HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-25 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotc 0 .. Serving the Newport-Mesa community s.ince 1907 THURSDAY, DECEMBER 25, 2003 A SUCCESSFUL RUN, BUT 1rs CLOSING NIGHT F or Bob Kokol, playin8 Santa Oaus is jus1 one more role in his acting career which has spanned more than 40 years. Kokol was one or the first Sarltas hired by Bob Minli, who runs San1aForHire.com. an Internet booking agency for real bearded Santa Oauses in Costa Mesa. Kokol has appeared as a sta.ge actor throughout Orange County, and his movie credits include a role as the professor in Adam SandJer's "The Waterboy." However, the role of Santa Oaus offers him one of hls most entertaining and lucrative acting jobs. This holiday season, besides making appearances al local parties and event~ through Santa For! lire.com, he has appeared in 1V commercials for Burger King. Ross, and Office Depot. "Some San1as are not good ac1or.. and don'1 inveltl in themc;elves." said Kokol. who every year prepares for his role as Santa by growing ou1 his beard In J11ne and buying sever.U custom-made Sama Oaus suilS. He credits his years of aning experience and abilily 10 improvi'le while playing Sama for his succes'i. -Pliotos by Douglris 7.immerman Shopping season is all over but for the wrapping Last-minute shoppers appear to be a rarer breed than usual at stores in Newport-Mesa. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -On Oirlstmas Eve, few people could match 5-year- old Brian Robinson's exdlemen1. Brian jumped and danced and twirled excitedJy as he wailed in line at South Coast Plaz.a to have his pho10 taken with Santa Oaus and tell hlrn his Ouist mas wish. "I've been aslclng him what he wants, but he said It's a secret. he'U onty tell Santa.· saJd Brian's grand- mother, Carole Meldau. "He really wanted to see Santa, and no one had time to take him, so l tho~ght I would." Meldau made the trip from Dana Point 10 the mall for no other reason than to see Santa -she had actually finJsl')ed her holiday shopping. So. It ap~. had many others. By midday, the tradillonal last-mjn. ule shopping frenzy didn't seem 10 have hil the store , malls or parking lots. The procrastinators. perhaps, had wrapped things up earlier this week. "It was preny bad Monday and Tuesday." said Andrew Williams, who sells toys from a ca.rt naxt to the Santa photo line. "Today, it's Christmas Eve. Lots of people want to be at home." No such lutl for mall employees. Sure. they can dash out on their breaJc to do some shopping. But surrounded by pricey designer shops. they some- times have to welgtl ~ opliooa. "I still have to buy my girlfriend a EDITOR'S NOTEBOOK gift," admJlled Kevin Ta ye bi. who works at upscale children's boutique Oillly. "There's a bag at Coach l want to get her, but il's like: eat or purse, eat or purse? And I still have to ge1 th1s young man something." he added. pointing to co-work.er Nlma Moradian.· •Just buy me some sour worms." Moradian said. Luxury retailers such as Burberry and Loujs Vuiuon were still doing a brisk holiday business. said Debra Gunn Downing. South Coast Plaza ex· See SHOPPING, P11e A4 A holiday gift to make you say 'Ugg' Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON THE WEB: www.~com Terror, security compel Dornan The former congressman, who is facing Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, says threats demand his expertise. J enny Marder Daily Pilot As a Boeing 767 crashed in10 the south tower of the World Trade Center. Robert Dornan screamed "Terror!" into his micro· phone. Doman had been hos1ing his radio talk show when he :.aw the attacks on his 1V set. ln the moments that followed, the arch conservatlve, former lighter pilot and 70- year-old grandfather of 14 decided 1wo thlngs: he had 10 run for Congress; !lfld h is life, as he knew it, was forever changed. Deeply moved by the events or Sept. l l. Doman. who served in the U.S. Air Force from 1953 to 1959, beUeves the country is sorely in need of his political savvy and military intelligence in the face or an ever· mounting terrorist threat. During hJs 18 ye.irs in Congress. Doman served on 1he House Permanenl Select Committee on ln1elllgence and the I louse Armed Services Committee. He was a re- servist from 1958 to 1975. See DORNAN, Paee A4 PUBLIC SAFETY Crash, gas leak empty homes Spyglass Hill residents are evacuated after a Jaguar runs into a gas meter. A man is arrested on s uspicion of drunk drivin g. Deepa Bharath Da1lyP1lot CORONA DEl. MAR -Several residents in the Spygl~ Hill neighborhood were evacuated in the wee hours of Wednesday after a car crashed inlo a gas meter, caus- ing a gas pipe w hreaJc and leaJc. officials '>aid. Ryan Kevin O'Connor, 22, a University of Colorado 5tudent who lives on nearby Rocky Point Driw. wac; arrested an hour after the crash on suspicion or diving un- der the influence of alcohol, Newport Beach Police Sgt. Sieve Shulman said . A 2003 Jaguar rammed into a gas meler at the corner of Mbrro Bay and Goleta Point drives al about 2:05 a.m. Wednes- day, Shulman said. "('The driver! then abandoned his car and left the scene.· Shulman said. See CRASH. Pae• A4 the new year. NEWS A Cos1e Mese boy battling a brain tumor 11 home. SeePaaeA3 I n the fourth and fifth grades, I never wore long pants. Neither dJd any of my friends. Throughout 1978 and 1979, we cavoned about the campus of Manhattan Beach's Grandview Sementary School tn the uniform of the day: Op shorts. never wore anything but shorts to school for two whole years. Those Ops were the first piece or fashion I was prtvy to way before they landed on the popular landscape. eBay. They are seriously hard to find, especially ln pinks and blues and beiges. Debi atne, who owns the Fashion Island store Sheep Dogs with her husband. Kim. told me. "It's been pretty crazy.• WEATHER ~ FORUM Those corduroys. which were painfully hort with narrow legs. eventually turned up across the country during the early to mld-19805 urf cuJture boom. By then, we beach kids had moved on to 30me other outfit, which dJdn't set the world on Ore or even lodge ltself firmly ln my m emory. But how J remember those shorts. And I th~uld re~at: It'• ell we wore. I, literally, S.J. CAHN This holiday season. another fashion fatnl1Jar to Southern CallfomJa be.tches Is the hot buy of the year: Vggboots. They've appeared on "Oprah,• "Sex and the Qty" and tn the New York nmcs. They're selling at mark:ed·up price. on 7 Ugg booca Ill! deilnitely "the one lb.at everyone aeerna to be looking for," ahe sald. though at this point there are similar brands that are more readlly avaUable. Ub many who swf. I've been In the know about these New Zealand expom, which date back to the 1960s, for years. My first palr didn't come u & meant to keep my Ceet WI.ml after a cold winter surf. however. I aslctd for them for ht NOTEIOOt(, P11e M A wet day. But that'1 ju11 more re111on to ttey Inside with all the Chrlatm111 toys. But berbeculng the turby might be out. See~•A2 THE BELL CURVE JoMph N. Bell haa the day off. HI• cofumn will return after Yes, Newpon-Mesa, there '' a Senta Claus. SNPaaeAS SPORTS Alywft Jennings leada tM Pilot'• glrt1• volleyball dream team at lta player of the year. S..Pa1•8l ' A2 Thur~, Deoetroef 25, 2003 POLITICS THE POLmCAL LANDSCAPE FILE PHOTO I DAJl..Y PILOT UC Irvine Graduate School of Management professor John Graham is once again running for Congress against Rep. Chris Cox. De Vore rephrases ballot statement Allcl1 Robinson Daily Pilot Anyone who's been following the 10th Assembly District race might notice a major change to Clluck DeVorn ballot designation. courtesy of Secrotaiy of Sta le JCevln Shelley'• nfficc. 0£'Vore, a Republican CJndldate for the 70th Asi.embly Oi~trit1 seat being vacated by ""~cmblyman John Campbell, lbtt-d himi.cl r in candidate filings ai. a bu&ines.o.man/Army major. Shclley'i. office has been 111vestlgatin~ whether the latter dc~ignation ran he appropriately clalmed by L>eVore, who ts a major in the U.S. Army National c;unrd. Si nce receiving a letter fro m Shelley'll office about the issue 0 11 l·nday, DeVore has been fighting to keep his original designation, but he said Wednesday that he'll be lic;ted as bu\tnessman/military officer. -we finally gave up in our fight w11h the Secretary of State's office beC"au~c they h .isically ran the clock out on us: he said. He could have tried to continue the battle in coun bur would have risked gening no baUot designation at all because of an approaching deadline for getting the information to county registrars or voters, he said. DeVore said he Is actively serving In the NationaJ Guard, spending at least two or three days a month in uniform, and he makes more than SI0,000 a year as a military officer. Earlier this week, DeVore said he understood the reason for the check-up, which he sald was initiated by SheUey's office as a routine review rather than by one or hjs opponents. "They wan t to make sure that anyone who's using it is genuinely deserving of the title because they believe it is going to move voters,· he said. Cox visits abroad focus on terrorism Rep. Cllrte Cox returned last week from a trip to Europe and the Middle F.ast, where he and POLITICAL CALENDAR Information: (714) 556-8555 JANUARY 19: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Cont Plaza WesUn Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd., Co.ta Meu. Admission 11 free. FEBRU ARY 11: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plue Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd., Costa Men. Admiulon 11 free. Information: (714) 556-a555 11: The Republican Party of Orange County will hold its annual President's members of th e Homeland Security Committee he chairs visited heads of state to discuss efforts to fight terrorism in the U.S. and abroad. In Syria, the U.S. envoys stressed to President Buha.r aJ-AMad their concerns about terrorist groups operating in that country, Cox sald. The news of Saddam Hussein's capture broke while Cox was meeting with the U.S. ambassador to lsrael. Another significant event d uring the trip was the capture of the bomb maker involved in the November bombings in Istanbul. l "In Spain, Italy, Israel and Turkey. we had the opportunity to heartily congratulate our friends and allies for thelr cooperation In the war on terror. .. II was an extremely useful IIip, • Cox said. Look to a past election to see the future There's a famUlar name In the mce for the House of Representatives seat now held by Rep. OuU Cox: Democrat John Graham. The UC Irvine Graduate School of Management professor has tried to unseat Cox before. and he was among the earliest candidates to set up a Web site with a comparison between him and his o pponent -he was on that bandwagon way before America came to know the name Howard Dean. Trouble is, Graham's site still says that he's running in 2002. ~phasizlng "China and xenopbobta• may also be an old issu.e. •once again, the Republican politicians, with Ouistopber Cox as the polnt man, 1te uslng Americans' xenophobia (fear of foreigners) lo create a divisive 'wedge issu e.' Slnce the end of the Vlell)am War, America's bogeymen have been, in order, OPEC and the Arabs. the USSR. Japan, Mexico and Immigration, and now auna: Graham's site reads. Possib ly Al Qaeda and S.ddam Hu.eln could be added to that list now. Day Cherry Pie Reception at Antonello Rlstorante in South Coast Village immediately after the central committee meeting. Information: (714) 656-8555 Blvd .. Cos1a Meaa. Admlaaion Is free. Information: (714) 556-a555 APRIL MARCH 15: The Republican Party of Orange County Central Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin.Hotel, at 886 Anton Aldli~ 19: The Republican Party of Orange County Centre! Committee will hold a general meeting at 7 p.m. at the South Coast Plaza Westin Hotel, at 686 Anton Blvd .. Costa Mesa. Admlulon I• free, and all Republlcans are welcome. Information: (714) 656-8555 POLITICS ASIDE A simple wish list .. ·;; ~ ... ~ ~ ~ % ~ ·~ :~ •J .... I 'U trust everyone celebrating ·:: Ouistmas this moming has ·-: unwrapped their gifts well before ::. unwrapping today's Pilot. :,:: Now that you're tbrougb that fun. and :;: before any PlayStadons or ftal-saeen 1V$i"" are asae.rnhied, maybe )'OU're picking up :•: the Pilot to see If anything or grand ::: slgniflcance bas happened Jn :;: Newport-Mesa. . ~ How such thinking getS you here, I'll • ~ never know, but Merry Christmas. and here's what I wished " -------. for-joumallstically ··' speaking-from Santa: - • A bruising, nasty : primary battle . l between Rep. Dena Robnb-=her and fonner Rep. Bob Doman. One that includes plenty of charges that can't be S.J. CAHN printed but can fill 1 • journalists' eyes with ., awe and wonder. One that leaves the winner weak enough that the general election Is at least worth watching. even . though we all know either Rohrabacber , or Doman will be beading to Washington about this time next year. • lbat the candidates ln the race for the 10th Assembly District. who have been lobbing little political fire bombs at , . each other for months. will worry that their hostility will be overshadowed by · ,,. Robrabacher versus Doman. As a result, '·, they kidt up their no-holds-barred campaign a few notches. • That the promise of a crowded field of 1 hopefuls for Costa Mesa O ty Council , ~ comes true. And that at least a few are from out.side City Hall so we get fresh . , peqpectives from the candidates. if not ,. , ln the end from the winners. • A strong female candidate in one of the Newport Beach races. Historically a governing body with dynamic women - including JU\ Demy. Jean Watt. BYdyn Hart and Jldcie Heather -the council is· now an all-boys club. A llttJe more diverse .. perspective (it might have been good lo : wish for someone without a law degree!) couldn't hurt during the campaign. • That both Ptetklent Buth and Democratic front-runner Howard Dean make glitzy stops in Newport-Mesa next fall Bu.Vt seems a lock. espedalJy since -' California ls more in play because of the • ... success of RepublJcan Gov. Arnold Schwaaw:w:ga. lflt's not Dean carrying the Democratic banner, let's hope whoever wins the nomination at least makes ic to Costa Mesa. Everyone remember when Hiiiary Olnton made a quidt stop here a few years ago? O'm kidding. She runs and wins in 2008. Hate to break the news lo those who don't like her.) • And. ftriaDy, that the next rumor of hlgher office lo attach itself to Rep. Chris Colt turns out to be the truth, so we don't . have to report another round of "he almost got ltH stories. ' I A NOTE, TO CLARIFY It was pointed out to me after my last column that I would have been better off , being more specific when desaibing the "improver" movement in Costa Mesa Their concerns are about illegal immigrants being ln town, and not legal . , Immigrants. The effects of illegal Immigration on the city, or even haw pervasive It is, Is a continuing debate, one I suspect will be central in next year's City Council election. • 8.J. CAHN 11 the maneglng editor. He may be readled st (949) 674-4233 or by •mall at &j.cahn fllatimn.com. SURF AND SUN . ' nanyAPilot Politlca, buai,_ mid etll/'W.lf'Olrv-., ..... m,..191ntnt repoftllf, (949) ~ lfllcU.robll'lllOnO/arlm..oom LA*,. N-. ......... t949157~ tui..p.n.•~oom PffOTOOfWHER8 Malit C. Ouetln, Don l..eadl, POSTMASTER: Send 9ddrest dlenges to The Newport e.d\1Co1t1 M ... Dally Pilot. P.O. Box 15e0, Cotta M .... CA 92626. Copyright No news ttorlM. lllustntlona, editorial metter or advertlaementa hefeln can be reproduced without written permlnlon of copyright owner. WEATHER FORECAST will be from 8 to 10 feet At nigh, the winds will be out of the northwett, and the west swell will be from 9 to 11 feet. VOL 97, NO. 359 THOMAS H. JOHNSON Publisher TONYOOOERO Editor JUO't' OETTINO ~Ing Dlr9C1.or LANA JOHNSON Ptom0f1orw Director NEWISW. o.,.-... Crime end OOOltl reporter, (948) 57<M226 --.blwlldt•""'"-oom JuMC ••• Newport IMdl ,....,, (Ml 174-4232 Juna~-•Aldnw.com ~ ........ COllll Malt "'*"'· -57'M221 dM'dN-"*"'*9 • ....._aom ........ °"" Edualtlon ,.._, (1481114418 ,.,,.,.,.°""'.~ Kent Treplow READERS HOT\JNE (9491 641-6086 Reoord your comments about the Dally Piiot Of newt tips. -....... Our 9ddr ... le 330 W. Bay St., ~ M .... CA 92827. Offlcl hourt are Monday • FricS.y, 8:30 •• m .• e p.m. ~-It It the Pllot'I pot1cy10 promptty oorT9d an 8"0f1I of IUbetAlnoe. P1MM cell llMll 714"4314. FYI ,.,,. Newport lhec:M:oe1a Meu O.lty Piiot (USl'S-14'-«>0l le publlehed cW!y. In Newport IMdl and Cotta Meu, tu~.,.. tval&,Mte only by~ tlO The T1mea °""le Cowitv llOOI 252-914l In .... cMl6de of Newpoft e..dl and Com Meu. IUbecflptiont tlO the Otity Not are IYlllebfe only by fl'11t claM mel4 for S30,,., montt\. (~ lndude ... IPPllcebte ... end IOClil ....... , I • HOW TO REACH US ~ The Times Ortnge County (800) 262·9141 Adi; ..... a 1nad 1M 1642-587& ~ (IMI) 642-4321 ~ ..... (Ml) 542.geeo ...... ,..,, &74-U23 ""'9r.CIMll °*4170 • ....... ,.. (148) HC).0170 ~ t»llypllot•l•tf,,,.oom MelltOllle ....... Ollle (9491 642~1 ........ (N8)831-712tl Pubtllhed by Tlmee Community ..... a dl'llllk>n of the Loe AngeW nm.. -QIOOI Tlmee CH. All "9"'8 ....,,,.., Expect period• of rain today with IOUthwelt winds at 10 mph In the morning. between 10 end 15 mph In the abmoon. The highs will be from 67 to 83 degreee. At night. the rain will continue, and the winds will be westerly at 10 mph. The lows will be from ... to 62. ........... : WWW.l'MIJ.noM.gov BOATING FORECAST Norttnwst wlrlde 8t 10 knots will be become IOUChwett In the ~ ---Inner w.twa. The W9Y9I will be 2 feet or tmeler on 1 welt tweN from 4 io e -. At nl9ht. the lwell wtl 1ncn .. to ....... 