HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-11 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot,. ... 0 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 THURSOAY,DECEMBERll ,2003 Newport takes next step· ill JWA plan Newport Beach leaders create a committee to approach the county about which functions, including the airport, might be controlled by the city. November, the council agreed to direct staff to draft a letter to send to county officials asking them to begin talks. On Tuesday, they completed the second step in the process by creating the committee. to hear the city out. But whether they will support the city's goals of in· creased Involvement remains unclear. The city's plan is fourfold. Manage- ment of the Coyote Canyon Landfill appears to be the most straJghtfor· ward. The county now maint-d.ins the closed landfill whkh produces poten- tially hazardous methane gas. to en- sure public health and safety. City offi- cials thinJc they might be able to do this more efficiently and with Newport Coast residents' interests an even higher priority. QUESTION Whlf:h of the four plecee to Newport's plan Is the molt lmportllnt7 Call our Reader's Hot1ine at (949) 642-6086 or send an e-mail ? • June Casa1r1nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT BF.ACH -A three-man committee created by the City Council on Tuesday will explore ways the city can play a bigger role in some county functions, including possibly managing John Wayne Airport. The council voted unanimously on Tuesday to create a Sphere Issues Com- mittee to begin looking at ways the city mlght expand its role in the airport, ad- ministration of tidelands in and around the city, environmental protections at the closed Coyote Canyon Landfill, and Santa Ana Heights redevelopment. "We really don't know what to expect at this time.• sald Councilman Steve Bromberg. who as a member of the city's Airport Issues Committee helped conceptualize the plan. The idea is for city officials to begin talks with county supervisors and per- haps other county officials to discuss ways that city involvement in these county operations could prove mutu- ally beneficial. At their last meeting in The orlginaJ plan was to appoint members of the original Airport Issues Committee -Councilmen Bromberg, Tod Ridgeway and John Heffernan -to the new committee. But Heffernan stepped down Tuesday from the airport committee. Councilman Steve Rosan· sky is the third councilman on the ad hoc committee. The committee's meetings will not be held In public. County Supervisors Tom Wilson and Jim Silva have sald that they're willing SKY LIGHT City leaders also have their eyes on county-owned tidelands within New- port's borders. Managing those areas, particularly the Back Bay and Newport Dunes. would give the city more power DON LEACH /0.AILY PILOT to dsllypllot@latlmes.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phonellumbera for verification purposes only. over such items as applying for federal grants and could allow the city to rake over the county's Harbor Patrol func- tions. Controlling Santa Ana Heights would give the city power over the Santa Ana See JWA. Pase A4 City hears review of attorney's office A consulting firm recommends having the city manager oversee the city attorneys and keeping legal work in-house. Deirdre Newman Daily Piiot COSTA MESA -An independent review of the city attorney's office has offered a number of suggestions, including keeping the work in-house and giving the city manager overslght of the deparunent. · On Monday, the consulting firm hired to do a col.I/benefit analysts of the office and identify ways 10 make it more efficient in the walr.e of the departure of former City Atty. Jerry Scheer presented its recom- mendauons to city leaders during a study session. The sky changes colors as a mother and daughter run and bike in the brisk twilight hours on a Newport Back Bay trail. Scheer sued the city in September. and the city settled at a cost of $750,000 in Oc- tober. Whtie contracting out for legal services would cost less. the firm recommends that the city retain its In-house counsel be- cause of the type and quantity of the workload and the level of legal complexity. Sale of KOCE to foundation will go ahead In putting its review together, Manage- ment Panners of San Jose interviewed 18 city officials, including all of the City Council, to gain insight Into the status of the city attorney's omce operations, Iden· tify problem areas and see how the office is organized. It aJso identified 17 other cit- ies with comparable populations or geo- graphic locations and surveyed them for financial and staffing infonnation to help make Its recommendations. The community college trustees approve the plan to transfer the PBS affiliate to the station's fundraising arm. MarlH O'Nell Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Coast Community College District trustees voted Wednesday night In closed session to go ahead with a plan for KOCE-1V's foundadon 10 purchase the station from them, keeping it a public broad- casting channel. Daily Pilot ATA GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ Expect to get wet today H rain J>8tMS through. The surf will be pumping, bot ao wi114M runoff. S..P.•a•A2 SPORTS Estailda and Sag. Hill ~· ~rteam1 battle. PaaeBl lhlstees for the district. which now holds the broadcast license for Orange County's only PBS affiliate, voted 4 to 1 in October to accept a $32-milllon bid by the station's fund- raising arm. Wednesday's vote allows attorneys to draw up the proper agreements and seek the Federal Communications Commission's ap- proval for the license transfer. In a press release, the district sald the final acquisition agreement would come before the board of trustees In February. · Before the vote. KOCE Foundation President Bob Brown said he ex- pected the closed session would be fairly straightforward and approval was likely. "I'm very confident we're close to a deal," Brown said. "There are a couple minor points to be hammered out, but we're very close. It depends what the trustees decide to do, but if all the deal points as we discussed are rati- fied, it's a go." The foundation has not come up with all the money ~ but district board lrustee Jerry .Patterson said he didn't have any concerns. Ml think they have enough guaran· tees the money will be there," Patter- son said before the vote. "The ft.rat big chunk payment Isn't due until June for the transfer or license, so it's not a big problem." KOCE-1V Initially entered a $10- mWJon joint bid with Los Angeles PBS channel KCET-TV, the lowest in the original round submlned. Religious broadcasters Oaystar Television Net - work and Costa Mesa's lTinity Broad- casting Network came in with the ini- tial hJgh bids of $25 mlllion each. After KOCE-1V's partnership dli;- solved because of time constralnts, foundation members drew on local leaders In business and education. In - cluding Broadcom Chairman Henry Samuell and former baseball com- missioner Peter Uebem>th, to gather support and funds. KOCE submltted See KOCE, P11e A4 THE BELL CURVE Management Partners emphasized that its review was not an evaluation of the performance of the city attorney's staff. That staff is Assistant City Atty. Tum Wood, who has been the acting city attorney since January. Senior Deputy City Atty. Marianne Milligan; Deputy City Atty. Unda Nguyen; and paralegal/secretary Marilyn Robinson. The positions of city attorney and legal secretary are vacant. See REVIEW, Pase A4 Donor proves one in a million F lfteen years ago, after 1 had Interviewed Edward Thorp for a profl.le In the Los Angeles Timcs, I ukod him -•tnce he waa making all thJs investment money for other people -If he would consider taking me oo u a client. He said he would be glad to put me on his )Ta.r·end waiting list, but there was one pre-condition I must meet. I'd need to deliver at least ft million dollars In seed money to him - and he'd rally pmer $2 million. I told him I~ save up and Jet htm know. I just checked. and I'm $986,23( ahon. but when I read In the Pilot tut week that Thorp and hls wife, Vlvloo, had contributed $J mWJon to the math department at UC Irvine, I called him JOSEPH N. BEtl to see If I could still get tn Oil the action. 'fyplcalJy, Thorp - who lives In Newport Beach -didn't Ju t ~htsold department a million buclcs. He put the money t'o work IO that -lib die Ooptch ham, Whkh )'OU Mve tO be atleatt80to undef'liand-It will feed tbo UCl math Clepllttrient m perpetuity wh.IJe •ttncttna e:xcepdooaJ mathematical talent to the wnpu.&. ThOrp ta one of the l'lllOnt people like me worit In journalism for much too UttJe money when we could be making a killing In the oU buslness. Or at the blackjack table. We get to meet - and know, brleOy -people like Ed Thorp. Actually. I might have been able to make my nilllon by just following the directions In his book "Beat the Dealer," which -the la.st I heard - was Just behind the Bible lo sales. God knows I trfed. But I had neither the focus nor the padence to follow bis blaclcj(tck dlrectfona. Lu Yeps ls atill tn butlness because most other gamblers 1ufrer the same ahoncomlngia. Al Thorp expJalned to me, "To ma](e it work. you have to be dlsctpUncd, lnteUlgent and otpn.lud. • l don't ~ to speculate on whJch of these qualities I lack. Thorp's mind ls In constant motJon, seeking challenge.. examlning them. discarding those that seem pedestrian (difficulty ls a virtue) aod exploring those that don't. It has been ever thus. Born in Chicago and rnl9ed in Los Angeles, be tap-danced through school. created his own laboratory at home, earned hit B.A. In physlca and a Ph.D. tn mathemadcs at UCLA (where he married an English major named VMan Sinetar) and went to wott teaching at the Massachusetta Institute of Technology. SMCURYE,P11eM .. I. I I I I ' I j .. A2 T~. Oec.-ll, 2003 .POLITICS THE POLITICAL LANDSCAPE Fl.E Pti010 I OM.Y Pit.OT Rep. Chns Cox will head a congressional delegat>on to Eur.ope and the Middle East to talk to foreign leaders about terrorism. A stitch in time saves Allcl• Robinson Daily Pilot They say better late than never, but in this case later means more expensive. Republican Don Wagner. a candidate for the 10th District J\s$embly seat, may need to shell out a few bucks to pay fines of$t0 a day for the 33 days between when campaign finance reports were last due and when Wagner IDed his. The reports covenng activity between lune l and Sept 30 were due on Oct. 10. Wagner's was 6led Nov. 12. Be has said the Don Wagner delay was because or a change in creasurers. He had been acting as his own treasurer but later decided to get someone else to do the }ob. A letter was expected to go out thl.s ~elc. notifying Wagner of the fine, saJd Christina Avila at the county RegJSt.rar or Voters office. A look at the financials Anyone who's curious or just has extra time on Olelr hands can now view the campaJgn finance disclosures of Orange County'& t:lected officials onllne through the Regisuar of Voters' Web site at l&np:llwww.oc.ca.g011lelection. County Supervisor BW CampbeU proposed putting the lnformation online, and the Board of Supervisors approved the suggestion In November. TI\e information went onllne Monday. Assistant Registrar or Voters Suz.an.ne Sl....,.ty said Campbell ·just felt with technology ... we should be providing this at least for county offices: Campaign finance reponb from candidates for counry offices wtll be posted after Jan 10, the date the Orst batch ls due for the March 2 primary, and the regi!>trar Is hoplng to set up electronic report filing for the November electJon. Slup Icy said. C.ox heads to Blrope Rep. Quta Coll hit the road Tuesday, headlng a bipartisan congressional delegation 10 Europe and the Middle East to talk to foreign leaders about te rrorism. As chairman of the Homeland Security Committee. Cox brought along seven committee members includJng Rep. Loretta Sanchez on the group's Ont foreign trip, with stops planned ln ltaJy, Spain, Sy1la and Turkey. A press release from Cox's office saJd the delegat.lon hopes to diacusa progress In fighting intemational terrorism and encourage more cooperation among U.S. allies in the war on terrorism and In furthering homeland security. Vanguard University enjoys a liqle Potomac pork The omnibus appropriations bill passed by the House on Monday included $550,000 for Vanguard Unlverstty, proposed by Rohrabacber. The achoo! ls seeldng funds to esrabUsb a center training teachers to teach math and science. "h 's harder to shepherd through a proposal for a private university than a public one," Rohrabacher saJd. "I'm pleased that we were able to get some help for Vanguard.· fhe appropriations bill ls now awaiting approval by the Senate. Rohrabacher house set to grow Though Rep. Dana Rohrabacher received a lifetime achievement award Wednesday for his emergency preparedness efforts. the surfing congressman Is looking ahead 10 a much more important achievement -or three: his wife. Rhonda. will give birth to triplets in April. The children wiU be the couple'• first. second and third. "I thought that I'd spent my Ille trying to save the world from various threats and l wouldn't be blessed with having a family, especially a big famlly, but I wanted one," Roh.rabacher sa.ld. •ThJs Is about the best thing that's ever happened in my whole life.· Although the honor may pale In comparison, Rohrabacher dJd return from Washington on Wednesday to receive an award of merit from California's Emergency Mana.gement Commission for lifetime contributions to emergency preparedness. Rohtabacher's office has worked for several years to create specialized training programs for police and fire personnel and other emergency responden. So far those programs have trained moi:e than 3,000 people, Robrabacher said. "I'm on the {Hoose) lntematlonaJ Relatioot committe.e, so I've been very aware of th8 threat to our security from different parts or the world," be said. The award was presented at a receptioo at the Lumlnarlaa Restaurant in Monterey Part. The support keeps on coming ln endorsement news, 70th Assembly District candJdate Quack DeVore announced be bas the endorsement of fellow Republican and 7Sth District Assemblyman Georp Plada. A press release quotes DeVore campaign manager Sergio Prince saying endorsements from Plescia and other Republican legislators send •a clear message that Clluclc DeVore Is the Republican favorite in this seat." An endorsement from the Orange County Professional Firefighters Assn. Is the latest for Ken Maddox, the 68th District assemblyman who is seeking the 35th District Senate seat. Maddox. a former Tustin police officer and a Conner LA. County deputy sheriff, also boasts endorsements from police and fire organizations in Huntington Beach, Newport Beach firefighters. Tustin police and others. John Campbell. the 70th District assemblyman and Maddox's opponent in the Senate race, sent word this week that he 111 endorsed by the Corona del Mar Cllamber or Commerce. Out. Wylodd, a Campbell campaign strategist, said he got the endorsement. because Campbell ·ravors the free market and advancing the spirit or entrepreneurship ... Daily A Pilot f'HCm>ORA'HERS Marie C. Outtln, Don leedl, IC.en1 Thlptow AfADERI HOTLINE (Ma) 942«*1 Copyright: No new9 lt0rlee. llluttratlont, edltorlel matter or advettleementl herein can bo reproduced without wntten permllalon of oopyr1ght OWMf', VOL 97, NO. 345 News fdllDl'S Gina~. Lon Andenon, Denlel Hunt. Paul Sei\O'Nttz. Daniel 6'9Y9nl NEWS8T~ o...--... Crime and CCMll'tl "'POfW, lM9) 57oM220 dHpa.~•'«inwl&Dotn JuneC11 .,.,. Newport IJeedl 1'9POf1,er, (tM8)17...m /clft8.'*"'1f'8M*•""1mtMAOm ' lAIU....,., Column~ ciutture ~. (Ml 17iM275 IOliW. ,..,,,.,. llltlmacom OslrdNNwAW eo.ta M.u ~.(!Mt) 574-4221 "-'""-'~·/.rim#CO(n MMlleO'Nal EduOatlon ~. (148)57'"'* rlwfM"oMll•~ Wit ..... H.wt~IMI~ ,..,,.,,. .,.,,,.,_, «"1t Record your oom~ about the Deity Pilot 0t ,,._ tips. ~ Our tddre1a la 330 W. 8-v St., Coe1a hWee, CA 82m Office houra are MOnday • Frldey, t;30 a.m. ·Ii p.m. ~ It It the Pilon po'lcy to pn>mptly oomMlt all ett'Oft of Mlbtt•noe P\eaM °"' (9481 ~ m The~ 8eecNCo«a ...... 0.lly Pilot IUSN-'"""°°) la publlehed dtlly In N9wpoft Bead! •.nd Cott9 M9M, .Ub9cinptlOIW .... l\llllab&e only by M.1bectlb'ng ,o The Tl"* Orange County (IOO) 2$2-8141. In ,,._ ouealde of N9wpCMt...,.. end eo.ta Mtu, IUbocript.iona to the Deity Pltot a,. IV.a.hie only bv fllllt dtiM Mell for *30 I* ~nth,(~ Include 841 llPPI~ a.wend local ....... , llOSTMASTtA: s.nct add,.. cNngee 1C> The Newpc>n ~ Meea OeifV Piiot. P.0 • Bait 1MO, eo... MeM, CA~ HOW10RUCH US Cln:Wttoft The TIMM Or9nge Co4.lntY 19001252·9141 MMM119 a t ••• tMSI M2'"71 °"'*'<Ml M2~1 Edlloltel .._. (9'&91642-MIO .,_..IM157~ H9w.'-CNtl~170 .,.,..,_ tMl-.01'70 lofMI:~·~ Mllltom.. ..._O...«MI 142-4321 ........,. (Mll8S1·7128 f'\I~ by Tlmee Community ,.,.,., a dlvilb't of the Loe~ ""*' aoo3 TlmM CN. All righta ~ POLITICS ASIDE See how they'll run Rep.µ.,,. = .-----=--• co\lld use as way to bring waning factions together. (Perhaps there's a place f'or a bipartisan "We Always Win" PAC.) of the most dJsp1rlted Republicans in lhe counb'y right now. (On the other side. Sen. Joeepb UebenmD likely is the least happy Democrat after Al GOle'I It's also worth noting that Orange County, so long known as a GOP S.J. CAHN bastion endorsement of former Vennont Gov. Howard ne.n for president) Instead of enjoying a carefree winter and early spring. It appears all but certain that Rohrabacher will be engaged in a nasty, potentially costly, fracas for his poUdcal future now that former Rep. Bob Doman has decided to run for Roh.rabacher's seat. 1 write "appears" because It would not astonish me at aU lf Doman pulled out or the race lf he fails to get early traction, both finance- and suppon·wise. More on that later. Doman. as the Pilot has reported, has historically been a remarkably strong fundraiser. While his active campaign oommittee ~ just $36,700 cash on hand according to lhe latest reporu (and $15.SOO in debt for legal fees. a sum he's been canying for a while}, the last time he ran for Congress, bade in 1998, be raised and spent about $3.7 million in his seeond IGSing effon against Rep. Loietta Smchez. (His "Doman for Prealdent" comrofttee - remember when 8-1 Bob ran for prestdentt -ls also carrying $152,000 in debt. Not that the amount matter: at the end of 1996, the committee was saddled with $186.000 in debt, so he dearly Isn't on fire to pay it oft) Roh.rabacher tench to ralle far lea than one-tenth that amount. Rven during the 2002 race, when be bad it retadvely formidable Democratic opponent. he only collected $355,000 and still trounced Gerrie ScbtpU-e with 63% of the vote. (Sch.lpske. remember, had barely lost a Long Beach-area race In 2000 against Rep. Stew Hom. Hom collected 87,266 votes to Schipske's 85,498.) Rohrabacher fared better against Schipske in his reallgJ\ed district, which included her base or Long Beach after the 2000 Census, than he had two years earlier. Rohrabacher's strength in the general election is one shared throughout the House of Representatives. In 2002, for instance, of the 390 Incumbent House members running. 383 won reelection. It's probably safe to say that the strength of btcwnbency is the most common characteristic In the House -maybe It ls ewn a commonalJty that tboae who argue for the need for dvillty unassailable to Democrats (a buttress breached by Sanchez's victory over Doman}, may not be so unusual. EssentJally. every House district at this point is · unconquerable In general elections. Only In the primary does an Incumbent face a true chance of defeat. And that is what Rohrabacher faces now, though my guess is that Doman confronts the tougher challenge. Judging by the response of Pilot readers, Dornan will have to prove he isn't saponaceous. He11 have to raise a bunch of money quickly, probably in time for it to appear on year-end finance reports so he can tout his war chest and argue that he is legitimate. If Doman doesn't muster the needed money by then, perhaps Rohrabacher will have a quiet winter, after all. AU ABOUT ETHICS On a separate issue, l feel compelled -if not proud - to repon on a Gallup Poll . that appeared earlier this month. It's always one of the year's best the list of the most ethical and honest profession& Nurses, a perennJal winnet:. topped the list again, with 84% or people calling their ethics either •very higb~ or "high." Car salespeopJe Umped In last, with just 7"' saying the same of them. The poll was conducted Nov. 14 through 16. Since I don't have a car to pitch to you. their race isn't my concern. No, oo. Mine is the news that joumallsts dropped l 9'i in people's eyes this year, just 25% saying journalists have "very hlgh" or "high~ ethics. Amazingly, that low number puts us about ln the middle of the pack, with senators, business executives, members of Congress, lawyers. stodcbrokers, advertising practitioners, Insurance salespeople. HMO managers and those poor car sales folk all trallln g. State governors, by the way. sneaked in ahead of journalists at 26%. Given the mid-November period, I can only assume that they dJd so because California's new governor had joined their ranks. • 6..1. CAHN la the managing editor. He cen be reec:hed .t (9491574-4233 or by •mall et s.j.cahn0 1atlfTHl9.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Expect moetly doudy conditions today With I strong d\ance of rain. A thundemonn la poaalble. The hight will be from 66 to 83. SouthwMt winds wtll blow \0 to 16 mph. Ton4Qht wto be pertty doudy with• eo S*C*lt <Nnce of rain tnd thUnderltonnf In the ewnlng. The kMI wttl be from .. '° &1. Wlnda wtU b4ow out of the W9ft ec 10 mph. ~= WWW.IMll.noN.gc>v . BOATING FORECAST The wtnde WWI be out Of the Witt" 10 to 20 tcnota. bpec.1 Wlndwwee of 2 to 3 .._on• ... Mell Of I to 10f1Mt. Tonight wlrdt Wiit bloW out or thewe.ttc101020~ Wind w.we WCI be 2 IO 4 fMt on1we.ttwll0f8tolf9tt. ,.,.., out. dMi wfnde win be °"' di the ,.,.. ..... " 10 to 20 ...... The~wtlbe2to4 feet on 1 west swell of 12 to 16 feet.. The winds will be out of the northwest at 16 to 30 lcnota in the evening end drop to 10 to 20 knots O'(emight. The wevee will be 3 to 8 feet on 1 west awefl of 11 to 14 fMt. SURF Todey wfll be en ovemeed IUlf dly with wat·fadng breaks Nnnlng 2 '° 3 ._ ovem..d. Frict.y la loolclng like enother ~cs.v. ..... ~ WWW..Urfrldw.Ol'Q TIDES 11IM 3:101.m. 9'.34a.m. 1:16p.rn. 12:21 a.m. WATER TEMPERATURE II. Dally Pilot Cities get push toward other fuels Incentives, such as from a bill sponsored by Rep. Chris Cox, are openin g the door for vehicles that don't run on gasoline. Allcla Robinson Oa1lyP1lot NEWPORT-MESA -Although hydrogen-fueled vehicles are several years from being widely available to coiuwners. they're the buzz of the transportation world today. • Gov. Arnold Schwanenegger has pledged to create a neiwork of hydrogen fuel stations by 2010. And Rep. Christopher Cox has announced his sponsorship of provisions In the Energy Policy Act of 2003 that would offer tax incentives for the construction of hydrogen fueling stations and , the purchase of fuel ceU vehicles as well as repealing the man- da1ed percentage of ethanol in California's gasoline. The act was passed by the I louse but is helng held up by a Democratic filibuster in lhe Sen- ate, Cox spokeswoman Kate Whit- man said. Public opinion on the viability of hydrogen-fueled vehi- cles also seems to be pending. accelerating the use of fuel·celJ vehicles and the mfrastructure that goes with it,· distrkt spokeswoman Tina Oleny said. 1ne district has worked with Cox and other legislators to gat}\er more funding for hydro- gen fuel initiatives, she said. Most of .the district's authority is over stationary air pollution sources such as factories, but In 2000 ii lssued "Oeet" rules apply- ing to large vehicles such as tran- sit and school buses and street sweepers. Another districl spokesman, Sam Atwood, said that about 80% of alr pollution 1oday comes from mobile sources such as cars. trucks, planes and boats. The district's fleet rules try to combat this pollution. They re- quire operators of Oeets with more than I 5 vehicles -bolh public and private -to buy al· ternauve fuel vehicles when they replace old vehicles or add to their fleets. As they exist, the rules can be a burden for fleet operators to fol - low. Several diesel manufacturers and oil companies challenged the rules in coun and the state Supreme Court is scheduled to hear the case in January. Cox's proposals seem promis- ing to the South Coast Air Quali- ty Managemen1 Dis1ric1, the agency responsible for air pollu- tion control in a 12.000-square- mile area thal includes Orange and Los Angeles counti~ Dave Niederhaus. fleet man- of ager for the city of Newport "We support that concept Beach, Is ln charge of the state's largest fleet of electric vehJcles and he's also on a technical advi- sory committee for the South Coast Air Quality Management District. The city has had its electric ro- yota R,AV4s for six years now but will be looking for alternatives now that auto manufacturers are discontinuing electric models. "We~ the end of the full -size electric vehicles," Niederhaus said. "We had hoped that the hydrogen vehicle would be ready to take Its place, but those are maybe five to l 0 years away.