts at many of the stores. • Whit~ supp/in lrut, witlr a mi11im11m purdrOM, Stt tores for dnail.s, ~ "-lnC110IU appf)'. ----·----------~·-_.;.. __ H.J. 1GARRET T urn1ture Visit HJ. Garretts showroom for a large selection of BarcaJounger reclining chairs. A perfect holiday gift. HJ. Garrt!tt Furniture, 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa. Call (949) 646--0175. Hours are Monday through Saturday. JO a.m. to 6 p.m. and Sunday, noon to 5 p.m. SKI ·N nEEP ttieOOOy spa .. On the Twelfth Year at Skin Deep ... " Usher in the holiday season with a visit to Skin Deep -The Body Spa in the heart of Huntington Beach. Skin Deep is celebrating its 12 year anniversary at this location, where this acclaimed day spa's mission statement remains to be "As Day Makers of kin Deep. we are devoted to give our gift of touch and renewal to each and every Guest." This represents the core values upon which this spa was established, according to Deborah Woods, owner and founder of Skin Deep. Experience the Asian feel which permeates every room through the use: of Eastern dtcor, serene music and trickling rock fountains. The Tea Room, located upstairs, offers a quiet, comfortable place to relax between treatments or to en1oy lunch during your stay. The interior design of the spa uses the ancient a'rt of Peng Shui, creatina an environment for health, prosperity and happiness. The lobby has an amy of Skin Decp's Signature Linc of Skin Care Products & Premium Makeup ln a wide selection of colors. Grear gift ideas include Alora Ambiance Air DifJUJcn & Body Sprays, soothing Aromatherapy Candles and Jewelry by Clark David and Halo's. A Skin Deep Gift Certificate also makes the perfect holidayalftl Amoqa the newest offerinas arc the Hot Stone Massage; three new Specialty Pacials: the Acne-Clearing Facial, the Anti-Aging Pacial and the Japanese Stone Pacial; plus an entire menu of services designed just for men. It's easy to sec why Skin Occp ha.s received many accolades in top nationaJ women's magazines! Look for it in &vmtem, December 2003. The spa staff of 2S includes 18 nationally board-<:ertlfied therapists with up to 20 years experience. The owner is committed to providing treatments which encourage total mind and body healing by enhancing relaxation, restoring vitality, improving circulation, eliminating harmfuJ toxins and toning skin and muscles. locaJttl at 7862 Wamn Ave., Suites J, K & L. at ti~ como of Warner Avmu~ and &ach Bou/ward, Skin Dttp -~Body Spa is offering holiday sp«ial.r and promotions (such as a Slgnatur~ Padol + Microdmnabrasion for just $JL5 tliroug/t ~ 10). Visit www.eskindttp.com or call (flit) 841-JJJJ. • KONICA MINOLTA Dirvy.\GE ~'(t • 32 Mlgl!Xxlla ·~·~12X Zocm '3X ()peal, 4X DiJllt ln • WIJld's Falest Si.1-1_., Time' • Almole Cnn fln:llcn b< lM Vdlo~ •lll!a~,,.. .. IOMg Ind rad i.iq- • KONICA MINOLTA Di~GeGsoo • KONICA MINOLTA Di~GE E323 MAXXUMm QUARTZ DA With Minolta $249 AF 28-80 tens. • Wirt!'• fllllll #f Speed' • ~ RllOlution 5.0 tlleclt.<e megapocels • ~ N"O 14X zoom (7X °'*"' 2X dlgltlO Mid.a GT In • ~ SIKlttsol 1/16,(XX) 9IC.. pnct b ~ photoglapiy • ~ oontiruousma 111eo1 ~1oU1ps • ~ f1llCtJOO 899 'll QI - I . ' N 8 w • t ' .. I .. t· I I ~ t' ~ t "'I ~· • r •• t . I ' f I I I I I 1 Ii ~ I • I at ~ j ~ t; ~ ~ 10 tlO c: i ~ ~ Ev~n ofteT 20 yean it's stJll the best kept secTetl Nestled in the Udo Marina Vlllage overlooking Newport Harbor is our Waterfront Restaurant A Bar ... Seven days a wee~ 365 days a year, serving hlcttdibk breakfast. delicious lunch and phenomenal dinner ... Continental cuJ.slne -extensive wine list, full bar ... Unite Expand Create C-elebrate in our Unique Banquet Facilities on the Bay We att open Tha.obglvlng Day, . ~tmas Eve/Day, New