HomeMy WebLinkAbout2003-12-31 - Newport Mesa Daily PilotA B Serving th e Newport-Mesa community since 1907 WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 31 , 2003 THE YEAR IN REVIEW: NEWSMAKER OF THE YEAR Councilman causes outcry Newport Beach's Dick Nichols brought wide attention to the city with comments abo ut 'Mexicans ' being on Corona del Mar State Beach. 2003 INSIDE The year in Quotes al)d Councilman Olck Nichols speaks about his role in making news in 2003. See Pege AS June Casagrande Daily Pilot T E:levision news van~ overran the Newport Beach City 1 lnll parking lot. Legions of angry !>peakers from all over Southern C.alifo rnia lined up tn vent. Articles appeared in newi.papers as far away as l--1orida.. A 11a1io11ally syndic.111ed comic strip even ~('i:t.ed on the conttoversy. On June 17, freshman City Councilman Dick Nichols gave a telephone interview that would Lhrow the city into turmoil and create a ripple effect that reached clear across the continent. The interview was about proposed changes at Corona del Mar State Beach. Nichols said he had many concerns with the plans. For one thing. Nichols said he opposed expanding grassy areas for a number of reasons, including his belief rhat, "With grd!>i. we usually get YEAR IN REVIEW Mexicans comittg in Lhere early in the rnom1ng and they claim it as theirs and it becom es their personal, private grnund'i all day.· The outcry was nearly deafening a nd surprisingly diverse. Residents offended by the t·omment labeled it as Out-out rut1st. 1110se who s upported Nichols decried the med ia coverage as unfair auacks that, among other Lhings. violated Nichols' right to free speech. All ">ix of Nichol!\' council colleagues denounced the remark. In the ensuing attempts to mop up the mess. things got even more chaotic. Nichol!> admitted he mad e the See COUNCILMAN, Paee A5 nu PHOIO /OAJlYPlLOT Newport Beach City Councilman Dick Nichols' comments about uMex1cans" drew national attention to the city. Phoenix returns to Mesa location Private university has moved its campus fro m Fountain Valley to a location on Bris tol Street. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot fhe l;1~c...,t pnvate umvl'r'>1ty m 1lw country 1s opening <I 1ww learning re11lt•1 in Costa Mc .. a. Nationwide. more than lll0,000 'tu dents ta kt• part in the IJniwr,11 y of Pl111t• nix's undcrgmdualt•, grad11,1lt• .md 1·cr11fi cate program:., univt'r-;ity '>pokC'~pt•r-.111 1 Sara 1 lyllt· '>aid Starting tlw, weekL•nd, ''" dent~ who alfc•m.led da-.,t·, 111 lh h111111.1111 VaJley locatmn will go to tlw Ill'\\ 11'.1rn111~ center in u 67,000 'llllar1• foot '11·11 l' .11 3150 Bri .. tol ~t. DON LEACH /DAILY P1LOI Chang Seo paints the sky for an art pro1ect during class at the Environmental Nature Center at Newport Harbor High on Friday. ··11\ a grca1 lot·,111C111," ~ud kn111frr < 1.., na. vil"c p rc'>1clt•n1 .md So111hern C.ahlorn1.1 director for the 1m1ver-.11y. "ll1ere\ a lot ul working adull~ 111 that art'a who nt·ed 111 go hack to school. - _Learning environment University of Phoenix 'tarH·d 111 I !l7h and, in the mid-19fl0'>. opened a learn111g center in C:o~ta Mc~a. h moved to Foun lain Valley in 1989, Clsna said. Thr unlwr slly, which ha., IJ1l campuses and learning center<> 111 W \late.;, cater-. to worllng pro fei..'iionab 'eektng hachC'lor\ and ma,tcr\ degree' d\ well a' technical tranung Aboul 160 cla.,.,c., J W\'l'k will take place at the kam111g rcntt•r, om• ol 11 in Soulht•rn < .altt11n11.1 Elementary school students take part in a winter break program that teach es about the various flora and fauna found in California. Marisa O'Neil Daily Pilot T uckcd away lwhind Newport I lnrhor I ligh School is a rnini·oasis, a microcosm of California. You have your low dcsen. your high desen. your woodlands and, of course, your redwood forest. And your local elemrntary school students are on winter hreak.. While Newport-Mt."'la Unified ~hools rake time off for the holidays. children in a pro~r.im at Newport Reach"s Environmental Nature Center are hiking throuWi 14 different habitats, communinK with nature and making a few new friends. "I saw three hawks yesterday!" 9-ycar-old Griffin Leggr11 said. "And an C(,'l"et," his twin brother. C.onnor. added. •A squirrel." continued 10-year-old Yt,1n Seo. •And a hummingbird.• Gntlin finished. Th e students took a morning hike Lhrough the 3~-acre p ropeny last week with in'itrurtur Dan Green. as they did at the '\tan of every day there. Heavy rainfall the previous day lefi 11 'irnall waterfall running at peak now and llllered the walkways and stn·am with wet, fallen lt•;wcs. f'J.lgcr to help oul, children found sticks and started clearing See LEARNING, P•1• A3 "Our 1yp11 .ii ... 1uc.k11h .ire· work.in~ adulh who 11.ivc· f.1111iltc•, and c1n• out in the work fowe," Li~n.1 ~.11d. "Our prug-rami. ttrt' tai lt111'11 lo the work111g .1d11lt and aJlow them 10 work whilt· taking r1 ........ ,, which i!. diffi 11111 In t.ln ma 1radit1m1t1I 'dmol ·· U,1,,e, me1·1om1• a w('{'k 111 the l'Vl't1111g or on wt•ekcml,, or v1.1 tilt' ln1 enw1 I ht• avera..:l' -.tudcn1 .1~c· 1., 15 al·cording to t1w 'iCht>ol"!'. W<'h ""'' "We hdve mnn• of .m 1111erat·1ive tvpt• of leamin~ • c;a1d nr M.m Hock. who icach See PHOENIX. Page A4 THINKING ALLOWED Helmet may have saved cyclist's life The rush will soon be over I l's a dark. windy night and I am standing in a dimly lighted alley holding a $48 check and a large bag. I am waiting for the shipment. "You got the stuff," I say softJy to a small brunet ma.king her wey toward me. "Right here, don't you worry,· she says with a wink and a nod. And there it is: two cases of fruJt punch Speed Stack -emphaslR on the "punch." Speed Stack ls de.signed lo lncreaae energy Md boost meraboll'lm. And whDe it 11 not written on the bottle, J find It helps 11Uppress your nppcdce. "l'he active Ingredient? You guesaed It: LOLITA HARPER to hate. Starting today, ephedrine will be Olegnl to buy. My friend Aimee Mashburn. the sllm brunet J r~ferred to In the far-fetched sltuallon above, is my onty connection 10 my favorite workout supplement We are buying ln bulk and we a.re not the only ones. Newport Beach-based MoMusde lets Its customers know about the lmpendlng ban and hu been encouraging them to ttock-up before their f•vorl1e product• become contraband. An eoonnou. algr\ covered nearly the entire storefront that read: Ephedrine, the l'pplemenl lawmakers low S.. AU.OWED, P11• M Daily Pilot ATA GLANCE ONntEWEB: WWW.dalypilot.COO! WEATHER It will be mostly clear today with some gu1ty winds at tlmu. SeePqeA3 SPORTS Estancia Hlgh'a,boys ~etball team went for the Coett Cla .. lc title egalntt Mayfair. S..PqeM o .. p• Bh1r1th Daily Pilot NEWPORT BEACI I -Scott Delameter rides hls bike down Coast Highway almost every weekend. Usually. the 38·year-old New- port Beech dad would be gone for twO houri. On Sonday afternoon. his routine bike rfde WU W>Jcntly lntet'TUptl!d when a gold compact car lwerwd lnto the bike lane and struok Delameter. The ddver of the car did not bother to stop, Newport Beach Sgt. Steve Shulman said. and De- lameter was thrown off his blcy· d e. Roth he a11d the driver wcn- trovcling eastbound on C.oast Highway. The rcportt'd accident happened at Crystal Cove Start• Partc at the intersection of Coast Highway and Reef Point Delameter suffered a fractured back and a con~lon a nd is re· ~ring at Mission Hospital in MIMion Viejo. his wife Thmi said Tuesday. •it~ extremely ronunate that h~ got away with this." she s.a.ld "Yeah, he's pretty banged up and bruised. But It could've been worse. He could'w been para- S.. HELMET, P11• M , .......................................................................................... ~ ~ \ I ----·:----.-...... .... _~.__...__--·-----·--- A2 Wednesday, Oecembt< 31, 2003 When most gir1s her age are carrying Barbie dolls and stuffed animals, Maria Aukaush, 7, walks with her necessary \ jungle items, a machete and rain boots, as she heads for home up the Makuma River in Ecuador. l>ON l[A(.H I DAILY PILOT 2003 YEAR tN• REVIEW The portraits The Daily Pilot's photo staff selects the best of this year 's portraits DON LEACH I DAILY PILOT Costa Mesa High students are made-up to look like skeletons, representing p~ople killed in drunk driving accidents, as they watch emergency personnel simulate an accident seen~. during Every 15 Minutes, a program designed to show the consequences of drunken drrvmg. • KENT TREPTOW I DAILY Pl.OT Leilani Gutierrez, who was paralyzed from the neck down in a traffic accident, beams as she meets her kindergarten classmates and teachers on the first day of school at Newport Heights School on Tuesday. Behind Leilani 1s her nurse, Richard Wells. . DON LEACH /OAllV PILOT Professor John Stupar hurls a paper airplane he made into the wind in front of several of his students as he competed in 30th aooual paper .airplane competition at UCI In honor of EnQineering Week. Marine Cpl. Bryan Bergey lost his right eye from shrapnel from an improvised explosion device, or IEO, outside of the town of~ Yousafia, Iraq, during Operation Scorpion. In his hand, the Corona del Mar resident hotds a medal that was worn by an Iraqi Special Republican Guard soldier. ~C.OUS11N/ DAILY PILOT Wednesday, December 31, 2003 A3 Aging sewer lines to be replaced f111RY 11.MCE Allcl• Robinson Daily Pilot COSTA MESA -The-Orange County Sanitation District will begin construction in mid-Janu- ary on two projects costing more than S2 million 10 update sewer operations on lhe city's north- east side. The project includes abandon- ing two sewer lines on Watson Avenue between Loren Lane and Dublin Street, construction of a new line to serve some residents in lhat area and replacement of a line on Gisler Avenue. The work will cos1 $2,375,000 and should talce nine months, sanitation district project engi· neer Lany Rein said. lne Watson Avenue lines were built around 1940. Today they are produclng odors and can't be deaned because they're no Ion· ger structurally sound, Rein said. Newer lines on Baker and Fair- view streets built in the 1990s re- moved lhe need for Jhe Watson Avenue lines. but a small new line will be added to serve some Watson Avenue homes that are connected lo lhe old lines. he said. The sanitation district also will hwld some new sewer lines on College Avenue 10 replace an ex- isting Gisler Street line lhat is made of a fiberglass-type ma- terial calJed Tcchite, which has been known to sometime fail. "We don't believe lhat line is reliable any longer so we're going to construct two new force mains," Rein said. Orange County Sanitation Dis- trict spokeswoman Jennifer Ca· bral said the GisJer line hasn't had problems, but the district is taking a proactive approach by replacing it now. The force mains and a new gravity sewer line wiU connec1 the pump station al Garlingf ord Street and College Avenue to ex· isling gravity sewer lines on Baker Street. Both projects will be per- formed by contractor Mike Per- lich & Sons and are expected lo begin Jan. 19, Reln said. The wort will take place be- tween 7 am. and 4 p.m. on weekdays. Some detours for Col· lege and Watson avenues will be posted but access to homes on those streets will be ma.intruned. Costa Mesa Public Services Di- rector Bill Morris said he's dis- cussed the work with lhe district and doesn't expect traffic prob- lerm during lhe project. "I don't think there will be sig- rtificanl disruption In that area because there are a number of alternate streets they can take,• he said. "We'll ll)' and help !the saniration district! as much as we can and disrupt lhe public as liu.le as po~ible." VALUE ,.,, .............. • VOlUME SELECTION • OUTSTANDING CUSTOMER SERVICE • GREAT PllCES GUARANTEED Zippi's ballot statement stands, judge rules Featuring A Live Tribute To Frank Sinatra Every Monda.y & Tuesday 6-9pm Alicia Robinson Daily Pilot .. For now, 70th Assembly Dis· trict candidate Marianne Zippi's ballot slatement, which refers to "good old boys" and political "insiders," will stand as written despite a challenge based on the sta1en-1ent's wording. Orange County Superior Court Commissioner Eleanor Palk on Tuesday denied a motion from plaintiff Scott Moody to delete some portions of a 4!50-word candidate statement paid for by Zippi. Court clerk. Carolyn I lein srud the motit>n was denied due LEARNING Continued from Al leave<; out of the water. Btu lhc morning chill wac; starting to gel to 5-year·old Sammy Kobrine and Green suggested lhey head back inside to finish their an projects. "Bye. you guy'>!" Sammy called to Griffin. Connor and 8·year-old Paige Davies ru. they lagged behind 10 gel a few la'>t leaves, then ran to catch up with lhe rest of the group. 