HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-20 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotServing the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 20, 2003 PHOTOS BY DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT A happy Pomona Elementary kindergartner shows off her Christmas gift to teacher Jenni Smith, left, on Friday. Students of Harbor View Elementary and their parents have donated gifts for the children at Pomona for the past two years. Giving close to home Pomona Elementary School students get Christmas gifts from their well:off sister school Harbor View Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot F ive-year-olo Sandra Ocaranza stood patiently in line with other kindergartners at Pomona Elementary School on Friday, waiting for a Oiristmas present from another child she'd never met. Pomona student aide Jennifer Zanchez said. "Parts of it are very, very rich, and this school is very, very poor." When c;he got to the front of the line, a plush doll of the lionesc; Nala from "The Uon King,· which was half her <;i1e, wa.'> waiting for her. She smiled widely and threw her a rms around the animal. hugging it tightly. Students from Pomona Elementary line up patiently to get gifts being handed out by Harbor View Parent Faculty Organization President Tamie Rus, who organized the dnve. Harbor View, which biti. on a hill surrounded by muJtimillion-dolJar home\ only blocks away from the beach, adopted Pomona, which is on Costa Mesa\ predominantly Latino Westside, as a sister -;dwol about 10 years ago. Pomom1 Principal Julie McCormick said Since then, I I arbor View hru. donated Thanlsgiving food baskets every year aml. for the past two years. given wrapped gift<; to every child at Pomona. rhe toy was only o ne o f 500 donated by studenb and parents at Corona del Mar's I !arbor View Elementary. a c;chool about as different demographically from Pomona as one can get. "Newport-Mesa i-. one of the most diverse lschool disirici~I m tht• rnuntry."' "This is really neat for our See GIVING, Pa&e A4 Parade judging is their little secret It's not the Enigma codes, but it 's enough to keep the boats on the harbor all five days, Christmas Boat Parade judges say. June C11a1rande Oa1lyP1lot NEWPORT BEACI I -Among the hundreds of thousands of people enjoying the Otristmas Boat Parade this year are about 32 people with more pull than most. For two nights of the parade's live-night run. they gather at a secret location on the shore and, clipboards in hand, they rate what they see. The judges of the annual Christmas Boat Parade try to keep a bit of secrecy to the pro· ceedings but. judge Seymour FAMILY TIME Now is the time campaign Is to send out cards showing the three wise men following the start of Bethlehem. ·And they're bearing your spices! Now, tbat'11 perfect!" Scrooge says. "No, no-no T here is a classic bit by Stan Freberg ln which he plays Mr. Scrooge. the bead of an advertising firm thnt ia aggressively promoting the sales of anything over the Qui tm114 season. As he goes around the room during a meetlng dJSQovertng what campaigns will be .__ _ __, ..... _ __, product In It,· Cratchh i;ays. ·1 was just going to say, 'Peace on earth, goodwill toward men ·· STEVE SMITH There Is Instant commolJon ln the room and In the background, one of the meetJng at1endees ls heord to say. ff Nowthat's a pecuUar running, he happens on a guy nrunetl Bob Cratchit, who owns a HllttJe eploe company In Bast Orange,NelN Jettey.~ CratchU tells Scrooge that his o nly plan for hit O\fl11mu SM FAMILY, PqeM THE WINNERS For list of winners, see page A4 . mg 11 all out." Reck said, "If you hired a pri- vate investig-d· tor, I don't think you'd have too much Lrouble. figur· For example. it wasn't hard to figure out on Friday that 1.he judging wa' already complete once the chamber sent out its li."t of winllers. Even when not-so-well- Daily Pil ot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com WEATHER ~ guarded. Lhe secrec..)' serve<; a purpose, said Richard l.uehn. president of the Newport Beach Clamber of Commerce. whose Commodores Oub puts on the parade and overseeb Lhe judg- ing: If participants don't know what night the judging will take place. they're more likely to take part in the .parade every night. And that just adds to the cham bcr's goal of putting on the best See PARADE, Pase A4 The sunny days a,.. peued. Today, the clouds reign supreme. SeePa1eA2 PILOT CALENDAR By now, moat reader1 1tiould have received • copy of the Dally Pilot's br1nd new events calendar. The celendar 11 ctlodt full of llstlng1 of local society, aporta, entertainment and news events that are of Interest to our readers. In addition, the Dally Pilot Sunday edition will feature an updated events calendar that will run on the lest Sunday of the month. Anyone it'lterested In purdlaslng an additional events calendar cen do so at the Dally Piiot offices at 330 W. Bay St., Coste Maaa. Addltlonal calendara are $5 each. For morit Information. call (949) 642-4321. Former city attorney refiles claim After two months, not all of the Costa Mesa officials named have signed off on the settlement, Jerry Scheer's lawyer says. Deirdre Newma n Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Former City Atty. Jerry Scheer has refiled a daim aHain~t the city. tired of the '>ix drfendant~ dra1:a,'ing their feet on a settlement agreement to hi~ lawsuit. l11r claim makes the same 29 complaints that were in the original ton claim he filed in April, including violation of the Family and Medical Leave Act. -;lander. libel and retaJialion. Scheer filed hi<. lawsuit in Sep- tember. In October, dty leaders an- nounced they were settling the law-.uit for $750,000. Almost two months later, not all of the parties to the lawsuit havl' !tl!.'llCd off on it, srud Dan Stormer, Schecr's attorney. l"hc lawsuit named as defend- ant.; Senior Deputy City Atty. Marianne ~lilligan -who was PUBLIC SAFETY QUESTION What should the city do now that Jeny Scheer's claim has been refiled? Call our Reader's Hotline at ? • (949) 642-6086 or send an e·mail to dsilypilot@latimes.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. known as Marianne Reger when the suit was lilt'd former councilwomen IJnda Dixon and Karen Robinson, Mayor C iary MonaJ1tm and C ounnJwoman Ubby Cowan. Refiling the ton clam1, a lirl>t step toward filing a lawsuit, re· winds the legal proce!>l> to the be ginning and starts the taxpayers· tab runnjng again. Stormer said. "[The defendants! certainly are welcome to come talk to us again about the concept of settle- ment,"' Stom1er said. "We'll be much less inclined to be reason- able than we were before. I've been doing this for 30 year' and have never seen a city act so irre- sponsibly." Melanie Poturica, who repre- sents Lhe city. said the defend- See CLAIM. Pa&e A4 Snowden chief in Beverly Hills ·1 he retired Costa Mesa chie f will serve as interim head of the L.A. Coun ty city's police department. Oeepa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA Ml~A -Dave Snow- den is not done being chier yet. On Jan. 5, the man who retired after leading Costa Mesa's police dl'partment for 16 years. will t<lke over ru. the interim police chief for the city of Beverly I !ills. It\ going to be quite a com- mute from Newport Beach. But Snowden sajd he is up to the drive and the chalJenge the job tt~elf presents. "Revcrly 1 lills and Costa Mesa have a lot in common,· he said. "They both have some high-end shopping. We have South Coast Pln7.a here and they have Rodeo !)rive. The two cities are alc;o very i.imilar in size.· HOLIDAY TRADITIONS Does your family heve a specific holiday tradition 7 Helping dad put up the decorative lights? Creating edible treasures in the kitdlen 1 Special prayers or folk tales that ere shared around the table? Whatever It Is. please let us know by calling (949) 642-6086 or sending us an e-mail at dafypiloCO latines.com.Please spell your first and lest name and Include your hometown and phone number. The Pilot will run the re1ponae1 on Tueaday. LETTERS TO SANTA What Is on your holiday gift list Snowden. who retired in lune. was re- placed by John I lensley. who came 10 the city from Cypress. After his retire· ment. Snow - den started Dave Snowden his own Costa Mesa-based company. Pendragon UL which offers busine!>b development and security advice. as well as private investigation brokerage to peo- ple and businesses. Snowden "31d the opponunity was unexpected "I got a call from a recruiter earlier this week. if I would be rn· terested in this posiuon," he said. "l said ·ve:.: I had an inter- view set up on Wednesday. and [on Thursday! 1 got a t•all saying 1 was selected for the job.· He's looking forward to get11ng See CHIEF, Paae A4 this yeer7 A monogrammed handbag? The latest digital camera? A shiny new bike? Regardless of whether you have been naughty or nice, we want to know. Please submit your •Letters to Santa" by calling (949) 642-0086 or sending us an e-mail at ~.com. Please spell your first and last name and lndude your hometown and phone number. The Pilot will run responaas on Christmas Dey. SPORTS Newport Harbor's renovated pool opens In time for girts' water polo to defeat CdM, 8-7. SeePa1eBl A2. Satw~. ~ 20. 2003 ) . BOOMERS & BEYOND ! • ,~; ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~=--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--4'~1 Turnaround's fair play I ' ,/•1':1 ' .. 1;;".' Things might have been d ifferent for hospital CEO Doug Drumwright if the Costa Mesa resident had been one of the Beatles. Lule Pefta Daily Pilot • EDITOA'S NOTE: Today, the Daily Pilot begins a new feature: a weekly ·a & A• with a senior in the community. For the Inaugural a111Cfe. the Pilot's Uiil '91\e set down with Costa Mesa resident ~ DNmwright. the 58-year-0ld cti1ef executive olfloer of Psrlcview Community Hospital M&dicaJ Center 1n Riverside. Where did you grow up1 I grew up in south Louisiana. In Baton Rouge. It was a semiruraJ neighborhood. We weren't out In the country. but we certainly were not in the city. and it was a neighborhood of small. slngte-family dwellings. I think the house I grew up in was slightly less tha_n 1,000 square feet for m y parents, sl~ter and I. Pretty modest, but tha1 was pretty much what the neighborhood was like ln general. It would have been from the late '40i. to the earl)' ·so-.. What kind of childhood did you ham me to Southern California. Wl:ull 9" )'CMll' ........ ~mmt9 In llle1 That one Is pretty easy. My greatest accomplishments in life are my four kick I have two boys and two gjJ1s. who are healthy. happy, well-adjust-ed aduli. today. That is by far my gxeatest accomplishment. Any reasonable part that I can claim for that ~ I am happy to claim. I! you could redo one moment Ot' lnddent In your Ille what would It bef I would have handled the divorce from the mother of my children. which took place 20 years ago. (differenttyj. I dldn' understand the impact it would have on not only my ex-wife and I, bu! most importantly the kick I wWt I would have had a greater understanding of how emotionally difficult that whole process was going to be. I probably would have handled It better. Wba1 profalion other than yours would you lib to haYe trtedT 11 was probably a pretty typical childhood in south Louisiana. Outdoors, irs a pretty warm climate. Very warm climate. actually. So, l had a pretty nonnal childhood. with two parents lntael and a normal childhood. I think. in most respects. in probably a middle-class family linl Baton Rouge. It would have to be one of two things: either a professional athlete. football. or a professional musician -but I mean big time. I think it would have been fun to have been one of the Beatles. Not just the accolades or the money. but the fun they seem to ho.ve (had) in aeating what I consider to be modem-day poetry in the songs. I think it'd be a ki.ck. It wouldn't be about the girls. I think it would be about the fun you'd have do ing something HU that. It's such a self-expression. Its a way to express yourself in a different way than you typically do in the bosines.s world. You need the talent to do that I don't think I have the talent to do either. but it would have been a kick if 1 bad it your life 20 )'Ml'l agot of gratitude and humility. Those are the two thing.'! that I think l have begun to learn in life, anyway. that I think make the biggest difference for me. and they weren't always easy les.sons to team When you get a little bit successful. it's easy to get sort of full of yourself and not fully appreciate the good fortune you have and how easily that can be lost. And so. it's an appreciation, I th1nlc. of che level of gratitude and hwniUty that comes with understanding the blessings that you have and that you have been given. just being born in this country and educated. I mean, there are so many blessings I think I have a much deeper appreciation for. I don't take them for gianted in the same way I did earlier irt my life. My professors always told me you're better off being lucky than good I STEVE McCRANI< /OAJLY PILOt Ullde.rstand what that means now. How did you end up ln Newpon-Maat lfs significantly different in two key respectS. I always thought that it would be more· fun to be the ~ and since I've been in the last lS yeat$. l've been the CEO in most of the companles that I've been involved with. My busines.s day is a lot more fun. The other major difference is. 20 years ago. outside of wort. my singular focus was my children. lWenty years ago. I had four kids. and since they're grown. I don~ have that same focus outside of wort. today. What II che great.eat ae.on )'QUW ...... In your Ufd I lcind of movt.'Cl all over the COWltry, working my W"dY up the corporate ladder in corporate America \\'hen l finally moved out to Newpon-Mesa in 1966, I really came out here 10 help out with a l>tart·up company and ~b.st'quently. ~tarted my mVrl tinn. <.;01 into the tumaround hu!'m~ and 1\-e been a tumaround CEO ever Slnce But )W\. it '~a bU'·Ul~ upportunity that brought What are 10me dUfaeuta between a typkal day In your Ille now wraa a day Probably just some real undastanding BOOMER beginning Jan. 8. The dau uses The eo.ta Mela Senior c.n. attend, but advance registration Brain Gym movements to access has ballroom denclng with live is required. (714) 4464950. CALENDAR the whole brain. The cost It S35 music from the Betty's Trio from for Newport Bead\ rMidenta end 1:30 to 10:30 p.m. ev8fY Tuesday Oesis Senior c.m.r ..,.. $40 fOf nonresidents. night et 695 W. 19th St., CosUI assistance, counseling and •Send CAl.ENDAA ilems to the lnformatioo: (949) 644-3244. Mesa. $4. (9491 548-3884. referTal services for seniors. (949) Daily Pilot. 330·w. Bay St., Costa 644-3244. Mesa 92627: by e-mail to 0..-s..uor c.m. hold8 a Jewish Famity s.Mce of Or11nge lu1s.f)6na@la11mes.com; by fax to pancake blea~st from 7:30 to 10 County sponsors en oogoing Althrftit Foundation instructor (949) 646-4170; or by calling (9491 a.m. on the second Saturday of healing support group for the Hillary Stone leads an exen:ise 574-4298 Include the time. date fNf>ry month. Breakfast Includes ctlronically ii~ The purpose is to class at 11 e.m. Thursdays at the and location of the event. as well panaikes, sausage, coffee end provide pal1icipants with Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. as a contact phone number. orange juice for $3, $1 for emotional and spiritual support ctiildren. The center is at 800 to menage illness and its Baker St., Ca.ta Mesa. (714) MONDAY Marguerite, Corona del Mar. consequenQ8S. The group meets 513-5641. Girt Scout caroten will Mlg Information: 1949) 644-3244. at 7 p.m. Thul'5days et the Jewish at noon in the Oasis Senior Family Service office, 250 E. Oaak Senior c.n...,.. a daily Center's multlpurpose room, 800 ........... so.Aus support group Baker St, Costa Meu. telephone contact program for Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mer, fOf women 50 and older is a Attendance is free. but seniors who have a limited local Information: (949) 645-3244. disw..ton group coordinated by registration is required. (714) support system. They also offer Jewish Family Services to 445--4950. computer classes that teacti the JAN.8 eddl'8U issues suet. as anxiety, basic8 of Word, Ouldten, Prim 'Paritln•on'• RMOUrc. depreuion, relationships, .Mwteh Femity Setvic:e otr.. Shop and Internet usage. (949) Organizations will host a •upport loneliness end family. The group ongoing bereavement support 644-3244, meets et 7 p.m. W9dnesdays at groups for adults at all stag&S of group meeting fo r caregivers, the agency offices, 250 E. Baker adult children and family St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. loss.. Group members shant The o.u. Senior Cenw..,.. • members of loved ones with Preregistration required. (714) experiences, hear how others shuttle to take members to Pericinson's disease at 7:30 p.m . in 445--4950. deal with grief, reoelve support appointments and grocery the Oa11s Senior Center's and leam ways to cope wtth shopping. The shuttle also takes community room. 800 The Breile ln.utut. offwa tree sadness and loss. One group members to the center. Call to Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. computer classes to people with meets •t 7 p.m. Tuesdays et Beth make an appointment (949) Information: 1949) 645-3352. fading vision who have difficulty Jacob In Irvine. The second group 644-3244. seeing the oomputer 1Cf98n. The meets et 10 e.m. Tuesdays at ONGOING Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Temple Jud&e in Lagun• Hitt.. Ouis &.nior Cenw off9n visual Ouia Senlot Center wfl offw Ave., Corona del Mar, ohrs six The third group meets at 1 p.m. aid screenings with a Braille a four-week class called Mental Hffiont. Call to sign up for Thuredayt at the Ezra Center in Institute representative, by Atness Plus from 1 to 2:30 p.m., ci ...... (714) 821-6000. Anaheim. There's no cost to appointment. (949) 644-3244. Daily A Pilot Alda~ POSTMASTER: Send eddren ~ busl..-end~ dlangee to The Newport tep()IUW. (949) ~ e.adVColU Meu O.lly Pilot. P.O. lllltU.nX!lnlon•,..,,_com Bole 1560, eo.t. MeN. CA 92626. .......... Copyright No news stories, ,....~(Ml)~ itluttnltlone. edi1ort.I matt~ or ~,..,,,__,, ~'-net.In can be VOL. 97, HO. 394 PHCn'OQfW'HIM r~ without-ttten THOMAS H. JOHNSON ...,,.~ M9f\C. ~Oon ~ permiuiOn of oopvrlght OWMr. Publrsher Pttc:Mo Editor. K.flt,....,.,.. lONVDOOERO (!Me) 19M3l58 HOW TO REACH US Edi(Of ~·~ MMI • HOTu. ~ JUD\' O£TTING JoaaJ. .... ( .. llG«llS The Times Orange County Actwtrti•a Director Alt Olrec:lor I N9ww o.k Otief. "9aof'd yGUf oorMMI .tit aboUt die (800} 2S2<i14t LANA NSON (949) 574-4.224 !WyNol"' NWIJ dpt. AcM11W111 Pl"omotlone Dll"9Ct01 ~~ ~ a • ..., <M l 8'2-6818 El)l'f1NQ 9TAff ,.,.. .... Ow eddr'8aa le 330 W. lay St... eo.ta °"""" (9'$} 8'2-4321 Gina AMlalndlt~ Anmnon. Meae,. CA l2Gl Oft"ice hcM-. .,.. ......... f,.J. C#lft o.nw~ ~ ==· Md9y, ~a.m.. g p,m. ...... ~naglno Editor, Oeni9I ,..,..,. {M) 8'2·oe80 (td)l1~ DO I HIM111W It ta die Not'a policy co pn>rncJdy ..... {Ne) 51+C23 1J.t»tin• l.dmee.com ~-... of~ ,.._,_<Ml ..... '70 0..-.~ a... ...... ,..... ~ (M) 79oM324.. ....... ,_(Ml) 980-0170 City Editof a;,,,...._, count~. CM)~ -·~ ._.~lot-~oom m MallitOllle ~~/Mim#.mm ~·~ The N9wpoft ~ ~ ...._ Ollle IM) 8'2'"'321 Ndwd °""" ~EdftOr. .... 0 • t Olly Not (\J'Sn.~) .. .........,_ CM)IS1·7'2f (Ml) $7.t-4223 ~ ..... ,...., pullAIMd ~ In N9wpoft...,. ~~ltm.Communflv rldtMd.dufln•~ C.PM232 lftdC...--~ .... ..... a~ ofhloe~ ......... ~ ~ onlV "¥ MwlblllO to The nm... ...... CttyEdltof. o......_ Tlr.-er.,. ~ CIOOI liM' (!Ml)~ ~ .......... ~5'1Mtt1 a2.f14\ In .... OUl9ida of nib. ..... .,,,.~ ~~ ~ ..... andC-. ...... ......... wt11 \ltJol•to1tle~l'lot .. For\Jm =tdllot· ~ ...... °"" ~~=--maltfof )~ !ducllion,....,, .. ~ .,.,,...,.... .... ell GOii TIMila CH. M ,.,_ ~~ ~ ·····-It'd---.) ,....,__ 4 ------· -· I guess what I treasure most aside from my children and the relations that I have with them is what I guess I just described. There is sort of a different sense of life for me today than there was 20 years ago or 30 years ago, and it's a much more relaxed view of life. Maybe a ~ little bit greater wisdom, a little greater • understanding of what the struggle ~ maybe is all about f, • If you know someone with an interesting story to tell, contact us by fax et 1949) I "• ' 6464170; e-mail et dailypilot@latlmee.com; or mail her at cJo Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay S1.. ~. r; Coste Mesa. CA 92627. ' • ., Oult Senior CenW hat. walking group called Walkers Not Rodters, whicti meets once a week to enjoy scenic walks In and around the Newport Beadl area. (949) 644-3244. The Alzheimer't Aun. and GrW Support Group of Newport Villa WestMlla Rosa co-sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m. the fourth Thu™1ay ot eacti month through October at Newport Villa West AsaiSled Living, 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631-3555. The~• AMR. and Mesa Terrace, a residential community for people with Alzheimer's dlsene and related dementia, offers a free support group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m . the first Tu~ay of each month at Mesa TerTace, 350 W. Bay St., Coste Mesa. (714) 283-1111. 0.. Senior c.m.r conducta blood pressure screenings from 9 to 11 a.m. the first and third Tu~ay of ead1 month in Room 3 at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona def Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Oaei9 Senior Cent9r otr... Braille clan to help with sight . . , I loss from 10 a.m . to noon r1 Thursdays in Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mer. 1 (949) 644-3244. ./ I The Jewish Senior CenW oftws ' card games from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. every third Tuesday. A kosher " lunch Is offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 613-5641. Rev!Hyour lhtimedocumenb -~,,,. for advance health care directiv~ I at the Oasis Senior Center for $3 ~ 7 eacti. Call to make an Jd'.., appointment. (949) 644--3244. ~ t Oasi9 Senior Cent9r off9n preventive healthcare services for seniors on the fourth Wednesday of eecti month in the center's Room HS-3, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. I • . . ' . • • .• . .. . . . ' ••• . ... ' ' \ ' . Seniors and low-tncom. tam... : in the Costa Mesa-Newport Beadi : area can o btain free U.S. , ' Department of Agriculture ' ; , surplus food from 11 a.m. to 3 ~ ; .: p.m. the second Friday of eacti • • month in the rear partdng lot at : •• the Churdl of Chrlet, 740 W. ' '· Wilson St, Costa Mesa. Ptc:ture ; identification Is required. (949) -' 650-8236. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST night, the winds will be 15 knots or lighter. It'll be mostly cloudy today. The morning will have areas of SURF dense tog .. The afternoon wfl) have 10 mph 90UthW9lt winde; The surf lhould jump 1010 otherwlM, winds will be light. the overhead zone today, but The highs wfll be from 8S to 68. the rain might put the klboeh At night there'll be• 20% on good wtVM. Alp cul'TWfta ct.a~ of rarn. WMt wtndt wfll are pogible; caution It pkt up to io mpti. l'M lows tt4)tdlffy 9CMMd It bt'Mkt wtll be from 46 to 63. that feoe dlrtcttv weet. Wonndon: South-fedng brMb m4ght www.nws.nou.(IOV MltU8flY ... the belt ~. dMtrwaltt-to BOATING FORECAST ct.t-hlgh l!Jrf augment9d by dfffreeted notd'l\!J'Mt 1W'911. On 1he Inn« wn.ra. wtndt w......-r: wtlbt~et1& www.wrffW.W.org krlOla or llQhW. The ·MYtt • be 2 fllilC or llNller on• west TIDES .... from g to 1 .... 'Mnda ...... ...... ... be ~ end vertMle at night. end .. _.._ drop. 8:11 a.m. ... ... high ~out. • Imel c:nfl 1!20p.m. .O.•fMttow ...., might be In .... 7:38p.rn. 3.lfMthlglt Northo• ~_.be from 10to ,..,.. Tt-.Wfllelwtll WATtR TtMPIUTUltE be 2 .... CW lmlleron I w.t IMlfftJm7to tOfllt.M ..... -. -. City founder focused on holiday Former .Costa Mesa mayor Bob Wilson, who is suffering fro m a terminal illness, has one· wish: to survive through Christmas morning. June C1H1r1nde Daffy Pilot COSTA MESA -On Christmas Day, about 20 members of the Wilson family will gather to cele- brat,e the hoUday with gifts, food and most hnportant, famUy. 8 Wilson's only wish Is to be th sitting in a chair, basking in lida.y feU~hJp of ·four gen ~ns. time wtll teU whether that a possJblllty or just a beau-llful~<illday dream. Wilson, co- fou_1ter and three-tJme mayor or CAsta Mesa. Is near the end of his life. The 86-year-old civic leadtr. author, historian and greaf'-grandfaJ.ber is home under hosJJce care for a terminal heart conf tion, and he says he does't know whether he'll make it tothwtday. •1 Just want to be there, sitting in a• cbafr, watching everybody enJot themselves," Walson said in a .hone interview at his Costa ; Mesabome. Over the put 50 years. Wilson helped grow Costa Mesa from an untamed piece or land nick- named •Goat Hilr to a diverse metropolis of about 100,()00 people.• •l-Je was deflr\ltely one of the moving forces ln lncorpora~ng the city 50 yeah ago," said Gla- dys Refakes, a spokeswoman for the Costa Mesa Historical Soci- ety and a longtime friend or Wil- son's. Wilson was just a concerned citizen when he joined a move- ment to incorporate the city. When that dream came true ln 1953, his half-century-long role ln the city began. Wtlson was ap- pointed a planning commis- sioner ln 1953 and served as the commission's chair. In 1960, he was elected to the City Council, where he served through 1976, including three stints as mayor. He has also served on more boards, commissions and other bodJes than he or anyone else can seem to count. ln between, he racked up a Hs t or experiences that has helped fill several books. An autobiogra- phy he completed earlier this year details some of his fascinat- ing life experiences, including being one of a group of Ameri- can mayors taken hostage in Beirut in the early 1970s, his early years as an adopte<l child and, of course, his marriage to Maryalice, which has lasted 65 years. Costa Mesa historian Bob Wilson helped incorporate the city and later served as its mayor for three terms. FILE PHOTO / DM.Y PILOT His more famous book. "From Goat Hill to City of the Arts: The History of Costa Mesa: pub- lished in 2000, documents some of his own experiences in build- ing a city he could be proud of. "We do have, without ques- tion, the finest shopping center in the United States. We have one of the finest performing arts areas, plenty of parks,~ Wtlson said. "I'm very proud of what we did." IDUtlES ADNatural Salad Dressings ~~99 REG. '2.69 .....,.. & aaz. .I~'\.~. fi~ Organic Stuffing Own/Wed ~SI~ WF.snw NAruRAL· PACIFIC FOODS ORGANICA H~Cooldes Hcrit~9c Food All Nalural. DelJcious Cranberry Sauce Calti1ftl Vegetables Organic Broths •Cut Green Beans • French Cut Green Beans •GoldenCom • 9.Yeet Peas 89! •WhiteCom REG • ., .49 1U az. • Free Range Cllidaerl • Low Salt a.am •Mushroom 9I99 ·~ REG. '2.48 32 az. GrOOi!;Parties & Gifts! • Cranbeny Shortbread ·~ $ 99 REG. '3.99 12-14 az. ·= $ 69 REG.'3.59 I ,.,,_ SattKday, December 20. 2003 Al • Spaddiog Cri8p Apple Cider hbn-A/aJlrolJc $ .. 39 REG. '3.29 ..& 750ml ~~ ~·=.,~ Delidous for dinner, hot Of' mid =tche!J,OI' SA99 REG. '6.ZS 69 16 oz. Organic EggNog REG. '4.39 SI~ FIGHT THE FLU SEASON· N~ LY! Bathology BarSoaps wrm A roy INSIDE/ UtlqwNrp, r.sr· • IAlb of,,,., ~loO.- REB.'4.• 12 .. OnceDailv High Enerw Multi-Villlmin NewLower Price/ SUGG. '26.49 Magneshun-SOOq With 86 Essmlil1J for heallhg =· s 99 SUGG. '9.45 1• a,. I· RANCBGllOWN. ~I NoHormones or Grauth Stimulanlsl M ~. o.c.n.. 20, 2003 COSTAIEIA • Allrwtlf---Annoying phoM ceMI wet9 ~Jn . the 2900 blodt .. 1:17 p.m. Thundey. ...... ......_AwNcle bUrgtetywu ~In the 200 blodt .. 12'.27 p.m. Thu~ • .... ~AnautotMft WIS~ In \he 3300 blodt et 3:56 p.m. Thur9dey. • Heftaor 8ouil'lowd end .W:.ddeli-....: Poueulon of marijuena-. reponed et 11:53 ··'"·Thu~. • Newpof't loulM!fd. · vandalism WM reported In the 1900 blodt et 8.'04 a.m. Thursday. ..... Ane_,__:A comme~ ~ wea NPOrted In the 1100 blodt et 2:.-07 p.rn. Thundey. • Souttl eo..t o.tw: A hit-end-run WM reported In the 900 bloc* at 7:26 a.tn. CHIEF Continued from Al smrted. Snowden said. "It's a nice challenge." he said. "llle salary Is KOOd. I don't miss being chief. I just view this as an interesting assignment.• Snowden said his job in Bev- erly Hills, which he expects to last up to six months. would be 10 head the department until the new chief arrives. ·rd have 10 keep the ship in course until they ..elect a new police chief." he said. ·1cs 11 very weU-run police d epartment." The city's new chief will re- place Marvin Iannone, who re- tired after serving ns police chlef ~­ '•W..tllltlllMl:An euto ..... rtpOftld In 1'9800 blo<* It 2:38 1.m. Ttulday . ...,ORTIUCH • ..,... .. .,.._VMct•m w r'IPQfted In the 2IOO bled 111:411.m. Thundly. •Wllleo..tl ... e-..A comno.dll~w rtpOlted In"" 2IOO blodt .. 9:27 e.m. 'Thundllv. •""'*lelllld~Aboat bUrut-Y w NPO'fed In the 800 bloc* .. 9:0& 1.m. Thw1d9v. .... _.,._.~Grand ...a Wit NP0"9d In the4600 bloc* 11 t :30 p.m. Thundey. •Via 'Ir. lire;~~ WM r9POft9d In the 100 blodt et ~ p.m. lhuredey . • '1• 11111-= A lllt•end-Nn WM repoftild In the 100 blodt "4:42 P.M. Thurldey. • 41• "'-I: A home burglary waa r.potted In the 200 bk><* a~ 7:22 a.m. Thur9day. for the last 18 years. Beverly 1 lilb also named a n ew city mano~cr this week. Beverly Hills Mayor TI10mru. l.evyn said his city would extend a warm welcome to Snowden. I le said Snowden. was selected by interim City Manager Dan Web· ster. ·Public safety is our No. I pri· ority." he said. ·1 have faith ln Dan Webster's choice. and I'm confldent !Snowden! will wortc with all our officers to make sure our city runs smoothly." • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safety a nd courts. Sho may be readled at (949) 574-4226 or by &-mail II doepa.bh11rsth@lat1mes.com. Brands • Lowest Pric' Up Front No Games • Replacement & New Construction me Pricing I Purchasing 2-494-9069 Fax: 562-494-1069 U.lbWlttor Referrals •All Major Credit Cards lstwindows.com NEW SUSHI HOUSE Gour~tfi AM~e Cut>tM Accident can't take joy from toy store A woman who police say ran a red light is broadsided, and her pickup goes through window of Toy Boat Toy Boat Toy Boat. Oeepa Bharattt OaityPtk>t OORONA DEL MAR -A 30· year-old Costa Mesa woman who ran a red light on Friday morning and got broadsided by another car escaped injuries alter her pickup truck hurtled backward. felled a palm tree and then bar· reled through a toy store window, of6dals said. • Maria Cannen Sanchez was driving eastbound on C.oast Highway toward Laguna Beach at about 6:05 a.m. when she went th.rough a red light at the inter· section of Marguerite Avenue. Newport Beach PoUce Sgt. Steve CLAIM Continued from Al ants intend to follow th.rough with their commitment to settle . The delay is because of the nwn· her of defendants that have to sign the agreement. she said. "They city is dolng everything It can to get the matter settled that litl agreed (tol," Poturica said. A secondary reason Scheer de- dd~ to lob another legal pitch at the city ls because he took of- fense at a statement Mayor Gary Monaha11 made in the Daily Pilot on Dec. 18, Stormer said. Mona- han said that Scheer was hired without a recruitment process. then went on to say, "And thar's a fatal Oow that we can't have hap· pen." Stormer said Monahan's state- ment violated a clause in the set· tlement agreement that prohib· ited any of the parties in the lawsuit Crom ma.king disparaging comments about each other. "lf the city will not only not meet its financial obUgadons, but won't meet its moral obliga- tions and agreements it signed on to take part in, how can you trust anything they're going to do7" Stormer said. Monahan declined to com- ment. The original tort daim charged that Scheer suffered losses in ex- cess of SS million. The lawsuit that followed was based on a series of events start· ing ln )uty 2001 when Milligan made a written complaint against Scheer containing a number of accusaUons. Scheer was eventually cleared of the al- legations by an independent counsel and independent inves· cigator in April 2002. But In September 2002, Scheer was placed on administrative leave pending an investigation. The counctl decided the matter in a dosed session without GMNG Continued from Al kids 10 know that there are kids out there who don't have as much as they do.