HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-01 - Orange Coast PilotIRAllil CDAIT YOUR HOMETOWN DAILY PAPER Wl ONI ~O A V Sl P rt: MBt H 1 1•1Hl ORANGECOUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS • Newport cops seek ex-Convict Ill robbery try By STE VE MARBLE Of Ill• O•lly Piiot Start A forml•r prison u1111utt•, bc•lwvt'tl lo lw.· ltw m1ss1ng nu·rnbt>r 11 ( a ti 1u thut s tagt·d a c·ommundo !>tylt' robb..,ry in d Nt'wpurt RN1('h nt•1ghborhou<J, IS lictng hun~'<f by pollt't.' tuday Pol11·t· -.;11d tlw thrt.>e.> men bruk1• Into u houSt- ut HWI Yul'ht Erwhantress and hE>ld thrt.<t' pt•opll· ut l(Unpo111l while· ransacking tht> huusc Nt•1ghbors, who reporll.'<lly !ward th~ gunmen m d1·ring tht.•1r Vll'lllll!i around, not1f1t-<I pohet.· Th<' 1110 bulll>d wht·n ufhct•rs arr1vto<l Tho· lw1>t.ol.(1 ''· C:1·c·ll and C1·l1·-.tt• Au ... t111 l'Sl'11pt•d 11'11111 1111' .illt•g,l'd IOUIJ t•I' .it d1ft1•11·11I prn11t..s l'uli1·t· ~aul { i,1y1 111r Wu:. UITt''llt•d .ii ll•t b..·111~ J1!>(.'llV!'1l'd 1m tht· "'"'f 11( tl\I' Y<1d1t C.111111la h111111· 1ing111<tlly ll'IJtll lt•d all Lltrt·t.· Vll't11ru. livl-d ut the Yat'hl i':nd1ant1us. ... honw l'ulln IJt1·1 )...11d Murun Modt<.1110, '1.7, and Liza J\lvill.1r. :LI , Jlt' .-.. ~llknt s o f tht-Yac ht Em ha11tt 1·-..-. h•mw Thi· third v1ct1m. 'l.7 year-old l><tvid Nll'bt·n, w.,..., v1~1u11g at tht.• t1mt· a nd 1s not a 11-:,1dt·11t uf tlu· honw tut by thC! team of rob~rs. \• Nt·wport Bl'8l'h uffk Prs said tht· man I!> thought tu bt• in his t'arly 20:,, d rt'S1dt•nt of L;.iguna N1gul'I anti u t'Onv1e1.<""<.1 roblx·r who ha:. St·rvc•d ti me at t'htnCI Sl<.l tt• Prison Pollt't'. c.·111 hng the an·.i in ,1 ht:lln1pkr, sa1c.I thC' mt•n split uµ as tlwy ran lowarc.I tht· 1w<1rliy Big Canyon Ht·~·rvrnr On<· man, :W y1•<1r old Thomas liuy Hasu:h of Laguna N1gu1·l . was grablx'<.l by pullet· while a St'C'und, :.W y1•ar-old David Mark Gaynor, allegt-dly ran to a houSt.· al 190 1 Yacht Camilla and took a man nnd his w1fl• hostage' Tlit· '\t'Vt·11 hm11 1wd1·;il wh11 lo 1·mh'CI Mo11cl,1y at diJvl111•u k l1•t l 11•:-.1d1·11h 111 tlo1 S1 .1v11•w 1.1m111u111 ty ... ti.1k•·11 S1•v1•1 J I l11111wown1 r-. w1·11 t.•VJl'U,1l1·d -.111d 111h .. r-. Wl'fl' told Ill '>lay 111 lht'll hoU!>l'l> Mod1J1111, µolin· said \hey bl·lteve, llUtY know th<• alll'gt•d 1 ohlx•r-;, who they said Look a la rge .1mount of <'a'>h fro 1111 the home Tht· m1ss1ng man dud1-d polit•t· Munday wht.•n a lt'am of uffu..'(•rs rnovt.od 111to tlw galt.'CI St.·<iv1ew c•ommun1 ty, rPs ponding to a l't•port of ,, n•s1 dc•nllal robbery Private hirings flayed \ \ By FREDE RICK SCllOEMEHL Of lt>e Oallr Piiot Sten Orange• County supervisor Ralph Clark has angrily al'CUsed the county ;_1dm1n1s lrativt' off1t·e of using "l'lass11 burc·aul'ratll' duubll'lalk" 1n an interim report on hiring pnvatP l'Ontractors t.o take ov1·r S<·rv1t·<·!> long provided by county government. During rC'marks Tue:.day. Clark pointedly suggested the first placl' to consider private contra1·t1n~ for the 1·ou11ty 1s w1th111 tht• adrn1ni!>tf<1Uvc• offwt• itself Clark c·onceded that l'Ounly agencies probably aren't happy with lhl' idea that sffvices they perform c:ould ~ turned ov<•r w pnvatf' c:onlra<'t.ors Nonethcil'ss. he aecust.'d the adm1n1str<1tlvt• o f f1l'C' of n ot being "more forceful" on the subje<'t. " I don ' t f 1 n d rh a t i n l h 1 s report," Clark said "This whole .approach looks like dass1t· bureaucrauc doubletalk _ " After giving the stern lecture. .Polu•t• 1111).{111ally 1 t·f)<Jl'lt'Cf that four <1llq~1·d robbt·r.., wt•n• 1nvolv11l 111 lhl· mt·1d1·nt 'l'ht·y 1111w b..•llt'Vt' 11 wa' Llw wm k uf only thn••• n11•11 · Th1•11· w1·rl' uth1·1-1n1t1al t·1mfus1on~ l'1Wt'f' Nan•oti< dl'l1·ct1vl•S in H untington Beach today s;mJ ltlt'Y ;1rn·:.t1•d Modiano at the Yacht Enl'hantr't•s:-, h1;nH' last F<'bruary on suspicion of 111,ssc.·ss1ng .1 li:ilf IJt>und of cocaint' Attorney denies Brown 'bribe' By JOEL C. OON 01 Iha Oallr Pllol 81•11 N1•wp11rt 81·d<:h uttorn<'Y C Oavtd UJkc·r d1·nH·d toe.lay he tried to u~t· till' ballot box to poht1t·ally bribe: Cov Edmund G Brown Jr tu lwlp a group build lrv1m•'s f1r~1 hospttal 'Pht> al'C'\Jsat1on surfal'ed after Baker !Wnl a lc>tll'r urging Brown t.o sway k•g1!:.lat1vl· at.'tum in favor of a bill that would have supporll'd tht· µrnposed Irvine M ed1c<.1I Ct·ntt•r (I MC). ThC' m e a s u r t• s p 11 n s o r e d b y A sst!mblywoman Marian Bergeson . -R -N<·wpf>n Beach , died Tuesd<iy 1r1 the waning hours of tht' statt.• Leg1slatun· "It was nut a brib<'." ;;a1d Baker. wh o !>erves <.ts IMC pres1dl'nt "My tnll'nt in wnL1ng the leller to the governor was to tell him that there were 15,000 people who Wt'rC' being negk'<:ted and forgotwn bc<.'ause of political battles that were being fought on higher levels in Sacramento " David Baker l£•g1slallun might suggest state support for one of the groups mmpettng to build a hospital m , lrv1nt' In his letter lo Brown , Baker said he would send a nother letter to up lo 25,000 l'MC supporters asking that they vote for Pete Wilson for U.S. Senaw if Brown did not flex his political muscle to get the S.?rgeson bill passed in the Legis lature. Brown 1s running against Wilson in the ~matonal race "The le tter. of course, 1s only a dra ft ," Baker wro te "Y our efforts in pushing (the measure) through the Assembly, Senate <.1nd then signing it into law today could change tha t letter dramatically. 1 wouJd prefer to send out a thank you rather than a reminder" Clark won unanimous approval from fellow board members for a new study on t he ehgib1hty of contrac·trng wllh private sect.or for SCrvlC'eS The administrative 0H1c:e report, prt•parecl in response t.o a July 1:l board action. said two services provided by county government were "appropriaw" for immediate study of transfer t o private enterpri~e . Those services are maintlnanC'e of countv v('h1dc-s and d1stnbut1on of foOd stamps Johnn y llulbert and his dog Annie wc.•r t< inseparable o n Fi.ii Island whi<·h promph·d his mother to writt• u book des<'ribecl on Page 81. Baker was rererrmg to the thousands of signatures gathe red rn a pet1t1on campaign to suppor1 IMC, a $95.8 million hospital complex to be built, after approval from state health planning o ff1c1a ls, a t J e ffrey Road and Barrant'<l Parkway Bergeson's bill would have permitted the Sad dleback Community College District to lease 10 acres o f land at 1~ North Campus 1n Irvine ib a group wishing to build a1 hospital Saddleback has rndorS<.'d IMC, which also plans to lc>asc tn add1t1onal 22 ac res from the· lrvmt• Company Brown ve toed the bill last wc>e k . stating he felt the In a tersely worded re p ly, Byron Georgiou , Brown's legal affairs secr etary, wrote: "Your threat to condition acllve politica1 support for, or opposition to. the governor's current candidacy for the United States Senate upon actions with respect to pending legislation you desire him to take 1n his official capacity a s governor has not only done your cause a disservice but may weU constitute an attempt t.o bribe a public official . . ." The adm1n1s trat1vc off1c1• recommended that a consultant be hired to s tudy thr effrcts of turning the' service's over lo pr1vaw opcriHors Grieving mother aided The o ffkt• included a S<'Cond list of SC!rv1ces suit.able for what it called "near term futurc• study" o( private operation The list indudC'd animal eontrol, pur chas ing , buildings m aintenanc e> and pf'rsonnC'l recru1tmC>nt The report a lso callf'(J fo r further study by a consult.ant of poss1bll• con trncts that n1ulci 1 n v o I v 1· r o u n t y a n d t· 1 t y govemmt>nL'l. Supervisors also took aetion rm the following issues. Planning Department fees - In a 4-1 vnlc. with SupcrvlSOr Harri ett Wieder dissenting. incn'ase d f ees c harged developers for processing of zonP c hange. planned community, v ari ance and use p e rmit proposals The a ction will add about $169.000 annually to thP county treasury. according lo county Environmental ManagC'mPnl Agency ofh C'i::ils (See PRIVATE, Page A2) COUNTY By STEVE MITCHELi. Ot tt.e O•llJ Pilot s1an Tht• letters .. nd l'ar<.Js, hundrros of thl·m. an· sn1tt1·fl·d ov«r the top of Rosie M 1clC'lt"'" h..irdwood dining room tabl1• There are ll'tters of C'ondolt'O!'t from Laguna Reach City Count·ll mc·mbers. th1• fire• riPpartmt•nt, the· tran!>1t dtstrit·t, the pull<'<.'. merchants rn town and lnn~l1mr friends In a small town likl' La~na &ach, word travels fas t And the reaction to the d<'ath f Rosie's daught e r wa s ovnwhelmtng "I lcre's onC' frnm thl' guy<; al the• Cnfke Pub." H1>s1e s ays. wiping a tear from b1:nt·ath her J!Cla<;S('S Anothc·r IC'tter this on<' s1grwd bv more> than I 00 artists of tht• Sawdust Festival, 1s pullNi frnm the stack "They got up a collet·t1on r or mC' and raised $471," thr popul:ir Laguna Beach met<'r maid said "ThC'y told mt· to take• th<' money and get the hc•ll away from h ere for awhrlf'." she c·hucklf'CI. Schools 'computerized ' The Newport-Mesa School District is ent.ermg the comput~ age, and some kids can't wait to get to school . Page B 1. STATE 250,()()(J. fans expected Thousands of hot dogs, outdoor toilets. parking s paces a nd even mass outdoor shower's await the estimated 250,0PO fans expected at the US rQCk and computer festival Labor Day weekend in t'he San Bernardino Mountains. Page BS . . . BUSINESS Small business is at the fflont tn the economic battle and their members manage their affairs closely, -knowing all the details of their establishment. Page 84. . - "And I will I will But not nnw " Ros1C''s not budging from town until she find s o ut the l'lrc umslanc:es surrounding the shooting death of her 14 year-old daughter, Rise Tucke r, outside a Huntington Beach howw on Aug 13 ThC' former El M o rro Elementary School student. who r ecently m oved to Redondo Beac h with her father. was pronounced dead ::it lhe scene Her best friend. Dena Farrow. 18, of H untington Beach . was wounded by t he same bullet that killed Rise H untington Beac h p ol ice arrested Richard Berge. 18, of I luntington Beach, 1mmed1ately following the shoo ting The 1n <·tdC'nt •~still under 1n ves ttgallo n No c rimin<.11 charges havt> been f rl ed and Berge has bt:.>en released on his own recognizance. "Everyone in Laguna knows Rosie," said Police diief Neil PurceU. who took on t he task C1f breaking the news t.o the town's NATION favorite p<1 rk ing f:n f orcC'men t officer that F'ndav the 13th ctfternoon · Her frit•nds turned o ut en masst• f1>r memorial services followin~ thC' shooting incident. "Thcv told mf' there we rC' murl• pNlple there' than at J ohn Wayne's funeral," Rosll' said "I believe 1t " Rosie· picked up a photo of ht•r smiling d<.tughter. standing arm in arm with a frwnd at Oak Str~t &·ach ''This was t.akc•n just a month ago." she said. shaking her head and pa1;smg the photo across the table Ri st> U4'l·d to ride 1n her mothrr's blue -and -white Cushman while-the met.er maid patrolled the stre<>ts, looking for expirro parking meters. "I'd write out a tll'kC't and she'd run out :u.t put 1t on the car," she n.'<:allro "Pl•opll· Usl'd to call us Big Reis1e ;:ind L1ltlt• Hosw," ~he laughro But w<X' b<• unto the fellow (See ROSIE, Page A2l A nurse has written a book urging that every hospital pa tient use a f riend or re lative as a n "advocate" in securing adequate, informed care. Page AB. Caffeine said harmful Health researchers are urging pregnant women to keep their caffeine consumption low, as there is some evidence the substance harms babies. Page B:t Teen troubles tiillieJ A study indieates that broken h omes do not n~essarlly lead to juvenile delinquency, but that full-time jobs and access to automobiles may lead teens to trouble. Page 86. SPORTS I Tommy John joins Angels ~ Angele!-pitching st:eU .gets a boos&. with acquisJtion of Tommy John and John Curtis. Page El. DeltJNMIWt ....... Sitting at a ta ble filled with letters of <'Ondole nce, Laguna Beach meter maid Rosie Micle tte recalls her daughte r, Rise, s hot Aug. 13. INDEX At Your Servi<--e Business Cavalcade Classified Comics C rossword Death Notices Editorial Entert.11inmenl Food A4 84-5 A7 FA-8 02 02 F7 A6 87-8 Cl-05 Horoscope Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds Public Notices Sports Dr. Steincrohn Stock Markets Television Theaters Weather TELEVISION Guatemala airs tonight A7 A7 B7-8 84 Fl-8 Et-3 A7 85 06 87-8 A2 Guatemala, a far-~way Central American country wracked by political violence, holds considerable strategi~ and-economic importance to the U.S. A CBS documentary· tonight explaina why. Pap 06. ~ I • .. ----------------- "' 8 Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /WednHday, September 1, 188:1 ' l Rosie grieves foy girl. From Page A 1 who 11h1rl.J t.uu lung ut till' plt.<lty llrunettl• You n>uld l'OUn t on .Hu1Ut' w yeU OU\, "llt•y. buddy Keoep your ('yt'I in your htiMd " ltos1e, you iwe. was v<•rv protl'<.'llVl' of ht•r duughu:r "Ha guy tUlkl-<l ht·r CIU\, I'd l'U}I th£ PD and run u ~H (nir , n :g1strut1on) ur a '.l\) (111.olcn t'Hr) on ham," she.• said. jl>k ang ~ "No dsrtl>Uf!i wa:. Jo(Ulllg lo dutt.' p:iv <:Uiughter." Then, tear:; WPlltnl( up an lwr eyt>S again, ~lw scud, "Ev<•rybocly llDvl'CI ht-or Sht• had sut·h chnnn she c.'Oult.J mdt thl· t·hromc right bff a car" I I ttui;1e dtd ahe <.'Mn 't J>Oll'lbly 1m11wer all lht• mall aht' n-c'(•IV'f'd from thl' people who loVt' hl'r So 1he uked that a lt-U.ttr be printed, "rrutybt> on youi· t.<dllorml page or somuthlng " I l's hl·re, lnstead: The prec:iuus parlS uf my l>ody are ~ ht>lJrt to Juve owny, rhe arms to shaJY> tha r love•, the mind to think of lnve, che sighr tu see th~ person I love, the ability to tt.•ach that love. And finally, to couch and make the ocher 1x:rson aware• of that love I t " u gh t m y I 11 v <' I y d11ugh rc•t fhll r loVt' I /{1't.·I she.• had IO lc·11 vc• mt'. for " pN('C:fuJ life thl1 r would nor bear lu.•n rt1wh t':t or (NJ 111 Uud 11•1 u." µro<tuct• her UI}(/ l~t nw tt•1wh her fur 14 yt·t1rs for chat I am still gratt•fuL My heart soe:s to "" uf you who shul'C'd my sorruw .md 1·t-spumJ1'<.l You have bc.'C.•n gcwtl ro me by giving mt• strcmgth uncl showing me.• t)u1t I um stfll newed Frum my ht•art, thunk you. Thunk you for being thc•n•, L<>ve. Jusr Hu.sit-• Hist-Tuck~r Delay hits Mesa's amphitheater again f By JODI CADENHEAD °' .. &>.-, .......... Conatructlon, &l•heduled to begin by Tueaday Of) the $-1 0 m illion amphitheate r al th e O range County fairgrounds an Costa Meaa, has been delayed again. . 1t was the third delay since w orkers ceremonious ly brok e ground July 11, 1981 on the open air bowl theater that iB already five years behind schedule ~ht:dul~ t() be open by Ju.J y, 1982 . The 1c h e duled n ~w opening date ill May J*H>63 William Blurock. pre111dt•nt ol Bhiroc k f>a rtne r tl'hlp, the N e wpor t Bea c h -based archi t ect ural firm that is designing the open air theater , said represe nt atives f o r Nederlander and the con tract.or. C.L. Peck of Los Angeles, will meet today to work out a final faxed fee contract. Mesa sculptor isolated • Ill jail Rick Witte. vice president of Nederlander Organization which has the state contract to build a nd o perate the 15,b OO-seat theater, declined Tuetiday to say when construction will begin. "We'll be ready when we're ready," said Witte. "You'll know construction has begun when you see the uucks out there." Bluroc k s aid i l i e hi s u nderstanding tha t H a Hxed price-is agreed upon, construction would begin next week_ C_L. Pec k 0 H1cials refuse d lo t-omment It was the delay in the signing of the construction contract that a lleged ly caused strained relations betwet.·n the fair board a nd the e nt e rta i nme nt organization. • Alt Ruush<in l>!)C•nt hts first n ight 111 Jail hou~l·d 1n the med1l'al 1sol<illl>n u111t when.• ht• wall rt:marn until Saturd<iy I Tht• lrd111a11 Wt•ld1•r bt•g<in serving a 5 day !*'1\l('lll'l' TUl'Sday ~r disobeying <i court order by • ereclrng a !i().(ool high n>d Slt•el S\'UlptUrC' 1 A sh•·r ilf 's d1•µ<J1'tnu·nt '1 spokesman said all civil inmates are housed in the Orange County Jail's medical unit for their o wn protection. . Apparently undeterred by the St.·ntcnct>, Roushan told reporters before he was J3Jled that he still plans to construct a castle at his Costa Mesa shop, with or with.Jul nl'<.'f'SSary penn1ts Ah appt!arl"<I unworried about Dance master ' serving lime and said, ''There's nu problem. A lot of ~pie get blown up to pte<'t:S Th~re's certain t hrngs that you don't want lo happen." H is wile. Mar·y, a l'O Urt repor t t•r, appare ntl y had diff «ren t feelings. "Shl' doesn't 11.-cl good at aU," s~ud Roushan "She keeps telling UCI's Loring dies By JOEL C. DON ol'the Dlllly Piiot 81•11 Eugene Loring, a p1onC<.'r of modern American ballC't and founder of UC Irvine's dance program, d ted Monday 1n New York after a battle with canC<.'r He was 68 Loring's career spanned more than half a century on the stage '5 well as the screen, where he ¢horeographed nearly 20 films, Including three: starring Fred Astaire. He also served as dant'e Qi en t or f or s ud\ maJOr ltntertainers as LC'slic Caron, Liza Minnelli. Mary Tyler Moore and !t1chard Chamberlain · In 1938, he collaborated with q9mposer Aaro n Copland to dboreograph a production titled ·~~ill.Y the Kid." Loring recently • l"'ev1ved th e work for the Oakland B a ll t-t along with Copland. The danc-er was perhaps best known t or weaving social commentary into the fabric of nearly all of htS productions. One play created for the J offrey Be.llet, "These Three," was based on the mid-'60s kiµjngs of three white c1yil rights supporters by members or the Ku Klux Klan. Born in Milwaukee, Loring learned his art at the School of American Ballet in New York. He was an original member of the Amencan Ballet and Ballet ¢aravan and. in 1940, pined the prestigious American Ballet Theater in its first season as soloist a nd choreographer. H e c reated "The Grea t American Go o f '' f o r th e American Balle t ~ater Loring sta rt ed his o w n company, Dance P layers, and acted on . the New York stage before moving t.o HoUywood t.o work in the film industry. He choreographed several Cyd Charisse movies and started the American Ballet School in Los Angeles, breeding ground for many of today's entertainet'S. H e continue d to work o n B r oadway prod u c t io n s throughout the '50s and early '60s before com ing to UCI in 1965 to lau n c h the th e n n ew umversity's dance program. He wAs the recipient in 1967 of the Annual Dance Magazin e Award for his work as an artistic director and choreographer, an hon o r akin to th e m ovie industry's Oscars. "He was one of lhe important innovators in American ballet," said Dance Magazin e e ditor William Como. "He w as especially respected for the fact that his ballets all made sociaJ statements." L oring was made professor eUleritus at UCI in 1979 and left the campus last year to retire an upstate New York. He is survived by a brothe:./ Eu'gene .. Loring wave Nonh«n and Central Celll0<nle wlll be lalr through l oc:ley Coaslal fog and low clouds Chance of -------"---•ho•era o ver norlhern .. Coada l Fair and warmer today w11n nlohs II lh8 beeches 72 10 75 end tnfand ll!aes 84 10 88 llarllble hlgtl Cloud• tonlghl wtth overnlonl IOW9 64 to 68 Continued fair and -mer on Thursday with high• al Ille beectles 73 lo 78 and fnland ar-8S 10 90 Elaewhere , rrom Poi nt Concepllon to the Me>.IC•n bO<def lllWl OUI 60 m•les Small craft adllll()() over out« wit«• mount11lns T e mperatures NATION Rain ~ th northwnl wln<ll or IS IO 2S nota with 4 to 7 loot -l ight arllll>le wind• over inner wa1.,1. llMtcOl'ninQ -1 10 touth-t 8 to S koote during alternoons tOClay Tllurllday Wind wev• 3 lo 4 Albany Albuque Anch<><llQll Allan le Atlante Cty Auatln Ballomo<e Bl<mlnohm Blamatek Bolte Botton S..ttalo 8ur11ngton Char11tn SC Charlstn WV Char111e NC Cheyenne Chlcaoo ClnelnMtl CleYeland Clmble SC Cokimlxi• Ortl·Ft Wlh Dayton Denver 73 92 58 8S 76 99 811 90 76 81 81 7S 73 8S 79 n 83 61 61 48 70 70 78 S9 73 S1 48 58 6 1 Fronts: COid _. Warm ..., O(t h1f1•'0 - Mt and aouttowest awe111 1 lo 3 t. b«:omlng 2 to • feet late onlght end fhursd•y Petc;hy morning low Clouds 1nd log V9I toulhem wet .. s Thunder11orms c ontinued ondey acron lhe Tenneaaee elley end Into the mid end upper Ilona of the Mtulsslppl Valley fter 11 night ol Y«'f heal/y rain OH Kentucky end Ten~ Showe<e feU trom the western llr1 of North CeroMne to weet .. n aw ¥ork. wllh scetterad hvnOertl0<ma elong Iha -tern ult eo .. 1 and touthern Florida T r 0 p I c 8 I s I 0 r m B e r y I trengthened to 1\111 4 mph ehor1 I ofllclal hurricane elrenglh ua•day over lht ee11ern tlentlc. poelng 11 lhree1 only ro lpplng In ...... For -toda y, ahowera and hundaratorma ware forec111 rom the Ohio and TanneuH ~ Into Ille lower Great l ak .. nd Iha mid · and nonha rn tlanllc Coul 1111u Widely altered thunderatorma were e><ecut oYet the rMI of llWt Eut, om Ille Gull coul to the uooer r .. 1 Lakea alifornia Del Moln4M OetroU Duluth El PHO Falrbantta Fargo Aagalan a, .. , F1111 Hllf110td Helen• Honotulu Houston ,~. Jackwwlle Kana City Kno11Yt118 u. Vegaa llt118 Rocio loutMlll Memphlt MIM\l MMwauQe Mple-91 P Naahvllle N9w Y0<k NOflolk Okla City Om•h• Orlando f>tlllM!phle P'-lx PHIAb..,gh Piiand, Ma 7 81 77 85 74 99 84 81 83 72 57 99 56 78 84 72 81 77 87 M 82 88 84 83 101 95 84 93 88 87 73 81 8 1 84 99 86 89 83 10& 78 78 61 88 66 68 58 82 69 68 81 67 71 88 se 83 82 63 68 49 66 48 Piiand, Ore P<ovldance Reno Richmond San Laite San Antonia Seaule Shreveport SIOU• Fllll1 St LOUla St p.fampe Spokane SyracuM Topalea Tuaon Tulae w aa111ngtn Wlehlta 40 CAUFOlllHIA se Apple valley 45 Belc•llftllld 76 Bentow 81 8-Jmonl &4 ~e-08 Bia/IOI) 74 Bly1he 72 Cetellna 72 Eurelta 75 Fteenc> 87 lancas1 .. 80 Lono 8"cll 81 lOI A~ S9 Monrovia 82 Monl.,wy 7• Mt Wllaon 84 Naedlee e3 ~BMCtl 73 Olkland 70 Ontario 72 Palm Springe 82 Pll8dena ee-Pao AO'bl9e 85 Rlveralde 58 Rad Bluff 77 80 89 82 87 97 71 9S 84 88 87 75 71 86 102 101 87 99 06 94 103 88 81 94 110 78 84 93 98 92 88 102 85 84 107 77 83 95 108 91 ~w 96 0.11 !>6 Redwood Coly SS Secramento 45 Salinas 65 San Bernardino 59 San Oabrlel 76 San Diego S6 San Franclaco 72 San Jose 10 S&nte An& 7 I S11n1a 811rb11ra 7S Senta Cruz 46 Santa Marla 81 S11nte Monica 73 Stockton 73 Tehoe 11e111y 75 Thermal 66 lorrance 7• Yuma PAN AMl!IUCAN 86 89 71 98 9S 81 74 87 76 73 67 73 74 95 77 112 82 , 11 S8 89 88 57 •o 50 77 87 SS 59 84 85 87 811rbados 88 e .. muda 79 Curacao 82 Freeport 90 Guadalajara 82 Guadeloupe 82 Hevana 90 Maietlan 9S M .. lda 95 Ma11lco City 73 Monlerrey 98 ~Smog 82 80 85 Where to call (l oll lrH ) for 57 1111111 wnoo 1n1onnetton. e2 Orange County: (800) 4'4&-M2e 73 Loa Angelea County: (80(;) 83 242-4022 1M -~encl 8., ~ 80 countlaa: (800) 381·4710 NI AOMO f!plaode Canter: (800) 242·49" Tides SURf RIPIRT TODAY tt n lwf ht1 ..... "'• .... lunla 1 2 Sant• Monlc:8 , 2 Nllwpc>f1 .._., 1 , ..,, 0..00 County 1 , O\iffOalt tor 'ffuiday-~. .... ,,. 10 10 12 Ii .... ... 1 , , 1 Seoond IOw 2:45 p .m. Seoond h!Qtl 1:4t p.m. "YMUfttOAY .... .... Flret tow 3·•1 e.m, ... \ CMr Flftl nigh 10:0 I a.m. ~ :: Second tow 3: t8 p.m. s.c:ond hlOll 9.23 p.m U ! WSSWW Sun Mte todey e1 7: 19 p.m .. • rt.. Tl1ureday at 0:27 a.m. --MoOn ~ fodey et ~41 p.m., Ml• Thundlly • 4:3 I • m me th en~ arl' s tabbings and k.Jllings in psi S ht-wants me to be t:areful " H.oush<in S<.11d tht• cuuple hod decided aga1rut lett ing their baby daughter, RazJah, visit her father In jail. ·"H er name means humble," said Roush.an. "l keep reminding myself that I have to be humble." During a phone inte rview Tuesday the L os Ang e les a ttorney said he has no intention of backing out of the 40-year lease agreement contract with the fair board and the state. In the past Witte has blamed financing problems on the delay of the theater that had been A drsput.e arose between the two over whether the ageement calll'<f fur actual construction of tht· thl'ater b y June, 1982, or merely a signed construction contrnc·t. General also seeking boost Gene ral Telephon e Co. has followed the lead of Pacific Telephone C.o. and has applied to state oflicials for pemusslon to boost telephone bills by nearly 100 percent. GTE services nearly 2.5 million Southe rn Californians in 330 communities from Laguna Beach to Santa Mar ia a nd inland. including sections of Huntington Beach and Fountain Valley. GTE asked the Public Uttlities C.omml$ion for a 94 percent rate increase Tuesday. one day after Pacific Telephone announced it would seek a massive $864.5 million annual hike. The GTE a pplicatio n' wo uld inc rease residential subscribers' basic • monthly rate from $7.75 to $15.30 and give the utility an additional $247.5 million in annual revenue. The PUC granted GTE a $100 million increase for 1982. Meanwhile, Pacific Telephone is seek ing to increase the flat monthly residential rate from $7 in ,San Francisco and Los Angeles ?_'ld $6. 70 in the rest of the state, to a $15 monthly fee statewide. If approved, GTE's new rates would not take effect until 1984. G TE Preside nt D avid Anderson said the increase was needed because of an inadequate rate hike for 1982 and a projected loss of business because of deregulation that takes e ffect next year. Anderson a l so sa id the additio n al money w o uld be needed Lo fund a multibillion· do lla r service ir-..proveme nt program by Sant.a Monica-based GTE T h e r ecession and increased competition for !orig· distance phone business caused revenues ta be "much lower than expected . . Without further substantial rate relief, General1s ea rn ings will continue to decline," Anderson said. He added: "ln order to meet the down turn i n busin ess, General ts reducing expenses wher ever it ca n wi thout jeopardizi ng i t s se r v i ce improvement program." The upgrading p.rogram is costing GTE $2 million a day. Two die in Polti'D.d outbreaks WARSAW. Poland (AP) P o l ice dodging bric k s a n d firebombs have fired on a crowd of demonstrators in the town of Lubin, killing two and wounding 12 in the most violent incident marking the second anniversary of Solidarity, the ofhctal PAP news agent·y said today In W arsaw , mourn e,.r s fashioned a cross of spent tear gas canrsters today and placed a red banner with a black stripe and a piece of paper above 1t reading. "To the me m ory o f those killed in Lubin August 31 " (The Lubin incident occurred Tuesday.) Thousands of Poles responded to the calls of their underground leaders and staged demonstrations in at least a dozen cities in a massive s how o f support for the suspended union. PAP said 600 people were arrested in Warsaw during the protests, 64 5 in Wroclaw and 100 in Szcrecin. Western diplomats said Polish 0Cfic1als told them between 65,000 and 75,000 people took part in the protests, . and that 136 policemen we re hurt. No overall figure on civilian injuries was available. M eanwhile, the wife o f interned Solidarity leader Lech Walesa said after visiting him that he "was not of the opinion to tum out in the streets and fight. But the w orkers know that the law is not respected b y the authorities and worke rs should fight with the app ropriate measures." She did not specify which measures w ou ld be appropriate. Mrs. Walesa spoke to a report.er in Gdansk. The report by PAP was the first announcement of fatalities tn the demonstrations. They were the first deaths caused by clashes between police and protesters since the early days of martial law last December. PAP sai.d three of the 12 wounded in Lubin we re hurt seriously. El.even police officers aod one volunteer police reservist were also reported hurt. "Investigations so fa r s h ow that firearms w ere used because of the aggressive behavior of the crowd, who were attacking the governm ent forces w ith gasoline bombs, stones and bric k s," Warsaw radio said in a report monitored in London . Lubin is a copper -mining town of 67,000 people, where few incidents of unrest have been reported previously. Authorities responded to Tuesday's deaths by imposing an 8 p.m . to 5 a .m . curfew on the town's youths an.d an 11 -p.m . to 5 a.m . curfe w on adults. Warsaw radio, meanwhile. scud police had arrested a "terrorist gro up" plannin~ "poli tical murders'' in Katowice, solJth'weS't Poland's coal capital. T he broadcast said the arrests were ''terrifying evidence of the increasin g ruthlessn ess" of political opponents. The radio said the group planned to execute ofticials in pub'lic, sabot.age s t.ate faci lities and provoke demonstrations and riots by Solidarity me mbers who failed to accept their conspiracy PRIVATE CONTRACTOR ISSU • • From Page A 1 Manage ment audit Called for a wide-ranging study of the O range County S h eriff's· Dep a rtment. Patrol service levels, use of non-sworn civilians for some duties now handled by d e puties and organizational structure will be examined. The study will be conducted by a consultant, Sheriff.C.oroner Brad Ga t es and the coun t y Administrative Office. 'fhe department, w ith l ,J.59 full-tim e employees, has an annual budget of $50. l million. 253 OFF SALE ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, SEPT. 4 AT OOR THRl!f LOCAL STOHS INCLUDES ALL: • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCf<S • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS lllFE SIUPEllll CUllC Sat., Sept. 4, 10 AM -2 PM At Corona del Mar Store Only Ttw.. Kniwt ,., Cuttom• SMrp.n.d ............. "°' Kn~ 69< loch. All StOf' .. Open Lar>of Dey 9 AM-5 PM ... more than you expect In s hardware store _ ••••• EJ HARDWaRE V1S4· Ai lt0!9_1_. ' •• • Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/WednMday, hptembef 1, 1982 8 -• /. • I rise lnfl.-nza, alc~holism blamed for · trend w A#if rnoTON (AP)• -cente~ed ·on expal'\•lon rath.; Influenza, alcohollarn and Umhed IEll lla1~n11 than upgradina . quallt.y. Al a medical care are combining to · M reeult, he conclUded, the Soviet cau.e a D.aina death rate in the medlCal 1y1tem Ii unable to cope . t Soviet Union, an unprecedented ~x lalned. by the population'• with the neecU of the po~Uon. trend in peacetime, ac.cordUli to a • ' to far," he uid. · · And whlle he aald Sovie• p..;........_--+=~priva1e atudy=---~blrth..i.o-aidenhtp h:w-expz 1& 1d l'lllllllil"!l!nf----.t Murray Fe•hbach of declining amona Soviet malea, about thie proble~. ~h• Targets AP Wlrephoto Four killer whales travel through waters located be tween the coast of Washington and Vancouver Island in British Columbia. The ·canadian government has issued permits for the capture of two of the 80 or so killer whales which roam the coastal waters of the Northwest. Development, hunting peril Yellowstone grizzly population WA SHINGTON (AP) -18th century, the number in the Unless 10mething is done soon to lower 48 states has dropped to atop illegal hunting and control fewer than 1,000. scie ntists nearby land development, estimate. Yellowstone National Park is in In addition to those at danger of losing Its grizzly bears, Yellowstone, anoth.er 800. are a National Park Service memo located around Glacier National aaya. , ......... .. ...... , .... r..arr)~.m<?~~~· While ·~tiulies The bear is falling victim to m moniana also are hs ~d as hunters and loss of habitat from threatened, they are n?t ~n as development jQst outside the severe danger ~ ~he gnu.lies at park, according to the memo. Yellowstone, offic1~ say. The grizzly population at the The park service h.as been park waa put at 187 bears, almost aware of threats to gnzzlies at a 40 percent drop from the early Yellowst?ne for. several years. 1970s. This includes perhaps as Waue r u chairm a n of the few as 30 females In te:agenc y . Grl zzl>'. Bear · Steenng Committee, which was • '0n1 y i mm e di ate and established in 1973 to coordinate broadacale action can sa9e the relfef work between federal and grizzly," Dr. Roland Mauer, a state agencies. park aervice scientist, wrote in Wauer's memo re<:ommends the memo. "We no longer have tougher civil penalties for killing the luxury of time to research grizzlies and beefing up the the remainin.g parts of the number of wildlife agents to puule." catch lawbreakers. From a grizzly population of Just this summer, four gnu.lies 50,000 west of the Mississippi were illegally killed by hunters River at the beginning of the in WyominR, Wauer said. He cited congressional testimony that within 200 miles of Yellowstone, it is possible to purchase hundreds of grizzly claws as souvenirs even though such sales are illegal. Wauer said the grizzly habitat · was·being !'nickel-end ·dlmed·out ... of existence" by development around the park, including increasing energy exploration. · • Pote n t i al g e o t h ~rm a l developments at Island Park and oil and gas leasing in the Gallatin National Forest and Washakie WiJde mess may all contribute to the declining status of the Yellowstone grizzly bear." Wauer's memo was leaked to the press by the Wilderness Society. Society official Ron Tipton said the memo pointed up the need for a stiffer law to protect national parka from development en nearby land. Such a bill is currently pending before the House Interior Committee. Saudi Arabian students beaten Vandalism, harassment by locals stem from 'jealousy' OTTUMWA, Iowa (AP) - Saudi Arabian students studying Englilh in this aoutheut Iowa city ha.ve been greeted with taunts, vandalism to their cars and -in the latest incident -a weekend assault that left five people injured, authorities say. "At first we really liked very much this city," said Ibrahim Abdulkaeer, one of 160 students in the language program. ''The people were so friendl y . Suddenly, now we don't know. Maybe lt'a because of money . . . ·we don't know." "Not one of us wants to stay here," added another, Hassan Fallath. · Their comments came after five Saudi nationals were attacked and injured by a group of about 25 club-wielding men who emerged from the darkness, police said. During the past two months, at least a dozen incidents of vandalism to student-owned cars have been reported. The students aay Ottumwa police told them that the vandalism and haramnent probably stem from jealousy of the Saudis' new cars, ~ ....... .., ........... ~ ' Q1111•11T..._. ...,_ Ot.,... County AtlM to-4J1 I .,.,.,_ Hunt1noton l•ecll -w. ... -.. ,ue Lalu!'e........ -- money and dates with local women. The language program. mostly for employees of Saudia Airlin~. is operated by Northrop Corp. Technical Institute of Hawthorne, Calif. Program director Balph Morgan called the lat.est incident an "ugly scene." Local officials have promised an investigation of the tensions, some fearing the classes will be moved from the community of 27 ,400 people. TJle Sunday assault came in a parking lot across the street from the residence of four students, said Aziz Alsaud, who lives at the home. He said nine Saudis were playing cards and watching television "when we heard a rock hit the door." The students went outside, and found five cars with slashed tires and one broken antenna, Abaud said. "Most of the guys went back in the house," he said. Then a group of men charged up a steep grassy slope by the parking lot and attacked the five Saudis remaining outside, Alsaud said. Treated and r eleased at Ottumwa Hospital were Faig Shata, 22; Abdullah Ramal, 22; Maher Faden , 19 , and Mohammed Selaghor, 21. The fifth vTctlm, Abdul Khiwas, 22, was ln stable condition Monday at University Hospitals in Iowa City with head and facial injuries. All are students in the Engl.i.ah training program except Selaghor, who was visiting a relative. The attackers carried clubs, chains and brass knuckles, the students said. Two representatives of Saudla Airllnes planned to visit this w eek, and students say they have been told to stay away from classes in the meantime. "We picked this place because we felt there would be mlnimum disturbance. We can't change hutna.n nature," Morgan said. Mayor Je.rry Parker, who met . in a cloeed-door laSion Monday with community leaders to dbc\111 the problem, utd local youth• believe the Saudis "appear to be competition." We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded, transcribed ~nd delivered to the appropriate editor. . The same 24·hour answering service ma)' ~ used to record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contri utors must jnclude their name and telephone number for verlflc lion. No clrculatl~n calls. please. Tell WI what's on your mind "ORANGE COAST -D1ily Pilat -..,... Themoa '·Haley 'ubli"* ond o.lef E.ttea11;... Olhc;., L Kay Schvlh Yiu ~9lldelll Giid OlrectGt al A.cMtllillftO Thomae A. Murphlne Eclltot loymoncf Mod.eon CoMroler ..,..._. ----...---.. _._ MAIN OfflCI • wet1-... "·· c .... Mftll, CA. llUll..,.._, ... ,.,C .... Mftll,CA, .... c.-,r19M "97 Or .... c .. 11 NM .... ~. ... _ ....W.. lltlllifM""" .-.r1e1 ~w .. ffnlMIMftb ...,.... '9\eY .. ,..,... ....... 8"Cte• ,..,.,..,._. .. cenrltfll-. Georgetown Univeralty, a teahbach found . In 1964, it propbrtlonofthenationalbud19' leading authority on the Sovi.et reached a high of 67 years for a devoted to health care dropped male life expectancy lj1lce 1964 6 1 . 9 '/.ears r n 1 9 8 0 . By percent in 1978. -:--t population, also report. a drop in male, but hu llnce dropped to from 6.6 percent in 196~ tO 5~ in the Soviet Union. • . comparilon, for American males, Fethbach 88id the decline The declines in Soviet the official life expectancy at Soviet birth rates haa bee population growth ~d lead to birth wu 69.~ years in 1978: particularly noted amon1 shortages of worken and 10ldiers Alcoholiam, now .pandemic in Rusilan1, UkraJnlan1 and in that country by the tum of the the USSR, la undoubtedly a Byelorussiana, while blrtM century, the study said. leading factor behind the continued at a high level in the "Barring time of war, this mortality rise among working Asian sections of that country. ,,. trend ls unique in the history of age ·Soviet men, although heavy From a current estimate o( lM developed countries," Feahbach drinking la abo increuing among million Soviets of working AP. wrote in hlB study "The Soviet women and teen. ager a,'' Feahback projecta growth to onll- Unlon: Population Trends and Feshbach wrote. 158 million by 1985 and 16Jt. Dilemmas," published by the Alcohol consumption has aho million by 1990. : private, non·proflt Population increased in the United ·States Thia~. he said, that the .Reference Bureau. but the prima~y difference is country's leadership can no Feshbach said the Soviet that; in the USSR, hard liquor longer count on the traditional Union's death rate dropped to a makes up 65 percent of all means of expanding tndu.atrial low of 6.9 deaths per 1,000 alcohol consumed, versus 40 growth through abunda t population in 1964, but "1lnce percent in the U.S .," he said. supplies of manpower. a. then,..tf official Soviet data are to It was Feshbach who, two •Feahbach also said the nee&., be c r e dited, the rate has years ago, first dlaclosed an could ariae to extend conacription· increased by 50 percent to 10.3 in increase in Soviet Infant from two years to three~ 1980. The U.S . crude death rate mortality. That was attributed to ·maintain Soviet anned forcet was 8.6 in 1980." a number of factors including their current level of 4.8 milli A population's death rate goes Influenza epidemics, poor men. up when fewer children are prenatal care and Inadequate Br 1990, only 2.1 million males being born, and ihus elderJy nutrition. wil turn 18, not enough t6 people make up more of the total That high infant mortality is maintain the overall manpowe\O population. "However, the a.lao a factor in the rising Soviet total. But keeping them in dramatic rise in the national death rate, he report.. service would prevent them fioom1 crude death rate of the Soviet Health care has grown l.n the entering the labo.r markeV,l Union ia beyond what can be Soviet Union, but that has wonenlng the shortage there. •t; Falling Lumberjack Phil Scott, left, found that roller ska'tes were not the secret wea~n to win a log-rolling duel against his nephew Rene Scott. Their joust was part of the Mol10n Lumberjack Show in Toronto. Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Cuti/I~ Gemoqiat, AGS INDIA'S DIAMONDS ' • piowi .. IWOllree India, which already ranb third among the world'• nations that export cut and polished diamonds (Belgjum and Iarael are tope) is planning to double lta exporta over the next flve yean: lndla'1 diamond cutten already claim th.ree·fourtN of the world market tn 1maller dlamonda, 1uch .. thme \.eel in eettlnp with emenlda, rubiee· and other colored stonea. 'nlere are literally tbouund1 of cr.aftamen acattered ~out , Ind.la who work 1n the ahOpe of .,,.u ~·Many of them ..... o0ncentrat.ed atoUftd the peat port dt)' of Bombay. To ilicrHH the d&amond trade, the lnd.1an ~t plana ~ •pend 27 mUUon dollan In Clevelopi~I · new dlamOnd minee· ln eenu:.i India. bwUa ii a ~ country, but the diamond lidulll'y often a chance for· the nation to pull tu.elf up by lta economic bootttrapi. Meanwhile, the 1ncr1-d 4iamond actiYltJ wW help India'• lnlernational balance of· paymenta, and wt11 reduce-la lmportatiol') of ~ Af rtcan dlanibnda . When you have something rare and · beaUtiful __ to celebrate. One single diamond. Set slmpty 1nd ele91ntly. To sparkle on Its own, Of lasting Vllue. bee•• diamonds of about one carat and up are rare. Unique. bec•UM no two dlamo(lds are alltce. If you·~ looking for that spec lat gift. comt ... our Mllctlon of diamond solitaire jewtfry. You11 know why It's the gift when you hllM somtthlng rare ind bNut~I to celebrate. Orang• Ooa1t DAil. y PILOT/WtdnHday, September 1, 1911 ' Big wheels David O'Keefe (top) and {{evin Martin, both 13, try out a Cosmic Orbititor on ·the bench n ear the Balboa Pier. Mail order firms sued DEAR READERS: The Federal Trade Commission has filed suit against two Southern California mail-order firms to force them either to deliver goods or refund money for at least $850,000 worth of orders~ In a civil complaint filed in U.S. Uistrict Court in Los Angeles,.,the FTC alleged that Super Market Media of North Hollywood. its owner Nathan Peleg and SMM Mail Order Ma.rketing Inc. of San Fernando, violated the agency's mail-order rule by failing to fill orders within the required 30 days or notifying customers-of a delay and offering refunds to them. The agency's regulation ca.rries the effect of law. The FTC Is asking the court to require that the firms either deliver or give customers refunds for about 65,000 undelivered packages in a San Fernando warehouse. The request also includes any other orders not yet disclosed that remain unfilled. The FTC also is Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 CILllY, SITII TllE FUTUtD .WILL PlllT $a·~ .... (Reg. $14.99) seeking civil penalties of $10,000 for each violation and a pe.rmanent lllJUnctton against further violations of FTC mall-order rules. SMM was 84 percen t owned by Peleg until last March, when he sold the firm to Las Vegas-based Gol<t Equities Inc. Within a day, SMM was seized by U.S. marshals for alleged non-payment of debts a nd is n ow in bankruptcy proceedings. Harold A Abeles, a Los Angeles attorney representing Gold F.quities, declined comment, saying bia client is attempting to rescind the SMM purchue. The FTC suit covers orders rece.ived by the firms since Jan. 1, 1979. The complaint . alleges that the two firms and Peleg 10llcited orders and "yet had no reasonable basls to expect they could ship products within the required period" of 30 days. Georae..Schulman. at· the Los AJfgeles FTC office said Super Market Media has been in business for 15 years and SMM was lnoorporated in 1974. Correcting bank· error DEAR PAT: I ja1t received my moatllly bank statement and •• far as I cu tell, a mistake ba.1 beea ma~~ "• one of my aulomated teller maclalne truuctlou. Wbat procedure .. oald I follow to 1et tbe buk lo make • correetlom? I alre~y notUled t)e bank, bat wonder If I uve to Clo more. C.S., Costa Mesa Our famous Fish f, Morf!b has two crispy ash fillets. fresh coleslaw, "golden fryes, and two crunchy hu~hpuppies. Who could ask for more? 3095 Harbor Blvd. In Costa Mesa IJ,,., South ol Son Olqo fwy . .oo .. lrom r~o 1'4715 Jeffrey Rd. •t W•lnut Ow oil s.n,. Ano fwyJ Irvine OLYMPIC STAIN Semi-Transparent Solid oil And Latex Weatherscreen ... .. . l. ·-Deinoc:rat~Ie-ads ID Crea'fi poll shows ni:tD trailing ArclJer A poll commluloned b_y White Houte -and 10meona told a ft.publican ca.ridldate Johnnie R. trlend," he 1ugaeeted. contultant.a wanted. "h 'e hll poll and at Lbll point in time thflf( wanted to malbt • Cru..n_purp.Dtledl1. l.bow1 ...._ The 33-year-old Republican Democrat Roy .. Pat ' Archer ~-.aid he II not •~pri.Md by J.ad1na all candtdatel ln the race the poll resu.lt.a. "It'• a aood poll • took u bad u they could and- ahow that Archer could win. We really don't place any real stgn.lflcance ln t.he poll,'' Packard f or tfle Ord Conare11lonal and I'm a llttle blt behind Dlatrlct Ifft. , ~her, but Jt doesn't surprt.e me The poll, c:onduc~ recently because I've been beat up by the by a Texu flnn, ahow9-A:rcher new1papert coiul1ten\l)' 1lnce .-ld. . Packard added that he l• expecllnt_ the re.ulta from a poll he commiulon~d In the n,xt several days. He said he intends to make the reaulta of his poll public. leaCl.lµg the three candidate. with May,' Crean aatd. 34 percentJ Crean wtth' 27 He added that the poll ahoY'• ~rcent ancl write-in can~idate . that· Archer ii getting thp l\Oll Packard trailina with only 4 Democratic vote ln the solidly percent. Crean c:onilrmed Tues-Republican dlatri<:t while day. Som~ercent ofjhe J{epublldn..voled largely'are Packard, who announced he would run aa a write-In candidate In the days following voters 1ampled .. ad they are atW undecided. undecided in the race, he 18id. "The poll shows either me or Reluh1 of the poll became ~her la going to win and the : the primary election, ran aecona to Crean in a-bt~terly contested 18-way primary . .Fl.nal vote tot.ala showed Packard loaing tO Crean by a slim 92-vot.e margin. public Jlfter they were ''leaked" oniy results of the write-in will to a member oi San Dfego ~ to ~ect Archer," Crean alao County'• Republican central said. · committe·e by 1omeone ln Predlctably, Archer said he Waahlngton, D.C., Crean said. was pleased to learn the poll He said that when he arrived showed him as the front-runner Heavily Republican, the .43rd district, which includes por:tiona of both south _Orange County and north San nfego County, wu considered a "safe'~ Republican seat tl\is election year. Monday to speak to the San in the race. ' Diego Republican Buslneas and "I feel l'rp going to win, I'm Professional Club h e.,was the front-runne.r primarily confronted by several people because ot a hegative vote who knew the poll'• findings. against Johnnie Crean," Archer But Crean said he doesn'.t said. believe the poll was rel~ in The Democratic candidate an attempt to damag~Ch!d, however, that while he Expansion OK'd chances. "Thia wasn't a decision believes the poll's findings are MERCED (AP) -The City Council bas approved a aewer master plan to allow development north of Merced de1pite warnings that homes there would encr~h or. the nolie zone for Castle Mr Foree Base. made to help or hurt anyone," valid, he feels that Packard Crean said. actually has great.er support than "I think this is probably the the poll showed. most interesting race in the Packard, ttle former mayor of coutry and the results were _Carlsbad, said that the poll was floating around the ReR_uhli~ designed to-demonstrate just Congressional a>rnmitt.ee or the w bat Crean' s campaign Also send a letter to the bank within 10 days. Give your name and account number (not your personal identification number) and describe the error. Aft.er being notified, the bank has 10 days to investigate and tell you the results. If tl.le bank needs more time it can take up to 45 clays to investigate, but only if the monel in dispute is returned to your account. I no error is found, the bank can take the money back. If you fail to notify the bank within 60 days, you may be out of luck. The bank has no obligation, under federal law (Electronic Fund Transfer Act) to conduct an invesugation if you missed the deadline. Army fund program· DEAR PAT: Can you explaln bow tbe Army college faad program works? I've laeard tbat tlae Army match• funds tbe service peuon aavu and a college education can be financed in tbJ1 way. 1 • T.G., Fountain Valley The fund combines a qualified soldier's savings with government matching funds and Army supplements. This program, now being introduced nationwide, allows a soldier to accumulate as much as $1 5,200 (while contributing $2,400) during a two-year enlistment. During a three or four-year enliBtment, a soldier's college fund could grow Open Daffy,.. Sunday 10-7 Cuetom nftttng At No lxtra Oo.t Al i\DVllTlllD ON'N . . to $20, 100, with a contribution of $2,700 by the soldier. . To participate in the Army College Fund, qualified high school graduates enlist in the Army and agree to train in one of 60 selected military occupational specialties. They contribute from $25 to $100" of their pay ea~h month up to a total of $2,400 in two years or $2,700 in three or more years. (Saving is possible since pay is more than $550 a. month and housing, meals and work clothes are provided.) The gQvernment will ~~ _ ... soldier's contribution two-for-one. Then the Arnly will contribute additional money - $8,000 for a two-year enlistn;ient periOd or $12,000 for an ·enlistment of three or more years. .t Army recruiting stations t)ave details on the Army College Fund as well as other Army education and skill training programs. • ·"Got a problem? Then write to Pat· Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • 1 getti!Jg the 8.J'.'6Wer5 and acpon you nee'd to solve inequities In ,... • government and business. Mail1 I ! your questions to Pat Horowitz, At ~our Servi.ce, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box .1560, Costa M~. f:A 92626. As many letters u possible will be answered. Wed. thN Sat., Sept. 1·4, 1912 c:::mr-.... The Saving Place• THE PERFORMER ...... OUR FEATURE.PACK~D EXTERIOR HOUSE PAINT • Famous Dutch loy · Quality • 9·year Durablllty lattng • for Wood, Metal, Masonry • Fade And Chalk R4alatont Lat•• lxtertor HouM flalnt Acrylic. flot-t1nlsh house point in white. custom tints. •1o11 House And Trtm Paint •..•.......•...•........ to.a 6. Weathertght"' House "*'t FtoMtntSl'I late)( hOUSe paint in white and colors Ide Inell ICll. ... ,. r .. . -·-·~ Orange Oout DAILY PILOT /WednMday, September 1, 1982 .,, I• ntertaine~-Roy Clark donates ·iJSycliecK for four r.ean, held a "family 1 11111 / flC' 117 Country 1tn1er Roy Clark eerformed at the Garfield County Jl'atr In Rifle, Colo .. and off tclala hoped to net enouah to help offeet poor bualneta caUled bf a alowdown in the oU aha.le tndualr)'. .... They di~n't sell aa many tlckell aa they hoped for the Saturda'y night oorw;elU, but the windtalf came anyway. After Clark, a star of television'• "Hee Haw," finished his tee0nl1 show. he wrote the Rifle.Chamber of Commerce a peraonal check for $15,000, exactly the sum that had been adyanced him. The -Tates .and Catnpbells, whose outrageous problemJ made "Soap" a hit ABC comedy reunion'. in Lot An1elH to f celebrate the 1how'1 flnt v•nture wer from the kJng •t one point to t.ry to IOOthe the babf. · into 1yndica,tton. "Thlt it wonderful," Katlaerlee H•lmoad uid at Chaaen1 ""taurant. ''Thia rewuon la juit like an epilode of 'Soap.' It'• ao chaotic and wlld," added' the red-hatred actress, who played Je11lca Tate. More than a dozen of the eertee' 1tars.attAtnded the reunion. The show, ~spoof on daytime soap operas, la going Into domestlc. syndication in alighUy more than 30 markets. It. has been ahoWn in foreign countries sirw;e the show made lta debut in September 1977. chlld of Swedish Kt11 Carl GHtlf and QHH snvra, haa been chlltened before 700 aue.tl at the royal palace chapel. The infant, born June 10, ·waa baptized Tuetday u tladelelDe TllereH ..Amelie Joaeplltne b)' 1.;utheran Archbishop Olof SIUl'dby. Ra11ell HlJcbcock, lead I naer of the Auatrallan pop group AJr Supply, hat/been treated at a hoepltal here ln St. Paul, Minn. after falling off t}\e stage at the MIMellOta State Fair. Httchoock, 33, wu taken by ambulaJtCe to the emergency room of St. Paul-Ramley Medlcal Cent.er. Hospital offlclals said he waa treated and released, Tour manager Jou Slatterly said that Hitchcock suffered a bro~n wrist, brulRI a!1d tore ribs. Gustaf, 36, with 0-year-old Crown Prtnce11 Vtctorla at his aide, held the crying Madeleine fDr moat of the 30-mlnute ceremony, rocking her In his arms to quiet her. Queen Silvia sat holding the Jim H1ye1 is a mall carrier at hand of the couple's 3-year-old last,-and the heart transplant cro.--count.ry bicycle trek befor~ he won the job M)'t be expec:ta to lead a normal life.. · The 30-year-old Knoxville, Tenn .. man who married '"' • monttui aao.and eot the pa1tal job earlier thl1 year, declares: "I have no hard feelings againlt the poet offJce." . Haye&' initial applJcatJon f« • mail h,andler'1 job wat iurn down because the P<>1tal ~rvice didn't beUeve anyone with hi• history of eerloua heart proble would be ablt to handle the physical demandJI of \he j>b. He appealed after ~kJ t.rl from Knoxvllle to Stanford Medical Center· ln..PaJo A lto. Calif., for hia annual checkup. and finally was offered a job aa a rnail carrier. Prtnce11 Madeleine, the-thJ.rd_ llOn, Prlace Carl Pllillp, but took pat.lent who ~ 3,()()()-mUe, -----------~--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------.:.~------------ I -lABOR DAY SALE . . . SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: THURSDAY AND FRIDAY 10-9 SATURDAY 10-6 WOMEN'S FASHIONS 40%0FF LIZ CLAIBORNE SWEATSHl~T DRESSING Savvy cotton/palyester sweats in bright Jewel-tone colors. Blouson pullover. S~M-L Orig. $42. ~e..i24-.... . Elastic waist ankle pant.'Orig. $48. Sale $27.99 . . Y<?ung Designer Sportwear, 105. $20.99 FRENCH CANVAS PULL-ON PANTS Orig. $30. A casual classic in rich. fall colors. with a terrific fit. Polyester. 6 to 16. Robinaire Spartswear. 7. 33%0ff. PERSONAL COORDINATES Orig. $32-$77. Sale $20.99-$50.99. Blazers, pants. skirts and blouses in the tailored styles and colors you love. Robinalre Sportswear. 160. t 33%0FF FAMOUS-MAKER SPORTSWEAR Reg. $19-$91. Sale $11.99-$59.99. Villager.• Pant-Her, • J & H Collectibles and Prophecy coordinates: jackets. skirts, blouses, pants. sweaters. T-shirts and shorts In-current styles and colors. 6 to 16. Selection may vary in each store. Robinalre Sportswear. 162. • U"GERIE $19.99, $24.99 OLGA• BODYSILK• GOWN OR ROBE' Soft, lacy lilac gown with form-fitting stretch bodice in nylon/spandex. Reg. $32. Sale •19.99. Matching robe. Reg. $40 .. Sale $24.99. , Lingerie/Sleepwear. 11. $3.99-M.99 SHORTS AND TOPS Reg. $6.50-$8.50. Pretty actionwear by Formaid• in bright striped or solid cotton. Gym shorts. strapless and tank tops. Llngerle/Oaywear. 91 . $18.99 . COMFORTABLE NIGHT SHIRT Reg. $26. Just the thing for slumber parties, studying or late nights in the dorm, Long, cozy nightshirt in palyester/cotton interlock knft. Junior Intimate Apparel. 83. JWRJR'S $19.99-$2'.99 CORDUROY JUMPERS "' OriQ.. •30· 134. our wld&-wale. aquar•neck ... Jumpera wlll 1ook terrific with your new plaid shim and sweeter. Rich fall colors of cotton corduroy. 5 to 13. JWR JR'S, 117. SUNDAY11·6 MONDAY, LABOR DAY 10-6 I• $15.99 FLANNEL SHIRTS . Special. New.fresh fall pJaids in a great collection · of colors. Soft cotton flannel, 5 to 11 frpm Genesis. ~WR JR'S, 150. $•9~99 V·YOKE P4NT Special. The perfect pant to wear with your new fall tops-with its V-yoke belted at the waist. Black or khakt cotton/palyester twill. 6 to 13, from Our Family Tree. JWR JR'S, 165. $18.99 . ' · CUFFED PANTS Orig. $28. A crisp-looking blend of polyester /cotton In a great selection of bright colors. 5 to 13, from Tomboy. JWR JR'S, 164. $12.99 ACRYl,.IC CREWNECK SWEATERS Orig. $18. Great topping for your new fall skirts and pants in a wide range of colors. S-M-L. JWR JR'S, 154. $15.99 NUBBY CREWNECK SW!ATERS --~ Reg. $25, Our soft acrylic/wool crewnecks with tweed-like textures come in all the basic fall colors. S-M·L. JWR JR'S, 150. KIDS $9.99 INFANTS' JOG SUITS Reg. $16. Darling little jog suits to cuddle up In. or get up and go. Soft acrylic in a rainbow of colors. 6-12-18 months. Kids. 53. $14.99 TODDLERS' JOG SUITS Reg. $22.50. Red, gray or pink suits In soft acrylic from Teddy Bears. T.oddler sizes 2 to 4. Kids. 113. $16.99 GIRLS' 4·8X JOG SUITS Reg. $26. A bright perky assortment in easy-car4t • acrylic, from Kleinerts. Kids. 49. $20.99-$29.99 GIRLS' 7·14 JOO SUITS Reg. $32-$46. Our et)tlre as8ortment in spirited colors and zippy shapes, all In palyester/cotton from Bull Frog. Kids. 45. $13.99-$15.99 BOYS' 4·? JOO IUIT8 Reg. S21-$24. For little sports who want to keep up with Dad. acrylic suits In anorted colors. Kids, 32. .,7.99-$29.99 .. BOYi' 1•20 JOG SUIT& Reg. 127-145. A great collection of sporty suits In many colors. In polyester/cotton from Bull Frog and Todd One. S-M·L. Kids, 22. MEN'S STORE , ' $17!.99 FRENCH DESIGNER POLOS Reg. $27.50-$28.50. Famous-designer styles in a brilliant array of solid and striped cotton/polyester. ~M-L-XL. Men's Knits. 21. $21.99 FAMOUS-MAKER, BELTED CHINOS Reg. $32. The papular twill pant in a heavier palyester/cotton blend just right for fall. In all the basic.shades, 30 to 40. Men's Spart Casuals. 123. $29.99 OUR OWN CHINTZ flUGHT JACKET Orig. $40. The hottest windbreaker of the season. now with a new collar treatment. Polished cotton/polyester in fall shades, s.M-L-XL. Men's Outerwear, 163. $12.99-$16.99 SUMMER SHORTS Orig. $18-$22. A great collection in assorted styles. colors and fabrics. Men's Active Sportswear. 118. HOME STORE. .. 60%0FF ' JOHNSON BROTHERS . FINE ENGLISH IRONSTt>NE Reg. $34.45. Sale $13.78. Five-piece settings in your choice of two lovely patterns: Fleur D'Orange or Monticello. Setting includes dinner plate. soup bowl. bread/butter. cup and saucer. China, 67. 50%0FF COLONY CRYSTAL WINE SET Reg. $60. Sale •29.99. Beautifully-shaped decanter with six matching glasses in optic crystal -fit for your finest vintage wines. Glassware. 86. ' 5.(>%0FF INTERNATIONAL SILVERPLATED FLATWARE Reg. $149.88. Sale $74.99. Our elegant Southern Splendor. 48-pc. set includes 8 each: place forks. salad forks, place knives, place spoons and teaspoons; plus eight serving pieces. Silver Flatware, 181. 50%0FF 81MMON8 DEEP8LEEP EXTRA·FIRM MATTRESS You can save S180-S390 per set now on famoua- q\Jallty Simmons mattreaaes. lWln. mattress or boxspring, reg. $179.99 ea. pc., aale •&I. Full. ea. pc., reg. $229.95 ea. pc., ..... 114. Queen 2-pc. set, reg. S599.95, Sale •2". King 3-pc: set, reg. 1699.95, sale tMI. (Queen •nd king slz,es sold as aeta only.) Sleep Shop, 76. . '- ·1 J .t , ; _J . .. .. 'Dutch uncle' leciure ,, I hits bureaucratic stall Congratulations are ln order • for Oran1e County Supervisor Ralph Clark for putting the • county AdmlnJatrative Office in fts • place. ' . In rnid-July , county sqpervisors, at Clark's urgil'\g. aaked the office to study the feasibility of h.irlni private finns to take over functions traditionally Nindled by county governm~nt. Basically, Clark wanted' ilie office to hire an outside firm to · determine what county services might be handled by the private sector under contractual arrangements. The administrators didn't do that. Instead, they produced a flimsy report that was nothing more than an attempt to stonewall action on ClaJ:k's proposal. As is so typical, the administrators wanted more time for more studies. The report concluded onl y two fw1ctions of county.government -· maintenance of county vehicles and diatribution of food stamps - were 0 areas ariproprlate for immediate atudy. 1 Clark said the whole approach by the administrators smacked of ''classic bureaucratic doubletalk." 'We agree. And we are left the distinct impression that the administrative off tee fs more c_oncerned about protecting county agencies from extinction tnan about perfonning its real function -to administer county government as efficiently a5 possible. If that means turning over certain county-provided services to the private sector, so be it. Supervisors decided after Clark's "Dutch uncle" lecture to give the administrators a second chance at studying the issue of contracting services. We'll be expecting some more enlightening inf onnation the next time around. lminigri.tion reform W i t h r e g a r d t o U . S . object strenuously to the demand immigration policy, two things are that they be held respo~ble for crystal clear: checking a job applicant's status. I ~--This country must take· Growers had hoped for inclusion I step s to regain control of its of some type of guest worker borders. program that would gu.raritee I -No immigration reform them sufficient help to bring in measure can be drawn up without their crops. stirring strong opposition from But spokesmen for the some quarters. Hispanic community object to the The i,weeping Simpson-creation of any "subclass" of MazzoU immigration bill just resident, and eitpecially have passed by the Senate and due to expressed fear that the threat of reach the House after the Labor employer sanctions might Day recess, has its flaws and discourage the hiring of anyon~ of already is the· subject of some foreign. appearance, just to be ~ bitter criticism. But it is a ,first-step the-.sa{e-side. -__ __ and that step must be talCen. And many Americans are First of all, it recognizes some fearful the new rules might lead basic facts of life. The United to a "national identity card" such States cannot possibly open ifs as used· in· many countries. The doors to everyone who would like bill's spoJll!Ors, however, point out to come here. In f'980 there were that the required identification 800,000 official immigrants, would not have to be carried at all including 125,000 refugees, plus times, but presented only when illegal immigrant s probabb seeking employment. And, given numbering in hundreds of the fact that our ubiquitous Social thousands. Security number now appears on The Simpson-Mazzoli bill sets everything from bank accounts to an admission quota of 425,000 drivers' licenses, the fear would immigrants a year, not counting seem-t.o-be exaggerated. refugees admitted under special As for employer sanctions, legislation. That is closer to one of the chief objections to the feasibility. . presence of so many illegal aliens With undocumented aliens is the fact that they can be, and already numbered in millions, it is too often are hired at subminimum patently impossible tO round up wage levels and threatened with and deport all of them. exposure if they complain. · So the bill would grant Employers who have been guilty amnesty to those who could·prove of this sort of e)(f>loitanon )lave ~dence in the U.S. before 1977. only themselves to blame if the ~d temporary l!esident status to rules of the game art! tightened. thoae living here since 1980, but 8 0 m e 0 f t h e b i 1 1 • s With the proviso that they would riot be entitled to welfare or other shorttomings doubtless will be federal assistance for three years. modif.ted during the House Af th h ld k hearings. For example, e)imination ter at, t ey · cou see of immigration preference for permanent sta\US. Undocwnented adult children, brothers and sisters aliens who have arrived since 1980 of naturalized lJ.S . citize~is would remain subject to contrary to the longsta d 'ng deportation. 1 Reco--i""*-.,, the fact that most po icy of encouraging fam· y &"..-...""& r e u n i f i c a t i o n . A n d t h e aliens ent~ring the country requirement that foreign students illegally come in eearch of jobs -f:\lld find · them without much return to their own countries for difficulty ~ the bill provides stjff two years af1er graduation before Rel'l'1llties for employers who applying for readmission could l<nowingly hire illegal aliens. deprive the countj of expertise pending c re a ti 0 n 0 f a gained while training here in tax- counterfei t-proof identificaUon supported schools. ~ent, employers of four or . No doubt the hot debate will E workera would have to continue. But something must be e that they had c hecked done to establish a rational · al identification documents to irrunigration policy. It is long past 41pport a job applicant's claim of time for Congress to stop debating 1'gality. and take action, even at t h e ' All these provisions have expenee of stepping on many toes. diU8ed concern in one quarter or U the new rules don't work, another. they can be modified. ·The present • · l Employers, and especially situation borders on chaos and is th~•.!' e~..1.a~e~ in agriculture! 9uite .intolerable. . . Opinions t!l(pressed In the space abOve are ttiose of the Dally Pilot. Other views ex· pressed on this page ~r.e those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is Invit- ed. Addre$S The D~uly Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa CA 92626 Phone (71~) '642·4321. . ·•. , . .. L.M. Boyd/Streisand look-alike There exist 801De finely executed penllne drawt.n11 In profile of Giovanni, J~ c...anova, aenerally ~ • the sr-tart lover of all tlrne. They suaa-t thll: If Barbra Strmand were a man, she'd look jwt like him. ~fact. ahe 1oob quite a bJt like him, anyhow. The Prime Mmt.ter of the ~lee Republic of China doet not make ORANGE COAST • llilyPilDt • quite aa much mone)t each year aa doet •a i>eglnninc clerk typlat ln the United State.. . · Q; How often does it rain ln the A.muon Juncle? A. About an hour eveey ~ from January to June. AUi-.. bu a Ucemed Uquc>r store ·M"tl~i.& n!lldenc.. . T ........ P.Het4' Pvtiltehtf n-n.. A. Mu,,.... fd1I01 , JoMAm.I \ fMCutt¥e fdllor ...... KNINch f dltotlGI ,. f dllor n......c.nn ~fdllclr . ----~~ .......... .----+- ' r Drug nightmare lingers on WASHINGTON -More than six years ago, I first exposed the horror of MK-UL-TRA, the CIA's supersecret program that used unwJtting victims as living test-tubes for bizarre mind.-: altering drugs. The nightmare still isn't over for -some of the tortured guinea pigs. • . Bits and piecetf of the stOry have come out over the years in various fonns. But now for·the first time, the CIA baa been forced to acknowledge in a judicial proceeding the terrifying scope of its experiments. THE CIA CONFESSIONS were extracted in writing by Atlanta attorney Thomas E. Maddox Jr., who repreeents four of the pr'isoners who were experimented on in the Atlanta federal penitentiary in the i950s and 1960s. The victims, now iri their Ms, are seeking _$6.o.Q..QO.O 'api~ damages-from the govertunent. One of the pJaintiffs, Farrell V. Kirk, was used as a chemical mixing bowl even though the CIA knew be was mentally unstable. After being dosed with a variety of drugs, Kirk attempted suicide by burning and hanging, and once tried to gnaw an arm off. A second victim, Don Roderick Scoh, ·says he suffered permanent brain damage from the tests. A third, John R. Maole, ls a fugitive, and the fourth, James T . Knight, lB still in prison. All four say they suffered flashbacks and other aevere aymptoma for years after they were drugged by the CIA. Here are some of the shocking admissions made by the Justice Department on behalf of the CIA, under questioning by the victims' attorney: -MK-ULTR~JJ purpose was "research and development of chemical, biological and radiological materials (for use) in clandestine operations to control human behavior." The CIA hoped the JACI 11111111 "psychoactive chemicals" would work on the victim's mind and emotions to "release him from the restraint of self· control." -: The program was also intended to develop an "anti-interrogation" drug to counter-Soviet truth serum, or poeaibly 10 acnunble a CIA agent'..s bnin..,SQ thaL any confessiOillAf h.iB captors would be useless. -MK-ULTRA and Its successor ~o ram , MK-SEARCH , were · ted in part because the drugs and o her techniques proved-"too . unpredictable ih their effect on human beings." -Nevertheless, the CIA .. pursued another chemical program, MK--BUltN, until at least 1970. One of its researchers was Dr. Carl Pfeiffer, who also worked on MK-ULTRA. Pfeiffer has sworn he was merely trying to find a cure for mental illness. That is what the Atlanta convicts were told. -The materials develo~ and tested were "hall.1!:.cino.g.e.nic or (would) otherwise affect the · central nervous system of humans." Th~ substances lncluded_v.a.rious LSDs, mescaline., a truth serum And powerful amphetamines. -The CIA can produce no written coNerit forms, and admits no followupe were made of the guinea pigs. Normally there weren't even doctora on hand the night after the convicts 'Were drugged. Some prisoners were. so hopped up-they had to be given more drugs "to attain sleep." -TWO VICTIMS were transferred to a medical facility "because of apparent mental problems," but the CIA denies this was because of "an adveue reaction" to its drugs, which were intended to duplicate psychosis. -Though expense records were kept meticulously -$349,445.10 for the Atlanta subproject -the overall records were ordered dettroyed in 1973-by-Dr. Sidney Gottlieb, ·a top CIA ICientist. Dr. Pfeiffer destroyed the records in 1972. Only a fluke -a 80clal worker's. file - connected Kirk tor th.e p~. ~ I confess .to a piersonal interest in the . MK~ULTRA program. The Watergate pair, G. Gordon Liddy and E. Ho,ward Hunt, tried to obtain MK-ULTRA drugs from the CIA to use on me. So, apparently, Richard Nixon's White Houae was llWate of the brain-tampering experiments. Footnote: The CIA refuaed comment. Dr. Gottlieb told my associate Lea Whitten the Atlanta/roject "was in keeping with the kin of experiments being done at that t;.me." Dr. Pfeiffer . "doesn't Qrdinarily take calls," according to a voice at his New Jersey office. Civil Service job Protection waning • The last vestige of the state's civil service sySt.em is about to go down the drain. This is the job protection feature that has made state emplbyment attractive to many even though the pay js not always as high as could be found in private employment. Job security, It was believed, was more important than hisher pay .. It certainly has pro.ved to be over the years, especially during periods of bard times. While many others walJCed the streeu looking for work. thoee in state service continued to enjoy full employment. Even when budget cutback.a forced a layoff, only the moat recently employed were subject to job lOlllleS. BUT THE seniority which assured the employees of both keeping their jobs and the ultimate reward of pensions for faithful service w about to become a thing of the past. Thia waa revealed by the State PeI'90nlleLBoard in announcing plans to meet the job trimming resulting from reductions in the 1982-83 budget. An estimated 800 to 900 positions in the >'. 1111 WITlll person co\,\ld retain his or her job while a long-term employ~ being terminated for budget reasons.Wuch an ~on not only means the loss of a job butlhe lea. of ah eventual pension in which an employee has invested many years of his life. The layoff rule is just one of the many changes brought about' by Jerry Brown that has tom down the civil service structure which, when ettabllahed in 1934, gave CalifoTDia government the varioua state agencies will be eliminated. cleanest employment practices record in Instead of the layoffs being based upon th~ nation. . lleniority, affirmative action will be the Brown had started the erosion of civil rule. · service when he became governor by The new rule is baaed upon a 1980 law(,,, eliminating the written examlnationa change pushed by Gov. Jerry Brown -¥.Chich had 8SIUred the state of hirina which requires that the preference in and promoting the beat quallfiea employment given to women, certain applicants. To meet ,the constitutional ethnic minorities, and the disabled, be requirements for exAminationa Brown ext.ended to layoff, demotion or transfer substituted oral examinations. Tbne lists. were little more than friendly interviews Under this rule a newly employed of pre-selec'ted candidates in which "simpleton" questions such • "Who ii buried in Grant'•. tomb?'' were uked. 'Eyewitnesses' unreliable UNDER BROWN the i-equtred noUca of even thoeee phony examinadona wen all but ignored with qWdt notk:a, often only a few hours before the cJOllalr of interviews, becominC atandard. 'l'ha. e ffecti vel y elim tna ted from consideration all but the favored candidates. Another priloner was freed not long ago, when it tu.med out that a conW:t elsewhere confea.ted to the crime for which the first man had been imprisoned -largely on the teatimony of ''e ewitllel9e9.'' ~ pUblic, including jurte., baa far more confidence in eyewltne91 teetlmony • min 111111 ~ than do mmt ~ penoJopta and trial Jawyen. It welp much man heavily wlth them than "mer~ drcumltantial evtdence. .. Yet the objective fact ls that mmt clrcumltantial evidence rukee • lllDN convtnclna cue than ey.ewttn ...... Svery p1ycholo1lcal tut atvtn bat demor°•tl•t.d that pmple -the -event ln dlff..-nt wayia, Ind the ""'6onl atwn by wtu-cu vary widely. No dbubt some men have been oonvtcted on drc:Wn"8DUal eWlence that tumid out Jaw to t. ...._... but ,. • IDllV1 If not~ haY9.,... .mt to ~ ..... ...., ,... wnalb klmdtled ~ aneanecm the~ot i1i9 crime . People are notoriously unreliable ln remembering and reporting what happened in their pretienCe -etpeciall.y when it hap~ens suddenly and unexpectedly. Experiments made in 119YCholOI)' clam'oomt have shown that le\v obeervel"I 88J'ee on eveh the barest detalla. During the witch-hunting era, people "saw" and swore to the atrangeat behavior on the part of the poor women ~of belna witches. In one cue heard by Lord Mansfield, witneues d9pmed that 101ne old ~ had been 1een by them walldna in the air, with her feet upward and her head downward. MamfJeld, not wlabinC to an~ the aromeci and IUpentiUcM vilMpn, tlMm nmdend hla verdict with pat 'tl'Ulquillty: '1 DO NOT DOUBT that th.II woman hM walked "' the .... with her t.et ~ and her heed clownwu'd, me. you haw all _.. It. But slw m hid the honor to be born ln ~d, and oomequently can only be by the laWI ol our CXJUntry. Row know not one 18• that farWds waUdq in the • with the fwl upwllld; we all uw a rleht to It wJtb hnpunl~f · I He no rea1on, ....... --~-\be .,.._...., rnam ham9 when n ph•n" , The effects of .the9e clw.n&a hu ·beetl to return the state to the patronap system in which-= COl1lkleratiom determine the ~ la wone than the old form of patronaet t>ecauae once hired they cannot 6e dilmilled. Under outrllbt patrcJIUll9 the not adminlatraUon coU1d dean boWe. ' "With the dilcardinC of the 9lnlority system, Brown hlil ~t ihe It.ate to a complete goodbye to dvD eervice. .: ean1ng 0 DEAR ANN LANDERS: &cently you printed a leuer about a lady who had "bets in her belfry." She was the one who wore a navy blue suit to work every day for 14 months. Everybody in the offlce wanted to know what her suit was made of. You replied, "My guess is it's .double-knit or polyester. Sin<.-e you ace an influential force in educating people, l would like to point out that double-knit refers to the type of construction used to make the fabric. Polyester describes a synthetic fiber which is sometimes combinetl with natu.cal fiber to ll'Ulke a highly durable, wrinkle-free. soil~r~lstant fM~. POT SHOTS .... BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT MOUNTAINS MAKE G OOD FRIENDS .........,,. ............. e1m:z..,.,..,,. lnN!eM AM JIUIMt ~.O Otti• ,,._. ~ • ..,,_,_ ... lf'C; THE"'f 1LL WAIT" PAT"tEN TLY, EVEN IF YOU GO AWAY FOR YEARS . • HOROSCOPE ~y SIDNEY OMARA Tbursday, September 2 ARIES (March 21-April 19): You are released from commitment which had restricted your actions. Gloom soon will be chased. replaced by optimism. Clandestine conference results in green ligh t for creati~ project. Gemini, Virgo, SagittaritiS persons figure prominently. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Wish comes true -family member is involved and domes tic · adiustment occurs . Necessary funding will be obt:a.ined. Good financial news is on the agenda. Libra, ScOrpio and another Taurus play significant roles. Win via diplomacy~ GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Orders from top are subject to change. Be aware, a lert, have aJfe,m.atives at hand. Insist on definition of terms. Tak e nothing for granted, maintain self-esteem. Pisces, Virgo, Libra individuals figure prominent)~. CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Long-range pro,iects come into sharp, clear focus. You'll be given more -responsibility, chances for incre~ compensation are enhanced. Relationship intensifies and could involve travel. Capricorn and another Cancer play key roles. LEO (July 28-Aug. 22): Long-standing negotiations can now be concluded. Contractual obligations are defined . You'll gain wider recognition and have more input where policies are concerned. Aries. Sagittarius and another Leo play significant roles. VIRG(J{AUg~ 23-Sept. 22): Break from past patterns dominates scenario. You'll make new.start In different dirj!Ction. Accent on public relations, possible partpershlps and marital status. Leo, Mes. Aquarius persons figure prominently. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): You are being pulled in more than one direction -key is to stick mith practical course. Forgo sensationalism; concentrate on basic chores, improve special services and consult with individual willing to shar e benefit of experience. \ . SCO~PIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Element of luck rides with you; you'll be at right place and make correct selection. Focus on speculation. change, variety, int.ensified relationship and pleasure through children. Gemini, Sagittarius natives play key roles. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-0ec. 21): Be willing to tear down for ultimate purpose ~f rebuilding on a more suitable base. Long-standing transaction can be completed if willing to let go of past. Focus on property, security and temtorial rights. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Trips, visits, relatives and an abundance of ideas converge to make this a mobile, exciting scenario. Be ready for quick changes, important messages and assignments which challenge your creative capabilities. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): You'll locate what had been lost, missing or stolen. Attention centers at home base. Family member does deserve special consideration. Taurus, Libra, Scorpio natives play significant roles. Keep diet resolutions. PISCES (Feb. 19-Mar. 20): You gain access to confidential information. Cycle high, circumstances tum in your favor and you can rely on yolJr own judgment. Wear bright colors, shake off lethargy, ~tain independent stance. Another Pisces native plays key role. I "/ .. Or1nge Cout OAIL.V PILOT/Wedneeday, September 1, 1082 •ANN LANDERS 'J •BOB GREENE •HOROSCOPE .. oulile- So you lie«?, the lady wit~ bata In hor oolfry might have been wearing a dquble-knlt suit made of polyester. You have .to be careful what you say, Ann, because a lot of people thi,pk you k.Jlow everything . -B.S . CONSU¥ER TEXTILES . DEAR TEX: Anyone wbo reads tllla column on a fairly resular baala la well aware of my lnadequ•clea, vulnerabllltlea •nd fallJblllty In a -variety of areas. I keep ttyfag to f lug tbe gapa of lporance, but It 1eem1 wbenever set smarter on one subject a few sblngJea fall off tbe roof and J get dul\)ber In otbera. But. tbank1 for tbe compHment. I'll put It In my ego bank and draw on It the next lime I get clobbered. DEAR ANN: M~eighbor, a divorced woman, has three children , tfl"e oldest a 9-year-old boy. I liked her a lot until this afternoon when I heard her shouting, "You ~ill stay in the front yai:d wearing your sister's diaper until you learn to go to the bathroom at night." ~I was heartsick as I watched that child be!ng taunted by neighborhood kids who jeered and laughed at him. I felt ashamed that I couldn't h elp the lad, but I didn't know what to do. Please advise me, Ann. I ~nray~led by re~der • .. need to know tr there ls a nc.'>et time. -ALSO A m M°::a ALSO: You abould bave,called tbe local . ~ • ~ ' •UU , 1 •~IS .· cblld welfare department and asked wbo deals ,...,. ~I wltb caaea of cblld abuse1 That m otber needs ~ counaella1. Rldlcu(e la no way to deal wltb a bed· '\;.. 'J wetteJ' and If yeur nc:lgbbor KNEW better, she # • '="'} would DO better. DEAR ANN LANDERS: My husband and I have been married less than two years. We-a.re both retired people on small incomes. Before we married we decided to split all expenses 50-50. Soon I discovered that my husband's three children (all grown, employed and with children of their..own) had a habit of asking their father for money when they wanted to buy something they couldn't afford. I have adult chUdren also, but they wouldn't. think of asking me for i;noney. I have spoken to my husband about this several times and he always gets angry and yells at me. ls It fair that I stretch my pennjes to pay my half of the bills while he doles out money to those leeches? ' Help me, Ann. This problem is threat~ our marriage and I need to know what lo do about 1t. - TROUBLE IN ROANOKE . .. l>EAR RO: I can anderatand wky yoa are 1 grlr.d• but If you ureed at tbe oataet to apll tbe,1 1>11 1 and he 11 living up to tbe asreement, ydu a.re1i . out of line. Obviously, your bu1b&1d llu aom~ money left over after tbe 50-50 apllt, aad if be chooses I() give what's left to bla klcls, you have no~ right to c!omplaln. lo retrospect, perhaps a more equitable split would have been t0·'8. n ~ . 