HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-12 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilot• a1 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2003 KENT TREPTOW I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa High students Joseph Powers, 1 7, left, and Ted Lee, 14, center, watch the launch of one of their gliders, done with the assistance of classmate Jeremy Appleby. Joseph and Ted won the glider contest held at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. Doesn't take a rocket scientist In an science competition, a glider built by a Costa Mesa High student beats out one built by engineers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory M•rlsa O'Neil Daily Pilot I t isn't every day that high school students beat out NASA rocket scientists. California schools, but gliders built by JPL engineers. "lt's not that we're suddenly smarter than all the people who built the Mars Rover." Steve Nelson, who teaches the class. said. "But we've been doing this over and over. ffhe engineers! put theirs together in a few hours and didn't really test it. M But last week at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's annual Invention Outllenge Competillon. students in Costa Mesa High School's Mathematics, Engineering, Science Achievement class hit the mark - or closest to the mark -with a glider they designed. Their entry not only beat out other Southern Measurement and repetil1on. he stressed, are the secrets of effective engineering. Every student In his class designed a SCOTT ROBY I O~Y Pit.OT see SCIENTIST, Paae A4 Student Joseph Powers watches the launch of his gttder. THINKING ALLOWED Burciaga s back in town LOLITA HARPER and future commissioner about her plans to pursue a seat on the Qty Council, she chuckled. "I have some ldeas about that," she said. "I have some plans about running. It is definitely something l want to do." Ah hah. So, was her posturing on the park.a commission a calculated move to elevate her status 1n the community and therefore make her a stronger cand1date for a council run In 2004? "I don't see it that way." Burclaga said. "I was really surprised when Ubby asked me. I didn't even know anyone was leaving." Burciaga said Cowan approached her. expressed conftdence in her qualifications for the position and asked If she would consJder stepping Into Feldman's vacancy. Burciaga saJd she thought about It and realized It ren 1n line with a lot of what abe had been doing in the community already, in regards to after school facllitles and such. It also happened to be a step in the right direction toward becoming an elected official, she admitted. Cowan's answer on Burclaga's appointment demonstrated the councilwoman's political savvy. Did she strategically appoint Burciaga to eJevate her &tatus in the community and make her a stronger candidate for a coundl run1 •Absolutely," C.owan said. Cowan, who wW be termed out In 2004 and leave an empty seat on the dais. sald 8he saw Bwctaga as a "rising star in the community." Her ... ALLOWED, Pas• M The reque.t, approved by the board of dire<:ton on Wednes· day. calla for a multifamily rental project containing a minimum ot 250 units. The district plans to lease the land on the comer of Adams Avenue and Plnecreek Drive near OCC. ber Walt Hawa.ld said. "We put (the project! In a posl· tlon where it's between the de· ~loper 8J1d the city, and that's appropriate because that's the city's jurisdiction," Howald l&ld. Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON TIE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ Mostly tunny skies today and cool t.mperaturM. SeePqeA2 The' board waa poised to select a bidder ln November, but chose to abandon the pIOceu and •tart ~ cftlng uncleun• and con· tu.ion in the ttqu t. It will now be up to d4Mloper1 to dedde how many •pe.rtm~nta thf:y want to build and whether they want to exceed tbt cuya mufrnum denaJty, board mem· The original request asked de- velopers to d gn an apartment project wtth at least 304 unJta on a lot of lndeftnJte size, deacrlbed as a mlnlmum of 12.14 acres and a maximum of' 13.n aaa. ThJt caused confusion. llnce devel- opers based their projects on dU'· ferent size Iota. ijowald aa.ld In November. 1 ) ,~ .. SM APMftENT, P .. e M SPORTS COit.ii M.., High glria' toeeer ttlt• on lntlne. S.Pq1A9 1..J ' Upper Newport Bay to be restored A $1.2.5-million grant from the California Coastal Conservancy means work may start by fall of 2005. Alicia Robinson D~ily Pilot NEWPORT BFACH -The California Coastal Conservancy announced on Thursday that it will giye the county a $12.5-milllon grant that will allow the res· toration of Upper Newport Bay to begin. Design of the project, now underway, should be completed by September 2004. with construction beginning m fall 2005. said Donald Spencer, the project manager for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. "We're very excited," Orange County coastal engineer Susan Brodeur said. "We're trying to keep the project on crack. and this really helps.· Restoration of the 1,000-acre bay will in· volve dredging more than 2 million cubic yards of sedJment from two basins in lhe bay. dredging and deepenlng channels in the bay and creating a new island for least terns, which are endangered birds, Spen· cer said. The bay is the largest tidal wetland in See BAY, Pa1e A4 CITY HALL Council endorses El Morro park The resolution is a surprise, as Newport leaders seemed against a state park where mobile homes now sit. June Cau1r•nde Daily Pilot NEWPORT Bf.ACH -In a tum of events one participant described as "the most dramatic thing 1 think I've ever seen in a council meeting," the Qty Council, which was leaning toward opposing a state park plan for El Morro Village, made a U·tum on Tuesday and came out in sup- port of removing the mobUe homes there and returning the area to the public. The decision came at the same time as a similar U·tum at the county level, where an item on Tuesdays Board of Supervisors agenda to regulate camping near schools was removed &om the agenda before the upcoming meeting. The ordinance would have prohibited camping within 1,000 feet of a school Be· cause the state Parks Department's plan for El Morro Includes a campsite less than 1,000 feet from El Morro Elementary School, the county move would have had SM El MORRO, Pqe M I 12. 2003 • Daily Ploc ON THE ~TER STEVE Mcawf( I DALY Pl.OT Barry levy is the new commodore of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club in Corona del Mar. At the helm Deep• Bhar•th Da1tyP1lot B Mry Levy hrs1 i.1epped Into the Bahia (.onnthian Yacht Qub when hi~ son DJv1d took a beginner's 'laJling dass there. ·Now, it"s a 'crnnd home to me,· i.aid the 53 yt•ar-old Newport Beach resident. who ht" laken the helm as the club's new commodore Levy became,, mt>mb~r lZ years ago Since then, ht• has chaired numeroui. club committee' and participated 111 a variety of eve111i.. I le wok over as commodore dunng a ceremony on Sunday. This Is an oppunun11y for him to make the club's vision a realh y. Levy said. MOur board jui.t finished a strategic plan for the club slatml( wha1 we want to achieve In the next 20 years.· he said. WHArs AFLOAT • WHArS AFLOAT is pubhshed periodically. tt you are planning a nautlcal event, submit the lnfonnation to tho Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Co81a Mesa. CA 92627; by fax to (949) 6404170; or by e-mail to dailyp1/ot~lat1mes com SPECIAL EVENT The Newport Herbor Neutic:al MuMtJm will have an exhibn opening for "Hooked: The Lure and Lore of SPort Fishing.~ at the Grand Salon from 10 a m to 5 p.m through Feb. 29. The museum is at 151 E. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. Information: (9491673-7863, http://www.nhnm.org. SAILING CLASSES Saltinv Fncinatk>n offers dau. In bolting safety and sa1hng year-round for persooa with d1sabllities. Free. (949) 640-1678. <>nine-County emptoyeB c:an bring th.ir employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orengo Coast College. The SdlOOI of Salllng and Seamanship now offers a dlance for groups to worlc with the on-board Instructor on different salllng tectiniqoff Barry Levy takes over as commodore of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club On top of that list are capital improvement projects such as upgrading outside dining areas and doing additional 1>oundproofing inside to enhance acousrlcs. he said. "We also want to encourage our m~mber'i to use their boats more often and to be active on the water," he saJd. The dub will also continue Its efforti to gi~e back to the community, Levy said. "For four years, we've had the Leukemia Cup regatta, and for all those years, we've been among the four top money-raising clubs in the country," be said. The club'~ future, however. lays with the "junior sailors," Levy said. while they get advloe on how lo perform well in business. No salllng experience necessary. One-day d..._ cost from $100 to $125. (949) 646-9412. Orange Coast eo..a.·1 Khool of Niffng and seamanship will offer a five week noncredit Introduction to Shields sailing class from 9:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. Jan. 11. 18 and 25 and Feb. 1 and 8 at OCC's sailing center m NewPort Bead\. The cost la $120. lnfonnatlon· (949) 64&-9412. BOAT RENTALS Wh:h Manna Wa~ at the Balboa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiencet from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bey in your c:tlolce of Power end sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells In a Sea-doo jetboat, put you sport-fishing skills to the test In a fully equipped Boston whaler. or aoer above it all on a parasail ftlght along the Newport coast. Complimentary lee and beverages are included with all electric boat rentals. Balboa Boat ~tlllt can put you on U\• water In many ways: with alngle and double kayaks, electric boats. 14-holder .. uboeta, pedal boats and n.inabouta for offshore UH or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentala "We're going to Invest more in equipment and coachlng staff," he said. Last year, for the first time, the club hired two Instructors from UC Irvine. "We're definitely going to do that again this year, because mingling sailing and academics puts the whole thing in perspective for the kids," he said. In his 1>pare time, Levy enjoys cruising to Catalina In hls 42-foot sailing yacht. Sun Dance. His wife, Nancy, Is also active in the club as an advisor for the junior sailing prognm. Above all. the commodore says he has enjoyed the camaraderie and the friendships be has made In the club over the years. · "This is a club where you have people from all walks oflife," be said. "There are people from different income levels. It's a very, very friendly atmosphere where people accept you and welcome you." alao holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays. nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt pac:bgea Include boata. trivia questions, maps, Polaroid cameras and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is available at en additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949167J.7200. Electrk boat ...m.a. a,. available by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beac:tl. AU boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are tuggested. An hour rental Is S75. (949) 645-6812. ,..,.. bon, electric bom, boogie boanta. kayaka, Inflatable rafta, catamarans, beac:tl furniture and wetlt.llts are available for rent at Retort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (949) 729--1160. Gondola toun.,. o«.ted by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8 . The S75 colt Includes a basket of bread, dleose, aalaml, Ice. glassn, a blanket music and a Polaroid picture. Wine la also available. (IMS) 676-1212. ~ Copyright No l'l4Mt ltoriel, Dail Pilot Marti C. Du&tln, Don Leed\, lllustrebonl, edltorl•l tNtter or Kent l\"eptow a<1Vertl1ementt herein can be ~Without written MAD£RS HOT\.IHE permls&ion of 00C>Vri9ht owner. (9491 &42«l86 VOL. 97, NO. 346 Record your com"*'"' •bout the HOW TO REACH US Delly P1loc ot newt llJ». ClnUet.lon ntOMAStl~ NeWIEdlton ~ The Times O..enge County Publlaher Gin• Alexander. Lorf AnderlOn, Our ecld,.. It 330 W. Bav St., Com TOM'DOO~ (800) 2524141 [dllor Oenlel Hvnt. "'411 Slltowltz, Mau, CA 82627 01fiot hours .re AcMl1iall11 J\ltl'( oe'r11"Q 0..-W.IS!rlene Mondav • Frfdev. 1:30 e.m .• & p.m. au.med 19481842-6878 A=-'.;J:i-;r HrwtSTAIF Conecdoltt ~ 19491 &42-4321 O...,.IMrath It la the Pilot'• policy to promptly Edltortet PfomotJOnl Olr9CUlt Crtme end cov11a nipo111r, DOn'9Q ell "'° ... of aubai.noa. New9 IMil &1'M228 P'8Me call 19491 ~4. (~1642-6680 EDmN0 STAR dMl(.¥,bluHattt•t.t1,,,.oom ~1949157~23 a.Le. Ju!MC1111rwldt M , .._. fu 19491646-4170 ~ng£dlt0f, N~ Bueti NPQttar. TM~~~ 8'ofta .... (9491860-0170 '~ (~157~ o.lty Piiot (USPS 1C.WOOI i. E-fMI: <»11yp11«•11n1,,,.. oom a./ Cllhn• i..1,.,,.. com Juno c.uo,.no.•i.t1mflll,,oom publletled deity. In Ntwp0n Beed\ MMIOlkle C.....OMllM ....... Oltot 19481642-4321 aty(dl90f Lolt.e...,., and Cott• Meu, aubtctlptlona ere .......... (9481831-7129 (Ml~ Cofumni.t, CUltUf9 ~ availtble only by IUblerlblng &o The dttitM#t::.,•:::;:-com '("8)5?~1 Tlmee ()ijnge CountV 1800) 6pof'la Edllor, loHr&hMpet•IMlnt#.oom 252-1141. In .,....~of mt me a "'915?4~~ o.e.e.NewlMR Newport leed'I and eo.. Mm. rldwfJ.duM•11111nl8&(!0m Cota MeM repofW, (lilt) t74-4i:n .utlecflptjont to IN o.ftv Pilot ere CdllUifr• ... ,, ...... dllrdr&.~•i.timlli.com ev11lebl4I oti.ly by rtl'M cl ... mall ror M OinlCllW I~ 0... Oltef. ....... OWil S30 per monch. (f"rio91 include II fl\ibClthed by llmee Community IMl16~ EdUcatlon ~. 11411 ~ ~--.no local 111 .... , ~ aanlQl•l.amt&oom me(fN .,,,.,,.~ POSTMASnA: s.nd lld<naa ~.a dlv9iotl of d'le Loe~ .-.~ u. ..... d'lengte 10 The N9wpolt Tl1n19 PhOto Editor, ~--IManc.1 ... 16~ (8491 *-4361 l1J/c.PlffM1.'41tlmea com ~ MeM 09lty Pi10t.. P.O. C2ooa ll!MI CN. All {iehts 1t~ mcu•nk•lltlrr># oom IO• 1INIO, Cotte Meee, CA 92926. ~. THE HARBOR COLUMN Ready for the parade A hoy. side or the stem. Next Wednesday is the start of the Newport Harbor Qui.sun.as Boat Parade. and It will be the first time in decades that I will miss the start -or oot70n Wednesday. 1 am MIKE Do not hesitate to hail a larger vessel, especially a charter vessel, to let the sldpperknowthat you are dose on the starboard side. not certain of the larger vessels intentions or to request passing (inland rules?). Remember, whether It ls a skippering a private WHITEHEAD yacht Crom Ensenada to Newport Harbor, and depending on the wait time for U.S. Customs in San Diego, I plan to reach Newport at 6 p.m. So, technically. I might not miss the parade when I cruJse through the harbor. The other nights, J will skipper in the parade aboard different private yachts, except for Sunday, when J have my radio show. 'Ibis Sunday. Eric Hovland, the shows roving reporter, will call in with a special parade report. Last Sunday. my radio crew and I were invited to view San Diego's Holiday Boat Parade with VIP viewing from the judge's station at the San Diego Maritime Museum. The nlght was gorgeous after the rainstorm that day, and the crisp air felt like winter. The parade was very nice, with courteous skippers foUowing the boat ahead, and the boats were very well decorated. I have a few tips for boaters in Newport I Jarbor's parade that I have formuJa1e from years as a professional captain. participating in many parades on the West Coast. Let's st.art with guei.ts' safety. Before you leave the dock. teU everyone where to find the llfejackets. fire extinguishers and Oashlighti. and make ready the ring buoy with a line attached to the buoy. A common mistake is to decorate your ring buoy with a string of lights -no excuses regarding safety. It also is importan l 10 guarantee that the skipper can see, without the view blocked by guests. bright lights or decorations. There are going to be hundreds of boats on the water performing Impromptu close-quarter maneuvering, and you shouJd ~eep in mind that most boaters are not accustomed to cruising at nighttime. not to mention in such crowded siruadons. Also, the parade route will take many boaters to unfamiliar areas of the harbor, so follow the parade. lf the skipper's view is restricted, prudent seamanshlp dictates that someone shouJd be posted as a lookout in those blind areas. whether on the bow, private yacht or a chatter vessel, the larger the vessel. the less maneuverability and the less visibility for the skipper. Every boat must follow the flow of traffic, keeping the starboard (right) slde nearest to shore and passing oncoming vessels port to port Oeft to left). Who are the idiots who always cruise up the wrong side of the channel, causing chaos as oncoming boats have to swerve out of the way? You are in no hurry to cruise · around the bart>or. so travel slowly, and be very careful speeding up to close a gap in the parade, as you are responsible for any damages caused by your wake to the docks or other boaters. The speed timjt is still 5 mph, or no wake or steerage during the parade. Who knows what steerage means? The parade officials will be monitoring VHF marine radio's work.Ing channel 68. However, for all emergencies, use only Olannel I 6 10 hail the Newport Harbor Patrol Please do not interfere with Olannel 16 by chatting, playing music or constantly yelling Merry Ouistmas over the airwaves. as you could hinder a real emergency radio call In the harl>or or out at sea, where I might still be cruising. I wish everyone a safe parade, and I will have a parade update In next Friday's column. This Sunday on the Boathouse Radio Show. Owldler Bell and I will be in-studio from 4 to 5 p.m. on KCRQ-AM ( 1170) or over the Internet at '1ttp:l/www.boat hou.semdio.com. Usteners can call in during the show to (888) 344 I 170 to join in on Southern California's only boating talk radio show reaching ports up the coast from San Diego to Oxnard and out to Santa Catalina Island. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHITEHEAD Is the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts and story 1ugges1ion1 bye-mail to m/lce@bosthousstv.com or visit http:llwww.bo•thousetv.com. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Service polt9d a high-surf advisory for Thurlday, and \'oo should expect mostly today ahould Me the same tunny ~e. today. Winds from conditions. Watch for very 6 to 10 mph will be out of the strong rip currents end northeast In the morning, out dangilrous swimming of the west by the afternoon. conditions. Most west~faclng Hlgha foreca11ed to be In the breab wlll aee tiead-high aets, lower to mld-flOe. Tonight, look for pertly doudy skies with going a few feet overhead '1 atandouttpotl, and light wtnds and highs In the doubl~mead, rerely, at lower to upper 40s. extreme •t.andouts. lnfonnatfon; South-facing breab, gettlng WWW.TM$.noll8.{/0V •ome dlfbctlon: will run chest to ahoolder high Ofl the better BOATING FORECAST aetl. Wltw quaJlty: In tM Inner watera, WWW.1Urfrld4N.org northwest winds &ttO\lld be tt 10 knott. Wevet lt\<>uld be et 2 TIDES feet°' lesa on a we.tam awetl Time of 3 •o 6 ,..._Out farther, Height northWet1 Wlnde will ht 12:21 a,m. 3.35 feet hfgh •round 10 to 20 llnota With 3:43am • 2.93 feet low 3-ofoot w.vea on a 7 to t-foot 10:08a.m. 6.62 feet high W9lttfn .w.11. 6;69p.m .().07 fMt low SURF WATER TEMPERATURE The Natfotltl w.tthw .. . ' ., Residents take on extended families More than 20 local families will be adopted for the holidays thanks to a community effort. M1rlsa O'Nell Daily Pilot ~ MESA -When a plan to help out needy families at So· nora Elementary School started to fall apart, Planning Commis· sioner Katrina Foley knew exactly where 10 go. She went to her contact llst and sent out about 150 pleas for help. Now, parents. lawyers and clowns are signed on to adopt 20 local f:amllics for the holidays. wl'm doing it because I want to give to those less fortunate than I Coke looking for people to bear Olympic torch Coca-Cola L'I looking for local pt'Ople to bear the 2004 Olympic torch in the l.os Angeles area. fhose interec;wd in nominating themselves or others can go to a participating Albensons grocery store between now and Dec. 31, pick up a nomination fonn and write a 100-word essay about the nominee. Coca-Cola will :.elet.'l 30 people from the Los Angeles area to carry the flame. TI1c nomination!> will he read by a panel of judges: All torch bearer. will carry the 1orch about 300 to 500 meter.. and wHI p~ lhe Harne from torch to torch a l designated exchange points along the route in each city. · The Olympic Oame will be tra ~ dihonally lighted by the sun's rays in Olympia on March 25. II will travel the world for 35 days. visit· ing 34 cities in 26 countries be· fore reruming 10 Greece for Lhe start of the games in A then ... Trash collection delayed for New Year's Newport Beach's General Services Oepartmenl will not collect trash on New Year's Day. ln<;lead, the 1ra!>h will be CQl- leclec.I Jan. 2. In areas regularly 'ltheduled for Friday collecllon, trash will be picked up Jan. 3. Celebrate am.· Foley said. Wit's a good way to give during the holiday &ea· son.. Marcy Shands· Brown. the com· munity facilitator for Sonora and Kaiser elementary schools. orig!· nally set up the idea of adopting fa.rnilles wich donations from Share Our Selves and local churches. Demru1d soon out· paced the supply, so Shands· Brown turned 10 Foley for help drumming up support. "We are having more of a need this year. w Shand'i· Brown said. WPeople are just having a hard tinle. Times are tough, and I al· wdys worry about lhc children." 'fypicalty, the families coming to her for help are .,ingle mothers or fathers who have recently lo:.l their jobs. Paying n.>nl and bills often leaves them with no money for a (hristmas dinner or gift!>. she said. Some people have agreed tu adopt entire tamllies. getting a shopping list or grocery, clothing. toys and other Items appropriate to their need Others are donating gift can1s to Staler Bros. super market. The Orange County Volunicer Oowns have donated boxe-. of coloring boob for children, Shands-Brown sald. And mem- bers of the Orange County Trial Lawyers Assn. are donating $ \ 00 grocery catds. Students from Kaiser Elemen- tary School have also contributed, through their November Time of Giving 1:aJ}lpaign. Donations of small change added up lo $1.200 that will go to buy Target gilt turd" and gift card' for groceri~. ~1 want to teach my [sons! that Christmas is not just about them BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Also, there will no stn•c•I sweeping in the city on Jan I For more inform.uion. call thc General Services lkpart· mcnt Monday through Friday bc1ween 7 a.111. and :~:30 p.m. Jr (949) 644·3055. Parent Help holiday dance on Thursday Parenl I lelp USA, a nonprofit organu-ation that .urns to pre vt.'nt chiJd abust'. will h.1w ..i holidHy dinnrr dance bc11dil 011 Thursday at ttw Balboa Bay CJ uh I hl' event, \\hith \\ill t,tke plal c during lhl' Newport I lar bor <Ju1stmas lloat Parade, will fealure dinner, carolers. da11L • ing. prizes, ah a11rtion and a performance by the Colony of Performing Arh CJuldren l'he program i' from 5.JO lo I 0:30 p.m. Admission rn'>t.'i $100 pcr per-,on fickcl' are free for spomor., who pl.1l c• progr..im ac.lvcrt1.,c•men1.,. I ur m ore i11forma1io11, rail (~M9) 650-J46 I o r visit lillp II """"'· 11art'11 t Jw/ p11.,n .org. Monday wi II be biggest mailing day of the year Po<.ldl offit1al., '"11l 1hat Mon day will be tht• h1~e-,t m..t1hn~ day of tlw year. ro handle till' <1nt1r1patcd hi million piecei. of mall 111 Sou1hcrn C..alifornia, the U. ~. Po!>lal Service has 1ncrea:.ed air cargo !ill by 40% and hired ac.1- ditional holiday help, official!> said. The public is urged to semi out holiday package\ by Dec . .!.l with111 California and by Oec. 20 if mailing out ol !>late. Bli zzard of fun at Cbri st Lutheran Omrch tod ay A hlinard of wtntcrtiml' fun is expected 10 strike Newport I !arbor Lutheran Cl1urd1 today from t lO 9 p.m.. whrn llll' churt h ho!>tS a free even I foa turing J live pclling mangN, train rides, :.trolling musician.,, international food' and, ,1 !lauthern California ranly. 10 Ion'> of o;now. "It\ going to he a wintN wonderland." church office manager Leann Granger said .The church is sponc;oring thl' evcnl with the help of loral busincsse~ as a "holiday gec,tun• uf fellowship, she i.aid. "Wt>'re just doing it !>O till' commumty can come togcthcr and experience winter," she said. "Since we havP pl•rft·lt wcatlwr all year lo ng. everyom· ... or1 o( m1!.scs ,, white Clui..1 ma'> now and then ·· In addition to the .,now. thl' event will feature a I rec ligh11ng New IearS Eve 1n Style at Spcctdcular l 1ve Entertainment. I iats, Homs. Streamers & other Pr1rty ~avor-,, ! >anc1ng. htens1ve Ch,1mpagne .md Wine I 1st Valet Par~ 1ng Ocean V1evv and. of cour;e 1ricred1ble food' Award Winning PREMIERE Seafood and Prime Bee( Resta urant in Orange County. TWO SEATING TIMES 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm ( 'fr r/.' (II/ti.' '!_' i '(' log onto our websrte ft>r dcuuled .ntorrn.ition and d1r'\.'f I inns l~~ ..... J; or Ctlll 949.673.2 IOQ Book your celebration today ... This is a Party you don't want to miss! , ----l<eep tlie Pnrty qoi11q oll 11i9/if a11d stay upstairs at 0111 luxurious OCt'on/10111 Berl & Breakfast \ ___ -~,-Boo~ your 1ese1votion today! (a/1949.675.1300 or visit out wtbsitp at www.dorymonsinn.com Most people don't want to broach the subject of llfe Insurance, because no one wants to imagine the unthinkable. But just as you work hard to provide for your family now, life lnsunmce can take over that duty If. something should happen to you: caring for your children, paying for college, covering the mortgage. A well thought-out. •ffordable life insurance strategy that worb within your overall financlal plan can help meet your needs now, and take care of your f amity's needs later. To find out how much fife Insurance you need, 0t tor a free review of your current polkles, call (Mt) 717-SJOO or (IOO) 461-3352. 660 Newport Center Drive, Suitt 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 TMll II WHO WE A .. r:. THtl II HOW WI IAJIN IT,• SM~~ Smid! l"1ltJ c10t1 not offer 1'111 or ~ ~ Plf.w ~ ~ ~ IM« b Ml\ ~. A poky chlt9 NJ lrW I"' ~ ~ Md t!lfJ • ~ 1 ~ ttnnlOOll 01001 CltqO&lp c.lalMI MWu 1nC. ~ S«-Slllrfl "'""'fl • ~ Ind WW1Ct ut d C..,_ Glol*I MdlU W. n In~ ri is Vwd llld 1 erld ~ _., CIT~OU' Std flt Umbf ... Otvict ltf ttllfllNrb .. wWlt NftJ d ~ OI W:i ft n llMd flrd ~tftd ~!ht wor\t FY1 If you are interested in donating Items to a family for the holidays. please contact Marcy Shands Brown, the community facilitator at Sonora Elementary School in Costa Mesa, at (714) 424-7955. She can also be reached by e mail ot mshands brown a•nmusd.k12 CB.US and wh.11 thl')' ~l'l. hut helpini.: other people have J ntce holiday," foley 'aid Poley\ m·1ghbor, le!.ie ~arcl', i~ also adopung a fanuly "I W'Jllh"(I (my twm :.<msl w he able to do l>Ometlung llus year,' Pearce -..ml "11wy'rt.• !i, so irs u good WllV to 'tart IMv111g them ac rually p,1rt1upatt• with me, to <.It• hver II It gl\l'' ,1 lx.•llt•r ml'Jlll11J: to Chrl\llllil' .. al 6 p.111 ... 11•cl tllll'> for chilc.l1l'n and ad11lh. .11ul ,1 variety ol food\, 1111 lud111g < .rt•t•I.. Italian, ll1int''>t' .11111 i\rlll'rll .111 I 1rkt•t-. cost$ I. (ir;1llgl'r ,,11d if tht• wt•.11lw1 rem:un ... 1 old. 1lw ... 11ow u111l<I la!>I an11tlwr da\ 11r two 'Ill' 1~ expt't t1 ng l ll't wt·t· 11 r.,oo ;mtl 1.000 JH'Opll• to .11tcnd rill' Newpo11 I larbnr l.11tlwr.111 Clmrd1 .., .11 7<lfl I )(1\ 1·1 I )11w 111 Ne" por 1 ll1'Jl'h Waler d1,uict ofkrin~ low!flu,h toikt' Me,,1 1 1111,11lid.111·d \\,111·r lli.,tfll I '' 11111°1111~: .11111tlwr uhra 111\\ fl11,11 111111•1 d1 ,tr1h11 lion <'Vt'lll till ""' mcl.1v Wat1•r 11..,111nw1' 11i.1v lw 1'11 giblc• 111 11·11'1\t' 11p 111 t\\tl ''att•r :.avin.: 111111·1, lor "''" < 1i't11111 ers m11,1 lw tt·pl.11 111g 1111kh lhat <11l' :l."l g.111011, p1·1 111,...h 111 ){realer 1lwll111· I 'l'l"l ,111d nl'w 1oilt>I'> mu't lw 111'1 illt·d .11 tlw addre-,.,, 111tlll a1t•tl 1111 tlw ''"11l·r hill. Old llllll'I°' 1111.-.1 Ill' rt· turnl'tl f111 nTyrhn~ 1111 J,m 10 rhe cli.,1 r1tm11tm will lw hdtl from 'l .1 111 to '.! p 111 .11 l M.rnn.1 I hgh S1 hc1ol L t.' I Pl.11ct1ti,1 Avt· l'ar11npa11i... lll'l'd 111 pro vide a l'Urrl'lll wa1<•1 hill and valid photo iul·111il11.1tw11 !'or more 111l11rm.1t1011, 1 .ill ('I I'll 631 -1205 ' f rlday, December 12, 2003 A3 Featuring A live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday Cr Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks• Seafood• Cocktails •••Quality Senriu• .. • ••Nighlly Entcrtaiomcot .. • HOi.JDAY PIES AVAILABLE ORDER Now! H ERB ROASTED CHICKENS $599 t".l . 5 LB. R USSETT POTATO BAG $1 59 t:a. I'" //•·'"' 1•1111u'"' <:nll (949) 646-7944 I h'J~ h, i'"" j\,C" •• ( \.1,t~ \.1t''" fll9•U .. W'l•ftl -..... ......... t.."IJ • .... A.,.. M •._to Wboksome VEGETARIAN SANDWICH $3 99 ea. lnnon fJr Teq11ila C HICKEN HALFS $2 99 lh '""'' .,,,,, 8.iJrr I 'IJ" /},,I GARDEN OR FRUIT SALADS $399 ea. 11<1"11"1 \((l(ll) •tl\11\\l 1 ... ,. \l\11{'' .,\1'!•1' • 'ltl<l\11 • -..\\• 11n•11,11 • 1•11 ..... 11 I< I J.·/11·"' ,·,/ IJ.11/r ' ' , 'opµ El 7oro Bravo Chips cf Tortillas • Home Styk i" s t JJ_ V14ri11us efllommyuh 54~1 w?it':9/i!,8t!J:;5I!:f ff!J"'u East 17th St.• Costa Mesa S (949) 6'2-7191 Mon ~ Sat 8 OOAM 10 7 OOPM • Sun 9 ~ to 6.00PM I. M r'*"I. Oocembef 12, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Officer hurt in car crash An on duty Uhhl M~ police officer i.ulkrl'd lllJll rie$ to hl-. nedc dJld bad . .ii tcr hl$ p;tlrol c.<tt wa..~ bro.Kl· ldf;(I by anolhcr V\thl('Je on W~csday l'Vtnlng. offl dais said. The collJalon happened at 'f.bout 6!20 p.m. on Dt'I MW' Avenue eo.i.t of New port Boulevard. Costa M~ PoUce U Dale 81mey 1>a.1<.I POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • ~ S1rMt: Perty theft wn r9p0rted In the 3300 bfoct It 7:40 p.m Tuesday. • ~ Rotld: Greft'ltl Wit reported In the 2100 blodt at ?:45 a.m. Tue.day. • Hefbor 8oulewnS: Graffiti waa reported In the 1900 bloc::t at f1: 19 a.m Tuesday. • ~ Bou&.verd and South Cout Dtfw: A traffic 9CCident Involving ln1unes we1 reported at 5:21 p.m. Tueaday. • Newport Boulevard: A hlt·and-run waa reported in the 2000 bloct at 10:46 p.m Tuesday. • Soutte Coast Ottw: Petty theft was reported 1n the 1500 bloc::t at 1 :30 p.m. Tuesday. • Welt WU.On Street: An assault was reported in the 200 bloc* at 5:44 p.m. Tuesday. • 22nd StrMt and S.nta Ana Avenue: A traffic accident 1nvoMng Injuries WDI reported at 8:27 p.m. Tuesday. APARTMENT Continued from Al '01ls time, thl' board chose the maximum dlfC·age of 13.77 acres Ir a dewh1pt>r <..hoi.e lo bwld tht' rninamurn of 250 unils. that would t'quate to 18. I w11tr. per acre. JU"l below the city's maximum of 20 units per ilC~. The old request askt"<I for rent between $800,000 and $900,000 per year. Tht new onl' '>pelli out lhat the inhial annuJJ rent should be a minimum of $900,000. I lowaJd sa1d llus as· pect of the request ts the rnost slgnificaot to the district be· cuuse it Is coun1ing on the project to gencmte a i.uh<itantial amount of money In August, the district raised It' enrollment foes by 60'J(, to deo.l with a fund Ing cut of S4 mlllion f1om the '\tale. Ml think the rurpfl\(' of lhe project. as determined by the ' Officer Olarll'$ Ohw1 W.t'I hJI eat of the mtenettlon. hestld. nie olhu driver In tht: roUWon dJd nor suffer any injuriCll, he aid. wit doesn't sttm ~If 1uly ont ran any M light'>.· Hir nl"y "'l<l No ru11 w.t.' llll'd ur t.h.ug :d Ut.lifurruu I ligh way Patrol offirers are ii 1 vesugatlng lhe incident, whkli .• 14 standard pro c~h.1n-in Injury accidents lnvolv11114 p111rul car.., Birney said NEWPORT BEACH • Bey9'de Ortve: A boat burglary waa reported in the noo blodt at 4:16 pm Wednesday. • 8'lon A,,.,.uw. Grand theft waa reported In tho 1200 blodt at 6:17 p.m. Wednesday. • c.der StrMt A home burglary was reponed In tho 200 blodt at 9:18 pm Wednesday • W..t Coast Highway: A hlt·and·run was reported in the 3100 blodt et 8:24 a.m. Wednesdey. • Goldenrod AY9mle: Petty theft was reported in the 900 blodt &18:13 a.m. Wednesday. ·La~Awnue: Vandalism was reported in the 600 block at 1:33 p.m Wednelday. • Marguerita Avenue: A theft was reported in the 600 bloct at 7: 1 S a.m. Wadnelday. • R~da: An auto theft was reported in the 7200 blodt at 5;06 p.m. Wednesday. board, i!I to develop alternate 'ourt;l''> of mcurne 'o we'll be in u better position to provide clns.scs and stablli1,e income for our educational mission,· I lo wald said. l\e'>ident Mik.e Berry, who tool l'>Mle with the fir<;t request for exceeding the city's allow- able density, said he is still con- cerned about the project be- cause the district would lease the land instead of selling it. • lllat means whoever builds those upartmenls can never move or transfer ownership on the apartments.~ Berry c;a1d. "So It means lhey'U never fix them up becau.<;e they won't have owner..hip over thern at the end." Tht' deadline for lht• district to receive the proposal-; is Jan. 21 The board will con'>ldcr the propo'>ah on reb. <1. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached It (9491 574-4221 or by e·ma1l at delfdre newman til>latimes.com SCIENTIST Continued from Al glider, dlld u wrtei. of tests and constanl prutke helped hone ~ prototypes. TI\ls year'• JPL conft$l theme. ··nu~ Wright Tum.· celebrot~ tht' I C)()th annlveranry of the Wright Rrothen>' fulit flight on Ucc. 17, l91li for the JPL Oight, the gUders took otf (rum a ~pe<:aully designed JAJuncher and had to 1nake a right tum to land on a targl'1 40 feet away. Nelson's claM entere<.I two nearly ldenticaJ gilders, eat.-h about one meter long. Seventeen-year-old Joseph Powm.' glider won the BAY Continued from Al Soulhe~ California. It will galn about 42 acres or open water from lhe restorallon project. The co~ Is committing more than $25 million to the worit and will partner wilh local sponsor- ing agencies to restore the area. The county is lhe cunent spon- sor. bui negotiations are under- way to decide which olher group~ may be involved. ltestomt1on is needed because EL MORRO Continued from A 1 direct imphrnllons for El Morro -lhe only place in unincorpo- rated <>range C:ounty where a campsite I\ !>lated to be built next to a ~choul. Couniy Supervisor Tom WU '>On wa5 holllt' with the Ou 00 fhur'>day. a representative of his office scud. and could not be reached tor comment on why the item was proposed or why it was subsequently pulled. The item contaJncd no mention of El Morro hut wac; written as a gen· eraJ ordinance covering all of unincorporated Orange County ·Jliough the county rule woulc..I not have overridden the state park plan to convert FJ Morro. a parks department spokesman pointed out 1hat action at lhe state level could have given the county ordinance some teeth. ~Someone would have to sponsor Mate legislation" to compel the Park." Department to abide by local ordinances. said Mike Tupe. district superlnten· dent for the Parlcs Department Though there has been no ac- tivity in Sacramento to effect this change, a spate of letters sent in the spring to Parits acting di.rec· tor Ruth C..oleman might suggest a level of cooperation between srate and county officials. Be- tween April and June. Orange Coumy Sheriff Mike Carona, As; semblyman John Campbell, state Sen. Rill Morrow, state Sen. noss lohru.on and Assembly· woman Patricia Bates sent let- ALLOWED Continued from Al position on the Pa.rb and Recreation Commission will bring a needed perspective, and Burdaga will undoubtedly have many contributions to make to • this ever-changing and growing city. Burdaga's new position also satisfies the need for a hlghJy underrepresented portion of the community. Cowan said •1 do believe the Latino c"mmunhy '' largely underrepresented !In an officlal capacity), and as a community It ls maturing, and Mirna ls a sign of th.at.· Cowan said. "The ppolotment ta.k.e5 that next stt!p and gives her an opport\1hlty to paitidpate at the dty level. And I certainly AROUND TOWN • s.nd AAOUNO TOWN ltenu to the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Cotta MeM, CA 92527; by •mall to luls.pon1'1l11Jmn.com: by fax to (949) cwe..t170; or by calllng (949) 5744298. ll'ldude the tlme, date and locatlon of the event. •• welJ a• contact phoN numbet. TOOAY ~w.nd enctatMa7 Radlo will holt. holiday foY ~ from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. fn B&oomlngdalf't Courtyerd. Cul\om.n ere encourtQ9d to drop off 1n unwrepped new toy to be~ unc»rtt.~lon ~ Christn'* OM. tnfonNtion: (949)721-2000. ~~ahlonl#Md. com. TlwAeftU~ OyitrOptw frtondtl 8UPPOf1 group will mMt et 7 p.m . ., C.OCO.. 2760 HairbOf BNd .. CoSta Mela. lnforrn9Uon: (tQ}e&l).1212. (714) l -·- prcliminuy corn~uon, and 14-year-old 1W l.ee'I won cbe ftna.ts, landfng 21 inches Crom lhe ~ cJosa than the rocbt sci nUN' ~Jder. ·1 find it funny,• )o.9q>b said of beating the JPL enaies. "We wa-e l.bero having fun and gootl.ng otI. 'lb.at~ goes lo show lsdeJWe) doesn't have to be bori.rll(. • Both gliders foUowt.-d the same b.'\Sk ~' -a balsa wood fu~lage. carbon fiber tall and foam wings bought Crom a hobby to~ and attached lo the budy with a rubber band. Using • rubbes-band ml.nlmizes damage during crash landin~ Nelson said. and allows for ad}ustment between flight$. Joseph and Ted worUd together during the competition. excessive Oow ot sediment and nutrients into the bay-particu- larly from San Diego Creek - threatens fish and wildlife by cuming open water Into mud- flats and spurring overgrowth of algae. "If nothing Is done. then that sediment is going to fill In the upper bay, and as a result. we will not have the quality of wild- life that we had before," Spencer said. Bob Caustin, founder of the environmental group Defend the Bay saJd restoration of the upper bay has been needed for about aharlntJ data bom t.bdr ftigb&s and adjust1.ng ~.When the IPM8 in JPa laun~ proved •trongw than the NASA·made spring lo the laimcber thdr dass buU"' thdr tl.igbta awt.ed to ovenboot the ra.rget. Mer some cornpensa.don. Joseph's fli&)lt dldn'1 tum. Instead. it new straight lnlo a crowd of specQltorw. But. Nelson saJd. J~ph didn~ pank.. ·He just said. 'OK. we need more wing angle,' and made the adjusnnent. • Nelson said. "On the Oastl flight. we nailed it: Launcltlng the winning flight was exdtiflB. Ted said, but outdoing profes.slonal englneen was even more exciting. He and J~ph both said they want to 20 ~ Some dredging was done about seven years ago. but that was only one third of what was needed, he said. Urban development creates more rooftops and pavement. so more water runs into channels such as San Diego Creek Instead of being absorbed into the ground The water carries with it all the runoff of civilization - fertili.z.ers, pesticides and olher pollution -and lhis ends up in the bay, he said. The restoration project will be a good start toward cleaning up the bay, but after it's done', envi· 'The issue about the park next to a school, that's a red herring. I take umbrage at the idea that putting a park or campsite next to a school is in anyway a safety problem. I think the city needs to take a leadership position on this.' Steve Rounsky Newport Beach city coonc1lman ters to Coleman saying that the planned campsite's proximity to the school raised safety con- cerns. Most of lhe leners con· tained similar wording. and in some cases, the wording was Identical. "I would encourage a review or the planning process to see if another, more suitable location could be determined.