HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-09 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 TUESDAY~DECEMBER9,2003 A CL:OSER LOOK Open-meeting is often a tough act to foil ow The state's Brown Act governing public officials doesn't seem clear-cut, and penalties are rare. low cound1 members are permitted by rhe open-meeting law. Ridgeway, like many Newport Beach council members past and present, told colleagues he would like their support when they vote for a new mayor to· nigllt. But the often-misunderstood and sopietimes vague open-meeting law leaves observers scratching their heads as to whether this type of canvassing is legal and appropriate. it would have been easy to cross the line. Freshman Newport Beach City Coun- cil members all get a era.sh course in the open-meeting law known as the Ralph M. Brown Act, or Brown Act for short. The state act is designed to ensure that government decision-making at the lo- cal level is done with as much publJc awareness and input as possible. FYl For more information about the Brown Act, vi1lt the California First Amendment Coalition Web site at http://www.cfac.org, e-mail hotline@cfac.org or call (916) 974-8888. June Caaacrande Daily Pilot meeting law? OUT IN PUBLIC NEWPORT-MESA -A city council- man approaches each of his colleagues ln tum and says, Ml would Uke to be mayor. I hope you will support me." I le does this in a city where mayors are se- lected by j vote or the council during a public meeting. He ddes it a month or so before that meeting. ls this a violation of the state's open- These are the types of questions Terry Francke, generaJ counsel for the Califor- nia First Amendment Coalition, fields every day from reporters and from members or the public worried that offi- dals are conducllng public business on the sly. The question above is an actual ex- ample: This reporter asked Francke whether Newport Beach City Council- man Tud Rldgeway's remarks 10 his fel· The shott answer. Francke said, is yes: Ridgeway and other council members are dearfywithin the rules in approach- lng coll~es this way. Bui, had rudge- way approached the matter differently. "In this city, we're very sensitive to these issues," Ridgeway said. "You've got to use some common sense. You can't hire an anomey every time you do something. but you have to be careful how you make a request." The Brown Act requirei. local govern- ments to announce meetings publicly in advance, and it [orblds bodies such as city council!. and school boards from maJting most dcchions except in public See TOUGH ACT, Pace A4 A FAIR VIEW Stephen Wieland, 23, a film student at Orange Coast College, photographs the sunset at Fa1rv1ew Park. Rohrabacher vs. Doman could mean money The strong fundraiser may force the incumbent to spend much more in the congressional primary. exactly brimming yet -his latest re- port filed with the Federal Elections Commission listed less than $37,000 cash on hand as or Sept. 30. compared with the $156, 600 Rohrabacher had as of that date. But in the past, Dor- nan has been a fonnldable fundralser, netting contributions of $3.7 million ln 1997-98 elections while Rohta- bacher raised just $316,700 In the same election cycle. INSIDE Dally Pilot readers seem to have no love for former Rep. Bob Dornan and aren't keen on his plan to run for Congress against Rep. Dana Aohrabacher. Allcla Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPORT·MESA -Local political observers expect to see a bundJe of money poured into the Marcil Repub- lican primary race between Rep. Dana Rohrabacher and conservative tallc show host Bob DomaJ\. Doman, a ronner congressman with a colorful l\lstory. surprised fel- low Republicans last week when he ftled to run against Huntington Beach's Rohrabacher ln what was ex- pected 10 be an uneventful race. ·Money is the key, always,M UC Ir- vine polidcaJ science professor Mark Petrat:ca said. MDoman's going to need a big bag of cash to carpet bomb the ~trict (with campaign literature.)'" Historically. Doman has been a strong fundraiser with myriad small contributors, Petracca said. And if Doman is raising and spending a Jot of money, Rohrabacher may have to follow suit, something he wasn't ex- pecting to do In the March election. Ooman's campaign coffers arenl THE VERDICT Some Republicans are worried that because Rohrabacher has an oppo· nent ln the primary, his campaign will require dollars he usually gives 10 the support of other Republicans. 'Wf!re always concerned when Re· publican dollars are spent In a pri- S.. Forum, Pege A6 mary election, M Orange County Re- publican Party Olainnan Tom Fuentes said. Rohrabac.her has always been a generous giver to other cancUda1es, said Carl Forti, Nadonal Republican Congresslonnl Committee spokes- SH PRIMARY, Pa1• M When the river Wants, it'll flood Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ROBERT GARDNER retJ nOO<L according to the engineers, Jmped Oood control. andtomust be~moved. No oft'ense to theNm:y C.Orpt of &glncere, butt doubt that any enKfneeting can control a I wu aiound for the flood or J 938. rn thoae dtlys. the Senta Ana RJver was much more of a river than what It is today. a concrete condult to mow water. The river came charging down from the San Bernardino mounta.lnt. vlrtualJy ellmJ.nating the viOasce of Atwood, where "3 people drowned. t..arge parts of Anaheim, Placenda and most of what ls now Fountain Valley were under water. 'rbu could t.and on the bluO' In Costa Meta Ind look towam the blUlf In Huntlng\O!\ 8-ch.: uid 4Ml)'lh1ng tn betWeef1 WM I IN VOOfCT, hieM ON THE WEB: www.da!Mllotcom WEATHER .. More wn and temperttu,... In the Ngh 80s. SeePaaeA2. SPORTS The Newpprt H•rbor High boys' eoocer tum downs hollt Cotti MMa, ~.In en Mrfy IMton n\ltdwp. S..hpA7 New trial sought by ex-UCI student Brian Dance, who was convi cted in July of raping a 15-year-old girl, now wants to face a jury. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot SANTA ANA -The new attorney for a former UC Irvine student convicted of sexually assaulting and tonuring a 15- year-old-girl is seeking a new triai, thi!. one in front of a jury. Newport Beach resident Brian Dance, 21. was convicted in July of three counts of forced penetration. one count of tor- ture and one count each of robbery and criminal threat. He had previousty waived his right lo a jury 1riaJ and faces a pos- sible life sentenct• for heating a girl he had met on the Internet and carving '>Wastiklll> on her face on the UCI campus At rhc start of n hearing on Monday, Dance's new allomey, Stuan Faber, tried 10 show that Dance had lalcen bad advice when hl' waived the jury trial. Dance"' stepfather. Larry Dance, testi- fied Monday that his stepson's former at- rorney. Marlin Stapleton Jr .• dismissed his stepson'<; claim 1ha1 he and lhe victim had consensual sex. telling them the story was "100 unbelievable." l.arry Dance said that Stapleton told him they would have a bet- ter shot at a reduced sen1ence if he waived a jury trial. Brian Dance also testified that he told Stapleton that the <>ex was consensual "In the beginning, II was more out of anger and frustration 1ha1 I beat her,· he said Monday. According to previous IC''>timony. the attack took place after Brian Dance, who was a UCI sophomore at the lime. met the girl in an Internet chat room. I le In- vited her to the Block al Orange on Dec. 20. 2001, and then took her 10 a c;ecluded parking lot on the UCI campus. Jn his car, Dance sexually assaulted the girl, beat her·with hi'I fists and belt and carved swastikas on her face with a knife, prosecutors said. He then took money out of her wallet and kicked her out of his See TRIAL, Paa• M • A2 Tuesday, Decent>et 9, 2003 KIDS TALK BACK That special someone fhe Daily Pilot visited Christ Lutheran School and a~led Sludents in Linda Gardiner's first-grade class. 'Whom do you like to spend time with and why?' I ltlt' to ~pend tmw \Ylth my httJe (WUl Witel"\, lX"CaUSC I love lhl'm Onernp1~ t"\eryont' They're almo'>t .! ) ear., old: ANGELIKA ROBERTSON, 7 I luntinl(lon Bt'.1ch ~ 1) l"QlL'>IO !\,1tl1an, ht"<.·au~\W .1lwar~ play fk•\:bladt"> 1 ogether and we but.Id .i tent m h•~ mom· ELIJAH RBLAN0,6 \anta Ana • 1 hke o,pendmg time wllh mv dad. llE'<:ause '>Omeum~ we go fi<Jlmg. After weratch the fish, \Omeum~ \~,, m.tlea camp fire and roast them.· COlBY wtll.IAMS, 6 Costa Mesa "M> dad. becaUM' Wt' like to go campm.g and Wt' go fishing. One time. he caught a fish.and he acodentalty ..tapped me with it and had to wrap mr faC't' up.. GARRETT MCCARTifY. 7 fountain ValJt>' I hke to play with my brother 11 O·year old) r\u~on and o,hoot e.ich other wtth our fa.legun • CARTER VOGEl.,7 ( mta Mt>Sa "My s.astf'r, 8 )"t?at·OldJ ' J<ldcie Mt t'r ..chool my mom takt.-s u-; out to ict' cream, and \\'l' alwa)'s gt'{ the c;ame lhing • JAYNE HUB8ARO, 6 Costa Mesa -lntrrntws and plloto:s rompil#d by Marisa O''\iell Daily ON.CAMPUS IN THE CLASSROOM OONLEACk/DAll.YPl.OT Carolyn Brandt, left, and Garrett McCarthy arrange addrt>on flash cards at their desks next to giant floor ruler in Ltnda Gardiner's first-grade class. The numbers don't lie Mariu O'Neil Daily Pdot A t Quist Lutheran School in Costa Mesa. lplda Gardmerteaches first -and-one-th1rd grader.. Frida) her class caJrulated that they had been ln the first grade for 60 day-.. one-third or the school year. (.arrt'tt McCA.rthy, 7, bad the honor of counting the dilys, usmg 'I'( Stael .. o( 10 I.egos (0 help with the calclllatio04- 1 'ou'rt' that much dC*r to bring '-t't.'OlllJ graders,• Gudi.ner said. d1C1un~ an netted chttr from the claS& Bue thl' students still had more math to learn. At Gardiner's ~t. each tool out a stack of cuds pnnted ~1th simple addition problemc; and hnt'd them up Students at Christ Lutheran progress toward second grade by fractions ca.refull). cownng the tops of their desb. ·r want you to pid each one up. say the number quietly to yourself and loot al lbe ~'ff on the back.· she said. ·u it~ right. keep it to your band. lf not. put it bad. on your desk.• Uke wildfitt, 7-year-old Carolyn Brandt blew threw ~r deck with time to spare. lhen waited for the next order or business -a long red nUIDMrline. The lme. numbered zero to 20, tretcbed a~ lbe da.ssroom Door from nearty one end to the olha. Gardiner caDed 'tudents up one at a time to stand on urn. two. four, six and eight and explained to tht>m, for the first nme. the idea or ~"l'n nwnbers.. "Gunnar, a.re you shll seated?" Gardener called to 6-yeer-old Gunnar Teach.man, watching the demonstiution quietly. He nodded back. "Bless your heart.· she said. "Now if it end in a uro, h\ o, four. "JC or eight, it's a ... ?" He thought for a St'Cond. ·Even number,· he ~plied. Next. Gardiner called on studencs to fill an the odd numbers. ftrsc asking them wtuch one they thought came next. Some eagerly hoped she would call on them. while others. ~uch as 6-yea.r-old Savannah l.Dpez. had other things on their minds. "We need one more. (,ardml'r WEDNESDAY MONDAY said, looking around the room. "Savannah? Whal number comes next?" Savannah, who had been carefully studymg her Sponge Bob watch. looked up in horror as Gardiner's voice drew her back into the lesson. She searched her mind for the right answer uSeventeen?" she guessed. UCome up and see if it's right,· Gardiner replied. Savannah slowly walked up and ..aw the only remaining spot -at 19, only one odd number off from her answer. She smiled and took her place, completing the lineup. • IN THE CLASSROOM IS a weekly teature 1n wtiic:h Daily Pilot education writer Marisa O'Neil visita a campus in the Newport·Mesa area and writes about her experience. SCHOOL lUNCH MENU Mund\liibM lUrlcft S.CS; or g9laxy ct..e. pirza; Munchable lunch Salad; Of' c:hicbn P,!ttv sandlMctt bn>ccoli With ranch~• fr..tl peer; pnltZ9I goldfish. on• bun; green bNna; peac:hil; and• d\OiCi of The Newport-Neu Unified Sdl004 DisUic:t ofTers menu chobs Md't day at *""-ita.rv schools. Students,,,..,~. vegetarian entree. The ..a.ction fNY indude a Alad. • Undwidl or a hot entree. School lunches .. $2 ead\. Here's~ being~ this--= TODAY ~lunch Salad wittt VopWt yoguf1; orbe911 and ct.-bunito; wggi• s1icb with rand'I clp; ~; enfmm enc*.-.; end• c:hoiCe of m1._ Pilot ~ Mart c. Oualn. Don 1..-f\ K.r'11 T,..,_ READERS HOTlN l!MI) M2«186 and a dloice of m· milk. THURSOAY Munc:hab&e Lund\ S.lad; « pesta with marina,. 1M1Ce and meatbels; ~ whofe.grain roll; cnap graen 9aa.d With randt tipp&eeeuc:e; .net. choice of m · FRIDAY MuncNt>ie luncti ~; ordlic*en tendera and com; 100% fruit juice bar; and a dQce of mUIL Copyrighc: No .,._ *>Na. '~ editDri.i m9CIW ()( ..,..., .. 111,__canbe The Munchable Lunctt Salad contains tossed greens, cheny tomatoes, c~ers and protein scwrcee ad\ as cheese, aun11owar 8"da, fruit yogurt and honey-routed peanuts (•punut butter on _,Oded days). P.P. John'• Pizza i$ MMKf one ~Ya w..k with vegetable, frui1 and milk at Mc:h school in place of the regular monu. SURF AND SUN reproduced without wnuen ~of copyright~ WEATHER FORECAST SURF VOL 97, NO. 343 Recotd "°"' comtnellll abcMlt 1he Deily Noc Of,_ bpa. HOW 10 ROCH US Clrahlha It's~ 11Unny day, with hight bet\JMn 65 and 70. The mom.ng Ml have northeest ~from 10 tO 15 mph W.ist· to mest-tilgh surf will continue from a waning north...,.. aw.II toci.y ( NewsEda9 G.ne~. l.ori Andenof\. ow.ttv.. ...... ~ DlllWS..... --~ 0...-... Crime Met COUlll ..,..,. c•~ dNpt blttntlh ~.,,,, .... 0 • ,, ~ ..... ,..,,,.. ~$'M-4m ,....t:.aatll .... ~ Lea& .... ~culllt..w.~ S1IMl15 ~-rnmLCDm ...._ Our~. 330 w 8-v St.. eo.. Mesa. CA 92621 C>mce "°"'8 .. MQod.lv • fnci9y, 8:30 t m • 5 p.m ca c•h. • ill die Piat's pollcy IO SW041 ICICfy correcs el «TOtS ot ~ ..... ~19C9·~ .. rn The"-Poct ~Meee ~Plat CUSPS-*"8001 le pi'Cfahidd91t, In......,.,...,. end COllll MeM. IUbea ...... ~ oir1y bv ..taeao11 to The nm.~ c.ounty CIOOI 152.eM\. "-.._. CMaideol ~ ...,..,... c.-. M9M. albio lptio+u ID the o.it'I Not ... ..... tie brl-i b'f .. c:tw rNI few S30 ........ (Prima lndUdlt.. • "l!Pliclt ..... ...., loCll , POST'MASTel: Send eddr'9le ..... con. Newport ~ ..... ~ ec.158Q,to.1Mea.CA ' The rimes ar.,. eouney 18001252-9141 Mtatill 1 a ••'19481 M2-Y11 °"""" &90, M2 "321 EtllllNI News tMIM2YIO st-ta (M9) 1'4"'223 News,.._ (Ml! ~no ..... Fu C94I ISD-0110 E-.lt: ~ Mtime&ccm ..-a.. ...._C-.GGIM.2-4321 • .......... 5J1-7129 hes ~ r•n Nililhtd bYTilrilie ~ • .....,fil .. Los~ T'"'91. ft'n be me>Wy deaf at night The lowll will be from 41 10 48 The~ w'I be out of I.he ~from 5 IO lO mph. .......... c BOATING FORECAST v.Nble w4nd$ tie 'IO or r.vtder on lrinw wwters The...,.Wlll ... Of .maOer on• we.a ..... ol3to 5 ..... The°'*'-· heytj varlabte M* 10 blOb or .The~Wllbe2 ... or.,....ona~.-a of4tol Al~--"" wtndl from 10 ro 20 tnob PD up The WllVM be "°"' 2 to • teeton ._. SW911 o1e ..,, ..._ .. bring • ...,.. cMnce Of rain.. A IOUthwMt swefl win hit Wednesday with c:hect highs. and au,.._ at Wlllt.t.ong brMb m.ght gel( an nkling of a new northwest swiall by the af\emoon. By~. w.w. from ttlt nonhwett sWll should be CMHhMd •nd dou~'*d.~ hlghertt w......-v: .-W~Otg TIDES TlllN 2.1tam. U1am. ~sun. 10:tU p..ft\ ........ 241fMttow s • -.u11gh ..04U•klw l41tMehlgh • • . .. Tuesday, Decembe< 9, 2003 A3 City will reconsider 1901 Newp~rt The City Council sets a January date for a rehearing on the condo project. Rutter D~v.elopment has not dropped its lawsuit. Deirdre Newman DaityPilot ,. COSTA MESA -There will be a rehearing or the 1901 Newport Blvd project after all. On Monday. the City Council, acting as the · Redevelopment Agency, voted unanimously to rehear· the high·denslty condo· miniwn project on Jan 19. The project, which calls ror four four-story buildings in the parldng lot of the Spanish mis· sion·style property, has been in limbo since August Rutter De· velopment sued the City Council and Costa Mesa Citizens for Re- sponsible Growth in August, cla.lm1ng that a rehearing on the downtown condomlnJum project WU granted illegally. without the required praenta· don of new evidence. The decision to mtear the project illusttat~ that the parties to the lf wsult have made strides toward a co.mpromlse, Mayor Gary Monahan said •Al least. there has been movement on all sides." Mona· hansaid David P.adle. president of Rut· ter Development, was not at the meeting on Monday. His com· pany will not consider dropping the lawsuit until some compro- mise version of his project has been approved.. Monahan aald. Robin LelDer, "'J>reseflling the dtir.ens' group. said she b "guardedly opti.rJ>J.sdc" that a IO· lutfon agreeable to all parties can be reached. In April. the City Council, act· ing as the Redevelopment Ageo· cy, al>Pf'<Md the blgh-denslty housing project. In June, the agency approved a rehearing based on new infor- mation and lack of clarification on issues involving shade and shadows In the project's environ- mental report. • The lawsuit cl.aimed that the first time the request for a re- hearing was heard. in May, It should have been considered a "failed" uaodon when the vote resulted ln a 2-2 deadlock. Runer asked the court to void the coun· cll's granting or the rehearing and to reinstate the council's ap- proval. Teny Shaw, who lives on Ber· nard Street across from the site of the proposed project. present· ed on Monday his wish-list for a compromise, whJch Included lowering the height of the project to three stories along Bernard Street f.onner mayor Sandy Genis, who is consulting for the clti· zens' group, said she hopes all the legal wrangling results ln a project residents can look on with pride. "My goal would be to do this in a way that would be a case study of what should be built in· stead or a case study of what should not be built,· Genis said. "Because, If It is built as ap- proved. I think. people might point and say, 'Never again:·. Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday Cr Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails _.Quall'Y Senrice• • • ... Nlghdy &teruin.mcnr" .. I 111 lf1·u •1 1•.1t1111u (.ti/ ('Jil'>) 6 ·16-79 ·•4 lh1}4' '' """ \u ~ f ,,,.,, \1, '"' t>•-'""''•·l\\." '•'f,,...,\..i•I•_.., ·1~• 1W1 CAPRIBLU . \I I l'I 11 ,'\: r I l . IT. \11. \ ,'\: I{ I " I \ 1 I{.\'\. I I Do ver Drive cleanup waiting on resident's return I l I I H . \ ,, • p R I \ .\ I I I ) I ;\. I ' ( I ~ () \\' . \cl' I I' r I N c IZ r \I [{ \'. \ f"l l) ;\; ~ I (.)I~ l ' 11 IU 'I I ,\\I\\ I'.