· While other alternative fuel ve - hicles are out there. such as those with compressed natural gas or propane engines or hy- brids, Niederhaus said. they're generally more expensive, and he's heard from other cities that some types of vehicles don't run reliably. "The alternallvt"> are too ex- pensive or noneXJstent," Nieder- haus said. "IThe fleet rules arel just a thing that got mandated a lirtJe ahead of its 1ime. and it's just kind of a financial bomb· shell for all the cit1e~." Costa Mesa ha.'> a melange of alternative-fuel vehicle'>. includ- ing a natural gas-powered dump truck. '>Ome gas/electric hybnd vehiclei, and a new propane street sweeper, Maintenance Servil'es Manager Bruce Hartley !>aid Inc C 11y Council halo. chm.l'n to go beyond the Oeet rules, and the city belongs to a coalition that promotes alternative fuel use, he said. The city is seeking funding for a comp~d natural gas fueling station that could be converted to serve hydrogen vehicles in the future. Cox's legislation promoting hydrogen vehides may be pre- mature because fuel cell tech- nology Is still In Its Infancy. Hart- ley said. "I think. he's purling the cart before the horse In that right now ,there's nol a lot of hydrogen fuel cell vehicles out (on the marke1J," he sald. Hydrogen fuel cell vehicles may be as much as a decade away from being widely avail- able, but initiatives &uch as Cox's could help speed their progress, Atwood saJd. "Certainly. tax incentives will help." he said. "Basically, we need every encouragemen t out there to develop these 1..erq-pol- luting vehicles." Looking at the technology chat's available today. Nieder· haus was more skeptkal about the future of hydrogen-fueled ve- hicles. Some consider them dan gerous bt•rnuse the hjghJy pres- surized fuel ta.nlcs cah explode in certain l'1rwmstances, he said. "I'm not convinced tha1 they really art· the panacea for the fu ture," ht' ~ud. "I wouldn't pu1 my family m one of tJ1osc." Trim the tree with care, fire chief says .. I I I I I I I I Public safety officials get ready fo r on e of their toughest season s fo r fires and d runk driving. Oeepa Bharath Daily Piiot NEWPORT-MESA -For Costa Mesa f'ire Olief Jim Ellis, the holidays are a lime when all the happiness is tinged with JU"t a bit of nervousness. When Ellis walks into a friend's home and sees a browning Olristmas tree with its base still attached, it sends a chill down his spine. He knows it's a fire waJting to happen. "Maybe they'll be lucky, and there won't be a fue," he said. "But when you're not careful and don't take the necessary precau- tions. there's always a chance." Ellis has seen those worst case scenarios. Years ago. as a fire- fighter, he responded to a l all at a home where a child had light- ed both a match and a Cliristmas tree that was near the fireplace. The family lost lls home. and tt took the family years to get back on its feet. ''I've been their Secret Sama all the'>e years," EJJb admitted with a smile. "l couldn't forget about them." It\ 1101 just (llristmas trees that could ruin the holiday-.. Candles are a maior hazard, too, said Teri Durnall. a Costa Me'>a fire prevention specialist. "An open name is dangerou .. aJ1ywhere, and it can be very dangerous In a home sitting right next to drapes or even in the bathroom, where you can forget to put it off." Police are preparing for the holidays, too, and the problem ol the .. ea.c;on -drunk driving 111e Costa Mesa Police Depart- ment will partic1pa1e in a ~tate­ sponsored DUI enforremcnt program. TI1e department will conduct two i.obriety check- points during tl1e holidays. offi - cials r,a1d. The Newport Beach Police Uc partmcnt will also have at IPa~t one checkpoint during the holi day<,. Newpon Police Sgt. Swvc Shulman said. "111e holiday season can be one of the most dangerou<; limes of the year to be on our nal.lon's roads." said Costa Mesa Police Lt. Karl Schuler, who is also the state chair for Mothers Against MAGIC FOREST CHRISTMAS TREES Back for the 19th Straight year! •HUGEST •SELECTION •BEST •SERVICE •EASIEST •PARKING •FLOCKING •ANO FLAME PROOFING -NO LIMITS ! OPEN Sam -9pm Dec. 3 till Christmas HOLIDAY TREE SAFETY TIPS •When buying an artificial tree, make sure 1t 1s marked "fire resistant." • If you're buying a live tree, make sure it la fresh. • Daily care and watering of the tree will help keep it fresh. •Cut about two ind'les off the trunk of the tree before mounting 1t on a aturdy stand •Remove your tree promptly after the holidays. A bu ming tree can be completely consumed by fire In three to five seconds and generate radiant heat greater than 2,000 degrees. Drunk Driving. "DUI b not an acddcni, it's a choice," he said. "Everyone has a choice when they are drinking. They can plan ahead and have a de~ignatcd driver, take J <.:ab, or <.:hoose to get behind the wheel and risk their own life a'> well a-. the live ... of l'veryone cl'>t' on tht• road." Thur~day, Oecembef 11. 2003 Al Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday t!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails • • • Qu.al i ()' Servi Cit• • • ... NigbtJy Erncnainmcot .. ' litr llnt'11•111Ju11J ( "" (949) 6 ,16-79-i·I J(,•JS lr\o illC' A\\.'., ( n'l.11 '1"'""'' • .,.., ...... _. ''-. wc .... \t•· u.. ... ..,. .. , "' ~ co ~ 700 lo $4!> 500 funk' Fr 111~.11\t' Wdll h ·,. ·w''AD ~ ·t ' ,, ·i· TR I 19~Ali l F•ahlon ta lend·Newpor1 Beach 9491721 8010 ft\• oditl• •t A•" ,-Mu~e. ,..,., .,, •t l11t.uu11• N wu•I www TradlUonolJ•weler9 com • * M rtu sd.iy. Occf!froet J l , 200 j PUBLIC SAFETY l BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Teens arrested in Newport burgtarie~ Wt~tmill,tt'r pollt.~ on Mnnd. y tim"!ltt-<I two I lun tir1i.,'1011 lk ach teen~ "1-UkJ to ll.lvt: bet·n involved in '""' ~cal · v~hldt' burglant'' in c:.1,t Newpm1 fk>ach. offi ( lu l" Maid. ~t1·w11 M1ch..1cl I h•nh•}'. It) .11111 <11m 1l11.t I >iJWnml(. HI. 1~wn· urrt'\ll'«I i~' th1·y 1• ,.,,. I rv111g to l ·''" lmJ:c'd I ht't 11., Ill wc .... tm nl\lc'I, l':t•\\,1•011 l\c.tC'h rol111· ~,., Sll'\'t' Sh11ln1.111 "'1111 POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Adt1m• Avenue: A vul11cte burglary woJ!> 1oported in thft 1700 blod. at 8:48 a m Tu1tsday • Wut Baker Strwt and C.Vlon Drive: A traffic nrndent mvolvmg mrunes was reported at 1 ·4-0 p m Tunsday • 8rittol Stl'Mt: A 1.omrrw1cial burglary was ru1w rtod in the 2900 blodc 1.11 2 06 pin Tuesday. • Mes• Vefde Drive &tt VJndal1sm was reported m tho 1500 blodc. at 8·02 a"' Tuesday. • Plt1centie Avenue. Graff11t wasr~portedin the 1900 hlod 1t 12 33 a m fof'f>d<>v • Wimbledon Way P'1'>'if''i'i10n of mar11uan11 was rt•porlPd in 1hu 3400 bloci< at 1·12 p m Tuesday • Wett 18th StrMt: An JWA Cont1nul'd from A I I h'•Wlh lll'1lt·l.'l'loprnen1 Aw·r111 1111' .1~1•111 v 1, 1·~tremdy lu1 ra 11v1· 11 111111){' 111 :ihout S.1 7 11111 hon .1 yl'.tr owr .11Hl ahllvt• whal\ Ot't'tlc-11 Ill p.t\ lltl 11' llWll dt•ht Partly ,1, .1 n·,1111. rlw "R''nc y ha~ .thmll .S.•'• m ilhnn '111i11)! 111 the hank 11111111-:l 1 thu1 n111111:y I\ l'tl! mnrlw<l 'IJWt lflt:ally for S..nts Ann I lr1~h1' 1mprnvc'nlt'nh, 11 lolllll .tho prc·,t•nt \tlnll' oppc ir t111\l l1l'' Ill 'Jlfl'Jd Ill\' Wl.'.tlth l Hywult• For l'X.u11plt•, liOnl(' 11111114-y w t a~i<le to built! li fin• .. 1.1111m Ill 'it'rve Sa111.1 Ana 11<-t~hr.. might .1bo lwnl'fil tht• re .. t of the• tit\ bt't au,1· th.ii nn· 'ta111111 woult.l lilwly ·""' -.1•rH· .1 1)111 lltlll Ill 1."h11111 l\l.t111l hlW 1igamn sean:hE"d on~ of the 6USpecfs hom and ru:uvel'N items -.uch as blank checks. crtd.it i:anb, golf equipment, ~ ... maJ computers and cam N a.,, he .said Poht.-e ha~ ld1•1111fied a few victims but Ill" 111 the proc~ of local· mg otJwr~. Shulman said. rx-11-.-tiw' beUeve that the i.u11pt•t t" 'ltole mrn;tJy ht'tWN'Tl mltlolJ.lht and 3 .1 m . ht'-.~id Anyonl' who believes he or 'he 1nily have bet-n a vie· tm1 ol 'uch a tht'ft during th1• ltl't livl" months ls asked 111 c J.11 Newport !leach po ltc l' lkt Kt'nt Eischen at \'11'11 M4 11~1 etssault was reported In the 500 blodc at 3: 19 p.m . Tuesday •Wm 19th Street and Stertlng Avenue: Petty theft was reported at 12:33 p.m . Tuesday NEWPORT BEACH • Bavside Drive: A boat burglary was reported in the 1100 blodc al 6·07 p.m . Tuesday. • Newport Coalt Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 23000 blodc at 2:50 p m. luesday • Pllrtt Newport Drive: Vandalism was reported in the 2200 blodc at 8 20 a m Tuesday • Seasho,. Drive: Petty theft was reported m the 5800 hlodc t1t 11 08 a.m. Tuesclc1v • Wlndw1rd Line: A garage burolary w<1s reported m tho 2200 bloc at 7 56 a.m. Tuosday. 1 lw h11.il p1C<:t' to the pw..tJt.· I'> pt •t1•1111.1lly the b1AAc.,1 · rnntrnl 11111-: lohn \Vaynt: Airport W1·11 thl' nty tu ll<IV<' powt.•r th1·11· 11 111uld h.111dle .my airport t"~p.111\1011 .111d he the 'olr 111~go llollllr lor ""Y lutul"C' \(•ttll'nll'IH .ig11•1•11w111'> uhout lhe airport\ "I"''"''°" 1111' .airport I~ lll!o.O 1111 1.'X 111•11wly 'ohd o peration. In .'f.10}, thr airpon 1.·o<,1 $S9 n111l111n In run and brought in Slh mtlhun in revenue-, for a wughly $1 7 million Op<'rnting m 1'111111' n,e income goes into a fl''('l"VI'. whic:h a<, of June 10 had an umulaw•I to nearly $39 mil lion. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Nowport Beam and John Wayne Airport She may be reactied at 1949)674 4232 or bye mall at 1un•• <'dSJgrande <t/at1mas com OBITUARIES Jeni Blanch Dudgeon StrviCM for C.o ta Mt••1:1 rc .. lder11 M~ Jttn1 nl;ln< h Dudgt•t>n ""' 'lcl1td11k-d for I p m Saturday 111 Poo Oc Vlc-w M<'morial Park in C '.o runa de.I Mar. M,, Dudgron dlt"ll rlf't-:. 5 or l OO!(C'lli\lt' hr:trt failure. Shi-WI" 09. ~·h. Ott<lgron '" 'iurvlvt'd by "'" J>nul Rohcrt I lostlc; daUghtcrs I~e 1.-uru t=lrtrh tr ond l\lh e Su'l11n I t'ggC'll, flve R'l'lmtkh1ldrtn, nine I gnmdchlldreo; and 'isl rs Mill')' Dudgeon Stig 'nl and Nt-va OUdJ;~>tl ( :ar rrtt . tuude E. T::iggart A memorial ~rvtcc for Mr 0 ude E. Tnggill't, n 4S·yca.r \'611t3 Mesa TC l· dent. I~ chcduled for ti m tod11y Mr. c-.ggan died Dec. 6 or raplratory ur t. 1 le wws92. Mr. Thggarl is survived by hi wife, Marie Jeanne Tuggan; four daughters, Unda ·rnggorr. Su~n Mon· lapcrt. Num .. -y Morgan •nd Jojo Toeppner. two grand- ' hUdttn; and three gttGt· KtafldSOn!I. Johnny O'Connor Mr. fohnny 0 Connor, a 59 yenr ro ldenl or Costa Mei.a. died Dec. 4 of en unknown cause. Ho wu 77. Mr. O'Connor b aur· vivcd by h !JJ Wiit., Bt>uy O'C.Onnor. son Jlni ~ech; daughten l'*t.sy LatKha and }l•annit. Kiech: four l(t'WlcJ.C:hlJdrcrr. two great· Kl1llldchilcirin; and ate,.. Helen Cox. Maudcan Rt-ed, Dorothy Ann Darefleld ind ll'7c1 S1ctdJey. A gravcefdt icrVt e ~ ht'ld JUf'Sday at I'adRc Vlew Metnt>i'iAI Park la Co· roru1 de! MM. Got Pets? o ... .,..." .... ,.,,. '°"" ~ '-" .. 1r .ta bondtd • Yet "1-11 ffilhod ' REVIEW Continued from Al The recommendatfon ro keep work ln·house Instead or c:on· trocting out for legnj eetvkd minors the recommendaUoo o( Wood in a review he pmacnted to the council in June. The independent l"fNfew found the city's legal staff Isn't functioning at It. maximum ca- pability and that the current scope of assignm.enta domn\ ne- cessitate four attorneys. Man- agement Partners suggesu the city anomey's office bring"lltlga· tlon legal service~ In-house. Since litigation wort comprises KOCE Continued from Al the $32-million sweetened bid, wilh SS milUon up front and the rest in a long-term note, fust be'- fore the Oct. 8 deadline. ~ don't need It.he fuD amount) for dosing." Brown said Wt'<inesday. "We have a clear plan. \\\! still need suppon from the community. but we·~ confident we can come up with the money.· CURVE Continued from Al likt a lot of graduate srudent'i in his field I've lcnown, he dJTlw.ed lumself by creating a "}'l>tem to rum gambling od~ in his favor Although the most c:ommon target is horse racing, lnorp M!t his sights on l..as Vegas. After several years of rei.earching blackjack po~ibillties and probabilities. he created a system that. pmrerty managed. he was <'l'r1ain couldn't lose. He proved ii out while changing his teaching base to UCI. Then. evidence in hand and published m the National Academy of Sc1t'nce Journal, he found "everal angels willing 10 back. him with the heavy money he nl'eded to score big. Consistent winners attract quick attention in Las Vegas. where Big Brother is watching fro m overhead. When Thorp wa't barred from the casinos. he took to playing in various disguises. When his style or play exposed him. no matter the dl~gulse. the muscle turned dangerous. AROUND TOWN • Send AROUND TOWN Items to the Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by e-mail to luis pena@latlmes.com; by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491574-4298. lndude the time, date and location of the event, u well at a contact phone number. TODAY The Campus Col1Mgu• of Orange Coast College will hold a lunctieon to raise funds for the OCC Disabled Studentt C.nter from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m . at OCC. There will be entertainment provided by Tyfer Hoff and Klro Kiro, who will be playing with the Harry and Grace Steele Children Center. The cost is $9.50 per person. Information: wmdardtlnt~hotmail.oom. The Thureday Momlng S...IM Women's Club will present Its Chriatmes party luncheon and a musical show at 11 a.m. et the Nowpon Bench Radisson Hotel, 4545 MacArthur Blvd. This will be S23. Information 1nd reservation: 1714) 842-5883. Onlnge County ..... One Boott. Veer Two invites the public to attend the fir'l1 of two planning meetings et 8 to !MS a.m. 11 Bordo'9 Boob & Musk: In South Coast Plaza. Information: (714) 846-8717. http.:l!Www. oranQOOOtJntyrHdl.oro. FRIDAY feshlon Wend and Star M.7 Radio will hoct 1 holldly toy dr1w from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . In Bloomlngdale't Cou11yard. Customora ,,. encoureged to drop oft an unwrapped r4N toy to be placed under the Falhlon Island Chr1ttma•.,.... Information: (949) 721·2000. hnp:/twww . .hopfnhloriT..iand. com. The ...... ~ ~ h1M\da IUppc>ft group w1lt mtet at 7 p.m. tit Cooot.. 2760 Hlrbor 81vd., CotUI Meu. lnformttion: (IM9) e&O-U12., (714) 491·M>O. SATURDAY ~ WoocMftd ll:/llldiliJn Grill wffl ~a grand opening ~from 11 a.m.to3p.m. to http Newport Coltt Ct,.. .... f\indtfor LI ...... dt la lnmaculedl, 11mllt otphaNae In TI;uana. The colt wtl ~-10 tor ---·for~. $heity. ... 2tttt HtlWpOft ( \be majortty of atcmal co\U\9tl CIOSCJ, k would be benetldaJ for in-house counsel to develop IJtl- gadon 6kW.s, the ~ew 6t&f Thia lhould be done gradually, wlth lesa a>mpUcated cues be- ing brought dn ftnrt and a.ulgned 10 an attorney with close aupet· vision. The review abo susgesu cllmi- nadng the legal secnrtary posi- don and rrpladng It with a part· time secretary-only pc>sidon to mduce costs. And by decreasing the staJf, the wortload is enougb to warrant an ln·hou,,e legnl staff, the report states. Keeping the work tn-howe a1ao allows the dty easy access to legal staff, the report Stale6. C.Oundl immbers told Man· The uu.stees chose the founda- tion. the only bidder promising to keep the 5t.ation's PBS ronnat. as the highest responsible bidder at their Oct 15 meeting. AJmavi- slon Hi.1pank Network had sub- mitted a slightly higher bid, but the trustees did not agree that the broadcaster could provide proof they had the money. Some of the rejected suitors thnmtened to sue the district but none have so far. ·No one has fiJed a suit yet." Patterson said "We had some He was drugged one night. and began to bring a companion to witness anything hosttle that might take place. He avoided drinking. but when his coffee was drugged to the point that he couldn~ walk stmlght, and then he got an even stronger doi.e in a glass of water, he decided it w~ time to explore some other tine of moonlighting. But he got in the last shot. Boy. did he ever. He wrote a book describing his system i11 such detail that anyone who can count to 50 and keep hi(', mind on business could win a1 blackjack. "When they made it imposs.lble for me to play.· he said, "l went after them with other people thrpugh my book. They've had to change the game repeatedly to try to keep their edge.~ Thorp turned his full attention to teaching such esoteric subjects as probability and functlonaJ analysis, but he needed a new challenge. He found it in the stock market, where he applied the same sophisticated skills to a bible investment strategy cal.led hedging and came up with a mathematical formuJa that Coaat Olive, Newport Coast Shopping Center. Information: (949) 433-7879. The Cfty of Coata MMa •nd Torelli Realty are sponsoring the city's annual Holiday Snow Hill, which will be from 9 a.m . to noon at the Balearic Community Center, 1975 Balearic Drive. The event will Include 60 tons of snow, hay rides and a special visit by Santa. Santa wlll arrive at 10:30 a.m . by helicopter Information: (7141754-5158. Onnge County P9ople for Animals will have a silent auction, live music, 1 gueat speaker, and OCPAi1 annual •PNoe tor Animals· community ceremony at 6:30 p.m . at the Al(era Country Inn & Sultu Hotel, at 325 S. Bristol St The colt 11 S40 for members and $50 tor nonmembers. Information: 1714) 761-0CPA. http:/Mww,ocpauu.orp. Th• merc:henb of Batboa kWtta you to watch the student• of Newport Elementary School as they participant In the 1nnual merdlant Christmas painting program from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Fun Zone area Balboa VIiiage In front of the Fems wheel. Information: (949) ~6-0501. htrp:IM>ww.billb<»newponbffdl. com. Cotta~ H'8h School wMt have a communltywlde campus cleanup day from 9 •.m. to 3 p.m. at 2660 FtlrVlew Rculd. Ptoplt will mMt lnalde the main entrance by the Lyceum. Adult9 end teena are ~. lnfonnetlon: Rlce,rdo Dence (114) 761-9858. The....., Md,...,, Muth lnterpretlw Cent9t wm ha.t • handa on 9Wfrt fNturfng rept1.1.., amphlbilne tod erec:tinlcn from t to 2 p.m. at 2301 Unlveralty Ort~. Newport Buch. Learn "*fntritlng flcta end myths about th-. creatu,..., The 00t1 wtn be s10 for ages g and up. lnfonnatfon end 1"9gl1tr•tlon: (8'9) 923-2295. SUNDAY .................. hoMIM. hoAdey ~from a a.m. toe p.m. at 1107 ICiltvbfoc* Lane, Calta ..... """' W\11 be handmade cntfta, Mtiy l<fV eo.mtdc:t, ~ ..... Jwieliy, Avon ~and more. Child t1.-wttl be avai~ lnfonn.atJon: (714) 657· 7234. ...................... lgeG\U\t Plrtnetl thAI they are rnasnated by w wk of ~rsee­ lnJ cbe dty attomey's oO'lco and lack the 1echnlcal lcnowtedge to ovcnec It. Therefore the com· pany reoonunends transferring oversight (rorn the council to Oty Manager Al.Ian Roeder. Mayor Gary Monahan ex· pressed concern I.hat doing so could Um1t the caliber of appU· cants in the recruJunent for a new city anomey WlCe they might reel stifled being under lbe authority or the City manager. Management Partners Presi· dent Jeny Newfanner tried to aJ. lay Monahans concern. saying he didn't bellt'Ve the move would deter quality attorneys from ap· plying. threats at the las1 mecling and some letter!..~ perhaps we will have people wa1ctung (what hap- pens]." C.Oa.st Commumry College Di$· trict originally cited budget woes in the decision to sell KOCE-TY. which Is on the Golden Wel>t Col· lege campus In I funtington Beach. They estimated It cost $2 million annually to run and would require further investment to upgrade to a fully di.,'ltal for· (Tlat. which they said they couldn't afford computeri7£S ~hort-tenn deviations in the market. II requires a lot of investment money to profit from a ~mall but sure edge. which -he says matter-of-foctJy virtually guarantees at least two-thirds of 1% gain and actwUy averages 15% to 20% per year h orn the beginning, hb 'Y'>lem perfonned so well thJt he formed an investment company in Newport Beach that hil!> been the focus of hi!> work ever ~ince. ~When we set up a hedge." he explains. "we 111st break oul in our computers tht• few thing!. that make the prit'e~ of securities different and look al them. Computca. are simply tools, levers for our minds. Levers can move things Archimedes ~id, 'Give me a long enough lever, and I can move the world.' The~ machines enlarge our abtlities. But people still have to write the programs." They write the programs in Thorp's life, too. I le and Vivian have three clilldren and six gralldchildren. including a !>Ct of triplets and a palr of twins. Thorp shut down his investment business a year ago so he could be1ter enjoy lili family I le sayo; champagne book signing for the ·silent Screen Cookbook" by Joanabell Lewis from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at 308'h Marine Ave .. Balboa Island. Information· (949) 673-7185. Judging will begin for S.lbo1 Island's annual holiday home decorating contest. Judging will go on until 10 p.m eacti day through Dec. 16 Some of the categories are traditional. most original and best animated. Homes are all Judged by volunteers. Information: Joame Cooper, 1949) 6754441, 1949) 673-S700. A CtlristmH conc:en will be given at5 and 7:30 p.m. at the Church of Jesus Christ of Lattet'<iay Saints' Newpon Beach Stake Center, 2150 Bonita Canyon Road. The Beach City Bells and Val Jamora and other soloists will be featured et the two performances. lnformetion: (949) 644-6405. MONDAY JudglnG wfll continue for S.lboa Island's annual holiday home decorating contest. Judging will go on each day until 10 p.m . throogh Dec. 16. Some of the categories are traditional, most original and best animated. Homea are all judged by volunteers. Information: Jo1nie Cooper, (9491675-4441, (949) 673-8700. am. COunty Reeds One Boolit, Year Two Invites the public to attend the second of two planning meetings, from 4 to 5:45 p.m., Dec. lf>at the Loa Angel .. Times Orange Coonty community room, 1376 Sunflower Ave .• Cocta M .... Enter through the 141C:Ur1ty gate lnform81ion: (7,14) Me-8717. http:/lwww o,.ngecounryr.•ds. orp. TUESDAY Judging wll contlnl.l9 for Balboa l$111nd'1 ennual hOllday homo decor-1.lng eon1nt Judging will go on Ndt day untll 10 p,m. through Dec. 1e. Some of the ctf9goriet •rt tredltlonal, most qlnal end .,._, enlmated. Hc>mee art all I~ bV ~. lnfonnation: Jotnle Cooper, CM9) 67M441, (IMS) 87M700. c-.--~~wflhoet • boOit fllr fu~r1l111from4 to 8 p,m. M Bamee •Noble 8oo4lie 1M1r. at lriengle Squaf'9, 1810-8 HaftiOr &Nd. A bOo1t fair ~ .. rtqUlnid foi. ' C.Ouncilman Allan Man.sooc saJd he thought the nNiew waa comprehensive and agreed With some of the recommendadons. •tt certaJnly Is important 10 have leg;al counsel llCCeSsiblt and available to you, so that' certainly a factor to consider.· Mansoor said. '"'Ibey abo gave some recommendations to cight- en up the expend.ltures. I want to make sure it's run fairly and in a fiscally responsible manntt, and I think some of the recommen- dations showed some ways we can do that.