HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-03 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot.... ..... ..... : . : ·: ..... -·:··· •••• .. ,., • 4' ••• ····· . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ... : . t • . • a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 3, 2003 City planners get a jump in salary . , Costa Mesa Planning Commissioners will get paid $100 more, boosting their pay to $400 per month. Previously they were paid $75 per meeting. Both the council and the COfT!mlssion. took pay cuts ln 1992. The council re- instated its previous pay for its own members In 1998. This pay increase brings the commissioners back to the pay they enjoyed In 1992. ln 1993, the council set the commissioners' salaries at $75 per meeting. QUESTION ? How much should commlulonen be pald1 Call our Reader'• Hotline at • (949) 642-0086 or send an Deirdre Newm•n DailyP1lot surprise. applauded the council's con - sideration of them. e-mail to ' COSTA MESA -Mayor Gary Mona- han showered Planning Commissioners with generosity Monday, initiating an offer to up their monthly pay by SIOO and pay them by the month, not by the meeting. WEveryone thought it was a nice ges- ture on (the council's) part," Planning Cornrn!sslon Oiainnan Bruce GarUch said. Previously, conunissionecs were paid S7-5 per meeting and only got paid for meetings they attended. Now, they will get paid $400 per month. even if there is only one scheduled meeting. as there will be this month since the council canceled the Dec. 22 meeting because it is so close to Ouistmas. Monday, the council was only sup· posed to consider whether to pay the commissfon by the month Instead of by the meeting when Mon~an suggested bringing the commission up lo its previ· ous rates. dailypilotc!llatimtn.oom. Please apell your name and tell us your hometown and phone numbe.._ for verification purposes only. think ir's positive to bring theh1 bade: to the salary they had.· Garlich said compensation is appreci- ated by the commissioners since their jobs entail lime-intensive preparation for meetings In temts of reading staff re- ports and visiting sites. His idea earned lbe unanimous sup- port of his colleagues on the City Cowi- cil as they approved paying commis- sioners $400 a month. Commissioners, who were ta.lc:en by . MAn additional $100 for the Planning Commission, I don't think Is a budget- busting proposition.• Monahan said. "!Commissioners) don't attend Planning Commission meetings for the salary. I WAVE WALKERS The pay raise will start this month. MARK C. busTIN I OMV PILOT A group of three surfers make their way toward the water for a late afternoon surf session at West NewPort on a recent afternoon. ·Battle over'licenses fo r immigrants not over Despite Monday's ruling, it is expected that legislation granting driver's licenses to illegal immigrants will appear in 2004. Allcla Robinson Daily Piiot NEWPORT-MESA -The state Assembly's Monday vote lo overturn a law allowing illegal Immigrants to get driver's licenses did not end the battle over the is- sue, local activists on both sides said. w AU I feel Is that we have put t.tus to sleep tempo- rarily,• Costa Mesa actMst Dan Worthington said. Worthington gathered signature.1 supporting a state- wide referendum of the d~ license law. He Is also a director of the <:osta Mesa Sanitary Disbict He opposed the law because granting ..priviJege11 and services to people who are in the country illegally creates financial problems for the state, he said. Worthington is no1 alone in thinking the issue will rear its head again. wThere is concern that a compromise will be reached between the bill's proponents and the gover- nor's ofilce; 68th District Assemblyman Ken Maddox said. Maddox is the Orange County rhaimu111 of Save Our Ucense. which spearheaded the referendum ef- fort. I le said the group's wortc wiU continue despite Monday's apparent victory in the legislature because he eicpects state Sen. GU Cedillo (D-Los Angeles) to ln· troduce legislation granting the licenses some time early in 2004. Cedillo was the author of the overturned law, Sen- ate Bill 60. Maddox said the issue has come up before and he's always voted agaJnst it. "I don\ believe anybody in the country Illegally should have a dri~r's license.· he said WSecondty, I don't believe they'll get Insurance." Proponents of the law have said the abiUty to ob· tnln driver's licenses will allow illegal immigrants to get auto Insurance. FJbira Dia?~ a local director for the League of United Latin American Ot:izens. said she's disappointed in the assemblys vole Monday. wit's sad news that we cannot have it right now," she said. "I 1hink it's a ICM for everyone." • Many illegal immigrants have jobs and have lo drive to gel to wo~ so right now they're driving with· ou1 licenses, she said. MThats a reality whether we want to see it or not: she said. Diaz said she hopes new legislation granting illegal immigrants licenses will be put forward. Worthington sald he's prepared to wort for a refer· endum again If the Assembly passes a slmilar law. · Legislators' previous handling of the issue was po· liticaJ maneuvering aimed toward getting votes in up coming elections, he saJd. ·1 think that was 100% of the reason they voted the way they did on both sldes of the mue." Worthington See LICENSES, Pa&• A4 Orange Coast to st.ep up campus security ,The theft of one of the college's hard drives c containing val uable software has led was not as much information on lhe hard drive rui the technician reportedly told police. Cohn saJd. The hard drive that was brieOy mls.'Slng was worth only about $50, but II operated about $20,000 worth of software, she said. Daily Pilot ATAGL:ANCE ONlMEWEB: www.~com officials to rethink safety measures. WEATHER WHAT THEY MAKE Here's a look at what Cos1a Mesa Planners make compared to other Newport-Mesa city officials. COSTA MESA Partcs and Rec. $100/meeting Planning Commission $400/month City Council $690/month plus expense account, medical/dental benefits and retirement No other commissions are paid. NEWPORT BEACH Planning Commission $60/meeting plus travel stipend City Council $984.33/month; $1 ,396.52/mayor Former mayor • eyeing return Tod Ridgeway, who was mayor in 2002, has made it no secret he would like to serve as Newport Beach's head man again. June CHa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BrAU I -'lod llu.lgl.w.iy L\ heir apparent to be mayor bur tht next vice mayor isn't .is l"3S) to h'lll'' Al their final mt'<.'t- ing of the year on Tuesday. council members will select a new mayor and vice mayor, and also play their annuaJ game of musical cha1rs. If\ whjch council members can select new seaL'i if they want to. A-s is usually the Tod case. some behind-Ridgeway the-scenes aet:Jvity offers a glimpse inlo the question of who INSIDE will fill these IWO posts. Ridgeway. who Is now vice mayor. said he has bcl•n ap- proaching coUe<tb'IJt'S asking them lo 4'up- pon him for mayor. Present Mayor Steve Bromberg has nol The race for Newport Beach City Council next year is shaping up with two incumbents planning to run. S..PageA3 been seeking co1Jeagues' support for either job. wr haven't been lobbying," said Brom· berg, whose term as mayor ends Tuesday. w lf they ask me to do it I'll do iL TI\at said, I could use a vacation." Instead, Bromberg said he approached John Heffernan to offer his support for his colleague as vice mayor. But Heffernan See RETURN, P•1e A4 EDUCATION Dia1rict officials discuss ways to handle lhe rising cost of apoclal educa11on. See Pa1eA3 THINKING ALLOWED . : ': ORANGE COAST COJ..t.EGB- • , ., 11\e bewtldertng theft of a ha.rd • drive Crom nn old llbra.ry build· : •lng has acilool officials rethJnJc- ltlg eecurlty for that area of cam- pus. about why someone would try co steal the okf computer aystem and disconnect communicadon equipment on Thanksgiving Day. On Friday, a computer tedml- cian at the college reported to Costa Mesa poUce that 1e>meone had at.Olen a ha.rd drtve and a J>(Mtr strip l'rom the old library buUdlng at Orange c.oast C.ol· lege. "We don't store Important. sen ltfvc atudent information and reglstrntJon Information In aome old building that no one knows about.• she said. The Intruder, Cohn said. did some damt1ge by disconnecting the wire that operate the satel- lite communication sya1ems and the campu.. pubUc safety Offidals are trying to flgure out lf the intruder Intended to steal anything from the build- ing, Carnett safd. Costa Mesa poUce will handle the lnvesdgation, he safd. After earty cloudt. It ahould be aunahfne all day. S..PqeA2 Lolita Harper la on vacation. Her column will retum next week- ~·n! 8011'8 lO be putting a ~MW loclc lysll'ID, • ~Coast College apok.eaman Jim Carnett ~ raid. •Access to that building • wUl be seYercly t'CSUICled." it 1 The bulldlng could bo reno- ' 1 vatt"d u rty u . pdng, he wd. : Oftk:ia1s uo un mysdfled The ftema were recovered the aamo day in anot!o\~t par1 of ll ... t>Ulldlnc. But l!rl""Cohn, po won:ui.n for the Coast Commu- nity Collete DiaUict. l&ld ~ radJ0& , •0ur signal was down (or a while, but all or that equipment baa battery backup.• the saJd. "It WUh't really much or a con- cern tout.• That sysu:m WM used u a meant or communJcatton be- tween tho three dl&ttict coll "Ol_Mously we're relieved that · nothlng was stolen," Carnett aald. "But why and how this happened adll mnalns a mys- tery: • DEEM BHARAn4 cov.n pybllc .. fety •nd oou11.1. Sht may be ~at 1948) 67<M2.2G or by •mall at dHtM.Bh.mhll tllt#,,,...oom. SPORTS The Newport Harbor High autf teem flnda the green room •t tho end of ha See View l.Mgue seaton· a tltlo. SMPqeA7 f A2 Wednesdly, Dec*'*>er 3. 2003 • c .. . LOCALS -ONLY . . . NEIGHBORS GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOLVED NOi periodically In the Delly Pilot on a rot•ting basis. For inform•tlon on adding your organlzatJon to this list, cell (949) 574-4298. COMPANION HOSPICE The Hospice is now recruiting volunteers to become • friend for someone who needs that e>Ctre 1peclel caring at the end-of-life. Become a member of a team whose goal is to promote quality of life end comfort measures. Each applicant will receive 16 houra of orientation and training. Information: (714) 560-81n. volunteers@CompanionHospice. com. COMMUNfTY ANIMAL NETWORK The networtc needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats In local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap end deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, •nd then release them badt to the property where they were found. The goal of the program is to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 759-3646 COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for u1herlng, becbtege wor1l, mallinga;typlng, controlling lights •nd many other dutlea. (949) 650-5269. COSTA MESA HISTORICAl. SOCIETY The society preserves and promotes the history of Costa Meu and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the erchlvea, library, museum, docent and public outreach programs • (949) 631-5918. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCtl The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to te•ch English es a second language. People who want to team English ea a second language ere also encouraged to cell. Cell to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545-3445. COSTA MESA MS SELF-HELP GROUP The Orange County chepter of the national Multiple Sclerosis Society hes started a new self-help group in Coste Mesa for people newly diagnosed or with minimal symptoms of multiple sclerosis, or both. The group meets at 11 a.m. the aecond Tuesday of every month.(~) 650-7659. COSTA MESA SENIOR CENTER The multipurpose tenlor Mrvloes facility at the comer of 19th Street and Pomona Avenue aeeb • volunteers who can greet members end the pubfic et the front desk end volun\Mn for the Resource Department with Ex~ computer experience end IMrp telephone skills. The Senior Meals program allO need9 people to deliver meel• to hom ... (949) 645-2366. COURT·APPOINTED SPECIAL ADVOCATES Volunteers are needed to MfYe as advocates for abused, negi.c:t.d and abandoned chlkt1'9n. Volunteers wont one on one wtth •child for three hours a·w.H. · (714) 663-9034. • DUI ARRESTS • These people have been arrested 1'90flntly on suspicion of driving under m. influence of an lntoxant Th4JY have only been •rrut9d on suspicion of a cnme •nd, •• with all suspects, are consldef'9d innocent until provfld guilty. COSTA MESA Saiurday • Anthony lmari Mason, 23, Coate Mesa Friday • Paul Kenneth Aciemo, 34, Los Ange lea Thu,..., • Genano Cruz-Ow. 34, ~ Mel& • Deborah Susanne McEntire, 39. Coate Mesa • Amy Vldter• Hoekstra, 32, L•guna Niguel •Omer Reyes-Cortez. 21, Riverside •Alan Jerry Venable, 42, Tustin Wedn•ad•v • Robert George Pike, 64. Costa Me1e • Jerome Kelome Akiona, 33, Fountain Valley • Krlatopher Earl Dehaan, 28, Huntington Beech NEWPORT BEACH Sunday • David Hernandez Jr., 24, Sant• Ana • lndar Paul Lange, 21, Huntington Beach Saturday •Darin Ghaffari, 23, Newport Beach Friday • Kevin Anthony John1on Sr .• 48, Irvine Thursday •Ryan Tyler Pautsch, 21 , Corona del Mer •Justin Miguel Winder, 24, Newport Coast •Alfred Griego Jr., 56, Orange • Vadim Yuriy Reshetnlkov, 23, Dene Point • Jonathen David Ducharme, 21, Corona • Marte Jeffrey Smith, 47. Tu1tln •Vonda Lee Preaton, 61, Newport Beach • Chad Mlchael Schmidt, 27. Senta Ana • Tayfun Karauzum, 33, Santa Ana Heights Wedn.-y • Christopher MlchHI Florentino, 24. Newport BHch Daily A Pilot VOL. 91, NO. 337 THOMAS H. JOHNSON l'WW9 Edftorl ~~ Gina Alexendef, Lori A1ld9r90n, Denlet Hunt. Paul Seleowitz. Editor Daniel Si.v.nt JUfY'( OET1lNO NEWISTARI ~~r 0eeipe...-. Promotlonl 01.-.ctor Crime •ncl c:oura reporter. (949) 174-4229 EDfTINO ITAff deetM.bh1,.th•1.r1,,,...oom 8.J. C.tWI JuneC••,,... Managll'IQ Editor. Newport 8Md'1 reponar, IMl17-M233 (949) 174-4132 •J.cMitt• l#ff,.,....oom futl9 ~Nflf9""-•1-tf,,_com OIMtte~ &.°*8 ..... Qcyediiof, IMll7&M32A Coklmnltt, ailture reporter, .,..,goultl(•IMitrr#com (941) ll'<M27G RldwdDunn IOllra ,..,,_."1tl,,..._oom Sports Ed"tor, Deirdle N9wmen (949l67<Ma23 f'lt:Nrd.dlJM./6tlm#.COm c:o... Meu 1'9j)OtW, (9491 PMZ21 JoMJ ..... ~MWl'f)M.llfl"*-CC>m Alt 01,_or I Newt 0..t O\lef, MaltleO'Nll IMl 57<M224 Eelueatlon reporter. !Ml~ }o#.Nntos•i.tJmH.'10tn men..."'*'•**'-·com .... MoC'1intl ....... Photo Editor, ~ .. latant. llMt) 174-4211 1'49>'1&M361 111/s.J»M•IMI"*' oom ~.n'HJQWftf.,.,,,,.. OC1"' y ' - , FOR A GOOD CAUSE STtvt: McCAANK /OAA..'f PILOT Joyce Justice is a volunteer tutor in the Newport Beach Public .Library Literacy program. Red-letter volunte~r Maybe it's because she doesn't have a TY, but Joyce Justice loves rttding and wanu to share her passion with the community. Justice recently completed training to be a volunteer reading tutor for the Newport Beach Public Ubrary's litericy services program. "It's something that I've been wanting to do for a long time.· she aald. "I worked in the food industry for 10 years. &J\d 1 was totally amazed in this day and age how many people could not read and what a stumbling block ft Wl::I for them." For the flat time in many years, Justice la not worlcing and has the free time to be a volunteer, she said. A native of Newport Beach, Justice moved to Washington, D.C. with her husband, Jim, for a few years, but they came back in 1977. She's worked as a high school history teacher and as an editor for the American HJstorlcal Assn. The library's literacy pn)gtam matches adults who want to Improve their reading slcills with trained volunteer tutors who help the~ The library's literacy services coordinator, Diane Moseley. said the progJ'&Dl has about 80 to 100 active voJunteers at any given time. Justice got Involved after she noticed a banner at the library about literacy services. Somewhat serend.Jpitously. that afternoon &he ran into a friend wbo was already a volunteer and the two talJced about the program. "I immediately called that day and they bad their first meeting that niSbt." Justice said. "It was kind oflike il was meant to be." Justice ls a voracious reader of oewspapers and history books. and she said she even reads her husband's technical journals on astronomy and physics. "I'U read anything,· she said. "It's very rare that I don't have a book in my purse." Literacy is important for many reasons. Including simple safety issues such as being able to read a stop sign or a bottle of medication. Justice said. It can be very difficult for adults to admit they need help reading. so tutors who want to help them need to be sensltlve to that, she said. "Maybe the most . imJ)ortant challenge is to understand that you're dealing with adults," she Said. • ... You're dealing with trying to encourage confidence and self-esteem and pride in their learning." Justice said she can't wait to get started tutoring so she can share the joy of reading. •There's just a whole world. \to me, that ts opened up by the wrinen word," Justice said. She added, laughing. "That's probably because I don't have a 1V in my house." Anyone interested in becoming a Uteracy tutor can attend one of two orientation sessions to be held Jan. 13 at 6:30 p.m. and Jan. 16 at 10 a.m. Both sessions will be at the Newport Beach Public Ubrary. l 000 Avocado Ave. For Information call (949) 717-3874. -Alicia Robinson PET OF THE WEEK "KJtty" has beautiful turquoise eyes. She is a declawed longha.ired gray and whlte 6· year-old spayed female cat whose family needs to make room in their home for a senior relative that needs care. KJtty loves computer work and makes herself very comfortable and dose at hand to enjoy the sound of cUcldng of the computer key- board. A work-from-home professional or someone home a lot would make the per- fect new pet parent for her as she is very af- fectionate. schedules leave our volunteer base Jean. We need people to provide temporary housing to rescue animals in order to keep up with callers needing help. Donations are always needed at Christ· mas to continue our effon to spay and neu- ter. so as to control the unwanted births that may occur m Spring, Our adoptions include a 30-day health guarantee. a 30· day return policy and a complimentary vet ched. Ufe's uncertainties do happen and peo'- ple who love their pets need help. "The Network" represents responsible pet own- ers In placing their family pets into new homes, we cover all the expenses for "good citizen" to help neighborhood strays, as well as our rescue caregivers With all veteri- nary needs and supplies. Klnens will always get homes. It is our duty to inform you of the staggering facts that thousands of wonderful adult animals loose their lives at Orange County animal shelters every year. The demands of the holidays and our volunteer's vacation •The Community Animal Network is a community·supponed animal organi.za- Uon liru:ing people and pets through com- munity actlon. See other animals available for adoption at www.anlmalnetwork.org, or stop by Russo's pet store at Fashion Is· land between noon and 4 p.m. on week- ends. Information: {949) 759-3646, or write to the Community Animal Network at P.O. Box 8662. Newport Beach, CA 92658. ~ERS Copyright: No news ttorlet. SURF AND SUN Mart c. Ouatln, Don LNdl. lllustratlona. edltori•I m•tt•r or IC8frt Treptaw advertiHmentl herein c.n be reproduced without written WEATHER to 25 knots In the aftemoon. a READERS HOTUNE permlaslon of copyright owner (9'9) 642-eo&e FORECAST small craft advisory will be Reoord your comments about the HOW TO REAa4 US Issued. The swell will be out Dally Pilot or newt llpe. Clrc:ua.tlofl It'll be partly ctoudy this of the west et "' to 8 fMt. Addl'MI The TlmM Orange County momlng, but it'll clear up Tonight, winds will get up to Our .cidre11 II 330 W Bay St.. Com 1800)252-9141 nicety t.ter on. Winds will be 30 knou, and the combined Meu, CA 12827. Of9lce hourt are Monday • Fridr(, 8:30 t m !ip.m AdwttWng pretty light out of the seaa will be from 6 to 7 feet. C1111Med (9'9) 842-5878 90Uthweat at 10 mph. The Co.