\ IU I I." ~ ;'\ I \ \' y f ;\ I{ \ I \. I The city extends a deadline for the owner of a cluttered home, who is in Reno for medical care. June CHa1rande Daily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -Resi- dents who have been waiting decad~ for a duttered Dover Drive home to be cleaned up are going to have to wait a little Ion· ger. The city attorney's office and an oulSlde counsel have extended the deadline for Elmer Thomas- sen to submit documents per· taining his home at 1918 Dover Drive while Thomassen is in Reno, Nev .. for medical treatment Thomassen had asked the city to give him until Friday to submit some documents. He bad also asked to meet with city officials to come to an agreement about what should be done at the prop- erty. last week. city officials got word from Thomassen that he BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS UCI psychologist named to national panel UC Irvine psychologist Roxane Cohen Silver will serve on a new nine-member national advisory panel, UCI officials announced Monday. The Academe and Policy Re· search Senior Advisory Commit· tee will provide expert advice to the Homeland Security Advisory Council. It Includes leaders in academia. technology and policy development. Carnegie MeUon University President Jared Cohon will serve as the commit· tee chair. Ridge swore in the members at their first meeting Monday in was in Reno for medical treat· ment. and they received a faxed note from a doctor verifying his claim. ~It's kind of hard to go fruward if he's physically incapacitated and not in the area." AMistant Qty Atty. Dan Ohl said MOnce he gets back. he's going to have to get his act together." Thomassen could not be reached for comment on Mon- day. However his wife, Joan Thomassen, said that the family hopes to correct the situation. "We're working on It," she said. "It's an ongoing project Hope- fully, we'll have some good news for you soon." City officials expect to speak with FJmer Thomassen again next week to schedule a meeting with him. In the meantime, the city has put together a list of Items that the city wants correc- ted at the home. One or the points on the nine· point list asks Elmer Thomassen to "remove the accumulation of rubbish, trash. debris, bags of ce- ment, dried leaves and branches, wood pallets. opaque and blade visquine, broken-up concrete Miami. Silver is a member of the American Psychological Society and the American Psychological Assn. and is considered an ex- pert in the field of stress and coping. She is the principal ln- vestigator of an ongoing national study of psychological responses to the SepL l l terrorist attacks. Silver focuses her research on cognitive, emotional, social and physical responses to stressful life events. UCI researchers to study immigrant life A group of UC Irvine social scientists will use a $1.7-million grant to study the economic and social mobility of contem· porary immigrants and their offsprlng•ln the greater Los An· geles area. (rip-rap) under the black plastic. the chrome chair, miscellaneous roof tiles. briclt remnants, broken concrete blocks. old wood doors lying on their side to approximate a makeshift fence, numerous tires, an umbrella. trash cans. cardboard boxes. miscellaneous wood. plastic buckets. lawnmow- er, old bkycle parts, car door" and 18 other Items city officials have documented as Uttering the yard. Complaints or such problems at the property date back to 1961. After attorneys meet with EJ. mer Thomassen, the matter will go to the city manager then to the City Council, which may vote to take the matter to court, Ohl said If the family doesn't cooperate, the city will a.sic the coun to gJant permission for dty staff to enter • the property to clean it up. *I think he realizes we mean business,~ Ohl said. Go and Do Likewise, a local church group, has offered to help Elmer Thomassen clean up the property, said Terry DeBay, hus· band of fonner Mayor Jan DeBay and member of the group. Joan 'lllomassen said that her The grant, from the Russell Sage Foundation, will fund the lmrnJgration and lntergenera· tional Mobility in Metropolitan Los Angeles ~tudy. It will ln- cJude a large, varied genera- tional pool of immigrants from the area. The study could provide policymaker.; with a clearer pic- ture of the long-term effect of immigration on the region. It will cover Los Angeles, Orange, San Bernardino, Riverside and Ventura counties. It will go into more detall than the U.S. Census reports and will focus on Mexican Americans. Ruben Rumbaut, co-director of the UCI Center for Research on lmrnigration. Populatlon and Public Policy in the School of Social Sciences. will serve as the study's lead in- vestigator. husband plans to talce the group up on Its offer. "That would be really great if that could work out," said City Councilman Don Webb. whose district includes the Dover Drive home. "The city is planning on going forward in accordance with what is legally correcL" 1131 Back Bay Drive Newport Beach, 92660 949-729-1144 www.newportdwtes.com 1/z PRICE PASTA NICHT 40°/o OFF APPETIZERS EVERY WEDNESDAY ALL WINE s1 g9s +TAX EVERY TUESDAY ON MONDAY H011seS~lad,Choictol WITH AN 580 OR NIGHT FOOTBALL P.istas. Demrt & Coffot! LESS VALUE 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE • 949-548-4060 •NEWPORT BEACH We've Got You Covered! For tile month of December the Bode Bay Cafe's Patt.a . wUl be coueredjor your dining eajoyment. You can eTiJoy our view Of the Back Bay wUh our added roof, heat and holiday decoratlanS. Most people don't want to broach the subject of life Insurance, because no one wants to imagine the unthinkable. But just as you work hard to provide for your family now. life insurance can take over that duty If something should happen to you: caring for your children, paying for college, covering the mortgage. 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Suf\d1y. ·~n~Aaaault with 1 deedly weapon waa reported In the 2700 block 11t 2:36 1.m Sundey. • w.at 11th St1Mt •f\d Monrovia Awnw: A 23-year-old man WH arreated on 1uap1clon of TRIAL Continued from Al car. The victim later Oagged down a pru.~ing vehlcle and was treated at Hoag I lo~pllal m Newpon Beach. Police arrested Dance two days later when a friend of the victJm, acting as a decoy, talked to lum ui a chat room and lured DEmlEIT1 removing e ahopplng can 1t to:50 1.m. Suf\day. • w.t Wllori 81rMt: An aaautt wu reported In the 300 blocht 6:.41 p.m. Sunday. • 22nd Str'Mt: Vaf\dallsm wa1 ~rted in the 100 blodt at 12:11 e.m. Sunday. NEWPORT BEACH •CHI 0"'9: Battery waa reponod In the 2000 blod: et 9:37 a.m. Monday. • Oceen Ftorrt Welt Battery was ntported In the 2300 blodc at 11:61 p.m . Sunday. • Quall Sir.et Commercial burgl1ry was reported In the 1100 blod: Ill 11:41 a.m. Mondey. • San Joequln Hlfla Roed: Vehlcle theft wa. reported at the Intersection of San Joaquin Hills Road at 4:55 p.m. Sunday. • Superiof' Avenue: Vandalism W&s reported In the 1600 blodc at 7:40 a.m. Monday. him 10 the Block at Orange again. After Dance's July conviction, Deputy District Arty. Steve Mc:Greevy said that "justice has been served" for the victim. The hearing, and Brian Dance's testimony. will continue today. • MARISA O'NEIL covers education and m1y be reac:tied It (949) 574-4268 or bye-mall at mariu .oneil@l11tlme1.com. SAlES EIEll1 725 BAKER ST (of Bristol)• COSTA MESA 714.540.5061 '' ... TOUGH ACT Continued from Al meetings with public lnpuL The Brown N;t describes a meeting ea •any gathmng of a majority of the memben of a covered boll'd to bear, d.lsC'lw or deUb· erate on matters within the agency's or board'• jurisdic- tion: For ex.ample, If four membe(I o( Newport Beach's aeven-mem· ber city council got 1ogecher for a cup of coffee to discuss who would be the next mayor, that would be a. clear and blatant vlolatlon of the ruJe. The act allows closed meet· ings to dlscU&S hiring and some other personnel matters, some pending Utigadon and some property negotfaUons. In each of these cases, che Idea Is that the meeting can be held in se· cret when public knowledge couJd affect the outcome: Jf It's widely known that a city wants 10 buy a piece of property for SI million, that could affect the price on the open market. But there are gray areas that make ii tricky for officials. resi· dents, reponers and even attor- neys to know what's OK and what isn't. lf Ridgeway had gone 10 a col· league and sald, "I want to be mayor. Two other council mem· bers have already agreed to sup· port me. Will you support me as weU?~ that would amount 10 a majority of councU members PRIMARY Continued from Al man. "From the NRCC standpoint, we're ll<m behind Mr. Rohrs· bacher. and we'll give him any a.asiatance he needs.· Forti said. While money is important, It won't be the sole factor in win· nlng rhe race. Image will also count, and onlookers expect per· aonal attacb to be part of the campaigning. Doman's record -Included a tussle with a fellow congressman and lllleglng that llleglll votes helped Rep. Loretta SanchM beat h1m In 1996 -gives Rohrs· bacher ammunldon 10 under- mine Doman's credJbillty, Petrac· ca said. But Rohrabacher wll1 need to watch hla back. "lf (Dornan Isl at all serious about doing thJs, he'll ftght tooth and nail. and It'll be a very, very VERDICT Continued from Al greac surge of brown water. I had just left rhe diso:ict attorney's office and had started a law practice. My first year as a private anomey, I earned SlO, so II shouldn't be too surprising that I had a lot of tlme on my hands. On this particular day, l had dropped by the sheriff's office 10 chac up some old friends, and there I was. llst~nlng to the various reports come in, when Jim Musick. then a deputy sheriff, later sheriff of Orange AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN items to the Delly Pilot, 330 W. Bay St.. Coate Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to lui1.pene~l11times.com; by fa>< to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4298. lndude the time, date and location of the event. as well aa a contact phone number. TODAY Th• Dororthy Wafl'am Memortel Lecture presentl '"The Epidemic of Chlldhood Obesity and What Cen Be Done?• with Dr. Floyd Culler. prof .. aor of .,.cJletrlca et UC Irvine; "Pediatric Neurology: What'I New?" with Or. Steve Phillps. neurologll\ at Children,. Hoapltal Orange County; and "The 60th Annlvenary of the Ooubta Htll.lt: Prof*:ting the fouture of Genomic Medk:lne• with Or. Edward Mceebe, d\alr of pedl1trice at UClA. TheM lecturet Wiii begin ate p.m. •t the Arnold and Mabtl Bedcman Center, 100 Acedemy Wwy. lnform1tJon: (9'9) 824-8202. WEDrtESOAY ~~"w41oflwa ..... Mmlnar and ct.monstratlon on thl I.tat tedlnology on c.llullt• ffMtmtn1t from 7 to 8 p.m. et 100 NeWpo" c.rit.t Drlve. 'The~ fa~ by Mtry o.iflene, e maeaage thlr.pilt. lnformltfon Ind ttglsVttlon: (Ml) 722"3M6, OIJffftOl>OdydtillQt?.tv. HMt HwwiblwllfMIW9en .....,.,~reupport group tboUt •eoptng ~" HOtldayl· ffom •:~to. p.m. at the Hota c.nc.r c..r; Conr.ntnce ROom A. lnfOrm.tlon , .. , 780-IM.2. 'Press coverage itself Is, I believe, the single biggest protection for the rights gbaranteed by the Brown Act. A typical member of a legislative body does not want to be accused of violating the Brown Act in the press: declded to place Wood and then-Oty Atty. Jerry Schur on paid leave, to create a aubcom- mitree to further review their perfonnance. to .audit the dry attorney's omce, and to halt all business w{th an outaJde firm Wood bas since backed away from the comment, ~that it wasn't intended for the publk and that it's not his place to pass such judgments on his own bosses. feny Frtlnck• General cOll\Sef tor the Caflf omta first Amendment Coafibon making or ane.mpting to make a behind-the-scenes decision. That would be a violaUon of the law, even though they didn't all meet at the same dme. DIFTICUU' TO ENFORCE When lhere' are vlolatlbns of the law, enforcement la d.lfflcult. Moat viohitlons are clvll mat- ters, but in some cases. viola· tions are misdemeanors that carry criminal penaltle.. In the 50 years of the act. however, no one has been convicted of a criminal violation, Francke said. because the burden of proof ls daunting. Criminal violations occur when meetings are held in secret with the deliberate m- tent of making policy outside the public eye. Civil violations are also tricky 10 punish. In extreme cases, a coun can overturn a council or school-board dedslon lf a pros· ecutor can prove that the ded· slon was arrived at in violation of rhe act. More often, though, the best a prosecutor can do Is ob· tain an injunction against a body to stop it £rom ma.kJng public de· cisions in private ln the future. This can be very frustrating vicious campaign,· Pecracca said. While both candidates are likely to be asking for money as March 2 draws closer, Rohra· bacher can count on some sup- pon from an unexpected quarter. "Anything I can do 10 make sure that Bob Doman does not represent me is what l feel l must do," said William Orton, a Costa Mesa Democrat and fonner can- didate for the 67th Assembly District seat While he'll support a Demo- crat in the general election, Or· ton said he dislikes Doman enough that he'd help Rohra· bacher with fuhd.raiaing for the primary. "I'm going to send Dana Rohrabacher a checlc, • Orton said. • AUC&A ROBINSON covera bu1lneu, polltlct and the environment. She can be reac:tied at (949) 784-4330 or by e·mall at •licl•.robin1on@latlmes.com. County, radioed the office. He said that be was stuck on the west side of the river and couldn't get back to Santa Ana. He requested advice on just what to do. Undersheriff Steve Duhan, a man of ff!W words. said, "Rent a.room.'' I went along with Deputy Sheriff George McKelvey 10 checlc out Santiago Dam, the dam across Santiago Creek that was put in to create Irvine Lake. We drove through barricades and got as close 10 the dam as possible by car. then walked 10 the foot of the dam. 1 don't know just how high that dam ls, but water was coming over the top of the dam carrying debris, Jona1han "'°""1o. protn.of and director of the Center for Biomedical Ethlca at the University of Virginia, will present 'The History end Ethlct of Human Experiments from the Nazis to the U.S. Miiitary" et 4 p.m. at the McDonnell Douglas Auditorium, et UC Irvine. Information: (9491824-9296. Th• Newport Beed\ PubGc • Library Foundation will hold lta Menuscrlpta Book otacu11lon Group at 9:16 a.m. at the Newport Beac:ti Central Library. The book selection for thl• month la "The S.Cnit Ufe of Bee•" by Suaen Monk Kidd. Information: (949) 717-3890. THURSDAY The Campua ColNQu• of Orange Coast College wilt hold a lunc:Non to ralM funds for the OCC Olaabted Stud9nta Center from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. at OCC. There will b9 entertalnmtnt prcwlcled bV Tvter Hoff and Kho IGro. The coat la $9.60 per perwn. Information: sr.ndMdtlnt•hotm.l/.oom. ~ Th"'9dlly Momlng Senior Women .. Club wlll p~ lta CMstmae party lund'lton Ind • mutbl •how et 11 e.m. at tht Ntwp0rt a..;, Radlaon Hotel. C646 Mdtthur Blvd. Thie will be $23; lnformMfon •nd l'NtrVttion: (714)842~ fNOAY '-"*' Wend8'Nf ..., .. 7 Atdlo Wiii hoei e holld'Y tov drfvt from 10 a.m. toA p.m. In Bloom~Courtvard. CulllofMrl ,,. enoour41gtd '° drop Off en unwf8pptd new tQV to b9~ under the Feihlon llland Chrtitrnee ""' for members of the public who were denied an opportunity to apeak on tome matters. lf a body makes a decision after de- nying members of rhe pubUc opportunity to speak. usually all that can be done In the after- math ls to get a court to 1ssue an lnjuncdon. The most powerful enforcer of the Brown Act, Francke said. ls the court of public oplnJon. MPress coverage Itself Is, I be· Ueve, the single biggest protec· don for the rights guaranteed by the Brown Act: Francke said. •A typical mem~r of a legislative body does nol want to be ac· cused of violating the Brown Act in the press.· An ongoing battle in Costa Mesa Is a case in point. fhe Dally PUoc on Oct. 24, 2002, reported that Asst. City Atty. Tom Wood had written an opinion that a Sept. 9, 2002. meetlng or most council mem· bers violated the Brown Act The meeting began as a rou· tine perfom1ance evaluation of the city atlorney and city man- ager, but council members present ended up taking some farther-reaching actions. They There has been no official ru.J ing on whether council mem- ~rs violated the Brown Act, and such a ruling might never ~.made. "A' good many people, for understandable reasons, believe that the Brown Act addresses every p,osslble restrlcllon on pubUc panicipaUon that can be imagined or that It addresses every last question about how meetings are to be conducted: Franclce said. "It certainly doesn't do that. It covers a great many, but a good many other things are either not addressed in any law or set of rules or are matters of parliamentary pro· cedure rather than issues ad dressed under the Brown Act. "It simply doesn't address all the things that people feel arc unsatisfactory about how meet ings are conducted," Francke said. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beach and John Wayne Airport. She may be reached at (9491 574-4232 or by e·mall at June. cas11gr11nd11@latims1.com. WHO'S RUNNING ... TM Oreoge County Reglttrlr of Voters report• that th ... candldat• wlll bt on tM ballot In th• March i primary election. The filing deadline for ded11'8tlon1 of c.ndJdacy WM Friday. u.a. HCMe of .......,._ ... ttwe..41d\ DWtrtct: Oena Rotuabachet (R, lncttmbent), Jim 81'9ndt (0), Ted CrfHll (0), Peul C. Wllld"' (0), Robtt1 IC. Domen (R), Tom L.uh (GRN). Keltn Gann (UBN). 0 .1. ~of .......... 411dw..-. 0'9trtot Chrlttopher Cox (R, Incumbent), JelOf'I ~ (0), John G;at,1m (0), Bruce Cohen (UBN). etat. a.n-. asu, Ol9tMt: Rita Selbert (0), John Clmpl*l (R), Ken M1ddo" (A). Joe Snyder (R), Timothy Johnt0n (UBN). ttete A&Mmbty, 11th~ Al Snook to), Mutt llyes (RI, Vin Tren (R), l.art'Y O. AUlton (UBN). It* AIMmbly, 70d'I Dlelrlct: Clr1 MlrU ({)),Cristi Criltld1 (R), Chudt OeVore (R), ChonChol b. Gupta (R). Long K. Pham (R), M1rlenne Zipp! (R), Donald P. Wagner (Al, Mark ~ldwtn (UBN). cactus, brush and a couple of mall trees. It looked like the dam was going to go any minute. so we got out or rhere. Somehow. the dam held, U11doub1edJy saving a number of lives. The 1938 flood led to the building of Prado Dam in 194 I. That dam has done a pretty good job of controlling floods, although it got a little iffy during the last El Nino period, when it burst some of the levees behind the dam and flooded Corona airport According lo a city study, the failure of Prado Dam could cause some serious flooding in Newpon. but since ii would take Information: (949) 721-2000. The Rtn.x Sympathedc Dystrophy friends aupport group will meet et 7 p.m. at Cocos, 2750 several hours for the flood waters to reach rhe city, there would be time to evacuate. Having watched people on the East Coast Dee from hwrlcanes. I'm afraid rhe waler would hit just as traffic reached gridlock. Homeowners are urged to have emergency supplies in case of earthquakes and other natuml and unnatural disasters: flashlights, batteries, water. canned goods, matches. l think I just might add a life raft, and maybe a couple of rubber duclcles. • ROBERT GARDNER 11 a Corona del Mar realdant and a former judge. His column runs Tuesdays. Harbor Blvd .. Cosu Mesa. Information: (949) 650-1212, (714) 491-9400. RICHARD C. FULLER Richard Cline Fuller, a retlnMi lnduatrlallat and corporate executive pasted away on Decemt>.r 3, .tter a brief lllneu. Born In Loa AngelH on December 19, 1911 he attended franklin Hlgli School and Los Angeles Ctty Oofleoe, earning an M degl'M In Mronautlcal enQlnffring. tfe wu a graduate of the first Executive Program In the UCLA School of BuaSneu. Hit catfft coincided with th• growth of the u~ lnduttry during the MCOnd haff of the i.tt c-.itury. He began u • salel Engineer with The Bendix Cotl>onatlon In 1 CM(). He became d~ General~. then Vice P~t of the Paolflo Dlvltlon. H• mov~ to Detroit, Ml u Senior Va PrMkSent for a.Mix In 196'7. Returning to Newport BMch CA In 1970, he became Pf'Mkfent of the Enetgy Producta OtvlSlon of Royal lnduatrtn. He left Royal In 1979 to form hi• own ~Ind AcqultltloM Company, IP9Clallzfng In woapece manufaotur1ng. Over ttl• court• of hi• lifetime h• wu lnvotv~ In the deYetopment., tntlng and manufacture of equipment UMd In our cOunlrYt .,..._and~ progrwn1 A d4Woted hulMnd Md~ Dk>k wae ~ tn c:IMth. by '* bekw9d wtf9, Meften. He • euMv9d by (our dauahter9 Matttyn N11 .. n ~ Newpott BMon, ~ Bev...ty wmard = ~~). ~.!r.o:;.~~.:= N1111n, ltl¥e Pl1• 1n. Todd , Jamet Wlllerd John Woo.Wt Mtke WG a•r. 8oott ...,._ Md Ryan ewnae ll1d ~ ~~ ~·~n e.odenov, Or. l<Mt~ -·" •fV -111v ...,_, .._ --• 91-' gt"llldoNldNn M9tnafW Nt"'°9 on F~ Oeoember 19 ~a pm •t St M-" ~ Churoh. In leu Of flowert the f.,,,ltY ~= ttwt memoNi ~ be m.cte' to It. Melt< ,.,. -Ch&nh M9moltil "'*'d, t'f 00 Mw Vletm. Newport e.ati. CA llllO OI Alta ... 8ummlt ~ .._. =' A111m'Dtl Cent9r, MIO AilfO/ Awnue, a.rtal~, CA ·~~----...,..--~ ....... ..i-----............ ------...-i----------------.-..----~~--------..----..0..._ ____________ ~--...-.--....:.. ....... _..~~---·-------------...... ----.... ----------....... ..-.~·~~---. ' Dally Piiot TueSday, December 9, 2003 AS NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL PREVIEW ON THE AGENDA FYI Here are some Items to be considered by the Newport Beach Oty Council tonight protected in case of a tlre. Most of their proposals involve tlre-safe landscaping. WMAT TO EXPECT The Ideas l:he chlef Is proposing would. •WHAT: Meeting of the Newport Beech City Council • WHEN: 7 p.m. today; the study aeulon ~Ina et 4:30 p.m. DINGHY STORAGE An idea that's long been simmering in the city's Harbor Commission will have its firsr audience with the council when it considers in its srudy session whether to add dinghy storage racks to several locations in the city. The idea is to give holders of offshore mooring permits a place to store their dinghies, which they • use to access their boars offshore. fhe plan would also lengthen lhe allowed time for docking boats and dinghie!