Year's Eve/Day Happy Holkla_ysl Call 949-673-3233 CAMELOT R fSTAURANT Udo Marina Village 3420 Vla Oporto, Newport Beach The Original MIKE,$ CARPETS ova JO Yf.Al.S IN COSTA ME$.t\ Now~ & ()ptfated by Meia Uphot\tery • ALL CARPET & PLOORINO CURRENTLY IMRKED OOWN 30°/ooff CALL NOW 642-8400 CHARLES H. BARR . . jewelers r W<" Charles H. Barr J<WClm Inv;« you 10 oom< ;n and oq><,.lmcc .1 beaur, of our fine jewelry collection. We have served Newport Beach and surrounding cities for more than 40 years . We take comfort in your satisfaction. :- Our experienced warchmal..er and Jeweler can repair and create on the*" premises. We aJso offer bead :.I ringing. hand engraving and appraisals. k Visit Charin H. &m JN~ln-s at 1803 Wmcltjf Dri1~. Newport &adt. Call (949) f>.12-JJJO. Hours au MDnday- Fndoy. 9-JO a.m. to5:30 p.m. and .'wlllrday. 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. ·11app)' Holidays from Oiarlts H. Ha" J~~lers. MFSA upti 6rstery For fine quality furniture, re-upholstery, custom draperies and custom bedding vi.sit Mesa Upholstery in Costa Mesa. They have been C HARLES H. BARR S<'rving the beach citie!l for more than 50 years. Mike's Carpets, now owned and operated by Mesa Upholblery, offered quality airpet, custom area rugs (including sisaVscagrass), laminate and wood noors. vinyl and rile. All at grea t prices. Come 1·1sit our Ofl~stop slwpplllj< ihowroom located at J9YH llurbor IJ/wl., two b/()(*s fron! Triangk Square, Costa Mesa. Call (9-19) 641-8400. Lotions & Lace, otherwise known as your local •one top love shop," has a large selection of lingerie, wig$, shoes. DVDs. videos. cards. adult toys and much more. Don't know what to get for that special person in your life? Lotions & Lace has gift certifica tes! V1 ii any of our three convenient Orange County locations and don't forget to purchase your special adult gift wrap. AIM>, look for our ad for )Our 30 percent off coupon! Open SC"Ven dllys a \\eek. fOC' your con\·enience. Wfloru & Wet' i.t locatal m Cbsta Mesa at 743 Bakef St • Qlt" block Wnt of Rru1nl. (714) 4l9-1911. lluntingto11 lkac/1 01 69JZ Wanter A~'t'., iti tltt RalplL~ 4 V.1tc<r, (114) R4H·<WOO: um/ Oru11Rc 01 ISfJO Tusri11 A1't., m;rQ.n /mm K.Afart (714) 974-3.'19. t1IM> in l<frcrsitlt•, \1ontclair, 1.lt>mw Vaflt""V and Sun lknwrdino. It's shopping time at BVEN Sisters. They have gathered some great items for your holiday gifts. Of course, they arc stocked to the brim with Nomination Italian charms. The EVEN sisters way!.. finest in quality and the original Italian charm bracelet, Nomination has added more than 100 ne\\ charms. EVEN Sisters has a wonderful nrw line: or sterling ''Iver jewelry from Denmark. Pandora is an exciting miic of charms to express your!.Clr in count k1,.-. new Now.., the time to get your Groovy (1irl goodie' Don't m1:.:. the Groovy Girl Event December ti. There will Ix• lots or item'> on sak and there will be free gifts with purcha-.c<, owr $25. EVEN Sbtcrs il> jam packed with Roxy! Thcy arc !>tocked with adu lt Siles, Roxy Girl (7-14) and Tccnie Wahinc (·HlX). Jackets, luggage, denim and pajamas await you. Pa ut Prank is overflowi ng at EVEN Sisters. There i:. 11 grt>a t selection of tee c;hins. pajamas, undies, sock.,, sun glasses, bikes and a great Julius doll that comes with his own tree house. Com<' sec your favorite monkey ! They will also be happy lo wrap your gifts for free. EVEN Sisters is oper1 daily from JO a.m. to 6 p.m. ltxafctl 011 fabulous Balboa Island at 207 Morine A1•e. Calf (949) 673·1Ll0. Visit www.wnuisten.rom. Most bargain hunters are satisfied knowing they've purchased merchandise at 50 to 70 percent below retail. COSTA MFSA Oes1gner ouffet But bargaJn hunters arc only happy at 90 perc.cnt