8 What's the story on pot, cocaine, 1LSD, PCP, downers, speed? ean· you handle them if you'ret careful? Send for Ann Landers' all-new book.Jet,} "The Lowdown on Dope." For each bookle'n ordered, send $1, plus a long, se/1-apdressed,0 stamped envelope (37 cen,ts pos t11ge) to Anl\.r Landers, P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, m. 60611. n ' , l j Acquisition of wealth baffling_ It's a reversal on the-ofd ttne, 'It yoctre so____._, smart, why aren't you rich?" I sit at the table with I was in the m idst of an airplane flight the other day when the man·sitting next to me casually mentioned that he was going to be taking his doctor on a business trip to Bolivia. to Bolivia. One r€Cent estimate says that there are 40,000 known millionaires in the United States today. They couldn't all have inherited it. So how did they manage to save that much money? these chief executive officers, and I can't for the We,; The doctor didn't have business in Bolivia; the man did. · The man explained that h e did a lot of international traveling, and that whenever h e went to a country with a high elevation, he became short of breath. fie ·had a history of heart problems. Thus, for the upcoming trip to Bolivia, he was having his physician come along -just in case. "HOW DO YOU DO THAT?" I said. ''What do you mean, how c::to l do.it?" he saiq. "I mean, who pays for the doctor to go to Bolivia?" I said. "I do,'' the man said. "I·assume you payfo.r his plane ticket and his hotel," I said . "But who pays for his time?" "It's very simple.'' the man said. "I'm going to be down there for a couple of weeks. So I just ~11 the doctor to figure what his fees for all his patients would be for those two weeks, and I pay him the total of the fees." That small anecdote points out somettiing I have been pondering lately: How do people with that much money get the money? I understand that aome people have large salaries. But the way I figure it, even people with huge salaries must have a tough. time socking big sums away in this economy. Even if a fellow makes $150,000 a year, the government is supposed to get half, which leaves $75,000. • · Then there are mortgages and living expenses and necessary personal items. Obviously, a person can get by very ~icely on that remaining $75,000. But by the time he's finished at the end of the year, it doesn't seem like he's going to have enough to save to ~ke him, as they say, filthy rich. , And yet it gets done. People such as the guy in the next alrplane.seat can afford to fly their doct.ons ONE THING YOU MIGHT be thinking is that s mart rich people don't pay 50 percent income taxes . I guess that's true. But from what I understand about tax shelters, you have to invest the excess money in some fairly risky ventures: the 808 GlffNf mopey you would normally oe g iving to the government d<>CJin't go into a savings prpgram_; it goes ir\to oil~ng ventures or something, and there's no guarantee you're ever going to see It again. So while it may not have to go to the Internal Revenue Service, it's not going anywhere where it can be applied to your net worth, either. I just referred to "smart rich people." That's another thing that puzzles me. One of the things I dQ to earn a little extra pocket money is make speeches around the country. Invariably, when you show. up at one of the luncheons or dinners where 'you're acheduled to speak, they put you at the head table with the biggest of the local bigshots. Because of this, I have eaten a lot of lunches and dinners with IOme very wealthy chairmen and.presidents of corporationa. - And ... I don't k.no~ quite how to say thls . . . they aren't always that smart. They are rich as sin, ~t ·a lot of the time they turn out to 0e fairly dull fellows. Usually they're nice enough; but as often as not, they .just don't give the impression of being overly sharp. SomethJng funny might happen in the room, and they don't get the jok e. That kind of fellow. GOREii 011 BllDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF of me figure it out. Here are guys who probably ., aren't quick enough on their feet to make it onto a television game show, and .yet they are obviously?. ..among those 40,000 millionaires. Where did they d get the money? AS LONG AS WE'RE ON the subject -I also" don't understand the f~ct t hat every waiter!2 bartender, secretary, clerk and ~ptionist seems to'2 be a world traveler these days. In these horrible economic times, you are constantly running intoll people who have just returned from Bali, <'r Greece,q or France, or Spain. lt seems that everybody. i•c traveling all the time. Somethin g just doesn't:l figure. If people's p ersonal finances are as" devastated as the papers say they are, how ared these people getting to Bali? Where do they g~t th~B money. . · So w e have millionaires who are making their money in ways 1 don't understand, anq averaged falks who are living like millionaires on tin:Y? salaries. Clearly. something seems to be going on mb -~ria\, and it doesn't make a whole lot of sense. >J . . . a ~This fellow in.the next aeat -he was flying ~l Loe Angeles to discuss a possible business deal. He; i told me that he didn't expect anything to come out of it. But he was flying three men in from Korea·t.ot" meet him at the ~irport, and he w~ also· flying h.li1 attorneys in from New ¥ork so they could sit in on the conversation. All they were going to do was eatC dinner and talk. Th'en they were going to fly backll to their homes. Then this guy was going to fly tot Bolivia with his doctor. · 1( r m sure that there are easy answers to all of>} these questions~ I'm just not bright enough to understand them. I feel like I'm making.a financials killing if I find a couple of dimes in the aoin-return slot of a pay phone. If I'm so smart. why isn't my~ doctor 1n Bolivia? '"" I Neither vulnerable. South deals. Opening lead: Ace or +. der than to hit partner with suffici111l values in the suit to make the lead worthwhile. ease ror the queen. However. t her e wu a legltimat.e chance if Weil held the nine or trumps. Playing on that u1umption, Ea1~ntinued with • fourth rou"d . or spadee. He wu reasonably certain that a rurr and stuff would do declarer little good, but 1ee what havoc it wJ'ourht. led Crom the table, he wu usured of the setting trick. NORTH +QU c:::>Jl072 0 4 +AQ6U WEST EAST +A75 +KJ84 (;;) u (;;) Q86 0 Q 10 7 53 0 J 92 IBridge has borrowed color- ful terms Crom a number or 1port1 to de1Uibe it.I play1. This one cornea Crom one of our favorite1, bnlng. '. But who are we to quibble with 1utte11? • This pl1y ii known in the trade u an "uppercut." Few wlll argue about ill effec· Uveness over the table as in the ring. +172 +IOU SOUTH +IOU c:::>AKU OAK 86 +KS The bidding: #........ South Weet N~d. "ft.t I NT Pue 2 + Pue Z (;;) p.., 4 (;;) p.., Pan Pu1 The bidding was impecca· ble. North used the Stayman Convention to locate a heart m. and, t hen took the pressure ort his partner by bouncing into game. The defenders did much better on this hand than we would have. West'• lead of the ace of spades can hardly be recommended, becauee It ls more Ukely to eatablilh tricks tor the no trump bid· Wen continued with a 1pade and the defendere quickl1 rHled in their book. But where wu the eetting trick to come from? The chances or a diamond trick were 1Um -declarer was a blr favorite to hold the ace. And even it declarer cSidn't have the king of clubl, that card 1urel7 wu fineesable. By a proce11 or elimination. Ea1t worked out that hi1 only hope wu a trump trick. Even that did not look too promlting -with the J -10 in dummy, declarer would tin· Alt.er declarer discarded a diamond Crom hand, Weet wu up to the occasion -he rutred with the nine or truml>s. Dummy overruffed wit.h the ten, but the spot.a In trump• were 1irnificant - Eut now bad promoted one of hl1 trumps into a certain trick. As long u he just covered whatever trump wa1 Have,..~•.....U.Sle· te lllewftle trewftle? Let Cllarlee G .... W. ,.., a..t ,.... .. , ....... ..... .. DOUBLES lw ,...adn ...... ~r •• _,,., W. DOlJ8LE8 .....W. .... SJ.IS t. ~.,......_" ~ .. tMe •••J•.-, P.O. Bu lit, N....a, N . .I. ' 07t4&. ........ .., .... t.New...,1 .. 11la. u H .yperactivity treated w-ith drugs DEAR DR. STEINCROHN: I've bad two problems. One, livln& wltll a llyperactlve aoa. Two, , belag told by a doctor tlaat I'm tlae 11ervoa1 one, aot be. I need treatment, lie uJd; aot my boy. Bat when my IOD CODd.Hed to llave tro•ble ID scllool aad· wltb bis playmates, I decided to call aaotller pedlatrtclaa la COllHltatlon. He aald dlere was notbla1 wroa1 wltll m• tllat 1 q91eter boy woalda't ~~ . . He dechletl •• ••t tilm oa medlclnH for llyperactlvlty -w~ Mr '9nner Hctor ref•Hd to pre•tttbe. Res•h: At ud Bt .. Kllool, aad a popular bo)'. ADd a motlier wbo doe1a't wear die label "Hrv.o• womu." f'm ""' fer '°~ eMldrea ud parab wlln tile dlapo1l1 of llY1"'nedYllJ 11 overlooked. -MRS.Z .. DEAR MRS. Z.: You Ulld ~ Judlment ln meeking a ~ oD(nk>n. Too many physldana •till overlook th• polllbtlity of hyperectivny beina tbe cau.e of • child'• lll'Obleml. The dllord4n' NII teWftil names: rnlnlmeJ brain damlft, brain d~ h~ ~·-and CM"ebrill d~ • Wtiatewr the name t.t& ttii DMtauon 8ffidl thile of Wffr1 one hundNd ChtJdNil -mottly mya. ,._ dl11no1l1 i1 not •••)'. lliMnllal featur" ere • JOUI fJIAl 111 OR. PETER J. STEINCROHN Inappropriate attention, lmpul1lvenea1 and purpoMl .. physical acUvity. The on.el, came unknown, ..U.Oy bel1hla before • MYen. Very YOU"I chlldawl beclorl• very agreemve, aometlme1 ao&111 ablolutely bet.a. A helpful~ commonly ~bed. II Ritalin (methylpenldate hydrochloride). Another I• deudatl•. They CM lnnlfGrm pnlblem ehUdN\ into normal~ The dN8I cnay be a.-1 b' y..n. under tupsvWorl. Althouirh of q\Mltiana._ value, the well-publclsed' FeTnpld diet ma1 ~ b9 helpful. D&All DR. ITBINC&OllN: l'YI alwa~ ... c1111I• ti_, ellel•Wil """-r. .11111 ._ ........... SR. • ....... rd ..... 'i a ....... -....na." ,ftllt .. ........ ....... attacb. wm,.. ,,....,..._ .... ... I DEAR MR. M.: Dwina the put few years studies have shown that. llDLI (hf&h Cieftaltyl Upoprotelna) proiect, and a h(Ch level of LDLa (lo\?- denaity Upopro\elna) predltpoee to heart attacb. But ncent reports que.tion the validity of the9e flndlnga. Studlea by Daniel Steltlberg M.J>j (Untvenlty ot California), David BUhetrner M.D. (UnJvenhy of Texaa) and Bdwtn Bierman M.D.1 (Unlvenlty of WMhlnaton) lndkate that there b nG; preven came and effect relat.tonahip. and th•tu ~~~~may hOt be due to11 DEAR Dll llBINCOIUINi -.._.... ~ ........... ., .... ·trtal.Ye-'111 .,. ....... ............. .., ............ .,...,_ L WB .Mil R.: a.re~ two eff9Ctlw IMthoda -often ........... --= bj ~' .......... and allo N;dudnl alciOllDI' 18""8: Dr. S,.,Mrolt• ,,.,,.... ~,,_, ll'Olll .... 11111111t1a111111a ,,. ew1t am..-.a tr t 'I n1r tlut Wiii ....,.,. .... "'"~ ........ Mi ··-· a.ad YfMJr ......... ID Mn ill mrw OI dae Dilly ,.. l'D. ... ,. Oilill9 .... Olllt ... ._. Orangt Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Wedneaday, September 1, 1082 y Th,e knocla&ed Pieu Auoclallon of Oov•rnnle'nta. A "blueprint for t.'IC'an air" to• 'rhe l.>ralt 1982 A ir Quality ntrol 11triog In the rt>gion with Managt'ment Pl n m u11t be he nallon'11 dlrtlcu olr la aubmitted to the public and swtt• upported by both Industry MIU and fodcral authorities before nvironmental groups, o<.'C.'Ordlng final rutiClc'atlon by tho federal government ond air quality Environmental Prot l'tioin offlciahs. A~y. The plan. a bst of 200 shqrt-A approval could come by lerm and long-term smog control mld-1983, said .Jeb Stuart, • tra~ WM unvelfed lhla AQMD execu.tlve officer. . :=:::;;w;;ee;:.rk"'lfy ~ Cdw;t-~ -l\ffleft8~ the twd age~1e11 Management District officials say support the plan is the Sierra and the Southern California Club. • air' in Southland unveiled~ • 'l'hc '1tratcalu atft•c ti~I mHllon more b foro the year I lndlvlduttl•, bu1irl0 I end 2()00, gowrnrn('l'\t shOUld all<>w Orli\ge "We lbnply cannot attain theae and Lti.t Angell'tll c..<ountlee and tne (ozon ) atandardl by 1987," uid wc1lern portlor\8 ot Riverside Pat Runell, prealdent of the and San BernarainQ c.'OuntJea to SCAO ~x~Uve committee and a meet a ll fede ral pollution Loa An1el &1 City Council- tandarda -except oz.one -by member. "We're not aolng to 1987. abandon the attainme nt o f Thet deadline is called for 1tandard1 but we need more under the federal Clean Air Act, ~" The &~-the-i>lm~1 littim-.--•·Amonr iiCtlCi" were modified a population of 11.6 million lUld work schedule•, traffic light an expected population of 3 synchronization and banning aa-c>Unt=·powen!d lawn mowers. Alto, reatrictiom would be placed on 1uollne ~flnery heaters and boilers, dry cleaners, alrlinea and aeroeol producta •. The plan alao calla for tlle encouragement of employees to live cloeer to work, carpqollng and more bicycling, commuter Lralna, synthetic fuels and electric cars. "Our region because of our climate, our prevailing winds, our geography la the loUJ.hett 1mOS problem tn the naUon,' Ma. Ruaell aald. The offidala aald the federal standard of no more than 0.12 ~rta per million of en.one In the air on the terond 1mOUfe.t ~Y of the year could be met wit.hip 20 years. They said t.hey would ask Congre11 to grant an exte nsion o f that standard requiring annual progress and moni'frlng. · • . . 'EVery hospital patient should. have an advocate' Interior Secretary -J a m es Wa ll discou n ts ·9 a published report 9 ' that he may be fired. ·--, .... \""""" -~-u--F--FELL'S 'I . · UPHOLSTERY .......... ..ct~· 1922 HAJllOR ILVD. COSTA MESA -~41-1 ISt.. By Tbe Associated Press One American in e ight is hospitalized every yeor, and the success of your stay can depend umuch on-¥.OU as It does on t-he doctors and nurses In charge of your case. Knowing how a hospital works and learning your rights and responsibilities are the key 'to getlin~ the bes\ possible care. according to Barbara Huttman, a registered nurse and author of a book called, "The Patient's Advoc ate : The Compl e t e Handbook of Patient's Rights." Ms. Huttmann, a nurse for six years, says there has been an "immense" change in patients' attitudes toward hospitals.-"Far more patients are questioning the treatment they ge\," she says, and t h ose questions a re im'p<>rt.ant. If someone comN lo dr-aw blood. (or example , ask why. What tests have been ordered and by whom'! Ask what medications you are being given; get specific names s<> you c~n make sure you are not allergic \0 the standard shot. · . ,. -Ms. Huttmann says too many people still are reluctant \0 make any decisions about their own care; they are scared that they may make the wrong choice. "A large segment o f the public doe s n't want to take responsibility," she says. Hospitals, h owe_ver , are compllcated, busy places, Ms: Huttmann notes, and the individual eaaily can feel la,t and frightened. "Ninety percent of hat goes en in the hospital is designed to nurse the system, hot the patient," she says. ' yourself, let your advocate do It yourself money, inconvenience for you. Your advocate also can and pain. relieve the hospital staff of mJnor • duties -geUing you a magazine . Many hospitals have adopted a a fresh supply of tissues or a g~-"Patleru.!s-.Bill o1 Rights," of ice water. d evelop e9 by the American In all but emergency situations you probably will have a choice Ms. Huttr:nann argues that of treatment and tests in the every patient needs his or,.. her hospital. Ask for details before Hospital Association. A copy probably will be included with the packet of information you get when you are admitted to the hospi~ If you don't get one, ask for It. own "advocate," a frieno or you agree to anything. It you are relative who can Cleal with the told a quick decision is necessary: Learning your rights may be problems 0£ h ospitalization -Ms. Huttmann sar,s. ask the easier than gettlns them, problems youl118y be too sick or doctor or mtrse: •What's the however, Ms. Huttmann says. worried to cope with. worst possible thing that can Patients often are reluctant to \ h appen a nd how fast will it d!_rnand things_ -~ven if they Your advocate can helf ydu -. happen?" · · '8J'e entitled to them-for fear of deal with the fin ancia and · angering the hospital staff. Here medical forms you will have to · In most situations "you can is another place your advocate . fill out. You should never -sign usually get a secqnd opinion can help. "Let the advocate be any form--wft~out reading it; if-withfl\ a couple h ours," Ms:-the bad guy,-. s. H uttmann you cannot manage the chore Huttmann says, possibly saving says. A Private Schoot of Distinction Founded In 1942 ln Founta n e ey 16835 Br<>okhurst (714) 962-3312 You . Can't Clip Coupons Out of the Six-O'dotk lews But you can save money 'With the Dai ly --Pilot. -· -- You can redeem coupons for savi ngs at most grocery stores . Ads help you select the supermar ket offer- ing the best values ---before you shop. . A print~d ad assures you of receiving promised price. the Daily Pilot readers also benefit from money-saving recipes, menu helps and nutrition news . For money-saving values not offered on ~he six o'cfock news, rely on the ., ' 64~·4321 I ~ , I I THE JAILHOUSE BLUES: AU Roushan, the Costa Mesa. steetbender and welder turn~ scµlptor, has now been slammified in the Orange County lockup for defying municipal dicta and contempt of cburt. There ~ something wrong in all of this. . In evt;n t you've been out of touch over the past couple of years. it should be noted that Roushan got into hot water with Costa M esa . City Hall when .h e quit • being just a plain welder ~\ and started erecting metal TD--.-1-0-1-P-H_l_N_I ~~ artworks at _his steelyard .~ 1 out on Superior Avenue. ------------Four such pieces now rise into the Costa Meya stratosphere, the last being a creation called Tornado that stands 60 feet tall. COST A MESA CITY governmel\t o rass have taken the position that Roushan1s work may be-artistic bot it still requires vanous permits under the Building and Safety Code and other rules. Roushan insisted the art works are exempt and he has a right to er~t them as freedom of expression. In various appearances before city officials, Roushan W!DNHDAY, 8!PT. 1. 1992 . BUSINESS i ~STOCKS • ;.-ENTERTAINMENT I • .. 84 . 95 87-8 Daniel K. Ludwig is believed to be the richest in America. See Pase Training's .. _ the keY--~ SchoQls stepping up computerization • By JODI CADENHEAD 0(°"'909lr"'°4 ..... The gray-haired atudent alt\ing ln the t<Jo.anall plarllic chair punched a key on the computer terminal. The ecreen lit up with_ a cheery lemonade stand. J ohn-Nicoll, superintendent of the Newport-Mesa Unified School District, was having a great time. 'By the end of 'the computer game he had made a 1m0<>th $10.65. '1This is just like the budget," said the achool administrator aa he pondered the 20- cent charge for 60 glasses of lemonade. To step up computer-assisted instruction ln the district, school officials were given a crash course on the electronic wizards. Nicou;:who ~d never !!8t down with a computer before, was building a graphic house and taking a typing test by the end of the three-hour session. . "I think we're coming to the realiz.ation that computer as,,isted instruction i.S here," said NicoU. "It's been with us for a long time." can be WM!d to help_teach everything from: Engliah and language .to fTlUl1c clulet. • Students who make a mistake on th~ computer are greeted with ·the word "wrong." A second error reaulta in • flaa_!llng red X. · ~ . . "Let me. help you,·~ flll!lhet the finallr,: exasperated machine. "Study the answer, 'J is the last reply. . Those who feel intimid ated by the: computer's capacity can take little oomfo~ • • • the machine . .; . can be mastered · · ·-by the average. • i 12-year-old. ~m the fal.1. that many educators believe the machine can be mastered by the average 12-year-old. · There are already 70 micro-computers Carol Tipper, who teaches computer distributed among the four high achools programming at TeWinkle M14dle School. and .some middle schools in the Newport-said it doesn't take·a degree io math or .even Mesa district. It is the district's goal to an ability to hold a pencil to work with a double the number this year and to expand "C001puter. · their usage beyond mere computer programming aod match classes, said Terry She's seen 5-year-olds capable of banging _ _...._.!ml_.. ... ____ =::;S:::te~p~han~ • ...iw::.!h~Q'"'lS~· ..tJin~chwar~ee~oW'f'::'coo-rd~ina~ti.u.'ng.!6.Ja!... ___ out a simple program. riew computer program for the district. ~ Rous/Jan and r,he tower that babble bullt in a.ta Me.a, 1980 hasn't been p~rticularly lovable. He has bee n brash, arrogant, insulting, stubborn and defiant. The battle escalated. Ali lost most rounds. Yesterday he fihally went to jail on a five-day contempt of court rap. You have to ponder the artistic merits of all this. Experts might even argue on whether or not Ali's creations have more artistic value than lima bean renditions on the other side of town. There may be a safety hazard in the towers. • ON THE OTHER HAND, there is the neighborhood where Ali's works grace the skyline. That area could 1 fairly be described as Early Junk Yard. If you toured that < sector of Superior Avenue, you'd believe that a broken '65 Chevy grill~ was the official city seal. You are probably in more peril of stepping on a broken beer bottle in that area than you are of getting bonked by a falling Tower of Ali. THE POINT IS, I guess, Roushan's stuff looks like Rembrandt rendered it when compared to nearby environs. So what's wrong here? It's that Ali's in jail, along with a bunch of thieves, thugs and maybe k.illen. He may be guilty of felony bad-mouthing. He may be guilty of firs~ degree defiance. But jail? Give._ us a break. - This-was a local hassle that should have been settled r -within-the-city limits. Does every focal decision and I settlement now have to go into the courts? Is jail. or the threat pf it, the answer to everything? . ·~ounty's warra~t Hata centralized B.J. Skilling concentrates · "Letme sho\f you what some of my. 12-as class computes, below• ~ Stephan said thai-the $2,000 machines and 13-year-olds have done," she told the Public unsure . ' retirement crisis ahead? Rep. Dan Lungren, R-Long Beach, acknowledged that the U.S. Social Security System ls in trouble. . . "But the No. 1 problem," he told a town hall pthertng-tn Huntington Beach City Hall, "la that we have to convince people there la la cri1i1 in Social Securtty.'' Some white-haired members in the audience of about 50 people chuckled. They acted aa If they already 't'ere aware of the problem;. • Lun1ren, the 35-year -old lawmaker whose 34tb diltrlct take• In about 90 J>'trcent of Huntington Beach, aald he 11 wllllng tq. 10 alon1 with a -po11ible 1pecllll lame-duck aemon of Concrel9 to dell} with Social Secw1ty. Sen. Robert Dole made aach a propoul over the week.end for a -1on to be held aft.er the Nov. 2 election. administrators struggling to build the first line on a ~phic hoµse. ,Actually, com_puters are . easier for --ehildren-to learn than they .are Ior aduffa-: said Tipper. "It's scary for an adult because they're . not used to making public «1rron," said Tipper. "Adults are very tentative." Despite th~ strong .interest In the electronic gadgetry, the days of a computer' on every student'• desk are still a long way off, cautioned Stephan. "We're not going to go out and apend a half million until we know what's needed," ·be said. · F.mphaalzing that computers will in no way be llmited to gifted students oc m11th whlues. Stephan said "limiting its W1e to merely"math is like having a car and~ driving it five miles an hour/'' Riaht now educators across the country ' are grappling with how the machines abould be used and for whom. Formerly poor s tudents have been tra.N!formed into eager learners becauae of their interest in computers. For them, it's both a game and a challenge. · "I have so many parents saying that the'-: kids can't wait to get to school in the morning now just for the chance to Wle the computer in the afternoon," said Tipper.· wtie'n making routine record cbecU of penon1 encountered dwin8 patrol 11ctMU... ,.-- With the new ayatem, local police departments'Clll\ check the muter warrant Index ln Santa • Ana for correct w11rr11nt mformadon on 11n Individual. n.. index wW be updated dally, Gaw.ud. Lungren 111id Mond•Y he doesn't normally favor auch 1e11lona that Include defeated and retirlna ~ but in the CMe of Sodal s.rwity, lt'• worth It. ' The ayetem now contain• Information on U0',000 outatandlaa warrants lnvolvtna traffic violadonl. AA lldditianal ~l~ criminal warrants 100D WW be np•.t ID tb9 IJltl!D. About 1,000 '°,JJ!:O new warranta WW be to the .,.._., .m mantb aftlr wan cm the' beddO, .. oomp1Nd. a.ti. ..w. I Jfe IUd II bM6c UWl fund ls runn1nC out of funds next ,_.. unle11 there 'i• tnter·fund =-c:l two odMI' 9ocla1 ~~ • .,; be 0botrowtna. he lillTd all thl-. fundl ·~ tie In • ~ wid\ln. yeu. Luqrenna•bo didn't offer rmny 11*1 IOlutlanl. PJU:sted out tM& AllmtcaDI .. hialthls and livtal ..,... at tbe IUDe time tut more Ud lllO(e ue ~ ..... It ......... '"ltW.a' a••• a• ..... , ... .,. ........ , ... acuan'Y, ,.. •> From Page 81 ISLAND . BOY'·s ADVENTURE •• • • amid a land unspoiled by Mother Time Clock. -They wo\ald explore the jungle-encrusted hills, catch prawns ln rain-swollen riven and race each other through groves of majestic coconut \palms. . Their adventures together are of the fabric from which children'• ules are woven. It'a the kind of story that Penelope Hulbert saw evolve as her aon, JOhnny, befriended a doS that, until then, had ahown little Interest for any aort of human companionShlp. The story t~ns to_ near- calamity when the boar bunter kidnaps the dog. Penelope eventually penned the tale of her boy' a experiences ln "Annie -The FiJ Dos," an endearing book written for children but destined to find lta way lnto the hearta of adulta. (Johnny named the doS after the c:omic atrip orphan.) Penelope had ~n ~ in Irvine for eevera1 years when her h , John. accepted a job to build a Hyatt Regency hotel in Fiji. The family, including Johnny, 11, and daughters Julie, 16, and Jennifer, 15, left for the laland . panic!i.9e in t 978. . Two yeara ago they traveled to New Zealand on another job aaaignment, and Penelope decided to write her first book about the adventures of Annie and Johnny. The Hulberta recently returned to the ruah-ho\.ul world of Southerp California, aettllng in a aplldous· Irvine townhome. "lt wu one of thole th1np where the atory wu aet. out in front of me and I ~t I ahould wrt_. It down,""'Penelope explalned. •In Flj dop •are beeically wild. blanders don't Jove clop. .. Johnny loved that animal and ahe ~tothat.'' . Tbouab Annie kept her d.latance from most bwnana, ihe often. would accompany one man wlio valued the animal'• hunting prowess. Penelope aaid Annie would go with the hunt.er In eearcb of wild hoer beau.-the dos probably felt •\he whole event WM a game. ~Johnny, however, wu the firat person Annie truated aa a day-to-day friend. Her fondne8a for the boy emerged after be nurwed the doc back to health foUowt.ng a ooilisloo with an autOmobUe. From that point, the pair were iNeparabJe. .:But Die .iory lumLIQ near~ when the hoer hunter, jealous of Annie'• 1 · friend, dna~ Uie doa. A happy endlna prevails as JohJui1 aettlea all dlaagreementa, rljian-9tyle. ' "'lbere were bid feeling becauae the d~ wu taken and chained up for a couple of days, ' explained John, a property developer. · '"!be hunter de~on Annie. He really needed to make a Uvlnc which wu hunting hoer and aelllng them to ~ vlllaces." Leaving the laland -and Annie -WU not euy for Johnny. The family did return on several occasions while living ln N~.Zealand to take Mldltional photographa to Wuatrate the book. There ·was never any qu'-Uon that Annie'• place was in J'lj. where today ahe ent.ertainl hotel guests who marvel at her fiah1ng talent.. NEW T.V.,BedorPtc*Tr•ve. ' Pa~HA:E.T.t4 99 (From it.McMll 0 Penelope aokl ahe wasn't ltrldc.en by Island fever, an oft.en incurable dl8eaae that infect.a many a traveler through the South Pacific. "lt'a a great place to villt but I don't think it'1 a· place you want to apend the rest of your µ.u:r.:..'~e.amWL.--L-&_.: ,.__ coqa1n ... --~-............ --..... ~ E, Cout Hwy. 72M3'13 Her book waa published ln ~~Zealand and bu just becun distribution to American bookatores. She laid coplea are available at B. Dalton in South Coast Plaza. "I suppoee we'll always have a place in our heart for Fiji because of its warm!,h and ,. friendlineiiJ." WmlUCI '--~-.£SllJ~Wj~.J=~~--.;-J -1!!90 8. Cout Hwy. -· 417-3311 And they won't forget Annie, the proudest doS of Viti Levu. From Page 81 SECURITY • • • would cbooee early retirement at age 62. Now 75 to 80 percent have choeen early retirement." Lunpn .. 1d the government 1hould take ateps tO di8oo_urage early re~t ol WOl'ken and to support lawa to acrap mandatory retirement at -age 65. Lungren aaid there ia comideration ultimately for moving the time tor retirement beyond the preeent 65-year age for Sodal Security workers. '4There'1 aoiDI to be hard decision," be uld. "We can't increw taxes aignifiamtly now. We'll have to act IOOI\ or we'll be in trouble. ''We (~ are-ao&nl to have to be more honest UMt explain where we are and what we're doina." he aaid. Youth Talent Revue On Sept. 3 & 4 our young stars of tomorrow show their talent with song, dance, music and faahlbn modeling entertainment. Presented at Huntington Center .by Dorothy Shreve Modeling Studio at 7:30 Fri. and at 1:30 .and 3:30 on Sat. FIXED :BATE· ·MOBT6A6ES FULLY AMORTIZED . ' . . . . SE<;OND. TRtJST DEEDS " .. -., ... ,. .·CALL (714)754--1801 . FOR CURRENT .RATES .. -- Save Like Never Beforel PARKNJ LOT INVOO~Y CLEARANCE · Sept. 2nd, 3rd, and 4th Only! Wt're ~at the seams with fantastic buys! Fht come, first served! United quantities! You may nev• have a better opporbrity to decar1t1 fOf the holdays at these riclc'*»\11 prictsl Save 61 to 80%! ..... llllPllUll st•at . '4911 • •• FUii Ptecee ~iy 111111 ....... Designer Goofsl Priced fo. lmmedt.te clearance I .. Or1nge Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednnday, September 1, 1982 Pr.egnant? Watch c·affeine Study shows coffee diinli:ers' ~abies premature Untveulty ln Detro!\, aald However, •he said, the rnulta' .:. WASHINGTON (AP) - Bablea born to mothera who conaurne even moclerate amounta of caffeine are allghtly premature and have poorer mu1cular reflexea than other Infant•, a reeearoher hu Mi~. ---...... oUlly, atUC(fes--. . .-.-v~e..-noted prellminaryretultaofa1tudy1he Indicated pregnant women•i worked on alao ahow that the\ ahould be cautioua In thelr UM of:• 0U1p·rtng of claarette amokers arc c o1 tee, tea LO d ca ff e 1-n e- 1.,uaUer at birth. con\alnlng soft drink.a. A cup of Ma. Jacoblon told the ann~al tea or 1() ounces of soda aenerally mco.Ung.._o.L.lh.e Ametican-haa one-third the eeffefne of -.,i, --- REFbRBISHING -Cmdr. F.D. Meyer talks Into~ radio transmitter on the deck of the USS Iowa.as workmen prepare the battleship for a I Open Dalty. 9·9 Sunday, 1~7 ,,, .......... .1,700-rnile journey.to a MJ.asissippi sh~~ for refitting. The ship has been ln moth since 1958 after being recalled for the Korean War. . Paychologlcal Association that cup ot coffee. " the effecta of nicotine and The reaearchera atudled V73 caffelpe on children in the study Infant.ii born to white, middle- were generally amall. class women. almrtar effect• from heavy oonawnpt1on of caffeine, auch aa more than five cups of coff ef' ll day. Moderate-conaum.Pt.lon would be around two .to five cu pi. • Sandra ·W . .Jacobson, a paychologiat at Wayne State . And the effect.a._ were very ·About 15 percent of the amall or non-existent In the mothers In the atudy amoked v offspring .of women drinking more than a pack_ of cigarettes 8 : fewer than 'the equfvalent o! two day and 66.5 · pe~nl were non- cupa of coffee daily, she said. smokers. Colleges budget cut LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Loe Angeles c.ommunt~y College Diatrict lblrd of Trustees has alaahed ita budget to an unprecedented low, including an Indefinite poatponement ln conatructfon of a permanent Mlaaion College campus in Sybrlar. _ The $235.9 mW.ion budget ·~~ved for the 1982-83 IChool year ia $28.6 mllllop w laat yew'• level.a. It.if the lowest.diatrict budget a1noe 1978, the year Proposition 13 "!aa approvec:[ :· ;:. !• '• WID. thru SAT., llPT. 1· ... 1912 .~ .... ' G .t SAVINGS· ON _·HOME CO TERS · 10~.-off• :E'£.. ~ oc.r,.t~ 835-2118 835-2114 .· ~work and play (Not Avolloble All Stores) •wtth coupon thru Sept. 30th .~ . . Carden of J_- Commodore· v1c-20· Computer F°"Home Or Office I The video game system onCl hOm8 cbrrputer 1n one The <:onvnoooe• VIC-209 feoturei o full·SIZe comput« kevboOld. expondOt>te memQ('f copobilrty. bulll·ll"t BASIC computing IOnguOge The compute! ploys cartridge games onct otso WOtlts with discs ood cassettes O!goNze you hOm8 or othce -bltti.. grocery lists. rr.c>fe O! JUSI tiove fun with 111 VIC-2Qe -··rhe Wonder Computer o f the lQ60 sr· Sale Price L~ Factory Rebate Cost After 22.97 ~. Compulef earn. C~t For tosl-poced.-outef space. orcode·stvle action to Challenge the entire tom1ly , YourNet '1 F~ry Rebate \ Horne Computer Con90le ·The "lfaln" Of The System • Accepts o c:~.,.. .ive MleCtlon of P<corama lhot otl• o multitude Of leomlrlg ~ onct bal6S Of l\n Ute IM Rf moclAotOf (~to cornec:t to 'f04JI TV Of It oP«Otes with the aphonal lO" video monttor (Not~ --..... _ 29.97~. Co,,.Ulef earn. Chal•nps Pit yoursell ogo1nst the mor,sters or bygone days or the !"YSletteS .of the luture ICl~LOFFIR •121VALUE Huntington Beach • Klndereart:en • "lltl_• MU.:.C·flekt Tripe • Ageai.Juntor • Pre-School - • a....1 .. -lrt • full or Pert-Time. SI YE towwd ENROLL NOW1 FelH .1110 rectstration 721 Utica, 1h blk. - I w. Biach Blvd., H.B. Coupon Explr• Sept. 30 111-1111· 1:30 a.m.-8 .m. · FREE with tadl wrqht iron cac• + c~ ti 9/30 (ftJt TW.·SUN. lM Ally rtant vu of S4.00 or Lm with c~ (No r..chase Necessary) C. US£ CCUOM AS A atmlT AGAIGT Y<Mt flXT Pl.MT MCHASE. "' ... ,. ....... ~· I ,. ....... ,, ,...,. .... I ..... [lperienc •• ••••••• , 111.11 (1 "") Olecounts on rentals, acc:esaortea, b·lank tapea, cartridges, etc. FIRST MONTH'S LISSONS °""" ._ A. "eel Gillett ltucllee 2052 N41wpert llvd., c.. .. Meta 151-1633 WITH THIS COUPON • •/ ·. Ot'an • Cout DAILY PILOTfWectnetday. hpternD« 11 '882 ...... ~ .... _,...--~-e.~-.,--~--~~--'-~~~-+""ff economic war BY JOHN CUNNlFJI' ,,....._...,.. NEW YORK The let- ter wa1 from a bu1l n e11 another l t~r. •11 am ~Ina wiped out by hlah lntemt .rat.el," th writer aaid. And from York Sprinaa. Pa., a bualneu pel'IOn wrote: "My coa\I aht 1olna up and tale. ere going down." con1ultant In Dawaon Bvrtn11, a town In south wee te rn Kentucky "We deal clo1ely with many fannera and sma.ll- bu1lnessmen A bualneaa peraon~Orand Raplda, Mich., wrote aay \hat "The h oustna and ulldlng ft--Jaa.M~laJ lndu1u.y U-bwi. destroyed here ... matel'lal purchulng at a trickle due to job Insecurity and Interest rates. B e lieve me, our Industry natlonwld~ has about 90 days leh and then no one will be able to buy and pay. It's.a damn shame!! HELP!!" and they are CUNIWP both ln desperate financial condition,'\ ~t read. From El Paso, Texas, came Every three months the National F ederalloh of lndcpcndent Butln 1urv y1 a crou-•ecUon of lt1 mor • \.han ~00,000 members, all or whom t'Ontldcr thc:m11elvoa to bo In that ublqultoua category 1'1mall business." ' Whatever their buelno11, membera are at tho front line. In ~ttle &f the «ohom:y. 'i'h manage their aftalra closely. often handling the books them• lvea. They know their cualQmers. They know their, commllnltles. They know their minds, too, and they aren't reluctant to share a piece o( them, which they often do in writte n c omme nts . accompanylng the 1urvt-y lnQlcatlon at.o why Wuh1fll10n que.Uon1 hH modltled it.~ economic From Paudena, T xH: "l. pollc!l•. lntc re•t· ratet -horrible. 2. "UnJe11 lnterett ra\el ao down QWlllty of avollabl 1al help -mat.erlally my bualneu wlll be wo fully Inferior. 3. Lot• of ahot!" wrote a Dallu bu1lneu avo!lubl bodies but no one want.I peraon1 "Something muat be to work! 4. Cannot compete with done with Interest rates," aald a large 1alet1 orglUllzationa in aame wri~r from Yucaipa, Calif. "I am • field becaUlle ttieyimroon-... a: .. n,..t ..... totn-... t~1 .. n~n:::l'o=-way Soll\I to stlck. my ~ operate on 5 percent marlin o( out for a loan or anything if 1 can profit due to the fact that get along without doln1 h. Thete uleemen are just order takers interest rates just have to come and can't really sell!" down,'' said a correspondent Comment.I such as these In the fr:om Coquille, Ore. la1"t survey, made;durlng the "I can't prodt.tce adequate flrat week of July, provide an profl\I when cuat.omen refuse to lnalghl Into the troublet1 of small buy because of Interest rat.et. I bu~lneu, and perhaps give _ln carrt even pay the mucb hl~her . ' W.ho 's ·r iChest American ? T-ry ·Daniel Lu·d wig• N E W Y 0 R K ( AP) -well-known mpnea -it-takes_ ortune In the 1930s by taking confection s company, M&M fortunes from their Cather, H.L. America's wealthiest person has both hands to count the du Ponts co~r:anf:.! \Q_ahip Mara Inc. His net worth waa put Hunt. a wallet so fat that he could lose a -and those who somehow oil for the seven b ggest on-t $1 billion. Packard, starting_ Lamar Hunt a nd William · cool billion -with a "b" -on a avoided the limelight, despite companies and using them as with ~38 jn capital and a small He rbert Hunt, son s of H .L ., sihgle bad venture and still come lhelr money. collateral for loans to build the garage, built what became ranked eighth and ninth. Nelson out richer than Rockefeller. lt1a no longer fashionable to sh fps. He built the first Hewlett-Packard Co., which Bunker llunt, another son, Forbes magazine has come up flaunt wealth, the Great supertankers, at lower cost in makes electronic equipment and ranked 10\h. with the Forbes 400 -a list of Depression having nixed that, J apan , a'l\d is now "buying computers. The other half of that Among the country's bette-r- who's got U, and who's got more, and "a majority of the people on-savings and loans," the magazine team -Willlam R. Hewlett -k n o w n n a m e s : D a v i d when It comes to money. it would have preferred not to be said. ranked 18th on the list. Rockefeller, retired chairman of The illustrated list takes up 86 listed,'' Forbes said. So Forbes H e '•sa nk a prob ab 1 y No. 2 to Ludwig ia Gorden Chase Manhattan Bank, ranked 'nu.-I now f.ce with lowered profit•," 11ld a writer from Camdenton, Mo., -who added: "All the tax 'cute In the world won't help thll Pl'Wi.tu. Lomen the money supply and you'll ~ a much heaJthJer ~y.'' Inability to collect blU. allo teemed especially ttoubleeome. ''My bualneu la hued on a cro11-aectlon of the Tucaon ~onomy and depend• a f,'e&l deal on commercjal buainelt, ' the letter read. 111.have taken note of my acct• rec. again and have found more in 60-and 90-day column. I belleve becau., of lntereat rates and C?Hh flow problems." pages of the magazine's Sept. 13 relied on estimates and a score of unrecoverable $1 billion Into an -Peter Getty, 48, the fourth son of 13th. His fortune "may approach .iaaue. -----bu&-i-neH -e-xecu t-i \HU-uuJ -Amazon jungle pulp empire," \he late oil magnate John Paul $1 billion." Who is the w ealthiest ~urnalis1stocomeupwithwhat Forbessaid,but''hisnetworthis Getty.Estimatedoilweallh:$1.4 ,Be hind him ia TV Gulde ... "s QU °' QU American'? Fo1'bl!s saysl't's Daruel 1 cilfecfa"terititiVefat'f\lWthan nill a~e $2 billion." billion. founder Walter Annenberj, a . K . Ludwig, 85, a resident ofNew authoritative" list. AsJde fro~"tniwtg, -ihose--in-Thfrd are the-father-oon team-member of President Reagan's York City who made his money The list shows that oil and the top 12 who did not make of Perry Richardson &ss and Sid "kitchen cabinet," and Stephen In ahlpping. blood mix well -nine of the top their money in oil are Forest Richardson Bass of Fort Worth, D. Bechtel Sr. and Stephen D. Of the top 12, five are sons and 12 rii::hest people made· their Mars Sr., 78, ranked seventh-Texas, who made \heir money in Bechtel Jr., who run the giant daughters of legendary Texas oil money In oil and six of \he nine richest, and Davld Packard, 70, inherited oil wea lth and engineering and construction man H.L. Hunt. inherited their fortunes. who ranked 11\h. investments. company bearing their name. The rest of the list ia a mix of Ludwig, however; bunt his Mars runs ·the world's largest Margaret Hunt Hill is fourth The Annenberg and BechteJ CLIENTS Who Are Looking For A TU nn Way To Make 'ft)elr Money Grow .....•. Current lnter .. t Rete 11.21% -1~ Guaranteed Safely of Pnncipal -&Mlrltl ~ --& Ctmtal Income Tu When P11$1d To Beneflaat) -fllot All Mn4lily -&I A Bond , FOR MORE INFO. CALL OR WRITE B,,.,:ia/ Sept. l, 1982-Stpt. 7, ~2 kryptopt~ blchtil: 1.79 M) body IS slfncler, sPne V1S11J1e alOJI& lllJ tateuJ b11e. interuL orpns COAlalMd 111 ~ ~ sat-- under my head A lasc1n111n1 lddibon to the aq11¥1Ulll and I 1111 on S.-el Aqv1bc T ropats IJndtr 111e llll1!e "etm tar tor 1.79. VISA· .... mow.w .. ~ Stt-13'l•C.W 1t11W & W. clcheat and is-Ule-top-ranked ortunee ara quoted at more than w o m •a n . C a r o 11 n e H u n t $500 mfilion. Schellkopf is fifth. Both women Bob HoJ>!? is No. 66 with $280 Crom Dallas, inherited J heir million. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS '"'' 11-1' 21\1) 21'Wo U" Ult 174 " ... °'° ... "' 1'n 1" H~ * ... NASDAQ SUMMARY i er-1~::= N~W YORK (API -Moal ecu ... _,. ; 16 17 ,,..~~ seoc:u MlllOllM .,., NASO. , 21\1> 12111 N-VOiume 1141 Asked 0.. 7 17..., 171'1 Sy-H • •. • 1,441.-0 7\lo 1" -Alo I UV. 24" MCIC • ... l.07'.'IGO '"' ~ -2\Q" t ,f\.'t 2" Tandon s:. m ,tGO I•\/> 17 +1h 10 6 '"' A~ . • 627,!GO It ltV. + \It 11 Sl ~ TanOlnl . a.IOO 2> JJV. +I 12 SI Slllo llllel • .• •• 30,200 ,._ t7 • _. \I> IJ -., .,._ ~°":'al -JU.JOO 1"-IS~ + 1 14 I,_ "\lo EIOll, I~!." 11S--2!,_ 21W. ·.··;..: IS 1.., 11...., con..... 174, t.... 2~ ... 16 k't ~Vt Ad¥-.... • •• ... •••.... m :' lH• "° Declined ·······•••••••·•·••• m It 1M Ulo!t UIK'*9d , • .•.• •• •• • ••. • •• I.Mt » ~ »'-Taca1 bMs . .. • .. . .•• . . • . .• . . .. ;! n ~ H¥ Ne• "itN · "· '·' · • · · • • · • · · • · · · M 1 I'•-~...................... " It-.. l~h Tote! ulft .... .. . •• .••••••. . . l4,D9.100 a. ••••• Qll belt. ~ Market-Rate Checking combines the high earning power of money market funds with unparalleled checking convenience. . Open Market--Rate Checking with $2",000 or more. Immediately, every doUar over $2,000 begins to earn a high money-market rate of interest. All funds up to $2,000 cam the highest rate allowed by law on a checking account-SW~,, The $2,000 is insured by the Federal Savin~ and Loan Insurance Corporation. Funds above $2,000 arc not a savin~ account or deposit and are not insured by the FSLI C. They arc backed by United States Government securities. With Market-)late Checking you may write checks just like with any other checking account, or arrange for the exclusive TELE-.PAY• system to pay bills by phone. You can also withdraw cash at any of our seventy-two 24-HOUR TELLER locations. Get all the details on exciting Market-Rate Ch~king by calling The Financial Line-direct or collect- (714) 231-4023, or visit the nearest Association ofticc. ANHUM. Y•LO • 12.325% A11MUM. MTI • 11.625% • ~ to•• dlllJ. Mtlllll tfttdiwe 11t4t1 .._... remytltmtllt of ""9<"'4 and ll!lerest It 11111\irlty 11 ..M rite lltllOtllfl tllit e111·1 " pWlllttM. • • . ' ......... ,Uf.._#w • ,,.... ..... °'"' ...... ,,.... .. , ... ,_ ........ ,,.... .... •Mui C.-Mtt ,..,_, ..... •1\U1CMll ... ........ ] ......... ~ Jo•- -· --- -s.,._ HCA IMCapE Eril!S'c J • .,... NYAlrl i.-T NBn#IS .Mllll IHI SenOll MYSeml AroonlE Comt•' GeoF!o! ~..-mf"ct ~ =o::~ MOC~ "-"" Nnfolk CllmlllV ' co.tttc + c.,. Pct. '-Up 15.7 + 1'-Up *1A +2 u. llS + IV. Up 25.1 + "-Up U.1 + -u. ... : :: r= it, + ._.Up + Ill Up +I~ Up 11.t + 1 Up lt,7 + '-Up tU +I Up IU OOWIU. + 1 Up IS.A + I Up U.t + Vt •Up IS.I + IV.•Up "-5 + '4t Up M.I + \lo Up ".J + II; Up W.I + Ill Up M.I + 'Iii Up 1U + "4 Up 1&.J + \II Up IU UM V'9 ~ , ... -Ao Off "-2 • ~oo a.o "" -I Off it• 2 -" Off 15.I iv. -" Off 11.0 1141 -" Off IS.I 1•Mi -2" Oft 1U 10\l't -1\lt Off tt.J u -> oo 11.s n~ -" ~ 1u 1,_. -1 Off 11A : = t; Off tf :t !v. = ~ g:: u ... --Off 11,1 t -I Oft 11.1 ,.. ... Off u Al -... OH , .. j -..... Off •• , ... --Oft t.t "' -..... Off , .. l\lt -41' OH 1• s -" Off , .. J . ... Economy -gaug~ up 1.3 percent WASHINGT6N (AP) -In an~ new atsn of economic recovery, the aovemment rePorted that ltl main gauge of future economic tctMty juml>Cld 1.3 percent lut month, the fourth month!)[ 1atn fn a row. . Private economl1t.1 had antlclpated th• latest l.ncre• ln the Index of Leading Indlcaton, and aaid ln advance that it would algnal at least a modest recovery from the receMlon that liu lasted for about a ~- . Tuetlday'• Commerce Oepanment report 9aki the Jwy 1aln In the Index followed lncreuet of 1.4 percent in April. 0. 7 percent in May and 0.3 perwot ln June. 'n\e tndex had fallen for l t OONeCUUve montha before Airil. . . The· Mdex, which includes atatiatics from 10 separate categories, la intended to forecut f uture ecoJllOllllc trends. It often be8iN to rile several montha • before the economy pulla out of a rece.ion. , Analyata lNide and outside the gov~have said an end'to the recession la at hand or very cloM. , T -bill yields increase WASHINGTON (AP) -Yielda 0J1 abort-term Treasury aecurities ro.e after declines tbe previous two weeks had aent ratee tumblinl to their lowest levela ln two years, offlciala said. About f 5.5 billion ln' six-month T-b Ola were auctioned Monday at an average diacount rate of 9.746 percent, up from the 8.988 percent of last week. The government a1'o sold about $5.5 billion in three-month bills at an average rate of 8.604 percent, up from the previous 7.748 pen:ent. Monday's yields, a measu re of the. coat of S~".:ernment borrowing from the public, were the highest alnce the-Aug. 16 £ates of ~.821 penent for six-month bru., and 8.616 percent for three-month bills. AMERICAN LEADERS GOLD COINS N!W YOM (AP) -MGM lele Thuradet d gGld COIN, ~ with W"°""°9y'I PllOt .::r'_,,, "01 -· ... 47.11. "° uoT ..... , "07 °"-. ••• ,.oo. ~ ............. I 2 ltOJ OUllC9. ~ 00. uom.11.. ........... -....._, ,tee» troy--. 14U 00, UO t 11.11. iolWClll! OeMl·Pw•• DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOflK(API f'l,..1 Dow..,_ fOf' Tuesday, A .... JI. STOCKS a.... .... &Aw c .... )0 ll\CI t9J.4' tlf ... a1.'1 tOl.)1 + ~I 20 Trn JSUJ 363,61 m .n M0.61 + ~~ !! ~'~ l:ffi m:: i:rn ;;::72: J~: ~~": ..... ::::.:·:::::.:::: l:lf-tj UIU• ...................... 1A67 •.S Siii .. • • .. .. • • • • • • • . . • • • • .. 11.JI I WHAT STOCKS DID (AP) Aut. JI ruecs.y ''°' Jn JS1 , .. s ,11't • MEW YORK. IAPI A1>9. ll METALS T~ 1IM 127 201 m 26 l'ftll. -•• 111 ,., t': s NEW YOAK CAP) -Spol nOf'lletrout _.,ono.r-.. Ce111111•t 72.73 cenl• • pound, u S ~ LMd H-21 cetlll • pC)Und. Zlfto 40 cet1lt e pound, ~ed. Tiii le.~11 Melll8 Week~ Aho I -16-11 _, .. • pC)Und, N.Y, ......, $365 00 '* ~ "-""-1291 00-12fft00 troy ounce N.Y. • • SILVER T~ HMOy 1 Hll!Mll, aa.oeo per troy -- GOLD QUOTATIONS , More MeXic~an aliens join ll!L PASO, ~lCu (AP) The p.>11 falllna value and ll rtae In une"'ployment ha1 1ent near· record level• of job-hungry • Mexican• 1c•llng !cncea, awlmmlna rlvera and crossing deeeri1 fnto the. Unll.Od.-States th1I month, lmmJgration offlcen •v . ";It'• worth the risk," said Jeeua Gonzalez, 21. "The mo1t I can ma.ke. (J\ Juarez i1 ~80 ~ a day.If I ittt a week In the United States, tl\at'a 10,000 pesos." For the Mexjcana, it is· a race •Jilln•t poverty, against an eco11aomic upheaval that threatens their day-ta-day exlatence. But it's also a race •1ainat the "mlgre." -as the Mexlcart. call the U.S. Border Patrol alo0ng the 1,900-mile frontier · ore people are com,ng to .the Uni~ States now because the dollar's worth 100 pesos.." • said Arturo Mel)dez, 27. "We are loo~ for work -any kind of work.'· " Uni\Cld Statol hu .oared near EJ numben of \hem are aylna. 'I Pa• o 1 Ince tho M x t cu I\ j1.&1t can't take It anymoreiancf I'm ,overnment allowed tho P«-'tlO to arotns north'." loat on international markets At •i 21, Antonio Fkrro 11 an Aug. 6. It ha1 plun11.'<i from a experienced runner In the rac.-e rate of about 49 to tho dollar to with the 8Qrder Patrol. He boaata l24.~ to ,the dol111r earlier thJa_ he haa beeo crosalna the river week. _ reaularly for "six or eeven years" Unemployment 1outh of the and knows what he la dolna. border la about •O percent and "But la.at week, they got me inflation Is running at more than five tlmee." he aaid. 60 pe~nt annualfy. Usually, the Mexica n s More thAf\ l 7 ,400 Mexicans voluntffr to be deported ratfi were caught-trying to enter the than g o tbro ugh lengthy United States Illegally In August hearings. Tiley then are freed in the West Texas-southern New from Borde r Patrol pad<!y • Mexico sector. The exact number wagona at the international was to be totaled today. The all-bridges. The oft.en return. time monthly high was about ''"Sometimes, we wait two o;- 19,000 arrested in July 1978. three hours," said Fierro, who Tom Colller, of the BQrder had croaae d the so -called Patrol In Nogales, Ariz., said "Tortilla Curtain,'.' a hole-riddled the~ has been h,tllght ln~ase fence on 'the U.S . side of the .ln ar.re,s ts in la sector. "I .border designed to stop the flow understand that .. in other places• of aliens, and was waiting with they are noticing a rapid increas&-....aoma..~mpaniona for• sa(e in apprehensions, but we haven't moment to proceed. ._ noticed it. yet," he said. A B o r d e r P a t r o 1 v a n "The devaluation is the straw approached, and the Mexicans that broke the camel's back," said slipped back through the fence Alan Eliason, Border Patrol chief and waited on t.he Rio Grand~ ·agent ln El Paso. "A lot of 4ltens riverbank until the van moved have been struggling to get by, on. . Mendez is a carpen~r. but has been 'unemployed in Ciudad Juarez for some time. He sees the dash across the Rio Grande into El Paao as a ~tter of ne&ssity, not of choice: "I have a wife and two children," he said. .The number of illegal aliens caught trying to get into the trying to make a living in Juarez. "That's a typical problem," Or, they would come through Eliason said. "The aliens loiter on from time to time to earn some the levee on the other side of the money on the U.S. side and then fence and il we roll up ln a van go back. and jump out to make arrests, "Now , it a ppears large they run back into the water." BACK IN MEXICO -A Mexican wearing a Ci~innati Bengals T-shirt waves at the camera ~r U.S. Border Patrol officers deported him. Th. illegal alien and the others with him had U.Jlr ...... just been emptied from ,the Border Patrol van at the bridge over the Rio Grande after oUicers caught them trying to sneak into the U.S. · , .J' Brok.~n homes said not • main cause of Juve~ile delinqu~ncy WASHINGTON (AP) "employment while in high "Weoaw how frequently the Broken b~ have little to do school deterred delinquency." automobile got ju.veniles into w ith produci ng ju v en i 1 e The researchers said: trouble with the police and how delif!quents, a new study has "Thore who were empldyed other hav·ors were ..rdated.Jo safd.13.ut teen-agers "{ho drive or durfnglii'ihthe summer an the it," the stu<;ly said. holo1 jobs run increased risks of school year, particularJy the "It was not an early driver's having 11erapes with police. males, had somewhat more police license 'per se' trult resulted in Those w e re a mo n g t he con tacts and seriousness scores police contacts, but s\mply having conclusions in a six-year study than did others." access to the automobile, just as supported and released by the The University of Iowa early employment may have- Justice Department. researchers note d that the exposed some juveniles to greater "The marital. status of parents delinquency rate. significantly risk and also given them funds to hkd liu.le relationship to the increases 'for those who hold be spent In a trouble-producing d·elinquency behavior of their first full-time job at age 17 way during th e years of · juveniles," according to t he or earlier. socialization," the report noted.· l'f:9earchers. Driving, the study said, was a "Age of leaving home faill:!d to The study also cast doubt on key culprit in leading young · have a consistent impact on the the popular notio n that people into trouble. number and seriousness of ~~..:.--=-~~~~~~~~~..;._....;.......:..-~~~~~~~~~~~-==. co,ntacts with police ... " the researchers added. The study, conducted between 74 and 1980 in Racine, Wlsc., wa financed in part by the )\lsUce Departme n i. Its conclusions do not necessarily reflect the official views of the department. The researchers called Racine, a city of 100,000, a .. microcosm" of the United States. The study also concluded that the juvenih; Ju:gtice system oft.en fails to ~tbrm young offenders, and those who go ,through the system oft.en react by committing more crimes. • "What we found, in a variety of analyses and with considerable regularity, was an increase in frequency and seriousness of misbehavior in the periods following those in which san c tion s (court~ed treatment and corr ec{ion programs) were administered," the researchers said. 'The r esearch e r:• said the increased misbehavior following processing in the juvenile justice system was more true for boys than for girls. . "With few exce pti o ns inter:vention by the agencies of social control does ot play even a mode rate role in decreasing the seriousness of adult contacts with the police," the study added. ._ Juvenile courts technically do not punish offenders, but rather order young offenders to take pCrt in programs aimed at curbing further misbehavior. The re.-earchers al9o concluded that although "there is some relationship between juvenile delinquency and adult criminalitl . the relationship is not suf i clent to permit prediction of adult criminality from juvenile delinquency.'A ~~St11&s- LA101·11Ar SPECIAL La or Day W~ekend ~ OFF OaamER I , • ,253 OFF ALL DRY CLEAlllllG SEPTEMBER 111 THAU SEPTEMBER 4th ,iok-Up l1/irlf1 • t.11•''1 • B••~ Fi•idl 1000 N. COAST HIGHWAY .... .·l ll l 494-4044 QUALITY CARE ANO LEARNING PROGRAMS FOR CHILDREN TO 10 YEARS OF AGE ..... KINDERGARTE·N · O.UR STATE APPROVED KINDERGARTEN features: • CERTIFIED TEACHERS • SMALL GROUP SIZES • AFTER SCHOOL CARE s· A "L .E THIS IS OUR FINAL QEAN-UP OF SUMMER ClEARANCE SPORTSWEAR FOR WOMEN AND MEN LOTS OF GAEA T BARGAINS -GOOD SIZES FINE SE;LECTIONS -50o/o to 75% OFF HIGH QUALITY BRAND NAMES. NEW MARKDOWNS -NOW I •• LADIES: SHORTS -GRASSHOPPERS SHOES • DF3ESSES ·MENS: S~ORTS -S~IM TRUNKS -PANTS -JACKETS SEPT. 1to4 -WED. to SAt. RENT OUR BIG JOHN GRll I ROTISSERIE Our gr111a hold eo 1teak1 or 3 chicken• at one time. Our rotl1Mrlel wlll b9rbeoue • whole PIG Of 3 1team1hlp ro•ta at one time. 1161 Baker Street ca.ta M .. 54Metl7 DAILY 9:30TO1:00 Cl.OSE> S011DAY CHECKING FINALLY ... An easy way to earn our high repurchase plan rates on funds In your checking account I Earn 12.25% You'll earn those rates on every dollar oV.r $2,000 untll you nMd your money . • a day, a week. a year or longer! And, your money Is Insured by an 1gency of lhe Federal Goverment up to $2.000. Your balance over $2.000 Is not lneut9CI by lh• 1 .: FSl.IC. beeause It ls not a aavlng1 account or • d•Posit. lnltNd, It la MCUred by ObllgaftOnl • aecured by the U.S. Government or a U.S. Government Agency, The MCurttlet .,. held In a aeparate account al one of the largeet commercial bank• In lh• United States, and pied~ to Far West Round-.Up Cuatomera. Wtlln you need It. wrll1 a check. If your balance dropa below $2,000 you'll atlll ••m 5~~. So. round-up your rHdy c.ah anO apply lor ~·Up· cMc:king, todayl •• • ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Wednelday. September 1, 1982 'M-A-S-H' on rebound Comedy leads CBS to ratings victory BACKSTAGE -:--Actress .Liv trurnan hugs· her daughter Linh, 16, as they prepare to party alteJ" . ,,, ........... Ullman's return to Broadway this week in Henrik Ibsen's "Ghosts.'' • • JD ads for 'Homework' HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The producers of the film "Homework" have been ordered to withdraw all nude advertising for the movie in a court order requested by actress Joan Collins. U.S. District Court' Judge Irving H UI issued a r~straining order requiring Rearguard Productions and .Je n sen Fartey P'roductions to. withdraw the advertising for the movi4!' about campus se.x. · Collins, who stars in ABC-TV's "Dyn asty,'' and actreas Carrie Snodgresa have sued the producers of the R -rated movie for $25 million. The suit 900tends that Miss Collins 1pedfically was assured there would be no nude sce.nes but filmmakers Ulled a double to ~e it appear that she bad done nude .:enes. ovie ads, which showed Collins I With her arms COVerin g her bare bc»om, have been changed to show her fully clot hed, sald Norman Winters, a apokemnan for the actresa. The suit alleges that producers • misled the two women into thinking the film would be an educational anti-drug film and permission was never given for it to be released or promoted commercially, attorney Fred Bl~ said. According to the suit, Snodgress did three acenes for the movie only after she wu assured it was an educational anti-drug film to be shown to high achool atudenta. Rearguard Productions attorney Edmund Barton said he could not comment on the suit, but added, "I can tell you that Rearguard categorically denies the aijegations that they are making." David Noch1mson, attorney for Jemen Farley Productions, said his client was merely distributing the film. "We view ounelves as an innocent . third par ty," he said. "We had nothing to do with the making o( the film." LO"S AN-0ELES (AP) - "M·A-S-H" afl(I CBS were back at the top of the televilion ratlnp for the week'ended Aue. 29. CBS and ABC had tied for tint place ln the A.C. Nlel8en ra~p lut week, and ABC'• "Too Clo1e for Comf ort" wa1 ln flut place. "M·A·S-H" had been ln el&hth place. T hi.a week ABC 11l1>Pe<I back to aecona place, u dld "¥00 Cloee for Cocntort." CBS wu flnt with a ratlna of 14.2. ABC wu eeoond with 13.4 and NBC Wiii third wlth 12.1. 'l,'tM9 networks aay \hll meam ln an averaiie prime-time minute 14.2 percent of the nation'• homes with TV were tuned}" CBS. T he Nlel1en Co. aleo announced that the value of a rating polnt had chanpd asatn. Effective W ednesday each point will equaJ 833,000 homes lnateed of the previoua 815,000 homes. Thia mean.a the number of American homes with television 'had lncrea8ed to 83.3 mllllon. In the 1971-72 aeaaon. a ratings polnt wu equal to 621,000 homes. "Filthy Rlch," the CBS 1ummer aerle1 that 1hot to the top of the ratings, has been picked up by CBS as WINS SUIT A:c tress Joan Collins will be "clothed" in future ad vertisin,, for t h e movie "Homew o rk ' aft er winning a court battle. "'The Chosen' ... One-oflhe year's best!" '~IT'J A MIRACLE THAT Y:/ILL LEAVE YOU FEEUNG 10 FEET DU..'' _____ lllOC> __ ,,, IUl-TIW. 1:00, 1:15, • 10:15 edwards UDO CINEMA ~ ... ':'Al9 673-1350 TH! lHRSl rHR/lltn Of rHtSO'S fnnJllllCIRllD MIJllE STARS . ........... . ... .._ ... Piil. SH~ • .... ""'° ...... TllACll -~Ta ~ *"""" CINdoiM -~ Clf.-... Clrleona ~4 0760 134 US3 •l·HU Edwards ViljO T-UH9t0 Ull .-CANTIMI l'lclllc'• ~ DIM In 413-4$.45 _, MMa 11CC9"1'1D'Oll TMI O'OP I 1 6 1 .... ......... 7721448 ma lillllwl8ftaPlata 571~33· ~·--~ HlfW Twin AMC OIMOl 1111 IJI 3'V1 137-4340 -l'aclllt'I ()qngl Ol1YI In 834 9311 -UA Cill' Cillell'9 llO --'ff 134Jtll -TMl-Q I :' w':!:!. ,30_.•01 I • lllW{.flS l'IUll1lO • CKMl\!Xft1C71 uo I "The moet uctttno cloWn-to-the-wtre ectton ...._ SMOKIY AND THR BANDIT Md the ........... buftdl of ~ alnce THR BAD NIWI Bl!ARI." _T-..,... -----Ja111Nr .,,_, ..... .,.,r•illlW· a reauJar fall lhow. It will replace "Mama Malone." Thia week "Filthy Rich" flnllhed in fourth place. Her~ are the Top 10 show•: ~ ..... _ ........ N-OW .. P' AVINO "M·A-S,H," a raUftl of 23.7 or 10.3 ~ L.l'll mllHon, C BS ; "Too Close for .,. , "' -n•••--..... -Comfort,'' 21.0 or.17.5.milllon, ABC,· ...,.,., .. .,,.,. · •t•ot11t'-W• , ... ., .. ~c-, .. ,l)o_.,., .... 0t'3'9 6'1 ~ tll•1UIOJtf U•l>tt "Three'• Comoany.'' 2.1.f or 17.4 coim•u ..-.--wtn m million, ABC; ''FUth~Rich/" 21.1 or ~~f-c-ft,',~=-~~':'""" "',.Jw..,11 D-.. • 17.2 million, CBS; ''The Jeffet90na," l------!L .. ~~!!::""~":;"'~'"'~~:;;;!.. ____ _:J 20.6 or 16.8 million, CBS; "60 Mlnutel," 20.5 or 16.7 rilillion; CBS; ----. --------=------...;;_- "WKRP in ClnclnnatJ" 20.5 O(' 16.7 ' million, CBS; "Allee," 19.6 or 15.0 mWJon, CBS; "Trapper John, M.D.," 17.7 or 14.4 million, CB.S; "Hill Street Bluea," 17.4 or 14.2 million, NBC. Here are the next 10: "Hart to Hart," ABC; "Quincy, M.E.," NBC; "Gimme a Break," NBC; "Laverne and Shirley,'' ABC; "Facts of Llfe,'' NBC; "One Dav at a Time," CBS; "Archie Bunker's Place," CBS; "Pri- vate Benjamin," CBS; "20-20," ABC; "The Fall Guy," ABC. Here are the five lowest-rated shows: "McClain's Law,'' NBC; "Facts of Life" special, NBC; ''Bret Maverick,0 NBC; "Diff'rent Strokes," NBC; "Born to the Wind,'' NBC. 29 new movies shown at Venice film festival VENICE, Italy (AP) -The Ven\ce Film Festival, celebrating its 50th ·anniversary, is u nder way with movies from Italy, France, the Soviet Union and the United States. Twenty-nine new films from 15 oountries will be shown at the festival that runs until Sept. 8. Of the 29, only 18 will compete for the Golden Lion award for the best film. Five others will compete for the Golden Lion for' the best flrst or second work by a director. '.The remaining films are not competing. The program also includes 118 other -~vies, including past winners of tJ\e Golden Lion awards. ~!\.!!YL.tt}Ultl12al:aUb.e_:\!eni,k~--= LlOo was "The Blue Planet" by Italian director Franco Piavoli. Also sh owing were "Agony" directed by N. Klimov of the Soviet Union, "The Elder Brother" directed by Francis Girofi of France and "E.T . The Extraterrestfrial" by U.S. director Steven Spielberg. .. u 18 I YI ,-Jb •Iii~ orl lurl 250,000 expected ~liollda-y 'By Y ARDENA ARAR ................ w,... SAN BERNARDINO A million aott drinka, 600,000 ho\ clop, 1,800 portable toilets, 3,200 water fountains and faucets, two co nvenie n ce 1to r e 1 and a temitorary e x lt ramp o ff Interstate 15. Thia party has been a )'eat in the planning. It orsanlzera of the $i2.5 mllUon US Featlval haven't anticipated every need of the iso.ooo people expected at the three-day rock concert, they've probably come a tor cloeer than any other outdoor festival promoters. The Labor Day Weekend mualc celebration, which begins Ji'rlday, is the brainchild of :Sl-year-old computer wi:tard Steve Wozniak, who became a m u ltimillionaire with the ~tion of the Apple II computer •yatem. 1 Fol' $37.50 each , participants wll~ hear such groups as the TallUng Heads, Fleetwood Mac, ** the Kinkl, Police, San~ and the B-021. • "The '\imfng_ i1 10 ~&ht," Womiak says. "We're king a kind of Super Bowl f rock conceria. I decided that 11wanted to do it, and the time wall now." Wozniak and a crew of about 30 -who have been living at the site alnce June 1 -have rebuilt a concert site at G)en Helen. Regtopal Park, north of San Bernardino about 60 mllea ea.it of Lo9~. "We ptoblbly ttmaVed .about 340 000 cubic yarda of earth," said festival alte _ _planner and developer Craig . Toeher. Since ground-was broken June 71 ~P ll> 60 conatruct!on workers have put in 12 miles 4>f road and cle&n!d · 280 acres of vegetation for parking lots and campgrounds. - The concert amphitheater, now an appealing 57-acre. bowl completely covered with grUf, was just a sloping dirt field when it was sprayed five weeks ago with 12,000 pounds of pulp. ** -... fest ' drtnkln1 lount.alna; them • ar banka of portablo tolleu and even a 24-h our convenience fertlllier and a special mix of store. el1ht different klnd1 of graH Although the park'• amall aeed. laket wlll be off-Umlta, two lar1e Some 20 mllea of irrlgaUon ''roollng areaa" each feat'"" open pipe kept tile amphitheater and alr l howera tcapablo of 1praylng other park areas green and moist ~.000 people at a tlme. for a fix-week growing aeaaon, A tempor ary h oapltal and Tosher said. several fJrat-ald cent.ere wUl be To help · avoid traffic jam1, Installed, and a aecurity force of permlNlon wu obtalned from more. than 1,000 -lncludln1 'he U . S . D «1 pa r t me n t o f eome 300 uniformed officers - Tranaportatlon to bulld a 1peclal hu been hired. temporary ramp feedina into the "We'r' encourasln~ ople , park from Intert1t.at.e US. That wbo arc comlng for all ·days ramp and ...ano\her entranoe wW to brina ~of their food," feed can lnto 3~ flC1"ef of lined uld Dr. Priecllla LlJlclch, the parkin1 Iota, while 11 third feetlval 's publtc relatlorta enfl'ance will funnel campers and director. But she adviMs ~one­ recr'9atlonal vehicles 1nto a who doean't want to •o thtt 160~A<ft campground. brqwn bag route to bring $1$ to There are no water or power '$2.0 ·to keep thel'lllelvee •tocked hookups for campers, who are with a dizzying variety of food advlled to bririg warm clpthet, and drink on sale at 87 conce91ion aleeplng bags and ground c:overs, atan1s located throughout the but at feast some o1 the comf~ ' of llome will be availablt:. The That may not sound like many camping area la dotted with stands, but ·food a nd beverage • circular cement water outlets, conce aaion . director Ahdr~w each with two faucets and two Harris poiota out that the 51 · * * booths in the ooncert area alone will have 300 service lines. G t t i k t t · th t "This la n ot ·y our t ypical . e your c e s a . e ga e sta;!l~~~r.=::~burger I will be on sale. But there will be Promoters chan'ue policy for 'VS' festi'val fans I .all those hot dogs, not to me~tlon THEY'RE READY -"US" F estival orga,~~~~~-. Wozniak (right) and concert producer Bill Graham smile 88 they answer questions about the massive concert planned for the San Bernardino Mountains this weekend. . , e -. 50,000 freshly baked 10-mch BEVERLY HILLS (AP) -Promoterr.had fttlt salcrthey-connren-ce-a the Be-vet"ly ftan ch rolls and 25~_g oo , Tickets to the "US" Festival -would sell tickets only in adv~ Willhire Hotel. aandwiches (~talia,. cold cut, fresh ano cfi'l"eafru1t. --Finally, -the-mess. Some .2QQ_ the rock music and computer fair to avoid the last-minute n.ash that Attending the conference were rout beef, ~ and awt.,, tuna) A two-acre beer garden behind workers have been hired for Jo be held aver the Labor Day plagued the 1969 Woodstock several of the entertainen to befha trucked in each day. the amphitheater and a six-acre ~leanup operations including a --;..~kond in the San Bernardino festival in New Yeck But John perform at the US Feativ~ Pat Also on sale wUl be bagels, garden near the computer fair glass and bottle recycling center Mountains -will be available at Moohr executive vice president lHnatar, Mick Fleetwood of cream cheese a nd •1g• f.o.r tents will offer up to 6,000 kegs ln the campground area, a n the eate after all. of the 1sponaoring UnW10n Corp., Fleetwood Mac and members qf breakfas~ pi~ rolla, nachos and of draft domestic beer wld "at aluminum can recycling center in said reaer~ed tickets wttl be the Grateful Dead. Others burrit.os, barbecued rlbe, chicken, least .a · couple of hlfndrea th.e concert and exhibit area alld available at tbe door. acheduled to perfonn lncJu~ ~ · Polish aausage , oriental food, ; thousand" cans-of Mc~ beer:--t2Tarbage"lr"llcks tha"t each night ''Brinn on "Admission la •37.50 for all Police, Talking Heads, Tom Petty vegetarian meala, cheese, cold Soft drinks and fruit juice•also wlfl collect trash from lj>O el three days or $17.50 per day at and the Heartbreakera, the C\4W. Ice cream, soft pretzels and will be available dumpsters and the site itself. h h ' the extravagan za, whi ch Kink~ the Can and Jack~n ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ t e c amp orpni%.en hope will dra~· 250,-Browne. . 000 people. Feauv,1 organiser Ste.ve HOLLYWOOD (AP) -The Concert promoter Bill Graham Wozniak, wh<1 alao attended. ~e company for NBC's "Fame" was aald the decision to chanae was in con.fel."t!B&:~hea c:~"l~;:. ~d- on location the other day and star oonsideratlon of rock fans of the i\ was no~ Important that the Debbie Allen' was picking '60a, who now have families and $12.5 million festival made flowers on her lunch hour. might be able to attend only one money. ~ A ptt>J)Mll\-UW her gathertng-ntg ht, II' ~ell as for those "That's not th~ most important ~flowers by a fence and said, "incredible number of people aspect. of-OW' ahiaUc endeavor," 'You know who lives on the who are cornl~ from other p8.rta Wozn iak said. conceding other sid e? Th e c ti amp, of the country. ' · however: "The intent la not to Muhammad Ali." Graham denie d recent lose money," but to assure people ''The boxer?" she asked. She published reports that the a gopd t.imE!. looked over the tence at his festival had sold fewer than. a The US Festival will be held at home. After a minute, she third of the tickets available. Glen Helen Regional Park in the shouted, "Come on out. baby, and "I think they're all right," he San BernardinCJ' Mountains, 75 ahow yourself.". said of sales during a news miles northeast of Lo9 Angeles. "SIX A PACK" (N) ''llE .1111111'~ A·. ·Labor Day, . -- Weekend Family Event Th~ Up ~Ith People Show Is an lntgrnatlonally acclaimed cast of more than 100 young people who sing and dance their way Into your heart, with music from home and abroad. Don't miss this chance to see this beautifully choreographed, colorful festlval of music. Coming Sept. 5 and 6 to Orange Coast College auditorium at 8 p.m. Advance tlcketa for $7 avfllabfe •t the C>OO-tlcket office, 558-5127. Tickets on ntoht of · performance are S8 at the gate. Event co-sponsored by __ Orange Cout Collegf and Orange COMt Dally Piiot. I • aARQAIN MATINEES* Monday tltru Saturday All Performance• before 5:00 PM (f1Ce,f.,_...hp ..... a1M.~ Jo IJl,..,A A UA Muooo 01 to .. cron• LA MIRADA WA Li! IN ff .. 2400 "ROCKY II" !NI. __ _____ ,._, I Al(fWOOO C ENTER SOUTH.,..,. '" "tfOME WORK"•; -----· a•,•' 1,.41 ANAHEIM Dl11Vf IN . .. . . ... BUENA PARK 0~1¥1 ,~ UN:----·-llM070 ----- ..... '•a.• LINCOLN DlllVI IN I __ ,. .. ___ _ .. ,..,70 ... ... "AN OflFICaR AND A ~.a ··· ..,_,AY TIC an. ".All'T I" 1111 -.. ------ -..OC:.Yr-. ----· "91ll•ACll"INI .,... __ •yOUNQ DOCTOll8 .. LOft" 1111 ---"MIGHT~lll! --- "PM>AY lMI t1T'M """" r1111 •• _____ ... C"tt .. _ "LT~ T'4I HTM• ,...ITlllM.."' -...,..QMAT ..,...,. CN'9r .. , ~,_ .. , --pen ...... -FOUNMIN YAllfY 0 11. II E 1"1 '•" 0...,. ,_ •• -Ito> "'"' MOLLYWOOO It....,. . .. I· 1411 Clllf " tclUltO ........ so ., ......... ,,.._ lt1·3ffi ---~ ... ....,.,. ... , ... eoit ,._ --- llllJ 111111 . keepB its cool - at Labor Day picnic. Recipe on Page C2. WIDNl~DAY, lll'TIMllPI 1, 1N2 ' . esla prodace plaa economical eai' means a savings ID food dollan wlllle reap1D1 a harvest ID natrltloa. Clockwise from top: Zacclalnl Tomato Qalcbe, Sweet Corn Omelets, Green Bean ~ramble, Eggplant Parmesaa FrlUata and Creamy C•c•mber Ca1tard1. , Harvest tiJ'ne . . . and the ~ting ii easy, ~nomical and delicious! Fres}\ produce is eing up all over in supermarket.a and home ns. And, easy-to-prepare eggs~ as readily ble, and when compared to other protein ~. 88 inexpensive 88 ever. When Large eggs are $1 a den.en, they're onfy 67 ~ts a pound! Put the two together and ttle result is *'8ational, but ~entsible, summer dining. The variety of vegetables available la more-than sufficient to satisfy most aJ)yone's taste titads. And, the variety of ways ~ c-an be prepared is almost unlimited.. The recipes here ipclude an elegant qwche, easy-to-make omelets, If speedy skillet supper scramble, a fast and qavortul frittata, and refreshlnsly light custards. =. But, you needn't stop there. Finely chop or your favorite vegetable and fold it into a le. RoU up asparagus spears or broccoli E in crepes and ladle on a cheese sauce. Chop veggies and toss them together with pped hard-cooked eggs and either "mayo," .!Dur cread}p~r yogurt for a salad, aandwtch any meal of the day, there's an easy and way to get needed protein, vitamina rals on the table when you combine ee.uonal produce. To keep you and your kitchen cool, three of, recipes are top-of-range llkillet suppen. q'Uk:he can be baked either conW!ltlooally or a microwave and JOU don't have to tum on the for the cuatards -they can be made in an 41«ttil! aldllet! Try any 0r all of tbeae nppes. Or, 1Ubetitute r vegetables for thoee llW(elted. Either way, j)eal preparation will take ao little time, you'll be l>1e to get out and enjoy the IUnlhlne. ZUCCRIN1 TOMATO QUICHE I tervtao Pretty .. a picture ana .. tasty .. tt looka! rve thls impreutve entree for a famlly ut, lunch or dinner or a styu.h brunch for ettli Be sure to drain the tomato well u ...,IUDl!I' tamatoe9 are apt to be qu,lte juk:y. 1 (e.inch bUed pie abell)• I 2 cup1 sliced zucchini (about 1 rnedi\1111) " ~cu~onion r.t 1 tab butter 1i-i C!Ulrl2 OL)"ahrwedde41'1d11!111-1!S .. wlB••_....- l tdrkipocn Oour j._,_1_,!Ded1um tomato, seeded, chopped and ~ (about ~ cup). 6egt 1 cup half and half or milk ~ taMpoon onpno or bMll leava, cnaahed ~~.it • ~ t ! Mii DOn pepper 1 ID lar1e sldllet over medium heat, coole hlnJ a~ onion in butter until llpdy llrawn.lld, about 5 mlnut-. 8prtnldit a.cchlnl ~. cm-, flour and ... pe ahell. a.t ·~ remalninl -~---untU well .blen"aed.· ·Pour over ................. ..... llld..,. ..,_ cwm 1.mUI lallfe _ _..11111 _,. _... eiaam OUI diml, IO 1o 15 minutes. Let stand 5 minutes before aerving. TO BAKE PIE SHELL alide from pan onto plate. Keep warm while preparing remllining omelets. Garnish with tomatoes and parsley, Jf desired. It fa better to fill omelet when it is slightly underdone. Heat retained in egp co01Aletes the cooking. Line unbaked pie shell with 12-inch equare of aluminum foil. Fill with rice of or dried beam or peas. Cover rim of ahell with edges of foil. Bake in preheated 4~ degrees F. aven until U,htly browned at edps, 10 to 15 minutel. Lt.ff out foil GREEN BEAN SCRAMBLE and rice. Cool Oil wire rack. I Microwave: Prick bottom and sides of pie ahell 4 servings with fork. Cook on High 4 to 4 ~ minutes, U you've never l'nade a skillet scramble, the rotating ~ tum after 1 minute and 3 minutes. summer ls a wonderful time to try one. This Set aside. ~pe uaes fresh green beans and Swiss cheese. In ahallow camerole combine zuochini, onion Use 6nother vegetable or a combination of and butter. Cover and cook on High until aoft, aeveral in place of the beans the next time you about 4 minute.. nu pie abell • atiOw. make one. Cook on High 5 minutes, rotatlna ~ turn 8 ounces fresh green beans, cut into 1-inch after 2 ~ minutes. 'Reduce power to ~ percent or pieces 30 percent and cook 11 to 15 minute., rotating ~ cup water IA turn two or three times to auure even 8 eggs cooking. Quiche ii done when knife lmened 'h cup milk halfway between center and outer edae comet 1 tablespoon instant minced onion out clean. Center will appear .et bu.t still aUghtly ~ teaspoon aeuon~ salt shaky. Ltt stand, WlCOVered 10 minuta Ya teaspoon tarragon, rosemary or '8Vory leaves, crushed, optional SWEET CORN OMELETS 14 teaspoon pepper · ' servma• 2 tablespoons butter U you have only a couple of ears of .corn and ~ cup (2 oz.) shredded Swisl cheese) want to feed the whole family, or if you've got In medium saucepan, combine beans and com 0 coming out of your ears," try omelets. water. Bring to boiling. Cover, reduce heat and They•re great any time of the day. aimme.r until beans are criap-tender, 10 to 15 1 ~ cups fresh com kernels (cut from 2 to 3 minutes. Drain and set lllide. medium ears) • Mlx eggs. milk and aeuon1np undl blended. ~ cup chopped green pepper In 10-inch omelet pan or alr:illet over medium ~cup chopped onion ,., heat, heat l:>utter until pt bl>tienouah to llzzJe a ~ cup water drop of water. Pour In ea mixture. Stlr ln ~ teaspoon aalt, divided rellerved green beans and cheele. 8 eat ~ mixture beginll to lel, pntlt draw an ~ cup water inverted pancake tu.mer compljtely aero. the ~ to 1 ~ dry mUlltard bottom and aides of pan, formina.. larae .aft curds. ~ teMpoon pepper Continue until e1P an lhicaened but still 4 tablespoom butter, divided moist.. Do not stir corwtanta,. 1 cup (4 ounce) ab.redded ~ cheae, •It la better to~ ICl'Unbled esp from divided pan when they &re slightly underdone. Heat Cherry tomatoa, optional retained ln egp completes the cookina· Panley sprip, opdaoal In medium •ucepan, combine com, peen EGGPLANT PARMESAN FRl'M'ATA eepper, onion, water and ~ "MpOOn of the .it. 4 tervhall . Brlnl to boW.nc· Cover, reduce heat and lbnmel' Ecaplant-lovers Will-rave. For euplant until com la tender, about 5 minutia Keep wann hatera, just change the llame, keep that while preparlnc omeiet.. Drain before filling lnlJ'edient a secret. and they'll rave. too. The cneletlr ---• A --:---flaweiamOd bu.trlch~ co¥.!.. • _ Mix eaa, water, remamm. Mlt. JDwtard 1 ea and ~ unUl blended. For ..:h omelet, in 7-.1 tableepoon water 10-lrd\ omelet Jl!lll or akWet, owr medh.an·hlCh ~ t..-.poon lalt heat, beat l tab'eepoon of the butter until ;.t 2 CUI» diced pared egplant (about 8 en.) hot enouah to Uzle a drop of water. \'\cup fine dry bre.cl crumbs Pour ln ~ C\lP of the ea mixture (Mixture ~ cup butter or oil should lmmedlately Mt at ~in.) Whh an 8 eaP .. inverted .-ncaU tumer, caN1UDJ pulh mobd \'\ c..'Up milk or tomato Julee porUonl at eda-toward center IO uncooked ~ cup (2 ounces) shredded monarella poc1Sorw mn ~ ...,_,., Ullbll pan chew -~~cooked -~~'?~~ w cup snted Pamw me.. ,._".b::t,,cafol;-.. ~~ ~==~~ . U. GIMIM. 8plt.ftlllt M -41& -... .__ _..,,__. can mbdule. . 111~---~1-*I.· .._.~ • wa• WIOlpl"AhlWawGtiil • _.. l9k ACY_...., 8ftd llftQJ undl Invert°"'°~ ...... ~( • ·-.. CD' PINIY.... th .. llllJCtUft. . .. Let stand 10 minutes. Drain. Retym eggplant to bowl, sprinkle with-crumbs and toss until completely coated with crumbs. · In 10-inch Qnlelet pan or skillet with ovenproof handle over1lmedium heat, cook eggplant in butter, 'Stirring frequently, until lightly browned on all 'sides, about 5 minutes. Beat together remaining ingredients except parsley. Pour over eggplant. C.ook over low to medium heat until eggs are almost set., 12 to 15 minutes. Cover pan, remove from heat and let stand 8 to 10 minutes. OR, broil about 6 inches from heat until eggs are completely set, 4 to 5 minutes longer. Cut into wedges and serve from pan, or either slide from pan or invert on to serving platter. Garnish with parsley; if desired. To make handle ovenproof, wrap COJnpletely with alwnim.im foil'. CREAMY CUCUMBER CUSTARDS • servillas Cucumber in custards? ~ea! Served wann or chilled, they make a refreshing meal starter, side diah or snack. Though light, they're lu.dous with cream chee9e and 80W' cream adding richness. 1 medium cucumber (10 to 12 ounces) 1 tablespoon vinegar 1 Ya teaspoons salt . ~cup chopped onion 1 lablespoop butter I cup milk 1 package (3 ounces) cream cheese, cubed 4 egp 'ti cup dairy 90ur cream 2 teaspoons flour 1 teaspoon prepared muslard ~ teaspoon dried dill weed ~ teaspoon pepper Watel'Cl'elS leaves, optional Cut 6 thin cucumber alices. Set aside. Pare, aee4 and shred remaining cucumber. Stir in vinegar and salt. Let at.and 15 minut-. Drain well, pressing out exce11 liquid. Set ukle. ln amall saucepan over medium heat, c.'OOk onion ln butter until tender butlnOt brown 3 to 4 mlnut.es. Stir ln milk. Heat until very bot. Stir ln cheeee un.tll melted. Remove from heai. In large bowl. beat together remaining m,redients ex~p\ watercress until well blended. Oredually stir in reeerved cucumber and milk mbrtu.re. Place llx (8 oUncea e11eh) cwtald cupe in larp ~ pan. Pour egg mhctUtt lnlD CUltard cupe. Place pan on ra-clt tn preheated 350 detaw 1'. nm. f9uro Vflr1 Ml water into pen fb within ~ hlch of top of CU9tarda. Bake untfJ knate ~ neer cent.er~ out clM.n, about 20 to 2& minutes. Remow lmmedlatel)' from hot water. Serve warm or chilled. Garnish wlth reserved c.wumblr .._ and wat.ercre11 leavea, lf demred. To cools 18 electric 1ktllet: .Prepare eu t• abOYe. Pl.ace f1lled c.wtard : c\&.. ln Pm lkillwt with-wry bot waca ., ...... bl-~• ..... 1 lnl:h. CMr. HMt at PO~ r. until waw .._ about 4 to O mtnutlL ~ bat and almmw untU knife Ulliai1N w cut.er ' com11 out clMnt abiout 10 ID 11 ......... R.noWI .......... .., from hot waw.Jllrw • aboft. .. Orangt Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Wtdneeday, s.PtemMt 1, 1111 It you Uk plcnks, but <.'S>Ol. and ita abaDe. hate to PICk up a lot of Ute th let cubee later food. her '• the recipe to cool drink1 . Do tor you. l\'1 a !i:fle to remember tho buic rule l~JP&in-cliah a • for..all 1ummer picnics r== complete make-ahead! keep hot fooda hot and AU you need to tuck in <..'Old fooda cold. the plonlc ba1ket are When It'• your tum to J;'Olla. fruit, and a provide the main dlah, beverage. Take-Alon1 either at home or away, Picnic Mold really does give Take-Along Picnic llghten your picnic load. M 0 1 d a t r y . I ( • a •18 whh 1). SUr In chicken, chopped •II• and eel ry. Tum Lrtto 8· or 6~-cup r~r~: or 1 ~quart re tor container. Chll until firm. Unmold or cut 1quares to 1erve. GarnW\ with 1rapea and e11 wed1ee. HARD-COOKED EGGS Hard-cooked eggs and deUcloualy light, but full chopped chicken provlde of protein, vitamins, and the neQellW'Y protein for mineral• to keep you the salad. Lemon gelatin goina. ' --i :lb-~ ..b~. whll TAKE·ALON6-'PleNle mayonnalle, just a dash MOLD Put ega In saucepan and add enou1h · tap Wl\ter to come at J,eut 1 inch above eggf. Cover: bring rapidly Juat to bolllrig:-'PUm off heet; It necessary, remove pan from burner to prevent further bolling. Let stand ln the hot water J6 mlnu~ for Large e,.. -adjust tlme up or down by approximately 3 minutes for each 11U larlier or smaller. . of lemon juice and . a 8 aervtni• wblff of tarragon supply 1 package (6 oz.) flavor. lemon-flavored gelatin Celery slices add a ~ teaspoon salt pleasant crunch and spot ~ teaspoon ,Jlried bf green to the golden tarragon leave1, crushed salaa. Summer's pretty 3 cups boiling water green grapes are a 2 tablespoons perfect go-with. Or, if vinegar • you wish, halve enough Yi :cup mayoMaise grapes to make a cup and or salad dressing Cool lnunedlately and thoroughly in cold water -shells are easier to remove and it le le11 likely you will have a dark surface on yolka. stir into the gelatin 1 ~ cups chopped mixture for a slightly cooked chicken or turkey sweeter salad. . 6 h a r d · c o o k e d For easy portability rnold the salad in a plastic container with a tight-eealing lid, then cut squares at the picnic site .. If it will be a long, hot trip to the meal, pop the container of salad into a cooler, or nestle it in a pan or large bowl of ice cubes, so it will keep its eggs, wedged In large mixing bowl combine gelatin, salt, tarragon, boiling water, and vinegar. Stir until gelatin is dissolved. Add mayonnaise and beat or whisk until smooth. Chill until beginning to set (mixt ure will be consistency of unbeaten To remove shell: Crack it by tapping gently all over. Roll egg between hands to loosen shell; then peel, starting at large end. Hold eg 4nder running cold . water or dip in bowl of water to help ease off shell. · Salt substitutes _;_no great shakes The U .S. Dietary Gujdelines suggest that Americans avoid eating too muCh aodium, but if they do it by switching to salt substitutes they may not be any better off. "The best solution is to put away the salt shaker and turn to the spice rack.if yo~ant to make your food tasty," said Joanne Ikeda, nutritionist for University of California Cooperative Extension at Berkeley. Ikeda explained that potassium chloride in salt substitutes functions in the body much in' the • same way as doe& eodlwn b 1 o o d c a n c a u s e chloride or table salt. h y p e r k a 1 e m l a , o r "One ts probably not potassium intoxica~on. U any better for you than ~re ~ugh; this can the other;" said · Ikeda. cauae cardiac ~t. . "Frequent, heavy use of Instead of switching salt eubstitutes could from salt to a salt ·increase potassium substitute, Ikeda beyond normaI i anges su~gests learning to rl!commended by the en)Oy the unsal~ flavor National Research of ~ood or adding low Council. Most people get ~um herbs and 1plces. more th a n enough Most people miss salt potassium Jrom meats, the first month or so milk, fruits, and dark after they ban th e green leafy vegetables." shaker, but then .they · adapt to th e flavor of Ikeda said that little is foods with little salt," known about the effeet said Ikeda. "U something of long term high tastes too bland, ada potassium dlets, but that basil, bay leaf, dlll, excess potassium in the garlic, ginger, paprika, parsley or other low sodium spices. . Salt intake also can be reduced by cutting down on salty snack foods such as potato chips, crackers, pretzels, salted nuts., and salted popcorn. Soy sauce, steak sauce, cheese, pickles, and onion and garlic salts al90 a.re hlgh In aodium. So are many convenience· and processed foods. I "R~ad ingredient listings and watch tor words such /AS salt, sodium, monosodium glutamate and other forms of sodium in the product," said Ikeda: OLD EL PASO"Taco Sauce tastes more like a sa1sa than a sauce. It's good and thick. Made with chunks of fresh-picked tomatoes and zesty green chilies. Discover what a delicious difference OLD EL PASO· Taco Sauce can make in your tacos ... and in goodness knows how many other family favorites . I , • I .. . . TAKE-ALONG SALAD-A light but nutritious main dish, this molded salad lightens the picnic load while providing ample food for hungry picnickers. Try it for your Labor Day outing. SaVe . on Del Monte &Chun King Quality · for Labo~ l)ay! · ·. - EASY BARBEQUE SAUCE 1-V3 CUf'S Dl:1 MONTE" Tomaro Cac.up V4 cup CHllN K1Nco• Soy Sauce 2 tsp \\bro.">Cm.h1rc Sauce 1 Tbsp honey U>mbine ingredil-nts Mannatc meat several hours Remove meat, cook. ba ting frequently with matinndl· DchCJOU with poulrry. beef or i.parcnhs l·V2 cups Reynolds -...iu,. _______ _ ,,..,.,., ________ _ .-... ... _______ _ C~---------51111 l•---·c ... N(lk UI ,,.,.,,., oM fl 22 ,., _,.,,win w Pit ... ,Ji-6-1 w<tU lot tlllpmcnt Mall to: Tilt New!,..,_ Colltdon Socltty 237 SiwMilrRoid, ,,0. Box 414 Wttt ~.Ct o.516 ~I --------------- 32300 SOObtib I 1~ I , •I 1 I • .! i ) ) I ) , I Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wedneld1y, hptembtt' 1, 1882 t oot f or 1o Wer -prices o-n-fti v~ite • w 1nes B~J)i:RRYD.MEAD Heublein'• wine con1um e ra . Oive wide problem, but LEARNS FRENCH: who 1pealu truent . MARKET CHANGES: cotnpanleel Inalenook1 Reynoldl alx month.I or 1111 DI 1111 Monterey and Central V~kJ Rae 11 a bla"fan of French. 11 of'hrlna A few week• •10 I Colony , i..