HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-27 - Newport Mesa Daily Pilotc D Serving the Newport-Mesa community since 1907 SATURDAY, DECEMBER 27, 2003 Oysteis to visit the East Coast A Corona del Mar restaurant's chef gets invited to coqk for a famous culinary society in New York. Allcl• Robinson Daily Pilot A popular Corona del Mar eat· ery Is taking Its tastes on the road. the·James Beard Fowl<lation pro· motes gastronomy. presendng awards and offering wodcshops and scholarships for culinary stu· dents. Al Oysters, a 15·year·old bistro on Pacific Coast HJshway, restau· rant co-owner Cary Redfearn has tried to bring the panache of a blg-dty resiaurant with touches like the jazz playing in the back· ground and the oak bar built in 1902. seafood menu has evolved to fea· ture multicultural fare with Asian touches. Brandon's talents set Oysters apal1 from other eateries with Aslan-inspired cuisine, Red· ferun saJd. "We're not doing It to be trendy,• Redfearn said "Were do· ing It because what he puts on the plate works. Everything that's on the plate Is tHere for a reason." dons simple. •Usually, (a dish) starts with ... a particular Ingredient that may spaJt something in my lmagina· don, and generally, It kind of snowballs," Brandon sald For the James Beard Founda- tion dinner, be has planned a six· course tasting menu that included plum-wine-braised veal short ribs with Tuscan le.ale and shiltake mushroom gravy, bleu cheese produced in Point Reyes. and. of course, oysters. Oysters restaurant chef Scott Brandon will travel to New Yodc City to cook his unique Asian·in· Ouenced cuistne for the presti· gious James Beard FoWldadon winemaker dinner on Jan 7. N~ed for one of the founding fathers of American culinary arts, Oysters is unique for being an independent restaurant in the •sea of corporate restaurants• around Orange County. Redfearn said Much of its flavor is provided. by Brandon, who has worked at Oysters for eight years. ln that time, the predominantly Starting as a restaurant dish· washer at the age of 15, Brandon became a self-taught cook who gained his most valuable know!· edge whUe working at Acquerello, an Italian dining spot in San Fran· cisco. There, he learned from chef Su· zene lbgnetti to use seasonal in· gredlents and keep his prepara· "What I tried to do there was give people in New York an idea what ~re doing here on a daily basis,. he said Although he has 25 years of ex· See OYSTERS, Paee A4 STEvt McCRml< I OAllY PILOT Chef Scott Brandon of Oysters restaurant in Corona del Mar has been selected to cook for the prestigious James Beard Foundation winemaker dinner in New York City. COLD KITE-FLYING DAY DON LEACH/DAILY PILOT Sarah Layden, 5, tries to get control of her small kite in strong winds during an after-Christmas visit to 28th Street beach on a cold and sunny day with her dad, Troy. The family was in town from Arizona . Low-carb. • . maybe after the new year Diets that keep eaters away from breads and sweets might be popular, but not at this time of year, area bakeries say. Allcl• Robinson Daily Pilot NEWPORT· MESA -If the eating hab- its seen at local bakeries and ca(~ are any indication. some people probably T hey're bacld • All those newspaper and put pants with elastic waistbands on their Ouistmas wish lists this year. Low-carbohydrate diets such as the Addns, the 1.one and the South Beach diets have climbed to the top of best· seller lists in recent years, but appar· ently. not everyone foUows them reli· giously. At Padfit: Whey In Newport Beach, customers this holiday season have been eating up all kinds of pies. bread pudding and the cinnamon custard Danish, store manager Thresa Hunter said FAMILY TIME QUESTION What do you think ebout the new low-urb cran? Haw you tMd It? Do you think It .. heetthful? Call our Reader's Hotline at ? • (949) 642-6086 or send an e-mall 10 dsllypllot@latlmes.com. Please spell your name and tell us your hometown and phone numbers for verification purposes only. "There are a Jot of people here that or- der egg whites only and no carbs" in The year in preview their dishes. she said. Bui most people go for th.e full-fat options. "For many people, if you're looking for a low-fat, low·carb diet. this is not the place to come," Hunter said. Because the bakery is next to a Pavil· ions grocery store, where workers are picketing, it's hard to teU whether the store's brisk business Is due solely to the holidays. Hunter said. People certainly haven' held otl buy· ing cakes and pies for their holiday See LOW-cARB, P•1• M Daily Pilot AT A GLANCE ON11EWEB: ~-~Com WEATHER PUBLIC SAFETY A wet and windy holiday Winds and rain talc~ out some signals and trees and run a boat aground, but most of Newport-Mesa escapes relatively unscathed. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot NEWPORT-MESA -Locah who dreamed of a white Chnstmas got a wet one inc;tead. About a quarter of an inch of min feU in N<.>wport Beach between noon Thursday and noon Friday, according to the Nauonal Weather Service. Gusty winds accompanying the storm felled trees in Costa Mesa and caused som e traffic signals to go 0111 . but caused no major damage. Peak winds hit John Wayne Airport at about 5 p.m. Thursday with gusts up to 40 miles per hour, according to the Na- tional Weather Service. Wind speeds ta- pered off after that. with gusts reaching 17 mill><> per hour by 11 p.m. One of the fallen trees was on New- port Boulevard in Costa Mesa near the fairwuunds, Costa Mesa Police Lt. Tom Winter wd. TI1e wind also caused an unusually high number of commercial burglar alanns 10 go off in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. Some Lraffic signols in Newport Beach and C'.osta Mesa went out. including some on Victoria Street on the Westside, but no power outages were reported, Winier said. Signals either automatically went to flashing red. or police put stop signs at those intersections. The Cal1forrtia Highway Patrol did not report any major ac<idents In the area. though some vehidcs skidded off the See WET, Pa1e M QUESTION ? What do think 2004 holds for Newport-M.aa7 • Call our Reader's Hotline at (949) maprJne "year in review" .stories have started to appear, ,even though we still have atx days left In 2004. " . A lot can happen ln six days. :someone might d.iacoYer a ewe •for cancer. another dictator could 'tell the U.S. that he wants to be 1t1ends, and Ben~ and Jennifer Lopez could get ~Heck. In. days. ;tboee rwo would sdD have time to 'C811 It off again. stories: So what! OK. that's two words, but you get the Idea. There's no trick to year ln review stories-you boys. Is the annual prediction story. the one written by only the most daring writers. Or the dumbest So, here's my third or fourth (I forget) year-end predictJons column. Read lt and then dedde which category applies. 1) DrMn caught by the to see the boat parade in Newport Hrubor but never make It in time. ln 2004, they will start to decorate their automobiles with lights. tinsel and plastic Santas and drive up and down the Costa Mesa Freeway from 19th Street to the Victoria Street exit. making U·tums at each end to repeat the trip. It will be grand! It will be moltty tunny today, with tempemurea nalne Into the low 60s. The water la still best left un..urfed. 642-6086 or send an e-mail to dailypllot@latimea.com. PleaM speft your name and ..et ua ve>0r ~own end phone numbera for verification purposes only. eplrtta dufing the Holiday Cup. , l have jult one ~rd for chose 'Who pul out tboee year In mtew ------...... ~go STEVE SMITH whoop. through the an:hMsand h!:!..e1g The reel risk-taking, the story that aepara.tlll the men &om the red· light cameras in O>eta Meu will no longer pey 6.nea. Instead, they wm ll.drer a far wone rate by being forced to attend the ftrst Dana Robrabacher-Bob Doman debate. 2) EaCh year. thouMnds ot driven st.rusgle ~to get to the coast. 3) The 1\inity Broadcasdng c.o. will shut down tts garish light display and Ule the savings to start a Ou1ltmas ttadfdon by hosting a aoup kitchen on tu IM F~Y.P .. e M SeehpA2 SPORTS The N9wport H•rbor and Corona del M•r glr11' water polo tNm• •re In high See Pace Bl COMING MONDAY The Dally Pilot taku a looll •t tM year that wea 2003. BOOMERS & BEYOND r , ' . ~~~~~~~~~~~~·=--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__;,~~_;_~~~~~~-:--~~~~~~...;;;,_~_::;~~~~---~~~~~~-:::-~~~~: Adjusting to another coast Robert C. Amster, who moVed out from New Jersey, made his way up to running his own clinic. Llhhlll ()MyPilot Robelt C. Amaer Is a g.,_,..-o)d Cotooa del Mar reddimt and owns md medical dftaor o( Ncwpon .......,., Care.. Wlcift .. ,.. ... tipf l grew up back Etil in New Jersey. Rocbway, a small town near Morristown. wbidl is abou1 30 nuJes west of~ Yort Ory. It's a very small communi~ I li\-ed there up until basjcal)y 1979. \~ had the same home 111 those )"eal'S. I was in the same neighborhood all my life until I mm'ed out to c:aiiforrua. alt.hough, or course. I ~1mt to school and Q'1lining and all of 1hat. so I was away from home. What kind of c:hlldhood did )'OU haft? I ~ up W1th fnends that 1\-e basi~ maintained aD my bk A ~ clo$e group of eight or 10 of us. And my father worUd in New Yort Cuy so I was exposed to Manhattan and that ana quilt' a blL I have one oJder sister -110 moYed to ~ f.llgtand. and I anended school basically through medical school back in the East Coast area. e1tber" New Jersey or Ne-A York. and then lllO\-ed out to c.ahlomi.il m I 979. I bad a lp1 of good dose fnends ~t I -"e:llt through grade sdlool ~;th and high school ~,th. and ~ o( ("''horn) ~t 10 ~ same co8ege I ~t IO. 1 "'-as~ m spon.s and music. \~ pb)-ed in bands together. lnteresnngfy. ~ are ha\'ing a 40th )"ear. eighth-~ ttU.Dioo tlu.s summtt'bad in~~ BOOMER CALENDAR •Send ~ rtems to the Deily Piloc. 330 w. &rt St.. C05ta Mesa 92627; by tHNI to #uls.peN lames.com; by fax 10 (9491 ~170, Of by <*ling (9C9) 574-Q98.. lrdudt the tJme date and ioc.tion of the 8'l9t1t. as w9ll a• contact phone number JNt.8 The Pwtdl ...... R1 I rMIW ~--host• support group me al ng tor <*egtYWS. ~~and t.n.ty members of ao.'8d ones Mitt P.til 19()11\ dieu9e .. 7:30 p..m. .... the Oaa Seniof c..n c:ommunity room. 800 Mwguerile Ave.. Corona cW .... In~ '949) 645-33152. .wt.13 Firn ~w....,o.sa..._. ~.Nine lJllte.KncMn Monev-TllllPS Iha AoutiNty CoCI Manyn..-~-from " a.m. '° 12:30 p.m. .... ...... port BMd'I Counoy Club. ·now .. ,..-...., .. NewpOilt.._t ' Well, I aoended sc:bool and train.ing tn che F.ut. and once I WU ftnisbed with my resideocy, I moved to Los Angeles and met my wife. one~ before I mm'ed out here. My wife Is from Northrldge. We lnid.alJy lived in ~West LA. ~and chen she wanted to 010\"e to~ County. which we did in the mid 19805.. and wew been in Newpon ee.dl. Corona deJ Mar ~since. Almost 20 yea:rs now. Finl in Newport Beach for half o[ tbM and then Corona def Mar. What aft )'OW' peaust ec:complkh"'"'ts In llfef Well, No. I. my 25-)--ear marrlagr and ~-0 great daugb1ers. That's my No. I. [My wife! helped me shape my ~ and our life a1 home. the fact that my wife raised the kids. We decided early on that she would not work at a job bu1 rather would be home and a\'ailable for the kids. And you know, raising a family and being somewha1 successful and kttpang the SAim' ~. I think. 1s a big accomplishment 1Wo ls developing a practict' chat I am in the mid.st of doing now in the l"Wwpon Beach area after having been in ~in other areas and other positions. Jw \\-0..nd in admt:nisuati\T c:apaoties as a medical director for health plans.. But I think my second biggest accomplishment is ~ping thJs pracnce brtt in Newport_ Another thing that l \-e done tha1 I'm proud of is that 1 became a pro(essionaJ pilot along the "''llY at the same time that I was a pbysic:Qn.. I was also a cornmadal pi)ol. Al one point. I had two careers -a physioan and an airtiM pilot. I dJd that for about rwo. ~· and-a-h&J! )-eaJ"S.. If )'OU c:oWd ~ ooe moment or tnddent In yaar 1600 E. Coast Highway. lntotm.tion.18001433-7534 en 92310 .JAN.20 The Americ::a\ A--. ol "9dl"8d ~will host·~ dass for ~driwnto~ tt'9lir stills from 12::30 to 4.:30 p.m_ Ill~ Churctl of the ~ 2850 Feii•i9w Raad. Costa Mesa. The cost is SM> per penon. ln.tonn8on: (7M I SSJ.33«) JM.21 TllieAlta' w~ol...._. P9nons will host • dnvvig ~ tor mllUr'9 dnYws to~ 1heir 9*i'ls from 12::30 to 4.30 p..m. • ~ Ownti of the ~ 2850 Flitvtew Raad. ~Mesa. The 00$1 tS $10 per ~ lnionnaoon. (714) 557..:nec> OIN009tG a.II Senicw c.nw .. c6r. ~ dass cailed Mera Fitness Ptus from t '° 2::30 p..m.. begil• ""G ..bn. 8. The das:s uses &r....Gym~to~ Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. lll THCWSH..Ol•OH ~ lQllYDODaO EdlDr "'°" 0£1 , ... ~93°::" ,.__.... Oll9cw ' .... .,,_,., ~ ..... °'""--~.....-. .. ~ ..... , ...... ._, __ .-. 0 a s .................. .. DMZD ,... u • :ts r ,.,.,. ~""--c... ..... ...-. .. PMZn ~ ... a.. ,, 1 ............ ~ -9 ...... CDM , MARK C. OUSTIN /DAl..Y PllOl Corona del Mar resident Robert Amster 1s the owner and medical director of Newport Urgent Care. He's also worked as an airline pilot. Bit. ..... would h bd Probably the birth of kids.. because I son of took 11 for granted and now I ft'el that I should have been more invot\'~ in it at the time. I was pbysicaDy thef'e. but it was Dot as momen1ous to me as It sbouJd have been. Al the time, I was working quite a bit and seeing patients.. so )'OU tak.e that for gJllDled. and that's something that I regret. It was • .,ou:sfy very~ and I would likr to ~ that n<M• ii r couJd.. WhaJ pCI f kon other-than yours would )'OU llb to bsft trtedf J'd like to have bad a ca.reer as a~ executiYe in a laige service-oriented business.. Along thr way. I actuaDy got an MBA ~thats part of what I'm doing ln medicine now. I 'W'a$ the whole tnin. The c:oa Is S35 tor Newpor18-dl 1esidel1ts wtd $40 tor,...,.. esidel •ts.. ~ (949) 644-3244.. a.is s... c.n.. holdt. panalte bl eett.sa from 1'30 to 10 a.m. on 1he 98COnd s..nt.y of fNWY month. ar.tt.t indudes ~-.... coffee~ or-. .... tor Sl. $1 tor ~The center is at 800 Marguerila. Corona del Mar. lnfonnnon: {94:91644-3244 p II I 50-.fltus IUppOft group tor womM so and older ... 6'a...,., group c:oordiNted by ~ r.mity Serw:es to ~ assua such as eruoetv. dep'easo,~ kJneli111ess and bmiy. The group meets .. 7 p..m Wednesdrfs at the ~ offices. 250 E. Baiter Sl.. s..te G Com Mesa. Pt eiegim non required. (7141 ~ n. ................... oompuW~10~wid'I ~ "'9iot"I who haw cifficulty le8ing the~ 9Cr1len. The Mdl""1'! ~ '---._,_OIWI .... ,.,,., ttOl 16MJ30 --~~ ......... ..... _.._ l9GI 5)M29I ~~ ~ ~<:~Don l.-n. c....r,..... ffEADUtS HOTUNIE 19Gl6&1-«J95 Aacord ~ COii ...... lbcKIC .. ~"*"or ,_ Dpa. ~ Our llddr-.. D> w a.y Sl_ ~ .._,CA l2llZ1 Ollcahours .. ~-,.....,.ea .... ssun. C1 C ..... Nan~ to pllQll•.-r w .. .,.....,., • .......Clll~ JIM.GM m The~~ .... Dill¥ ... t\JSPS.,........ p''S fellllf. ........... .... andC-. ..... t Ci ...... .. • '?'CllltrWPA A QtoThil n.-~~-25t414\. .. __ ._..., .............. c..~ I ........ Dll¥ ..... I J,, arlr_ .. dllalMilb ........... ~ .... ~ 44' 07 _ ......... _.. and ha\"e bttn \'ery fascina1ed with 1he business environment. and I think I have some good leadership and management skills. I like IM decision-making. the interaction with clients. I lib the operational aspects of ~a business. That would ~ been attractive IO me when I was younger. Wb8I me 80llle clHltiew bdwecn a tjpkml d8y in JOU" lie DOW~ a d8y in JIDUI" Ule20,_w..,t ~-mty ~ago. I was just starting OUL I "-as oonsumed with wort. unfortunately, and I was Yer}' much in~ dinicaDy with the patients t.bal I saw. And DOW, I do things differently. I'm more in ~ bumless environment a.1 Ibis point. I'm in\.-on'ed io managing Wge populations ol patients rather than individual palimts. Oasis Center .i 800 Marguef"Ge ~Corona cW Mar, offers six seaioois. cal to sign up tor dasses.. (714} 821-5000. n.teosta .... s.ac- hu bllloom ~wilt\ hie mulk from the~ Trio trom 7~ 10 10:'30 p.m. ewry T~ nV'it .i 695 w. at. St..~ Mesa. S4. (949) 54&3884. Ji9wWI Femly Service ol Or-.. County spol ISOrS an oe lgOing heabng wppcwt group for the dvonk:elty ii. The purpoae is to prCMde pel1icip..-lts ~ emotJoNll and spritu.i alPPOf1 to maNge ilness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. ThLndays at the Jewish Famdy Setw:e office. 250 E. Bater St. Costa Mesa. Attendance is "-· but n¥sn•tiot• lS required. '7141 445-4950 Jawlll\F-.., Serviceo9s'I CJrVoirig bel .... ...,.... wppon ~tor .... al ages of toss. Group n .-nben !ihe."e e>cpeiielllC*. ..... how Dlhen POST¥ASTER. Send~ ~IOThe~ ~..._o.yNoc. PO ac. 158). CGm ...._CA 92826. ~Not-9..,... ......... edilgrtal n.-ror -. ....... ....,,'*'be '9Plodumd ~ wrill9n pati ...... i of CCIP'r'i tgN OMW I'm involved in some medical policy-making. and I'm also much more entrepreneurial Back then. I was more just a worker -someone without a long-term vision, just inundated with the responsibilities of my c:areeL How LO get along with people and not LO underestimate other people and bow to respect people and their opinions more. The first part of my life, I was learning and training so much that I M"Ver got the chance to know people very well I saw ~ OUlllMn of people who ~~sick and created them for their dinical problems bul really didn't get to know them betteL. But now. as I become more im"OM!d in the business side of things. I realiu how multidimensional people are deal with grief, rec:9ve support and~ '"VS to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. TU8SCMys .i 8eth Jacob In IMne. 'f'he second group rnee1s 111 10 a.m. TU8SCMys .i ...... Jlld9a in Laguna Hill.s. The lhint group r7*ltS -1 p.m, Thundrts .. ""8 Ezn Center in Anllheim. Then'9 no coa to 8llMd. but adv9nCe registl•tion is rwquired. (714) 445-4950. a.. SenicwC.... ... assimnce. oounseting and referTal seMals for senk>r&. (949) 644'3244. Arthritis Foundstion instNctlof Hilary Stone loads an exercise das ., 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish SeniOf Center, 250 E. Balter St.. Costa Mesa. (714) 513-5641 o.is Senior c.... .... deity telephone oontac:a program for senion 'Who.,...... a limited local .uppor1 aysl8m. They..., ofhw oompu19r daaes tt\81 IMdt the besics of Ylbd. Ouic*en. Print Shop end """"* usage. (949) and bow much I've learned from others. I can easily say that I've learned just as much from my experiences with other people as I have in the formal education process. Just incidents in my life where I made decisions ln isolation that If r had listened to others. had interacted with other people, r probably wouldn't have made. What do )'OU 1:realul'e ID09tl My relationship widi my kids and my wife. I treasure the opportunities to relax apart from work. And to develop my intellectual curiosity about learning new thin~ that I oever had time to do before. • If you ltnow someone with en interesting story to tell, contact us by fax el (949) 646-4170; by e·mail et <Uifypilol@latimtts.corrr. or by mail at Deily Pilot. 330 W. Bev St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627. 644-3244. The Oltis Senior c.m.r off9n. shuttie to take members to appointments and gl'OCIK)' shopping. The ahuttte also takes members to the center. C.JI to make an appointment. {949) 644-3244.. aa.s....c..r .... ~ aid screenings with a Braille lnsdMe representative, by appointment. (949) 644-3244. Oltis Senior c.m.r hu • walking group called Wallters Not Rod:ers, whidl meets·once a week to enjoy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beadl area. (949) 644-3244. The Alzheimer's ANn. end Grief Suppor1 Group of Newport Villa 'WeslNili. Rosa C»$p(>flSOf'S 8 tree suppon group meeting for caregivers .i 7 p..m. the fourth Thursday of each month through Odober. Newport Vila wast Aaisted living, 393 Holpital Road, Newport ee.ct\. (949) 631-3556. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST Todey you C9l mcpea modv~llkieswid'I ..,,,..d9ytil'ne~ -In 1he ICM9f to mkMDs - ~. deaT ~wilt\ low ~in the mid-301o mkMOL Light nof1h ...... .-ty in Che*t lhould ~ 1o e 10-ID 1~ "°'""1J .. wind~ ..... Act.a ol lflO a a,...._ Molld9y> I I 1C ---~ BOATING FORECAST Unlll IDam...•~ ......, ....... .-.:.tor ... .... ........ --.. Clole ......... ...... ...................... ............... 2 ... °' ...... ..._. 9 JI .... ........... , ....... ................... ---.......... Ollflil9llcc. .... nof1h wm wtnda to be In lO-t.o ~,.... wftt'l 3-foot wavw on• not1hw1est swell of 8to10 ..... SURF WATtR 11 1F ERATUltE .,._ Da.ly Piiot SatJJrday, December 27, 2003 A3 f Whale watchers prepare for the cetaceans' return With the boat parade over, people can tum their attention to the whales migrating south for calving. lollta Harper Dally Pilot NBWPORT BPACH -After a banner year or phenomenal sightings. marine life enthusiasts are gearln~ up for this whale- watching sea.son. Ptand Carpenter was on a shark fishing boat in early sum- BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCC offers a chance to get into the air Embry-Riddle AeronauUcaJ University -the world's oldest a nd largest university dedicated mer when she was privy to an unprecedented whale sighting. The manager or the Newport OwmeJ Inn. who often helps guests book various charter tourtl.· was on such a tour when she was confronted with "the largest living thJng she has ever seen" "Have you ever seen ooeT" Car· penter ~ "It is absolutely phenomenal• Many who have seen whales up close have the same reaction and are looking forward to this year's whale-wdtching season, which began in late November and runs through mid-April to aviation and aerospace -is offering two spring-term courses on Orange Coast Col· lege's campus. "Ole undergraduate courses will meet on Saturdays, one starting Jan. 23 and the other April 12. One course, ASCJ 412, will cover the operation of a corpo· rate flight department. It will look at aircraft and equipment Closed 6pm·12131 ·New Years Eve Closed New Years Da ! Don Moseley. who charten bis small boat out of Newport Har- bor for whale-watching tours, echoed Carpenter's admiration for the gmtle giank "It is really spectacular," he said "l 've seen some blue whales. and they are the largest living mammals on Earth. ... To see bis eye and the ripples in bis skin and the musde tissue -and then the tail raised up. Tue nuke was wider than my boat" Moseley usually specializes in sailing charters to and from Cata· lina. but when the temperatures drop, he caters to the whaJc- watching crowd. In Newport evaluation, maintenance, ffight operations, admlnistration and fiscal concerns. The other course, Manage· ment 419, is titled Aviation Maintenance Management and will provide a comprehensive examination of organizational maintenance policies, pro- grams and procedures. ll will place an emphasis on mai.nte· nance planning. forecasting Beach. people catch the whales on their migration route from AWka to Baja California, where the whales go to gf...e birth. he said. The fathers make their return trips anytime from late February to m1d·Man:b. and the mothers come back with their calves aroWld April The whales got a rest from Newport whale-watch- ing charters because or the boat parade, he said, but they can ex- pect to be studied, pointed at and photographed in the upcoming weeks and months. ·u realty just depends on the weather, the food supply, the and cost control, reliability, safety and Oight scheduJe per- formance. For more information abou1 these courses, contact Embry- Ridd.Je's Long Beach Center at (562) 989-4733. OCC offers its own aviation courses. It has programs in aviation technology, a.irframl' and power plant technology. aviation pilot training and air strength of the whale -lons of factors: Mose.Icy said. "But for the most part, you can catch them from now Wltil April." And catch them is exactly what Catpenter, a longtime fisherwo· man, said she would do. "I have to see it again, this time in a larger boat,· sbe saJd. She described the mixture of awe and terror that ran through her body as the enonnous crea- ture, which their captain had said was a blue whale, moved closer to their tiny boat The whale would come to the surface. at which Lime Carpenter saJd she could look into its massive eye, line travd careers. C.Ounty urges staying out of the water After the rains on Thursday. 1hc Orange County llealth Care Agency advi!>ed people 10 avoid 'wimming or surfing in Lhe ocean. Bactl'ria levels can remain el· which was bigger than sbe. Theo it would dip down into the water, leaving the boaten wondering where be may pop up again. • 1 was sea.red. I'll admit it,· she said. ·it's like, 'Oh. its so beauti· ful, but I hope it's not coming over here.'" Carpenter saJd she is hooked. nus year, she and her friends - one of whom just bo4gbt a 50· foot Pacemaker -are in hot pur- suit of migrating whales. "Oh. I'll see It again. l have co," she said. •After that experience with whales. l will see It again. We'll do whatever it takes. We are ba'>ically going after them." evated for at least three days, depending o n the severity of the rain and the volume of the runoff, agency officials said. Rain can cause discharge of large amoun1s of runoff con- taining bacteria from various :.ources, such as animal waste and deccvnposing vegetation. Beachgoers were aJso warned to avoid contact with runoff while on the sand. •Regular • Lite GRf.EN MOUNTAIN GRINGQ ~00~ ~ • Mild • Medium • Hot • Cl1ili ·~ $ REG. '4.29 GRfEN MOUNTAIN GRINGQ WDrtMilil(ll ~llift[D&"} Save on Pria, Not on Tasll!I REG."1 .99 llMr!_~~ Na~tile • Ganlelr ~ Deldoull • 1bmalx> & FdlJ ·~&Garik •OBSatmw REG. '6.49 •Honey REG. '2.99 BEGIN THE NEW YEAR ••• REALTHY (:_fNl;tNc; fN THE NEW YE/I~! Anti-Hangover and Nutritional Drlnlt With ltMe lt'llloeo &ri, MIA 1'hJdk 111111 c...,,, ·::"sI~ FARM FRESH PRODUCE NEWCHAPTER Hmt Defeme Immae~ a.-.. -.