· • DaROAE NEWMAN covel'll Costa Mesa and may be readied at (9491 574-4221 or bye mail at deirdre. newman@fatlmtts.com. KOCE-1V broadcasts lV· based courses to about 10.000 students. Al an October pres.s conference, KOCE Foundation board member Joel SlllUy said they planned to continue broad- casting the telecourses and wanted to es!Bblish KOCE-lV lli> a source of news, culture and educaclon in Orange C.Ounty. • MARISA O'NEIL covens education and may be readied at (9491 574-4268 or by e-mail at marisa.oneil ~latimes.com. he's going to restart his company in a year or two. but with a wistful note that suggests he's still thinking It over. Meanwhile, he challenges hj~ mind wherever and however he can. Structuring the grant to UCJ was one of those challenges. In his donor's comments, he calls the gift ·A Million Dollars for Mathematic'> -and an Exercise in Finance because it will ·suppon the research of an individual mathematician of exceptional talent" while "using the power of compound growth" to create ''one of the most richly endowed" depart.mental chru.rs in the world. Now, Ed Thorp will be looking for new challenges. At 71, he ha~ long played the odds in lire and managed to identify and avoid most of those that aren't favorable. tr he decides to go back m the inves tment business, I plan to retrieve my copy of "Beat the DeaJer." I see it as my la..~t 5hqt at malong that miJllon hucks to get on hi<. waiting Us t. • JOSEPH N. BELL is 1 resident ot Santa Ana Heights His column appears Thursdays. percentage of the purchase to be given to Costa Mesa High Sctiool. Vouctiers may be obtained at the school's front office or they may be received by fax. Information: nadine 112390@mindspring.com The AClU of Orange County w ill host two speakers, Char1ie Reed and Steph Campbell, who will discuss issues related to the separation of ctiun:fl and state. the faith-based Initiative and h9w it affects the 1st Amendment, at 7 p.m. at the Unitarian Universallst Church, 1259 Victoria, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 299-4551. WEDNESDAY The Pwt9r •nd Muy Mudl Interpretive Center will host a parent-end-child playtime eve(lt so children 3 to 4 years old can leam how anlmals see, hear, taste, smell and feel from 10:3Q to 11:15 a.m. et 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. The cost of the event Is $5 per child. Information and registration: (949) 923-2295. DEC.18 The 'tbu"t1 Exec:udv .. of Amefk.t will host Paul A. Motenko. chairman of the board and co-CEO of Chicago Pizza & Brewery Inc., during Its breakf•st meeting at 7:30 a.m. et the Pacific Club, 4110 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. The colt Is $1t for member1 and $26 for nonmembers. Information: (~) 721-8686. DEC.20 "Dfvotce: A New Beginning• 19 • work.shop for men end womeri in the proons of dlvordng or recently divorced from 10 11.m. to 12:30 p.m . at 180 Newport Center Orive. The cost 11 $40, Information: (949)644-6436. The Cotta M ... Newport~ Uone Club will MMI hamburgers, c:h...oburg•rt af\d hot dog1 end the Or11no-Cou~ Model Engineer. wlll conduct froa trm rldta from 10 1.m. to !'l p.m. at the Got1 Hiii Junctlon train st.etlon 11 F.frvWw Part. ! Information: (IM9) 614-<ml : I Ot:C.21 ~ llsflMd .. --.. 1nnuat menorah llQflting ctremony at 3 p.m. " , 8'oomlngdale't Couttyerd. The event wUI be hotttd bv "-bbl • Reuven Mlrtlz of tht ~d .IMsh een..1n Ntiwport~. lnfonnatlon: IM) 721-2000, hap~.~ com Thursday. December 11, 2003 A5 .9l.dvent: preparation tfirougli prayer C hristmu does not begin with Christmas Oily, uiy mo~ than the football season staru with the tint gdmc. ln football, there iJ a long pcnod of 1raming and practice bcfo~ the w.i~n begms. Chmtmas is a bit like that 'Inc busiest shopping day of the yrnr is the Friday 11ftcr Thanksgiving. Some ~tores open at 6 a.m. to begin the fr11n1ii: shopping &e<11JOn. And we begin to think of all the things we have to do -the shopping, cooking, ~a~d sending, biking. d«:oraung, party attending. and so on. We feel hke the frustrated shopper in the lartoon wr: feel Christmas is al our throats again. lt is nal Christmas, however, that suffers from the businc55 and tasks that lOmc with the season. It 1s the season of Advent that is cht".ited. It leaves us frustratt'd and overwhelmed because our cnergic~ .ire misspent. We prep.ire, but I thmk we prepare only on the fcsuvc level. We forget or don t hilvc the energy or tame -to prepare on the meditative and lOntt'rnplativc level what Advent and Christmas arc about As I think about the season of Advent and what it means in my life, I am •THE FORGIVENESS remmded of the fire victims who lost cvcrytlung they owned last month and how difficult this time of ~ar will be for them. I think of all the families who wiU be ~rimcing the hoiidays for the first tJmc without a loved one because of a death this past year. I think of the scrvic~ men and women who serve our country -no mancr what umc of year, but who will be missing their famiUcs tremendously during Advent. ~ch of these thoughts call me IQ PTa~r. Preparing is usually the word we all affiliate with the Advent season. We read stories and hear sermons about preparation d unng Advent. We arc to prepare for the coming of the Christ • child. This season, I believe our preparation should focus on prilycr. Thcrl' arc many ways to pray. Prayer is important because in prayer we optn ourselves to Cod. In thi~ season of Wiliting, hoping and up«ting, let us do all \hese things prayerfully. We 1ust never know what God will bnng. Rev. Stephanlt' Toon Youth Minister Mesa Verde United Methodist Church Peace on 'Earth To advertise on the OFSINS· ST~ ht\nu 11•~ c~ Peace on Earth pages, publishing ot1 Thursday, December 18, please c.ontact.Anr1 ~ndrolis at Or.)°""'A.H.ftaaA,Jr. l'•H<ll•"I SecwdaJ, ~ ll, 100}, S:JO P.M. s-69y. DecnllNf 14, lOOJ, l:JO & IO:IS A.M. Orilaul C:-U. s-day. 4:00 _, 7:00 P.M. (9Cl'WI ,,_. Ncwpon ~Hip. Sdtoal 8' lmM _, Utl1) (949) 574-4249 or 600 SI Andrrwt Road, ~pon at.ch, C..lifom18 9166.Hll.S ('49) 6)1-1110 /' @/a f M AIL .n1~nc1ttWSpttLora WEI www.Randr-.P'ft·ot'I ann.genro IS times.com. ..... ~~~~~~~~--~--~~~~~--~--~ ........ ., •• , , •• , ..... , ........ , 1111 II Tiii ,, •••• II 11r. .. Newport Harbor Lutheran Church & Preschool 798 Dover Drtve, Newport Beach, CA 92683 (9'9) 548--3631 www.nhlcs.org • Two 50' Sled Runs • One 30' Children's Sled Run • Two Snow Play Areas •Santa Claus • Live Petting Manger • Train Rides • Chlldrens Craft Ana • Christmas CuoHng • Chrtatmaa Tree Decorating Food&R9fNahmenta wlll be 'Oft ..... Fridav. December 12. 2003 4:00 PM · 9:00 PM Nezort Center Un ted etllodlst Church 1601 ~critc Ave., Corona dd Mar (949) 644-074S Corner of Marguerite & San Joaquim Rd. Rev~nd Cathleen Coors. Pastor Wednesday December24 Two worship Services r To Celebrate Christ's Birth 5:00 e_m A Family "Service A Special Invitation to Families with Young Child.Rn 9:00 J>m Candle Light Service Les ons and Carol :Jinaing Clirist at Cfiristmas I t is possible to pass by Chrntmas without ever 5eeing it. The interstate.-highways have moved our journeys away from America's small rural town. Before the interstate, the highway took }'UU right down Main Street al 25 miles per hour, past the Five and Dime, the Mom and Pop grocery, and the hardware and comer drug store. You didn't have to stop, but you had to slow down. We may not cxpcriena this phenomenon as they do in the Midwest. The interstatrs in Southern California are a talc.en-for-gran tcd part of our freeway syi;tem. Slill, the pnnciplc applies. Whik entertainment-oriented hfc cannot stt. It is about God sending the one for whom we arc all waiting. It is significant the first Christmas happened in a small town, off the anocnt world's equivalent of an interstate. To arrive in a little town of Bethlehem, one had to make an effort. Ouistian autobiographer Frederick Buechner has suggested that the final word of Christmas, after all else has been said and done is, "Adeste Fideles." Come all }'UU faithful, alJ of )'UU who want to be faithful, and all who want to bcliCVt' )'UUT Savior has come. The celtbration of Christmas is how we proclaim that. we're on the frttway, we bypass indeed, the Savior of all creation is here. Come neighborhoods and (Ommuni1i~ Where and adore Oirist the Lord. Corne sec and then people hvc and shop, work and gl) to ..dlool, follow. play and worship. The best chance of finding the Christ at The interstates swing wide of the uld towns (hristmas is in church -with carols, prayers. through uninhabited land. Developers have worship and fellowship. The wist men and since manufactured ~towns" at 40 or 50 mile women gather to hear l~ story and sing their intcrv.ils. The "towns" consist of g.is stations, fa 1th. mini-marts, motels, fast food restaurants and Rev. George R. Crisp an occasional park with play equipment for Christ Church by the Sea United ~thodist the children. Oinst Oiurch by tM Sea United Methodist iJ In a similar way, a lot of people miss located on the Balboa Pl'ninsulti at 1400 W. Christmas without knowing it. They think the Balboa Blvd., Newport BCJtch. Come join 0 11r cdebrations of popufar culture -pageants fdlowship for Oiristma.s Eve candklight staged at the shoppUlg malls. the parties, the services: 5 p.m. Family Serviu and 7:30 p.m. neighborhood lighting contests -is what Service of Lessons, Girols ar1d Gindle/ight. The Christmas is about. What they arc lloly.Family Mary, fosep/1 and Jesus -will be experiencing, h~r. 1s an "interstate represented rn a tabka11 during each serviu, Ouistmas." and special music wt/I be presented. For ChristmM is a place our fast paced, additional infonnation, cnl/ (949) 673-JBOS. . . ',/ OuR LAdr Out EN o ANG£ ls (94 9) 644-0200 . ' ... I t •I "' • j I ' ' ... •• '· ' ., • ~ f $efoveis in Cfirist A dv. en1 and Christmas ... that's Decem~r. Advent asks, "What do you want most LhlS Christmas?" And •What do those on you gift hst most want from you?" I wonder if the request at the 1op of your List for Santa is the same as mine always is. The same three words answer all questions: "I love you!" The Christmas message is deceptively simple: It 1s God's "I love you!" to humanity. God said it first when the world was made and supremely spoke it to us in Jesus, who is God's Word to us about ourselves. In Christ, we hear God telling us how much we are loved. Our hearts arc so easily hardened by pain, suffering and disappointment; our vision is distorted by betrayal, greed and cruelty. We ~ome cynical and suspicious that the most 1nt11nate of human phrases is only an empty and hollow quotation, ~ertainly not meant for us. Christmas 1s the time when God is revealed as a 1:hild. Our hearts and vision need to become childlike and young again. This happens at Chnstmas, even to the unlikeliest: Scrooge is transformed by the spirit of the season; the Grinch's heart grows "three times that day!" In Lhe midst of the sea.~ons' stores and songs and struggles (a\ the poet Auden said, "We try exery year to love all our relations") hear God's "I love you!" addressed to .. you! It 1s simple: At the heart of everything is the woman and Lhe man and the Ba~. Whoever you .ire and whatever your condition, you arc well connected; you were born into God'~ Holy F.imily, called into being by the divine "I love you!" God's 1 loly Family become~ more truly itself as thoo;c who have heard "I love you!" spoken to them respond in kind to those who do not hear. Christm.1~ ~~ J time to give back what we have been so grJdously given, what we have so generously re~c1ved. So, please, give and ret:eive what you want most this Chri~tmas: Hearts are mcnded, the world is healed, when we speak and hve the words that began it all: "I love vou!" Your~ m Chri~t. The Very Rev'd Canon Peter D. Hayes Rc~tor Saint Michael and All Angell. Ep1'iCopal Church Corona <lei Mar firist Cfiurcfi 'By rr'fie Sea United :M etfiodist Cfirishnas 'Eve Worsfiip 5:00 Family Service 7:30 Service of Lessons, Carols and Candlelight 1400 W. Balboa Blvd., Newport Beach (949) 673-3805 THE FEAST OF THE BIRTII OF OUR WRD JESUS CHRIST 2003 Rev. Joseph Robillard, Pastor Rev. George Blais, Parochial Vicar Advent Penance Semce: Dec:iemba 15th at 7:30 PM. Christmas Ew: M:w for children at 5:30 PM (Christmas play and carols begin at 5:00 PM) Midnight Mus (bilingual) Christmu Dayi 6:30, 9:30 and 11 :00 AM New Ycai'1 Ew 8:30 AM and 6:00 PM (Vigil fur New Year's Day) New Ycai'a Dayi 8:30 AM (No Evening Mus) LA FIFSTA DEL NACIMIFNfO DE NUESTROSENORJESUCRIST02003 Rev. Joseph Robillard, Parroco Rev. George Blais, Vicario Semcio Perute.ncial (C.Onfaioncs) Diciembre 15th, 7:30 PM. Nochebuena, 24 de Oiciembm 7:30 PM Misa pan la Fanuha 12:00 Misa de Mcdianoche (bilingOe) Dia de Navidadt 12:30 PM Dia de Aio Nuno l2:30PM (No hay Mw en la ll()Chc) 1964 Orange Aftnue, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 (949) 574-7400 Fax (949) 574-7407 t TFzi!, feast of tlie 6irtfi of our Lora Jesus Cftr4t, 2003 .&,. W hen I meditate on the incarnation, I am often in awe. I try to undersund how the omnipotent God submined to be born as a ~ak human being. I believe that the only way this could be done is by a great gesture of humility and profound love for us. I 6nd the incarnation to be overwhelmingly generous. Our ttSpOnse to this is very important. I think our response should be kind, humble, loving and generous. The .custom of gift giving at Christmas is a great way of mponding. Yet the dWlengc we need to f:ace ia to expand our genuosky to ~ond our family a.nd friends and beyond this time of Christmas. Comider how you will ~ humble, loving and gcneroy11n the New Year. Of counc, J want all of you to come and celebrate Christmas at St. Joaquim Church. l hope and pray you will ~ able to join with other parishioners in celebrating the gift of our redemption -the birth ofJnw Quist. St. Joaquim Ottholic Oiurch is located at 1964 Orange Ave., Costa MtSJJ. For a sdrtdule of regular tmd holiday servias. cn1J (949) 574-7400. Christmas Program and music je{fowsfiip at :First 'llnitetf Metfiotfist T he r:iN United Me1hod1\t Chunh, Coqa Mc\,1, I\ proud to present J tin1c of u•lcbrat1on ot 1he Chnstma'i 'c~on w11h their .111nual Chn\tlllJ\ Concert led by l harlcs I !amen, the I mt United Method1~1 Ch.in~cl Choir, Children\ Choir and Joy Ringer~ will prescnl a program rilled with holiday favorites .ind uplifting hymn' Featurc<l m the program will Jh<l be the A.:.1pdl.i Choir from Woodhndgc I hgh 'x.huol, the Northwood High &hool or~he\tra Jnd 'Pell.II pt'rlorrnance\ by lhc Fun Tnu and 'Wprano 5<1(01\t, LorrJmc ArmJtJ Tiie prc>grt1111 wrll takt• plmc 1111 ~11111/11r. /)a 14 111 I p.111. tll 1-rnt Unrted Metlwdrst CJ111rd1, lomlt•d at •llO \V. I 9tli St., CnH11 Mesa. /·or 1tdd1t1111111/ 111(nr11111t1em, rn// (949) 54X 7727 Wt' look /orw1ml to cdebrt1t111J: 1/11· ~1·aso11 w11/i y1111' at Mesa Verde United Methodist Church 4 l 0 0 • 1 170 I Baker St. Costa Mesa (714) 979-8234 fRll'>i 40'\, ll"I \1111 \OI 111 tlll. II MUie If( FROM 1111 ltl. 11 IMI I IN1 I lt\H I 111" t 11 BAI.JR A"ll Ml " VFRI )f nrm I \( Mil\\ fR()\11111 llllM\lt\ Sunday, December 14th 8:30 & I 0:00 am Services "Once Upon a Hqly Lighr" Children's Chrisrm~ Musical Sunday, December 21st "Christmas Garland" 7:00 pm Christmas Concen Wednesday, December 24th Family Christmas Eve Service 5:00 pm Children's Story, Carols and Communi on CandJelight Christmas Eve Service 10:30 pm Lessons and Carols, Commun ion and Candlelighr Service !P, ~ • St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church A Christian Community of the Anglican Communion Pacific View Drive at Marguerite Corona del Mar, CA (949) 644-0463 Christmas Worship Services 2003 Wednesday, December 24th 5:00 p.m . Children's Christmas Pageant 5:30 p.m. Holy Eucharist and Homily 10:30 p.m. The Gift of Music -Selected Carols 11 :00 p.m. Festival Choral Christmas Eve Eucharist Thursday, December 25th 10:00 a.m. Christmas Day Celebration ~SUING YOU PEACE AND JOY IN CHRIST .. Ttvl<Uy, December I l, 2003 • • Rosacea Brown spots OUP IPL • Fine Lines • Sun Damapd Ski • Broken~ ins/Capillari s NANCY L SILVERBERG, M.O. • Ov•r IS y••n •1tperlen<• B•cl<man Uur ln111tute, UCI • aoard Certlfl,.d Dermatoloc'« • f'rivate f'r•ctlce In Newport •••ch fOt" O¥tr 11 yean • Auodne Cllnkal Proleuor of Medldne, UCI LYNN BANOARUK, R.N. • Over IS yun eaperien<e a.ct.man L&Kr Institute, UCI • (atantlv• cl4nkal l!•perlenc" In lllJ•r and llst>t therapy 949 . 760.0190 www.sUverbergmd.com Sllverber1 Sur(lcal Ir Medical Group 1 '40 I Avocado Avenue, Suite 701 Newport Beach, CA 92660 NEWPORT BEACH CITY COUNCIL WRAP-UP INSIDE CITY HALL Jiete are so me decision& coming out of Tuetday'.s City CoundJ meeting. • DINGHY STORAGE A plan to install racks where mooring pennit holders can store dinghies is one tep closer 10 becoming a reality. The council. In its study session on Tuesday. heard a presentallon on the plan, which originated In the Harbor Commission. The council decided to move the matter forward by asking staff to put it on a regular council agenda sometime next yrar. WHAT IT MEANS The Harbor Commission created the plan as a wuy to help owners of mooring permits access their offshore boalb. Oty officiaJs seem 10 agree tha1 these permit holders could use some help. bul they may not agree on the solution. CABLE TV As part of a complex and lengthy plan 10 renew the city·~ contracts with its cable providers, the council once again extended the existing contracts to buy time to work on a longer-term deal. Tuesday night\ vote p~d to a -.econd reading a plan to mend until Jan. 27, 2005, the conuacta that will ~Ire thls Janwuy. Last year, the council also mended the con uacts for a year. WHAT rT MEANS Oty staff will have more time to work out a deal with Adelphi.a and Cox. though the city's powers In this strlctJy regulated industry are very limited. For nample, the city has no power to tell the companies how much to charge for mo:.t services. Councilman John Heffernan. who chairs the city's telecommunicatioru. commlttee. said he was Crust.rated arhow long the process was taking and said that he accepts much or !he blame for I.hat. WHAT TliEY SAID ·1 think coundJ member Heffernan b taldng too much blame on him!>elf," Assistant City Manager Dave Klfl ..aid. "I apologiz.e that It's taking so long. bu1 it's the nature or the beast. LANDMARK BUILDINGS An amendment to the city's municipal code will allow the Balboa Theater follow througJl on ils design plan~ while ensuring that none of the city's landmark structures can be redeveloped to be 100 IJll The council approved tht: first reading of a city ordinance thal NEXT MEEllNG 7 p.m. Jan. 13 In City Council chambera at City Hall, 3300 Newport Blvd. Agendae and 11aff ,.ports are available onllne several d•Y• before each meeting at http:J/www.ciry.newport-beach.ca. us. For Information by phone. call (949) 644-3000. wouJd put a 55·foot heigJlt limit on the landmark buildings WHAT IT MEANS The Balboa Theater Is one of four structures that fall under the city's landmark buildings ordinance. This change to the ordinance helps clear the way for reopening the historic theater as a venue for live cheater and music and even tiJm screenings. NEW PARKS COMMISSIONER Tim Brown will be the newest member of the city's Parks. Beaches and Recreation Commission. The council unanimously picked Brown to fill !he ~eat vacated by Steve Rosanslcy. who left to accept an appointment 10 the City Council. WHAT IT MEANS Brown will finish out Rosansky's term, which ends In June 2007. After that time, the council could reappoint him. GETTING INVOLVED available. (800) 660-1993. about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media m disaster and emergency situations Lynn Howes. (714) 481·5376. Mary Johnson, (7141821·5000, ext. 2113 • GETTING l~LVED runs penod1cally in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organizatton to this fist, call (949) 574-4298 ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn .• which helps people who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehng's disease, needs volunteers. (714) 375·1922. AUHEIMER'S ASSN. OF ORANGE COUNTY Support group leaders, Visiting Volunteers, family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lntoCenter (949) 261·9446. • AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods sucn as clothing. furniture, 1ewelry, accessones. antiques and collectibles to fund the society's reseercn, education and patient services programs. The goods may be dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway. Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 e.m. to 5 p.m Monday through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take m pregnant cats at your home Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon anival. Dogs and cats are also available for adoption.(949) 759-3640 or www.smmslnetworlc.org ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed to help the organization with its goal of helping ctiildren in the community. (949) 645-6929 ASSN. RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Mesa group sponsors and supports outreacn community service programs. such as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are needed. (7141 540·5803. CAMP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer counselors and medical staff for Summer Camp and Teen Adventure Camp. The 01'5ani1ation is dedicated to providing educational camping programs free of en&' ,,.t to children living with HIV and AIDS. (323) 653·5005. CASA TIRESA Casa Teresa, a temporary home for single pregnant homeless women 18 end older, needs volunteers for these positions: office assistant/greeter, computer assistant, program developer assistant, and resale boutique salesperson. Information: (714) 538-4860. CENTENNIAL EVENT COMMITTEE WONDERING IF YOU REALLY NEED LIFE INSURANCE? The transportation'program needs volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment 1s a few hours each week or month. Drivers must have a vahd driver's license and insurance and be at leest 25. Volunteers may use either th~ir own vehicles or American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261-9446 or BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers 18 end older to provide companionship for adults with developmental disabilities. As a ~citizen Buddy," volunteers will visit with a buddy twice a month and call or e·mail them once a week. The organization also has an e-Budd1es program that forms friendships entirely over the Internet. Volunteers for that program must be at least 12 years old. (714) 546 1826 or www.bestbuddies.org. Volunteers are needed to serve on a Centennial Event Committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Corona del Mar in 2004. Community input on the final form of that committee 1s also sought. Information: (949)675-0501. COMPANION HOSPJCE ASK YOUR FAMILY. Most people don't want to broach the sub1ect of life insurance. because no one wants to imagine the unthinkable But just as you work hard to provide for your family now, life insurance can take over that duty if something should happen to you caring for your children, paying for college, covering t he mortgage A well thought-out. affordable life insurance strat egy that works within your overall financial plan can help meet your needs now. and take care of your family's needs later To find out how much lite insurance you need, or for a free review of your cufrent policies. call {949) 717-5300 or (800) •61-1352. 660 Newport Center Drive. Suite 1100. Newport Beach, CA 92660 THll IS WHO WE AAC. THIS IS HOW WI: l:AAN IT.· SMITTI~~ Clttqr UUJ.1.1 scomer §'cancer org. The American Cancer Society 1s also looking for volunteer speakers for its Speakers Bureau program, which offers a free service to communities, schools and corporations by providing trained speakers to address cancer issues. The organization will train all interested volunteers at a special session on Dec. 7 from 8:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. at the Spectrum Club, 1635 Deerpark Drive in Fullerton For reservations. call Florence Dann at (949) 567-0604 by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Asan. Is looking for volunteers to perform vanous general office duties in the main offlce and implement educational and fund-raising events through Orange County. No experience necesaary. Training wlll be provided. (949) 866-3555. AMERICAN HOME HEALTH HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emotional 1upport to terminally Ill patients and their families in the greater Orange County aree. Training is provided. (714) 550-0800or1800) 640-2645. AMERJCAN REO CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPnR The chapter need• volunteers to address community groups BIG BROTHERS, BIG SISTERS The local chapter is looking for men and women older than 18 who have lived in Orange County for at leaat one month and have been employed for et least one month to aerve as big brothers or big sisters for children ages 6 to 16 from single-parent homes (714) 544-7773, http://Www b1gbrooc.org. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Orange County Council include fund-raising, program development and training to existing 1roop1 and paGts. (714) 646-4990 BOYS I& GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts worbhop teactlers. Call for locations. (949) 642·2245. BRAJUE INSTIT\ITE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization i1 looking tor volunteers to •ulst blind end vi1uelly impaired 1tudent1 In a variety of areaa. The Hospice is now recruiting volunteers to become a friend for someone who needs that extra special caring at the end-of·life. Become a member of a team whose goal is to promote quality of life and comfort measures. Eacn applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and training. Information: (714) 560-8177. volunteers @CompanionHosp1ce. com. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NETWORK The network needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats in local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering. end then relea1e them baGt to the property where they were foond. The goal of the program Is to save the livea of stray cats. (949) 759--3646. COSTA MESA CMC PLAYHOUSE The playhouse need• volunteers for ushering, bacbtage wortc. mailings, typing, controlling lights and many other duties. (949) 650-5269. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNC~L The Coste Mqa L11eracy Center needs volunteer tutors to teach English u a second language. People who want to leam English 81 • second lenguage are also encouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310 or (714) 545-3446. ANTIQUE ROW GARDEN CAFE ' ,._""' "'""""• Aafifwl "'~ T,.Jlr_./,. CMl4f ~-' C,.....,. 0.W.. .,,.. Iii .W DW-,, ~ Ci/t C.'*-IW» DMlitt..,,.,,..., lllHJf-t. ~ r,.-'"" ,..,,.,. &.II • WE HOURS: M...S.• IMM-'f"' GIJNIJa ,. C"'-"l#n, lJNtJ 6 /Wit .. C111t-Pi<tw1t Frw"'btll F.mlit•l't Ril••I»,, """ mw:ll ,,,.,., I ROW llOUR.t 7Wo.V.t I "1nfl. S"'9 ' , • Tlusday, December 11 , 2003 Al FORUM HOW TO GE!° PUBLISHED -lAttwl: Mail to Edhorial Page Editor S.J. C&hn at the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627 • RNderl Hotline: can (949) 642 6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mall:Send to dailyp1/ot@latimes.com • All correspondence muat Include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edl1 all submissions for clarity and length. EDITORIAL ifhe may9rs in control T here are two familiar faces in che mayor's seats of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa. This monch. che Costa Mesa City Council voted lo keep Gary Monahan in the top council spot, which he has dccupied since last spring, while the Newport Beach City <;ouncil voted Tod Ridgeway back to che city's main leadership role. And make no mistake. Although che mayoral seats are largely ceremonial, the leadership of thOtie occupying them maners greatly. Fortunately for residents of Newport Beach and Costa Mesa, llidgeway and Monahan are familfar with chat need. They know chnt, at times, the mayor has to be ready 10 suffer the onslaught of unhappy residents. They understand che importance of well-run, professional meetings. They have shown that they are capable and qualified for the job. And boch bring more than just experience to the council dais. Ridgewcly ha'> worked beyond Newport's borders, representing Newport Beach 10 thC' Southern California Assn. of Governments, where he play-; an important role in transportation matters such as John Wayne Airport. The knowledge he has gained from chat work. along with the contacts he has made, will be of great advantage to city leaders, especially as they move ahead with talks 10 talce possible control over some county functions that a.re In che area, not least of all the airport. Monahan, now in his third shift as mayor, is a seasoned politician on che local front who brings business acumen and a solid fiscaJ conservalism to the seal. He has instin11 ional knowledge dating back three terms on the council and should be able to provide a steady hand to a council that still has relatively new members in Councilmen Allan Manseor and Mike Scheafcr. Given the state of California's budget, both mayors are taking over the ceremonial reins of their cities at a difficult fiscal moment. Managing the cities' finances will be just one of the many -mosc probably unforeseen -issues Monahan and Ridgeway will be called upon to handle during the next year. Residents of both cities can sleep well knowing these two men arc in charge. LETTER TO THE EDITOR DUI listings not a real deterrent Weighing in on 1he DUI issue again, I lake readers back to December 200 I when Lhe Daily Pilot published the two letters of mine that foUow. Under the headline of "Why print DUI arrests. hut no other offenses?" I wrote the following: "Would the Daily Pilot please offer some thoughtful explanation that would justify the practice of 'i)'Stematically publishing the names of persons arrested for driving under the influence, and little or no exposure 10 those arrested for other offenses. "Your almanac section of the paper tells us only tl1a1 they are innocent until proven guilcy, but we already knew that. I would hope that your reasons don't include some third-grade > psychobabble that the pubUc exposure could motivate them to curtail their alcohol abuse. It may or may not. *Pechaps you couJd rotate the {'xposure on a monthly basis. In January. you publish the names of those arrested for white-collar crimes. Let's give those sleauballs 15 minutes of fame. P~bruary can feature child molesters arrested, and where '>pace allows. red-light runners. *Everybody gets 10 be embarrassed, or no one does. Olooseone." This Jetter was followed by an editor's Note that stated the Dally Pilot publishes the DUI anes1.11 because It's an offense that can lead 10 deaths. CNo mention of"deterrence" ... which is your cun-ent po itlon.) That editor's note prompted rne to write o follow-up letter that you published as your l.41ter of the Week. My second letter read as roUowa: "I'm utt the Dally Pilot won't 8lJow me to nag them fotc\-er l"fgatdlrig their S)'ltematJc J1l.tbllAhlng ot names or persom arretted for drunk drtvlng to the ncluslon of olher oO'ensca. In my recently publish :d J teer. I hiMJ uked for 1 "thoushttul ~n· to Justify tho ~ce. The edit0'1 note under my letter expla.lnlng that iii t because DUls can lead to deaths is embarrassingly shallow. lf that were the sole reason. then we would ~other lawbreaker...· name-; published. Red-hghl runner; endanger hve'i. big ltme. but you have no sy<.tem fnr embarrassing them in prim. *Lei's face it. Isn't there a moralistic ione when we speak of drunks? Many DUI arre!>tees are addicted to alcohol, a substance that impairs their 1udgment. If newspaper editors suppon the theory that alcoholism is an illnt.'SS, then it isn't a moral Issue. "Soccer moms, students, and other users of residential streeLc, who stonn through intersections under the influence of nothing more than an attitude problem and the self-absorbed belief that the whole world is about them are more deserving of having their morality questioned. ~So keep on publishing your list of those accused of DUls lf you must. Just try gening honest about why you do It" So now. in December 2003, the debate fires up again. f don"t want 10 get carried away by my own views, but as a 30-year attendee of 12-step programs, reUred Crom 25 years of employment in hospital rehab programs. and Conner member of the board of ditectors of the Orange County Cllapter of Alcohol and Drug Dependence, f'U risk an oplnlon and hope It carries some weight. er the DUI OJTeatee Is an alcoboUc. and not nD are, then I wouJd wager that the name In the paper Is just as apt to trigger more drinking that dete-it: more apt to drive them deeper Into their Illness, than recuse them from It. Granted, tho DUI gett the offender into tho 1Y5toro, the court' rehab. AA. DUI lc:booJ and they, and the whole communJty, beneflL 6ut don't Datt.er youneMe. DalJy Pilot editors, you arc not part ot th recovery ProceM: It "lcoholJcs wtnt detmtld l1>: gcnJna emb&rrUled. they ct only get drwlk once. 1rua me. GNNE.DfaES Colta M MAILBAG l'lt " l l l' '\I· I ER \ 1 ll R llORSt OR I l()( I BY USING 1 I fl\ l.'\ 10 Kf.l!P < >Lll<l IORSI· I HAIL() ANO OUR lll~IVHVA YS C'f l·AN. THANKS DON ll ACll I DAILY PILCll The city of Newport Beach wants equestrians to deposit their horses' droppings in small trash cans. Issue of horse droppings a matter of life or death rtw Duke gallops hi!) horse aero~ the meadow ~lr.1ight at the charging outlaw-., lwirhng and firing his rifle in hb left hand, firing his Colt in hjs right, reins in hi~ u.•clh. his head out over his mount'-; and a look of rP50lve un his face. Whoa! I lis ciry-mandawd -.addle-mounted on board dtgital computer flac;hes. indicating his mount has 1ust dropped road apples In the meadow. He dismounts, holsters his rifle and revolver, removes his pooper scooper from his Saddle horn and deposit-; the pollulwn in his left saddll-lmg. I he oudaw-. arc upon him now, and heton' he can draw. he take-. a .44 in the t:hc<;t. I lis la.'>t unheard utterance· "I '>houlda called my rnunnlman" //pre lies /0'111 \Vay1w Notliin' to lose, N<Jtl1in' to gr1i11 Didn't call 71w rilY his lHm1• . ' DAVID A. HUGHES Newport Beach There's more to fire protection thnn safety I actually own a rnuple uf properties. I ju'>I wantctl lo comment that la pO'>'>ibl t• fire-related development '>landard 111 Corona del Marl b JU'>I .1 thinly veiled plot by peopll· who have already developed their properties 111 stem further devclopnwnt. So in effect, people have built these monster homes, and now that they have, the small OIH''> are being forcetl to limit developml'nt Now, in relation to the fire ic;<;ues. there are many urh.111 areas 1ha1 are high density. AJI you need to do h improve the buildmg codes for fire protection on structures, and the [issue I of fire ha1.,1rd is mule. ERIC KNIGHT Corona dd M.1r .___ _________________________________ --------- READERS RESPOND Responsibility for learning is on every shoulder AT ISSUE: Students' complaints that they're only being taught to take standardized tests. I appreciated the front-page a.nide that was printed in the Daily Pilot on Dec.' ("Won't stand for SA'Thj. The problerm in our educatJonal system ilrid new dlrec:tfon, and community lnteMlt and support are mandatory. I WU present at the No Oilld Left Bchirid meeting at Corona Del Mar ffJgh School and ahould like to commend Marlaa O'Nei,, the news reporter from the D.uy Pilor, ror her llC(Urate deteription and reporting O( . the event the studepca and speakers al the mttting wen: not attempting to dentgnue any of lbelr tnd\ers. In tact. u wu rq><>ned, mey made the point that there are lnc:redllile tNchen at C.Orona Def Mar. 1belr ~ls a pOllttw and needed one. nae Oducldoml .,.can ia antiquated and tequirea lwvllkmi ao that each child leivtng. ~ IMlloll undlrltands the iubject mltW ._...._.t. If he or abe de* not. lben ...... lbOuld be obllpced to do bll ar a..,_. to rectify lhe arudlnil' Mt lawil. -No child lbOlild.,. let.,...., .. Tbit td*l lllo ....... be ~-~ltUdent.a cq ......... .,,. .. ~,tlA "°' .......... &• ~ IChoolL 1.Jftflitl• 1111A-\Illy- ........... .llllao ........ = ·-........ , ......... lhe :-...:: ·=· ::"' .... a.. .. .-ratlhl ...... ......... ,.,"' ... others I.Ike it can condnue their efforts in the future. Again, I want to compliment the Dally Pilot and reporter Mruisa O'Neil for bringing tho meeting and its contents to the public.. which perhaps lend themselves more to open diacus&ions. without memorizing some facts associated with historical e\lents and/or political processes, no one can have a meaningful discussion. JOSEPH LE80VITZ Mission Viejo Therefore, Amanda's contention that classrooms are for • eocouragmg dlscusslon and thought and analysis" With respect to Marisa O'Ncal~ Dec. has no meaning if students do not have 4 article en tilled "Won't stand for SA'Ill. • the bUlc tools to use as building blocks as an instructor at Co.r.a Mesa High In any such dlscusslon. School, I feel compelled lo refute some As. (ar as utllizing the test scores from of the points made in the article. SAn to help evaluate students, this too, The gist of the article appeared to be ls-part ot the learning process and that many of the failings In the publJc prep&radon for later chaDenges in life. education system rest with the The tact that teachers use the testing lnstl'\lctor rather than wilh the process at all ia not just a means so that students. This ls brought oµt ln a they can "sit In the back of the class not interview with Amanda Rubenstcln. a lnterac:dng with students." The tests are l 7-year-old senior a.t Corona Del Mar an lnslr\.lctors' meana o( gaugl.ng he f llgb School. First of oll, let me Pf"OIJtM or the students, and no ac.knowledge th11t Amanda ap~an to .. amount of "open d.lscus.11on~ in some be a very bright and capable indMdual type of stream-of-consciousness format who has made the moat of her publJc WW furthtt the anaJytic/critieaJ tchool experience, aa evidenced tiy her lhlnkitit or the student. 4.0 GPA In advanced placerilent cla.uet F1oaUy. consistently bad test fiCOl'el and SAT ICOre& cannot be ilmply placed at lhe foot or I fnwovcr, her con tendon tNt "thlnp teachen. I am getting a bit tired of the m hoved down thel11hroat1 and cumnt tnmd of what I refer to as they're not all~ to think analyd~ "t•cher balhing." which blames or cridcall~ ii a rialve vtew of a teechers ror the lack of 1nadent M,K;l;gl"' tudent's education at th1t time or in Whlle It is rrue Wl't may bo.om any previous time. The Idea tba1 t...ctWn. u ii the '*' ln t.ny toachm mereij .. require ~tadon p1d111lo11, it M. hawner, up 10 the of facts and ftgurea" rather than lldlnlrilltrildon to Med them out. No. encouriigtr'ig leamlng •...-. lbal In lhe malority or Cuet the f'allon:a do ttudtntl am automadc:illy bafw crtdQI not lie Wllh the tMCher, bUt With many and anaJytk:aJ thlntlng wllbcMll ant ol cM lftldenll wbo haW not been being ~Wtth thekuor...,. ...,_., Pm*ed or~ ac In 911)' petticUL11i clldPlriiL a.. to c:aM '° ldlOol IO leun. AD lhe Before ..uaena. ma,....... la c:iompuwt. ,,..,..... .. edutettihw Chemistry, dwy ............ and .... Nduald·dilli ~ lk'.. wW not tnemOIV.e the~..... ;W;; 111 aaa.. tledualdoo UntO elemears. Before QDI--= Bd!Y far IMining .. plated ...-.ary or_...,.,., _. ~....,.It hU alwlptfeen In s-'11 the fanm.m.. ,.. -Witt the~ -~~~~ 181T&Nll. ....... Mnlndll....... ......a-........ Sdliaal 4 ' • AlO TluSdly, Oeeembef 11, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD Candlelight Concert's third .decade T he 30th anniversary CandJelJght Concen at the Orange County Performlng Arts Center exceeded alJ expectations. And. the expeccatJons were very lofty. ·What a fabulous event,· said Carol Wilken. co-chair of the glamorous evening. •Now. what do we do next year to top thlsr For at least the put decade. Wllken's sentiment has been expressed year In and year our. CandlelJght has become the social and charluible event setting the standard for all O.C. events throughout the year. lt's the platform B.W. COOK upon which the most creative hostesse are called upon to create magic. And if you are a chair or co-chair of Candlelight, you are the social equivalent of a top CEO, army general, Washington politician and psycho-anatyst all rolled Into one. Actually, you might add wizard to the mix. The task is enormous. Yet, It always comes off in great tyle. The culminallon of a full year's work. Credit In 2003 goes to the lovely Elizabeth nemey, wife of Tom Tiemey. The Tiemey famUy are ardent Cenrer supporters and donors. F.lizaberh Tierney was aided in her campaign by Wilken, joined by her hui.band, Kent Wilken. and Pat RyplmkJ, escorted by husband, Alan RyplnskJ fhe team worked wonders. bringing 111 significant donor underwriting from prominent local citizens and corporations. Donors Carole and Robert Pollman shared the $100,000 table with event chairs Flizabeth and Tom Tierney. Center Board Oialr Paul Polino and his wife, Darrane. were among the major donors, and so were Randy and Suki McCardle; Dorothy Stillwell: Roger and Gall KJrwan; Otarln and Twyla Mart.In; lM Allred; Ben and Carmella Du; General WUUam Lyon and WlUa Dean Lyon, and the Segentrom famJly -Henry and 1!11zabeth Segentrom; Sandra Segenlrom Daniel• and her husband. John DanJel•; Sally Segentrom; Suite and Stew Perry. Andrea and David Grant; Jean Moriarty with Stan Scott, and Rkbard Moriarty whh ftancee Lauren Blackwood. The evenlns bepn with a lavish recep\Jon In the upper lobby of the Center. Glamorous gunts anived on the red carpet, showing off designer fashions. -This is one night where you can not over dre . " hostess Elizabeth Tlemey told the crowd. Laughter from the a'!dJence of some five hundred of the best·dre~ed in O.C. confirmed Tierney's observalion. Actually, the process begins In the late summer u the designer salons preview winter gowns for women and formal suits for gentlemen all aJmed at the Candlelight crowd. Parties are thrown ln the salons at Nordstrom, Saks. Neimans and other specialty bouliques lncludJng Dior, Donna Ka.ran. Olanel and Armanl to offer clients Mfirst pick." Top salespeople keep tabs to Insure that no one wears the a.a.me gown. This l.s serious social maneuvering, not for the faint of hean. It is also a night to display fine jewels. Something of an Oscar show on a smaller, more personal plane. The diamonds and pearls are part of a dazzling show of art, fantasy. success and showmanship. WbJtney Mandel. wile of Center President Jerry Mandel, was exquisite In a gown of Ice-blue sarln. Whltney;s classJc -Jackie 0." look was enhahced by the diamonds of Van Oeef and Arpels. including a sulle consisting of a necklace, bracelet and earrings of very white, perfectly marched baguette diamonds In platinum, fit for royalty. Two of the best-dressed ladies of the night were ShJela Soneiuhlne, wife of Ygal Sonenahlne, and Sally Crodett, wife of Randy Crockett. Both women are always fashionably and tai.1efully attired, setting an elegant standard for o.c. After plenty of ~ocial jockeying and a coclctail or cwo. the crowd was ushered into SegerMrom Hall. and was seated in the center of the orchestra \CCtion. A welcome from organizers led to the private concert, this year '>tarring legendary American vocalist Johnny Mathis. Backed by an incredible orchestra, the 68-year-old balladeer fiJled Segerstrom I lall wi1h h.is velvet voice. Perfecdy controlled from high to low range. Mathis SOUllded much as he dld 11!> a young man in his 20s gelling • Gm Curmcala started ln the nightclub of San Francl.lco. It wu a warm and wonderfUl musical tribute to •a world of lmagination. .. "I sing songs I love, not songs I'm told everyone wants to hear,• Ma.th.ls told the audience. One or his best numbers was a short rendition of •1mag1natlon," from the mm -wuue Wonlta and the Oiefcolate Factory". He mixed surprise numbers with cluslcs and Olrlstmas carols, and he was superb. Later, It was revealed that MathJs was suffering from the flu. The uJtlmate trooper, he did not want ro let the Center down. Mathis performed the next nlght for Candlelight Encore as well. as the second Ouistmas fundraiser held in Founders Hall. also a significant charitable event for the local performing arts center. As Mathis completed his show, a standing ovation preceded the raising of the Center curtain to reveal "Winter Wonderland," the elegant dinner set on the stage of Segerstrom Hall. The crowd, 'including glamorous Joan and John Hotchlat, guests of Henry and Elizabeth SegersO'om; special guest of· honor Marguet Pereira, wife of the late acclaimed archltect William Pereira; Cart and Rebecca McLarand; Bob and Marie St. John Gray, Jean and Tim Wel&I; Keith Coplan; Brian Kraft; Cerbe Feeley and Richard Rodnldt; Greg Robert10n; Debbie Simon; Tony and Ginger Allen; U.S. Ambassador to Spain George Argyro1 and his wife. Ju)Ja, all ascended to the s1age 10 their elegant tables adorned with sliver and crystal candelabras, white roses and snowflakes. Also In the crowd were distinguished guests Jose Lu.la Dlcenta. the Spanish consul general from Los Angeles, and his wife, Urlka; and Tomas Rounder, the Swedish consul general in Los Angeles, and his wife. Ouhtina. II was an evening to remember In O.C.. as dinner led to dancing and more dancing lasting well into the night, along with plenty of sharing of plans and dreams for the Center as it enters a crucial phase of eJtpansion 10 build the concert haJJ, set for compleUon in 2006. •THE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays , e f M:)UlO w aa. aa IAOUGll •Gmluun t Bot.IDA'r laONCB ~om t Naw Yau'• B'f'I CltmmOM lK'fol.MmON j,M1) Tlcun ( PHOTOS COURTESY OF STEVE DAWSO~ Candlehght co-chair Carol Wilken, chair Elizabeth Tierney and co-chair Pat '· Rypmski v Performing Arts Center President Jerry Mandel and his wife, Whitney. ' Henry and Elizabeth Segerstrom .I .. , ~ L I FE & LE I SU R E Thofsday, December 11. 2003 All BEST BUYS Fashion Island collecting toys for unfortunate kids I n lhe spf.rit of the season, pictures will There are two gift baskets to Fash.Ion Island will host two come back for choose from and a cookie basket events this weekend to those in the The holiday baskets Include the t ftt the less fortunate. community sampler for $49.95 and I.he Friday from 10 a.m. to 4 who donated deluxe for $74.95. Each basket p.in .• there will be a Holiday Toy a gift box. has an assortment of coffee ottve with Star 98.7 FM at the Kids& cak.e3. cookies, pastries and Qristmas tree. All new, C.Ouages ls on bread The cookie basket unwrapped gifts will go to the the main level contains one or two doren ()Jangewood Otlldren's of Atrium hand-decorated iced cookies. A ~dation. GREER Court at ' selection of delicious cnkes On Saturday and SU{lday trorn Fashion beautifully decorated for the 2 to 6 p.m.. Kids & Cottages will • WYLDER Island. Call holidays start at $29.95; pies cost have "Caring for Kids" benefiting (949) from $7.95 to $9.25 and include orphans in Mexico. Bring m a 640-2057. pumpkm. apple, cherry. stiQe box or other small box cranberry apple, pecan and c<iotaining one or more small FRESH TREATS sugar-free pumpkin. SunFlour t:t, and one or more everyday At SunFlour Natural Bakery. Natural Bakery now has two n essity, like a toothbrush, find freshly baked Christmas locations. at 427 E. 17th St. m s¢ks, shoes or clothing. Gift!> will treats that also make wonderful Costa Mesa (949) 646-1440; and g<> to children up to 12 years old gifts. A stacking Christmas tree at 2950 Grace Lane m < o .. 1a 1The Villa del Nino Orphanage cookie contains more than two Mesa. Call (714) 424-0176. ir\Jocotepec. near Guadalajarcl. dozen star shaped cookies, Mexico will assist in distributing perfectly created as a Oltistmas ORIGINAL ART the gift boxes. Kids & Cottages tree. lrees are wrapped in Select from unique and w1J1 have tables set up with art cellophane and Lied with holiday affordable holiday gifts at the slf>plies so children can decorate nbbon There's even a restive and Showcase Gallery. It -;pectaltzes otwrap their gift box. Olildren simple -no ha.long required -in onginal an. Its annual holiday c*1 have their photo taken with Oui.stma.s Cookie Decorating Kit exhibit through Jan. 3 features their gift box so the child for $14 .95. Each kit contains a paintings of all media and receiving the gift can also !