· Carona. Morrow and Johnson wrote ver- batim in lheir respective letters. Jlie $12.9-mUJion in funding for the park. which was already secured under Proposition 12, specifies that camping be in· eluded at the sire. Any change of plans might undennine the ba· !>is of the funding. The letters, which inspired a number of changes to the pro1ect, came back into play this week when attorney Dennis O'Neil, a former Newport Beach mayor, addressed the City Coun- cil on behalf of lhe residents of lhe El Morro trailer park. Acting as legal counsel to the trailer park residents, O'Neil cited the letters as reasons why lhe coun· ell should oppose the !>tale Parks Department's plan. Also at the council meeting. environmentalist Allan Beek aJ. leged that statf> Campbell was t.'ncourage her to pursue whatever political position she wants to:· 'Jlie last two City Council ract?s were dominated by the ·1mprovers· and resulted in the elections of Councilman Chris Steel in 2000 and Councilman Allan Mansoor In 2002. While each man holds his lndlvldual posltJons on various subjects, lhe overarching ·improver" agenda calls for increased scrutiny of social programs and a more fiscally conservative local government Cowan. Steel and Councilman Mike Scbeafer -who was &&)pointed after former Mayor Karen Robinson resigned to- bccome a judge -will see the end ot thclr tenures In NCM!'JJlber, laving c:owao's position wtck open. Hen ta a pl"'OtAI teat. a.t Cowan ls regtlrded as the lut •llbera.J" 491-!MOO. SATURDAY Bhlltry'a WoocMlr9d Mak:an Grill will have• grend opening ~lebtetlon from tt a.m. to 3 p.m. to help Newport Coast Cares ralH funda for LI Haclond• de la lnmac:ullde, a small orphanage In Tijuana. The cost wlll be $10 for edulta and S5 fOf d\Udren. Shartv's la et 21n9 N.wpon COQt Dliv1a. Newport Coast Shopping Center. lnfofTNtfon: (MS) 433-7879. Th9 City of Com ..... Md Torelll Realty are ipOMOrlng tho clty'a •nnull Hol"'-v Snow Hiii, which wUI be from 8 1.m to noon et mt BtlelJtc Community Center, 187& IWlaric onv.. The eveot wlll tncfudt eo lOM of enow. hav t1dee •nd • ~ vWt a,.. Senta. Santi wlM ta1ve I\ 10:30 a.m. by hot~. 111tormtdon (71•) 754-6168. <>r.,..County ........ ~-..._. ".,,. ..... '" lhe beneficiary of a fundraiser held at lhe El Morro Village trail- er park by some of its weaJth.lest and most-influential owners of oceanfront trailers. Campbell could not be reached for com- ment on Wednesday to verify or deny Beek's public claim. Such a fundraiser, if it hap- pened, would be legal. But envi- ronmentalists worry that money and politics are behind a move- ment to stop or at least postpone a return of El Morro to the pub· lie. "The residents are trying to curry favor in the state Assem· bly," Beek said. El Morro Village Community AMn. President Rolly Pulaski said that the picture of El Morro residents as very wealthy and In· fluentiaJ peopJe was unrepre- sentative of the poorer people, families and even welfare recipi- ents who live there. He told the council lhat the mobile home parlc is public land and that resi- dents have taken a nwnber of measures to try to encourage public use. Councilman Steve Bromberg said that he supported the con· ccpt of turning the mobile home village into public space but lhat he had some concerns about the anchor on the dais. Depending on whether Steel is able ro retain his position, debatable. and on Scheafer's popularity with the electorate, Cowan's replacement couJd mean the difference betwttn an all-male, all-Republican council and one with a little more diversity. How about a Latina to add a little spice lo the dais? TI18.t 18 the talget of Bwdap's path. But has she traveled far enough to make a run in 2004? And is she ready to take Cowans spot? "Those are quest.Ions she has to answer," Cowan said. •sut I think she has peid her duea to the community and If she feels she is ready, then all the'better. • So, M.lma. are you ready for November 20041 ·1 think to,• she said. • 1 have to IWt wolklng on a campaign and wortlng on support but by •ucdon, llve muaiQ, • g~ epeaket, and OCPA'a ennual •Peec:e for AnlmaJa'" community C81'9mOOY., g:30 p.m . ., m. A~ Country Inn & Sult• Hot91. at 326 S. Ort.tot St. The c:oct la $40 for membera and $6() for nontnombers. lnform1tlon: (714) 761-0CPA. http~M!ww.oq»uN.orp. The ....... of a..o.1nwt1ia you to W9td\ the ctudent8 of Newport ElefMnury Schoof N they partJclpent In the annual merchant Chttstm. palntJng pr09ram from 9 to 11 a.m. at the Fun l.ont .,_ 88100. Vllltg4J fn front of the Fetrft wh..e Information: (949) 876--0601, hUp.:l!Www.~lbo.~ com. .c-. ........ lcMotwll ~ • communltywlde cem~ deenup day from I e.m. tO 3 p.m. It 2860 Faf ""9w Rold. P9oplt wlll mHt lnlkte the main en1n1nee by 1M ~m. Aduha Md ..... ,.. wetoon. tnfc>nndon: Rlcttdo eventually woit as mectw1.lcaJ ~ Ndlon's lntcnstve Iden« clasa, which uses a hands-on approach. Is pan of Uniwrsity or C.allfoml.l'• outreach program 1be program. Ne.boo said. provides adence leaming opportUnltlea like scbolanhlpe for students who might otherwise not go to college. Funcllo& to the program. however. is threatened by the governor's planned budget cuts. As it stands nOIN, Nelson said. tl.e statewide profPUD may shut down Jan. 1. • MAJUSA O'NSl covert educetion and may be reed\ed et (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at mariu.oneil l11timu.com. ronmental groups will have to wod to maintain it, Caustin said. "It's going to be an ongoing battle," he said. "This is going to hopefully bring it back toward a balanced community. Then, once it's done, we're going to have to tighten down on the pol· lution that's coming Into the bay. Business as usual should not be allowed." • AUCIA ROBINSON covers buainel8, polltica end the environment. She can be reached at (949) 764-4330 or by &-mail et alicia.robinson@latimBS.com. state parlc plan as written. He made a motion to postpone the item to a later meeting. There was a long moment of silence when Mayor 1bd Ridgeway asked if anyone would second that motion. When no one re· plied, Ridgeway seconded iL "We're In an awkward position with other governments,· Ridge- way said, adding that the matter threatened delicate relations with state and cowtty officials.. Council newcomer Steve Rosan.sky was the first to speak up for taking immediate. af. fumative action. "The issue about the park. next to a school, that's a red herring. I take umbrage at the idea that putting a parlc or campsite next to a school is in anyway a safety problem: Rosansky said. "f think the city needs to take a leadership posJtion on this." ... After eight members or the public pleaded with the council to support the state park plan, the council managed to carve out an alternative. Cowtcilman Don Webb suggested modifying the resolution ln a way that sup- ports the concept of making the site public but doesn't weigh lb on specifics of the state plan. Other council members fol· lowed suit, supporting the re- vised resolution 7·0. "It was the most dramatic lhing I think I've ever seen in a council meeting,· Beek said. • JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Bead! and John Wayne Airport. She may be reedled at (949) 674-4232 or by e-mail at june.casagrande@latimes.com. that time I should have it in place. I am loolcing toward 2004 at lhis point, but you never know. People always say. 'One second can change the rest of your life,' so we'll see.~ November Is still 11 months away. For now. she is focused on her leadership of the Human • Relations CommJhee and her upcoming gig on the Parks and Recreation Commission. ·1 just want to serve my communlty, • she said. MWe can't just complain about things. We have to come up with some solutions and be part of the solution. ... We'll aee what I can do: Yep. we certainly wilt • l.OUTA HARPER wrltee column., Mondev-. Wadnelldayl and : Fridtys. Sh• "'4'Y be r..n.d .. • . (949) 57<M275 or bye-mall .. • lolita.h•fPM•r.titn#..com. . • • . . o.nc.. (714) 751-9868. The,_.., and M.ry Mutt. lntarpN\Jve Center wlll ho11 a handt on event fMturing reptll ... amphlblaN and •rtchnida from 1 to 2 p.m. at 2301 Unlvtrtity Oriw; Newpon Beadl. Leem ~•tlling fle:te and mytha about th9M Cf'ealuret. Th9 oot1 will be $10 for egn 6 and up. Information; (IM9) ~2296. SUNDAY Hali cnet "-ti wt1 be hoedng a hoflday bout!Qut from I a.m. to 8 p.m. tt 3107 IOl!ybroott Lone, eo.ta M .... There will be hendmldt cratta, Miry Key eo.m.tlca, Cootie LM .Jwtefry, AVO(I CoamWca end more. lnfonnatlon: (7\4) 667·7234. ~ loaob"°'9wtlhwea dlamPtgne ~ algntne tor the "Shnt~~-by Jo.nebed t..wta fn>n1 n e.m. to 1 p.m. ft~ Marine Aw., Batbot ltlend.~ (M8) 173-7189. fnday, December 12, 2003 A5 RUM HOW 10 GET PUBUSHm -Ldwa: Mall to Editorial Page Editor S.J. Cahn et the Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meae, CA 92627 • RMders Hotline: Call (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 6464170 E-mall:Send to d11//ypilotl/Jl11tlmes.oom •All correspondence must Include full name. hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Pilot reservea the right to edit all aubmlsalons for clarity and length. •' t. •I H' ,. -·· I, .. f· I MAILBAG C.Osta Mesa should welcome new residents The logic applied by Martin Millard, Mike Beny and Councilman Allan Mansoor to the housing selection process by Habitat for l lumanity or Orange County disturbs me greatly. Where do my feUow Costa Mesa residents draw the line? WouJd they even have aUowed me to purchase my Costa Mesa home? After all, I was raised in neighboring Fountain VaUey. Millard, am I therefore one of the ~social problems" that has been dumped upon Costa Mesa by virtue of my city or origin, or am I acceptable to you because I was above the Orange County poverty line when I moved here? The Habitat for Humanily homes in Costa Mesa represent a small percentage of all homes built by Habitat for Humanity Orange County to date. If a Costa Mesa family wants to apply for one or the 45 existing homes in Rancho Santa Margarita, should Habitat for Humanity tum them away? Regardless of where rhey're originalfy from, I labitat for Humanity homeowners contribute to Costa Mesa's tax base and pacroni7.e its businesses just like those gentlemen who were interviewed for Deirdre Newman'i. article. How about other ways to apply "Costa Mesa first"? lC a woman in Placentia lo~ her hair while being treated for breast cancer, should the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, located in Costa Mesa, refuse to loan her a wig'? ShouJd the shops and restaurants of South Coast Plaza be prohibited from providing rheir services to anyone wirhout a C.Osta Mesa address1 What about Costa Mesa churches? Should they begin reserving Costa Mesa-only pews7 This same type of t.blnking can then easily be ~ llgllinst Costa· Mesa residents. ShouJd Orangewood Oilldren's Home tum away abused children from Costa Mesa7 Will Costa Mesa high schoolers be denied admission to USO. And please, don't take your kids to Disneyfand wirhout a valid Anaheim ID -they won't be admitted. Yes, these examples are ridiculous, but so is the rationale for castigating Habitat for Humanity Orange County for foUowing the regulations by which they are bound. Costa Mesa already has a program in place that is restricted to its residents. lf rhe I lomebuyer Assistance Program is not adequate to meet the needs of rhe citizens of Costa Mesa. Mansoor is in an excellent position 10 improve ii. If he is truly committed to this goal, then I'm sure we will soon hear about his constructive recommendations. ln rhe meantime, let's all than.le Habitat for I lumanity for its 15 years of service to Orange County and the hundreds of families it has helped during that time, including those now living in our beautiful city. URSULA BOHEN Costa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: Ursula Bohen is a volunteer at Habitat for Humanity Orange County Bell has found his voice in matters of horse manure Congratulations to Joseph Rell for the dramatic improvement in rhe quality of content in his column , "No monopoly on hori.e manure." The horse issue in Santa Ana Heights i.ure beats the liberal political views of Barbara Boxer. Alrhough I do sense some fll[ PHOTO/DAJlYPILOT commonality. THOMAS E. KOLANOSKI Habitat for Humanity volunteers help build houses for low income Costa Mesa residents on Pomona Street in Costa Mesa. i . .. ~ Need a Great Gift Idea? I ~ 2 Give the Gift of · 1' ..,.. j True Dining Pleasure... - ~ Villa Nova Gift Certificates ~ Available in Any Denomination t • <Arporllle Dis<ounts • ~VILLA ~ i NO'' fA For Reservations f ~ ~ y ~ 949.642.7880 ~ ~ Italian Cuisine 3131 w. Coast Highwa1 ~ 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale 51099 Reg. Sl4.99 Now through December 21 COSTA M F.SA 17 m 111rrr PltOMflto\llh (C'tlllNI • °" I 7m a SAltfA Mlo\1 1\JS'TlN M'AlK£TPLA.c& 2<1u ('-'M~r.AI (!<LAii Kiili R U'I ClOSSl OAO C!H1U lRVlN OH 8.uuw<'.11 1-(800) 5'1-6176 READERS RESPOND Flight paths at JWAcausing a ruckus AT ISSUE: Readers weigh in on South County complaints of increased noise from John Wayne Airport. L et me get thb straight: SoutJ1 County dupes voters into rejecting an airport al the fom\cr El Toro Marine base and instead votes in a "Great Park" scam. And now thousands of homes and offices will be built rhere, creating more traffic congestion and pollution than any airport could make. Then as a result of El ·niro going away, the Federal Aviation Administration creates more unrestrictt:d air ltpace for John Wayne Airport departing flights, which rei.ults in South County complaints rhat no1<sy ain:rnft are taking ofT and flying too low over their horn~ I!. that great or what? STEVE M. STEC Newport Bench I totally conrnr with Halph Warrinwon':. comments. "Complaints about the roa1 overhead," which ran 111 the Forum !>Crtion Saturday, regardmg John Wayne Airport airplane noise over Corona del Mar. The noise is compelling and overwhelming sinn• the pilots have been crossing the coa1>1h11r closer to the harbor entrance, instead of flying out over the ocean as they used to do. I also notice the deafening and debilitating roar after 9 p rn. with the extended flight times. 111.il. mcreased noise 1-; completely unnece'>.c;ary. and I recommend the pilots return to their old flight pauem out over the ocean <,O we Corona del Mar re'iidents once again can get some i.lecp. SON~SCOlT Corona del Mar I 1 · I i ·I I I I I ' I I I :I I 72 FRIDAY Wo.tllng nW'actet. Estancia High Sdloor1 drame ~11.ment will preeent •TM Miracle Worker· at 7,30 p.m at the a.mar. Ven Holt Theatw mt Eatancle Htgh School. 2323 Placen11a Ave., CottAI M ... Tldl.i1 cott S8 lnformatton 1949) 515 6537 SATURDAY Cool '9ml\f. The Flrat Femlty of Cool fMturlng Johh pizu,.lli will perform et 7;30 end 9'.30 p.m. In Founct.ra Hell at tM Orengo County "'9tform1ng AIU Center. The 8Y9nlng of )au will also fMture tile John Pizurelli Trio with Ray 1<8nnedy. Martin PiZHrelll, Bucky Plzurelli and ,,._lea Moleakey. Tlckeu are S65 Information: 1714) 556-2787, http:llwww.ocpac.org SUNDAY Cfvts1m•• 11\ow. St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church S.nctuarv Choir and Orcnestra will preMnt Chn1tmet concert worb by Biss. Rutter, Hayes. St100pe. Menotti, Tdlelkav1ky along with holldly carols The performances will be et 4 and 7 p.m at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport See<ti. Tidtets colt SlO. Information: (9491 574-2284. (9491 574-:Z283. HOURS A6 F nday December 12. 2003 THEATER 'Henry & Tom' tops 2003 list By Tom Titus Da1lyP1lot nm 1.1 the second in o series of columm n•1 ·iew1111.: tlw )'f>ar 2()(H 111 local throtrr P ut I lenry 1-ord, Thomas Edi'>on and President I larding lO((elher out m I.he middle of nowhere. and \\.ha1 haH' you got7 WeU, if you receive home delivery of I.hi\ newspaper, one thing you've got i<o thl' best production from a local community theater in 2001 The 'l:ewport Theater Arts Center mounted a stellar mterpretauon of playwright Mark !>l. (.ermain's fanclful dr.tmatic comedy "Camping Wllh Henry and Tom" under the incisive direction of Phyll1.-. Gitlin 10 capture top honors among the area's two ambitious commun1ry 1hea1cr groups. . Murty Eckmann\ reatistic·loolong fore!>l ~!ting and ~ome terrific perform.inces by the actors port.raymg lhese hlstoricaJ lii..rure'> which .,..e·u get to shortly, helped the \uccess of the Newport. ,how 1mmeel.)urably. Additionally, ·ounpang With Henry and Tom· was a "sl~per .. of '><>rt5. arriving for its local premiere "1thou1 much advance notice As fine a production ~ it was, "Camping" was a n.irrow choice over Terrence McNaJJy'!> "lJp<o Togelher. Teeth Apart,· presented ll) the Costa Mesa Civic Playhou ... e under the superb direction of Krl!>1111u Leach {"~nner of the "he:.t actres.'>" accolade in last year'i. year-end column) rn .... d1~rnmfitmg tale of two unhap"' '>lratghl rnuples al a beach house on NC\\ York.\ predominantly gay Fire Island !'.el off some ~plendid '>Jlarl!.. bolh comic and dramatic Neil ~1mon\ Puhver Prue \\1tmer, "l.o'>t m Yonker,." occupied 1ht• 1h1rd rung of the ladder, presented at Newport under the direction of Michael Ro (.o.,ta Mesa\ rock mu!>1cal "Godsp<.>11. staged by Kyte Myer. and Megan l ndicott, I'> firmly ensconced in fourth pince. followed by Newport's attractive production of "The Importance of Being Earnest.· As for mdividual performances. Jack Messenger's "powerfully ~Ling perfonnance" as Henry Ford In Newport\ "Camping With Henry and Tom· 1., a clear '\tandout for be'lt actor Aileen Marie Scott's neurotic chatterbox in Costa Mesa's ·up Together. Teeth Apa.n" Is equally outstanding In the best actress category. Other notable accors' performance in 2003 mcluded: John Gilbert and Ed Dyer in ·1\ve.lve Angry Men" at Newport; Jack Millis ln "Ups lbgether, Teeth Apart" at Costa Mesa: Michael Ro and Patrick Strong In Newport's SM THEATER, Pqe A8 Daily Piiot The 'Doc' is in town Former 'Tonight Show' band le ader Doc Severinsen will perform with the Pacific Symphony Pops at the Center. Luis Pelta Daily Pilot L egen.dary. trumpeter and fonner "Tonight Show" music dl.rector Doc Severinsen will be perfonning a hollday concert with the Pacific Symphony Pops at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. Severinsen hru. been sWTOunded by music his entire life. His father played the violin and wanted his son to follow In IUl> footsteps. but the younger Sevel'insen gravitated towartl the trombone. The only problem was that the small Oregon town of 600 that he lived in didn't have any trombones. "The only other instrument m I.hi'> little town that we lived m I.hat was available at all was an old oumpet some guy had in his attic, so we bought that from him, and l'w never been sorry,· Severinsen said. . His father was a dentist. known to the comm unity as •Doc.· Severtnsen was given the nickname "l.JttJe Doc," which was later shortened to "Doc" l)urlng World War JI, Scverinsen wa. ... in the Army. He joined an unoffidal band with some other troops. and he and his bandmates were better than I.he official band. thus getting mu.sical jobs and even I.heir own radio show. Severinsen suned out with the "Tonight Show" in 1962 as first trumpet. and later served as its director until Johnny CarM>n retired from the show in 1992. Sin ce then, he's toured the country with his Big Band. which is made up or the best players from his "Tonight Show" days. He won a Grammy Awan:t In 1987 for best jazz Instrumental perf onnance on an album that he did with the rest of the ·Tonight Show Band" Doc Severinsen, former "Tonight Show" music director, will perform with the Pacific Symphony Pops. When his stint on the "Tonight Show" ended. It left him with a ~feeling. he said ·1 ligured that after six months. people would have totally forgotten about me. and here lt is, l l years later, and nothing bas changed" One of Severlnsen's trademarks is the Oa.m.boyant outfits that he still wears. He says that he became Interested in the outrageous outfits whl.le he ~ growing up in Oregon because of the big cCMboys who would wear wild shirts. . SeYerinsen plays with different symphonies acro5$ the country. He was the prindple pops conductor for the Pacific Symphony from 1986 to 1988. You can do more with a symphony than just playing cla.sskaJ music. he said ·1 think (playing with symphony ort:hestras isl an Ideal way to perfonn because you can do any kind of music that anybody ever thought of," Severinsen said. Severinsen says that if he weren't a musician, he probably would have been in politics. because his Uncle Earl was a governor of On.-gon. "It's not the money and it's not the joy of being out there in front of an audience and getting the applause and all of that," Severinsen said. • 1 think It's just the music." BEST BITES FY1 •WHAT: Holiday Fanfare Concert with Doc Severlnsen •WHEN: 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday • WHERE: The Orange County Performing An s Center, Seger•trom Hall •TICKETS: $25 to $1 25 •INFORMATION: (714) 556-2787, http://Www. ocp11c. org Southern hemisphere style in Costa Mesa By GrHr Wylder N C!W Z.ealand'a near-perfect environment comes from trlct poUutJon controls. low populatJon and llmJted lnd~tri The agriculture ls pristine -clean aJr, free.range verdant pastures and untainted tnlnSJuoent waters. Even its (M!ign minister, Phil Goff. opposed nuclear ahf pmcnts passing through the Pacl5c Ocw\. Wt year, he comldered potehdll weapona travtllng from Japan to Britain an unnecaary rtsk. lnsislinC that ahfpmenta could not come Within .. 200.m1Je zone. Turner's com es from a famlly passionate about New Z.ealand's extraordinary natural resources -for nearly 100 years, they've earned their living from its ftsbing and farm cultw'eS. ln 1982, Nod and his brother John pioneered the aquaculture Industry. They originated the prooesslng and exporting of New laland green &hell mussel to the United States. Turne1's vast collection of gourmet ~ru now Includes beef, venJson. lamb, thellftsh and fish. Tu top off the sel don. cl le New l.ealand desserts joined the repertoire lndudlng Pavlova. brandy snaps and basUt.s, FYI • WHA'T! Turner's New Zealand Restaurant • WHERE: 650 Anton Blvd. In Coate Meu. • HOURS: Open for lunch from 11 e.m. to 3 p.m. Monday through Friday; open for dinner from 6 to 10 p .m . dilly. •INFORMATION: (714) 668-0880, http://Www,tumemewzHl•nd.com For the past 20 yea.rs, he'• exported his • counuy'a products to tlne restaurants ' throughout the world and to conno~u.rs through mall-order catalogs. MAAKC OOSllN /OAl.YPl.OT Turner New Zealand food expeditor Philip OoUcedame holds up the Turner Lamb Rack, a signature dish at the restaurant. Tho dtmate ptoduca 10me or tho world'• cleAn t foods, most notably from Noel Turner. a wot1d '1'enowned food purveyor of Turner New 7.nland fine fooda. N~ there's the ftrst 1\lmer'1 New 7.al&ild Restaurant 1n C'..c>ata M Turner's restaurant manag r. Michael Vll1u. refers to hlm u a crazy and m.lgmatic Kiwi and the ultimate gou~ Turner's tanduds are high; • be owm the processing plants to control qualJry -lrom pastue"e co plate. Local rest&W'11.nts nous about ptcmlum lngredJent.a purchase Turner's•· foods. tnctudtna Pbcal'a and 8ayald ln Newport BC.ch and AntorteDo's In , L HAPPENINOS REEL CRITICS 'Last Samurai,' is majestic, 'Timeline' could be ignored ' 'T he Last Samurai" is Holty~t's latest ~ffon at creanng a sweeping historical epic that will tum heads at Oscar time. Tom Cruise has pµt his money and reputation on the line by being a producer and the obvious A-list star of this major enterprise. He and his partners have succeeded Ul creating a stwuung film that hru. the look and feel of greatness, JOHN DEPKO but retains a few flaws. 'lllis picture has that rare combination of far-reaching adventul't! intertwined with intensely personal siories seen in film'\ 'iUCh as "Dances With Wolves" and "The English Pauent. • Tom Cruise puts hil. hean into the role of (.apt. Afgren, a shabby former lwro of America's Civil War and the Indian wars. I le is offered redemption by the Japanese government, which i'> d~perate to enter the modem world of warfare and commerce. Ille ~nvemment offer.. him a fortune to trnin a new imperiaJ army to overcome the remnant'> of the a11cient samur.1,i tradition, who stand in the way ol lhc emperor':. plans to replace his army''> swords with Amencan guns. Ken Watanabe is magnificent as the rebel samurai warlord Katsumoto. His power and presence may easily cam him a Rest Supporting Actor nomination. After capturing Algren in a fierce banJe, he allows him to live through a quiet winter of captivity that regenerates Algren's soul and refines his hean under the care of Kat\umodos beautiful sister, Thlca. The rwo men become bonded to each other as honorable warriors who ~•rive to unden.tand the meaning of their lives as equal<;. 1ney are <;urrounded by many excellent Japanese actors who command your attention as the inevitable battle between Eastern and Wcstem values unfolds. Tilc acting. dlrt>t:ting, cinematography and majestic ~ore are beyond reproach. But at two hours and 25 minute:., it goes on too long and undenmnes its strongest point., wuh 100 many .,low motion <;een6 of death and dismemberment. ·nlC ending doesn't ring IJ uc in light of all that happens before it. But the Daws can't negate the fact lhat this look.., like MBravehean" meets "Sh<>b'ltn" for high box office rt•sult~ • JOHN DEPKO is a Costa Mesa resident and a senior Investigator for the Orange County public defender's office 'Timeline' should have been cut short By Unc le Don I t was a lousy book and a worse movie. "Timeline, • both the book and the movie. proved that all those involved with both projects probably did faJI out of a sequoia-si7ed stoopid tree and not miss a single branch on the way down. My weekend was ruined when the evil editor called me up Friday afternoon and offered me the usual exorbitant fct! if I'd grace the Pilot's pages with my usual scintillating observations. Batting zero on counts (the fee and th~ scintillating part of the observations), he said how about reviewing MTimeline," a flick that's been out for a while, and much like this column, more or less ignored by the public. fhe film opens in present time with a geezer sportmg the obligatory funny accent and professorially correct beard rooting around in some backwoods ruins of the country we all love to hate: France, but filmed in Canada. Why not, they've got frogs up there, don't they? But these aren't your ewryday garden-vari ety ruins, no sir. There's a wormhole in them thar hills, and the profc.,sor, who disappears into II, and lhe evil capitalistic war mongering corporation he\ work.mg for are gonna exploit that sucker for ~omething. Unfortunately. they go 10 great lengths lo explain thi11 lo us. the nodding off puhlic. Wormholes, for you ignoramuses out there, arc the lary man's way to Lime tnwel. ln<;tead of building some cool looking machine with lights and k.nobs and diah, these cinematic lightweights save on o;pecial effects cost'> by having thl' at•tors jiggle, shake, roll their eyes around and lhen l'Vaporate from the '>ueen in what appears to be a n over'>i.1.ed colander on steroids. rhis p.irticular worm hole takes people to 14th-century Prance. The trouble with 14th century France is that everyone looks like a rl'ject from "Monty Python and the I loly Grail." That movie mined medieval nicks for all elernity. (;an you really watch "Brave heart· and not '>nigger at the ludkrous ac1ing, sets and script? As the wooden rnrts go by, you expect someone to bell ow. "Bnng out your dead." Where's the guy with the clacking coconuts, the barnyard animals tossed by catapult, the French sticking out their tongues and blowing iMulls and raspberries al the l'nglish twits? In any event, the evil corporation has to send a few fool" back in time to rescue a few other fools, primarily the aforementioned p rofessor . Dre!.Sed in fu nny clothes and sporting funlcy accents, these meatballs arrive in 14th century France and are immediately chased by guys on horc;ehack outfitted Ill funny helmet<,. 1.ct's sec, it's 700 year'> ago, the local denizens speak unaccented 20th-century Engli1.h. have teeth whiter than Tom Sawyer's fence, not a hair out of place nor makeup smudged, and have obVJously learned how to ham-it-up in front of a camera. Our heroes -a surfer dude. the obligatory chic, and the usual passel of soon 10 be expiring yahoos who all sound like Groundskeeper Willie from "The Simpsons" -are immediately captured by the invading English, who seem to have lost their accents upon crossing the English Otannel. Our intrepid idiots are just gonna have to escape, snag the professor and head back to the future. There's a problem with all this lime travel. II screws up your DNA. Bodily organs suffer trauma. Blood vessels become (~~) R EST AURA Nl Call Today For Reservations! 949-675-2373 W11.Urfron1 &11tir1t AV11i!Jlble Enjoy our &aMtifal OutsiM Patio 503 E. Edgewater, Balboa Newpoaigndjng com On. &11tin1 hailAbf.I Nifhtly 7:30 pm -10:00pm Main Dtnlnlf Room • Cbmtmu MMP Adults $45.95 misaligned. You deteriorate as your braln becomes damaged. Obviously, you've become a Democrat. Some of the worst matte backgrounds In the history of modern, or even not-so-modern cinema, are exhibited as our little band of bum s traipse past Styrofoam castles and cardboard forts on their way to the climatic battle to save the rest of their group from an excruciating d eath by the evil invaders, or a m ore excruciating death hy the horrible screenplay. This is a script that actually allows diaJogue such as: "I'll find a way"; ""fhere is no way", "I don't have a choice"; and "Yes you do." And, of course. this prize of circumspection delivered with a straight face: "I've killed the man. I've got 10 live with that." Good gawd, lemmie out of here. The Pilot doesn't pay me that much to listen to this garbage. Actually, they don't pay me anything. At least they know what the column's worth. So these hercuJoo-clad clowns and their allies, the French, advance upon the castle the Invading English , have captured. l1's pre-Jackie Olan martial arts and mayhem as a quick kick ln the groin beats a pointy mace in the eye. The bland-to-bland combat drags on for an etemJty, as most of the warriors are bener at drawing flies than swords. There's a subplot or two going on while aJJ these other goings-on are going-on, but au it does is drag Lhls sucker out to the obligatory 90 minutes or so. One could only have hoped for a wormhole for "Timellne." Step into it at the beginning and bingo, you're instantly transported to the end -no suffering through the interminable middle. •UNCLE DON'1 Reviews of Nil Repute include B·movies and cf'leesy musical acts for the Daily Pilot. He can be reached by e-mail at real/ybadwriting<iilaol.com. NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA Celebrating 40 Years Catering for the Holidays Parry Trays • Baked Rigatoni • Salads Chi cken & Veal Dishes • Cold Cut Trays 9th Straight Year! Best Pizza in Orange County! -OC Week9' Lwich Served From I lam Until 4pm OtrrDOOR PATIO Mon-Thurs. I lam-9:30prn fn.-Sat I lam-I O:OOpm CLOSED SUNDAYS stocking 1tuffers fesdve gift dn1 gtft baskets caramel apples volume discounts NEWPORT BEACH WESTCUFF PLAZA. Irvine Ave. at 17th, nat to Sw11vda (ilOO) 161 1~·10 o/Y,,...,.,,, '"I• 11}',,I(, , ••11 Call Today For Rescrva_tionsl 949-673-4633 400 Main Street, Balboa Hgrbor1!dtPgyillon.com lARGB P ARUR WBLCOMti -0... W.infro•t Sum.t h.&b!. Holiday Bu.fret Menu Sunday. Decem~~ 21ti • 5:00pm -9:00pm Adults $3S.OO (7J ChOdrC!n Sl 5.00 "' 11•d 11111.Mri • Al Friday, December 12, 2003 HA P P EN IN GS •• THEATER ~Christmas Carol' raises spirits again PRINTING • w. ,,.,_ on ct. "*'*- • H (' '•• ........ e l.S Colan Of ftllOf9 • f'Ol ·~·fulC. BWEPRIN11NG • U.,,. Vtlluml • c.d Ploalng •ta.Bond Cople &moil .,out plot fl• k> UI cd ,..,,,..11~h/lnlc.M1 COPYING • lJtq the LAW!~ T~ • 600dp6 x-~ Outail.lt ByTomTltUI Daily Pilot T be only certalntlea ln Jlfe may be death and tax.es. But ln Costa Mesa. there's a third -the re-emerge.nee of Charles Dickens' •A Ouistmas earo1 • on the •tage of South Coast Repenory with the arrival of December. btnemeH at the outset to better contra.It his joyous rebirth at the close of the play. He ls a feanome force ln the early 1eenes, rejectJ.ng every aspect of Otrlatmu, but after hJs overnight conversion, hJs jolllness and jocularity are given free rein, much to the deJJght of the audiences. partiouJar)y the youngsters. McFarland strutt her versatility ln three assignments. a charity aolicttor, Feu.lwig'1 wife. and a larcenous harridan. FY1 •WHAT: •A Chrl1tm11 Carol" • WHERE: South Coast Repertory, Segerstrom Stage. 655 Town Center Drive, Costa Meaa •WHEN: Tuesday• through Frld1y1 et 7:30 p.m.; Saturdays at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.; and Sund1y1 1t noon ind 4 p.m.; until Dec. 27 • COST: $29 to $44 Op.rt Monct.y-S.~ 435 N Coast HJghway Laguna Beach laguneprtnt.c:ca.y.com • a.w c.-Smell 11111 lM1t Voblll ·~·,...•Qlldog For the 24th year, this holiday classic ls bringing the spirit - and spirits -of Chrisrmas to local audJences, with the same coterie of performers that started the whole tradJtlon back In 1980. What began as a one-shot producdoo has blossomed into an annuaJ Daniel Bllnltoff. who has turned in several riveting performances in other SCR productJons, steps lnro the role of Bob Cratchlt with the cornfon and confidence of one of the 24-year regulars. Devon Raymond, performing as Mrs. Cratchit In her 14th "Carol," continues to deUght with her snide remarks concemlng her husband's penurious employer. The past and present splrtts, who conduct Scrooge on hls Ufe-atnnning journey, are endowed once again by the considerable t.alenta of Richard Doyle and Tunothy Landfield, respectively. Doyle is a smooth, buslnessllke nostalgia guJde, while Landfield ls more of a pany animal. enjoying himself and his mission Immensely until hJs abrupt transition at the end of the journey. ~ • CAU.: (714) 708-5555 • ~ • su,p11ng • 8lnclne • Cokw Caple .s~ W. Alto ffaoe Ack up It O.Uvay F ... Quality Saw. WEDDING IN\'ITA1'IOl'll and acmNc>rla, pu90Mll.Md llOtlD.\Y CMDe and~ UMtATIONll Ml•ct vcuu· Holiday cO.V. onlln. at ... www.holldaveord1Hbelta.com/la11unaprlnt Got Pets? Ow"'e·H~ " 'roluslomJptt lown • Insured & bonded • V~t rtto111mtndtd Visit our '-0,•11 Houtt" Smdoy December I 4 II am -4f>m CotOIHI °" MOI CMmwr Wttllc •C•~lfC. "'"" .... Clll • Pict ., ... """" ·~et . c::-~ .... • &tall a.cu. ------... ·~ . .,,.. . ....... , ...... event that may outlive us all. And even though such early regulars as John Ellington, who created the role of Bob Cratchit, and Ron Michaelson, the original Spirit of Christmas - who played those parts for many years -have long since departed, the nudeus of the "Christmas Carol" company remains Intact. The production has had the same director, John-David Keller, and the same Ebenezer Scrooge, Hal Landon Jr., for the fu!J two dozen years. . Landon, as he grows and ages in the role, has endowed his . Scrooge with mcreasingty more THEATER Continued from A6 "Funny Money"; Tom Turnley in "Camping With Henry and Tom" at Newpon; Stan Morrow for "GodspeU"; and Rohin Field for "Ten Uttle lndJans," both at Costa Mesa. Among the year's more Impressive actresses, Joan Underwood and Cheryl Pellerin particularly stood out for Newpon's •Lost in Yonkers." as dld Teri Clranna for "The lmponance of Being Earnest,· also in Newport. Erica BEST Continued from A6 Costa Mesa. Turner chose Costa Mesa's theater district to open Turner's New Zealand's firi.t concept restaurant, which The crashing appearance of Don Took as the chained ghost of Scrooge's late partner, Jacob Marley. is guaranteed to startle young first-timers in the audience, and Took presents an ominous specter. also doubling as the mute Spirit or Christmas Yet to Come. Art Koustik. and Martha Mcfarland share most of the comedic aspects of "Christmas Carol.• Koustllc shines as both a grizzled street scavenger and the joUy Mr. Fezziwig. employer of the teenage Scrooge. Stewart-Givhan in "Once on This Island" in Costa Mesa and Yvonne Robenson in Newpon's "Funny Money" also merit indlvidual mention. Next week. the spotlight swin~ to the three collegiate drama programs at UC Irvine, Orange Coast CoUege and Vanguard University. The week after that. the top honors of the Daily Pilots 30th annual man and woman of the year in theater will be presemed . •TOM TlT\JS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot Hrs r1111iews appear Fridays. showcases all-oatural, free-range, and hormone-and antibiotic-free fanned seafood and meats. Turner's New 7..ealand Restaurant moved into the former n Fomalo Rosticceria location. behind the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel. The Starting at $5.95 •MANOARIH• • CANTONESE CUISINE • Sta,., Ho1m II '"" · I 0 P"' 7 Days a Week 11-4 Includes soup, salad, appetizer & rice /II\\//.'' 11 \//:/\ Ii /1) \ /'/ 111 Starting at $7 .95 FREE DESSERT HONEY WALNUT SHRIMP $7.99 HIGH IN lJAiflY, WW IN PRICE, BIG IN POK170N, GOOD IN SERVICE Heahh Conscious Menu Availabk I "(l/,/I"\ II' I I I . '\ 1,,1, 111I,, .. /1'/.'/l//1'\ \.' .: 1·i1 . ,./ 11 II; i . " (949)759-3388 Howard Shangraw created the role of young Ebenezer in the first versJon of the play and has long since grown into the role of Scrooge's upbeat nephew, Fred, contrasting nicely with Hisa Takakuwa as his less-forgiving wife, Sally, also doubling as a toy salesman and one of the street vultures. Julia Coffey, as young Ebenezer's onellme sweetheart, displays comic and dramatic acumen in her few moments of stage time. Christine Yael is a. hoot as the ~pursued malden" at Fred's party, and little Julia Ostmann is a fetching Cratch.it youngster. John Sisk Is strong as the young Jacob Marley, and Mason Acevedo nicely enacts the crippled Tiny Tim. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (9491 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offering a nlne-part film history on Alfred Hitchcock. The series will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The soaring 30-foot ceilings. arches. stylish expansive windows and wood accents hide that it's an oddly shaped, long and narrow building. It's exceptionally well-designed. only the chairs and tables needed replacing. Hlgh-quallty foods are expertly prepared with a vast style of culinary taStes. Cuisines represented include French, Medlterranean. Japanese, Thai and Italian. Even Turner's mother's homemade recipe for mint sauce or tomato reUsh shows up on the lamb sandwich served at lunch The dinner menu features exceptional appetizers -mostly Asian Inspired. Of the I 0 selections, favorites include Turner's take on salmon sushi. that's fired-kissed, then served on sticky sushi rice with citrus flavors from yuzu lcosbou and showered with lemon and salt ($I 2). The sashimJ-style lobster is served with sizzling hot sesame oil ($19) and mussels steamed ln a lemon grass coconut broth. It is finished with fresh cilantro and Did you know that it is required for all 5th graderS- in the Newport,Mesa Unified School District to take our classes? "!Jle teach history, geography, science and math as it relates to the sea. And that is just one of our many programs that benefit Newport Beach. Please support our education and community programs by making a tax-deductible contribution to the museum today. We wish you and your family a happy and healthy holiday sea.wn. When it comes to learning, kids are ~e sponges. THE NAUTICAL MUSElJM Good thing our museum is surrounaed by water. Ncwpon Harbor Nautical Museum 151 Ean Coast Highway (on the Rtvcrboat), Newport Beach 9~9-673· 7863 • funOnhnm.ora • Closed Mondays Conttibucc or Join online at www.nhnm.org 1he MuNUm .,,. ,, Open lor (~ Your Holway Slt0ppi119 Technically. the show continues to be smoothly ; r ii: mounted, with Thomas Buderwit.z's settings (based od~ Cliff Faullcner's original designs) moving off and on like subway,"1 trains, while Dwight Richard ~ .. ,.. Odie's costumes and the light.Ing designs of Donna an~ •• Tom Ruzika beautUully ~ establish 19th-century Lond~ Just as Dickens' original story~ has become a literary classic, ... ~ SCR's annual production, :- adapted by company member Jerry Patch, must be considered a local classic as It nears the quarter-centwy mark. Even after so many years, it retains its emotional hold on an audjence. •TOM TITUS reviews local thee r 1 for the Daily Pilot. Hi1 reviews appear Fridays. • events will be held at OCC's Finl Arts Hall 116. Admission is $6. ~r more information, call (714) 432-5880. .. NEWPORT HARBOR • CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE ~ Beautifully decorated yachts, i boats, kayaks and canoes will II along the harbor In the 95th annual Newport Harbor 14 Christmas Boat Parade ' Wednesday through Dec. 21. E~ night, the parade will begin at J 6:30 p.m. at Collins Island and l(St two and a half hours. • Information: (949) 729-4400, • http:/..WWW.chrlstm11sbostpars~ . com. jalapenos ($12), Lamb dishes are extraordinary. The rack of lamb -aged at leaf t l4 days-is pan-seared and • then oven-roasted. It's ' accompanied by a wild mushroom potato gratin. oven-dried potatoes and rosemary infused demi-glace ~ ($32). All beef encrees. inclu~ lhe 12-ounce filet ($36), the I 6-ounce strip-loin ($32) and rib-eye (S32}. are served with • whipped garlic potatoes and "' saut~ed wild mushroom. Orde" are custom roasted to perfection Turner's venison is also aged at: least l 4 days. The rib chop is , double-cut, with curried potatoes, saut~d asparagus an~ finished with an orange Cognad demJ-sauce ($38). Seafood choices mclude oysters. cala.marl. mussels. lobster, king salmon and orange roughy. Entrees choices includo aispy·sldn king salmon served with sautttd leeks, fingerling • saffron potatoes and a ciuus : shallot confit ($26). Orange ~ roughy Is prepared three ways: • , with ponzu sauce, served with· beet-mashed potatoes, grilled baby bok choy and enoki mushrooms ($25); Mediterranean-style, marinated in herbs and citrus juices, with-a : fire-roasted tomato, red onion and Kalamata oUve ragout ($25): or blackened with stir-fried mushrooms, peppers, red cabbage and crispy won tons ($24). Turner's eclectic fine wines a,e : ; mostly from New Zealand, • ' ' l I' California and France. Manager ' , Michael Villas ls also a , : : sommelier who can help with ' • select.Ions. : • : • Lunch prices: soups. from 1• $8.99 to $9.99; appetizers, fron-l , $8.95 to $10.50: en~ salads. ' 1 from $8.50 to $13.95: sandwtches, from $8.75 to Sll.95; pasta. from $9.50 to $14.95: en~ from $9.95 to $17.95. • Dlnner prices; appetize~ from S9 to $1~ bed entrees, from $32 to $36; vcntson. from $28 to $.18; lamb, from $27 to $32; veel. from SU to S29: fish, from S24 to $26: and ahellfish, from $2.3 to $31. Tumer'a New 1.ealand Is open for lunch ti'Om 11 am. to 3-p.m1 Monday thnn:tgh Prlday: and 1 open for dinner from 5 to 10 t p.m. dally. : Jt'a &I 650 Anton Blvd. In eo. MCllL (714) 668-0880 htrp:llwww.tu~Jaland. com. • IUT lfTU runt.very~ ~ :1 Gre.r\Wld« cen be l'NCNd et g~ y»too.com; et 330W . ..J. lay St., Cotti MeM. CA 9292?; or btf' fP et (M8) e4Ml70. QUOTE OF THE DAY "If we can hold teams to 40 or less, we should be able to win a lot of games." ~ Bob s.n.n, Costa Mesa boys basketball coach EYEOPENER Daily AJ Pilot SpoN Ha.U ~Fame I r\o~"•"'Oll It-. nolll.ocaJ&au Dec. 15 hooofff WILLIAM G. WARMINGTON Sports Editor Richard Dunn: (9491574 4223 • Spom Fu: (9491650-0170 Friday, Decerroer 12, 2003 A9 .. BOYS BASKETBALL Mesa's magic number yields another win Serven's Mustangs hold their op·ponent under 40 points for third straight game -all victories. Patrick Laverty Daily Pilot CERRITOS -For the fin.1 ume in Coach Bob Serven's live seasons. the C.osta Mesa High boys basketball team has won three consecuuve game. to open the season. The M~tangs accompl~ht.'d the feat Thur.;<.luy with a 55-39 victory over St P'dul in the second ~dflle of pool play at the Valley Ouis tian tournament With a victory over Whitney ut 6:30 p.m. tonight, the Mustangs will reach Saturday's champ• onship game. "We're nowhere near where \\C need to be or want lo be, H Serven said of tw. team's fast start. MBut we're 011 our way to getting there.w All three vktorie:. tor (..er.ta Mc-.a IMvc heen marked by a Mingy defcn~ that hasn't allowed 40 points 111 a HJtnl' Ull'• GIRLS SOCCER i.ca!>On. ·1110 Mw,tang.'\ prevented St. Paul from hitting that mark by forcing seven tumovcn. in the '>t.'Cond 1.1uartcr, limiting the ~'wordMnl'n to ~ix poinlb. and six tumowrs in the fmal period. when St. Paul scored jtL'>I nine poinL'>. Mlf we ran hold team~ 10 40 or less. we -.hould be able to wih a lot of games," Serven <,aid. "Rut I don't know if we'U be able 10 do Uuu aU the lime." If they c:an't. it <,houldn't be 100 big of a concern since the Mw.tangs haven't had a problem o,com1g points so far this sea-"°"· averagmg nearly 58 a game C:o<,la Me-.<1 M:ored 20 in the fin.I quar- ter ••~<un .. 1 St Pm1I, dosing the period PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANK /DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa's Jasmin Day (9) collides wrth Irvine's Amreeta Panesar in Thursday night's r\onleague action. • Mustangs feel sting Costa Mesa loses in the final minute as Irvine scores game·winner with 10 seconds left. SteveVlr1en Dally Pilot COSTA MESI\ -11 was a sight the Costa Mesa I Ugh girls soccer team .would rather forget, but one that Mustang'5 Coach Dan Johnston would like his play- • ers to remember. lrvlne sophomore Krysten O'Dea scored ln the final mJnute, leading the Vaqueros to a stun- nl.ng l ·O victory over <:osta Mea Thunday under the Ugbtt at the Colla Mesa Parm Field. Juat tw0 eeconds alter the ball was put ln pJay after O'Oea's goal. the 0- aal whistle bJew. • The Mualatli' (i-•> owned the game undl the ftnal minute, out· ahoodn& the Vaqueros. 16-5. Alter· ward, Johnston a.sJc.ed a Costa Mesa pltlyet't parent If he b\pCd trvtne'• the !>ic.lelinc, 1hrew Im clipboard to the ground and aJso chucked his • pencil In the same dlrecUon. Costa Mesa's Cindy Mendoza (20) controls the ball, while trying to elude Irvine's Amreeta Panesar. MWe outplayed them the whole game,· Johni.ton said. "It was abso- lutely wonderful play, until we <itunk the place up. We just absolutely crunched them and 1hen just gave ii awny ... We gave them a nice Ouist- mas pre..enl." To that, Irvine's !ll'Cond-year coach Gwen Conine replied with little shy- nes.'I. "lley, we'll take it," she said. Ml would have been happy with a tie, but a win is certainly sweet I think we eaml'd th.al win by not giving up." C'..onlne. whose team Improved to 3 1-1. credited her goalie, Brittany Goetz.. for the Vaqueros' shutouL Goet7., a junior, recorded seven goal on his video camera. TI1c parent saves, lndudln~ one crucial stop In .-eplied, yet. the 60th minute. "I'm gol.ng to show It to them a Junior Nllnnl Duane started the thousand tJm , until they puke, H &eoring chance for tho Mustang:;. Johnston said. "J want them to see leadlng sophomore Jaamln Day on a how pathetic that was." breakaway. Day ff red off a shoe lohruton wu angered wltl1 his toward the comer of the net, but team•• play, panfcu.14lrly nt'af the end Goetz jumped to Up It away. She of the game. After ha post-grunc J meeting. Johnstrm wolked townrd SH MUSTANGS, Pase AlO >j f 1 with a 12 I run over the fuial 3:03 of U1c period, which was capped with Hrian Molinas three-pointer as time nm ow. The Mustangs contlmwd to build upon their lead In Lhe <,t'<:ond 411artcr in a variety of w.iys. After halftinle, Costa Mesa maintained its double-digit lead, with 6-foot-5 senior Marko Stankovic scoring six of the team's l 1 chird-c1uarter points. Stankovic fin ished with 13 points and five rebounds. Sophomore Scott Knox s<:oretl a layup off a backcloor cul. Sophomore fony Kn· korian made a drivmx layup It..,_., thdfl minute later. Knox. who led Ml><,a with 15 points, knodted dow11 a three po111ter. Junior Jeff Waldron. who led the te-dfn with 15 rebound ... 1111 a pair of fn>e throws. Jw1ior Dumm· Wa.-.e t·amc off the bench to score off anotlwr h:1t:kdoor nll, giving the Mu...ianf.."' a :ll lb ledd "That's one of Marko's belier games,· Serven said. *l le handled the ph~icallty of the game." With a small team Molina U. 5-5 and Krikorian is 5-7, while Knox is 6-foot - Serven was impreswd with how the en tire ream handled a physical team like St. Paul rhe Mustan~' ability to do !.O showed on the scoreboard. See MESA, Pa1e AlO BOYS BASKETBALL Unsettled Sailors remain unbeaten Young, I lunter find spotlight in Newport's fourth straight victory. Barry Faulkner Da1lyP1lot NFWPOlfl Hl:AU I With 'till more than half of lk"t·emhcr remaining, New· t><>rt I !arbor I ligh h<JY!> ba'>kclball coach Larry I lin.t ha.-. a better idea of what he'll get for Olri.,tma.'> U1an wha1 he may wind up with on the lloor. But, as the Sailor.. l'xtt•11ded their early season l>t!arch for a lineup and nn idcntJty 'l11uNday night, tlwy nt. lca.sl continued to 1><>ckct victories. ·111c host ran; improved w 4 O with a 52-47 win over Plca.<,anl Gmvc of Urah in thl' sec· ond round of pool play al the Hill llcyn old.-. aw.sit. Thursc.lay\ contest. wluch wa.<,n'1 quite as cl<>-<ic <L'> the scort' might indi- cate, provided a challenge 10 lhu..e try- ing to sc..-ope out the Sailor;. Witl1 'iOme players 'llowe<l or stalled rnmpletely by illness. and the mum of four pl.iyers suspended frorn "l\Jcsday\ 1oumamen1 opener for v10latmg team ntle<., playing time and rombinallnn'> wC're more than " li11lc· unpn-<lictable 'The four afon>mentioned sw. pended player. did not play in the first half, allowing t lirst to conduct game-si1ua1ion audi- tions. Junior ·1aylor Young. wlm cashed in ~ increased nunutes fue.-. day with 16 points in a 66-52 win over C..ompton, took advantage of his on- court windfall once again. particularly before inrermL...,..ion. The 6-foot-2 forward M::ored 12 of hi~ J,'Clffie-high 14 point' in the first two pe riods, connecting on hi.s first five field- 8oal attempts to help the h~ts forge a 27-19 advantage. Young also grabbed a team leading st•ven rebound1>. In the second half, however, it was senior guard llnbcn I luntcr who sco.ed the spotlight After netting lwo fn.-e Uuows in his first action in the thjrd pc riod, he netted all three fourth quarter field-goal tries to fini~ wiU1 eight points. He also 1wice brought the New port I !arbor bench to its ft-ct. fil"l>t sprawling head-fir..l on the Ooor to col lect a loose ball on tl1e defcn!.ive end, then taking a charge on U1e ~line to halt one of Pleasanr Grow\ <;('t'mrngly uncea..,ing comebacks. "I thought fl lunterl bmught .,oml' See SAILORS. Pa1e AlO BOYS WATER POLO DON LEACH /DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Michael Bury, a senior, was voted first-team all-league by the Sea Vtew coaches. Harbor's Clay Jorth, a saphomore, is also first team. Bury, J orth selected first-team all-le£!gue Newport Harbor garners four with all-league honors . Newport Hllfbor HJgh sen- ior Michael Bury and sopho- • nationaJ cadet team member, produced 56 goals. , SenJor Morgan laldJaw, know for his rich work ethic. and junJor goalie Michael Robinson received second- more Clay forth both earned flrst- team AJl-Sea View League honon ln boys water polo. Bury, a U~. youth natJonaJ team member who earned All·ClF Southern SectJon Division I laurels last year, led the Sailors with 93 goals, whllo forth, a ' . ••• • team All·PCL recognJtJon. Laidlaw ICOn!d 13 goals. and Robin- on recorded 252 savea (nine per game). The quartet bctped. lead C',oach Ja - son t.¥nch'• Sallors to a 17-11 record and n ctP 01\lhlon l quarterfinal •P· pcarancc. .. AlO fr , Oecelrbw 12, 2003 SPORTS MUSTANGS dtd credit Coett. wUh • well- pla)'t'd pme. SCHEDULE BRIEFLY Continued from A9 made two more Ill\' alt i-that. and then O'Dea ttrUck with the Co lft Mesa heartbteakeL She fole the ball oear mld.8eld and dnbbled the ""' of the way, OUUUCU\i defenders befo11J sending tbo th.ot to the back of the net. •We got ..toppy and stupid whh our tuck.ling at the end and gave them 'ihe game.· Johnston said. ..lbat just k.Uls me. And. they all know better. l guea they thought Irvine wuuJd play for a tic, but (the Vaqueros! dJdn't. • Costa Mesa. as US coach said, played weU In the first half. OUI· shooting lrvlne. I I · I However. Johru1on thought the Mustangs dld not take good shots and went al the net with bad angles. He Da)S Duane, Stacy Ktikod&n, Vera GaJe and t:..ra Jenkina wae pdy t8J>Ooalble ror the Mus- tanp' acorlng opportunJdAll. but the VuqW!COS oontinutd to tum them &way. • The MUIWlP, lul year\ co- c:hamploN of OF Southern Sec-- lion DMsioD lll, need to find thrir rhythm and 5tart wlnn1ng, Johnston said. He has not teen the team respond to adv~lty yet ·We shouJd have had e watt· up call the lab1 four losses,• Johnston said •If they don't wtb up after this, It will be a Jong year.• Co ra M~ was without JunJor standout Jenny Sparb. who is out for at least rwo weeks wtlh a srn.fned knee. an injury that was suffered Tuesday. Johnston said. BREITLING 188A tRADiTti~hJ1 P'aahlon laland·Newpor1 •••oh 949fT21·9010 www TradltlonalJeweler• oom www.••••TLl"O.COllll TODAY ......... ..iigtt edlool bovt -CoroM dtl Mar vs. Huntington hach It u Quinta t~mal'Mtlt, 3:30 o.m: COit. Mau vt Wtlltneiv ft V.itev Chrlttfan tOUrname:nt. •~30 o m.; '-nlnsula It NMpOl't Hefbor In 1111 ~ Cl.-c. 8:30 p.m a.ci..H11l vs .. Ca!Vafy Ctlrlltian et Armv-Nffl tournament. 8;1& p.m. Hlgtl ~I gh1•-Costa M ... vt Dani HUia at folinttln Vtllev touma.tneflt. e p.m.; Ntwpon Harbor w Foott!UI at Unlvetalty tournemtnt. 8 30 p.m ; Sage H•ll It Ftir~t tourntlT*'tC Corona del Mer tt Av.ton toumatMnt. College wom.n -9'oc*y Moiintaln SAILORS Continued from A9 good energy to the game," Hirst said, "We pl.ace a lot of emphasis on taking the charge in our pro- 8J8Dl and 1 tllousbt bis dMng on the Boor turned momentwn around for us.• Hunter canned a 10-foot run- ner and, 21 seconds later, a layup for H.arl>or's fusl four points of lhe ft.n.a1 quarter, His two buckets ex- tended a 39-24 lead at the end of three periods to 43·25. Pleasant Grove, coached by Hirst's former Southern Callfomfa College (now Vanguard Univer- slryl teammate Randy McAllister, answered with a 10-2 spun that cut Into the bulge. then followed Newport sophomore Dennis H~ nans l8-foo1 jumper with a 6-0 surge to close within 47-41 with 1:34 lefl. A Hunter layln, on a long pass In transition, helped widen the margin, which sllpJ'ed to 50-45 with 31 seconds left. after the VI· ldngs netted a three-pointer and MESA Continued lrom A9 The ~rdsmen. which de- feated Whitney, 48-41. in the opening round of pool play. closed the gap to 42-30 with six straight points al the end of the third quarter. Molina. who fin. Wled with 10 points, opened the fourth quarter, though. with a steal and layup and an ensuing three-pointer to push the lead back to 17. Despite the result. Mesas coach knows his team has a long way to go before it reaches its peak. "I'm our team's harshest aide; Serven said "We need to prepare for down the road. We're not look- (Mont.I et V.n9~d. 7:30 p.m. ..... High tdlooJ ~ -Huntington 8eadl It Corona del Mar, 3 p.m.; Ett.anola at LA Cot1.1 C.nyol\. 3: 15 pm. HIQ.h tdlool olt1t -Newport Htrbor ve Long 8Mdl Wiiton at~ Del ~~•t~l4"\n'411,.•tt tS.n11 Anal. 3;30 o.m.: Coron• dtC Mer 1111. Martjn Luther King et ~lei' Del \OUmam.nt et c.tltennlal Peft(. 3:30p.m. Wlltllf '°'° High ecnool glt11-Santa Barbare at Corona CS.I Mtr,' pm.; Loi Amioot et C<*a ~. 3:1& p.m. W1wtll'll Hloh IChool -Cotta M .... Ettancla at tdlton toumtrMnt. free throw. 1Wo Heenan free throws with 22 leCODds left an but secwed the win and Hirst and McAllister, who exr.banged frlendly banter all night finally shared a postgam.e banchbak.e. '"lbet'e's probably nothing harder than playing one of your best friends." H1nit said. "We run the aame stuff. we just call lt something different" Newport senior Andre Pinesett contributed six points, four re- bounds and three asmts off the bench. MR~a.. PiOIPiii Ne'owpon Harbof 52. PIMNnt Glow 47 Scot9bv~ G,,,.... l 11 11 23 • 47 Newport' 11 II 12 13 • l!o2 ~Gr!MI -~n 14, Hallman B, Clement 3, Co. efltiro 6. Ca. Biibro 4, EV90S 5, HelQullt 4, lof'Q 2, Hall 2. ~ goell-Hallman 1. Co. Biibro 1. Newport Harbor • Younq 14, Heenan 8, Olefenbectl 4, Mounidyan 8, SlatM 0, Hunier 8, PlneHtt 8, Green 2, Pemne 2, GouMWitz 2, Mac8eth 0. 3-pt. goals · Young 1, Mouradyan 1 Fouled out • Olefenbedl. ing at one game thinking one game will make your season. We're trying to build and get bet· ter." Vtl!tJy a.tllllii ......... PiOIPlii Cost.a ,... &&. St. Plul 39 Score bv Oualters St Paul lb II 14 ll -3i Miu 20 11 11 13 -Iii St. ,... -Fitrglnld 2, Aranda o. Gonzalez 5, Revnoto " Mel1UI 6, ~ 4, Send1ez 1, V.lnquez 1&. Elld\ O, l.opez 2, Caatlllo 0. 3-pt. goele -None. Fouled out -None. Tedtnlcela -None. Meee-Mollnt 10. Knox 15,.INue 2, Knkorien 7. Alteon 2, Lefebvre o. Wlldron 6, Stankovic 13. 3-pt. goals -Mollna 2, KnoJ< 3. Krikorian 1. Fouled out-None. Tedlnlcal1 -None. Eagles defeat Vanguards ! I The &iamda High pu beste,t· Hill (0·4) while Debbie Yoder~ ball teun Fl Its W zone deCeose Lee and Kaitlin 'fyres each ta1·1 Into tbape to la!)' a l>tJ'On8 third~ Ued s.lx points. Laura Scbaef er! quarter. • fl CMll1.00k B Modena. bad two points and three a.s1 46-40, fn the lJth.cplace semifinal aists. : of lhe tJnlYel$lty tournament Fairmont~ I 1bunday 1n 1rv1ne. FhC rouw · : BstMda senior center Nancy C•tv•rv Chapel Santa Ana 13,-: ~ had JS points and 10 re-= Hlfl44 j bounds. while senior point guard Sa 'Hill Score 'OU:~1a "' .-1• DBba ~ poscrx:I a aeason~ eaPvary 1• 11 11 11 -a JS poinl!. efil1l tebotmcb and eight S... Hll -Sc:ileeftr 2, HemberskV" ; assists to lead the EaP& 10, Vodel'LM 6. tyres a, GutlenuQ, I 1.-a.... Imelda Fels made four Wright 10, Pulshy1 10, RHdl•lf O. I ,......... Foul~ out -Yode!'-1.ee. 1 • dwe-poir.nen to.aa:ount for. most C.lwry Cha.,.1-Moore 6, Hurtt 10, ofber 14 points. Kobzltu 2. Alc;Uf 6, O.luc:a 26, ,. : ~...,.. Schldt o. Gelli"vo• 4, Murphy 10. • AxeltonO. • : 1-.. --3-pt. goal• -Murphy 2, O.luca '· &c.ftdl..., a Modine"° 8cal9 t1¥ °'*""'9 El Modine 1~ w 4 10 ., l!bper, .byce score 20 each' fltllnda n Iii n II ..., B Moclli1' • Baron 2. Hult.ado 8. Maggleon 9, Maxwell ,.. IGnglelld 7. J..pt. pit · Hurtado 2. Mlggiloll \ e..m ....... 15. Caslro 16, P8lw 1', Maldonado 2, Flol'9I 0, Neel o. 8ecMa 0. J..pt. goala • Pena 4. • Avalon bests CdM • BAUCBTBALL: Senior Sarah Stem scored nine of her tearn- rugh 12 points in the first half to help the Corona del Mar High girls basketball team earn an 18-17 lead over the host school of the Avalon invitational Thursday on Catalina lsland. But the Lancers won the third quarter. 11-3, and went on to record a 40·32 triumph in the pool-play opener. Senior Kate Heeschen scored all her points on two three· pointers for CdM, which fell to 0 -4. Avalon~ Ftfit:rouna pool PliY Av•lon 40, CdM 32 Sc:ON bv Quirt.en CdM 1~ e 3 11 32 Avalon 13 4 11 12 40 Corona del Mar· Stern 12, Long 2. Heeschen 6. Skell• 4, Benbow 1, Merits 3, Schulte 4, Wayte O Wedwhe D, Kawete O. 3-pt. goel1 · Heetchen 2, Stern 1. Avalon · Hooiktike 7. York 20. Morand 2, Lecneu 4, Kennedy 7. 3-pt goal• ·York 1. Sage loses to Chlvary a BASJCBTB.\LL: Sage Hill School's girls basketball team didn't tally a field goal until halfway through the first quar: ter and never led in a 6344 loss to Calvary Q\apel of Santa Ana In the first round of the Fair- mont tournament Thursday. Rebecca Hembarsky, Hay- wood Wright and Katie PuJshys each scored 10 points for Sage • BASKBTBALL: Sage Hill School boys basketball coaeb. Steve Keith said his squad; found its rhythm and were co-· hesive in defeating Army-Navy, Academy, 49-31, In the secol)d; round of the 14-team San Diego• Small Schools toumameoti Thursday. Matt Loper and Kevin Joyce scored 20 poi.lits each to lead the Lightning (3-2)., San Ole10 Smalt School• toumamel'IC, ' SiCOiiCI round • 59geHHl491 Army-Navy Ac41d•mY 31 Sc:o,. bv Ouartt1111 Sage Hiii 1~ 13 I Hi -.-e• Army-Navy II 9 7 I -.11: Sage HUI -Loper 20, Joyce 20, , Wllklne 2, Voge 0, Semel 2, Hane~ l 3, Derhelm 2. Ogron 0. 3-pL goal• -Joyce 1. Army.Navy-Peek 12, Adem1 2, Bruno 4, Greham 3, V,-lleon 4, Hercfy 6. • • 3-pt. goal• -Peek 1. ... Dolphins subdue Sailof,s; • SOCCBR: The N~rt Harbor HJgb girls a"Occer t~ made progress, but came ~P, short Thursday, dropping a 210; fiJ:Sf'oround pool-play verdl~~ against Dana Hills In the Ma~r Dei invitadonal at Centennial Parle In Santa Ana. ~ CdM comes up short · •SOCCER: Corona del Mari sophomore Kelly Morgan coo., vened an assist from -senior' Courtney Carnahan to pull the Sea Kings even with girls soccer powerhouse Aliso Niguel, l • l ,'. in the first half Thursday. ~ut the Wolverines scored thJ;~ times after halftime to earn a 4-l win in die first round of pool play at lhe Mater Del inVt· tadonal at Centennial Park, .vi; San1a Ana. ' I . '"I I 2640 L191l Notlca -leplNotlclt -llpl~ 2640 _Llfll_NoU __ --.-: I -------llOOO TO OlDfTOIS OI IWSAlf (UCC §§ 6 IOl, 6 IOS) Hohu " lltttb1 a•••n In et•d•lnta t!I In. Wllhln n•~d \eli.. lh•I 1 bull< 1ale h1• '>tcuored h llnllflfl 1111 th• IHOh destrlbell b4~1w Tiie 111me 011d bu•• n•u •dauu 111 lh• ~•II•• 4' ~n enlom £ n1•n••r111a. Inc , 35ot!>A C•dlllac Ann1H, Costa ~· C11tl0fnl1 92626 Th• focttlon In Cell lotnl• of th• chief e•t<.111\ve olllcet nt th• •lier I\ 11'11 Ulfte It ebove A\ hilef by IM """". •II otl\ef bUllrlH• namn Ind 1ddren" 11ttd by '"' Miit! 'flllhlll thf .. yurt IMl01 • 111• d1t1 .._ich 1111 w•• ttlll or '11h11tr•d to 1111 b11nr au Nomi The n1one arid lluM· "'" 1tldrn& of lh• t'~~ 11. Smnlom. 1n, .. C1dllltc Avenue, Coate MllU C1hl01 nl.t OlG28 Thi aas•b •ol4 111 dll~rlbtd In .. n1t1I n ill~•Mory, 41qul11111enl, 1nd tnt•n(lb .. , 1nd llft IOc.tte4 ti ~~A Cldst• lff A~anue. C0tl1 Mtu. Cahfor1111 91'2e Th• b11tln1n narmt uMd by t~ .. u., •I 1114 abon loo tlon h : ~tanlom 1111111 "'"•· Inc Thi d•I• of 1111 tlulli Ult Wll U , fOOJ, et the of "• of hr-t e co11n .. 1, lllver i f rHdllllll, • PrOIU• 41<11111 law C0t~0tellon, 2019 C.ntut~ l'erk tut. 19tlt flOIK, Lo• All&•lu. C.hft1nla. Thli tlul ult " not 1ullje4t '' C111fot11lt , Uniform Commercl1I Code Section 6106 2 01\td December 4. 2003 S.rna1urt of Buyw S<lAHtOM,IMC., Isl Dou11 .. D. ltu111ll, N1me Ooualn D ltus· stll, fl\le Clliet Opef· 1111111 Olflctr Publlahtd Newport Beach Ca.ti Miu Oail:I P110I O.c1mbt1 12, 2003 CNS 61S:IOO F943 llOl1CI Of VACAD N•tlu le lttrt~y tlv•• thet tt.. <tty C-lt ...... Ofy •• Newrrt '"'" wilt _, . ., .... "~ ... wtlfty -·· "" ""9ftlt!.t. """"' wlll ~. ce••••••• IM'ft-t .. .... Cele· fernl• Streat •"4 Hl.invwt <o4t Stctlell uoo -"'"''' '"""· Hi ... ..., .... , '•"'ka le""'"''' Vecetla11 kw.T:~~-.. ..... "" .... _,.. 4etalh4 .......... Tlllt.11 Ct1t1ln eOI• menh fOI' ut1Uly 1iur· POHi 4 00 fttl II\ WICfll• OVlf I llOrllon of ''"'' I ol lh1f swt1111 Lot lint Acl..._l!M4\l Ho lfll.l9' 1 hi Ille C1t1 ot Htwporl ... ch, COlll'll\I ot Oona•. SUI• of C41l1f•lf'nla, rti:Ordtd .,..,. 10, 1996, 11 ln1trum•nl Nil ~ 0201201. offKltl 1t<0tdt of Id County Jald IA~iltt.itl II do• "'"'" u Jol!Ow ,,,. eoti!Mrly • 00 ' t of II ,._,., I, n • (111>t1111 t1111tftom tllt aoulMrlt • 00 fHt of 1111 "'"'t" ly 114 00 , ... oh1kl I ''''I l NOfKI tS f'UITH .. OMNHlltaf ....... :i.c-•ettlia City • rt, ........ ,.... ..... ... s..... Th• tollowln& Jtt•Ol'I• ere dol111 buslneu •• 1) ~n Wut "41to LN\1111, ti) Coldln Wett LtHll\I. C) Colden WMI SalM and 1.-..lq. cl) Colden Wttt (qu19J'lltflt L1111111, t) G.W.11 Wetl rl11•1'11:l1I StNltn, 0 Colden W11t "nanc:lal. I) Ooldfn W11t lnlVI'· anc1 S..-wtcu, II) Ookttn Wut toulpmtnt, I) Qolllen Wot rrut lt~a I) Gold.nwnt "''' lttale, -> Oofdln Wett lttal f.al1t1 Ser· •le ... 3UO lilfbof llllHI .. Co1l1 ,,,..,, CA 9262t Golden Wt1I Cfllor• prlMI, Inc, (CA), 1130 HMllof lovle•atf Cotti '-'"•.CA9~ 11 ... 1111 " (Oft• ducltd h : a wporahon Hawe you allrtect doln1 b11slneu yin Vo lO·lt·l4 Col!l111 'Wetl n ltr prltH. Inc . MkhMI 9- M•ifitld, l'rWclent T tt ttett111e11t "'*' filed with the County Cterll of Oren1• County on l2/09IOJ 200JH'762• D•llY ,.110t 0.c 12, 19. 26, 2003. ltn 2. 2004 f941 llOTICI Of AVWlllTY OI ..W.lfTUlll Purtu•nt to Stctlon 6104(d) of 1114 lntern•I Rnen111 Code notice la hattbY al•tn lhtl tllt tnnuel rtlllfn for the c11tnd11 yNr 2002 of tllt raft lllDS Offl V, INC. foundation, • prlv1l1 I011lldttlo11, la 1vall1blt for pvbNc ln•~tlon llr 1111 lnlarnttcl cltl11111 Wl'IO ltqlll"tll It 1t tf'll found1Uon's ptlnclpal oltk e loc:altcl ti 2252 MtH Drlwe, H••J>Ort 8tacll, CA 112660, Tele· phone 949 646 4562 bta\11nln1 on tllt d•t• ol thll pllOlic:•tlon end 180 •YI tlttrHlltr durtn1 llOflftal "9\lneu hourt ffom IHIO 1 m I• 4.00 p 111 Th• prt11c1111r M11111er ol tflt loull· d1tl°" 11 IOHANNA n>~SlHO ltOHALD BLUE a. CO llC 1&!1 N. llYd , Suitt 1000 Santa Alie, CA 8V05 l'ultlllhtcl Newpor t BNch..C .. te Matt Dttly ,.llol Otc.mhf It, 2003 F~2 .......... ......... The fott.w1111 "'ton• ... dolil1 bllllM&a •• c' c l1111lroldmrJ, 1041 W )1111 !I A• II». CMta .... .-.CAt1'U Co. ApJH!rtl. In 't (CA) 1041 w. 11th St 11-lot. Coih JMu, CA 112821 Th• butlllt II con duct.II '1' • -'*·''°" ...... JOU ..... tttl dolnt ,,....,..., 1ttl YA Nl« 16. 1996 Co• Appuel. Inc., Chris Co~. P111ident This sltltmenl ••s hied with lht County Clerk ol Or1"ae County on 12./09/03 200HH1Slt D•Uv Pilot Oec 12. 19, 26, 7003, Ian. 2, 2004 F949 ,..... ...... ... s...... Tiit lollo•tna persona ., • dolna bv\lntss .. 1) Woodw1rd's Act lhr dwtre lnc'.J. b ) Wood'fl11d's, c) "ood w.1d'1 H1rctwer1, lnc'.J d) Au Hardwere, 451e E Ct11pr111n Av1.. Or· enJ•. CA 921169 Wood'lolerd'• Harchnre, Inc.. (CA), 2343 H. Tu1Un A~• Stnt1 Anill, CA. 9270'5 Thlt bualn•u l"t con ducted by· • co+'por1t1an Hive you started llolna busintu yetl Yet, ll·24-ZOOJ Wooclw11tcb, H.ttdwlt t, 1111: , W11U1m A Woo4 Wtrd, ,.lllldClnt Thia atetem.nt w11 11td wllh the County Cltf-ol Or•nt1 County 01'1 l2/0910J 200a••'7Ht D11ly ,,lot Oec: 12 :....1!, 29, 2003, l1n. 2. zwe ·~· bu.Ines• yet? No Olalt W•ll lhis st1ttm•nt w11 hied with Ille County Clerk ol OflnJt County on 12111/03 200Ut611t7 Dilly Pilot Dec. 12, 19, 26, 2003. Jin. 2, 2004 f957 Adllll. ..... -----The ro11ow1na P«•ona tr• .,Ina business u Afft•tlnn Mtchlnlcel Consultln• end lttsto- t11ion, 11642 Knott Ave .. Suite 15, Gerdln Grove, CA92:MI Ccuy M. Lyon, 18521 Sovtl'I P1clf1c Ao , Sunsl S.ech. CA 907•2 Thb bU11Msa II con· ducted by. an lnclh11d111I Hev• yOll starl•d·doina buaintu y117 No Corey M Lyon This 1t1t1ment w" llled wtltl tllt Counly Cltt~ ol 011n1• Cou11ty onl~ I00>6M7H7 Oally P'llot O.c. 12..JJ1 29, 2003, Jan 2, ~ ,,.. .......... ... s....... Tltt follo'fllnt petaon• .,, doinc •ullneu n l•t'I Dint In. t2t Ooornot SI , Cott• Mtta,CA9M17 Jtlfrey J.y W.lu tl!I Ooornor St., Cott• MtM.CAt2U7 JH111• Ai.ta Wens, "9 Cowif"6t St, COit• M1tu,c~em1 11111 bu~ .... ttll ducted 1>.,; llU.blnd Ind 'flit• H•~ JIM/ at.arttll .iolfts •Ulltiets y111U '1'• ltll ............ This atelemenl WH tiled with th1 County Clerk ol <><•nse County on 12./09/03 200S6t61SH Dally ,.ilot Dec. 12. 19, 26, 2003. Jen 2, 2004 f947 Ac-. ...... ... s...... the followln1 peoon1 .,, c1o1n1 b11t1neu ... Ems>n 0ompeny, n1 w 19th SJ1 SUltt V, Coste Mesa,1;1112926 Devin M. Lurie I Ooneld A. Muc:le, Inc. (CA). m W. llltll Suite V, Costa MtM, CA 92626 This b11alnu1 Is UN'· dutled by. I <llfpofll.IOn Have you etartoct croina businua Jet? Yes200l Otvln M. Lurie & Donald A Mucl1, Inc., 0tvln l 11tlt/flrelllcllnt Tl'lla •ltttm111t WH fi)fd •itf'I the ColH!ty Clerk of 0.111t1 Courity on 12/0llOJ ,.. .... ,. .. 01UJ Ptlol Otc. 12, 19, 26. IOOJ. 1111 2, 2004 FM2 .......... .. s...... The followlnc peoon1 •tt dolnt ltvtlMaS n : D1t1t M111a1em111t of Alll4r~1. 1112 Cetntrl)' Hit• • llf\lnl Mll.Ull. CA tien Oobt ,.._...-t of ~a. lL(: (CA). 112 co-•r twlllhi..,Up· ne,.....,CA-11 This bullllna .. (;Oii• ducte• 11w: Lllftltect Uetllllt1Co tflW 1111.1 lllftacl dolnt l>lltl-.YttT v .. 10 25·0J Mt ....,....,_t If Mwkt,llC llltd with lh• County Clerk of Or1n1e County on 11/17/03 IOOS6HUtJ Delly Piiot Otc 12, 19, 26, 2003, Jen 2. 2004 F956 Adllle9'W. .... s...... tlM tollOwlna penons •• do nc but1n1ss 11· Peclflc Blue Fundlna. 1001 W 171.h St., Unll U.Cost.Mt11,CA~7 ltol>lft l•• Olc-lnaon, 600 H1lv1ner, "•wporl Buch, l;A 92660 Tllft butlneu Is con• ducted II 1 tn lndMdull He\11 ro. •terttd doin& buainau ,.n YnlMe RotMrt l .Dlakuon Thie alaltmtnt Wll llltd with Ille Counly Cltrk ot Or1m11 Co1111tv on 1V09/03 200MH7f7' 011ty l'Mol o.c. 1'..!.'1 zs. 2003, Jtn. 2, lW" fMS ........... ... s...... Thi tollo•lftt Ptf'Mllll .,.. 11o1111 ~ .. lstlnd ltOllltllCI Htflo)' • tn00n1, \IUZ ~k•••r Dr .. Pt.c111U1 CA 12170 llymb.t'lto Joy !toy, l8212 Rockn11y Or., l"l111ce11Ua, CA 11870 This ""''""' It con Mttd bt en IM!YICHel ... .,. yeu •l•tff ...,.,. ll11tln"9 ,,,, 11141 ,.... ...... "-S...... Th• tollowln1 pe1sons ere dolna business u . S A Fln•nclal, 550 "•ul erlno Ave. 1\106, Costa Mtu,CA92626 Aym•n Sudalla, 550 Paularino Ave 1\106. Co1t1 Me11, CA 92626 This buslnen Is con dueled by; 1 limited ptrtMtsl'llll Have you sbrted doln1 bu.inns yen No Aym1n SHdtllt This 1lllltment w11 llltd wllh the County Cltfk of Ofln .. County Oii 12/09/03 100Hf67Jtl Dilly Piiot D~ 12. 19. 29. 2003, Jan 2. 2004 F9'1 nc-. ..... ... s....... Tiie followtnc 1H<t0ns .,, dolna buJIMn 11~ So Ctl Micro IJIO Vlllaa• Wey c2Q4, Coste ,,.._,, CA t2126 Trev ls V1n Otr Wit, lSIO Villtp W1~204, CoataMtu,CA This b111lne" II on• dueled lly. en lndtvldu•I Hew you allftttl dolnt bu~yttf Ho Tr1w11 Vtn 0.. Wtl lhlt at1tlmtnt WH t11td with the COunly Clt1ll o( Ortlltl Co1111ty on l 21')1/0l ,.. .... , ... OtllJ l'1lot Oec IZ, Jt. H. 2003, Jan 2, 2006 FINO ~ ..... · ... s.......' Tiit followln1 ptnO.N are dolna buslnlss a . Volc1n1 it. 650 Tem11•d Ave.. 13603, BIN, Cfo 92821 I Mlch1llt A St1phens, 1 650 hm.,1ch •3603 . 8ru,CA92821 This buslneu Is a11 : ducted br. en lndlvld11al1 Ht~• dU started dol111• ~ at7Ho Miehe A Sltphe~; Tiiis atatement H , flltd wltlt 1114 C Clerk of re nae Coull I on 12/0 3 20016f 7024 Delly P I Ote 12, 19,1 26, 200 , bn l, 20Qt F@, fl.~'9t)DyfloJ fllia at1t1ftltn' '*"' '"' -"° "'"'' I ,,,•.r. 1 I your stuff Ct.ti\ of Oran1• CO!lnty ,....., 011 11/21/0J thr.... ...... ' toe ....... , .,.,,.,. 11 o.11Y l'Kot • '" 11. o.< clasalfiedl 11. s. at. It lOOl rm .. ____ ._ • ,.. ,,,, rt •• , -------·-------------~=-:: \ ... ua MEDICAL c::ENTEa ~J.ACEMENT HOSPITAL ud BUIU>ING IA RENOVATIONS ,. ~· Nwnh« ~SOO • UNIVERSITY OP CALIFORNIA, lRVINE Ci,Wt;.ML Df.K.RIPJ ION Of D!t WORK ~ 191 ~and 30 1~11 beds for m~tl<:nt SCl"oca ""•II 1nduJc; 1nrnww ._.,, burn unu, mcd1u.l I swgocal_ ururs and J:t:Atrll & 1nf•nt ltfVrco l>1agno.c1< & treum<'m ..,,..,KCi will 1n<luJc I~ optra111111 ~ ~ room>. un:liac-invuivr anJ 1nttl"tt1110NI) proccdura, • pu>t ·211at~1a u.rt unu, • and a P ~ prdrtCOYcry unu Genera) suppon oervous wall indud< food scrvica:, dining. •'<'nrr.il kfflk vroass:r: ~11d matcriah m.uugcnw:nt R.cnovauons ol Bu1lJing I A induJr • l1nlr. ~unnrnion whl1 .«'!~ 1~rw ho&p1 : mnallauon of 1r:aurna w<I scrvllt tlt"Y•mrs; f'C'<onligur:a1iun 0( th<" cnw:rgcnty rt\:<'l>llun I 1 WllJOng UQ; md t~ rd0<•11on of rhr ambul•nu rnir•n•c PltQCEDURf.5 Propow documcnu will lit av.ulablt in l'fellu.altf~ Propo•<r• •• IO:OO AM \ll>nlnodl). l~tmbtr l. 2003. Ptutuahficd Pro~ri ma) p•<k up fittof <h.ugr A m•u11111m nffi~ l'>l ,..,. uf Rl-P Jo..utn<"nlLll 1 Design & Coruuucuon Scf,,1cn, 11.J111vcrsity o( California, lrv1nr, S201 California Annut, Suuc 2SQ, 11Vinc, Californio 926lJ7·l4'iO J\nemion: Richard Gc1gtt Tdcphone (949) 824-447'i Fu· (~9) 824-80% f,.Mail rgci~.nlu .. Add111onal scu nuy ~ purch.&>cd •I 1~.Wofl<'d l'mJ"•SCI" <'•pt~ rrnm th<" .,Jd,..,.. l,.trJ bdow !ulxonrr:acton 20d dn1gn consuh•nu may pur<h,.., RI I' Jornm<nu." tlt<u "ll<"'I<' JI 10 00 AM, Wednesday, Dcccmlitr J, 2003 Do.:um<n1> l.ln ~ urJcrnl •nd rcpr1kl11lnl n11ly ,, Pacific Cout R.cprogt.iphtll, Int 11 76 Main Suttt, .S-u11c ( Irvine. CA 92614 Anenuon: Alex Torrn llkphonc: (949) 174 97'1 I hu. (9'49) 474-9o70 Web. hnp:llwww.putpro wu1 Its THE R.ESPONSIBIUT\' OF AU. su&CONTRACT'ORS AND DESIGN C.ONSULTANrs TO REGISTF.A WITH THE UNIVERSITY OR PACIPlC COAST REl'ROGRAPHICS, INC. TO ACICNOWU!DGE RECEIPT Of Tilf. UCIMC llEJ'LACfM.ENT HOSPITAL ANO BUIU>ING IA .RENOVATIONS RFP DOCUMENTS. THE UNIV£RSITY WUJ.. NOTIFY ONLY SUBCONTRACJ'ORS AND DESIGN CONSULTANTS WHO HAVE REGISTE.R.E.D WITH UCI bf.SIGN A: CONSTRUCTION SE.RVICf.S OR PAOFIC COAST RfJ>ROCRAPHJO, INC. or ANY AND All. ADDENDA. WHICH W1U BE MADE AVAJlABLE AT UCI DESIGN lie CC)NSTllUCTION SERVICES. UCJ M..Wal ~lcr R.eplaumcn1 l ln1p1w ~d Bu1IJ1ng 11\ Hrnovaunn• HI-I' l>.11.unu'"" ,.,11 M!H.rionally ~ ava1l2bk for v1cw1ng 11 chr fullow1ng pl>n mmn IU<C.111on' hcir,1nn11111 Al I 11110 AM . Wcdna<by, Dcccmbc-r j, 200' I' W. Dodge Comr••ny 21 W Towne Qn1rc Pl•<c, \111tr IOU 1.All:aheim, CA 9211<><• 16261 932-61 S4 <;,MD An2h<"•m (HttJ l>.iu <.onm11•1to11J 1717 South Sme Collfg< Roubaril, '><111c 180 Anaheim, CA 92806 (Sm 5x>-9371 THE fOUOWING Of.SIGN BUlWERS HAVE BEEN PRf.QUAJ..ll'IEU ·m SllllMI r P'ROPOSALS TO THE UNIVERSITY ON nus PROJl'.C'f1 Hcn'l<'l l'h«!ps Conllruuum Cn. 2'11 S Campus Ori...,, \w1c 1110 l""inc. CA 92612 Telephone: (949) 8~2·0111 1-n (949) 852-02 lll M,<....trth} llmlJon11 C '""pamo. ln1 '><>urhcrn (.Ahform• I >MHOn 2040 I '> W Hm h \irttl. ~u 11 < 100 Nrwpon He>..h. (A '>2660 lrkphonc: (9'411) 8\1 11111.l hu (94•)) 7V• M'4<o PREQUAUFlED SUBCONTRACfORS1 "Rle Mleacd Daip BuJJder will k liJD.itccl 10 tu.bcontract ooly ..nib thoee 1ub<>on1n«on ill .ekcitod below dw la.~ ba:a pmqualif'tcd by I.be Uni~icy. T1>oac odtt1cd pmf..Jjf'lCCI us.Ju am Archiroaural P~r C.,ncrctc ~ructur:a.I Sim hbnuuon Medical Gu \r.ienu AnJ l'lu111l1111y, HVAC W('l and Dry 'y.trrm Fli:ctncal Built-Up Roolint: Fire Supprcu1on \y11c1m SucConcrtu Urywall and Metal \1uJ \ywm Uucworlc. Flooring Systtm' Class and GW.ng 'iys•t>m' M&tedull<'OUS M('lalJ I >hri,~11nn Building C-..ontrob fire Alarm Symm UAUPlED ARCUITECfURAL PRE.CAST CONCR£ff. SllllCONTRA<"IORS f'K1f1<. South H1vet Ro.Ml Wcs1 S....nmcnro. CA 9%91 Siiocal, Inc.. 4 Navy Dtivc .$odtmn. CA 'i5206 ""' ( orrsl•b \crucrurr• (I A ) I"' I 50 W 1'1"4rnll• 1\vrnuc Ihm C.A '12571 The Hcmd; C.:orpora11nn 7071 Koll C~nrrr l'>rliw•r l'lea.unrnn C !\ '>4 W• l'REQUAUFIED MEDICAL GAS SYSTEMS AND PWMBINC SUBCONTRACfO~ AO. Recd •m Ruffner Strcn ~n Diqio, CA 92111 Pan·Pacilic Plumbing I;?!>! I Mi1c.hdl South ~nc, CA 92614 Murr~y ( Jlm~ny 1'11') I V1,um~ 'itrttr Rian.ho Oommgll<"l. CA 90ll 1 Un1vtri11v Mut'lkh Mr<lun1ul I 000 North Kraemer Place A11.1ltc1m. C.A ')28()6. 26 I 0 P1l£QUALIFIID tfVAC WET AND ORY SYSTEMS SUBCOllITJtACTORS 'AO Recd l,m RuJfMr Scrm ~" OifSO. CA 92 11 I ;!11U'OI Air Condluoning Cnrpom1on :UOI Nonh Glis;dl Stree1 O..ingc. CA 928"~ . . AC( 0 £ n(l;ln«ttd Sys1t1T1J. In< 9040 l<tnimAI, ~It 4()6 S.n 01CJIO. (.A 92121 C .. n1chfidd Mc<hanial. lllL 4011~ C .J11nr>bctl Avenue Mr11~1 l'•rf., LA •HOlS \outhl,nJ IMhuttico 7421 Oran~ A....i ... (,•nlm Grow:,l.A 921"41 Wmrrn lur & R.tfo~rahon C ", I 11 I ~Q 14 \out h Av•lon l\oukvtard Compton, C:A 90220 Ml)lfnw-Mndows (.nrpon11on l3 l l\(n1011 (.nun (•tyc.f ln<lu~ny, CA 91789 £bttb.m1 Roofina ISlJO ft.tmo sc,_ VM "f"YI' CA 914~ Sou1~ Callfoml.t 1toon111 <.:oml™'Y 961' fMI Imperial Hlsf\W11 Oow•tl)'o CA 90141 Slml'ia Gnnndl 170l Norm Stquola Avenue o,.ng.-, C'A 9111611 \u111liwn1 Ftrt f'rota.tKHt ('ump.my l" I~" I I 'lu1 '>t1tt1 Mnnn,.1a, (.A iJIOl<> Nonlunt htt ...,,._, In.. 17) 81,.. CcntlUI R.-1 F...tg:in. MN ))Ill Southla.nd lndu1tria ?421 0...1~A""n°" l ... r..kn C:ruvc. CA 92114 I PRfQUAUFIW SITI! CONCRETE SU8CON11tACTOkS Mam• C.Onsnuctt0n. In<. 748 Nonh Poplv Sntt1 O"nge. C.A 92868 \h~w & Sons Conu .. 1c C :C1n1ra<111R IWJ '«'at 17th !Mmn < .o.t~ Mcu. (.A 92627 ~ll•v~n C.:Oncttu lcnurcs I I I I Saker Sc rcct Co.fu Mcu. CA 921126 PRJ!QUAJ.JFU!D DRYWALL AND METAL STUD SYSTEM SlTBCONTRACl'ORS l\r..J) ( <>m~y 1010 Nunh Olive \nCCl A11~~1m, CA <J21101 Raymond lll!crior Sy"""' SlO Wtl>t Walnut A...,11uc Or.ingc. CA 9l8G8 l'crl'ormance Con1<K11ng. Im. 1170 HulCodc Sutt1 Ani1.h<'lm, CA 921107 ~a1id.ud [)~I. Inc. 6251 'i<hxkr Avenue. \uuc l) Chino. CA 91710 PREQUAUFIEO CASt.WOllK SUBCONTilACl'ORS lluw o ....... 11n1. lut I o711 l1~r111t• AY<'rtUC ( 01t• Ma.1. CA 92(127 M1J Dn..d• Millworlt, I rd 711 IYn I \l Wo1 \mnb....h. MB ROA lAC > 1\1 (., ln•orpora1cJ 1()(,()1 Calle l..tt. Su11r 11>0 IA» Abm1101, C..A 90720 PREQUAUFlEO FLOORING SWTF.MS SUBCONTilACTORS Jll 1 loonng Covrnng. "" 41U I ·A l';usonJ Boul<'VArJ l'1w Hover•. CA 9()6(,() \( .\ Huonng .\ylltni. 7.,2 Wt>1 low11 Ill C'mirury lw;>J \ l1,11gc, CA '>2868 l ... wrcoc.r W Ro'"" C:omp.nv IH~O Monu,ucS1r~1. l 1111 ( l1 ... 0 11n.i.. (..A 91 .BI Un;vcrul Houri11gSyncm1, In< I 5~73 Con11nrru Lane Hunungton Beath, CA '>?M'I I >upotlr lommer<ul I lol!mng Sy1ttrt1> Jh.t The bivironrmnr•I"" I IS~ 'iouil• Acam I ulkuon, CA 'llllJl PRFQUAUFl.EO GI.ASS AND GLA2JNC SYSTEM SUBGONTRACTOR.S f~n h11c<1ural ( .1.._,. & Alun11nurn l u I 'II I U11t011 ~1rtt1 u,i.1,.111, c"A 1>4W7 I n .. lo\ ( urpor Jttl'U\ !Miii I .ulprr I),._,. w.111u1 ( !\ '>I 1l!'> l'crnum•d1u tlaJ.11111.1 ltth11n~1Ci ~ l'l North Shcmun Av.-nuc C ""'"'· CA 1/288l W1hr" & W,111 < .l.u I '17' l\ad1Jmgm111r 1>11vc l • Vern~ (.A 'I 175() l\c-11;011 lndwtucs. In, ll\fl f.01 2Hrd \tret:I. 'lu11r IOI ( Al\Oll, (.A •)()7'1~ Motkl <.lw < omran; 4'XP I ,;ut I .lllJon Dnvt \n1hcim, ( \ •11807 lnwcr l ,l.u•. ltM. <)\ 70 1'•1hw.ly ~ltttf • .\unr A \•nttt. CA 92071 W1w>JbriJ~,r (;l;w ( u111p•nv. Int 14Jl 1 MyfurJ tlu..J IUJttn. <.A "27110 PAl-QUAUFIEO MISQJ.J.ANWUS METALS t'A.BRICATION SUllU)NTRA(,IOR.s l~•pko Mt1al ~m .. 1111n K\K No1nh l ypteu 1nrm I lrrn11r. C ./I '>28C17 f'~r.muum Mrul1 •n•I ~11pplv l nmp•nv ~ 111! 1-..ur Ru""1•m Avrnuc l' .. 11.tm1•un1. l.A ')072} 27')~ ( <>wdw '>tttl ( ont~ton lol-4 Wot l11h 'M"rcc1 lm1~ l1t.d1. <./I '>081 l l'Rt.QUA.UHl:.O RlJILOING COl<l'ROl..S SlJBCOl'ITRACTORS lohmon (.<mrrol\. In, ~ ro W•rl•nJ I >mr \mnc1u 8u1ld1ng Tc..hnol0)\1t1. 