-.... ,.,,. ;'~$•£.99 SUGG. '24.70 ~-• Garden '> ( Life f&.'3.25 I QWEST PRICf fVER' •Alcohol • Altcohol Ptw SUGG. '9.99 REG. '3.75 ,, ,I I It c-L A2 Sltwdlv. Decernbef 27, 2003 BOOMERS & BEYOND Adjusting to another coast Robert C. Amster, How ... )'OU ... up lo who moved out from Newport·"-? New Jersey, made his Well, 1 attended acbool and way up to l'QllDing training in the FA.at, and once f wu .flnlshed with my residency, his own cUnic. I moved to Los Angeles and met my wife: one year be(ore I lult Peft• moved out here. My wife ls from Daily Pilot Northrldge. We initially lived in the West LA. area. and then ahe Robert C. Amil.et' ls a wanted to move to Orange 53-year·old Corona del Mar County, which we did in the mid rcsJ.dent and owner and medical 1980s, and weve been In director of Newport Ufgent Newport Beach, Corona del Mar Can!. t:Ver since. Almost 20 years now. Flrat tn Newport Beach for half Wbe"n did,.,.. .... upt of that and then Corona del Mar. I grew up bact Ease ln New Jersey. Rockaway, a small town What are your greatat near Morristown. which is about accomplWunenta ln llfet 30 miles west of New York Oty. It 's a very small communJty. I Well, No. J, my 25-year Uved there up uncil basically marriage and two great 1979. We had che same home all daughters.. That's my No. I. (My those years. I was in the same wife) helped me shape my neighborhood all my life until I career and ow life at home. the moved out to California, fact Lhat my wife raised the kids. although. o( course, I went to We decided early on chat she o;chool and IJ'alnlng and all of would not work at a Job but that. so I was away from home. rather would be home and avaUable for the kids. And you What kind or childhood dJd know, raising a family and being you havet somewhat successful and keeping the same marriage. I I grew up with friends that think. is a big accomplishment. I've basically maintained all my 1Wo Is developing a practice life. A very close group of eight chat I am in the midst of doing or I 0 of us. And my father now in the Newport Beach area worked in New Yorlt City so I after having been in practice in was exposed to Manhattan and other areas and other positions. chat area quJle a bit. I have one I've worked in administrative older sister who moved to New capacities as a medical dlrector England, and J attended school for health plans. But I think my basically through medical second biggest accomplJshment school back in the East Coast ls developing this practice here area, either New Jersey or New in Newport. Another thing that York, and then moved out to I've done that I'm proud ofls California In 1979. I had a lot of that I became a professionaJ good close (riends that I went pilot along the way at the aame through grade school witb and time that I was a physician. I high school with. and some of was also a commercial pilot. At [whom( went to the same one point. I had two careers -a coUege I went ICI. I was active In physician and an airline pUoc. I sports and music. We played ln did that for about two. bands together. Interestingly. we lhree-und-e·half years. are having a 40th year. elghch·grade reunion this If you couJd re-do one summer back In New Jersey. moment or inddenl ln your BOOMER 1600 E. Coast Highway. lnformallon:(800) 433.7534 ext. CALENDAR 92310. JAN.20 • Send CAlEMlAR Items to the The Amenc:an Aun. of~ Daity Pilot, 330 W. Bey St, Costa Persons will host a driving <Un Mesa 92627; by e-mail to for mature drive,. to sharpen luis.pena@lalimes.com; by fax to their sltllls from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. (949} 646-4170; or by calling (949) al Presbyterian Church of the 574-4298. Include the time, date Covenant. 2850 FatfView Ro.ct, and l<><:ation of the event, as well Costa Mesa. The cost Is $10 per aa a contact phone number. person. Information: (714) 567-3340. JAN.8 The Parfdnton'• Reeoww .JAH.21 Organizations will host a support The Amectcan AAn. of A.tired group m'8ting for caregivers, Persons will host a driving dass adult children end family for mature driven1 to sharpen members of loved ones with their altllls from 12:30 to 4:30 p.m. Parkinson'• dlMaM at 7:30 p.m. In et Presbyterian Church of the the Oasis Senior Center's Covenant. 2850 Fairview Road. community room, 800 Costa Mesa. The cost Is $10 per Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. peraon. Information: (714) Information: 1949) ~3352. 557-3340. JAN.13 Anandet lldvt9or Oen Shee wtll OHGOtNG dlscusa "Nine unte-Known a.. Senior c.m.r wUI affiar. Money-Trepa that Routinely Cost fou,..week clasa called Mental Many Retiree. Thouundt" from Rtneu Plus from 1 to 2:30 p.m .. 11 e.m. to 12:30 p.m. et the beginning Jen. 8. The class uses Newport Beach Country Club. Brain Gym movements to access Daily A Pilot VOL 97, NO. 311 ™<>MASH. JOHNSON S.WMcerw* Publi.tler Phoco Editor, TONYDOOao (94917&M358 Editor er-ma.'f11nkO"""'"-com JtK1'f Of!T11NO JoeeJ.S... A=~r Alt Director I N9wl Delli Chief. (949157<M22A Promotlonl Olrecw ~•l«fme&com Nliwl EilMDfl IDfTING STAR Gina Aleundaf, Lorf Andereon, UC.. o.nle4 = =... SMowltz. ~Editor, ( 87tM233 IJ.cM'rtt. """""""""' NlWI~ o.r...ao.t 0...,.-- ,..;:r~ Crime end COUftl reporter, (94$) 574-We ~f10Ulllt•/Mlrrw#.com a...».~•ladm9.com .......,.,... .-.o ..... Spona Edtlor, (Mt~ Newpott 8-dt f'WPC)f111r. rld!Md.IMwt•,...,,,,.,oom 19-PMm ...... /una,_,,,,.,...""'*-com .-....,,. Cllv Ecllo(, ~ .......... (t411PM311 eo...Mete~.(M)~1 ,,,.. --'*""·~ ditlrch.ntWrnen Oleffmel.com ..... Haper .... ~ Fe>Nm '= ~C>CllumnlM. [dumlion ,.,..., (Ml 87<M2ell ~---oom ~·IMlmtlu;om , MARI< C. DUSTIN /DAILY PILOT Corona del Mar resident Robert Amster is the owner and medical director of Newport Urgent Care. He's also worked as an airline pilot. Ule, what would II beT Probably the birth of lcids, because I sort of toolc it for granted and now I feel that l should have been more Involved In it at the time. I was physically there, but it was not as momentous to me as it should have been. At the time, I was working quJte a bit and seeing patJents, so you take that for granted, and that's something that I regret. It was obviously very meaningful, and l would like to relive that now if I could. What profe911on other than youn would you like to haw trtedf I'd liJce co have had a career as a business executive in a large service-oriented business. Along the way, I actually got an MBA degree that's part of what I'm doing in medicine now. I was the whole brain. The coat Is $35 for Newport Beach residents and $40 fur nonresidents. Information: (949) 644-3244. O.• hnior c...r hold9. pancake breakfHt from 7:30 to 10 a.m. on the MCOnd Saturday of every month. Breakf!lst lncludet pancakes, sat.1sage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center Is at 800 Marguerite, Corona del Mar. Information: (949) 644-3244. fluM9" S0-Ptus IUpport group for women 50 and older is a discussion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to address iasues sudl as anxiety, depression, relationships, loneliness end family. The group meets at 7 p.m . Wednesdays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The 8'alle lnstttut. offiat's"" computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the computer screen. The Alc:M Roblneon Politic., buslneet end 8f'lllironment l"OpOrtOf', (~ 764-4330 allc/a.roblntJOn lafl"*-oom U.PW\I N9WI ... lstanc. (9491 574-4298 luls.Pf1M•tatlm"8..com Pt40l'OGRAPHERS Marl! C. Dostin. Ooo ~- Kent TrttQtow READE.AS HOTUNE (9491 642-6086 Record your comments about the Daily Pilot or news tips. ~ Our ildd~ 11 330 W. S.y St, Cost. MeA, CA 92e2l Office hOtlrt .,.. == · Fric»y, l:JO e.m. • 5 p.m. Ille It le ttie Piiot's pollc\' to prompd'( COITtCt ell~ of sut.t.nce, Pl .... cell (IM&) 7&M;324, FYI The Newpor1 ~ Meea Oef=(USPS-144-800) la pu deity In~ hedt and eo-. Mw:, ~-IQ ~ °"'V ~ .. bleriblng to ni. Timee 0renee ~ llOOI 2'62·114t. In ..... OUl8ld9 of Newport leedl •nd eo.-. Meile. eu~lon1 to the Deify Piiot" ..,.. only by """ clMe melt fof ao ,,... month. (fttbl lnoludll at1 ~--~locll--1 and have been very fascinated with the business environment, and I think I have some good leadership and management skills. l like che decision-ma.king, the interaction with clients. I like che operational aspects·of managing a business. That would have been attractive to me when I was younger. What a.re tome dllferencea between • typlall day ln your Ufe now w:nue a day ln your life 20 yeen ecot 1Wenty years ago. I was just starting out I was consumed with work. unfortunately, and 1 was very much involved clinically with the patients that I saw. And now. I do things differently. I'm more in the business environment at this point. I'm Involved in managi.-ig large populadons of patients rather than indlvidual padent& Oasis Center et 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (7141821-5000. The Costa M... s.nlor c...r . has ballroom dancing with live music from the Betty's Trio from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19d'I St. Costa Mau. $4. (949) 648-3884. ~sh fllmlty SeMce of Onlnge County sponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically Ill. The purpo88 is to provide participants with emotional and spiritual support to manage illness and its consequences. The group meets at 7 p.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Family Service office, 250 E. Baker St., ea.ta Mesa. Attendance Is free, but registration is required. (714) 4454950. J9wllh Feinlty Setv~ offers ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of loss. Group members share experiences, hear how others POSTMASTER: Send address ctu1nges to Tho Newport S.edl/Coste Me .. Dally Pilot. P.O. Bo>< 1560, Cotti MeN, CA 92626. CoP'(right No l'l9WI storlN, lllustratlona, editorial mau.r or ed'lertlaernema herein cen be reproduced without written perm1aalon of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US ~ The Tlmee Orenoe County (900) 252-9141 ,.,,,,.,tllil19 C1111•1d 194918'2·5678 '*"*' 1949} 842'"'321 ~ ....... IM)M2"64J80 ..... (t4Q) 874-422' ........ (IM8) ... 170 lpoftl,.. (949) eeo-0170 I""*': <Ml/ypllor•tllffm..oom Mlln<>Moe •I' -. Ollee IMll 142'"'321 ...... FM !Ml Q1.11a ~ byTlnlel Community ,..., • dh4lion of !NI Lot Angetea 1""'--Cl003 l11Mi CN, All~ ~ I'm involved in some medkal policy-maJcing. and J'm also much more entrepreneurial. Back then, 1 was more just a worker-someone without a long,tenn vision, just Inundated with the responsibilities of my career. What la the greatett le9eon you'w learned In your Ufet How to get along with people and not to underestimate other people and how to respect people and their opinJons more. TI1e first part of my life, I was learning and training so much that I never got the chance to know people very well. I saw la_rxe numbers of people who were sick and treated them for their clinJcaJ problems but really didn't get to know them better. But now. as I become more Involved in the business side of things, I realize how multidimensional people are deal with grief, receive support and ream ways to cope with sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in lrvine.tr'he second group meets at 10 a .m. Tuesdays et Temple Judea In Laguna Hills. The third group meets at 1 p.m . °f!'ursdays at the Emt Centet in Anaheim. There's no cost to attend, but advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. 0."9 Senior Center offers assistance, counseling and referral services for senioni. (949) 644-3244. Arthrftis Foundation lnatructor Hilla!'{ Stone leads an exercise class at 11 a.m. Thursdays at the Jewish Senior Center, 250 e. Baker St, Costa Mesa. (714) 5 13-5641. O.• Senior c..1t9r °"9r'S • ct.lty telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. They also offer computer classes that teach the basics of Word, Quieten, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) and how much I've learned from others. I can easily say that I've Jeamed just as much from my experiences with other people as I have in the formaJ education process. Just incidents in my life where I made deoislons in isolation that lf I had listened to others, had interacted with other people, t probably wouldn't have made. Whal do you treMure mo.tt My relationship with my kids and my wife. I treasure the opportunJdes to relax apart from work. And to develop my intellectual curiosity about leamJng new things thal I never had time to do before. • If vou know someone with en interesting stof'{ to tell, contact us bv fex at (949) 646-4170; by e·ma1I et dal/ypflot§latimes.com; or bv mail at Dally Pilot, 330 W. Bay St .. Costa Mesa, CA 92627. 644-3244. Th• oa• Senior c.n.. ,,...,_ • shuttle to take members to appointments and grooef'{ shopping. The .ooute also takes members to the center. Call to mete an appointment. (949) 644-3244. a.. SeniorCentlr,,..,.. vt.ual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative, by appointment (949) 644-3244. Oesis Senior c...r has • walking group called Walkers Not Roehrs, which meets·onoe a week to enjoy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644-3244. The A!zheWner's Aasn. and GrW Support Group of Newport Villa WestMlla Rosa co-sponsors a free support group meeting for caregivers at 7 p.m . the fourth Thursday of eadl month through Ocrtober at Newport Villa West Assisted Living, 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631-3556. SURF AND SUN WEATHER FORECAST northwect winds to be In 10-to 20-knot range with 3-foot Today vou can expect waves on • northwest awell of mostly sunny skies with 8to1oteet. warmer daytime temperatures -In the lower to mld-608 -SURF and a clear evening, with low temperatures In the mid.JO to Size 1hould be almllar to ml~. Ught north wtnds Frid11v -head-high or allghtly ear1y in the day should change overtieed at west·fadng breeltl to • 10-to 15-mph nor1hwea1 -but expect • 10% to 15" wind by IUl'lMt. decreeae fn energy...., noon. A d\anc:e of show9r9 ~ Stiel, tM btc:teria w.n1ng1 Monday. ~,.In ... "°"'~ ~: rein, and rain~ ageln www.nwa.nc»•·OOV Sundey, Wl!Wqu.llty: BOATING FORECAST www . .url'rl<Nr.orv Until 10 a.m., a hlgh-eutf TIDES ecMeory wlll be In "'9ct for me "-lnntr end °'*' W9tlM'a. ........ CloM to lhoN, ~nde ehould 12:&7a.m. U'1 .... hlgh be from the~·-. 10 '° &l:te.m. 2.M .... low 15 knoe9. WtY99 et 2 '-'or n:11a.m. IMMhlgh In\ .. wtth. w.tl8m swell t:Mp.m. -0.37Mlow ~a enct 1 Mt. wtncte end the .w9I ehoued die down WATER TEMPERATURE .... tnlhedlry. Oul ....,.....,.. ' r Daily P*>t Saturday, December 27, 2003 A3 I Whale watchers prepare for the cetaceans' return With the boat parade over, people cafl turn their attention to the whales migrating south for calving. Lollt• H•rper Daily Pilot NEWPORf BFACH -After a banner year of phenomenal sightings, marine life enthusiasts are gearing up for this whale- watching season. Ftand Carpenter was on a shad: fishing boat in early sum- BRIEFLY IN THE NEWS OCC offers a chance to get mto the air Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University -the world's oldest and largest university dedicated mer when she wa.s privy to an unprecedented whale =ting. The manager of the Olannel Inn. Who oft.en helps guests book vanou.. charter tours. was on such a tour when she was confronted with "the largest living thing she has ever seen.• "Have you ever seen oner Car- penter asked. "It Is absolutely phenomenal.• Many who have seen whales up close have the same reaction and are looking forward to this year's whale-watching season, wh1ch began in late November and runs through mid-April to aviation and aerospace -ls offering two spring-term courses on Orange Coast Col- lege's campus. The undergraduate courses will meet on Saturdays, one starting Jan. 23 and the other April 12. One course, ASCI 412, will cover the operation of a corpo· rate Oight department. It will look at aircraft and equipment Don Moseley, who chart.en his small boat out of Newport Har· bor for whale·watcbing toun, echoed Carpenter's admiration for I.he gentle glaoea. "It Is really spectacular.• he said. "I've teen some blue whales, and they are the largest living mammals on e.anh. •.. Tu see his eye and the ripples in his sJcin and the muede tissue-and then the tail miaed up. Tue ftulte was wider than my boat" · Moseley usually specializes in sailing charters to and from Cata· lina. but when the temperatures drop. be caters to the whale- watching crowd ln Newpon evaluation, maintenance, flight operations, administration and fiscal concerns. The other course, Manage- ment 419, is titled Aviation Malntenance Managem ent and will provide a comprehensive examination of organizational maintenance policies, pro- grams and procedures. It wilJ place an emphasis on mainte· nance plannlng. forecasting Beach. people catch the whales on their mlgradon route from Alaska to Baja c.alifomia. where the whales go to ~ birth. he said. The fathers mab their return trips anytime from late February to mld-Mureh. and the mothers come back with their calves aroWld April The whales got a rest from Newpon whale-watch- ing charters because or the boat parade, he said, but they can ex- pect to be studied, pointed at and photograpned in the upcoming weeks and months. '1t really just depends on the weather, the food supply, the and cost control, reUabiliry. safety and Oight scheduJe per- formance. For more information about these courses, con tact Embry- Riddle's Long Beach Center at (562) 989-4733. OCC offers its own aviation courses. It has programs in aviation technology. airframe and power plant technology. aviation pilot training and air- strength of the whale -tons or factors.· Moseley said. "But for the most part. you can catch them from now witil April• And catch them is exactly what Carpenter, a longtime fisherwo- man, said she wouJd do. "I have to see It again. this time in a larger boat,· sbe said. She described the mixture of awe and terror that ran through her body as the enormous crea- ture. which thelr captain had said was a blue Whale, moved closer to their tiny boat. The whale would come to the surface, at which time Carpenter said she could look into its massive eye, line travel careers. Co unty urges staying out of the water After the rains on Thursday, the Orange Counry HeaJth Care Agency advised people to avoid swimming or surfing in the ocean. Bacteria levels can remain el- wh1ch was bfaer than she. Then It would dip down Into the water. leaving the boaters wondering where he may pop up again. "I was scared. I'll admit It." she said. "It's like, 'Oh, its so beauli· fuJ. but I hope It's not coming over here:· Carpenter said she is booked. This year, she and her {fiends - one of whom just bought a 50- foot Pacemaker -are in hot pur· suit of migrating whales.. "Oh, I'll see It again. I have to." she said. "After that experience with whales, 1 wil1 see ii again. We'U do whatever it takes. We are basically going after them." evated for at least three days. depending on the severity of the rain and the volume of the runoff, agency officials said. Rain can cause discharge of large amounts of runoff con - taining bacteria from various sources. such as animal waste and de<:<\mposing vegetation. Beachgoers were also warned to avoid contact with runoff while on Lhe sand. Toa Wad'*ttul y.--~ • Regular 7'-''11"'~ Closed 6 pm • 12./31 • New Years Eve Closed New Years Da ! ""'d,~ "~4' r apacrlsto Greek Snacks or • ~ialqlitas ~= :=-~99 s.., Dried 1bml6oa REG. '4.99 aoz.. GllEEN MOUNTAJN GRINGQ ~~ • Mild • Medimn • Hot • Chili ·~ $ REG. '4.29 GRfEN MOUNTAIN GRlNGQ Utotrllfillil?n ~Ihftr:p~ Save on Price, Not on Tastl!l REG . .,,99 • Lite •Honey REG. '2.99 BEGIN THE NEW YEAR ••• HEALTHY , f:::..fN{;fN{; fN 1HE NEtv YE/If::.. t Diet Last Call"" ~ Anti-Hangover and Nutritional Drink lt'lth White Jt'llloeD &ri, Milk 11tldk ad c...,,, ·~s•49 SUGG. '2.99 & 11 oz. FARM FRESH PRODUCE • 7'1u ,..,.,. ltu not Ha ftMllM"'11 Ir IN PDA. 7'1u ,,,,,oct u not l'*1tMd to".,,,...., lrHt, ,,..,,t wan-."'--· (M~ en) Garden o( Life I OWfST PRICF EVHi' M S.turday, Oecembet 27. 2003 PUBLIC SAFETY POLICE FILES COSTA MESA • Aneheim Awnue: A home burglery w .. reported In the 2000 bl<><* 1t 6:18 e.m . Wednetd1y. • ln.tol Street P.ttv theft wH reported In the 3000 blodl et 11:11 p.m. Thursday. • low• Street: Vandall1m WH reported In the 1800 bl<><* at 9:47 p.m, Thursday. • Hert>ot> Bouleverd: Petty theft was reported In the 2300 bl<><* tit 10;33 p.m. Thursday. • Newport lout.verd .net Vln9uant W.y: A vehicle burglery was reported et 6:18 p.m . Thur1day. • Red HW Avenue: Grand theft was reported In the 3000 blodt a1 10:57 11.m. Wednesday. • Senta Ane Avenue: A c;ommerelal burglary was FAMILY Continued from Al • property. ft will also pass OUI bfankets and dothes 10 the homeless.. Pi~ will Oy around the p1operty. ·ll Thangle &1uare will finally be pul out of Its mJsety and tom down. In ilS place wlD be a series of cute one-story shops. including a Wells Fargo Bank on the comer of I I arbor Boulevard and 19th Street. Tilere will be no pasting <;tructure in which to get trapped for days. 51 lhe Newport-Mesa Unified Scl11K1I District will expenment wit.h '-Ghool hours by starting high 10<:hool at 9 :Lm. instead of al the crack of dawn. "The almighty lest sc..•()res will rise dramatkally. ldw will behave better, and l~cher job 'intisfactlon will rise. oJ lne school experiment wlII cea.<;c of1er a cluel<¥ parent files a mmplaint tha1 the hours discriminate ngains1 working folks who have to drop their kids off and ;;1i11 be at their jobs by 9 am 7l Speaking of clueless. the lhrc.>t• people still praying for an airport in EJ l bro will finally prove tha1 they are not shills for <lcvtlopcrs by o~g a drive 10 shut down John Wayne Airport. In ils place. they will recommend a put\ 10 be mlled the ·rreuy C.ood Parle" because "Great P-.tn" LI\ ulready taken. IJI tne 1 loneyHak.ed Ham store in C'..orona deJ Mar will offer a nwluoonary new service during the holidays: II will del~r hams lo <"USlomers for a small rec. 91 The C.osta Mesa City Council will cul the size of the Bark Pad ln half llecause onJy about half of It Is used oo the busiest duys. The Rabbitt Insurance ~ency AUl'O • llOMFOW~ • H'f..uni \1J1'1d11r \11u1 1957 ~~ ~ S >-)_, 949-631-7740' 44 I Old Nrwpon BM.• Newpofi ~ (Nnit H-. Ha.piul) reported In the 2100 blodt •1 7:17 e.m. Wednesd•Y· • t/ldoritl ltrMt: Grenlti WH reported In the 1200 blodl et 9:50 a .m. \N9dnesdey. NEWPORT IEACti • South lay "°8t: A home burgltry WH repo"ed In the 900 blodt .. 3:56 p.m. Thur9dey. • w..t Cout tilthW8f: Vendell1m wH reported In the 6000 bl<><* at 8:15 a.m . Thursday. • lrvln. Avenue: Petty theft WH reported In the 900 blodt et 2:05 p.m . Thursday. • Ridge P9rll Roed end Laurent StJMt A hit-and-run WH reported at 9:09 p.m . Thursday. • Scholz f»tace: A prowler WH reported in the 100 blodc at 12:66 a.m Thursday. other half will be the home of the caty's new skateboan:.1 part. "F.xtreme Skateboarding Qow>" will be lV's honest new show . I 0) Since they're already occupying every comer in the area. Smrbucb and the local oll-dlange places will all me~ into one company. Coffee will be found to be a better engine lubricant than motor oil c.an with fresh oil changes wlD be outfitted with a giant <::a.rdboard sleeve before they exit. I I ) Coed physical education classes will be detennined to be "cruel and unusual punishment" by the U.S. Supreme Court. 12) South Coast Plaz.a will sign a lease 'With the new "Re-gifting" chain of stores. 11;iis Is the place where you taJce new. unWdllted gifts from any other store in exchange for store credit for anything else In the store. The world's only fruitc:alce will make a brief appearance there before being picked up and re-gifted to someone in Tustin. 13) The ()'.illy Pilot's t 03 list will finally indude that ldd with the pasta dumped on his head on the sign In front of the Pasta Cormection restaurant in Costa Mesa. 14) Bob Doman will announce his campaign posjdons In ,January. He'll come out In favor of Invading Iraq to ou.'11 Saddam Hussein. he'll be in favor of an airport at PJ Thro, he'll recommend a new design of the U.S. currency and he1J support George W. Bush for president aver Al Gore. IA>ctors will ~r that Doman has been asleep for five years. Have a happy, healthy. prosperous and safe new year. Go Th>Jans! • snve SMmi IS a Costa Mesa resident and a freelance writer Readers may leeve a message for him on lhe Daily Pilol holline at (949) 642-$)86. OYSTERS Continued from Al pcrience in the kitchen, Brandon was still Ooored by the Invitation lo cook at the Beard House. "hs certainty the highest acoo· lade that lw ever recefved as a cook." Brandon said. Redfearn said he was glad to see Brandon get the recognition. Rounding up as&sting chefs, varl· OU.'l kitchen equipment and the food Itself, and then getting them all to New York will be a big job, bur deciding to go was easy, Red- fearn said "It's one ol those thJnp that it's a once ln a lifedme (chancel, and you have to say yes." he said. Oysters ts at 2515 E.. Coast High· way In Corona del Mar. • AUaA "° .. .,,. j)O\ltlr'9 buelnMa. polltlca Ind the enWonment. She mey be r..n.c:t « (Ml~ 0t by e-meil et M/cM,fOblfJllOnlJ6-tlmacom. LOW-CARB Continued from Al meU, lhe ..id. In IOme ca-. people NMn'l sopped eadna plllriee. cbey're Jute reodq h lowet'·t.t opdona. Aid Km;I \WVlk. owner m Aro- mas F.5preuo Caf6 ln C.osta Me8a. Aromas has been aelllng 9CG of low·w raspbeny mufllns. oet· meal raisin <X>Otles and ham and cheese aoisaants. he said. "Ouistrna.s eve was just aazy,• he said. Pm-t-Olristmas putty eaten were Oocking to PaJn du Moode bakery on Balboa Island on Pd· day, but some Just came to ali· WET Continued from Al ~. Officer smcy Willita sald. In Corona del Mar. a tree limb landed on a car, but the stormy weather didn't cause any serious problems, said Mike Pi.w'U. depu- ty general services director for the dty of Newport Beach. AROUND TOWN •Send AROUND TOWN items to the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627; by &-mail to lul&IJ"na@latimes.com; by fax to (949) 846-4170; or by celling (!MS) 574-4298. Include the time, date and location of the event. e• well es a oontac1 phone number. MONDAY The Environmental Nature Cef"9r will present lhe Discovery Days Workshop, in which participants use inveptlons they've created to race over the land and Into the air, from 9 a.m . to 3 p.m. The coct will be $140 per st\Jdent. Member9 will get a 10% disoount. There will be a $15 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. The....., end Mllt'Y Muth Interpretive Center will host a hands-on event on Insects from 11 a.m . lo noon at 2301 University Drive, Newport Beach. The cost will be $10 for eacn cnlld 5 and older. Information and reservations: (949) 923-2295. TUESDAY The Environmental NWn Centw will present the Discovery DllVI Worbhop, in wtiicn participants use Inventions lhey've Cfeated to race over the land and Into the air, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. The colt wlll be $140 per student Members will get a 10% diacount. There will be a $15 materials fee. Information: (949) 646-8489. WEDNESDAY The Envlronmentel Nllture Centw will present the Discovery Days Workshop, in whk:h participants use inventions they've created to raoe over the land and into the air, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . The coat will be $140 per student Members will gel a 10% dilOOunt There will be a $16 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. ntURSOAY The Envtronmental Nnn c.nw will present the OllCOVery Days Worbhop. in whlcn participants use inventions they've created to race over the land and Into the air, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m . The cost will be $140 per student Membera will get a 10% discount There will be a $15 materials fee. Information: (949) 645-8489. FRIDAY The Envtronrnem.I Nnn c...... will preMnt the OiscovefY Days Workshop, In whlctt partidpenta use lnventlon1 they've creeted to race over the land and Into the air, from 9 1.m. to 3 p.m. The colt will be $140 per student. Members will get • 10% dflCOUnt. There Wfll be a $15 materials fee. Information: (!MS) 645-8489. JAN.10 There wtl be a eomp.w,.., et the Orenge County Falt & ~ Cent9r from 10 e.m. to 6 p.m. Jen. 10 and 11 In 8ulldlng No. ,o at the Orange County Felr a Expoeltlon Center. The ooet la S6 for edulta; cttlldren 10 end younger get In for free. lntonnetlon: (800) 800-6800. http:lt\Nww.ocfalr.com. JAN.11 ,,_. .. bee Computer,.., .. the Orange County Fair a Expoaltlon c.n1w from 10 t .m. to 6 p.m. Jen. 10 and 11 In 8uldlng No. 10tt1M Orange County Fair • Expoehlon Cent9r. ,..,. COit ,, "For the most part there wu no significant damage.