>Cl' dozen tree-'>hnped cookies. with content. sculptures ln day, who is sending it. In exchange. three tubes of tcing and a ~t of bronze and welded .,tcel, colored Kids & Cottages will photograph sprinkle<>. It's a fun proiect for gla-..s creations. mixed media wall each child that receives a gift: kids and a nice gift for fan11lie'i. hangmgs. ceramic~ and more AFTER HOURS competition In December Information: (714) 556 2787. Information (949) 729-4400. http://Wwwocpac.org • ~ubmit AFTER HOURS items to NEWPORT HARBOR FIRST FAMILY OF COOL t~ Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE The First Family of Cool featuring Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to Beautifully decorated yachts. John P1zzarelli will perform at (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) boats, kayaks and canoes will sail 7:30 and 9:30 p.m. Friday and 574-4295. along the harbor in the 95th Saturday m Founders Hall at the annual Newport Harbor Orange County Performing Arts SPECIAL EVENTS Christmas Boat Parade Center The evening of 1azi will Wednesday through Dec. 21 Each also feature the John P1zzarelll HtTORY OF HITCHCOCK night, the parade will begin at Trio With Ray Kennedy, Martin 0 nge Coast College is offering 6:30 p.m at Collins Island and last Piuarelli, Bucky Pizzarell1 and two and a half hours. The parade Jessica Molaskey. The program a f'lne-part film history on Alfred 1s hosted by the Commodores will include holiday classics. The Hi&cncodt. The series will be Club of the Newport Beech cost will be $65. Information: m,odereted by retired ace Chamber of Commerce. (714) 556-2787. professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each Information: (9491729-4400, http://www.ocpac.org session will be held at 6:30 p.m. http://www.clmstmasboatparade. o"e Friday each month. The com. DOC SEVERINSEN events will be held at OCC's Fine Trumpeter Doc Severinsen will Atts Hall 116. Admission is S6 for adults and $5 for seniors and MUSIC play at the Pacific Symphony ace students. For more Pops Holiday Fanfare at 8 p.m. information, call (714) 432-5880. ISRAEL PHILHARMONIC Friday and Saturday in ORCHESTRA Segerstrom Hall. Severinsen will RING OF LIGHTS Zubin Mehta will conduct the bring the best of the Tonight Israel Philharmonic Orchestra at 8 Show Band with him to perform 11 The Commodores Club if the p.m. today in Segerstrom Hall festive holiday pops concert Newport Beach Chamber of The orchestra will perform music Tickets will cost S25 to $105. Commerce will host the Ring of from Frenz Schubert and Gustav Information: (714) 556-2787, Lights home decorating Mahler. Tickets cost $20 to S90 http://www.ocpac.org. VVVVVV-INNC>CENTCLC>THING-CC>m .. ! :,~, t r t..~~1 •/11 ... __ _Jlff . -I I• Mention this ad and receive Now until 1-1-()4 MEN, WOMEN AND KIDS CLOTHING HATS AND BEANIES There are even handmade note Villeroy & Boch In 1748, will be at Westcllff Court m Newpon cards and Oui.sUl'w cards. To I.he VU1eroy &t Bodl store at Beach. Call (949) 642-3338 ensure high-quality. local artists Soulh Coast Plaza on Saturday represented here are Juried into from noon to 3 p.m. Von Boch DOUGHNUTS the gallery. Many artists are will meet and greet customel'f> A Krispy Kreme store jw.t nationally as well as locally and talk about holiday table opened at the Bluffs Shopping recognized. The Showcase d~or. Vtlleroy & Boch is on l..t'vel Center in Newpon Beach. Ir's Gallery is open from 11 am. to 5 2 at South Cow.I Plaz.a. Call (7 14) Orange County's fourth Jocauon, p.m Wednesday through 540-6511 and one of the few ~fresh shops" Thursday; from l l a.m. to 6 p.m. 111 Southern California Kric,py Priday through Saturday; and SOCK SALE Kreme doughnuts are delivered from 11 a.m. to 3 p.m. Sunday. It's Through [)eQ@mber, Mephlsto here 1>everal limes a day from a in South Coast Village at 3851 S. of Newpon Beach is having 111> local factory. There's aJw Bear St., B-15. Call (714) -.econd annual sock sale event premium brewed coffee. Krispy 540-6430. Purchase any three pairs of socks Kreme wru. founded m 1937 m and receive one free. You can rrux Wmston-Salem, Nonh Carolina. FRANK AND PERSONAL and match men's and women's It's a leading 'pecialty retailer or Paul Frank makes u personal styles. Top-quality bran<h premium doughnu~. mo ... 1 appearance Saturday at include Mephlsto. ~martwood, notably itc, signature ··1101 Bloomingdales on Level l at ·morlo and Bndgedale. and Ungu1al (1la1cd" dou~nut Fashion Island He can e'\dude .. Kunen. Mephlbo aho Knspy Kreme b open from b autograph T-shirts or pajama!> for offer.. it' bc~I '>Clhng ortholl< a.m. to R p.111. Sunday to a perfect holiday gift. Paul Frank's inncr·sole.s with tlw. promotion. Thursday; amt from 6 a.m . to~ shop features men's and women'& You can also order from catalog' p.m . Friday through Saturd.1v clothing. sleepwear, intimates. for any non '>tocked 11em.,. l11e Bluff~ Shopping Cen11•r " at watche. and sunglasses. Meph1 ... to ... pcc1al1;1.e., 111 I JI fi Bl'>Oll t\\ t' m Ne\'\ port Bloomlngdale's at Fashion L'iland handm.ide walkmg '>hoes. Men\ Beach. Vl'>ll i.n Newport Beach. Call (949) and ~Ollll'n's footwear for dre.,.,, l11qx//(·n.\/JV(reme.u1111 729-6600. 1..1usal. comlu1 t walking, sandab, outdoor/hiking mid golf are • BEST BUYS c1ppears Thursdays TABLE DECOR il\J1lable l\leplw.to b open from Send information to Greer Wylder at l..abelle von Roch. an I 0 d.m. to fi p.m . Monday gret!rwyld1H a yahoo.com. at 330 W e1gh1h-generat1on member ol through ~turday; and frm IU Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627 or by one of the fanube!-. Lhat founded ,1 Ill. to 5 p.111. Sunday. It\ at I Tl.7 fax at (9491 646-4170. CHRISTMAS CONCERT Newport Beach presents a 1azz Duo, play at Mamma Gina at 251 St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church trio Sunday through Wednesday E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 Sane1uary Choir and Orchestra as regular entertainment at 850 p m Fridays and Saturdays a nd will present Christmas concert Avocado Ave , Newport Beach at 7 p.m Sundays and Mondays works by Bass, Rutter, Hayes, Hours are 5 to 9 p.m. Sunday and Diana D1tn ioins the duo on Stroope, Menoni, Tchaikovsky 6 10 10 p.m. Monday through vocals on Mondays. It's free along with holiday carols three Wednesday. (949) 718-0188 Information: (949) 673-9500. Sundays 1n December The performances will be at 4 and 7 WEEKLY JAM MUSIC AT THE GRILL p m this Sunday and at 4 p m. The Studio Cafe presents The Bluewater Grill offers live Dec. 21 at 600 St Andrews Road, Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 music Friday and Saturday Newport Beach. Tickets cost $10. p.m. every week. ·•wanted" nights. Greg Morgan, Nick Peper Information: (949) 574-2284, (949) musicians Include guitar players, and Kelly Gordian (known as 574-2283. Child-care reservations bass players, singers, drummers. MPG) perform classic rock, R&B (949) 574-2283. keyboardists and others at 100 and swing at 8:30 p.m. Fndays Main St .. Newport Beach. Free Marvin Gregory and MPG will ORANGE COUNTY WOMEN'S (949) 675-7760 perform classic rock, swing and The Orange County Women's R&B at 8:30 p m. Saturdays. The Chorus will perform its 2003 DUKE'S PLACE restaurant 1s at 630 Lido Park holiday program, "I Sing of a Jau and cock1ails flow dally from Drive, Newport Beach. Free (949) Maiden;· et 7 p.m Sunday at the noon to midnight Sundays 675-3474 Newport Harbor Lutheran through Thursdays and from Church. The chorus will perform noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and MUSIC AT THE PELICAN works about the Virgin Mary and Saturdays at the Balboa Bay Club The Rusty Pelican offers the many more. Tickets cost $10 to & Resort, at 1221 W. Coast music of Common Ground from $15 Information: (949) 451-8590, Highway, Newport Beach. Wednesday through Sunday. The http://www.ocwomenschorus Information: (949) 645-5000 band performs from 7 to 10 p.m org Wednesday and Thursday, from MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ 8:30 pm to 12:30 e.m Friday and JAZZ TRIO Walter Lakota end David Alcantar, Gulfstream Restaurant in the New York Jazz Connection Se e HOURS, Pa ae Al2 BASTIDEAUX HOME INTERIORS • FOR THE HOLIDAYS • Spe~ial 2-W eek D eli very on cu~tom-order chests, buffets, consoles. armoire\, cl~ P LUS H OLIDAY G IFTS AND ORNAMENTS 20% OFF WITH THIS AD 2915 Redhill, Suite 8103, Costa Mesa CA 92626 • (7 14) 540...5959 STONEMILL D ESIGN C ENTER GIV E THE GIFT OF TORREY PINES r . • • AlZ tllwtday, Oec!t11ber 11. 2003 Wrift-'flWT' ~~ fiJf wlf/t sa f( 'fWI' frw•r:f~ .fr•'hl ~ W,. t¥til lrJ<t 'f".rt" /4/ 1'.nd duek. if ftvirr I• Jrr if 1j•1/w iJ'""" 1'9119'111} ~,. "i(·r. }~,,..,. (iJI /<!ff J~t ff/r (~""'" fr. t;u A''f" fl {( 'flltrr' tV"'tfJ.,.J r•>"r lr11,. ''" 949 .646.54 79 WWW.Its f • ( loth111g & Artr~"<Jne l:!ovtq.ie I 822 A Newport Blvd., Costa Men ,,_ o(~ & Hotbot} -l. I F E & L E J S U R E NO PLACE LIKE HOME The p~rf ect tree I I you haven't yet plcbd out the tree, you have homework th.ls weebod. ~a few measurements before you go to the tree lot Measure the maxlmum h~ghl yuu.r tree can be without touc:hlng the celllng. Add lhe belght of your tree topper and the mm Inch~ your base will add. and you have a guideline to follow. Do the same with.the width of the tree. lf you put your tree in the comer. make sure there is one •perfect" side to display. If you lib your tree Ught and lacy. look for a nobJe fit. If you prefer full and busby. a Douglas fir ITU'ly be a better choice. Oleck the trunk of the tree before you buy. WW It 6t In your stand? A tree that has a l1Unk wider than what your base can accommodare Is an exercise ln frustration when you get It home. Your7-foot tree may be 5-feet tall by the time you cut the trunk down to size. Set the HOURS Conbnued from Al 1 Sarurday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sonday. The restaurant la at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 642-3431. MUStC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnigtrt every Friday end Saturday. Players is 81512 W. 19th St, Costa Mesa. No cover dlarge. (9491648-5616. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beadl presents Jesse on the eax on Friday and Saturday evenings and Sunday for brunch. The program features all your favorite• on the aaxophooe. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP-ROCK AND FlAMENCO Tate 5, a funk. rod! and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Rlstotaote. 3620 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs classical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m. Tueldays and Sunda>f$. Ftee. (949) 676-1922. SATURDAY NIGHT R&.8 Gerald lshlbaahl and the Stone Bridge Band play rod! and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon Lounge, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beadl. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE Estancia High School's drama department will present -The Miracle Wortter" at 7:30 p.m . Saturday and Sunday at the Barbara Van Holt Theatre at Estancia High School. 2323 Placentia Ave .• Costa Mesa Tlctete cost $8. Information: (949) 615-6537. KAREN WIGHT house guests. tree up outaldea.nd trim any broken branches that will scrape the walls. Hoee the tree off and let It ait-dly. Washing the treeremows unwanted arachnid Once the tree ls Dimmed and dry, move it inside. rill the base with wc:1ter as soon as you . posillon the tree. The tree will drin.lc heavily for the first 72 hours; check the stand often. There6 a science to a well-dressed tree. First. arrange the lights. Plug the lights in before you wind them in10 the branches of the cree. Nothing ls more aggravating than having a set or nonoperative lights right in the middle of your Drive. Costa Mesa. Tictets cost $29 to $44. Information: (714) 708-5555, hnp:llwww.scr.org. lA POSADAMAGICA Previews of the Octavio Solis and Marco• Loya musical ·LI Posada Magica:' about e band of neighbors who journey to rediscover thtt magic of Christmas. will be given through Saturday at South Coast Repertory. Preview performances will be at 3 p.m. The musical's regular run will be from Seturday to Dec. 24. Regular performances will be at 8 p.m. Tuesdays through Fridays, at 3 and 8 p.m. Saturdays and at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m . Sundays through Dec. 23, and at 12:30 p.m . on Christmas Eve. All performanc:ea will be on the Julianne Argyros Stage, 665 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 708-5565, http:l..WWW.scr.org. STARLIGHT EXPRESS Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Starlight Express. with new sets and costumes by John Napier, will be performed Dec. 25 to 28 and 30 and 31 end Jan. 1 to 4 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Segerstrom Hall. Information: (714) 556-2787. http:/Miww.ocpac.org. ART ARTFORUFE Artisu from Israel will sell their wortc to raise money for ltraet's Red Cross at Art for LIFE from 11 a.m . to 9 p.m . Tuesday at the Jewish Federation of Orange County, 250 E. Baker St. Among the artist• who will be present are sculpture Frank Meisler, jewelry designers Amital Kav and Radlel Gera. Information: (800) 323-2371. http:l..WWW.armdi.org. DANCE SWING Lessons are given from 2 to 6 p.m . every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome. and no partners ere needed. Information: http:llOC$Wlng.com, (9091 656-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing le offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Dan808ne Studio, 2980 McClinto<* Way, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 641-8688. CHILDREN STARLIGHT STORIES Ctllldren 3 to 7 YNre old are Invited to participate in songs and flngel'puppet pf aye at 7 p.m. Mondeye at the Costa Mesa Library, 1855 Parle Ave. (949) 646-8845. PJS AND BOOKS A children'• story tlme la preeen1ed et 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10-.30 1.m. Saturdays at the Newport e.ectt C4C'ltral Library, ....... Who wants to go to the mall? . Shop Bow Danglers for the Holidays 369 f. 17th St, 121, COltJ Mesa (949) 642·5459 . I mulerplece. If you are using more than one kind or Ugbt, make sure the light strands can stack or end-to-end plug. The general rule Is a strand of 100 mini-Ugbt.s for eveiy vertical fool of tree. Don't skimp. Wwninate the tree from the tMlde OUL Siring lights a.round the tn.tnJc and branches rather than looping them on the oulSide of tbe tree. Don't be afraid to mJx and match lights -~·s no rule that says you only have to use one kind. Small white lights can be a beautiful background for twinkle lights, colored lights or special novelty lights. The next step Is garland. Avoid wrapping the garland too tightly around the tree: a draping effect is desirable. Start at the tree top and work your way down, increasing the amount of garland at the bottom or the tree. Srnall beads look. best when swagged from branch to branch. Thick. strands can be loosely wrapped around the tree. If yo u 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717-3801. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Ba mes & Noble Booksellers 81 Metro Pointe, 901-B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a.m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St., Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING !RISH DICKEN'S CHRISTMAS Mu ldoon's will have its 15th annual Irish Oictens' Christmas from Friday through Christmas Eve at 202 Newport Center Drive. The staff will be costumed in scullery attire from Christmases past. They will also have a 100-yeal'Old duckling reape from Country Corle, Ireland. Information and reservations: (949) 640-4110. THE SINGLE GOURMET Single Gourmet members. upscale business and professional singles in their 30s to 60s, will be gettlng together at 7 p.m. Wednesday 81 the Chort House, 2801 W. Coast Highway. Information and reservations: (949) 854-6552, http:l..WWW.singlegourmetlsoc. com. SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. Meals typically cost between $10 $16. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m . every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. Meals typically cost between $8 and $16. (949) 642-3431. TWIUGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chicken parmlglena and calamari plcante at reduced prices, le offered from 5 to 6 p.m . weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m . Sundaye at Villa Nova Restaurant. 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. SUNDAY BRUNCH A S unday brunch featuring lntematlonal aeafood and aaled buffate, roasts carved to order and breakfast favorites la held from 10:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. at Sutton Place Hotel, 4500 MacArthur Blvd .. Newport Beach. Meals typically coat S30 -$40 with champagne. (949) 476-2001. CLUBS ALTACOFf'EE Muelcal ect• perform at 8:30 p.m. Thursday• thr.ough have several types of garland, alternate swags and cross them over throughout the branches. For every vertical foot of tree, use about two strands of garland. • Hang the ornaments last Showcase the impdrtant ornaments in the front Hang the largest first, spacing them evenly apart. F&ll1n with the medium.ands.mall sizes to the balance the look. For greater depth, hang some ornaments close to the trunk and use the more delicate ornaments close to the outside of the tree. Finish with the specialty shapes. like the birds on a clip. Stand back.. squint your eyes and make sure the tree looks balanced. Put on the Ouistmas CD. dim the lights, make some bot chocolate and enjoy your wort. of art. • KAREN WIGHT is a Newport Beach resident Her column runs Thursdays. Saturdays at Alta Coffee House, 606 31st St., Newport Beadl. (949) 676-0233. ATRIUM MARQUIS A variety of live music ts presented daily at the Atrium's Airporter Club, 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine. (949) 833-2nO. BISTR0201 Jazz is played at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 11 a.m. Sundays at Bistro 201, 3333 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach (949) 631-1551. DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m . Thursdays, and pop and r<><* Is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. DURTY NEUY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m . Fridays and Saturdays at Nelly's, . 2915 Red Hill Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Live music is perfonned Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 769-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE Uve music is perfonned Sunday• at Hard Rodi Cafe. 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beactl. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Live music Is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8855. HOGUE BARMICHAEl'S Live music is performed Wednesdays through S81urdays at Barmichael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at Lido Cigar Room, 3441 Via lido. Suite 0, Newport Beach. (949) 723-0596. MARGARJTAVIUE . Uve music is performed at Margaritaville, 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroocen cuisine end belly dancing is offered at 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (9491 645-a384. MARRIOn HOTEL Uva music it performed Mondays through Saturda'{a at the Marriott Hotel. 900 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. ( 949) 840-4000. MULDOON'S Muldoon'• ls an Irish pub et 202 Newport Center Drive, Fashion Island, Newport Bud\. (9491 fM0.4110 . LIFE & LEISURE Thursday. December 11. 2003 AU i TRAVEL TALES 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale 51099 Reg. >14.99 Now through December 21 COSTA Mt'A PmSTIU:J·t f'ku\11.,,0I O "lR"M•>t 17Tll • '''1'"'' Tl STll\ MARll.lTPl.A(. f.. 198~ [J (' "'ll"U RlAI 'f.Al "tu\ R l \ CROSSROAD CENH.R )R\ IM. I) .. RAIUIA"'' 1-(800) 541-6176 Paul and Came Kawamura at a temple in Nikko, Japan. As long as we' re there • • • I The Kawa muras, al ready headed to Japan to give the ir children some cultural education, get an invitation from friends in Beijing. By Jeana Kawamura ~= w ith a purpose of ~" acquainting our '· children with part of their ancestry. we "' headed to Japan in August An invitation from friends living 1•"' and working in Beijing broadened our trip to include a side visil there as weU. When landing in Tokyo's 1 Narita Airport, our daughter " said that she knew she wasn't in the U.S. anymore as the runway was panially lined with n boxwood hedge. We easily exchanged our Japan Rail vouchers for passes that enabled us to travel in Japan for :i two weeks, including on the train from Narita into Tokyo. In Tokyo, we visited traditioflal sites such as the zvr lmperiaJ Palace, which lies in 1 the heart of the city. We also saw the impressive Meiji Shrine, which is dedicated to the spirit of Japae's first modern emperor, Meiji, and his wife, the Empress Shoken. The Akihabara di<.trict It is also lcnown as "electric city" because of the many elettrornc havens for shoppers and the Sony Building, which has Sony's latest electronics. With the aid of the efficient train sy'>tem. we went from area to area for lunch or dinner Kyoto provided U'> wnh an appreciation for the spiritual world in Japan. We enjoyed a , Jong walk up the Philosopher's f Trail, stopping at various temples along the way. Mo't of the time, we had these temples to ourselves. One evening, we encountered a festival along the river with plentiful food, games and crafts. After walking by the festiVlties. we had a trad111onal dinner overlooking the c;pmted celebration. l think most of the other patrons at the restaurant ll got quite a kick out of watching r• us try to keep our legs still and N folded under the low table. After the sightseeing of Kyoto and Tokyo. we headed to the Century I lotel In Matsu~hima Bay for two days of relaxation. Matsushima is considered one of the three most beautiful sites 1 ln Japan. ft certainly did not disappoint. We had fun walking around several small nearby islands, exploring the city and touring the beautiful temple and museum. There were only a handful of Westerners In the entire town. and none at our hotel. We communicated by pointing most of the tlme. Rested, we headed next to Nikko. The many temples nestled ln the forest were much Put a few words to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot more ornately decorated than any of the previow. one., we had encountered. Th1!-i beautiful small town is only two hours by train from Tokvo and c,hould be included in any ,;,11 to rolcyo. The next day we headed bad. to N<irlla for our four hour flight to Beijing. Our friends Jennie and Derek Werner joined the Army 14 years ago and have explored the world We were exc11ed 10 Vtsit them and '>Ce Beijmg. the l-'o rb1dden Ctry. as locals. Their love of culture, poliucs and food was contagious. We V1s1ted Tian'anmcn Square. which 1s the largest public square in the world. We also took a pedl-cab tour through the hutongs. which are the ancient traditional alley<; in Beijing with quadrangle shaped homes on either !>ide We ate Tib~an food, Peking duck roasted in old wood burning ovens and picnicked on the Great Wall. Ocrl'k taught Paul the art of negotiauon and the nece<,sary Oline'>e \~Ords w close the deal Our four day~ 111 Be1png were parked with new experience .... When we left, Paul told them that whl'rever they are '>tationed next (~c\\ Delhi. India). he'c; there Alter leaving Bei11ng, we headed back to Tokyo for two nighti. before coming home. We found it surprising that there were more Western tourist~ in Bei1111g than in Japan. ft 1s very easy 10 get around the cities of Japan a., well as the country. nlere arc a wide range of accommodations to choose from Meals range from expensive multi-cour'ie dinners to delicious inexpensive noodle shops We ate chicken meatballs in Nikko for very little money while being entertained by the owner-chef-waitress. The helpful, polite manner we encountered throughout Japan by its people contributed the most to the success of our trip. L • JEANA KAWAMURA ia a resident of Newport Beach •TRAVELTALESrunaon Thurad1y1. Have you, or someone you know, gone on an Interesting vac.tlon7 Tell us about your adVentures in about 400 words, accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from thet do not have the Dally Pilot In them, and send them to Travel Teles, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meu, CA 92627; by e meil to d1/lypi/01•1atlme1.com; orbyfeKto(949)64&-4170 Momma John We belong to tbe world's largest flooring retail group -co-op. We are tbe biggest flooring dealers Individually oruned and operated. 4,000STORE BUYING POWER Jennifer lifetime lifetime ~ lifetime Warranty Ceramic $199 lifetime NOBODY anywhere Warranty Warranty can beat our selection, Wood laminate ~ $299 . "'°""' .,~ J».*es or service. You 're paying too $ 2 9 9 ; mucb ifJ10u 're not .. ~ buying from us. .: ._...,, . Brenda 100% FREE No Questions Asked 60 day exchange. If.you don't like It, we wlll replace tt FRE E FULL SERVICE Ceuater Tops • Showers • Ceramie • St011e • Gr11ite • Wood Refinish ONE STOP SHOP Wh1dow Coveri11 s • Cle111h1 Cu et & U holrie • P1intin -Interior & Exterior 405 Costa Mesa Irvine (949> 850·7878 <•••> 858•0t•t 124 m. 17th t 7777 Main •a• Main st MON-FRI 9-S MON-FRI 10·6 • SATURDAY 10·4 SATURDAYS & SUNDAYS 10·4 CLOSED SUNDAY EVENINOS BY APPOINTMENT min t Th ~ ""' .... (ij & l olt c; * ~ in Al4 ltusday, Oeten~ 11 . 