10 the statute of limitations. The situation came before Palk on Dec. 19 after attorney Bruce Pcouer. representing Moody. fiJed papers requesting the court order Zippi to remove parts of her statement. Peotter said the i.tatcment's comments abou1 "good old boys" and "others" who "own a business staffed wilh illegal inunigrants" are iJ· legal because they art! obvious references to Zippi's Republican opponents. State election law forbids can- didates from referring to their opponentl> in baJl01 '>tatemenu,, wh1c:h ar!' included in voter in· Shi1.ike-mu<ihroom -Ukc organism:-.. "Aud then''> lhe squirrel's ne'>I, .. Griffin added, pointing to c1 rnass of stick.., and leaves high above in the tree-tops. Green told the children that 1he c;qujrreh have to he careful not to go 100 high. betau<;e of hawks, or too low, bt!cause of coyotes that pop in at night from nearby Had . Bay. At the top of the trail. the -.ounds of shm1t., and wh1~Uel> from baseball practicc at rhe formation. The statement doe-; not make '>pecific reference to F,YOne and 1s in compliance wuh lhe law. 7jppi l>aid. In earlier coun proceedings, legal counsel for the Orange County Registrar of Voters op- posed Moody's motion, sayinl: it was filed after a Dec. 16 deadJine. Ln court paperl>, Peouer held that the deadlint! was actually Dec. 21, so his Dec. 17 fi.ling was rimely. "I'm happy that it'!> denied be· cause ll was obviou~ that they were 100 late 10 lilc." Zippi said l\1esdc1y. high :>l hc>ul nex1 door brought cveryurn: back 10 rt•c11i1y. away from tht• 4llll't l>OUlldl> of bubblmg brooks and mstJing leavcf>. "Thi~ is one ol tJw be..,l·kept secret.,," c;reen said ol 1he cemer. "People say, 'I went 10 .;;chool right next door and never knew tJ1i!> was here."' • MAAISA O'NEIL covers education She may be reached at (949) 574-4268 or by e-mail at mansa.ono1/ a /a11mes com As they walked along lhe I rail. the children pracricaUy took over lhe tour as expen field guides. SURF AND SUN "There's a hummingbird right there." Griffin said, pointing to a walJ ahout 15 feet away. "Where's the baby fungul>?" "There it is." Connor said as he passed a log covered in FOR THE RECORD A story in Tuesday's Dally Pilot, ~Fa!'eWelL firefighter• misstated the number of people a.t a memorial service for fonner Newport Beach Fire Department 1.rainlng Division Otlef Randy Scheerer. There were 1,250 people at the event WEATHER FORECAST Today will be clear for the most pan with some sun accompanied by northeast winds from 10 to 20 mph. The highs will be from 60 to 68. Winds will be from 10 to 15 mph overnight, with lows from 40to48. Information: www.nws nosa.gov BOATING FORECAST On the inner waters winds will be out of the southeast at 10 knots or less. The waves will be from 3 to 5 feel on a west swell from 2 to 4 feet. Tonight winds will be from the west at 10 knots or less. Out farther, the northwest winds will be from 10 knots or less. Tonight, winds will be vanable at 10 knots or less. SURF The wind swell should begin to bad< down. Morning sAssions may still see some ctiest· to head-high sets, but by late mornrng expect size to drop into the waist· to ctiest·high zone. Water quality: www.surlrider.org TIDES TI me 4:31 a.m. 11:29 a.m. 5:06p.m. 10:12 p.m. Height 4.76 feet high 1.54 feet low 3.03 feet high 1. 78 feet low WATER TEMPERATURE 57 degrees II e I II Humanity s Genes Presented by: Sydney Brenner, MSc, MB, BCh, DPhll Distl119uished Prolessor, The Salk Institute 2002 Nobel Laureate In Physiology 01 Mtdklle r11e situation must be resolved by Jan. 9. when baJlot statements are printed, she said. Pt!otter said he wiJJ fill' an ap- peal of lhe decision today. Steaks • Seafood • Cocktails •••Quality Service'•• • ••Nigbcly U>tc.rtainmcnt•" l·itr R,-,,., 1w1i1111• (~,JI (949) 646-7944 lh'l'i lt"hu.~ A1u:., (4 ""'• t\tc.'.'l.a U-"nH " ... n ... 1 "'-•• '-t 1, ... ' Ml•"-: •• ,...,. 41 4! '41 401(K) OR ROTH IRA? Find out <1bout the c.ornpt~ll1nq t.1x <Hld est<ltP planntng .t cl v <1 n t.1CJ (' s o f t h e R o t h I RA , Conventio nal wisdom says to fully fund your 401 (k) before contributing to an IRA. But for many people, the Roth IRA offers tax-advantaged opportunities to achieve long-term financial goals that no 401 (k) plan can match So before you fund your 40.1(k) this year. call Smith Barney for our free special report on the important advantages of the Roth IRA •You can withdraw Roth IRA contributions at any time and the earnings after five years, and age 59~ totally free of income tax or penalty •The Roth IRA otters unique opportunities to help fund a first home purchase or college education •You can pass on all your Roth IRA money to your spouse or children without any income tax •Unlike regular IRAs, your investments keep growing with no minimum age for distribution Call for your free copy of HHow the Roth IRA Really Works " (949) 717-5300 (800) 468-3352 THIS IS WHO WE ARE. THIS IS HOW WE EARN IT.'" 660 Newport Center Drive. Suite 1100 Newport Beach, CA 92660 SMITH BARNEY c1t1groupj .rr11n Barr,ey do!'\ not olfe1 lei•°' 11!-Qdl ildv•ce Pit~,,. onwll yOUf 1c1, lf/<)dl a1Jv«,01 to \It to 11u•dal' P A p 1l•cy han<JP "' ty , , •, 1nrt C•"'' Jr1d mJ1c1l:.o1equi1e c1 me<J1\dr e~am1nc11100 J003 ( 11191oup Global Mar let\'"' Member \lrt ~m11h BarnPy" ,, di. ''°' in l \Ptv•tr m,11l ot (1l11J1oup Globc1I Mc11~el\ lnl .ind 11\ c11!1hc11e\ dlld I\ U\ec.t and •l'q•\le•ed th1oughou1 the world (lllGR1JUf' dnd 11.,. llmh1•lla DPv1ce a1P 11adema1k\ c1nd service mc11~\ ol C111co1p 01 It\ alf1ha1~ and aie used an<! 1eg1stt1ed 1h1oughou1 1hP wcufd .. M Wedtlesday, December 31. 2003 Daily Pilot Aide RoaMneof'I Pollllca, bullnea and environment ntc>Orlef, (9'9) 7&6-4330 •lida.robln«N1f11Mf1n9.com l."9,..,. VOL. 97, NO. 365 THOMAS H. JOHNSON S1l9V9 McCrw* PhotoEdiW. (949) 764-4368 News uaistent. (949) 57.._.298 tuls.Pllflll~/atf1N1S.oom PHOTOGAAPHERS Merit C. Oultln, Don Leadi. Kent Treptow GREAT FO R THE BBQ OR O VEN Ch1dtm or Camr Asatla. fl,,,,,., ~111rur 'lrylr "' '""'"" 6nrl1r Tri lip1, Pitunppk '1111.ffed Fla11/t Suaks. lr'luila or Uh1011 Chirlun H11/ves 11ml Mi«h Morr! H11kn 111 I Hour ~ 350° 5 LBS. BAG I CE $159 ea. Cool far your Holiday Parti~sl I I~ I -...1 I '-I \I 1 11 11 I • I'' I •. t \! l I 11·.. • \• \\4 I •-..11 1·1·1· •,\\11f.'l1Jl,IJ •1111."'llJI·' I J,·/,,.,.,,.,/ / l,11/r F"11J H11nJ-ChopjUJ Sau11 El 1'qro Bra110 Chips & Tortilills • Hom~ Sty/, Tamales • 32 Yari~t~ efHernmwk Sawgu • w{Z:::,"°B:::fJ:!if/J/:!illfll 270 East 17th St. • Costa Mesa • (949) 642-7191 f\lloo Sat 8 OOAM lo 7 OOPM • Sun 9 OOAM to 6 OOPM Publlaher TONYOOOEAO Editor JUDY OETTING Advertielng Dir&c1or LANA JOHNSON Promotions Director EDmNG STAFF S.J. C.hn Managing Editor, (949) 574-4233 a J.c11hn@/11tlmes.com Den.ct. Goulet City Editor, 1949) '164-4l24 da~.QCWlet.fil11times.com Richard Dunn Sparts Editor. 1949) 574-4223 rich11rd dunn@/atlmes com MlkeSw.naon As.11itant Ciry Editor, 1949) 574-4286 mike swanson ~/at1mes com Lolta HMper Forum page editor. columnist. (9491 574-4275 /olita horpena'fatlmos.com OBITUARIES John Poole Mr. John Poole, longume Co- rona del Mar resident and foun- der of KBIC,-AM and -FM sta- tions, Los AnKeles television Olannel 22 and Mount Palomar Winery in lcmecula died on Thursday aftl·r a brief ii Ines'>. I le was 86. Mr. Poole 1:. ~urvived by hil> wife of 60 yt'aro;, Olivia; 1-om. Pe- ter. John and J\lark: daugh1er.\ Caroline Poole. Oaudta l·uta and An~ela RaJdwin, e1~h1 grandch1ldrt•n J11c.I two great 1o:randch1ldrt•n. A publil memorial -.rrvit'e 1., expected to bt• in January in re- mecula. The family requel>l'i that do- nation~ be wnt to ';t Luke's !louse. Inc.. 6040 Southron Drive, Betlw~da, MD 208 14. Rudy Chavira Jr. 1\ memorial -.er.11ce ·~ .,ched- uled for 2:30 p.m. Sunday for Mr. llutly Chavira Jr .. a SU yeJr Newport Beach resident The ~erv1c<' will be held al Pacific View U1apel 111 Corona dl•I Mar Mr. C.havira died on Dec. :u of AID~ rl'l.ited compl11..a11ons He was 55 Mr. Chavira is survived by his life pannrr Curt Martino; father Rudy Olav1r.i Sr .. mother Alice 01avira and 'isters Sylvia Brooks aml lktty tllavtra. Helen M. Kula A memori.11 service ,., "Ched· uled for Nl'wport Beach resi- dent l\t' !Iden 1\1. Ku l,1 at I 0 am. on f.nday at St J\l,111hew's Catholic CJ1ureh in Cc>dar Rap- ids. Jowa. Ms. Kula dwd on Dec 25 of cancer. She was 77. Ms. Kula 1s survived by her <;on Kip .Kula; daughters Cyn· thia Garvey and Constance Armstrong: e1~h1 grandchildren and lhree greJt grandchildren. REGISTER EARLY! Before claH .. become full Sprf ng classes begin February 6, 2004 -==~ AdmlHlons & Records 714.895.8306 ~Ji~lden wesf (31/ege \ () www.gwc.info P~wr~"f~ ) 1tt1\lfl. mccran1tallatlme1.com Jo• J. g.,,.,. Art Director I News Deak Chief, (949) 574-4224 /OH.Nnto61116tl,.,,....oom News IEdllDfw Glne Alexende<, 1..ori Anderson, Denlel Hunt, Paul Se1towitz. Oeniel Stevena NfWSSTAFF DMP911Mmh Crime enda>urtl reportllf. (949) 5744226 dHpll.bhar11th@latim#com June CaMgnnde Newp0rt Beach reporter, (9491574-4232 1una caUQrande@latimes.com DeitdN Newmlln Costa Mesa reporter, (949) 574-4221 dt11rd1e.newrnan@la11ma.com Mecila O'~ Education reporter, (94915744268 m11risa.ofl8i/@l11tlmos.com HELMET Continued from Al lyzed." Iler husband was wearing a helmet, which saved his life. she said. However. lhe incident hurt her husb?nd both physically and emotionally, she added. "Somt'times, I'm happy when he remembers everything be- cause Wt: want to help police get thl' t.lr iver," ~he ~aid. "But some- time.,, I \vi'>h he'd never remem- ber anythmg becaL....i.• 11's all so traumatic " Police are invcMigatint the case am! talking to witnesses, Shulman said. "We did have a few witnesses who actually saw the incidem." he said. "We're hoping lhe driver has a change of heart and comes forwartl." The incident is being treated as a hit-and-nm felony case. ~hulman \aid. ALL.OWED Continued from Al "Fat burners w11h ephedrine wiU be illegal to sell as of fWednc doy). Stock up now or forever hold your fat." ln.,idc. More manager David Bourk·t ..aid the sign was the ult1mote marketing tool to unload their future-iUegal produ<·t. ..f'I "We Ir.new ii wac; coming Bourlet '>aid. "All major ma.leers stopix·d prot.lucing it about six month., ngo. It 1s really hard lo find in Or.Ulge County antl Caltfoniia." I le is right. henee. Aimees secre1 Speed Stack supplier. "It's the kind of product .that \vhen you abuse it. it can be harmful." he said. "lf it were really that bad, there would be a national ban." There it is folks: the epitome of the "jinx." Minutes after he unered those words, Health and Human Services Secretary Tommy Thompson and Food and Drug Administration Commissioner Mark McOellan annow1ced they were about to ban dietary supplements "£AD£RS HOTLINE (949) 642-6086 Record your commentt •bout the O.llv Piiot or news tips. A6d'9Sll Our address is 330 W Bev St. Cosui Meu. CA 92627. Office hours are Mondev · Friday, 8:30 a.m. • 5 p.m. Conwction• It Is the Pilot's policy to promptly correct all errors of eubstence. Please call (949) 764-4324. FYI The Newport Beech/Costa Mesa Delly Pilot (USPS· 144-800) is publlehed dally. In New port Beach and Coste Mesa, subscriptions ere avelleble only by subscribing to The Times Orange County (8001 252·9141. In areas outtlde of Newport BeactJ end Costa Mesa, subscriptions to the Deily Pilot are available only by first class mail for $30 per month. (Procea lnctude all applicable state and local taxes.) Delameter works for a Laguna Niguel company that develops and designs golf equipment. He always dreamed of starting his own business. his wife said. The couple, married for 13 years, has a IO·year·old daughter. "I've never seen my daughrer so angry," Tami Delameter said. "After visiting Scott in the hospi- tal she was really broken and ask- ing who wouJd do '>UCh a thing 10 her daddy." Tnmi Delameter -;.iid she i~ . having trouble dealing with that her'>elf 'Tm just he\idr myself ju~t 1hmlong that someone would hit him and then leave lum on the ~1reet like that." c;he '>aid. Anyone with information is aski:d to call the Newport Beach Police Department's crime hot· line a t (800) 550-6273. • DEEPA BHARATH covers public safery and courts. She may be reached al (949) 574-4226 or by e·ma•I at deepa.bharath a lat1mes com. containing ephedrine. 