*'6cw '*'*' (949} 642-4321 It Is the Piton pollc:y to promptly £cltoffat highs will be from the high SURF colT9Ct •II en'°'• of IUbitance News acre to mid 70'r. Pl .... call (949) 794-4324. (~)M2~ It'll be dear at night The A eouthwest swell wlll FYI 89on:e (~) 674-4223 lowe wlll be from 43 to '52. bring wel1t·hlghs News Fu (948) ~170 lnfonndon: everywhere. ~ NewPoCt 8eadl1Coeui M ... lpot'9 Fu (948) 6&0-0170 www.nws.no••·flOV W.Wq&.Yllhy. O.lly Pilot !USPS-14'-8001 It I-Mel: dM/ypllorO,.tlm..oom pc.1btllhed dally. In Newport Beed\ MlllnOMoe www.•urfrlder.org and Cotta Meea. tubecf1Pll0nt ere ...... °"'°' (949) M2-43a t BOATING ...._ ,._ IMS)e31-712f FORECAST TIDES avellable of'tt'/ bV wbletlblng to The Tlmea Or9noe County (IOO} Wlndt \IVlll btow out of the T1me Hetght 2624141 In .... outalde of ~nnea nonl'lwMt from to to 20 knotl 6:00a.m. 6.28 fMt high Nlwpoft 8Ndl Ind CMt Meta. • on the Inner w.iert. The 12;37p.m t13f.-tlow eubecrifll'}one '° the o.ttv PllOt are comiminl wtVOI will be 2 feet Of' &:l3p.m. 383'"1hlgh evailable only bV flrst ctMt rnalt '°r srn•ll r, ~Ing 3 feet In 11~p.m. 1.02 fMt. low S30 I* month. (Pfbe lnQJude 111 f'Ubllahed ~mee Community the afternoon and evening. eppllcable etM.e end local tt><N.1 Newe, • di of the Lot Anfilel• on a west •well of 3 to 61"1. WATER rosTMASTER: Send~ Tlrnea. Out farther, wln<IJ Will be TEMPERATURE d\engee to The N.wpOrt oU1 of the non~ tt 10 lleedVCoeta Meee O.lly Piiot. P.O. ~ Tlmee CN, All rfilhbl knocs. They wdl pkt up to 20 GO deg,... .. loll tMO, co.t. Mell, CA f2e2G. teee!Wd. l.. ~ f f f:/ ~Piiot Wednesday, December 31 2003 A3 Preparedness is jO.b .one .. BANQUET ROOMS Avallllbl• for Security Summit at Vanguard focused on improving homeland security in wake of 9/ 11. DHPI Bh1r1th Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Tue coun- try Is a lot better prepared to face terrorist attacks than It was before Sept 11, 2001. offi- cials assured local residents at a town hall meedng Tuesday night The ~ty Summit at Van- guard University, organized by Assernblynlan Ken rvtaddox and co-hosted by Costa Mesa councilmen Allan Man.soar and Mike Schaefer, feat\ll'ed a panel of officials representing local, county and federal agen- cies. Representatives from agen· cles such as the Orange County Sheriffs Department, Fire Authority, CalJfornia High· way Patrol and the Federal Bu· reau of lnvesdgation tallced about what they have done to improve homeland security since the terrorist attacks on the World lrade Center and Pentagon. CHP Olief Skip Carter said his department has expanded i~ infrastructure from patrol· ling bridges and acquiring air support to adding more bomb sniffing dogs to its arsenal "9/ t I has changed our livei; forever," he said. And one of the thing.s 1t has done is bring different agen· des together. binding them Ken . Maddox Allan Mansoor into a strong working relation- ship, Carter said. Costa Mesa Fire Olief Jlm Ellis agreed. "I've never seen this type of camaraderie beJween fire and law enforcement in my 27 years in fire service.· he said. "Firefighters are · wor1dng shouJder to shoulder with po- lice officer\." Costa Mesa has made sev- eral strides since Sept. 11 in terms of prepared.oess. Ellis said. "We have a search and res- cue vehicle, something we've never had before," he said. Ellis also helped put to· gether a Otiz.ens Corps. last spring pulling together a group of community members who will keep their respective neighborhoods and communi· ties informed about disaster preparedness. The Orange County Sheriffs Oeparunent has been spear· heading the county's war against terrorism, said Capt Catherine Zurn. Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona put together the Orange County Joint Terronsm Task Fon:e consisting of • Mike Schaefer countywide representatives. a terrorism Early Warning team to relay information to the state and a Homeland Security Advisory Council conslsdng of industry leaders, she said. FBI spokesman Matthew McLaughlin said his agency launched •the blgge5t investi· gation in history" after Sept 11. • "Ow' mission changed from investigating terrorist attacks to preventing them, and those are two entirety different mis· sions, • he said. Mclaughlin assured the audience that several terrorist attacks had been thwarted since Sept. 11. These are things the public does not hear about. but they are very much a reality, he said. Progress Is also being made in tenns of emergency equip· ment. said Orange County Fire Authority Battalion Olief Kirk Summers. "We'll soon have chemical protective suits and respiratory prorection for all our firefighr - ers and police officers: he Sfiid. "We also have radiologi- cal deiectors to detect what are known u the dirty bomb5. • The Fire Authority also has four bu.ardous material teams i.n'd training programs for fire. 6ghters and law enforcement officen. Summers said. ~·re looking at the ~­ view mirror and seeing lf any- ooe's catching up,• he said. •aut right now we don't see anyone. That doesn't mean they're not there or they won't get there. •A lot of work has been done, but a lot more needs 10 be done." Those who came to the meeting said they came out of concern and out of an interest to learn more about the issues surrounding homeland secu· rity. "This is something I feel strongly about," said Margo E. Bennett of Newpon Beach. "I want to be more aware about what I shouJd watch out for. For example, who should I be calling if I'm a retail cleric and I see someone buying a 101 of f ert.iliz.er?" Evelyn Miller. a member of Huntington Beach-based CaJj. fomia Coalition for lmmigra· tion Reform, said she is con· cem ed "about the . nalion's borders, which are wide open. ·As Jong as our borders are open, there's no homeland se· curity, ·· she said. More should be done by lo· cal law enforcement, said Phil McVey. a Foµntain Valley resi· dent "I'd like to see lhem tram more and be better prepared," . he said. hMore resources need to be dedicated to local law enforcement.· f\.f"~ festive Pti.rties! 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale s1099 Reg. s}4.99 Now through December 2 I COSTA MF~'>A I 7111 'IMI I r PM1l\O i'ADf 1C<JR'-I 11111 17111 dl 'iA' I>\'°'"'"'' Tl~TtN MAllKE"fVLA~I:. \ 21)~' l:t (°Mll .. U R~At .... , .. M Kiii\ It I ,, CMO!>~ROAD C•::-. TEil l R\ IN~ 0, BfJU!A" .. Newport-Mesa's special educatiori funding rising YOUR SCHOOLS HIGH SCHOOLS Corona «NI Mer 7-12 2101 Eastblut'f Priv•, Newport Beach ~ Snving tJx <AmmMllity for 30 ytars Now TAKING ORDERS FOR HOLIDAY PARTIES (Ask us about our SANDWICH School district debates ways to handle groWing costs of caring for students with extra needs. MarlH O'Ntll Da1fyP1lot COSTA MESA -State and federal funding has not kept pace with rising numbers of special education Mudenrs and the costs ~ociated with caring for them. a state consuJtant tolQ school board officials Tuesday. As a result, speclaJ educadon budgets eat into general educa· tlon money, explained PauJ Goldfinger, vice president of the Sacramento consulting firm School Services of California. Goldfinger spoke at a special study session lhe Newport- Mesa Unified School District Board of Trustees held to learn more about special education issues. ·~ growth in percentage and growth in the high cost to educate these pupils combine to make a srarewide average of a 25% gap between revenues and total costs," Goldfinger said. %ile federal funds for spe· ciaJ education have remained constant, state funding has dropped and costs have risen, Supt. Robert Barbot said. In Newport-Mesa schools, he esti· mated the difference at about $1 l million a year, depending on the numbers and needs of the students. "We don't want contention between special ed and general ed parents or the district," Bar· bot said after the meeting. "We're talking about kids, here. We have an obligation 10 do wha1 we can to help them live happy, productive lives." Examining teachers' case loads, limiting the number of services contracted to outside agenctes and using interested parents to help design prograi:ns can help keep costs down, Goldfinger suggested. Parents in suburban, coastal areas tend to be educated and informed about special educa· lion issues, and can help serve as advocates, he said. Evaluating students and plac- ing them in "appropriate" pro- grams, even lf parents would prefer for their chiJdren to be in other .ones. such as ones at pri- vate schools, can also cut down on costs, Goldfinger said. After the meeting, Gary Monahan, Costa Mesa's mayor and chairman of lhe district's Special Education Community Advi<lory Committee, ~id he dJ~agreed with that assessment. "The word 'appropriate' is subjective.· said Monahan. par- ent to an aull~tic chtld. "lt"s not that simple. What a parent thinks and what the district thinks is approprlate may not be rhe same thing." Though much of the meeting addressed complicated budget issues, a few parents showed up and stayed until the end. Board member Dana Black said she encourages parenti; to learn about funding issues to help them understand the big picture in the district. "This clarified for me the bud· get constraints in the district,• saJd Harbor Council PTA Special Education Liaison Kathy Koe· nlg. "I h ad no Idea and I'm the mother of a special ed student whos been through the sysrem. ~ Bromberg plans reelection bid Fellow Councilman Rosansky also will run in fall election. Junt C•111r1ndt Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -Nearty a year before the next City Council election the ballot ls already coming into fOC\18. Steve Bromberg will run for anolher four-year term on the City Council, he announced Tuesday. Newcomer Steve Rosan.sky had already announced when heap- plied to f1U Quy Proctor'• vacant 11nt th.at be planned to run ln November.· Of the three coundJ seats up for graba next year, only one re· ma.ins a complete wtldcatd. DI.s- trict 7 Councilman John Hetfer· nan mid be wtll decide sometime next year. likely ln the JUmmer, whether he'll run for another • term. "I have 10 sil down with my family and I have to look ,at all the work that needs to be done for the city," Heffernan said. Fo~edy an odd man out on the council who had announced he would step down two years before the end of his tenn, Hef- feman's once-frosty reladons with fellow council members have warmed considerably. For example. Bromberg, who wu once at odds with the Greenlight- endorsed Heffernan. now 1peab highly of his colleague and bas even said he would support Hef- fernan for mayor pro tern. ·1 came into lbe Job wfth a lot of bravado that I now feel was mfsplaced and I regret that," lief. feman said. ·rw lea.med how the job is done and performed better, and there have been lea focus on GreenlJgtlt luues. ao I've been In a dllf~nl position.• ThiJ sea change on the council tw distanced Heffernan from the only other Greenlight coun- cilman, Diclc Nichols, whose re- marks last summer about Mexl· cans on Corona del Mar State Beach left him at far greater odds wtth hts colleagues than Heifer· nan had ever been. Heffernan sided with the councU majority in disapproving Nichols' com- ments, but stopped short of vol· lng to censure hlm. Heffernan and Nlchob cast the dissenting votes against censure, with Hef· feman uguing that to censure Nlcholt could bun constituents by a1ppllng the oouncilman'a power to serve. Hetreman and Bromberg both dted the dty'a recent move to take part in John Wayne Airport operations u Incentive to stick around. "'Ibere'a a lot to aee through." Bromberg uld. "The new pro· gram we're embarking on regard- lna John Wayne Allport ana the tidelands could be very signiO- cant • Princlpalt: Brooke Booth, 7-8; Sharon Fry, 9-12: (949) 616-«>00 Attendance: (949) 616-«>06 ~ Cotta MeN 7-12 2860 Fairview Road, Cocta Meaa Pnncfpala: John Garcia, 7-8; Ff'ed Navarro, 9-12 Main phone: (714) 424-8700 Attendance:(714)424-8706 &tande9-12 2323 Placentia Ave., Co.ia Meta Principal: Tom Antal Main phone: (949) 616-6500 Attendance: (949) 616-6606 Middle~ Hieh School 2701 Fairview Road, Costa MeN Princ;ipal: Robert Nanney Main phone: (714) 432-6732 Newpon fWtM)r 0-12 600 Irvine Ave., Newport S.edl Principal: Mld\ael Voaaen Main phone: (949) 515-6300 Attendance: (949) 61&-6306 Ho · mu Check List!) HERB ROASTED CHICKENS· $5 99 ea. (Ask "'abo#t 11 q1t1ck 1itk tluh to romplnnent yo"r meal) Com B"ad Stuffed CHICKEN BREASTS OR Appk-Cinn11mon Stuffed PORK CHOPS (Cool for Cold Nights) Old Fashioned BONE-IN OT ROAST $499 lb. GARDEN OR FRUIT SALADS $3 99 ca. I I~ I ..._I I ..._, \I c 11 111 •11\111,1 I .,, \11111"> o ,\l\ltt', • ,111:1\ll' • -.,\\11fn>ll c•/i •I• 11 : ,fl I ' I >,·/i1·.·1 a l I J ,11/1• Fruh H1md-ChoppeJ S.U. • Bra110 Chips d-TortilLis • Howu Styk • ., 31 YarinW fJ/HommHHlt Siwgu We~:;fo:,:,'i;;!tt/i/;!k, . 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (949) 642-7191 Mon Sat 8 OOAM to 7 OOPM • Sun 9'1l0AM to IS:ooPM tf the answer Is "YES .. to either of these questions ... fonsider Smith Barney. •We have contracts to do business with approximately 30 insurance companies. •We can review your .nnulty to 1n5ure you are receiving a competitive return. Invest your time befOf'e lnvtiting your money. FOR FREE INFORMATION CALL: 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach. CA 92660 (949) 717-5300 (800) 468-3352 THll 11 WHO Wt ARI. TIUI 11 HOW WE &AaN IT:- ~~ r . I .. M Wtdnesdav. December 3, 2003 OBITUARIES John J. Turner A memortal service ls scheduled fot Mri John J. Turner. a 28·yeir Newpon ee.cll tt•lcknt, 01\ Thundny at 3 p.m. at the Community Olureh Q>~donal. The church I at 611 HellotrOpe A~ In Corona del Mor. Mr. Turner died on Sunday of 001uml causes. Hewu83. LICENSES Continued from A 1 511Jd. ·r think Ir's a beUet on rhe part of some politicla.ns that they want to addttS.\ the needs or the Uitino or· ganlza.Uons, but wha1 J rWly think lhey need to do' ls the right thing,• he adCied. ·And the ri8'11 thing to do is makt sure that we're looking after the sakty of tht people' of CaliComla and the United States." Mr. Turner ls survived by his daughcer Jan 1\trner Herlng; son Stephen 1\uper: and gnmdchlJdren John and. Bnm I lmng Md Anne and Field Turner. • A.UaA R08INSON COlleft buslneu, politlca and the environtTMnt. Reactl her at (9491764-4330. fllC: PHOTO/OAJlY PILOT Costa Mesa resident Dan Worthington helps Stephanie Hulme slgn her name to a petition regarding driver's licenses outside Target. In lieu or Oowers. 1he family ~ks that donaUorui be made lo Circle 1000 at Hoag Hospital Presbytl'rian. RETU RN Bradford H. Miller Contmued from Al A memoriaJ service for Mr. isn't sure whether he wants the job. Bradford H. Miller, a former Newport Beach resident, Is set for noon 1oday at Pacific View Olapel in Corona del Mar. •rm talking to people thJ.s weeJc. asking if they thJn.k that out of the logjcal candidates I'd be !JOmeone who would do a good job at it: Mr. Miller dled on Thwsday of a cardiac arrest. Hewas65. Heffernan said ·For me It's a ques- tion of who would be best for the job. I didn\ get on this council to put a plaque on the wall." Mr. Miller is llurvfved by his wtfe 'fiacy; sons Bradford and Brandon Miller. daughters Wendy Diehl and Cara Olri~tensen; and sister Oierie Austin. (.oundJ Insiders al.so said that Gary Adams might seek the vice mayor slot. Adaim was out of the country on Tu~ay and could not be reached to comment AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN itemr; to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St , Costa Meas. CA 92627; bye-mall to lu1s.