• Pbani said. "It's Just a mess that bas to be deaned up -windblown sand on the boardwallc and the piers and ~ lot of leaves oo the ground." About half a dozen boata broke loose off their moorings In New- port Harbor, and o ne ran aground in the COiie area near the Ptoductt at Orange Coonty Fair & Expo91tion Center. The show will be open from noon to 8 p.m. today. The coat Is $5. 75 for adults, $3 for seniors and free for cttlldren younger than 12 .. Information: (818) 557·2950. JNt17 n.. TEX•us o..... Show w11 be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m . In building No. 14 et the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost Is $10 for adulta. Children 12 and younger get in for free. Information: (918) 288-2222. A Home Remodeling .net Decorating Show will be held in buildings No. 10 and 12 and in the Parade of Products at Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The show will be open from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. loday. The cost is $5. 75 for adults, $3 for tenlora (56+) $3 and free for cnlldren younger than under 12 are free. Information: (818) 557-2950. The w..t Coat Reptile Show will be from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. in building No. 17 at the Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The cost ii $6 for adults and $3 for cnlldcen 12 and younger. Information: (71 4) 826-6600, http:IM!ww.radicafrepti/ftS.com. The PMot Educetlon end Adoption Center. a nonprofit organization, will have a seminar on parrot nutrition from 1 to 2:30 p.m. at the Balearic Community Center, 1975 Balearic Drive, Costa Mesa. Information: (949) 631·3606, htlp:/tWww.IJ"l'C-Orp. .MN.18 A Home RemodeMng end Decorating Show will be held in buildings No. 10 and 12 end In the Parade of Products at Orange County Fair & Exposition Center. The lhow will be open from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. today. The colt is $6. 75 for adult., $3 for seniors and free for ctilldren younger than 12. Information: (818) 657-2950. The w..t Cout Reptile Show will be from 10 1.m . to 6 p.m. In building No. 17 at the Orange County Fair 8c Exposition Center. The colt ia S6 for adult• and $3 forcnildren 12 and younger. Information: (714) 826-6600, hnp.:1..WWW.radlcalreptiltn .. com. n.. SdtoOI of Americen 8aht wtll host auditions tor Intermediate to advanoed ballet dancers from 12 to 18 years old for !ta summer course. The audition• will be from 2 to 6:30 p.m. 9t the Jimmie Defoe Dence Cenlet", 151 l<almue, Sutte G3, Com Mesa. The applk:atlon fee 11 S20. Glr1a mutt bring polnte ehoea, end all applicants must provide niM-dlglt Social Security numbers. WMtlel' &..w 9cihool prof111 ~ Mld\MI Bezyler wUI diecuu and -'cln his new~ "Holocaust Jultlce" st 7 p.m. st Borders Boob Mulic and CaN In Cotta Meee, 1890 Newport Blvd. JAN.22 Hoeg HolplW wtl tto.t "N\ltrttlon for the Lung Cancer ~; • deyttme lung c:encer eupport group, from 2 to 3:30 p.m. M the Hoeg Cencet Center, ~ice room A. The~ wll be Kettwv Phem, a Hoeg Hoepltel nutrtdonlet. lnfonnttlon: (M) 790-6542. S6 for edulta; cNfdren 10 llnd younger .... In for,,..., lnbmtclon: (IOO, ~. ~odrllr.aom. JM.11 Dr ..................... ._ TM ...... Edi iltlOft Md ~Cent« •• nonprofit ()fOIMlimdon, wMI hew• Mmlner on~beheivtor from 1 to 2:30 p.m. et the 8eleMc Community C...., 1975 Bel•rk: her NW boot '°T1-fltoper C.... end Feeclng of~• M 7:30 p.m.. 8etMt Ind Noble le ...... Mllro ...... 8018 Soulh C08ll Dftw. WDrrMdon (71~ .IM.H DriYe, Colee MMe. lnfonndon: (M)811"*8. ~OllJ. n. ...... ,.,... .... .... ~~.9t 11~ e.ftf.. Sherman Llbniry. Getdlne. wtl foaue on-edlalon In._.._ Ane entrance channel, sald Sgt Dave Ginther o( the Orange CoWlty Sheriff's Harbor Patrol In Newport Beach. And a lifeguard training booy migrated from Newport Pier to 8a1boa Pier. 1be weather did not cause any major delays at John Wayne Air- port. spokesman J\JSdn McCusker said. "From all accounts, it was a that only teaches abstinenoe until marriage. Sherman Library & Garden• is at 2647 E. Coast Highway. Information: (714) 633-6373, ext. 121. ONGOING The~Center Toastmaster's Oub can help you Improve your public speaking skills or polish your busJn8$S presentations. Members come from a variety of professional disciplines and badcgrounds. The group meets every Monday morning from 7 to 8:30 a.m. at 610 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. Validated parking is available in the parting structure next to 24 Hour Fitness. Guests are welcome. Information: (949) 721-5732. Sole Comfort end Laura'1 HouM have teamed up to help those in need by collecting shoes from through Dec. 31 at Sole Comfort, Corona del Mar Plaza, 836 Avocado Ave. Laura's House is committed to ending the cycle of domettic violence and strengthening families. Information: (949) 644-5939. The City of Costa MHl'I Recreation Division will have registration for its 2004 baske1ball league for adult players from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m. Jan. 5 to 16 at the Downtown Recreation Center, 1860 Anaheim Ave. Information: (7)4) 327-7563. South Coe9t Plaza will h.,,. iU famous carousel transformed from horses to Santa's reindeer until Dec. 28. The cost for a ride is $1. Information: (714) 436-2083, htrp:lt\Nww.southcoastplszs.com. South Cout Pl&z. wtU haw Santa's Express Train running through J an. 4 at lhe Crate & Barrel/Macy's Home Store wing on Level 2. Information: (714) 436-2083, http:l!Www.southcoastplaza.com. The N.wpoft-Meee atbbege dub meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of every month from 6:46 to 9 p.m~ at Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave . in Corona del Mar. The cost Is $2. Information: (949) 646-5293. The ACLU of Orange County meets at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month at the Unitarian Universallst Churdl, 1259 Victoria St In Cotta Mesa. Eacn month'• meeting will feature a different 1peaker on lasoes relating to Iha Bill of Righta. lnformatlon: (714) 957-6107. ~ct.....wtlbe~ Tuesdeya and Thursdays from noon to 12:40 p.m. for nine week.a et West Newport Community Center. Registration 11 $64 for one clasa each week or $100 for two devs • week over nine week.a tor Newport Beach realdenta. Others pey en additional $5. lnfomlatlon: (949) 644-3161. eo.t. Mela\ RectNdon Dlvlelon wtll ptOVlde a thrwe-hoor theme birthdey perty for up to 20 guata 9t the Baleeric Community Center weetday9 from 6 to 8 p.m .; Seturdeys from 11 1.m. to 2 p.m. or• to 7 p.m.; end Sondeys from 4 to 7 p.m . Partiea fot c:Nldren 5 to 12 Wfll cone!lt of lunch/dinner, gerMt. crefta, pr'lme, eek• with ~ Cf'MM end eupeMek)n by lteff. Pertt. OOIC $250 or S300. Information: (714) 764-1168. A..tltyol ...... ........_. end group Mlm leeeorw wffl be offwed tNe eummtr 9t the Merten hfQMOn Aquadc Centet _.Corona del Mer H6gh School. Optblll lndude on.on.one IMtnictlon on~ end e MoMly-through-ll'4.lrtdey ~bellegeaMd~ For ...ion detlee, *"-end OOMI. cell {M, ...._,111, or regltMrln ~ .. ~ 8Nd\ AeOf Mdol'I end Senior ~ 9t 3IOO NwJpcMt 8IYd. A*-R1 10 Pc_. Decoe ........... ,..., Vnlllld.,... Dlllltct. ~ ..._fram~USAend ~lnc. ........ 1auntc •im ..... .. ........... ..... ....... ..., ....... Ho.10 hlnen with ...... ..... 1ooow~ ....... , ... . I I I •ALICIA AOm'90N COiien : bualneea. politica and 1tio I environment.. She may be rea(tled ~ (949) 764-4330 or by &mail It t atldll.robinson OIMirrwls.oom. : ' ' smooth-running day/ he said. : Skies should clear up over th• weekend. with highs In th~ mid-60s and lows in the 30s 10 40s and winds to 15 miles pef hour. • I ' • MARISA O'NEIL covers education. : She may be re&<tted at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at marlsa.oneil@latirrles.com. one-on~ne, small group and large group training. lnformatiom (949)395-5103. : Jewish Femlty Service ls sponsoring a teen support group for high sdlool students that meets Mondays from 3:30 to 5 ' p.m. at Tarbut V'Torah Upper School in Costa Mesa. For information or to register, call , (714) 445-4950. Pre-registration is• required. : The First Page -fine Chilchn's I Books, at 270 E. 17th St., No. 10 i~ Costa Mesa, offers free s'ory tim~ Mo ndays, Wednesday, Fridays , and Saturdays from 9:30 to 10:30 1 a.m.; and Tuesdays and Thursdays from 4 to 5 p.m. ' Information: (949) 645-5437. e.y.ide Restaurant in Newport Beacn offers wine tasting every Thursday from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. for $15 per person, featuring five ' new wines eac:ti week. Information: (949) 721-1222. G'"" Syst91n1 lntemetion.I shows you everything that you wanted to know about orcnids and repotting during a free seminar at 2 p.m . every Saturday. An orcnid and tropical plant sale is held from 9 a.m. to 4 p .m . at tl)8 20362 Birch St. facility. Information: (949) 756-1211. Oi9COYet the MC'9b of C.rt>on Canyon Regional Park as you .r walk through groves of beautifuJ Coastal Redwood trees every 'r Saturday at 8:30 a.m. Parking is ~ $4. Call (714) 996-5252 for more · information. " Team Survivor. a nonptOfit organization encouraging wom~ who have been through cancer treatment to exercise, hosts Wall!' and Talk at 10 a.m. the second ' and fourth Friday of the month i? front of NIKEgodeas store In ' Fashion Island. Members meet • for luncn after at Atrium court. It Is free, and all fitness levels are J welcome. Information: (949) 275-3888. N9wpoft Community CounMlin~ Center offers a way to s1op the cycle of domestic violence through the support group In •t SAF.E. Hands. SAF.E. stands for safety, swareneu, faith and ': empowennent. The group meet.s from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Mondays. ~ Free. Information: (949) 721-8079) n.. Newport Beech Walking au~ meets at the comer of Superior •· and Hospital Road in Newport 1 Beacn et 9:15 a.m. and 7 p.m. everyday. Information: (949) " 650-1332. The Newport Beech C.118 • ~ Decorating Club meets from 7 tcf 9 p.m. Thursday nights at Superior and Hospltal Road in ~ Newport Beach. Information: .r (949) 650-1332. " The &p.nlah Sp.king Club ~ meet1 to learn Spanish quldc an8· easy. lnfonnatlon: (949) 650-1 ~ ,. The Aun. of ...... S.W:. hosts a networking m eeting that dealt with educatJon connectiON from 6 to 8:30 p.m. on the second Tuelday of every month at the Holiday Inn 9t 3131 Brittol St, Colt.a Meea. lnfonnetlon: (949) 805-0011. "Diwot-.AN9w ..... lllng.•e wortclhop for men end women dM>tced or getting dlVon:ied, t1 held from 10 t .m. to 12!30 p.m. If 180 Newport Centtf Drive on N third Seturdey of everv month. Cott le MO. lnfonnttlon: 844 9438. ,.,.. ........ Ormte County ~neAtta o.ntertelc• VU-. to 1ht dr..ing rooma. I P811wmef44 lounga, ***-tltot =::.::-.!'...1?~~~: ewrveoo li ................. ., 9t own c.rw onv.. eoeca MeM. Group toun '*'be held bV ................. lnlomwdcM.; (714) M&-ARTS, ext. ----------=:;;:..-.;....._--""-----...:...' ---lee TOWN, hpA!S ·~~~~~o-.----. ------end11w1n._...,..., ........ ~-~ ........ ----.. a ot lr~ •A CHRISTMAS CAROL' 0 .. South Coast Repertory presents Hal Landon Jr. in his 24th year as Ebenezer Scrooge in Charles Dickens' "A Christmas Carol," which will be performed today on the Segerstrom Stage at 2:30 p.m. Watch Scrooge as he is visited by the ghosts of Christmas Past, Present and Yet to Come. Tickets cost $29 to $44. Information: (714) 708-5555, http://www.scr.org. .\' TOWN Continued from A4 833. The Newport BMch Newcomen Club holds a general meeting on the third Wednesday of every month. The organization is open to all women residents in Newport Beach who have lived in ,tlte area fewer than five years. Information: (949) 645-9922, or vjslt http://www.newcomers- newportbesch.org. 6.sis Senior Cent9r holds• pancake breakfast from 7:30 to 10 ~.m. on the second Saturday of every month. Breakfast includes pancakes, sausage, coffee and orange juice for $3, $1 for children. The center is at 800 Marguerite Av#J., Corona del Mar. ffiformatlon: (949) 644-3244. Voge end rhythm, "Yogarhythmlcs" combines yoga, dance and fun. The class is held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m. Tuesdays at 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East. Suite 111, Costa Mesa. Information: (714) 754-7399. ... ~couples with one Jewish partner are Invited to participate In a discussion group at the Jewish Family Service of Orange County office. Call to ac:hedule date and time. The office ls at 260 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. Women ISO end older can join a diecunion group coordinated by Jewish Family Services to addrea issues such as anxiety, depression, relationships, lenellness and family. The group meet• from 10 to 11 :30 a.m. f;1ondays at the agency offices, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Friend9 of th• N.wport Beach Public Library Used Book Store are asking for patrons to donate books to replenish the dwindling stodc. Books may be left at any of the three branch libraries - Balboa, Mariners, or Corona del Mar -or in the book closet ne><t to the Friends Book Store, at 1000 Avocado Ave .• Newport Beach. All hardcover and paperbadc donations, with the exception of magazines and law book.a, will be accepted and are tax deductible. (949) 759-9667. Th• Braille lnltttuta of'f9n "- computer classes to people with fading vision who have difficulty seeing the compU1er screen. The Oasis Center at 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar, offers six sessions. Call to sign up for classes. (714) 821-5000. A apirttual care dass mMts et 7:15 p.m. Wednesdays at 3400 Irvine Ave., Suite 114, Newport Beach. Call to reserve a seat. (949) 263-1462. Tha Cost.a Mesa Chamber of Commerce hosts networ1dng luncheon meetings Wednesdays from 11:45 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Costa Mesa Country Club. The colt Is $14. The club Is at 1701 Golf COurae Drive, Costa Mesa. (714) 88~9090. A bnin tumor aupport group meeta the first and third Thursdays of each month from 7 to 8:30 p.m . at the Hoag Cancer Center et Hoag Hosphal, 1 Hoag Drive, Newport Beach. Free. Reglltratlon not required. The group Is designed to help -Did You Know1 "That we are a full service nursery with qualified CaJifomia Certified Nursery Professionals and landsape desiprs. We can meet all d your gardening needs. tome in today to ?/l•Hll Nurseries and let us show you how.' NUMM1118, lllC. __ _ patients and their families understand and cope with the illness. (949) 67~6232. St. Andtwws Presbyterian Church hosts a mental illness support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Sundays In Olerenfield Hall Cat 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport Beach. (949) 57~2236. The Jewish Family Saf'vica of Orange County sponsors a discussion group for adult children and their parents from 6 to 7 p.m. two Tuesdays a month at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. $10 per person, per session. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. The Jewish Family Set'Vlc. of Orange County has a weekly parenting support group. Parents learn strategies for successful parenting and for dealing with the feelings and behavior of their children. The group meets from 10 to 11 :30 a.m . Mondays at the Jewish Family Service office at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. The group will cover managing anger, anxiety and peer pressure children experience. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. Th• Costa Mesa Senior Centllr has ballroom dancing with live music from the Costa Mesa Music Makers from 7:30 to 10:30 p.m. every Tuesday night at 695 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa. $4. (949) 548-3884. Jewish Family Serva of Orange County aponsors an ongoing healing support group for the chronically Ill. The purpose Is to S..TOWN,P .. eM COSTA MBA MNTA ~ 2700 lrit1ot St. 2800 N. Tustin Ave. (714) 794-6661 (714) lls-9200 TOM TANAKA; C.C.N.PIO . ~ .• ,, . Flow• ... Numly. Calla,.. COMPLn'E~ • 41WMI m....a UCINll • 111113 Muter Nursety Professional ' ~J,,,cto RCfJ'l{O.lC~ Rr4qg1 e_.,~6-'-f ~ -M.M-IJ.4-q...J ~~M­ lltJM-~ ~ .f0'16 eJ/j (~ !i-&..J-""' t.J _>N" ••-') e-6,_.J *fl.~~/-" A 41-~ " Saturday, December 27. 2003 A5 ftl.llCN: 8-'-f ~ .... ».~ 9:00 ......• -«..()() ,... .. 'kl.llCll.t: :1.131 Ct»J P-'/Jo (!-..I .II_,. e-J.t M..., 6'119~ (91/-9) 614-$$$3 'JV.Nin~ tXPCtn: q._i "-J4 M IJ. /ol.IJ ~ ..J Mrr?SffO ..... .4 '--+i-1 ~,_,.I. R+-J--/j .... "-"-'-' J-.., """'~ oJ :1.:30 ,...-. H.J. Garrett Furniture Fine Furniture Since 1960 Full Design Consulting Service 2215 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa (949) 646.0275 O pen Mon. thru Sat. I 0 to 6, Sun. 12 to 5 Quality Service Value L I v E E N T E R T A I N M E N T s T E A K s Be s E A F 0 0 D CELEBRATE NEW YEARS EVE AT THE BLUE BEET MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS NOW! THE COMPANY 401(K) PLAN WHEN YOU ARE THE COMPANY. CALL FOR OUR ONE-PERSON 401(1() GUIDE. You have your own company with no employees. 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A National Bl ue Ribbon ~ ~ School of Excellence ~ •A rigorous academic curriculum for bright and gifted students preparing for success in secondary school • Science, Technology, Spanish, Music, Art and Drama •Outstanding School, O.C. Science and Engineering Fair ~~ .. • Award-winning Art Students ' • Competitive Athletic Program ~-____ ....._ Now Accepting Applications for Preschool-8th grade for 2004-2005 Campus tours are now being scheduled. Please call to reserve your personal tour time. The Pegasus School 19692 Lellington Lane, Huntington Beach, CA 92646 (714) 964-1224 • FAX (7 14) 962-6047 www.pegasus-school.net "'"I ( i a a 1 u f R.' J I 1 < ,, .. ., t ' ..... .. ' • ' ft •• " • • ••• .,.. ... ,... "' • ' ••••• Pin8 Di.nlng, Five Course llolida11 Mtmu / Music & Dancing FPaluring Classic ro Cl4"ent hits with DJ Extraordinaire Glen Rodtiguez Mid11iglll ·Korber Champagne Toasts $7 5 per person •exct+ alooltol.. to.r 1tnd gro1ul111 To Make Y~ ew Year's Reservations Call ~9.673.4633 TOWN Continued from A5 provide pattlclpanta with emotional and spiritual JUPPOrt to~ iUnMS and its coneequencas. The group meets M 7 p.m. Thul"ldaya .i the Jewllh Family Servtc. ofr'ice at 260 E. &tkM St, CoctAI Mesa. Anendance Is he. but reglstretion 11 required. (714) 445-4950. Scfabble Club No. ISO m..c. from 6 to 10 p.m. Thursdays et Borders Boob, Musk: & Caf6 at South Coast Plaza. 3333 Beer St In Costa Mesa. $3. New players are welcome. (9491206-9822. n.. Co6n and Stamp Club m..m from 1 to 3 p.m. Mondays et the Oasis Senior Center. New members interested In trading, buying and selling stamps and coins are being sought to join these infonnal meetings. There ere no fees required. (949) 1)44.3244. Jewilh FemHy SeMce ~ ongoing bereavement support groups for adults at all stages of lou. Group members share experiences, hear how others deal with grief, receive support and learn ways to cope wittt sadness and loss. One group meets at 7 p.m . Tuesdays at Beth Jacob in Irvine. The second group meets at 10 a.m. Tuesdays at Temple Judea in Laguna Hills. The tttird group meets at 1 p.m. Thursdays at the Ezra Center In Anaheim. Free, but advance registration Is required. (714) 445-4950. .-WW. Family S9'Yice of 0ntng9 County P<ovides a support and discussion group for persons recovering from childhood or teenage sexual abuse. The group meets from 8 to 9:30 p.m. Tuesdays at 250 E. Baker St., Costa Mesa. Advance registration is required. (714) 445-4950. l'wo-hour kayak tours with a trained naturalist guide are offered at 10 a.m. Sundays from the Newport Dunes Waterfront Resort. The resort is at 1131 Back Bay Drive. Newport Beach. $20, or $10 for California Wildlife, Campaign and Newport Bay Naturalists and Friends members. (949) 729-1150. A yoga and danc:. da11 11 held from 4:30 to 5:45 p.m . Tuesdays at the Center for Spiritual Disoovery, 2850 Mesa Verde Drive East, Suite 111, Costa Mesa. (714) 754-7399. Ma,.,.... TM Kwon Do In Costa Mesa offers free self-defense classM to airline pilots and flight attendants. Classes are taught by three-time U.S. National Champion Tom Marshall. Marshall's is at 333 E. 17th St., Suit e 13, Costa Mesa. (9491 574-0122. A DMfinsl with Divofee 1upport group Is offered by Jewish Family Service of Orange County. The group is led by an experienced counselor and meets at 6 p.m. Tuesdays at the Jewish Federation campus, 250 E. Baker St, Suite G. Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. The SN Scouta' lhlp Del Mar 711 of Orange County offeni a program for boys and young men ages 14 to 18 interested In sailln~. seamanship, plloting, navigation and cruising . Meetings are from 6 to 9 p.m. WednMdaya at the Sea &louts Sea Base, t931 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 642-6301 or (949) 551-8591. O.• S..ior c.nw .... ongoing assistance, counseling and referTal services for senlora. (949) 644-3244. Althtfdl FouncMdon Instructor Hillary Stone INda an exerciM clau at 11 a.m. Thurtdeys .i the Jewish Senior Center, 250 E. Bahr St., Costa M .... (714) 61~5641. The Newpot1 ._.,. NM'°°"*9 Club met'ta M 10 a.m. the third Wednetdav of MCh month. The 0tg9nl2atlon 11 open to Ill women retikMnta of Newp<>f1 8.-ch who have lived m the.,... for fewer then five yeara. lnfonnetlon: (949) 646-9922 Ot visit the w.t> afte http~.~,. newpol'tt»ach.org. n.. Thwldey Momlng Women .. Club, a~ friendship club, is eeeking new members. The club, whictt Includes golf, bridge, w.lkJng and gourmet 18C1ionl, meets at 11 a.m. on the second Thursday of every month at the Redluon Hotel In Newport Bead\. The luncheon 11 $23 and lndudet entertainment The hotel 11 at 4545 MacArthur Blvd. (714) · 842-5863. n.. Newport BMdl Walking Club meets at 9 a.m. and 7 p.m. Monday tttrough Saturday; and at 7 p.m. Sunday. Walkers should meet at the Intersection of Hospital Road and Superior Avenue. Free. (949) 650-1332. The ~n Legion mMb at 7 p.m. the third Tuesday of every month. The meetings, which deal with veteran issues and community service, will be held at the Costa Mesa Air National Guard. The national guard is at 2651 Newport Blvd. Free. Mary Holler, (714) 546-2m; or Bill Mlmiaga, (949) 660-0894. Nlghtty meeting• for thOM who want to overcom e nicotine addiction are offered In Costa Mesa and Newport Beach. (714) n4-9106 or (800) 642-0666. n.. Newport Spof1a Museum, a nonprofit organization, operates a free museum at 100 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beach. The museum, which has one of the world's largest collections of sports memorabilia, Is open from 9 a.m. to 6 p.m . weekdays and 10 a.m . to 3 p.m . on Saturday, (949) 721·9333 or http://www.newportsports· museum.org. The Estancia High School Parent Teacher Student Assn. hosts a monthly paper drive every Saturday from 9 a.m. to noon in the school's northwest parking lot, on the comer of Estancia Nonh and Placentia. Newspapers that are bound. loose or bagged are accepted. Cardboard and bound material such as phone books and thick magazines are not. Also, bins are available for drop off every day of the month. All funds raised go to the association. Free. The school is at 2323 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa. (949) 515-6500. O.li1 S..ior c.nt.r on.... a dally telephone contact program for seniors who have a limited local support system. It also offers ongoing computer classes tttat teach the basics of Word, Quicken, Print Shop and Internet usage. (949) 1)44.3244. Th• Colt.a M ... Communicators Toastmasters Club meets from noon to 1 p.m . Wednesdays at the Orange County Department of Education, 200 Kalmus Drive, Costa Mesa. Meetings are open to anyone who wants to improve his or her public speaking skills. (714) 444-8783. Th• Jewish Famify S.Viee of Orange County holds group meetings for younger w omen to diecuss life panages and changes. body images, family. relationships, communication, intimacy and sexuality, anxiety and loneliness. The group meets at 7 p.m . Tuesdays at the agency office. The office is at 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration is required. Marcy M iddler, (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. The M.s. MMungert Toastmasters Club 691 in Costa Mesa meets at 7 p.m. Tuesdays at Mesa Verde United M ethodist Chu~ 1701 W. Baker St., Costa Mesa.1114) 640-4446. The Newport BMdl Distinguished Toastmasters C1ub 1300 meets from 7 to 9 p.m. Tuesdays at Platt College, 3901 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beadl. Cell to make reservations. (949) &48-1274. ...... a..,. ........... Club 81 SF meets for bieatf ast on Tueada'(I from 7 to 8:30 e.m. at the Yllege Fenner, Souch Co.\ l"lan Vlllege, •1 S. a..t St., No. 811 The "'99ting la free for ftrtt><dm. vi8ltorl. lt'lformatloni (714l 241-110t. The N9wport Center Toattmemrra Club 231 rneeta from 7 to 8:30 a.m . Mondays et the Irvine Co .• 810 Newport Center Drive, Newport Beadl. (949) 76&-1025. The HerbcNlea~Club meeta at 7 e.m. Thursd'ays et Coco's Bakery Reltaurent, 3446 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. (949) 293-4630. Udo .. ToutrnastlN'a mMt from 6:30 to.8 p.m. Mondays at Fletcher Jones Motorcars, 3300 Jamboree Road, Newport Beadl. (71 4) 964-5314. Th• Oalil S..IOr c..... offwa a shuttle to take members to appointments and grooery shopping. The shuttle also takes members to the oenter. Call to make an appointment. (949) 644-3244. Tutoring Is available for person• who could use help reeding English. Hourly ratM end times are negotleble. (949) 851-1739. Oasi1 Senior Cent9f of'Mn visual aid screenings with a Braille Institute representative, by appointment. (949) 1)44.3244. &Mntial Weight Man..,nent offers interactive and proactive weight loss groups. Learn behavior modification and other techniques to control your weight. The cost is $20. Groups meet from 6:30 to 8 p.m . Wednesdays and Thursdays at 369 San M iguel Drive, Suite 350, Newport Beach. (949) 718-9848. The Hope tnltitute, a C41nter for recovery and family education, offers a women's support group from 6:30 to 8 p.m. Tuesdays at 2900 Bristol St., C·206, Costa Mesa. (71 4) 432-0020. Oasis Senior Center hu • walking group called Walkers Not Rockers, which meets once a week to enjoy scenic walks in and around the Newport Beach area. (949) 644-3244. Women Httlplng Wom9f'I of'rw'I a free peer support group for women in transition from 3: 15 to 4:15 p.m . Alcoholics Anonymous meets from 6:45 to 7:45 a.m . Monday tttrough Friday in Room 3 at the Oasis Senior Center, 800 Marguerite Ave., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The Hoag Cancer Center offers • yoga class at 10:45 a.m. Tuesday at 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. (949) 722-6237. Body o.sign and Unit9d Studio• of Self-Defense offers kick-boxing classes from 8:30 to 9:30 a.m. Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays at 1000 W. Coast Highway, Suite C, Newport Beach. $8 per class. (949) 722-0526. The Alzheimer's Aesn. and Grief Support Group of Newport Villa WestMlla Rosa co -sponsors a free support group meeting for ca~egivers at 7 p.m. the fourth Thursday of each month through October at Newport Villa West Assisted living, 393 Hospital Road, Newport Beach. (949) 631·3555. Th• Alzhelm.r'1 Aun. and M.s. TerTace, a residential community for persons with Alzheimer's disease and related dementia, offers a free support group for caregivers at 6:30 p.m. the first Tuesday of each month at Mesa TerTace, 350 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. (714) 283-1111. Reb9cca Lewis IHdl an animal bereavement group that specl61izes in the needs of people who have aide or dying pets. It meeta at 3 p.m . TuesdaYI at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beed\, The coet Is a donation to en animal d\etlty of the "9tldee'a choice. C811 to make • reHtVetlon. (949) 721·6750. . o-19....