111ompson and McOelJan think it is "tha1 bat.I." "I don't know why anyone would ta.Ice ephedra .. Thompson said during the Tuesday news confen:nce, which Newsday tnmscribed and posted on its Web site. "I wouldn't and I wouldn't want anyone in my family to take it either." The officials went on to say that they have received more• than 16,000 adverse incident reports, from a c;ingle company, in regards to ephedrine. It is reported to cause c;hortness of breath, increase blood pressure and, tn .;ome high-publicized case:., death. Although ephedrine products make up only 5% of the supplement industry. they account for about 45% of adverse incidents reports. officials said. McOeUan said the Fm pur!>ued this action for one main reason: "Our concern for the safety of young people. our sports figures and others, who have looked to ephedrine for a qulck fix for dieting and sports performance. Some have even died." What? Americans looking for quick fixes? Say it isn't so. Lets be clear, ephedrine Is no CAPRIBLU AUTHENTIC ITAUAN RISTORANTE .. , CeleJ""ate . , : r Nut rUl"ct' EH M~ u~ I FULL BAR · PRJVATE DINING ~.(La Cartr .)frnu I ~ala • \f C'llu .<7 5 prr pt'rson nl.<o 1111t.11l11blr I 16 t 7 WESTCUFF DRJVE I 949-548-4060 I I NEW P ORT 8 (AC H POSTMASTER: Send address cnanges to The Newpart BMdVCotta M ... Daily Pllot. P.O. Box 1560, Coste Meu, CA 92626. Copyright: No newt etories, lllustratlone, editorial metter or 11dvertiMment1 Mreln een be reproduced without wriu.n pennissioo of copyright owner. HOW TO REACH US Cln:u&edon The Times Orange County (800) 252-9141 ~ Claeelfied (9491642-5678 D~ 1949) 642~321 Edltoriel News 1949) 642-5680 Sports(9491574-4223 Newt Fax (949) 646-4170 Sports Fu (949) 650-0170 E-melt: dallyp/lotl1111tlmn.com MM\ Olfic:e Busl-Of&e (949) 642-4321 Bu.in ... F.lx (949) 631-7126 Publlehed by Times Community News, a division of the Los Angeles Times. <mm~s COMMUNITY NEWS ~003 Times CN. All nghts reserved. PHOENIX Continued from Al es psychology, nutrition and health classes. "If you sit in a classroom with JOO other students and someone lectures at you, thats one thing. If there's 15 peo- ple in your class. il's a whole differ- ent experience. It makes ii more practical for them and gives them things they can use right away." The Costa Mesa learning cen- ter will offer degree programs in teacher education, human ~erv· ice'>, criminal justice. nur>ing and healthcare, and businec;s and technology. Though no new staff will be hired immediately. Cisna said, the larger facility will allow them to grow and hire more teachers and counselors in lhe future. The new built.ling wiJI include 37 new classrooms. 17 study rooms, a srudent computer lab and wiJJ be equipped with wire- less Internet technology. joke. It does what ii intends to and that is to raise a person's body heat so that the h eart pumps faster and you burn calories more quickly. It is also no secret that the product should not be used by people with high blood pressure, those who have heart conditions, those engaged in strenuous exercise and women who are pregnant. It says so right on the bonle. So. why do people continue to suffer at the hands of this product? Or perhaps the better question is, do people continue 10 suffer at the hands of this product? Or do they suffer at their own hands, ignoring the warnings and abusing the substance? I can think of numerous products on the mark.et that are used inapproprialely in hopes that it will quickly fix something. Overconsumptfon of alcohol and food come to mind, when trying to alleviate stress or emotional issues. Obviously alcohol has its own safety issues, yet continue:. to be legal And there is no wey to really ban food, but abusing It can have life· threatening effects as well. "People who have addiction problems will abuse anything." Ai mee said. Aimee and I use the product in a similar fashion: a half bottle before an afternoon work.out. Aimee said the product helps her "get the maximum use of her workout .. by adding that extra "oomph" required to complete that final set of squa ts. J use it to simply give m e energy ~er a hard day's work. I am i.n the gym at least four days a week and it is m uch better 10 be energized for a workout than be dragW.ng all the way through It. Admittedly, I am no scientist, what do I knaw'l Only what woru for me. And what works for me is half a bottle, before a workout, about four days a week. In addition to lots and lots of water to hydrate my body. which Is working on overdrive. Either way, my ephedrine habit Is about to come to an abrupt end. ·Everyone Involved i.n marketing ephedra should be on notice that as soon as the rule becomes eff'ectlve, we intend to shut you down," McOeUan said. •And we also have a dear meuage for consumers: 'If you haven't done so already, It's time to stop buylng and usJng ephed.ra products.'" Maybe Thompson and McOellan are actUllly doing me a favor. I gueu 111 find out after my •ta.sh is gone. • LOUTA HAN'IR writte columnt w.d~ .net~ Sht fn#lf be rMCNd., (!Ml) &?4-4276 or~ e-mail at l<>lit1.h1rri-•~· -- - WHATCHA GOIN' TO DO? "How can you not like Ullef Jnavel Snowden? That's JUSt n<1t po~lhle. • -Burt Sant«, a Costa Mesa Pvlu:e sergeant, Oil S11awtllf11, wl10 n•tired iri 2003 from the Polia! l>t•parm1ellt after 16 yeafl us chief. "In those five years. I ,.;ot Lhl' kind of experience people normally get over a whole career. There were everal officer-involved hooti11~ .• md I wanted to taJce that experience and IJ'8in officers who workeJ in areas where they did not get that kind of experience.· -Daue Kress, wlw nuw nms tlw <:osta Mesa Po/ire l>e1xmment's slwori11g range, on patrolling So11tl1 /.()s Angeles earlier ill l1i.s career "Most of these rape:. arc not stranKer rapes. It's not some guy 111mpi11g up from behind the bushes. Most of them are acquaintance rape!'., and many of them involve alcohol and posMbly date-rape drugs." -8ol1 Ci.suk, Costa MPJfl l'ulirl' sergeant. abow a 340% incretlSl' 111 rapes in tlw city from tile .~a111e period uw yc>ttr "It just happened by rninc1denu>. 11ut it's onJy a mailer of lime. You ran'1 run foreve r. Sooner or later. justice ca1ches up with you.· -Jack Arcl1Pr, 01sta Ml!sa f'oli1~· sergeant, on tlie arrest of a 1111111 UHUHl'd i11 con11ectlon 111itl1 a l -yenr-fJ/tl mtmll'r in Fair11il't11 l'tirk. ·•1 can't be Dave. r have my own s1yle. I'm not saying it'<t better or wor,l'. II\ just djfferent. 11'11 tak.e some ~l'tting used to.H -John D. I lenslvy. < m1t1 Mesa's new police cl1iej, 011 '10111 lte'll h" rli{fefl'11t from ll'tiring cllief Oww \1111wcle11. HWe haJ starwd enl11rremt•n1 a1:1ion' in that area by lhe .. tart or lla,11 )'L'ar. And we were able 111 havl' an 1111p:wt and bring down 1lw 11u111hc1 1111-r11nt•.,." -Dale llirmy. 01.,tn M1•,a t•ofwl' liewenaru. 1m 110111 <list" Alt··'" a inw swtistic~ ff'l't'nlrtl 11 51111 dmJ1111 1 nnw·111 :!IHI:! A SCHOOL DAZE "A lot of people say thut ~tmlc111' ilrt' lazy or don't want to lt•arn. I thm~ lhl' opposite is Lmr. I ht.>y want to ll·<11 n Bui lhings are shoVL'd Jown thl'ir tltroah and they're not allowed IO think analytically or cn11rally." -Amanda llu/Je11st1•111, 11 ((1m11u dl'I Mar lligh School s1•n11Jr, who '' lol1Jry111K to s/1ijl etl11w1ors'forns uJ] ll'SI SCilf'PS and omo /l'u1hl'r 'fllality. "II was important to me hecauw I feel like being a teacher t'i a very important professwn and you haw lo strive to remaln t>ducatcd and continue the growth process." -Oumdra l'mug/1, fl 1r11cller at Newport \L1asr Elementary and nne of rliree iri tl1e district ro gt1i11 110lml certification, on earning tlw lw11or. ··we wm1t to bring the It.ids out of thi'> dL'lgUsting room. Please do 'onw1hinK about thir.. Come spend one day tn tlw classroom 10 '>el' the disgllSling environment they're :.tudying in •• -Brirrany Malone. < 11r<J1U1 tll'I Mnr I ligil School sP11ior. 1111 t/11• pm/l/elfH 11[ rots w the Nc•u1µtJrt·Mev1 I lm/inl .v lwol m s rrict H11mrl of I Jtn•rror.~ "It :.houhl have bce11 cuugh1. But it look parents maki ng phonl' call' 111 stop it. So many things have not gone the wdy they said they would. It\ a question of credibility." -Mq: I larriJ<m. I larl>or Vie11• Eleme11wry parent. ahout 1mrri1·s "f asbestos remm'fll d11ri11g sc/uH1I llo11r( COUNCILMAN Continued from A 1 comment. hut lhargc·d 1ha1 ii wa.~ 1.tkl'n out of cont ex I hccau!>c, nut of Lhe many points he had made ahnut beach im provements. the ne~paper arllrll' emphasized the quote about Mt·x1cans above aJJ hi!\ other poini.. In defending himself. Nirhul~ seemed to dig himselfin even dct•pt•r· "Where the hell am I in any way discriminating or heing a bigot hy making a statement that is bla1an1ly 1rue?" he responded the next day, challenging his detractors to visit tht• beach m see for themsclvel'i the "predominance of people that don't live ln the area· -a point opponents seized on by pointing out that Comnfl del Mar is a state beach. Nichol~ charged that the Daily Pilot. which fir.o:t reported the comment, WIU! in a conspiracy with some members of the City CounciJ to nu~t him ftom his c.eal. Mayor Steve Bromberg called fo1 Nichols to resign. and wus quickly joined by the majority of other counciJ members. When Nichol'> Oatly refused, city leaders weighed censuring him and local businessman Uoyd Ikerd announced a recall campaign. Arni f'.ouncil 01ambc111 overflowed with 11ngry spcakt rR from M far away as Glendale who r.1111ed on <>very 'lldc of the mattrr. "I'm embannbSCd to tww <• hlJ<nl on this council." )>itld ()'alg McGowan. u Newport Beach rf'Sille11t. South Orang~ County resident Thdd McA11drew disagreed: "Your beach ha.1 been overrun by Mexicans." McAndrew told count'il members. • Others' main concem wa" the outcry ltliClf. "Mr. Nkhol.4' only crime wa.~ to fell the 1n1th, • Sentn Ana resfdent Lu pf Moreno snld. In the midst of the furor. II wn.4 hard 10 tma~ni-how Nichols could remain QUOTES OF THE YEAR aT1d thM possible exposurr to studt>t14. "I'm ruways surprised with the amount of diversity in our schools. And seeing the statistics for the rest of the councy and how wclJ the srudents are achieving and learning. to me. it's an Jffirmation that we're on the right track." -Da1-e Brooks. Netvport-Mesa UT1ified Sc/tool District Board of 1hutees mm11H'r. ma meeting the state of edumtion i11 t11e county. ·11 makei. class a Jot more enjoyable.· -Megan McCal, ti first-year student ar Omnge Ctxist OJ/Lege. how students in college want to be tliere, tL.~ opposed to her clizssfrulles 111 11/gh school. NOW THEY:RE COOKING ''I'm very exdted. We 11ecd a good set of ribs 0 11 the bay." -/)on We/Jf>. Newport Beart1 1·uw1cilmt111, 0 11 a limy Romn'.~ cuming tn Mariners Mile, wliich is rxm of I Vf1/Jb'.~ r.iry Ct11mril .._ _ __....a..__,.~_.. distri1t. RAILING AGAINST THE SYSTEM "Why would we build a rail ... ystem tu mow people from one area 10 another without going past South Coa~t PlaJ.a. 2003 YEAR IN REVIEW for her ft1tl1er. m11.sicinl11Jabby Hatfield part of tile lligl1teo11s Brothers duo. "I feel helpless because I don't know anything. And I feel frustrated as a mother because officials tell me I won't know what caused his death for at least five month!