200J I. I r 1:. de L E I S U k c ON VACATION i:bOWE~ .I & PLANT EXCHANGE Spend Your Days With The Delightful Scents Of Fresh Holiday Greens Ill.bed Green• fh tw· -41'1 11· \lu/J, dtttl l '""'" BoUCJ.la (Af~ flnu•1tJ "" 11/ Ut11l11tr10 (i1 /mV11't""\ Oarlaad.9 ,...,, .ftil. I ,,.\f,., '•""k'l.I !l't'f'11' Mapolla Mtr u th""'""°''"'"'""' Jew 011 ty.&runl Ir•"'- I.Ir~,.,... l'rflf""""v lnu11f,. '""' Wn.MjJlllD rr.ehe•t M.lJC•d Green Wreath• nw· ""'Mlrtfl •fPhJI "' ""'"ltlu /u.pl/ulll11 "'"'"' fn•n Doubl• Paced Wreathtl IP <.h•• u_.,,..,, a.wt C uat.om Deelped Wreathe $599 J>('• 21h lw ndl,.... lrum $1 99 l'&<'h $1 oo ~.,, .... $450 bufll"h Im m $4 99 bund1 $1299 lrt>m $2299 ------Arriu{ng DaU11------..._,. -n..a. .,_ If-ZUJaa4, f'reec• Ttllr .......... WMle c-llt'IDCe Wiff. ftJle lfld!-r· Red Bentd ..._... hlap!rt..S Mlal Ce.UM u4 llllonl ._. DeantilC ~ · ffffT,....., ... .....,, I~ a. r.: $25.00llrWct ia'l'ltll). ,.... ... ~ •1M1p,.miu1ttyM ....... ,..W1y ....... Call us for the latot ln Weddln" Flowers, Pcu1y C.enterpfeces, G(ll Arran~ments or Funmil Dbpfavs 1aos LOGAN AVE. 22600 .. A .. IAMBICR'l COSTA MESA ~-1"!!-:=.r Michael and Jill Gracia from Costa Mesa enjoy a weekend with the Urquharts of San Diego at Lake Gregory. (71.4) 545-0310 (949) 581-151566 -------- Cur BRAT[ o~ THE BAv. THI S HOLIDAY. Come join u!> this holiday season. Experience thC' pNfol t meal with your family and friends. Delight in the joyous sounds of the All American Boys Chorus on the night before Christmas Eve. Then start the new year in grand style at the Gala NC'w Yew's Eve Ball in the Grand Ballroom. Only at the Host of the Coast. For information and reservations plcdse call 949 630·414 5. [!]~Dunn-Well . ' . ' Ti«lr. Peu 111UI th, ""1f wish JO" H•m HolU/4yll Rabbitt Insurance Al!ency AUTO • HOMEOWNERS• H~I Tif Sr11bil1tr .\1fltr /'I~' ~~)_, r , 949-631-77 40 441 °'41 Ntwpon 811'l • Ntwpon ~ (Nar Hoes Hospital) pa ~ 17STREET BEAUTY CENTER Stocking Stu ff erst '"lfteLargest, 1intst, 1rieruflitst 1Jt4uty Supp(y & 1u[[ServictSalon In Omn/Jt County Ka1h Brande of Costa Mesa, Pat Lawrence of Corona del Mar aoo Pam Brande of Costa Mesa boat under the Golden Gate Bridge:•, , .. - • I 't r J Ir Dola and Warren Miller of Newport Beach stand in front of a thank·you monument to the U.S. Army in Ptzen, Czech Republic .. '? .;apg~pg~ <(fM !f P/18Jt»'! SAVE· MONEY' \ 1221 West Coast Highway I Newport Beach I California 9266) 949 645-SOOO I Fax : 949 630·42 t 5 I www.balboabayclub.co m '· SAVE TIME' Daily Pilot CLASSIFIEDS CALL 642-5678 ( ----------~~. WHAT'S AFLOAT I • WHATS NUJAT ,, publllhed 1 periodally. If you are planning a Mutlcal event tubmlt the infonnation to the Oalty Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Coste Meu, CA 92827;byfaxto(949)84&-4170;or by.-mallto , cMJlypllot•l.rima.com. 1 SPECIAL EVENTS .. 8elboe MerchMt and er'a Aun. wlll have lta 2003 ldey Dinner and Crulae fundralaer from 6 to 9 p.m. today aboard the Catalina Flyer. Enjoy apectKular views of the holiday Oghtl, dance to ltve mu1lc and 1ing a few carols while crullfng Newport Harbor. The COit will be $35 per person. Information: 11491676-9445. Duldnu NIUng ~ wlU be ~NllCOnirted and avallable during Holiday Parade of Lights from n..ctaythrough Dec. 21. lnformatlon: (949) 632-3736, http://Www.shellbacKdon.com. Newport Harbor Nautic8J m will have an exhibit .nlng for "Hooked: The Lure alKt Lore of Sport Fl1hlng;" at the ~n9 Salon from 10 a.m. to 5 -.n. through Feb. 29. The '11MJaeum la at 151 E. Coast ~hway, Newport Beach. lijOrmation: (949}673·7863, 1i!fp:l!Www.nhnm.org. -Qninge County employers can bring their employees out to NeYI port Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Salling and Seamanship now offers a chance for groups to work with the on-board Instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business. No sailing experience necessary. One-day claaaes cost from $100 to $125. (949) 645-9412. Orange Coaat College'11Chool of sailing and seamanship will offer a five week noncredit Introduction to Shields sailing class from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 11, 18 and 25 and Feb. 1 and 8 at OCC's sailing center in Newport Beach. The cost is $120. Information: (949) 645-9412. ~ h LIPE & LEISURE Thursday, December 11, 2003 A15 I SOUTH COAST PLAZA THE SEAS ON .BEGINS HERE UN IQ U E CI FT S F 0 R EVER y· H 0 LID A Jr If/ IS II LIST FOR HIM: ..... • 1he Le Grand h.Dpoim pm ii bandcnfted and inlaid wich plmnum and che Montblanc sigmnare while ttar. D.a-wrmr llM:il C-,. • c.hin Ueia Bold Square. mm"• ••• Iese ltrd cw aod lna::lel. . FOR KIDS: ~8-Jllfitll • &atwq the ._. in .,p;anea ecaled down for liale cbe&. 1he brmhed .Jgmjry.ma deam up e.aily and llmds up co eaiom play. FOR COMPUTER AND BOOK LOVERS: ~ • 1he 12 inda ftuuc::dlcd C4 • llJlilh llDd .a. Ponahle and ligbtwagbr. . it'1 r ~. U•llC CO ltaim md ICnldJa. .... 11..h •Mlaie·--·Gil • In her eighdl DCM:I. L.w. 1bni Monilon c6n a ridaly camploes aod UUC1l7 ........ poaaait of ol.:mion. FOR HER: HUCO.lllp&a • She11 km: the ~ baby doll dras with -delicate lilk bow. rouc:hed sleen:s and phtnd waDt. .llnato.M.p • smn 'en:ning aodals featuring a mink ankle sttap and aystal ~ perfect for the holidays. LoroPilaw. • cm: her a one hundred pera::ot cashmere Sc:ialle Roeeao &nl priot-wqp-anilable in a YUiety of colon. a.-/ • aw.:1"1 firit tport wmtth. the J-12. has a 11n:aJDlined mjnjrnWt desiga Saatda md Wala' .......... the timepiece. nailahle in three llJles. SliJa •· 1be Scila Deluxe Aatoltmeul induda two ere lhadowt. two lip g1ow:1. a daeek a::r ownll thimmen. • tipsaick and • candle. FOR Sdl\.tEONE SPECIAL: D.viJ Yurwaan • 'lhe famed jeweler's 13-larat go4d D«"dlaccs feature diamond links or c:itrines. lJ'-4 &an-& Hwt • 1kkle her pink this aeason with gorgeous pink colored diamonds.. a.a.. • The Cdimeoe bud vase, standing 13 iDCbea high. is decorated and eogrned in a bamboo mori.£. 81111 Dier Fwy (405) e1 Bristol Street 800-782-8888. 114-4$5-2085 Call /or .spuial llolida!J hours. COIDfll.SOtitJc.&1tpllu...tn1 JAGUAR Born lo perform BAUER JAGUAR ---""=' ~ ~..._ "---• __ ., __ --T_ 0 o.ty Pilot t I • . • • 1455 South Auto Mall Drive Santa Ana • 55 Freeway at Edinger In The Santa Ana Auto Mall .. 866 • 499 • 4111 • www.bauerjaguar.com ' ( QUOTE OF 1HE DAY r-J, "For the first time in J my life, I couldn't handle the pressure and that was my strong card." K.tth Wyrtck. sentor aott standout Dtc. 15 llonOt .. WILLIAM C, WARMINGTON 5pcwta Ectftot Riclwd Durvl: (9,9) 574-4223 • Sportl Fax: (9'91650-0170 Thursday, December 11. 2003 GIRLS BASKETBALL Press stuffs Costa Mesa Costa Mesa's Bethany Vergara (12) swoops past Mira Costa's Amanda Pegan for a layup in Wednesday's ~ountain Valley tournament game, won by Mira Costa, 48-28. Mustangs struggle through 13-minute scoring droqght Wednesday, lose to Mira Costa at Fountain Valley. • erlng Mesa is not ready for the fulJ-coun press and the players are get- ting familiar with one another. "Our team as learning how to fight and learning how to worlc ail the time," Costa Mesa Coach Jim Weeks said. ·we have such a gt-eat attitude. l know every game we'll get better. And, I feel we'll play 10 our po- tential by the league games.· Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot KENT TR£PTOW I DAILY PILOT FOUNTAIN VAll.EV -There were sta- tistics that would have told the story just fine of how the Cosca Mesa High girls basketball team lost, 48-28. to Mira Costa in pool play action of the Fountain Valley tournament Wednesday. However, one ract remained for Costa Mesa. Th1s was just Its third game of the season. This could be expected, consid- For now. Weeks' squad will have 10 roll with the punches. Costa Mesa (l-2), the designated home team, started out OK. with a 7-3 lead, but Mira Costa. also the Mustangs. came back to tie the score with just under a minute left in the first quarter. Werblin sparks Sage 1llill Lightning junior scores game's only goal in much-anticipated nonleague m atchup Wednesday. Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot NEWPORT COAST -Girls soccer coaches from Sage I !ill School and Estancia High circled Wednes- day's nonleague game on their calendars, eagerly an- ticipating a battle of wits and strategy as much as the show of slcills displayed by their players. You see. Estancia Coach Jennifer Hutcheon and as- sistant Nadine Rajabi, along with Sage Hill Coach Amy Ray and assistant Amy Wetherbee, all play on the same semi-professional club team that practices at Estancia High. They were treated to a defen- sive struggle as the host Lightning made a first-half goal stand up to earn a 1-0 victory on a crisp after- noon. e Sharp passing led to the game's onJy goaJ when Sage Hill senior for- ward Megan Cuny's pass found the foot of Amy Werblin and the junior belted the ball from 15 yards out lnto the upper-right portion of the net in PHOTOS BY MARK C. DUSTIN I OAILY PILOT Above, Sage Hill's Sara Becker, left, collides with Estancia keeper Marci Kirchberg as they both go for the ball in Wednesday afternoon's nonleague match. Sage Hill won, 1-0. Below, Sage Hill's Mly Werblin, far left, Estancia's Elise Carroll (dark jersey) and Sage Hill's Kara Percival, right, have one goal in mind. the 16th rnlnute, deflected off the fin- }')$ of Estancia goalkeeper Marci Kirchberg. The or keeper made seven saves and countless times out to either deflect a centering pass or to ch.al- e an onrushing opponent i came up With some huge saves," Rajabl said. would have played the first half like we dld the d half .... Sage came out strong and we didn't I.rt e. groove the whole first half." e U&tttning (2-2) fired eight of their 14 shots in first half while the defense of Emily Webb and line Sauter, among others, held the F.agles (1-2) t two shots. the first half we put passes together ... we really ted to win this game." Ray said. uGolng in l was cemed with keeping a positive attitude and play- aggresslvely because I knew E.1tancia was a very lcaJ team." e Hill forwards Sara Becker, All McLaughlin and Percival moved the ball into the Estancia zone, were met by gritty defenders such as junior San- SH SAGE, ~•I• 83 . BOYS BASKETBALL on·zalez, Valley punish Sea Kings c On heels of 31 points against Estancia, senior guard scores 34 in victory over Corona del Mar. Patrick Laverty OaalyPtlot WESTMINSTER -Santa Ana Valley lil8b .enlor Martin Gonulez has -.hown tho Ncwpon-Meaa School District ex· actly what he b capable or 1D the flrat rwo roundl or the La Quinta boys bubtb&lJ tournament. Aftn ICOrlng 31 polnta ln a flnt-round vtctory aver &tanda. Gorualc:& nearly llngSe-hMdedly de~ ted Corona del Mu, ICOring S4 polnta and gl'abblng 20 ieboundl u the Ftl\:Ons defeated the • Sea K.lnp, '46-37, ln the second round Wednet- day at La Quinta. "He'1 a really good player," Sea Kings Coach Ryan Cuny said. "He's been a fow-year varalty player. He's alwaya around the ball" He alwaya seems to put that ball ln the basket. too. He scored 22 polnts ln the ft.rat half aa S&nta Ana Valley opened a 27-14 halftime advantage, from which the Sea 1Clnp 0·2fl\ever recovered de· plte a valiant effort ln the third quarter. ~ the lntmslty on defense, CdM ro four ccnuecutive Falcons tum<J\lera ln the third quarter, which blghJJgbted an 11-0 run •hnt was capped wlth Jay Norttuidge' thrN·polnter with 2:52 le~ ln tbe th1td quan.er that cut the lead to 29-27. But the Sea Kin&' didn't score again until there were Just ftve minutes left ln the game, which took away the key to thelr third-quarter run, the press. "When (Santa Ma Valley! took the timeout {during CdM's runJ, I told (the Sea Kings) that can't be an emotional high." Curry said. "That'• got to be the level of play we're at. But we didn't score again for another five minutes, so we couldn~p "' Five free throws by Santa Ana Valley pve ll a 3'·27 lead at the end of the third quarter and Gonz.alez pushed that lead to 38~7 with four polnu to begin the fourth ltuarter. Gonr.alez. a 6-fooH forward, con· verted 11 or 16 shot" from the field. aD SN SEA KIHGS, he• 82 $ a a a •• 2 2 7 Senior Suzy Trujillo coMected on lll1 outside shot that was initially ruled a three-pointer but changed to a two, and Mesa led, 9-7. IO seconds into the second quarter. But that's where trouble. started for Costa Mesa. It went the next 13 min- utes, 5 seconds without a point and 14 minutes, 14 seconds without a field goal. Meanwhile, Mira Costa (6-2) outscored Cosca Mesa, ZS--0, before sophomore Bethany Vergara hit her first of two free throws to get her squad lnto double dig- its, as Mesa trailed, 32-lO. With 1 :36 left In the third quarter, Deanna Sanchez converted on a nice dribble-drive layup, and senior Brlttany Vergara scored on a putbaclc with 31 sec- See MESA. Paae 82 GOLF tt)lrick stay s on ·radar S ome observers would consider Keith Wyriclc's life as glamorous -traveling 10 compete in European Tour senJor events and vying for a spot on the Olampions n>ur. And while the thrill of competitive golf gets Wyrlck's blood flowing, it can a1so siphon money out of the wallet. But Wyrick. a starter at Newport Beach Golf Course when he ls not competing In tournaments. doesn't want you to feel sorry for him. He admits to living BRYCE "WaJter Mitty's ALDERTON dream, N a reference 10 the fictional novel character who fantasius about a life much more riveting than the one he Hves in. Wyrick, a Huntington Beach resident, husband and father, enters today's second round of the Nevada State Senior Open In Mesquite, Nev., after spending about $6,000 the last five weeks in attempts 10 earn exempt status on either the Olamplons Thur or the European Senior Tour. Wyrick. who turned 50 Wednesday, missed advancing to the finals of Olampions Thur qualifying by three strokes in early November, but made it to the last round of European Senior Thur quallfylng ln Portugal, where the rain came down in buckets. "I was not equipped for tJooding," Wyrick said. "II rained eight inches in two weeks. I was 4-under-par,when it was not raining and 9-over-par when it was raining. The game calls for more ability than I showed there. HJ respect guys like Ray Carrasco and David Oalcley who have done wen fin Europe!.'' Wyriclc said. "It was humbling to see how far those guys have gotten and the financiaJ support they receive.· Thp opportunJty to play in Europe, a continent Wyrick had never vi&ted. came abruptly at 5:30 a.m. Nov. 10, a Monday. See GOlf, Pa&• 8 3 i ; ( / t 82 Tiu~. Oeceni>et l l, 2003 P 0R1 S BRIEFLY Pinto points way for §agles at La Quinta ~oµtney Junior C..tlrlos Pinto sieored 22 polnll tu le:)(f lhe ~High boys ~ \tam to a 59-54 second-round 'klory OYef Loe Amigos Wedne9day In the A:JJec Ua.Wc at La Quinta I Ugh. Pinw also grabbt.>d fiw re- bounc:b and W3li 9 or l 0 from the free-throw line as e.tancia tl·l) conwrted 19 of 25 foul &hots. Sen· lor Scott Sankey sconid J7 points (9 of 11 ot the free.throw line) to go with 16 from sophomore Mike McOanle!s while Shaun Markley (three) and Dallas Kopp (one) capped the Eagles' scoring. The Eagles grabbed 23 re- bound.1. getting six from Sankey. Hugo &oobedo tallied two a.Wsts in a ganie tJed 29-29 at halftime. 0ltanda c.oac.h ~ JClng said neither team led by more than six points. The Eagles can advance to the consoladoo championship with a win CM!f' Laguna Beach, whom tht.")' face at 8 tonight Amc:QIMic SiOiirid riiiiid &tMtdl 68 Los Amlgoe 64 Scot. h,; au.t.ri o. )-pt gools Pinto 3. MQ09nWI 2. ~1. Edison runs past Eagles •SOCCER: The ~tam:la High boys 1>uccer team couldn't hold a 2-0 halftime lead and dropped a 5 2 mmleague dec1- 1on to vi~illng Edison Wedne~­ day. ·we Just quit. It was u total letdown on our part.• &tancia Coach Steve Crenshaw saJd. "We thought we had the game won after the first two goaJs. • Jose Luis Gorda put Estancia up, l ·O, In the fifth minute when he took control and then sent the baJJ over the Edison gonJkeepe(s head. Noe Marti- nez's shot from 20 yurds out found the back of the net in the 18th mimtte. Ed Oiolakian led Edison with two goals. f.stancia faces host La Costa Canyon at 3 p.m. Friday in a nonleague game. Sage bijtzed by eishop's • MSKBTBALL: Senior LOI Amlgot -,~ n " • Estancia l!I w 19 11 Loi Arnigo9 J ~ lO. I(_ Nantha...ong S, J Rr\IU 17. C Finao 11, l.ouenthOne 6, Tu81D 3, Bemizelleu 2, MataglO : shooting guard Kevin Joyce scored a game-hJgh 18 points, but it was not enough as Sage I Ull lost its opener in the San Diego Small Schools tourna- ment, 56-36, to the Bishop's 3 pt go.its J rtnau 2, Louenthone 1. K Nanthavong 1 Est.ande P1n10 22. McOaniels 16, Mar1lley 3. Kopp 1. Sankey 17. 'kreue 0. Viramontoa O. E9CObedo 0 Meissner Wednesday at Santa Fe Ouis- tian Jligb. The Bishop's ( l-0) smothered M EET MEAT Sage HiH (2·2) from the outset and held the Ugbtnl.01 to no points l.n the RCOnd quarwr en route to buiJdlng a 33-10 half time lead. ·n1ey bliiYcd 11 in the firi.t half," Sage Hill Coach Skvc Keith :>rud lhC) were 10 C\Ct) pa.ssu1K lane a.nd we hau .a luird time getting oft hots. Man Loper tallied 10 pornts whlle Mike Voge scored four foUowed by two each from nm Wilkins and 'Jyl~r Oerheim Sage conllnue& tournament action at 4:30 p.m. today against Anny-Navy. S. Diieo Sm11 Sc:boota t.ownament Flriilroiliiiil Th• Bishop'• se. Save Hiii 31 9cON bY Ouartws Sage Hiii 1b o 10 1e Je The Blahop'a 17 II W I M Sage Hfll-Loper 10, Joyce 18, Vogo 4. Wilkin. 2, Slmel 0, Oerheim 2. K.aye 0, Moysh1yedl 0. 3-pt. goal• -Joyce 1. The~··-Fl•n•n 13, Al1x1ndel 16, GrMn 7, Sanders 4, Glendeninn 10, ~ledo 2, Penln• 2, Lake 2. Moore 0, ThomH 0. 3 pt go1t1 -Aluander 3, Green 1 Estancia blanks Century •WATER POW: The f.stancla High girh. water polo ream se mained w1defeated with an l l ·O nonleague victory over visltirlg Genrury Wednesday. Coach Bob Bandaruk's Eagjes improved to 3-0 on the season c PACIFIC CIT Y ... . . . . . . "' ..... ~ - 11 \J ~ llNlH U' 81 AlH INDEPENDENT • 1 as Marilyn Retch and Mella Buchmann scored three goal• each. Cllelsea Kaplan and Courtney Hess added two goals e.ach, while Je lea Kasper and Malinda Hallock had one apiece. Katie Mahan recorded two .aves ror the Eagles. Uncury ~ in its Ont year of glrh w.uer polo NoftlNsue &tancbi 11, Century 0 Score by Quan.a Sage Hill girls fall •WAT'BR POLO: Sage Hill SchooJ l0&t its gl.rls water polo game, 13-4, to non- le~ host · ddleback Wednci.Jay. Hayden ltutch- oon cor1:d lhree goals for the UKJ1tning {2·6) and l.>e\'m foorna added one. CenlUty b 0 0 0 Ettancfe e ~ 1 o Emnei. -Reich 3, Suctimann 3, Kaplan 2, Hut 2, K11per 1, Barne• 1, Hallodc 1. SavH -Mehan 2. Tars begin with bang ' a WRBSTuNG: Seven Newport Harbor High wres- o tiers went 3-0 to lead the 11 Sailor to two victories and one ti~ In a four-way meet Wednesday at Orange High. Newport edges Trojans ·~ The Newport Harbor High boys soccer team held on to defeat host Unlver- sJty, 2-1. in a nonleague contest Tuesday for their second win lo a row. The Tars (3-1) led, t-0. at balftlme after a goal from sen- ior Mike Gustafson on an assist by senior Will Guzman and in- creased the margin in the 60th minute when Matt Tracy's cross found Joel Walker, who sent the ball of the post and Into the net from I.JC yards out. Newport goalkeeper Taylor Carver made five saves and Warren Junowich marJced oppo- nents coostanlly, Newport Coach Ryan Hernandez sald. Tracy. Walker, Carver and Junowich ace all seniors. The Sailors return to nonleague play when they face host Fountain Valley at 3:15 p.m. Wednesday. MESA Continued from Bl onds left to give Costa Mesa hope entering the fourth quarter. Costa Mesa opened the final quarter with a 12-2 run, as Cassey Brlclc. 'JhJjillo and Brittany Verpra each knocked down a three-pointer. The effort brought Mesa to within, 36-26, but Mira Costa went back to Its full- cowt press and got 50me help from Lauren McFar- land, who scored a game- hlgb l~ point& Brick led Costa Mesa with eight poinlJ and seven re- bounds. Mesa. whlch committed 24 turnovers and ahot 10 of 38 from the Oeld, will continue pool play against Dana Hilla Friday at 6 p.m. F.-.inv.lty~ POOi~ Min eo.t. 41, Cott. Mela ZI S-.bv~ Mira Cotta ') 1s 12 11 -41 Costa Me.. 7 2 6 14 -28 Min Com -McFarland 14, Lee 6, Wilson 9, Pegan 11, Gilroy 6, Nlahikawa 2, Stubbs 1. 3-pt. goals -Pegan 1. Fouled out -None. Tectinlcal1 -None. eo.ta M-. -Br. Verger• 8, a.. \ltfgere 4, 8ridt e. Trujillo 6, K.ally 1, Clu1t2, Slnc:Nz 2, Bjelland o. Abneel 0. 3-pt. goel1 -Brict 2, Tntjlllo 1, Br. VOrgara 1. Fouled out -None. ' Tedlnlcals -None. • SEA KINGS Continued from Bl 10 of hls free throws and two of four lhfeo..pointera. No one else on Santa Ana Valley scored more than ab points and only four other players scored. Every Sea Kings player W88 having trouble ltOring u CdM converted Just five fteld goals ln the flrat haH and mot 23% (13 of 56) in the contest. llle poor shooting percenlllge, wbJch Included converting just one of 17 three-point attempts, was a wprtse considering CdM Fabian V88qUU (heavy· weight) bad three pins while Victor George (103 pounds) and Mike Bates (130) each tallied two pins for the Sailors, who de- feated Orange, 50-27, and Mater Oei, 57-23. Newport tJed Cypress, 42-42. Kid Um ( 119) and P.dcUe Cllarcas (125) swept their three matches while Ashurst Stewart (two wins) and Mk:bael Ortiz -both at 189 -combined for three more victories. Paul Landers (145) re- corded his fust var!>ity vic- tory with a five-l>econd pin, tJ1e fru.rest talc.edown by a Newport wre!>tler in the last five years, Newport Coach Domlnk BuJum~ said. Craig Nordstrom's (135) pin of a Cyprts~ opponent at the buzzer gave Newport (2·0-1) the tie. Is a guard-oriented team. TI1e fact lhac the Sea Kings made IO of 12 free throws shows that they can shoot "We shoe the ball so poorly ... Curry said. Ml thought we fon:ed staJT offensively. We rook some bad shots. 1 thln.k we got frus. trated and took quick shots.'" CdM will attempt to erase the frustradon of Weqnesday's loss In a fifth-place semifinal against Huntington Beach at 3:30 p.m. Friday at La Quinta High . ·we'll have to play well,· Curry said. ·We need to play well be- cause playing well leads to. fm- provemenl .lbe unfortunate thlog Is I don't think we played . OCC ATHLETES OF THE WEEK ALISA CARRIU.O * ... July28,1984 e ' =foot-11 165 pouN:fs -.: e lltllfor. M-. therapy ... 9CMol: Sadd~ s.-t: Bd:etball .._..w,: Power fofwardlpost c:o.ch: Mike lhomton ,. • .,,... food: Anything and everything Fevorttie MCWle: •Hoosiers• ~etNftlcmoment: "Being able to be a part of the flrst state championship .t Orange Coast for W<>fMn's basketball last ~ In review: Selected to the all-tournament team It the Cuesta tournament last week. Dally Ph Coll«tof fP0'1S Cllld ~ At left, Costa Mesa's Ashley Kelly (white jersey) struggles for possession with Mira Costa's Georgia Gilroy in Wednesday's game. Below, Costa Mesa's Susie T ruj11lo (in whrte) dnves around Mira Costa's Lauren McFarland. well (Wednesday) and anyone who has seen us the last two games would agree.· AmcClatllc SiCOrid rouna Santa Ana Van.y 46, Coton1 del Mar l7 Soorebv~ CdM --11 13 10 -37 SAV tll 11 7 12 -46 CdM -Northrldge 7. Wantebe 0, R. Lance 8, Freode 0, Seaborn 9. K. Welcti 0, MacDonald 2. Hlreta 5, T. Lance6. 3 pt. field goall -Northridge 1. SAV -Nave 1. Banner 8, Cueva 3. Gonzalez 34, Mortinez O, Morales o. E1treda 0, SolO 2. 3-pt. goal• -Gonzalez 2. Tectinlcalt -Cueva. SAGE Continued from 81 I dnt Lopez. t;eahman ~ Gleason and sophomore ~P· er Martna ·eoco. Abdul. who sat out a majority or the first half wflh an ankle 8he Injured within • the ftrst 10 minutes. Abdul. ' whose fn!shman slster. Nanny Abdul. played forward for &Wl· cla. came baclc In the second ha1f. when the Eagles increased the pressure. With Marlnu Abdul out for much or the 6nt half, Sage Hill was able to control the oft"enstve end, Ray said, but that changed in the final 20 minutes. F.stancla fired five shots on 1 Sage goalkeeper Laura Gordon, a first-team All-Academy League selection a year ago, in the sec- ond half. Gordon made four totaJ saves Junior midfielder l1lise Carroll, along with forwards Naziny Ab- dul. Haley Rosner and Raebel McMasters, all fired shots, but the defense provided by Kelsey Rose. Grace Graham and Kendra Bostwick deterred several scor- ing attempts. "[Estancia's) cenler mldfielders controlled the field more in the second haJf and we had a lot of mis·h.its -shanks,· Ray said. "We haven't practiced finishing tha1 much." Rajabi praised sophomore midfielder Lauren C..'ushlng and Jacqueline Johnston, who moved from slopper to forward in the second half, for their efforts. Hutcheon, Rajabi, Ray and Wetherbee compete for Moham- mad Khakpour Soccer Oub. Khalcpour is a Newport Beach resident and member of the lra- nian national soccer team that won a gold medal at the 1998 Asian Olympics. IOOO CAl1ll6 fOl leS 01\lflct Hunt1n11on Beach Union H111h Sc:hool Dislrlcl Bid Otadlin• Janu1ry 20. 