6end7Mt. Ftlrther out. W99t wlnde will be from 10 to 15 kr'°'8. The ~we....., .. 2'-tor tmlMer end become 3 '-t by the dlmoofi. The ........ \ SURF Weather will be a ooncem today, which might be a shame bec:9uae the turf from the northweat Is running , head-high end Ollerheed. Then again, some people might have other plans. On Friday, 1 new~ MH prMeMI the turf, but rain la Hkely to be 1 problem atlll. Wiiiet' quelty: \11/WW,aJrfrid-.Of'(J TIDES TIMe 3!33a.m. t:&1 a.m. 5:17p.m. ....... 2.24fMtlow t.73'-thlgh ·1.39fMtlow WATER TEMPERATURE ., .... MAAt< C. DUSTIN/DAILY PK.OT Costa Mesa Fire Capt. Fred Seguin, left, shakes hands with Rep. Dana Rohrabacher, right, as Rohrabacher presents him with a U.S. flag that flew over the Capitol in Washington, D.C. Local firefighters honored DHpa Bharath Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -Three fire en· gines were probably just a drop in the buclcet when it came to fighting wildfires that consumed several thousand acres of land, homes, property and lives this year. "But, ultimately. we suc· ceeded," Costa Mesa Fire Oiief Jim Ellis said. The raging fires in San Bernar· dino, which Costa Mesa firefight- ers helped combat. and others in Simi VaJJey and San Diego that ravaged Southern California, were finally quelled thanks to the heroic efforts of hundreds of brave men and women, Ellis said. Costa Mesa's firefighters were recogniz.ed on Wednesday by Rep. Dana Rohrabacher. who thanked them for their efforts during a special ceremony at the Vanguard Fire Station. He pre- sented each of the engines' three captains with a U.S. Oag that had flown over the Capitol in Wash- ington. D.C "When it comes to our cities and communities, the police offi- cers and firefighters are our first line of defense,· Rohrabacher said. "These firefighters and many others did a great job in a situation where so many lives were at stake." The presentation of the llags was his way of saying "thank you" to the firefighters, Rohra- bacher said. He had made a simi- lar presentation at Palos Verdes and is scheduled to present flags to the Orange County Fire Au- thority as well as to Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley fire- fighters who fought the wild.fires. Rohrabacher told Costa Mesa firefighters that they have won the appreciation and gratitude of local communities. He also emphasized the need for communities to be prepared for emergencies. "The war that we're in is not only overseas,• he said. "It's also here at home. So. we need to be prepared.· Fire Capt Eric Johnson said he was touched by the congress- man's gesture. •it's not very often that you get a congressman coming out here and thanking us.• he said. Johnson, who was in one of the engines that helped fight the ''old fire,· said the intensity of the blaze was comparable to some of the biggest fires in Southern Cali- fornia's history. A 23-year veteran of the departtnent, Johnson fought the fires in Big Sur ln 1985 and the Laguna Beach fire in 1993. Firefighters do what they do with no expectations, PJlis said. "We did our jobs, and we love doing what we do," he said. ·sut ir's awesome when you have any- one take the time to say thank you.· · Sick boy continues his battle A Costa Mesa 9-year-old is back-from treatment in Texas for a brain tumor. The latest setback is a bout with pneumonia. Deirdre Newman Da1lyP1lot COSTA MF.SA -Tony Morrell 'fill be home for Christmas. The 9-year-old. who is fighting an inoperable brain tumor, is in the hospital with pneumonia. but was to be home by Olristm.as Eve. his grandmother Betty Dugan said Thny and his parents got back from Tex.as on Friday. They were there so he could receive ex.peri· mental cancer treatment at the Bwzynski Clinic in Houston. · "It means so much that he's been able to make It this far. and we hope he will be able to have more Ouisunases. • Betty Dugan said. In August, Thny was diagnosed with a tumor in his brain stem. He underwent chemotherapy and radiation for stx weeb -five days a week for four to ftve ho~ a day. Tony and his parents spent about two weeks at the clinlc in Texas. His cancer was so ad- vanced that doctors there started Celebrate him on the second phase of the treatment -an all-day IV pump. which costs about $8,000 a month. Al the clinic, his parents. Bill Morrell and Carol Dugan, learned how to administer the pump so they could do It at home. But they had to stop the treat- ment when Tony came down with pneumonia. It's too early to tell if the treatment he has re- ceived so Car is working, Betty Du- gan saJd. He looks about the same, except that his face is a Ut- tJe fuller because the doctoTS in· creased the amount of the steroid he is tald.ng. she said. Thny received an outpouring of support from the community af- ter his story ran in the Dally Pilot in November. Hls grandparents have collected more than $15.000 in donations for his treatment so far, Betty Dugan said "I want to thank everybody for thelr prayers and for their contti- butions to help Thny," she said "1"1.mostl everybody sent notes in with their checks ... offering their prayers and encouragement, and FY1 Tony' a grandparents have opened an account with Wells Fargo called the Tony Morrell Cancer Fund. To contribute, call Betty and Bob Dugan at (562) 431-1274. we jllSt appreciate that so much.· Betty Dugan said the family re- ceived checks for amounts from $20 to $5,000. One check came from a businessman who had read the story before leaving on a business trip and had kept think- ing about Thny until he could get home and send the checl. she' said. Another came from a woman In VlrglnJa who had read the story while she was in the Newport-Mesa area before she llewhome. "I had people just calling to tell me about experiences they had had," Betty Dugan said "It was very encouraging." The Boys & Girls Oub of New- port Beach has also offered to hold a carwash and bake sale af- ter Ouistmas to raise money for Tony, she said. "I want to thank everybody from the bottom of our hearts for everything they've done," Betty Dugan said. New l'earS Eve in Style at Spectacular Live Entertainment. Hats. Homs. Streamers & other Party Favors. D¥'Cing, Extensive Chaml*gne and Wine List. Valet Parking. Ocean View and, of course Incredible food Award Winnlnf PAEMIE.AE. Seafood and Prime 8eef Restaurant In Oranie County. T vvo SEATING TIMES S:JO pm and 8:30 pm Loa onto our 'Website for detailed lnformatlon and directions. or all 949 .6 73.2100 Book your celebration today ... This & a Porty you don't want to mml -' 'r j, •' ' '. • • I / ' ~ l I ; ' I ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' -- • • • Thursday, December 25, 2003 A3 • Gin Cu.rm<l&Tll •Pano W GU Sa PM1UGll 6Gmluun t BoLIDAT hONO• boawnom t Nn Yau.Ja Jn CJrmm<>M noouun°" AMD Ttcuu " M T~. Decembet 25, 2003 DORNAN Continued from Al On Dec. 5. Doman filed pa· pt'rr> to compete wtlb Rep. Dana Rohr.tb cher In the March pri· mary for the 46th Congreujonal l)l~lrlct tit'lll Dornon ls no stranger to Arm-rk an polltJcs. From l977 lO 1983, he represented Cailfomla's 27th Congr~lonaJ District. He was f'lccted to the 38th Conges· ~iorulf Di.strict in 198", but edged OUI by Rep. LoMtta San· chez (0 -Ga.rden Grove> in 1996. He Josi again In a 1998 rem a tch. Now, dfter a seven-year hiatus from politics, he is targeting I hantlngto{I Beach's . district, which Rohrabachet has repre- ~t·ntcd slnce 1968. While In offi ce. Doman'• fiery rhetoric and ardent 6Upport of 1he defense Industry's B· I bomber program lnsplred nick· names such as •Mouth of the I louse" and • U· l Bob.· If elected, Doman said he wtJ1 SHOPPING Continued from Al ecutive director of marketing. 11'1s h& been the best holiday 11c.-ason ever. she said, and they expect to see double-digit sales T#tl\ PW."-" II# -.Jf """',.. ,,.,,, S.Nd y Rabbirc Insurance Aecncy Alm'>• HOME.OWNERS• Hiu.nt ."'1111/uy \11m 1957. ~ G' ~ S>.)-' 949-631-77 40, 441 Old ~ Bhd. • Newpon 8mdl (l"au ~ H°"f'ilal} condnue to d'llynp1on ~ spencling. Hla pia_ttorm also tnc:luda ~ fe:.ttng terrorism and defmdlnS ·IJ.r&eJ'a "8ht 10 exilt in a hoedte world.· On the domestic level, he plant to Oght the wv on U· lqpl dN.p and reduce govern· meot tpending. R.ohrabachtt Iha.rel a almllar voting record wfth Oonwt, ye1 claims that the two vary greatly in style. Hts personality, he feels, ls m ore M led to the 1easide city. •People in this dJstrict are Re· publicans and conservatives. but they have more or a poslt1ve, lald·back approach ro things.'' Robrabacher said. •They don't really have the .same rough edges around thelr philosophy as the rype of people Bob ls used to represen1Jng. Our conslltu· ents do not wJ.Ot someon e to be demagogic In their approach . They want someone to be a little more thoughtful." Al 70, Doman may not be as sp ry a1. he was in hJs younger years. yet he lacks no confidence lncrease-i over last year. "There's a lot of consumer confidence," Downing said . ·orange Counry has a very strong economy, and our luxury goods collection attracts very af- Ouent customers.· Retailers at Fashion Island In Newport Beach have also re· ported sales figures well above last year's, said Shayne Voorheis, director of sales and marketing for the mall. Even people who've shopped through their Ouist· mas list are showing up to soak in the holiday spirit. 6,, Wil\ lhll Ad 7k,w 1L,,.,A .~ ~ . "~-----!_,.,., ~ . "" ................. 7~ 0 • .,\\a rr1 ott. Jc:':;:,/ I RV I N E · • lo b6e tb&lics.L *I WU the hatcllll ~ ~wnan r ever knew or llW, beaald. • HJa views oo Rohrabadw are jUlt U btunL In hil kindtr IDO- meru•, he men to Roh.rabllcher u a doset Ubetlarlan, a dNa pusher and a draft dodger. •Jbat alone maba a can100 of dlft'emlce between boch ol ua -in all millwy and naUonal 8ealrity alfalra." Oorl'W\ Mid. Rohrabacber derues·the draft dodgtog allegation and aays he was diaquallfied from the ~ wy because of a hip injury. And as for the drug COftUIMIQt. Rohrabacber said that backblc dOGt<>r-prescribed marijuana tor AlOS and cancer padentl IJ quite c:Wferent than leplldng drugs altogether. ·reople should only be talk· Ing about issues in a campaign, and instead, It's already, I'm a dope-bead draft dodgw, • Rohrabacher said. "It's ridicu· lous to use those kind of names and that kind of strategy.· For the past ftve yeua. Doman "Even if they're not crazily shopplng. they're still enjoymg the ambience." Voorheis said. •They're coming out to see the tree, the lights. have some cof· fee. They can actually ~njoy the season once they get things done." On the other end of the spec· trum, at Target qi Costa Mesa. Fountain Valley residenta Aman- da Burden and her brother Jared picked up some last-minute gifts and decorations. "I thJnk I staned (shopping) on the 23rd (of December)," Amanda Burden said. "We've still got a ton 10 do. We got up at like 7 (this momlngJ and we'll probably finish at 7 tonlgbl • Those who put things off also put their luck 10 the test. Sony CRASH Continued from Al A neighbor who heard the loud noise woke up, looked out the window and then called the police, Shulman said. "Another neighbor had seen the driver standing next to the car right after the crash and was able to identily hJm as O'Connor and tell us where he lived." he said. NOTEBOOK Continued from Al Ouistmas in l 987 to keep my feet warm during a cold winter. my first at college in the Midwest. (For those who read a column in Wednesday's Daity Pilot, that colJege. more specifically, was in South Bend, Ind.) I'd nearty abandoned ship when II snowed -snowed, mind you -on Sept. 30 of my GETTING INVOLVED •GETTING INVOLVED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organization to this list. call (949) 574-4298. ACADE-..C YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German student and eam up to $1,000 toward a number of travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOST. ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn .. which helps people Who have the disorder th•t la also known as Lou Gehrig's dleease, needs volunteers. (714) 375-1922. ~S ASSN. OF <*ANGE COUNTY Support group leader•, Visiting VoluntMrt, family resource coNOtt.nu and office volunteers are needed. Volunteer• may wot1c on on.time projecb or ongoing progr1ms.. Tr•lnlng aession9 are evall•t»e. (800) f360.1993. AMERICAN CAHC£Jt SOCETY The Ontnge County Region of the Amertcen Canctr Society .... otnce votuntMn. The eocietV mo Melts votum""' to antwer ceftt for tM unWI Helpline lnf<>Centef. (Mt)281-M48. MmlCM CMCEJt SOCIETY DllCOVERV SHOP The Amtric.n Cancer Sod9ly DlecoYefy Shop Midi unwanted goodl ..... ~lg. fumlt\n, J9wtll'\', eccel9()-entlqute .... collecdbtea to fUnd tM IOd9ty't "' 11 ard\, educdofl and '**" MMoee PfOG'•mt. The goodl 'MY be dropped off et 2800 E. Cont •tetiwtv. Corone dllMet. ~ .... lllo needed from 10 a.m. to I p.m. ..................... • hM t.ll buay bcMdn& -i'he·Bob Doman SbCM\ • which ,pecW- lma ID ~ PokY ~ Ilona. Doman Clbt bia c:onaer- --... ~"the No. l &bow In Ainerial Oil. JilLld and the dark ... o( lliam." •lt'a not rouati cut 1ik'e Mi· cbMI Seftle, not totally ego-fo-' cueed Jib Ruab Umb&ugb. not lib Laun ScblesiJ>&irr, who fo· ~more on aoct.11.saues. It's more lib BUI Buckley -with poUtica and guests and world af. fain.. Doman Mid. 1be candidate II looking to buy property in Huntington s.Jl. "I'd like to pick up where I left off u ooe of the lnteWgence ex· pertt in the Houae. figbtln8 tbreata to defense In 'the mill· ta.ry, the s~ again.st Illegal substances and the war on dla· easee.· Doman said. • JENHY MUDIR OCWt9 City H•ll for the Huntington 8-dl Independent. She ~n be rudled at (714) 966-7173 or by IHNll-1 jenny.mardtK•tmmH.com. Styte, which cames tech gadgets galore, was sold out of its $999 DVD camcorders. And the 60· incb plasma televisions, a t $4,000 a pop, were going fast. Some procrastinators. how· ever, managed to get a bargain or two. Santa's Little Helper Cll.ristmas tree lot oo Bristol Street cut tree prices In half. They sold a dozen in one hour on Wednesday morning, worker DanJel Hardy saJd, and had about 150 left. Any trees left after Ouistmas get cut even further -cut into mulch. • MARISA O'NEIL covers education. She may be readied at (949) 574-4268 or by &-mail at marisa.oneil@lstimt1s.com. The car was badly damaged, Shulman said. Police officers and firefighters evacuated several residents on Drake's Bay and Goleta Point and sent them over to El Capitan Park. he said. Newport Beach firefighters could smell the gas when they arrived, Fire Capt Chip Duncan said. .. The gas pipe was connected to an emergency generator, which powered the water pump for Spyglass Hill," he said. freshman year. For everyone who thinks of snow as fun for siding or snowboarding. let me tell you that regular, old day-In-and-day-out snow Isn't fun. Slogging half a mile to a dining hall through snow drifts at 7:15 a m. is the very definjtion of misery. I had those black Uggs until this past January. They were In sony shape, and my wife had bought me a replacement pair (thJs time for post-cold winter surfs) for Ouistmas. In January, former Pilot slime location. (949) 640-4777. AMERICAN CANCER S<>aETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program needs volunteers to drive cancer patient& to and from medical treatments free of charge. The required commitment is a few hours eadl week or morrth. Drivers must have a velid driver's license and insurance and be at least 25. Volunteers may use either their own vehlcte. or American Cancer Society van1. (949) 261-9446 or scomertle11ncer.org. The American Cancer Society Is also looking for volunteer speakers for its Speakers Bureau program, which offers a free service to communities, schools and corporations by providing trained spealters to addreN cancer luues. The organization wlll train all Interested volunteers at a special session on Dec. 7 from 8:30 1.m. to 1 :30 p.m. et the Spectrum Club, 1636 C>eetp9rk Drive In Fullerton. For reeervatlons, cell Aorenoe Oann at (949) 667~ by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The Americen Heart Aan. Is looklng for volu~ to peffonn verious Q9Mr•I of'llce dutlee In the rMfn oflb end lmplemtnt edOcatfomtl end fund--reiling eventl through Orange County. No experience ...... "'. Tr8lning will be~. (949) 866-3666. ~HOmttfALJ'H HOIPICI NOGIAM The~ Homt HMftt'I Hotplce Pw'ogrem Midi "'°"'"'9en to QM~ euppon to ""'*lll't' II~­ end their flmlffee In the~ Ofenge County ... ll'elnlng .. pnMdecl. (714) aao.oeoo or (800) M0-2M6. • The ruptured pipe was one inch thick and needed to be plugged right away because it was a fire hazard, Duncan said. "But it wasn't easy because rhe car had crashed in such a way that the pipe was under a part or it," he said. "So I had 10 crawl wider the car to plug it." Even that wasn't enough to stop the leak. It on)y helped "slow it down,• Duncan said. "The Gas Company had to ex· cavate the street to ftx the prob· lem," he said. photographer Sean Hiller and I wen I on a surf trip to Baja. One morning. when bopping out of my car to check the waves, my Ugg-enclosed feet landed with a "glopping" sound in a patch of thick mud. I pulled m y feet out. One of the soles of my 15-year-old Uggs stayed put. I suppose I can consider myself lucky that my newer pair are a year old, because I doubt I'd find them under the tree today. They're a HttJe too trendy -and thus a litde too expensive -10 justify wearing about Red Cross services and to act as liaisons with the media in disas1er and emergency situations. Lynn Howes, (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become e bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. M.ny ahelters kill pregnant cats upon uriv•I. Dogs and cats are also available for adoption.