111< I On'> l\u)mn,s C~mtr I lrtvr ( ,,.,~ •• (.A •)(J(-.\0 C yprc,.., CA 'IOMO l'At.QlJALIFIED 1"1Rtl ALARM SYSTPM SUBU>NTRACfORS Juhmon C ~•ntroh. In, \770 W•rl•nJ Dmt \1ctr1tn> Building Tc..hnol11g1n, 111< I 07 7'> Buitn«s C'.enctr l>mr C VI""' (.A •iOt'1 IO ( yprru. l../I '10630-521 <J \11npln C.rmncll I ·01 Wc•t 'w.~u·••• ·\\Tiit><' 1 'r•n~. <A 1Wlltll IOI\ Rfl' ~UBM!lJAl, REQUIRl:.Mf.NIS SI &All. Bt: Ni FOLWWS1 RI I' '"'""" 1 •I ,1,.11 t,., \t1h111irrcd 111 thrtt <On1p1111cn11 Flm Com.....,...nt SubmlttaJ .,.;n ...,. be recdftd aftt.n .2100 PM Friday, Juuaa.ry JO, 2004 \ccond CompoDalt Submittal will oot be rccd-1 Utc:n 1100 PM W~y. fd).._,,. 4, 2004 fhinl Componat Submittal will 001 be r«~-' Jtm l100 PM Priday, Fd>rua.ry 6, 2004 hnt Comp11114'nt \obm1n.il \(,vool Comp<11t<'n1 \11hm111JI ~nJ lh1rJ I 11flllK>ft<'r11 \11lm111ul will he 1<u1vcd only •1· Oc:aip &( CoNtnlCUOG ~ Uaiw.nlry of Ca1iliomia. lninc 'ilO I Califorai. A-uw, SWte lSO lmnc, Calif'onl.ia (lM9) 824-6630 Attcn.rioru tudiud ~' Two Mandatory Prt Propo .. J Confa.mca and Muidatoty Proj.a Sltr Vi•lu will be cond11cud o.n1 Pl't'-Propoe&I Conktt.0cc No.I 2.00 PM m S100 PM w~. Dcca.ba 17, 200.l ll111kline No. 22A, Rornn 2101 lln1\'C'rnt')' ofultfurn1• ln-inr, Mroll~I C .-n1t1 I 0 l The {.1ty Onvt' Or~n~. CA 9l868 Ptt-PropoMI Conlcftn<l£ No.1 l:OO PM eo S100 PM Wedoadr,, Juuur 7. 2004 flulldin~ No 22.A, RMm 1107 Unr.er11ty of (,.)1forn1a_ Irvine. Mtd1ul ( AOntrt I 0 I lnc Cir y Drive Oran~. CA 9111AA 011ly l'rn~l'll who pa.n1<.1pa1c m rhr two n..,wLm•ry l'n: rropooal Conlcrrotca •nd 1hc rwu n1a11d•1ory Prnjn 1 \uc V1Ji1J, in thtlr tn11rccy, will be all~ m propote:.0n the f>rojn.1 PropoKn ani•ing le1tr than lr I 0 PM will lllOt be aJJow.c,d to 1ubMh ~ u ~ Bo.llcler on the project. PR"qu•lilial Subcontracron in prequa.lified tn>do, 1ub<ontraetou '"non prcqualifit'<f rr·•dn. md dc111111 wn\ulranu uc invned. hur nor required, 10 •ncnJ I-or funhcr 1nlomu11on u>nr~r rhc Project's comract adm1ntm•tnr, R11hud (.c1~r., (ll49) 11.H-Hn l'mll06il Security 11l the Arn<1un1 nf I~ of the lump sum baac b.d. ~ud•nfl •h<m11c1, dull .ic:<..ominny ra.fi S«ond Cornpoll<'nt l~I The ruttty 1uu1ng 1~ Bid Bond aha1I he. nn !he btd Jadl1nc • .,, ""''"""' '"'"J ''"""" (•• Nplt<tl '" tM Ul.fom"' C...M •f < 1vJ l'r.«Jr1" ..,,_,, ?9~ I JOI All inJUUft(')r polkict ~uircd m ~ obumcJ hy r~.gn Builder and IJesir.n Confulmm 11Lill ~ auhjm to 1pprov•l by U!'i"trl•t)' for form aod sub.tafl«'. Alf •11ch policia ""!Ul~ bJ Univcr11ry for Comrncrcrtl t,1rm (~c~J Li1b11lry. E..xioa, I l•b1l1ty, f>rofm-ional l.iab1liry an Outincu Aurornobilc I 11btllry dull lit ltNod by com~ica wnh • Best IUting of A· or btrm •nd • finand&I dw1fiution ol VIII Of betttt, Ot with tlll l'qlllnknr nari<1g by St:and.vd ind "1or'1 or Moody'• All polaoo ~uirtd by Unlvmtl)' Mt W~tr'• C'.omptNllllOf'I and E.n•~r·, 1.nbthry dt1JI be 111Uf'd by <..omp1ma with a (I) 6m Ralina ofR• 0# hc-.t1'r •nd a financial d_,fiomon ol Vlll or bcmr, Of wnh an tqu1valm1 ranng by Suu1da.ld and ~IOt''• nr Moody'11 Of (1) th~ &rt' -Cf".t>k 10 the Un1¥tmry Such lruurana ah.!I bt ..,nntn ro bt ooc km~ (u lft!Utr<d by~ and Cim, ofC.ahfom11 la"") The (~11~rf ot lnsu~ .. •hall b. IJlllCld on l~ Ur11~ni1y'• form Tht •~ul ~r anJ It.a Sulx:on!f'llCton will be: rtquJrfd ro follow 1~ nondl-.rimimtion l'ft)UitM\ftlra k't f01th in tht ~pc,,.J Oocumtntt 1nJ 10 pey pl't'Yilhnl watt l'llln oA 11\4: loct<ion of 1ht Wotk fh< IU<'ttttful l'ropoen Ji.II ))( rtquir<d 10 haw rht followina Callfotr1la rnnrl"llClor'• ll«r11or at tlw 11111< or rfwo Propol'l optninr C.,"'rel n,, ,w,'ll Cgomqoe (l~ U-.oouk>nl t'A11m1tcd ConsUUctlon (:0.0 Sl9S.OOO.OOO t 111 IU'CENTS OflTHl:t UNIVFR..SITY Of' CAUf'<>RNIA UnrvnMty o!...,.C.hfornla, hviiv Oectmbcr lu11J l\1blh.hcd Nrwpon l\cac:h Co.11 Mca t>-Uy l'iloe !)cumber 5, 12. 200) NOTICE OF TAU~ TEE'S SALE Trwe. Sell No. 40&55t Lo9n No. 0004ll7273 TIU. ~No. me.I YOU ARE IN DEFAUl.T UN- DER A DEED OF TRUST DATED 0Vt111M. UNl.E.88 YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, rr MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE OF TH£ PROCEEDINGS AClAINST YOU, YOU SHOUU> CONTACT A LAWYER. On 121291'200S 8t 02:00 PM, CALIFORNIA RECOH- VEY ANCE COMPAN~1 SUCCESSOR BT MERGER TO N.. A M~TQAQE SER- VICES, INC. • the duly ~lllld Ttu9lM undllr llnd pum.llrrt to Deed of TNa1 ,.._ corded 02!1&11•. Booll , P9119 , IMttu-ment 1"80090Ul' of offtolel ~ In the 0tnce of lht Rtcof'dlf of OAANGI County, calWomle, UKutlld by! PAUl OOUOU9 KJN0 AHO CAAOUNE E. IONO, HUS8ANO AND Wl!'!J __ • TNllllDf. W_,_.TOH MU- TUAL 8AHK, FA, u e.n.nc1ery. Wiii "" It publlc auction .... IO h hlOf*I bldc:lw for CM!\, CMNef'• c'-'t clnwn by • ll1IM or Nltonal IMtnll. • e:Mh- ... ctledl s-by • lltlllll or....._. e1Mlt "'*"'· or • ceeHef"• ~~.., .... or ......., U'lll'f8 and kl9rl ~­Inga •net.WO., 0t .. ,,. .. '*"' eoecMttd In eectklrl 11o.f of lht AnlncW Coda and aultlaftllld lo di> ....... .... 1n ......... .......... .., .. "41r .........,w... ......... , .... ,. .... -w.r-e ~lolnd~ ........ ~In .. ~ .. .,... prap9ttJ undlr .............. ,..., .. _. .. _. .. fldltlM .... Mme s...... Th• followln1 penoni •• • do1na busine~' •i Ruach. 981 Oahli• Awe Co•la Meu, CA 92626 Mario A Hatk•• 981 Cl1hlt1 Awe .. Co,11 Mua, CA 92626 Tit" bu$ln"n 11 con du,ted by ~n 111d1vldual Have you started tloin1 busine5> yetr No Mario A Hacker 11111 >lalemenl w•• flied with the County Clerk ol Or~nK~ County on I ?/091()3 200369'7$91 Oally Polo! Oe<. 17 19, ?6 2003, Jan ? .7004 F9!)() Se I your unwanted items the easywayl Place a Classified ad today I 49 642-5678 SIU 'J W-ttlll 1tt1ft\ tlltoul'! clau•I,.. Policy . How to Place A ___ Deadlines --- Rate11 and deadlines arc subject to change without nooce. 'The publisher rcxrvcs the nght to censor. reclas~1fy. ~vise o r reject any clasMfied ldvcnlsc:menc. Plctbe report 1111y error that may be in your clbMfied ad immediately. 1bc Dally Ptlot acccpb. no liability for any error 10 an advcruscmcnt for which 11 ma) be n:spoosiblc except tor the c.:oM of the &pace actually occupied by the error CrcdJt can ooly be allowed for 1he fir'>t lllSCn!OO. CLASSIFIEJAD -Monday ................... Fndny 5:00pnt Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00prn ~ By Fax (949) 63 1-6594 ol'I< ..... include )Out,,.,,_.. ,.,.t "'"""' numba ond .. r II c~ll '"" b.o<l woth • pnt< ~"'~< I By Phone (949) 642-5678 I lour8 By Mail/In Person: lJO West Bay Screct Co~ta Me'a. CA 92627 At Newpon Blvd & B.1y St Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm Fnday ..... : ............. Thursday S:OOpm Saturday ..................... Fnday 3:00pm Tclephon~ 8·30a.m-'i OOpm Monday-Fnday Wllll..-ln 8:30am-5·00pm Monday-Fnda~ Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm AHNOUNClMENTS & MISC. GARAGE SAU BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2lOS-2490 l ESTATE R SALE S010-3940 ~ 1ili.L soos-saso Index AllOIOIM& - Under the Service Directory Bunner Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minirn'um) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 Legal Notica 2MO l.toll Notlca 2MO Legal Notices 2640 Legal Notices 2640 Collectlbl81/ iiii9iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiml.iiiiiiimiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJ.i;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;-....;;;iiiiiiiimLm;;;;;;.-..iiiiiii1;;;;;;;;iiiit Memorabllla Collectlblel/ 1160 Memorabllla furniture 3435 Irvine Costa Mesa 2bc 2t>d nower 'arpel. parnl. and tile, 2 c•t tandem a11. wd hkups. a&t $1650 949 270 ll03 Sub1e<I lo tondoloon> p1 .. t11bed by lht Uftlv•nlty ef Cellfor,.la, lrvl,.e, ,._1.~ 111 •1•u\~I\ luo • lump sum cunlr•cl ero 11m1ed lo•• lh• lullow1n1 work STUOINT CINUa IXl'ANStON l'HASl ' l'ret••f N•11ttber1 99 U9l UNfVlailTY 0, CAllfOaNIA, lllVINl GlNllAI. OISUll'TION O• WOH Tht prOC>OHd pro,.ct con111h ol uperuoun •nd ·~nov•hon ul the u1>tm~ Slullenl I ""Ito romplu on the main umpu1 of the Un1ven1ty of C•hforn,. lo von1 The ><<>l>t ul wur~ rncludo n•w bu1lo1n1 •Odoloon• tolelll\I •Pl>fOHm•lely 168.000 llO'U \Qll••• fttl •n aJJoloun lu th• C•O\\ C\llturat c~nter of •pf11011mattl7 ~.000 iron 1qu111 Itel m•JO• ••nov•hon to purhon> uf lht m••n <umplt• leol•hn1 IPl>fOUmately 25 !iOO arou 1qua11 Itel •nd •llow~n1 u for monnr rtnovatoon lo t11\!1n~ d•us tot•hn1 •Pi>•O•lm1tely JS 000 11un sQulrt fttl In add•llnn th••• " o\on"ve "'" "''''k on< luded in th• pro .. t l "ope fht 'Huctur•I ostem for lht n•w 4·llory mtrn ~u1ld1n1 add•lion will be • stn1<hor•I •le•I frame with motel decks ind ltQhlwe11ht concute lo11p1n1 Sprayed l11t11roohna to all •le•lwcn~ woll be flCIU!rtd for fht new Type II fR 1dd1loon Al\u 111duded "~ •tonlorod concrete r•l11non11 wills 1ernl0<c•d Lonuth 1t•b on 1rede mecfl1n1t1I ••w•pment P•d• •••\mJt /<)lnh 1nd m1H•il1neous mot1I' ind luppor t Ir .tm1n1 F •leroor claOdon& loo tlm pnrloon ot the bu1ldon~ w•ll b• al mawmy bnck unoh with m•tal \IUd "'ppotl framona Oth•r e•l•roor '""'"'\include pr• <a\I con<r•I• bn• •nd tnm aluminum pantl\ elum1num Ire med on>ul•t•d aluona louvei p1n•h &t1r•d cnh y d"''" •nil • ,onhnuou m•lat cool fuua element fh• trou tullural C111te1 Addoloon 1l • Type V Nil '"""" lr11roed. \hid• wall •lrullur. ul1lo1lna lo uu 1vi.t 11001 1od rool l11m1n1 ouppur\ed by >lrrl be•m> and popt ,otunm• fhp •ddohorf'\ •• te1101 finish" conltstonl wotll lh• '"'""• bu1ld1n11 ~ .. 1111or pla.ltr """" V11t1ul lren\POrUhnn •nclud .. •ltpl •nd shorl ''~" ll11hh m•l•I p1n '''"' ,.,,,, peml•d m•l1I r11hn1s .and \4) hydtavl" P .. Hnl•• •lev.1011 Interior comp<>nents of the 11p•nded l•crlrly "''" rntlude mrehna •nd rnnlerenu •ru toncludona two larc• multi purpose rooms al •PP'0•1m1tety b 000 1rod 9 000 '"'" squ•re feel> Fuod Service ArH (app1oa1mately 2J 900 C.SF ntw/9,900 CSf rtnnv•led> lo lltommod:att food p1epo<ahon .,, ... krlrh•n •nd servery •P•U drnona l.tc1hhe• •nd •upport l1,1il1Jn Ret111 ArH (1pp10A1melely 6,000 OSI niw/4.000 GSr renov•led) •nd Sludenl Acl1v1ty1Admm11trohve Office Aru capproum•t•ly 7~.000 CSI newl\9 000 C~I 11noY1t1d) S1t1work lnclud .. th• dMoolotoon ol an u"""• bu1lchna 1pprn.1m1ttly 17 000 csr Ind lh• removal of Ollle• m1u1tl1ntous strudur .. &tnerel ••le tlurma •nd •uh•t1nl•1I cul •nd 1111 urlh..,ork Also rncludtd tn '''• dhtluf•""nt 11 on a••d• pl1r41 ""' woth ho1d 1nd \nltuapt to 1em11nm~ "'" ., .. , l'ftO<IOUftU Propout 6<><;11mtnh woll be 11111lablt to P•tQ01lot1P•1 Prnp<l\11\ Al 1000 AM Fr1d•v lle<tmber 6 2001 P11qo1f1loed Pro110''" may p1<k up Ir .. ,,1 • h.11e• a m1·•1muno of lov• (5) 1th nl Proposnl do< um•nh 11 Ouoan & CnnslruLlron Servile• IJ111vtr\1ty ol l 1illnon11, lrvtne, ~?Cl C•llforno• Avenue Suitt 2!>0. lrv111t L•lllorn1a 92697 24'>0 AddotovMI •eh m•v bt purchned at 1>10Qutloloed propour l <Ult lrnm Co>11\of1<11led Reproc11pluu Prµpoul dO<umenh woll be ••11l1ble to •ubLonlr•< '"" •nd dtl11n con.ult•nh 11 10 00 AM r t1d1y Oeumb•• 5 10()l •no Wiii bt l\lued nnly ., c .... .ttdate4 ............ , ... '""· H82 Pullm•n Sl rHI Co,11 Mua f A 97616 Phone , I /141 /'ii }6'1() Altenloon Moh1mmt<1 Rthm•n ar Soff11 Mui MOTlo tl IS T"I SUtcOIOllAC10ftS' AND DlSIGN CONSUlTANTS' alSl'ONSlllUTY TO lllGISTlft WITH TNI UIUVIHOY Oft CONSOUOATIO ftll'llOOftA.l'HICS TO ACKNOWUOGI lllClll'T Of THI STUOINT CINTH Pl'ANSION l'HASl ' raOl'OUl OOCUMINU. UNIVlllSITY Will NOTIFY SUICONtllACTOU AMO OUION COMSUlTANTS, WHO HAVl RlGISllRlO wnH OlSIGN ANO CONSTllUCTION SlllVICIS oa COMSOUOATIO RIP'ROGUl'HIU, OF AOOINDA. WHICH Aftl AVAUIU AT OlSION ANO CONSTllUCTION SHVIClS. THI fOUOWING OlSION IUIU>IU NAVI lllN PRIOUALIJllO TO SUIMIT l'aOPOSAU ON THfS l'llOJICT I H ..... 1 ......... c-1trvct1 ... c •. 741~ C1mpu1 Orovo, Suol• 100 frvont CA 9?61? hi (949) 852·0111 I u (949) 852·0218 ,ftlOUAUFllO SUICONTllACYOftS P'Cl c ... 1trvctf-s ... vtce a, Inc 100 8utehtlt Sh HI Glendale CA 91l0 I 1~1 (818)246 34111 I•• (818) 247 ~7~~ ..... , l'r_.,jlfl•4 tui.c ... 1rec .. n wllf ... 14.flllfte4 .. ., tit• u .. 1 ..... tty 1 .. lhe .,, ., .... '".""· _,, SUIMl'rTAl ftlOUIHMINTS SHAU II AS FOUOWS• .,, "''""'"-' ........ e..ttmltted ......... ~ ...... frrst Comportent SubmHl1I wtll,,.. lie re<•lve4 .t1era 2.00 P'M, t ... 14ey, ..... ~ 2J, 2004 Second tomponenl Subm11t1I wlll ,.., be recelve4 eherr a100 l'M, Tlwn4'rt. Meu h 25, 2004 Thud Compunent S11bmtt11t wtll ft•f lo• rete1Ye4 eft•ra 2100 l'M, ,,1...,.,, M•clt it. 2004 Fl'11 Compunenl Submltl•I. S.cond Component Submlt11I 1nd Third Componenl Subm1tt1I wtll be rKerved only 11 De111n & Con•lrudton Servicn. Unlverttty ol C1tlforn1e. Irvine. SIOI Cahtorn•• Avenue, Suite l50 lrvone CA 92697 2•50. (~9) 82• 66JO lltrH M-4.lery ,,._,,.,..... c-fe.-oftc" M4 ,r .. Hf Site Vl1lh wolf be conducted on tl1w14ey, 0~ ti, tool, 1100 l'M, Unllltf\tty of C•hfornoa hv1n1 Oes12n & l'oMlruthon 5.,~1<.s !'>201 Cakfor"I• Avenue Suite 2!>0 Sull1v•n & Wnctit Conleunc• Room•. lrvrne CA 97697 24SO , ....... ,, •et.n;wy >. 200>, 1100 1'1111. Un1ve1111y of C•hlu•ni•. Irvine Dn•cn & ron1huc\I0<1 Servot.H, Sulloun 6 W11cht Confertnce Room•. 5201 C•lltorno• Avenue Suite 2SO lrvu11· CA 92697 2450 end '"H'9y, , ... ,u...., 24', 2001, 1.00 l'M, Un1v@r\lty nt Celotmnla hvln• Ou11n & Con•lruttlon Stf11k:u !'>201 C1l1forn1a Av•nu• Suite 250. Sull1111n 6 Wnchl Conltt•no Room1 Irvine CA 92697 24.SO (Loe.tied el c0<ner of Catofotm• Avenue •nd Bison Annue> Only P1opolerl, who p1r1tc1p1le on the \11rt• Pf• propoul cn11ltrentt> and proie<t "'• vrsrh In lltelr enlorely will be etlowtd lo propose on tho protect P.,son\ trt•v1ne l•ler lh111 I.OS l'M will not be 1llowtcl to vibmlt propo"t' 11 O.s11n 11.urldtt on th• p1 01ect for further 1nfor1111tlo". conl•cl "" lJnrvel\lly' Repres•nltllv~ ~<Oii Moulton at 1949) 824 1~27 l'ropoHI S.curtty rn tht emounl of 10'\ of tht lump sum b"• hod trcludln9 all•rnat•• shall ICCO"'lllny uch 814 The 1urety 1uuin1 the llid Bond sh•ll b•. on the bid d .. dllnt 1n 1dm1lled •u1ely lnsurtr (H defined In the Callfornoa Code of CMI Proctduro Seclion m 120) All 1naurence pohcl•• req1111•d to be obteined by O.\lan Bu1ld•1 ind Ou11n Con\ultanh \htlt be •ubject to tpprovel by Unlv•"''Y for form •nd 1ull1l1nu All such pohc1u req;med by Un1ve111ly l0t Comtne<C!•I f 0(111 Otnertl l 1ablltty. Profe&110n1I lt1blhty and 8u11neu Automobile ll•b1hty \hell be luued by ~ompenlet with • B•tl ll1hn1 ot A or better and • lonenc111 ctnsifk:1t1on of YIH or beltei, or with 1n equlut1nt 11t1n1 by Standerd ind Poor' or Moody s All pohclea required by lJnh,.nlly for Worker'• Comp1n11tlon ind Cmploytr'l l11blhly tllell b• luued by c11mp•n••' woth 1 (I) 11 .. 1 llelln1 of 8• or btll11 ind • lln1nc111 cleu1t1ullon ol VIII or btlltr. 01 .. 1th e n eqvlnle"t 1ttln1 by Stenderd •nd Poor't or Moody'1 °' (1t) 111•1 lft 1c<eptable to the Un1ventty. Such lntUfln<• \11111 be w11llen lo be not t.sa then (n tt~lf•d lly I td<tral tnd St111 of C•lifornta t1w) Tll<I C.rtrttnte ot lnaur•nce •hill be tnu•d on th• Un1vof\lly a ll>tm Tllo wt.<ettful PrO(IO .. f ind rh Subcontr•tlnn wrll I>• requrred If' follow Ill• t1ond1\C11m1nal!on reQurremen" set forth In lhe l'ropoHI Docume11h '"d to p1y prevorlons .... t •If\ 11 1111 tocil!on ol 11141 Worlt. A cOl)y ol the 1entr1I pr1ollln1 per drem W•C• "'" will be on f1I• 11 Unlver11ty'1 Pfi"<IP•I r.crllty office and will b• m1dt .veUeblt lo env rnleroled pa1ty upon requut for thr• projoel, the UnfwtrJlty hH tnllloted oud \lltll 1nloru 1 l•bor compll1nce pro111m ("lCI'") In 40llformenu wllll L1b11r Co4• ltClro'nl 1771 ~(b) end 1171 1 A ""construction conlertuu will M i..td wtth 111• •ucce nful 81ddo< 1nd •h Sut>cnnt11dnn to dl\LllU ftdeut •nd Siii• labor few requwemenb lo fhlt proiecf lhe 1oce1nfut 'ropo•H will ho ••quired to h•ve the l0How1n1 C1lolorn1a tOlllt•ctc>t • lket1a• •I the lrme of the propoul f)pfntna Ctn.,af Bulfdtn& Contr.tc10r (lie•"'• CIAl'lf!fetl<1n) le"-1•4 '-•ttwtl4M (etll $0,S00,000. THt: REGCNlS Of' T .. ( UNIVERSITY Of' CALIFORNIA 8 11 it.Mt• Cod<!) Unlvenlly of C1hf0fl'll1, lrwrn• 1'11bffsh•d N.w ln~h Co•I• Mete Dail Pilot O.tember !I 12, 2003 Best place In the world to advertise! Call todav to place your ad Classlf led 642·5&l8 ( 1160 0.. of ti.. large1t private colecttots of Harley DmclS01 colictltlts Is N sole IOWI Jut it tm. for Oirtstw.osl Ctnlom H.D. Chtriywoocl hutch (numbered)• Tht «lginol H 0. pinboK oome in petftc:t condition• Rnl tdllion U11-<111 llorily Da'litbon laseliol cords • Lorge ffonklln Mini collecffon • ,IWlll plot. and shot tltlSJ <oll.clion • Molltl colltmam • Rrsl tditloll lorliie dcil coll.oion • leo~I. '!"·hard lo find, \Mii • l-Shim hom al 11¥11 h U>ll, fll'tll fllid \Mii • W~ CJoda • Stomp collection • Sllvtr orr<I gold Insignia <.aecllon • ,.._.., tnglflt replko collectloii • Umhld edilion ~lfllng sil'ret lnOO' <olledion • Loh of mb<eltlineou\ lt1t111 can for dttals: ltvfn 949-322-8012 KtYilkaltlftbadt@slKglobabtt ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of hints 1310 (QIJAl HOUSllG OflPOrftNTY All r ul utile edv~r ''' one tn tho!. new\9•per I\ \ub1•tl IO the Fedtr•I F .,r Houion11 Act of I %8 •• amendf'd whHh mako• •I 11te11•I In advertl\e ·any pr~fer tn(e ltnHla,1on or ~1H11mrn•lron bd•ed un rut c"lor reha1on ••' ll1nd1up lem1h•I ll•lu\ Of' nahe\nal 0111.n or 1n mlenlmn lo mA~• •ny 1uch prelecentf' lomol• loon 01 111\Cflmonatoon Tht> Mf'W!op•pt• wjll not t.nQwmalv •t.ce111 tny 1dverl"emMI for •~•I tsl•h whoch '' on vooletoon of the law Our reed•,. are hereby 1nfo1mt d lh1I 111 dwell 1n11 1dver to~ed on thos newsp1ptr are 1velteble on an equal opportunity bHli OUCIC UASON l'rlvote 011di """''"' Clvo 1ppro• I/hr lrom Newport Buch Eacel lent lluntona •dJ•ccnt lo slate w1lttlowl relu1e. owne""'P onterul & 1pp10J1 31~ urn ot land 6 improvements • your own camp «Impound w1.,,1r ucl<11t and 2 lr11lert Wonder lut r11 n1111t BBQ s & wine I Ht1n1 duron1 duck nuon • m1ny ulras• ldut for 2 friend' or tathe1 & 1oon C<tll Mike •I JIO !>41 08!>4 Would Ilk• to tontact a 'Oncwrrt1111 p11nl\I 1n eothe< bluet iau '"'"'I Of pop of 1ou •• • '""d Phone I or m•1lont1 1ddreu wher• you m•y bt c.onl6Cted. to 0 l lby ''o D M Adnms. 1590 Adams Avt to1t1 Mew. CA 92626 l366 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 CHiii.ft\' SUIGH HO Soid wood br ~ new 11 bo• nv;t mcM1 W<Yth S!D) Soll. 21() 9'$~tm7 3460 JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS c .. 11 (eln Need1 010 Coons• Gold ~olv~r ,ewe~v wAl~hes. antique-; coltecllblts So\9 &42·9448 Cats ,3610 RISCUt 9 I I l 1fe ~ Uncrr l•1nl1n H.1pp•n' Pet Q.,nt" NePd Help Well M~nn~red Adult Cats & Old•• Doi?~ n•o>d MW hrunf\ Ad11pt Adult Anom&I\ lho\ Xm.is1 JO day r1t111n Pnhcy www ammatnttwmk ortt Wln8I ICITT1NS & CATS ~Fed & H.nl 1-.:sJ ~ C3'f1I ton.. JJ Doy lwlfl .... llb:<! lilQloiO. l1llAln!cl .. ~ IAi Soi¥:· lnnvf~ IS. ~ ran ilf n.. l2~ll ~71]9 WWW an1m1lnt>IWork Oil MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Mlscell1neous Merchandise 3855 i .snu IUILDINGS 36c36 'J-0·80 70<1'>0 Ntw1 Ntvt< Oeloveo •d ••I' 100 '99-2160 Business Opportunities Businesses and mnchlses 3905 11 lntrr ntl f 1 •nthose op1>nrt11n•lv Iv tho., lo1;~1na to wor• 1ndt pendenlt~ S8K in~e~t menl reqomed lncludn tr 11n1n11 ind 1upport for fr 1nchosel •or ldwlde Io complain of di\ crrrn1n1toon. ulf HUO loH f<te It I 800·424 8590 Mlscaflaneoua Ton Frtt I 888 4S2 67J7 14&3 O!d9r Style Fumlt\IA f'IANOS l Colle<tiblft .~ ... ·t~ • " .. 9'Vt. ~ .... CJlll•. ,V" ....... .. CASH PAID ft --"""· ... ~~ WI •UY tSTAn& ...... "96-'• ~,.,.I(.. rCONSIGNMEfJTS1 I t ... , ........ ,..h,,11,..1tl.11t, . ,.,..,. ,, ... ' .... '~,.' -'f•tl•ll' ~r' .t1 4f 1,11. I ut 11•1 1 "' ft•~ .flt ''''!I'll\,'' SeMca 2606 Business Opportunity S$CASH$$ Cnh now to• Semen 3910 •Ir ucturod selll•menh, 1nnu1t1es •nd 1nsur1ntt ptyouh 800·794 7310 J G Wontworth J G Wtnt .. orlh m1an1 cnt1 now for 111uctuied •~lllemenl\ ICAt•SCAN) CASH FOi! STRUCTURED Sett1emtnt/Annu1ty peymtnh It'\ your money• Oet cHh now wh•n you need It mo•I' ~ .. the~ s.ttlirreTt 1'11-0..s lgflWJIEYt.f: (CM.~) APPUAHCES 3050 3100 BUSINESS OPPURIUNI· TY1 Adverll\e 11 Sli.lt wrde• 200 Conimun1I~ roflwlp1per\ Ruch over S mtlhon C1t1lorn11ns .$450 lor 1 2S word ad Cal SCAN uv~s you trme end money Pl•cr ynur ad with th" lool p11t1cop•ton11 newspap" WWW.t41 ,,.,,com (CAl SCAN) (CAL •SCAN) CM efflce •ulolet, lor rent 12lll? p1nc1atly furn. 1r11t f WY dcrns J4ZO/mo 71• 6•1 8600 .,. ~ ......... ot'IO& & rc*Jr1lll ~,..Ya .. --anw:1ld In Ad l8RY rl lfl3 nw:t9I hr erp:rt Gd aJllY -.. ~ 11-.d _.._.. rm Fmm Sll!n !lei"J>llOl TUllJU llOCIC CAMl'US VllW lllOAOMORI l Mm~~ l & 4br $"49 000.$61~ ()()() $6?4 000 Owner A&~nl 800 640 6661 Newport Coast STllAOA 71 CAS1Hlh\ IY< 3bc dwn m'tc V1b• ~I Flyer Voclu41 luur W'ltlW vu homtte,. 'um Sl.610 000 AQI ownrr 949 631 0300 OH GllHN8llY CONDO Jbo Jba C••l•d tOmm ntw carp~t p11nl Owner Atienl 800 640 66ol 0.-. ......... 3'/-bo S I 82!> OOb 8 Co1tallno Co~~t Pco11ectoe~ of Cahl l~••"' l~ 949 509 8923 RURAL PROPERTY FOR SALE Ranches,farms/ Country Property 5915 AltlZOHA lf$T I~. J6 ~·,"' $?4 900 f:IMdtl' $ .. rp l.'lllct S....hful tlOCll "' ~ f l111tt11M aru peftect 6 lllJ dm.ote ~"'d.i..ut..r mo1111t.un v~ws AffCJfdti~ lw1•r• ••~ "-Zl R I 871 'l82 !>:161 •(CAI •Sf.AN) MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS I Br SB70m ri11lt to beath vaul c~•I• •love. 11111 Leol fan & mort IU l 16th St 949-s.44-2'2 l GMAf fAS1'Slll LOCAno.. 21><. pallO, laundry w/aar &. Jbr. l)at1C1 l"undc y, 110 pet< 949·646 /36J lbr, lba w.I ..... ,, ... -4 QUoel a<e.l. ft1 llwy aoceu 19'.ll Cluth SI rMf> 714 206~1 CJr '107 2.15 3717 fa1t1lde I~ 18r Oifti¥' W I 11 IWW:bled yitrd $1fb/mo l29 l~ llN Or<Slnr ~574<Wl Mopl• Apt1I l ovety G1t•d Comm near I rodnele Square. 2br I b• w aa< & f1111 SI09S lbr Iba w patio carport •torAe• W> -rll!h paid Kleon ~r11111l 811 ~ [11 9200 YIAftlY OClANfaONT A•a1l1ble "°" • Sl67Sm Auot11t1d Realty 949 613-3663 ,rf1tln• 2 ma1ter bdrm 1ufte1. ldul loc wolhon 1ated community h&ht & brrlf>I Sl795/mo y,11 lease Ail 949·632·2890 a I k. rww PMW'arpet. 2·cat P¥ bacil)'lll'd. Ill block to ~. must WI Slln\lmo 9119-278-l'ni cal between 9atl1 !lptTI mly $500 oft mcM fl spllt:Df 2br 2bit ,.. ,.. Jll8' shQgJ & <-...nb. Ip I c pr w<1 ~ sum 952!J3.46.l> t'br ?ba < den upper un>I, bay views, P•lro shar~d washer & dryer .,. $1850949 293 4632 I SIDI CHARMING, hke n•w 2br 1 .,b• town hou\~ stylr ?.,?2 f Iden StJ7S, mo 949 642 5488 llw, 2'(.~ I p I c.arpot1 ~I. new 11"'4 ("$lcle hm, 1llf 1 '/A>I 2 & C(J>I 3 Wll\dsona crt p~tm, stonae nu ucp Sl!lOO/mo 714 390 5870 he. w/d, wll/117dnr paid UASIS AVAILAIU rWet S157!im 9'1964!'> 3178 Newport Beach, Newp<irl Laguna Bncti OC(ANFftONY 3br Jb1 home pvt cited ~heel 2 < c••, p1loo decks, ~ 'Cl Ut 9"9464-3)14 Coast trv1ne. 3 Sbr from $2(0)>00 let 95 552-6700 NI' Hetghh 2br 2b1 larr1m. Ip. todwd In pvt yM'<I. Sell '2110 Coral A~ $2250mo 94<} 642 5488 Laguna Niguel 31or 31oo heuH, QlllPI o.-Ranch c. .. Ker-aru newly refurbished 4bt l !>b• gated '"'""' 2 · car car wd hkup• ~k ok $4'100 mn .w•~ $1300 mo 949 /~·0874 3 I. ap!>l A&1 949 240 'XS7 Rental To Share 6030 Newport Beach lbr 2b1 upper unrt. 2 balton1•• fp mstt /l1vrm, I c t• nu paint d&I S2JOO 949 293·4630 Udo l1f• waterfront :i>br 7bJ hurnt lg lo~rm w 111 v11w ~·••k1na S2500 "'" 949l22-I117 YlAlllY LIASIS FIHl NfWl'OltT HOMlS 111.1G«utfOY11.WTOllS 9'9-67S-6161 ltcl• hie wotufrent LIDO ISU STUDIO •hore 2br lb• hum• ta L••ae clout & b•lh h•;rrn w Ip pvt b'lh wnny npo~u1e SIOOOm SIOOO,mo94~ 322 1117 All 9'9 6!S 6161 Nl/Oceaft View lloam De unlronl/22nd Pr! v1t• rm unfurn shirt b~ uhls 1>Anl n1'mk -•lthtnell• lndry. lbl~ lo N~"'pr11t po•r $ll0m <:111 Sam 949·218 190'> ( betwnn 9•ni !i\>m) Ra.n _. HOW 11 h <rnb ~ )'Sd. pd roarn'I, Wld, ~ + fiD di'l:> • tplot ul•l 9'9 6SO JS7S Stora~arage Spact EorRent 6060 Nl'8 24hr ''°' •ae 400 ~I units Pl'<fkl 101 vet11<1fo' low rat,... c-" l'Jrolyn 949-863 I 'J90 Rf-.stotNTIAi.. At:.NT AlS ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island A ........... llw lloo hr C9<I Alf'. w'd ""' nxro d,w l\O crpl/p!lonl dick, C:.WllO' I lu•ury Jr. 1 br peftthee condo 111ew1o w1lk lo beach w/O .. 00<1 llr• SWiO mo 949 l"l2 831• Yeert, 28c, llo, •leps to benh S 1500 mo AnoC1•ltd 11.,lty 9'9-67>-HU Oc•Oft View I I r I lo brand newl I c 1er 111 Mw Sl650mo Anoc11t ed Realty 949 673 3663 2b1 I 75b• on the water, lit patio deck. uparaded l11tchen *d ht.up •ii $2,509,9·?93 '632 ..., b t* oonoo. ? gyy 2Cf//l,OCJ\llU.llS3QC. Pld'llrl. will ID bch. lw4 m J. sam 114021a; ...., Ude, on camel .tlr- 2!. I at pr latnd fie.. d!di ... S2JD) lbr ... pvt~ ...... tc Sl!XO ,,,..,. llln-1 9&722973) lay "°"' 3br 2b1 uplllf tevet peno<I 'tyte. 1trut v11ws 1 ur ear •II S2800 949 293 4631 BOOKS/ PUBUCATIONS Offkeo • 111 p11.1n su.te. SlY.hnn yrly 949-67J.Vli9 COSTA MlSA SAT 7-'t MUlTI FAMll.Y OAUOI SAUi 2223 Pectlrc Avt, btot-~ & wt.oil. ICn1M dlalr ,,_ l'Cll""""*' lllfnl.~91(' ,,,....., & '-t11t44t_J ._ ~10 Cernesoe @ r.1t " lf•rbor. Cost• Mna ~tamps. otd atn" 1tw.ity llntns, clothes kltclltn w11e a e>l•nt pots C..te ·-· s.. 7-> ro•fop .,._ ltllln. baby ltem1. quellty clolhet. tll>vm•. Yldtoa, 1-11\. hMhl>ld 24-4~ O! •n .. •c • Plaoe your ad today!_ <9,:'9) 84'"34118 DISCOVER HOW 10 &ti rid of whetever prevents your lrom 1>etn1 htpPY 1ch1 ... 1nc YOUI IOlls l tvln& In h•r mony Cet 011nellc:s S7 .~ Ctll 1 900 IOI 3944 www.di•n•\lcs.or1 (CAt•scAN) BUILDING/ GARDEN SUPPLY/ TOOLS receptb\ OSl.. """ per~ '•cure bid;. near HIA From S700 949 756 5258 HQt.IESFOA SAi. E ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Balbol Island .......... ~100 Btoc~ of Corel Tou1 ~ 1n 21X1Z. Sl)8511 -by -· ll3 573 19"5 TOOllMlrdwlrl 3136 Corona det Mar MIWUSTtff0$ CONDO 3111 + dtn l 3 5 b1 lront brend new So of Ille hwy S I 450.000 DUl'UX Jbf 1bt 6 t>br 2b• CDr'n., f'to of hwy $1,460,000 Owt1tr/A1•nl IOO MO 11681 30r 2.Sb• con4o w/loft/ offic:e 11t1d comm. 2 r •tt•cll 1•• 1391.000 lltohr Unlg\lt Rul t•t•t• 1M11 725 oaroo New,..,.t •<r•t1 tlte • treet Df I .5btt l'IO .,.a SU.,._ I~ ltwlM A.-. itJ 949 720 Ml2 J lO.l Otean View llr, lie, B11nd new! I car 111 Sl6~0 mo Ano<.1aled fle11ty 949 67!> 3711 Balboa Peninsula Yual Y OCIAHRtOHT 2Br 2Sa •ft ntw CltpeV Pflnt/lilo, I<: .. s:i!mn ~ Riiy 9':Ui7l:ie&3 Corona del Mir c1 .. 11 & Mewl •O(o HehoJrope (F1ont Cot 111•>. COM. 2bd, lbe. new kltctien l b•lh Ip hrdwd llf 111 LR l/t 11.••. Shartd W/O 714-336 u.>o Sl"'fl-• Uf'IN' U111t Sludro wA1lchtn Prime I~ nut CdM ~lh No p1ta/smk. S II 00/mo ln,ludts utll,, •n•I 1/1 ... u 9-(9 122 577~ •257 t\iJ Ille ... Ip 01*1 belm u.rs. dee~ Wd ,.ups t < .. 11100/mo ,..,.~ .11n ht 949 67:S o.m a.. ,..,,,., ,..,.,. 3r a.. 7 c ... ... hdol«t th, •'""" ctn. _,, no w1*. pitlo S'VXlml> !162 «D-61211 *°"'~ ........ ~. ltl ~ ~ =r.&=~ PLUG IN Plug Into the Pilot Classified section to find servkes from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters -l&A("•(Q&tl,..q,,.. Daily Pilot ( f.1·.•.1fte fl I fl0119'1Ulff\, f.1 II'-• fpl II• ' ~··~~-!!!.~J•!!!• ...... . -FORD TEMPO '90 • seoo .................. . 71' 957 0705 EMPLOYMENT, AGENCY, AMO RESUME lf!MCES ARE YOU LOOKING F<m .4 ~PfCIAI. EMPlOYEE? th• br11htest7 The Best? S11119lertMnl your local M!Yertlslna with state· ,.,d• advertlsinat ?OD community newspapers rtachma over ~ million callfornlans. S450 lor a 2" word ad Place your ad , wtlh this local part1cipatina new$paper viww cal Senn.com (,t'i1\l •SCAN) '550 WEEKLY SALARY l(o<sible m•1lln11 our yl's brochures. No upi:riance necesary FT/ Pl Genuine oppurlurnty Suppl11s PfOv1ded Call ~808 5182 (24 Hours) (CAL •SCAN) Automobiles 9000 AuComoltve -••w •01 u ..... 3.0. ~cl, 23" mi. Mi lact werranty s1lnr /btll lthr. CO mnrl l 91n whls, beauttlul hke new cond. fin nail vm611 S24.99!> ~ 949 !>86 1888 __ ....,... ...... Codllloc '98 (olera SOie mi, blk/blh llhr. blk carria1e root. Bost CO, am Im, chrm whl>. &old Pk&. books/re,ords like new S8/% v!>~/181 Bkr '49-Sl6-1111 -w.ocpobl.c- ci..,,,.o101 '99 MOfll• Carlo 2dJ <OUl>l' V6 JOI< •clual m1 s1lvet taree11 melalh< CO buultlul like new <Ond ~ v87249 l lllu 9119 !>Ill> 1888 --.ocpob.<------ ••c s .. ,~._ lH 1500, 4wcl, 70IL + 1111, &old/ten llhr, itr8 141t ••ptrb orla con4 Sll,995 ¥552481 Bkr '4t-Sl6.ltU WWW.M ... I,<- ~ 't7 Ac--4 1dr COllpe EX, V tee ena- 6911 biKJV8'ey It.Iv, snrf: bteutlfi.I 11nm11ked cond, 1ar1cecs non s~r S7995 llrm ¥0126751 Bkr ~-~ 'ts "-4e k <er4 UC 4dr. S8k mi. Grut Cond1llonl Very C141an $6999 ull 949·642-0189 ,....., '00 S Ty,. J.O v6. 3!.k ml, full tact warr. silver /oatmeal ltllr. mnrl, CO, memory 11ka. bHul hke new unma1ked cond $23,495 v#752262 Bkt 949·!>86 1888 __ _,..L._ J..,_ 't7 llJ' Br1t1Sh rac111a lfHn/tan lthr, CO l•bulous cond lhrouahoul $11995 v59721 bkr 949 586 1888 --. ....-.i .• - Joguor '94 X" Von4on Plas metallic red tan lthr, beautiful or111m11 <ond. must see to ap111eciate, 11au1ed, non smkr, $6995 v702571 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.acpol.I.<- lAND IOVH 2000 Discovery II 507 dual moonrh re•r 1ump '•ats. heated se;ot lac .,,.,, 36.000 mi. 521 900 vm.:Blr "" 714 222 5161 uxus lX470 '00 'Dl•WT .. Spott "'"'. 51 It. 11\1. (l'JMt) ~7.llllO -~(#.. """ Wlltte, Oflly 711 ml (197791) $34,ilO ._,._xn r_,,, Bi.cit., Only • ml. (19811) $41,980 'ff J-. <llenoA .. Clean! A Steel! (198Cll) S9.980 '02 u.ww SC4'4 SMva1, l4llmi. (19897) $49.980 'ffM.n ... CUtUO Black 3411 mi ( 193')& I) $25,980 "02~•U"1 Metalltc Black, only •ml ( 191221>) 56,980 '9S"-c*'"UOO White (198J6) S22,980 ..,. ,.,.. ..... ,., Silver, 61k m1 (194481) $23.980 '02SAA• 9.S Only 211\ rm. (19869) $24.980 .,,v ... ..,.,... "•• ••o"-(19728) S9.980 '49-S74-77n ~AUTO ~ fn1iloyment 8500 C!lASS A CDl In just 2 I'/?' weeks T ullio1t paid. fl1r;1n1 uperlenced t(11,vers. No cradll ohecks. Lona Haul 011t1na. I 800 781 2778 "f&tunta>crst com Corvette '9 2 Co11v Whtie. C>11K111.tl ow11rr low m1, lmm<1cul,to tond SIS,000 562 212 4117 4X4 black, er"y 1111• 1nler, low pka. 431\ mt, roasotl '01 CAllUOUT· $36,7!>0949 350-5202 l1ptron1t, mini condill-011, 8!>CJO miles, one owne< $62,000 pp 949 351 1719 (CAt-,SCAH) .... FnnolallllilDt lur busy Endocrlnoloay olfke rn Newport Bch fat ·-94!Mi45-8856 flat soo · 1970 aood cond. new brtakes/ clutch& sho'ks $5000 t49-'31-79S6 For4 '6S M1111on9 Conver l1ble orrcln•I owner sohd c•r ITUil • S1&!D'.l lbJ gen~:gc U'lCUS '99 lX JOO Pearl While, 4U. heated seals, showrm cond . luu rack, tow pk1. $19,900949 350 !>202 MlRClDlS '92 300TI Wll&on. •uto. sunrool. 3rd SUI Whtie l•n/ 1"t,.,1or SI0.!>00 1251< m1 714 !>49-9942 'STARTING '"' ANEW BU~INESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • ...... IOVOf' '99 4., HS£ 4811 mi. lull lacl wa11, blk/blk lthr, 18"' chr m whls, superb cond ttirouellt $22,991!; vll7201 Bkr 949 586 1888 www.o<pol.1.c- Th,. legal Departmml at thr DailJ />1/01 is ple11St:d re anno1111a " llt'W uri1iCt' now availabk 10 nl'W busintmu We wi/J now SEARCH the 11amt' for J<IU 111 no atra charr.e. and saw you the nme and the trij tc the Court HouJt' m S1mt11 Ana. Then, of l'oune, after t},,. uarch iJ l'Ompktrd Wt' will file JOUr fii:1111ow bu.s1nns namt Jtatnnmt With tht' CowilJ Ckrlt, pub/Uh 01u-e a wrtlt for four UJ«lts as rrquirrd by law aruJ thefl file JOUr proof of publiratum with the County Ckrlt. Pk~ stop by to fik J'"" fictit1ow bumuss Mme sraummt at the Datly Pik'1, 330 W. Bay SI., Cotta Mna. If JOU l'annot 1top by. pl.ease l'aU us at (949) 642-4J2 I and Wt' wi/J rnalte amingmit'nts for JO" to handle this prrx-edurr by marl If you shou/J haw any forth" qum1ons, pkase ca/J us and Wt' uni//,,. morr than glad to as1iJ1 you. Good lul'lt m .ro11r flt'W busme11! £ •lllornla lew re· quires th•t conllac· tors la~lns iobs th•I total S500 or mo<e lebor or materi•ls) be loceowd by the Contractors State lcanse Board St•I• lew alio 1equrrn th•t conltactors Include tharr license number •H ll<hlll't!Strll-You can thlcll the stetus ol your llcensed contractor at www c1lb ce 1ov of 321 CSLB Unll• Ct nHd contracton lalt.lna fob' th•t lol•I less than SSOO 111u1t 1t11te In therr tdv1ruu1111nta that y ,,. not llcenttd '1 the Conl11cton Slate Lic•nse Board - A -l HANDYMAN Install. relace e1b1ntlt ~~ rnoldre. Dole 714 !)46 ~ Carpet Cleaning -· flH II" Ou• I A C.11pPI C1c.1n11Hi S•ir._.11 ,. . ' 3rooms&~•·• WlCklCkll jlltCO!ld•flOIWIO CAU. TOOAT ·CUM TODAY Kavin 714-329-3142 Office 714.fN-1110 ComputerSemces COMPUTER H ELP! . ...,,...~,..... •M,...-.wollllll •.C•• ·~ •IW:J,,.99q•• ·~loblml ·mm~ • Olglll ~R.-i. "'-.... ~~ .. UC........,0.-. IO'l'ra~Eitp. 7 14-612-2786 concnee' Maanry lrld1 lled1 St-tllo Coocrete, Pabo, Orrveway ClrpetRepalr~lts Flr-.ilc. BBQ. R•fs. 25y,, -0-CAltJ'lT'l)CAIPnn Eap. Terry 714-557 7594 Rep1tr1, Palch•na. lnslsll c.....i "'-Y w.ti Courteous •nr lilt jObS ,.._,_,, o"""" .,._ , ... Who141ule! 949 491 0205 (;'~:;: ffM. i;j 1iO loo !lf'NI 714-f>IS-9062 FIND an apartment through classified IM I YOUSHOMf tMPIOVUllNT NOJICU Call e J)lvmber. P•lnter handrnian, or any ol the 1rHI HfYlceS U1l1d here HI our Krvlce d1tector11 TH!Sl LOCAL SVC PC Of>l £ CAN Ht'l I' YOOTOO~YI EJectrtcal SeMca SMAUJOl IXPHT l oc•I. Q0tck Response Home, Yard & Oock Elect :!> Yrs hp Du1cam Electn: L#V!JIDO 949fll0. 7042 1 .(.(. Oem1< ~ pric9 ioc.i conlncUlr, no fr:IO too unal, no fr:IO too t,.. Rllf'• 141011...-UICI0810?al (714)142-1410 UCIHHD CONTUCTOlt No fr:IO 100 sm Al W'!U!Sl Atparr, remodel, lllns, "'9. MW 5VC 9&&1&-3666 Friday, December 12, 2003 AU Brldje Bv CHAAL!S OOREN wlltl OMAR SHARIF Md TAHNAH HIRSCH TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE JA~llAND I Hoch vulneniblt. North lbib ~. came cu the Unlled SWtl to play I ITlllCf1 a,e11'1il lllt Four l\te).. lhc domtNllll brid,e ..n lhl Mde of the AtWlb . 1bh ll><U. Ill e:ffe1.1, the fin& Wudd ~wp. Tu ldd U$l llO lbe tocOunla, lhe llllllch -p1.ayec1 for v.bat ww.. ru.-lhoroc day~, oomideRble •take. That miiht ha\t icJ.lllml.id the ~tcornc of thh deal. NORTit •A 1095 Alt QJS7 • t84 &\ST •KQU \ J7'2 10 53 2 •l 1li.: bidden~ NOR'TH F.A!l"T I Pb. SOUTH Wttr I ,._ 6vcn by wday's qandards the auc· tion was inipec.;able. Sining Wei.t was Pierre Albarran, \tar uf the Ptene11 team. Soulh was ure Mas\CT No 8', Rlclwd L Fn:y. Cunvinaxl [rum the biddin11 that decl~r had club~ well \lopped, Albamln decided oo tlit neulnil · i.padc lelld Occlan.'f played low frum dummy. l:'.&t woo with the \jU«n arid Jllftcd tu a hean to du1ruuy ·s long 1-rcy could count e1~1 UicU. and chi! IUlllh.:ould be set up in clubs by fon:e, IO decJarer ran the nme of dulls. Albarran ducked smoolhly with the five! •• ha JNT .... .... Pia Opening lr!ad. Sc\en of • Wilh ninr tricks assured, declarer could have claimed his cootrau but. \Ill<.~ e;x:h uicl wa, wunll money. Frey uied lor the o~ennd. by repeat- ing the lioc:~..e A dchghled Albarran l1L"1cd four club~ for a one-trick "'' ~natn han<J\ h\C In hntlge hJ~IO­ ry. flu~ early C\llnlpk I)[ \k.·~.'Cpllon I\ a cas.c ot 11.rced heinl( pun1\hed In 1935 France, chumpion~ ot • Ille'• ,.,,.,.._ ..,,.,, .... 'DO '2.J CIC CMVt Sll/Bt; Auto. H.tv System Xn100 Lu.tel ed (839989) $29,900 '00 740#t Wh1V811i, N•v1, CO, Sport Whls (Pl!>4!>4) $36.900 '01X-S1.0 Blk/Gry. Prem Pq, CO, Low Mi (M6l231) $34,900 '02 C-""o< , .... 4-4 Pewtwr lo;ided . Moo"Roof Low Mt (122184) 539900 "02 Yua:-str Pewter I o•ded, 221< m1 l'erltK.11 (202894) $26.900 'OOGUOO Whl/lun Platinum Serles. low M1, CO (099216) $25,900 '99 CUt-.J20 Biii/Bii\, Auto, CO, Bose, Great P11ce (048525) $23,900 'OZ Gr..,/ AM Sf Aulo. AC. CO. Re.ir Splr (263421) $9 ~ 'O.J New•••tfe ,_ Only IOI. n11 l.O lllu•/ Blk ( JOU20'.>) $U .900 '99S-420 Super Cleanl CO, Like New (4319?8) $28.900 -BOATREPAIRS/ a-.. Ion .. '00 4.0 o~ SC 1611 actual m1, lull ~Wftll;G fact wan, blk/c.1111111 •••••••• llhr, beautrlul hlo.e new cond. Musi se11 to illll)rldate $28.8> vOI 1896 Bk• 949 5116 1888 --· ..... Rover '9S 4.0 SE 80k +m1, bl•ck/t•n llhr •uperb LOlld 1111 ou1hl, books 1 ecor d• $10,49!> \I04!i829 Bl<! 949 586 1888 www.ocpob.catn AUTOMOll.ES, MISCEUMEOUS Wlftlld 9045 MOTORCYClES 'tS Herley D-14.• Roadluna lmmac11lale ~onclltlon, SU.ODO call !>62·212·4117. BOATS Powlf Bom 9515 .......... wi...-s.- Sporl lOlp Varna/la, loc: on Beoboa Isl 14900 wMI 949·124-1810 94!Mi7J.791111 ,,,Duffy ........ .., r~upholslsy/ lll1dousurtl arff 17 /rrro ~ Sl4,90> 9&515-02.88. Sallboltl 9520 BOAlSSUPS/ MOORINGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 IOAT SUP, ~1d1: II" 6011 plu1 main Lh•nnd Newpo1 I Pen111'ula, n<w dock. 949 67~ 5900 • UP TO so· SUP • Balboa Penn Bay Island Cove area. u~ure. homt owner. 949 922 7777 Nowpet1 leod• SO ff Slip available $1000/mo call •949 123 3143• 949-'S0-2222 Tlle'alw..,- ~. 1916 CAT~ ZJfT, ra 11.sl II*> piDI. DIM dalll "E l " mp oyee. Toyota '97 Ceron. DX 6°" • ml. auto. pw, pl, "U13.e whtl•/arey Int, superb $499!> vl57829 Bk1 949 !>86 1888 www.ocpal.l.co"' IANGI ROVll 19U ~ .. -........ bottom paint recent. .. .._ ...... dlBI " &~15Bl>~ SpeedlStl.,....,. 10111I Wltelaall 9530 l WB, llSfl nu blue/l•n. Mastercraft ·95 Ski boat "" 'uspension 1mm1c with tower. 1 ulate throuchoul S&495 s 1110, PA6282Bl .thi n4 222 S\61 custom cover, Sl 7 ,000 Tr" Slf'Vlce, Yard Cleanup. Ma1ntan•nc1, Spr111kler Repair , H1ulin1 (949) U0-1711 HandymlN HomtRlpalr RESTORE • REPAIR & R[MOOEt ING AlA• THI HANDYMAN AU worlt. 1uar1nteed ~[~Ooot,, fllwtl carp&.. ge:.m f " /,II y, 11i1 11 ,p11 H•·11.•11. I I \. f ·~ ... ' \I I ( I • (9 • T' 562 212-4117 GENEUL IEPAll le lWN'IENANCE • Residential * Commeroal No Job Too Small DaH Hamilton 949--322-8292 &wr.lc.-... 1¥i Carpentry • Plumbint l>t'yw•ft • Stucco Patnltn&. Irle & more 20• Vurs f •per1ence! JI 714-969-577, Huling JUNll TO THI DUMPlll 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAVt 949 673 5566 Mow.o0o~'4 Wkly/Bl wkly/Monihly Refs Gr••I rates! ltntlcla ~!;48.428S 949-2/8-0837 l "Empleado." "Arbeitnehmer." "E l ,( " mp oyt:. Misc Servlca HOLIDAY HlU' llome & Party Oetor lree frim mrna. Room M•keover S, Shoppl111 949 459 8270 ----...... ·, .. ' '.' •. •• • L;: •. E °'*' 7 0aY9 LowRal• Stotaoe Specieta SNle41 t981 949-845-4545 HST MOVllS SSS/Hr. S4irvlna All C1tle~ Insured Tlb3844 323 99/ 1193 323 bJO 9971 tell PUBLIC NOTICE The Call! PubllL Ullhtlll Commlulo11 requllu that all uwd hou1ehold aoocls monrs r""' their PUC Ca T number, llmot end chaultturt print th•H r c P nu111btf In all advtr ll\emtrilt II yuu hav1 111y ciuution\ ~boul Ille '•••Illy of a mover, limo or cheuffeur, call. PWlKunmn coaanUOtf MO 177_..'7 SEU ••• Palrtlng lfJT. Nini ct INTERIOR EXTERIOR --~ Airn.t!lilt U*q --.-,,. " ,.., -~ ...... ~ _,....,. _, ....... "-""°"9 c-. ... _....., 714-632-5660 . . C"-9'• ....... ~Pl> Great P11ur Gu&r an teed wor11 frM HI 1137!16()2 I I 4 b38 I !>34 I JCIO 2945 •I'S CUSTOM PAINTING Profl, clean quality WOfk Inlet k>t /ta I and dock) l1703468 949 400 1054 IAINIOW Cll<U MA1NT Palnllnl inVH~ """"'1111>1 Quality Jobi Free Htlll\411 L #5691197 714 636 8888 Plumbing adMtlonol M8l J IMll!Qer\ Sl W(R It. tr!NO ELECTRONIC SLAB LEAK OCTECTION F 1 tendly S.nk:• t49 -,7S ·•~04 -~CXlr11 l•711?~•t lfl'<•(l'd llOUU~ a WOOD nRUlllDfO e ., ..... ,......, ... , ;' .. ,_ Plumb Ing SlWll AND owe ClW9l6 (949) 645-2JS2 II 12 13 NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. Big Mike's Tree Service ~~~ =a. u,·~ 241\1 ~ '"C-.~ 949·400-4277 s.,. & ..... ,...., Cu,tom lland Pa1nlf'd "'-• & r.,. P~ MAI lot hn ~.$4 THE STllPPlRI Spec11llz1111 m W-ll111pr Removal l •tl88?4 I 949 360 1?11 Wlndow Clnnlng "°""' & llASON'41U ........... ~a-.. PlUMIO s.rvtc.. ( aperlt!x.NI ' f,_ Est! Sm r~ ~ Tracks S1111. 