~na@J11tlmes.com; by fax to (949) 64&4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. Include the time, ·date and location of the event, as well aa a contact phone number. TODAY Free f.eng Shut seminar at 7 p.m . at Vislona & Drams, 2482 Newport Blvd. P.K. Odle will explain how elemental remedies are implemented. Information. (877) 288·1669. A town hall meeting on homeland secunty will be from 6 to 8 p.m. at Vanguard University's Smi1h Hall Room 101, 55 Fatr Drive Assemblyman Ken Maddo1e. CoS1a Meaa Councilmen Alan Man1oor and Michael Scheafer, Califomla National Guard Maj. Gen. Paul D. Monroe Jr., Costa Fir~ Chief Jamea M. Ellis and representatives from the Orange County Sheriff's Department, California Office of Emergency Services and the FBI wilt be on hand. WEDNESDAY The Antl·SAT movement will hold a meeting from 7 to 8 p.m 1n the ASB room at Corona del Mar High School There will be guest speakers, an open forum for comments and queattons, and an outline for implementing educational reform. Students, parenta, and teachers are welcome to attend tnformalton- Amanda RubenS111n, (949) 719-1766. Christmas TrN Sale from 8 a.m to 10 p.m., Nov 3 through 19 m lot E. at the Orange County Fair and Expoaltion Center. Information: (818) 347-8728, http://Www.ocfafr com. The Newport Hltt1 Garden Ctub will have a docent·led tour at 10 •.m . at the Heritage House at the Fullerton Arboretum. The 1894 home will be decorated with Victorian omaments for the holidays. A self-guided tour of the· arboretum can also be taken Information: (949) 720. 1552. THURSDAY The Orange County Chapter of Chltdhelp USA will have a holiday boutique and luncheon at 10 a.m . In the Hyatt Regency. 17900 JamborN Blvd .• Irvine. For reurv1tlons cont•ct Nancy Whltlodt at (949) 648-4228 The Chuck Jonaa Gallery m the Atrium Court of Faahlon lsl•nd will preMnt an exhibition of art of the animated film "Or. Seu.,· How the Grinch Stoia Chrlstmaa• with voice actreu June Foray and animation producer end director Phll Romon. The exhibition wllt be from 5 to 8:30 p.m. The Qallery le at 401 Newpon Center Drive lnform1tlon: (949) 759-0768, http:llwww.dludc/oMa.com. Rldgt·way became vice mayor coupon toward B. Kamins products purchaae on the same day. Information and reservations· (949) 644-6672. Harbor Day School's Student Enrichment and Parent Education Committee will present parenting expert William Sears from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. at Harbor Day School. Sears will lecture on 10 tips for successful parenting and on improving a child's IQ through nutrition. Information and reservations: (9491 645-8004. SATURDAY Th9 Costa M ... M.n'a Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. The entrance tee will be $70 today and $135 for both days. Information: (949) 645-2886,(949) 903.9090 Waldorf Schoof will present its Winter Festival from 3 to 6 p.m. at 2350 Canyon Dnve. There will be seaaonal craft making. music. theater and international food. There will be a nominal cttarge at the gate. Information: 19491 574-7734. The Angel.Ua Prayer Bl"Hkf8st wlll be after the 8:30 a.m. mass at Our Lady Queen of Angeles, 2046 Mar Vista Drive. The prayer breakfast will feature guest speaker Madeline Tuoci Tannehill, founder of ·Gary's Place for Kids. There will be a poinsettia plant sale after the breakfast. The breakfast is sponaored by the Caaa Teresa Founders Gulld. The cost is a $15 donation. Information· 1949) 640-0886. The Cat Fllncl.,. Asan. will have a ctlamp1onsh1p and household pet cat show from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The event will feature up to 225 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along with reactJe cata and kittens looking for a home. Information: (858) 455--9390. Netlonal Unlvenlty's Center for Cultural and Ethnic Studies will preaent •Tue Allure and Significance of Body Art from 10:30a.m. to 12:30 p.m . et National University, 3390 t~erbor Blvd. Information: (714) 429-6408, lzulcH@nu.tldu. Plecemaura' annual Christmas Fair will be from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. There will be over 175 bootha of top artlsta wilh unique handcrafted ltema including live music, food and entertainment. lnformallon: (714) 641-3112, http://Www.plec.makers.com. lHangi. Squ•re wlll haw holiday events from noon to 4 p.m . at Triangle Squares Town Squere. The Dance C•nter with unique performencea by dancers agta 6 to 17, From noon to 2 p.m. Elfface painter from 2 to 3 p.m. To-rSoldler Mime from 2:30 to 4 p.m. and the Ctasatcal Trio from 3 to4p.m. SUNDAY la.st year lmmedla1ety after servmg as ma~r for a year. Among the rea- sons he wants to talce bad the helm ls because he believes his re- gional gwemmmt experienre could help the city further pursue some long-term goals that are just now coming Into focw. Ridgeway ser\'es on the Southern California ~. of Governments, as well as twO of its transportation-related subcommittees. He has also re· pn.><;ented the city 10 the Orange County SanJtation Board "Whal do I do with all lh1s knowledge that's bouncing around in my head," Rldgeway said, noting that the city's recent push for more involvement in county govenunent might benefit from his experience cat show from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. at the Orange Coumv_Fair & Exposition Center. Tl\o event will feature up to 225 of the world's finest pedigreed cats will be there along w ith rescue cats and kittens looking for a home. Information: (858) 456-9390. Plecemake,.· annual Christmaa Fair will be from 9 e.m. to 4 p.m. Dec. 6 and 7. There will be over 175 booths of top artists with unique handcrafted items Including live music, food and entertainment. Information: (714) 641·3112, http.:l!Www.p/tjC6malcers.com. The Colt• M .... Men'• Club will sponsor the Fairview Developmental Tournament benefiting Fairview Developmental Center at the Costa Mesa Golf & Country Club. The entrance fee will be $75. Information: (9491645-2886,(949) 903.9090 Th9 aeventh •nnu.I Balboa Island Wal king Holiday Home Tour will be from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. at Balboa Island. Tlchts cost $20. Information: (949) 673-4280. The city of Newport e.ach'a 14th annual Winter Wonderland will take place from 10 a.m . to 1 p.m. at Grant Howald Park. 5th and Iris avenues. There will be more than 30 tons of snow dumped onto the grounds. There will be winter carnival games. and Santa will be there. Information-(949) 644-3151 DEC. 10 Body Des'9n wlll off9f a free N minar and demonstration on the latest technology on cellulite treatmenta from 1 to 8 p.m. at 100 Newport Center Dllve. The event 11 presented by Mary Dellene, a massage therapist Information and registration: (949) 722-3555, getfit@bodydnign.tv. Hoeg Hoapttal will have an evening lung cancer support group discussion about ·coping with the Hotldaya" from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Hoag Cancer Center. Conference Room A. Information (949) 760-5542. DEC.11 The Cempua Colleegu. of Orange Coast College will hold a luncheon to raise funds for the OCC Disabled Students Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will be entertainment provided by Tyler Hoff and Kiro Klro, who will be playing with tht Harry and Grace Steele Chlldren Center. The coat le $9.50 per person. Information: st•ndardtlnt hotmail com. DEC.12 Fashion ,.,.net and Star 98. 7 Radio will host a holiday toy drive from 10 e.m. to 4 p.m. in Bloomingdale'• Courtyard. Cuatomera ire encouraged to drop off 1n unwrapped new toy to be placed under tha Fashion Island Chrlatma1 tree. Information: (949) 721-2000. http:llwww.1h0Pf111hlonl1l•nd. com Th• Oninge County Coafftton for 'fbuth will hoat "Let Your Voloe Be HMrd• from 4:30 to 8 p.m. at the Cotta M ... Neighborhood Community Center, 1845 Part(, ~ Mt11. The event le to let youth voice thafr oonc:.rnt, talk about faun and to lnflutnce policy dteialona. Information: rl•fltdd.Ol.gov. The <Mnge County Maltcet Place The Refta Sympathettc wlll hold ltl fourth annual Holiday Dystrophy frienda support group Aapert of 8pe o,...-. customer appNdatlon m onth, h Witt have• rapruentitlv-. ftom B. • IC9mlnt on h•nd to perform mlnl·ftdalt tnd Mein analystt ~ 11 a.m. toe p.m. The m"1l.fllcl1l1 C09t tea with e $20 1 Car Show end Ped•I C.r will meet at 7 p.m. at Cocos, 2750 Invitational from 7 1.m. to 3 p.m . Harbor Btvd., Cot'ta M .... at tha Orange County lnfonnttlon: (949) 860-1212, (714) F1lrgrounda. There will be CCaalc • 491·9400. cttt, m otorcyclaa and tru<Q dtcotti.d fOr tfle hotld•Y9· There wlll llt<> be Ptdal c:ert and children'• pedal ctt teOtt. Th«• wlll •lao ba hollday entertainment end outdoor lhoppfng Thi CM ,_,ol1ra "-" wfll hav. • champfontf\lp and hoUeehOld p.i OEC.13 IMrtty't WoocMlred Maldcan Grm wffl hav. t grand opening a.ltbr.tJon from 11 1.m. to 3 p.m. to help NtwpOrt Coat Cet9e relH fundt for la H~ dt ta tnmaculldt, e am•f Of'PheNOt In Tijuana. The cost wltl ti. $10 for and regional Influence. Hetleman said he would likely support Ridgeway M mayor for this same reason. •Given Tod's reach ln10 the sur- rolllldmg communities and (the Southern California Assn. of Gov· emments), I think Ile Is well suited," Heffernan said Ridgeway also said he hopes 10 help guide Balboa Village improve- ments through to completion and help keep other peninsula issues in the forefront of dty priorities.. •JUNE CASAGRANDE cxwers Newport Beacti and John W11Yne Airport She mey be readied llt (949) 574-4232 or by e-mail at june.pssegrandB@larimes.com adults and $5 for children. Sharky's is at 21119 Newport Coast Drive, Newport Coast Shopping Center. Information: (949) 433-7879. DEC.14 Halecrfft Palit will be hosting a holiday boutique from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. at 3107 Klllybrook Lane, Costa Mesa. There will be handmade c.rafta. Mary Kay Cosmetics, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Avon Cosmetics and more. Child care will be available. Information: (714) 567-7234. DEC.18 The Young Executtv .. of America will host Paul A. Motenko. chairman of the board and co-CEO of Chicago Pizza & Brewery Inc .. during its breakfast meeting at 7:30 a.m. at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd , Newport Beach. The cost is $16 for members and $25 for nonmem bers. Information: (949) 721-8686. OEC.20 ·01vora: A N.w 899lnnlng• is a workshop for men and women in the process of divorcing or recently divorced from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. The cost is $40. Information: (949)644-6435 DEC.21 Fashion hlfand will host its annual menorah lighting ceremony at 3 p.m at Bloomingdale~ Courtyard. The event will be hosted by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Cha bad Jewish Center m Newport Beach. Information: (949) 721·2000, http://Www.shopfashionisland com. DEC.22 II 'Th• Orange County Malit.t Place Will hold Its Holiday M arket Place 'from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds Admiuion will be free. There will be artlaana• and crafters' oqrner. photos with Santa Claus and seasonal entertainment. The Environmental N•ture c.n-.r will p reaent a hollday craft workshop In which participants can cre~eir own special holidat a~ason gift• for family and friends using a variety of materlala from 9 a.m . 3 p.m . The coat is $140 per student with a 10% dlacou nt for members. There will be a S25 materlala fae. Information: (949) 846-8489. The WlnW.....,.. C.mp 1ponsored by the city of Coate Mesa-. R9Cr&atlon Divlalon wUI be from 8 1.m. to 5:30 p.m . Dec 22 to Jan 2 at tM Downtown Recre1tlon Center. The camp Is for 7 to 9 graders. The cost la $76 per student per week. 'There are onty 13 ~ avallebla. Information: (714) 327·7580. OEC.23 The~ Natura Centw will~. holld1Y etaft wotbhop fn which CMtrtlclpanll can create their own epadal holiday ....on glfta fot family end frl~ using a vartety of mat1rf1l1 from 8 1.m. 3 p.m. The cost la S140 per atudtnt with • 10% dlaoount for mambtra. The,.. will bt a $26 material• f ... Information: (949) &U-8489. OEC.24 The~ ......... ~c.-, WHI preMnt a holiday Crlft • worlcthop In which panlalpanta can ctHta their own ... 1 hoUday Maeon gnt. for f1mlly tnd frtaindt uting t variety of mltitrl•I• fn>m 81.m. 3 p.m . Tht eott It $140 per etu<Jtnt with a Dally Piiot PUBUC SAFETY . POLICE FILES ~-­•lllleoll.-:An.uto!Nft WM reported Jn lM 1300 blodt "9:4e ··"'· Sund9y. • Eld9rt -.nu.: A ~ry was report9d tn 'tM 2900 bk><'c at 10:53 p.m. Sunday. • H8lbot 14"11ewrd: Alt luto theft Wll reported In the 1800 blodt ft 7:48 p.m. Sundey. •Roch..-Dtfw: forgery Ml reported In the 200 blodt •t tk19 e.m . Sundly. • South eo.t Plua: Petty theft weueported In Macy"t at 2:63 p.m. Sunday. • Whltder Avenue: An lndlvlduat WH raportedfy dnmk In public In \he 1800 blo<* et 1:03 p.m . Sunday. • 21st S1rMC: Grdltl we• reported Jn the 100 btodt at 11 :08 a.m . Sunday. 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materlels fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC. 26 The Environmental Nature Center will present a holiday craft workshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m . The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $26 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.29 The Environmental N•ture Center will present the Discovery Days Workshop, In which participants can compete individually and In teams in races. games and relays using inventions they've created to race over the land and into the air from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. Dec. 29, to Jan. 2. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $15 materials tee. Information: 1949) 645-8489. ONGOING NBW'O«T BEACH ........ lloul••d:Paav theft ... r9ported fn 1he 1900 tJtodl It 12:27 a.m. Monday. • ..,..... DIM: Vlndetltn'I wa reported In the 1000 J>lodt at 12:12 p.m . Mon<My. • lltClh ~ Acommtrcl•t burglary wn reported In die 4000 blodc st 8:01 t .m • Mondty. • HaltMw .... nd Ottw! A boat bu"9••rv w.1 repo~ed In the 800 blodi et 9:20 e.m. Monday. • Hoet o.tw.: Grand thtft wa1 reported In the 100 block at 10:13 a.m. Monday. • JembOrae Road: A hlt·tnd·run WH reporttd In tht 3300 blodt. ft 12: 18 p.m. Monday. • VW. Udo loud: A home burglary wn reported In the eoo bloc* at 12."33 p.m. Monday. study on "How to Become a Contagious Christian" from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at 377 W. Wilson St., No. 15 in Costa Meiia. All are wfflcome to come and meet new'friends. Information: (949) 722-7498. Th• ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tu esday of every month at the Unitarian Universallst Chul'ch, 1259 Victoria St. in Costa Mesa. Each month's meeting will feature a different speaker on issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. Macy'a In Coata Meu Invites Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide servioes and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiser. This yeSr's event will be held on Oct. 4. To receive an application to participate, call (714) 656-0611, ext. 4231. Yoga eta .... will be offered Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine weeks at West Newport Community Center. Registration is $54 for one class each week or $100 for two days a week over nine weeks for Newport Beach residents. Others pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Tha Newpor1 Center Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and bac*grounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, ' Costa M ..... , Recntatlon DM1lon Newport Beach. Validated parking will provide a three·hour theme Is available in the parking birthday party tor up to 20 guests structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. at the Balearic Community Center Guests are welcome. For more weekdays from 5 to 8 p.m .. information, call (949) 721-5732. Saturdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. Sole Comfor1 and Laura's HouN have teamed up to help those in need by collecting shoes from Dec 1 through 31 at Sole Comfort, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. Laura'• House is committed to ending the cycle of domestfo violence and strengthening families. Information: (949) 844-6939. Th• Newpor1 BHc:h Public Ubrary is holding its holiday food drive through Dec. 12. There will be Share Our Selves bins at the library for donations of canned goods and non-perishables. Donations can be dropped off during regular library hourt: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. M onday throllgh Thursday; from 9 e.m. to 8 p.m . Friday and Seturday and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday. Information: (949) 717-3801. Sou1h Coast Plau will have its Santa'• Village through Dec.. 24 at Carousel Court. Shoppera can make cr•fta at the Alpine Wood Shop. Holiday Trfmmlnga Shop and the Villega Bake Shop. The cost varlea per craft. Information: (714) 435-2083, http:l.lwww . .authcoastplua.com. Souttl Cout Plaza will have iU femoue carou10I transformed from hor ... to Santa .. ralndffr until Dee. 28. The coat for a ride 11 $1. lnformstlon: (714) 435-2083, http:/lwww.1outhcoaatp/&1a.oom. South Coast Plua will have Sant•'• Exprtta Train runnlnQ through Jan. 4 t t the Crste & 81rTOVM~ Home Store wlnQ on Level 2. Information: (714) 435-2083. http.:/!Www.t<>vtbcoatp/&11.oom. . The~atbbeea~ meeta on the MCOnd end foUrth W9dnadays 6f every month from 6A5 to 9 p.m. at 0.111 s.n1or Canhlr, 800 Mtrguarlta Ave. In Coron• dtf ~.The C09l I• $2. lnfoimftlore (SMI) '48 6293. ,.........,~ ......... J; or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to 12 will consist of lunch/dinner, games, crafts, prizes, cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Parties cost $250 or $300. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. Five new w in" wltl be served on Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost is$15 per person For more information, call (949) 721-1222. A YllMty of ptfvate, aeml-i>riva1e and g roup swim l essons will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona dal Mar High School. Options include one-on-one lnatruction on Saturdays and a Monday through Thursday program for all agea and levela. For seulon dates, times and coats. call (949) 644·3161, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services at 3300 Newport Blvd. Chtldren, -.n1 and lldutb can now reglatarior summer recreatlonat boating classes offered through Newport Ba&c:ti ReerNtlon S.rvic.t. Cla .... begin July 12. f.eaa 111ry. Call (949) 844-3151, or vlaft the Newport Baedl Aecreation end S.nlor Services a 3300 Newpon Blvd. for mort lnformetio n .• '"' 11lonal and UoeftMd W' trtlnort with th• All-Englt nd Sooctt Au<temy ,,. a11ailt ble for on.on-one, "'*'group •nd l•rga group tr~lnlng. For more lnform1tlon, call (949) 396-6103. J.wteh ftlmly 8ervtoe .. IPOf*>ring I teen IUpport group fOr high tchoOl lludiMt 1Nt mael9 Mondave from 3:30 to 5 p.m. et Terbut YTOrah upper SdM)of In Coitil M-. For lnfofm9tlon or U> rtQlltlr, c.elt County delays CenterLine vote The City Council approved its preference for the underground route, but the county announced it will put off its vote until January. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot COSTA MESA-The county will postpone deciding on the preferred route for the Cen· terUne light rail system until January. · The county was scheduled to select a route next week. bur Orange County Trans- portadon Authority staff members are rec· ommending Its board of directors take more time to absorb the public comments on the environmental repon received In the past month-and·a·haJf. CenterUne is slated to run from Santa Ana to John Wayne Airport. through Cosra Mesa. On Monday, the City Council fonnally ap· proved its preference for the underground route, which it finally persuaded the county to consider in October nm is the second preferred route the city has approved. The council's approval on Monday means this underground option will now compete wuh the other opuons the county 1s consid- ering. "Having been someone who supported this and fundamentally believes in a variety of ways to move people around, I firmly be· lieve this will provide a great alternative for people to move; said Councilwoman Libby Cowan, the council's most vocal proponent of the lighr rail. This council-preferred route will run from Bristol Street 10 Sunflower Avenue to Avenue of the Arts, with " short underground sec- tion on Avenue of the A.ru. The closest sta· don to South Coast Plaza would .be at Bristol andSunft~t The first preferred reute the dty 1pproved, in 2001, is an elevated route along 8rlstol Street and Anton Boulevard. with a station at South Coast Plaza. The major property own· ers in the area were not sat1s6ed with this route since they were concerned that having the Ught rail come through the hlgh-end shopping center would interfere with t!Jlist- ing developmen~. They worked lr\tenslvely with the city to hammer out another route that would diven CenterUne away from South Coast Plaza onto Avenue of the Arts.. While most of the property owners in the South Coast Plaza vfcinJty support the underground route, since they helped create It. Others, who will be lmph.cted the most, are cridcal of the ract that It wtJJ bypass South Coast Plaza. which Is owned by C.J. Segerstrom & Sons. Businesses at the Lalces Pavilion would be displaced by this route. Another business affected would be the Wyndham Garden Hotel. The hotel would suffer from this mute because putting the light rail underground at Avenue of the Arts would require a 20·foot e~ment along the entire length of the hotel and because the light rail would be a mere three feet away from the hotel ballroom, General Manager Tom Smalley said. To protect the hotel's ability to provide services if this route is selected, Smalley has asked city officials to tweak the route so it comes up from the underground portion farther south and move the rracks farther away from the building. Mayor Gary Mona- han has said city engineers are amenable to the changes. Transit advocares like Hoy Shahbazian also eiq>ressed disdain for rhe route. •Pedestrian access from the station to em- ployment at the office towers and the plaz.a are significantly bener with a station at South Coast P1az.a." Shahbazlan said. But George Sakiok.a, of Roy K. SaJdob & Sons ln the South Coast Metro area, said the underground route has a definite advant~ slnce "it doesn't have a transition z.one from elevated to grade level. whJch can be quite an impact." Because this underground route was a latecomer to tb.e envtrorunental consldera· tlon of the light rail system, th~ are ~CUI some Issues that need to be worked out. lo approving this alignment as its second pre· ferred route, the council made it clear that It expects the county to address all the out· standing environmental Issues brought up by the city, property owners, and residents -to the city's satisfaction. If that doesn't happen, the city will have opponunities in the future to withdraw from the Centerline project. City Manager Allan Roeder said. The council also wants the county to identify the alignment the light rat1 system will follow through the Saltioka property. The county Is considering a few different op tions for the property. Mayor Pro Tern Allan Mansoor was the only council member to vote against the underground roure since he bas been op· posed to the Centerline project since he was elected to the council. The authority's board of directors will re· ceive a report next week on how many pub· tic comments were garnered during the 45· day period, which ended on Nov. 24 and a breakdown of those commenL~ for and against t~ project, said spokes(Tlan Michael Lltschi. It is expected to chose a mute on Jan. 12. litschi added. COSTA MESA CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL FYI I !ere are a fi>u1 1tl'nis the rou11cil decidRd cm Monday: WHAT: Next City Council meeting WHEN: 6:30 p.m .. Jan. S approved the tram.fer of two objeCll\.t"> 10 the completed list: one that proVJdes incentives for owner-occupied housing on the Westside and one for parlc development fees. EXTENSION REQUEST WHERE: City Hall, 77 Fair Dnve INFO: (714) 754·5221 WHAT HAPPENED MEETINGS CANCELED The council considered a ~O reque .. 1 from Two rown - Center for a one-year N'NOYU> The counctl unammou!>ly approved the extension. The council considered council meeting and the ~ canceling the Dec. 15 ~ extcrrnon on it~ ma.'.lter plan. COMMUNITY OBJECTIVES Dec. 22 Planniftg ..,.........,...,..... Commission meeting Tiw plan 1.:overs construction of an \8·story office builuing, a five-level parking structure, demolition of two existing structures and reconfiguration of tJ1e surfuce parking in the Two Town Center area of South Coru.t Pl37.a Town Center The council expected an ~ updare of the first quarter 5-0 report for the 2003·04 Al'f'flOV(D fiscal year community beQluse they are close to the Ouistmas holiday and a 101 of people take vacation around this time. objectives. WHAT HAPPENED ·n1e council canceled both meeungs. The ma.'.lter plan was approved in October 2002 The objectives are intended to provide staff members with clear direction on the council's priorities. They also serve as well-defined blueprints the community can use to measure the city's performance '!I'd progress. WHAT WAS SAID TI1e extension will allow l\vo Town Cenrer 10 have more time to get the nece!>Sary building permits. WHAT HAPPENED "I want to be assured that nothing wlll be continued that is time sensitive and hope this won't result in a 14· 15 hour meting on Jan. 5. ~said Councilwoman Libby Cowan. tr the company needs more time beyond Oct. 21, 2004. 11 will have to ask for another one-year extension. The council received the report and -Compiled by Ot!irdrt' Nf'wmn11 TOWN Continued from A4 (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration ts required The First Paga -Flna Children'• Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 in CoSla Mesa, offers free story time Mondays. Wednesday. Fridays and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p .m. For more mformation, call (949) 645-5437. Beyaide Restaurent In Newport \ Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m for $15 per person. featuring five new wines each week. For more informa11on, call (949) 721-1222 Green Sy1tam1 lm.metlonal shows you evef\'1hlng thet you wanted to know about orchids and repotting durmg a free seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. An orchid and tropical plant sale Is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Information: (949) 766-1211 Dlscovet' the HCNtt of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday et 8:30 a.m. Parking la $4. Call (714) 996-6252 for more lnfol'tnatlon. lUm Survfvor; • nonprofit organizetion encouraging women who have been through canoar treatment to exerclH, ho1ta •walk and Talk" at 10 a.m . the aecond and fourth Frid1y of the month In front of NIKEgodeu store In Fashion l1l1nd. Member• meet for lundl after at Atrium court. It la tree. and ell fltneu level• ere welcome. For more Information, c.11 (949) 275-.3888. N.wport communhy C:O...nMftng Cent•t off era • Wfff 'o stop the cycle of domestic violence . . KENNY ·"· PRINTER . ; through the support group In S.A.F.E. Hands. S.A.F.E. s1ands for safety, awareness, faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more information, call 1949) 721-8079. TMnt In MVenth through ninth grades are Invited to drop by the city of Costa Mesa Recreation Center from 2 to 6 p.m. Monday through Friday for sports and other activities. The center is at 1860 Anaheim Ave. For more information, call (714) 327-7560. Th• Newport BeM:ti Walklnv Club meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9: 15 a.m. and 7 p.m everyday. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Newport 8eadl Cake Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thursday night• at Superior and Hospital Road m Newport Beacti. For more information, call (949) 650-1332. The Spenleh Speeklng Qub meets to learn Spanish quick and ear;. For more information, ~II (949) 650-1332. The "-•n. of Bu1ine .. S9fV!ce1 hosts a networking meettng that deals wittl education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuesday of every month at the Holiday Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Mesa. For more information, call (949) 805·0011. •otvorce: A New Beginning," a workshop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, is held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Canter Drive on the third Saturday of every month. Coat Is $40. For more Information, call 644-6435. free tours of th• Orange County Perlormlng Arts Center take guests to the dressing rooms. performer'• lounge, backstage and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Group tours can be held by special arrangement. For more Information, call (714) 556-ARTS. ext. 833 The Newport Beach Newcomen Club hold• a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women realdents In 200~. Newport Beach who have ltved in the area fewer than five years For more mformation, call 1949) 645-9922, or visit http://www.nttwcomers· newportbeach.org. Oasis Senior Center holds • pancake breakfast from 7:30 lo 10 a.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast Includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center ls at 800 Marguerite, Corona dal Mar For more information. call (949) 644-3244. ~· and rhythm, "Yogamythmics" combmea yoga. dance and run. The cless Is held from 4:30 to 5;45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive Eaat, Suite m. Costa Mesa. For more information. call (714) 754-7399 tm.rfaltti coupl .. wtth one Jewish partner are Invited to perticipate in a discu11ion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. Call to schedule date and time. The office is at 260 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Meaa. (714) 445-4950. w~ Sl116/iKllu B'lllll'Vld'l!f 0ecen1bUo II (,I/Id .'?hwwtlqy, (./)t!€Vn1f>cr lc9 ANN GEHDROLIS ~:,,:;:~.. Daily~Pilot ,, T Wednesday, Oeewnber 3, 2003 AS 725 BAKER ST (ol Bristol) • COSTA MESA 714.540.5061 • Ctaltllllllt Of Cllll Illy Out • ""'* Calls • Pict "' ... °'""" • Uqwlatl•• " rur estate •lllllaasU.ICatlta • &tltl Alc11oa • Lipl Appratuls -------• Uct!llM, hMN ,...,_ . /~,.. IS.'71rr/1r/H/.'fi~,,.,y>"".11 • GIA & EGL Certified Diamonds ..,.....,. • Customized Orders • Engagement & Wedding Rings • Repa.irs While You Wait • 16 Independent Merchants Stnlors, Mltsy, law Enforcement 100% HAND WASH FREE WASH If n UJNS WltHtN 24HRS I $7.9' SMw ID I Ge..t Tin Dec. Jl, 2003 699 With Tnia Ad 599 With This Ad Because ,There's No Such Thing. Th11t's w"y wt< •l'lltl'd i;1vr yn111 t h1ld prll< l •ct-111 1111 b.1\ c t;inquaQf \~111\ indud1nq phonic\, vn< 11twl11ry, comprt · RK Rtadin9, 1t'~ a provc-n p1t>9ram 9uaran1r("d 10 ra1U" your child's levt'I On(' rull qrl)(jr ln R·· c.,ead1ng JU\I )l hou" ~ Utlllling twclu\ vt ...,._ -·-.. - t>M\1on ilnd 11ppltl"d \kttl\ \U(h a\ rud1nq, r.\tt, ,,nd rf'<all TutorA1d ttst1n9, wt •n•lyZI' tht qap\ in 11 studtnn rHd1n9 ab·llty 11nd crt•tt a balanced p1t>9ram to If your chi Id Is ftlllng bd\lnd In ichool, now b t~ \lmt to ull and find out mort. (9+9) 6S)·TUTOR (8886) 488 East 17th 5tre~t • Costa Me~a (CONMr of 1rv1nt Av~ut) . FORUM. ttaW TO GET M mHED -Ldlrs MA.II to Edltoriel Page Edltor S.J. Cahn at the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mes., CA 92827 •Rt1 d'era HodM: Call (IMS) 842-«lee Fa> Send to (949) ~170 E<fNll:s.nct to dllllypl~lltif'M&«>m •All c;onespondence must lndude fUll nam., hometown and phone number (for verinc.tlon purposea). The Pilot ,....,..... the right to edit all submlaion1 for clarity end length . . LETTER TO THE EDITOR Santa Ana Heights rules not ~orseplay I applaud the clty of Newport and lta tough awid on water quality issues thal can only benefit every resident Maybe the Pilot should ult all the residents of Newport Beach II they are willlng to compromise their water qualJty IO Colb lo Santa Ana Heights can ride horses and not be bothered (•Hone rlden fight animal waste rules,• Tuesday). There are things you need to keep ln mind: 1. ThJJ 15 not a new llsue. Who cleans the horse trails and the horse poop? The Santa Ana Heights PoUdcal Acdon COrnmJttee, resJdenta and the county have been debating and arguing over this Issue for yea.rs with no real 10ludons. 2. The second problem Is that the equestrian community Is disorganized and fragmented at best They don't agree with each other on the Issues or the aoluttona. You cannot take just one group's Input on the subject. • tlLE PHOTO I DAILY PILOT The city of Newport Beach wants equestrians to deposit their horses' droppings in small trash cans. 3. You must also consider that a large majority or the people riding horses along the crails on Cypress Street and Mesa Drive do not live ln the neighborhood. That goes hand ln band with the lasue of illegal boarding of bones In our area. These nonresidents have no connection to the community and could care less about cleaning up after themselves. 4. The county's blstory with the equestrian community Is not good. The county waa never able to get the majority of horse owners to get the required recreational horse permits, stop the illegal boarding business or ensure trail maintenance of any kind. 5. The equestrian community Is a small minority. The majority of homes In East Santa Ana HeJghts do not have horses. Since July 1, when Newport Beach annexed the Eastslde of the area, the lnfonnation regarding the ordinance In question has been on our site: http://www.sahpac.romlsys-rmpV ho~trallupdatal. Regular e·maJl update notices are senl lo a list of residents. city officials. county officials and political action committee members. There are many horse folU on the e-maJl list This ordinance Is not new news to anyone. More recentJy, I started an ~riplental program of placing small trash cans and shovels along the tnllls to help the riders pick up after their animals Lo avoid fines. 