-c.nw ........ blood.,,...,,.~ from 9 fo 11 a.m. the ftret and tNrd Tueedey of Nd1 month In Room 3 et 800 ~Jwe., Corona del Mar. (949) 644-3244. The~lwtt Paychologlce' Attn. offers a body image and moderate Ntlng support group et 7 p.m. Wednesdeys at 3101 W. Cout Highway, Suite 311, Newport Beach. (949) 721-6750. -. .. ~ .. FtM ra1 chi._ ... a•irec1 every. Friday from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m., and free qi gong cl81888 ere offered every Thul'9day from 10:30 to 11 :30 a.m. et the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beadl. (949) 722-6237. The Facfng Fofwwd~ Group meets from 6:30 to 8 p.m. every Monday at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A eupport group for thOM with brain tumors meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m. the first and third Thursdays of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A bfNlt canc.r support group for young women meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. every third Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center Is at 1 Hoag Drive, Building 41, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. An evening breast~ support group meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m . on the first Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center is at 1 Hol'f' f)rive, Building 41, Newport deach. Free. (949) 722-6237. • A eupport group for famlly and friends of cancer patients meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at the Hoag Cancer Center. The center is at One Hoag Drive, Bullding 41 , Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. A f1" support group for WOln9f'I with gynecologic cancer. focusing on providing mutual support and education, is offered at Hoag Hospital from 10 to 11:30a.m . the ; second and fourth Wednesday of • each monttt. (949) 722-6237. A breut CM«* 8UppOt1 group meets from noon to 2 p.m. Tuesdays at ttte Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. Coast Highway, Newport Beach. Free. (949) 722-6237. Th• O.lis S..ior c.nw of'f9rs • Braille class to help with sight loss from 10 a.m. to noon Thursdays in Room 4 at 800 Marguerite Ave .. Corona del Mar. (949) 1)44.3244. A f1" caM* support group meets from 6 to 7:30 p.m. the second Tuesday of each month at . . .. I the Hoag Cancer Center, 4000 W. ' Coast Highway, Newport Beach. • ,,.., (949) 722·6237. ~ Th• Jewish S..ior c.nw oner. card games from 10 a.m . to 2 p.m. every third Tuesday. A kosher lunch Is offered at noon for $3 per person. (714) 51~5641. Th• Newport Beech .. ,a ,,I ~ Psychological Ann. oifera a coed • support group at 7 p.m . Thursdays at 3101 W. Coast Highway, Suite 3 11, Newport Beach. (949) 722-4588. Th• HeaNng Connection °""9 • coed relationshlp group at 7 p.m. ..., Wednesdays at 4425 Jamboree Road. Suite 180-A. Newport Beadl. (949) 261-8003. The CoMu"* Buslnw N9twott meets at 7 a.m. Fridays In the mezzanine at Newport Gateway, 19800 MacArthur Blvd., Newport Beach. Reservations: (714) 550-4785. A he ledan about dNorce mediation, en attemative to the traditlonal two-.attomey divorce, Is offered the third Thuraday of each month wfth ettom.v Allda 0 . leylor and pcychologflt Lee H. Solow. Space 11 llmlted •nd ~ raervetlona are required. (949) '"l'!,f'. 966-2575 • ...._vour-....n.docunentl for Advance HMlth c.. Olrtc:1iYee .. the Otele Senior Cent9r for *3 MC:ft. Cll to make en •ppointmtnt. (948) 144-3244. " Dally Pilot Saturday, December 27, 2003 A1 FORUM HOW TO GET PU8USHED -a..n..: Mall to Editorial Page Editor Lolita Harper at the Dally Piiot, 330 W. Bay St., Cotti M"8, CA 92627 • Reader1 Hotline: Call (949) 642-0006 Fax: Send to (949) 646-4170 E-mall:5"nd to dallypllot'11atlme..oom •All corTupondence must Include full name, hometown and phone number (for verfflcat1on purposes). The Pilot reserves the right to edit all submissions for darity and length. LEITER TO THE EDITOR Photo finish enhances festivities It was 7 p.m. on Oct. 5 when I began to feel the first signs of labor. I told my husband, Rick. that tonight was likely -the night.· and we should get the other two children, Megan and Richard, ready for bed and call Grandma to come over and watch them for the night As soon as my mom arrived, we began our journey to St John's Hospital in Santa Monica. We decided to deliver at St. John's, as that is where both Megan and Richard were born. Upon arriving at the hospital, my contractions were nO\v only one minute apart. With the help of my husband and the nurse (my doctor didn't quite make the delivery}, Oaire June was born the following day at · 2:15 p.m As a proud father, Rid overnight. While making the had taken many digital pictures switch, Rid thought he had of Oaire's first breaths of life. locked the car, but must have What an incredible miracle -the forgotten in the excitement or birth of a child. Oaire's arrival. Unfortunately, Rid stayed with me until early there were a number of car that evening. As baby Oaire and I burglaries that night. and Items were doing fine, I urged him to go were not only taken out of my home to get bad to Megan and sister's car, but also ours. The Richard and show them the items stolen from ow car were all awesome pictures of their new replaceable with the one baby s~1er. At around 8 p.m .. Rick exception of our digital camera arrived bad in Harl>or View • and the first m oments of Oaire's Homes where we live, as well as life. my parents, 10 pick up the ldcb The next morning. I called Rick from my parents house. In order 10 see how the kids enjoyed to get Megan and Richard in their seeing their new sister. and he car seats, he had to switch his car broke the news to me of the with mine, which was already burglary. I was grateful no one parked outside my parents' was hurt, yet cried knowing I house, and leave his car there could never be able to caprure READERS RESPOND that moment again. Cai.re is now almost 3 months old and celebrated her first Christmas season this past week. Ouisanas morning brought more tears -happy ones -as my husband surprised me with my stocking filled with the pictures of Caires birth. Thanks to the Newport Beach Police Department and Det. Ken Eischen, our items were recovered and I received my be!it Christmas gift ever. Thank you to the Newport Beach Police Department on behalf of the Eusey family: Rick. Shannon, Megan, Richard and Oaire. SHANNON EUSEY Newport Bt'ach One more time, here's the problem AT ISSUE: The safety and usefulness of red-light cameras in Costa Mesa. EDITOR'S NOTE: Due to a tm11scription error. these comments on OJsta Mesa's red-ligllt camems were printed incorrectly on Friday's Forum page. I don't like the new red-light cameras, and here are w me of the reasons why: At most signals, when a red-light runner is pulled over, the officer will talk to the driver and ask why they ran the light. During that questioning. the officer can determine if the driver is drunk. has a medical problem and he can also run a check on the driver for warrants or see if the car is stolen. None of this can be achieved by taking a photograph of a car. And. when an officer issues a ticket, it's to the driver -who may or may not be the car's registered owner. Most cities use radar enforcement to stop speeders. This too, is modem technology, but there is officer involvement. which I believe is better than a camera. I think these Big Brother cameras give a false sense of security that all drivers will now stop for red lights. I have seen drivers speed up to beat the camera's flash. and I have set>n them slam on their brakes when the signal turns yellow. This i~ very unsafe. Again. I strongly prefer the human element and effectivenes..' of police officer involvement, but if the city must stay with this camera concept. they should at least rethink where the citation moneys go. How about expediting the repairs of our community screets so drivers can concentr.ue on traffic signals instead of dodging polholes? MARK HARRIS Costa Mesa HOW TO CONTACT YOUR REPRESENTATIVES CITY OF COSTA MESA Costa Mesa City Hall, 77 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 754-5223 Mayor: Gary Monahan Council: Libby Cowan, Allan Mansoor, Mike Scheafer and Chris Steel CITY OF NEWPORT BEACH Newport Beach City Hall. 3300 Newport Blvd., Newport Beach, CA 92663, (949) 644-3309 Meyor: Tod Ridgeway Council: Gary Adams, Steve Bromberg, John Heffernan, Dick Nichols, Steven Rosansky and Don Webb COAST COMMUNITY COLLEGE DISTRICT District Office: 1370 Adams Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (714) 432-5898 Chencellor: William M. Vega Boerd: President Paul Berger, Vice President Armando Ruiz, George Brown, Jerry Patterson and Walter G. Howald; student trustee Madeline Levy NEWPORT-MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT District Office: 2985-A Bear St., Costa Mesa. CA 92626, (714) 424-5000 Superintendent: Robert Barbot Boerd: President Martha Fluor, Vice President Dana Black, Clerk Serene Stokes, David Brooks. Tom Egan, Judy Franco and Linda Sneen MESA CONSOLIDATED WATER DISTRICT 1965 Placentia Ave., Costa Mesa, CA 92627, (949) 631·1200 Boerd: President Jim Atkinson. Vice President Mike Healey, Trudy Ohlig·Hall, Fred Bockmiller and Paul E. Shoenberger COSTA MESA SANITARY DISTRICT P.O. Box 1200, Costa Mesa. CA 92628·1200, (714) 754-5043 Board: President Arlene Schafer, Jim Ferryman, Art Perry, Greg Woodside and Dan Worthington ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION 200~s Drive, P.O. Box 9050, Cos Mesa, CA 92628·905 ' (714) 966-4000 Elizabeth D. Parker, member, Trustee Area 5, Costa Mesa, Newport Beacti ORANGE COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERV1SORS Hall of Administration, 10 Civic Center Plaza. Santa Ana. CA 92701 •Jim Silva, 2nd District (Costa Mesa, Newport Beach), (714) 834·3220 • Thomas Wilson. 5th District (Newport Coast), (714) 834-3550 ORANGE COUNTY FAIR 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, (71 4) 708-FAIR Board: President Ruben A. Smith, Vice President Patricia Velasquez, Emily Sanford. Peggy Heidi, James Barich, Deborah Carona, Leslte A. Ray and Frank Barbaro M Saudly. Dec~ 27, 2003 Adding to deb tr.adition C elebrating more than 10,000 hours of votunteerlsm, the Newport chapter of the Natlonal Olarity League lntroduced 25 except1bnal young women to Ill •oclety. Hillgreo WU charged with crudng the elegant ball -no small tulc lndeed. It WU the 43rd annual charity ball, attracting more than B. W. COOK The Americ.n debutante tradltJon began in 1748 when 59 promJnent Philadelphia familles adapted the aoclaJ evef)t from the English Court of St. James. The Philadelpbians called 500 blacJc .tJe guests to the Hyatt Regency Hotel In Irvine. The presentation to aoclety was emceed by Jamee Roberta ln the Hyatt ballroom, which was transformed Into a winter white wonderland by celebrity Oorlst Andrew Gromllda of Couture Plowers. White on white arrangements of hydrangeas. roses and tulips surrounded anQ. accompanied the debutantes as they took their formal bows. Mary Pallon. president of the Newport chapter, deserves considerable credit for her dedlcadon along the early debutante balls danclng usembUes and they were designed to lntroduce young ladles to potential husbands. nmes have changed, but the traditions, Including the white gowns, and the St. James bow, remain. Today the debutante ls Instilled with the purpose of community service. NatJonal Cllarlty League debs fulfill a six-year program of philanthropic work that unJtes a generational link between mother and daughter. with Sunn fflllgren, director of •THE CROWD appears Thurad~v• the 2003 debutanle activities. and Saturdav1. Mc.El.fresh-Pitman Marin McElfresh of Costa Mesa and Kristofer Pitman of Cotta Mesa exchanged vow1 at Sherman Ubrary Gardens In Corona del Mar on Aug. 16. The bride ls the daughter of Ross and Bonnie McBJfresh of-Newport Beach. The bride wore a sr.raplets slUc organu and sllk satin gown by AngeUna CoutureThe matron of honor wu Zuly Sanchez.The bridegroom la the aon of Lynette Matheny of Pensacola, FIL, and Dwtlht Pitman of San Diego. The bdclegroom'a beat man was Morgan McElfresh. The recepdon wu held at Sherman Ubrary and Gardens. The couple spent Its honeymoon ln Antigua and New York. The couple plans to live in Costa Mesa. SOCIETY THE CROWD COURTESY Of JOHN L. 8L01 Newport chapter, National Charity League Debutantes are: (front row, left to right) Jordan Carmack, Cheryl Dobson, Kathleen Kerstner, Taryn Flamson, Brittany Bond, Jillian Ukropina, Anne Kircher, Caitlin Farrell, Anne Painter. (middle row, left to right) Kate Hover, Whitney George, Kamdyn Lucas. (top row, left to right) Margaret Orth, Kellie Kiddle, Lauren Bradburne, Lauren Kerwin, Paige Jane~, Kalen Nix, Diane Booth, Corey Christine, Chelsea Edmonston, Hilary Powers, Erin Starzyk, Kara Kanen, Ashley Stevens WEDDINGS Hardman-Kehir Tracey Douglase Hardman of Sausalito and Michael ICeb.lr of Mou Beach exchanged vows .at St. Francis Yacht Oub in San Francisco on Nov. 1. The bride Is the daughter of Ute late H. Lyn Hardman and Mrs. Thomas Wolfe ill of Newport Beach. The bride wore a beaded lace bodice wlth a slim satin skirt by Alfred Ange.lo. The mattoo of hon.or was Gretchen Alden. The brideamaids were Helen Campanella, Margarita Steinhorst and Betsy Fitqpmlld. The bddegroom is the IOO of the late Mr. and Mis. Plank KdUr of Boston. The best man was Patrick 'Hidden. The ushers 'AWe Michael Stanoee1c. Robert Gani, Anaf Kopac and Hans Jost Michael Kehir and Tracey Douglass Hardman groom is retired. The bride la employed as a drat-grade teacher in Santa Ana. The groom la employed as a flnanclaJ analyst at Olapman UnlversJty. Kristofer Pitman ~ Marin McElfresh The recepdon was held at the St. Francis Yacht Oub with 150 guests in attendance. The couple spent its honeymoon sailing in the Sea of Cortez. The couple plans to Uve in Moss Beach. The bride Is employed at West Marine. The •~AND ENGAGEMENTS Nn Saturdays. For a fonn, ~call Lull Pena at UM9) 674-4298. IC Dally Pilot Sarurday, December 27, 2003 A9 FAITH THE MORAL OF THE STORY Holiday songs and hymns bring joy to the world "Shout for joy to the Lord. all the earth. Worship the Lord witl1 gladness; Come before Him wit II joyful songs." PSALM 100:1-2 powerful and the words are worth reading and rereading: Joy to the world! The Lord is come; Let earth receive her King; Let ev'ry heart prepare Him room, T here are many songs that I love to sing and hear throughout the year, but at Ouistmas there are carols that I especially enjoy. I like some more than others, and I can even tire of some of my favorites after hearing them repeatedly in December. CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON And heav'n and nature sing, And heav'n and nature sing. And heav'n and nature <>ing. Joy to the earth! the Savior reigns; Let men their c;ongs employ: Beside& all the well-known Christmas carols, there are also wonderful hymns that r love to sing throughout the year. I read that in centuries past. singing hymns was an important way to teach Oiristian truth to people who were mostly illiterate. Hymn-singing was and is much more than a way to communicate knowledge. It is a wonderful way to exprcs& our love and praise to God. a deep way to worship our Heavenly Father. One hymn I especially like is "Joy to the World!" Some carols seem a bit slow and others have a range of keys that I can't always reach. but it seems 1hat everyone perks up and participates joyfully in singing that hymn. I always thought that the f>Ong was a Quiscmas carol. but I read that Isaac Watts based this famous sonK on the last half of Psalm 98, which celebrates the coming of the Lord to judge the world in righteousness. In that psalm, all crea1ion is called to sing and shout for joy at hif> CQmfog. The hymn doesn't specifically mention 01ris1's birth. but that doesn't maner to me. It celebrates the incredible involvement of God with his people. beginning at the stable 111 Bethlehem. God gave us an amazing gift then that is worth singing about and celebrating throughout the year. I can'1 even write abou1 the hymn without humming it. I am including the song, because the mes!>age is While fields and floodlt, rocks. hills. and plains Repeat the )Ounding 1oy. Repeat the sounding 1oy. Rt•peat, repeat the sounding joy. No more let -.ins and l>Orrows grow. Nor thorn~ infest the ground; I le comes to make I lis blessings now Far as the curse is found. rar as the cur~e is found. 1-ar as. far as the cuf\e ''found. I le rules lhl· world with truth and Krace. J\nd makes the nations provl' The glorielt of His righ1eouo;nes,, And wonder-; of His love. And wonders of His love, And wonders. wonderi. of I lb love Watts lived from 1674 to 1748. I imagine he would have been am:ued to know how much this hymn wouJd be sung and loved. Whether we !ling this \Ong at Oiristmas or other times during the year. God has brought his joy to the world! And you can quote me on that. • CINDY TRANE CHRISTESON 1s a Newpoo Beach resident who speaks frequently to parenting groups. She may be reached via e mail at cmdy a onthegrow com or through the mall at 537 Newport Center Drive. Suite 505, Newport Beach, CA 92660. "Better Skep Through Science." ---~,,,....,.r-- @5' Get the Best for Less! BRAND NEW COSMETICALLY IMPERFECT ~--..... Qu•l#ty ~Ip Qu,,,,,nteed 7f .. 111·1871. 800-433-2588 IN THEORY Seeing the big picture AT ISSUE : Saddam Hussein's capture and its repercussions continues to be covered in the news. How does press coverage of people who connect themselves with your religion, but don't adequately represent your religion, affect the public's view toward your religion? The mass mediaS representation of cenain individuals or groups who misrepresent a cenain religion severely affet:ts the way the public view.. that religion. As hard as the media ma} try. some things arc always lefi our of the story. l he mass media should set Its goal on producing real news. that is, unbiased forts on what is occurring around the world It is not only up to the media to give real facts. bur it 1s also the general publics responsibility to find our the cruth about religions and culture\. People should not solely depend on the media for information. IMAM MOUSTAFA Al·QAZWINI Islamic F..ducational Ct•nter of Orange County. Costa !\ lesa Wilh Jesus' coming into this world. God pitched a huge tent for human bein~ to find shelter from stonns- welcominga great variety of people at a time in this tent of God in Oirisl. Ouisti~ find each olht:'r by affinity and wbh Lhat we could reach out to nil olher.;; of course, we don't qultc know how. Ai our best we M:e reality as exi.,ting in Lhe te~ior~ of paradox. ;m1biguity and divcr;1ty: we agree to dl<;agree. We come 10 church without leaving our hroin (or hearts and bodies) at Lhe door and then have Celebrate oppornmiti~ to love all of those who have managed to come in with their "wrong" Ideas. Christian' admire and are app.illed by preachers from John Paul II to Desmond Tutu to Billy Graham to Jerry FallweU, politician<> from either George Ru<J1 to Jimmy Carter. celebriti~ from Della Reese to Charlton I lcs1on. athletes from Mary I Du Rctton to George Foreman. authors from D:mieUe Steele IO J.llR. Tolkien. All are Olristiall.!> by C.od's grace. · Because we believe that God ~ave all persons intellects as tool-; for understanding and faith development, we trust that <;ooner or later olhen. will appl"l'C1au.• · lh ristian unity in diven.ity. (11ri.stians do our best to dcmonst:rdle our religion to others u1 lcMng actiono;, before we have w u-.e word'>. TAE VERY REV. CANON PETER D. HAYNES St M1diael & All Angels l:pi'>(:opal Olun:h. Corona del Mar Early m Mt•m Kampf. Adolf I litJer write. of hi.'> t.ransformauon into an anti-Semite. I le cites tJ1e ph}"iical appearance and clolhing of St>Vt>ral Jewi...'ih people he l>eeS on tJ1e \treets of Vienna and extrapolHlt'S from t.hel>C ft·w on10 the mtu1y. I le soon charxc.., that there b JI least one Jewi'h pcr;on involvt'<.I in every 1mmoml and illegal <1ct.1vi ty in Gcnnany. and justifie'> hU. emerging ho!>lili1y to a people ba.<,('CJ on hilt knowledge of an mslgnllicant sample. Stereotyping b the ~g of the descenr into prejudict' and hatred. We project the sins (as wt> see them) of those with whom we come into contael or of whom .. w read onto a larger group. Our negauw evaluation of a particular Qirisnan, MlL'>tim. or Jew. for example. affordi. an opportunity to defame and marginalize a faith, culture, nation. or people. If a few 'are "like that." they must all "be or act like thaL" lhe human impulse 1oward prejudice emerge.. out of the dJ.slikc of difference. To be different i!> to be <;uspect. II i.., accentuated by a feeling of superiority. Racial prejudice may be at its worst when religior.1 enters into it. for fanatici.'im can become sanctified. I.et us n·lall that the linguistic root of "prejudice" is "rirejudged.'' judgment befon.• the evidenn· ii. examined People are alwayi; ready to jump from fact to conjecture. Rumors grow from scraps of observed faet to imposing f<1hrl1 ' of fiction. Oiargt~ begin wi1h !>hred.' of evidencc and grTI\\ u1111I tht"}' are ~rio11~ enough to condemn other. for life nlCl!>t' WhO tJl•f11CUJ1 Lht'lll:-.dVl'' through ham1ftll w1d ha1l'lul m·r.. ... hould no1 be vil'wl'<l a' repn.""'ntaU\ll' of a great rch~<m or culture. 111eir v10h1uon~ nf tlw tearhings and h1MOI)' of their fo11h and people should not bl' magnified into metaphor'\ tor 1he l~er group. If J '>mall numlx•r ul adherents of a rd1gion cont.ra\ll'ne:-. the IL'l,"Ucy of intt'),'Tlly. peace and virtue t"lpou-;t-<l by tha1 faith, their mi.'>dt't'<I'-'hould ht· placed in a lafR<.'r pcr<.pt.'l"llvt: 1\.' no mdividual M>uld \'.'allt Ju, entire life judKl'd by one mt idl0111 or ex(X'rie111.:e . .,., no ,digion or fll'Oplc desef"\t"-to b<.• 1utl1-:1'tl b\ om• who.;e lnyall\ "onh hp·-.t'mre. RABBI MARK MILLER lt•mple Bat Y<ihm. Newport Bcarh New learS Eve 1n Sty le at Spectacular live Entertainment Hats, Homs. Streamers & other Party Favors, Dancing. £ xtens1ve Champagne and Wine list Valet Parlong. Ocean View and, of course 1ncred1ble food! Award Winning PREM IERE Seafood and Prime Beef Restaurant in Oronie County. Two SEATING TIMES 5:30 pm and 8:30 pm Log onto our website for detailed irifonnation and directions orcall 949.673.2100 Book you r celebration today ... This fs a Porty you don't wont to miss! _.,_,. k 1 •J,, f'· '~ ,,,"!) "/ln•n~,, nt'1' , •• l 1J '·'' 1' 1 l•'I fl\ 111<Jf!1'1''' P,,I(\ F11·11~ln\' 11 .. ,,~ ~ .. 111''11·1v11f11•11 rorlC1v' (nil IJllJ ()/) 1 IOll "' ''"' ""' w"I'"''' 111 1~ww tlr11)·rrron1111n 1om \ TIMPU ISAIAH OF NEWPORT IEACH PRlSEm: A ...... COll"lt M•tt Edtlmlon by U. llAIC I . ...amm To,ics: ....mlCS" 1M-._ c.ucT1 •TIE .au WT". THURSDAY NIGHTS AT 7:30 PM on December 11, 11. 2003 .llftUlry I, 15, 22 Ind 29, 2004 Cost $31.00 tor tht entire course. 4 2A01 ""'~"""" .... • ftt.,. llft. all: IMI ..._ A Ultrf.lliatt •/ 11', A111bun ( o,,,mw111•n l!Jll/WINC, Ol R fAml IOI ING CllRJ!;r AND SUl'INC-Q{IR < 0/tlltlll/11/ 11 I h< IU-J f>ttet ll 11,~-. Rt.1111 \UNl>A\-~ HI DUll II ~m 1 loly I udur111 •J ~m ~rllb) '-.hool/AJuh 61bk \tuJy 10 am ( hor11 I uthum NURSlRt <.ARI AIAl/.AJU Newport Center Un.ited Methodist Chwdi Rrv. Carhlcen Coors, P:uror 160 I Margucrirc Ave. corner of Marguerire and San Joaquin Hills Rd. (949) 6#-0745 8mn Quiet Wonhip &n11u /Oam Wonhip 11nd Ch1/.dm1i Sunday School Youth mming wttlrly SAINT JAMES CHURCH EPISCOPAL MA c-llr "**'fl u.c., .. QrW .. .... .. . ,_ ,.,,,,,,,. The R.tv Pra..i Buoyorl. Reeb 3209 VICI Lido =~ 7 30 am Tradmonal 9 am Uin~°'Y. 9am~SchoOI l 1 om Chonwnolic ond wedr.Moy Noon "THE LIFE EVERLASTING" A + •A God-cmrcmf parub comm~rury, insuuacd ht the Word of God and renewed hy the Sacnmrnrt Our Lady Queen of Angels 2046 Mar Vista Drive Newport Bcach, California 92660 {949)644-0200 Fax (949) 644-1349 Rev. Monsign~~ WilJiam.,P. Mcl..au&fllin Pastor LITIJRGIES: aturtby, S p.m. (Cantor), Sunday, 7:00 (Quiet), 8:30 (Conrcmporary) 10:00 (Choir), J I :30 a.m. (Canror) and 5:00 p.m. (Contemporary) f A ITH • FAITH CAlENDAR office. The ldlolarships will be feelings and behavior of their awarded In the spring of 2004. chlkhn. The group meets from Information: (949) 6'4-1341, 10 to 11:30 un. the ftrll and third http:l~erlan.orp. Mondays of the month at the ./'"--..-lillP"llll~~ E. Babr St., Suite G In SPECIAL EVENTS CAPP£UA CNfTORUll C.ppelle C.ntorum, the young eduh choir of St. John Vlenney Q\epel, Is beginning Its Mh year. The choir i. open to students In gradel she to 12. It provides active faith partlclpatlon for teens during \heir high acti<><M year._ Pertlclpatlon Include. tinging at mass regularly and at special events. Rehearsals are from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m . Saturdays In \he Chapel at 314 Mari'lll Ave .. NEW ENGLAND Y tnfonnetion: (714) msaaE • Balboa Island. Younger children 8r8 invited to Join. For more infom'lation, contact Nancy Kelly, director at (949) 673-4595. ENVIRONMENTAL SCHOLARSHIP St Mart Presbyterian Church in Newport is offering on environmental scholarship fund for two students. The scholarships will only be offered through Chapman University and UC Irvine. Interested students should contact their financial aid The Seventh~ Adventist Church will host a concert by the New England Youth EnMmble at 11 a.rn. Seturdey, Jan. 3, at 271 Avocado St, Co.ta Meta. The ctioir and orchestnl, from Columbia Union College In Takoma Pait. Md .. 11 oefebratlng its 30th eeason tour. tnfonnatlon: (949) 548-6696. AMERICAN isRAEL POU11CAL AFFAIRS co.a I I EE Rep. Chri,• Cox will lpeak at a sp,cial event of the American Israel Polltlcet Affairs Committee at 7 p.m. Jan. 18 at Temple Bat Yahm, 1011 Camelbad(. Newport Beacti. Information: (949) 675-3510. WORKSHOPS PARENTING GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange County is fonning a parenting group to help parents to understand and deal with the WORSHIP DIRECTORY MllSA VllRD• UNITED METHOOIST CHURCH 1701 s.ker, C.M. Worahlp a Church Schoof 8:30and10:00 a.m. (714) 97!H234 Or RICtlafd George Rev SrepNrne Toon Senror Mtnls1tr Youth Mmrsrer Chrur Church By the Sea lln11cJ Mrrho<l1<1 MOO W. l\.Jhu.i l~lvJ .. Ncwpon lk~ch 8 4, • m .\.Juli \un<t.r '><hooj A 1116c 10 •"' "'"'hquoJ Uuldini• "'ind•• xhuol Tb~ Rn. Ur. G<c>T R C.Up. Pucor (949)67.J-380S < I 11 < I " I I \ ', [ .. ~-~~. • '4" .. -· ,.J...., ' --· ! No Experience Necessary Worship 10:00 A.M. HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dlsclplea of Chrl1t) 2401 lrvln• Ave. Newport IHcll, CA (949) 945-5781 Mlllisltr: Of. Dtllil IMft l I 11{ I \ I I \ °" "< 11 '\ < I FIRST CHURCH OF CHRIST.SCIENTIST 3303 V'tJ Im Newµ:x1 8ecx:h 673-1 340 or 673-6150 SECOND CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTIST 3100 Pcx:Uic View Dr Newµ:rt 8ecx:h 644-2617 or 6754661 Church 10 am SUnday School JO am Wectimay MceUllQS 7 JO pn Church 10 am & 5 i:m. 5unday School JO am Wodr.my MceCllQS 7 JO pn l 111 Wechldly 12 nocJ\ BINMd ert thou, 0 Loni: teech mt thy ltatueee. Opien thcMI mtnt eyee, INC I nwy behold wondroui lhlnge out Of thy "'9. Pae..,_ t t9tta, t• Bl1lldlcs of The Molhcr Olurdl. Tiie first~ ol om. Sciaiisl . ST. MARK PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH ''Open Amis and Open Minds" Worship 9:30 7 .. .,._Dr. ... .,,..,. .... Tracllllgml L ......... Pntor a.r1M Endter WOI~ ... wtoe wntt HofrCo.........