•Jon ana 10 to atudy, the Coutmaybehardeathlt. California winea, and aulded , very predicted that prices for Beault u, have been oomf>ttUtlon, and then Vdn~yardlall aro really UMd to make her Uvlna peraonallzed tour•, to f:nany of your favorite ahowlna a lack "of expect to see aome Anothe r aale? Ne w County firm, on of the &0inf to have a touah telling cards and boob villUna Amerlcanl,.who Mnee would be coming direction over the paat renewed tlgna of life money? A change ln c la11leat chateaux, 11 ume selling their grapes and other thlnp with a share her love of the (Sown. c oup 1 e of ye a r 1 . from the old brands. marketlna? Tl~ will repoi:tedly aelling in bulk at a profit t,hta year. wine-grape motif to good Ufe. • : Th .e re a 1 on l 1 a E 1 p e c I a 11 y I n the tell. to other wineries that lt W l n e r l e a a r e wineries and wine 1hopt For only $15 an hour ~omblnatlon of hard popularly priced arenaa1 RUMOR MILL: It la Another Sonoma clai1T111 ls tlghUy allocated canceltng contracll II if all over the Weat C'oait. (minimwn of 3~ houn), ~lnanclal timea, declining there appears to be a loea not a rumor thaJ..Sonoma C o u n t y .b I g g I e I s to its retail cuatomera. they were meanlngleu But when the love of her she'll take you to the aalea, proliferation ot of ground to Gallo and Vtneyard1 sold lta reportedly auing Its All of the above are to begin with, while life moved CoParls, Vicki open air markets, wine wineries and brands, Coca Cola. pro fl table mall-order marketln& firm for non-symptom of the lllneas others are waiting for left all that behind. a c a d em t e a , be 1 t ~lua what looks like an RJRlanotedforbeing dlvlalon, Wlndior p~rtorman ce o r that will bring those pl'lcea tofallevenfarther· Her entrepreneurial reatauranta, unknown aJ.1-tlme record harvest. a g gr e sa Ive l n t h e Vineyards, to a Chlcaao aomethhul like that, and · prices down. · b e f or e m a k I n g spirit la still alive, I'm little bistros, unique : Thelirstevldence markeUngarena.anda flrm.That'safact.The mayalaol>elooklngfora Almo st forg o t to comrnltinent.s.Somevery 'happy to aay, as I mw.e~,·forapicnicln you'll aee ii apedal deats little more competition la rumor .sctncern1 the buyer. . men ti on one othe r good grapes may go diacovered upon opening the ~1 or to viait the •nd special prices on alwa)'s sood for ua parent...,lnery Itself. Yet another Sonoma symptom. It ill a state-unpicked altogether. , my mail thla a.m. Vicki, (See 1"1!!8, Pap C'7) ;)Vi n es you've been---~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~-.....~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~--~~~~~~~~------~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~- paying lota of money for. Then, around the first of the year, loolt for new Vint.age releases to ·at.art ihowing some lowe'r- ~·suggested" prices· than for previous vintages. · How long will the bargains last? Just until demand catches up with supply once again, and 'hen most of the wineries will be off and running, charging just as much as the public will bear. A few wineries don't fQ}low this "boom-bust" pricing philosophy, and maintain fair and downrigh t reasonable prices all .the_ttJm. _ When prices go crazy. as t hey seem to every five to 10 years, they offer super value. When prices are forced into coming back to reason, they still offer good value. Among those fine -wineries that have developed reputations for alW~_J>ri~ fairly are: "'Louis Martini, Wente Bros., Parducd, Pedroncelli, San Martin and Angelo Papagni. There are but a handful of others. Beringer, for example, wisely kept the price of its Cnardonnay down around reasonable a few years back w h en Chardonnay was in such short supply that every winery was allocating to its customers. Beringer oould have probably charged twice as much, but didn't . Why? The firm knew that a few years down th.e road it was going to 'have. lots -of Chardonnay from newly planted vineyards. The winery preferred an image of value to a short-term windfall of a few extra dollars. The next six months to a year sliould be real fun for customers. NEW FROM TCC: Taylor California Cellars, one of several wine brands owned by giant· Coca Cola, Is coming after your dollars with another new product . It's TCC Champagne, currently being test-marketed in three West C.oast cities, and presumably ready to invade the rest of the country shortly thereafter. It is produced by the Charmat of "bulk" process, which is the least expensive way to conduct the secondary fermentation that provides the bubbles. TCC's asking prl~ is certainly now low~nd, 'though. S\aggested retail is $5 .49 , which ia comiderilbly hlgher than popul8rly priced Andre and the rest of that genre, and even hiR,her than ~ Do~M: from Almaden .. I ha..,.,n•t tasted it yet, so ~an 't comment on relative merits, bu\ can say I'm not Impressed with the winemaker's choice of grapes. The Brut formula which includes Plnot Noh, Tokay and French Col ombard, doesn't ~ halt bad, but the Ex~th a blend ot , Tokay and Muacat of Alexandria sound• decidedly less · in~nk" includes the unlikelY axnbinadon of aome,bln1 called Centurion Roee (a U .C . ......,_,,_.,.J:l'lm of ~ an d Ca b ernet), Colonabard, Tokay and Gewumnmlner. So und• awful, but maybe I ;m have it in for thln11 and wines pink. • IN THE PIN&: You've pr~bab~y r.ead in the ftMnda1 ...... tll9t a.J. L,..adl (which bl'1nll you Cam•I c~= ...... oth.-1la ~ ........ , CGip. ., ......... ,ca. .... ; ... --- Lower food total• for Labor Dayl • For your holiday cookouts, picnics and potlucks -you'll find everything you need Jrom pork ribs to delicious summer watermelon. ALL at everyday low prices. • Bring your shopping list to Lucky and take home greater . total savings. • Quality, selection and low prices ... that's Basic Value from Lucky. The Discount Supermarket. T·BONE STEAK llonQld '"'lOln r HARVEST DAV 3 5 BUNS . . . H11'11tlUr91f Of 8 Ct. PIC9-e HotDog BLADE CUT 89 r LADY LEE 79 CHUCK ROAST . POTATO CHIPS IOflOICI ,.., LO. • , 1tegu1¥. Olp a oz eag • .. PORK SPARERIBS IMdlumSln. Fronn Dtfl'Ostld °' 880 - t LADYLEE 19 BEVERACES -~ Al AaYOrS 12 OL cans • -..... OI' Diet f-LADY LEE 119 . f-HUNT'S · 69 i MEAT FRA1~~!_~ . i PORK & ~1~~ BONDED MEATS ~~~~sElb 2ss , TOP SIRLOIN 248 STEAK '°""""' llOnCled Beef lain l~ WHOLE .BEEF BRISKET Teus Style. 8·9 lbs. llOneleSS IOllCleCI Beef lb 129 FRESH 99 CROUNDBEEF J UIS, or More Lb. • Dols not tllCMd ~ flt I I~~ .I~ I I' Ii I f I M.' ,, CANNED & PACKAGED f-HUNT 'S --11s·. i KETCHUP n oz. rn f-MIRAO.E 13 '~IP noz.Jar Salad Dr1SSln9 COLD MEDAL 89 A.OUR Al PUtJ)OM lb .• !TOMATO 35 SAUCE · ladV l8 15 oz tan • . r~~-~~~~.~ ...... ol~'.49 l~~r~~ ............ nor ~ .65 l2!!-~!.~.~~~!oi ... 1.09 r~.~.~~·~''°''° •. 33 l!!'!t!!~. ~1.~~ot ITU ~85 HOUSEHOLD ITEMS r COOR'S : 319 rVIVA 75 BEER . ~~PKIN~40 Ct. Ct • , 2 Pack 12 Oz. Cill!S ~4~~:;.i r COKE, 7·UP 209 OR PEPSI 12 Pack ~our Tat>. Olft 7·UP 12 01 cans ChOlce or Oiet Peixl r~~~~1.~~~. ~~.!! 1.99 r~~O.~~l~E~.·~~~~ tto1 c-1.89 FROZEN & DAIRY =~OOENIZE: Btt 191 f-BANQUET 419 i ~~~~EN 60 :z eox . rlCECREAM 179 ROUND lady tee $Halt Gal Ctn f-~:~AUCE . 75 r CRANCE i =°' 1&01.en • JUICE ' LaclVlH G* .• ~249 CENERIC 99 PAPER PLATES 100Ct Pie~ e CANNED & PACKAGED r~~~. ~.~!~~~· "°' .l\ . 79 !!L~~.~.~~~ ...... ·"°' ~. 79 r~ ~.~~~~' ..... tOOI CM .44 r~~~!..~~~~nOl ~ 1.29 r~~~~Y.~~~ JJOl IOI 2.99 £~!~~~.~~T.~ .. 1.99 r~~.~~.~~.~~~~.IOOCT-2.15 I~~.~~.5~~-~. ,.0l lAI 1.79 r;~~~~.~.~~~~!~l\ 1.12 ~~~~.~~ ..... ,. .. ~ 1.59 l~!!~.~.~~Eor•n 1.49 BEER & BEVERAGES r:e~~.~~~~.~!~CM! 1.39 l~e!~! .~~~.~ ....... .",j~ ,., 3.29 l!!!~~.~~.~~ .... ,.uol CMt 2.99 r~~.l ~~~ ,.,aor (Mf 2. 79 r~~-~~~1t.tM 2.99 DELICATESSEN ITEMS r~":'.!~~~ .... ~.°'-1.99 ~~~~~.~.ltpt_ 1·.35 !~~~~~ .. ~.~~!!:~ 1.39 £~E~~.~~·,°'-.49 l=~~~~1 .99 r~~~~~~.~~.~~ .. G 1.35 r~~IC~_! ... not ... 1.09 r~~~~~ ~~~~~~,~~1. 75 • r~YY..rr~i~1.~. ~~CM .36 • r~~~!~~~. ~ ..... JUI al .49 l~!~~·~·~·~·~'.~~-1.59 r~~~ .~.'.~~: ~~ :n rr..r 1.19 r~l~~~~ ............ llOlCM 1.29 · P'PLASTIC CUTI.ERV -• 59 'UDYILl SO'OOllS~Ge-.•• 700 -• GENERIC ITEMS ~~~~ ~.~.~~~. rnrn. 75 ~-.~~!~.~~l 1.79 GENERIC MUSTARD 65 •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• SA.JOI Jiii • GENERIC MAYONNAISE 1 09 ··'······················ SJOl'JA9 • CORN CHIPS 59 CilM:llC ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10.:. .~ • • QUALITY PRODUCE COi.DEN BANANAS Economlal, Flavorful ~.49 ROMAINE LETTUCE A S11aO Favorite Julie Hinostroza Saved *21.75 Julie'• own week'• shopping totaled $99.4'3 at Lucky. The 18"'9 or comparable Item• et the 1uperm1rket or her choice tot.lec:I $121.18. That'u .. vtng1 of $21 .75at Lucky! T"t liken AUIUll ... , •.. • ------·--"'-·-·-----------·---------' l'C VO't'C OOO VE Save2oc on your next purchase of Kellogg's· Marshmallow Krisgles'" cereal. (Offer llmited to one ceu~ pet poc~ ... """"o .. d I w GIOCU W. woll ,..-.... ..... covpon ...... 7C hondl"'v wlwft te<m• ol "'-• oll .............. c-'..d V>~... Wffh by>""' ond .... con-for~· ...,.1 ·-·IO DEPI I( 1'0 IOJI 11n CLINTON IOWA )273~ C-woll be honontd only .I wbn<1ti.d b)' o ,.IOllet ol -,....,hao.di,.. or o •leot>nvhovw OpptO..d by ... ond OCl"'I} lot, ond ol "" .. .i. ol W<h 0 ......... 1 • ..,,,., ptO•"'Q p.N"chow of wffKeen• \tock to <Ovef' coupon\ pre\oe'nted fOf' te<Mmphon n\.Vt.t t» \hcrwn vpnin req~• Anv M>le• •o•my,1 be potd by the conwm.' Off.., good ontr wt ths Uthtedl!.oJ•' •h '"'''''Otie\ ond ,....,.,o RICO, ond '°id whe<e pt'oh1boted. loc:en>ed to•ed °' ro•••<•ed by low Co.;j>on ,.,.,..<I to CO!lti>colion .,.,.,, •••m• of offer hove not been compl..d with .Co•h vol..e I 10 ol I~ • IC!UOOG SAlfS COMM NY 21\/t Couponexpire1August31,1983 . -38000 110817 v~ "••lo99C~ t tot1~C~t L------------------------------------------ ore cluck for~ your ~uck. I ---~~ ----------1 ... . I UOWT ~. UOUf . I !,_ =t' •5.ft= •$7A9!F•. o Good for two pieces of Juicy, 1olden I Good fOf nine pieces of juicy 1olden I . 8 ~ brown Kentucky Fried Chicken, plus a--bf own Kentucky Fried Chick~n. with • Redt:em t~1s c~pon for • Carry . Pack ~ o slnate servin1 of Kentucky Fries. I four rolls, • llf&ll cote slew, a larae I loaded with liftun P••c!s of .1ulcy, o <.> llllllt two offtra per purwae. Coupon cood mashed potatoes and a medium gravy. 1olden brown Kentucky Fried Chicken. z I only for comllh1atlon whlt1/darll orders. I I Umlt two ofltrs)ler pufchast. Coupon Cood Customer pays all applicable 11lts tar. limit two offers per purchlH. Coupon Cood only for combln1tlon whllt{du\ orders. only for combination white/dark ordtt1. c 11 11 1 1 I Offer expires September 12, 1982 I Customer pays 111applicable11111 tar. 1 ustomer pays a IPP cab• 11 es tax. l'l'lcet rMY v.ry at pertlclpat1n1 loutl0111. Offer expires September 12 1982 Offer expires September 12, 1982 Coupon cood only In Soutlltm ' {__ • Prlcts may vary ,1 Ptrtlclp1t1nc loc1tlon1. I Ufoml1wtltft~stttlltmtm· I l'rlcn may Vl"I it partlclpetlnc locatlOllS. I Coupon CoOd onl)' In Soutllern C1llfornl1 """'-INI of 1111 Katltu«J CollPOll eood Olli) In Soutlltrn Callfoml1 where you stt the mtmbtrllllp 1111 of the Frt• e11rcM11 Aaaoclatl~. wtltrt you '" 1111 mtmbtrllllp u.tl of the Ktnltte_, ftlld Clllcken AssocltUOll. e k111h1C_, fried ClllcMll Allocl1tklll. 9 ··-··--COUPON -• -----~ntuc9 ~ad -Chick~ .KVOUR ··FROM Mon~s· E or APPLE SAUCE , Save up to $1.15 .......................... ~ .... ............. " ........ _ ................... -....... . ..... ...,_ ........... -. .... .. ...................... 11.•• r' .. .. .· . Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, September 1, 1982 Ill ·-·---·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-·-· . I ) .. , • -= ·= ··=· -0 4 g '' ···-· @•?¥¥ 4. ' I . I ,.,... • ~Green cuisine'.· pleases· tough~st L.uu. OllBON& My voi. tor tn. moet lqlowtna tood crlUct1 In AIMrica 1oe1 to the TV CftWI of the talk ahowa that hoai tourls,a "JIOkbook authon. What l\appena to all the food Wt'_!pPed up on. camera? It 1 1one before the clCJllna credita beam to roll. ~ teupoc>n vi.nlUa berrl91, orana aectioN exv.ct or other fruit. (Top with 1 or 2 toupoona cruahed cereal crudlba, lf hOJ\OY (opllo~l) \ deth~.) Fre9h fruit 1arnlth Makes one aervlna of SUr cottage chee:te and the cheeae-pineapple d r al n e d p rn ea pp I o mixture, approximately topther. Add cinnamon, f20 calorlet per aervlna vanilla and hon.ey, I( with regular cottage deilred. Store In the cheese; 380 calorlea per refrigerator. aervin1 with low-fat For each aervlng, put cottage cheeae (honey two acoopa ( ~ cup) of adds 21 calories per the cheese mixture In a teaspoon ); ~ cup of bo.wl ahd surrpund it ·apples adda 37 calories with ~ cup 1llced or per serving; lA c up diced raw fresh apples, oranaes adda 44 calories per rvtna. SALSA RUSTICA AND SPAOHE'M'I 3 c ll'l>-• 'te n d e r • cookad hlgn-proteln spa1hettl ~ poun4 fat - trimmed ground bee( round 2 CUJll thinly sliced onion l cup shredded raw carrot or green bell pepper 2 cloves garlic, finely ·minced 4 tablespoons dry • • er1t 1cs,,_........,_--~~ red wine or water .-0r 1harp Romano cheeae beef broth (opUonal) . ~ cup tomato Julee/'-. 4 ta b l e 1 po o n 1 4'cuPt! peeled, lreat\, c h o p p e d p a r 1 l e y ripe tomatO wedaee (optional) lllllllllR 4 tablespoons chopped fresh basil or oregano or 2 teupoona dried salt and pepper to taste 4 tablespoons grated Cook spaghetti and set aside in a strainer. Spray a large nonatick akillet or electric frying pan with cooking spray or wipe lightly with oll. Spread the ground mea\ ln a 1hallow layer. Cook over moderate heat unUl underside 11 browned. Break up Into chunk.I: turn to bl'Own evenly. Drain and dllcatd faj. Stir ln onion, carrot or bell pepper, 1arllc and wine. Cook and sUr over h.lgh heat until wine hat evaporated . Stir in tomato juice, tomato wedaea and seaaonings. Simmer until moet of the liquid has reducedr Stir in drained spaghetti_ Cook and atlr until heated throu1h. Sprinkle with cheH and freah par1ley, If deal red. Serv• from 1k1lle~ Makee four aervinp, 32~. calorlea uch: 3~~ calories each with optional ln1t4!dlenta. More aJJm Mlad Jdeu! Send a .elf-addre11ed •tllmped envelope and 50 cent• to SLIM GOURMET SALAD IDEAS. P.O. Box 824, Sparta, N .J. 0787'. , Staaehanda deacend lJke locuata, but t}\tty mlnce l)O w orda ln qttiquinc the effort. And ~ know wt\a\ they're i:-------~~=~= 1Alldnl about . . . having mnpled the belt. eUorta of every food scribe willing to croaa the··I ~try with hotpad in I band In the name of l>ook l!IUes . . MuCh of what goea on behind the acenes la hard work', requJ.rlng energy and mUICle. So the one tblna that th.e critics beh"lnd the camera atel:l''7 la dlet-ootl8Cious. At taut not until r~ntl)". But my book tour last m oo th to doinote "~ds ·for All !leUona," juat published·· in .hardcover by MacMillan, convinced rrie ·that rabbit food really does have .a sexy new iJnaae. The macho types who .wouldn't ~ · caupt dead a decade ago . munchina on caJTOtl are . really into "green ~\llsine." The fitneas crue bu redefined what . America regards .. fit to eat. .. - "Sala da °fof' All · Beuona" isn't .jUat about .rabbit food and oth er . ·cold comfotts for hot ·day~ It'• an all-year , a.ny-'\neal salut~ to ~ther Nature's orig)nal faat foods: fruits and ~les com~ and 1erved raw or quickly . cooked. easy meals that fQCUa on more fiber and r .. inNt; meals that·are filline b;tat non-fattening. ' Some of my favorites: GREEN AVOCADO · MA YONNAJSE 1 very ripe medium avocado, Peeled · l large egg · ~ cup lemon juice 2 teaspoons prepared mustard l tea-poon celery ult -.. Daah of Tabasco · sauce or pinch of red cayenne pepper Cut.avocado· flesh into cubes and combfue with remainint' ingredients in electric mixer bowl or food proceaor, using the plutic or steel blade. · Beat in electric-rnOOu or proceaor just until dre11.ing is thick as whipped cream. Cover and store· i n the refrigerator. Use within a day or two. Make• 1-ana -a-half cup1 (approximately). about ZO .cal o rle s per tabl~_.. PULLASALAD l cup raw rice - : 2\.-i cups water . 1 chicken bouillon cube . Pinch of saffron <optional) 1 cup cubed, cooked chicken ·. 1 c up cooked, .ahelled ahrlmp 2· tablespooDI diced plmienw 1 c u p 'c 9 o k e d artichoke hearts 1 can (10 ounces) datna, undrained 4 tablespoons olive di . ·4 t a b 1 e • p 0 0 rh niiDced fresh oregano oi paraJey •. salt and pepper to . •taate • Cook-rice in water with bouillon cube and ~ 1f desired. Drain. cool . Tos s with remalnlni ingredlenta. . ~ chilled Makes abc · l'-bch-1lze aervln11, . dnder aoo calories each. :QICl!'.SE DANISH' BR&AU' .AST SAi.Ail ., 1 container ( 12 oUnc.> ~omta-•trle ~ che* (regular of Jaw.fat) . 1 can (8 ouncea) ··c~uahed inch of around c:i:nmmcn ~ ·a-taurant ....... ·' 1 '· ES T.J_cn J ·'''· IRVINE RANCM · . ~ :.: . •. l ) 00111 •• ,,,. 001 .PRl<;ES GOOD THRU SEPT. 7th, 1982 ~ Golden, locaJ/ Hand picked, packed In Ice and delivered PICKED TODAY -IRVINE GROWN ~ <: ~ within hDurs every day to each~ SWEET . . $ 1;;;:;/;:_;;;:;•rkatl~. CORN. ·~:6/ I ----. - PICKED TODAY - IRVINE GROWN, GARDEN FRESH 3 9(! .GREEN BEANS • .,. ~~ •. PICKED TODAY - LONG GREEN, LOCAL GROWN 3 ~ (! CU.CUMBERS ••• 2,or ~ ' PICKED TODAY --LOCAL GROWN CRISPY BEA·N SPROUTS •• ·3 · 1bs. • for FOODS DELI MEATS .... COMPARE OUR CHEESE OF THE WEEK ... FILET MIGNON R;~ 4 98 :·? SPECIAL SUPER SPECIAL, PRICES IMPORTED FRENCH 4~~ HOLIDAY TREA Tiii! 7 •· _. •. t' 59s SUPREME CHEESE Re1. 11. .::t 1iAIN LEAN 7 O J 19 ~~~"ND BEEF PATTIES ~x •. · MAYONNAISE SPECIALLY PRICED - FOR THIS HOLIDAY 24 01. WEEK-END . . . 119 9 8 (! (Not to exceed 30% fat content) Re1. 9~ ·· .: HAIN 99c MACARONI SALAD Re1. •· . 11 •• MARINATED BEEF BARBECUE SAUCE l 59 1~5 BACK RIBS 19 12.!. . 14 OZ. PICNIC FARE . • . 9 8 GREAT FOR R 1 JUMBO SIZE CRISP . 19 (! YOUR GRILLI •I· •· HAIN 79~ KOSHER PICKLES Rei. 1 •· ••· , . ' PICKLE RELISH }43 ggc SEAFOOD-:·. 12 oz .. . EXTRA LEAN ... .349 THE FINEST ... 449 TUSTIN, NEWPORT ONLY HAIN SPICY use TAVERN HAM Re1. .. lit., •' BAKED. BEANS 132 105 PICNIC PERFECT -FRESH Re&. J 89 :-15 oz. I THRASHER SHARK J49 .. FRESHLY COOKED -249 •• • •• PURE & SIMPLE J 95 CHICKEN BREASTS Re1. 2': · ••· Re:i, 289 NEW YORK STYLE 279 259 . STUFFED PICKLES 32 oz. PROVISIONS SOLE 'N SALMON 5 11. ea. PURE & SIMPLE 95c IRVINE RANCH ·RtJ. 75(! STUFFED Rec. 2 89 KETCtlP } 59 } 33 FARMERS MARKET 13.5 oz. LARGE AA EGGS 89 s.i. •••. SOLE NEOPOLITAN 5'l ea. ~ 5 (! lRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKET NEW ITEMlll . 4 29 79c 69C.. . . J2ftl1LLA STRl'S Rq. ggc 99c ~~~r _ •. ,. 79.! -· ooos-.--1 PURE & SIMPLE v1T AMINS :,, .. , gATES NOOR Rec. 229 } BB ~.~°'N~o~ SAUCE Re1. l 25 99~ & COSMETIC ~· . 18 oz. P!Ck!Vft • Re&. 3 2a Try Thia New Selaa Whl'I Our T0t111ta IRVINE RANCH FARMERS MARKET ,. u1.~~·WEP_J_!!NED PINEAPPLE 449 p Strip• For V04Jr Hollday Entertelnlng, SUPER-100 TIME RELEASE v -..... ....,.. It'• A Wtnnerll t.11. TftE VITAMINS . -!2A~r!P.IRA. IL MIX Ref. 2'9 2 0 9 STEIN FIELDS R11. 9 5 (! With Trece Miner... 4 7 0 ·' --•• SH 30 TABLETS R-. 52• -!. Setted or lMMl•w. • SWEET PICKLE RELi 129 ... :' RAW SUNFLOWER SEEDS Rei. J 29 1202· · 815 Bulk or Pactcllg9d 1 'l ... DILL PICKLES 22 oz. 60 TABLETS Rec. 1120 · . 1 89 GARLIC,GENUINEOR 1s9 12s 2•• Rec. 25l ••· PoL1sH DILLS• R11. 90 r_ABLETs R11. 1 &•• I . GOOD STUFF a ~ ~u .KEO GOODS WHOLE MDT HAMDGER I 09 rA1~ETs R~. 31sszn•• .. RAW ALMOfl>S · Bultc Only HOMEMADE IAVINE RANCH MARKET & HOT DOG BUNS \ Rt1. 149 ... u DANISH pk· J71 SWEET ROLLS of~· . ea. HOMEMADE IRVINE RANCH MARKET FRENCH ROl.l.S :f?2 I~! COSTAM~ •1 lnlM Ann• •8oUUi if Miii Dme--·- 111-4404 , ...... ,. , ,.... 1ewen o.;. llMNI 140GI Mrford Roect at lantii .Ane Freewar ..... 1 . . \ I Mn. to 7 p.m. Mon.-.. t. I a.m. to I p.m • ._., TUSTIN , 11112 Newport Avenue· ' etllftM8oUleVetd llMl70 I "'· to I p.m. leftft o.,. · ·' • NO DEALER SALES • ~IMIT RIGHTS RESERVE~ , ~·. • I .. .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOTIWednetday, September 1, 1882 . ~ • 0 en• rat Ion •r ot scarce at a party. Save conutMt't a cookJna tent, Can Opeaer -Ditto pai:1i.). L.oaa Haadlecl Ute11ll1 amount in a llUle jar famlllet have been IOlni d)• little packet.I thl\ and who knowa what above! Can openen come Claarcoal Brlqaet1 -ElpeclaUy nece1Nry If with a U&htly !Waled <.11p on Labol' Day picnlca. come with take out foodal el.le. in handy for openlna Rather than ttaht with you're h.avina a cookout. and atow it away. Many romancea have or put a UtUe of each ln Corlllcrew _Nothing 1oup1, beana, atubborn dry twiga and wet twlp, Bo 1ure they ar the Iona Tea Baii/ IDataDt been atarted, '\quabblet an extra aet of ahaken fa more embartaaaing vacuum .eall, bottlee of atuh a anall packet of handled kind meant for Coffee _ Another ataple ended, teama cheered on (preferably the kind than rememberlnt the beer, aoda and who· aelt-Ughllng brlqu1•t1 In outdoor cooking. They that will prove welcome and famlllet united with wlth a cloeed top). wlne but toraettinc the knowa-what el.le. • the bottom ot the basket wtll alao help prevent when the wind whlpa a picnic. Alamtnum Poll -. corkacrew . That'i P1perTowel1 -Ideal forlmpromptucookouta. burned fingers, make up. Happlneu ls ne~er Every famlll hu ha Look fol' the heavy-duty ~rounda for a.ban-foruatnaaaplacemai.on Matches -You can't liftlnaeasler. having to say we're out own style 0 eatln8 kl d it'll k •! L dirt I ni tabl Kee b ild a fl r e It vou Deter1ent A little of coffee! outdoor. ... aome have n , eep you onmen. eave one a y pc c e. p u ~ -prepar e d for any tucked away for thoee a roll of extta absorbent haven't got the matches goes a Io ng way -Saucepan -How atj! aoneln'forelaboratetent emergencythatcroP.Jup. plcnlcawhenlt'1juatthe around for 1plll1 that tollghtlt.Carrythemln especiall y if you 'r e you going to boil the happenings, while othen It can be used aa a nsu', a two 'of you, , matter (like. on your a wa~rproclf container. camping. Put a, small water for coffee.Lt you prefer "rough.ins" It'" at .-------::..r--__;·----.;_---------------=-----------------------------.....-.;_---------....... ~~~1~~~:~~~ ~----s-ui-.-,-,-.--.--, ... -ER-s-----~:i,~r t. 8 . ~ 1a~nf ~t~:r; .... . I.I :1~ are pleased aa could be wlth a red check WlllE Ill A IOI knapsack and two peanut butter ~) Chablis, Rose, sandwichea In sandwich ~ ~tever yo~ style of eating out, it doesn't hurt - to have a well stocked Rhine & Burgundy -basic picnic basket ready to carry whenever the urge to picnic strikes. There are certa in essentials that will make any outdoor feast more successful. . Here la a list of items that can help make your picnicking more fun and less work: Paper Plates, Bowl and Cupa -L-ook-tor thicker, larger pla tea that hold as much as you can eat without leaking. Brightly decorated design er flates in a traditiona gingham, bright poppy, elegant stoneware or a cheerful yellow and green floral pattern will add a little style to your ~rving. Plutlc Forkl, Spoon• UHi K.Dlvea -Eaeentials that you can o Wl"lhout. Look for sturdy plasticware that won't break under the pressure of a cucumber or hot dog. Napldna -Look for larger ones that can ' cover a lap. Picnic foods just love to drip and hands inevitably get greasy. WhiJe choosing, why not select a color that complements your p~tes and cups. Salt and Pepper - Ev·e r yon e forge ta something .. -.and salt and pepper are always Meaty I issue ANGWIN (AP) -A meaty school dispute bas this Seventh Da y 1 Adventist Community in 1 quite a stew. 1 The issue ia whether :c meat should be served in 1 the elementary school cafeteria . Th e community 11 about 90 I percent AdvenUst and ~ most of the 3,500 people are vegetarians. C l Last week'• decision by the local echool board, I which has two non- l Adventists among its I five members, to serve s meat twice a month bas n not gone down too well a with everyone . Larry Clifford, 63, the echool's o principal, calls the meat· f1 eaters "rabble rousen" i1 out to g~t him. n "The meat lasue la a -4 little way of saying, 'la ti this 01 isn't it a public • cl school?'" reaPonda non- al Adventist echool board member Terry Henry. c1 S t u d e n t M i k e al Magnawa , 13, an m Adventi1t , baa no f J ob jection• to chan·· cl ing the menu. "It s lousy," he said. ''Meat a 1 tastes better and lt'a e : c})eaper. Thia la JU8t a fr whole b"n.cb. of chemicala and .,,.,....., gc and lt'a arc-." .. ~ : MEAD .•• ~aJ (From Page C-4) wholeaale dlatrlc\ for ~dothen. You can write to• Vk:ld a.e at: 1& Aveue 'l'hlerr1, R_,..,,_ ct.. Marro8Mn, 91410 vw. D' A.vrq-, ....... $3~99 EA. thru Sept. 12 " • Y.• 411 E. n" st., c.1. ~~:;._;;;.----' •. , Utt,t_ ..... l ... ~· 141-1314 GOURMET FOODS 2102 l1w191rt llt4., C. I SPIRITS 11911 l llJI 141-llJl Save ·WITH ATTACHED COUPON New fitted P-ampers fit your budget · =~~"-~llas they fit -her bottom. , J It's.a great time to be a baby-because n~w Pampers• are fitted! Our new gentle stay-dr.y gathers mean a drier baby outsi_de the diaper, while our famous cushion quilted lining helps keep her dry inside the dia- per. That's wemess protection rig~! down to her toes! It's a great cime co be a parent, too-because all chis wetness protection is aLa.Pampels_price. And here.'s even more good news! You'll save so~ with this coupon. '5ave when you buy -•1 • one any size .• r . ,, • . ' l .. .. Orange Ooalt DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, • • • • eu1s1ne 1s high as h8Ute 1 PARIS -A cooktn1 about 30 houn a week eecret specialtlca. duck meat la chopped up ~~o~l whipped up, wetchlng1demonatrat.lona The school haa a with spices and tt'if(ed ~ out and peppered and then pracUclng 'the capacity for a maximum int.o the duck 1kln and m e r I c a n 1 t s technlquee ln the acfiool's of 60 studenta a week, glazed with a gel. en 11 n I natl v e kitchena. Star chefs trorn who learn how t.o <.'OOk Many of the students insUtuUona ln the such noted reatauranta as l, l 00 recipes, from live with Frepch famlllet ' COOKING SCHOOL -Chef dernonlt.l'aW while 1tudent1 wacch and practice in Parit La Varenne cookln1 school. La Varenne 1tudent1 team to cook 1,100 reclpea, from the ba1lc1 of an omelette to the .grandeur O·f a galanUnc de canard a la gelee. gt·of Jl'rench cuillne. Maxim'• and La Tour simple omelettea to a and cook for them 1 in 1# ''It was really t.ouch d'Ar1ent are regularly galantine de canard a la exchange f~m and IO for a while,' and . ..:b:..:r...:o-=u~g.:.:.h..:..t _:.l:..:.n_t:..:o_r:...:e:...:v...:e..=a.:..l _.:' g~e=lee=-----=a=-dla==h~in:_w.:.;..:,:,.hl:.:.:ch~.::;.bo:.:a:.:..r.::.d:...... _____ .:....· ___ __, ________ _:_ _ __:___..,'._~~-~-__!!~~~-.'....--r---_:.___:.. __ · y I didn't know 1 ·we'd make lt .. said . Usher, director arenne cooking _,,._._, "But we're here stay nOW." A di splaced .reaonlan, the tt-Y8ar-old. Usher waa With La Varenne when •• 8Chool flrat opened ~sa:kltchena 1even years go In a former bistro · E Napoleon's t.omb on e Left Bank of the lne. ~ Since then, lhe achool lhat 'features •~lmultaneous English ~tion. has earned a teputation as one of the be8t in the b\,ISlness and 4ta cla~es are booked fOlld . . • La Va re~ advisers •nclude suf,'t. cuJinary experts as :Julia Child~ ~amea Beard lutt Simone lte<:K.Ffratraay-Nancy Reagan singled out the Y chool when she ~quested to meet La arenne students and &ample their dishes while visiting Paris last ~une. . .•But despite its J!rowiilg fame, the school i still on shaky financial F?,und. · "We never made a et until last year and -was only through nues from the six cooking books we publish," said Anne _ Willan, an English-born • Am~rican who is La Varenne's president and founder.· . _ "Cooking schools are just not big money p:Mlkers." . Their tuitions , however, can be as high • the cuisine is haute. ·{ . With a $10,030 fee for a 36-week session, La \'arenne offers France's fnost expensive course in ~ the aecrets of t'.he nation's most tasteful ,_t. . "When you take int.o ccount the enormous rmount of money we •pend on food, our e'verhead, salaries and so forth, it doesn't really ~eave us with any . J!n>fit," tlaher said. ~· The achool was created _Jn. the-belief that aspiring chefs in Paris need not 4.P e a k F r e n c h o r pnderstand ~uropean. tf9easuring systems to ~onquer the methods developed by Francois Pierre de la Varenne, the '1ioted chef of the 17th ijentury who wrote the Jirat modern French Cookbook ln 1661. f ~·Some students do not ;ven know the correct way t.o make an omelette when they arrive," Mrs. Wlllan said. "You never we milk Or even water becaWle eggs the.e days he watery enough. It's ~st eggs, aalt and pepPel', and the salt goes tn at the very last ~Wle salt breaks down ~whit.es.'' t'iv~ bout 65 percent of he students at La arenne are American Mid the rest are mostly from other English- king nations. Few French . To odate them and JR ..demystify French ~6oking, traditional ~ IUCh u "daube de ~u.f" become "beef J\ew'' in La Varenne ~t we .offer ia ab- . i'lvtely not an Amerl- l ia atyle of Fr.ench '-'•in•/' laid Mrs . E t. a former food of ~e defunct binpn Star, who ived a m~ster'a in economlca from ridae -Unlvenlty. '-· try very hard to k t ea•y to learn h cooktn1 by waytbe~ l. af.....,,...", La arenne'1 blae-t an rival 11 the -run Cordon Bleu ~oktn1 .1cbool, an ;,...--411 m.tltutkln. A -month eoune costs -.,700 and all etructlon.1 are In , . .,... __ ' O_t'_~ _<0_ull_vtA_e_at_tJi_ha_t _JA_od_e_Clk __ ~_a_m_ou_gf _ _., .. ___ 9_t's_~_Ull_uU_ea_t_ffi_._a_t _vU_a_d_e _Clk_<Ji_. _am_o_us_f _· -- • , •• WIU .. 0.-• ...... ~I ......... Te7p.-. • . . Find .. Everythlng You Need For Your . 1=-=:,;=1 . Labor Dq -~~At Stater Bros.! Slater Bros. Pledges Accuracy 11 rhe Checls1and ... M 11W P<IC• CM! 111t •llril tl<t<• llOI ,...~~ '"° ~~:'~w=r';.!;' J6r"'-wl atvr l..-.... ~.,._. ADVERTISED ITE!f GUARANTEE ~ ----.la, Tabor i.JSprlte 87ATERBROS. •iiLE9 WHIP »OZ •x~• 9 Tufl fliil Sl~ES ~·~·· LMMOllY UOUIO Era . . .. .oz•6.99 '""IU SIU l.MINOllY 0£IE~f:Nf •7 .. Daab .I .2 .. .oz • '4CIAL --TlOcolOM. WH4TI 77• Kleenell I .~ l(Jff(lll'()tlO ..... Cbareoal. .t . ~·La ...,. • ~A~ll 1-Mffft Oii 1"11'"10 •7• Manhmallowal.•.or (•=:m1~· . ..'111) ' (•:la~/ . ~--'1.21)~ ~=-~ -~11') ·~=-~: .... 't32 (•=! .. ' .• at) . Diet 7-up, ~~ ........ 7..(Jp ·A~Re.t91•, .. ' ) Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/WednMday, September 1, 1882 ' .. Y-ear•olil OC farmers ma~iets. In Auau1t, Orana• Cpunty11 two certified farmer1 market• celebrated their flrat annivel"IMUiee. Certified hrmera marketl are eetabllahed under reaulatlon1 Ht 1orth by the California State Department of J'ood and Airiculture in 1977. The marketl have Deen created to offer the conaumer lower prices and provide outlets and higher return• foe smaller farmers by eliminating the middle levell of the marketing system. The regulations ease the atandardiiiation requirements for marketing fresh fruits and vegetables and ensure that the person selling is the actual grower or a relaUve or em~yee of the grower. fomia now has 60 certified farmers markets and two of them are in Orange County: -Fullerton Farmers Market, Ford School, Chapman at Richman, fyllerton, which is open every Wednesday, noon to 6 p.m. (or until sold . out); · . -Oran~e County Farm Bureau Farmers Market, Orange County Fairgrounds, 88 Fair Drive, Costa Mesa , which is open every Thursday, noon to 6 p.m. (or until sold out)._, T h e Cos ta-· M e s a farmers ' market celebrated its first anniversary on Aog. 12 and the Fullerton farmers market celebrated i.t.s li.ut anniversary on Aug. 25. Both markets offer a variety of farm-fresh produce the year around. But in the summer you can find the greatest aelec tion of fresh vegetables such as tomatoes, sweet corn, squash, radish es, piok.ling cucumbers, and fruits suc h as watermelon (seedless, for example), canteloupe anC:i other melons, apples, nectarines, plums, peaches, and grapefruit. Other products such as eggs nuta, houseplants, and even fresh fish may be available. A representative of the County Department of .Airiculture checks the farmers markets to be sure that the sellers actually meet the certification requirements. Many growers come from outside Orange County. Generally the prices . are considerably lower than those in the supermarket for comparable products. You need to bring your own shopping bags; no ~rocery carts are available. Parking is ronven1ent and close. . In the past several years, reaearchers at the Center for Consumer Resear c h at the University of California, Davis h ave been studyin1 farmers markets, their products, and their customers. In one study, 587 customers of 17 certified farmers markets were i·nterviewed. Slightly more than half of thoee interviewed corusldered them8elves to be regular customers. Thia study showed that: -The main motive consumers' had for shopping at farmers markets was produce tresbneu, followed cloeely by price. -The b.1ghest level of satisfaction waa expre11ed for the freshne9 of the produce -91 ~t rated It u good, the remaind~r aatiafactory. Customers were hi1hly aatlalied with price flavor, and ·~ of individual fruits and vegetables, and aocial atmosphere. In another 1tudy, several hundred ltema were 1hopped for at 1upermarket1 and at farmers market• and pricu and quality tompared. The averqe aupermarket purchue JJl1CI f0t an iwm WM 70 cent.a compared to the Immen nMU'llet price of 41 centa for a c:Gbl.,.... 4uanUcy -an overall .,,... Of 84 pdMDL One popular ~bJe, tomato, WM evaluated In double blind, controlled ........ ,._, ...... ••d •PP••,•nce The ,__,_Mt llW- • • r • preferred • overwhelmln(fly for flavor but the 1upermarket tomatoes wer. found to be better lookina. *** QUESTtONS WE Al\E ASKED: ... Q . We have a home vegetable aarden and my huaband frequently 1praya pesticide• on the veg- e"-ble. to kill any bugs that appear. wm the veget4bles be safe to eat after he sprays them? , ... A. There'• no quick ye. or no anawer to your question. The aafoty ot your, homf1· aro.wn veae\abl•• wlJl .get high mar~s for freshne"ss depend on: the ktnd of frulta. veaetable, the klnd of Always read the label peetlclde. and the tlmina before you buy, and if of uae of the ~tk:tde. you have a choice, buy Read the peatlclde the product that l.s leaat label to be 1ure that the toxic. Then read the product l.s safe to u. on label direction• a9aln the a~iflc food crop y~ before you uae or open are aotng to treat. Some t}le container. products aold for uae on D o n ' t h a r v e a t omamentala may not be peatlclde-treated food safe for vegetables or plants until the pesticide (" . . haa had a chance to break down. The label will tell you how Jona to wait. before harvestlna. *** . . . Q. I decided to t.ry • making aome pickles, but when I s hop,ped I co uldn 't. find any plckl.ina cucumbers. So I bougnt o rdinary cucumbers. Will the wax thot'• on them be • go ahead and use these, * * * problem? · . the .wax won't. be a . Q . I've been ... A. The problem ia· problem 1f you turn followtna the newa on u s I n g t h e w r o n g them lnto a allced pickle. the "starch blockers" cucumber variety for However , if you wish diet plllt and have been pickling. Your reaulta to remove it, wash the wondertn& why the Food w 1 l l be much m ore pickles In warm . water and Drua AdmJnllt.raUon aa tlsfactory if you use w Ith a bit of hand haa requested that they pl c k II n g c uc umber a di.sh washing detergent -·be remove~ from the rather than the type scrub with a brush if market. Aren't they grown f or fr es h need be. Then rinse made from natural co~mption. If you do thoroughly.iin cold water. (See HEAT, Pa1e DJ) OPEN LABOR DAY, MONDAY, SEPJEMBER ITH . . =4 8~. IONELE88 TURKEY 171 -...................................................... '. .................. LL !,!!?!!~2 Bl!~P _: __ ..... _ 211 ~~!~~~~t~N~~~ ...... -................. LI. 3•• ~!!IS~.~-~-~.~~-~! ... = .. 2~• LEAN GROUND BEEF FRYER DRUMSTICKS FRESH HEN TURKEYS TURKEY DRUMSTICKS ... BARTLETT PEARS •T • .IUICY .. u.a. NO. 1 FULL OF FLAVOR 1~1 ~<:!'!.!!~.~-· ···-·--....... -.. ~ .. ·----4i11 ~.!.~~'~!!.~~ ............... _ .. ·-3111 HOUSEPLANTS 121 .-.,...CM-HT ... -............. _. ___ ,.. . ... .. ~~~ .. ~:rJ~.~~~!!-M91Ql'OT ........ 311 JUICY PEACHES RED DELICIOUS · FOITIR FARMI •CALIFORNIA GROWN ·~- BELL PEPPERS FRHSTONI CAii, WAIHINGTON ITATI A,PLll CRISP • QRHN •FR.Ilk lie~ 1$1~ LB.~ : YI 31~. COKE.TAB OR SPRITE KNU.DSEN ·1cE CREAM ID l'LAVORI • ~..QAL. CTN. 1•• HRIS' I PITI'S •I • Q IAUCI •at-OZ. ITL. 111 I POTATO CHIPS ----BILL •I-OZ. TWIN ,ACK ~.!~!'~!!~ .. ~-~~---.. -.1'' CORN·ON-THE COB 121 ............ Ml ..... ,., ...... _ ..... --... -.................... . INTERNATIONAL VEQl!TABLEI 101 ITO&&T,A_..,,-. ..... -.... ____ , ___ -• ~~.!.~t .. u~ .. -···--·---_ .. __ 99c MEATY• FLAVORFUL 51~. -SWEET CANTALOUR~· ~ CRISP CELERY · TINDER ITALKI -·~- SHASTA BEVERAGES MOULAR Of'lMIT-• ' A 10 TID PLAVORI • 11.0Z. CAN PEPSI FREE DICA,,tfNA Tao.RIQULAll•DllTe11..0Z. CAN ~ 11• PAK ' • Or•not COiet DAl~V PILOTIWtdMld1v. hptembW 1, 1N2 TllE ,\MILl' c1ac1:1 by Bil Keane • 11Mommyl I swallowed a watermelon seed, will a watermelon grow inside me?" 'IARMADtKE by Brad Anderson "Looks like he's been down to the pizza parlor agalnl" JtDGE PARKER uyou wouldn't, by eny chance, be the Shertff of Nottingham, would you?" DENNIS THE MENACE J~ l - f . ~ -----=--,.--r~ • a • &ov! I ~T ~ WHAT KIND OF A LIST ~. w1 ls'.oN AAS ... sur HE ~o JM OH rr r' I DIDN'T EXPECTlO WHAT 00 YOU MEAN "'Dl/RE I CMANGEO M'< Ml""K), DENNI&! HEAA Ff'OM '1'0U so 600N, o .e .1 010 NOT OONNA 6eE HIM? 'IOU I 11\EALLV DON'T HAVE THE YOU ee£ 1..u.,c.e ALPCADY 7 TOLD ME YOU we~ OOINC':J TIME TO HANDLE 'tOtJR WC>fl.M! ~IGHT DOWN TO THE JAIL FROM Me~E I ACAOl8 eo Jublltt • , ........ 81Allr1 • .... .12 OWi"' I IOng 10........, M Greelng 14 r-.. Clf'd • 15 Pr9 N AA1oln""' 1t "*"' ., A9 "*' '17NoeldONC t18oerlt Inf. 82 -Allen , • ...., ... ,.:a~ 2 ..... ... . -"""' .. ,.....,. 2t .. , •Bid!:""· DlJIMllM ,..... DOWN " Mood! 1 c-llt 2t ~ 2To1111111r JO 1* I C.idld1111 11 lrt .... .-................ ·= ... ....... ·~-17~• •'--.......... . ...... ::-,=., ::,om::=.. •T•--: 10.~-. ....... • ..,... w ·~""· ••••:A::llfl ....... , .,_...... .. ..., ........ , ... .. .,,... ''~ ........ ..... ~ ...... .,_.... ltGa••• ....... ...... ·--= ..... ..... ,! ...... ...... ,, ... .... ,,.....,. .. _ 4tGf,.. •-..: ........................... -~ ' ' J IJ k • NANCl' TME WINNE~ WILL RECEIVE FIFTY lMOUsAtl> DOUW WHAT A ---NEWS BULLETIN---BREAK---• THERE1S A FIRE AT l36 OAK STREET GORDO " GO ON,• Mft. Ot..SON, SO u US 1" WM•N PtP • YOJr! PeCIPl!f 'f~t!J~P \ J by Ernie Bushm1ller 136 OAK STREET IS THE POPCORN FACTORY by Gus Arriola :J Orange Cout DAIL\' PILOT/Wtdneeday, September 1. 1182 can ·~Siiigles Tiie ~ ,J,nd Oftel't .,. 11 JflARTIN SLOANE ObR MARTIN -I have Jlwaya heard about ,b4I funWel who uve a lot of money with cour.n• and refunda. Wei , I'm 1ln1le and a 1'-few month• 110 I 1 \houcht I would live ll a "lf he flrat thlna I WOf1tl 110.04, Ttlt .. oll•r• rtQulre rtfund tonne: ~ T'lllilty Ham. "9oelve 1 11 refund. lend lhe required NfUnd lofm and 1wo l•bele from Armour llar Turkey Hem or Armour lier Turkey PHlr•ml. EJu*el Oct. 31, 1112. ~ Turtley LIHICll MMte, f'-We e II rtfund.-eend ttle rtQulrtd rtlund IOtm end five MtlMll• from Armour Stir Turkey Lunch MMI Of Armour •• ., Turt!ty Frri1. Elq)irM Oct. 31, 1112. MIT KOIHU UUIACMI Co. A.ce1v1 • 11 rtlund. Send 111e rtQulrtd refund, form and lh• proqt-ot-purc:haM lnttr1t from any lwo p8CklllH of BHI Ko•htr lower-tel producl•. lncludlng Frank•. 8Hcld or Chub 8alemr. llioM lolOQnl ll'lcj l(nllCkWU,11. bQI, .. Oot. so. 1112. c .. ,-.OYMIOll ~Offer ~ one 11-ounoe can of Cl!tf loy1tdtt "-I/loll wonh up to H c.nt1. 8tnd the required ref\lnd lorm and tovr llbel• lrom any t&oounot Cllef lcW1tdel Al\llOI. ExolrM OCt. " IMI. CORN KING Free Porlc and h1n1 011.,. Atcelve • 60·«*!1 COU90" '°' My brand of 11-ounoe pOtlt Ind bean•. Send ltll '*IU!red refund form and thrM "Ir• porlt and bMn•" proot1 ol purchHe from Corn King lacon or Corn King Frenke. l!•plrH Nov. 30, 11182. tte>lml PtLCHMD. ~ I can of Hol!MI Piichard 11111'1. 8end lht rtQUlred refund form and five ~ Produc1 Code l)'ITlbolt from HolmH Plloherd llbeft . bOlrM JuM -:..~=· ' NATHAN'I I ti IWurld Oller hnd the teQulred refund form tnd thrM pack•ll• lron11 fr6m N1th1n~1 111 l'rank1. ~Mleot.IO • llU&.IM.P f-uter .... Coupon, ~.It CCIUPOI' lot lllrleM or flftbr~. lend ttle rt4ulrtd refund form and two Ulli*MI Prod\lot Code ~ from 11111e1n or ""brand lru1tt11t llrlpe. (Coup~ of LOW) lb~~. 31, 1112. TIO IANCHO C11h Atfund. Receive 1 ta refund. letwf lht rtQulrad rtfund form and the bottom ,,.,,... tnim tout dllfwent Tio St(IOllO d~. lbpirM March 31 1*, t ~ out thi Ille and keep II wOh 11mifar c11h·off coupon• - beverage rtfu11d 11llert wllh Aeolpe lauot Ind Gravy..,... ''"" l1yi. hplr" Maren 11, ~Oto. If. 1111. • tM3 HUMT't l'rM Kllchup Oller. IH I . IUTTIRWO .. TH'I Atoelve • bolll• of Hunl'• 70·Cent Atfund lend lht K .. CNlp. e.. tflt r..,Wed rtl\lnd reQulrtd refund form end one lo<m and ttle Mell llbell IYom two net·wtlght 1111ement from any ----------------~---.. Hunt'• Ketchup bollle1 ot the Mrt. lul~'• ·~· ~­NIM ... (lend tllt lebtll from Oto. 31, 1N2. .llPEllllllT lllPPEI lrltndt. Ofltt• may not bl ev1ll1blt In 111 ., .. , of 011 oountry. Allow 10 weell• 10 ,_,..,. MCtl refund. TJlt IO!lowlng refund offer• 1te wotth 11.34. Thi• ofltr doHn't rtQulrt • ref\lnd lofm: AUNT MtLLll'I Spaghltll hUoe Oflw, P.O. Boll PM-172. El PIJO, TeJlll 7Hee. Aaotlve a 11 Onlr Whtrt ldYtrtlffd by Auiii Ml II•'• or dltp_11 yed by pMilelllelinO ltorM. l!Jlpi(M Aprll 30t1M3. hHe offer• reQulrt rtfund fomfa! l'MNCH'I Prize Atclpt Kitchen Art Ptlntt. "'°9tve two Kltcnen Art Prlnl1. 8tnd Ille requlfld refUnd form and Ille lop fourth• from ltlY 11• p1ok1I• ol Frtncll't Prize two 14-0Uricle bOlllM 10 Oblalfl 1 Her•'•• refund torm 10 write tor: coupon tor 1111 U •ounc• 11u, N•bfeco and l<rtft 11 AttuMI Mnd '"' letlell ftorn two 24-0uncl °""· P.O. lo• NS.In, II Paeo. bOtllM 10 Obtain• coupon for ltlt • T11111 7H17. Thi• otter 111plr11 24-ouno. llril, Ind ao on), bplrM Oot. 31. 1812. June 30, 1tp. OOOD llAIONI. Atctlvt a 75-oent refund. 8eM the requlfld rtfuno form and Jive emply p1oket1 from tt-ounoe Oood 81a1on1 lated Ore111n11 Buttermilk ""m Style or P:erm 81)111. Or M!'ll the form !Ind two imply packatt from ,._ounce IC"APT 11 Chlcllen lllefund. Aecelve • t 1 rtfund. let1d the r.-qulrld r1h1nd form, • ,_...., t1pe Wltll • Ghlckt ll putclllle Clfclild and '"' bed! lab"8 from 1wo 40·ounce botlle1, tluee 2e.-ounc. bottlM Of five 1t-ouMe bOUIM ot Kratt 8'fbtcue S--. flcplrll Dec. 31, 1 982. realized waa that In order to take advantage of many of the offers, I would have to buy more peckaiea of the refunded product.a than I nonnally ....,ould. A• a reault, I ~-----------------------------~~-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------:---:~--"""""'f atarted raying more atlent on to the advertised supermarket ·~· INtead of buying one tube of toothpaste, I found myself buying three or six. I am definitely not golng to ·run out of paper towels for a long time, and I have enough macaroni and spaghetti aaude to last me a year! Yea, when I started to stock up on these items, my grocery bill added up to more than the $100 a month I used to spend. But soo-n I was combining the specials with my coupons and refunds and finding that I was able to buy a lot more for the same hundred dollars. Friends asked . m e whether I was really savin g money. So , yesterday I sat down and figured out what I had saved this past week. It came to $28.03 for one six-day period and It repreeented a savings of approximately half on the supennarket items I purcha8ed. Next week, if I wanted to, I could use some of the items that are now stocked up in my kitchen c1oeet and wouldn't have to buy a thing! There is something that I wonder about: Are there any other single refunders out there? It would certalnly be nice to bear more about them in your column. -Kim s. from Kenton, Ohio DEAR KIM -I am often asked hoW single people can benefit from refunding. and your letter provides an excellent answer . Stoking up on bargain- prlced apecials makes just as much aenae for a single person as for a larae family. Far a stngle, this can be the key to gelling in on all thoee high-value refund• that require multiple proofs of ' purchue. • I would certainly like to hear from other aing)e reeders who have found special ways to save money on their supermarket purchases. Plebe write to me In care of this newspaper. Here is a money - saving tip from Suzanne Dedeyne of Romeo, Mich." "I keep my coupons and refund forms in aeparate tpes, and all too often I purchased an item for a ·refund offer without realizing that I a1llO had a coupon for it. "Now, when I find a coupoq and an accompanying refund form in a newspaper or ma1azine, I circle the expiration dates in red on both the coupon and the form. Thia is my spedal signal to l.ndica te tnat a double-play discount i• available when I 80 through either of my filel." The Smart Shopping Award 1oea to Judy Cartee of West Point, Ma, who writes: ••My local grocery store had • apeda1 ltor'e coupon for Hl-Drl paper towels at thaw .roDa far ~ 88 oenta. 'Ibey are ~ 7:.cs~tac:ur;! aood for <to centa off on lour roll•. The atore cblbled' the coupon, and ~ ~81 amta few ........ 1 aot home, 1 eh .. lle4 •Y refund fanm md found the Hi- Drl Atnerlc.n Heart Adoclatloa Refund OU.-al ••.ao worth °' ---..rora.,....._., I tiak I ..S.. pretty ....... , .... . • a.~1.1:m .. ... ~.;=:=.'::':...ii F.D.;v.n:t~ • ....... !:= ...... ~:::f.i·'-... .. ... ............. ...... . . I That's right. .. you can double your savings with (3) DOUBLE COUPONS in this newspaper ad plus (3) DOUBLE COUPONS in Ralphs big mailer ... that's SIX DOUBLE COUPONS. It you don't have a mailer, stop by your local Ralphs ... pick one up and join in the month-long celebration with money-saving cout>ons and storewide specials. (While supply lasts.) · p,.!?.2~.~~!. ~.~~e.~~.,, •·cents off" coupon and get double the savln9,S when you purchase the item. Not to Include "retailer ·. "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons or e11ceed the value of the Item. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. limit One Item Per Manufacturers' Coupon and. llmlL3 Newspaper DoubM Coupons per Cuatomef Coupon EtfecUve S.ptember 2 thni S.pterqber a, 1912 ----MHt V1lu11•••• L_f_Oefrff .... Nol tolllcffd~2'Mt Fii ........... ,,_. .. ,_o.,,.. .... ........... ~. ,~ ... c .... C4l4 Perll lt1all1 ,_,. Dettoe._..0. .. A Whele Fryers CMMl·UedMn lhrl•ll ••• , ": 1.59 "t. ... -: 1.78 ': 1.IJ ': 2.21 ':' .59 Gr .... •Oellll '11 lolM Tllll M1111rln• ...... IC~,_,. Cole .. , • ~...,~. ..... llill•••• Pre!?.2~u~1a!g !?~~e.5!c~ers' "cents off" coupon and get double the savln9.s when you purchase the llem. Not to include "retailer , "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons or exceed the value of the rtem. Excludes liquor, tobacco and dairy 12ro~ucts. UmlJ One Item Per Menufectu,.ra' Coupon and limit 3 New1p1~r Double Coupon• per Cuatomer Coupon Effective S.pte'!'ber 2 thtu September a, 1tMl2 C·llOl4 I•,.._. lod1color ll Fiim · A•I Stelk llUCI ........ ._, c.c ....... Sllcel llOL 1111. S20I. ,., 2" OI • ~·· 614101 .... H Cll IOll 10 ... 1111 t•T!f fl(!liJJB Double Coupon. Present this coupon along wllh any one Manufacturers' "cents oll" coupon and get double lhe savin9.s when you purchase the Item. Not to include "retailer , "free" or "grocery purchase", coupons or exceed the value of the item. E11cludes liquor, tobacco and dairy products. limit One Item Per Manufacturers-. Coupon and Limit 3 N1w1p1per Double Coupon• per Customer Coupon Effective September 2 thni September 8, 1982 Produce/Floral Value• 1.17 DllM 101 .79 freu Mushrooms ~· 1.09 ciiliii' si18i"'i1i tee11 .49 .39 "-'-0 ... 1111 ....... .33 Russet Potatoes .... ~ .13 Milll S...t .17 Brown Onions p9f lb .. 2.17 iiil.,hppers HCll .19 1.71 11<>ncii 1.49 .79 ,• • . . ~ ' '.,... ' PLUM PUDDING -Fresh, sweet plW1\S in a Christmas pudding can be a treat now or, if you freeze it, a delight during the winter holidays. Yuletide treat • is sweet, saucy P 1 um p u d d i n g in 'A cup butter summe r ? Why not?. ~cup sugar Traditionally served at l egg C1n-i s tm o -. -s r rt f s h l W teaspoons grated families Identify this orange or lemon peel dish so firmly with the 1 ~ cups flour holiday season that they 1 teaspoon baking c a 11 i t C h r i s t m a s powder pudding. ~ teaspoon baking The origin o f this soda special yuletide dessert ~ l e a s p o o n g o e s b a s; k t o cinnamon Shakespeare. ~ade of · \14 teaspoon allspice meat broth, fruit juice, . ~ cup milk wine, prunes and spices, 1 ~ cups chopped it was served in a semi-fresh plums liquid state. ~ cup raisins Tr u 1 y a ' • p 1 u m • • Plum sauce . pudding, this summer Cream butter and re~tion is made simpler sugar until fluffy. Beat and better wl th the in egg and orange peel. addition of real honest-Combine flour, baking to-goodness fresh plums. powder, baking soda, Unlike..winterversions cinammon and allspice in made with candied fruits a bowl. Ble nd into and other ri c h creamed mixture Ingredients, only alternately with milk. naturally sweet plums Stir In· plums and raisins. and one-half c up of Line a 7 to 9-cup mold sugar go into this mois el(>,!lely willi~l9jh.9~ ·and lighter Ame rican wetl. 'Turn J)atter into style pudding. Even the mold and cover tightly sau~ is macfe with the with foil. goodness of plums, Placemoldontrivetor orange juice and a hint of rack In large kettle over brandy. boiling water. Cover and Get ahead of holiday steam 2 hours or until baking and conside r pick inserted in center making Summer Plum comes out clean. Let cool Pudding now. Freeze, 20 to 30 minutes in mold, then serve your family then turn out onto rack and gue s t s a tru e to cool further. Remove Christmas plum pudding foil. Serve with Plum ne.xt December. Sauce. Makes 6 servings. But you don't have to wait until winter to Plum Saace: Combine enjoy Summer Plum 1 cup orange juice and--l4- Pudding. The seaaon for cup sugar in a saucepan. fresh California plums is Bring \o a boil over quickly coming to an medium-high heat and end. ·such late varieties cook 12 minutes or until as the yellow-fleshed thJckened. . Casselman and finally, Add 2 cups sliced fresh the red Roysum bring plums and simmer until the 1982 California plum fruit~ is tender, about 4 crop to a cloee. minutes . Combine 2 So let the grand finale teaspoons cornstarch t o a summe r supper with 4 teaspoons water be said with the best of until smooth. Stir into summer's taste -fresh sauce and cook until and juicy plums mixture ~ to a boil and thicke111. Sfir in 2 SUMMER PLUM tablespoons brandy ___ P_UD_._D_IN_G ___ _,(optional . Makes 2 cu ~ ••. l&ee I ~ I Or herring snacks with pwnper- nickle, barbecued cod with bagels ... Pick your own tasty combinations at your grocer's deli. Look for Lascco seafoods and Old World deli reads .. Be lazy on with picnic Labor Day, often kno\Yl\ u the unofflcial .. la.It day of 1ummer," la alto the OM holiday.of the year dedicated to the working f<>r<.'e of America. What better way to celebrate lhe day than by relaxlna at home and enjoying the company of trtendl or (amlly. I.f your entertainment plan1 include servlnit a meal, don't apend the whole day in a hot kltchen. Make lt eaay on youreelf with "Patio Meal In A Wheel." From the re frigerator to the 1ervlng table, thUI attractive main diah pie boasts company-pleaalng taste, as well as make-ahead ~nvenlence. A colorful variety of favorite .Inaredlents are combined In an exciting new way that's sure to impress! The pie crust la easily made with refrigerated crescent rolls, pressed into a piua pan, then baked to a golden brown. Labor Day on patio ju1t wrap and chill. . .for a meal that'• ready when you are! So, why 1pend thll holiday laboring in the kitchen? With "Pat.lo Meal In A Wheel" there'• time to elt back and enjoy the good tlmea with good friends .•. and good food! PATIO .MEAL IN A WHEEL 1 pa c kage (8 o z .) refrigerated creacent rolls 2 medium avocados, muhed · (about 2 cups) l cup (8 oz.) Italian dresaina 1 ~ r ounds 1llced cooked roast bee , rolled 1 cu p sliced mushrooms or cucumber l 1h cups cherry tomatoes l medium gree n pepper, ellced . Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Separate crescent rolls; preaa onfo greased 12-inch pizza pan to form crust. Bake 10 minutes or Mashed avocados and Italian dreBSin,.are a fa\>ulous flavor • duo which fomlS the creamy ple until golden; 0001. • In small bowl, blend avocado with ~ cup Italian dreaalng· spread evenly onto prepared cr u st. A r r a nge r emaining ingredients in circular pattern Of) avocad o mixture . Brush gene ro us l y with remaini ng dressing; cover and chill. To serve, cut into wedges. Makes about-6 servings. MEAL IN A WHEEL -For easy Labor Day enteriainment, an attractive main dish pie has make-ahead convenience as well .as company-pleasing taste. __ • fllling. Rolls of sliced cooked roast beef, along with sliced mushrooms, cherry tomatoes and g re e n pep p e r a r e t h e n attractively arranged on top. AB a finishing touch, whole pie is brushed with additional dressing, which lends its perfect blend of seasonings to create this quick 'n colorful culinary delight. Then Sophisticated ice cream social is festive Remembe r the old-Sauce over vanilla ice Pour into 1 gallon size ice fa s hio ne d lee c ream cream. It· can be made cream tnaker. social? In 01ore leisurely in minutes. Light Assemble 'freezer, times, friends githeted brandy, since it's distilled layering lee and sal~ ~ ..on the lawn to play from young rape wine, at a time, around sides of croquet aud take turns ble nds wel with all canister. Churn-for 40 : cranking the ice cream fruits to make this a minutes by hand, or by maker. sophi.aticates sauce. electric lee cream maker . Slow down and cool Take advan\age of until frozen and motor oU this holiday weekend summer fruits in aeaabn slows or stops. Ice cream with a modem version of and make Brandied Fruit -wlll be soft •nd thick this old fashioned .Sauce of strawberrtes, (not hard). Turn into pastime. Give an lee nectarines or peaches. freezer containers. cream-making par.ty in Serve it warm, right Freeze-until hard, about your backyard. You'll f t"'om the p~n. over 3 hours. Makes 2 ~ need an ice cream maker vanilla ice cream. Or quarts. Enough for 10-12 and this ice-cream-for-chill it to make a cooling servings. grownups rec 1 p e , hot·weather demert. The BRANDIED Brandied Apricot Ice colorful topping is FRUIT SAUCE ~-H£ia-Ciwil0iig makes d e 11 c i o u • 1 t.o o , on ~ cup water it rich and smooth. So chee.ecake or angel cake. 4 t e a s p o o n s • Brandied Fruit Sauc-: cornstarch ask each guest to take a w i 11 k e e p i n t h e 2 cups strawberries, turn at the crank. It's refrigeratot. sliced nectarines or fun. (Of course, you peaches could use an eleciric ice BRANDIED APRICOT ~ cup sugar cream maker.) ICE CREAM ~ cup brandy You '11 have soft lee 2 eggs, eeparated Comb i n e w a t er, cream, fragrant with 2~ cups apricot jam corn at arch a n d apricots and .brandy, in 3 cups whipping·-strawberries (or about 40 mmutes. T o .cream unpeeled nectarines or harden, store it Pl your Y\ cup brandy . ~a~. hres) in aaucepan. freezer for ~ ~· 3 tablespoons lemon Cook, stirring constantly, Serve Brandied Apricot juice until mixture comes to a Ice Cream at the end of 1 ~ teaspx>n grated boll and ia thickened. the party. lemon peel Stir in sugar and brandy Another way to Y\ teupOOn salt untU sugar dissolves. entertain friends is the 1A cup chopped Serve warm ar cold over caaual get-toge~ after walnuts lee cream. Makes 2 cups. jogging or tenrus. Serve About 8 lb. cracked CAIJFORNIA creamy California Coffee or crushed ice COFFEE COOLER teoolera, made zesty with About 2 cups rock 1 ~ oz. brandy brandy. salt .4 oz. cold coffee They'r e great for a Beat egg yolks with · 1 oz. cream group; make big batches apricot jam until thick. 1 oz. coffee liqueur in your blender and pour Reduce the speed of 1 teaapoon sugar over coffee ice cream in mixer and slowly beat in Crushed ice beer mugs. Y~ guests cream, brandy, lemon Coffee ice cream will. appreciate· this juice, lemon peel, and Shake brandy, coffee, nounsh.lna, frosty drink salt. Using clean beaten cream, liqueur, augar and after exerd9e. . and bowl, whip egg lee together well. Strain A quick but elegant whit.et until atlff. Fold into a 12-ounce glua. dessert for a. dinner egg whites and walnuts Add a 9000p of ice cream. party la Brandied Fruit into lee cream mixture. Serves L Thll Labor O.y, I""* of laboring Tr.y cw other pdies from our deU ~ a hot grill, enjoy lully-coobd, and win• counter. Honey .. bd ...t1-to·MTW ffOMJ labd Ham. ..,_ Compeny. We han ewrythlq And. lf ,au'N plan ... ~ .pkftk • ~ Med IO hll'A MY 4-)' ..... e ~ you mtpt ll~ to order a Party hobdly. , WI SfBP COAST TO COAST U.S.~.+ Al.ASJCA •HAWAII WE 00 CA TEAN3 •GIFT CERTFCA TES "=~~ BRANDIED DESSERT -Unusual and interesting combinations for summer's final f1inc pair brandy with ice cream. From left are Apricot Ice Cream, Fruit Sauce, Coffee Cooler. Every Sunday • ' , . Or~ CoMt OAILV PILOT/Wedneedey, s.pt.,,,ber 1, 1ff2 DI ----------------------------------------------!"-'""'!"'i .......... ~ ..... ----..................................... --........ .--........ ______________ ............. oii!iiiiii .... ____________________ _ Soothe sweet tOoth • with Praline Bars 1Ewr aet • cravtna tor Topptaa 10methtn1 different to • 2 9111 •dafy ~ IWMt t.ootht ~ c u p pa c k e d "PrallM Nutty Bui could brown qar . be the an1wer . . . a S J.able1P'.00f\I flour dell'tlou1 bar wlth a i.4 cupt..frall n e cake-like bottom and Llqueur crunchy, nut topping 2 table1po0na honey Combine above fnaredlenta, except nuta, until well mixed. SUr in nuu and .Pour over baked layet. Return to oven and bake 18 to 20 m inutH lonaer. Cool and, lf deelred, fl'Olt with melted chooolate monela before cutttna Into ban. Maket about 2 dozen ban. PRALIN~PERFECT -When your 1weet tooth cravee IOMethfna dlffes:.ent, Praline Ban come to the re.cue~ Crunchy with a nu topping coated i chocolate, the bare: ha ve a cake-llk~ flavored with Praline · ~ teupoon baklna bottom layer. Uqueur to add a 1pecial powder tute. 1 '1i cupa Spani1h · The ban are equally peanuu or chopped aood with or without the pecan.a .. chocolate coatjng, but we Chocolate morsel• Note: Bara may be recommend it for·a taate (optional) froien for lonaer 1torage. treat that may have you ,_.;.__-.---------- eating more than you plan! . PRALINE NUTTY BARS 1li c up pack e d brown sugar ~-cup butter or maraartne l 11i cups qour Mix sugar and butt.er. Gradually stir ih flour. Press ih gJ"eased 13x9x2 inc h pan. Bake in 350-degree oven for 18 to 20 minutes until golden brown. • Raisins ·-Promo·set FRESNO (AP) - What can ~ added to Irish stew, peanut butter 1andwichea, ice cream sundaes and barbecued ribs to perk thinp up? The raisin industry is hoping consumers decide their produ ct is the answer. 'A $6 .2 million adv e r tising pu s h featuring the uncommon menu suggestions was endorsed b y t h e promdtional arm of the state's raisin industry to boo st d omes t ic conaumption. The California Raisin Adviaory Board is trying to expand sales in the face of reduced exports to Europe, a eutback In grape sales to wineries and a projected bumper crop .• Meanwhile, board members expressed concern that industry problems may be 'aggravated by federal .deregulation; poaible elimination of harvest re9erves. The industry sets aside some of the crop each year to control prices, but the practice haa been criticized for artificially inflating consumer coats. Franlc Light, Sun- Maid Growers president, said he was ~ a state re9el"Ve isystem with state Food and Agr,iculture Director Rlchard Rominger as a way of skirting pomible chanaes in the federal system. "We should proceed as if the worst is going to happen," Light said. HEAT . -LABOR DAY SALE! 7 ....... a..-n'•A••n110••• A•• NOW HUGHll MA•KITI ••••-• ::,\:.u llVO. •Auau :m:.c COAST HWY. 111;v1•LA•• ~:DAU llVO a~ ••••0•1 ••AcH ~'~.~; AV• FouN1 A•N v ALL1v m~ .. ID AV• PlllCES EfFKTM 7 DAYS I A.M. THUltS, SEPT. 2 THRV W£0., Sfl'T. 8, 1982 U.S.O.A. Choke .... I •9 CENtER CUT CHUCK ROAST LI. .a u.s.o ... Choke .... 39 CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAK . L,. I • U.S.O.A. Choice a..f, Chiidi C~ 2 19 . BONELESS CLOD ROAST ....... ll. • ... BACK RIBI EXCELLENT FOR 1.1.Q. ~ -.. -.• 89 LA l'UINft :.:.,H HACllNOA •• A l>OSW. LA HA WHITTIH ll~O GROUND BEEF Fo111r Forms, Frozen ' GAME HENS .......................... LI. 1.09 Hilbhir• form1, Polalco, '"' or SMOKED SAUSAGE ............... LI. 2.•9 fo1ter Form• or Zocky BEST 0 FRYER ............... , ............. LI .• 98 Horm•I 6on1l1n CURE 81 HAM ........................ LI. 3.19 lor M. La M.eM, ~ or Iii '1 • • BONELESS HAMS .................. LI. 3.69 Rudy'1 Form ... J.lb. pk;. PORK SAUSAGE ROLLS ......... EA 2.29 ~r . BONELESS TURKEY ROASTS .. La: 1.69 Rudp fonn ... 12-oz. pk;. - PORK SAUSAGE PATTIES ...... EA. I. 99 Wiiton M.o.Wplec• . 80~LESS HAM ..................... J.89 Cornotlon ~ond ... 6-oa. ~ COOKED & PEELED SHRIM'1 ,: EA. I. 79 'llAl.mUI SiEaK fl~~ L8. 2•t Tyaon, Hoogle or Cheddor ... 12-oz. CHICk 'N QUICK .................... EA.2.•9 Jimmy Deon, Sfl>aon.d ... 1 ·lb. pk;. T~CO FILLING ........................ EA. 1.79 Certilr-.h ... 9-oz. Cod in Shrimp Souc• or SOLE/BUTIER SAUCE ............ EA. 1. 99 FRllH HIN TURlllY Hu9h1t or El Roncho GRAD! A W/TIMU ANO COllPON ~ .• 89 ~--HUGHES MARKET COUPON ---, i PIPSI COLA I •Wi•-••HUGHES MARKET COUPON·--, I KINGSFORD I t 1u ...... 1s....ew I I WITH THIS COUl'ON I ',• ~l'E~~~c:'· 198 ,I 32.oz. a· 9 · I -•'!!!!7• ! I " .... 12.JtACK ..... THIS COUf'• I GOOD SEPT. i THltU SEPT. 8 JAR . ICOO<N0.710 SAYl 1.211 . . ! """' • ' . &;;••-•-HUOHISMA.IKITSCOUf'ON1 _____ _. ~---------------------_,· I LIM.IT ONE PER ITEM ANO 19 8 I I ONE COllPON PEit CUSTOMER I I GOOD SEPT. 2 THltU SEPT. 8 • :.: • I I COOEN0.712 IAVl91• aaa~ . I L------HUGHISMAIKITSCOUf'ON·-----J Uk. ......... VANDEKAMP CINNAMON ROLLS ................. 1.21 is.... ,,,.., Vort.tt. CHRIS'·& PITT'S l8Q SAUCE ............................ 1.26 40-Ct. Lunch l'tcrt9 DIAMOND PLATES ...................... 2.21 22-01. Sweet DEL MONTE RELISH .................... 1.39 26-oL Almofld TWIN DRAGON COOKIES ......... 2.29 140-Ct. 83 VIVA NAPKINS ................................ . 15-oL Tiny l(OIMr Ollla DEL MONTE PICKLES ....................... 11 10.5-oz. Monz. Thrown Pock· STAR STUFFED OLIVES ............... 1.89 21 nn NAlllHO GlllY •OUNN ·~~· '40IL9 -~" . ~~~~·,Aco••911• ~:.-. ~~ITA911D7 WHITE . SMALL "llitA• I-OZ. • ·: "•1 l'tCO. • • .. CANTALOUPES LARGE SWEET . 5!. Doisy Frith .... 32-oi. All Pvrpo11 11 • TROPICAL JUICES ...................... I. 19 WHITE ROSE POTATOES ............ lt. ~ • ._ • 11).ee. ...... o,-y, S11cM ....... C•~ •• COOKING SAKE ...................... 1.61 I~ SHOOTS ................ • ~ ...__, It 7-....... Wei,_._,.,.,.., J.S-. llCE VIN!GAlt ............ -.......... A ... ff IROILEO MACKEltAL ................... II Twin Pock l'otato. BELL BRAND . CHIPS ...... , ................................ ff 10-oz. lnstont . MAXWELL HOUSE COFFEE .................................... 09 BAKID . BIANI . 21.oz. 99 S&W • • 1 • l .a ·r ) \ b rl :l q 'Tf "' It •l !. . i I G J?. '& l?. .<? ~ t\) td d· r:i q " 6 ') w 19 q 1l •? 1c} iS .) 11r ,., l - , . f • lo • I \\I 11\.I -.11" -MNltO~ MO ...... ~WOMAN • MU>, WILD waT . I •.WAT.- HAWAII flMi.4 A hueMnd .,_,._ • -I*' In hie ...... nvdet. • OW..IAIY ··~"~:Qll'9 ,.,,.__ (R) CJ • MAGIC Of Oil PMmNCI I .. == :-=.ox •* "HlllOI' ti" (1980) o.,,.,. McGaW\, Aober1 Veughn. P•ll Chell 11 I --' OO'*M*'I ll\llM- l1tlon lnvHllg•I• th• ~ of 1 .. 111111te'1o1UC1- c1«1 deetruc:tton. 'PG' uo• DO<~WTT. Ou.I: dlreatOI' Md pro- ducer o.Y1c1 MlllMI. (P) ... Nlr f'ORWAN> "lmpt1c1t1on1" Th• edVMCll In oomc>utenl llftd oomrnunlc9doM tech- nology In todly'• IOdety -eumlned. (J)8N1'#8 lllU...rY~ ® MCll FOR ll4E fllNNAHT Blr'Y T°""*lnl Ind Tim ·~ Oii'* .. ,,_ ti.-~ to the 11M12 Wofld8efa • ...CNIWI 1:00 I cee HIWI KUNG PU I == M•A•t•H 8.J. ~ • eurrog91e , lattl« to • K-hmlly I~ ~ "'*' th9 young ~ .... medlc9I ......,,_ for her father. 11 JOKEJfl WILD ........ NPOflT (I) ....... MAGADll A -C11mtP for Mur9 Mtronaut1; • -who INlnff99ted 22 llPW'•te ~-0 INTPTANillHT TONIGHT ' lnter.Mwe wtth Joen Col- llnl, Rlctcy 8otwodlr. <B)'t'Mi&h'IAll •. 1947 Dick c.vett lf'8Y9il bet* to the proeperoue post•Wortd W11 II .,. tNt -the ~of the llUburbe, end the~ ;::v. • • • • "Ordlnely ...,_ pie'' (IMO) Mery ~ Moore. OoNld ~. A~~~ trying to put hie ... II-* together .... broehet'• dMth !Ind Illa own _... attempt ,...... out to hie ~ ............ COid, ~ mott.. •p• (%)MOVIE ** "Knlghll1der'I" (1N1) Ed Hll'l1e, Gary LllMI. A group of molOl'cytlttl trev- 11 wllh •~tw Md find 11191 \tie llruggtl 80llnlt evll Ind for ldMll Plltl In modem 11,,_ Ille>. 'R' • 7:*>. I ON ll4E TOWN FMl\#ed: vlllt EMI Pr- leV'• OrllClllllnd lllMllon; .... OPfylMd Md lhe dfWld Old Opfy; WI lnW- Yle'# with Eddie Arnold. 18FM&.YFl:UD ~ONLA. FMtut'ed; 1 repOl't on diet- ing; IM1her flllNona; LA. •• meet ..__ btldlelorl; wt1et It Ulk• to beoofne • Pl9yboy bunny. DEVASTATED -Sidney Shorr (Tony Randall). and Laurie Morgan (Swooaie' Kurtz) are bewildered as they survey the af tennath of a fire in their living room on ''Love, Sidney" tonight at 9:30 on KNBC (4). • M•A•t•H Hnll~ Md 8.J. wepect Fr111* of ll1tlng a wounded oolonll'• Wl\lqUe gun. I (J) TIC TM. DOUGH MACNB. / L..EHRE1' NP'ORT • nte AM8AW.DOM A man (Peul Scofteld), Miii lo Plllt lo r-=ue • young American friend from tM c:lu1ohel of • worldly Parl- Mnne, .. aided In hie ~ .ion by • oMrmlng Amefl. c:en elq)etrlat• (lee Aern- ldl) In thll df-tlzatlon of Henry,,_._,_., Ill YOU AltCID FOR rT Feehnd: "King Of The Logger•" and "The World'• Large11 Belly Oenclng School. •• (C)MOYE * * * * "The Spirit Of St. Louil" ( 1957) J-Stew- art, M\HTtry Hwnllton. In 1927, CNrtel A.. lJnd.. bergh becon'IM the tint man lo tty noMtop .crou the Altentlc <>ce.t lo Pw- 11. 7:40. IPOTUOHT PMVIEW Host Bober! 01borne looks ., the movt... sped- ... and IOOf1I ewr<IS com-"lil llP on SPOTUOHT. e:oo • Cl> cee N!P°"1'8 "°"atem.I•" Ed Rabel ~· OI) the c:MI -In Centi.. AINrica'• lichelt Miion, Ind why the United St•tff can no longer la ':iaa. P£OPti FHturec:t: 1 C•lltornla grtipe feltlval; the "Mr. Tulh" cont.i: • vlllt to 8or1ng, Oregon; • lldloo4 IOI' beMbll umpire.. (R) • MOYE ** ·~ "Go WMt, Young u.n" (19341) Mee Weet. fW\dolptl Scott. A mcMe llll Ila many rnlladwn- lur•• on 1 pereonal ~tour. • 9 ntE PttOaa 8eMu pull • -from • r-.glng ftre .. ...,... ~ P••••ioei ~In to ~fllm. (P) • MOYE *** "Swing Time" ( 183e) Fred,.....,.., Ginger Aogare. A g•mbllng dMcer NII • herd time Mvtng money to nwry hll .... ~. but compllce- tion. miM "'-' 119 '*for llnOtfler. • P.M. MAGAZJNE A IUIMW C11mtP for Ml#"e M1tONUl9; • ~ .tic> "*'"-*' 22 ~ penionllltlM. .MOYE •• • "Captain Eddie" (11145) Fred MecMUfT-.y, Lynn Bari. Fwned llWltOI' Eddi• Picken backer ~ • -itrne hero .,.., llylncl numeroue ~ Ilona and deetroylng a record number of enemy pien... • lHE MllMMOOM A man (Pell! Soofllld). Mnt lo Pllll to ,_,. • young Anwtclln fl'tand trom the ~of•~Pwl- lllanne, .. llded In '* mi.- llOn by a chltmlno Amert- GM~ (lM Aem- lea) In Ihle dfwnattutlon of Henry.,_. novel. ®MCMI ••• "Oullllnd" (11181) 81an Connery, Peter Boyte. A ..,_ ~ ln¥Mtig91• • rMh of "'Y'- terloue dNt.hl within • mining colony on one of Jupltef'a moone. 'A' (l)MOYE * * "AM The Mllblle" (11181) Pet• F.ik, Burt Young. A hultllog, wt- Cl'acklng manager pulli. "" two --......,. 1-.dttletop. 'A' .MOVIE * * * "TM Competition" (1880) Aldwd ~. Arny Irving. TWo .,..,... .. • SWI Fnnc11co ""*° competition find that INlr '°"" fol' -=" OCMr ~ ftlc:U with their proteellon- .. Mlbltlona. 'PO' 9;:10. 000 COUl'U Ole#-Feb'• ... and "*' '* 10 pey \tie~ fOf II 11 Fellx go. to rtdlc- uloul IWltgthl 10 lflOW "" HO~MoYtE · ···~ .. ......,_,. LllW'' '(tN1) Telly aev.111, Mor- Gal' Se-. A fl9rnboyMt lawyer It hired to .-.net M employw of • tryld- c:e~wilt190 ~ .,... who .. 9IDCl.tMd of murct.rtng • telelllllon ,_,er.(R) • 8 THE 'ACT8 Of' LR RoclmlMtel Jo and Blair IOlll up Ind Tootle and N8tllle decld9 lo follow aull._lA) •@ THE,AU.GUY Colt .. hnd by. ~ltul WOl'Nll'I to find her brother beiore the mob klll him for hie ll'f'lblno delbta. (P) • "*'V_,.. "Yeuno Pertor111er•" au..: a.... ..... Kt1liey McN6cftoj, -Hut-ton. ~ Mt!W, .... ..,, Jm J. 8ulodl. • AT THE,__ IUD Lou ~nt•'• Hubbard 8trMt 0.-Oompeny per1onM \tie comlOll M Al The Row Bud" 9'ld ... toPfll9tlcated • '£1coerpt• FrOlll Oet1ltlwln o.no.. .. t:OICD)OUl ACQIWNTAHC8 e:ao••LCM.~ ~and IAurte dlecovw tMt the fire tr.I deMroyec! their llvlng room .... ... bf Pattl.(R) • JACK LOHDON WITH WILLIAM Ol!VANe The ..,. of \tie Cellfomlen authOI' .. ttllCed ffom '* youth to hie untJmelV4Mth It the 908 of 40 In a 00CU. dr..-na 1t111rlng w-.m 0.W...(A) • A T...un TO AU!C WIJJIR ...,._ by "-• ......,, McP...uand, ~ l9t SuNnlWI ~ and .. Arrenoera' ~ Orc:MMra -~ In WI lntlmele looll M tfie ... CHANNEL LISTINGS end --of the Amertcen compoea. CD)MOYE 9 KNXT (CBS) 8KNBC INBCl • ICTLA (Ind.) .• t<MC IABCl • ICFMB (CBS) 8 KHJ•TV (Ind,) e KCST IABCl • KTTV find.) '•KOOP.TV (ll'd.) .a l<CET (PBS) • KOCE CPBSJ CD.> On-TV (J) Z·TV ®HBO Cl:> IClnemH) CJ) (WORI NY., N. Y fil IWTBSl (I) IESPNI Cl> I Shawl lme > • SC>otllghl e CC.ble N-s Net-rk ) • • .,. ''8tud9nl .,... •• (1H1) Krl1ten Alter, Mallh•w Ooldaby. A hNYy..tll ...... ~ ............. fUIMolllno ~of. typlolf ,.,,.,.,_ lean high adlo04. .... CZ>MOYm .... ~ Ugh1nlng" ( 1171) AlcNr'd Pn'W • ...., ~ ,..... w.td w. U, I tuJ drtvw beool.- the flr'lt.,... oMi•iPOI• In 1119 ,.....ory of the ,_ drQ.111. 'PG' . -··GINO\' ~ ........... -I···----.. . _. .......... . ~= ~ ....... ......... d ...... ~ ..... ,._ ..... 11111ir1 ~ ,_ offs, -_... ---~·-­offs.(A) &:. t'-MTOM.m ...... fonNMM ~-= ~==-~-.. tM Antntert' Holldll)' °'°'*"' .. fMllnd In M lnCllMle looll et the ... and wortc of fM ""*loM -...--. (J:)MOVW • • • "DrlYe-ln" (1111) Glenn Monh-. LI .. 1.emole. Severa( Texa IMIMOl'I ,,_. during a nlehl ol rom-and •dtament at • drtv.ln 111 .. 1re ft1turlng 1n ar.=: dllMeer fllm. • ·~ "Mom!Ne 0.-." (IHllF•~·'*° na 8cerwld. FontM fllm .., Jolin Q..tofd , .... her two adopted ~ In • domeltlc lltmOapfler• !Mt vwtea frOlll tuxur1oua comlor1 lo MdlltlG dlaol- pllne. !PO' (l)MOYIE * * ''Su Rey'' A tuutM6o mwi cnatel • '"f gun with 1119 ~ to "'fill• • IWIY -,.,. h0p1t111ly In ~. 10:IO .... JACK &.ONOON W'.f'H wuw.t Ol!VANI The life of the ~ . authol' II treoecl from hie YoUlh 10 hi• untlmtly dMth at 1119 age of 40 In • dow- drM!I ll•rrlng Wfflltlm Devane.(P) .MOYIE ' * * " ... AM TM M.,.,._" P«er Falk, Vldll Frederldl. A .i-Kltlng iNINIQM' , ... hll two~ lllG t.Ml wreetlerl on the di- cult In ~of ·-and • fottune~ •A• 11••••C1>t118 MEWi • MTUADAY ..aHT Hoet: Michell Pain. ac-t: Eugene Aeoord. • -¥0U AltCl!D FOR fT ~"OllMUlh"­ MotorO)ICW' li!ld "CepNe Inn." • M0A•t•H Htlwttey9 .. th9 °""' doctOt ltft to oper8te .._., the tlU bug hit• the 4011th. •...vHU Con man Benny plal'\I to ,......_.. • boold•--Of-* caefl. I llP1181AIPORT DOCTOR .. TMI toM MlcNel ,... In low wfttl • bMutlful ledV doctOI'. . - CD)MOYIR '* * "~beepe" (1N1) Andy Kllufman, 8ermi- dette ,....,..._ In • wortd of the -M\#9, lwO com- mercial roboU upertence \tie~ of ...... low.'PG' 11:11 (%) C981MCOM 11::80. (J) nNM9 tllghlghll of \tie U.S. °'*' "°"' .. Uni* s ..... Tent* "-cl cklilln Nelon- .. T-* Center. F1ulif*IQ M..00-cotona PVk. N.Y. •• TONIQKT Hoet: Johnny, Car.on. ~ L.uc:IMo "-on!, Aobert !Olin. •@ MCNEW9 INl8HT\.M • MOYIE ..... ''VIiie VIiar' (1934) w--..,,...,. Leo CWTl- lo. The ,_ petr1ci4 and reOel rlall to become ' ~elldent of Malco. • TMIAU OUaONI LOUIN c•~ trouble ~ LJonel Ind JllWIY "'*' ...... adlng .. • moa-4"-lew. • IN#'OflO NIO ION Grady lnYltH coualn • Emm4I to the s.nbGI tlOplllg tMt ..... do,Jfla ooobnO Md dlMng. • CN'Tom>MC ... (l)MOYIE * * ''Tiiie i. EMI" (1 .. 1) DoournemMy. Rlrll flDotagl !Ind dr9'Nlllc ,_....,,. -...s to ...... aeory of IMa ~· ... 9'ld -.-. (%)MCMI ... '* * "Oft;/ wtien I IMf' (INI) Nahard Ananbor• OUfh, ~ Hefnrnll!OL A ll'lo of 9rtttlih -atwnpt to,.._•,,..._ Afriowt dlplo!Mt, -a· 11• CC> llCMI * •~ "CeboBtanoo" • (1Ni) CNrtll "-• • JlllOn Aobefde. "" ..... ..... wtlO '* bought oft the toc.i pOlloe ~ • email PenMen OOMt.i town during u. 11MOL •p• TUB£ TOPPERS 0 KNXT (2) 8:00 -"Guatemala." New1 correef)Qnden' Ed Rabel report. on the civil war In Central America that the United Stat .. no lon1er can t1nore. .Revtew below. KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Helllnger11 Law." Telly Savalu, Moraan Stevena 1tar In 1toey about a flamboyant lawyer who defendl an employee acclllled of murder. KNBC (4) 9:30 -••Love, St!ney." Sydney and wurle diacover the fire that destroyed thel~ living room was set by PattJ. See photo, left. KOCE (~) 9:30, KCET (28) 10:00 -"A · Tribute to Alec· Wilder." A focus on the life and work of the late American composer whoee aonp are a permanent part of the jazz repertory, 18;00 • (J) MOVIE * * * "Fretemlty ~· (1977),..., Fo.11, Gt-oory Hanteon. A man'a r-.o. llone on 119 wld 1ff0e-.. • de)'I .. marred by the ~ of • hulnO prWlt ttlll anded In .,.'l!!lllrs;...4- dy. (P) • INTPTANimff TONICIHT lnteMewe wtth Jo.n COl- llna, Plc*y Sdwoder. • Ill I.CM! llOAT Captllln Stublng 11 oltered command of• luxury ahlp, • young man uperlenole -~-Jtten. and Ooo helpe • couple Plltotl .. twotlen ...... lonlNp. !"I .MOVW •• "The~c.t· ti• co." (1172) oary Ori,,_, Luke AIQw. A •••n·•oer beoomN • matUI'• ~ during • long, ditlloutt .... dtlve to Color9do. • LOW. AMINCWt tnu "Love And The 8croungeni" Oii and~ expen Mttlel tM mlnlolw of • ~-med IClan4llt Intent on ..........,.. nwi.. klnf wltfl.,., ~ "°' dr\19. 1'0' CZ)MOVW ··~''TN~ Ey91" ( 1880) Don Knotta. T1m eonw.y. r-llurnblnt AmMteen deteGtlvw .. clllld In to ~ • .... of mutderl In WI ~CMUe.'PG' 1:20 (C) MOYE * * * ~ "W_, In loYe" (1970) wanes. '**'°"· Alln Bet•. 8alled on \tie noYll by D.H. ~. Two oouplea ~ amblvllent ,...,. of io... and hat• In thall' rOtlllntlc relallonll!lpe wttti their ~we rnatee. 1:ao e 8N9CNEWI OVIMICIHT 1:N<B)MCMI * ·~ "If. Hllilna'' (1M1) Att c:.m.r. ClrAd Huff. mwi. NI IO-Y9S-otd rnan retue. to 7Mw '* lfllllll ,_, .... • geotoollt ~· • Yo6canlc dlle9-,.,, 'PG' ery hide out In • btg Hofly- wood Mudlo1 a:oo • UOYll 12:11<B)MCMI . • • * "Fl rat F•mlly" (1MO) Olde n.dnar. Bob NewMlt. The MXIHllly l'epi 1111 ~~°'the ~·--... ~ cMnN fallllly COlftOICll• her ...... ...,,.,.. to ~ tM .n.n of ...... 'R' 1l:IO. 8 LATR MGH'f' WITH Do\VID LETTIMIAN ow.ta: oomedlen 0-gl ...... fllm director Aooer Connen, .w... Viva. ·~MCAH ITVl.I "l..ove Md The Artful Codger'' A oollaoe proM- aor .,.. • tTto of ~ dene. \ CD)MCMI T • • ''The lAOMd ot TIMI l,ol'lll AeftOW'' (1NO) Kin- ton Spllabuty, Ctwtltopflar Lloyd. The Lone Aanglr ~ Tonto ~ INlr .,'Ch-enemy. But oh c-tdiltl, who '* kid- napped Ille ptealdent of .. u.a.•PG' .MCWm '* • "llt11nt Duell•" (1llO) Mldlell Eml. l.ldl --. TWo ,,... _. ........ IO~ ""-1ca and----~ . lll!lillNd '° 1111 ltlem ..... t*>. MCM1 * * * ''Where Ttlere'1 U.." (1941) Bob Hope, W..... BencM.11. A foreign oftlCler i. ...e to N9w Y0111 to llnd u. heir to hie ooun-a•=· • * ~ "Thunder In The bat'' (1163) Alerl L*'d, DaOofati I<.,.,., A bllnd pt ettempta to ...., ,....._. tel"'°"8 llfter • IMll .... 1:10·~_.__. *'4 "The Touctlabtee" ( IH81 Judy Huxt•tlle, &ther Andenoq. A pop .....ldd~by tour .-Mon flN II fultMI by ....... ....,., ODOl'I 1:111= •• ··~ And ICll ,....... .. (WI) JM.-Pyefl,,.,.,,.. h l<ttel. A nwtl.i erta ••~ "Com.,.S" (1945) Dick Pow•"· Walter SIRak. A vengeful ..,_ .... the Nad-crtn*W feapolill«>ll for ......... of hie ... and chld. .MOVIE * * * "Thi Otts &de Of The MounWln -Part n" (1971) Martlyn "--t. Timott!y Bott-Former c:NlmCllon --Jtl Kin-"'°"'· rendered • quMri-pleglo by • .,.. acddant, ........ ~ ~ wtien • ,_ low .,,... her ... 1:1•1 MEWi a:a0 MOYE ••• "The Big •oedcMt Of 1138" ( 1931) Bob Hope. w.c. Fllldl. ~ of • mwi'••...._0-hlm llCfO. the ... 1n ~of bet* almony peymenll • l:401=· ~41 MOYIE ***~ "Lrdla" (1M1) Mane Oberon. Joaepll Cotten. "" eldM1y -recella her r--.tlc Piii followlng a noatalglo. ,__ .... four .. her --~ CZ> atBIMCOM l:OO (I) MCMI ** ''NA The...,.,..... (1M1) ..... F... lwt y~ A IMilllng. ..... or-*'"11 ~ pual'll Ma two ............... 1-.dttletop.'R' (%)MCMI ··~ •'fN 8ln Of Hero6d Oki dletJ o i*" ( 1 M7) Hero6d Lloyd, ~ Fl9meden.. An ambltlou9 ........ of the 1t20I ...,.,. ttMat• _1111 ... .,... 1:11 (C}MCMI * * * * "The Fh1•r" (1MI) Ditti Bogwde. Aler! ...._ BllNd on• nowi by a.mard M.iemud. A tum- of-the-untury Jewl1h peHant I• wrongfully ~led fof ... deMh of • dlld In Kiev. ®MOYE ........ ,.._.,.. 0...-' (1 .. 1) Fll"8 Oulwwy, 0. M IGmrwld. F«1'-. fllm ...,,_..~,..... her two ....... c:Mdr9'I In • dOftMMIO atillOlpMi• JOHN DAAUNG jGuatemala ' C(>mpreh _en'sive documentary "-FUD ROTllENBERG 1.,. ........ .,..., NEW :YORK -The blickcround and t.ues. ln ~Ced like the civil ltrife rmldedna Gmimwla ~lend themeelves to two-minute ~an the~ TV news, I -~et. the coaflk1 rn Guat.emala. the~ and qx.t populow naGon In Central America, •• ....., dt immediate lmpect -both economically and $'a'1':.°Y -1D the United Statea. ik 1oodneaa there'• "'CBS Reporta," tOnilht at 8 on Channel 2. It eixam1nee a battle wit.bout many explmlona and bomber planet, yet di • ~ble for 400 PC>litical deatha a month. · In:\!~." CB8 Newa flnda Mveral awen for~ ....uon Mbd by conmpondent -.S Rabel, wbo oflln an tn.d9pth. balanced wount. 1 'n.. ~ .U. In tbaa natian ot T mllUoD fl a ~ qonfuatna 1UaJr, but Rabel aheda U1ht ~Y 4'.••mlafna tlM pert ctlv• of 1uerrlll•1, Oua ..... 'i 1111•11•.. a.cs.r, hAI ... Thuradail'• Dau•~·~"'•"•~• -MORllNG- t:00 Cl) * * "T,._,,. laland'' ( 1172) Otaon w.Aea. l(jift 84dald. A-.aeeoue boy jolfla IN Inf-pit•• Long John --In -"· Ing the .... tor et"PI car· rylng bounty WOl'th .... "111 ·G' 1:1f. * * "-· All TM M.,. *-" ,...., ..... \Odll Frederic*. A wl-9Cklng maneger tak• hll lwO ~tlful t-ci '-" -tlerl on the dreult In -di of leme Ind IOI'• lune. 'A' 9:00 (C) * * "Murder At The Wortd Serlel" (1171) Lyn- da Otry George, KMWI Val- Wltlne. A young 11\11'1'1 blUlt• kidnapping llCtlelM Involve• tlye Innocent -Ind the flnal two pmaa of the baMbtlll ctwnplonahlp. 7*> (%) * * "Only When I Lert" (1HI) Aloh.,d Attenborough. D•vld Hemmlngl. A trio of 8'1ti.tl oonmao •ttemp4 to ne- • mlllt9nl African dlplofMt. 'G' a:OO CC)*** "AMII Gordon" (1N0) Sam J . ~. Mu Von Sydow. A trio of .-tnlngl trawl to the planM MoflOO and helP ltl OPP1 I 11 1 Wlllblt..... In .. ~-of the evll fmperOI' Ming. 'PG' ...... ''Slnbad IVtd The Eye Of ,.,,. Tiger'' ( 1171) Pattte1c WlftM, Jane s.y. mour. TM dllt*'ll hero b9ftMa ~ crMlurw anda~~to -the CUIM tMt ~a young~ from hie rlQhtful pllioe on It. throna.'G' HO CZ) **'Ai "PMntom OI The....._., (1174) Paul w..ma, Wllllam FWey. A dedlcel.S rock 'n' roll oompoMr --• dla-flgured medlnan nauntlng • t.tiutoua rodl c:lub ... he .. llwlnCllecl ou1 of hie llte'• WOl'tl, an etabof•t• rod! c.m.t .. 'PG' 10:00 CC)*** "How I Won The Wiii'' (tMI) Mk:t\111 Cfaw- tord. Jotln Lennon. Outing Wortd Ww 11.. a oroup of bunollnll 8"tlatl aolc*r'I -~tobuldM ethlMlc: fleld ~ erwny .,_ In Northern Africa IO tMt the MNlllcll 19 8l1ltlh forcea • i-• p1eoe to ~c:nck ... Cl) • • .. Action Of ,.,,. Tiger'' ( 1151) Van Jom. IOfl. M_,.,,. Cwol. All American adv•nturer'1 Pllth ~ tn.I of • pnoroue ...... ••••• "Gigi" (1951) • Ma&.rice cn.v8ller. lMlle Cenln. A tomboy being grOOIMCI by ,_ _,. and grlfldmc>thel .... out on her own to c8tdl • mwi. 10'M (%) * '* "Girt Frtendli" (1971) ......,.. ~on. Ell Wlll9dl. A yOIAng WOl'ilfl" IMml about the oonl*- .,.. one hll to make In romance by obMI wing her ~friend'•.., .. and ~ r-tr1Q one herMlf. 'PG' 18;00. *°""UFO: Twg.i &rttl" (1174) Hid! ........ Cynthie CIM. Two lden- taala and • P"fdllO lnvwtl-.... _....,,...,. ,...,,.,.,... • * *.,. "8t001119Way To ,.... Moon" (1174) Lloyd lltldgl9. MlcMel Unll. ~ ......... o.-trtc.• .......... . .. ,. . ... ~ ....... ._,. c1111i.....,. ................. ,.... NW • ,,_ ...,..., ~--...... ........ 1s1111 .. ,,... .. ~ .... Cl> ••• ..,,. Otfls ... Ofl'M.._..._,..,.r (1t11) ~ ....... ~----.,.,.. ~---· rnont ............... Ptaalo by • .,.... .......... ~.,., .... .. whMI.,., lo¥9 ..... .. ... Cl) .......... c ttn) twr1 llUMI, ...., ..... lay. EMa Prealey,.... "°"' ~-~'° ~ ,.,.,. er)d fol'Ule .. • ....,.,..., ........ Plf• fOl'mer. ••••• ""*1And ......... -(f871) .... eon.. nery, ~ :wn· NI Older and ...... Hood reeume from ..... to 8llM wood Fcnet to ,....... "" .....,_, Meld Marien, wflO ........ I _,..,.Md .... .. -·PG' CZ> •• "Only Whel'l I Lart" (1He) .. lchllfd Allenborough, O•vld ~"9-Atrtoof ..... __ ...,.to .... • mllltant AMoM dlplol!IM. ·o· UIO (C) * * "Murdw 41 The Wortd ..,_ .. (1t71) Lyn- de Otry George, Kwan VM- lfltlne. A ~ INl\'a blrar,. kldnepplnf ~ lnvolvel five Innocent woman and the flf* two van-of fie .,...,.. ~...,..,. 1.-00. * * "Wiiiy WClnM IVtd The ~ FKtory" (1171) a.. Wiider, Jae* Albertaon. A wortd tamoue oontectloMr offers a ... tim. llipply of OMdy to .. five wlnnera of • tr-.w hunt CZ> •• .,. . 'The Private fy91" (tMO) Don i<noh., Tim Conwey. T-., tQn. bing ~ ........ .. cellld In to '"' .. _. • --of murdwa In lln Ell(llltl C8Mil. 'PG' l::IO ® •• ~ ''The 8plnt sta6rcaW· < ttm ~ Ina ....... ~ ~.A...,.. .. ,,.,.. .. terrort.d by • ~~...,..,_. In the----~ "1JIW1 ............ CS• .. ''TileMMW191 Bogett'a F-" (11to) ....... Seodll, OMii .... eey. A ,,_, dlddll to otwne-"" ~ and . ~ ..,.,..._ to ,......,.. --Idol •PQ' t:aO CZ> ..... "Pfwltonl Of The ,.,... .. (1174) Pell! WIMlma, W..,. ~. A Mdlcmad rod! 'n' roll ~~ ..... tlgur.d inednwl heuntlng ........ rod! dub after he II llMndled out of 1'1111 .... , WOl'tl., M elllbor.- rodl CMtala. 'PG' ...... "Pogue Cos>'' (1955) Aolber1 Taytor, Janet IAIGft. f. SI llAc I '*' plilrla to --...... " .. l*vttw ~ .. pollllbllty "* "' .. be lllCl1IM ••• ,tor~ brtbe9.. • (C) ..... ''Aaltl Gordon" (tllO) ._.I.--. .... Von e,dow. A trto of _ ..... ,.......,.,to ... p1911MMOl'lgoand .... °""" r........,..111 --·-of .. evl ' Emppror ~'PO' • •••• "OW"(1M8) M..a a.wtlw. &.-... Cwon. A ~ being groomed by ,., ..,. and gr91ldillo4tler .... out on --to~•-l:OO CD> ..... "S.--Movt." (1871) Ooou111entuy. ""'* by ... Otdflatcl. Archlval fllm toot•t• cfWOl'lida9 .. trturnpf-. of \tie U.8. ..,._ progr91n, focullng on ._ drWNlllc ~ 1 t "'°°" IMdlng. 1:11 CZ> *. * "Zoot 81111" (1H1) D•nlel V•ldH, ~ .,._ OlllnM. In 1MOI Loe Angetaa. • -----~­... """"' of ,,__,. of • °**'° --""' for munlw.'A' by Armstrong a Batluk • .. !!PPOINTED - i'%abeth Dole , istant to President ~eagan for public iaison, has been amed head of the new White House ~rdinating Council pn Women. , RICHMOND, Va. (AP) l-Virginia Gov. an d Mrs. Charles S. Robb f8W two daughters off to ~ool this week on the ll'St day of classes in the chmond public school $ystem. I Lu.i:.inda._Robb, 13, tntered the ninth grade lrfonday at J e fferson- lJuguenot-Wythe High ool. Catherine Robb, entered the seventh de at Albert H . Hill iddle School. The Robb's youngest aughter, 4-year-old ennifer, will en.ter a resch ool program a t a r· y M u n f o r d ementary School next eek. The two Robb girls ~ere driven to school in ~ station wagon by a ~tate trooper . A ~kesman for Robb said trooper will driye the ls to school daily. Eucinda Robb entered city h igh school ugh a rear entranc;e voi<{ a small group of- e port ers and hotographers who were aiting at the building's t entrance. Robo, the son -in-law f the late President yndon B. J ohnson, said lier this month that e planned to send h is augh ters ·to the city h ools to s how his upport of public ucation. . ' IGLOO PLAYMATE 1c1 ·cHEST . . I ' Ofange Oout DAILY P.tlOT/WednMdey, ~tember 1, 1882 SPECIAL BUY son .. IEFCASES AND POITFOLIOS DIN ""'1111• hliq It• 1111111ts111111narlled as 1*8110t 1 special~. •I IS• 115 t•lar 1111a A spttlal IUWst. llocll 11111 '*911. es 111 autstllld11t walut Dior 11tM11011 ·~ 10 Uve Mt lllwrtlsed 1111111 ·~ $IOC~ 1114 ol Olf Wtwes ti yiM lout start s!lolM run out ol IQf ~ 11e1t1 Mitt._ Ille Siie petrol!. It sllotld 111 lfeil ~ •11wt dut 10 unlortsten cuclflllSIJllCes, Ille ~tart writ m11t I CoW!hy C¥d (tiloetk! Oii reqtleSl • iM 1111110 be pwcamd II dlt ult puce~ 1v11llble ~s does 11111 _., lo clf•Mtt lld close Giii ults • 10 ~II pirdlasn ne '1'1111trn •t- neaswrlr flflllled 10 stoa iv11~1t ~'~·· 13-99 YOU'D llPlCT TO PAY H MOii fOI nus ""' OUWJY YOUI CHOtC( 6!