>." -Pam To11lo11.se n>garding the mystl!rirms de<11l1 of llt>r sori, Adam \~LS/er. wlw dietl in a Cnsta Mesa rras/1 bin lifter. tuxording w polic.e, he allegedly trit>d to carjack a woman "It felt like it was a blessing from his grand.fat.her. I still i;et goose bumps when we talk abour ii. I can't just U1ink of it as some fancy t:0incidence." -fLdil' ln 11vier. a Costa Mesa resident. on findi11g mi obit11nry m1 lier husbmuJ'.~ f ntller duri11g rt'nUKIPling of tlteir home. "'lliere\ one thing we don't want, and that's cloi;11re. We want to continue 10 cell•brnte her." -Zt1rll Rielzl, on 1l1e I Ori! annir-ersary of l1is si.Her Amy'( demli in Sour/1 Afrim mu/ tile fact t/1111 lie and /1is ft1mily mnrin11e to l1e/p or/ier,( in lier 11tm1e. This 11' for Lhi: people. not to henefit one FLAMES, HERE AND THERE specific person." -Tom Smalley, tile l{eneml nuuuiger of "We nectl 10 go to lhe council and the Wyndl1t1m Garden /late/ 011 Aw1111e say. 'lnis is what we have right now i11 nf tile Arts, said nlxmt the µreferrwl Huck Gully. 1Ju1 WL' no longer believe it'~ m111e jiJr rile C:i>nterli11e light rail systl!m. l'nough.'" "I think. it's really important for -l'im J(ifty. N£•1111J(>r/ lkacl1 Hn, Otiej: l'Veryone lo keep involved and follow on" propn~1/ lie 111ntle tn tl1e City thi'>. because it wiJJ ht' a chan~11g lirw Cinmnl alx1111 imµm1.dn~ firr protectiun until 'omethinK work.'>. And that's wh<1t ifl Hur k Gully we"tr• hoping th;it onr of thNe "It"s staggering w St'e i.o many hon1e-; altl·mauvc~ will be thl' an!>wer -and on firt•. nii' is the most fireligh1ing l'w rveryh111ly ncl•tb to kh•p lhl'ir eyes 1.·wr done· in my 27 year.. a~ a 11pt·n and p;1rticipa1t• 111 lhl' open firefighter." huw.t•, and tho'r kind of thing~." -llu11 5111/ierland. Newport Beacll C:os111 Ml's11 0 111nci/1110011m Ublry /xlftfllion chief wlin was among <IJU>tlfl nl>out the (',m terl.lf11• light mil Newf}urt-Mesafirefigl1rers 111/10 hauled f""f><Jsal~ 1111der comi<lemtion. tile Sm1rltem Cl1/ifomin wildfires "I clon'1 heliev<' it will happen. I don·1 "They're using our yard 10 hose down undt•rsland what lhey're doing. I don't Ille fire. lhis is -;hocking. This was a IJ1ink they would de'>troy 1h1s beauty." very qujet and c;afc neighborhood -till -At•o l\i/1car.1/an, 011mer oj /\vos Bistro, today.~ 011 1111ssil>ly lo.,i11~ lzis /J11si11ess to tlte <Jmil /.111J111ir. M•wport Rew:ll <:n1terli11P mil. n•sident. m fin'fightcr' IH11tletl a /,laze "I 1h111~ 1hcrl' wa., tt·~olve all around set IJY" l111me intmder. 11ta1 if. in fart, we 1.:n11ld no1 find a way "The thinR that has always impressed for ( enterLim: and the norlh Costa me about our community is the way Mc..,,c1 lareaJ IO fit, then we would have everyone comes together in a time of 10 !.uy. 'We'rt '"rry. we can't need. You live, eat and sleep 1ogeLher. participate.'" You become family." -Allm1 l?oeder. Custa Mesa dry --Jack Sc/mill, a retiring OJsta Mesa numager. 011 " lll'W CentPr/J11r pruf)()Slll Firt> captain, 011 rlle most memomble thnt w<111/d w'fltl tile lig/1t mil system pnrt of liis tiftft' ulith clw Fire wulergrntoul as ti /KLSSl's II)' Smull (LJtLSf Vep<1rtment: his fellow firefigl11ers. /llaza .. GONE, BUT NOT FORGOTIEN "Son1etimt''> we foigct each one of us hl'rt' in < .orona dcl ~tar 1ouchc' a whole other world. We ~e1· a ~mall part of everyone every day. hut wt• 1wver sec the""" of their live .... We don't under,tand that unit'"' s11111(•th1ng like 1hii. li.1ppcn .... " .'ilumm l·ry. flrincipal, n-gnrdirig n t1wmori11/ s1•rt11111 at < i.Jr<uw 1lel Mar I li~ll Srliool for M1mhezu //t1111irez. 17. wlw 11orL\ killed "" I lallm1'f.'l'fl in an o!f-roruJ t'f'l1iclt> arriclent. "I finally i;111 my d<td to rnm1• 1u churLh with me today .. Bui I alwaY' lhouRht it would he fur my wedding. Nnt tor his funeral It's too ~oon." -Vallvr1 / lnt[ield at n memorinl ser11in• STORES ON STRIKE HI usuaJly go to the Vons on 17th Street. But I believe the union's demands are fair. I have to respect tha1." J1uly Q)()kst>n, n Newport BM<"h resident, w1 rite grocery store strike. RECALL THE RECALL? "People are sick and Lin•d of dirty money. closed 1.loors, backroom ckal~ and special iJllere!.tS.. I will reprC!.t•n1 the people fur a chru1ge. • -Anw/rJ Scl1111(lf'Z.n1egger. t/1e11 tlte fronr-runner i11 th!! remll camp<1ig11. during a Sl{Jfl Ill tlie ()range ( iJ1111ry Pn i rp-r 111 nrJ,~ "As a Democrat. I'm 1()()% comfortable supportlng him.· -Maria Sltriwr. on lltr lm.sband Scl1waruncyger. during a talk tJI tlw Balboa Bay 014b. "We all made our mistakes when we were young. For some. was alcohol. £lot some, it was group sex. For me. it ww. Newt Gingrich.' -Arianllll Huffingcon. during a rl!Cl1/I mmpaign stop at Omnge Coast C:Ulleg<• "There's no way to get to the goaJ line without violating the principle!. that brought hin1 into this election in tht· first place.' -Peter Ueberrotll's cam1xiig11 mtmu({Pr. ()<111 Sclinur. Oil 111l1y tilt' romlitlt1te decided to µ111/ 0111 of tlw m fi'. "Peter ha.'l mcrediblr cn•dt'ntiab. Unfortunately, he ii; facing a candidat~ Un Arnold Schw.uzene.:gerJ who ha!> sucked the oxygen our oflhis race." -Rucl.. /ollm, 11 <:<JP fimdmiser. 1111 l'Pter llelwrmt/1 "·n 1is was a very tough dertsiun for us because of l'eter lfrberrolh I k '., known by the New Ma1ority." -1.arry I liglty. rhairma11 of tlw New • Majority"' NeuqKirt /lt>1u·h. 011 tll<' gro11p't iledsimt to 1•11tlorse acwr Amo/ti s, l11mr:...•negg1'r for l{ovemor tl1iri11g tlw n'1r1/I m mp<tign. EXIT STAGE SAN JOSE ': "With my h;1ckgmund m uirpor1 i~stws as a11 allorncy, a pilot, a 111l'mlwr of the Ai1 port Commi ... !.itm ,md the Ci 1 ii.en~ Advisory Co111m1:-.~ion 111 OVl•rsee Llw 1t'l"l' nf Fl loro, I ran .111J wa., t'lec1ed tu 1111' Nl•wpnrt Bcad1 C:ily <:mmril 111 Nm•t•mlwr :woo " (iary l 'ri1<Wr. Nt>1111xm lll'f1d1 < 11.Y C:t111111·1/mr111. in a /1>1/1'/ r1111ui1111nng Ill.\ rt15iKf1t1t11m IN COACH SPEAK "We won tonight, bul no"' Wl' have tu teach 1hern how to really win -Cmig Fertig, F.stnncin footllflll "°'"'"· njla a uicwry ngaintf Magnolia I li>:lt, 1l1e J~1g/es first 11ictury 'inn' last SPtJ.\llfl "gt1i11st the umtc' 1n1m . Inst y<•or. /·:Standa fi1tisl1ed 111i1h rt rrmrrl of I 'J /11is yMr. tlle l:l1g/,.s nuletl tl1f' SM'"" .I 7 DOGGONE IT ''We're not really a111i bark park. W£''rc saying. 'They already have a bark park. They don't need anotJ1rr one. We need a skate park.' Dogs aren't more important than kids." -Jim Gray, n longtime adV<>c:ate for" skare pnrk, on the [net tltat he supports a skate park, but not nec:essnrily at tla• expense of bark park proponent~. "Eventually, 110 matter how good tht intentions arc, one of Lh11se days. soml· yo1mg man or woman will be on a skateboard going through Lhat parking lot and someone wiU nol be caring for their dog the way they should t:?e and whether the dog bites somebody or just scares IJ1e skateboarde r, they'rt· going to go down and we'll probably end up losing our bark park." -Terry Tyson, t/1e vice elm/mum 11( 1/1e C.osrn Mesn 8flfk PtlfJ.. Puuridntim1. '"' l1is oppo.~ition to pu1nng n lknte 1111rk near tlie bark park uff Arliflgt1m J>mw THE ONE FROM DENNIS 'Tm allowt>d to go to the rr~troom. WedOeSday, December 31. 2003 M too.~ -[)e1111Js Rod1t1pr1, the West Newport rt>sldtmt and former NBA. star ill a civil trial regarding an alleged sexual a.ssault of a W -year-old woman, arisweriflg the prosttuw1 :~ q11es1ior1, "As tlu· owner of Jnsll Sl0<w11's, ure you allowetl to go /Jel1 ind tltt> Jmr mul 111al..e drl11ks fur pe(lp/e?" THE ONE THAT STARTED IT ALL "With grass. we usuaJly gC'I Mexicans com111g In 1here early in 1he morning, and they claim ii as their:. .. md i1 become!> their per~onal, private grounds all day." -f)ick Nil lwls, NPwport lll!twh co1111cilma11, on l1is renson for not ~llfJ/IOrtiflf!, ft1rf j!,f(l,SS <II \.OrOnfl tfe/ Mar .State Heoc/1 AND THE AFTERMATH "II Mr. Nichol'' comment\ alioul specific m1noriti1·' renert the way ht• mily feel'>. he 'h1111ld rnn!>ider res1gn111g "' l·m1nl·il111u11, lll'CLIU\C th.11\ not 11uly 1cprt•wntal iVI' Ol lhl' he't 1nll'rC~t\ Ol 1111' l'Ollllllll nlly." -Stew Uw111/wrg. Ne11•port llPal'l1 111m•11r. !lll tlw r/1111 11/i1•1 Nidwl:. "''"Ir In~ rummellt "I 1h111k that l >1lk N1d1ulsi~hi1>own wor,1 enemy .111J 11 .. , 11rad1•\ Jre going Ill 11111tilllll'" -/ /11yd lknrl, 11 Ne"'pnrt /leac/1 l11Hlfll'.'·'""'"· 1111 dro11pmg his rl'Ct1/I 1•JJ11rt~. 11111 il'tlffllllX tlwt lie will <TNl/t' 11 11•1111 lutox Rrm11> 10 J..1•e11 111hs on tlw < lJrOlltl t/p/ Mt1r cmu1ci/man. "I don't know if a recall would rrally haw leg•,. I h;i1·:. tJw puht' in Corona d1•I Mar ... thal pe(1ple aren't goin~ 111 'upp11r1 1hat .. -<JtifJ ~u1.ss1•/, Coro11n tM Mar < Jznm/Je1 of Commerce dwirmt111. 011 wlll'tker Newport Rend1 Councilman l>1ck Nidwls will lw n>rtilletl "I hop"' he is man enough and I hope he i~ bright enough to realin· tlw l'mbarra~smcnt he·s caused tht1' nty, .111d I hope he will rcsiRn." -Gary l'mct11r. Newport Hencli 1 tlllftrilnl(m. 011 Cow1dlmtm f)icl.. Niclwl~ 111111/11· re11u1rk.s abo111 Me.xiram "'<"""'"ti('/ Mar State Renell. ONE FROM THE NEWSROOM "I le is an i11sti111t1on. I dnn't 1h11tk a nyone in our ar«a has had a bigger impart on yo111h 'ports and high sd1ool s1>or1~. I le was the h'lty." -Kir~ Bauermt>istPr. an nsxistrml wi11t"iJ><1l tU C:osr11 Me!>t1 //iglt. '<mu11t>min>: on former fJm/y /'i/ot .vmrt .. , <1diror Uog"' <.ilfl.w111 <lllflOllfldng /ti~ r('tirement 11/ter .i.5 \'C'flfS 1411/h t/11' /Kl/lt'r AND CELL PHONES .. -. AND PDAS. "1'11anl (;ml for t nmputc rs." .,/1'1•1• llrmntx•rg. Nt>111por1 IJ('(lc/l's 11111y11r. "" tl1e fae't m ·lmology w1/l lw 11.wtl to rt•drm11 the sewn City C'/11U1r il rlimict'~ 111 tlw ciry on llw rnunc1I But remain he has. And thouKh the ballll' left deer '>cars. city businc~s has now returned almost to nom1al. THE YEAR IN REVIEW. Nic hols o;ay' that hi<. p<>-.1t111n hasn't rhanged: I le still beheVl's he was the virtim of a deliberate alt cm pl IJy thi'> new-.papcr to oust him " rhc Pilo1 fr•lt that they hnd the power 10 cause any councilman to resign We believe that you thought that if you made a big enough fuss I hat I was not politically correct that the electorate would ri~ up and cause enough pressure to force me 10 resign." Nichols wrote in an <·-maJJ response to questions about thr incidenL J lis feelings on hii. council colleagues, however, have softent•d considerably. "I have learned and grown to appreciate the time and thought that Mayor Bromberg spent in doing his many city duties. I have grown to respect the special intellect and time Councllman (John) l;lclfcman has spent on city matters. I have appreciated the respect 'hown me by the council and staff and particularly appreciate the help Councilman (l>nnl Wi.!bb has provided." Bromberg 3«1d he bell~s 1hat much healing has talten place, and that even some good came to the city ln the end. "It was very unpleasant, but I don't think It gave the city a blnclc eye.