2004 2 00 pm Plau of Bid Receipt PurchH1n1 Oeparlmtnl, 10251 Yotklown Ave .. Hunth11ton Beaeh, CA froi.cl; 81d t905 fart l Lead/Asbestos Removal lit Matn~nanct/ Operations Part 1 PCB Tran' formtr Re moval al Westminster H1&h Schuol NOTICE IS HlREBY CIVfN that the Hun 1tn11ton Buch Union H1£h School Oistncl of Or an11• County, Colrlor nra, actlne by and throueh 1h Governina Bollrd, here1111fltr 1t lerred lo ll "DISTRICT .• wlll recet•t up to. but not latei t111n, the above 'tiled brd deadline, M!aled bids at the pl.tct' rdenhhed abon for lht •ward ol a con It act I& the above Proiect There will be a men dalor y 1ob walk a11d conf•1ence Any bidder farhna lo attend lhc enl11 t Job walh ind conl•rtnce will h• deemed • nonrespon~rve bidder and will have rh brd returned unopened Job walk~ wilt be held consecuhvely H follows Tund1y, lanua1y 6, • 2004 bearnnln& •I 9 00 , am at M1mlen1nc1/ Operations 525 Y0th town Av1 Hunll11aton Buch (Part I) .tnd be1lnnlna al 11 00 am al Wutminst•• Hl&h School 14325 Colden WMt St Wntmtn\ter (Pa":>) Pro,..ct Oocurntnh •r• on Irle "' the PurchHlna Oep•1lment at lht lddUH tbove. l'IHH un (714) 964-3339 eat 4351 to 1 ~quest • set of documents In 1cco1d1nce with lh• Pf ovlslona of Bu1111ess •nd Professions Cod~ S•clton 7028 15 end Public Conti •ct Cod• Section 3300, the OIS TAICT requires that th8 bidd111 posnss th• lollow1n1 cluslllct llon(s) ot conll a,t<>t 's hcenM(•) at the lime lh• bid It 1ubmrtt1cl Class B or C 21 u well as ASB •nd llAl Cer· Uh~IH " required by law Any blddet not so ltcenMd al 1114 hme of the bid o~nln• w1N be refllcttd H nol,.tll>On •Ive. T11ne It of the esM>n't C.ch bid 1h1JI IHI IC companl•d by • bid secu11ty 1n the IOfm of cuh, • ~•rllfled or CHhl••"s chtCll (If blil bond 1n •n amt'lunt not leu than ttn .,.,C41nl ( IO'L) of th• tot1t bid Pfiu, payable lo UM DISTRICT Tht OISTAICI rU¥VH 1111 rlctlt to 11~1 •ny ot •" bkb Of to wa1v• .ny It r•a11111111n 01 l11fot1MllllH '" 1ny bkb « 1n tilt bldd111a p1 o CHI. Th• CallfOfnt• D.pttt m111t o f lnduetrltl Aeltltont llH d•ltr 11\IMO \1\41 114\tfal PH v•Ullll r1t11 ol W diem w...-tor tllt ~11ty In which 1111 work ta to H f*foun..t fol the l'r l!f act. c..i .. , of thfl4I ttt•f• ,.,, dtttfml111 uon,, entitled l'tt11all1n1 W•r• Scale, '" m•ltl ta MCI et IM 01$llUCT ollict en41 et• na1talll1 et IN lollow111• w...ite WWW .dif Cl ICIY It lhell lie Mlllldetot y 11put1 lht 111cceuf111 lllddtr to #hom "'' eot1tr•rl It '"'"'" and U90n any lltofttrachlf ttsttd, to pey ,;ot tau tll•n tll• Hid P*tlhtd rtfu to ell wotk11 • employlHf by tflem tor tlM l'roie<t No lli4det "''" w11fl tlflW '"" .... w • fMtlOd tf ~tAlr (60) c 1ltnd11 41~ •ftllt t"' dtt• !Hi fot tl11 OfW"'"I of bids Pursuant lo Publtc Contract Code S~hon 22300, the A&reement will contain provisions pe1m11tln1 the success ful bidder lo substitute sec:llf1ttes f0< 1ny mon les wltllheld by lh• OISTRICl lo ensu1a perf0fm1nce under the ~eemtnl or permltlln1 paymtnt ol retentions euned directly into escrow S1&ned by Susi Mclane. Otre<lo1 Procure me nl/f ne1 KY Conser ••Iron For the Boa•d of trust.es Published Hewpo1 t Beach Costa Mesa Oa1ty Pllol Oecembe• It. 18 2003 Th990 I l1I COllT Of COllOM PlW Of IOOGOUY COllfTY,POltSnYAllA OllftWrS cm DIYm 111: lS1Alt Of MTASM AIAllA <HlTIUY, Al AW&fD IMCUAOTATID PflSOI IOOO AtmfOOM: GtlllllO De.OS IOlf1aOS A Pttrl1on hn been hied 1n 1h• Cou• I of Commo n Pleas of Montaomery County. Pennsyl••nl•. seeklna to declare Natasha Am•h• Cheyney tn alle11d 1nc1pac1tated person Inasmuch n you m•y bt an 111dlv1dual enttlled tn shire 1n lh• mlntate nt.-1• of Natash• A.rn1t11 Cheyney. Notice ls be1n1 provided lo you by publle1tlon th1t • llea11n1 will IHI held In Courtroom Number 1 Monl&0411&rJ County Courthouse, Nomslown. Ptnnsylvan11, On l1nu ary IJ, 20I>' at 10.JO a.m to determine whether the Court should find lhtnh1 Amalia Cheyney es an lncap•cllated person, and • aua•dl•n ap pointed to act as the plen1ry o r limited 1uardl1n on ben.tt ol H1luh1 Arnall• Clley ney, The Petition seflls to appoint Wendy Ber bt11 fetcey as 1111rd11n If the Court finds Nata~• Amah1 CMynty to bt 1n lnetp•cltaltd person, the Court will 1ppolnl • 1u1rdl1n for hat. and II you do not 1ppnr tt uid ht1rln1 yOllf rllflh lo conl11t 1h~ Pttll•on m1y be lost A lull topy ol the f>etlllon In this mill" u11 bt olll1ln1d lly contaclht1 o.,tnls c McAndrt~.(\quwl, 12!1 !tnffotd Avtn»e, Sulit 108, W1ynt, l'A 19087, 610·964·1200. th• ti tMney tot t11e pehllontt. Wand)> Bt1b•,. Terrer Pulllltfltd Newpo1t Bttch·Co•I• Meu D11ty Piiot Dtc t1Rbtr l l , 200J Th994 mm.,.• Tfl• Ott11p Countr S1n1t1t1011 D1tt1kt ot Dr•n11 County, C1lllor me, will rl«iv• u1lecl Blcft until 1-y 27, to04,IM,_ 814• mutt be rk41•ef It OCSO'• AdmrfllSt,..IJon lulldlna j)r l'u1d11\lna OMtlon Olflc4. b) 1111 dtlt Md ll!M l\tft rt dove HI lottll1 ti which 11"'8 thty Wiii 114 OIMrlff a11d eumlntd at OC$O Purth .. ln• Offlet, \0844 (Illa A.rt1111t, r ownt•ln Villar, C•• fo111ia! 117708 7011 UWI• UNI GU ...... •OI cm Of nts• ••...C_...,. '°'""' "'°"'" WIOPICA,_.-.0, .. ,.... ... A .... '""' rre 1141 n1utln1 , .. , h•n ·~~ ........ '°' ,.,. ... t, •. • Oftn11 County Samia hon 01\lrl(t I 0844 C "'' Avenue, f ount•tn Vtlley, CalrfornlA Pleese meet 111 the PurchHlng Olv1 s1on lobby localed •I 10844 (llrs Avenue f ounlatn Valley Call fMn1a, 92708 All pro,pectl~e b1dde1s are required to allend this Mandatory Pre Brd meetrna. n this will be the only opportunity lo v1s1t lht !Ob ,,,. r lllure to attend the Mandatn1y Pre Bid meeltn11 for 111,. spec1l1ctl1on wrlhout p1101 w1rllen app1 ov•I ot OCSO 1~ b.n1s for OCSO lo re1ecl '"d nol lllctpl a brd llpp1oval to not etlend wrll only b• iiranted bued on ea t1<1ord1n1ry h•rcbh1p Brds musl be submit led on the lorn1 supplttd by OCSO rn accotdante with all provmon• of the specrflc•tlons Spec1lr c•llons, Brd blan~\. •nd further 1nlo•mahon m•y be 01>t1111ed al the 1bovt •ddres.s, telephone (714) 962-241\ Pubflshed Nt1wpni I Be1ch·C11st1 Mesa 011ly Pilot December 11 200) Th992 SIJPmll COUIT Of woau. COllfTY Of OIMGI OIAll6I CCMfTY SWBIOI COUit, PIOIATI COUit Of8All*S, 3411* CITY DIM, POST OfRCUOl 14171,0I· AMG(,CU2t1J.1S71 f£l1110I Of.,.. Alt .... fOI OWKil Of IWll OID8 TO SHOW CMISf FOi OIMGf Of llAll WI llllB Am470 10 All IHTCRESTEO P£RSONS I r.trllonr Myune M Nam lied • !M'lltion with tha "°"' lot • dllcr• ~ ,__ • folows. ~ Nt """1 to Mlil Nam lee 2. M COUl!T OROCRS tNt .. personl 111tertr5t@d In -rntlttr !.11111 --before ht court at Ille '-1111 llldQted blrlow lo show uiuse If any. why ttw petition for dtl!1tPl of n•me 1hoold not b• •anted HOTU OI IORlfG O.te ~ Tome 2:00 pm Dip!. l73 1lla lldc*'IA of tl19 COlll Is same as nobid ..,.,,,_ l A OOf1t &I this OrO.. to Show ea... ~ bt ~··-·­Heh wHll for lour ~ Wtlks pra to the dlte Ml tor 1-1111 °" the .,.i.uon In v.. lnlowilll ~ ol .,._., cwwlMJoft. pnntlld ~'7.1..-= f'liol 0... """' 21 200S JUDOI SHUU nu. A1D81Gf 1'HI~ (owrf Ntwp111t euch Cost• ,,.. 0.-Y Plot Opfrrl)ll 4, II, ll 25. Dl3 Th961" ......... ... s...... fht foOow1n1 pat11on• ... dolnt btalnt .,. Bod) l>Hlp, 100 ..... potl Ctnt• Dr ., "-Pott leach, CA 9lt60 $ 1. 9od'J Ohlc11. Ille. (CA), 100 Newport Ctflt• Otlllt. Ht"'llO'"I 8t•,ll,CAt1"0 fll111 ~!MM Is con· ®'ltd b,; • t0tl>Of•llo11 Hlw yov 1l¥ttd 4'0ln1 llllSln•• yett YM, 1• S T. ltod, Desicn. In< • 11 lobltl.Wn, ,.,,,, IMnl Tltir al•t•'"'nt wit lllM with th• Co11nly Cloof .. ol 011n11 Co11nt1 on l VV../OJ ... ,. .. ,.,. De1tr J'tlol 0 \1, 11, '9, 100),#n. 1.1004 Tiit/i SPO R TS Thutsday, Decemw 11. 2003 n N:Jovel Estancia's Taylor Brown, left, and Sage Hilrs Kendra Bostwick jockey for position as they fight for the ball in Wednesday's game. At left, Sage Hill's Megan Curry (white jersey) and Estancia's Bridget Gleason battle for possession. PHOTOS BY MARK C. DUSTIN/ DAILY PILOT RdlllmlNlm •s...... The lollow1n1 per\ons are cloinc busineu ts •) Peek II all Pertners b)Pe•kl,.11 Properties c) P11klrall Capit al M.tn•1•m•nt, 24586 Via Oel 010, l~a Niauel. CA92677 Cr anl f Wainer. 24~86 V1a Del Oro, Laauna N11uel, CA 9?67 / Paul f 111 Gibbon. 2118 Santa Ana A~e., Co~ta MeH. CA 92627 Thrs businen rs ~on dueled by a 1enual p.,tner.h1p Hav• you ~l•rtod lll>lllll bu,1110' yet> No Grant r W•iner Paul F1t1 Crbbon 11115 ''•l~menl wu filed wrlh th~ County Cieri! ol Onnae County on I l/t8/{)3 204l3'96SUS O~rly P1lo\ Nov 20. 'l1 Dec 4 11 2003 Th!MI lht fot1ow1n1 petSOn h~ abandoned th• u\e of lht f1Ctrl1<>u• Bu" uen Name Stoll C.ir mon Comp•nY. llC 32lt> H Iowa St Cost• tiles•. CA 9?626 T~ frcllhous Busino1 name nltfl ed lo •bo~• wn llled In Orana• County on l 15 03 rtl £ NO 20036929782 Scott G••mon Com pany. llC, 3220 H low• SI • Costa Mesa, CA 92626 This buslllt5S Is tnn duc:lt1d by l1rnt1led l1"b11tty Co Scott Ga1n1on fhl• sl•lentenl w8' lll1d with the County Clerk ol Otanee County on 12/02/0l tOOHtH70 Dally Piiot Oec. 4, 11. 18.~.1003 lh962 s.......• .. I tefU.ef ~ .......... I he lollow1111 person has abandoned the use ot lhc f1ctrtious Busl nes1 Name ht Vision Auto Gin~. 2800 Sll1n ltr Or , Co1ta M*1•. CA 92626 fhll F ltllliOut Yuatne"' n1me refetrtd to •bovt was filed 1n Ot1nct County_ 011 7 12 02, rlLE NO. 20026909168 fitlporn Yoot1n1w1n, ?ROO Sh1ntat Or Co'ta Me.a,CA9?626 C•rlyle 0 C0tn1111ll, 2007 hhuha l ert i ce, Coron• d•I Mir, CA 92626 Thlt butln.s1 ts c:on duc:ttd 111· • ,.neut p111.rttf•hlp Eillpor11 Y~l•n1w111 This 1t11lemtnt wu flltd wllh th• Count; Cltfk of Or•111• Count; Ortll/l"M 200H•6JOe7 Q•llJ f'lfot Nov 20, 21. Off 4, I l, 2003 '"~~ ftdllm ..... "-S..... Tiit totlowm1 H<MIH .,, do1111 b111!11H• n • 1) D11mondlot.con1 II) l'ttto Ttch Dl1trlbutlna. 171$5 Von K#m11n Ave Suitt 112 113, lrvlM, CA 92614 ROM Otstrlbutl111. In' (C-'1.IF ), 17 l.15 Von Ii.•~" A•• .. lultt U? I 13, ln1n .. CA !Q614 Thtt b111111 t IS ten ducted by 1 c:OI pout Ion H1vt you 'tatltd dolf'll b111lnn1 yet? Yes 10 06 t) ROM Olltr .. utina, f11e . lllcfltr4' W•twar lot1. l'<•klent fM• 1t•tt1Mnt Witt tlltd with tbt County C19tk of f>i•11 • CounlJ M 11/ll/03 IOUHHU 6 o •• , l'tklt lfof, 20, 27, OK 4, l l, 200.\ lllU!. nc... ..... ... --.. The followinc pe"ona ar • doina bualneu " J " R Remodellna and Add1llon\. 1970 E. l61h St •NIOJ. Newport Buch, CA 92663 J.h1n11r Oar1kl, 1970 C. 16th SI. #NI03, Newport Buell. CA 92663 lh11 bU\rnns I\ CDn dueled by an 1nd1v1du1I Have you started doina business yet? Yu, 12/2/ OJ Jllhan11r Oar aka fl'llS 1l1temenl WIS hied wllll th• County Clerk of Or1nae County on 12/05/03 2003696723' Daily Piiot Dec 11, 18. 2!> 2003 J•n I 2004 Th981 fldffiMW.SS "-*"-' the followm1 peraon• arr do1n1 busmen as l nt>anL•d Perfor mince Cente1. ?34 E 17th St. •100. Costa Men, CA 92627 Otn1se ""n L ochh1rl 1433 SuPf'rlM Ave •706. Newport Buch. CA 92663 Tl11• buimeu 1s 1;011 ducted b1 an ind1v1du•I Have you st.,led do1n1 bu.s111eu Y•l' Yes Jan :xioo Oeni~• Ann l ocllhar I Th" 1taltm1nt wn filed wrth the County CIMll of 011n1• County on 11/18/03 2003 .. 65426 0111ly Prlot Noll. 20. ?7. Oec 4, 11, 2003 Th937 Ac-.. ... "-S..... r11e lollowlna persona are dol111 1Ju1ln1u H Stnjllell ack P11bllcetlons, 2f174 Continental Ave. Coah Mau, CA 92627 Robert R RHmuuan. 207" Conllntnt1I Ave . Costa Mt", CA 92677 Jane tfydt, 2074 Con lintnlel Ava.. Co111 Mnt CA92627 this bu11n1ss IS con dueled by hu1b•nd 1nd w1t1 Hoe you started dohll bu\1n1u yel7 Yes. 7 /\/ OJ Robett RHmuuen Tlus \talemenl wu ftled with the County Ci..11 of 0.ant• County on 11114/03 200369'5'0\ Dally Piiot Nov 20, 27, Dec. 4, 11, 2003 Th949 ~ ...... "-S...... Th• lollowlna persons 11e dotn1 business H . L• Sitflt Htle'lll ll C, 18242 McOurmott. St H, lrv1111, CA 92614 P1clflt Crtnd Con1t Inc .. M1fl••ln1 Mtmbef (Cellf), 18142 McOur· mott St H, lrvlne, CA 9281• Thi• b111111ess Is con dUCtM llJ t COIPQ<llliofl Han y011 1t111ttd dolnc bu•ln }'t\l y., 0 tob.r 2, 2003 l'11clflc 0!'•11<1 C•nst. Inc , It-kl C L•lf•nd, l'rn Thi• •l•l11nent wH hlld wrth tilt County C..,k of <It•~ Count}' on U/ll/03 IOOSM6S41• Dd, '''°• No•. 20. n . O.c •. ll, 200J Tlt'MI ~" d I , .... .. ~ ..... ... TIMI followlftt "''°" llH tbandJOnff lilt U\41 of tfl• f lctlllou• lull ... ,,. "'"" On 0.nllnd Martat1111. 12 LIM f Ill ltd . Ntwpttt ktch, CA 926Q fha fktlllcWt •ut11Mr• 1111111 feftrrt4' }O "'"' ... flld "' 0r ..... ~~~C'u Jolll' ltren. \410 .t.mbof .. Rd , NtwllOft SCHEDULE TOOAY l111Bdllll GOLF Continued from Bl High .ctiool boyt-&uncle vs. &...guna Beech et LI Quint.I t6u,....."*"-8 p.m.; Sage Hiil va. Army-Nevy .. Sen Diego Smell School• toumerMnt at Senta Fe Christian, 4:30 p.m.: co.i. Mne va. St. Paul It Valley Christian tourNment. 6:30 p.m.; Newport Harbor w. PINunt Gl'O\/tl et Biii Reynolds ~ewport Harbor, 8 p.m. A representative from the £uropn.o Thur's London office wd ~had been accepted (or quallfying, but he lacked the needed paperwork. Wyrlc:Jt NSd. ·1 wu srca.Uy dlsappo.lrtted not to quallly Jor the Ownplons Thur. I got around with a 74· 74· 74 and I knew I had to &boot even par to get tD the 8naJ.s. It ls bard to pJay when there ls not much a1r ln your lW'lg& For the flrs1 time ln my life. I cou.ldn\ handle the pressure and that was my strong card. 1n this instance, I was nol tough enough.· High ldlool girt• -Corona del Mar et Avalon tourmment; Est.a~ at University tournament; Sage Hill at ~alrmont tournament. ·1 didn't have a pasport or a d<ht. so I vlsited the post office and ~nt ro the travel agency and Oew out the next day (Nov. Ill," Wyrlcksald. Wyrlclt 5J)e1lt Thanksgiving In Portugal. HJs fam.iJy was at home lri Huntington Beach. Wfrlclt plans on playing ln state-sanctioned senior tournaments in 2004, but keeps his priorities in mind. Soocer • High ldlool girts -Irvine at Cotta Mesa at Farm Complex, 5 p.m.; Corona del Mer w. Aliso Nlguel In Mater Del tournament at Centennial Par1t (Senta Ana). 2 p.m.; Newport Harbor w. Dana Hiiia in Meter Del tournament at Centennial Peri(. 2 p.m. · He said the European card ls "achievable." compared to the Ownplon Thur, The European Thur will allow 20 .players to receive cards next year while the Champions Thur will take just four qualifiers. "My ability does not warrant spending ($10,000 to $20,0001 to get on the Champions Thur.· ·Maybe if 10 to 20 guys put $5,000 to k.eep me afloat for one more year. I might ay to earn the European aud," Wyrick said "I c.an do it, but It just depends. I have to make the right decision when the situation wises. Golf is not more important than the boys." A lesson all of us should keep in mind. SLAMMERS FC ....,. ____ Newport Beach, California Winter Holiday Soccer Camp 2003 Offered for girls and boys ages 8-14 Come and have the opportunity to train with the best to bring out your best. Camp focus will be on boch individual skills and small group tactics. Take the opportunity to train with Camp Directors Walid and Ziad Khoury. The Khoury Brothers have built the Slammers FC into a nationally known youth soc.ccr club. December 29th, 30th and 31st &om 9 AM to Noon Estancia High School, Costa Mesa Camp Fee: $70 For more information and enroUmcm form go co www.slammerb.org/ssa.hcm or call 714-552-1702. "HOME OF THE 2007 & 2003 GU14 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS" Thia business 11 c0rt· ducllld by •n lndov1du1I .lotl11 Baron This •l•ltment wH flied with tfl• County Clttll of Or1n1• County on 12/05/0J !OOS6H72J7 011ty Piiot Otc. 11. 18. 25, 200J, J•n. I, 2004 fh989 ~ .... ... s...... The tollowln& persons •re doln1 buslnes' as· Oen'• H1ndym1n Marn· len1nce. 3101 So r 8lf v11w 162. Sant• An• CA 92704 Daniel H H•1dy, 3101 So failvlew. Santa Ana, CA 91704 This b1"'nus " con dueled by •n 1nd1v1du•I Have you started dollll bus1nn1 yet? Yes, 7/97 Oenrel H llardy flus statement wu hied with the County Cltrll of Onnae County on l 2/0!>/03 2oou .. 122• Dally P1lol Dec I I. 18. ~. 2003. Jin I. 2004 Th989 .............. "-S....... The lollowln1 pe1sons ire doma busmen ea M Clun St<v«:u. 27062 faflln& LHI Or., l1aun1 Hllls,C/191653 Bradley V Or11•. 27062 ra11111a Lui o, laaun• Hiib, CA 92653 Trenl Kamerman 27062 f allr111 Luf 01 , L 11una tillla, CA 92653 11\ls buslnns Is con ducted by· • a•n•ral p1rtnert.hlp Have you d•rled dOtnc buslnns yet? Yn, 11/15/0J Bradley V Orea• lhrs sl•t•ment WH f1l1d with the County Clerk of Ofanp Count~ on 12/02/03 200J6t M 7H Dally Piiot Oec 4, 11. 18,25,2003 Th9/0 Ac-. .... .......... The follow1n11 pe,-.ons are dornc bu1ln111 u Or 1n11 Cont Consult ents, 1420 £ £dHlter An •212, S.nl• Ana Callfornl• 92705 l llomH 01vid R•nd1ll 1717 E Oy1t Road •159, S•nt• Ant Calllornla 92/05 This bullntss It con due ltd by. 1n lndlvldu1I Have you started doln1 buslneas y etT Yu 10/21/03 Thom•• Rand•" This st1t1mtnt WH filed wrth the County Clerlr. ol Orane• County on 10/21/2003 toOH .. tUl Delly PtlOI New 20: ]!4 Dec 4, II, 2003 l~ IOTIQ Of AY-.m Of Almllll&OIT The •nnual rtWt of t11t Gttca PllPI* Sftll1h f ound•llon It eHM4'l>lt IOf lnlpKtlOll ti 120 Saclphlrt A\lt., Balbo1 fal•nd, upon ''point mtnl lly lllJ CltlLt rt wl\o ftQU .. fa II Within llO da~ alllll !Illa pullllU· tlon. 'hon• (!M9) 673 &242 °' (805) MZ 3I01 MMtlCOl ... U.ffN l'ullll•fl•4 f111wpo1t IHCll·Costa MtN Otlly Piiot Oecembtt ll.1 2003 Tn:> ......... ......... Tit. fot1ow1.r11 P"tMI• lft dolnt llt1siM1J It. '*'Hie Ctltll'y U C .. JOO ,Ctf s.lt. 101 A, twfttlllaten luelt, CA ... Pltf•~ Oelltiy t. l C (CA}, lOO f'CM kttt :~t11'111111 te1eh. ,,. ......... ff!\• 4111<1•• 11,: l.11111l•4 LIMl*tyC. b11slness ye17 Yes 10.1 OJ P11ratde Gallaty l l C • Joe Rubin. Man•aer This s t1teme11t wa. filed with the County Cllfk ol Oranc• County on 11/18/0J t OOS4HS42t O•lly Piiot Nov. 20, 27, Dec 4, 11. 200J r11940 ,... ..... ... s...... fht lollow1na penon\ are do1na busines" " Cinnamon Productions S111t• An•. 2321 f 4th SI., IA, Santa Ana CA 92705 S & H Producl1ons, lLC (CA), 22311 Clea1 bcoolt., t.illulOn Viejo. CA 92692 Thrs bU\tnlSS IS con ducted by• ltmlled l11blllly Co Have you slatted dolna business yell No S & H ProductiOns. Slevin Fields. Manaaer This statement wes filed wtlh the Counly Clerk of Orana• County on 12/0S/OJ 20036 .. 72'9 Daily Piiot Oec. 11 18, 25, ?OOJ. Ian I ?004 Th984 Aclfil9 ...... ... s...... The followln1 person" •re dolna busrMu u Cr11t1v1 Play Oesicn,, 170 C I/th SI . Costa Men, C.-92627 Rep1e B Jackson, 170 E. 17th St .. Costa Meu, Cll 92627 lonntt 0 Voss, 170 E l7lfl S r , Cost• Meu, CA 92627 Curit• J Blanhnb1lle1 170 C. I 71h St., Co\11 Mes•. CA 92627 This buslneu " con· dueled by· '" lncllv1du1t Have JOll alerted do•na b111lntu yet? Yes November l , 2003 Curtis J Blanllenblller Th11 statement was hied wltll tr.. County Cllfli ot Oun1e County on 11/18/0l 20036 .. 5425 Daily Prlol Nov. 20, 27, Dec 4, 11 2003 Th936 ........... ... s......: The followlnc per sons &11 doln1 b1t1lntu H S11n Dulan. IJ525 Beach 8tvd • Westmln· tier. CA 92683 Mou luey Sien Cor· por•tlon, CA, IJ525 BHch 81vd , 'Westmln aler, CA 9Z6Sl This bu1lneu 11 con ducted by a cCM"PM•llon tfave YOll st.fled Ooln1 b111ln1u 1•'-1 Yu, Octollef 30. 2003 Mo<rlsMy Siii! Cor po<1tlort, Ktitlt Morr1, ,.,. • l'rwclent fflfa Jtlttrn<tnl WH fifed with tllt County C*ll ol 0ftn&t ~uttty Oii l 2'1)2/03 ,..,., .. ,,, Oally Piiot Dec. 4. 11. 11,25.200J Th973 ---------------- fie*-..... "-S...... The lollow1n1 pe110"' are oorna busrn~n u Gel Rrch M"ket•na & Craphtcs 1622 Cors1u Pl , Costa Men CA 92626 0. R1chtrd Palm•r, 1622 Cot'lca Pl , Cosl1 Mese, CA 92626 CAryn Collene P•lm.,. 16:11 Cor,,ca Pl Co\la Mesa, CA 92626 lhl\ buslnen " con dueled by husband ""d wit• Have you \Url~d dome 1>u11nen yet? Ye\ 3/88 0 Rrch•rd Palmer Th" statement wu filed will• Hte County Clerk ot Ot an11e County on 12/02/03 2003H .. 7S4 Darty Pilot Dec 4 11. 18. 2!'>, 2003 lh!J67 RdfllM ..... "-S.... rho follow111a perwns are dorne busrneu ts P1 o~edu1 e £ n11nee1 's Inc ?Jt41 Vt>rduao Or •ICY.>. laauna H1ll1 CA 926!'>J Pf GROUP INC . tCAl. 2Jl41 Pt>rdueo Dr . •I~. I •etrna Mrll' C'A 926!'>3 1 hrs bus1ne<s r\ <on ducltd by • c0<pou1ton Have yuu st•• led doinJ busrnen yet1 Ytl,, 1988 PEGROUP. INC, Bru1e B1-hsh .. r, Presidtnl fhrs 1talernenl wn hied w11ti lhe County Cieri! of OnnK• County on 11/14/03 200SH'50&4 Oally Piiot Nov 20, 27. !Ht 4, 1\. 2003 Th~2 ftdllM.,_.s ... s..-i The lollowlne per suns 1r11 dorna business n Sanll's L1llle Helpe• T1ee's, 2780 So Bristol Costa Me.t, CA 92704 o,nlel H1rdy, 3101 So f tU Vl•W, Sanlll "n• CA 92704 This bu1111eu 1s con ducted by an 111d1v1du1I Have ynu started do1na bu\lnen y-17 Yu Nov 24. ?OC>.1 Oan,.1 Ha1dy fh11 \lttem~nl wn hied w\th lh~ tounly Cler II of O• •n1te County on 12/0!>/0.l 2003'9t722S Oally Piiot Dec 11 18, 25. 2001 i.n I 7004 Th98l ........... ----!ht fnllow1n1 '*''°n' •r• doln1 bus1111ss H •) Whowtllnownet wo<k.cUtn, b) WWKN.CCll", 1927 li.rtlor Blvd '6al. Cos11 Mnl. CA 'Rl>ll Oen 8w•rett, IS& tulljl ln Unit C. Co•ta Mtu, CA92617 Thlt buslotn It Cott duc:tecl by 1n l11ctMctual Have )'OU stMted dlMc bv~•~u yt17 Ho Oen 811trtll Thia at1t1mtnt wu hied Wllh tl\4 County Cllttl of Or111p Collllty on lV14/0l to0MtH 08J D111; l'ltot Nov. 20. 17, °"'·"· ''·t°°' T11961 ............ .......... Tiie I0""\111n4 f*SC)ns .,. ~. 11~ ..... Head 111a. Crt•tlon•. iou f'lali111111 ~o .. C..ta ~CA I 2117 Malt . ~"· 20'4 Pf.fC.t11tla Ava., Cott• MeN,CA92U7 r!\111 b11alfleq l• CCIII d11dt4I tty· Ill ...... ti HIV. you~ ettnt ~·u:.1"-••" ohn 11111 at•ltmtnl Wit ,..., """ th• ColllllJ Ci.tr. of ~" .. CM11t' -11/lllOJ ..... " ... °'" l'llot "'°'· 10. 2!..i Dtc ••• u. IOOJ TI19j!J fidltlM ...... "-*'-" Th.i lo1tow1n1 per sons n fo1 2664 ara do1n1 bu,inus Southwest Cent11 Medl(•I Cosmehu, Newport Blvd , C Me!>a CA 92627 osta 2664 John f Lalonde Newpor I Blvd . C Mesa, CA 92627 o:.h -Sylvia r trris 2&&• Newport Blvd C 'n\la Mna CA92627 This bu1rness t\ dueled by a 11• p1rtnenh1p •oll rltoAI H•v• you sla1t .. d busrn9n y•I' y,.,. ttrn111 II/ t!>/03 klhn I l al o•ldf This slalemtnl filed w1t11 the C Cle1k of Or11nat1 C on 12/02/03 200JH .. 7SS Dolly Pilot D~l 4 18, 2!'>. 2003 ' w•• u1111ly ounty I I. h969 RdlflMllAless "-S....... 'On\ Th~ lollowrn11 pe• are do•na bus1n•s Shdntt l1v1112 S1nla Ro'• Avt C Men CA97676 \ u 1071 oil• 11~. r lfr~de r .. ,. helh Kttl. 10/1 Santa Ave . Cu\I~ Me\a llo'a CA 92626 This business is dueled by •n 1nd1v It••• vou \tetted bu.,n8u yet' Ye' tun rdu•I dn1n1 II 04.oj £Ike rlh 1ede Ellu beth Kerl 1 h" \lalement frl~d with the Co Clerk of Ora111e Co on ll/14/03 200SHUOn D•1ly Pilot Nov 20 Oec 4 It. 2003 T WO unty unty n h943 ™""" ..... •s....... "ons l he followlna pe •re dornc bU$111es Tht Otlal\a Proiect. Onota Or., Costa M I I S 1780 118 CA92626 f'eoplt Involved, <CA). 1780 OflOle Co•la Mesa, CA 926 fhlS bUSllltlSS rs ducted by • cOfpor Have you .t1rted busineu yet? Yn Inc . Or 2(i (011 al1on do1na . 10/ l~/03 Ptoplt Involved, Inc Joell Wllltams. Pres1d '"' This 1t.1t1ment flied with tilt C Cieri! of Or1n2t C on ll/14/0J t OOJHU09S Oally ,.lfot Nov 20 Oec. 4, 11. 2003 T WH ounty ountv 27, h945 AdMM ..... ... s..... r"'1• Tht loltow1111 pe •ra doln1 bu\lnH On Otm•nd M•lk ?:'I L•nd Fan Ct • port B .. ch, CA 926SJ s " ttin1. ftlaw aton fiend.II S Thom Z2 Lind F•ll Cl. l)Ort BHth CA9~ Thi• bualness 11 ducted by an lndlv HAI .. JOU &1111ted lruslneat ytt 1 ,.., .. ) \.(HI ldu•I doln1 Yn. ll/l/03 Rend.al S "'9111u on WIS l his st.etemtnt filed with the C Cflffl ot Ot•ntt Co on IZ/05/03 ION6H1f3& 01H, f'llol Otc 1l ts, 200J, i.n 1. 2004 ounty unty 18, 11• T ............ --~ 1aont Th• lollow1nc Pt ., • doll•• b111intl 0.Co; •••• 11 Vin Lqun• Hlfutl, CA m M111 A f'alot '/111tll(t. l tJ\1111 " t ... ··~; lf CA926/7 icnf. COii• idUtl lhl1 bust11 h d41c:t4MI lly. tn lndtt "' .. , ... ltartH MIMc • ,.tt "° Mtfy '•i-t .... fill• sllltel'!Mnl Wl'I f ... d Willi the C~ 1111 ci.r• of °''"• c..,... t; t111llJM).) MN6ttJUI • 21. D••I' '''°' Nov. 20 '* 4,ll.