1 am uking the residents to clean the cans In front of their homes. So far it seems lo be getting ve~ good results and we plan on expanding the program and adding more cans and shovels lo the trail To come Into compliance with this ordinance, riders could tie up their horses along the fencing on Cypress and parts of Mesa Drive. We can supply trash cans or step stools if they can't dismount. More than half of the people 1 see on the trails are not even on their horses, they are wallclng their horses. If they can't dismount. riders can also come back lo clean up after their ride. Why i.s no one doing this now? It's true that one equestrlan organization pays someone once a week 10 clean the trail, but that is not adequate since 1 the trails are U5ed everyday. If trails are cleaned on Saturday and it rains on Friday, then a weeks worth of manure washes Into the Back Bay. Half measures are not sufficient and haven't Read Newport-Mesa Arc you concerned about the low test scores at our schools in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach ? During rhe pasc fou r yars, the cffom of chc Daily Pilot and the Rotary Clubs of Newport-Balboa, Newport Irvine and Newport Beach Sunrise in support of the Los Anttdes Tames Reading by 9 program has raised more chan $24,000, including $10,00d" from Daily Pilot readers co deliver 16,500 books to kindergarten through third grade students ac Pomona, Whittier and Wilson Elementary Schools. These schools have the highest perccncagc of limited-English speaking scudcncs and lowest test scores. The Daily Pilot and chc three Rotary Clubs arc launching a campaign this faU with $6,800 committed by clubs, to be marched by an equal amount from Daily Piloc readers that combined, wilJ purchase an additional 7,800 books for the three elementary schools. The real difference in improving reading skills is you, your employees, or members! Join the Daily Pilot in a new program, RuJ Nnvport-Mua by giving o ne hour of your time, once or twice a month during the school day, reading co students at either Pomona, Whittier or Wilson Elementary Schools. Ma.kc a company, club, community group or congregation commicmcnc co ReaJ Newptwt-M,111 and encourage interested employees and members co, take an hour once or twice a month co rC<td co studencs at one of the three elementary schools. They can do it on their lunch hour, coffee break time or during work hours. Companies, clubs, community groups and congregations that make a commitment to IU.J Nnvptwt-M.u will be recognized in the Daily Pilot during the school year. ' Students arc available for IWul Nnvport-MUll beginning at 8: 15 a.m. until 2 p.m., Monday through Friday. It's easy, it's fun and it's very important if we are co help students master reading by the age of 9 and become produetive citii.ens of our community. · It's easy for you, your employees or members to participate. Just call one of the three schools listed below and adenrify yourself as a &IUI Nnuport-MUA volunteer, identify the day and rime you have available and you will be scheduled with a cla.uroom teacher at the school you called. The teacher will help you get started and provide Reading by 9 books co use with the students. Pomona -(949) 516-6980 Whitt.in -(949} Sl S-6990 WJ.on -(949) SlS-699S _Yes, count on-----------to support &.J Nnvport-MUll. Your name Phone : ~---------- .FAX £..mail---------- FAX thh form to (7J4) 921-8655. Por mo~ information, all Jim de Boom at (714) 921 ·8665. ReaJinS DaiiyAPilot fl . ........... ' i been for a very long time. The signs on the trails are fine and to the point and are gelling an overwhelming positive response from the neighbors. The law is the law. Take responsibillty for your animal is all the law requires. I don't think that is too much to ask. You can soft soap this issue any way you like. Yqu·can call it horse poop, manure - whatever. In reality, it smells, draws ru~s. contains bacteria. gets in your llres and you bring it lnlo your garage. and it pollutes the water supply. We are not living In the Wild Wesl Days. We are living in times of environmental awareness that applies to everyone. BARBARA VENEZIA Sanla Ana Heigh1s •BARBARA VENEZIA is the secretary tor the Santa Ana Heights Political Action Committee. MAILBAG Pilol editorial has its school ~ignals crossed Once again, it seems like yow publication Is unable to declde whJch side of the rence It Is on ln regard to Important and crltlcal education issues. An editorial praises the Newport Mesa Unified School Dlstrlcl decision to shut down the preschool program at Newport Hart>or High School ("District's decision Is In srudents' best interest," Sunday). This editorial tries to justify why closing the . preschool is "the right decision on the pan of the dlstrlct. • In explaining why •it Is not the district's job to run private day care programs," It fails to understand that it was by no means a day-care facility but a quality school within a school with excellent learning standards for preschool aged · children. Has the Daily Pilot failed to remember that Newpon Harbor High School is a Blue Ribbon school? Now, for the fence jumping. it does seem like education and reading must be important . and newsworthy with an anicle on the opposile page of the aforementioned edi1orial "Getting them Reading by 9." By 9 years old. a child is in the third or fourth gra~. l Any Newport-Mesa educalor knows that if a child is not reading proficiently by at least 7 years old, in the second or no later than the Lbird grade. the child will definitely have many problems keeping up with the curricuJum. This sounds very lnuch like a child who will be •teft behind" to me. Visit any Newpon·Mesa elementary school kinderglµten and you will see many.children enthusiastically learning the basic tools for reading and children who have alttady mastered age-appropriatl' reading. It is a good bet that these cbUdren who excel In reading rnost • definitely went to preachooJ. Preschool ia the place where the child starts leamlng the basic and foundationaf skills of reading. The district and the Daily Pilot both need to fully understand and promote quality school district preschool programs. If a child is not reading by 9. my guess is that the child did not go to preschool and will certainly struggle throughout his school years. MAXINE MACHA Costa Mesa Tune for GreenJight across the county The city of Newport Beach is looking td take over John Wayne Airport. Whether that happens is something that remains to be seen. Who knows how effective that would even be In limiting future airport growth? The government can always override local cities when it comes to airport regulations. (Ask the city of Burbank about thal one.) The best protection would be to limit future population growth and the subsequent demand that comes with ll. The city of Newport Beach already h as a slow-growth ·Greenlight" ordinance on the books. They should push for a similar countywide Initiative. This would be something that would not only reduce pressure for future John Wayne expansion, bul would also benefit the entire region. REX RICKS Huntington Beach Gwr GUIDE #1 Wednesday, Novembtr 26 Thursday, November 27 Friday, November 28 OE.\OIJll;I IOR \I'~! 11.~ll\ Hll OIO ~I Wcdnact.y. N011cmbtr 19. 2003 ~ p.m. OEAOflll;~ IOR U'1lRA RI \II\ ~O~ Mon<by, Nownbtt 24. 1003 S p.m. GIFT G UJDE #2 WtdnesdllJ, December 10 Thursday, Dtumbtr 11 Friday, Dtctmbtr 12 OFADllNI l·OR SPACE/ADVERTORlAL Wed:Gaday. ~ 3. 200) s p.m. DfAOU~EFOR C\'-if.RA ~DY ADS Monday, Dtt.ctnbcr 8. 2003 s ~·"'· ARP.AS OF CIRCULATION DAJll' PILOT Wtdnacla7. NcMmbtr 26 alld Dlc:m!bcr 10, 200) Nfwpon 8cach • Cot1>n, d.I Mar ~ Couc • COIU Ma. • HUNT'INCTON lf.AQf INDl!P!NDf.NT ~~n QUOTE OF THE DAV "They outhu.stled llS, ran down more balls and were more consistent." Chuck ccane.. occ women's ~coach Daly Pilot ' Dec. 8 honOf ee DAVE GERANKO ~Editor Richard Dunn: (9491574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Wednesday, December 3, 2003 A7 WOMEN'S VOLLEYBALL IVC outlasts Orange Coa~t in five Lasers avenge two earlier losses to Pirates to advance to state tournament. Bryce Alde rton Daily Pilot COSfA MESA -fitting the match to decide whether Om11~e Coast College or Irvine Valley would advance 10 the final four of the Slate women's volleybaJI playoffs came down to the maxr mum five games. wmnlng both. But Coa.-.1 w35n'1 a-. fortunate 1\Jes· day night, as IVC posted u 30·24. 25·30, 30 28, 25· JO, I'; 12 win in the Southern Califonua re- gional final. HI lncw we couldn't play any worl-e lha11 we d.id (in a three ganH' lo~ w OCC Oct. 3J I." s.ml IV\ Coarh Tom Pe\tolesi. who formerly guided teams at fatan c1a HiKh a11d Newport I !arbor. HI think lhe last time, we w.mlcd tu be<il I< X Cl Ml had tha1 we forgu1 how 10 play volleybtlll ·• outside hiller Audrey Sipkovich <>lammed 15 kills while Kim Matti'> and Stephani Clark em h talliud 12. Sophomorl' out~1de hillet Olm1111c Woller (Newport Harbor) li111:-.hed with 27 kill!., 18 digs and liv<· blocks for Coa.-.1 ( 19-3). ran~l'd No. 2 in the Male for mo!.! of the ~ason, whiJe Donka l1ro.1.d <llllibsed M kilb and three him l-. lo go wilh 13 kills anti three blocks from Brenda Bailey. vided rwo stuff blocks and rwo lo.Us m tha1 span. "I thought we l-hould have won !Game JI," {)(,(. Coach Cllud: Cu1c11ese said " I hey out hu-.tled uo;, ran down morl' balls a11d were more con'i1s1e111 .. Coast usrd a 13-5 run to KU up for good in the founh gamt•, 18· lfi, gelling J kilJ from H.11lcy on one of sophomore :.t:tler Amb\·1 McCarthy's 58 a~ist., to wnd the malch 10 ,, fifth gallll' DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT OCC's Christine Woller blocks IVC's Kim Mattis in second game of the third-round match in the Southern California regional playoffs. The twci Orange Empire Con ference rivals had duelec.J in matche:. of three and four games earlier this year with the Pirale!t rh<1t was hardly the case !Ues day as 1hc Lasen. ( 18-4) had four playl•rs in double ligvres for kills, led by freshman middle blocker 1Ut1it• Manine7 ( 17) Freshman on: It.'<.!, 21 · l 6, Ill the pivotal third gaml' before IV(. clauncd 14 of tht• game's final 21 points lo take a <>nl'·game edge. Six scrv ice poi11ts by Mani~ gave the l...a i.ers a 28 21 lead. Martinez pro <hontcl P;llomi1111 a11d Hailt·y .rnrnbined for a blork tu give Coal.I an 8 7 le.id in (,.11ne 5, h111 IV<: scored '>I>. ul tht• 11cxt -.cwn puintsto 1ake a l:l-1:1 lead. S1pkov ich clinched the match with a kilJ on one of 60 a!>SiSll-lrorn Kntic King. a Ncwpon Harbor produc1 MEN'S BASKETBALL UCI visits Cal UCI begins three-game road swing against Golden Bears. UC Irvine bids for the program's 10th men's basketball victory against Pac-10 competition when it meets Cal tonight at 7 at the Haas Pavilion in Berkeley. The Anteaters (2-2) have lost 24 of their previous 33 meetings against Pac-JO schools, including a 72.59 set- SURFING back against No. 20· PllOTOS BY MARK c. DUSllN/DAJLY PILOT ranked Stanford in their Joey Head of Newport Harbor, the winner 1n the boys short board competition, hits the lip of a wave durmg Tuesday's Sea View League surf finals at 56th Street. home opener Nov. 25. UCl's last win against a Pac-IO school was its 56-55 triumph at Washington in De- cember of 2000. The 'Eaters also defeated Cal. 56-52. earlier that season and are 2·3 aJJ-tlme against the Golden Bears. Cal (1-2) has had Its three games this year decided by a com- bined four points. It lost to UNLV. 59-57, Saturday, after defeating BYU, 47·46, and losing to Cal Poty San Luis Obispo, 63-62. UCI is Jed by 6-foot· 1 l senior Stanis- lav L.uza.k. (14 poinlS per game), while 7-0 senior Adam Parada and sophomore point guard Jeff Gloger are both averag- ing 10.5 ppg. Cal is led by 6-8 freshman forward Leon Powe, who Is averaging 14.7 points and 10.7 rebounds per contest. Amit Th- mir, a 6-10 senior, is avemglng I 0 points ; and 6.9 rebounds for Coach Ben Braun. Tide high for Tars Sailors cap undefeated league season with Sea View League title. 'throughout 1he regular season the Ntwport I laruor I ligh swf team showed It was the top -.quad in the Sea View League, but the Sailors had to prove one last lime that Lhey were indeed the best at the league finals.. Newpon I !arbor establl'!hed its dominance and won the Sea View League championship. scoring n points 1\Jl'-.day at S61h Street in Newport Beach me SaiJol"t' point total was seven mpre than the combined score or the other schoob. Los Alamitos (27), Calvary (Jiapel ( 19), Santa Margarita (13) and Mater De1 (11). and Newport had I l of iL\ 14 rontt"itants adm11c<' in the five evenL-.. Joey I lead wo11 Lhe boY'> shon board individ- ual champmnc;tup for the Sailor.. while Brrtt Catron came in <,a;ond, Tommy I lolbrook foUowt'<.I 111 third, Daniel Shea fini.;lll'd fiflh a11d Bronson I lovnanian rounded out the tea111 performann• with a 'itxth place finish. ln the girls short boanl event, Ntwport's l-nca I lo~i­ ni won the individual Lille and tcJmmate Amie Ben1a min placed second. Tanner Prairie won ll1c boyi. long boart.I individual charnpionshjp, and Chase Smith finished third The Sailor. also won the body board t'Vl'nt. as Mau Kretsch· mar and Dan Matthew.. limslwd third and fourth. re- spectively, 10 contrlbu1c to the w111 Jill Austin grabbed a fourth plan~ fini.'oh rn thl• girl<> long board event for the Sailor>. and lj<;a lurk tonk fifth The maximum poin~ for a team that ret:ordN.I lop positions in every heat would have been 9J, rust 16 more than the Sailors' total. Cal. 22-9 last season, is coming off three straight trips to the NCAA tourna- ment. UCl finishes its road trip with . games against Princeton and Arkan~­ , Monticello, Friday and Saturday, respec· tively, in the Mc:Caffrey Oassic at Fresno Stare. Newport Harbor's Erica Hosseini performs a Similar to their advan1age during the n:"gular season, the Sailors (8-1, 8-0 in league) won four of the five events, capturing victories In the boys short board, boys Jong board, lxxJy board and girls shon board. Santa Margarita won the girls long board compelltion. For Newport, Uiere arc five nonlC'<tWJl' meet<, n:'main lng before the state finals, which an· 111 ! k l'Jll"de Ft•t> 22-23 -Barry Faulkner front-side slash during the Sea View League finals. tl1cre wt>re .\0 finalists after preliminary competition GIRLS BASKETBALL Lightning looking for improvement' in all the right spots . --I , Sage Hill isn't necessarily · trying to better its 16-win total of a year ago, it has other goals in mind . Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot . Last aeason. Sage HlU School's glrla ' basketball team Improved Its record : from S-13 ln 2001-02, Its Inaugural year. • to 16-6. reachinl the second round of ! the Cf I>Msion TV-A playoffs. : But third·year Coach Shanna Renkin : Isn't necessarily looking to lmprovc on : that record again this season. She would much rather see the Ughtning take their : lumps durlntJ a more dJfllcuJt non· : leag\.ae acbeduJe with the hope that lt : wtJf help them Improve upon l&tt year .. : thlrd-plate tJe with Srethn:n Orrlltlan ; In the Academy League. • I ~ "I'd rather have a suc- cessfw le~e season than a successful pre· season," RenJdn said. Last ~. Sage Hill had just one 106S prior to beginning Academy League play. but lost Its O.nu two league games. An improvement on the latter is expected with four returning 1tnrters and the lcfnd or hetght that coaches at the Newport-Mesa public schools would die for. Leading ln both auego- rtes ls 6-foot-l 10phomore Haywood Wright n seoond-team i\0-0F Southern SectJon OM.slon TV-A selection, and 6-2 Junior KotJe PuJshys, a teoond·team All- Academy League player. With 5-4 aophomore poll't guard Debbie Yoder-Lee 1U1d 5-6 junJor guard Vlcky Guti~ alto retumin& u start• en, wt.alon1 of a Jump to ti~ top of the Acadctrly ~e standings a.re real tJc. • ·0couJtcly, Renkl.n aald. ..Jhb )Ut la league champiunshipl is definitely re allsUc for us, It 's not Just building any- more. We've got our whole man to-man defense down. Now we can start pre<>.'l· Ing. We can start changing our defenses. We haven't been able to do that." For the past two seasons. Renk.in has been trying Lo bulJd a program. It grew with the birth of a junior varsity squad last aeasoo. Now that junior varsity team la beginning to assemble Its own talent that can nourish for Sage 1 liU ln future year& Renkin also added an assistant coach. Richard BoWen. a former tl$$lstant with the Sage Rill boys program, whldl will allow (or more Individual development. That lndMdual de<velopment Is key. partk:u!arly at the guard poaJt1on. tfW~re df'ftnltely strongt"f: RenJdn ealcf "Guard wt.s., we had Carrie Oark and that'I It llast lf'a.wnl. This ~e.r we haw~ to six guard thnt can atart." O.tk pduated, but her leaderah!p role ls expected to be picked up by Pulshys and Guticrre:th The improved guard play Is expected 10 help Pulsh~ and Wright lnside. •tast year everybody played us m a 1.one. • Renldn said. "No one played us man-to-man. They can't do that this season.~ With Sage Hill's sl7,e, some teams will still undoubtedly try, beginning with CaJvary Olapel of Downey on Tuesday. The Griullcs knock.cd the lightning out of the playofT& lrult season and begin a tough nonJeague schedule that alM> in· eludes a nonJeague game against Ocean View and a first-round matchup against Calvary Olopcl of Santa Ana In the Palr- mont tournament, which Sage Hlli en· tera.., the d fending champion. Aiding ln the attempt to become champions of the Academy League will bo two other retumera Crom last .enson. 5-8 sophomore guard Allison Gonulet and S-9 forward Natasha kall~. the . THE LIGHTNING H4tywood Wright 6-1 So. OebbM Yoder-lee 6-4 So. IC.ltle Pullhya 6-2 Jr. \'Idly Gutierrw 6-e Jr. Alllaon Gonialil &-8 So. Nat.aaha l(llawtld 6-9 Sr. Liu,. ~eetar 6-4 So. ~ Hembanky 6-10 So. IC.ttlln TYNS M Ft. co.ch: Shanna Renkln (third year) only senior on the team There are also three newt"omcrs ex- pected to contribute including North Carolina trnnsfer Rebecca J lemban.ky. a 5-10 forward, and S-.8 freshman KaitllJ\ 'fyres. Those twO are expect.~ to battle fof a tarting spot. I.aura 'Schacfi r, A 5-4 sophomore guard who played on the Junior varsity team • year ago. round! out lhe roster. Al Wee* sday, ~~ 3. ?OCU SPORTS ,,. BRIEFLY Newport Harbor emerges vic.torious on road in season ope~er Sophomu~ Dennis I lccnwi tut lhree thn:c-polnten in the llrM half, lnduding 11 ~rs of the OOW1 shot ' litue expired ln the «<0nd period. Newport Hamor High built a ~t hiilltln~ lead and cruised co a 72· 40 vk1ory owr l.oma Unda Acad· t>my ln its boys ~l ~>n OJ>t'llt.'f l\Jesda~ ,...,..,.. Newport Heft)o( 72. Lofna Uftda 40 kore lw Ouanen Newpon 1) tt 11 11 n Harbor 1..oma Und41 • t • u 40 fWwpon Hefbot -AllM 0, Mourectven 10, Hurrter •. Green 7. Pe"lne 8, Slot., 5, Heel'!•n 11, Young ti, Gau..W1\.l 4, Orth 3, Olefenbac::ti than 57" anJ had no trouble dispatching Blol• (3·3). Lacey Milla led Vanguard with 30 points. making eight of 11 three·polnlers. Kelly Schmidt addtd 24 points and JO re- bounds, whUe Usa Faulkner had even point and 10 uslsts. 