off and more. Costa Mesa Designer Outlet Is going to have the bargain hunters among you "foaming at the mouth." You'll find store tags from Neiman Marcus, Bloomingdalcs and Saks Fifth Avenue. And labels such as Pendl, Calvin KJein, Donna Karan, Ferragamo, Perry FJlls, Gucci, Prada, Versace, Mary McFadden, Coach, Burberry, Moschino, Victor Costa, Ellen Tracy, Bruno Magli, Bally ... you get the pi~re. Beyond cloth~ (including plus si7.es), you'll find shoes for men and women along with handbags. This blend of high-end department store merchandise al dirt cheap prices is everyone's favorite type of discount shopping.. At Costa Mesa Designer Outlet, there are some incredible bargains 10 be had. If you don't mind the hunt, in fact if you love th e hunt. give yourself an hour to browse through this amazing .'ttor<" You'll he .tmaz<.'d at how much monq you l'nn 'I" r! 01110 Me(o D<"ll/.lm'r Outlt't u fnt·uted at Jli..11 S flmtol .\t . IH·/1111d ( iKY> \ lit S1111Jlmw·r. SttJre lloun <lft' ~forrdm· tlmmgh '>uturtlm. 11a111 ffl 7 p.m .. mrcl Suntlav. nn1m to I> p.nr ( nll (7/.1) H15·010!. ,,,,. • J". \..; --,,,,.. ~ Cl:: 1,-.; \..; Happy Holidays from the oldest flooring store in Southern California. Family Owned Since 1879 JOHN BLOESER CARPET~ONE Karastan •Lees Mannington •Mohawk Liz Clairborne And Much More 2927 S. Bristol Street, Costa Mesa (714) 751-2324 www.bloesercarpetone.com Also in Long Beach and Los Angeles .. 'J' • 'J'. ..... -,- -! -! -' .. ~ V'. 111[ B[ST l 1Y)l.\LL\lllH 'I VI \/\.'l\\.IH l .. Ll\L\VS! • z 0 :6 3 ~ "' 8 ...., r ... - ,., Balport Lock •Safe. a f.a.mily owned bu.amc:. located ~ in Newport Beach aince 1984 hu expanded its operation j to indudc two new lhawrooms. One abow1oom la J stocked 'With on~ of the largest inventories of sales in i B~~~9a~1 §~M I UL nitcd TR1l.30X6 jeweler's rype safe. The other showroom has a state-of-the-an camera system and computer 232XT programmed card access control systems. Visit Balport lock &. Safe to view their new showrooms and have fun trying out thcrt new camera and card system displays. Ba/port Lode & Saft is locattd at IT! RiwrsitkAvt.. Stt. /, Ne.t!p0f1 /kach. Call (949) 641·3585 or vi.rit thtir Wtb sitt at www.balportlockandsaft.com. The largest fitness and weiaht loa franchilc lo the world with 6.000 locations in the United States, Canada. Europe and Medco, has just CU RY.ES corona aet mar now c:xpcrience a fun workout.-including a complete aerobic and strength training regimen -in just 30 opened a new destination in Corona del Mar. Curves is the first fitness and weight loss facility droicated to providing affordable. one-stop exercise and nutritional guidance to women. Curves' system is built around easy-to-learn hydraulic resistance equipment, so women can minutes. And the support of working out with other women, makes Curves different from any other health club you've experienced. curves. 3100 E. Coast Highway. Ceron.a deJ Mar. Call (949) 640-5566. Vuit www.curvesinternational.com. HAYES 1ewelers Hayes Jewelers has been a comers tone! of business on Forest Avenue in Laguna Beach since January 1962. For more than 40 years we have been your family jeweler. In 1986, Kelly and Mike purchased Hayes Jewelers from their parents, Grover and Harriet Hayes. Their reputation has been established on the principles of exceptional quality, honest values and personalized service. Through the years. we have been blessed with many customers that have grown to become good friends. After much thought, we have decided to close our family business and pursue other interests. In order to complete this task as quickly as possible, we arc offering our entire inventory of fine jewelry including diamonds, precious gemstones, 14K and l8K