(949) 75S-3646or www.animalnetwort.ofTJ. ASSISTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunt.eers looking for varying levels of involvement are needed to help the organization with Its goel of helplng chlldren In the community. (9491645-6929. ASSN.RENAISSANCE CREATORS The Costa Meta group sponsors end support9 outreach community l8t'vice progntms, such "the homelea qnotuary. Volunteers ere needed. (714) 54().5803. IESTBUDOES The nonprofit orgenlzation Is loolclng for vofunteers 18 end older to ptOYkl9 compen1oneh&p fot ~with ~it.el ......... -.. •Cftimn Buddy; ~wtlvlltt Wftt\. buddy twice • month 9nd cett or e-mail them oncie. WHk. The ~.-Ohet.n .a.ldclee progrM\ 1het form• fliendlhlpe entt...ev OY9r',,,. ''*"'*' ~ for1het progr.m ""*be et ltMt 12 v-rs old. (714) 648-1828 ot www.t.dMlddif#.OtlJ. llQ .anas. llQ lllmtS The loCll d'8l*r .. kM*tng for men and women oldetthM 18 who,.,."* In Onnge Counev for" .... OM monl\ and hlw ........ , .......... _ ..... ~ ............ . ......... -............. . "~ ......... ..... Residents were let back into' their homes by about 2:50 a m .; Shulman said. O'Connor was booked in Ne'W· port Beach city jail and was re· leased on $2,500 ball. He could also be charged with a hJt-and· run, Shulman said. • DEEPA BHARAllf covers public safety and courts. She may be readied 81 (949) 574-4226 or by e-mail at deepa.bharath@lstimes.com. 'I them to the beach or even to consider sUding saJty feet inside• them. But if they last even half as long as my first. pair did, l'U still · be wearing them long after they've gone out of style. Here's hoping every reader celebrating Ouistmas tod ay gets the gift he or she wanted - trendy, stylish or not. • S.J. CAHN is the managing editor : He may be reached at (949) ~ 574-4233 or by &-mall at • s.j. cahn@latimes.com. (714) 644-m3. http://www.bigbrooc.org. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC •• Volunteer opportunities for the • Orange County Council inctude fund-raialng, program devefopment and training to existing troops and pacts. (714) 546-4990. BOYS & GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA • The three area clubs need .' volunteer coaches and arts and : Cf8fta worbhop teachers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2245. ' BRM.LE INS1TT\11TS ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofh organization la looldng for volunteers to aulst · • bfind and viauelty lmpeired studenb In a variety of areas . Mary Johnson, (714) 821-6000, ext. :ma ~LAUREL FOUNDATION • I Camp Laurel le seeldng volunteer · counselors and medk:el st-1f for · Summer Camp end Teen Adventure Camp. The orgenlZation Is dedicat«I to providing educationel Cllmping pre>grame fnle of charge to . children living wtth Hrv and AIDS. (323) 663-6005. CMA1D£SA '• C... T.,..., 1 temporary home :: fot..,. pregnent homel•• : women 18 end older, nMde '· • volunteert for tt-. po8'dolta: ' • oMce aelstant/greet9', comput9r ~program deiteloptt ......... and,... boutique ~. lnformdon; (714) -...0, ••I• I I I FORUM fhursday, ~r 25, 2003 M I t 1 HOWTOGETPUeUSHED -lAalln: Mall to Edltorial Pllge Editor Lolita Harperetihe Dally Pilot. 330 W. Bay St, Cost.I Mesa. CA 92627 •R11ilen Hotline: Call l949) 642-«>86 Fu: Send to (949) 646-4170 ~s.nc:t to dllilyplfotOllltima.oom • All ()()ffftpOndenoe must Include full rnme, hometown end phone number (for Veriftcation purpc>Me). The Pilot reteNea the right to edit all aubmisslona for clarity and length. ' EDITORIAL 'v. v· .. ; I es, 1rg1n1a, there is a ) ' Santa Clalls' ' I T his classic holiday tditorial first mn in 1897 in the New York Sun. 11te ktter to the editor um from a young girl ~m«J Vlrgf nia O'Hanlon. The author of the reply uw veteran S~n tditor Francis Olurch. The p(ece um reprinted annually unril the paper went out of bltsiness in 1949. We've decided t<.t keep that tradition going here a< the Daily Pilot: :near Editor, ,I am 8 years old. Some of my little friends say there Is no Santa Claus. Papa says, "If you see it in The Sun, it's so.• Please teU me the truth, is there a Santa Oaus? -VIRGINIA O'HANLON ;VLTginia, your little friends are wrong. They have been affected bY the skepticism of a skeptical age. They do not believe except they see. They think that nothing ccin be which is not comprehensible by their little minds. All minds, Vrrginia. wt\ether they be men's or children's. are little. In this great unlverse of ours, man is a mere insect, an ant, in his intellect as compared with the boundless world about him. as measured by the intelligence capable of grasping the whole of truth and knowledge. Yes, Vtlginia. there is a Santa Oaus. He exists as certainly as love and generosity and devotion exist, and you know that they abound and give to yow: life Its highest beauty and joy. Alas! how dreary would be the world if there were no Santa Oaus! It would be as dreary as If there were no Vtrginias. There would be no childlike faith then, no poetry, no romance to make tolerable thls existence. We sh ould have no enjoymen1. except in sense and sight The external light with which childhood fills the world would be extinguished. Not believe in Santa Oaus! You mJght as well not believe in fairies. You might get your papa to hire men to watch in all the chimneys on Christmas eve to catch Santa Oaus. but even if you dJd not see Santa Qaus coming down, what would that prove? Nobody sees Santa O aus, but that is no sign that there is no Santa Qaus. The most real things in the world are those that neither children nor men can see. Did you ever see fairies dancing on the lawn? Of course not, but that's no p roof that they are not there. Nobody can concejve or imagine all the wonders there are unseen and unseeable in the world. You tear apart the baby's rattle and see what makes the noise inside, but there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, r1or even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived could tear apart. Only faith, poetry. love. romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is il all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding. No Santa Oaus! Thank God! he lives and lives forever. A thousand years from now, Virginia. nay I 0 times I 0,000 years from now, he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood. READERS RESPOND Intersection cameras get the green light AT ISSUE: Pilot readers answer the question: "What do you think a bout Costa Mesa's red-light cameras? Y es, the cameras are\ good thing. I've noticed a lot lately in the past year that in the intersections of 17th and 19th streets, there are a lot or red lights that have been run. resulting In acciden ts. It's very scary to drive here In Costa Mesa with the way that these people drive and run red Ugb~. I think the cameras are great. Please do not take out the cameras. They need to be there for the safety of our community. And the drivers who do continue to run the red lights should be ticketed by the Costa Mesa Police Department so that they can learn their lessons and not run red lights and cause acclden tA. We have a lot or hieb schools: Costa Mesa. Estancia High and Newport Hatbor. These are our youths drtvlng. and we don't want anything to happen to them. So please, keep the red-JJght camera system -It's a good thing. USA OTT Costa Mesa J t.h1ok they are an invnsJon of OUr privacy. They smack of "Big Brother, .. and I am totally oppoeed to them from a consdtudonal point of vtew. I mi8bt mo polnt out that I haw ~ In other"-* that do this, met J've met people who have 80ne IO~ M to buy rdective ma.. to put owr ibetr HcenM ,,.... that when \llewed from dllnot ~ actuilly blur the mamben on the platet. ' Now, there ls a cottage Industry out there selling devices to counter this invasion of our privacy. I thinJc its wrong to create an industry to co411ter this police action against our private rights. I hope that enough people call the Pilot or let the police know that this is not something the general public feels is in accord with living In America and being free people. And if the police feel that these Intersections are unsafe. then put a policeman there on a motorcycle and let him catch the offenders in the way we normally catch people who break the law. ROGER GORSKI Newport Beach I think that they are an excellent Idea. t wish we could get them at a whole bunch more Intersections, and I do hope that Baker Street and Harbor Boulevard Intersections are close on the list. You sit there and look at a green light In front of you and see cars -four and five of them -stilJ making a left tum across the intersection. Jt ls not only dangerous but frustrating. JOYCEWOOO Costa Mesa I think they are an excellent Jdea. I think the basic idea Is to have laws obeyed and have safety. And if we can have somebody assist the police in doing that. it'I entirely appropriate. So, I think the · cameras can only man thintP safer. And we get better safety with fewer poUce. I've been known to coast through atop signs and stUff. but on the other twid. lf we• tt up where that can\ be done. then you have to llve by the l\llea. ITANWIN'mt Newport Beach LETIERS TO SANTA • FILE PHOTO/DAILY PILOT Sisters Linda, 10, left, and Lisa Leung, 6, say uho, ho, ho" as they have their picture taken with Santa Claus at Lions Park on Tuesday. Santa made an appearance courtesy of the Someone Cares Soup Kitchen. Sending sentiments to the North Pole D earSanta. What I really want for Christmas is for my mother-in-law to move out here from New York s0 we can spend all the holidays and all the days in between as a family. The gleam in the eyes of our little daughrer and the smile on her face when she sees her Nana are the best presents of all. "The weather out there is frightful," MAILBAG but here, ii is just delightful Thank you, Santa. P.S. I promise to be a very good girl and hope the only coal ln my stocking will be the lcind that has been around for a very long time -you know, the kind that is so old it is hard as a diamond1 Do you have to be naughty or nice for that kind? I forget. CHRISTINE REMO lt ts slmple: City management and council acted without the professlonallsm expected of even th e worst of municipal governments. A sign mat City Manll8er Alan Roeder and cronies must move on to another cfty with lowere~~ Costa Mesa Public opinion is shifting gears in regard to airport The Navy's •ptan" to sell a toxic property -the former Bl Toro Marine Corps Air Station -to the housing industry has ground to a halL Now it ls apparently looking into Ube.tot and toxins In the runways. Hup tramc loads have to be studied, -anneudon of the airfield to Irvine Is being challenged, an d alrpon proponencs are going around Irvine and lcs captive cities. Public oplnJon Js shifting away from being anti-alrpon to being pro·jobl and antf-houain, development. No one denfe. we need the plumed El Thro lntemadonal Akpon. It fa estimated to provide $19 bldion In lpcome, 13',000 Jobs and Mrft 30 million annual paMena9ra. The airport 11 ready to me, no one lt ln the notae r.one, and Ill we have 10 do Is Nm on tbe li&htt. DOIULDNYM Newpoi18each County mustn't tepeat mWJllxlliag of a..a ....... OD~"""'*'8 --• 11 'hlro" la ... DIC. le ... ,, ........... .., =~·-=.w=.-:. .... ~;.':..... .......... .......... ~ c.u..-..·. ... LIM lljll(I Newpon Beach Dear Santa, If we could only have one wish. it wouJd be for our daddy 10 not have anymore back pain. He is the "funnest" and funniest dad, and it makes us sad to see him in pain. PAGE AND MEGAN KEYS (.osta Mesa The county was given a gift of the closed Bl Toro Marine base by the U.S. governmen t with no strings attached. Then we spent $50 million in taxpayer money ro co,.vert the existing facility Into suitable form for commercial use and publlshed the plan ln the environmental report, which wu on dlaplay at all coitnty libraries. However, as Tumer pointed out, the city of Irvine, developers and realtors subverted the airport plan and replaced It with the "Great Park.• aJtemadve. The reault of lrvtne's et al duplicity wlU be costly to Orange County and the state or California. The SlO-bUllon gift and the $50 million spent on planning will be thrown away. 0J'8Dge Counrywill not receive the S19 billion in operating revenue, nor Will lt benefi t from the assOclated taxes. And about 134,000 jobs will no t be generated. Any other Bl Toro actMties that will generate taxes to help Orange County and the state budgt't will dlsappear. Without an a.lrpon at El Toro, people in Oran,e County wfll stJll be forced to drive to LAX. and the horrible traffic wlD continue, causing another expanalon of lhat free'Way. WW Orange County so me Citron route or wtU it take the prudent fl,SCaJ course? WIWAMKERNS Costa Mesa . . . --- M llusday. ~ 25, 2003 SOCIETY THE CROWD -Food that trumps French kings' meals T he ConfrPN dlt la 011Jlne des RotlsMurs. a royal guild skilled in the culinary art of roasting mttl, began under St. Louis, Kl ng of France in 1248. It purpose was to establish and pcrpetuarc a culinary tandard of excellence thar was suited to serve the royal ban<1uet t.able. TI1e guild was . abandoned al rhe time of the French Revolution, some 500 years Inter. After World War 11. the guild was re·eslllblished In 1950 by Jean V'.dby and Count --------. OJmomlcy, two French gastronomes of the 20th century. Last week at the Balboa Bay Oub and Resort the Oub Grill Room was tmn8formed inlo nothing less 1han a royal table for members and guests 8.W. COOK ofthe Newport Beach chapter of the (} UJ i 11e <les Rot isse11 rs. l\n uJ Lro ·In vish holiday dinner was presided over by Newport Beach hostess Lrme Mathews, resplendenr in a blade sequined dinner su11. Mathews serves as presidenl of the Newport Beach chapter of the culinary sociely. She was joined In the homage to the good llfe by her husband, WUUam Mathews, a fo rmidable expert on lntemadonaJ wines. For those unfamiliar with the Ouiine, It l'i far more than simpty a group of culinary experts gathering fo r Cine dining and wine •~ting. In a very broad ~nsc, thi'i organ11a uon as ~mething of a generational linlc defmjng the history J nd the practice of the culinary arts~ a reClet·tion of the time~. of society and of history Additionally, in the modern era, the orga111.-.11ion sponsors creative talents in 1he culinary field wilh i.cholnrshlp fund'> earmarked to train the next generation of restaurateurs, chefs. sommeliers and dining service personnel. In a fast·food wqrld, the collective talent that comes together to create a magnificent dining experience Is the result of considerable tminlng. with equal doses of talent and Imagination. In addition to serving as a funding i.ource for young culinary talent, the Owlne has another Important purpose. Over centuries of gatherings. a gmnd tradition of sharing friendship and table conversation has uruted people In what ( has become for many a legacy or enduring friendships. "1bis evmJng ii not just about One rood and wine. It's about fine people coming together and sharing their lives over the tabae, • Mathew& sa.ld. "We are here to have a good time and to be with one another. So let the dinner begin.• Complete with silver swords nnd Euro~ ldsses, new members from the Newport community were brought Into the fold. Inductees included Heather IOdn. P.cluardo Pr9do, . Patrlda Allen, Oaarla Stetrunann. Patrlda Stelrimann, Donna Hood. Mary Weidner, Pllul FolJno. Dee Higby. Heather C.ook. John Dick. Scott Dolbee, Patricia Jone1, Jeremy Jones. M1cby La Barthe, and Balboa Bay O ub executive chef)oeeph Lllgeder. Also inducted were Kimberly Pr9do, Scott Teruya. Jamee Weidner and Mary Weidner. Ranking OUline officers In attendance included 'lbomM Buddey. In from Ojai, Ricbard Allen, John C.ook. David SmJth, Dan Abbott. Devld Weinberg and Dmftl Andenon, with his wife. Manha. After dinner, the Andersons of Big Canyon were off to Miami for Ouistmas and then to Italy for New Year's. The culinary aspect of the evening was supervised by Balboa Bay O ub President Henry Schleleln. who also serves on the natJonal board of lhe OUJine in the roU of conseiller gastrorwmiq"'1 des &ats-Unis. Schlelein recently returned from a wllirlwind weekend trip to Beijing wit11 Orange County celebrity chef Outatlan RMatnoux. lne gentlemen set up an Asian chapter of the 0-mine in 01ina. Schielein wa'i back in Newport in time for the holidays to coordinate the Newport dinner with Lageder, Sommelier <llrlstopher Janz. Maftre d'Mtel George Valenzuela and Director of Food and Beverage Dieter HJssin. The dinner began with cocktails and hors d' oeuvres In the Oub Grill Bar overlooking the main channel of the Newport harbor. Caviar cana~ with creme fraiche were passed on silver trays by wrute-gloved waiters as Ouistmas music was played on the grand piano. Enjoying the fole gras In brioche. and the lobster bisque servc.