> at some piers.. If lmplemented, be paid for in part by 1esldents. And because It's always difficult to ger unanimous support from residents on something that wW cost them money, the matter could be a Uttle conrendous. The council won't take any action tonight It could ask to have the cnatter come back on a regular agenda for fonnaJ acdon. NEW MAYOR • WHERE: City Council chambers at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. •INFORMATION: Agendas and staff report• are available onllne at http:llwww.clty.newport·bt1•ch.ca.ua; by phone, contact (949) 644-3000. two-pronged plan to extend control over some county.facilities Is on the agenda. At its last meeting. the council voted to send a letter to county leaders asking them to sit down with the city and discU&S how the city might play a role in nearby tidelands, the Coyote Canyon Landfill. John Wayne Airport and Santa Ana Heights redevelopment Tonight, they'U vote on creating a MSphere Issues Comminee" to further explore what the city could do to better control these county facilities. • Valances & Cornice Sons • Roman Shades • Blindt • Verticals • Sbuttert • Bedspreads WHAT TO EXPECT At the last meeting of every year, the City Council decides who will be mayor for the next year, who will be vice mayor and where they will all sit on the dais. WHAT TO EXPECT Tonight's item is for djscussion only; no action will be taken. But council members might decide to bring the matter back for a formal vote at a future council meeting. Insiders say that Vice Mayor Tod Ridgeway Is a likely piclc: for mayor, if for no reason other than he now occupies the job that usually leads to may0r. He was also mayor in 2002. The question of who will be tl1e vice mayor in 2004 is a little harder to answer. Some say it's lilrely to be either John J leffeman or Gary Adam,. WHAT TO EXPECT BUCK GULLY SAFETY Also in the study session. the council will hear a presentation by Fire OtiefTun Riley on the state of fl re safety in Buclc: Tonight's agenda Item would only create the committee. Officials would decide later whether to taJce action on any of these wsphere issues." For that reason, it's likely tonight's uem will be approved. Gully. Riley will present the department's view on how homes near Buck Gully and in Corona del Mar could be better SPHERE ISSUES COMMITTEE TOWN Continued from A4 SATURDAY Shaft(y's Wood-fired Mexican Grill wlll have a grand opening celebration from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. to help Newport Coast Cares ralae funds for La Hacienda de la lnmaculada, a 1mall orphanage in Tljuana. The colt will be $10 for adult• and $5 for children. Sharky'a is at 21119 Newport Coelt Drive, Newport Coast Shopping Center. Information: (949) 433-7879. The City of Colt• MNI and Torelli Realty are sponsoring the clty'1 annual Holiday Snow Hill, which will be from 9 e.m. to noon at the Balearic Community Center, 1976 Balearic Drive. The event will include 60 tons of snow, hay rides and a special visit by Santa. Santa will arrive at 10:30 a.m. by helicopter. Information: (714) 754-5158. 0111nge County P.ople for Animals will have a silent auction, live music, a gue11 speaker, and OCPA's annual "Peace for Animals" community ceremony at 6:30 p.m. st the Ayers Country Inn & Suites Hotel, at 325 S. Bristol St. The cost Is $40 for members and $50 for nonmembers. Information: (714) 751-0CPA, http://www.ocpsuss.org. The merd'lanu of Balboa Invite you to watch the students of NeWport Elementary Sctiool as they participant in the annual merdlant Chnstmas painting program from 9 to 11 e.m. at the Fun Zone area Balboa Village in front of the Ferris wheel. Information: (9491675-0501, http:llwww.balbosnewportbeac/1 com. Costa M ... High School will have a commun1tywide campus cleanup day from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at 2650 Fairview Road. People will meet Inside the main entrance by the Lyceum. Adults and teens are welcome. h1formatlon: Ricardo Dence (714) 751·9856. SUNDAY Halectut Park will be hosting • holiday boutique from 8 a.m to 6 p.m. at 3107 Klllybrook Lane, Costa Mesa. There will be handmade cntft1, Mary Kay Cosmetics, Cookie Lee Jewelry, Avon Cosmetlce and more. Child care will be available. Information: {714) 557-7234. Mal1h•'• BookstoN wlU have • champagne book signing for the ·suent ~reen Cookbook• by Joanabell Lewie from 11 a.m to 1 r..m. at 3081/J Marine Ave., Balboa eland. Information: (949) 873-7185. Judging will b9gfn for Balboa lal1nd'1 annual holiday home decorating conteat. Judging will go on until 10 p.m. each day through Dec. 16. Some of the cttegori• ,,.. tredltional, molt orlglnel and belt 1nlmated Hom" are 111 judged by vofunte.rt. Information: Joanie COOJ*, (949) 875-4441, 1949) 873-8700. A Ch"*"-oonc.t wtll M ,.._.., It a tnd 7:80 p.m. at tM Church of JtM.11 Chrfet of LltttMf•Y Sainte' Newport Beed\ Stake Centlr, 21!50 Bonltl C.nyon Road. Tu. peecti City Btll• end Vel Jamort end oth•r tololltl will be fNtUml et the two performenc:ee. lnfonnltlon: (949) ~. f11e second part of lhl' city'!> -Compiled Lry June C/Jsagrwule decorating contest Judging will go on each day until 10 p.m . through Dec. 16. Some of the categories are traditional, most original and best animated. Homes are all judged by volunteers. lnformsrion: Joanie Cooper. (949) 675-4441, (949) 673-8700. DEC. 16 Judging wiU continue for Balboa Island'• annual holiday home decorating contest. Judging will go on each day until 10 p.m . through Dec. 16. 9ome of the catagories are traditional, most original end bett animated. Homes are all judged by volunteers. Information: Joanie Cooper, (9491675-4441, (949) 673-8700. Cotti Meu High School wlll holt a book fair fundralaer from 4 to 8 p.m. at Barnes & Noble Bookaellers at Triangle Square, 1870-B Harbor Blvd. A book fair voucher la required for a percentage of the purchase to be given to Costa Meaa High School. Vouchers may be obtained at. the school's front office or they may be received by fax . Information: nadlne112390@mlndspring.com The ACLU of Orange County wlll host two speakers, Chariie Reed and Steph Campbell, who will discusa Issues related to the separation of church and state, the faith-based initiative and how 1t affects the 1st Amendment. at 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Universalist Church, 1259 Victoria, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 2994551. DEC.18 The Young Executives of Amerfca wilt hoat Paul A. Motenko, chairman of the board and co-CEO of Chicago Pizza 8c Brewery Inc., during its breakfast meeting at 7:30 a.m. at the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Besch. The cost is $16 for members and $25 for nonmembers. Information. (949) 721-8686. DEC.20 •otvorce: A New Beginning• 11 •. workshop for men and women In the process of divorcing or recently divorced from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. at 180 Newport Center Drive. The cost is $40. Information: (949)644-0435. The Colt• Mua,Newport Harbor Lions Club wilt serve hamburgers, ctieeseburgers end hot dogs and the Orange County Model Engineer• will conduct free train rides from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Ooat Hiii Junction train station at Fairview Park. Information: (949) 674-0337. DEC.21 Fashion Island will holt ftl annual menorah lighting ceremony at 3 p.m . at Bloomlngdele'1 Courtyard. The event will be hotted by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Cha bad Jewish Center In Newpon Beech. Information: (949) 721·2000, http://www.shopf•shlon/1/and. com DEC.22 The Orange Cou,.._, M..ut Place will hold ltt Holldey Market Piece from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Oreno• County fairgrounds. Admlufon wfll bt frM. ~will be ertlNnt' and c,.ftert' comer, photo• with Santi Cl1u1 and ... eonal ent4NtllnrMnt. The Env~ Hetul9c.ntw wlll prMtnt • holiday craft worbhop In wtiloh lJlrtlclpanta cen cniet• th4tlr own tPtetal holldev 1M10n glflt for f amity and frlendt utlng •variety of materl•I• from 9 e.m. 3 p.m. The cost 1s $140 per student with a 10.,.o discount for members. There will be a $26 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.23 The Environment.I Nan.ire Center will present a holiday craft workshop In which participants can create their own apeclal holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The coat Is $140 per student with a 10% dlacount for members. There witf be a $26 materl1ls fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.24 The Environmental NatuN Center wlll present a holiday craft workshop in Which participants can create their own 1pecial holiday eeaaon gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. Tha coat 11 $140 per student wifh a 10% discount for members. There will be a $26 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. DEC.26 The Environmental Nature Center will present e holiday craft workshop In which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends ualng a variety of materiala from 9 a.m 3 p.m. The cost la $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $26 meterlala fee. Information: (9491645-8489. ONGOING The Newport Center Toastmaster's Club can help you improve your public speaking skill• or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of profesaional disciplines and badtgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Gu eats ere welcome. For more information, call (949) 721·5732. Sole Comfort and uu,.•1 HouH have teamed up to help those m need by collecting shoes from Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfort, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. Laura's House is committed to ending the cycle of domestic violence and strengthening famlllea. Information: (949) 644-5939. The Newport Beach Public Library la holding its holiday food drive through Dec. 12. There will be Share Our Selves bins at the library for donations of canned goods and non-perishables. Donation• can be dropped off during regular library h6ura: ~om 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday end Saturday and from noon to 6 p.m. Sunday. Information: (949) 717-3801 South eo..t Pica wltl have tte Santa'• VIiiage through Dec. 24 a1 CerouHI Court Shoppers can make crafta at the Alpine Wood Shop, Holiday Trimming• Shop and the Vlllege Bake Shop. The colt varie1 per craft. Information: (714) 436-2083, http:/lwww.60Uthcoaftf>l•u.com. 8outft Cout Plue wtll have ttt ftmout eerouMI ttlntforrMd from hortea \0 Santa't relndMr untll Dec. 28. Tht colt for• ride la $1. lnformttlon: (714) 436-2083, http:/..WWW.IOLtthcolltJ)laz.a.com. South Coat "8it wltl hwe Sentt'a Exi>,... Treln runnfng through Jen. 4 et the Crttt a 8tn-e""1ac:y'a Home StON wing on l8Yel 2. Information: (714) 438-2083, http://WwWsouthcoastplsza.com. The Newport-Mesa crfbbage club meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. at Oasis Senior Center. 800 Marguerite Ave. in Corona del Mer. The cost is $2. Information: (949) 646-5293. Paator Hein Austin le1d1 a Bibi• study on ·How to Become a Contagious Christian· from 6 to 8:30 p.m. Wednesdays at Jn W. Wilson St., No. ts In Costa Mesa. All are welcome to coma end meet new friends. Information: (9491722·7498. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Unlveraallat Church. 1269 Victoria St. In Colta Mesa. Eacti month's meeting wlll feature e different speaker on Issues relating to the Bill of Rlghta. Information: (714) 957-6107. 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale $1099 Reg. ~14.99 Now through December 21 Con' Mt.~A 17111 SrRHl P!l(l\ll '<AD~ 1COM."llUll 17111 t "'°'"" ·"'" TUSTIN MARKHPL,\<.:F 2'1lj~ E.l CA\ll'O Rf "l ''I Ak Kil" R l ' CROS~ROAU CE'fft R fR\ l't "' 8-.11111\ .. ( ~ 1-(800) 541-6176 -Book Drive The Rotary Clubs of Newport-Balboa. Newport Beach Sunrise and Newport-Irvine Fountain for Youth Funds will match up to $6,800 In contributions mode by the public to buy reading books for the libraries at three Newport-Mesa Elementary Schools on the Wes1side of Costo Mesa -Pomona, Whittier · ' and Wiison Schools. The books will be used by children in Kindergarten through Grade 3 as they master English and Reading. ------------------------------------------------------Yes, I want to help children master Reading and English by the age of nine Here 1s my contnbution to buy books for Pomona, Whittler and Wilson Elementary Schools _ S 10 will be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 12 reading books _ S25 will be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 30 reading books _ S50 will be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 60 reading books _ $100 wlll be matched by Rotary Fountain for Youth Funds and buy 120 reading books. _ Other amount to be matched by Rot.lry Fountain for Youth Funds Make your tax-deductible check payable to Rotary 5320 Foundation and mall to Dally Pilot Promotions DepartmenVReadlng by 9 Book Drive P.O Box 1560 Costa Mesa, CA 92628 To order books for our students, your contl1butlon to be received by December 15, 2003, is greatly appreciated. • Donors and the amount given will be recognized In the Reading by 9 Honor Roll In the Dally Piiot unless they request not to be listed by che(klng here _Please don't Ust my name. YourN•m--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--....... ---~~~~~~~~..-. Add~.._ ____________________________________________ ~------------ Ofy and~P·~----------------------------------~Phon'~--------....:..-- • M TutSdiy, Decembet 9, 2003 FORUM HOW to GET PU1USHED -l..a.n: Mall to Edftoriel P9Qe Editor S.J. Cahn st the Oalty Piiot. 330 W. Bey St, Costa Mele. CA 92827 • R11-.. Hodne: Call (IM9) 842-6088 Fu: Send to (IM9) 648-4170 E-mal:Send to dallypllotOIMJma.oom •All ~ must lndude full name. hometown and phone number (for verttk:atlon purpoMt). The Pilot ,........ the right to edit all 1Ubml .. lona for darfty and length. COMMUNITY COMMENTARY Blame it all on my roots By Sue Cl•rk T he Prince of Peace Olurch in Costa Mesa Ls having a ficus tree problem, with tallt or 1earing down the trees. When J read the news, I thought of the good side of llcus tree problems. The church folb got 10 meet their neighbors. So did I, and not in a good way. in 1995, I found a beautiful, Ocus-lined street ln Newpon Heights and bought a house there. I was enamored with the house, the street and the huge ficus tree on my curbside. Love Is blind. I fell lucky to have the biggest tree on the block. When you 31'\ln a relationship, some or the thin~ you find so endearing a1 first eventually tum out to be grindingly Irritating. You should also pay dose auentlon to the things others 'notice about your beloved. The big. gruff man that does my yard work took one look at the tree and muncrcd an expletlve. "Get rid of that sucker,· he pointed to my tree. "But 11's so beautiful" I wru. shoclwd. ·1.oolc at yow dnveway. Sec those cracks?" he pointed to my bumpy concrete. "There's a lawsuit waiting to happen. You can thank your 1ree: Deep in my denial. I ignored him. Until the first fruit droP. of the year. For those of you who don'1 own a ficus tree, the fnut drop 1s e thrice yearly phen omMon where the ficus tree r.tlns down '>quashy fruil the si7e of grapes on terold!>. It sticks to the street, the driveway, and, most charmln¢y. tJic ti.res and underbelll~ of any car<. that drive on it. More spl'cifically, mine. and more <;pectficaJly, any cars driving down m y streeL I tried to sweep it up every day. I pretended It was developing my triceps for siding. Alas, I remained a weak skier, and the fruit drop assault was unstintlng. It lasted for three weeks or so. My neighbors on the right got the fruit on their driveway; they were elderty, i.o I tried to keep their driveway clean, too. Meanwhile, my plumbing started to clog up. The plumber took one look at the ficus tree and bowed to IL "lbank you for my RJvlera cruJse: he told It. When he had finished clearing the drain, he showed me the roots. ·1 had to do this three times,· he said, "so t charged extra." He •trolled off whlstllng to hi.a truck and called back. "See you next month.· I called the clty. A tree man there, ~ blgb up (no pun intended), intoned, "You are expettenctna fruit drop." He also explained th.at ftcus root.a run lof18 and deep and tended to clog up MAILBAG Newport not ready to go back to the old In response to Ralph Wan"lngton'• auggesdom from Saturday's Readers Respond that •thousands of resldenta ant aubjected to unnecessary nolse wbto th plan could fly the old ftJ&ht path,• it Is amazing and oull'l&ht telO hJ 1b uagttt and further proPQM any one neighborhood aolely belt th brunt of such nolte brought about by tlle alrport defeat/cxpan fon la rldlculoua. Al good courteous ~ wa WllcOme your ty to aJao thtte in lM mlnut ·by·mlnut~ convenatlon ' my plumbing. I was Impressed with the branches of tree lcnowledge he had mastered. "'Will you remove lt1" I was over the ficus relatlonship. I needed to move on. "You have to prove It's on our property: He sent a city lawyer to decide thls. and the dty reluctantly admitted ' It was their tree. l blithely made plans to have it taken out I ftgured the nelghbon would appreciate no more fruit drop. My elderly couple was thrilled. They told m e the tree was hurtif18 their drains. too. The tree removers appeared. and started to set up their equipment My 11 year-old ran into the bathroom, where I was taking a shower and said, "Mom, there are a bunch of people standing around the tree." I went out to meet my new neighbors. They were pretty much hugging the tree. "Why didn't you ask our penni.sslon? This Is a beaudful rree. It helps the property value of the SO'eel." I had never seen a hate stare before, but one of the women gave me one. There was some confusion , as the neighbors thought I was renting. Once aU of the facts came out, including a 'neighbor who offered to pay my plumbing bills. I caved. "The tree stays,• I said. I nagged the city into putting a polyethylene shield around the roots, and got them to pay one-half of my new driveway. It took years before I got to know my neighbors as friends. The neighbor never came through with the.plumbing money. though. I was known on the street as That Lady That Almost a.it Down the Tree. As the years went on. I realized that the tree was indeed beautiful. And when I sell my house, the tree does add to the street appeal. I also found out that some of my neighbors had in the past secretly pulled their ftcuses out during the night The seaet.a a quiet street conceal.L I have come to temu with clogged drains. I try to sweep up the fruit drop. but I'm more nonchalant about It now. If the neighbora drtve through some of lt, ao be It. Come on ~rand help me sweep. We can get to lcnow each other. I'm planning to.retire fairly aoon. and l lcnow thla houae will sell f:ut .... 