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SAL.f PflCE --._..S28,985 FACT~AEBATt--·----.-54,000 FMCC BONUS REBATE-=---. , S60a' rt"'i22~495 WISH LIST YEAR-END EVENT ALL NEW 2003 Mercury SABLE Ye, co, Ful Power, Affoldlble Lumyl SAL.f PflC:E ___ ,.$26,9915 FACT~f&Alt--__ $4,rol FMCC 80NUS REBATE.-------·-·-S500' ~·S]j)95 0 % API LONG THM 0 RNANCING IN UIU Of RllATI ON APNOVID ClfDIT 0%:!:;awn 0%:-=:uun Oo/o APR financing for up to 72 months available in lieu of rebate! ON SELECT MODELS ON APPROVED CREDIT. 0% APR for 72 months. $13.89 per month, per $1000 financed. Down payment, cash or trade equity 5% to 50%. Above average credit of tier O or 1 by Ford Credit. Individual circumstances may allow for a higher or lOWftr down payment. Some customers may not qualify, restrictions apply. 1888 M•RCURY COUGAR 1 ... PORD RANGER 20,000,.., /IJ, hMI ~ 0(1'I« Ike lllW (A.10079) •7990 Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 FRIDAY, DECEMBER 12, 2003 KENT TREPTC1N I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa High students Joseph Powers, 17, left, and Ted Lee, 14, center, watch the launch of one of their gliders, done with the a~sistance of classmate Jeremy Appleby. Joseph and Ted won the glider contest held at Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Pasadena. ])oesn't take a rocket scientist In an science competition, a glider built by a Costa Mesa High student beats out one built by en~neers at Jet Propulsion Laboratory • Marl11 O'Nell Daily Pilot I t Isn't every day that high school students beat out NASA rocket scientists. Cali{omia schools, but gliders built by JPL engineers. "It's not that we're suddenly smarter than all the people who built the Mars Rover," Steve Nelson, who teaches the class. saJd. "But we've been doing Lhis over and over. [The engineers! put theirs together in a few hours and didn't really test it." But last week at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory's annual Invention Oiallenge Competition, students In Costa Mesa 1 ligh School's Mathematics, Engineering. Science Achievement class hit the mark - or closest to the mark-with a glider they designed. Their entry not only beat out other Southern MeasuremenL and repetition. he stressed, are the secrets of effective engineering. Every student in his class designed a scon ROSY /OMV PILOT See SCIENTIST, Paee A4 Student Joseph Powers watches the launch of his glider. THINKING ALLOWED Burciaga 's back in town LOLITA HARPER and future commissioner about her plans to pursue a seat on the City Council, she chuckled. . ·1 have some Ideas about that," she saJd. "I have some plans about running. It ls definJtely something I want to do." Ah bah. So, was her posturing on the padt.s commission a calculated move to elevate her status ln the community and therefore make her a stronger candidate for a council run in20047 "I don't see it that way," Burciaga saJd. "I was really surprised when Ubby asked me, I dldn't even know anyone was leaving." Burciaga said Cowan approached her, expressed confidence In her qualifications for the position and asked If she would consider stepping Into Feldman's vacancy. Burciaga saJd she thought about It and realized It Cell ln line with a lot of what she had been doing tn the community already. In regards to after school facilities and such. - It also happened to be a step in the right direction toward becoming an elected official, she admJtted. Cowan's answer on Burdaga's appointment demonstrated the councilwoman's polit1cal savvy. Did she strategically appoint Burciaga to elevate her status In the community and make her a stron.ger candidate for a council run7 •Absolutely.• Cowan said . Cowan, who will be termed out In 2004 and leave an empty seat on the dais, saJd she saw Burciaga as a ... "rising star ln the community.• Her SHAU.OWED, P .. eM The request, approved by the board or dlrectora on Wednes- day, calla for a multitamity rental project conta.lnJ.ng a minlmum of 250 units. The district plant to leaae the land on the comer of Adams Avenue and Pinecreek Orfw'near OCC. ber Wal t Howald said. "We put (the project! in a posl· lion where It's between the de· veloper and the city. and that's appropriate because that's the city'& jurlsdlction, • Howald said. Daily Pilot ATAGlANCE ON11EWE8: The0boa.rd wu poised to select a bidder tn November, but choee to lbmdon cbe prom. and ltart over, ddlll uncleur..-and con· ftJlion In die requeet. It wll now be \Q) to chrwiopen to dedcle how many ..,.nmenta they want to build and whether ttMy want «> aceed the city'• mulmum clenllt)\ bolld men>· The ortginal request uked de- velopers to deelgn an aputmeot project with at leut ~ unitl on a lot of indeftnlte tiz.e. deecribed as a mlnimum or 12.14 aaa and a maximum of lS.n acrea. 1bll caused confusion, aAnce dewl· open baaed thetr pro)ectl on dlf. fetent atze Iota, Howald Mid In November. ... APMnmcr, Pip M WWN.~com WEATHER ~ Ma.tty sunny stlf• todev end cool temper9tUrM.. S.PlleA2 SPORTS c.. MeM..., gllte' IOC09I' tat•en !Nine. ... ..... Al Upper Newport Bay to be restored A $12.5-million grant from the California Coastal Conservancy means work may start by fall of 2005. Allele Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -The California Coastal Conservancy announced on Thursday that it will give the coWlty a $12.5-milllon grant that wilJ allow the res- toration of Upper Newport Bay to begin. Design of the project, now underway. should be completed by September 2004, with construction beginning in fall 2005, saJd Donald Spen cer, the project manager for the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers. ·we're very excited,· Orange County coastal engineer Susan Brodeur saJd. "We're trying to keep the project on track. and this really helps." Restoration of the 1,000-acre bay will In· votve dredging more than 2 mllllon cubic yards of sediment from two basins in the bay, dredging and deepening channels In the bay and creating a new island for least terns, which are endangered birds, Spen- cer said. The bay is the largest tidal wetland in See BAY, Pa1e A4 CITY HALL Council endorses El Morro park The resolution is a surprise, as Newport leaders seemed against a ~tate park where mobile homes now sit. June CHaarande Dally Pilot NEWPORT BEACH -In a tum of events one participant described as ·the most dramatic thing I think I've ever seen in a council meeting.• the Oty Council, which was leaning toward opposing a state park plan for El Morro Village, made a U·tum on Tuesday and came out In sup· port of removing the moblle homes there and returning the area to the pubUc. The decision came at the same time as a similar U-tum at the county level, where an Item on Tuesday's Board of Supervisors agenda tb regulate camping near schools was removed from the agenda before the upcomlng meeting. The ordinance would have prohibited camping within l,000 feet of a school. Be· cause the state Parks Department's plan for El Morro includes a campsite less than 1,000 feet from El Morro Elementary School, the county move would have had SM EL MORRO, Pe1e A4 c STEVE McCRNt< I DM-Y. PLOT Barry Levy is the new commodore of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club In Corona del Mar. At the helm Deep• Bharath Daily Pilot B arry Levy first stepped Into the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Oub when his bOn David took a beginner's sailing clai.s there. WNow, It's a 4't:cond home to me, -said the 53 year-old Newport Beach resident, who has taken the h elm as the club's new commodore. Levy became a mem~r 12 years ago. Since then, he ha!> chaired numerous club committee!. and participa ted in a variety of eve11tb. I le iook over as commodore during a ceremony on Sunday. This Is an opportunity for him 10 make the club's vision ,, reality, Levy said. -our board ju111 finished a strategic plan for the club Ma ting what we want to achieve ln the next 20 years, -he said WHArs AFLOAT • WHATS AR.OAT is published periodically. If you are planning 11 nautica l event. submit the information to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St , Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fa1t to (949) 646-4170; or by e-mail to dsilypilot@lstimes.com. SPECIAL EVENT The Newport Harl>or Nautical MuMUm wfH have an e1thibit opening for ·Hooked: The lure and Lore of Sport Fishing; at the Grand Salon from 10 a.m: to 6 p.m. through Feb. 29. The museum ls 111151 E. Coast Highway, Newport Bead'l. Information: (949) 673-7863, http://www.nhnm.org. SM.ING Cl.ASSES Seiling Fudnatlon o4'f9t'S da .... In bo91Jng safety and sailing yeaP.round for persona wttti disabUltiea. Free. (949) 640-1678. Onnge County employws can bnng thff empk>yeea out to Newport Bead'I on weekdaya to enjoy a day of aalllng courtesy of Orange Coast College. The Sdlool of Salling and Seamanship now offers 11 chance for groups to work with the on-board Instructor on different sailing technique• Barry Levy takes over as commodore of the Bahia Corinthian Yacht Club On top of that list are capital improvement projects such as upgrading outside dining areas and doing additional soundproofing inside to enhance acouslics, he said. -we also want to encourage our members to use their boats more often and to be active on the water: be said. The club will al.so continue its efforts to gi~e back to the community, Levy saJd. -for four years, we've had the Leukemia Cup regatta. and for all those years, we've been among the four top money· raising clubs in the country,• be saJd. The club's future, however, lays with the -junior sailors,• Levy said. while they get advice on how to perform well in busine.., No sailing experieoce neteessary. One-cUiv classee coat from $100 to $126. (949) 646-9412. Onno-Coast College'• 9Chool of NMng end seamanship will offer a five week noncredit Introduction to Shields sailing class from 9:30 a.m. to 1 :30 p.m. Jan. 11, 18 and 25 and Feb. 1 and 8 at OCC'a sailing center in Newport Beach. The cost is $120. Information: (949) 64&-9412. BOAT RENTALS With Marina wn.tSpom at the Bd>oa Fun Zone, you can enjoy nautical experiences from mild to wild. Take a self-guided tour of the bay In your choice of power and sail watercraft, jump the ocean swells in a Sea-doo Jetboat. put you sport-fish ing sJcHls to the teat In a fully equipped Boston whaler, or 1oar above It all on a peruail flight along the Newport coast Complimentary Ice and beverage• are Included with all electric boat rental1. Balboa 8oet Rent.ell cen put you on the water In many way1: with 1lngle and double kavaka, electric boats, 14-holder sailboats, pedal boats and runaboot1 for offshore uae or crul1ing the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals "We're going to Invest more In equipment and coaching staff,~ he said. Last year, for the first time, the club hired two instructors from UC Irvine. wwe're definJtely golng to do' that again this year, because mingling sailing and academks puts the whole thing in perspective for the kids." he said. In his spare time, Levy enjoys cruisJng to CataJlna In bis 42-foot sailing yacht, Sun Dance. His wife, Nancy, Is also active In the club as an advisor for the junior sailing program. Above all, the commodore says he has enjoyed the camaraderie and the frlendahips he bu made in the club over the yean.. "'Ibis la a club where you bave people from all walks of life," be said. "There are people from different Income levels. It's a very, very friendly atmosphe,e where people accept you and welcome you. - alao hofda two-hour acavenger huntl aboard the electric bey boat.a, providing group activity for corporations, bbthdays, nonprofit organization• and group outings. The hunt padtagea include boat.a, trivia questions, maps, Polaroid camer11 and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering la available at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric: boat rent11l9 a,. evaiMble by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway. Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservatfons are suggested. An hour rental Is $75. (9491645-a12. ,.... hon, electric hon, boogie boerda, kayaks, Inflatable rafts, catamaran•, beach fumiture and wetsuit• are available for rent at Resort Water Sports et Newport Dunes. (949) 729-1160. C> Gondolli tours ere._... by the Gondolli Co. of Newport. 3400 Via Oporto, Suite 102-8 . The $75 coat lndudes a basJcet of bread, dleeae, salami, ice, glane1. a blanket. music and a Polarokt picture. Wine 11 alto available .. (949) 676-1212. Daily_ A Pilot ~ Malt C. Ouatin. Don l..elch. l<ent Trepcow READERS HOTUNE 19491642.eo&e Copyrtght: No newa stories, lllultradons. ~ m.ll9f or edveftiMmentl htireln can be r~ wfthout wrlaen permlabl of copvright owner. VOL 97, NO. 341 Niwa fdftiofs Gina Ai.und«, Lori Andert00, DIN"9I ........ Paul Sai1owlti. 0...5"""' ........ ........... Qffne end OCM#tll ~. CMIPMale dllpe.bhMrldt•lsllme&oom .... c ....... Newpon S.ld\ IWpOftlr, (9491574-Ul2 lWte-~•"""-.oom lolel ..... Cofumnllt. OUftlll'I ~. (MIPMm ,...,,,.,.,,., • ..,,..Ol)m ............ C..U.. ....... Ml 114-4221 ....,._,,.,,, • ...,,.oom ..... Ollal E~.._..,,C9eltPM291 ~• ...... oom ... ,.... N.-. ......... ( .. 1174-42111 ,.._,,.,.. • ..._.com • Record your commenta about the Delly Piiot or n4tWI tlpt, AddiWle Our addreee i. 330 W. Bay St.. Coat.I Me.a, CA 92tn Of'llce houl'9 are Monday· Ftldey, 8:30 a.m. · 6 p.m. eon.ctiof• h 11 the Pllot'I PolicV to promptly correct all em>f'I of tublWnce. PIMN c.1119491 ~4. FYI • Th• Newport~ MeM 0eMv Plto4 (USPS-144-8001 18 publtlhed ditty. In ~ 8eed'I Mw:i Colta Meaa, IU~ are avMtable Only by~ eo The Tlmea Orange County CIOOt 212 .. 141. '".,.. OUlllde of NMpoft ~and c.... Meaa. eubaoripdona to .... Dally "'°' .. ~Only by..,.. .... mall for .... '"°""'·,,.,... ....... .. ........................ ) ..OSTMMmt. .......... Nngaeto n. NMpolt IMliM:olfll U.. o.lr Not. P.O. lo."80,C.. ...... CAma HOW TO MACH US ~ The Timee Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~·~1 ... ,6'2~ ~(949184~1 e.a.w N9wl , .... , 6'2--5880 ....... ( .. ~ .... ,.. (148)648-4110 ... ,.. (Mt) el50-0170 ... ~·~ MIMOllla ....... ()Illa, ... , M2~t • ..._ ... ( ... 831-7129 ~~nn.CommunllY N9wa. a dMlloft "'""Lo.~ Tlmea. -nn.CH.M ..... ....... THE HARBOR COLUMN Ready for the parade A hoy. w:;:1esday Is the start of the Newport Harbor Otrlstmu Boat Parade, and it will be the 8rst time in decades that I will miss the start -or not? On Wednesday, 1 am MIKE skippering a private WHITEHEAD yacht from side or the stem. Do not hes.ltate to bail a larger vessel, especlally a charter vessel, to let the skipper know that you are close on the starboard aide, not certain of the larger vessels intentions or to request passing (inland rules?). Remember, whether It is a •• .. ,..., -~. En.senada to Newport Halbor, and depending on the wait time for U.S. Customs In San Diego. r plan to reach Newport at 6 p.m. private yacht or a charter vessel, the larger the vessel, the less maneuverability and '~ the less visibility for the So, technlcaDy, I might not miss the parade when I cruise through the harbor. The other rtlgbts, I will skipper In the parade aboard dlllerent private yachts, except for Sunday, when I have my radio show. This Sunday, Eric Hovland, the show's roving reporter, will call in with a special parade report. Last SUnday, my radJo crew and I were invited to view San Diego's Holiday Boat Parade with VIP viewing from the judge's station at the San Diego Maritime Museum. The nJght was gorgeous after the rainstorm that day. and the crisp air felt Uke winter. The parade was very nice, with courteous skippers following the boat ahead, and the boats were very weU decorated. I have a few tips for boaters In Newport Harbor's parade that I have formulate from years as a professional captain, participating in many parades on the West O:>ast. Let's start with guests' safety. Before you leave the dock. teU everyone where to ft.od the llfejackets, fire extinguishers and Oashlights and make ready the ring buoy with a line attached to the buoy. A common m istake is to decorate your ring buoy with a string of lights -no excuses regarding safety. It also is Important to guarantee that the skipper can see, without the view blocked by guests, bright lights or decorations. There are going to be hundreds of boats on the water performJng Impromptu close-quarter maneuvering. and you should keep In mind that most boaters are not accustomed to cruising at nighttime, not to mention in such crowded situations. Also, the parade route will take many boaters to unfamiliar 8rei1S or the harbor, so follow the parade. If the skipper's view is restricted, prudent seamanship dictates that someone should be posted as a lookout ln those blind areas, whether on the bow, skipper. Every boat must foUow the • .. Oow of traffic, keeping the suuboard (right) side nearest to shore and passing oncoming vessels port to port Oeft to left}. Who are the ldJots who always cru1se up the wrong side of the channel, causing chaos as oncoming boats have to swerve out of the way'? You are In no huny to cruise around the harbor, so travel 2ow , and be very careful s · g up to close a gap In e parade, as you are responsible for any damages caused by your wake to the docks or other boaters. The speed limit is still 5 mph, or no wake or steerage during the parade. Who knows what steerage means? The para.de officials will be monitoring VHF marine radio's working channel 68. However, for all emergencies, use onJy Channel 16 to hail the Newport Harbor Patrol. Please do not Interfere with Channel 16 by chatting. playing music or constantly yellJng Merry Christmas over the airwaves, as you could hjnder a real emergency radio call In the harbor or out at sea, where I might still be cruising. I wish everyone a safe parade, and r will have a parade update In next Friday's column. · This Sunday on the Boathouse Radio Show. OumdJer BeU and I will be ln-studJo from 4 to 5 p.m. on KCBQ-AM ( 1170) or over the Internet at htrp:llwww.boat lwuseradlo.com. Listeners can call In during the show to (888) 344-1170 to join In on Southern California's only boating talk radio show reachlng ports up the coast from San Diego to Oxnard and out to Santa Catalina Island. Safe voyages. • MIKE WHfTEHEAO Is the Pilot's boating and harbor columnist. Send him your harbor and marine-related thoughts end story 1uggestions bye-mall to mike@boathousetv.com or visit http:llwww.boathousetv.com. " SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST You lhould expect moltty aunny lldel today. Winds from 6 to 10 mph will be out of the not'ttlaaat In the morning, out of the WMt by the demoon. Hight forealated to be In the lower to mld-80I. Tonight, look for partfy doudy ..... wtth light windl end Nghe In the lower to upper 40s. ............... ; www.nws.noN.gov BOATING FORECAST In tN Inner Mterl, not1hMllt wlnde ~be at 10 llnol9. WaV9S lhould be at 2 t.t or.._ on a'"'""" .w9" of, to & ..... Out r.ttw, nofth\;; .. wlnde wtll be ......._, 10 to 20 ~with :"".:.':"''""'-- SeMce potted 1 hig!Hurf ldvisorf for Thuradey, and today lhould aee the aame condltlona. Watch for very atrong rip currents and dangel'OOl lwimmlng conditk>na. Most WMt·facing breaks will eee ~lgh sell, going a few feet overhead at lt8ndout apota, and double-<MNheed, ra...ty, at extreme atandoota . South-facing tnab, getting aome dffrfac:t1on: wtll run ctie.t to lhoulder Nutt on the betbtr ...... --qullty: WWW.IUrlrlder.org TIDES ,..... 12:21 a.m. 3!43a.m. 10:09a.m. &:&ep.m. ........ 8.31tMthigh 2.13tMtlow U2fMthigh .0.07 .... low WATER TEMPERATURE \ I . Ody Piiot Residents take on extended families Mo.re than 20 local families will be adopted for the holidays thanks to a community effo rt. MarlH O'Ntll Daily Pilot COSfA MF.SA -When a plan to help out needy families at So· oora Elementary School started to rail apart. Ptanning C.Ommis- sioner Katrina Foley knew exactly where to go. She went to her contact Ust and sent out about 150 pleas for help. Now. parents, lawyers and clowns are signed on to adopt 20 local families for the holidays. Ml'm doing it because I want to give to those less fortunate than I Coke looking for people to bear Olympic torch Coca-Cola is looking for local people to bear the 2004 Olympic corch in the Los Angeles area Those interested in nominating themselves or ochers can go to a partidpating Albertsons grocery store between now and Dec. 3 1, pick up a nomination form and write a JOO-word es.~y about the nominee. Coca·C.Ola will select 30 people from the Los Angeles area lo carry lhe flame. The nominations will be read by a panel of judges: All torch bearers wiU carry the torch about 300 lo 500 meters and will pass the flame from torch to corch al designated exchange points along the route in each city. · The Olympic flame will be tra- ditionally lighted by the sun's rays in Olympia on March 25. It will travel the world for 35 days, visit- ing 34 cities in 26 countries be- fore returning to Greece for the start or the games in Athens. Trash collection delayed for New Year's Newport Beach's General Services Department will no c collect trash on New Year's Day. Instead , 'the trash will be CQl- lected Jan. 2. In areas regularly scheduled for Friday collection , trash will b e. picked up Jan. 3. Celebrate am.· Foley sald. •1t's a good way to give during the holiday sea· 80n: M.arcy Shands-Brown. the com· munlty fadlltator for Sonora and Kaiser elementary schools. origi- nally set up the idea or adopting families with donations from Share Our Selves and local churches. Demand soon out· paced the supply, so Shands- Brown . turned to Foley for help drumming up upport. ·we are having more of a need this year,• Shands-Brown said. ·People are just having a hard time. Times are tough. and I al- ways worry about the children." lYJ>ically, the families coming to her for help are single mothers or fathers who have recently lost their jobs. Paying rent and bills often leaves them with no money for a Christmas dinner or girts, she said. Some people have agreed tu adopt entire fam.illes, getting a shopping list or grocery. clothing. toys and other ltem5 appropriate lO their need. Others are donating gjft cards to Stater Bros. super- marlcet TI1e Orange C.Ounty VolW1teer Oowns have donated boxes or coloring books for chjldren, Shands-Brown said And mem- bers of the Orange C.Ounty 1'rial Lawyers Assn. are donating $\00 grocery~ Students from Kaiser PJemen- tary School have also contributed, through their November Time of Giving caJ}'lpajgn. Donations or small change added up to $1,200 chat will go to buy 'Pctrget girt cards and gift cards ror groc'eries. "l want to teach my (sonsl that Ouistmas is not just about tllem BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS Also. there will no street sweeping in che city on Jan. I. For more information. call the GeneraJ Services Depart· ment Monday through Friday between 7 a.m. and 3:30 p.m. ar (949) 644-3055. Parent Help holiday dance on Thursday Parenl Help USA. a nonprofic organization tJ1a1 aims 10 pre- vent child abuse, will have a holiday ctinner dance bencfic on ·nlUrsday al the Balboa Aay Oub. The evenc. which will lake place during the Newport I tar· bor Oiristmai. Boat Parade, will feature dinner. carolers. danc- ing. pm.es. ah auction and a performan ce by the Colony or Performing Ans Oiildren. The program is from 5:30 10 I 0:30 p.m. Admission co~cs $I 00 per person. Tickets a rc free for sponsors who place program advertisements. For more information. call (949) 650-346 t or visit '111r1.·11 www.pnre111Jiet111LSa.org. Monday will be biggest mailing day of the year Postal officiab said that Mon· day will he lhc biggcs1 mailing day of the year. To handle the anticipated 61 million pieces of mall in Southern California, tlw U. S. Poscal Service has inc reased air cari~o lift by 40% and hired ad- d11ional holiday help, offi cials said. The public is urged tu send uuc holiday packaKes by Dec. 22 within California and by Dec. lO if mailing out o f state. Blizzard of fun at Olrist Lutheran Olurch today A bliu,ard af wintertime fun i'> expecced to strike Newpo rt l larhor I .uthera11 Oiurch today rrnm 4 lo 9 p.m .. when the t·hurch hosts a free event fea luring a live petting manger, train ridei., strolling mu~1cians. inlernational foods a nd, a Southern CaJifornia rarily. :IO tom of snow. "It's going 10 be a winter wonderland.~ church office manager Leann Granger said. .The church is sponsoring the even t with the help of local businesses as a'holiday gcscure or fellowship. she said. ·we're just doing it so the community can come loRe the r and experience winter,· she said. "Since we have perfect wealher a ll year long. everyone son or rni'lses a white Christ- ma'> now and then." In addition 10 the snow, the evcnl will feature a tree lightin.: New YearS Eve 1n Style at Spectacular Live Enterta1nmertt Hats. Homs. Streamers & other Party favors. Dancing, rxtensrve Champagne and Wine I 1st. Valet Parking. Ocean V1e-N and. of course 1ncre6ble food' ~~~~~~~~~~~ Award Winning PREMIERE Seafood and Prime Beef Restaurant in Orange County. Two SEATING T IMES 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm t ·//11'/"lil.' I ,'t' I np '1nto our wPbsrte for det.i1led information and d1rcd1ons ttNW1 fixcu1rrunt corn or call 949.673.2100 Book your celebration today ... This is o Porty you don't wont to miss! " -l<r1•p 1/1p Pall~ aoinq all mqlrl cmd 1tay 11psta111 al ovr lv•v11ous Oc.,an/10111 Brei & 8ff•akln11 Boal your 11•1t>1vnl1on today' (a/I 9.J9 615.1300 or v111I our wrb11lr al WI\"' do1yma111rn11 com M<>1t people don't want to broach the subject of llfe Insurance, becaus. no one wants to Imagi ne the unthlnkable. But just as you work hard to provide for your f amlly now, life Insurance can take over that duty if. something should happen to you: caring for your children, paying for college, covering the mortgage. A well thought-out. affordable life Insurance strategy that works within your overall fiNnclal plan can help meet your nffds now, and take care of your f amity's needs later. To find out how much life lnsural\ce you nffd, or for a frH review of your current polklts. call (Ml) 717-SJOO or (IOO) 4'1-ll52. 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach. CA 92660 THll IS WHO Wl AltE. TIOS IS HOW 1'1 IAltN IT:" SMm:I~ ~ a.n.y dots l'IOI of9w ta or ... tcMct flttM ~ 'fOl.IJ ~ tCMsor b Mt\ ~ A ~ cMr'9t 1NY ftCll t. aN ~ llitd _,,. ~ t ....,. ~. 02003 ~QM~ lnt--...btl SIK. SINft 11nM'r " t Maon Ind wMte Nit rJ (--~_...I fnC Ind Its~ flid Is vtfd "",..eel ft~ dlt .W ~ --~ ~ tff 11......,..S ...rMf'Acl Nfts .. (*°'JOI ..... ft .. 161d Ind rfl!Mltd ~-....... FY1 If you ere inte rested in donating items to a family for the holidays, please contact Marcy Shands-Brown, the community facilitator at Sonora Elementary School in Coste Mesa, at (714) 424-7955. She can also be reached by e meil at mshsnds-brown a1nmusd.k 12 ca.us. and what they get, but helpin~ other people have a nice holidoy. Foley sald. Foleys neighbor. Jesie Pearce, i~ alsoadoptingafaniily. "I wancec.J lmy twin sonsl to he able 111 do M>mc1hln1< thh. year." Pearce '<lid. "Ttwy'rt' ;i, so it's a good way lo ,cart havi111( tJ1em ac· tually panicipall' with me, to dt•- liver it. II l{IVt·~ a helter mcamn.: to Ouistm;L"-.. at fi p.m .. '>k'd ru11., f111 d1ild1 l'n and .1c.Juh,, ,111d a variety of foods. 1ndud111~ Grct•k, llah.w. Cl1im·~t· and Arneril.lll rirk1•1' cost $1 GrnnKt'r 'aid if lhl' we.lllH'r remm11' cold, lht· ... 11ow rould last anothl'C tl.1y or lwo ~Ill' 11 exprr11ng lw1wt•t•11 '•110 .uni 1.ouo peopll' 10 .1t1l·1Hl. n1e Newpon 1 lurhor I 111 hl•1,111 Ornrch " a t 7!11i L>ow1 1>11ve 111 Newporl lk,1ch Water di .... trict orterino t:' low!flu~h toikt..., Mc,,1 < 1111-.11l11l.11Pd \\:Jll'r I >i~•m t '" 11ll1•1111g ;inolht•r ultra-low llu'h 11111!-1 d1,1r1h11 1ion l'vt•n11111 ..,,11urd.1v Water cu-.1nnw1' 111.iy lw d1 gihle 111rt't'1•1v1·11p 111 lwo w,ltl'r savinR llllll'I' 1111 lrc·c· t u,111111 ers tnllM tw 11·pl.11111g 1111lt•1' thac ;m• :1.s g,1111111 ... 111•1 1111 .. h or grealt'r (hel1111· 111•1:11 .111<1 lll'W toilt'I\ mu-.1 h1· 111,1all1•1l .11 the addre.,1> indu a11•d 1111 llw w.11n bill. Old 111111•1' 11111-.1 lw n· turned fur re1·r1ling1HI J.111 Ill rhc di~•rih111101l Will 111' hl'ld from !l a.m. to 2 p.m <II E'\lancia l ligh Sehcml L:\2.1 l'lano"nti.1 Ave. r•a1 llCIJMlll ... llt'l'd lo pro- vide a current wa11•1 hill and valid phnto 1den1ifil .11i1111 I or more 1nforma11011, r.111 ('M~IJ fiJ 1-1205. ' F nday, December I 2, 2003 A3 Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monday e!r Tuesday 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails ... Quality Suviu ... ... Nigh1ly Encen ainmenc' .. I ,.,, llt:,r11 ,,,;,,,.,, ( 111/ (')'•')) ,,4<>-7')44 l h'l't lt\tttt \,, , ( O'\t_. 'V1t''-U I•""'''''''' \\uu \.i1l.,uu\ t•1•1'"''"1\t"4' I I.ff • t M f'Mly, ~ 12, 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY BRIEFf,.Y IN THE NEWS Officer hurt in car crash An on·duty COSta Me.a poUce Offiet!r i.uftcn..'d UlJU rles to his neck and back af · let hb patrol car was bruad· sided by another vehicle on Wednesday evening. om clals saJd. The collision happened at about &20 p.m. on Del Mar A~ue east or New- port Boulevard, Costa Mesa Police Lt. Dale Birney said. POLICE FILES COSTA•SA • ..... S1rNC: Petty theft wa1 ~rted In the 3300 b«>c* at 7:40 p.m. Tueldey. • ,......... Roect. Gr11ffltl WH reported In the 2700 blodt a1 7:45 a.m. Tuetmy. • HeftMM' loullWl'd: Graffiti was reported In the 1900 b«>c* et 11:19 a.m. Tuesday. • HeftMM' loutewrd and South Coat Drive: A traffic IK:Cident invoMng injuries WH reported et 5:21 p.m. Tuesday. • Newport Boua.v.td: A hlt-and-Nn waa reponed in the 2000 blodt at 10:46 p.m. Tuelday. • Soudt Coat Drive: Petty theft was reported in the 1600 bfodt et 1:30 p.m. Tuesday. • w..t Whon StrNt: An assault was reported In the 200 blodt at 5:44 p.m. Tuesday. • 22nd StrMl and Santa Ana Awnue: A traffic accident involving injuries was reported at 8:27 p.m. Tuesday. APARTMENT Continued from A 1 ·n1is time. the board chose the maximum acreage or 13.77 acres. tr a developer chose to build the minimum or 250 unJts. that would equate to 18. I units per acre, just below the city's maximum or 20 unit& ~r acre. The old request asked for rent between $800,000 and $900,000 per year. The new one spells out that the initial annual rent should be a minimum of $900,000. J lowald said this aA· pect of the request is the most signlf\cant to the district be- cause it is counting on the proje<:t to generate a substantial amount or money. ln August. the dlstrict raised its enrollment rees by~ to deal with a fund· Ing cut of $4 miUion from the state. ., thlnk the purpose or the project. as determined by the • • ~r O:wtct Oliver ~ hJt eatc of the in~rsection. be 8IJd. · n>e other dJl~r in the oollisioo did not tulret any injuries. be akl. •1t doesn't R"Cm as If any· OI~ ran 8Jl y red ltgh ts.~ Bir 'll'Y w.id. No one w..s t.:ned or charged. California I ligh way P.at:roJ officers are u1 ve11tigauing the incident. wtllch is standard pro cedun: ln tnjury accidents lnvoMns patrol cars. Birney said. -Deepa Bharath NEWPORT BEACH • a.y8'de Drive: A boat burglary wae reported In the 1100 blodt at 4:16 p.m. Wednesday. • 119cMt~ Grand theft waa reported in the 1200 bfodt et6:17 p.m. Wedneaday. • ~ Strwt: A home burglary was reported in the 200 blodt at 9:18 p.m. Wednesday. • w..t Coast Hlgttw.y: A hlt·and-run was reported In the 3100 block at 8:24 a.m. Wednesday. • Goldenrod Avenue: Petty theft was reported in the 900 blodt at 8:13 a.m. Wednesday . • urttspur Awnue: Vandalism was reported in the 600 blodt at 1:33 p.m. Wednesday. • Marg\HHtt9 Avenue: A thelt wes reported in the 600 blodt at 7:15 a.m Wednesday. • Residenda: An auto theft was reported in the 7200 blodt at 5:06 p.m. Wednesday. board. is to develop alternate sources of lncome so we'U be in a belier position lo provide classes and stabilize income for our educational mission," Ho· wald said. Resident Mike Berry, who took issue with the first request for exceeding the city's aJlow- able density, said he is still con· cerned about the projec1 be- cause the district would lease the land instead of selJing It. "That means whoever builds those apartments can never move or transfer ownership on the apartments," Berry said. "So it means they'll never fix them up because they won't have ownership over them at the end." The deadline for the district to receive the proposals is Jan. 21. The board will coni.ider the proposals on Feh. 4. • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reached at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at de1rdre.newman@latimes.com. SCIENTIST Continued from A. l glider, and a .cries of tests and constant practice helped bone their prototypes. · lb.ls year's JPL contcat theme, "The Wrtght Tum,. celebrated the 1 OOtb 81\1\Mnwy of the Wright Brothen' ftnt tugbt on Dec. 17. 1903. For the fPLOigbt. the gliders t<>ok off from • pecially designed lawicher and had to make a right tum to land on a target 40 f~J away. Nelson's class enlered two nearly Identical glide~. each about one meter long. Seventeen -year-old Joseph Powers' glider won the BAY Cootinued from Al South em CaJjfomia. II will gain aboul 42 acres or open water from the restoration project. The corps is commJtting more than S25 million lo the wort and will partner with local sponsor· ing agencies to restore the area. The county is the current spon- sor. but negotiations are under· way to decide which other groups may be involved. Restoration is needed because EL MORRO Continued from Al direct implications for PJ Morro -the onJy place in unincorpo· · rated Orange County where a campsite is slared to be bujft next to a school County Supervisor Tom Wil- son was home with the nu on Thursday. a representative of his office said, and could not be reached for comment on why the item was proposed or why it was subsequently pulled. 'flle item contained no mention of El Morro but was written as a gen- eral ordinance covering all of unincorporated Orange County. Though the county rule would not have overrldden the state park plan to convert FJ Morro. a parks department spokesman pointed out thal action al the state level could have given the county ordinance some reelh. ·Someone wouJd have to i.ponsor state legislation" 10 compel the Parks Department to abide by local ordinances, said Mike Thpe. discrict superinten- dent for the Parks Department Though there has been no ac- tivity in Sacramento 10 effect this change, a spate of letters sent in the·spring to Parks acting direc:- tor Ruth Coleman might suggest a level of cooperation between state and county officials. Be· tween April and June, Orange County Sheriff Mike Carona. As: semblyman John Campbell. state Sen. Bill Morrow, late Sen. Ross Johnson and Assembly- woman Patricia Bates sent let· ALLOWED Continued from Al position on the Parks and Recreation Commission will bring a needed perspective, and Burciaga will undoubtedly have many contributions to make to this ever-changing and growing city. Butciaga's new position also satisfies the need for a highly underrepresenled portion or the community. Cowan said. ·1 do believe the Latino community is largely underrepresented fin an offidal capacity), and as a community it is maturing. and Mirna is a sign of that.• (;owan said. "'The appolntmenl takes that nat step and gives her an opportttnlty to participate at the dty level. And I certalnJy AROUND TOWN • Send Alll04JHO TOWN ftems to the Dally Piiot. 330 W. Bay St., Cocta Meu, CA 92827; by .mail to lul&P"N•i.~ by fax to (949) &4&-4170: Of by~ (949) 674-4298. lndude the u.n.. dete and locriof\ of the ewnt. u weU .. •cont.ct phone number. TOOAY ,............,and ... 7 Recio wUI hoat a holldey tov dtive f\'om 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. In ~ .. Couftywd. ~ ... ~to drop off -unMlflP9d f'ff/W toy 10 be pieced under"" f89Mon ...... ~.,... lntonNdon: M> m.aoo. ~~-1.-t com. .................. ~ frienda auppolt group "'"'et 7 pm. .. Cocm. 2190 .......... COiia MIN. ~a:Ctieetel0-1212.(714) t prellmiNty compe1ltJOf\. and 14.,_,~ nd lM'I won cbe ftoals. landing 21 l.nd8 from lhe tarpC. cloler than the rodtet sclendab' glider. ., ftod it funny ... Joseph ..Ad ol ~ the JPL entries. "We were there hiving fun and goollng oJI. Tha• juat goes to I.bow tadenciel doean't have to be boring." Both gliders followed dJe same baik deligrl-a balA wood ~ carbon tlber tail and foam winp bought from a bobby store and attadled lo the body with a rubber band. Using a rubber band m.ln1mlzes damage during crash landings. Nelson said. u\d alJowa for adfuaunent ~ ftigbts. · Joeeptl and ™f worked together during the 'competition. ~ Oow of sediment and nutrients into the bay-partiC\J· larly from San Diego Creek - threatens fish and wildlife by turning open water Into mud· Oats and spwrlng overgrowth of algae . "lf nothing Is done, then that sediment ls going to fill in the upper bay, and as a result .• we will not have the quality of wild- life that we had before,· Spencer said. Bob Caustin, founder of the environmental group Defend the Bay said restoration of the upper bay has been needed for about lharing data from cbefr fJi&fUa and 8djuldng~ When the'P'in8 in nu~ prOWld aao,..-than the NAM-made aprinc In the laamcber thetr a.. built. lbetr m,bta sWt8d to overshoot the target Mer aome oompensa.tion. Jo6eph'a 8igb1 didn't twn. lnat.ead. h flew IO'l.lght into a crowd or specw.on. But. Nebon saW. Joeept'I dkin't p&nk. •He just sakl. 