>d in demi·tasse, were glamorous guestR Joan and lbomas Rllllch of Udo Isle. distinguished business executive David Tappan and bis wife. Jeanne, and Newport's .dapper Jerry Hanington, Richard Allen and Richard Luehrs toast the holidays. attending the evening with his charming daughter. Seven courses followed the hors d'oeuvres reception, each accompanied by specially chosen wines, thelr pedigree explained to the guests between courses. Lageder's lcitchen created what was undoubtedly the dinner of the year: Maine rock crab and avocado granite, pumpkin bisque, mache lettuce with warm chcvre cheese, braised veaJ cheeks, pheasant breasts over roasted chestnuts, a palet cleanser of marinated cherries in Klrsh, and a dessert of Swiss chocolate raspberry Yule log. Surely all Lhe kings of France had not dined on such exquisite culinary preparations as served in Nl'wport Beach. Also in the crowd enjoying the dinner and the camaraderie were John and Terri Kennady, Robert Bums, Dennis and Robin Walsh, Richard Hausman, and Ashton KaJdJ. The Oiai11e meets four times a year in Newport Beach. bringing people together in friendship, supporting culinary charides and perpetuating the fine an of dining. Inasmuch as thl'l is Oiristmas Day, permJt me to share my holiday wish with readers of the Daily Pilot. The most important message of this day is to love. Share love In the best of health and your life will be blessed. • TliE CROWD appears Thursdays and Saturdays. beach,'n backy~rds N n t E v e_ r y a y L i v I n i. _ 291 Ea1t J 7"' Street CALL FOR OUR ONE -PERSON 401(K) GUIDE. ABOVE: William - and Irene Mathews at the holiday dinner and new-member induction ceremony for the Newport Beach chapter of the · Confrerie de la Chainedes Rotisseurs. a culinary society. • LEFT: Jeanne and David Tappan at . : the Chaine Holiday Confab. Doon Open at 8 AM Dec. 26th -~ - -• -.. •• -... - You have your own company with no employees. Now you can have your own 401(k). A one-person 401(k) provides you with the same benefits enjoyed by millions of company employees. Business owners are permitted to make profit-sharing contributions of 25% of compensation plus a S 12,000 salary deferral contribution-$ 14,000 if you're so or above. tf you hav~ a corporation, partnership, sole proprietorship or non- profit entity, our free guide will show you your 401(k) options. You'll learn: • How contributions may be higher than other retirement plans •The benefiu of tax-deductible contributions and tax-deferred growth •A range of self -directed investment options Call (Mt) 717-SJOO or (IOO) 461-3JS2 for '/our free guide. 660 Newport Center Drive, Suite 1100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 , . t -L I FE & LE I SURE ~. Dec~ 25, 2003 A7 BEST BUYS Actress-owned boutique Tawny K. is tres chic ctress Tuwny lCitaen opened 1WnyK.,a illOWCaSe store or ~.cun's favorite apparel lines at 369 fl 17th St. in Co.ta Mesa. Tup atylW1s liave lnftuenoed .Klcaen's Oste Crom years on TY. ~e and video sets - aocessortes. Tttwny K. Is open from l 0 a.m. to 7 p.m. Monday through Saturday; 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. SUnday. Call (949) 6.5()...63(J(). OLYMPtC-QUAUTY WORKOUTS knowledge to GREER e•• she's brought her ~time Olympian Xeno Muller l:nstruct.s addictive Indoor rowing workouts at the lronw o.nman ln Costa County. Luckily. WYLDER fr;>c those who crave chic end Oattering styles -similar to ~ Segal in LA. -this is where JO shop. l.ocaJ fashlonistas who cfon'l want to look like everyone else on the block appreciate kitaen's well-thought-out merc:handlsing. She selects a few fctwrites from each tine to enaliz.e her style and chooses that complement each . Merchandise sellf and ~nges quickly-no need for a (.iearance sale since its June 'r.nJ.ng. The boutique bas pdting designers, including '-'ttering low-rise jeans from f!ankie 8., Seven jeans, Juicy ~uture. Michael Star, Qiurch Girl, Yana K., Joey and T, Isley and Jet Theres also sexy lingerie from Cosabella, fashionable jewelry. skin care and AFTER HOURS • Submit AFTER HOURS items 10 the Daily Pilot. 330 W. Bay St., Coste Mesa, CA 92627: by fax to (949) 646-4170; or by calling (949) 574-4295. SPECIAL EVEN TS HISTORY OF HITCHCOCK Orange Coast College is offering a nine-part film history on Alfred Hitchcodc. The series will be moderated by retired OCC professor H. Anhur Taussig. Each session will be held at 6:30 p.m. one Friday each month. The events will be hold at OCC's Fine Arts Hall 116. Admission is $6 for adults and $5 for seniors and ace students. For more information, call (71 4) 432-5880. MUSIC JAZZ.TRIO Gulfstream Restaurant in Newport Beach presents a jazz tno Sunday through Wedne9day as regular entertainment at 850 Avocado Ave .. Newport Beach. Hours are 6 to 9 p.m. Sunday and ~to 10 p.m. Monday through Wednesday. (949) 718--0188. WEEKLY JAM Tho Studio Cafe presents Monday Night Jams from 7 to 11 p.m. every week. NWantedN musicians include guitar players, bass players, singers, drummers, l<eyboerdists and others at 100 Mein St., Newport Beach. Free. (949) 675-7760. DUKE'S PLACE Jazz and codctails now daily from noon to mldnigh• Sundays t'1rough Thursdays and from noon to 2 a.m. Fridays and Saturdays at the Balboa Bay Club ~Resort, at 1221 W. Coast tiighway, Newport Beech. Information: (949) 645-6000 MAMMA GINA WEEKEND JA12 Ovelter Lakota end David Alcantar, the New York Jazz Connection Duo, play at Mam ma Gina at 251 E. Coast Highway in Newport at 8 Jim. Fridays and Saturdays and et 7 p.m. Sundays and Mondays. r>lana Dltri joins the duo on -ibcals on Mondays. It's free. IJlformetlon: (949) 673-9500. MUSIC AT THE GRILL Jhe Bluewater Grill offers live 1r1uaic Friday end Saturday h}ghts. Greg Morgan, Nidt Peper ... d Kelly Gordlen (known es Jli'PG) perform classic red, R&B .Od awing at 8:30 p.m. Fridays. lijarvln Gregory and MPG will t:orm classic roct. swing and B at 8:30 p.m. Saturdays. The ~urant is at 630 Udo Park e, Newport Beedl. Free. (949) 676-3474. MUSIC AT 1ltE PELICAN The Rusty ~lie.en offers the mullc of Common Ground from Wednetday through Sunday, The band perform• from 7 to 10 p.rn. WedMlday end Thuradaly, ftom J1:30 p.m. to 12.:30 a.m . Friday and Saturday and from 2 tO 6 p.m. Sundty. The ..-t1urant 11 at 2735 w. C:O.tt Highway, Newport 8.ach. i:r.e. (949) 942-3431. • . ~ATPLAYERS ~......,. t'Mt8urant i. now offering !Ive muek: from 9 p.m. to midnight .,.ry fftdey Ind s.turdly. PtayeR •• It &12 w. 19th St, Colta Meea. No OOYer c:Nrge. l&48) 84Me1&. I WWCIND.sec e::A!Wfbolt~rent NewpNte.d\ ,,. ... ,_the 1'kt ~n Duo futut1ng Rldt 1JMrmln Ind Alan Aemlngton on Mesa. Since Muller Is training for the 2004 Otyrnpics, he can only offer classes in the morning. at 6 and 7 a.rn, and In the evening. at 5:.30 and 6:30 p.rn (Friday there ls no 6:30 p.m. class). Muller says that compared to other Injury-inducing sports, rowing offers a gentler approach to fitness. It's a great class for water rower'!i ln I.raining. or for people who want to ge1, or stay In shape. The SO-minute classes are a great cardio workout Muller says there is an underworld of lndoor rowing fitness -each year there's a worldwide competition held in Boston, and he says even centenarians can handle the low-impaCI sport. Oasses are offered at $13 per claM, unlimited classes for one month Friday nights. The program features all your favorites on the saxophone keyboards. Anthony's is at 151 E. Coast Highway. (949) 673-3425. POP--ROCK AND FLAMENCO Tate 5, a funk, rodt and Motown act, performs at 9 p.m. Saturdays at Carmelo's Rlstorante, 3520 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Solo guitarist Ken Sanders performs ciessical flamenco tunes at 7:30 p.m . Tuesdays and Sundays. Free. (949) 675-192.2. SATURDAY NIGHT R&B Gerald Ishibashi and the Stone Bridge Band play rode and R&B at 9 p.m. Saturdays 8t Sutton Place Hotel's Trianon lounge, 4500 MacAnhur Blvd.. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 476-2001. STAGE STARLIGHT EX.PRESS Andrew Lloyd Webber's musical Starlight Express, with new sets and costumes by John Napier. will be performed Dec. 25 to 28 and 30 and 31 and Jan. 1 to 4 at the Orange County Performing Ans Center in Segerstrom Hall. Information: (714) 556-2787. http://wWVV.ocpac.org. DANCE SWING Lessons are given from 2 to 6 p.m. every Sunday at the Avant Garde Ballroom in Newport Beach by the Orange County Swing Dance Club. All ages are welcome, and no partners are needed. Information: http://ocswing.com. (909) 656-6119, ARGENTINE TANGO Tango dancing is offered from 8 p.m. to 12:30 a.m . the first Saturday of each month at Danscene Studio, 2980 McClintodt Way. Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 641-8688. POETRY GYPSY DEN CAFE There will be an open poetry reading night for anyone who wishes to present his or her work, with music by Liquid Muse, at 8 p.m . Jan. 13 at the Gypsy Oen Cefe. 2930 Bristol St, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 549-7012, (714) 564-6526. (949) 472-9028. AUA COFfEE HOUSE There wlll be an open poetry reeding night for anyone who wishes lo present his or her work, with music by Ryan Strauburg, at 8 p.m. Jan .. 14 11 the Alta Coffee House. 506 3111 St lnfonnation: (714) 564-6626, (949) 675-0233. CHILDREN STMUGHT STORIES Children 3 to 7 VMrt okj are Invited to parUcipate In aongs and finger-puppet plays at 7 p.m. Mondays at the Coste MeN Ubntry, 1865 Part Ave. (9'9. 646-8&4&. PJS NC) BOOKS A d\lldren't ltO"f time I• pteMf'lted et 7 p.m. Mond9ya and at 10:30 a.m. Seturdeye at the Newport Beld'I Central Ubntry, 1000 AYOCtdo A.wt. Chlldren mev wur pajamas to the evening '"8lom. Frte. (!Mt) 711.-3801. WEEKLY STORYTIUBt A dlltc1ren•1 ltC>fY tJme '' t.ld at 10:45 1.m. Wadneldlyt fl 8amee 6 ~Boob•••"., Mitro Pointe, 901-8 ~to. Ortve. Cott.I M .... (714) 444-0228. • at $99 and up to 20 wodcouts, with no time.llmlt. are $9.50 per etas& Updated dais achedules are on the Iron Oarsman Web site at httpdtuNAu.fProw.com. The lron Oarsman is at 440 E. 17th St. ln C<Wa Meea. (949) 400-7630. OON'IENEHT PET FOOD ~ OlefB:xpn91 provides free home delivery or dog and cat food to Orange County, most or the Inland Empire and the Long Beach area. It offers private label, dry and canned dog and cat food delivered to your door in 8-pound bags for cats and 20-pound ~ford~ There are no dyes, artificial colors, chemical preservatives or crude fiber ftllera. It's made of high-quality animal proteins, essential amino acids and vt:getable and fish oils with vitamins and minerals. Its latest food line co11tains fish, petato and duck. It's a great alternative for pets who are allergic to lamb or chicken. Lean foods are also available for both d<>wi llJld cats. Pet Olef £xpres.s' food has a 100% satisfaction guarantee. New customers can mention th1s column and receive 20% off their first order of dog or cat food. Call STORY TIME A children's story time is held at 10 a.m. Wednesdays and 10:15 a .m. Fridays at Borders Books & Music at South Coast Plaza, 3333 Bear St, Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 432-7854. DINING/TASTING NEW YEAR'S EVE New Year's Eve reservations are being accepted tor Villa Nova Restaurant in Newpon Beach. The night will consist of a four-course meal, party favors and a midnight toast of Piper Heidsiedc Brut Champagne. The cost Is $76 per person. Alcoholic beverages, bottled wine and gratuity are extra. Information and reservations: (949) 642-7880. CHRISTMAS DAY AT THE HYATI' NEWPORTER The Hyatt Newporter is offering a champagne and bn.mch fit for a king and queen from 11 a.m. to 5 p.m .• today at 1107 Jamboree Road, Newport Beach. The cost is $47.95 for adults and $19.95 for children 6 Information: (949) 72~160. THE SINGLE GOURMET Single Gourmet members. upscale business and professional aingl8-in their 30s to 50s, wlll'get together at 7 p.m. Jan. 23 at Pavilion at the Four Seasons Hotel. 690 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Information and reservations: (949) 854-6652. SUNSET DINNERS The Rusty Pelican offers NSunset Dinners" from 4 to 5:15 p.m . Monday through Friday at 2735 W. Coast Highway. Newpon Beach. Meals typically oost between $10 $15. (949) 642-3431. SUNDAY BRUNCH The Rusty Pelican offers Sunday brunch from 10 e.m. to 3:30 p.m. every Sunday at 2735 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Meals typically cost between $8 and $15. (949) 642-3431. 1WIUGHT DtNtNG A twilight dining menu. featuring dis~ aoch as chidten parmigiana and calamari pleante at reduced prices. Is offered from 5 to 6 p.m. weekday• and fTom 4 to 6 p.m. Sundays at Villa Nova Restaurant, 3131 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (9491 642-7880. WINE TASTINGS HI-Time Wine Cellars offera wine tastings from 4:30 to 8 p.m . Ff"ldaya and from 1 :30 to 8 p.m. Saturdays. (949) 650-8483. SUNDAY 8RUNCtt A Sunday brunet\ featuring aeafood and aaled buffett, roam carved to order and bt9elcfast favoritM I• held from 10:30 a.m . to 2 p.m. at Sutton Pi.oe Hotel, 4600 MacArthur 81'\fd., Newport Beech. Meal• typblty C09t $30 to $40, (949) 478-2001. CLUBS AL1'A COFFEE Muafctl acts perform at 8:30 p.m. Thuredtlya through Saturdays at Alta CoffM Hoo•, 608 31tt St., Newpon Bead't. (949) S7&4233. ATRIUM MMQUll A v8fWly of he mulic It PfWll*d deMY at tN Atrium .. Al'POf* Club. 18700 Mec:Mhur Blvd.,,,.,,.,,.. (949) 133-2710, ~201 Jazz" pWftd fl a p.m. Ftidtryl and Sfturdlve and fl 11 a.m. SUndtVt" 8lttro 201, 3333 w. (949) 515-9600 or visit http:Jtwww.petchefupnw.cvm ADO COLOR TO YOUR DATU Each year, local o.rtbt Jun. llannann makes popular desktop calendars featuring watercolor Oorals that stand in acrylic biunes or come with magnetic frames. The calendars make great gift.a for the new year. liemnann also offers Doral note cards with envelopes and •on Jocation··nole cards- water-color pain1in3' of scenes from her travels. Call (949) 760-6693 or e-mail bloom~net. KIDS TO TOAST NEW YEAR This New Year's eve. 1be Balboa Bay Oub and Relol1 offers a "Kld's Night Out" for parents anending celebrations al the resort. lhe children's event is lailored for kids 5 to 12 yean of age and lasts from 7 p.m. to I a.m. on Dec. 31. The night out includes a dinner appealing to kids: piz2.a, ho1 dogs. French fries, fresh fruit, drinks and a self-serve sundae bar. Activities include face painting. disco dancing. hula hoop conlests. a pitiata, bingo, volley balloon and more. When it gets late, there will Coast Highway, Newpon Beach. (949) 63H55t DIN DIN AT BAMBOO TERRACE Instrumental music is performed after 9 p.m. Thursdays, and pop and rode Is presented after 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays at Din Din at the Bamboo Terrace, 1n3 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-5550. OURTY NEUY'S Live music is performed at 9 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays et Nelly's, 2915 Red Hiii Ave., Costa Mesa. (714) 957-1951. FOUR SEASONS HOTEL Uva.music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Four Seasons Hotel, 690 Newport Center Drive, Newpon Beach. (9491759-0808. HARD ROCK CAFE live music is performed Sundays at Hard R<><* Cafe, 451 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-8844. THE HARP INN Uve music is performed Thursdays through Saturdays at the Harp Inn, 130 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa. (949) 646-8865. HOGUE BARMICKAEL'S live music is performed Wednesdays through Saturdays at Barmldlael's, 3950 Campus Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 261-6270. UDO CIGAR ROOM Enjoy a smoke with your drink at lido Cigar Room. 3441 Via lido, Suite D, Newport Beach. (949) 723-0595. MARGARrTAV1lLE Live music Is performed at Margarita ville. 2332 W. Coast Highway, Newpon Beacn. (949) 631-8220. MARRAKESH Authentic Moroccan wislne and belly dancing is offered et 5 p.m. daily at Marrakesh, 1976 Newpon Blvd., Costa Mesa. (949) 645-8384. MARRIOTI' HOTEL Live music is performed Mondays through Saturdays at the Marrion Hotel, 900 Newpon Center Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 640-4000. MULDOON'S Muldoon'• la an lrlah pub at 202 Newpon Center Drive, Feahion Island, Newpon Beech. (949) 640-4110. \ be movies and popcorn Wld a quiet area (or those needing sleep. Tu ring In the new year t11 midnight. kids can toast with spaitllng cider, balloons,, silly strihg and noisemakers. Parents must remain on the Balboa Bay Oub and Resort property. Rescrvatio(l.S are required. The cost Is $60 per child Call {949) 630-4420. NEW YEAR'S FOR BIG KJOS The Balboa Bay Oub and Raort will celebrate the aniw.I of 2004 wit11 festive dining and en1ertainment options. The new Grand Ballroom features Jay Sterling and rus orchestra foUowing a champagne reception, a five-course dinner including wines and a glass of Dom ~rignon at midnight Festivities begin a1 8 p.m. and will continue past midnight The cost is $250 per person inclusive. or combine it with an ovenUght stay package starting at $700. CHAMPAGNE, DtNNER AHO DANCE The Pinc Cabin~· features a delicious dinner, tnclmling the famed BBC lobeter bisque, seared tole grns, tournedos of beef, roasted duclc or truflJe-poached Dover sole from 5 to 10 p.m.. Tile cost is $90 per person plus tax and gratuJty. Ouk.e's Place offers entertainmem from Paco Falcone. This watertront bar and entertainment lounge on the water offers dance and a place ro sip champagne. Duke's Place. at l 221 W. Coast Highway in Newport Beach, is open from noon to 2 am. c:all (949) 630-4 145 or visit http://www.balboabayclub.ccm • BEST BUYS appears Thursdays . Send 1nformat1on to Greer Wylder at greerwylder@yahoo.com; at 330 W. Bay St., Costa M011a. CA 92627; or by fax at (949) 646-4170. WE CAN H ELP KEEP YOUR DREAM AFLOAT. WE LIVE WHERE YOU LIVE."' Now that your dream of owning your own boat has finally come true, let me show you how Sme F:irm• boar insurance can help you make sure it all Stil)'S that way. Steven Hill, Agent Lie.