'hen I put lt on the marbt. The only problem wW be bow to rnaritet lt durtng the amall ipacea between rrutt drop. • IUI a.AM It 1 Newport Beach retldeot end • high ~I guld.noa oounMIOr at CrMblde High~ In trvlne. alterlng nolae lntrullona and ultimate p-atiftc:ation that the growth of a local airport provldea (ba)t In your bubble world. dJd you really think that you we!.'9/ln! IO laolated from the eft'ecu of further expanalon of m. alrpoctf No one ln the wodd chooeea to have an inaeaae ln cornmetdal tllghta dlrec:tly ovetheed on a daily buts? ~mo to our Biibo& laland bubbleworid. We wck:ome the abWty to lh&rt with all of our netgbbon, ~ Wdcome lo the MW ral ' wodd or Newport ee.ch and all that the Aitwe alrpOrt eiplnlion wfJl Impart upon our~ litest)1el and tubeequent pm~~ IRINITNUY Balbo. laland READERS RESPOND • • FllE PHOTO I DAILY PILt!T Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, pictured here at a memorial paddle-out last year, will face former Rep. Bob Dornan in the 2004 primary.': Few voters appear ready ; for Congressm~n Domari AT ISSUE: Whom will voters support in the March Republican primary, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher or former Rep. Bob Dornan? I have some serious questions about the current quall.6cations of Bob Dornan. Briefly, how much time has he spent ln our disbict getting lo lcnow us since 19961 ls he even CamiUar with our local and regional i&Nes, and if so, what a.re his positions on them? Why does he lnslst on representlng Orange County? The man 1.lves in Virg1nla; why doesn't he run there7 While I am not a fan of Dana Rohrabacher due to (in my opinion, pleue) the questionable and unethical character of some of hi.a a.saodates, at least he lcnowa hla district. Its wues and It.a conatituency; and be has fairly represented us. Even so, what lousy choices.. KIMSHETTUR Mesa Verde Doman would never get my vote. I don't lib foul-mouth, bbnmioua people, and we aure don't need them ln our government. PEGGY MAROTTA Balboa Island Of the nwnerous reuons not to vote for Bob Doman. let me juat brtng up the obvious: He doeen"t live ln the d.lstrid he wants to repraent. Leplly. he doesn't have to. but bow well can he repre.ent an uea where he doean't live. He bu homes ln the Wuhlngton, O.C area and Garden Grove and, accordfna to the Loa Angel.ea llrnes, he la conalderlng ptdng an apartment tn Huntington Beach. u lf be wlll apend time there. There was good reason for Reps. Chris Cox. Ron Packard, Ed Royce and Rohrabacher not to support Doman in his battle against Loretta Sanchez. He was an embarrassment to Orange County and polltlcs in general, and they were wise to distance themselves from him. CRAIGDIXON Balboa I'd vote for Mickey Mouse before I'd support ·e-1 Bob" DomanJ MIKE BUETTELL Balboa Island I am for Rohrabacher, not Doman. Bill VOrT Newport~ No, I certainly would not I vote for Doman). I am a Newport Beach resident I certa.inly would not vote for him. I hope someone lcnocks some sense into that man's head We don't need that wild man again. PHYWS JASMIN Newport Beach I have lived ln the Congressional District rep"'5ellted by Dana Rotlrabacher alnce 1968. I am a Democrat but I am willing to put partiaanah.lp as.Ide and to publicly endorse Dana Rob.rabacber ln his effort to win h.la party nom.lnadon ln March aga1nat Bob Doman. Aa a Democrat for Dana, I lcnaw that I wUI catch gu1f from acdvl.sts within my own party. but there la abaolutely no way that r wW alt sdll and potalbly a.If aw Robert IC. Doman to repreaent me ln the United Statea Congress. WllUAM R. "81.L •ORTON Cotta Mesa I am for Dana Robrabacher. I don't lcnaw what hi.I [Dqman'a) problem la, but he certainJy doesn't need to run against Danll. He needs to run against someone else. Piek a Democrat. but not Dana. 1 think he is going to find out that he is wasting his • m oney, time and resources of his family as well by getting involved in this race. ~ JUNE MCKINZIE CostaMQ$8 As a Democrat, I'd like to see Doman get nominated in the Republican primary " because he is such an Idiot, maybe the , . voters would elect a Democrat, but on tht: other hand I don't have much faith in the:; voters either -they'd probably elect w.m.; Between the devil you know and the devil you don't know, I guess I'd keep Rohrabacher. LENARD DAVIS Newport Beach Since Rohrabacher and Doman are do· nothing windbags who are only elected because their conadtµen~ ~t to prove to the world haw atupldly coruervative RepubUcan they a.re. What dl.ff'erence does It make? Hopefully, somebody lJke Unda • Sanchez wUI come along and bbot Robrabacher out, and we wW get on with, ure. WALLACE WOOD Costa Mesa I would support Dana Rohrabacher over Bob Doman. CLARK HAYES Corona del Mar Who would I support, Doman or Rohrabachet'l If I had to choose between those two, Rohrabacher has my vote • because Doman ls a Looney Thona loose• cannon. .. • ....i. FlO """''If' C:O.ta Mesa . . "' • I Golf course a clean the county ot Orange l.uued a Goetz, the arc:hltect aCCUJed of Why la RJdieway hiding (what pennJt for a cellular &lte In mulr:f.l• felonJea ln the cummt appear• to e) the truth about choice for landfill Newport Coat without public acan al regarding the hls actual relationship with : Aa 1 Newpon Cout resident, comtnent. Thia permit would over-belgbt bulldlnp ln Mr. Goettl Slmple I look forward to the not be lawed ln Newport Beach Newport Beach. embanuament? Perhaps. Bu\ conversion of the Coyote without a duly noticed pubUc At the each council meeting we need to know. I Canyon landflll alte to 1 public commeot time period.~ when the topic hu come up, RJdgeway la eyeing another • golf coune. At the pment time, Mayor Steve Bromberg Ridgeway bu recuted hhNelf term u mayor. Before the • thealte la bamn and Newport Beach council bued OJ\ the fact that be ooce cltiunl and council consider unattractive, but with a goll membert to mow forward on used Goetz u h1I uchltect hJs can dacy, he abould com.e coune, the aeathedct of the thlt community enhancement durtns a n!model project. Tb~ clean about hlt COMection uea would vatcly lrnprow. project. truth la that be and Andrew with Goeti. Hlttorlcally, dOMd landflll altet AL WllJftlER have th&ied an office at 2.50 PAUL~ SARAH P!O£RUN throucbout Southern c.automla Newport c.out Newport Center Drtve for yean, Newport Beach haWI been IUCC8lfuDy a fact on which Goetz often Ready to tee off at tJ conven.d to Solf coul"Mll. Gntat Ridgeway hould come commented. • cA land~ clean abqut architect Now, tf J:u 10 to their Coyote Omyon .. t blU9w that thi city of former • te, you will aee that • Newport 8'ilt.b can do I Tod RldpWa'y, Newport the nameplat• hu be•n I vote~n 1 golf courae fQf IUperior Job tn ~and Beach city councilman and recentJ=ed otr the door Coyote n in Newport ~the golf couneu former mayor. thould como and tu y'a triattnett card CouL . compmed co dewlopmen• bi clean abOut hll true ii unceremonlOusly taped to ... NM11EU. the county ot Otanfe. Recently, madon.hlp With Andnw the door of an adjacent tulte. NewPon9*t '/ I QUOTE OF THE DAY "[The Huntington Beach loss] was a game we needed and this was one we needed too.." , . Ryan Hernandez, NewJJort Harbor .-eh boys soccer coach Sailors · awaken to blank :Estancia Newport bounces back from Friday loss to easily handle Costa Mesa. e.,ry Faulkner Daily Pilot -COSTA MF.SA -It was, :fery quklcly in fact, the • :l)'pe of game that -.night have required :the use of a snooze 2utton for the visiting ::%)}ewport Harbor High ~ soccer team ~onday at the Costa Mesa Farm Com,, ~lell. : But the wake-up call delivered to the ~ors in Friday's lopsided nonleague ~ss to Huntington Beach, helped keep em focused throughou( a dominating 2 -0 triumph over host Costa Mesa. : "(The Huntington Beach loss! was a . game we needed and this was one we needed, too." Newport Harbor first· year coach Ryan Hernandez said after the Tars (2-1) scored two goals in each half and just missed posting several more. "Today we needed to get our confi- dence back up," Hernandez said. ·Ac· tually, we should have scored way more.~ The Sailors' sense of urgency was ap- nareot from the outset as It took only 2 minutes, 20 seconds for the visitors to find the net Senior Skylar Taugher booted home about a 25-yard shot, set up by a feed from junior Nicholas Hedriks, to get the •Sailors rolling. Senior Joel Walker, recently named to the Olympic Development Program's state team for players born in 1986, kept the momentum golng in the 23rd ~ute. He took a well-placed through ball from Eduardo Garcia and fued it home to double the lead. •· · Walker, whom Hernandez said is eas- ily the best player on the team, came off the bench after mjsslng the Hun· tlngton Beach game, and some recenl practices, due to illness. He showed no IJngering effects. • "I wish l could have played in the Huntington game, because It was a hard wake-up call," Walker said. "I '"think we showed we were refocused 10- <iay. We scored some good goals and, to get the shutout was also good." Costa Mesa (0·2) managed five first- 'half shots, to the Sailors' nlne, but things deteriorated for the hosts after intermission. Newport completely dominated the final 40 minutes. outshooting the Mus- tangs, 7-2, and rarely allowing the ball Into Mesa territory. '" $pcwta Edbt RJcfMird DUnrt: (9491 5744223 • Sports Fu: (9491650-0170 BOYS SOCCER PHOTOS BY [)()l,QA5 ZIMMERMAN I DALY PILOT Newport Harbor's Will Guzman, right, fights for possession of the ball with Costa Mesa's Julio Garcia in Monday's game. Senior sweeper Matt 1\-acy negated most Mustang runs before they started and junior David Manchester also con- tributed strong defense in front of goal- ies Tuyfor Carver (two saves in the tlrst half) and Juan Cruz (two in the sec- ond). Offensively, senior Will Guzman was a consistent catalyst for the Sailors, while Tuugher, senior Oiase Kelly and senior Conrad Williamson were among those who produced quality scoring threat& Guzman, a four-year varsity per· Conner, set up Williamson for the thlrd goal, cros.sing the ball from close to the sideline to the front of the goal, where it settled conveniently on Williamson's right foot and was directed Into the net "(Guzman! was a horse In the middle today: Hernandez said. "But we showed a lot of strength all over the field." Williamson did most of the work for the final tally, dribbling through the last line of defense, only to see 1\-acy, moved up to forward late in the game, seize the loose ball and direct it inlo an open net in the 36th minute. Junior goalie Wlllmer Hernandez played heroically for the Mustanp, fin- ishing with four saves and directing several other balls out of the box. Junior sweeper Juan Dominguez was another defensive standout for the Mustangs, who were coached by assist- ant Trinidad Hernandez. Coach Eugene Day spent the-day at the frosh-soph game, filling in for a coach who had to leave early, he said. "I thought we played better today than we did against Fountain Valley," Trinidad Hernandez said. "Newport has a great team." Costa Mesa, which opened with a 6-0 loss to Fountain Valley, is 0-22 -1 since winning a CIF Southern Section Divi- sion IV first-round playoff game In 2002. Newport Harbor's Chase Kelly holds off Costa Mesa's Juan Morales during the second half of the Sailors' victory Monday at the Costa Mesa Farm Complex. EYE OPENER Daily A.Pi~ Sporta HaD or fame Clio l.w'Mltolll ii"' I • 1r11 " Otc. 15 hono<ee WILUAMC. WARMINGTON Tuesday, December 9, 2003 A7 GIRLS SOCCER Sage boasts talented lineup Lightning return 12 and many have gained club experience in off-s~ason. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot Amy Ray has been coaching Sage I fill School's girls soccer team since ils incep- tion four years ago and wasn't reluctant when • asked if this was the most talented squad she has had in that time. ~Definitely," Ray said about the Ught· ning. who return 12 from a team thal went 4-13, 3-6 in the Academy League, last season. Sage 11111 didn't lose anyone to graduation. A major difference comi11g into this season from years past is the number of players who have been playing with club teams. "I see major improvements in their slcill levels. and that is just from summer and fall training." said Ray, an ~istanl athletic director and teacher al the school "Laura Gordon spent all !>Um · mer and fall in special goalie training for the first time and she has lmproVl'd dra- matically." Gordon and center hallbadc Amy Werblln, both junior returners, earned first-team all-league recognition last winter while senior Megan Curry and sophomore Sara Becker each give the Lightning a spark at forward. Curry and Becker each earned second-team aU- league accolades last season. Gordon and Cuny have been named co-cap- tains. Werblin, a club player, was the place kicker for the football team this fall. "Skill wise, (Werblinl Is one of the best players on the team," Ray said. "F<iot· ball has definilely improved her dis-tance.. Gordon's twin sister, Rebecca, pro- vides a solid defensive presence. "She is the one who guards the op- posing team's strongest player," Ray said. "She stays on her opponent like glue and ls a lot more aggressive. which should help our defense." Freshmen Kara Percival (center half- back) and Emily Webb (sweeper) add to the Ughtning's defense with help from sophomore Janele Shockley. The Ughtnlng's returners also include senior Kendra Bostwich, juniors Desiree Carver-Thomas and Caroline Sauter, as well as sophomores Grace Graham, a • doubles player on the girls tennis team that ~ched the CIF Southern Section Division V semifinals. Vista Murphy and See SAGE , P.111• A8 .... GIRLS WATER POLO ~Eagles go extra for win Estancia scores a pair of goals in the second half of --overtime for nonleague 'Victory over Sage Hill. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot CX>RONA DBL MAR-Estancia Hlgtt'• Lauren Mahan and Courtney Heu each acored In the second half or the over- time period Monday as the Eaglet came &om behind to ddeat Sage Hill. 9-7, In a nonleque girll water poJo game at Co· rona dd Mar HJgb. • It was the eecond straight win to open the &eMOn for l!ltanda. "We're 2-0. which we're ~ excited .Jbout." .,.... Coech 80b a.ndaruk 'Mkl. .:. 1be Uchtnln8 (2-S) provtd(d a adfrer telt than BolM Grande. which the e.atee defeated 1~2 ~. and used ftve Pl from ~ntor captain Hayden Hutchineon to OYerCOmt an Nrly 3· l -tlddt. Huichlnlon tied the KOre for mt flnt .lllbe Iha 0-0 when the ecored off an entry pasa Into set from Elle White with 2:55 re- malnlng in the third quarter, knotting the teams at 3·3. She then gave the Ughtnlng its first lead of the game wtth 1:56 remain- ing in the period. ehootlng Into the up- per-left comer after an Bstanda ejection gave Sage a 6-on-5 aituation. "We relaxed (alter halftime!. sJowed down and atarted to move the ball around," Hutchinson said. Mer the learnt traded goals In the 0- nal mlnute of the quarter, Kaplan tied the score, 5-5, with a ehot from mJdpool u time expired. Sage HW took fhe lead ap.ln In the fourth quarter and ln the lint half of the omthne . period. both timee on goala trom llutchbuon, but each time &tan· cia telpC>Oded. ·n.ey never pve up,• l\ahduUk aatd. "That'• very big. .. Mahan ICOfed oft' an ulltt fri>m.Marl· lyn Rdch. Who led the Eqlet wttllJ'thlte ..,., with 1:12 ~ lo tie the ecore, 6-6, and tend the pine Into OYer- tlme. W1th 19 MConda rtmalnl.na In the ftRt half or overtime, Kaplan scored off a ·Pn$S from Carolina Barnes, tying the score, 7-7. The Ughtning had an opportunity to retake the lead In the opening moments of the second hall or overtime. but a shot went off the post. After Sage Hill goalie Katherine Bishop made a strong save on Kaplan, Mahan scored with 1:24 remaining to give listancla Its first lead stnce mJdway through the third quarter. H added a COU11ter-attact goa1 In P,e_ waning seconds. F.agles goalie Kade Mahan made 10 stops for F..standa. while Lauren Mahan and Kaplan each scored twice and Heu and Barnes added one goal each. BWlop tlnished with 11 saves for the Ughtnln.g. Stephanie Roeser and Devin Thoma added goal&. in addition to Hutchinson's &e0rea. ........... e.t.det.~ .. 7 ----~ ~~ ' ~ 2 1 ' 2 -· ~HUI o 2 3 1 1 o 1 ~ -K.tplan 2. Heu i, L Mahin 1, Rektt s. Banl911 s.v.9!. K. Mthtn 10. ...... _ Aoe9tr 1, Tooma 1, HutchlMOn 0 s.v.-Bilhop 11. DON LE ACti I OAl.Y Pl.OT Sqe Hil's Devin Tooma, right, passes Ult bal wtMte being presswed by Estancia's Marilyn Reich ~rinl 1he Eaates' 9-7 overtime victory Monday. ~ l M lue.y, December 9, 2003 SPORTS SAGE BRIEFLY -I .. S~a Kings lay one on Los Amigos Continued from A 7 ~tsey Rose.• Hill also (ea .. tura Ct11Shmxn All Mci.a\lihlln. ~0erenslvely, we ate tough and oft'cnstveJy ·we G.re to1.tgh. no man.er who we put out there,• Ray wd. •We juit n~ a amooth transition frotn bo_. Ray said the Ughr,nJng (.2· l) could be a •dangerous'" team when league play begins, but there ls still much wort to be done. Amy WetherbefJ will ~1st Ray .. ·• "Wt have a Jot oC Individual taJenl, but a.s far u meshing u a team. I know that will take a lot of d.lJ'd.pUne and heart,• Ray · l&ld. "But everyone bas the qualities and that wW be a plus for UL• BREITLING 188' CdM surges to first-round victory Monday in La Quinta tournament action. Corona del Mar High boys basketball coach Ryan Cuny said the inevitable letdown alter his team toot an 18--4 flrst·quarter lead never came Monday. The rew!t allowed the ~ Klnp to paste Lo8 Amigos. 73-'3, in the Ont round of the Aztec Ouaic at La Quint.a High. Sophomore Ryan Lance pa~ CdM with 16 points. while senior Pancho Seabom chipped ln 13 as 11 Sea Klngs scored. "We played really~. with a lot of high energy." said Curry, whose team Improved to l · l. The Sea Kings meet Sant.a Ana ValJey In a champlonshJp quarterfinal Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and aophornore Mlke McDa- nlels chipped ln 11 points and five rebounds. &tanda meetJ Los Amig<>5 ln a consoladon quarterflna.I Wednesday at 3:30 p..m. Altllea...ac Flntround S•nta An• Wiiey U , &tuca. 53 8eote bY au.,.. Emnda • • 11 :z.-• Q Slnte Ari• 11 11 11 12 • It v.11ev • &ttnda • Pinto 20, McOanl•I• 11, Maltl9y 3. E100bedo 7, Sank•v 12, Verena O, \l\rarnont• o. Mtlnner O. 3-polnt goal•· Pinto 2, Eacobedo 2, McOanlel• 1, Markley 1. Senta An• VI~ • Nava 3, Banner 7, Cueva 8, Gonzalaz 31, Navarrete 1. MoralM 2, E•tr•d• 2, ~a 7. 3-pt. goal•· Gonz•lez 3, Benner 1. Sluggish Eagles earn tie •SOCCER: Visiting Estancia High rallied for a l · l nonleague boys soccer tie Monday at Fountain Valley, tboug)l Bagles Coach Steve Crenshaw was not entirely.pleased with his team's effort. behind, 9•2, In the first quarter Monday and never regained the lead despite never trailing by more than seven points ln a 41 · 40 loss to Schurr in pool play of the Fountain Valley towna· ment. Senior guard Cassey Brick had 10 p oints, seven rebounds and three a5Slsts for the Mus· tangs . Cl·l) and Suzy Trujillo connetted on four of six three· polnters on her way to a game· high 14 points, but Mesa couJd never entJrely close the gap. Costa Mesa will return to tournament action , with an· other pool play game at 6 p.m. Wednesday against Mira Costa. F04111tain V.U.y tournament Pool play Sc:hUIT 41, Colt• M9M 40 Seo,. by Ouarbf'I Coata M11a '1 • • 1e -40 Scl'lurr t t 11 12 • 41 M ... -Brick 10, Kelly 2. Slnctlez 6, Tru)lllo 14, Be. Vergara 2, Br. VerlJara 6, Akansel 0, Bjelland 0, Cluff 0, V Eneal o. · After trailing, 4·0, al halfUme( the Ughtnlng (l·Zl managed an unassJsted goal by sophomore Kelsey Rose and a Megan Curry tally, on an assist from Arny Werblin. Ray also praJsed the play or junior goalie Laura Gordon (13 saves), as well as forward Sara Becker. , Whittler Cllrlstian Unproved to 3· 1· l. TI1e Lightning play host to Estancia Wednesday. Seahawks stomp Sage w BASKETBALL: A Safe Hil\ School gl.rls basketbal team weakened by illness faded out in the final three quarters of a 6I·15 nonleague loss 10 visit· Ing Ocean View Monday night. Rntround C4N n. Loe Am'P 43 Seote tw Quartin CdM ~ 21 21 13 •If we'd have played soccer, It wouldn't have been a tie,• Cren· ~ ~~":' wd. •we were kind of Loi Amkloa • 1• • 11 Ccwona 6el Mar · Watanabe 2, R. Lance 18, Seebom 13, Hirata 8, T. Lance•, Northrtdge 5, Freeda 8, Reynolda 2, It weld'l 9, MacOonald 5, Manni 2. t W.k:h O. l<abakll•n 0. 3·pt. goal•-Brick 1. Trujillo 4, Br. Vergara 2. Fouled out -Be Vergara. Br. Vergara. SchulT -Viramontea 1, Teruaw .. Lew 5, ly 3, F. Sanchez 3, Cabello 8. Agabeo 8, C. Sanchez 11. T102. The Seahawlcs (J -0) out· scored the Lightning. 48·8, after taking a modest 13·7 first·quar· ter lead, dropping the hosts to 0·3. Sophomore Rebecca Hem· barsky led Sage Hlll with six points. tooS••SNC'f OOllllON TJt\D~bJi l 3-pt. goala • Seaborn , • It Welch 1. Loe Atnip · J. Manthavong '· T. MantM\long 2, J. Flnnau 11, C. Finnau 19, Bemllleza 2, Bernal 2, Tran 1, Pham 1. 3-pt. goal• -None. Falcons hold off Eagles • &\SJCB'l'MLL: The Estancia High boys basketball team pared an 18·point deficit after three quarters to three. but It couldn't overcome Santa Ana Valley, which earned a 59·53 victory in the first round of the Aztec Oa.asic Monday at La Quinta HJgh.. JunJor Carlos Pinto scored seven of his team-high 20 polnta ln the final period, when pressure defense, as well as a paJr of three.pointers by Hugo Escobedo, helped the Eagles outscore the Falcons, 24-12. '"••hlon laltnd·Nawport •••o h 949/721·9010 ww• TradltlonatJew•l•r• com Senior Scott Sankey had 12 points and a team-high eight rebounds for the Eagles (1 -1), while Pinto added five boards www.•••tTLt N•.COM can caa .. lfled TOdaiy 949 642-5878 ---...i.--...