~~ Olsp.n,.r, carry handle, dout:le lnwlotion ond o plastic llMr. Handy 14W'x13"x11" size with swing down lnop-shvt lid. lnwloted to keep food. HExecutlve lookH 50ft-sided styles mode to lost. Choose the dutch, envelope or zippered brief. llG. ~99 LAY'S CllSP POTATO CHIPS GHAT SNA(IS ~~9!. .;JOI • CHOICE '°" CJIDICI Co.llCIMI ••MUI •MT/HMAlft • UfU .IOH • UGlfT OllT SllAMl'OO • !MlmMlll • Ml COlOI TIUm • Ollf • llfU·IOIT VAN CAMP'S POii AND BUNS WITH TOMATO SAUCI SUPEl39c PllCI 16-oz. con. While Stocks Lost! Limit 6 per customer. IEYLON FLEX BALSAM & PIOTllN s"i°10IW YOUI CHOICE . 16-oz. Balsam protein for healthy hair. Save now. 3-PACI = SUPEl .I BUY ·~ :1 MIGHTY MATCH SCllPTO UGHIEb If IOUGllT S8'AU1BY !.l7 PACIOF 100 3 JOI Disposable butane lighters. EIPOISIYILU GlllN OUVES STUFFED SPANISH suPn99c PllCI GOLDEN HAIVEST MUSHIOOMS PllCIS & STEMS SUPll aac NICI 2101 '-oz. con. While S.ocks lostl Limit 6 per cv1tomer. PETEI PAN PEANUT" BUnEI CIUNCHY or CHAMY • SUPH 149 PllCI YOUI CHotCl 18-oz. jar. While Stocks lostl Umit 6 per customer. A best buy on on• of the great beers. PEPSI Cota 12.PACISOft- 11-0Z. UIS .... 2-9 S.11 Terrific off•r on o great soft drlnlt. Sovel WILSON TENNIS BALLS EXTIA bUTY OPllC YIUOW llG. 2.79 CANOF219 3101 For championship ploy. Stock up now & save! llNGSFOID CHAICOAL · •oum SALE 239 PllCE 10-llS. Enjoy great borbetues mart. this charcoal stam fast stays lit. IOUX FANO-FUU HAii .COLOl llNSE HIGllUG.n.G COlOI llG •. 2, 9 3.19 Choo1e from a wide ouort· ment of shades. Save 1,00. ' . ' .. RAY #5330 20" . ~~ "TEAM MURRAY" CYCLING AND BICYQE SIZE APPROXIMAmY 4 sa. n. • GD1JN CHAMOIS ........... _. 5" . ,...... """"°"' '" ...... IAOI BOY'S BMX DRIVING GLOVES FRAME MOTORCROSS B•E =:!o::~, UATMH PU Mp • 20" a 2.125" BMX Knobby Tread Torn nNGrl • 20" Mild Stwl Fr-STYUIK • New llMX Fork Oeslgn • llqa-Style Hoi.W-wilt! SMAU welded and Pbddect Croubar. ..... o.r-F'onith Wilt! Cuti-~!pt lAIGI & , • ~~~ llr7oke & ftis x7·WGI n ONLY... 7uat 'All 2946 8~1$TOL ST SO OF SAN DIEGO FWY. PHOHt; 5'9·1~33 0# DI OR OI r• -1 CllANS AWAY GUMI. 11 VAINllH, llUDOf & CAHON DIPOSfTS. IA. 1'R.Ol. GARDEN GROVE 10912 KATlLLA #If.. KATELLA A lUCLID l 1011 llAPS WmE AllGll RURVEW MIGi WITH BKTIOtlC •QUARTZ DIGITAi. QOCI ALL . l'Ual'OSI CORNEil Wll'lllG IADIATOI ~::~:(: HOSES "GAUOf-J.S nn l•pAUOf-ttffET FOi CAIS, ftlKllS, ff(. 12 GAUG«-ISfffT 10 GAUGf-IORfT 2501.0 OFF '• ._,. 99' -,. """"":.':': llK4UI LOW PllCIS .... 1i1c:ra• HOSI COUPLINGS v I ' #OSI •ll'AI• ••rs IBP 0. U.Y fOl IMRGamS •CAI, lllCI, Ol IOAT HIATIR HOSI IT] RADIATOR HOSI ~~A.!nlfil. r¥J ~·OKnr.u, .,. .::.-=.s f ~~ > l ~ :: o ~~1n ~ -~~~. o ~ m rn coa r 6-m 11•11111c1u1i1 PUTS SPICIALSI 1Y AMalU'S •ST IMOWll PAITS .. AUAcnmlS "'•n STOCIS 1.-rs I CLITCI COVIi • °'==a=15 . -PLAR ' ClASSlfllD E4 • · ·Jnexp.~rienee \ 11.Y ROGER CAR~N ~ .... .,.., .......... Edison Coach Bill Work.maJ). 0 Slnclair 1 can really run and can make the spectacular play. But he haa little experience. And that's our whole team." Among the poahive J¥>tf!a fqr Edilon ia a sterling secondary; Griffiths at•· tailback, ·a one-two quartcrbaCk punch and a aolid, .abable front line. The word ia being circulated that the end o1 a dynasty may be near for EdOOn Hiah'a football team. ' With only two legitimate returning ttartera, the Chargers have a lot of ljueationa still to be answered, but if the ~nd of an er~ is near, it'll have to get put 'uch types as Matt Rombs, Derek Griffiths, Jeff Washington, Leonard Simpson, Anthony Johann, Andy Sinclair, Don Gibbs and Jon Nowotny, for openers. The proven quality li• within the two returning starters -Homt. and center Slmpa6n anchon an otherwile youn~ defensive line and the Chargers ICheduJe isn't gc>in8 to bore anyone. 1982 OUTLOOK Mi e pa. om wu an -wwet League choice and ia 'labeled a can't·mias nugget by hia coach, and Kulpa wu a bonaflde all~league candidate f8 a junior. F.doon opens at Punahou thla Frida)', then meets El Dorado, defending CIF San Diego champion Vista, defending CIF Loi Anaeles champion Banning and alwayi-tougn Mater Del, before running Into Marina in the Sun1et League opener. . And that may prove difficult. ( Sinclair is a good example of the picture at F.dison. At 6-4, 218 pounds, he's a 15-year-old junior with blue chip potential. A blow to the Edison cau4e came during practice when offensive lineman Jim Painter was 101i for the season because of a aetious neck injury. ~·He was potentially our top offensive lineman," says Workman. The combined 1981 record of Vista, Bapning and Marina ia 37-~. "We could go six to aeven games into the season and be a different team," says Workman. Here's a rundown by position: Just how good, however, hasn't been detenni.ned. Painter's fifth vertebra in his neck was cracked and his football future is very tentative. QUARTERBACKS -Gibbs (6-4, 190, 1r.) has great potential at receiver when r "We jwst don't know right now," says I I !Big task t .~acing Rustlers 0By CURT SEEDEN ~°' ttie Del!Y ~ ..... Thanks to the absence of 11uarterback Sam Aiello, who has gone on to bigger and better things at the Universi•y of Tennessee, the Golden West College· Rustlers may be cut off S.t the pass when the 1982 South Coast Conference football season ~cka off. GWC Coach Ray Shackleford temains cautiously optimistic that • strong, experienced offensive line will open the door for a bette (WUllng game in 1982 and make people forget about the passing px~loita of Aiello last season. 'I think basically, being th~ bptimist I am and most coaches are, we're going to have a better team than last year ," Shackleford, now in his 17th aeaaon at GWC, admits. "A better running game will certainly add balance to the offense. "But the main reaaon I think we're going to be better is our '82 OUTLOOK de fense. We. have much more apeed in our defense this year," Shackleford adds-:- The Golden West coach h8f five very inexperienced quarterbacks from which to choose, and one will have the duvious task of fa c ing ~addleback, which went undefeated a year ago, in the Rustlers' opener. . Angels-acquire John, Curtis Stretch drive pitching ~ided From AP dl1patcbe1 The Angels attempted to strengthen their bJd for the American League West pennant with the addition of Tommy John and John Curtis, a pair of veteran pitchers Tuesday. John was sent immediately by the New York Yankees to the Angels in Detroit to arrive before the midnight deadlin~ of Sept. 1 to be eligible for any playoff action. "We're making every effort to strengthen our pitching .for a championship this.year," Anl,ls' _E~.utiv~ Preaident .J. "Buuie" Bavasi iaid of the aL"quisition of the two pitchers. The Angels are 1 ~ games behind Kansas City in the AL West after whitewashing Detroit, 11-0 u the Royals lost to Texas. "We'll be able to build from within our organ.Wation in future years," said 8avasl. But for the present the Angela ~hed out for a pair of seuoned veterans in hopes of finding aome pitching consistency down the stretch. "I knew it. would come down to the last day,'' John aald after learning of the trade. "It's like playing poker. Everybody makes their bids. Ye1terday all the carda were dealt and it came down to today (Tueeday). Jahn, who had .asked to be traded a month ago, said he hoped New York fans would remember him in a favorable light. "Any time it comes down to this, you're put in the position of being a bad guy," he added. "I hope the-people don't think of me a$ a bad guy. I hope they think of Tommy John as an athlete who tried to do his best every time out, which I did." with the \'ankees after the 1978 season. He also pitched tor the Chicago Whl te Sox from 1965-1971. To be eligible for the playoffs, John bad to join the Ange~s before today. Curtis, a 34-year-old right- hander, had an 8-6 record with San Diego in 26 games this 8e880n, 18 in startinl' roles. He is . 1 kn'ew it wo u l d come down to the last day. ····~ returning to the-Ardt,rican League where his major league pitching career started in Boston in 1972. The An1eli wlll aend thr~ minor leaaue playen io the Yankees for John while Curtis wu acquired for an unditckleed amount of cub from San Diego. In Tuaday's game in Detroit. Brian Downina went 4-for-5 and hit two homera, includina a grand slam that hlghlighted ~ Angels' ee~en-run -fifth inning. Geoff Zahn pitched an elgbt- bitter and allowed only one runner past second. Reggie Jacbon, who had three hits and three RBI, belted his 32nd..homer.leading off the fifth to ~ve the Angels a 3-0 lead. 'Traditionally, Zahn pitches well in April, Ma)'., the first of June and September,'' Manager Gene Mauch aaid. "He's starting a little early this year, I guess. l have to say, it couldn't have come at a better time.". • 'llt's very rewarding to win 15 games," Zahn said. "The si8nificance, however, is the fact that this club is in a pennant race and it's important for me to pitch he lan't throwing the ball. And, h e brings .ln the left-handed 1lde of the game. Nbwotny (5-11, 170 Jr.), a prototype of former F.diaon, UCLA atar Rick Baahore, has the abutty to take over at any time. Aho at quarterback, Noble Alkins (6-3, 170 sr .). Rt,JNNING BACKS --Griffiths (5-11, 17~ ar.) has 4.6 speed and is likened ~ ex-l-ountaln Valley star Rod Emery. Jason Mercer (5-11, 2Q2 jr.) and Simpeon (5-1_1~ 180 sr.) provide solid strength at lullt>sck, although Jeff Hipp (6-0, 202 jr.), a defensive tackle, can give you the Geroux lqok. John Steiniger (5-7, 160 sr.) has speed and streng\tl, but may be used primarily in the seeandary. RECEIVERS -Bombs (5-11, 180 1r.) and Washington (6-1, 171 ar.) make It possible for -Clbbs to throw instead of (See EDISON, Pase E3) A leh-bander known for his slider, John ia one of 20 pitchers to be a 20-game winner ln both leagues. He is 39 and played seven sea80ns with the Dodgen prior to siatning aa a tree agent well now. . .. Going to aprlng trainirig, I wasn't sure I waa aood enough to make thla team. But I got in good sllape and dtd the best I could." GE'M'ING STARTED -Woodbridge Hlgh's Scott Sauer takes aim at aome obst.ecles which are facing the Warriors, including competition in the South Coast LeaRue for the first-year .................. ~ senior team. The 1eaaon gets under wa_l_~P~ 10 for Woodbridge, meeting University High a't 1 Irvine in a·non-feague game. I· New kid . I block looking £Or respect ·1 on W oodbri dge takes. first s tep into Sou th Coast L eague with . play off ambiti ons · By JORN SEV ANO or .. u..r,......., ' It's not easy ~ the new kid on the block. And, it's even touaher when the neighborhood you're moying into jult • happens to be the South Coat i..e.,ue. Woodbridge Jiich, in only it.a aecond year of competition, {a n.t taklna a natural atep up from its independent statua of last .-in. No, Iii'. Instead. the Warrton are maJdn« a pant leap. "We're real ndted about ~ in a leaaue," aiarta off Woodbridp Coach Gene Nojf. "And the South CoHt Le.,ue ii really aood competition." With perennial powen Capt.trano Valley and Million Vle~tocantend wi~ (La1u.na Beach San. Clemente, Dena Hilla and L.cuna HUia round out tbe 1-lue). lt woWd be n.tunl to think lhe Warrion an in a little owr th* be9dl. Noj doem't beUWe that: bowwtr. "We only played one SOuth COUt i..e.,ue team )Mt ,...., Dana HIDI, and we loll, 19·7.'' explllna No,J ... But lt WM a competitive pme. ··cr: J don'1 th.Ink .. could have com on. hAP left!. But um~ we ave retumfftl atanen who are aenlon and I think that wW malll'l9 a difference. I fH) conHdent we caa compete.'' MoJ'. With a maxtun Of ~ aDd ~lildanillllmsn,....., •• hie ._.. ,........ Ill , ... 11111 ,., •• . ' Warrlon' lone victory coming aaalnst Weatem ChJiatian (21-10). Thia year, the W,oodbridge coach has sg playen at hia diapoaal. 'That makee me feel a lot better,'' says . Noji. "There weren't too many guy1 standinl nexi to me on the aldeflnes dw:tnl a pme IMt year.·· • 11.e Wenion fWUre to be a multiple offenaive and defentlve unit ln a continual attempt ~ &l'Ye the oppoaitlon a different look. "M a team, they'•• worked hard 1982 OUTLOOK 'II d urtn1 off-... eon preparation and they've cll•pla19" a 1ood attitude ~ thll -of ,...., .... ,. Hoj. "'V#~N lboWlil A lot of p4W." CcnldllilW'Mr -WoUld NoJ and. ht. playen '\e Ntbfled with a .~00 leMClft? "We're definitely .ulnl our P!t ~ than that," Nol ---. "We ~ l~ Jail,..,. an4 0aat-.sn'\·11t too W811 ""9h .... Y. •• ·:-er· .. 1 thlDk ... ,. alpewt °' : In.to &he ..... ,,.,,,., whldi .. train ~lbiril .-,.. I _. •'re not a .,... or lftJ'\hllls ••a I know thM mundi'-Jllil ·~~~~Uf we atay ~thy .. -Im.!_~ ... CoWd -·~~-·--,,........., ........ ~ •• ' Unlvenlty, SeDt. 10 at Irvine. Hiah- Here'a a look at t.M Warriorl: completions in 98 attempts for. eoe yard.I and slx touchdowns. He abo ha~l intergiWiona. Burke'• backup la Bill Ru.en (5-11, "170). BUlael.l, one · the team'• atartlna wide receivers. played parts of five pma in Burke'• absence, completinc 29 of 88 attempta fof 367 yards and four 'l'DI. > RUNNING BACKS -Much of the Warriors' succesa will real o:l 1houlder1 of Jualor b.lfbadl Rud l"l,uerae (6-11, l'IO), who l&in bbl · year aa a •tarter and la a 10-0at aprin He totaled 407 yarda in 109 ~-: yeuo. He allo c:au,ht 22 i-for yarda. Fiaueroa'• 6-ckfteld mate to be aenlot John Sehroedm' (M, 170 who mimed much ol l..i ,_.. wtth 99YW'e thJ&h bndle. 8datoed9r ~,..s only three~ IMt ~. bUt ... ...,.. enGUlll far II ,...._ on M .-rll'MllH Othen •tio ,.._.,.. '° .. ... lllDllM!lll Include Junior 'nm Coddi CS-10, 111) ~ .._.. S&ellr (M, Uto). • . - ~egalized sealpi~·g· dftirig business. as us~al ~~ Damon Kunyon explained that a tloket apeculaior wu a IUY on the boulevard who alwaya htd plenty of ducat.I to the bJi fa.me., like the OM every autumn between the Harvardl and the Y&J.. What madt the peddllna of the,ee ducata worthwhile wlal the fact the apeculator 1<>ld the ticket• for more than he paid for them. Free enterprbe, Runyon called It. eO!!TI c;oLLWIT BOD TUCKER , 1uff erer1 of. th• Hatdera In thelr new home, however, did not teem to reprd the brQkera' "4PPIY of RaJder aeuon t1cut1 u Intrtsulni and certainly not amualn1. stve him 100'\uc.h •atl? Why live him one? Well, It la perfectly obvioua there la money to be made by eeveral operators alOIJC the way before ... the ticket flnally geia to the final purchMer wM- wlll pay an lnflated price and sink hit rwnp into the chair. Such a form of ent«prtle wu iruapected the other day when the profeulonal football 1lde moved here from Oakland and ente~ bualnem at thilt Loe Angeles Memorial C.O"liaeum. It eeemed the Raiders were gOing to play a bl'-game against the Green ~ P&cken and lf one 1 imagination waa properly captured by an exhibition game between the Raiden and Packen, his best bet was to contact a apeculator. In the caae of the C.Olileum. the ap«:Ulaton are ln. attendance but this fonn of enterprille haa been modernized to quite aome extent. I mean, the aoene la not one of a guy opening up a Harpo Marx overcoat to reveal a couple of thousand choice eeats pinned to the l.ininj. \... . Bum held . a grudge, accuses Ricardo From AP @•patclles " • NEW ORLEANS -Kicker [!J" Benny Ricardo said Tuesday that he •8• believes New Orleans Saints Coach Bum Phillips held a grudge against him for things he had to do as the team's represe.ntative to the players' union. The Saints waived tucardo, a former Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast Colleae kicker, Tueeday, a full ~week after he had uked to be cut Ricardo said he thought unttl~~~:.t week ·that-he had been 8J'.anted hia request Immediately ao he could •tart looking for a job with another team. "I know he didn't forgive 110me of the thinp I d1d .-a player rep, especialJy the Super Bowl tickets they tried , to take away from us laat RICARDO year," Ricardo said Tuesday aft.er learning he had finally been put on waivers by the National Football League team. · ''They said the playen weren't going to set them (the tickets), that they were going to g1ve them to aeason tltket holders," he said. "ll we went to the game, then we could pick up the stuff. "I said, that's wromg. You've-given the players that right before, and you can't take it away from them." Quote of the day > ElaiDe .Jolullea, a Canadian golfer, after her tee shot ricocheted off a tree and. landed in her bra during a tournament: "I don't mind taking~ two-stroke penalty, but I'll be damned if Im going to play the ball where it lies." Rams cut Arnold, Cobb, seven others The Los Angeles RanlS waived • lllne players-Tuesday, trtctuding ••l veterans Walt AnoW. a tight end,~ l)ob Cobb, a defensive erid. Aho cut were rbokles hlaalla Ftllua, Gres Gary, Jeff G~~~~' ~lke Plea1ut, Lee Wll1oa, Beary W 1 and Claarles Pl~ ••• IJUlu Coad Tem Ludry took tile cak:ulated gamble, makina quarterbaclt Duay nne his punter for the 198! 8eUOll by cutting two 'rookie kicken . Baseball today . On this date in baseball in 1978: Baltimore rookie Sammy Stewart aet a major· league record by striking out eeven CONeCUtive batten in hia first major league enroute to a 9-2 victory over the o White Sox. Stewart's victims were, er, Jorte Orta, Chet Lemon, Thad Bosley, Mike Colbem, Kevin Bell, Claudell Washington and Greg Pryor. On this date in 1975: New York Meta ace Tom Seaver recorded 10 .irtkeouta in shutting out U-.e Pittsburgh PiraW. 3-0 at Shea Stadiuna to become the first pitcher in major leacue history to strike out 200 or more batten foc eight conaecutive 11euona. On this date in 1906: . The Philadelphia A's beat the Boston Red Sox 4-1 in 24 innings'. . • the longest . same played to a decmon in American Leque iu.tory. Today's birthdays: PhJ.ladelphla outfielder Garry Maddox iii 33. An8e]a infielder Wilfong la 29. .. To the-contrary, the ticket 1pecu)atot of today la a fftpectable merchant who operatee h'om 1 1torefront location, quite with.in the law. He has a llcenae to do buab .. and P'YI taxes and probably has a kid In the Boy Scouts. His almllarl\y to Damon Runyon'• ticket speculator ts that he, too, aeJJa the ducats for more than he pays for them. It haa always been a aource of no amaU de&ree of lntriaue u to where the ticket broken "9t tnelr ducat.I. "Their supply la alwaya lavlah and thelr seat locations the very best the stadium or arena hu to offer. The citizens who would become dedicated • Hough blanks Royals with three-hitter Knuckleballer Cllarlle Hoaall II toe8ed a three-hitter to lift Texas to a ' 6-0.vlctory over Kansas City Tu~ . night In ·American League base · action. The loas snapped a seven-game win atreak for the Royals and reduced their leadover the ~ela to 1 ~ games> in the Western Division . . . Ted Slmmona, Doa Meaey and Cllarlle Moore drove In two runs apiece to lead Milwaukee to an 8-2 victory over SeatUe. Mike Caldwell worked the first eight lnnlnga and pfcked up the win ... Grall Nettles hit a two-run homer in the ninth inning to give New York Yankee left- liander Roa Gllldry hia lOOth career victory, a 3-1 dedaion over Minnelota . . . Dwtpt Evans crushed a two-run tHTONI homer lo hlghligtit a three· run sixth inning as Beeton shut out Oa~, 4-0, behind Claack l\alaey'1 five-hitter . . . Harold BalHI doubled in the tie-~ run to launch an ~t-rvn aixth inning in which Cleveland comnutted three errors as the Chicago White SQK rolled to a~4-6 · . Veteran Jlm Palmer stretched his . winning streak to 10 ~..by.. flog .cn•on four hitas and · Eddie M•rray drove in the game'• only run wlUi a aacrilice fly u Baltimore blanked the Blue · Jays, 1-0 . . . Detroit Manager ~y ..bdenon says he over-reacted in Oakland last week when -he-criticized the A's attempt to get Blekey Hndenoa _a remrd-!YIN stolen~ d~ a C with· the Tigers . . . American League dent Lee MaePUU lashed out at Geor1e Stelabreaaer'1 weekend crltlcllm of umpire Dalla• Parts, calling part.a of the New York Y ankeel owner'• J>tt9I releue "objectionable" and saying the league would deal with the remarks at lta next meetlng. Houston's Ryan misses sixth no..tlltter Houston's Nolan Ry8' lost hi.a bid .• for an unprecedented ~xth. career no-hitter ln the elghtb inning Tuelday nilht. and aettled for a two. hitter u the Aatroe sent the New York Met.I to their 15th consecutive lou, 4-0 . . . Temmy Boaa, patching for the first time since injurina hia ~t April 20, threw six abut.out ~ u Atlanta downed Philadelphia, 3--0. Bo~ allowed three hit.I, struck out two .and walked two . . . Palll Homae•elder stroked a one-out, 14th-inning si.nale to score Daa Drleuea lrom second base and lift Cincinnati to a 2-1 victory oyer Montreal . . . JaH• "T'empto1r drove tn thr-el! runs with a pair of homers, and Maaay Sat,mlento '"AN scattered nine hits to lift Pittabu.rgh to a 7-1 win over San Diego ... Joe Morpa and Jaci Clari drove in runs in the - 8evelltb inning .. San i''rand8CO beat the Cbicaao Cube, 4-1 . . . Atlanta asked waivers on .ll BraHlky, the left-banded relief pitcher who prepped at Savanna Hi1h in Anaheim and ~y played in St. LOu!a and Kamas City . . . Outfielder Pedro Geerren of the Dodgers and relief pitcher 9nee S.tter of Sl Louis, have been chosen co-playera of the week In the National League. RaJders seek to resolve ticket problems · The Loa Angeles Raiders II announced that ticket purch8len who have not received their 1ea10n tickets for the team's home games can reeolve • the problem at the Sports Arena this week and next. iww. today are from 1-9 pm. and from 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Thunday and Friday. For further information , call (213) 747-1900 ... West Getmany'a ftomu WeulaOQe eet a European record in the 2,000 meter run wlth • 4:&2.20 mark to beat former UC Irvine ata.r Steve Seott who finished in 4:54.71. Television, radio TV: No event. 8Cbeduled. RADIO: 8-ebaU -Aneei. at Detroit, 4:30 p.m., 1CMPc (710); St. Lo\.lia at Dcdgen. 7:30 p.m,, KABC (790) . :intimidation not for Mascarin . . • NEW YORK (AP) --, Before SUU the teen...., from Gr'Qllle 18-yw'-Old &.n Mwarin took Polnte Sholw, MW\., overcame the court for her first-round the center cn~rt ltelJ and the matda ....._Billie Jean Kmc in 12th eeeded 1 ltare for _,. th• tr.s·. Open tennta lmpre..tve 6-3, 2 victory and .cham..,...1119, she Sot a little the fint us-t of the lOlat U.S. aclvic9' from ber coach, Owen Open towMmeaL . ~ Other flnt ••1 wlnnen "He ial6lt "°' to look at her," Included No. l l H•d Matt •aid Maacarln. ••Sta.'• very Wllander of Sweden, another lntlnUcla~· l think ahe can prec:oclou1 11.year-old, who ·oa.... ... 'L.i_,; ._-...,;..a clef•led Bill sm.1on M. e-a. lo Mr •tu ·KllU &WY "°' to 8-1: third 111 dell Ivan Lindi ot #~--=-·~US~ Caechotlovakla, who beat --won ._. lln.. · · a..... XrllhMn ot Jadla M GOWD. a cbllllts dde, In a_... '1·8, t -1; and Ho. 4 •••d ._,._.._._barn. 11 ..,. Oulllermio VU.. al •-•'-. ..,--. ~.-........ ..... iW• ....,,:t.:.t'• ldnd 'WM .......... Qiltt Diak --~· ..,............. .ltltld M.M,1-1. _,.,..ntbet.11. llU&IMeo&ln In WUIDlll'I Dlay1. ~ IDVWt .._ ~." • . -Llo,.t. llldecl "o. "· ID' nahld with an .-y 6-1, 6-0 vtdory over PllarVMqUn. Martina NavratlloYa and John Mcl'Noe, the tournament'• top Hecll both awtn1 lato 1aetlon ~i. NavratUova ,._ Laura DulJOat and McEnroe 1oe1 .... Tim Ou»kboft In c:mw c:aurt matet.. ... Kini atarted fatt •l•lnat ~ wmnm, ~ 8ni .... PJDM• 101 _WU ~' NJb nervo\M about pl•Jlna Bnlf• ,...,, .. the~ lltcl. ButKlllC~.mvtac~ wtthmr~ ....... _'at._ ........ ~ "I'd pt In 11 llil•kn IO ~ :~.:=..-: :~.:: ... my YOU9yl --t .... wrlL Guys who had eetabllahed 11Mt prtorltlea two yeara previous and had 1eni in their money dutifully and up front were a trifle upeet abOut recelvinl thelr tJcke\a and flndlna them ln the end sane -OI' wane. Meanwhile, n0 lhortaae of e>ece~t eeatlng prevailed at the ticket brokerages along Santa Bar~ra Avenue adjaceni to the COllleum. 1rua\rated, the dllfruntled priority holden milled about the Raiden ticket oUicel. Uniformed police patrolted the area lest the bum.lng begin. There la a1ao the guy In the parJdna lot whh a few tJckeu in hla fiat but this la,amall ~ao., It la known by the rather uncouth term OI. "tcalpina" and lt ls a1ainlt the law. ' The other lonn ot ucket apeculaUon Oouriahee. {louriahea. • The owner of a National Football Leaaue franchise once sat over cocktails and ·explalned bow simple lt la to tum an attr~tive profit on tlcketl to the Super Bowl when thia'blg pme la lri your town. The a.Jelen copped a plea, stat.Ina that they had told ttckeu to the brokerage flrTpt but had o"1!y unloaded 1,000 ducat.I in thil manner, The question in the minds of the football fans, obviously, wu why supply the apeculaton at the expenae of a lover of the art who wish~ to take your team to his "When your allotment comes in," he said, "you ' simply take 10,000 good eeats -a relatively small number -and peddJe them for $100 each. Your profit ia roughly a million, tax free." 1 l It la the same· basic enterprue Runyon wrote · I about. The speculator sells the ducats for more than ·I he pays for them. i heart and cherish It and Uve and die with it? Why aive a broker 1,000 of the best aeaia? Why Dodgers happy about Happy ' ' Hooton gives his teammates a lift at the right time · ' . ' LOS ANGELFS (AP) -The Howe finished up with his 12th ~e the pitches wheh I needed Los Angeles Dodgen welcomed save. Three double plave helped. Burt Hooton's retum, eapedaUy "He tifec:I some, but I thought J-Manager Tom Laaorda, who . Hooton's only previoua wln H H he had good stutl," saJCS ttooton s this year was a one-hit shutout bellowed, " appy ooton was catcher, Steve Yeager. "Those over Philadelphia four months outstanding. He was 1he Happy are the best seven innings he's a g 0 , b u t o.n J u n e 2 1 h e Hoot.on of old. Pitching !Jame pitched in a long time." underwent arthroecopi.c surgery · like that.Just when wen ed It Hooton, thou1b pleased, said for removal of .-bone spur . · · · why, he was like last year, he still isn't as sharp aa he can be, Tuesday night was hia fifth and, Mr. October. exp1afning, "They had a lot of Obviously, most succe91ful, start "He's back, and it couldn't guys on base, but I was able to since the surgery. have come at a better time." Hooton won Tueaclay night for the first time In more than four E months. pitching the Dodgers From Page 1 past the St. Louis Cardinala1 4·1. The Dodgers had lost their RUSTLERS' BIG TASK. previous two games to fall a half-game back of Atlanta in the • • National Leuue West and their Diego area; Maytorena was a two beat pflchers, ~ernando backup at Orange Coast C.Ollege a GWC schedule Valenzuela and Bob Welch, had year ago; and ~ans was an an. been the losers. couny selecte!_ Jast season a~t~i....-i..S~•t•d•Y· s.p1 11 -s~~ ~·1_ -~ •· ·----1frrahe1nr~lgfi"""Wfio W'ei)T'1o SaturdtY, 8epl. 2s -et Sam.a Ana (et That made It au the more Arizona State on a }u ll s.n1eAna8owll . imperative th~ 32-year-old scholarship but is now back :~~~.~e>C1~~; ~·,~cc Hooton begin finding his old closer to home. s.turdtY. ~. 11 -at 0r~· pizazz. RUNNING BACKS -Two ~)u-<1ay, 0c:t. 23 -s.n Diego.._. t• SI h h d!i' • 11 N> b k · h S.turday. Nov. e -Cerrfloe' (at OCCI nee e a n t won since returners wi r ;. ac tn t e Saturday. Holl. 13 _ 91 Ml. s.n AMoNo' April 29, and nad twice been lineup. Rlch-Si.hlheber (6-~ -Saturday. NOv 20~a1~· llllabled and two months ago had I90) and -nm Long (5-11, ~10); 1,,!,,.~· Nov. 25 -Or9ft99 Coeat· undergone knee surgery, it was both saw limited action in 1981. · deno!• Saum eo.t ~game. A .... _ .. a lot. But Hooton, 2-5, did Lon a a cored both G WC All o-at 7:30 p.m. uni... othewwlle a.auag o noted. pitch Into the eighth inning touchdowns in the Rustlers before giving up a run. Steve victory over Orange Coast in la.st Pro surfers invade· HB for big meet Expert surfers from aroun.d the world are gathering in HWltington Beach t.hia week to test their skills in a cont.eat that claims to have the richest surfing purse ev-er. offered in the continental United States. year's South C-oast Conference finale. Shackleford's top freshman recruits a r e Westminster High product Herbie Campbell and Eetancia graduate Curt Wenzlaf:f. also from F.di.lon commanding • the most respect. In addition, there's Mike N~ (6-4. 255) and Jeff Henson (tS-t;, i78) at the tackle spots. · DEFENSIVE LINE - Returners are Steve Osborne . (6-0, 235) from Westminster, Kelvin Wooten (6 .. 3in, W) from Cerritos and Charles Arent (6--0, 210) from Westmin•ter, Shacltleford's still looking at hia newcomers. i . 1 ~ " . ... ' • ' CI ll ' il • About 200 competitors and 30,- 000 spectators are expected-to converge at the Huntington Beach City Pier for jhe Op Pro Surlmg Championships. The event, running today through Sunday, will provide $36,000 in cash prizes, plus two Dodge Power Ram trucks earmarked for the top man and woman surfers. RECEIV~RS -John Slouka (5-10, USO) and Sandy McGee (6-3, 205) saw some work last season behind guys like Cates and Rhodes. Another sophomore, Mike &pana from Huntington Beach High, should alao get more opportunities this aeuon. Others in the picture are Scott Martin (6-0, 170) out of La Quinta, and three promiaing freshmen: Mike Bowles (6-0, 180) from Cypress, JeU Frandeen (5-10, 160 out of Marina, and Bob Critchfield, another Marina product. ''l don't know lt"IO'IY<>M of them ls great. but oomblned, they make a great receiving corps for ua," Shackleford says. Tight end prospecta include O .J . Dutcher, Shack.leford's most experienced player at that pos1hon, out ol F'ootbill, and sophomore Mike Lewellyn (6 -3, 220) from Westm.lnater. Top newcomer is Foothill'• Mike Marinacci (6-6, · 245), "a pretty good looking LINEBACKERS -Returners are John Alvarez (6-2, 220) from Kennedy High, Tim Beman (6-0, 215) from Marina and Damon Lanier (6-2, 215) out of Lo• · Alamitos. They'll be joined by Tun Refliiy (6-3, 230), a transfer : from Cal POI_}.'.. San Luis:__; ObispO). -: Competing in the event will be champion surfers from Australia, South Africa, HawaU, as well as Califonpa athletes. The six finalists In last weekend's Longboardit>a Claaic also will compete In the Op event. Longbo,rd surfing employs boards that are at least nine feet long, compared to contemporary boarda, which are six feet long or aborter. proCJpect," hit coach says. OFFENSIVE LINE -Plenty of returners in this lotb with center John DeCa.prio (6-, 225) from Westminater; guard Mark Lone (6-3, 245) from Ed.ltlOn; and guard Chris Meinhardt (6-4, 250) • INTRCi>DUONG THE NEW MESA VERDE BUILDING IN COSTA M•SA ' SECONDARY Shackleford's got Gres Weber, (5-10, 175) from Los Amigos, Hiram W(nn (t>-0, 175) from Bolsa Grande and Gary Woods (6-1, 190), also from Bolaa. There's also Bob Tbompeon (6-0, 190) from Huntington Beach, Marcus Porter (6-0, 175) and nt?\Vcomer Fernando Griffiths (6-0, 200), an F.d1aoo product. ltlCltING GAME - Freshman Dan Gamer from El Toro High will probably handle the place-kicking dutiea while freshman Mike Pearlman " . (Fountain Valley High) figures to .,.. do the tiJ:l.!l. ~ • YOUR CLIENTS AND EMPLOYEES DESERVE OUR OFFICE QUALITY AND ACCESSABILITY • YOUR BUDGET DESERVES OUR NEIGHBORHOOD RE~TAL RATE$ • CALL US NOW TO GIT YOUR CUSTOM OFFICE : SUITE READY. FOi THE REBOUNDING ECONOMY. MAJOR LUGW ITANCMNOI ===~ ..._.,e•• ~ 001 200 000-3 10 2 8an r,~ 002 000 IO!l-4 6 I Mlfll, W. Hetl\lllCIU (7), l'rOly (7~ Lt Smith (I) tn4 J. OrM; lkelnlNI, HOlltriO (11, Mll\101\ Ill t11d Mey. W-~ollend, 4•1, L-w . H••n111d11, 4·8 I -Minton (t 4l HPl-811n ,,.nclaoo, A. Smith ( 111 • A-e.u1. Dodaent,C ....... 1 IT. loCJta lot AMGllLH •111-.. .., ..... """J::l.':."=91 .... , _" ~· • IMNlltol IH mackartl, tt rOClt ............ -:r--o· ,. ~ ... """-~ 2 ll'9IOwt • OAVIY8 L.OOHlt (~ ._., -ITI lftlllrt. 4t bonito, 43 Ct1iOo ..... 3 meokerll. HI rock 11th. t Nnd btM, Vt!IOwl•il. W ·L ~ -~City 11 55 .613 Hetr2b S0110Su2b 1110- DAMA WHAf., -191 •llOltr1. 1 barraeuoa. 1t0 bonito, 431 mtqllerel, 14 roc;lil lltll. 264 Miid llMe. 2 ~. 9 ~L llACH -IU anglett 23 b1T~ecud1, 30 bonito, 30 callCo bttt. 3 hel!Out, 410 IMOlulrel, 370 lodo fleh, tt6 Miid bite. ,..,.., -111 tnO!ef•. 4 bonito, • hellbul, 4bO mtcttertl, 11 tend btaa. 200 q-fleh, 100 Whitt Cfoaket. ~ 11 61 .871 t'.t ~ttte " 12 .11n e -12 ... 473 t4 OelClMcl 61 18 .4H "" TaXM Ill 71 .312 25 Mtnnet0t• 47 u .351 29.,. IA8TUIN DMllON MllwllUlc.. 77 113 .11112 lloe1on 73 M .657 41.'t 8111111'1\0fe 72 68 .66' 6 New York 87 13 616 10 09trolt 85 ... .504 , , ... ~ 11 .. 480 14\t Toron10 It 72 .451 17\o\ . T~._.. ~ ti, Detroit 0 811111mofe t. T«onlo o ao.ton 4, OMiand O Mllwauk .. 8, S..ttle 2 ChlcaQo t4, Ciellelend 8 New York a. MW-I• t T-t.~Cll)'O r.-,.10.-.. ..._. (~ tt·I) •I OetrOll (Wiicox 8·7). n ~ (0. Mertlnu IS-10) ti Toron10 (Stieb t). 12) Oekltnd (Mc:C9tty 6-3) ti Bollon (Oenmen 0-1). n SHiii• (BHttl• 8· 10) ti MllwaultH (Mtdlcll ll-11). n Clevell/ld (SortnMn 10-10) ti Chlcto<> (Kooemtnt-1),n New York (Rlghe111 11·11) ti Minne.tole ' (Wlllt-5-1). n -THU (Smllllaon 0-t) ti K.,. ... City (Spllttorff 11-7}, n Nellonel LMaue WUTUIN DMtk)N Alltntl ~ San Frlnd9c;o Houaton Cincinnati W L f'ct. Oii 74 61 .541 74 51 .5M ... ti ts .511 IV. ea ee .500 a e3 ... 477 ti 61 II .811 23 U8T'INf DMlfON St. loul9 ="" 75 M .673 73 51 .553 70 12 .530 Pltttburgh 70 12 .530 ~ se 15 .431 New 'fork so eo .386 Lo.Smllh " • O 1 O l..lndr.-IJI cl • O 2 2 Hemtndl 1b 4 0 2 0 ... " 3 1 0 0 Heo*IC* rf 4 0 o 0 Ouerrero rf 3 11 O P(!flet c 4 0 I 0 R-'clie rf 0 O O O · McGee ct 3 12 0 Cey. lb 3 0 0 I Oberklall 3b 3 0 2 0 Oarv.y lb 4 0 I I O.lmltll M 2 0 1 t RuMlll M 3 O 0 O Mutt p i o.o o. v~ c 3 1 1 o lahll p , ~o o o Hooton p 3 o o o lk*MI ph 1 0 0 0 Howe p 0 0 0 0 Balrp 0000 T-pll 1000 ~"' 0000 Mllt11n p 0000 . Tot• 30 111 I Tottll 21 4 I 4 .... _, filwllllet St. LOUlt 000 000 010-1 Loe Anoeltt , 300 Ibo OOx-• IE -l<. H9r11tnda. OP -Loa Angalet 8. Loe -St. loula 4. Lot Ancielet 5. 28 - YHgtr, llndrHUX. SB -St• 2 (48), Ouerrero 2 (tt). SF -Cay. It. Louie II' H ll I" .. IO Mura (l .11-t ) 3'r\ • 4 ' ' 1 Lt/Ill l'h 0 0 0 0 0 Btlf 2 oogo1 JMwtln 1 00000 ..!:on~~~:) 7 7 I I I 2 5 Howe (S, 121 2 2 0 0 0 3 Hooton pitched to 2 b•tt•• In the 8th. T -2;111. A -45,804. u.1.ooen (ttU.W t_.l Men'• Fhl ............. 8AN DllOO (HAii Lenllh11) -218 tnglera. 117 tlbacOrt. 8 )"lllOW!ln tun•. 1 ""'""· TUHdn'e tnnNotlOna . ·e.uuu ~l..Metie CALIFORNIA ANGELS -Purol\Med the contract Of John Cunlt, pllcner, from the San Diego PIOIH lot an undllCIOHd '""°""'' of cuh • MIL~EE BA.EWERS -OMlgntt~ wNi; O~~t.:::S ~ ~ommy Jor\n, p11c11er, to the Ctlttornla Angalt IOI' th,.. mlnot leaaUer• 10 be named lttet. TOROHTO llC.UE JAYS -Signed 8ob0y Cox, mlnte141tj John SulUvtn, Cllo Onton, Al Wklmtt eno J!r'nmy Willlttnt, coaohM, for _11183. Racellecl Jarry OWVln, pitcher. from -=--ol the lnler"80onal LMQUe and Ken SC:tvom. pllc;her. on WllMra. PITT88UA~!~:r''_ Called up Grant Jtdceon, Paul Moellau and Ceclllo Ou1nt1, pltchtrt: Junior Ort11. catcher: Eddie VtrgH. nrat baN<ntn. and OoYg l'roel)el, OUlfielder. '00T8AU .......... , ............. ATLANTA FALCONS -Cut Mtlthew TMgut, d•l•ntlve llCkla; Von Mtntfleld. ~ ..... bael<, and Rott Ouvlc:lc, olftntlYe ro:ct. PltceO V1.-COl*tll. Ollent!Ye guard, ony lllount, Mfety, and Billy Colper, tight and, on Injured rHerve. T11ded en undltcloeed draft choice for Otve SmlotltkY, putllW. T....._,. • ..._ -°'~ .... .,~...t.'5!..~~---­Clrldnnttl 2, MontrMI t (I• !Minge) Houalon 4, New YOfk 0 + Stln Smith (U,8.) def. Mike leech (U.S.). 4-t, M , 6-3, 7-5; Marty O.Yla (U.S.) del Jay LtplOua (U.S.). 6-3, M, 6-21 11t1tn TMdler (U.S.) def John SaOrl (U.S.). W , 6-2, ... 2; Mata Wlltnder (Sweden) dlil, 1111 Sc11n1on (U.8.), M , 11-3, 6-1; Mn Oldt_, (U.S.) def. 8an TMltrmln (U.S.). 6-2, S.2, 1-1, 7-t; Ndultt Odl&or ~lgetla) def. Miiie Cthlll -,~imtf:·'~r.io~ BALTIMORE COL TS -Cul Ed Simonin! and St-Helmkreltw, Hnebtcltere; Kevin WHllame. wldt receiver; Lt")' Powe ll. running btolt: Jo.I Ptte11, noM 1tckle; Roger Lev-Ind .Jell Oetzl, c:enlera: Tony Allanla 3, Plllladelphla 0 Plllebufgh 7. Sin Diego I • San Frtneltc:o 4, Chicago 3 T.-,.ao-s1. loula (Andujar 10· tO) al Dedetf• I"-* t3-t0). n ChleaQo (Ripley 4-7) ti 'Ban Frandaco (I.Ulla)' 12· tO) ClndMetl (Soto 11-t) et Monttul (Lwdl CM>). n Houalon (Ruhl• 7· 10) et New York (Flllcone 6-8). n Allan la (Walk It ·t) al Phlladelphla (Ktukow 12-n n Pllltbutgh (Rhod.,, II· t t) ti San Diego (Lollw 12-1). n ~ANLIAGUE ~,,,.,,_.~ .,..... ., ..... WNIMcw2b 3000 ~W 6346 F~ c t 0 0 0 Catew ib I 0 2 0 Wlleorl cf 4 0 2 0 Ae.Jec:Qon rf 5 2 u HemdOn" •OtO Cltt1lrf 1000 Ptrith c 3 0 t 0 Lynn ct I t 0 0 Johnlon 3b I 0 0 0 8enlquN cf 2 0 I 0 Me dh 4 00 0 o.c1noet 3b 5 1t0 Woekanlua rf 4 0 0 0 Beytor Oh 4 t 0 0 Cebell lb 4 0 3 0 Oricll. 2b 2 11 0 8rokn 3b 4 0 0 0 Wlllong 2b t 0 0 0 Trammel N 3 0 1 0 FOii • SJ) I 0 eoon.c 4210 T~ 35010 T~ 4111148 ._...., ...... Calllotnlt 002 070 101-11 Detroit 000 000 000-0 E-Foll, Trammell 2, Carew. OP- C.-IOmlt t, 0.CrOll 1. L09-<:alfomla 10, Otlroll II. 28-0uew. Re. Jackton, OeOlncea, Beniquez, Boone, Cabell, Herndon. HR-Re. Jadleon (32). Downing 2 (22). 6*elt • " "°'•80 Morrlt (L, t4-1') 4 I II 5 4 2 P81Midt "" 1 3 3 2 0 ~ ... oooot ~ 4 52219 Zafln(W,IM) t I 0 0 0 1 Morrie pHched 10 4 battwa In IN 6tll.. WP -Pllltlnl(:k 2. T -2:42. A -15,· 187. . l "9d .. , 4, A't O o ... land ooo ooo 000-0 o 3 8oe1on 001 003 oax-c e o Hann• and M. Ha11h; Rainey end ......,_.,, W,r-Rtloey, ]-4. L -HMM. 0-2. ~ Bottin, E)llN (218). A -23,$90. ~t;_....,., .... ~ --100 000 000-1 7 0 T«omo -000 000 000-0 4 I Plllnw and Nollln; 1M11 and Whitt. W - Ptimet, 12..S. L -LNI, t-12. A -14,llO. ............... 0 Tfll# • 040 GOO 200-t 12 0 Kai'ltM City 000 000 000-0 3 0 Hol'llll ~ 8undberg: Ille<*, c.tro (2). Hood (I) and WttMn. W-Hougl\, 12•1\ L-...ci. 4-5. A-20,426. y ....... ,..., New York 000 001 002-S 7 I ~ 000 001 000-1 •• 0 and o.-. ..._ and au.a. W , 13-5; L-Hewna, .. II. HAI-Ne o , Orllfey ( 10), Netti et ( 17). 1 A-11,355. I er-w1,....--.a ... ltll 010 000 100--2 II 4 104 000 30x:l 10 0 . Clark .. MuHelman (7) and H ien· C ldwell, ,.lntett t•r. ht'ntto (t I 1njf W-Calclwtl, U.11. L-& a.It. . MR-... 41•. Money (14). A-t,131. ....... 14, ..... 1 000 230 001-I II 4 010 311 10.-1' 15 2 1' .~~nlY \lk ~~~fA, ::la • w -H&c:key, 4-2. L-&anier, 12-10. .... ~. Kamp (14), Lwtnlkl (15), NATMMW. LIA- • ............ ~ 100 000 lOt.-4 10 1 -Yorti 000 000 000-0 2 0 tnd Miiby, LY!ldl, PtAeo (t ) and W-i.yan, 1~·1. L-Lynch, 2·1. ,..._ • 7. I ._.,...._, ~ • ooo 101 o,.,._a 1 o 000 000 000-0 .. , ...,,. C1) lrlCI llnettO: ,..,,., 1-kMGOr-. ,., ..... DIM. 0. A. ,...,,,. Vlr'll (t). \Ir-a-. 1-4. L-""'*· . a-:-o. .. tai. ~~n.-. def. Oevld Pate (U.S.). 1-4, 6-4/ 7·5: Mati ~(U.S.) def. Alctrdo AQlflt Ctllle), 1-4, 4-41, 6-0, 6-4; H-8lmonMOn (Sweden) def. Httoon ltmah (Zimbabwe), 7-S, ... 1. 6-1; Sl•l•n Slmonaaon (Sweden) def. Erlcll llkenll)' (US.). 6-7, 1-3, S.7, 6-1, 6-1. Thie rry TulH n• (France) def. Peter Rtn""1 (U S.l. W , 8-1, 1-4, M ; Ivan L~ (CLecbotlovtkltl d41. Attnetll Krltllnt11 llndlal. "'4. 7.t, 6-1· Miiie llrunn«lerci IU.S l dlf. "• OuPre cu.s.I. 4-41, t-3. &-1, &-2, &-3; 8cf\tlll van OW Mer-. (South Alrlc:a) def. Derek Terr (South Africa), 6-1, 5-7, 6-3, :i.-e, 6-4. Htlni Gunlhtrdl (SWltterllnd) def. Pender Murphy (U.S.) ....... 7·5, 8-1; Jerome Potier (Fr.,_).dtl. AICll F90'i (U.8.), t-3, ... 2, e.2; Raul Atmlrc (Mealco) dlil. ~ddlt ~-· ~tfl Africa). 6-3, t.3, .. 1; Jaime Flllol CNle) def. o-oee o-<,,.,_,, ... 2. • 1-e, 6-3· .,.,, Gomtlad (U.S.) def. Trey w11111a.1u.sl 7-5. 6-0, &-3. Jim lltown (U.S.) det Jeff llmpeoft (New 1-lerld). 6-2, M . W ; Cwy leedt (U.S.) def. ThOmM Hog9tedl (heden), &-2, 1.0, ,.ureo: Vlnoe v .. Petten (U.a.i. dlf."11co« Lipton (U.S.). ... 2, 7 .... 1-1, 4-1. '7..e; C1a11c11o P-11• (lltly) del,8cott ~ (U.8.), 7-5. 7-5. 7.t. Oulllarmo VllH (Argentina) def, Chrle Ounlt (U.S.). 6-7, 6-3, M , 6-2; Freddie 8- (lovth AlriCe) def. Johll LetU (U.S.). M .M , 8-3 ; Tom Oulllllaon (U.S.) def. John Alta.Mder (Auelt8118). 2-4 ..... 1-1 •..... , .. ; lktd Olber1 {U.S.) dtl. Joto aoer.. (818111). 1-1, ..... 4-41, 4-4. W :_Mttti Ednloftdeon ("'*,.._,def. !OM AdalM (U.8.). 7-t, W, 8·2: Tim Wllklaon (U.S.) oat. Auuell Simpton (New z..tand). 44, 2-1, 7-5, 7-5, ... 1. Mika 0.Ptlmer (U.S.) def. JoM lopti· M-(Soain). Mi, M , 8-4: CMa Me~ (U.S.), def. WOlletl Flbell, 11-4, s-t, M , 7-t, 1·2; Harold Solomon (U.S .! dtl. Lloyd ao..ne (U.S.). 7,5, 6-4, 6-1; Oevtd Cllf1er (Autlnlll•J def. Jal Olloule (U.8.). "'3, 6-2, , ... Otnt M,:l" (U.S .) Uel. Jlrl Ortntl t~ 1t). t-4, M , •2; 811etwooc1 &lftWt tu.a.> def. Mitt ~-U.s.1. 2-1. 1-1, .. ,. 1·6; Eric Fr-(U.a def. Pat Ceth (AUllJlllMI). 1-3, W , 6-2; t<orh• (U.8 .) del. Jerome V ..... (FrMCt), M . 4-1, 4-e, &-J. &-2. Cl>IP ti001>et (U.S.) def. Matot! ,,_ (U.S.), 6-1, 6-4, 7 -5; JOllan Krlelt (South Al~ def. Olc:tl Stockton jU.I .). 6-2, f.2, 6-2; Me4 PwCtll (U.S.) def Cttllo Motta (Brul).W.1-4 ... 1. 7 ... :TilllM~(U,8.) Cltll • ..,,..., Ptttieon (U.S.), M , M , 6-2, ._ •• Pini .............. a.-.~ (U.S.I def llllle Jean Klno (U.S.). 6-3, ... 2; Heather Ludlofl (U 8.) Ortl. PIUla Smith (U .. S.). 6-2, M ; Laure Anwte tPwu) Oef. Btrtlera Jordan tU.8.l. .. 1. 2-t, 41-.2; ~Bonder (U.8.) def. !:Ye Pfaff (WISI 0er"'81'Y). t-3, 4-8, M : Olatw OetfOI (1).8.I def. ~-Ill• B•n=ln ~.S.). 1·2, 1·3; ~ l'ltqU8le (9' ... Id) def. Cl8lldll Montllto (Brad). U , 6-2, 11-4· ...., Horton (Ui!l!'f · Nfft Holton (U.S.). 6.2, 44, e.2. -~(U.S.) def. Lee ~ (U.8.), M . t-2. M; Dena CM11et1 (U.8.). def JeM "-* (U.S.). M, W. f.2: '8Mle Simmond• (ll•IYJ def. lt.ian Oretcher v.WlfUfltnd), 8•3, 1·2; Mime J8lllOVtC UllOlle'Ml *'· JoAttM ,_,... cu.a.1. w. -1; W : l'°9 '*'-*~ AIWGll) def. Helen .lllllO'it (~Ill. 6-7, 1·6, 7·1: Chrlt lwert Uo~ (U.8.) def. Plitt Vuquai (U.S.). t-1, 6,.(); Nancy YMrgln (U.8.) def . .._ Wllytor-{Aultrlll9). M , 4-1. •a: Aoele CeMll {U.8.) def. Tt4"1Y• Harford (Soultl ~ 6-7, 1-4 f.2; Pem 8llrl11er (U.S.) def. Mttceia Sltu"'r'ka IC•c~M,W.. ,.,.,,,,. L.-ld (U.S.) def ...... ltMIOletl cu.a J. '"'· ~ 6"lldlM ,_..,, (U.8.) def. Pem THlllltrden (U.S.), 4-1, l·Sif!;~ Oelior8h --(~ lr!Mll\) def. M:ll.et (U.8.), M , 0-4, 7 ... Seamanship counes aet 'U.S. C.-°'-'d A~ J'1oU11a 16-4 hi. IC ..... , .. two 11 •Hk Boatlnc ..Skl111 and 8•aman1hlp courH• In Orana• County tn a..--• . ..,. flnl II ldMckaW to 1111rt at 'l\9Un BIO lldloOI. 1111 '¥? ao.d.-Sepl. 14 at 7 p.m. Sill dlmii Wiil be Ila .._,DI -.. poww e11ii111 ta ..... . .• ..._. .. ww ... ..._1e1K1~e1 Maltlia llllib..'l"'l lpd11C h,_~ 11M1b. P* fWth.r Waacugte • tialh .._ CGntlla& c.."Gt •1w M Mt·1"9. ~ Lola, ott.nalve CIUtrd. BUFFALO Bil.LS -Cut Robert OMtllera. delefltlve llnemtn; Nolan Franz and 8tllC)' Cflarlel, wide receWw1; Mal Mlllerltn Ind Ted Torotltn, N11n1nC1 bat; Keith Clark and Rick O.nnlaon. llntbacktre; John 8ctlmedlng, guwd: St-""-' 11g111 and, aid ... ow.. .-.Y. CHICAGO 1£4"$ -AelHHd Jot Turner, cornarbtclt; Krl• Haine•, wide rtCllwr; Mika CobO Ind Bob FltMr, llgtll and•; Oary JOl'lneon, delenelv• lineman; Clinton Ot\'911901'1. delenalve t.acltlt; John Stclblnelcl, lullbtcll, and 81N Jenaen, tl!l)ttle. Placed on th• lrflur•d..r•nrva llat Teo Albrecht, taclClt; Tim Clllford, Qllllf1Wbtcll, and ........ Sorey. guttd. Cl.EVE.LANO l*>WHS -Cut Ven Hellln, llaht and; Alclty floycl. running bade; '"° ~. wide ,.._ and kldi ~ John MceetrOI. defenelW l>adl; Todd Yoho. Don Hardy, _,,., lrlCI ouerd: • llMOaelltr: and Aollfld ...... rutllllftg • Pl~ Ron Wheeler, llahl tfld; £uoene l yrd. w!CM reca1,,., on fh8 • ln~-litl. DALLAS COWBOYS -~I Torn Sltltgtl and David Fln&er, punttr1; Herrit &urnen, AICll llH'lneet end Todd Edi-. guarde; Joa Gery, delenlhre end; Pete Herwy, wide rec.Iver. Oreg Porter, placelllct!er; 8 111 Purifoy, dalenalve and, and O•orga Thompaon. llllflt and. \ OREtN M Y PACKEN! ~ Cut Terdell Ml<ldteton and Wiiiard Fl•ave•. runnlf19 beck•: Oen Manuccl, qutrletbeck; CIW'lt OOdlrey, offent!W ted!le: Phlllp Orllcoll, d1lanalv1 end; Cla rence Chapman, oorne1baok1 M1rcu1 A11dereon, wide ,...,,_,end JOlln Mecauley, o9nter. "'-cl AO!) Ctttkly, wide recal.,_, !Ind Thomae lloyd, llnebtd!w1.on ,_ lltt, KANSAI CITT CHIEFS -Cut Frtnk ca.. . .,.,.... end; c.. dellnlljn, ~!~J and Herold Norfleet. onentlw ltdlle. ,._ Aon Wttfll119ton, wide ~vet, on the ,_ non..1ooc~Juty 111. l'teold Kyla ~. llne4*:ker. Oll~tl>t tniufeo - LOS ANOELES RAMS -Cul Wall Atnold.~end; 8oO Cobb,~ encl: Pulutk defenllYe lllCl!le; Gteg 08IY and Jell 0, llnet>acllert; Mlltt ,,._.,,, and l.. llaon, Oel•n•lve back1; Henry Wllltma, wide r.--. and Cllvltt PllCOOll, ~led!le. MIAMI DOLPHINS -Waived Vince AbbOtt, pleoaiUolter. NEW ORLEANS SAINTS -Cut Tinker " Owena and Ak:tl Mwtlnl, wide r....,., Benny Rlcerdo, kldltr; ,... Ryczeei end Jeff Harper, center•: Marc111 O\.tlnn, Hlety: Aotlble Mahfou&. ~:Jerome a.rt)', -ttdile, end 0.eg Knaltlc, tight end. P'-d Olen Redd on ln)Ufeo r-. NEW YORK 01ANT8 -Waived 'Tony °'*"'"· deMt'ltM and, end loott Oeweoft. defenllv• lt clllt. Plawd Floyd llddlnot, wide r.......,, on the lnlut'ed lltl. PITTS8Uft0H STEELERS -Cut L.C, Oreen•ood, dalentlv• lineman; Jofln ..,__, delwlllloe and; Sam Wtlfllnaloll, cornarbeck. Traded Zack Valtnf~n•J "'*'-*•·to IM llall"-' Cotta fOt 1 -dlOIOe IT. LOUIS CARDINALS -Cul Tyron Ofay, ..0. r909Nw; Bob AUit, pleotll~ l'Moe ~. NMlng bad<; Sam --.. llgltl 811d; "-AitdfOtd and l(tn Ttnlel, defenelve Hr1ttnen. Plac911 frto. WMllM11, hn.1180lCer: Joe Ada111a. Oefanelve: fton ~Coder, fl'*'d.-encl Oort llc:hwtnl., Mitty on .,,..,,._. SAN OtlEGO CltAAOIEM -Cut OotOOll llankt, wide racetvlf; 8rad He'ndrllt, defenllvt 91\G, Carlton Flnleler, f"""'"9 beck; lrltn P .. ta. llgtlt and, end LMry • Alael'OW ~ tac:ltle. P'-d w- LtlH , dtfenthlt llCkl•, •nd o.,, •• H911onon. llnebe«*er. on tllt lnlur«I -... . IAH 'AAHCllCO .4ffR8 -Aoq161red CM.ck 'uaina Of Ttft1Pt 8ay. Cut Nelly ChlHcllma11, 0eten11w back; Crate !Ille, WIOe r~· Bary Thompton; """tlve betll, Oeve Otey, ~tar; 'r•nll ,ruler, ____ .,_, llATTLE HAHAWKS -Pltaed Joa Hor"'•"· mlddle llnaoaoar, on Ill• pftyllClll) VIit ... to peifiM!ft ilet, ....... Oreg Oalnee. ~; on Ille ~ ,...,,,. lltl. Cut 'rank Ottol-. jKlntet, Aotler1 ......... ~ llnl VOii ...... Offelltlve ttelllt; JeH · ~. ~ bMtl, Incl Miiie Auat-yer, ctefeMM ....... WAIHINOTON PllOIKIN8 -l'lao .. .... °"'91 ......... ...., ~ ~. =--·Oll lMllltutM-•· --~'==-........ ~!= Ptlotd TOlll Olery, ............. Oii "" °""'· ,..,.. -. ' . Lions' bite stFong Westminster rated Sunset contender By ROOER CARLSON OfetleDeilr .......... Ther• are a couple of thing• very evident. wl~ the Weatmlnaier Hl11h camJ> theee days, et!Ch of whk:h emphulzes the Llona' ¥-u 1 cont.ender Ui"'Su.n.t 1Allue footbell thll eeuon. "J'tnt," •Y• Llona Coach Barry Wat.era, "we have five kldt who have luilimltely run 4'.7 in the 40 and our futett la 4'.6. r WU in ehock lut year when we had three who could only do 4.9." The other half of the Llona' 1tory la the pa.Mlng lame. Quarterback O.vtd Neville hft &2 of 122 for 60 yardt and 4 TOI u • junJor, and off hli •ummer league ehowlna, appean to be capable of 1upplytni the Llona wltn the ingredient tney nave tottly lacked in put leUOM. "I'm really happy with the ekllled people, 11ya Wat.en. 11But our offensive line ls very untested and we're one defensive back shy." _ Ae for blue chlpa, It be gine with Tal Tamamaaui, a fullback-linebacker, and Sight end Richard Brown, a converted tack.le. Tamamaaui (5-11, 225 ar.) was an All-Orange County choice aa a junior and Brown (6-3, 225 ar.) figures to add to the blocking up front for Westm.inater'• ~ power game. "We've ta~n :> Jot of pride in our running game," eaya Wa~n. "but we've awakened to the fact we have td throw' to win." ~.J · Here's a rundown by position: i QUARTERBACK -NeVille (6-1, 185 sr.) is baCKed b)' juniors Tim Hanaol\. (6-0, 165) and Brad Weaver (6-1, 160). All are rig_ht-handen. Wat.era eaya the Lions are looking for 20 pus attempts per game. RUNNING BACKS -?:ony Accomando'a (1973-74 atar) cou.ain, Bobby Goode (5-9, 165 ar.1 hu a alight lead-at tailback, pursued by Jimea Redmond (5-10, 170 ar.), Mark Wood (5-8, 150 er.) and Steve Wasbbon (6-3, 205 sr.). Tamamasui retume at fullback, backed by .Bobby Charron (5-lO, 178 ar.). From Page E1 . RECEIVERS -Another btijCht. •pot tor ,., Wat.era, Timmy ValenzueJ,a (&.e, \65 Jr.) and Jlmmy Marcln (6-0, US5 Jr.) are t-2 at Oan.Mt; Sceve J'..-ria " (&-0, 160 er.) la toUd at apUt ~ and Brown OWN , , Usht end. Matt Eddy (6-1, 186 Jr.) la a1*> • tJcht el1d., 11 OFFENSIYE LINE -~k of experience 11 a • real concern at tack.le. Barry Cumrnlna (6-3, 200 ar.), ,, ---:--:--:-----..~------..lll!!!!m 'l • 1"982 OUTLOOK • U.j -~ John Bernard (6-3, 215 ar.) and Roy Afulia (8-0, 203 jr) are the lead.lng candidaiee. Al Kahn (6-1, 185 er.) la thtt leading guardl Juniore Mlke D.Nla (~10, US6) and Kenny MOunt (~· 10, 165) are at center. DEFENSIVE LINE -McKay ~1 .. (5-11, 215 Jr.) ii at the noee, backed by ~~~-9. 155 ar.) and Art Sanchez (5-9, 155 Jr.). Walt Torres (5-11, 205 jr.) and Jimmy Melkel"IOl.l (6-1, 175 jr.) are the tack.lea. LINEBACKERS -Otto Remele (5-11, 160 jr.), Kahn';_ Waahbon, Kevin Kappen and Steve Evans (6-1, 185 jr.) are the outeide backer candidate•: Tamamasul and Brown anchor the inside aa well as anyone will in Qranae County: "We're asking a lot of Tai to go both ways," ooncedea Waters. "We're going to test him." Also • : inside: Kenny White (6·1, 185 jr.). ·:· .... · . ,. SECONDARY -J ohn Spoor (5-ll, 155 Jr.) and :: Goode are at th~ cQrnera. Aho, Mlchaef Wons. ~ (5-10, 155 jr.). Eric Burkman (5-10, 157 ar.) is at ~-.,, strong safety, Ferris and Valenz~la pre 1-2 at free .. -safety. -. ~ KICKING (';AME -Ray Berg (5-9, 145 ar.) ' kicked a 42-yard field Roal u a junior. He's a 1 aidewindlns soccer player. Abo, Tony Vertti. :-· : Washbon will handle the punting. . .. t • ' • .:: i .; . ~ • f EDISON'S INEXPERIENCE. • cat.ch. Workman likens Hombs to former El Dorado High star Craig Rutledge and Washington, after sitting out a year following his transfer from Hun~n Beach, has excellent hands.' Both are counted on for double duty, however , with secondary reaponalbillties. Oth'era: Jerod Jones (5-8, 160 sr.) and Nowotny at flanker and Brad Hachten (6-4, 170 jr.) and Todd Leavey (6-0, 168 jr.) at wide receiv.er. Mark Votendahl (6-3, 214, ar.) is stationed at tight end, backed b Sinclair, with Rob Phenicie (6-3";" 195 Jr.) also ln the picture. Edison's top out.aide .backer with r his 6-3, 210 siz.e, while Slnclair · t (6-4, 218 jr.) has inherited Rick : • · Di Bernardo's jersey at middle 'I linebacker. Jim Woods (5-8, 175 ar.), is at the other side, but may: not be ready for the opener:· because of surgery. J .T. Thomas·: ' (6-1, 195 Jr.) '1ld Takklnen wU1 fill the hole in the Interim.. I Takki.nen al.lo backs up Slnclair and Painter ·ia Johann's replacement. ~ -, ...... ' I r i SECONDAftY-=:'.-'I'h1Jr1rwhere- Workman i.a especially happy and. he appears to be justified . .Homtiir-- I f . . -• ~ < OFFENSIVE LINE ..:... The etartei::;a figure to check out. at 6-1, 218 pounds each from tlgi,t end to tackle with Kulpa (6·0, 2194~-·) ., 81)0bnri';f tblngs at center. Mjke .~ ~: Lowen ( -3, 238 ar.) and De · t- f '•' ll ••• I McGowan (6-2, 221 jr.) are on _. the right aide, becked by Robert Jean (5-10, 216 sr.) and Mike Polly (5-8, 180 sr.), ~pectlvely at tackle and guard. The left aide, which ia interchangeable and uncenain at tackle, had Painter (6-2, 210 jr.) at guard, becked by John Lona until Painter was lost by the injury. Mike Wallace aome thl.ngs to prove. Hipp and Polly are i.oaide, backed by Todd Brouseard (6-1, 170 sr.), Mark Woods (5-9, 170 sr.) and Jean. IEric Bergstrom (6-2, 183 ar.) is on 1the right aide, backed by Jeff 'Popkin (5·11, 168 ar.), who can also move to tackle. Backing up Simpson are Shaun Takkinen (6-1, 190 er.) and Rich Zumwalt (6·3. 191 er.). ls the left comer and Waah.ington is the free adety, while Stei.ru,et mans the right corner. Randy · Hernandez (5-11, 170 sr.) ie at· strong safety, puahed by Scott . Broderick (5-10, 170 sr.). Other dbs include Leavey and Jones at · the comen, Hachten and Paul" 1' Ellison (6-2, 180 Jr.) at free · safety. · I KICKING GAMR -An All-' Sunset ~ placeldcker in a league of solid kicken, Gerry Graha m (5-8, 155 ar.) gives Edison all It needs here, and more. He was 31-for-31 on PATa "(5-11, 224 ar.) haa hi.a handa full with George Pi.no (6-0, 203 ar.) at tackl~. - DEFENSIVE LINE Sinlpeon has a lock on one aide, but the rest of·the front four has LINEBACKERS -There's size and range here, especially with Johann and Sinclair . Johann (pronounced yo-hahn) is as a junior, kicks off inside the five consistently and hae : connected for 60 yard.a out on · place kicks during~. The punters: Eric Biefield (5-11, 175 :. sr.), John Zertuche (5-10, 155 . jur.) and Chris ~ (5-11, 160 jr.). From Page E1 WARRIORS OPTIMISTIC • • • returning starter. The guarde are junior Pat McGrody (5-ll, 195) and senior Ed Lutz (5-ll, 175). The t.-ckles are 8enlora Greg Flynn (6-1, 220) and Scott Nolan (6-3, 220). The tight end will be 1enior Matt Nlcholaon (5-11, 195) and the rotating lineman will be eenior Frank Pannebaker (5-8, 170). Noji admlta th.la will be a crucial area for the Warriors. "It all comes down to the line and the people JIP' front," he 11ya. "U they do well, then the rest will fall into place." KIC'ltiNG -Figueroa will handle the punting, while leniors Todd. MicNela (6-1, 165) and Tim Le.ch (5-10, 195) battle for place-kick:lna honon. Michaela and Leech are both eoccer-atyle ldcken. FllllLLY! PALJt MESA. OFFENSIVE LINE -Senior Scott Sauer (6-2, 190) senior Bill Whiteside (6-6, 220) and Codde figure to clog \he middle, While eeniors Tim McKee (6-2, 180), Sean McCaffrey (6-3, 180) and Ray Pallooe (5-9, 165) man the outside areu . ' LINEBACKERS -Senior Shaun Devlin (6-1, 205), junior Greg Ruffer (5-10, 165) and senior Danny Clay (5-8, 170) will 1ee moat of the action with senior Ray Pallone (5-9, 165) Uled in a backup role. DEFENSIVE BACKS -There are still eome question marks at this position.. TentaUwly 1et are Schroeder and 9eJlior ~Yin A.rrmtronc (S.l, 170) as aafeties with leniors Danny Rodri8uez (5-9, 175) and Willie Coffe 6-0, 170 • the oomera . PAC:KAGl3 •taeso A photography workshop for bft&inners and amateurs In laauna Beach September 8. • UCTllD . ............ e 1r.01PUCT1CI Spend 3 days and 2 nlQhts al Pola Mesa Resort and enjoy unllmlted QOlf ory our 6.461 yard championship course Deluxe Quest room. fine dlnlnQ. tennis and swlmmlnQ are alK> port of this complete pacbaQe. Pala Mesa Resort Is nestled In beautiful North San D~o County an easy drive from home IJnder the direction of• prof111IOMI. Complete pacl1 .. e Include• ... • I nlQbta deloe eccommod•dona • UnUmlted toff •IU. • I dellcloua dlnnen •flered can • Unltmlted tennta AU tue1 and · tr•tultle1 Included .. II t{J • ' 'O BIG GUN -Al Pola, the brother of USC's Kennedy Pola, figures to be Mater Dei's big ; gun this season. Coach Wayne Cochrun figures Dellr Not at.It Photo to-use the 5-11, 220-pound junior as a fullback. PQla will also be used exclusively as a linebacker. :.Diminutive Monarchy · : Maler Dei is facing-a big task ~his year By ROGER CARLSON orttw Delly "°' ..... Tom Amelotte (5-11, 175 .Jr.). Birmingham is • established at tackle, but on the other side, it's up for grabs between Terry Schafer (6-2, 215 sr.) and · There are a few individuals with some Abi Zarate (5-8, 205 sr.). impressive si.ze and. credentials, but for the most part, Mater Dei'$ 1982 football edition ls going to be one of the smaller Monarch teams in years .. Coach Wayne Cochrun's Monarchs, who toil in · the Angelus League, in addition to dueling ·Fountain Valley and F.dison in non-league games, are faced with 800'\e tough tasks. ,. But with 26 returning lettermen, including • three. starters on offense and another three on · defense, and a pair of All-Angelus League stars, the nucleus appears to be there in tenns of meeting the challenste for the Santa Ana-baaed parochial achool. Al Bola, the 5-11, 220-pound junior brother of ' USC's Kennedy Pola, Is the big gun in the Monarcha' offense. • And Jim Birmingham, a 6-3 ~. 245-pound ~ tackle, boaters the defense. 11 Birmingham was an all-league selection as a ~junior, as waa free safety Pat Dubar in his " aophomore .aeuon. _ . "We're very inexperienced in a league of a lot t of experience," says Cochrun, starting his seventh ti year with the Monarcha. ' • Cochrun promises a better passing attack becauae of some simplification modifications, along with the fact his quarterback, Tony Locy, returns with experience. :. Locy completed 73 of 183 for 1,079 vards and 7 , touchdowns, but was intercepted 15 times as a junior. Locy, however, suffered knee. ligament • Injuries in practice and ls possibly out for four ~ weeks. Here's a rundown by position: QUARTERBACKS -Locy (6-0, 190 sr.) bas l the experience, but he's alao in a real battle with left-banded Roger Reynoeo (6-3, 200 sr.), the 1981 backup and a starter against F.dlaon. Beynoeo hit 10 of 15 paaes for 138 yards and a touchdown ~t Crespi and Edison, but then was used very sparingly the rest'of the aeuon. ' '1h.JNNING BACKS -AlternatinR at tailback are Richard Asutrre 5-9, 160 sr.) and Mike Jones (5-8, 165 )'.), both labeled tough and quJck by ttieir coach, but obvioual1 smaller than the CUltOma.ry LINEBACKERS--Steve LaMothe (5-11, 180 sr.) and David May (5-10, 185 sr.) are the outside backen, with Jay Wilkerson (5·11, 175 jr.) behind them. In the middle is Rich Pe.rez (6-2, 205 sr.). Pola will be used at middle linebacker on special oocaaions, according to Cochrun. 'We need him an awfully lot more on oUense," says the coach. SECONDARY -Paul Avila (6-0; 165 sr.) and Ron La.Briola (5-10, 160 jr.) are the comers, backed by Kevin Conway (5-9, 160 ar.). Dubar (6-1, 185 jr.) returns at free safety where he made a name for himself as a sophomore, and John Gutsmiedl (5-10, 175 jr.) is at strong safety. Craig Steinmetz (5-9, 160 sr.) serves as backup for Dubar or Gutsmiedl. KICKING GAME -Doan returns as the Monarchs' place-kicker. He boote<f four field goals aa~· including &ta from 47.-43-and.-42 yards ou . . · ung, a junior, is al9o solid as a place- kicker. Dan povich will a handle the punting. *** Fri, Sept. IG-f'ounlaln V~y (al <Amlm Co~) Fri". SepL 17-Dol Pwbb lhomt) Tbun., Sept. ~Lm Alim (home) Fri., Ort. I-al Cr..p Tbun., ~ '1-l'.dl8an (home) Ft(.. OCI. I 0-.1 Plua X • Sal .. OCI. 25-81. Pa~• (!tome) Fri .. Oct. 29-el ~ Amat• Thur&.. Nov. 4-&rra (1-) Thurs., Nov. ll-&ttvlie• (home) • dmolal Arleth• l-.w ~ (all ~ pm8 •t Santa Ar.-Bowl) All Pll* beSin •I 7:30 , Monarch ball carrier: Pola, the 220-pound fullback, may also move 1n at tailback oocaaionally, but for the molt part, Pola la BCheduled tO open the holes as a ' fullback. Robert Cutillo (6-.9, US5 )'.) ii al8o listed.at fullback. Pola cannot match his~ with speed (4.9 40), and Coch.run •ya his Nture lie. aa a i-_,...----------------i I fMJlbacJc. RECEIVERS -Split end Don Cone (6-2 .. 180 • u-.) has a cracked ankle and may be out of the Monarchs' opener. U IO, Steve Oprian (5-9, 150 sr.) or Joe Jlmenu (6-1, 170 ar.) will handle the t starter''• role. Three an equal at flanker, .:cord1ng to Cochrun1_ who la takln1 a look at Mike Doan (5-9, luu u-.), Ken Brown (5-9, 165 1r.) and Mau "1.atl (5·9, 150 jr.). Utah tranafer Ru.ell 1 Hooper (6-11, 175 •.), llal Jueraena (5-10, 1T5 er.) and Brian Repn (&-0, 170 •·>are b.nllna for the t11ht end spot. Alao at U,ht end: Gahr Hi1h I tranlfer Mike MJtchell (6-4, 90 .oph.). OFJl'ENSIVE UNE -The M~ could be ~Seek• •• ......, .... lllld 1ll4th the Clartl ol Orange~ on 27, 1112. ,_. PubUAhld Orl{ttl Coeel Dally Piiot, Sept. r. 1. 11, n. 1N2 38'CMa atartinl an all-junior lineup of tacklea and~. . Gernn Brown (6-3, 205 )'.)and Brmk N'9tnlec (e-o, • 21& ... ) ... the IWterl ., ~ ..... .,.... '°. n~DP.!!iaP--­~ aoUd" p-oapecta. John Kell)' (M, l"j'·> ti lniitbll' r: = r::,~-:·:.r ~~tr.ct;~ ~w.:: ' (5·11, 180 er.) tar th• two pard 1pot1. John -Calv-ana (6-1, 180 •.) II a mumtna ...,.... at ? center, becked by 1'on Swuber (1-1, 171 Jr.). -c..Jvapa. too, .,_ been bit bJ a Ima. ~ and ••smy be Jolt for M weeb. .. \ DBIPIMIVB LINS -l.itlny ...._:(e-1. a 1 •.)and ~e.o.111 •. )..-·ihe~ •;I ... In 1 44 ............ lillCked b)' • \ l:lllllf IED 642-4321 T1 P11Ct Y• M, Cll PllllllU .... ._ ..... I teoty 6 bdrm, 3 battt hofN with OOYll'ed p.ao and microwave oven. Flexible tarmal Owner ·&42·5678 llMlU .. UlE 0-ol ~ ....... ~=~:!t =~.t· II Two ,._tlA Vallar Hlillllnt\OflltH .. '"'"" t::::t.:• =~~:' ::tt' ... ':tr IM J1111an C1pt:s,rano =~::-..... L., .... 111'..iinll\llff ....... _•Salt .Ul ESTATE 1• 1• ... , 1011 1112 ... IOUAL MOUllNO O .. l'O"TUNITY : 1 m ,..,....,,, ltttet1 !ij4 AJI r11l .. 1111 advertlled ::: In thl1 n1w1p1par 11 ,.,. 1ubJ1ct to 1111 Federal :: Fair HOUllng Ac1 of 1888 ION which mlk• II Illegal to :: edWr'llM "any preferen-"" ca, !Imitation or dlecr1ml· :: nation b111d on race, •• color, rallglon. 11x or •• n1tlon11 origin, or any 1* Intention \.O make any Prize Weat Bay bayfront. Sllpe for 2 boeta, mnodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1,200,000. Ocean & jetty viewa. Marine room, 4 bctrm. 3 bath, 3700 aq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfronb. Liil lllE MEI Prime U'1o Noni bayfront 5 bdrm, 5 ~ bath. Lae L.B.. '!'boat .Upa $1,~.ooo. Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + larp rec. nn. beam oeillnp, fumiahed, petiOI. $4~1000. LllU llll llYFlllT Laaoon view bun 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom, darl~ rm, den. Boat .Up, Now $1,000,000. =:,~ .. ~ todey. \ t >I I I 11F 1: .... _ 3 Br oondo In '1m1I comptax. ~ .,... ted Ollllnal. quaMty oon-atruct~ & meny ntraa. Full price l1H.500. 751-3111 AtttOlt Iv Salt 1• IUCh prlfarance, llmlta· flon or dltetlmlnatlon." 1111111 PUii ~ ..... ~ ....... , ... s... .. ::t:.:=',.~ :: Tht. newl99P4M' wtll not SpeciacUl.ar bayfront dplx 2 br,. 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boet lpecet. Reduced-$1.600,000. c.-1.,, '{% cn,u nae knowingly 1cc1pt any g:'j!l~',l.'m;-'Y 1: 1dvert11lng for reel H· . 111111 • • 1111111 o.,1011 V•ll• ~I•.. 11DO • tate which i. In vlolatton OlllllM OAYI Country grac. overtoo· •-1011o "'"""' :,'iiioiiltiihliiiilawiiii, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiii C.Oronado T-J.and king Big Ctln)'On COUllttY I=.~·~, 210t11 "' CUit. bayfront lot. 85' boat Club'• 8th fairway. A LAU1ors.1o nao dock. Plana avail. Now '370,000 w/tenna. mlnleloul property lm-=:_11~'.~~· : 1111111 Advert!-ILIFFI ....... bued. with the feel of ~-:fc~~.. : sere should check .,.. provincial France. The l:::'~~~Grcw•• : their ads dally and Single story end unit, expanded 3 br, 3 :~!~"T.::i:~':'5 r:: Rott •:.•at• cuh•n•• -report errors Im-ba on ~~est greenbelt & lake .. $250,000. drOOfnl, Grand Salon "'" lltol t:1•11i• ,,, • .,..... nuo T i.. v':p rOOf'l'I """'....,t f • mWi.. medJAtely~ Lil , .._..,,.., DAILY PILOT as-m dlnlncj room. exqul-5 ~~'t:t 5 sumes llablllty for ~~~!~c=° !: 8=::::::: ~:A ·= the first Incorrect ming pool and every T-hrll -1 rtl 1 ""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ ·lmeglnltlle luxury .,... -i;;.."'::~~·' :f::l•n•se-•o•n-o•n•y•.--= • ~· The C:: 11 t2.210. ~e:1~~rl;nl 5 ...... /H i.J1 *11111111111. ,,~1,,.. • .. •• ••• • • •• •• • ••• • · • •• • • .... -It• ... Pt. -·-d -...i ,,,.,, ..... ,. ~" ,..a"* 758-1100 Ct: :: •••••••••••••••••••Y• h .:... 1-..1 ' H Yr. Fl11111ll1 1 '1••••••~ ir..m_ll_.._ · Ulll C..11.J JllJ .wt ·-2 br houM l ltudlo zo-ll v_.u.-kfftlall .m •••••••••••••••••••••• ••11 ..., di lrt ll•al• .. ~n· .-llYEl'I -,...... ned for ert etu o, g ..U.. IW"' '"' a.,-., ... tor""' t• ahopl. anUqu.. etc ..... .I • ••• •••••••••••••• •••• ~;..,,~Ji:c.:~1 = llAllO IPECllLI :~t;i~.~~~t!eM, =d~ Owner wlll carry flnan-llUll 011111 !k'-:;:.; '* Lowell priced 4 Bdrm 2 Cl"G for 25 )IMl'I. Only 11..,.01, w .. t... _ bath home In the area, wood noora, larger lot, 11351000. C•ll 75i-1501 Aedec«ated 38r 281 on Mlw 11.-1111 -with pool! Tak• over cukte-eac atreat. 1125, or 702-7373. ·2e10 San prime loc4tton. Garage, MISIN£SS, IMYEST· exletlng and teller wlll 000. Owf>er wlll flflancl. M lgual Dr. Newport aundldc, petloa.. Hr. No. MOfT, flMlMC( carry. Try 10% downl 1., ....... , IUtr, a.en. ~·.~ ;:'.T3~ ..... _...._.. -Onl)l 1135,000 ·call nowt -•ra;.u:.. ::: ~7171 • Ml-l'Jlt t73-5291 ::::::: =, N iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii• ==·iii~EMEfTS. e r191ws_ -•2:r ,::--:n:.;;:~ PUSOIW.S , Eartht~ ttwuout. .. • • v· I E w turning bMlr'I wlttl. latge l8ST & FOUMI •WA'IWmf* 21A ~ famll)I rm, dining ~~ac!:"..::e ~~ ... , sun rm. 2,378 aq. rt. vi.w of ~-=·-.u ::: PRIVATE COMMUNITY, Plvlllon. nit• lltH & 1 bdml apt. A~ IAI••""'"'" Y» 3&4 bdrm home•, our Catlllnl. locatlon and••-.,._. Leot61'outMI = SELLERSwlllFINANCE · ....... ,. LOT 11•595•000• ::i':'c!:.!b.0 -Of' • DISCOUNT lor clltll • ...,.,... .... ,....... t'raYIC(.S M» Better hurry on theeal U1·1• oKa Starting II 1499,0001 ... ....,.. ~ v11w ~~~~~~~~ WILL TRADE FOR BAL· ._.,.,. ,,_, ' :; BOA ISLAND. locatlon. • term&. C.... '-J lfM Jiii Swvl<e o.r-r EWl.OrMEMT I rtEPAIATIOM ,._, IMtlWllon Jt*Wa1tt.ec1• .... ,,., .... ,Maf' MOCIWlllSE ~-- ..... lar Pre,. ~1·1e~ w o Lon 9 •. .. ..... iiiiiiii ....... = ....... to llt 'f04JI needl. PYtme "°' •111-1•• -duplalt. lo down, lo price, 1~~~~~~~~~11 •-buy pal1 CK Ill. Darrell; : au"' nun CROWN ;~n1~~gt RE /MAx Than tNa neat & dMn 3 =: Bdrm home le lu•t for IA!mlT ---you. Excell. financing WondarlUll" dlveraa POINT -wtt11 a run 1111JtMbla 111 , T.D. at 9'A%. Full price thr11 bedroom home. M ' = 1139,000. 151-3191 Deelgned f« euy enter· -talnlng. Huaa IMng room : !lflth 101rlng beamed IPYIUll ml -celll"G. Quality Ind In-= formality. Ju.t reduced -$40,000. NOW 1299,000. :1·-~~---1 U1·1* .., -------- Superbly conetructad gated 1111t~ on a1mo1t ~ acre with 1p1ct1cular views .• 1,950,000. 111atflrP .. .... .....,.1.1,. s..~J1~ Dally Pilot R.E. aac:tlon. TRADE ... your boring ~ pro-perty or outgrown ,..,_ dance with WV-equity for thll neat Nltic and roomY. 4 Bdrm 3'Aba home with 110 deg. ocean view In walk to baectl. Corona dal Mar location. l495.000 .... ....1111 .... ...,.... -.... , ........... --- cars•bikes• •skateboards• trucks.baby carrlages•tea carts•trlkes rol lerskates • walker~ Loys •wagons•••• scooters• hot rocts•coupes• trallers•hard te>ps•convert- -lbles•motor homes•1awn mowers•umos •corporate headquarters •oarden carts Model A's••••. • typf ngtables wheel.,.rrows• recrNtlonal vehlcJa•QDlf car'll~IMiltl.,. tralnt'blk• •pianos •cars ref rlgerators •sttetes··~··· ••• ·-·-... .. , -= ......, CdM dupi.11, belt locl l •1 .... 111•1111 Pride of owneralllp. • -~ -..n. lnenclng. 1324,IOO. 1-t42-IMO .,.,,,_ --., .. Redeemed ln foreclosure. Beat buy in Irvine. Lovely bright 3 BR, den & family room home in country setting with park view. Lra. usumable Joan! 111 lllfWPORT CENTER ~~·l!!'on ... land. s llr. J ... llv & din rm. lg fem rm, all ........... la ..... lot. llY 0Wn9f. Uit,500. Cart M0-7007. .-v.-. HERITAGE HlAl TO~ --- ..... 2 8dnll. 2 M. ooedo. NI ...,.. ................ No • '"t' .. "°°° clOwn. 0~11" loan ~ ti; h"9 Cell "'""· Owner/A1t. ..... t11 \ ' l .. ---...,..,, . ~rm~ ......... ~tm ....... ! ....... !!!t!.~IM ....... t1m.1t¥.11111r ..... &tm.r.aJr.l'Jm!. .. l!!tm."""1~.. .. • .. •• • ... ~ .. ··r.41 ""1PlfW. ~ 9'111. • ..... II.ff ~.fm! .. I.~ ".'!ff!!."'"-.. J.'M !fmt!.ffff.'t!f.!!f '11!!.'!. ......... IM. h!H.!Pltl ...... l!M '1!mt!.~1:1 ... 11M :'l!!lfff.. ;;;; .. ; ;.:,, ._; · ........ ;; ., a.-l:r·!W; -.. -mllfll ... )Wf1ti.. ·~ rm pool N9WPOf1 leaoh a on • IOt. lllTALI 2 • r , .,. • • 0 0 n d 0 . -~ -~ -~ n ~ ' 4 I IV I . m.................. ::.'!lffi.'ftn:' ••• ~. ,...... •• -.... llllWlltlll 1~eK. • 1 blk !rotn OoMr\ 12 x htolmo 011eo•. IP•. 'lllN!y room. 144..eGa tlr •w1n11r HO, YtlY HO ,111 "-t & c d ...,.. OOIUM \'tlw .... uat Prof, deoOfatect. Wltl'll I ;,;,;;"" 54a..te'es Oroaa w .. mllntaln«t YMfly·W..Cl'f·Wlnt.,, 2, fplo 1 rnl to boll .. 60 4 Ir wine• MOO, Don't ..it oalV 1 large I ..... · on ° ~111,000 wtltl '°" Ir, Lit, O.fll., l'A, ~ .. , owner. · Walle 10 .nopplno lkr: 3,4 ldrma. •H.-455 · e:'.!1~Uf.!_ :· = ~ •1too. A«Otlll "°"' It. evall wttfl 2 la., ,.._ ,_...., VIia "8ntall. MULLAN fllfALTY ~~~·~~~·::.::.~ TRADE 11'"308-1121 .,, ... IULn 11 ,.,. ~UI d1n1rip. 2 trpl1. '11ard•11 :n:G7~4 ....,., ::C,.~J.,'r.'.:'~~,; 17 .,... 11 .....,. 640-ltlO .-fof LOfl lrg ~yard w/e 3 ... 4-ft.D PllP ••••»•••••••••••1'•••• P 11 o , • 1 2 II 0 m 0 e7a.51M9 8"'lLl!R 18 PU.,.HASINO eat ger, A rell Velul II ..... lllTlll Poaltlva Olah flow. At· Mt1talllllf HOM! l'OA fll!NT 642-0380. 2H lclrm Wint• rentalt _,..,. __ . ---- PAfO' Nf If POAT A?AAiM fN TS "" ""' 1371.000 end you own fOf reeldlnllll or lnoornl traollva lerrn• at 1309 .,.... 4 Br '150. FtnOld yard, BLUl'FIJ LIA8E on )Wwport Penln. 1526 I AY TJMH"8 oondo, "'"' fllt "" the llinci. P1t.rlolc TtnOl'e. prop•rtit In C•llf.J Ari· 000. • Ill-Ina garage. Kid•&. pelt.... 2 Br wet., vu, ttllO/mo. up, A.gt. •75-tt.a. Spaolout 1 If, #tf»C, poet COUHT .. Y Clue UVl..O on thll edofable lutlldl zone or Hawaii. 11% n. Teytor, Crow a co. come. 646-2000, IQlflt, A.gt t..o-ooao. 1eo.te71 P9nlnlull 21r 1ba 'A blk & more . ...._...., IN NIWPOftT MACH 3 •fll 2 la country •tyle n1nolno + OHh llow. 842·1243'0f' 14g,3ms no.,., _ _ to ~. Yrly. •ib01mo. A to1a• environment wtlh quattera lboYe o•· bc•ll•nt orano• co. • t•M ll•••• 11111. ...OM! FOA R!NT .,_,_r • AQ9ftt, 115-3"0 eYet f. Nice 28drm 2 ba. Moat apenment oornmunlty an r•o•. A•klng 11811,000. locetton. Full prloll MOO. i.,, ,., I.ti• --·--~-~ B 1150 F••---' .. L ..... bd I I oond windt utll pd, w Hamilton... lh• Up .......... Privet• Flnenclng 11 good. Call 000 and 13.3 mllllon. :'T•••••h••••••••••••• ._. .. ' ' .. ......, yer ... , rm, x n · •· 11128/mo. 64M477 .. -· ' eg1. 942-e3M A ..... t e.«.-9513 NEWPORT LOTS• Unlurn Larv• 3Bdrm, o••· Kida' 1)119..... Laro• w•ll land141Pld Wint., Rental. 1 2 '. 3 olubtlOUH and l'IHttll., .-.. • 2 ldJolnlng ae9J.000 M. 3ba, home In pr11tlgtou1 oorne. 645-2000, IQlflt, With gardlnef. Nr Pk end bdrm• ~ Penln-LIDIY OllMI =:i. 8 .tennl1 oourta, l1Ht/H• ltftl IL"'I Ulll• IUUIT I.I.. 1131-411111 ar11 wlf1nt11tlc comm. no tee. 1ohl1, Seo 1y1tem. t1. N4. Jiiiya ,._. llt•ll wa II. a.a....... , OIOM to~. ftl •1 You own 11'11 land. 2.000 4 Bdrm, 4bl, 3 cer DI'· #i 1,_,_ a.. ti bMct\11 h etc. 1F~~/tlc fa. •9J!!:1"" OOO lfto. ll33-l2t0 ~1900 te -'"~ ~:v!'n1~:"':::oC:: LH .. /Optlon pr Pur· lq 11. 38', fll'I\ rm, 2~ Lg• laland kltctl, •s111. fU .u., _,. , m y ome. '"""' mo. • "" L2 4Br, ···~· to bMoll, HACHFRONT AENTA.L 1 :~~~~w:'.·1~·1:rh•:!: the .. cflaM. YOUR new 1860 Ba, wide Qreenbel1. iw.r 000. Mullen A11tty, ,_, Hll ltJfttet.... •••••••••••••••••••••• ewpon 8 OfM, cornm bdrm and .. bdrm Hcur1t11, 2er 281, tlr ion' ~~--Md eq. 11. (p!ue dbl OlrlOI pool. Far ti.tow meniet 540-2tll0 _. fOf loft •••••••••••"*••••••••• Unfurn On Lido Piiie Dr OC-RENTALS pool/tennl1, )'fly, family . ' • ' ' ' ,,... -- W/C)91Mr) Delu111 Co~ 1245.000. Wiil i.a-. op. DELIGHTFUL BUY IN GREAT 2 bdrm, den, MG. bldg. t-5bt'• 1200 to a2000 a1195 mo. tf.45-3370 lft :,~~1~~~. ~~~r ly · ~~:~.~':·Ind Wlhf/ 1~ 11000 do. GrH I p1r1c. tld• 11on. Bkr. ~a318 CORONA HIGHLANDS 12500/mo. 750-3314 °'*' 7-daye llPM. dryr, alto lncl\ld .. pvt ~ ~ llnd 1 looetlon, nut to •II Hardwood lloon ... brick Esc•M's .... , .. Jfr... c ll 9/1 2 8 Nwpt T.,rcondo 3 BA 2.,. .,. block 10 bllOl'I, 2Br club wll•nnl• court•.1-Bdrrn unit. f .. wre fine •hopping I tn111era, ft•g1n1 3 er a den, flrapt-Jnd fruit ,,... N"t Av all furn or unfurn, f~::.·,,~ pool, metUt~ be, no pate. 1125. Poof, 1 ba . •825 · Utll pd· gym, pool•, J1ouu11, deelgnw furniture and Incl. all emenltl••· Op· country 1tyl1 home. •nhenc9 tllla 2 Bdrm SM moun111n pr~rty f1n111110 loo1t1on w/ 1 du1t 1 , n 0 p 111 . all facll. Agt. fMl..2389 "411-6743 MUnu, t>Mutlfully deco-6COeMOflll. MOll9 In 1o- portunlly 10 1tert OW• Franch doort, bay win. obarmar w/be1oh IC· tlttlnga In llvtng colOf on vlft1, 28drm. teeurlt~'. 15751mo 1111111t a dip .. ~..... ,. .... 2,L .... helilfl'Ht/Y'lewt rat•d clbhH a muohl d1y °' ,...,..,. fOf tum--narlhlp w/quallty home dow1, hrdwood floOfa, 3 Clll. JU11 lllted 11 12115, C.ble TlllVltlon In South pool. 1995/mo ...... 5517• ... 4.30 · ...., ... ., ... " .,. • ,. -more. From 1450 mo. mar mont h•. Smartly w/tu uvtnga. frplo'• very toe 1o1 owe ooo. FEE &«-7020 Orenga Co. on T.V.R.E W ... rfrtlt ..... ...,.,. .,,., · · condo, 2 cer Qlr. w/f//tllO. 2 and 3 bdrm. L.dry,J'!.. Incle ~oat utll too. furnl1hed model• open 7 ,. /8 3 1-_5JL5 5 -0 r 10111. 5% ctwn, •Int loce· Lmt IUL man ch1nn11 29, nlglltly •• 111 14'0 4 BR. 2 Be, irdnr Inc, no CIPll.,;;;~ ... IM0-9GllO wtldyl; =·~· seso an up 549-3421. 3&41 Beer St. dally. . &42·2000. tlon. 1179,900. FM lend. 7pm., or Time• Ml"or • pate. 11150 S.D. 1t811 ...,......._., l'Vel. •· &40-4784 (btwn Sunflower & ~ By aw,,., 1131-213'4 IM Cl••lf Jiff c:Nnnel 3, Frldey, Sat & Bulhard SI. IM2·7743 Wt1erlronl 4 BR fem rm 3 1 Bf, OOMnfronl. S400 & McArthur). On JemborM Rd II ,.. '' ...... _., ...... ...A...AI •••••••••••••••••••••• Sundey IVM. FOf' f1'0f• •1• . 3Br 2b•. 2 Cir ger. CloM bl, 40 allp may be avin. ~.· .. Mo., .. ·,~ti .mo .... 2 bdrm, 1·~ ba. 2 1tory. 8an :::-'11MHllll Rd . .. tt ~• 75%. Ir .. ,. • ..,.. llPll TU mLTll &nlo: Gr .. 1 ~.Box ,,,,i.,.i. 1111 to men & Ptif11, 11eo1mo. 120801mo. t7~-4eee. .. .... -"., ...... S550 ..,... ~~·.bPrll~.71615".ooo" Ubdrgrm•n,t. 2',,!'•.:._c_ oXlnndto;_!_ .. -,-,.m 21117, Bio Beer L•k•. ····:··-,;:.·;.;;:······· Pvt. pty. !$311-7117t NEWPORT CREST ......... t S3eO ~: = .~---------·-~.,,, ....-. ,. .,. ..,.. ,..,,_ c111t. 92315 or cell _ .......... THE PM. 211114 L•S•ll• 1750/mo. 3 er. 2 ea. eri-below app<llMI. 3 Bdrm. 1110.000. 112,000 On. Sen Cl•mente pride of 714111118-9490. 0 F d 3 Home ""' bllchl Sunlit llH 2 b11ut. 3 Bdrm .,. .. 7•27.,. cled gerage , w1lll to 1 ba, frplc, 2.,. cer gar. 81yment1 1947.50. Cell OWM1'91'11p, modefn SPI· cHn ront uplu. kitchen hH ~1r1g• 3 condo1. 11000/mo un-"" ..., b11ch yard/b1lcony. Lge lot. 1109,500. Owner OWMI'. 714~6et-48111 nl1h 1tyl1 4 unit 1pt. S.1 Ylll= 14th BR comp furn 2 'V petlol Bdrm•· 1500 1 BEST I urn· I 12 00 furn · ''&OOD S3tl5/mo. 1 Br. 1 81. an-Won't/..,, c:.11 for tPPt. &42"'45115 IVM!Wknda. hOUll with ocean-hlllt & ., 1111 nt Balbol Pier. 2 bike lo 53Mteo IM . 845-0295 ol1d ,,.,,., lndr11 rm, TSL u.o-t &42·1803 Bey & 111 1hop1. 1850 · • ,..,,. .. 0 MESA VERDE 3 Br w/ golf courM vi-. Cl<>N lmUT mo . 9 mo 1 . 4 o 4 Live n1re, 111 blll• peld, Waterfront. 4 Br 3 ba, P1v'!~ Y"1 • tmlll Pit ok, 1 bf, w/stove, mrg, end pool & epa ANUme loen 10 everything, only 3 N1tut1I Oeothlfm11 Hot £.Oceanfront. 673-56e1 ne1r pool, full bll·ln1. A 12080/mo. 4011 boat allp LIFE'' ... sep I 1400 II &138 900. . ~ ye1r1 old & thow1 like $ 0 BEST avlll 873-4efle TSL Mgmt' &42·1603 g:;~~f aft 5. ' Cl • . P.P. 545. NEWI New OWMt' could Spring• on 12 dHd•d C.tMI ,,, .,, '''' I I. t 3 15 . , __ . _____ _ ITU[ IT occupy 3 bdrm .. 2 beth 1crH with N•l'I FerHt ...................... 639·11190 IM . 3 bd, 2be, ape, 1900 mo, YaAA-llOUND FUN; 1550lmo. 2 Br. 1·~ Ba. CONDO flPIClou• 3 BR 2 Low dwn, lllUIM loana, city & OCMn view ap1. II onO~ ~d~ rnd over on Large 6 8d Horne. Nr bch 3br wlltunnlng 111 & SllOO MCUrlty totll Social Actlvltlll ~ownry r~C:U:! ~7.·~~= BA, frpl, d1hwr, lndry • 1ppllcabl• & rant the 12 1 8° rontege on Co ron• d 11 Mer · kltcll, room for kid $535 move In coet. 1145-5735. o 1 r •ct o r• Fr•• Int. Av·•t .. :,.·' hookup, 3 cerport1, pool. SBr 2 Bll Agt.FredT• 601 LIOO other 3 ap1rtment1 tor Werm prlnge CrHk. $1700/mo OC-RENTALS 7503314 s .. :Jo .. "-grvt p1tlo 1715 nora.i ·1131 -1288 or St.hFLOOR Income. Sellw-wlll help Only 8 ml lrom World 780-0l00,6]!5·21~ • Blufl1 3 br, family, 2.,. .!.!:. ._·. IS_LMgmt 842--1803 c 1_9522. ·-· 131·2r11 Famou1 Sun Vtllty 2 Br condo. Clll1y decor, bath, 11400 wio. A.gt. '"'"'""' " ....... lllTlll 2300 lq 11 2-lty 5 Br 3 Bl home w/n1w crpt1 & paint. Full 8rlc• only 1159,000. wner will help finance. 1131-7370, Mt-3541 TR \Dll 10\ \I ~I_ \I I ' 11 r.. 1ui ················;····· I( I OOCKY 8EAl. ......... S"4maa.mm Sp1clou1 2Br + 2 full b11h1 100111d on 111• watarfront. Perfect tor b1chelor & friend. The aouncl of duck• 11 your door & cool we1er •pl• lhlng on 1he rook•. Un· bellev•bty priced ., ta9. 900. A.Mume 1&4,400 tit TO et 13'ft% Pll' mo In- cluding lex••· Owner mutt Mii ASAP. PIMM call 1131"'4687, r~e.~.r~.1.~1 INVESTORS 15000 down end 1200 par mo. neg1t1ve c11h flow fOI 1 3BR 1ba tgl f1mlly dtt1tctlod home. Cell Alon. Ownr/101. 914-e171 Wa~ront Condo fln1nc• & SAVE buyer Skiing. Extreord lnery NEW 4BR 3~BA frplc. clo11 to b11cll. 844--113N; 844-0350. Partlll•Plul '325, uUllllM Ind. Sm. 1 2 Br 2 Bl from 1625. No ADULTS ONLY lhouHnd• or dollartl opp. to develop 1 prl· BAY VIEW, 2 car-garage $575/mo. Mike Crow, 3 Br, w"tellff, mo. to mo. nwch """., bd. 11112 Newport Blvd, pete. Acro11 from Np1 Speciacular View REDUCED Mlllng price It v1t1. corporate or rell· $1500 mo to mo. So Of A.gt 942-1423. 945--31711 11250, :i'· H. Frederick, Q It I AT CM 83t·7392 Bcl'I ~ COutM. Office •789,•"" wey BELOW current r .... glout r1tr11t. Offered for Hwy 1173-1148 It IC It I AT I 0 N; Nr 1•th/P 1 "· 1 11 ft." .... ~•55 • 07VU pl1c•m•n1 co1t111 Im•• 1U4 1131·1211 . 1211 Davon T 1 nn 11• Fr•• " omonti, .., ,. -· .,...,.._ Wllllam CQte Pr!nolpala ONLYlll Call I llml1•d tlm41 only. Duplex. 2 Br & den w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• Ln. LMIOnl (pro &. pro Ba, up1t1lr•. D/W, car-2 8r upper condo W•t• Broker <>Wr* •I (714) 11115.000 cathlll frpk:. So. of PCH. lmmac. LUSISU Npl T«r. 381' 2~ti.. epe. e nop )•2 H•1l1n port, water pd, 1 child cllff Dr, pool, ieu •/ .42 • 131 CONTACT: tao<> mo. 7141e38-nt4 3 Bdrm dtteched homel pOol, oareoa. 1726 mo. etube•Sauna• Ot<, no!:.' "450. Agt., option 1450. Avllt 9ft. ____ -v _____ 1 01vtd V. V. Hllmbl<ih Jumlne CrMlt. elagent 3 In excallent ., ... A.viii•· 552·1074 H)'dt'~ no fie. $-2000 841-4144. 91198 6'40-ll902 i..J .... 1#4 IOAHO REAL TY ASSOC. Br. t1mlly rm. 1tep1 1o b 1 e 1mmedI1t11 '1 ~ LOI 3 bt, 2 bl, upt, d'rc, E ti t .. t 1 B 1---------...................... 20&-728-IHl99 •P• & tennl1. $1500. seoe>trnoon 1ye11teaM 2dbdrm, 1...~=~· DmMQR81'G' cerport. Nr OCC. o ~~~Hv~U~Er Sitcurttyr Park Udo Aduh Condo 3 OCEAN FRONT GIOffr:z Buthlll 117$-2740. Flv• oth•r• to cllooee rap11, ...-• . • I Au T, ,._u l 'peta. $550. 751·3elHI . 1A50' B pool l'lolpllal $525 mo. LeaH to A,AltTlllMT I pool, 1p1, gym, v • ~ _.,~ o.r,.; 3 Br. 1¥. b• condo, HOLLA D REALTY ICW VIE-~~1 ,_w.!2-...!tMI. onM 10 711183. Avell Sec>t t&th. 8 1 & ~ 1 Bd. 1 Bl duplex, ulll 942.aaea "'1146-42117 . • • . acrou from blach end 20&-7211-9453 " ,_. ... -Dr.._ ~1" 21th St. NB. I n ~· • • • paid. 1375 mo. M25 to w111 help. Agent M&-t044 p1er end neer lhopplng. "Old" Hltbof View Sec· -..... " Bedroome-Fvmlal'lld ... _. en-842 YUILY 1,,-m•.,. "' pluo LIU W II on , I 13 o o mo , [~i]\\lle4•rldt< Cd., , .. -& Unlu••lo ... •No ~ "· ~" 1 · oc.ooo """ hom llUIYE IT 0 C. Owner h11 Jult Hemlltlirl.akaFront 760-0863,844-11722 D--h 8UPERDEAL3rmw/oozy P•tt•Mod8•1• Open 8::'1':?5~·~·~ bHCl'I, 2 bd, 1 be, .. reduced price to 1195, REDUCED 180,000 to ,.__ •• •••_. IK4!I I kltch, u11f..9d , 1325 dally 9 to . • ... . · .,...... wufler/dry•, earporc. II llT l 500 (213) 439-0271 1595,000. Owner tin .,..,. Hll ~_, OC·RENTALS 750-33'4 ,_.._ __ • frig. 2 em .. chlldren ok, 84M407 . • R1al1y World • S W 7 14·114 II· 3 2 711 or •••••••••••••••••••••• 551·3080 ---no pett. II 1~own I~ Prop1 714-337 3835 OC-AENTALS 4tall.arrno Pk•).lr~i ... On the Water. Super ..... 1980 Well-. 8.42-4905 Acf'ON frOn'I bMch, btlght In lelchl ONLY • . • 1·5br'I $200 to $20qp aherp 3Br 3ba, Wltlt pd, 1---------1 a airy 2 Bf P6tlo lndfy l15JIOO down and H · h ilU '"'Ord .J Ill,. 750--3314 open 7-deys lllTAU Dock 1v1ll. $1000/mo. IJlrlllllh 1 bdrm. $395, 2 bdrm, 1 rm S 730i mo 'yrly. 1um1 175,000 • 30 yr •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,. t. · ZfOO RENT TO OWN· New 28. r 1to5 bdrmt, 1t1t1lng et Agt . 142·3073 or ............ /... ba 1490. Poot, 011· No 9l&-82e3 lo•"-: Sellar 11 nexlble, I....... . .... ~~••••••••••• 2,, ond ·cA" .. ,_.. M50to11 95. 173-1731 880 Irvine 1 fP11~··~&4~2~-44~7~o ____ j;-a;-;;w:1;;--;;:;;-;:;;;;;;: motlVeted end wlN cvry 2 Bdrm, 2'Abl/ low STEAMBOAT SPRINGS, ~r:!f l :a.._;;.,1•· New Exeo. hom• on (et 16tt.) 1EAST-SIOi 1 bd loll ot 2 Br,~!. ba, den, upgr• balT. ~~OUI 2rrr down. 1~% ftnan avail. CO'lORADO. For , .. , Ag -WATER. 2 Bdrm•. plu• (714) •Ult_~1104 wood, qula1, pvt, 1315 dtd, -e!o.."':324 con ° w commun Y Cell Rich Own.,/Ag1. "tat• Info on thlt world 3 Br. 2 be on·~ ICre w73 den, dock avalleble . -.... 'l;;..;s.. ulllt llicld, no plla, 1--------- pool an_d_ep•.,.1111121 ,500. QM-11171 temou1 tkl ar11, tucl{ed car gar. plu1 gunt hou· 121500 yrly IH. Ag t. ............ 131-311411 AM"' aft 4t>fn. 28r, 1Ba. 1575 mo. "· ..._ eway In the apectacular "· S.. 2530 Sent• Ane. J 942•3073 "' na-1131 1700 16th St. cwpon, cpta. ~ open OfMI )HJ llllll Coloredo Rocklet, call DO NOT OISTURB TE· (Dover et 16th) E11tald• 1 Bdrm, 1m1ll bea1na '118 W. BllbOe. /.Jn ~IG[L [}AILEY & ASSlJC1ATES •••••••••••••••••••••• T 0 I I F r • • NAN Ts . I 9 7 5 m 0 . """' '"' (71.4) 642-5113 but cozy, loll of netural (213)'1115-2542 •"'11 ... ., 1-800-525-515011. Colo-851~2211 2 maat1t bdrm•, 2~ b•. wood. Rent 1390.1-...--....,......,..-...,.....-..,..--I• Wt 1111 redo Wftt Reel Eltltl. E'1lde. 3 Bf 2b1, tam rm, $700/mo. Kid• ok, pet lllt-0522 Ocean & Bey vtew lboW A._., J....... N I 2 bd 1 b Archet & Old N-port i iiiiiiiiiiiiiii 2·,;;·~~·+-"2 IHI llllll n111ng rm. MP dining rm. meybl. ·-now. "'"'• .-r o rm, •· Ellvcl Cllfflldt 1 Br ept xlnt buy• on rH•I• Wuffl "" Drive by 2517 Elden. ttS13~Da:~ agt 131-2242 ,,.,.,_,, prl'v p1tlo, bullt In 110\llt wlf~plc. 1 uo/mo. BALBOA ISLAfl> BAYFRONT .... .,...., 'IP • c • rent $ 1 8 5 '. •••••••••• •••• •••••••• $900, &42·2191 UUJ lllJILI l8'8nbW and dllhwuhlf. Encloe-842-3572. • •~• -12 Hive 1350,000 dn for LANOLOR.DS/R''"'LTORS Woodbridge-on ttMI llke. •••••••••••••••••••••• ad VI'· Ample perking. .... _.... ..,..,. """' ececutlve 3 bd 2 ~be. 4 Br 3 ea, oomm. pool ,,,_ ~ JM Lerg1 ya rd aree. 718 2 Br. 2 Be. S t•P• to ---------1 ep11, ofc.....,,, w/potlttve F11t frM t1nan1 provl-i lt300mo •••••••••••••••••••••• Cono r••• St., Co1t1 beeeh, ffplc. M75. '"r,'9~~~·~ = t;:!.73°:';"'11 & .... dtf'I. B~i.~IY t'!~ !':1rr; 2 .. 1~~'r. 3 Br 2 Bl, •1250/mo 10 2 BR f Ba. no peta, yrty, ....... 213-7111-7113 PAOPERlY HOUSE prlv•te comm. Very 551·2193 « 987-1857 mo :=· dick, MOO. Huge a bdrm. 3 be, Pfl'v 842-3a!lo &42-tOlO c I e 1·n . Mu 1 t 1 e •I ... ,.,, 2 BR 1 BA duplex, prvt T 1 k 2 3 Bf 2 Bl. 2 cat, cornm. petjo. No pata. MOO mo. 1 Br. 1 8 1 . Ste p1 to ........ fll ...... liili7i5-i27i4~2;;;iiiii1 •••••••••••••••••••••• petlo ~ 18th Pl-a. ~~!1:r~~~.n~~~cb1, • r: =1~:;:, 1975/mo ,,,_ 1111-2175 be9ch. Utllt '*"· '350. ........ ...... • ..... t.,.J.W 1645· 115 ""22· 11350, Ritt 144-90110, Hive Oth•rt. Agt Fred ,..... "'1 sTUNNINO lero• 1 Br. ··2p"-~ '!<?"82 1E010 ml ID •••••••0 •0 •••n•n •• Spot.... Eutald1 dtt1t· 873-&58t T 1 n 0 r 1 e 3 1 • 1 2 et •••••••••••••••••••••• Gardin ...... pool a rec ,... __.,., '" • • lMllt ............. ........._ • ---IO-•BM llhM 1111 cned 4 Br 2b1. Never ... 1•2111 2 bdnn. 2 be~ ..,..... s .,..__ 28r F--~ ·-=-wvv.-...... ...,,._ •••••••••••••••••••••• 3 bd 2 ba. Wit blf nloe .... ...... .. __ ., .. 710 w . 18th. t. ..,_,, ·-· --· ceted In a 5 Ster OrMn· Cell ut ror YEARLY or r•nted b•fore. Owner · • T"I· _,.,.. 533-A w•"*'-* Aw. •••••••••••••••••!•~I~~~~~~~~~ leef P.,.. Prime end Unit WINTER rent1l1. Aeglr plrtlculll'. 2 klda ok, no ~·a•o ~·~~· 1 ~~ :~':: C.lfrfelw no pita. $760 X a * 281'. 181. Helt' So. C. '5IO/l'nO. &42-n.S MOVE IN NOW. we·u •~ with 1011 of prlvecy. 2 Propertlte 1176-4000 P•ll. no 1moklng. 483-nlll lahnbW 1411 2131'71MM195, a67-tm Ptua. S.A. Luxury Con----------cioM the eecrow In 10 L.1111/trnll bdrm1., 2 blltn1, 111a-1950/mo. Call 844-7211. •••••••••••••••••••••• IX (714) ~ do. w/po~. •575. No Bluftl Condo ~ 2 deya. Auume my 9.,.% ... ._. clled aunroom &. 2 car CIHn 3 BR 2 Bl, lplc, egt. HURRY NICE 1bf W/tf>t Orengetree condo, 16()() .... 25. 1 bt. utla pd, 417 E peta. 133-1974. bt, 2 bl, 2 oar ~;,:,: VA & 11.7% 2nd $1021 . 3 8r 2ba. pool, cerporl. R•duc1d to pet1o.7~l'll1t. MOO E'elde • chermlng 2Br pool, blt·lna, m011 l4IO 1 Br & loft, i.nnll, pool, Bey B1lbo1 No pet1. 2 br, nr OCC. ger/p1tlo ::· .. .,~~aft mo. 4 bd + 2 stry 1142, Pleyl A.£. 1113-1900 ~.ooo IUbmlt t.,.,,.,.. mo.. 1bl, fncd yrd, 1ttldl glf. OC.RENTALS 750-3314 ttrMITI. NO pet1. Avail 547-1156 t4eo Pkil llC. MS.-1317 5 • . 