-n ......_ .. 1 .... oea.oo... .... -. WORSHIP DIRECTORY Publuhes Every Saturday in the DailyAPilot CALL 949.57 4.4249 ntlntE.N .JnllSfot' STEPS TO RECOVERY Jewfth Femlly Service is offering e rwpport end diecusalon group for edutt. whoae c:Nldren or epou ... suffer from alcohol and drug addictJon. The group meets from 7 to 8:30 p.m . Tueedevs at 260 E. Baker St, Suite G In Coats Mase. lnfonnation: (714) 445-4950. Preregistration is required. BNW FIRESIDES Members of the Bahai faith hold infonnal public discussions on spiritual topics at 7:30 p.m . every Friday and at 11 :30 the last Sunday of the month. The talks include brunch or dinner. Also, Interfaith devotional meetings will be held the last Saturday evening of the month. Call for locations. (949) 759-0999 for Friday meeting, 1949) 760-5360 for Sunday meeting, end (9491 646-6328 for Saturday devotional. ZEN 101 The Zen Center of Orange County offers an Introduction to Zen Workshop from 1 to 4 p.m. the first weekend of every month, typically on a Sunday, at 120 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. The cost is· $60. (949) 722-7818, http:/..WWW.zcoc.org. A SPIRITUAL JOURNEY A 26-lesson study on the life of Jesus Christ titled M Journey to the Cross# is taught at 9:45 a.m . Sundays during the Homebuilder's Bible Class at Liberty Baptist Church. The study parallels the four Gospels to present the story of-Christ. The church is at 1000 Bison Ave .. Newport Beach. Free. (949) 760-5444. DREAM ON The Adult Faith Formation at Our lady Queen of Angels Church in Newpon Beach holds a dream analysis group from 1 to 4 p.m. Sundays at 2046 Mar Visla Drive, Newport Beach. (949) 219-1408. MEOfTATION LESSONS A free Mlectio divine# meditation group meeting is held at 7:10 a.m. Tuesdays at Our lady Queen of Angels, 2046 Mar Vista Drive, Newport Beach. Lectio is a style of meditation that includes using Scripture or a special reading as a stimulus. The Christian Meditation Group meets from 7:30 to 9 p.m . on the first and third Wednesdays of each m onth at the center. The format includes two perioda of meditation with some Instruction on how to meditate. a talk and a discussion. 19491219-1408. WEEKLY EVENTS SUPPORT FOR OLDER WOMEM The Jewish Family Service offers a support group for women older than 50 to address issues such as anxiety and depression at 10 a.m. on the MC<>nd and fourth Monday of each month at 250 E. Baker St., Suite G in Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. NEW GROUPS Jewish Family Service of Orange County has formed a bereavement support group that meets at 10 a.m . Tuesdays and a Challenge of Change support group that meet• at 10 a.m . Thursdays. Both groups meet at Temple Judea In Laguna Hills. 24512 Moulton Partway. The service la also forming a parenting support group to meet the first and third Mondays of each month at 10 a.m. at the Jewish Federation Campus, 250 E. Baker St. Suite G, Costa Mesa. Prereglltration required. (714) 445-4950. GAY,ILES8M SUPPORT GROUP The Jewiah Family Service of Orange County plan• to preeent a diecunlon group for parenta of Jewlth gays end le.blans If enough people are Interested. (714) 445-4950. MYSTICAL NID SPtRrTUAL The Mylllcaf Spiritualist Church of South Orange County holds Sunday Mrvioes every week at 10 a.m . at 2482 Newport Blvd .. Co.ta Mau, Suite 3. A splrituel healing Mrvtoe start.a et 9:30 a.m . (949) 681-2290 . RE.-..atftG GROUP Our LedY Queen of Angele tw>fda • re-membering group at 8:16 p.m . 9YefY otherSunday at 2046 Mar VISla Drive, Newport Beed\ The parish center 11 et 2046 M~r 1 ,,,, VIila Drive, Newport Beach. I n 548-3844. "7• •lt'Jl I BREAKFAST FEU<>WSt9» 'I. St Michael and All Angels ' "1' Episcopal Cttur<ti hold1 lta Men't'I~'. Fellowship Breakfast at 7 a.m. on' the &ecQnd third and fourth •'J rlf Thursdays ~f eact, month at 323:.f r ... i Pacific View Drive, Corona del '\1•'' Mar. Free. (949) 644-0463. ' ',. ' ,, ' MEN'S FELLOWSHIP 1;• BREAKFAST ·•1 The M en'• Fellowship Breakfast• of St Andrew's Presbyterian Church meets from 7 to 8 a.m. '' ' Wednesdays in Oierenfield Hall, 1 • 600 St. Andrews Road, Newport , ,, Beach. $2.50 at the door. (949) , .1 .. 631-2880. • , ,I 'tt , SEPARATION SUPPORT . Jewish Family Service of Orang,; 1,: County holds a women's divorce • and separation support group at'~,' p.m. Wednesdays at the Jewish ,., 1 Family Service's office at the r Jewish Federation Campus, 250 '' E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa'.' 1 • For dates and fees, call (714) • · • 445-4950, ext. 114. '' ''' YOUNG WOMEN'S SUPPORT GROUP Jewish Family Service of Orange ' ' County offers a support group for • younger women dealing with .• t issues such as life passages and • • changes, body images, family, • . relationships and loneliness at 7 . • p.m . Tuesdays at the agency office, 250 E. Baker St., Suite G, Costa Mesa. Preregistration required. (714) 445-4950. ext. 114'. "• HELPING THE HELPERS • ~;, Jewish Family Services is . [4' sponsoring 11 discussion group focusing on the issues and i .. concerns faced by adult children "' taking care of \heir elderly parents .. The offices are at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa M esa. ' •" Preregistration is required. $10. (714) 445-4950. ANXIETY ANO DEPRESSION SUPPORT The Jewish Family Service of Orange County offers a support ; and discussion group for adults experiencing anxiety and or J depression from 10 a.m . to noon,;,~ on Mondays at the agency ~ -~ , ' f offices, 250 E. Baker St , Surte G if'.\'- Costa Mesa. Free. (714) 445-4956.' ., ; .... INTERFAl'Tli COUPLES GROUP '' •t• Jewish Family Service is forming''' a discussion group for interfaith couples where one partner is .. : ·' Jewish to speak about issues • _ , affecting an interfaith _, ' relationship. Jewish Family Service is at 250 E. Baker St .. Suite G, Costa Mesa. (714) 445-4950. BEREAVEMENT SUPPORT Jewish Family Service of Orange County will hold a new ongoing 'Mf.. bereavement support group for •1 people in all stages of loss at 7 / p.m . Tuesdays at the Jewish .,, '•' Family Service, 250 E. Baker St . .' 1111 Suite G, Costa M esa. Free. (714) • ' 445-4950. ,, ,, •• 1,.;i• FRIDAY GROUP , Temple Isaiah of Newport Beach~tJI~ holds weekly Friday night h.·~ services at 8 p.m. with a ',' fellowship hour and refreshments afterward 81 2401 " Irvine Ave .. Newport Beach. (949) ~ 648-6900. DIVORCE SUPPORT GROUP I • The Jewish Family Service of .. • Orange County offerg a support ''" 1 and discuuion group for adults 1 dealing with the aftennath of • divorce at 7 p.m. Wednesdays at irl'll the agency offices, 260 E. Baker ''' ... St., Costa Mesa. C.11 for prices. iMl. (714) 445-4950, ext. 114. .\Oll PASSAGES SUPPORT GROUP ...... I Jewish Family Service of Orangd<>" · County will hold e support and •11111~1 discussion group for people lh' 11 dealing with the luues of anxlefVI' depression, relatlonahlp., ·r, 1"~1 communlcetton, life changes, '1"1"'. lonellnffl end family et 10 a.m. 11 ,;ii Mondaye at the agency offlce1, '"""' 250 E. Baker St, Suite G, Colla 1 "1:• Mesa. $16. Preregistration required. (714) ~- COMMUNITY & CLUBS He.lping children learn to read D ally PlJot readers ought to be encouraged by the lmplOYing Academic Perf 9nnance Index scores in the N~-Mesa Unifted School Of.strict. APl scores were up at 28 of the district's schools, with the greatest growth at Pomona. Whjltier and Wilson schools, the three target sohools for the Daily Pilqt's and notary's Reading by 9 program. It takes talented teachers. involved parents and volunteers, plus the' necessary resources to help students learn and master reading. During the past four years, the efforts of the Daily Pilot and the Rotary Oubs of Newport-Balboa. Newport lrvine and Newport Beach Sunrise in support of the Los Angeles Times Reading by 9 program has raised more than $24,000. That total Includes $10;000 from Daily Pilot readers towiu'd delivering 16.500 books to \.indergarten through third-grade students at Pomona. Whittier and Wilson elementary sch<>ols, which have the highest percentage of limited-Engl.Jsh·s~ students and lowest test scores ·nus year, the tfuee Rotary Qubs have challenged Daily Pilot readers to match the $6,800 they're putting up to buy hooks for the three schools. Your SIO donation will be matched by the Rotary Oub to buy 11 reading books. A $25 donation will be matched to buy 30 GETTING INVOLVED • GETTING INVOlYED runs periodically in the Daily Pilot on a rotating basis. For Information on adding your organl:iatlon to this list, call (949) 5744298. ACADEMIC YEAR IN AMERICA Costa Mesa families can host a German 91\Jdent and earn up lo $1.000toward a numbarof travel-abroad programs. Danielle Carpino, (800) 322-HOSt ALS ASSN., ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER Thq Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Assn., which helps people who have the disorder that is also known as Lou Gehrig's disease, needs volunteers. (714) 375-1922. ALZHEIMER'S ASSN. Of ORANGE COUNTY Support gro up leaders, Visiting Volunteers. family resource consultants and office volunteers are needed. Volunteers may work on one-time projects or ongoing programs. Training sessions are available. (800) 660-1993. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY The Orange County Region of the American Cancer Society seeks office volunteers. The society also seeks volunteers to answer calls for the unit's Helpline lnfoCenter. (949) 261-9446. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY DISCOVERY SHOP The American Cancer Society Discovery Shop needs unwanted goods such as clothing, furniture, jewelry, accessories, antiques and collectibles to fund the society's researdl, education and patient services programs. The goods may ba dropped off at 2600 E. Coast Highway, Corona del Mar. Volunteers are also needed from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. M()f\day through Saturday at the same location. (949) 640-4n7. AMERICAN CANCER SOCIETY ROAD TO RECOVERY The transportation program nee~s volunteers to drive cancer patients to and from medical treatments free of charge. The 1'1tq1Jlred commitment is a few hours eacn week or month. Drivers must have a valid driver's llcenae and Insurance and be at least 25. Volunteer1 may use either their own vehicles or JIM DE BOOM boob,aS50 donation· will be matched tobuy58 boobandao on. Yourtu- deductible donation to buyReadlqg by9boo.b can be made payable and malled to Rotary Dlsbict 5320 Foundation, cl o Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa, CA 92627. Book orders are due Jan. 5, so pull out your checkbook and help provide the re&Ol.lCCeS to Pomona. Whittler and Wilson elementary schools. Make your investment and then watch the dM~ds grow. EXCHANGE SUPPORTS CHLO ABUSE PRMNT10N The F.xchange Oub of Newport Harbor donated the proceeds from its movie benefit, some $26,000, to the Otlld Abuse Prevention Center. The Newport Harbor Oub helped to start the center, which now has a budget in excess of $3 million and serves more than 20,000 children annually, past President Dick freeman said. Oub President John ~had the pleasure of presenting the check to a most appreciative Kathy MeCarreD, the center's director, who expressed her appreciation for the Exchange American Cancer Society vans. (949) 261-9446 or scomer@canoor.org. The American Cancer Society is also looking for volunteer speakers for its Speakers Bureau program, which offers a free service to communities, schools and corporations by providing trained speakers to address cancer issues. The organi:iation will train all interested volunteers at a special session on Dec. 7 from 8:30 s.m. to 1 :30 p.m. at the Spectrum Club, 1535 Deerparit Drive in Fullerton. For reseivations, call Florence Dann at (949) 567-0604 by Nov. 22. AMERICAN HEART ASSN. The American Heart Assn. Is looking for volunteers to perform various general office duties in the main office and Implement educational and fundraising events through Orange County. No experience necessary. Training will be provided. (949) 856-3555. AMERICAN HOME HEALTH HOSPICE PROGRAM The American Home Health Hospice Program needs volunteers to give emotional support to terminally ill patients and their families in the greater Orange County area. Training ia provided. (714) 550-0800 or (800) 54().2545. AMERICAN RED CROSS, ORANGE COUNTY CHAPTER The chapter needs volunteers to address community groups about Red Cross services and 10 act as liaisons with the media In disaster and emergency situations. Lynn Howes. (714) 481-5376. ANIMAL NETWORK OF ORANGE COUNTY Become a bottle-feeder or take in pregnant cats at your home. Many shelters kill pregnant cats upon arrival. Dogs and cats are also available for adoption.(949) 759-3646or www.anlmsfn,,tworlc.orp. ASSJSTANCE LEAGUE OF NEWPORT-MESA Volunteera looking for varying levels of Involvement are needed to help the organization with Its goal of helping children In the community. (949) 646-6929. ASSN.RaWSSANCf CREATORS ' The CostAI Meu group IP0080fa and supports outtNc:h community sefVkle programs, Oub't continued aupport. ~--KIWMll .._.TMTAQQMT Loflldme Cotta 1.feA KlwanJs member ........ naut passed away on Dec. 6 at the age of 92. I never knew '!q's real name until J read the CelebratJon of Ufe program from his service at the Presbyterian Olurch of the Ciovenant in Costa Mesa - Oaude P.llJ.s Tu.ggart. I first met Thg at the Service Oub Qlymplcs that was held at the YMCA in the early 1980s and at the Service Oub Hall of Fame Luncheon arowtd the same time. He was one or the first inductees into the Service Oub Hall of Fame. Tltg had a long working career, including years at National <:ash Register, Dean Witter and in real estate sales. He graduated from Ball State University with a degree in physical education, taught business classes and coached high school basketball after graduation. After retiring, be taught at Coastline College. lag was a husband, father, grandfather ~d great-grandfather. He was a rreal contributor to his commuruty. He will be missed. My condolences to Marie and the family. HOLIDAY BRUNCH FOR FOCIS Friends of the Orange Coast lnterfaith Shelter held Its annual holiday brunch on Dec-. 10 al the Newport Coast home of Janel Kerber. The event such as the homeless sanctuary. Volunteers are needed. (714) 540-5803. BEST BUDDIES The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers 18 and older to provide companionship for adults with developmental dlsabllities. As a "Citizen Buddy:' volunteers will visit with a buddy twice a month and call or e-mail them once e week. The organization also has an e-Buddies program that fonns friendships entirely over the Internet Volunteers for that program must be at least 12 years old. (714) 546-1826 or www.b6$tbuddies.org. BIG BROTliERS, BIG SISTERS The local chapter is looking for men and women older than 18 who have lived in Orange County for at least one month and have been employed for at least one month to serve as big brothers or big sisters for children ages 6 to 16 from single-parent homes. (714) 544-7773, http:/twww.bigbrooc.org. BOY SCOUTS OF AMERICA INC. Volunteer opportunities for the Orange County Council include fundraising. program development and training to existing troops and padts. (714) 546-4990. BOYS I. GIRLS CLUBS OF NEWPORT-MESA The three area clubs need volunteer coaches and arts and crafts workshop teachers. Call for locations. (949) 642-2245. BRAIUE INSTITUTE'S ORANGE COUNTY CENTER The nonprofit organization is looking for volunteers to assist blind and visually impaired students In a variety of areas. Mary Johnson, (714) 821-5000, ext 2113. CNIP LAUREL FOUNDATION Camp Laurel is seeking volunteer counselors anti medical staff for Summer Camp and Teen Adventure Camp. The organization is dedicated to providing educational camping programs free of charge to children living with HIV and AIDS. (323) 653-5005. CASA TERESA Cau Te"'88, e temporary home for aingle pregnant homeleu women 18 and older, need• volUMieera for tt.... poeftlone: office~. c:omputw co-chain~ G9le E1 ,,_., Myra Wiener and SeaMntha OleDlk. The brunch was a big sucoesa. with carloads of giftl. toys and clothes gathered for homeless famlliea living at the Orange Coast Interfaith Shelter In Costa Mesa. Bdelberg said. The event also raised more than $3,000. Plano dluslc bys.Dy P.dmonda tddcd to the festivities. The sheJter'• board member$ catered the event with the help of Oler Dennie Bruk at the Five Crowns restaurant, and board member Sue Benhad sold Christmas tree ornaments ma de by children at the shelter. The •purchased• omameots were then put on a tree and taken to the shelter for the children to enjoy. Homelessness is gJOWing ln Orange County, shelter executive director Michael Arnot said. "More than 23,000 people are without perqianent shelter and of those, 17,000 are In familles with children,• he said. ·111e Orange Coast Interfaith Sheller is the oldest and largest in the county for homeJess families. Our temporary program is a model for others nationwide in helping homeless families become self-supponing.~ FINDING A WAY TO AU THE KETTlE ·1 was at the Ruby's Diner corporate office in Newpon Beach and there were I 0 or so assistant, program developer aaslstent, and resale boutique salesperson. Information: (714) 538-4860. CENTENNIAL EVENT co•&ttEE Volunteers are needed to serve on a Centennial Event Committee to celebrate the 100th anniversary of Corona del Mar In 2004. Community input on the final form of that committee is also sought Information: (949)675-0501. COMPANION HOSPICE The Hospice ia now recruiting volunteers to become a friend for someone who needs that extra special caring at the end-of-life. Become a member of a team whose goal is to promote quality of life and comfort measures. Eadl applicant will receive 16 hours of orientation and training. Information: (714) 56()..8177, volunreers@'Companion Hospice.com. COMMUNITY ANIMAL NElWORK The network needs volunteers to help control the rising population of wild cats in local neighborhoods. Volunteers would trap and deliver cats to local veterinarians for spaying or neutering, and then release them badt to the property where they were found. The goal of the Sal'lladon Army kettles on I.be reception desk.· Dally PUot reader c.n1e Hamlfcon said. •eurtoua by nature, I ubd what tbeee were for,· abe aaJd. "II seems that tomeone there had heard or the financial challenge Salvation Army has this year due to the grocery store strikes. The management of Ruby's Diner volwtteered to place a money buclcet at each of its locations 10 help SaJvatton Anny out I'm lrnpressed with this display of teamwork and community spirit~ That's the holiday splrid WORTH REPEATING From the Thought {or the Day provided by Greg Jtell8y of the Newpon-Mesa Irvine Interfaith Council: ,Wow far you go in Ufa depends on you being tender with the young, compassionate with the aged, sympalMtic with the striving and tolerant of tlu wook and the strong. B«ause someday in life, you will halle been all of these.• -GEORGE WASttNGTON CARVER Happy New Year to all! • COMMUNITY a CLUBS is published every Saturday in the Daily Pilot Send your service club's meeting information by fax to (949) 660-8667; by e-mail to jdeboom@aol.com; or by mall to 2082 S.E. Bristol St .. Suite 201, Newport Beach, CA 92660· 1740. program is to save the lives of stray cats. (949) 759-3646. COSTA MESA CMC PlAYHOUSE The playhouse needs volunteers for Ulhering, badtstage work. mailings, typing, controlling lights and many other dutles. (949) 660-5269. COSTA MESA HISTORtCAL SOCETY The IOdety presetV81 and promotes the history of Costa Mesa and the harbor area. Volunteers are needed for the archives, library, muaeum, docent and public outreach programs. (949) 631-5918. COSTA MESA LITERACY COUNCIL The Costa Mesa Literacy Center needs volunteer tutors to te&dl English as a second language. People who want to learn English as a secon0 language are also enoouraged to call. Call to register. (714) 435-3310. LITERACY PROGRAM The program is always in need of volunteer tutors. No professional teaching experience Is required. To attain certification, a series of training classes must be completed. For more Information, contact Literary Services at the Newport Beach Library, (949) 717-3874. ~ 1 stwindows.com Brands • lowest Price Up Front No Games Replacement ~ New Construction me Pricing & Purchasing Pb:~ 1-494-9069 Fax: 561-494-2069 CCH?trattor Referrals • All Major Credit Cards w . l st windows .c o FiwH-,_.....Mlllf-6'~ r~ • r..,. Gtfll inJc..Mi. ~ N Un .M 1wi..,,. (;.,,w,.,. Ct(r ~ ,.. °"""".,,..., .,.,.,,.,. '-'A•-' .. ,..,_ .... CAFBHOU~ ..w-.s-.-.... c.-6r•Cl•4•" UtJ6'...,,.., C....flftlrn,.....,. ...... ,,,...,. """ ........ t R<1I' HOl/a: ..S. 1ca...Jr- Sab.rdly, December 27, 2003 All Jeff Ewing & Lylun Ewing SELLING YOUR HOMF. FOR THE HOLIDAYS If yoo w.1111 h• ,._,JI (or buy) 11 hm-.e, oonYCl'(JOllaJ Wl"'lom ~ lhal you lll¥xlld w:ia lllllil the hobday le8.0l is OYCf. It's generully ~ lhal people M: IOO ~ sbupping for g,J\.~ nJ woo ·1 w,p ror mt1 m:t1e. However. .... 11ile home i;;lle\ usually sJf)w down ber""'°1 November W1d J1111G111Y. they ccrminJy do m 'lk!Jl! Who buyi. ht!fllCS during the holid.iy !l!o[ISCIJ? Serious buyers. who Wiii <XXllillue hou_~ lwling Nell with the Olnsuim lrul' lied to the ruo( o( lhe av' Oflr:o lhey 111! ~ing M 11 nccd-w- move deadljrir, ~II.\ aj:ll> tnll\\fer or mililwy l'HL'l.'lipnml Holid:ly bu)tf' lend ro be without children and u~~ in "n .. 1ving up" -good l'lt'.w' for~I~ ofhigh<nd m:lllct ~ IA"'Ol1ltlng yr•ur htwnc with huliday glill Ull1 add "l!J11ticamly to 1t' ctinnn and "cwb~" h',tliconl) tlllll'<if lht' )c:'.11' "tim the neighbor ...,,,n·1 Li~npl!lln u you ,1tlum ylltlr lli•nc wllh hundn.'tb nfbl111~111g light' .oJ u }lilly S.U1111..i.ullltnl! llCAl In the h • Anni.her n:a."•1111 l"l your lo11c lhl\ ht~Kl.t)' \C<l'lllfl I' tllC J'l"-'ih.hly o( IUllll\' d1,11~ ... IO tk· red l...Ulc rnan.._1 While mun~11~>c 1nten ... 1 m11..-.. are '>till hovcnng Ul ~"(ll\J low\, "ho MIOW\ uNIUl ne" ye.rt'' "fk lll(N ~'Ctal lx~Klay tufl t. .. the ""'™ile fJ1111ly wuld hc 1hc 1t..nl 111 .1 11t•wln111:. l.)'\t'\.'fl and Jell hol\C 'I \llO..t.'nth\.: ye."' ol n.,al Ni.Uc rllJ'.Cl'lCIK.~ m Nc""'f'I"' Heach. hlf pmfo ... ,i<ml "-"'a flf aJv..:c ""'llh .Ill )111Jr real~ need~ i;all the l·....,111~' .t1 C1"L" NC"f'lfl C'uldwcll Biui~i:r iu 1fJ.11/1 7~'1 1711(1. The Ewings Are Coast Newport Property's #t Team For 2001 .-mwtnf'<tr 60%0ff Kemper Cabinets through January 31, 2004 I *.PORSCHE * MBZ * BMW * FERRARI * HUMMER * CORI/El IE * · -. . . .' * ..IA&UAR ·* MINI * PROWLER * LEXU!!i * VIPER * !fiUVP!fi * I LEXUSES3DD [•Above rates based on 30 day rental. Add $20 per day for weekly.] * Exotic &. Luxury C:ar!!i Available * Daily, Weekly. Monthly Rentals · * Short Ter111 Leases * lilft C:ertlflca'tes *We Pick .Up&. Deliver * Corporate Acc:oun'ts I I I I .. I I I I I QUOTE Of TIE DAY •1 ~ llU I luM to do It ogtllil. I want to do it again. h luu motivated me.• ..... .,..,..., Costl Mesa eu · soccer p11yer BOYS BASKE I BALL Estancia's Carias Pinto ( l) driVes to the basket, beating Antioc~ Kevin Lubina ·1n Coast Classic .. tournament action Friday at Estancia ligh. Pirlto put fifteen poirts on the ~d in the first hatf and SCOf'ed a game-high 21 as the Eagles · advanced to the second round. E agles Soar to ·a win Estancia advances to second round of Coast Classic with victory over Antioch. mates made sure that leed atood up. With bW fouls, Pinto sat out the ftna.I 2:" or the flrst quarter and the Panthers cut a 14-" defi- cit to 18-13 at the end of the period. After Pinto opened the tc:Odng with a tbere- polnter 20 seconds into the contest, the ea.- never trailed OD their Pinto. who made his flm six sl\ota, including three, three-pointers, returned to the lineup at the beginnlng of the second quarter as the Eagles CS-") switched to a zone derense ln the hope that he wouldn't pick up his third foul. P•trlck L•verty OaifyPUot . . OOSTA MESA -Carloe Pinto staked the Estancia High boys basketball team to a double-dJait lead Friday ln the ftrst round of the ~· Coast Ou- sic tournament and his team· way to a 61-48 victory over Antf.. och. advulcing to battle 'M>rt- man in t,he quarterflnals at 8 to- night PintQ scored 11 of Bstanda's flm I• points to open an early IO-point lead. but wa.s forced to the sideline because or foul trouble. S.. EAGLES, P.i• 83 STEVE McCRANK I OAl.YPILOT GIRLS WATER POlO waking care of business Newport makes quick work of Huntington Beach, and a second-half surge leads to win over Santa Margarita. Steve Vil'l•n Daily Pilot NEWPORT BPACH -Coach Bill Bar- nett's Newport Halbor High gjrls water polo'team ls 4-0 to start the season. but if anyone knows the coach, sua:ess is not necessarily about wins and losses. The Sailors earned two victories to open the Newport Harbor-Corona del Mar Holiday Cup. yet Barnett and his players nodced areas • which needed im- provement. Padence was a quality needed for the Sailors ln their 9·5 quarterfir\al win over Santa Margarita Saturday afternoon at Newport. Bamett, as well as senior c.atolyn Conway and junior Anne Belden. rec- ognized the Sailors' impatience. par- ticularly in the first half. Newport built a 2-0 lead, but Santa Margarita (3-3) bounced back to knot the score less than two minutes into the second quaner. Conway scored her third goal of the game, putting N~rt up, 3·2, with 2:38 left before halfttnle. "We're just trying to get our overall game in gear," Barnett said. "We're not getting everyone Involved, only our two-meter players." Barnett also said the wind was a fac. tor in the game, and when Newport • went in the direction of the wind. they took advantage. He also said the Eagles wore down a bit ln the second half, mainly beciluse they had to go to over· lime to defeat Laguna Beach in the morning. Newport pounced on the F.agles' lack or energy ln the second half. In the tb1rd quarter:, Belden stepped up with two goals ln a 87-tee<>nd tpan. giving SM NEWPORT, P .. e 84 STEVE McCRANI< I DAILY PILOT Santa Margarita's Brooke Figge, left, and Newport Harbor's Ashling Taylor battle for the ball at Newport on Friday. Sea Kings bounce back with two wins to end three-game skid and are excited to face top~seeded Foothill in today's semifinals. Steve Vlr1•n • Foothill in a semifinal at Newport Harl>or. Daily Pilot CdM could possibly face Back Bay rival New· port Harl>or later today, as the Sailors are in the C.ORONA DEL MAR -While earning two vie-other semiftnaJ of the 16-team tournament. fac- tories Saturday. the Corona del Mar High girls ing Santa Barbara. The tourney's third-place water polo team showed it Is a different squad game Is slated for 3 p.m.. and the dcJe match ls at from the one that started the 2003·04 season. 