~ said Bromberg, who sald that he hns no prohlc>rn workJng wfl h Nichols In tht: allermuth of the co11trowrsy. ft l think we did a really good Job giving the people the message that thl~ Is not the wny Newport Beach deals with people .... I think It was important we send e mcs.481(e I.hot If you're gt>l"I to be an elected omctal In Newport Beach, then you hftve to have an open mind with respect to dlve~lry. ti you don't, you shouldn't be en elected official." • JUNE CASAGAA.ND£ COVOfl Newpon Botld'I •nd John Weyne Alrpon. She m"y be reached at (9'9) 574-4232 or by •mall •t furHt.c.tNO,.ndelllatimn.com a A councilman reflects on 2003 Dick Nichols speab.. More than six months after the controversy over a comment regard.Ing M~cana on I.he beech, Dlclc Nichols shared the following thougbtS tn msponte to Oaily Pilot questions. What ronows Is the te~ of the interview. which wa.s conducted via e-mail mes.'6ges: ••• ln our end-of·ycM recap of top Morles or the year, we plan ro rec.p this aummer's news about the MeXScan oomment and the emulng contrOYersy. If you're wllltng. we'd Uke you to ah.ate your after thoughts.. Pluse consider~ the following qucadon11: •. Sb mottthe llfler tM llct. hlM ,.,.... • '•on the._.., dMuipd In ..,.WllJf My feel.ingl on the I ue wcre that the Pilot felt that they had the power co caUAC &J1Y councilman to ~lgn. We believe that you lhotJlht lhaa If you made • bftl ~nouah ful8 that I was not poUtk:allycom:ct that the Nctof'llj would die up and caute .,...,._...tobwmeto ...... .... .,.,.. ......... I Pll ______ _, area down on Corona det Mar State Beach, which separates the paddng lot ratroomt and co~ns frool the beach. Thia area was designed as a trans1tlon area £or changing shoes from beach to st.reel ware. The beach has been loaln~ sand, which we support replacing. We feel beach use should be nwdm.lzed. Don't you honestly believe that a coutidlman should be able to explalo a sltuadon to a reporter with the apec:tadon that the whole tdee will J>e presented and not one pluue In a IS-minute oonversadon mlscomtrucd ror a tota.lly dlJJerenc purpose7 I ~ l wtu 100 natvie. le. Do you feel lt,... aipt to remain oo the councUt 'lbe PUot took my comment out of context and tried to make my remark racist. The TV newscutcts who interviewed us and most radio ah~ either wen: for us, dropped the lssue or dJd not feel out actions were grievous enough to follow up ln any way. ()nly the PUot and the (Los AnaeJetl nmea foUowed up and had l'eJ*tetl. t.o whom we nm!!~. epeculating on and vWfylng our cbarader. Why ahould r ..... , 1Wo l°"'Wt CounlJJ ..... poll .,_...~UdM olawpor.,.. Win ...... ·-Canldnlenll ::::-........ who knownw.. muo eddt h out. I 1oohn _,, IO . .......,C my c:orwdtumll, Wbylbciuld lllOw lbe ~on• Wbiai. t'Uice me to n.lip\. way you conduct pubUc buslnell or the way you oonduct yourwelf ltl pubUcf 2. We learned we couldn't talk at aJJ to the Piloa or JTheJ Times. 3. Do you think the altuallon caueed permanent damap to the ~ I think we have brought more viewers to council meetings and a new awareness to rnany people that City Council ded Ions affect their property. 3h. Or do you hi that healfna ha takm place? Thl'i l'i not n que lion for me. I did not vilify anyone. I have learned and grown to apprcdate the lime and thought that Mayor (Steve) Btombef'8 &pmt In doing hls mAny dty dudes.. I haw grown to respect the spedal lntenec1 and tJmc CoWldlman (Jobnj Heff'emttn has spent on dty mattm. I haw appreciated Che "6pect &howl\ me by the Council and 1tatf and pattlculatly ~te the bdp Councilman LOonl Webb bu provided, t.Alry MIS.._ .... ._. ........... or m •u L'llu .. ,..td •to ..., It •PP"" lbat If you're under the tun of the ...... .,.-1n .......... JOU am only relPOOd In Wi1fflil. llwll then. It wOi .,.. UIOd the -.y che .-per deddelL QUOTE OF THE DAY "/Mayfair} is a pick·your·poison rype of team." Ru.Mii Kina. Estancia High boys basketban coach M Wednesday, December 31 , 2003 Spof'tl Editor RlcMrd Otlnn: 19491574-4223 • Sports Fax; (949) 650-0170 BOYS BASKETBALL -· --------·-------· . EYEOPENER • Daily~Pilot • SporV tlal~ ....... ,_._ ..... .- Jan. 5 llonofee . DON WATSON Monsoons storm Estancia for tourney title ·~· . ~- Bryce Alderton Daily Pilot COSIJ\ MESA -Mayfau Hlgh's boys basketball coach Monty Owens had one goal in mind heading into Tuesday's champion.ship of the 19th annual &tan· cia Coast Classic against the host P.agles and that was to contain junior forward Carlos Pinto. Well. Pinto slill scored 20 points to lead the Eagles, but the Mon- soons soared and sho1 their way to a 70- 48 victory over &itancia. the designated home team, to capture the tournament 11tJe. Seruor Andre HoUh scored 16 of tus game-high 22 points rn the first half, in· duding four consecutive three-pointers. as Mayfair (10-2) never trailed after tak- ing a 9·0 lead two minutes. 14 seconds into the contest. "!Mayfair) is a piclc-your-poison type of 1eam, • Estancia Coach Russell King said. "They have the three-point shot and thetr guards create opportunities making it tough to defend." Senior guard Patriclc Ouistopher had 16 points to go with three steals while senior forward Duane Wright scored six points -two coming on a two-handed dunk -and grabbed 11 rebounds. "They got second and third opportu· nities and h's a credit to them." King said. Senior forward Scon Sankey scored 12 poinL-; to go with eight rebounds (seven in the first halO and six as.sists. while guard~ I lugo E.scobt'do and Jose Vira- montes each tallied six points apiece for the Eagles (8-5), who trailed 38-34 with 5:40 left 1n the third quarter, before the Monsoons scored the next eight points to build the lead bade to 12. The closest Es- Lancia would get after that was 49-41 when Pinto rebounded his own miss with 47 seconds to go in the third quar- ter. The Monsoons held Pinto, a first-team All-Golden West League performer as a sophomore. to 15 shots -he made l>e'Ven -and routinely double-teamed him whenever he had the ball. "We designated two guys to run a dou- ble team on !Pintol to get the ball out of his hands,'' Owens said of the defensive strategy. "We know he does a lot for them." King thought the f.agles did a good job getting open so Pinto could have a man to pass to. "We moved Carlos into the low post since they were doubling him, thinking he could penetrate and give up the ball." King said. "We looked to pass ahead for a jump shot or a layup.· Sankey dialed in from long distance, hitting a two-pointer with his feel touch- ing the three-point line in the first quar- ter while knocking down a three ball at the top orthe key to pull the Eagles with- in 33-29 early in third quaner. "Th.at fired him up," King said with a smile. "He was in a rhythm and the adrenaline was pumping." Mike McDan.ieJs and Shaun Markley added two points apiece for the f.agfes. who were outscored 37-23 in the second half. Sankey and Pintq earned all-touma- ment honor.> along with Wright--and· Ouistopher from Mayfair. Hollis was named the tournament's Most Valuable Player. ~ "Tile first one felt good and I just kept letting them go.· Hollis said of his four straight threes in the first hall &ancia Coatt Qatllc Oiiri1illOi"""' prne MT:n 70, &tanda 48 ~~ 15 • JO Mayfair Est11ncia 111 10 1a 1 MaytW-Wnght 6, Hollis 22, Allen 11. ChriS1opher 16, Grant 3, Stewart 6, Taylor 4, Robinson 2. 3-pt goals -Hollis 4, Christopher 2. Grant 1. Estancia-Pinto 20, McOaniels 2, Sankey 12, Viramontes 6. Escobedo 6, Markley 2, • Metsal'l&r O. Veretre 0, Kopp 0, Salas 0, Yoong 0. 3-pt. goals -Pinto 3. Escobedo 1, Sankey 1 MEN'S BASKETBALL BRIEFLY Lions fall at finish Vanguard nea rly ra llies from 26-point deficit, but loses second conference game to visiting Westmont. Steve VlrKen Daily Pilot COSTA Ml ~\ t\lmtht. 111.11 mui.t haw h<'en what tl1t· Van~an1 l lniversity Uom. Wl'rt? :.aying aftt>i they nearly r.ulied fro m a 26-poini dcfkit. hut lost. 62-55. to Wl',tmont in a Golde11 Stale Athletic Conft•renc:e men's ba,kcrhall game JI lhl' Pi1 1\Je..Uay. 11w (jom. (6-6. 0-2) 1milt:d, 44-lfl. wilh 16:46 re- maining. bu1 came within 50·45 with 8:11 left. West· moni (6·5. 1-1 l regrouped and led 58-47 with three minutes 10 go. However. Vanguard came back again ru1d cul the deli- c11 10 58·55 when I loruce Wonnely drove for a layup with 2.5 seconds left TIH.• Uoru. had 10 foul Westmont Kevin BlomslrOm, the Warriors' best shooter. knocked down both free throws on the dou- ble-bonu.-. oppornmity with 20 seconds left. Then Vanguard's Brian Kim was short on a reverse layup with 13 licks left, and Blom- strom WM fouled and hit both free throws again. "They've got a lot of heart," Vanguard Coach Bob Wilson ~d of his team. "We have played wllh hean most of the year. But we can't put ourselves in that posit.ion against an excellent tenm " Vanguard dug us hole with a poor-shoot· Ing first hall The Uons were 24% from the field (six of 25) and they also committed 11 turnovers, a.s the Wnniors built a 37-16 half. time lead. But Wormely. a 5-foor-6 point guard who scored all 16 of his points in. the second half. led the comeback.. He nailed four or six three-pointers after halftime. In addition. Josh Pierson came off the bench to add nine points on three three- polnters, and Brian Kim contributed 15 points. Kim scored eight points in the sec- ond half when he drove 10 the basket in- stead of shooting from the outside. Curt Wat.son (four points) and Levi Seekins (four) were also instrumental in the Uons' rally. Blomstrom led the Warriors with 17 points. The Uons drew seven offensive fouls. ln- dudlng two In the final two minutes to grab momentum. But the Warriors remaJned pa- tient and held olfVanguard ro grab thelr Hrst GSAC win, leaving the Uons searching for one of their own. "It's a 40-rnlnute game and we have to be ready,· Wilson said. ·1 t.hlnJc we were ready to'stan, but we were Just out or sync." Above, Vanguard's Brian Kim starts the Lions' second-half comeback with a layup around Westmont's Kevin Bartel. At left, the Lions' Horace Wormley, who had 16 points. rolls around a def ender looking for passing lane under the basket as the defense closes in. PHOTOS SY DON LEACH/ OAILVPILOT ---.----.--~--. -. Lance nets win with free throw· Junior forward 1}'1er Lance sank the second of rwo free throws with less than a second remaining to give the Corona del Mar High boys basketball teani a 53-52 victory over Workman and seventh place in the Coast Oas- sic at Estancia High Tuesday. Senior gui\f'd Jay Northridge led the Sea Kings (7-7) with a season-high 26 points. He was seven of 12 from beyond the three-point line and his three- pointer with I: 10 remaining gave CdM a 52-49 lead. But Workman 1jed the score on three free lhrows, setting up Lance's game- winning point, his only point of the game. Coast Claulc Se\erith1&i i-.ne Corona del Mar 53, Worltm1n 52 Score by Quarters CdM 1• 12 1• 13 53 Worllman 15 15 12 10 ~2 CdM -Northrldge 26, A. Lance 2, Freede 4, Seaborn 18, K. Welcn 2. T Lance 1, MacDonald 0, Wantabe O. 3 pt goals -Northndge 7, Seaborn 4 Woftiman -Frausto 6, Leon 7. Burler 19, Fowler 9. Mo11tes 11 3 pt goats -Frausto 2, Burler 2 Li ons outshoot Mesa • BASKET&\LL: Sophomore Judie ~ansel scored a career- high 14 points off the bench, but it wasn't enough as the Cosla Mesa High girls basket- ball team fell 10 Westminster, 61 -44, in an 11 lh-place game at the Costa Mesa Winter Qassic Tuesday. Cassey Brick added 14 pointi. to go with four assis1s for 1hc Mustangs (5-5). Mesa got within 33-26 early in the third quarter following one of Brick's four three-point field goaJs, bu1 missed its next three shots and the Lions buih on their lead. Coltli MeN Wimer Claulc J 1 Ui;pjace same Westminster 81, Cotta Mesa 44 Score by Quarters West 22 n 14 14 s1 Co1ta Mesa 1 14 11 1• <1-4 Costa Mesa -Brick 14, Ketty 2, Trujillo 1, Be Vergare 7, Br. Vergara 0, Bjelland 2, Cluft 2, Enesl 2. Sancnaz 0, Akan1el 14 3·pt. goal• -Akansel 2, Brtck 4, Be Vergara 1. Knox sets career high • BA.SICETBALL: Sophomore gua.rd Scott Knox Lied his ca- reer-Mgh with 28 polnts and set a personal record with seven three-polnters to lead the Costa Mesa High boys basketball terun to a 56-5 1 victory over Gahr Tuesday to talce 13th place In the Orange Holiday Oasslc at Olapman University in Orange. Knox hJI six of his threes In the first half, when he scored 20 points. He was aJded by 11 polnts from Marko Stankovic and nine from Tony Krikorian. Jeff Waldron scored eight polnts and 8fab bed 10 rebounds and earned all-tournament honors. Sophomore point guard Br1an Molina tallied nine asslsts for Mesa (8·5}. Ofaftp ~a.talc l31i1iiiC1 pme Coeu Me9e H . Ollhr 51 lco'9bv0u ........ Gehr fl IJ 14 13 -'' Cott• M.., 11 tt 11 11 • ea Gahr -Rhoane 14, Arnold 14, Sancnez 2, Alcks 11, Houston 7, Aegash 1, Ahumlbe 2. 