- $1595&nglne Diagnosis Tired of that pesky check engine llght? See us today for an electronic engine analysis to find the cause! A must to be able to pass the CA smog check! Oft• valid with coupon. Taxeaextra. ,.. 12/3112003 llpJMca 2l40 LepJ Nadell y lllWOIT IUOI art COUllCI ~SUllAIT ................. SW,*"". 4:JO,... o.c.Mr t,tOOS CURRENT 8USIN£SS DINGHY STORAGE fOR OFFSHORE MOORING PERMlmES PHASE I <•:40P M.) FIRE PREVEHTION IN BUCK GUlL Y (ORAL l'ltESENTATlON) (515 P.M )RlOROANIZA~ ElECTION Of MAYOR. The City Clerk ptttldu fO< Ille 1lec: llon of llMI Meyor Th• Olly Cllfk; '" Pf•Mdlnf• ptecn •II memben o lh• Council on en equal besls to nomlna'' 111d tied WCTION Of MAYOR ,_OTEM The Ml)'or ll'•IHI for Ill• tlec:Uon of the Ma10t Pro Ttm TIMI Maror, In prt1tdln1, pltCU tll "*""'' Of \ht Council on •n 1q11tl baala lo 11omln1lt '"d et.ct. ORDINANCE.I FOii IHTROOUCTION OAOlHANCl EXTCNOINO NOH EXClUSNE CAllf lV fRMCHISU WITH AOClf'HIA ANO COX COMMUNICAllOllS 1) lntrod11e1 1n On!Jtl•nc• ••tendlnc tlMI c11rrt11t frtnehl•• •1r1tmtnl• wHh Co~ and ~I• unlit i.n1111y U; 20051 ind 2) PHI lo MCORG ,,..,Ill '" """"" 13, 200' MllC H(Alt~S Af'l'Ul or TH[ l'lMNlflC COMMWk>N !)(NIAi. OF MOOIFICA• TIOH l'lfltriliT NO ~ Ol1 TO ALLOW A flrTH WAll SIGN . •ooo MAC AR THUR IOUl l · VARO (PAJOOJ Ul) (CON{)(ANT SYSflMJ, INC, • Arl'llCNfT) MARINl AV(NUl: IUllMUS IMf'ltUVC• Ml.NT OtlTR9CT C<>ff• DUCT ~ HlNllMC AHO AOOf'T RESOLUTION CONFIRMING THE LEVYING OF ASS£SS· MEHTS roR FISCAL YEAR~ RESTAURANT ASSOCI· ATION BUSINESS IM PROVEMENT DISTRICT RENEWAL. CONDUCT PUBLIC HE.ARING AHO ADOf'T RESOLUTION FOR RENEWAL OF THE BUSINESS IMPROVC· MEHT DISTRICT FOft TH£ FISCAL YEAR~. LANOMAO 9Ull0· INGS. CODE AMEND MENT NO 2003-009, ANO BAl80A THtAT£R1 707 EAST llALIOA 80UlEVARO. CENERAl PLAN AMENDMENT NO. 2003-006 AND LOCAL COASTAl PROORAM AMEltOMENT HO 2003· 005 (Pl\2003 212) CONTINUED BUSINESS UNSCHEDULED VA CAHC'I' OH THf f'AJtl(S, B£ACHES • RtCltt:ATIOH COMMISSK* "°°'TION OF A RU· OLUTIOH ESTAlllSHING THE Sl'tilllt ISSUU COMllitJTT[[ ANO JMY OR'S• APPOINTMENT OF COMMlmE MEJotBCRS. l'ullll•llld N1wport leadl·Costa ~ Dilly f'llot Otttmhr t, 2003 l1'4 ll01Q 00.Hll• Dl•ltld Hunllllf.IOn 8eKll Union HICll School Olslrlct lllCI l>Mtlhnt: Jitnutr)' n.100ot. 2.00 ~ l'ltet of Bid llec1111t'. f'urCl\HI • 0.,NllMnl, t02Sl YOfkto.,.n A~ • H11ntlftat on 19Mh, CA PtojKt. lld etQS • M•,1111 Hl111 Sehtol ..,nlHUOn NOTICl If Hfltfl'I' CMN thtl tt1t Hvn· llnaton 811cll Unlo11 Hfllt Sellotl l>l•lt!ct of 011" Co1111t.,, C•lif0t· nle, ecllna 111 ind llwoulll Ill 08"fnlnl I Oaff, lltrtfMftaJ II• ftrr'4 to .. "OtfTltlCr. •ill rtcelwe "' to, kt AOSllWUW!Mwwa· 3-pt. goal• -None. Fouled out -None. Nonle11u• Oce1n View 81,Sage Hiii 15 Seo,. by Ouartera Ocean View 13 11 22 10 61 Bstancia sophomore Danny Perez came to the rescue ln the 71st minute, booting home a deflection off a corner kick for the equalizer. Heralds handle Sage Sage Hiii 1 o • 4 • 1s CX.an View • Aldefer 19, Soggeln 2, Thunter 12, Abufarle 10, Wilham• 8, Butler 8, Potter 4. Estancia (2· l • l) plays host to Edison Wednesday. Sea Kings stand out •WRESTLING: Four Corona del Mar High wrestlers earned top·three finJshes in the Dow· ney 10-way invitational, con· tested Friday and Saturday at Downey High. •SOCCER: Hose Sage Hill School played Whittier Qui!>· tlan even in the second half, but was defeated, 6·2, in a non· league girls soccer game Mon- day. 3-pt. goala. Abufane 2. Aldefer 1. Sage Hiii • Voder·Lee 2, Gutierrez S, Hember1ky 6. Gonzalez 2, Kall1ki o. Schaefer 0, Wright 0, Pulahye 0. 3·pt. goal1 · None. TODAY 811btb•ll SCHEDULE Socc.r Senior Davt; Simott was sec· ond at 215 pounds with a 7·2 record, while junior Taylor Al· ston (7·2 with five pins at 112 pounds), junlor Brian Feeley (7·2 at 135) and junior Jon Dean (6·3 at 140) each finished third. CdM Coach Gary Almquist also slngled out the 6·3 per· formance turned ln by sopho· more fan Hogan, who finished fourth In hJs weight class. High school boys -Bill Reynolds Claasic at Newport Harbor High: Compton vs. Newport Harbor, 6:30 p.m.; Valley Christian tournament Costa Mesa vs. Valley Christian, 8 p.m. High school boys -Corona del Mar at Sage Hill, 3 p.m. High sdlool girls -Corona del Mar at Ocean View, 3:15 p.m.; Newport Harbor et El Toro, 3:16 p.m.; Aliso Niguel at Costa Mesa, 5 p.m. Weter polo Mustangs fall short High school girls -University tournament: Newport Harbor vs. Esperanza or Tesoro, 8 p.m.' High school girls -Newport Harbor at Esperanza, 3:15 p.m.; El Modena at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m. • &\SKETBALL: Costa Mesa High's girJs basketball team feU lltted dt1dlJnt, Hllld bicb et Iha pltce Iden tilled 1bov1 for Ill• •wetd ol • contttcl for the tbow• Proiects Tll1re' will b• • min· d1tory job wllltr. end conlw1nc1 on Otctmblr 18, 2003 at 9 1 m •l the school site Loe•· lion: 15871 S1>1in1dall St., Hunt1111to11 811ch, CA 926t9 Any bidder l•illn& to tlttnd tilt entire job welk end eonhr111c• wllt be deemed 1 norw~• bidder •nd wlll hive lu bid returned unotitned ProjKt Documenb 111 on ftt. 11 tlMI P11rclla1lnf D1putm1nl, 1025 YorUown Ave.. Hun· llncton 8t1cll fOf a $150 per ul ref11nd1bl• deposit. (Deposit ,.. quired tor Heh 11t ol f'To!Kt OocurMnla to 111w1nt11 their 11turn lfl IOOd condrtlOft within ftVt (5) etftndlf h~ titer tlM bl4 openlfll d1t1.) In eccorctanu with \ht provisions ol 8111ln1u •lld Profeulona Coci. Section ~021 15 end Publlc Conlttcl Coft S.CIJon 1JOO. the OIS• TttCT requlr.. lllat the bidder flOSHU I ctn• amc.etloll 8 contud•'• llt•nM(•) ,, lllt 111111 tht 1lld la aubm1tttd AllJ blddif not H llctn..O et the time of the Md optnlnt will tit r•lect•d " \\Ofll' 1aponatve. Tlmt II .t the .....,ct. ltc:h "' """ "' tc:• compenlad Illy • • bW ~ty kl Ille totfll ti U•ll, e ctrtltled et casllitr·a chic-tt Md bond In •n 1111011nt not ..._ then t•n Pttcant ( 10'1) of Iii. tot•I lllf &l~IC~~yeblt to tllt The OISfRICT r1urvt1 ti. 1 ltfll lo tt)tet "'t or •• 11141 " to ... .,. tn)' llflCUlll ltMll or lllfOfJlltlllltt Iii ... ., bi4I Of ill lM ~ PfO ctu. Thi Cahfornl1 D1p1rt mint ol Industrial Rel1tlon1 hu dt111 mined the t•n•r•I Pf•· vailln& rates of ,,., diem wttts for the loc1ht1 '" which ll\I ""°'" Is to M performed for lhe Pro1 •ct Cop1u of these w1.1• rett d1tarmln1 tion1, 1nltlltd Prevtlllnc Waa• s"''· '" m11n t1intd at tllt DISTRICT offiu ind •r• 1v11labll al th• followln1 wtbsltt. •ww dlr ~ aow It •hall be m1nd1tory upon the aucceuful bldd11 lo ••om lh• conlrtcl Is •••rdtd, and 111>011 1nr 111bcontr•clor U111d, to P•Y not ltst thin th1 11ld apeclrltct r1tu to aN worker• employed by lll•m for tht P101tct. No blddtt ml)' wltlld11w tn)' ltld fOf • ptrlod ol 1laty (IO) c11tnd11 dtys 1fttt tht dale stl for the openln1 of bids l'urtut"l to Public Contract Code ~tlon 22300, Ille Alfttmtnt will contain pro¥1elon' p11mltlln1 the nceeu tut bidder to sullstllute •ecwll111 for •nr mon· I•• withheld Illy lh1 DISTRICT to 1ntur1 petfot1111ne.a uncttt the AlrMmtnt or perm1tt1111 Pl)'IMlll •f teltntlont ur11td dlreclly Into IKt~w. In 1eco1danc1 with Educetlon Code 17076.11, Ille Oltltlct hH • pMtktp1llon 10•1 of tt ltHt J ,,.runt of tll• •vu 111 dollar tl!IOVllt ••pended ••tll .,.., tor ~1truc:t11>n 1111 OVllf.. s11111d h ' Sutl Ml:L•n• Olr tc" tor • Pro cur1ment/[n111y Coll· ,..,, •• IOI\ for th• lo11d of lru1t"1 l"ubll•ll•d Ntwport lale.h Coste MM• Dall)' f'llot OectlllMt • 1(, 2003 TaJ S"9IOI COtlT Of CAlloau COOOT Of 0...,. J41 n. °" Dme °"'te, CA mu 1-..xW. c.... mrnotU/PWn'IJi .......... ~ l£SPOllDOO ,IDUOIDAMT: 11.u.Patdi APPWTIOff MD OIDfl FOi lllSS&WICI Of OIDll JO SMOW CAUSI Wt llWlllli MDOOU01 A!>pllcant I•. Miik S. P•trlct. Appllc1nt requ"t• the court to r11nu1 the Order to Show C.use orl1ln111y lnued n follows Order to Show Ceuse wet b1t1td on 10121/0l Appllcent requuta reluuance ol th• orll11 btC1u11 htltlontt I Plaintiff co11ld not b• 1erw1d •• 1tQ11lred b1for1 th• ht•rl1111 dtl1 I dtd11tt under ~1111 of flltl11ry uncter Illa lewa of "" Stat• of C1hfo1 "'' thtt th• for11ottt1 11 In" •lld COtrtd. 0111 I l/20/0J /s/T11ence W llobtll1 OHIR IT l:t 0111){ llfD lh1t tl)t Ordtor lo Show Ctu'• lsr.utd n ll\own on lltrn 2 1bovt I• 11IU1Jtd ind ""' for 111111n1 In this court H lolto-. Oat• 1/0&!04 ll"'t I t~ AM ct.pt• Ll2 • A copr of ti1" «tMt no111t h •t11ehfd to dootntnlt lhel m11tl bl -~Id on lhe f'tllllol\IT/ Pllllnllff " dllaclad In \ht Or dfr to Show CtlN All other Ofdtrs ~n Ull!td In lht Clldtt lo Silo.,. C1uu ttm• ill fittl fOfu '"" etfttt ""'"' mod ,led by thh er dtl THE Ofttlf It 10 2640 Legal Notices 2640 -------SHOW CAUSE ANO THIS Fkfffleus....,. ORDER EXPIRE ON lHE "-S......__. OAT£ ANO TIME OF THE -,_ HEAAIHC SHOWN IN TliE eox ABOVE UNLESS EXTENOEO BY THE COURT O.ttt NOV 20, 2003 , ....... l-e ,. • , ........ JUDICIAL o"'c•• Publlah•d Newport BHCh•Cosl• MINI D1il1 Piiot November 2!1, December 2 9, 16, 2003 T860 ,.... .... ... s...... The follow1n1 parsons are doln1 but1nts.s as. 1) Carb Fret llvln1 b) C11bFrt.OC, 432 Wye· 11111. lrvlnt. CA 92602 Zachtry S.th Mar1otls. 432 Wychfft, 1rv1nt, CA 9?602 . Ari leuren Bloom, 432 Wycllflt. lrv1111 , CA 92602 Tiiis llut•llfas ts con· ducted by co p1rtn1n Ht YI )'Oil • ttrttd do Ina butlnns yell Ho Zich Maraolla This •t•l1m1nt wH ftltd with th• County Cltrk of Oun1• County on 12/04/0J 200HH717J 0.11,. f'1lol Dec •• 16, 23,J0,2003 T"8 Rcflm ..... ........ T ht follo1111n1 p<iraon• are clolna b1111nua ••· t.oa•• 0.1trn Studto, ' C1n1on Ln. Cotena dtl llit«.CAt2625 GIOflt J H"°t.m•11, 4' ~nron ln • Colon• dfl Ma1',CA92CM Tlltt hit-b COii• duc;ted by. •11 1114<vldual Hive YOll atatttd dcl1111 b11tln•H )ltlf No Cl<ll I• J Hltkman Thia 1ltl•m•11t WIS hied with t11a Co111111 Cltt-of Oret1r• County on lint/OJ 100Mf6S"i O•i,y ,.llOI HaY 25. Dee. 2., •• \t, 20()) 1 M6 lhe follo'""* persons ., e do1n1 bu11neu 1s Pac1loc M11nl1nd. 1760 Mo"'OYI• •A 18 Costa Mtsa CA 92621 Paclf1c M11nl1nd Inc , (CA). t760 Monrovia A~e. #A 18, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 This bualntu 11 con dueled by 1 corporation Hive you •t11tld dOlftl buslrntn y1t1 No Pecllie Mtlnl•nd Inc .. ~ 8r11n With Vice f'res·• I ldenl Thts slaltmanl wn. filtd with the County Cler-of Orana1 County on I 1/21/03 200HtHllS D•llr Pilot Nov 25, Dec. 2,9, l6,200J l850 """'-...... ... s..... Tiit followln1 fl'llOn• ere doln1 buslnnt H '. Town & Country Hind Cer Waah, 2747 h1t Cll1pm1n Avt , Or a nee, CA92869 Town 6 Country Hind Ctr Weal!, Inc • (CA), 2747 lut Ch1prn1n Ava. Ottfl(t, CA 12169 l)lla bu•in..a It con· llucttd h ' • corpor•tlon H1v1 1011 altrtld clolnc buslneu yet? Ho Town & Cou111ry H•nd C11 Wnll, Inc .. bndall A G1t1ofl111, Prnld1nt This 1t1tement wH Mlf with the Count1 Clwll ot Ortn11 Count)' on 11121/0J 200MtHt01 011ly l'llot Now. ~. Dec • z. 9, 1', 1003 T157 .. FIND an apartment throuah classified 1--------------------------~ 1 L•I NaGc9a M Legal Notica ............. •s....... ni. tollowt111 ptraons '" dOlnl b11f111eu •1' Otvld •nd J•lltt 8rt\ky Matc;o Tool• 011t11b11 '""' 9742 Cletrbrool< Or , Huntil'l&lon 8t1ch. CA92G46 Oevld 81laky, 9742 Clurbrooll Or .. Hlln t1niton 8t1ch. CA 92'46 Janet Bmlly. 9742 Cletrbrook Or,, Hun 111u1ton Buch. CA 92646 This businns is con ducted by husb1nd and wife Hive you staned doll\& b"'lnen r•l1 Y•, 12/ 99 Janel 8mlt.y nus sltltment was hl,t<I with Ille County Cftrli. of Or tn&t County 1)0 11/21/0J 200J696SIU Daily Pilot Nov 25, O•c 2, 9 16. 2003 T847 Rd!llM~ MatSi.e-t Th• follow1na persons .,,. dome busmen as a) AWG Remarketma. b) A11toRemRrketen.com. 600 Anion Boulevatd, t W1 and 12th F loo" Cnta Mes•. Cl\ 92626 Auto Wholesaler Gtoup Inc (DE). 3018 Rivoli. Newport Bea<h CA 92660 This bu11n•n 1s •Oil ducted bv· a corpor1Uon tl .. e you started do1n1 busmess ytt' Yes 10 27/2003 Auto Whole•alei Group, In• Bradlty Greenwald. CE.O This statement wds ftled with the Co11ntv cr11k of Or•n&e Countv on 11/03/03 200'6964010 Dttb Pilot Oct 2. 9, 16 23,2003 1862 UGAI. NOTICE MOOO Of PUIUC SAU Of WHDOflED PROPEall Notice 1s herebv &•vtn that the und•r"ened wilt ~tll at publ11 aut\1on purtuant to s .. c11on 21700 of the Bus1nt•s & Prot~u1onal Codt lht totlow1n1t dBcrtb•d property to wit PAM! l A BALINT H 118 Suri Bd cklthes bores. THOMAS Al.LEN H 101 Fotd ch.. t11h tod, wlnd1urf1n1 u1fs i tq111p dullle baa tu•n bou•, mt'c OAIUEl flOARK I 61 Rel body board, palnlln1 boua tllllc OANIU ROARt< t 63 M1erowot, , .. 10 cfbs drlfl pr111, com11 equtp., ltnnl1 raQueb. matt. bo111 misc SANOY AVERY I 126 LOVU41tl, t."'1)1, m1«owav1 pie; turn. bous, misc PAUl BUHER 1·34 Steno equip cell ph , tovewat clothes, bou' misc Sat. will be by com ~111 ... b1dd1n1 (wrilltn st.tied bids m1y bt submitted 1n advance) on 1111 23rd da~ of Oectmber •I 2 00 P M •I the prem1us whe .. u1d P•opetty has been stottd •nd which ts located 11 AYRES SELf SlOR-.Gr. 7012 ErnMI Ave Huntm11ton Beach Ca (714) 848 73t4 l.iodlor d reurves Ille rlahl lu bid 11 the sale Purch1ses must b• made by r nh 11\d p&1d lc.r at the ltmt of pur< hase All purchased aood' are sold I\ 1s and rnust be removed al lime ol salt Sale rs •ub1ect tu cantttla11on In the •••nt of settlement betw••n landl111d ind obhaal•d parly Pubh\lltd on 12 09/0J •nd 12116 OJ Auctioneer Wandd Not hin Sond • S 400 1684 Phou• (714 1 848 7314 Ayr~• Seit Stn1agt, Rt"dent Manaa•" Publr•hed Nrwpurl 8n<h Cost• M•\d 011ly Pilot Det•mber 9 16 ?003 18/1 SIW£llOR COOIT Of CAllORHIA. COUNll Of OlANGE J.41 TM City Dri'ff • Otanp, CA 9?663, LAMOREAUX JJSOO COOO PmtlONOf: CARM!N SE.RRAHO FOi OWIGE Of Wlf ORDlR TO SH-OW CAUSE fOR CHAHGf Of IWU W( MJMIEI: A222229 Poli('\' . M LtplNollca ll40 Lttaf Natlca TO All INTERUflO I> PUSONS. I Ptllhentr• Ctr men Sa1ttno tiled • pet1hon •1111 th•~ t11ur t for a decre1 ch1t11J111 n•me• u follow1, Carmen S.11 •N lo C11 '™In S"-w 1 flt[ COUR r ORD£ RS th•I •II penons lnltr Hied 1n this m11tt1 ihatl •po .. , l>elor• thlt court ti th• hurlna lndw:•ted l>tlow lo 'how ta111e If •ny, why the petition for chanae ot n•me ~llould not be 111nted NOTICE or ~•EARING 0111: 12 30-03 Time 2.lXt pm Oept l73 Th1 address of Ille court " um1 a1 noted 1bo•e 3 A copy ol tt11s Order to Sho.,. Cause 1hell be published •I '"HI once t•ch wuk 101 lour •utet!>ll•e wnk • p11or to the ditte set lor hutlna 11n th• pthhon 1n tho follow1n1 news piper Of ceneral Ctr< u la hon. pr 1nled in this county Nuwport Buch/ Costa Miu Dally Pilot Dole' MOV 10 2003 MAllJOlttl LAlllD CAllTlll, JUDGf Of TMf SUPUUOll COUllT Publo\hrd N1wpo1 t Buch Cn,ta Meu Daily Ptlol Nov~mber 18, ~. Oetember l 9. 2003 f842 Jktitlous lusinfts Mcnt Stattlleflt The t11U11w1ni P•"on!> "" 1101na busmtS\ a\ J) Portnl• l'IMa, D) llolt Cttn\l\aw Cl Gener•- t •n n \ M•na1em1nt I •nie~ut.1 1000 Quail Sheet •t60, Newport Btdch CA 92660 Gen~r.ll1nns M•na£t mtnl (U\) tOOO Qua11 'itre•I •160 Nrw11urt Huch CA 92660 lh•s. bu\1ne\~ '~ \:Un dueled by ~ '01pC1r.1l1u11 Havt yuu star 1~11 du•llG 1>11s1n••~ yet> Yes. Auaus t ?8 ?003 C~nf"r .11mn'-M.ln •r~ m•nt Stuar l S I 1 Y• Pns1dent This \ldttment Wd5 lll•d w1lll the Cuunly Clerk ol Onni• C<1u111v 1111 II ?I 01 29036'16SS14 0.11ly Point Nov ?~ IJ~l 2 9 16 2003 TR<t6 ~ ...... •s..... Tht lollowtna per.On• aft doln.I bU\lntU It l!IV. I !MS l'ltctnh• Av• Bldl C·3. Co.ti Mui. CA 2627 81Her, Farther. fnt er, LLC, (C1lllorn1t), 4341 lodl' Av• , Toluca L1ht CA 1&02 Thra buslnns ll con duchd by Umlltd Llab1hty Co H.vt you •tarted do1n1 11u,tn1u yet? H.o Bllftr, Farther. fut er, LLC, 01rren Craw fo1 d Mana11n1 1'1rtner This statement was ltl<ld with lht Co11n1Y Ctetli. of Or•na• County on 11/21/03 200H96Slt) Oa1ly 1'1lot Nov 2S Ott 2,9 16,2003 TBSJ Tiie fotlowlnt personi Mt do1n11 business u •) SCP CrHhons, b) www b'pcreat1ons com, c) bcpcre•hon' com d) BCPueahons. 467 Oate Street, Costa Mua. CA 92627 Snan C Ptl•is 467 Oel• Street Costa Moo. CA 92627 l his bu\1nen '' con ducted by an md1vt<lu•I Have you ''''led do1na bu\1ne'\S ytt' Yes 07 / 0//'l003 8111n Pete" fhis statement w~• filed with tht County Cl~rk of Or•niit County on ll/<Y.l/03 20036967242 Oaily Pilot Dec 9 16. 7l lO 2003 186!1 fktltlotls IN!ess M...Stat..ltt The follow11111 penon!> are dome bu"nen as Mv0111nChMk cnm t7~ l Bak•• Su,.e 13!1 Custd Mes~ r A 92626 No• th Amr11un AC' • tpl~nce l'orpo1ot1on <LAI 12'1 l Bak•r Suit• 13!> Cu\I• Me•• CA 91626 Th1\ bu\ln•ss is tun dudtd bv a <0rpor1t11>n H••• yuu \t•• l•d duina bu\iness )'f"t' y~, 10115 03 Not th Amenc an fie 1 eetfn<t Cor por.it100. lllarco J. llaalc. P1 tSI 4tl'lt Tiii\ tl•ltmtnl wn ftld w1tll the County Cltrlt. ot ()f1n11 County Ori 11/14/0.l 200HH51H Oailr P1lol Dec 2 9. 16. 23,2003 T861 Th• lollowtnc peff.cms are dolna butlness "' Olo Oesl1n1. 2020 S1nt1 An1 Ave •t • Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 Hnth1r Whlleh< Pu Ills, 2o2o San ta An• Ave '1. • Costa Men CA 92627 Ttff1nt W Goff, 2304 Atdlandi Onv•. Newpotl Buch. CA 92663 This buslnen " con ducttd by a rener al partn1r1h1p Hive you starlld do1n1 buslntn yet' Yes, 11 26/2003 Heather Whitaker Pullts lh1s sl1tem11nt was hied with !ht County Clerk ol Or1nae County on 12/02/03 2003t96tU6 011ly Pilot Ou 9. 16 23. lO, 2003 1869 RctltiM ltlslntu .... s...... The lollow1na p1<soM are do1na business as Kl Appr •lsal Ser v1cn, 10484 E 11• et Avenue r ounta1n Valley Cah lornta 92708 74t0 Kathlnn Lansford, 10484 faret Avenue, Fountain V1llty Cah lorn1a 92708 7410 This bu"neu ts con ducted by an mdlvtdual Have you started do1n1t bus1neu yet> Yes t0,01/2001 Kathleen la1ulnrd Thtt. staternent wu filed w1fh the County Clerk ol Onna• County on Novernber 14 ?003 20036'6S 12S Daily Pilot Nov t8, 15 Otc 2 9. 200J 1841 1.:i~ I Re-.. .... "-S....... t!M loHowma penona •re dotna busln•n 11. a) fllt Golct.n Cotl1t, b) Tile Golffn 11alter, c) _ ..,...°*" COii\ d) WWW.~lf f.OO'I, 467 Oallt • s Stt , . co,11 Mna, C 92627 Kelly Lynn Sctbtrres. 467 Os•• s1 c°'t• Mt.la. CA 92627 Thia buslneu 11 con dueled by •n lndMdUat H1v1 you sl11 t•d dolna busil'l"s yet• Yes IV 17/2003 Ketty Lynn Sctbtrrn lhis statement was 111-d with lho County Clerk ol Ounae County on 12/05/03 200'6'67244 Oauv Pilot OK 9 16, 23,30.2003 T873 fldfllM """"' -..s ..... lhe lollow1n1 persons 11 e doina bu•tnHs as •) r ldtl•ly F und1na Group b) ftdehty Realty G1oup 241 W Wilson SI •4. Costa Meu CA 92627 f1dellly tnostment Croup Inc (Ca) 9550 Bois. Ave Suite 222. Wutm1nstar. CA 92683 This business is con· duded by a corp<" •lion H•ve you sh<led Oom& business yat' Yes 12/ Olt?OO.l F1dohty lnvutmt.nt Group Inc Oa1 Phuna General M•naeer lh1s 'hlemant was filed with t~e County Clerk of Or 1nae County on 12 ~/03 20036967359 Oatly P1lol Dec, 9. 16. 23.30,2003 T872 FlctitlM hsiwu Name Stmmlnl lhe lollowma pel\ons are do1nc business as Kenwood Construct1on & Shutters, 3001 Redhill Ave BldK #6, Suite 103, Cost• Mesa CA 9?6?6 Kenny P l'.uhns. )()()\ Redhill Ave Bldl #6, Suite !OJ Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Thrs bu\1n~,., 1~ con ducted by Jn md1v1dual Have ynu started doma bu11nes• yet7 Yes, July 1982 Ilow to Place A KtMY P Kullll.& Tiii• •t1t1mtnt •H hltd with the County Cltrt. of Or ance County on 11/21/0J 200at .. st0f Otlly Piiot Nov ZS, Otc. 2, 9, 16, 2003 T851 Adltl-. ...... •s.... The follow1n1 ,.,aon1 11t d01n1 lluslneu u Comfort Prlnll. I!>~!> Mt11 llt<dt Or , E. .. 129-E. Cosl1 ~•. CA 92626 Col1ten Join Brenn1n, ISS5 MHI Vard1 Or • I! , lf29·E, Cou1 Mtu. CA 92626 Th" bu••nen 1s con· dueled by an 1nd1v1dual Have you 'tarted clo1n1 buS1ne» yet? Yes. 11/ 17/2003 Colletn Brennan This s11t1m1nt wn filed with the County C~rk of Orin&• County on 12/03/03 20036961021 Dally Pilot Oec 9, 16, ?3,30,2003 1867 flctftMs~ "-S1whMll lhe follo••na persons •re dotne business .. Mesa T1tt1t•I, 227 Ma11noh1 St . Co•U Meu. CA 92627 Mes.dyne Corpor1t1on (CA) 127 Ma&noll• St Cost• Mesa CA 92627 lh1s busmen 1s con duded by a torpor•twn Have you star led do11111 busmos yet' No Mtudyne Corporahon. Mitch Barrie Pr es1dent ltus slllement wu hied w1lh lhe County Clerk of Or anae County on 11121/03 20036965195 011ly Pilot No~ ?S Oec l 9. 16 2003 18-\9 Fktitlolls~s ,.._S"'-1 Th• follow1ne per sons ''" dum11 bu•men as Chiefs Marine Suvtce. ?020 fullttlon •18 Co~ta M~s• Cahlorn11 9?6U Ch11stophcr Alan Bo wen. 2020 rut1ul11n •18 Co•I• Mud Cahlotnt~ 'nfin I hts bus.inf'\ 1s r<>n ducted ~v 111 1nd1v1du11 Hive you >t11ted domg Tue$day, December 9, 2003 Al 2MO _Lep_l_NotJca ____ ,_ leplNotlcn 2MO busln.sa yell No Chr118ow1n Thia •tattm-"t '"' filed with tht County Cltr~ of Or•"I• County on 11/21/03 IOOSHUt14 Dilly Pilot Nov 25. Oec 2,9. 