4:05 p.m. at Newport. The Sea Kings (3-3) ended their three~game skid with "I love to play those guys,· CdM Coach Aaron <llaney vlctorlea over Edison, 9·2, and then Poway, 14·4, on the saJd of playing against Foothill. "It's sreat to play them first day of the Newport HarbOr-Corona del Mar Holiday and I know the girls really like playing them. The girls are Cup at Cd.M. Though the Sea Kings were on their game really psyched to play them." Saturday, their true test of whether they have indeed Im- proved will come today at 10:40 a.m. ~t top-seeded See CdM, P .. • 84 DAILY PILOT HIGH SCHOOL ATHLETE OF THE WEEK Nilani Duarte After earning first-team All-CIF honors last year the pressure has been on Costa Mesa junior midfielder. Steve Vlr1•" Daily Pilot . Tucked away ln Nllani Duarte'• room la a box. packed with arttclea from the 2002-03 Cotta Meta High girts eoccer eeuon. Amkl the fD ·r feel like I have to do It again," • Duarte Mid of achJevtna ftnt-team · all-league and AD-CIP honors. "l want to do It ap1n. It bu motivated me." With that in mind, Duarte played new.paper dtpplnp there are a coupJe of patches: tlnt·teun AD..QP Southern Section DtYll6on m, lint-team All-Ookleo Welt T honor.,...... uw ltOl'ed-.y. but ..... ~i'ef9'111111tfor Dull1&She~ ll.5a eopbomoN. Now 1111 dw of ...-llacb~~ ADd. IDlllt do It ...._(:I..., patldaa-=-1 ~.tr.~-=:... one of her bett pmee ol the eeMOn, scoring two goals and de1tverlng an Ullat in leading the Costa Mela pta IOccef teun to a 3-0 Golden Welt i....,.. v1c:tory OV'er' Senta Ana Dec. 18. ~----. DUlrt8, .... Ody Plot Adiete of dw Wlek. Md been beldlnl Che""' She WU not 1.,. ....... C.orom c1e1 *Dec. 18 and did noc..,. • dM t.balnp Iott, 2-0. Shi ... Wt l6d: two dlyt ... tplnlt the Sldntt. but .... dim .............. Saturday, Oecember 27, 2003 11 WRESTIJNG CdM • aims high Sea Kings hope to use strong junior class in bid for top finish in tough PCL. Barry Faulkner Daily Pilot When calorie-conscious wresders convene around a din- ner table, food ls typically an afterthought. So. when seven then-sophomores joined Co- rona del Mar High wrestling coach Gary Almquist at a res- taurant before attending last year's CIF • ~~~the~als ~ spectators, the topic strayed from myriad menu opdons. "I asked, Who is placing (at ClF) next year?' " Almquist said. .. And they all raised their hand and said 'I am.' I told them that if just one of them placed in ClF as jun- iors, then alJ of them would as seniors. That's how competitive with each other they all are." Those seven juniors form the nucleus of a squad Almquist be- lieves could earn success in the rugged Paclftc Coast League, which includes wrestling powerhouse Calvary Outpel of Santa Ana. as well as emerging juggernaut Tesoro. "The junior class Is stepping up," saJd Almquist, who saw juniors Taylor AJston, Brian Fee- ley and Jon Dean finish third in their respective weight classes at the season-opening Downey 1 O·way invitational. Dave Simon, a newcomer to the program, earned a second- place finish at the Downey meet and fellow seniors Ryan Shores and Dane Roble have also earned spots in the varsity line- up, among the 47 athletes cur· rently ln the program. "It's the biggest turnout since I've been here." saJd Almquist, In his eighth season at the helm. A!Bton Is slated to start in the 112-pound class, while Feeley (135) and Dean (140) join fellow juniors Man Loeb (130), Isaac Inouye (145), Andrew Keligian (215) and Robbie Richey (heavyweight) in the projected starting 14. Simon (189). Shores (160), and Robie (171 l add to the upperclassmen expected to lead the way, while sophmore &ton Greub (1 19) gained valuable varsity experience as a fresh- man. Sophomore Ian Hogan (152), See WRESTLING, Pqe 84 • •I Mesa rally falls short I •'MSICETBAU.: The Costa Mesa High boys basketball team whittled a 20-polnt half- U.ma detklt to thtee, but fell to Centennial of Corona, 58-55, Ln the first round of the Orange Holiday Oasslc Friday at Oiap- m"1 University. The Mustangs (6-4) ti.it four of their td three-pointers in fhe totuth quarter, when they out· scored the Huskies, 22-11. Mesa posted a 39-22 second-half ad- ~~age. ~ott lCnoJt had five three- polnters to' lead the Mustangt with 19 points, while senior center Marko Stankovic tied his aeaon-high with 13 points. . felt Waldron bad 13 points and 10 rebounds for the Mus- tangs. who also received seven points and 1 O assists from sophomore point guard Brian Molina. Coata Mesa plays Xeonedy today at 10:30 a.m. in a conso- la!Jon quarterfinal. Onnp Hold9y Quslc F1ril f'iiUiiCI Cent9nnlal 51, Cost• Men 55 Score by Ou•rters Coate Mesa e 1 11 22 -155 Centennial 1e 20 11 11 58 eo.ta MeN -Waldron 13, Stanko11lc 13, Knox 19, Molina 7. Krikorian 3, Wase O. Aleson 0. EAGLES Continued from B 1 The move worked as the Eagles outscored Antioch, 13-5, ln the quarter to take a 31-18 halftime lead. But Pinto, a junior and three- year starter who fin1shed with 21 points, attempted to take a charge in the opening seconds of the third quaner and was called for a blocking foul with 7:36 re- maining in the period. Once again, he went to the sidelines, a bad omen considering the Eagles bad been outscored 11-8 without him In the game. I · l:l/e me-v we ~ OD the ~end, to execute our Oex offense, work the clock and get good shots,• Estancia Coach RmseD 1Cing said. "With Carlos out, we needed to work the of· fense. 1 told our guys, if you get a wide open shot, you have the green light But we wanted to get the ball inslde and get to the free throw line." Sans Pinto, Estancia made the lead stick. They got the ball in- "'"-go••• . ~ e. w.ldron J, ~1.Moll(wt. Cs•1 nlal • t.uc. e, Gooda n. 1""*110.i.~ "· Wllll~ 13, ~ 1 l"llClteraeon 4. ,S-pt. goati ~ lumft 2, Hughe9 2, Wllllem.1. Sage falls to Anaheim •MSDl'MU: s.ge Hill School'• boys basketball tea(» tu.yed 'wfth Anaheim for three quarters Friday In the Ont round of pool play at the St. An· thony tournament. But the Colonists went on an-11 ·polnt r:un at the end of the third quar- ter and the beglnnlng of the fourth to po1t a 54·44 victory over the Ught.q.lng. Anahelm point guard An· thony Deville hit a 35-foot three-pointer as time expired in the third quarter, giving hia team a ftve-polnt advantage. The Colonials went on to score the first eight points of the fourth quarter to push the lead to double digits. Senior Kevin Joyce led the Ughtning (6-3) with 24 points, including four three.pointera. >t wP his fifth atra.ight game of scoring 20 or more. Junior guard -Man Loper added 14 points. St.~ tourMmeftt Firit"iiUrid pOOI PliY Anthelm 54, 51199 HMl 44 ScofwbvOu.-. An.helm (O T1 15 111 • IM S.ge Hiii s 12 11 13 -'4 AMheim-Devllle 13, Jones 6, Bemire 5, Gutierrez 5, Martln 3, Hernendo 2, Valencia 13, ~eve• 2. Carbahal 4. 3-pt. goals -Oevllle t, Jones 1, Gutlemti 1. .... Mii • t.Mler 2. LOIMtf 14, Joyce 24, Voge 4, Wilkins 0, Samel 2, Hancodc O, Derhelm 0. 3-pt. goale -Joy~ 4. Sailors split two games •SOCCER: The Newport Harbor HJgh boys -soccer team defeated Tesoro. 3-1. but lost to Saddleback., • -~ in pool play or the 'ftabuco Hills Tournament Friday. Senior Joel Walker scored two goals, while senior Clase Kelly added one goal Cor the Sailors (5-3) against Tesoro. Ho~r. Saddleb~ck earned the l ·O Win by scoring irt injury time, witlt' about 30 seconds left in the contest, Newport Coach Ryan Hernandez said. Newport will close tourna- ment action •oday at 9:30 a.m. CdM remains unbeaten •SOCCER: The Corona deJ Mar High boys soccer team tied twice in the Trabuco Hills tour- nament Saturday to remain un· beaten this season. The Sea Kings (5-0-4) tied La- guna Hills. 2-2. to open pool play. Oirls Ringstrom and Aus- tin Brawner scored goals with side to senior Scott Sankey who converted three tradltlonaJ three-point plays in the quarter and finished the game with 17 points and 16 rebounds. 10 of them in the second half after Es- tancia had been out:rebounded 22-15 over the first two quarters. The Eagles also converted three other buckets inside. lay- ups by sophomores Mike McDa- nlels and Scott Markley and a leaner by junJor Hugo Escobedo. All 15 of Estancla's third-quarter points came in the paint or at the free-throw line after Estancia hit six of ll three-pointers ln the first half. The work of Sankey, McDa· niels. Mlllkley. Eaoobedo and Jose Viramontes extended Estan- cia's lead to "3-U before Antioch closed the quarter with an 11-3 run. Even after that. the ~es had played the entire period without Pinto and still )ed 46-35. "We've got aophomores like Dallas Kopp and IMcDanJelaJ and It's good experience for them,• J(1og saJd. "They need to step up their games when Carlo. Is not out there. They need lo be more of an offensive threat They . ...a.ta c:omma rrom Duury Wbltaker md Dominic Rubino. Jay Zimmerman A!CX>rded four ...... and Andrew DWynu hed three. Cd.M overcame a S-l defi· di. to tie, S.-3, with tourney boat ~ H1UI Setwday nl&ht. The Sea Klnp acored rwo ~ in the final 15 tn.U,iutes, Rlne- atrom. ~ aod Mleo Ce- rutd ac:ored. Zimmerman atoppe<f: IS ~ts. CdM Will play at 11 :40 a.m to· day lo.consolation action. Mesa falters at home • MSICBTMIJ.: Costa Mesa High girls basketball coach Jim Weeks gave b.la team a cWDcult assignment lo the first round of the MUltanp' tournament and San Ramon Valley proved aa difticult u expectt!d, defeating Mesa, 52·39, Friday. The Mustangs (4-3) fall into the consolation bracket, where they will meet La Qulota at 1:30 p.m. today. Senior guard Cassey Brick had eight points, six assists and five reboundl' <for Meaa. wntch was led In ICOring by Susy Tru- jillo's 11 point&. Cota ............. F1i'il i'CMiriil Sen "-'non Valley &Z, CoetaMeult Score by au.... SRV 111 1 11 e • 52 Meu 8'3128 -39 a.i "9mon v.ley -CordMlus 2, Cheung 2, lannlng 6, Orewen 1, Yelman 22. At>trcromble 4, Rivera 8, Wittenburg 2. Rufe 6. 3-pt. go1la-None. Coste MeM -Brlc:k 8, Cluff 9, Enesl 2, Trvjlllo 11, S.. ~<1,Jtt. Verga re 5, Kelly 0. • 3-pt. goals -Cluff 3, Trujillo 2, Br. Vergara 1. Eagles lose to Hart • BASICETBALL: SenJor Nancy Castro scored 18 points, but the &tancia High g{rts basketball team lost to Hart. 76· 39, ln the first roWld of the Edi· son-Marina telumament Satur- day at Marina. Jwrlor Imelda Pena was also ln double figures, scoring 11 points. F.stanci.a Coach Tam- mette Rappa said her players were a bit sluggish In the first half, but improved in the sec- ond. Yet, it was too late. Hart led, 43-16, at halftime. Estancia (2-8) will compete in consolation action today at 12:30 p.m. E~townernent Fli'iltrounil Hert 7', EstancNI 3t SooNbYO...... Estancia l • 1 '' -39 Hart 20 23 1& 18 -79 &tenc:la -WeH 9, Pena 11, Cast.ro 18, Mino o. Neal 0, M11ldonado 1, Florea 0. 3-pt. goals -Pena 1. Technicals -Wase. need to step up and plc.k up the scoring." McDaniels, the Eastes' t.hird- leading scorer this year, picked up six points in the second half and 10 in the game. Pinto returned at the start or the fourth quarter a.nd promptly extended the lead to 15 points, hitting a pair of mid-range jump- ers. He missed just two of 10 shots on the nJght and was perfect from three-point range. making all three shots from beyond the arc. COllta.Mk FWriiiiiid &tMdat 81, Antloah 41 aocw. bv Qulrtll9 Antioch ,~ • 11 ,, -• Estanc:le II 13 1S 18 ' -t1 Andoah -HUI 6, &yent o. Jot.neon 17. Lublna 11, Qulrtc o. Pugh 6, r:wi.ro. Moore 0, ~naford O, Addlton 9. 3-pt. go.ls -.IOhneon 1, Adcfl9on t. Fouled out -l.l..lblna. Tedmic•-None. ~ -P\nto 21, McOlnlMI 10, Vl,..mont11 6, Eecobedo 3, SenUy 17. Mertdey 5, ICopp 0. 3-pt. pit -Pinto 3. McOenlelt 1, Markley 1, Vlremontet 1. Fouled out -None. Tectlnlatt. -None. An S~ Class for how mwch! Check our our amadng new 2004 if 30 Sedam. :.S on the ground rig#u now. , Facror in w $sooo addtd value of ottr exdusit1e Preferred Owner Program. ! _:,,:;;(/ ) LAST CALL ,-~RE4T l/4LUES-GREAT DEALS lllfT:)"!.11 -0 72 ~ .. ~ I I I , • , • . • -. \ ' \ ... \ \ 14 Sat~day. Oectmt>et 27, 2003 WRESTLING Continued from Bl fourth at' Downey, u weU u f~ Zac Von Berg (103) and Tum Folb (125), wW allo be counted upon to ti)' to get the 2002 PCL champloru back Into the top h&1f ot the league ataod· lngs, whteJl would produce a berth ln the CJP team playoftl. Almquist is also pleased to have Steve ShJpman, who placed fifth in CIP OM.lion 111 ll 21 S pounds in 2002 for CdM. back in the program u h1a as - sistant coach. •He's making a huge dlffer- ence, • Almquist sald. ·111e freshmen love hJm. • S L AMM E RS FC ~----Newport Beach, California 0 CDM Continued from Bl SPORTS aeveo goals from the two pmea combined. •Jt'a hard for me to alngle out ooe glrl who performed grea_t for us, .. Olaoey sakl. ., tbou&ht f!V• Olaney Mid the Se& Kl.op ery one wu really on top of It• haw become excited to face the The .Sta JGngs were efDclept Kn.lghta becauae they played ao on their counterattack through- wtll Sa~ espedally= .,i out the game. Cd.M_ 14 junjor goalie Poway. CdM defea&ed Brittany ~n. who recorded but Chaney thought the Sea eight saves, would uau.ally start K1np could have pJayed better. the oounteraaaclt with a lead 1bey made up for ft when they pass, and either Hewko, Eading- took on Poway (7·3). ton or aenJor Vivian Uao would Sophomore Camille Hewko ftn.llh on the other end. scored llve goals and senior Ka· Uao and JUnJor Jordan Anae tya F.adJngton added four u scored rwo goals each, and Kade CdM built a 7-0 lead and never Kubu COl)trlbuted one. Poway looked back. While Hewko came as close u S.-3 less than caught a bit or fire, Ead.lngton . one minute into the fourth quar- also displayed a J'lice to.uch ter, but the Sea Kings closed out throughout the day. scoring the game with a 6-1 run. Uao and Bddlngton scored on the counterattaclt during the spurt. Hewko made good on two out- side shots. Kubas scored in two meters and Eadlngton capped the scoring with an outside shot with 37 seconds left. Winter Hollday Soccer Camp 2003 ~That was one or the best games we have played, .. Q\aney said. •our defense was great and we didn't give them that many opportunities. We were finding the open (player! and we were really patient There has been improvement. .. Offered for girls and boys ages 8-14 Come and have the opporturuty to train with the best to bring out your best. Camp focus will be on both individual skills and smaU group tactics. Take the opportunity to train wich Camp Dircccors Walid and Ziad Khoury. The Khoury Brothers have built the Slammers FC into a nacionalJy known youth soccer club. December 29th, 30th and 31st &om 9 AM to Nooo Estancia High School, Costa Mesa Camp Fee: f70 For more information and cnrollmcnc form go t0 www.slammers.org/ssa.htm or caJI 714-552-1702. "HOME OF THE 2002 & 2003 GU 14 NATIONAL CHAMPIONS" ([L~BRATE ON THE BA Y. THIS NEW YEAR 'S HOLIDAY. Bogart courted Bacall here and you can almost envision them In the first-round victory over Edison, Kubas and F.adJngton scored three goals each and Uao had two. Anae also found the cage once. Holday04> QUrii'lriil Coromi del M• 14, ~· Score by OU.run Poway b 0 2 2 -' CdM 2 2 ' s -,, Poway -Reyser 2, Gerrity 1, Jensen 1. Saves -Bentley 7. CdM -Hewko 5, Eedlogton 4, Anae 2. Liao 2, K. Ku baa 1. Saves -Fullen 8. Flntround Coron• del M•r 9, Edison 2 Score by Ou•rt9n Edison · b o o 2 -2 CdM ' o ' i -9 CdM -K. Kubaa 3, Eadington 3, Liao 2, Anae 1. Saves -Fullen 1, Anae t DUARTE Continued from B 1 she told Coach Dan Johnston she was feeling well enough to play. Duane's father. Jose, advised his daughter to slt out the Mustangs' league opener, but Duarte wanted to play. "I was thinking about sitting out that game, but I really didn't want to,· said Duarte, a team captain. "I didn't want to let my team down.~ Duarte shook off her illness and scored the Mustangs' first two goals. She finished off a cross from Kara Jenkins to get Mesa started and then found the net after taldng a pass from Kyla Flores. She capped 2 STEVE MeCRANI< I DAllY PILOT Newport Harbor's Carolyn Conway puts a shot into the Santa Margarita goal with a tricky back.nand shot in the Holiday Cup. NEWPORT Continued from B 1 the Sailors breathing roOm with a 5-2 lead. Belden finished with three goals. while C.Onway led with a game-high four, and A.sh- Ung Thytor and Sarah Mutt added one each. ·111e firsl two quarters were slow for us, but in the end we stepped it up and we got our act together,· Belden said. "They were pretty tired from the game before. We got ourselves fired up once we started getting in the goals." Belden scored on a counterat- tack when Mutt found her on the weakside to open the fourth quarter, giving Newport a 7-3 lead. Taylor and Mutt each added a goal to.cap Newport's scoring. The Sailors will face Santa Bar- bara in a semifinal today at 11:45 a.m. at Newport. Santa Barbara defeated Carlsbad, 12-0, to ad- vance to the semifinal against Newport. The Tars cruised past Hunting- ton Beach. 18-2. in the firs t round Saturday morning. Taylor led Newport with three goals, NI 4.NI DUMIE while C.Onway, Belden, Jessica Ball, Katie Ericlcson, Leah Robert- son and Kally Lucas scored rwo goals each. Mutt, Sabrina Cook and MeUssa Wheeler added one goal each. Newport's 'B team. whlch Is made up of mostly junior varsity players, lost its two games. 14-2, to Foothill, and 5-4, to Valhalla, alCdM. HoldlyCup QUrif1i\il Newport HMbor 9, s.nu Mwgartt. 5 Score by QU.nen S. Margarita · b 2 , 2 -ti Newpor1 2 1 3 3 -9 8.m. ~-Anderson 3, Markel 1, Mclain 1. Saves -O'Connor 10. Newport Harbor -Conway 4, Belden 3, Taylor l , Mutt 1. Saves -Housepisn 3,Cottam 2. Arlt round =Halbor18, Hu 8"d\2 au.rtan Huntington o o o 2 -2 Newpor1 8 1 2 1 -18 Newport -Taylor 3, Conway 2, Belden 2, Ball 2, Ericbon 2. Robertson 2, Lucas 2. Coo« 1, Wheeler 1, Mutt 1. Saves -Cottam 5, Housepian 4. IDuartel played as close to a perfect game of anyone he has seen," said Johnston, who also noted Duarte was key in helping lead the Mustangs to a share of the CIF Division lll title last year. "She was huge. She accounted for a lot or our possessions. She was usually our first player off the back line to support Sharon. She was critical in our scoring." Johnston said Duarte has been just as important this season. In preparation for her new role this year1 Johnston had [ew words or advice for Duarte. That's because she really doesn't need that. "She's the kind orkid who rises to the competition," Johnston said. "She's very competitive. She's in a tough twirling around the dance floor. Now you loo can celebrate in the Mustangs' victory with a header near midfield 1 that dropped in front of a charging Rachel Ronquillo, who went on to score. spot following Sharon. Those are tough shoes to fill and she's doing a very good job ... She bas the best first touch on the team. She's very reliable." style at the New Year's Eve Gala in the Grand Ballroom. Enjoy a spectacular five course feast, dance the night away to Jay Sterling and his acclaimed orchestra then toast with Dom Perignon at the stroke of midnight. Only at the Host of the Coast. $250 per person inclusive. Overnight sta y and kids packages available. For information and reservat ions call 949 630-4145. , ... YZm~m~W!UttPd~ \ 1221 West Coast Highway I Newport Beach I Ca l ifornia 92663 949 645-5000 I Fax : 949 630-4215 I www.balboabayclub.com Playing the midfield, Duarte led Mesa's attack and frustrated the Saints, who might have had an opportunity to win, considering the Mustangs were short-handed. Aside from Duarte's Ulness, the Mustangs were without Jasmin Day, who had the Ou, and Jenny Sparks, who is out with a knee injury. Both were second-team All-CIF DivisJon Ill Duarte is reliable because she is a skillful player, Johnston said. She has been playing soccer since she was 5 and ha5 been supported by her father who coached her for the first eight years in the sport. He still coaches within the Newport Beach Slammers Oub, and usually has advice for Duarte. 1 selections last year, and the Mustangs also lost Valerie Gomez. a second-team all-league honoree who broke her ankle Dec. 9. "My father Is crazy for soccer; he Is a fanatic," Duarte said. "I'm not joking. I'm crazy about (soccer!, but not as crazy as him. He just takes it overboard. (But) it helps me. He's always watching soccer and he said It helps to watch. l think it helps that he's like that" But the Saints had to contend with Duarte and had no answer. "The referee came up to me afterward and said TODAY BHketb•ll College men -Orange Coaet College at San Jose City tournament; Melone at Vanguard, 7:30 p.m. High adlool boya -Estancia High Co111 Claaalc: Eatancle vs. Workman, 8 p.m ., CdM va. San Clemente, 4:60 p.m.; St. Anthony toumement: Sage Hiii at St. Anthony, 7:30 p.m .; Orange tournament et SCHEDULE Chapmen University: Co1ta Mesa vs. Kennedy, 10:30 1.m.; Capital City Claasic at Juneau Douglae High, Alaeka: Newport Harbor v1. Bremerton, Waah., 3 p.m. High adlool glr1a - Merlna·Edlaon tournement: Estancia; C.pltal City Cleasic at Juneau Oouglaa High, Al11ke: Newport Harbor v1. North Pole (Alaake), 1 p.m.; Coata Mesa tournament: La Oulnte at Coest Meu, 1 :30 p.m .. Soccer High school boys -Trebuco Hilla tournament: Newport Harbor, Costa Mesa, Corone del Mer. Weter polo High 1cnool glrta -Holid•y Cup tournament et Corona del Mer end Newport Harbor. Corona del Mer, Newport Harbor. E ] " - .. ' ~ .... - . ... ....-: •1 .. I f l_ ,, -., • 3 .,.;r. -~'J --.. :: = ... • ~ - l.1111 ....... ~-­...... °" ...... City C-11 Cfte~• of tlM City _of ""'°'" 8tKll • 3JOO Htwport lloulo•rll, Newport Buc:h PLANNINC COMMISSION ~ Reau111 MHtlna • i.nuary 8, 2004 •t 6:30 p.m. l SUBJECT: Fair Rnldtnc. .t56 Mendou Tet1.tee SUMMARY: Appt1I of th• t.lodlfiutlons COfll- mttt"'' •P9fOOI of Che f offowlna e11cr o ec h • ments: l ) 1n ••ttrfor st1ircese 1nd cu1rdr1lfs jn lhe .. st side y•rd setbeck; 2) • second floor deck In th• front y1td sttb1ck edlec•nt to O• Sol• T1111ce; 3) 1 repl1cement o f an .. istln• concrete bloell will In 1114 front aetback on Mtndoz1 Terrece: .t) a n"" concrete block ret1lnlnc will •lone th• west 11de property tine, portions of which will uceed I.he helcht limit: S) and 1 new ret1lnlna wall ind patio In th• De Sol• TtnlCI $1lb1Ck In conjunct1011 with 1111 remodtl end 1dd11ion to the u lstlnc 1111111 f1m1ly res1de11ce. APPLICATION. Modih· c•llon Permit No 2003 094 CEQA COMPLIANCE· 1 his project h•s bee11 reviewed, Ind 11 hH been determined th1t II 1s c1te1orlc1lly Htmpt undtl th1 requirements of th• Callfo1nl1 Env1· ronm1nt1I Qu1flty Act under Cius 1 (Eaostlnc Facllltles) 2. SUBJECT: Leo Cu aasian 900 1000 W. Cont H1at1way SUMMARY: Use Permit •nd Development Plan for the conslr ucllon ind operation of 1 vehicle s•les laclllly and the redevtlopmenl of 1n e•1st1n11 commercial center Two e•lst1na bu1ld1nas totanna ap proa1m1t ely 13,000 ~qu11• feet will be demohshed 1nd replaced with a 11.JOO square root automobll• 11111 buildtfta Ind e 8 ~ •qv•re • •" ••tlli/off~ b.lllkSlna The .,, o)ect •* 111c1v-. • rtdHJslltd arid comtlined parllflla lot. The 1ppficellon l11clud11 • • parlll111 modiflutlCHI to reduce the """'""'m nulnl>er of Pll'lllnt •pecu, an off. •It• pllfllllle • .,..,,.,. lor 1 Wred pa11lin1 lol Oft two •dflClllt prop 11tles. and a request to tlCeff lllt blh floor Itel fltlO by IPPfOlf· matetySS. APPLICA TIO": Un l"ermlt end Oevelopmenl Plan UPZOOJ-026 'C£QA COMPllANCE: This projact has been reviewed, and 11 hn baen d1t11mlntd thal Ir I• ceteaorlc1lly eumpt under lilt requirements of the C1Hlorol1 Cnvl· ronmental Quality Ac:1 under Clan 3 (New Construction or Con · version of Small Slruc turn) Published Newpor I B11ch Cosla Mesa 011ly Pllol Oecembtf 2 7. 2003 Sa528 The lollow1n1 persons are dome business as: H1rr1son and Associates, 3249 Nebr ask a lane, Costa Mua. Cahforn11 92626 Colin D Harnson. 3249 Nebraska Lane, Costa Mesa. C1hlornl1 92626 Cynthia D Harroson 3249 Nebrulla lane, Costa Mesa, Cahforn1a 92626 This bus1neu I\ •On ducted by a eener at partnership Hive vou star led do1n11 business yet? Yu 01 /02/02 Colln 0, Hamson This statement was flled wllh th~ County Clerk of Orange County on 12/12/03 20036968069 Daily Pilot Oec. 20, 27. 2003. Jan 3, 10, 2004 SaS27 Policy •) $p1ctr11rn ~••eel C1nttt, b) S.ectru111 H°"'tal, ll300 S.114 C1ny011 An , St.. I 1005, lrvl11e, CA 92Sl8 Maril E. Atlderaon t6JOO s.nd c1nron AY-., St1. f 1005, lfvl!MI CA92618 ' This blnmen II con· ducted by. an lnd1vldual Have )'OU lla.-lld Clotfll business yetf No M111i E Anderson nus '"'•ment wu filed with the County Clefll of Granat County on 11/25/03 200!169 .. 2U Oaily Pllol Dec 13, 20, 27, 2003, Jan 3, 2004 Sa522 fidlliM ..... .... s ..... The foUowina peuons are dolnc business 11: C & W lend1na. 2522 Back Bay loop, Costa Men, C.l1forn1a 92627 Robert A Conrad, 13Z2 Cabrlllo Parll Drive Unol 0. S1nte An1, Cahf0tn1192701 John Carl Whtllenbura. 2522 Back 8 1y loop. Costa Mesa. Cehfornia 92627 This business " con ducted by co partners Han you started do1na business yet' No John Carl WMtenbura This statemeril wu I.led with the County Clerk of Oran&e County on 12/15/03 200369Ul47 011ly Pilot OIC 20 21. 2003 Jan 10, 2003 S1!>25 flctl1im ..... .... s ....... 1 he follow Ina persons are doln& business as a) R1ve11a Enlerprises, b) R1~e11a Realty. c) Rivero• Real Esta te Man~gemenl. d) Rivena Des1en. 339 Miiford 011ve. Corona Oel Mar. California 92625 Milly Castro. 339 Miiford 011ve. Corona Del Mar. Cahtornll 92625 I his business 1s con· du,led by an md1V1dual Have you started do1na busrnus yet? No M11y Castro Thlt altte-1 WU fitff •rtll tllt County ca.,,11 •' Or•nc• COWlty on 12/lW IOOMt .... 4 Oat11 l"llOt Ole. 20, 27, 2001. Jtn 3. 10. 2004 S.S2? Ac-. .... "-S..... The foflowlnc persons ,,. dolnc business u : Cont•I Paint Repelr, Inc.. 15771 Green St .. Unit A, Hunt1n1ton Buell, CA 926.t9 E2 Dr11m1, Inc .. 16771 Green St. Unit A. Hun tln1ton 8etch, CA 92649 This bu1llleu Is con du~ttd by: a corporallon Hne you alerted dolna busintss ytlt No £Z Orea111s. Inc .. Eril>. Ekstrom·CEO 'This s tatement wes filed with Ille Counl)' Clerk of 011n1• County on 12/10/03 200H9677SS Dilly Piiot Dec 13. 20, 27, 2003. Ian 3, 2004 S1520 ~ ..... ... s....... The tollow1na p1uons are doin& business as Memorlals At S11. 712 l arkrid&t. lrv1n1, CA 92618 V1cl11 l. McMull1n. 712 luk11da• Ir vine, CA 92618 lohn C Noller, 712 l11k11d11•. Irvine, CA 92618 ThlS busin11s 1s con dueled by co partners Have you star led dolna bul!ness yet' v" 1211noo3 )ohn Noller This s lalament wn flled wrth the County Clerk of 011nae County on 12/09/03 20036967669 Daily Pilot Dec 13. 20, 27, 2003, Jan. 3. ?004 Sa521 -Sttvtn Btndtt. 9l0 M1tlfttr1 Of1Ve, Newport le.Kt.. CA 92660 Tb1' business II con clvcttd by: M ltldtvklual Ml•• you sllltt4 dolf\l buslnffs r•l1 No Steven .8'"°9< lhls 1t1tem1nt •el flltd 111t1ltl lht Count) Clerk of Orana• County on 11/17/03 IOOH96SH2 01111 Piiot Dec. 13, 20, U . 2003. Jan. 3 . 2004 Sa~.t ~ ..... "-*'-" Tile loHowlna persons •tt dolna business u . Bob's [qulelmtnl Rent •is, 2340 Cynthia Ct . Cosl1 Mesa, Celllorn11 92627 Robert J. Allen, 23.tO Cynthl• Ct., Costa Me11, Calltornl1 92627 This business 15 con· d11cttd by: en 1ndwlduel Hive you started doin11 b111lneu yet? No Robtrt J. Allen This 111\ement wu tiled with the County Clerk of 011nae County on l 2/02J1l3 200Ht .. I04 Oally Piiot Dec 6. 13. 20. 27. 2003 Sa515 Ac-. ...... ... s........ Thi followinc parsons are do1n1 business as Mobil Marhet1n11. 