· said Harbor View Parent Faculty Organization President Thmie Rus said. Rus, other Harbor View parents and fifth-grader Madelyn Corso helped distribute the gifts In Pomona's multipurpose room on Friday. Each class lined up, the boys on one sJde and the girls on the other, to get the goodies, which were grouped according to appropriateness for age and gender. Each child took one gift and FAMILY Continued from Al .iopn1· .,Old hat, Cratchlt.'' Scro°'e aaya. •11\lt went out wftb button ahoes!" That bh b probably 40 years old. So when the annual parade of people wrnes along each yetr to call qalnlt the crua commerdallsm or the dmea, Lt la Important to remember that excesa u nothing new. Jews have Just started celebrating Hanukkah, and tn .... days. Olrildl.nl wUJ be celebradng the birth or Jesut Ou1ltJ But everyone It Amettcl. ,...... of falth. wm c:elebrlte j\l9t ror one day. chlMe to Bndy .cop the "*'Y"to·round we're on. 1bla la 1 time 10 let the guy 1n the lane nat to you chanc'e llnll In 6'onl of JOU wtthout lltdnl ......... tboup ... aldn, ..... tum~ 11 .. a dme to 1M -. yo\11 --lpOl to the per'IOll who Jj .... ,.. to llmd him\ ....---.-.. ....... ..., ........... la .. for ,... ....... tre a drne to~ "Mao· to Shulmanukl. She WU lo t\Jftl bil ~ 28-yev- old Newport Beach resident Stephan.le Gayle Roberts who was driving her Honda avtc north· bound on Marguerite. he said ~ Impact of the aash spun the pickup truck ~ .. Shulman said. "The vtili!Cle then went up the cwt>. knocked down .. palm tree and went into the store." Neither of the two women was Injured, although both cars were damaged, he said. No drup or al· cohol were Involved. and Sanchez got a citadon for running the red light. Shulman said. Gary Naumann, owner of Tuy Scheer l>resent and did not let him ask to have grievances against him discussed in an open session. Also that month, the council initiated Its own internal Investi- gation and financial audit of .lhe Office or the City Attorney. Co· wan and Robinson were in charge of the investigation. On Oct. 4, 2002. the council voted, again in closed session. to reinstate Scheer. He returned to worlc on Oct 7 against his doc- tor's orders because the city's treatment had created severe emotional distress, the lawsuit claims. Scheer returned to work part- time but could not complete his responsJbilities because he was unable to log onto his computer, accordJng to the lawsuit. The computer division had also downloaded everything Crom his computer while he was sus· pended, the lawsuit stated. Later In October, Scheer re- ceived a notice that he had to work full-time or resign. Scheer chose to take sick leave on Oct. 21. Stormer said he believed the reason so much time has elapsed without finalization of the settle- ment agreement is because one of the defendants is not ame- nable to it. He didn't venture 10 guess which one that might be. Scheer slgned off on the settle- ment out of loyalty to the city, Stormer said. "They had a wonderful com· mined employee who doesn't want to be in the situation where he is,• Stormer said. "He sacri- fices to reach an agreement be- cause It was in everybody's best interest. and then, they slap him in the face by not lgnlng it and violating the tenns of agreement they claim they were bound by." • DEIRDRE NEWMAN covers Costa Mesa and may be reed"led at (9491 574-4221 or by e-mail at deirdre.nt1Wm11n@la1imes.com. then huddled together with classmates, wondering what was beneath the colorful wrapping paper. Five-year-old GwendJ Perez. niclcnamed •Peanut," shook her small present next to her ear. "What do you think it is7" teacher Jenni Thylor asked. ·eandy'(" Gwendi guessed. "l think maybe it's a puzzle,· Taylor said. Juan Carlos Muro, 6, had a very particular idea about what his package held. Ml thi.Qk l have cars!" he said with a gfin. • MARISA O'NEJl covers education and may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at mariu.onell•tatimn.com. someone you don't know, just bec:ause that Is a nice thing to do. It's a time 10 say to our kids, "Sure!" when they ask us to play outside, instead of saying "Just a minute" or •1 can't rigtlt now.• It's a time to reach out to thoee who have so little becau.w we ha~ so much. And friends. you do have so much. ll'1 a time to call someone you haven' apoken to or seen In a longtime. · lt'a a time to be the bigger person lnaldeyou and say "I'm aony" to someone to help repair a relltJonshfp . It'• a dme to say "lbank you• to 110meone who haa m1de your Uleeuier. lf they haven't heard It In .while, It'• a dme to uy "I low you• to aomeone aped&!. and a dme to My It .,in even If they have. 1bla II Iba dme to ftglaN OUI i:-~:andbuld C()natbudont; doM to mike thoee pm)'IW\la .. imponanC .. ~ •. ::::,-..-:ar.. ..... _Mtdllllhllt•bmft mm Ind WDIDln fir...., frDln their own •mm. who• Boat Tuy Boat Tuy Boat. said his store lost a few toyS and.a big wtpd<JW On Fdday afternoon, wotkets were boarding up the window. The tbnlng coukln'l have been worse. the toy store owner said. "It's barely a week before Cluisunas. • he said. "But fortU· nately, wdre golng to be able to board up the window. paint it white and put something on it so people know we're open for busi-' ness." lbe store was able to open right on time on Friday, Nau· mannsaid. "I got the call at about 6:30 a.m. from a neighbor here." be said. ·it's not a call you want to get. But ~ were able to get some people here in the morning. shoveled the glass. vacuumed the debris and opened our doors to customers." The crash caused some serious damage, Naumann saJd. "lt wasn't jum the gUlss that broke." he said. -~ also lost the frame and everylh.lng on that side.· This Is the third time the store, which opened ln 1995, has been hit. Naumann said. "The first time. It happened three days after we open~ this store,· he said. "Someone rear- ended a air and it went through our window." The second accident· occurred when the city was cutting dewn ficus trees in the area. Naumanri said. .. A big chunk of a tree hit our window and broke it." he said "But the good ching is, no one got hurt. And we managed to stay open for the hoHdays." FILE PHOfO I DAILY PILOT An elaborately decorated boat brightens the waters off Balb~ Island's Marine Avenue bridge on the first night of the 95th '.: , annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade. ~~ PARADE Continued from Al parade po$ible. "It really becomes a specta· tor's delight because you can see the effort that the boat owners put in, and tllat helps make the parade something very special· Luehrs said Boats are judged in a number or categories, including best take on the parade theme, which this year is "A Ouistrnas Beach Cele- bration. • Other categories are best use of lights and animation. best music and best humor and originality. The judges a.re each cmigned to a category. Scorecards in hand, they watch the passing '" boats. taking note or their .entry numbers and grading how MIU the decorations daxtJe. '•f' The winners receive the ~t pri7,e the chamber can (6~ them. recognition. because .. as Luehrs put It. "What else .~ you give someone who own) a big yacht and spends $50,'00o decorating it?" ' Wlltrlers take part in a chaql· pagne reception in their honor ruid an awards dinner, and ~ each receive a photo of thelr ~­ sel along with a plaque and ':~ sincere thanks,· Luehrs said.,.,., 'V •JUNE CASAGRANDE covers • )~ Newport 8eadl and John Wayne::: Airport. She may be reached at ,,,1 (949) 574-4232 or by &-mall at lu june.casagrande@latimes.com:'-z ."'> u.t CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE WINNERS .e~ J•t •t-3 Winners by category In this veer• O\riatmaa Boat Parade: ~Elation. owoed by ,,.,. o.rat .._ PoW9r 9ollt: El Navegante owned by Sasco Electric a..111 ao.t: Huff,.,, Poff. owned by o.ve Thoma• ...... unwao'-t: C~1PV, owned bVTrtnt Lattin .._ Muelc: Endless Honeymoon. owned by ~ren Thibodeau ... Llghla end AnlrMdon. , ...... Heither, owned by Cteig McCebe ... &4hlll end AMnedoft Zlld ..... Wiid Bill"t, owned by ~H•IHOncennon a.tUildaMd.-...... .. ,,.. ..... ~ OWl1ltd by Wood9 Marillme ........... end OllilMltY. .1• ...._ Grot.1.-. owned by living and dying so we can tive freely ln this great country. It's a time to perform a random act or kindness; time to do something nke for someone without let~lng him or her lcnow who did It. If you're unhappy. it'a time to 1top your personaJ *pity party" and make a plan for 2004 lo change whatever ls bugging you. with the understanding that It will take time to change; that life-altering plam such u a diet, a Job ch~ge or a repalring of a refadoruhlp ls not something we can put In the mJcrowave and t.ap to perfection In minutes. ll'a time to appt'edate your job, whether you're employed or tell-employed. even though It may be leis thin ulWylni. That job heJpa pay your rent or moripge and P\ltf food on your table and clod\et on your beck. u youw ner been without a Job, wen I bm job. JOU t.w I ::.W ~ ofwt.c lt'a. time for pedence, ~~hope. Id ...... Ind, .,.,... ltladme .. ...,.--.. •i.to remernbsbow lllllda blttlr ... world ~W!Mn we are don our ':0 Randy & Debra Reuel t J Best Humof end Origlnalty. 'ii' 2nd~ On Location, owned,,,1 by Art and Joy Smith .,1~ &.-Humor end °"91N1lv, ic.L 3nt Place: ~ov1ng Violation, • g owned by Loretta & Paul :11'1 Baumann , 1 hit Diep9y fJl 1he Theme, 1st •I Pleoe: Pau Hane, owned by 10 Herold Beker , h9t ,_,._°'Theme 2hd' ..., __,_., .,,. Piece: Tribute, owned by l.any & Deb Woodham• l'l" 8-t Dllplay °'Theme. 3rd .Jt:. •;(! fllace: Argus, owned by the siii Boy Scout See 8"e S.. RM 1lme Emry; Peu ·:1 Hana, owned by Harold Baker ~·) S.. v.ctwt Club Entry: Elation, owned by hul Gerat S..0.-.. IJGM: Bow W.ve.··O owned by Steve Cook ' '" Sponaor'• CholDe: El 140 Navegente, owned b'f S..CO I.:; Electrlc "A ,,.c: •Ir .. (I.,. ·'"' best behavior. But being on om best behavior takes eJJort. Jt 1'9b requires us to think of othenf a.h the time instead of thinking Ji 1 only about what IJ good for :F:l ourselves and bow our own needJ can be met. · tO Being on our best behavlort.> requires us lo understand thur although others may dlsagreEi .> with us, that does not give ~ anyone Ucense lo be unctvU . .\~ those who have forgotten , common counesy and decen~ belng on our best behavior tnl requires us to be particularly clvtl In return. ,o The holidays bring out IOllJfb o!lhe map: that Is Ina.Ide all~ U4. That'a the patt'Of UI tNt IW mtkel ua feel good, that ~ us wonder why the wodd ~ be llke tbJs the rest or the Y"C1 too. If you do nothing eJte tN.-il rett of the year and throuah 1004, I hope you tlnd your cNl8 magk:. iW Htte'a wWq you ,PMCe. a11• ~ppyH~ and a~• OuUcmu. m '"' • ITIVI IMmt II a~ Meei ~ ....................... ·'' .......,.""¥ -.. m•11geil:ft """Ofi ... Dellv "tot ...... 18 c•t '42..._ . ""' ( -,. '>i•' ·"~ .. ..,....,IJlliT'S AR.OAT Is published ically. If you are planning a tical event. submit the ., rmation to the Dally Pilot. 330 'Q¥. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA ~7;byfaxto(949)646-4170;or We-mail to 'liJailypllot@lstimes.com. SPECIAL EVENT 'The Newport H8lbor Neutical Museum will have an exhibit opening for •Hooked: The lure and Lore of Sport Ashing; at the , Grend Salon from 10 a.m. to 6 ••p.(Tl. through Feb. 29. The museum Is et 151 E. Coast , t:ijghway: Newport Beach. lf\~ormatton: (949) 673-7863, .~~p:l/www.nhnm.org. I SAILING Cl.ASSES Salling Fudnetion olfiln ~ lh boating safety and sailing year-round for persons with di.sabilities. Free. (949) 640-1678. "Orange County~ can bring their employees out to Newport Beach on weekdays to enjoy a day of sailing courtesy of Orange Coast College. The School of Salling and Seamanship now offers a chance tor groups to work with the on-board Instructor on different sailing techniques while they get advice on how to perform well in business.. No sailing experience necessary. One-day classes coat from $100 to $126. (949) 645-9412. Orange Coeat Cohue'• school of sailing and seamanship will offer a five-week noncredit Introduction to Shields sailing class from 9:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m. Jan. 11, 18and26and Feb.1 and 8 at OCC's sailing center in Newport Beach. The cost Is $120. Information: (949) 645-9412. Orang• Coast Coleee'• IChool of sailing and seamanship will offer a three-week noncredit keelboat class, designed for s1Udenta who've been on boata but are beginning sailors. The first section will begin Jan. 9 and the second section on Jan. 10. The cost le $199. Information (949) 645-9412. 0.... ~ Coleee'• echool of saittng and seamanship wilt offer a six-week basic cruising cla18 from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. bedfnning Jan. 10 at OCC'a Sailing Center In Newport Beach. The cost la $615. Information: (949) 645-9'12. Orange Coeet College'• 9chool of sailing and M8manthlp wilt oter a beginning sailing c1 ... aboard e ahieldl from 9:30 a.m . to :1'30 p.m ., begiMlng Jen. 10 et OCC'e Salling Center. The cost la $326. Information: (949) 846-8412. Orange COllllt Cal111'a edtOOI of sailing end M8manthlp wtll o~er an eight part noncredft ~urae on cetestlal and GPS navigation from 7 to 10 p.m. Jan. 1+ through Feb. 4 at OCC'a Salffng ~In Newport Beectt. The cost .. $136. The MiMng cent.r le tf1801 w. P8cfftc Coaet Highw9y. lntonnedon: (949) 646-9412. Orange Coellt Col111 ... llhool 6'..utng end Memenehlp wtll etrw an lnt9rmedlllte lf1'eldl ullng dam from 1:46to5!30 Jt:fn. Jen. 11, 1hnd 25 and Feb. 1 and 8 et occ. •Ming'*""' In ~ ....... The C09t .. $148. lntonndon: (M) &46.e412. IMTMNTALS -. ...... w, ......... the lelboe f"oun Zone. you mn enfov neulloel ecpertellOel from rmldtowtld. Me•......,... tour of the b9V In Vo'oW ... of Power end ... "JJ .... \W-. ..... • tNOOMf' ... In. s.. doo ...... pulyau ........ .... '° ..... .,. •• equipped~. oreoer ' above It all on a paresall flight along the Newport coast. Complimentary ice and beverages are induded with all electrlc boat rentals. Belboa Boet Rene.la cen put you on the water in many ways: with single and double kayeb. electric boats, 14-tiokter sailboats, pedal boats and runabouts for offshore use or cruising the bay. Balboa Boat Rentals also holds two-hour scavenger hunts aboard the electric bay boats, providing group activity for corporations, birthdays, nonprofit organizations and group outings. The hunt padcages include boats, trivia questlona, maps, Polaroid camerae and supplies. The cost of a hunt begins at $225 per boat and catering is availabfe at an additional rate. For hunt reservations, call (949) 673-7200. Electric bo8t rentals.,.~ by the hour at Duffy Electric Boats, 2001 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. All boats are equipped with window enclosures and CO players. Ice and cups are provided. Reservations are suggested. An hour rental is $75. (949) 646-6812. P9dal boets. elecCr¥ bollts, boogie boards, kayaks, Inflatable rafta, catamarans, beach furniture and wetsuits are available for rent at Resort Water Sports at Newport Dunes. (9'9) 729-1150. Gondola tours ... oflar9d by the Gondola Co. of Newport, 3400 Via Oporto. Suite 102-8 . The $76 cost Includes a baaket of bread, cheese, salami, Ice, glaSMS, a blanket, music and a Polaroid picture. Wine la also available. (949) 676-1212. Gondola Aclwntw9s/Newpott. 3101 W. Coast Highway, offers one-and two-hour gondola cruises. A one-hour tour with champagne Is $70. A two-hour tour with dinner and champagne is $180. Pk*up la available at waterfront restaurants. (949) 676-4984. Irvine Coat Ch.-. In Udo Marina Village offers two-hour electric boat cruises with a gourmat dinner. $180 for two persons. (949) 676-4704. Gondola RomMCe ..... cWy tours of Newport Harbor during lunch and dinner. Call (949) 676-4730. The tours go out of Udo Marina Village, 3400 Via Oporto, Newport Beach. CRUISES Join c.pt. Don Mo 11f1Y on the beautiful sailing yacht Oulcfnee for a narrated Newport Harbor crulee of the febulous waterfront homea and boets of the ric:h and famous, ... the Ma lion cobly, end sail the apectecUlar coo&..ummer, werm-t.lt Southern Callfomle coastline to Laguna 8eectt or Dena Point. Aa a private bhthdav, anniversary or tpedal eV.nt7 Sall, .wtm, lnOfide, kayalt. sunbathe, W9tdl dolphins. and dine et enchor for the tlme-of-you...tlf9 v8Cation at Cataline laland on this weU-eppolnted, U.S. Coat Guard tMPedad ~.ASA tMllng lntttuc:don end certlflcetlot1. BuMnese contnnce fedlfty. lnformdon: hflp:llwww.lhellbddon.com. ~•y.hoo.oom, (949) 832-3738. .................. two-hour cMw of N.wport H9fbor ('7! per crulM). Aound-trtp hot9' or ott• W9tef ,....,,_._eervtce .. ewl*4e M.up ftom ............--dodla .. ., .......... Chertered end C9W'8d tour& (Mt 21t·11U or ~,..,.~.com. Enjoy a no·host lunch at the Fish Market. The coat Is $20 per person. Information: lnfo@nhnm.Of'Q. The Newport landing Belle is available for weddings and receptions, codrtail and sightseeing cruises, and meetings. The cost Is $500 for the first two hours, plus $150 for each additional hour. (949) 361-3640. f'Un Zone Boet Co. runs • 45-minute cruise (adults, $6; chilctnin, $1) and a 90-minute cruise (adults, $8; children, $1) departing from Balboa M.ln Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. lo 7 p.m. daily. A ~inute showboat sunset cruise (adults, $6; children, $1) leaves the M.ln Zone at 7 p.m. daily. Private charters are availab4e. (949) 673-0240. Ca1aliM Pauenget Set'ViCe rune 4~minute harbor cruises (adults, $6; children, $1) and 9().mlnute cruises (adults, $8; children, $1 ), departing from Balboa M.ln Zone every 30 minutes from 11 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. daily and on the hour until 7 p.m. (949) 673-5245. CrulM the harbor .t>oard the Electra, a 10<Hoot Classic Fantail ·vessel. Charters with catering are available for up to 145 passengers. (949) 723-1069. A thrw-c:ourN clnner and dancing while cruising the harbor are available at 8 p.m. Fridays and at 7:30 p.m. Saturdays at Hornblower Cruises & Events, 2431 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. The fee la $59.95 per person on Fridays and $64 on Saturdays. Brunch cruises also are available. (949) 631-2469. The CataliNI Flyer departs from Balboa Pavilion at 9 a.m. daily and returns from Catalina Island at 4:30 p.m. $36 round-trip for adults; $20 round·trip for children. Reservations are recommended. (949) 673-5245. Homblower on.. WMbnd dinner dance and Sunday champagne brunch cruises on Newport Harbor that celebrate imaginative cuisine and pampered s~rvice. 2431 W. Coast Highway, Suite 101, Newport Beach. (949) 631-2469. The Adwnturn at Sea Yacht • Charters offer cruises around Newport H1ubor from 12:30 to 2 p.m. every Sunday at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 650-2412. . Saturday, December 20, 2003 Al SALE STAKI'S November 281" THROUGH December 3 1" 1727 Wtstcllf Drivt Mt .... • 949-642-FUT Celebrate Christmas at the Hyatt Regency Irvine Champagne Brunch Thursday, December 25th 11:00 am -3:00 pm T;aditional Breakfast Favorites Belgium Waffles • Omelets Made to Order Fresh Seafood Bar Carved Roasted Tom Turkey Country Glazed Ham • Prime Rib of Beef Assorted Desserts & Pastries Children's Buffet and Much Morel Live Entertainment Complimentary Self Parking Adults $39 Children 12 & under $18 Children under 5 eat for Free For Reservations, Please Call: 949-975-1234 Special Holiday Rate $89 + tax per night 11/27103 through 1/4/04 (Based 011 availability) Ask about our special packages Q& 17900 Jamboree Road -Irvine j .. .. .. - r ' M ' M Sitwday, Oteembet 20, 2003 RosEYsAiiIOBODY You have the right to cl\ooee your repair facility ln1lston the Best LlfEflME WARRANTY ,.,.._.,.._C•••lonc.ntw ln.urwe ... ,..-...... J City workers clean out storm drains All of the 1,300 drains were cleared, so less pollution will reach the ocean this winter. our harbor and our 5tonn dralna, • Niederhaus saJd. lb taclde the job. the city budgeted $5 million and tel up a Allcla Robln1on Daily Pilot NEWPORT· MESA Heavy rains this winter will result In less ocean poUudon thanks to city employees. Newport Beach workers re· cently cleaned 150 tor\$ of silt and debris out of the City's 2,921 catch basins. Their etroru exceeded u .s. Environmental Protection ,A.gen·· cy requlttments that 80% of the city's stonn drains be cleared by 1Uly 2004. water.quality code enforcement "TheTe'a enough there to build dMalon, Niederhaus Ila.Id. a small ialand, • city General Costa Mesa also cleaned out Services Dlrector Dave Nieder-. JOO!(, or Its 1,300 caccb basins. haus said. Public Services Ot.rector Bill All chat allt and debris would Morrla saJd. That work took a have ended up ln the bay. New-two·man crew three months and port Beach bu a hefty job clean-was flnlsbed at the end of Octo· Ing its stonn 'dralns, ._ it is the ber. last stop before the coast. "It's labor-intensive, but cer- "1be problem Is that we Ue at tainly, we do pull a lot of debris the enc{ or the dialnage system oµt of those catch basins." Mor- from Costa Mesa. Santa Apa rts said. "We certainly see the and, In some cases. Irvine, JO a need for [the regulations), par- lot of what they do ends up in tlcularly with us being as close u we are to the ocean.• Because It may contain cbemicaJs as well as t:ruh. both cities disposed of tbe material In landftlla. Newport Beach and Costa Mesa are Installing metal grates to keep trash out of storm d:ralns so It can be collected by street sweepers. a weekly task In both cities, officials said. Newport will clean lOOCA of Its stonn drains again next year, but Niederhaus expects the work to start earlier. The cleaning Is most effective if It's done be(o~ f the year's first significant ralnfall.' which will wash more debris l into the ocean. he said. · I • , ~c Two schools have slightly irregular test results:~ Teachers at Kaiser and Sonora schools didn't properly administer a standardized test, but that didn't effect the overall scores. MerlH O'N•ll Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Kaiser and Sonora elementary schools reported that a teacher at each campus dld not properly admin- ister a state standardized test. malcing them Ineligible for a dis- continued state awards program. The "u~stlng irregularities" showed up on the 2002-03 Aca- demic Performance Index Growth Reports released Thurs- day. Overall scores for the schools were likely not affected, said Les Axelrod, an administrator In edu· cationaJ research and evaluation for the California Board of Edu· cation. At Sonora, Axelrod said, one teacher reviewed a student's an- swer booklet and told hJm 10 No matter what you're doing, your hometovvn newspaper ~Daily Pilot change an answer. At Kaiser. he said. a teacher gave some an- swers to students ahead of time tostu<fY. Peggy Anatol. director of cur- riculum and assessment for Newport-Mesa Unified School District, would not comment on the irregularities, calling it a "per· sonnel issue." But, she said, the district does "believe in the In- tegrity of the test-giving process.· The scflools reported the Ir· regularities to the district, who then notified the state board of education. "This testing irregularity was reported to us before testing was completed.~ Axelrod said. "The district was Instructed to code student answer docu· menrs. and those test booklets would not be included when YOUR SCHOOLS ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS AdamaK-5 2850 Clubhouse Road, Costa Mesa Principal: Candy Cloud Main phone: (714) 424-7935 Attendance: (714) 4244702 AnderMnK~ 1900 Pon Seaboume, Newport Beach Principal: Mary Manos Main phone: (949) 616-6935 Callfomia K-5 3232 California St. Costa Mesa Principal: Jane Holm Main phone: (714) 424-7940 College P9lk K·3 2380 Notre Dame Road, Costa Mesa Principal: Pat Insley Main phone: (714) 424-7960 o.via4-6 1050 Arlington Drtve, Costa Mesa Principal: Cheryl Galloway Main phone: (714) 424-7930 Attendance: (714) 4244762 Eaatblufr K~ 262'7 Vista del Oro, Newport Beach Principal: Chartene Metoyer Main phone: (949) 516-6920 H.ilt>or Vi9w K~ . 900 Goldenrod Ave., Corona del Mer Principal: MelllHie Christensen Main phone: (949) 616-6940 K.elaer 3-6 2130 Santa Ana Ave., Costa Mesa • Principal.: St.cy Holmes Main phone: (949) 61&-6950 Attendance: (949) 516-6852 t(llybrooke K-6 3156 Kfllybroolce Lane, Costa MeN Prindpal: ~ Sanchez Main phone: (714) 424-7946 Llnootn K-6 3101 P8ciflc View Drive, Corona delMer Principal: Barbara Aothmen-Heddodc Mefn phone: (949) 61~ Abndence: (949) 616-6808 ....... K.e 2100 Martnera Drive, calculating the APl • Because of the testing prob- lems, the schools are not eligible for awards under the Governor's Performance Award, a seemingly moot point Because of budget cuts. the state has not given out the perfonnance-based cash awards since 2002. The statute remains on the boolc.s, and awards eUgibillty is reported with API results anyway, said Patrick Chladek. manager of the awards unit at the Oillfomia Board of Education. Testing problems are "mostly accidental," Olladelc said. For ex- ample. a teacher might inadven- ently read pan of a question to the class. mistaking It for part of tl1e lnscructlons. If more than 5% of a school's students are affected by the ir- regularity, however. the school will not receive an API report lbat can cause problems if it is required to show improvement to lceep receiving state or federal Newport Beach Principal: Pam Coughlin Main phone: (949) 515-6960 Newport Coast K-6 6655 Ridge Park Road, Newport Coast Principal: Monique VanZeeBroec.K Main phone: (949) 515-6976 Newport Elemenbry K~ 14th Street and Balboa Boulevard, Newport Beach Principal: Denise Knutsen Main phone: (949) 615-6965 Newport Heights K~ 300 E. 15th St., Newport Beach Principal: Judith Chambers Main phone: (949) 515-6970 Attendance: (949) 515-6872 Paulartno K-3 1060 Paularino Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: John Sanders Main phone: (714) 424-7950 Attendance: (714) 4244742 Pomona K-3 2061 Pomona Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: Julie McCormldc Main phone: (949) 515-6980 Rea 4-6 601 Hamilton St, Costa Mesa Principal: Ken Killian Main phone: (949) 51>6905 Attendance: (949) 516-6836 Sonor11 K·3 966 Sonora, Costa Mesa Principal: Christine Anderaon Main phone: (714) 424-7955 Victona K-6 1026 Vtctorla St, Costa Mesa Principal: Judy Laakso Main phone: (949) 515-6986 Attendance: (949) 515-6985 WhfttMr K-3 1800 N. Whittler Ave., Costa Mesa Principal: Sharon Blakely Main phone: (949) 615-6990 Wlleon K-5 801 Wilson St., CostAI Mesa Principal: Candy Spertlng Main phone: (949) 616-6995 Woodland K-2 2025 Garden Lane, Costa Meu Principal: Lauren Medve Main phone: (949) 616-6946 funds, he said. •from that standpoint, ~ larities at 5% o.r less aren't con., i sidered that significant." Axelrod,,,, said. .. Sonora and Kaiser recetveq,L their API scores. Without the test ..... 1 Ing irregularities, the scboo~ ,, , would not have been elig>.ble for the funds. anyway. ,, ·1 Sonora missed its growth ta(" • 1 get by 12 points, scoring 71~, down from last year's 731. l~ .. ~ needed to improve by three , points to meet the state-man- dated goal. Kaiser exactly met its overall target of two points. going from 768 to n o. However, its Latino students slipped seven points on the API, and its socio-economJ-, cally disadvantaged students, slipped by four. Schools . must meet overall goals and mee.t goals for eacq, statistically significant demo- graphlc group under the federal No Oilld Left Behind Act. ~NTERMEDtATE SCHOOLS . Ensign I~ 7-8 2000 Cliff Drive, Newport Beach Principal: Edward Wong Main phone: (949) 516~910 Attendance: (949) 515-3342 TeWlnlde 6-8 3224 Catlfomia St., Costa Mesa Principal: Jeff Gall Main phone: (714) 424-7965 Attendance: (714) 424-6692 HIGH SCHOOLS Coron• del Mer 7-12 2101 Eastbluff Drive, Newport Beach Principals: Brooke Booth, 7-8; Sharon Fry, 9-12; (949) 515-6000 Attendance: (949) 515-6005 Costa Mffe 7-12 2650 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Principals: John Garcia, 7-8; Fred NavarTo, 9-12 Main phone: (714) 424-8700 Attendance: (714) 424-8705 Estancia 9-12 I ,+'1 ' I ,, .. , .. 11 .. .. I 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa , , Principal: Tom Antal Main phone: (949) 516~500 Attendance: (949) 515-6505 Middle CoUege High School 2701 Fairview Road, Costa Mesa Principal: Robert Nanney Main phone: (714) 432-5732 Newport Harbor 9-12 600 Irvine Ave., Newport Beech Principal: Michael Vossen Main phone: (949) 516-6300 Attendance: (949) 51!H)3()6 ALTERNATIVE EDUCATION CENTER j • ,• Bade Bay Cont. Hlgf1 School .• ' Mom. Vlstli High School 390 M onte Vista Ave., Coate Meea. • Principal: Deborah l.udcel'-Oavls • Main phone: (949) 515-6900 • 1· Badt Bay attendance: (949) ... ~ 615-3386 ' ,, : Monte Vista attendance: (949) '1 616-3382 ~ll'I ADW EDUCATION Adult School 425 E. 18th St, Costa Meu Principal: Diana Caniy Main phone: (949) 616-6996 Attendance: (949) 51s.5345 1ln 1 ,••1 J •j 'II "V Iii) 1.••1 •I ANTIQUE ROW GARDEN CAFE Fiwl'-JWW ........... 6-~ T,..,..,,,. • C..,, Ciff--'G.M 0-. N Url.J °""""" ~ Ct!* a..,.,. °"""""""".,,,.,. L-4 ,.. .... ,.,_ ... ~HOlJJS: ...-~ Dady Piiot I A century strong Terry Valanta celebrates her lOOth birthday with friends, family and a glass of bra ndy. Deirdre Newman Daily Pilot T erry Valanta knows how to party. On Friday, the day she hit the century made. she was sipping brandy, grinning for pictures and malting jokes that entertained her family mJmbers. Valanla, who resides at Silverado Senior IJ1Ahg home in Costa Mesa. was S\.llTOUnded hy four generations of her family for the occasion. She was serenaded by entertainer Sam t>-.m.ons, who sang "I lappy Birthday" and "I'm Dreaming of a White ~tmas." With her birthday usually overlooked beeause it fa!~ so close to Quisrmas, she was noored by tJ1e atlendon. ·~This is unusual, I'll say," she said, '>ur:yeying the scene. "I'm going to be around for the next lhirthdayl. too." Valanta gt'C'A up in Boston as one of nine d11!dren. As a young woman, Valanta was ahead of hrr lime -independent and single during hl'r 20s, 30s and 40s. She read a lot of hooks .u1~ ntwl>papers, she said. · ~ spent my time reading -whether it was forbidden or not,· she said. ~he didn't marry until she was 57. I wasn't looking for marriage," VaJanta said. , , .. Once she W(I.') ready for marriage, all she heard from men was "Where were you 45 years ago?" she said. She took a Dale Carnegie salesman coun;c while she was working and still remembers t11e main points: Attention. interest, desire and acceptance. PHOTOS BV SlEVE McCRANI< /DAILY PILOT ABOVE: Terry Valanta cuts into her cake to celebrate her 1 OOtti birthday on Friday at Silverado Senior Living home in Costa Mesa. AT LEFT: Valanta salutes with a glass of brandy. Valanta credits brandy, and a positive outlook on life, for her longevity. She ran the dub for about 20 years. Bo..'iton. "I still use it." she ~d. "I was young and imaginative and wdJlted to see the world,· she said. "Now that I'm older, I appreciate what I lived through.