16. 2003 T868 rht lollow1n1 ptrs.011a art doin11 buslnn' as see Wt!oltstlt l •ndlna 32261 Cimino Ctp1s.trt no, Sta, OtOI, Sen Ju1n C.pl~trano. CA 92G7S Linda Jenson Enter pt1HS Inc (CA). 3226t Catn1no CaptjlJtno St• 0101 Sin Juen Capos! 1 ano, CA 9267!> lhl& bualntn b con ducltd by •corporation H .. t you ''"''d do1na bu11nus vet' Ho Und1 Jen1111 Entar prlSH Inc Lmd1 R Jensen, President This statement was !tied with lhe County Clerli ol 0,,nae County on 11/211()3 200369651'9 D1t1lv Ptlol Nov 25. Oe1. 2. 9 16, 2003 T856 fktftlM "9iness "-SlvhftMnt Tht lollow1n11 per son' •r a dOIRi bU\lnHS I' Whitt Hat Web Oe112n 111 W 17th St MG4 Costa Mesa, CA 91621 M.,th• 0 8tard 1811 Peninsula Plat• Coua Motl. CA 92627 Th" bus•no\ ·~ can dulled by an 1nd1v1dual Havt you \tar led do•na bu sine" yet' No Marth• 0 Bea1d fl>•~ slalement wn fifed with th• County Clerk ul Oran•• County on 11121103 200S6965196 Oally Pilot Nov ?!> Oat 2 9 IG ZOOl T8!>l SELL your stutt through classified! fk!MM ..... ,._s...., Tht follow1n1 petaons .,. dolna bustnes1 ts Joj\nson I AnocNllH, t 9200 Von K 1rman A.,.nu•. trvlnt, C1t;lorrllt 92612 Jor11n Wtttrrln11. 19200 Von Karman Avenue, lrvlnt. Calllornlt 92612 This bu1rness ts con· ducted by an 1nd1v1dual jiavt vou starttd doina b'lbtnos yet? No 'Jotc•n We\emnc) Th11 •••t•mtnl WU filed with the County Ct11ti. of Ot &n&e Counly on II 1>!> 03 200369'4251 0111~ P1tot Nov 18 i!S, Dae ? 9 ?003 1843 RctttiM lvsilMs NcneStat...t The follow1na persons are do1nc busrntss u 0111 I ••nklln Realty 26511 811dlewod 011ve. la11une ~Mis. CA 92653 l••nS. Weslern Bro li.er•e• !CAI 26511 B11dl•wond Onve l• auna llllh CA 926SJ This b11sineu •s con duclfd Ly a corpor•hon Have you sldrtrd doin& bus1nu• yu\1 No lf40\ Western Bro hraa• Kennrth Dale I 1ankhn Pru1denl This \l•trnienl wiS flied with thtt Countv Clerk ot Or.11r•1te County un 11 ll 03 2003696$180 0411V P1lol No~ :?!>, Oet ? 9. 16 ?003 1848 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAlE! In CLASSlflfD (949) 642-5678 MllMlwillta ... s..... The follow•"• rarson1 art do•na busineis •• L 81t~n Truek1n1, 1901 Sltrn Vtlla Tustin CA 92180 l1w11 Andrew B "· • .,n 1902 S1errt Vitia, lu• tin, CA92180 fh1s busm••~ " cu11 ducted by tn 1nd1v1du•I Have you started do1n11 busm•" yet? No Lewis 81non This statamtnl w•s ltltd with Iha County Cltrk of Oran1• Countv on 11/10103 20036964514 Dally Pilot Oec 2 9 16 JO 2003 T814 fldlttM luslntss !lmllS...... l llt lotlowh'I pen.u11• ••• doina bus1neu n Ar!tslry Ory Clune•\ 1nd t111ndry 106 I ustm Av• . Newport Buch CA 92663 Pttk h>L (Neod11l 6327 Res1denc1•, New porl Beach CA 92660 lht\ busines!> '"' con dUt ltd by • l orpor 1 llOll Have you st • ., led do11111 bu11nH\ yelf No Ptc~ 111< Cent P1tli drd, Pies Hus 'talement was lil1d with the County Clerk of 01 •nae <;ounty un 11/21;03 20036965186 Oerly Pilot Nov 25 O•t 1 9 16 ?003 llW1 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALE! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 ---Dradlines ----. Rates and deadline'> ..uc ~utiJeCI tu change without notice The puhhsher reserves the nght to cen,or. recl~s1fy, revise or reject any das!-ificd advertisement Please rcpon any error that may be m your da~i.1lrcd ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepL!. no liabthty for an) error "' an advertisement for which 11 may be responsible exccpl for the co,1 nf the space ac1uall) occupied b} the error Credit can onJy he allowed for lht• hN in~nion CLASS IFIEJAD •• iCi Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................ Monday 5:00pm By Fax (Q4Q) (l1 l-6594 t I 1 tfl(huk· \'Ill.Ir n.lm· rkJ pl1••nt' nurnhtr anJ "'C' ·11 '-••II \\IU tt.K~ "'llh" pm,t'tflltlh l Tdcphonl! IUOam·5 OOpm Monday Friday By Phone· (949) 642· 5671< Hours Ind ex By Mail/In Per son: 3JO West Bay Streel Co~ta Mesa. CA 92627 At Newport Blvd & Bay St Wall. In 8· '0am-5.00pm Monday· Friday Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Fnday .................. Thur ... da} "·OOpm Sarurday ..................... Fnda) '·OOpm Sunday..................... Frid.iy 5.00prn ANNOUNCEMENTS [<:;;J, & MISC. 1010.-1110 mOIANDISE ~ ~~ .1ilil GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectibles/ Mtmorabllla 1160 Tor$$ 4 lllCOllDS nc -cm.:. (le <(b & Elk Bl. All«. $Plr, II.be ~~ Mth• 949·64S /SO~ ENTERTAINMENT Cllenctaraf &tnts 1310 EQUAi. HOUSltG OfPOIMITY Alf rul Hlllt 11dnrlrs Inc In lh11 n•wtp111t.r is •11lltecot lo lh• fedtlal r • ., 11011""' Act 11f 111611 '' •mended wllirh mekts It 1t111al to •dvertlst ·1ny flltltr •nee llrnlt1t1nn or dlicr 1m1na1to11 b•'fd un llGe, color 1 eh•1on ••• h•ndlC•P. famlll•I 1t1tu1 or n1t1on11 or1a1n nr An lnt•ttlloll to meu 1n1 •uch p,.fertnu. hm1t1 tlon 01 d11c;rtm1rut1on • Th11 n1wsp1pe1 Wiii not lnow1n1'1 acnpl any 1dvHttumtnt for rHI Ohle whh.h tt Jn v101aUon of th• law. Ou• tuden are hutby Informed th1I 11111 dwtll ln1t •d~•r Used 1n thll n•••P•f)tr Mt 1va1l1bla 011 en erw11I ociportunlly b1111 lo complain ol 411• (I hMlltiOn, Clft HOO toll rreut J 8(JO 424-8590 SELL your stuff throu&fl classified! f f9f] Rll SAU S010.-S940 1489 [) 2305-2(90 1483 lost 1505 WANTED ANTIQUES Oldtr St)'le Furniture PIANOS ' Collt<tlbl" ............. ..-• ... ... , ........ ,,_._ ·()Ii-'·' . ,. $$ CASH PAID $$ ..... ~ ...... ,. ...... :: 649.4922. SOUTff c3AsT AUCTI N Lost Dgtteol ~ c_. 1n • Bf•ck Nvk>n Bi1& @ ~·~ rnt 9.-:l 011 1211 562 S9b 0623 rm Of flt VKTWS IUfb YOll HBPI 400 ANIMAl S Rl SCll£ U WITll NO OWN£ RS MONCY DOMATIONS MUMAMl SOCllTY C/OPAWS 240 C HIGHLANO SAN BERNAROINQ CA 92404 Our Leaae H•• Expired! EVERYTHING MUST DOI Ho111 Volunteer Thrift Shop. 670 W 17th St IF-2, Costa Mesa (near eonitr of Pomona & 17th) Opell Tiiis. Wed~ Thurs 10 am · 3ptn I•~ .1ilil soos-saso General Announcements 1610 DUCK SEASON Prlvot1 Dvck M\Httfrtt Cl11t. 1pprox l/hr lrom N1wporl BHch heel lent hlint1n1 adjacent to 1tatt wattrlowl refuae, ownership 1nlernt & 1ppro• 375 acres of land &. lnipro•emenls • your own camp compound w sltucturt and 2 tr111tin Wondtrlul f II n11ht 88Q' .. wlnt la\lln1 durlna dllck HHon , m1ny eatrul Idol for 2 l11tndi or father & son C1tl Milla at 110·!>41 08!>4 Would llllt lo contact • 110n1wrlh1111 planrst, In tlthftr blues, i-u. swl"I or p<\P If you tit, ~nd 11hone ' Of mt11tn1 tddrns wllf,re you 1111y b• tont1ettd, to 0 l . R;.>; c/o 0 M. Ad4lrn1, 15 Adarn' Avt Cost• Mia.,, CA92626·3JSG HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 MlsctllanlM StMca -COOi. TUVll IOI f ntry Intl Positoon1, \8•, no t!qlll\llU ~ •Y 2 _.,fl/lid.,.,._ lt•rt•pott•hon, lodainl poWMl m> '!*Jn ..... tD at Tel r.. -6M-~U> (t'A -sr.AN) Sill ANTIQUES Anlqua b'. 3010 "Tiii &aOVIS• ~~Met n. s. o.c 1•., 1ntievt[:ua.w. t4t-7'6-277 ht.., ws.i.,MfY_. m.,_....,~ BUILDING/ GARDEN SUPPLY/ TOOLS ToollMatdWart 3135 TOOU TOOlS TOOlS Craftniens tool1. tbl HW. Sholi Smith 1tt up, Hllathl !>op •tw Slllll uw, Otll1 bind uw, Iota of misc hind toolt d•y• 714•145 1M3 av• 949-64!) '431 :!:'r.': ...,.... ~ I W/rl;llJC.fot hoMsi, ll{I'. catr~ u ... bllll>d -~ 9e 7"4(1lJJ HOME FURNISHINGS f1tmlbn -OUUN MATialH HT ~ brtnd ""',. ., ~ wt-t Slit Slfll twl~~ <Hfllllf S&flO" HO ~ tllOOd. ltt.nd flfW In .... 722-9108 .. :.;~ ' bo• ltlflt ~ ~--"-so.-2'0 ~ 7402-7466 9000-9750 JEWELRY/ 3460 DIAMONDS/ PRECtOUS METALS Ceo•t c., .. Na•'• Old COIMI Gold, sllv•r. iawetry welcl'lel. 1nttques colltc:ltblts !M9 6'1 9"8 Cats 3610 USCUl 911 life's Unct1t•1nhu Htpptnl Pet Owners Need Help Wtll Mannered Adult Cit' &. Oldt1 Oo&s need new homes Adopt ,\dull An1mtb this Xmasl JO day re\urn Pohcy www anlrnalnetworh ora WM9t ICmlNS & CA1J 8n1t1t Fm & Hn1 ,_, "1 ~ hon-. J) [l9y 1'111111 ... l*lrld ll!ad. ~ ftlb. dlo>olNd. tv ~ ~""*" k v..o ,... (f ,,..,. 12~ ~ www 1111m1lnetworll.or1 MISCEWHEOUS MERCHANDISE Mlseellaneout Mttdllndlse 3855 3-STHL IUIU>INGS J6al6 50a80. 70ll50 N1wl Never Otllv1te4l .. y IOO-•t9-27tO c_:;:...:lf CONVBNIENI' "'""'"JO# 'ff .. ,.,,,..,, "l:::r-~' ' "" .,.,,,.. ., CLASSIPJED (HJ) U2"5'73 lJ mlcr the Service Direc tory Banner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Business Oppoltunttles Bustnmaand franctllsa 3905 BUSINESS FOR SALE? Advertise It Shte'#ldel 200 Community MWS papers Ruch ovtr ~ mlllton Catllnrnlan\ $450 for • 2S·word ad Cal Scan uvu you Um• &. money Call this l0<1I p1r llcl9alln1 newspaper 101 more lnlorm•lkln www cal sc11n com (CAl •SCAN) All. CASH CANOY Route Do {ou urn $800 m a day Your own locel c1ndy route Includes 30 machines end c;andy All tor $9,995 Mult1111nd LLC AO Gf1nd Btvd Oetr Petll, NY 11729. 800·998 VENO (CAl •SCAN) u lnlt1ntt franchl11 opportunity to thott lookmt It wOfk tnde JHtndtntly S8lt lnVHI ment required tnctudu lr1lnina and 1upporl fO( lranchlst' wotldwldt Toll r rtt 1 888 45?·6737 AISOLUTI OOLOMIMll &O 111ndln1 m1cllln11 w1tll ucalltnt loc:atlons M.nt S.U llOC).2J.t-6912 L.t., v"41rtt ,..,,a. 80 mad11nes loc1tlona lnc:ludtd, .... '°' ~t!IS IOO-sot-7 AM \/lNDU«I ROOll. _, '° ' Mlltl!ls "*'"'* ··~._-aoo (CM. escAH> rw,__...._ :...,. ..... ........ c MM1·5'11. Real Estate Strvlcu 4250 Real £stat• lnvestonl Sm11I Money Maaa 11na Ranked Austin, fu•s as tho •t plar, 1n the U S lo invest 1n "at esltfl' f Ind out why vlSll. BUY~ Kenn Renner. 512-423·5626 Olblb"--SIA COAST VILLAGE 2488 NtWJ>Ofl Blvd CM 28001! UIOO/mo w/IMst 949 646 7931 HOMES FOA SAU ORANGE 5400 COUNTY ntne TUllU lO<lt CAMPUS VllW HOAOMOtll 3 h0mea3 & 4br ~91?$61!1,000 ?4.000 Owntt/~I IOO 640 l Ntwpclft Coat STUOA 21 ~ ~ lbf clWn m1tr, 3 ~ 3SOOst, Fl)'tr·VlltUll lout www bll·homta,com it,670.000 "'1/0w'*. 94l> 1.17 OJOO w,.. ......... =..""'""" .. ....,. "49)'41·5'11 - MISCEWNEOUS RENTALS CM(. t f4e Con ... ?br 11/>b~ no peh no ear ~II• nn smoke $600, m(I 9•9-27!> 1099 N•/Ot10l'I View llaom Oceanhunt/22nd Pn ~alt tm. unlurn $h1ro ba 11t1h p•td n ~mi.. krlchtnette, lndrr, tbl~ lo N1wpnr1 Pier. $1 .lOm. Call Sam r:.49·218 7~ (belw••n 9am 5jlm I RentalTo Share 6030 Storage/Garage Space Fot Rent 6060 NPI 2•1w 1tor1p. 400 600sl unltJ Mey store vechtcles low~ ratn C.. C...olyn 9516.l l.Bl PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electrontCS and plumbers, to landscapers and painters SPORTS Daly Pilot SAGE BRIEFLY Contmued from A7 ~l~y Rose. Sage Hlll 41$0 Cea·· tures freshman All Mcl.au,hlln. Sea Kings lay one on Los Amigos: ·0efenslvely, we ate tough and otrrnsively we are tough.. no mnttcr who we pur out thete," Ray 53.ld. "We just need a smooth transition from both.• Ray said the Ugh~ (2-1) could be a •@ngerous team when league play begins, but there 15 &till much wotk to be done. Amy WetherbU wOl assist Ray. "We have a lot of lndMc1ua1 talent. but as far a.a meshing u a ream. I know that will take a lot of dlsdpHne and heart" Ray said. "But everyone has the qµalltiei and that will be a plus forua." BREITLING 188' INaTIUl••NT8 PO• tt•OP•881011A L 8• CdM surges to first-round victory Monday in La Quinta tournament action. Corona del Mar Hlgh boys basketball coach Ryan Cwry said the inevitable letdown after his team took an 184 first·quarter lead never came Monday. The result ,allowed the Sea IClngs to paste Los Amigos. 73·43, in the first round of the Aztec Classic at La Quinta High. Sophomore Ryan Lance prute<f CdM with 16 points. while $elllor Pancho Seaborn chipped in 13 as 11 Sea ICJngs scored. ~We played really well. with a lot of high energy.~ said Curry. whose team improved to 1-1. The Sea Kings meet Santa Ana Valley in a championship quarterfinal Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. and sophomore Mike McOa- nlels chipped Jn 11 points and five ~bounds. Estancia meets Los Amigos ln a consolation quarterfinal Wednesday at 3:30 p.m. Alt9C a.takl Flfst round hnta M 'a V.laty U, &tancl• 63 ScoN IW Ou8*n E~ncla • 't • 115 24 • 53 Santa Ana 11 11 1e 12 • et Vattev &uncle -Pinto 20, McDanlela n, Mertlev 3, EICObedo ?, Sankey 12, Verette 0, Vlramom .. O, Meluner O. 3-polnt goalt • Pinto 2. E1cobedo 2. McOanlel1 1, Marlctev 1. Santa An• V.llay • Nava 3, Banner 7, Cueva 6, Gonzalez 31, Navaffete 1, Morales 2, Estrada 2, Sosa 7. 3·pt. goal•· Gonzalez 3, Banner 1. Sluggish Eagles earn tie •SOCCER: Visiting Estancia High rallied for a l · l nonleague boys soccer tie Monday at Fountaln Valley, though Eagles Coach Steve Crenshaw was not entirely.pleased with bis team's effort. behlnd, 9-2. in the first quarter Monday and never regained the lead despite never trailing by more than seven polnts In a 41 · 40 Joss to Schurr ln pool play of the Fountain Valley (ouma- ment. Senior guard ·eassey Brick had 10 points, seven rebounds and three asslstt for tlie Mus- tangs (l·l) and Su:zy Trujillo connected on four of s.ix three· polnters on her way to a game- hlgb 14 points, but Mesa could never entirely close the gap. Costa Mesa will return to tournament action with an- other pool play game at 6 p.m. Wednesday against Mira Costa. FountllnVallay~umament Pool play Schu'1' 41, Coste Meta 40 Score by Owirter1 Costa Mesa ., 9 a 16 -40 Schurr 9 9 11 12 -'1 M ... -Brlclt 10, Kelly 2, Sanchez 6, Trujillo 14, Be.Vergara 2, Br. Vergara 6, Akaneel 0, Bjelland 0, Cluff o. V. EneelO. After trailing, 4-0, at halftime1 the Lightning 0 -2) managed an unassisted goal by sophomore Kelsey Roie and a Megan Curr/ ' tally, on an assist from Amy Werblln. · Ray also praised the play of junior goalie Laura Gordon (13 saves), as well as forward Sara Becker. Whittier Christlu.n improved to3-l-1. The Llghtnlng play host to" Estancia Wednesday. Seahawks stomp Sage •BASKETBALL: A Sage Hill School girls basketball team weakened by illness faded out in the finaJ three quarters of a 61-15 nonleague loss to visit· Ing Ocean View Monday night. Ant round CdM 73, Los Amigos 43 Scorebv0u811ltn CdM ~ 21 21 13 "If we'd have played soccer, It wouldn't have been a de,~ Cren-~ shaw said. "We were kind of flat. H Loa Amlgoc 4 14 e 1e CofOl\I de!~. Watanabe 2, R. Lance 16, Seebom 13, Hirata 8, T. Lance 4, NortMclge 5, Freede 8, Revnoldt 2, K. Welch 9, MacDonald s. Manni 2, T. Welch 0, Kabakllan 0. 3-pt. goals -Briclt 1, Trujillo 4. Br. Vergara 2. Fouled out -Be. Vergara, Br. Vergara. Schun -Viramontes 1, Terasawa-Lew 6, LV 3, F. Sanchez 3, Cabello 8, Agabao 8, C. Sanchez n , Tso 2. The Seahawlcs {1-0) out· scored the Ughtning, 48·8. after taking a modest 13·7 first-quar· ter lead, dropping the hosts to 0-3. Sophomore Rebecca Hem- barsky led Sage Hill with six points. Nonlaaaue Estancia sophomore Danny Perez came to the rescue in the 7lst minute, booting home a deflection off a comer kick for the equalizer. 3-pt. goals -None. Fouled out -None. Ocean View 61,Sage Hiii 15 Score by Ouartars Oe11an View 13 1s 22 10 61 3-pt goalt ·Seaborn 1, K. Welch 1. Loa Amigol · J. Manthavong 4, T. Manthavong 2. J. Finnau 11, C. Finnau 19, Be"elleza 2, Bernal 2, Tran 1. Pham 1. Heralds handle Sage Sage Hill 7 o 4 4 • 1s Ocean View· Aldefer 19, Boggeln 2, Thunter 12, Abufarle 10, Williams 8, Butler 6, Potter 4. 3-pt. goals -None. Falcons hold off Eagles Estancia (2-1-1) plays host to Edison Wednesday. Sea Kings stand out • WRBSTUNG: Four Corona del Mar High wrestlers earned top-three finishes ln the Dow· ney 10-way invitational, con· tested Friday and Saturday at Downey High. • SOCCER: Hose Sage Hill School played Whittier Olris· tian even in the second half. but was defeated. 6-2, in a non· league girls soccer game Mon· day. 3-pt. goals -Abufarie 2, Aldefer 1. Sage Hill · Yoder·Lee 2, Gutierrez 5, Hembarsky 6. Gonzalez 2, Kaliski 0, Schaefer O. Wright 0, Puishys O. 3-pt. goals · None. ••W•eSNC'f Mla•ION TRl.DiT~bJi L F••"lon l•l•nd·N•wport •••c" 94en21-11010 www.TradltlonalJ•w•l•ra.com www.•11••TLIN•.CON •BASKETBALL: The Estancia High boys baslcetball team pared an 18-point deficit after three quarters to three. but it couldn't overcome Santa Ana Valley, which eamtro a 59-53 victory ln the first round of the Aztec Oasslc Monday at La Quinta High. Junior Carlos Pinto scored seven of his team-high 20 points In the final period, when pressure defense, as well as a pair of three-pointers by Hugo Escobedo, helped the Eagles outscore the Falcons. 24· 12. Senior Scott San.lcey had 12 points and a team-high eight rebounds for the Bagles (1-1). while Pinto added five boards Senior Dave; Simon was sec- ond at 215 pounds with a 7-2 record, while junior Taylor Al· ston (7-2 with five pins at 112 pounds), junior Brian Feeley (7·2 at 135) and junior Jon Dean (6·3 at 140} each finished third. CdM Coach Gary Almquist also singled out the 6-3 per- formance turned tn by sopho· more lan Hogan, who finished fourth in his weight class. Mustangs fall short •BASKETBALL: Costa Mesa High's girls basketball team felJ SCHEDULE TODAY Basketball High school boys -Bill Reynolds Classic at Newport Harbor High: Compton vs. Newport Harbor, 6:30 p.m.; Valley Christian tournament' Costa Mesa vs. Valley Christian, 8 p.m. High school girls -University tournament: Newport Harbor vs. Esperanza or Tesoro, 8 p.m. Soccer High school boys -Corona del Mar at Sage Hill, 3 p.m. High sct\ool girls -Corona del Mar at Ocean View. 3:15 p.m.; Newport Harbor at El Toro, 3:15 p.m.; Aliso Niguel at Costa Mesa. 5 p.m. Water polo High sct\ool girls-Newport Harbor at Esperanza, 3: 15 p.m.; El Modena at Costa Mesa, 3:15 p.m. WE'VE BEEN SERVICING FORDS ALMOST AS LONG AS FORD'S BEEN MAKING THEM! Your Newport • Mesa Community Ford Dealer $1595Englne Diagnosis Tired of that pesky check engine light? See us today for an electronic engine analysis to find the cause! A must to be able to pass the CA smog check! Offer valid with coupon. Taxes extra. EX res 1213112003 L_egal Notices 2840 j LtpJ Nallca 2l40 Upl...... atO I.loll Noacea 2MO Llpl Nodca ato Legal Nalfca llMOlf l(A(lf ANO ADOf>l RESOlUTIOH TM1118'11Nor~ Shll,C.. ..... CA 'Ille °Ii~.!., CONFIRMING HIE Lain Mo.. Zll'Ml&ZI ---~ MIM _... Air"w • (Jff (OUll(l LEVYING Of ASSESS· t Tiit On:llr No lllZOI tnf W., IDr tnf MO A1171M AaASUIUUIY MENTS FOR FISCAL M.H. MZ.2"23>17 Nab Of •wet-GI Ill ..C In .. ~ ~ of YEAR 2004. TMlln S. "'-' .. In --trld OIW -.. fil•Ofc.lbnlLtor ............... RESTAURANT ASSOC!· dlldlllcllr10.SdTiutl. ~ I ,,,,,. lflOWll lw of~ <w..s.at. 4:JO...._ ATION BUSINESS IM-Olllld l/31/200l UNm ~ ..... Slld ........ l!lldl, In lhl of lhi Ellatl -J • , r--PROVEMENT DISTRICT ._ don to P1vt1Ci1 ~ IM ~ CMIWll OI of M0UHA. ~f,2003 RENEWAL: CONDUCT ~. l 1ft11t bl ldd • I --· _...., or =•~Cl hi CURRENT BUSINESS PUBLIC HEARING ANO -... • jW .... "' - -... rt:'.... DINGHY STORAGE FOR ADOf'T RESOLUTION fOR ~Cllfle-..Cllh ~.:.~ 'u:' to lhl OFFSHORE MOORING RENEWAL Of THE ::-c:..r~-~~ :.n"'&=-~ :4W§Ot ~:.~:m:~s . PHASE I. ~~~~ssr~l~~~~~E 171'2112003. • 1 . MTC Mid Olld d .,.. llllfl alilr ~Ill on~ FIRE PREVENTION IN FISCAL YEAR 2004. fNdl inc., 1t1e .. .._..~Ill ~ ~"' BUCK GULLY (ORAL LANDMARK BUILD · Coii1. • U, IPPQlrllld _, "*(t). ..,_, • "-olllcll iJ . M. PRESENTATION) (5:15 INGS, CODE AMEND· Tilde tdlf "Pll'loWil to llllllr N lln'nl OI fie O.OOI FlDl)lo, f14d.aw ' P.M.)REORGANIZATION MENT NO. 2003-009; Deed of TMi rtcOldld Ofl 'fn.M. ellrllMlll-n. of Jlu!IM M. FIDollo, ELECTION OF MAYOR. ANO BALBOA THEATER, ~ ~ .., ..... ""'Nill ~OOc'landT~Hlec~ The City Clerk pruldH 707 EAST BALBOA ~l"315a 9oc11 t\'a, Ind cl flt ...-Mlllll lrt 5* fOf tlle tltctlon of Ille BOULEVARD, GENERAL P ..,. .. ......., -..... "' lllCI Olld Ill 1llAlt. IMll: ,,.. Me•or. The Cit• Cletll; PLAN AME"'DM£NT "'0. .... • ..=: ':. ':.':":.'..~ d.. ___ ... <"....__._.. 91387,~ !'!! , , .. "' .,. .....,... .., ""' ._.._ -~ .....-1 ..t ~--· _ In presldln,. plec:ts ell 2003·006 ANO LOCAL O!Mgt. CMcy, c:.on;a, ~--.-~~ deotMtd ll llM..!!.,= mttnb1tr1 o tht Council COASTAL PROGRAM ~ by ~ ---_.,. -·-n .. .wn. ..... on •n tQUll b1Jil lo AMEHOM£NT NO. 2003· ~ 1 ~ "*" • M ..... jlJllOl IO* I,. lnetl..c H ...... nomlnalt ind et.ct. OOS (PA200J.212). hie eole ltld ._... PfTll*tr ni.. la lnllblt 11'1 ~ llCllUll9d In tddlion to 1111 EL!CTION Of MAYOR CONTINUED BUSINESS •T,_. • OMrnVU. • .. lof tnf ~ .. : ':' ::-o::i.,111~ PROl£M. UNSCHEOULEO VA· ---:. ...... • ~ ~ ~ ........ ll'llt ~ G ............ 111 _ Tiit M.yOr IH .. ldet lor CANCY ON THE PARKS --• blddit' IOI -.... _, --... •• •-.,. Ille •l•t\lon of Ill• BEM:HES a. RECAEATIOH :.:-' ~~ ~ ol .: IWll GI l'llOnll9 -IO Ill of~. 8 Mtyor 'ro Ttrn. Tht COMMfSSIOH In 11.U-,__ cl Ill IJMed ~_!1.!'!, ...Uno•-=:'.'"I• _,IC.