14 "°'~ J,unla Olerenbacb led the Sailorii w\th 14 points and II re· bouml• .wJ\lle al!.o helping limit t.om1 lJnda's 7-foot-J center 10 onl' point Heenan added 11 point!.. Rafael Mouradyun chipped In with 10 and Hlcq C.rt"t'n Mort!d &even and puUed down ">t."Ven rehounds. Newpon return& to the coun Frid'lly for a home Kame against Back Bay ri- v4I C.dM at 7 p.m 3 pt. QOal• Mourady1n 2, Green 2. HM"-n 3, f'eniM 1. 1..o~ t.lftde-Apfeclo 8, Connors 1. Dale111 3. Wllson 2, Puroom 25, Boon• 1 Vanguard•· Blola 37 Vanouatd -Josefaaon 8, Miii• 30, Burn• 1fJ, Faulkner 7, Schmidt 24, 8uM4 . 3-pt. go~I• JoHfHOfl 2, Mille 8. • F11.1lknar Lions roar against Biola Blo&a -rawford 5, Dunc:en 2, Baird 6, M11tth8W9 11. Rlohelll 13. • MSXETIW.L: Vanguard UnM:rsiry remained undef~Led with an 89-37 women's basket- ball road victory over Biola in Its ronferenc:e opener Tuesday. ~pt goal•-Crawford 1, Matthews 3 Halftime -Vanguard, U -28. UCI can't secure win The Lions (4·0l sbot beeter • MSKET&UL: UC Irvine's AOYOltHMIMT JOI DISJON lutU>ll PtllQUA&JIKA'10M Su1J1tt I In rcutthlk111\ """ rlb•d by th• Um¥9f•lty •' ( .. ll""'la, INflM, r-nsu lo lh<I Un1vt1'1ty"s 1'1oi1o•llllotu1n 011••tounnat1t 10< ' On111n Bulld con11 .. rt •re )Oulhl trom Oe)ttn 8u1ldot!l IOf the lolluwmc Pf"~' t CINTlit Pl.ANf (HlllH SUPS Pr~ .._..n '"'40 COGlNIUflOll AODITION ro THI CINrul PLANT Pnt•ct N_..rt ttl I OS UNIVllSITI' Of CAUfoaMIA, llVIMI PlllOUAUJIUOON Of ,.OSPl<TIVI OHION IUll.OIU 1 h• Un1Y•f\tty-. pum•r y ub1"' l••t 1n ut1l111111 th• d~111n build •l'l"O•"h " to b11na lhe bot ••••l•bl,. lnt~&r~l•'1 ""\•~n •ncl 1 ""'\"" hno ~'I>"'"''"" Ill ""' P1t1~t lhe Untvt1•1ty h•• determ1n~d that Oo11cn 811ikle11 whn \Uhm1t 1uopo~'h nn lhi' Prn1e1 I muJt b• pr•1111Ahl1MI PrequallfleCI O•••an 8u1ldel\ will be ••quMtd lo hoe lh• lult.1w111& C•hln1n1~ rnnh•dU•" httnu GlNHA.l lHGIMllllNG, "A'" ...... Gllt[IAI. IUllDIHG, •r GUUltAl DESCl.tPftOtt or WOH Tht work '' cCJm11•m•d ol twu •~1111•t•IY ·•fllJluveil l'"'ltll• (I) Centr•t Plant Chiller Steµ 5, 1nd (7) Coaenoi•llnn Addition tu lhe l;1n1,.1 PIMtl 0(1Lumenh Im thne prUlflch will be "'"'d Hp•r•l"I) Addlllonolly lhe Untvot\11) 11 cOnllck1tn1 •number of All11n•I•• lo the p1oled•. (antt.a P'-t Ct.I ... st., St 11\t boe wo•• fn1 th" UCI Oe,.1n Build RFP" ~ tl11ller Addition p,.,, ... t •I 111• Cenh •• Pl•r>I al tJCI. '"""' UIT\pU\ •n .. ••n• c.111nrn11 I he PIOj9(.t will con11\I of th• 1n•l•ll .. t1<111 nl 5.000 tnn\ nl 1 h•ll<ld .. ate• c•ptt•ty hy Ill• •ddl\t(UI of cll•llar\ •nd cc>nho11 luwt•• Tht! "'" lor U•• protect ·~ lulottd •di•• •Ill tu the no•lhtol w•ll "' the C1mpu• C4!nlral Pl1nt •I UCI• meln r1mpu• 1n lrvmo, C•hlorni. lh• eat1f1111 bulldln& will h• eap•nded •I th• ••••llnt1 t h1lle1 1uom floo< ~t•vohan to th. oort/lu\t 110n11 W••t Pell non U11ve toward the therm11 •n•ray .. tout• (IE SJ ten• 111 "'" lull width (JI the HISt"'I bu1ldmc The up111sion will •l'o 1nctud~ • lull baa .. menl 11 IO IHt "' d~plh und"' the e•penckd 11001 101 the 'hllll'r ••H II ., up.cted lh•I th" hulld1n1 eapa11S10n will total •1111rn•lm•tely 9,900 squ¥• ltet lh• l1ctllty ••H 1ncludl\ 111111oa1m•l•IJ __ !1,AOO t.qu1r• letl •I the •A1\llnt chill•• 1oom llO<N l•••I IOf lh• chllter1 and •n edcl1llnnel 4 C.00 \~u•r• IHI ol b••~mttnl •r•• tor p11mp•. coolina taw1>1 ptpe ti.1de1\. •t•rle•s. VF d11vn end c;ondenu1 In fl<fP~•ll'ln 1,,. th,. bnement the prn11Kt mus! 1ko loclUO. ntw •ouhn& ol ti.ct11cal power lr•d• •OmrrnmK•IHln' Im ... •nd drain Pll>'"I unoer,.ound lf'I the •rt• pta11ned fOf the basement II•~ bulld101 1od ell ~trurt1110 will b• cnt 1n·pt11e11 relnlo.ced concrete and 1tMI f1am1n1 with ult11111 ""••lo~ to matrh uht1111 Tht prOltll will Include the lnsl1llaUon ol two new electrlc c•ntnh•c•• chlllolS and ptlm1ry chilled w•ltr' end cuolln1 towe1 pumps Tii. proje(t will •lw Include 1119 1•mo•al and ••lnstalla\lon nl th41 u1dM1& ouldoo1 cMI_. CH 6 •nd th chilled w1fe1 •nd coolln& lo•tf pulllj>• into the n•w l•clltly Add1tion•I cn<>tinf tow•" 111 Al\o tnduO<r<I lo .,. tn•t•lled •tons '"' Une of u 1stinc to•er cetfs to the no•lhH't h• n•w <llohn1 tow., bnm '11•11 elt&li With the 111,tln& btsln suc;I! IMI wit., nU•Y lrHly PH' ltom ••t\hnt Ltll' to n11rt Ind b&e~ ltlfttlt H dttmand Ind QOetatton Shilts amona ~II rnoll111 1u,.Of ••II• Co111t1111 luwet •lr11clure wlll •l$O m•lt h Iha ubUna tn 111•1>•••h•lll IOf lh• rnnlma luw•" lht IHOtect must •Ito Include th~ complete <emoval of lht IC• ''''"I• ''''•n• •<• ., .. w•"' •nd undelaround ice vault Cl«trle•I twitcha••r 1nsid4I the le• •lrn•s• "'"" •ntl •ddtlion•I ••llrhcc•• outs1ct. the wall to Ille nMlhwul for the clllller CH 6 m11sl bt lt>llO~td the p101tct 1nr 11utn pow•• dl•ltlhuhon 101 •II chillers. pumps, and too!lna tnw•t lens and • nel" •l•~h 11 lt~dtf ouct b•n~ to the eHsllnt ,.,b,IAhon louted appro••m•lely one (l) mole to lht \~thwe'll • Th,. n,., ,,,1.,n will be p101ummcd tu ,upj>Ort thl' .. lltrnt lTS •Y•tem The du•rn butld bid d'"'"""'"" 1ntlud•n1 dtvelop-nt ellCHh will b• baMd on elut1IL unlrlfuc•I chllle1s r•ted for 2 ')()() '""' "1olln11. upully Heh ( ... ,,.,_.'-''-'' the bnt wC)tk 101 1111• 4,0 Oe,•an 0111ld RFP Is • Coatne1•bon Proj41c;t el th" t•11trtl Pl•nl at UCI • main cempu• m It Yin•, C1lllornl1 The Pro1ect will constt.t of the 1n\l1llat1nwnl 11no notu1al 1t•• h•ed tu1htn• &•M1atu1 (QI) w•th chilled w•t•• Inlet coohnL OM ht•I re<ove1y •tt•m 1t•M<•lo1 (HRSG) du11nN lnr lulut• due.I ll{1n1. •nd •-rec11"oc•lin1 n•lwrtl r•· LOmpouon .. ch \11-6 tu •ttPPl)o 200~ of tht CT dem•nd Th• P1oiecl will ebo Include bollef l•11d pumt>\ tu \tlflVIY th<! HASt:. • d.aeulor lo r•pl•o 1111 ea1it1n1 letd Wlltr tin~ and supply th• 1><111 .. l•ad t>llfflll" twn h•rh ltmp•••tu111 W•l•1 heat o'h•neers to tonve1t slHm to hot wata1, • durr111 • 011rl11n'"' tu ~ond1t1\4 ucui itun1 f1u1n th• llRSG 12 •V power d1sl11butlon within th• ''' 1llty •nd new ei.c1111. l•eder dut I btnlt tn Iha ,,.lllln& sub,l•lion ,,,. HRSG ''"" be ltHnl'htd wtth • tonltol \'f\ttm lo meet tlt•llunmtnl1f 411 11rim1l 1•qu11emrnl\ lh• Slit lor lh• 1>1019el •• lucal•d •d1•<•nl lu th11 •oulh west wall ot lh• Campui Cen1t1I Planl •t l!C:h m11n umpu,. "' lntne, C1hlu11111 lhc '"'l•ns bu1ld1n& will be up1nded at the talllln& lm1lt11 rnum floor ~leul1011 to lh• \outhwt'I ~tone WHI Pellason Ori•• lowtrd the 1u11r1el 11nd ""' ~ to lh• \Ottlhont '' n•11t1011 In •• t un.,.111dal11 the '-P•ce 1 aqu11•ments nl the proposed G 1, IOl\1; 1n • OlllJH•""' · plu• 111111•• •nlt<111•l•tl ••P•n~l(ln ol the • t>&•nerahon lu1hly The future •• Jllll"nn 1n lhtt lin•I build out nl lh• t.u 1l1ty will be b•••d on •n 1dd1tion1I G 1 HRSC n1tu11I i'' <"ITll)ltt\lOI """ • IWW IU!ld"n\ln( \l•tm furb1ne lf'nl'UIOI (SI) w1lh condenser •nd COOlltll tu ... rt' 1111 luHet1t 111n1~' I will "' """"uJ.tt •he plann•d future "'P•n•lon by ur"V1t1n1 •II Ill• 111111111•l11d ""' llff'd"t1 ln1 111 .. • • """"' 011d l11l111t <O&M•rwlton systems And t l1ucture• •t lh• "'"""• hu1l.1 1u""' tio.,. •l•o\l"n lh• bu11d11t11 will t1th•1 b• hullt 111 1ts enll<tly In th4 • 1111•nt ""''"' t "' th• bwl•l•or '"'" t.• '""'' tn ~n'"" only In• • ufl•lll p10,..-1 equipm•tll 1nd r•IA1n1n1 "''"' w111 h• "'"' l.J to "'"'"n th• lutur• ipacn al lht' n"11n1 bo1le• roam •leottnn the rr1 • .,n1111 w.•tl\ wnuld """"'" th• b~\I• lur lh• bu1ld1n~ w•ll• in lht 111111 bu1ltt out lhe bu1ld1n1 •llt.l •II ,11111 l11r•• will h• ul 11•111tu11~d 1nn<r~lc 1nd •teal lron11n11 with c;lelfor envelape tu match .. l\tll•& l;•nrr •I "" '"V"'••nl• •ml I her m•I q,le nwdtlone wuuld bt bued on ellha1 a Solar 01 r.1 wµplit'1 ''''"" floth , ...... t• w1ll 1n{l11d• lh• l•'"''"""'"Y <Hsocn PH'O•• •tton nl WQl~llll d11win1s. •n~slrnchon hA-.d •>n tho u1 h "'"" l 11111"" St1nd•llh .ind De 1~11 Cr1ter1• 11lu1 1>•of'lcl spe~1h' de.,cn end pfllthlfm1uu,.cr1l"'"' Ce,.trol ~nt Chlll" Step S 4'e1I ... -4 •-•ttwctl-<Ht nllMol•t c.,_.,.11 ... ,._, "•••r-' ,..,,,MKt,.., •• ,, .,,,....,., tCnl(•nr1 •l,nn Pl•nl lund1nc pwnd1n1 •1>Prn••ll raoctou•as , s 14, 11' .000.00 S 17 ,DSl,000.00 lllt 11rtqual1l•••litoll 111oc"" will be condmlod 1n lw11 r•••h and will result tn the ulecllon of P• Nfll•ltht1I Oe11vn llu1l1ltt" whu will b~ 1uued proposal dorum1nls lor lh1\ Protect P .. d I wlll Lt' lht whm1tt•I ftl • P1equahhullu11 Qu•sllonn11tt Alte1 r ... elpl ol lht Pttq111t1hethon v11 .. t11•nn11u• .... Uulrtl\•IY w•ll r•vlf'w And delt1m1n• • ~·nt KOi• !Of Heh submlll•I Scoi1n1 ot tlnittn R111f(t•" lot f'•ll I w1M ha d•l,.1m1n•d hy tn. •Pi>li<•llon of •n nt•bh1h~ '"''"' 11\ltm o~\l~n tlu11r1 .... whn ...... , Ill• 11qu11•m•nl• •n p,,, t Wiii b• '"'''"••••d '" Part 2 of lhli 1·,~q11111ihohon """ ~'' p.,f l Woll 11• lhO lnterVf1JW 0fl\ljlll 8utld•f\ Wiii b~ not1fl11d Ill wtiltn& whelhel Of nol l~•y htv• b•t:11 .eluttd "• tht l'••t l ln'"'""'w Th• lnlerv~w w1tl wdd1oi lh~ item~ dnc1tb•d 111 lht Pr•q111l1l1< "'"'" QunhoM•N ~ th• ruulh ul the> 1nle1v141w wtlt be s.p•t•lely 1corod btut1 on •n Htlbt"h•d <•l1n1 w•l•n• II'•• U•"I" 11utlt1ert who are •elerted bY lh• Un1vef\1ly 1n l'ul 2 will h• p1equnhlied to '"bmll P1opoul• fl)< thl\ I'm!"< t PlfQUAUfl<ATIOH SCHIDUU On W•4M•....,. Nav....i.M 26, 200J, P1~Q\141lf1C'alton Quullonn•"~' w•tl ti• 1\\11rd 10 1nler11tled Oo11n 811ild9!'S •I Ool1n & Conallucllon Setvku, Untversotr ol C•hlo1n1.t. lrvln~ '6201 C1llloint1 Aonut Suit~ "/',O lrVlllf>. C'-9~'}7 2450 (Corntt ot 81~on •nd C•ltl0f11le Avenue) f UI '"'™ m•I-UN th• hotline (!M9) 124 tt 17 or (9411) 82• 9034 On Tllun ... y, Oec.-INr 4, IOOJ, • ._..,.,, O•tlp attlWM PY..,...Ofk ... _ c..,t-• wilt ti. 1 nndurlad hta1no1ne promptly 111 IOJOO A.M. Only Oes11n Oulhltu whO pa<l1dpat• In the Cont'"""' tn 1h enltrely wlll bt allowed In •ubrnll Pr11<1u•lll1u1ton Quutlonntlf•• Person1 11111vtn1 •lier IO·OS .... wll ....... ~ t• ......... ,.........m ... 1 ... a.. • .._.._ Pwtlci.-h ...... -· et1 O•tlp & C-.tntc:t,_ S..-vkH , U..IYenfPy of ( .. If..._,"""-· J201 CellfwM. Av-•, S.lte ISO. WI._ -4 Wrttlit Cfffn-• '-· IMri-, CA tHt1 14SO. (~ al Ctflfw11la Av-•4 • .._Av-) far ""1tt.t lnfw-111111, tllltt.-1 S~•" M-it.w et (t4') U4 Ut7. The ...,..,.,_ ••receive ~f..t Pr...,...lfltetl ... 011 .. ri-.i .... wtl IM~. o ... ..._ 11 , 1003 of 4.00 , ... .i 0.•1&n A Lon,truttlOn S.,v1rn. Atlenhon ~Oii Moulton, Unl•at\l\y Of f.•lilU1n111 ln1n•, !>201 Cahlornle A•tl>ll• Suite 250, lr•llla CA 92697 200 0.•lln 8"1tdw ,.l~u•hllC•llOn Q11HhOMelrH lndudllll any requWff altKhment., Jhlll bll 111bnlllltd 1n w1i.d •n•tloC>U mt1hd with the Mltllon on lh• oulltcle, '"OISfGH auao1a ,HQUAUrK.ATtoft OUISTtoMNA•I f~ CINTlAl PlANT (HILUJI SUP S 'Nft<t ~' '"'40 -4 <~NlUTION f'lAICT l't .. -.« .. .......,. tt11os• •nd addruud to tM offlee d llf\•194 above llKUIN ONI o.IOMl.l AMO ntatl COPtH Of fKI PllOUWn<AttON OUUTIONttMH (WfTM AnA<HMINTS). Dti11n 8ull~1 \htN anume Ml tH410111lblhtr f0t llmely deli"')' tt1 tlMt toubon dnlsnth•d lo. 1tt111pl ol l'rtQU•lihcation Ot,.•honn•tth Out. lelepllon1c. feulmlle, Of l11Qrll!>hlc Prequeltllullon Queshonntku •re lnnlld •nd wlll not ti. •cc•pl~ No e>r•Clll•llltcallon documenh will b• aropt@d 1flet •.oo P.M •• fllw..,,, OK~ 11 IOOJ. Howa11ar, the University ,...,v" the rllftl to requut, rec:••••. •lld •uluate suf)flllltMnt•I 1nf01tnttion •lte1 th• 1119ve tllM e11d d•I• S\/Cceuful Ontsn Ou•IHn will ll<o nt1tll11d ol 111• d•I• time end lootlon 111 th<tit lfth1t•lews llQUISl •oa PttOfOU&. Ot~ llulldct11 will be notified ,.htt"-0< not 111.ty tfeve bMn 1>1•queltfMNI a'1er the Un1v.,ally 1vatuatn IM 11n111lh ot lhfl lnletvlew An 'ACl•t•t~•mtnl l o Prtqutlllltd f'topo-wn• will follow 1~1l1ln1 1111 uert d•ln, limes, •nd looUon cOM1111ln1 Ille .. •ll•blllty ol f'rOIHK.tl Ooc11n11111h lltd (Propo"I) ~~1111ty In th• •mount ot 10' of th• lutnp !lum l•w Price PtOjM>UI, Htlvdlnt •lltrn1tt1 !11\elt •rromoa11y .. th P<OOOMI fht 1u1ety •Hlllllt the llld Bond 111•11 be. on the P1(>jlOMI OHdUne, •tt••dmm9d \Uret, '"'"'" llS •llt!M ... Ille CIHIO.ftla COdtt .. CWll f'roc:edufe ,l'(tlOn 995 120 , AH ll11Mdtnu poR<IH r.qUlrad lo be obtained by lltt 0.1l1n Builder .it•ll b4 tubjeel lO•*llf>rOYll l>y Unlv•olty IM '°'"' •nd lul>•l•nc• All polkln fOf Com"*cl.tl '°'"" 01lltt•I ll•blllty, Eaceu llteb•ltt)'. lu•I"'" A11t-bllt ltal1U1ty •ncl Profwnlon•I ll•blldy lnlWtllCe allllll be IUUff b)' <Ofl!Plnt.• wtUI • Int ut1111 ot A 0t b•tler. and • fl..anc:lal d au1tlutlo11 ot VIII w l>ett• (Clf 111 tqulfft.nt rttln& llJ Stend¥.i f, Pont Or ltlloodt'i). All pi'thclt\ r~lttld 1111 WOflttrs' ~qUon t114 rmp1o.-enl' llablllty lntllr•no lhell hf 11,ut d by 'ompanlee (1) lhot tt.'I• e llest rtlllll •I lh or b•lltr. i nd • fjn1nclal tlu1tllnt10n of VIII °' btllt• (Ot 111 tqulveltnl rttl111 11,. Sta11da1d & l'OOf Of Moody'I) '" (II) lh•t u• acctptablt to ti!• Unj'1t1all1. Tilt Cerlll"'1te ,of fmura"t• •Ni ti. l>,IHld on \he Un1,,.,"ty'• lorm Proapetllwe 0..lp 111.U•t t11t.ncl1111 ttt bl jlfequ1htMNI •• l"fOflftfod lh•I t!My wttl be tvlljecl lo t11d mutt 11111)' c~ ••111 114 of ltlti 111"1)0UI tonditkWI~ tnclud1n1 100' p•)'-fll •t1d l~ WfrJU!IMIU lloncb M lnfor1111t1011 1utwnttted tor l>f'•qu1llllC•llon ewatultlt)n will be co11&1dtred oflldtl lnlOl'MlllOI\ K 1111od Ill c.onlid Mt, •114 the Unlv.,11ty wtll tnalnleln It• courldenll•llly lo the ut1nt pwmltttcl bt w. Tha llflN• '' ,_.,.. the 11 I to rel-cl tnr or •II rtloPOfl"e lo 'hequa eti... O-tlcNIMlr• 11111 en.-ar •II pr.,eul •"" to •lll'fe .,., non 1111'1tflel lfr .. Ultrlllet In 111y r"90llM or "CIC>Oul tll't•Wtd , .. " Of NTS Of Tttt UMVLASlfY or C.&lt, OANIA U1tflttflllJ ol C.ttlornlt, lt•l!M Pll!lllU!d N•-t 1.-cli Co•I• Mh• P•ll• PIM Hu-i..tr "8 OK~ 1 , 200J SUllOIS £~~: (Avho • Al.:uMdo) St9Yen CNrW Clvlstorf. K.en Uin Neu,..... DOES I to 20 YOU AA£ BEING SUED BY Pl.J,IN'Tf'F; (A Ud le esta dtlnwnd and<>) Sdy le, .lolww1y Huynh, by end ""°""' he& &Ul'chetl ad ltWn Sally l• lmmy Huynh by Mid thrO<tgll hhi ll*<lilrl ad Ill.em Sally le, h i Vo, l>y Md ttw Otcl> hrs SU-dian ad lrlem lMl ~ \111n You MW :Ml CALENDAR OAYS 11tw the~ " Sllrved on you to file • lypewoitt.n llSj)ORSe ., \his c-1 A lftl• or l>honl cal .... not protect you. your twc"writtan response must be 111 p1oper llpl form if )'O<J w11nt tlw coort lo '-)'OIK C3"8. If you do not hie yow r~ on ""'9, you m..y los& !tie QK, end yG<Jt w11&91. mooey and properly rnay be Ull., without further w• ... ... om IN coo.r1 ""'' .,. olher .... reqiw-b. You may w1lllt to call art attorney rwit away It l'OIJ do not \now In •ltOnlt'f, you INJ c.. an 1tt0<MY ,...... .. .--vb or• llP lid offtat (nt.d In the pllorl9 boc* ). Oespuu de que It entr...-i est. cAtcton ~ uded tJtne un pUI dt :i> DIAS CM. ENONllOS pare p-IM Ufll respvosll eecrll. • IMQl*1ll en esl.t CCIII& UN carta o ..,. lllllnadil ~no le ohc•• protecc:lon, MA fesc>ut'fa ncnlt. ~ ,_ que cumplic con las formalld1dn lt&•IU 1'>fopl9dali si """" ~· -le con. eKUCllt 5U cao S. 111ted no preenta w l~ta • bemp>, PIMdt '* c1er 111 C8SO, r 1e P'*""t QUfbt 5U ...... .,. w ~o y otr.s oousdt ... proi-lacl Siii a'MO ~PO' part~ de .. I.Ort~ [Jl\ten oltos requ!Sllm ~ Puede quo usted quiert llamar • un ebopdo wvnedla~•la St no ronoce • un liboclldo' PtJlldl a.ow • Ull •vleoo de , .... tocll de llbopdos 0 I UNI ofic .... °' •yuda ~ <-ti direct«., lelslorMto) <AHNUMlll1 (H,,.,..,..4a1ca,..) OJCC07SU JUOOl •OIHT H. OIU.UVAN OlPT.C21 lh• name and •dd1eu ol the court 1\ ((I nomb11 v d11eccion d~ le corte •~) SUP(AIOA COURT Of CALIFORNIA 700 C1vK Center Oflwe Weat, P 0 Boa 838, Santa An1, CA 9270? 838 F °' County ol Ounae Cano •I Just IC• Center Th• n•me, edd<eu. 1nd telephone nun\Mf ot plaintllh attoroey, or pla1ntllf without 1n elto<ney 1i (fl notnbrt. la lllrttc;ion y ti 111111\ero de teletono del •boaado del damendante, o del d•m•nd•nte qu~ no tltne 1bo11do es) SHn L • Sl•I• 8e1 No 1084!11 <II•> 891 .,11'1. (714) S9l--6693, SE.AN LC & ASSOCIAlr S, 9061 8olu Avenue, S11lle 200 A. WH lmln&te1 CA 92683 OAftt (rH ... ) JUN 04, IOOJ ALAM SlATH, Clerk ~Ano MU-•••••z. D•p••y 1-°u1:~P:t.~ Newpo1 1 Ouch C01ot1 Mesa O•lly PUot Oe«mbtr J. 10, 17. 24, 2003 W212 ....... .. I , ...... ........... Th• lollowtn1 pa11on hn ab•ndorntd tft• u'' of 11111 Fkllllnu'> lull nesa N1me. El TAH. 2~ ll fC>fo Rd. ~. Lille f OfHI, Cthlorntt 92630 T,,. r1411110 .. , 8u"'M'' n•me ,.,., rt4 lo lll>Ove wn filed 111 Oranp County Clll 02/11/03, f'llt HO ~"743 CMdy Yu, 1 ~. Irvine, C.lltorftla 91Wl "'" bll)lnn1 11 con duct~ lly· 1n lndNldu•t Cindy Yu This sl1tarn1nt wu lif4ld Wl\11 11141 Col/Illy ~ .. el Ore11p C4uMy on ll/OM)J toHHdttt D•llt 1"1lot ltov. 1~1. 29, 0-0.J,IO.lOOl W"1Sl women's basketball team hdd • five -point halftime ll' d but couJdn't come: away wttb lt.1 Orat victory of tbe &ee.aon, fall. tng ro San Diego State, 51-CO. 3-pc. ooett-~ueon 1.1..ord t . Halfllme -UO, 2.a. 19 Sage Hill edged • WATRR POW: Hayden Hutch1aoo. fbe lone senior on the Sage Hill School girls water polo team, scored four goals, but the Ughtnlng lost, 9-7. to Rancho Alamitos in nooleague ac:tJon at Corona del Mar High Tuesd.oy. Lightning win again • BASXE'TBo\.U: SUge H.IU School earned a 49-36 non- league boys basketball victory over visiting Rio Contiguo Tues- day. Thl' Aztecs (3-1) outscored fbe Anteaters (0-3) 32-16 In the second half u UCI made just seven of 26 •ho ls (26.~). ~vin Joyce led th Ughtrting (2·0) with l9 points, wbUe Matt Loper and Alex Samel wcTe also in double figures whh 15 a.nc.t to points scored, respectively. CrUtina Ca.Uawa,y led the 'Euters with 14 pomta. Kristen Green added sJr polnta, elgbt n:,bounds and three assl.at.s. Devin Tooma added three goals for the Ughtnlng (J -1). while Katherine Bishop re- corded aJx laves. . Nonleacue Sage HUI 49, Rio Condguo SI Nonconr..nce lcofWbV~ Rio Contlguo t 1 1 1' -lll San Dleao St. I~ UC lf'vlM '° San ~ )t. -MC\..artnay 3, Dunlap 12. Fritz 4, Elliott 15, Huattl 16. Jl<bon 2. ~ Asnc:it-Alamhoa I , Sage Hiii 7 ~bwOuan... Sage Hiii 7 13 15 14 •9 Rio -G1rci11 13, Sowers 8. EllH 6, R11moa 5, Ma rtinel 2. Romero 2 3-pt. goal• -Remo• 1. Sege HMt -Joyce 19, Loper 15, Samel 10, Ogron 3, Voge 2, Lener o. Wllklna o. Henccx:tl O. Derhelm 0. 