• OC80618 350 East IT" Strtc{, Suire 211 Com Mesa. CA 949-646-9393 ... ....... UK.EA cooo NFJ<..1t60R A STAn FARM 1s n1ERE.™ ......... ,, ~ulmJ ''"""'"" •"" Filuwl Snv1m M'-lit•c..lt'-M'-........ <..--.,...._, ..,,_.._.._ ...... R ' • M Tluldly, Oeeeni>er 25. 2003 LIFB & LE I SURE I I ! I l . ' NO PLACE LIKE HOME Fusing art and tec_hnology I received my first piece of Nambe 21 yMl"I ago as a weddlng gift, and have u5ed my large serving bowl religk>~ sillcc the dny I look ii out of the box. ancient forms to modem elegan~. It can go ill the free7.er, the oven and anywhere tn betwttn. Its btmutiful enough to KAREN WIGHT Nambe servtng pieces have a polished urface th.at gels better with the patina it acquires over time. The ortgtnaJ styles still trarui1a te SO years later: the Butterfly 8owt by Richard Thomu; the Platier; the Lava stand up with the china and crystal, durable enough to take on a picnic. It's practically perf cct in every way. Nambe (pronolUlccd nom-~Yl was created in 1951 in Santa~. N.M. from a closely guarded metal aJloy formula that came from mduslrlal lechnology at the I o' Alamos Nauonal Laboratory. llle melal is a chemistry coup. bul the true beauty of Nambc is that its pil>ces are lnspirL'd hy tuneless design and fru.tidious crafbmanshlp. Al first glance, you may think Nambe is sterling silver. bur Its substan1ial thickness and cutting-t.'<lge design se1s ii apart from any other product 0 11 1hc markt<t. N;imhe design." are described as ~organic." bul 1here\ mud1 more th.u1 nu.•c1~ the l'ye. Nu two picl'l!~ of Nambe are identical. E.ich pk·c1· b. hand-ca-.t, ground Jnd polished to a..'\Sure every item ii. a unique work or an. Many or Nambe's t"d.rly Jcs1gm •. like the 'Tri-Comer .ind Butterfly Howl, still ~U as brl~k.ly today as they did In the 1951h. Octiigncn. at Nambe a.re gi..en free reign, coiutantly redefining the #design vocabulary.· Nambe diveri.ity rangt"-from organic to man made, from billuwing ~ii!. to mchmg ice and CELEBRA TE Bowl and the Shrimp and Sauce Bowl transcend fads. l use my large metru bowl daily for salads .. Every Otrisonas, I freeze the Wight I louse Oui.srmas Cuny ln It. then pop the bowl and content\ in the oven Ouisonas momlng so I can enjoy the day and still have a fabulous m eal i.erved in an amat.ing clish. Nambe takes mult1-tasklng to a new level Na.mbe added a crystaJ product Une ln 1998 lhal uses the same design interpretations as its metal counterpans. TI1e cryscaJ bowls .. vases, candleSliclcs and votive holders share the Nambe dedication to beauty, 4uality aml heirloom value. In the crys1al product care guide. I found an excellent piece of gl~ care inforn1alion. To remove water deposit buildup and Ma.ins, swirl a handful of uncooked rice in a solution or lemon juice or vinL'l:,r.lf and warm water to remove residue. I guess if they can create a new metal, they can fi.gure out how 10 dean glass. lf you are looking for a special occasion gift or need a timeless accessory for yourself. Nnmbe impeccably comblnes functionality and elegance. • KAREN WIGHT 1s e Newport Beach resident. Her column rurn; Thursdays o~ THE BAY. AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN hllma to the o.llv Pilot. J:tO w. Bay St.. coac. Mele. CA 92127; by .-mall to lul•.PdMfliatimM.oom; by fax to l949) 648-4170: or by calling (949) 574-4296. loclude the time, date and locetJon of the event. " well 41 1 contact phone number. FRIDAY The~Nn.nc... will pruent a holldr( craft worbhop In whld\ partlcipania can create their own apeclal holiday aeuon gttta for famlly and friend• using a vartetv of materi1la from 9 a.m . 3 p.m. The oost Is $140 per student with a 1°"9 dl100unt for memben. There wlll be a $25 materl1ls fM, lnform1tion: (949) 645-8489. MONDAY The,.._. and Mery Mutt. Interpretive Center will host an event that will let visftors see and touch different kinds of Insects and to understand how the legs of different lnsecta do d\tterent jobs to help them survive. From 11 a.m. to noon at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beactl. The cost will be $10 for each child 5 and older. lnfonnation and reservations: (949) 923-2295. JAH.6 P.K. Odle, worldwide lnstnlctor for the American Feng Shui Institute, will explain how the elemental remedies are implemented. at 7 p.m . at Visions & Dreams 2482 Newport Blvd. Reservations and information: (877) 288-1669, hnp:Jlwww. fengshuiadvantage. com. JAN.8 Mother's M•ritet will host• women's suppon group, a free workshop by Cheri Sdlatz. from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the Patio Cafe. The market 1s at 225 E. 17th St Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595 6667. JAN. 10 There wm be • Computer F.ir at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. in Building No. 10 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost is $5 for adults; children 10 and younger get in for . free. Information: (800) 80<>-5800, llttp.1/www.ocfair.com. Newport H.,bor High School cheerleaders will present their Winter Junior Cheer Clinic from 1 to 4 p.m. at Newport Harbor High. The~ who wtll tMd1 belle dMef tedvl~ and. d*W Md dance routine. The $40 feewlll COWf pcm.porn•."**" eXl1I practict on Feb. 5 and a ptegiwne P9ffonnlnee on Feb. 6. lnfotmatlon: (94:9) 873-1989. JM.11 Thefewtlbea~FalrM the Orange Councy F.Jr a E~ c.n....trom 10 a,m. to 5 p.m. In Suting No. 10 st the Orange County felt • Expotltlon Center. The COit,. S6 for~; children 10 and yoonger get In for rree. lnform.iion: (800) 800-6600. http://\Nww.ocf11ir.com. JM.13 Mother'I Maltiet wtl ho9t •1nflammstion & Heert Oiaea•e: a ff99 Mminar by Judith Todero. rrom &30 to 7:30 p.m. In the Patio Catt. The market It at 226 E. 17th St. lnfonnatlon and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595 6667. JAN.14 Mother's Metbt will host "Menopaute;' a free seminar by Andrea Purcell, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the ,,_tio Cat•. The marttet Is at 225 E. 17th St. lnfonnation and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595 6667. JAN.15 t..u. Sch .... inger will 9ign her new book "The Proper Care & Feeding of Hu.t>ands• at 7:30 p.m. at Barnes and Noble Booksellers, Metro Pointe, 901 B South Coast Drive. Information (714)444.-0226. Mother's Martt.et wfll host ·eardiovascolar Health," a free seminar by Michael Schwartz, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. In the Patio Cat•. The m arket is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595 6667. JAN.16 A Home R9mo4eling and Decorating Show will be held staning today in buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the Parade of Products at Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The show will be open from noon to 8 p.m. today. The cost is $5. 75 for adults, $3 for senior$ and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 557-2950. Mother's Marbt wiH host "Kev• to Weight Management and Optimal Health," a free seminar by Colette Heimowitz, from 6:30 to 7:30 p.m. in the Patio Cafe. The market Is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reseivatlons: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595 6667. JAN 17 Mother's Marbt will host "Keva to Weight Management and Optimal Health;' a free seminar by Colette Heimowitz, from 1 to 3 p.m. in the Patio Cafe. The market is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741, (800) 595 6667. A Hom. Remodeling and Decorating Show will be held in buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the Parade of Products at Orange ·County Fair& Exposition Cenler. The show will be open from 10 a.m. 10 8 p.m. today. The cost is $5.75 for adults, $3 for seniors and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 557-2960. The West Coast Reptile Show will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in building No. 17 at the Orange County Fair 8c E)(position Center. The cost Is $5 for adults and children 12 years and under are $3. Information: (714) 826-6600, http.1/www.radicalreptiles.com. THIS NEW YEAR 1 5 HOLIDAY . Th• Parrot ~tion •nd Adoption Center, a nonprofit organization, will have a seminar on parrot nutrition from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Balearic Community Center, 1975 Balearic Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 631-3606, http:Jlwww.pe11c.orp. Bogart courted BacCJll hNf' .rnd you can almost envision th em twirling around th{' d.1n< I' floor. Now you too can celebrate in style at the New Year's fve (,<1 la rn lhe Gr.ind Ballroom. En joy a spectacular five rour~r feast, dance the night away 10 Jay Sterling and his accl;iim<'d orchestra then toa~t with Dom Perignon at the stroke of midnight. O nly Jt the Ho-;t of the Coast. S .ZSO per pcr~on llH. lus1vc. Overnight ~tay and kids packages available. for information and reservations call 949 630-4 t 45. '? Los AngelN nr.ftghW and paramedic John Hieb will sign his first book for young adults, "My BuddyPM*." at 2 p.m. at Borders Books Music and Cafe in Costa Mesa, 1890 Newport Blvd. I JAN.18 A Home AemocW.tt and Decorating Show will be held ln buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the Parade of Producu 1t Orange County Fair&. Expotltloo Center. The ahow will be open fTom 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. todty. The cost ls $5. 75 for adula. $3 for seniors and free for children younger than 12. Information: (818) 657-2950. The Welt Coaet Reptfle Show wlll be from to 1.m. ro 6 p.m . Jn bulldlng No. t 78t the Orange County Fair&. Expoeltloo C..t9r. TM cott I• S6 for adutta end $3 for c:Nkkwi 12 ~end younger.~:(714) 82Me00. http:l..WWW.ntdk»l,...,,.,_com. a.m . ro 3 p.m. A.giltnltion• can be made In the vtlamin department. The mart.et Is at 226 E. 17th St. lnforrNtlon and n9141rvatlona; (949) 831-474t JM.21 ModMr's MalW wtl hott -rhe Peth to a .-.hhlef, Mote Vital Yoo," a frM temlnar by Martt Kaytor, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. In the Patio C.f6. ii. maritet It et 226 E. 17th St. lnfotmetion and reservations; (9j19) 631-4741, (800) 596 6667. JAN.22 HOtltl Hoepltal wtl hott "N""'"on for the lung Cancet Patle.nt;' a daytime lung cenoer support group, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. et the Hoag Cancer Center, ponference room A. The speaker wlll be Kathy Pham, a Hoag Hospital nutritionitt. Information: 1949) 76().5542. The PMot Educ:adon and Adoption Center, a nonprofit organization will have a seminar on feather-destructive behavior from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Balearic Community Center, 1975 Balearic Drive, Costa Mesa. lnfonnation: (949) 631-3606. The Friends For PlanMd Parenthood luncheon, at 11 :30 a.m. at Sherman Library & Gardens, will focus on se>C education in the Santa Ana Unified School District. Teen activists from Campfire USA end Girls Inc. will discuss a curriculum that only teaches abstinence until maniage .. Sherman Library & Gardens is at 2647 E. Coast Highway. Information: (714) 633-6373, ext. 121. JAN. 27 Mother's Marbt will host "Help Yourself to Health and Happiness; a free seminar by Rosemary Seaney, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. in the Patio Cafe, The market is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741. (800) 595 6667. JAN. 28 Mother's Marbt will ho.t "How to Prevent and Treat Diabetes,# a free seminar and book signing by Michael Mu1Tey, from 6:30 to 8 p.m. In the Patio Cafe. The market is at 225 E. 17th St. Information and reservations: (949) 631-4741 , (800) 595 6667. FEB.26 The Founders Guild of CaM Teresa invites the public to attend a play. ·The Subject was Roses.~ at the Newport Theatre on Cliff Drive in Newport Beach. All the proceeds from tidcet sales will be donated to Casa Teresa and Hannah's House. Tidcets cost $65 per person. Information: (949) 858-5385, (714) 538-4860. ONGOING The Newport Canter Toastmaster's Club can help you Improve your public speaking skills or polish your business presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badcgrounds. The group meets every Monday momlng from 7 10 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parting stl\Jcture next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. For more information, call (949) 721·5732. Sole Comfott end uura's House have teemed up to help those In need by collecting shoes from Dec. 1 through 31 at Sole Comfort, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. Laura's House Is committed to ending the cycle of domestic violence and str'1lgthenlng families. Information: (949) 644-5939. The City of Com Mesa'• Recreation Division will have registration for its 2004 basketball league for adult players from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Jan. 5 to 16 at the Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave. Information: (714) 327-7563. The Newport Beech Public Library is holding i'ts holiday food drive through todaY. There will be Share Our Selve. bins at the library for dona11one of canned goods and non-perishabfet. Donations can be dropped off during regular library hourt.: from 9 a.m. to 9 p.m. Monday through Thul"lday: from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Friday and Saturday and from noon to 5 p.m . Sunday. lnfonnatlon: (949) 717~3801. South eo..t ...... wll "-" ... Santa'• Vltlege through Dec. 24 at C.rou ... Court. Shoppert can make orafta at the Alpine Wood Shop, HolldayTrlmmlng. Shop and the VIiiage Bake Shop. The cost variet pet cntft. Information: (714) ~2083. 8outh C..."-awll t..lt9 fllm<MS car"OUMI trentfonned from~ to S.m.'I reindeer YZPfi~§S~ ~~ !f?le40Jt/ \ • until Dec:. 28. The co.e for• tide It St. lnfonNdon: (714) 436-2083, hftp.:/Mlww.~t'Cpl&ra.oom. 1221 Wes1 Coast kl hw1y I Newport B~ach I Cali(ornl.i 9266.1 949 6-fS·SOOO I Fu: 90 6.J0-4215 l WWW balbo1bayclub.com ; t. • ' http;/~.aouthcoastplaa.com. The Newpott-Mw cribbeee dub meet9 on the eecond and founh WedneldaYt of ..,_ry month • 1 from 6:Al5 to 9 p.m. at Oasla ( Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave. In Corona del Mar •. The cost Is $2. Information: (949) 646-Q293 The AClU of Orange County _ ~ meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday ,. of every month at the Untt.rian Unlver$&llll Church, 12S9 Victoria .. St. In Cost.a Mesa. Eech month'• --t mMtlng wUI feature a different speaker on l.ssues 1'111eting to the ~ ~ Bill of Rights. Information: (714) • ,.. 967-6107. /"' Mecy'a In Costa Me.a lnvltias Orange County nonprofit organizations that provide s,rvlces and programs to the HIV/AIDS community to apply for ;. ' participation in Macy's South Coast Plaza's Passpon In Store fund-raiser. This year's event wlll • be held on Oct. 4. To receive an ... application to panicipale, call (714) 556-0611, e><t. 4231. Yoga ..... will be oft'wed Tuesdays and Thursdays from noon to 12:1f' p.m. for nine weeks . .: at West Newport Community Center. Registration Is $54 for one • claS$ each week or $100 for two • days a week over nine weeks for Newpon Beach residents. Others • • pay an additional $5. For more information, call (949) 644-3151. Costa Mesa's.Recreation Division , will provide a three-hour fheme ~ 1 birthday party for up to 20 guests at the Baleari<; Community Center ' weekdays from 5 to 8 p .m ., Saturdays from 11 a.m . to 2 p.m or 4 to 7 p.m. and Sundays from 4' · ' to 7 p.m. Parties for children 5 10 12 will consist of lunch/dinner, games, crafts, prizes. cake with ice cream and supervision by staff. Panies cos1 S250 o r $300. For more information, call (714) 754-5158. Five new w lnff will be served 01 . Bayside Restaurant's terrace overlooking Newpon Harbor every Thursday from 5:30 10 7·30 p.m. The cost is $15 per person. For more information, call (949) 721-1222. A veriety of private, semi-private and group swim lessons will be offered this summer a t the Marian Bergeson Aquatic Cenie1 at Corona del Mar High Sdlool. Options include one-on-one instruction on Saturday:.. and a Monday through Thursday program for all ages and level For session dates, times and costs, call (949) 644-3151, or register in person at Newport Beach Recreation and Santor Services at 3300 Newpon Blv<J. Children, teen~ and adults can now register for summer recreational boating classes ottered through Newport Beach Recrealion Services. Classes begin July 12. Fees vary. Call (949) 644-3151, or visit lhe Newpon Beach Recreation and Senior Services a 3300 Newport Blvd. for m ore information. Professional end licensed socc.er trainers with the All-England ~er Academy .ire .;iva1lable fo1 one-on-onu. smt1I · 1• 1p d large group tra1111119 10rf information, call 1.N\J, ,.J.., ;.i103. Jewish family Service i:o sponsoring a teur, su1.1µon grouµ for high school studc:nts th.JI meets Monday:. from J:JO to 5 p.m. al Terbut V'Toralt Uµµe r Sdlool in Costa Mesa. For information or to reg1.,1• . all (714) 445-4950. Pre·rey1.,1 11io11 1s required. The Am Page -Ana Children's Books, at 270 E. 17th St .. No. 10 in CoS1a Mesa, offers free s11.;1 y time Mondays. Wednesday, Friday:. end Saturdays from 9:30 tu 10 30 e.m .. Tuesdays and Thursdoys from 4 to 5 p.m . For more information. call (949) 645 5437. Beyside Rest•urant In Newport Beach offers wine taS1ing every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. .. . I I for $15 per person, featuring five · .. new wines each week. For more information, call (949) 721· 1222. Green SystMns lntemetional •• shows you everything that you .... 