23412 Pac1llc Park Dr •37·8, Allao VtejO. CA 92656 Jofln Bndak1s. 29072 Cobell Circle. MenlfH. CA92f>U Th~ business Is con· ducted by an 1nd1v1dual Have you stuted doina business yell Yes. I 0/ 15/2003 John Basdokis Th15 sl1l11men\ wu filed with the County Clerk ol Or anat County on 11/17/03 70036965319 Dilly Pilot Oec 13, 20. 21 . 2003, J111 3, 2004 Sa523 Saturday, ~ 27. 2003 19 STARTING ANEW BUSINESS?? • • • • • • • • • • • Tht Ltgal Departmtnt at rhe Daily Pi/or is pleased to announce a ntw service TlQW avmlabk to new businesses. wt will now SEARCH the name for you at no extra charge, and save you the timt and tht trip to the Court Howe in Santa Ana. Thm, of course, after the search is completed we will flit your fictitious business name statement with the County Cink, publish once a week for four weeks as required by law and then file your proof of publication with the County Ckrk. Pkase stop by to flit your fictitious business name statement at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St, Costa Mesa. If yo u cannot stop by, please call us at (949) 642-4321 and wt will make a"angements for you to handle this procedure by mail. If you should have any farther questions, please call us and we will be more rh1111 glad to assist you. Good luck in your new business! How to Place A ---Deadlin es----. CLASSIFIEAD Monday ...................... Friday 5:00prn Tuesday ................... Monday S:OOpm Rates and deadlines arc subject to change without notice. The publisher reserves the right to censor. reclassify. revise or rcjccl any classified advertisement. Please report any error that may be in your classified ad immediately. The Daily Pilot accepts no liability for any error in an advertisement for which it may be responsible except for the cost of the space actually occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first insertion. By Fax By Pho ne (949) 642-5678 Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5 :OOpm Thursday ............ Wednesday 5:00prn By Mail/In Person: ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. 1010-1110 GARAGE SALE BUSINESS & FINANCIAL Collectlllla/ ~NI 1160 TOP u 4 ucoas nc .Ila. a.r.. De. ~ & IDs a Mee, Sc*r. tlANt -. Mike 9'9·6'5-7505 ootRT..wT ClllnlllrrA EVlllll 1310 ICIUM._ otP011•n All rHI t1l1t1 edv11lls· Ins In thl• newspeper la subject to the federel F 11t Housl111 Act of 1988 n 1mendtd which mallu It 111•1•1 to advertise •eny pref ti· ence, llmltetlon 01 d1scrlmln1tlon bntd on rec:1, color. relltlon, 11~. fl•ndlcap, f1mllT11 alltua or netlot\ll Of lcftl, or .,, lntentioll to m•h an1 sucfl pr.terenn, llmil1· tfon or diterlmiltetlon: Tllh n•WIClllC* 111tlll not •nowltl(ly .cc•t e11y ~vert1-t for ttal utete •hlch I• In vloletlon of tht I••. Our rnden 111 htr•bJ Informed tt11t 111 d111teH 11111 eclW' tlsff In this ntwifllper ere nellable °" •n eq111I eptN11tunlt1 IN\le. To c:orn,ltln of dis- «lmiftetlofl, ~·· ""° loll-,, .. ,, 1-I00-424~ 2305-2490 Older Style Fv""""' PIANOS l Col1edlblft . ...,._._ • it ...... ......,. Ol'it.~ .. CAIHPAIO .. OM .... °' ......... WI •UY UTAT19 .1 ............ Motidly- AIT'llr r COIJSlfirJr.1E NTS ] I , I I (949) 631-6594 3.lO We<1t Bay Street Coqa Mesa. CA 92627 A1 Newpon Blvd. & B:iy St 1f>ka_"' incl~ your name and phonr number and ,.flf ult )"U h..<k v.11h • pn« quot• I Friday .................... Thursday 5:00pm . - I .; , I :_ f l ESTATE R SALE 3510 3610 USCUI 9 I I Life's Unc11talnllts Happen! f'el Owners Need Hefl>. Well M1nnered Adull Cats & Older Doaa ""d new homes. Adopt Adult Anlmab this Xm~sl 30 day return Polley. www.1nlm1lnetwor• or1 I Telephone 8:.30am-5.00pm Monday-Fnday Hours Index r ........-: -- ,1 .., ( ·. ~.· Walk-In 8 .30:1m-5.00pm Monday-rnday .. 7402·7466 3010-3940 .. ...---. ' . ' Saturday ..................... Friday 3:00pm Sunday ....................... Friday 5:00pm i'r•. l11Hkr t Ill' SL'n iLT Directory Banner 5005-sa5o HOMESFOASALE OP.ANGE 5400 COUNTY 6 UNIT IUllOING ON OOUll.1 lOT. Priced below m11~el Sl.350.000 S<Y.i 507 E. B1y Ave. Do nol disturb occupanh. Broker t0-411-SOlO (7'U) nuo10 UVINO .., THI ...L.. -'_ I005-1510 Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week . I . . .... & M00-9750 For Only $32 per week (4week mi nimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 2br 1. 75ba on lhe water. ley ,,_, 3br 2b1 uppet t1 patio, deck up(raded level. pe<IOd style. areal Cle e11 & New I 406 kitchen, wd Mlup 1111 views, I or 111. •II HtHotrope (front Col· S2200 949-293-4632 S2800 949-293-4631 ConlnadtlMlr ta,.). COM. 2t>d, lbl, new kitchen & bath, Ip, 3br 2ba 119p11 11n1t. 2 hrdwd fir 1n LR lie &M, b•lconles, Ip. m~lr Sha.-ed W/D 71.t 3J6.9800 /llvtm, 1 c 11•. nu P•lnt llr w/Mttt -1y, no •rt $2300 949-293 4630 llitch•n. er••' locatlon, S750/mo 420 Nerclssus Aat 949-717-4708 lbr 2ba llouu. front 111d, 1 c 1•• · $3000/mo 721 Hallotrope Aveil Jan lst 949·721·!'Xl.t9 Coltllla Best place In the world to advertise! Call today to place your ad Classlfled 842-5878 HACH. POOi., SPA & ''°'• , ... wel ........ =4 MOii. LOW u oo·.. qOiet Ill'•, II hwy -. AOT. 714-174-0200 1993 Church St '945 7l4- MISCB.lMEOUS ROOALS RllDITostmta Nl/Oc-VI-•-CkMnfront/22tld, Privet• room. unfurn. dlare b1, utlls P•ld, no/1mk, ~ilchlnelt•, lndry. lblk to ,..wpott pier, S730m. C.11 Sam g.e9.278 7905 (bti-hm·~) 205-6.'Kll " 107-236-3717 Mepl• A,ttl l ovely Gated Comm, ne .. Trl1n1l• ~1r1, 2br lb1 w/aar & fr • $1095, ltw lb• w/p1t • cerporl. I \Of IP ~ Willllr, hill p1ld. l<leln Mtw ... 1w1t rn J!M..8149 Ext mi "·~· "'" ..... atreet 2tw 1.51>1 no pets Sll915(mo 1865 hint Awt 13 Mt-121).942'111203 ........... UOO ltll SlUOtO l erp clottl & bath. aunny upoeure. SlOOOm Act Mt ~1&-6181 ''Employee.'' "Empleado. " "Arbeitnehmer. '' "Et!JP.loye." •MADER .. -.u1n CIJllHDCai .. n. Bridge By CHARLES GOAEN wlttl oMM SHARIF and TANNAH HtRSCH WEEKJ,V BRJDCB QVIZ QI -Noc vulncnblc. )OU hold. • 10815 l o '2 o It' U • 117 PMncr op:ns ~ biddina -hh one Ill) ll\JJllp Wh:tl ac:tion do yw uau1 Q 2 • Noc vulnerahk. Ill South you hold: a A 10 96 J1 • 9 •, 14 • Q J 10 7 The hidtlini ha.' oroocedod: NOtml tAS'f SOU'Jlf WE\7 I OW t• ,_ Jv ,_ 'l Whal llCtioo do )'OU llike? Q J · Ndlhcf vu1oenlible, » South you hold: •0 o AO J o KOU• KOIJJ ~~~:FA.VJ' •• .... 11:1 .... ' Wh&1 do you bid oow7 Q 5 -As South. vulnuable, you hold: • Q J ~ K 98 H c-A lt6 6 A kl Q ' • 8(l(h vulnmible, )'W hold. lllklt ... ,ft ,._ Uhr low ml sold/tan lth1. mnrl, CO, •lloY llllhll th10111houl, su.,m v56m l °"' 949-5116, ......i ...-......... clt:a: ,., c.t«• SOii mT."'blll/blll II hf. dt c•rlqe roof, 80.:. CO, -VII--.-.... -----...-.-~--H'I Im, dum whls, 10ld C'-lc 1 pka. boolll/recorcb. Ill•• -• up. reqund 11tw $8795 vSS728l 8111, 11,.0 ..... qi HortlcUl-ture. pla"t 11), ~tcr t 4t -Sl6-t ... uills, B•n•l11a, ..out .-. ..-.- opplr to •dv_, ... cnw. ~tit '9t UC Lin 7 t 4·963•8442 22k actu1I ml, orlcin•I ~ elderly owner, white/tan •.1.1,....Sts0«1't awmAn lh• •l Hlllna lncte;r.n· dWllly owned ul £atal• company 1n CehtO«tia, Is announckl& a uruque, hlply r•· .. ardmc opportunity tor a suSC!Md saln pco lu.iotleL We~• Sftll. 1111 a lotl quality sales penon wlttl • ll'O'ttn tredt r-d You must be ulramel1 c\dt- Ofknled. relate to a broad r•na• of client lffllnp and 11eeds and communlc:•I• with plerclna persuu~va11eu. II you h•va • stton1 dnltt to auccaed, are a super star wllo fl ta the bill, 111d e11joy Hlllna. scr .. nh\1 and closl"f.. Cl¥t us a ceU @ 888-454-0!i93 ut 9'5 (Over JO _. .. , auocl•IM have ••Mel 1n uc:en ol S250.000 In 2002) Int, chrm whls, b.aul Ilk• new concl, $9,995 ¥182S151 8llt ~18118 ...... ,.~ .. ,_ '••4 .• , ••••••• Converllble, orlch"I own«, sohd cw, nut .. SU.sex> liio 9&7529Ci eMC s...-.... lSI 2500. 4wcl, 70k + mi, Soldl'•n llhf, •Ire seat. superb 0111 cond l l,1,995 vSS2~l Blu .... , ... , ... _........,,(_ ......._ 't7 Auw4 2dr toujM EX. V·tec en1ln1, 6911 bl.ell/any ltlu. snrf, beautltul 11nm11hed cond, ,.,.,.ct1..'!!?..n smllr 17995 •m llOm.151 81.r -----.oqJllb.am Jepw' .. s '"" 1.0 w6, 35t ml, Ml f~t l"IWT, '11-/oelfMal lthr, nm<f. CO. memory P*a. beau1 Wwl '"'" unm«Md -------cond, $23,4~ vl752262 •AUl752 o QJt5 "073 •\IM !~~~ar.'W Bllr. !Mt-5115-\118 13!511 ,.. www.eqi<IM..c:- • K 117,l Pwtncr upcn the bidding with one \j'lllde. Wh:ii IC~ do )'OU lake'1 Vour right-hind opponent open.' the 862 1:4 I: ~-74~ bidr:lina with th1tJC diamonds, What ~ '97 IJ6 llf'ltish Q • • Boch vulllCl"lbll', as South you hold: 111.'tkln do you laU'! rtClna l" .. 11/tan lthc, •l·ley••kr• Cl), hbulous cond C•lllornla ltw rt• qulrn u111 contrM· ton t8kltla jobs that lol•I S500 or more (i.bor or mal•lala) be lkenMd by llle Contncltn State Llcenw Board Slate .. ., tho r~n !Mt contraclors include their lictnM nunlMr on all edvtttlMlc. You can checfl the sbltw ol \YOllr llcu1td c 0 ~" e t t 0 ' • ' WWW Ctlb.ct.ao~ Of 800 321·CSL8. l.ln«· censed contr~I«• lalll111 foba tll1I lolel less than S500 muat atate 111 their ed'tertiMIMnts tltel the)' •••not llcl!IM4 llr the Contrtc104'• State lie-Bolrd.• M•ml .......... ~~IND . . ...... ..... ..... A-l NMOYMMI ~ ~°"'II n..-7258 Clllll Clllllll .-.-.- t1pede1>Cepr1ferred. lhrouahout. 111,995 .._.....,.furniture due, ¥59121 bllr 949·586 1888 K8rll 714-J8H&ll www • ..-..c- ......... leedi ,_ .. ~ ts now htnn& up'd 8at1tnders s. ..... , &. Reception~!. Call lo• 'PPI (949) 644-0050 LAND tOVH 2000 Dlscov11rr II 7 u atllt. clual moor11b, rear jump "•"· heated u•I fac wa<r 36.000 n11, 121.000 l/1llJSJJ6 liYI n.t-?J2.5161 1r•.l11,I•f11'1,jf, • t I '.i, .... .._ '9S ... SE l!Ok-+1111, blHll/tafl lflllr, auparb cond ltlrlllllllt. ...... ,_. Sl0,8 *81211 IW ... 586 ·l811 -. ...-.. - I * ... AVl/A utll!IM ........ ,_ .. , ..._,c-...,_ .. .... _ . ..-Z.TT11 .... ... ----- --@1 YD, SB 1 MY CAii Run your ad in the Newport Beach- Costa Mesa Daily Pilot and the I aty Huntington Beach Independent to I z., I Phone reach over 100,000 I homes. Fax us this I L I ()d Cll1ls D MC D VISA DAMX Pal:se Chedr Pettilent Baa Y•---MMake-.e----~~---.~~-- O e~ D "ow...., o.._...-n....... 0 y.a 0 ""-""--0 lllMll '-,.._ -----· C A&llt lNrtl C ,._~0...,..0ooM 8:::: 8 :==D111 8~~ Cl""~ a ei.-.~ a ,....._. .OlAllllslr-*0 0-C o.-.~ 0 ,~ .,._ 0 ~ Aoof 0 ....,. Bet* Wlf'dOw ·s20 for4 """· $2eadl 9ddltional line ...... o.lly Piiot 330 W, Bay St. Coat& M--. CA 92627 ....... (9491842-5678 • ·~ (9-411 631 •e694 - ----,_.. -.. --- form with your credit I card # or mail with a I check today! ~ Run for a week! If · 1 your car does not sell, we'll run it for another week FREEi All for just $20 .. Daily A Pilot H \J"ll~OTll' lu.01 INDEPENDENT JUNI TO THI IHIM'lll 714·968·1882 AVAii.ABLE TOOAYI 949-673-5566 ...... a •• 1~·4 W-ly/Bl·wklr n hlr. ~f's. Cful retesl lmeld9 9&54M2115 9&2'Jt-0837 Lii •m,111 -··---(Mf)Mt-nn I ~ ~ . • e • • s : : • • = . ". . it • • • • • • : II : : : • I : • • ' • I - I I I I -- THIS WEEK 'S HOT PROPERTIES • DECEMBER 27, 2003-JANUARY 2, 2004 : ' !: I \ l' l I~ I l I ) l I 11 I \\ I I h R\JSTIC CONTEMPORARY BAYSHORES BEAUTY . . PRESENTED BY KAREN LYNCH OF PRUDENTIAL CALIFORNIA R£ALTY COYER STORV ON PAGE 2 , 'J··~~n .. ·!: ~ ..,.; : ' . . .. 2 , .. : N CALL 101 ADDITIONAL INFOllMATION 01 FOi A PRIVATE SHOWING. KAREN LYNCH (949) 720-9995 PRUDENTIAL CALJFOllNlA JluLTY -. This richly detailed Bayshores beauty is truly one of a kind. This newly bwlt three bedroom, tluec bath home · uniqudy posscsKS the charm and character of a rustic, yet contemporary dwelling. The soothing sounds of the outdoor water founwn intcr- c.vined with the warmth of the cozy fireplace set the tone for the cxquisicc design displayed throughout. nus magnificent architectural masterpiece boasu the dcgancc and purity of unpara.llded design -a synergy of art and architecrure. This home's timeless, subtle styling is executed with perfection and accented by its prime location. The front door wdcomes friends :a.nd funily into the great room and gourmet kitchen with its high beamed c:eilings-so perfect for entertaining. . Jn.side, a generous 2,398 square feet of luxurious living amidst spacious rooms with soaring ceilings, accented by 200 year old wood bcaml from the forcsu of Massachuscns, gleaming stainless steel, whitewashed brick and rich mahogany wood. The inviting living room with wide plank wood Ooors and a wood burning fireplace adjoins a side c:ounyard with built- in barbcque. Throw o~n the double set of French doors and create tcamlcss indoor-outdoor entertaining. Only the most dcganr finishes are used to decorate this home and the detailing will astound you. Come explore the serenity and quiet beauty of this ho~e. And inaU it yours. COVER ••• PRUDENilAL CAI1FORNIA REAuY 2. Map I Index 3. Roger's Realty 4. wen. Fargo Bank 5. Roger'• Realty 6.-19. Strada Properties 21. Judy Kola.rt Countrywide Mortgage 22. Portfolio Financia1/ Platinum Properties DailyAPilot 23. Prudential California Realty 24.-25. Remax Real Estate Services 26. Wdh .. Fargo Private Mortgage 27.-35. Coldwell Banker/ · .. Coast N~tt Properties 37.-41. First Team Estates 43. Homes of the Week 45. John Dundee 48. Abrams Coastal Properties ProudJy serving Newport Beach, Costa Mesa. Corona dcl Mar, Newpon Coast, Study Canyon, Laguna Beach, Laguna Nigud, Dana Point, Mooa.rch Beach, Capistrano Beach, San Juan Capistnno and San Ckmcnte. • _.l j"rom 'Dawn ti{ 'Dus~ .. Ocean '13{vi, Ci'M Sometimes a listing ~t ~ boast a little too much about an unparalleled ocean view yet, often in reality it's okay, bui far from the ultimate. After you stydy the city apPraved plans arid witness first hand the flXliaordlnor,y surf, ·sand & sunset views this extra wide, bluff fuit parcel affords, ~ may ask ~rself, why is the asking price only $4,600,000 9 The answer is simple. The owners want Ifie property sold I 8 w . ... II • ..., ~ ~ . ,...: N I ~ i ~ ~ ~ w ft! Cll a:: £ ;! '. -~ ---·--.-.... ~ - - ----~ Corona del Mar Vil~e lot With plans CdM Village, 200 Bloc~ lot with plans CdM Village Duplex CdM Village, 300 Block, wide lot with plans CdM Village, 300 Block, 2 lots, with plans CdM .Ocean Blvd on the Bluff, with plans 2737 EAsT COAST HIGHWAY, 5 N _....., N 8 w . • , ... : N IRVINE TEMACE fJlf# ~~. ~s,rw ...... ~ Sllon1'Moak ""' .. • "/:>,,~"""' ~ · 12,S'jO,()()() .. lcl.) .. plui d9n. ..... -~-.... ........ c.;.-0... ... ...,.. ....... Clllllilll ........ ...._ .. _.,,, .... ...... .............................. , ..... ,, ...... p ....................... _. .... -. ............................. ~ ...... --....................................... pP I ~"" ~ • 1/19,()()0 T~ iwnocWed Bluffs condominium ~ Cl/fA ~ • ISJ.9,JOO Ftlbuloul deClcMd ~. PrMc. end quiet 7 "' ........ 8 w I I ,..: N I f • • N 8 w All the luxurious services and amenities of the Monu,e Resort and Spa. ~ sizes ~ from 13,000 to 16,000 square fMt. I I ... j st • t u J f Bepnt French style estate reminiscent of a picturesque hillside In Prcwence. Secluded behind private ,raw wl1h bubbllni Kol ponds, fraarant flowers and lush ~ S bedroom sutw all wtth prden views. wonderfuf tTOmp l'OeU palntJn,s throu&hout and limestone accems. ts,350,000 "' -" "' 8 w Oz I J .. 2003 N.wport Harbor Hi,h Home and Gw-den ToUr rwldenee . ... I I .Mv /Ju· $1,690,000 Fabulous remodeled Udo Isle home. Shows ltlclt a model. Stndl courtyard entry. Recent addltlons lndude b-rNI cflnlns room. M /Ju· lt,S49tooo Spadous home on cwersiDd lot at w ~ oJ Island. 2 story llvlni room wtdl fireplace and dlnlna room op8!IS to Strada pado. 1J J I N :-..i N 8 w I ,..: N I f Beautiful single story In pted community. 3 bedroom. 3 bath home 8 w Aid,, ~ J-t~ · lt,J.95,000 RMnodeled home, lf*CICIJW cc.\ views. ,...: N CAflJ&dllv ~ • $5'99S,OOO One cA the mcllt ~ ~ bw:Jlfloot homes .... bulk In 0...,,,. County. Ed l.ohrt.ch arc:hit«ture. ~ 1lMM ~,.d,, • /J,'154000 &c9fidc.e.i 26 acre oc.-, Mw IOt. Unobstruct9d oc:.r\ Met moUntllln ..... JJeNf-Dli J-l~ltti · ttgg,ooo ~ l Bd. l a.. twnocWed hOMe wtdt room co ~tDCb'a lira-ywd ~.,,.room Ind~ 17 N _..., N 8 w ,...: N SAJJ UMn c~ . J/,j99,000 ~ estMe on a wtry llrae vt.w lot In the~ comm.inky of a• c .... s bedroom. '4.S bath home wkh mll'1)' cusiom •uns. &diih Co1f.A ~!IA • /549,0&o Chamq l bedroom. 2.S bath t.ownhome wkh vaulted ceilings. recessed ~hardwood ftoofs upltalrs. 2 car pnce. • u N ...... N 8 w ~ An exceptional neighborhood deserves ~ exceptional service. . As a seasoned home loan consultant serving Orange County for over 28 years, I'm proud to bring my considerable experience to your neighborhood. I also have the technology, resources and innovative loan products from one of America's leading lenders to make your next home buying experience fast. convenient and virtually hassle-free. A vast selection of home financing options, including: ~ PayOption ARMs ~ Fixed Period ARMs 311, 511, 7/1, 10/l ~ Interest Only loan Programs ~ Home Equity Loan Programs ~ Fast & East" Loans ~ Purchase & Refinance ~ Stated Income Available ~ Primary Residence, Second Homes, High Rise Condominiums ~ New Construction (Rate Cap Program offers interest rate protection for up to 14 months) Kevin Budde Branch Ma~ Cell 949-422·2075 kevin_buddeOcountrywide .com Website; www.}oanlpprovalsfast com MISSIOO VteJO Brlnch 27101 Puerta Real, Suite 100 MISS!On VteJO, CA 92691 Phone 949-282·2203 Direct FM 949-348-1639 IMne Branch 18044 Cul~r Onve Irvine, CA 92612 PhOne 949-552-2777 ext.224 •eounb)4VVWe· HOME LOANS Easy. Really: cit[ ....... !.-•M>c..i-t-.'-• .... -... -·~-c.i--..... ---~ ............ ~-.. ~--...... UMiot• ............ ......... _....__ ............ ,.~-- 21 J I N ...... N 8 w a "' Z2 ,..: N I f -.-•r~ '.. } . ~· • •. . . -, . ~~-:(.')~; . .-:' •· • '"'!i .. . ., .. -. . ' :-it' . • . . .. . • 4 ,"', ' I ; ' ~.~._ .... _-.,... .·• • ... ·.-. I THE PORTFOLIO DIFFERENCE --------. •Over 50 banks and lending mstitution5 to choose from · • Loans to $10 million; all credit profiles, including <:3$9-doc and interest-onl.Y • Our goal is to provide the bt rates and lowest cost -all with our be.st price guarantee TRY FIXED S·YEAR TO $1.5 MILLION • •.95" • ZERO POINTS • INTEREST-ONLY Of'TION •NO PREPAYMENT PENALTYlll Resolve to get organized in the New Year by Barry Maf't(S Do you know where your important house documenu ~1 What about the receipts for home tmprovemenu7 Can you locate the warnmty for major appUaneet? lf your answer ts no, then tt's time to get organized. As a homeowner, you began Ba"" Mart<s accumula~ all torts •• 1 of recon21 and papen the moment you made the offer on your home. Many of these Items will be needed aptn whether for Insurance, tu. mlnandng. or even resale purposes. Knowing where these Items att an save you a lot of ttme in the 10t13 run. You don't have to invest In an expensive rcCord-kecptng l)'ltem. You c.a1l purchase an accordiOn file and label eACh flap with a different category. I've provided a guide to help you get stuted. Contracts and Legal Papen Keep all the papers signed and/or given to you at the dostns together in one place, pttferably in a safe deposit boz. lbeae documents include the deed, lettlement 1tatement, appraisal, disdoswa, mongage note, ~ons and any other reporu, and title tnsurance polk:Y. You will need these records again if you decide t.o refinance or sell your home. lmuraDce Polides Kttp a copy of all lmurance policies relating to your property together. 'Ibis may include homeowners', tlood and earthquake policies. With these documents, keep a list of insurance agents or companies and copte. of conespondence related to claims. Purchue and Rome Data It'• alto a~ idea to keep a copy of the odglnal IJ.stin& of your bouR, comparable market analysis, ftoor plaN, b~ts and historic.al information. If you own a newt)' built hOme, keep a list of contractors and materlal suppliers as well. PlopedyTuet Keep y<?W' tax bills and record of payment for as I~ u you own the home and possibly even longer. You may need these items if your tu retu.m1 are ever audited, llomil Me......,.nm and Improveme.ntl Recordi bl this ategory include ~pts for repain or ttplacement ezpenses, names of contracton, contrletl and a log of fmintenance tasb. Warrantla, Mannal• And~ These documents provide you with a proof of purchase date and determine 8Cl'Vice and parts guaranteed. In addhk>n, the manuals usually provide are lnform.atton so you can help ensure your household appliances are being properly maintained. You lfti>uld keep your waaandes, manuall and receipts for these items for u long as • WISHING MY CLIENTS, FUTURE CLIENTS, AND FRIENDS, A WARM AND WONDERFUL HOLIDAY SEASON. MAY YOUR HOME SE BUILT UPON CHERISHED MEMORIES Whether BUYING OR SELLING, LET1MY PROFESSIONALISM ANO EXPERTISE WORK FOR YOU IN YOUR NEXT REAL ESTATE TRANSACTION you own the appliances. Home Inventory If you were ever to lose any of your possessions due to fire, burglary, or vandalism, having a home inventory can help you avoid a lot of heartache and make it easter when filing an insU.rance claim. Start with a sheet a paper for each room in the hoUJC. Go around the room and list every item. Don't fo~et the attic, basement or other storage places. For each item, write the original cost, purchase date, replacement cost, model number, brand name, where purchased, and a general desaiption. In addition, take photos or video of each room for visual documentation. It is also a good idea to mange valuable collections, silver, jewelry, etc. and take dote up photos. Keep a copy in your home files and the originals in a ft.ieproof safe or safe deposit box. Make sure you update your home inventory photos and list at least once a year. Organizing your home files may take a considerable investment of time inJtially, but it will deftnitely be time well spent 1n the event you need the documenu later on. Bll"Y M11rlu represents sdlm and l>uym in the °"""&e ~ C04$1111 ctm111'114#ltla of Newport Collsl, Newport BeAc/J, Ommll tkl Mllr ,,,,4 tM Irvine Ralu:ls. He ca11 be rtadu4 al (949) 552-1111 E"""4a BarryOCybervllk-Homa.com or log-on to Ills Web sUe al Cybet'Vllle-Homa.com for ""4"""'41 lrifimtuitum. PrudentW c:.lJ/onda Rulty Is an lndqendmlly owno:l 11nd opertlted Member o/TM ~ Rul Bmltt Ajfilltlta, Inc. -----;-.. • .l• J ~ l ~ N ...... N 8 w :::0 111 Q!. ~ i • 0 "' ~ J .. t' I • • I I \ j f . • i ! .._..._ • ·• fl ~ ~ ~ Ja N _...., N 8 w . ::>:> co II!. ('1 ~ . 0 ~ ~ ,_ • ,. 21 ...: N BALBOA rENJNSULA IOOOW.Bay $1,225,000 COSTA MESA f. . $779.000 SS Maadclo $2.799.000 Sat 11-4 ' . 55 Montecfto $2,199,000 Sun llA ' . ( " a.-"°"°~ $2..l ... 000 NlncuclOlt lntplred ProYldence. Pl'M'- cul-de-uc toaitlon. D-. Wont • Ride Lan...,rn MIWPOIT IMORll t71t,OOO ~Shor. ..... "°'*' N.w.r wlndOws, klcdlen, Spet. Kennie Jo IUno MIWPOltT 8mACH $,,lH,tM Harbor Cow Paltuda. Exquisite home • with pinoramlc bly Ylews. Meflncla Jon .. Ir Harty jonel 8riu1Thomu )fU~TLI ROCK $2,ltl.OOO .W. Custom home. OtY ltshts view. 5 bedroom, bonus room plus Olllce. ChrlsVaHI LIDO ISLE OFFICE 949.723.8800 MijEM 8 w 1 l .. i ' .. ,. . ,...: N , j f L.. . ... • • EXCLUSIVELY LISTED BY JUDY GOOD 949.759.3752 949.378.8475 CELL MARK TODD 949.717.4765 949.412.9310 CELL l 01 l>UH 'I I IJ l'\N ... l 'f." , NOTHING LIKE IT ON THE SAND CALIFORNIA GOLD COAST-SOUTH FACING BEACH _......_.....,... _______ .._ ............ __ .. ___________ .................... _______ "',..... ................ .--........................... .._. ___ _ LIDO ISLE .. • clisocal.com MARILYN READ 949.718.2733 www.lldolsle.net "A COMMUNllY FILLED WlTH AN UNEQ!JALED LIFESTYLE OF PRIVATE BEACHES, TENNIS COURTS, YACHT CLUB, CLUBHOUSE, PLAYGROUND, AND TERRIFIC NEIGHBORSn • ~ n (I) ~ £ ~ I .... N _...., N 8 w ;;io 11> 9!. ,.., "' 6' ii 0 g. ~ -..;.,-\ . \ (, 1 ~ .. •• • JZ a;..-. .. I • • DEBBIE SClAFANI & RON MILLAR 949.933.7393 94 9 .718.1741 #1 COLDWELL IAN KER. TEAM IN ORANGE COUNTY FOil 2000 & 2002 SOCIETY OF EXCELLENCE (''1 l [ J l ti ( ~I t II'\""'"'. J~ • ., - -~-- --~ .. _ .... ._.._._. ___ ................................ .._-.._ . ..,.._.~ .. --.......... --........... _.,.._....., ................. ~----- DEBBIE SCLAFANI &RON MILLAR 949.933.7393 949.718.1741 #1 COLDWELL BANKER TEAM IN OkANOE COUNTY FOR 2000 & 1002 SOCIETY OF EXCELLENCE IN ASSOC IATION WITH TIM SMITH 949.718.1735 CHRISTI BELL 949.718.1734 N ...... N 8 w • l .... , ' I c. j . , I •••• I • } • ,....: N j f . -.--------~---------------~ ----~ -- -....................... ..._... .. ., .. ........ _...,.__.._...,....~ ......... __________ ...................................... -. .............. ,_.._ .... _._, .. ....__ ..... ..., COLDWELL BANKER COMMERCIAL ~(1llll\\lll I \\' 1, I I{ < l ''I 'll l<l I \I TOM DUGAN 949.837.9550 DIRECT 949.581 .5824 FAX 714.246.0045 PAGER tomdupn@cox.net • __ , • ~ ~ ~ '1> i ;. ... N ·" N 8 w :::0 '1> Q!. ,.., "' 6i ;;; 0 ai ~ ~ ( l • • ,.,., ~ ,..: N ,., j f .!! ~ w 16 .. a: ~ i 0 I l · • - ~ -----~ --~ -r---' __ _... .. ---._.-.--...:... --:. .. ---' ------ -... First Team to feature top new agent at career Se lnar on JanuafY 8 The seminar wlll educate new agents on what It takes tQ become succesSful In the business · First Team Real Esut~ Will be holding a free career dinner on Thursday, Jan. 8, from 7 to 8:30 p.m. at the Success Academy, located at 3785 Pliq Drive tn Salm Ana. Every year thousands of people tn <>rnge County decide to pursue a career in real estate. A IN! ettate career can be very lucrative, however, It ls not for evt'l')'one. There a.re only a few otliU careen ID wbic:h there iS a large gap between those agaiu that are extremely successful and those who dO not rucx:eed. "Here at First Team, we are dedicated to eduadng new .tgents about the truth on a career in re'al estate," said Career Director Erin Dunn. The seminar will answer questioo.s IUCh as: what does tt take to get started, how you c.an ensure your sucaa and how much money you can i:n.ike. ·Here at First Team, we are dedicated to educatlrig new ' agents about the truth on a career. In real estate,· said career Director Erin Dunn. Ritz Cove Tuscan estate With its red clay tiled roof and rustic stone exterior, this dmmatic custom home is amently under construction by the award-wtnnmg Finton Associates. The home Is scheduled for completion fn'WIDJlle!' 2003. Prospective owners must act soon if they would Uke to customize this 4,000- ~foot home that offers four bedrooms and four and one-half baths With a subtemnean garage of equal square footage . An ingenious single level design separates the private sleeping quarters from the open entertafning spaces that look out over the pool, spa and fabulous ocean vista. CUstom double doors open to the foyer with stone-finished walls and a vaulted ceiling that leads to the great room. A wall of retractable French doors In the great room a.s well as the fonnal cf!ning room allows the gentle breezes of the outdoors inside. There are old-wodd stone ftreplaces in the great and fonnal dining rooms a.s well In the covered loggia. Ux:a.ted off the main foyer is a llbnuy with tts own bath that can be ~as a fourth bed.room as well as the spadous master suite. Relu in seclusion with a fireplace, vaulted cellin& pecan hardwood floors and French doors that open to a private terrace. The bath has an o'terSiud shower and sunken spa tub. There are also two separate master closets. The gowmmd will appreciate the Italian countxy~le kitchen that offers an imported stone tfoor, vaulted open beamed ~ and Viking appliances. All secondaty bedrooms have their own baths and sizable closets. 