3-pt. goals -Arnold 1, Ricks 1 Costa M esa -Moltna 0, Knox 28. Krikorian 9, Waldron 8, Stankovic n. Wase O. Aleson O 3-pt. goals -Knox 7, Krikorian 3, Waldron 1. Lightni ng take fifth • BASKETBAU.: Kevin Joyce.. and Man Loper, both all-tout:: nament selections, led the Sa!!t Hill School boys basketball.'; team to a fifth-place finish IL the St. Anthony tourname1~ defeating Aquinas of San Be,... nard.ino. 42-29, Tuesday. Joyce scored 23 polnts ari6'. Loper added seven points. St. Anthony tournament Flttfi=i>lace flliil Sage Hiii 42, Aquinas 29 Score by Quarters Aquinas ~ a 9 1 • 29 Sege Hill 1• • s 1s o Sage Hiii -Lefler 5, Loper 7. Joyce ' 23, Voge 0, Hancock 3, Samet 2, Oerhetm 2 3·pt goals-Lefter 1, Joyce 1 Fouled out -Voge Sailors struggle up north . • BASKET&\LL: Newport Harbor High's girls basketball team struggled Tuesday against host Juneau-Douglas High al che Capital City Oassic in Juneau, Alaska, falling 58· 29. The Sailor'> played well in Lhe first quarter. but lost their mo- mentum when thy were out- scored 16-4 in the second pe- riod. Victoria Swigart had eight points and six rebounds for Harbor (7-6) and Jillianne Whit- field added nine points and four rebounds. Cap!UI City Claulc Aourid.ro61n same Juneeu-OouglH 58, Newport H1rbor2I Seo,. by Quarten Newport 9 • 10 s -29 Juneau 11 1e 16 15 -58 Nawport -Swigart 8, Stoltz 2, Whitfield 9, M iller 6, Eddington 2, Lewrence 2, Trobman 0, Celek 0, Koon O. Malo 0, Slater 0, Deyan O 3-pt. goals -Swigart 2. CdM downed in ar ·-· BASKETBALL: Co rona cttn: Mar High's girls basketball team fought back to take Unl, . versity of L.A. to overtime in pool play of the Cavalier Oas- sic a l Santiago High, but suc- cumbed, 59·56, after scoring• Just two points In the extra pe-: rlod. : Kate Heeschen had 16 polnts: to lead the Sea KJngs (3·6). Lau·• ren Snell added nlne polnts and: elght rebounds and Megan: Benbow contributed five• points, eight rebounds and five: steals. : ee. ..... a... "'"'PliY . . •• Unlverafty 51, Coron1 det Mer 11 • OT . • Seo,. by ti.node ,;, ~ CdM ti t 111 12 2 -•• • Unlv1r1ity 12 20 14 e s -M • Corona del MM -Snell 9, Benbow 5, : Stem 9, Ouemb9rger 9, HMldlen HI, Wtvte 2. Mtrb 0, Long 1, Kawate &. Sulla o. 3·pt. goele -Snell 1, Stem 1, Duemberger 1, H ... Cihen 1. Fouled out -Heetdlen. Tedlnlc.11 -Bendt. - llot ll\· nd TcL6 lie !pt 1ur o. ~---LllllNalcls -l.1111 .... ......... ........ Th• followl111 P•tM>11• "'' dOlna buslneu u : Sp•tkl• Haven. 5332 lt•nllworth Ot • Hun. t1Jllf011 Bdl, CA 92'49 $Mina M1rle Elton, Wt Kenilworth Dr • 1Ur11t1n1ton Bch. CA '92549 lbrjorffl Sue E•lon, Sll2 Kenilworth Dr , t(unlln1ton Bch, CA 12649 H•v• you slat ltd doina busines~ y•ll No Shl tHa E1lon T~ls slatement wu nltd w1lh lht County Cl«~ of Orance County on 11/19/0J 2001 .. u .. s Oa1ly Pilot Dec lO. 17. 24. 31, 2003 W265 l!IOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S W.f T!\11\M Sale No. 00"°'380 l.Oln No. 8006901109 T Ille Order N:Y. 0256474 APN 512·1! FHA I 277793703 You Ar• In. eUlt under a Deed of T Mt Dated 121D2/98 UnleSS YOU T Ike Actiofl I01"Toteel YOtJt Property, 11..WY Be SolCI II a Public saie. If You Need an Explanation of the Nalllre of lhl Prooeedinge ~Ins.I You. You Should COntacf II Lawyer On J~Q. 2004.Lat 10:30 AM. NIM r"lnenclal Corpordon as the duly ~nled Trustee urder aMI purauant 10 Deed of Trust teciotded on 12115198 Instrument 19980865270 Book • Page of OifiCl.l Records "' !he Office of tile Re-oorder ot ORANGE County, Caltlo!nla, exe· cuiea bY. Juan Garcia, a Slligl:e Man and Jose OaiCla. • ~ Man, and Mal1hl 'tNz, a Si".IQI! Woman All as Joint Tenanta. aa T!\Jllor, Fleet Mortgage Corl> .. as Benltflcia,Y. -Will Sell at Public AUctlon lo the Hlgtlest Bidder lof Cash lp;ivable at time of Ille In liwful money ol the Unlled StalN, by caan. a cashilf•ll checll dfawn by a state or natJonal bani\, a check drawn by a Stale ()( tederal credtt union. °' a check drawn by a state or ledefal sav!OQS and IOan asp:iatiOn, uvlngs anociltlon~-~ aavl~ bani! lt)eci1reo In eecti6n 5102 of lhe Financial Code and alJ1holiled to do busintU In Ills state I At tN THE QUAD AREA OF 'THE CITY HAU. OF BUENA PARK CIVIC CENTER Al 6650 BEACH BLVD .. BUENA PAR!(LCA.i all right, title Ind. lflWrM QOn\I~ to and naw held !>Y it under said Deed of T niat in the ~ litllated '" &aiCI County. Callfornla de· scribing the land tllereln • M mont tulty d99Gribed on tne above mentioned .......... ... -..... The lollo•lna \HlllOn• •re doln1 bualneu as. Calllorn11 Mnolheraoy •nd Luer tn•tllut1 230 Nawpor I Center ' Dr •200, Newport Bu ch CA92660 ' Ztld1 E. Bllllney, 805 Via Lido Soud, Hewpo1 t 8Hch, CA 92663 fh1• busjntsa " con· dueled by. an 1ndlv1duil Htv• you $\M led dll•na business yet• No Zelde BUttnn lh1, •t•t•M•nl we. filed With the Counly Cler~ ol Oranae County on 12126/0J 200JHHlat D11ly Pilot Oec JI 2003, Ian 1 \4, 21, 20QC W280 Deed ol Trust" The Pl'OPIC1Y1s~· de-la1bed't being told Aaa 110 The S1n11t .cldr9le Ind ocn.r oonvnon dltlo-111tlon, K any, 01 the rHI P«lC*tY delaibed lbove i. PurDOrted lo be 1939 FEDERAL AVENUE COSTA MESA, cA 92627 The~ T lllltee dtda!ms any tlabilily lor any lncolTetf. nett of lhe ltrHt •O-dresa Ind ott'8< common dMlanltlon. if tn/. lhoM'I t*'1n Said ..... be madt. but ~ OOYenarll °' w_ananty, ·~ °' ~. ~ title, poll· lfftlon. or eocum- bfanott, lo PIY the re-malninQ jlC1ncipal eum 01 lht l)Olil(I) MQnd by Uk! Deed ol Trutt. ¥l!1fl ineerMt trle<eon, u Pfl>-vidtd In Uld note(I), Id· vancee, H any, und9r the 1e1m1 o1 me Deed of Tl\llt, estimated ~' charges and 9llp9nlel °' the T rus1et and o1 the INS1S O'Nted by Uld Deed of Tl\JSI, '°8'Mt s1n.631 51 (Esllmatedl Accrued 111te<eat and additional advances, ii any, will ll1Cl'llM tl1ls llg(Jf& priot to Siie The benehClarv under said Deed of r rut I heretofore executed and dellYel'ed lo tilt underalgned a wrinen Declaration ot Default and Demand lor Sale and a wntten Notice ol Delau11 ano Etectm 10 Sell Tile undersigned ca used sald Not10e of Oetautt and El&Ct!On to Sell to be recorded 1n th& counly where the real pre>perty Is IOclted and more tnan avee rnontl'ls have elapSed since auch rec:ordabon Oare 12111103, ARM ANnclal Corporation, p 0 8oit 85309. San Diego;, CA 92186-5309. :>ale• lntormalion (916) 974- 6099, Genefal lnlOmlabOn (858) 689· 9735 CARY Ct-iAISTO- PHEA..._. ASSISTANT SECR1:1ARY NPP0107819 12117/03, 12124/00. 12131 Xl3 AnORltCY OR PARTY WITHOUT ATTORNEY flOre, It.cobs & Powera, 38 l achnoloey Or Ive, Sulle 2SO. Irvine, Ca "6111·2301 rtlEPHOHC NO 949·727-3111 Al· TORNO FOR Newport Olen Townhornes HAM[ Of COUAl, WDI CI AL DIS TRICT OR BRANCH COURT, IF ANY Supe1 lor Coult of Cell lorn11, County of <><•nee PLAlHTfrf Newport Glen Townhomn Asaoc11tion. 1 C1lifo1n11 nonproltt 111utu•I Benefit corpo· ration OU ENOANT l ed Jim1 nez. an 1nd1v1du11 MOTl<l Of SHllU,,'S SW lEVYINC OF'FICER Or an&• County Sherill's Depl., 460l l•mboro Road Room 108, New port Bu ch, CA 92660 Harbor 01v1s1011 U 'VYING om<H fllt NO. HOSOOOOOOJS021 COUil CASf HO. 01Hl02a42 By vortue of a w11t 1nut d on June 18. 2003 1n the above dn r1n1ted Court upon a 1udament entered January 21. 2003 1n lavor of 1ud11 ment rredltor(s), New· port Clon rownhomu Auot••llon, a C111tor n11 nonprofrt mutuel bnnet11 corpor •l•on ~nd •aain)I JUd&menl deblor(s) hd J1mene1. \how1na 1 net balonce ul S20.J94 I~ actunlly due on u1d 1ud11m1nl on the dote ol the issuance of S11d w111. I heve lrv1ed upon all naht, !Ille and mteresl of \lld Judamenl debtor()) 1n the prop· erly rn the County of Oran&e. Stale of Call fo,,111. d•"tlbtll •• folk>ws· SH ettached tor de" scrlpllon ol IHI pt0p· trty. NtWj)OI t Gltn Townhomu Auocl11ion 1 Ctlltornle nonprollt m11tual benefit corpo11· lion n Ttd Jjmenat, •II 1ndlvldu el Cour I • 01 HL02842 SHERIFF I H0300000035021 Leeal o .. crlptlOn of properll Unit 18. County o Oren11, State of Califo<nl•, con~1,11na of c•rte1n alnptc• •nd surlece 1l•mtnh , u shown and dnc:tlbed In th• .ondomlnlum pl•n for New port Ol•n rownhomu , recorded Apfll J, 1979 In boo- 13092 P•&• 963 throuah 978 inclusive of othclal record• o f 0 1anee County, C•lltorn1a. Commonly Known Ad dreu: 15!15 Au&U$1 l t nt Unll 18. Sal'll An1 H1l1hls, C1hfornt1 Record Ow11trs Ted Jimenez, An unmarried mi n lh1s Properly rs • dw1llln1 If the sub,.t l of 1h1s sele is re.I property 1nd II hn no street •ddress 01 other common des 1a11111on, directions to 1ts loullon may be ob· talned h om 1he She11fh Olhce upon r1quul. Prospectrve brdder s should refer lo Sftllons 701 510 lo 7QI 680, Inclusive. of the Code ul C1v11 P1ocedure for provlsrons aov11n1na lhe ler ms. cond1l1ons. and tlfecl ot the ule lfld the lrab1hty ol delaulune b1da~1 s. NOrlC[ IS HlR£8Y Glll(N that on lanuary 06. 2004 at 10 00 o'cloc;ll AM. et 41()\ ltmbor•• Road Room 108·0 C SMliff'a Offiu, Clly of Ntwp0tl Beech, Counly of Otani•. St•t• of Cthlornla I wlll ull at publlc 111etlon to the hlcMlt b1ddet, tor cull In f•wlul money of tht Unll•d StatH. •II \hi rl(lhl, title ~nd Interest of u ld fuda«Mnt debt· or(') In t h• 1bo~• do crlbtd properly, or JO much t~ertof es m•y b• necn sary to u11at~ 111d u ecut1on, with acctued lnterul and tOlh . O•ltd December 10, 2003 D1v1slon Harbor APPROXIMATE MINIMUM BIO s .. 22.228.47 ••P11lnlilf's w11tlen bid is approA1m1tely $ .. Transfer tu IS S.!i!i for u ch SSOO 00 of purchase prrce Mlchn l S C1rona Shtt11f, Oran'• County l y /S/ O u IClj e , o.,., • ., NOlf Do not lake down or delace ' 1•o•led notice before the u lt or ut1slacllon of 111damen1 Penal Code Section 616 (m1sdemnnor). Published Newport Bu ch·Cost• Meu Oa1ly Pilot Oeumbnr 17 24, 31 2003 W270 llOTICI Of MUC SAU Tho mini st or &ae l1c1hty, accordlna to lhe 11rov1>1on~ ol Division 8 of th• 811\111eu and Proftss1on 1 Codt C~eptu 10, S•cl1on 21101 O). hereby awn NOTICE Of PU BLIC SAlt lXTRA SELF STORAGE will conduct • public sate nl the conlenh ol the slonae space(') n1med beluw, w1lh the contents beina sold lu the llljlhUI bidder , lor lawful money ol the Un1led Steto of An1111ca (tHh) fhe ule " be1na held tu ullsly • l1ndlord"s hen and will bt0 held 1t 17692 Sampoon larte. Hu11t1n111on Beach. CA 9264 7 on January I~ 2004 at IZ p m . Aue· lloneer s N1me Oenm• Av i na Bond, 1466373-0IJJS Phone• 626 791 6261 The public: Is mvlted to attend Terms ue cash only Owner rtservu lhe fl&hl \0 bid A aenetal deu11p11on ol lhe property be•ni sold, alon11 with the Identity ol the occv1>ant renlina the space are as lollows SPACE NO OCCUPANT PROPERTY OESCRIP !ION A 216 Toss111a Bowden Crib, blCytle, baby furniture, s1t11ll u lna· trttor, m1srowoo, c-lotlMf A·f76 Ml<hHI NlllM11. furniture, bou s. met· tten A·319 Tony Swnd, aotf cfvbs, lV, TV 1t1nd. d othes.boau D 059 RC>M1t Yaltla. sllop n c, tal>lts roof•, tan 0·275, Eddlt Shipmen, mtltr .. &, f urlboerd, boo a, tout•. lurnllufe E·21J. Jason Carets. l Y , furnllu<e, llt.11111& &•Ir. bou t.. htnd ll ucil Published Ntwpo1 l BHCh·COtl• Me .. O•llY Pilot December J I. 2003. J1nua1y 7, 2004 W287 IOTICI Of MUC lB SAU ....... H .... Pr•fte•I-• Ce4e Ste. 21700. 21707 Nohte "' hereby 111ven by the unders11ned thel • pubhc Uen salt ol th• followlnll desc:rtbed pe1sonaf property will b• held at the hour of I 45 P .M on the 7th day of Janutr y 2004 The sale will be conducted •I Su1e San Sell Stouat. l 7392 Murphy Ave Irvine, CA 92614 County ot On nae. Sl•I• ot C1hlorn1a The proper ly 1s stored by Sure Save Sell Storaae. located et 17392 Murphy Ave lrvrne, CA 92614 Tht Items to be !Old •te 11en1rally desc11bed a• foll ow ~ fur111!11re cloth1na tools and/01 other househol<I """' stored by the followma pt!t~ooi Nan.e nl Account tames L Avary Sp•~• Number Bli.'6 Oat1 d 12/11/2003 S1aned: Lin Wilson lhts notice 1s 11ven 1n accordance w1111 lh• prov1srons of Secl1un 21700 et uq ol the Bu"ness & Professions Code ol th• State vi C~lllo1me Sates subieet to p11ur cancellahon 111 lhe evenl of Ultlement between Owner and obha•led party Publ1\hed Newpn• I Beach t..osl' M~u D•1ty Pilot December 24 JI 2003 CNS 619181• W278 ActlllM IN!tss .... s....... The followlna per\ons are dolnti bus1neu u D1a1t1I Sketeboar dint Prnduc11o n._ 19701 C1nberr1 Lant. thin trn11ton Beacll C111torn1• 92646 01a11al Skal1bo1rd1n~ Production> llC !CA) 19702 Canberr • l•ne Huntmalon Bu<to Cali tor RIA 926-46 !his busrn"'~ " rnn du<ltd by Lln11tod L1ab1hty Cc.. Heve you >larled doine bu sinus yel 1 Ya ll/OllOJ Dtttt.al SUttllotrdll'& Productions llC. D•nni. Martin, Men11ln1 Mem ber Th1t "1ten11nt wu flled with the Count v Cletk ol Drane• County on 11/19/0J 200HtU671 Oally Pilot Dae 17 2•. 