· she said. , Valanta said sht! never really thought about hitting 100. and she remained nonchalant about it on her birthday. "You don't even Ulink you're going to live Lill I 00," she said. "We weren't brought up that wny. to I even I think about retirement" She lived independen tly until she was about 99. Her family moved her to Silverado because she was faJJing a 101, sald JoAnne Jones, Valanta's niece. She suffers from memory impairment and dementia When ii came time to t.'11 the cake, her trademark humor was apparent. Wi th a knife in one hand, she joked about only cutting out her name so the ·Happy Birthday'' part of the icing remained. She took U1e initiative to move herself and her father out to California in the early 1950s. When she finally retired and moved Into Even now. she doesn'I fit the image of a Ntypical" senior citizen. For one, she hates card games. NThen we can use the cake! again," she said, smiling. Amy Harris. Valanca's grand niece, said she was thrilled to see Valama looking so vibrant on her birthday. ~1 was never a card player." she said. ~1 think it's a dumb game." I .eisure World, she immediately took charge of adventure activities for the uGadabouts," chartering buses to take members all over Southern California to shows and concerts. She is s1ill sharp enough to remember street names from her childhood and her house in "h's amazing." Harris said "She's a tough lady who made it through a lot" Housing inspection findings mixed Efforts by Costa Mesa officiaJs to unearth substand ard housing conditions a re met with resistance and yield modest results. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot C.OSY. MESA -llle city's ag- ~·ressive attempt to inspect rental housing for su~tandard condi- tJOns has yielded moderate re- sults: tenant inquiries for inspec- tions have increased, but it has not been matched by much inter- est from apartment owners. TI1e PlannJng Commission in January 2002 approved creating an apartment rehabilitation in- centive program to encourage owners to maintain tJ1eir proper- lles. Code enforcement officers launched a pilot program In Sep; tember 2002. targeting an area boltlered by I larbor Boulevard, Victoria Street. Placentia Avenue and 19th Street They used three strategies to motivate tenants and landlords to request inspections. While more than half the prop- erty owners solicited asked for voluntary Inspections of their properties, most dJd not want the interior of their buildings in- spected. And the owners of prop- ertles with the most visible ex- terior code violations never contacted the code enforcement office, according 10 a report the Planning Commission received Dec. 8 from building official Rick Brown. Some of the obstacles to gain- ing entry for inspections are ten- ants' ferus of retaliation from the property OWQer. and state and federal law, which prohibit enter- ing private property without "rea- sonable cause.· Planning Commissioner Katri - na Poley sald the program is a good start to anacldng substand- ard housing. but there's a lot more that needs to be done. "I really believe the new police chief's community policing effort. in conjunction with U1e code en- forcement effort, is going to have a significant increase In our abil- ity to resolve some of the sub- standard housing problems in our community,· Foley said. 1Wo Spanish-speaking code enforcement officers carried out the pilot program in the target area, which was selecced because ii contained a large percentage of rental units versus single-family homes. There is a large concen· tradon of apartment buildings along Pomona. Meyer and Victo- ria streets. y.st Friday, Saturday & Sunday of the Month. 50-75% OFF "We've Raided the Best Clolets In Orange County." Quality Consign~ent Apparel ·cE . ;~ -t:he sty le'; 369 E. 17th St. Costa Mesa (Across from Ralph••) M-F 1 o-6, Sat. 10-5, Sun. 12-4 949 642-1844 . ' The ollicers tried three meth- ods in three sections of the target area to prompt requests for in- terior inspections. In one section. they walked the neighborhood door-to·door and explained the program's goal to tenants. The of- ficers heard of many problems. but most tenants wouJdn't agree to let the officers into the apart- ments because they feared re- taliation from the owner in the form of rent increases or evic- tions. ln another section, they mailed information to propeny owners only, explaining that they would be in their area doing exterior in· spections. They asked the owners to make appointments with the officers if they wanted a voluntary inspection of their property. 1Wenty-6ve out of 4-0 owners re- sponded, but the majority did not let the officers inside theff build- in~ The least succ~ approach was mailing information to ten- ants and owners that described the programs goals and gave con- tact infonnation for inspection. No one took code enforcement up on this offer. While the code enforcement department didn't get the over- whelming results it was looking for, le was buoyed by 40 addi- tional complaints from the target area during the pilot program. These came after the officers sent out their information but were not prompted by direct request.s for inspections. They resulted in the identification of n violations, including hai.ardous plumbing and fire hazards. The pilot program cost about $57,000 from code enforcement's approved budget and didn't re- quire the hiring of any additional officers. Mirna Burciaga. who was re- cently appointed to the Parlcs and Recreation Commission, said she undersiands why some tenants might be apprehensive to let code enforcement officers in- spect their units. She said she en- couraged one of her own em- ployees to alert code enforcement to problems with her apartment Code enforcement contacted her landlord, who fixed the problem, but the employee was eventually asked to leave the apartment, Burciaga sald. •niey have the rtghl to be afraid: Burciaga said. "Beca sometimes. what happens when people are doing some things, like when tenants check and they discover something Is wrong and the landlord needs to fix it, probably the majority of landlords won't be really happy about it But the reality is that if you have a property, you have 10 take care of It" Saturday, December 20. 2003 A7 SHI"""° & MOVING IOXJS 1--.1 2451 Newport Uvd . c:.... MMa 949 515-1771 Rabb itt Insurance ~ency Atn'O • HOMEOWNERS • Hiu:rn Subiliry Suuv 1957. ~ Id ~Sr"J_, 949-631-7740' 441 CM Nnrpon BW. • Nnrpon ~ (NUt HCNlfl Ho.pical) Tll.0'5 &UFtOPEAN AUTOHAUS LOWEST PRICES ON PRE.OWNED · MBf • BMW • PORSCHE Came Experience a Frie,.dl1 Way to Buy a Pre-Owned European Automobile 200 W. Coast Hw,i & Dover • Newport Beach. CA 941. WE CAN HELP KEEP YOUR .DREAM AFLOAT. WE LIVE W H ERE YOU LIVE."' Now that your dream of owning your own boar has finally come true. let me show you how State Farm• boat insurance can hdp you make sure italJ stays dm way. Steven Hill, Agent Lie.# OC80618 3SO East 17'" S1rtt1, Sunc 211 Com Mesa, CA 949-646-9393 ff.n .... UKEA GOOD NFJGHBOR A STATE FARM IS THERE.™ ''"HA•CL. Providi"S lmumn« 11111/ Fim1ntial 5'rvtm ._, .. r .. 1111~<-i.r.-..-'-...,.., llli1--C.... ...... fl. .. ' I I J \ l I ' M Sabday. December 20, 2003 60%0ff Kemper cabinets through January 31, 2004 ' AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS Items to the 0111y Pilot. 330 W. Bev St., Cos1a M ... CA 92627; by fax to {949) 648-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVENTS HISTORY~ HITCHCOCK Orenge Cout Cotlege 11 offering • nine-part film history on Alfred Hltchcodt. The series will be moderated by retired OCC profeHor R:'Ari_hurTeuNlg. Each , ... Ion will be tt,ld at 6:90 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be held at OCC~ Ane Ant Hall 11~. Admi .. lon 11 S6 for adults and S6 for seniors end OCC ltudenta. For more Information, call (714) 432·5880. RING OF UGKTS The Commodoret Club If the Newport Beach Cham bet of Commerce Is holding the Ring of Lights home decorating competition this month. Information: (949) 729-4400. NEWPORT HARBOR CHRISTMAS BOAT PARADE Beautifully decorated yachts. boar., kayaks and canoes will sail along the harbor in the 95th annual Newport Harbor Christmas Boat Parade through Sunday. Each night. the parade will begin at 6:30 p.m. at Collins Island and last two and a half hours. The parade is hosted by the Commodores Club of the Newpon Beach Chamber of Commerce. Information: (949) 729-4400. http://www.chdstmss boatpsrsde.com MUSIC CHRISTMAS CONCERT St Andrew's Presbyterian Churcn Sanctuary Choir and Orcttestra will present Christmas concert works by Bau, Rutter, Hayes, Stroope. Menotti, Tchaikovsky along with holiday carols at 4 pm. Sunday at 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. Tickets cost $10. Information: (949) 574-2284, (949) 574-2283. Chllck:are reservations: (949) 574-2283. MARIAH CAREY Superstar Mariah Carey will smg at 8 p.m. Monday at the Orange CountY Performing Arts Center. Tickets will cost $76 to $140. Information: (714) 556-2787, http://wwW.ocpsc.org. JAZZ TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beactt presents a jazz trio Sunday through Wednelday 11 regular entertainment at 860 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and 6 to 10 p.m. M oodey through W9dnetd1V. (949) 718-0188. WEEKLY JAM Tt\9 StOcllo Ca,. present• Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. tv•rv week. "Wanted• musicians include guitar players, bau players. singers, drummers, keyboardlst9 and others at 100 Mein St.. Newport Beach. Free. l949l s16-nso. DUKE'S Pl.ACE Jaz:z and codct1i11 flow dally from noon to midnight Sundays through Thursdays and from noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays at the Balboa Bay Club & Reson. at 1221 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beectt. Information: (949) 646-6000 MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JAZZ Walter Lakota and David Alcantar, the New Yorit Jazz Connection Duo. play at Mamma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway In Newport at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays and at 1 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. Diana Oitr1 joins the duo on vocals on Mondays. It's free. Information: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRIU. The Bluewater Grill offers live music Friday and Saturday nights. Greg Morgan. Nick Peper and Kelly Gordian (known as MPG) perform classic rock, R&B end swing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. Marvin Gregory end MPG will perform classic rock. swing and R&B at 8:30 p.m . Saturdays. The restaurant Is et 630 Lido Park Drive, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-3474. MUSIC AT THE PELICAN The Rusty Pelican offers the music of Common Ground from Wednesday through Sunday. The band performs from 7 to 10 p.m . Wednesday and Thursday. from 8:30 p.m. to 12:30 a.m. Friday and Saturday and from 2 to 6 p.m. Sunday. The restaurant is at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 642·3431. MUSIC AT PLAYERS Players restaurant is now offering live music from 9 p.m. to midnight every Friday and Saturday. Players is at 512 W. 19th St .. Costa Mesa. No cover charge (949) 646·5615. WEEKEND MUSIC Anthony's Riverboat Restaurant in Newport Beach presents the Rick Sherman Duo featuring Rick Sherman and Alan Remington on l Friday nights. The progr•m feawree •II yoor t.voritn on the wcophone keybo•rda. Anthony's 11at161 E. Collt Hlghw•V· (949) 673-3425. POP-f'OCK AND ~NCO Tate 5, a funk. roct •nd,Motown act. perlonn1 at 9 p.m. Saturdays atC.rmelo'a Rlstorente. 3520 E. Coast Hlghw.y, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs d•asJeal flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 875-1922. SATUADAY NIGHT RU · Gerald lahlba~l and the Stone Bridge Band play rock and R&B at 9 p.m •• Saturdays at Sutton Piece Hotel's THanon Lounge. 4600 MacArthur Blvd .. Newpor1 Bead'I. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE 'A CHRISTMAS CAROL' South Coast Repertory presents Hal Landon ·Jr. in •A Christmas Carol; whictt will be performed through Monday at the Folino Theatre Center, 655 Town Center Ortve, Costa Mesa. Tic:kets cost $29 to $44. Information: (714) 708-5555, http://wwW.scr.org. 'LA POSADA MAGICA' The Octavio Solla and Marcos Loya music.al "La Posada Magica; about a band or neighbo,. who journey to rediscover the magic of Christmas, will continue through Wednesday at South Coast Repertory. Regular performances will be at 3 and 8 p.m. today, at 12:30 and 4:30 p.m. Sunday, at 8 p.m. Tuesday and at 12:30 p.m. on Christmas Eve. All perfonnances will be on the Julianne Argyros Stage, 655 Town Center Drive, Costa M esa. Information: (714) 708-5555, http:llwww.scr.org. STARLIGHT EXPRESS Andrew Lloyd Webber's m usical Starlight E><press, with new sets and costumes by John Napier, will be performed Thursday, Christmas Day, through Dec. 28, Dec. 30 and 31 and Jan. 1 through 4 at the Orange County Performing Arts Center in Segerstrom Hall. Information: (714) 556-2787, http://www.ocpac.org. DANC E THE NUTCRACKER The American Ballet Theatre will perfonn Tchaikovsky's -i:he Nutcracker· through Sunday at the Orange CountY Performing Arts Center. The American Ballet (FLEBRATE Th .. tre'I production Is staged by artlltic dir.ctor Kevin McKenzie. Tk*eta cost S20 to sao. Information: (714) 566-2787. http:llwww.ocpac.org. $wtNG ~·are given from 2 to 6 p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom In Newport Bead'I by the Orange CountY Swing Dance Oub. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. Information: http://OC6Win9.com. (909) 666-6119. ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing la offered from 8 p.m . to 12:30 a.m. the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintock Way, Cotta Mesa. Information: (7141641-8688. POETRY GYPSY OEN CAFt There will be en open poetry reading night for anyone who wishes to present his or her work, with music by Liquid Muse, at 8 p.m . Jan. 13 et the Gypsy Oen Caf6, 2930 Bristol St .. Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 549-7012. (714) 664-6526, (949) 472·9028. Al.TA COFFEE HOUSE There will be an open poetry reading night for anyone who wishes to present his or her work. with music by Ryan Strassburg, at 8 p.m. Jan. 14 at the Alta Coffee House, 506 31st St. Information: (714) 564-6526, (949) 675-0233. CHILDR EN STARLIGHT STORIES Children 3 to 1 years old are invited to participate in songs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Costa Mesa Library. 1855 Park Me. (949) 646-8845 P JS AND BOOKS A children's story time is presented at 7 p.m. Mondays and at 10:30 a.m. Saturdays at the Newport Be~ch Central Library, 1000 Avocado Ave. Children may wear pajamas to the evening sessions. Free. (949) 717·3801. WEEKLY STORYTELLER A children's story time is held at 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays at Barnes & Noble Booksellers at Metro Pointe, 901·B South Coast Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 444-0226. STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m Wednesdays and 10:15 o ~ THE BAL THIS HOLIDAY. a.m. Fridays at Border• Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St, Costa Mesa. Free. (7141 432-7854. DINING/TASTING !RISH DfCIWfS CHRISTMAS M uldoon'• wUI have ha 16th annual lrlsh Dlc:kens' Chrietmaa from through Christm as Eve at 202 Newport Center Drive. The staff will be costumed In scullery attire from Christmases past. They will also have a 1()()-year-old dudtllng recipe from Country Cork, Ireland. Information and reservations: (949) 640-4110. NEW YEAR'S EVE New Year.'1 Eve reservations are being accepted for Villa Nova Restaurant in Newpon Beach. The night will consist of a four-course meal. party favors and a midnight toast of Piper Heidsledt Brut Champagne. The cost is $75 per person. Alcoholic beverages, bottled wine and gratuitY are extra. Information and reservations: (949) 642·7880. TIE SINGLE GOURMET Single GQurmet members, upscale business and professional singles in their 30s to 50s, will get together at 1 p.m. Jan. 23 at Pavilion at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beactt. Information and reservations: (949) 854-6552, http://wwW.single gourmstlsoc.com. SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers Sunset Dinners from 4 to 5:15 p.m. Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Meals typically cost between $10 Sl 5. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Meals typically cost between $8 and $15. (949) 642·3431. lWIUGHT DINING A twilight dining menu, featuring dishes such as chicken parmigiana and calamari picante at reduced prices, is offered from 5 to 6 p.m . weekdays and from 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS Hi-Time Wine Cellars offers wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m . Fridays and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m . Saturdays. (949) 650-8463. Come join us th is holiday season. Experience the perfect meal with your family and frie nd s. Deli ght in the joyous sounds of the All American Boys Chorus on the ni ght before Chri stmas Eve. Then start the new year in grand style at the Gala New Year's Eve Ba ll in the Grand Ballroom. Only at the Host of the Coast. For informatio n and reservations please call 949 630-4145. ' . '? YkPfi~~u:? ~tfd g-Pll~ \ 1221 West Coast Highway I N(!w port Beach I Californ ia 92663 949 645-5000 I r.a: 949 630-421 S I www.balboabayclub.com 1 Saturday, December 20. 2003 A9 FORUM / HOW 10 GET PUBLISHED -Lett.rs: Mall to Editorial Page Editor Lolita Harper at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 • RNdet'9 Hottlne: Call (!MS) 642-6086 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mall:Send to dsilypllot@latimes.com • All COl'Tespondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verification purposes). The Piiot reserves the right to edit all submissions for clarity and rength. READERS RESPOND Catch 22 multiplied by nearly 200 LEITER TO THE EDITOR A student who doesn't' like tests? AT ISSUE : Costa Mesa's red-light cameras have caught 4,000 violators. Oearly. the cameras are plUting hard numbers to what we all have known for a long time is a serious problem. By Dale De Atley R eed,ingArnanda . Rubeoatein'a lll.nd on standlrdlzed testing rmUoded me that I once supported a movement to •tmprove" educadon bygradlng academic pedomwlce as simply •pus• or "fall.• entire world for new technologies and diminishing resources. In doing the math, it seems that the city of Costa Mesa will be netting about $168,000 as its share of the fines from these camera citations. I seem to recall in a previous article that the city splits its portion with tl),e camera company, with the city getting about one-third of the revenues. It 'ieems to me that the city of Co!>ta Mesa would have <lone well to use the hS:U--million dollars in ticket revenue that it could get from those same PHOTO ENFORCED Thousands of drivers have received citations for running red lights at four Costa Mesa intersections since cameras were installed in May. SimUadyto Amanda, I knew that students wanted to genuinely learn and not be taught to regurgjtate faces and figures. I believed educators and the system were misguided because they wanted to put me In a box marked A. B or C Excellent performance in any coolest, decided by standards, proves you are better at what's being tested. If one or cwo teachers at Corona del Mar High School sit at the back of the class. not inleracting with students, perhaps the standard to challepge is not academJc performance but rather union-protected tenure. 4.000 tickets to employ more pohce and put them on the <>tree ts. BURTHERMEY Costa Mesa •EDITOR'S NOTE: When Costa Mesa adopted the red-light camera, it agreed to give all the c1iv's profits to local driver's education programs. 'Red-light camera~ at inter!>ection!>? Ye1>, way. Bring 'em on. More. more! I leck. I almost bought the f.irm not too long ago while w:uting my tum to drive through the mtersection of Fairview Road and Raker Street. Picture this: I'm the first car in the outside lane of !>Outhbound Fairview Road, waiting for a green light. To my •.U035ml!ISIR • ~;/ l~ M.v>· • l.Potrf JI •8;11C~l/ls.~ With Canon EF 28·90 Lens. Strap and Batteries left is a !>port utility veh.icle. We get 1J1e i:,rreen. but a little voice whispers, ~Don't start up yet. The SUV i!>n't moving. You can'1 see what's coming.~ Sure enough. a few seconds later. some idiot Lraveling west on Baker Street. speeds through the intersection. That close call was a real cage-rattler. Picture t11is: I'm the fir!>t car in the outside lane of southbound Fairview. (Mja vu?J at the northbound onramp to the San Diego Freeway. We get the green. but other can. trying to get on the freeway just keep coming and coming and corning. Blows my mind. Picture this: I've seen Costa Mesa's finest -sitting In their police vehicles -totally ignore a red-light runner and go on their merry way, as the scofllaw wipes a bead of sweat off his or her brow. I've been watching -Costa Mesa drivers hesitate when the light turns green: t11ey wait for the inevitable red-light ninner. They know beller. FLO MARTIN Costa Mesa I believe that the ins1alla11on of cameras to catch driver!> running red lights is a waste uf resources. What happened to good old human judgment? We now let the computers in the Bowl Olampionship Series decide what football team i!. No. canon Rw.r~ SD 100 DIOITAL EL?H canon RwerSh« 5400 DIGITAL EL?H • SOOY ONlY 8899 • CompaUbfe with EF Lenses •Direct Pnnt capab1/1ty •New /1114gmg Processor s449 • 3 minutes (15 fps) Movie Mode • Ultra thm compact design canon eos i:LR1V • High-$/Jted 1 Point AF • 4 tps Film Advance cano11 i475D Desktop Photo Printer • 4' 6. botrJtr1lss prlntlitl 90 • 8 112· x , t. bonl«1lss eapible • Suppotts PICT bridge l1ld canotl °""'Print • Al:t:fpts most media cards IEW LOW PRICE! a canon ~5hotA70 • 8299 canon i860 Desktop Photo Printer • 2 9 0 0 a a a FILE PHOTO / DAILVP1lOT I, and look at what happened. The team, USC ranked by humans as No. J is not in the championship game. I.ct the police do Lheir job. Also. why does t11e city only receive a small percentage of the fine revenues? The city could make better use of the fund!. than the county and state. Bill LUND CoMa Mesa • EDITOR'S NOTE: Costa Mesa's contract with Nestor Systems Inc .. calls for the private company to keep a certain percentage of the revenues in exchange for free installation end maintenance of the cameras. Since Amanda's teachers at Corona del Mar won't tell her, I will -Grow up. Compedtion. from standardized testing to your salary and where you live, is the very essence of the American experience. leacbers "teach to regurgitate" because that is what the community and state requires of them. Thachers present the content and depth of subject maner dedicated by the state based on what will be tested in May. The political and economic factors dictating education standards in California are the result of ow country's oeed to compete with the SALE PlllCED Amanda's passion for education would be better served by the selection of a more time-worthy seruor project I suggest she research the significant issues and solutions associated with educating students in our little Newport-Mesa Unified School District representing worldwide ethnic diversities, unfathomably wide economic diversities and tragically wide parental diversities. Oh, and don~ forget, with a shamefully poor budget. I believe research in that area might yield a more productive result and satisfy Amanda's need to think analytically. • DALE DEATLEY is a Costa Mesa resident. ~ l<ONI( /\MINO LT/\ .... ~ l<ONIC/\ MINOLT/\ .... •Revolutionary Non·Extendiog 12X Zoom (3X Optx:al 4X 011Jilal) Lens • UW Vdeo Conlerencing Remote Camen functJOn 8299 ~ l<ONIC /\ MINOLT/\ .... Di~GEG400 • Rapid AF System •Dual Memory Card Slot • 0.7 second start·up time 8349 ~ l<ONIC I\ MINOL Tl\ .... Di~GE Gsoo • 9x zoom (3X optical, 3X d-.>IUI) • so card & Memol'f Stick complllblllty • 1,3 MGOnd ltart·UP dme Zoom 160c DATE • 4 3X Asphenc Zoom Lens • Film Chamber loct protects Mm • Automatic film loading 8149 ~ l<ONf( I\ MINOLTA .... Zoom 110 DATE •3&-110mm • •1w .. •Alm Chamber lock protects him •Automatic film loading 899 ~ ~ : f(1 )Nii t\ Ml NOLT/\ .... Dlt.jdGE Scan DuaL m • 2.820 dpl optical resolutlon • 18-bk NO CDllWBlon • Ulra high-speed 088 2.0 • Trua+lllm llllJlllM-to- ~-..Now 8289 AlO Savday, December 20, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD UC/ Tri-Delts support cancer research D urlng the boUdays. and all )ftt long. the Pediatric Cancer Raearch FoWldatlon makes some of the most important dwitable and medical efforts In the community. The lives of innocent children are at risk every day. Progress baa been made. in large part because of the .-----~ unfa!Hng etforu of people who ca.re In conjuncdon with the reawbble strides made by the medJcaf and edendflc communities. Money ls a major factor. funding the ma.chine that B.W. COOK searches for answers. Fony-Ove local women, all alumnae of the sorority Delta Delta Delta. Joined other alumni aftlllated with UC lrvlne ln folding thousands or holiday cards on behalf of the foundation. "The cards will be distributed to chain stores, social event organiurs and local businesses. who In tum, seU the cards to customers all for the benefit or cancer research.· said Dawn Tetrault of the Tri-Delta women. The foldl~ center was the Newport home orlbla Cochran. where the ladies assembled cards designed by a local 13-year-old cancer patient named John Muh. The afternoon or card-folding also included a bit ofni-DeJta business, as the group elected Wendy Sch.llf Woman of the Year, an annual award or recognition coming from the Southern California Alumni Council. Schlff was honored with the award at a holiday luncheon, praised for her volunteer service "above and beyond the call of duty.• If you haven't sent your holiday cards, call the foundation office at (949) 859-6312. There's still time to make a dlfrerence. Organizers are now hard at work planni~ next year's Rainbow of Hope Fashion Show and Luncheon, to be held ln Newpon ln suppon of the Ped.Jatric Cancer Research Foundation. Underwriting support is needed. CaU Dawn Sather at (949) 721-3316. • TliE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. Debbie Grayston, Marilyn Damm and Dawn Sather at the Tri-Oelta alumnae's card-folding event for the Pediatric Cancer Research Foundation. Sandra Galle, Wendy Schiff and Thia Cochran load finished cards for delivery to the foundation. Littlefield-Tumlinson Sharon Uttlefield of 8n.tn.1Wick. Maine and MatthewThmllnaon or Brunawick exchanged vows at the Caatine Unitarian Church In CUtlne. Maine on Oct. 18. The bride la the daughter of Joan and WIDJam Uttlefield or Newport Beach. • The matron of honor was ICathleen • Uttlefield The junior bridesmaid was Kaitlin Mary Blizabeth . ' Uttlefield. The bridegroom Is the aon of Alexis and Maegan Freeman and Joshua Taussig Gerald 'JbmUnson of Sharon Littlefield and Lake Hopatcong, N.J. Matthew Tomlinson The best man WU lllf ThmllMon. The junior groomsman was Alex Mitchell Thmllnaoa · The reception took place at the Manor Inn, In Castine. 'lbe couple tpent lb honeymoon ln Hong Kong and MaQo. The couple plans to live ln Brunswick. The bride worb for the Doris Duke Foundation for lalam.lc Art u a curator of Sbangrl La, Doris Duke's home near Diamond Head, Hawa.l.L The groom ls a visiting professor ln the deputment of sociology and · anthropology at Bowdoin College In Brunswick. • Wll>OWGI AM> ENGAGEMENTS run Saturdays. For a form, pl"" ~II Lula Pefl• et (949) 574-4298. Th~ Pegasus ~chool #1\. A National Blue Ribbon ~ ~ School of Excellence ~ • A rigorous academic curriculum for bright and gifted students preparing for success in secondary school • Science, Technology, Spanish, Music, Art and Drama •Outstanding School, O.C. Science and Engineering Fair • Award-winning Art Students • Competitive Athletic Program Now Accepting Applications for Preschool-8th grade for 2004-2005 Campus tours are now being scheduled. Please call to reserve your personal tour time. The Pegasus School 19692 Lexington Lene, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (71 4) 964-1224 • FAX (71 4) 962-6047 www.pegasus-school.net \f"t ·"' ... ).1 I '" ')Jr .. ' ,.,, 1111 •"\• ~II ,-.: 'tll .. I • l' ., .. ... 'tV , • t Saturday, December 20, 2003 All FAITH IN THEORY THE MORAL OF THE STORY Fewer gifts can be more Where to. draw the line 10 give to God. I remember answers such as "read more.· •be less gn.tn)py" and •spend more time with God.. "/am wishing for you thll day a happy (11rlstmas. I would send you those gifts which are beyond price, outlasr time, and bridge all space. I wish you all lalJ8hter and pure joy. a merry h«Jrt and a clear consckna, and /ooe which thinks no evi~ is not easily pf'OflOked, and seeks not its own; the fragmnce of flowers. the SWttt associations of holly CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON l also mentioned that a friend recently gave me an article about simplifying the season. It's titled, "Why I'm giving my children less this year," written by Joyce Maynard, and It appeared in a past Redbook magazine. The author wrote about mistakes she'd and mistletoe and fir. the memory of chep woods, off'l!llaful hills, and the mantling snow. which guard the sleep of all God's creatures. I wish that the spirit of Oiristmastide may dmw you into companionsllip with Him who giveth all OJme, let us adore Him." -a.SHOP REMINGTON W e all know how many days are left until Cluistrnas. Some of us may still be rushing around trying to buy just the right presents. Many friends have saJd how stressful it Is to think they have to buy the greatest gifts, decorate and dress perfectly, and on and on. One friend said sh e felt fra7.7Jed for weeks as she listed all she needed to bake, buy, wrap and send, and that every time she crossed one thing off her list, she added several more. •1 know that Jesus Is the reason for the season, but I'm feeling more like Scrooge, and I'm snapping at my precious young children," she said. I men tioned that when our daughters were young. we tried to avoid too many gifts and glitz by giving simply and then giving extra to a needy family or organization. For several years, we also had a "Happy Birthday, Jesus" party, which was a night when we dressed casually, ate simply on trays by the fire and sang Oui.stmas carols. We didn't exchange gifts that night. but we often shared a gift we would like made in the past when trying 10 satisfy every want and need for her children. She wrote about creating a sense of wonder at Oui.stmas without overdoing everything. "Here's what happens when you give a child 30 amazing gifts: None is amazing anymore," the article says. "They like them. They may even love a few. But the specialness of any one gift is diminished by the profusion." She wrote that things such as camp, computers or sporting gifts were wonderful privileges for our parents' generations, but seem to be expected by many youngsters today. She said that problems can easily arise when we over-provide for our children, and that it is more healthful to meet reaJ needs more than Lo meet every want. She's right Laughter and love and enjoying God's creation last longer than a mountain of presents. 