'OK. we oeed more wing angte; and made the adjusunent." Ndson said. ·0n the (last) lllght. we nailed iL • LaunehJng the winning flight Was exddngi 'n,d said. but outdoing professional engineers was even more exciting. He and Joseph both said they want to 20 years. Some dredging was done about seven years ago. but that was only one third of what was needed. he said. Urban development aeates more rooftops and pavement, ao more water runs into channels such as San Diego Creek instead of being absorbed inlo the ground. The water carries with it all the runoff of civilization - fertilizers. pesticides and other pollution -and this ends up in the bay. he said. The restoration project will be a good stan toward cleaning up the bay, but after il's done, envi· 'The issue about the park next to a school, that's a red herrinp. I take umbrage at the idea that putting a park or campsite next to a school is in anyway a safety problem. I think the city needs to take a leadership position on this.' Steve Rosansky Newport Beach city counc~man ters 10 Coleman saying that the planned campsite's proximity to the school ralsed safety con· cerns. Most of the letters con· tained similar wording. and in some cases. the wording was identical. "I would encourage a review of the planning process to see if another, more suJtable location could be determined,· Carona. Morrow and Johnson wrote ver- batim in their respective letters. The $12.9-million in funding for the park. which was already secured under Proposition 12, specifies that camping be in· duded at the site. Any change of plans o\jght undermine the ba· sis of the funding. The letters, which inspired a number of changes to the project, came back Into play this week when attorney Dennis O'Neil, a former Newpon Beach mayor. addressed the City Coun- cil on behalf of the residents of the El Morro trailer park. Acting as legal counsel 10 the trdiler pm residents. O'Neil cited the letters as reasons why the coun- cil should oppose the state Parks Department's plan. Also at the council meeting. environrnentaJist Allan Beek aJ . leged that statf' CampbeU was encourage her 10 pursue whatever political position she wants 10." The last 1wo Oty Council ra~ were dominated by the "improvers· and resulted in the elections or Councilman 01.ris Steel In 2000 and Councilman Allan Mansoor in 2002. While each man holds his individual positions on various subjects. the overatehing •1mprover~ agenda calls for Increased scrutiny of social programs and a more fiscally conservative local government Cowan. Steel and Councilman Mik"e Scbeafer -who was appolnted after former Mayor Katen Robinson resigned too become a Judee -will see the end ot tbetr tenures in N~ leaving Cawan's position wkle open. Hers ls a ptvotal eeat. u c.owan is regarded u the laat "liberal~ 491·~. SATURDAY lhaftty'a WoocMhd Mulc:an Grill wHt havt a grand opening ~don from l1 a.m .10 3 p.m. to help Newpo'1 Coast Cares raiM funda for la~ da la tnmac:ulada. • amall Of1)hanage In Tlfuane. The cost wUI be $10 for adutta end. for dtffdNn. Sha~ la et 21119 Newport Cotat Orfve, Newpc>n Cottt Shopping c.nt.r. Information: (949) 433-7879. TheCley clC....Meeeaftd Torelli A.My.,. tpONOring the ~ eMUal Holktrf Snow ... wNd'I wlll be floom t e.m. to "°°" • the , .... r1c Community c.icw, 1171 lalHrfc Orfw. The Mint wM lndude eo 1cW1e o1 tnQW, My ...... end • apedel vlait by s.n.a. a.. • .cnv. et 1030 e.m. by hencopt ... ~C714) 71+6158. °'9flllec.-ly ....... ,.. AnkMll wll h... • ....,. the beneficiary of a fundraiser held at the El Morro VIilage trail· er pm by some of its wealthiest and most-influential owners of oceanfront trailers. Campbell could not be reached for com- ment on Wednesday to verify or deny Beek's public claim. Such a fundraiser, if it hap- pened, would be legal. But envi- ronmentalists worry that money and politics are behind a move- ment 10 slop or at least postpone a return of El Morro to the pub- lic. "The residents are trying· to curry favor in the state Assem· bly .• Beek saJd. El Morro Village Community Assn. President Rolly Pulaski said that the picture of El Morro residents as very wealthy and In· Ouential people was unrepre- sentative of the poorer people, families and even welfare recipi- ents who live there. He told the council that the mobile home park is public land and that resi- dents have taken a number of measures to try to encourage public use. Councilman Steve Bromberg said that he supported the con- cept or turning the mobile home village into public space but that be had some concerns about the anchor on the dais. Depending on whether Steel is able to retain his position, debatable, and on Scheafer's popularity with the electorate, Cowans replacem ent could mean the ditference between an all-maJe, all-Republic.an councl1 and one with a little more diversity. How about a Latina to add a little spice to the dals1 That ls the target of Burciaga's path. But ha.a she traveled far enough to make a run in 2004? And is she ready to take Cowan's spot? •Those are questioos she has to answer: Cowan said. ·eu1 I think she has paid her dues to the community and If abe feels sbe l.s ready, then all the better.• So. Mirna. are you ready for Novembcr 20047 ·1 thfnk ao; aha said. •1 have to awt wortfng on a campaJgn and working on tuppon but by auction, five mutic, • guett lpeelc«. and oawa annual •Peace for Anlmaa." community ceremony at 6:30 p.m. at the A..,.,. CountTv Inn a Sutt.a Hotel. at 326 S. BristoC $\. The ce»t is $40 for R*nbef't and *60 for nontnemben.. lnfonnatlon: {714) 751-0CM, htfp:l..WWW.~orp. The"* ....... of lelboe lnwtla you 10 wttd\ the atUden-. of Newport Etementary Scftool " they paftk:ipeot In the annual "*ctltnt ~ pelntlnu progrem from I to 11 a.rn. at the Fun Zone .... ~~"' front of the Fen1e ~. lnformltlon: <• m.o&Ot. hftp://Www.~ oom. .Coata .................. hllW • COfnl'l'MJnhywtde oempua ._.,.,day"°"' I a.t'I'\. to 3 p.m. "2aC) FWYlew Aoed. ..... wMI "*" fneidathe mMn ..... by the L¥oeum. AG.tM and ...... ut1lcoma. ~ Ncatdo .. evaitud)' wolk II mec:han1cal ere lntenlM ldeoce m., whlcb usea a banda-oo appw.ch. II part of Uniwmlty ot California\ own-:b program. The propam. Nelton u.id, proYldel ldenoe learning opJ>Of1Un.ldel lib ecbolanhJpc · • for atudeots who might otbetwite not go to college. Funding 10 the program. howeYet. ls threatened by the governor's planned budget cuts. As it 11ands now, Ndson said, the statewide program may shut down Jan. l. •MARISA O'NEIL ocwera education end may be l'Mdled et (9491 57.._..268 or by e-mell et mariu.OMllOltnirrnn.com. ronmental groups will have to work to maintain it, Caustin said. •1t's going to be an ongoing battle,• he said. "This is going to hopefully bring it back toward a balanced community. Then, once it's done. we're going to have to tighten down on the pol· lution that's coming lnto the bay. Business as usuaJ should not be allowed.~ • AUaA A08WSON covers business, politics end the environment. She can be reached et (9491764-4330 or by e-mail at alicia.robinson@latimes.com. stale pad plan as written. He made a motion to postpone th~ Item to a later meeting. There was a long moment of silence when Mayor Tuel Ridgeway asked if anyone would seoond that motion. When no one re- plied. Ridgeway seconded it. ·we're in an awkward position with other governments," Ridge- way said, adding that the matter threatened delicate relations with state and county officials. Council newcomer Steve Rosansky was the first to speak. up for taking immediate, af. firmative action. "The issue about the park next to a school, thats a red herring. I take umbrage al the idea that putting a pad or campsite next to a school is in anyway a safety problem,• Rosanslcy said. ·1 thi.n1c the city needs 10 lake a leadership position on this." After eight members of the public pleaded with the council to support the state park plan, the council managed to carve out an alternative. Councilman Don Webb suggested modifying the resolution in a way lhal SUP.- ports lhe concept of making the site public but doesn't weigh ib on specifics of I.be state plan. Other council members fol- lowed sult, supporting the re· vised resolution 7 ·O. "It was the most dramatic thing I think I've ever seen in a council meeting." Beek said. •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers Newport Beectt end John Wayne Airport. She may be reectted at (949) 57~232 or by tt-mail at /une.casagrande@latimes.com. that time I should have it in place. I am looking toward 2004 at thJs point, but you never know. People always say. 'One second can change the rest or your life,' so we'll see.· November ls still l I months • away. For now, she is focused on her leadership of the Human • Rel.anons Committee and her upcorrung gig on the Parlcs and " RecreadonComrrilssion. • 1 just want to serve my community,· she said. "We can't just complain about things. We have to come up with some solutions and be part of the solution .... We'll tee what l can do." Yep. we certainly wW. • LOUl'A HAii Bl wrtt.e coMn,... Mond9v-. ~ •nd Frldeya. She mev be rNdled 11t .. • 1949) 57""'4275 or by e-mall at • • lollr..ha,,,.,•IMlnw.oom. • ' Denct,(714)751..ee&e. The ...... andMlry~ lnt~w Centwwtll hott e handa on 9\l9nt fNturtng reptilet. emphlblant •nd aradlnkta from 1 to 2 p.m. at 2301 UnMlnlty Ol'1ve, Newport a..d\. t..m rneemerilinQ --and mytht ebout ttt.le creatU,. The COit win be S10 for agee 5 and up. lnformedon: (Mt) 923-2296. SUNDAY .. ......................... holktev ~from 8 •. m. toe p.m. " 3107 Kllybrooll Lene. COiia,..... There wlll be handmede crtft:a, MMy Kay c:o.m.dcl. Cooede lM Jwreky. . AYott eo.n.dca ~ ~ tnfonnedon: (7W) 557-7234. ........... ~ .... .., .... ~boot~fotthe •SftentScrMn ~-by ::::= ~ fron\ 11 .. m.to1 p. ~---/!we.. Mboa w.nd.~( .. ) en.11• : -. Friday, December 12, 2003 A5 FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHED -L-..: Meil to Eclte>t'W Plge Editor S.J. C.hn et the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St, Cos1e Mesa, CA 92627 • RMder9 HotlM: C811 (949) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-fnlll:Send to dailypilotf!llatimes.oom •All correspondence must include full name, hometown and phone number (for veriflcatlon purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and length. MAILBAG ·' Costa Mesa shoul d welcome new residents The logic applied bY Martin Millard, Mike Berry and Councilman Allan Mansoor to the ' housing selection process by 1.; Habitat for Humanity of Orange .~ County disturbs me greatly. Where do my fellow Costa Mesa residents draw the line? WouJd they even have allowed me to purchase .my Costa Mesa home? After all. I was raised in neighboring Fou ntain Valley. '' Millard, am I therefore one of the "social problems .. that has been dumped upon Costa Mesa by virtue of my city of origin, or am I acceptable to you because I was b above the Orange County poverty line when I moved here7 The Habitat for Humanity homes in Costa Mesa represent a small 1 , percentage of all homes built by I labitat for Humanity Orange >•• County to date. If a Costa Mesa ,. family wanlS to apply for one of the 45 existing homes m Rancho Santa Margarita, shouJd Habita t for Humanity tum them away? Regardless of where they're originatf y from, I labitat for Humanity homeowners contribute to C,osta Mesa's tax base and patronize ilS businesses just like ·•' those gentlemen who were interviewed for Deirdre Newman's article. > ... How about otner ways to apply '· "Costa Mesa first"? lf a woman in Placentia loses her hair while being ,.• treated for breast cancer, shouJd the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer ' · Foundation, located in Costa Mesa, refuse to loan her a wig'? ShouJd the shops and restaurants of South Coast Plaza be prohibited from providing their services to anyone without a Costa Mesa address? ,. What about Costa Mesa churches? ShouJd they begin reserving Costa '· Mesa-only pews? This same type or thinking can then easily be used against Costa Mesa residenrs. ShouJd Orangewood Qilldren's Home tum away abused children from Costa Mesa? Will Costa Mesa high schoolers be denied admission to USC? And please. don't take your kids to Disneyland without a valid Anaheim 10 -they won't be admJned .. Yes. these examples are ridiculous. but so is the rationale for castigating Habitat for Humanity Orange County for following the regulations by which they are bound. Costa Mesa already has a program in place that is restricted to its residents. If the Homebuyer Assistance Program is not adequate to m eet the needs of the citirens of Costa Mesa. Mansoor is in an excellent position to improve it. lf he is truly committed to this goal, then I'm sure we wilJ soon hear about his constructive recommendations. In the meantime, let's all thank Habitat for Humanity for its 15 years of service to Orange County and the hundreds of families it has helped during that time, including those now living in our beautiful city. URSULA BOHEN Costa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: Ursula Bohon is a volunteer at Habitat for Humanity Orange County. Bell has fo und his voice in matters of horse manure Congratulations to Joseph Bell for the dramatic improvement in the quality of content in his column, "No monopoly on h orse manure." The horse issue In Santa Ana Heights sure beats the liberal political views of Barbara Boxer. Although I do sense some FILE PHOTO /DAILY PILOT commonality. THOMAS E. KOLANOSKI Habitat for Humanity volunteers help build houses for low income Costa Mesa residents on Pomona Street in Costa Mesa. ~ ~ "J._.. I Need a Great Gift Idea? Give the Gift of True Dining Pleasure ... Villa Nova Gift Certificates Availabk in Any Dtnomination l Corporau Discounts t' ~ I ~ 2 l ., ~,\(JU_A j i NOV A ~9~2.78801 i Italian Cuisine 3131 w. Coast High:ay ~ 3 lb. Beef Stick Sale s1()99 Reg. si+.99 Now through Dec:ember 21 Q>ITA MISA 17'rn s,..mr l'IOMl'.HA.00 (Oia_!0\1' °" 11"' .. SAHTA NIN l 'l'UmN MAAKETPLAC'& 291' B..CAMIHO RMLOllWI KSle ll Ua1 caoaaoAD er.mu b VJN& OH 8AAIAHCA 1.(IOI) 541-617' READERS RESPOND Flight paths at JWA causing a ruckus AT ISSUE: Readers weigh in on South Cou nty complaints of increased noise from John Wayne Ai rport. L et me get this straight: South County dup~ voters into rejecting an airport at the former El Toro Marine base and Instead votes in a uGreat Park." scam. And now thousands of homes and offices will be built there, creating more traffic congestion and polJution than any airport could make. Then as a result of PJ lbro going away, the Federal Aviation Administration creates more unrestricted air space for John Wayne Airport departing flights, which results in South County complaint'> that noisy aircraft are taldng off and flying 100 low ovrr tlwir homes. Is that great or what? STEVE M. STEC Newport Beach I lotaUy com:ur with Ralph Warrington'!'. comments, "Complaints about thr roar overhead,· which ran in the Forum \eclion Saturday, regarding John Wayne Airport airplane noise over Corona dcl Mar. The noise is compelling and overwhelming since the piJots have been crossing the coastJinc closer to the harbor entrance, instead of Oying out over the ocean as they used to do. I also not ice the deafening and debilitating roar af1er 9 p.m. with the extended flight times. This increased noise is completely unnecessary, and I recommend the pilots return 10 their old flight pattern out over the ocean so we Corona del Mar residents once again can get some sleep. SONDRASCOTI Corona del Mar .. l 72 FRIDAY ~ ,......_ &t.encia High School'• chme '0epanrnent will pr9Mnt •TM Mir~ Wotiler" at 7'.30 p.m. It the Barbera \/In Holt n-t.Gt at Esuncia Hlgh School. 232.3 ~ Ave . eo.t. MeN Tldiets C09C S8 lntonn.tlon: 19'91515-6637 SATIJROA.Y Coot Ftmly. The First Family of Cool fwtu~ John Pmarelfl will periorm st 7:30 end 9'-.30 p,m. In Foundtrl ... II at the Orange C.o4Jnty l'erlonnlng AIU c.nt.r. The ewning of>lai Wiii alto future the Johtl Plzz.elelll Trio with Art Kennedy, Maltln Pmarelll, 8udty Plzz.areffi and Jala Mo!MUy. Tldieu are $65. Information: (71.CI 556-Vf17. http~.OCJ*:.OfU. SUNDAY CNtltrMS .now. St. Andrew'• Prnbylertan Church S.nc:w•1¥ Choir and Orchettnl will pteHnt Chriatmll concert wortca by Basl. Ruttar.'Heyet. Stroope. Menottl, Tchaikovsky elong with holiday carols. The performances wUI be at .C and 7 p.m. Ill 600 St. Andrews Road. Newport Beach. Tldcetl COit $10. Information: (9'91574-2284. 19491574-2283. HOURS M f nd.ly, Decetrbtr 12 2003 THEATER 'Henry & Tom' tops 2003 list By Tom Titus Daily Piiot 111is ls the second in a wries of rolumnJ revinving thP year 2003 m local 1hea1er P u1 I lenry Ford. Thomas f-.d1son and Pre.1dent I lard.mg 1~ther out 111 the middle of nowhere. and what have you got1 Well. if you receive home debvery of this newspaper. one thing you've gol ls the bes! production from a local community thearer in 2o00:· The Newport Thea1er Arts Center mounted a stellar interpretation of playwnght Mark t GennaJn's fanciful dramatic comedy ·eamping With Henry and Tom· under the incisive direction of Phyllis Gitlin to capture top honors among the area's two ambitious community theater groups. Marty Eck.mann's realistic-looking forest setting and some tt!rrifk performances by the actors portr.iying these h1s1orical figures. which we'll get to shortly. helped the success of the Newport show immea.,urably. Additionally. ·camping With I lenry and Tom" was a ·s.tct.>per" of c;orts, arriving for Its local premiere w11hout much advance nouce. As fine a producuon a'i 11 was, "Campmg· was a n~ choice over Terrence McNally's "ups l ogether, Teeth Apan. • presented b\1 the Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse under the superb dlrection of Kruuna I .each "inner of the "best actress" accolade m last year's year-end column). This d1'>(:omfiting tale of two unhappy surugh1 rnuples al a beach house on New Yori..., predomlnantty gay Fire lc,land set off some splendid sparu. both comic and dramatic. Neil Simon's Puht7.er Pri1.e winner. "Lest in YonJcers,·· occupied rhe Lh.ird rung of the ladder, presented ar Newport under the direction of Michael Ross. Costa Mesa's rock musical ·God.spell.· staged by Kyle Myer> and Megan Endicott. Is firmly en~onced ln founh place. followed by Newpon·s attractive production of· The Importance of Being Eame\1 As for lndlvidual perf ormanc~ Jack Messenger's "j)O\'\-erfult>· arresting performance" as Henry Ford 111 Newport's "Camping With Henry and Tom· Is a clear standout for be<i1 actor Aileen-Marie Scott' neurotic chanerbo~ Ill Costa Mesa's ·1Jps Together. Teeth Apan" lS equally outstanding ln the ~t actress category Other notable actors' performances In 2003 included· John Gilbert and Ed Dyer in l\Yetve Angry Men· at Newport; Jack Millis in •tJps Together. Theth Apart" at Costa Mesa: Michael Ross and Patrick Strong in Newport's Sff THEATER. P•1e A8 The 'Doc' is in town Former 'Tonight Show' band leader Doc Severinsen will perform with the Pacific Symphony Pops at the Cente r. Luis Pefi• Daily Prlot L egendary O'Ul'Tlpeter and former "Tonigtll ShoYI" music director Doc SeYerinsen will be performing a holiday concen with the Pacific Symphony Pops at the Orange County Perfonning Arts Center. Severinsen has been surrounded by music his entire life. His father played the violin and wanted his son to foUow in his footsteps. but the younger Severinsen gravitated toward the trombone. The only problem was that the mall Oregon town of 600 that he Lived ln didn't ha~ any trombones. ""The only other instrument in this little town that we lived in that was available at all was an old trumpet some guy had ln his at1ic.. so we bougbt that from him. and 1·~ never been sorry." Severinsen said. • His father was a dentist. known to the community as ·Doc..· Severinsen was gtven the nickname ·Little Doc.· which was later shortened to "Doc.· During Wodd War n. SeYerinsen was in the Army. He joined an unofficial band with some other troops. and he and his bandmates were better than the official band. thus getting musical jobs and e\-'efl their own radio sha.v. Severinsen started out with the "'Tonight Show" In 1962 as first trumpet. and later served as its director until Johnny Carson retired from the show in t 992. Since then. he's toured the country with his Big Band. which is made up of the best playt?B from his "'Tonight Show" days. He won a Gnmmy Award in 1987 for best ja72 ~nt.al performance on an album that be did with the rest of the "Thnight ShowBand.. When bis stint on the "T~t Show'" ended. it left him with a strange feding, he saJd ., figured that after sbt months. people would have tot.ally forgotten about me. and here it b. 11 years later, and nothing has~. One of'Severlnsen' uadema.rb is the ftamboyaru outfits that he 5dD weaB. He says that he became interested in the outrageous outfits while he wu growing up in Oregon Doc Severinsen, former "Tonight Show" music director, will perform with the Pacific Symphony Pops. because of the big cowboys who would v.~ wild shirts. . SeYerinsen plays with different symphonies across the COWltr)l He was the pdndple pops conductor for the Pacific Symphony from 1986 to 1988. You can do more with a symphony than just playing das&k:al music, be said. ·1 think (playing with symphony on:::hestras Isl an ideal way to peiform because you can do any kind of music that anybody ever thougtlt o( • Severlnsen said. ~n says that It he werm't a musician. he probably would have been in politics. because his Uncle Earl was a goyemor of Oregon. "h's oot the money and it's not the joy of being out there in front of an audience and getting the applause and all of that." Sever1nsen said. "I think it's just the m usic." BEST BITES FYI •WHAT: Holiday Fanfare Concert with Doc Severinsen •WHEN: 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday •WHERE: The Orange County Performing Art.s Center, Segerttrom Hall •TICKETS: $25 to $125 • INFORMATION: (71 4) 556-2787. http://www.ocpac.oro .. Southern hemisphere style in Costa Mesa FYI • WHA1! Tumer't New Zealand ~u,.nt • WHIM: 860 Anton Blvd. In Cotta Meu. •HOURI: Open tor lunch from 11 a.m. io 3 p.m. Monday through Fridey: open • for dinner from 5 to 10 p.m. dMty • • N=ORMATION; (714) eea.oeeo, hrtp.:./lwww.hl~and.com For the put 20 ,_,.., be'a exported bla country"• prod\Jcta to fine Mtawanta ~ throughout the world and to " connolaletn through mail-order catllop. • ' Local restaurants terloua tabout pmntum ~ti purd\Me Tumer'I" roodl. lndudinc Pllal's and ~in Newpon ae.dl llld Antonelo's In I · 1 O!llly Piiot HAPP ENINGS REELCRmcs 'Last Samurai,' is majestic, 'Timeline' could be ignored ' 'T he last Samurai~ is HolJywopds late8t effort at creating a b'Weeping historical epic that will rum heads at Oscar time. Tum Cruise has put his money and reputation on the line by being a producer and the obvious A-list • star of this major enterprise. He and his partners have succeeded in creating a stunning film that has the look and feel of greatness, JOHN D~PKO but retains a few Oaws. 1his picture has that rare combination of far-reaching adventure intertwined with inlensdy personal stories seen In films such as "Dances With Wolves" and "111e English Patient" Tom Cruise puts his heart inlo the role of Capt. Algren, a shabby former hero of America's Civil War and the Jnclian wars. He is offered redemption by the Japanese government, which is desperate 10 enter the modem world of warfare and commerce. 'Ille government offers him a fortune to train a new imperial army lo overcome the remnants of the ancient samurai tradition, who stand in the way of the emperor':. plans ro replace his army's swords with American guns. Ken Watanabe is magnificent as the rebel samurai warlord Katsumoto. His power and presence may easily earn him a Best Supporting Actor nomination. After capturing Algren in a fierce battle. he allows him to live through a quiet winter of captivity that regenerates Algren's souJ and refines his heart under the care of Katsumodo's beautiful sister. Talca. The two men become bonded to each other as honorable warriors who slrlve 10 understand the meaning of their Hves as equals. They are surrounded by many excellent Japanese actors who command your anention as the inevitable battJe between Eastern and Western values unfolds. '.fl1e acting. directing. cinematography and majestic score are beyond reproach. But al two hours and 25 minutes. it goes nn 100 long and undermines its :.trongcst points with too many :.low-motion scenes of death and dismembenncnL The ending doesn't ring true in light of all that happens before it. Bui the Haws can't negate the fact that this look.s like "Bravehean" meets "Shogt1n" for high box office rc'!ulls. •JOHN DEPKO 1s a Costa Mesa resident and a senior investigator for the Orange County public defender's office. 'Timeline' should have been cut short By Uncle Don I 1 was a lousy book and a worse movie. "Timeline." both the book and the movie. proved that all lhosP involved with both projects probably did fall oul of a setjuoia-sized s1oopid lree and not miss a single branch on the way down. My weekend was ruined when the evil edilor called me up Friday afternoon and offered me the u sual exorbi1an1 fee if I'd grace the PUol's pages with my usual scintillating observations. Batting zero on counts (the fee and the, scintillating part of the observations), he said how about reviewing ·nmeline, • a Oid that's been out for a while, and much like this column. more or less ignored by the public. The film opens in present time with a geezer sporting the obligatory funny accent and professorially correct beard rooting around in some backwoods ruins of the country we aJI love to hate: France, but filmed in Canada. Why not. they've got frogs up there, don't they? Bui these aren't your everyday garden-va.riety ruins. no sir. There's a wormhole in them lhar hills, and the professor, who disappears into it, and the evil capitalistic war-mongering corporation he's working for are gonna exploit !hat sucke r for something. Unfortunately. they go to great lengths to explain this 10 us, the nodding-off public. Wormholes, for you ignoramuses oul there. are the lazy man's way to lime travel. Instead of building some cool looking machine with lights and knobs and dials. these cin ematic lightweight:. save on special effects costs by having the actors jiggle, shake, roll !heir eye~ around and then evaporate from the screen in what appears 10 he an oversized colander on steroids. This particular worm hole talces people to 14th-century France. The trouble with 14th-century France is that everyone looks like a reject from "Monty Python and the Holy Grail.· That movie ruined medieval Oicks for all eternity. Can you reaJly watch "Braveheart" and nol snigger at the ludicrous acting, sets and script? As the wooden earls go by, you expect someone 10 bellow. ~Bring oul your dead.· Where's the guy wilh the clacking coconuts, the barnyard 'animals tossed by catapult, the French sticking out their tongues and blowing insults and raspberries at the English twits? In any event, lhe evil corporation has to send a few fools back in lime 10 rescue a few other fools, primarily lhe aforementioned professor. Dressed in funny clothes and sporting funky accents. these meatballs arrive in 14th-century France and are immediately chased by guys on horseback outfitted in funny helmets. Let's see, it's 700 years ago, Lhe local denizens speak unaccented 20th-century English, have teeth whiter than Tom Sawyer's fence, not a hair out of place nor makeup smudged, and have obviously learned how to ham-it-up in front of a camera. Our heroes -a surfer dude. 1he obligatory chic, and the usual passel of soon to b e expiring yahoos who all sound like Groundskeeper WtUie from "The Simpsons" -are immediately captured by the invading English, who seem to have lost their accents upon crossing the English Olannel. Our intrepid idiots are just gonna have to escape, snag the profes or and head back to the future. TI1erc's a problem witJ1 all this time travel. It screws up your ONA. Bodily organs suffer trauma. Blood vessels become (~~) lt ESTAUltAN T Call Today for Raervatiom! 949-675-2373 W.1nfront St11tint hlli"1bk En}"Y 011r &11•tifal OrlaiJt Plllio 503 E. Edgewater, Balboa N1woort{goclioo.com OM SHtitlt ANiUIM N;ptly 7:30 pm -tO:OOpm Mahl Olnlllg Room • Chl'lltmas Menu AdaJ&s $45.95 misaligned. You deteriorate as your brain becomes damaged. Obviously. you've become a Democrat. Some of the worst matte backgrounds in the history of modem , or even not-so-modern cinema, are exhibited as our little band of bums trnipse past Styrofoam castles and cardboard forts on their way 10 the climatic battle to save the rest of their group fro m an excruciating death by the eviJ invaders, or a more excruciating death by the horrible screenplay. This is a script that actually allows dialogue such as: ·r11 find a way": "There is no way": ·1 don't have a choice": and "Yes you do." And, of course. this prize of clrcumspeclion delivered with a straight face: "I've killed the man. I've got to live with thal." Good gawd, lemmie out of her~. Th e Pilot doesn't pay me that much 10 listen 10 this garbage. Actually, they don't pay me anything. At least they know what 1hc column's worth. So these herculon-clad clowns and !heir allies, the French, advance upon the castle the invading English have captured. It's pre-Jackie Olan mart.la! arts and mayhem as a quick kick in the groin beats a pointy mace in the eye. The bland-lo-bland combat drags on for an eternity, as mosl or the warriors are better at drawing flies than swords. There's a subplot or two going on while all these other goings-on are going-on, but all It does is drag this sucker out to the obligatory 90 minutes or so. One could only have hoped for a wormhole for ·nmeUne. • Slep into it at the beginning and bingo, you're instantly transported to the end -no suffering through the interminable middle. • UNCLE DON's Reviews of Nil Repute include B-movies and ctieesy musical acts for the Daily Pilot. He can be reactied by e-mail at reallybadwriting@Jaol.com. NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA Celebrating 40 Years Catering for the Holidays Party Trays • Baked Rigatoni • Salads Chicken & Veal Dishes • Cold Cut Trays 9th Straight Year! But PW:;a in Orange County/ -OC Week9' Lwich Served ~ From I lam Until 4pm OUTDOOR PATIO Mon-Thurs. I lam-9:30pm Fri.-S:u 11 am-I O:OOpm CLOSED SUNDAYS IN HAR..eoR CENTER 2300 Harbor Blvd .. Su11c K-1 Cosu Mcg 949 722-7566 caramel apples volume discounts NEWPORT BEACH WESTCUFF PLAZA. Irvine Ave. at 17th, 11t1t to 1tar11v<ks l' I 1 I I tr · .• l•o 1, , rt!• 1 •1 Call Today For Reservadona! 949-673-4633 400 Main Screet, Balboa Hgrboc1k»Pqyll1on.com LARGB PARTIES Win.COME °"' ~ SMd"tA"""1bU Hollda7 Bdet Mena Suda7, Decem1Nir 21.lt • 5:00pm -9:00pm Adaltl 535.00 Clalldrea s l 5.00 '"Md_,,,,, t j .. M Frldly, December 12, 2003 HAPP EN JNOS THEATER 'Christmas Carol' raises spirits again 'PlllN1""6 Open Mondev-$eturdl!Y 435 N. Coast Highway Laguna Beach lag\Jnaprtnt.coe.uy.com Pkt& up • DtJverv Fut Quality s.Mce •W.Prtlltoa .. ,...._ t If 11 'lfl ,._ t 1~ Cdoft Of -•Fol·~·~Color 8UJEPlllNl1NG ....... v.... cw Ploldne • t._ Bond CopMt f.MJ )IOU' plot fl'-lo .,. Of ~,...,,,.,,ln~Mt COPYING • lJelna the a...~ T~ • 600dpl x.o. ~ Oulpuc • MW CopMs Smel llld Large VobDI • ~. F1*lng . Cyntne • St.ping ....... Color Coptll .39e MllAl.offoc>e WEDDING DMTAJ10NI Md~. penor1oltaed llOUDAY ~ ortdMllTY~ .elect V()Ur Holiday Card• onllne ale •• www.holldoveordwcbelt&.com/lagunaprlnt Got Pets? o ... ~ .. ~ • ,,.ofust .. pd loftn • lruund • bondtd • Vet rtCOMllltndtd VlrJt our ·~.,. Hour•" S..4-y O.u••r l.f II OM -4, ... Col'ON Oc#MM ~ Wlllt. COllPLITI (t4t) 650-1009 1D11S1 1n11L •tMt1•1m 1111m :&b. .. =-.... ::ts ... ;: •29 ..... -.-n..1ec.11• -.... ~---------------~ ByTomTltua Daily Pilot T he only certalntJe1 ln life may be death and taxes. But ln Costa Mesa. there's a thfrd -the re-emergence or Olarles Die.kens' ~A Ouistmu earor on the stage of South Coast Repertory with the arrival of December. For the 24th year, thls holiday classic ls.bringing the splrlt- and splrils -or Ouistmas to local audiences, with the same coterie of performers lhat started the whole uadidon back in 1980. Whal began as a one-shot production has blouomed into an annual event that may outlive us all. And even though such early regula.rs as John Ellington, who created !he role of Bob Cratchll, and Ron Michaelson, the original Spirit of Christmas - who played those parts for many years -have long since departed, the nucleus of the "Oirlstmas Carol" company remains intact The production has had the same director, John-David Keller, and the same Ebenezer Scrooge, Hal Landon Jr .. for the full two dozen years. Landon, as he grows and ages in the role, has endowed his Scrooge with increasingly more THEATER Continued from A6 "Funny Money"; Tom Turnley in "Camping With Henry and Tom" at Newport; Stan Morrow for ·Godspell"; and Robin Field for "Ten UttJe Indians,· both at Costa Mesa. Among the year's more impressive actresses. Joan Underwood and Oleryl Pellerin particularly stood out for Newport's ·Lost in Yonkers." as did Teri Ciianna for "The Importance of Being Earnest,· also In Newport. Erica BEST Continued from A6 Costa Mesa. Turner chose Costa Mesa's theater district to open Turner's New 1.ealand's first concept restaurant, wh.ich bitterness at the outaet co better contrut hil joyous reblnh at the close of the play. He la a fearsome force ln the early scenes, rejecting every upect of Ouiltmu, but after his overnight conversion, his jolliness and Jocularity are given free rein. much to the delight of the audiences, particularly the youngsters. Daniel. Bllnkoff, wh.o has rurped in several rtvellng . performances in other SCR producdons, steps lnto the role of Bob Cratchlt with the comfort and confidence of one of the 24-year regulars. Devon Raymond, performing as Mrs . Cratchlt in her 14th ·earo1; continues to dellght with her snide remarks concerning her husband's penurious employer. The crashing appearance of Don Took as the chained ghost of Scrooge's late partner, Jacob Marley, is guaranteed 10 startle young first-timers in the audience, and Took presents an ominous specter. also doubling as the mute Spirit of Olristmas Yet to Come. Art Kouslik and Martha McFarland share most of the comedic aspects of ·omscmas Carol.• Koustik shines as both a grizzled street scavenger and the jolly Mr. Feulwig, employer of the teenage Scrooge. Stewart-Givhan in "Once on This lslandM in Costa Mesa and Yvonne Robertson in Newport's ·Funny Money" also merit Individual mention. Next week. the spotlight swings to the three coUegiate drama programs at UC Irvine, Orange Coast College and Vanguard University. The week after that, the top honors of the Dally Pilot's 30th annual man and woman of the year In theater will be presented. • TOM TITUS reviews local theater for the Daily Pilot. His reviews 11ppeer Fridays. showcases all-natural, free-range. and hormone-and antibiotic-free farmed seafood and meats. Turner's New Zealand Restaurant moved into the former D FornaJo Rosticcerfa location, behind the Westin South Coast Plaza Hotel. The Starting at $5.95 •MAHDNllN. • CANTOtf.5£ CUISINE • Suirt Ho'"' I I •m · I 0 pm 7 Days a Week 11-4 Includes soup, salad, appetizer & rice / 1 \ ,, 'I , •, /' I 1 ,1/', /'/ !1 f Startina at $7 .95 FREE D ESSERT HONEY WALNUT SHRIMP $7.99 HIGH IN I LOW IN PRICE, BIG IN POK110N, GOOD fN SFJVICE Heakh Conscious Menu Available /I I • I I ' . (949)759 -3388 Mcfarland struta her versarillty ln three a.sslgnment.s, a charity sollcltor, Pezdwig's wife, CJnd a larcenous harridan. The pa.st and present spirits, who conduct Scrooge on his llfe-affirmitlg journey, are endowed once again by the conslde'rabJe talents or Richard Doyle and Tunothy Landfield, respecdvely. ~yte is a smooth, • businesslike nostalgia guide, while Landfleld ls more of a party animal. enjoying himself and his mission immensely until bis abrupt transition at the end of the journey. Howard Shangraw created the role of young Ebenezer In the first version of the play and has long since grown into the role of Scrooge's upbeat nephew. Fred, contrasting nicely with Hisa Ta.kaJcuwa as his less-forgiving wife, Sally, also doubling as a toy salesman and one of the street vultures. JuUa Coffey, as young Ebenezer's onetime sweetheart, displays comic and dramatic acumen in her few moments of stage time. Ouistlne Yael ls a hoot as the Hpursued maiden" at Fred's party, and little Julia Ostmann is a fetching Cratchit youngster. John Sisk Is strong as the young Jacob Marley. and Mason Acevedo nicely enacts the crippled Tiny Tim. AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items to the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by fax to (949) 64&4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College Is offering a nine-part film hil1ory on Alfred Hitchcoc:X. The series will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Arthur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The soaring 30-foot ceilings, arches. stylish expansive windows and wood accents hide that h's an oddly shaped, long and narrow building. Ir's exceptionally well-designed, only the chairs and tables needed replacing. High-quality foods are expertly prepared with a vast style of culinary tastes. Cuisines represented Include French, Mediterranean, Japanese, Thai and Italian. Even Turner's mother's homemade recipe for mint sauce or tomato relish shows up on the lamb sandwich served at lunch The dinner menu features exceptional appetizers -mostly Asian Inspired. Of the 1 O selections, favorites include Turner's take on salmon sushi. that's fired-kissed. then served on sticky sushi rice with citrus flavors from yuzu koshou and showered with lemon and salt ($12). 1be sashlmi-style lobster Is served with sizzling hot sesame oU ($19) and mussels steamed In a lemon grass coconut broth. It is finished with fresh cilantro and Did you know that it is required for all 5th graders in che Newport,Mesa Unified School District co take our classes? We teach h istory, geography, science and math as it relates to the sea. And that is just one of our many programs that ~nefit Newport Beach. Please support our education and community programs by making a tax .. deductlble contribution to the museum today. We wish you and your fami ly a happy and healthy holiday season . When it comes to learning, kids are like sponges. THE NAUTICAL MUSEUM Newport Harbor Nautical Museum 151 East Coast Highway (on the Riverboat), Newport Beach 9'49-673·7863 • funOnhnm.Ofl •Closed Mondays Contribute or Join online at www.nhnm.org Good thing our museum is surrounaed by Water. 1he .,...,... .... ,. Open for Your ,,...,, Shwlnt FYI •WHAT: "A Chrlatm•• Carol" •WHERE: South Coeat Repertory, Segerst.rom St1ge, 655 Town Center Drive, Coste Mesa •WHEN: Tuesdays through Ftid1y1 1t 7:30 p.m.; S1turday1 at 2:30 and 7:30 p.m.; ind Sund1y1 et noon and 4 p.m.; until Dec.27 • COST: si9 to $44 •CAU.:(714)708-6655 .!It Technically, the show continues 10 be smoothly ;<iil mounted, with Thomas Buderwltz's senlngs (based orl ~ Oilf Faulkner's original designs) moving off and on like subwa.,,!4'1 trains. while Dwight Richard x••f,1 1 Odle's costumes and the lighting designs of Donna anct .1 Tom Ruzika beautifully ,::.~ establish 19th-century London., l ' Just as Dickens' original story.,. 1 has become a literary classic.,,....,. SCR's annual production, .r:- adapted by company member Jerry Patch, must be considered a local classic as it nears the quarter-century mark. Even I 'I after so many years, it retains • its emotional hold on an audience. .; • •TOM TITUS reviews local the111 r for the Daily Pilot. His reviews ' appear Fridays. ~ " events will be held at OCC's Finl 1 Arts Hall 116. Admission Is $6. 'fr more information, call (714) ., 432-5880. .. .. NEWPORT HARBOR : CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE ~ Beautifully decorated yachts, ; boats, kayaks and canoes will ii along the harbor In the 96th annual Newport Harbor ~ , Christmas Boat Parade " • Wednesday through Dec. 21. E.1:h ·: night. the parade will begin at i : 6:3(>p.m. at Collins Island and lf't • two and a half hours. • , Information: (949) 729-4400, http://Www.dlristmasboatparacJr. com. " " .. ,, "' jalapenos ($12). 