000 own/eg1 1142-2581, liiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiii l714t 67).4400. Blyfront home IVlll. now $560, 1tt/lut 1275 MC. Super 5bd, 3ba, Jee,,.,.., 9/l. 553-lt41 YEARLY RENTAL Chlld 0.K., No Dov-1-·-----~,.....- 54-1315 .. L.91 asu 11u1 •n.1111 ' !:.,~~o~~mB~~ ::_ ~vll4 Slt:>t 1, 13~1-82M a'b. r,:iC-1~~ sr.i':..,:-3 ~-,:": 1 bdr~.f~ Cpt1, 8acMtOfg:,. c~:i:: ~ .. ~. fu,·:~·~~~ •u: Febuloue n9W"h0me on HAR•OR Alaolntlflorhoml3Br2 E11c1t 3 er.2~t'9fe,2 SC.., ___ AtC ~ltl -... ,, .. -. _, ....,.., •--1-• latoe ttrMt to etrMt lot. p11101 dectc d l1UtoCtt i-.., .._. JUI atQtY, rw ,..,_., • 11--~-• •--_.. -1111 charm, 1pect acut1r -· _,. 4 &d Ith I t Be 1900/mo. By Ownr ger wi elec: opnr. 1750, tt'••••••••••••••••••• crpt, drapea. pool, )lc:z. --_, _.. E' 2B 1b OCMrt VU. walk to be9ch •••••••••••••••••••••• m11t1rrm1uwlt1 w•llh•Of11r~ 7eo.1977 1tt/•--• .,..,. ....... A·-11 EMERALD BAY. 3 Br. 2 petlo, dbl gar w/Ofl«*, ••,,.••••••••••••••••••• aid• dup .. IC: r a, OPEN HOUSE DAILY .--· _.,., ..... ·-Ba. f"""' btlck ...,110 with non-tmkr, no Pitt. S700 ll .. tltr W fncd V9fd. Glf, chltd/pet 1495. Contact Mgr It llPl 1·5 PM piece end belcony. No WINTER RENTAi. ,8ept 1, 831-12114 apa·~1•1500~ 2131 mo. 714.634-702t. wttfl flreplace. Stepe to ok. 1475+Mc. 131-24211 C. 332 Encino Ln. 1&412 Gr1meud LIM expenM wu ap1red to 3 bd, 1\4 bl, 1750. --& •II ............ k ...... ._.. •• ..,. ., .. ____ ._ 1 &._.. Neer PCH & Admlrelty __,me qulllty and or--'I\ Oiv1~kt0 of • 613·23411or1173-3915 _., 87&-2255. 2 bd 2 ba, dal'IWIN, Ref, ;;;,-'~73' ·-·......, ...,......,...,. 1-na•- Or. Lo 4 bdrm, 4.,. bl, nd mann1t lo 11'111 unu· llurborlhn'lllm\'Tlll'o ._ • ....__ lhMI ••• .... 3 Br 2 Be, ocHn vu, W/O,Aut0Gar1g1,Huge • 2 Br1..2 bl d•lu .. 1pt. # ,,,.,. ~ 120· bo1t dock, pool, aual end blau11tul pro-~~~~~~~~~!-Decoretor perfect, IP•· 1125/mo Arch Beech Iott bd. •850/mo. Cell 1 room with,... Ba. wllk to 2440 Eld•n Ave. 11125 •••••••••••• ..... ~ end apa. (213) 439-0271 party .. Cell fof rnore de-__ 1.. l..U.1•h 3111 clou•2 bdrm,a.,.ba, new H 911 , Av 1 11 9 / 1 . Jen M1rtln, 1151-9400, bHch, all utll. paid, no mo. 851-1221. IU- Re1 1t y World-So W lallt... ...................... C1pe Cod Pool Jee 133-9212 1f1 3PM. day1 l50-11118 Evte. kltch .. 1300/mo. Rita. 1 bd ept, upper, cllen, w 1 aaR Propa 142 i•H 24 X &4 with 7'X25' en-Oceanfront wltllt1t rtntal. racr .. tlon a,.., .,Vt pa.: ._ .. _ 64~22 M..f. painted pello fW9. 1375 •-..-a • 6 cloMd ., ... light Im• 2 bf', 1 ba, compl. ref\lr-tJo bllcony wine Clilar HAABOA OCEAN FRONT ·---Btldlel ...... 1'A btk to end ..... &45-11183 N.w 1&2 bdrm. fUxury Im.. IAl4 rlora. 1111nd kltoh1n. bllhed. OlrlQI. wutt«/ & io.. oer....:. Oecorltor NY am· kl• hm on bfuff. ~ "" °' ....... ... In 14 ... 1 8dnn ••••••••••••••••••.-.:: LMoa fllm. rm. 2 BR. 2 dry• r . U t 11 P 11 d . wall' P9Plt ct;-.,.,....~ 180 deg. vu or harbor, •••••••••••••••••••••• oc.n. Uttl Ind. $350/mo .... Nat 11• from 1516, 2 bdrm from 11 T .......... IWct BA ~5131. 997-3970, 11 to 5. mora. 1 1o5oimo. Cell 1urf, mtn1, 3br, 3ba, R1ncho Sen Joa quin, 175-4174 ...................... 1510, TownftouM from CUltOn'I Atherton model. ,._. ,,.,,,. llll i.-...... j JIU !Mt-2239. 10:30 to 6:30 .. curlt'J, 11un1. •P•· Modal T°"""'°'* In Ir· Unturnllhed room, utll• Vac1nt 2 bdrm. 2 be. 1840 + poo11, tenn11, aipw ~, twct-••··~ .... W!!!l ....... .....,.":":: ............... pm. 11800/mo. 4H-7QOI. vtne. 2 bd pllJe din, one lncld, ne 1r beech. Clrport. 1576 mo. w1tlrlaltl, pondll Qaa wood floora. re ncn 1~~~~~~~~~ Older Duplex near 45tti It. Emlrlld Bly, pv1 blacfl, ..... 2 ... ,......,._ M--' B••ut 3br •icac. home, the nlcMt In Ille ~ s-180/mo. ~ Wiida 542-3697. att 5 73G-7115 tor cootilno & ne1tlng doora, 1huU•re. 12t9, ,~ NB. 3 bt, 2 be. upatejra. poo11, t1nnr1 court1, ......... ......,...., nr •... Incredible cl1Y & ocean lopment. 1125/mo a Co. t 7s.e11!9 ai =-p1ld. l'rom San Otego 900. Dye, 774 -7500; Bluff• emall 3 br 1lngla 2 bt, t'A be. downltalrs. OCMrt vtew. 3 Bdrm, 3be n1n1 Pit, Cleln, an facil. view. 11350/mo. 2807 72&-2141 ~· a ~• Frwy drive North on Evalwtlndl. 997 "'4827 ••OIY condo. Good loc. Wltl llll • la '°' 1700, & o u • • t h o u • • . I 7 e o mo. 417. 2 t 4 9 e... .., »14 _.. ~ to Mcf'edden to ... ID... 11 .. ,llOO. AG'· 844-62115. 000 Of wfl buld to 1U1t 1 1800/f'llO wtntlf renlll Heney Al\l l.aguna. 4M-7200 ~ •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• I • aw In d V 111 e O I fetl875,000&up.(p1W or $2200/mo yrly. Suc:hadealfbrW(huge Studio Apt near oc .. n. l'uUtW W 1•lala o..2 ..... rx•2~~= (7 14~1tl. on the beet VIEW pro-L9I lln.T & 1pprov111 obtelnld) 7141759--0047 kltch, utll-od nowS330 Pr1v11e bMctl. frplc. 1 3•9R:•;-k·~·p;_•••• Newly decor. 0 11 pd, 1\;·.,,.._ t,.;;~ ptta'. ...., ...._ party In~ 11111 of Turtle Completety remodeled Arm t t 1 g • R •a 11 'I Laawia on und, wtnt1t. 2 OC-RENTALS 750-3314 1>9raon. $376, utll l)d. ""'° e ncl gar, dwaflr, pool, $500/mo ~ •••••••••••••••••:r.:T Rock. 3 bdrm, 2"' be. ••-ant 2 bd rm nome 714-544-2'14· BR. utM= .. evatl 1011. to 8elfTI ........... eccent finer LIQUnl Aeafly •M-oon ~fo ~ ~ :r:: bt>o. Adulta, no pete. · EAST81DE CM. ''"'''• Ubnry, latge tam. rm. -• :x:; ••30 I ,.,..,. ... ~ _,.."'"' • ••f 2 .. 7"7 7272 .. _ Mf-4073. "I IB'I WM.I .. _ room & bdl. Utll. Most roome htlW unot>-l>M lt~Allo teatur• Duplex on the ...... 30th .., • ....., mo. ,..,., PIY· 5 room houle, deep ptle ~,..., ...,. ., 1-r .. • ....,--_, .. ltructed VIEWS. ~ pier tor bolll plUI .i. NB. H..iy r~ 213-7f5.2937 carpet, ,,... tcltotl. bit· ourl'•••u •••u•u u•• ._.__ --LOI 1 & 2 w twnhee8'*. Incl., rt frlg .. 1316 mo. I tlon t ti.. ..-. 11'11111 bast. loCatlon In end out. 3 bf., 2 ba. •--·•·t• ___...., ....... Ina,.....,.-.., Kkte &-1 OC-AENTALS ..... _ .,.._. -frplc, dlahwlltler, llftd. 113-7544. ~. po'" ex .... -on quiet end of lalend. upetalrt. 2 br .. 1 be.";;_-;;_,~ A-<>K:"1;;o'+f9e. BEST 7~~,•~'200~•7~ ~~to .. MYFAONT ·-=~ =~ gar. Nr Hun~on Her-•·L.18'11'9---.... -0-,-.. -0----tnn-11.850 000. down11alt1. Min. 10% end t1decoreted. 2 Rellty 539.e1M .,..,._ • ......-· ~T-4 bt, 1 1200. lltdda u11tL I a;; bour. from ... · Cllltdr-911 H P9ClllC c. Hwy down OWC balanc• at bdrm, t'A ba Including t•'Jt Wft'I -EUT9 t.UFF: IBr, 2b1. 9llOll. llt9w 176-41121.JF-en OK. 840-MC)J L~9u~1 801'1. 0 111yi 13.9% for S 'fl'I. OrMt for dining room LMge 11111-• .._ Avail Now. 11100/rno. JI_..__ r.-MAM Be1utlfutly IMdeoaped 1 & 2 I R, pooliJ:' !Mng, 'Ml.t'/I KltoMn ewrll, LoW 1ummer rent1l1. 1736, ny deck ovWtootclng ce. u8 n I q u1 e II tMt I~ 1 Br l40401t ,131-0IM -:r.:~-::::-lf .: :":~ a:= ... Pool I. Spa. yw round. ~ • up, wtntar w. 4M-6214 000. A.rmlt1ge R111ty. nyon 3 bike 10 bl•ct't unga ow. o app a. ._,....__ ~ _ dlicll9. Ho Plftrl, no oerta. 220 12th et. 21t c o-pl. turn waa•tno 714-544-2414. · \U\a.a 11 xtre atorege. Yerd for W..ecllff 3 Bf, den, oMce. -••-8eof1e10r :::o to t 15 15th It "' • " end ltoret. """" fllflt Kid A. autt• deal at BEST 2~ Bl 2 Cl# ,.., ~--•••••••• ••u••••••••• . ._ TV lnol'd Wortdng "'6••.&..ftl ........ 1860 Pll' mo · ' .-• =6 BAYFAONT Wlnt1t 2 8" 1 ~ V to 70 .,..,......,. • ... , , ... ea.,_ -.•--. w 1144 -·-, -.. 497..4803 53Mt90 Im,.., ner. no P•ll . 2b• 1 car ., All tel-~ ...... ....,_,.,, ~.... .. ..... _, --....... ~ '"' 1-137-14118 "'Ma-• 111 • 640 tell or '42-4906 aid• lndty rm. H I O I rooma. i UI -. eo.a ••• ..-1'~••••••••••••• • rf .._6 Jiii Mini menalon & Bdrm, 2 pt11ncH. U60/mo. 1a9-3171or 147-4417 M A 11 1 1 C ~~~;;~~~~1~;~~~~;~; For .... 2 cemetery •• ~ ............... Ba. &plClou• llYlng rtn1 CHARM: EJ!plllded I Ir. 873·3724. 17~108 . .... v• 1 .. .. ~t3C.....,Da:~. located Harbor L1wn LIDO ISLE ~ 3 bdrm ''"' lo• ••• In Jcllofl. COZY. 3 car ?:.:· HVH ..... ~Ml ... 1111 L.soe 28r. 2 ...... ... ~ MO-ttto M~ perk. Mll1cet rm 4 Ba. 11700 inO. frplc, dbt ga r. rncd n' cunl, oa Id wlfrtncfl m~o'tt'"•lm••••••• 1131:Swew-=:--4IOI fem • .,._ room. ~ ,.,_,_ n.1a 1•1 LUii • llY. PrtOI sea& ... MOtttlot ' ___ prl'v1t1. 18215 wo rth window•. akylll"''· Ooean vtew. bMuUfully area. e/Sld• C.M. 1tr ~•·•r.......... •WPlll &450-.541...t571. OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, move. Cell 6$9·8190 1 1800/mo. 140· 623• futn, 1owflf!OU!!i..''.Plo, ~211r.1 1a.1411. O CC. 1 1 00 /mo . I Hutlful pool home . tmAl\.Lll 11 •••• IJ..::/ 1 Ba 1100 mo. Bllt BEST Rtlylea. 133-2237. pool & Dedo .... 5/mo. t Br. 1\4 ea. 1478. •t-1NI VMY ~loan. 3 .._...,.to 1 11,. oondo '"• -~1 l~N Onlnd'f, Mr, 176-1111. Anottlat 2 er t0t ••ISO, For.._."'.._ option, lt7J.OIM Lau~dl/ t ac .. pool. •-&i-._-.-.. -,-b-~--"-.-1-,..-.-1 tl~cfa:~·~~~·.,•:g: ,_,the ocwi. Adult., .. ~~ .... !~.. gar•g• too, 1t111dy yd, •15001rno. s Br., ieroe a... • .., 991 541-12.1PM. ~~ 2 eeory ,_.... Owner Wiii carry b•I. vlng wnh ucurlty 3 'R 2 mA. a.c. Plaza. &.91 llLI kllEdS•TOK. pet'f '"at yatd, ~· ~ ~ •••••••••••• T~."r: _.._ l40-4IM {2111 ... 4134. •Y•llrn, undeto1ound PoOC. jaC,J. tt2,tl0. ... 28fll IBA ~Gar. Patio ·-., • .__ neerby • ..,.,...., • •TUNNING large 1 Ir. Nol, ......... Hp4. partdng.1..Wlutoue PoOI I a ume t u .. ,.. Ownr, WID No ,.ti Wlnllr --Bluftt 3 bdn'n, t"Oa. goed' Gard9n Aelt.. pOa. & rec ·-·..... ,., •P• -UIOHll t •IO,.I 21,....,.14161 .... fi71M K~ OFF 2br w/pool lg locetlon, grH nbtlt. .... ~Imo. 710 w. Ctirlatlan Male pref. llMl \O •••°Hff••'r.iiff•...... LHM at lllO/rno. Of OCEAN l"fllONT - -bekltl kltefl MORE il1s 10 m. vi. w. I 115 0 . '""· It. e.eut!M gatdefl .... ........ IMe 1111 b"Y l~.000. Debbie o.irtum., 2+bd, 3 ti., ...... '*'-for .... oc-MN1AL8 1504314 144-1311. 1371/rno. Diil ........ twn; ~....._ .. pell. 2 '1Jlll&JllJllf. JI.ff ... .. .... ft llDD S • Pfte'9, llOOK. au.t. ftad ~ aradoul I-I HPt Cf..a *" S Ir. 3... MliM'I ........ M ..... dllldren .......... --..... 0'°'°9 IOO. )Qfll tin. P1ln ~ onty, Eftc:lnlt•, vlng. •HOO/mo lee. :::'~:!:"'yd"':: flfal'l 4. 11200/mo. Af1nt Qaala t. H 011tte . fH 1 I '*;.IJ-"Wllon ... 3 = ;: Mil~ __. ~o.nan-7111• ...,.C114)146-1oet i 7s;1930 oc-RlHTALa 150-331• 140-a01 ,...,.,..,u,w.11.-..n .,.....,.., •• i )f a1ot a-..=°' Tv: 81Ll Idle ltetN wtttl a ~' OCl.ANl'fllONT duple•. Senta ..,ne .._._11 Sir ...,.._, o:-. lllr~ ·;;-L I ltr 1 .. ""91 .. lf. fiq.,. ...... • ,..._ 1111 "*"· 2174 ~~~~Plot~~c;.~-~ .. ~iAd~-~:ii~:::: ..... , .. --•160. 2., Ba. l)lg ;;d .;;;t MOO oondo.An.dlger.dlr*'O ~ .nM .,.. ,,. taundiirrM: MIM 9M04.llW, 1 M. ........ CM. 142~. .:::i.zz;;r flopl.ger.14CM111 mo.er. S...0.14 .... ~ww.:. di*-.. • • •••• Her..n m--. .... ........ ,&: ... · ... , ... .. .. ... ,. -"Fml/Pm. l!MT14Dt! DUPLEX. 1 "' ~ 10 ~ r,:; ~ l*tc~ Mio~••· 1 k MO. no ,_... BE AC H ARE A .. •IDIWWW ~· 41W, 4 betN.TVcl-& 1 bott\, '4801mo. WlldtooM.· t HO, 114 rourtdlntt . Torra:'d A ~t. 141 IHI llJllJdllflf.i..Jl:Tell:(I ._. °"*1•• of ·-.. ""· ..... ....,. • aa-60tt 143-E«W poot, ""*-' ... •· ,_ IUJFP """' .. I II m ... ,_.. ~:. 4 u ::.n =·:::. t IOfW -1 M TH wtttl M 2 .. -1tWt. .. ep a rkll119 fOurttatne. t llr. tulll ..... A I it. I NIW ffted r.· f OWft· ... ~ • iNe• 1 11, t W 1•r11e. f4to. l 'elde. = S ...... pooll. llNldCM tOOIM. ..... 8a. Clllfd oll, 9ft tM ~'VILLA I COM· _... .. t.m• '°'* aoer.,.... "* Cloea .,,...,.. ltfft to Hoat Hoep. ,......._ ........ .-...,..._ ..-. *"'•.,.., MUNrTY I & a • n .................. fo ..-q 1"1"•· 0 111y a WJnW. Mtft. 81• 1 "'· ,.. ..,.._ 1100 n a• a 1llfMO. •·Nonu ......._ ...... ... ..... :::.I:" 111 ....._ • la. --.., ft. of c...... ....,. ~old & .,.. llllo ClllW ~.~paid. .. ,.no. ::d IHI/ I llR remod ... d '-WI :.e~ "°""'°' .... "'*Y ""' ,_. llntttrr • .....-r ..... v.tr ............ NIWt WM °"'* ONd tteotmo .. t71-14S ' eta OK. HOO/nu•. If.• t• bllle Oft eeM. ' INC IPU Ill 9"fY ..... • roo"'. lllt'-...-ottt I :a:r:·-··--·-....... c: •. ,.,.. ... ,,,_ ;:r.Q"·--· • .:... ... -........... :.:;;:...~ -·--... :o::'a~nrt'.! ::.i,...-:,L,ge ..,.. tkilint I llti t i. l a, 2 1• l~~-lfl1•1an, ·~~~ '1:i1r" bVrftl ea::.:..=:• a ....,...,_11 '°' etory, poof/ •nte. l\lr• 9l'Y ~ W ... ,.. ,.... --...., ..... 9'Ml9' lnOome.. ...... llllp """'°' 1 •• VOl'llllll, on "'"'" 11100. Unfurn I "'Hr "°Mi ~ ..... ,. ,.,~Mi ' flNnOe I SAVI~ o ou r l. t •ll/m o . ... ... iii LA 'A -.._ e·---· •JR tllbUHfldl Of dotlatll 111/ltr•Utl dlJI, P'ROf .. TV HOlM ..... 1•'1 :!!'!!."\~ .. --... ti II 3 -ll _.......:.= .... MDUCID ... prtaell 1111117~. Mt-lllO 141·1010 W. ~a. t~.-•• -:~-.. ....-; • . ,.... --1!.... ;.:ow....,...,..ou11••"'Tnf t•~ ,. i.w to a'rf~"I,, " · t. :=..., ,... .. ::r.:.091 """· =-=="1Ri :=-&t.,.-= = ~":o:·..,, .. ,, .. 1 .... .u-'~ "°'"· .~ IMI: j! . .... ',£m!!!'ll!!.! n1-~ •<',., . ~····· ......... ·l!'!-~"'"'DllW r.••· ,,,,..... ....... ~~· .. -. ~·i• rr~ ........ 14 • .., ~1• mo•~t~.&Alt ... ,.._w~ ~ ""'"'" er ••••"·.!!'-!..!',._... -~---.... ; ... , .... l - • B•by1lt11ng by CHRIS· Tl1'N mother. Mon·Frl, HB. 980~'4653 Pf!!t~lhAb ...••.. JAYS "8P~KEA8Y" Pro(. Barttndlog 81f'V. Any occuion. Prtbl btr 1-879-75521521-8141 ~~~~~~~ ... , .... ""'"' ··oeN"eAAt·&us1ftess·· #11.~~tJffl. f!/!i,.f~ ... Aoollld, ra-llPPfled, gulll'., .fn·aur•d. llc'd. o4 14891. 730-1900 frM MtlmatM. 8EAl/1Cf9 . Help for em111 bu1ln111 1 phona call •w1y. Rae· ordkaaplng, tu prep, ..,,.,,,,,, ltmn Bu1ln•11 eounaellng. .••••••••• •••••••••••• 498-1255 ~ OFF FIRST MONTH _______ __......_ Dependable, affordable, Cdl•tl #di•• 1111nt11I. An•w•rlng ••••••••••••••"•••••• .. rvlca. aacratarlal & Cabinet• & Carpentry bu1ln111 Nrvlc11. ·mall Small Jobi·& Reptl,. box rental, word proe.. FrM Ettlm•t .. 5'45-2003 11,,g. T1lex-F1c1lmll1, KITCHEN FACELIFT . ordet entry, Paoer•·IN.M Aeatyllng u l1tlng kll· buy, dllk l9ICI rental cllan cab w/raal wood. ANSWER NETWORK Sava $$S nowt 642·0811 180-7320 (Uk tor A.V.) #1~~~'!'!! •••••••••••• REAL ESTATE RMld.,.tl8VComm'I 873-1919 ff!I!. .. !~ ........... . Door llanglng, remodel, cablne11, paneling, etc. P1lntlng, camanc. R1f1. Jerry 5"48-'4413 ... . ....... All-. ;:r.m1~1~111~~11=~·············· ....... •.•.• .. •.,1!!1! .............. lJ 11\empoo l ....,,, °""" ..... .... • ... HAUWHO-OAAOIHO COlftPl•t• l•nltorlal Nr• .. ...... LOWH t fltH I l'rompl Color ltrlgntenara, wM 11 dt mollllln, olaan•up. vltH. tr1l11td 1taft, by "lohtrd llnor. Lio nH t pro11u lonal1. !~ 0tp1t • 10 rn1n blMOfl, I.lo~.=:-'· Conor«• a trM rll'llOYel bondao l "'' unlclMn 2~. 11 vr• of hlpt)y Y'9 el$>. Ml·Ml4 HaH, llv/t.n, rma t11:a;(Pi '4t-:IAMIM8-o4.... ~ Qulok _..,, M:Mest t13teme ot .. Pl lo". IOcal OU"°"*9 I.~-'-.,HlHM ~INQ., ~r:"'aa' fuar~.·~.: r..,,_ W-'-ti.!f ··•••••ntvt•• .... •• H~~: ~A= up ~-~=-'•f. _C_u_::*'_om_k_::-o-rk-.... ~-n1-,~-&-:-,-t·;:;;-~~j;.j;-· ltlah ~'.nolu • Od0t. Crp1 r~r. 11 Yt• r~ . .-m.nnT"'"·· . • T.....,...,1 __ ........ 0 ...... ....J-k 1 .......... ,r .. __. rrm· .. Kn· •••••••••• ., HANOlN01ITAll'l'tl'lO Uo. .. ,....... • .......... , .. ••r.· Oo work myHlf. DeoOfetor 1tytt lnl, bata, .,...,_ r~. -· ""'"' -· ... , 1 ,.-.... _ llc'd 20 YI'• In ., ... raft. ~ vH• -"' Ae" 931-0101 mantel•, llbrarl••· high up, lawn renov. 781-3471 •7Ml-41 --_Hert>:.=.:;...:&:.;2,.:,l.f0:;:~'2:;:•";;5:;.30:.·:...i·""'.v&ilNilii·M0Cil~Ui~t&;64;;&;Mri'i:iii'21&_1 ...., No StHm/No ShamPoO ~" r~ ~a.2'!'.~• l MOWING • CLEAN UPS HAUpNo & CLIAN-UP w~eonable, '.:::.~... L. IATU PAINTING /'8y~.~A0Po•EIAH•:P~01'=r. • ••• M .. ~L·:.·a··r:!~,···' Stain Spaotallel. P:11t _. llQ. uw. llSa.~ .. uv HaullllQ • Landtupll\Q Ydn.,JUQM Prop. mgt 8PEClALI Ext. IOI '400, .,_ "' """' '#'Y· Fr""'· 931•1582 """''' ,, .... t. ... 2-t907 ., -o913/931..oaee Yard Mtlnt. l Clt1nup. 2ity1680 64&-9313 work. PrlcH •tart It Alletaena/.._ e«eena EXCEL. 0 RPET CARE .. ••et!••••••••••••••• Jffalt'1 Gardening .. /MM, lod, eprlnkltr1, roto, CANYON P~INTINO • 14 St/roll. Aleo 119.ot83 NI/CM M2 .. N2 A 'ltKA'J<AINA'S: LIV~·l"f 0 .......... 'rM tr•-. ••1.!tft ••••• !f •••••••• • ''" rmvi. dtallla(lt. 11111· yri In o.c. 811111 .... 1,,.., Expert wetlooverlng In· ._ • .,,.. ._.._. JllQll 8ulflnQton hlkPf'a, d•llY mllld WV, ,_,....,....,' "".. AOllN'S CLEANING I aide weeding. Brian ..,, "'' 1tall•tlon. Rau. prlcea. mr.li4.Jl11frn ••••• o.n.r1°'*'"°' oltlca ol11nlng orpl melnt. MN. 1<40.toSO Servlol . 1 thoroughly ,_01_8_·_2_25_3 ______ 1 _g_u_•_r_. 4_9_4_·•_54_1__, ___ , Oon11,1111nt ANlgntMnt Alttm CO. (Uo'd). 8eourtty Catpat •. uphOI, ,, .. rug cleanlng . .,e-2116 ,,..,.. Cli4n1n•• clean houM. &40·0867 ''"''' All QlJ,'UTY PAINTING 511·Hto 1yttem1 tor "om• ' ClaanJ'l.. Wott<p;uiat. TrM 1rlm, ~en.· o nup1, "'"t/lnl rMI •at.. ..._,,,..._ •-~l F I ••• 71 .... __ • 11• Joan'• CIUn,ng Service •• ••••••••••••••••••• '"" • ' • •• .1 ,,_,...., ..... r11 1 • .,..,.. ~.::!~ln'l ••.••••• cement wor . Fr .. Ht. Houlll·Apta-Aant•I• YIHt WK.LI Lie B3Al271 539-2318 !'1.'!.m~ ••• n •• .., .. ~tl.,..m...,•,..,te_frM_._64 __ _ Ctat•flCMflflW Ooort t..,iaoad, doorw•Y• Cell 5"49·ll04 •nytlmt. Ottlc... 540·1217 For a Ir .. Itel lh .. 1, call IJ(TERIOR PAINTING **IAVANT'I** 1,.n•llJ ....... ,.... ......... added. l"renoh, en1ry. Til Ulll UIM HarryWaaM Attorney et Cu1tom work. Fr11 Mt. WatlOovtrlng Atmovlll .r.:::-;,'t!! ........... . Cellient·MMOt\TY·llock ootom & In terior . Lawn-trte-thrub rnitall TIRED OF HASSLES? Law 553-029<>. Rau.+ llna Int. & atel· All Typea. 64.2·1343 tlAYICl I ~PAIR Wtllt·Ouat. WOl'k. Lio. 831·1821 anytime, TrM trlm/rll'lloval Ou•llty cl11nlng help 11 ' nlng. Slaw 5'47-4281 ·~·-van <>ppene letvlcl co. #381057 Rob 847·2N3 M<el Alla. 980-7452 #lltlUff ,, •• '(114) ut.4Me n-111 Lawn Malnl/Rototllllng ...................... RALPH'S PAINTINO ••• • ••••••••••••• ,, •• Concrata-amall or tge ':':I.":'••••••••••••••••• FrM M11mlle 64&-eoe5 OIAL-A·MAIO. Qu;llty & BRICKWORK: Small Jobi. lnt/nt. Rau. rat... Cettllled HouM Shtare ,,,. t-.4a. lobe. Remove, raplmce or OAYWAl.L/ACOUSTIC QUALITY WEEDING l Slfv. Nr "'-Your hone. Newport Coetl MHa, Ref. Fr .... ,. 53e-9198 Bonded. 111/drJ (every ••••• :-::;::: •••••••••• repair. M&-8512. Aapalrt, 6ml Job apec, 11 Mllnt. Aamambar ttll 3 '35/"45. 540-4eat · Irvine ....... 175·3175 Pa.lntlng: our !amity trlldl· 3rd wtt frM~ "1'·123'4 I LOW AATE8 I Oflllel·P•tlo.Walka yrl. •llP· eud &a2·&&92 R'1: R•Honable, Rall•-APT & HOUSECLEANING Brlckwork·•m•ll or lg• tlo.n for ovtr 100 yral "''.,. ,,,,..,.. TrM tr11'nmfn9 ' removal, NO Joe TOO SMALL Wall ••••ur .. ·Acouttlo ble, Rick. 497-3070 Rellabl•. ••P· rtl. Hrly JQba. tOO'a local rara. lnt/lllt. Lie. 3"8252. F,.. •••••••••• ~...... Ill~:,~ FrM Ill. 5Se-2I07 Han~T~Stlll 1tudl Slrnmon• Gardening • rat ... 157-33-41 Since 19e9. 645·8512 .. 1. tet-3998 Conaultallon & Hand Ctl.U. Cut Lio. 3 9944 1•532-55'49 Cln·uP•. lawn care, lull Houaaclaanlng, food pre-v lfltl·lltft•lltlt OllTtM P&llnll ~=~~e,.4g1ne'' ...... uu•or••o•........ DRYWALL TAPING comm & rH ld malnt. Ptr•llon & ltlopplng by ALL TYPES MASONRY fm llllm HAAB R TRINITY PAE· All T11ttur11 & Aeouttlc 8'4Me8'4 couple. Xlnt IOCll rala. L.lc. 349-479 138-3e12 ~~)!! .. ••P· ~.:. '40~~ ,,,,,.1,, .. ,, "Tret WM wtttl a eon.. SCHOOL. OAY CARE FrM 111 Kevin 875-90et "•ROENI~"" SERVICE 642•5937 ...,,..,_,,Int."""'·""""' ···e·o·~a'-p:.,.f>s•·T·E·A·,·~··· 1cl1nce". Trlmmlrtg & CENTER. Co•ta MIH. c.... ...~ • expaft. "3-0011 Dlctc ..... ~ removal ~HowvctDof.. Opening Sept ta_ Full IJHlt/11} IHn·upt, trM Mrv. • Custom home deaning I #n/•f. Neat pttOhel, Int/ext. and 'A day care. 7AM to •••••••••••••••••••••• hauHng. 641·1096 Peta compl11t mild llrvlce. •••••• ••••••••••••••• 8111'1 Painting, lnt/ax1 Aeltuccoa. M&--1251 Iott. P.O. x 3-4, eo.ta 6PM R I I NOW ELECTRICIAN-Priced .. Prof .. bonded & Int. •A·1 ....... "sAeeld. "·t'~ ... mHI. .!hY'q'ua1exp... MIH, C•. 92927. Ph. Corner a::: &~11rv1ew: right, Ir .. 11tlm1te on •• ~H............ Unlcieln System• of Npt T~ quality. S~•I car• ma..,.tettai'a. Lo ;!Iba. Fr.: PLASTER PATCHING M2-tH2 ,.,. .. '""35 or ""'.7717 lar,.., or emall lob•. ......, M·'nl--.,_. Bct1. 850-1200 1 a dll 2 ... R11tucco1. Int/ext. 30 • ,._J ....,,.._, .,_. ..-.,..., .. -·-....... gwo• n n ng. Y'I 111.p. 111 Reta 498-5717 N 1 P I "''""2977 ••..,n• Shih lie I Lie. 311ee21· 973.os59 Plumt>..i.o-carpanlry Ouallty HOUMClaaalng CompatlllYI R•tM . . yr•. .. . IU ~..... • ...................... . 'Graveyard • . Chld LIC'O ELECTRICIAN Painting Call 964·5231 w/a pareonll touch. CM. No overtime. 730·1353 QUALITY WORK . n11t, ,,., ,,m,, ··~'" Moa1 eub~•· K-1'4 ~8ot1~~·'::.:S:iti::: F~-~~~1~~':2 HIRED HANO, WILL Irv, NB. Bath 950.0933 STARl/l~G COLLEGE ~~io1~ ~l~:-••••••p~~ ••••• e~~=gan ~~~~1e FREE HTillnll 841·2277 · TRAl/Ell Many dlve<ae l•lfrlll lnl••fl STUDENTS MOVING · Maintenance & repair. Reetonabll prlCll; tut, FIT Child Care, 7:SO to ELECTRICIAN chorea. WlllllJ!<'2·3"81 ............ A .. u uu CO. Lie. T124-o436 Pala1trl-Pa lntlng , Reaaonabla relli. ft'!.!~.~'e'!!!!f .... . ~r..~!~ ............. . Qr!Yew•ya. Parking Lot Rapalre, S.alcoallng. S&S Aiphlt 831·'4199Llc Dan Hallberg Or1dlng & Paving Co. Re1/coml. I.Jo .39780'4 1'42· 17;!0 prol111lona1 work ... 5:30, by Yi"Cnld. t~ ~ml job1/Raplllra, Lie. CALL. HANOY!li.lAtr.llM Dallon prof ... tonal, 1910, ·1n1TuCred.UIMS 1G·8'4027 Core1lde1en:1a1ictor111:11k~:a~ 892· 1832. "Let lhl 8unlhlna In" cuato~ wort< tool No Job (M11ter1 Dagr .. ). Ao•• 2 233108·C-10. 5'48·5203 Malnt., plumb. raoalr, fie/comm apaclellll. WA H R WI mp • n ·•r, ·1 hi c • ---------1 Cell Sunthlna Window too smell or ton b"'I Ca· & up, organ!••"' actlvl· I I R I •1 847·2378 tor fr11 con· Pr11llg1 Moving. Low en cabinet ,. n I no. lt•"tU.•ll1aal1 C'-·-1~, Ltd. ••• ••53 T ... ....... RESIO/ COMM'L/INO. P• nl ng. " comm . M.111 557-425'4 •••••••••• ,,,; •• .,...... -· -blneta, kllche" remodel ties, C.M. hOme nr Nwpt 20 yr1. oo my own work. 538-99571538-3884 · rat11, lant11tlc aervlce. 1---------Remod & addllloni, free 20% onthly Olecount & llnl1h1d carp·entry ... Hgtl Elem. 645--4857 Lio. 2780-41 Al 8'48·8128 INTERIOR WALt. Sllle wide. l/IH & MIC. PAINTER NEEDS dHlgn & Jll. Qutl & low elect/ plumb/ cabinets/ Carper\lry. Cablnalt DESIGN ln1ured. 543·8482. Cal. WORKI 30 yr1 111~, lnl/ ratM. Sieve, 752.n555 Whll 1 w~..._..,J W ....... I t I d 11t•flJ'"'"'''IU ll--1r·' **NORTH STAR•* Plumb · Ofaln Cleanlng 37 "''" • .. .. •• 1 11 "' ..,,.,.,.,. ..,,.. A,,.,,, coun er opa. o every· 11.1 :o; •n c -.. eecmcal .-in.-Arrange y01Jr .,,, tamlty T· 1 , ..... ••...-.. co .... e-ca noa. of Shopping right at ...... m.............. thing from atart 10 rlnlahl c···· t··;·· ····;r:i·· LlcElact. N•rlcw•l·Con•rvltcr•act. o2r20 "'88-01'"9 photo• elc. for full bane-l ,, Lie. 388780. Free.... IHI/•• sour,.~, .... : __,d_,, Pair90llllfzed, low cost ta-Call Br1d II u 9 0 'rem 0 1 • Rat•. Don" ... flt ol their beauty. Shlrl11 "'··'·'·'··•• ••• n: •• t.t.1.'•••••• Davia Painting 847·5118 ••••••'••••••••••••••• ... ··-1 .,. (l14) .l1 1210 •ddlllone, ''" "t. Ou•· clrcult1. 24 hr 6'45-.4174 71~5-3873 A Huber Rootln1>·•ll typee. a lly llot Claullled gal ewvlce1: Ind .. tamlly, ---'-----·---Illy 2nd to none. Bandai ---------1B1•ll.aJ · Nur111 A11't for home S PIRIT Palnllng. Never New-recover-deck• Ada. To plac:. your •d, bull. Initial con1ulttllon CUSTOM wood patio co-Con at. L le • 185 70. Piii before you buy. ••••••0u;;,;•j095•• .... Trada your old atutl lor care 1v111. lmrned., fl.illy under blddlCI. Sat11fac:· Uc. #4t 1802. 548-973'4 call 642·5871 and let • lrM. 553-0290 v«•. deck• & tencet by 5'48-'42H CIUllfled mak .. It Mly. 4 Smlll Moving Jobs new g oodlaa with a . Ina. 531·5883 Vickie, tlon Guar. Int/e xt. ---------1 Clallllled Ad-Vflor help Clualflld Ad• 642-5871 RANDY 881..()622 Clualtled Adi 8'42·5678 M 2·5871 C•lt MIKE 646-1391 OIUllflecl ad. 8'42·5871 l·921•1Ge0 comm/rea. 638-013-4 Cla111fl4Kt Adi 8'42·5878 you. ·1-lllTE FlllEllS OtdMt & largeat agency. All dWrta acreanecl with ptiOtoe & ,..,.,_. Oredtta: COamopolltan Good Morning Am«lca, TM Tomorrow Show. =rt · M1·11H for rour lewn mower DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS Sell your no-longer-needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today for 1ull details. ,.._..,,.. d•Me. Eatra llMe 11.00) 3 3DAYS LINES CL;ASSIFIED8642-5678 OLLARS ci\ U I OE 0 • 4 D OQ 4 a a;czw au a Orange Cout DAILY PllOT/Wednetday, 8eptembet l , 1882 lit a.c .... tAI MIM'lll .... tAi lllk.IFM'Jll .... T.Ltr ..,_~ nw.11.rtt ..... ll!ff """""' ........ • 111¥.IVfl•-• "fi!!::!:'1 MM """'9«...... . 'Wt:"' .... ...... ,.,,,,,,;;;,.:,,;. .c.: !!e. 111m11Yllml HAMCMt To.._, '*N:....,-. •. ..._ ~,.... M llL •11111 .. ~nrnn .... rr.u 11· HOiiie c.t. ~ w1 .. • • ........ l'TAJ ..._ ,.._.-II I00,:0.ofNDtM"" Alt'~ l~Ottt lefNldlllla. "''' w/A·1 mel re11. wlwootl oa•lrtet UICI '0" IALI '71 I I HP t14 "'"' ... Mlle Ulle llOATM.IJlt.AV~ :::i:'\.1t .. ,.,fir~•~' ••1r.': 11 ayoei, '1rm.·c111~ .:=::... i4l:n 1\\~...0..111 MOl09011M011. treeft •••• .. ,.~p, an lvtnrude, tong •ll•fl, MW.tltoO.l?Mtn Newoot\IMOtl:40'ue• leo'w., '¥ olnt terH nt ~ ~· To tood llome. Nie oet Oornp6ete I p1eOe beCINft iaodeee. l110 ...... "70 eteo, 9'erler l.UO. LIDO 14' p1Ut ,,..._, reoe Cell Mt-4f44 from l·I, -tllOlll*'"91 '"'"°': ~1:1::0: typ\nt, lnol. •t•tt••to.i, I "' ..... .,... IPP'Oil • "'°· ca... w} ... with "*',....... ~ hlko Qold OlllCel °"'°" •• 0 •• I • • 0 r equip. # 4 1 H . e•C•I _Mon-....;._,,_,-----= M per fir, p . l lH ... a_.,.'* to' Lee 117 ... tN oNldr9n 141 ll04 new. HOO, 1?1·10S7. f'I09'-" WetOI\. lrancl l11410-t4~. concl. 0 111 Grtt ILIN evell. Hvntlfttton CIPlft. plye •ettw ...,_ ft. =~1r· r14 el. Oold1po1 ll'efrlt 1111 .__,,_. 140-IHI n.w. ltlll In oleetlo. ,. IWWUde 01 llHP motor. :1"s!iota4!:.. d I y a H a r II o W t I I 't • Live-In f\ellHllt•lHf. GeflM pil'OlrW. ... ii!eyt ' IPMd Queer! oi 1r.:r1n......... • .. ,, • .,, ....,. WI tall HIO. u\lnO 1160. 1371. . 1 1 ••• 4 0 . 8 ••• ' eoott.Metwe .... llome tllt)f rw.f, ""'wlll train ,, ,.WUIW ..... ** ** ml ,.,.~mn ......... ., ••a.ta11 14' H081! CAT. 1811, Me.nee. in MIMlon VI$. La ,no Ill• 'rr111t' penon. ~or ' ~-... ra ~ =" ' I 8tJY ITl,.LINO SILVI" 41 ltlPaiidet dOlll, Terry LM Homellt• G•neralor, 3. ..50. -.,--,-,-,-.-,--- nt• roo"' wit" ljetll. ~oellMt.KNlttt IUL llTl11 fWriO, 11 ~ft, no frOlt, GOOd u.-'"""ture a ~·1~':':'.8i~o~ doll• a ml10. tvu ooo w1U•, n•w. 11110. 657-1&40, 831·7180 -lJ , MM "°°'91 & ~ Pll'9... l'UI llme •reel ...... !lo> •vooedo, alnt. 1111, ~I will Ml .... ION. 720-0IOt '41-13tl 21' ....... ., ...... •••••••••••••••••r.;J'J m ~I v-;roni C.. PIT ...._,Uonlat, lronl 09!* --: ~~ 142-lln Of •LL lot You MM --Ml .. ,, ,.,,., "41 Full equlp.r 1mm1c, OleHIC 11' ll'unabout, Ml-iu., c.:w. er P"' :=.::~;::1y,,.":Q C:::~J::---Dlallwether, Portable, I 141...,..MM ~MIH ••••••••••r..n 131-42ee ci:;;f~·;9~·L~·;:i:;;; ~000. (213) 4119.1937 (~~ ~~e;:oen 15000 • ..... MOO/ G deMi' •kllll. GrH\ woilll"' ...,..,, Ceft AGO oyolea, h•rveel told. • • -M~PIC IOI l·VVH Century bay boel 4 cyl --·------~ ..: '40., ~ 11moaph.,•l •lrport tor appointment , ina~ruMpert •• 180. .-... -d rlng,IC>f.17100 SCDIU.L£TS 0'9V '3500 t7M191 '8p91k Sundenoer. 11'. eo 11' ........ .... Pf OW« yre. ., ... Oell .Ncty .... ,..,1 as1..oae °' .... 1sao, 142.u11 Lea-· :.1.,,3$ ttl tuOO. lf1-e21e ~IP l\Nll · · 1q t; 1111. never uNd. J~ Jet."° Olde, 1o ~o~::r.f':5':, niw -l.•dY l(enmore ap1 •IH Bulova ocHnoorapher •NSWERS •• lft.UI MOO. 12131402...:MO •I· twe, ITMtt ... '° eppr.. 11·7. '•-_... T~ Aealttant MO-WMtlw, llke new, •150, ... ... ..... rn.1•1 ac>ot1 dr .. "91ctl. ft Winner of Chtrfcler le< I pm end WMttend• cl•t•I Tandem triller. !aparl•n~• i::,•rr•d. ded tor 1·24 grldH, .8'2 .. no PAICH START AT:.ioce tOlt llelel a band. Seorl· =: = 8011 Peretle. 11 Xtnt l.ldo 14 wltr1r 11100, alao IMOO. Ml-8718 ~.:e:.="'= r~~:u..M"f.a':: ;e~~el'I uut .UPIUOHTFRHZIA Bed91187,8ofell..cM lloef111.&42-o955 MINOR ::z,o~a~j3l7~~~0 or S•bot l 250.8othXlnt I 11Pfl ........ Mutt heve eaperle"oe. IS3--1100. whit•, te0/080, Se a I I 11 '1 • ea d 1 • U,,_,.,. •11 In todl.'t'• eoonomy It 1tlll o . • . e7&-7973 1 85 HP outbeerd with tr1r. IMcfl .,.., MMty open, • T t AC H E A • P R I!· Ulntl. 751-7011. =ltr ... ~:~-::" •••••••••••••••••••••• l•kH mefor money to I' TINltlel INt 12 It SldMy. tmmec cond. N-Int. Gold wllll red t411144.4*110:8pm. IULDTITIULD SCHOOL, lmmed lull· WUherDrywAefrltl ~~ • 1 ~· .......... rnekeMIHOR!MH'cfluM. Futer,tuner,aa1tr,tll111 Xlnl for Harbor or ""'*· 12000 080-d• Need 2 eicper. ~In time employment, ..,.. Dletlw;.,_ .~ • a po ~1~ ~ ::1 ...... ...... • _, __ , A Jet 1kl, with lrtll•r. WOOObrldge L.ake 1425 857·8390, fN &44·7111 ...,.181,.,..,, commerclal and lndu-ma. Htrbor area. lnlo Xlnl Oond • :-'5141 4 Chelr •ht •n' f!.•I w-rm ,..._. Need• motor. 11200. 12· Comp. &3S.~11 " ..... ..L atrtel,... ...... for auc-540-1818 · b k b cl 1111 • • ,_ llulnllMll Ml mlml ekl bo.at. 2 ... tar, • ,,,.,..,,,,,,. " .... wlft OMelUI Md CltOW4na firm. T S-'--Port•:1dlthWutl«, ~t-un • • w meu 31182 Ca'."lno Oepl· •••••••••••••••••••••• 45 . HP Marc . 11.ooo. Columbl• 1& Day Saller, •••••~••••••••••••••• ..__. f II IMt WOtlllflQ oonclftlonl Mptlone -cner lop UO · 1117. atreno San Juen Cepl· &40 7488 L•pworth dHlgn. wltll #i l#&M Mf11 llff ~'" r.111 In w~rt IHoh. lain Blgl~lby 11190 ~ 120 .. 546-11337 lllllM ... 1'111 ttrano' YAMAHA BAH Amp. • Tretter. XlNT Cond ... ! ................ .. ..... f•.... 7141 1 bHOh, 300· 100 I • tHO Harbor, CM 483-1023 Heed wltll a doubl9 15" 15' trl hull, olbow, OMC S2150. 54s.8&47 ....... 1211 .._,~new ceteer on WMll. c.11 531-7511. ..._,., lfll U1..... PV tPHker ctbln91. 120. 100 hra. tow cvr, ....-59 our 3'd IMl. ......-. 14. AeoeMno C'9rtc for Nt911 T .. • lel &&... mi:••••••••••••••••• llMilal" ~ Fender BHI Preclalon canv••· 15200/obo. •~-II •u,. Xlnl oond. 546-5141 Up 14 50 -·~"' i.. ~ .. ore. '8n·tlme I Ill lllllmfl Olrl'• 8cMrlnn Beach EST A tE SALE· sarouk ................. :".~~: Outler wltll caM and 111· 552-7711 -..... ~t.." -• to . .. r:'Y S)Oeftlon, Mon-Frl Ex~ NHded lmmedlalely. crulHr. 150. B.oy'• Orlen·tat rug Stelnw•y Radltl arm uw, 1288 trH • ell In •Koellent _.. -1· #1m,,.,l11/ oome more PP . «Ml nenoe PNferred. Cell tor Ideal for atudenta or llo-27-lnch.L-~gllt ~•ltlll ebony gr•nd' Pl•no, Er· OBO , w/atenO and condition. Or••• 111111n\.!oat. 19' ...... -.............. ,,,.,,n 1111 ::;,'n1b~ ~ 9'1C)I. '44-S070, AIR for memekera. HCMlra. 3·8. 1o.ipd • ..w. Neerty new mine cape, .. eoullve blede. IM&-4005 •--lt 1..,. Alum. 11oHbP c, heavy Sdll91pa .:v•ll•bl•,.~orontt• •••••••••••••2•:•••x•••i• ....._ . Katie No ~· Airport lfM. Eaercycle S50, ~ deek, c:ryetal cNndeller. --duly I It ed lrlr. Xlnt m lf lrM, -pr · 187fS Hualty 1 " M . n C..: 1 4-531 • C•ll tretwun 8·12, l di • S h 1 3 d Pvt pwty 1-183-74S1 ,,_114a... .... cond. 11485. 790-1450 P • g j Y o r C • r r I• perfect condlllonl Must ~v~~w~h::d1~1v~ ~~·,.,••ST~• t40·4fS47. Alter 1 pm, 1 1 ~11 b& w ~ f •P ' ' ••••••• .. •••••••••r.7.': All Brand New Equipment. BOSTON WHALER 13W HS..2 73 wkdyt 8-S. :'~~~,o~~~~~·11C~ Mar, Coat• M••• •nd ·--..-.· VIRl a; ee&-0151 ~ro•d c!'nrd 1-::· Roll~~P aolld oak dHlt, Antique mehoQany cabl· P .. v•w 81ndlt 50W. 40 MPH Johnaon. euper Cl Ft. MHrl•I I an1wer, plt•H keep =r ~~~~u:~ rage-~· :" ~ ~ 17~o&;~~ ~~ge5:,l y ~4-9989. • . ~ti.~:::~'&• ~ ~ ,::dor~j/6~ !.~ I~~~·= ::,1:: :"/.33;'rller. muet NII ~~::~'. ~~':°~u~rk trylng ... ev,nlnga i.tl lldl. E. 0 . E. ~ &me fifing ngHre no~ MC • fS28-2113 MM'• 5 apd bMCI\ GM-• Poe1er 8wllng1on On IZ .. JVC" tab I• AM /FM fey Pro-Meg •OOU .. IC A ...... ~o1 34' cc ,._ le Dock. 111.000. 554-2328 Honda 3e0. 8 apd. Auna 4:30 .p . 3:00 pm·. celi Mr. SHI. call Doug 1t weterbed ,__ ~· prtce atereo r9dlo wtttl I trldl guitar plok·UP w/ctH • ..,,., · · .,.,..n grMll MOO 080 . ...__.. ...... -·to. M-'""~ bet..arl 10 em . 1 pm, 1T1Lm..... U0·5100 HI 18, 0 10 1495 080 &48-4005 • & record ..aa--111.00; 150. ShYr• microphone wlllfp. Completely relUr· PIER up to 211· $150/mo. &48-4392 ----....v • ..-General offtoe dutlle 1n 5:30PM · bathroom r.mwble type" PE 615 wloeH, cord blahed. loeded. $5000 11· $ tOO/mo. Marcu1 --------tor Yecllt Corp .• 1931 fS4.4-t872 N 8 Brokerege Firm a.tot fMhlonedwoo-alnkln1door&2drewer •d•plor & aland 1100. D.P.-0 .W. lln. (714) Channel.973-8145 Cluelllec1Ada842·5678 Pleanlft, Coate Meta. IDTAIUIT llU Houri, 1 am-12. XLNT 11111 ..... Ill ded bdrm tum, dbl bed. cabinet ptua m•tcttlng 2 5'48·107fS Uk for Bonni•. 975·914e. &31-1 123 Mecllcel RecepUonfet DAYTIME SHln needl op"pty 'for coll•Q• atu· SCHWINN 831-421fS S185, 875-5810 door wtll cabinet a OIHH l'urUIUI I '18 25' Cabin Cruleer, lly· In ophthelmo109y. Xlnt DEll PERSON; HOS· denl. Stoett Room, INlng, White French Provlnclal "marble type"~ aheff, . L•' "'' btldga. VHF. RDF. dingy. working condition•. TESS a SANDWICH etc. Call &44·8111, Ar· * WllTll + trlpte d rHHr & nlghl •II for only St00.00; ~..f!HI LD•ded. $14,000 (714) Hunt. ldl. 54W7et. CATERER. PeradlH lerla atanclr dOU,. l elngle llor•~ bl•nk•l-120.00; ···oESKS.FORSALe·· 59+.8422 . PAIT Tm -Cal• • FHhlon lalend. Wllter/Waltr"' ~::;~~~'t;n~~:'O:r::: m.ttr_.. & boKaprlnga J•:;~11,_•12~1:0~ n,:.,, "!: Duka tnd mttohlng '92 ~t cc. 11. eoo-o Newport Center. d 1 0 d di 101 wtth tr.met, brown vlnYI · • cf\alra at NCttllca price w 75 HP Evlnrude ColeOt credit avaltable. Apply In penon S:-51?m, French RHl•urent H · • •· 00 con ton armchalf' &--lovH••t. · 100" m•t--.(.4)-S20.00; afT550. Replacement oe HHd. Otlvenlzed S150 I0..$300 P« week. Mon tJlru Friday. -per. Kpply. 3421 V18 onty. T~lll32: lland·ctrved M•iclolan new 14 lnch}lght alloy COit 12300 CALL DAWN triller. In w•ter now. !Me-5711 Mk tor Geor· lido, Newport 8Hch CoffM tlbte, whit• YinYI. rim• (8MW •> HI of e.-5pn1 M·F 133-aeOO Skip r1lll. fS?3-U33 go. Aeeteurenta from 10 AM to 3 PM. '8JMJa, Floral l Oenlth occaafo.. +.S200.00; two,_ oon-, _____ . ----•--'------- Ptrt·llme gen ofc. Dealr• INT/Ill -lllPI WAITER OR WAITRESS •..n.i. 1111 n•I chra. Tbl l•mP a tlMnlal et ... belted r• --,., .. 1111 ... ., ooli ()(HS etudenl •fter· FIT. Vehlet Turtle. A.it needed., IUKUIY l..llguna •••••••••••••••••••••• plclur••· All ~•In· dl•I tlr•• 195170 HR Mutt .... ~ furniture. 3fS tt Grand-~~·· Xlnl nooM. &31-Meo : ... or Ldeurl• 58 FHhlon 8Mct\ Hotel RMtaurent. •W Ht/n, ~~In good 11on. ~!~~~~.~~2~MC: ~~I Low pflQe tor qulek Mia, cond. s1eepa e. 159.500. n · Full Time Poaltlon for Redwood 2xfS d.,c:klng -3088. r 0 r ~ • d I 0'tn; Incl ltrge euc dHk. Fin. Avtll. IM0·8800 P~~~ ~~!:.~!::>:~: Ret•fl Stleeperaon, for tite9klut and lunch ahllt. 4-20' long; .i.o ~ BHutllul l•ed•d gleu c•bln•l·l20.00. C•ll Mlec chtlra. lov••••I, MUST LIQUIDATE 29' ~ M4-8111. clllldrena •lore ... pet Contaot loll Belolt fanc:lng. e.tt Jim or Ken bookc ... ldeak. Pr•H· &42.0134. :!!!!~=,door. tble. Wellcraft Nova _w/lrlr. only PIT. FIT. Petite 487-44n anytime n&-1481 back roclltng chair. Ex· "'"'· a. Sipe 4 Kini cond 111 Hifl fml Mtrctle. CM. &42-4714 fM llJn Orntmen,lll Iron eo',nerl oellent condftlon. Reuo-••• 2111111• hfl 1#1 18000 ltku It .° pp E-and/or weekenda. Satea-FMhlon Conaultllf'lt •••If.'.••••••••••••••• I I 1 · 11 fSI nabfel 85t-9Cl79 II to 20 tong, 3e$ per It. •••••••••••••••••••••• fS45/7230 or 754-6882 Reeponalble edulta. over Top S, frM wardrobe, I'.-....... ~ :.:0.u~1~ THk dining room HI, 175-1491 •nytlme. Cenarl••· •II colora, I•· 19111 11' Dulfleld electrlc 21, wltll ou1etandlng, •t· lnd9pendence. 730-tOeO -::::r••••••••••••••••• table w/1 cllalr•. Xlnl SAFE rnalel 115• ~ 125· tractive pereonaNtlM to or.Tat...4347 -ANTIQUE..GARAGE .._ ,,,, oond. MOO. 851-0llM. Melor Modeff7f2 142"""24 leunch. Unbelfevable. AN work Whll yOUtll f-oe·a • Hundr9de of ltemt for :;"'A•••••••••••••••••• S200 (7'4)1fS2..()8()7 a1._ I a.,. ._. color le gekioated red. 10-14). Call 2-SPM. ULD (111'11.) ..... ~ saar:~ .............. Beautltul tumltln, owner glut 40" ty !::!'.~ ... -:~~~ :~n::~·: ~~01~0r;:~ &42-43.21• flit. 348• EOE :'n~ ::::=.~~ '2'5: to •15~~r1 only 1922 ~~ ~/~ ~: moving. Reuonabl•. Flsti;5, n! ~ ... 0,::11, UWllY .. 1111 deck•. atereo, tvall. Im· PAIT lm Plaza, Julle 541-8703. Monrovia, CM. &42·9291. 541-258?'°':" S.t-3598 rned. '20,000. 720-0855 ....... S•l••P•non1 good OP• ·oARAOE SALE M~~~~· TBINBEDwlthbou-:rt· -LlftllU Wenled: 8@y grand pla· w ....... u. En)Oy wortttng _..,. klda. portunlty for lndepen· SAT/SUN F,.. to Iha r1glll lemlly: melt & frame. ·~ • I hew eomethlng t>eautl-no. appeerence mutt be 1971, all gltH, dal'a. WOf1l __._ we train dent contrec1or or toota. hoUMhold, *-. 7eo-eoot 54s-129• tul • 30" high e«•mlic :f'"l1~ not beJtunc-Rdr, allp. owe a1 10%. ----etralght commlulon moped, beda. 3225 0.. WalnutH ..... t>oww/mlrror. horae Ont 17"' on•. tnet. or oyce try 110,000 dwn, 179. =.n':..~I ~-=-720-1851. . kota SHIH TZU AKC PUPPIES, 4 deep ":f;awer.a. f175. IMO·Uot ~nda.". 7fSl..3337 500. Bier. :113-493-3729, Boat picture ads provide 'II ' 842.-.321 X34t -• Camp Hne. Fe/M, utOr· EK c . 11 • n t c 0 n d . ,,..,,,_ ,_, llH 815-9001 I . . • S.... •u"-IM.... ted colora. Ouer. from Ma.1291 Orey Codlatlel wllh cage .r.::::r .............. -. --------lllliij,;.:.:.'~.:_--~~ ' IETllDT •••• :':':I.............. S1fS5. 538-0925 150. Formica kltch•n SCUBA o.EAR 83 Sid Craft with traller. - PAYROLL Looking for .. tr• In· ~~~ .. =· ::Cs~ Old Engllah Sheep DoQ .... Ill 1'-'30. 557-e393 Complete. l300 ~~~ ~· Reataur•nl cllaln Cof'p come? Try Parl· Tim• $400. 9842 SwfcfM1 0r'. f•m•I•, 10 moa. otd'. King llze W8Wrbed. 8Mu IF YOU HAVE THE IHI· <714) lle2-0907 pm. 28'. Erlcton Fully equipped crulee. Office In lrvlne nMda ...... Tueedey tht'U Frt.-HB t-5, thuf.-8un. CMl'I 1225. Cut;. 557·2279 lwadboald wflll lighted TIALS OF .•JI 13' Boeton Whaler. 19fS1. e talll, UHF, compas.Ji covers. Ml*· payroll~ daY, 8 AM to 12 Noon. onty • ·JDlaO(, ~ ---~I, 4()--hp-Mete. M300;-0tll ~•~----p Cfltt •1lf.51R> '!:.---• to .tue.charga..ot.r ..... -wgril.ry 'FENNYS'A'Vl:Jr -- -• • ~I h••t•r Aleo metchlng ltnH 1111 John 2131574-8034 er ec 0~ on ' t&tr1t1t payroll. KllOWlng 1 io Placentl• Ave '--mM ,..,. ,,.. If •H _. nlgllt t•bl• 3 mo olcf. You.,. In IUdc. 8-utlM ••••••:/••••••••••••••• 1 •4567 computer ptyroll la • Coate Meaa. .Mtt tor Mre'. ...,.••••••••••••••••••• 8Assrn.HOUNc);.;:•7 coal over s1,ooo. u c "'hand tooled check book Sanyo color VCR 4200. 35' FB Dr•k• Crett Jn ,._ _______________ ... mutt. SaWy commeneu-White End of SUmmer Yatd Sate. yn old Owner 1r.,.,Jc1.. 1450. 730-e2N oovw with horaM head a New, never uHd New ctualc bflltol condition, rtt• with •blllty. Call ~. dothlnQ a Iott muit ;1nd td home f lnllf1la of CHO. Error, 1700 • ..,. for S500 '5000 down wllll Kint Me.-8322 tum. of Junk. 8-3. 3ef Myrtle Fred 482.fS24S or lOV9 s..1 green & gold coat S25 .... for 115 to fS31-n11 E..,.. 9.9% 11nanc1,,'l.'v111. Call Permanent PIT Sal•• S• 1. Se St. 497·5299. Sat/Sun · · plald s2& luc*y penon with tlleM •--I .. _ _,__ for o.talla. 7913 poelll1>n In retall l•n S Cf FrH Shepherd /Sheltle, • e4&-9124 lnltlela. C•ll U0-1708 _,, _,,,. 7 9 Flberform, 22 It., wl s k c1 ~ nt vn. good wlttl kick. -Deve. r..1-1 trlr 1500 It nan find« arote. ome WM en Typing, allortll nd, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~2e88. Wrought Iron Wall Unit • rt..... ..~:X::-::•••••••••• uuf= TR t• .... Xlnt conc:t' WOf'lc required. We wlll ·bookkeeping. 8ecmAfY b"--W w/4 beveled 1helvH . ~ .... ,,, 1111 t1o 9oo ..,., · trMI. 788-4248 M1ary ptu9 tr.ve1 aai. ••• ":7.~••••••••••••• T~~ hm. M• Germen 135 • .........a4. Te11lt 11• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • S?0-7t51 Photo Lab• 9Mrp COlmter oornm. ,.,...... ........ ... ..... hair. 1 yr. obedient. • ~ Zodlak M•lt II. w/AO llp help needed , 1 Hou 540-2500 SOiid Bf .... ~e;;riqu. Ilk .. ctllldren. 5M.o887 1 COUCH/ l.OVESEAT, Mere mtr. 1111 acoeu. a ·79 Invader, 111' lux. bey/ Photo. ToP ,:; for rtgtt~ ext 1408 e.t 5-7 e1s.o391 To good home. 2 9dorable s75, °"•~m ~=o~ . .:::g trtr. mint condllton. akl 1>oet. 2eo hp Merc- peopte. 97M122. ...... .. Antique aollcl Mahogany golden Rtvr/L.ab mill. 2 KIHO SIZE MATTRESS l or -1 on.r. 751-9375 S3300. 546-9830 crulaer, $8900. 790-1334 Pftoto Lab needa dark In Laguna 8Nct'I Alea. W• drHter, 7 d,..wer, WI yn-old. 64&-3A2t aft 8. boa 11Pftna. fnme S50 S&et. pool tab69 Car lop 14' aluminum II-Boelon Whaler, 2 Yl"I old, Negatllle tllM, Rm aol-traln, due etartlno Im-m irror. UH 080. F,..puppytoQOOdhome 487•5223..-• • S500 ahtng boet,8.5.Johnton, 13', 35HP motor. •Int ang. wnou. dutlM. Ffl meda.tety. se ,., hr to ue 4005 Shep x Lab. Fe. 10 wo. .,,.. 78CMS234 JCtraL 1750. &42-1025 conc:t. 13.000 firm. (714) Bue Moure. Non-etUdem, atlrt. Vaid CA Drtvws lie Ant bUffet tiger Ollie clliW U5·3572. Good Wltll 4 yellow t""9d IWMI di-.. ,, """'' IM0-12'2 · Non-Smkr. Wiii Train, r~ tMt mini '8?5 R9cord Chll<tren nlnt rm ctn. MO ell. Fr•nz Metronome 125, .:,1 --.....• ...,.1 Apply 10;2 et On Site 4 Mon-'11 1-5 • · • &42-3797 Boogie boerd with leutl ~:'Jl!l!!!I ,..,,. ••, -· PllotolGraplllca, 3303 pteyw, wlc:yllnd« rcda. Puppy. whit• 8elglan ahe-S30 5 dfWI' ctMat S30 •••• • •••••••••••••• a.,,. HSI Hatbot 8IYd Ste E M . SECRET ARY, FANT OFC 1450. Evea ?'20-0508 pherd ~-Vwy Lo-2 twn mettr ... Mtt wl Ult iop dMtt l35. Fr Pfo¥ AVON red 9lart wlmolOf' ..................... .. Commerc. P9tk, Coet• Adv Agency. Good ty· COLLECTORS Storyt>oolt ~ 10 framee 1100. Ko G ~ dr...., l mlrrOI' 1145• mount. CtOod cond. 1385 40 Viking for Charter Me.a. 540.oeee ping •nd phone voice Dolla. Klllena, frM, wlllt• fe· let comtoner wf~ Nf-O.k a chr 115• Baa• 080 . ..U...OOS Flahlng. diving & en- HMnllel. Shorthand a 111.85 .._ 818-to511. me .... HouMbf'oken. 8 flel50.Bmlthr11~1Ch2• boetera 11 7 a2o . 2 ............ wlllllH, tertalnm•nt. Cell You don't need • gun to l>MJ. Opportunity to, ad-Wk ..&A "'"2..c• .. 5 cllalr, ottoman '""· 551-8t9CI No-30'a. • .,.,.. ... 1 No lfS2·2718. "draw ftlt" when you vanoe. Sta.ty c:Ommen-· a...,... .... .,.. Oriental ~ ., .. NOi ......, •--------• Sll9C9 1111 act1n tlle-Oally aura•• with eapertence. Put 'f04M adYertlelflQ mea-Fru to good llom• •XI, 3X4 •so. Mlhog. Round ltlp LA toCNcago. 32 S700. lfS1-4387 W 1-M ...... I Set your course for fast sales with a Dally Piiot boat picture· ad. Each Saturday, the Dally ' Pilot wlll offer you ad space that not onty describes your boat, but pictures It as well. The price Is guaranteed to buoy your spirits -$45 If we take the picture, and only $40 If you provide th8 picture for a 2 column 3" •d. For further details about how Dally Piiot boat picture ads can work for you and to schedule your ad, call 642-5678 and ask for Sally Lee. Plot Want Ad9I Ceil now c.11CWOI,10 wn-12 pm. Mge wtMlr• the rMdere abandoned yellow llib. 4 ~lief coffM lbl 1125. Velld 1 ~-S7to _,._ Find what~ou want In Newport. 7141931-0800, I &42-M71. 557-0642 -. &42·5871 yn old. 87t-30e0 -875-2t71 Sec MOO. caetl 173-3411 Deily Piiot Cl•alfleda. 4.._..808 1._ ______________ __, .._ ,_., ,.,,. •" ,.., hm A•ll l«rin, lart• · A•t• lenln, 11111 A•,. J.nln, '"" A.,, lnrin, '"" .,. ,.,., 11111 bit ...,_, 11111 A•,. lem11, ,,,,. I A11t ,_.,.,,., ,,,,. ' •• A ••••••••••• ~ •• ~.4.11111!fft.~ ••• ~.~!!.!!.!! ... 4.~!l!!.!.4.!! ... 4.~.!.4.ff ... ~.~-~ .• l..fn111ffl!!,1Mf •• ~.~1~-~!! •• A.~!!.l!.!f ..• 4.~.~!! T I SAYINGS & SIRYICI •ONTIAC ON ••A•U ........ .~ .... .......... ., .... • I IOOOI . "°"' •DlW..-•4 ....... • O&. Ave.-tk . ..... · a magnon pontiac ;au ...... c:::·,:..'°"°'' MMIM IS YOUR MUFFLER ·AND EXHAUST SYSTEM TRYING TO TELL YOU SOMETHING? -. ... . > • 1• \ . . - ·: • . ' . . ... :.1 . . . r . ' ., -. .1 .J LOOK FOR GREAT MOIORCYGE YALIES IN THE FRIDAY EDITION OF THE DAILY PILOT! Believe it or not.!.-! --=,.._,.., ·It's a short drive to HAWAII! Watch the Dally Piiot all during September for automotive ad1 containing the coupon belowt we·re A....,Jcen Alrl!f>n 004n9 ......... do -· Wll 2 10U11> -TIClEf1 TO HAWAH vii MQICAN A•LINES ~ lhlll OCJl4'0fl 1n --dltot -ol OA1t ,_ or \-.cl cett clWlnO hpt...,bet to ~fy lo. dr'•wtno 111 ""' ~ IOr t RIEl -,._, -... 10 HAWA" • ... ~ ......... Mlle! .......... '*--' cit"'----end .. ,. Y"t ol ..... -Ho Milo AOtncy, "9ot/MlrT~ flt AllWrUft ~ ~ flt ........ nwy .-... Olllo' ...... ~ .,,.,,e:z, . , <:OMMHt ~HE Yll'J I I ; ~' ) ------- \ •.· ' Oranoe Cout DAtLV PILOTIWedn•lday, September 1, 1882 Fl .... ,.,~· ..... ,"""' .... ~----~----------... ---. ..... -. ... .. ' . ...... - ;;;MO-,....,D........,. 'b1u r ,,,,.,o •• lu,. XJ /# ... 1,,llOI 1:1. L.outeu. w1111.,,.. All r1GWtoe.~A"••l04-o. • ... JI ......... llAIFI.. . ~=·"· Wllt11"' W , Ali MOii 0.\'jl!OOlllelll Cotp,. A t3;t·t1·1M, llM... t1,0li 10 , -PURSUANT TO. SECTIONS 3381 THROUGH 33e5, REVENUE ANO TAXATION CODE, THE PUBLISHED DELINQUENT LIST IN AND FOR THE COUNTY OF ORANGE, STATE OF CALIFORNIA, HAS BEEN DIVIDED ANO DISTRIBUTED TO VARIOUS NEWSPAPERS OF GENERAL CIRCULATION PUBLISHED IN SAID COUNTY FOR PUBLICATION OF A PORTION THEREOF IN EACH OF SAID NEWSPAPERS. DELlllQUEllT TIX llOTICE CERTIFICATE OF REAL PROPERTIES SOLO TO THE STATE Hot11"'•1. ... 0111111, "'' ~. JlllMI.,.,. ....... 1•M.17 .. 0t 111•Nl..ot, N ,iot.11 Mltotlel, Qlorle All 112·11 ta. Llolllrt•r. ,,,.,, ICUI. "" .,.., ....... ,.eo ....... . Linde. Al' H-tl1 .. t , All ll1·111~7.m1MOI ...... 71 1 .... 12.4.ot, ttllOO H.~1t1tb~~.:.;,llWA ll~MWllW L., Al' ..... .,, 11~e-tl..,Aft ... ttt_.J, !: m:m:;:: ~=,I t3~~~7~~~\i1~~~htrr L , AP U~°1r H.,Old F,. /.fl 1+ .. 111-07, ,_, OIWill w .. Aft O.llt-41, Tl1111tron•L l'llvone, Ali •1.t..400.00 ~' 181·111-11, ·1 '·" Sw•n•o.!!..1._o.,r " • AP Mtrou•~ Jemu Jt., AP fu1.oo t'-HMl1.N11.11.u .. 01ntot1.1 0111nr• A.I .. Al' ,., 111·111-11, .4• h2>tf.1ts, NW.1• 1'8-1~ 1110.oa W•l"Cn.l Dnlcl L .. AP ~ IHtllll ft., AP a._ttMO, ... ,M .... 17•104 Tl&Tfl Co fr &/or l-.r, M Lou I ao 1 , w 1111 • m , A f' p .. .,., Owy M .. Al' ,,.,.14..ot, " Q.JQ· • tnf,.,., 11.ltO.M Mlkrdlolll•n. ltYertr J .. AP "'LA, 161•ff3.0I, 11.1"·" 132·1MH, .,. .. , M-t$AI ""9IO. f\., Al' ta-"1-0S, Wloketrom, TllO"'H L. AP t ... 112-M, MU.00 Tl&T" Co Tr &/or 1110 .. ou Otrol1, Jetty; AP 932·17·211, Milt, lteni.y, AP 141•147-03, 1111.00 l'9Hl-CM, .111.00 lp1lm1!1.r_!•trlol1 K., AP Contlenttn 11 II. Af' 111-2M.01 13e7.48 1111.00 Witt. HOWltd ,.,, Tt, A,. Hlolcm•n. Dentel L., Aft ti-Ill.ti-·" ll.L04tu Lotlto, MIOhltl H Jr, Af' MOlllOO!MfY, Jemet,. ".Al' n.ttl·lt. IUI0,71 l'92A1·17~12 lrld•nb11t, ltepllen T ., AP T..,T,. Co ''&.of Tr.,._, ether 8»·~.1561. t4 1•141-ot .... , .. Leoo110, lnetlr J .. Af' ,....,, J .,Al't•titl>Ot, H-lu.o2,17.U.71 M.,Af'111401oOe,13ttd Montgomory, JemOI T . All Yovng', Rober I K . AP Q.tt2-M, ''"at 1111.n . knlih-1: Merle. AP H·1H·O•, ''""Co'" &IOI Ott ... llrn.rd ~~. t1'100 145-163·11. 11.129.72 H•mlll.!.'!.1. ltrbere. AP ,e ltte nburo, ldwtrcl, Af' 11,741,,.. Q.1.AP t11-301-ot,9'ff.61 ~.~.APt~·100, Mlclrezo, !tnHIO A . AP 2l40243, -.11 24"2'2.:Srl ... ~eo ' lepp. Merle H., A,. H ·111S·1l, Tt&TI• Co fr''°' MeOonltl, frld t1,0l2 . .-0 1'8-1153·27 t918 IA lt1okhOU!!L Kenneth w .. AP lkawlntllt. "'"'" J ., AP 11.lft.'4 AP 161·1D1·13;12Jt, 111 UndbOta· ZtclwJ Uwfl!Q, AP Otlllt. 00:.,go v. A,. 1~158-12. H-311-30, lrN.'4 1'9H1..ot 11.109.IO KIUlnloll, J-J ., AP 25-163-1,, Tl& TA Co t &tor ltretlon 9»-"-12 , ... 1.1 '34f 22 • •• Vllloley,AlfonzJ .. AP2W21.cM, Lewie, lro""'· A" 2•·281•11,, 11.00 Chrttllll• A., AP 111-30•·1' A11donh11 , "•• H .. AP O•blr. 1!111011, Al' l40•1•.t·f4, &2.211.10 l1M.M Tuollet. Teel O .. AP 28-103·1', 1829.tO 933-13·149 ltoO, 10 1983 39 0 101111, J am .. A., Al', ......_ f!Orrtet D., AP 2'411·.20, 91,eet,.. Tl&TA Co Tr &/Of Miidrid, Jetry I.••· Eric, AP 833·83·149. 8r0neon Herry AP 148-201•33 U..1:11..0S, 1170.38 fl.00 . KluWoll, Jll'l!Ot .1 .. AP 28-153--10, AP 181-304·19, t100.49 12.917,00 II oee 93 ' ' ' 0 111111, Chtttoe I ., AP n.321..()7, 1.a Cvettl Traot 7518, AP 16.00 • Tl&TR Co Tr &/or Poueurd, Cou1. M1111, AP 936·12·08&, i<uzu Sadetlln AP 144-201•40 11.•H.12 24-302..02.lm.eo Mote oe11e1opm1n1 corp .. AP Timothy c .. AP 111.311.12 11191.34 uaoo7o • • HllriM. Judy J., AP 23-321·2'. ll•cl•n. D1vld, AP 2'·30a-n. 25-15'..01, 11 ... H $485.78 M. t 0 n. y p 11rI011 A • A p 0 u m m 0. n n I • R A p lt,402.H tUat... AP 25-154..oa. 12 ... oe Tt&TA Co 'fr &/or Cunnlnallatn 935-82-088, W7.82 14a-201•65• 12 120 e.t . ' tom11101on, 11111111 P .. AP l.1 Ouula Trebt 71190, AP AP25-16'"<M.t4f?.2a Roblt1D'..l.AP 161-lttl·19,M°:.OO 8trlo1h, M.,01d11, AP Ounc:en C:ert'L AP 1'8-D3-tl ~11-28, 11, 13'.15 ~46 ...... M AP 25-1~. ..... Tl&TR IJO Tr"°' w .. 1. ICtm,o. 935-82·112, $769.41 I I 032 !O . • Johnaon, Phlltlp H .. AP Aoulunt, Ao9or M .. A" APl&-1~.=.'4 A,.191·321"°3,191•.a. Goodmen, R1ndolph A . AP Tom RiclWd l. 2W21·2t.at,3".oe 14-302...0.!.'".~·" AP2a.114-1', ... D11r .. 11. Albert N ., A 936-29-004k$4,20ll.'4 R•mlrll S'1lvador F AP Abdi, FeMtnetl M . AP u-321-31, Webtl, ftOf'9CI L .. AP 2~-eo. Cterll, Thomat Gerald, AP 151-321.01, 111.00 Wiiton, t"· AR 138·2'•012. 14m..21 SS3t 31. ' S2.ll0.30 11,537.12 28-184-18. 1&17.60 Tt&TR Co Tr&/~ CMtllo. Ot ... ees.oe • Tettem kM w AP 148-233-50 Cenuno. P.-A.. AP 23-321-37, L•vlneon, Lewtonce A., AP a.rd, ,,_ 8., AP 25-164-12, A. 11 II, AP 151-33-02, Met.72 Thompton, Peul I< II II, AP 11 n. 7-j " ' $2t0.40 2.4-302-51, S1,7ot... 1581,06 TR&TR Co Tr &/or 8tuce. Lllf 935-29-031, 11.0N.tO o.o.· of Vet• Alfllt• of 8•••• ot Alb•n• ... Phttlp O.jP Wttaon. Reymond o .. AP M•c•U•, John Pawl, AP 8 .. AP 151-331--08, 1385.41 Oomberl.! Hervey E • AP 11 .. Rob11'11, Ron)' K. (JT), AP 2~11-19, 1111.00 -25-021.()7, l2,:M2.t0 25-1M-18, l1,M6.7' Tl&TR Co Tr"°' Dorta. Rk:tl.vd 935-29-041, z,561.42 4233·80 '312 21 Uohlnllf. Rod S., AP 2~12•11, Otr>41, Hugh P .. AP H·021•09, Youn_t, Judy L., AP 25-tta-o5, A., AP 151-342-47, 1718.U C1r1on, Robttl M Jr. AP swero'op 'sellndef, A~ lfff.22 11.831.&4 1111.00 • Tl&TR Co Tr &/Ot U.C... (kry J , 938-29.048, 11.785.14 148-241•50 13,052 3e CorcMll, IMln L, AP 2~1~18. Wiiton, A1ymond o .. AP PooteY. J~ I ., AP 25-171-0•. et.,, AP 151-Ml-15, 11,004.oe Smith. Leny R., AP 938-29--051. AP t4&.24l~l, 13,052,38 1864.10 21.o21·21, 11.171... '3.528.45 Tl&TR Co Tr &/Of ZlaQIOf, Robert S111.00 Grege-Wlllaon, AP 148·2'41·52, Coron•·Buatoll·M•ugert· · Jol\neon, Konna1h o .. AP Fox, Raymond J,, AP 25-173-00. M .• AP 101·3et·54, M-t.11 Harrlton, LI VQnne, AP s1128 Turahmen Pertnertlllp, AP 25..os1·10 t23e.11 · 1515.54 Tl&TRCoTr&torWMl,RolloD., 936-29-067,$5,227.22 R'oblnaon, Rende ll, AP 24--014-20, .... 058.48 . Cletk, Herold L .. AP 25-032--0I, Wet1ch11tu Vlllege, AP AP 151·3&1·82, 1222.00 A ndereon. H • n c y Jo, AP 14e.2st--OS. 1331.35 Uahlntr, Rod S., AP 2~14·21. 9',52t,52 25-180-22. ttt,113.80 Tt&TA Co Tr &/or Bech, MlohMI 935-29-080, '2.301.00 Hocltey, JOf\ E .. AP 145-262·25, 11,007.42 RHd. "obttl E .. R11dd1row, "Dembrowekt, "obtrl 0 ., AP 8., AP 151·342-49, 1588.28 Oerdertan, Ktlhl11n. AP $563.66 Trecy JovAnlMWilbb,Eugene. Dtyld et a l, AP 25·03'-28 25-111·10,ll,ffl.M Titcomb, Merk A ., A_P 935-29-083,12,289.80 T--a.Thomu,AP145-2S3.01, AP 2~18-03, teao.n 11,921.... • Lieb, Vlfnlltl, AP 25·181·33, 1$.1-411~. 11,122.eo Huntington SkytlM lnVWll'nlt'lll, 1647 74 Ntchotu, Oentd w .. AP ctieo, Wllll1m, AP 28.034-32, 12.878.M Kenn11on.L.Roborl B. Jr, AP AP936-29-oll.ll,13201 Alm•••· Oree• A . AP 2~1e-ot.S4n.S3 15,"3.2' Coffey, Odle w. •t al, AP 151-49G-22,.-.78.48 Hunllnoton Adml rell ) 146-264-12.1254.ee AP ~~17.()2, 1178.M Bowdon, Vlrglt, AP 28.035-0e, 25-181~. 13e7.27 1 Diaz, Mllto A., AP 151·502·28. lnvHtm1nt1, AP 938·29·082, Henson, Phlltp JtmH, AP Stern. LH. AP 2'·011·0•. 11.421.71 AP 2&-191.05.1575.1' $335.07 S1, 132.0t 148-283-18 1143154 11,849.44 ThOlnooon. AflhUt E .. Bowden, Bulle•, NOii P .. AP 25·191-47, 15~-~1;.~~\:fa:~•Ph•n . AP L•rton, R1ym030ont,O ., "·A .. Wh t ll l e!.:'.~•m•• S .. "'AP Rob«t l Cltr T Collect T of lhl County of Or Nlcholll, Ger •Id w .. AP 'A-gtl, AP 25-035-15, 11.334.n 1815.10 R • R . I E AP 936-29-097, S1, .~v 14292~ Ml40.71 ltawofo.ik-om1e.o:i.J;C9f1ttle.°';.':: Wl99t 2~17--07,1178.U 8111n1, Allen, AP 21i·OS8·1t, Sutherlend, Luor c .. AP 151!:1!.'2~· 12~5•;0ck " R & J Sm1t~6~n1;rprl111. AP S wanigan , Ne omi. AP ThelnotloellhenlbyglwnttlltbeceuMolllOnPIY"*ltofllMllOIM AP2~17·10,'531.22 13,180.... 2&-181-48,1955.11 Cond•; Mlc.hul P AP 936-29-112 •• t .. i 9 146-321-18,$372.et lllftOUnt due tor w-. 111111 •lentlend ott. ~gel te\lled In,.,. y.w Brown, Owy W,,,.,, 2~1&-02. Ootdlng. Jerome A .. AP Siem, Mtr11n Jr, AP 2&-200-84. 151·51~ Seto 17 • • V1119h2"· Ralph, AP 936·2 ·118, Hulse. Mery Kllhteon. AP 1 .. 1foflheFl.c:eilY 1N1 1"2 lhownlndollllnlllld i.c>ppoe119 11,585.11 2&.o42-11,S1,1'9.S4 11,790.88 Sal R 't>«to $2,341. 7 146-324--04, 11,359.08 ""ci.cripllon of,:,,........:..., oOnlelned In tM Itel t>Z. lhe...... Dunllu, Thorn•• w .. AP Qoldirlg Colt• Guerre & Al~. GoMberg, Her111y Eugene. AP 11111~· u .. AP 15Hl13-50, LOYlllCI , Wllllam, AP J1cob1 , Jem•• E ., AP Mit -..-., 2~18--08, ... 2.a. AP 25-042·1', 11.082.te 111·150-<>3, 12,785.54 · 1138-29-122. S1.089.35 148-333-n, $40U6 f!tt!'! onwtlldlllUCllamounte""allln,-.,bycp«etlonof18w. Hlgglnbo1ham. Dorothy H., AP Golcllnl. J1tome A .. AP Fox.Ra)'mondJ,.AP114-501~: D1born1 , Joeeph G., AP Huntington Tower lnv111men11, Monlgom41tY, Jam11 B. Sr., AP. &e;;,l =-~~~~e:::o-=~~~,.~ 2~1 ... 11, .... 8..... 26442-20, 1,N5.70 11,171.72 161-513-62, 12,097.0. AP 935-211·132, 11.132.01 148-333-29, 11,718,10 P:M. lhl30thd of.JuM M2 Boel•r. Gery D. •I et, AP Thompeon, Ronald B .. AP Wlltt1m1, Mlch11I E., AP 16~~1,c~~ll;1·J>e'dA" L .. AP S11brooS2k 3P5-0oi:,1r11u. AP Bleck•y. Keith R. et aj, AP ' ;;.:: Pr .:ti lhl s:.1 . 119 edlllnlCI by I of Ill 2'-023-14, 11,710.74 25.()42-26. 11,231.88 11'-502·28.1889.20 • • • · t AP 8~29·141, · · 146-341--07, $1,354.64 • .-.... tu~ II I:~,..,,,, .~ ..;h llUCll flddite*' peneltiM Hun II n g I 0 n Adm Ir• 11 y Off1nb1cher. l!ug•n• R .. AP Moore, John. AP 11'·511-11, 15~~r:J,~· ,s,~d: M. •1 I • D•lll•. Oerlld N .. AP 1138-29-148, J41nMn. Clyde B .. AP 146-342-18, -....... ,__,,.lid"' ndlr lnl1 lnn11m1nll. AP 24·024·011', ll.6'°'3-11 12 34tM •11,29112 • • · 12.196,58 . 149114 =~-=:~bylew.orl'M)'b9r_,_~u an · ellmen1 11,062.11 Gomberg', H'u11ey E .. AP lbbotaon, J a m .. c .. AP 1:t:,~2·~~it~:l'1 T .. AP ~1~.Jtrry J.AP93&-29·149, klin, Ju s .. AP 140·343·11. Alt tnformellon conc1<nlng redemption. or th• tnlll•llon of an ._"-'7 .,.~ · Ch1tlll, AP 2~2t-02. 25-044-E 27, l2,002L.72 D •p 11~~20,,;~2~oeAP 114-611•24 Helld. em.i A., AP 163-022-00, 12Wi.h Rob«t L. AP 1138-29-151 '1•210·74 C h • AP lnlttllmentplarloftldemp.111onoftaxtoldpr~wll uponNqUeiJt,be ••• .... nnemen, •rry .. ,.. -·-··-• • • 1442.32 •2123·47 · • RennerJ. hr111op er,..• tum1tt1111...., Aob1rt L C1tr T Collet r-TrMI 'Ind ~Ion AP 2~. 1787.32 2s.o44-29, 1758.15 '2ee.N C S AP • • · 146·343-1ot, $1,118.88 Offlaar ~ 110 Flnlll'lcl°"~ 830 ~~oedwey SanltAne. · Nlchotu, Quaid w .. AP Alebame Proporttu, AP Wherl Propettlu Inc, AP 1~;:.g3d911~~1r~• " .... ~'!!c5117 .• ~.87M0~~h1a t , A Thetl0td, u11111. AP 14&-345--07, ' ' ' 24-026-23, S880.'2 2~1', 1128.'f 144-021~, M44.18 · ' ' · _,,..u·1 • .,., .-'421.34 ~It)' Undtf J*'llly of 1)9fjury lhal 1119 loregolng II tru. and Dun II er . ~ 0 b., I M .. A p TblrnPlorl. l!dwerd H. 11 ... AP SWoon/M~ O.ll9ioomll1t Co. S4~:14sMetttrn s .. AP 163--032·43, With, Wand• J., AP 938-29-159, 811111, ThOmu J .. AP 148-361· 15, 2~27.()2, 1382.72 ~1'. '3.•23 . .-0 AP 1'8-021·20, t1,882.~ · AP 11,648.29 1292.27 oorrect. Aoblrt L Citron Lodthlr1, John C., AP 24--027-03, Enn«nan, Larry, AP 25-051·11, Ten, Audy R., .lwrerd, Annett•. Fullenwtcl•r. Cltyton. F rt n d I In • RI oh Ir d • A Vo It mer' MI o ht•I L" A p ' $44817 '82922 AP 1'8-031..()9 11744.70 153-033-01.1884.•4 938-29·180, S20J3.82 145-383·21 $710 18 Tu~~~ LoPez, Manuel, AP 2•.021,11. lower, Terry"·., •I, AP McOougell. bOnatd .1 .. Tt9dlk•. 1~~~~::12~3~nc:e•· Lid, AP D1vl1,09faJdN .. AP936-29·185, Lewie. Henry .... AP 146-402·18, "-"~ 5.1N2 11,409.34 26-061-21112258 Glorle M .. AP 1'6·031·15, • • , $2.188.12 $124858 Exeout.cl al Stnll Ana. County Of....,_.,,... on Augutl • . Ptrkln, Gregory L••. AP MoOlnnit, AIM D., AP 26.()51·23, 11.658:52 Gaunt, Eleni. AP 163-082·02, Spiro. Arnold e .. AP 936-29·156, Miller, Vere e .. AP 148·403--03, 23-114-27, 1,87'. 24-032·22, 13,357.3' "'8A9 . w Miii•, Jerry, AP 10·031·3•. '835.54 13.291,58 $325 59 Thi ~towing •bbr41Vllllon• .,. Partdlr.OregoryL,AP23-122--01. Stacy. Merly, AP 24-03'·1'. Brentley, Edward L .. AP 11203.08 !t~2k~•5Y.1.1~!~~ktln H . AP L1reon . R . George. A Gia.-. JohnP .. AP 148-403·30, ueed fur 111• word• Ml oppo.ite 12.801.18 11,440.38 25-062..()9 20. 11 527" RMCO, Slillletore, AP 1'8--033-33, 1 ......... ~ • ., ......... 936-29-174, 11.135.27 se 54 ~ -Admlnletretor Hun II n g I 0 n s. a f., e" Ctotby, Nanoy. AP 24-0Se.()7 . .0, Summerfelt, 'stench• M .. AP 1208.79 ... ~;~~·· Stm, AP 153·083·08, G..-nbefg. Jack, AP 93&-29-179 L 0 v er d •• Fr. n k v . A p 1nv11tment1, AP 23-122·20, $52.38 25--054-12 178 75 MacDonald, Natd1 J .. AP _.. · 1111.00 l4&-422·23 $425.08 Adm.11 -Admln'l~ratrtx $2,125.00 H.,_,,Rlilpf1L.AP24--038--01, Wlckltrom: ThomH L., ~p 148-033-48,11,1119.1' COnred. L. M .. AP 153-063-52• Lov•l•c•. Wllll•m . A Tay lor, Jam•• A., AF "'p -AIMltorl Map Parc9l Huntington S 1nd Doller 11.180.92 25.()64.21,1111.00 Miiia, Leighton S ., AP S989.20 ~29-202,$1,039.10 14~1-41,$909.10 ~~ Aper\menl lnvulm•nll. AP 23· 122·21. Utl, Palrlde A., AP 2'--042·21, Young, Judy L., AP 25-055-07, 148--034--02, 11, 183.78 1~7: a{ l~1~ ~II 1 ' A p Kali, Fr9d E., AP 938-29-207 Worthington. Char Ill G .. AP ..... 12,125.00 $&40.71 111100 Shldler, Roneld M .. AP . . . . $910.88 1~12 151.00 ~-~i:: Wllaon,WlltlemH.,AP23-123-oe, Brantley, Edwerd L., AP Wl.clletrom, Thomu L,, AP 1'84M-03,'862.80 1~1~~· l~~~~nd D .. AP Berr~, ~,2~~7 2Sanohllz,,.. Rtclwll'a, Gregory S ., AP -11,334.IO 24--051-27, 11,453.51 26.()56.02.1111.00 F1krt, M.H .. AP 148·03°4·15, · • · 93&-29-. .11, ,..., 1 . 14&-452--03 $511.13 •Bldg -~ Corona, Robert Lee, AP 'LMtehr11 &tltla,AP244!53-12, Chen, Semuet, AP 25·058.03, 14.2.8 Biii, Erllll A• AP 153-082--07, Lumery. K1t11t11n A., A Spurlock, Wiiiiam E .. AP oe -23-126--02, 11.995.11 t78U3 $684.25 P 144--043-23, $498,22 S20U1 • 937-15--001, S1.,,~.74 14&-482-04. 1549.92 g:'Cllt~ Callfomlt C.oron1-1u1tck-N1ugert· Elchegoyen, Cr1lg K .. AP Cede, Mlrtl E., AP 26-05&-12, Acllermen, Herold W., AP ,.,,Otwtf. Wltllam J .. AP 153--082 15· Sulllv,en':""'vlc k l• V · · A Mellon, Henrv AP 148·501--03. -~ • ....-., utthmen Pertntrthlp (Pl), AP 24-081--01, 1193 . .-0 l1,3H.31 14&-044--02, '251,83 -54M 937·15--008, 12,087 28 $111,00 Cenat -~: 23-12e-o8,$4,te4.72 LAI. H9rt.1 M .. AP 2'4-0e1-12. S1und1n, John w .. AP Fekrl, Mohemm•d H .. AP l"~.6!.;.~·;;:1":i Ett•I•. AP E1po1llo. C•rmln• F .. A Phllllpa , Htrold D .. AP Coop -~ AP 23-126-09, '4.864.72 11.481.12 · 25-05&-.1.e~ueo.50 t4~.22. l50U2 "" ""!"" • · 937-tS--013. s911..11 14s;.sos-12, 1291.21 -C«P.7_£~or ·Shit, Prim, AP 23·128·14, Ptn'ler. Mir)' E., AP 24-Ge1·22, ·oomb'lrO, H1tvey E .. AP S1hlt, Jin• Jut11nt, AP ~pp 11~~~-!~·~7fe:'20 tnl1nd EITlplrt ln11Mlrnet1I Corp, Shim. c .. ey N .E ., AP ~ $563.28 . $2,054.28 25-056-17 1 1.tM.42 148-055-47, 11, 15$.92 " _..,,,,...._ • • • • AP 937·15-038, 11,220,32 148-611-15. $6,828.40 g:t..:-=\ ShHOrlg1by,APh·128-20, lak•PlfkEalllll,AP2'4-0e2·12, Hllt,w1it1omH.,AP25-082·11, Roblr1a.JotmC •• AP144-055-49, ::1==~~·~U8 w & B BS2ulldert Inc. A 0• Rl tll, Jo11ph J ., AP .......... 1,.eoe.12. 11.sea.7' 14,31uo 1597.1' • 113r-1s-150. 51.53 14a,.535-02, $429.57 g::'_:-~ ShH, Prim, AP 21·128-21, F•Y11. Devld E., AP 24--071·12, Hitt, Wltltem HOCIOI: Huffmtn, Cotton, Chtl1toph1t D .. AP ::1~=·=·~ Plcklord,~~c• J . (EAi, A Meter , Wt aley M ., AP 7.04 S1,065.74 • Paul L, AP u-c>t2·11. 13,.290.IO 1~33.1391.20 .,..,.. • · 937--40-004, ....,.,,44 146-541--03. 1111.00 ~ -E~~ MerUn, "°°"' .k, AP 23-127·1', ~. DeYld E .• AP 24-072.01, Income Properly lny111011 S..l>ury l>eYllloprMnl Co .. AP ~pp 1,~~'11.~1· !'~·:: Mola D1111lopm1n1 Corp. A Boetock. Lucy E .. AP 148-552-10. antrpn -... -nt.70 11083.M Pertnerehtp, AP 2A...V 1·2L 72·10, 1225.27 .. .......... • -· 937~. $757.34 Mee.05 fM11-:.!:'!.t-. H1wm1n. Donald C., Af> HttmenHn, CherlH L .. AP 11.rn.u ~.JoMK..AP 1'8-091-13, :: ~:t:~t~· ft~:·~~ AP937-4G-088, 1145.ee Abbe)',OennltM.,AP 146-5e:l--03, t:: 121.2•. 11,481.a. 2~12-46. 11.623 02 I AP 26-471-30 1·1 n1.to 111uG • · AP ea1....o-100, 1757.34 189' 34 t' .. M--~ :x:ic:n,. Hetman••n. ChUIH L:· AP Hiii. Aoneld A.: AP 14--072·2•. Ackarmen. Herold w .. AP Metttn. Kllnln L. AP t'8-092--02, :: ~~~~ =~~:: Oerct .. MonlM, AllMI (EA). A T~ret. Cwolyn. AP 148-l!M-15, ~ 132·24, IU32.24 "4t.oe ,26-412--0e, .... eo 1513.78 . . 937....0-130, S193.34 11.498.1, -Guerdlln Tr ... Bin A., AP 23-.13J..28, HermanHn. ChUIH Tr. AP leytll, Jo·"" L .• , ••• AP Ptarc>e. Kent M .. AP 146-11W1, A~:53-e14:5,· ''ft71: 151.02 McCoy, Johrl J .. AP 937-40-157 Cheng, Yt-chung. AP 146-568-17. -~ $2,011.40 2~72·21, tt11.IO ~ ..... 18 a.M1.3' 1 11•rn. • •· • • $511.59 1111_00 _ ~~ Connert, Patricia Y., AP llftllart, Pa1t1cle. AP 24-072-30, "-Id, 8vry L .. Af' 2Ml3·11, Henton , Dennie W., AP 11.!;°'PetrtdaA AP 15.._152_.1 TAX9'ATEAMAM-G07 McDlarmld, Bruce f., AP ""= lftlllf'lll'IOI 23-1~. 1115.,. "23.11 tll0.31 1'M112..()9, 1331.58 1111 Oo .. • 146-572·17, $209.73 trw _~I Brllhwt, Pelrlcta, AP 23-134-23, Herman11n, Cher,111 Tr, AP tllattlf 0.11etopm1nl lno, AP Cowtee, R. Vlt'n., Fltitlaf, Ooneld ... .:...__ Joh AP 15.._181•11 McMullen, Mery J. el al. AP WIOMlllc, KtnMlh H el al, Al' 20.ee 24-072•31. 1818.eo ~11 ...... 71 L. AP 1•t.013.o1, 1931.08 ._._ow, "· • 110--022-12. 11.105.11 148-572·31, sen.to t.. -t:°' King, ~ 0 ., AP 28-137-08, 811Mrt, Petl'kH, AP 2~72-32, tlupa, Atc:llwd T., AfJ 2&-ot+02, ZlppM, Pet« 8 .. AP t 4t..o2t-03, 12~18· 1: 111 MI ch 111 D A p Peppin, D1vld, AP t 10--03$-13, M a 1 o n , Ro b • r I f . A P -~ 111.Do tt18.eo "27.9' te14.47 • un • " 1118.24 148-573-01, $571.64 ~-::_ Mllltufactutlng Herb, Melld, AP 23· 138·08, H1tm1n11n, ChttlH Tr, AP Kllam, AMd R., Al> 2!!-094-17, AreuJo, Frenoltco C .. AP 15f175-1~ l5~ .. 4~p 15._181--05 Or1g9 & Aetoctelll lne., Opfer, LeRoy F .. AP 159--011--08, Mt • Mount $471.19 . 24-072-33, ttol.48 l1.C112M 14f.022.ot, 11.022.a. .. 1:=-09 ' ' H 8 Apll Ltd Perln•rthlp, AP 11,081,08 NA-::. ..... lone! Aeaodellon p 23-138-07, .1236.118 Brtlllrt, Palttola, AP 2~72~. Hermenlll\, Chert .. Tr. AP ....... Aotlart A.,"AP 14~. Rob• rl I H J em. a A p 11().()37-21, M30.7• Muon, °"' e.. AP 159-081·11, Neu ~ P 23-1-.ol, 291.79 lt1UO ~27. 12,151.71 1686.1' · 58--1· 27000 ' AP 110-037·29, 11 .... 1.87 $485.38 tloll-:_ H\#nbef Hun II n g IO n SP)' g I I I I .· H•rm1n11n, Chut11 Tr, AP Mole ~eloptl'llnl Corp,. AP Brtllln, Wrt L , AP 1•9-051·20, 1 Kl 1~1 8 1· AP 159• 184•02 AP 110-037·78, $478.85 G 11111p1 e , P 111IIn1, AP NT ~ SA HalJonel Tn.t and lnv111m1n11, AP 23· 14, ·2'1 . 24-072-35, lt()l.00 2~oe. a.M7.84 IM6.11 • p Ml1~ .. • Schmlckrath. Cllllord C .• AP 183--011-09, $531.98 ,,._...._ ~ $2..170.te Oevtda, Limlll'I E., AP 2~.ol. AP ~1S. 92 .... '2 Kime, Adele Nahre, ,.. IClm IOI Soon AP 15._22~ 110.()84.15,_$111.00 McOlnnlt, Patrick R., AP ,...,. • ._ · Herman11n, Ch1rl11 Tr, AP $35&81 /.P ~14, 1619.tl 1'$-G63--02., l&M.72 • • • Brown. P'lul M Tr •I et, AP 163--01~2. lt,OM.24 F-t~L -~anclLolll'I 23-1'2·15,1785.110 Gomberg, Herv•y E •• AP AP~15.12.4t.42 Ktl't11\er, 01or9• O .. AP lt9°!'·7!be Rodolfo 1 AP n0-291·11,$917.02 Abbondent•. Thom11 C., AP -SlcnUry co.tlnllnrittl1•1t1Ho18Llcl. 24.()91-17,11,()13.0I AP~llt.M1t... 1'9.()18..15,..,..,81 rn • .. Lam1on, Clifford T .. AP 183--02~1.1822.38 Sera p 23-1'2·18. t1.2M.53 AP 24-091·1•. 12,238.to Al' 16-0t442.'3, "'7.14 ~;a al. Roger M .. AP 1&e-.231..oe. 1"8.53 110.293--09, 1111.00 Plumm•r, Whitney o .. AP ~~":',._of Amstce 8ovy, Chrt1. AP 23·142·21, Vozenllek. Jan, AP 24-093-04, AP ~.41. M1t.81 1' 7, 1122.78 1:.~Sas:gtut D .. AP Clinton. Robert Let, AP 163-0~--0e. $288.29 -· = v .. _ 1815.20 1273.,. I AP 25-(IM.33,02, 1582.98 Koret>tell, Ao but c .. AP Melkl Deni ... AP 159-238-03 110-301-07. 1111.00 Al•O our I 111. Ar m•n. A p .i_-Att4 .Huotlogtoa SllllOI ""41tnl9lltl;-Morr; HetOld f'., AP 24-09)-14, Holfmen. "onelcl A .. AP 1~21.1187.05' 11 eet:ai ' ' Royston, Paul T., AP 110-301·22, 1113-04l-Oe. 182188 • Andi AP23-1'2·22,S1,&70.84 f153.&4 ~ 13,07'.N Camecllo, J-Ohn A ., AP • ~ K AP 1511-241_,..3 $464.78 Brown , J1m11 W ., AP f°'~wor M. D . .Ian•• Co Inc. AP Manzella"_!l-lv1dor ~.Jr, AP Kirby, Wayne N .. AP 15-101·10, 1'Ml12·17,l1,1'9.13 sa~::S .. -•· ·: -.c • Tucker, Louie• E ., AP t63-053-09.l752.00 -23--1•2·23, '2,344.28 24-085--05, -·" '380.17 Schoepfltn, Rhoda A .. AP • .JI S P 6._2<48-04 11G.303-10, 11,313 . .-0 Eggt•11on. Allen L .. AP J l'MICILNUl•IWG YllH, Betty, AP 23·142•2•, Truax, Jay A .. AP 24·101·15, Texeira, Paul, AP 25·102·01, 1•t-oa2·1',l172.18 .. ~~4D_! d "A 1 ' Hetcher, Rob11• L., AP 183--054-02,1382.74 .. 1111.00 1724.&4 11.e.N Cowart, Dofortl A., AP . 3 11()-333--07,1727.13 Svllll.EdwardE .. AP183-055-12. L IYl'TDl~TION M. D. Jen .. Co Inc, AP lu11erlleld , G. OHn, AP Flota.. Mery D., AP 25-1~. 1't-Oe3.()6,St11.00 Moon, HI C .. AP 158·252·1 • Grogeo, BrlenJ.,AP llG-334-14, $1.203.80 Th• A .. HIOt. mep P''f~ 23-142·28.12,090.14 24-102--0l,1137.07 1195.eo Mlt1nt , H••••n M., AP ~.35 $1,66180 Dunnam. Wiiiiam w. Jr .. AP nf'nbeJ :~~u.:°"r~•:ru.. Huntington See Cove Oamond, Herbert w .• AP Meruoh, Hector M., AP 14e.oa.13.l1.123.llO 1~2"::Cra1 ~31,c";:•1 R ·AP cuon. R1ymond H. Jr. AP 193- • ~. • lnvulmente, AP 23·142·211 24-102·11.S1,82:2.62 25-107·75,S1.041Ue Pillori,MtfY~AP 148-()13.33, ·~· • 11C>-344-01.11.970.80 Rankin, Jam11 Allen, AP aore map book, th• mep 11,437.20 Bell, CherlH, AP 2'·103-17. Fiith .• L¥ry L .• AP 2&-10 ... 10. 11,112.'f Palmer, tlUam E. lrd. AP Woodall . J am•• D .. AP 183--07&-11.•1.3211 . .M> Of bk>dl numtllr In IN be>e* e.noer. Gery L. AP 23-143-18, $239.72 11.m .10 ..... Pldftc Community A.-i. AP 1•255-141 ·•7 11().344..()5, $428.88 L01oe, Reoul J .. AP 183-081·20 . .. ttll~c~o: .10 1 Evene. John W .. AP 2•-107·10, Aot>tneon, Aobetl G., AP l•e.oe&-Oe.'311.18 Morton, Robert O .. AP Bunting , HetYIY A .. AP $1,806.52 IMP.....-· AP23-14$-17,l813.te 1861.22 • cr,n,OlT.'lT , ~tt1es.---t01~---..,f ll!cel ~"'.~ .. for exemple. • Qery L .. A ' Borden. Igor, A...-:r . -Schmidt. K•thtyn E .. AP 1~11. $482.13 Fox.~ J., AP 110-392-24, $252.02 _..~ ,woold-a::-3e3 t7'f.llO S1,185.a. 25-111_.., l1,$58M Llzzl, John A.t AP 1't-085-13. S4A4t.te A AP $1,05'.14 lneblntl, JemH C II el, AP oC h AeoeM4)r'• Mepa. Hunting 1 on S • • Co 111 Harb, M•lld, AP 2•·111·01, Hrel111cl tnvettmenla IV, AP 1111.00 Dunnehoo, Owen• · • J-. lAfyn M .. AP 110-393--02. 183-115--05, 133<>.33 <MIPPtlot31.BlodlS)lll'tdPwoel5 ln11111m1nll AP 23-143-28 171230 26-112.01,9'18.71 Ltndentaub, Aal1 J ., AP t7Mt2-o4.t 1.osu9 1108378 Gomb•; Hervey E AP ~=ior~-:;: 12.110.ee . · Gre•nber9. 8t•Ph•n. AP Hwn1na100Vleta1t...-111W1tt,AP 141-0M-12,UGS.•8 11~3frod w .. AP 178-412..()9· l.t11en•. Jemu R. 3td, AP 183-121-11, 2411.22 .. .. ' AP23-1'3-27,l2,011.1• 24-111--03 ... 71.... a&-121-1t,l1670.t3 Mtlent, He11an M., AP • · E AP 11o.393--07,l 21t.OO And.,1on , Jean 1.4 ., AP O{IDloflfll~. AP:n.143-28,12,110.ee ~Linda. AP a....111-11, Huntlngton~'"-'IMl"IU· 1'..ae&-aa.11.a11.se t7U;,":oh1•t;118 ng•n•. s11ur1. Allred R .. AP 1e3-121.a1.11ee.oe ,... proc>ertY It In 1111 Townthlp ~ RoOltt o .. AP 23-1'4-10, 15.1~.54 AP3-1~1-17.l1,511.71 Schrett>er. Shut L., AP Co11IOlktated Lend Co Inc AP 110-393-28, 1731.88 Hllrb. Mejld B .. AP 183-122--05, 8~1h ·.•nd Aenge WHI of Sen ·1~ L..-R. AP 23-1'4-20, ~-:-~· Jim E., AP 2'"112·12, A~!°·~·t...montt. "!~~::~~~:" .. ' .1 .. AP 17M21-;07. 17.134.42 . 11~~~· F\ob«t E .. AP 110·395--02, S~9o1!' D1111lopm1n1 Corp AP ~ BMI and Mertdtln. ' S1,561:'8' ' • P ~. Harv9y, AP 2.'911$-20, AP 2&-1f1·21, tf,801.0I 149-08743, 1111.00 17~~P111• ieTe~~u O'. • AP McDermott. Rob•rt D .. AP 183-131--01. 11, 1'5 • .-0 " .-.oRTAKfN01'1Ca L• Puma. Phlltp c .. ,.. 11,570.11 HUntJllQtonSunelllnolrw9eement, lcflnetder. ColllllO M .. AP -~N AP17M2123 110-39$.(15,11.082.M AP183-131.()2,$5,M7.58 ~ nem. publl9flld -.,_ z:l..145-18,1111.00 Rhettgen, Denni• G .. AP AJJ25-1f1·22,11,83U4 14f.Ol7~ ..... 27 $4~ " • ' Fi.uo. Olttla. AP 110-485-08, AP 1113-131.ol,$2,3tt.OO 1&1ng on ttlltu "*· T~ 8umt, Kdltyn T .. AP 23-145-23. 24-114-15, 1383.73 ~, !. Eddtl, AP 25-121·29. ~. O#Y "-· AP 1'8-101.()4. Ao.ii. Alblr1 R .• AP 178-431-33, SM9.38 AP 1113-131-10, ... 385.0a = lllVI dltpOMd of property 12.'35.81 lhH, Prim, AP 2'·11 ... 11, S10,170.M 1622.62 11933.22 Hallermen, ThomH F., AP 8Hrdal11. Cltrlt S . Jt . AP tlllCllMerch 1 l'M)'ftndthllr_,_ Hodge. Danlet J .. AP 23-14&-11, '"8.71 H1tm1n11n. Qflerl11 Tr, AP Dre•tctt, J1m11 M., AP Broadmoor Hun1lneton AP 110-478-18, 1925 .. 04 183-131·18.11,718..02 .._....tor the' reeeon,,,., pr-t 11,504.34 Puke. Wllll•m S. et at, U. 2&-121-81, 11,t81.M 1•10&-ot, M71.40 178-443-12 111100 • Armendetlr, Frenk v .. AP Mot• D•111lopm1n1 Corp .. AP -EMt, Aonekl D .. AP 23-14&-20, 2.4-115-15. "39.t4 ~ Wiiton, llloy. AP H·111·H. Epatetn~-~.!onud I., AP • . 1•2~~. U82.80 163-131·23.15.5e8.08 • or'*'"'°"' Mled lo r-1..._· 11, .. 1.30 23 1,8 28 Ed•t1n. Atchard Dean, AP atAf0.'4 • 1•10&-1•, -.oo 17~~~ ·af7't,3:Oh 111 g ' A p M1d11n, Rodnty A. 11 ti, AP H101n, Judith Elelne. AP PROPERTY IN Et11n1, Carol. AP • • • 24-11 .. 1' 1111.00 HermanHn, Ohut11 Tr, AP Hurl•, Betbare A., AP Koon•• M~dillllo M AP 1'2·252·13, $42.00 183-164-13, 1111.00 f.~ _;..;.;;.:;,aTON llEACM 11,78'.30 • Krem. lrvln9, AP 2'·119·01, 2&-121-61, l1,t7'.t2 1 .... 1oe.os, ... 70,IO 17e.ae&-2i s1.z14 7' • Horn, M. Burton, AP 142-252•54, Kel!Y, John A Jr .. AP 163-1M-18, 'ftUftllRU Uglow, Oollne c .. AP 23-1'f.27, sm.91 AP 25-121-at, 11....... Aolen, ,..,,.. "-· AP 148-111-18, . . ~ $53.82 11.34-4 ... Cr'fY 11,110.te JOhnaon, Heywerd C. Jr, AP Craft, J-L .. AP 15-1S 1-3e, M.U02.N •• ~ Chartle, AP HIS-' Or 1 11 en.: M 1 r I• W , , A P Ha 11 a y , Rober I D. , A p HermenHn, Charl11 Tr, AP 24-11M>ll, 1112.oe t1321.IM Crowhurtt, Ct1111 R., AP .... · 1•2·252-87, •211.28 183-18'-39. '818.50 T. 9'Aft AMA M401 23-147-19, 1785.44 Olwldl. o.ty D .. AP 2.4-1$1-18, Gotdmen, 14111\ Do11ld, AP 1' .. 151-31, '903.11 17~!'!.1. ':...0;f,t/.. G T~. AP 8eltlnca. Phlttp, AP l42-3?..,18, P11~1. Jotm J,, AP 1e:s.112.11, Ce11n1, Petrlote L .. AP .... 1.11 25-131·!1&, •111.00 Waetlot>, Peut, AP Ut-152-02, z-w..... . 12.082.54 1341.88 • .... Jemea E., AP 23-052-48, 23-1'8-21. Me2.'1 ~. Jemee. AP 2A-1a&-e1. ~. 0.-y '4 .. AP 25-111-41, '4l4.tl Maclnnlt, Oougtll H .. Benk, .i-n.r. Henry Munoz. Mloh••• F .• AP rlM Hunllng10n Drtr1wood 11.223..38 ... 71.18 Ma1Jlle Fty 8., AP 1'8-102·13, TOllltof~ AP 17f.e&l·10, Ku. Wei Win, AP 1•2·4'1·03. 183-1'1-0e, 1111,00 , J-M., AP 23--053..ol, lnvattmenle, AP 23·10·23, Wlokltrom, Thomu L., AP Port. Rtollerd Merk, AP IM01,J4 se.::.:2Cd 8. AP 171.M24S t2,G20.14 suni-. Al1en 0., f.11 le3-11a.ot. IM tt.744.14 2.4-18-4-18, 1111.00 15-113-40, 11,tMM Worden, Vernon A . .Ir. AP $56llU • -~-~ ' \.tplnt, JOhrl C .. AP 142-441-ol. $582.18 ~ Alldi'9W, AP 23-0e4-18, Q'Ol*,Rlilpf1C.,AP~15H• ....... Frenk .1 .. AP 2'·1'1-1•. Holdllln.BtlanJ .. APU-1U-42. 1•111-10.11,M0.42 611ane~ Ftt ncla M AP 11.892.84 Rengel, Vlno1nl J ., AP .... °' 1723.N 1180..21 teeo.7• Thomu.1-~.rend• 8 •• AP 1"MIS2-36 t11100 •• Batley Prop•rll ... AP 183--188..oe, 1378.IO L .. \ltllerd, Donna M., AP lurn1.1 Melootm P. Jr, AP Wini, niom.R..APIA-1 .... 10, f'reNo, JO Jr, AP 2'·1Sl•S4, M .. tes-ac>,-12 Lei,. I~ G . AP 174M62_,7 142-441-18, 12,llOl.88 IHrdtlH, Cletk 8 . Jr., Al' DOTM>e.1111.IO. ~151·1r.tH7.30 11 7'1.41 t.MS.11 ........... H~AP1'8-182•13, 1111.00 .. • Ml .. tYI , John Aobtr1, AP 1t3-1'1"'35,&297CM .... Plril~AP2M72-o4, Slundtn, John, AP 23·1~. eoott, Jeotl C., AP 2'•144-14, AlbanlH, f'lltttp 0 ., AP lllJ,7' Hetmant1n ChUIH L AP 1'2-482.0:Z,1229.32 8-tlghl, Cher1H W, Jr .. A" llla.51 1176 ... 7' 11~1.11 d-1'2.'°6,tUUIO lehrt1 , Chtrl U L., AP ' " 811111ntaln, S1m111I, AP 183-191-38,ts27.41 AP 2J.072,08, 9'I0.14 ~. Rlleiy J., AP 23-15$-0I, v..ta I~ Al' 24-1'5-0I, tat.11 Moll O.V.top,,.1nt Corp, AP 1*'18143, N,171.10 17~&.!!'r'!T. 17a.eas.22 144-083-15, S2n.11 MoCtoty, Fflnol• I ., AP A.f ~72-. lld,17 11~0(.iM TurtfwMn, fl1c l., Al' 24-1'6-11, ff.1'2.QI, .1,02'.0I "°"'""· Wlltltlft l.. 11 II, AP ~· ·• • Kirby, Jttry, Al' 145•0&3·20, 1~~1i·11, 1612 11 "'fS.012·1•,1410.1' Suferet'f Co111 Ltd, AP SUM.a AP K-1 .... 12. ...... 0I 1•1tt45.t 1,17'.... 9':.,11~... S580.ll Jen1011. J.ohn J . Jr .. AP CllM."l'rtm. 1'P 23·0'3·01, 23-184..()3.20, 11,IOO.TI a.. "°'*4t D .. AP 24-1421. Ht• Aonlld .... A,. 28-143-20. A ..... De\ltd L.. AP 1*-201·71, .."['~1:~::---J .. ""' 11~1• ~. Bert>ora. AP 14~27, tU-211·1!. ........ •i.1a.t1 8Hfetet'• Co111 Ltd, AP t.l,211.1t 1111.0o 11,'76.to • taet.OO Splnllt, lltl'Y L, AP 1113-.213--03. .-.~.11,1&U8 23-1&4-03.30.•.57t.ee Vullo, Vlnoenao M .. Al' Lentor"''" Oort"" AP w-. ..... e..AP 14 .. 212~. *",Atlitn.l .. Al'17......-0S• oetton, Willlam A .. AP $885.62 g-.On-43, •1.1eu1 NIW101\, Mtoh••• H., AP 24-1422. 1788,12 11-1.a.n. 11:-MM ..... 1 llf . o-• 0 0 1'5-011-01, 13,113.72 L'!°CtlalkOvtlly, Vttold, AP ~. l 1,1M.ee D-1&4.oe, ........ eo f Matttn, "Ubln Derlo. Aft MOii Pev•IOPMln1 CQtp, All ...... Wl!lllm ,., AP 1'8-211-27, ~rJ:'· M•rr, AP" 4• I ' Harper, Toto not M., f.P fll3-221-02. te10.n ..OfMI. 11•112.11 W1rd.t_ll1ut. A" 23.159. i , 24-1'8-H 1~113.N 3-1...,.H, lt...ot SHOAll fl' ' h '" 11 cl 1 All t4f.01W1, MOt 1• Peter eon L. lrandt, AP • 1,1M.ee.. ,1.112.• Kllmont, l'IOHMllY. Kh•ttt• •. Al'U.1&t-1',....,0I Cho,_ Tim, AP 1't·l•1·1t. •930~4'JJ\ ,1~,:r •• Ander••~1.._l<_•nn1111 o .. AP 18$-2~11,NC>uo • 1,1112. 'thu , Prim, AP 13·1'1·1•. 8"""' 1.z." 11, AP M-1"'41, APll-1..._tt. .... oe 11111.1• Gordon 'Jiinu 11 Af' 1....013-10.UR.« "•Ill~. John 0 3rd, AP• z 11 ..... •1.147.92 Ml?... APff.1.0.lt.-··~.Jd"-.AP1~ .......... fai.t• '' "owtend 1h oli W,, A.P 1-.na-o2.i.t148.31. 1 •· "P 11·011·09, Hu11t1ntton lllore1t111• ..,,....,...,.,.,..L..Af'l+151..._ Alban•••· 1 eatrto1, All .-;a· Oelelllin Jam1t w AP 1....013-lt~~,q Mino, ghrttloJ>ller A., AP -l1111ettme11te, AP U ·111·2 ' -.oa ... ,......1 1111.0I """'-· Uor'd ... AP 1.et411-IO, -....111 ,,_'2 .. Novtko1f, AllllOI• v . AP IO.H2-2t. '800 ... Al-.o1S-10.tet4.-11•.tt ..... DIMlaM.,Al'M-15t-Of. .... 9irYY c /# 11-t.....ot, ... ,... ....... .Mn.., ·,.,, .......... 14loOH-01.aato.• D•e•nllerdl Aten~·· AP ...... ,,,,., ,., 21·07 .. 11, 0 " 0 0..0IOPM•llt Inc, All ...... 11.-M .• ...... '--.... "" 1-.....a1. 1111.00' .. • WletOOll Metlon L .. AP 1D:.234.o7. II OTr.40 ~--ft.ill-41,tt,nt.11 Atllneon, Oerol ..... "'' 9"411W L......,!K .• Oau•. muJ II HO. Ill 14'04Mt,M .IO Kno1011. ClltrlU fl . AP D.on.12.it,161.• Louttltll\, Tl!011111 .I., AP 2.4-1A-oti.:!.At ~,Al'Ma1.,_.11, .... 1a "owoltffl.1. lttly H., AP 11=~· Belly, A • '• ' IOllmtl, Lav11ne1 J ,, AP 1"4'1-30,11.•17.10 =:-..n-11. 1·1:·: n-1*1?, '2.1-40.211' ti 1,.07 ...._, M.,/# l4-lM-41. 1·11111cler!.J.._J1lln w., A,. ,...,..10, 11,111.te Mwrphy, Petrtu 0 11 el AP 1*'°'1-17. S1.IOIM Moroney, Jam•• J .. A, 1,.'-'·~;. IMtlf. Vlftll, A ·1 • •120.ea •144-14, ft.MM lrtnk. ..,,.,_A.., AP 1"947M•. ll0-64-2" "4UIO • ' ,onHter. Lewreno~ C , All 16261.01, IM0.97 • '· · • -. tt ilnY, ,.,_,_ w .. ,.,. .._....., MCINlllW ~a../#,......,,, 1111.00 ~...,;.. 0 AP l3CM4.all 1...cM1..at, ...... ao Pwrr 01vtc1 c .. ,., 1a..na.51. 1•etd1n, Onlcl N., AP ..... Jotwl W, A" 23.-211•28, M11.11 11.-...• ' Ler1n11tll, "°'ert J ., AP teol.40 ·• • Opew1 La "°Y ,., AP 1~3 II, P ,toO.M .... f1.Al7AM "70.00 • DIYlcle, J.A., A,. 1•·1H·17, ~· _,Lou, AP at-tu.eel, 1*t11.a. t111.00 ~ °""*' Af' l30-I• 311 1,0ll. '' Hiiia, lrvtn, AP 111-H1-ot, '--*M.,Al'H-074-41. lollrelllu~onald w .. A,. lt,1MM tl .ti Urlltftl, Tertblo tit .. A 111100 • Aft41rede Lute A. et et, A,. ltOll,40 ~. M.rw.04AP 11 v ....... JGM,""' 1.a.1?a.ol, Hrlatl Otlltlll .... AP 1*411-M..tilo'.ol We'"'' '""' A "' AP 1~ ... ,.... i'tQOllttllt, ftaltlO D .. A" 90*. ky o.. U.2.0· • ........ ..,..,....., •'111.• c.o.. ~,.,AP 1*471 ... ,,-GO? M1011 • • Oetlr. i. ~ ,., ""'1.....,-G7, 1"411·1U~"'·" IH1AIO • Aanlp, ,.,_,_ T., II ,._1D01, Mola Deffl.,..,.nt Corp, AP m.-e.M ~ Jtiii H• Al' ~IY-ol1 11UI _tiMltr,.. , Al' ,._,11..01, !'Nd c .• "' a.on.11, • ..., ... L •• Al' ti·a'1•11, "'·" .. ,.... .. .............. , ''· K•l•fl .,.... .. ' ftn1tert~. Peter ., ••• AP ........ . ' •••• a" •• ltn• ••• a.p "°'o.:t1 I " It • A,. "°"" Gecwto •.• AP ........ »• _ .... , ...... Aft 111•1•44• .,,. ec.... ..... "'' tn-1'..oat. .... 14• ..... ,. • ..,. ~. ONttM" ''· ,,.,. .. .." ...... "U" .,, .. ....... ,,.. 4 .... -. • ' ............ 1111•'" "" .. ,...,-41 ....... .M ~·111.to .......... ,....... ~ ....... W .. APM-•IMI. ,..... .Y11Mlllo11.I _.. , , ....... ttl.Ot ...... .,1 ....... w .. AP --... _.. • ..... ~:: ......... A}.. .,.. . ..... D ..i."Jll:U.:.""···. • ....... u ....... ·i •• -......... . '".:i ..... EJ!-.... I(,, Aft ....... ,. 1 I. Al'•••• .., ... ,.,............ ~·....,, "'-.. ,...,.. AP1I,_; ' YelllHf Mlaflut L •• "" , .... ~. 11•1•·.~~"·"'~· ,,., ...... ..~r · --=..KIM"'.AP~• ~_..EA:. ~AP :=t ': ... ,"' ........ AP ... ,.---:-• AP 1 ..... ,.,,. lf::.\a.=..-... • IHllO~ JOflll •·• Aft .,.,.._ .... '·• AP a111..-, 11.M.M ... JI · I# •to 1' -E' ....,, 1 ·-e11lo111le, "laflar• 0 , Af' ~· Aay, Aft •tl·ttMO, .. ,.... .ft ·s ....... .....;.. ;..: ::a .......... 1" ......... .... C*J, 1" '9t-' •1 I t W e D A, t..-MI?, ., .... ··•oro11•· ••l•ll·Havear•· ,....o...,...-f, ., .. ,..... ......, .....,;fr• et 11 • ••' J..a..:.a .•• .,,. .. IClllM.,.,. .-.; "', ... ,...., ~ft ?eraflllllll ftartftlrtfllllt Aft II... ,, It.NI-.._, ...... .I.,/# ti~.-; ... 1?•111, --.-,~ r ........ "'T '"""9' '¥• + I - NU•la tt~~~.~!.~ft~. tt ••• "klhltf ...... ,.,. IU 74.0U. ... ~IO. ti I I 00 ~.lnwyn A ... ,. 111-0~ 14, 11.207.02 Mtotl, Q.,,~ H~ AP 18).21a-oa 14;2,. ~ .. ~IM I , AP tU.ttf 11 o ........ .., ...... _,. • · 1•• • It 100 .t\1'1m•nn Ktnn•llt M., Al' .... '10 AP tH· t31 14, 11,a..0.• 1 11•'4 tr Aft 161 1 • u~~tt11, •. Arthur w . A" ;,,"·~.·~1'~·'',·!•4 .. • .. 1 -~~~~~:....~:rnard , AP 1'!~~';:!·o~~·ro,.r i. .• AP.~ M.,,.,.,A, m-m·2t, tei~m~~,.~:~~;.;~ouo•••· AP u~~~~:~;.t:,'i'~~·,.. ,,d A, .,'=·r..;..·~~r, ... ,.,"°'· 1fHtl I U.A .. .. .._ ~J·" D, Oetdnerj Aloll•rd A., AP l~l·H.111100 D•11kla1, H•IUk H .. AP Pt!lkh. °'""Tr, AP 1118-t:tt.18, Mo01nlel Oa11n'/ J Ar • ft•lo.mbl ;.,. "9m,Ao11MJK .. AP17W11.0S, N1•74'087,•t11.00 8t1woe111. Mloh .. I ~··AP ,.,.on.01,111410 .. 11:t •• "r.Kr MtMnJ Al'1 .... 29Ma 1u u1..ta .11•78t~·H•nry , t7HU Lloruu, oarald J ., AP 111t.ott.,.1,11,141n ctr1mo11, c116r111 R.,., AP !~1tf~11a1.ao.s1.~1.0" 1 o!':k21·n!:7., 'N AP uoa. 1 • ~ ' WeetllelclHunlln0iOn 0o., L•i Ronald o .. Aft 11W184t, H/·74-417.-sAOUa Llndboro. l.t0nard o .. AP 1't.otH7.lf.H.ee Chall. ••mu•I. AP 10:t·131·21. 15S 23ll·IB,f1N.04 • ~~ ~:~~~~·mi71·t Afttt3-U1·70.l&Ol.eo U ,82u,OO ettow ftruton C .,.AP 1H·201·a1,l1,4!K>t4 lln••1 AO .. ·Mtrle. AP t 1.1ag,97 l?mmtt1on, AObtrt J •• APAPtH-27Me ttOO AP 113-H1•11, fi".22 kamph, Thom .. F .• AP 932·14·14011112.34 Ao boo Wtldlna 1110 . AP 161..ott·lu, 11,024.111 AP 160·131-24. •1.12001 1113-233..04, $1.031.10 AP 1115-272•11. ., AP 1q .n1-1a. 6t.ll2 1f~U2·01, '402..30 Arau.&. A~lla, AP U2·74·1IK>, llJ,·211-10 , H80.08 8Choltu, JOHPl't ~ , AP Oarttell.1. AICfltrd L , AP Lamb, W K•nnelll, Htu, l!dwln Htr.,_,, Mtlvln I. &/Of Pollaro, A.P1Q.291·1~. 6'.U Htr&ma.n . Aob•tl 1 •• AP u.1.u Wllnl•ptl ... ,APIOt-112"01 t61·ot1·31,J2ff.2() 160·131·28.•1.813.3• H ,Ar153·281·18,l1,40302 o.nn11,AP1116-21Hl.J661,1t AP 113·2'1-14, 50.12 111·323-101 11,429,18 It Ola.Ir, LOft!Mt, AP 9'2·74-183. •:u•l5.18 "'"'"· '"'· AP tl51·082 ''· Oatct•1 Fl1ul v . AP 160·1SM8, AP 1113-262·23, f422 ti ~•arp., Mell/In I ,, ..... .,.,. AP IQ.Ht 78 E"a2 Mann, Paul .luo•n•, AP ·ttOtl.tt Thom1>100, Alcha.rd Q., Al' 1177.SS • 1.1,tU I• AP 153·212·38. e111.oo Homta 'p 6 · ..... " AP 183-291' 11• 6t'22 118·SS1·20, .,~.oa Otttn, ()laudll, AP H3·81•022. 160-211·21, St.801.02. Lo ... to . JI m .. p • A p lloyd, Wiiiiam ,., AP 180.28~·09. AP 163·2~3.()8, t1,l1'3 O• AP , .... : .... 1 ,:-. ~~~.!:. •nuo AP 183-"" 0 79' 11:'3 t Rlcharoton. ll)'IOr o .. AP •t4t.n 'rudekll, D••P•n•. AP 161..ot,·17, 1'182.64 H43.21 L.•mb w Wtnl!tlh tt ti &f .,.,.. '" --""'1' ' ..... 2 178·341-10, IMUI . P•ll•grlno, Anthony A1y, AP t6 .. 27t.26, lt,470.14 l(a.n!.. AM• A ' AP t61·071·11, R 'o . J" ' or Whlll«t L.yla A AP tn-41-0acl ~= ~=~~~:r,; f!!g:~= Eggluton, Donald A .. AP 833·8M38, 11088.82 Oarota. F a\llo Jr. AP 1at.U1..il8, 11 7ff.x4 ay~~~2~· John R., AP t5t.U3>U, e:8~~3 \IQ, AP 163 • 2114 • 03 · 11. 147 oi " ' AP l83-2tl·S2. 13H.50 171·341·38, 11.48.18 WMI, John T., AP H3·8 t•078, 1181.114 BI ac 1.1 , Mt rl an 11 • C., AP Olff, M11inda A , AP t51M!83>20, Lamb. W. Kt n n •I h , A p TAJC fl.ATI AMA...., A.oLO Oreg•. Ray, AP 113•281-114, Sarr1clno, Aocc;o W., AP MOe.10 WhHlk•,A.Gut.AP l58·271•80, t6t..07U2,aUIU2 1120.94 1153-283·2).111100 - te1U8 t1J~3~~~~0~1,2D12.82ald,,, •p ,.,.~o1 • ..'_0r217a,.,1D07o15~.~21d R ,. AP ta!111.28 S t · p • Miii«, Aonald l. AP 151.083-04, 6tfglln, Barbtrt AP 932•H •Olr. AP 1$3·26"4·01,l268GO ·Htmtlton, Frtnll I Jt, Al' W••lfl•ld Huntington Co .. AP • on !'·• .. ...,.... -.... o Y•r1 llv•r • lflggln, .ti el82.40 1111.00 . 81ener1. Jo1tpl\ J ., AP 1<1~H>22·:17 e20444 183·29t•86, 1846.7CI 178-303-01, 1111.00 (. Ool d ~no.I. J erome A .• A p t158-301·u2, 5"',041.02 OlfntrMI, DI.,., AP 161.083 .. 12, Walaworth, Merk, AP 932·n.o.44, 1~3·2112-07. iG.83. 10 N 0 11 o '. w Ii II am R • A, '*-'· MlllVln, AP 1C13-2$:1-0I, H,tama, Evg•n• F ., All 834·11-0012,•649,H Tu,Tra.nQueng,AP 1815-181-10, 1111,00 , $111,00 Krlalolka, Jam•• A , AP 14e;-ou.3e 119541 11:-i29u . t7&..:s63.oe,13,362.68 ·Minar, B•rv1.1nna w .. AP $1,•H.23 -Yar;t•, Cliff ord A , AP 8t•nloo, Tito A .• , al, AP 16~&3-0•,SS2447 • • · Schlo1t•r. John A .. AP Larrago1tly,8 1llyNava,AP 834-11-()3811271.48 Ballow Jam•• H., AP 15t·112-otl,tl.301.02 932·111-058,$316.19 11e1r.Arll1Ur,AP~63·302·02.s4~~Wan«F.-.l'P 146-022-41, t153•292•04. lt73. 1•. 178-364·81, ll,Cl58.35 Mo(f• b•, P11 rlcl1 D., AP 101-181·11, Sl,238.58 B tock, Gordon L., AP Walchtr, John, AP 933.35-009, SI 2.64 8 P, n ce r 8 end re A A, Boller, Gary D .. AP 1413•292•06, 8ryo1, W ·111am C ., AP 03•'-ll-0151,9578,16 Hunt, Jem .. Brue•: B•nd•r. 111-112..ot,11,078.18 1491.41 . Hoslord, 8 1ephen c, AP 146..a33-oe,iu3u 1 " .. 1•107.23 178-313-07,l801.26 1<.ity,JOhnA.Jr.,AP93'4·61.017, e ruct ti 11. AP 1911-232-17, 11,· Bowman, Ra~mono tc, AP WT Newland E1talH (PTI, 1&3·303 04,Sf539.7,3 .Cnr l•tenien, eruc•, AP Elllt, Ronald D., AP 1113-292..08, Yocum, Rob.,, E .. AP Un.a. ~84.30 161-112·12,$11t8.153 93).52-002.lht.OO 09lor,1ARoyF~•P 153·313-00. 14&·03342 llHOO 12.112.20 178-303-14, 12,5419.S& VI ..... 0 r,, n d 0 A .• A p s au n d tr.' J 0 h n w .. A p Pllllnton. Roneld R., AP AP 933·62·142, S338.71 $542.40 ' . Burton, Skip R., AP 113-292-09. c 111 1 0 n. s I.,, en R.. A p 934·57-025, I 1,037. 18 185-232•20, S969.98 151-122..07, 1638.88 AP 933·52· 16CI, S~t.14 Hur I e y , 8 1. n t. y E . A p ll,8S3.40 178-383-31, 115,3115.88 L 1 Puma, P II 111 p C ., AP Dlerckam•ler, ChUIH F., AP Mc M v rp h)', K•n net h, AP Smlta, Tony et al, AP 933-87-033, 153-314·17, tll 1.00 PROPERTY IN • Bureon, Skip R .• et al, AP M0W hl11ney, Oar•" C .. AP 93~·57-034, 1380.08 AP 1IS.234..07, 1301.415 151-12•--04, $689.67 $483.6& Sllverm11n, Adolpn D11v1d, AP NEWPORT BEACH t63-292-30. St.058.80 t7w8-308031·•,8 •. Y$1.M&w1.16311•m F • P .... ~~7M..o4e0rc1~,;80111y o.. APTl165·s23•·08, Sd414.28 K •mp a r , K .. ~,. n K .. AP Bfgga, D1nnla. AP 933-87-041, 153"314-211, 1110 08 CITY Phllllp•, Arl hur W., AP • ··" .,. ... ., , "'" .28 me quareLI ,AP115.-234-09, 151·131·03.St,3vv.88 S501.36 Ward, C. 0, AP 153-314·30. 113-292....a,178.90 178-383-47,J978.38 .e rlck•ll. Donald R., AP s1, 46.65 Wvnoh , Jimmie A , AP w T Newland Eatelea (PT); •448.98 Gonul•1. Etllbtn G., AP Schmid t. O•org• F .• AP 934-57-056, 11,037.18 AP 1IS.234·10,$t,485,60 1111-131-04, 1620.04 Couuek, Adel• D. (Jl), AP Gon1a1u . EMlque. AP 1e5-022..o4. 1288.06 178•.371-07, S2,481.84 Cox. Randt.II G., AP 935-15--021, AP 165·234~t1, $751.79 MoWhorlitr, Claud• Lte, f,P 934-4r.068, $419.75 153-323·10, '347.79, Weinberg J•lfr•" L AP Herkne11 ; Wayne , AP $160.80 AP 165~34-12,$758.28 151·131-13,$790.75 Davia, Linda L, AP 934-65.0t2, S1amel1ktsl V,1111101 B. AP' Pfo1pec:1 Aperlm•ntt, AP .,85-022•11 1 ;3414 ' " 178-'373-0e, S1,579.92 Friedman , O.erald N., AP Olvmentl. Sieve, AP 195-241·07, Eth""· Max, AP 151-152·16, $553.42 153·323·18. S ,083.98 45·010-15, $1,021.8o4 MeWhlnMy.JtCqvellneFe~.AP Del Toro, Jorge luac, AP 935·1~33,l\,5"2.10 14•9.81 $682.74 , Tl&TR CoTr&/orBOhen,Roberla Lamb, Earl A., AP 153·332·01, Marina Apertm•nll, AP 185-024·12 $75324 178-381-13,12.908.00 Vl111a , Orlendo A., AP Whe len. John F. AP Gary L. Manley Inc , AP N. J1me1, AP 938-17-047.81, $111.00 46-010-ICl,lt,019.14 Gonulei. Frank Edwud. AP $6~~~· 'JOhn L .. AP 178-382..08, 937·30-008, $2,010.14 185-241-08.