'the subterranem level could accommodate up to ftve cars. It offe:n two mechanical rooms, a wodcbench, storage, wine cellar, and prlvate stairway access up to the main level. This residence is located on a secluded cul-de-sac location. 'Ibis home is offered at $4,495,000. For~~-C41l First TtAm Estala' Dtlfn stewarl at (949) 119-2051 or ftAtmle Youn& at (949) 719-2061. Alsv, pm!k"1 tlUs home and hundmls of avallabk luxury propmtes Ill wwwJltsf:tum.cprn. The views from Las Verdes Standing on a large cul-de-sac parcel with Vfews of the hills and dty Ugh ts, this sfn81e family home has been beautifully upgraded with designer touches. The five bedroom and two and three-quarters bath home features French doors, cathedral cdJJn&s, aown mold.Jng.t, custom paint ftnlshe.s, arched doorways and towering WiildoWs ~a dfsttnctive European aoilnailce thi'oUghout me 3,050-Square-foot Ooor plan. The fonha.I living room offm a ftttplace, French doOn leadi!l8 to a courtyard and a unique tile &or reminiscent of a Pmlch country home. The elegant foi:mal dining room connects the Uving room to the family room and kitchen. Dinner guests will enjoy looking out the wall of French doors onto the co~ard. Spa?ously laid out in a great room design, the gounnet kitchen flows into the family room and breakfast nook. Boasting rich granite counters, stainless steel appliances md cultom cabinetry, including two full pantrles, the kitchen is the perfect spot for meal ~tJon or tnfof11W mtertaln.IJ18. in addition to the distinctive marble fireplace, the family room features a comer built-in entertainment center. A French door leads out from the breUfast nook to the P90l·l1Ud rear Yard Wt overlooks the hills. The en suite muter bedroom offers a spadow sleeping area and a short hallway area th.it leads to the marble appointed bath as well as a retreat area that could be used as a home gym or Study. Rdu in the Jacuzzi tub dramatically staged in an &rched nook wtth windows offering the Vfews. Also enjoy the buJh-in vanity and spacious g]au-enclosed shower. AddittoiW upgrades include dual air conditioning systems, two ar attached ~ wtth an epoxied floor and indoor laundry room. Pamiliet will appreciate the association pool and walk to elementary and middle schools. This home ls offered at $849 ,900. For ""'1'e inf ormaffon. ca11 First Team's Jeff Stearman dt (94 9) 498-72 78. Visit www.jtffiteannan.com for a virtual tour and a list other 1wma Jeffluis avalldblt . • Sl. ~ J ~ 1 ... "' ::"" "' 8 (,,U ;o ;_ ..... "' ~ 17 CORPORATE PLAZA, SUITE 210, NEWPORT BEACH, CA 92660 800.258.7630 0 " ~ AN .ISLAND OF STABILITY. STANDING STRONG SINCE 1975 u FIASl'TEAMESTATESCOM ... _,,. -· . • ,...: N - .. • • -<. • • 1 • J I N ;-.J N 8 w ;:o .,, 9!.. rr1 ~ .,, . j ~ ... ... ,..: N j f 2 COSTA MBSA. Sinale family home with deiipcr touches n't'rywhcre. l.lght and briaht with pnvatt yard. 1 IUJj t» a must tee! lS9S,OOO (157867\ (100) 251·7630 OCRAN&: CITY LIGHT vmws DANA POlNT. Large 4 bcdroom. l .S bub home on • ~ lot ~r l,400 SF loaccd on a high poior. Nccch tome TLC $699 ,900 (157868) (800) 158-7630 COOK'S DELIGHT MISSION VlSJO. Gourmet k.hchcn ft2turts uppadcd Thcrmador applPnca, built·in rooklop, gnt11tc (OUntCftopl and · isbnd, ocw Woc>lt 6oon, 4 bedrooms, 2 S baths pl:us 2 6rc:pbca. $474,900 (157899) (IOO) 317-1450 • 1 41 ·~ ~ J ~ l "' ·" 8 w ::0 ... !!l ,., ~ ... 0 " ~ ,, • • Harbor Ridge Tudor~ estate Set within one of Newport's exclusive guard gated enclaves, this custom built residence enjoys magniftcent ocun, Cat•Un• and dty tJghts views. This ftve bedroom and seven bath estate spreads more than 7,300 square feet that has been embellished with a dJscrlminating use of the Bnest granite, travertine and hard woods as well as dramatic landscape and hardsape. A grand foyer sets a dramatic stage with a spiraling stairoue, crystal chandelJer and arched doorways that lead to unobstructed ocean and dty lights views. Five ftreplaces can be found throughout the home including the formal living room, f.amily room, master bedroom, media room and library. You will be deli#lted with gourmet kitchen includ.tng ~Zero appliances, granite counters, a center island and a lovely ocean view. Adjoining the kitchen ii a spacious family room. Upstain, the master suite offers the h1xury of a fireplace, AUna~d soaking tub. The guest quarten with a separate entrance and full bath offers multiple uses including music studio, gym or ofB.ce. Additional amenJties include a four car garage, aown mold.tng through.out, wet bar and central air conditioning all within a community that offers four pools and spas. This home is offered at $3,150,000. For more mfomtMlml, c.ll M11ty Beveridge of First Tum Estala at (949) 719-2032 or (949) 887-8706. Enjoy the fun loving be.lcb lifestyle or invest in this three bedroom, two bath condominium on the Balboa Peninsula with ocean and bay views. This condo feels like a single family home with custom tile, wood floors, and plantation shutters. Standing at two levelt, It features a bright kitchen, livfn8 room wtth a ftreplace, dining area, spacious master bedroom and ftnally a third level sun deck, perfect for p&nies or sum.mer afternoons under the sun. Additional amen.t11es include an indoor launchy room, alley access, a one car attached gara&e and a caiport This home ts offered at $814,900. For #Mm ""°"""""' alll Plrst Te41tt Rtill ~'s Jerry Mul ]lu<M /4tU:Sll td (949) 241>-1919. Magnificent canyon and dty lights views nus home located in the exclusive Newport Coast community exudes sophistication and style. The two bedroom and two and one-half bath home with a loft features glossy hardwood floors, rounded comers, marble mantled 6:replace,cathedral ~and spacious French windows and sliding glass doors, aeating an elegance seen in the charming Spanish-style apartments of old Hollywood. It enjoys an ultra secluded location on the canyon. The front door opens directly into the sun.ken formal living room that boasts a towering wall of windows and sliding glass doot that opens to the oversized patio. A beautifully carved stone mantle graces the &replace and stepa lead up to the formal dining room. Featwing maple cabinetry, center island, bullt~in appliances and 1Ylne rack, the kitchen opens to the family room and spacious breakfast nook that stands before a wall of windows. Upstatrs, double doors open to the master suite that boasts a &replace, balcony and ipadously appointed marble bath. The loft can be converted into a third bedroom. Addition.al amenities include an attached two car garage, indoor laundry room, security system and air conditioning. This gated community enjoys association tennis couns and pool. nus home is offered at $899 ,900. F<wmon lnfonnatl<m, call FimTe11m'sJejfSteJ1mian at(949) 498-7278. Visit www.jejfsturman.t:Qtn for a 111rlual to-ur and a list other Mm.es Jejf lws 11Mll4ble. Get your news publtahed in the Daily.A Pilot Advertisers are encouraged to submit press releases, keeping in mind that date of publication is per. space and copy may be edited. Here are several guidelines that may assist you in getting your information published In our Real Estate Section: -The Daily Pilot is a community newspaper, therefore, it is important that your news or properties also be in the circulation area. Well-written press releases are comprehensive, concise and current. Content may • cover agent profiles, personnel promotions, company events, awards ceremonies, brokers previews, community involvement, property pt'Ofites, and industry news and trends. -Materials should be submitted by 5 p.m., Monday. -Press rele.ues and photographs, with good contrast. may either be given to your real estate advertising representative or mailed to: Jill Ulriksen, promotions, Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St., Costa Mesa, CA 92627. You can fax information to: (949) 650-4802. If you would like to e-mail advertorial and or photos, direct them to: jlll.ulriksenOlatimes.com. If you have any questioriS or Ideas aboUt material you would like to see In our real estate section, call Lana Johnson, promotions director at (949) 574!4239, or .-mall her at la~johnsonelatimes.com. NEWPORT COAST 8TUNNllO OcEAN HeaHTI wm1 HAlllOll Vns • CASllS $2,839,000 lhl111Qrtr~•11st1~tmman11nnmwll1'81Si'ilte111tcJl'Cl ua n.a 1•dSID:l:ollll13mlnllllJIAUllll~«n19QlAll';I! !Ill• am1*J 14.£0011 tlalbflO'GIUum ~IMildln rA.ID1 l:.llll.t A2CIQrOlll~•wn..w .. au1ismallalltcmas11 hmlll IXl!S.,1173~Qml1Dla'llwa:B•i..llrraqo.t:~Mml~ M!-..*"ltlllllDalArm. .. 1'Gr TIMl!ltcxrl9 Qisrndllllalltl*lnl lm!S.IAmlllima"'*l'dFufilir'G~~~twn4nt in. l(,tlwl~ll!SW..S.Q!w\ ·~a.in!~ ~W'!dlll!"°'9fVS ~ ti· llAmidrs. a.-. ll!Uill lb'e nS Ml!Jlt .... Sill Croir ~ tltlqQ.l fry Clll!Wl~MSll:rl~ 1m11.na Bnlall, CM11na LIWl f*'l!llt~tllatJbll~ llMh.~blarlnSCIADJ~<Amttn Pm Sllcu10 9/9rlal t11&tr!arnteonSIn:11f'tB>t8ig 5CJ9'l STUDIO LIVING BY THE BEACH HUNTINGTON BEACH Staffed Gatehouse Entry Pools • Spas • Dry Sauna Parle Areas • Lush Landscaping and Morel 1 Mile to Beach Maintenance-free Lifestyle Studios from the low $200,000s . .. (714) 374-0200 FABULOUS lAKEFRONT LOCATION 85LAKESHORE -$819,000 l~E This customized Lakefront home has 3 bedrooms and 3 baths and approximately 2000 sq It with an oversized 2 car garage. One of a few ever to oome available that has been expanded from it's original size. Wonderful Sunset views with trails that meander around the lake. Woodbridge has approximately 50 pools and parks and many tennis courts tor a very small fee. HllTOfltC SANTA AHA LOf'TS ARoo'a WWt LOFTS MooEL • Pl.AH 3 l.AsT PHASl • $575,990 Prime Main street locallOO wtth city views Puce mcludes $35,oo:l In builder UllQrades with own personal elevalOl 12· ce1hnos helghlJ Perfect tor Galleiy or Home Olftce AlrT1ST1 WALK loFT PLAN 3 MOOEL FOft SALE -$599,990 Boilder will ll'lllftlin r~ ol!ers fol dosing poor to end ol year Spec.ucui. P1an 3 Price 1rciodes S85.CKXI in Po'Ofesslonal ~· all hmlln tnculed 452 SIJ*e led loller IMI per1ect lor Gallery 01 Horne Olhce. 1. 784 sq n main llM;i area on t1111d IMI a..• ....... . -· ._,. ... ~ ...... , .... . Top 1 % Of Agents In Onngt Coonty Top Agmt Platinum Propatia 'Tm Mamiom to Mobt1c Homes" Stefanie Meurer (949) 715-3156 W HERE ~ PATRICK TENORE YOU ARE (~J 9 4 9 · 8 5 6 · 9 7 Q 5 ' # 1 ' N:•'(JN.',IOE USA REAl E.,TATE SEfiJ1l,[ ... · · : .'h Yr•, S1·r11H 1nq A LL O r.11u11· County" • 41 ~ f(;' j w ~ ~ "' ;-; "' 8 w ::ti ~ !!!. ,.., "' s ~ 0 QI ~ ~ ·. ' .. M 8 "' ...: "' I ~ f ~ "' a "' w 111 "' a: i ~ RI 0 • • Agent donating five "Worltl's ~st Realtors .. worl< off huge percent of commission referral base to local schools Donations are made to the school of the client's choice Prudential caUfomla Realty agent Andrew Holzmann presents Father Gerald Horan, the super1ntendent of cathollc Schoot.s for the Diocese of Orange, w1th a d\edt for SS,000 as part of his School Contrtbutton campaign Downey and Mongell have many satisfied clients to have many friends and climts who have trusted them in past business d~ and have followed them into real estate. Knowing well the importance of community Sandra Downey and Devin Mongell of involvement, the duo has hem affiliated wtth the Prudential California Realty's Laguna Niguel Design Balboa Bay Republican Women's Federation, March Center branch love a lot of thing9 about real estate of Dimes, and St. Jude's Hospital. and It shows. Considered the world's best Realtors "We love Orange County and all that it has to by a satisfted client, Downey and Mongell work off a offer,• Mongell said. "We go to the beach, many huge referral network. libraries, horseback tiding in San Juan ... we love "Our refenal data base is very dear to us/ Orange County. We call it paradise." remarked Downey. "It means our clienu aie happy Sandra Downey and Devfn MongtTJ are available with our work." . f<>ryour ~buying find selling needs and can bt Bom and raised in Newport Beach, Downey used rtaeMd at (949) 425-9600. You can also e-maa them to awn a clothing store in South Coast Plaza. She has at Sdoumey487@aol.com and been in real estate for eight years. MongeD, on the DMongelli487@aol.com. Tlu:tr ojfict is loc.atd al other hand, i.s a three-year resident of Newport 23811 Aliso Creele RJ., IAguM Niguel. Prudential Beach (having resided In Villa Park prlo~ and was CAiifornia ReaUy is proud to be a mmibtr of involved in construction and home design. Hard HomeStrulcts of America, Inc., a &rlt.shire Hathaway work has evidently paid off, for the team i.s pleased Ajftliate. Broker associate Thibault to be a part-time associate faculty member He will be teaching the course ·Real Estate Economics· "Doc" Gil Thibault, a full-time sociology and nine yea.rs as a former full-time college professor, Thibault has several National Association of Realtors' Sales associate Andrew Holzmann, of Prudentlal broker associate with Prudential California Realty, is committed to donating five CalifomJa Realty's Laguna Beach • professional certifications lncludJng a Pro Realtor, Certified Residential Specialist (CRS), and a Graduate of Realtors Institute (GRI). . percent of his commissions to the Orange County branch, has recently joined l.rvine school of his client's choice. Valley College as a part-time "Funds can be used for specifk projects, capUal assodate faculty member. He will of th 1 be teadllng a course titled, "Real campaigns, or the general budgets e schoo ," Estate Economics" for the spring I lolzmann said. semester. I lolzmann, who brin9 20 yea.n of managerial Thibault has 27 years of experience, has hem active in Orange County real estate and property management since the early full-time real estate experience, 'Do<:' ca Thibault is available for real estate informatton and can be reached al (949) 275-5900. His office is locatd at 1 1 10 Clenneyre, L4guna Beach. Prudential C41ifomia Realty Is pf'O'Ud to be a manber ofHomeServicts of "Doc' Gii Thibault Amerlt:A, Inc., a Berlt.shlre Hathaway Affi11#U. Vistt Prudential Olllfornla Realiy's Web site at www.prudnstialul.com. 1990s . He has resided In the communities of the last 23 yea.rs with Prudential California Rulty Monarch Bay, Dana Point, Laguna Niguel, Newpon and Grubb and Ellis. In addJtion to a Ph.D. in Beach and Coto de Caza for a combined total of almost 30 years. He ts also very much involved ln the I Timeless beauty community in which he Uves and worits. "I am committed to always being acccss1ble and offerlng a level of satisfaction that ts second to none," Holzmann asscned. "I decided on a c:areer in real estate because it enables me to interact with a number of diffemit people on a daily basiJ. Aisisting someone In what is likcly the largest t.ransac:tion they will ever make ts very satisfying.• The father of two daushtCJ'I, age l 0 and 12, Hohmann st<cy'S active with their num.erou. sports teams An avtdgolfer, he also CO<hairs the golf tournament fundralsing event for his children's school His wife Donna has been involved tn the st.lffing industry for many years and is presently the travel mamger for one of the county's largest staffing ftnns. I lolzmann ls also one of the founding memben of the Coto de Caza!Ra.ndlo Santa Marga.rita Rotary del Sol. Andrew Hol:mann Is 111N111Abkforyour Jwmt buying and Yllilf8Me.tis11nd a"' be rtlldtt.d di (949) 7 J 3-3900 or vltf ..,,,.a II AHolnulnnflaol.com. Vfsft Antlre#J's Wtb sile Ill WNM..AndmoHol:mann.com . This Wcatherhaven home In the community of ladcra Ranch is nestled on a cul-de-sac with no homes behind. This timeless beau~ is a one-year-old gem with ftve bedrooms and four baths. Customized designer carpet and tJJes feature, as do ceiling fans. a dining room, a large kitchen, 6rcplace, surround sound and a aecurtty system. The residence is alsO fully landscaped and fenced with an exterior stamped colored patio and tire pit. The luxuries tn this home are endless wtth vinyl shuttm throughout, master bath J1CUZ2i, dual air, cat 5 wiring, garage organizers, private entrance and proftssionaJ conaete entrilnce with designer UgbUng. ThJ.s home ts offem! at $729,000. For wwre 111/ormAtk>n, call Bob Ireland McC14'gin of PrNdnitUll Ollifornla Rully's L4&°U"" Niguel Desf&n Colter Pwdnds llt (949) 533-8197. You can 11lso t-m114 ,.,,,. 11t bobirtltl11dflpruoc.com 11"'1 ffl.sft his Web site"" 1'1M!W.boblreU.nd.pnuktitlalal.com. His olflce II l«AW di 238 J 1 Aliso Crtelt Rd .• IAgun11 Niguel. Vl.sU Prlldtntlal Odifom14 Rt11lty's Web silt Id 1'MW.""""1ttl41ul.com. Agent's Web site is valuable consumer resource The site provides information to buyers and sellers Sales associate Tracy Venezia has recently joined the Newport Beach office of RP.IMAX Real Estate Services according to broker/owner Gary Thomas. Venezia works with a team of professionals to enhance the level of customer service provided to clients. "We can be four places at once,· Venezia said. "Because of our select team of professionals we can provide a high quality of service to our clients. Service that is not only high tech (we use cutting edge technology to dramatic.ally improve the speed, efficiency and innovative capabilities of every aspect of our service), but is also high-touch ... we never forget the importance of the personal touch: Tracy Venezia Marine Committees of the Newport Beach Chamber of Commerce. Both committees seek to balance local business and community needs. She is also a regular volunteer at her daughter's school. To harmss the power of Tracy Venezia's team and resources for your MXt real estate tTansactWn caU (949) 720-7344, e-mai1 TVDuzRE@sbc.global.net or visit www.TVDuz.RE.com. Venezia is proud of her Web site, http://TVDuzRE.com. It~ a great resource for consumers looking to buy or sell a home in Orange or San Diego counties. lhe site provides free information on topics such as how to buy a home with no money down and distress sales; free reports including a seller report on how to sell your home fast for top dollar and how to get the most home for your money. lhe site also provides answers to the intriguing question of how much the house down the street sold for. Desiree Phair has passion for helping people Prior to becoming licensed to sell real estate, Venezia enjoyed a career in system analysis and project/program management and she cites her upertence in negotiating multi-ml.Dion dollar projeas as a plus for helping her real estate clients. ~y negotiating experience is really a beneftt when I'm working for my clients to put a transaction together,• she said. · She acknowledges that she particularly likes the challenge of working wtth young families who sometimes have tight budgets and perhaps even a dJ.ftlcult Credit situation. "I love to put a real estate deal together for families who may have thought their real estate dreams unreachable, and I get great satisfaction in tuming renters into homeowners!• Venezia said. As an area resJdent, she is committed to serving the community in which she lives and worka, and serves on the Government Affairs and She will serve her clients at the RE/MAX Real Estate Services Newport Beach office yourself. She employs this life philosophy u she assisU both hoinetiuyers and home sellers fD the residential real esute market. "I love helpng my clients settle Into a home that'• perfect for them,• Pb.air said. ~to OUtl Pollinger, ~of the Newport offtce of IU!/MAX Real P.lfjte Seivlcet, -oe.ttte Phair takes • peric:>Ml tnterut in m11dng 1Ure her cljenu• diama ae rallr.ed. We aze pleased 10 haft an .,mt with bet dedkation jotil our iEIMAX team.• When DOt eelllD8 rell estate .Ph.iir enjoys reMtn& mardaJ uu and baJ1rooai ......... RJ!IM.U Real l!llate Set\lices is one of the laqseit RE/MA.I i love 1tD1n1ng my dlents settle lranchilel tn the nation and has ' .... .,,,., offices bUed in the following Into a home that's petfedfor locauons: Alilo Vttjo, Anaheim them.· Phair said. Hills, Huntington Bach,~ Beach, MWk>n Viejo, Mooarch ,__.....;... __ ..;;.. ____ Beach, Monad\ B&y Plaia, Newport Beach. Newport ~ch Bayside, Rancho S&nta Margartta, San Clemente, SanJuan ~andVtlli.Pm: To ani/MtDmrte Pltilt'D/RIVMAX RW Esf.tlli ~ ""(949) 735-2892 "'....a ~·"""· "' _ ...... "' 8 w . "" ' • • Stunning design 1bis unbelievable contemporary-style home, designed by Horst Noppenberger, wasfutum1 in Coast Magazine and on Laguna An and ~ Archttect:ure Tour. •• Completed in 2001 , the home features splendid use of colored stucco, glass and redwood siding and few interior walls on three levels. 1bis four bedroom, thrce and one-half bath home has two wonderful ocean view patios and Vf!:¥Y private k>Qtlon. lb.is home is offered at $2,695,000. For mqn infomtalfon, Cdll Jmy Finster at (949) 640-3600. Str""4 Properties, 140 Newport Cnrter Drive, Ste. I 00, Newport Beach. Recently built View home Built in 2001, thLt extraordinary home offers easy living and aquJsite detailing. Open and fiowing, there are thtte bedrooms, thtte baths and a well thou&}lt out lJvtng area. Featuring deb mahogany doors and cabinets, Olinese quartzite flooring and soaring ceilings, this house sits on the bluft' enjoying the area's finest panoramic harbor and ocean views. A speda1 property. lb.is home ls offered at $3,895,000. For mqn itl~, ewlJ ]my Fl#Ster tUUl EN11 O>rltdt td (949) 640-3600. Str.WIProperties, 140NewporlCnll#Drlve, Ste. JOO, Newport&id. Front row ocean· views In Pelican Crest Situated in the exclusive, guard gated community Qf Pelica.n is ~arge level lot. ..f Enjoy front row ocean, golf course and Catalina views. This is the best value for an ocean view. Lot subject to Irvine comparables guide lines. This lot is offered at $3,090,000. For more informaticn, caU Mali Gulledge at(949) 640-3600. Strada Properties, 140 Newport Center Drlue, Ste. 100 -Newport Beach. Contemporary-style ocean view home Completely remodeled within the past three years, this home has a unique floorplan with large ocean view terraces and Is wonderful for entertaining with spectacular style. There are three bedrooms and two and one-half baths. Truly a very special La&una hillside home . This home is offered at $2,295,000. For mort mfonnatum, caU Jerry Finster at (949) 640-3600. Strada Properties, 140 Newport Center Drlvt, Ste. 100, Newport Beach. Charming Eastslde ·costa Mesa· property nus three bedroom, two bath home is in move-in condition. There is Crown molding, built-ins in garage, a large family room plus kitchen combination and living room wtth ft.replace. Great privacy, wtthla.rge front and rear yards. Perfect for entertaining with brick hard.scape and tn~ground spa. lb.t.s home is offered a.t $779,000. For #Wt'e hlfonut/on, c4ll SUSlllS ulrrl •t (949) 640-3600. Strtrdd Properties, 140 NNpOft Center Drltl(J, Ste. 100, Newport Buda . Custom multi-use property This exquisite Pttnch Provincial multi-use property was bwlt in 1999 and designed by Eric Mossman. Precision quality craftsmanship and attention to detail are featured throughout. Within the state-of-the-an design Js Vi.lcingfibermador stainless appUances, travertine and limestone flooring, walnut cabinetry, slate roof, two AC units, large balcony off the living room and a .rooftop deck. Downstairs is a commercial hair salon/design center This property is offered at $3,200,000. For more Information, ca1l Marilyn Read of Coast Newport Propertfes·OJldwea Banker at (949) 723../1800. Coast Newport Properties is 1oazted at 3377 Via Lido, Newport Beach. Coldwell Banlter Residential Brolterat;t is a member of the NRT family of companies. NRT Incorporated, the nation's luding rt:sldentf.al real estate l>rolterage company, Is a subsidiary of CendantOJrporatton (NYSE:CD). Remodeled In 2001 Large open floor plan with four bedrooms and two and one-half bathrooms. Vaulted ceilings in most rooms. Wood t1oors down, carpet up. Expanded master unit with walk-in closet. Two car garage plus storage. Walle to beach, tennis, pool and children's play area, or put your canoe tn the canal for a rela:dng paddle around the •Shores.• This home is offered at $869,000. For more Information, ea1l knnle Jo Rizzo of Coasl Newport l'ropmtt.s-Oldwtll Ba1'1ltr at (949) 123-8800. OJast Newport Properl{es is loc4ted dt 33 n Via Lido, Newport &adi. OJldNJell Banlter Residential Bmlttrtf&t ts• member of the NRT family of etmtpanks. NRT Incorporated. the na/Wn's ltddl11g restdentlAJ real tSt4te lm>lteragt mnpany, Is a subsU:liary of CnldAnt C:OrptJf'lltion (NYSB:CD). Great A-frame style model has been expanded Located on a great street in Newport Shores, this home has tile floors downstairs and new carpeting upstairs. Custom work on the fireplace screen is very unusual. 1be kitchen was redone in 1995 with dual ovens, custom refrigerator, dual paned windows and insulated walls. Additional features include all new doors and hardware, water filtration system, roll up garage doors and new deck. This home is offettd at $789,000. F01' more infomt4tum, call Kennk Jo Rtz.z.o of OJast Newport Properttes-C.Oldwell Banlter at (949) 723../JBOO. Coast Newport Properties ts located at 3377 Via Lido, Newport Beach. Coldwell Banlter Restdmtt'al Brolterage is a manber of the NRT famay of companfes. NRT Incorporated, the nat/Qn's luding residential real estate brokerage company, is a subsidiary of Cendant Corporatwn (NYSE:CD). Beautiful remodel In exclusive Shore Cllffs The beAutiful home is just steps to a private beach. The gourmet kitchen bas Viking •pplianccs and boned grarute counters. Features include three bedrooms, three and one-half baths, office and views from the muter bedroom. Beautiful rear courtyard with built-in barbecue. This home is offued at $2,195,000. For more lnf01'mdtlon, call DtblXt Sel4fanl or Ron MftUJr of Coast Newport Propertks-Oldwetl Banlter41(949) 118·1100. co.st Newport Proptrltes is located 21 151 Newport Coast Drive, Newport OJ4.st. OJldwetl &nicer Restdmlllll Brokerage ts 11 monber <>JIM NRT fmmly of cqmpanks. NRT Incorporated, tlu "'""°"'s kadtng milkntiAl mil estAte lwolterage company, is a subsidiary of Cmdllnt Corporatfqn (NYSE:CD). • -< 47 ~ ~ ~ w .,. i ! "" ::" "" 8 w ::ti .,. !lt. ,.., "' S' <ii 0 ~ ~ ~ ···~ • ~ I ,..: N ~ I ~ f i w ! I ~ ..... • I . Don Alnnle, lraUr ABRAlll COASTAL "'°"1111E8 3151111"1neAvenut lllMelMlnd,CA Ofc. (949) l7M822 Cell (714) 325-9055 Grut 100 bk>ck view locatton, 3 doOra from the South Bayfront landmark Home on The Grand C.naJ • Bay views from front patio, roof deck and master bedroom balcony. • Two bedrooms and den plus three baths In main home. • Rear guest unit with separate entrance. • Pegged walnut hardwood floors on first level. • Chef's kitchen With granite counters plus K'rtchenAJd and Viking appliances. • Flreplacea In IMng room, master bedroom, guest unit and patio. • View roof deck & master bedroom balcony. • Oversized two-car garage, plus partdng pad. • Three-zone air conditioning system & much morel Offered It $2,225,000 • Directly on Canal and Boardwalk on The little Island. • Three bedrooms including master with study and three bathrooms. • Upstairs IMng room and library with fireplace. • Two-car garage plus additional parking for up to three cars. • High beamed ceilings on most of S8C¥>nd level. •Channing IMng in a legendary homel Cell Don Abrams for 8ddttlonal details <lll of, ~ at ABRAMS COASTAL PROPERTIES WW.. ,OU and~~~ k4t !Holidaf ~ w"1 ~ ~, i!JJnn 'UDdgAt, Sue~,~ ~, l.li4.ah:t4 'W.allna., .N..anaj !lkali, Saa, ~ and !l.Jdddlla !I.alma c D \ ( l "