3-pt. go11l1 -Ogron 1. Loper 1, Joyce 1. 3 pt goals -Huenl 6, Elliott 1 Rarw:tio · ~ 2 3 z • • UC IMM -Catleway 14, 8lggln1 4, Stanley 8, Fargu1on 3, Green 6. Lord 3, Yadon2. Sloe Hiii ' 2 2 2 -1 Sage Hiii -Hutdliaon 4. Too ma 3. Saves -Bllhop 6. UllaCMTOf ~ ccun Of OIAll&( cown..,. cCUT PIOIAllCMT OPllA TIOllS MI Tiii OJ'f llM, POST OfffCllOl "171, OUl&f., CA t2t IJ.1511 rmnoet Of DAVI CABS lh DAVI S'fUAIT c.t111S fOI OIAIM Of lWU OIDll TO SHOW CAW fOI QWfG(OflWU WIMllB:A22mS TO All INTERESHO PERSONS I Pe1tttone1 DAVE CAIRNS aka OAVI SIU- ART CAIRNS filed • petition with tnis court 101 e decree chen11111 n•mes n follow• DAVE CAIRNS to DAVE STUART CAlllNS · PALLEN 'l Tit£ COURT OROCRS tho\ •II persons lnttr· esled In this malle1 shall appe•t befor• lhlS courl 11 lh• hea11n1 1ndtcet-6 belo., to show ceuie 1f any, why the pelrhon f0t Ch•n&t of name 5hould not be arented NOTICE Of HEARING 01te DCC lO 2003 Time 2 00 pm O..pt· L73 The •ddrus ol 1"4 court IS ume as noted 1bove 3 A copy of this Order lo Show Cius. shall be published at lent once each we'ell for four IUttHs••• weet\i prior to. the d1te u l for hurin1 on \he p111illon In the fofloWlnl ntWJ· paper of aenenl c11 cu talion, prmtl!d 'n this county . NEWPORT BEACH/COSTA MESA OAIL'f PILOf Oeta1 MOY 10 200J MAlJO .. I lAl•D uan•. JUDGI °' lHI SUMlttO• <OUaT Published Newport 8Hch Cost• Mes.t D•lly Pilot Novembe1 12 19 26 Oecembl!1 3. 2003 W238 SllmOI (()CIT Of CAllOlllA. CQfYOfhp Ml• Oty Drht, P.O.lu 14170, 0r.p, c.. mu. mo, i--..-..c... PmTIOIOf ..... .... lcWJt., ... .... 6.lclltbi .. C..,L ...... w.1 .. .............. , -fOI otAMI Of llAll OIDll TO satOW CAUSI fell OWMOfllAll Wlllllla:Amm TO All INTERC STlO PtRSOHS I Ron•ld C McMK .. 1n ind Clnd7 l. McMacltln 011 beh•lf of Pttflloner. R1quel Renee McM•cl1in, 1 minor ltltd • petition with "'" COi/ft for • ~«.. ch111cina nemes H follows A1qvel ltenn McM1tltln 10 Raqutl ROH Mcl'ttac~ln 2 lHE COURT ORO!RS th•I 111 penoni tnlt< ested tn Illa metttr wit eppHr before this cou1t at the llHrlnf ind1cett4 btlow lo •how CIUH It eny. why lhe petition for ~h•nce ol n•,,,. should not be l"•nted NOTICE Of HEARING 0•1• occ lO 2003 TllM' 2.00 pm O.pt.. l73 lite 1ddrn1 of Ult court la Hine I' llOfld l boYe. 3 A copy of this Ordw lo Show CauM sll•n be publ11hed et IH\t OllCI uch ... k for tour succntlYf wHll• prior to tlle ct.le .. , for hHrll\I ott the .,.tH;on In Ille lolloWlnl MWS P•~ of 11111•11 clrc.u l1tlon, p.rlnltd In ll'lls tounlJ NoWl>Oft 810<11 Co1t1 Mna OeHy Piiot ..... MOY10JOOJ MAUOlll UtlO <Alli .. NOOI 0, fNI SUNlllOI <CMHIT l"vlllt•htd ltewptrt S..Clt Coit. Mela Oalf)' Pilot l'tov91'1b« 12. 19. Zt, Dtctml>tr 3, 2003 W2l9 ... CMJ. ~ <9Y•-u..mw (11111 .... n. ,.,.°"""'"" ••••4171,...., <A ftlP.1511 ......... ... _ ......... -•-mm• ..... CM1-.unm TO All INTCRESlEO PERSONS l l'etrtioner. SOl.OMON OAVIO WARE filed • petnion with this court for 1 decree ch1n1tlna n•mn es follows SO· lOMON OAOO WAAC lo SOLOMON OAVIO FAUHTLCROY WARC 'I 111£ COURl OROlRS thtl all persons lnte<· nted 1n this mailer shall •t>PMr before 1P11s coutl al the hu11nr indicated below lo show ouse 1f 1ny, why tho pettllOll for china• of n•m• should nol be I' •nled. NOTICE OF HEARING Dale JAN 20 2004 l11ne. 2 PM Dept. t73 The add1eu of the court rs um• u noted •bove. 3 A copy of this Order to Show Cauw shalt be publtshed •I lent once ••ch wee" 101 tour successive weeks prior to the dale HI 101 1,.1rma on the pelltlOn 1n the followln1 news· paper of cener1I tlfCU· latlon. printed In this co1111\y Newpo1 I Stach/ Costa Mesa Dtlty Pilot ht•• DIC 01 2003 JUOOI SHEILA fill, JUOOI Of THI SUPl- ~lt COURT Publl,tiad Nt wpod e .. ch Cott• Mne Daily Piiot 0.Cember 3. 10. 11. M, 298a 'l'le64 S&lmOI COIST Of CAllCeM, COllfTT Of OWIGI OIAMlaunY S1llD>ICOllT PIOIATI COllT OPllATD15 MI Tll art lllYf. POST OfRCllOl 14171, OIAMI. CA m \$. IS7l mmo.Of..._.L .. fGtaw&OfllAlll OIDlf TO SllOW CAim fOI OWIGIOflWU WllllM&mttJt TO All INTCll[ STE 0 PCRSONS l P•llhone•· R•chet R Mills tiled a pet1tinn with this court for • decree chaoarna n•m•s ., follows Rechel Rene Milk to A•ch•I Rene lo-.sette 2 THC COURT ORDERS lh•I •II j)«rsun\ mlel nled on tll~ milter sll•ll •Pi>e•r l>efo.e thts cour I al lhe he111ns tncl1cated below to show c1use 11 any, why the petition 10< chanae ol n1,,,. t.hould not be er 1nted. NOTIC{ Of HE:ARINC Date 12· 30-03 T 1me 2:00 pm Oepl l7 3 The 11dd11n of the court 1s MnM H noled •bo••. 3 A copy of this Orde< lo Show Cause sll•ll be pubhihed •l leeat once HCh week for lour r.ucces.tve weeh prior to the d1te set for hta1 Ins on Ute petition In the followlnc news pa.,.. ol aenerel c1rcu letlon. prlnled In this countr· Newporl f!Hch/ Cost• Met.1 011ly Pilot ht!JMOYlOIOOJ -l.tpl Nadcel JUOOI SHiil.A •lll. ~ ..... JUOOI Of Tffl SUPI~ ... ~ lM>tl COU911 -Publlthed Newport Buch Coste ...... Oelly Piiot November 12. I 9, 26, December 3, 2003 W2•1 AdMMhtltless ... s...... Tiie lottowin1 peuons 1re dome businus es. South Pointe Inv.st menh. 949 South Cont Ornl't, Suite 600. Costa Meu CA92626 Arn•I Oe•flopme.aol Company, it Cehlornra Corpo11hon (CA), 949 South Coast 011ve, Suite 600, Cost4 Mes., CA 92626 ClA Frnanc1al Co.po rahon a Caltlor nta Co1poraloon (CA), 949 South Coast Drive, Suile 600. CO$ta Mes3, CA 9?626 lh1s bustness 1s con· duct~d by· • senaral ptt tntrshlp Have you sle1 led dolna b1111neu yell Vu 07/29/1987 A1nel Development Corpor1tron Rudy J Baldon1, £ucull•• V•u President Th11 statement was fti.d with the County Clerk or Or•nae County on 11/06/03 200Slt642to Oallr Pilot No• 19, ?6, Dec 3, 10, 2003 W257 ~ .... ... s....... The lollowln& persons a1e doln1 businn$ n •) Strllll!lllM Spec111 1:.ts b) Stra11ht11ne SpKrallsls A•an1. 5641 Ptue del Amento. An1heim Hills. CA 92807 Scott Alexander Spence. 5641 P1t7a de Amantu. An•lle•m Hills, CA 92807 Thra business 1s con due led by· an 1nd1v ldual Hne you starled dotn& buJrntu yet1 l'fo Scott A Si>ence Th" ll•lement wn fikd wtlh \he County Clerlt ol Oranae Co"nly on 11/24/03 200l6t161JI 011ly Pilot Nov 26 Dec 3. 10 17 2003 W259 RclltlM-....U •s....... l ... foUowina petSons are Cloma busmen •~ Caluy MMte•tr•. 186U Broolthurst Street, •382 . Founuin Valley, CA 92708 Art1s.1 Cnlerpr1tu Inc. (CA), 186'17 Brookh11rst Sl!MI. •382. r ountatn V1lley. CA 92708 This business 11 con· dueled by I COlf)VrlllOn H•1t• you slarlfd doffll business yet? No Aro .. Cnlerp11se•, M•t•d Saf•le, President This st1tement ,.,. filed '10th the County Cleflt ol Or•nae County Oii H/07/03 200Hf6'411 Oatly Piiot Nov 12, 19 26,0ec 3.2003 W,40 Th• loflowllfl 1>41raons art C1oin1 buslneu u : G3 MotorsporlJ, 11161 Stal11 Av•.. r ounl•ln Valley. CA 92708 Merceto Galloallo 11161 Slate• Ave., Founlaln Valley. CA 92708 Thrs businen " con ducted by •n 1nd1v1dual Hive you started dotn& bu11118's yet'. Yes. l l · 17 03 Marcelo C1llo1110 Th11 statement wu tiled with the County Cle•ll of Ora1111• County on 11/?0/03 2003196512• Oaolr Pilot Oet 1. 10. 11 24 200.3 W263" FktlllM ..... "-*--' lhe 1ollowma perM>ns art dorne bustnO\ es Ehl• Equipment 11>83:> Al1onqu1n St Suite • 144. Hunl•nrton Beach. C111for1111t 926•9 Mtchael Stephen Hutt, l '>431 Cal>fl C11 • Hun· ttnston Beach C•llfo1n1a 92647 Tll1s bus1n .. s is con du<led by an lndmdual ll•ve you started dmna businen yet> No M1chulHutt ThlS statement wes hied with the County Clerll ol Oran11e County on 10128/03 200Sl96UOS 011ly Pilot Nov 26, Oec 3. 10 ll 2003 W;>S8 fldttlM~ •s....... Tho follow1na persons •re do1na buiineu u · Oowntne Stint LQ. 8'1 Newport Centei 01 #~?. :~ort Beach. CA Lil Quiroz 741 Am1&os W17 7 H. Nfwport 8uch,CA9~ l his bUSll'IU\ IS con ducted by •n lndt•ldual Hot you ''"led doin& bus1nu~ yet' No lll QuHOl This statement wu llltd with the County Cle11t of Or~nar County on 1om 03 700.JIH212' D11ly Pilot Nov 12. 19. 26, 001 .l 2003 W24? RcttiM .... "-S..... The lollowtn& pe,.011) ar@ dolna bu\me•-. 11s IV H•ndyman. !lll1/t Orchid A•e • Coron• del Mai CA9262~ J1m '{ fo•, S211h Orchtd Ave .. Co1on• del M•t, CA 92625 This bu\me~• I\ 1 on ducted by an 1nd1Ytdu11 Ii••• you slut•d do1n1 bus1nen yd? Yu S II 01 J1mV fo• This itatement wn J1led with tilt' Co1111ty Clerk of Orana~ County on 11/17/03 fOOJH6SJ32 011ly Piiot Nov 19, 26, Otc 3, 10. 2003 W253 STARTING • • • • • • • • • • • nc... ..... ... s..... Th• lollow1n1 II«' son~ ate dolna buslnns .is. SMA FINANCIAL SER VlCES. 20111 Crel9' C• Huotmston Bea~h CA 9?6'6 Sharon M Auaensle1n. 20111 Cr.lei C1 . Huo l1011ton Beach. CA 92646 Th11 busrnos " co1• ducted l>y :an 1nd1v1du4l Ho• you sta1 led doio1 bustnt~s y~t> Yt$ 1/98 Sharon M Auaeo,1e1n This dalement wu loted with tire County Ctlfl< of O•:tnge r ounty on 10/28/03 200S696SSS \ 0•1ly Pilot No• 16. Oc1 3 10. 17, 2003 W25& fldltlm ..... .... s .... The lollowina pe"ons •re dom11 bus1neu a' He11la&f F ,,.., At t '>09 I Ith St1eet, Hunlin&ton Buth CA92648 l\Jlherlne llntt No111s, !>09 11 lh Strell'\, Hun l•naton Beach CA 92648 This busmen fs con dueled by an 11ld1v1dual Hav• you sta1ted doin11 bus1ne~\ yet' No llAlh~rine Noir•~ lh1) 5\a\fment .... ,. filed with the Cou11ly Clerll ol Or~n11r Countv on 11/21/03 200JIHS9lt Oally Pilot No• 2b Oet 3 10 11 2003 W?60 fldldM ltnilm ... s ...... The lollow1na per~on~ ire dome busmen " Gary·\ Mobile S"een Strv•u. 3441 Summei ,., Circle, Costa Meu CA 92626 Caty Oolmk•. J441 Summerset CA.de. Cosl• Meu CA92626 'h•s bus1nesi ,,, tou ducted by an md1v1dual Hive you slat t11d dom~ busmen yet' No Ga1 y W Dohn~• Thi\ stetement wa• fried with the County Cler" of Or•nae r.nuntv on 11/10/03 200JH6'57l 0 .. 11 Pilot Nov 12 19 26. 3. 2003 W2J6 ClASSlflfD It's the solution you're searching for·whether you' re seeking a home, apartment, pet or new occupation! Tix ltttd D<putmm1 .i tht Dllily f>il#t is pkapJ llJ •n1t11111fCr • 1'Jl'W urvicr "°"' 100/ak ,, """ liwi11tSStf. ~ will"~ SEARCH lht Mmi for!'"' Al no txtTl1 ch4rtt. '"'" Ulut pu tht tiN ""'tk trip to tht <Art H"'11 ;,, Smt11t Au nm. of Mint, lfltr tlN smrJ> /s ~Mp/ltd IW wiJ/ fiJ,, JOIU fotjM"1 bMJinas MIM /Ulmlml with tht CMlnlJ Clnlt, pdlish ma a Wtt• for four W«b "1 rtt/"irtti by Lzw •Ni thm fl~ ""' 1'°4' ef' 1JJ/iuri1n with tht U U"'J Ont. Pluse 1111p "1 to fik !'"'' fatiw hsinas 1'11'11st41mlmt111 tht DiU'ly Pilo1, JJO W. &,St. <Allll Mn.. lf r c'11not 1101;, pltast r1U"' 111(9-19)6414321 aJ ~ wiJJ rn.dt lmt"tf'M'# for r to IMNiil thiJ prottdtlJT "' ,,,,.;£ _If p ~ IMw •II] far#t 'f"'Srilns, 1ltlm r#ll w aJ wt wiU N "Im '"'" !"" 14 '1list JO*-GHJ lwl in ']WT 1'tW hnfllSS! ( ,. Pilot I , Poli cy How to Place A ....---Deadlines----. -Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Rates and de.adJines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the nght to ccmor, reclassify. revise or reject any classified advenisement. Please rt'pon any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Dally P1lo1 acccplb no liability for any error in an advertisement for which ii may be responsible except for the cost of the space ac1uaJly occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the fir.t insertion. CLASSIFIEJAD Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm .By Fax (949) 631-6594 (~ UICIU<k )OW n.lll'lr ..,,J p11oooe number ond we'll call you b11ck w,olh 8 pntt QUOIC ) Telephone 8:30am·5;00pm Monday-Fnday By Pho n t'" (94<}+ 642·5678 I lours Ind ex Hy Mail/In Pe rson:' 110 West Bay Street Co,ta Mc,a. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St Walk-ln 8 30-.un-5:00pm Monday-Fnduy Wednesday .............. Tuesday S:OOpm Thursday , ........... Wednesday 5:00pm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday S:OOpm ANNOUNCEMINTS l~ & MISC. 1010-1110 ~ GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectible!/ Memorabllla 1160 t Of' $S 4 RECOllDS ITC Ha. Qlsolc, Etc. ~~ & IDs BL Allee. Splu. tubtl dffiP5 Moke 949 645 7505 OOERTAINMENT Calendar of Events 1310 EOUAl. llOUSllG orrortlMTY All real estate Advtrtos ona 00 this newwaper IS subtecl to the r eder al Fau Housona Act ol 1968 as amended whoch m.lkes ot olle&al lo advertrse • •ny pr et er· ence, llmotatoon or d1~u omonahon based on race. color. reloQoon, ~'"· h•ndicap, lamohal sl•lus Of nallonal 011&1n 01 an onlenllon lo mak~ .rny 'uch preler•rn.e lornola loon or d1sc11m1naltnn nus newspdpfll woll not knowinaly auepl any advert1sempn\ I"' 1 eal est11le which os on v1olallon a l the law Ou1 readers are hereby informed lhal •II dwell· mas adver rosed Ill thos newspaper are avaolJble on an equal opporlunoty bas" Io complain ot di!. c11monaloon. ull HUD toll hee itl I 800 424 8590 Auctions 1483 WANTED ANTIQUES Old•r Style Furniture PIANOS & CotlKtlbt.s • A,,p....,_ft • T..........,..._ .. .,,. ...... ......_ .. O'f. .... .,. $$ CASH PAID $$ .................... ~ ...... WE BUY ESTATES ;:~ soumcgAsT AUCTI N ~S..Meltllt. a..A..CAt2707 •-..did•""" ............ ,.. 1505 7402·7466 SOI0-3940 ~ 1419 ~ J.iliJ. 9IOYMENT ~s ~ Un der the Service Directory Banner J005-8S10 [IJ 500S·Sl50 2305-2490 ms Of Fii VKTllS llED YOUI lllPI Cats 3610 Real Estate AESAOCNTIAL Rf NT Al s 400 ANIMALS RESCUlO WllH NO OWNERS MONl Y OONA llONS HUMANE SOCIETY ~..i~ ~ ~ ;;;;SeM;;;;;;ces~;;;;;,;;-;;;4250._. ORANGE 7400 CMV ~.]) o.y 1'&4111 Real Estate COUNTY .., ,..,, bbod k:slod. rnAmld. <JU. ~ ri S!ll'C lnvestorsl iur\lfztui ~ v.lods rllrl cc it.... t2 ~ 96(M.1Z}9 www 1n1maloetwork or11 Ct OPAWS 240 E HIGHLAND SAN BERNARDINO CA, 92404 MISCEU.ANEOUS MERCHANDISE General Announcements 1610 Misctllaneous DUCK SEASON Private Duck Huntln11 Club appoo• I/hr 110111 Newpor l Beach l Hel lent huntone ad1aon1 lo s tate water lowl relua~ i>wntr>hop onlerrsl & appro~ J75 acres ot l~nd & omprovem~nh • vour own t i:t1nJ' compound w \lr udure and 2 tr ••l~r s Wonderful I 11 noeht BBQ s & w1n1 tastoni: durona dud season • many '~It ias! ldul 1111 2 troends or fatht• & son· Call Moke ti 310 !>41 ·08!>4 HOME FURNISHINGS Merchandise 3855 A Nl W COMPU llR' But no C11sh' You're l\jl pruved Cuao~nteed•• Nn Cr ~dol Checl. b1d ued1t OK I 800 418 4680 www P'4"ore com •checkmR ''"ounl r• quored (CAl •scANI AU STlll llDGS. 28.JO was SS,900, sell SJ.890 38144 was $14,!l(X) .ell $5,9!>0 48• 108 was SJ2.916. sell Sl?,916 Isl Corne h i Serve• lom 8CJO. 39? 1806 Attontlon Crofton• Cr aft Supply Sale. H•tl Proce. r 11 & Sal Dec 5 & 6 9 ·3pm ??O?I Mahbu Ln HI , btwn Magnolod & Bushard, oft of BaM11111 Furniture 3435 Business -"-,,-h--1-,_--h-,-0,-.-1-01-. Opportunities Newport lch. f 1~11llf' Businesses and co11t1,,.. wonabac~ t11.011 s. Franchises lov!' "'~h. lo b1 & do Tommy Baham• 1111111 tu1r dr•~den llrontP\ I oltJny hn.,s. llttlO\. ~ 37 °'~•It 114 3905 /!>) ll)IO 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Coaat Coln Hood• ' Old Coons! Gold, sllvN. ,ew~lry w1lche:s, anhqun cotledobl~s 949-64? 9443 3610 •aA ~For~· Got~ tome. tender Perst1n kittens Red Tort~ 11 \ho" $400949 21a.sau i\ilCAsil Cf\NOY Route Oo ynu ea< n s.800 m " day? Vuur uwn loc•I ~andy roult Includes 30 machine' dnd tandy All tor S9.995 Multovend l l C 8l!O Gr •nd Blvd Oeer P1rk NV JI 7?9 800 998 VI NO (CAl •scAN) •I Inter net r r •nchose oppor tunoty lo I hose looklna to work ondu pendently S8K onvesl ment requor~d Includes tramonc and support for l ranchoses worldwide Toll Free I 888 452 6737 ~ow ro· onfor mat1on by m11I Here'J r.,o books. reports and m1nuats you can pronl and sell Call I ·888-382 7320 10< Free onfo pack www cdromoullel com (CAL •scAN) locttl vo""l"tl reute. 80 m1ch1nes locations onctuded •II IOf $10.995 100-509-7909 Smart Money M11a 110• Ranl.ed Au\lon, Teus as lhe #I place on the U S lo on.est m real es tale I ond Qui why vo\ll BUYPJJSmru.1 KennRenMr ~12-423 5626 1 IOMESFOA SAU ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Costa Mesa 8fJsl Buy n £ Sidi! CM q bllTI r"'10d 2br home, new "*'-' be. $449,<Xll I •W:\ 'f. Can & 1Jdy l~ 9"9-574..li98 RURAL PROPERlY FORSALf Ranches,IFtrms/ Country Property 5915 20 ACltf llAHOtlS Nut ~(I PllSO Tea"' Ro•ds Surveyt'd. Pre ()pl'nina '>3~· $8.911> S95 down S89 monwv ( 101'./ 216 month\) Sunsllt Rdnthr~ I o~P map~/ Pt!'"'~ I .3JO 3419444 ((Al "SCAN> AlllZOHA lfST IAllGAIN, 36 acres $24.900 Borders Sl ate I and IWautllul ranch In Wrllwm/ I la~taff •<u perfect 6, 100' clonwle Sp«ti>Wlar mount.> v.ws Alfa dable fonancone AZl.R 1 817 282· 5263 (CAL •SCAN) MISCWAHEOUS RENTALS Rental To Share 6030 Nl/Oc•-View •-Oceanfront/22nd, Prl· vale rm. unfurn ihare ba utols paod, n/smk. kolchenelle, lndry, lblk lo Newport p1e1. $730m C•ll Sim 949 ?18 7905 (between 91m 5pm) Corona detMar c-.i-1.i-, r•....delod lbr Iba unot auol nuw Sll50!n 609 Narcrssu~ C~ll Phol 949 725 8535 H .. for ront, 2br, llto, µvt be. h access. avoJ~ nuw $1600/mo 402 Seta 011'tc Call frank 949 673 8494 ._...., ~ clean "-" 2bf 2ba (2 msb •b w/pvl clecM) Townhouse 4ill<> !tom bl.h, nu pe~. It pr. ~r.bn llOJ NM c "'"' ""Ml 1:1 I 888-bl.J/611 2br 2bo II""• hdlbOf voews, master suote, walk on closets. r1>nf top detk & sp& laundry .lvaol now SJOOO 949 I?? 9797 Maple Apt.I lovely Cate d Comm 11ea1 Tn•n&le Square. ?b1 lba w t11r & froe. SI 09!> I b< I ba w/p1too. cuporl, storace $815 -tr<NI paod ll teon Mat.....,ll fIT1 i'04-8'49 (I I 9200 NEWPORT HEIGHTS ttio 1a~ & w•ler paod SI I~ noc~ yard 1a1dene1 no peh 949 6'>0 77~ ( SIDE 9uo1t hovte, I br V.llllled 1 ••I• skyl1Rht• new ''""' fr •R \Idle 'hUWl'r tatpcl Pvt pahu •.h1red yard v•unl SIJOO IS./ 0. •ne:t /14 6?4 l'l6'> ( SIDE CHARMING, toke new ?hr 1 !Iba town hnu•e ,1y1e ?Si'? I ldtn SI 37'>tmo949 642 'l-488 Laguna Nlgual (k-~llt ......... 4br 35ba, eall!d ,omm, pets all, 4500/mo avf ?