31. 2003, Ian 7, 2004 W276 MllM-...U .... s..... Tile lollow1n1 per sons ire do1na bu1111ess iu lnterv1tw Coachln(I of Amer1ce. 2061 Business Center 011••. Suite 204 ltv111e, C11ilorn" 9?6ll Huward Lep1tner 2061 Busmen Center Drive Suite 204, It vine Cah lornl& 92612 fh1s bus1ne-. is ton ductt d by "" 1nd1v1du1I Have you stM led do1n11 l>us1n1>\ yet' fjo Howud lep1l11e1 lh1> statement was lllell w1lh lhe t,;ountv Cler" of Or a nae County on 12/0!>103 200369•7.SU D11ly P1lol Oe< JI 200J Jan 7 14. 21 2004 w2so· fl<tillM lusilHs M..eSi.tt.Mt llie follow1n(I 11•rs11ns ~re domK, bus.mess •s Qullnos Sub. 67'5 Ou,.1 Hill P•r~w.iy , Irvin•. C~hlo1 1111 92602 Jdmes II Roth. 20 P.•l•tllle Sult• 140 Ir vine Cahlur n1a 92612 fhr\ bUStnt"\~ I\ t.00 dulled Dy an 1ndw1d11•I Re(llSI• ant h~> r101 yel beau11 tn Ir ~n~dcl b11s1 ntn uode1 the 111 ht1ou~ buS1flt)S. n•mt nt n"rne\ h•led hereon l•1t1e• Y Rull\ Thi> slalen1enl wo l1lud wolh lhe Cu unl)I Cle11' ol 01 •1111e Chuflly 011 12101/0J 2003&96U49 0•1ly Pilot Ot< JI /003 Ian 1 14 /1 l004 W288 fktitlotlt lustttu H.e Shrhnlenl I h• tnllowme per sons ~r• do1n11 business A> Alpha I M•r "•l111a 234!> Newport Blvd Costa M•>•, CA 92627 Ddv1d Allen CunntnR hdm 2345 Newport Blvd Suite ( 102 Cost• Mesd CA9?6?1 M•lhew Loe S~llwab 1741 Tu>hn Ave Cost• Moo, CA 92627 Th" busine~> 1s con dueled b~ • aener al pallne"h1p llave you started doma business vet 7 No David C11nn1nahafll Tlus stalerne"t wu lllcd with lhe Cuunly Clerk ot Or4nao County on 12/26/03 Wedne$day. ~embef 31, 2003 A7 -l..... 2MO l.epl.... 2148 to0J•Ht1H Ot lly Pilot Oec JI 2003, Jan 1 1'. 21. 2004 W282 ~ ..... ... -.. 1h• followina per .ans 11• do1na bu'1nu~ 11 Cooc"t Cu11om11 C.we. 18001 Cull l a11e, Hun t111ato11 Buch, CA 92646 J1111u A H•le. lllOOI Gull l •n•. Hunt1niton Buch. CA 92646 Lutrell• Schley, lllOOI Gull Lane, Hunt1n1ton Bt•ch, CA 92646 Th1$ blrSlneu II COil· duchd bv co par 1n11' lf1vt you stalled doma busmen yeH No Janie• A H•le Th" st1temenl wu flied .. 1th tho Courtly Cletk ot Or1n1e County on l?/07/03 200369"661 1 0111y Pilot Oec; JI 2003 l•n 1 14. 2L J004 W283 lhe follow111a p11son' If e 11011)1! bu\ltltS> 11 aJ M1llenmum Mtd1ut Resources, b) KOS Creal1011>. 27202 Call• luan1t~ c .. p1\lr .. nu Buell Cahlorn11 92624 t\11 tn Othman ?no2 Caltt luan11 .. Cap is tr ano Burh Cal1lo1m• 92624 Thi> bus11)0> I> con du1 llOll by •11 lndlvldual Hdve you sta1 led dome busmess yeP Yf\ 02 15/1999 KM en Dehrn~n l1l1s •l•lemenl was filed with th• County Cl•rk ul Or.tni?e County on I \/lll;OJ 100S"'16S491 Daily Pilot Oec ii ?OOJ Ian 11 74 1 ?~ W"174 flc1ltlM IWMtt ..... s ......... The toltow1n11 pel\on> •• t do1na bus•nes\ ., AS I nundatron Or~n&t Counly I /98? Skv f'~•k Lu de Smte J, Irv mo C~llfnrnra 97614 AID!:> SorVICO\ r l)UI\ d•llon Ora11we t.011111v ICI\) 11987 !>ky f'dlk Cir Suitt I. llv1n• c.111n1n..1 971il4 This. buS111~\~ '' , nn nuctod by • ~ur1>ur ~lion H""'~ you Sl•t tell lfulfl& business yol' Ye. 1985 AIOS Serv1to fuun dal10n Oran111 l,..n Al Robe•ts Pr~\ldent Bua1d ol Ou Th" •ldtement wn flt~d w1I h the Courtly Cte1 k 111 Or .. n11e Coun\y on ll 08 03 200369•7467 Oa11v Pllol Oet 24 31 :?003 Ian 1 14 2004 W279 ~ ..... ... s....... Tht follow1na perao111 '" doina business •• NWI' Servlcn . 1823\ Mount Baldy C11clt , founllln V1llt y. CA 92708 V111ft D•la S•rvleu , Inc (D(}. 182Jl Mount Baldy Cit cle, f ount11n ll1lley, CA 92708 Th11 bu11nns 11 ~on dueled b1 • corp0t •llon H••• you ""led dome busineu y1t1 No Vtull 011• Services. Inc , A Dennis Hernen dez. General Menaaer lh•l statement was tiled wtth Ille County Clefl. ol Or anae County on 12/04/0J llOOJ696709 1 Dally P1io1 Oe< 10 17 24. SI, 2003 W261 llOOO Of AmJCA 110lf TO SW AlCOHOUC IMUG6 °"'"""'~ Dtc...., 16, 2003 lo Whom It M•y Conu:rn lhe N•me(s) ul the Appllunt(s) I>/ are NEIMAN MARCUS GROUP INt Hll lhe appllcenls ltsted 4bove '" aJlply111& 11> the Oepdrtmenl o l Al•oho l1c Beveraee Con11ul to ,.,11 •kohnlit brvtr•teS al 601 NlWPORI CIR NIW PORI BEACH CA 92661 Type ol llletlse(<) A.ppllell lor 47 ON SAlC GENERAL EAllNC: PlACC Published N~wpor l Buch Cosl• Mesa Daily P1lo1 Oe~ember ll. ?003. jAt1'1M y I I 4 ?OOll Wl84" llOOO Of moo TIOff FOi CHAMGf II OWNflSHf Of AlCOHOUC IMUGf UCIHSl o.t.tfra..~ ~17,2003 I u Wh.1m II M•v tun "'~'n lhe N~llle(') 111 th• A1>11l l\~nl(s) "'M• OYSTER CANTIM INC lhe •PPll<anh ll\led •buve tre apply111~ lo lhe Otpar tmeol nl Alt ohoh< Btvt'r ••l!r Co111ro1 to sell •llllhllht bevera1:e• at 10'> MAIN SI . BAI BOA, CA 92661 lype nt ll<OOSe(SI .. pp!ted toi 4 7 ON SAll GlNERAl EAllNC PlACl Publ1\hed N•wport Buch l.o••• Me1~ Daily Pilot O•r·tmller 31 . ZOOJ W286• Tha follqwlna Pel son' .,, do111s bv111101 u . llodlla Kru\1011~. 122 Turquo1H Avenue. Bal boa Island. CA 92t62 Jenn1I•• Ann Br 1ut 122 Tur quu"t Avenut Bilbo• Island CA 92626 r111, t>ut1nen 1' con· ducted by' 111 1ndlv1duat Have you 1111t1d c1<>1ns bus1nH> yell Yu 11/20/()J Jenn1fe1 Bt aur This statement "'°' flltd with lhe Cou111y Cl1rl. ol Oren11e Cnunty On 12/02/0J 200S69H73S O•llY P1lul De. 31 2003 1111 w 17 24. 7. 2004 271 fldltlee hslMu M..eS....... fhe tollo..,rnc pt1>ons .,. 001na bu•1nt1u as $1.yw•rO Ministries 1204 H~tel Place, CO•ld Mesa. CA 92626 Jarnn I dwdfrl Abtt crornb1• t ?04 llaul Place. r11 \la M~-. CA 92626 ll•ve you •l•rretl t111111K busrneu ytt' No Jame> ldword l'\ber uomb1~ lh1s 5l•le1nt11I wn hied with the Cuunty Cler~ of Or •nae rounly un 12108/03 20036967122 Doily Pilot llet 10 l I 24, 31. l003 W269 Nil<lltlkt The Ann .. •I Rtt><>ll ol Hete11 E Bldt~ F uund• hon rs ava1lallle at the .1ddres• nolttd h•luw lur 1nspec<1on dur111~ ·~~uldt bu\1nns hour~ by any ullu•11 who '" r rqu<>h w•lh1n 180 d•ys .ille1 publ1lallon ul this notice ol ''' ••a1lab1llly Hel•n l 61A<k I u11ndat10•1 7807 vrlla Way Newport Beath l'A 97663 f'1e f•rmcrp~I MAnaaer " M4Tk Mt l,ulln<h ,,.,,, .. l'ubllshtd Newpor I lleA1" Co•I" M~·~ 0•1iy l'tlol De< P.mb•i 31 ll103 Wl89 Tell Us About YOUR GARAGESAlE! In CLASSIFIED (949) 642-5678 Policy How to Place A .----Dcadlint·s ----. Rates and deadlines are sub1ect 10 change without notice. The publisher reserves Lhc right to censor. reclassify. revise or rcJCCt any cla~!>ified advertisement. Please report any error tbat may be in your classified ad 'immediately. The OaJly Pilot accepts 'n~ liability for any error in att advertisement for which 11 may Ix: responsible except for the cost of lhc -space actu ally occupied by the error. Credit can only be allowed for the first ,. . 111seruon. ANNOUNCEMENTS & MISC. CLASSIFIEJAD By Fax ( 949) 631 -6594 1l'i"J"' 1nclll<k )l>W n..mt anJ p1i ...... "'""""' .. ..i .... n ,_11 ._.0\l l\ok \ ""'Uh " J'fl~ C' Cl\M'ttC I Telephone R:30am-S.00pm Monday-Fnday JOJ0-3940 ' By Phont• (949) 642-Sb7~ llourfo! By l\lail/ln Pc-rson: 330 We,1 Bay Strc:cl co,ta Mesa. CA 926:!7 Al Newport Blvd. & Bay S1 Walk-In ll JOam-S OOpm ~lomlay-fnday Index ~ Jii.il• 7402·7466 . . Monday ..................... Friday 5·00pm Tuesday............... Monday 5:00pm Wednesday .............. Tuesday 5:00pm Thursd~1)' ........... Wednesday 5:00pm Fnday .................... Thu~d.ly 5 :OOpm Saturday ................... Friday ':OOpm Sunday ................... Friday 5:00pm GARAGE SALE I ;. l lndcr the Sen·ire DirL'Ctory Banner BUSINESS & FINANCIAL 2305--2490 =~ 1180 EmRTAINMEHT -.,°"""".-ss_•_u_<_ou_s_n_c Cllendlr of .am. Cl!rmir:. Ell: ~ &. tl1s EWflll a.•Abt. ~ .•• an.-Mi~· 949·645· 1505 . -~ QEAHOllT ::'.YOllHOUSE WITHA GWGESAL£! CAll t949) 642-5678 1310 fou.tl HOUS8'G OfPOIMffY All tUI estalt adv111i'· ins 1n this new•P•P4r IS sub1tcl to tht Fed.w•I f alf Hou~1n1 Act of 1968 aa am•nd•d which m•hn II ill•a•I 10 1dverll11 • 1ny pr•ftr • enu . Hrn116t1on or dltertmlnetlon butd on r1t•, color. rtl~t011, M W. hendlup, famlhat status or n•lt0nel orlsln, or en lnlenUon to mah• 1111 1uch preltrence, limit•· lion or dl1crlmlnallon • Thia lltWll)tP•' wlll not •nowlnt1r .ccepl eny edvertlttmenl IOf , .. , ul•I• wh ich 11 In vlol1tlon ot th• law <hit rud11 • ,,. 111reby jnforn.ad thal •II dw1ff· ln11 11htrl1Nd In lhl• MWIPIPtf .,. ev•ll•bll Oii en eQVll Gp90'1Ullfty ll•tb To complal11 of di• crtmin1tlon. cell HUO toll· fr .. •I l·I00-424·9590. SIU yOVf unwanttd Item.a throulfl cl111tlfied AL ESTATE R SALE 5005-5150 . -""-"- Reach 80,000 Homes Each Week Por 'only $32 per week (4week minimum) Call Lorraine at (949) 574-4245 ...... Ofll 1•" lost 1505 -"°" ------~iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiij &.OST ~ MMIMe on Pett JEWELRY/ DIAMONDS/ PRECIOUS METALS 3460 _cm ____ 3'_10 Business Wln9 ICln"6 & CATS o,,ortunltln fl((ttfNO WATllt 'VllW •01 Licit hrlt Or 0 1 C:rac LIY W/2,HA SEC 2BR 2 58A Sl.250.000 ltdo Perk Rutty Mary MISCELLANEOUS RENTALS WANTED 'l,...<DMc... ~ SA~o;: ANTinUEs 67.J.4137 56'2•1~ !It--<-• <••" " .... ,. CORONA OEL MAA SAT 1· l.:00. JOl ,..'it:!!!t. 12 • ....._.. I -· ....... ·-· ,1ct11re•. •••II"" ............ 7 .. 0077 HOME Old Coinfl Gold. 11tv1r. iewelry, w•tche.s, antiques =MEHT collectlblta 949·642 94A8 ------OFACE ........... RJRlllTURE/ ..,._ • BUSUIESS CASH FOR STRUCTUREO S.ttltm•nVAiinully payments. II'• your money! Ott cash now when you nHd II most! ~tlllh~ s.t1lernd ""~ \·Jn -MONEY·~ (CM. -sc:AN) HOME FURNISHINGS (MCltaY luteH ... Sold wood, brand ,_ In boll rTUlt ,,... Wort! fm11e1m>M~ OVll• MATIUH Sil ~brtftd ....... In plllfk w1-r ~ SlCJ> tan--~ EQUNMT - lUCUl t \ \ l lft'e Uncttt•lnll.. Happenl Pt1 Ow11en """d Help. Well lhnn111d M llll Celt & Older Oop Med new llotntt. Adopt Adult An"'1al1 lhh IC11'1t\I 30 d1y retutn ,.olk:y, www 1nlmtlnetwor• Clfl Bot111 fed a. HR ....., ~. Buslneaa and 3905 ~~~ Fr1nchl1t1 ~ c:llMcJm9d, ~ SlllC.' _A_O_ll_C_R_f_IS-IN~G~S-l_A_l_C_· tll!Vf"......, Ill. Wwds 1191 WIDE! Ctl SCAN ••v" er .,.... 12~ 9'6644-7D9 you lime end money www.anlm•lnetworh ora 200 Cotnm•lnlly newi AU Slln ILOOS. 24~30 waa $7,900, sell s.UOO 29a50 WH $13.900, Hit S5,910 49100 WU li'B.!lO. ... 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Shirley 562·~·~ ' Feb L•k•lront l oc•llon 85 ltku/lote $119.000 CllllOl'tl Jbf 31>1 llPPfOl 2000 1f 2 c I" $1tftnie Meurer Platlnum 'top· •tllead 949·71~·3156 Lou t\1thler 949·675·2700 Newport Coat STUOA 21 CASl\1.~ DI 3bl dwn mstr. J !lb• 3500sl, flYtf·Ywtual lolH www vt• home~ com Sl.670.000 AaVowner 949 6J7 OlOO Slunn•nt Ocean He11hh w/Harbor Vl1w1 Cauls S2.8J9,000 Sirin Melnr ~ f'IOIJll1js ~ 1 ~156 0-....,....,., .. Sl.799,00l> I (nttifl ... Cout 'roperttes of Cet1f l 1urftl L..,,, -~ 8923 Hlstorte S.nte Ana toll, Prim meln strt loc ~ily vi.wt Prtce Incl .000 1584.99? Ste • It Meurer Plellnum PfCIPfflle• 949 1lS·31~ ' ., Reral To Shift 6030 Nl/0<•-Vl•w ·-lke1nlronl/22nd Ptlv•I• toom. unl11rr1, 1hare bt, ut111 pe1d, no/~mk , k1lchttntlle, lndry, )bill to NtWf>Of I pie!. S730m. Call Sam 949 2711-7905 (between 9em 5pm) Stor1~ Space ForR9M - ..,. 24hf W>r .... "°°' 6(l(AI unil.l Perlect for vtnoclts, low rat.s Qll C«olyn 949 863-1390 RESIDENTIAL AENT ALS ORANGE 7• COUNTY D.Wn 21N-2h _,,, IC, Wd bit •n\, cltd<, MIDI I>•)' view, 1vlll now Sl900mo 949-673 J- Conlllldll Mir • I 14 Coronl dtl Mar 3br ?b8 h11u•e honl yard. I t 11ar, SJOOO/mo /71 H•hOllOj)t Ayaol J•n i.1 949 n 1 5049 ,..,, ,. ............... ..... quiel MU ~I i...., Ill."(~• 199.l Outh SI $94'> /14 :2t6 6.Xll "' 101 2b J1 I/ Ma,.la Al'hl lovply Galed Comm n•er lrr•nile Squ~"· 7br Iba w/1a1 I. 11111.. S 109!>. I br Iba w/paho, urpotl ~11>1 ... IP!> Wiiis. • ... 1111d K lrrn ~ 877 10U649 r.1 !1i!1t1 Mew,ert •ct••• th• etraat ?br I ~ 11<' peh SI 19!>/mo 1665 Irvine Ave IJ 949 720 9422 • 203 YlAalY llASIS flNI NIWPOllT ltOM£S IU GMIM>Y ltlAl.TOM 94'-675-6161 UDO ISU STUDIO I •re• closet " bath 'unny •~!>OW'" SIOOlkn A&t 949 6/., 61 61 llOO all 1T1JW n ~~ 2IJr 2bl! ,. ,., I.. "'"~ .. ,......,tnt.. Ip, l ' Iii" Ml~ S17i'!i 9$29'l.4f.~ 0 RC its Calilo1n1a law re qulf11s that contuc lots lakrnJ lob• 111•1 tohl $!