1 wanted to know about orchids ·-• and repottlng during a free "' ; seminar at 2 p.m. every Saturday. " , An orchid and tropical plant sale la held from 9 a.m to 4 1 m. at the ' : 20362 Birch St. fdc.1l1ty Information: (949) 156 1~1 1 Df9cowr the eecma of Carbon Canyon Regional Park as you walk through groves of beautiful Coastal Redwood trees every Saturdey at 8:30 a.m. Perking is S4. Cali (714) 996-5262 for more Information. Team &urvlvor, • nonptOftt orspn!UUon encouraging women who have been through cancer treatment to extrcite, hosts •welk •nd Telle" et 10 a.m. the Mc»nd and fourth Friday of the month In from of NIKEgodeN •tore in Fa.,,lon Island. Member1 meet for lunch after et Atrium court. It I• free, and •II ntneu iev• •nt wek:ome. For more lnfomurtlon, 0911 (Mt) VS-3888, ..,, "' ... -~ ' , , • ~ • • • ' • • l t , • , .. " ... 'I. LIFE&. LEISUR E Thxsday, December 25, 2003 At I TRAVEL TALES 1-l~ Dunn-W e ll No~hing scary about Croatia Ken and laura Perry at Pfivice Lat(es in Croatia. dy Ken Perry When my wife, Laura. and I decided to take a land tour of Croatia and the Adriatic coast, peo ple asked if we were afraid to go and wondered why we'd want to go to Croatia anyway. Fighting in the countries of the former Yugoslavia is over, although Bosnia-Herzegovina and Kosovo are under the protection of troops from NATO and the United States. Tour companies don't take tourists to dangerous places. We had a wonderful time, and at no time did we sense any fear or antagonism against Americans.Serbo-Croatian is a difficult language, but almol>I everyone we met spoke English and seemed genuinely glad to see American tourists. The reason we wanted to go to Croatia was simply to see Dubrovnilc. which we had not been able to visit while on a Mediterranean cruise in 1991. lt had been scheduled to stop at Dubrovnik but couldn't because of the civil war that broke out in Yugoslavia among different ethnic groups. When the flier arrived advertising for a land tour of Croatia and the Adriatic coast, we jumped at the opportunity. While on our amazing trip, we saw many thlngs we'd never even thought of before, such as Lake Bled and Triglav National Park in Slovenia, the Plivice Lakes National Park in Croatia, the Bay of Kotor in Montenegro. many waJJed cities in addition to Dubrovnik. and the Opatija and Dalmatian Rivieras on the Adriatic. The palace of Diocletian in Split, Croatia was another high point. Roman Emperor Diocletian built the palace. Ling is an area where there is much interest in yachting and cruising but few places to cruise to. We were fascinated by the I .200 Croatian off-shore islands. which protect the mainland from waves, that people can cruise. There Is no tidal range in the Adriadc Sea, so buildings and marinas can be built right to the edge of the water, which is similar ro fronting at Lake Arrowhead. There are several attractive and well-kept marinas up and down the coast. We were swprised to find few commercla.I fishing boats because fishermen now fonn cooperatlvet to operate large fishing boats, which sell their fish abroad, making high-quality local sea!ood hard ro find. The local food Is good and plentiful. It seemed as though everyone made brandy at home from plwna, cherries, apples, walnuts, honey and anything else they Could find. Some of the wine was very good. despite being homemade. Thutism was up this year after having been depressed since the start of the breakup of Yugoslavia and au~uent fighting, which began in 1991. New hotels are being built along the coast, and ft is obvious that the coast of Croatia and Montenegro Is again going to become a major tourist destination ror American travelers.a.sit bas been historically for Italians, Israelis Put a few words to work for you. Call the Daily Pilot and Eastern Europeans. • KEN PERRY is a resident of Newport Beach. •TRAVEL TALES runs on Thursdays. Have you, or someone you know, gone on an inte'"1ing vacation? Tell us about your adventures in about 400 words, accompanied by a couple of photos to choose from that do not have the Daily Pilot in them, and send it all to Travel Tales, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa. CA 92627; by e-mail to dailypilot @lstimes.com; or by fax to 1949) 646-4170. Bled Castle at Lake Bled, Slovenia . New bridge over Dubrovnik River. . Featuring A Live Trib.m To Frank Sinatra Every MonJAj 0-TfUlllAy 6-9pm Steaks • Seafood • Codctllla •-Qu.Ucy SerYicc• .. -Nipdy EntaUl.amear- 4"~~ 11s;REET B EAUTY CENTER S tocf\ing S tuffersl 'I1ie Largest, :Tint.rt, 1rit:rullim 'Beauty Suppfy & 1ufIServiaSalon In Oranfie County Open 7 Da~ • (949) 642-1717 I. !.', • , ' '''"". < .,I/ ( ., •'" ".,,_ ~,, .... ' ... , l 1' ,, ,, ' ' (. ., .. , •• ,,, 't , '4••1 4,, I , • BEST PRICES • BEST SERVICE • B EST SELECTION NEW ARRIVALS OF Strttchlblt PmonAiiutl Brllltltts . 4"',... Q..-it ANTIQUE Row ~ ~<i__ARDEN CAFE ) fou "'"" Fwmulm•p. Ilion,..., 0-Colltt-11bln. TrtuliN.iuJ 10 Co""f' Gifa •"" G.rrlm Dttor. ll''ith WI""" CHli1.,.,,. G4$n C.ft G.rtlni P,1110 Dinin11"111nx Brr.Jr/1111. · LM..m, Tr11 ,,,,J _,, U,rruo S.r. CAFE HOURS· Mo11-S111t 9111114pm C.ndks to Chantklim, Ustti <i-RArt B()()/Js, Custom Pirt11rt Fr11mins. Mlrnirurt &sroration 11nJ mlU'h mort ! ROW HOURS: Tw-S.t IO.nr·5pm • AlO nu~. Decembet 25, 2003 JAGUAR Born to perform BAUER JAGUAR an -p Dally Pilot I 1455 South Auto Mall Drive Santa Ana • 55 Freeway at Edinger In The Santa Ana Auto Mall 866 • 499 • 4111 • www.bauerjaguar.com .. . . . . . . . . , ,. • ii . : • . • • . . . . . . " • : ~ . .. . !:I I . ... I l- "I actually pride. myiel/ on playing strong de/ense." PwM l•lll1m, Corona~ Mir boys blsketbal player SOcw11 N1mr RtcMrd o.m: 1949) 5744223 • SOcw11 Fa: (949) 650-0170 . . Dec. 29 honorM IAllGMVIU ~. December 25, 2003 11 ! • OONLEACH/DAILYPILOT The Daily Pilofs 2003 Dream Team for girls volleyball. Top row, from left, Sage Hill sophomore Sophia Hillgren, Newport Harbor senior Lauren Miller, Sage Hill sophomore Catherine Dailey, Corona del Mar jonior Lindsey Ensign and Newport Harbor senior Emily Turner. Bottom row, from left, Corona del Mar junior Jordan Smith, Costa Mesa junior Jackie Havens and Newport Harbor senior and 2003 Player of the Year Alyson Jennings. Bryce Alderton Dally Pilot F rom the middle to the outside to +.r-anywhere on the court, Newport Harbor HJgh senior Alyson Jennings had it covered. The setter and outside hitter on Newport's 2003 girls volleyball team completed her prep career in style, being named Sea View League Player of the Year after ieadlng the Tars to the CIF ~uthem Section Dtv\sion ll-AA final and then to the quanerfinals of the OF State Division II championships. The University of Texas signee is a repeat Dream Team honoree and tops this season's Newport-Mesa squad as Player of the Year. Newport Harbor's Jennings heads star-studded, eight-player field. Joining Jennings on the eight-player team are Newport teammates Lauren MWer and Emily Turner, the only other senJors in "addition to Jennings, Corona del Mar's Jordan Smith and Und.sey Ensign, Costa Mesa's Jackie Havens and Sage Hill's c.atherlne Dailey and Sophia Hillgren. Jennings made the CJF Division ll first team for a second consecutive year as Newport won at least a share of its 10th league title in the last 11 years. "She does a lot of dllferent things and that Is the best thing about her.· said NewporrCoach Dan Glenn, who has guided Jennings for four varsity seasons. Glenn saJd Jennings, a repeat first-team all-league selection, resembles Tur standouts Misty May and April RoM more than Kristin McOune, the OF Dlvislon ll Co-Player of the Year in 2002 who ls now at Pepperdine University. •Alyson is not as physical as (May and RoMI but she is In that mold," Glenn said. Newport senior outside hitter Lauren Miller, also a repeat Dream Team selection, fought through ti;ndinids In the knees at the beginning of the season to steadily progress and earned first-team All-CIF recognJtfon. Miller, a repeat first-team all-league honoree. tallied a team-high 16 lcills and fow service aces In a five-game victory against Edison In the Division 11-M -semlfinals. Glenn used Miller at middle blocker at the beginn.tng of the season to add some height - she ls 5-foot-11 -but moved her back outside toward the end of the season. MWer, a two-year varsity starter, began serving I 5 feet behind the service line In the preseason and found a groove, making It difficult, at times, for opposing teams to return the ball. •r try to have kids do different things and she was real effective baclc there," Glenn saJd "There is more time for the opponent to thi.nJc. which can disrupt the rhythm.• Another outside hiner that caused havoc for opposing teams to defend was Corona del Mar's Jordan Smith, a repeat Dream learn selection and three-year varsity member. She earned her second consecutive first-team All-Pacific Coast League honor as the Sea ~· main weapon SM DREAM TEAM, P .. e 82 Ptlncho Seaborn CdM senior averages more than 19 points as the Sea Kings finish second at Arroyo Grande tournament. Petrick Laverty Daily Pilot DREAMlfAM Continued from Bl C>n. lbe bloc:b. Smkh, I junior, WM named CdM~ Molt Valuable Player and allo emned leCODd·tMm AU·CIP recogntt1on in Dtviaion Ill ror the ~ond str8J8ht year. h fim.1>hcd lbc abon lounh In the tuunty In digs with 304 and \i(Uth in kills (274) •Jo1dan ~one the best ~,,, and dl&ae.rs nut )Ult m ICLFJ DtvWon ID, but ln the Ulle,. CdM ea.di 8tl Otrlidamen Mid. The Sea KIDp (21 10) ' rtath~ the OMlion W·A ftnaJ and the ar. round of the OF State DtvWan DJ tounwnena. .funlor ,hlddle blocbr Undaey ESitlp. In her thW vanlty sea80n. ahowed her ~rsatility by earning repeat flrst·team IJJ·PCL status and lltst·team All-OF recognidon. Ensign led CdM in ldlls and saw lime In the back row for the first tJme In her career. ·She ls ~oafve and quick. a phenomenal natural athlete.• OuildlnMn laid. EJ\llan d"'*"9d eound def'ense whet. el'8 ftnisbed with a teun·blth 15 ctio in a dfte.pme IWMp ots&ennan OW Non Dame In the OP DMltoofil·A~ She &Ulhed 17th in the COW'lty in dJgs. Ouildanlen said Turner. like MillH, began th sc-d&On lild ng st1ff tendlnlds In thto mees. forcing Glenn to start her w the back row before returning to outside hin~r. Turner, a thcee·year ~ty tmmber. CM>ed b ·IMm ... a.gue~ -"She Ql,I) play d1&reot ~ wbJch makeshlra good p&ayw,• Clean laid. Hawina. named ,... .. MVP, WU the Muatanp' most conliltent aerwr, hitter and letter, according to C.oach AW.son Salladln. •• needed her tetting and passing becauae I doo\ lww anyone elle that can do~ she does. .. SaDadln lllJd. "}adde does it .... H.&yen$, ln her third YVlity seuoo. played outlkle bitter and mJddle blodrer en mute SEABORN Continued from B 1 cournunent u a Junior. Playing 'M'<JYO Gnnde, CdM WU Yicdmized for 19 points by an ~payer-in cbe 8nt half aod lllllled .. balftlme. 1n the *°'1d bait: Seaborn guarded him and limlted him to three . points. allowing the Sea ~to come beck and wln. This season at the Arroyo Grande toumameot it w'" Seaborn-_ olJtnse that carried C,dM to three wins ln four games and • eecond·place ftoilb in the mund-robin (onnaL He ICOred 13 pc)lnts in a tournament-opening victory and then had 22 points in each ol the 6nal three games. a seuon·hilb- He made 17 tbree-polnten in the b.U' toumament games after blttiQgjult four in CdM\t ft.rat five games th.ls aeMOl'l. "Before the aeuon I was shoodnc the baD real well,. Selbom aakL "Then the p<aCtioe belole the opening pme, everything jUlt ltaa1ed falling abort. .Shooting'• always up and down. Conftdeoce aeems to be the thing." Seaborn obviously came out of the toumamenl with a bunCh of con8deoce because he estahlMbed a new career·hJsh with 40 points. lndudb1g six more cblft·poulten, Monday in a to. to Servile. All dtty to shoot the ball hu always been Seaborn .. torte~ ooce ICored 6' poin11 In an eighth grade ~.but so has the bard WOft exrt)lplifled by his defenstv prowess. When he started playing All·Nel in the sixth grade, he wasn't a starter. Tiuough hrud wodc he became one and scored 14 points In his first ltart. ·No one Jibe lilting on the bench," Seaborn said. "I wanted the opportunity to .1 .... • • P-1· AJ. Mater Def. Seaborn saw firsthand the amount of work the Monarchs put In to a program that regulady competes for the state tide. "It's like playlog college ball it tabs up so much ti.me,~ Seaborn said .After tran.Verring to CdM prior to bis &Ophomore season. his game bas expanded. "There I was the designated shoot~" Seabom said "Here I have a lot more freedom.· He hopes to use that freedom to help a CdM team that fi.nlshed with five wins bis sophomore season advance beyond the first round of the OF Southern Section playoffs. where the Sea ~ ftzzJed out la.st year. "Me and Adam (FreedeJ and Jay (NorthridgeJ, Wftre all good friends and we're the three starting seniors.~ Seaborn said. We want to have a fun ... cnlor yeac We don't want to ~o out and h.ivL a disappointing l!11d 10 It." lelll*'-......... -....... .. '""".... -l.1111.... -l.11111.... 2MI LlplNallcel ~;;...--;....._____ -----2640 l•I Notices ........... ..... _ SOIOOl M5llKl 1.01 llO TIMl, NTI AND PLACI <•UA MISA MtoM SCHOOi. A. 114 o.-i.. ....... ........... ~1 ••• T11H4ey, '--Y 279", I004 I l.oo p.M, B Place ol 81d Re ce1pt N1wpor I M tu Unof11d School Otllr~I Purchastna 19i$ B B••• Street. Colt• Mu •. C• 92626 C Pro1e cl Name MeHure "A• Modern lulion •110 OJ Coal• llll et a Hl&h S ~hool · Contract B D Pl1ce Plan' .,. on hie PltOJlCT MANAC ER'• otllu, McC•rlhy 8 u1ld1n& Comp•Oln 20401 S W 81tch Street, Su1to 300. Newpor I l e.ch CA 92660 MlC.,thy 8 11rld111' Compamu /MitHuft ·11 Olllto. 2985 C Bui Street Co~I• Meu CA 92626 l .Ot SUMMAIY Of W01•1 Project Dntflpllon Thia PfOllcl con~h ol pl\Med moderntu llon ol Co''' Me.a ll11h school Ill UM Newpo<I Mesa Un1liec:t SchoOI 01llr1CI Speclllu lly. hulth ' stft ly lOrnphanu, ADA comph1nc1, bu1ld1na 'hell 1ntear1ty up111dls, clauroom interiors technotoo and intra •lr ucture UPI• •OH Prellm1n.1y hhm•t• S9.SOO,OOO.OO P11l1m1n.1y Schedule. 510 Days 1.0SNOfKl1 A NOTIC( IS HlRt BY Clll(N th•t Newpor I Meu Unolied School District ac11n1 by ~nd throuall 11·, Go .. 1111na 8olltd Wiil ltctlVI SH lt d bllh for award of • conlleet f0t the •bov• nemed Pfoje(I up to, but not l•ttr thin lht bid d .. dlltt• B 8 la WI! M r 1 ctlvad tn the pt1c:e lclanlltl1d ebovt Wtlel'W 0< llOI _.d) ate opellf4 •uotly •t tM lllM fl ltd In tlh' tt0lke, llO bid will IHI rt t tivtd efter lt1t bid dudkoe. C. PlAHS AHO Sf>lC If ICAT'°"5 ARC AYAll ABLE D•1.emb11 11, 2003. The documents mar be reviewed al the PROJECT MANAGCR'a office (see addrnt 111111 H. btlow) Ofl CAN 8C tUllCHAStO f "'*: llllMll ·~,. 16J71 <•••tr11ctlN Cfftet, lrwlee, CA, tt•••;J••tl tit· , ... , C,.•> Ht-''" o. lite 011trlct .. ... ~---....,, .... • l1bor co.,ll•11ee l'roer...., "' -~· wlllitfltPfO ......... tM r-"tmtnb flf AfMnt .., 1111 1508 ... ,_.uanl " c.ttfw• lellor Code HCtl0111 bnls durlnc •1111*>!1'9" notmal worllnl "°""· et no ldcJit.lonal tftl tt the Ol•tlkt1 « ~ of the Ol•triGt I ,._.. ta11v .. or ecentt. E heh llOOtll mwf post • bld bond or ..._ H curlly in ''-JlllOID!t ul IO"Ko ol the amount of the bid with the bid f EKh BIOOlR. sl· mulU n1ousl1 w1lh lh1 ue1.ulloll of Ille Con lr•CI Acreement. wilt be 11qu1<1d lo furnish a labor and M1lerl1t Prw for ma nee Bond 1n an amount 1qu1I to 100 pe1cenl of the Contract 1um and • F elthlul Per 10< mane• Bond In an amounl equal lo 100 i>eH tnl ol the Contract Sum Said Bondl shall be h om •n adm4tted Caltf0t noa Suiely u hs '"'°'' to the Dlalrlct •Rd ll1ted In lhe r1der1I Rec .. 111. IS\Uld by lh• 0.parlmenl of T1enury ind hcensad 1n C11d0t nla Said bonds shall 1am11n 111 lull force ind ef facl lho ouah the IUlllelllH p1uod G !ht 8IOOE.R shaM be a llun"d contr•ctor pur1u1nt to the Buslneu end ProftHIOnals C.de and bt IKanud In the •pploc.able d au rhcatlons tor lhe tredta f0t which lh• con It actor is sub· mllt11111t11C1 H This p1 o,.c1 h11 31' Dru blad lltltran Bu.sl n•4> EnttrPfll• paot1e1 palion 1oal~ I Questions 1bout th11 PROJCC f ahovld be dtrtcltd to lhe PROJECT Mf\lllAGER COllllt l' Crala Scat1n11. Tele· phone 714/424 8976. f I< m· McCarthy Bu lid Ina Co fAX: 714/424·~1 J No Bid may b• wilhdrewn untJI Ninety day1 tlltt Ille Bid ~nlntD•la. K The Ol•h k l rt MIVH lht tiehl to rt!KI any end ell bkb Of to wtl\le int111larlt... In •111 bid L. Ne wport Men Unified School Dtalrlct It en • eqwl ot190f t 11nll y • ~,.,., ................ .......... , ..... p r •,.v•llfy. r or prtq11•llllc.allon pe~k"'I o please 'onte<I the Proja<;t M•n•a•r •I 1bov1 ICkltua N No telepllone Of f1e1lmila machtnt will be 1va1lable to llldde11 on Ille OISTRICT Pft ml1ts at th• lime of bid. Pullllthtd Newport Btacll Costa Mesa Daily Pilot Otcembtr II, 25. I003 TllOl2 ... .,. C.-11 t. ..,._ --.y-.,, ...... .... a.1•an-.NST 1770 ti Mc. M e•· .... 14171, .. =:::: :::c=-.: au•11-1111 __ .......... r .......... ,..., .. 14 eo111"1 wltll lfle t::,lr• .. •ta or Ule • C •1N11n fir• -................. ~­............. ,,...._ _,, .. laNr ~--TO l INTtrtllllD °"'°" ... M/IMr .... ...... , ...... r..... l. ,..... ·~..,. Ml ....................... ,_; .. ...... ...,.,.,.,ora.. w.-.. ._ , . ..,.. ......... ,.tit .......... -... -............. =.;.• """ .... ...... ,. ..... , ·. - Ac-. ..... ........ The ro11owln1 pen ons are c1oon1 bualn1u as A,,.. Inn An1he1m/ Q,.na e, 3 737 Wut Chapmen Avenue, 0. an11, CA 92868 Ayr" Hotel CoMi)•ny. Inc , Oene•al Partner ol FHA, LP a Cahfornia limit ed P11lnarah1p (C,\), 35!> Brlatol Slteet, Suite A. Costa Meu. CA 92626 Thd busl1111s 11 con· ducted by· • llmlt1d pattnetalllt> Have yo;i st11rl1d clotnc buslneu yet? Yes. 08/01/1997 A,rM Hotel C.mp1ny, Inc:.. Donald B Ayres, Jt . Prtsldettl flits statement wes hied with the County Clark of Otance County on 11/11/03 200MH11M Dally Pilot Dec. 18, ~. 2003 • .11111 1, •. 1004 Th005 ......... . , ,., .... ............ Tiit followlna fl'raon llas 1ben4ontd l!M uu of the Fk lltlow lklll 11as1 Na"': Scott Oar· mon co.,1ny, LLC. l2ZO N. i.we St., Cotta Me11,CA9292' TIM FlcUUovt B11s1tt .... n-ref•red to 1bovt was flltd In Onna• Co1111ty °" l-1~ FIU NO 20035929782 Scott Oatmon Co11t- pany, llC, 3220 N Iowa St., Co1l1 Mau , CA tn.21 92121 . --... Tiiis ......._, It COii ,_ dllcled ltf; • llmlted ......... pertnertlllp Tiit followWIC '*'°"' Heft yoll ltett.d 6oMc .,. dolnl.lltnlneu es: butlnNI ~11 J & rt ft-*llfla end Ya, 05/07 /2000 Addltlo11e, 1970 £. 16111 ,\yres Hotel Compeny, St. •Hl03, Nawport Inc:., Donald 8. AY"tl Beech, CA 92M3 Jr • President Jahancir Der aka, r970 lhta stat1m111I w11 E 16th St tN103, hied wltll lht County 9 Newpor I Buch. CA Clt.rk of Ot1n1• County 2663 on 11/11/03 Tiiis buslntu Is con· 20016967169 ducted by 1n lndlv1dual Dally Piiot Dec 18, 25 Have you started doln1 2003, Jan I, 8, 2004 business yet7 Yes, 12/2/ th006 OJ TIM lollow1n1 pttsons are c1o1n1 buslnffs 11: American Mulm Com pany, 5100 [ l1 Palma Avenue, SI/ill 116 Anaheim, CA 92807 Jahanatr Dan k.• This statement was filed with lhe County Cl«li of Oranr• County on 12/05/03 200HH1UJ Dilly Pilot Dec. 11, 18. 25. 2003. Jan I. 2004 Th911 Wendy Chena Lan Chai. 2418 Via M111nt fie-. ..... Ne wport Bu ch. CA ........ 92660 The followlnc ptrsons Swo l1n Ch1i, 2418 YI• .,, dolna business es: Marin•. Newport Beech •) Recovtry RNI Estele CA 92660 RflOllrcea, b) Newri;t 81n11m1n Soo·Jwna 1 II I 131 Chai, 4136 E. Hlllsl>or nnon VI deaa, Republic An., Coale ou&)I Avenue. Orence Mesa, CA 92'27 CA 92867 Samuel J. C1mm, 2131 This buslnna la con Republic Ave.. Costa ducted by • aentr•I ...... CA 92127 p11ln11allip This busintu ti con· Havt you 1l•rttd dolnl d ,, .. b lndl Id 1 business yet? Yes, 197 uc '"" y· •n v ui Benjamin Soo·Juna Heft you stlW'ttd doina Chei bu~nesa yet? No This slalemenl was Samuel J Camm hied with the County This stilement wu Clttk. of Or1n1a County filed with th• County on 12/19,IO.l Cl I Ot C ,..,. ... 7U .. ~ o •np ounty on 12/12/03 Dally Piiot Dec. 25, 2003, 200.J69"°41 Jen l . I, 15, 2004 lh016 Deily Pilot Oe«:. 18, 25. ._............... 2003, Jan. 1. 8, 2004 ..__ fh001 .......... The followlna pefson1 111 dolnt buslfteu 11 .\1fft Sultas Y0tb• L111da. 22677 01kcrtal Ckcle. Yotbt Lindt, CA 92817 Countr, Side Inn, LlC General P'artner or Country SIM Inn of Yorba Lindi, a Cellforni• limited Pt1tnerah lp (CA), 36& llllstol S\teet $1111• A, Coate Mese. CA 92621 Tiiis business It con• du~tad by: 1 llmt11d parblarehi, Have Y'* 11ari.o dolnl buslne» Ytt1 Yes, 1 l/Ol/1980 COllMr~ SIM ltwi, LLC ~ II, Ayr•, Ir. Mana,.. This 11•1-I WH !Med with tht County Clttk of Ore11 .. County Oft 12/ll/03 IMMH111J Ot1ty Piiot Dec. II, 25, lOOJ, Jett l, •• 1004 Th007 ......... .......... The lollowln1 penon.s l te dolna IHIMM U H FrM11111d S1tn Comp1ny, 711 Waat l 71h St., Suite H•Z. Co.le Mesa, CA 92627 Mr Ric• Entlf'priu a, !>251 8r11nt Circle , w .. trn1ntttr, CA mu fhl1 II--Iii Con• flldtd bf) a _.,.,lion Hive yow at•W doi11t buslntt.1 yet? No Mr Rlcll Cntlt'Pfilu, RICll Han1nt1on. Pr•I· dent • f'llla IUlemeflt WIS flied with tlle County Clefk. of Oran .. Cci1111ty on 12/19/03 JMJ•tM11J Dally Pilot Dec. 25, 2003, Jett. 1, 8, 15.1004 Th017 fMI buSifleoN la COfl• fvcted by' lhntlt•d ..... ... llMllffy Co. ... ....... 5eotl Cwmon TIM ,......_._ T1llt 1te~11t w•• -...... ,., ..... flltd wllll tht County "' dolftt 1111..... 11= C'-k of Or11111 County K. P'r opertlu1 5ta OfliZ/OVDl P'fOlllOfll«f OriW hit, ....,..741 :r~•ech, Call· Dl llllr P'llot Dec. 4Mil°2, ll K•I 9, Kellee, M3 .. 1.21.-· -'r-twr Dfllr• last, ........ ~,u•Kll, Cell • ......... Tllit--..lt Cllfl• 1'9 ....... ~ Mt.dllly:•lllflv.._.. .................... ,.. ........... AJ'll .................. ,.., vtete, .... LM ANN Yn 01/ltlD ~ _.., Vltto, CA ~""..:--.t WH ~-Motel Colllpeft,, ..... .... tllt C4"lllty '"' , O..el ,.,,...,. of Cllrtl ., Ot .. C...ty c..•r '4lltel .....,_ ... lliW/OI Vltjt, 1 C1t.,or1111 llHllUMI L .. Ulf '"'"f::t Deir "*' OM. 11~1 (CA) .... ,..... • lllOJ, JM, 11 .. - -A, "tet: be Gt T..-•• ...... ............. ................... Th• followln1 persona The rollowlna pttaom we dolna buslnns aa. ere dolna buslnen as. Rouat Blalro & Ber, 3t7 Dan'• Handyman M•ln· Newport C.nttt Orin . t1n1nca, 3101 So Fair ;;;gort Buch. CA view 962, Santa Ana. CA 92704 Rouee Bi\lro LLi: Daniel H Hardy 3101 (Delaware) 567 S•n So. Fairview, Santa An• Nlcola• Or Iva, Ht wpo1 t Cf\ 92704 Beach, CA 92660 Thl1 buslnen Is con Tllll buslneu Is con· 1.dllcled by· '" 1ndlv1dual due led by· limited Hive you started doona lltblllly Co bus1n1u yet? HIVI )'OU llMted dome Yes, 7/97 business yet? No Dentel H Htr dy ltoue• Bistro. UC Th11 statement wu Robert Rourke, Cf O hied with the County lhos statement was Cit•• of 011n1e Count1 lll1d with lhe County on 12/0!>/03 Cltfk of Ounae County 200HH7226 on 12/09/03 Delly Pilot Dec. 11 , 18. 200HH7U 1 25. 2003, Jan I, 2004 Deily Pilot Dec 18, 25. Th989 2003, Jen I, 8, 2004 ThOll ~ ..... ... *'-' Tht followlna p11 sons ere domr business u Body Oes11n, 100 New port C111ter Or., Ntwpotl BHch, CA 92660 S. l Body Otslan, Inc (CA), 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Buch, CA 92660 This business Is con· dueled by: 1 corporellon Have you slat lid dolnc buslneu yel7 Yes, 198Ci S T Body Dtsltn, Inc . Susan Tob11uen, Preso dent This staltmtnl wn filed wrtll th• C.unty Cieri< of Or1nee County onl~/03 200MH7U• D11ly Piiot Dec 11 , 18, 25, 2003, Jen I, 2004 Th978 Ac-. ..... ......... TIM followln1 perso11s ere 001111 lluslnua H a) David Al wood Asso clalu , b) OW O.slans. cuTllt Oeslcnlf''S Croup, d OWO Interior Ots)rn. 2 11 Aliso Cfetk Ro1d, Suite 161, L1111na Nlluel, CA mn David E. Atwood, Z7862 p-Ylo4eta, $.ii Juan Capistrano, CA 92675 This bustneu Is con· ducted by: en lnd1vldu1I Have you 1tarltd doln1 buslneu yell Yet l98S Dtvld E. Atwood Thie statem111t wt1 flltd with I.ht County Clerk of Ot1n1e County °" 11/12/03 IMMtMOU Dilly Piiot Dec. 18, 25. lOOJ. Jen. l, 8, 1004 Tllt9&. Ac-. ..... ... s...... I ht follow1n1 per son• are do1na bullness n f\11 Clt•n Strvlcts, 27062 F alllna l t1I Or .. L11un1 Hiiis, CA 92653 B11dley II. 01aae. 27062 Falllna Leal Or . t aaun• Hiiis, CA 92653 Trent K1m11m1n, 27062 F alfinc LHf Dr .• Laauna Hills. CA 92653 This bu1ln11• Is con dueled by: • a-n1t11I pertne<ship Have you sl1rted doina buslne» yet? Yes. l l/l!>/03 B11dl1y Y Dr •II• This s tatement was hied with the County Cluk of Or1na1 County on 12/02/03 IOOM .. 6756 Deily Pilot Dec. •. 1 I, 18. 2S .. 200l Th970 Ac-. ..... ........ The follow"11 ptftons ere dolna business H The Doc Squad, 166 Lu say, Newport Coul. CA 92657 laurle Patrich, 166 Leu1y, Newport Cout, CA 92657 Relph V. P1trlcll, 1319 ~09St .. San Dl•ao. CA This butlness Is con· dueled by: e &tntr•I petlntnhlo Havt you s l•t ltd dolnl business yet? Yu . Oct l , 2003 LeUflt P 11r1ek llllt 1t1temtnt wu filed With Ille County Clark of °''"'' County on ll/10/03 .U.tM67• OlllY Pilot Otc. 4, 11, 11, 25, 2003 T'h959 . Ac-. .... ... ..... Th• lollowlna persons are dolna · busln11s u . 81ouom. 71 Fortun'• Drive, Suitt 826, Irvine, CA 92618 Noriko Collecllon. Inc . (CA) 71 F rlunt 011 •• Suite 82& l• """ CA 92618 Thrs busmn~ 1• ~on dueled by· a corpo1 a hon H1¥e you started do•na business ye17 No Noroko Collechon, Int . Noriko Hamano, Prt~I dent This statement was hied with lhe County Cla1k of Dune• County on 12/12/03 200H9HOH Dally P1tot Dec. 18, 2S. 2003, Jan. I, 8, 2004 Th009 fkllllM...., ... s ....... The lollowlne persons are doona bus1n1u n Man11emtnt Advisory Croup, 8763 Ollaw1 R1var Avenue, Founl11n \11lle1 . CA92708 La11y S. Socea, 8763 Olh wa River Ao nue, rounl ain Valley. Cf\ 92708 11111 business is con· ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Hev1 you started do1n1 business yet? Yes. 12/ 97 lerry S. Socea This &talemenl wu flltd with the County Clerk of Orenae County on 11/19/03 20016961720 Dilly Pilot Dec. 2~, 2003. Jan 1. 8, 15, 2004 Th020 fie-. .... ... s...... Tha followlna persons are doln1 bus1neu as PK M11k1t1n1, 4500 Campus Or , '13 1, Newport Bu ch, CA 92660 Pt l11 Kllna Adv1rtl1 Ina. Inc. (CA), 4500 Ca mpus Ot IVI , Suite 131, ~or t Bu ch. CA This buslneu la con ducted by: • corporttlon Have you at11t1d dolna business yetf Yu 12/01/03 , Ptttr Kline Adver t111n1 llllt slll•ment n s rile4 wllll the Count.)' Clefk of Oran .. County on 12/12/03 IOOMtMel4 Dally Pilot O.C 11~1 2003. Jell. 1, •• ~ T11~7 ----fktllMI llllltu ... s....... Th• followlna perso"s art dolna business es; Slan Dulcn. 13525 Beech Blvd , Weslmin· st er. CA 92683 Morlfu ey S11n Cot· por It , r A 13~:>5 Bt .. h Blvu., Wr•t,n·~ >lt1 l.A 9:.:GSJ 1 hos bu11ne>S •> con dueled by: a corporation H.ove you started doln2 business yet' Yes October 30. 2003 Mo111ssey Si1111 Cor por .ilkln, Keith M111r1s sey, Prnodenl l h11 statement was hied woth the County Clerk of Or anee County on 12/02/03 200H9667U D11ly Pilot De~ 4, 11, 18. 25. 2003 Th973 fktit1Mlllillts1 ...s..... The lollowlna persons art do1n1 business n Gel Rich Markeltn& & Graphics. 1622 Corsica Pl . Coste Mesa. CA 92626 D. Rich81d Palmer, 1622 COISICI Pl .• Costa Men, Cf\ 92626 Caryn Collene P1lmet, 1622 Co111ca Pl . Costa MeH , CA 92626 lhis business i• con· dueled by hosb1nd and wile Htve you st.tried do1n1 business yell Ye. 3188 O. Rlcllu d Palme1 This slelement was filed with the Coun ty Clerk of Orenee County on 12/02/03 200U9H7SC Dally Pilot Dec 4 II, 18. 25, 2003 lh967 Ac-. ..... MmtS...... The lotlowina persons are dotna buslntu u · Southwest Center 101 Medical Cosmetics, 2664 NewpOfl Blvd., Cosll Mesa. CA92627 John f lelondt. 2664 Newport Blvd., Coale Mtu , CA92'27 Sylvla Ferr b 2664 Hewp0<t Blvd.. Costa Men,CA92627 This buslneu IS con· ducted by. • .. ntr al par tnerstilp , Have you started doln' buslneu yet? Yu, 11 15/03 John f lll ondt ThlJ sl1l1ment was hied wfth the County Clerk of Oren .. County 4Hl 12/02/0J ........ ,., O.itr l'lot Die. • •. !.l.J ll. ti, 1003 TIMl'I The loUowm& persons ue dolna business as OC Floonna. 3601 Ja1T1 bOfet Rd #17 Newport 8Hch, Caftf( '• q7660 Snan Sac!. 231 l .:1 t r .. 11 f .tn ( c .:;1,,1111. n b:a Th:· bli II ... ~ ... I' COii • ducteo by .1n 1ndmdual : Have you 'l&rted doona- busoness yet> N" Sdsdn Sadr• Th" Sldl•menl WU hied wolh the County , Lltlk ol U1 olol~c County on I 1/25,0J 200,.96'216 Daily Pilot Oec. 2!> 2003 Jan I 8. I!>. 2004 lh077 RctltiMlusNss MmtS....... The lollowma persons : are doona buslnus as , £nv11onmtnlal Electroc · 1340 loaan, Cost• Mesa. • CA 92626 ' Cary P Oel1Slti. 1340 ; Loaan. Costa Mesa. Cll . 92626 This busonen is con ducted by: an 111dlv1dual Hoe you stalled doina bu~1nus yet7 No Cary P. 01l1sl1 This stalem1nl wu . !tied with the County Clerll ol Or An1e County on 12/12/03 20016961019 • Daily Pilot Dec 18. 25 ' 2003, Ian I. 8. 2004, fh003· ~ ...... ... *'-' ... The followlna pet1ons are dolne buson1u as (OBA) CTM Woodworks, 785 W 171h St. Unit C; Costa Men, CA 92627 , CTM, Inc., (CA), 2460 Orance Ave .. Cosh Mese.CA92627 !his business Is con ducted by· • corpor1toon Have JOU alerted 001111" business yel7 No CTM. Inc., Christine T Marlin.CEO thf1 st1lem1nl wa. hied witll the C.unty Clerk of Otani• County on 12/19/03 20016961722 Daily Piiot Ole 25. 2003,• Jan. I. 8, 15, 2004 !hOI& Altllll ..... ........ Th• followlna persons ••• dolna buslneu as: l qpch of Klass, l50 £ 17tll St. o\112, Costa, Men, CA 9'2627 Jo•nna A KIA&. 374 W, S.venlh SL, S•~ Ptdro,CA91627 flllt ~It con dtlctM by. e11 lndlllldll•I "'" ~ Slarttd dolnt I ---)'II? • Y"lll4 .i.-1<1.u T1Me .. ..._.. ..... flM .... .... Collllty: Ctlrtl .. a. •• c-ty. °" 12/IVOJ ,.-• ............ Dlllw 'Mot Dee. lt~1: 2002, ...... l, .. -· ,...... Re-. ..... ... s...... 1 ht followllft pertona 41• dolna busln•sa •s: On Demand Mtr .. llor.i: 22 L•nd r all Ct., Hew l)IC>rl Beach, CA 92663 Randal S Thom.son, n land reu Cl .. New pod Such. CA 92663 l his buslttess Is ton dui;ted by .an 1ndN1du11 Hn e you st&1 tad doini bl)SIOllSS ye\1 YH.11/1/03 Randal S Thomn on This statement wn loled wolh the Cour>ly Clet~ ol Or1n1e County on 12ft)5/03 200SH672SI Dally Piiot Dec 11, 18, Z!J, 2003, ~n I, 2004 Th988 ........ •s..... l he lollow111& p;u ~0115 •He doine business as. Island View Mobile Home Pa•"· 1660 Whlltle1 Ave., Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Rlchaid Co<n•ll. 1806 Marap•ta Or.. Corona dfl Mai, CA 92625 ,This busmen Is con O.Utd by. an Individual ,inc vou >l1clod doin11 ....... ....... The IOllOwint peuoos are clo1111 b11t.lfteu ts: Scott Oern1011 COC01)1ny. 3220 HOflh Iowa Sl!Ht, CO$la Men , CA 92626 Scott G11rnon, 3220 Hollh low• Sltaet, Costa Mesa. CA 92626 rhls bus1nus Is con· dur t1d by· an rndiv•dual Have you started dome bualnus ytt? Yes. Ol/ 01/2003 Stolt G11 mon Thlt statement W•• filed with the <..ounty Clerk ol Oran1• County 01111/21/03 200JHUlt2 Dally Pilot Dec. •. ll, 18. ~. 2003 11\960 bl. ..... ........ I he follow1n1 pe!lon' "' e doma bu"noss as Uah .. P•coloc. 2895 Baket SI . Cosla Mesa, CA92626 Robert R Ram1rez, 2m Bah r St . Costa Men. CA 92626 Tl\ls busmu.~ •s con dueled by an ond1v1dual Have you slat led doon& bu•ineu yel? Yes, I l/20;9ot Robo<I R Ram11ez fh1s \latement was loitd w1lh the County Cleek ol Or•nee Cuunty 01\ 12/0'.IJ03 2003496722 I Oally Pilot Dec 11. lb 2!>, :>003. Jan I. 2004 Th986 SEll youo unwar>ted 1te111s throu&h class1l1ed Poli<'y :Ratei. and deadlinei. .ire su bject to :Change without notice. rh~ p ubhshcr :reservei. the right to cen~u1, n:dass1fy revise or reject any -~l:IS'>1l icd advertisement. Please '-'P"" WI) error that may be in your cla$·:1flcd aJ immediately. Th1.: Daily Pilot ;1Cccp1s no liabihty for any error m an advcrt1:.c1111:.111 fo, which 11 m.ty I'll responsible except for the cost •f lhe space actullll) occup1w by the error C1cdit can only be aJlowed fur the first insertion. ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. IOH>-1770 GARAGE SAlf 1419 BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2SOS·2490 ............. ............. -l.1111..... .. """ ..... ~. Oecemt>et 25, 2003 a ........ ..._ Ml.1111..._ M ~ ..... •s...... llle followlna pnsons are dolna bualneu as: Home Tlnlt lendlna. 2421 Elden Awe IC, Costa Mesa. CA 92627 h ie Waunch. 2421 Elden Ave. •c. Cost• Meu. CA 91627 lhl\ busmen ts con· dud~d by: an indlv1duAl Hav• you shrl.O doin& builneu yet? Ho TareWaunch Thos statement wu toled w1lh the County Clerk ot Ounce County on J 210!>/03 200SU'72S4 O.tily Pilot Oec 11, 18. Z!J. 2003. hn I. 2004 rh980 ~ .... •s....... l he lollowma per sons are dome business 11· R.M. M~rketin1. 9188 Moll Rover Cir.. f ountain VJlltoy. CA 92708 Ryan Martin Mattern, 9188 Molt River C1t .. Founbin Valley CA 92708 This business ·~ ~on ducted by. an 1nd1vidu•I Have you started do•na buslnus veil No ~ .... flllMW • TW. ttat..,•t ... fl6e; wit\ the c.tillty ct.tr "' Olene• C0t0nty CMI ltJOZM .. ,. ... ,., Olllty Not 0.C. 4. 111 11, 25, 200.l M71 ........ ......... TIM..,._...,.._, ., . ...,......_._ s.s ltoM Soll, Jill MwlM A"• Ste. C, llalboa !stand, CA tzt62 8ob Stonr Inc. (CA), 214 Cund Ca1111, 8.iboe ISllnd. CA 92612 This l>lislnffs Is cori • d1U.ted by: • c«f)Of'•tlo11 Have vou started dolnc business ytt7 Ho Bob Stover Inc .. R•t•n Stovsr; Sec:retery lhl1. ttalemtnt wu f~ed with lh• County Cle1k of Oran&• County 011 l 2ft>5/0l 200MH7UO Dally Piiot Dec. II, 18. 25, 2003. Jan. 1. 2004 Tl\985 ........... .......... fht foltowln1 persons ••• dolna b111\n•ss ai. MOLDSME. 182 Caiden Cite ln.. l1v1ne, CA 92620 Maik Euns. 182 Garden Galt I n . l1v1ne. CA92620 This business 1s con· ducted by: an indlvldual Hne you 1ta1ttd dolna business yet? Yes 12·15-03 Ma1k Evans This statement wn filed with the County Cle1k of Oran1e County on 12/16/03 200UHISU Odoly Pilot Dec. 25, 2003, Jan. I, 8. 15. 2004 l h02! .......... .......... flle , ........ ""°"s .,. do4ll& llllM!lnt ... b) TIMr.loblibrbt us. e) TM .loO Mart.et. 1102 llldile C1ul Circe.. Coat• ....... CA92121 Je11tu Scott llll•y. 1102 llkflt CtMt Clrrde, c.i...-....CAl2627 This bvsiMlls Is COfl• Mttd by: Ml lltdlvldllal Hive YO<! 1terled ~ butlneu yet7 No ._, k olt Riley Tllb 1ta\tmtnl was ftlect, wit.II tht Cov11ty CMt k of Otenae Cou11ty Oii 12/ 19/()3 HOS6 .. 87ta Daily Pilot l>tQ. 25, 2003. Jan. 1,8, 15.2004 Th015 ........ .......... The foltowln1 persons a11 dOln& business H : .Joslyn lnlUI anc:a Aetnc:Y, 2025 Newport Boul•· v1114ll, Suitt 100, Coste Mtst,CA92627 Cer1ory Roland Joslyn, 1200 Wutcl1rt Drive . ;;668ort Buc h. CA This business Is con- ducted by: an indovldual Have you sterted dOlnc boniness yet? Ho Orqllfy Roland Joslyn Tiiis s tatement was tiled with !he County Cieri!. of Or•n1e County on 12/02/03 20016966752 Dally Pilot Dec. •. 11. 