~f\I Mayor, In pruldln,. ADOPTION Of "° Rts· .. ~~, -•-...,. ..... -plac:u 111 membtn of OLUTION ESTABLISHING SC., by tllll. t Clllilf'I ,..... llla ......., Loi 18 ll3 Of lht Council on an tQutl THE $PHEllC ISSU£S ~ Gwl br 1 1111111 Of __. llld Olld GI Tlllll ...,,.~ b••lt to nomlnatt and COMMITTEE ANO PAAY· ~~ 1~ ~ ....,,_ .... ft! l!llP -11'1 ~. t leet, OR'S •APPOJNTMl!HT Of ~ I -or -• ,.._ .... ID .. ...,._., e l"ll09..., ORDINANCES FOR COMMlnEE MEM8ERS. ""°" Ol I dleCll ~ lir I ..... ~ ti DllllAt ~~ IHTROOUCTION Published Newport -ot ............ Inf ..s Olrnlnd lot ... lrld I ~1-01 OROIHAHCE UllHOING 8uch•Cott• M•H Dally '* ..ocim\ IM'IOI WlllllllHclclolDlfdnl ~lo'IDWft•· NONEXCLUSIVE CABl.E ~t Ouaml,lar~ 1t.ted dudllne, .. •led bids •I the pl1ce Iden llfled above lor th• 1w1rd of a con tr ect lor th• ebo~• Project.. Th••• Wiii b• I min· d1lory job Wiii\ and conference on Otc:amber 18, 2003 11 9 1.m. al lh• school site. loe1· tlon: 15871 Spr1n1d11t St., Hunlln&lon 8Hch, CA 92649 Any bidder faHln1 lo 1ttend lilt entire job ¥11lk ind conference will be detmed • nonrHponslve bidder ind wlll have Its bid returned unopened. Project Oocumenlt 1tt on Iii• 11 th• Purchnlnf Dep1rtment, 1025 Yor~lo•n Av•.. Hun· llnaton 811ch for 11150 per ul refundeblt d1po1ll. (Depoall r•· quited lor 11ch .. t of Project Oocumanb to 1u1r1nl11 lhtlr rtturn In aoocl condition within five (!i) c11tnd1r ct1ys altef tba bid openlna elite.) In tccordenc:• wilt\ tl'la provltlon• of Buslnus end Profeaalons Coda Section 7028 16 and Public Contr1ct Code SettlOn 3300, Ille DIS· 'fRICT requfrtl tll1t tht blcldl! po.-e.. I dtt· slllcatlon 8 cont11ctor'1 a=: :;..,::..-:..= r-:!t.ij ~£~u~~~s~ 10 do.._ In fllt "*' N: IO ,. IO lie ,_... In f9 ~ o# Introduce '" Ofdlnanca ti lie flON OI ,_..,,.. • Ol:Ullr.,.,.,. ~ .... fen~ Of ••t111dln1 tlM current h "'91 ftl .._IO lie • .._. .... ,.,.,...,., .... = IQ 119 lr1nch111 a1rHmtntt IQ11Cf CAillll fOll9$ llceMt(I) at tl\e tlmt Ol1trlct1 Huntlncton t11t bid II •ubmlttect. An1 ,...,...()itoC.-40\.,.11 "'°""' ,_. -..i lllU bid llidlCM' wltll Co• and Adlltplll1 £. ~ Jwt. ,.._... II.di ,_...... o.t'. 119111 "'*-> Wlli until i.nu1ry 27. ~1 CA ., ~ * bl ,.,.. t~ ~ COIPI tlll .. b11 nMllMld rl 1w •nd 2) p•u lo 8"0ll• ~IOM!now"'1d~ ---0... Oitwt. Zlld ;:.Maid_,Oft!Ot,.at = rudln1 on Janulfy ll, lllCW Mid o.t ol Ti:"' .:;d Aoar UI 8'1, llft. CA ion hltwof, a.ieJ! 2*. =.: -:.::.. ~ :.er .ii.; ... ::. .m:,"'~~""i .. flt 9'd ""'9ln: AIJl M22· 111-1• it ~~ PlAHMNC COMMISSION fl).1 T llla """"' 190 ftl di IVI DlfillAl Of MOOtrlCA ,..,. --............ ---. I. ,. TION l'lRMIT NO ~ edcl'•~ 'Ille ... .._ -T..-• _ " 091 TO ALLOW A flfTH ~ to i. MO 9'111 1ID"IOOS . .. .. ..-., (CO!lltXA"1 SYmMS, w ·-INC. APl"\.ICANT), C It Cl ...:-...-1.-.11 T-.;.a-v MARI NC AVF ,.Ul 8 .... llWU uua,. IUlfrtEU 11.t"'°VC· •••di UnloTI HW1 School lllddtf not •• llcalltlcl Olslrlct •I 1111 tk'Pt of tll1 bid 8111 o .. c1Unt: Jtnuary open 111 wlM ba relt.ci.11 i2, 2004, 2.00 pm H llOlll'nponllvt. Place of 9141 R~llpt: tlmt la of tltt ""nee. Purcllolns OepartMattl, hell 1114 '"'" " te· l~l V0tklown Ave., coml)tnled by • • bid Hunllnaton ltKh, CA ~1111\y In tltt fOl'm of Pro)tct: 9111 '90l cnll. , a certified or Marina Hllll School •ca1hler • ch•cll Ot bid Modetnlutlon t>ond In 111 emount not NOTICE. 1$ Htl~UY .... tll1n ttn !*Celll CMN thet lllt Hull (10t>) of Illa totll bid llnJlOn llHoh U11lon prke, P•Y•bl• 111 tltt Hflll School Olttrlet of DISTRICT Tht Calltornl• Depart· ment of lndustrlal Relations hn deter mined the 1ener1I pll· v11lln1 rites of per diem wa11u tor lht loe111ty In which the work Is to be performed for lht Proj ect. CoplH of these w111• r1te determine· tlons. entitled Prev111in1 Wla• Seale, are main· teined al tht DISTRICT of1lce and are •vallabl• at lh• lollowl111 website. ¥1WW dlr.u cov. It shell be mandatory upon the succtnful bidder lo whom th• contract Is aw.,dtd, ind upon 1ny subconloc1or llaled, lo pay not lest than the said ,paclfiad ••IH to 111 ¥10fkers emp10y1d lly th•m for th• Protect. No bidder mey wllhdr•w any bid '°' • ptrlod of al•IY (80) c1ltncj11r days •fler lhf dale se\ for th• 01>tnln1 of bid,, P'ursuant to Public COlltract Code Stc:tlon tt,00, th• Alfttmfftl wlH eOftl•ln pro•laloo1 p41rmltt1n1 th• IUCC•U· lul bldcltr to aubatJtut• 11cur1U11 for any mon· Ill wllhheld by the DISTRICT lo enu1re perlor11111nce und•r th• AarHm1nl or per1nf\lln1 payment or retention• urnld dlrtctly Into nerow. In eetord•nc• with £d11c1tlon Code 17078.11. tilt Olstrlct hll 1 parllc:lpatlon 1oel of at laatt 3 percent of th• 11v•iall dollar t~nt Optlldff ttch Y•lf for eon1lfucl10n fl>' OV8t Sl1n1d b~ Susi Mel•nt Director Pro c11ttmtnl/£ llfl SY Con· HrnUon for lh• 8oud of lrv•t"' 'ubllahed Neweort l11ch·Co la t.11'1 01Ry P'llol Oacembtr 9, 18, 'lOOl TllU :-.!=i-s =::":~ £-~:::·~~~.::.~m 949 &42-5e78 y •PfT OISTiaCl. COH OUCT PUSUC. HCAAINC Ot1n .. Cou11ty, Ctllfot Tiit OISfRICl tewW• 1111. uttni h •lid tile tllht to reject •Ill thlou111 Its Gowrnlnl or •II lllda Of lo w•lwa 9oard, Mrtln•Jt• ,. tny llftllllttttla• Ot '•'" to •• •otSTlllCr, 1n1or1111lltlt• Ill eny l>ldt will rec:t•ve \IP to bu\ Of In tM bktdl!ll pro• ool lit• tw !he *x•· ,.c•...,••_. .. ____ _,, ___ ....., ____ ... Legal Notices 2640 legal Notices 2640 SW9l0a (OCJIT Of SHOW CAUSE ANO THIS '111t.ftMtu ORDER EXPIRE ON THE ..,___. DATE ANO TIME OF THE (OOlfJYOfOl-anp HEARING SHOWN IN THE ul "'-· l'lo..IU.~ BOX ABOVE UNLESS "" t• ... •r"''" EXTENDED BY THE n.-CA 92163 COURT "''""I"'• Oote1 NOV 20, 200.1 linortmxJustke Judge l-c• P. JenHI', c... JUDKIAL omu• rnTTIOlllilllwnrr. Published Newport ,._,,,... Beach·COlita Mesa Daily s.iitlrtfithtridi Pilot November 25. RlSPOllDfll/DUDIDAllli December 2, 9, 16, 2003 Melt$. Pfttck T860 APPIJCATIOlt., .. fOl &SUAIKI Of Oll>ll fOSHOWCAIJSl The follo¥1ln1 persons nr. .,.1 .. .a. t",.,....""I are dolnt busl11ess as . WYll--a) Carb Free llvlna. b) Applk•l\I ltl. M111< S C11bfte.OC. .\32 Wy1:· Patrick liffe •. trvlnt. CA 92602 Appllc1nt ,.quHtt Iha Z1cbery $•th Maitotis, court lo relssu• the 432 Wycliffe, lrvl,,., CA Ordet lo Show Ceuse 92602 orl1lnalfy lnutd es f.rl l1ur111 Bloom. 432 follow• Order to Sho., Wycliffe. lrvlne, CA C1usa WIS Issued on 92602 10/21/0l This lluslnass 11 con· Applicant r equul\ ducted by c:o.partneu ttlssutrlct of Illa orrler Have you at.rted doln1 b•C•llU: Pttlllonu/ buslnus y•lT No Pl1lnt1ff could not b• Zach M•r•olb urv_ad u required This 1t1tem1nt w11 b•fott 1ne hurln1 dale• filed with llM County .1t'l O.tltrt undet pen•lly Clfrk of Or1na• county ol IHl'liiry 111\cHtt tile on 12M/03 1ew1 or th• St•t• of ioo1•H717S C1llto1nl1 that tll• Oaily Piiot Otc. 9 . .)_6.i lor1so1n1 I• true ind 23, 30, 2003 flltil COfftCt. D•lt. ll/?0/03 Ill T~•ne• w. l'Obafle OlOflt IT IS OflOERlD the\ tl)t Orcltr to Show Cau11 luU•d 11 .riown Oii Item 1 •bovt I• re~,u•d tnd 1 , .. , tilt lltfrln1 In lllb court H follows: 01t1. l/Oll/04 TllM 8:4! AM d#pt . 161 A COllY or tlli\ order must bt attac:hacl to doc:umanh th1t mutt ba ""'"on 1111 PtllllOtutr/ Pl•lnhll u dHa,ltd In Iha Ordu to Siio• C1uu f.11 otllaf ortltll con ltlned in Ill• Orcltt to ShO'lf C:euu 111111ln In lull fofC• end aflact 11nttu mot11htd by Ulls ~rll• Hif OROtlt TO fldlllm ...... ... s..... 1 hi rottowlnl penons •re dol111 buslntu 11. 1 oa11 Oettifl Studio, • Cenyon l n .. Co• on• dtl Mir, CA 11625 Gloitt >. Hict.m1n, ~ Cenyon Ln., Coron• cit! M•r, CA 916:!6 Thll buaJn • " ton duc:tld by 1n lndlvldu1I H1v1 you atarlad doln1 lhraln-yetf Ho Glori• J Hkkm•n T/llf tltltnltnt WI• flllld wllll Ill• Co11nty Cltrk of Or1n1• County an lll2l/O~ 200J6'6.St0f 011ly Pilot No• U, o.ic. 2.,9.16,200.J ra~s • Legal Notlees 2640 . FictlliM hsinns MmeStatlNlllt The followlne persons ire doln11 business u P aclf1c: Mafnland, 1760 Monrovia •A 18. Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Pacific Mainland Inc ,• (CA), 1760 Monrovia Ave. #A 18, Costa Mese, CA92627 This business Is con ducted by· • corporetlon Have you atarlld dolne bustntu yet? No Pacific Malnlend, Inc., Brl•n Walls, Vic• Pres• Iden I This statement wn. , filed with Ille Coun\y Clerk of Or•nae County on l l/21/03 2003696S8ts Dilly Pilot Nov. 25. Dec. 2.9, 16.2003 T850 AdlllM ...... "-S....... The followln& persons are doln1 business es: Town & Country Hanel Car Weah. 2747 Eeat Ch1pm1n Ave .. Or•nat, CA92869 Town & Counlt ~ Hencl Ctt Wesh, Inc:., (CA), 2747 £aat Cllepmen• Av• .. Ortna•. CA 928G9 Thi• llu1lneu 11 con• doc:ted by! • corpor•t1011 • 111111 you •ltttl!d c101n1 llu•lntu yet? No To.,.n ~ Cou111ry 11•nd Car Wuh, Inc .. R1ndtll A. GrtlOflan, Pt•ldtnt Thlt •l•t•ment w11 filed with lht County Clark or Or ana• County on tl/21/03 200Mf6Stol l>llly PllOI r.ov. 2'. Otc. 2. t , 16, 2003 lU7 FI ND an apartment throuah classified " ' - Daily Pl!Ot Tiie lollow1n1 pee .on11 t(e dolnf bUSl"eU ti 01v1d •nd >•net 8rl1kll Matto Tooti Dlltslbu ton. 9742 CIHrbroo .. Dr~ Hunllnaton Buell CA92646 Otvld Brisky. 9742 Clt.1rbroo• Or • Hun 1on11on Be.ell. CA 92646 11net Btl1ky, 9741 Clnrbrooll Or , Hun llllaton Beacll. CA 92646 Th11 bullneu 11 con duct•• by l!usb1nd ind wit• H1v1 you •llfled dolnc b11s1nHt ,,,,, Yes, I~ 99 J1nel Brisky This shttment wn It~ with the County Cferk or Or1n1e Counly on 11/21/03 200U96SIU Diiiy Pilot Nov 25, Otc 1 9 16. 2003 T847 fldttMI a.dness "-SlltMlellt Th• lollowinr persons .,,. do1na business as 1) AWC Rem11~ehn11, b) AuloR1markele1s.com. 600 Anton Boulevard. 1 llh ind 12th floors Costa Mesa, CA 92626 Aulo Wholeuler Croup. Inc (0() 3078 Rivoli. Newpotl Bearh. CA9Z660 This b1111neu n. con ducted b~· 1 corporation t11ve you started do1na business yet' Ye~ 10 27/2003 Au l o Wh olesdl~r Croup, Inc Br •die~ Greenwald, CEO ThlS st11tmen1 was fried with the County Cler~ of Oran11e County on I 1/03/03 200369'4010 Daily Prlol De• 2. 9. !IJ 23.2003 Tllii2 lEGAl NOTICE NOTICI OF PUIUC SALE Of WHOOm PIOPEITY NullU IS hert!by fi1Yr0 thal the undtr~1&11ed "''" ~ell at p11blit aud1on. pursu•nl In Sedttlfl 21700 of lhr Bu<rnos• & Pr ole·.>1onaf Code lhc foffowrnK dt!strrbed property to wot f'AM[LA 8Al1Nl H· I \8 Surf Bd clothes bo•u '"'" lliOMAS AllCH H·IOI r old ch . "'" rods w1nd1urf1nc ulls & equip . dulfle bll •• lwrn lloau. mis<. DANIEL ROARK I 61 Ref .. body l>o•rd. 1111nt1nc. bo1u, mr~ DAftlU ROARK I 63 Mk.rowave, 1otd clbs drlll p11u. comp equip.'. Lennis raqueb melt boau mis. SANDY AV£RY I 126 loves.eel temp\, microwave pie · lures, boae,, misc PAUl BU tLEll I 3& Stereo tQU'I) cell ph loveua1 cloth11. boo1 mitt Sale Wiii be by •om pehtlvt bldd1n11 (wroteen seeted bids m1y tte subm1tt1d 1n •dva1'ce) on lhe 23rd day ot December at 2 00 P.M 11 the pr em1se) whtft s••d property hi\ bun stored •nd wh1<h 11 louted •I AVRts SELF STORAC( 1011 lrnHt Ave flunt1naton Buch C1 l714) 8&8 Jl14 l•ndlord--"fe$erv~s the r•ehl to bid at th11 s~le Purchues must be made by cuh end paid lor at the tome of l)Utrh.Se All purchased eoods are \Old •s '' end must be removed •I hme of sal~ Sale " subjtcl lo cancellatron m the event ol SPltfemsnt betweM landl1>1d •nd obh&•l•d oarty Published on 12 09 01and12 '16 0.1 Aucllnneer Wand.i Nor tun Bond 1 <; 400 1684 Phone 0141 848 7314 Ayre. Sett ~Hor 'II' ReS1do11I Maodiier \ Publr\hed Ntwµor l Bcea<ll Co\t.i Mcu 0•1ly Polo! OeLember 9 16 :>003 1871 SlfEllO« cooar Of CAllORMA, COUNTY Of ORANGE 341 n. Oly Drlvt Or1111g4, CA 92663, IAMOREAUX JUSTICE COOU PfTITIOH Of: WMDISfRWIO fOI CIWIGE OF WIE ORDER TO SHOW CAUSE FOi CHANGE Of NAME CASE NUMIEI: A222129 Policy . Rates and deadline~ are ,uh.1cu to change wllhou1 no11cc fhe pubh,hcr reserves the right 10 cen,or. rccla"1ty. revise or rcjcc1 any cla!\~1fied advertisement. Please rcpon ru1y error that may be in your dJi>!>lltcd ad immediately. The Daily P1lo1 accepts no liabsht) for an) error 111 an advcrt1~cment for wh1d1 11 may be re~pons1blc exccpl for thr 1.0,t ul the space ac1ually cx:cup1ctl h} 1hc error Credit can only be allowed lor the lir~t in~rt1on ANNOUNCIMINTS N 1 & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL lr91l 1419 [$1 2305·2490 -l.lpl Maacll lO All INlfl'CSlCO P£ftSOICI I Pet111or .. r C1rme11 Snt1no tried • pehtio11 with thla court lot 1 dtcr... ch•n1111c n1mea u follows C1rrntn Surano to Cetmen Shaw 2 THf COUllT OROt RS that all Pt•aons Inter •llld 1n thtA mailer \111111 1.ppt1r ~loo 1111• court •t the hnrln1 lnd1nted below to 'how c1uu tt 1ny why the petition for chance ol ntme should not b<I r•nt•d NO nc OF HEARING Datt· 12 30-03 Time. 2.00 pm Dept. t.73 th• tddtHI of tti. court " ume n noted 1bove. J A copy of 1111\ Order lo Show CauH sh•ll bt published •• lust once uch wee~ for four \Ut:cess1ve weeks puor lo the dote set tor h1111n11 on the pel1toon in the follnw1nc new\ paper of cenerat , ... u l~tton, prtnled in this county. Newport Bt.ich' Co~I• Meu O•rly Pilot Oot•: NOV 10 2003 MAlJOltll lAlltD CAltTlll, JUDGI Of lHl SUf'UlfOR COUlll Publr>h•d Newport Buch Cvste Mes• 011ly P1101 Novtmber 18, ~. Otcemb~r 2 9. 2003 1842 fldl1lous ltlsJntss MGlleS~ the folluwrne oersons •re do1na busroe•> ~' dl Portol1 Pldla. bl llott Crenshaw <) GenN" t1nns M .. n.11aemrnt hmtcula 1000 Quail Street # 160. Newport Bcilh. CA 92660 Cener•l•on• Manaee mrnl ICAI IOOO QuA1I Slr••t •160 Newp1>1t fle•th. CA 92660 this bu11r1eu ·~ cun rlud•d by • <orpur1t100 H . .,e you •llrled d"'"" bus1neH y11l? Y•• llu&U\I 28 )()()3 Crnf!t <lttnn\> Man Alt' "'~nt Shurl S fryr f'tc\1th~11C l '11> slM• ment wJ•, lrled wolll lhP Cuuntv I lerk ul 01<1111?• t:ou1o1y on 11 11 01 2q036965884 (lJ1fy Pilot Nov 25 Orr. z 9 16 200J 184& .......... .... s ...... llle loltow1na penons ••• dolna bu11nua H . RIV, I~ l'l1nrit1• Ave Bldl C-3 Cotta Men, CA 2U7 Blclei, Ftrthlr, Fut u, llC, (CallJornt1). •348 lod51 Ave., Tolun Lake. CA 91602 Th11 bullnan IS con ducted by llmlltd l11b1lrtr Co H~• you •tar ltd doln1 busln.ss yst7 No Bluer. Farther, Ful er. llC, 01111n Crew ford, Men.oclnc Partner 0111 stattrntnl wu toled with \111 County Cl11k of Or1n1• Counly Oil Jl/21/0J 2003'9'5197 Darty Polol Nov 2S. Doc 2,9 16.2003 T85J fldftt. ..... "-es......, The follow1nc persons art do1na business a\ a) BCP Cttalfon•. b) www bcpcruhons com. c) bcpcruttons.com. d) BCPt111trons 467 011t1 Streol Cosl• Mesa, CA 92627 8111n C Peteis. "67 Oaf• Street. Costa Mua CA 92627 This bu51ness Is con ducted by an rndrvoduil Hava you shrhd dome bus1n1n yel1 Yu. 07 I 07/2003 Bria" Petet\ 1 hos sl•l•ment was filed with the County Clerk of Or•nae County on JZ10510J 20036967242 Oarly Prlot Ott 9, 16. 1J JO. 2003 186!> fktltlM~ "-ts.._.. Ttiv lollow1n11 per soos dre doona bu\lness as MyOpenCheck com 12!> l Baker Suri~ I J!> C.:usl• Mesa CA 92626 North Amerot•n Al •tPl•rlto Corporatoun I CA) 17~ l Bak., 5.uol• 13') Cosla Mn• CA 9?676 ] hi\ bU\lnf\' I\ lOn dueled by 1 <nrp1>r~llon Hhc you s1 .. 11ed 1fo1nr bu\•n•» yet' v., 10/l!>/03 No1 th Ame11e1n Ac ctel1!)£t Corpora!•Of'. Ma1co J. "as•c. Prnl• dfnt lllls st•tement was hltd Wilt\ the CO<IC\ly Cf119' ol Oranp Counly Ufl 11/14/03 100HHSll2 Daily Pilot Dtc 2. 9 16. 23.2003 1861 flclltlMW... "-*'-' Ille follOwtnt perwns 11• clornc bu,lntss as Olv• Oulcns, 2020 S1nll Ana A,.. •l •. Costa Mtu, CA 92627 Hetther Whllelter Pullis 2020 S•n la Ana Av• •L • Cosr. Mosa. CA 92627 Tiffani W Gott, 2J04 Redl1Ma Odve, Newport Beach. CA 92663 nus buslneu Is con du, led by • e•ner al partntnh1p tlavt you starltd dornc bullness yetl Y11 l l/ 26/2003 Hetther Whitaker Pullis This statement was fried with lhe Counly Cltfk ol 011nae County on 12/02/03 20016966836 Daily Prlot Dec. 9 16 23.30.2003 1869 flditlM lllslMss M.IS........ The follow1nc petsons .ire dO'"I bu11neu u Kl Appr a1Ht Ser v1u1. 10484 Ettel Avenue Fountain Valley. Call fornta 92708 7410 Kathtun Lan,ford, I OA84 £ere I Avenue. Founllln Valley. Call lotma 92708 7•10 Thrs busrneu rs con ducted by an 1nd1vlduat Hav~ you sta• ted dorna business yet' Yu IDIO l/2001 Kathleen Lens lord This statement was toled with the County Clll'k of Ot an1e County on November H. ?003 200H9U1U Oa1ly Pilot Nov 18 25 Oec.2,9,2003 T841 The follo•mt per$0nl '" 601ne busineu es· 1) lht Colden Collar, b) lhe Golden H•lt•r c) _.,..._ ..... Ollll\ ~ -w.lhlcoldtnlwlt• com. •e7 oat• St • Coat. Mua, CA 112627 Kelly Lynn Scobetra•, •61 Oct• St Co•ta Mew. CA92627 Thts builoess 11 con ducted by an 1nd1vrdu1I H1v1 you •tatted doina business yetl Vu. 12/ l7/2003 Kelly l ynn Scebetras lhos statement wu fited with the County Clerk of Ot1n1e County on 12/~/03 20016967244 Otlly PllOt 09C 9 16 23 30 2003 T813 fldltlM~ •s....... The followrna persons dfe do1n1 busmen " a) f ld1lrly f undtnll Croup: b) I 1dehly R11lly Croup ZO W Wilson St U , Cost• Mesa CA 92627 f ldetlty Investment Crouo Inc <Ca) '¥.150 Bolu Ave Suite 222. Wutm1n1ler CA 9268J Th1$ buS1neu rs con· ducted by • corpor •loon tltve you •l•tled dorne bu11neu yet? Ye' t2, 01/2003 r1de!tly Investment G1oup Inc O•• Phune General Manacer Thi\ $htement wu IHtd wrth Iha County Cterh of Or•nae County on 12/0'l10l 20036967359 • 011ly Piiot Dec 9, 16. 23. 30 2003 1872 fktttlM t.lntu Ne.. s ......... Tht followm1 penon• <11e do1n11 bu.,nas~ ai Kenwood Constructron & Shullefs 3001 Redhrll Ave Blda #6, Suite 101. Cost• Mtu CA 926?6 Kfllny P Kuhn\ lOOI Redhill Ave Bldi #6 Suite 101. Costa Me\d, CA 92626 Th" busrneu '' con dueled by an rndrvrdu•I Have you \tarted ckr•n& bus•n&n yel' Yes lufy 1982 I low to Plaee. A Kenny P. l<uhni Tiil• 1tat1men1 wH hltcl •Ith the County C'-h or 011n1• Covnty on Jl/Zl/03 200H9Ut03 Otlly Pilot Nov 25, Dec. 2. 9, 16, 2003 TISI ,...... ..... ....... The lollowlnt ,.,sons are dotnC bualnoss H Comfort Pflnts, 1!>5!1 M.aa Vtfdt Of • E.. •29 E. Coata Men. CA 92626 Coli.en Joan lkennan. ISS5 Mesa Verd• Or . P . •i.>9 E. Costa Mtsa. CA 92626 lhll bustnen 11 con ducted by ·~ 1nd1v1du1f Have you started doma butoineu ytP Yu. I I/ 11/2003 CotlMn Brennan This stattment wH fried with the County C~rk of Ounce County on 12/03/03 2003'96 7021 Oally Piiot Oet 9, 16, 23, 30 2003 llliil AdltlM ..... M.eS"'-tl lhe lottow•na person1 art dorna business u Mtu Tecllcal, 227 M1anol1• St . Costa Meu CA 9262/ MeHdyne Corpo11t1on <CAJ 221 Meanofla St CoslA Mesa. CA 92627 Thrs buS1nU' is con ducted by • torpo11tu>n Hivt you sl1rled dorn11 bu'lneu yell No Meudyne Corpora11on Mrlth Barnt, Pre.,dent Th" sbttmont wn ftl•d wrth thr County Clerk of Or~na~ County on 11/21/03 20036965895 Daily Pilot Nov ?~ Dec 2 9 16. 2003 1849 FktiHeus INltis !!-.Slit..., The follow1na p•1sor11 aro dotn& bu\lntss u ChoPf\ Marmo Servr~e :?O?O I ullortnn •18 Co<la Mesa Cafllornra 9?6?1 Chro,topher Alan Bu w"'· 2020 Fuller Inn # 18 Cu•I• MHI Cdlrfornrd 9?6?7 Thi\ bus1ne\\ '' ton dueled by· an rnd1vrdual tt1v1 you •larltd !lorn& Tuesday, December 9, 2003 A.9 --------Legat MCJClca 2l40 Llpl Notices bUSIMU yet? No Chris Bo"ftn Tiiis st1tement was filed wllh 111• County Clef .. ot Onna• County On 11/21/03 200HHS914 Diiiy Pilot Hov 2!>. Doc 2, 9. 16. 2003 Tt58 Tht lollow1n1 persons are doh•& buslnen as SC8 Wholesale ltndln1. 32261 Camino C1plslt1· no, Sit. 0101, Sen Juan C•plltnno. CA 924175 Lindi Jenaerr Enter p<lln,.lo;. (CA) 32261 C1111111b Capiitll<IO Ste 0 101, Sall' Ju1n CtPlll· nno. CA 92615 Tt1" bustnen Is con dueled by 1 c0<porat1on Have you st1rted doine busoneu yet? No lrnda Jensen E nltr p11ses Inc.. Linda R Jens•n. Pres1d1nt This st1tem•nt wo filed wrlh th~ County Clellt. of Or an1e County on 11/21 03 20036965899 Oa1ty Piiot Nov 2!>. O•c 2.9, 16 2003 1856 fktltltls lvdntsi 11111111 StGtelllent The lollowrne person\ .,e do1ne bu"nen as While H•I Web Ouoan ll I W 17th St •G4 Costa Mua CA 92627 M•rtha 0 Beord 181 l Peninsula Pl•ce Cost• Mesa. CA 92627 T111, bu11nen " con ducted by an 1no1v1du1t Have you lier ted do1nt busmen ,et' No Mar Iha 0 Beard l his •latement wn lrled wrlh lht County Clerk of 0,.nae Cuunt) on lJ, ?I 03 20036965196 Darty Pllol Nov 7'> Dec 2 9 16 2003 1852 SELL your stuff through cla ssified! AdMM...... fkffM ..... ... s ....... -~ TIM followl111 petsons tr• doina but.onllU H Jollnson • Assocl1tu 19200 Von l<Jrman AvtniN. lrvfM. Callloinl1 92612 Jora•n Wtt1rrtn1s. 19200 Von l<•1man Avenue, Irvine. Californlt 92612 This bu11nen " con- ducted by •n 1ndMdu1f Hive you tlltfted dome busrneu ret? No 'Jottt•n Wetemnp fh1s •lttement was liled with th' Counly Clerk of D"n11e County on I l/0!