>00 0t mon (labor or mateflal'I be ltcen~d by the Conltacto" Slate llc&nMI 80.,d Stale law eloo 1tqu1<•• th•I contrar Ion rnctu<J. lhelr \tu n"' numbe• on all Mlver """I 'I' oo c~ cM<:t. ti•• st.tu• of your llcensad contracl o r at www cslb c•.aov or 800 3? I CSl B Unll· cenHd con lrac to" l ak1n1 1o bs lhal total ten lhtn $500 musl at•t• rn lt••rr 1dvt1llnmtnh lhat th•t ara not licensed by lh• Conl,.cto•• Stat• Lken.e Board ·· M•1rt1I -···- SEU your stuff through classified! :N S.OIOUU ""'"'" 'IO r.........,, 31 M.Hj.od SWOf'll9nan 32 t ..... k>JI JS ilumhlled 38Hol~ 41 non~ ... 43 (".c.m•l>l s matlllly u v..wou1 ... 411 r""'"""'" -411 Pulp000 St CartoonoeM 29r , .... lll'W 1 .... •l• •1•• ?r• 11"'•°"" t....llv ••• I 'I ~ tu vtt'.tn ,,.,...t ..,..,. $1Kll.n•• ~llll l'V1 .... t--~~WH 11')f'111fiy Jtu \ /•1\J• t•n U•• •••h 1 '• l,111lm drct-. 111•y1 ,,,,.,, k1t1 h,.,, wd hkup .,.,t $//Oil 9-4~ l'H 4b I? 4h1 lb• U\lprr umt I bftf, Olllt'~ If) tu\ It llvtm I ( ~.,. nu ""'"'' .tKI S/ JOO 94'.I l'JJ 41> IO .... b 2!bl o.rd;. ? ...,, l l IJ•, Cl<J1 W NN< IH~ llr\ w.11< ~ bd1 ,.,.. 11111 l vm n4&lM 6l3 llW 13 l ay fr..,1 Jlit 'Ii·• uj)l)e1 l~vt I 1>•110<1 hi• i i .... Y'l~W~ 1 ~-'' ~i,1 "&t '711110949 /<H 41111 H119• Sea ltland Conda (,oll 'UUI \~ VWW l Vf I~. 14~1 Cul d4' '"' Klll~d ~"""""' tamm l-"OOmo www 4r-eftfec.c..,. I H ·ll3 "4>'11 Lg 21>< '1l>a .__ "" ..iv.too.-,t.,,.. ... heat.I>, ...... P"lf1l 'lh .. ic. I 1• yd U W Rob<tt <jll<I ~1 IM sm NEWPORT Community Beautiful 2BR, 2BA with Ji~rvrew Wa s $2575 Now $~ir..• -~~-caiace~ lat ........ P.aos ·~~. c....- Wood ...... flrtpllc. • ,,,_..llaefl 6- ~· Sp11rkllftc Sw1111ml1& Pool • Liiii TToplul Lancfj(';tpll( • ~ to 9llboa ll&a-4. lllrildt ~1161c c.w. f ........... &Coton .. ,.. lit...-t--•Mo:.-. t19 e.,.w. DIM. Nwport •• (949) 760..0919 rt.a ~ IALIOA IMPOIT IEPAll ·~ c. Oon-ilu CompelflM Rain toovMentty lo<ated onlhe l'~ 407 l l 11 St. lltwport ._. ' A · Z HANDYMAN 111\t•ll r~lot~ cahrn•I\ ~b.tl\.W.°"Mrl~ ~ 0...111114 !>ol6 "*' Carpet C1eanlno --- llll A" 01" I 1i C.i111c! f 1r1111nq \f'!~"Ce C.!11'1 clAlllCIQ ~ 3 r001111 ' ~ .... lnCtuOts ptetondlllOfMO CAU. IOOAY • CUA.II TtlOAY Kevin 714-329-31M2 Oftlct 714.ff ... 110 Clrpet Repalr"81ts ' I Computer SeMces COMPUT ER 1 IELP! . ..-..er-. ..... •Ml'W .. •oMll •llC•-··~ ·-1'\oot~•Nl ·-~~ ·~~i.v ·~-~­·~~~ .. UCll«\o4oJ~ IOY'9~,.,.. 714-612-2786 concme & Mnonrt trhk ll•~lt St4"1e 1tle C••1trrte. P~l•t. O!iYeWay I 11 r111< RBQ R't ~ ?!iYr~ I •1• l"'y 114 .,.,, /!>94 c-~w.ti rm .... 1 11to. Slone. Tlr!. ()-~. t'lc ~. ,., 'lb too 'llllilol 714 61!> !Oil I YOUtl NOMI IMl'llOvtMIMl l'aOJICTt C•ll •plumbM 1111ntt1. handym1n, m 111y of lhe t••nl """"' lltlt<I ""'in llllt \~!VIC~ dlftClory! IHl St l OC"I SVC rl OPll C+\H tlfl P YOU lOOAYI -AlillllllCll¥I -Wft ----"""'"' Bridge Sy CHARLES GOREN with OMAR SHARIF and TANNAH HIRSCH •M< s., ... , ..... lSl 2500, 4wd, JOii • ""· cold/\•n Ith .. •ti• IHI. 1up11b 0111 cond Sl3.m v~!>2461 8111 ~'Ol~ t 11111 QlttC, mlrrl concfltJon. 8500 mtll.a, on. ownw l62.000PI' 949 351 1719 ....... .. WF.ST NOmJ • KJ9J "J A9 7 • K 10 .f J 1111-: ONl.Y f'UANl 'f: f.A T • () s K8J4 2 K 4 Wc,1 led \he 1en Qf hcarb and. when dummy c.tnlC down, dcrll/\.Y wu nnc lhnlled with bl.l ~ In addition 10 fiod1t1& lhc qucco of ~ he wu lwl.Jng at Coor (!Olell- IW l09Cn. l'.Wlr rn club'!. one tn ncuru and two In diamonck Doclaru Md to find a wny tO get rid of two diamomb from hand 10 ma.kt the cootract Uf·M•-11 .. --·~·~ ........ ''7 Auw<I 2dr coupe Cll, v tee tne:tne. 69' bl•"1vey llhr. sn• I buutlful unmatktd cond, pepd. non smllr $79915 h1 m ¥012675 I Bkt ,....-SAUTO "CUMW74S& BNut1lul Blad• Only 161< ..... ( 19873) -.980 "01 led,_.,,_ Bl.ck 21K m1 ( 19899 > $2!>, 980 ,,, ,.,, .... ,_. Cobr. S.tv .... Only 71( m• (19770) '00 "''?.:.:.:. XIC I Champaane. 24k 1111 . ...... "., "' ... HSE 4811 ml, lull f•c:I 111•11. blk/blk llhr, 18" ch1m whl1, Juperb cond tlv~ S22.995 vii 7201 Bkr 949 ~86 1818 www.eqHlttl.c•• ..... •·-• •oo •.o SC Ifill aclu•I rnr. full tact wa11 , blk/carmal llhr, buulllul hko new cond Mull see lo "llCl'-i. aa v<>t 7896 81<1 949-!116· 1888 BOAT llPAIRSI SERVm BOATS SUPS/ MOORINGS/ lMJNCffllGI • • Q 10 1098 7 J IOS 6 A 7 $ 2 • J t!6 SOUTH .a.Al 7 4 1 65 . 8632 The opcnm& leaJ Wb IA.rn wuh the ace tn du~ and 11 .. f'ldr to thc au and a baoclr. ..olvcd lhe trump pcl<\lflOfl when !he queen rcu . MU:t ClllCM Mud}., declarer found a dhuibuouo I.hat ""ould pennit two dinmond di\Cal\l$ fmm hand on the Ulhle' ~ clubs. 9&!111>-UBI -~ J ...... '00 S Type S.O 116, 3Sk ml, full Itel wart t~•.,/01tmeal lth1 , mnrl CD, memory pk1, be1ul I•• ,...,. unmarked cond S2J.4~ 111752262 Bkt 949 586-1888 (19817) $41 980 www.ac ........... SlORAGE 9680 • Q9 WF'ST l . ....... f"- t>1Je111ng k<1CI lcn of 1r 111<.·n: "u11ly OOl' 1..Mlll'C 10 rnake the \.'Olltro.:l, ll..,\UfllC Iha! th<.• hr or lhc 1.·ar1.h I\ IJ >tlf'Jhlc 011 111a11cr hov. ,hj!}ll lh.JI J'I Mlbrlit) I' ThJ, Oc:tl I\;) .:I.I)"'-c'.111ipk Snu1h·, <kcl\100 ro iump lo thrr< ~J>olOc" Ill n.:~pOll-.C lU lhc llll.I!\ 1111 Joubll: " 1u,11f1cJ n~1.:"11H1 Snulli co1n~:ll) 1u<lt:cd lhul 111<.· <jOC..'11 ol dut>. "'"' hl.cly tu be v.1.ll'ltn~ In .iild1111•11 111<· fifth 'P:idt' phh rurli nj,! ,.aJue~ in ~.1m md du°' ""r!C Jcli rul.: 11\..Ch W11h h1• "'"'Id IJ~IXIUI Jclllhl.:, Nmlh had 110 pr11hlc111 ra1Mn~ lO j!:tllll.' VACA T1011fJITAlS SAllS UfJIT AlS IPMln SjW WI Oesltt Cont.act Mdlael Anlrs 7fll}3J3.7ll7 2ottdesertvacahons.com To accomplrsh UW•. deciliter l'l:ld lo find ~ wilh cuctly lhrcc club5 hc..dcl}. by lhe Jklt SQ'Jth Wlti halfv.J)' home w~n he led • club from Uic table Wld. ""hen WI lol· lnwC\l v.1lh lhe 'i~. Ille nine (clCbed the ace. The mnc nr hcan.~ wa~ c~hcd and declarer \ho! up w11h dumm) ·, w..-c on lhc '""itch to lhe J:Sd of d1.111100lb and 10 le.id a dub 10 lhe l{\l\'fn A trump lO the JllCI. pm- >1JcJ the entry 10 c....,h Uic klDI! ol dubs. When lhar fetched tJ1e kn;ive. all WU\ well. rwo diamond' were di)· ,11/\Jt"\J fru1111hc do~d hand u11 tire K Ill ol dub,. and declarer hl'>l ;u\I one Im I. In c.i..·h \Ult ('\fCPI lrurllP' Olr lhJI. had Wc\I ~Id I~ blad< 1.na\c, JcdoiTtt w.oold be -.el an C\lrol ind 1111,.ncr. lhc potcllltJI gwn for e~l'~'lkd the n\k rmnlved -ulwuY' a good d.:.11. www.M ..... I·•- J91"or '9 7 XJ6 811\lsh 1 actn& areen/t1n llhr. CD, labulous cond lhrouahout. S I 1,995 ,,.,9721 bllr 94!J..!>86 1888 www.eqot41.caM lANO aovaa 'lODO Ors1..ove1 y II 7 soler, dual moonrl~. 1 ear 1ump ~eats, huted seal lioc Wlfl 36,000 lnl, $21 ,000 V1lB!).DI .tm n4-m-s11i1 llllarca"81 '91 JOOSL low mr lady owned bool<s. 1e1..01<h, wltl/li•n rnl. nard lo soil lop, CD, m1111 d••c:, l oren111 wheel,. fabulous r.ond lhrouchout. $•!>.99!> ~411 B11r ~586 Ul88 --.. ,,..~ ..... SEll your stuff through classi fied! ANEW '97 Letcw '5400 S1lvet, 67k ITTI (194531) SJ7.9e0 '•t•~.-.uoo lurbo Diesel Black (I 968Jt. ) S26. 980 '01 Man••• MU10 Stlve1 29tl mt ( 19892) $27,960 •u l'enclN 'I 1 c...,.. wt.rte. I opllonoc (197!>26) $32,980 '02 AIHll TT 0-• S1lve1, only Sk mr ( I 9904C) $34, 980 '02 C"'-y•t.r 1'1 eru1 •• , Black. 32K mo (1981/C) $14 980 '0 1 M..-c..J.• CtSOO While 3/K mo ( 19909C) $61 980 949·574-1777 PHILfSAUTO ~ BUSINESS?? a_.,. lever •ts 4.D SE 80k 1 ml, bloJCk/t1n lthr , •uperb c:o nd lhl ou,ht. book'· 11co1 ds $10.4~ v045829 8"1 949- 'i 86 1888 __ ac;,.....c_ t6'.__. ...... While. full~ l oaded 80k "'' s 1s.soo 9"9·nl· 9097 or 949 881 ·0119 aolla llay<• '76 Sliver S•l\dow II. low mrtes. •Int cond, be.I ollet OVtf $J1,\XX) 949-923-Sln AUTOMOBUS, MtSCEl..lMEOUS Wanted 9045 AUfOS WllttllO w 10 .. -. run-.i u mt. Trud<s. Vares. Pay Cach frte T~ We coo• lo you w~Prt SlOO,SfiOOJICXX>.s.lXXI 949-221-St.48 s.vn,... ... tor up lo /Oft and under 949.575..a.,1 CllANOUT YOllHOUSI WITHA GWGEWEI CAll (949) 642-5678 • • • • • • • • • • • I' /T fr..,t Offlc• @ cfi.,op1 •Che Pr achce ? Cloy• a WP~t. t all '149 ?89 14?? Restau1 •nl SlllVfllS tor 11do Doner rn NB ? Yull eap req CotN 1 ammy 949-123 8171 Cl&ssifitd is CONVENIENT lt'llttlur JOU 'rt buying, 1tUing. or just looAing, classifw.d has lt'lla/ JOU nuJ! CU.SSIFIE.D (9"9) 642-5678 SllllAll 101 lXl'lllT I ocal. Ourck Res11onse Home, YMd & Ooc~ £ lect ro Yr. I •P l>vncarn r l!Jclnc l 11'11':/IJO ~ 10'2 l .l .(. (lec1rh low pa. loc<M COOllllCWr, 00 jOb loo YTlall. oo fOb 100 bt8. R~r s WOO• r"lOO'>I LICl08U11al ~·4'1-1 41 0 (a,,.pl•I• llutrlcal s-w. Naw ·-~ 1!fad@s, fr nublnhootioa. ~~ 714 57219 UCINSID CONTllACTOI No IOI> too snr M services! R~palr, remodel. Ian~. ... ~ ,,..... -~!).3656 CUSTOM OIA1'M TU lnsla6tboo. \Wit ...,..,. nwble. stone ...,. 1'7S lll612044 ~ff 714 612 9961 UMY st.ew.. R~ed Raaroutrn & lnslallellon till Of AH !M!J..673·~ 7l44MG 8526 714 lllll-2031 714-71&.D i..-..wrr.~ .._ .......... .......... '" i.._ O..lr:Mlll.0."' M'e. WIWl.-0.'-0. i- lulclo '99 Po'* Aven11• Ultr low mr &Old/la1t lthf, mntf, CD alloy whl~ lhrou11t ou1 . S 11 99~ '661241 Btu 949-!>86 1.11811 -~ <a4111ac '98 Cafaro Sot. mr, blk/blk llhr, bll< ca111aae rool. Bole CO. Am Im, chrm whls, gnld P~a. bool<s/r<!cord\, lllo.e new S879" v5!'17281 8k1 94,.5 ... , ••• ..,_,..,....,,,_ Crew11 VlctwlG '99 lX ?211 actu•I m1 011gmal e lde1 ly ow11e1 . whole/Ian rn\, chr m whls, beau I lolo.e new cond. $9,995 v"8:'67!> I Bkt 949-586 I &If! ....... ,,.. .. , ...... Dodee Svv '00 0v,....,. Sl I "!.9 V8. low mo 011c l•dv ownH. whrle/bllt 101, CO. reat seat. 1u1 dll low 11kg, beautllul at 11ew cond. $12.'l\I'> v1m 1131 Bkt 949 586 I !ft! www.ecpal>.ca"' f erd '6S Mu•t•n9 Convtr l•ble '" 1111ul (IWllCI sohd (II. """" <d w !1ll Iba 9'! 719 29\i Handymln/ HomtR.,1lr R( <,!ORE • Rll'.\lll & R[ ~100ll INC CF.NDAl. IF.1J\ll 6 IWNl'ENANCE ·~·~ o Job 1bo Small ''• U, st-._.•'· AA lYPft ol •••Ir,. Eletlrl clll, IJIUmllq. door-. w.W hMtin. ure • mo••· 24/7 d•ys 114·366· 1881 71Je Legal Department at the Daily l'ilo1 is pua.red to announce a new service now availabk to 11ew businesses. ~ will now SEARCH the name for you at no extra charge, and stJve you the ti~e and the trip to the Court House in Santa Ana. Then, of course, after the search is rompkted we will fik your fictitious business name statement with the County Cl.erk, publish once a week for fo"r u1erks as required by law and then file your proof of publication with the County Clerk. Plea.re stop by to file your fictitious busi11ess name sraummt at the Daily Pilot, 330 W. Bay St. Costa Mestl. lfyou cannot stop by, pka.se call us at (949) 642-432 I and we will make amzngemmts for you to handle this procedure by mail If you should have any further questiom, plea.re mil us and we will be more thrm glad to assist you. (;ood luck in your new business! -..c-... ,..,. Carpentry • Pluml>tne OtywaA • Stucco f'al<)IJna, Tiie & more ~ears E.penence• JI 714-969-5776 Mawing & .... PUBLIC NOTICE Pllrtlng Chllft9' • ....... 'OYI .. Olljl Ctul Pr rcet Cuar •nleed worh free est l 137560? 714 '138 IS34 l l90 ?94!> IU'S CUSTOM l'AINTING Pron clean quahly w0<k lnte110t /e.-t and d<>Ch L'703468949-400·1054 Plumbing TreeServfcl Big Mike's TrH Servke ............ Giw., 0-..""' c.r. .-. a-llp'l, 24/tr Wtb,11,..,.-. 949-400-277 W1llCMflnp JUNK TO THI OUlllll'l 11 714.968 1882 AVAILABLC lOOAYI 949·673 5S66 rhe Calif Public Ul1hl1n Commrssron 1 t QUlft \ 1t1at all uud houuh old good' move11 ptrnl their PU C Ce\ 1 number. hmos •nd ch1utfeurs print 111e11 r c P number to all advet· ti,em•nl\ II you hdv~ any quuhon, aboul the leaahly of • mo ver , ltmo or chaulleur, call l'UIU< UT1UTllS <OM MISSION 100 171-1161 t(IVIN lOOH£Y l'AINTING Qualrty work I ow rate, u l lo< It"" r.tim11t~ fl 191!>41 114 8/S-!11111 THI STRl'l'flll ~rtlnain Wtllpepc Rt"1<1nl Ll588241 949 360 121 l I lM tOMslOnol M8(J8llno"'1 SCWER JEnlNC ELECTRONIC SLAB lfAll D£1ECTION I 1 lendty Ser vice t4t-67S-tl04 -com l• "- 5lWll MllUllW.. (t.O ) '4S-USI Window C1anlng GOlOlNWtST Plll<tsl ,WMltMO WINOOW SlaVICI Reparrs & Remodehn& S•IM•CllOll Guarent•d L,~f~ ~~~~\n1090 9'19631 1562114-96&00 All;..J ..... ·~·c-.fc:W (949) ?48-0769 SELL your stuff through classified! T tll Us Aholt YOUR GWGESAUI II CWSIHED (949)642-5678 • •