'I Lamb dishes are extraordin~. The rack of lamb -aged at l~t 14 days -is pan-seared and .1 then oven-roasted. It's ~ accompanied by a wild ! mushroom potato gralin, : oven-dried potatoes and ~ rosemary Infused demi-glace ~ ($32). All beef entrees, Including the 12-ounce filet ($36), the . ~ 16-ounce strip-loin ($32) and • rib-eye ($32), are served with J whipped garlic potatoes and saut~ wild mushroom. Ordetf are custom roasted to periectl". Turner's venison Is also aged at 1 least 14 days. The rib chop is ; double-cut. with curried ' potatoes, saut~d asparagus and finished with an orange Cogn~ demi-sauce ($38). • Seafood choices include oysters, calamari, mussels, lobster. king salmon and orangt roughy. F.ntrees choices includo . : crispy-skin king salmon served ~ with saut~ed leeks, fingerling • saffron potatoes and a daus : shallot confit ($26). Orange ; roughy is prepared three ways:~ , with ponzu sauce, served with· 1 beet-mashed potatoes, grilled baby bole choy and enold ' mushrooms ($25); Mediterranean-style, marinated ln herbs and citrus juices, with-a fire-roasted tomato, red onion • : and Kalamata olive ragout ($25); : or blackened with stir-fried mushrooms, peppers. red cabbage and crispy wontons ($24). Turner's edecdc fine wines aJe : : mostly from New 1.ealand, • ' , California and France. Managef : : Michael Villas Is also a ,, : sommelier who can belp with • • selections. I : : • Lunch prices: soups, from I $8.99 tO $9,99; appetiz.ers, froni? 1 I $6.95 to $10.50; ent::ree salads, ' : : from $8.50 to $13.95; sandwiches, from $8.75 to $11.95: pasta, from $9.50 to $14.95; entrees, from $9.95 to " $17.95. ,. • Dinner prices: appetizers, from $9 to $19; beef entreee, from S32 to $36: venison, from $28 to S38: lamb, from $27 to : $32; wel. &om $24 to $29; ftlh. : from $24 to $26: and ahellfllh. • 1 from $28 to S3 l. : I 'l\uner'a New 2:eeJand la open : ror lunch &om n Lm. to 3 p.nu ' Monday through Friday; and .; : : open for diMet from s to 10 ! 1 p.m.~ ~ :: lt'I at 660 Anton Bhd. in Co.ea , 'I Mea (714) 888.()880 http:/~~, I c:IOm. I I ,, •ml? ..... NM..,_., fftdey. I : (lrwr Wvtder C8n be rMdttd ft I ,. • ..,._..~com; .i uow. i i l9v It., CCIII ~CA 12827; Of .., ........ ,10. I QUOTE OF THE DAY "If we can hold teams to 40 or less, we should be able to win a l<?I of games." lob Setwn,· Costa Mesa boys basketball coach EYEOPENER • DaiJy~Piklt • Sports Hal al Fame c """""'""(I.ho-...... ..u... Dec. 15honorH WILLIAM G. WARMINGTON Sparta Editor Rlchn Dunn: (949) 574-4223 • Sports Fax: (949) 650-0170 Fnday, December .12, 2003 A9 BOYS BASKETBA~L Mesa's magic number yields another win Serven''s Mustangs hold their op·ponent under 40 points for third straight game -all victori es. P•trlck Laverty Daily Pilot CERRITOS -For the first time in Coach Bob Serven's five seasons, the Coeta Mesa High boys basketball team has ·won three. consecutive games to open the season. The Mwitangs acromplishe<l the reat Q Thursday with a 55.39 victory over St. Paul in the second gclllle or pool play at the Valley Ouis- tian toumamenL With a victory over Whitney at 6:30 p.m . tonight, t.he Mu:.tan~ wiU reach Saturdays rhampi- onshjp game. NWe're nowhere near where we ncl'Cl to be or want to be, ft Serven said or his team's fast start. NAut we're on our w<1y to getting there.ft AU three victorie~ for Costa Mesa have heen marked by a stingy defense that hasn't aUowed 40 point' 111 a ganll' Lim GIRLS SOCCER season. The Mustang-i prevented SI. Paul from hitting that marl by forcing seven turnovers in the S<."Wnd quarter, limiting the !>'wordsmen to six point:.. and six tumovcl"!I In the llnal period, when St. Paul scored just nine points. Ntrwe can hoJd teams to 40 or less, we should be able to win a lot of games.ft Serven said. "But I don't k.now if we'U be able IC> do that aU L11c Lime." If they can't, it shouldn't be too big of a concern since the Mu!.tangs haven't had a problem scoring points so far this sea- son, avcmging nearl y 58 a game. Costa Mesa scored ZO in the fir.I 4uar- ter ag-.iin!.t St. Paul, closing the period PHOTOS BY ST£V£ McCRANK/DAILY Ptl OT Costa Mesa's Jasmin Day (9) collides with Irvine's Amreeta Panesar in Thursday night's r'lonleague action. • Mustangs feel sting C osta Mesa loses in the final minute as Irvine scores game-winner with 10 seconds left. Steve Vlr1•n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -It was a sight the Costa Mesa High girls soccer team .would rather forget, but ooe that Mustanp Coach Dan Johnston would like his play· • ers ~=m~~h~~ore Krysten O'Dea scored ln the final minute, leading the Vaqueros to a stun• nlng l ·O victory over Cocata Mela Thunday under the Uebta at the Costa Meu Parm Field. JU1t two 8eCOOdl after the bell was put In play after O'Dea'• goal, the 6- 1 Ml whlsde blew. The~ (2-<t) owned the llfM uD11 the ftnal minute. out- lhoodng the V11quero1. l&-5. M er· wud, Jobnlton ulced a c.oSta Mesa p&a)w'a parent If he taped lrvine'a Costa Mesa's Cindy Mendoza (20) controls the ball, while trying to elude Irvine's Amreeta Panesar. goal on bJs video camera. The parent ~Ued,yes. "I'm going to show It to them a thousand timea, untU they puke.• Johnston said . "I want them to see how pathetic that was.· Jobmton wu angered with hls team'• play, pa.rtkularty near the end of the game. Mer hla post -gam e meedng, Johnston walked toward the sideline, threw his clipboard to the grow1d and also chucked his penciJ in the same direction. "We outplayed them the whol<.' game," Johnston said. "It was abso· lutely wonderful play, until we stunk the p lace up. We Just absolutely crunched them and tJ1en just gave it away ... We gave them a nice Otrl t· mas present." To that, Irvine's second-year roach Gwen Conine replied with Little shy- ness. •Hey, we'll take It.· she said. "I would have been happy with a tie, but a win Is certalnly sweet. I think we earned that win by not giving up." Conine, whose team Improved to 3· 1-1, credited her goalie, Brittany Goetz, for the Vaqueros' shutout. Goetz, a junior, recorded seven saves, Including one crudaJ stop ln the 60th minute. JunJor NUani Duane started the scoring chance for the Mustangs, leading sophomore Ju mln Day on a breakaway. Day ftred off a shot toward the comer of the net, but Goetz jumped to Up It a~. She S.. MUSTANGS, Pqe Al O • j ,, • with a 12·1 run over the final 3:03 of the period, which was capped with Brian Molina's three-pointer as time ran out. The Mustw1gs continued to bllild upon their lead in the second quancr in a wrlety of ways. Sophomore Scott Knox <>Cored a layup off a backdoor c.-ut. Sophomore Tony Kri· korian made a driving layup less than minute later. Knox. who led Mesa with 15 points, knocked down a three-pointer. Junior Jeff Waldron, who led the team with 15 rebounds, hit a pair of free throws. Junior l>uaine Wase came off the bench lo score olT anotJ1er buckdoor cut, giving the Mustangs a 31-16 lead. After halftime, Costa Mesa maintained iLs double-digit lead, with 6-foot-5 senJor Marko Stankovic scoring six of the team's 11 third-quarter points. Stankovic fin. lshed with 13 points and five rebounds. ~ts one or Marlto"s better games," Serven said. NHe handled the physicality of the gam e. ft With a smaU team -Molina is 5-5 and Krikorian is 5-7. while Knox is s-root - Serven was impressed with how tl1e en- tire team handled a physicaJ team like St. Paul. TI1e Mustangs' ability to do so showed on the scoreboard. See MESA, Pa1e AlO BOYS BASKETBALL Unsettled Sailors remain unbeaten Young, Hunter fi nd spotlight in Newpo rt's fo urth straight vic tory. • lhe four afon•mentione<l :-.m- pended player.; did not play in the first half. allowing 1 llrst 10 ~onduct gamc-situt1tion a udi- uons. Barry Fa ulkner Daily Pilot NEWPOlff BEACH -With still more than half of [)( .. 'Cember remaining. New- port Harbor I ligh boys basketball coach Larry Hirst has a better idea of what he'll get for Otristmas than what he may wind up with on the Ooor. But, as the Sailors extended their early season search for u lineup and an identity Thursday night. they at least continued to pocket vil10ri<.'l>. The host 1ars impmvcd to 4-0 with a 52-47 win over Ple<k..ant Crove of lltah in the sec· ond round of pool play at the mu Reyn· olds Oas.sic. Thursday·~ contest, which wasn't 4uite as dose as the score might indi- o:tte, provided a challenge to those try· ing to scope out the Sailors. With som<.' players slowed or stalled completely by illness. and the return of four playen. -;uspended from Tuesday's tournament Op<'ner for violating team nilcs. playing time and combinations wt•re m ort' than u littJe unpn--<lictable. Junior Taylor Yow1g. who cashed in his increa.'>t'tl minutes 'I\Jes- day with Hi points in a 66-52 win over C.ompton, took advantage of his on- collr1 windfaU once again, particularly before intcnnission. 111c fi-foot ·2 forward scored 12 of his game-high 14 points in the first two pe- riods. i:onnecting on his first five fleld- goal attempLo; to help the hosts rorge a 27-19 advantage. Young also grabbed a team-leading seven rebounds. In tJ1e second half. however, It was senior guard Robert I lunter who seized the spotlight. After netting two free throws in his first action In the third pe· riod. he netted all thrt.."'e rour!h-quarter field-goal tries to finish with eight points. I le also twice brought the New- port Harbor bench Lo its feet, first sprawling head-first on the Ooor to col- lect a loose ball on the defensive end, then taking a charge on the ~line to halt one of Plea.<1anl Grove's seemingly w1cea.sing comebacks. NI thought [Hunter) brought some See SAILORS, Pa1e AlO BOYS WATER POLO DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Newport Harbor's Michael Bury, a senior, was voted first·team all-league by the Sea View coaches. Harbor's Clay Jorth, a sophomore, is also first team. Bury, Jor_th selected first-team all-league Newport Harbor garners four with all -league honors. Newport Harbor High sen- ior Michael Bury and sopho- • notional cadet team member, produced 56 goaJs. Senior Morgan L.aldlaw, know for his rich work ethk. and junior goalie Michael Robinson received second- more Oay Jo rth both earned 61'1t· team All·Sea View teasue honol'1 Ln boys water polo. Bury, a U.S. youth na tional le.am mem ber who earned All·CIP Sou the m Section Division I laurels last year, led the Sailors with 93 goals, while Jo rth. a . . • • ••• team All·PCL recognltJon. Laidlaw ICOred 13 goals, and Robin- son recorded 252 saves (nine per game). The quartet helped lead Coach Ja· son Lynch's Sailol'1 to a 17·11 recionl and a CIP DMsion I quarterflnal ap- ~ SPORTS -I ~J MUSTANGS did credit Goetz wttb • well· ~game. SCHEDULE BRIEFLY Continued from A9 made two more saws aftt!( that. nd then O'Oea atJuek wlth the Costa Mesa h iU'tbreaku. She to~theballneo.rmldfte~ and dribbled the teat. 'Of the way, o\JttUirli defenders before sending the '1\ot to the back of me net. -we got slop py &11d stupld with our rack.Ung at the end and gave them the game: Johnston said. •That just ldlli rne. And. they all know ~ner. I guess they thoupt Irvine would play for a lie, but (the Vaqueros} didn't.· C:OSta Mesa. as Ila coach said. played weJl ln the lll1l hall, .out· shoodng Irvine. 11 • l . However. John ton thought the Mustangs clid not take good shots and went at the net wtth bad angles. He Day, Duarte, Stacy Krikod&n, Vera Gale and Kara JenkW wiere ~nalble for the Mut- scort.ng opportunldee. but tho conrinued to wm tbtma~ The Mustanp, 1ut Y"t'• co- clwnploN of CIF Southern Sec· don Dtvtaion ID, D* to ftnd their dlythm and scan wlnn1ng, Johnston said. He hu not seen the teem respond to adwrsity yet. •We should have had a ~ up call the lut four losses,· Johnlton aa.l.d. "lf they don't wake up after tbla. It will be a long year.• Costa Mesa wu without jWlior atandout ,Jenny Spaib, who Is out for at least two weeks with a strained knee, an Injury that was suffered Tuesday. Johnston aa.l.d. BREITLING 188' l"eehlon leland·Nawport •••oh 94e/721·9010 www_ Tra dltlo n • IJ ewe I• r •.corn WWW.•ltSITLINO.COlll I TODAY ....... "'9tl tdlool boVI -Corone cMI Mer vt. HyntJngton lleMfl at La Qulntt toul"NIMnt. l:30 p.m.: Cotta Mete ,,._ Wh1'nev et Yel14W CM.Uen tourMmtft4. e:30 p,m.: Penlnaul• .. ~ HMtlOr In 1111 "-Ynoldl ci..lc, 11:30 p.m. S.0. Hlff vt. C.lv•r't' Chriatl11t1 M ~vy toum.ment.1:15 p.m. High edlool glrlt -Coew Meet vt. Dana Hlllt at FounWln Valley tournament. e p.m.; M9wport H•rbor ve. Foothill Ill Unlvertltv tourntment. 8:30 p.m.; Saoe HUI llt Fairmont toum.ment.; Corona def Mar 1t Av1ton tournament. Collage women -Aoc:ty Mountain SAILORS Continued from A9 good energy to the game,• Hirst said. "We place a lot of empbasi.s on taking the c:halge In our pro- gram and I thought bis dMng on the floor turned momentum around for us.• HW\ter canned a IO-foot nm- ner and. 21 seconds later. a layup fur Harbor's first four points of the final quarter. His two buckets ex· tended a 39-24 lead at the end or lhree periods 10 43-25. Pleasant Gf'o\'e. coached by Hirst's fonner Southern California College {now Vanguard Univer- sity) teammate Randy McAllister, answenid with a 10·2 spurt that rut Into the bulge. then followed Newport sophomore Denn18 Hee· nans 18-foot jumper with a &-O surge to close within 47-41 with 1:34 left. A Hunter layln. on a long pass in transition. helped widen the margin. which slip~ to 50-45 with 31 seconds left. after the Vi- kings netted a three-pointer and MESA Continued from A9 The SWordsmen, which de- feated Whitney, 48-41, In the opening round of pool play. closed the gap to 42·30 wlth six straight points at the end of the third quarter. Molina, who fin. ished with 10 points, opened the fourth quarter. though. with a steal and layup and a.n emu1ng three-pointer to push the lead back to 17. Despite the result. Mesa's coach knows his team has a long way to go before it reaches lts peak. ·rm our team's harshest critic." Serven said "We need to prepare for down the road. We're not look· llW -ran Cl• IOI :f.o~it~oC:.~ =J~as l•lllng Prlct .............. S20.3M !fl *f factory Rebeta ............ ·'4.000 ,.,16 399 J TO a.. flOll ¥11. f1 llm1J, ' acmu, JCa28 111194 , .. u =r~r·At.CllROME '11.899 tMGM.) at Vlnguatd, 7;30 p.m. ..... Hlth tCftool boya -~Minoton 8Mdl M CofoN del Mar, 3 p.m.; EM:anCltet L8 Cotta Canyon, 3:15 ~~ tdlool girt. -Ntw'POrt H1rt>of v.. lono l..ch Wlllon •Maw Del tou"*'Mfteet~ ,. ls.Me Ana>, ':JO p.m.: Corona del MM'vt. M~ Ludler King It MMw Del tou~ M Cen-.nnlal Paril. l :IOp.m. ...,,... High ~ glrlt -Santa Barbara at Corona del M•r, 4 p.m.; Loa Am Igoe at Coate Mea, 3:15 p.m. Wr ...... High IClhool -eo.ta Mela, Etttnclt at Edieon townament. free throw. 1Wo Heenan Cree throws with 22 eeconds left aD but' secured the win and Hirst and McAllistec. who exchanged friendly banter all night finally shared a posqpame bandshalce. "Thele'a probably nothing harder than playing one of your best friends,· Hirst said. "We run the same stuft we Just call it something different• Newport senior Andre Pinesett contributed six points, four re- bounds and three assists off the bench. ........ a.le: PiiillllliY Newport tt..bor 152. Pleeunt Gro¥t 47 ICON by °'*"'-GrCMt & 11 Ii 23 • c N9Nporl0 11 ,. 12 13 • 112 ....._,.Glow· Jeppaon 14, Hallman 8, Clement 3. Co. 8llbro 6, Ca. Bilbro 4, Evallt 5, Helquist 4, lorg 2. Hall 2. 3-pt goale • Hallman 1, Co. Bilbro 1. Newport...._. Young 14, Heenan 8, Dief9nbectl 4, Mourac:tyan 6, Slater 0, Hunter 8, PIMMU 6, Green 2. f'9rrine 2, Goueewitz 2, MacBeth 0. 3-pt goals· Young 1, Mouradyan 1. Fouled out • Diefenbach. ing al one game thinking one game will make your season. were trying to build and get bet. ter.· V*t Cht1lllan tNnamn PiiillllliY eo.te ,... •• St. Paul 39 ICON by aa--. St. Paul 1b • 14 • -39 Mela 20 11 11 13 -156 9t. """ -Fiagertld 2, Aranda 0, GonZ8lei 5, Reynoeo 4, Mam.ii 5, Alvirez 4, Sanchez 1, YelalQuez 16. Elldl O. Lopez 2. Caltlllo 0. 3-<pt. goals -None. Fouled out -None. Tidlnk:els -None. Meae-Molina 10, Knox 16, Wue 2. Krikorian 7. Aleeon 2. Lefebvre o. Wlldron II, St.enmvic 1,3. 3-¢ goals -Molina 2. Knox 3. Ktflcoritn 1. Fouled out -None. TIClhnlctl1 -None. , I Eagles def eat Vanguards. ! ' ' 'Ibe 8llanda ffiF Fla bMJr.ie,t-Hill (0-4) while ()ebbJe Yoder-1 bd mam p Its 2-3 llQne defe.nee Lee and Kaitlin "fyres each tal·I Into lhape to key a ~ thkd· lied aJx points. Laura Schaefer: • qult1lr,. it <MltOOk m Modem. had two points and three, "1 46-4(}. In the l~pllce lemiftJl8l Sista. I ~ the u.JMnity tomnamer\l f tlnnollt tlllr'MIMftt I 1bunday In tmne. fhl..... ' . ~ Banda lll!llior ornter Nancy Catvwy ~ Senta Ana .. ,, : Castro had 15 points and 10 re-= HJI.. l bolmds. wbie senior point guard Sage Hiii ScoN 4 ~ta . "".;.j 1Hsha Wille posted a le880fl<fligh c.rvary 14 11 11 ta -0 1 15 points. eWit ~and dgbt S... .. _ SdlHfer 2. HembtmY'" 1 a-... to lead the llagles. 10.._ Yoder-I.ff 6, Tyres 6, Gutlerr• Q, I ~ Imelda Pena made four Wright 10, Pul•hyw 10, RalCMif 0. : Fouled out -Yodel'l.ee. , • tbree-poUtu!rs to aa:ount for most C4llY9f'Y ~ -Moore e. Hurst 10, • other 14 points. Kobzeu 2. Rlettr5, Deluca 26. ., : Avalon bests CdM • &\U(BTBA1.L: Senior SaJ'ah Stem scored nJne of her team- high 12 points ln the first half to help the Cor~>na del Mar High girls basketball team earn an 18-17 lead over the host school of the Avalon Invitational Thursday on Catalina Island. But the Lancers won the third quarter, ll ·3, and went on to record a 40·32 triumph In the pool-play opener. Senior Kate Heeschen scored all her points on two three- polnters for CdM, which fell to 0·4. Avlfon lmttdonal Fliit:round PoOI PliY Avalon 40, CdM 32 Score by Quarttfa CdM 12 a 3 11 . 32 Avalon 13 • 11 12 -40 Corona del Mer· Stern 12, Long 2, Hee1chen 6, Skalla 4, Benbow 1, Meru 3, Sdlulte 4, W•vte o Wadwha 0, Kaw1ta 0. 3·pt. goal• • Heetchen 2, Stern 1. A~ -Hoollt1ika 7, York 20, Morend 2, Lachau 4, Kennedy 7. 3·pt. goal• · York 1. Sage loses to Calvary • BASKETBA.LL: Sage Hill School's girls basketball team didn't tally a field goal until halfway through the first quar: ter and never led In a 63-44 loss to Calvary Cllapel of Santa Ana ln the first round of the Fair- mont tournament Thursday. Rebecca Hembarsky, Hay· wood Wright and Katie Puisbys each scored 10 points for Sage Sehldt o. Gallevo• 4, Murphv 10. ' Axel1onO . . ! 3-pt. goal• -Murphv 2. Deluca 4 ... , ~ • .byce score 20 eaph: • BASICETBAU..: Sage Hill' School boys basketball co1tl!f!! Steve Keith said his squad: found its rhythm and were co·· hesive In defeating Army-Na~ Academy, 49·31, in the.secol)d; round of the 14-team San Diego' Small Schools toumamen9 Thursday. Matt Loper and! Kevin Joyce scored 20 poihtsi each to lead the Lightning (3·2).' $an Dla&O Small School• tournan'leiC, I SiCona rouna · Sage Hill 41. Army-Navy ~my 31' Scorw bv Quarttfa Sage Hiii 1i 13 II 15 -"'' Army-Navy I 9 • 7 II -• ,, : S... Hll -Loper 20, Joyce 20, • Wllkln1 2. Voge 0, Semel 2, HancQdl I 3, Demelm 2, Ogron o. 3-pt. go•I• -Jovce 1. Anny.Navy-Peek 12, Adema 2, . Bruno 4, Gr11ham 3. vt1,1aon 4, Hardv 6 # ' I• • ,• t 3-pt. goal• -Peek 1. Dolphins subdue Sail~: ., • SOCCBR: The NewpOt( Harbor High girls abccer te~ made progress, but came ~P'j short Thursday. dropping a 2A); first-round pool-play verdJ~( against Dana Hills In the MaJJ;r Dei invitational at Centennja} Park in Santa Ana. ·' ' CdM comes up short · : • SOCCBR: Corona del Ma.~ sophomore Kelly Morgan COil~ verted an assist from rsenlor' Courtney Carnahan to pull the- Sea Kings even with girls soccel' powerhouse Aliso Niguel, l • l ,'. in the first half Thursday. Q1,1t the Wolverines scored tbJ:e.ie times aft.er halftime to earn a 4· l win ln the first round 0£ pool play at the Mater Del lnVi-: rational at Centennial Park, J.n: Santa Ana. ' I . .. , a I ------l.tgalMotlcls -ltpl.... -LlplNllllctl -l.ipllllllCll -Llpl... -LlplllalCll -Llfllllalcll 2141 llplllallll -ltplllaac. flOl1CI TO Clllf'fOIS Of IWWf (UCC ~ 6 IOl, ~ lOS) Notk;T, htreby 11van 10 crldlt110 of the W\11111'1 named wller 1t1at • bun. silt llu occu11ed tnniltrrfn& the UHh dlsc:rib1d below Tiit name •nd busl neu eddrus ol Ill• uller I•' Scr1ntom En4lnHrt111. Inc . 354!>A Cedtllac Av1nue, Costa Mae. c.1ttorni1 92626 Tiit loullon In C.11 lornl• of the chief UKullve olllcn of th• wfler 11 tlM tam• " 1bove At ll1ted b7 tht Hlt.r, all olh•r bu•hltss nam" •nd •tldrenu u••c1 by th• -.!141f wtth111 lh1u yu•a befoo '"• d•I• \U~h fist WI' ,.nl Of l.lellvtred to '"' burtt tr•: Noni Tiie ntme end b11)1 nHt •dell•» ot th• burer I • Screntom, Inc .. 3545" t.dtllac Awen11e, Coal• Meu, Cellfon11t S2t2e Tht ~•ta Mlfd .,, dHCllblil In 1•n•1 •I ••. Inventory. •qulpmenl. 111d '"t••le•. end lft locet•d •t 3545" Cadtl· lee Avenu•. Cost• rMtt, C.lifornie 92'2& The bu1ln10 nemt ulM by lltt Miier et tM ebou loutlon I•. kr111tom C1111n .. r1na. Inc The oi. or tilt k* ult Wll 0~ 31, 200.), 1t lh• 11trlc .. of IHl19''1 COUllUI, Sit-Ir 6 frudm1n, • l'roft1 tle>Mt lew Cofpcw•tloll 2'019 Ctllhffl l'llfll Fett. 19th Jloor. ot Afll'ltJ, C111for11l1 Tltl• bulk ule I' not tllblect to C•llfornl• Unllorm Co mmucltl Code Stcllon 6106 2 01t1d Dectmber •. 2003 S11nature of Buyer S(UNTOM, IN<., /sl OoutlH 0 Ru~sefl, Name Ooualas O Rus 1111 l1tle Ch1et Cll>er· ahn1 Olfker Pubh•htd N1wporl 8Hch·Cost1 Mna Oa~r P1lol O.umb11 12. 2003 CNS 6t!>900 F943 llOTKI Of VACA 1'IOll ....... I• ....... , ,1..... ..... "" (lty <-II ef tlie c1.., el Hew,_ett lffct. wlM C.-149' tt.. Vlk ...... ••• lltlllty --·· '"' wecetletl r.ec•u w lll ti• C•• •ct•tl r.""-' ,. "" ( .... '"I• Street .,.4 Ml ... ...,. (elk kc119't '* · l'vMk Strfftt, "~· ..... s.,..1,. ......... v ...... .. i.w. ~~~'l -·--· ..... ........ .._...... W.W. Those Cti tatn us.· ,.,,.nh tor utlhl't pur· POHi. 4 00 tut In wldtll, over 1 PG• lion of I' 11ctl l of tll•f certain Lot Lina Adlu•lment fllo, fll81.L95·~i..111 the City of Nt'lfl'Of t Htcll. COllnty of Ortns•. Sttt1 of C1llf«nlt, •IC«lltd Mtt 10, 1-. .. l111h11mllll No. 96-0201207. ottlcl•I rtCOrdl of uld Courity $.W -IMlll ti. .. tcrlbad H follow• Tiit tOUk!1 4 DO hat ot Mlf ,..,.c., I. H ~ptl"I tlltftf¥Om ttM aoulherly 4 00 t .. t Of tM -.tftrly 114 00 hat of uicl ,.,ctl I. Hn<I .. ...,... ....,._., .... .... , ... 5-· ...... ~ ll0!-1 1 .... ... .......... ........ Tht f0Howln1 per1011s •re ctolfll butlnau •• •) Ooldtn Wt1t Aulo le111n1. b) Oolcttn Wnt L1asln1. c) Ooldtn Wat Stitt 11\d LtMlfla. d) Goldin WHt ( qvlpmtnt le11IM. t ) Ooldtn W"I fln1nclet s.Mcea, f} Golden W••t Fln•oclef, 1) Golden Wttl Insur• llftC9 SafwlCH, II) Ooldtfl Wot [qut11m1nt, I) Colden Wut Flul Lettlllt, I) OotdtnWfft RHI (•tete. -) Golden w .. t RHI b tttt Sar• •• 130 ., ... l tvd., Cotl• Meu, CA 92tle Ooldeft West £11tlf· !WM, Ille. (CA), i t30 Hllfbor Botlltvtrd Cotta Meu,CAl1'2t ,..... bvelMI• II COfl• dllcttd by: • corpout~ 1tntrou1tM1H'°"" lluMMts _111? Y11 tO•ll·M Clollltll W..I lntet• Pflton. Ille, llllkllMI .,, M1C"", l"rttldMt T tt .. !!l!!!!t !M filed with 111• County Cletk ol Ofen11 County on 12/09/03 IOOJtt67H4 Oally Piiot Dec. 12, 19, 26, 2003. Jen. 2, 2004 F94l I01kl Of AYMMlllT Of --Purau1nt to Section 16, 1996 Co• Apperef, Inc .. Chris Coa, President Thi• statement WH llled with the County Cferll ot Oren11 County on 12/09/03 "°'"""' D1Uy Pilot Dec 12, 19, ~. 2003. Jtn. 2, 2004 f949 6104(d) ot th4 lnt4lfn1I Revenue Code. notice It hereby a•wlltl t111t th• ennual return for tht flit folfowln1 Ptr•ona cellndtr y-2002 of •rt dolftt bullnH• 11: the r~ IUDS ONl.Y, INC. 1) Wo odw•rd'1 Act loundetlon, • prlw•I• H., d w., • Inc., b) foundetion, IS ... ~ Woo6w1rd'•. c) Wood for pvbllc ln*!*lion by werd'1 Hanhllfl. lne. eny lnttrHltd cftlun d) Ace H1rdwtrt, •51S WllO requHb It et lllt [ Clllplll•ll Awt., Or· lound•Uon'1 prlnclfl•I •ni-. CA tll69 office louted •I 2252 .Woodw1rd'1 H11dw1rt. Men Drlv1, NewJ>Ofl Int., (CA). 2343 N. BNCh, CA 92MO, Tele· Tu1tlll -'•• .. Stnt. Ana, pllon1 949·U6·4&U CA, 92705 b91lnntn1 on the delt of n.i. bu.in-1 le 'on ltlb publlollon •nd 180 dlleled by, • cor11«•tloll d•Y• thef11fter durln& Htv• you tlwted dolna llOflnll llu~ ... llouA butlneu ratf ffom 1:00 1.111. to 4:00 Y-.11·2•·2003 p.m. Th• prl11elp1I Woodwerds, Hll'dWert, IMllfft' of tlM fa1111· IM., WIWllfl'I A Wood• dttlo11 la JOHANNA werd, l'r•ldent TOWNSUfO Tllll 'tt l•-nt w .. RONALD llUE & CO LLC f_llN with ttM C.U11t) 1$51 N. ltvd., Suite 1000 Cltfk of Oran .. County S•nl• Ant, CA 9V05 on 12/00/03 l'ubtltllt4' Newport """67HI hKll•Coate Mnll D•llt O•llJ ,flot OK. 12i.l,111 Piiot Dteembtr 12, 2003 28, 2003, Je". 2. <tW4I _.._.._.._.._.....;.;F915;;;;;Z F9151 ..................... .............. Tiit ........ ,. .. ,,. The tolewilla '"''°n• .,. .... ...... .. .,. clcMnt ---... c a c ,..,....,, 1041 111teu•1••orh. nn W 11'91 It. A-IOI, Cotti Or.,_ A.,.. Mt '· Mau, CA Ntl7 COit• ..... Cttlfor11i. Cot ~'4, IM (CA) 9827 1041 w. llltl st. A·\116, Obie Wd, 114& All• Colle Meu, CA tNZ1 Mllfl AYI • 191.L... Cott. TMI ...._.It c:.111 MtN.Callforni..-~v Mtff ty: I cor,orltlOll lMt buMMtt Ill COii• MltW JOI! •br111d ...,.. MlM ty· •II fftl!¥1dutf trrbn= n11 Y• Ml ""!• Mtl4 t~n1 busln1ss yet? No DlaleWall This statement w11 ff11d witll the County Cler-of Orena• County on 12/11/03 IOOHH71t7 Dilly Pilot OK. 12, 19, 26, 2003, Jin. 2, 2004 F951 .......... ......... The followlnc person• ll't dolnt bu~n11s as· Amerlcen M1ell1nlcel Consuttllla •Ml Rnto· rellon, 11'42 Knoll Ave., Suitt 15. GIFOen OroYe, CAll2Ml Cor•Y M. Lyon, 16521 Soutll Peclflc An , Sunst 114Kh, CA 90742 Thll bu.In•" It con· cluct.d by. en lndlYldual Hoe yov 1tarted·doin1 b111ln1u y1t1 No Corey M. I.yon Th~ 1Ulltmtnt WH filed with tM Covntr Clarll of Orenat Covnty on llll»/03 ..,. .. , .. , Delly PHot 0.C. 12, lt. 2'. 200l, Jen. 2, lOOit fll44 ~ ..... .......... The totlow1n& o•rtoll• .,, dol"t lllltlfttt• .. : Let'• Dini 111 , t2t Oevtrnor St , C0tt• ......CA"'17 ~.., Jey w..u. ta Oov11nor St.. Coett MIM,CA.u7 Jlellllla --....... 92t Go••• St , Costa Mllu,CAtai7 lMt butiftaM a. COii· dUcl.O ~ 11 ........ d ""' .... ..... ,.., tt•t.4 .... ~ytl? Y•llli b ...... , This sletement was fifed with Ill• County Cferll of Orana• County on 12/0911» 200Mff1SH Dilly Piiot Die. 12, Ill. 26, 2003. Jin. 2, 2004 f9U Ac-. .... "-S...... The followllla penon• "' dolnc buSlnwa 11: Emplr• Comp•ny, 777 W. 19th St., Suitt V. Coate Mat1, CA 92121 Dotn M. Luria 6 Doneld A. Mucle, Inc. (CA), m W. lllttl SWta V, Coat1 Mtt•, CA 112628 Thi• butlnnt ts COfl• ducttcl by. • corpor1UOn H•v• you st.,ttd dOlna business 1•11 Yes 2001 Dnln M. Lurie & Oon11d A Muclt, IM ., O.vf11 lur""rttldtllt Tiiis 1ttt11Mnt ••• tiled wfth tM 00.y Cltrll of ~ ..... Cow11ty on U/()llOJ ...... , ... Dally Piiot Dae. 12~1 28. 2003, Jen. f, ZU1M Ft42 .......... ......... Th• tollewlns t*IOftl If• dolllt l>Wlniu11 u; Delll Menge111•nt of Allltflu, 1'2 CMllftF ~~j l.Jiluft1 ....... CA DeM ,.......,.,..nt of ._lea, LLC (CA), IN :;e.-: .. t'Q1,.... _......la con· •11cta4 11,. Lh"lt•d L..._,ea, ..... toll •'8rtlld dollll ........ ,.., v .. 10.Zlo.J DaM ._rc1111111t of ~lce,LLC l1tM •••t=n• ••• flied with tll9 County Clerlt. of Or1n11 County on 11/17/03 200S6 .. SIH Delly Piiot Oec. 12, 111, 26, 2003, Jen. 2, 2004 F956 ......... ... s...... The lollowlna 11«son1 lrt dolnJ butlnK& H : P1cfflc 81ue Fundlnc. 1001 W. l71h SL Unit U,Co1t. ...... CAm27 Robert LH Dickinson. 600 Hllv1tu1r, Newoort 8Hch, CA 92660 This buslMU 11 con· ducted bJ; 1n lndMdual Heft 704I atwtff 6oil1I bll1lneu r•t1 v .. 1991 Robert L.OlQln.on Thia sletem1nt wu flied with Ille County Clttll of Or111 .. County on 12/09/03 IOOMM7S71 Delly l'ttot Dae, 12~1 2'. 2003, ·.ltn. 2, ~ FMS The followllll persons .,. dolna budnHa 11: s A fln1nclal, 550 P1ul erll)O Avt It 106, Costa Mt111,CA92626 Avm1n Sudalla, 550 Peulerlno Ave. K 106, Cost• Mesa, CA 92626 Thia buslnHs Is con. ducted by: 1 limft1d partnwsllfp Have you alerted doln1 business y1t1 No Aym1n S11d1ll1 This st1l1menl w11 filed with the County ci.rll of Ortntt County on 12/09/03 IOOUM7SH Delly Piiot Dtc. 12:.1,!11 26, 2003. Jin. 2, lW't F9'l ~ ....... "-S......• I The followln& ~rso•' .,. dolnJ bu1ln•n ••· Volclna, 11, 650 T•m•r•ck • Ave., 0603, Brea, Cf. 92821 • ' Michell• A Stephen,,. 650 Temeraclt. 0803, 81u ,CA928il This buslnus '' c!'ift : ducted br. en lndlvld111l1 Hev1 t dU 't.rted dof111• busln41d)tt7 Ho • M~t11!1e A. Steplle~: Thi• at1ttment 111, filed with the Co 1 Cle<k O~•nc• Covil I on 12/0 3 • 200) .. 7024 I Dilly P t. Dec. 12, 19.1 26, 200 , Jin. 2. 2004, FP5; ua MEDICAL CENTER REPlACEMENT HOSPITAL ud BUDDING 1A UNOVATIONS ~ Nwnbcr ~}()() • UNIVERSITY OP CAUPORNIA, 1RV1NE CENl!BAL DF.SCB.!WON OF D1E WOBJC The _Uni~~ of Cali~~··· lrvu~, mcmd~ to wnttruct a new rc11l~c~mm1 hoeptt.il •nJ rtnovilloOn• to al"1ng Buoldmg IA Wlthon tlw ciu1ung Un1vcn11y of Cal1(urn11, 1,..mc, MaiicaJ C~n•a (UCIMQ aunpui._ ~ ~ 432.788 tquar( fooc U~I ~1~ Crn~r Rq>l.M.cmcn1 I l°'r"10I •nd lluilding I A ~oo~ mdudc SB t ?B u~. of l~ csnuug Boikr Plant and dc-molition u .dcct«I C'Ai"in bttlldinp. r1lf OOl\ltruruon pro)CO will ~ 11hplcmcmbl iuing 10 modillcd 0cs1811 8uikl .tpproach. 8 'nic UCI M~. C'..cruer replaccmcn~ Mlplw will btcomc • sign1f11:an1 public hctlth IU()Ur~ lo Ollln~ ~my aJ>d Wlll l1kdy ~ lM Coun1ya onJy Lcvd I Trauma unttr. ~Ille is bounded by Ch man A:wiuc 10 the north, D~wn Way 1~ the aou1h, lntmtatc ) (Sam.i An.a Fmew.iy) 10 1hc euc. ii.lid~ <.;i1y o;,~ 10 d~~'· lh.-Mrc iddl't'.A" 101 lh.-Ory On~ Orang<. C.A ?2868. llw-02,788 tqlli~ fOOI ~·ta! c:onsuu ol 1 full b.uetllenl and a Rill foocprint for l~d1 I 10nd 2. I~ J . 7 .:on1io of four onrerconnccud ro~n. Thc_ 191 ~ii.lid JO ~!I~ for inrmcm 1erv1~ w1ll 1ndudc: mccn .. vc catt. burn uno1, mbliu.I / iurgical_ umtt l~ pecfumc & 1nfan1 scrviw. Diagno.11c & rreacmcm scrv•cct will include I~ opellltong ~ 1mag~ roonu. c:atdUc-mvuivc and lncnwn1ioiul pn>«duru. ~ pos1..;ancs1hca1• care unn, ,and. a pro«d~ pre/recavtry wu1. Gcncnl suppon services will ind..dc food sctvoas, dining. .ai111I ,;1rnlt l'f"<IC'CU_tng ~ rnat~riab fMN8C11>C11'• ~ava110111 of Bu1ld1ng I A include• link con~cion w11h ·~~ ~ hosp1w; mnallanon of trauma and service dc.-••o<J: re..onfogulll1ion of the emcrgcncy rc.ep11un / ~nng area; 10nd 11\( rdocauon of che :ambuuncc cntran<.e rttOCEPURf.S Propow docwncnu will~ •Vlllhbk 1u ~iulofocd Pl'Qjl'QSCn u 10:00 AM. Wcdncoday, l>ctcml>C'r i, 'Z_'OO). Prcquali~ Proposers may p1d1 up (rtt of chugc a ma>1nlU1t1 of fovt (~) •m ufRf P do..umcno .. 1· •Ueiign & Corutruaion Scrvius, 1 ~J\iYC1$11)' of California. Irvine, 5201 U.lifomia Avenue, Suite 250. frJlne, California ?2697-MSO. Xm:nrion: Richard Cager Jeltpbonc (9'49)824-447~ ,;._.; (9-49) 824-8096 £..Mail: rgcig~.cdu Additional scu may~ purrliaxd .. , l'requal1focd l'ropo ... r'11'1<f'<'lllC from 1he ;oddreu lincJ below. Siibcon1r .. non and daign <0n1ullllllu may pur<h~ RH> documcrus. ac th.-n Of'<'RSC. ~• IO 00 AM Wtdncsd.ly. Dtt:nn~r 3. 2003. Doc:umenu <-"n ~ordered and rcprodu1c-d only••· l'llc1lk Co:u1 ~~ph1a, Inc 1176 Milon Suttt, SUi1c C II" Irvine, CA 9261-1 Aucntion: Alo "forrcs ~phonc-(9•9)474-97?3 Fu: (9'49) 474-%70 Wtb: hup://www.pcr"J><O.t'Um .>f 1s THE RESPONSIBIUlY Of All. SUBCONTRACTORS AND DESIGN CONSULTANT'S TO RECISTEll WITH THE UNJVERS.ITY OR PAO FJC COASI' R£PllOORAPHICS, INC. TO AO<NOWLEDGE RECEJPT OF TilE UOMC RULACEMENT HOSPITAL AND BUlWING IA RENOVATIONS llFP DOCUMENTS.. THE UNrvERSITYWIU NOTIFY ONLY SUBCONTRACTORS AND DESIGN OONSUU'ANTS WHO HAVE REGISTERED wrrn ua l>ESIGN lie CONS'fRUcnON SEJtVICES OR PAO FlC OOAST R£PROORAPHJCS, INC. OP ANY ANO ALL ADDENDA. WHICH WlU. BE MADE AVAJLABL.£ AT UCI DESIGN et ·CQNSTRUCTION SEJMCES. Ob M«lical untcr R.rplucmcm I lo-pica! and liuilding I A R.rnova11onJ RFI' Do1umcnu will ltdl:lirloNily ~ av.ulable for vtn<'ing •• 1~ following plan room 100110"' beginning"' I 0;()() AM . WC'dnc:scby, Dn:cm~r 3. 2003: F.W. Dodge Company 2150TowncCmuc Platt, \uut 100 •/llla.hcim, C.A 92806 (,26) 932~1 S<i CMD · Anahnm (Rttd Oat• Conllruuoonl i' 17 South Sme College &ukvarJ, Sunc 180 "'nahcim, C'.A 91806 u1n> 556-9371 "'rHE POLI.OWING DESIGN BUIWERS HAVE BEEN l'RF,QUAUFIEO m Sl/IJMIT P'RO POSA.LS TO TttE UNIVE.RSITY ON nus PROJECT· I ,Hcnsd Phelps Conmurnon \.o 2'115 Campt15 Ori~. St.Ute IOO lrvinc.CA ?2612 "Ttlcphonc· (?-49) 8S2-0 I 11 r~,,: ('>-t?> 8s2..0218 PREQUAUFlf.D SUBCONTRACTOR.St Alchu~1ural Prccast C..oncrete Structural Sitt! l-3br1C1t10n M~1al l.u System~ anJ Plumhrng I IVAC Wei and Dry ~y.icms Eltt1ncal 811111-Up Roofing Fore Supprt£S1011 Sy>•~m• Sile Concmc Orywitll and M«al 'Wu<I Sysmn Cucwork Floormg Sy11cms Glass and Gluing S)"lcrns Moscdlancow M<Dl1 l-.br>C211on Building C-.omrols Fire Alarm ~ymm McCmhy RuilJing l...umpan1c.. ln1 ~uthern Cal1furm• Division 2°'401 S W Bnch \1rcn. Su11c IOO Newport lkJ4 h, CA 92660 1;.lcph.one: (94')) 8S I .fl383 ..... (?-49) 7~(,...(oll41i UAUFIED ARCHITI'.CTURAL PRECAST CONCRETE SUBCOllITR.ACrQ~ r:aofoc South lli>ct Road Wtst Sacran><"nco. CA 9SCl'.1 I < urcslab \truau.rn It A.) I n1 I 'O W Plau n11a A•cnuc Pcrri~. ( A "2~71 ,!EQUAUPlID STRUCnJRAl STEEL PABRJCATION SUBCOl"ITRACTORS ..... The Hcrnd< Corpon111on 7021 Koll C..cnt~r l\l.rirway Plnunu1n, CA q4S6(1 'l'REQUAUPIEr> MEDICAL GAS SYSTEMS ANO PWMBING SUBCONTRACTORS A.O. Rttd •m Ruffner Scrttt l!ln [);ego. CA '>2 1 11 Piln-Piclfoc Plumbing 17.911 Mirchdl Souch lrV.nc, CA 926 1<1 Muruy Comp•ny 21)1 ') F... Vi<.ron• 'llfttt Rancho ()omingutt. CA 90111 lln1vrr511y Ma~li<.h Mtth"n~I 1000 North Kncmcr Pl.cc Analw1m.CA 92110<>-26 10 PIU'.QUAUPJED HVAC WET AND DRY mvrFMS SUBOONTRACfORS If .• •A.O. Rttd "m Ruffner Strttt -~ C>iqo. CA 92111 ~mol A1rCond111on1ng C~ra1ion lJOI North G4udl Strtt1 Onngc. CA 9286S • J '""url'*y Company ~ 19 F...t Yktona 'Mrttt Randlo l)omingun. CA 90221 Unlwn1hy Man!lic:h M«.ha111ul '1000 North l<nefTICf l'bu ~m.CA 92806 ACCO fnglnttred Sy•trm" ln1. ?040 Kcnam21. Su11c 106 '\an Diego. \..A 92121 Crnchf~kl Mechanical, Im 408S Campbell A""'"" Menlo fl:a.rft. CA 94025 Sou1hland ln.l1111rlr• 7,.21 Onngc-wood AYrn~ t.arJcn Crovc, CA 92841 Wemrn Air &c Rdrig<rauon Co .. IJ> 15914 Smnh Anion llookYtrJ Compean, <:A ?Ol20 'PREQUAUPIEO £1.ECT'RICA.L SUBCONTRACTORS ·~nc 56'.Sb Wc:A Ctntlncla Avctlut lt.w AOFb. CA 9004) ., Adl11 E.knttc:, In'°' 8260 Camino S.nra f.r S.O Dkso· CA 92121 ~ l!J«tric ,. 1111900 Alondra Boulc-vud C-erri1c.. CA 90703 l>yn.alcctn<: 4"62 Corporate Ctmtr [)y,vr l.oo Alam1trn, CA 90720 Mt>rfl"W•Mtmdnwt Coffiora1lnn 2.} I 1kn100 Colin (icy n(lnduttry. CA 9178') .Ml.eQuALJJ'lio IUlll'·UP ROOPIHG SUBCONTRAC101l.9 • Ebah.ud Rooflna I ~120 Raymer SCron Van ?f":ft. CA 914'05 Soo1hem Cal;fornle Roortng Compen.r 9623 F.lift lmprrial Klabway 0o-..,.. C'.A 90l·U C..0.00 Fire Ptcuc:rion ~I Wat Sou.thrni A~nuc Orange, CA 921165 Slmi*:s Cnnadl 170 l Nnrlh Sutuoil Avcnuf Onangr, (.A '.llMI! !>ou1hwt:)1 fire l'ro1«1ion Comp .. ny l 1 'i 1'4>1 l:J Sur 'i4rn:1 Monro•ia.. C\ •)1016 N0rtl\MV Fft ~calon. Im 17S 81uc Cffd&n lltllld ~.MN SSl21 Sout.hland I~ 7421 Orangewood Awnuc GuJcfi Grove. CA '.111141 PUQUAUFIW SITE OONCR1!11!. SUBCONTilACTORS Marne Conmuattw1, In.. 748 NMh Poplar S11U"1 Orange. <:A 92868 ~h..w et \ons Coow:n:t< Con1ra<.1un 1129 Wat 17th Sc1'<r1 U>..u Mcu.. CA "2627 Sulliv:.ut Concmc Tnrura 1111 Bakct Sum Com Mesa. CA 92G2G PR.EQUAUFIID ORYJVAll. AND METAL sruo SYSTEM SUBCONTRACTORS ~rad) Comp.llly IOIO Nonb Ol.-c ~l'CC'I Anal>t>1m, CA 92801 Raymund Interior Syutml 520 Wm Walnut Awnue Orw11c. CA '128611 f'Hformance Con11'11Cling, In' 1270 Hancock Strttt Anaheim, CA ?2807 Scmcbld Orywa!J, Inc. 6251 Schackr Avcnut, Su11c () Chino.CA 91710 PR.EQUAUftED CASEWORK SUBCONTRACTORS Dow Oi•tr.ifoc:J, Inc. 1679 l'lil<.<nua Avenue c.,.,, Meo. C.A 926r MiJ C.mada Millwur!(, I 1d. 711 l'TH H Wc.1 S1r111b:1<.h, MB ROA 2A() l!IFC. lnoorpora.tod I 060 I Calk Ltt. Suue I 'JO l.o• Abmno>. CA 90720 PllEQUALlFIED fl..OORlNC SYSTEMS SUBCONTRACTORS JJJ 1-loonng Covc11ng, In,. 41!) I ·A l'<usom Uuulcvard l'orn R.1wr•. CA •)()(i6() SCS Floonng Sysccrn' 7'2 Wc.t fown Ile Counll) IU>lld Oral\~. (A 9 l868 l..awrcncc W. Rosine Cornp.111) 12350 Mon~ut \crttt. Unit 1 l'acoorm, C.A 9133 I u n:venaJ l'looring Sy11enn, lo" 15">73 Commerce Lane Hunru1g1on Beach. C.A 92M'J I >upon I ( "0111111c11.1&I Hc ... nng SysttmJ db.. lllc El1•ironmcnc~l111> 1 lSS !Kluth l\at1a I ullrnon. <.A '12R3 I PREQUAU HED GLASS AND GLUINC SYSTFM SUBCONTRACT'O~ "'°'h11t1t11ral Clo1.u & Alum1n11m Co I') 11 Uni.1n ~trttl Chkl . .,,J. <.A ?4('1()7 r ndo. ( tirpora1111n lO~U 1 I ..lrl~oc l>rivt W1lnu1. CA 91711•> l'trmast~lu.i Cladding ·1n h11nlogia ll9 Nonh '>hnm•n Ava1uc l omn•, C.A '121182 Wal1ru "' Wnlf l,l;w I '17"> l'uJ<lmptonc Dnvr l_. Vrrnc, C:A <) 1 no lkmon lndu.nrio. In< 1.lSO b.n 2Urd '>1rcc1, \ui1t 101 ( .. mon, <.A •J074"> Model C:lll>S ( u1111w1y 4')()7 l-.;m l.u1dnn U11vc i\naht111i. CA 92!107 "lower Glo1. ... Inc. 9570 1'>1hw.1y S.rcc1, \u11c A ll•n•tt. CA 92071 Woodbridge-Gl.w ( -0mp.in)o 1111. 14321 Myfurd Ro-..J lw11n. CA 92780 PRJ::QUAUflED MlSCEl..LANEOUS METALS PA8RJCATION SUBCONTRAcrc>~ lbpko Mct•I kib111.aiinn IUK Norrh <...yprcs. '•rec• Oungc. (.J\ '1211<•7 1 ·owdco Sett! (\11111u1or> 1634 Wc.t 14th llrl'«'t l.ong lk.ii.h, \.A 90813 l'•r•111ow11 Mtuls •nJ ~upply l.om1w1y 11140 bm Ro.c..uru Aw11uc 1•.,•mt>ltn1, C.A 1J0723 27fM l'REQUA U FIED BUii.DiNG CONTROLS SUBCONTRACJ'ORS Joh11wn C11n11oh, In<.. ,770 w.r1.nJ ll11vc < vp~. <..A 90MO Sicrncru Building Tcchnulog1c~. ln1 I 077' llwincss Ctn1er I )11vc C"yp~. CA 1/0630 PREQUALlf'IEO FIRE ALARM SYSTEM SlJBCOllITRACl'Oll~ lohnion ( ·tm1mh, In• .., 770 w.rl2nJ l>mc C yprt'" <.A •Xl<t)O \icmcru Ruild1ng IC-.-hnolnsoc• In, 1077'1 8w1ncu C.cnttr Urnr Cyprus, C:A 90630· U I? ~1mplr• (,11011dl 17111 Wr« 'njuno• Avtnur llr•n11c. <.A '1211(•!1-101"> REP SUBMfITAL R£QU11lf.M£NTS SHAU. BE AS F01J.OWS1 RI I' ~111111111 .. J •h.tll 11<' u1b111111cd in thrtt wmp<>ncnri flint Componcnl Submitul wiU not be mcciwd aften 2:00 PM Friday, January JO, 2004 S«o"4 Componait Submittal wiH not be rccei~ aftc:n ltOO PM Wcdoaday, fcbruvy •• 2004 Third Comr,>ocnt S.bmittal will 001 be ~ Jun MO PM Friday, Fcbruvy 6, 2004 F1rs1 Compoll<'.111 lluhm111&l, '>nonJ <.11mpi1ncnt \uhmuul, •nd Thor.I ( omp<111Cm ~obn111ul wolf h.- rcum•d only 1r: Dalp lie CotUtnaelion Scrvlca Ull.i¥Cnlf1 ol Callforaia. !nine S201 Callforaia A.moc, .S..itc 250 J ,....IM, Callforala (9-49) 82~.)() Ancotloni Richud Geiger Two M&ndatory Pre-1'\'opoul Confcrenca and Mandatory Projea Site Vi.Mu will be "°nd1Jcted on: Pft.. PropoMI CoafCftl>tt No. I 2100 PM to S.00 PM Weclaeaday, 0-bu 17, 200.) 6uild1ns No 22A. Room 2107 Univcm1y ofCal1forn1a, ln1111c, Mtd11.tl ( enm I 0 I Thr Ciry Orivr l>r.ngc, CA 92868 Ptt-l'ropo-.1 Confttcntt No.2 2iOO PM to S.00 PM WedtoeMay, , ... ...,. 7. 2004 Building No. 2lA, Roc:>m .2107 Univcr111y o(CaliforniL lrvlnc, M...Jiul (~ni(r IOI 11\f \uy L),iv~ Or.ngr. (.A 928611 Only l'rOJJC*n ~ p.t111upa1c m 1hc iwo manchtory f'rc·Pmpoul Conferences •nd rhe rwo m•11(b1ory 1•ro1«1 olt Vi"ri, m 1bc1r en to my, w;tl be allowed ro p•Of)Of(,On the Pro!K' ~attiring i.- dwt 21.IO PM will 110C be &11-d to "1bmh Propoeala u O..lp &.a1ldc:r oo ~ P"Oiect- Prcqual1flcJ S11bu>nt1KIOn in prcqualifo«I tracb, u11Kont111c1ors in non prcqoalif.Ju..(lca, •1>d dt'i81' coruuh101a •rt irwi1«1. bu! nm rcqu1red. co acrcnd foor fiml>t>r infornw1011 u1111~ 1ht f'toject'a 0111rr~1 odmmi.nr•«or. Ri<..h•rd ~1gtt tit (949) 112'1,o117"> Propoo.J Srcunry 1n L~ al11(>11n1 of I O'M> of the lump Nm ~bod. ca{lt1d1ng .J1«nates, ah•ll ~company ~ Seo.one! Componttll l'rlpowl T'hc aumy 111&u1ng the Bid Bond •hall ~. on thc h11I dndlmc. "" """''""' "'"" lflJ111'" (•J ~""''Ill tlH c;,,JifonriA <AM •I Crvil ,.,.,_,,," 5'rT11111 9SIS. I J()) AU •NIJl'lYI« pollucs rcqu1ml 10 !\( obC1incd l)y Dts1AJ1 Builder and l.