111ere are times when less can be more and simple can be more satisfying. May we try to think more simply. and may the true spirit of the season draw us closer in connection and communion with our loved ones and with God. You can quote me on that. • CINDY TRANE cHRISTESON is a Newport Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e-mail at cindy@onthegrow.com or through the mail at 537 Newport Center Drive, Suite 505, Newport Beach. CA 92660. LIMITED TIME ONLY ONE-HOUR SPA TREATMENT S PECIAL $6Q MA SSAGE AT ISSQE: The separation of church and state is.an ongoing debate in the United States. How might 'the addition of a prayer period in public schools, or at public functions such as City Council meetings, affect a community's attitude toward religion, regardless of one's faith? "In God We Trust~ appears on the U.S. bills in my pocket. "One nation under God" is pledged every day. U.S. courts and presidents taJte the "Bible oath.· The so-called separation of church and state is a mere idea - excellent when it is against a state-endorsed religion, pitiable when it is against religion Itself. Prayers are a symbol of profound awe, respect and love. Such acts only serve to enrich a closer bond with our fellow man. IMAM MOUSTAFA Al.-QAZWINI Islamic Educational Center of Orange County Cos1a Mesa For 01ristians, a cent ml goal is to be praying always; ideally, prayer is less something we do than it is how we live. Everybody prays whether one thinks of it as praying or not: The odd silence you fall into when something very beautiful is happening or something very good or very bad, like the "ah-h-h-h!" that sometimes Ooats out of you as out of a Fourth of July crowd when fireworks burst over the water, the stammer of pain at someon e else's pain, the slammer of joy at someone else's joy, or whatever words or sounds one uses for sighing over your own life and loves. These are all prayers in their way. These are all spoken not just to yourself but to something or someone even more familiar than yourself and even more unusual than the world. Opportunities for prayer serve to remind that we all pray as an integral, inescapable dynamic of human living. that we all honor symbols, beliefs. values and practices focused on bonom-llne questions of meaning (so, we all have a Mreligion"), and that we all have an ultimate focus, whether it is a god of pleasure or success or happiness or the God of Jews and Christians and Muslims. Optional times for quiet contemplation and silent meditation would provide opportunities for individuals to do ... something along the long continuum of the great variety of things people do and the ways peoples and religions pray. How we use such times wouJd identify who or what our God or god is, in what religion we believe, and how we pray ... always! THE VERY REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES St. Michael & All Angels Episcopal Church Corona del Mar I have enjoyed the privilege of open ing sessions of the U.S. I louse of Representatives and the U.S. Senate with prayers invoicing the blessings of God on the legislators and our country. I have offered invocations at countless council meetings and public sch ool gatherings. I affirm the separation of church and state while acknowledging no separation between God and country. It is not so much a wall that divides the two realms as a heavy cur1ain. Religious life has never been d ivorced from the political process. and SPORTS/D EEP THERAPUETIC MASSAGE • Hor STONE THERAPY M ASSAGE SWEDISH RELAXATION MASSAGE • MATERNITY MASSAGE • REFLEXOLOGY FACIALS 11¥ CWIUllCA • 1 ... blldt pitch • Llfttlmt motor Wirf IM'lty governmental neucrauty. In matters of religious expression, has never been a feature of the political landscape. I am the rabbi of a synagogue that enjoys tax-exempt status as a religious institution. Our government is officially on the side of God. affirming Its faith in God, its reliance upon God and the relevance of God's blessings to America's survival and welfare. Despite such a disposition toward religion, and despite displays of religiosity in all branches of government, the founders wrote a secular Constitution in which the powers and concerns of the government were not to affect the religious conscience of the individual Victims themselves of Europe's religious wars, they believed that full religious freedom was possible only in a secular state. I believe the public school is a secular institution. A time set aside for prayer to be recited in such a setting is coercivl'. When I offer a prayer before Congress, It is uttered before adults who are present voluntarily. A legislator who objecti. to ceremonial deism may enter the chamber a fl'w moments aft er the opening gav('I for the start of the business day. Students. though, do not enjoy such a luxury and are compelled to either recite a prayer. distance 1hemselves from tl1e students who are praying or remain silen1 while their peers and friends are engaged in this exercise. Other than praying "Please let the bell ring" or "Please let the teacher grade on the curve," the serious business of entreating God should be left to the sacred precincts of the house of won.hip. the home, or to any setting In wh ich the worshipper feels the need to engage in religious devotion. RABBI MARK MILLER Temple Bat Yahm Newport Reach .1 AlZ ~day, Oecembef 20, 2003 FAITH CALENDAR t SPECIAL EVENTS CAPP£U.A CNfTORUM c.pp.tla c.ncorum. the young eduh chof r of St John Vlanney Chapel, la IMlglnnlng lta fifth year. The c::hofr la open to atudenta In grades ab< to 12. h provides ectlve faith participation for teena during their high IChool years. Pa)tlcipat)on Includes singing a1 mua regularly and at &pedal events. Rehearsal& a,. from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Saturdays in the Chtpel at 314 Merine Ave .. Balbol Island. Younger children are lllVit.ed to join. For more lnformetion, c:Ontact Nancy Kelly, director at (949) 673-4596. ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOlARMP St. Mark Presbyterian Church in Newport la offering an environmental &<nolarlhlp fund for two studenta. The &<nolarthlps will only be offered throu~h Chapman University and UC Irv ne. Interested students should contact their financial aid office. The scholarships will be A <•"~·ml'fl •f 1"' '1~'1r•11 ( .,,.,,.i.1111n 11(.1/f IJl'V<. ()(II FAl7H /Ol?M, (1111/fl ~"'IJ VRl/'IG 0('/t c (HfMU/\/ftl'. I ht kn ti l'rtn I I I Im~ RC\"" \l'MIAY\( llH>ll\I K in1 ll"lv I udum1 ~unJ•t ~hooU . .i..luh fl1hk 'wudt 10 ~m l'l11lf•l l·.o<lurm \ii lt.\J rl 1.4111 Al'All.A/t/J ewarded In the spring of 2004. Information: (949) 8'4-1~ 1, http://ltmaltpreabyterlan.org. MENORAH UGHT1NG The Chebed Jewish Center lrwttn the community to jofn it at 3 p.m. Dec. 21 at the Faltllon lslend In the Bloomlngdele'a courtyard for • menorah lighting. The WOl'kta largest chocolale menorth will be carved by Doug Wel,.ein and kindled by comedian and Rat P9dt membef Joey Bi.hop. lnfonnetfon: (949) 721·9800. CffRtSTMAS EYE SEIMCES The Ora~ Coast Unltarfen Unlveraallsts Chur<tt will hold a ChrlstmH Eve Mrvice, "Would You like to Hold the Baby:' a CMstrrie1 pageant with churd't choir music, at 7:30 p.m., and •Leason• and Carols" at 10 p.m. lnfonnation: (949) 646-4662. http://ocuuc.org. CttRISTMAS EVE WORS.. St Mk:tlael & All Angela Eplacopal Church will have a Mries of Christmas Eve m ..... starting with a children's Christmas pageant et 5 p.m. The Holy Eucharist and Homily will be at 5:30 p.m .; "Gift of Music: a aelection of carols, will be at 10-.30 TEMPLE ISAWI OF NEWPORT IEACH PRESENTS: A l·wtM C04H1t Mtln EMclUotl ~ Ulll llUC s. -•181 l8'1cs: 'WHT1ICI" .......... . COM.ICT1 •TIE~ f.Alr. TitURSOAY NIGHTS AT 7:30 PM on DICeftlllef 11, 11, m3 J1nuary a. 15, 22 and 29, 20CM Cost $30.00 lor die Htlre COtlrst. 4 Mtt ...... ~ ......... ., ,. ...... al:IMlt .... FAITH p.m.; end e dloral Chl'1stm.N Ew ~Drive, Newport 8Mch. EucNria Will a,. et 11 p.m. St. lnfonnMion: CM) M4-0200. MkNel A All Angel9 Epl~ Churd't i9 •t 3233 Pedfic Vl9W ·NEWENGLMD OrfW, toron. del Mer. YOUTH lnlEI• E lnformedon: (949) 644-0463. The &Mlnth-ctey Adventist lntormalk>n; (949) 644-0483. Churdt • hoet e coran by~ New EnglMd Youth Eneemble et CHRISTMAS OAY WORS.. 11 a.m. at 271 Avocado St, ea.ta Ther• wllf be Chrlstmes Dey mus Metta. Thechok end~. at 10 a.m. at St. Micheel & All Angeta Eplsoopel etwrd\, 3233 Pacffic View Otfve, Corona del Mer. Information: (9491644-0463. CHJMTMAS EVE MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Eve masses will be held at 6 and 7:30 p.m .. and pre-service mualc for the midnight maa will begin at 11:15 p.m. Child cere wlll be available at the 5 p.m. mass. The "*'"' will all be held at Our Lady Queen of Angeta, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beac::h. lnfonnatloo: (949) 644-0200. CHRISTMAS DAY MASS SCHEDULE Christmas Day ma .... will be heldat7,8:30, lOand 11:30a.m. Child care will be available at the 8:30, 10 and 11:30 a.m. maues. The masaes will all be held at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Newport Center United Methodist Church Rev. CarhJc~ Coors, Pascor 1601 Margucrirc Ave. I comer of Margucrirc and Sw Joaquin Hills Rd. from Columbia Union College In Takome Pert. Md .. la celebnltfng lta 30th NNOn tour. lnformetlon: (949) 6"8-6696. WORKSHOPS PMEN1'ftG GROUP Jewllh Family Service of Orange County ls fonnlng • parenting groop to hefp parenu to understand end deal with the feelings and behavfor of their children. The group meet• from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. the first and third Mondays of the month at the center, 260 E. Baker St, Suite G In Coate Mesa. Information: (714) 445-4960. f>r&.registretion is required .. ntltTEEN RMSH STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewish Family Service la offering a support and discussion group for aduhs whose children or MmSAVllRD• UNrTl:D METHOOt8T CHURCH 1701 Beker, C.M. WOl'9hip a Church School 8:30 and 10:00 a.m. (714) 979-8234 Dr Richard teorJie Rey Stfl)lllnlt Toon Senk>< Minister Youth Minister (949) 6#-0745 Chrilt Church By the Sea 811m Quut Worship Sevier Unired Methoo;s1 /Oam Worship anti Chi/Jrrn's 1-400 W. Balboa Blvd.. Nrwpon Bach S __ J_ C'.L . I .,.~ ...... Adults-t.y~ u naay .xnuo 8JO ai 1 o 01 • Wonhip Md a..i.ltrnt s-i.7 Sd.od -~·>'4·0'."_h~-"'.·"·"•"11111'11111"11111y~-.1rJ n.c Rn. ~;.~~ CrUp, ,._ "THE RESURRECTION OF THE BODY" Salanla7, Dttttnbtt 20, lCleJ, S:JO P.M. Sunday, l>Kttnbt.r 21, JOOJ, l:JO & lll:IS "·M. c 11r1stmu c~ Suna1• 4:M P.M. Christmas Eve Candlelight Services "Jesus Loves Me, This I Know!" Wnlaact.y, Dcccmbcr 24, S:OO, 7:00, 9:00, 11:00 P.M. IChUd catt K .net ~ for tht> 5:00 & 7:00 P.M • ..men oely.) Sr. MAIK PlBYIDJAN CHURCH STANDBEW'S PRESBYfUIAN CHURCH FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST Worship 9:30 Rtv. Mouipor W'alliam P. Mcl..aU&hlin P.or UTUllCIES: Seturclay, 5 p.m. (Cant0r). Sunday, 7:00 (~. 8:30 (Concanporary) 10:00 (ClMm), 11 :30 LID. (Ou.or) and 5:00 p.m. (C.0..tanporuy) Come On Back I Wonlllp 11:• A.M. HARIOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlscl,tn of Cltrtst) 24111MMAft. ... .,_ ...... ,CA (149) 146..&711 ...... Dr. 0.....111111 SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3 I 00 l\xfftc V'sw Or. Newport Beooh 644-2617 OI 675-4661 WORSHIP DIRECTORY lpOUMS autrer from elcohol end drug eddic:dqn. The gfOUP meets from 7IO1:30 p.m. TUeedeva at 250 E. Beker St, Suite G In Costa ~. lnfonnMion: (714) 446 48fi(). ~It f9qU!fed. BNWf'MSl>Es Members of the Behal fahh hold lnforrnel pubtic diacusalona on lplrftuel topk:a et 7:30 p.m. every Friday and at 11 :30 the lat Sunday of the month. The talks lndod9 bru~ or dinner. Also, lntetfaith devotional meetings wlll be held the last Saturday evening of th4t month. Call for locations. (949) 769-0999 for Friday meeting, (949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, and (9491. ~for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Worbhop from 1 to 4 p.m. the first weekend of every month, typically on a Sunday, at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Meaa. The cost is $60. (949) 722-7818, http:l!Www.zcoc. org. A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-leason study on the life of Jesus Christ titled "Joumey to the Cross" is taught at 9:45 a.m. Sundays during the Homebuilder'• Bible Class at Libeny Baptist Churct\. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. • DREAMON The Adult Faith Formation at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church in Newport Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEDITATION LESSONS A free "lectio divina" meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our Lady Queen of Angels, 2046 M'ar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christlan Meditation Group mffts from 7:30 to 9 p.m . on the first and third Wednesdays of each month at the center. The format includes two periods of meditation with some instruction on how to meditate, a talk and a discussion. (949) 219-1408. HANDEL'S 'MESSIAH' Dec. 21 is the last Sunday for #Hallelujah: The Bible and Handel's 'Messiah;'" an adult forum a1 St. Mark Presbyterian Church. The forum will be held at 11 a.m. Information: (949) 644-1341. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEN The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety and depression at 10 a.m. on the seoond and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950 . NEW~ Jewish Family Service of Orange County ha fanned• beruvem8f'lt eupport group th~ rneett et 10 a.m . TUMdays e.nd a Challenge of Ch~ support group that meets at 10 a.m. Thul'9daya. Both groups meet at Temple Judea In Laguna Hilla, 24512 Mootton Partcway. Pr9reglstnrtion required. {714) 446-4950. GAY/\.EsaAN SUPPORT GROUP The Jewllh Family 5efvlce of Orange County plans to preeent a diacuuion group for parents of ' Jewish gays and lesbians if enough-people are Interested. (714) 445-4950. f6'fSTlCAL AHO SPtRITUAL The Mystical Spiritualist Churd\ of South Orange County holds Sunday services every week at 10 a.m. et 2482 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa, Suite 3. A spiritual healing service starts at 9:30 a .m. (949) 681-2290. RE-MEMBERtNG GROUP Our Lady Queen of Angels holds a re-membering group at 6:15 p.m. every other Sunday at 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. The parish center is at 2046 Mar· Vista Drive, Newport Beach. (949J 548-3844. BREAKFAST FELLOWSHIP St. Michael andAll Angels Episcopal Church holds its Men's Fellowship Brvakfast at 7 a.m. on the second, third and fourth Thursdays of each month at 3233 Pacific View Drive, Corona del Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. MEN'S FEUOWSHIP BREAKFAST The Men's Fellowship Breakfast of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. Wednesdays in Dierenfield Hall, 600 St. Andrews Road. Newport Beach. $2.50 at the door. (949) 631-2880. SEPARATION SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County holds a women's divon:e and separation support group ·at.7 p .m . Wednesdays at the Jewish Family Service's office at the ' Jewish Federetjon Campus, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. For dates and fees, call (714) 445-4950, e><t. 114. YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support group for younger women dealing with issues such as life passages and changes, body images. family. relationships and loneliness at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950, eX1. 114. • Is your church or place of worship planning a special event? If so. send the typed information at least two weeks before the event to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa. CA 92627. attention: Paul Saitowitz, religion editor.; faJC to (9491 64&4170; or send e·mail to daifypilot@fstimss.com. R c ~ca u 1·: • , , e .u1•d C ;, nnc1 Ralh '"'~Ill .... I • • I I f'' ' I I' ' t .A f • ....... "" I I I ' • ...W Pf#le Obiing. FfH f HoUdag M6nu Mule & DdMtng FeofUrlng Clcu•lc Current hiu with DJ Bw fl Glen Rodt,guez Mtdnlgllt .. }(, r ChtJmpagne 7ba•ts $ 5 per perton GEi llNG INVOtVED l • GETTING IN\40lVED runs perlodl,celty In the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For lnfonnatlon on adding your organization to thl1 llat. call (949) 574-4298. ENVIRONMENTAL NATURE CENTER The Environmental Nature Center prov.idea quality t-educatlon through hands-on experience with nature In a 3.6-ac"9 outdoor classroom. Adult volunteer trail guides are needed to in the afternoon during the week to lead children's tours in thtt Center. Several other volunteer oppartunlties are also available. ,(949) 645-8489. I f:AMIUES -COSTA MESA Thia team of community-based organlzetions, which works to provide youth and families w ith counseling, family support, health education, mentoring, tutoring, after-school activities and kinship services, needs volunteers in all areas. (949) 574-3976. I ASH -MOBILE MEALS Call (949) 642-6060 to help Friends in Service to Humanity with the Mobile Meals program and provide ongoing emergency assistance to those in need. Both always seek volunteer assistance in a variety of areas. (949) 645-8050. FRIENDS OF THE BALLET MONTMARTRE The Friends need volunteers who want to help talented local dancers perfo rm in professional theaters. For 30 years, the organization has provided the community with quality Russian ballet training, helping youth develop strong discipline skills, build high self-esteem and achieve dreams of being a , p rofessional dancer. (714) 241 -7424. 'FRIENDS OF THE COSTA MESA LIBRARIES The Friends is a support group (or the three libraries in Costa Mesa. Help with fund-raising events and help promote library programs and services in our community. (714) 556-4396. FRIENDS OF THE NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY ,The bookstore needs donations 1or book sales. Gopd quality children's and nonfiction books •re especially needed. They may be left at any of the branch libraries -Balboa, M ariners or Corona del Mar -or in the special book closet next to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave. Volunteers ere needed to staff the used book ·store, which is inside the entrance of the Central Library. Volunteers must be members of the Friends of the Library and are asked to work one three-hour shift per month (949) 759-9667. GIRL SCOUTS Girl Scouts of Orange County _needs volunteers who will be •trained as troop leaders, serve : on special comminees and give : lectures, demonstrations or I classes. (714) 979-7900. 'I GIRLS INC. OF ORANGE COUNTY : Volunteers are needed to offer 1 educational and enrichment I opportunities for girls and boys. I (949) 646-7181. atoSPICE PREFERRED CHOICE Volunteers are needed to help make a difference In the lives of '8nninafly ill persons and their amllies. Volunteers would assist them with nonmedical needs such as providing respite for the primary caregiver, running • e"•ndt, reading to the patients and weeldy social vltits. The organlz1tlon 11 also looldng for clerical end berNvement volunteers to aulst wfth office duties. Trelnlng 11 prqvlded. (714) 980-o900. HUMAN OPTIONS The organization 1hehers, counsels 1nd educates abused women and mlldren. h ls looking for volunteers. (949) 737-52.42, ext. 24. JEWISH FAMLY SERYIC£ OF"ORAHGE COUNTY Volunteers are needed for Project Caring, which provides socialization and cultural · experiences to the Jewish residents and others at Fairview Developmental Center In Cost• Mesa. Volunteers adopt a facility to provide programming of Jewish content t o the residents on a monthly basis. They must take a TB test and undergo a fingerprinting background check. Volunteers are also needed to provide comfort and support to the Jewish terminally ill and their families. The group sponsors an ongoing Jewish healing support group for people with chronic illness at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa M esa. Free. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. JUNIOR LEAGUE OF ORANGE COUNTY The organization of women, committed to promoting volunteerism, developing the potential of women and improving communities through the work and leadership of trained volunteers, is seeking new members. (949) 261-0823. KAISER PERMANENTE HOSPICE SERVICES Volunteers are needed to spend four hours per week visiting patients or doing errands for them or their caregivers in communities near volunteers' homes. (562) 622-3805. LAGUNA GREENBELT INC. Volunteers are needed to assist Laguna Coast Wilderness Park staff and James Dilley Preserve staff end docents with hiker registration and general public orientation. (949) 488--0287. LAGUNA SHANTI Laguna Shanti, an organization that w orks with persons with HIV or AIDS. is seeking caring volunteers to assist with running the front office, delivering meals, providing transportation and providing complimentary therapies such as massage, acupuncture and chiropractic care. Lisa Toghia, (949) 494-1440. LUV·A·PET CENTER Volunteers who love to work with cats and kinens are needed at the Luv-a-Pet Center at PetsMart in Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 451 -3272. MASTER CHORALE OF ORANGE COUNTY The performing arts organization needs volunteers for computer input, ticketing, filing and handling phones. (714) 556-6262. MENTOR PROGRAM YMCA Community Services needs mentors to make a lasting effect on a young person's life. Students 10 to 18 years old are matched with mentors to improve their school performance and self-i!steem while developing positive peer and adult relationships. (714) 549-9622, ext. 35. MOBtlE MEALS Volunteer drivers are needed to help deliver nutritiously prepared meals to homebound, frail or elderly clients incapable of shopping and cooking for themselves. Information: (949) 64¥050. ,/ MOZART CLASSICAL ORCHESTRA Orange County's only nonprofit resident chamber orchestra needs volunteers for ticketing, ushering, phones, maili?ig and help with receptions. Nominees are also being sought for the board o f directors. (949) 830-2950. NEIGHBORS FOR NEIGHBORS The City of Costa Mesa will host its annul community clean-up event on Saturday, Sept. 27. Those interested in making donations of cash or in-kind donations of supplies for the event can call the Neighbors for Neighbors hotline at (714) 754-4892. Information: (714) 754-4870. NEW DIRECTIONS FOR WOMEN INC. The recovery center for women with alcohol or other chemical dependencies seeks volunteers. (949) 548-9927 between 10 a.m. and 6 p.m .; or Joy, (949) 548-8754. NEWPORT BAY NATURALIST The Upper Newport Bay Nature Preserve is looking for volunteers to assist with naturalist-led tours and programs, special events and habitat restoration projects. The interpretive center is at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. (714) 973-6829. NEWPORT BEACH CONFERENCE AND VISO'ORS BUREAU The bureau is dedicated to the promotion of the city to potential visitors. Volun1eers with extensive knowledge of Newport Beach are needed. (949) 719-6100. NEWPORT BEACH LIBRARY LITERACY PROGRAM The program seeks volunteers to tutor adults who want to improve their reading and writing skills. Volunteers will be certified during training workshops the Central Library. (949) 717-3874. NEWPORT BEACH PREMIERI! CINEMA GUILD The Newport Beach Premiere Cinema Guild, which supports the Newport Beach Film Festival, is looking for new members. Interested candidates should want to help further an artistic and cultural heritage in the community and should have a love of cinema and a desire to raise awareness of the film festival. (949) 253-2880. NEWPORT BEACH PUBLIC LIBRARY FOUNDATION The library foundation needs See INVOLVED, PaeeA14 H.J. Gari-ett Furniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 OpcCl Mon. 1hna S.1. 10 to 6, ~· 12 to) Quality Service Value Saturday, OecMlber 20, 2003 Al3 GIVE YOURSELF THE GIFT OF HEALTH & WELL BEING c m * BIKRAM'S YOGA Care For Your Body, Mind & Spirit Gift Certificates Available 2937 Bristol Street • Suite A-200 Costa Mesa p lOCAJEDAI 714.429.7900 THe camP www.blkramyogathecamp.com ·~· .. ·· . **. *·. . . .* .. * Presbyterian Church of the Covenant Christmas Sunday December 21, 10:00 a.m. Christmas and the Great Encourager From Isaiah 35: 1-4 and II Corinthians 4:4-6 We hear how God's light can uplift and encourage one and all regardless of our circumstances. Christmas Eve December 24 7:00 p.m. Here is Your God!! Come and bring the fa mily as we celebrate at this annual favorite service. Taking our cue from Isaiah 40:9-11, we will hear how God's light brings our salvation in the Christ child. This will be a family oriented service with lots of singing and color as we celebrate the bright hope of this sacred season together. Presbyterian Church of the covenant 2850 Fairview Road Costa Mesa, ca 92626 (714) 557-3340 ··~ ·* • ·* ·*I .. ·*· Pastor 1fm McCalmont Associate Pastor Patrick Thompson ·*·· ··.·*·. * * :..---.~.~--... ~ .. :...;·-· .... ·1!9··~ .• ~.· .. ~--~;_.,.,--:--":' Momma John \W beloltg IO II#' ~'I ltllpst .floorlng retail group • co-op. tJ1r ,,,. ti# ~It ~..,., """""""' cwned """ .. ,..,.,, 4,000nrJRB BVYING JIOWER .. . Jennifer life ti•• Warranty Carpet $1'' • ~. .. INVOLVED Handa" muttM.tth femlly ~ cS.y. The tverw .... .,... Continued from Al 3 . ~om 8:30 a.m. to 3 p.m. Nov. 22 The locetion wll be-' 801 ~ .ire~ to pelform derical Drive,~ BNch. dutiea, tuctt •• filing, organizing Information: Jalml• O.V. (948) end Muffing envelopes, I t the '642·9460, jal~y• ~rtl Llbrwy, 1000 Avocado yal'IOo.com; or Jim d9 Boom, Ave. (949) 717-3880. (949) 660-8886. nmlint•rfaith •M>l.com. NEWPORT IEACH NEWPORT•SA PMKS, IEACHES & MCMATION COl•ISSION SCHOOL FOUNDATION The Newport 8Nch City Council The foundation It looking for 11 IMtlng queUfled electors from volun1een to help with fund-raising efforts, speaking . Newport 8eedl who ere ln~ed MMng on the Part.I. opportunitiet, pubtlc eventt and &Mdt" 8t Recreation occasional office wort., 1949) CommlMlon. The deadline for 631-4143. filling 1pplicatJon 11 • p.m. 1Nov. NEWPORT THEATRE 1a lnformetion: (9481844-3005, htfp.:/!Www.clty.iwwpott· ARTS CENTER IJHdl.t:a.UI. A variety of jobe need to be ta<:tied, lnduding eet constiuctlon. NEWPORT BEACH ushering, mailings and assorted THEATRE COflPAHY tectinic81 dutlel. Sdleduling Is The company ne.ds volunteers nexlble, with a two-to 20-hour to help with cottume dellign, comrnitment P8f month. The sewing, matte-up 1ppllcetlon, set Newport Theatre Arts Center Is at 2501 Cliff Drive. (949) 631-0288. construction, tec:hnlcel help, publicity, stage management OASIS SENIOR CENTER and badc.ltage supervision. (949) 169-1046or LKSaf§aol.oom. Meals on Wheels volunteers are needed to distribute prepared NEWPORT HARBOR dishes to homebound .. niora in NAUTICAL MUSEUM the Newport Beach area. The The Newport Harbor Nautical delivery time Is between 11 :30 Museum offers a number of a.m. and 1 p.m. daily. The center volunteer opportunities In the also needs volunteer nurses for gift 1hop, as docents or Its semi-monthly blood pressure receptionists, with clerical work screenings. The center offers this and with fund-raising events. service between 9 end 11 a.m. Trelnlng Is provided. 1949) the first and third Tuesdays of the 676--8915, Ext. 107. month. Volunteers should commit two hours once a month NEWPORT-MESA YMCA or volunteer on a substitute The YMCA needs a variety of basis. The center Is at 800 general volunteer help. (949) Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. 642·9990. (949) 644-3244. NEWPORT-MESA IRVINE OPERA PACIRC INTERFAITH COUNCIL The Opera Pacific Guild Alliance, The Newport·Mesa Interfaith a support group for Opera Council is now taking Pacific. has activities for registrations for service volunteers. (714) 546-6000. organizations, projects and volunteers on a first come, first OPERATION CLEAN SLATE served basis, for its •Hearts and Operation C1ean Slate, a Costa Gus Brenda llfetl•• Warr•nty c ....... $1 '' Ufetl•• W•rr•nty ..... $2'' 100% FREE No Que1tlon1 111191 FULL SERVICE Ct11ter T1p1 • s ... .,, • Ctrt•I• • St111 • Ore•ltt • Wtt4 R1f1111• ONE STOP SHOP Wi1,tW Cthri• t • Cl111i1 Ct et & U blttt • P1i1tl1 -l1terier & bttritt Co.ta .... lrvl• , ... , ••0·7•7• , ... , •••-ot•t , •••• 17th t7777 ...... . MOff-FRI f·S MOM·fll 10·6 • uru•tAY 10·4 SATUttAYI & SUNtAts 10·4 ClOSH IUHM HHIHl IY mo1m mn .. . beneftt wtll be held •t tM Turnip \ RoM It the Grand Newpc>f1 Plaza. 1901 Newpc>n Btvd. In eo.ta M .... For more • informatloo c.11 (714) 839-3600 t1 :> OCC fMUTICN,. L8WtY .. ORANGE COtl'fTY WORKS • ~t Otange COMt Colege11 School of Partlclpt1te In life management 1t s.iting end SNIMnltNp need9 and employment training .) book donMiona for ha Nautlc:al wof'bhopa" a succeu coach to ti Ut>rwy. Thouundlof vofumet foaterteens 16to 18 yHra old. "' of bodng-r-'eted ddet are (949) 509-1451. T needed. The Sd\ool of Salling and Seemanehlp It at 1801 W. Ca.at Highwlty, Newport Beadl. (949)~1412. ORANqE COAST tNTWAmt SHElJER The largett family t helter In the county needt volunteers for Its children .. progrema. h especially desires tutors and those who c.n take part In activities ef'ler 6 p.m. Tutor• will work with groups of ctilldren or Individually, helping ctilldren In their a~demlc problem areas. Volunteers wlll also act as a big brother or big sitter during the summer. Jaime Mayo, (949) 631-7213. ORANGE COUNTY HUMANE SOCIETY A volunteer group in Costa Mesa needs anlmal·loving volunteers for two hour shifts on weekdays to walk dogs and help socialize them In order to help them get adopted. Information: (714) 540-2288. ORANGE COUNTY CHILD ABUSE.PREVENTION CENTER The center needs volunteers to work with high-risk families and dlildren, providing weekly emotional support to families, infants and first-time mothers in their homes. The center is asking for a three-hour weekly commitment. (714) 543-4333. ORANGE COUNTY COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT COUNCIL Volunteers are needed for a variety of functions. (714) • 839-6199. ORANGE COUNTY HOMELESS TASK FORCE The task force is recruiting volunteers for the Interfaith Council Network to work one on one with homeless adults In a program on basic life skills. (949) 263-1774. ORANGE COUNTY MUSEUM OF ART Learn more about ert and share with your community by becoming a docent at the Orange County Museum of Art. A volunteer docent guides adults and school groups through the galleries and teadles about the museum's collections and exhibitions. (949) 759-1122, ext. 204. ORANGE COUNTY PERFORMING ARTS CENTER Docents are needed to lead tours of the Center. 