18, 25, 2003 Th96' Adlllm ..... ... s...... ........... , ... llilMttleW J. Coaatt TIMs snt-1 w11 ,.. ..... tM Co\ulty CW\ of Ot._. CO\lnty Oii 12/02/03 IMS6'667 .. Oally Pilot Dec. II. ll. ti. Z5, 2003 Tllt75 .......... .......... flle followlna penona art dolill binlness u: Mtt•t X, lOCl West 18th Street A·IO•. Costa .MIU. CA 92627 Mlchatl R'odrlauez, 33llJO Mety St.. lall.e ElsiflOfe. CA 92530 lllis business Is con· ducted by; •n 1ndlvidual Have you started dolna buslnes• y1t? Ho Mike Rodll&uez This itatement wn filed with the County Cleril of Onnae County on IZ/19/03 20016t .. 727 Darty Pilot Off. 25. 2003. Jan. I, 8, 15. 2004 Th014 He-. ..... ... s...... Th• lollowln& persons •t1 dOlnc business es Spechum · Colof Alt Oes•en. 357 Catalina Or., Newport Beacll. CA 92663 MichHI R Crook, 3!)7 C..u hna O< • Newport Buch, CA 92663 Th11 business 11 co,... ducted by; an ond•vidu•I Have you slllled do•n1 business yet? Yes. 1979 MidlHI R C1ook This statement wu hied with the County Cle1k of Or ane• County on 12/05/03 20036 .. 7222 Daily PllOt Dec. 11 . 18, 2!>. 2003. Jan. I, 20<M l h987 How to f lace A ......... ... ...... llle followina ptn(NIS llrl dolllc ~ H ' MIU SWMts Servkes 2l2/0 Buc h Bhd 1111202. Huntlnaton 1-11, CA 92'05 C11oline J.. At11111ton1. 21270 hech llvd . IM202, Huntl111ton 8-'t. CA 12606 Tllb bu5inus ., con dueled by. an lndMdual ttaote you startle! do1<11 b111lneu yat7 Ho Ca1ollne J, Atma tr one This atattmtnt was filed wolh IJ1t County Cle1" of Diana• C• unty on 12/02/03 200M966790 Dally Piiot Dec. II, 11, 18, 25, ?003 Th977 Al-. ..... ... s...... Th• followina persons are dotna bu11lnes\ u Cold Stone Crun,.ry, '24S, 26711 Atoso Creek ffoad. 1102. Allso Viejo, CA92656 S teven f ••Ids, !>9 Tarocco. Irvine, CA 92618 Thb business Is con dueled by. an ind1w1dual Have you started doon1 busmen yet? No Steven Fields This stetem•nt was hied with th• County Clefk of Oranee County on 12/l9/0l 200Ut .. 72l Oaily Pilot O.C 2!>. 2003, Jan I, 8, 15, 2004 Th019 Ac-. ..... •s...... The followlroe penons tr• dolna business as. Tert&a's Creations. 221172 SunloRht Creek. L•ke r or eat. CA 92630 Teun A. Wllu t . 22472 Sunllaht Cru ll., l'"' fotnl, CA 92630 This business I~ con dueled by. an rndlvidual Htyt ypu sltr l•cl Jl!llai lluslnftl yet1 'l'es. 10/l/ 03 rerKtA..WM•t Tllla tlttafneflt wea flied wltll the Cou11t1 Cieri!. ol Oran1e County on l2JW/03 JOOJ69 .. 7H Ot1ty Piiot OK 4. \ \, ll. 25, 2003 Th961 The loltowln1 persons ., e doln1 business es: Diamond OesJcn. 2030 Quall, Hewpo1 t Beach. CA~ Ceora• r atul, 91 Pelion Court, Hewpc>rt Beach, CA 92660 lhl1 business Is con· ducted by. •n individual Have you sl<Hted doln& business yet? No Geora• f attal This statement waa fried with the County Clc1k ol Oran&• County on 12/05/03 200J6t672S5 011ly Piiot Dec. 11, 18, 2!). 2003. l•n l. Z004 Th979 Ac-. ..... •s...... lh1 followin& persons 11• doine business es: LM Elecltlnl ConltactOf, 619 Ca~ c.,npana 13, San Clemente. CA 92673 l u" I Monuyo. 619 Celle C.•mpana 13, San Clcmento, CA 92673 fhos busmess is con· ducted by i1n Individual Haw you started doon& buslne" yel1 No l uh I Moncayo This statement was hied with lhe County Cieri< ol Orenae Counly on 12/12/03 200J .. H040 0111y Pilot Oec 18. 2!>, 200 I Ian I. 8. 2oo.- Th002 SIU youo unwanted items throuch cluslfled .... .... ... ....... Tiie follt .... ,., .. ,,. .,. dolnc bvll!<l,u ... 0c .. tta ~«. no 21st S!;i COila Mui. CA 9~27 .leHt ey lilmet MOf m· lnton, I 918 Hollde,. Road, Mewport leKh, CA926'0 TMs bll$lness IS con ducted by· an lndt•ldu•I Have you started do1n1 buskins yet? Mo Jeffrey Jamt1 HOfm- lnton This 1t1t1ment .., .. filed with the County Clerk ol Oran,. County on 12/02/03 !00Ht6675J Delly Piiot Dec. II, ll. 18, 25, 2003 Th966 .... ..... •s...... The lollowon1 peo $0nl a11 do1na business as· Spoft Write. 2213 S. Huron D<lva. Santa Ana, Callfornla 92704 C1ay C1tlln, 3126 S Rene Onvt, Senta An•. Caldo1n1a 927Gt Thlt busoness os con duc:te<I by an 1nd1V1dual Have you slatted doin1 business yet? Yes, 05/06/1996 Gary Catlin ThlS ilatement was filed woth the County Cle•~ of 01 anae County on 12/11/03 20036967921 Daily P•lol Ott 18. 25, 2003. Jan I. 8, 2004 lh004 ,....... .... ... s....... Thi' lollow1n11 per sons are doine bu.,ne~' as R.R Rutkow•k• Con s truct1 on. 1 8~62 Gn me<cy 01 , Santa Ana. CA 92705 Ron.ild Rutkowald , 18562 Gramercy Or .. Santa Ana. CA 92705 Tb!J buslnm I• con Rem. ..... --~ The lot1ow1n1 ""''~"' •fl doln1 businHJ '' le Pleria lntetprelHtf 3848 Camput f\2 , ~ort 8HC/I, CA Tr•c:y La Poe1tf!, ?840 Catalpa, Newj)Oft Bud• CA92660 This buslrreu Is cor• ducted by. en l11dlv1du1I Hive you st111 ltd duong bualne•s yell Yes. II 26 30 11acy l• Poerrf! This 1t•t1ment w•• filed with the Courofy Cle1k ol Orenao County on 12/02/03 20016'66745 Daily PoJot Dec 11, 11 18. 7!>. 2003 1h96" Ac-.lllllen ... _.... lh• lollow1n1 IH!"""' a• e do111r bus one~, "' Caloloonl• 08A S.-rvk"' 363' W flowtr ""' r ullerton, CA 9?8l l Piiar Hao l y, 'l63A W Flower Ave • r utl@c ton CA92833 Thb bu~lnen I~ • on ducted by an onlfovotloo.11 Have you ••~• l"d duonp busmen yet? No Peter llal l y l h" slalem~nt wa· flltd woth the Cou11ly Clerk ol Orana~ Coun\1 on 12/19/03 200SHH7H 011lly Pilot Oec. 2!1. 2003. Jan 1.8.15.~~ --Deadlines --- CLASSIFIEJAD -ii Monday ...................... Friday 5:00pm Tuesday ................... Monday 5:00pm By Fax (949) 631-6594 ll'lca...: 1ncl!Kle your n-lllld rh~~ uwnbcr and w~·u ~.1.11 J""' v.l wilh ft 1·1~ <:<tOIC.I l ESTATE R SALE Telephone 8:.'0iun-;l:(){Jpm Monday-h1day SOOS·SISO By Phone (949) 642-5671! Hours Index I -~ .- .... By Mail/In Person: 330 Wes1 Bay Strcc1 Costa Mesa. CA 92627 Al Newpon Blvc.I & Buy St. Walk-ln 8:30am-5:00pm Monday· Friday Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursday ............ Wednesday S:OOpm Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm Saturday .. : ................. FrKia> ~ llOpm Sunday ....................... Fnday 5:00pm Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Only $32 per week (4week minimum) C. Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 COi.....,, ......... 1160 TOf' $$ 4 ltl<OHS nc .Ila. Ckwr:. [II:. 50s & IDs a Altllc. ~. tube 11n1ps Mll1e 9119·6'!> 7SO!i 1413 HOME ;miiiiiiiiiiiii~~ FURNISHINGS t:c-rr= -..,. 24/w stor .... 400- .. 'Iii. ,_ p.rit/carpeC. 2-<:S ~ bd,ywd. 1/2 bloc* lo ~. must -SllOVmo 949-278-~ ail '-'-' 9--~ Olly Ar, 21~ .... I pr. I ~b• on the water, ... :b 2.b anb 2 flrf. !1.,,• ........ '" C9f'PO(t, m.sl • MW ICJpl 11 patio, declo., uplf acled 2c .... oom1....,amc dfls sfl:c>s to bcJch. a crpl 3 wlnctsone crt kitchen, wd toll.up, aat . ~ Mii "tm w ~1'0~~ Sll!ISOlmo 714 m 5810 S2200 949 293 4632 .. 3, 0ll 714623-mi BfTBITAmlfT C...al Ewnll 1310 .... ClfNWTY All 1ul •l•tt adverhs in( In this MWSPfPtl Is sublec:t to Ill• Feder•! Feh' Housln• Act of 1968 •• aintnde d which m•"u 11 llleaal to •411nrtise ·any pre I er ence. llmltetlon or discrimination tinaed on rte•. color, ••Halon, su . h1ndlcap, l•mihal status Of nation•! orlaln, or en Intention lo malle eny such pttfe<tnce, rimlta llon or dl.scrlminallon: ThlJ ntwap•ptf will not ~nowln1ty •ccepl t ny edvwtltemenl for rt•I utate which Is In Ylolttkln ot IM ltw. Oul r .. ders ere he1tb7 l11formed that 111 dwelt· "1o edwwtlHd Ill thh IMWSllllP«' ere .VAlltblt °" •n eqvel 09POf t11nlt1 ~Is. • To co111111e1n of dis u tmlnttlon, cal HUO tol ffM at l·l(I0.•?4 ~. , ..... YOUI IAU&IWll II CWSRD ''42-5671 Older Style F11mlture PIANOS a Collectlbles ............. -.,,....... ........ ~~ $$ CA9t4 Pl'ID $$ ..................... WE BUY 18TA1U ·~'-'dy- ~ -~ --.. corJs1rim.mns fwnllln 34.15 CHIHY SUJGH HD Sclld wood, lnnd MW WI bo•~-Wo1h S8X) MC S25() go&Jj&IQl7 ouuM un1tass sn Or1hopedc. !:rand MW d ti '*5lic wt-r. Sac Slai ctn dlliwt' 9&:fil5.llJ97 <-t<• ..... Old Coins\ Gold, silver. 1e..-y, watcha. antiques collKlibles 949-642 MU MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS -11 Internet Franchise opportunity to tho11 600sf uoits. P"1ect fol velMdts. IOw rein c.all CerolyTI 949-1163-1 JJO lookln& lo WOfk Incle· RESIOENTIAlAENTAl.S pendentlr Siii< Invest· mint required lncludts ORANGE 7• tralnlna and 1ull90ft for fr1nchlses wolldwldt COUNTY Tolf.F1ee I 888 452 6737 llELP YOUR 8USIH£SS 1•ow wl\J\ a Olspley advertlsln1 solution Stltewlde 118 Commv· nlty newspac>etS RHCh over 3 million Califor nlan1. C1t1 n ow to ru elv• • fREE lnlor matk>n pact.a&•· 1166-800-2672. www.cal·scen.com (CAL •SCAH) .... ,. •.. ,. ................ °" 90UIU '°'. Priced below rn•1-•t $1,350,000 !.()6.507 [. 9•1 /Ive. Oo not disturb 6cc..-u.. lrol.e1 ........... (1611) II., llldl ,,_ UV.. " "" <tee• & Mewl 406 Htlioltope (front Cot· tace). COM, 2bd, Iba, new kitchen & beth, Ip, lwdwd llr lo LR l/c 1(8(. Shwod W/O 714-JlS.!8X> tlr •/....., -"f, no kltch1n. ar11t locefion, $750/mo •20 Narcissus Act. 949-717 4708 a.ara..._1n ~ ..... to,,.,,. ~~~,a c. ... , .. , ,.... 0 ... quill ...... hwy -l!m Qudl St~ Ja. 2DM301or7f11-~l717 ..... A,t11 l ovely C1ttd Co111rn, netr l rlencte ;:•• 2br Iba W/llf 6 fT , f l095, lbr lbt W/p1t , CMPOft, •l« ... Sil5 ..... "" paid. Kleln MlaiiF••• 177·--btm> ........,.._ ...... .... ~, .. llO,. 11 ll!llllO t• IMllf .. Q •no.Mn Jlm:l IUCM. ............... ........ llOM. lOW ....... --.-·-,.,. 714474-MM UMIUttuOtO l• .. clntt&llletll, -1 UllC*lfe, Sl000m ¥ .... t7111Cl 2br 2ba + den, upper 3br 2b• Ull(ler unit, 2 l.y fr-3bf 2ba Upe>et unit, bey voews, p1ho, belcon11s, Ip, msll level. period style. er .. , Srll /:!"' Car ~h11td wa"1•• a d<yet. /h••m. I c i•· nu p1int views.. I car 1ar. •II '" C 6•(/led I •II Sl850 949 293 11632 •ti $2300 949-293-4630 $2800 949-293-4631 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Tht ugal Dq>artmmt a.t the Daily Pilot is pkased to announce a new servict 111Jw 11vai'4bk to new businmts. · ~ will now SEARCH the namt for you at no extra charge, 11nd savt you tht time •Ni the trip to the Court HoUJt in Santa Ana. Thm. of couNe, after tlN se.llrch is complntti we will fik your fictitious bwinas rutnu ftlttmtmt with tht eou,,,, C/nlt, pub/Uh onct" wttlt for four wttlu as rrquirtti by '4w anJ thm fik JO"' pT'()(Jf of publk•tion with tht County Ckrlt. PkAH stop by to fiu JO"' fittitious businns rutme stlltnnmt at tht Daily PilDt, 330 W. &y St, Ult4 Mts11. If you ran not rtop b_, pkase cll.IJ us 111 (94!)) 642-432 J 11,,J wt will ma111mznpmmt1 for JO" to h11Nik this prtKtd11" by ,,,.;L lj'you s~""1 IMw ""1 farther 'f"Otiom, pkmt ca/J us 4,,J tw will IH more th.tin t""1 to llSSUt you. Good /Mrlt in your MW businas! Pilot ' I Calllornla law r•· Qlltfn 11111 COfttrK· tors lekll'IC ,obs th•I tolel S500 or m«• (l•bor Of m•l«iall) be llcansed by 1111 Contr1clor1 Stal• licenae 801rd Sl1t1 law elso requltu that contr aclo•a 1nch1dt their lfcenu number on 111 lldvertls•"I· You can check Ill• 1t1lu1 of your lic ensed co nlr1c tor 11 """ calb.ce 1011 of 800 321 CSL8 Unli· censed con Ir tctors hk1n1 1ob1 thsl 10111 lo• th•n S500 mu•I •l•I• 1n their advertisements that ther .,, not licensed by th• Contnct,ors Stare license Soard." SEU your stuff through classified! Complllr ..... COM PITTER HELP! ............... .. ,... ........ ·"·· ....... VC*\i ·-... ~·· ·~­·Olr»~ ~----...... ""'*"..__ _,... .. , IM'l~....,_-UC ........,0.--. A • l HANDYMAN 10 Yi't CoMpoMr b4>-~ 714·612·2786 mcldlr& Oq 71~74!11 ConCntl & Mllonry 11' .. I . ' j 111 I ' I \ '' • ~ ' . . . 3 roome l lllllw"t •·• induda Pf'COllOllJ(llllng CM.1 TOUT · CUM TONY Kevin 71..,321-3142 omce 714-tt1-111a c.,.. Repltr~ltl arldt lledo s .... Tiie Concnte. Pebo, Onveway Ftrel)lc, BBQ. Rers. 25Yrs hp. Teny 114·557·7594 C----., W.tl C4nwit. &1dl. Sbll. "'· ~ Ille. fWielllll. No )ob llOo 9'1'811 71"1S-'Jl62 ~ ........ YOUllMOMI IMf'IOYIMINT f'aOJICll Call • plumber. painter. handyman. Of 1ny ol the cre•I 11<vlcu listed here In our -vice dluct0<yl THESE LOCAi. SYC f'tOPl.E CAN HELP YOU TOOAYI WF.SJ' ., NOlt11I •1154 o KIU 0 QJl3 ., 1:1 AQJ101 3 0 9'51 • 193 sotml • AQ 1031 <;;>54 0 10 • AQ654 ~~wur 10 l• .)Q ......... Openlna lead: Two of o • NOR111 •• Brid&e is 1111 art. not a science. If you need proo(. follow Ille defense on this deal. Siuina E.as1 was Bob Hrunman of Dallas. the top American on the World Bridge Fedenltion rank· ina li1t. W C$1'1 llvce bclltS was a wtak jump, an aucmpc to muddy &he WllMn. North dlc»e an ~sive a.tclllervlca SMAU JOI U PIU locel. Quick R•S90f!MI Home, Yard & Dodi Elect 20 Yrs Eap Ouram Elll:n l.IV5l10 MMll'» 10Q a.1.c. Uectrlc Low P'QS loall cxinhcb. no )ob eoo VNll. no lob eoo blf., !Ws 1410n ~ LlllCl0-11~ (714)•42·14\0 Ce•plete llectrlcel s-.. Hew hi. ~ II' adlli, T t oubleshootlnL ~~ 714-3fi6.7219 UCINSID CONTltACTOl No)obloo-.n.M_.. Rep.it. remodel, fins, .,..--~ OIStOM OIATM TU ~ .... ~ nwtle. dona. ,_. lt7S lfl612DW .lllf 71"'6U·9961 llMY ..... Rlpend R.-Olltlo & IMllllalion TllE OE-'H 949-673-8065 114-846-8526 n4-52031 714-715--~rdn.tS.U i..a...,......_ ... ll:s:A'kA\· 1.:1\ 0..IMN.Clllll .. ....... ~a..-0. ._ Jr" s-tc., Yard ct .. nup, Malnt1n1nce, Sp(lnllltr Rep1lr, H1ulln1 (!4t) H0471\ CINEUL'ID'All A IWNl'fNANCE • Rtsllmdtl * Cannrclitl o Job 1bo S"""1 Al.AN fltl HMOYMAN All wOfk 1uar•nlnd ~ 0.C.PI. Doon. r.... Qr1> & 983M mil& ..... Rllltlll 7125 YACA'llOll BTMS awnq &.-. Arr~ Cott11e, peecefoll l/3 acre. SSOO wk end $1400/Wll 7l4·651M050 Hllllng Jl*ll JO THI DUMl'lll 71•·968·1882 ... VAILABLE TOOAYI 949·673·!i~ "°"'a.nine "'-CJ···~~· .. WklJ/B1·wkly on hly Rers Grut rates! Imelda ~ 96-278.-0837 ~lllU•lnl c.-...1.,....~ ~ Deli&n. Custom Qullty~ 7' ..... 2 .. 271 Maanry •M•MASONlY• My Type, Best Prices, =Ok, ~1111~ wen .. 14-.1643 SEll your stuff through classified! YI .... NwneflH S.le1/ Clerlcel up. required knowled&• of Hortlcul· lur•. plant 10, computer skllla. B1nefits, •OIK opply to 1dvanc1. Mona u .. 714 963·8442 ~ SAUSt Owt .... ,..._ w/phone ula up. Earn Sl5k ' up pltorll 9& 1162· 7474 faA 9'&862· 7475 ., .• ..,.elk. experience pref1rred, "-ti.,. hirniture sll)r'I, 11ar1a n4'l!1.ai88 New,..n t eecli T•-•• cNll )a now hlrlna up'd Ber tenders Servers & Rectptionlsl Cell for 1ppt (949) 644·0050 Open709ys LowRMel St<>r'8Q9 Speclaq SinQe 1981 9-645-4545 HST MOYDS SSS/Hr. Stfvlna ""Cities Insured f163844 323·997-1193 323-630-9971 cell PUBLIC NOTICE The Cehl Public Ulllill•~ Commission requires th1t all used bousettold 1oods movers print their P U C Ctl T number; limos 1nd chauffeurs t>rinl the or T.C.P number In 111 1dver· llsements II you have 1ny queshona about the ••s•llt y of 1 mo vu , llmo or ch1ufl1u1, c.11: l'UaU< UT\UlllS COMMISSION aoo an..a .. 1 Painting BOUM JmPADn'lllfO a WOOD •IHWlHO *-9'e-Ma-8957 714-S7......o87 -Wdl '" •..ti ·-""" low mi aold/lln tttw. rnnrl. co. tlloy whb throuahout, Sll,995 v56n•1 • M-516-18118 -·•"'-,.,.._.,.<.._.SOii mi, blk/blk llhr, blk c•m•ae roof, Soae CO. 1m·fm, chrm whls, rold !)Ila. booll•/.tecords. Ilk• new $8795 v557281 Bkr. .... , ... 1 ... --·~·-er.-Vlctwle 'tt lX 2211 actual n1i. orlalnal eldefly owner. while/tan Int. chrm whh, beaut hh new cond, $9.995 Ylll82JS751 8kt 9&586-11118 • ....... ,.a.1.c- :L9tr9~,-:.,o~ lady owner. whlt•/bll Int, CO. rtar seat. rear air !OW pkr. bHullful H new cond, $12,995 Vlf17'll/IJ1 8llr 9&5116-11118 ........ ,,.b.c•• hr4 '6S M1ut••t Convert1bl1. orl1ln1I owner, solid ur, rrul Ill $17 :D> cbo 96M29C3. '''' ·~s ••et••• Convertible, orl1ln1I owner, solid car. n\.tlt 111 $17 SD cbo 9&~29C3. c~:r ,...~:: GrH Prlcel Gu1r1nt1e WOfk. Free HI. l#37560! 714-538·1534 7.390.294 IU'S CUSTOM l'AINTING Prof!, cle1n. quality wortc Interior /tit and docks l•7034611 949 400-1054 WNaow C9Cll MMfT P1tntln1~ext. .__,-Apt Qu1hty jobl Fr .. estimlte ll569897 714-636-8888 10M11onor MllJe.noert SEWER JETTING ELECTRONIC SlAB LEAK DETECTION Friend~ Service t4t-• S ·tJ04 -~.com l OU•9 rnwff'd SIWll •DUllau.& (t4t)U S-2U2 HOMSl & lllASOMIU l'lUMHl fr9tbtlSm= OCTFCU Dile. n4-9150 ..... ,... ... - ••< ~ lH 2500 4wd, 7<* • ml, ;id/t.l'I ltl!r, ~tr• lHt, 1upub orl1 ~ co11d SU,995 v552461 llkr t4'-H6·1'U _......,._ ~ '00 S type J.O 116, 35k ml, full feet wwr1 sitVtf'/o•tmHl lthr, mnn, co. memory Piii. buut like new unmatked cond. $23,495 v'752262 Skr. 949·586·1888 -AqHIW.- ....... 't7 XJ• 81 ltish rac1na areen/lan tthr. CO, l•bulous cond thro ufhout, 111, 995 v59721 bllr 949-586-1888 www . ..-.i.c- LANO IOVH 2000 Discovery II 7 seal tr, dual mOOllrfs, rear jump ... ,.. lla•led SHI lac warr 36,000 ml, S21.000 ~ .t11'n 714-2Zz.6161 Men .... • '91 JOOSl low m1. l1dy owned, books, records. wht/t1n Int, hard & soft top, CO, mini disc, Lorenzo whnls, f1bulous cond throu1hout. SIS,995 ~17 Blir 9&5116-Ullll __ .,,....,_ ·~~...,,.'ti 4.0 $( .... m1. lll9c:ll/t•11 lthr, 'UPtlb COlld t11ro111ht, books, t9Cords 'lQ.•9& lo'°"5829 • 949-586 ·l888 ....... ..-..- BOATS BOAT REPAIRS/ SERVICES BOATS SUPS/ MOOIUNGS/ LAUNCHING/ STORAGE 9680 * SUP AYAtl Ullhlles POllSCHI 'Ol CAlmOUt 111cl. Balboa Penn. Bay flptromc, mini cond111on, tslind Cove area, secure, 8500 mlle$, one owner home o-. 9&922·7777 $62,000 pp 949.351.1719 ...... ••ver '99 4.6 HSE 48k mi, full fact wtrr. blk/blk lthr, 18" chrm whls, superb cond lhrcqht. $22.!&> v117201 Bkr !149-586· 1888 ·-·•tpebl.c•M ....... .,., '00 4.0 Sf 1611 K1u1I ml, full tact warr, bllt/cer mat II.ht. b11ulrful hilt new cond Must s •• lo IPP'eaele S28,495 ~7896 Bkr. 949-511&-1888 www.tqMlitl.c.M l'AlOSlPlUMllHG Rep1ln & Remodeflna FREE ESTIMATE U687398 714-969-1090 ~ Al Ttr,8 of ..... (( ltcpoaln •RaoW.u.t·~ (949) ?48-0769 SEll your stuff through classified! PUT A FEW WORDS TO WORK FOR YOU! (949) 642-5678 Big Me's TrH Servke ~ ....... s..., ~ M.C.. .-. 0.U,\ 141\ ww.,21 00-m 949 277 THISHIPl'HI Spec1afl1lna In Wallpapr Remov•l L•588241 ~9·360 1211 GOLDIN WIST WINDOW SHVICI S1hsf1ctron Guar1nteed 9ot9 631 1562 714-9116-~ TeOUsAbout YOUR GARAGE SALE! In ClASSIFIED (949) 642-5678