>c\181' Contultant• •hall be tuhi«t 10 appl'lwal by U11lvmi1y for form •nJ •ubf11ncc. Allauc..h polk."ies ~u1ml by Unlvcnuy fOf C.Onuncmtl futn1 C.nct1l uab11irl" Ua:st 1,~_bil1ry. ProfCllion•l l.Qbihcy and 8ml,_ Au1omobclc u~luy lba1I be lllUOd by comptnic:s w11h t l\ar Rating of A· or bm.c-1 and A f11ianc:i.J clutlfiuoroon of VIII O< ~utr, or w11h •n cquiY>lk111 "ting by Sa.ndani .. nJ "1Qr1 or Moody'•. All policies required by Un vrnl!Y for Wor4<tt'• Ulmpdl•tion •;'Iii E.mf>!oycr't Uabtlity &111JJ ~ owucd by cump.u1la with a (I) Bal Raung of 8+ or bmcr and a linannal do11fiaoon ufVlll or bmcr. or ""''h an cqwvaknr rating by Sundard and Pont\ or Moody'o; or (2) that im acupia.hlc 10 1!w Un1wm1y. S.1J1 in.u"n« 1hall be writttn 10 ~not IQll tlwl (u rcquiml by Foeckral aod Smc of Ctllfornia law) 111< C..tnollc.i1c ot lnaurarttt 1hall be~ on 1"4-IJniV'fnhy't foffn. 'Otc 1ua:ad"uJ p~ &llJ lr1 Subcontnetora will be required 10 follow 1hc-nond1.Krimnu1ion 1t11uir<me'fl1.t 1Cr fOn'h 111 th< Prol)OMI Oocun,..nl'J •NI co pey p~lllng .... ,..,~ 11 the locaclOfl o( the Wlltlt. Titc .-aufu.I PTot>o«r .lull~ rcqu1ml ro haV'f the followinr, {'•lifomi• c:on1ractor'1 liccft ... , the ril"M of the Propolll Qflm)11~ fer=! Qoihji~ f.pomqpr C1.ual 001ion) l'.nimartd ~nm11c1lon eo..t S 19),000,000 n I[ RI C:l'.NTS OPTI IE UNIVl-~ITY Of' CALIFORNIA Untw.~I}' o/Callfomla. lrv!M Otcrtiihcr 2~) B J\ibl~ Ntwpon DcKh Cotta Mal O.Hy r.l0t DccrmMI ,, 12. lOO:l ' .......... ... s...... The lollow1nc per~ons •re doone busine» ~ Ru•Ch, 981 01hlia Av• .. Cosla Meu. CA 92621> Marco fl Hacke1 981 D•hlta Ave .• Co•I• Mesi. Cf\92626 This busineu 1s con dueled by an 111t1iv1dual Have you slatted doina busmen yet? No Margu A H1cker H11s s talemenl wa> l1led with the County Clerk ol Oranae County on 12/09/03 200HH7Stt Dally Pilot Dec 1 ?. 19, ?6. 2003. Jan 2. 2004 F950 Se your unwanted Items the easywayl Place a Classified ad today I 9 642-5678 Policy How to Place A ·-.... , ..-----Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are subject 10 change without notice. The pubHsher reserves the right to censor. reclassify, revise or reject any classified advertisement. Please report any CJTOT that may be in your classified ad immediately, The Daily Pilot accepts no liability· for any error in an advertisement for which it may ht" rc3ponsibk except for the cos1 of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can ooly be allowed for tht• tin;t insertion. • • CLASSIFIEIAD --~·~ Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00p~ By Fax (949) 631-6594 (l'k'-mclude your ~ llJld phone n11mbet ond "<e'll call l Oii bao.'k wnh • pncc quoct 1 By Phone (949) 642-5678 I lours By Mail/In .Person: 330 West Bay Street Co~ta Mesa, CA 92627 At Newport Blvd. & Bay St. Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00pm ' Friday ...... : ............. Thursday 5:00pm Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Telephone 8:30arn-5:00pm Monday-Friday Walk·ln 8:30am·5:00pm Monday-Friday Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1170 GARAGE SALE AL ESTATE BUSINESS & R SALE 5005-5850 FINANCIAL 2305-2490 Subject to cond11tons prescribed by lhe University ef C•llfornla, lrvln•, suted proposols lor a 1111"11 wm con\racl 11e umted for the follow1n1 worli. SJUDfNJ CINJH fX"P1ANSION l'HASf 4 'Pro1•<1 MuMMrl •• 139 3 UNIV IRS TY Of UUfOltNIA, IRVINf GINlUL DISUtf'TION o• WORIC The proposed project consists of up1nt1on •nd renuvat1on ol the e • rstme St~dent Center Coinplu on the m11n campus of the Un1vers1ty ot C1hfornla. Irvine The scope of work includes ne,. bu1ld111a 1dd1t1ons total1na 1pp10<1m1tely 168.000 erou •quore !eel, an •ddll1on lo lh• Cross Cultural Center ol appro•imately 5.000 erou squire leet; m11or renov•lion to por11ons ol the main comple• tolahna 1ppro11matety 25.SOO aron ~qv•re feet, and •llowance\ for minor renovation lo ei1stm1 areas totalma 1ppro•1m1tety 35.000 a•on squire fu t In 8dd1l1011. there " utM$1Ve "'e work included tn the prol•ct ''OP• The structural system for th• new 4·•tory m81n t1ulld1n11 addition will be a structural steel frame with metal decks ancl h&hlwelaht conoute topptna Spr oyed lireprooltna: to all s teelworll will be r•qu11ed for the new Type II rR •ddlt1on f<lso 1nl luded Are reinforced concrete retalnm& walls. r1inforced concrete slab on erade, mechan1col eq111pm1nl pads. seismic 1olnll and miscellaneous metals and support Ir amine E•tertor ct1dd111a for this portion of the b111l<1ma will b• of muonry bric~ units w1lh metal ,lud support h1m1na Other e~le11or finishes include P!•·t •st concrete ba.e and 111111, alurntnum panels. 1lum1num fffmed insulated 111a1me. louver p1ne1s, elated entry doors and a contmuous nietal roof tnci• element The Crou CullutAI Conltr Addition " 1 Type V NR wood framed. shear Wdll !lructure ultl!lln& lru» 101st tloor 1qd root tram1n2 supported by steel bum• and p1pt columns. The 1dd11ton·s ulot1or fjntsh 1s 'onsistent with the uist1ne build1na i hte11or pluter fm1th Verllc•I trensportatlon includes steps and short •l•or lhahts. metal pan sla1" wtlh painted metal r11tln11s 1nd (4) hydtauht 111uen11er elevators. Interior componentJ ot the upanded fac1Jlly will 1nt lud• meot1n~ and conference area (lncludlna two la1ae mulU purpose roonu ot appro.,mately 6.000 and 9,000 a•ou square feet). food Service Aro (1ppr0Ktm1tely 23.900 GSf new/9.900 GSF renovated) to accommodate food preparation 1111., k1trh1n and urvery space. d1mna tac1llhu. and w pport fa.•hhes; Rehil f<re• (appro>1mately 6,000 OSI n•w/4,000 GSF renov1t1d); and Student A't1111ty/f<dm1mstra1tve OH1ce Aru (approi1mately 15.000 Gsr n•w/19,000 GSF renovated) Sitework Includes the demollllon of an 01shn1e bwld1n11 appro.1mately 17,000 GSF and the removal of other miscellaneous itruclures, a:ener1I site clu11na and substantial cul and 1111 earthwork Also included In Site development 1s on·arade plua areo with hord and soltscape to rema1nina sile areas l'aO<fDURIS Proposal documeots will be available to Prequ•hfl~d Prnpours at lO 00 AM. Friday, Oecernber 5, 2003 Prequahhed PropoHrs may pick up free <>I 'ha1ae • mu1mum of hve (~) uts of Propo~al documenb at Oeslan & Con.strucllon Ser111<.u. Umversrty ol Cahlornie, lr111n•. !1201 Cahlorn1~ Avenue, Suite 2SO. trvtne, California 92697 24!>0 f<dd111on11I sdt may be pur chned at prequalltled proposer's cost lrom Consolld1ted Reproc11pl11u Prppoul documenll will be available to subcontractor1 and de.,en coMullants al 10 00 AM, Friday. December !I, 2003, 1nd w1t1 be 11sued only at· Conooltd•t•d R .. rographlu, Int., 3 182 PuJlm1n SlrHI, Co1t1 Mna. Cl\ 9?6?6. Phon• • ( 714) 751·2680. Attention Mohammed Rehman or Sotfia f<c:cal HOJl1 IT IS JHE SUICONJltACTOltS' AND DISIGN CONSULTANJS' RlSl'OHSlllLIJY TO REGISTER WITM TMI UNIVllSITY Oil CONSOllDATlD Rll'ltOGltAPHICS TO ACKNOWUDGI lllCllf'T Of THI STUDINT ClNTIR EXl'ANSION l'MASf 4 f'ROf'OSAl DOCUMINU. UNIVlRSIJY Will NOTlfY SUICONTRACTOltS AMO DHION CONSULTANTS, WHO HAVl ltlGISTlltlD WITM DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION SHVICIS OR CONSOUDATID Rlf'ltOGRAl'HICS, Of ADDINDA, WHICM ARE AVAILAllf AT DISION AND CONSJRUCTION SERVICES. JHI fOUOWINO OISION I UIU>IRS HAVf HIN l'ltfQUAllflfD TO SUIMIT l'ROl'OSAlS ON THIS f'ROJICT1 H"••l Phet,• c.-.t,...<tl•n <•. 241 !'> C1mpus Drive, Suite l 00 l'Cl ConatNctl ... s ............... . Ir vine. Cf< 92612 Tel: (949) 852·01 l I Fu: (949) 852·0218 f'UQUAllFllD SUICONTlACTORS 200 Burchett Street Glendale. Cf< 9120'3 1~1· (818) 246-3481 F o (818) 247 ·!>7~~ H•t•• Pr ...... ftetl MCMtract•n wlll ... lde11tlfled .. , th• u .. tvenlly In the Rrl' do<Ufft•ftt•. .,, SUIMl'l'TAl ltlQUMllMfNTS SHAll 11 AS rouows. .,, WMlttel •IMI IN ••11t1tted In tlwee ~t•• First Component Submittal wtll-IN recelnd eft•t1 2r00 f'M, Tuestl.y, M••di U , 2004 Second Compon.nt Submittal wlH -t "• rece1.,,..i eftero 1100 l'M, Tlwr••y, M1tr<h 2S, 2004 Third Component Submittal wlll net i.. recehetl efter1 2.00 f'M, frldoy, Mowch 2•, 2004 F list Component Subm1tl•I, St cond Component Submill1I end lh1td Compo111nt Submittal will bt received only 1t: Oesien & Construction Servicn. Unl•erslly ot C1lllorni1, Irvine, 520 1 California Avenue. Suite 250, Irvine, Cl\ 92697-2450. (949) 824 6630 TlwH M....,ort ,,.....,.,.,..,,,. c ... ferenc .. .,.,. f'r•1••t Sit• Vlolta will be conducted on Tllvr•tlev, Doc__.,, ll, 2003, 1 rOO f'M, Un Ivers ty of C•lifn1n1• Irvine, Oes1an & Con&truct•on Servteea, 5'201 C1tllorn11 Avenue, Suit• 250 Sulllven a. Wrltht Confe11nce Room1. ''"'na, Cf< 92691·2•50 Tve1tley, F.-lorucory J, 200J, 1 rOO f'M, University ol Calllornl• lrvlnt, Oes111n & Cllnstruction Servlcet. Sulhv~n a. W1111ht Conference Room>. ~201 C1lllorn11 f<venue. Sutte 2SO, h vine, Cf< ':12697 2450 and Tuo•ff\', Jeloruery 24, 2003, hOO f'llll, Un1ve1•tty ot C1llforni•, Irvine. Oe.,gn &. Construction Services. 5201 Cehlorni• Avenue. Suite 250. Sullivan A. W111thl Cnnlerenu Room•. Irvine. CA 92697- 24.50 (l oc1ted at corner of C1lllorn11 Ave11ue 1nd Blaon Avttn111) Only Propose", who porticip•t• 1n th• three pre· proposal cnnt~r enc t s and project •II• v1s11J., 1n thel< •ntirety, will be allowed to propose on lh• pro1ecl P1!1son1 am~ln11 l1ltr than h OS PM ""Ill not be allowed to :uibmll propoul• H Oeslan 11,utlder on the PfOfeCI ror further Information. contact lhe Unlvtnity'~ Rtp1neo\at1ve S1.ott Moulton Al (949) 87•· 1~27. Propoul Security In the •mount of tO'\ of the lump sum base bid. eacludln& 11tern•tes. •hall accomc>eny each Bid. H1• Jurety iUui111 the Bid Bond shall be, on Ille bid dudllnt . an edmllled surety Insure! (II defined In the Callfornj1 Code of Clvll Procedure Section m 120) All ln11111nc1 pofic:lu r•qu11ed to be obliined by On 11n Builder •nd Oesian Consull•nll \hall be •ubjtct to eppronl by University for form ind substance. All \uch pollc1u required by Umvers1ly tor Commercial FOfm G1nerel l11b1llty, Prof1ut0n•I liabtllty •nd 1lu11nus f<utomoblle L111lOlty ~ll•ll b• Issued b'( companies with • Bett Ralln& of f<. 01 t>•ll•r And • nnanc111 clHtlficellon ol .Viii or bet t". or with 1n tQuinlent nttna by St•nllar d Inc! Poor \ "' Moody's f<ll pollcl .. required by University for Worker's Comptnutlon and Employ••'• Ll•~Olly 1h1lt be IHued by comp1nlet wltfl I (I) & .. t Rtllll• ol 8+ or better e"'f • llnanc111 cl1ull1callon ol VIII or betltr 01 with 1n 1qulv111nl tttfnc by St1ndard and Poor'' or Moody',, or (II) thal are accepl1ble to the Un1ve111ty. Such lnsuraooe shall be written to b• not IHi lh•n <•• rfqulred by federal •nd St•t• of Cetlll'!rnl• taw) The Ctrtlliute of Insurance 1111•11 ba luued on tilt Un1v11slty's lorm The •u«eufut Proponr •nd its Subcontractors wHI ho rtq111red to lollnw the 11ondrscr1m1nat1011 1•Q11lr1menl• Mlt forth 1n th• P1opout Documents and to pay p1enlllna w•a• 1ttts al th• loutlon of the Work. A copy ol the e•neral puv1Uina per dltm w•a• rates wlll be on fllt at Unfv.,•lly'1 prlnclptl Faclll~ office •no will be med• enllable lo any intereated perty upon requHt. For thl• project. Uie Unlverslly hu lnlli•tod end shall enlorc1 • labor conipllance j)rocr•m c•LcP') In conlorm1nce with L•bor Code sections l77l.5(b) •nd 1171.7 A C)rt·con•trucllor1 conftr•nc:• wlll be held with the 1uccenful Bidder 1nd ill Subcontractor• to d1'cun ltdtrel •nd •l•lt labor law 11qulrtmt nlt to thlt. project Tho succl\dul Propos.r will be r111qvlfed to hevt the followlna CellfOfnlt contr1ctor'1 ticenH at th• tlma ol tho propoi1I opening Genetti Ru1ldln1 Contr1ctor (License Cluslflc1t1on) l1tf-'"' c-~vcti... (oott SO,S00,000. Tt4C fttGE.NTS or THE UNIVtltSllY or Cf<UrORRlf< Unl¥tr1lty ol Ctllfornl't, Irvine Publtshed Hew t IHth·C0tt1 Men Dall Piiot 01cembe1 ~. 12, 2003 December 2003 F935 Best place In the world to advertlset Call today ta place your ad · Claaltled M2· 78 • ; ........ Index .... - ' , I . ":- • 7402·7466 -.- • '.t~ . I :. Unde r the Service Directory Banner IOOW510 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week For Only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 5 74-4245 Collectibles/ 1160 Memorabilia 1160 0.. of tile ~ ~at• colectlots of Hidey Davidsot celectMes Is OI stle IOWl J11t ii tt. for a.tst.osl CllS!om H.D. Cherrywood hutdl (numbtred) • The orlglnol H.D. pinboM Pl'. In pwitd c°""'°" • R11t edl!iOn ulKUf liatt.y Dovkhclll ICIMlbal cords • Lorge FronkNn Mint colltctlon • Ptwttr ploM and shot ~ colltc!ion • Model toll«tlons • first eclilion lorblt iloll <Ollactlon • llll1ht[1 new, honl lo find, uSld • T-Shirls from oll over the uSA, new and uwd •Watches, Clocks • Stomp colleclion • Sh and gold imigflio Celtdton • l'ewtlf' engint repliqi collection • Umittd edition sterling silver in9ot cole<tion • Loli of mbul\oMOUS Items. Cal for cletals: Ktvil 949-322·101 2 Ktvillu~ttabadl@sltcglollal.att '°'SS 4 RECORDS nc 0-1 .11aa. C11iis9c. Ett. 50s & llb """' • .el Mee. Spkr, tube afT1JS Announcements 1610 Mike 949·64!'>· 7505 ------- ENTERTAINMENT Calendar of fvents 1310 (QUAl HOIJSltG OPPOITlllTY All real estate advertrs· ina 1n lh1s .newspaper 1s subrect to the Federal F•rn Houslna Act of 1968 a s a mended which makes 1t illegal to adver l1se •any pref et ence, llm1hl1o n 01 d1sc11m1na1ton b'ased on race. color. 1ella1on. sex, handicap, fam1hal status or n1t1on1I oriam. or on intenlton lo m~ke any such preferenc•, llm1la· t ion or d1scriminat1on • ThlS newspapflr wjll 1101 llnowincty n cept any edvert15ement for real estate which 1s 1n vtolallon of the law Our readers are hereby informed lhat all dwell mas advert~ed 1n this 11ewspaper are t•allabte o~ en equal opportunity ba&I\ r o complain of dis· cnminallon, call HUD loll· tree 111·800·424-8590. Auctions 1CS WANTED ANTIQUES Olc!M Style Furniture PIANOS & Col19etlblff •"'1ol.nc.·~ .Sc;.,..,."""°'.~·""""' .... $$CA9"PAID $$ ~""*-•.....,,.."--t WE BUY UTATU •l..,.,...Jlol•~--- AITIR" ,----------1 ! ~~~S~.~;~,~~N.~~ I •'' ''' I : " : .. I I . COSTA MlSA SAT 1·t MUUI fAMllY OAUOl SAUi 2223 P1cilic Ave. ~ Vittoria a. wt.on. XmB deoor. 1!111; hol.ethol1 lteml. ~ etc. rr1"v a ~·"4-r •-2r>10 Cune1t1 @ F1ir 6 H1rbor, Cotta Mes• St1mpt., old alast jewelry linens. clothes, kltcti.n· wire a plenl pols C..fo ..... Set 1-1 rolltop ~sk. teblu, baby lltms, quality cloth1ts. •tb11m1, vlO.O., lint ttt, llMltoto 1445 Or•np IC • DUCIC SlASON f'rlvot• Dude Hunting Clu" approJ I/hr from Newport Beach. Excel· lent hunlina adjacent to state weterfowl refua:e, ownership interest & epprox 375 acres ot land & 1mprovemenh ~ your own camp compound w/struclure and 2 trailers Wonderful F11 n•aht BBQ's & wine tnllna durina: duck senon + many ext1u 1 Ideal for 2 trrends or lather & son. Call Mike al 310·541 0854. Would hke to contact a sonawrlt1na pianist, In either blues, 1uz. sw1na or pop, 1f you are. s•nd Phone I or ma1lrna address. where you may be contacted. to 0 L Ray c/o 0 M '-dams, l590 f<dams Ave Costa Mesa, Cf< 92626 3366 HOME IMPROVEMENT SERVICES 2600 MltcelllMOUI SIMca -$$CASH$$ Cuh now for structured settlements; annuotJu and Insurance payouts. 800-794·7310 I G. Wentworth J.G. ·Wentworth means cuh now for structured setllement s (Cf<L •SCAN) CASH FOR STRUCTURED Settlement/Annuity payments It's your moneyl Get cash now when you need it most! OldestJbest ... the bu5ir-. Settlenwtt P\rct..s. l .p;J7.Ha£V-t.£. (CAL "SCM) Ritlrts ml CMrl S200 OlshwaiiJw UXl Enter· IMvnlnl a-t Mi an qilW1lll S200 !M'#-7Z.2·!lal5 800UI 3100 NIUCATIOMS DISCOVER HOW TO aet rid of whatever prevents your lrom be•nc h•J>l>Y.. achlevin& your 1011s . . L1vlna in hu mony. Get Ol1n1t1u. S7,S8 Cell 1-800 801 · 39U www.di1ne\lu.or1 (CAL •scf<N) Fumlture 3435 CHER.RY SUIGH HD Solid wood. bra11d new •• bo• must l1lOlle. Wo<lll S8l> sac S<!i() 949-J5b.8:1!17 JEWELRY/ 3460 OIAMO.NDS/ PRECIOUS METALS Cooat Coln Need• Old Coins! Cold, sliver, iewelry, watches, antiques collecllblos 949·642·9448 cm ,3610 u scur 911 L 1fe's Uncer1aint1es ffappe11! Pet Owner$ Need Help Well Monnered Adult Cah & Older Do11s need new home' Adopt Adull Animals this Xmas! 30 day "turn Policy www an1n1alnetwork org \WfTlll ICITTINS & CATS Bottle Fed & km rllllied n cafl'\l hems. :J) ~ I .... ~. btlod ""'1l!Cl re.-. ftJb. ~ w ~- truovf il!th1 ~ ~ fllrl a RID 12~ 9'19644-lZJ9 www.aoimalnelwork.ore MISCELLANEOUS MERCHANDISE Miscellaneous Merchandise 3855 3-STHL BUILDINGS 36x36, 50•80. 10.150 Newt Neve1 Oehveredl Roy 400-499-2760 Business Oppor1Unltles Buslnessn and ffanclllses 3905 #l Internet f ranchise opportunity to those lookm& \o WOii\ 1nde pendenlly S8I< '"vest ment requ11ed. Includes training and suppor I for lranch1ses worldwlde. T oll·F r ee l ·888-452 -6737 Business Oppomantty SeMca 3910 BUSINESS OPPURTUNI· TY? Advertise 11 Slate wide' 200 Community newspapers. Ruch over 5 million Calllorntans. $450 tor a 25 word ad. Cal·SCf<N saves you time and monev Place your ad with this locBr pet tlc1pellnl newr.pap111. www.c1l·scen com (CAL SCAN) (Cf<t •SCf<N) Ollcabtau 4540 CM office sulllef, lor rent 12XJ2, parc1elly furn, ereat FWY access S420/mo 714·641-8600 ,_ u,..t. ...... otrm. & ~ ._..... ..v .. s1cr9 --~to M IJfP'Ct fl ""9 ......., 111 9\Xl'l Gd ~ w-. tee ~ ftnd cails'err.e rm Fnrn $ll!Q 9&7!1>1Wl Offkn 'in prof! suite. ~OSL.frt!C!~ secure btdl;. near !Wf<. From $700 9.756.5258 HOMES FOO SALE ORANGE 5400 COUNTY Bllllol llland ..._....,C...,.. lOO Bloct. of • Cor1I. Totwl Almodill ti 2ro2. Sl.aiK by (1N(lfl. ~ 51J 1915 COnlnldllMll NIWUSflNOS COMDO 3bt ~ den & U b• front 1>11nd naw So. of th• hwy l\,4&0,000 DUf'\111 3bt 3b• Ii 2t>r 21>• C0tntt No. of hwy Sl~.000 own.,'"U$1 80().(l.40. l .... COltl 3 bf 2.Sb• c:ondo w/lofV tllo, a•t•O to~ 2 t ll•cl! 1•t, I ,000 0 • 1oll1r 1J11l11u• Rut •t•t• 949.725.oeoo aas f ... ••pert •• ,... • ... reef 2'1r J,SO. no oeta 111&/mc> 1895 If~ A.,. 3 Mg.121).tm •ZOJ omNMATTtnSHY ~br ... ,.,. ... " -. "'-* ""-'· ~ $1.(IJ 11 '*tdt/Mt~ • Irvine TURTll ROCK U Ml'US Vl(W IROAOMOltf 3 homes 3 & 4br $549,000 $61 5,000 $614,000 Owner /Ae:ent 800 640·6661 Newport Coast STRADA 21 CASllLLNA OR 3br dwn ms tr. J Sba 3500sf. Flyer Virtual l(lur www vu home~ •llm Sl.670.000 A11t/owne1 949·637 0300 OMGRHHIELT CONDO 3br 3ba aated comm. no"" carpel/pain! Owncr/A11ent 800 640 6661 O.-..Helalottlllr31/-J>a Sl.825.~ 8 Costallna Coast Propertfes of Cahl la\l'ie LeaiJO 949·:1(19-8923 RURAL PROPERTY FORSALE . Ranches/Firms/ Country Property 5915 ARIZOHA 8fST IARGAIN, 36 acres $24,900. Borders St•te Land Beaullful ranch in Widiams/ FlagJtalf area. pedect 6,100' c~mate. Si>ectacular moun\;1111 VIOW';. Affordable hnanc111e. AZLR I 877 282· 5263 ·(CAI. •SCJIN) MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS Costa Mesa llr S470m I mile lo beach, vaul ce1ls, stove, Irie. ce1I fan & more 1S3 ( 16tti St 949-548-2421 GMAT wnlDI LOCATION 2bt , patio, laundry, w/ear & 3br. patio. laundry. no pets 949·646· 7363 tlar, Iba w.& ., ...... led. qu"'t a1ea, ez hwy &eeeSS, 19:13 Church St S945 714- 2.06 6.'lll ct 707 235 3717 (oshlcM 8ocltbay !Br (;oft¥ Wt\.a ~ yard S9fi/mo 329 ~ llf'j Cl'flSlm !MB-57~2031 Maple Apt.I l ovely Ga ted Comm. near T11anale Square. 2br Iba w/gar & fne. $1095, lbr Iba w/palto, carport, storage ~_., ~1 paid Klein~ 877·~ fat 9200 2br 2ba newer carpd, ra1nt, and hie, 2 c11 andem ear. wd hkups, aet S16SO 949-270-1103 YfARl Y OClANfRONT Available now • Sl675m f<s1oclated Realty 949-673-3663 f'rlatl11e 2 master .,drm sultH . Ideal loc within gated community, hghl & bnaht. $1795/mo year lease Ast. 949·632·2890 28r 1~ new painVcarpet. 2·cat 11;araee. backyard. 112 block to ocean. must Mie $11m/mo 949-Z78-l'l:6 cal between ~ 5pm ody $500 off move ri !il)lltlaf, 2br 2ba 111 ""' i-. st._ & rest.uants, fp, I c p wd A&! $18)) ~2!.ll-46.'Xl 2br 2ba + den. upper unit. bay vteW$, paho, shared washer & dryer, aet $1850 949 293 4632 f SIDE CHARMING, lilo.e new 2br I 5ba town· hous e style 2522 [Iden 51375/mo 949 642 5488 3'w, 2•1-. l ear. l. carport, \400+st, new illlPI ('Side hm, 2br Jl/:iba. 2 & crpl 3 wlndsone crt pattM, storae.e. n11 carp. $1900/mo 714-39().5870 lri&. w/d, wlt/111dnr paid ntpet Sl675m ~-3178 Laguna Beach UASlS AVAllAIU Newporl Beach. Newport CoHt. hvine. 3-5br from $200)no Aet 949-552 ~ OCEANFRONT 3br, 3ba, home. pvt aated street, Nf' Hefghh 2br 2ba 2 c ear, patio. decks, famrm, Ip, hdwd llrs. pvt $fBDn f¥i. Liz 9&464-lll4 yard, See 2110 Coral Ave. JZ2SOrno 949-642-5488 Laguna Niguel '"' 3bo houoe, quiet 0c_, Ranch bee Moot.. area, newly refurbished 4br 35bll gated comm. 2 · car aar, wd hkups,' peh ok. $4500/mo avail $2300/mo 949-759·0814 3/1. "l)(>t /Iii 949·240-9097 RentalToShare 6030 NewportBeadl 3br 2ha Upper un1I, 2 balc onies, fp, rnStl /livrm, J C aa, ntl paint aet S2300 949·293·4630 lido ltle woterfront 2b1 YIARl Y llASlS 2ba home 111, lrvrm w/tp, flN( NEWPORT HOMES view parklne S2500/mo lllll GRUNDY RWTORS 2br l.75ba on lhe wate1 949·322· l 11 1 949-61S-61• l la patio. deck. upa:raded kitchen, wd hkup, a11t. $2450 949· 293-4632 lido lale waterfront UDO ISU STUDIO •hare 2br 2bd home f~ l ar11e closet & bath. tvrm w/fp. pvt bath sunny exposure, SlOOOm I SIOOO/mo 949·322 I ll7 Aet 949-675·6161 Nl/O<eon View Room Oceanfront/22nd, Prl vate rm, unfur tl, share ba. uhls paid, n/smk, k1tchen•tte. In dry, I bi~ to Newport pier. S730m Call Sam 949.279.7905 (between 9am·5pm) "-' _. HIOW '" l:r anh l& yard. &OOCI rocmes. w/d. SBnro • S!':(Xl ~ + split ulll 949 650 3575 Storaoeftjarage Space For Rent 6060 Nl'I 24hr stor a~. 400 6Cl0lf units Perfect for vehlcles . low rates can Carolyn 949·863· 1390 RESIDENTIAL RENT AJ...S ORANGE 7400 COUNTY Balboa Island " ................ lloo "' t.d. AIC. w/d. 11111. •OICfo. d/W. nu apllpml. d!ocll, carport Slft.bno y11y 949-673-llle Oceon View 1 Ir, 1 le, Brand newl 1 car 11ar. Slf>SO/mo f<sso~1•l•d R•alty 949·675·3777 Balboa Ptnlnlula YUlllY OCIAHf1IOHT 28r, 28a, d n-CMIJllV palnVtile, l-c .... ~ ~Jay geQJ.3663 Con>nl del Mar I CIHn & Ne wl 406 Heliotrope (Front Col qe). COM, 2bd. Iba, new ~rte.hen ' b•lh, Ip, IVdwd flt tn LR l/1: &JI. Slltrad Wit> 71.t ·336-9800 s t p I c ,..c1-u..,., u .. 1t Studio W/ltllchtn. Prime oc nHt CdM •hops. No •h/sm,, Sl 100/mo ncludts utlls, av.ti l/l 111949·2Z2-~77S a257 • 1i.. .... Ip, 01>9n beem ~II'•. dec:k, wd hli.ups, I c pr S1100r'mo A~1il Jen 1'1 iM9-673'°3li 8-1 Newt, nmod J;ir" h , 2 c fl/I'. r-.w lldwd h. irrie en. Ip, no 11"'- lllllo omno !m.U~ ~Ylto,Mlw ....... tr, a.. 3t:I "'' -~.&=~ ' luxury Jr. 1 br p•ntlHe condo views walk lo beach, w/cJ, wood firs $H50/mo 949·722-8314 Yeorly 21r, 1 lo, steps to beach . SI 500/mo Associated Realty 949-61J.J663 Oceon View tlr I la br11nd newt 1 · c 11ar. all new Sl650mo Assoc1at ed Realty 949·673·3663 lay fr9flt 3br 2ba UPPW level. period style, a:re1t views. I c-ar a:ar, e&t S2800 949-293·463 l • PLUG . IN Plug Into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. I 1 , .i • t . , , " • , , 11 " , • r ~ i " , , , , 1 • ( I I \ I ~· t I • I -~ YOU LOOKlNG FOR t SPfCIAl £MPLOYEE7 e brlahtest? The Best? uoc>lement your loc:1I :tdVer11sln1 with state· ••cit 1clvetlls1n1l 200 community new$j)1pe1s ruchln1 over 5 million cahfornl1ns. $450 lor a 2':'WMcl eel. Place your 11d. with this local parhc1p1trn1 newspaper. vr ww. ca I· s "an.com (,t,,_ *SCAN) 1550 WEEKLY SALARY ~o<s1ble m1ilin1 our s,ales brochures. f'lo GAperiance necesary. FT/ PT Genuine oppurlunily ~~Ires provided Call JJJ8'808 5182 (24 Hours) (CM. •SCAN) ClASS A COl in 1ust 2 ~2' weeks. Tulhon paid. ?na ••perienced 1,vtra. No credit ohech . Lo na Haul Ormn1. 1·800-781 'l778 '1 et ee n ni> c r s t. com , • (CAi"SCAN) ..... Frail c6lt lmlDt lot busy Enclocrlnoloay oli>ce In Ne.wport Bch. ~n rewmn ~8856 ••c lwiMNM. lSI 2:500. 4wcl, 7<111 + m1 IOW/t.11 ""'· •Ir• .... : lllptrll orl1 conll 113,995 vSS2461 BM .... JU-.... -·~·-....... '97 A<-.. i. coupe EX, V-~ •nclne 6911 blKll/ar•y '"". SNt'. bHutiful unm.,hd cond, 1ar111d, non "'1kr S7995 llrm v0126751 Bllr ----.Gqllltuxm 'ts .._... Accer4 UI 4clr, 58k mi. GrHI Condition! Very Clan. 16999 C4ll !M9-642-0189 a ., .. , .. 5-t ~. 5lk lllL (1 .. ) 131- -~c.r. .... ~. °"'1 711 Mi o tm1> m• •'--m c-. Black, Only a mt (19811) $41,980 'H .. Clietw*H Clean! A St.all 0 9808 t > sueo .,.,.._scul .SiMJ, 14'1 1111 (19897) $49,980. '""'__... ,....., '00 S Type J .O v6, J!ill ml, full fact ~-·••111••1 "''"· sHver/oatmeal lthr. morf. CO, '!"em0<y pll1. CU310 Blxk. 34ll mi (193941) $25,980 Allanlallw -••• ... u ~. 3.0, 5spcl, 2311 mi. tult f1ct werr1nly, silvl!f/bll\ lthr, CO. m111I. 19in whl5. be•ullful hke new cond, fin avail v995621 S24.99!i Blu 949-~ 1888 -~.-.. C ... I ... '91 Cotua Sot. m1. blll/blk llhr, blk can1a1e root. Bose CO, am hn, chrm whls. &old Pkt. :books/records. hke new '8795 v557?81 Bkr 4'4t-SH-IHI WWW .O<polol.c- Chevrelet '99 M011t• Cat lo 2dr coupe, \16, 30K actual m1. 1o1lveo/11reen melalhc. CO beaulrful hke new cond. S689';, •872491 Bkr 949-586-1888 __ ......,....,_ Cerv•tt• '9 2 Cenv White. On&mil owner, low ml. immaculate cond Sl5.000 ~2 212 4117 Flet SOO -lt70 &ood concl, new brealles/ clutch& sl\Pcks $5000 t4t-'3 1-1ts• fer4 '•S Mut••t Conver lib le. 011c1nal owner, sohd car, nust "' S1&!m 00o ge.ng.29C. beaut loke new unmarked cond, $23,495 •1752262 Bkr. 949·586-1888 www.....,.c_ leper • ., XJ• British rac1n1 lfffn/tan lthr, CO, fabulo us cond throuthoul, $11,995 v5972 I blu 949 586 1888 --·~-~ J.,..a., 't4 XJ6 V-.le" Pin melilhc red tan llht. beaulrful 011111nal cond, m ust see to 1ppreclate. &•r aaed, non smkr, $6995 v702571 Bkr 949 586 1888 --........ 1.<- LANO •OVH 2000 Orscovery II S07. dual moonrls, rear 1ump 5Hls, heated SHI fat warr 36,000 mi. 121.900 V1f!ib'Btl .tn1 714-Z12 5161 LEXUS lX470 '00 'O.fM ....... SOO Metallic Black, only •1111. ( 198220) 56,980 "SM--'-eU.O White (19836) $22,980 ,.,. ,._.. .... ,.. S.lver, 61k mi. (194481) $23,980 'O.f SAAa f .S Only 21K m1. (19869) $24.980 '"v..,..,.._ ...... ,,. (19728) 19,980 tff-574-7777 PMILfSAUTO ;ILi; rhcm 4X4 blaclt.. arey llhe _....._ 'Ol .. u.--.. ... inter. tow pka 43K m1 ... ~ .._, $36.150 949 350-5202 foplfonic, monl cond1l1011. 8500 miles, one owner $62,000 pp 949-351-1719 UXUS 't9 •x JOO Pearl White, 4X4, healed suts. showrm cond luca r aci., low pka. $19,900 949 350 5202 Ml•ClOES 't2 JOOTI W~son, auto. survool, 3rd seat, white tin/ 1ntero0t. S 10,!)00 12!;11 ml 714-!>49·9942 ..... •w .. 'tt 4.• HSE 4& ml, tull fact warr. blk/blk llhr. 18" chrm whls. superb cond llYGUWil $2'2,!l!lr> vll721ll Bkr 949-586 1888 www.e< ..... l.c- "STARTING '"• :ANEW 'BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Tl" &gal ~partmmt at the Daily Piklt 11 pkasrd to anno1111u a 11t'w srrv1u now availabk to nt'W businrsus. ~ wiJJ MW SEARCH the namr for you Rt no t'Xlrll rha.rt;t'. 11nd utw you UK tirM ttnd t:ht' trip to thr Court Housr in Santa Ana. Thm. of couru, afar thr , .. m1rrh is compldrtl UK wiU fik your fictitious bu.sinrss namt' statnnrnt with thr Co1mty Ckrlt. publish oner a wult for four wrrlu as "qui"d by law and thrn fik your proof of publication with the County C/nlt. PILllU 1top by to fik your firti11ous bus;,1t'SJ NITM Jtatnnrnt at rhr Daily Piklt, " 330 W. Bay St, Cost.II Mrsa. If you cannot ttop by. pkasr cAll us 111 (949) 6424321 and wr wiU maill 11m1nKffllmts for you to handlr this pro«durr by mail If JO" shoukl haw 11ny farthrr qumiol'U, pk111r raU us and wr will br morr than glmi to assist you. Good Lurlt in your nt'W busiMJI! allforn1a law ,.. quwn tti.t contrac· IO<s takln1 tobs th1t total S500 or m0<e tabof or materltls) " lictnted by lht Conlrulors S tate icense Board. Stitt lew alao requires that contractors include their lktnst number .n IKIYttrrsJna, You en c'-11 the ~talus of your llcen .. d contrac l or et www.cslb.ca.p or ·321 CSLB. Unll- secl contrectors hklna lob.s that &obi leas than S500 ust 1t11e ln thelf Hllerttaemenn th1t 'I ert not lictnHd wy· th1 Contt aclo1S St.le license 8011r cl." a •••• ,. .......... ~ A-Z HANDYMAN lnsllll. reface cabinets ~docrr,lwlrmws molcq. Ooua 714 54&7'a - llfl Ii f' ' \ ' " 1·1 ' ' ' ~ .. pet CINlllnO speNI 3 rooms & hallway •·• Include$ piec;Ol1dlllonWlg CM.I. TOIMf ·CUM TOUY llYlll 714"321-3142 ornc1114 ..... 1111 ~llntcts COMPUTER HELP! ......... ""' ..... ..,. ....... '"•* ·~ •Wll>f'9~·· ·~­·Ob~ • Oglttl .. l'td>. "'* ·~=,~ 1ov .. ~~ 7 1+.6 12~2786 SMAU JOI lX"IRl local. Qu1c-Re1ponse Home. Y1rd & Dock (lect 20 Yrs Ellp Ow1Cam DDclr~ l.'27'5&'0 ~ 70C2 l .l.C. llectl'tr Low price$ local contractor, no lob too lrld1 lled1 S9-Tiie smal. no lob too ~ IWs Concrotlt. Pillo, Orlww1y .,._ req.iet. IJICl~IOJal c.,.l...,."8fel Fkeplc, BBQ. Refs. 25Yrs (714)142·l410 o CAlt'no c.u .. n~ [1p. Terry 714 557 7594 U<lMSIO COMTUCTOlt Repairs. P1tch1n1. Install c--...y w.. Ho lob too sm. M wYMSI Courteous. 1ny size jobs. c.rr.it,. 8ricll. Sb1I. Tll. Reparr, r•moclel. fllnS, Wholesale! 94~492 0105 ~ .itc. ~ Ho tpll, -SVC ~Jl'lj6 FIND an apartment through classified job too srNI 714-Q~ YOUllNOMI IMNOVIMIMT f'ltCUt<n C•ll e plumt>er. pelnltr, henclymen, Of 1ny Of tht lflll HOiets tlstecl here In ow 1trvtce dlrtcloryl THEst LOCM. St«: l'EOf'I..£ CAN HELi' YOU~YI Friday, December 12, 2003 AU TODAY'S CROSSWORD PUZZLE The biddmg: F.&lropt, ca111e ID the Uni.led S!Mlel to play a maich 111alftat tho Four Atts, die.~ ~-this Ude of Ille ~. Tbii VtM. ID df'ect. die lint Wand °'"npkwblp Tu add al k> the COCOUnter, lhe l1lllCh WU played (Or wl\lll WU, fQt dlOfiC days, I ~ SI.Ile. Thlt mi4'11 have illOlltoccd the OlllCCXne ol lhi~ deal NORTH F.M.7 sotm 1 WE.\'T E~ by today'& Aandlrds tho AUi:· don wa.' impeccable. Sitting We.1 WU · Plctn: AJbamn, Star or the French ICM!. SollCb WU Ufc Mulct No. 8. RlcNrd L. Frey. Cunvinoed rrom tbc bidding lhlit dcclur« had cluba well stopped. Albamn decided on the nculllal -!>plClc lead. ~liarer played low (rum dwtvny, EaM won wilh tbc queen and h11\.cd lo a hcan 10 dunu11y'. king. Frc.y could count ciibt tricb. lllld Ille ninth cook! be M:t up in clubs by force, IO declarer l'lll d1r 11.iac of clubs. Alblnan ducked lllllOOthly with lbc five! 10 .._ I PMS ,. ,_ ,_ .... )NT ,_ Opening lead: Seven of • Ccnrun hand~ h'c in bnJgc hi~to­ ry. Tius ariy cumple of Jc:ccpliun i~ a ca..;e of greed heing puni,hed. In 1935 France. champion~ of With nioe tricks assured. dcclllrer .:ould have claimed hb contrat..1 but. ~i~-c ~ trick wa_' worth 100f~). Frey lncd for the u~ennd. by rcpc.i1- rng the fine~..e. A delighted Albarran cashed four clubs for 11 llll<·Uk k ..e1 '00 J.2' CK C- S.VOii. Allio, Na• System. llenon llMld ed (839989) $29.900 '00 740lt Whit/81\, N•vi, CO, Sport Wh~ (Pl!>-4!>4) $36,900 '01 X-S J.O 8111/Gry, Prem Pk1. CO, low Mo (M61231) $34,900 'O.fC..-.Cf1<_. ••• Pewlwr, lo•ded, MoonRoof, low Mr. (12218A) $39,900 'O.f Y"*-Sl.T PtWllf loaded, 22K m1, Ped .ell (202894) $26.900 'OOGUOO Whl/T an Platinum Series. low Mi, CO (099216) $25,900 '9f Cl.K-J.fO BIVBlk. Allio. CO, Bost, Creal Price (04852!>) $?3,900 '01 Gr...J AM SE Aulo. AC, CO. Re<ir Spk (263421) $9.!JOO 'OJ New•••rle CO#flrl Ooly IOI. mo CO Blu,./ Bl" (J00205) Jll,900 '99 S-4.fO Super Cleon! CD, l ike New (431928) $28.900 -....... ,, ... '00 4.0 SC 1611 1ctuel m1 full tact w•r. blk/c.r n11I lthr. beauhlul hke 11•w cond. Mui! see to lllllJreciMa $28.49!> .01/896 Bkr 949·!>86 1888 www. .LOM ...... ••v•r '9S 4.0 SE 80k+m1. black/Ian lthr. -.up er b cond lhrouaht. boob , record~ $1 0.495 v04b829 ~ 949 5 86 18 8 8 --.e· .. •··- ........ ,., ..... y o .. w.- lfoedlun1. lmmaculele condition, Sl2,000 u ll ~62-212'4117. BOATS BOAT llPAIRSI SBMIB BOATSSlfS/ MOOIMS/ lAUMCfflNGI STORAGE 9680 IOAl St.W, "de loe. bOh p lus main ch•11nel Newpor I Penin•ula, now dock. 949·675 5900 * In' lO SO' SUP * Balboa Penn Bay Island Cove area. secure, home owner. 949-922 7777 Newpert leodo so ft Shp available SIOOO/mo call •949·723 3143• t4t-650-2222 Tlle'•lw,.-Atrt.a.-. 19"6 CA~ ZJFT. rOll!I flal IUID plat. 8"'N dmd irtioerd. ~ ~. hlh bollom paint recent, f l..,... ....,.... dllrl II & OIL eilX> !M&-m.3250 "Employee. " T•v••• ·91 c..-eh ox 60ll • mo, auto. pw. pl, cru'"· wh1te/arey rnl, superb $4995 vl!>7829 Bkr 949·586·1888 www.acpalol.c- UNGl •ovr• ltU SpilllJat...,.... IOllll W...011 9530 LWB. 11511 mt. blue/Ian. Mastercrafl '95 Ski boat 111 suspension, 1mmac ulate throuiihoul S6495 with to wer. s tereo. PMiiDI "11 n4 2226161 custom cover. $11,000 Tree Service, VArd Clunup, Maintenance. Sprinkler Repair. H1ulin1 (t4t) 00471 l RI.., l IJRE • I!( f',\IR /i. IH MOD[ I INC I ,1 It I I• I ,1 1 .I ' ,1 _,, j 562·212-4117 GF.NEIAL IF.ftll Ir IWN'l'ENANa .. l1tildmtJal • CoovntJtlll No Job Tho Small Dave Ba.mlltoa 949-322-8292 &..1'C...,._ ,..,., C.,pentry • Ph1mbro1 Drywall • Stucco P1inlln11. I lie & m<l<• 2G< Years C 1penenc:el .111••·•"-s11• Hiiiing JU.• TO THl DUM,111 714 968 1882 AVAILABLE TOOAYI 949 673 5566 H_ .. CJ--',,.eb,.'4 Wkly/Bl-wli.ly/Monlhly Ref's Crut rates• lnltkA 949-~ 9&-278-0837 ...... _ .... ,.. ... _ ... ,., Dr•1 T Htl•t o.a.c. ........ ~ ~r:J~a "E l do " mp ea . "A rbeitMhmer. ,, "Employe." Misc llntcts HOUOAY HRI' Home & Party Otc:M free l11rn· min11. Room Makto•er s, Showm1 949 459 8270 Open70ay. low Rat• Stonlge Specjele Since 1981 949-645-4545 HST MOVOtS SSS/Hf'. Servlna All CillH lnslH ed TJ63844 323 997 1193 323 630 9971 ull PUBLIC NOTICE The Cell!. Publle Ullllhes Commlnlon requir•• that all usecl household a oods movers rrinl their P .U.C Ce f number: limos end ch1uff1urs pr Int their f C P numbet In 1H •d•tt tli.tments II you have any quHt1ons •bout the l•&•llty of • mover, limo or ~.clll: PW&K lf11UTln CCNl ... tlDll ... 171 ..... 7 SEU ICf~ <UnOM .. MmNG Profl, clean. quality w0tk lnlerlor/nl •nd docks l 1703468 949-400 I 054 RMNIOW m<11 MMfT P11nlln& ~at. Uwse/~ Qualtty job! f1ce estimate L'569897 714 636 8888 •< •r IOivblooOI Miii J llenllOrt SCWER JEHING ELECTRONIC SLAB LEM OET'ECTIOH frlenclly Service t4t -•7S-tJ04 -~allll Ll~l'1"'Wf'f'CI ~~ awooon -• * ........ ., 71._8'7......, SIWll AleDUllQIAm& (t4t) '4S-2H2 NO MATIER HOW YOU SAY IT, CWSIFIED CAN Riii iT. Tree Service Big Mike's Trff Servke ................ fdulMt, Ir... Ww\ c ... ...... a.. U,\ t4/1w 5'11, hlC....~ 949-4()0-4277 Strip ' ...... ,.., Custom Hand Pointed Mlsab & faux. P~ Artist lor !We 9:S811 lllM THI STlt ..... l•I SptlClalrltnl Ill Wallpapr Remov~I l tl>88241 949-360 I ?I I NCMllST & llUSOMULI ........_ W.... 0.... l'WMla -....., E~' fr• Esa Sm r'l)lh.. ...,.,..., Track•. Sills, OCTrCOlllllc. n.4-ZJS.9150 Screen. 714 957 3301 f'ltlCIH f'WMll... OOt.OlN WIST Repllra ' lttmCHlelina WINDOW sr•VKl FREE ESTtMAtt ll6S7l98 714•969 1090 S•ltstaclion Guaranteed 949-631 1562 714 9E6 90«) SEll your stuff through classified! H LIST YEA.R.-EV .ENT . . OVERBO TOcHoosE (1874et) 27K ..... ~ f'80Wy W..,.,,ty, Full Powet', In Xlnt Condition................................................................................................................ FROl,f ~~~~ ~o~ .. ~~"" .--. Under Fectory ~•manty, xtnt v.11 ............................................................................................................................................................. • t • I• .. . ~~~.:!!;_~!!.~~-~~!. .................................................................................................................................................................................................... : ............. • t ••••• ~~~~:!~,!~~~~!~v':~Y~~.~-.~~~ ............................................................................ -............................................................................................... • t 8 I •• 0 · ~f.!?!'!. ~~ !o..~2.:'~ ~ 8-t, L09ded, Lllw New, Seve ............. ~ ......................... : ............................................................................................................. • t • I... 112:5 ~~~~1~2.:~~0r!'!Ao!_~ L.Mtriet, Under f'ectory W9tlT ...................................... : ..................................................................................................................... t • I ••• ~!i>~.P:. ~,2.A,.2.?! Moon Aoot ............................................................................................................................................... -.......................................................... • t • I ••• ~~~!,_Y,.~~~=~~ 'i!.. wtth lumber 8uppot1 ..... -........................................................................................ _ ................................................... • t 7 I ••• ~!;~~~~~~~~~~ .................................................................................................................... : ........................ , ............................................................... •• t ,eoo ~a!a!=~~l2.A ~.~~ Enteftal,,,,_,. ayet ....................................................................................................................................................................... 4 I ••• :!:,.';!~~~~e.Y~!!'2.~..,~~ Ctwome Wheete, CUmete Contnll ............................................................................................................................................. I ••• ~a:t.~~~~~~~1 ~~~~>!:. Ctwomee • UW1nOINW1ll~--JIS &4-.............. --.. --···--·---........... t I ••• --------------_. ... --------------------------------.------~--------- Spa Gregorie's Order Form ( rl'IHh.:n1,rn\ R1.·11 1.'.ll A111.irn1 Ru '.ti B.1t lii11 • Ritu.11 I.\ .1 I );He for 2 Mothl'r/I ).1u .J11n/I m:mh S >.1 0 .1 I .1vcnJc rrl:10 •<:rim:/l lonry l~oJy Polish Sp.1 M.inirnrc EnJcrmolo ic " Vl\11 our wch\lre .11 WW\\ 'l'·•grrgor1t·' 1.orn or 1.omulr our 11u·1111 for J complc1c l1sr of services Payment: U Check U Credit CarJ Inform.Ilion U Mal!tcrc.m l .J Vi,,1 U Amcri1.;ll1 l·.xprt.'\\ ('..1r<l No.: __ _ ___ / I ...l t\11 mrll h~n1ll\t 'h'l'I"''' '" l \ '""' < lll1« .. M SI \lnpp1011 per l<K Jlltll\ U I -.1ll p1<k up rncl\ h.uull\r frorn 'II" ( .rr1;to11r\ hy For 'IHc:phonc Order (949) 644-6672 Mon -Sun 9am -9pm For Fax Ordc:r (949) 644-6323 24 Hours On 1.im: Order ';"ww.spagngories. com • I I • . i "Wlu11 n benutiful spa. The low lights and rundln set surh 11 ,y/Jz.xing mood. I klve the qt1it't room. too. (im ·, 1t111it to bring my fami~y bflrk lurr!" Nicky, Twtio "Dr. Negus nnd I t1isitt'd your sp1t Ian S1mdL1y nnd I ran speak for both of us -it was fa11tas11r! I stiU feel tlu effects and I have had n stressful weelt.' You have two reg- uL1r r1utomers for lift! You may use my stalt'mmt as I hope othen wiU go and get rej1111e11aud too." "It was absoluu heaven. What particularly impruud me was the everlasting spa trrahnmt. just whm I woukl thinlt it was over, my aesthetician continued to malte my very first farial experimce ont that I will ""'er forget ... Li.a G~nwich, Rhode bland "Tht thoro11ihness, ambience llNi attm- tivmess of your spa anti 114.ff 11re superior to anythint I've ccperknced befo"· Thanlt you for bringing such a wondnfol escape to tlu 11eithborl1ood. " PauJa, Newpon Beac:b I. ... ....... ··-·-- "Yot1r therapists are /iT'lt-rate! I've had mm· sages around the worU and yours are the best. Thank you" -..:· Dave, Newpon Beach "Your lave for your work refoct.s i11 the incredibk service you provide. Our guests spoke very highly of their treatmmts ru the best they've ever had!" Mcredjth, Rin Ca.rhon "What a wondnfu~ caring 11nd warm mvironmmt,· I thoroughly enjoyed my visit The communicatio11 between tlu spa coor- dinator, therapist.s and myulf was fanwtic. I need a quiet room in my house!" "Wh•t " wontlnjiJ 'sp.Um.U apn-imce-1 had yestnJ.tty. The soothing, relmNnt mvi- ronmmt with ~· lightint attJ bta"tifal fab- ria was a pnftct comp/nnenJ to my pnfict tn11tmmt. You can be suw I'll be baclt!" ·..f ,,. .. Klmbuly, Pint Americaa Trutt ·--.