$894.62 151·182·28, $643.85 1111.00 AP 163-332-09. $948.58 OolSI AJ>•rtmenla, AP •M 10·20. 1C1M24·t4, s2, 1~.06 Okul-. Brian N .. AP 178 _ 391 .() 7 , Shafler O•valopmenl Inc .. ,\P Levy. Judy: Pere11, Sylvta, AP Olll/9r, Roti.rl A., AP 15t·23t· 14, AP 153·332-23. i 1,069.24 11,019. t4 : .. L. op• z , An 10 nI0 J ., A p $3 594 ·91 937·30·009. $1.522.0CI 1CIS.241·27, Sl.284.43 . $377.42 TAX RATE AREA 04-011 AP 153·332·27, St8t.63 S e11hore AA.trtmenll, AP 18M33·12i l111.00 ;,. ___ . L,.....h ... •p 17 .. ., 9 .HolJll(Brot.Co. Huntington N orlh. AP Prow. Harold J , Jr, AP .1 AP 153·342·16,$111.00 4!>-.010·22,$1,0t0.14 Ore«ifleld, Fred, AP 185-0.42·20. """"• -.. ..... .. -. 1·13, Robert P. Warmington Co., AP 115-251·27, $889.16 151·233·13, ~t.307.32 Wood. 'Lawrence G .. AP AP 153-342·24, Sl,07(1.t6 City o f Newporl B .. ch, AP 111100 1279.68 937-83-003, 1552.88 AP 115-251·28, 1754.09 Johnson, Flnnella R . A'P t45-093-03, 1111.00 AP 153-343-12, 1111.00 45·0U·20, 132.98 Han, Jung Un, AP 185-051· 17 .•• ~'?,Y2· 2Charlee D., AP 178-392·22, AP 937-63-026, $799.57 AP tM-252-07, $732.17 161-234-15, $353.21 M. r w In . Me Iv In 0 .' A p AP 153-343-19, $474 72 Jultnet. John w .. AP 45--034-11, S6M 18 .......,, AP 937-83-030, St,486.22 AP 185-252-08. $530.42 Ptrlman, Robert AL .. AF "6·112-30, $261.04 Harper, MeMn I.. &/or Johnson Sl.279.69 O ~er 1 v r I , Os c er L" A p Giii, MlchHI J., AP 178·60t·21. AP 937·83-<>69, S837.23 AP t65-252-08, S530.•2 t51·251-23. $896.01 Klrkorowlcz, Gregory 8 ., ~p Richard 8. et al, AP 153.351.25' O'Coonor. Patrick, AP 45-434·12, 165-092--06 St 93050 $3,418.02 Due, Jutllne M., AP 937-7t-001, AP 165-252·10, $530, .. 2 Mic.II, Pete J., AP 151·252·01 t45-t21·11, Sl,024.98 $984.58 • $32.98 Holsclaw 'Richard R AP Taddeo, Frieda F ., AP 1823.34 AP 165-252·11,l53Ct.42, 1594.16 Ky, Ngvyen c, AP t45·1:12-08, AP 153·362-18,$482.83 City o f Newport Beach, AP t65·101-52. $·1.052.24 .• J1~~!.0g:·.:54~.~lllp A AP AP 937-71·004, S955.58 AP 185·252·12, 1729.32 Robef'laon, C.L., AP 151·252-03 $1,040.82 • Lamb, Earl A , AP 153·371·12. 45-035·16, S32.98 Z u coco, An l hony J, AP 178·Cllt-1 2 $t 68950 ·• AP937·71-011.S823.34 APt85-253-01,l657.94 $479.40 Pla11.WllliemB.,APl45·252·1CI, S111.00 , AP-46-038--08,$32.98 t65·102.o3, 1952.52 SI-· .. , K' -'ih' B.,··p 17 .. 612 • 15 • AP 937·7t·013. S955.56 AP 185'253-02, S545,07 Pul•, Frank W. Jr, AP 151·253-0-4 $542.49 AP 153-371· 13. Sl.054.36 AP 45-037-01. $32.98 Stock GaryJ •"-' "' " .,.. AP937-71-014,$955.58 AP 165-253..03.$545.87 $307.99 Carlo. Anthony F ., AP AP 153-371-2.4,1111.00 Putnam, Raymond W .. AP JOI p' h Da ·,d G I 1 AP l891i45 AP 937-71..017. 1955.68 AP 185-253..04, S546.58 Phlllloun. Cartel on T ., AF 145·252-29, S33 t.92 AP 153-371-44. $111.00 <15--0t13-07. $170.55 e ' v vy e 41 · BrodnlJI L D AP 178-62 t-07 AP 937·71-024, 1955.58 AP 185-253--06, S545.87 151·2&3-t8, Sl.110.28 Reahl. Eugene R .. AP 145-271·<12, AP 153·371-46.-$3<19.72 Kiani, J, N., AP 45-044·07, t6s-122•11. s2.213·56 13.202.48 • . .. ' AP 937-71-044, $955.58 AP 165-253-07, S545.78 Elhurr. Mohamad Said, AP St 11.00 AP 153-371·<19, 1347 70 $2.239.50 slurmell,JOhnR .. AP 165-131·14· Jtrvls, Norman L., AP AP937-71-063,1955.56 AP 185-253-09,$853.50 t51-272·28,l1,007.42 L.o Verde, Frank V .. AP AP 153·371-62,$111.00 Shlh,Chlao-Kena,AP 45-044-08, ~~~~ RI h d s AP 178-822..05. 11,750.92 AP 937.71.0&4, 1955,5CI AP 165-253-tO, S898.73 Sanders. ltd E. Jr, AP 145-272-26, $560.98 AP 153-372-16, $3.47.70 $1 ,t22.01 16s-131~2~~~21.7~ ar ·· Strlckland. Randy E., AP AP 937.71.091, $823.34 Bury, Wm F .. AP tCl5·26t·05. 151·272·27, $614.56 Pham, Ty H., AP 145-272·30. AP 153-3111-05, $350.72 De Voun;, Ro;er &/or Prior, WlllllMI, Joy, AP 185· t33·24 17M22·14, 11.690.77 AP 937-71-096, $823.34 $15.00 Farr an 1. MI ch ae I D. , AP $248.88 • ' AP 153-38 t-42, $314.14 Wetter H., AP 45-452-03, $518.80 185038 ' Az:zara.Norman.APl78-622-32. Large, John C . Eat, AP 151-3113·12,$353.48 Carr; Jack, AP 145-281-15, APt53·392·06,S278.92 L.ewls,Oor-L,AP45-053..05, Mliler. Donalds .. AP 155.134-05, S971.61 TAX RATE AREA 04-011> 165-261-21, S12.92 , Clark, Sh«ry E .. AP t5l-38.3-17, St11.00 AP 153-392..08. St39.45 S533.72 $459.20 Phlllps, Thomas D ., AP Tamvra Enlerprlaet. AP Hya11-Benne1t Assoc, AP $111.00 KhalU. Jerald L .. AP 145-262·24, AP 153-393--02, $1,008.76 Signet Landmark Inc &/or D• Wiiiiama Joy E. AP lCIS-166-02 178-631..01, $58.00 107·231-01.19,039.30 185-281-15. S3,838.•4 HayH, Jot. AP 151·383·23, $297.82 AP 153·393·39, S111.00 Veney. Roy W .. AP 45·053·20, • SD4J • .52 · · · Ensor, Blalr W., AP 178-8St·16, Barragen. Jesus, AP 107-"02-09. Williams, Donne"lil., t65-282-10, $716.16 Tnornton, Donald R et el, AP Wrldl\I, Eiieen, AP 153-402-11,1$965.92 ·Peesland Brvce R AP $111.00 S336.82 $485.20 Raghuwanahl, N9val, AP 145-282-35, $402.05 S1tt.OO AP 45-053-33. St,594.38 165-192-14. $663.14 ·· Kelly, John A., AP 178-831-28, Dremln, Gereldlne E., AP Mor•no, Eplla\10 L., AP 151-384..05, $1,221.71 Miller, John L., AP 145-29t·09, c111. Roy J., AP t53·402-22.' Siona.I Landmartc lnc&/orGalllna, Becker, Mlchael N AP $1,259.60 107-403.07,$810.56 1C15-282-12,S1tt.OO Clbbartlll, Pamela R. el al. AP $187.77 $11100 MaryH.,AP •S-053-315,S702:t4 185-195-!9 $753 60 " L • 111 r . Kenn ti 1 h A .. AP Pt t 111 , Stephen H., A p B & G Proper lies Lid, AP 151·38<4·10, $293.53 H611er mann, Al an M .. AP De"ne. Terry D .. AP t53-402·53,j Slgnal Lendmetk Inc &/orW~. Ran I e ,., J 0 s. p h M A p t78-63 t-27, Sii 1.00 107....t()3.()8, 1673.62 115-291-08, 12.419,38 R. I ch. char •• s A. . A p 145·2tt-24, $111.00 st 11.00 James w .. AP 45-054-27, S760.•0 165-197·06, $2,029,32 · · Mllchell, Mall hew w .. AP Emmtr1on, Roberl J .. AP Maael Dev Co. AP 187-311..04, 151-38<4-t8, $1,509.10 · Ulm. Christine A, AP 145-33t·26, Pachollk . Thomas A , AP Clark, George W .. AP 46-055-01, Enomoto Hldeo AP lSS.203-42 178·63 t-38, 111.00 . 107-•7t· t2, $299.3 t $879.82 Brown, Robert L., AP t51·391-22, 1510.18 t53·402·63. $684.88 $356.61 11.015.12 '. ' · Tobin, HarOld E .. AP 1711·632-14, Wagle y, D1nnl1 M .• AP Chapm1n , Jewell R., AP $'749.57 Parlier. Roy J .. AP 1<15·341•50, Thoemmu. Carmen G . AP De Voung, Roger &/or Tully. Lockwood S tephen L AP $380.00 107-482·28, $977.90 • 187-313-11, 1221.77 Go m b., g , Harvey . AP $898.12 '• 153-406-03, $204.42 Gregory A .. AF» 45-055·42," 1es-21a.12, St,521.18 ., Vlases. Orlando A .. el el, AP Hough, Roge<W.,AP 107-4824t, Peder ten , David. H,. AP 151-393-02, $925.t6 Ovtrholtz. Francis A Jr, AP Youtz. David A., AP 153-405-13, $1.898.80 lahll Dennis K AP 115-271..02 178-632·52. $1,139.84 . • $604.96 t67-321·10, $482.48 91ro. l.fllle F., AP t51·393·24, t45-35t.07. S87t.56 $<435.74 AP 45-055-51), Mba.14 $791.io " • Smith. Loul1A .. AP t18-632·117, · Wot ll, S t ephen K., AP Etch•goyen, Crelg K .. AP $681.08 Adolphton. Arthvr A . AP Rader . Rodney J .. AP Signet Landmark Inc &/or F I Do I L AP 178..041..08 $1, 182.68 107-482-47 S468 98 t67~21·20. $125.26 BodH. Barould Seahbod, AP 1•5-351·25, $346.7<1 153-405-22. $111.00 Londellu•. Jonn, AP 45-058·32, $90~~e<, rs " • S lllzlnger. Dorothy D .. AP Roech, °Leo~ Tellchet. At' Rogers, H. Kent .>r, AP 151-393-61, S11t.OO Locke. Barbire E ., AP MayM. Mark A, AP 153-408-55. $1,713.90 Goudreeull Wllllam R AP 178·632-60. St.118.96 10'7-513-19, $1,300.S8 1117·321-22. 5"'.46.75 Cltnc:y, James. AP 151-40t-02, 145-352..03. Sl.043.42 S111.00 De.Youn;, Ro;er &/or aartn, 178-041•68 s2 738 64 " Terrell. La France E .. Jr .. AP Franke Dean N., AP t07·573-26, EI gen. Cather t n e G .. ~ P $832.00 · Norton. W 1111 • m J ., AP Cooley, Melva J .. AP 153-412· 12. J<>519h. AP 45-061..()6, S564.10 Callclc RebeGca ;.. 178-632-63, 1572.42 Sl, 173.M 157-3:15..01, $111.00 Briden ball, Slephen T ., AP 1•~0<1-01, St.017.07 Stt 1.00 Signal ltndmertc Inc &/or Cook, Schl~gel . Ge~rge F., AP Bounds, Suzan L .. et II, AP Tate,MlcaelaJ.,AP 107-60\-31, Opfer.LeRoyF .. AP187-3.44.()9, 151·40~..08,$761.88 Vander Rlel , Mary, AP Egberl, G W. AP 153-4t3·02. D.E .. AP45-06t·10,148'30 118-"°42.-02, 5930,66 . 178-832·6.4, It 139.84 $111.00 • 1390.70 Beardsley. Chester C., AP 145-412-23, $1,065.20 $111.00 AP •5-061·21, S90t.88 Sangl haweep Juts AP -"Ada.ms,,HJ1r-ttett L.~·AP Purv1•.-.Gregory W ., AP Ken)'OJl RoJ>erl W .. AP 15t ... 11-20.1822.78 Ander-ton, Rchard E .. AP Cendy,DallasH .AP 163-413-54 AP45-061-23,$35.28 t78-<M 2 .o 5 1107525 · t78-641-19. $1,232.84 107-852..03 $946.20 187-35t-14, S289.62 Minar, JOhn M .. AP 151-413·33. t45--4t2·35, $1,070.01 $202.99 ' De Vouna. Rooer-&/or Hanson, Kln9, Oorolhy D . .'AP 178-042·07, J" v 11' N 0 rm. n L.. A p D11Qle. Harold l .. AP 107-682-04, Julllel, Roger, AP 187-353~11. 1537.73 Bleche, Leo H., AP t45·421.04. Crow!Jlchael G., AP 163-4t4-68, Cllflord A .• AP 46-0CI 1-38, $1 334 52 178-642-04, Sl,448.12 $494.04 $825.82 Norton. Howard, AP 151-<123-11. S296.60 • $758.84 $1.268.48 Bllquez Richard p AP Kanai, James T., AP 178-642-21, Dalgneau, Dorothy M., AP Crocker, JoHphlne S. TR, AP $111.00 lrvlne, Douglas, AP t45-422·11, Gu" , Gary c., AP 153-418-t4, :;1gna1 Landmark Inc &/or 17 8..0 4 3.oe s 2 416 46 " St, t68.32 107-89t..03, $428.50 187-441-08, $111.00 Dlk1hlt, Rahul, AP 161·431·10, $1.330.16 s111.oo Platloot, Thomas R., AP 45-062-10, Carpen'te;, David L .. ·AF Lorbeer, Wiibur 't!· (JTLAP Eo!ll:.bJ~H•rryT.,AP 107-702·15 Colby, Stephen A., AP $111.0Q Klrkorowlcz. Gregory B .• AP Adams,HenryL.AP t53-<lt6-5", $589.00 178-043-12 $672 94 1J8:l!lr2·22, S5;211:-;Q $54'3°:40 -187·'l5~:,;oa;·$1,'283.7r---· Tye, HClberl F., AP -r51'" ... 33~'5'. i4,..2T:05. $1',089:08 ~ $3'1'2:32 "-; -~ ? • • AP .S~23: ttt1~ -· - Mvller, Wltold.' AP 178-051..08 Goalln•..1 'Merlin H .. AP Shlelds, EdWan:t. AP 107-702·19, Johnaon, Allan Rlcherd, AP $384.4CI · Dutcher. Cheryl A., AP Gilkerson. Ernest A . AP AP45-063-15~S111.00 12 310 40 178-MJ-16, ~1.249.34 , S1, 11 t.58 · 167·4*20, St 11.00 Sm ll h , Ce rm en J ., A p t4~31-06. $829.80 153 ... 18-55, 143'4.76 AP 4S-063-18, $1,340.48 ParkM, Arthur E .. AP 178-053-02 Fisher. L .. AP "178-84"°3, St,· Green,.lrVlng, AP 107-811-08, Ching Hal Enterprlaea Inc, AP. 151-442..ot, S52 ... 64 Norr 1 ed. R vb In R , , "'· Refvglo Jr. AP 153-4 t&-82. AP 45-063-18. $932.30 5184776 126.02 $687.47 18-47t-t3,S11t.60 Herrtaon, Terry L .. AP 145-432-17.1398.69 $377.50 AP45-063-23,S4t•.20 Och.sri'er Harold c Jr AP L• Puma, Phlllp C., AP Whistler, James, AP 107-811·24, Lichter. Leonard E .. AP 151-448-11, 1877.70 Naon1. Kalpo.lelmanv. AP Clark, George W., Henaon, 178-053..()3 .$148796 . .• 178-644- $615.92 187-48t-01,$639.18 Tl'lllcller. Thoma• R .. AP TAXlllATEA.Rl!A~I 153·417-11,$111.00 WU11am.AP45-064-t3,$t,551-.3CI Mlelke David c .AP 178-053·25 Seoll, Oonakl M., AP 178-644-39, Pacmc Amer 011 Co Corp, AP AP 117-481-02, '659.92 151 .... 51-04, $703.83 L 0 p el. An I 0 n I 0 J .. A p Sig"al Landmark Inc &/or Ayer•. Sl 516 4. " • SI, totl.98 110-151·17, S91.23 Munday, George, AP 1117..,.81-05, Abreh1m. Mlchtel F., AP Sunset Profaulonal C1nlre, AP 153-417-50, s111.00 Dennis, AP <15-064-24, S747.39 Donald Sharon v ·AF Smith, Clar•nc• E., AP Heriog. R.F .. AP 110·152·05 1t 1,010.9t 151-461..08.1383.58 178·581·12,St,231.6t E.nlow, Jlcic F., AP 153-417·59, AP 45-064-28.l1,139.12 178-053-27 Ss79528 .. 178-644-90,14,100.96 S10.98 Kloepolna. L.trr)' K., AP Tiner, Larry H., AP t51-464·32, AP 178-581-15,$2,525.68 $656.20 AP45-064--35.$111.00 Peladln~a 'Gv.atavo E AP Wells, Rulon 8., AP 178-&«-87, Pacific .timer 011 Co Corp. AP 187 .... 82·28. $1,279.34 te72.9CI Hlgglnbolham, Jac:ll T. et ti, AP AP 45-<>65-15, $68().18 ll'~53-28 u 90108 " S128.26 110-t6C).()1, $173.23 Smole, Allton 8., AP 187 .... 83-07, H•tnandu, Edwerd N., AP TAX RATE AMA OMUt 153-421-04, S538.21 AP 45-066-24. 1111.00 M1yhew, Pe1ric1a, AP 178.053--55, .} 7 11f 7 an 8 h_ Terry N., AP 17 K.ilet, Frank R., AP 110.182-03, $111.00 151 ... 6t-19, $1,719,68 Hu, John B., AP 153·•22·09, AP 45.()Cl6.11, lt.769.IM 5"' 72 6.85 .... ·"" 11 ... 84 F«ry,Mlchae1D.,AP167-483-SO, Millar, Harmen K. Jr, AP Hewttt,JOhnT.,AP t45-01442. 1676.30 SlGnDI Lendmuk Inc &/or Knauf Betty L Malone. Rob•rt J,, Tr, A? Ptclllc Amer 011 Co Corp AP $1.021.30 151.,.73-t5, $1,59•.32 S8.445.50 ' S 1 ere" c e A 111ocIa1e1 Thomplon, Gerry L., AP 45-068-13, Morton R'obert G AP 178-68t-02,S5.255.58 • 110-180-01,St53.30 • ' Wood, Gr•gory B. TR. AP Slnghal, S.H., AP 15-1-473·4•, .Etchegoyen·Sweeny-Bennlng· .Condominium (LAI lnvea1men1 Co S788.42 178-06 2 -03 SI 589 28 ·' Corral."-H., AP t78-68MO, Devldaon, Bradley K ., AP 167·.C83·32, 1417.47 $832.22 · ' hOlf. J.P 145~14-~,.$12,538.3• Ltd. AP 153·«1..()3, $28.609.24 Signal L8ndmatk Inc &/or Da\lla, M arao e 89 ' K'en net h A p $4,322.N 110-18"'-01, S20.58 AP 167-483·33, 1277.41 HIM(I, Syed M., AP t51·483-08, Dllla.n beck 1 S ttv• R .. AP Lemb. Dorothy E. Tr, Ki>ematlne. Ptul S. V, AP •5-066-1•, St,354.04 78--062-25. 13,42o.llll ' Cloud. Kevin 0., AP 171H181-35, AP 110·t8"·23, $20.58 Vlar1, Carl W., AP-157·491·20, '111.00 145-153-05. $45;s.28 Eleanore. AP 153-441·10. $533,34 Signal Landmark Inc &/or Won g . Wllllem w .. APS3,429.0CI . Knudtson . Ronald L., AP St,583.58 .zeng1n. Ebrahim, AP C-a.l.oulel' .. APt45-t65 ... t, Ltmb. Waller D Tr. Fabele. Mcferran, Dou;las c .. AP 178-083-13 1251898 Motley. v. Ray, AP 178-e82;.()5, 110-188--03,$14.32 Fox, Randel R .. AP 157 .... 92-03. 151-484-10.$2.137.80 $688.03 Dominic A ' AP 153-Ht-12. 45-066-16,$479.eo ·v a n Ho'rne Gary N AP 11 0 ,731. 1 30 G Fujita, Muaml, AP 111-011 .... 0. $87.Z.sa W.T. Newleno Eeute, AP Rolhacher, Roberl D . AP 1498.79 Fract man. Svaen J ., AP l78..07t..o5 s70494 " la son.1._ und., H., AP $13.97 Viera, Carl W., AP t87·•92·18, 15t-523-12,$3()3.86 145-165-48,$111.00 Lamb , w. K•nnllh, AP C~7.l427.<M Price Giii). R . 17e..683..()5, ~,368.90 FUJII•. MltlUkO, AP 111..071-50, Sl.446.88 AP 151-524-02, 1845.52 Anzll, Judllh G., AP 145-172-0iJ, 153-441·21, $143.77 Drinkwater, 0111ld H .. AP Smith, Mich&.., AP l78-072..o7, Roa, L-'gh A., AP 178-091-08, $1,589.84 Dewaon, Robert D., AP AP 151-524-13 $54298 S111.00 . Lemb, W. Kenneth et al, &/or 45-066-44,$1.217.75 It 889 50 14.884.64 S v I a k e, Robert A., A p 181·501-03, S240.57 AP 151-53t-01' '596.08 Aelchelderl•r, James O .. AP Dittmer. G•ry R .. AP t53-t1<12-31, Sl;nal L•ndmatk Inc &/or iiuyt4,,, Welter c ., AP 178-072·22 HUI, c . o..n. AP 178-69t~22. 1 1. 111-321-38, $3,2.7.28 De u t I ch. Th.om... A p AP 151-531· 10: $698:38 145-174-01, $234.55 S764.58 Venneltoll, Rob•rt N. •I •I. AP $654 12 • 272.38 Whitt, Evelyn Gllbe rl , AP 187-531·22, $725.23 AP t51-5'«-10, 1841.88 Grandatafl, Susan K .. AP W T. Newland Ealate. AP tlS-068-50, '801.72 Ellis, Mark E .. AP 178.082• ,4, E Y t Ur . Geo r g I E . , A P t 11·322-08, S 1,0&4.22 Tudor. Svaan L, AP ~32· to-o3<1. AP 151·544·22, $282.80 145-174..()5, SI 11,00 153 .... 53..06. 1458.58 AP -.s-oe7-24;S1 ... 29. te $514.10 t78-691·25.l1,190.12 AP 111·322.()g,12,206.12 $877.All W.T. Newland E1tal11, AP Jack1on. Edward M., AP AP 163-454-11,5"'54.88 AP•.5-()67-39,lt,075.18 C h•••· Geor;e w .. AP -.H1rbor Prop•r tl e •. AP BoylH, Thom .. v. •tel, AP Lopaz . Antonio J .. AP 15t-.55t..07,$318.58 145-181-05.S532.8t Af' 153-482-09,$281.27' AP•S-087-51,$781.74 178-11$-28 St 360 08 178-691·2CI, 11.512.30 111-3'7 l..02, s 1.1>92.80 932· 1<>439, '111.00 W.T. Newtend "Eatal•, King, Dive Berth. Jpseph. 1'P 145-211·18, AP 153 .... 63· 13, $50 t.88 Stonaf L.lndmlttc 1no &/or OflMt, h.Ja tier ,' Jam 91 S ., A p Ba It rt m ' KI n net h , AP AP 111-3·71-03, $1,992.06 Anzlt, Stanltl)I\ AP 932-t0-098, Li.. AP 151·551·19, $1,338.U S4174.32 l Erick 10 n, O on 1 Id W .. A p J. R., AP 4S..071-28, S762.30 178-121-04 $6281r 17M81-Z1,U,541.86 .Elae(_~f!...llL-371:18 $111.00 A,. 151-552-04. S1.18e.98 Markwood, Rlch1rd c .. AP 1A3:.47.J~.5~M23.20 f1'tnk.tJ~A)irMA-SOo &Loi Ft<*~ OnQ,SwMhalS.,APl78-121-12, Jtnnlnga, ChulH C. Tr, AP $1,111.76 ' R'lflfnITr••.l.ynrlrllO~ '"l\..-,61.~.tee3. ~G :>~1-&~?lorne p -AP Tadrot,JonnE .. AP 153-<471-18. Kalh8rlne C., AP 45·011·58, $11100 178-192-13.$2,379.9CI Smith Jamee P AP 111-372·19 932·10-111.$111.00 AP 151-583-11.St.565.16 °!1r ,I 11 .. S111.00 $858.32 Bll~t. Betty F .. AP 17a..12,_15, Kall, Nathan A., AP 178-701·10, 1359.18' " ' Cenci, Rull\ M., AP 932-10-123, AP 151-583-24. $1.38&.68 146-381·25,_$111.00 Mucla, H\IVO R., AP 16$-481-02, Frank H. Aven_ & So9 &/o'f 11576 48 791.88 Grtgory, Raymond J .. AP $232,84 AP 161-58347, $307.54 Kurcbaums. VIiia Pevla. AP 1a4a.12 Homme. John, AP 45·0 2·f2, R~ctor Richard C AP Johnaon , Allan E ., AP 111-383-24,$278.38 N•u•nfeldt, Wllllam P., AP AP151•151e-181$&48,08 14W6t·215,S307.10 Folker, Les L, AP tSS-484-03 $1.097.82 . 178-17M5.'l 1,911.18 .. t,78·70t-15,$3,998.98 P•lornlno,Cerlot.AP112~ 832·18-142,Sllt.oo' AP161-581..01,S1,0e.4.3"' M iehe••· He l•n G., AP $735.34 • SionllL.MOmerltlnc&/orBeck•. Schlick Ka~T AP 17e-161.o2 Morrlaon , John D .. AP $8,Cl28.80 Jennlng1, Philip A. •tat, AP AP 151·58~·23,~,H 145-363-14,$4t5.68 Lin D1ntel Chia.Jen Tr Howud M., AP •5·012·20. lt,e29.7e " · 178-701·17, 12,218.82 Ce r 110 n, a• r al d D., A p 933·13-015, J.t.te,57 AP 1151'11M.01, 43.74 A. W, Chepmll't Fabr'1et.tor11. Inc, Chen1aneaon1but• Pichon AP $1.032.00 Adam, Wllllam. AP 178.t81•22 Rlchetd , Ronald J ., AP 112·284--03, '111.00 Miiistream Condomlnlumt, AP AP 1151-583-17, 1,840.58 , AP 145-482·t5, 1349.71 153-4114·19, S94Cl.92 ' Slgnal LenOmerk Inc &l ot $158159 '178-701-23, 12,704.22 Fu1141r, Hugh C.; Berlcemtl' Aob4N1 938-31.002. $954.12 AP 151·584-17, 1111.00 l(ecor Really Inc, AP 14S-541..0CI. Ollvietl, De\fkf J,. Bryant, Peul M., Wllll•M•. D.K .• AP 45-072-25. Hu ri 1.,, Je ff,. y c.. .tip Booker, Rona II• 0 (UW). AP R., AP t42-482-.28, "41901.2.i _ AP 038-31-009, $95"'.12 AP 151·584--29, $444.38 S 1.AS9.92 AP 153·~2-ltl $2 047 08 $244.90 1-7&4&2+06, 11 . .481.40 178-702-11,$1,483~18 Atjun,_.,,,. A:;-~""t4z;1lf'1.1JS, .,.,,. 838-31.()10, $9~;1Z -fltP 151-691.()4, $1,-376.11 AP 1,15-541-09, St,435.18 ~. Thoniu • .'..AP 153.-512..02, Signal L1ndmtrk Inc &/Or Binning Henry AP 11a.18t.2t RMnlck,JacltA.,AP 178-702-22, 111r,04 . AP938-31-0ICl.1450.t4 Gu•rln, John, AP 155-103-02, Krl•gtr. Robert B., A 1521.<13 -Senver. Dena R. Blue, AP 1153.92 ' ' ' 1,848.28 KI u t n I ck, Jam ti J ., AP AP 938·31-035, 1903.44 I t,538.92 195-011..02, $436.82 Moeck. Brian Ii .. AP 153-513-18 45..072-29, 11.579.48 / Blehop, L. P., AP 178·191-23, C allck . Arthur T r .. AP 142-101-15,$5.00 AP838-31-040,l903.44 Join••.' Fleetwood B .. AP McK111on. Richard K., AP•sess..ee . AP"'5-072-54,ft,313.20 te524 178-703-21 $1,714.92 AP 142-101-11, ts.00 'l\P 93Cl-31-049, $1.135.82 155-141-01. $111.00 195-0t2·10, $574.88 Guzman. Wll!lem. AP 15J..53t·10, AP •5..072-57, $1,437.72 AP '1ra.191.21: 141.44 Low. VIOiet E .. AP 178-704..05, Lowmen, G1n..,a Mery, AP AP 938-31-055, M54.22 G•laalngtt. Jam•• B., AP M •" n 9 8 k I e. t' en e • AP M40.88 AP <IS..072-58, M18.ft Harting, R. A. AP 17a.191..st t,8t2.84 14:1·102·2~$958.78 155-1tl2·13,S111,00 1t 195-013-24.SSt0.21 Minick, Slephen K .. AP Slgnal Landmark Inc &/or ll83 90 ' ' Harbour·Peclllc Lid. Miio•. '-hrt1, AP 142• 102-•:lb, TAX RAT£ AMA°""°" K•llY, Cov1 K., AP 155·tCl2..0ll. D a VI e I, John et a 1. AP 153-532-· 18, $421.78 Thompton, Gerry l., AP 45-072.ff, s · Or Ro b in• Geo r gt o AP $112795 i$335A7 195--021~3.$871.20 New1011 Roberts AP $77818 11:~'f.3t ;~~~.;,artnerahlp, AP178-705-01.°S3.737.<>' ., jan°acek. Ge org• J ., AP PaclflcAm•tOllCoCorp,.AP Mactl1on. Mark A., AP Brtedlove. David l •AP 153-532-29,St,031.86 .. AP45-o73-13:S31MU7 S haffer bevelopmenl Inc. AP P 178-705-07,S1.747.t5 142·103..08,111}.00 l10-l90-08,Sn.ea 155-172-3(),$608.44 195o-063-43,S382.08 Watkin s': Bruce w., AP Signal Landmark Inc &/or 178-201-58 $168848 P178-705-t7,$2,006.0CI Sllllman, Ru11•1I I.. .. A P ,,s~~2JeaeleF.,AP1t0-.20C)..()8. l•lnklller, J1m11 c .. AP Emmeraon, Rob•fl J. AP 153--541..()4,$741.sa HanHn, K. M, AP 415-013·18, AP 178-201-st: S l,S92.72 P 178-705-24, 1705.73 142·103-26, $994.98 · · 200-0 155-172.-34, $1,020.55 185-185..o5, S1,012.24 Or111. 1..eonard, AP 153--543-01, S72l.68 AP178-201-60.l1,592.72 P178-705-26,$969.74 Stellrecht. Robert L .. AP APOl10-0a\llcl'D'2·!~5·'f20-200-0a S~red, Marla, AP 165-173-03, Ad ams, Rlohtrd L.., AP $878.32 AP4S.073·1T,l768.54 AP 178-201-61 $1 592 72 178-705-37, f 111.00 142-111-37 , 14,970.98 111\I, ., 1 ' S30•.4CI 195-192.-08, S 11 t.00 Tllov, Nicholas. AP f53·54.....a6. AP 45-073.21. 1780 ..... AP 178-201-12. 11'520°72 p 118-705-43, $1,738.98 ,.p 142-111..SS, $7.772 .. 27 sa2.40 . ~ Savlnoa & Loan Alll'I AP Poeto•h•n•. Mare.I R., AP $467 07 StgMI l.Andmarll Inc l./or EntlGn AP 178-201-Cl3• s1'eoa96 P 178-705-«, Sl,739.98 Glttln, Jamet F., AP 142·152-32, un::a:Otnl lnvt1tl0tl lno, AP 15f5.111..Q3, 13,0~11.04 ' 195-195-20, $111.00 Halhaway, Maynard C. Jr. AP Dorothy, AP 46-074-09.1538.98 ' AP 11a..:rq1-14: ,1;581.82 p 178-70MO. $2,011.12 1352.72 l~0-110-200 ~·8:>:J184 Dur 1 t n, 8 o d an O., A p GoUfl. Wllliem, AP 195-202.00, 153·5<14· 16, '473.82 Slgn•I L.1ndm1rk Inc &/or D• AP 178-20r-65, l'f,581.82 p 178-70s.80, 12.217.IM Ell. Chrl1tln• Jo Ann, AP Saller Da~iei" • AP 110-222·29 155-181-13, 11. ,41 se3AP Cl1.158202 "8 ••15,,,. M an1u" ch",,. A .. A p "Ion, Thomaa L .. AP 45-014·101 AP 178-201-Cl8, 11,581.82 p 178-70M1. $2,281.94 142·166-19, S111.00 • .. • Morgan, Hltr'/ JoHph, AP 9 • ..., . .,, ·"" 153•583-15, $538.55 S1,680.28 AP 178--20t-Cl7, S1,580.52 p 178-705-63, te18M Hclmee, Mary H .. AP 142·1e.-01. ~,8·11~222•30, ,28 12 155•181·18, $1, 129.27 , _ S5~1tt, Lttoy F .. AP 195-2.02-24, S 11gel11lk, Timothy K .. AP Slgnal Land mule Inc &/or AP 178-201-Cl9, 11,948.?A AP 178-705-75, 11,sse.se 124~.os. Buller Rob•ri Stulrl AP ~.Frank c .. AP 1&s;10M4, 0 ~~ L .. F AP 19"'202 28 153·69t ... 2, $719. 10 Caywood, R. E., AP 46·01•·11. • Miio•. Chrll, AP 11'8·211·85 Af 178-705-78. $2,990 .. 90 0 Brien, Wllllam T. Jr, AP ' 3 ' $378.87 p,,.., • noy " "" • • Cennamo, Gerald J , AP $441.94 fl,283.93 • AP 178-705-&4, 11.244.5" 142·181·11, 193.28 . --112-081•25• lt,4o5. 8 Slmt JOMPll v AP 15$-194-01 $558.92 153-592-07 $897 58 Slgnal l..endnw'k lnc&lor Borwla Armatrong, George A., AP AP t78-708-01, M,258.68 D•nktu, E., AP 142· 191·27, Tapia, Albttl, AP 148"102•2"'• tell5.e4 .. ' Barth, Jonph. AP 1g5·213·15, Kling, Mark P.: AP t53·598· 18, E., AP 45-075-12, llS4.12 ' 178-222..02 '315..86 AP 178-70e-13,S2,055.88 $138.30 1111·00 1 5 M•G••. G•ora• e .. AP $602.88 f2,t45.26 AP 45-075.,., $1,356.32 0 b., h. u •• M. r y A. A p AP 178-7()6.15, lt,082.23 Acolta, Mlehaet, AP 142>212.oCI, ~~ Aob41r1 J ., AP 41ol1l•l ' 155-221·13, taH.68 Opltt, La Roy F., AP 19$-214.03. pr 0., Id. n I H 0 m •• ' A p AP t15-075-22, 11,8215.M 178-222•15 .• t.291.08 AP 178--7()6.18, 12,715.2.0 a2t1.90 4· Q tan I •Y, Jame 1 M., AP $511.42 16H12..o6. $111.00 Co It on A p atttn•n I t ,.....irr "*'-Huntington AP 178-706-32, a2.119M Rodriguez, Edw1rd, AP Blan 'g"s4o~d1•r A., AP 155-.222·10, $1,579.58 M a f u ne, Fuml h lro • AP Chlc;oU, Hugo 8 ., AP 155-012-25, •5-081·14. t 1.016.34 · Apartm•nti. AP 178•222•28, AP 178-706-315, fl,030.44 142-45t-24, 1779.80 1•e..112-0 • •4 P Campagna,.Jemaa J ., AP 105-2.21-09, S5015.01 $688.54 Marina AS)artm•n tt. AP 11 738 .oe K .. 1'1. Jonn A., AP t78-712.o3, Nonemaku, MlohHI D., AP Brolh•nSaT~~tld C ., A 165-2"-04,W8.18 Buth, Joaeph, AP 186·221•1", M•yer, Ro1emary, AP 46-0111·16,$1,018.34 CounHIOr RHllY Inc., Al" 11,470.98 . 142-451-3<>,S375.t8 149-t21-3l, . Ta vb. L•onaro e .. AP $583.02 155-0f4..07,S320.61 coastAJ)"1menla.AP46o.ot1·17, l78-232'08 $15122 To•flHnO, Howard A., AP C.Mtzkl,WetMtP.:NMl,Wty ~dt•n . ~lch ard L., AP 155-231-08,$244.21 Sa1qul1t, John C ., AP Starr, Elelne. AP t55·015·34, $1,018.34 , tHnmen Roneld 0 AP t7-.112-33. 128'1.20 I... AP 142-47....a&1 11,023.66 14 •t21•50, 55•48 Hamdl Ntleh M AP 165-233-36. 19S.2.23-38, 1839.80 143387 Seaahore Apartm•nll AP 1784.52..0S. t115.12 . • . w 0 n g . w 11 11 • m w .• A p Tobin, Kev•. AP 142-47•·07, sa~· Edward.s .• AP 14e.l21-51, te07.M . .. Oberly Lee c .• AP 195-223-44, Ptlill. P•t. AP 165-018·03, 46-081-18. lt.018.M • Shlfl•t O.v•lopm•n1 Inc, AP 178-721·13, 14,938,88 et,329.74 1 .Ill MulhHrn, Brue• T Tr, AP 1593.tCI U93.44 Proaptct .t\partmenll, AP 178-282·10, lt,045.0CI Bare, CharlM R .. AP 178-721·28, 8kowro11.1. Muylt ti a.I, AP 14': ~i: ~5• :s:so;; a 1 W · • A p 161-38.2-32, 11.37,,2'4 . Oc>I•, l..eroy F · AP ts&-223--51, Laaker, Vele, AP 155-02 l•OI. •6-081-19, 11,018.34 Hin men Ro nald c Af 11.9152.08 142 .... 74..()g, •708.72 • • • · H-. Rudolf, AP !61·3Cl2·35 MOt.12 t1.430.U • Kennard, B. J•flr•v. AP 178-25.2·21, t2.335.90 .• ArOI, MarlOn J., AP 176-731..()8, S•nto1 , Franolaco, AP l1Nu1*, JON L., AP 149·t31·28. 1682.eo • I 001111, Wllll•m. AP 196·231·18, Swe9ert'/, fhomu L .• AP •5..083>4>3,$522.M HutttlnalonBMCI\ .. ,321.M • 142 .... 74,23,Sl,860.82 o~=r.ion Ha A AP Black, Gery E. •t al, l\P ~.1• 155'-023-25,$510,20 ' Pellft,PelerJey,AP45"083>off>, AHOCl•IH, AP 118·2H·28, A.odg1r1. Rob•rt L •• AP Valtlngoler , Walter. AP 149-t .. 118 u3 88 rr)' ., 157.se3.-15, 1953.30 Pelmer, Rob•rt 0. 2nd, AP l1,50(U8 US,ta.a<> p8-74M9. 12.087.88 142-47444, Jt66.95 Uu.I "RJcfiard ~ AP l'40.2TI 05 D a(' 1t rd, M loh 1 e I. A p TAX ftATf AMA 04.oao 1155·024-04, 1724,32 H)'land, Jef• E., AP 46-091..QI Br. ookt, Jimmy 8 111, AP Sp1actlln,. Gurg• F ., AP Eltay-4. Mlk•, AP 142•474•!50, 172138 " • • 157<41 .ot,12.011.72 . Wllaon. Robert M;, A" $5,073.00 118-2.81~ 13,891.8' 178-7~t-2.4, 1,049.14 "'37.92 HI.lb.rt Peul 0 AP 140 21; 19 INoa, Da~ L., AP 107_.11 .. 7, ... 2h•no. Su•WU, AP 105-011·21. 15~·024~31, $809.o& K...,,N, ThorMa, A., 415.otl..ol, ~t+tory E.,APt78-281.o3, Johnaon1 J o Ann LH , AP 8'1rtc•.~P.J.,AP1157.S24•22, 123487 . .• • •• 117.42 ......... 00 Vot1ndehl, JtmH 1'., AP ll.374.915 .... OM... 178-741-26, •t.883.&2 MTO.H H•tt Oaryte 0 AP 14 .. 27S.12 ... llano, Tlmo11\y J ., AP Lall•, Jaclt Sr. AP 1815•012·52. 155..o3MO. 13&1.oe Cltt of N•wport BHQll, AP Brook I Jimm y a .. AP At!Y,.<Moto&aO.,AJ> 178-741•21, Thoma1, Grour P., AP ttllOo " • f61 .... 32..07,e1,127,0I Sl,234,72 Pr~,AoblnL.,AP .1115-03M3, 45..()9 22,'3i.tll 'i7t-aet..()7. is,704.64 tt.o.18.1'4 1157-326-09, ts.\U1 · Morttnun. David c., AP $453,54 AP •S-105-tt, tu.II e.ncler. Gt}V L., AP 118-281~18, iluecaml, Charlu A., AP M~. Amine, AP t81-3a...37, DrHHr, Raymond E. Jr, AP t57-433-10. ttN.71 TAX lltAT11AM.A94412 Guy, 9ruee 0., AP 155·034·09, Dt Pltrro. Robtlle A .. Al' t7,CM ~..018.11,857.73 IOtUO t4Nl$.3'0~·44 Hellk•.MIMll .. AP 1S1-43)45. $1,09'4.20 •S-t11·14,'1.04t.M Hunt•r, J •flr•Y c .. .t\P QMne. Edward, AP~· t<lrkm•y•r. Virginia v .. AP 8lgnal ompenlH lno, &/or t12Ui00 Coopman. Arthur R., AP Metz, i.-11 J., AP 1155-042·14, St•leo1Calfomla.AP4&-11f47, *"8 7 '*"At474 117'3112 .... '° Watton, Herold B. Jr, AP lloflltr , "llltlt• "'.,A" tA2.ff2·15.U24.03 $385.10 $32.98 111-iea..oe.-. 10. 0 -!: • • • • 111.oa1.ot,taff.77 '57 .............. ".. so Wytnan, Aoumary ".AP S•lllQO Oon•ld' AP AP45-111-ol,al.M o.orr;. Mery, AP 171·282·10, "'4'· Patti A., AP 030·12.0U, Flu•Hll. lltudell J .. ,.,, AP 111'°2Mt.l22t.11 ~~.AP 1111-433-'47 142-.2724$1,01108 15M54-48,i174.07 .• Koll.DoneldM.Tt,AP4"'tlMM • •• ,:~·u~. Clayton L., AP ~=p .. Joen. AP 930·82.0IM. 11:.-::t~i~riln• c .. ~" AP lll.Oi2.o4, ITH.66 MMt7 I COiie O.vld s .. AP 1o42.-27S.015, Lotnoardy HOl'llU Ltd AP 1111.00 ,,.._,,71.os,.N04.et 1218.03 ~.o... 1 7 llon•I Com'•~••• Inc. &tor Oehtu, .-obtrt A • Afl 111.174.b 155-063·14, 1111.00 ' lcnuminn, "ob•rt w .. "' • lltawaon tnduttrlH Inc .. "" L•I, Patricia, AP 931 .... 0-014, ~f lJ -~,,_,.. ··AP 1tl.OU-41, t81-4$4..o2,9Mt..tl Gfl•'/.htrd. R, Paul, AP 8MI, O•tbara Ol41n•, Jtnlcln1, .CJ.134-ot,lt,IOf,'PJ 1 .. ..------tt704' • 11 J." I t L .,, ' zunuruodrn l<h•I• AP t42-27 12 •1.110.ff EdWln I!. AP 1ff.Oa.H .... 02.02 AP '4&-14$-01, ..... 1 ··-·-·-Unic.~dM.,.t1Pill1l....o-Glt. 15'1.1.:0~·Jb2 ~• Y "" ~·~co7&u1e1 lnc.1..!lor 1AT-442>-'7.S11f.ai • ' McCanol .. 1. M•r1on L., AP ~Pt5~,13t1.M lr•nhouH, lllHMlfl, ,., .,~..,.,I.., AP 178-• .0J, 11.oaua Aoblao'n Chtt lU 0 Al' 1'1311.. "Y ., AP,.,_,,, Wona.""""" Y, Na. Youno 9oo 141-2ff.1t, ., t).00 9ank, Cr0Ck9'-cltldnt NttloNll ..S.tt4-ol, ., .... . M•llOn•t· Gltn c .' AP ,__, _ _.w .. APl81...._ 15'1443-01. S14010 ' ,.,~ •• M. Olaudl ne AP "II. A'Ji 187...U·11, 11.&71.lt TAI MTR AMA..._ rr, Ni* 1 ...... 6. 11002 loutnern ham,c Laqd Ce. J ~. ti.oat.02 l21U1 Mlll•r, John A, •1 al. A" 1t 1-0U.Ol l33te2 • Tobin. tt.L~.Merlft. DoloNaL .. A" 011~. HarOIO, Al' 156-072-ot, Jecoba, Joflll W. A 41-tM-tt, • Ct•ue Cornell• H AP TtOJ •. --F., AP ecn-t4oOl7, 111-Mt-06 S111541 -. llianorl. AP 6 .OU 111-47140.~.0U.M 14100 ...... 11.....,1111.«.ti ., 1111.00 L..ecwi. WenerJ ... AP 117-aMI. aaeea' . 1 ' •tO, ~ °' ........ lolMoe Of larec;ta. llt lohato w • AP lowd•r..:..J.:.llCllt H • AP Metoll.,, "Obert N. A' ....... hotnH A ., el AP M.,' 1 n Q • 0, 0. A . A, .. 1... ' ~ ..... ,.,. 1-..oft,41 18S-14Mt, 11,oet.IO 1""'°11.07, _.. •HMM. •14.ll 17141M11,M7'14 .• • N2·14-1ot.'stt1.00 • M81lfH• MtcflHI G . All ··=-· ttMln,A.P 111 .... 1•· .,..... • . ,.,..... "°' D., AP tU.tU..ol, ...... ber•Ol.ne.O.~ -~ .... ~ .... ,,. ,_..A.,AP .,. .. ..._,., ltet>l•r. lltobert 1. Jr .. ,., ;e1.-.1e, '651.eo 11tonol•• lh•Uon 4 ,, ,_ ftf0f1•looie1 Plua. AP •1J~·~lll M rt~ert J All .to•.,•Pll et al, Afl tH..Ofl•at, ""'11 0 1..... .., 11 .ft .. ...,.., ....... ~. Deon L A,. 111..-..14 tlt.-..eT .. ft.GI ' 15=, lt.711.04 ea.' ' • IO r ' t1=!:_14 ':,!1 . en• • "r I 1' Ar ........ AP,, .. , .. ,ro;-tn.o .. A'lmt1t11.11.1.m.o0 ·· ' Gllan • ..-.t..,,.,,,,,,..,., ....,..a,,.,1•m.oa.' 111·~.i A'tA-tllo04 .. ~ft;"'"'!!IL.~1,1 MllM4H--.f.r."!..---.. ' , w. u .......... 11 • . • '" ,,,,.ao -·· ... o:.:r ..... . "'· .. No0t ...... ~.11·•t •E -.... -............... , ...,._ .IU•••k,., GtOtl• .1 ., A',., ....... 1t11.11 ......, o.MCI ,., tet-cMl-ll. -tutt1r 1111M11111en1 Co. A'-...... ._..,, .. 1 •• ...,.,_.. Yen1tl9N~,Ci.etl" W .. AP · iu. --~ 1n.ltt~1.t7 .... M •41411.wUt• L!ftlllt l Cf11tt .. D •• AP ..... ' " tlf;~:;:'W.M '1:411 ... -...... .-: ..,.,_,_, 1~44 ~r•:....owtt &. •• 'i 1 & AtMOt•••• tn• .. .A .l/l'--. .-.. A'I ... ,~ 1a1.-...11;· Wuo ....,, w..,.. Aft 111:.a.....,, ~·· Laull '~ d tll-ttt-11. • ~· · -.. 0 ,., , ... .,..., .__.. '•ft , ... ,,t&Olett\~'"· ..... ~ . ._ ........ ._ tfteMll.lf.IN.M ... t.,1tltlll Clett• A , A,:$" ' -.~ ' ,_,,. 11 ·..-~, ., "~-" -ua . _._,_. A•••tt• Qr1ot A., A ltU•r Danl•I Q ., A tlMM4 04, .... t.1 9'len D N' ........._ U t.tat.07, • , t-tta.14,t1.0I .II ... ,,...,.11 ...... , M llt·f..011. •u1.oo WlllU•ll., "'""" 0 ,.,, IJ71 • • ,,,~ ··.:.~ llllO•!J. la~. Aft • ...,.. .... .,. Aft 116-112 .... 1, ....... .. .......... n ' • ' " ' ~ Tf, '-' t•taMa, lt,141.IU Q..._, Hll'Old. ,., 11 .. 11 .. t'f, •..,.. ---------------i;.....-~:.:ii..- Orenge Cout DAILY PILOT/Widneeday, hptemtw 1, 1182 • Fl fllllJC tll1Cl Atltlofet , Deft, All 4t·OO-OI, '\!Wt~LllUllt ,A., Qllntfll(lrlo~ A~•lo J . "" .e04ilt. OlfWd •• G ~ ..... I.. ••mPUlt, •1111et1 A .. ,,, ,..,.t-04 an• ... ,., -=--~-~,..,... .... ~~ 11.1n t4 40-GM~ 1111... -t4 __,., .... U.OIO• leflool1 _~ ..... UftltWCI You Te"· A" t Ortlt~o.t, l.*1\b, KW\ I • .V• ~&:la?·OUO Ktlh1m l t• All 0 044 14, tl.ol0~,,IU7t0 QrlMt oe"'"111e11t COfp, All . • Y .. 111 Wtnferer 001•, A" Olll,/oll..,.n••.t4IOIO 11,MfiSo -...11• 113'16 °'~, A c 1\41, Afltl °''~a. 4U *'°"· •1 • .01 H TAI UTI AMA"~ 4H-MMt. 11,7'US ll&T" Co Tr .ttR.112).00·1 &IOI' Tl&lR Co Tr #1 ... ttn-oo.t &Jor ke4IOll, Mwy Jo, AP o tU·OI, 81un11nt edw1rd A J r , AP tl734ll Dt Orona, l1.,1111oe I , A" 0111u , Oo111ld .... Al' Of .... J.flN I' .. Al' 440·'°).10, ,_.,Joe M, 8' 11, All H?•S·10. U ,OOt.t2. 49~4 t0. 2.75812 H111rl,on,JoMA ,Al"IJ1•ot1~1. 413-<IM..01, .. 7'.'1 ltlll ol C1lllornl1, A" 45M1t.07,U,7N.t4 Uf433.w U.,Ofl,11 Alallman M•tlh•w M ., ,.p ,,,.n1111111,Jeltrey l ,AP40·0A•·H . U ,31370 Horne P'redtrfo" 0 , All .0-142·~.ua.M lmllh,ll'laronV,.Al'4H-l11·2S. l&TRCoTrl1R·192).00.ll/or 11111 .,1 Oon•ld M Aft 41,144-oe ~H •11100 Llndbetg,Vlno.nl,APlll-10$.0t, 423.oll-tt,'647.64 1'4'0-141·ll1,132M M4110 Hoflt-ln, Oeor11 M .. ~ll l17·11MO,'~ .... ra ' Htrrlmtn, HarolO O , AP Thll o he r , Phlllp W AP UIT24 Ono, Ivy K., AP 4H·Olt•Oe, P440-10-#2,l3t.ll Knl,hl John WlllOll Itel, A" 440-30:S-1'l tU7t.2 ll&T .. CoTrlt,._1t~a.&/or ... , .. ~ ltU400 •·-0~·07.$4 1302 Lull, lttl Jr. AP ll•IO:t•U , teoo21 4H-I 1~.11,Mf.1$ Ho•••• II lndu•lrl••· AP Or•y. "•lph AP 11f·ft1·41 AOMn1ti11. 'Aleh•td J ((A). AP fumat. tony A. AP 49-054·13,r '2,271.., Mll\0111~. M110111 0 Tr. All TAI RATI AMA 1741t "odrlou11. IVtrlclO c . All 440403-25, 11ts7t '"' i1 • • 4._24 .. 12 l3 918 S4 1128 04 Stitt Of '-lalllOlnll. AP6 t-t0).31, 423-09~~. t430 7 1 45M71"45, U ,14f 70 AP 44().I03-U, t470 40 Tl&i'A Co Tr 11"-t'""*l&lor MurHki, Ed J . AP .. ,.261•18, TrOleno,Oenla4 N,.AP49-063.Q6, SUH Clly ol Newport IHoh, AP Vl11tr ·Ll1!1Dtrt Inv , Al' Thompeon1 OlrtY &.,... Aft Tl&TRCoTt 11~1123-00-2&/« Sayre, MlehoMI C .. A" 11T·721.ot, 11018 10 H ,763 32 AP 6H03·32. 132.91 4H·I02-04, 132.. 424·161.00. 127.HUI 451-8f1-07, l1,;,r41.74 AellwOflh, 0.11. AP 440·304•ot, 1116 11 tdwarde , Ou y Aobln. AP llrlck1on, Rlcllar,d F , AP M1lbon, Jem" M • AP 11111 of Oelllornl1 , AP lr11tn1 Oo. AP 01·112-17, '49112 • 1i&TACoTr 111Mt23-00.1ll« 4&-263.Qe $431 ee 48 071-22, $1,733.88 51·1l2·18, uaue • 423-111..()3.132.H • TA.I( ... ,.. AMA07.o14 11111.79 TAlaTR Co Tr #1R·1H3·00•2 t<i.t141r, JI/NII L.. AP 117·721.ot. Townl'•y. Wllll •m L . AP Hope, l'redrle P , AP 49·072.()t, Allln11.J•met w .. AP 6t·l12·2t, Q1rdn1t. Ql1dy1 L .. AP HOWl',ThOINUll.,A .. 481·C>12·21, &tor l.ucH. Howard Ru11111, AP 16741441 45-253-06.19618" 1111 00 1 1,8H.110 4U-144-o4,11.oe3.11 ... ,.or C•lllorn le . AP 1312.70 440-305·31.ue&.17 Hoi911nc1 . Rlohltd, A" Chace . Howard I! 91 al, AP Sm1r1, Loult W., AP 49.072·11, Byno n , Do 11gl11 I , AP Ciro. L.wlt J ., AP 423•1113-01, 4'0oOl1.o3 U2.ll Roacot, Oreg, AP 41t•014·01, Tl&Tf'Co1'r 11A-18ZS.00.2&/0t 117·721·11.'2.Nl.07 4g.2ot-O l 1859 04 1878 88 5 1·113•t0, It, 122 20 U,OIO.H ' '3 01150 'oe1tr, "°"91d G .. AP 930-36-006, Pollock CO A" 111•721•11 Southern Pec:liic Land Co c... M11Hn11•r . Wllll•m Jr • AP D•ll•my, Jonn, AP s I 113-12. Laoun• PIClllO Anlnclal lno, AP TAJ! RATI AMA 01..,1 •·r·h~,, Wllll•m Berry, Al' 1931.68 13.Hl.'41. . .. . Oeor w AP 45-281 t8 17113 ta' 48-073-21, 12.30 I 14 su eo.211 423· 163.08, 13,380.80 "8 ,. t 1· flt 18,0N.M Tll TR Co Tr "1A-1823-0().2 "°' ""*" Thtodor• ,.. 2nd· INnll ~ " • • Coll, Donald E .. AP <19--011-04. ICullenl·Khth. Hooelllllg R., AP Olenn, JllOk w .. AP 423·171-09, L ... Sang IC .. AP 120·314·01, C1mbrld11• lnve11m1nte, AP Lew\t, Dorothy D., AP 830-37-000. PeolllO City, AP 111·7!1f0 2': AP 4 •20l·Zl.13,002·82 175038 tll•l21-03,11.2&1.87 11,711.10 '"3 .... 2117 411-11Ml,'13.3e9.28 NH.14 ••.•t1,67 AP 45-272· 15, 12,810 40 S h J • .~v • "'" Weaver, J1cquell n e , AP Fruqun, EtnHI J Br , AP 0 ware •m•• K .. AP Mlokeleen , John P., AP WKk1,0erllldL.,APt2~21..0I,' llleroe,JonnD.,AP481·111-30, Tl&TRCoTrltR-182:l..o0·2&1ex Cumming•. Jphl\ H .. AP 45-272-21 12 060 10 48-08 1-08, $266.89 5I·122-11, 1380. 11 423·t70..03. 13.3 tll.'4 Ill, 1117.44 ... 824.22 •• n n. II . M., th. 0 .. A p 111·721-25. 17. 140.CM Reid, B'erty L .' AP 41•274•04. Plka, Robert G .. AP 49 0112-39, Sondh1u1, Chul•l•A . AP W1ll1oe , Gteoory E .. AP Blek1, Geor09, AP t20.:S32·05, Qlnlt !1 John J ey Srd, A; 930-37-050.11,1111,00 Tl&TRCoTrl1Ao-1t23.00•2&/« 1859.112 $47980 5t·l22·15,$798.88 • 423·1&4..03.$1,tNM tf11.38 4t1-111.;JO, .. t,888,73 Tl&TRCoTrl1A-1t23-00-2&/« Thornton , Nancy A .. AP P ro pe ttlet w .. t Inc. AP Young, James E., AP 411•101·24, J ecobun, 01rltnt E . AP Jutlln, Etvln G., All 423·188-02, Tl&Tf'CoTt 11R-t923-40-2WOf Intend CounllM Flllll\Cltl Corp, Hart, E. Tho11111 et 11 , AP 117·72t·28.f2,M5,00 45-278-04 ... 288 6e 132 08 51-123-13, $1,028.44 SI 2t4U2 t'lONllb. Ruth F...AP 1.2'.0-33A-05 » ~:U, 134M.7' 830-M-01(, 11.0211.n Redington, Donald 8. Tr, AP AP 45•2n -09' It 835 22 State Of C.!ttomll DIV of Hwyl, leume, Ger1t d A,. AP Kennedy , 8thn H , AP 11393.$0 Tl&TACoTr ltR•I02).C)C).2&/« 117·111·15, 13,148.94 8 · B AP 4ll·t30-20,132.98 5 1·131.Qe, 11,032.01 42S-t93·0fi, 14,79214 Tl&TACoTt 11R·t923.()().2&/0t TAXRAft AMA07.... Dloll11aon, Joe A., Af 930-58-040, l•b•'.IJ.· Richard L .. AP Urton, MlcllHI · I I 11• AP Clerk George W AP 40 140.()9 Sllrr. NenC)I A .. AP 61·132-08, 8 row n , R l o herd W .. AP D 1 • b t .. p 120 3•• "t '285.86 117·773 , ••12,,.. 45-28 t·21, $2,038.88 • • • • $ <t37 2 u II, nO er • " • .... ...., • Olt ' I N I 8 h •p .., vv Pllluthln, Fiona p , AP $1.32337 1, 4 423·194..03,IA52.39 IA24230 YO ewpor HO ," TllTRCoTr #1R·1923-00·211« BHver, Jetltey Btuoe, AP ,4g.283-04, 1058.16 Foo r1 tor , G II be r I Q . AP ue•t. Ruth, AP 51· 132•28, Vll)pntl, Re)'mond O .. AP f1&TA Co Tr #1R·1923~2 &/or 458-022..()8, '32.98 8 m ti I I . Flo re n Cl• E .• AP 117·113-07, 14,4~.10 E n g lebrec ht. Bru c e . A P 48·t40·18, $1,899.114 11118.88 423-1D5·01,$570i04 Mlc:haell. Pllrlck, AP 120-371-04. Hu11on, Robert J . 3rd, AP 130-M-084, lat1.t0 a.z.i, Edwin a .. AP t17·711-05, 45-203-14, 12.810 40 Newport Matlntrt Pleu Auoc. Bergin, Trion•. AP 5 I. 141-05, F II c It. r . M 111 0 n Mf.. A p 1111.80 458-022-21, 12,401.40 TllTA Co Tr llR-1823-00-2 &IOI 1381. 15 Bink, Llovdt Cellfornle &/or AP 49·140-37, $9,820.82 12,543 t8 423·213-09. $1,830.74 Tl&TR Co Tr #IR-1923..00·2 &I 8chool, Newport 8Md1 Dllll, A W llh In 0 Ion. John C .. AP F0td, Ctr1« G., AP 425-043-13, lenlley, Al , AP 47-0t0-·18, Vele, Leon E . AP 49 ·150·10. Y•d•oeren . Baro kh , AP W ll ••ltr . Jell ry J .. AP Tobin, Cerl E .. AP120·371·11, 458-35t-02.l1J-'$.80 f30.03..008,l1,301.12 $538.87 $28,928.14 $760 88 5 t-141·23, $1,749.88 423·21....02. $868.94 $2,911.20 ll&TA Co Tt '1R·1923-00·2 &/Ot' 81•m0 n •. J. "' ..... A p Reelport corpor•tton, AP Countyol 0rllnQ41, AP 49·161-01, Alex1ndet, Wede, AP 61·t41·28, Sl!Wr, V111 H., AP 423°218-04, Tl&TRCoTr .tlR-1923.00.2&/0t TAXRATI AMAl7.ot1 Mlrtln. RIC:hard L .. AP 930-83--028, 425-05 ·10,1531.85 47-031·23, S2,32t.78 $116.30 l $881.00 $32.H ROM, lllon• s ... AP 120·372·09, 1725.30 Dell£., AP 425-083-03. Seratti. Enrique, AP ,.7•032_03. $1B218e~,78Jo11n P .. AP 49 172·06, Kt1lr1y, Haroun. AP 51·t81·23, H 1ye1, Kero I y n K., AP 1878.82 Tl&TR 0o Tr t1A.1923-00-2 &/or Tia.TR Co lr #1R·1923..()(). 11.89 , I • 1111 00 . " • S3, t07.78 • 423·223..07, Tl&TR Co Tr #1R·1923-00.2 &/Of Vounklll", Robtrl A .. AP 458·501.(M, Gould, Bernud R. •I ••• AP Rook•. Helen A .. AP 425-Hll-03. Leliln, Paul, AP 47·04 1-31, Tl & TR Co Tr #1R·1823·00·2 Souke111, John, AP 51·152·02. Gtrdlner, O lney ~ .• AP Bradley JllMI R .. AP 120-381-02, IA,3&8.lle 930~4. l2,CM8.64 $2,148.41 s1.oe2.94 &lor Ped la . Ru uoll F , AP St.792.24 423·23t-09 $220.12 129240.. Galllnn, Robarl H., AP Tl&TRCoTt.tlR-1923-00·2&1« St Sure, t<enn1tli P'., AP I ~Jl:cr· Rox v . AP 47-042-04, 49i-l7l·~ORIJc,2\5,-8:1R-1823·00·2 ~·1~n. Liiy, AP 5 t-152·06, 14~:'.;r'· 0 8ybll, AP 42~·23&-0~., t1~~:1. Mark, AP 120·381-03, 45:"!~31:·~~~r:nll)' Aun, AP ~~: l~.~~f.:e•n c .. AP 93:"c1~~.~~hr:tll'\ ' . AP 2AiC111tdlOll Jack A Sue Gene &let E111m111, Hetlan Dirk FrMmln, A1111 P., AP 11·101..07. Allmen; Sheldon; AP 423-'238-07, TllTR Co Tr #1R·1923&00-2 &I !~4~~2~ ~2=2 H Tl&TR Co Tr 11R·1923-00-2 &/or 938-99-011.1597.22 c AP'7-04J.13 S29i:u8' AP 49·17fi.03.S1,492.82 $1,211 38 13.843,10 'Verr11o;Oeot09 L,AP1~2.01 • • . Hem, Georo• A . (JT). AP ·;..11 s 1 ·AP 7 052 T l ll e ln1 & T r Co Tr Hollenbeck.Jam11 R ,AP Setln ,KennethA .• AP$3,341.88 ,Kerdoon,8tevenM .. AP9~5,1A32.62 TAXRAT1EAMA07~l $9~~·~· :r~o. p :; 052· 09 · !~.~~~~,~·~ :~g~.~~·•on. Helene. 6l~~~~~llllb~!~1 .. B. Jr, AP 42~·::~!!·r~1.~11::! r I N .. A p 11:~;~~ Kelvln H .. AP 120-383-0e, 48~·:: ~!4; ~~·,3::·!' Aun. A p HJ\~~~f:.T'o".':;~9;3t'(d~ '~";. J eco b. H 11111" R .• A p 117:2~ rl ur, A • '21· Tl 4 TR Co Tr #IR·1023·00·2 51·182'l't.'i 1.2t1.39 423·243-04,~1.162.20 Jeff W Tl&TRCoTr#tR-1923..00-2&/ 1~l~3t:;r.2~90 93t6'1&t:23Co,Tl7~7{~1,...,..,.,._2 &/ 42S-101-33,S111.00 ' Fer g us on . Jos eph v . AP&/or Lohman, Vlctorl• c . "Ip Wllll•m & Mulon Corp, AP R1ymond,J.Gr'OOf')', rev FNChbom.PIUIF .. AP120-38G-Oe ••• '911 r .... .,....., ()( Lynch, Edward T .. AP 47-071--04 Sl 65122 49-177·24, $2,258.85 51·112·18, $2,089.3!1 J-& Wllllem M. ChufdllU Jr, 1421.74 AP 481-13t-32, 132. .~13.,. 30• Jean H .. AP 930-87-021, 425-102-ot, 1335 .. 20 47~7~~~~t·3~4~:11 Inc , AP ,,{R~~~2Ll>~2'&1!.~~ •. ~'Yt 51~,~!:,~c=..7~.l~mle Rty, AP APA~2r~~4:~~·~~!!~ A .. AP l184'f:~0 Robert, AP 120-392.()8, A'w4::k1l~1~.r.c2h9:e1 M., AP r.&lRCoTrl1R·1923..()()..2 &1«13~f::· JOMPh. AP 425-301·18, · · · AP 49-177-30. $1.99807 F o wera, John Victor , AF 423·247·15, $4,590.&e ' 93+-et-019, e1,294.19 MOMI. Mic:hMI M .. AP830·87·103, G~rner , Rueaoll C , AP Sl~,r~:.~James R .. AP 47·072-oe. Countyol 0 renge,AP48·17?·39, 051-1111-07,$1,572.30 Sturgl1. Wllllam T., AP TAXRATEAMA07.o:tl Walker , Merlhl M., AP *5t7.72 42S-301·2fi $118568 Wltll. 'Russell B .. AP 47-082·1~, $3298 Bernlll, Ric hard H ., AP 423·201-02, $2,886.39 , 934-81-039, 11.183.00 Tl&TRCoTr 11R·1923-00·2&1ex Reanlkott'.Arthur.'AP425-302-07, 12 274 24 Abrall a m . Edward A., AP 51.191.14, $1,230.08 Benk, Security Ptcltlo N1tlon1I Baeco Lid &/ex Randoll. Anne E. N T E lno, AP 934·81·040, Mandell, Snerlo David, AP sas2.76 • · p • 49·177-40, 14.542.08 Burns Le Vtl'a AP 61·192·16 Tr, AP 423·281-03, $4,081.41 AP 114-211·28, $257.18 $118.tO '-930-93-004.81, $11\.00 Berth Jouph ti al AP 12L:)f;::•PhllllpA.,A 47-093·•8· Tl & TR Co Tr #lR-1923-00·2 $1,062&"4 ' Giii, Ronllld L., AP 423·284·10, Ker1hner , Mu llyn , Al' TllTRCoTt#1R·1923-00·2&1«425-302.1e Sf303.30 . Smith, Dean M .. AP 47_083-30. & I o r Vo u n O. Ber b •re. AP He\'9', Wenen N,. AP 61·201-13, 1811 33 TAX RATIE AMA 01..-93;t;80:.-o43~,3t~.~p 93'4-0l-045 W1l1h, Chrllly, AP 930·93·013, Oo ue i'i , 'Robe rt G .. AP $3 282 78 49-183.05 81. $111 00 13 151160 ~-. Doneld B., AP 423·276..()5, • ge •• 11.738.38 425-303-34 $541 94 Remity vernuaS 11,p 47•093.02 Tl & TR Co Tr •1R·11123-00-2 C1mp1gna , Trion• 8 ., A F. $1,700.64 Coun1y ol Or•nge, AP 1821.71 TI&TRCoTr#1R·1923-00-2&/0t ' · $5<13.58 · · ' &/or Bowle, Stephen 51·211·10. $602.08. PUIU, Biiiy J .. AP 423-281-07, t4·~11. 132.98 Bekhit, Sarni S., AP 9311-46-022. Hol1lll n , G eotg e M .. AP TAX RATI AMA 01~ Anderso n Fr ad w A P AP 49-183·06.S558.05 Martllall, John H. 3rd , Al> $9,887,38 $2,530.14 931-44-003,$1,2:,1.12 7..()94 2 S · 00 ' T I I I a Ins & T r Co Tr 5t·212·18, 12.312.90 Stomel, Pl!rlcll. AP 423·201-03. 1'.AX RATI ±01..-GI 111 n I .1.. J • m I I E · • A p Tl&T.R Co Tr #1R-1923-00·2 &/ex Mc Kenn1, Nency L .. A p 4 • 1• l l 1. # 1R.19 2 3 -00. 2 &I or GI us Sullivan, Wlllls N., AP Ii 1·213·22 I 1,064.88 938-4e.oG5, M,016.40 p MIUlkan, Judith R .. AP 1131-44..()38, 117-39 t-09, $322.33 11~f:::,1· Hope, AP 47·11°· 18• Gooltrey T. AP 49-183·10, $593.94 $1,018.34 . H II 0 h •• ' M. r 11 y n J .. A p W•vn• Pller A 117·381·12 Br~~ h:5 ~37 J: m ••. A $438.78 Anderton, Claud• o .. A p SllOk!laln, s.ald, AP 47•110.34, S3S2191~e of Celllexnie. AP 49-191-32, Bero In Trion a, AP 61·~32·10 423-201-0e. 1723.50 SI 1I 00 ' ' ' 9311-4 • • • t Tl&TR Co Tr llR· 1923-00-2 &IOI 117-392·111, 1198.41 13233~ g $1,657 78 . Collln1.JohnT .. AP423-290-00, Siemon• Jim A ·572·34 IYYln• Co .• AP 838·48-046 J Flnn, Frank L .. AP~31·"4·044, Wln•o••. 8•tbar• v .. AP • . TI 1 I e In I & Tr c 0 T r Gleich, Louis F Jt, AP 51-241..0S. 1482 88 $1 21711 • • • 11.597.21 I $1,082.78 117-401-cM, l930.21 Sl~~~';j Ted O , AP 47•141•05· it 1R·1923·00·2 &/or Wllll1ms, $511580 Proparll•• Woll Inc, AP Melli Arnie. AO Hf-803..08.. -040 Tl&TRCoTrl1R·1923..()().2&/oi Bruce, Mullyn Mullely, AP Chavez Ben A AP 47•142•12 Robert L. (JT). AP 49· t92-03, AP 51·241-06, $1,003.40 423-296-04. $2,013.88 2 002 42 TAX ... ATE AMA 01 Glllell, Horace F. Jr (CP), AP 117-402-02 1453.80 1418.88 • ·• · $666 94 Allen, Jamee w . AP 51·243-21, AP 423-296-05, $2,013.88 Grey, MlcllMl H AP 111.eo~. Herb 0 t R 1 d g e A" n , 931·84-017. J.492.63 ' Reeder Sally AP 47.172.05 Cummings , John H Jr, AP 11,100.42 MulhHrn, Bruce T. Tr, AP S139oe .. ' 48113111 13298 A Tl&TRCoTrll1R·1923-00·2&/or TAXRA'RAMA07..oll 173338 • • · 49·192-26. Sl,418.94 3425 E811 Cont Hlohw•v 42.....,.11·12, 12,876.80 Feducl• Manuel J AP AP •111 ;3;12 i:J298 HHret, Donni• J . "11. AP AP 47.172..o6 $891 81 Tl & TR Co Tr #1R-1923·00-2 Auoclet ... AP 61·281·04. Properllet We11 Inc;, AP 117•731•23.it.758.79 " AP4lll·13 •28•13 ·98 93t·64..o49,Sl,232.58 Ewi ng , Oftgory 8 ., AP Cout Pr~ies AP 47•172.24 &/or Knaubuhl, Dougl11 C . AP I l,295 88 424-412-01, 12, 162.18 Ptendero_ut. Dlln• D • AP AP 401:13~:20: .J:98 North Blufl Perk Communlly 426-1t1-ot, 11.704.34 1234.a.. · · 4PB·~'k·.3L11.0Sy2d9700c~?ll,,~w'""s'---g, ::1m11n, 00110111 J el al, AP Qeltmboe, Ferenc K., AP 117•732•18 Sl:l5.48 Peru. OJ•m•h••d Jim. AP Allin,AP931""4-083,S32.98 Leavenworth, R. c .• AP M 1 L J p -· ., v• ., ..,.... 51·282-08.$111.00 424-412·t2,lt24.80 Blodl. o9v1d R .. AP 117·732·111 481•14t-02,12,978_55 AP93t~1,$32.98 425-111-30,$3,718.14 Ch~~~\~ 47.',';!..oe. s1.487s~Jo L-11 A., AP 49-202-02, 1789.26 City of Newport 811ch AP Southern Pacific Land Co, 12 119 80 TI&TR Co Tr# lR-1923-00-2 &let Soulhern Pacific; Lend Co, R1yn1rd, L. G .. AP 49·202·18. 51-282·18, S32.98 ' C11tlogne, Gabrlel R .. oAP ' . · ltvlne Co., AP 411•141·13, Montooth, Donetd V. (CP), AP 'TAX RATE AMA 07 ... GrHnbell Apart m e n u , AP $1,280 6'1 Qra ...... LemuelA.,AP61·201·17, 424·413·11,$2,666.« TAXRAT1EAMA07-4M l1~!8nriln . Petrick w .. A,P 931-0M12,S591.85 • 47•180•32• $725.82 Cou1llne Builde rs Inc. AP 1~124 Boydan, R. K., AP 424·413-16, 4Sl:f41-15, l3,044.79 Tl&TR Co Tr #1R·1823-00·2 &/or AP .47-180-42 $1,825.98 49·212-09, $4,545.08 e.i.111. Roy T., AP 51·2112-05, 1116.52 • Sledge, Judith K .. AP 031-09440, Mec:k11, Petti' A. AP 119-311-01, Oceenfront' ltd, AP 47•201•17, Foerster. Giibert, AP 49-222-02, Sl,676.41 Soulhtrn P1elllo Lend Co, Kohl, Arin R .. AP 4311·301·3t, llATI AMA 07441 $2,854.78 1843.32 l4 433 68 $1,229 26 . Turnat, Jo Ann S .. AP 51-301..00, Tlnety, Jonn R., AP 42.4·414-02 1788.91 Coll, E.dward W., AP 931·74-009, Tll AA'R AMA 01_, Dove Gr-M AP 47.211-09 lJhl, Richard R .. AP 49·222-t8, S1,89t88 1824.11 Biii< ~AMII AF l1,5'7.3e • • · I 1 737 75 i.-, Lindsay P., AP 51~ 12·51, AP 424-4 t4-0.4, $2,834.64 TAX RA~ AMA 01., 442~2 2 98 ' Tl&TA Co Tr # lR-11123-00-2 &/et l l ,838.56 T I 11 a 1 n s & Tr Co T r $077.69 AP 424-415..()2, $381.59 • ' . 811tler, E. Lynn, AP 1131-74·035, , 12'f:98Donllld E., AP 47•234..03. • 1R·I 923·00· 2 & l ot C alco DI d v er , An lh on y A., AP AP 424-415..()4, $2,488,3-4 Gernat, RulMll C., AP 49-271-02, AP «2..o3:l·3f, 132·88 1707.85 ,,;.~~~~~ Sl.:~~:.. er I ne • A p ~!!Oot NeWpOrt~eachDl•I APM•ne g emenl Inc (CR). AP 51·322-22.13,327.62 Slrloker. Herbert H .. AP $895.18 A~«~-o32(;40•13l·~ v &/or Tl&TR Co TR #IR'-1823·00·2 Shareef, M•hmood, •p 47 240 0; fl l& 30 " 49-c222-20, $2,016.98 ' EhAnl, Daryoo'ltl, AP 51·322·30: 4~5..()91«1'3. 11.757.48 Barnett, Lynn, AP 49·211·14, '11 11 e o o • &let Melbourne, Mirian J. (WS) 8, 118•252-08 ll 426 34 " Sch~eriz. wi111rd K 2nd, AP $3~~~ 1210 Ltd. AP 49-222·32, $2,52138 Rllch, OCH, AP 425·092·02. $7~~~ton. Wllll•m E .. AP ~~·~' Corp, AP AP 931-14--039, 1785.04 • Tin HI•' N . AP 119-282-13 47•241-03• 5~8 22 .,. • .:ool. N__.,,.,t "-··1i "'st., •p Lowe. Fr ederick M .. AP 11 .... 900.re • .,.272 ~..... ... Inf old, Rob1rt F. Jr, AP North Blufl Perk Corrlmunlly 1937 ;8 " • ,.,,._ G L I •p 47 2"1 12 ~· v~ .. v · ........ .,. " 51-322-31, $132.0e "°"· Donald E .. AP 425--092.07, ...... • .~...... ··2 11 10 •1 •"• 94 Alen, AP 931·74<076.132.88 , ...;, .. _ .... G . Cotllnge. 1189~56 llfY · 11 • ·" • " • • 49·230-01, S32.98 Carleton, Broll, AP 6 t·330·28, $829.00 .... • • '• .-. Jo rd an, Rlcherd V • AP K.» tti.'252•15, ll.335.0.~ Saltw Jll'nM B AP 47-252-22 S lll n er. Mi ch••• A .. AP 1517 22 K11ykend•ll. Richard A .. AP TAXRA'RAM.\0744 44~~$3~"'-1,AP 93t·7M13,$1,334.70 Ctrroll Rob• I c AP •~.718_90• · · 49-230-31, $111.00 JlnH . ferrv Ellen-Adel•. AP 425-092·20, $502.98 B k A OAd E •p Aull, Devld M .. AP 931·81..018, 11 .. """A• 1• 1 ...,.. ,,.r · • -G Pe p ' ,,,..,_ __ "·-"I R AP 42" ....... "5 TllTR Co TR 111A·1823·00·2 roe l •rm ,. .. .. 11-35 _.........,.., ........... Heull«lttemm, Paul, Dietz, Gaty endron, ,., J., A 49·251-02, 51·330·35 S3 592 52 .,_,., .. """'' ., "'""""""' • 442 121-0r t1424ot ..... Berrett .,..,.; A 0AP 119-321-47 L AP 47_263-o8 125~38 $382.62 C har1ee.'w i111em F .. AP 1111.00 l l or Ker~.J.a"m•• P-. t. AbetWcto .AP«2121_.4 Bowler , M. Douo111, AP 11884.« ·· · 'v a I• n c I• .-E·d w'ar d. H.. A p w . b •I. r . D 0 n 11 d J .• A p 51-3 .. 2· 13, I 1.952.84 Banll. Lloyd• Cel. AP 425·243· to. 458-07t·28, $3,505.eo . 1 =..o . . . 831"814)1, 12.238.00 • . . 47·273·111, 16118.56 49-251..07, $-412.98 Z-bet. Robert F .. AP 81·342-18. $504.30 Adem1on,. R•o•n•ld E .. AP john1on Wllll•m M AP NOttft Bluff Bay View Community TAll "A'R AMA 01 .. , Velencla, Edward H ti el. AP Tract 1210 ltd, AP 49·280·32, J.432.69 ~rendlt, Wiiiem A ., AP 458--111·28, 2,879.78 ... " "'-l;AP831·81-o50,$32.98 47•273•22, s1.429.20 S32 98 Menclnl, Jam11, AP 51·35 1-04, 425-382-33, 1898.92 TllTR Co Tr# tR-1923-0()..2 &/Ot 2"121-'41• ,5l0.20 ' Tl&TA Co Tr II lR-1923-00-2 &/« Luft, WIUllm E. Jr. AP 47.28 l-08, Franchise Realty lnt8t'tllle Corp, $2,924.20 S 111 e o I C 1111 or n I a , AP Snyd4jr, Rlcnerd 0 .. AP 468-112-01, Aoblneoln ·O: on• L .. A p Holllt*n, Mery J .. AP 932-05-0t1, lf'YIM lndulttlal ComcMx: Sdlar'r 1171278 AP 49·280-38,S32.98 Plnnon. J04J N .. AP 51·363-t7, «0-131-29,$32.90 1413.94 "'t.;~~Amn,AP 11,13&.75 Miidred J .. AP 427·151·03 Sleuiihter, John F . AP 47•281.t3, S3~c;:in. Leonard. AP 49·280-51, $598.52 AP 440-131-30, 132.H Me I b On~· m I I M., AP 442 131~. S32 M Tl&TA Colt II tR-11123.()()-2 &I« 110,408.94 12.306.07 '"''"" TI I I e In I & T r C o T r S2~U POiiy M .. AP 52-012·11, :~ ::tm:g: ~~= 45t.~f~ Tr #l~~11123.()().2 &/Ot' ~· loCti 1)., AP 442-141·17, =:J•n (JT). AP 923..06·027. TAX AA'R AMA 014f'I, $3i1:~· of Cellfornla. AP 47·~3, # 1R·1923·00·2 &/or Etrl, Guy c . County of Orange, AP 62-013-30, AP 440-132·20, $32.98 Nledrln~1u1, Rloh1rd F,. AP l2M tc:' I Edward V AP Tl&TA Co Tr 111R·1023-00-2 &/or RamMf, Plllllp S., AP 48-022•11, 3rd, AP 6().221·22, $814 24 $32.98 AP «0-t32·22, 132.98 45:~1r2t~e.' f~(~:rmo M" AP 442.~~l-~~.1:2:257.13 .• Venn, Jcfln C. Jr, AP 932-05-037, Skibicki, Waller JoHph, AP Ill l OO Brown, Wiiiiam W .. AP 60·230-12, Moore, Kent S .. AP 62-031-04, AP 440-132·23, 132.98 0 ,.t2 .. 27, ,,,.28_00 8 u rd 1 n, Jo ,11 h L.. A p 11.820.40 50-C>l1·11, SS,080.42 · c T $7,883 41 $982 82 AP 440-132·25, 132.98 .. _.. .... -.... 2 1•1 .... 11 ..... North 81ufl Perk Community Combe, Oety, AP 50·011· 11. Kellen• a rde n rusl,AP Rod g er s J a m •eE AP St1teol Celllornl1Perk,APAP440-132·28,$32.98 TtATRCoTt#1R-t023-40-2l/or._ ........ ..,.,.., "-1.AP832..05-o55,S32.H $915.48 ~a2.~~.1n1:1~~.~:n L 2nd, AP 60-230-38, 112.807.38 . 52-050-01, 132.98 AP «0-132-27. S32.H Schlller, R. Donald (JT), AP 44~~13~ Alen, AP AP t32..o5-0le. $32.90 F•rou•on. Tllom11 A .. AP 48-024.oa 134424 Countyol 0 renge.AP 60-252-02, S11teotCalltornla.AP 52.ofi0.10, lrvlne Co, AP 440-132·28 '58-132-o3,l1,090.3e p4421rt'-64 *3:zte AP932..o5-057,$32,98 50-021·21,$2,708Jl2 • $32 911 $32.98 $1,378.85 Tl&TR Co Tr 4'1R·l923..00-2 "°' A • • . 0• eeeumont, Lyl• E., AP Mc Nuh, Stephen J ., AP 4~:~r13o:~~h tr d p .. A p AP 60·252.-03. $118.30 AP 52-«150-22, $32.90 s u ,. 0 I c •lllornl •• A p .T~td'l.27~.'0:'"Y E., AP 458-13-4-oe. A;:r.;'7~ ~"munhy Alen, 032•.53-016.11,473.34 60-432·21, 11,202.12 L. u I 1 lh. n Fr. n k w A p Tl & TR Co Tr "1R·1923·00·2 AP 52-0S0-23, $32.98 4<10-132·29. 132.98 AP 442 171-08 $32 98 Tl& TR Co Tr I 1R· 1923-C>0·2 &/Ot Locld1"1, John c .• AP 60..()32-23, 4a.o52-o2.S3,2t8.48 " &!or Kahan , Ro bert J ., AP AP52-051·14 $32.98 County of Oftnge, AP Brickner, Pllrlclt A., AP AP 442•17t~7·132·118 Chenllr, L.Ola N .. AP 932·53-020, 12.928.48 Bhtkte. Pri vln M , Lape er. 50-282-04, $1.828.87 AP 52..05t·21° 132.98 4~132-31, $32,90 45$-134-01, $1.204.28 AP 442.17t-08' '32,98 $2,3e2.10 Hamel.'*-J ,. AP 50..()41-oll, RobtflE AP48--0lll·20 1130489 T iii e In s & Tr Co T r United S11iet ol America , AP AP«O-i32-32,$1,7M.80 Percl11al, Rober! J .. AP AP 442:17t.u:S3in Tl&TRCoTr.ffR-1923-00-2&/0t $1,494.50 Hutt o~. Lyde M et al. AP •IR-1923-00-2 &/or Thompaon, 52-051-23,132.98 Tl & TR Co Tt 11R-t923·00.2 468-182-05,131<!.20 AP 442.171.98 '32.88\ Mertlno,RoneklF .. AP932-~. Cummlnge, John H , AP 48-092-04 123-4 84 Don 0 • AP 5().271-08, $703 44 'S111e of C ... fomll. AP 52..051·24. &/()( Redick, David, AP 45a-031-07 sch 0 II. D. n n I. M . ' A p Big Cenyon Community "-"· AP l840.1"1 5o-042..o2, 11,4413.72 AP 4&-092-05. s '183.3 t s 1H10I0~581}', Ser• L .. AP SG-271· 18. 132 98 $700.52 -456-1&2·29. $1,567 .38 4'2 17t48. '3~88 North Bluft Bey View Community CWk. DouglM o .. AP 50-043-21. P , Jobe Alberl E. AP 62-0e2·14 Tl & TR Co Tt #IR·l923·00·~ Roblneon, Stephen L., AP P•l•u•'•• Peter 0 AP Alen, AP 932·53-041, '32.98 $2,268.se Hutlon. James p . A •8-092-06, Englleh, John c .. AP 50-272-05. S370.e0 . • &IOt Pittman, Devld 458-194-08, 11.342.38 AU-181-0t 12'29490 • " Tl&TR Co Tr 118-1923..()()..2 &IOI' ~.~"· Robert Jt, AP 60-051·22, 1226.54 G $1 19130 Wanklef, Weldon. AP 52.Qe2·20, AP 45U33-02,"$3,519.21 School, N-porl·M•H Unlll MaJIW9lt ·,.tr'lin AP ... 2·181-37 Coluwortll)', Cherlu F .. AP -.1e McCllnlock, Mabel " AP Le chman, Raymon<! L .. AP 168820 MoG1lflg1n, Georgl J .. AF 0111 of Orl'!lll Countv (XX), AP le ' ' '932-811..018.81, $111.00 Solomon, Edward R,. AP 48-092-08, 11,214.22 Buch AP 60·272-06, $1,253,30 Jobe . .Albert E .. AP 52..002·21, 458-043..05, 12,319.40 458-184-10.132.98 ~ Ot.m..n11n1 Fuent-. AP Tl&TR Co Tr #1R·lll23..00-2 &/« 50-0$2·24, 12 801.M 4i~~if11' ~~9~ort ' Wlcktn, Ray G .. AP 50·212· i3. 13.038 20 Tiiie Int & Tr Co Tt #R·11123.o0-: Z Ind 1111, HOU Ii 1 In • AP 442•111-43 $3 580 at Oatln, Harold K., AP 932-09.002, Nlchol1, Wiiia, AP 50·0112•21, • . $124820 McNulty MeryT AP52'-07t·tll. &/o r Cove . John w .. AF 456-221·23,12,951.ot D .T . ,· B AP 11,037.97 $3,290.82 Vallely, Roland F Tr, THO, AP Ti & TR Co Tr •1R-1923-00-2 °$382.M . .. 45&-001·22.1822.82 Mlnoou•. Wllll•m . AP 442~;1~ .~;;4.:aon .• Horttl8'uf1VllleCommunltyAMn, Tate. Theodor• H. Tr, AP 48-1'2-08.12.331.84 I /or Scllulz, Mery w .• AP TallMlll'ku.Holly,AP52-091·17, Tiii• Ina .. Tt Co Tr 458-232·13,$1,390.28 H.arold. R'•ymond c. AP AP932-.-085.132.98 6G-082--02.IUot.50 .;;;,~;·Berber• J . AP 48-112-10, 50-282-01. $740.78 $2 054 82 # 1fM923-00·2 &/Of Edward•. Johr School, Newpott·M ... Unified 442 111 51' teMt 94 • Tully. Oerald F. et ••• AP Qrlflln. Barber• J ... , •I. AP Tl 4 TR Co Tr II t R· 1923-00·2 F 0 r ney RI c h., d b .. A p L AP 45&-0&2·13. $008.88 Diii ol Oraqo• County (XX). AP FUenl;..Qulnard' Viator Tr AP TAX AA ft AMA 07-oll 5()..ot3.-04, $533.31 &lex McDonald, Btyan 52-103·21, $.188.88 T 1111 In• & Tr Co Tr 458-242·13, 1227.ao .,.2 181 52 12aea'se ' Adtm1, Larry G .. AP 5().()M..2t, 48·112·11.11,503.36 AP 60·283-08, $3,500.94 S tukt, Theodore T .. AP #1R·192)-00·2 &IOI' Wnll•, Gttllld Hlglr, Joel R., .AP 4S9-264·t2, ~~ -~AMII Thom11Hn, Georg• w .• AP 11.012.0. . Vellely, Roland F. Tr. Thd • AP City of Newport BHcll, AP 62·103·26. $609.12 T. AP 45e..o82·15, $478.74 ll~t Hllll Co It •a ... AP 44~·181-65, '32.98 ' 117-421-0t, $382.70 Mc Klnley, J. Chrl1lln1, AP 48-l12·12· $1fl,949.3a 50·201·23, $32.88 Cout PrQ9ertiM. AP 62·103-29, Dadvar Anthony BMrd R-'o ,..,_.,.... mmun Y .. _., AP 4-42·181·14 $3298 Bennen.t...!.•ll"l•t M • • AP 5().()$3..31, '271.M Benell, Aften, AP 48-112·20, Ball11e, Lise. AP 50·321-11, $158.00 PhllllP et al, AP 830-e 1•4o t, AP 456-255-07, S32.88 AP 442·111·51: 13i98 117-431-08, PV.i.00 Cummlnge, John H. Jt, AP U , 151.84 $1,559 85 AP 52·103-30, $152.at SM8.Y2 Jenillnl, OiMle. AP 456-2a-11, AP 442-181-58, W.M Meyer, AoOlrt E., AP 117~. 60-011·24, 13,714.28 Harriman , Herold C , AP Tiii e Int & Tt C o T r AP52·103-32.S160.84 Dyet Ch r lilln• F AP $992.ot • AP4'2·111-5813288 t 1,18e,40 Bor111nd,Joe8,.AP50-081-0e, 48-121-05.11.519.18 •lR-11123-00·2 &lot Llncoln. 8elley, Nigel w .. AP IS2·11N>-4, 932·te-o05,1819.14 ., Noble , Mer1are1 E., AP AP442·111-41:13iM Lle,AoneldO.;Shenei.111_S1evtti $111.00 AP412H )6,$1,519.18 Wlntlow S. Jr. AP 60-322·69 $1,248.37 • Becker. Wlllllm E , AP Ull-H27l-01,1343G. fd L • AP4'2·112·28,S32.M L.,APt17"'434-04,$1,821.ou Elohwa!!:..,Lawrence, A~ Reed F1mlly Pertnerehlp AP 11,414.68 Murph)', Edwerd M., M1n1er, 932·3e-oot,l111.00 1n1y. or on ··"' AP442·t82·2t,U2.98 Gulohon, Lloyd J .. AP 5()-091•23,...-.11 46-122-07, 12,218.94 Be r k o wllt . Frederick, AP Lerty J .. AP 52·120·14, 11,478.38 Reina, Glenn A., AP 932-36-010, AM0·271-02C, l2,245.150 C AP «2·182-31, '32.M 117-442·10, $3.411.00 Horot, Anthony Jamn, AP City of Newport e .. cll, AP 5().345.()7, 12,029.87 Sl•I• of Cellfotnl• Park, AP S2A95.64 reng• ounty nvetlll"lllll AP 4'2·181-32 132.98 R •Y II 0 Id •• Ch., .... A p fi0..()93..27, 14.087.22 48c~3tigt8 •• ~~if!m Norvel, AP S<>wet1. I Page. AP 60-351-10, 62·120-65, 132.98 AP 932-36-o20, $2,340.H Inell&, AfR4~~7~:~~11t.~~82 •/ tr vine Co &/or Ad1m1 & 117-453-41, 1792.17 LookhltL Devon L .. AP $232 12 Ab<eu,Alallandof,AP82·132·24, Dougherty. H•I• E . AP r... ~. Monlf-o lnvwt"*lt Partnenhlp, Bruce, Merllyn A .. AP ~t.'2.ae2.N 48-14 t-31, 18,719.30 Clly of Newport B .. ch, AP 12,798. 14 932-36-028, 1578.82 Lopee.f Ramcw'I (JT). AP 451-273-24 AP 442-271-03, $3(l,278.18 117-454-14, '802.32 Benk, Ctodt•~ Natl Tr, Four Btyfront Houus, AP 50-380-02.132.98 Alktnen,l.ellltN.,AP52·143-11, Meadows , Qeorge T,, AP 18?5.10 Tl&TRCoTr#1R·1f2S.00..2&/or 8 Un1b11ry, John F .. AP AP50-101~,MM.72 48-142-25, I0,535 48 Gooltbee, H1ro l<1 Jr .. AP 11 332.81 932 65-008 S138 08 Newport Hm1 Community Aun. Yid eran 8helnOOMI It .. AP 117-'411·24, $1,681.48 Gtl"lf!'l Dell l .. AP 80·101-14, AP 48-142·28, $9,397.32 50-431·14. S1,577.5t Morey Brian.John AP62·143-2<! H0arr1 1' Shirley M AP AP 45t-.275..o1, 132.98 • 4~2 14 '204338 ' Gramme, MlchH I A. Jr, AP 11,857.ae Kegnofl, David B., AP 48-143-03, T 11 I e I n t & T r C o T t $6,398.1S ' ' 932·55-028.' 13.693.78 " Tl& TA 0o Tt # 1A-1t23-()().2 &/ TllTf'. cO Tr f 1R: 1023-40-2 ator 117-402-01, '930.to Flor11, Henry. AP 60· 1U·02. $580.89 # lR· 11123·00·2 &/or FlrHlone, Stele ol Calllomle. AP 62·150-01, Luby, Rogw W_ AP 1132•7o..oo4, Pierce, John D .. AP 458•284·04, Bretcdvloh, Oreoory P ., AP T.rtmble, Joelph, AP 117~482·20, 11.2H.50 Wright, Glenn A . AP 48-152..08, Morton A. (MS), AP 60-451-30, $32.98 11 829.32 t430.IO 416-0e2-03, U .241.04 11.220.AO Noyee, Ronald. AP 60-123.04. 11.078.10 11,283.88 AP52·t60-02.S32.98 Shafter, Jo••Ph N .. AP Newport Hiii• Community A•n Hancock , Helen B .. AP Mor'el1nd , J am••· AP 13 ..... 44 Brooltl, Rober! L . AP 48-163-00, Tl 4 TR Co Tr 11 lR·1923.()().2 AP 62·150..().3, 132.98 932-84-008. $922.M AP 45'.284-11. U2.98 456-171..02, 13,344.20 111 ......... 27, $1,171.32 Juvl1, Jon. AP 60· 132· 12, 18,478 68 &/or Hellmerk L•nd Corp, AP AP 52-150-04, 132.98 Smith Georg• w 3rd Tt AP Well•. John, AP 451•212•03• FOJI Bob AP 451· 112·0 t ~Rick, AP 117-472-07, s1,: ,, 288.14 Qeuldln. R. J 1 c k1on AP 50-451-38. '24,408.70 Helton. Alloe L . AP 52.191.11, 932.....oo.. 12.138•5; ' 11,~1t.oe '832.oe ' ' 234.Te (;111pmen, R1c11•ta A., AP 48-t83-19,$753.261 Tl & TR Co Tr ltR-1923-00-2 1732.84 Birton. John, AP 932-94..()()1, 17M~.WllllamH.,AP45f.2t2.·17 1'1noft. Patrick M .. AP Wood, Peter A. AP 117-472-211. t!H51•21,IU18.4§ Harlow. J-1 L . AP 411·170-03, &lex Brown, MldlMI E. Zlollll' Walt1t M. AP 62·181·23 IMIOO 42.-45f.l82 29 11 &3700 S2,3tt,00 J1fvl1, Joi\, A' 150-151·11, 1 111.00 AP fi0-451- 12,803.fo • • Lyilct, Robet'tO AP932-84-0SO VHterll"llrk. Guy o .. AP T1&T1ic0Tr#1~19n..oo.z&10t Pwlno, Lout. J., AP 117·491-08, 12,Nt.01 Norton.1,_Kenneth R .. AP lrvtnt Co olWVA.AP60-451..S2, Donnelly P111IN AP52·t81·21i '81838' " '46to-2t4..ol,t823.35 Sm1ttt u.w.tl)'\'l8 AP458471.c>a Mtt.M Oore MarYln, AO 50·181·al. 48·170--07.~.059.18 118.99 $11".78 ' .. ' Tl.tie Ina & Tt Co Tr lrvl11e Co OI W Vl .'A tt4il.ot ., ' tilrt'-v, Merk, AP 117·491·10, J.4371.M Kemph,HerryN .. AP4&-170·20. T 111e 1n1 & T r co Tt 8111101 C•lllornl• Perk. AF #1R-l923..()().2 &/or Muec:fl John 45T';!"T!.o3eo,r"1·!2..._,_2 tiTACo'fr'1,..tt23-00-211« 12.472.22 H1nlfln, Petrick w .. AR 1825.0~ # tR·192:Ml0·2 &/Ot Van Ronkel, 52-1to-01, 132.98 R. (UM). AP 934-32-007, 11,235.1t ,. " r I .,..1., .. .......,.. &/ F()fd MICflMI A., ~ 46'47i.ol, l.e Aoy, ldlll'I K., AP 117-4M-01. 50-171-06, 12.e.Q. t4 Lewi•. Jeffrey w .• AP 48-201-48, Jo, AP 50-481·21, 13,28907 81.11• Of Callfomt.. AP ~-180...()2. 1'1 & TR Co Tr #1A·tl23~2 l(lefn, ~A .. AP 4156-371·14 11.o43.eo '"8.02 80lnlon. ErnMI l . Jr Tr, AP 12,llOt.60 Tl & TR Co Tr e lR-1923·00·2 132.98 &lot Frledllldt, Gudello, AP $2,824.4~ A N4t Pool, Et'Mlfl L, Aft 46t-an-ol, Miiier, lole B .. AP 117-493.-10, ISC).171-14, MOl.M 4i::,,/1~.·.~:oi2~1'; .. R .. A p :~:.4~~· J .. o .. AP 50-471-04, ... "i.r:ty· R \.llCllln. AP 52·181.01, "J:!~n ·~'~:3 E A p .. ~n A .. P4 14' t1~~".MI A. All 498-632~ sa:: Wll4lm A., AP 117.&04-05, ~:~:~1~h~.::ph111 ... A, 01y, Doneld Jt, AP 48-2t 1·10, MoC1llum, Muouerllt, AP Miller. ~ard 8 , AP 52·1112-27, 934-54.()32: 18.277.5' . Tr ' Kumulch, Merlin J ., A U ,IOl.84 ' 'J 1832.Sf Wlblter Kennllll H .. AP 1542.47 . 50-471-07, $5;387.ot *580.42 p arr 1n 0 Jo .. ph R .. A p 4&t-422-07. Utll.111 J_,_ c..-Cotlllnunlty,... 8ohulm1n, Ao11mery, AP 50-tl+-01, U.14&.eo Mirr, Louie M .. AP 48·222:82, Ah1dpo11r, Fery<1011n, AP Rauedl, Gary E .. AP 52·200.o2. 037·22..002, i1,5M.22 Strend, Cllllord L. • A AP 451-13a,.aa. l32... ' 117..aoe.o4,l42U2 Uoycl, w.tem F .. ~ 50-111·1a, •1,ote.74 60-471·10, $2,919.82 1111 00 601 St AndrlW9 Perine,. AP 458-42!·1', 1189.M Corn1ll1on f'Oblrt l Jr AP A11l1, Chrlatophlt B .. AP 12.31J4.41 Ollon, Wltlllm H. AP 48-240-49, Tl .. TA Co Tr #1R·192a-00·2 ...o~. Matlin, AP 52·202·14, 937-22..()03, M13.02 • Virtue .. lotieoll 1'1,C. '8t-&41·18, t145.62 . . 117-684-02, ta.ea.t.t4 Allen. LoulleV. R.,API0-19)40, $3,698,58 &/or McLoud. Bruce H., AP IM899 Salyer Timothy J All 46'_.36-42. 12.NO.OO 5 ~ J. A" ...._...14' Kruu. M•rll ft . 2nd , AP 11,711.tt 8eerdtlU, Gr101 V , AP 50-471-01,$11,08802 t<lileler, JoM, AP &2-alO.ll, 937•22-007,'st,4'4.M " City of New11ort IHCh, A 11 .M ' ' 117-A4-11.t1,0S381 Y-.,AlatllrdG..AP.,_204-02, U-28l..c>4, 1810.28 0r-. Jonn Cler1t. AP 51.011.()6, 13 032.48 M oor•• Thom I I J . • A p 4IM41-0t, 131.ll ' JoM P .. _., ........ 1-H, "°"'*· JoM I.,"" 111-5t2.01, 1411.ICJ Hoclgee, Dullln T .. AP 48-272-06, $808.74 iflOllll L~ ll'C &I« Mtttir,, 1131•22-ooe 1747 38 Newport Hiit Cofnl!lunlty Min 11 1441.14 I ~ ..... at U28.11 I . B I B p Jeoo~ram.JohnG.etel,AP JamH A .. AP 11'·11111·01, M«gon,l•H .. APNl-lto-ol, ~~~1~·P.!-.... ' ,.__,l.or.nt.A,117·5'2-03, TAXMftMl.Alr-411 Sorr• 11. e rn oe .• A 51-021·11 $1005.20 II 803 50 S1 8111.88 " -· • ..... 13.•u.at 41-272·10,1279.43 E lchwelci. Lawrence , AP AP114.ee1-os.11,470tl tohonl•w Mre. ChtrlH. AP 80011• Arctilbtld O. trd . A TAXMftAMAf1~ '~.JJlll"IMleA .. A,117-tM-Ot. Stricker, H•rb1t1 H1n1 . ,., Hllllard, Mlohul a • AP 51-021·1&.$1,055.14 county of Or1no•. AP 9q..110-12 '8G750 '418-4fl.ol,lllt,t4 · S*.M •H-Ott..ot 11111. .. ... 281.()6. $2,201.90 • 8ondhllll, Chulu A., AP 111-801.()8, '32M 81110or~tl. WIMllM c . Jr. AP ,.,..,,,, """'"'·""' 411-472·11 MTO~~:~. ~~:,1:;1~,JT:.·~c; M11rt•I . "Oblrl .... AP K orll oiun t111n O, A, 81tnder..1.!r•nc11 M., AP 51"°31-0S,$2,881.68 8tau of Callfornl1 . AP fU-110..lt.11.MSM '2J.OU.ll .. " 111.,...14,td0.51 4ff.011•1' 11,41.M .e.291-30.-1.78 Blck11, Sue C., AP 51.032.01, l\740l-Ot.U2.M FltlTlllll• ltrbera , AP •htnk , Ch l rllt J ., A '4CM71·1 ,NOl.22 lcll11tl, l11rton M., AP He1Mn,JoiWIL.,,,.,.-:Olt.OS, Menz1 ... Dile. AP 48·281·35. S3,lt891 lchool , Newport leech tu-llO-'S, 1,094.M ~at.teOl . .&S lctlool. ~ H~ UnlOft 117 ....... ,1$14.U '340.8 '780.71 Ollltor 8 AP 411-28.2· 0 lude, OtMd R .. AP 11<032-15, Elell"ltnlary Diii .. AP t20•270..ol. u -.eow..m o .. _., 4N-4M-01 Htfr'e~ ~~:::=.·::. ... llWNlld o .. AP 117 .. 11-12, M •• ., ... 0 .. ,," w .. A, Moltlt. d .. 1 • seoa.ee 1227':80 TAX,.,.,. AMA 07... ' 13 OI0.11 411-011o04 ... 41 • 11~r1::i!rd, Brian K. •1 II, AP .. ~.:· Ao~ .. AP 5 t-cMl-OI ... ~ c~~r :r;i:~~t°i: 4=. ~Corp, A 12/'f:t: Of C•llfornl•. 0 .. t:-... "°"*· A, 111·1t5-02, Nott. Dull.,,,;, Aft 41M22·11, 41112·1•. 11,040.32 GlatGf\, l.OUllF.Jt,AP81..()4M3, J~ 10 • • • • • llokerrun11. Oery H .. AP T ......... Linda L., M J.,. ~, .. ..,... .... t.... AaMtt ... ~ 117-ta1-01, 11.•·· Trout, lake 8 . •tat, AP 11.111.18 &outllun Pacific Land Co, 4211.otl~.t12l.OI lonllno~...._Ut-04...:'6\'t.. N1440-lQ.Ol.1= .-.11 TAllMftAMAW._ ... 292-34. '2c,47kU~p •9 022..02 Wood. J '"' •• 8 Tr . A p Vllllfltlne, Auth A .. AP An.o2t-1'-TAX Uft AM.A.,... I~·-A.,_., ,. ~~ ~'1~· • .,.. Co. AP 111.es1-11. ''°·· . Kenyon, Ill • " .. • • 111.().43.()2, 11.074,11 17tt 34 1.-.. -.rv ..... .._. --· • S14.1t l 1MM SOMll11rOlnlllN A,11-043-11 Mhlfl ~All4Q.OQ.01 ,,_..C...~ _., ... 1.... .• Tll'T"0oTrf,~,......1&1or Tlll1110.TrlJ19'-1ta-OIM&IOf ..,,._., JltNI P .. AP 41M>U ·13, lt.f43.24 ' ' 111100 11' ' I Ute ol 0 1 Ufornl1 A" All 411..G,41. ..... _., .....,,..,_,_, .II '9lll!len. ..... I.. _., 111.-..0T Sohllel•lu~· 11 11• All •7f0fc,811 Howtrcl C AP 5t~~,!r13 ~..'8~"' M., AP to'uthern ll1cUlc Lo4 Oo, 440-t42-ol, 132;!.'..,.. . .. W:~4 ,._..,""' tM .... rmTllTflllCet:.:'I~&~ 11~7?1~1.._~1~-----• &,.;, 1~1=~·· .. ,. .. :" trio AP 41~ 20 int 63 ;• """'I.,. '" , H111tm1n, H .... ogar .Jr. AP AP 440-142•11, -"'· 1• ' H ,.1 II cl H A .... , t1;t10.tt Halft..., ,__ 11CMH 'tiUW1t ' H1vi1. 'M1111' AP 0 ·023-07 M lier, Mlot!NI T., AP •1.o43-2t, 423-02$-12. 11 t'10.M .&OUL~n,!. .... ::.:..0, .!r • • -· Oo0 Tr .,,,.:.,llMN~ Cea o. (Mii '· A Tllflt ffltA:. ...... &lar ' ' • '2.310.IO 8tOlftll 1'~1ter1 M AP TAJIMTI AMAf1... .,._._ ...,......,_ ·•• •• ·-.... ft -.U0 I N7t.ot 1r1911em. 011n1 11 M. Jr.Aft 4n-oi1-oe Sl.Afttz " 1•11.clJ. M1•1111011r I ., A '-*· AMon O., A"_, _,,.,.. » "' Jeft••=•F..i• • CUMI. AP ,,.,,...., John O .. A" 49-024-02. 61-o62·21 '49370 0 l'i . I 0 AP ~Mt. 11WA4 ll10.ft a~tt ,.... • ltMl.tt Oerra: A•' mond H .. AP '0 • n•nol• orp. ,,,,......, ~Aft 4n.171·~0. U9A ~ llMI 'ftll1110.Trl,.._1MIOOl&lw ·_·1mn1t.Oo llor Ml DH•" 1'1ftl ••-totW. k1t1111on-' -.01»er1 I .. AP 11-o11-11 a1':Z,,. ~ '!;,,,*';,._: _,.., a11.12 -"'".,I#.-;,., .. ,, -· ••-,.. •-· •• -1#•11••..,\."='n ~l!!i!" I ., tl'P .......... 111.18 Morrle 'wliiitin H, ti el AP U?tlM ·• ' ,,.,4 ... t!~N71.M t,t10.ot :tfii•tt.ll..tf4.~.._. ":ii:'1 " ~r91fl9T.7'A ta! ~.AlfrlldoJr .. AP~1t.111.ota..o6.tm.50 ' ~ IMtyJ _.,..,._1.ot, ~l. l.,A,4....-. L111dere.!_C•r1011 C,, A II~~-·,,, A"''' .~1 a 1i:llea:: N04.to Uome, .._,,. Af' 61.ot2..ot 1331-:""14-·' " ...... llU ....... 1.to~.44 • 1~1' • C.ft • '1~ Jemll W., AP •-cMHO, U~OMlcMllL,AP h.082·21: cati::.:ie· 1~\i~lldfr J,, AP 4~1lfl\W'4.f:n• I.,."'.,"';:': .l.,_., ....... , ... I~~~":..-:-= ~"""1D.. 1 nlTllOlift ··-··.,_ ..,_.,A.HtMM.AP~. ul.~ulO Gr1Mt o.,. .. oClf'len• C0tp AP ,.~1uun. "°'"" 11 .. Aft '11110. Loul• '· "'· A WM 0 , W " • :1iTii""oe,. ,~_..,, ._ -n .... -.. IMIMIOllClll.,,.,,,.., w ...... _., ·~1.a.aoc.. ' ........ ea.-.... ,-.•1•A.OM... _fr•'"• • • •· ....._. ..... ,,.,.,..,".-. .-...., .. Orange Ooatt DAILV PILOTIWedNlday, hptembtt 1, 1N2 .. flU 11111 ~ 11111 111100 luretl Jelftty ~ .. A, AP t·1~\\1J),, • ,:O".. 12~'$:· Vlll\.P#lt A,~.01 ... ~r:f'· """'V C • A.P 14t~Hll, .. ,~ ~tom11. Alonant'N. a« al, AP •H-Hl~ "'1.1. , i;rr.· .... AP '40.011·''-.,,..11-111, bt,•1 .04 Wllllntt. MeJllyn N~ I , Al' '•A TftOolr llA-,.23-00·1 l lOI tH-11·1Ml ll,11tl4 J_a 1111 ~I 11, r 1 I O o , A fl OOUOlll, M.O, Al' " .. 71-111, lnl111 01, P 01•1'1·01, •t111del, Mlohell A , AP H1nt0n, Dllflotd Allo Afl 111'332·31.'80113. IMOM CS-0~40.1\.211.40 141633-13,flllOO Hui, Jim·"' 11T·Ul•lt, Jollnato11. l'obetl L • AP UlllY, • .,.,,.,,., It, AP 43-082.01, 0 1ldwe1l, ftottert r , AP 11.31164 41t-111·11,tltll0 H41H 14t.e34•l1 173tt4 9t1Cby, Jon athan 0 , AP Mo0111u,.., .l t mH M,. A" lmalte~ H•l•n A. A, 4.»-211-4S.~ •11 121-21,11,4U41 aan oo. A11er10 M , AP r11111a. "°"· ,.,. 4;a.1u.o4. qe.a.1-01, •1t11 11 "40-0lt-Ott1,:111.oo 11,1t1.u TI&T"Colr 1f\.1H~2 &ICM H1y1, Wllllem T (Ml), AP 11 H11t1hrd, Andrew I Jr, "' tM-71-tt6, IS.4U.GI Wiiiard, Mlolletl I Tr· Al' eo-. Donald L., AP ~·0'2.ot, Pahebei1111 Wlllllm L , AP 111•34 t 41, 1703 10 •t1·111·24."4i7'4t4 llOM11 4ll•l45·1t,l tl711 Jon ... TOii i, AP 117·342·12, Hert>or ft dll• Aun , AP Mo;•tte. PelrlOll r .. A, FranotiOuenerliolMIAHll .. lllO 1188 06 l1.a37.40 MoWlltem ftlcherd P ., All' P•ul1rlno P1r1ne1elllp, AP 4St-atMI, Mir.ta 4tl-13t.o4, 1111.31 ftemHni..~.alteo e M , AP ~3-U. 11.IH.U l'omeranta, ll•n••v. Al' 1 1 Tl&.Tft Co Tr #1'1-ltU.OO·t &IOI tM-7t.UI, 1111.00 41tt'121.0611111.IO 4S-012-t6 l1 t03.,t4 AP 411·146•H . UU8 .. lflY, Crll(j w .. AP 117·342-111, A, 411·tl1.02, UI Knight, 0M1ty L., AP 43-00 • ..0&, G 1 e d d In', M If ah I , AP t1.11t to AP 411·131.05, l1N 44 4)t.29MI, -.52 Drown , Aobtrl I!, AP Meyer, John H JUA" 93.4.0S.1511, '831 H ~ .. 29140, 1241.00 Grlnthem, P.O .. Al' 440·03·4-4U1, lmlth, June o. AP ··~au. , l11t.OO IMOM AP 41M3t.OS, I.ti '31212 832-07-0'41, I 1100 Aldln, leney. AP 117•312·21, A, 411-131.ot, 2.111 11. I, Propenfel, AP O.oet-03. Wellter. PMll e .. A, t32..07-067. 11,20 11 • & p G o m • I , 0 I 11 I e I M . , A P Hetridt, John P., AP ~2. t34-0a-171, UMU s.31118 · Tl&Tft Co Tr 11"-1t2i-oo-16/0f lerrlngton, Wllllem I .. A, •• I '-""· MlcllMI D. '9rry, MklMlll o .. ~7 .. t4'. 1111.00 A"411·l3l•1t, 2.H $4,0tOll l'lt47 w1eney , John .. , ,. Al' 411-131•2', .ti l erllln, Jen, AP 43· I IO·O 1, Hlnler Merk J , A, '32..07· 101. 117°372-411, 1628.8-4 Buoolllo, RlcMtd, AP 834-06-t7t, Liu, Howltd O .. AP ~1. ,,,,, ~1.ot. '661,14 Kuylle11d1ll, Al>t•m M ' Al' t • Dou111ua, J 1m11 A .. AP t31o711ol47, 1111.00 AP'4alolSl•25, 2.111 1251320 '239.78' ,leher, Joyce 0., AP 117-31:H3, AP 41t•131·17. 2.111 011man, Brtnt.~·111.10. PH.fl. MletlMI T. AP t3ll-0?·126, 1414.78 11211~7 12,.411.44 PenlfldOe Cove. AP 937-88-00I. Lyon . ftlOhlrd E. Jr, A, 440-c>4S-01, I 111.00 0 h Ing' c II n I 0 II I( u I ' A p c, TI&Tft Co Tr #tR-tta3-40-2 I /Of 13 .. 7f.:24', 11,014 14 AP 481-131·21, 2.tl 11 t t.OO 1111.00. Weltz.~1 JQVGe M., AP 420...()12-o2. AP 4et·131..SO~ ... Cantrell. Jenf<:.e A., AP 43· 132·t3. tt.170.40 $1171.52 900·68"403, 11,093. 10 AP 137""'4••. 1971.62 Hine•. Rey T .. AP 930-olt-40t. AP 837.et-017, tl71.52 12,071.32 11 UlU3~J,;, ~~.urcl L ' A p TAX RAT1AMA07-cm TI&T .. CoTr #1R-11~2t0f AP..,t-13t·31, 2.98 1274.tt TA._,.ATIAl'IA1MIOI Herte1 Dorothy M . AP AP 411·t3t-3S, 2 N Turne 1• Chrl1topher 8 , AP 425-014-11, "·~·"· AP411·131~. N 4S-t32·21113241 Le nnon, J , Warren , AP W1yne, Al••• •I e t, AP AP 137-8&-018, 1143.08 Owflll, Sred, AP t30·11·410, AP ts7·18-023, 1134. Ill ll Ote.38 APl37·88-024,*'34.18 Etherton. EOn• .K •• .4P .• "*""'• P. tMICMr, AP 440-04 14, 8 I eta o I C 11JIOrIII1, A 1Uf37 7 .• ff 440·142•10, 13UI ltffbl,J.,,,..Tr.AP46M41•CM, WlllllmiAooerT APU.135-02 116·2'°·3t."40Ut 425-141·11,111100 ' 16•?.J.~~----••'-'---•w T •p 11,350.44 ° " ' Lennon. J . warren,•lr. AP Celdwefl,Ptv1H,.AP425·143>38, J,P 137·88.o25, 183-4 111 930-68-414, 12.017.10 AP 937-oe.o28, '834.18 ••Y VI •• Terr•c• Co, AP ·o, II.TA Co Tr 11R·t8U.00.t l<H · • ....,_.._,, ..,__ m r," Welton J-R AP 43-13e-06 111-130-40, '441.02 13,820.98, 1311-44-007,13,016.24 s135050' ·• ' Nluwa ProperllH Ina , AP Dunoen. Clllton S AP AP 937.el..()211, 183-4,t8 930-68-416. l2,t12.00 Relnherdl, Wllllem A .. AP TAX RATI AMA 07-o14 •l I 440.053.01, 13,227.80 ' Hutohlnge, Wllll•m o .. AP Brendel, Mloh•ll• A., AP 115·236-.42, 11,oteea. 425-143-40. 1748,42. AP t37-88.o30, 1134. 16 AP 930-tt-421, 1700.10 APl37-81-o3t,f834.11 Andera. Oerl. AP t33·11·011, Tl&.TR Co Tt 11A-1823-0C>-2 IJOf MI C k , 8 tap hen A., AP H Guinther, o.Mge, AP 440-063-t6, 461.oe 1-12, $2,811.H 11.680.84 .., JtllncN, Ahmed, AP 458-01 Ml. '36-44-o15,13,334.21 43-13~2."87.46 1.ennon, J Werren, Tr, AP AP425·143-41,l1,314IO Thompaon, Jerry R . AP Napollteno, JoHISh J , AP 115-23&-51 12415.°!!8 Berm•n.1. Donald C • AP 1136-44-911, 13,545.H 43-112·18, It, 140.38 8 r eGk en r j d g 1, M 811 , AP 426-143-45, 11,232.80 AP 937-66-032, $834 18 1722.15 AP 137·86-035, $834. 18 8 au Ur , Mar II y n J .. A P AP 837..el-036, $834,18 933-lt..()31, 1823.tl ~ 1 'Tl&TR Co 'Tr #fA-1123..()().2 &/Of 1164.80 ~.:l~ r . J 0 II• I h. n c .. A,. Gonulel, Frank, AP 43-t96-08, t 15-237•31, 12ot.25. w, I 9 ht . D 0 II• Id w • A p M 23, 12.ee&.'8 12'14.12 CoK, Gery K., AP 115·240-27. 425-163-07, 1841.84. AP 137·88-038, '834.18 MGK•nd1y, Ronald w .• AP ,AP 937·88-043, 1881.00 934.20.()07, 1441.:M ( Cutno. Herry R .. AP 440-054-10, Tl&TR Co Tr #1A-1923-00-2 l./Of •I '917.39 Ta~Of. Ronald c .. AP 45&-081~3. llvlne Co, Al» 1188·"4·031, Nell, Dentel&., AP 43·203-2 t, $1,H1.84. Poller, Riek D., AP 425-101-11. AP 937-oe.o41, 14N 21 Hulee, Joyce G .. AP ~ff.Ot2, Tl&TR Co Tr #1A-1923-00-2 &/Of 11137.17 I • LM . Ron•ld G • AP .440·055-01, ~ ..... TlmO\hy, AP 451-08S-13, lt.801.12 $J22.23 Net...,, Carl Tr, AP 115·240·29. Sse9 02 AP U~7,·$3,ot4;3t Sti!M, RoOft° C., Al' 43-204-02, 11144.08. ()(111, UICtle A., AP 425-181-12, AP837-88-052.1871.52 11.108.24 ' AP937-88-064,S97U2 Jollnaon, Lloyd 0 ., AP $2,746.71 1114.80 Eoote, Wllllem o .. AP 936-4M15, 1743.n ReYlee, Odle E.. AP 115-240-31, $664.82 12,326,08 Crunk, Thof'nea c .. AP ~212..oe. 1379 24. Derrow, Oen, AP 425-163·01, AP 137·68-oeo. $4U.28 935-8640t, St11,00 •, • Tll.TRCoTI •1R-1923-Q0.21./0f Til.TRCoTr .rtR-1923-00-2 1./0f Lff. John M .. AP 440-083-07, Tare1olo, Carl J . •I ••• AP •• , 11.362.91 458-093-07.12,931.34 Berm•n.i. Oon e lcl c .. AP 119345 Tice. JamH. AP 115·252,30. S859.17. t3M5-017. 12.821.41 · Holyb••· Dennie c ., AP $1518.10. Btonehem, Dery!. AP425-191·14, AP ts7-88-0l1, 1971.52 Travla, Weller L. Jr et 11, AP AP 837-88-085, $486.28 1136-85-006, 1111.00 AP837·86-086,f971.52 Kre ger, Rober t A .. AP Tl&TR Co Tr #1R-1823..00-2 &Jet Sherwood: Cher lo L .. AP "' T•k•tr•. Bonni• A. R., AP .U..101-11, $542.87 440-C>&4-11, $2, '19.12 Olblln. Peter, AP 4511-102·01., 8 t lrbl Femlly Trull , AP 43·UH8. $002..511 • Menard. Mlenel. AP 1115-330·19, &508.81. tst-45-024, 13,880:28 A eh 111 ea, Edythe F . . AP $303.33. · Hiii, Jimmy D., AP 425-192-05. Clement, Mltohell , AP 43-222·11.Sttt.OO W1tkln1, Holrpyd w M .. AP $430.14. AP 937-88-104, 17Ui2 835-85-010, lt,t73.0I AP 837.-e&-108, it,008 28 Hele, Wende, AP 836-18·008, $1,50t,M ,. Tl&TRCoTr#1A-t823-00-21./0t $1,45t.t4 8att1gll a , Richard S .. AP Jordan,CMtG .. AP458-102-10, 836-45-028, $111.00 Beljejav ..... .., N., AP 43·2l4·10, 1\5-344-58, $447.50 Phllllpa. J emu Dreier. AP MIM, J-E .• AP 13&--4~t. 1888.04 Durante. Frenk J., p 115-381-05, 425-183-04, 111.043.38. Pattie. David A., AP ~ tO, 11,473.62 .j 440-072..()1.11, 1111.00 11.272.50 • Tl&'rR Co Tr # 1A-t923-00-2 ''°' Loefflef, Terry, AP 458-203..()3, "' Otuon, John. AP 440-072-08, 11, 181.88 $4,2".40 Olmlted, Robert R ., AP S1,088.88. Wlnegle, l'8rb1re V., AP 0 p ~ .. 2 0" Mc Leu~l'lllJI, CherlH J., AP •3·224-22, 11,328.70 Rogere, Gery Hanley, AP 425-201-21, 11,433.11. IHn, Eric, A 141""" • •· Courtney. J 1 m11 R .. AP 837-85-008. 11.402.H Connell/, Cethy o .. AP 837-65-007. 703.118 McCormlcll, Robert , AP 837..es-oo8. 11.402.118 IU77. t7 'Shaw, L•rllne D .. AP 458-211-03, 838-46-041, l t,1123.07 wermerlklrohen, Fran, AP 115·393-09 Sl,008.00. Blet, Oon1ld 0 .. AP 425·202-04, 17~!~7 Kee 8 •AP 141 593·011 AP 1136-45-0151, 15,3&8.68 4.'\.224-28 $544.08 Orelll1°y, Roberl G AP 11,412.36. 11115'59 " • ' Sohnepple, WllOem C. AP Turn•r: Chrletopher 8 ., AP 115-384-09,114484 La Perl• Len• Partnera, AP ~ ChetleeJ AP 141•595-18 q' School, Newport Harbor Union 11,321.82 HQl1 Diet, AP 440-<lt2..Q4, 1111.30 Tll.TR Co Tr • 1R·1823·00·lr II~. 13.023.56 43-225-04, $1,821U2 Wegner, Klnf)eth L , AP 425-311·19, 1713.88 $584 lS " ' o /' C>loo.e o1 Orange Ed I. Welfare &Jor Mera, Gary N., AP 458·211· tt, Corp, AP 440-092.U, 135.08 12.838.3-4 Cho, Edward v .. AP 1136-48-049, K)'le, Wlttlem o .. AP 43-226-07, 115-384-25, 1328.70 Du II n a . MI eh.,, p • A p RkinerdllOC'I, Otte, AP 141-604-27, ll,8t5.04 $575.41 VllQUU , Jullu• s . A p 425-311-31, $1,257.34. 176114 lrvln1 Co, AP 440·012-73. BllJI, Sherry N., AP 458-212-08, .... 108.12 $418.41 ~.Frank L. AP 836-48-054, Gunderman, Kenntth H., AP 116-402-28, $18885. Wolfe, Dennis F., AP 425-311-41. Pe;klnl Mery Conttanct AP Cll ;24,42 43-23 t-02, $854.38 Royce, Fr111k C , AP 115-422-01. 1235.88 l4 l 804 5f S 11 t 00 ' ,,. ,.. lrvlne Co ol W Va &/or Butte, Hllold T. Jr (MV). AP 440-101-o.4, TAX Mn ANA 074" ,\• $1.035.70 lrvln• Co, AP 1138-48-07:', l<iu. Lffmond, AP 43·231-15, lt,ooe.oo. Johnaton, Ronald L . AP Ma tin" Everen' AP 141.SSl-H Sllmonaon, Richard N., AP '3,7118.30 11.884.72 Clev, Jimmie o .. AP 115--422·11. 425-311-52, 1187 23 1763 N' · ' 1138-17..()()3, $303.61 Congleton, JemH P , AP Murphy, Mleheel J ., AP '312.18 JecquH, Gregory M. at el, AP ~k J-R AP 141-e52_12 AP838-17.oo5,l303.8e 1 Condon. Allen M ., AP Gray, Ralph, AP 425·251-06, 442-141-10, Sl.422.84 SSIM.41 93&-4&-078, $8,328.52 \3-233-14, S8159.44 Dav 11 e . I' or t rr Io U , AP 425--311·58. 12.510.54. 1421 sc) " ' AP 838-17-007, M02.38 Gege, Larry G., AP 836-46-oM. H. II. 0 n . w. y II. G .. A p 115-422-16. 1111 00 Venlr•. JOhlM• L . Edld<, Herold Krall Leland F AP 141-85247 AP 1138-17-011, 1691.20 r Krl)lan, John A., AP 442·19t-15, AP 425-251-07, 1594.41 11.1191.48 AP 425-251-0&, 1594.41 $7,184.20 43-.'33·45, 1385.21 Alverado , Salvador , AP E .. AP 426·321·21. 12,471.3.4. It l05.°s4 " 'AP9~'7..l\1? tAOA?tl Schendel, Jamee A .. AP Haro, Manuel F., AP 43·233-111, 115-422·17, $111.00. Ellmore. C. A., AP 426-331-06, Chinn Dorla J AP 141•652.55 , Campbell, Jemes Scoll, AP AP 425-25t·13, $594.41 _, 442-181-17, M92.34 AP 425-251-14, 1584.41 Cenyon L•k• Community AMII, AP 425-251-15. 1584.41 • AP. 442·191·11, $32.118 Gray. FWph J., AP 425--281-05, 938-47-011, $4,472.40 . 1111.00 Owens, Gregory, AP 115-424-01, S1,303.10 1525 98• " ' TAX !'Ala AMA ti-OD Mot1chenb•oh•r. Lother' AP Moedele. Brien E .. AP 43-244-181 1111.00. Muey. L)'le D .. AP 425--331-08, otki1io Joeeph AP 141-6111-14 113&--47-014, 13,582.78 se 17.22 A 1v1 re z , Law r • n c •, AP S 1,278.08 1111 00 · • ' ' Repecko. Shlrle Ann, AP 115-424-16.1323.08. Jutlner. John W, AP 425-331-14, Fahey J81M8 F AP 141...g91.a5 Peel. Benito. AP 116·831-14, 1278.98 I, AP 442-191·t9, $32.118 11.811.87 Pengman. Wllllam W .. AP Grey, Relph, AP 425-281-08, TAX IMTI AMA f11.-e 43-2.U-17, $962.38 Stromgren, Biii, AP 115-424-18, $925.llt. IS83 75· ., ' Chlleotl, Daryl E., AP 43·245-08, $880.98 Ch 8 d w I c k• RI ck 8 rd• A p SpellOne David AP 141-692..()2 Craig, Wllllam F .. AP 115-631·211, 1342.4t 442-181-36, 1748.70 1832119 ·~· Canyon Lake Community Asen, AP 426-281-07, 1832.119 Alln• Litt lnaurence Co; Townaend & Branigan, AP 445-14 t-08. $4,518.115 12.12.115 Fulharly, Pl'lllllp G , AP 425-332-05, 11,397.63. 185840 ' ' ' Ba11men , Kenn111'1 J , AP 115-454-20,$111.00. Weltte,JoyceM.,AP425-332-23. Caaberro Robirt L .. AP Devine, PIUI B .. AP 115-e33-08, 1378.88 . AP 442-181-48, $32.118 Nunez, Richard, AP 425-372-03, ,... K II n k e rt, Ph 111 P W .. AP 1524.48 AP 445-141·27, Sl,971.22 43-26 t.QO, $900.86 Rob In Ion , H e r o Id L., A P S2, 725.38. 1 • t •a2 ""' S2,3"' 48 U-.. -d•'"f "'•'ph AP 43-253.()8 llE-471-07 •"3170 Johnaon Wllllem V AP ... .., .. .,,.,, •· Kahre, Metlln H .. AP 115-833-11. $435.28 ., 442·211-02, 13,765.00 Maurice, Lawrence R., AP • Myung. Ctierlea G ., AP 425-372..()8,1148.48 '"""' .,, '"""' ' • ' " ' -3 .'. "... ' Bu1h, Norman S . et el, AP 1574.88 l<oppe, Greg, AP 11'-473-04, 426-3;13-1 • ... 1....... 141.682-09 1111 oo Aullner,W.iterD .. AP43-254-01. 1111.00. Weyte, Kennlll'I J . AP Poller' Ch.arltl L AP Kerr, Juanita, AP 141-702-41, $155.H , «2·211·15, $2,194.33 Lofland, Jer1 I., AP 425-372-21, •;, Canyon Point Community Aun, '406.22 1242.27 Ptteraon, Wllllam C .. AP 425-334-03,Sllt.OO. t4t-6822t 's11100 ·• Tl& TR Co Tr # lR· 1823-00-2 &/Of Terrell, T. M .. AP 43-254-18, 115-491-10, I 111,00 CIOclola, Oomlnlc Oon, leoflard. 80,1,; Merle ·AP 141•693-03 O!'ake, Allele C .. AP t41-702-47, 1 1,044.88 AP442-221·27,132.88 Campagne, Alen R ., AP • .., AP 442-221-28. 132.118 425-373-27, 1111.00 Scher" Lew re n c e M., A p $111.00 Lem, Kwong C .. AP 115--602·20. AP 425-334-08, $5615.112. 1487 92 ' ' ' 440-072-01, 1 1,805.88 Garrlth, Jolln D .. AP 43-273-08. $284.38. Hehn, Mlcheel, AP 425-341·31, P .. terHn John E Jr AP J111lcln. LUar, AP 141-702·81, 11.184.84 • Miller, Robert M., AP 442·221-43, ~ $2,238.90 Canyon Point Community ,._,, "' AP 442-221-48, 132.118 1./ 8 e r I n a , R o b I r I F . , A P 463-381· 18, $2,23.4.38 't1 El•l•b•n. Chari•• D .. AP ,, 458-381·28, $1,058.78 Campagne, Trlone Bergin, AP 1. 458-381-55, 12.1125.10 · 8elllmy, John A., AP 458-381-57. • 1165.08 ~ Tuttle, M. Dale, AP 458-3111-70, Kolar, Jen, AP 458-801· 10, .... f111.00 • ' 'fll.TR Co Tr II lA-11123-00-2 •10t .~ Ketehum, Scolt M., AP 830-87-044, " S887.02 . 'I ' -M'l'R-& Tr II tA"182tM>0-2 t.tor -Dall, Albert B .. AP 830-~3-037. '!: 1784.84 • •1 Tl&TR Co Tr 11R-1923-o0-2 &/Of tMow. John T. (MS). AP 113 t·22-oo5, ~.$40.00 • Tl& TR Co Tr 11 A-1923--0()..2 I.I or Smith, Bern•b•• B., AP .... lklS-22.001, 12,462.70 ·'· ' Tl&TR Co Tr I 1A-1923-00-2 &/or Wlllon, Jol\n C., AP 1133-22-002, ~ '307-81 • Corley, Micheal F .. AP 1134-31-004, $933. 70 ~ • Sturgeon, Mel, AP 934-31-037. ' $2,627.21 ,, WlleOl'I, Deen A.. AP 834·31-058, ·., $1,558.41 •. Appel , Mich••• M ., AP •t• ~· 1823.89 q '• TAX RATI AMA (11472 :" ' Craig, Roger T., AP &30-77-431, ""$111.00 Grable, Melvln G ., AP ~ tbo-77-440, 13,255.58 ' Thompeon, Boonie J .. AP 930-n-«5. 1m .n ~ · Ohepmen, Oevld w .. AP "930-n-«1. 12.208.18 Slon«. Philippe, AP 830-77-474, '(# 11. 1n.21 ., Sh I e r , RI c; h •r d M . , A P c 930-77~. l t.855.91 · -V-en9en111, B. Frenll, AP ·' r 930-n-497. t t. 120.oe '1 Behar, Ardellllr, AP 930-77-503. *805.57 Underwood, CherlH o .. AP ';'930-77-510, $1,509.86 Wob rooll , J erome f\ .. AP &00-n-511. ta,232. 18 '<> LAI. Yeng Wen. AP eoo-n-530, q 'IU42.2e I flrtt Amenc.n Truat Co Tr, AP 'l 930-77-638. $1,332.74 Ruiz., Javier. AP 1130-77·541, ·' ''2.111.78 Wltltmer . Jull• Lee, AP "930-n-552, 11,521.IM ,I>( M1Jldl1n, Amir A .. AP 933-38-003, S7ft.56 'k>' Martin, Ru111ll D Jr. AP .. ~~. St53.58 Herford. Roneld w .. AP )(I ~7. 1,()911. t8 q/ a... John H., AP 833-38-t67. 1111.00 TQ' T•eeck>. CMI J., AP 833-38-189, ~.IN2.38 Oberbeck. David B ., AP ~1~203. 1617.AI Wright. Wllll•m c .. AP '11~, $498.IM .1 AlllOn, o.vid N., AP ~238. . .:ics111.oo S Ooerr, Cindy L. et al. AP ~11. '404.51 Kobayaahl, Nobumltau, AP ''93S.sl-274, 1 111.00 Oe111ar1 , Jam•• L ., AP ' ~m. 11,aae.44 Ntktiou, BehrOOI. AP 1133-3'-285, t11p1u2 e.rect, Mery L, AP 833-38-318, .. f • 1,042.00 So lan•. Minue t L .. AP ,, fSS-36-354, 1629.30 Klntt.R.•y_mOlld H .. AP '(~·-·°' '1 1 Nel1on, Normln L •. AP 93MI 316, 11.072.02 q1 Zlellet, Rlcherd J ., AP Nf.7f.402. 11,462.ee It Wllklnl, s. Jol'tll 3rd, AP ... 7f.006, 1111,00 '41 v1~rltl , Harry G., AP ,eae..1 .~.18 41 o.Mtt, JoM C., AP 93f-711-015, •111.00 'H 01de1h11deh, t, .. Jld, AP -.71-0tt ... 77. .. '2 r=:to.,,. I(., AP tH-78-(132, .. •1c:. Jwtl. AP N .. 7M4t, •1.-.1• qi-Oe "oOfl!..1.Davld J ,. Al' .... ~.-Cit ", ~°"'A.. Al' 9:M-7~. •1tt.OO " l,.n0ft1 IClr"Y D., AP tM-7~7. 11.Jto. 14 .MIA .. ~ 01on CfTP; AP Hl·71·0H, 1111 ... 1, ..... W9M1 T,. Al' t1Mo7M76, • 11~!!!" ....., .,._ 0 ., AP ... 7M7', "'t'~TMIO, M?M ,. T...,, ~ 1., A1' .... 1..-a, .. ,.,., ... • llr•r, lttbefe M., AP .. , ... ,.. *· • "1.00 •.......... 14" ... n-,., ,. ........ -CMMft. Ted, A, .... 11-ttY. -•1•M , H1ye1_w1u11m T.' tM••· Al' -.11o-. ., .. , ... o\f I T I ~ A1' -.n-t44, aue.M '.1\nl.""-••·"' ... n-• Tl&TR Co Tr ltA-192'3-00-2 1./0f 11.235.52 Welle., Thomes F., AP 115--521-04. $955.94. 141-893-15 s'111 00 . ' F0tr•t,Get111dP.,AP440-074--06, H1mdorl. Kenneth M .. AP $3&884. Buaclano, Paul A., AP B<e t eObbieB AP 141..g93-33 $888.IO 43-273-15, $433.0I AP 115--521-07. $389 84. 4254n..38, 1357.70. $47? 0e' ' ' Tll.TR Co Tr #IR-1923..()().t I./ ~C' Clure, CherlH s .. AP ,. "I• II I. MI eh. tl 0 .• A p -Devine. John J .. AP 428-032·18, . Gherman, E. M .. AP 832·5l-oo3, G rt n t, 0 1 v Id C . (J T). kP 43-281-12, $460.98 1115-521-30, $111.00. $111.00. TAX .... ATE Aftl!A 1J.021 $1,567.68 440-074-12, '581.80 Quinn, Jtmee M .. AP 189-o32-12, A Imo n d, Lathan 0 , AP Van De Pu lie, Chr\111111, AP Luohey, Lind• Jean, AP 13,873,92 ll!S-523-015, 1262.18. 