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. Learn about the history and the development of the Center and the workings of the bade stage areas. For more information, call (714) 556-ARTS, ext. 833 ORANGE COUNTY RONALD MCDONAU> HOUSE Sponsorship opportunities are still available for the Orange County Ronald McDonald House High Tea benefit to be held on Oct. 30, from 3 p.m. to 5 p.m. The ORGANIZATION FOR THE ,. HUMANE CME~ NIM'LS 1• Volunteers are needed to care Ir tor ftray 11nd Jost animals In the '" Newport Beach, Costa Meaa and .t Corona del Mar areas. (949) 1J 722-1357. •II PACF1C SYWHONY ORCHESTRA The Orange County Pacific Symphony Ordlestra's •T • I ,, , JI Volunteers in Education Opportunities program needs ,) volunteers to assist ctilldren in a ' variety of hands·on musical '' activities. Volunteers spend a • •' total of sl)( Saturday m ornings with the children. (714) 755-5788,"" ext. 244. u .""l PARENT HELP USA ~ c> Founded by mothers and others ,.,, against dlild abuse, Parent Help .r asks the public for help and ' volunteers to inform the •t: community on vital issues :o affecting children and the family. •11 Information: (949) 650-3481 or (949) 675"-5271. ·;. 2 11 '1 . " PARTNERS Al.WAYS CARING SERVICES Volunteers are needed for a Crisis AssiS1ance Program, assisting the emergency responders by providing emotional first aid at the scene l of a critical incident. No 1 previous experience necessary. Information: (949) 724-7199. ,T partnersslwsyscaring@cox.net. ~ PEDIATRIC CANCER RESEARCH FOUNDATION ..., PCRF. which raises money to suppor1 pediatric cancer '"' research, needs 11olunteers for a '" variety of duties. (9491 859-6312. THE PHARMACOLOGY RESEARCH INSTITUTE The institute ls looking for volunteers to take part in a study on quitting smoking. To learn more about the program, call (888) 774-4673. PRIME DYNAMICS .1 .,, r Prime Dynamics, a Newport . Beach nonprofit organization for , the 99 and younger set, needs volunteers for its programs. " (949) 262-7300. PROJECT ACCESS Project Access is a nonprofit organization that links resident of low-Income housing .,, ,. n a developments with beneficial •T social services usually through r resource cehters. Volunteers are needed to tutor dllldren, teach crafts and computer skills at the various centers. Paul Shapiro, (949) 253·3120 ext. 229. .SALVATION ARMY OF ORANGE COUNTY Group or family volunteers are needed to adopt a family, sponsor an angel tree. hold a canned food or toy drive, or make a apecial gift or donation directly to the Salvation Army. (714) 832·7100. J.J .r " " " ., ..... .. ,, I kl ... "' .n '-a ) t§MQJ~~ ... _._ .............. " ........ .,,., ... .. "'-I.Miii• ............ ~-'"-.... --· _, I - AROUND TOWN •Send AAOUND TOWN Item• to the Deily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Costa Meea, CA ~7; by &-eNH to lui$.penafllatl,,,.oom; by fa to (949) M&-4170; or by celling (949) 574l4298. Include the time, date and location of 1he ~t. .. well as a contact phone number. TOOAV ·~:A New ......... iaa worbhop for men and women In the proceu of divordng or ~ntly djvoroed from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m . et 180 Newpon Center Drive. The colt 11 $40. lnformatlotf. (949)644-6435. ~Costa Me.a N9WpcMt HMbot Lions O ub will aerve hamburgers, c:heeaeburgere and hot dogs and the Oninge County Model Engineer• will conduct free train ride• from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at the Goat Hill Junction train statio n at Fairview Partt. Information: (949) 574-0337. Alano Club wtll ho9t a fundraiMr to benefit Women Helping Women. a Costa Mesa based o rganization dedicated to helping women In transition with funds and assistance In achieving self-reliance from 5 p.m. to 1 a.m. at 2040 Placentia Ave. Donations of $5 will be accepted. Information: (949) 646-8808. SUNDAY Fashion Island will hott Its annual menorah lighting ceremony at 3 p.m. at Bloomingdale's Courtyard. The event will be hosted by Rabbi Reuven Mintz of the Cha bad Jewish Center in Newport Beach. Information: (949) 721-2000, ,,.-"\ http://Www.shopfashionisland.oom. BEST BET .. Saturday, Dec~ 20. 2003 A15 NICK'S RISTORANTE & PIZZERIA Celebrating 40 fears Catering for the Holidays Parry Trays • Baked Rigaroni • Salads Chicken & Veal D ishes • Cold Cut Trays 9th Straight Year/ Best Piu.a in Orange County! -OC Weekly Lunch Served F rom 1 lam Until 4pm""' OUTDOOR PATIO Mun-l11urs. I l.rn1-9:30pm Fn.-Sat I I am-I O:OOpm CLOSED SUNDAYS IN HARBOR CENTER The UC Irvine Ubraries' speaker series will host memory researcher James L McGaugh at 6 p.m .• at the Langsoo Library, UC Irvine. McGaugh will sigo his rM!Ni book. "Memory & Emotion: The Making of Lasting~ lnfonnation and reservatlons: (949) 82~. Pop superstar Mariah Carey will perform "A Mariah Carey Chri stmas" one night only at 8 p.m. Dec. 22 in Segerstrom Hall at The Orange County Performing Arts Center. Carey is ttie best-selling female recording artlstm pop music history. Tickets cost $75 to $1 40. Information: (714) 556-2787, http://www.ocpac.org MONDAY The Onlnge County Mllrtc.t.,... will hold its Holiday Market Place from 7 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Admission will be free. There will be artisans' and crafters' comer. photos with Santa Oaus and seasonal entertainment The Emrilotvnental Nn.n Cer1tar will present a holiday craft woricshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. TUESDAY The Envin>nn*1bl Nnn Cer1tar will present a holiday craft workshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% disoount for members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. WEDNESDAY The Enviror.mental Nnn Cer1tar will present a holiday craft wortcshop in which participants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost is $140 per student with a 10% discount fof members. There will be a $25 materials fee. Info rmation: (949) 645-8489. FRIDAY The &wtronmetlbll Nlrtan c.m.r will present a holiday craft wortcshop In wh\d'I partlc:lpants can create their own special holiday season gifts for family and friends using a variety of materials from 9 a.m. 3 p.m. The cost la $140 per student with a 10% di9oount fof member's. There win be a S25 materials fee. Information: (949) 64&8489. OEC.29 The F9lllr and Mary Muth Interpretive Center will host en event that will let visitors see and touch different kinds of insects and to undecstand how the legs of different insects do different jobs to help them survive from 11 a.m. to noon at 2301 University Drive. Newport Beacti. The cost will be $10 for each ctiild 5 and older. Information and reservations: (949) 923-2295. JAN.IO There wil be a Computiw FW at the Orange County Feir & Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building No. 10 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $6 for adults; ctiildren 10 and younger gel in for free. lnfonnation: (800) 800-5600, http://Www.ocfair.oom. JAN.11 There wil be a Compuw fair at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building No. 10 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is S6 for adults; ctiildren 10 and younger gel in for free. Information: (800) 80().06()(), http1~.ocfair.com. JAN.16 A Home Remodlll19 and Decorating Show will be he4d starting today In buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the Pllrade of Products at Orange County Fair & E><poeition Center. The show will be open from noon to 8 p.m. today. The cost is $6.75 for adults, $3 for seniors and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 667-2960. JAN.17 lht TEX•US Gutt. Show wil be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Dec. 18 in building No. 14 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $10 for adults. chldrerl 12 years old and under are free. lnfonnation: (918) 288-2222. A Home Rlttoodllrig and Deoonrtlng Show will be he4d today in bulklnge No. 10 and 12 end in the Parade of Ptoducta Bl Orange County Fair & E>epOaitk>n Center. Did You Know1 "That we are a full servk:e OUrsefY with qualified California Certified Nursery Professionals and ~ designers. We can meet al d your pdening needs. I Come in today to ?f,Ma(fi1 Nurseries and let Us show l you how.· NUlllLC ... lllC._.__ The show will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. today. The rost is $5. 75 for adults, $3 for seniors and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 557-2950 The West Coest Reptile Show will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in building No. 17 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is S5 for adults and children 12 years and under are S3. Information: (714) 82&6600, http:J~.radicalreptiles.com. JAN.18 A Home Remodeling and Decoranng Show will be held today in buildings No. 10 and 12 end in the Parade of Products at Orange County Fai r & Exposttion Center. The show will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today. The cost is $5.75 for adults. $3 for seniors and free for m ildren younger than 12 Information: (818) 557·2950. The w.t Coast Reptile Show wil be from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in building No. 17 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $5 for adults end $3 for m ildren 12 years and younger. Information: (714) 82&6600, http:l~.radicalreptiles.com. JAN. 22 Hoeg~ wtl ho9t •Nutrfdon for the Lung Cancer Patient," a daytime lung C8008f support group, from 2 to 3".30 p.m . at the Hoag Cencer Center, conference room A The speaker will be Kathy Pham, a Hoag Hospital nutri1ionist. Information: (949) 760-5642. FEB.26 lht founden Guld of C... Teresa invites the public to attend a play, ·The Subject was Roses,· at the Newport Theatre on Oi1f Drive in N81111port Beadl. All the proceeds from tlc:*et sales will be donated to Cesa Teresa and Hannah's House. roecs 0011 S66 per person. lnformatk>n: (949) 868-5386. (714) ~. ONGOING The Newport~ Toastmaster's Oub can help you improve your COITA MEM MNTA N4A 2700 Brf1tol St. 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 754-6611 (7'14) us-noo TOM TANAKA, C.C.N.PIO Mlnlfer Flow .... Nunliy. c.... Mw ~~. 41YIAllDPm&Ha UCINllllUllA Muter Nursery ll'rofes1lonal public speaking skills or polish your business presentabons. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badcgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 1 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive. Newport Beach. Validatod parting is available in the parking structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are See TOWN, Pa&e A16 The largest single sum of money you receive In your life will probably come from your pensio n. pro fit-sharing or 401(k) plan when you leave your company •But how should you "accept" -or structure -your distribution'? •What are your choices and o ptions? •What are the ta>< Implications? •What are the costs? Smith Barney can accommodate the transfer of your distribution into a t a)(- advant aged account. To help you structure the ta)( treatment and investment program best suited to your needs, we are offering a free Lump Sum Distribution Analysis. Please calf: 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 (949) 717·5300 (800) 468·3352 THIS II WHO WI A9't. THIS II HOW Wl lARN IT.- SMfra ~ _...___.__ •••• )..................... • ........ • • • • 0 •• ., • ft . ................... ......... ~~----191111-------.......... -~-----::-.-,--:-"'--.... ~~._-..__~-~--...,.....------------ All Saturday, December 20, 2003 TOWN Contint>ed from Al5 welcome .• For more lnfe>m\atlon, ~II (949) 721•5732. Soa. Combt and lan'a Howe have teamed up tb hetp thole In need by collectlng ahoM from Dec. 1tbrough31 at Sole Comfort, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. I.aura's Houae 11 committed to ending the cycte of domestic violence and 1trengthenlng famlllet. lnforma~on: (949) 844-6939. The City of Cotta Meta'a Recreation Oivlalon will have reglstrltllon for ltt 2004 batketball league fc;>r adult playera from 8 a.m . to 5 p.m. Jan. 6 to 16 et the Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave. lnf0tm1tlon: (714) 327-7563. The Newport hech Pubic Library Is holding its holiday food drive through today. There will be Share Our Selves bins et the library for donations of canned g0od1 and non-perlahablea. Donations can be dropped off during regular library hours: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thursday; from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m. Sunday. Information: (949) 717-3801. South Coast Pfau will have tu Santa's Village through Dec. 24 at Carousel Court. Shoppers can make crafts at the Alpine Wood Shop, Holiday Trimmings Shop and the Vlll-oe Bake Shop. The cost varies per craft. lnfonntltlon: (714) 43&-2083, http:IA.tww.M>U~•.com • '°""' eo... ..... wll h8IWe ... famous c:aroueel ttansfonned from horMt to Santa'• reindeer until Dec. 28. The cost for .. ride 11 $1. lnformetion: (714) 436-2083, hlrp,;/IWWW.southcoatpleze.oom. Sou1h eo.t ...... wfl h8IWe Santa'• Expreu T ... ln running through Jan. 4 at the Crete & BarrellMacy't Home Store wing on Level 2. Information: (714) 435-2083, http://WWW.touthcoastptua.com. The Newport·Mw ~dub meett on the aecond and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:45 to 9 p.m. at OeaJ1 ~ · Senior Center. 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar. The colt 11 $2. Information: (949) 646-6293. The ACLU of~ County meett at 7 p.m. the third Tue.day of every month at the Unitarian Unlveraallst Church, 1259 Vlc1or1a St. In Costa Mua. Eech month'• meeting will feature a dlfterent speaker on Issues relating to the Bill of Rights. Information: (714) 957-6107. Macy'a In Com M..a ltwhM Orange County nonprofit organiz.ations that provide eervicet and program• to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for partlclpatlon In Macy'• South Coast Plaza's Passport In Store fund-raiter. This year's event will '\tJr;f, 'j•trr" t''i,f~ (\ff w'if}t 9(( 'j•IL'r fovaT"if~ jr111J1. l~ '\V',. t\ •ti fs1<,(' relfr /iJf 9.ttJ Cft('(°k ;f fw'i ce I• Ju if 1'"'"''1" ~1,.,,. 11su9/tl'} e,. nic('. ')~,11· l~il l<.7f ,J4r.fe-r ~a11fa fe Ju ~&'ft! 911 y•,rr' w'°&,f/tt,S ('f>l11.r fr,,,. sf 949 .646.54 79 Celebrate Clottmg Accessories SoutiQUt 1812 A Newport Blvd .. Costa Mesa (c.ot1tet o( Newport " Harbor) Avoilable in BOlk. Mon-Sat 1().7, Sun 11 ·5 be Mid on Oct:'-To receive en eppllcadon to particlpet•, call (714) 556-0811, ext. 423l ......... wllbe~ Tue9daya and Thu~ from noon to 12:AO p.m. for nine weeb at WMt Newport Community c.nter. Regtltnttlon I• S64 for one clau each week 01 $100 for two days a week over nine weeb for Newport Be.cti reslde1)11..Dthera ~en additJonal $5Jltor more Information. call (949) 644-3161. Coeta Meea'• ReaMdon DlvWcH'I will provide a three-hour theme birthday party for up to 20 gUft\I at the Balearic Community Center weekday• from 6 to 8•p.m .• Saturdayt from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. or 4 to 7 p.m. end Sundayt from.4 to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 to 12 will oooallt of lunch/dinner, gamea. craft•, prlzea. cake with Ice cream and aupervlalon by staft. Partlea cost $250 or $300. For more Information, call (714) 754-5158. Ave new winM wtl be MNed on Bayllde Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newport Harbor every Thursday from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. The cost it $15 per person. For more lnfonnatlon. call (949) 721-1222. A ven.ty of~. Mm~ and group swim leaaona will be offered this summer at the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Center at Corona del M ar High School. Options Include one-on-one Instruction on Saturdtyt and a Monday through Thursday program for ell ages and levels. For se11lon dates, times and oostt, call (949) 644-3161. or register In person at Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Servioea at 3300 Newport Blvd. Children, teena and adulU c.n now register for aummar recreational boating claaees offered through Newport Beach Recreation Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151 , or visit the Newport Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for more Information. Profnafonal end licenaed IOCC* trainers with the All-England Soccer Academy are available for one-on-one. small group and large group training. For more information, call (949) 395·5103. .Mwllh F9mlly Sentk:ie la sponsoring a teen tupport group for high school students that meet• Mondays from 3:30 to 6 p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School In Costa Mesa. For New YearS Eve 1n Style at Spc<'t.Kul.tr I rve Fnterta1nmerit, Hats, Homs. Streamers & other Party Favors. I J.mrn1r,. I xtensive Champagne· and Wine l 1st. Valet Parking. Ocean View and. of course incredible food' TWO Sf Al ING T IMES 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm log onto our website for detailed information and directions. or call 949.673.2100 Book your celebration today ... This is a Party you don't want to miss! , -Ktrp r/,, Porty qo1nq nll ""lh' on1J ''•l) , ~'"'a"' cir "L' lu 1u1•ou' Ocrc•11l1""' R, d K Rr· oU "' Book )OU• "'H'l•n'"''' roJor' (oil Y 1'1 n/S l iOO "' •t11•I our..,,./,~,,, .. 11 ",, .~ r/01 Y''''"""'~, ,,,, L s I T v E E A E K N T s E a: R s T A IE I A N F M E 0 N 0 T D CELEBRATE NEW YEARS EVE AT THE BLUE BEE.T MAKE YOUR R E SERVATIONS NOW! ............. , .-.~ ......... # • BEST BET • ioW Jal N8 bbtl ~~ 'ntlt ten• .o~ Q;J1 4tfW. >rt• "" dlJ~ 8,li oul'I .>Ole oHJ 118$ 11>•JI If (l't ovA II~ '10~ •dft• .. ~ J {JI eriT TIO,.'\ ob~ •tl"< !1"..CI evA 't'f>8 8.J~ -A ,~rt llV'll l>t•t r ar 91ff ,0:1 ·•'''· .1.1(' 'Cl~) 't~ It,~ .. ,, id.-. Jan urf-. 8 rr, f"l..1-=' ..,,,(', "The Nutcracker" returns once again to the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The magic of the swashbuckling nutcracker and sugar plum fairi~s is brought to life by the renowned American Ballet Theatre and its Artistic Director Kevin McKenzie. The music of this holiday classic is by Tchaikovsky. The performance starts at 7:30 p.m .• Dec. 20 and 21 in Segerstrom Hall at the Orange County Performing Arts Center. The cost is $20 to $80. Information: (7 14) 55&-2787, http://WWW.ocpac.org ~tjr. "'l(" ""' "dt w ll t:. information or to register, call (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration la required. The Arst Page -Ane Chtktren'• Book.a, at 270 E. 17th St .• No. 10 In Costa Mesa, offers free 1tmy time Mondays,Wednetdav.Fndays and Saturdays from 9:30 lo 10:30 a.m., Tuesdays and Thursday• from 4 to 5 p.m . For more information, call (949) 645-5437. a.yside Restllul'9nt In Newport Beach offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m . for $15 per person, featuring five new wines each week. For more information. call (949) 721-1222. Green Syn.m1 ln19mationel shows you everything that you wanted to know about orchids and repottlng during a free seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. An orchid and tropical plant aale la held from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at the 20362 Birch St. facility. Information: (949) 756-1211. Dlacovet' the~ of C.rbon Canyon Regional Par1c as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parting la $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more Information. Teem Survivor, •nonprofit organization encouraging women who have been through cancer trea1ment to exercise, hosts "Walk end Talk" at 10 a.m. the eecond and fourth Friday of the month In front of NIKEgodett store In Fashion l1lend. Members meet for lunch after at Atrium court. It 11 free, and all fitne11 level1 are welcome. For more Information, call (948) 275-3888. Newport Community Counaeling Center offer• a way to stop the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In SA.F.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, awarenest. faith and empowerment. The group meets Mondays from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Free. For more Information, call (949) 721-8079. The Newport Beech W.Ntlng Club meets at the comer of Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach at 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. For more information, call (949) 850-1332. Th• Newport Beech C.b Decorating Club meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Thurtday nights at Superior and Hospital Road in Newport Beach. For more Information. call (949) 650-1332. The Spanish Speaking Club meett to learn Spanish quick and easy. For more Information, call (949) 650-1332. Th• Aaan. of au.me.a s...vic.. host• a networking meeting that dealt with education connections from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the aecond Tuetday of every month at the Holldey Inn at 3131 Bristol St., Costa Meta. For more information, call (949) 805--0011. "Of\iorce: A N.w &.ginning,• a wortc.ahop for men and women divorced or getting divorced, 11 held from 10 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. et 180 Newport Center Drfve on the third Saturday of every month. Coat 11 $40. For more Information, call 644-6436. Free tours of the Orange County Performing Arts Center Ulke gueat1 to the dreulng rooms. Get the Beat for Leal BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT .>~ .. • .,..,.,. 1\tt:. performer's lounge, backstage 'lCI~ and on stage at 10:30 a.m. every .,,~ Wednesday and Saturday at 600 Town Center Drive, Costa Mesa. a<f~ Group tours can be held by '"~' special arrangement. For more ,,,oilt• information, call (71 4) 556-ARTS, "I'~ ext. 833. \ ot IJ "' The Newport BNch Newcomera 1;"" Club holds a general meeting on ~" , the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open .,, ':'1 to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in ein the area fewer than five years. For 01r, more information, call (949) 645-9922, or visit http://Www.newcomers- newportbeadl.org. if:.. .i.r.·. O.sls Senior Center holds e 1 ti' pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 -v?I a.m. on the second Saturday of vr•t every month. Breakfast Includes 'lrJt pancakes. sausage, coffee and ""''• orange juice for $3, $1 for , 1i:tc, children. The center is at 800 rp.i. Marguerite. Corona del Mar. For .,..,,.., more Information. call (949) 644--3244. u~ Yoga end itlythm, 11111 "Yogarhythmics" combines yoga. 0 ,, .. dance and fun. The class Is held ,.., t- from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays '' at 2850 Mesa Verda Drive East, ~i..· Suite 111, Costa Mesa. For more Information, call (714) 754-7399. "'"'° lnWflllth coupa.t with one Jewish partner are Invited to participate In a dlacuuion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. Call to schedule date and time. The oftice is at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Cotta Mesa. (714) 445-4950. C1'-l ,,n- n ot llW 1 t ' m11=! .,1fGS "l1fA S.. TOWN, P•1• A17JiDf!'I ... U&11l0 .. 1111,laa.k•...- ft'Om '10 10 p.m. ~at .............. .,..,._... 8otden loolra. ~. CllM at dltcuaak>n group coordlnaa.ci bv . SOW\ Co.II,._, ..... St. Jewllh fllmity StMoN to · In Coeta Mela. 83. New~ tddrw 1.,.. t&dl • ~. ant · .. alcome. ( .. I 2081122. depre11lon, ~. ionelinMI and tamay. Th. group meeea from 10 to 11:30 a.m. Mondaya et the egency ofllcee, 250 E. Bakw St., Suite G, Coeta Mele. Pntl'9gistrdon requlntd. (7t4)~. ...... (Jf N N.wport Beach PubOc Ubnry Uaed Book Store ere elklng for patron• to donate lk>ob to replenish the dwlndllng stodc. Boob mey be left at any of the f\ree branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners. or Corona del Mar -or In the book closet next to the Friendtl Book Store, at 1000 AVC>Odo Ave., News)ort Beach. All hardcover and paperbadt donetfon1, with the ex~tlon of ma114Zin• end law boob, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 769-9667. The Brelh IMtttut. .......... computer clelaff to people wtth fading vision who have dHflcolty seeing the computer ecreen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six session•. Call to 1lgn up for clams. (714) 821-6000. A spilttu .. an data mMta at 7:15p.m. Wednesdaysat3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. Th• Costa ~ Chamber (Jf Commerce hosts networtlng luncheon meetings Wedneedays from 11 :46 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The cost is $14. The club Is at 1701 Golf Course Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 885-9090. A brain 1Umor eupport group meets the first and third Thursday• of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Canter at Hoag Hospital, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Regiatra1Jon not required. The group Is designed to help palients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 574-6232. St. And'9W'1 ~ Churdl hosts a mental lllneu support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundeys ln Dlerenfield Hall C at 600 St. Andrews"oad, Newport Beach. (949) 574-2236. The Jewith F.mily Servlc• of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month • at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish F.mlly Service of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn stralegies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G. Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, an><ietV and peer pressure children experience. Preregistra1ion required. (714) 445-4950. The Costa Mesa 5-llor c.nt.r has ballroom dancing with live music from the Cost.a Mesa Music Makers from 7:30to10:30 p.m . every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewteh F.mlly S8Mce of 0,.nge County sponsors an ongoing heeling support group for the chronically Ill. The pYrpoae is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage lllneu and Its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays 81 the Jewish Family Servloe office at 260 E. Baker St. Costa Mesa. Attendance Is free, but registration Is required. (714) Jewlth Femilys.vlce ..... ongoing bereavement aupport groups tor adults at all stagee of loa. Group memberl ah9re experiencel, heer how othefs deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope with sadneu and loss. One group meet.I at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob In IMM. n,. MCOnd group m.-at 10 a,m. Tueedays et Temple~ WLaguna HlllL The third group mwta at 1 p.m. Thuredays at the Ezre Center In Anaheim. ffee, but advance 1'9glltratlo'! la required. (714) ~. Jewtah Femlty Service of °'8nge County provides a support and dlscusalon group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m . Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St.. Costa Mesa. Advence registration 11requlred:(714)4454960. 'IWo-hour kayak'°'" wfth a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort ls at 1131 Bade Bay Drive, Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for California Wildlife Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. A voga •nd ct.nee claas la held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m . Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Discovery. 2850 M esa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. M•rah•ll'• Tae Kwon Do In Cotta Mesa o~ra free self-defense da"8S to air1ine pilots and flight attendants. Oaasea are taught by thre&-tlme U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. MarlNlll's ls et 333 E. 17th St, Suite 13, Col1a Meu. (949) 674-0122. A Deeling wfth DiYon:e eupport group is offered by Jewish family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an e><perienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m . Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campYs, 260 E. Baker St. Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. The Sea Scouts' shlp Del Mar 711 of Orange County offers a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested In sailing, seamanship, piloting, navigation and cruising. Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m . Wednesdays at the Sea Scouts Sea Base, 1931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. Oesis Senior c.n. off9rs o'ngolng assistance. counseling and referral services for seniors. (949) 644-3244. Ant.rids Foundation Instructor Hillary Stone leads an e>cercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641. Qub,,... 9' 10 t.m. the third v.dl~ o1.-month. The Ot99'~ k open to all women ........ of ,.JPC)rt 8-d'I who hew llwd In the.,.. for r.twer thM'I Ive~ F:or "'°" lnfonnldon. oen C948l 846-9922 Otvlliltt.w.blb ~~ nttt~~·CHV· ·The~ McNNrtg Won*1'1 Club, 1 ~friendship· dub, la IMlr.if'Q new members. Th. dub, wNdt lndudM golf, bftdg9, welldng and govnnet Metiona, meet.a at 11 a.m. on the aeoond Thurtday of every month at the Radluon Hotel In Newport Beactt.Theluncneonl1$23and lncludell entertainment. The hotel 11 at 46'6 MacArthur Blvd. (714) 842-6883. Th. Newport Beach W.lldng Club m..a at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m . Monday through Saturday, and at 7 p.m . Sunday. Walkers should me9t It the ln1enectlon of Hoepltal Roed and Superior Awnue. ftM. (948) 660-1332. The Ameltcen Legion meets 8t 7 p.m . the third Tueeday of every month. The meetings, which deal With veteran lauea and communttv MNice, will be held et the Coeta M8N Air National Guard. The national guard is at 2861 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 548-2m; or Bill Mlmlage, (949) 650-0894. Ngbdy mNtil'll flof those who Wllnt to CMtrcome nicotine addkrtlon are offered ln Costa M ... and Newport Beach. (714) n4-t1<>6 or (800) 642-0666. The Newport 8pom MuMUm, a nonprofit organization, operates a free museum at 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the world's largest collections of sports memorabilia, is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. weekdays and 10 a.m . to 3 p.m. on Saturday. (949) 721-9333 or www.newportsports- mu•sum.org. The~ High School Pa...m Teacher Student Alan. hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m . to noon in the school'• northwest parking lot, on the comer of Estancia North and Pfacentla. Newspapers that are bound, loose or bagged .... .ccepted. Cardboard and bound fMtWiat eudt .. phone boob .net thldt rnagaJnee .,. not. Alto. bine .,. evallable for drop off 8Y9l'Y day of the month. All fUnd9 relied go to the allOdatlon. FtM. TM lchoof Is at 2323 Placentia Ave .. Coeia M .... (949) 516-6500. 0..-Senior CenW ...... d.ay telephone contect program for seniors who have 1 llmit9d local support system. They also offer ongoing computer da .... that teach the baak:t of Word, Quldcen, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 844-3244. The Coft.a M ... Communlcaton Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m. Wednesdays et the Orange County Department of Educatlon, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wan• to Improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. The Jewtlh Femly a.Moe (Jf Orange County hokSa group meetings for younger women to dlscusa life pa ... gea and changes, body Images, family, relationships, communication, intimacy a!'ld sexuality, anxiety and lonellness. The group meets al 7 p.m. Tuesdays at the agency office. The office 11 at 260 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Meaa. Preregistration 11 required. Marcy Middler, (714) 446-4950. ext. 114. The Mesa M1111nger1 Toastmaate,. Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United M ethodist Church, 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa. (714) 540-4446. The Newport Beech Distinguished Toastmasters Club 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Platt College, 3901 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Call to make reservations. (949) 646-1274. The Zingen Toastmasters Club 616F meets for breakfast on Tuesdays from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at the Village Farmer, South Coast Plaza Village, 3851 S. Bear #B17. The meeting Is free for flm-tJme visitors. For more Information, cell (714) 241-1109. The~Center Toastmasters Club 231 meets Buy Early. We have an excellent variety ol Beoutlful & ~ottc Plants from 7 to 8:30 a.m. Mondays at the IMne Co., 110 Newport Center OriV9, Newport BMc:tt . (948) 75&-10~. The ........ ~Club meett at 7 a.m. Thurtdays at Coco .. S.kerf Restaurant. 3148 E. Coast Highwey. Corona del Mar. (948) 293"4GJO. Udo .... ro..trn..-. meet fn>m 6:30 to 8 p.m . Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars. 3300 Jamboree Roed, Newport Beach. (714) 964-6314. The Oesit Senior Cent9t ofter9 • shuttle to take members to appointments and grocery shopping. The shuttle also takes membere lo the center. Call to make an appointment (949) 644-3244. Tutoring la awil&able for persona who could use help reading English. Hourly rates and times are negotiable. (948) 861-1739. o.• Seniof Centilf or.... vtsual aid screenlnga with a Brellle Institute representative, by appointment. (949) 644-3244. &Mntial Weight M9Mgement offers Interactive and pro8C1ive weight lou groups. Learn behavior modification and other techniques to control your weight. The coat Is $20. Groups meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San Miguel Drive, Suite 360, Newport Beach. (949) 718-9848. The Hope lnatftute, a cent9r for recovery and family education. offers a women's support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at 2900 Brlatol St, ~206, Costa Mesa. (714) 432-0020. Ouis Senior Center hu a walking group called Walkers Not Rodcers. which meets once a week to enjoy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644-3244. Women Helping Women offers a free peer support group for women In transition from 3:15 to 4:16 p.m. Alcoholics Anonymous meeta from 8:46 to 7:45 a.m. Monday through Friday In Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave •• Corona dal Mar. (949) 644-3244. gift certificates ~turday, Deeeni>ef 20, 2003 A17 I Jtff Ewing&: Lylttn Ewing FENG SKUI FOR SELLERS "Feng Shui" (pronOUnl.:Cd "futig .Ji~ay .. \ c. :If\ ~ O\Jne:i.c an of home Je\agn lhal IS enjoying l1ftW populanty with~ ~·gnm.. lfyou'icplamingio-.cll your hou'oC', you cun l.N.111 few Feng Shu1 '<Cll:rel.\ "' enh1111rJC Ilic cr1V11UY1u11 before opening your door to bu)'Cn. A moclem ~ Shui expert ~us a lnne. evuJualcS Ille~ widun the enviroomcnl, and n:iconunero. "cures" for are& whae !hey ob...'!Ve dd'CCIS 11\111 un-dn.ighl IO a\:8IC misf'onune for lhe fllmily. The~ are itllendcd to inae4se lhe p)®ve energy inl ludt o( Ille.._ •we lhc 4uali1y of lhc n:s.idcrtls' lives ar.J increao,c Ille home's value. IV cx:mp6c. healthy plms are oflm pbcc:d either side of lhe home·, en1r.nie IO llllntCI visilOrS and ll'llpruve Ille vitruil)' of I.he resklencs. Fall Shui cures include changing lhe oolol' nf a room. installinl! lighting fuuun:s or lighl-rdlc:uing objecl~ su.:1111'> mUTiir. IO II dark area. and plllcing WIJ1d Lh11111-"'o or bell~ co cn:mc a plea..ai11. wek:onung '11Untl. Livi11g nbJCC" 'llCh ll' hcullhy pl1111~'· tluwc" <JC" li-.h "'IU(IO\Ull'> and lllOVU\11. llbjl;.'\..°1." .,u,;h a.. mohtk.>o. :ind fCUlllUfl' are plac:cd 111 WU\ of llir home !h.11 ..ectll "dead". 1-k'.iV)' -.uit\ll. ..... 'IC\llpllll'C\ ur <,1.11ne ohjet'l' .w u~'t.1 10 add a lcchng of ..ial'>ihty and .'ilnlllglh lO u hon._:. Lyk.'Cll IO.l Jeff hu"C ·" lTllN"C\JlJ\'e )1:31" of real~ C,:(J'CTl'.'flCC Ill Newpo.'Cl B<a.h. h>r fTl.lfC'>.,Klfial .... 'TVICC or 00>-i.x wnh :ill your ll:Ul C'ollllc ntJed.; call tJJC Ew1~' al Coo\I Newpon-Coldwdl Hnnker al (949) 7~<)..17%. The Ewings Ara Coaat tffwport Property'• #1 Team For 2001 .,,..rt•-• -REE CUS'(t>M fOOTBEO WITH PUKlt.\Sl OF SIU BOOTS ,,,,,,.., f(Jl)f"' (;( •L<~Tlfl On Sale NOW at Titanium Tickets, receive a FREE Blf" & Body Wom Gift Set w/min. purchase. Cemficates are gift boxed and accepted at all stores w/ no expiration/ • • • • -. .. • • • ..._.._... • • • • • .. • • • ft • •• • • • ........ • • ......... ~_.. ........... .._ ________ .-..;-:....a....Jll * PORSCHE * MBZ * BMW * i=ERRARI * HIJMMER *·CORI/El IE * I LEXU!!i ·E!!i3DD [*Abov1; rates based on 30 day rental. Add $20 per day for weekly.] * Ex;otic: &. Luxury Car§ Available * Daily. Weekly. Monthly Rentals * §hart Term Leases * lilft [ertlflcat:e!i *·We Pick Up & Dellver * Corporat:e Acci:Junt:s .. ' • ' I I I I I ,. I I I I I ' I QUOTE OF THE DAY "Benn to be hlcky thon good any day ... • ...... Newport Harbor pts water Pok> COICh ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~-:., BASKETBALL Sailor girls denied .title ' Sah#'day, December 20, 2003 11 BOYSS . CER Eagles tie Sea Kings . . Mendoza's late goal makes Estancia feel like winners in 1~1 nonleague battle. • to the pitch until after the boll· days when they continue Gol· den West Iague plaY again.st Westminster. . The Sea Kings (5·0-2) can't wait to return to the field, wbJcb they will do on Dec. 26 in the Petrick L•v•rty L Dalfy Pilot CORONA DBL MAR -tan· da High and Corona del MJ.r ded, l ·l. on the field Friday a ~n- league boys soccer ch, but the postgame disposJtiona or each team told much more than score. The Eagles (4·3-2) re In a celebra· 'tory mode after Mendoza scored nabu.oo Hllls tou.nwneot. Co- rona del Mc ~ted the pme for the tint 70 minutes, narrowly mJaslng numerou.s acoring chances. But Mendoza's goal sent CdM home disap· pointed. "It feels like a lou," Corona del Mar Coach Pal c.Jlagban aald. "The guys wotted really, really bard. They're dis- appointed 1n themeelvel," · SH NEWPQRT, Pac• B4 MARK C. DUSTIN I DM,Y Pl.OT Estancla's Geo Macias, left, comes up a little short as he goes up against Corona del Mar's Austin Brawner on a battle of head shots in Friday's match. with two minutes rematnmg to force the tie. The joy cootinu~ when Estan· cia Coach StE announced that be will give team ne!lttweek off to rerover rro Wnesa, which bu rav· aged the team The Eagles don't return The game went aacdy ea the Sea Kings would have l,lked u they took ad· vantage of a anaJl fteld and turned it into a pb}'llcal affair tbat produced six Newport e.tlges Sea Kings, 8-7 Sailors have final answer in Back Bay clash with six ties and three lead changes Friday. • strong enough to scoot into the cage for the 8-7 lead. "Better to be luclcy than good any day." Newport Harbor Coach Bill Barnett said. "We Just Steve Vlrcen Daily Pilot • kept playing and playing hard . . . Their goalie (Fullen) was hot. boy. she was outstanding. She had an absolutely , fantastic day. Even the NEWPORT BF.ACH Newport Harbor High reopened its pool with a wild and thrilling 8· 7 girls water polo victory over its rival, Corona del Mar, Friday. It was the first game at New· port since the school renovated its pool, a project thclt cost rough- ly SI million. The Sea Kin~ helped add drama to the reopeni(lg. as the Battle of the Bay lived up to its billing, There were six ties and three lead changes. really good goalies let the shots go in once in a whlle. She really had an outstanding day." CdM (l-3) had defeated New- port (2-0) the past two years In the annual rivalry game that usu- ally takes place on the last week before the winter break. 1Wo years ago, the Sea Kings won. 8· 7, ' marking the fi(st time they had beaten Newport since the 1997 • 98 season, when the ClF Southern Section sanctioned girls water polo. Last year, CdM de- feated the Sailors. 6-5. But the Sailors came back in '03 fu their new pool, as Anne Belden and Mutt scored two ' lef~Pqe83 I , GIRLS WATER POLO i I I Carolyn Conway, who was whisded for two ejections within the first eight minutes, scored on an lWist from Sarah Mutt with 1:15 left In the game. CdM goalie Brittany Fullen, who was brllllant In recording 10 saves, got a hand on the ball. but the shot was goals each, wflJ1e Jessica Ball PHOTOS BY STEVE McCRANI< I DAILY PILOT Leah Robertson and Ashllng Thy· Corona del Mar High goalie Brittany Fullen makes a stop on a shot by Newport Harbor's Ashling Taylor in Friday's Back Bay battle. See POLO, P11e B4 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Waldron Costa Mesa junior applies his skills as a receiver in football to rebounding for the Mustangs in basketball. Steve Vlr1en Daily Pilot W bm tbe a\.n la ln • the~ JelWaldron baa. ibo6g desire to go up and get It, or to block out anyone trying to do the aame. USUllDy when the Cotta Mesa HitJh junior ia getting te6dy for a rebound, he's concentrating solely on grabbing the ball. So It makel emee that be had no idea .-by • n6ree llCopped the IJlllne when cbe c.-. Miiia Hilb~ bMhfbdfWDW ....... .... LaSdeJn lbe dw ........... ol the V6y Oddln laUmialml Die. 13. Waldron ..,at his chin after • bard fall, but wu not aware of hla Injury since be was so tn tune with the game. '1 didn't feel a cut. I just p>t up and I wu ready to play. Waldron eald. "The r.o dkbit really hurt that tnuch. l j\&lt got up. The [referee! stopped tbe pme because I WU bleeding d CJYet' the place. I gueu the admlaline was · going and I didn't feel lt.." After Waldron WU taped up and after be changled bis jeney. be went bld~tbe He ICOl'ld 14 poUlla and 11 n1bo1111d1IDlbe44-!5 lo& nat dly be receMd..,. ldtc:bN. . ~...---IDOl8.,.,.... ...WALDRON ........ • .. • I '!be UC Irvine men~ buk.etba11 -.n WOl set ill Clnal pre-confer- ence tuneup~ at 8 at Saaa· menroSWe. The Anteaters C5-3l enter the HQmets Nest on a rhree-gwne wtQnlng .creak. hoping to extend Slaai:nen:toa klsirlg skid to five games. • • ~ Pat Douglass' Anteaten. wbo open Big West Conference 'pa., Jan. 3 at home against Cal 1'c)IY, Sen ~ Obispo, have four ~ wl.th double-figure scoring ·~ 'Senior furwa.rd Stanislav 1.uzak U'3.6 points per game) leads the WiJY. . , followed bf sophomore gu8rd Mike Efevbelba (12.3), sen· lorcenter Adam Parada (11.6) and ~more point gua?d Jeff GIOYer (103). Gloger also leads the team with 7.0 rebounds and 4.1 asalst.s per contest. Barry Faulmer oec in semifinals . • BASKBTBALL: Alisa Carrillo -Scored 22 points to lead the Orange C.oasr College women's basketball team to a 71 ·65 vic- tory over San Diego Mesa in the lint round of the Pirates' Coast Chr!stmas Qassic Friday. Carrillo also grabbed nine re- bgunds, while Charlenda Van Buren collected 12 boards. Amy Shaw and Rbondi Naff scored l2) and 10 points, respectively, for the Pirates (6-5). the d efend- ing state champions. Coast Christina• CIHslc Flrst round Orange Coast 71, San Diego Mesa 66 8fwt D• Mele -Waldon 22. Burnett 13, Thaggard 9. 6arnea 7, Beams 6, Shaver 4, Strong 2, Peterson 2. 3-pt. goals -Waldon 3. Burnett 2, Thaggard 1. Foured out -Shaver. ONnoe Co-at-Carrillo 22, Naff 10, Shaw 12, Van Buren 7. Arganda 6, Hauete< 6. Chades 6, Stepan1ki 2. 3-pt, goal• -Shew A. Tars• Diefenbach strong · • JIASICETMLL: Senior Jamie Di«rl'enbach scored a game-high 2b points and grabbed 13 re- bounds to lead the Newport Harbor High boys basketball team to a 55-44 victory over Ka - tella in a 13th-place semifinal of the Anaheim Convention Cen- ter tournament Friday at Ken- nedy High. Newpon junior Taylor Young added 12 points, while junior Brett Perrine contributed nine points and eight rellounds for the Sailors (6·3). Anaheim Co1wentlon Center toumament 13th-place aemlflnal Newport Harbor 55, Katella 44 Score by Quarters Katella io 15 12 1 -44 Newpon ,. 10 20 n 55 KaWUa -Castillo 12, Hanez 15, Hiller 2, Trejo 2. Cares 3, Yhes 10. 3-pt. goals -Hanaz l. Cares 1. Newport Harbor -Mouradyan 2, Perrine 9, Heenan 0, Young 12, Diefenbach 20, Gra.n 8. Hunter 4, Orth 0, MacBeth O. 3-pt. goals -None. Seaborn paces Sea IWlgs ii BASICETM.LL: Corona del SOCCER Continued from B 1 yellow cards. But the most costly of those cards went against CdM. With the score knotted, 0-0. Sea Kings anacldng midfielder Julien Cerutti plclted up his sec- ond yeUow caret He had just missed a pair of goals ln the pre- vious minutes, banging a beauti- 'ful froe kick off the crossbar and nailing tQe post on another shot. But the second yellow card took him out of the game and put the Sea Kings a man down. "I really (elt he was starting to play the best he has the whole season in the previous 20 min- utes," ca1laghan said. "Lt was a Mar HJgb Mnior guard Pancho Seaborn continued hla bot shoodng from the perimeter to lead the Sea ~ to an 80-4' vlctocy over Lompoc Friday In the thltd round of pool play at the Arroyo Grande toumaniellt. Seaborn, who drained six three·pointt;ra Thursday, netted five more Fliday, en route to a game·hlgh 22 points. Jay North- ridge added 15 for the winner& (4-4), while K.evin Welch (12) and Ryan Lance (ll) also tallled double figures. ,,,,. Ghftde---- tftlrd-f'Ound ~ pley Colone del Mer M. l.Ompoc 44 ScoNbvQuerten Lompoc • 11 • lO -44 CdM 17 22 19 22 • eo Lompoc -Martin 3, Erving 10, Pope 6, Whitt 5, Oewldn• 3, Ornelaa 4, Allen 5, Jecbon 5, Hernandaz 1, Copelend3. 3-pt. goals· Mertln 1, Dawkins 1, Jeckson t Tecnnlcal1 • Jacltson 1. Coron• ct.I Mer -Northridge 15, Wetanabe 2. R. Lance 11 , Freede 8, Seeborn 22. Reynolds 2. K. Welcfl 12, T. Lance 8, T. Welcn o, MacOoneld 0, Kabekllen 0, Manni o. 3-pt goal• -Seaborn 5, R. Lenee 2, Nonhridge 1. Eagles blitz Patriots • BASICBTBALL: Full-court pressure and some perimeter sharpshooting helped the F.s- tancla High boys basketball team roll to a 52.·25 victory over Oxford Academy in the conso· lation semifinals of the Garden Grove tournamsmt Friday at Garden Grove High. Carlos Pluto had 15 poinls and Mike McDanlels 12 to lead the Eagles, who play Dana Hills today at 11 :30 a.m. for the con· solation crown. Garden Grove tournement con1olatlon aemlflnal E1tancl• 52, Oxford Academy 26 Seo,. by Quarten Oxford 8 6 & II • 2& E1tancia 27 7 1 11 • s2 Oxford • Griswald 3, Fermanian 9, Barbosa 4, Gerton 2. Thompson 3. l(wehko 4. 3-pt. goals -fermenian 1. Estancl1 -Pinto 16, McDeniela 12. Viramontes 2. Escobedo 5, Sankey 6, Markley 8. Meissner 4, Kopp 0, Salas 0, Young 0. 3-pt goals -Pinto 3, McOan1els 2. Markley 2, E1cobedo 1 Saints rally past Mesa •SOCCER: I lost Costa Me~a Hlgll scored first in Its Golden West League boys soccer clash with Santa Ana Friday. but the Saints rallied for a 2-1 victory. Junior Audel Torres opened the scoring for the Mustangs (0-5, 0·2 in league). but Santa Ana lied the game, then took the lead in the 55th minute, Mesa Coach Eugene Day said. The Mustangs return to ac- tion Dec. 26. when they meet Foothill in a 9 a.m. pool-play game in the Trabuco Hills tour· narnent al Trabuco Hills High. Mustangs shut down •&SICE'TBMJ..: The Costa Mesa High boys basketball team dld not match up weU in height agltinst Aliso Niguel a nd stupld foul He lcicked the guy from behind and that was the sec- ond !ime he dJd It It's a lesson." It didn't affect the Sea J<lngs immediately as CdM HnalJy got on the scoreboard when Danny Whitaker's through ball found Ouis Ring.mom all alone behind the defenders. Ringstrom drib· bled around the &Jtancla goal· keepe r and pounded the ball into the back of the net for a I -0 lead. But &tancia's offense, pri- marily COIJlposed of senior Men· doza, finally got on track with 10 minutes remaining after not lak· Ing a shot on goal for the first 30 minutes of the second half. With seven minutes remain· ing. Mendoza dribbled around three CdM defenders and fired a SPORT S JOit, 51·36, ·in a nlnth·place aemillnal of the Anaheim Coo· ~don Center tournament at Xennedy High Friday. Sophomore Scott Knox led Costa Mesa with 20 points. He wu 5 for 12 from behind the three,polnt line. Jeff WaldfQn added eight points and seven rebounds AneMlql CGnw.lticM Center Milli diiiiC 'ttti"fl'.c. aemlflnel AUto Nlauel 51, Co1t1 M9N 38 IOo'9 bv QuerUrs Allso Nlgual ,, 21 3 11 -s1 Cotta MiNa 11 9 1 g -36 AHeo Niguel-Green 16, Peterson 5, Wlee 7, Roll 2. Zlrer 2, Brown 9, Yazdani &. Conner 5. 3•pt. goel• -Green 2, Brown 2. P9t«ton 1. Cocta MeM -Stankovic 6, Waldron 8. Krikorian 0, Molina O. Knox 20, Aleton 2, Gandia O. Wase o, lefebvre 0. 3-pt. goel• -Kno1< 5, Waldron 2. UCI falls to 0-6 •BASKETBALL: The UC lr· vine women's basketball team lost, 68·48, to nonconference host San J9se State Friday. Onistlna Callaway led the Anteaters (0-6) with 15 points and Kristen Green scored I 3. Tatiana Taylor scored a game- high 22 points for the Spartans (5· l ). Nonconflrence Sin JoH State 68, UC Irvine 48 UC lrvlne -Duda 2, Yadon o, Callaway 15, Fergu1on 7, Green 13, Stanley 8, Urben 3. 3-pt. goals -Graen 3, Ferguson 1. Urban 1. San JoN State -Taylor 22, Augustine 9, Tey1or 4, Wllllems 13, McGlaston 0. Tuimoloau HI, Gemo 4. 3·pt. goals -Tu1moloau 3. Williams 1. Helftlme -34-26. San Jose State. Lighting win again • BASJCBTBALL: Sophomore Haywood Wright posted a tri· pie-double. 16 points, 13 re- bounds and I 2 blocked shots. to lead Sage Hill School's girls basketball team to theif fo~b straight victory, 49-32, over Mesrobian Thursday. • Sophomore guard Debbie Yoder-Lee added l 8 points and five steals for the Lighting (4-4), who will have a two- week break before returning to action at Liberty Olristian on Jan. 2. Freshman Kaitlin Tyre four s teals. three assists and eight rebounds for Sage HilJ and Allison GonzaJez came up with eigh1 rebounds, sl.x of them offensive. NonlNsue Sage Hiii 49. Mesrobian 32 Score by Querters Mesrobian 9 s s 13 32 Saga Hill UI 9 12 12 -<19 Mnroblan -Dlmitean2. Petrisina 2, Mariam 20, Karlan 6, Boxadjien 2. J-pt. goel• -Mariam 2. Fouled out -Petrialn11. Technicals -Nona. S~ Hill -Schaefer 10. Yoder-Lee 18, Tyre 1, Wright 16. Gonu lez o. Puishv• 4, Kall1ki 0. 3·pt. goel1 -Nona. Fouled out -TYre, Puiahys. Tecnnicala -None. cross to Rafael Hemandez, but his shot was blocked by CdM 's Dominic Rubino. "(Mendoza's) going to st.fr things up eventually.• Crenshaw said. "You can only stay with him for so long. He's so active and so creative. He's going to wear you down.• Mendoza finally did just that fIVe minutes later, receiving a pass and firing a quick shot that was blocked by CdM keeper Jay Zimmerman. But the rebound came back to Mendoza, who took a seoond shot that wu stopped by a Sea Kings defender. Again the ball came back. to a te· nactous Mendoza and this time he set off a celebradon on the Eagles sideline by scoring the game-tying goal We're running at full chrottlt with rhe nation's ~ sdection of M~~--:135:ot~ ... our most tCJer! I ~(_-;;.(; I LAST CALL C~REAT VALUES -GFiEA-:-[)[--.~~LS 0 72 ' .'. ' " \ .. ~. Dec:~ 20. 2003 SPORTS POLO ContlrMid from Bl lor ldded oae ~ '"Wit .. --dame Md ~JI -l//lf twp ID do II." w 0..-, '°'81 b che Uni- venity ol lndlana. .(1'eopenlng the pool wlth a win) kind of mabe It eYen better, and we wmlled to pt them *k for 1.ut year.· With bect-and·forlh action, bds bouncing off poeta and a'Ollbln. oullkle lob shots and ewn pulling ot blJr. Newport Hmbor and CdM produced a cllAlc, an eady-.-.oll pme that Md playotf·type atmolphere. '1t was )nteme, • l&lcl Pullen. who was ejected late In third quarter aft.er dunlcing Newpon SLAMMERS FC .._ ____ Newport Beach, California CdM junior Kade JQ.lbla ttPped tt CMf~l..a.adcblbd bled llowty IDID cbt C981-• Howwet Newport ded tbe ICOnl ..... wtlh 2.1)2 left "1lher) 1iylor ~ on her OWD re- bound, wbk:h let the .. for ~pl. the Sea IClrll' Deldy ICOl9d with 34 eecorlde Wt MeltlM Wheelen lbot went off the pOlt u the lhot-dock buzzer IOUDd- ed. <:ooway lhot in two ~ but Pullen came up with the ltop to set up a 6nal play for CdM with 14 leCOndl left. CdM set up a play for Anae, who appeered to bave an open shot. but O>ttam came up wltb the save wlth two secondt left.. AnM ec:ored a pine-high three goab. while JCatya P.adington. Ca- mi.lie Hewko. Vivian Uao and ~­ bas added ooe goal each. "This la the best we have played this year,. CdM Coach Aaron Chaney said. ~ played with intensity and we played with a lot of heart . . . [former CdM Coach John Vargas) told me I didn't haw to worry about the girls being ready for this game. He was right I didn't even have to say a word They were al~ pumped." CdM's froshlsoph team de- feated Newport. 4·2, with two goals ln the fourth quaner &00red by l<.atie lndvik and Holly Van Hlel Newport's junior varsity won, 11·2. .......,. ~twbotl. Col-one .. M# 7 8oor9 bv 0.-W.. CdM \ 132 -7 Nev.lpolt t 1 3 3 -• CdM -Anae 3, Eedington 1, Hewko 1, Liao 1, K. Kubat 1. Sevea-Ftilfen 10. Newport -Belden 2, Mutt 2, Ball 1, RobertlOn 1, Taytor 1, Conway 1. Sava -HouHplen 5, Cottam 2. NEWPORT Continued from B 1 The Sailors (5·4), playing in lheir first tournament title game in Coach Jen Thompson's three seasons at the helm, took a 17· 10 lead after one quaner, but a litany of turnovers, combined with a strong post game, aJ. lowed the Crusaders (7·4) to outscore the visitors, 47·22, in the final three periods. "We had defensive break· downs and we didn't crash the boards as hard in the second half," Thompson sald. "We talked about good defense. but [the Crusaders) kept the ball in the middle. Our tallest player is 5-foot·8 and their tallest is 6- foot or 6-l ." Forward Megan Lovingier (5· 11) acored 17 of her game-high 19 points in the second half to go with 14 points from center Katrina Davis and 12 from OU'isten Weaver. AU three Cru· saders were named to the all- tournament team. Newport senior Victoria Swi· WALDRON Continued from B 1 than the fall," Waldron sald. Perhaps if a ball had been placed In front of Waldron, the pain would have been obsolete. because, when he is going for a Winter Hollday Soccer Camp 2003 Offered for girls and boys ages 8-14 Come and have the opponunity to train wU.h the best to bring out your best. Camp focus will be on both individual skills and small group tlctics. Talce the opporrunicy to train with Camp Directors Walid and Ziad Khoury. The Khoury Brothers have built the Slammers FC into a nationally known youth soc:ccr dub. December 29th, 30da ud 3ht from 9 AM to Noon &tuda HJ&h School, Co.ta Mesa C...pFeaf70 For moR information and enrollment form go co www.slammcn.org/w..htm or call 11'-55?.1702. H('l,lf (If 'HI 1001 8. 2003 GU I l Nt.TION.'d (H.VM'l()t,•," gan tallied a career-high 16 points and 10 rebounds while JUUanne Whitfield scored eight points to go with two steals and four assists. Both players were all-tournament selections. Newport also received scoring from Allyson Stoltz (two), Kristi Eddington (six), Ciara Lawrence (four) and Maaike Trobman (three), while Brittany Deyan grabbed three rebounds. Stoltz added four assists. and two steals. The Sailors began the first four minutes. 43 seconds of the second quarter without a field goal as Valley Ouistian took its first lead at 18· l 7 since It led 6-2 with 4:41 left in the first quarter. Whitfield and Lawrence were lhe only two Sailors to score in a second quarter that saw New· port commit seven turnovers. The game was tied, 22-22, at halftime before the Crusaders began the third quarter on a 6-0 run and never looked back. Despite lhe loss, Swigart and the rest of her teammates man· aged smiles. "This was an unbelievable ex- rebound, theres not much that can distract him. "Coach (Bob) Serven said, 'Your instinct should be to grab the ball and do whatever it takes and to have the desire to get the ball for the team,' " said Waldron, who applies his slcil1s as a receiver In football to rebounding m basketball. -1 usually just try to find an open lane and do a tlWim move to get in position to box someone out. Sometimes I try to get a body on the closest guy and block him ouL" Waldron sald his swim move. which he used when a defensive baclc jammed him at the line, works weJJ because most opposing players don't expect it. That's about the only surprise expected from Waldron when It comes to basketball. His game ls more about bard wotk. and dirty wol'k -the lcind that's usually associated with a lunch pall. "He starts playing hard and he finlshes playing hard," SeIWn said. "When I'm doing the laundry, it's very easy to know which jersey ls his. His jersey is the one that's drenched. lbat's perience." said Swigart, a three· year varsity member. •Last year we lost to [Valley OuistianJ in the semifinals in overtime, so it was nice to have a rematch. This Is a big deal. In my three years, we were not even close to a championship game. Even th ough we got second, It is great to be here. This ls rad~ Thompson's eyes gleamed when she shook hands with for- mer UCLA women's basketball · great Ann Meyers, who passed out plaques following the game. "I used to watch you all the lime," Thompson said to Meyers. Y*'J awwlan tiownlrMflt Flnal V•lley Chrtltllin 57, Newport Hafborn · Score bv Ouerten Newpo11 1'7 s 1 10 -39 Velley 10 12 11 18 -57 Newport -Swiga11 16, Eddington 6, Lawrence 4, Whitfield 8, Stoltz 2, Trobmen 3, Koon 0, Celek O. Sliter 0, Oey1n 0, Melo 0. 3·pt. Goala -Swiga11 2. Trobmen 1. V.lley -Loving ler 19, Weaver 12, Davie 14, Miller 6, Tebah 4, Moore 2. Ferrow 0, Dykeme o. Eddington 0, WintersO. 3·pt. goals -Lovlngier 1. because he works so hard." Serven sald he has not seen a player able to transition from football to basketball quicker than Waldron. Serven, who has been coaching for 23 years. has also been impressed with Waldron's leadership and his desire to improve. "Jeif doesn't miss a beat..• Serven said. •Every opposing coach has very high praise for Jeff and his etfon. He has really developed his shot. too. He has a really strong. medium-range game, which has come through his hard work on his jump shot and on bis ball handling." Waldron has been showing the resuJt.s of his hard WOl'k during the early part of the season. Through the Mustangs' Ont six games, the Daily PUot Athlete of the Week hu averaged 14 pointa a game, lncluding·a 23-polnt effort in a semltlnaT win over Whitney in the Valley Ouiatian townament Waldron bu also grabbed 83 rebounds (13.8 per pme). Abave , it's ready, aim and fire tor Newport Harbor's Anne Belden, who scores on this shot. Left,.Newport Harbor's Mefissa Wheeler, dark cap, tries to break up an offensive move by Corona del Mar's Arny Strack Friday at Newport Harbor. SCHEDULE TOOAV 8Mketball College men-UC Irvine a1 Secremento State, 8 p.m. College women -UC Irvine 11 Secramento State, 6 p.m. Community college men - Orange Coatst 11 C4Jyamece toumement Community college women - Orange Coaat vs. Chaffey/El Camino In Cont Christmas ci ... 1c, 7:30 p.m. High f(hool boys-Corona del Mer vs. Sen Luis Obispo et Arroyo Greode toumement. 11:30 a.m.; Newport Harbor et Anaheim Convention Center toumement. 10'.30 a.m.; Costa Mete 111. SeNite et Anaheim Convention Center · tournament. 1:30 p.m.; Eata.ncie vs. Dane Hilla at Garden Grove tournament, 4:30p.m. High ldlool gins -Estancia at Mella tournament WrMtlng High lldlool -Estancia at Big Bear tournament . • • "He's great to coach and he's a : leader; Serven said. "If you're : going to stan an athletic = department at a school, you " would want to start with Jeff : Waldron. He's a great role model : and he'a a tremendous · ~ repreeentative of the IC.hoot on •• II and oft' the 8eld." .. .. ---~-._......,~--~-------~--~-----.-- Policy How to Place A ----Deadlines --- Rates and deadlines are subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the fiaht to censor, reclassify; revise or reject any classified advertisement Please report any error that may. be in. '}our · classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot acccptS no liability for any error in an advertisement for wh.ich it may be responsible except for the cost of I.he space actually occupied by I.he error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. CLASSJFIE ijlD -iii Monday ...................... Friday S:OOpm Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm By Fax : (949) 631-6.594 By Phone (949) 642-5678 Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ 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Ho rh" statement wa• loled with the County Cler" ol 01anee County on 11/17/0J 2003696SS92 TOP S$ 4 llCottOS nc Ha. ~. (le. 50s & 81s .l3L Allee. Sl*t, tube ~ Molle 949 64!;.]505 SAT IAM TV, bed, :::;;;;:;:;;======.J.;=======;J..:=====:::;:::= .... 24hr stouice. 400- The lollowine penons are doinR business as: ll•nlson end 11.s~lates. 3249 Nebraska Lane. Costa Mesa. California 92626 lhe tollow1n1 per sons are dome business as. a) Specl<Um Medical Center, b) Spec I rum Hospital, 16300 Sand Canyon Ave , Ste. I 1005. lrvone. CA 92618 housetlold Items. chairs , 600sf units. Perlect fOf Colin 0. ttanison. 3249 Nebraska Lane. Costa ~. Cahf0<nta 92626 £2 Dreams. Inc , (rth H•trom·CCO Daily Pilot Dae. 13. 20. 21. 2003. Jan. 3, 7004 Sa524 couch. clothes & morel T s f whlcles. low ratn ell 1800 Beryl Ln. Newp0<I C.olyn 949-86J.-1l90 Beach crou struh ENTERTAINMENT hvine/ttiehland. RESIOENTIAl..RENTALS Calendaf ar General ORANGE 7400 ~... 131° Al•-:-=°" 1610 tse year end clearance sale· ~ ........... Mark E Anderson. Cynthia D Har11son 3249 Nebr ask• lane. Costa Men. CallfG<n1a 92626 16300 Sand Canyon Ave , Ste I 100!>. Irvine CA 92618 This bus1nus 1s con· dueled by. an 1nd1V1dual Have you sta<tl!d do1n11 business yet? Ho This stalemenl w1~ filed wrlh 'lhe County Clerk ol Oranae County on 12/10/03 200369677SS The followln& pe<sons are doinc business u Bob's [quoprnenl Rent als, 234-0 Cynthia Cl . Costa Mua. Cahfornoa 92621 ~ llOUSll6 ""'""• o.dt ......... --· OPPOllWITT a.6 •PPfO• I/hf fr om This business rs con- ducted by· a eeneral putnershop Have you started doone business yet? Ves 01/02/02 Colin D. ttarroson This slalemenl wn filed with the County Cle<" of 0< an&e County on 12/12/03 20036'U069 Daily Pilot Dec. 20. 27, 2003. Jan 3. 10. 2004 Sa527 Ac-.llllillSS ... s...... Tht followin& perwns ,., e do1n2 bu,.ness as. C i w lendine. 2522 Back Bay Laop, Costa Mesa. Cehlotnoa 92627 Robert A. Conrad. 1322 Cabrlllo Perk Ofivt Unit D. Santa Ana, Calilorno• 92701 John Carl Whottenbure. 2522 Beck Bey Loop, Costa Mesa, Cahf0<noa 91627 Mark C Anderson This statement was hied with the County Clerk ol Oranae Counly on 11/25/03 200U9H2H Dally Pilot Dec. 13, 20. 27. 2003, Ian 3. 2004 • Sa~22 Rt-. llllleu ... s...... The lollowona pet sons life doone business as a) R1ver1a Cnte<pusu. b) Rrve11a Rully. c) R1ve11a Real Estate Manaaemenl, d) Roveoa Desren. 339 M1llord Drive. Corona Del Mar . Callfo111111 9262!> Mary Cnslto . 339 Milford Dove, Corona Del Mar. CAlrfornoa 9262$ This business 1s con ducted by an ond1v1dual Have you star led doinR busonen yell No Mwy Castro Daily Polol Dec 13. 20. 27. 2003, Ian 3. 2004 Sa520 flditlM ..... •s...... lhl! followln& por .. ons are doine busonl\s as· Memo1i1ls At Sea. 7\2 Larkrodae. Irvine CA 92618 V1ck1 L McMullan, 71 :> Larkudae. Irvine CA 92618 John C Nolle<. 712 lulindee. Ir vine. CA 92618 This business Is con ducted by co·parlners liave you started dmnR business yet> vu 12n1'l003 John Noller This slatemenl was tiled with the County Clerk of Oranee County on 12/()9/03 20036967669 Oa1ly Pilot Dec 13. 20. 27, 2003. bn 3, 2004 Sa521 Robert J. Allen, 234-0 Cynthia Ct .. Costa Mna. Cahfornla 92627 l hos business 1s con· ducted by· an ondmdual llsve you started doing business yet? No Robert J Allen lh1s statement was llled with the Counly Cleo" of On nee County on 12/02/0J 20036966804 Daily Pilot Dec 6. 13. 20.27.2003 S..515 All real H tate adverl,. Newport Beach.Ea eel inc on thos neW\paper os lent huntina adiacenl to sub,ecl t o the redenl state waltflowl refuae. r '"' ttousme Act ol 1968 ownership mteint ' es amended which appro• 375acres otland mall"' 11 1lleea1 to & impro¥ements • your advertise ·auy prefer own camp compound ence. tom11itloo or w/s tructure and 2 d1sc11minaloon-bned on trailers Wonderful I rl race. color. rehc1on. sea, noaht BBQ's & wine handicap, l•m•llal status tastone durlna duck or nallonaf 011e1n. or ao season • rnany e1trasl 1ntenhon 10 make any Ideal fo1 2 troends Of such prelerence. lomita lather & son Call Mike lton 01 d1sc11m1nahon • at 310~!