gold chains, bracelets, earrings and more at tremendous savings. Visit Haya Jewelers at 246 Forest Ave. in WRtma Btach. Call (949) 494-3513. Kelly and Mike Hayes, owners ~'MELE l<ALIKIMA~' (Merry Christmas) FROM THE «~U~t ~t liKi THE ULTIMATE STORE FOR ISLAND DECOR ·BAMBOO ·TIKI BARS · HAWAllANA •ETC 1860 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, CA 949.642.8454 Buy Eot1y, We have on excellent vortety of Beouttful & Exotic Plants COSTA MESA courtya-f ds Costa Mesa Courtyards blends festive and fun for the holidays. The holidays are the perfec1 time 10 explore Costa Mesa Courtyards. With a unique mix of stores, restaurants and pcr.;onal services, you're sure 10 find jus1 whal you're looking for, wi1hou1 au the hassles lhal come wilh holiday shopping. Discover amazing options for everyone on your gift list. Pamper someone with a relaxing spa package from Salon Janna. new furniture from the stylish assortmenl al Ethan Allen and Sherwood Fumirure, or maybe a new mobile phone from Cingular Wireless. How about a grca1 educational toy from The Right Start or a sta1e-0f-1he-an washer and dryer Crom The Maytag Store? Then taJce a breath and savor the options at Mimi's Caft, Rubio's Baja Grill, Quizno's, Cold Stone Creamery, Diho Siam, Jamba Juice or The Coffee Bean & Tea Leaf. Visit our newest stores, Renewal by Andersen, featuring cuslom-siud, quality window replacement and Tweeter, a home and car audio superstore. More selection for you! Find all the convenience, value and selection you need lo make this holiday the ~t ever. Ring in the holidays with a new attitude. Shop. Relax. Rejoice. It's Costa Mesa Counyards-the perfect spot for the holidays and everyday. Olsta Mesa Courtyards is loautd 01 the jundion of 19th Stren, Harbor and Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa. GIVE ~ ~~~~;:.~s; ~ KAPTAN'S OeliLL , Kaplan's is a good ~pot for a quick power lunch or for family dining. Enjoy daily specials, sport~ bar and dining on the patio. Open daily at 6 a.m., including all holidays. late supper served, with breakfast, lunch and dinner served all day. The New York Kosher-style deli, voled the No. I deli in Orange County, serves all of your traditional favorites. Catering is also available for your office party. office lunch, party needs, buffet platlers and holiday parties. The Original Kap/011 s Deli. 3211 Harbor Blvd .. ( convmimtly located just south of the 405 Freeway). Costa Mesa. Call (714) 5S7-6611. Glenflddich or Glenlivit Slngl1 Milt Seotch GIFT SET • INCLUDES 750ML &Om.E AND 1WO GLASSES $2599 M~~N +Tax llil5Ar> Remy Martin • Ketel Jack Danie!& Courvolaler & Other& from'149: Tu KEGS • CASES • MINIATURES NORMA JEANE Collectore Serlee Grelt Gift Ideal 'mOML S4299 "'°"' . I • rax ........ ~ M~ ~·23"' -- T M II :t: Q.. Ci °" '< (/) =r- 0 'O 'O 3 (IQ °" -;::+ VI CD (1) ~ ~ f a I!! !> 00 ~ ~ .,. 1 . f i ...., 8 w ... ,. ' .. ' ., Balport Lock & Safe "When only the hest will do" Happy Holidays! We have expanded again! Visit our new showrooms with Interactive camera and card access displays Also check out our newest line of HRoyal" safes by Burg Wachter. (Custom made sa fes and interiors available.) , REBFL . womens wear and accessones It's no wonder why thousands of style-conscious women have turned into loyal "Rebel-rousers." Rebel offers a constanlty changing array of contemporary women's wear and accessories. The experienced staff is always happy to make suggestions.. special order merchandise or gift wrap those special goodies. Rebel hos two locatiom: 249 Newport Colter Drive, Fashion Island. Newport &ach, (949) 6'0-7300 and 1528 Montana A~ .