428-032·32, 1375.61. 1132-51:005, $2.024.58 TAX IMft AMA 07-412 Terr. Raymond Frederlcik, AP RonQuHlo. Vere. AP 115-524..()11, Gorwln, Arno, AP 428-161-21. Kim, Oeeyoung, AP 932-51.007, 1K-o32·22. 13.2159.18 • $3015,40. -$2,472 52 $1~~1718.82b J L "'P Stovell, Jack, AP 481..011·08, Qulnn.J-M .. AP 188-041-07, Brien. Gery, AP 115-534·08, We11c111eter VIiiage. AP .., ten •ry•r. erry -· " $2411 40 $4,020.91 1111.00, 421-182-11. '21,414.61. 113D2-61-008,l 0.877.041 W AP S tu;tev1111, Ptter M., AP M c Leen. Mlch eel , AP RumuHen JohannH C, AP Lukel. Alan F .. AP 428-182-08, rey•r. oug ae .. Ul1-022-20 11,659.40 199-041·15, 11,437.82 115-63448, '37284 15113.60, --932-6t-014, S111.00 Prltco, N. V .. AP 481-022-24,, · Knoke. John R., AP 1119-051-20, Connotlv. Jov. AP 419-011-13, Du n'h O 11 er. P • u I H .. AP Sperling, Ted D .. AP 932·5t.028, 13, 183.72 1771.62 1314.02 426-201-15, $334.00. $3115.26 B II II d., B., I b n J .. A p Ferne, "-M .. AP 198-063-05. Moor•. 011)1 L... AP 418'-o12·25. Beine. Samuel. AP 426-211-02 . Thompaon, Lawrance, AP 481.-o23-03. $1,ota.65 $111.00 11,088.10. Sl.031.38 t32-61.o38. S7IMl.28 w 0 0 d. w 11 1 I• m A •• A p Burrough•, Cherlaa H .. Ai;' AP 41Mt2-28, $1,048.28. Whelen. John F .. AP 426-211-17. ..,.~ ! 11v"'.~ t .. ~~ ~ n1 c 11 .:.:.'. AP 48Ft • ..o3l·l.L S5.0J41 .82 189...oM.21, I t,784.44 Schwarz, l<leua, AP. .411M121-26, I 1.079.08 .. .._. ... ._, '° erguaon "'lbert w .. AP AP 188-053-28, 1973.82 13,683.80. AP 426-211-18, $1,076.10. GNber'I. Oenlel D., AP 932·5l-OSO, 481-043-11 s2 739 10 Roblnaon, John M. Jr, AP AP 419-021·26, 13()5.94. WOOd, Berry R., AP 421-212-05, $888.72 ...... ~ Black . 'oo'n•l'd B. Tr. A p 198-053·28, $1,718.00 Zerlt, St-A. AP 419 . ..()81-11. $1,081.50. I?=· PIM.Ila J,. AP 1132-51....,.., 461..()44-18, 11.217.40 Sterk, Bruce M., AP 1119-062-09. 158288. Altxender, Sendra L .. AP Fromdahl, Richard N .. AP 412-042-12, 11,120.81, _.WlmJ>ledon Aeaocletea, AP 4 12-o42-24, 11.227 116 Wing, Jim, AP 412·071·84, 1857.84 Mehdizadeh. Neeser, AP 412-073-04, $2,228.22 McAdama, Lawrence L., AP 412..()73-Qg, $1,095.64 S1whn•l• OaJlnder. AP 412-073-15, 1,085.95 Rhym•. He ney M • AP 412-073-315, $1121.110 Kuhn , David N. B .. AP ~ 12-083..()3, $882.11 Gii;._. . ._.._ H .• '"P .,.32•51_1., •• ,.1H011111.t8 . ., Rober15 Jr, AP 481..()44-22. 11.839.82 ..()tt, ~ K. AP 419-061-13. 426-213-11, $4515.84 .,_,_.,,.,,.,. " • -• "' Reiman. Herold B .. AP 1914.68. BelllaU, M. Dwight . AP 18811.72 H • r b or RI d g • A a• n , A p 189-o82-33, $807.61 F 11 her. ch a r 1 ea w , AP 421-221· 18, 1322.54. Tereg11, t1eernor c . et el, AP Ouyette, Brue:• A. •t I I, AP 461-131-01 13218 01ylord, David N. Jr, AP 418-101-015. $234.15. Soulherlend, Alen E., AP 118-091-10, $971.42 832-58-018, $1,329.68 AP 481-131-22. '32.118 189-083-07, $81115.32 Met Is 0 II . Bur 11 II J .• A p 426-281-14, 170.4.21. p 0 t t. r . 0 0 n •• d s .. A p Bryent , M ich••• L., AP Berman, Bruce A., AP M••well, Mlch••l L., AP 418-101-00.$416.48 P1l1njlan , Jlrelr o .. AP 118..()82·.52,$445.30 832·se.-o38, S827.10 1136-47.001 $4 26t 74 199-o83-14, 11,438.04 t1UIDtn'd, Clerlee t: .. Tr. AP 428-282..()1, l11t.OO. Whelen, Jol1n F., AP 118-101-15, Vlnea. Swlfofd. AP t32-54-048, Fargo, Fr'en11' B .. 0AP 1136-47--029, Rothl . .lolVI w .. AP t89-084-13, 4t8-101-07, 1743 12. Krogh. Roberl J , AP 421-284-08, $422.50 . $1,470.M 12.3117.84 M50.20 She reel , Mehmood , AP $1,570.50. Henion, Cllllord A .. AP TOfTlln.OorleE •. AP832-58-05&, Jerv0ll, Jon, AP 1138-47-030, C /A .S ••I Beach 2 , AP 4111-111-17,lt,398.50 AP42&-284..()8,$457.13 118-102..()4,1217.37 11,370.68 16 088 81 188--084-41, $862.38 Llndaledl, Theodore B .. AP AP 421-264-12. SJ.214.44 _1c;cerdy, Re11mond J . Jr, AP Ryakamp, J l mll Jay .. AP . . C(A S••I Beech 3 . AP 4t9-11 1-24,$4,028.At-Etherington. Hoger F .. AP 118-102-16,$2.331.08 113G2.-r51..()5• b 18 •• $. 1~~. l.sov 111 G ..... P PROPERTY IN 1119..()84-42, $862.38 Heu, Dorothy J . AP 422-021·26, 421-271..oe, 1111.00 Sell. Coonte L. AP 11&-102-28. '"' " CIA Seel 811ch One, AP $511.70. Heyl. Rulaell C . AP 421-271·18, $288.70 832·58-061, $2, l58.IM SEAL BEACH 1119-064-43. $862.38 T • k • u . K ez u vu k 1. AP 11,038.28 Dey, Mlchael P .. AP '111-102·58, Chrl•t•nHn, Ouayn• D .. AP CITY we 110 II. J. m •• R .• A p 422-o82-12, $1,200 78. Mone. AOber1 B .. AP 428-272-111, '532.68 932-~.$404.76 1""°8S-04.l 1,460.64 Mu rphy, Jamee E , AP $361.10. Foirester, John G .. AP Newman. Rob art C .. AP Beller, Terry A., AP 1&t-Oas-21, 422-092-30, ... 802.48. Ferrara, Ralpfl, AP 428-281-17, 118-131-03, 1573.60 83G2•15&..oe4rdn•'rl804, Sh.OOeldon F., •p TAXIMTl!AMl.12-oa $903.05 Miiier, Rele 8 ., AP 422-10t-06. 11809.46 Rende ll, Keren S .• AP " "81.80. f111men. Robert C .. AP t18-t32-02,HSS.33 932-S6..Q611, 1441.08 Kellnowakl, Harry F., AP TAX Mn AMA 12-011 SI-I, ""red, AP 422-101.08. 426-283-18, 1120.08 Kennedy, Pe1rlclt R .. AP O rllund. Reymond C., AP 189-044-28, $492.68 l24t.93. Wlllleme, Richard A .. AP 119-132·14. $111.00 932·58-089, lt81.22. Fay. Lola F , AP 837-32-004, W 1dde11, Jerry F . AP ElllOt1, John W , AP 422-102·11, 426-~2..(M, 1700.84 Sctltlc:henmeyer. Rictllrd D .. AP Saye, Bert>lra J ., AP 1132·56-olll, $844.87 t76-502-42,. $531 37 11 21! 84 Keye, Herry, La ,._, Rober1 E., 118-133-20, '580.46 1111.00 whef8n, .1onn ~.AP 422-131-04. AP 42e.292-17, ... 1.08. Cowmen, Jeffery L .. AP Leng , Gerhard 2nd. AP TAXftATI AMA 12..ooe TAX lllAft ARIA 1M14 ..,'"126 R"'-F k"C ·-4.-.-301-07 119-133-38. 144,,94 1132-58-094, '827.10 AP422:131..os. "81.~. 1184.44'.'' "" .. ""' ~"' ' De Surra, Stephen Peul, AP Blown, Chrll E., AP 832-58-0M, RoM, Ou-L, AP 1132-03-007, Blizzard. Helen A., AP 88-«)4.()4, Mertln, Glenn B., AP 422·131·19, Sanlo. David, AP 428·311-13, 118-133-40, Sl,o:M.70 12,05t.80 lee7.41 $485.22 $3415.04. 1653.53 Cordova, Carmen B .• AP Mc Ferlend, Robert P., AP Solomon, Bernard, Broaaeeu, Severaon, Virginie E,. AP Shier, PllTl8le A., AP 422-132-15, Nlcholaa, Gere Id W .. AP 119-1~10, 12,700.52 1132-58-118, $932.51 EuQelte F., AP 1132..()3.()08, 1822.11 ~1. Sllll.:M $111.00. 426-322·14, 13118.37. 6111wIn1 k I, J 1 me e , AP Glrdl. ...... s .. AP 832•58-120, Snow. &ale M., AP 932-03-035, Qwmen, canoe, AP 8&-8t2-24, Kelly, JamH. AP 422-132·18, jlner, lackln H .. AP 428-323-05. 1111-143-20. 1592.20 11.226.97 '888.61 • $883.N $384 74. $386.26. Ward, Elaine Kay, AP 119-143-:M. Ruffell, Raymond 0 ., AP ADM, Oulf'9 L., AP 932-03-063, Ceudle, Jemea L., AP 116-61~3. Sunlhlne, Norman B n"'''"',." Fo11er, Oofll L , AP 933·28-037, $154.23 1132-58-126, 11,587.58 11,426.H 1142.70 Merelel, AP 422-13.4-09, $8.218.90 $223.84 l<lrb)', Wayne, AP 438-071-02, ~,Mervln.AP932-58-t37, W iiton, s . Merlan . AP M-.Rober1L,APM-823-21. Addy,S111nleoyE.AP422·142-06, Goodlow. John L . AP lt.784 50 12.021. 833-e8-031. 11.370.48 $385.55 $28174. 938-eQ..001, 12,2114.62. Cemp, Rot>ert A., AP 43$-071·22. Bucltlln, Peter M. •1 el, AP AP83S-81-010.l111.00 Thomaon. John c . AP D & N fn v••tmentl , AP 1270.55 932·5&-148, 11.573.72 Lewie, loulM B .. AP llSS..Sf..015, TAX !'ATE AMA 12-011 422.142·18, 12.337.11. &Ge.oi-Oo2, $&41.81. Flowera. John V. el el, AP John•. N11rell1.T. Jr, AP 1111.00 O 'B D Id L & p FIUpatrlck JemH c AP 438-081·24,11,445.70 93.?-58-156. $1,068.39 ' Hernandez. Wllll•m A .. AP W•ll•c•. Kerry B. Jr, AP 422·1•;.l:.'2&5.7~~ .. .. 93S..08-003.l2,0o7.84. .• S MI Corp, AP 439-131-37, Mc Cowen~ J-l.oula, AP t3M1.021, l1,121.30 178-481-21, 1526.74 Freeman, AQe E .. AP 422-143-01, 0 & N In ve atmen ti . AP 1180&.38 932-58-181. .50 LI v I• n , And r •. AP Funll. Phoebe M .. AP 1715-471• ,.;, lt11.00. 1138-08-005, S815.32. Brumegln, Ian J , et a l, AP Slwwve, Lao H., AP 832·58-185, 83S..S1..o43.1111,00 $42e.l0 ... .ia, Juen, AP 422·202· 16, 4'9·132.·21, S589H Young. Arlene. AP 141-703-11, 1111.00 OIKon. Mll1on. AP 141-703-4&. 1111.00 Hender1on, Peter C .. AP 141-7()3-413, 13te.38 Reed. Glenn D .. AP 141-704-n. 11178.18 Felrvlew A11ocl1te1 . AP 418-141-02, 118. 16 AP 4111·142..(M, 1571.73 AP 419-142-09, 1554.70 AP 418-142-t1, $516.78 AP 418-142·13, sseo.02 AP 418-142-15, $537.31 Kynele, Paul D., AP 4111-142· 18 $841.M Fllr~llW-O\ROCl"l lt•a;--A F 419-142-28. 1284.83 AP 418-142-31, 1542.51 TAX Mn AMA 1':C* Karmen . O•JI• E .. AP 412-051-15, I 111.00 Bucllley, Patrick J .. AP-- 412-051-30, $1,412.14 Ronen, Uri, AP 412·081-27, 1111.00 TMCll, Wr(M R.. AP 412..()11-38, $40t.48 Tennent, Ooro1hy Irene. AP 412· 103-o"4. $362.57 Comfort, Gene E., AP 412-104-2$, 1827 .07 Ve v..-1. Elle M .• AP 412-171-0t, $Cl80.82 Myera . Wllll•m B ., AP 412· 182.ot, 1708.57 Tiernan, Terry. AP 412-182-42, 11,074.58 Andereon, Weyne H .. AP 412·212-t3, St.302.112 Meeke, 8llly N •• AP 412·214-o1, J&54.20 Cordovi, Carmen B .. AP ... 12-214..oe, lt.n8.oe Neleoo, Cert 0 ., AP 833-6MI07, 1111.00 O 'Shaunecy, Lella , AP 1133-55-025. 1855.00 Phllllpa, Ellubeth J • AP 83~2. 1111.00 AP 1135-0&-044, ,111.00 AP 935.o6-049, N 13.M AP 835-06-050, 1785.IO AP 83M)8.467, 1823.4e AP 83S-0&-065, $St2.00 AP 83~72. 1373..47 AP t3s..oe.oecl, S500..2t W1lleh1m, Wllllem H., AP 835-08-122. $392.00 AP 835-06-121, toell.10 &432.56 Hue. Ttt! Lung, AP 936-11-054. s II It J B .. 11.011.84 TAX ... ATE AMA 1... Butler. M•rrlll 3rd, AP Oe Vlrglllo, Joeeph, AP 11,133.92 -1 IQO Y, uene Htr ' AP • __., Hiid S AP 422 203-03 431·132·23, $802.44 ' lnolne Co; m· Jedi et ... 932-68-187,$421.541 Lawrence, Peter J ., AP 171-471.St,11,598.78 132.8i2' 8 " • ' Jennlnga, Jol'tn D. Sr., Tr, et II, Reed, Suaenne M., AP AP427·291..01, ,705.t2 Blonueln, Harold G .. AP 13&-58-075, 1650.H Kl, .. ,, Leonerd J ,, AP GriMt'. Jamal R., IAonard R~ AP 138-661-07,$4,822.28. 438-132-32, 1888.08 AP 427-2111•10, 731.t2 932·58-1112, $t31.08 Freeman, Phlllp Jon, AP 171-472•10, ll.3ll6.ll4 General Partner, AP 422-211·22, Elder, G•l'fet el, AP 138-652-03, L1ndl1, John Wllllem Tt, AP Holtom, H. Thomu Jr, AP 936-69-t01,l 623.28 Klobue1r. J•m•• J .. AP 12,748.88. 1723.70. 4311-132-38,1711.71 TAX MTS ... , .... t3~1t~· 1:-::S.~cll W •• AP TAX Mft AMA u.tOI 176-472·12, $410.'3 Mcllu9hlln, CherlH L . AP Krogh. Robet1J.,AP139-652..()8, De Crone, Lawrence E , AP J<•ndrlck, Robert J ., AP 1131-32-403, $861.40. $5.31111.81. 439·112·12, 1838.34 Kennedy, Patrlok R., AP 932-68-216, $888.78 178-472-19, I U ... 1.40 Grl11om. Veronlc• A., AP AP 138-eS2..Q9, $3,3541.78 Leibe. Robert B . AP 438-171-ot, 141~2&4..()5, 1652.17 Curll•. Thoma• ·M .• AP Woodaon. Wllll•m M .• AP, SI .... c I -~11 ""5 111100 $111.00 Bank of Amertoe NTl.SA, AP 1132-68-280,$878.18 217-081-27.1754.50 gur .... on, •c 111 • AP ........ ._' ' · Hy111, Greg D .. AP 4311-171-111. t41·2t1-14,13,478,61 8ell,ThomuE.,AP832-5a-264, Vlelr•. OeorQI v •. AP l78-4Sl-4e,S842·28 "3~1."1':1•0.r1'7~4d,"~.·rd T .. AP TAXftATEAMA 1M 11 114323 Cou PropertlH Ltd, AP • ., 1 ... OO ,.17 ,..,., "" ... 1,.... 82 Lund, Phlllp G.; Peuntl, Herald, • ........ .., "' C •p p t I" t -· -· • ..,,..,....,., -· ..... 4'P 178-481-11. 11,250.4' Culler. L.e , AP 835·19·004 Vel Ben ServlcH ·orp. ,.. Roblneon. Kenneth Grent, A 141-2'1·1 , &.1 2.27 Loboaky, Jullen A., AP Fr11m1n, Gorden A .. AP $1ll.OO. 141..071-29,13,247.00 439-171·27.'2.132.117 Cou PropertlH Ltd •• AP 932-58-268, 1111,00 217-092-03. 11,481.88 Seyag, Roneld, AP 937-70.()()4 Fullerton, Jeck Herlley, AP 8 yr II In. P • m •I• A , AP 141~1· Marke , Aeymond H,. AP Olnme n, Richard T .. AP TAX-"Aft AMA 12..... t714.8l. 141-622·11, 11,241.84 • 438-172.()9, sseo.10 832-58-288, 1711.41 2t1.ot4-02. 1111.00 Stovell. Clyde E., AP 837-tl6o002 Qobermen, Al1ell. AP 141-523-10, HOfan. Philip M .. AP 43t-t72·t2, TAX MT1 AMA ..... Lloyd, Richard J. II ••• AP 8inQtlll, John A .. AP 217-102.()3, Cooper, Dentel A., AP 43·293.23. 1551.83. 1111.00 1677.88 1132..sl-280, 11,333.0I 1765.&o 1250,70. AP 937-88-052, $&30.111 Colona. Mk:hMI, AP 141-532-04, Foeter, John H .. AP 438-172·17, Emrich , Oe orge I!., AP Hllparn, Herbert, AP "32·s&-,2t3, ,..raernen, June. AP 217-121-17, 8m1ll. S. Anne. AP 43-213-34, c A s O.verooment Corp, A I 111.00 $1, 174.51 115-0t2-tS. $2,483.8" 1792.00 11,428.32 1836.e:i 83t-2.4-o02, 11.106.02. Lynch. Je1n11ln1 F .. AP Laur.I Point Town HOIMI, AP D• Woody. D•l•no L .• AP IOlanlf, Ziad L . AP ~-5'400. Sllneonl. O•org• w .• AP V .. k ... Ir-c. AP 43·294-l3, Werd lnVHlmenla Inc . A t41-633-03 . .1222.t2 438-172-34, $1112.oe 115-012.-14, SU34.21 $111,00 217·121·23. 11.078:02 $500.0I. 83fl.2MI01, 1721.80. ScMrt. John F .. AP 141-721-18, Hunt. Rober1 L, AP 4311-172-63, Steoh•')•. Chr l• A •• AP S• If er. I( 1111 le• n L .. A p Solegel, Murrey, AP 2t7-12W7, S...en•. Roben. AP 43-311-39, AP 938-25-002, '72t.eo. $22.4.46 1111.00 116-012-15, $2,372.13 932-61-313, 1143.24 161?.81 It' l2,1 N .eo. AP8G8·26-003,f721.IO. Mattu•. Jay H .. AP 141-722·21. Hardy, John, AP 4311·172·64, 8ldnlkl, l!....o!uU E. et al, AP Ven Oe Vort, Alen R .. AP Whltlller, Normen l.., AP Kfelo'olnl. l.ee 8 .. AP 43-311-43, AP toe-25-004, 172uo. $441.68 $803.04 115--343-45, 14M.12 933-33-045, 1767.44 217•131-01, 1111.00 13.833.08 AP t38-25-005, 1721.IO. Niii, All M. et II, AP t41-72A·11. Orldl•)', Ch11ter 0 ., AP AP 11~79.1742.50 T ....... _ ... -... ---Wele1m1n, Fred o .. AP TAx--·TI .u.• 1·--AP t38-:s.oot. 1721.80. St.108.72 ... 111.22. $24123 Mini. Steven, AP 115444-te, -...... _.. ··-217·t34-2t, 11,08&24 ........ .. ·--AP 1138-25.oOt. J721.80. Merlhlll. T H .• AP 41&-021-16, KE I( Co Inc. AP 43&-181-8&, 1111.00 Sneed , Joaeph I(., AP Bey City PIHi Pertner1, AP AP"8-2S-012,l 721,80 16$252 lt,082.80 City of Coate Me11, AP Seewlnd Community Aten, AP 217·14&-08. '840.38 43-30 I 6 AP 838-U-017, 172UO. Eb. r ••. w. rt. II J .• A p P•r•o'!..•..! MICllHI Thom11, AP 11~7 ...... 31 . 46&-522·32, $32.116 Merri II Llnoh Aelocetlon E.ut2N~n~ Co: Rl...,belCll AP 138-25-020, 1721.IO. 41&-031-13, 1187,02 4311-112-ve, S821,2t AP 115-344-al, m·CM Bur bower. luddy .,., AP MM1Q81Mnt no, AP 217-141-'45, A .. ooletu, AP, 188·011-02. AP 83&-25-021. 1721.IO. Cutro, John P .. AP 418-033..ot, ~ •• John v .. AP 438-t81·t0, Aff 115-3+4-tQ, 124. 11 481-o32·23. 11,061.02 111!94.82 330 l2 AP 838-25-022, 1:·'°· '785.04 lt53.13 AP 11~1, ,80 Roell, A. Paul: Sllrnet. OOuOltil MWW>.HenryM .. AP217·167-0G, 15. · -AP 93&-25-023. 721.80. Cudllpp, Ru natl J ., AP Albert , Samuel H ., f.P Pomo111 ,A¥enue Sewen, A, J ., AP 4'1..Q32-t4, "4,M6.32 llOT.H AP Ne-2S-02•. .40. 418"04"24. 11,410.&4 • 431-1'2·14, 11,,M.18 t15-M6-1a, 1113,'2 Koll•n•".?.1. B•nl•mlfl. AP Paril'.!1 Larry H., AP 2t7-185-11, AP 1131-25-026.1313.40. ~. Oe1lld L . AP 41&..oe1-47, John eon. Ronald L .• AP l(oge, lw.a. AP 116-Ul-11, 411.()4.4-02, N .otS.13 lt,on.. PRONRTY IN AP t3t-2s.o21, •121.80. tt. 111.18 ..,..201-04, 1111.oo 11t2.1e ~.Robar1.AP4e1-052-<M, AIM,lllom•A.,AP 217-11S.15, C08TAMl!8A APl38-2M128,l721.80. Hurl a, Wllll•m G ., AP IStOll•tt. Devld P ., AP l(alve,MeninH .. AP111446-a1, ~~: '380.81 AP 931-25-029, •721.80. 4t8-08t•53, "40.0I 43e.20to3t, '2,256.85 '8715,48 • o.rr.t. AP 481~'· 8plnou' Vincent A .. l)P CITY AP 1138-25-030, 1121.80. een. Wlllllllll P., AP 411.ott-14. Aguln•ldo, Sruoe J ,, A" P•ol ... nlto. AP 11W41·H . 16, lie M 2t7•111-10, 744.M AP 138-25-031, J 721,80. lt.53S.21 431-2t3-03, •111.00 $204.34 Harbor Ridge Aun, AP Wernecke. Paul, AP 211-1•1-11. AP~.'721.IO. Feldma n , l(enn•lh I .. AP a1reu••.1. Ooneld "··AP City ot COIU M••e. Al' 4$1-074-07, $3.2.tl _...M TAX-«ATS AM.A 1... AP 136-25-033, $72UO. 418-121-07, 11.486.,34 439-.2tM17, •t.a5311 11~ ....... Al' 4t1..074-48, 132.M Sl111oh1 rd, Oana c .. AP AP 1131-2$-034.1711.80 Orldll•· Alen. ltP 134.05.oecl, CO•, JarOfnl L., AP 4St-21S-12. ...,.,MdrtwL...AP "~ AP41t.ot1-03,132.te 117-204-21,$2.147.to Slmen .. n, Zoe .... Al' APll3&-25-0H.1721.80. 1111.00 1321.10 Mt~ AP ... 1.ot1<06,=te c:uu111·~· Liii• A •• AP 422-012-10, 11.240.12. AP .,...,26-0JI 1721.80. Hope, Oort• M.. Al' 934 06-oM. LI Perl• Lena Parlnere, AP L• Point•, JOHPll A .. AP AP 411-091-0I. 211.a12.oe ..... uo ...... NoflMn H .. AP 42.2-01241, • 1111.00 41»221~~1.. ~1~ffl.st 11~14, lt.117 ... AP ... 1.ot1..07, .ti , ..... ••ft .. -.. ---11,41().N , TAX ... Aft AMA 1...., • Hunt. &,u, AP t)4..Q6..00t, 1111,00 Wiiii. l'UOllSV T., AP .,._221.:IO, l<ennedy~~lllleM .J Tt, AP M1r•h1ll, DOllQIH M., AP ..,.,_. -·-· ,lt111o•n. 1<1tlll11n E .. AP 8t1n ThomUJr,Al'N4-0e-071, It 1 ... M 116-Ml-17 .,.,Git ... ... Mt1..ot, N,lat.6' 422.01~, 1667.51. ., Lind & See ln*1H1Me. Ille., A a6iiJ6 -~· "wtdl I .. AP 4»2>141, ~( Co1t1 Meo, A, lr'f!nlCo,/1#"1 ... d 1-41!.07 1•11m. ... lt91'1del, MlohlHt A .. AP H7.071-4t.M,OOl.81. 74 . 11 ::.-... -.!if!l.M ' Har Dor ~· ,., • "'" 4S-012~.M.t12JI TAX-"AftAMA1.... HlmmlGll, 8 endre L , A TAX.flATSAM.Atl-Otl Orlaat.Jemeeft.AP4»2t1..()1, /#11-.l1D.'Ft :.1:1~i=.w.tt K"oere , Oonelcl W., AP llnalnl, John .... Al' 1St-67H7. 11[;!7J~~·. IJ~1.o:p h W,, A Clerk, Cr.lg~ AP 04·062·20. MJ~·:~oh , .h r l 8 . 2nd, A" ~tr=· Jolln '··AP HM4M4, lrvlne Co, AP 411-011·11, ~~~: l~~:~Ullld, AP 111',00. 117•17).15, tsel5.7t. Q14.81 4»2tt·24, ta,Na.44 -11~. e11t.el0 IM0.41 " ~ IUIOat Venter. Reymond Oerl. AP Glt>eon, o.wi. A, 111·201-10 LMMll, UV A .. AP 424-063-10, Mendel • ..._.,, AP ...... ..oa. AarHta!JveteU A .. AP Harbor Atdg• Ann, • ""m•n wen.it Tr1u t, AP 1.,_.1a.1 • 11.•.14. 1153UG. I Ht oo '*" 11~ -1• ... ~-;.'::~o~i':'.,h•n L •• Al" ~'°~f!'·~ .--w ~.Clrot1nA..AP11M72•21, ,,~.::,r~~ .. :.~1i ... ". A •• :.:t.~~ .• ;,t,~~r· L . AP .:.w.~t~r~topllet, A .=::-~-,.,, ,,~ ..... 101-u.~ •• ..,. ,.,, ... , ....... Ji .. J~nu . •••pll•n l(~A, Oold"'•!!1.Dl•I• LH, A "'"*""·~.A,414-171-47, HotfMl11. Wllll•m .... M1n•11.1..!!.•bert I •• AP Two York:/'/,; lno, A lraMI ~ 1. AP~., , .... 11-11 ...... 11. 11"211-20,..-..t..e. lt4151M ...,._17M1, .. lt.U .,......,..,_,,..,. •• 4tMOMe.14. ~-aa.•' ' ' 'ullmer, lu•en IC . AP ver11e11_go, l(•nneth J ., A Voun .. 11, N1m11011111, A, ~1W~ =i.a.w.N.,14"1164..._ ...... •,•!',_'•,•,n'•i....::~•rd c .. Al' °'*"'· ..... M .• AP ... .._..._a. 141.o»..ot, 1111..... 11f.214"01., II."'·'°· 414-111..ot. 17'11.at ........................... -.. 11 w • -.,. ,14.--:61t .._....... Wtt1on.L....-tem11 A., A, ...... W.... J , AP 117-M1 l911tlrMI"· Afttlloflr M , "'" -....,.a;;1 ;ow, AkOllO . Aaron • "A.I" ...,c'...c,,.A• tno. ,.,, 4tf-t01-f,! _ ·, llefte 1,, ,.,, ,..a-041•11, ,.,.,.,..,,, -• 11,oeue. a..a.oe ltl400 ~. ,,..... 1,...,~. ••• -.11 .., -·• lord•nbiiNormlf J • A' Amande , Glfald A , A ~·"""" D.,' AP 41....,.1..,, /1#...,,....,F ,lt .... ~.Al' '1.__.U', korb.•r "ldl• Aun. A. 10'-111010 .. ltl"lfl I', •p 141 -...aa ,,. it1•a.•-""' .......... 11 .... ....~-..-AA 1• ttU.00 4IM01..et. •·• . ~, iiil>:.:11 • "' ...... ...._ ll:""AI' 141-1*4.ot. c:1o;hr.7'"1eoonc10 J , " -..".:;.· o""'-ao,. "'· A"~ q;:;n:o;: 'fr.:.. 1~~·~"'•• •·· ~' lt!."d~r..t. l•r•on ~ .. A. ••• ,_;AP ~'41 MOUt.. t!1~.t741.M 4f4.M1-04,.......... Nlellto. fCetlo. fl 41t-111-t1 1 • 411·-'--.tt_. • ' AP 1'1•......_ ... 1'. l.elt. ~ H , 4P 1'7411·11 Int• l•ll•r o."IH••11• I ., A.P -~· .. '~!.'·~····Aun , A DMIC.,/l#Q.OQ.10. ..... latWO I ., Cf~, 11~:.7t. TAX-Mft....... =11110...it. ...... ,,...O ...... _., ... ,,..... IM 4 ~Ito.AP 1•1•1M-ll,"9t,11. ,"-tO.,Af' 1tr.-1 t1•• •••••· MllllO•t I.,~" AP•t-toMI.--~ ...... /I# ....... ,L llllr. ic.,,, ... AP m -t41.fl, ......... .,.,. Clfde D1111., ..... Col"" nL•·*-• .. ...._n -----M"I# 9"1.M · lttt.00, WM!t, Qaru1L,AP11~ W.,A! !4!~1M.017,M MetilHll, •tlD!le11 J ,, A .,.... , .. ) Orange Coat DAILY PtLOT/Wedneed1y, September 1, 1112 Pl '"°".::: 11111 ••1•, ,~!':." ,..,, "· '" "llllllC lllll -..:u ~.,..,,;.,. 0-. :,it,. ~11.111.11.I ... .,:: ':::,, o "• » ,,...."!': .. manrn-..... ---""!"'! ...... ~-~~""~.!'!' .. ~..,!!"!"'!,.~. MftH /.Pt•tM••l1,U..tt1*" 9 1001111 114aM 144·20'.\lf .It . AP1tl-401-JI, ..llU4 ·~,....... ·~~-~lane JUllOD ""I f.211·21 ... lOlan D AP 1•1·ltl •lt, ... I.eon H, AP 143441"4• O•OIWf. 0011f AP l~IH..02, """"'*'I'· AObatl ".All AIOll atJhon.J Noel ... AP Cll90bian~. lah11l0t• ' • Ar-1'1 t 00 12. 1t? M t 3114 '630110 t44 fOS.lt, 1413 47 IM-41t.()t, M .1Tt 13 1=·11H!i9J1,1..c.OO lolluremen. Aobe r l A •• AP ' , ........ ,. LllT 1---Ha~•1 Jan.I A . Al' IO·U S·M, ~h.,, 0 1,Y, AP I 1'3··02. Mallll•. A1ul. All 144·20341. Mllfftna.hW.,AP lff..411~. O, ~,.,,AP 11 .. 111.ot, 1H·IU'31, l213.H ..,. .. ...._ H684'1 1106642 111100 110 ... 7.14 .. .0. tc• JoftnK.Jr,A.P l:S9'271-0t, l llo w111•1 . Gi ii I(,, A P M Ol<trHlr~. lll10ICI O .. AP Oarlow,B«g" .. AP 1'1·1fl·17, Olecl!,patry G.,AP 14.4•203-84, Allerl, low.llT .. AP 1M-4 tt.01, lllUnudell, H11a n , AP flll1ln_11.1._Wllllem Albefl Jr, AP tsU.tt 438-141-111, 1111.00 143·:SH ·H:..l11'1.34 lttt 00 l&H It ta.61t.t\,.,.., .. Mll-11 P.29014 1 l .. 11-. 1111,00 "•Io II at, R o 11" I. • AP 111111, J1vltr, AP 4;,8•141•41, PlcMn1, """A., AP 143 613-0t, W 11 1 on , Wan 0 a J . 11 P A"41!'1 l°'"" T., AP 14 .. 121-11 0 11.ot 0• oe Raoouat & loortt IYllcen, cs.a;'··~ 44Ml241, Wlltoft, I. ,O~.a..Tallwllllnah, AP t3a.l7 t-10, 1421.14 1 1 40f 14 • 17U 00 117'1112.0t , I 17268 H '1·4Y ' I.I b LI d , A"' U ll • 0 I · OI, SSlt,M 11Mf4-11,f1.-..tl ~ QIMA AP IH-:171-18, N'eedllam . lol1 A ' AP K11n 1 , S in • Oulnn, Al MHOall, OllUIH v J r . AP ~.La AoyF .AP144-U1·12, 141,4Ut2 lrwlrl,NdwdW .. AP44tMU44, H•111 1t1011. Jtmll a .. AP 114100 • ' 438·142-.40.lt13 04 1<13·61307,I Ull M 181-18'·17,111100 I U1t44 All 1M-421.ot.12,SS80U f'tt8.IO ttl-N2-0I. '4ao.t0 81°on1m1n, Ct t l-0 A , A.II lh11p1on, John MIOhHI, AP AttoM. Arluto. AP 143.521.aa, C et,.111_J 1 m 11 H , A P Alohntr, t. R., AP 144·221·11, A.111 ..... 21.ot,l:S, SS8012 Ll1ll, 8c911 I.. AP 411•012•3, PllO•ftlll I Ll mll•d, AP 138·1f4.IO, fllt 00 439-10 1-29, 114418• 174187 187·173-20, M18.lll '2,238N AP 1119-421.ot.14, 1431.M 112!'.:IO 11a.M2·1t,lt,tl680 CfteNl,Gary G.,AP 138·HM5, lpurr , t si ub•l h B., AP l<ll1m.n, H11 old l , A P 8mlldlno1 Frank J, AP Opfer, Lt Roy, AP 144-il2·05, ' Franltlln. J emH l(eUh, AP WheWI. John'·· AP 115-llt:S-Ot, UIU4 439·101·34, 1734. 1 I. ••3·&2 1 1111, 11,029.72 ttMf4-0f , $402.23 It 844. 12 '"OPl"TY IN 45t-o11-17, tt."'41?0 11"036.M Devty,8haron L..A.P138•2ff.08. T ......... -····1---8 1lle y . Wlllla m w ' A P w.1. Cflan. AP •0·20 t ·OI . Bltwtt,HarryL .. APl44·2'1·25, IRVIN· Oevlt.AoOtf'tL.,A,451.013-11, •ook•, Da~ L .. AP 11a..eo1-11. 12ee.1e .... -.-.a_ .. ..--1&8.013 13, $17&.20 U ,lla'l' 114 1941 IO .. l1,2te02 '611,40 Na I 1 o n , II o b" I F .. AP 81Nlran, Alltn J , AP 421·023-02. Lu. TMI 8 .. AP 150-013·11, RUO., Wlffltm J., AP 117•211-11, Sherwood, $1'Yt n J .. AP 144· CITY Ch"''I· Juli, AP 01•011-U DOI 8anlo•L A.tn e llo . AP 13~1-07. "'431 M ,123.111. 12.08• ti 124184 231-47.1403 04 IMIM ' 11o-t02·1t,'305,T8 AAo«n.CatotA ,AP 138-333-18, l<alllptl,H111ryN ,AP '27·18t·20. T u I ll•, 6dw.aro V . A P Clower . Ly in1 n D .. AP Ferdinand , Ro b"I ,,. AP TAXMTIAMA.... laJO"k.1. Jolln K. I r, AP '"dlnand, Aobart F., AP $422.84 . tUeG.Ot. t&a-021·12, 1834 13 181·211-36, 125&81 144-232-01, 17011 St •51-022-13. •t.117.92 11M21-<MI, l t,027.80 O'Connor. Olen, AP 119-333·21, JanM, MIChMI, AP 427·184•11, Corometu. Oaorot A , AP Maorann1 J1mu J J r , AP l htlby, JMM e.. AP t44·:S82·1t, TortH , Q ,, AP 449•441_10, McHab, ~.AP 461"°31·14, Oedy, Atwood H .• AP 422..()31-20. ~11.61 S1,&81.04. 1M-021·22, 14&f 60 101·2f2-02."•504 3t H1U 8 1434.83 1111.00 '723.:2°4 • O 'Connor, Thom11 H .. AP 8oolerna, Jol\n, AP •27·193"13, H..C.1, LOUIN a., A.P 145-023-00. M C Mu tphy , I< t n n ti h , AP Mo Ma 11 er . Tho m 11, A. P S 0 ht 0 e d". Q., a Id , A p Rlollardton. 0&1111 V ., AP W1lllar. F'r!Mlk C., AP 422-031-30. t3Q..333-26, seoll.70 '840.111. 1258 27 1117-221-40, lt,840.31 144-314.08, $431.41' 44._..1•28• ll l1.00 4111"°32·111, l1 •• 7t.32 1702.82 J ac:kton, FortHI w . " ••• AP p. 0r0111. R. n d • 11 c.' A p Oavl1. Wlttlam H .. AP 1lllM>2$-30, Hlgglnbolhem, Dorothy H • AP LatMn. H. 8ttnl. AP 14.4-316-14, J. c 0 b. 0 n • J 0 h n D. • A p 8 Imm 0 n e ' Me r k E ' • A p VOl*\llek, John, AP 422-052..011, 139-3:M· 14, I t ,441.92 427· 184-13, 12.342 112 1246 41 187·221·48. '4ot 35 170 I 11 44._..4 l·3t. I Uff.llO 45t-o32·11, 1111,00 11,~:&2 Stmpull. Kenneth R .. A.P V•lllr , O llom " J ., AP Catr.DouglHA .. AP 160..o37-oe. AP187-221·58.S42788 Thom11o n. Ro b"I L., AP Hahn,CtlarWR.,AP44f·4111-15. WIH.~dW.,AP411\.03.241. MOrmf, Jon w . AP 422-052-08, 138-341-07, 1508.13 427·184-18. Si.222.H . 1208.40 Corom•IH, Chu••• A • A.P 144·402-17. $536.111 1480.H 1411 1.81 97.80.511 J 1n11, MIO hlll David , AP AP427-114-17.S878.411 Co•. Rob«I D.AP J50-037-t4. 187·233·19.St.874.52 Hulehlne,PllUI E.,AP l44-402·2t, Lull•. Herold D. J r. AP B r own . Ao., w. Jr , AP Pauly, Raymond wa1n•. AP t3t-3t2-o9, 113.1184.02 L•A~. Allen t .. AP 427·184-11, St, 148 911 Z lhOrOhlk, Rlc:h•rd M .• AP I t 212.21 4'8-451-23, 1886.811 4111~. 11,414.00 422.0S2·10, 1111.00 Matdlroel1n, O"•ld. A.P 11,fft.02. Po!llllo, f\oberlo I •I el, AP 1117·281·20.1936.58 Strlc:kl1nd, Rob•rl M., AP &lack, Kiity Kiy, AP 448•461•34, Tong, Norman 8 .H.K., AP Slone, WI"'*"' E .. AP 422.052·11, 138-402-18, lt,828.68 Hub b" I , R 0 b• r I c .', A p 158.0•2·02. St.388 01 c amp b•ft. J 1m11 M . lt'P 144·402·30, $895.79 451-042-48, Sl,84-4.14 St,'488.22 Kouuth, C herlu G., AF 427-184-18, '3,065.41 O'Bry1n. S tephen o .. AP 187-282-11, l40t.48 P•ndl•lon, David L .. AP lt.1>50.49 Townund, J1me1 0 ., AP Lov•ln, Mellh•w C ., AP 139-4-02-25, $834.74 TAX·AATI! A-A 15-071 158.042·06, 1389.85 Thorndlk•. J ohn E .. AP 144-402·35, $918.75 l7~::· JoM T., AP 4'48>45t-44, 461-042•63, '801.18 422.052-18,$423.12 Satyw,John C.,AP 139-402-41 ""' W ood. R1 11 1 1nl1 L A P 187·263-02,11.378.118 Hlll,DornildRay,A.P 144-404·10, p . 01ll•m~ Wllllam. AP Derrow, Olnltl. AP 422-153-03, M71.811 Whlll, WIHlam A .. AP 418-052-72, t6e-052·3G, $149.34 Ford 8 1'Y•n AP 187-382-05 1 111.00 llh.,, Dona ld J.l 0 1 Salvo, 461-042-t2, -.38 l l,23t.63 Sandere. M1rl1n L .. AF $2,369.31. Maynard , Richard N . AP Slll oO • • Ouy, H9U'f"I T , AP 144-414-21, ~m~nd Paul, AP 4 48-4112·0I, Kr ome;, 8 11Ph•n M .. AP Pll•l•n Hol•I Group Ltd .. AP 138-431-42,$37,11 Nor t on , Ch1tl•• J ' AP 158--053-28,$54168 BMrd,Derrell R .• AP 1117-383-20, $312.23 Fox And( J ·Atni1 MMllR 14111-0111-42.1733.42 422·183-27.175,890.311 Biiiey. Crelg W., AP 139-431-46 418-053-07, $1,82522 Ad k ln1, Ronald ~ , ).P 178e.3t , Kang, MyOOQ I(., AP 144-414-23, AP 4•9 112'2; S 8 ng, .. Tyer , Gary L. '1 al. AP AP 422-183-21. $24,457.ae 1858.74 156-082·17, S-41111.18 O'H1llor1n R1vmond D. AP $304. f8 4 -4 • • I, 28.24 461.051..et, 11.153.12 Barg, Rot>en L., AP 422-171-11. Dlok•Y· Frank, AP 139·431-81 TAX-RATS 111-0U Hudzlel11 Don F (MM), AP 187-372-30, t i.4114.00 ' Hippe. Roger H .. AP 144-414-21. 44~5~~2~,~~·sr1ie•Hll o .. AP Rao Koganll M .• AP 451~.()4, 1975.22 $397.35 PropartlH WHI D1velopm•nl t58o0e2·41, it l,020.60 .. Adler, Mervin P., AP 187-38!·20, 111 1.00 Dallllke, Dor--.. AP 449_..52-38, S880Wat.I~. p -... --, .. ·----..... Ro1ow , L1on1rd P , AP O 'Connor . F or11I R .. A.P COtJ>,AP412-071.05,l 1,2•7.34. Karu , S t ep hen E , AP $848.64 M"tlm1n. Ro b"I L., AP 1114784 ·-,..._,... .,......,,_..,.. 422-176-05, S4M.42 138-456-12, "45.07 • Fln•tOM, 81t1y, AP 412.071-18, tse-Oe3-49, $888.00 E pa on , W 1111 am T ., A P 144·482-17, 1923.98 Cn Ronald F AP 448-452_54 451.071-18, M117.20 Slmpkln1, Rendall A .. AP Tl\Omal, Robert Clp(on, Tr, AP 11.578,M. Sohmht, LI Vtlla G , AP 167-422-27,$1.04798 1(1nno. Miki, AP 144-47 1-14, 111128 ,8 " r ' Plretll. And"w L ·AP 422·175-07,$853.84 13Mll1~11,s1,7117.72 tt W orl'J'l•n . Scot ts .• AP 158-063-,57.$11771 Todhuntu. JOHPh A .. AP 1143.68 . P•ok, Edwin C. Jr. Nlohole, 451-07t-3t,l111.00 AP 422-175--08, le53.84 Balley. 8ruct L., AP 139-473-03. 412.074-18. S860 30 Ba r kow1kl. Joye• A .. AP tll71•3t-OI. $18125 Dtpl of V,U Affalrl o~ta!At of Rlchlld E AP 4ll3-202-33 M4112 8 o w a rd J. Mervi n C .. AP Murphy. D•nnl1 Robe11. AP $701.24 H 1 n • y . Gordon L AP 15&-083-74. $471 94 John1o n, B•nte mln o .. A.P Cal w.iin4W AJ':., AP 1 -471-41, Zlntg ;ell Rob" 1 •E AP 451-101-o8. •1, 154.&4 422-181-33. $558.73 Chrl11men. Rloh1rd A .. AP 412-074-18, $2,780.eo Sy1<11. Lewie v .. AP 158-071-09, 1117-.432·14. $5116.48 $tl1 qo • · , • · · Lemplgnano, MlohHI J .. AP Lytton, Ralph H .. AP 422·112.011 138-476-01, $1,886.84 H \I • n g , S 1.1 n 8 Fong. AP $782.04 Gally, James W., AP 187-433-05, dr ~ ' 453·202-43, St.878.72 451·101·f0, l302.45 1173.85 Bouk, Gala R .. AP 139 .... 77-21, 412-074·22, $1,036.88 MlhllC, Juan. AP 166·071-23, $938 ~ An rad ' Henrr G., •• el, AP Bond, Donald R .. AP 451·11 Ml, Ch1mbarl1ln, Craig el 11, AP St, 123.88 GI n 11> u t g , Ly nn a I< .. AP $1,4/4.UO J•iat. Chuley 8 .. AP 187·513..o3, l .. 4 .... 7H l2, St,311 .88 IA.JI. RATE AMA -..r 1718.29 422-1112-111.$433.llO S hlv•ly . Rlchlld H .• A P 412.074-23,$2,314.34. H1lh1woy, Jellrev J . AP l173o9 Davi ••· Wlll et d E .. AP Gto11m1n, M•r•h•IJ K .. AP Kllty,L We)'M,AP422-1111..02. 138-4711.;()4,.1820.04 Phlllic)1,JohnT .. APtt2-074-36, 158-121-10,$47184 Rl.v e re, N ot6e /t f .. A 144-483-34,$870.~ Lublo, A nthony R , AP 451·11 1-31,S513.72 $301.60 P rlneeotto. S 1lve tore, AP 11,111.23. Gerlte , Thom•• J ., A P 187-621-17,$4711.Gt • r P e lereon, Palm er L .. AP 447-034-06,$790tll IOng.Cer~J.,AP4111-252-47, Ouncen.P<MM .. AP422-183-0I, 139-481-37,$382.73 Smlth,c:AaneP .. AP412-074-43 tS&-133-11,$12154 H1 rrle Ro n al d C A 144-492·21,$111,00 Popt,Rlc;herdfl,AP•47-041-48. $631.16 11,412.78 RulMll, Mii'; E .. AP 139-492-11. $111.00. LI1l1<, James l , AP 16&-133-21. 187-521-24.'$111.00 . • 14!~:~.'::-~~r~e H., Tr, AP $807.02 -Tl8TA Co. #~·1823o00·2 &/or Ant, Oenla W .. AP 935-23-001. $8116.811 A.Illa W"oklng Inc., AP 1118130 Pelcher. Roaalla G. t i 11, A Nouri, Mineou:, AP 144•501•12, VIiiaiba , Denl•I A .. AP G l r.eud, Marcel •I al, AP 1512.11 R I Q..111 ' p r I a c 111 . s . ' A p 412-074-49. 12.046.48. Obetly, lee c .. AP 166-133-33. 167-542-17, $539.91 Sae.4.90 447-042-16, 19711.24 453l032-to 1814" Bordy, Rlchud I. et el, AP t38·6-f3-0l,S626.74 Frenc;h , Ho werd L., AP Sl,058.86 Fol•y. Jerry P., AP 187-681·28 Elc:he rly , S tlvtn H ., AP Guymon,GeryL,AP447-0G2-05, Tl&TRcOJR.tiR-1923--00-2&/or 936-23-038, $1,487.74 p., k.,. J u d 11 h w A p 412-371-06, $2,653.311. Wed•. James F .. AP 156-133 .... 2, St7G.eo 144-'602·14, 1890.ff 1579.40 Gauleon 0.llld K AP 4~ Henderehol, Robert M .. AP 138-111~6. 1111.00 Cook , Rloherd A .. Tt , AP $120.28 Hanry. Ktllll w .. AP 187-llel-48 BalthtQ9,GatyL.AP t44-ll02·23. C~on, L. Whitney 3rd, AP .It l l49'.2• .. ' 935-23-040,$578.118 M"dln l, Mounlr D . A P 412·371-07,$2,187.1& B•oletc . Rober t J AP 11.330 44 1341 24 44~ll~.7H!:!:·:.447-07t-20, Tl&TRCoTrllR-1823-40-2&/0f Shultz, W1ltu J . et el, AP 13Q.524-10.S1,338.01 Ro,e l , R u .. ell W , AP 158-202·13,$58178 Fonda. Clelt K . AP 187-574-04 A.h.t.Cheryl L,AP 144-6l4-:z3, Stl>4l 06 Eveneon, Lo Ann et al, AP 836-23-057,$962.08 V1n111k, Bev.,ty L., AP 412-3 1.oG,$180511 Wood, Corn1llu1 Wllllam, AP '33784 $589.32 0· 'H.ar• G•r m•ln• AP 45$-035-43.81,1111.00 Omohundro , Robert E. Jr, AP 139-531-11, Sl,ot7.70 Forou11111, M.Z., AP 412-371·24. 156-202·47. $1, 118 34 Cr!Mldlll, Siiiy L , AP 187-582-10, Brazer. Mii'; K. I AP 144-5l4-34 447--071.,.8, St,836_42 ' Tl&TR Co Tr #IR-1823-00-2 &/or 835-30..()11, S1. 188.88 Miiiet. Jaffrey B .. AP 139-53 1-21, $2, 128.20. W U a on, S heron l ., AP $218.43 SI ll,OO RoQu.t. Carolyn, AP 447-071_..8, Gragt, Vlc:ky $., AP 453--035-77, VoH, ltd P .. AP 935·30-014, St.530.80 TAX UTE AREA 15-0l7 158·202·58, $385.54 SID,615~~~~· Ju110 S., AP 167-591-13, Fink. L .. , AP 144•614•49, St, Sl.22& 72 l1,55e.N 11,210.10 . Lyon1,P11r1<:kJ .. AP139·533-22, • Burnette, Ftadulck C., AP Law r e nce. Cerl D ., AP 432.20 Eltudl, El•h•. AP 447-071•56. Tl&TR,CoTr#IR-1923-0().2 &/or M lkullc;h , Den le l J ., AP St,235.78 a-..i-. Wllt'-A AP"'3584 ..,_., 156--202-75,$449 111 1•7•5..,2_12.~ ... 7_..,.. Q e ... enlg•t . G ary G .. AP Sl,252.•• ~~~8,1 ~ E., AP 453-03&-06, 935-30-021. 11,192.112 Chapman. D. I .. AP 139-6-42-05, """-1• .. ' • • """"· llnd11y, Jo h nny M , AP v • _... ""' ., "'" ..,..., Shapiro, Paul S., AP 1137-68-011. $2, 185.84 Sii t.00 156-202-112, $672.28 Founllln Ve llev lnvaetor, 1\P 144·1114-53, $1,449.94 Vanc e • C h Ir 11 I E .. A p mTA Co T lflF\-l~Ot tt,400.58 SIOll, John F .. AP 139-543-07, Geuldlng. Georg• w Jr, AP G labon, Robert G .. A P 1llG-052.03.17,$1,8 tl.08 1.t's~~~"~2·::;1c 1 • T .• AP 447-072.05,Sl,440.28 Clemanl ~K AP 4 1i v~ Foreet Fln•nclll Corp .. AP $509.59 936-33-022• •111·00 156·2 12·22, $672. 14 AP 1118.052--03.111, Sl,818 08 Datllng, Frank, AP 144-514-89, 14~· Jack N .. AP 44MM2.oe. $800.59 . .. • 937-76-007. $928.112 K.,,., MI ch... p .. A p TA.X .... A'R AllfA &-10I Ntwblll, eenv J .. AP 158-222-27. AP s 1,385 21 $748 21 s p e 11 Id Ing' EI w In J .. A p Tl&TA Co Tr #IA-1823-0().2 "°' A.P937-78-011,Sl,022.34 138.11()2-16.'Sl,953.911 ·r.: 1 $11100 N l1ve1. R1 y m ond. AP Slfferm•nn ThornH C ••II AP 449-042.e8 $11100 Orl1ndo1, Nleholu J r, AP A.P937-711-014,l929.82 0 111ube, C harlea W., AP We loh .' J a mea W . AP Walket,MatkW.,.f,P158-232·21.A 16p9-0816,,,1-,,J!1._~67!·~06,.,... 169-012-o5,Ssll4.08 . ' M • i O I d AP 453-036-21,$3711.16 139-821 22 $783 eo Sll89 68 •-vv .. .., "" A AP uquue, . r •n O, Tl&TR Co Tr #IR-1923-00-2 &IOI TAX RATE AltlA 1~1 NI h.o 1'1 w 'a t e E .. P 119-391-lf, $310.53. Poe' 1 cn11 d C ap 167 "'21 30 Garcia. Frank. AP 169-071-17, Scho •l lier, J1mee .. 448-052-02, 11.848.64 .. __ ....._ P AP 4r• ...... ,. ' o ' r n · "' Hulse, FrlllCla L .. AP 118-391-20, · " or • ,.. .., • ' S"""' 56 188-012-07. $354 . .43 Harr o Id, J 1m11 W., AP Boyw, ,.,........ •• .......,......_, 13tlo-831-0I, $7112.40 1873 12 cv• Al"•.-.. ., ___ , .. A.P 111" "'12 ""' SSGG:J.12 •• Cl k El L •p P "'"" 1177054 W J A P P 1°r 11, Y1 ldot1 C , A P S'll.,.,OO_.,,,....,.,.....,, . ..., """'· 448-052·20155903 · . ... o u1 •Y· unor . ~ Mtnc:lnl, J.,._, A 141· 1....,...,2, • · · H 1 n •en. It 111 m , , AoblH . 'Art. AP 449•065_0 I, Tl&TE Co Tr #IR-1823-00-2 &/or 424-1111-06, I f58.411 1706.84 II 157-0<11-07. $359 04 189-071·22, $187 48. Har I 0 rd R 0 n a Id W A p SI l l.OO Fnat;ti, Jtftrey (JT). AP 453--042-13, Coutter, Llwrtm:• L. Jr. AP Dlu, Edmundo, AP 141-157-05. TAX·llATE A EA 15-fOI Colllna. Jacquelin• F , AP Tinoco, Merlo, AP 169-071·311, l6G-Ol2·23, S97G.30 • . F.,9ueo n , Miito n O • AP $588.IMI 424-182•29, $4,808.411 $1,072.66 M S I u Co AP 427-082.02 157.0•2·24. $3<14.28 $93.02 Reeh, Dolor .. J .. AP 189-012-48. 449-088-07, $710.14 Tl&TA Co Tt #IR-1923.o0-2 &IOI s.llng, Roblf'1 A .. Dorney. K•lh Northc:ull, Mlrthl ll J .. AP S 62308 111 rp, ' Bolton, Vlclor. AP 157-054-38, Johnllone & AHOOlllH VI, AP 1888,22 Ca rter , Jam•• E. Jr,.A.P Comlnaa,BructW~AP453-042-38, R .. AP 424-181·22, $2.2111.62 141-1112-05, $418.64 'ti·1 · p · 1 c AP $947.16 1118-081-18.20, Sl.2•0.112 Ve ltnt I ne , Rob•rt 1 .. AP 448-084-llO 1111 oo ' "' UH.20 Sh•pherd. Robert K., AP Blrcl), John, AP 141-16 4·21, 27 .... a8~,,.'0sP•0r511 '521 orp. T qm a lko, Tom M', AP Luna, Carlos, AP 189·081-41, 111g..o13•211,se76.34 Wahmu'lh, D'anion s .. AP Tl&TRCoTt#IA-1823-00-2&/or 424-311-32. $867.28 ....... 74 4 "" ....., .. , 1• · · 1117 "''•·58. $1.37•,35 • ....,..,,_ n-...... E AP •• .. -""2 78 ..,.,.., ..,.,.. " 1218 00 Mortno, Frank J .. AP 189.013-45. 448-084-54 $111 00 ..........,., ..,..r-·• '"~ -• Gr11m•hr. Jam•• M .. AP Neluer. Cert, AP 141-191-01, TAX-UTE AllEA ll-ll:l Fall, John S .. AP 157·083-02, Dodeon, Wlnlt e d E .. .AP 127299 Dudtk D' lt!S AP449-084-&4 $28785 424-311-38. Sl,834.811 St.1188.32 1466.37 , 169-091·11, $867.28 Bltber. Paul M .• AP 189-013-50, $989 llO ' an " ' mTR Co Tr #IA-1~2 &/or Blll.,d, Raymond E .. AP AP 141-191-02,St,801.68 Cel'11<,RobenJ ,AP 422-041·311. Royal Homes, AP 157-085-42, Tec:lnl. Roben. AP 189·102--08. SG56 04 SukU1,AlbertE.,AP44e.o82-3G, O.C-.,M8ftlyn.AP453-043-14, 424-313-02,S8e7.80 Whtlan.JoMF .. AP 141-191-11, S t.t45_48. S341 Ill $34041 Bitter, Roll A.. AP 1119-013-64, S5110M $4ee.12 Brec:httl, Lois, AP 424-313-0G, $867 .28 Q u I, t B 1 y H 0 m 1 1 ._ A p H a I I o r d • H e b Ir C • A P Hofland, John A., AP IOj· 10~ 1;1. I I t.00 -• oa\.o., ~ R .. AP (4Q.. l()3.48, -T ... n. Co 1T '#IA1'2S-()0..2 &tor $-4H.18 --Sanon, Frank E.. AP 1.41-201..01, 422..0tt-44 $!) lM 7g · 167-07-3--12,•$+,02&.et - - -Sl ,47IS:S2 -·· Jamee, Ned L .. AP 189-341-14, II 1126 22 Too me v . M le: he• I A ., AP Oim.ManuatE.,AP424-313-18, $240.119 Grecl a~. C hirl'•• L., AP Ryan.,CharlesA .. AP167..074·11, warner, Kenneth L., AP 11,2117.82 K · lh J h A AP 463-043-62.811111.00 S4ae.70 Whelan, John, AP 141-233·09, $ $390.81 189·102-17, $248 85 •• ,,. 11 n11n.,.,,11"11·3.~ n . ' Tl&TA Co Tr llA-1923-00-2 &/or R v Ven Dl1counl Canter, AP $543.04 422.051-lO, •53·28 8 u be I l . H •Im u I J • A p 611 102-35 ....... ....... "" Crof o.vld E. AP 4~4 07 424-321-02,1180.92 Lo,.to, JOH , AP 14 1·234-09. AP422-051-1t,S1,402.02 157.081-09,$71392 Gorajewakl,Rlck.AP 1 • • TAX-RATEAAllA21-C711 R. c . T11lo r C o In c:. AP 1103°fh • ' ' Ratktlll, AIQl1. AP 424-321-14, '582.25 Mc Nu h. SllPh•n J .. AP Royal Homee. AP 167-091-01, 1294793 G 111 R AP 4.48-l23-M,ll,404.llll ~.T.RCOT #IR-t~2&/or 14,793.26 Htelat, Coy F , AP 141-372•20• 422.052-0t. $4 t9. t3. s239 71 ,,. •2~ ", 4!~' ·si :~5".V.. • · · MongkolkHelertn. Slll•l'•· AP Ried. Tllomal E.; Ma111n, Gtrald, G • -M rtl' R t al (TC) AP 12114,_,4 Vozenllek, John, AP •22--06 1· 14, Miiie, Emmell M .. AP 157-092.12, 16.-.. -...:, •""' ""' 144-531-08. $1,748. 18 AP 44Q..123-76, l t,2e5.llO .::-:..:.1: .~ •1! • $68.64 Dunkel, Petlf' L , AP 16&.-271-26, H 1 r Im a n • L I or d B .. A P Carro 11 . Ron a Id M.. AP ..___....r••TR eo' T.-;-1,. ", ......... ___ 2 •, Klllldall, Roy J .• AP 141-373-18. p ·-06 5 seo2 ee Sl,58002 111100 53 65 S 0620 e. 3 O 183509 -r,. ...-•c.rvv-..,or Slll.00 A 422 I-I. ' ' Wlneb.,g. Llrty G .. AP H~ec:ntr.M .. r,A.Pl69·271-40, l4'• I· . l. . +4 I l ·I ' ' MdnlYN Or-A. A.P 453-044-35 ~ .. _. ,.~,•-t•·-"-1~. Q,.nkevlch, Phlllp A., AP Gr-. Jerry G .. AP 422--072-12, 157-102-12,$17824 S 5 ,.. TorTI, John J .. AP.449-144·23, • .....,..,,• • • ,.._ "'",. -· """"' -S561 12 3 I, l2."" TAX-RATE A.MA 21_.U $58148 -...v .... AP 1-05, $341.841 141-373-23, $312.811 ei1i011: C.rle1on, AP 422..()81-01. Yoon, Hee Ouk, AP 157-102-4 . ~Id. Gery L.. AP 188-272-13, L. Du c ' R 0 b" I D .• A p Tl&TR Co Tt #IA-1923-.oC).2 l/or Van 0. Walk.,, Grenl H., AP P1J1to, A1ler lo A ., AP $945.73. St,338.38 150022 LH, Dong So. AP 1'3 ... 42-04. 448-tll1·21.'4s0.ll3 SStnW111.00• Sldnty, AP 4~4-43.11. 426-054-05, $527.at 14 l-3t4-17, II, 108.50 AP 422-081-02, Sl,087.2 1. .~.8'1'"· Raul 0 ' AP 157-103-06. Fltzalrnmone. Ch¥lel Vietor, AP I 11 00 K I hi J h w 3 d A p Kramer. M erlin J ., AP Weng•l•r, Duen t A • AP Wlnla F A.P GSS..-92-001 ....,.. 18e.3()1-07,l l.317.5e l . "el ' o n . r ' Tl&TRCoTr#IR-1~&/or •2e-084-03,$1,7113.58 141-382·10,$404.48 S~~ m ., . • Holmllrom, Elvln T A P Do d1t .. 1,'Wlnl"d E •AP Darllng,FrankR ,AP 143-442-12, 449-1 -47,$1,501.92 M d Wiiiard AP 453051·11 Rou1•y, Wllllam I .. AP Ru11ell, Carl T Jr .. AP . . G PG35-9 -003 157-103-11 $54831 180-301-08.$1.•79,80 1468.22 Dlnl1man. Jam11 L .. AP tlu~70 • ~ • ...... "'72-10,.-r71.... 141-385-12,$7111.84 Hlrldl,Brl•n ,A 2 · F"nuni. Rl.Qhlfd J A P E meml, Ftt aydo on , AP Young,BrucaG .. AP l~l--08.44ll-2ll-02,'874.88 NTACoTrllR-1t23..ol).2&/or ......... ••• .... s.-... B AP 141-393-08 St.822.90. 1117111-08 $48<1 58 1111.00 i/. Mador •. Robett E .• AP '1Pl1110f11 .. 00' Tina L .. AP 426-073-06. $570:· "TY " ' Pr1n10, Jo Jr, AP 935-82-007, Shibi . Harume: AP 157-ill·ll, 188-301-20, 11,341.24 Boyd, latry l,. AP 143-641-24, 448-213-27, 1111.00 ~;'10Marcall1 L., AP 453-o$1-34, P $1 88680 Dieudonne, R. F .. AP lllQ.301-31, 1338.76 Talttr .• Otnnll J .• AP 449-2 13-33, ~ .. T .. Co T ,, .. , ...... ""'2 . J W.lk.r. T.llord A .• AP Vllteloe, Ronald L., A • · · ""' 1118&4 ••28,,.. ·-" r ""·~ .,or S Urbanite• Inc: AP 935-74-vvl C . s AP l67 111 21 -""' Wrall•n, Budro w E., AP 91,487.N (UW) p 428..()73-10, 11,588.02 141-424-05, 734.71 St 27,,.08 • " ' ulp, Merk .. • • • Thoma et R o b"t E., AP 1 • ., ... 2 26 ••• 8 •t "-I Alen A AP 44,,..213 • ., H•n•on. Linda A. • A I •"700 Yerton, Eddie L , AP 141-424-19, ' •· · S53e43 6"'-32•11 730 "• ...,...,.. • •...., "' ..-. .• • .......,, 4•" ..... , •• ••••.30 ~pp44~77?°!1·. $11 •• ~7·..... • ... 7.25 Wright. Thomu Wud. AP HlrOotte. Junlen, AP 157-111-82 1 • ..,.. ' . .-11,852.$4 _...,,. """"• -" ,__, .,..,_., ...., vv ..,. 93&-74-002 11 3311211 John1on, Lury M Tr , AP TAX..flAT'f ·-· 21__.1 &ill. Q191 Sop. AP 449-222.()9, Tl&TA Co Tr llA-1t23..ol).2 &/or AP426-073-21.l1,11117.06 Mc: Gllnn. J ohn S . Jr. AP • • · 4--004 132508 te9~2-32,S888.oe _,. -· 183475 L•noa , Clar•no• w .. AP S.11.bur'f ' D.vld • .. •p 141~2.()9, $424.11 Urbanll• Inc: .• AP 8~7 ' W1ka ma1Su, Y11unorl , AP Klr..., D......_. J •p t•n • .,., 16 .. ...__ L~ • •p 14"131 28 . • ... '"''"" .... ,...,,.....,, " .. $1 21113& •157,v7'7' --.• .. -13'"',::..-02' ~· .... " .... • ... ~• .. 22Lo_,s,g~~~.J.201••Ph J .. AP ~Tl&T•;'"eo ... -Tr-.. ~IR1"""',_2 .. ,OI 426-074-18, set7. t5 Durant. Robert E Tr et et, AP · · • 157-121-27 $697 54 _ • ........ "' .,.... " ,. ._...,.,. .., c emp bell. David 8 .. A p 141-473-11, $533.11 AP 93t-7•-007, l t.218.38 Fry Edwin J AP 167·122-04 B. 1. e h J em •• A .' A p w I 0 It n j e k •. F,. d M .• A p Biibo. Wllllam ..... AP •as..oe2·22, •.... ,, ... 18, ••86.38 Hind ..... Rot>en, AP 141-483-01, Ho, Edwin w .. AP 937-49•014• $7118.82 .. T .... _ •• _ A··A .......... 14"132 28 111128 24 ....... "'5 '"""""' ... 1111001 l l.588.84. Gillogllo, George A .. AP ..,.....,., .. ""' .. ,_ "" • '• ' . ' 449-224-05 $996 74 _.... .• Forr••l•r. John G .. I A.P · Yo1hld1 . J 1 okl1 S .. A P 167_12,,..,.,Slll.OO .. R4t)'ee,SlmonD .• AP143-213--01, B"man Sli•ldon L AP Tl&TACoTt#IR-18~2&/0t •26..()l.4.-04.1217.111 Glerth, Chat'lel, AP 141-582-06. 937 SO.OOI $1 783 711 "'""" W inn. C an dy A. " a l. AP '340.63 44Q..225--08. S111.00 .. Baron, Ronald . AP •113-082·69, Amb11e1dor College, AP Stt t.00 -• ' ' . 1~"""5 KlnQ,Thomn R ,AP 157-l3l·20 t8Q.191-09,$589.88 Opfer,L•0 -F.,AP143-213-14, Duoni N,h ll Van , •p tl,'58.28 a.nnett .,,,,.... AP 141 582 Ill Lozano. ThonlU, AP 93 -~ • $3711.SO ·-· .. 42e-t21-04,IM0.97 • ·-rw, · • · "4251. Jo.nkman. John L , AP van Tuyl. Thomu C .. AP llM9.eo «tl-225-2 .'s 1• l7.7t Tl&TRCoTt #IR-1823-0()..2&/0t <kow, Mlc:haelG.,AP426-121-Ge. $111.00 M C k Ro get R AP 189-t97-28 ,, ?i~.t?! Mtk .. 1rla n . Ed ward. AP Chui Frank Tung.Lok A.P Hiii. Rlohard L. CJT), AP 11,107.90 8'rg, Robtr1 L. AP 141.e13 .... 7. c orm•e • ·• 157-132-04.13119 58 Oerotll. Gori:IOO. AP 15-197-35. 143-214-02, $730.84 .... 231••1,,. 111 .... ..,.. • 4~1'i &.'1711:\~ • $211782 937·50-008,$2•20108 N1v1 rro Rob.,1 P .. AP DI • ......., G p .. """1 .....-"· ',..,_ Tl&TR C T #IR 1"23 00 2 WMlen, John F., AP 426-121-24, · Mayna rd, Chl rlt l ~ .. AP 157•132•12 ,·2710.18 lt,388.M II, "·-v-.. A 14...-2u-v , Khan. Nulm H .. AP 448-232-27, O r • • • • tallt 14 N o o n an • G r • g or 'I' . A p 837 60..014 $I 187 42 , Havw. Kathryn, AP t59-201-T2, $4112.09 ST13 78 4/or Edwwde, Mat1ane • al (JT). Ro101t10. L•o nerd A .. AP 141 .. 23-10, 1473.4:1 -• • ' ' 50-0 5 Welllf'. John R .. AP 157-132-30 $228.44 Johneon, Larry, AP 143-223-28. Kemlne, Sluan, AP 448-241-34. AP 463-071-e:I, $374.ao 42&-122-03. 1783.3& Du fl n U , Fr In ~ J ·. AP 12K4~e!· Roy J .. AP 937• ' . $917.04 Sc:ott, <Horge B., AP 169-20 1·21, $328.58 · Stl1.00 Mu rr•1 · Allan A TA. AP Cat•, Sol L .. AP 4211-151-28. 141-&43;-19.$418.N • . . W alker. Jo .. p h A .. AP $58883 Wiiton W•IUr w AP 453-473-1 111100 $811.68 E lohweld, Lew,.noe , AP TAX-RAT'f AMA 11-115 167·141-35, Sl.907.84 FaYt. Michael K., AP 169-202·18, ~•3-22•--03 .. $389.48 . ' $1=· Ben J., AP 448'242-08, Tl&TA cO. T #tA-1923-00-2 &Jor Holtt•ln. Gtorg• M. •f al. AP t4t-e64-09,$457.58 Cllderon , Lole M .. AP S381.74 l<lm. Song 8 .• AP 143-224-07. Edwerd1 . .l1m11 H .. AP Harmon,.i-C.,AP411S-I03-0ll, 42$-163-02 1$27.22 AP 141-1164-10,1457.68 Z imm.,, Jo1a ph S . AP 157-t42-t2.St37.01 J on ei , Cheri•• M., AP $443 78 448-2lll..o3.llllOO SMl.08 Gilt, Frentz J .. AP 426-251-07, DI Domenlc:o, Mui• B .. AP 117-091-15, $840.22. ROii, John F. Jr. AP 157-142-13 189-311-02, $258.28 P11111, Hyun W,. AP 1~224-1 1, Mollna, Aufiu.elln• C .. AP Tl&TR Co Tr flR-1823-00-2 &10t 1128180 141~14,$2.,588.58 Corra ro. M loh•••· AP $83.19 H•nnlng1, Tllaodo" L . AP $638.89 44g.251-oe.Slll.OO Soh o ol•r. Jem•• M .. AP Dun~lng. L-. AP 425-262-09. ...,..,,., Mery c .. AP 141-685-3•. I 17.()91-111, seee.oe. AP 157-142-14, $87.20 189-312-28. $293.47 s w I II., t . H. n r y A. ' A p MI n r I q u e z . J. "I". A p 453-103-21. Sl.208.07 121780 11.240.70 Erloka on, Rloherd F . AP Park, Velln• W., AP 1117-153-17, "Bollman. Wiiiiam R , AP 143-341-04, $597.87 44g.253-84 1125158 Ro1enb•r11.. J a c:k A .. AP c«-, JOhn c .. AP 4~24-10, D' A rll n , M lo he le C ., AP 117·102-09, $1,129.118. $2,2115.88 Hl~I. $1.2$8.20 11 Flor 11 oo"' Rubtri A.. AP 143-343--03, Fellty. Dian.' O~ .AP 4-49-292-03, 453-~. ,,,~eo. AP ..,,. 1 ., .. •t, 1$24 44 419-132-18, $1198.87 Dunn. Mk:hael T , A,P 117-103-04, Bagley, Vlc:ky L., AP 167-163.28 ......,._ ,..,_ .....,.. .....-.. H1i1. Brian A., AP 11·38-03-002 AP 41Q.132·18, ll02.0tl 12.310.28 '4811.31 TAX .... ATE AMA 11-GOe C h u ng , V 'on H 1 I n , A p St.2\M.24 AP '8132t 12.27471 Grage , Raymond E .. AP Rlokttll. D a nnis C , AP Hlgglnbothem, Dorothy H . AP 143-348-IO.S3.2811.48 44~f:,-02~~r.:son et •I. n&"'Co'fr#IR-l923-00-2&/0t . . 420-021..()3, $2,333.llO 117-103-07. $581.26. 157-153-21. $579.65 Alco Mining Inc, AP 15&-1115-11, P&llY. Robert R.. AP 143-366-15, Grt1n1r .. HOmH Ann. AP KMajlan. Thomel, AP 453-141'°2. TAX Mft AMA,..._ S c a l zo. Cerlton V ., AP AP 117-103-08. $1.515.Je. Hlgglnbo lhat'll, Dorothy, AP $1,870 47 1511.13 44g..27$-ll, $4'1.30 $943.84 420-021-21, $701.45 RoM. JOhn C , AP 117-104-08, 1117-163-45, $1,040.81 G"man•lll, Gtrald J ., AP Whllll•. Wllllam Jim ... AP TIATA C"..n Tr MfA.1t23-00-2 &./or He r m 0 n . J. m •e R .• A p Ktnl Edward A., AP 420--021-23, 1202.48. w 1111 e m •• Way n• R .. A p TAX-RATI AMA 11-GOI 143-424-15. $787.90 44Q..273-17, '827.IM Hab«*lf'. K"1Mlt\ G. (.IT) 4, AP 131MM2-49, $488.14 $2,627.32. el,S~Ptt1, J118!"1113C-0.,1Boy. S1d,3,7H2111en.OO. M. et 16~;!~;~Ru$b~n1,4~:4157-156-02· A •• ~r~. WIU11m, AP 143·601.()8, Q or don• Cll at I u H .. AP 4~· .. tT4!·Co18, 14T 1181.!'1.....,. .-..2 &I Brady, Dinnie Fl, AP 139-043-02, " Ll'UI. John .. AP 108-672-01, ~.,.v 449-282"°8 $325.28 ·-" t "" .. .....,.... or $211.13 TAX-MTI! AMA 1MIM 11~~1~~:3'. .~.:1·5~7~." G A p S1Hc:e~·1:01h1m, Ootothy H., AP llJ~~ Ot den . Joh n J ., AP S1~~S..Oonlld L., AP 143-5t8-01, .. t~\~ni3~o'2,°m' H .. AP :~::l-~~79~ Seen, AP HHtlns•s Mauru n A .. AP Recltl,RobtrtR .. APtl7-101-0tl, Eberl e , W 1tt•n J . AP 157-155-13,$544.41 IOM72·24,S1.18t.8t Ho1o kaw1. Hlroyo•hl, AP Hamlt 'o.nni.A.P44e.2t4-04 Tl&Ts.cOTr#IA--fN3..00..2&/' l~-~~·7~p 1~12 $212.94. 425-231-04,$29187. AP IY.162-10."811.0tl C •ll•b•. T. C a nnon . AP 143.•571-02,"43.n 116704on. ' • M•t1lle1r. Gord on L. (JT). A ........... .. . AP 117·101-I0, 1324.3e. AP 425--232-02. $478.50. Gow. Oouglaa J .• AP 1s7.tt2-14 10M74-IO. Sl11.00 Osborn. M.H .. AP 143·571.07, • g. ~ 453-142-13 l804• 1'aO::·:! • .,, Mullyn R .• AR R1oltl , Dominic J • AP s 1,1g4.20 Du nktr. Th o mu w . AP 1847.02 .:U7 P. ~.AP 44 28 • Grlnlfl, Terry .. AP 451·141-15, l'9-0M-18, llll.00 117-101-13. $224.32. TAX·RATE AMA 15-111 HIQ~lh~7&°'othy H .• AP 144-421..02, Sl.805.50 Godffay, Peul E.. AP 143-674-16, M"'1, Robatt H., AP "49-295-l9, 1111.00 Llkt . Donald II al, Wllll1me. Raciti, Robin R .. AP 117-10 1·23. 167•1 •I SSo Z o g t a Io I , GI or g e . AP SHe.80 • 1140 44 Meuanetto, Lewrenoe W., AP ...... _ c •p 13 ........ "12 $68283 1180.32. Brown. C hrl1 holm C ., AP AP 157-184-05, 2.p08 67 t•• ..,8 144-421·53, $880.24 8elltra, JOhn w .. AP 143-a75-01, Milllnan Wllll•m v., AP 46So-t51-lt,•77.ao .,.,_, "" -17" ' ' 424-212-17,1215.82. H ..... WasleyE .. A I ·......., S t11n kmen , Aaron D .. AP 1605.84 .. .._.,11 o;... ~-7"'21 ....... O.W.Jt,AP.453-152~. Unlver11 1 S ••roh lno, AP 1897 72 .... ...,. ...,. " •· • , ... 138-085-16 13e883 TAX-MTI AMA 1.... Fol gal men. Aaron Tt' AP 20 144-4A3-16, $952:80 Sollman. Samia, AP 1~1-17, J a c:ob ii. Don 1 Id J .. A p ·~. ~ t:, .......... 152·62, WI I • K•t'hl••n • AP 424-222-03, $3,3111.82. er-. Larry w ' AP 157-1111-• a.no. Chen K., AP 144-443-33, 11,805 72 44t-a11·21 .1--oa .... _.. -...,. --nn '· .... Bol1i Enl.,prlHI Inc: .. AP T ho m ••. Velma c .. AP 1377.38 1111.00 S haul. R ichard A., AP ' ,.,..... p 1142817 l38-081-I0,$78l.ll9p 3",...'"11 424-.231-021758.10 424-222.05,Sl,105.et. Thom ... 0 1 rryt A. .. AP Le Borde, G l•nda G. AP 143-582·18.13111.41 .. !\01~!~'.s'1M11'.oochUI S .. A Vt.W, ""1. AP •5:t-t63-07, Krodl. Heltn V .. A I .....,.,..,. • ' . . T AP 157 221-35 S lit 00 .... ...., ......., te t1,35f.tt TAX-MTW AMA 1Ml7 42'!_~!;.~ ·~~o'.c' H. t • ~an.,;, a.n: AP 157-222-07 144-443-to, $258~7 $3~~· Ptt«, AP 143-681..05, po n ~' • J 0 Up h J t • A p :.~ • .llfMa C •• AP 453-t53-11, Cuh, Theodore R . J r. AP Co•I• M•H A•d•v•lopmtn1 1877.53 TAX-flATIAMA21-oof O•nnl1 . Robut P ., AP 44t-a2121·"53·83 ~ l1 18t.H 1S:::::e $2l •7~~~ 11 t J ., A p Jennlnge, John O. Sr, Tt, ti itl, AP AotneY. AP 424-252..08, $84.04. .,2~, Gllblf'I. AP 1117-282-35 143-581-12, 1948.24 Ila~. Rot>tn, AP 1~' A.loti.1 EOWMI .I .. AP ..U.tU.1 .. 138-101-14, f.511.N 138-861..o&. $206.13. M c Co Y. H et o Id N .. AP • · P Gellogllo, J ohn Oarlo1, AP liitcllet, K"', AP 44f..321·lllO, S1.3S~.l't 424-:zes..22, 11.n s.se. Ll1mu, Reymond R., A Ward, Ern•ll. AP 108-081-14, 143-581·20, s111.oo 1177280 U•mauu, Greeory D ., AP Harrta. ... F .. AP 138-102-30, TAX-«A'n AM.At... Kohli•. Ktnlohl, AP 424-283-27. 157-293-01, '8~.98 1358811 Nunez, .ioaa. AP 143-582·10. 0 . Al h d H AP 453-1~ tau• '678..20 38-22.0S •111.00. B r un o. M., •II• J • A P Dtpl ol Veta Affllrl of Stal• ol 11.133.11 44~~-~~ ·~711 r " Ttecer, Ont0. AP 41S-15l-5t. Hlakle.FanellG~AP 1 1 · Boman, B iii G l•nn . AP 157·293-l8,$8S4.50 Cel,APl08-083-10,l t.3eo.28 • Roemer Rlohard I.. AP UM.10 '';:5::l~ •. Elmo nd D .. AP 41&.oe2•14.l1.111.88, PROPERTY IN Rot. Ho J .. AP 151-285-111. Ll•u. V1n J .. AP 101-083-38. TA.X.aA~AMAIMtl 448-343-12 $71408 Muek . Aob"t Anthony: 19e.123-18, 1354.04 ~ ConetNOllon co. Inc., AP FOUNTAIN VALLEY ''a<:~:.:. John. AP 157-298·25 •1J,1i:!? Ronald e .. AP 108"°""32, Tint~ Nenlc,•n Due, AP Kubo, Hlro. AP 441·351-09, Ouollman. Rabbi Menclel. AP Lalmb••t. Mary J ., AP 41 .......... it·w1tf:...,~.;."'.:.p •1 ........ .,,,. CITY 1458.80 seoue 14~!-.·L'..'!Al ..• •p 1•"251·1". S3?1.4811n ........... 8 AP •• ".52""' ~u'~'~.'lf1·~·!°n 11 , A P 138-191·11.1732.112 ·~332 ... ·-"""".. ............... Ralllon. [ddl• R .. AP Be411LawrtnetJ.,AP144-031•21, '32 81""'' -.. ..... • .;;.':41'~., .... --...... u:i-t-..:OS,9i,a1~ .• O'H1lloran, Raymond D .. AP G1io1'1 , Pt1oldo G ., AP 157-301.oll, S4802A '382. 0 12 t ... .:., ... u, RA..__ David T"', •p ~ ....,_ c .. AP 411S-tt4-11, 139-158-01, 11.11141.52 41 .. ,.... .. ,..,. ll .. 28 •2 T~MR AMA 11.om JOOI, Anion 8 .. AP 1157-302•11, Hoke, lctwlnl D .. AP 144-033..()8, TAX-MTI AMA ----. ...:': ... .,, a":'::"t2' " " 1115.21 Morton. Georo• L ., AP .,._, ·• ·" · 1""'"•7 1-'".14 • •• .,.,. ....._ ....... ,.., .... ,,..,.,_ ...... ll AP 418..()8243 '"""" ..... , .................. AP 4•a ........... •rooll1, P•Htole ... AP 13f.172.01. 1887.31 ........ -. "''" .• Rey nold•..t. VtCIOr 0 J r. AP DIYfn, Oonekl F., AP 167-371~. F•'I· Crelo 8 .• AP .144-042·25, L ... Kyu s .. AP IH-0$2•4', 11 r"ia~~..... . ................ 4SS.172 .. 1, N.010M llulflvan..i Wiii iam G ·• AP ~7a~l ton. c a ryl w., A f 112-tCM-27. •787.42 '301 04 l lStO.M '408.82 • 8• aker "'lc .. 0111 George •p W 111 on. J e Irr •r A. .. AP 1•1"4-12, •1,471.at 4t771 McCerlhl, Edw1rd 0 ., A~ Burchell, Rob"I A ., AP Oomlnguaz.JOM,AP 144-042-33, Ood1on. Wlnl11d E. el al, AP "48-$11..o{tlllOO '" 453-171«. ........ 8tllMll. "-G., AP 139-191-13, 491~trelt, o16,•k1a~·.· AP, 41t-Ot3·51. 112·732-38, 1,0&UO 1117-484-11 12 11088 tAt.114 1N..:t83-01 129100 'a ' p CatllOl'I Qeor"• M AP 11 ........... .. "Ob ID •r Lo"-, ..:..n'T.,0AP1•7.•••t", ·-~.M-A F.,AP1 ..... 2 .. 1, c . ... d p l'•rl•Y· 111ronJuana.A .l-:..· ... ~-11422.10. ...aeeay, " •r ·• " 121::""2_00...,.. " ....... • .... _ -w _..,..-. 1ma101~_ .. rman ~ A 44Jl...,11•111 a1 ~11.M '453-17$-tl.-.a .... ~ ~ M .. AP 1•192-oe. 112·7151-13. '"3.38 • lllOS.2" 199-383-21 S3iweo • AP ...... .,......... ..--. A.M I# ~In.ta. W:,·!:11 .. 1e 1. L.•meo s .. AP TAll-MTI AMA.. 11i~w-..~~2s~;v1d H .. AF 1lr~~~.1~e .. e3~0 t M .. A.P 11~ ,,.,.H ,AP 1'4.o.4H3. TAX~TI AMA.,... 11~ Jack .. --........... 1nna .. ~ 1•1t240,1212.4t 8m l tn10_!,!~ Wede E., Af CfMct.t.4yietR ,~PIP......_2t Karlllnar,Aoftald,AP1 .... H1, Conve '/, M loll .. I I..'. AP =-JotlnO....Nt t74-M. W•ll•o•. t.•onard M .. AP MclC~. Alan ltrt,.m, AP 1'2·112'10, NOt.27 12,43'.62 1647.44 =bOtftem. Oonrl"'I "·· AP ~11 WUt 111 1•1tt.2t.S1]t.M 141401 tt308.tt. Oatl ny•"•· J ouph, Ar .Jim.nu.,..,, A.P 1er-011-22. ...... ,,__ L , AP 144-071.ot 1~11an1~.:=::•!p ta.-2"-40. ~o,Anrwoo,AP44141t.()2, .:::1~·.~1~°11· ,, Jr, AP David I . OamPl>•ll Tu Burton. Roy CIHvtr, AP 111.-173>0 , $4a.31 11942.60 $211.14 II 4ll '"• · M aoPa'cldell G °* AP CoMultant 1no .. AP 111•202·01, t•1..-..21,s111.oo. Glll•t1tbE1101ne M., A~ Pow•ll. Don w. al 11. AP Tlt11totWMllelnL.,AP 144-071 .. I • ·-... Yf~1t.!n!L~;1urt A., AP ....,,.,4..,1149' · "' 11.016.88 Du Hadw•r,• Donald J ., AP 11"•71 1-10, 77.H 1~7 "1"·"" It 85t ff ••ti TAX ••Tl •-A.,..... .........,. ..... ...,.... I VI t J "'ft ... •t .. I I • ""_.,, ' ' -' _. -6h•tm1n, John 0 , AP ur1oe, •aelt ·• " Wtbb, 0.Vld, ...-1 .. •20-1 , 141413-01, 11.00. Jotww, N. T Jt, AP t t2-7'2·12 •nnlngon, J•trY D., AP Oevll,,,.,_M.,AP 1<Wo091"'4C) •• ..__1 ... -..11• hto411-tO,t1....., StH.00 W.00, .IMiea P .. AP 141422•29, 1361.79 117.o22.o2 $31121 1111.00 , '°"ntaln Vllley lnduletiel Pll09! --._, _.. · " 0 I I H AP W11t"•.1..!.llll1m D ., AP M11.... Muney. Chrlt1opnet J Jt, M Amual. ld.werd W • AP MoOrud.,, Herb"I G., A 13 Inv co (PT), AP lP..115-0I, llaNfiDrttl, Alen, Aft •tt •• Walle11tl1t~• 111 • ·• 1»2\t-10 ll'Ua.40 Ple k 1m1, Brian C • AP 112.1111-.s1,71"H 117 ,.,,... "1 911-10 t··-·-1 120074 •'"M2M 141715 ....... .,. al .. 1 " •p -. ~ 1.. AP 1-.212.01. 14142f.o4.·1111.oo. ,.,.....:.::... ,_ ... ~ ... 11• • .,, .... 2 --• • ..... -"'· • · ..... · ~1c1 •• ., •u•n• w .. 11.P .... .,, •11·• .... .. _ --·--~ .. ... buntt•.flo«lerH•t.AP 1'1"*-11, Maller, ltlohard A , A • 11 :.:.&.-1 •• •· Ht.00 ..... Oemler.Lal1,APf41-lll•J0.1101tt2 11"51111 144-0lil-11,SHl.11 TA.JlMftAMA.,... ..... Qlllll fl l dA AP ........., .......... ' .. ,. 1-212-31 ............ !:!00.. Tllo 11 a •f l.leuino•. Jo••"h o , AP ..._ •. .__,.,a •p 1 .. 1....._.... Marclll'll, Ma,nua T .. AP *"'..1-~•na •• --. _... " " -• ••-·•'"· v "• • m • • "' • ,. .._, .._... " " -._. •tewart Dev Co Pourth, AP ...... ~ .... -.1 ......,.,\ -.lt tna.a . ~ llMI 0 ., U 141-442.ol, 111-tOI~, MOS.14 187..()45-04 1107't4 111'.00 " ...,.... __ ,,, P " K t"' A A,. "°"'1fll. DMd, u 1-.21:s-oe. 1111.10. wood•. ~arold A .. Ar . letltn.dler. 'trio J .. All 0,,1n1_f40W I.., A!' 1..._1~1 1•111..u.aa.171.04 O r••n•L~oneld L .• AP euoo' .,.,.. •· •• f711.• Holfrunn, Jamet O .. AP 112-toa-al,11,111.17 tt7..o46-07.11AIOUO 111'4..u More\ Wllllalft L .. AP 441·•Ua.14 11111111t• -...Mt. 1 •.• Jollnton~lld"w I .. AP t41..aae.ot, S1tt.71. .... i. A Vlllaloboi AnlhOft'/ L., AF c 1 mp b •Htll I 0 b .I ., A p iaf.111111n. Avo. All 1'4 ·ttl-Ot 11f.-M1-0I, SS. Hlal · · Nlllolenl.;..::1et10IH P., AP 1••••011•'h.'!19•1• D ·• AP t»at .. 11 .._. ...... W...\.,. AP 141._1, f1a,.t0247, iGcuo A I 1 t w Int U A I"•• AP -..Mt .. H , M - -• ..-t.rw V cl 11 A 1.. , •p --111.otMf •• .41 I , ll*T. .._~ ... i••• ,-. .. 1•t4,.1,11 .It ,. ... , •atelllelil M., AP .~!.J.."'tt.°'a....~•.!atcl G., AP er w1 "1if' "'" •·•,. --Jolln1on Larr/oM Tr."' eaci1, Abef, A" ltf·Oll·t ._.......,,.... _.., _._ eecl"-~ .......... • w ~.. -..-,,. ,.._'-"· .74 tlllr, &..-. D., A' M1.-.12. t~!Jt47, 61,224 1111.10 Ide. 14~ ' 1 ~ ~ ...:......-:: MMl'-tO. 0.-................ .._.. M., °"' Cpllly, ····"·"A ., AP......... lell1my, ".Ulltll •• "'·AF ••dlllo,1_Heolor I . A# lnd•~r .O•n• _._, ~--... AP,.....,..,, ,,,,,00 ·-..... ",~~ 1!5.01•M1.01 Wtlelafl.Jom ,,AP 141.ea.18, 143431-44,IMOM MT~ll.~.172.CM ,..._t-.0?,tuOll ~-1.40 Nalll•ll'I "ollorl I .. AP ...... ....-,AP•••· , '..-..i, 4' t...att-OI, 11,oM.JI. ln1tUft..1..~tlll1m M., AF W•111anll1lt lt .. CI• I AP -...... D., U 144-116ol • p ti • •p I .1.-::.·t? •1.-.. It~ Jenclru1l111, Q,.9or1 I .': AP t ..... -..01, IN49.10 lt?·10l·'1 t4tT II .. . 11":'0N'74' _.., oley nlv" rP••r • • " ......al-t, WM. na"' Ce,. ··-... a.. ......., ....,, ~ 1at.tal•10, ••J--·11. 11'1.00. ......... Miiie o .. AP 1ons.oa we111e,, 'Wn111m lr•n••n. AP t<Wll. YCMIO Nrl. Af' ,.....11,~t ttl-40Mt.17,t7•.•' I Taworoi. c . J•111••· AP KT M .. , •. ., "' ~-~· ... ••r lldn•Y " .. AP ''$°7, lf1·104.ot.11"00 1).J;: a..cra1tz -~·---~J·'°·!'fi·" . II .• • • 111uborL Margeret, A• 14 ........ t.111.41. ,.. , ...... J ., AP 10.Ml .... 7, Lo1.1denbH!...i 01rt11l1 J , AP , 0.,.. fl.,~ 144-IT.-, ~--~~-· AP ti •Ut•tl, ~ .. :·~.::or• 11•• AP If • .....,1, 1'11.00 CMlll.GntorYL..AP 1•1;.e-...,., ...... _ 1 \ : tl7•llt.ol,11,.M DM.41 • · • I · • ~ Otange Ooe•• DA I. v PILOT IWedMlday, Septemb« 1, 1112 ~~ ~~ ~~ ! ~~ ' ~~ -~~ ~~ ------------------.... ---, _____________________ ...., ..... ------~--------------------------------------·-~ ------------------------~~---~...-------------1'-----------.... ---------VartUt Al-10. A, -411·111;.aG, Cornwell, 1Ci11n11n A., AP Oh1n9111141u1, ~renotuo, A, 1-0···-, ..,,~~ "'", .. ,. TAI UY• At!9A •• -Rellf. W;;&;;\Jr, AP U.142-0I. TAI RATl..NIU•* ~ ..... -~~-------_.;.-N 14,tr t>•·M 014, 11p41a.• -41 Ull'GI .... '7 '-Y n "• • Jon n Jr • ,. •7tU2 U ~Iman Al11 A. Mt1t11r A-·•• I 1tt1t"w o"•ld O , A,. V~11:_1', ,.1111111 et 11, A, IH·l3111, IUJIOI l\IOCl. T1'otnul, APfilt-Oet-02 Rodrl,111&j '"11111vo A,, AP ~ .. ...,_,A,. Ht•l31-ot. •t!llfll•, 10 . Tuo"er, A,. • • ~11'·tl\jfi·~1~' .. _ " " Hiii I C" I D .. , I ....... ,. lt.••a • .... 1 • ,. ,. 13-4 ta-.02', l .S7 tU . ttttM D IOU, "' I • " 1 ,...oo Oft.10· 0, I .toOU •-,.11t, 1 11~t.OO i11111n . r • .A~ Mole••• Jenu• w , A', Me1111'. Vl1101n1 c .. APIS!~tll. ,J.!.1.0714!!-...... ,..7 (1 Vote . Aaton I ,,., Q111ll.1111, Jlrank T , AP Tnorne, "oberl P . A, •Mt~fO~• •:.nla I.., AP 4&1•111 ... U,IOl 1• t34·tt-OH, tl,7H 14 tH·00-007, N4f4) St'MO.tt_.., • ,.,.. ..,...._........ • Uf.OeM1, f7I001 OH-t'4-02 111\ 00 IH-112-11, l1,740M , "'"'Tr~·, , ...... .-•&/Of vauev v11w 1nv111m1n11, Al' ZAIGll. Wallet"·· AP t"4 M-003, lc~~~nlald , ltepllen, A,. z' •11 J .. 1 •p Cnamberll11 , 1<111 " • AP o.. Milk"-. AP 1121-1,.'-'>4, ... ,11 0 , .. .:.._..N • .. , ,.5Mlf·74,l2,0llllt2 lt,HO'° tu._._1,111100 u~o en oe .. 111 •,. 121.oea~1.U.ot30 11111..a -o--~f.lt,;:,~.oi • ,. T11111'1,Clr*A1.AP411·11)..22, 'oret11n.l Alc hlrd M . AP lwett, J1n1t, AP 131·10·0&11, 93~ I, ·~~NM Aott I. Maoll, Odlt I , A, '2f-of2·21, ~rank, G Jerry, AP llH-144-11, rn r a RTY IN n&TtUrCo#l,._lttS-OO-tl/Ol''6St.lt. t~l.17t1 t1 11 1100 • em • l71U3 $17U3 NEWl'OfltT-Ml8A .. erten, Tllomtl O., .. , Coflell, Btrry J , AP 40t-1fl-4f, ICfllllldt H111ld O , AP L1°1, Oregor.y A 11 al, AP JoM, llltl~f.U,31104 Cunntnohem, Donald I.., AP lwe1tlnoen, P1metl1 tt al, A, UMA .. I D ·~ I U,OIO ,. 1178.00 134-N-Oli. 111.00 93&•80•0114 113438 larnttt~ Alcnard H.., A' 8:19-163·10. H ,046.H Sat.181-13, 11 ... 10.a4 ""r' '"''" ,,·,,_.·11,_:1 ...... "" a &/or 17~~.1w10• Otenn A , AP 451-17'-48, Dufrune, w11111m ..t , AP B 1 n d • i , & t 1 v • n A.,. AP 136·63·t08, •3,270.ff • CollN. Helen I., AP 6111-01&-06, Sault, Dtnnt11. .• AP 620·tH-04, SCHOOL Dl8TRICT ...., ... _,,,,.. -.,,. • .,-001, "'47.ee 935.10.004 1111 oo o ''"· l•r 1>1r1 '-••· ~ 11oa.13 • 11.0'7 at ~~1~ ~~.~.!.. •1111n • If P Coa11. Guy A , AP 48"173•411, Q 01 nor n . J 1 rrv A , A p Poll.,, LtOn.I 0: .. AP 930-94-002, H16·d63·111,dll,4017.f01 •D .. P An1h1~ Savin.A.• l l.01n Cenno n , A1111111 w . A' TAX.flt.Ta AMA ..... TIIT"TrCof~~l~J lt.114.to '34·13-013,12,13A.SI 1112908 war '· a 1Y • .. At1001111on, AP lt1·01~)1, 829-1~2.'"41• t. •• ell"'e ". •eymond, . WOlf,AonaldM.,AP,.111·17S-62, l'ortnger..1 .Su11n M , Alll Crane, J ohn Wlnthroo . AP 130-43-1U,l\,4toM la.)Mff luvot. Totun. AP 1129·164·01, 1 I( ... r ,. 111-M-117.11~1\1:1.M 11.1..177.24 13A•930M.lr152.96 t36·'4.o311.l11100 l•b•onbAObtrl f . AP l'ICHlttll HomH lno, Al' ll,412N KhllOtll • llOlf• " Klllf\V d , Loulie M., AP uu1rr11 0.1w1ld G1or91, AP Tindall, Oon1ld I. AP John1011 , Dwetne A . AP 93~12?,-~.:~104 • .. &&l-07Z-04,t21&.38 ltHll , l kto. AP 629·18'·14, t3l-otl.-ot,l30e.l:1 ~ • ot-OS4 •111-481elt1-8•. sncue 134..H.005, 12,412,78 936·'4-043. 111100 ._.., ....... -d. AP 13 ... e:s.1:1... hfryL~llllllTI H., AP H 1.07a.a7. 1$1063 TA.Jt.«ATll ......... ltlO'it on, aiie lla T ., A' Br-. J.cll 0 ., AP 45t·203-GS, OllYW, Ru111ll, AP 934·'8"°°9, Chrl1ten1111. J1mt1 ,., AP 13k0t7.r-e N H AP 12,280.;w John1on, R4b1r1 W ., AP lfi.:0..0.a •11100 11,218.64 11,021'.27 930-94--0'9 1111.00 IU man, orman '• 529·16&-04, 1142.12 ap Buocl, Rob«t, AP 42t-0t1·12, ~'t~ T.', AP tsa-Ot-ON ... 5~.~~ it~3~t4:. 0 ,. A,. 11'::~~~:· J .R .• AP 934·9M33 . .J~'fo'·· J<>hn J . AP t3S-'4-090, 13~~~-!~·~~·: 9311.63.tlla, TAX4'ATW AMA ... ,10 8:.~:~~1:~.·1u~~rvln Jr. .. l1,7tll.11 I Tend ler , Artflu,. 8 ., AP PalaclO, Jo11J .. AP 4llH04-07. H•v•. Qlll, AP U4·H ·040, Mlt'ton. hfnard, AP 936-94.o92, •1~~~·!8Phlll M AP931183-tll• Conliey, Jll'n•• 1. .. AP Wllll1m1. Jerry L ...... AP TAX4lATlAMA ... 1t . m ''"°°' 1376 " 1t&0.48 11.378.47 1111.00 , -.. P ·• • • 935 .. 19--005, tfte.ee 529.191-011. 1111.00 "'.11ah11.' J elf;•Y I.. It II, AP , .... Wii iard . J r, AP M11uno, Ro na ld L .. AP 01mpbell1_Br u.o• J ., AP 13.373.t8 -Bum•. JttM J .. AP 9311-t8-0ff. Valent•. Cltl A., AP 829-tet·tO. ...,.,M1A S7M 10 4111·:11).()9, l2.3e0 t8 • 934-98-043. ~.033.82 13&<94·106, 11n.33 TAX At.Tl AMA .. ,°' 11.013.ae • 11 486.H ....,d 'llMWI AP 1132•1e.o20 Moo11. Gregory W., AP Reiter, Barbar• J 11n, AP Wlblr, JOlln Hanry Wllllam, AP • Steiner Thom11 F . AP Schulle, Thom11 O . AP ;,11 00 • • · 451-24t·~.1ueoa2 934•90-007.11.400.90 93&.95-002.1780.12 Perelll·Mln11tl. Sunn. AP 935-te.c>ee.t55eH · ll2t-1a1.21,112010 Re d ll e lm, R•IPll M • AP l.andl.~reyA.,AP4tl1·241-38, G•ro•n•. RObltl w . A, Tweddell, Carol• o .. AP 630·143-02,$104.44 Aoarli . Ro bert w .. AP Trlvleon. Jami• 00119111. AP --~ l 13tt.22 $158.M "*W-Ul:t. w ... ".o" .935-H.0311, 1966.68 Bit•. Giibert L .• AP 113().143-10, 936-16-102, 1517.47 861.0 .. 2.02. St,399.02 J=en,' William C., AP Wehrman. ~Orv in L., AP P1t1r1on, David E , AP Grant, Ralpl'l 8 , AP 030-95-045, 11,824.78 Sman, DIOra L., AP t3&-t .. 10 .. , Vllente, Clift A., AP 551-042·2'. ta I I ON S4 45t·2f1-38, 11,038.H 934-99.017, 1844.41 11,828.38 Cut ell in o , E n r I qu1, AP 11,412.18 11.597.70 Moo": ••• rtiar. J .. A p t<1jlklw1, Norman. M .• AP J CHI ••• 0 0 uo I U E .. A p Piii<•, Donald. AP 935-95--041. 630·143-14, 14 .. 2.7a HI{ r I•. 8 )' d n. y A ' A p MoCullen, MIC, AP 651.04:1·21. IU-40-4l4 M0l 4f 451·2112·13, 1630.114 9311.()4.0151, Sff.4.84 $1,714.80 811111u, RQJ>trl D1vld Tr, AP 936·18-133, 11172.02 1812.92 ,...,_(j .... y AP932--40-017 Mapp , Roberl T . Jr, AP Ol1m·. David, AP 9311·07-001. C•rglll, Jack I.., AP 935-96.026, 630·143-17,11,2311.111 Jone1,RoblrtG.,AP936·18-159, Allen . Peggy Jean. AP .... u . -· .. . 451·263·111, 11,283.30 l3.870.64 S111.00 Bell, Allen, AP 530•143-29, 18115.211 551-061-05, $187.88 F~ltlcll; t..awren~• P., AP Frmetl, Merton. AP 451·283-19, Manutu, Sheldon c .. AP Bu.tar, Roblrt. AP 935-98-038, •111.00 Treum, John c .. AP 935-17-G40, ff1t11ln1. Clyde. AP 5111.063·07, IN 19, 1111.00 1539r.28 135-07..0t9, St,998.88 1754.80 Co1grov1 Cameron Lee. AP 11 t f.oo 18341.35 Gallardo, Marct1 1 c .. AP t 19-351·~78.84 Skultln, Roy A., AP 119-351-25. lffe 10 Mallen, Shepa rd J , AP '1t-3824'. 11, 1115 64 SI.Mone, Jim, AP I 19·3112·04, 11.508.00 McCoy. Robert c .. AP 119·36'.()2, IT2t.35 Martin, WIHl•m s .. AP 119·36'· 13, S82Al.48 TAX-A.Aft AMA ill-t11 Kavanagh Walter E • l.Hkli G .. 11111, L .. t. r L .. A p C1l-Fln1nel1I Strvle•• Inc. AP l<r•!'l Peter H. AP 935-lle-039, 530-14.3-47, $699.20 . Bllhop, GrlOOf'Y. AP 135-11-048. Chalcroborty, Son111h (J TI. AP ~ .. 00tp AP t32 40 028 '61·263-23, $593.32 935-07-021. 11,156.59 1111.w Jonee. Owen w .. AP 530-143-112. 1859.50 551-053-41. SUN.82 Sliman. Allon Nell. AP ' · ... ' Ollon,John,AP•51·292-o4, 8aQQ1,Brvc.R.,APt35-2e-o4t. Morrleon, Patricia Anne, AP S578.73 Stoffa!, Mleh11I L .. AP Ad1wly1, Ahmad All, AP 936-80~29.M32.77 -=~'!'b 0 Cl1 Kar 111 V A p 11,032.80 S875~51 935-98-055, 1111.00 Meloef, Jonn M .. AP 630-143-78. 9*17-oe&. 1574.27 551-053·'7. SUH.CM ' '• Cwo, J-F., AP 451·295-111, Brownbaek . Suzann, AP TrM.lb, Julla A , AP 935-97-008, 11,29230 Jonee. Jlrt)"L .. AP 935-17.0118, Northwood AHOClllH #I, AP ~ 1111·00 • /. 11 271 02 935-34-028, 1111.00 1111.QO Stein, Dl1n1, AP 530-143· 79, 18tll.28 551-081.02, 1482. 14 Fuooquee, J l~ld, AP s' 1w.1ll, .. oward Dean, •p S R •p Ll I R b G •p H '"' H • P llZ-4Ml2 l lllOO " " lcellkey, Wllllam .• ,. vng1ton, o 111 .. " $1,1211.20 an , .. aung w•n ," county of Orange , AP • • • '91-311-18. St.252.38 935-34·049, 11,279.22 935-9.7-cl19, lt\1.00 LlllH Mlltlr A11ocl1t1on, AF TAX·AATI AM A a.111 551-081-30, 11.95:1.81 114·200-12, 132.N Henll, Harry, AP 832·4tl·027, Schnepota, Wllll1m C';;-'Ap Kloe1, C'lrol A .. AP 135-3$.-020, ~any. Hooert O .. AP 935·97~36. 530-t43·83, $111.00 , Roberta, Clifford W. Jr, AP 1111·00 451·311·24 1531 73 1111.00 . $1,121.74 ROddlWIQ, H.E., AP 630-144-02 A.E . Realty Pertner1, AP 651-081-38, l2,19t.74 TAX-AATI! AMA lloOll Ven Aloer. Patricia, AP Huff,AnthonyK.,AP451·3tl-33, Wllltl, RIC herd M . AP Ylm,YlngKwong.AP935-97.0 .. 6, 1111.00 630·171-12,S.418.75 N::.r1hwood AHOClllH .. t. AP -:;10-02e· 1663w51~11 M AP 111188.92 93s.3S-022, S871.64 S111.00 • Bounko, Robert G 2nd, AP AP 630-171-17, ~.ff 561-oe2-01, 1420.U Hervey, Lawrence K., AP .,_.,, am .• Kelley, Oe'tlld A., AP 451-323-30, Rote, Za'ev, AP 935·35·037, lo.I. Ku1l·J ung, AP 938·01-007, 530-1«-2t, 158.00 AP 530·171-43, $948.22 Dauod. Mohammed S ,, AP 439-2. .. t..2t.1644.40 '34-l 11•564·04 11 159 54 $945.40 1111 00 Br1t1n1, Lilla, AP 530· 144-31, S eh 112111 n, Anthony. AP 551-082·28, S2, 118.20 Thomp·~~· Bonni• J • AP Ro.,.;.., Ronald, AP 451-323-37, M. r k •• Me r II y n J A p Muwect. H.,blrt, llP 936.01..0511, 1471.78 530-181-08, 12.786112 tM-lo.461,-5A.40 1195880 935-35-054.S1,108.70 1111.00 T Serr. Rtcllltd, AP 530-144-41, Marlo n. Ron1ld J AP TAX"""'TIAMt.•111 .sjHe ltwa rth, G!•n A., AP Veratu\. L. Norm1n, AP Ven Wert, Ronald K . AP Anderto n , K1r1n J., AP 1798.119 530·t8t-10.l11100 :.:: ~~~p 936-82-001 451-324-21, t,7117.N 935-35-067, $t,t00.30 9315-0t-082, 1111.00 Kotltl. Frank N., AP 530·144-45, Kung , K I r k, A p C.,ldl. J Lynn. AP 452.071-t8, ·.nf ·· ' H11111n, Jonn W .. AP 451·342-0e. Lev1n1on. Laurie Lou, AP Blllnett, Jack T., AP 9311-01-0e5, 1111.00 . 530-181-12, S3t6.t2 $151.07 1'~·40 9 $1,1146.20 938-87-00t. 12.244.30 Sllt.00 Barner, Ann C., AP 530-144·52, Cornwell. Oo111ld F., AP In, Sllella, AP 35•92•002· Bereovtu , Timothy T .. f.P Sm Ith, John O . Jr , AP Jualm E-1nllet, AP 038-06-043, 1519.93 TAX·RATE AAI A »-114 452-071-19, Sl,849.64 - ll,atl.39 451-3.42-28 S939 ea 936·117·008, 12.681>.tlll ·s2.017.90 FlllOtlltt•. Miry, AP 530.144.53, B. t. m. n . 0 0 Cl G ~· p ~· C•ol c .. AP 935-82~23· Godall~ll . Donni s .. AP 0110111, Andy, AP 938·28·001, 1611.42 Chang . Philio C .V .• AP 452.071--40, S874.77 I ' 1 . 451-343--38, M 12.23 TAX RATE AMA a.GM 1111.00 CIMve, Suun H., AP 530-1415-04, 530-112·11, 1111.00 Llger, F11nlc, AP 452·01 I· ~ lmpion. Marilyn 11 11· AP N11h. Huold, AP 451·343-48, • Erlekaon, Judy LoulH , AP 1111.00 Herman , Robert E .. AP S978.42 l!M-«2~.ll,l89.-40 152792 Covlnglon-Zell n1r, AP 938-28-008,$719.78 .Mct..aughll~y V., AP 530-112-14,$983.59 Barot, J1gdlah Sll1nt1111, AP ~mlch, Burnell c. •1 ••. AP Standlrd·PIClllc Corp, AP 427·252.o8.110,088.28 v-. Mark D .. AP 936·28-014. 530-145-29, 11,397.20 H.ol1cker, Wtnfrl•d A., AP 462~72-0S, 1973.05 ~-Oee.MS0.27 451-351-34 $48938 King lndustl'lll lntematlonll Inc, 1111.00 Grant, Deborah Clara, AP 630-t12·30,St,ae5.22 Parker , Wllll1m H., AP ~r·.~~~··· R ., AP Macie, Carole.' AP 451-352·09, AP427·252·12,$3,504.9e MoGulre;AnnC.,AP936-28-022. 530·145-38,St,149.70 Habermehl, William M.,.AP .. 52~72·20,1782.N Dl.Hlggeer'i R·ob t .. ap 1525.29 Newoorl Plaza Auoc ... AP 11,558.74 •t .... Gray, Cendlt J., AP 530-t45-74, 530·t12-«. 1111.00 Fr...,, Anth<>ny, AP 452-072-31, ~ • " "·•" tvey,Rlll<lllllM.,AP45t·352·15, 427·262.01,$7,689.38 lvln•. Mlct1111 "ten." 1712.05 N1v1,MarcoeA.,APS30·112·54, $982.38 8$ 'l l, l80.ll4 It 278 2e C Ir pen ter, Oe nn 11 E., AP 936-26.()26, $1,898.54 Bllllfeld, BM A., AP 530-145-78, 12.230.64 8-rratt, M1rlc A., AP 452-072·31, lee 111 • r,. J 1 '" • 1 C · • AP P1ckovtcll, Wllllam N,, AP 427·271-08, Sll,938.16 . Sellman, S h arr I Lee, AP 1111.00 McRM, Dini• v .. AP 530·122-70, St,858.20 llG&-a-038, 7S1.1A 451-352-33 11 214 73 • 938-28-033. $111.00 ChlonO. Victor A .. AP 530-t4MO, 19118.48 MI r q u IZ. Te". I I.. A p Mendel, Charlena I. Wall, AP Whelen, joh~ F . .'AP 451·3111-31, TAX RATE AAEA -.042 Spate. Loul1 C., AP 93a...9-00ll, $111.00 811n1t1ln, Wlllllm R., AP 452-lt2-0e, Sl,074.Dt ~71•1942·59 1111.00 1770.74 Ru1to, Michael L .. AP 530-122·73,S985.40 Ruswlc:l<,Gaorge,AP452·1t2-0t, Selullo, Charlu V Jr, AP l(ECO lndu ilrlea Inc;, AP D11ka, Leonard G ., AP 935-AS.011,lttt.OO Roc:k,Chmr!MA.,AP530--123·39$2,082.30 45t-361"'°, $471.9.. R., ap 430-llt·tl, $2,914,30 938-53-oll. 11.828.40 Wellman, Ronald T , AP $111.00 Crllll, Robert S .• AP452·t12·11 -. FOl'WW Conel Co Inc Sengeo, M1n1ndr o ,. Rodnlcil, R.M , AP 93e-53-0'3, 935-45-0t8, $442.&4 Olan, Danlll 8 , AP 530-123-58, $1,078.82 • _.,._,. . 451-411-15, St,547.17 TAX U TE AJ1EA 21-0U 12.225.16 Cl1m1nt1, Stllll Mlehlll, AP St,025.2~ B • e 111 Ir. JI m I I C ·. AP Al' A:IA-Plt-12• l 7,004.90 Mort1. Roy V., AP 451-412.04, Pirie, Cheng G., AP 93e-54..028, 935-45-021, $411.02 452·112·23, St,097,40 ' Ellott,N"-F.,AP 435-0el..()8 $1,076.57 Fiich Avenue Auoclat11, AP 11,783.72 Janeen, Ml ch11 t L . AP T,A)l-AATEAReA2f.11S ~.ArthurF .• AP452·131-o9, 10•747· Fl tzpllr I c k .. G I r y E •• AP 427.211a..oe. s11. t68.90 Wlnkn. Bllty M., AP 938-54-039, 935-45-024, $111.00 St,811.411 TAXMTIAMA~ 45t ... 31-12,lt,3113.44 L .• '"P l(tnnltl,L.W.Ken,AP 427•283-o2, l11t.OO Vaught , Ch1rle1 J ., AP Ceubl1, Andrew D. J r, AP Nell. Loula C .. AP 452·13 1·19, . Smith , Randolph " 1303987 Brewer, Robert E ., AP 935·45.02.5,111115.41" 530·111-33,St,740.112 $1,498.31 · TI&TR Co Tr #IR·1923-00-2 I/or 451--431·21, $1,308.116 ' ' 938-56-002. $111.00 Glbt>I, Edward, A.P 935 ... 6-029, l<lng, S1nford, AP 452-132..08, Thompaon, Richard E .. AP C1meron, Alan V .. xP TAXAATl!AREA2'-0U Guper,JollnS.,AP938-56-o11, 1428.29 TAX-AATE ARI A»-nt $1,433.M " -4«Ml21·27, 1828.94 45t--433·13, 16t3,75 11,170.93 Plflllo. Luenn J., AP 935·53~13. PWk. Chang G., AP 452·t32·18, p11 rc 1 ll , Thom•• H ., AP c.t. EdWard O .. AP 451-433-17, w11tfl1ld Development Co tnc, Smith, Wllll•m How1rd Jr, AP lff.4.82 Giglio. Gerard F .. AP 529-1 t4-01, 12,878.40 40-021-M, l1S8.48 1570.20 AP 427·202.o8. S7,0A4.31 93&-eS-009, St,&48.74 Mltauolca. S. Richard et al, AP 12.038.92 Stella. Vlelor, AP 452·t71·011, .Sudlt, Moahe, AP 483..021·35. Peren t . C herl11 A., AP Sliy Plfll Com~nlty Allll, AP Cabrera Judith Lei. A.P 935-63-025,.1111.00 Stlrllflg, Ray M .. AP 529-114-~ 13.076.28 11.10 · 451--481-03,11.194.40 427.202Jll,Sl1.64 9315-65-clt9,i1J t 00 -"' G1ulepy, Nell, AP 935-53..077, ltH.00,,. J .M. P1l1r1 Co Inc, AP fl&TR CoTr#IR-1~2&/or L1n1, Woodrow W., AP Of1ckm1n, R1ymond W., AP $111.00 LeBtanc. L'1w11nc1 B .. AP 452·172-08,12,970.78 W1t1r1, Wiiha m P . et a l, AP 45t-481-3A, 11,538.24 TAX U TE AREA a.o41 9311-85-020, $111.00 n ·oono van. Christine, AP 529·222-25. 12.245.oe AP 452·17"-t0, 13,778.56 ~1-11,.E,...991.50 Ogata. Klllh H., AP 451-482-10, Minchow, Don1ld R . AP 935-53-094, $1,058.12 LaFourcade, Tommie F., AP M1rlln d111. Wllll•m A .. AP 11.288.99 Ala.under~. Nlcholu. AP 93~5-0331 $111.00 I.am, Franeteeo, AP-e35-63-t35. TAX-ftATa AAIA a.111 462-172·20, 11,628.78-483-031·1'. 15.-452.N Tran, Thanh Th~ AP 451-483-12, 430•122-07, St,827.24 ay, Ha en, AP 938·115·038, 138().22 Crowley, J1me1 M .• AP Cllrlce, Mlc:Nll, AP 483-061·12, 1525.60 12,Q.48,26 Gu In 1h1 r , G• or g e , AP J.M. P1ter1 Co, AP 529-oe3--37, 452-172·23, 11,680..25 1819.14 'Klrlolcat,8arry,AP451·483·111. TAXMn AAU »4M Shul•ll.1. Georg• w .,AP 935-53-t83,ll,259.04 $2,417.56 JM Peter• l,;O i nc , AP M'lller , J e •n1tt1 R., AP $111.00 93a..115--0-41,~111.00 Hlndm1n. Patrick D .. AP P1t.,1,RogerL,AP529-o72-0t, 452·172-33.12,970.76 4&:M)71-34,l 733.ll Cunnlngllam. John H .. AP lrvln• lnduttrlat Complu, AP 01kk1r. Tllom11 R . AP 935-53-213,1111.00 S74'.33 AP452·173-03.12.1175.t6 G•ll•ndt, R 1lpll J ,, AP 451-492-0e,$538.77 591..023-I0,'330.ee 9Ge-91-001,S978.ee Wong . Ch i Keung , AP NorthwoodtBunkerlllll Partner•. Hwang. T}lom11 ·T .. AP -.oet-22, 11.878.7' Mooney, T II om 11 J . AP AP 591-024-01, $300.78 Vick, Chart.. M , AP 937·29-o22. 935-53-2.48. la52.57 AP 629-072-C)7, $1,:IM.22 452·t74-05. lt,°509.12 laUll. lndw' I<., AP ~ 451-492-11, 12.273.7~ p 59 -024-08 1350 80 $1,1528.04 Mciver. Rober I T . Jr, AP AP 529--072..()9, $1,281.14 J M PI te rl Co In c. AP tm.11 . .. F1nat11m1c h1r. Jay C., AP A 1 ' . M1hJllt.,Und1T.,AP937·29-0S5, 935-53-:153.1111.00 PHI. Kyle F., AP 529·073-08. 452-174-08,l1,87t.13 Tl&TFI Co Tr #IR-1923-00-2 &/or 451 ... 92·17, 1111.00 TAX UTE~~ $1081.2t BITT lk J II Doyle A p• 1120.64 Spaldlngl AlphonH G., AP ~ tvan A. .• AP ~14, Benbrook, oouglu M,, AP . ~atmlngton ~tine, AP 935-M-~8a,'saa01.1~ • 452·271-10, ~1.0111.95 11,MO.w 451-492·29, 12,122.34 Gtpllarl , Thomu 0 .. A,P 938-21..0J9, $793.78 Badtr, Randy, AP 935·53-278, TM~ATI AREA •111 Lanphier, Thom1t J ., AP Kf•clcner , Marvin P ., AP foreman , Hugh H Jr , ~8 $243659 AP93S.2t..031.S453.21 1111.00 452-271·11,11,088.72 -.ot1·11,l 10ll.3e 451--492-31, 1471.23 Antlneon. 'Thomu E .. AP AP 9311-2t-040, 1453.21 Adlml, Kim M., AP 93S...5S.29t, MaeBelh, Oanl•I G • AP Jon••. 81nf1mln P ., AP l(olt•v•r1 ,. Andrew J ., AP ll'lgrllTI, Oevld F., AP 451·50t-12, 483-333-tO, $724.n AP 938·21-042. &7AO.ee $248.71 629-081-27. 11,SAl.40 452·271·25, $1,1123.40 .ets-122o02. 117.42 11aa.20 APt38·21-044,'740,ea 01n1111. SUv•n L., AP Zimmerman, Kurt L . AP 0 IHt1rby, Ste wart o .. AP Mazon , Leonerd J 'AP TAX AATIAREA•·•71 AP93e-21-045,l140.ee TAX M TI AMA •1CM 529..()81-40,$2,214.98 .. 52·271 ... 8,$1,941.10 TAX MTI AMA ....,1 J ohn1on . Ern•ll R ., AP -425-041·73, St,239.29 Janning•. J1m11 s .. AP 42&-091-32, s 111.00 B11lrd, Bernard G ., AP A28.o91-55, 1591.511 Ferrar•. Ratoh A .• AP 42&-0ll1·5e. l502.42 Wlck1trom, Tllomu L .• AP 428-1111-05, It 11.00 Mc:WetrllY, Anthony Jollph, AP 428-181-18, 1842.79 MeF1rlend, 1(1nnetll R., AP 119-333-34, 1678.92 McKay, Clyde A., AP 439-09t.01, 11,402.50 Rod1a11 . Philip L . AP 439-091-0e. S2, 102 14 Wright, -Fred. AP 439·092·05. $64UJ2 County of O ran ge . AP 439..()92.()9, 164.38 AP 439-092· 10, 184.38 Dob1on , Mon• F ., AP "39-092-35. SS30.00 Weitze. Joyce M., AP "39·101-07, lt,881.52 Sloo•. Reymond E .. AP 439-101-16, 173'.70 Dupray. Tom A .• AP 4311-llt~I. 1147.5" L,uce, Ronald Gregory, 1'P 43t.111-28, 11.918.02 R1nchet1 lnv11tm1n1 a Equity no, AP 439-11 t--42, 12.802.98 43~Wf-~~ rolri:\111" {':.., .. "!.i:.. · Coun t y of Orang,, AP 439-1 12.-02, 164.38 AP 439-112· 19, 184.38 AP 439-112·20, "'4.38 p 439-112·21. 184.38 •PP nd PrHChool Inc;, AP 43e;: ~25. 1126.00 Britton. Thom11 s .. AP 439-112-43, 1 t45.90 Cf11rry I.aka Group. AP 439-232.-31. 11.010.63 AP "39-232-36. S t,978.94 AP 439-232-345, 12.208.~ Molina, 01v1tdo E .. AP 934-01-003, saeuo .... 13+03, 11.m.oe 451-501·28, $715.45 AP 938-21~50. S775. 18 Hom, Robert L, AP ~1·57. B 0 rd. n . E . E 111 n •. A p ~~Alfred Tr, AP Powell . Ch1rt1 1 C ., AP Thomoion, Jerry R., AP AP938-21-065,S740.U Tumer.W.Brucl.AP529-tllt.oe. 11,432.7' 452·272-32.l959.8t Muneofl,fredJ.,AP428-221-05, ... 1'5-0l, 11.001.78 "5t-502-t8. l13t.24 4113-32!·26, 12.471,73 1582 70 Kad do, ~ u do Ip II A , AP Molwly. Gene P., AP 452·272-41, S2tl.10 Wtlltl."-D .• AP483-141-0e, R .... Off P .. AP 451-lllt-05, Ho dgll, Kennith R., AP TAX RATIAMA-..oeo Hugh11 . David A ., AP 529-082.~2.$809.82 SOn.53 G p I AP Brown, Wllllam K., AP 11~ "83.et . 463-332·12, 12,819.64 52a.181·29, '804.92 M1nd1reon, regory au . 4]8-221-08 $1 W80 o,Car1S .• AP483-t41•24 Llrton, M1x l n• L., AP McBroom , Thom••. AP lrvln• Co. AP 590·023-07, Wallocll, T1rr1ne1 J ., AP TAX-RATE AM A •t• 452·27"-42,1941.89 • Culorena'. Robert E., AP •11.1M 45t-612-43,l1,408.22 e3S-08..02l,St,158.02 $4l3.50 530-011-15,lt,158.73 Gebh1rd, Howard , AP 428-221..07 '20572 INno. John P., AP 483-143-12, SandOVI!. 0Rl~hud J . Jr, AP Manelllu. Marcial R., AP De I.I Cruz, 01car G .. AP Herrera, Jo11ph H. Jr, AP 452-272-49, 12,0112.82 2111 St Umlted. &eyer & Warden '811.Jr ~l-52!.10.•1,2311.70 TAX ftATE AMA »-07i 690.02s-oe. se,187.08 530..011·28, $2,134.&8 llll1-01S-o4, l1,809.20 Moro1n, Jeck, AP 452·272-53, RMI &tale tnveltment Ltd 111 4, Dunn, MleflMI, AP 483-153-07, Toacano . Richard , AP trvtn• Co, AP 590·0A4-01, Coat•,RalphT.,AP530-021·t4, F1derlco. Jo1eph G., AP S1Solomon,905.28 ,K--'L.,AP931--47..010. AP426-221·28,l2,143.71 '2, 170.IO 451-521·29, 1118.20 1rvln1 Co. AP 463·49 t -38, 1353.04 17111.77 661-025-05, 1111.00 •• I.. t h. m . H. n r y c .. A p Stark. Roger o .. AP 45 t·521-41, 11.2441.50 --Cedtr S1nd, AP 590·0b&-03, Hiii, Paul F .. AP 530·021·24. May, GfeQ<>rY e .. AP 551.027-23, $1,144.82 TAX-MTI AMA ..OU ..... 1-.07,82,301.70 . 11,038.80 r~--t "--'-'L AP483--511-02 •••~1 42 $955.88 $1,131.94 Walker. T11om11 L .. AP Parry, Ste phen R .. AP Koeout.O.Soot1.AP45t..S21..S5, .......,,.,........, .. '-...... e.i.1.0eYlndra.AP~21-3f, 937-48-005 .. 12.1112.80 County of Orange , AP .... 2n-10. IS04.&4 S911.78 "~J::.~om. Ira Rlehud J r. AP TAX UTE AMA 2IMll2 12.26t~ee TAX-RATI AMA i.121 E91r. Sylvia. AP 937·48-0011. 439.o92·14, "'4.38 TI&TFI Co Tr i.tR-t923..()C).2 &/or L1mb1k1', Steph1nl1, AP 483-6t1- Benner. Larry. AP 530--031·10. 13,222.&4 AP 431M>9:M5 18438 U..nl•r. Helen M. (WS) 4, AP 45t-621..e1. Sl,620.28 Guyet U T eruoe A .• AP 1rvlne-Co, AP 120·138-8S. 12,877.'52 R1ndnzo. Jouph B .. AP ,,,..Bcywood7 ~84Southwllt. AP Henion. C:111iord A., AP • ,..272>-14.1841.04 Abothod•·t.., s111mndln1, AP 413-511.1)2, 13,1132.0A 111, t48.41 Arlt San DllOo Pr09lf'llM a. AP 53-2.22-20, 11.791.ee .-Af?~ns4ee 24 430-09a.11. 1735.Ae ...J.o hn1011. ·a ereld T .. AP 45t-521-89, $11e9.70 M cnrl1on. Jam •• J ' A p T'"V .... _ ....... -.-. 530-o3s~1 ... •o· ~S3M ... 43. ·'"P 6""' ""1·63, TAX"""'TI A.MA at-122 Mehclz, An,;,, AP 937·1111-012, ... ~· Piii.ii a .. AP 439-092-23 -211-28,ltte.ee · M1cB1th , J p lln w .• AP 483-511•33,'4,3llt.18 _..,.,5 "" .. _ -· ... _...,.., ...,.,.,.. Tl&TA Co Tr #IA.-1923-00-2 &I 45 t-531-o4. t 1,812. 14 Henkel, L" w .. AP 931·42 ... 311, 12, 2.22 19W7511·~!-L Co •p ,,,,,7 "''" ,.30 C o u n t y o I Or 1 n g 1 , A F W!Mel, Nori C., AP 483-21"·34, Hollom, Harold ThomH, AP 11,14'.MI Buen•. Kennel II J ., AP Frl1bl1.l J1me1 R ., AP Dixon, Steven J . ''•I. AP ,_,, )'On ·•" .., • .,.,....., • 439-092-32,164.38 11~82 . 451-634-18,11,318.74 Ol-1,GtraldN.,AP931•57--4111. 483-351.05.lt,457.H 530-042-09.al,498.28 629-112·13,12.220.48 -1558.82 B•rr•tt Robert L. AF -~' , K.R:, AP 483-281~7. W1llac1.,~08t.!.!,1 M•rr1, AP l1.190.4t Potloell,BedlyJ.,AP .. ll:J..371.()9, Hlbb1, Richard D ., AP I W0ei5 .. 5,,,,Marc S~ AP 821·112-19, 93~!e~~~d~~~tlll 0 ., AP 4311-.231·24,b,ecn.M MM. 451-551-05, .. t ·"" Donald L. e11n Como1ny, AP S84$.98 53CM>42-1t, 1974.M 1, t. " • Mexwell Anthony L . AF TIIT,.CoTr#IR-1923-00-2&/or Jonu, Robert Gene. AP 931~.$532.84 HanM,RoblnF.,AP483-372-04. Jone•. Michael W., AP Miii er, Ri chard 0 ., AP Arterburn, Jerry L .• AP 439-231-33 bA22..70 ~ "-"' J., AP 483-281-17, 451-652-10, sen 85 AP 931-65-411, 11.235 22 It. 123.91 53G-o51.o3, 1879.IM 529-112·25, $2,839.oe 937..e1.o53, 11.4144.82 • • llOCJ.51 Franlc,RuMlllN.AP451·552·22, APll3l..e5-4t3,S593.et Glb9on.Stulr1 L,AP483-373-05, McWhlrler, Ronald H., AP L1mb1elc, Edw1rd J ., AP lrvlne Co, AP 987-81·072, TAX-«ATI AMA ...- '{laTR Co Tr -IR-1123-00-2 &/or 11.285.84 82,403.55 53G-o52·12, 1172..20 529-113-01, 11,977.00 19911.M ~ ~ P., AP 483-28S-04, £oar, S~ It II, AP 451·~20. TAX U TI AflU Jt.q1S Fllher. lrvtng N., AP 034-75-005, Korb. J1m11 R. and, AP Olartl, Oevld M., AP 52a.1t~9. Wannl~ton Oewiopment Inc, AP FU$00, Slfvatore. AP 11W44-13, M1.oo . '880.51 12,882.00 530-053-03, $797.95 11,oeo.ss 931.111-00 • 1908.7' · 1541.,. Moore, a.tty~; Barnell, Wellman. Mlchatl 8 ., AP Dahloren. Donald•R., AP Homme , Bruce L ., AP Vang, Song l<·· AP 53()..()53-18, Kahler, Gary L .. AP 55t..()31..()8, T11lc1 , Richard M ,. AP LaFrano, A. Jamel, AP "'°""d H., AP 493.293.13, 12. 461-sss..~8. saes.22 4113.391-01. 11.124.201 • 934 .. 75-051, 11,3114.2,. 11,811.22 aa.452.08 es1 .. 91..ot8, 11.186.28 439-021-20 1838 34 110.44 Jacoba, Mlcll11I et al, AP Reid, John, AP "113·381·l5, Nlclclll,GtennW.,AP934-98-004, Sampieri, Fr1ncl1 N .. AP Roberti, COiford W. Jr. AP lrvlna Co, AP 938·32·009, Dunn MiCn..cT.,AP439.022-o4, . 485-032·28.1111.bo 11.922.34 .l1A9A14 ~53-27.1848.59 551.()31.11,11.186.77 1310.94 111100 TAX U tt AMA.... Powell,HarryR..AP486--0A1·25, 8llllm•n.1_w11111m A., AP Johneon, Jaell Oouglu . AP Slraln.Rober1L.AP530-053-32, Uttte. 8rvoe o .. AP 551-031·17. lrvln• Co. AP 938-80-023, 'Dady Dur"o8rd P .. AP 19341.01 4413-41~. ~.635,00 934-ee-ooe, S3.at5.78 12.oes.N lt,035.19 P !1p1!-..V..,..,. ... 11 .. 717 439-031'..63. 11u. C a rtwrl_g ht A1100 , AP Brennan , Thom11 J ., AP Hanna, Magdy, AP 483-413..07, Mazzone, Anthony M . AP Mc011lr1. Frink R. et 11, AP V1l1ntln1, Donald A., A " .,_._...,,.,, "· Beauore. Donald R ., AP ~1..a.a. lf,745.H ,.e9-04a.oe. 1111.00 11,22ua a:lA-96..()15. 11.132.ee ~1. 11.887.42 551-03t·29. st,094.80 AP 93M1-044, StM . .ae 439-0S3-15, 1176.64 8 1beon , Fre nlllln W ., AP W 11 t m In , GI r 1 R ., AP Yen, J-C., AP 4&3-At3-18, Wlllle, John L Tr. AP 934·9&-020, Elton, J.,.,_ A., AP 530-081.()2, H11m1nol Et1ularlo L .. AP , ... ., .. Tl .. _ ..... 1• Tit•, Annal R., AP ~H. a1u .... 1, 18,Mt.62 . 488-042-~. 1111.00 11,283.4' $197.14 1748,M 551-o31-33, •111.00 -,_ ,.._.. SWC>.04 ~1~':,.'.,t.;~~·v Inc, AP ~~~:1'.~1e:.~red A .. AP St~:;~·· Irv E., AP l3&-02-011, ~-=2~~.1~~:re D .. AP ~2'.Je. :au;2•rd H ., AP 55~~~~.os't.~~.~r· J .. AP at'=i':o0ennl9E.,AP530-1~'1~.t. 43~~!:.ifu.J:•ry J .. AP Prllll)' of So Cal, AP 930-73-448, . Me>«e, Jack B.; Stotllr. Howard, Rateor. Leota S., AP 934-ff.075, Sierra, Tomu 8., AP 530-G82·10, · HI r Im I n1 0 II VII R., AP 8• · Id St h G •p Carter, Rober!, AP '39-041·18, 1828.32 .AP 93e-02.o17, 12,189.38 au41.63 1ug2.82 551-031-41, 12.163.ea 1n1v "· •o en •1 .. l1M28 . AP 930-73-478, 1387 48 Relcllminn. Frank Jot1pll. AP MeCowan John P. et 11, AP W h It n ey , D 1 v Id A ,, AP Bhtlndarl, Amrtt, AP 551-032-03, 530-133-50, 12,0 18.08 sd,oot, Cotla M ... Union, AP Borough!, Earl E. Jr, AP 938-02· 934-96..()77,S2,508.&4 530-ot4-0~.lt,924.82 12,350.M Bynon, Dougie-. B., AP «2·281.()116438 Cllurch, Liberty Bapllll of 933-32:.0t8.S11 1.00 Baker, Thomae E ., AP Ch111, 8hlldon N ., AP 530-133-68,tt,834-.72 ' • ... tll•rnCal.AP 120·1H-58. Hernand. Oerrell J .. AP TAX M TIAMA a.o1'1 TAXRATI AMA ..... 53Q...()8A..()7.8842.M 551..()32~7.$1,188.93 Meredith, J•~ P ... A, •1.M-71 933-82.o92. 11.185,54 Ch1pp1ll1, Don1ld C., AP t..lvlngelon, J1m11 L,. AP S30-134-15, $2.042.IO Barnett, Rlchlrd H. 1t 11, AP Ma 10 n D 1 v Id Ao)' A p Habib, Shlmt·Ud·Olln, AP 530-071-02, 11,837.88 551-032·1", 12,455.14 TAX MlW AMA.._, 933-a2·1«. 1111.00 ,. ..... 1 111 ·,.~4 .... 72 ' 483-353-09, $3,051.48 Rod 1m1, Dev Id C ., AP Davey. Wllllam Burl on. AP . Crader, Mich••• R .• AP __.,.. ..... ..... JenMn FayeD AP93'TS-Ot9 530-078-05,ta38.58 551-<>3:1·15,11,594 ... 8 ~MO A_, Dev.lopment ~.11,021.27 13~7 Pit# H .. AP 483-50t·13• 1137444 .• ... • McC11111y , Wllllam, AP P1ll11ler. G1r1rd F .• AP M11lckll OIYeloprnent, AP tno.,APt75.ol1-15,l 14,130.'77 8mlth,SuNnG.,AP93.........osa. c1~ip8man . Barri• M .. AP • . ~77-08.1156.12 551-032- 53-193-33,11.227.84 ,...!