/I appt Act ~ 240-9001 YUll\Y llASIS FINI NfWPOln HOMES IU G«UMDY RIAl.TottS 949-67~16 1 N.....,.n Sher" 21>( 2b1 neweo tarpet paol & lite ? c tand~m 1a1 wdhk ups, dtll 949 293·4630 UDO ISll STUDIO l ar11e cloHI & b1th. sunny exposure. $1000m Aat 949 675 6161 RESCUE 91 1 Life's Unort11ntoes Hippen• Pet Owners Need li•IP Well Mtnnered Adull C•h • Older Docs need new homes M opt Adult Animals this Xm•sl 30 day return Policy. AISOlUTI OOlDMINll NPI i'4hr stn<911 400 llr Apt. I Yeor Old, 60 vend1n11 machines fiO>!f units May !.tore uhl's'& sah1lhh1 TV ptld, www anom•lnelwork 011 , I with excellent loullons vechictes. to~ ralM Cal W/O, near Ho•t Hosp. Must Sell 800 234-6982 C.olyn 9'98&3 1390 $1l00/mo949-631·498-4 ~ Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week 9000-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 NEWPORT HARIJOR Community Beautiful 2BR, 2BA with li~~bor View Was $2575 Now $2425 la8111cwj..oaUDn, Garage lndudtd Latp "''*" P9ltos • Tiied Eltlfes • c-.. Wood Baral11 f'ft~ •PIM a.<11 & Mal1M • Spllthf hllnmlac Pllal • t.b Tropk.al ulldica_., • Secmdl 1o .. u- W.1114. ~ --Ceatw, ~--· Cototllt .. .., Ne=ltlllllM~HomH 919 ...... Nol..-rt ...c. t94') 7,....091~ lte II Peninsula l br Iba patio, $500 aft ts1 ....._ i'lx 2ba f11eplatt, •hared w/d rv M' pe r"-to 'il1oi1' hkup\. I 1.•r earaee Aet & restuarant!> Ip, l c gar $1500/MO 949 293 4630 wet, Sl81> 949 2!13 46.1> 29r lk. ,_ pwo(,carpei :l-car earaeo. bad\y.wd. 11.1 blnck to oce;lll, n'IUSI -$UIXl{mo 9t'J 118-~ tMI belwec<l 'lllm 5ixn only ltw, 21/ .... I pr I carpott, 14£0•\f, new awl & crpt.• 3 wondsong crt Sl9b0/mo 714 100 ~70 "Employee." "Empleado. ~' "Arbeitnehmer. '' "Employe .. ., 3br 3bo hovH, <IU•"l •r1·J newly relurb"hed ? ur 1ar wd hkup~, snoo1n10 949 1~9 0814 Newp<>rt lshmd loy· front Just complHt ly ouonoddedl 2br I' bd Huae So '""'"I 1>dt10 S?!J(X)/mo wrr:lnc,k av~•I lnr add ftt 6 mo ~ ,..,. o.w~.<A;it 714 812 'Jtt68 UASlS AVAILAIU Newport Be.rh, Newpur I Cn1nl lrvor••. 3 5bo lourn ~ Ael 949 ';h.? 6/00 Jt.r lb• u1111er level bdyh uni uool v.r 1ad \lyle. "'' Yu I l e•r' agl S?8~-~~-~:•n 46~ Sell your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classlfled ad today I 49 642-5678 PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Class1f1ed section 10 find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters Daily Pilot Cl<1!>'iit1e d Con11n11nity M <1rke tpla ce ' e NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND n. Call (949) 642-5678 GET THE P QIN T? DailrPilot l'lassifil·d ads "ort... for~ m1! l .. Alo W:c!:::$· o.cemw 3. 2003 EMPLOYMENT, AGENCY, AHO RESUME sawm ARE YOU LOOKING FOR A SPECIAL EMf'LOYEE? The bti&htut7 The But? Supplement your lout 1dve11t11n1 with stat•· wide ed11erlls•n11 200 community newspepen rtachlna over 5 mill.on cehlornlan1. $450 101 a 25-word ed. Piece yout ad with this locel pertlclpatlnfl newspeper (CAl•SCAN) C" r" • • Worlch lrpst Illness or1. look Ina for f IT men•&••. & P/T unployeet @ NB location open•nJ In Ian If you ••• ener1ehc ,u mohvattll !\ave enthu· \IHtlC .,.,-sonal1ty & • 10 •orli. ••th people, fu r'" 714.&> 1937 or emlll lo cur __ ,.,@ythoo.com ~ rront alb .-..... fo< busy E nclocflnoloey oHa 111 Newport Bch. ra~r-~ Offc A.el, Cnoptr SltJla, Scnedule, Phone, Detail Oriented, ucellent pay. Fu. resume 949 646 3121 Pilot ....... ··-Best place In the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classlfled 642·5&78 9QCh vutncrablc. ~ dcala. P'ORTB •AK \old '610917 65432 •J Wf'ST· FAST •Vold •Vold 10 917 6 H .ll A K Q J 8' Q J ~ Void • A •KQJID!ll7'5 SOUTH • ~ J 10 91 76 H 3 J v!t: . •h The btddu!A EAST SOO'nt WFST M)ltTH 2• 4• ' ,. 7 .,. Db6 ,_ ........ Ope111n1 lud Kina of Optn1na lead: Queen nt • '"I ho•c: ..can:hed bndgr lucralUIC for somc1h1n1 . oo b1dd1111 freak l\llfld,. but c111·1 rinJ 111\yl.luna.M wn~ a R*ief "wtuu Clll'I )OU rec· ommmJ"'" There ts • i;<JQd rca..on why y0u QUl'I find llllythtnlJ N~y know) how \0 handle lhcin~ Eilen:IJIC )'Olll bcM JUdflment. and hope for o good ~It Consider lhh deal from a lC&m t\<el11 tn f-rancc Notth'a Ll&blnet double of M:\en clubs <find 1111 WIUiual leud) was an 1.t\tmpt '° ac1 a hc:an Iced r rorn South AlthoUah Soulh would ha•e ~c:d IO oblu\e, drruiruw>ea nuli· lated aplmt mai. Since no ocher lead would have defealcd the COllll'ltl. ~ven c:lu~ doubled came m(lina home. The fonunaic 1eam picked up 2.570 points in one room a.nd 2..430 In the Olher. (or a IOcal of 5,000 point~ -wrely a record II tot,._ le\\ lhan ~'O roun1lJ. of bid· -AutomodW - IMW '01 U <Ollpe, 3 0. !>\Pd. 23k ml. lull tact •arr•nly tilver/blll lthr CO mnrl l91n whfs be'1Jlllul lrke new cond, tin tvlll v99S621 $24,995 Bllt 949 586-1888 ._..,...,._., CedJloc '91 ,., ... sot. m•. bl,/blk llhr blk car11aa• root, Bose CO, •m hn. chrm wht~. aold 1>k1. boob ·records, hke new~v5S728181>.r 949.s .. -1111 www.•crnl.com ( ..... ,.... '99 ...... C1rlo 2dr coupe, V6, JOI< actual m•. salver/If"" melelltc CO. bt1uUful lrke ne.w cond S689S .en191 1111r 949-586-18811 WWW I! + CllM Chrysler '9' Seltrln' Ul.I Conv, 18k aclual rnt, mtlalltt arHn Ian lthr bl•ck IOI>. buuhful ltkl new cond $799S fifm v156nl ~ 96-586-1888 -.....w.- -------- COSTAMISA UNCOlNMOCUU "02 "'-'" ,._._.. 2WD c.rtrfltd. 6yf11. 191< "" •ttranty, moonrool. lull power, blacll & shwp (.1()7939) $26,97!1 1>2"'-'tU T 09 of the llnt, soor1 p!IL~ool, dv-. showroom tush. (007364) S23.9'35 '00 ......... ,,.,,,,,,,.., Top of the Hne w/N1•1111t1011 system. dual screen, enter tainmtnt. loadNI (Jl2021) 24.98!1 "01 Unc ... ts Sport Pk11 w/moomool, CO, loaded (ti(Y.)J9 l) $17 ,850 "O I u...111 U, ,_ c .. C.ttf>ed 6 yrs, 1!lll mt, warranty, rnooncool, co (671059) Sl9.985 "O I 'Lin<• c-tl--"" MoonRool. co. Shwp (6179n) $19.775 1lJ ~ ,__,,,,,,.,. ••• Top ol the-line. ultl mate~ OW. Nav Sys, Moornof. Loadld & Lincoln CertJfied ( AXl663) $41.11115 714-.540-SU) COSTAMISA tllCotM laal'f SELL your stuff through classified! CO VE IOTORIG AUDIA4"00 Blad!, w/sr•Y inter IV0802 Discounted IMWJ211e 'tt Black. tan Inter 1\19978 Must Sell IMWS2•1 '91 Bronlz, Ian Inlet •VS497 Musi Sell IMWS211e'OO Green tan Inter tVO'.i67 Omounted IMWUOl'Ol Wl11tt , tan •2166 Must See BMW !i401 99 Blue, 1re1 Inter 11\12111 Must Sell BMW 740.a 00 Bronle/lan •9158 Olacounted IMW 71010 '00 Black, tan Inter •V943S 01scounled BMW 740ll 'OJ Blue/arey '28AJ Musi See IMW 74011 '01 Salver, &r•V IV8605 Grtal Buy BMW 740!1 01 While 1rey 13951 Grul Buy Chev Tohoe '02 Blacli., 1rey •Vl367 Orut Buy Herley Dov rolh '92 Red blacll IY8109 Otscounted t4MSO.S91S Se your unwanted Items the easy-way I Place a Class If led ad today I 49 642-5678 ~ERYICE l C1llfor111a lew rt· Qui!" thet contrac ton lallln1 j0b1 that total S500 or more (labor 0t m1tar11l1) be hcemacl by lht Co"lractora Slate llctntt 8oatd Sttl• la.W llJoO ltQWU thel tontrectors Include lh•lf lkenst numbtf on ell advtrtlilnl You cen check the llatu1 of your llctnstd contractor at www ulb ca 1ov or 800 321 CSLB. Unll cennd contrecton. t•ktn1 foba that tot•I Ina lhen $500 must s lat• In thtlf advtrllatmenll tll•t they aft not llcenHcl 1>y th• Contracton State lll'fnM llo.vd " . AddftlOnl' • Rlmodtflng A -1 HANDYMAN lnsttll, rtftet cabinets ~~ ,,.... Dole 714-546-72511 C.,..Cltlnlng llf{ /, 1 !J1 r 1\ I ";11 I ''' . ,.1,1 t . . . , IOOl!ll ' ltlllwly ..... lntllides~ CM.I. TODAY • CUM JOOAY l1Yln 714-329-INZ OCflct 71W 11 Clrpit Rlfalr"'la o CAIPflOCA.,llo Repair•, Patch1na lnat1ll Courteou' eny slu jobs WholtHltl ~9 492 0205 ComtMer SeMca COMPUTER HELP! • ,,... • Clntlf Mlltlll • ,, ,... .... • 141111 •Pt•• ·~ ·•l"llgl!tlftt•• .••• c:aa. .. ·Ob~ ·-~ll!al.~ ..... =."-.. ~,.,.~--r::: 714-6 12-2786 Concrwtl' Masonry lrld1 II.di St-Tiie Conaela. Patio, 011veway r1r1t11c. BB9 Rel'a 25Yrs E •P Tttry 14 !>57 7594 °"""" .._.., werti c.nw.c. aro. Sb-. r ... ~ .. Mliltlla. Ho ICll '°° ,,,.... 714"15-0062 0.-Putlfllfllng YOUIMOMI IMPlOVIMINT ,ltOJICft can a :•ur1111tt, paint•. tnd)mtn, OI any of tlle ~rNt wv~es hattd H t In our effvlct dlftdoryl IBESE. lOCAl SVC PEOPLE CAN H I.I' YOUTOOAYt °""'" 8'"'cll wmNOnT OIYW•U All Pl!IMl &m/lr.t,lnba cu•~··' ·''" al L 114 1.447 ,000 ., . Eledl1cal Semces SMAU JOI llPlltT l ocal, Quick Response Home, Yatd & Oocli. Elect 3l ~ Ounc.wn EllQ'ic l fM9.{l)(). J042 ACT10NUN£ llKTIK "-"'W."'*-... '"'' ._...,.. .... ..... 714·146·6130 Ul.lllSMJ t .l.C. llernlc lo. Pf"- loclll cxinhcb no Jib llOo 111111. no 11it1 loo ~ R.r1 \lll&lll ~ lllCI O'IOI (714)142-1410 U<lNSID CONTltAClOlt Ho • too ""' ,,, _.,_. RepH, rt/llOCltl, fans. ..,., ,_ -M!M«>-311!!6 floortnWTilt CUITOM ClllA1'M TU ~ ""--.mic. rllll'blll, lb..._.,. lf7S LJl6120W .i.11 71"12 !1161 LIMY.__,...,.. ~OUINI 6 IM1111141tloft OCAH t49 67J-I065 nuies.~ 11...n.2031 =:-c:: T•&~s.a Mdtibtl ,.. la~ )tu aMtwr' 714-715- Troe s.....,lce, Yord Cleanup. Maintenance Sprlnkler Repair. Hauhnt (949) '50-1711 RI ~ 10R! • RI l'AIR II. RLMODEl ING t '., /\It y, II If ttttrlU' fl, 11 ttr· f),o.;f Sr•r vi•• " your stuff through classlfledl CONTRACTOR HANDYMAN 18 Yrs Elcp•Great Rtl't AJ Phases °' Construdloll ~ Remooll &id l/57711112 949.305-7899 GF.NF.Ul. IF.PAii. 'IWNl'.FMNCE * asdatlll•Ommill No Job 1bo Smoll Dawe Ramllt.on 949-322-1292 AA.AM TMI MAMOYMAM A" worll 1uer 111IHCI l'blltJlr& £llcWic4 Doan, Fhlll m"P *-•aw• JUN• TO THI OUMPlll 714-9611112 AVAl\.AllE TOOAYI 949'7J ~ l'l da CM-' ~~~7 1*3 Gtu t o.1'1 ,...., ... " llu.;(111 fV7947 Olscount•ct ,..,,.,.'00 t 1M11,tan •1Z80 M\ilt S.11 ,....,., .... Red, tan lll0859 Great Otal ME~lllNZ'Ol SL$00 llladed •llvtr, ~b~ AMO .-Ml, MlltCIOIS <210 '02 hp ~z.750 j'f4-:'·1 ~ 81ac~ black -1119111 Discounted • MOCl0fSU20 '01 .. •,• .... -,_-S• •• -IY40>-• Blllc.lt., Bllldl .......--•v •W45' O•~ounted MfaCIOISCllOWe'tt '9'1MWlnlf Oretn, tan 5611 ml. •Yl !IS\ GttetOul (UM70) S16,980 •••<lOIS ••ss '00 .,, .... V--'"t rus S~v., bll!Ck 37k mr I~ GrMI 0 .. 1 (19812) $17 980 MlaCIOIS SSOO 'U "ff .IHfl ~ .. Whilt, Ian A StHI •3650 Olwounted (l~I) $9,980 MllClDIS SIJOO '00 Whitt, tan •0580 Must Sell MINI <OOPO '02 Blue.1Hy •0962 Musi Sell POllSCHf C""wo '99 Black, blacll •VI068 Discounted 'ORSCHf Cen'ere '99 Blut tray •\/6049 Musi Stll Qvole Mottt111•t '01 S1l~er. blac~ #V0139 OtSCounted ferd '6S M111ton9 Con vet tlblt, 01111nal owner, sohd car, null Siii Sta!'m cM 9&7~29Cl FORD TEMPO '90 $/!;() 714 957 0705 GMC S11rlturlten lSl 2500. 4wd 70k + mt 1old/lan llhr 1 Ira .eat, superb 0111 cond Sl4,995 v552461 Bkr 949·Sl6-llH -w.ec,.i.1.cem Hon6e '97 Accord 2dr coupe EX, V t~ ena1ne, 691. black/arty lthr. ~nr I, beautiful unrnarlled cond, aar•&td. non smkr $8495 vlll0\26751 Bkr 9'19-$18 -cqJtb.alrn Joeuor •oo s Tnoe J.o v6, 351. mt. lull tact ,.,,, , salver 1p1lmul llhr. mnrf CO memory P"-1 beaut hk• new unmarked cond. $23995 v#752261.. Bkr 949 586·1888 -.ocpoltt.co"' Joeuor '97 XJ6 Briltsh r 1c1na 1reen/tan lthr, CO. labulou~ cond throu1ho11t SI 1.995 1159721 bi.r 949·586· 1888 www.Mpaill.c°"' '""'°' '01 lUlt 261i ml, toll fectory wur. btk/blk llhr, navl1e1ton, c;/irm whls, looks new smellt n•w. lentastlc velue, $37.995 v457829 Bkr 949-Ht-1111 www.ec,.w.- JOfVCW '94 lU6 y.,,den Plas met1thc red tan llhr beaulrful ori&tnal cond, must set lo •PP<'Kl•t• 1arapd non smllr, S699S v702S7l Bkr 949·586·1888 ·-.ecpobl.<- lAND ltOVllt 2000 Discovery II S07. dual moonrls, rear 1ump Sf•b holed ~•t lat warr 36.000 1n1 521,900 ~ ~ 714-?2'2·5161 Venture Ceecret• & Mos-v Brick, Block, Stone. <Anr:rtll ~ Ll747448 714 965·2824 MllC81Mca DUa Tm'ltG/DFl'KllON tu tent Drue Tettln{ Dot. f1NN, f'IHll.,.,.,. ~~ HOllOAY HllP Home a. Party Oecor TrM Trim mane, Room Mtk.Oven, Sho91»nc 949-459-8270 MIMr'I a Stange • "·I ' • ~ • • • f ' • ; ' ' \ HST MOvtas SU/"4'. Setvlnt All Clllta t111urad l\6384' l23·99Mlt3 313 tJ0.9971 c.n PUTAFEW WGIDSTO WORIFOR YOUI {949 642-5671 flt .... wUfOO Sliver, low ml (l!MSJI) $17,980 .,,M~asoo 491. mt (19751) $49,980 ,,, ·~ '""' Oeisel, pr1c;ed to sell (191142) $23,980 'fS M.netl•• UOO W1111e, 6411 m1 (19836) 25.980 'ITM~SU10 ltt#Hhtw 131. ml (19859) $28,980 ff • .,_.. Sl.SOO .... ,., Whrte (19020) $21,980 'f• SAAi fOOS C.- 67k rnl (19852) $12.980 'ff Veit......., NewlHtt. (19728) $9,980 Ht-574-7777 Pffl1'S AUTO ,·e; ...... ,.,.. .. 1i. '0 1 Carrere 4 Blk/len int, Aero k•I pka. every apt possible. 411 ml, never spent • nl&hl oul11de or r alned 1>n $62,500 obO 949-322-6248 ltAlnt• .. .., ........ . HSE 48li ma lull tact warr, blVlllt. lthr, 18" chrm •his. superb cond 11wouatrt. SZ3.195 .11 no1 Bkr 949·586-1888 www.otpolll.com llANOl aoVHI 199J l WB. llSI< ma, blue/I al), air suspenstor>. 1mmec ul•t• lhro11anou1 S649S ptll6ilBIB) jfti 714-Ul-6161 ••i• .... .,. ·oo 4.o SE 6ll aclual ml, full fact w1rr. blk/carm1I llhr, beautiful lilt.• new cond Must st• l o !IW'ecft ~ ..017896 811r 949·586 1888 -........ .- ltClfttO • ..,., '95 4.0 SE SOlt+ml. black/tan lthr, tuperb cond lhrouahl. books. 11cords S 10. 995 v04S829 BM 949- 586 1 888 www.e<,.t..c- SELL your stuff through classified! Movtng' .. PUBLIC NOTICE The Callf 'ubllc Utillltet Commlnlon requlru thet •II used hou .. hold aood1 movers print lhtlr P U.C Cal T number, limo• and chaulle11rs print their T C P nurnber In ell adver· llstrntnh If you have any questions 1bout th• ••r•llty of • mover , limo or cheufftur, can ,UIU< UTIUTllS COMMISSION aoo .,,_..., c......, • ...._'U'ltsllll) Gru£,rltal Cuaranl..0 wot•. F1 .. .,, U 37&60.! 714 !13'·1~ 7-39029U 8IJllU .... """°'° •WOOD'11'W * ......... 7 ,714·8'7....e? SEU YOU( unwantt4 tl•m• tlltOlltft claullla4 P~AUlO ..,, v"'::Z ,..,,, (I 9728l) $1,980 wa....c-,,. Wlvi., l ow ml. C19"11) $3&,NO .,_....,,, ,_ Sllv.r, !l!lkmi (19'41) $52,990 -.s M"'"'9e SUO lOfll WMtt Bau (191890) $21.980 '9'ltlerc ... IUO 't'Mt. YwyfCJCe (l 9723J) W .980 "Or /ertl ...... ,.,. 01 8lac:l1. 2311 ml (19663) Sl&,980 '00 J..,_ H• C- Blaek, 1811 ml (19818) 43,980 "OISAAI f-S Red 22k ml (1986~) S26.980 "01 IMW '1SCI Red OnlyS.. mi ( 19826) $19 980 "016MW740lt Sp0tlS1r.., (19849) $37 ,980 'f9 J_,, CJteroJrH A11tul (198081) $9.980 9'9-574-7717 PffllfSAUlO ........ Tit•'• Europe"" Altf ...... • WJOOM Auto, i..1~. CO, Prem Whls (69'3275) $12.900 "02Actwd vr Stl 'Grey Cuslom Whls, CO 261( IOI (116527) SlJ 900 '99 S&-SOO Sport Pka/AMC, Bose. Mulh CO, 2 lops ( 107291) $39.900 ''8<1'0 Wht tan. Auto moon Nice C~r (099216) $14 900 •oz Grfffffl Am SE Auto: A/C. CO, Re1r Splr (263127) SI0,900 ,, ..... _., L1m1ted. LoadeO Sale Pr1clld (094173) $16,900 'OOGU OO Whl/T •n Pleltnurn Sttoes, Low M1 CO (099216) '25.900 '99 GUOO Blk/T1n, CO Naka '-udio, loaded (046903) S21,900 '9T l -40 S.don Top of \he Line, BoH, co. V812l (444967) $19 900 'H ..... lt..,er 4.0 HSI '-ulo, IWO. Multi CO, loadtd (326806) $14,900 Painting •n CUSTOM PAIKTl'fG l'lorl, clean. qualrty work lnterlO<'/ul and dock\ LIJOJ.468 949 COO I051 ltAINIOW CltQ.I MAINT Pa1ntln1.WHI. Hou,_/~ Quelily Job' Free estJmate l'569897 7U 636·8888 TOYOTA MU 'f 1 \lllh•t•, Ollfntr •lnc:t '92, rea m•lnttnanct, mu•I •• to tpptaei•t•. S3IOO obo 9'~322·~292. BOATS Sailboats 1976 CAT~ 27FT, roll! , .,, •1 • , fl.r1 Ui> ptit. BMN clnel ' ' inbolrd. lul cow: hlh • - ' •• bottom paint recent • • IJ--W'lda dll9fl " & OtA. S55IXI 9&51X).329) BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES ....... , . . . BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 -~ ... . ~~~~~~~-... . 7 Sft IOAT SU,, Sublet '°' Dec & J.an S23 per fl on XMAS IOAT 'AIW>l llOUTI !M9-64().0552 16ft lUClltA CllAFT (like" Dully) 1992 New top S6500 949 644 4144 ClA~SlflfD Ifs thes~ution you're searching for-whether you're seeking a home, apartment, pet or new occupation! Plumblno 'ltfCISI 'lUMllNG Repairs i Remodehn1 FREE ESTIMATt: l#687398 714-969 1090 Rooftno,1Jutters ...., & ............ Custom Htnd Palnled ~ & Fau, P,.,q Mall lllt ,.. 9CJMSl«i6& THI STIUPPUll Sptutlillfll In WallptPf Re11111vat U58824l 949 J60·121 I -···. .... ,. ~. .. ~:: . .. .. °" I • ~·' 'It •• ... . . , .. SANT A'S EXPRESS TRAIN Nov. 21 to J•n. 4 Children can ride Santa's express Train and receive a complimentary pass with any Santa Photo purchase . ... REINDEER CAROUSEL Nov.14 to Dec. 28 Aide our famous carousel horses that are transformed Into sa:nta's reindeer for the holidays. CONCIERGE DESK LOCATIONS Nov .. 19 to Dec. 28 Vlliiit one of our four full-aervlCe COnclerge looatlona for ~with any of the folk>wlng: gift certltloatM. . • ••onel gift guide. compttmeritmy pack8Q9 check, at1!Jl11 and whielChair rental, Wxl and Hn;ouilr)e Mt'VICe, ......,,_and hOtel ~. forelgri...,. Fl illlance, and loSt & found. ---·----. ---------------~-~ ' , FOR HOME Baccarat Crate & Barrel Home Store Frette Lallque Macy's Home Furniture Store Pottery Barn Retrospect Room & Board Smith & Hawken The Siik Trading Co. F.O~ HER Bottega Veneta Burberry Celine . Club Monaco Coach Donna Karan New York Dooney & Bourke Escada Gi~nni Ve~ce Giorgio Armani GUcci La Perla Miss Sixty Ron Herman Stila St: John TSE Villeroy & Boch Wiiiiams-Sonoma Grand Cuisine FOR SOMEONE SPECIAL Black, Starr & Frost BVLGARI Cattier Chopard David Yurman Hermes Mlklmoto Roberto Cavalli Temple St. Clair Tiffany & Co. Tourneau Van Cleef & Arpels F'OR TWEENS Abef'Cromble & Fitch American Eagle Outfitters Friends Rampage Roxy • I ~ Darya Fine Persian Cuisine Gustaf Anders & Back Pocket Morton's of Chicago Pinot Provence Royal Khyber Fine Indian Cuisine Scott's South Coast Plaza Troquet Yujean Kang's Asian Bistro FOR CHILDREN abercrombie baby Gap Christian Dior Disney Store GapKids Gymboree Jacadl Oilily Pottery Barn Kids P~leZoo Talbota Kids Zutopla ... .. roA HJM Apple BOSS.Hugo BOS8 DleSel Ermeneglldo Zegna Gianni ~ersace Giorgio Armanl Gucci Loro Plana Porsche Design Puma Sony Style Baccarat Book Soup Christofle Cristal Sal nt:-Louis Godiva Chocolatier Lalique Lucy Zahran & Co. Origins Orrefors Kosta Boda Paradise Pen Co. Puiforcat See's Candies SEASONAL STORES Angeli Brook stone Calendar Club Christmas Dazzle Day-By-Day Gol The Game Store Hallmark Christmas Store Hickory Fanns ' Home Holidays & Traditions Kuhlman Mra. Beaeley's San Franci9co Music BOx TheWrlpper • ' •• • ' .. .. ·-------·-----------------··-~~~--...__ ____________ _.