>103 200,H'42Sl 011ly Pilot Nov 18, 25. Otc 2.9.?003 ltl4J fldl'*'hslMss 11cnestwt ..... !he fottow111a P•••oM ar• doonc business 11 Dale Fr•nkhn Retlly 26!>1 I B11dltwod OllVe, L •euna Hill' CA 112653 Tt•ns We1tcrn Bro lo.era&• (fA) 26!>1 I Bt ldltwood 011ve l•· aunt Hrtts. cA 92653 Tll1s bu<1"ess •• con du,led by • corporation Have you \luted do1na bu\iness yet' No Iran• Wetol•rn Br" ker•ee llennelh O•le I tankhn P1n1den1 lh1) )ldl•menl w•• flied wilh lhe Counly Clerk ot o,.n2e County on II 21 ~J 20036965110 Oa1ly l'ilat Nav ;/') Oec 2 9. 16. ?OOJ t848 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFIED (949)642-5678 The lollow1n1 pet1ont .,. do1n1 bU\lftOU IS l 81a\on Truch1n1. 190? Sltrtl Vlsll. luslln. t.A 92780 lewis Andrew 81•-un 1902 Sierra V"t• lu• \In. CA 92780 This buslnen rs ron ducted by an 1nd1v1du11 Have you ""led dorna business yet7 No lewrs Sinon Thi" statem•&nl w.i, fifed wtlh lh• County Cler~ o f Oran1• County on 11/10/Gl 20036964.514 Oarly Prk>t D" 2 9 I b JO 2003 1874 FktltlM ludNss "-eSl"-tl The lo1tow1na person\ are dome busln .. s 6\ A111slry Ory Cleaner• end laundry 106 lu•lrn Ave . Newport Buch CA 92663 '"" Inc (Nevada) 6327 Re11oenc1a Ntw port Beach. CA 92660 This businen 1< con dueled by • ceorpor a11011 Have you starled dorne bu"nns yet' No Ptc" Inc Cene Prt" ard Pros. This ~t6ttmenl wu loled wrlh lh~ County Cl11k of Oran~• County on I 1121103 2003696$816 D•tly Pilot Nov 25. Oet 7 9 16. lOOJ t84~ Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SAU! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 ..-----Dradline CLASS IFIEJAD •• [ii Monday ..................... Friday 5:00pm Tuc~day ................. Monda)' 'H)()pm By Fax (949l 6l1-6.'i94 Pie .J 1n.. h,kic ) ''"-r n.m •1.J "'"'"''" 11umt.:r 1nJ '"~ II ,,111 \ 11,1 }1 W ~ "llh 11 llrll.t: QU("rf.: l Telephone 8.~0am-5 .OOpm Monday-Fnday mawtDISE l~ fGI SAii 3010-3940 fll!l!t liill Bv Phone (949) 642-5678 I lours By Mail/In Person: HO West Bay S1rec:1 C'os1a Mha. C' A 92627 /\I Newport Blvd & Bay SI Wednesday ............. Tue.;day 5:00prn Thursday ........... Wedne!>day 5:00pm Fnday.. . ............ Thur-day 5 OOpm Saturday .................. Friday l:OOpm Wulk In 8. lOam 'i.OOpm Monday Friday Sunday ....................... h1day 5:00pm Index rr~ liiil 7402-7466 IOOS-ISIO Un dl'r the Service Directory Bannl'r Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week SOOS·SISO •mmvt& -.· ~97SO For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Colledlble!/ Memorabllla 1160 lOf' $$ .e IJCOltDS lfC .tm. G1lllc. 01; so. & fl1' a Mlle, sp.. 11JtMo •Ill" Mike 949 64!> 7~0!> Auctions 1483 Lost 1505 Gener11 AHTIQUES JEWELRY/ 3460 =ltlts Real Estate 4250 MISCEUANEOUS RentllToShare 6030 ENTERTAINMENT Clltndaro1 Evtnts 1310 EQUAi. HOUSING ~ All rHf .. talt ldYtrltl Ins In this newspaper 11 1ubjett to lh• r tdtnl Falf Hou.int Act ol 1961 I\ emended wlllch ''""" It 111•111 lo edv11t1se •iny prefet lttcl ffmftalrun or d41crtm1n1lton b•Hd on rtu, color, reh11nn .... llent11c11p, ttm111111 tl•tus 04' naltonet ofl•ln. or '" inttn11<>n to m~kt •nY •11cll pref1t1tnc1. 111n1tll lion 01 <fr•t• lm1n1llo" • Tllii ntwtp11pt< will not k11owln1t1 ec,-.it 111y 1d11tllMm.nt In< f .. f tttltl WhlCh II In violittlon of Ill• h1w Our '"cl111 are h•••bY Informed lhtl •II dwell lnp •d~erttsed In this llllWtpll)tt lrt fVlllllbll on an tQutl opportunity btttl lo complalfl ot dll crimmatloll, cd HUO toll ht• •t l too 424 U90 Sill your stuff thfou&h classifledr ;=::::::i~~~~ 1.o1t OVitol ~ c-o Announcements 1610 WANTED rn • 8l&dt Nyk>n Bili @ DUCK UASON ANTI{\UES ~no\ tesl 9-X> on rrlvot• Dvcl1 Hu1tll"1 ~ 12' 1 'l62 5961"613 ct• •l>Pf01L l 'lu from DIAMONDS/ B I nd Anlqlmb~ amo PRECIOUSMETALS ::• 3905 otdtt Stylt Furnltu,. PIANOS & Col>tcti'bl.s ............ ___ . . .,.. .............. •(;, .~ $$ CASH PAID $$ -~ ' ................ WE BUY ESTATIS ms Of Fii VKTWS llllO YOOl MM 400 ot.NIMALS Rf SCUEO WITH NO OWNERS MONCY OONAllON~ HUMANI SOCllTY C/OPAWS 2.0 E HIGHLAND SA.N BlRNA.ROINO CA 92404 Newport 8Hc:h Eacel tent hlmtrna adjtcenl lo $hh1 waterfowl ftfuc~. ownt!tshrp 1nter11t & •ppro• 315 acres of I.and &. lfTil)!Ovllmtnl~ .. yoUf own c:1mp compound w/U ruc:ture 1nd 2 tuilln Wonclttful F 11 n11ht .BBQ·s ' Wint tl\llns durina duel! Mnon + many t~lr"I fd11f for 2 f111nds or fattier & son Cttl Mrh 11 310 ~I 0854 Would lrke 10 cont1ct a M>fllWrrllna pltnlit. In ttther bfun. 1~11, t¥1rln1 0< pop, If you are, s.nd Phone I or 11u111nc 16dr "''. when Y°" may bet 1.ontadtd, to 0 L. Rty c/o O.M Ad1m1. 1590 Ad11nJ Ave CMll M .... CA92626 3lK HOME IMPROVEMOO SERVICES 2600 Mllcll..,._. BUILDING/ GARDEN SUPPLY I TOOLS T~anlwa11 3135 TOOU TOOU roou Craltm1na 10011, lbt -..w. Shop Smith 111 up, Hlt•chl Cllot> uw. Skllf uw 0.111 band HW, lots ol mr " hand 10011 d1y111• 7•!'> tfl!l3 01 949 G.eS·•OJ SeMca -COOL TUVIL JOI HOME 1 "''r l••" f'o~1t'°"'· FUftlllHtNGS Jll•,no~- tll'I· 1 -. _, nnr-. Fumlln 3435 '"'"J>OllAllOl'I lod lfll --------~ ~r~i: ~ !CH. "'tlYIH) c_.1 Col11 Heeck Old Coin'' Cold, •ll~tt iewl'lr) ,.11tchts. 1r1t1q11ts c:oHKltblH 4'9·6'2·9'48 3610 IUSCUl 9ll l1h'1 Unctrt•lnhu H1ppe11I Pt! Owner• Need lltlp Well Mannered Adult Cits & Older Ooa• ""d new homt1 Adoot Adult Anlm•ls th" Xmnt lO day re1urn Polity. www anlmeln1two1k 011 MIT9I llnN & CATS ~fw&Hnl,_,n cm.,. Im-. SI Dlty 11119\ ... t*1od "*1 ndr«j, .... d!wumad..., ~ W!Wf~lr. ~IW\ "' .,... 11.,, ~ www,11ni111•IC\ttwork or1 MISCB.l.MEOUS MERCHANDISE 1-snn •utt0tNCH l6ll36. !J(h90. 70d50 Newt fllevtr OelfvtTtdl ••r •00-4tt-11•0 ' BUSINESS FOR SALE' Advertise 1! Stat1w1del 200 Community new\ p11pers Reach over S mlflton Cahtornran• $4SO for • 25 word .ad Cel SCln saves you 11m1 & money Call this focal parhc:rpahnt newspa~r lor m0<• 1nl0tmaloon www c•I sc•n com (CAL •scAN) All CASH CANOY Roule Oo {ou urn $800 tn a day Your own local candy route fncludu 30 macflrnn tnd candy All '°' $9.995 Mulllv1nd LLC 880 Gund Bllld D••r Par•, NY 11729. 800 998· VENO (CAl •SCAN) #I Internet, f,.1't:hln oppor lu"tty to lt10•~ loo••nc le worlo Ind• penllently S8ll 111vnt ment requrr•d Includes lralninc tnd ,upporl f<H lr•nchtsu worldwide ToA Fr" 1·118·AS2~737 AUOLUTI OOLDMINll 80 Hndtn& mttlUnat will! HUlltflt locttlcins M11•t W 800 21•-6912 l•ftlf vM41111• rffto. 90 m•tll111t1 locations lnctudtd. all for Sl0.9!JS .00..lff·7tff _SeMeaiiimi!i~iii!ii--iii ff CllTALS Nl on "" I'd• ~~ "'' • Ut,, 2b a. hle< rbt pa1ldly R E tat. ----------Vwed laxllrmniblfS 15ll] •a s Rental To Share 6030 .. s1im~~$12 lnvestonl Sm11 l Money M•ll• 11ne Ranked Austin, l"u o the 11 ploce in 1111 U S lo 1nvnt on raal estate Ftndout why ¥1111 BUYAUSTriC™ Kerrn Renner Sl2 423·!'>626 SIA COAST VlllAGf :1'88 Newoo<I Blvd CM 2soo,1 $:1800 mo w/ltHI 949 646 7931 HOMES FOR SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY tUlfll lOCK <AM,US VllW HOADMOlf l homes 3 l 4br S549,000 $01!>.000 $&,.,000 Own•t/~nt IQ) 640 '661 CM l . 1140 Condo 7br 1' h ba. no pet,, no t1•r ~a• ne smoke. S6001mo 949 27!1·2099 "-..... NOW tn :h C01(lJ 41 ywd. IJQl r""r""" w'd. ~ • tiX> ~ • split uhf C!A9 650 JS/~ Nl/Oc .... View •-"' Ocunfront/22nd. Prl ote rm. unfurn, there bl utrls paid. ntamlo hlkhenette, lndry, lbllo lo Newport pl•r, S130m C•tl Sam 949·278 190!> (l>etwu n \IAm·St>ml Storage/Garage Space For Rent 6060 PLUG IN Plug Into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters AlO Tuesdey, December 9, 2003 I TODAY'S CRQSSWOBP PUZZLE ~DEN tAI. RtN I Al'-. ORANGE 7400 COUNTY l SIDl CH ARMING, loh new 2br I 5ba tuwn hou .. $tyl~ 2!>?2 Elden SI l/5 mo CM9 642·!">488 Laguna Niguel Bridge 8Y CHARLES GOREN wtth OMAR SHARtF and TANNAH HIRSCH ........ • Biid!. w/11.•y lnt1t f\W.ll OiKoul\ltd AVOID DEFEAT IMWIUle'ff Black, tan Int. Buch vulnenblc. South ebb NORTH WEST •3 • A J 106 A 1041 7SJ • •3 F.AST QJ 911 K 1086 • 94 K75 J91 •Q9H • K 10 151 SOUTH •KQl75l 6 J AQ4 •Af The bidJln1r SOUTH WIST NOR'llf EAST 16 ,._ J4 ,._ ,. .... ........ Opcnina lead: Queen of While the average pluyer can't "'11.11 lO l.lkr I rineuc, Cxpcric!ICcd led\ru c:tans will do C\<eryUun& ~ible to avoid 1L The two aces and ruffing value in cluti. JUSI make the North hand ""onh an 1nv11llb0n1I "1K South had some tJung IO part lor the m5e 10 game West led lhc queen of llean.~. and declarer could count rune uicks. The QI The Bdd*f bn :air ::. ':a.: .. :...:-= "' $lf6l 8)6.D9l!i1l ar 1-.,. ,_ Plint/cspet, 2-ar ..,.. bldcywd, 112 l*ICk to -· mull -$111Xltmo 9&2'Jll..r.m al ~!Mm 5pn arty. • ssoo .,, 11t -2llt 2lla rwHf>psdlmlloftlC» .. r9Sbwwlb Ip. 1 c .., wd. $18Xl 94!).~ Jaw, 21/.... I pr, 1 c.Mport, l~. MW -& crpt 3 wlndtlonc crt Sl900/mo 714-390-5870 N, Hel ... h 2br 2ba famrm, Ip, hdwd f'n, · pvt ywd See 2110 Corel Aw. S2250mo 9&6'2·54811 YlAltlY llASES Jbr , ... i.-ao, qu11t acc-quccn of~ l\'U the cb\-1• fWt11 • ~t Sell ~ IOW'Ce of the lrui trick. AltJiuuih IMW Stel "ta South Md the optlut1 of fiDft.\lfll, B •-t 1-1 wouldn't ti be ~ 1r WoA led ti» ~,, ..... 1111 M!t Sd auit for him" For dm ub ro wccccd. ~ bid ••w na .. '00 IO be b1p1 ofT lead to pn:\Ml I play Gr .. n, tan lntlf through lhc queen of di11monds. llll/0567 Ol11eounltd Dccbm'~ fint 11Vl\C WU 10 play low IMW SIOl '01 from dummy ll trick unc. East could WJ\lte, tan l¥lt afford to ovcnae with die kin& •2466 114ust SM Jiooe that ~oukl e.t~ the jack oT eMW 540I '99 hearu to 1 finesse: West ~ucd Blue, •f'l l11ter wilb the nine of hearu. Dec= •V2Ul "'l~U•ll w11h dummy·, ace anJ led I club. BMW J40la '00 1nscnm1 the ,.ck wherr la\I Broottlta11 low and lo61llg IO WHt's queta.. Wcilt #9lfll Discounted exiled with a club to the ~-ling the sU1.ge for dee lurer. i.t 1 IMW 740te •oo .,,_i,. w the ien and ruffed a hlllrt Btack, tan l11ttr liigh Anodier uump IO the Jack WM •*35 .DlscOllftltd the CD'!>' 10 lead lhc lt11 Of hearu. aw '140ll 'Ol When ~t dtsc:uded a club on thh Blu./1rey tltCk. declarer slutred lhc rour of dil• Must Ste moods. pennlnmg WC5t to .-fll Ille IMW 740ll '01 lnd Do~n to nothing but '4llOl!tll... $1111er,1rt1 cards. West WIS faced II • •Yl605 Grdt Buy H~·, choice. A diamood rctum BMW 7400 '01 would be into declarer'i. ace-queen, Whrt•. ar•Y while I dub would permit detlatel" to llllSJ Great Buy rulT in one hand ~lulc d1!oCll"ding 1 diamond from lhc other Ell.her way, a..,, T.a.M 'OJ lhc dcfcndm ~Id present South Bleck, 4lr•y wuh lhc fullillmg tnck. llV4'367 Great Buy Hwley Dov fallt 't2 Red. black lllV8109 D1scounted Mt-650-5915 COVI IOTOlllG Jop•Sf6 't7 Black. tan 135-411 Great Deel Joa-r XII 'tt l lue, Ian tV7947 Discounted Jogvar XII '00 Green, Ian '1280 Must Sell J...-x11•t 9 Red. tan #0859 Great Deal MERCEOIS C2SD '0 2 Blad., black •V9277 01scounted MlltCIDES 1320 '01 Black, Bleck met N(WPC)llT HOMlS a1ea. newly refurbished llU GIWNOY UN.TOM 2 car 1••. wd Ilk ups. t4t.,.7J-61'1 $2300/mo 949 759·0874 8500 Automobiles -.-.~O~R-1-V~E~R~S-.-.-M..,....A-Y 9000 lfVS4S8 Discounted MlltCIDES U20wo '99 Graen. lan TRUCKING CO "Is your a ..... -road to success! •vans NlwtlNUn •V458l Great Deal Corona Cltl Mar <><-ltanch boc ....... 21r, Uo A111. ll1111ht & 41>1 3 '>b.1., pied comm Sunny fp. 2 C•rporh 1,..t, Oil 4~;mo ••t 211 S 1350, mo 02 Suw•• ,, 1K•l Ail 9i19 140 9097 Newpwt si.... .. 2t>r ~ 2br I 75ba on tM watet. newu ca<pel. patt &. 11141 la patio, deck, upcradtd 1 c tandem a•r. wdhk ktt,hen, wd hkup, a1t ups, •ii 949 ?9l·46JO $2450 949 293·4632 llASlS AVAILAllE llOO ISLl STUDIO Newport Buch, Newpclft La11e cloHt & bath Coast, lrvlnt, 3 5br from II Wesler n 800 547 9169 •3217 •Rffftrs 48 states 800·5.47-9169 1321<1 Dtdtcattd team runs. Owner oper•lors wenlled. www.meytruckrn1 com IMW '01 lJ coupe, 3 0. 5spd. 23k ml. lull lact warranty, 11lver/blk llhr. CO mnrf, 191n whls. beaultful hke new cond, ftn avail "99!1621 $24,9915 Bkr 949-586-18811 MIJICIOIS MISS '00 Stiver, black •3859 Great Deal MEaCIOIS SSOO 't S White. tan 94t 640 1201 21H-2to. get, h.rhor views rnoltt suite. walli 111 closeh. root toP del.k ' 'I>'* l•undry 1varl now $3000 949 rn 9?9? IJW«l r£W CXMmU:TD'I ar 2.5bl wcl. ~ ......._ .,. ~ hdwd h. ocn -.-j\wlfU!t "'p+ °"1U1. ... ., b1I -.. "' I SW> 9&:118.IJOI CostaMtsa ----11 ... , ... _. ....... uu4, """ ... ... hwy ~. 19'.ll CtucJl St ~ 714 206-Ull or XJl·'O:i 3711 S.tal4e led..IMy IBr ~ w~ -*-! ysll &r.mo 329 ~ IN On;ln ~514 2'.131 Maple A,.tat I t>Vrly C•t•d Comm ne•r Tll1n11• Square 2br II•• w 1ar ' 1111 Sl09'l lhr Iba w/patHl t•rprirt \lnraae .... -· """' patd Klein Mar~ gn ·'°'"86119 EI t 9:lal C1lllornl• law t • qulrn that contrac ton tak_1ns tobs that total SSOO or more (IAhor 01 malllftals) bt lrcensed by I lie Conlr1clon State License 8oard State ltw also requirn that contruto11 1ncl11de lhtlr tlcenH number oo all ac1....,1111nc You can ch«k the &talus of your licensed contractor •I www utb ca 1ov or 100•321 CSlB Unit cenHd cont11ctors t11tln1 lob& that total Its• than SSOO must •1•1• In thtl1 1dvert111menh lhtl they are not licensed by th• Cont11clors State llo~ 8011td , Newport Beach iunn y opoiure. SI OOOm S25COno let 949-562.QOO Act. 94~67!J·6161 (CM. "'SCAN) -~-#3650 Discounted V.....,.... <_. neat ,..,ltlavt. lbf lba pallO, ~ MC pied. al mtlld llreplace shared w/d •ludlo avd 12 18 S975mo hhups, I ur r•••ae Act leaw 949-49J OJ79 $1500/MO 949 293 4630 MlltCtDIS SISOO '00 Whtie. ten I05llO Must Stll MllO COOPIR '02 Bluo. aray 3br 2b1 upper level ~aylr ont unit pe11od ..... Fnn ollDe 11tmt1r1. style, crt vu. l c a•r IM busy Endocrinolon •II $2800 949 293 4631 office 1n Newport Bch Fu resumes 96-645-8856 Cotltlloc '91 Cet-SOit mt. blk/blk ltllr. 11111 ca111111 rool l oM CO, am Im, chrm whls, &old pka. books/recOfds, Ilk• new $8795 v557281 Bkr 94t-S'6-1111 ---~·-·- 10962 Musi Sell ,ottSCHI <•Taro 't9 Black. black #,V1068 Discounted Tell Us About YOUR GARAGE SALEI In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 • P Sales 1n baby/children ' furniture s tore openln1 tn South Coast Plal.a.~e~ + ulary 1-boous .. m.dlcal 949 496-4~1 Chewolel •tt Monte Culo 2dr coupe, V6, JOK •ctual ml. sr'M!!lJJ~•n metallic. CO,~ ltke new cunit $6895 ,OIUCHI <•rora '99 -Blu•.r.rtJ •Vil&9 Must Sell v812<191 Bio 9'9-586-1888 Qvolo MOftfftt •o 1 www~...... Sliver. black Corvette •t2 Conv llVOl39 Discounted Whrte. oriatnaJ owntr 9Ja HA StlS low mt. immaculate cond "'~ SlS.000 562·212-4117 SA11S1 Ovt9ot19 pern" flat SOO -1 t70 aood w/phone safes op Eatn cond, new ~reahu/ Sl5ll & Ill> phone 949 clutch& shocb $5000 862-7474 la• 949-8621475 t49-U1-7'5t ltANGI ltOVElt I tU LWS, ll!JK ml. blue/Ian, air suspension. lmmac· ut.te throu1houl $6495 p/162BJB) ):hi 714-1.l'l 5161 SEU your unwanted 1ltms lhruu11h clnslltrd fer.t ••s M.,.,0 ,.1 •ts Hott.to Acc ... .t l X Convertible, orlatnal 4dr. S8k m1 Great owner. iohd tar. nut Condltton! Very C:tean tll $1&500 obo -~ $7999 call 949-642 0189 HoME, HEAi.TH NIJ ....... _ Carpentry A · ZHANDYMAN Install. reface ceb•nets ~lld•1/bi111t\l<ko~ ~ ~ 714~72!18 car,et C1anlng ---~ - 1111 A11 ll111 I & I 11111•1 l.11•.111111t1 s, r 'W'tll' I " • 0 I•' 3 rOOllll & lllllwl't .... l!ltludft PllCondlllOlll10 CALl TODAY • CWll TODAY Knln 714-szt-3142 Office 714· ·111 O Clrpet Repalf "8111 .,, ........ ,,_ Tiie v U.IPITo (Alt,IT-0 Concrete, Patio, OrlYtway Repairs, l'alchln1. tnst•ll flreplc, 880 Rer&. 25Vrs Courteous 1ny 1lzt lob• Etlp Terry 114 557·7594 Wllolualtl 949 492·0205 ~ C'Aminl. :,.., sJ,,., ·~ Eltdrtcals.vtces SMAU JOI IX"ltT I ocal, Quick ResponH Home, V.,d & Dock Elect 20 Yrs Exp Ouncam E1M*1c llZJ5810 96$-1042 1.1.c. llo<trlc Low Pf"* klClll contractor no Jlf> "'° smell, no fDI> too bC, IWa upon r11CJ91, LllCl().8101lll (714)142-1410 UCIHSIOCOttlltACTotl No jlltl loo "" ,. -w.i R111>alt , relTIOIMI, t-. "'9,NWM:~ Or~ Ille. IWlbla. No Jib too tmllll 714-61Som Roomt1'11t Tiit. llO\tE PRO HAND\'MAN XllAOl.DIJ\WRE l.t1C1Uy Owned & Opcr111od, Servin& Sorn.-Of OC'• Fint\!4 f'orupcn1 ~in<:c I 1 9'9-J06.5975 ' YOUltHOMI IMNOVIMlNT NOJICn CaH • plumber, pah1ltt, h1ndyma11, or any of the cre•t .. rYICH llSl•d h1t1 fn Ollf MtVlca firtetOfyl lltlS£ l OCAL SVC I'( Of'LE CAif HELP YOUTOOAYl CUSTOM CJU1M TU fnltllltlon, liltl CSlll'ic nwt111. 11on1 .... 1t7i ue120M Jeff 714-612-91181 UMY..._~ lt•ouhn & Installation TU OEAH Mt 673-GS 71~ 7t4-m.20Jl Tree Senrlce, Yard Cleanup, Maintenance, Sprinkle' Repair. Haulon1 (94t) 450-&71 I JU\lf)f{I • RH'lllR X. Rlll'IOlllt INI, f.fMtil.IEPAll 61WNJENANC2 • Rt::!ldcril • Olntnlrcbl o Job 1bo Small Daft llamJltoa M .. 322-1292 ALAM THI HANDYMAN All work 1uarent"d ~Odal.Oocn "'""" '*P .... II& I I 'II f\11 y, IL II fl, 11111 H· I' 11' ( ) .~. I . ' ' I .... I ~ . n• .. •. • HandymarV Hom1Rep1lr ~c.tl1dlel '~ Carpentry • Plumbln1 Drywan • Stucco Palnllna. Tilt & more 20+ Vean Expertencel JI 714.f69-577• Huling JUN• TO Tiff OUM,111 714·968-18112 AVAILABLE TOOAVI 949 673 5566 ... TlnlND/DilW:tD ....... , o, •• THthtt Doi, OM'¥. Pnt •1'*""*"-~ ~'t Open 1o.y. Low~ Storage Speciel• Slnoe 1981 949-MS-4545 HST MOVHS $55/~. StrVlllJ AH Cities lnsurld T163M4 323·997-1193 323-630·997 l call PUBLIC NOTICE Tiit Callr. Public Utlllllu Commtulon raqulttt that all used houuhold 1ood1 movers print their I' U.C. Cal T numb«, llmos end cheulfeura prlnl lhllr T.C.I'. numbet In 111 1dvtr• ll1tments If you have anr 111Htlons •bc>ut th• •1•tlt1 of a mover, limo or ch•uflt11r, e1ll: l'UIUC UllUTIH CMMtsSIOlt MOt77 .... 7 ,. .... ..,.,.. 9D'Alln1RO • WOOG JINWIHO * ........ 7 71. .. ..,~ 'OIMW/lSUH Wllltt, 32tt (ll8690) '35.!llO .,,....,v .... llfllllOnly m mt Silvw. 3511 "'' (19812) SV,980 .,,....,JCMt Cnhrntrt, 441( ml Cl 9824 l $26.980 '9J'ux1111400 $11Ytr (194531) $17.980 '94~14ZO Whitt (19823) $11,980 'O I Ma«Hn SSOO Stl-. Low mi (1 !MOJ) 52. 980 'H ,.,.dte f I I Whitt, TlpTroolc (19752) $34.980 .. , IW'ldN .... ,.,. Stlwr. 27k 11\i.. (19875) $26.980 '9S roye"' Col/d Conv Wh1ta (194781) $5,980 'OZ hrtl IX/f>OtlltlM Black, 27K mt (19899) $26,980 '4t-S74-n77 PNIJ.fSAUTO ~ •-ee ltevor '00 4.0 SE 1611 actual m1, lull fact warr, blk/carmal lthr, beautiful ltke now cond Mu,1 u• to ~ti 128.495 llOl1896 Bkr 949·$86-1888 --.ecpeW.t- Rong• lloYer •ts 4.0 SC 80k •ml, black/Ian llhr, superb cond throu1ht. books, records $10.495 v045829 Bkr 949 586 1888 "'WW.ecpob.com Toyoto 't7 (Of'oflo OX 60k + mi. auto. pw. pl cruise. wh1te/1rey Int, superb $4995 vlS78l9 Bkr 949·586· 1888 w...w.ocpobt.com FORD TEMPO '90 $600 714·957-0705 GMC Surburbo" l SI 2500. 4wd, 70k + ml. cold/tan llhr .tu seat. superb 0111 cond $13,995 v552461 Bkr 94t-Sl6-1811 w-.o<pabl.com H....te 't7 Accord 2dr coupe EX V·tec en11ne. 69k blacll/crey lthf. snrf, beaut1lul unmarked cond, 11er11ed. non smkr $7995 ftrm v0126751 Bkr 94&51.8BB -.ocptb.am . 't .,. .. Wllttllllk. N.vl, CO. 5'>or1 Whit (1' 1545') Sl&.900 "'' x.s ~.o Blk/Cry, l'rem Pila. CO. LowMJ (M81231) $34.900 "OJ C-'1llec '*""-"-..... Ptwtwr, loaded. MoonRoof. Low Ml (122184) '39.900 'D2Y-'MSl.T Pewter, LCNtdtd, 221< nil,PwiecU (202894) $26.900 'VOOSM» WhVTan Plaltnum Strias, Low Mi, CO (099216) $25.900 'ff Cut-~ZO BJll/Blk. Auto. CO, Bost, GIHt PrlCt (04852S) $23,900 'OZ~MSI ,\uto. AC. CO. Rtar Splr (263427) $9,500 'OS New •-tlo ,_ Only lOt. ml, CO. Blue/ Blk (30020!>) $22,900 '9f S-fZO Super Clean! CO. L1h New (431928) $28,900 t4t-6S0-.2222 Tlle'a lur..- Autohoua J"9"0r •oo s Type s.o 't6. 35k ml, lull lact warr. silver /oatmeal lthr, mnrf, CO, memory pk1. buut ltka new un1rn1rlled cond. $23,495 vt752262 Bkr 949·586· 1888 www ••• , ........ JoguCH" '97 XJ6 Brltl~h racm1 1reen/hn llhr. CO. fabulous cond throuahout, $11.995 v59721 bkr 949·586· 1888 -............. ..,., Jaevw 't4 XJ6 Van4en Plas metalhc red tan ltht, buutlful 0<1&tnal cond, must set to appreciate, aaraeed, no11 smkr, $6995 v702571 Bkr !M9·586·1888 ............... _ lAND ltOVllt 2000 011covery II S07. dual moonrls, rear 1ump seats, htated seat lac warr 36.000 m1, $21,900 Vl!ll.:DI lnl 714-1.l'l 5161 lfXUS lX470 '00 4X4 black, 1rey Ith• Inter. tow pka. 43K ml. $36,750 949 350-5202 PO!tt<HI '01 CM , tiptrOlllC, mint condltloe. l5K INt., -OWntr $62,000Pf'&49·351·1719 ............ 'tt ••• HSE 41111 ml, full f1cl 1nrr. blll/blll ltllr. 18 ':.. ..,. • chrm wlili. wpe'b co"' · -• tlwou&frt, $22,995 v11720t Bkr 949-586· un.::::= ___ .,,. .... ,."' MOTORCYCLES '9S Horley OoYI~ t "°' Roadk1n1. lmmaculatr" ' condition. Sl2.000 call..,1 •• , • 562-212-4117 ..... BOATS ,~,~ :- Mastercralt 95 Siu boat with tower star••· , custom co var, SI 7,000 tt ti 562·212 4117. 1 •· Owfty 8actrlc ... 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