• San1a Monica. (310) 451·3699. Experience waterfront dining at its finest at Camelot Restaurant, down in channing Lido Marina Village overlooking Newport Bay. Whether it's great breakfasts any time of day, tender steaks. fresh seafood, inventive pastas or house specialties such as Chicken Breast Oran Mamier, Chateaubriand, Toumados Escoffier, Rack of Lamb or Prime Rib, you'll rec.eivc attentive, friendly servic.e. Enjoy indoor dirung or outside boardwalk seating on the water's edge. For your upcoming boat parade partks and holiday CAMELOT restaurant gatherings. Camelot spcdaliz.cs in catering to your specific budget and needs to make your event successful. They will handle delivery, set·up, staff and coclctall service. On the restaurant premises, their private dining room with its own bar can accommodate guests up to 100 for your social or business get togethcrs. For casual ekgance. it's Camelot Restaurant, located at 3410 Via Oporto, Nrwport &ach. Coll (949) 673-32.l3. Vi.sit www.camelotcatering.com. • SIR r .HARLES liquor A peat local liquor store stocks a variety d beer. champagne, wine and liquor includina 45 vodkas, 25 tequilas, 15 single malt acotch, Dom Pmanoo and Crystal clwnpaane. J. Walker Nue, Royal Salute, JOO wines and much more. The convenience oontinuc:s with lotto, cashiers cbecb. an A TM madline, mapztncs and sundri~ Owner, Mitri Man.nth claims to have the largest collection of miniature liquor bottles in Orange County. They arc all displayed in gLm cablocts fur the customen to enjoy. Sir Owb aJJo bu a l&JF variety of l L I. minlacurca for customers to purchuc. Ba port IAcrc & Sa,e CaUMitriats&rCharlcstoordcrq,. 177 Riven~ A•e. Sadu I ca.a and aptdalb:cd ontc:ra. all at Mitri Mann•h, owner Newport Budi, CA. 92663 competitive prices. 9 4 9-64 2-3 5 8 5 Order early for your holidt\y parties and aak for your multiple case dlloount. Uc. I 713127 SIT a..1a Uqvor, 29fJ1 Brislol SI.. a.to Moo, (c:bt "'Bak.tr). ~ daib' ftom 1 ......,...._ ....... _________ _._ ____ __.. ....... ____ ~ °""' "'11 JUN.~ J1sa. MC, Aina llltl1 Dl.ttotw'. Call (!U) 561114. 11 .... I NEWBA~NCE ~ f newport each I In its continuing support of breast cancer research/awareness ~ . . ~ and the Susan G. K.omcn Foundation, New Balance Newport CD Beach donated $5 to the K.omcn Foundation for every pair of (11 I ~ NB shoes purchased with a reference to Race tor the Cure • during October -Breast Cancer Awareness Month. ~ ln oonjunctJon with New Balance Athletic Shoe, Inc., f NB Newport Beach, an independently owned and operated footwear and apparel retailer in Corona dcl J Mar Plaza, showed their support at the recent Orange I j County Race for the Cure. The store donated 40 pairs of shoes; 20 of which were used for prizes for the top women's teams and 20 awarded to top pledge raisers for • the cause/organization. I ;• According to storcowner Dave Reynolds, it is important tq support the cause in as many ways as N possible. '7bls promotion wu in honor and 8 recognition of Breast Cancer Awareness Month and served as an extension w of our commitment to the Susan G. Komen Foundation and its mission.• New Balance Newport &och. located nem MacArthur Boukvard and Pacific Coast Hig)tway in <lJrcHao de/ Mar Plaza, offers a full Ii~ of New Balana! footw«u, appard and acassorla. The new retaU Conapt Swn carria all New Balmta j>roducu all t~ t~ and specializes in fitting differeni ~of f«t in adtledc shoa that are matk in a variety of widJh.s -qtlile a rarity among a.thktic ~ manuf aaurrn. ~· "' • ~\ . I t Not valid on sale mcrc.handl5C Must ~nt this at bme of purchase Not va1id wrt:h other offers or COUp<>n5 Some restrictions aPP'9 ~ ~ Dcccmbcr 1st, UX>') "~rush Y'V Clothing 333 t.1st 11th ltre6t. Cost1 "M6St. eoR 92~21 Mon-W~ I0-1'pm • Thort-f'rl 10.Spm • iolurday 10-6pm • iondcy 10-!Spm ...,-- ---.-='------·-