>4 l-0854 This newsp•per will not "nowmely eccept eny advertisement !Of real estate which 1, on voolallon of the l1w. Our ft.....,__L..L-... readers "" here by ~-mfo1med that all dwell llme S...... Ines advertised on thtS I he tollowlna person~ newspaper dlt available a1 e doin11 business as. on "" ecw.11 opporlunoly Mub1I Maohetine 23<\12 b11\ls Pac1ltc P••k Do ' #37 8.' lo complain of dt> llhso Voero CA 926!)6 t11m1nahon. call HUD toll John 8a0sdakll. 2901? tree at I 800 424 8590. Cobalt Corde, Menifee &...M-CA 92~ _ .. 1483 Th,. business •s con ~a;;;;a;;;;;;:;;;;;;:;~ saturday, december 20, 2003 9 am -4 pm 3001 S. Croddy Way, Santa Ana, CA 92704 1 block west of Harbor between MacArthur & Segerstro cash/amex/mc/vlsa only all sales final 714.957 .4000 Y1All y OCIAllAIOlfY 29r. 28.t. al new cwpet/ pff!Vtilt. l-c .. . S2ro)n Astodllld RllJ 9'90:Sil c... .... Cl••• & Mewl 406 Hellotro,,. (Front Cot· tace). COM. 2bd. llNI. new kitchen & bath, fp. hrdwd ~ In lR l/C p#. Shared W/D 714-336-9800 llr w /lNrfll .-,, nq - kitchen, &rHI loutlon, $750/mo 420 Narciuus I flanchose A&t 9'9•717•4708 ~ "'r, 6'11 ~ml :ppo1~t:~~t~1 to those 8-l f\1ewly remod :tir 2be, conce<t ll!l'nd. beautiful loo"'"' lo work inde· 2 c p , MW hdwd ~ itch sound, t°'tkoe cood. pendenlly. S8K Invest 1J"1ite dri. Ip. ,., ~ 4811 94 640 1879pp menl 1equ11ed. Includes plllk> s:IXnno !i62~ to ainina and support lot• 3610 h anchosu worldwide !f!or!';,_::. ':-~ -.-u -c_u_1_t_l_l_L_1_le-·s loll rree I 888 4!12 6737 ..w~ I.& ,d This business 1s con· ducted by: co partners Have you stertl!d doin& busoness yell Ne This statement was hied wllh the County Clerk of Ounee County on 12112/03 200J69'I094 FkfllM ..... ... s...... ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Ha•e you started dom& business yet> Ves, 10/ No late(fhan 9pm. Dec. 23rd. Uncer taontoes Happen! Sl9ll'.> Robert 9&~17SO Pet Owners Need lielp Olcab~ M r....,..__ Well Mannered Adult '--- John Cati Whottenbur& This s tatement was filed wllh the County Clerk of Ounee County on 12/15/03 20036' .. 147 Deily Piiot Dec. 20. 21 • ?003. J.n 10. 2003 Sa525 Daily Pilot Dec 70. 21. 2003. Jan 3, 10. 2004 Sa527 MllM ...... ... s....... The followma persons are doon1 buslnen as: Coastal Peonl Repau, Inc. 16771 Green SI., Uni! A. Hynllnatoo The foltow•na pe1 "°"' are doinc business a• a) Terramor Rul £\late. b) Terr amor Homes, 930 Ma11ners Dove, Newport Be.ch. CA 92660 Steven Bender. 930 Mariners 011ve, Newpor I Beach, CA 92660 lhos business Is con ducted by-an 1ndlvldual Have you s tarted do1n1 business yet? Ho 15/2003 John B•~dalus This statement was Oldet Style Fu""""- hled with the County PIANOS & Coli.ctlblet Cle1k of Oranee County • .........._... • ......_.. on 11/17/03 ·S.-·-·OW..·•- 2003696SHI $$CASH PAID .. Dally Piiot Oec 13. 20, --·--, 'll , ?003, J an 3. W!BUYESTATl9 2004 Sa523 • ............,. k""""1-- .. ~-' COfJSIGNtlENTS ·City of Newport Beach Notice of Funding Availability (NOFA) Inviting Applications for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG) Pr°'ram For Fiscal Year 2004 /05 APPLICATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE DECEMBER 20, 2003 THROUGH FEBRUARY 12, 2004 Newpwt .... 19111 Oet>Of•h Lane. SAT 8-1, furn. apph. cloU-. c«. fun 10< the wtioi. t1m1lyl I need co go dress shopping ASAP! ART/ PAINTltGS .,, -l"la••io Ruas. (5) SS00 $800 Mounted Buffalo H9ad $800. LM .. W Ver dull Peinlin& (1940'' S.nla Fe) "Las Cuund wn· SSOO 949 632 37l6 CHIUY UUGH 110 Sold "'°4ld, tnnd -.. bo• must -WDr1ll $IDI sac S25D 9&J56.8ll7 QUUM MATTUSS sn (ttqledic. tnnd -• In~ w1-J. S.: $105 can dllMt' 9&-35lHD91 c .... c ...... Old Comtl Gold, ailver, jewelry, -tdln. antlquH coKec:llbles 949--642·94.48 w,.......e-4.._ """""''"-• a....w .. ...,. (t4t)Mt·S67' The federal Housing and Community Development Act of 1974, as amended, provides Federal Community Development Block Grant (COBG) funds to the City of Newport Beach for projects that promote the development of viable urban communities by providing decent housing, suitable living environments, and expanded economic opportunities, particularly for low· and moderate~income persons. The City of Newport Beach anticipates receiving $426,000 in COBG funds for fiscal year 2004-2005. NOTICE IS HOllY GIVEN that the City of Newport Beach is currently accepting applications for eligible public services. The application may be used by non-profit organizations to request funding or by Newport Beach residents to suggest that the City or other organization undertake a new program. A general description of eflgibte public services Is STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? summarized below. IUGllU PU1UC SllVICIS: Above an, applications must demonstrate that the service will principally benefit persons of low· and moderate- income (households earning less than 8:> ~ of Orange County's median income). Types of eligible services include but are not limited to homeless assist.Ince, employment services, substance abuse recovery, senior serkes. at-risk youth proermns, crime prevention, legal services, and services for the chabled. IUDUllls All Interested service providers must comptete an appHcation packap, 1vaJllble 1t the City of Newport Beach, Economic Development Ofvision, 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach. Completed lppbti~s will be accepted '"'til 5:00 p.m. on Thursday, February 12, 2004 at the Citl of Newport Bach, Economic Development Division. Questions rep'din& this NOFA should be dWected to Dan Trimble the City of Newport Bach .t (949) 644-3230. NIWROfi Beach~Costt Miii D111J Plot Decemblr 20, 2003 Sa526 • • • • • • • • • • • l Cah & Older Doe• need .....,,_. l..dl othce new homes lldopt Adult approa 1200\1 Good f0< llr $a70.. I mole to An1m•ls this Xmul 30 CPA lwm/1ns Co • .aou beach, vaul c11ls, 'to¥•. day return Policy ltom Hoac 949-!17' 7368 Iris. cell fan £ more ISi -w an1m•loetwo1~ ora ( 1 .. S. ..... ~2421 6 Ufm IUllD•G OM OOUILl lOT. P11ced below market Sl,350,000 S05-!i07 E Bay A•• Do nol disturb tllClf' occupants. Btot.u ...... 949-4U·SOUI (76SS) ...... - ALL nm IUGS. 24•30 Hllnllfl1llDn llacll WH $7.900, sell $3,900 nUOtO UV1NG IT THI 29•50 wn $13,900, seM llA(H. 'OOl.. SPA & $5,980 49190 was MottL LOW $200'1. S<'6JJX>. t!rl. $12.!lD 1st AGT. 714-374-0200 Cll Now! Tom lD>-'Bl 7P ~tlldl l XClf'ING WA Tfl WW 601 U4e l'wfl ~ ISi Grae LIV Wn 4HR S(C 28R 2.58A Sl.250.000 llOo P11tk Realty Ma<y Lou lllthler 949-675-1700 NIWP'Oltf WAfWllOtlT "BRNCJ NCW HOM 12·Yt LndUe AJJ!>f oa Tot.I S5600,IMo Fn!d Arldlnon 95-!liSJ& l•hi4er~lbf, 2ba. Slnp f ""ily 2 -........ ~ s.f·Sul, 11·2. 122 %lr4 SI !M!MJl.31121 lltr, ,..... l I t qiMI -· .z hwy 8CC8SS. 1993 a..dl St $945 114- ~1 Of 71J1-23f>--3717 • ...... ......, 18r =~~~ C>w1llN 9e574-:mt ••P'• .. tel lovely Gated Comm. near Trlancle ~e, 2bf Iba w/111 & Ir • $1095. lbr lb• w/pet . urporl, ator•R• 1115 ....,, h!h paid. Klein-...,,.,. U1 J04.tlfi4B Ext 9i!D ... .,,.,.. •<f ffl .... •tr-2br l.5bli no pets SI 19&/mo 1"6 n.ne Aw •l 9"). 120-9'22 1203 I SW.. :lir v;e. IPl Olr. IM bllro1J, "* ...._ ._, l'll'nDll, 4JM $1&5 AM tllolA ~ ll*til ~ &17El.Wist. 0c-vi.w tlr. th, IJ9011U StUIMO 8fand newt l·CM ,., • L•'l9 clOMl I Nib, $1650/mo Assocl•l•d sunnr uposure, $1000m ~..ity 9'9~Jm Aft. ~161 SftMA 2J ~ IJt 3tlr dwft !Mir. 3 ~ 3500d, F..,.,·\'Wlwl f- "ww.•u·tlomt\.tOftl $1,6'70.000 ~0-94!MJ7.()l00 o.-..... •:~ ,l.799,o«) •• c .. Ooa.st Pr0jltt11te of C1llf llMril l.WO......., ' • Jltt ,._ "--•· quiet uu, newly retU<btsh•d 2 c., 1.,. wd hkups. S2300/mo 949 759 0874 lbr 2be upper unit, 2 belcon1n. Ip mslr /llvrm, I c 11. nu patnl l ey frwt lbr 2bl uppet 111 S2300 !M9 293·4630 level, pf!riod style, ereat v .. ws, I or tar, •al $1800949-293 4631 Jal! 2.Sbe condo, 1749st. clou to bch. 2 c attach 11r, wd, 2 1t01y, comm poot/spt Avtll Ja11 l $2500 949 515 9830 ... :tr 2.!bo o:n:t>. 2 <lfy. Zc p ,-.-llllOC ~-IDbdi,_,... .. ' mn 71402IOO Ctllf"ornl• lew 11 QUirn thet contuc tora telun1 !Ob• tlltl total S500 or mo<• (ltbor or 1111terlels) b• lic:ensed by the Contrectors Sltlt lktAM Board. Slelt law also rlCllllres tt11t conttKtora lllc:hlch tlMlr liun• llUf'llMf on 1111 ldvertlsina-You cen dMcll the •tatut of your ltce~td co11 t ractor e t www.u lb c•.JVY or 800·32l·CSll. Unll· ce10sed r.ontrectMa taklfll )0111 th•t lotel f1u then l500 must .t1t1 111 the• ldv«tl11111tntt tl11t tho '" not ltc:llMff by tJI• Contrectan State llc111w " A-lHAMOYMAtt lmtalt, ref act c1blneh. ~ ........ 0.C7l~n51 .. a...-. ... ....--.. ,.. r • • Ulep~~ needs room w/b1th In COM°' N4lwpotl. pou1 ble ktlchen tcc:HS. avail J•n or r eb please ull Breit 949 673 6700 7915 VACAllOl IBfJAIS SAWUllTAIS lflalm S,.ute*MI Desert Contact Mldlael Ania 1~333-7JJ1 eolf desethxabofls.tcm T.UUsAhout YOUR GWGESAlfl In ClASSIFIED {949) 642-5671 ~ ...... COMPUTER HELP! .............. ·~ ....... "·-~ ........... ~ ...... Olaf~ °"'i:a~ ..... ~-UC car-. .. .,,..~ ... 714-612-2786 YOUIMOlll UUllOVl•nn "°'"" Cell a pllllN!ef. pllifltef. llandyman, or an)' ot the lf••I 111n1Cn lltttcl 11«• Ill our Slfwke dlrtelttyl THESE LOCAL SYC l'(Of'lt CM HRI' YOO TOOAYI Chuical l'AlT-TIMl CUllCAl Computer llloute ru fH41Jlft to 714·8J8 9326 Hotel VALlTPAldG IAUGa Posiloons also avaol1bl11· Door. Cd-. £ Al~ Call949 ?23 8710or lu rH4!me lo 949 223 8715 lUNS2SOK IN llAl ISTATI The 'I selltn& lnclt!pen d•nlly o wned Rul lslale comp•"Y In C1lllorn11, rs 1nnou11eina a unique, hl&hly re· wa1dtn1 opportunlly tor • seasoned sales pro· leu1onal We ire n•ll 1n1 .a lop quality ules pet&On with ., proven track record Yuu must be utamely cuslonMr orienled, relate to a btoad 1 anee ol c;lient feeltnas and needs end communlc•le with p..,crn1 peuu•srvenus -lttkt '99 l'..ti Av-Ultr low mr 1old/t1n llhr, mnrf. CO, alloy whls throuahout. Sll,995 1156774 I 8lv 949-586-11188 __ ......,-'- (eMec ••• c ...... '°" ml. blll/blk lthr, bllo carroqe root. Bou CD. •m·fm, chrrn whls. aold ploa. bool<s/reco•ds. lit.I new Sll/95 v557281 Bkr .... , ... , ... -.~.<- c,-Vlcterlo 'tt LX 22" actual ml. orwnal elderly owner. while/tan Int, chrm wllls. buut W.e 111w cond, $9,996 Vlll8267!>1 Siu 9&5118-1888 www.oqt•.,l.c- If you have • slron& 0.-. s.., '00 Dw-. desire to succeed, ts a Sl T ~ 9 V8 low ml. «la superstar who ftt1 Iha · ' · bill, and enioy Hllrna. h•dy owne<' whlte/blk int. screenln1 and closma CO. ''" seat. '"'' alt Grve us 1 u lt (Ii) 88&-low plla. be1utlfvl SJ 4!>4 0593ext 94'5 (0ver new cond, $1 2.995 JO u les IUOC••I~ hlVI wrnl/87 Biii ~18111 tamed 111 uca_~s of •-·••p .... <•• $150.000 '" 2002) 1 r I' San in baby/children'• ~ ....... ( tpSllrUI • pl.a.. Ouenln11 In South Coast Plua S•ltry + bonus • tlMdic11949-496-~I WITIHOOT DIYWAll All pbun sm/lf& jobs CUUI 20yr1, ltlf. lrH esL L4CXXXI> 714-639 l447 SMAU. JOI IX"•T l ocel, Quoc:k Rt$1>0RH Home, Ytrd & Dock [Itel 20 YB E~ ~ Qldric LIFV!i81'0 961li1HOC2 1.1.C. a.ctnc Low pnc111 locel oonlredor. "° job too smlll. no job too Iii. IWa l4lllft ~ lJClo.&l<J10I (714)142·1'10 SELL your stuff through classified! •••<I ·•s .... , ... , Con•trtlbl•. orl1ln1I owner . solid c111. fR.tll .. SlJ!m dlo 9&719 29U •••" ·•s ... ,,.,., Convert1ble, orrcinel owner. solid car. null ... SUJSX) dJ) 9&7J9.2!Ml r l 1 1 1 1 I . l ~ , 'I !-. 1'f•i1 1111•.1 - ._..< s.rt..t.._ LSI ~.:.~~wd, 70k + ml. -"" ... tttv. •tr• sut. s uperb ori1 cond $13,99S w552445l Bkr Mt4M-I ... ·-·<MfNllW·- ..... '97 Accer4 2ctr coupe EX. V·tK ena!M. 6911 MK\/o., ittw. anrf. bnutlful u11m1rhd concl car•.-1. "°" Y*r ~firm v0l2U51 lkr --Ull~ ......... ,,,..,,0 v6, 35k ml, lull ftcl w10, sltver/oetmut lthr. mnrl. CO, memory pka. beeul l•e new u1111'111fkld cond, $23,495 v•75Z262 Bkr. 949·586· 1888 www.<tqlNllW.- ,....., 't7 XJ4 British r 1c1n1 craen/lan lthr. CO, ta bulous oond lhrouchout. Sl l.995 v59721 bkr 949 586 1888 ---~- LAND JllOVflll 2000 biscovery II S07. dual moonrts. reu Jump sHls, hHled $8111 lac' wtrr 36.000 mt, $21,SOO V1f161jll lm 714222 5161 "E l " mp oyee. "Empleado." "Arbeitnehmer. " "Employe. " v ..... r. c-n•t• & ... _., Brock. Block, Slone. Concrebt ~ Ll747441 714 965-2824 • laidmliil • r.m.rtill oJobJboSneaB Dneea..iltoa 949-322-1292 Open7~ Low Rlll9e &~ ~8pecille Cerpentr' • l'lllmblnc Sk'°91'81 Orywa • S1-948-645-4545 ,.._ Til&l!ICn 20+v ... ~i-.1 JI 71...., 177• llST MOVDI SSS/"'· Setvlna All Cilia ln1Ufl9 fl 63844 323·997·1193 m.6J0.997l c .. JUMITOMIMNltlll 714-8-1112 PUBLIC NOTICE AVAILAILE TOOAYI lh9 Calif. 1'11bllc Mt-17,.5* Uut1tla Commit.ion reqlllles that elf ued .... ~ household &OOdl ..._a. "''}C:ri;• 11'10¥efl print their l',U,C. Cal T nlHnbtt; Wlll~/Bl·wkly n ly. "-s •114 cllwff•W• ....... GfMt r ... I ._... prl11t their T,C I'. -~-ZJ&.Cm7 1111mber In .. ~ 1111 11,1 , u..n-ta. 11 yov hive eny r.:tlon1 tllollt tit• tttllty of • ~ ........... 111ower , 111110 or ~ dlewtt.tlr,ct11 ......... ,,...,.,.. M"" 11--. 17 .... ,. Tlle'1(Uf'9P9- A11t.i-n hlOCars com P'OltSOtl 'O I CMlllOUT fipltomc. mtnl condition 8500 mtkn, one owner $62.000 Pf> 949·351·1719 ........... '99 4.6 HS[ 48k 1111 full fact w•rr. blk/blk llhr 18 rhrm wl!ls, superb co"cl thrOOiltl. S22.995 y 117201 B kr 949 586 1888 www.ocpobl.com Pailllng IC.I'S OISTOM l'MfTING Pron, dun, quality WOfll lnlerkw/ext •nd clo$s Lt703468 949-400 1064 lAINIOW a.ii MMn Palnllna~•L ~ Qu~!Fr .. •t LI 7 714 636 1888 a CIMllO!I or MllTJ9Mllllft SEWfR KT11H<l ElECTitOHIC SLA8 I rNt 0£1tC110H fr lllldl/ S«vk.• •4•-• •-•J04 -com • ........ -..........,.. aWOODtt -0 * .... r.:= 'IH•n " -... * SUI' AVM Utilities lnci. B1lbo1 Penn. Bay Island Con an.a, secure, .._. o-. Ml-922·J:Tn!o •AVAUIU • f« boat perade • Lklo lsl1nd 949-675--4841! .. PLUG IN Plug into the Pilot Classified section to find services from electronics and plumbers, to landscapers and painters. Daily Pilot Cl.-'lss1f1i>d < o rnmu111t y M ,1tl<l'tpl.1lr> .... SlWll NOMAMR HOW YOU SAY IT, CLASSIFIED CAN FIND IT. r .... ..,.. Al9DUllC1u.e ('4t)HS-2JS2 ntlSTB'POI sclalizmc In Wt lpt Rl'1'1C1Yal USll241949 l60 1211 eotOIN WIST WW.OW stnKI S1Usfecllon CINlrlfttMd !MM31·1562 7l4-911MOeO NONIS'f & IUitoUlll r, .. ~m· OCTFCU Ok 714 9150 l'UQSI PUaM•NtO • ., ... & Retnodelkli FREE ESTIMA'f( L16173111 714 1169 1090 ' jlnspeeted. · IUara~teed . .. • Ri11rau1141-paint inspection · : • C1mpreh111in 12-11anth/12,00l-11ile li11ited w1rr11ty : • 24-haurs Rull1ill1 A11i1t1nc1 E••'1111;1 Senice . . . 2 18. 19.-~. = ~···········~·····-·-··-------------------·--··-·-·-----·· 1875 OCEAN WAY LAGUNA BEACH This s~ctacular oceanfront home has bnathtaklng ocean, Catalina Island and Lapna coastal vitws and m}oys tht sounds of tht surf 1' is situated dirtctly on tht sand, wfth its own privatt beach that adjoins Woods Cove, one of Laguna's most ~autifal strttches of coastlint. N _o 8 w 1 .. ,._, 4 M 8 N g j f • i ;; • ~ ! I J J "' p "' 8 w I 4 . i ~~~~~~==--~·! ..... ,,. , ~--.•. _._1 ........ ~ .. 7 ~ a ~ w «> ~ ... N p N 8 w :;o «> Qt. '"" "' ar ~ 0 QI ~ 31 a • .. Dai/ Piot • Real Estate • SaUday, Oecerrbet 20, 2003 • f. 113ii[~ Jtf.f•f i . I" l!l[f -I f ,.. . aJ14lt ~· -j I r1·-h ~ , f'rRf1 . t~llJ ! --iklr~~ ·•f jts-. i{U.jtt.! - I. i!! ,. . 1 ~ c. " '.~r~~ , -l f 'l ff[ d~ , ; ·~;.If r• ,,J!fl~ ~· ' f litf ~H~ ritsr -.. ~Js:I ft · :· ·f .. ,1 g r [ f ii f'CD <!ftlf . " . 1 if"-r! u: -;;; --. -. . ~ - . . , I :a .,.r,i~ -. -. rr n. ~ . --- -. ..... r~ . -~ -_. ' Jl.!~'f .. iH .. 1 --. ~r[rr .,, ·. · .. Hh 1•f Uf~ .~ •. 0 . ,-' ' ··;4n i5 : ·iij!t " r~e 11 ~~~ ~ . . r • ~~a s-..,.g .. fFFl•J· . ,.. ··, t~Hlf l;: l ' rtfe'1 ... , rtffJ~ • fra:11 -i~if tr m .-~I ~t ·~u.·r ~ = ~en . ' l! r~r~;i : . Jl § ' . ~1f1H~ )1 r:t ~ ... .,,, -~ . i;k~ l•r11 ~ I ' klf1 ~ t!itf . ', . J, L (11jl -.:11 •. , i4L ' .. r 1:1:1 . l· l§t!t . . -ftl ;ifl ·.· I 111~f a •:. I fHll1 : i~J.-.!!. CD "lj ii ~ l j =i= .r1 r, _r r~-~o -t{ tf ] fJ·l1 ~ fii{f lS.&:ii.t'r. rlft{ . .1. ;Jfrt f! [lltli i hit[fJ i:~!t~f 1 I 1ll r~[ fs §" • ir=1 .u.1 ,,~" frrtr j_~r~ ~ !tl·d . 1u~B. lfj~ :n Ii = i..?:!._ 'IP. tl 0 JHf~{§i_ -~ 2. a~-1 i·I=~ ~lifl. ~ lit~s tlHl11alt~ . .~t-;·[!• < . r1.t 2 . i l1 ifi=·~:1 . ~f· r! ·- r :__·---~ fp_[_'. ·1 ~&. .r 5">[1 ........ DESI' OF CASSIS • Prudential ClllWlll.., GRAND PEPPEIUREE BEND FSI'ATE 18,300 aqua.re f-oot lcnnis court mate sprawls over 1.69 acres of lwhly landscaped grounds. Fatura include I I bedrooms, I I bath- rooms, parking for 20 can, rock pool/s~ with 2 watcmlls. 4 firc-pbca. ~ full kitchens marble and T raveninc surliacu throughout. l!lcva-tor, 2 laundry room•, indoor firing range and .eparatc studio :ipanmcnt. The propcny i.s cqucscrian zoned. $6,999,000 Breathtaking Ocean, Catalina, Hamor and city light views. A European designed home with beautiful lacndscaping, foun- tains, and cwo courtyards. Downstairs master suire with ocean vi~. rhree l:iCdrooms. and an entertainment room. urge entertaining backyard with pebbled-tee pool and spa, built in BBQ, and large patio. Can't miss the co:iy nook off the kitchen with outdoor fireplace. Offered at: $2,9SO,OOO. LAND FOR SAi£ • FABULOUS PRIVATE OCEAN VIEW LOT The ultimate in privacy, this estate lot is Approx. 6 acres with beautiful ocean and mountain views, Located in the exclusive guard gated communi- ty of Bear Brand Ranch. This custom multi million dollar estate community offers spacious, pri- vate living, fanrastic equestrian trails along the mountain side and just minutes from the beach. One of the few lots available!!! SdJcr will entertain offers bctwccn $1,09S,OOO and $1,294,876 • BUIID YOUR DREAM HOME Seadou.s lot located against the Saddleback mountains, Coto de Om in a ~-gated, golf course and equestrian community. Featuring two 18-hole golf cours- es, wodd-class tennu and equestrian &cilitics, plllS sport and recreation parks. 6 plus acres, 3 acres flat, horse property situated within the •Enclave" at the end of a cul-de-sac. One of the best lots with views of Coto Valley, the golf cowsc and hillside views. Offered at $2,459,000 • CUs'i'oM ESTATE SJT.E: Fanwtic 20 acre home site in the gated community of]uliana Farms. Equestrian woe submit. Views of the entire valley of San Juan Capistrano. Approved site plans arc available for home. Owner is motivated and will uade or exchange. Offered at $2,200,000 • HUGE LOT, HUGE VIEWt Build your dream home, one of the few lots available in this beau- tiful exclusive guard gated custom estate community with multi-million dollar homes. Prestigious community with large estate lots and ocean and mountain views. The ultimate in privacy. Offered at $2,000,000 N p N 8 w 00RONA OU. MAR • IRVINf Tl RRA<.'IJ • $2,995,000 -6 BR. 4.5 BA -i.. iot with -n.1-k and ;.tty n.- p&.. d.. and lonnal clmi04- COkONA DU MAR VILI.AOE • $2,595,000 N-~ ollk., ~ -1 (amily.,.... plwi 3 BR, 3.5 BA. IRVINP °l'EaR.Actl •CORONA 00.: MAR• $1,700,000 c...._ uJ,. J...13 B'R. 2.5 BA ho.., {onnal ~ (emit. rm.. --- 11 N 8 w . • l • Bay views from front patio, roof dedt and master bedroom ba)cony. • 1Wo bedfOoms and den plus three baths In main home. • Rear guest unit with separate entrance. • Pegged walnut hardwood floors on first level. • Chef• kitchen with granite counters plus ~and V"lk#lg appllanc:es. • Areplaces In IMng room, master bedroom, guest unit and patio. • View roof~ & matter bedroom balcony. • Oversized two-car garage, plus pattdng pad. •Three-zone air oonc:ltionlng system & much morel Ofter9d et $2,225,000 .. ~ Don~lroUr ABRAMS COASTA~ , PROPERTIE8 3115 Merine Av.nue Belboe l9llnd. CA Ofc. (949) 87M822 . c.M (714) 325-9055 • Olrectty on Canal and Boardwai( on The Uttte Island. • Three bedrooms Including master with study and ttvee bathrooms. • Upstairs living room and library with fireplace. • Two-car garage plus additional pattdng for up to three cars. • High beamed ceilings on most of second level . • Charming IMng In a legendary homel C.11 Don Abram• for addition.I detall• ABRAMS COASTAL PROPERTIES' SALES ON BALBOA ISLAND IN 2003 213 Coral Avenue 11 O Ruby Avenue 228 Opal Avenue 221 Sapphire Avenue 301 Grand Canal 211 Diamond Avenue 211 Agate Avenue 1708 South Bayfront 221 Gamet Avenue 225 Grand Canal 1700 South Bayfront 300 Grand Canal 211 Collins Avenue 200 Sapphire Avenue 237 Opal Avenue 312 Ruby Avenue 104 Onyx Avenue 106 Collins Avenue 135 North Bayfront 303 Amethyst Avenue (In Escrow) ABRAMS COASTAL PROPERTIES PARTICIPATED IN 54% OF ALL BALBOA ISLAND TRANSACTIONS IN 20031 ~rom 'Dawn ti[[ 'Dus~ .. Ocean 'B{vti Cd'M . Sometimes a listing ~t may boost a little too much about on unparalleled ocean view yet, often in reality it's okay, but far from the ultimate. After you study the city approved plans and witness first hand the Ufiaordinory surf, sand & sunset views this extra wide, bluff frOnt parcel affords, you may ask yourself, why is the asking price only $4,600,000? The answer is simple. The owners want the property sold I • t •• • • I 13 (./) QI ~ ~ w 11> [ "' p "' 8 w . ::0 11> !l!. ,.., "' lir ;; . { 0 ~ -< ~ a ' -·-. .. ----- ... - 11 8 w 11 J .. .. 17 J ~ I "' p 8 w _ ... • 33451 Sea Brltbt Drive. $589,000 • ~Slay Home • 4 Bedrooml, I l,44 a.dwoamt • 1.141 SF (A) all.Mrc 5'mz an 1 a.m SF (A) Lat • Upplm ridde: 1-'ocbwllrtck~ ~,. Rat l6 l't (wide) Ddt in R.-ci Hoa • lmlwl 1Ued Rom • Z C. Anac:h.d 0.. Ma. fa.w/Mr. tu-• 9-49. 722.2'400 • Oc1 lhc Aeblancc o( New Mulco In thu Ocan Pointe, Downtown Hunllntton 8"ch Hom• • l Bcdrooau, 3 1n Betlu • 2,6)9 SF (A) • Built In 1993, Thia Hlshly Popular Del Mar Model 9ouu """Numaout Upp.d .. Ma. W.,.n/Mi • ...,.,.. • 714.593.3339 ___ _..'°'!""'Ir'----.. l'V p l'V 8 w -~ ... • ~ ~ I f .... .. w -... 21 ~ ~ j f • ~ I • i ! ·--====::...-.,, 23 "' p "' 8 w Real Estate Simulator for new real estate agents boosts success Agents simulate the challenges of real estate using video over the Internet Each year, thousands of people tn Orange County decided to "try real estate-as a career. Their biggest questions are, -Will I succeed?• or "How can I improve my chances?• These are Important questions because there are only a few other careers where there is such a hQge difference between the wiJdly successful agents and those who leave the ind~ defeated. First Team ii now using Real Estate · Simulator TM to help agents answer these l.Diportant questions. In the same way that a flight simulator allows pilots to experience Oight without leaving the ground, Real Estate SlmulatorTM allows potentJal agenu to experience the challenges of a career ln real estate before they decide to invest the years It takes to build a successful areer. .RW Estate SimulatorN iJ available for free at www.ftrstteam.com. -The report ll attlcal to the future SUCCJe5' of the agent becaUJC it tells them where they need to improve,• uld Career Director Erin Dunn. -:We wodr With them to focus thdi ~In the1e aeu; u wdl u to help them lev~t thdr.itfiJa8diJ. At the end of the day we ftnd that agents Improve their skills more quickly and that their sales performance inaeases dramatically.• Real Estate Simulator,,. uses video over the Internet to reproduce a series of common and challen&fng lituatlons that agents encounter on a daily buts. In each situation the agent must interact with a customer on the screen, who "talU" to them. The agent must then select what that they think ts the best response for that situation. Each response by the agent trtggen a new action &om the customer and Classic Laguna cottage the situation continue.. The situatiom range from the nerve-racldng and rejection-ftlled Just a quick walk from downtown Laguna and Main •coJd-all• on a new prospect, to tense contract Beach stands th.ls charming 1930s SpaniJh-style home negotiations with an amious nw:ried couple. where you can enjoy the Laguna lifestyle from an eadJcr At the end of the usessment, Real Estate era. nus four bedroom, three bath home on a SimulatorN compares the agent's response. 6,7()()..square-foot level lot hu arched~. thick lath with iboee of die tnduitry's top performers and and plaster walls, hardwood Ooors, crown molding and provtdel the agent a detailed and designer paint embellishing the home's odgf!W ambiance. comprehensive report of the agent's strengths 1he spacious Ooor plan includes a living room with and weaknesses over the entire selling process. fireplace, fonnal dining room with French doors opening to "The knowleC:IF. provided by the Real Estate the rear yard and a breakfast nook off the chers kitchen. Simulator coupled with our unsurpassed The fourth bedroom has ptivate access, lending tratntng program pn?Vides new agents in the convenience to guests or a live-in usistant. fteld the key to guaranteed success, which no There is a two car attached garage, laundry room, small other~ can provide,• said Regional utility basement with dry st0rage, peek-.a·boo ocean views Sates Manigct Pred NllS&b. and old-fashJoned front porch. Fo;wttm ~""Mn. YD" en This home ts otiettd at Sl,295,000. ~ ~ 111at111 m rMl atllte, c.rl (800) t • t , F'1r MOrt '"fMMtion, c.rl Tmy Ryisn of First Tt11m NolAn 728-1~'11, ott. 8()(), ' f " • , l .;,/ (lJr4g) 497-5454, at. J 029 (W (949) 794--J 029. 21 f I N p , I I I -I ... • • THE PORTFOLIO D I F F .E R E N C E •Over ;o banks and lending institutions to choose from • Loans to $10 million; all credit profiles, including eas.Y-doc and intcrest-onl.Y • Our goal is to provide the best rates and lowest cost -all with our best price guarantee TRY FIXED 5·YEAR TO $1 .5 MILLION • 4'.95% •ZERO POINTS• INTEREST·ONLY OPTION• NO PREPAYMENT PENALTYlll REAL ESTATE & BUSINESS LAW ALL MAJOR &MINOR REAL ESTATE AND BUSINESS LITIGATION • BUSINESS LITIGAOON • BUSINESS FOAMATIOO (INCOAPOOATIOO'S, PAATNEflSHIPS, ETC.) • EMPLOYMENT LAW & LITIGATION • HOMES SALES'PURCHASES LAW & LITIGATIOO • HOMEJCONSml.tOON DEFECT DISPUTES • ZONING, VAAIANCE & PERMIT PR06LEMS • FORECLOSURE PROBLEMS • (X.&R INTERPRETATIOO & ENFORCEMENT • ENVIRONMENTAL LAW ''Let Us Put Our Experience To ~rk For You" Law Offices Of WILDISH & NIALIS I 111 IH \I I· " I \ I I· ,\ Bl "I'\ I "" I \ \\ I II<\ I (714) 634-8001 Visit Our Web Site: www.wildishandnialis.com Centrally located To AJI Of Orange County 500 N. State College Blvd., Ste 1200 • 500 Orange Tower, Orange, CA Newport Beach landmark oceanfront home Relax to the sound of . the swf and enjoy whitewater views and sparkling city lights from this beautiful home encompassing three stories with a five stop elevator fn solid cherry. Features include eight bedrooms, nine and one-half baths (four with heated floors), six fireplaces and extensive use of Honduras mahogany and imported marble. There is a saloon, theater, wine cellar, gym, sauna and library. The seven by 21 foot Jacuzzi spa on the sand has a waterfall and pool-sized heater. AddJtional amenities include extensive securlty systems and security gated to the beach; twO, two car garages with parking for up to six cars; 19 climate zones with every major room independently controlled; and a 3005 watt music system throughout (one combined or two independent). The rooftop deck is complete with a fireplace, refrigerator, gas grill and rotissede cooking fadllties and 360 degree views from Mt. Baldy to San Clemente Island and Catalina Island, and from Dana Point to Palos Verdes Peninsula. Tb.ls home ts offered at $11,400,000. IV>r more lef"'7Nllton, call Judy Good or Marie Todd of Coast Newport Properties-Coldwell &niter at (949) 644-1600. Coast Newport Propmles Is louted at 4 Chnt PIA:.ls, Ste. 260, Newport Bellds. Coldwell Banker Rmdmff41 Brokml&e ts" member of tlu NRT famfly of compAnks. NRT IN»f1'01'atd, tu "4H<m's ludlng ~ rul estate lm>lcerage company, f.s a subsldlafY of Cendant Corporation (NYSB:cD). ~ An exceptional neighborhood deserves exceptional service. As a seasoned home loan consultant serving Orange County for over 28 years, I'm proud to bring my considerable experience to your neighborhood. I also have the technology, resources and innovative loan products from one of America's leading lenders to make your next home buying • experience fast, convenient and virtually hassle-free. A vast selection of home financing options, including: ~ PayOptlon ARMs ~ Fixed Period ARMs 3/1, 511, 7/1, 10/l ~ Interest Only Loan Programs ~ Home Equity Loan Programs ~ Fast & Easy"" Loans ~ Purchase & Refinance ~ Stated Income Available ~ Primary Residence, Second Homes, High Rise Condominiums ~ New Construction (Rate Cap Program offers Interest rate protection for up to 14 months) Kevin Budde Branch Manager Cell 949-422-2075 kev1n_budde0countryw1de.com Website: www loatlappro>r.l lstast .com Mission Vle10 Branch 27101 Puerta Real. Suite 100 Mission Vteto. CA 92691 Phone 949·282·2203 Direct Fu 949-348-1639 Irvine Branch 18044 Culver Drive Irvine, CA 92612 Phone 949-552·2777 ext.224 •eounlqWkle· HOME LOANS Easy. Really: l 113 Colina Vlsca $719,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 V. How.II HARIORCOVE 1435 Sea Ndee Or $1 ,199,000 Sat, .... Brian Thomas • Sun l-4 8rtan Thomas HARBOR IUDGE 5 RJdcellne $398,000 Sun 12-5 LAGUNA BEACH l154Vmlln PENINSULA POINT 21 n E. Oc.nfront Sat/Sun 1-4 GoodfTocld SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO ll37l Allpu #60 $129,000 Sat 2-S ~ MCClelllll SPYGLASS Hill $2;799,000 Sat 10,.3 • Suri 12;.s N !=' N 8 w -'""• ... Dally Piiot • Real Estate • Saturday, December 20. 2003 • r · ··lH r ·. -I:! i .· . -, tu , . •:tJ» ( cl ,. I ~ rif I. ' l t . ., I ' . , !. 'l ·t: 1 -~.· ri· i >. ·.f~ ' · 1 j ., . . . J l • f ' i uJ .111 ·. I Ji -. "'I• I·' . l ~ i 1-.• : ,if ' ·'"·1 ~ ! % . ~' ' : ~-.! . ~~ If !! . ' :I r . . . • ~f~ I .!·. n % I ·--·!I . 'In ·: 's IE "f!l i ~-1· e . l =. . f ·§ 1: j f l . il •I 1Jt·.-. .' i-ti . -l J .. ~J,_ I . . " . J·i I Ii E· · liS · r t: f·i I:~;· i ;;J -J.· -i f'Ji .11 :i : . -1 .. • . -· . -. -·:it•'·'' fr f!" Q. ~ \51 ui '9-f ,0 r~ r •J·j~; I g ~ i~-1-· •. .8-• < 1·1 .. 1!~: .. ·-, ~I Jlz . · ; Je·Z ( .. 1. -' ~ f HI;. If'~~ h!!! 1· i rirl~! .~, (VI l . l I ., ~,.'.~ -0 COAONA on HAR f1,600,000 Corona del Mar Ylllap IU lot wkh cx..n and harbor 'ttlws. CORONA DIL MAR tl,7fS,Oot Pl-wcu ~ ....... 9IJfY heme. Oc9\ c.a1r-.. Hsilor a city llPs ..,..,_ JuHe Md Vaup s.f'ford NIW,OllT •IACH tl,24t,OOO Home In IM& c.n,oan.11.emocWed and t:iqlll'lded. Maser on 1 • IM. spa. dty vtews. Carol Allton NIWPO«T HACH •J,071,000 Newport Island~~ In 1000.Tradltlonal modf of qualty and dealp\. Dawld .-r1ncie COITA MUA tl,-400,000 3 ril,o.UHlc h ~ HllJPI. Frcn It ~ 3 bd. l Ila. Ohr 1ri11. 3 bd. I.JS bl. Loh Arrlao Md Tim Rhone LAGUNA MACH ftU,000 FabWous. l bd. l ba. l story. l }'911'1 new! Only I mile to beKh. Open floclf'plll'I. CatOle Lynett &.AGUNA HACH tUt,tOO I bd. I bl.l4.n ,__l:Jalr iwnocWld ~ .-~rd ...... I bb:kcoi-:1\ Nancy Lavlpe , N!WPORT 81ACH $l,99t,OOO Crown jewel of spyit&ss. 9 bedroom 9.S bath. Custom F,..d Brlus hom• spectacular views. Unlqu• opportunity. LJ% Grech and Walter Havelcorst, Ill NIWPORT 81ACH $3,125,000 Bayfront llvlns; shared dock ~nded for '40-SO' boat; custom 4 bedroom hom•; sho,.. moorina for sal•. Doris Lee CORONA DIL MAR $l,7ff,OOO Panoramic ocean, Cawtna. harbor and city ll1ht1 views from this exquisite custom S bedroom, S.S bath. -~ ............................ ~ • .., .. o...i ....... -..-.. --·_.. ........ ., ....................... --,, .............. -................................ .....-.~ .. -...· .. ..._ N p N § MLS#Ll2049 Ml.S#Ll2362 LAGUNA HACH ft.f ...... New 4,308 sq. ft. Tuxany home. Ocean and hlllllde "'-'-J bd. J.S ba. l-ar .,...,.. MLS# L1169l tt LAGUNA HACH fl,lft .... J bd. l.5 bL muld-leYel home In Thl'M Atdl Bly. CouUIM and panoramic \llewl. MLS#Llll60 LAGUNA MACH f 1,1 ...... Laauna lallet ~ and 2 recall ahopt ~ Cout Hwy.l swdlo ~ MLS#l.lllSl a.•w....,.. .,,,,,.. uw..w J bd. 2.5 be. home In ptlld lJilUnl Sur. vi-; cA '-Ind mouncalns. t1lS#LllllS • ~ ......... .._._. ... _ ....................... _ ............. -~ .... -... ....