~ llltJ.l l ~ ..... ... s...... •• 111• lollo•ln1 pe"ons 0 dOllll bUSlnH1 1$ sual M11llet1n& Con· eph, 5228 Res1denc11, :668ort Buch CA Vt c N 9 R Grepy l. Smith, 5228 esldenc:la, Ne wport HCh, CA 92660 8 s l111 0.nlse Or ell1110 m1th. 5228 Rt'1ldenc11. ~orl Buch, CA N 9 d This buslJ1ess Is con ucled by husb•nd and 111 w b Hne ;ou started do111& usrneu yet' Yes. 1983 Greaor y l Smtih Ii Th" statement wn led with the County lerk ol Orance Coun1y n 12/02/0J 003'9H767 c lb 2 0 11ly Pilot Oec 4 11 8.25,2003 Tl\963 I fk1illM "8lltu ......... " lht fC)llow1111 person< e dorna busrneu 11 &O Oepos1l1on R1rpo1 I H . 216 Broadw•y, o~la Mna CahlOfnlll ?6'11 0 e c 9 2 D•"'" Mar •e Oauncll. 201 Bro•dway. Unit 7 anlw Ana C•l1lo1 n1a 2701 s 9 d I> thl\ bus1nen 1s ~on ud~d bV an rnd1v1du1I llavi. you starlrd rto1111 U\lllt" yet' No " Oen1s~ Morie Daunch This •lalemenl was led with the County ler~ ol Or anat1 County n 111~/03 OOJHH21S c 0 2 0 a1ly Piiat Nov 'n Oer '· II, 18, 200J Th957 ' ~--­•s....... 1 he tollowrna pe1Son' 1 e do1na bus1neu es Ulldrite 16611 Charlot ane. Hunhnaton Beach A9264/ B L c I l oul\ David laqu1n, 6611 Charles Lane, untinalon BeKh CA 2&47 H 9 d b This busrnus " con ucled by an rndtv1dual !lave you 'llarted do1111 usiness yet7 No h lOtlll Oa .. d Jequrn lt11s sla\emtnl wn led with lhc County lerll of Orafl&e County n 17/02/03 OOJ69M794 c 0 2 0 11fy_ Ptlol OK 4 11 8 ~. 2003 lfl972 I ~ ..... "-S..... lhe lollowlna pe11ons re doint twslnn1 es U Vlslnn Auto Gins • I 2800 Shani.r 0.. • ~st• Mast, CA 92626 Eltlporn Yoot•n••rn, 2800 Sll1nt11 0. . Co•I• M°", CA 92'26 d ThlS b11slness 111 con 11ett4 by an tndtvl6u•I It.av• yn11 Jl•1 ted dolltl ualnen yet? Yu, l l/ l/OJ b I fl ElllPQfn Yoolan11wl11 Thit •l•l•-nl _, i.<1 wrlh the Co1111ly i.rti of Otal\t:• County "ll/14/03 OO>Ht SOTO c 0 t 0 0 ally f'rlot Nov 20, 27, IC ... 11 2003 Th9SS c A ti ,, l. ct • fl c D 0 I ~----~--__.....,..._.._ ~· ..... ~~~~"":'"~~~----........................................... 111111 ................. _.._..~....., 14 T!u1'r· Oec:ember 11. 2003 l.1111.... -l.11111..... -.......... M lltll..._ -Lllll..... .. l.1111 ..... ........... ...... ... ......... ... ...... The lollow1t11 Plf•ons .,, "'"• buMnffl ... Octe111 Dtcot, 220 Zlat ~7Costa Ml .. , CA Jelffey Jaft'Wla Holm lnton, llll "ofld1y lto.O, ,..""*' a..ctt. CAtiwo Thlt ~*-.. COfl ~ lly, H indt¥illloal Kn• Jo.I .......... ~ e.-s•yet1 No Jtlfltty i..-1 Noun lfllOll Tlltt alalemenl was hied with the County ci.11 of 0. ans• CO\lnty on 12JQVOJ to0Jtt .. 7U Delly Pilot Dtc 4, ll, II, 25. 2003 lll96fi Ai-. ... ........ rhe loflowtAC persons ere tlolnc bul.irntH H '••• N Paws. • Pro IUSl<lll•I l'elure S« wlee. TO "•rll Crest Newpo1 1 Coatl CA 92M1 811qel Sue )one1 70 P••ll Cr .. I, Newpo•I Coast, CA 92657 This bu11nu1 n CO<'I dueled by an '"dlVldu•I H•v• you •l•rted dolnc bU\IOIU yel7 Yn. 5/ll/ 01 Uridatt Su• Jona• Thi• sta tement wn filed w1lh lhe County Cl••ll uf Orena• County on 11/14/0J 200J .. Uotl Deily Piiot Nov 20 27 O.C: 4, 11. 2003 Th947 F.-.... ... s...... lht follow1n1 person\ ••• doln1 bu"""' as· Scroll S•w Ma11e. 392 Proncelon Dr , Costa Meu, CA 92626 M-llhew I Collett, 392 Prtnulon Or . Co•b Meu, CA 92626 fhl• bu1111tt1 11 con duc;ted by •n mdlYldual lfave you •bwled do1n1 bu•m•u yet' No •hllhew J Collett I 1111 \talemenl wu lri.d w1lh the Counly Cletk ol Ounce Counly on l:VOUO.J 200JH .. 711 D•lly Pilot Dec 4, 11 11.15. 2003 Tll97!1 TIM lollowllli 1*110n1 Mt dulnt bu.Jnau n $ S Red Sal, JOI Mwlne Ayf, Sle C, B•lboe '"'-"d, CA ')?661 hll Stove• Inc (CA). 214 Cund Can ... 8e"'4N lltan4. CA 02GG2 flla bl.ltlnua la ce11 ftletH by. I COfpoutlOO Hewe rou atM l.H dolns lluJllMU ytt1 No Bo4I Slovet In< , Ret&n Ston< Sec:t•IMy Thllo alelernenl was lolecl Wllh lhe County C .. 111 of 01 tn1• County Oft 11/()!)/0) 100Jtt67120 D•lly Pilot O•l 11, 18, ~. 2003, Jan I, 2004 Th985 The lollowtnt Pf"ons ltt dolfll bu•k••Sl H D•tn "•c•flc 2195 B•• SI Cu•I• Mu.I CA 9262'6 Roblf'I R R1m11ez 199!> 8ahf St . Co1l1 "'9N CA 9162'6 lhls but1ne11 " con ducted br en 1nd1vldual Havt yOll ll•lltd doln1 bu•lneu yel7 Yet. 11/70/94 Rober I R Ramire1 lh11 •Ultmtnl WH filed with th• County Cl•tk ol Or•n1• Counly on 12/IY.>/OJ 20016 .. 7221 Delly Piiot Qt(. II 18, 2!I 2003. hi n I 2004 Th986 Ac-. ..... .......... lhe loltow1n1 person' •'• dome bu,1neu as· 0 M Conattu1 Iron. ?4311 Colleae Or C<>\t1 Masa, CA 92626 Rlchud Dl'!o Mehallle 2438 Collea• Dr . Co•I• M11u, CA 926?6 fh15 busineu Is c..nn dueled by en lndovtdu•I Hav• you slat ltd d<lm& busintn yet7 No R1th•1d 01nu Meh""'• Th" \l•l•ment was l•l•d w1lh lh~ Couoly Clerh ol 01anc1 County on 11107 OJ 200J .... , ... Daily P1lol Dec 4 II. 18. 2S 2003 Th971 Policy The IOIJowiat .,.,_t ate dolfll bust flt.. H lubtll• lto.u, uao Blaon, Suitt 89497, :;.ego1I Bt1ch. CA All• Petti 1, 1210 Bison, Suite 89497, :;e;gorl 8Hth, CA Tlllt bULllllU IJI COii di;ctell bJ en l11div1<1 ... 1 Have y04I UMted doillt buslneu yelf Ho An.Pel1n Tl11s 1l•l .. •,."I wn hltd will) the County Clelk ol Ounce County on ll/14/0J 1oou .. s100 Dally Pilot Nov 20, l1, Doc. 4, II, 2003 Th948 The followtn1 person• .,. cloln1 business as· Vf.ECC, J28 ~novtt DI Cost• Meu CA 92626 VECCC INC (CA) 328 Heno'ter Dr Coal• Met.I CA 92626 This bUMness IS COft due.led by • torpo .. llOfl Have you tlllf l•d do4n1 business yet? Yes 9 I 03 llfECE INC . Adem Cooke, ClO. Oev1d Cope, CfO This steltmenl was llled with lh• County C.., II ol Or1n1• County on 11/18/0J 200U9U420 0•1ly 1'1101 Nov 20. 71, DK 4 11. 2003 lh934 Rea. ..... ...s...... lhe follow1n1 person\ ete do1<11 bus'"n' H Bristol HHllh S11vlc..e1, 2900 BtlSlol St A 104, Cos I.a Mn •. CA 92626 B•lley T Jewell, DC, 2900 Bflslol St. A104. Costa Mtu, CA 92626 fh1s bu11ness 11 con dueled by en 1ndlv1du•I Hn• you 11.,1ed c1o1na business yet? No Beiley l )ew1tt OC lh" 'l•temenl wn lol@d with the Counly Ciera of Olan1e County on 11/18/03 200J .. U4J7 D11ly Pilot Nuv 20, 27. Dec 4 11.2003 Th9J3 .......... ... s...... Tlwt lollc1o111n, per.on• .tit doJnt buMMU H Jo1tyn lllMH•M* A&ency, 20n Newport 8011le vlff, Sult• 100. Costa ..._._,CA926?1 Cw pry Rolend .loalyn, 1200 Westchlf Dtl••· =orl hec:h. CA 1 hla llu»MH ii Qlll d11eled by' an Mv16ual H.tw you •IMUd doinl IMkLlltHJI ytl? No Crqcw y Roland Joslyn lllls ahteme.nl w•s llled w1lh Ille Cou111y Clierk of Ounp Counly o" 12/02/03 200Ht6•7st Dilly Pilot O.C. 4, II. II, 25, 2003 Th964 Actllll\ ..... ... s...... lh• tollowln1 p«sons ere 6olnt business as· n,. Human (ocha111e M\ls1cel Proa,.ms 852 MectM.in. Cosla Mtte. CA92626 l yler Jetl••Y ltolf, 8!>2 M•t•llan SI Costa Miu, CA 92626 This business 1s con duct•a by •n '"d1vKl~•I Han you sl;uted dolnc bu11nen yet? No lyler llolf This tUl1m1nt WH llled wllh lhe Cuunty Clett. of Oun11e Cuunty on 11/18/03 2001 .. UOJ Delly Ptlol Nov 20. 27 Dec 4. 11 2003 Th9J9 Rem. .... ... s..... The lollow1n1 per•on• are do1n1 bu.,neu n Calehouse. 51 Cle1monl. Newport Cont. CA 92651 Kimberly Rene Choun, S7 Clermont. Newport Co11I. CA 92657 Thi1 bu11nes~ 1s con dueled by •n 1ndMdual Hevt you slar led doma business yet? No Kimberly Rtntt Chozen This \talemenl wa• llled wllh lh• Counly Cler~ of Or a nae County on 11/06/0l 200J .. 6434S Daily Pilot ltov 20. 27. Dtc 4. II, 2003 l h95-4 .......... ........ The l•llo•Nl1 peraons tit Ooifol llVMMu IL Yts1119 ft Hair. 333 [. 17th SI Ste. IS, Coate Meu, CA 92627 Vesuyo Taddat, 16102 Sp1ln1d1I• St. •I. HunliflCtot htdl, CA t264t Tiiis lluJ.lntQ II ~Oft duc:led lly: Ill ~ HeveyovalwtMMllll bu-. ,.11 Yn. ll/ll 03 Yts11yo TIM!dM Tll1s •talelftlfll wn hied wllll lht County Cletll. ol Oranct County on I l/l•J1>3 100HtHOff Delly Piiot Nov. 20, 1:7, Dtc. 4, 11, 2003 Thi46 ~ ..... ...s...... The lol1owln1 penom .,. doin1 bu~ H : Homt Time l1ndln1. 2421 Elden Ave IC, C~t• Meq, CA 92627 I ere Wauncll 2421 £ klt11 Ave IC, Costa Mest.CA92627 lh11 bulllnen IS con· dueled by 1n 1ndtvkluel Heve you alerted cloifl& bu1lnns yel1 No h11Weunch Th11 statement wes 11"4 with the County Clt1k of Or•na• County on 12/05!1)3 JOOH .. 7U4 Daily Pilot Dec II. ll, 2!1 2003. Jan I, 2004 Th980 ~ ..... ...s...... The lollowln1 persons are do1n1 business as· 01amond Oeslcn. 2030 Quail, Newport Buch, C~92660 Goora• F11111, 91 Pehun Cou1t, Newport Beach, CA 92660 lh1s bualntss 11 con du<.ted by· •n Individual Hive you 1ter led doln& bu1lness ytt7 No Geora• F 111•1 This statement wes flied with the County Clerll. of 01an1e County on 12/0'.)/03 200H .. 72JS Daily Pilot Dec 11, 18, 25. 2003, un I. 2004 Th979 ......... ... s...... Tiit folowlnc l*tona •r• clolnt lluslneu " Scott &annon Come>•ny, :u20 North low• str .. 1, Costa lllesa, CA 92626 Scott Garmon, 3220 North Iowa Street. Coste Milsa, CA 92626 Thll IMtsintH 11 COft dueled by: en lndl'lfidual Haff you slMled clolnt bualnesa yel? Yes, 01/ 01/2003 Scott Gttmon This 1t1temtnt wn filed with lht County Clerk of Oran1• County on 11/21/03 200J .. UH2 D•lly Pilot Dtc 4, II. 18, 25, 2003 Th960 ......... ........ The lollowma peraon1 ar• doina bu11nen as Tere1e's Creations. 22472 Sunhehl C•ffk, lake Forest, CA 92630 Terese A Wheel, 22472 Sunllcht Creek, Lalla f0tHt, CA 92630 Thi• business Is con· dueled by: •n Individual H•~ you slerled do1n1 business yel? Yes. 10/1/ 03 Terna A Wheal This 1lateme"I wn hied w1U• lhe County Clerk of Otani• Counly on 12/02/03 200J6tH7SI Deoly Pilot Dec 4, ll, 18,25.2003 Th968 How to Place A Ai-. ..... ........ lht followln1 11«1son1 .,. dolnC buainess .. RM. Mllhllnt 9118 Molt RI-Cir., Founl•ln V111ty, CA 92708 Ryt11 M1Nt111 Mellwn. 9118 Molt River Cw , rount•ln Valley. CA 92708 Thb business 1$ con· dueled by-an lnd1vldu1I Have you ahw111d doln& busln"s yet? No Ryen M1rtkt Mattern This •t•temtnt was filed with the County Clefk of Oren&• County on 12/02/03 JOOU .. 6791 D•lly Piiot Dec 4, 11. 18,25,2003 fh976 fkllm ..... ... s...... l he lollowina persons •rt 6o1n1 business u lsl•nd Vtew Mobile liome Pu\, 1660 Whitt...-Ave. Costa Men. CA 92627 Rlcherd Co•nell. 1806 Marap•I• Dr . Corona del Mar. CA 92625 l hit business Is con ducted by· an 1nd1vidual H1we you started dome buslneu yet? Yes, 1958 Roch•rd C0tnell Th11 stelemenl w.- hled with the Count r Clerk ol Orenae County on 12/02/03 200HtH7H Deily Pilot Dec: 4, 11. 18. 25, 2003 Th974 CLASSIFIEiAD The followtna f>t(M1111 v1 "1in1 bu~111tia1 ea: RR. ltulll.ow Ill Con 1tr 11cllon. llS61 e1am'.,cy Or , Sent• An• CAt1706 ltenald ftwthw,kl, 1_,.? Ora1mc1 DI' • Sanb AM .. CA 9270!> lhla llldinetl It COf'l-Mted lly en lndlvldwal Have ~ swted cloinC 1111~ 1etf Yn, 1971 Ron•ld Ruti.ow\111 Th1t lllttmefll WH Iliff With lht County Clerk of Oranc• County Oii l~/OJ teoJ6H71JI Dally Plfol Dtc 11 18, Zb, 2003, J.in I, 200'4 Th982 .... ..... ...s...... lhe followln& ptflOll• 111 dolDJ bua'lnen et, La Plefrt lnt•pr1tlftf• HH C•mpua • l2 , l'ttwp6rt Bttch. CA ttt60 fr .cy L• "''" Z&40 g:~wpcwl i11<h, This bllslfttu It con ctuc:tad by· _. lmllv~l ... .,,. you stetted dol"I b-yett VH. I 1·26-30 fracy L• ,...,,. This statement wH l11ff •1\tl Ille County Clerlt of Ot•nae County on 12/02/03 100, .... 745 Dilly. Pilot Dec:. 4, J}.: 18, 25, 2003 Thlll>:> STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • The lolowlnc l*IO•• 111 dolll& -UMMU ·~· Unlverul Boat Palntins. 34()1) 1038 Vie Opofto ~;63ort 8t1<1h, CA London Could, 3400 1038 vi. Oporto. New port Buch, CA 92163 Thia --ii (Oft ducted lly an lndW>dual Haw ~ started <lloinl buslneu ,..n Yes. II/ 03 London Could Th11 st•temenl WH f!Md "'Ith tlM County Clefll of Orert1e County on 11/14/03 200J6 .. S094 Dally ,.1101 Nov. 20, 27. Dec:. 4, II , 2003 Th944 1"" U:J ~mwrt., tht O;ulJ l'llct o ,tLJJ<J /JI 11t"'1•lllr" """sm-i« _ ,,.,,J,Mt,. -""'- ll't i..JJ-SE.ARCH tk ~for!"' Ill 111cxrradt.lrrr.1JIJ """ l"' tht """,,,.J tlit m/ • w Cnn Hou'" Sin11 .Aiw. Thm. l{<tlflN. 1fer tltt u11rrh u rrlf'rpltW rw r.11/ fik rr jimlt#flS hwrMV '"""' r11lnlt'lll 111th Jx UwlflJ CJM. pMbiJsh Olfet I 11.lftt for fo11r ltlftb tlJ frfiumf"' /,,w IM Ihm fik JOM' proof ef pu;lu'1Jl11 wah tht UM"'J Clcrl f'kw swp "7 to filt.10ror fim111111J b1U1llltl 111t1111111u1M11 a1 tht D"1y Pi/cJ, _uo w. &, SI. DJIU MM. If JO" (/llflllll Jtop "'pk« c.U II.I" (949) 6424321 Ind,.., Wiii llUlit ,,,.,,K"""'ts for JO" to hllllilt this promlurr b] m1.il If Jill' shou/J J,n., '"1 forrkr '{watio111, /k~ (/,u 11.1 aAi"" wiU bt """ th.i11 f/,J lo illil>f ]OIL flOINi fiKt Ill 'JOllT 11tW bws1MJ! ____ Deadlines ---Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm Rates and deadhnes are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, rcv1M: or rcjCCt any classified advertisement. Please repon any errof tha1 may be lO your classified ad immediately. The L>aaly P1loc occcp~ no liability for any error In an advertisement for whic h it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be uJlowcJ for the first insert.Jon. By Fax By Phone (949) 642-5678 Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm By Mail/In. Person: (949) 631-6594 cl'k-a_"" include>""' namr and rt><inc numbtt anJ ... II Yll ~'"' had "'uh 1 pr1« qUOI~ l Telephone 8:30am-5:00pm Monclay-Fnday Hours Index 330 West Bay Strrc1 CoslB Mesa. CA 92627 Al Newport Blvd. & Bay St Walk-In R:30am-5:00pm Monday-Friday Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1 o H>-1770 --... ~ ~ ... GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAi. Col1ldlblel/ M1morlbllla 1180 fOfl $S 4 ttlCODS ITC -a..lc. De. SJs 6 D a Mac.~. Ult~ Miki 949.545.7505 BfTERTAMBIT ClllMIJ°of &11111 1311 EQllM- Oft!OllmY All real estate •dllerlla lt1t 111 thl• n•wtP'C* II 111tl,IKI to llle f tdet fl ''" HouMflC Act ol 1161 u ernenlltd which m••H It 11111•1 lo ad¥enJM •1ny pref• enc•, llmlt1t1011 or dbot111111t11t1011 b111d en 1eee1.col0r. 1t1W10n. "' h•~•· ' mlial ''''"' or n1Uilfl•I otltlfl, tr en lfltlfltfOll ,. ..,.... ,,,, MKh PftftHMt. llmtll tton or d1terlrnlnahon.• lllloa MW141111* Wi41 "OI •nowln~ ecc-.it •tty adffttl ment f0r real tattlt whic h I• In 11lolltion of the law. Our tttdtn att llertllW i.tlot!M41 11111 •ff dw.11 ...., t4*11Md ltl Uli• ... .,...,., tt• l'lfttl.tlllt , tfl N -.ial otlPtrlVftlty MM& Te cOfftplata ol dtt et.,_..i.n, ul HUD &ol ,, .... l 800 424 IWJ SEll your stuff ttroueh cl11slfiedJ 2SOS.24t0 Older s~ Furniture PtAHOSi~ ......... ,........ ·-·-·~-... CA8M ftAtO ... --·--.. IWYISTATU .............. .......,,_ COtJSIGNMFrJTS I ' Sill your unwtnlad ll•m1 lhroulflt claullltd I ESTATE R SAU Pm Offm VIC1llS 1111 YOll llBPt 400 AHIMALS RCSCIJ{D WITH l'tO OWHf RS MONEY DONMIONS HUMANI SOCllTY C/OPAWS 240 E HICHLAlfD SAN BERNARDINO CA, 9('4(M oua SIASON Prtvwt.hdt"-t'-1 a.ti •woa l/111 from Ntwpott 8HCll f II.ti lent huntlna •dlnent lo 1t•tt "''14"fowt "'""· own.,ahlp lnllftsl &i •PPfO• 375 ecrea or l•nd & l'"t)fOYtrnetlb • YOllt own camp cOf!IC)Ound w /1lrt1c ture end 2 lnlfen Woncler lvl fr I nl(tl1 BBQ'• & wlnt teatlna dut1n1 duck "•ton • m•nw ulr•il Idell few 2 ft i.n• or father 6 IOll C•U Miiie •t 31G.541 ·0M4 OWL.eta .. Haa •xplNdl EVERYTPll#Q llUIT SOI "°" Yt ...... llrlft ..... 870 W. 17th St. lf-.2, Costa Mesa (nt1r eomerOf Pomona• 17th) ()penTUes,Wld.n.t 10Ml·3'11n 8497~9108 .. . .. ----lllS-&510 soos.saso Gnni TOClllMlrclwn 3135 AnnoMrlcernllD 1110 0 MC MISCWMEOUS W11Uld !1111 to conlect 1 :lr:1r~ '-MERCHANDISE aonprltlnt f169111'1l. In •· carrylns QM, lnnct ..__. . ....__. ellhtf l>lues, jaU, SWlfll MW S2ID MJ.J'S9.-0l31 -- Of P119, II you ere, Mild .......... a1i5 Phone I ot m11lln1 · lddfm, wh«ll you may HOME J..Sflll IUIUMHS bt CCl"lacted, to D l Ray J61l6, 50al0, 70al 50 c/o D M Adams. 1590 RJRllSHINGS ,..wl Ntvlf Dthver1dt ~ Ave Costa Mell, hy aoo.....H-1760 CA 92626 3lG6 QUllN MATTllSS SP ()1lqJldc, '""° -slll II ,.._ wt-or Sec SlCll l :mkr the Sen ire DirL'Clor~ J;i.tllllL'I' Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week POr Only $32 per week ( 4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Oll:eaai.-• Coronadtl Mir CM •fflce wlltet, l0t H(W US TINGS rent l ZX 12. p11ci•lly CONDO Jbr • dtn & 3 S fur"· areal FWY ecctss b• frOftl brand new So $420/mo 714 641 8600 ol the hwy $1.450.000 OMc.e 1n pron soot.; rempllonj IE.. hi .. -. OUPUl lbt lbe & 2br 2ba Cornet No of hwy $1 450.000 Owner/A&tnl llOO 640 66111 MISCB.WEOUS RENTALS YIML Y OCIANRIONT 28', 28a. .. -cerpet/ RmlToSbn a ==~~ U4e W. wet.m-t 2llr Coram....,. u- 2b1 home la hvrm w/tp, - -'tltW parll1n1 $2500/mo ••t-122-11 17 U4e Isle weterf..-t dtwe 2br 2be llo"" 11 llvrm w/lp, pvt b•lh $1000/mo ~9·322· 1111 c1.... a .... 1 406 Htltotrope (Front Cot l ... ). COM, 2bcl, Iba. .,.,., kitchefl a bath, Ip, lwdwd fir in LR l/c pr, sn.ed W,1> 714-336-9800 ~·s. 3110 -mllMS" c:andllvtr~ CMlnY $I.DOH llO Sold WOlld. brwld -In boa mutt -Wor1tl m>-.IZIO~ -aecurt blda; neat Nif. ..,...,...-------from S700 949-756 6258 AOVERTISINO STArE 3bt 2.Sba condo w/loftl olfic1, caled comm. 2 c ell a ch I". $399,000 Broker Unique Rul h t•t• M9 12!1 0800 Nl/Oc-View •- 0cHnhonl/22nd. Prl· vete rm, unlu1n, ahert be. 111111 pakl. n/111'111, ••tchenett1, lnclry, lb• to Ktwport pier, S730m Call S.m 949 271 7905 (l>tl•M" 9am !!pm). w. ..... ... ....... u .. .. ~::i;;:.:;: WW., 1111& ,.,.. & c-.c.-..... Old OolMI Gold, tllver, ·-··~ -jtwllry, ••tel*. llf)tiqum _ .... .;..... ... """""""------tcilltclilllla 949-642·9448 IUCUI t 11 LUt't Unu1tal11llt• H1Pt1tnl ht OWnw• Need Help. Wtll M•nllered Adult C•la • OIW 0op MM ,,.. '"'-Moc>t Adult An~ thll ll!llHI JO ct•r 11blr11 ,.olltr. WWW IHlif'IWnttwtrli Grl WI0£1 Cal·SCAN UVH you tilM end money 200 Community neon· P'I*' Readl over 5 lllllllon Cellfo1nl1n1 1450 for 1 2f>.worll •d Cell tlllll local perllcl patina newtptl>tf tor more lnformellon www.ctl •can c:o111 (CAL •SCAfil) •l lntlfntl Ft1nch1M opportunlt~ lo tho•• loolllnl to worll ''* pencttntly SIK lnv•I 11141111 rtQllltlcl. lncludft lrelnfna end ·~· lot' f,.nchltu wotld•lll• T .. hH l· ..... 51.e717 4740 NEW MEXI CO MOUNTAINS 140 AC Onl) $49,900 (•djletnf lo Nation•! f&rut) lkeutllul land. eb1in· dent wlldlll1. 11ut 11ttlnt· Y .. r round m1lnt~d rolld. heel ''"' flnenclnrt C•ll 866 zoz.9711 (CAt •SCAH) S01 ...... ......... ••-..n .~,... • ... ,.,._, :.>bf 1 5111 no ,,.is $1 lf6/ono lfim lr¥lnt A'll •l ~m~.203 fUllTU IOot CAMPVS Y1IW llOAOMOU 3 llOnlH 3 ft •br '549,000 SGl!l,000 $624,000 Owner /Aatnl IOO 640 fl681 STIADA tt Wltllltl' "' Jbr d#ll mstr, J Sb• lllOOll, 'lytr•Vttlu .. TM WWW.¥U•flOm1•,Clftl 11,670.000 ~o-. M9 &l7 O*> ottHlf•llT coeeoo 3'lr .Jt>a plelf com"'. ntw C1NPl\/p1tnt Owner/Apnt llOO 640 &66' ·~ ., ••• l.t¥1ly 01hd COl!IM, n11r l r lenclt Squer 1, hf l IHI W/Pf. frta. l lOM, lbf 1111 W/p11Jo, Cal p01 t, ''°' ... "" "'*· .. lltld, IUtln Pb:4w• In·~ bllll> l ... CMM .... , Ilk• ~-2W 1 5'• toW11 "-•tyle ~ lldtll 111/b/IM ......,.1411 ......,,., u-... 2br ~ newe1 Catf>et, 1>•11 a Ille 2 c tandem tar. wclhk ups. q t 949 293 4630 UOO ISU STUOtO \ l •rae closet & balh, UllllY UpoMire, $1000m Alt 949-4/!1 6161 . l va11ry k . lbr penthw condo views Wi iii to beach. w/d. wood llf$ $1450/mo 949 722 ll314 Yearly 21r. lie, steps to beach. $1!100/mo Associated Re•lty 94t-O J-36U P-1......&o lbt lb1 P•tlo, ,.,.place, shared w/d hkupa, l car caf aae A.et $1500/M0949 293 4630 ()l The lldd.ty Mn a. 2!18 ""' ~ din ..... !illlnld ilXDlll cdlilb• ISXJ pt lllliO Q.D45i7] 0<•-Vlew 11r lie b1and newl 1-c aar. all new $1650mo Auouat ed Realty 949 67l 3663 YIAal Y OCIANfllONT Available nQw • $1675m Anoctaled Really 949 613·366 l 8-1 Jbr 2.Sbl aim... l lby,2c ... stinqom 11.w, ~ ~ lllllikllJldl~-3. ~7U-CZ}ZIQ5 .... ~ Oil CllMll lbr 2bt, I CM ......... I&, ~ --$ZllX> u. lba JM ~ luld ta.. $JIXXI Avail 81 I 949-1?2·9/«il Jbr 2ba UPP•I l•V~f bitylrunt unit panud S\ylt, &rl VU, 1 C i•lf, •rt suoo 949 29J 4631 EMPLOYMOO, AGENCY, AHO RESUME SERVICES Employment Services '•l•tlna 2 ,,,_ler bdrm oulln . Idol IO<. w11hm &Aled commurnly, h&ht & briahl. ll 795/nm year tun. A.al 949 632 2.890 •••ANNUUNC£MENT••• Hrrtn1 IOI 20031Pu,l.il 21r Illa,,_~ posillons Federal hHe 2.1.¥ e;aroee. bidr.y;Jrd, l/2 $l5.~ $3900•/hr Nu bltd lo ~. l1"IJSt ,. .uper1ence necesury $111XVmo 96.278-7!n> QI (nlly level w1lh r ult ~ 9lnt'6pm Ol't/ Benehts Paid tr11n1n1 c .. 11 7 day\ for mlo loll tree (877)329:5268 [ Jt Ill (C~·SCAH) $SOO elf h t -: 2br 2ba nr NP plir <br lo ~ & •~.it. fp. I c pr wd, $11Dl 9'19 ~ •. 21/..._ I ear 1 uwpon. \400,,.1 ,,.,. <OllP & crpt 3 W>n<koo~ crt $1900/mo /14 390 'i8IO Employment 8500 Mooliol frmtcib~ fur busy C ndoc r1nufuay vlli<e in N~wpor I Blh f ~• resur~ 949 64!> 8856 1.,, . hiUJ -.."4 .. .,fo-""'i. . ,,,..., ,..,,,,,. .. ,.;. YMCA of Orange County WORK WITH CHILDREN! PT ,-.acher/ Anletant Poaltlona lmrnecflate ~lot cu~ #Id lfler school program centn loaded at elementarY school sltes throuQhout the central County Must be over 18. Teachers require 6 -12 units io tunan devetopment, physical educatlon, art °' music. Child Care Assistants, no eicpenenc::e necessaty. We oH~ oompebtlve pay. YMCA Membetshlop, paid time f()( training and growth opportunity. FOC' more inforJnatJon or to apply online, VISit www.ymcaoc.org. Fax resume to: 714-1!31-6480 By email ~to O!CGltBffbmcaoc.oet. Bridge By CHARLES GOREN w1th OMAR SHAAtF Md TANNAH HIRSCH lWO f l'AlW MAGIC w11.sr • 9 SJ 6 96H •JY74.\ NORTII .. ,.. Q87 87J • 8652 ~ ~, •KJIUl K S2 "J ,., • KQ IU SOUlll •AQ6 AJ !0943 AQ 4 •A IJtdcs fr11m thh dcparoni:nt t<or thJu CWttnL1 to auoooect. Solltb Will need a littla brlp f1'0l'll paztDft' It Solilh dou- blei ooe oo tntmp mi lhe b1Jd1na cnch lhcfl!, declarer 1Nill be In b.id Mupc after the lt'ld ur the j1ek of llcw1~ l'llcn: ·~ al'Wlly lUJlC 10 ''\)41) nut IQ four hi:;ut\ -~ddS8trn --------INT 4 Wc..i !00 llie lvur 111 dub!> With the bllJUu" 11Wl't.IH¥ ~ IUf Jll lhr 1111~ ing huoor ~al\l,, 11.:\:hm:r 11111uld e11hi:r 1k.X,'\l I.las• lo llrulll. u cuuplr of ~uil• for hun or rux1 " w.iy 10 n:a.:b du1111ny Sit1Lc thc form1:r lilll.lo unlikl~ I)', Uo.lastt ~oukl hllH'. lO i.k~etop durmny emrie.' In r act. C<lll!fu I i:xau1 U\illlOll ol the 'pol card. n:veakd lhal ~WU llOCJUSlMe, but two entries to dummy. Declarer w011 with the ace ol d ub> perforce and immediately led 11 low trump IO the \C\c!n. E:bt won w11h lb: king (dueling would nol h11~c helped) and returned the kinii of club\. Dccl&tcr carcfull) ruffed h1t!h and, by leading a low hcll.r1 10 1.hL· ciaJit, IQCticd lhc bible IO lllk\· the ~ 11~ The (jUC!CD ol ~..,,, scrvad as the re-<nuy for a d1.tm1111J lin1mc. and South IMI l)nly one 1nck in each wit Clll'Cpl cM1'. · Au1omoblles IMW '01 Z'J <evpe, J 0, !>spd 2311 nu lull l~ll wan anty s1l~e1 /bllo. tth1 CD. mnr I 191n wllh. beaullluf like new cond Im d .. 11 v99!>6i'l S?4.99!> llh• 96-'J86. 1888 www.ocpobl • ...., ---__,_ - Co41h c '98 Cotero SOit m1, blk blk llhr blk c1rrt•ae rnul, Bo~e CO. 1111 lrn. chnn whls. told pka book~ •ttord•. hlo.e nrw $879'> Y~~/781 Blu 949 SU-1881 www.ocpolol.com Chevrolet '99 M-t• Car lo 2dr coupe, V6, :JOI( A~tual ml. s1lver/111 een mdalltc, CD. buutiful hke n•• cond, $6895 v81'491 81u ~-U!88 ---~ c .... ett• '92 c ..... While, or111naf owner low 1ni. 11111n•culale c 111tl1 Sl'>OOO '>622ll~ll7 GMC s .,rburbo,. LU 2500, 4wd IOI< • 1m, aold ldll ""' .tra ·~··· su,,,.., h or.a c.oud SI l 99':. v~5l46 I Bkr 949·516-1888 www.ocpobl.<------ SELL your stuff through classified! AUtMA4 '00 Black. W/IJ•Y inl• 11Votl02 Ols(ou11ted IMWJH lo 'tt Blac·k, tin 1nlt1 1\19978 Mu~t Sell IMWS211 'tl Brootr tan inl•r tV!>A97 Musi Self IMW SSOl'OI White Ian Must Set BMW !>4()1 '99 BllM. IHY 1n\" 11/21 ll Mu)I Sell BMW 740u1 ·oo Brunze/bn 191S8 Dt~'ounted IMW 74010 '00 Bl1clr.. t111 inter •V9435 Discounted BMW /40tl '01 lltu~/e•ey •l84J Musi See I MW 74011 '01 Sliver .111ey •V~ GrulBuy .... Opcmng 1pt1· Four of• Be very cMCful of g1v111t• .in •lJ!tn ion of 11 lmllll ~h1.'n: thc '>pol ~W\ls !Ill'. tt~ottd "mpl) b)' .in .. ,· II can l:Olk:e.11 J ""'"""'lC line. Sou111·, lkcl\1011111 hlll lciur ~art\, while 'wu.J100.. ~Imp i:,cl\ no act.'0- J..-r '00 S T'i'pe J .O v6, l!>k mt, full la~• wau sllvt1r /ualn1-0dl flh•, mnrl. CO manto1y plla. ~dul hht new unrn..t ""° cond. S23,495 vi 752262 Blir 949-!186 1888 ---~··-,.,._ '94 XJ6 V ........ Pin melatllc red l•n llh1. be•ulllul u• ic•nal tond , musl ue lo •pprec1a1e. a•ra1ed, non smkr. S699!> v 70?.5 71 Bkr 949 !186 1888 www.ecpobl.<..., COVI MOTOllfG '01 •MW7fOC Spurt Sllvc1, 5\k ml (19849) S37.980 '00 O..t1rol.t Cor- t1ette White. Only 7k mL (197761) $34,980 '00'-X«• <...v. Black, Only 811 ml (19818) $41,980 '" J-. ctMr.4 .. Cla1nl A Ste1ll ( 198081) $'9,910 'Of kw• SC4MI Silver, I 4k ml BMW /40\I OI Joguor Xfl '99 lll11~ tan (19897) $49.980. 'ttM""'•"--CutJ10 Wll1le.11rry •V/94/ Ol\101111lttl e l9'il Grut Buy Chev Tehoe '02 Bla<k, arey IV4367 Creal Buy H-1oy Dov , .. 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