__... __ ...., ...... ...,_., .... _._ .... ._.. .... _ ............. _..._...._. .. •I LAGUNA MACH ti.In .... Ocean views •t Vlc:aw1a lad\ from d\ls J bd. J.5 bL Ovis Abel custom home. Ml.S#LllSn .. SJ.6" .... EsQc. on OWi" l/J,. KN lot wlch pnnet lckchen, wood pane6ed ofllce. 4 car prace. MLS# LI 1717 LAGUNA MIGU9I. S61t .... Supertily pm.. 2 bd. 2 bl. wtdt IUa ~~and coudlne ¥MwL MLS# SJ33S45 LAGIUIM 9e.M:H 11.1-..- 2 bd. 2 bl. Ocwi view In premier ~ Updatild and ~Direct dedt access. HLS# 5322178 UUlm FOUST 1611, ... .. bd. bofu,3 bl.home. Mwly ~ ...... «Ntf(T'f ldlichel\ llland. L&.ouba ~ MLS# LI 1135 LAGUNA lll!ACH $5,JtS,000 Romandc 4 bedrOom 2.S bath home. Hua• parcel. One of the best oceanfront parcels in Three Arch Bay. MLS# LI 1636 Ml.S# LI 1442 --------~ .... ---................. ______ ;_. ............. ~ ..... ---~---........ ~ ..... ._ .... ._.. ..................... _.. .... _ N p 8 w • BILL BARTEK JULIE STEVENS 949.499.8957 www.mcafoose.com ;:s 8 w . • • CHERIE HARTMAN &JILL HANNA 949 .606.1770 Hann.Hartman.com _ .............. ......., ................................. .,.._,.._.__ .. _"'-"-__ ..... .,_.._....,. .. _...., ...................... , ............ _. ................... ~----·-...... The Estates at Monarch Beach Rnjoy views of the ocean, Catalina Island, golf course and dty lighu from this exquisite, custom-built Monarch ~ch home, located in The Estates. The property ts in a gated community, just minutes from the beach, golf and fine dinln,g. The home has a total of four bedrooms and four and on~half bathJ. With more than 5,200 square feet of Uvt.ng spaq, this elegant residence features a MO-Story enuy foyer, gntnlte floors, custom art glass windows and doon, and 3-ar garage. Pool-size yard with lush tropical grounds. The seller is very motivated and wan ta offers. 1b1s home is offered at $1 ,945,000. For more ltlfrmnMkm, ull DebbleMcLau&JUln of Coldwell Banker's Dana Pot..VS.,. ~ ojfta di (949) 881-5141. J Unique wood and glass custom home Designed by renowned local archftect, Greg Abel, this home is located at the end of a cukle-sac. The prlvate setting has vistas of the canyon hfJls and ocean. In the true style of an Abel ~. the three bedroom, three and o~half'bath home utilizes a mix of natural materlals such as concrete, slate and wood. The 949.718.2378 714.423.1652 CARLA BROFFMAN-WYFFELS 714.396.0620 cbroffman@aol.com kttdlen oombines chcny~ wood cabinets with stainless appliances, granite and concrete counters. Deep chmywood-Uke 6nish details are abundant throughout the home including the deck and lntc:rlor beams. The master bedroom opens to tts own deck for panoramic viewing. The home Is offered at S 1,975 ,000. , For mqre tnjomllltkm, CCA1l SteJJe SeariJy & PKJmkim of OJldwelJ Banleer aJ (949) 4~1320. 37 "' p "' 8 w _r -~--==---.. _ I ( COAST NEWPORT PROPERTIES SHADY CANYON• SJ,HS,000 Spilc:ucular cusiom home with PlflOt'llnlC , ¥lews of Shady Canron· "°" ..... DellMe ..,... HAllaOll lllDGI tJH,HO SlrWI Ml bllliCy Uflll'lded to die mu 2~2bath. l!I . ..._,. .. __.......,....,, ..... ..... _ _. ....................................... __ ...-... _.. ....................................... .,... ......................... _._ .......... ___.. .............. ...__. CAMPOHLLO SI ,I00,000 Speaacullr views from dlls ~ lot • die end ol a QUe.tlC. Many ~ c:...-~ TUSTIN . fl,6",000 COWlll HeWICI c.lflll _.. on J/4 ecre, 6 bd. S.S bL Poohnchpa. IAILHOUH U,Stl,000 Panonmlc: ¥llwl. aim-by .-.. le\llll ~ o......~a.._...., . LIDO VILLAGE OFFICE WISHES YOU A HAPPY HOLIDAY SEASON "' WE THANK OUR CLIENTS AND FRIENDS FOR MAKlNG 2003 A BANNER YEAR FOR US "' p N 8 w . ....,.. ff,Mf ... Wonderful Udo Ille Fwftlly tlome . .. Ndroom 3.S becti: Prwni.r StrMC. ......., ...... Chrtt v• • Rick Lanpvln ' .. • -• • ., r ~ LIDO JSlf OffJCf 949 .. 723 .. 8800 _..... .......... ._. ..... _.. .... .. ........ -....... ...., ..... "'-"-.................... _ ...... _._. ....................... ..---............ ..,_. ... _ ___.,,,_,_...,, :rumu 9DCll ~ 9'are cuscom hofM City 1W1CS YIM. S bedroOm. bOnus room plus Oflke. ChrilV.W c6socal.com UDO ISLE .... 9'1 .. - Southem End d Udo Isle with '40 feet d Fronuae! 4 bedroom 4.S bath with dock. NawPOllT COAST P,.lfl_... Bre:athtakJ'll vt.ws. Spacious 4 bedroom .._S bath. Lare• yard. pool and spa. uoo ... f2.,ffJ,Hf Beautiful, ~-constructed custom home on larp lot. JonFlag NEWVORT 8£AC H OffJCE 949 .. 644 .. &600 ,, ... .,,,,,,.," .. ~ ...... ,.,,_ .. °"-"' .......... __..,,, ..... ~ ..... -................. _ ....... . _.....,_,..,_.,.._. ___ , .... _. __ ..,.,~-----..-.----· ..... ----~-....... .-.................... .._ ........... _ ~- 41 f ~ ~ I ,j "' ? "' 8 w ::0 .. ~ m lfr Ci j ~ \ a t"'I ~ ~ Jfr. I f ... i w 19 GI a: • ~ f 0 NIW,ORT llACH $I I ,4H, ... • bd. 9.5 ba. ~ ......... C9ilr;I>'"\ ... .,,.. ~ Spe wllfl w.a.fll """'dedt wllfl lnlp9cit. JW ...... ,...., Good .. M...tr'nMW IAYVllW COUIT ......... 8'ludul .. ...,.., 2 bedroom. 2 bad!. Gated ~'Wit-~ ULSOA ISLAND $1, tfS,tto ,.. EuropGn ¥llta. l bedroom, family room. swdy • .-acor. Compltdon Sprios 2004. LylMn ~It l.tf Ewlnt HARIOR COVI e1,1"• Hlrf)or CO¥e Promenade Plan l. It.Ire 5 Mdroom. J bid\, I bedroom downsUln. WllTCL9'fl P,Utt'MONTH G* family hoin. on sunny side oldie StrMC. l bedroom. 2 bath. '01 lJUJ('I l 111\N .... C'll .. N EWPOR1 BEACH 949.644.1600 ONI FORD ROAD $1,Uf,000 8-udl.ll l bedroom l.S beth. Oownaaln alb. CukSHac loadon. Daw Wons NIW,OllT COAIT ''"·'" Recendy l"WnOdlled wtch ~ touct.. 2 bedn>e>m 2 bldwoom 0....Kwns LI DO ISLE 949.723.8800 LIDO ISLE .~ MARILYN READ 949.718.2733 www.lidolsle.net "A COMMUNITY FILLED WITH BEACHES, TENNlS COURTS, YACHT CLUB , CLUBHOUSE, PLAYGROUND, AND TERRIFIC NElGHBORS" ~ . N p 8 w I' I - .. C""I ~ ~ I f • • i \A.I & i ! . "' I --•• cti•ocal.com DEBBIE SGlAFANl &RON MILLAR ~49.933.7393 949.718.1741 #1 COLDWELL BANKO TEAM IN ORANG£ COUNTY TOR 2000 &. l002 SOCIETY Of EXCHLENCE COSTA M!SA TUllNKEY l'ROrERTY ON LARGE I.OT. $529.000 •.01 IJUH'l l UhNlo\l'H •. , ~ ... ._... ........................... ._ _____ ...... __ ...., ____ ...-._.. ........ ., ..... " ...... ,,.... .................................. ____. ......... ..._.. ... ---... --... -- :• DEBBIE SCLAFANI &RON MILLAR 949.933.7393 949.718.1741 #I COLDWELL BANKER TEAM IN ORANGE COUNTY FOR 2000 & 2002 SOCIETY OF EXCELLENCE IN ASSOCIATION WITH TIM SMITH 949.718.1735 C HRI STI BE LL 949.718.1734 COLOWCLL BJ\NK_CR ·~ 9 8 w •• '- I • •• ~ • ,.,, ~ ~ J::... j f . ~ .... • J • i ! JENNI FEil NORMINTON 949.759,3790 . ' . ---_ ..... _ ~~ N~orc Beach Newport Coast lrvlne Corona del Mar Bay crest Belcourt Hiii laycrest CosuM ... Cotta Heu Dover Shonaa Bey crest Irvine Dover.,,. lelcouttHlft Seller Buyer BUYer Setler Seller Buyer seller I luJer ...... ..,., 1 Bunr au,.r .... r SARA HINMAN 949.759.3705 BR'AD HINMAN 949.759.3732 #2 TEAM OP.ANOE COUNTY SOCIETY Of EXCELLENCE www.hlnmanreaJestate.com t Ot UUH 'I l 111\Nt<.< 'H , . • • 47 ~ ' w i i~ N Fl N 8 w . :>;) t1' II!. (Tl "' !» ;; . ~ ~ ~ .. . , . -. - 949.717.4714 t 01 IJIJJ( 'I I 11 'INI\< 'II •. ____ .._... .......... ~.--..... -....-----; ......... ----------· ....... -.. ...................................... _...... ....... ___ ...,_, .. NOTHING LIKE IT ON THE SAND CALIFORNlA GOLD COAST-SOUTH FACING BEACH _ ............................... __.. .............. _.._..,.. .. __ .,_ ............. ..-...... ,. ........ .__...,. .................... ,.. .... .,_._.. . .,..,.... ............... -. EXCLUSMLY LISTED BY JUDY GOOD 949.759.3752 949.378.8475 CELL MARK TODD 949.717.4765 949.412.9310 CELL • , , ~ t LJt..-J, •. l IJ '· H "' J~ . .. • 4t N 8 w . ::>t:I "' ,.. . 9!. f'TI .,, !» ;; . 0 i 3> §; .. -• "" ~ g ... ~ I f • ... Ji. i w J • ~ ! . . LON FAGG 949. 718.2718 949.759.3758 WWW.OENINEKERNS.COM INTER.NATIONAL PRESIDENTS CIRCLE r r)1 CJ tlJ' 'l l lll\Nl(C'fl,. -----~--~---.._ -~~ "--~-~--..--------~-- ------~----------~----"~---~~--- CAPfS'TUHO MACH $1,m,000 Ocean and c.atallni ¥lews. Mastef" sul<e with tnptM:e. slaq area and JKUDI wb. Jim Watson 7 I .C.342.40-40 ~POINT $74t,too Rn oppcramlty! cx...n. harbor; Catallna and sunset 'MWll Auoc c.nnls, pool and s.pa. jennlfer Pritchett 949.711.1579 COSTA MESA $679,000 Exe.lien< locadon. 4bd. lba. One bd. and ba. dowimail"l. Marllle encry. Anita Ir Rick Glasser 9.Ct.Sa.4.'21.C DANA POtNT/CAPO IEACH $4ll,SOO Tumby condo with remodeled kitchen, O¥tr I SOO square feet. lbd. l.Sba. sm.1)1 pted community pool and tennis. Uncfa lrennoch 9'49.291 .1015 LAGUNA NIGUEL $16t,HO ExpensNe ocun vt.w. Charmine Up. Cod wood floors. encllas upp-ades. Path to boch, convnunlty pool Unda lrennoch 9'49.191.IOIS NIWPOWT' HACH SMt, ... Fabulow ho4M wlch upcrades ~ New kltdMn appliances. fl'Mtt quamn wldl sepantt entry and balh. Vktor a Suanne Vuu 94U7US'8 $1,ttS.000 ExqUis«.e ~ amom. Finest de.sip\ and finishes. 18.000 ~ --Lu1hly ~loc. Jennifer Prttchett 949.7Ia;I179 LAGUNA MACH tl,tn.IM U.nom Wood and ..... home wldl plnOIVlk ~ P'rtne. locadon. (OflCl"ICll counters and .-..~ Stewt s..rti,IPK~ -94f,J70.9'6l °"* f'OlltT $1;111,-.Sl,Mt,17' f'rlstine 4bd. b9ldl horM ~ wide wtlbowaw. ocan and City lltl'a views. Su. Stanton 9.Ct.1.C0.8737 LAGUNA alACH $1,650,000 North 1.atln Cl'lfamln seyle cotap. lbd. lb&. hardwood floori. Wonckrlul! a.;~ I lnp luan 9.Ct • .C99.192l MONAaCH lllACH Sl,HS,000 Gr.at houM! Gr.at price. 8-lldU 5200 squll'9 foot. aacom In "The &tita. -OcWI and C&Clh ....... DellWe~ t.CU81.S l.C7 SAN JUM CANTIANO U.100.000 Country ..ac.e ltorst pn>pertyt 4bd. SJOO ~ fe«.on 2.75 acrta itur.i .i.,.nc. only l miles to l·S. DoMa 5ullvan •2l)O)COUIWllJ. .... _...,_... ~---__ .. ___ ......., ______ ....,.. .. _ .. __ .,_.,."'°"'*..., ......... __ .,... ____ ..... blll'l' .. -IO~~ ... -·--~--....... --_...,...,._.. t4u10.1"1 I &e03047 I ______ ,, ___ _...... S1 ,_ . .. .. . ... « r: . • ( , " - . ~ Wonderful opportunity In Eastslde Costa Mesa ~Ki Newport 1l'fte bedroom, one and~bath home features an open floor plan. The kitchen opens to the dinirl8 amt and famfJy room, with a rock ftrq>lace tn the l1vfn8 room. There are laJgc bedrooms and upgraded balhs, and Pmdl doots lead to the patio and yard.Additional amenttM:s include Inside laundzy, atr amditioning, rectiiled lights, newer intedor paint. shuttem md wood blinds, 1'li9ed panel docxs. Move-in condition: nus home ts offered at $588,500. Formt>tt flljJnNdkm. adl I..mWme RiJky"' (949) ~3600. strdd4 ~, 140 Newpqrl Carter Drive, ~. 100, Newporl &Id. Great family home two blocks to beach Heights home Is move-In ready Great tlltte bedroom, two bath home with white picket fence, rose garden and green front lawn. An appealing exterior; remodeled and ready to move in interlot. There is a good sized kitchen wtth breakfast area and sittin8 area, formal dining room, laundry room, large rear yard with patio and gazebo. Room to expand, close to schools and shops. This home is offered at $899,000. .. For more lnformatWn, can Evan Corlutt al (949) 640-3600. Strada 'Properlies, 140 Newport Center Drive, Ste. 100, Newport Bt4Ch. Exquisite five bedroom custom home Located on the 8th fairway on a huge, ptiv~e lot, this fabulous custom home was Thls four bedroom, three bath home is approximately I ,843 square feet with one bedroom wtth bath downstairs. The kitchen was mnodel~ in 2001 and features custom oak cabinets with oak front refrigerator and CorlAn counters. There ts an added ma.stttlbonus RH•lll totally rebuJlt and with a full bath. Two patios, sundeck, lots of storage and gas/electric laundry hook-up in the two car garage. A.ssodation clubhouse, pool, tmnis and basketball coun.s; $38 per month. This home ii offered at $839 ,900. For more lnflmnlltWn, CJl1l Mt1ry Sehull::z al (949) 640-3600. 5"""" Properties, 140 Newport Cetlkr Drlue, SU. 100, NtulJ"'rl &«It. San Juan Hiiis Estates Enter through the private courtyard into this highly upgraded villa. The home features many custom appointments: travertine Ooon , iron staircase railing, granite counters, Sub-Zero wine fridge, built-in entertainment center wired for surround sound, plantation shutters, dramatic chandeliers, first Ooor masta bedroom with elegan1 marl>le master bath, customized paint with incredible hand painted murals. There arc 8ve bedroornJ and four and Oh .. half baths. • ~ensfve view of the Saddleback MounWn.s sets the sc:ene for this very large prtvate yard with laltwatcr pool, spa and barbecue island. Located in a gated community that auda the fam.Oy lifestyle. The property is fust minutes from the Orange County Ail'port. This home is offered at S 1,399 ,000. For"'°" In~. Mil MidfMl Gossell11, Kimberly HNldWt&r and Oris M<>Of'e Ill (949) 491-5599. 5"""" Properlies, I 088 Nortlt Cotut H't)tway, L/lg#IUI BeMlt expanded in 1998. Only the ftnest granite, limestone, slate and ledge stone were tastefully used. Other amenities of this home include six baths, a huge spa, a spacious gourmet kitchen, a library/office, and custom art and lighting. This dramatic property is perfect for family living and entertaining . Th.ls home ls off~ at $3,495,000. For more lnjormAlkJtl, call Oris Undsay al (949) 640-3600. Strada Properlies, 140 Newport Center Dme, Ste. l 00, Newport Belldi. Tuscany-Inspired estate A ftnely tuned collaboration between the owner, architect and interior designer resulted tn thJs exquisite 1Uscany-5tyte masterpiece in Pelican Crest. 'Ibis estate features impeccable detail and quality. The use of rich materlals radiates wmnth and oomfort throl,l&hout thll ftvc bedroom eve and on~bath, ~level home. There is an elevator, motheMn--Jaw lllite or maids' quuten, and theater or ente:rtaiiunmt room. The maple library, walk-bl 820 bottle wine cellar, gounnet kitchen and master suite with sweeping ocean views are masterfully designed. A VSI automation controls all Indoor/outdoor ligbdng, foUntalns, pool, spa, HV AC, autatns, survedlance system through use of the PBX telephone system. Lush landscape ~t outdoor dining areas for graclouB entertaining. 'Ibis ts one the ftnest custom homes on the highly desired Newport c.oast. Th.ls home is of£ettd at $5,395,000. For more lnjrwmatkm, call Roseanne T. Levan al (949) "640-3600. Stnula Propettles, 140 Newport Center DrifJt, Ste. 100, Newport &M:h. • ·I -a ~J-tvwe J ~ i 75iredohj N 9 N 8 w DANA POINT :::io l ,.., ..... 1473' Momin& Star lane $515.000 Sat 1-4 Nancy Makowsky i Sun 1-4 Nancy Makowsky j EASTSIOE COSTA MESA ~ 160 East e.y $575.000 Sat 1-4 Marlene Hassel Sun 1-4 Marlene Hassel HARBOR RIDGE 4GeneYe $1.900.000 Sat 1-4 Al~ E.Heller Sun 1-4 Mary Citrano #. NEWPORT HEIGHTS 2500 Clifr om. $2.195,000 Sat 1-4 jerry Snyder Sun 1-4 Chrtsd Parry PELICAN CREST 11 Avalon Vbta $1,9'5,000 -$12.500,000 Sat 1-4 Kathryn Whit. j ·' Lot ISA SHADY CANYON 191\edblrd '$2.949.000 Sat 1-4 john McMonlsf• 59 Q:)pper Cl'Mk. Lots 46 A 47 $1.195,000 Sun 1-4 Jerry Snyder SOUTH LAGUNA 31525 lluf [);M $1, 900.000 • $1.100.000 Sat .... Matt Evans Sun 1-4 Matt Evaos , .. -14 ,.,, ~ ~ "~ I I ti 1); ...... UJ 1 0:: ~ i 0 ' ... S.-u. UJWi c~~ · ,/f J99,000 SWMin& home in Sin Juan HUis &taw 1tlo10 t!JW · lt,t49,000 I"~ Cout. l'esoro Vila. PW'l l. vt.w ef¥J.li/IJ. /!,t;99,000 Private. pud am. on <Ml' 114 Kl'9 M!HM ti~ · Jggg,ooo Close to town and be9ct\. ()c.,, W.W. -----! • • II ~ J w ~ i .. N p N 8 w ::0 ~ Q!. ,.., "' Ii j ~ .· t.Wib C"JfA ~ · lfl9,000 a.rrnq 3 Bd. l Ba. l.arp flmlly room /J.vu.e • IJJ9,000 RMott type~~ condominlUm -• ... ~ ~ sfyle .... reminlsan d a picturesque hlltside In Prownce. Secluded behind ~ ptes with bubblln& Kol ponds. fn&rant fb.Nien and lush t::::z ~ • 17 J.OOj Stt&1 J I . ,,\ AM"eJJ ~;wtJe!ttd Cameo Shores Camden Seiter ~ N Cape Danbury Buyw 8 w Corona del Mar Marguerite Buyer ::0 ' . I ~ Cosca M.a l'Tl ( ' Spinnaker Run ~ ~ S..Twrace Sehr Sea Terrace Seller/Buyer j ~ Hl&hland Seller Harbor Island Seller Indigo Buyer . Tarocco Seller ·~-Vista Lud Buyer Chandon Seller Momin& View Seller Turde Bay Seller Glenea&* Seller Shorer1<f&e Seller PWanCrest Shorwtd&e Seller Nibn Crest Shof.ertct,. Seller P9lk:m'I Crest Pe11c::ans om. Buyer Pelican Crest Skyrldge Seller , >"" ., • PWican Crest ~ Seller Pelican Crest Pelicans Drive Buyer Pelican Crest Island Vista Buyer Petlcan Hlll Fairway Point Buyer P9lk:an Hiil Canyon Terrace Seller Nlk:ln Hlff Canyon Rim Seller/Buyer , NbnHIM Sea Gl'9ef\S Seller _,, ........ Oceanfro('lt Seller Nnmll Via Diamante Buyer PrOMa CavalUon Buyw Sc.ttd* Tl'OUYllle Seller Dolomld Buyw s.r.na Venezia Seller Shady Can)"Oft Waf*'Cress Seller TesoroVUlu R.ma Seller • c • . l I .. l • J..lc;/Jvr /J{AM • tfl9t9SO,OOO Landmarl< Harbor Island estate on almost 1/2 acre with approximately 300 feet d bay frOma&e. Main channel and sunset views .. Sil4fltdif/J • Ja.1900,000 · Spec:tlcutar front ra'lt home.This" W1.s Ba. home r.atu:.S Birdseye maple wood floors, slate and granite throuef'lout, media room wtth win. cellar and bar and a gourmet kitchen. ~/j,QA /J{AM • "'500,000 lncreidlbfe views from this home wtth ~ 200 feet of bly ~arid a dock for a -.,.. boat. 7.Jwer S'lwre-1 • /t,;.95,000 Larp 5 8d. '4.5 Ba. view home with courtyard entry, pool and spa. This private home features unObstruc:ted Back Bay views from dining. living and family rooms and master suite. · JJer.11~ort~eifltlJ • IJ,1gs,ooo Enjoy fabulous Caullna and sunset views from this '4 Bd. S Ba. custom home In one of Newport Heights' premier locatJons. ?.Jwe; JMreJ • /J.,~ooo ~ ~ ~ r-.nodeled luxury view home. foormal IMrc room. falnity room Ind cook's ldb:heri d d which .nJaY fabulous a.ck Bl>'· dty and Fashion Island v\ews. ~ N 8 w . - -. .... . --~ I 1 ;;ac '1Vw1J Cwe · Js,495,000 The Ark. historic: Moa Street Beach oceanfront home. Circa I 923 and built by Jean Egasse. the home retains alt d Its lntearftY, charm and whimsical style. Private access to dle sand. -- -.- 11 J I ~ "' p "' 8 w ;Q ~ ,.., ~ " 0 I» ~ ~ Lot sizes ranie from 13,000 to 16.000 square feet. ---------. . ----~-- -... \ . and extensive custom landsaplni. EnJoy Shady Can)ion's W'Of'ld.class aotf, country and swim dub amenltla and all chat this posh address has to ofter. --l • \ . ,_, a J 1 8 w . ...r ,., ~ • --~ I • •• 1 J ... .. " .. f ~ ~ '· ~ 1 f • J 1 ex . ~ ~ ,, . ..... J ~ ... N !=> N 8 w ~ .,. !l!.. ,.., •• fO 0 QI ~ ~ (,-.. ~ .... • SAX u#dll ·c~dfl() · t1,399tooo Relocadon sale. Executive estate on a very tarie view lot in the gated community of Bellacere. S 8d. <t.5 Ba. with too many custom features to list. Call for decalls. 17 J I 9 8 w , __,_, •• • (\') ~ ~ • j f • ~ i J • ~ ~ ~ I ! ! . f '"': ... I~ I' . , ' J. .. ' N p N 8 w ...... • ,, __,__.,,.' ·-........... ~ • 1t ~ ~ j f • _,,. i i..J J • ~ ~- !JM>?Jrt CvA.Jt ,. stu!lMW ocean vt.wt. l..ocat9d at top of the hill In Newport COut. 8illld(ul ~ kitchen with staaK1f-ct.art ~ .. l~724aoo -. Ca~1io~ One of the most mainlftcent con~ a-beachfroiit hOmes W8I" built In 72 ~ g , ... J . -! c'-1 • .... i Lo.I :; • ~ ~ • •• ... ..> 74 ~ ~ ... I I c..~ ~ J • ~ ! • I ~ l • .. "liitnrtn• .. --r•· •"fbdt '-• 71 ~ ~ ~ i "' p N 8 w '° <,.~ ,.,., ~ Ii 0 " i • "".• ..... \ 71 ~ ~ .f ' l ~ f • .j J • i .. -!~ ,;4 · NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEAC.,._ 1518 Anita Ln 48r 2.588 Sat-Sun 1-4 Jon Cobain Broker 948 842-7211 cau for gate access 5Br 888 Sat-Sun 1-5 Patrtck Tenore Nationwide USA 948-858-9705 300 E Coast Hwy 119 Yorktown 28r 28a Sat 1-4 Flo Lawhe8d Better Real Estate 948 875-7258 HOMES OF THE WEEK DISPLAY AD Reduced $1,149,000 3311 Marcus 2Br 2.3/4 Ba Sun 1-4 Terry Harrison 949--642-0537 2285 Tustin Ave. Sun 1-4 3Br + office, 3Ba $3,995,000 Agt. Jullua Rlzzotti 949-439-7773 $830,000 $839,000 LAGUNA NIGUEL Good Lease ~2 Camellia Ct. $89,000 4Br 3Ba Sun 1-4 $615,000-874,818 Diane Shirley Prudential Calif Realty 949-280-8207 4-DAY 4-LINE FULL-RUN CLASS AD FOR o ·NE LOW PRIEEI . . CALL ¥OUR REPRESENTAT.llltE 'TODAYI LORRAINE O'DONNEL,L 9" 9. 5 74. 4 2 4 5 • -. . . . -· t. ·t NEWPORT CoAST Hmomc SANTA AHA LOFTil ARnm WAU< Lom Moon · Pl.AH 3 LAsT PHAle • $575,990 P11me Main street location Vl'llh cily views Pra lnClodes S35. Im In buildef upgrades will! own personal elevator 12' cetlmgs • I hetohls-Perf9ct lor Gallery or Home Otta. ARTISTS WAUI. Lon Pl.NI 3 Mooa. fOft SAU -$599,990 Budds will enlWln reasooable ollln lof dOSinO pnor ti nl ol ,e. Spaculaf Plan 3 Pnce mtJe:s SSS.ID> WI~ upples, all lurnm n:lucled 452 $Q\lll9 teet ia.er lt'ttl IJQ::t tor Gal*Y or Home Olb. l.7M sq R main 1MrWJ H on lhild IMl.CW • ...... ._. -I I WU4/.... ......,..t121tfl • - STIJIM«J OcEM HaoHTI wmt HAl9oll VllW9. CAssls $2,839,000 llllS_,,_.,.,. .. _bllmnanlln'lilllbJlll•nilll9txlrll! M'I!& n. .. a .. el6llOIXl911!13cs ... 11119t•~e1Q l A lrge Top 1% Of Agmtt In Onnge Coonty J111•~M.D-.•t1:.-D:lllMMta ..... ~ll!Oll1acrtllllm A241mglll ..... ca-...lllllllllllCDllll ...... ,._ .... bslll'll ms• .. n~Cdl!IRlli:IWW*•...,trQ.fllt~Mlftl~ ""* 1-.iW*UltlM!drtiars, .... ~ llari'I .. QanilfadrCl*lAI 111111,CID_,,_nla~lftPl.Cia~~Gn Qo81~111aillllS..,,.,·*'0.'llll~C..--c.t9·lbll lllnll·-------....-·w.. ..... eia.i .. ~£1'! ~~MSln~lm\~~COMl!~ltlQgll ~l.llllal*v•a.tDnfllGlirl. .......... ..,~~ ~lblt Tl-.~-ll!li9~C.S5Drdl"""IDSaa FABULOUS l.AKEFAONT LOCATION 85 UKESHOAE • $819,000 lRVM This customized Lakefront home has 3 bedrooms and 3 baths and approximately 2000 sq ft with an oversized 2 car garage. One of a few eve< to come available that has been expanded rtom It's original size. Wonderful Sunset views With trails that meandef Blound the lake. Woodbridge has approximately 50 pools and pa1'ts and many tennis courts f0< a very small fee. Ttf Agmt Aatinum Ptopcrda "From Mamion! to Mobile Homtl Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 WHERE ,--~ PATRICK TENORE YOU lr-11P11 , ·~ G reat View OfTurning Basin And City Lights. Gracious Living Wich 24/hour Security And Doorman. 2 Bedroom, 2.5 Barh 601 Lido Park Dr. Unic 58 $1,250,000 · L ido Part!Rsa[ty Mary Lou Kiehltr (949) 675-2700 PALM SPRINGS· PALM DBSBllT VACATION PllOPBRTIBS Offering both Sales and Seasonal or Annual Rentals ANNUAL RENT~: Furn. or Unf. &om $1,200/Mo. VACATION llBNTALS $2,000/MO and up Hlo Sea.too $1,100/MO and up Ol'f'Season GRBAT INVESTMENT PROPERTIES FROM $200,000! C.Ontact MICHAEL ANTER . 760·333-7307 ~ golldcscrtvacations.com e-mail Vaatioowitch4999a.com ARE ~I 949 °8 56-9 705 ~ # 1 . N ATtJ~.'.10[ USA RE.\L E .. .-AfE SCIMCES .: :" : · · . '.' · ; 21> y,,, S .. rvounq ALL Or.111cw County " BALBOA PENNINSULAI SOS-507 E.BayA~. STUDIO LIVING BY THE BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH Staffed Gatehouse Entry Pools • Spas • Dry Sauna Parle Areas • lush landscaping and Morel 1 Mile to Beach Maintenanc:e--free lifestyle Sb:ttOS 6'"0m the bN $200,0CX4. (714) 374-0200 • N !? 8 w r ••• ~ I") KEY LENDERS AND RATES ~ •--•«D1 1111111 11,moa1 ~ ~ ...... 30-Y ........... INTIMST ,. POINTa L.Oa<· INTlllUT ,. llCINTI MU. ..... ADJ. ! YYN llttONI AATI OWN mi .. A.I':!!: Mft OWN l!I A.l'Jl LOAN ~ NIU l'MQ. Alpex Dleociunt ~· K (800) 344-2739 5.250% 5 2.600 30 5.581 3.875% 5 1.000 4.112 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y A&ipec1or~ A (800) 591 '"4448 5.500% 5 1.000 30 5.870 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA Ac:tiof\ I.al di lg A (888) IM 1-&900 5.875% 5 0.000 30 5.920 2.950% 10 0.000 5.<MO 500,000 2.950 110 1M f Almk>en.com A (888) 411 ~46 5.500% 5 0.125 30 5.814 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA AIMric::an Arlt C.U. B !8002 "5M617 5.500% 20 2.000 45 5.776 3125% 20 1.000 4.318 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y Arnef1clll'I Flrlt Rate M!2. A (800) 887-9108 5.625% 5 0.000 30 5.710 3.750% 5 0.000 3.910 322,700 2.750 1.TS 1Y ~ a... of America K (800) 201·2"60 5.125% 5 1.000 30 5.810 3375% 5 1 000 4.000 322,700 2.250 6LB 1Y Oettlc::f( ~!9! Groop A (800) 478·5995 5.250% 5 1.750 30 5.427 1.250% 20 1.000 3.506 800,000 2.150 1TS 1M • OIYersff9d Funding Group A (8n)~ 5.375% 10 1.125 30 5.373 1.260% 20 0.000 3.937 800,000 2.500 1TA 1M • Downey Savings s (800) 348·5931 5.375% 20 1.750 eo 5.570 1.250% • 20 1.000 4.599 322,700 2.600 110 1M ~ Emety FiNndll A (IM9) 729-9200 5.250% 10 1.750 15 5.408 3.600% 5 1.000 3.581 650,000 2.250 6LB 3Y ! E.,.l'llde ~ I( (800) 969-6626 5.250% 10 2.125 40 U82 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA ~°'4).com R !8001400-1811 5.625% 10 0.375 30 5.697 1.250% 20 0.000 3.831 1,000,000 2.750 1TA tM Bank s (986) 236-054e 5.250% 20 2.250 45 5.519 1.250% 20 3.125 3.no 322,700 2.225 1TA 1M Provident a.nit Mol1gllge s (800) 250-1713 5.250% 20 1.875 45 5.451 2.950% 20 t .000 6.471 322,700 2.350 1TA 1M au... City a.. B (800l 74Um 5.876% 20 0.750 21 5.990 2.450% 20 0.500 4.380 322,700 2.750 110 1M UnlYefsal American Mt;. K (8002 871·7345 5.750% 5 0.000 30 5.787 3.250% 20 0.000 3.269 322,700 2.000 6LB 6M U.S .•• Center A (800) 887-9813 5.375% 10 1.000 30 5.<461 NA NA NA NA NA NA NA NA W... Fwgo Home Mtg. s (86e)71~7 5.500% 20 2.000 30 5.883 3.500% 20 2.000 4.152 322,700 2.750 1TS 1Y WOftdS.~ s (800) 914.8188 5.650% 20· 1.000 30 5.770 NA NA NA NA 600,000 2.900 110 1M .. Ball._, I.....,..~ -~ ~lllOl-lllOf1DllO". 'fWle Ol Ultldlt ta· 8 •Bank; I<•,.,.,,_. bMlolf; A•,.,.,,_. broller; S •~I IDel\. ~....,..and broi.r.-loeAMd br the~ ~fl( AMIE.-.•.._ a bfoallat or~ kt ll'llom'lllDll Oii Clll DflE • (91f) 2f?.olal . ....._ ........ 2' I 1111'1 ~ ,_ lor Ille llrtt--pallad. Down~ le_,,... Olc.l'I ~ If .... ..-, -•..,.., pib • ...... f'llOtlglle oorftCI. ........ -._ .. lcllft ....,_ Pli2d IO --I? Ima Of loan Cllaelng. LodHn i. Ila rvnber OI ~ larldlt ~ ... prior to Clollrlg A.PA II fla .,,,_, ........ ,_ "'*" 1111'1 ~-* Olllll cl the loan ID Iha'*-• MA#. fU -1-.d on a '300.700 '-' ll'nOUlll. Ila poll.-"-and '100 IDClll ...._ Tlla A.I' Ila -lnclfU:lld In .. dwt 1or OQ11ipalllon ant,. Whan ~ lor a !OM.,..,.. T~ llw ................... M A.l'J\ ..-0• -='I teen allw _..... ia.i II the ....tmum llndlr w9 IDll'I unlilr Qiwll-NA llllllcl ~ 1-a~ 01 '300.100 ....... ~,.,II ..... ~ llwglft • .... • .._. ,_ llW ................... It Ila llMll tDt Nllif10.,...,... 11119 (~•Index•,._ Aatl). 110 • 11111 Olll Coe! OI F 1T8 • 1·Y-T_.y .. ................ U90fl, ,.,. • ._,,,.,T-.yllll, 1TA·1·Y-T_.,A ............ "' ..... •rcrtelhepal'IOd~ .. I ... 1M· 1~ ... .....,,.., 1Y· 1 Yw. ,.,......,..~ v~,..MCI ._ pib • ""2W4rlO IDr a lllen M llNare llfvwlde ._.. Wiii...,, ,_and WIM lllr cMwll'll lllen -Tha ll'llllwtNIDn ~II 1'111111'1 ollar IO INM a toen. W ycai t.119 My prdllanw w111 Ila IDove "'*9 cal: (llOO) __.,. Ct-* inllrTllllllon cllitr • _,,.,._ OOPYRIOHT 0 2003 Tha N121ona1 Flrw!dal ..... 1er111cea .,.,,,.,, ........•... ,, .. ,,,,,,, '•1 '• q r ''''''''''"'''*"'' r111rr111rq11 I t f llll ll C•flllf rl llltflll Prudential California's Steve Rodgers sheds light on Realtor's point of view He addressed real estate managers at recent National Association of Realtors Convention and Expo In San Francisco Steve Rodgers, President of Orange County and Vice President of San Diego Prudential California Realty, shed light on the Realtor's point of view in his opening address at the Newspaper Advertising Association of Real Estate Managers during the National Association of Realtors Convention 8r Expo held November 1 at the Moscone Center in San Francisco. Rodgers spoke to nearly 100 real estate sales managers from all over the United States. He foeused his topic on the future of brokers; specifically mega brokers, medium brokers and small Steve Rodgers brokers. "The real estate agent is my client. The real estate agent is your client,• Rodgers began. •Real estate is a unique business in that we find ourselves working with a client in their effons to get to the real clients -the buyers and sellers of homes. You make money by developing advertis:fng programs agents can purchase to enhance their business.• Rodgexs provided an overview of the nation's current economic situation and its impact on the real estate industry, based on information obtained from Leslie Appleton-Young, the chief economist for the California Association of Realtors. He stated that economic recovery in the United States is expected to gain momentum in 2004, building on •moderate, sustainable growth in 2003.• Rodgers moved right along, discussing housing affordability. He noted the change that has taken place and mentioned that as of July 2003, 55 percent of the people in the United States could afford to buy a home. Homebuyers have changed how they budget for their home purchases. Rodgers also stressed the imponance of advertising in terms of agents stimulating the marketplace. "In order to do this effectively, we need to become partners. It can't just be buyers, sellers, paychecks and numbers. We need to forge a stron.g relationship built on you having confidence in us as real estate people and us in you as newspaper people,• Rodgers said. Rodgers beli~es the key to achieving this goal is based on the ability to provtde benefits for both agents and real estate companies In regards to the ever-changing industry, •the Internet has been a key change in the real estate industry." Accord.Jng to Rodgers, •the real estate industry ts currently being fueled by technology. The consumer doesn't want to buy and sell real estate onllne. They want that personal touch, however they do want lnfonnadon." Rodgers continued, saying "'Technology makes our Uves easier, but it doesn't change who we are. Real estate ts about relationships. CUt through the hype of technology an(f people are people. Technology will not replace .relaUonship1 and it will not replace talent. I encourage you as an Industry to know you will not be replaced, but you need to embrace technology." Rodgers noted that Prudential CaUfomia Realty was the first company in San Diego to offer a free Web site to its agents. -Every signpost now has prudentialcal.com on it." Rodgers added, •0ur job is to figure out programs that are creative enough to drive value.• Rodgers continued by challenging the audience of newspaper personnel to come up with their own aeative solutions for the real estate industry. "Our biggest fear used to be technology. We were afraid it was going to replace the real estate agent. Now what Is happening ts the real estate agents with technology are replacing real estate agents." Technology ls no longer something to be feared. Mergers and acquisitions are running rampant throughout the real est.ate industry. "'Ille big boys are getting bigger," says Rodgers. lo this industry, you have to be either very big or very small. "lbe consumer wants a big brand wtth a big name, power and money behind it with a small-town touch." Though Realtors have done their best to --------------fend off banks in their 7echnology makes our lives easier, but It doesn 't change who we are. Real estate Is about relationships, w Rodgers said. attempt to get involved in real estate, Rodgers noted that ftnandal institutions have managed to seep througil. ~are going to be involved in the real estate business in one --------------fashion or another," says Rodgers. 'There ts too muc:h money involved to keep them out.• Rodgers also predicted the emergence of an unknown entity. "l don't even know who it ls yet, but they're coming. and in a very btg way." "That's why we need to work together to constantly bring better advertising programs to our business,• he added. -We need to help clients get more bang for their buck.• For more in/Ohnation, please contact Stt'Vt Rodgers at Pnukntial Olli/om/a Really at./858) 829-2969 or e-mail him at srodgers@prUsocal.com. .,. J w I ... "' 9 "' 8 w ::0 ~ m "' ~ .,, ~ .,, s .,. ,., .. • .. ~ • ~ ~ ~ J I f I I • I ~ ~ J • ~ !