•lan1 •• ~1ev1n 3rd, AP 11~1.,ae II M I H •p '63·601.341,14,112.28 TAX M Tl ... I A2'-100 M•y .. Ollvar.~P 530·077-H , ,,s1h1"'00· 1-iyun c .. AP 651..032-Al, ~P62t-llWl.S818.42 -noer._.55.80 rr n• · er on .. " Nemlcung, Geor91 H •. AP St:l3i.H • · H ull or B•lbOI Inc. AP~. 1902.47 483·501-37,13,230.34 Wiiis. Don w .. Ap'463·401~1. Andlr10!!1 Jerry Oun. AP Dunn,Wllli1mA.,AP551-032-81, TAXMTI AMA•1• -~.12.196.32 Sche ldl, 8erlh• H .. AP M9ffrl.FranlcC .• AP483-501--48 14,905.54 530.o77·17,.-10.67 l2A25:·" D L AP Gr11nwood. RODlll w .. AP •room a ll!..He rry. N .. AP 934-44-101. 14eep .541 I .. p 11.631".N Welner. Mlc:llllll, AP 463.-402-08, Kim, Dong M., AP 53().078-1', 1~u21t .. 11o~.;3•7o20n1ld ·• ..... 171.oe, l885,30 *-10.oo3.11MM Whll• •• ,, e .. A ." v JameeC AP930-16-401 1177.98 1111.ee 0::.--..... -.... ..n· ...._....U-A.;Froet.Doftl 934-44-116184t.28 11l:':2.ea ·· ' Rummell , Jam•• A .. AP N1k1 g1w1 . Makoto, AP Pert!, Jin Bang, AP 851-04242, 6 Rowell. Aloherd w .. AP ........ AP '34-tC).(>18.12,492.'0e 0 In. y. A I c 11 U d K .. A p Outg911. Jack. AP 930·18-.. 23, ~2·14, 11,497.IO 530-078-17, 1111.00 "2,eto.M 29-'71-IS, 11•3,74·81. 529-72.ol llUtoltl•, G e org • R., AP 134-44-14A,ll,327.t2 l l Mt.1' Guuatte, Lawrence J . Jr, AP Apo1tol. Angellto 8 .. AP Man, Godlrey C .W., AP MOlt,Oonllld .. A 1 · • •• 8 °'3, '829.tt Bruni. P1M111 A., AP 934-44-180, • ' ,.83-42141, 13,CIO'.OO 530-078-2.4, 1111.00 561-042-39, 12,927.N f l,400.7' AP ""9...i. Uftde D .• AP 9'4-30-013, 1396.N TAX AATI AMA... Kt no•••"· Aloh1rd G .• AP Chapult. i..on, AP 530-078-31. TllbD1.!ilfWY P .. AP 861-042-44 •• :!...'1"72D•u5111"1··~1''1p2h•n T., ...... .C1rlyl•l. Ronal d L., AP 483-A22-0S.'1a,713.40 l1,6tS.'t4 11,540.IMI ....... -• • ..... ,.,_.,'f."°'*1,AP93+3CM>t0, 1134-44-170.•111.00 Roclcfleld A11ocl1111, AP Newman , W. Jeenne, AP CanyOll Creell. AP 530-Ge2•14, l.lmt>a, ParamJlt Singh, AP TU M Tl,.,.,. .. 141 ... A1 w.11111, Wllllam c .. AP 1190-012..01, 143,024.2.4 4~2-2·11, 11.282,71 &1,001.114 051-042-441, 11.928.0I .. ~::Ml u~~-~ Ann , AP lfJ~~~:ci~·O:p 134-83-011. TAX U TIAMA...,. .,~:&Jactc e.. AP 483-423--12, A~~2;!~·t9:~:!1 J ., AP 66~!:..'J.~:.~.i~~~~ A. Jr. AP K•vllnl, ""'*·AP 829-ltt-11, . 1111.00 81 no/ r • n • M., Y K. • AP 630-0412·21, 12,607. !8p ·--·""'2 -... ':"'., ;..~tewtt A., AP 561-043-01. ·~·.~'. lnvt11ot1 Limited, AP TAXMftAMA..... Pe arto"· Robert E., AP lrvlnt Co, AP '88-021·11.20, ~;n.. 1,82,1513.~ IM-.SwvanJ.,,. .....,_ ....,, -· ·""' p ,....._111·1~11,'"'~'"."'~ t:M*43e. '229.03 123. t~.M ~~ -.~~ ~ •1.n•~ ·, .. tt ... ' k • A • AP 11~11.00 ,..__.., •p ... ,. ,. ... "2 .... 't '..! ... w1n5,' ... !~.~! n D .. A -:-t-," ;~.AP 521-111-17, ••tdlko1 kl , Cora A .. A, .A~'".1. . .'!•cq1111 v .. AP ....,._..,..., _ .,. .... _ ,. ..........,...... .... ..._.... -""'-........... -.-.a. (1.162.00 , lrw.t4 Keuler . J e ffrey H • AP' 17 Lem11ro11, 0 . Oougtu , AP 1871.'8 ill':" #.R., A, ~102·27, Mcnrrafl,·Sttd. AP t34-6).0lll, TAX llATI AMA.... 483-431-12, 11,112.91 AP ~n. N07.78 881-044o0&. IU49.lt t<han, NMlm H .. AP '29-l9M9, • 1111.00 I. b1r t., 1 AP 483-431 15 AP ~24. tt.127,00 Toni, JOhn J ., AP Ht-044-0t, l t.1,.011 ... P e•r1on, Robert E., AP Morc91, l.Ortllf'I A 11 II, AP 13 ~MM 11 tr, .. ' Coote J0111 M .. AP HO-otWt, 13810.72 Ull\1011, Pa ul A. •I al, AP TM MlW AMA.... ~. t30UO 481·M2-04, 11)1.28 .. , 0111: lemuel c .. AP 4M441·11. H 4M.74 ihatl •• Oul1h1n IC .. AP S29-l03-011. 112'.80 8 •f1•11 , Ch1 rl11 R .. AP 8 lng h1m, Wllll•m D .. "' su1142 tr11del Raymo nd v .. A,. Hto04A-10, l3.122.7A l l•nll.1n1111f:io ll•oht n. ~P ;)'•,tin. "lolt ard w .. AP 934-87-010,11.224.52 4&1·571-07,11,M0.4t Omldl, Flroo1, AP 483·'44-0t. &»o01Mi.1 u20,40 tvy, JerMI w .. AP 551-G-4A·11, u:;::i~m•941~. a ::hra m, A' ••oe.~n · M~, Frlllk, AP t:t.4-N-002, lruelll , "1ona rd H .. AP 134'1.SI Mlntlkt.Welt~.A,530-0t1-44I, 11,138..18 • ~ l11Tf' Qo Tt 1"'°'1tn-004 &/or 11 atUC A51·ff1-42. l t11,00 ftpplng, f11Ubt111 tllen. AP •111.00 " • llt-18• t .M C..11, C.D .. AP 4U·U4· "· i e nfamln, Nahlle C •• A, Adi.•, GAllY O .. AP 451·«11·22. 483-451-02, 1,m.M "'""' Scott, AP 83CM02..o3, TAX4'ATI AMA .. ,.. Mo Cefflft~ Dennl1 M • All' ....... '34 .. 003.11.2N... ae2t.14 nlM Comptny AP 463....a-32 12 084.44 • Slt-IOf.U, 17 .It Warml!IOlOl'I Del..,.,,....,.,...,,, ......... nt lllO.. ~.AoMrtA .. AP48t-M1-o3, l lOU.M • ' coe11n10, J 1 m11 A., AP 1'1erpon1, R 1 1oh '··AP Oleel. Gary E.. AP Nt-lt..ol, APtl4-70-0IO.,...,t2 1 1,•.12 Mltldlere cuo11 L A, 5'°-102·1'.11.4'2.12 ht-101·21,111t.IO "b~~ A, 1114-JO.Oll, f41t,t2 Frennt, lruoeA.,AP461.e41a, 13t-42-40t 11'*~ .. ¥"oClollctV, Johll '·· Alll 0 1ro1a, M•fCI• o. '' 11, AP • ThOf'll .. M. et II, A' Oxfo,O Wetl D•~•loom1nt C:ompe11y, ·Kp t 19·231·08 $3,790.18 AP 119-231-12, $1.918.H AP 119"-231-16. 18()9.72 AP 119-"3 1-19 1724.40 Wllll•m•l.'f homH E .. , AP 111).231·22 .... 29.90 8town, Jolvl D .. AP \ t9-ns.H, '337.14 Tow1r11y, Bria n J .. AP 1111-233-34, 11,042.92 NOlz. Paul J., AP 11t•241·30, I U2UO ' K r1 n. f. Id w er d J .. A p 119-242--47, S17l,IO Laff..Stl)J) Ltd, A,. I 19-a42·58 • 15,387.18 TAX-MTW AlllU ..... SUI• Of 0 1 lllor11le . A P J~l2,13t.M 1'AX-4'ATI AlllU IM10 John •o'!.i...O•nnl• J ., AP 43t-041·M. -1.11 ,.,.on•. J el'll•I A., AP 431-0U-tS, 1111.00 "'°""" .. HUNntCn'ON WCH aeH00L DIST'ftCT ' TAJC.UTIMIU ..... .. alte, an.111ne M., A APt:M-JM)N,1411.tt I U17.t0 ' ' U()..toe-ot.ltea.M ht-10t~.11.61UO fft.2 4-0t.llllOO 41.a111.00 A,.,._'POooON,B .'2 Ou•rtln, "loh1re1 I. .. AP ,.1 ,.11• Otel.O'Y 1 .. A ,. M111oht r. J e r e my , A , P9ltv.••••U ... AP11M11-04, Doflllld ... ,,, .. 18 Otn. AP '34-~. n.14 u 1 .... 1-oe, 11. 1$0 07 TAX UTI,.,..,. ... a21.1ot .... 11 .... to ut-lt+tOi 1111.00 MH. ft AP lt4-7CMIM 011.0t li*ll.1..Alen ,., A, 451-641-21. TAXMTI ~A.... ..,.,., Crell o .. '" aft.t01-10, ltO•ll "'• .... , ..... A , AP 1114U..ao. .... , A, ... JO.OM:i l:122.ot 111~18.~ Metoh1uno, Chtrlu . AP .__ .. ,._1 __ au to.at fft.2t4•t4,l t1 !_!.• .. •!:Ol~&...!f.!Jll •m, A, TMMTI~--AP *-70-017. 1,012.M M OrtOn.1_J11 d y IC I )'. Alt~.13.270.42 t<lm,Yono-..... --·-· il1 r't h a11r all\y, "" ,.,, ....... ,.. .. _____ '·-' .... .,,__ """ ... ~ 1,on..ae 4't.C72"°3,N 4441.00 i.toherdlon, Jolin• .. AP lt~atM Nt-101-71.U tJt• ·-----"o••i· "•~•rt M .. "' ,..,, 0-M., AP 4'1.ol1-10. N-;ti,..,A,N4-7M31, ... ~~~~~l.·1t.1.C:'oh11 I , ,.,. ~~~.1~1 ... ~1111 3rd . A, Nt-~~.'~;,otd w • o ttS;·~-~.'A,ut-tOMI, ':'11:• Tom A .. AP 9*).11:M4, 1':::~.o~L·~vune, All' tlf!-!'!, ... .IH•P" w. ;,,, All' :f~"l.!J "ohrt H., All' 1.1101191 , Da ni• a .. AP S 'rff!' .,. ...... L..M)' 0., AP ltt-l'n-lt. 1.•m b 1 '1. C"e ryl I .. A' •1 1 11NtMt,•ta 4''Mlwt. .,..,f... 14 •• ,.,., .. , .. 1.ol, 11,IUM I ..... ,, •I. AP .,,!".70 .... , ....... ,.... TM MTI AMA..... • 1 .................... .. , .•••• i., ..... ," A .. A , WlnHr. ltwtll, A, H 4-t1·011, .... ., •• Charla• o .• AP ,, .• ,_10111••, TllomH .... AP ............. c. ........ AP I· .... -. ...... D. ~··"-•·Al' eMet• a.on• t 1,N04 · 411•142. 11.eeo.n 1t101101ta . Nte11011u J .. A, .._,,..tt. 1,111.1• .,..,.,.._-_... ,, ,,...,. ... IL4IO• '..C•"O· Ollver •. "'· A' ~ Oerlltl J,, AP tJ4 .. OOI, Wlod •n lllltll., .... 1.., "' ........ ,........ NIOlt ... """w .. A,. ... ,,,.... """"' ....... "" ... ,.1..... 8Me ltU I, l llWIHl w., A Miiiet,---. AP 1'f-tt1 ... ... MMD, lf.OOOM •11l.Tt 481 .. 1•U. •n.eo luro91~11 flo1111111n1 Inc, Alt M1.0I .. 11.14 ... ,~,.. ff-GI, llM1,M ' ..... DtdliM •• AP41M t,,_.,,, .1 ,11111111, Jetll M .. A.-VOlll, l'rtM J., ~ 4f 1 .. ,_.., ._. 11.-.at w.tlillCMMlll, 4' 5"-ttt-2'. Mer11 11 Dufer• t. .. All'.,~ '4' l lt-l S..Awf IT ,,...,,... """8-011, 11.MJ.t• 1 1.oto,M J amuon, J e ffrey w., AP ,N .7' .,._14t41.'tt.OllJI .. \ • Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOTIW9dnMd1y, September 1, 1082 MUC NOJ1Cl Ml.JC llOYJCl NllC "°''" NllC NOTICl NOTIO M ftUITtl'I IAl.8 !ltOOCI °'T=Ttl'I IA4.I ...... NOncl Oii ""'9Tll'I IA.La NOTICf IMTllO ... tti: ~ ,_.,A~ 1'Ml1;.a, T.I~-U , .._ _.. ~=. -=-:-:--::lfM ......,_t 't;' a::~~= NOTIOf I Hf!IH'f OtVfN 11111 'u~· o.wld "" "" '1 .. NMlf, D ll\.,,'\'=1~1't,T ::f:: Deou1:::--.:=~ ~IOll. •TICI °' TllUI~ ~ NfWPOAr' HOM! LOAN, INC ::::. ~~.~ ::~~""~:.~ "•lltf'. I.Ir~ w AP ,., .. .,J.n IGJMllft 11, ""· UNLll lt Hllcfl c H1lmleh •11d Ju0.111 H. YOU AM. Dl'l"ILT ...... A duly lj)f)Olnttel Tru.1 .. Undef I lren•oorllllon '"" 1114 Otl\fl ....... ' I ~ Ml AO'l"ION TO PftOTIOT NytlJMI D I • D 0, T " u • T DAT I D IOll0\111111 dltcrlbed deed ot lfUtf raclllllH .. mar b• ,.q, Ired IOr lolllllern Wood11law lldl & U ,ftOfllftT'f, IT MAY H NOTICI llflTIMI H JI, 1tl1, UMLlll WILL II lL AT PUILIC AUCTION OAAINAOI! IMPl\Oll~MINTI P'OA P ro,lttl•• '"" Oorp AP .... D~t•."'9LICIAU.•You YOUAllllNDl,AUt..TutelflA YOUTAIClAOTIOMTONOTIOT TO Ttil HIOHl!8T 81DOFA FORALLfiY NOATH OF 17lH llTAUT 11J-W•'O, .... O'fl 14 • --ICPl.ANATl(IN Oii THI DllO °' TMllT DATID ~ , .. YOUft PftOll'Hn, IT MAY II C~IH (p1y1bl1 •• time OI ••It I B!TWHN 11\VINI ANO fU81'1N lr,oe, Wlllleln 0 . AP""'"'~ NATutlll OP THI lllftOCHDINO ,. UM.HI YOU TMCI Aono.. IOLD AT A PUelJC IAU •• 'YOU lewful money 01 Ille Unlltd 81•1•• AVfNUf, Wiii be reetlvlld by 1111 N7a,'' • • AOAINIT YOU, YOU IHOULD TO PfllOTICT YOUfl PfllOHflTV •10 AH ··~ATION Oii '"' Ill right. ltlle Ind lnltl"' COIW~ Clly of Cotti MMI II ltMI Office OI louahera, IC.m, AP 17._.,,.., CONTACT A LAWYlfl. IT MAY 11 lot.D AT A flUIM.tC NATUftl OP THI lllflOCHDtNO lo lllld now held by II undlt Uld the City Clerk, 17 l'llr Drive, Coate 1111.cib ' On 8ecttembef ~. 11112 11 10 00 a Al I . '' Y 0 U HI ID AN AOAINIT YOU YOU IHOULD 011d ot True I In the PtOOerly M ... , CtltfOflM. u111H the hOut of Pwllw, Wry w .. AP ,,~ .. , A M • D & , Au I. T • I Av I c I IXlllUNATIOH 0, fHS NA TUM CONTACT A LAWvlft, hWelnllllr dttet11'*1 't 00 • m a.t>tembw • 1812 It 17.42 • COMPANY, INC •• 01111ornl1 OP THI PfllOCllOINQ AOA.._IT NOTICI! 19 HEREBY OIVCN; The.I TRU8TOR AOHAT IC(lfH which tlm;, they Wiii bi op1n11d 8ou1"-'n WoocM...., l\IMdl"f & corporation, H duly appolnl•d YOU, YOU IHQUUl CONTACT A under and .b)' virtue of lltt TAYLOR, I tlnGll man j)llbllcly and rw1d 11oud In th• ' Propettl .. ln111t1~t Corp, All' Tru.t .. uncter ll'ld purtullll 10 1 lAWVlll prov~ OI that oenllln o..ct Of lfNll'ICfAAY l!MPLOYEE Counoll Chembere Seale~ 17a.632-70, • 12. 10 Deed OI Trutl tlCOtded January 23, On S.O•Mlott 30, 11182 ., t0.00 TNll d•l•d 81p1 23. , .. , • Ind p R 0 FIT • HAR I HG pl AN 0, Pf090MI• tnlll °"' 1111 11111 of the ¥ u,, It t Lt o , A p tlllt, u Intl NO 20060, In bo011 1 m CHIOAOO TITLt INSURANCI recorded In lllt otllce ol the CARDIO-lllVLMONAAV MEOtOAL WOtll Ind Ille name of the bidder 11~·16. tit 081 fll t3H3, PIO• t940, ol 01110111 COMPANY .. duly •POOln110 Aecofcler of Ille CO\lnlr Of Orenge, OROUP INC ·M • but no 01.ller dlJllngulmlno mark• at111r;o11 WlllJ•m fl Jr AP Reoordl In Ille otflcl ol Iha COU11ty Tru1t11 under and pureu1111 10 ltll• of C•HfOfnla, on oet. 7, tNt · l'ltoOtdcld Nov.ml* 11 ll&t u Any bid reo1lved 1Her 1111 171-534·15, lttt.00 ' · Reoorder ol Or111g1 County, 8111• Offd ol Tr1111 recordtd Junt u . In Volume t424'1', page 1357, oi lnett No &7118 In bOOll 14d2 p1g1 eollldul10 c101lng lime 101 tht Hy 1 m 1 Eu 01n 1 , A p ol .01111ornl1 Elleculed by 80011 111110 ... 11111. No. 24a.4t In book 0111c111 Rtoorde, euouttd b~ 1640 ot Ofllelll Atc:ord11n 1h1 ollle• rtotlpt ot bid• 111111 bl returotd 10 17~18.'lt,632.&e • ' Rinne tnd Linda Renne, hu1b•ncJ tH43, p1g1 1 U8, ot' 0111'11111 ROBERT l.f'INAAl' ANO LINOA Of the ~II ol Or.,1ge County, the bldOM unopened. It thlll 1>1 the o u v 1 11 M 1 y H 1 Q1 A p and wll1 H Joint 11n1n11, WILL Recordr In 1n1 olllce ot 1111 Ccxmly Ll!INART, hueb1no ano w111 H .. Id d .. d o~ lru11 dHCrlbH th1 eote re1pon1lblllly ot the bldde< 10 17&-537-ot, '•Ne.43 ' SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO Rtcorder ol Orange County Tru11or, IO SUNKIST 8ERVICI! foltowlng prope<ty ... 1h1I hit bid It received In proP., Sawyer Wllllr M AP HIOHEST BIOO~ FOR CASH C1lllornl1 WILL SELL AT PUBLIC COMPANY, 1 corporallon H lo! 120 ol Traot No t712, In time 17&-537-18, ~78',00 '' (O-Yibll 11 Hint. df 111• In l•wlul AUCTION TO HJOH!ST 8100ER TruetH, lond STATE SAVINGS ANO lht County Of 0 ,.nge, 8111• Of A NI ol pl111t, Sp.eclll ProvleAooe Shutt. Aoland P., AP 178-$$8-07 money of ti)• United 8111H) II FOR CASH (pay1bi." tlrM of..,., LOAN AS8001ATION •• CllllOfl\ll CIJllornle ... per map rwcord«I In tnd lddltlon110 Otner1t Provlalofl• "" ~5.00 • 15200 !let LI Pu Roed, Suitt In l•wful money ol the United COfPO(lllon, 11 htltllolaty, BOOli 00, ~· 32 to 38 lnc(ullllt, to the Stl/ldetd Sl)lelticetlont ~ ~. ~Ben R. Jr, AP 178-538·12 1217, llgun• Hllll, C1lllo.rni.. •N SlllM) 11 lhl north rroo1 tnlrenee MO PllrtuMI 10 Int requeet of Mlac:.11.IMOUI Map1, In Ult OfflOI ~·bl Obtained •t 1~011~ ol I~ Cuy ''* ts,ooe.84 • right, tltll and lnter•t conveyed to to the County CourthouM, 700 ClvlC the owner and holder o t lht the County Recorder ot Hid Engineer, 77 Felr Drive, Coill " · Burroughe, ChtrlH H .. AP and,_ hekl by II u~ Mid Deed c.n1., DrlYe WMt, s1n11 Ana. CA ~luory note HCurtd by tM County EXCEPT THEREFROM •N M • 11, C 11fforn1 a , up 0 n ~~ I 179-642-05, 11,9541.08 Of Trufl In 11!11Pl'OCHlf'IY1lluatld In 111 rlghl. tllll 1nd lnterMI con~ Of Truet 11>ove rettrrld to; oil. g11, mlner111 ind O.lhtr nonref\Hld1b1t Pl)'m«ll ol 11000. •2 AP t78-S42-0S, SS03.28 Mid County Ind s1111 detctlbec:I u · to lflCf now lleld by 11 under llld And by rtuon ot IN dtflUlt In hlfdrooerbonl, below • 0.0111 of 500 An 10dltlorlel cnttge ol 12 oo wlll bl ·VII i ·i;w 1 Hu d 1 on , Gr• c 1 L . , A p DHd of T ru11 In Ille property the p1ymen1 ol Hid Proml11ory IHI. wllhout the rlghl ot eurtece m1!11 JI handled by mall Ptan1, ti l78-543-.21, $890.72 h~t "A" Sltullld In .. Id Counly end Stele nole and lh• braach ol lhe enlry, IS rH«Yed In ln11rumtflt1 of ~lllcatlona Ind Olher conlraat Colonna Mich eel J AP PARCEL I. Cot 24 ot Trae1 No. a.Krlbld 11 coodllfon1 In Hid 0..d ol Tru1t record. doaimentt may also bl t11t1mlMld ~ t78-544-t2, i7.3511.68 . • 11387, Ill lh• Cit)' ol INlne. Counly ol PARCEL t. Unll No 74, In tile PfOYldtd, • Nolloe or Default llld YOU Afll IN DIFAUlT UNOUt A 81 tt\t Office of Ille City Clerk of lht '. • I Wlbrew, Donald, AP 171-545-05, Orange, 81111 ol C1llfornl1, ea per City ot Irvine, Counly ol Orengi, l:lecllon to Sell Under Deed or Tru.t D 11 D 0' T fl U 8 T 0 A T E 0 City of Co1t1 M"•· 'd',, '5117.89 . m1P recorded In book 399, PIQO• S111e or C1fll0fnl1, 11 ehown end h1vlna bten dulv recorded 11 OCT<>elfl n , 1Nt. llNUll YOU Each bid ahall b• made on th• ~~ Sunaet 811ch Mo tel AP tll lo 22 lnclu1lv1, rnl1cell1neou1 deecrlbed In lhe Condominium Plan provided for by law In 11fd TAICI ACTION TO PflOTICT Propo11l lorm 1hHl1 P-1 1nrough , , ~ t78-551·10, 11,11811.18 ' M1p1, In the olflct of Iha county recorded on Maron 18, t9711, In ·Recorder'• Olllc:e on M~ 4, tll82, YOUfl lllflOllllfl'rY, IT MAY ar P-8 provided In the contract ' Hou ilng.Oynamlo Inc AP recorderof11ldcoun1y. book 125911page 1021 ol Otllclal lnat.No.82-1112221; , 10lDATAPU,LICe4U!.IFYOU documenl• end •hall ba .! 17J.5~1-17, 1858.32 ' EXCEPTING THEREFROM an RllCOfde of 181d County,' SµNKIST SERVICE COMPANY, 1 .. 10 AH llCPLANATION Of' THI 1coompanl•d 'by a certlll1d or Af' WWpMte '~#. AP 178-551-t8, fl,823.54 undl'll<Md-hlll lnterut 01111 oll, PARCEL 2: An undivided one corporation, •• lhe prHent NATUfll 0,. THf PflOCHDINO cuhler'1 ctllck or 1 bid bond ror ~OP HOJ:> -Police ConstabJe John Corbett .. ~;_;., AP 1111-551•111, 1914,29 g • •. m 1n.,111 1 n d o 1h 1 , MVenly-MCOnd ( 1172ndl 1n1.,111 u 1u1tiorlzed and 1ot1no T(y1te1 AOAl .. IT YOU, YOU SHOULD not 1 ... lh1.n t0% ot thl amount ot J ~ins. an im. promJ?lU _"kn~ up',, dance with -~.t:. AP t711-551-20, s 1,1123.54 flydroo1rbon 1ub111ncas fylng In e 11nen1 In common llJ lh• fee under Mid Deed ol Trull, llQf'...id, C()tfTACT A lAWYf", Iha bid, mlde p1y1bl9 to Ille CUy ol .... ~ r-AP 178-65f.2t. 1914.211 llld under .. kl rend below 1 depth 1n1ern11n and to the Common Ania on Wednetd1y Sepl. 11, n1a:t. e1 tne ~Grove Piece. COiia Mae, Coate M-No prOCIOIAl...lllall ~ Otting Hill Carruval revelers in London -ii-o Miiier. Fred B .. AP 178-5e1-2l. of 600 felt mutured Vl<tfcell)' from of Lot1 I througn 5 lncluilve. ol hour of 10:00 o'Clock A.M. ot Mid CA. (II 11trMl lddr111 or common conlldered unlen accompanied by • • 'l'l It 11.00 thl IUrl-ot lllkl llnd, but wllhoot Traot 9742 II per map flltcl In book dey II lhl Nonh rronl entrance to d11lgn1tlon 11 lllown lbove, no such c11hl1r'1 cneck. c11h, or DllJH IDTICIS ~~ 8erf11, Cecil, AP 174-58t-29, l,hlrlghtof14.1rfac:een1ry1heoelo.u 407 P•ll•• 2 4 and 25 . of lheOrangeCountyCourthouae,700 ••rr•nly 11 g iven 11 1 ~ IU blOOer'1bond ¥ St95.3'1 r~ In deeds recorde<l 111 book Ml1e1111n1ou1 M1p1, record• of Civic Cenltlf DrlYe w .. 1 In the cr1y eotnplelenjln Of c:orrectneu) Tile No bid &111H bet conlklered ull!Mt • I. 9-, N1111t c .. AP t78-5et-.3l, 9548, PIQff 808 to 811. Otnctat lllkl Oounty, n aucti lerm 19 defined ol Sen11 Ana, County ol Or111ge, b1n1llcl-ty under llld 0.1d ot h Is made on 1 bl•nll IC>fm lllrnlahed ..;~ '®8.98 Aecorda. In the Artl<:ll 1ntltled "Oeflnltl<>ni" St111 ol C11flornl1, Wlt~L SE[l, Trull. by re11on ol • breecri or by the City of Cotti Mae and 11 R 0 B E R T W ~,._ AP t78-58t-34, $97t.52 PARCEL 2 Euement1 ror ot tilt Oecl1r1t1011 of Covenenll, pur1u1nt \o the power of 1111 default In lhl obllgatl'one MCUted m1d1 In 1ccord1nc1 with 1111 ILL I AM HILE I ~" Llyty, Alelc A .. AP 1111-se2•211 lkleyard OUfpo-In and over lhe Condl1lon1 and RHtrlctlons conlerr1<11n .. ldDMdofTru11111<1. lhereby, harllolore ••tculed end prov111on1 ot the Propo111 ~A YER , resident of WILLIAM ff HILE · ~ M .42 ' rand dHcrlb•d In tile am•nded d11Crlbec:I In "Subjeot To " below wJlhoul cov1n1nt or w1rr1nty d•llvered 10 th1 underalgned I requlremenll \..Oita M esa ,/::.a Pass d Id C • • ' Drltllell, Ptul c .. AP t78-66~7 Second Oeclarauon of Anne1tellon, (the "DCIC11r1llon"): · reoardlnQ 11111. aoneulon or Wrlllen Oecter11lor1 of Del11ull and Eech blOder mull be llcenled 11 away on Au-n:~t 30' l982 He ,rBees en t of a plstrano.i..11.L $2,050.19 ' and 11 ahown on EKhlblt "A" EXCEPTING THEREFROM 111 oll encumbrances, II public 1ucllon Demand tor Sale, and wrillen notice required by law. . o-• • e ach, Ca., passed away on .'( fl v 1 n a r 0 m. M., 11 n 1 , A p allached thereto. •ecorded In book oil rlghll. m1nere11, mineral rlghte: lo lhl highest ceeh bldO.,, 1n 11w1u1 ot breach end of e1eo11on to cause Thi City Council or 1111 City of Uwas a retired Col, from the August 30, 1982 in a locaJ ·~<ti, t78-565·68, $8.42 12788, page 1435. Olllclal Records. neturel gu rlghl1, and other mon•r, ot the United S11t11 ol the underelftned lo sell llid Costa M•H re1erv11 the right 10 nit.eel St.at.es Anny, where .hospital at the •ge ol 66 He t'l Hu 11 h 0 f, J 1 m•1 L. ·. A p ol Orange Counly, CaJllornl1. hyOrocerbon1 by what10ever neme Amer ca, 111 lhll car111n reel prr.r;ty to sat aJy 1810 obilgetlons. reJecl any or 111 bld1. he served ror 25 years he w p · ti Co · . 1134-28-002, s t,85'4.80 The 11re11 1ddr111 and other known that rnay bt wltllln Of under property ellull• In lhe County of an therealter lhe under11gned 'Tna Contractor shell eomply with w a 5 an Adm I I t t" .. ~ a ain ng ntractor in common dnlgn1t1on, II eny, of the the parcel ol 11nd herilnebove O'r1n9e, S111e ol C1lltornl1, ceused nld nollce of breecn Ind of Ille proYlllona ol Sectlor1 1110 10 . n 5 r a ion t11.:1 area for many years. He.Ii.. rHI properly descrlb10 above 11 d11crlb•d, tog11her wllh the d~lbeclufOlfowa: electlon to b• Recorded M•y 21. 1780 lnclu1lv1, ot the C1lltornl1 ~tant for ,22 years ~Ith moved here over 31 years·-P-P PROPERTY IN OCEAN VIEW SCHOOL DllT~ICT purported 10 bl 211 Luoero West. perpetual right ot drllllng, mining, PARCEL 1: t982, 11 lnll No 82· 178421 of said Labor Code, 1111 prevelllng rile and e AMF Voit Corporation. ago. He is survived by hla .;;; Irvine, C111torn11 explorlng end opertllng therefor An unolvlded 1/5th lnt-t In Officlel Aeeorda _,. ot Wlglt Mllbllllled by the He is survived by his wile wir M 2 S b ,... .. The und1r11gned Tru11ee end 11orlng In and rtl!'lovino tht and to Lot t of Trect No. 11148, In Said Ille wlll be m1d1 bul City ot Co111 Mae wnlcll ,,. lifCld Joyce daurhters Christle f Sane y~, ,..~ iep eQ O_ dl1cl1lm1 any fl1blllty for eny 11me rrom llld 1111d or lily other the Clly ol Coet1 M-. Counflf of wflhoul cov1n1n1 or w1rr,n1y, with the City Clerk or uld City Ind H bb, d C O Juan "4platrano, Ca. ,i',!:\c 11\c«reotneu ol 11'8 "'"' eddre&1 l1nd, lncludl11g th• right ic Orange, St111 of Cat1torn1e. .. per •llP<llN or lmplled, reg11d1ng lllle. shall forfeit p1n11t1e1 pr .. c;lbld ':' ar • 1sa ollette, and Roger (Randy) Hile of o .. lf\d other common deelgn111on. 11 wttlpllocil or dtrectlonaJly drill and map rtcorded In 8oOll 4711, PIQll po11 .. 11on, Of •ncumbr•ncH, to therein for noncompllenoe of the Elizabeth Reynolds, Peggy Laguna Niguel Ca a ,.le• any. lhOwn herein mine from rends other 1111n solo 18 •nd t7, In th1 olllc1 of the PIY thl remaining prlncipeJ s•Jm or laid Cod• Hassell, sons Robe rt and da ugh ter M • M ·' 0 'f.,_ Hollld•n, MlchHI J. (EA), AP Said HI• wlll be m1d1, but find, Oii Of g1a wells. tunnels and Coooly Aeeora.r of 1ald Counly. the no11(1) ~ured by nld Deed or Elllln P Plllnney William Mayer th M Long rs· a r" , .. :-.-107-371-02. $1112.25 · without cov1n1n1 or w1rr1nty, sh1t11 Into, •~rough Of aero" lfl• E11c1pt1ng tharelrom Unite 1 Tru1t, with lnttr1St u In .. Id note City Clerk of lhl C h . •mo er. rs. pre of Newport Beach, •tt~ Fr• n k H . Ayr 11 & son expr-or lmplleO. reg1rdlng 1111e, subsurface of Hid teno, and 10 through 5 11 ehown upon th• provided, edvenc11. 11 any, under Cty ot COiia M111 at er~ne Mayer, sister Ca., 2 brothers Paul of •.S,:! ~~~uctlon Co, AP 107-.375-13, POIMStlon, or enoumbranc11, 10 bottom such whlp11oc:Jied 0, Condominium Plan r•corded In lh• ,.,ms ol 11ld OHO or Trull, Publl1hed 011nge cout Dally Katherine Coch, brother Oakland a nd C h arles of PIY Ille rtm1lnlng prlncJp11 SYm ot dlrecllonally drilled w•ll•. 1u11net1 Booll t4011 t, 11 Page 663, Olllelal ~"'· charges 1n<1 expen!lft ot lhe Piiot, Aug 26, Sept. I, t962. J a mes M a ye r a n d 7 B 0 u Ide~ C 0 l d 4 · Ille nota(t) MCurec:t by said Died of end shalt• under and beneetn 0, Record• ot 11ld County. rustee •11d oft he lru111 craalad by · 3788-82 gra ndc h lid ren SJ um be d h lld' Cora 0 • • ·· PROPERTY IN IAVINE UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT Trull, wl1h lnter11t lhereon 18 beyor1d the e1tllrlor llmlta lhe<eol PARCEL 2: llld 06fd ot Trull. Said eel• will be . Roo . · . r gran c ren, hrlstopheT,'~ provided In l8ld noll(S), 1dva,,C.., and to redrlll, re1unne1. iqu1p: Unit 2 11 snown upon tht held on We<1net01y. September 22, l't.8LIC NOTICE m visltation will be held and Chantelle Longpre and >-. " lf'1n/, under the lelma 01 .. rd Deed m11n1a1n, repair, d1epen end Condominium Pl1n ret1rred to In 1982 at 2.00 p.m .. Al tho Chapman FICTITIOUS IUllNEle cm Wednesday, September 1, Eric and Jennifer Hile -~~ o t ru11. 1•11, cherg11 and operate 1ny auch well• 0, mines. Parcel t above. AY1nueen1r111c:etotheClvtc:Cen1er N.AME eTATEM£NT 1982 from 12:00 noon to Memorial services Ill ~ • ••oen-ol lhe TruatH and of lhe wllhoul ~111r thl right to orill And more commonly known u J3ulldlng. 300 Eut Ch1pm111 The roll1iwlr S·OOPM at Harbo L h Id Se w tru111 crHleO by 11fd Deed of mine. i1or1, uplor1 ind operate:' 2182-B Pacific Avenue, Co111 Avenue, In lhe C11y of Orange bu.inau 11 ng oerwon• •re dOlng Mo t Se , r 1Tw~ e on pt.ember 11, 1982 Tru.i. thr!)Ugh the aurlec. ot Iha uppe• MeH, C.. 11 1her1 11 no 11r .. 1 Al the llm• ol th• 1n11111 REVES ART WOR S h r uary. rvtces Wt at 2:00PM at Coast Bibi( -iT lr11lne Cool W VA , AP 12Q..t38-51.20, 13,024.M Thi totll amount of the unpaid 500 fClet ot the SYl>IUrl-ot U)(I 1dore11. direction• may be publication of this notice, lhe lolaJ 3t5l Airway Avanu ~ ii 1~2· e 1 d on Thur s day , Church , 26:JOO Via ~lai ., r bllenoe of thl Obllgetlorl -.ired land 11 reserved In lhe deed from ot>lelned by wrlllen requ.110 Slit• ~I ot lhl unpeld bel1nce of lhe Costa M"' C•Ufornl:a26~6' · September 2, 1982 at 1 :30PM San Ju 8 n Ca p ht ran Q ' .tel• AP 120-t38-53.20, $24 t.98 by tit• property 10 b• 1old end Thi Irvine Compa"lf i wes1 Vlrgl'\le S.vtno1 Ind LOAl'I Auocletlon 2'22 ° 1 O•llon 1ecur1d by lh1 above Salvati M a t t h e H a r b 0 r L I ' i re11bn1bl1 111lm11eo coa11 CorP0111ion recorded October 2 North El Oort1do Strtet Stockton, ducrlbed d11d ot tru11 and Co ontgomery Seko<11 & Memo . awn n term en t w I I I be a -fJ• ~ and 1dvanc.t 11 1111 lime 19711 In bo0k t2884 pag,e t3a3 ' CA 115202; Allenllorl: 1.ci.n s.Mce Hllmat1d co111. up1n111. and 315·1 1~" • <;.1"'°'$1• corpor1tlon, r:iaI Chapel. ~nterment _Fairhaven C.emetery, Santa.'·f~ 01 lhl lhlll•I publlcotlon or th!! l)fflcfal Aecord1. ' D•oartment, nol later than 1dunc11 11 $30.648 97 To Meaa. c'::rn1':m~~t• 02. Costa Immediately foUowmg at the Ana, Ca. Family requata In .~ Notlol ol Sile .. 155,057.71. . ."'PARCEL 3: E111m1nu .. >Set :..Plemoe( '· llfllOI IOI ll_le purOOM delermln1 lhe ()Clenlng bid, YOY may S1fv1tl M I Harbor Lawn Mount Olive lieu of flowe donatl b9 '41.... ~= !~~33!·~~ .. 2020 •• $12527 .. 2744 Thi blneflcl1ry under .. Jd Deed forth In th1 Secllona enlfllid oJ paying obllg1llon1 MCured by cel0 1 (71.41937-~ee. Stllod• ,one:~ Cemetery. In lieu of nowers made t th rsG onaBibl i.-w -~ $2 or Trutt heretofore executed and "Cer11ln E111men11 tor Owners" .. Id Deed of TNll. 111. Auou11 24, 1982 Phlll S " · th f I I 0 e race e ·~. ''"Obf11hed Or1ng1-CoH t>IRy delmrrtrd to th• 11T1Ua;a1gr11ra a end "Support. StllT6rtl°'l1f ·an ·· ·The IOIW.-.mount Of Ille unollld Newpon l:tom&..1..oln, lr\C • -p J. alvall, ·-e am Y s U B g e St s College, 1011 Aldo1l>. S .W •' Piiot, Augu11 25, Sept 1. 11182 written DCICl1r11lon or Oeteult end Encroachment" ot the Article balance of lhl1 obllg1t1on 11 $127.-•• nlo TruetM Thia ,1~~1w11 tiled wl h 11 Cadonat10J'IS tb the Amertcan Grand Rapids, Mlcnigan ot!b .. 3972.42 Oem1ndtorS111.11n01wrlttenenllt11(1 "Euimenll" ot the. 973.42.ln11r111 $tll,5-45.691ndlhe T.O.ServlceCompany CountyClerkofOrtllQtCou~t te ncer Society. Services Alpine Boya R•nch p ----.... -------Nollce of Oel1u11 1no Election to Oec111111on C11llm111d 1moun1 of coall, •gent Augull 23 19112 11 on u nder the direction o{ Leaven th W hi "/I~· fltalC NOTICE Sell. The undet$1gned CIUMd nld The etreel IOdreu tno other llq)ell-and IKIVlnc;M Wtllctt will By Clnoy Schoonover • H arbo La M or wor • as ngton. l. -:==-=-:='="=~=.,...,.---Notloe ol Oel1u11 •114 Election 10 common Olllgnlllon, If any, Of tile bl lncurTed by thl dlll of .... I• Aullllnl secretary Publiehed Or1ng1 Co• ~1~ M t r wr· c ount M tVC ~a y Fam i I y M 0 r tu ar Y'. ~~ NOTICE cw TflUSftrl IA.LE Sell to bl recorded Ill Jhe oounty rear property dHcrlbed •bove I• 11.881.00. Ont1 City Blvd . West PilOt Aug 25 .._t 1 11 1~ t9•82Y or uary o osta caa. directors. • .~ T.8. Ne. .as.I Where the rMI property la locetld. putp<>rted to bl. 13 Nevtrra, Irvine, Dllld: Augult 5, 1982 Otenge, CA 92688 ' ' '......, • • • 540-5554. •. _;t, , SMI CORPORATIQN 11 duly 0.te-Augull 26. 1982 CA 112714. SUNKIST SERVICE CO.. 7t4 835-8U8 3721"82 ·~to eppolnted Tru•I•• under the Default S11'Y1ce Company, The undersigned d.lacl1lme any 1 COtPOf•tlon Publl1h1d Orange ~out Dilly ... ':> toaowlng dacrlbed deed Of 1"'9t Inc. llabllfty lor any fncorrec1nns of the Br. OeYICI en.vier, dot, Sec>t. 1, 8, 15, tll82 .. WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AIJCTIOH IS Mid Tru11M llrMt lddr-Ind ocher common "8111t1nt Vice Prelldent 3808-82 DEATHS -I TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR 25200 e. LI Paz Ao.cl Otllgnellon. II any. lllOWn ,,., .. ,.. 222 Nor't.h El DoredO Street ··~rt r CASH (p1y1ble II time of .... In Suite No. 217 Slid Sil• Wiii be ..rn•de bul Stodllon. c.111. 95202 rta.JC NOTICE • ,...., lawful money ol the United Stain) llgu111 Hlltl, CA 92853 wllhoul cov1n1nt or warrenly (209) 1148-1t18 ELSEWHERE ·~.,-. Ill right, tltle 11\d Int-I conveyed (7f4) 1155-8&50 expr-or lmplled, reg11dlng lllllt TruatH YOU AM .. ~AUU UNOt'1lt A '• ,'~ ' to Ind now held by It under Mid By JANET M APP 1><>1seulon. or encumbranc:H 10 Publl•h•d Orano• cout Dally DlaD Ofl TMllT D&TaD ~ •· ~ Oetd ol Tru1t In •th• property Publl•h•d Orang• Co111 Diiiy P•Y Iha rf!ITlllnlno prlncip1I l4.lm or PHot. Aug. 18, 28. Sec>t. 1, 11182 1-. UN&.1•• YOO TAKI! ACTION • • 'ii. hlrllnllt• delerlbld: Piiot, Sept. t, 8. t5, 1982 the no11(1I MOUrea by llld °"° 01 388t-e2 TO PfllOTICT YCKM PfllOHflTY, TOK\'O (AP) w Ja ' 'u• TAUSTOR: R.C. LEAVENWORTH, 38114-82 Trlflt, with lnltrHr th .. raon, 11 JT MAY N IOLD AT f. f'UllllC T JU 80 f -ad n WAS HlNOTON (AP) -FRANKFORT, Mich :·-~ .,, unmvrted man . prOvlded In .. Id notl(•I. ldvenc:ea, PUBt.IC NOTICE e A L I. 11' Yo u H l E D AN a ltl, , ormer p.resJ ent Jan Henryk de Roaen, 91, ( A p) _ R 0 w a r d y · BENEFICIARY: IRVING GEIER Plate NOTICE lf lily. under IM terme ol the Deed DPUNATION cw THE NATIMI of M ltsublahl Bank and a renowned for his paintlng of McCla1ky 83 whme th 1: 'IJL , Ind CHARLOTTE L. O~lfR, "' ol Tru1t, feu , cherg11 •nd NOTICE TO CMDfT0..1 °' T .. lllttOCHJ>INO AOAINIT leader ol Japan's flnanclal re Ii Bi 0 u s murals In ( d • 1' 1 t!Od~ tn-hulOlll'ld Ind wife .. )olnt ,.,.... .. .o-taa e)l$>en-ol lhl TrvetM and of tM Of' IWlJ( "'"....... YOU, YOU aHOUl.D CONTACT A uni died Tb 0 e u cat 0 n a nee II Recorded Jul)' 8, 19711 • lnltr. PlCTIUOUI SUllNEla 1ru11s crHlld by Hid Deed of (S.Ca. at01-t107 u,C.CJ LAWYl:ll comm ty, _ unday. WasblnKton. S t. Louis and constituted the baal1 fot •. No. 3876 In bOo11127'47 pege 24 of The =:TATWNT Trust, lo-wll $t4,595 t8 IPl>fOX. Notice le hereby given to NOTICI OF NEW YORK (AP Europe, has died. research in universities Jn Offtdal Rtcor<ll In the offtce of lhct ~ et• doing The benefld1ry under llld Deed creditors ol lh• wltllln n1m1d TIIU9ftre IALE ) ----the United States Canad ~ • Aecorcler of Orange COYnty; Mid buelnell 11: . ot Trust hef11olor1 executed 111<1 1ra111llfM 11111 1 l>uUI treneter ts T .a. Ne. -70 ~taaley M, SwlDton, 62, vice TUCSON Ariz (AP) _ ' ~· :~. deed of lruet detcrlbH the S MIRACU: MAZDA, t425 Blk• d11lvered to the und1r1lgned 1 about to be made on per1on1I • HOTICI! IS HEREBY GIVEN, that i'resident or The Aaociat.ed Jack Rut .. • :1 d 9'9 I' and Germany, dJed Sunday. ":t lollowlflg property: treet, Co111 Ma ... C1fltornl1 wr1111n Oeclltlllorl o1 OefUt and proe>erl) hwelnett., clelcrlbed on W1dne1C11y, S•pl1mb1r t5, p 11..r.ior • • • s ~ent ---• ~ . The~ 132.02 IMt Of 92828. · 01m1nd for Salt. end 1 written The name ana hOf'rle lddr.M OI tlla2, 11 •oo o'CIOC* Lm. ot Mid ress and dlre~tor of Its film actor who played the • (I=~ Lot 28 Newport Helaflt. In the City MIRACLE MOTORS, INC ... Notice ol O.l1ult Ind Eltcdon 10 IM Intended '""''WM •re: Thuy d.y, In th• room Ill 11101 fgr World Services dtVJSIOn, has original Burtalo Bill has WAP.SAW, Poland (AP)" ~ of Newport BHcn. county of f::"~ CC>rRorlllon 13e'/\ Nor'th Sell. Thi und.,slgntld cauNd 111<1 Do, 8483 AftOUfqa AYenUt Cypt-. conducting TN8t•'• SllM. within died of cancer at his home, died ' -He Im D t K aJ 1 at, 4 1. ·.it. Orenge, Stet. Of Callfomle. •Pet mont BIVd., Suite "A". Loe Notice of O.leult 111d Eltcllon to c:.t11om11 90830. ' the ofllcH ol REAL ESTATE He spent 42 years with the · ___ Poliah theater dlrecior and. ~ mep recorded In 8oo1c 4 Pl!Qt 93 Anoelll. CA 80004. Sell to bl recorded tn lhl couoty _The loclt!on In Calllornla Dl ~ SECURITIES SERVICE. loceted 11 A p . d i h d • ~ MIOI. tn tti. ~ 6f 'fttll bu11n1aa 11 conducted by 1 where 11'1 rMJ properly re located. chief e11ecut1ve otrrce or principal 2020 Hortll BrOldWly, Sulll 208, rn • a 8 a r 0 r e I i n TULSA, Okla. (AP) -ramat st 81 led In hi~; tll• County Recorder of 11fd coroot•tton. Name, Str111 Ad«lreu end bu1fne11 office of the 11itended lhe C11y ot 811111 Ana, County ol correspondent , chief of Jou B, McGay, 87, Jnventor hometown of Wroclaw. ! ;1,,. County. Exceptl"I therefrom lhe Mlrlcie Motore, Inc. Tetephont Num~r ot TrullM or tr1n1l•or 11: 8eme. Orange. S tele ol C1lll?rnl1. bureau In Rome and of the tu beless til"e nd ---,.,u; NorlhWHl•rly 70 ••••. AllO -. ...... AlexN.C1mpbett,Prn. perlonconducllng111tl1CHICAGO All Olhlr bu1fn111 nam91 Ind BENEFIC IAL MANAGEMENT executive In New York. manufacturer of the fa1'r t LOS ANGEL~ (AP)-·~ excepti ng therefrom lh• ... ..'.'.: .. ·;.~~IWll flledwlththe TITLE INSURANCE COMPANY lddrHlll Ulld by lhl lnltnded CORPORATION OF AMERl<i>A. I k' h a ~emorial&ervicelhavebeen .. ~"'>' 300 fMt """''ty .._,. ot Orange Counly Oii 3255 Wlllhlre Blvd., Loe Ange1et' tr1111leror within thrM Viar'• tut D1l1war1 corpor1t1on, 11 duly par 1ng mete r , as dted. ~ YOU AM IN omtAuLT UNDIJt A Auouet 13, 198.2. California too to (2t3J 380-3940. ' peat 10 ter 11 llnown 10 lh• 1ppolnt•O Tru1111 under and ST. LOUIS (AP) -Fraak ___ held for David S. Wle1e11t; ··£~· OllD or TWUIT DATID AINI a, F11Sm Dllr Aug. 23, 11182 1n1enc1ec11r1n11., .. 11e; None. pur1u1n1 to tht power ol 111e Delebaaly, 56, business dean of hwnanltJes at USC. ilh ... Ul&IU YOU Tl.Ka AC1IOet Publlelled Or1ng• CoHt Delly CHICAGO TITLE Thi name end home eddr-Of conltrred In lhll ctrleln Deed Of manager ancd controller r L 0 N D 0 N ( A p ) -He was 46 ~ TO f'ROTICT YOUR P'RQll&llY, Pllol, Aug. Ill. 25. Sept '·II, 1N2 INSURANCE COMPANY, thl Intended lrlttlferH ••. Hoang Trull l:llecuted by TIM JONES and the Arizona DaUy Star fn William Frederick "Bob" ·___ ~ I fr MAY M IOU> AT A ~ ~2 u TruslM Ngoc Dang,, 10111 .. Inion r...rue MARJORIE M. JONES. Hu1band Tu ft Id• r ft Ider 8 8 SO I AL I . 1 P y ou N 11 D AM By Armand c Saucedo •D, Costa M-. C.Mornle m29.' and Wl'9, recorded June 10, 1980, cson, tl.a died ol burns "" • • • an UTH BEND, Ind. (AP) IDP\.ANATIOM or THI NAna "8JC NOTICE Publl1h1d Orange Co111 Dally That 1111 property pertinent In Book 13e30 of Otfldal Aecord1 ot suffered In an explosion at :::tanding.,:rlgls h newa -RoaaJd Pareat, 4!S the j~ r'ou~ou~~~ "'"'eou. WH P11o~, '· 11. 15, 1982 ~ ::::Jfur~. =:=a~~:,: ~~.u~1 r;.:,_a:28~~:Y the newspaper last month .• The s:,r. t~~pher ~or editor of the Univel"l.lty ot. , an LAwYa A NA-. ITATI....., 2 and 11 loc11eo 11: t927 H'1rbor reuon ol • breech or d1l•ult In --. -died a resa, u N ° tr e D a me a I Um n t if~ 2300 M1rg1ret Drive, Newport The lo4lowlng P«90n It• doing f'ta.IC NOTIC£ Boule111rd, Unit e. c 0111 Mlle payment or performance 01 the NEW YORK (AP) -· ___ magazine, has dJed. •sr; Beach. Ce1llorn11 92880 ~-. Cllllornlall2826. 'obllg1t1on1 Hcwred thereby. Lellimaa Easel, 72, who · ("If 1 11reet 1ddr ... or common COMPUTER TRENDS. t 7632 l'ICTlTIOOI MIStNEll The bualnees name uMd ~ the lncludlng that br .. ch or dtl1ul1. ~ucted and wrote music ATLANTA (KP°') -f:ir-~=;;;;;;;;;:;:;p;;::;::::;o=;~, Wd"•r'g,n1nttlon '' ahown above, no ~=.Blvd. Suite K, Tuetln. CA NAMI 8TATl•NT said 1r1t11l«or ii .. id roce11on ll' NOllCI of Which w11 recorded Mey or more than 300 Broadway Laarens Pierce, 66, an Neptune ociet~ .a y 11 given u lo th The following O•t1an 11 doing HARBOR LIOUOO. · tll, 1982. u Recorder'• lnalrument d ~ " oorn-'---.or ~1-.. BRIAN M. MIWNO, 10201 Pue butlneu .. : Th No 112 1718114 WILL SE • hits, has died. Arnone his aw a r w I nn Ing C,B s CREMATION IUNAI.. AT &IA ~1. ~benellclery";'Mk;b-s Drivl,Hunt1001ona..cn.cA112949, VILLAGE MEADOWS, 801 s. 1n1en:c:c,~:~cb:i~n:~!;:f::1~ Pu'BLic Auc'TrON TOL~H~ credits were "Fanny,,.; ''A cameraman, has died of : 646-7431 ~ of Truet, by l"MIOO Of 1 l>rMC:ti or ~llneae I• c:ondUC1ed blf an L)'Ofl 9tftet. S1n11 Ana, C1lllomt• olflc:e ol: W•tern Mutual e.crow HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH, Streetcar Named Desire" heart fatlure. Plerw retired Our llterature tella ,..... ;J. dlft~.ln .. !_"!,0obllgatfora 11onex_ .. ~ • Brian ..... ,_,.. 9270!...._ H. u......a-t 17• M~ ... 140111 Soulh Yorba, Suite 101' llWfUI money of Ille United Stales, and ''Time ol Your Life."' last year after workina n ~ ·~-1 ·-•• _,.,_, ..... .., "'""'"' n-... ~·-·-v -· Tustin. Ca111ornl1112880 on or 111.; or • euhler'1 ~ drawn on 1 behind f ., __ ., complete story 01 our & dlh9red lo the unelgned 1 """*" C:: ~-t Wlll ftled with the StrHI, No. A, lrvln1. C111tornl1 Siptemblr 2t, 11112 atet1 or netlonal banlc, 1 •tel• Of NEW YORK (AP) 30 8 camera or •.urou.t society. • Oederallon Of Oefd and Dlmend I)' of Orange Coun1y °" 92714 t_........... fNa bullc 1r•r111., 11 ll0t eubject to-tlderll etedlt union, or 1 etat• or p.. -years for CBS. Pierce ~ -c.e r....,.. _. .... for Sell. and wrllten notice of ~t23, tH2. .. TtlllX'-"conductedbyan C1flforn11 Uniform comm1rc111 federlllllllnglllldloenueoolerlon 11lllp L . Hellmeyer, 37. won an Emmy for hlsl-~-~~~=~=~~~~ ~':, 0:0 ~~ 't;e Publlelted Orange cO:.~fy .ifldlvld PNiio H Mc:N&mea ~e 8:'~ =~~ lddr•H of tfle ::=: !:.":•,:,~~bll..:J (!:,~~~ the ~w~rk footage of George Wallace =~Hid obllg11fon1, an: PIOI, Aug. 25. Sepl. t, 8, t5. 1982 .... Tnll 1te1-.1....,. mecs With'"' .,.,._ wllh wllOm clllmt mey be ln•••t hetd by II, .. TrustM, 111 a seH-lnfl~~Fd hof being short In 1972. • ttle Ulldel1lg11ed c.uMCI 377S-82 \iOUl'lly Clwlc ol Orenge County on tllld 11 W111ern Mutu•I Eacrow lhll real Ptoe>erty 11tu111 111 11ld e guna ot ---1 Hid nollce of breaeh and of •-.,. llM'M'r August 23, tllll2. 14081 South Y9rb1, Suite 101: Co11nty i nd 81111, dHcrlbtd 11 wound. PORTLAND, Maine (AP) electlon to t>e ..--""'~ ,_ T111110. Clliforn11 82880. Attn: Und1 fOllowl: -Harold J Boyle 83 Aecorded Seo1ember t6, 11181 .. 9'Cf11IOUI Publl1111<1 Orange Co111 0911)' Rubentekw, and th• , .. , day for . Lot t ot Tract No. 2202, 11 per VIENNA. Austria (AP) _ ve«eran news. ' ' a lnltr. Ho. 1847 i 1n b<>c* 14220 pege ..M.~n~' P(lot, Aug. 26, Sept. t, II, t5, 1982 llling c1a1me by any c:tedllor ltllll bt map recorded In book 123. pegea Ulla Jacobuon a Swedish "''·-"' Bo 1 h pad penna.ti n. Illas 117, of Nici Offtclll AloordL The 3n11-e2 Seo1tmber 20, 18112, Whleh lt"the 2~ lhrougll 211 of ml1ce111neou1 • u.n:u. Y c a re red from 81ld u re wlll b• made, bul ~~.,.,_we doing bu•ln••• day belore th• jmaoe. In the office ol thl counly actreu who ltar,red In the Guy Gannett PubHshlng without covenent or 11\'llrranty, w E 8 TcL 1 FF E .. R Ly f'ta.IC NOTICE con1umm111on d111 1pecll1td r-o.r ofeald county. ~~gmar Bergman 8 film Co, In 1961 al.ter 36dean as ~or Implied AIGll'dlrle tltlt. o " •t>ove. • The 1trHt 1ddre11 or other Smiles o r a Sum ·fl • t l)Ollelelon, Of eniiumDf'lnOM, to G~r'i,°,.H~.~2 8:.~:".,.~1;0J! f'ICTITIOUl IU ... H D•t• Augult tll, 1882 comrnon d11lgn1t1on ot Iha re•I Night " has died ol :~! a nancia writer an editor. IPllY ttle remMnlng ~ tull'I Of ..,,,..,7 ' · Th ~llTATIMINT Hoeng Nooe Dang property hlrtlnlbovt ct-tbecl le ,.a.._.' 1Mnotl(1)-.0blfNldl>Mdoc ·~si • 0 owng P•t1on 1• doing tntandldTrWltrM ~eel to be; 1000 s .. Line, .......... .., •• truat, wnn lnJetelt •In Mid noi. LA eYtll P. Smith, 3148 8fwon bu"'-u : Publl1111<1 Or1ng1 Co111 0111 one Gel Mir, CtlltomlL -LAS VEGAS N (AP) provided, ld'ftnoel. "ell)', under ·=~f~".~f:·s111ron ~::0°A LIQUOR, tll27 Piiot, Sept t, 19112 y Th• underelgn•d hereby ST. LOUIS <A~> --Nldt "l[eJJy••'r10~. 80,a =., ~ :::: !::'.:! ~~ LA~Cotca Meta. CA' t2e2t. CA 112827. · Lrnlr B. Colt• Mela, 3810-112 l•cl:!t':.!~ !.\::~'~':Jo::! Martha H. Scbrlemaaa, 71, l8J1ling fiiure and founder TNIMelndOfltlllNlttor-*S~ ~~lloonductedbywi HOANO NOOC DANO, tOft "8.JC NOTIC( ottllrcommondltlgMtlon an author and farmer of the L11 Veiu Italian lllld l>MdOfTNll. JoY'OIA.&mlltl ~28~· Ho. D. Coate~ llld .... wlll bl m.o. without president o f Concord l1 American Club died laid Ille wll lie ""°on ~. · 111119n p Smith Thie~ 19 conducted..., 'ICTTTJOUI .,..... werr1n1y, upreu or lmplled. Seminary, hA8 d ied. Sa .. ,..,._, ' 8eptemller to, 1111211 2:00p.m., lfl Thia 'C':;t W.. ftlld wltll lhe lndMdull. -, 11'1 ...._ ITAT'llmNT reoardtno tlll•, POllHtlon, or ___ ·-~· tflll ~ A..,._ entrMOe to County of Or "--ty The f""'-"-' -.,. ......_ tfloumbr1nce1 t~ 11llely th• UN , ---tile CMo c.nt9f 8ulldlno. aoo ~ AIMI. '· ange .......,, on Hoang NQOG DlnQ bc.t11neee U;""' ,......_..,. ~"' Ptlnci91I b1lence of the Nole or M CIE, Ind. (AP) -SAN FRANCISCQ (AP) Cllepmen Avenue, In the City of Aug. • t"2. Thie stllemenl WU nlld wJltl tilt PANACHE PAINTING & WALL Oilier Obl!p,•llon tteurtd l>)' 1110 Raadall Barmo1, '711, • -RaJ .. Klepl, 68. the chelf °'?'99, .•:.• time o, I th• lnltlal ;ubfltlfted Oran1• Co1:~~1 =z fe~e:;,0r1nge County cM COVERINGS, 1.l4 Turquol11 ~ ol 11111, w1111 Tntere11 and pe...-n.n.lal polilbl C9ndktai. ad min I a tra tot of the " " -~ ,.._ tt t• .,_ 1 1 Avenue 8lfll>Ol llllM CA,.....,.. 011ler euma .. "'Ovldlcl th.,•ln: w .... rented hl1 own f • '"-"•~•-,.__ ~of"* notlol tfle r_,, .._. . v, '......... • '1M711 DAVID WILLIAM AOAMi;ii .. pl111 td\lenc.1, r1 any, under lhl ~·.. . ron. '-tl&U.\AIU41 court ~IA!m lftJITI MIOUl'lt oftl\e ~.,.._at~ 1511-82 p::,ub:;ed Or1ng1 Co .. t Delly furquotM Avenu ... Bllboe lelMd ~ tt11reof Ind Inter ... on IUCh potth N t.n office dwina hi.a 1961 SO (1177. died 8'.tnday. OMtatlon MC¥ed bv tM "'°" -..C NOTIC( t, t. 1, I. t&, 22. 1H2 CA 82182.· , ..., • .,_,end Plu• ,_,°""Off one i.rm ln c.on,re.. dfed. - deactlbtd dead of 1ru1t 111d 3881-t2 OOANILIV8 OA"T!A, 11133 Ind llXPltlMt of1he l'ruatee end of -ST. X..OUIS (AP) - .....,._ed coeta. upeneea, 11141 M hiiOUI WU PWlJC NOTIC( ea.t WOOCSOtoft, ~ CA 1111ot truete ~td b)' Mid Deed Of ROME (AP) -Gel•o °"'te E. Kaaaalta•m, 61, 1 --••n.aat.lt. .... .. A~ Tbll bl.lllnlM 19 oonducted ..... ruet. The tote• llmovnt of Hid G II ,. t c 0 r 0 u d r To -..nn1n1 "'9 opeillflO llllcl n.--.. ........., l!ICTTTIOUe "'*"'*',,.,..,. -, !en IMtu•trtt r--.nat>lr oae I, u , • ormer • n • r o •" ,..,._Olll(714)11t.-.-. .,_._-;;-"' .,.,_.... ......... .... ..,.~.. DevtdAdame 1t1m11eC. ••••• Cl..,, .. •net Cabinet mlnteter end • lntffMUonally ...cotniud o... ---~-MH! •N MH TAAYI, t46H Ttte 1o11owing l*ton •• dolnt Tltlll "-'""*" -fled wtttt'ilit of .. ,......., 111 t11e t1me leadl.n1 Hpert on church-architectural firm end • 11111 C ._... ltoallflurM No. F;, w .. 1m11111". ~.., Co1.r11y Qtrti Of°''"" C1M1fY on lof 11111111~ Of INl Nottot, II a tat• ula tlo n 1. d led former prealct.nt of &he ;5.o ~ ea.or.tieli COMPUTEC:H fllHOIJi.c:H AuguM t3. tttt ......, t2' Thunday. American Jn1tllUt• of _.,,_ 00tt1ld C lrlclleon. 1042 t73 lrotHtway, Cotta .... CA • P1- 1 DATa> Auault 20, ttu. AtthJtact. dMd et • ....la~ /IM't ttu.w•. Midway C:lty, C:lllfomle 9*7. ' Pvbflattecs Oran,. Co1tt Otilf) llNI~ MANA(Nl14(NT ---• -~· """ • .... TI"' 0 I fly '''".' d 1 7' Piiot. Aug , •• 21. llept. '· •• ,... ~. °' AMlftCA, w ASHJNGTON (AP) -_..__ 9f C1rM1r ldioono .. , ~ I Moetll, 9042 Haard, lto.twy, Coita Mela. OA iaetr. ~ 1 DtilrweN oorpoi~1. 0.l'Mtt D. &.,..,, '7S, who MADISON, Wis. (AP) -Eifi~ Ml:W.:li..~oonc:=.,,.~~lloonducleldi.,en t.'=arATI covered everi pre1ldenl •·SHI THHJr 10, a -...... ............... ~ "· llmlrd llCUNTlll lffllVICI. fl'Clm 1'rankJtii D . ~ pe d I•' r I c I• n kn 0 w D (1t4) .:...... DOIWd c. Inell-. Tflll 1181"'*'1 ... ..., will._ • o.lfomla oarp., ~ Oenld a. Ford • nationally for bl1 book, ~tt.°'811119..::.m ·-•llillflftl "'tllld"'"' eountv °""' °' OrMee 0aunty • ~ ~ ..._ White Howe aorrwpoodMt "Let'1 Talk Ab9ul Your .._ J.•~• =:ro.-"'0rente~onA&ie·f,t111. ;;·~-· for the now-defunc18tb1,"dled~. r~-:-ii;iiiiiiir:-"~;1 • tML P-. ~ 0r.,.. eoa;;1 Cllll 1 , IOIO~•t0.,11;. !.~.~v1,•on Star, died ... · OMAHA-, N ..... ~"ft)_ .!:.l=JI 0r'"'9 Coett Pllt AUi. H, ti, II, .... 1 Ml-"11.nd ... .._ •aw-., wv ftr =.~ --~"'':-...... \ ........ , .£=--=-La1Alf01i:i.1AP1-0IMM-.:·~.:\.!..~ _.. .,.:;;---Ml·•-a. ...vllatWllt l1111101,A119. 11.~ ~Oti"Y TeleYiefoa actor la';l IHilert:I •••• f'rlde7. --· -· ~-lllnl ' .,... ,.-.. .,......._. Mociflan• ..... Me ......... .... .... ..,.. ~~' ....... -.. •• ~.~lillPf•l•ll "··,.... .. ..,. tewertc ,., ,ou. r..www11 I ••LL Idle''""'•"" a "Dra1aet" HrlM died i-an perleNed •• the NU.... -.... CC111lns4 M , 'ru..liy. ' ....... llMtl. t ....Oii UWM-MT. OLIVI M0<tuarv • C.me 1erv Crema1orv 1625 Gisler Ave Cos•• Mesa 540-555• _.__ , P111c1 .. on.u llU. llOADWAT MOITUAIY t tO Broadway Cos1a Mesa · 6'42·91SO IALn &1•··~ SMl1" & TUTHIU WISTCLI" CHANt.. 427 E 17tn St Costa Meta 64&·9371 ..... Cl ltllO'"MS SMITHS' MOITUAIJ 827 Main St Hunllnoton Beacti 536·6539 ·,. Orange Oo.1t DAILY PILOTIWedMlday, e.Ptember 1, 1eea ~··~---------------------~------------'!"""--------~-~·-~--·-..._ ............... __ ... ~--1-------------------~~--f~ MOC mntl · ,_IC ~ ':-~ ~ MOl1Cf MUC MJTICI • ~ 11D111 MOC IGTU MUC llJTICl JPUU: MJ1ICI Fi ::J~AfC°' MOnot GI!" -~ -U&.1 ,.oreoe or iiUita'i IA&.8 __,Mlf NOTM:t --~. --'"... M011CS or,_.,... uu aun•WT ., iihiiiiwAL -;::---l•~ U , ... f*J.. "YOU" '"i~!ll'TY 11 IN RN.f MlmOl°'~UU T........ ' '-"'* rm fmA'-Yl1PAN llCMJW Cl*9'fHY 'O"ICl~l ;MA~= -1 '--=--'"' ..._.... YOUAMIMWAU&.t'M..._A U.lltlHU~'.IRAtlMI _,......._ "-~ ,.-'=-·~ '· t.!.'AI =t!~:':J::t!t't-~r!i': ~~':".r~'b W~OUT ANY----.!!!.: ..._,,_ :~~':": ~ ~~!!O .. ~ l'tCnnout WM NMll ~-·-='· MIONHL DUN m:f::,tiifV1T~=-=OT r6L\.f:L~l:~e~i~t~TJ~ ~OU~~~~~·::o~~"':!': M~:~. a 0 1llf= TO "90ft0 ~-=~ Wf~~fll.m1; wiT~~_:~o.w~;::,:;,;;: -"1-t IOLD AT A ""9&JO IAUL. y CAI~ (HVl bll •• 111'/11 llf ·-Jn In Do6cl •fll!Olng bv ptyklt Iii ol OOl'llOfallclft, ~,.. -"9) " IAAY .. '°"° AT • P"U9UU A,..,.,., "YOU .... All 1M "'1'*""'tl OOttellflO ""'*' .... • • ... llO•IN ALIC I ...... Mt IOUllAT10N °' ltwflll n'IOl\tV of Ille ~led '= YOUI PHI clut pevrn•fl11 plu1 ,leCNJllOe IJnOOin I AL I .' " y 0 u ... ID A .. llift.MA °' , .. UT\Mt flctfllOllt bu•lntH neme of THI W •II• llOllN A. llATUfll OJ Titl NOOllDINO Ill 1igtll. lltlt 11\d lnlerMI COii perml11ed 00111 111d 1icp an111 DI, I H 0 AN : 1ndr1 llO\.MATION or TMI MAT\Mm OP nta "90CUDINO AGA*eT IAXTI" Ol'DU' tt 1411 VII A•AIN r~OU.i..!.C!_U-IMOULD to end now held bY 11 UNI« MIO Within tll1M montllt trorn 11\t dell DlllfMint>.aii tfld 0-1 ~ 20, OP TMI MOCI ..... AClAIMIT Y~!>U IMCMAD CONTACT A OpcttO, lultt I . Newport IMotl, I (PW.Y LAW> O<*fAOf Au...... DHd ol Trutl Ill tllt proptrly '"'' notloe of default WM reoorOtcl. ll\OIUelW. ·--YOU •ou IMOUlO CONTACT "' LAWHR. CtllfOlnll 9111) Gel llCO. MQTICI II HIM•Y OIVIH. ttllt hefllnaner delclll>ed' . Thi• amount ,, • 1,24&.41 .. ot -.... -LAi'rii ITAN-IHAW COAPOAATION .. Tiit llOllllOUI l>ullntH n•m• ' ••••••mDll'l•D NttiiOM on w.G..ndey, ..., __ •• 1tH, TA u. T 0" cu 0 R 0 e M 1·11~112. and wlll lnor .... 1#1111 your llOTIOll YM ..... .... .... On ltotemblr 21, IH2J. at 1:00 dUly ~·Id TruttM ~ Int .... _, for the partnerltllp - CAii MO. IMI If a ___. ti t:OO o'CIOok ~ of Mid nv. In L AZ A AUK • n d 0 0 R 0 T H V acooun1 b«1ome1 c;unant YOAJ tn*t 1'111 ...t -...._ _....,.. ,_ A . M., Ml I A INV 11 T Ml NT 'N OelerlMd d..o of trutl lll4ld on Februely ti, IM2 In IN MOTIOll Y .. M1'e ~ -IN room Ml Midi tor oonduGtlna LAZARUK not lwlVI to pay Ille tw1tl11 UflOlld ...... ._........_ ......-..._ CORPO,.ATIOH, a Calllornla Wtt .. L a l.L ~T ,UDLIO AUCTION Countyot Or.,._ ,.._. ................. TNl19e'• ...... w!Ulln1Moftloeaol •ENl!FIOIARY. MELCHOR portion ot vour account, lvtn r::...:=;;;;:=., ..... Corporation, .. dulv •PPOlnl•d TO TH 1'41GHllT llDOE" FOR ,.ull Heme e nd Addr• .. ol the ...... ,.. .... ~-=RIAL llTATI IECURITll!I CONTRERAS BARRAGAN Ind t~MIP•vman•-demarlded1 .....,, ••• ..... Tr11•t .. und., end1.ur1uan1 to CAIH or .... , forth Ill ltetlon P.-iWlt~8Wlng· ,_ ........... • _,.. U"VICI, located t i 20tO North CELIA BARAGAN, hueband and IM rc>u mutt ,,.ytlle llnCKlflUtateo If you w4e11 to ..... Iha ldVlol of Deed of Trust r.aot Id June 21. 2124'1 of \ht CMI Co6t, tll flOhl , MIOllMI W. Miller toll Coller .. ~. lllf ......,, Broedway. 81111• QOt. In tt-. City of wUt .. Joint ttn.,,t• l bove en ettornay In 11111 mttter you 1tl0, bOOtl IH4S, PIO• 3H, ol title tnd lntlf'lll ~ to end l.1na, WHtmln111r, Oalllornl• • ,.. .... .. .... ... ..... .. 8ant• Ana, Coutlty of ()(tinge. 81••• Aecofded ~ 30, tta t .. lnetr. After lhr .. inonthe from Ille d•1• etlould do ., Pf~ '° ltlei ....... Oftlo6ll ~. 1-.0Utld .,.. TONI now llllO oV II unoet MIO ueeo °' 9*3 • ettwHJ le .,_,. ••HM, rov ol C111tocnl1 , RIAL 18TATE No. 37041 In booll 14039, PtiQe 290 ot r.cordttlon o t thll document wtltten reeponM 11 any m.;bt A MOl<l!Dt .. ttuttot, In Ulol omc, T1u1t In lh• property hlraln•ll., MIClllll W Miiiet ..... • • ~ 1111111 ,_ 8ECURITIH llAVICE. • Cllltornle or Offlol•J Rteotd• In tht office ot (whlen date ot 1ec01dtt1on IC>PMI• lllld on IJtN. / • of the Couniy Aeooreler or Ottnge dMOtlt>ed: ,_~..,.. r:c: ............ ...,, ...., oorporallon. .. dulv •PPOlnttd Ill• Rec:O<dtt ot Ottngt Coun1v: l\tr9on), unlM• Ille obllcllllon belllQ A y f. 0 I u. 1. d .. • • • d. County, 8t•t• ot C•llletnl•.:. Wll,L TA u a T 0 R : N 0 R MAH l . . PUbll•h•d Orang• CoHI O•lly • t -..... , u • .. " Id Tn.ttt• under and oureuent to ti,e ••lo d••d ol "''" dttcrl~• 1111 torec:loNd upon Ptrmftt • IOllGef ••••Rdld• II trti.u••• , .. d. SEll AT PUll..IC AUCTluN TO NELIO"!i "'UMlltllld mill PllOI, Aug. 26, Sept. 1 .•. 15, 1Ma .a...'!...Y • 0 • • • • • 1 • po-r of HI• oonlerr.d In lhlt lollOwing prciptrty: period, yo.i have only the tegel rlOht deoldlf ..eri! Ud. Mt r • , HIOHUT BIDOl!R ,OA CASH B EHeFIC l~R V: HARBOR· 37..._.2 . -•HM•· II trli.un1I puad• oertlin DMd or TN•t execu1ed by Lot 187 Of Trtcl No 1972 ... to llop Ille fortelotull i>v J)tyfng ......... Ud. .r: .... ::w .Jr: {payablt •t tlmt ot .. ,. In lewfut PACIFIC MORTQAGE INVESTORS Ill-IC Mnfll'C ...., MMr• Ud. -·~ Ell.EEN L. TURIN, •n unmarried per mtp recorded In Book 63, the •nllr• amount derm1ndecf by di a-.... u. 11 ~-4all _ money of th• United 8111H) al: No. IOI, A Umlled PllrtnerllllP .. -. "" "4 ....-.,_ Ud. , ......._ _....., wom1n 11 10 en undivided Ont-P1g11 47 through 41 Ml~lanaout yout oHdltor. ...... ...-Front Entrtnc:t Bult• 11 ind 12, Reoorded ~tember 1, 19111 M ."r.i........... .. I ... qulfllf lnlltMI, MIKE TUAI~ M1p1, record• 01 H id Or•no• To find out lhe emount vou ITIUl1 -SI U•t•d d••ll IOllCltlr •• t2S2 01tden Grove Bou141verd, City '"'''·No. 2130 booll 14204, page ~.~· llllf!IWflld men M to.,.. und Countv. P•v. or 10 .,-,enga lot peymtnt to conMJO de un aboOtdo en ••tt of .Oerdan Grove, Ital• of 1940of()fflolt1Recordelntl\eotfl0a The 1...._..~ -.or11.,. ...,.._ U•t•f d•H• Hlloltar •I ~er lntW'MI and PAMELA YOU AAEINO£f'AULTUHDERA atop 1ne tor•cloeure, or II your ••unto dtbarre tuc erlo Cellfornla, all rl9t11, 1111• end oftheAecorderotOtanoeco.,,nty. ~U:""',....... ........ .., ....... de Ult ...... en •le L. OON>ON. Ill UNl'lllflld won1lltl DEED OF TRUST DATED APRIL 27, prcperty le In loreolo-• lor any lmmMlllWnent de Mt ln..,_1, ~ to lllld now held H id deed OI truet dH c:rll>M the F RE ..... ETY pnnru .,_8 117 le• ti I e • 4 •It tr r • II• 0 Ir I• 11 10 tn undMdld one-Nllf lnWfw1 1911 UNLESS YOU TAKE ACTION other , .. eon, c:ontec:t: Pl1cent11 e, a ~I. b)' tt under Nici Deed ot Truet to Ille following propar1y• I °"'" """"""' ' .... I f!JIJ TIP .. , ...... we, M TIMl\11 In Common., rec;orded .TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT Lellee Homeown•re AUOOllllOfl, 111 rllPUllll ttcrtta. II hll)' ~ propetty ellu1ted In .. Id Countv PARClL 1: F Rlveflldt, N•wport B•tcll • = ................... ..., Sept""*-17, 1Mt, In Boolt 14222 MAY BE SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. Merli Propar1v Menagemtnl, l\Otllt. puedeoMr ,.glltrada • 11emC>O. and s.-.. daectlt>ed ... Urll1 S2 .. ltiown and defined Celltornlll 92M3 ,... .., , .. 1•1r14111• • of Ottlclel Record• ot Mid County. IF YOU NEED AN EXPurNATION 27216 LH RamblH, Suite 110, I. T TH!l Ol!FfHDANT: A Cil'ftl lot lt ot Traci No. 1838, In Ille on lhel c.enaln condominium plan Clyde Alfred Lembw1on, 1n F . e t P•O• 1305, Rec:order'e OF THE NATURE OF THE MIHlon Vl1,o. Celltcrnle 92991 Gomplalnt 1111 llMn flied !f.i'h• City ot Coett Ma ... County of reeorded July '5, 1971 In book Rlvattld•, H•wport B•&fh• • 1. TO THE RESPONDENT: The lntllument Ho. 21272. by,_., of PAOCEEOING AGAINST YOU. YOU (11 4) &43-22 1. plelnlifl =· you. " )'OU to Oranve. St••• ot Ctlllornl• .. per t2769, ~ 358 of Of1lelel Rec:otd• Cellfomle i.2&83 ,.uuoner hH lllt d • p•llllon • breedl Of defeult In '1>9yment Of SHOULD CONTACT A LAWVER. II vou have 11/!V quetllonl. you dalerlcl '-'"· ~ muat. within Map racotOtd In Book 2se, )>eclft 5 ot Orange Coun\y. Celllornla. M•~ E.lltft Lamt>er\on, 171 F ~your menl-oe. tt )'OU 11111 p•rlo1manc;e ol tht obllg11lon1 2175 Stete BlrMt, Coate Mala, ehould c:onttct a lewv•r or the :v:i•v• aft•r th' ~ummone 11 and e ol MttctlleMOUI Mape, In the PARCE.l 2: Rlv•re dt, N•wport B•ec:h, ta lie• r9aponee within 30 davt ot H c:ur•d 1h•r•by, lnc:ludlng that C.lltornla 92827 go111rnm•nt11 agenc:v which may written c;"'..t:;.. ~~ ~: Of11Ce of tht County Rec:ord•r of An undivided 1133 lnl.,••t In Caf~~= 11 conducted...,• Qt9 dete that lhll 1Ummon1 le brNCh or defllUlt, Notloe of wflloll ''(If a etrMI addr ... or c:ommon have lnllUfed vour loan. ' Nk1 County. and to lot S of lrect no. 8835, M w' iwwd on vcu. vour default mev be wH reco1dad M•V 1) 1912. " de1lgn1Uon 11 ehOwn •bov•. no Ram1mbor, YOU MAY LOSE ~':1fr: CS:n ~p=t=*:: :::! Th• 1treet 1ddrH• 1nd other •llOwn on• map rllc:Ofded In book ·o-tl ptfy:f''fA.m1>w1on tnt-ed end '"!t court may enter• R•c:order'1 1n1trumen1 No . wtrranty I• glv•n •• 10 It• LEOAL RIGHTS IF YOU DO. NOT plalrtttf Ind tlllt OOUl'I ter c:ommon dMlgnetlon, 11 env. of the 3 5 2 , P • g • • 3 1 to 3 5 o t Till j ftted wtth 11141 · ~1 oontlllnlng lntunetlve or 82·159477, WILL SELL AT PUBLIC eompteten ... or c;orrec:tneu)." TAKE PROMPT ACTION. ~-lelllnat )'OU i:-r,:,. , .. , property doec:rlbad abov• le mlec:elleneou• map1, record• of C:OU : ·~~ 0~:0, County on ..,_ Ofdara conc.rnlng.dlllllllon of AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST Ina J>enellc:tarv under nld Dead ·NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that demanded Iii the oompleln whlc:t1 purported to be: 1De2 Santa Cna Orange County, Calllornla, togtthet n y 912 llH'Os>ertv. epouHI 1upport, chlld BIOOER FOR CASH. ltwl\ll ~ ot truet, by rH1on ol a breach or bur.uant to Ar11cll JV, ~Ion 1 ol could r•eult In garnlet1~'ant 01 Clrc:lt , Coll• MaH, C111tornl1 wltll all lmprov•m•ntt th•reon, Auguet 23· 1 • ,,..._ tuatocly, child euppor1, •ttorn•y of the United Stet•. or • CUil•) delaull In lhe obllgatlon• MCUred Iha Dtolaretlone ot Cov•n•nte, w aklnG ot 92828. •~ceptlng thetefrom condominium c; ; dellv ..... c:oata,andeuc:h othetrelltfM cMc*dr•wnon•et•t•ornatlonal thlr•by, her•totor• Hecuted and Condition• end RHtrlctlon.-, 0~~r rtnet :.:J"~ The underelgn•d Truet•• unlle1fhrouvh 331nc:lu"119,lou~ed Pl:~b~=·~5 o~~ 8°~~1 ,:_/ ..V be granted by the court. The bank, a 11•1• or l•deral cr•d. II d•llver•d lo th• und•r•lgnad 1 execu1ed on AprJI 23, 19111 and c:omolalnt dt1c:111me env ll1bll1tv tor anv thereon. · · • • · 372()..12 ..,nlehment ot wage1, 1alllng ol union, or • et•t• or federal Mll1nlll Written Dec:1.,111on of O.lault 11/ld r •cord• d A p J II 2 9 , 1 9 8 1 u DAT£0 ·June 29 1982 lncott~ ot the etrett addt... E i c: • p 11 n g th•,. from • n !------------..,,,.,. or Pf°'*'Y· Of othet c:our1 and loan ueoctetlon domlcllld 111 Demand tor Sita, and Wfllten notlc4t Ooc:ument No. 35484 In Book J Pwtw.cin · and other c:omroon daelgnatlon, II undivided~ lntat•t In all oil, GM or 111_ IC NOTICE autllorlHd pr00Mdlng1 may aleo tt111•t•I•.ell Pl'flblla11M time 04 of t>rlldl and Of election to c:euM 14037, PION 1716-1711. lndullve, C..,. • Ill)', 111\own herein. OC.hat tivdroc:arbon eut>et~ tytngl----"=~~~~==~--......... Nie, lllf right, tltll and Int.,. Mid the undtrelqn_ed to ull utd In tt>a Otfloe or the Orange County By v L. Dimeo Said 1111 wlll b• m•d•. but In, on. or under the at>ow ~bacl flCTITIOUI .,..... • Dated: AYQU913. 1982. by It, 11 TruetH, In that t••I property to .. tltty eald ot>llg•tlon•. R•corder, 011ng• County, ~ ' without c;ov•nent or werrenty, property H Mt fortll In the fln11 ~ ITATI..,.,. U. A.~ p<operty eltuet• In Mid County and end therHll., the. und.,elgned C alllornl•. 1 br••c:h 61 the 1 De\ltd a.........,_ expr-or lmplted, regerdlng 11111, ()(der otc:ond<>mlnlum In ltvor ot ttM The following pereone ere dOlnCI Clleftafta • ~ Slit•, dMc:1-lt>ed 11 follows: cauNd llid notloe ot brMdl and ol ob 11 g • t Ion o t p • y m • n 1 of OM ~ ,..._ J)OMMllon, or eocumbrtr>Cee, to City OI Newport 8"c:h, • munlelpal bu--. ... Publl•hed Otano• COHI Delly LOI 15 ot TflC:I No. 2992 .. election 10 be rec:o;ded March 19, ltMUment• hU OCC:Urtld. Notice ~ ....... CA -pev the remaining prtnelpel eum ot c:orporatlon ol th• Ith c:l•H. • w Es i cl IF F Nu R s Es l'lot, Sept. 1, 8, t5, 22. 1982 111own on a~ recorded In Book 1912, H lnetr. No. 82·096579 ot ol Mid breech end lien wu tllld tor (1M) Jtt.'tMt the not• MC:urld bV Mid Deed of c:ertlllad copy o r whlc:h wu REGISTRY, l8l7 WMtc:llff Drive Ho. 3819·82 9 e. p eg• e 4 5 • n d 4 6 o f Hid Oftk:l•I Rec:otd•. • rec:ord on Julv 19, 1912, u Truet, With lnt.,Ht th•reon, H recorded Januvy 27. tg53 In book 209 N•wporl BHc:h calllornl• ----.,---IC-..,,.-,-11'-c ___ MlecelllMOUe Mepe, In the otflce ol S•ld 1111 wlll b• med•, but Document No. 82-248~66 In th• Publl•h•d Oren9• COHI Dally provided In Mid note, ldvan<:M, II 2443, page 80 of Oftlc:lal Record•. 92e&o ' ----'"----""--l'A---· __ th• County Recorder o f Hid without c:cv•n•nl or w1rr1rn1y, Olflclal Records ot Or.,,g. County. Piiot, Aug. 18, 211, a.pt, 1, I , 1tl2. eny, under the t.,m• of Mid Deed Mey be 1110 known ••: 29 Prol•nlonal• In Action, .• 1 tlUPINOll COURT Countv. • expr ... or Implied, regarding 11111, No pavmant ot p11t di.II emount1 N13-12 of Truet, te11, c:hargH and Stlrlllh Coon, Newport Beec:ll, CA Celllornla corporation, 371 w111nu1, °" CALWONtlA Th• etrHt 1ddrH1 or oth•r po!IHMlon. or encumbranoe1, to hH occurred. Therefor•. lh• --••Ptll-ot the TruetM and of Iha 92683 Cott• Mau. Calllornla tae27 COUNTY°" OAANGE common dHlgnatlon of th• tHI ~Y Ille remaining prlnc:lpal eum of Placantla l ekH Hom1ownere "8.IC NOTICE tru1t.1 crHlld bV H id 0H d ot "(II • etr•t addr ... or c:ommon This t>uelrl... 11 eonduc:ted by a .,.. CMG c..... om. w 1 Pf°'*'Y Mralnebov9 dHc:rl~ II the notl(e) ~by Mid Deed ot Aeaocletlon don h•reby elec:t 10 Truet, tor th• amount rneonal>ly deelgnatlon le 1hcwn above, no eorporallon. ... .. • ouroorlld to b•: 2041 Paloma Tiuet, wtth lnt.,•t u In Mid not• Hll or o•u•• to b• eold, th• NOTICS Ol1 •t lmeled to bee 1 19,572.19. warrant y le glv•n •• to 111 ProlMllonlle In Action leMe AM. CA ma Drive, Coate M-. Clllllomla. provided, edvanc:ee, II .,,y, under followtng dMa'I~ rHI property to TRUaTlrl aMa The ~ under Mid Deed <:oml>le'"-Of c:orrec:o-)." Roxann Watd MARRIAGE OF PETITIONER: Thi undtr•lon•d her•by Iha ,.,m. ot Hid Dead of Tn.111. .. 1111y the ot>lta•llon: T.8. ..... .......,. of Tf\111 t1ete1ofor1 executed and The banattclery under eald Deed PrMldenl . IOHNIE LYONS dl1c:lalm1 a ll lleblllty tor 1ny f-. aherQM and expanaM of Ille Lot 129 of Trec:t 9961, 11 per T.O. SERVICE COMPANY II duly d•llv•red to th• und•nlgn•d a of Tr\lll, by,_, of a t>rMCh or Thie etttemtnt -fllld wtth the RESPONDENT: THEODORE F. lnoorrec:t.-In Mid tlreet addfMI Tru.tM and of Iha 11\dtl c:reated by m.p recorded In Bootl 441, Pegae ·, ppolnte~u•t•• under th• written Deder9tlon ol Default and d9teul1 In the obllgallonl MC:Ufad County Clat1c of On1nge County on I.VONS or other c:ommon dMlgne11on. uld Deed otJltutt. 39 to 46, lnctulM, ot MllC9tl.,_ ollowtng bed dead .ot truat 0.m•nd tor Sale, Ind • wrl11•n ther•by, har•tolor• •XIQll.0 Ind August 23 1912 .. -... CINI (1,,_,Y LAW Seid .... will be made without Said Nie wltf be held on Frtdl)', Mape, In the Offloe ot the Oranve WIU SELL AT P08l.IC AUCTION NollOI of o.taull Ind Eltctlon to dellver•d to th• und•relgn•d a ' ,_ ·c~ Nb. omm > warrentv, upreu or Implied, Oc:1ob« 1, 1982 at 2.00 p.m., et Iha Coonty A«:order. TO THE HIGHlBT B¥10ER FOR Sell. The underelgned ~ Mid wr11ttn Oac:leratlon ot Default and Publl•h•d Orengo CoHI D•llV MOTtCl1 You 8'.,,. bMft eued. regarding 1111•. po11Helon, or Chapman Avenue entranc:e to the The recotd -•.O _.,.. ot the CASH (peyebla •t time of Mte In Hot'" ot O.leull and Eltctlon to Oernllld tor Slla, and written nollOI PllOt. Aug. 25, Sept. 1, e, 15, 1~ ftle .._. cleo6da.....,.. enc:umbrenoH, to 11t11ty th• Civic: C•n••r Bulldlng, 300 E. ptopar1y more eommonlY known• lawt\11 moMY of IN United 81Mae) U to be recorded In the county of t>rMCtl and ot tlectlon to cauM 371M 2 ........ _,ltllllt ~ ~ prlnc:lpal b•lenc• ot the Note 01 Ch1pm1n Avenu•, In the City ol 318 Maul Or Ive , Plec:•n11e. all rlQflt, tltll and lnt-t oonwyect whef• the r .. 1 property II louted. the under119n1d to Hll uld . .._ ~ ""'*' • .,._ ,..... other obllaatlon eec:ured by .. id Orange. California, er• Tonr-M. Moon and to and now Mid b)' It under Mid Oete: Auguet 17, 1992 property to Mtilfy Mid obllgatlonl, •-ic Mnnl"C ._...., below Dead-of TNet, with lnt.,•1 inc Al th• time ol the lnltl•I Bole D. Moon. D"d ol Trull In the property M • 1 • Inv• 11 men t and thereetter th• und•relgned .. -. nv1n.t; tt.rou ~·.~'"" ihe advloe of other •um• .. ptovld•d ther•ln: publlc:etlon ol Ihle notloe, the lollll STATE OF CALIFORNIAI llaNlnaftlr deec:tlt>ed: 'Corpoft tlon alUMd Mid not.lot ot breec:h and of T-1a. Ill ••ttornay In thl• m•tt•r. you pl111 1dvanc:H, It anv. und•r th• emounl\ol the unpaid balance of 11141 ie, TRUSTOA: E. J. FRESQUEZ. Jr.. u Nici Truet• elec:tlon to be Rec:ordtd Miiv 4, NOTICE ()II TMllTIS'a aALJf ~do 80 promptl'tllO that )'OU!' tenne theraol lllld lnl«MI on auc:h obllgtllon Mc:ured by th• 1bov• COUNTY OF ORANGE ) a eltlClle man By Cen GrOllman 1g92 H lnetr. No. 82-152430 In On September 8, 1982 II 1~ ~ plMd II Mlvanoet, end plut f-. c:hwget deacrlb•d dHd of truat and By Dtant Siiier BENEFICIARY: DOROTHY M. 9252 G.,den Grove Blvd. Off1clial Rec:orde. e.m. Shaertonl·Amertcan ~ Iliad on 1,!.. Ing, 811)', ml)' be end axpene11 ol the Truet• and ol Htlmated 00111, exp1nH1, and On I · 19-92, before m•, 1he POTIER, an unniarrlld woman Ste. 12 Said Hie wlll be made, but &crow Compeny lorm«ty llnown .A y 110 1 u 11 • d 11 • 11d 0 the tru1te cr11ted bY Nld DMcl of lldvancM I• $11,907.04. undereignad, •Notary Publlc: In ¥1d Raootded Deotmb1r 31, 1981 • o.tden Grove, CA 92&44 without c:o11•n•nt or wuranty, •• south.,n Clll•• Eec;row tji.~l4lllo. El trl~uHI ,u•d• Truet. Th• 10111 emount ot Hid To d•t•rmln• the opening bid, tor Mid St•I•. penonally appMrld lne1r. No. 37139 In 1>0o11 14343, (7141 5:l]-1234 o.pr-or lrnpllad, regarding 1ttl•. Cot,npany u True1 ... Of 84_. J ..... _.... Ud.., llllilhnde • obllgetlon, lnc:ludlng rneonabl) vou may call (714) 937-0KI. Ol•n• Sliter, llnown to me to be PtQe fHf of Oftlolll AMordll lfl the Publlehed Oreng• Cout Dall)' ~. or enoumt>r100M, to TruttM or Sut>etl1U1ad Trwt•. ot ...... Ud. ,...,.... -..erv Htlma1ed l•H. clluge• and O.le: Augul1 27, 1992 AIR Manager ot the c:orpor111on thlt oftloe ot the Recorder of Ofenoe Pilot, Aug. 25, Sept. 1. I , 1982 pev the remlinlng prlncjpal eum of !hat c:an..in Deed of TNll •llacutad .......... la""""'-'"' .. ~ ol the Truet ... •1 the tlml VETERAN ESCROW GO. exec:ut•d lh• within lnttrumant, County; Mid deed ot tlU9t dMc:rlbee 37114-42 the no1e(•I MCUrld by Mid Deed of by BERNI J. ZAWACKI, • Mnilla ~ ol lnltlal publtc:.tlon of this Notloe, II 11 llld Tn.lltM. known to me to be the person whO l!MI following PfoC*1Y: IC TMlt, with Inter•• u In Mid~ man end recorded Jl#M 15. 1Nl $12,548.42. By. T.D SERVICE co.. •xacuted the within lnettvment on Lot 25 of Trec:t No. 11341, In the Ml NOTIC[ provided, advenc:et, If anv. und« 11 limrument No. 21927, 111• boOk Utlld dH•• aollc:ltar •I o.ted: Auguel 13. t982. egent bahtll ol th• corporation thertln Chy o1 Nawpott e..ctl, COunty of the term• ol Mid DMd ot Tcu11, OOllMjo d• un •bogado •n HI• R"'"L EST•rE By: ... .,.,,"'-'--. naned, •nd ec:knowlad"ed to IM 0r-. St•t• of Cellfomle. .. ,.,_ ,tctnlOUt 8USIMlla ,_,diet,,_ and ..... ,,_.,_ ot the 14100. P•ll• 1231, ot Ofllcl•I " t o, d•b•rl• h1c:arlo ""' " ''" .__ • -...--....-NAm ITAn•NT ...-.....,....._ R1c:ord1 ol O rang• County, --··· d4I .... rnanar•. SECURITIES SERVICE. Allletant Sac:retary lhll tud't c:orpor•llon .. ec:u1ed the rnaip -Otd In boOk 37. PlgM 18 The tottowlng ptBOfll .,. doing TN9t .. and ot Iha trust• cr .. ted by Callfornla, end pureuent 10 th• /MPUeSI• 0 •ltg•c:lon, sl hay a Celtfomlt COfl>Or•tlon, Ona ettv Blvd., • within lne11ument pu11u1nt to It• and ti, mleGelteneoue mapa. In IM bu*-u · Mid Deed of Truet. Said .... will be certain Nolle:• ot Default end =·· putd• .. , reot••r•d• • .. TN•I•, w .. 1. Orllllgl, CA 92668 8y•LIWS or. rMOlvtlon of It• Boetd office of the c:ountv --of Mid NEWM.AR 1020 W111 , 7th held on S•pt•mbar 10, 1982 11 Elletlon 10 Sell t'*'9undlr ,~ (SV.t.) D.J. Morger, (71'4) 835-11281 -·· 6f Otrec:tore. • • -• -ty. --~ SHtet coet1' Mtu Ct llfol'nls .1l:OO A.M-ti. tlll tront enllanoa...Dt Aprll-30, .1eaa, .. ~1 Ho."' 4• TO THE RESPONDENT:· Th• 111 PrMlden1 Bubllehtd Orange Co11t Dally WITNESS my hind •nd olflc:lal YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER 92627 ' ' Stan·Shew Corporation, 2315 E. 12· 148149 In Olflclal Rec:ofda ot ":""1 petltlon•r hH IJtad •petition 2020 North Bloadwey, Piiot, Sept.. 1, 8, 15, 1982 1eal. A DEED OF TRUST OAT ED ROI Oevalopment Corpor•tlon 171h St .. St.ntl Ana. CA 92711 Hid Cou'nty wlll under and ~your merrleo-II you fall Sult• 2oe, 3187·82 Unda L Soc:elO DECEMBER 29, 191 t . UNLESS a Del-• c:orporlllon. 1020 w..i The totll amount ot the unplld pureu1111 10 Mid Deed of Trull 1111 to ,.. • ~within 3o days ot Sent• Ana, CA g27De Publlthld Qreng• CoHI Dally YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT 17th StrMI Ooel• -Ctlllornil balance ot the 01>1ig.11on Mc:Ured •• publlc auction for c:utl lawf\ll tM .dale that thll eummone 11 Tel: (714) 963-e810 P\a.IC ft()TICE PNot, Sept. 1. I, 15, 22, 1982 YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE ll2t21 ' · by H id propertv to b• told, money ol the Unlt•d Stetee of eer"'8d on you, )'OIK default mey be Publlth•d Orang• CoHI Dall> 3186-12 SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU Tblt l>ulltlMI It c;onductld by 1 togtthar with lnl-1, lite dlargee, Am.rice , et tll• Horth tront ~and the OOUf1lnllYtnter 1 Piiot, Aug. ti, 25, Sept. 1, 1912 NOTICI CW ~ATK>M .,._IC N()~t NEED AN EXPLANAno.. OF THE COIJ>Ofltlon and Mtlmlted c:oett, •xpan-. and entr-anoe to the county COi.~. ~t contalnlnv lntunetlva or 3553-8~ TO MU. ,.~ ,,~ NATlJRE OF TliE PROCEEDING ROt l>eYelopmant COfp adv.noes, u of the dlle hereof, II 700 CMc Center Dft¥e Waat Santa --ordln COllCllmlng dMtlon ol --Ill N()TV'C Al.COHOUC 9EV(ft.AQEI NOTICI TO CMDfTOftl AGAIN8T YOU. YOU SHOULD J R Johneon • $25, 187.41 Ana. c.tllomle. .. lhllt rtgjrt 1ltte IM'~1y, epouul euppor1, chlld ..._ •~ -.. 1..a CW llUL.IC 11lAUIRJI CONTACT A LAWYER. Pr..ilcs.nt • O.tr. Auguet 8, t982 and ln1erll1 con~ lo end now Mtocly, c:hlld euppor1, attorney OflANGS COUNTY HAMOfl To Whom II M~ Concern: (lea. 1101~107 U.C.C.) 432 WHlmln1ter Avenue. Thia etatement w• IMld with 1111 Stan-Shaw Corpora1'°""1 Mid llY 11 under Mid DMd of TNll ...., --.. tncl IUdt other rallaf • NDtCW. CMSTNCT· M~~~~N~~:. ~·P:.:ii!£~~~ Nolle• 11 ll•rtby g iven to ~::::.;:-_or c:iommon County atrit of Orange County on == ~A1~9::w CORP. ~ha=';~ ~t~l&ld ==•:: :a!':.~..,,rt:, MUMC•ALCOUWT Dtpartmant ot Alootlollc ege cr•dllore ot tht within n•,m•d dfflgnatlon I• ehown ebov•. no Augutt23, t982. fttMM 2315Eu18-YlntMnlh The~f9farrldtolnttlle Aaport Of ,.,,.,_..,,·~-other·~... _, ..._... .. ...,..._ ContrOl IOf "41" ON SALE BEER & tranel.,or lhll • bulk trani., 11 warrentv le given u to 11 1 Streit 11 "1uelld In Vie State ot ce111om1e, ~ ... ;::::!..1 ~at' Ntwpett ......_CA-WINE (PUB. EAT. Pl.) 10 1911 a bout 10 b• made on p•nonal ~or~)." The Publlehed Orenge Coae1 Dilly Sent• Ana. Clllllornle Coull"' of Or•.,_ end le dMcfltled IWul1. pr---.. no• m•y '° PLAIN'tlFF: Rev Alldeboe Unc:oln 1lc:ohollc: bev•ragH at 6854 property hereinafter daecrlt>ed. beneficiary under H id D"d of Piiot, Aug. 25· Sept. 1· 8• 15• 1982 92711 _. foikiw.· -...-. DATED M M•rcuty, Inc:., • Callfornl• Edinger Avenue, Huntington Buc:tt, The name and l>ullnMS addrw Truet, by rHaon of • breach or 3782·82 (714) 542·5811 PARCEL 1: Lot 31 of Tract Wdl 9, 1982. c:orporatlon, doing buU-u Ray g2&49. of the Intended treneferor lfe: Claf9Ult In Iha obllOetlont lllCUl'ed •-II' Mn'l'IN: By: Lynn Blunl'I«. 10348 In the Cl"' of lrvlnt II ,,_ r: .. • L• A. Brencll, Fllldaboa UncolnlAerc:ury, Publl•h•d Orange COHI Delly DONALD J . SCOTT. 23012 tllwebv, her .. 010#9 eucutad and r'-.n. ""'~ Aallltant Secr•tery mlP flied In book' 472 ~..a;;, ; ~ w DEFENDANT: Pet Hope and Oo9I Pll01, Sept 1. 1982 Terr• Drive, Laguna Hiiie. CallfOf'nl• delivered 16 the undet1lgned • ACTITIOUa .,...,, Publlehed Orana• CoH1 Dally 50 lncluelve, ot Mlec:e llantoue • ~ lllC:)' aggoner, 1 through 20i«==i 3876-82 chT: •=~~. ~f~~':; Wl'lt\en Oac:Watlon of OefMlll Ind um ITA~ Piiot. Aug. 11, 25, 8ap1 .. 1. 1982 Mepa. recordl ot Orange County, • Publl•hed Orang• Cow Daltv CAM NO. ..,..,, buelneu olllc• of th• lnt•ndad Demand f« 8aila, and ""1ten nqtlOa Tiie tollowlng P.,•on •• doing 38eG-82 C1111fom1e ....,. A 26 .._ 1 8 15 1982 rtllUC N0T1C[ of br'tec:fl tnd of litc1lorl to ~ ~ ea: -• "EXCEPT THEREFROM ell oil .,--. UV. • ....,I. • . • . NOTICll v .. ._.,. ....... •Md. 11antfer()( It:-· th• under1111n•d to .. 11 ••Id SAV-MOR DEVELOPMENT. 111-111 Ml\TV'C 11••· m lntr•I• end oth•; _ 3716-82 TM_....., dedda lfllMt tou flCTn'IOUI 9UllNIU All oth•r buelneH n111111 end IX'OPW1)' to Mtllf)' Mid oblgatlonl. 3001 Aed Hiii, Bldg. 5, Sutt• tOI. n-.n. ""'~ h)'droc:artlone. below• depttl ot 500 "8JC NOTICE ::-::,::: :::: =.. "'::: MAME ITAn.NT •ddr••Md used by Ille Intended end tllarHllar Illa undarelgned Coote M-. CA l2t2e. K..,_ ,.., without the r19'tl of IMI"- • ......._ _ -• llie IM9Jlritti Mtew. The tollowlng panons w• doing 1Pr~f~: f~th!n, 1~':wv:-:! ~ c...s Mid nottoe ot llrMdl and of My~~. 117~ 42nd ......, e..t at the entrY. u r--i 111 ~of ...,, __ ,,,, .... -bua1r1M1 aa: electlon 10 be recofded Mey 17, St .• H9wport. CA t28e3. llMI at Ce•a Illa -d • Nottc:e Is hereby given th•t Ula It )'OU ...,, to .... the edvlc;e of Bl u E H 0 RI z 0 N RE Al lnttnded Ir----: -1N2 • lnetl'. No. la· 111378 ot Mid Thll ~ .. ~by 1111 ,. .. EXCEPT THEREfftOM .. ...., loerd ot Ttuet ... of th• coaet an ettorn•v In thl• meuer, you ESTATE, 3153 Yukon Avenue, The name end~ addr-Offldtl Atcorde. lndMdUlt. c...., at o....,. end eubeutfeoa Wiii• rigtltl below Stwnrnunlty Coll•g• D~trlc:t of ehould -do '° promptJv '° that )'OIK eo.t1 MMe, Callf()(nlt 92628 Of the Intended trentferM -Said Hie wlll b• made, but IMty R. Meedlenl 109 CMe c..... om. WMt • dllplll ot 500 IMC, without ti.e ttoM ~g• County, Callfornl•. wlll wrfUen rNt)OnM, If any, may be Gary·o . BllH, 3153 Yukon VERNON KANE. 24121 Spng, Wltllout c:o111nenl or warranty Thie Nlemtnt -lllld wltll ttle ...,.. AM, CA lllP01 of eurfece entry, u ded6ealed °'" ve -led bld1 up to 11:00 Mid on Ume. Avenue, Coe ta MtH, Callfornlt Mlulon-Ylejo, Celllornla ~ Of '""*9d. regarding tltte, County Cleft! of Ofenge County on Pl A INT IF F~ FR AH CE S L. ~ In lnat""'*'ta o1 ~ "'. TllM04IV, ...... lblr 21, 1"2 A y 110 I u.,. d II ••• d 0 92629 Th•• th• property pertinent PC .. Mllon, 6r encuml>renoee. 10 AuV· II, 1982. ~ BREWER. PARCEL 2: E•Hmanta "' .. , =ltia Purd\aelrng Olpwtrnanl of M•e•dada. II trlbu1tel Sltlleft Barbare A. S.I•. 3153 Vuttorl "-01 :0.1t,:ll~r~C.'fu~n:~:. ~~IN~~~off Publlehed or•noa COHI Delly ' DE FE NDANT : BORIS J . fortll In 1111 SecUone..anfltled oOlllM *"°' loc:aled Ill 1370 ..... _.. Ud. ......... Ide. Avenue, Coet• M•H . CaUlornl•T .... • aacur-v, -In •• ~ 0 Piiot ··-. 11, ts. 215, Sept. 1, 1982 BARANOWSKI, and DOES 1 "Certain EuMlant• tOf' Ownwt', am1 Avenu•. Coett M•H. -.... ~ Ud. ,.......... ..,.. 92828 flxlur", equipment, goodwill and rust. In*-• ...., note •"""' 3521-82 through 50. lnel~. '"Suppo rt , S'elll•m•nt and ~ et wtllot! time Mid bide • •-LM le lnfannecta11.,. Thie bullnta le conducted by an tr•d• name 01 • certain •Ilk provided, edVlnOM.1.. If ~· undaf 8UWIOMI Ene1oec:llmen1" end "Common ~ publciy optnld and read tor: ..._ 1 1 lndMduel. IO(Hfl31ng" t>uVeil ~ .,,dd 11 lloc:alad the term• of Mid UMCJ ot Truat, ·-.,. MnTll't c... ........., ..,., on-ey e-tant" ot IN Atticlla CU8tOOtAi. PAPER SUPPLIES lll Uttad deHa to le: tu el Bwt>ere A. BltM at: 2 21' 111 .. rfn •. iguna '-• cfwVlll and _,,... ot ttM '"--"' nuin.t; NOTICll V• liewe ~ ...._, •ntltled "Eu•mtnte" of tlla Al bt6e -to be In acc:ordenol c:onN Jo d• un •t>oo•do •n Hit Tiiis •1•1"'*11 wu fllad with the Hiiia. c.llfornla. T,,,.._ and otttle ~cnetad by '1CTf110UI.,..... Tiie oeurt _, 4lltcN9 ....,_. JOll D•cleretlon of Covenant• • ...,, the Bid FOfnl lnetructlone end • 1 u n 1 o · d • b., r 1 "1 c er Io County Cl«lt ot Or1111g1 C:OUnty on The ~ neme UMd by Iha Mid Died ot Tl'Ult. hid Mia wtll be NAm ITATl.wf ........ JM11 ....... IMief'Ct ..... Condttlone and Aaetrlcllont Coidlllolw and~ wNc::h lmmldletamenf41, de ..,. mentra. Auguet 23. 1982. Mid tr1r11teror •1 Mid IOc:allon le: t.-i Oft Frtday, ~ 17, 1882 The rollowlng paf'IOfl le dolno ,.. ,......-.... a deJ8. "8ed dttc:rit>ed 1n "8UBJECT TO:" !*ow IN now In fie and !NV be ..cured ~~ ~ II ~llguna. ,1... °'fl~~~RtN!idT':'9~· t renil., la It a:OO p.m, t t Iii• Cllapman ~ea: tM .,.... atta 1 below. (the "Oec:ilaraUon"). tlltlaoflloeoflNPun:hallngAgent --rll! DEFa. _,..,.., Publl•h•d Oreng• C.OUI Dally u A ...... tnVMOetolfteCMcCen11f WATER TECHNOLOGIES It you wWI to .... the acMce o4 PAACEL S; ~ • euc:tl tf mll oolage dletncl. co~p~~infiha~~D~:!::., c;';: Piiot. Aug. 25. Sept 1, a, 15, 1982 ~:~ldo~~ C:u~':b~o": lnMOtne. ~ OrE.. CNc>man A--, COMPAHY. 207 Knox Street, Suite en •ttornay In 11111 metier, yow ~ .,. pertlCularty ... fOf1'I • Each bidder muat 1111>m1t with Illa wlefl 3729-82 · In Iha City "" engt, CA. E. Colt• MeM. Calltornla 92927 lholild do eo promplfV '° tlMl1 your tn IN Mlde entt1lld "E-*ltt" ~a CHhlar'• check, certlll•d plllnt"' agelnlll VoU-"you to ~OM PA~·~~I= At the I Ima ol. the lnltlal AlcMrd OouglM Allan .k .. 207 Wfl11en rnpon11, It any, mey be of the Oec:laratlon of eo-11, Jl!eck, or bldd•r'• bond mad• cWtnd lhll i.-itl, you must. wl1Nn ••te lln'TV'I.' on~:..:':'..'!:'~.._ 20 1982 ' publlcaleton of "* not1c». 1he total Knoll Stre9l. Aot. E. Cotta MMe. ftlld on time. Condition• and RH1rlc= ~ to IN ·order of Vie CJ>Mt M deye Illar Ihle aummcni 11 .-...... -· • '¥"11 .JWI~ •• '"..... -···,-ii;'iU"ni j';'~~;"le eub)lc:i to emounl of the unpe6d balanca of thl Cellfomll t2921 A Y II 0 I U e U d Ii a 1 Id a dMOrlt>edlh "SUBJECT TO:" ~~ ~~ ~ OC:~ = ~ ~~":!,..= flCTITIOUI ...,,,... Calltornl• Unllorm Oommerc:lel obtlgatlon MOUrt4 ":{ '"' •!>ow Thll ~le conducted by an d1111111deda. II trlltu11al ,uade I"" "Muter Oedwatlon") 111\def .,, __ , 15., 1 ot , ...... __ UnlW .,_,do'°·...,.,, d9111J11 Wiii -. eTAT'llmNT Code Sac:11on 61oe . · dHc:rll>•d d••d o tr11et andd lndMdull. tMddlf -"• tN. e111 aulltueta • he Section haldlngs In lldl Attk:la ....., ...--· .,. .... _,, ,_ 1 -Th f 11 1 · . "tlmeted co1t1, •xpenffl, an Rloflard D. Allan Jr. MlftOI .,a UcL ,.....--..tro tntltltO u folloWa: "C>wnenl Rlghla M • gueran ... th•t the bidder be •nl.,fd on 1ppllcat1on of Iha t>uel::...o .:.w ng pareon 11 doing Th• nw1•m1h• .• ~~d ·~~.rH• 01 J!!! edva ncH 11 144,377. 14. To Thi• IJlattment wu ftted with the di• dlaL LM ta""-'-'•".,. and Outlee: Utlllll•• and Cebl• I enter Into Iha propoHd ptllntlff, and this court ITllV enter 1 ENCoN 2005 w Balboa pareon wnvm ..... ma g'IY ,... d9ttrmlne thll OOlll*1o bid, you ll\8V County Cter1t ot Qfange Counfy on ....... Tlkwltlon" "Sldeyard ~ .. raGt If 1M ten1t II -did to Judgment 't""'' you tor the relief Newpot1 aMcti CA t2M3 BIVd., gh•~p1~N~ U ~~~WE E~ln:c?i~ oa11 {114) t37..oiMll. -AUVUSf 23, t912. ~I U11ad dHH eollcltu el ·•suppo~t and 8 •111ement," In IN event ol fallute lo .mer ~ II'/: g~ft.~~·.~ Jim ConvtrH Jr 2oo5 W °'"'"""' Celliornla 92885 and t"9 Oetacl! Awull It, tll82. f1-c:oneeJo dt un 1bogado •n ••ta "Enc:roec:hmenl," end "Conllnon lltt,ollldloontract,ttleproctadtot c:ou ,. u ' Bllboe Blvd .• Newport··Baec:tl. cA l•at .. di'y 10, llllng claim'• by a.n T.0."8ERV1CEOOMPANY Publlehed Orenge Cout Dally a eunto, deberfa llac:erl9 FadllttteEIM!llln1L" fl9 Cit-* wtl be for191ted, or tn the WllOM1,: 1•1no1 o1, moneyq ••Oft dproperfyl th 92983. c:redl'or •hell be S•Pl•mb•r 1'Y. •Mid TN9t•. By Piiot.. Aug. 25, Sept. t , 9, 15. 1912 lmmedietMllnt•. de Mte mantta. The '""' e ddren or otlltr ......_of a bond, IN 11111 M#rl !Mraof ~~!1 r•Oe re 11 • n e ' 7• Patrtcll A. "9ndall 3725-12 t MCJll el "-...__. d I f Id -.......,,..,_, Thill~ le c:onduc:led by 1111 1982. wfllch ta the t>ueinff• ay MalltanC ~ 111 rMPUM • e. ·-, -vv·-· c:ommon •• gnauon o •• ~ forfeited to Mid c:ollega DATED ·June 29. 1982.. lndMdual.iim C-.Jt before t~neummatlon d•t• Ona City loultovwd Waat, .. _II' MnTV'I: ~~~~N~=~ c:MI ~~· t ~. lrvlne. CA No ltlddllr ~ ~ hit bid -&::--· Thll ...,_, -N9c1wttll1M ~ AYQU91. 27 lN1 range, CA t2tel ,._ ""'~ complaint hat b"n flied by the N1ma a nd addre11 of the tiw 8 pertod of ~ (4$) days V L Dimeo County CWk ot Orange County on Vernon ~ !4/136-1291 N 0 TIC I 0 P INT I ND I D plM'ltlff llQllnet you. H you 1lllltl to ~flclery 11 WfloH reqwet Ille ...., .,. del9 _. tor the q)Orllng ~ • AllO-e, 1982. Intended TrllnllerM Publlallad Ofange Cout Dally T,. AN 1 p IR op RITA IL def9nd 1Ne 1-.i!t. you muet, w41Nn Hie la being ooncluctecl: City ~· De"9d 'D. Dlmf1nltl ,,._ Publlehed Orange coeet Dilly Piiot Aug. 25. Sept. I, I. 1M2 ALCOHOi iC erftMM UCIW JO days •ll•r thl1 1ummone le Fed., a l 8 111tng1 e nd loan TM loatd of TruetaN ,__ (71~t644 Publl1hed Qr•nv• COut Dally Piiot September 1 1982 ·s Uf2:fa UNDIR llCTIONI 14171 AND eetved on you, Ille wllh Ihle c;ourt a AHoc:la tlon CfO Shaueon/ .,. llfMltge of~ wry end 111 Ona ate PICA Piiot, Auo· 11, 11, 25, Sept. 1. 1~ ' · 3814-82 fltalC ll)TIC[ l4074, CALWOlllNIA aultNlle wrtnen l'MC>OllM to the oomplalnt. Amerlcen Expreu Mortt•o• ior~any~leeor ~IMc:ll CAt2660 3534-82 AND9'WSHIONac~ UnleM.youdoeo,your dafeultwtll Corporatio n, 1201 £. :::.: •••11111 .. In anv bid or In 1h• Publlehed Oreng• Coast D•llV l'tBUC NOllCE PWChllOU9 .,,,... LlolMM'• Herne• THUY 00 8413 be enl.,ad on appllc:atlon of 1111 AYlllW, San Bemardlno, ........__ E. Wat~ P11ot, 1W9. 11. 25. Sept. 1. 8. 1912. •-•c N()TV'c ..,._STA~ Angulll• Avenue Cyp;... plalntlff. end thlt COUf'1 may.,.,,.,• 92404. 1 ~'.:::!-· ~· 3882-82 ,..__. •~ ~ Thi folloWlnO l*'ton9.,.. dolnv Callforrt!t 90830. • • Judgment agalna1 )'OU tor Vie rell9f Olr9Ctlone to the 11>owo1 ~ r -.. '1CTmOUI .,..... "80 • buelnaat u : . Intended Trenittr••'• Ntme: demlllOed In the c:ompl1ln1, Which rn•v be obtelned by requ••Ung • Board TIUltW PtaJC NOTICE NAlllil ITATIMENT HAMii ITA mNT RAIHBOW CONNECTION HOANG NOOC DANO 1011 could r11ull In garnlehmtnt ol tame ln-'"lnQfl'OM the .,.,.._r ' Coeel~~ The 1~ -.,. dOlng The IOlloWlng pertonl .,. doing CHll.DCAAE CENTER, 1161 Ml .. lon Ori.,., to. Cott.i MtH, ~. tllltlng ot money Of P'OWW within 10 d1y• ftOl'll 1111 ,.,., ..,...,..., PlCTfTIOUe ..,_.. ~""' ,......__ ~ U : LAmbert Or., Huntington 8aaoll, C811forn1t 9282'. or other ran1t r1qu1111d In lhe puDllCe~ 0C Wt 1*1Ca. Pvbllahed ,.~ CObt Dally NAm STAftmNT J • l ENGINE ROOM. 11115 CANUSA BUSINESS FORMS, c.lfomle t*7 Kind of l..lotnM Intended lO be COftlPltlnl. Said .... wllt ,,. madl wttMut ~ lepl. 1, t , 1 The to11owtn9 pereon1 -doing Condor Avent, Fountlln Vllltv. CA 1800 E. Garry St,_, Santa AN, Artent C. Allter, 8151 LMnbef1 tr .... rtO. ~all pec:kage off...i. DATED Howmber 10, 198t. cov.nant or wlt'Rtllty, ~ et . 3"1-92 ~ -t2708 Ctllfomll 92705 Of., Hllftllng1on ea.di, Caltfomle 9-tnd Wint ,20-127083 Lee A 8fandl. lrnp41td, .. to tMtt •. J1CM 11111lon or ~ -wo llftftl'r IPAHEMA DESIGNS, 11293 JEAN l. MASON. 140 0 Joe Daley & Sona, Inc., I IH47 PremleM llddr .. to wt\letl the Clerk tnoumbrMcalto..._1MW.-S • ,._ """-=.:•rMt, Fountain Valley, EdlnVW. R-to7, Huntington a..c:n. Cellfornl• corporation, 711 C.. Joe Ann A. llNDo, 244141 Celt lfcenM 11 .. bean IH1ted" 1927 By Artent C Polldletll, t>altnOI dua on IN noea °' noeaa • t'2708 CA 12647 Avenue, Loe Angel ... Cetlfornle lb Toro Clrota. E Toro, C11totn1a Hlfbof ~ardi Unit a," Cotta Deputy ~ by aatct DMd of Trull. to . ~ ..... Tracy l .. euemtn, 11213 LARRY MA80N, J R., 8400 90021 t2t30 Mme. c.ltornle tM2e. ,.... ,...... ... wit 123.200.00, '*" .......... r ~·~, d-' Top11 Street, Fountain V•ll•v. E......._ R-to7 Hunt.....,on 8eactl Thie ~ II oonducted by• ,,,.. ~ II ~ by t Name aqd lddrH• ot 11c:row .......,. a OOMON 11tlrnet.O 00111. axpen-ana Tlie .......-"• '*''°" • .,,ng ~ t270I vw...-, ' ""'' ' c;orporetlon. oorporlllon. u holder or 9uarantor: Wl!:S1'ERH ,_ ......., • ...._ ...._... .,_.,.. at ... time ot .,. lnlelat ..,._ _ Sten Suemen. 11293 Tgpu 8t., CA:~ II conduct.CS by Joe OallY & lone, lnO. ~ ~ MUTUAL l!ICAOW, 14011 S0\1111 ........... Oeb. CA.,,_ publlc:tlOn ot Ihle Nottae of lale: ~' CY~=!~,~~5 '· FCIUnUlln V*t. OA 92708 genarll S*1naretlll> • Joeepll J.. Daley Ill, ~Center Yorba. lutt• 101 Tuetln Cllllfomla (~) ...-e.tlmetad truaMI'• ,,... and oaaD --· • ..-Thie buelMle II oonducted by WI Jean l M PYM!dant ,Alttnl 0. ,._,.., IHIO Attn: Und9~.. Publl•hed 011ng• CoHt Dally of l1,0S3.IO, 1*11 In--on .. .......,.,. K "C11nlt, 112'~ lndMduel • MOii Thlt et•t_,,.,.t wu fllld with thll PNtldtnf Tot.ii oonaldelat-.,. paid tor Piiot. Ay0. U, Sept. 1. I, 15, t982. un'*" Pflnolpel .....,_et ... ,... ~· OOrone clal ~·· Cellfomlt fretTf 8ueman ,,. ·~ernent WU lllld wtlll the Counl) ()Wk ot ~County on Thie~ ... flled wtlfl the Ille~ and Moen• (to lnctucll 371W2 °' 17.7~ per~ f\'Ofn 12·1--1 111111 Thll 11at...,. -flled with Iha County ot Orange County.on AUQ\11123,1tea. ~Ci.tr of OtWl9I Oounty on 1nvenlofy wlleth•r actual co1t to data of ...... Plllt ad¥MC* °' 1"-n-~•oonductldby"'CountyewtcofOrangeOouniyon Auguettt.1982· '11M'f• '~ ~u.1Nt. Mtlmaledcoat or•noMCHxoeeci 110,uo.s o. plu• 1nv otlier ,,........, ~ 23 11112 p bt1·•-"' 0 0 1 0 II Publllhad Or1nge COHt 0111, ,,_ ll'llOUl'l(I • --.,. ..,,._ tdVenott INt ... ~ ,,._ ,,, • WWlllft K. Cir* ' . ,_ u ..,,..., ran11e ' Oii 1 Y Piiot, Aug. 28, Sept, 1, t. IS, 1N2 '"IMilMd Oranoa Ooaet Detty ~· 110,000 oo ..--n. ""'._ mike orlOt to ..... Cl6ul illle dlafllt ~=·:::1c7:'~ ~: 'ut>1l111ad Or•nv• coaat oen1 l"llot. Auo· 11• 25• 8191• 1• ~;~. 3781..a "°'-Aug. H . lept: 1. I, 111. 1N1 Promltloly Notti u .ooo.oo fll9Cl1'10UI atn•• ouafs.to. :,. _ 1...,. .,...._.,,.. Not. Aug. 25, eeot. 1, I , 15, 1112 .. _.,. lllftTll't l11CM2 r.-.. tM/Ot 1nt1ft-MA1111 tTA~ YOU AftE. IN AULT UNOIR A ,,.., -. 1724-ea "9lJC lll)TlC( ..._ ""'._ _.P'Ol*IY 1000000 Thi~ petaona _.. dOlr'Vlbm> 0#' TAUIT OATlb ~ I ,_ N:hhOUI • IA... Tout ~ 111'000'00 ~ u · 1"1. UNl..UI YOU TAKI "*""9d Orange ~1 ~~!l PlaJC MJTIC( 1Wm STATmmff· PWIJC llOlJCl OH OR~ lapttmbtf ti. ttea, ICHOLAP't DOl..~11\I, HH TO PA01'CT YOUfl ill419f110PMii.i1PtililT'rY'f • IT ...... JiMt. tt, ... 1• 1• 1!:,~ ·-----u fllC'TTnOUe Mll&•tl Thi ~ l*IOfll .. dolfll • HOllT*'9 Ml• •II The par II .. eor .. 11\at 111• Hemllton Ave11ue, 111111 134, MA1,. YyOUeE ~lO ~A~~ I ' r_,,._ -· lllAm STA~ ~a. .. ._ IT .. w OOl...,adoll fw 1M .,.,.._ ot IN IMltlnllOn leectl. CelltOtftla t*I "' ...,._.... ,I~!... -..c tlJ11C( The=:~ dolnt ~:-in• petlOn I• dolno K. c. wt'lllHOUllNQ & -.. ,_, d ~and .......... 10 M Debra Ann 0011. 1tU2 Of THI NATUP'tl 0, THE '~ "°""°"' ..... ,... ~ aa: • 0 0 Al T •J AN IT 0" I A I. ==-~:. ......... -=.hlfl:-'*80" .. otno = ':::.,":,. o:::·u: t:::."~~untli.QIOfl ~~~~~~ J~~ ..... eTAW ,11\IMOP'IOIA l.AHDIOA,. SIAVICU, 1t1H M~~:: II. Ktltll MlchH I Baoa, tOll "'CIPIC OOAIT 'OOL a ~ IM pr..,.., 1'antf9t, WllN1111 Oaorte 00 .. , 'a1 Oa1ed; ~ J, 1tll 1 ~,.._... peraon ... fO"'O =:~=:one,,, .. ,,=--· Hunclngton , CA ltonerldo•.·W••tm1n11er, OA :C."°~'ll~~•Pt41 ni.,.... ._..,_and fllf'lln ~ '''"'· l• Cre•o•nte , ::::"'.:::-"~ -' TIC=•IAitU. ,, ... ~ ThOtn .. M, lnow, T01111fl 9;ytnt hldlvtf, UUI ~irer Mtrll tact, IOU itAfHlY1 Cl ON.NY) :=~:~o~"=:::r~ Deto~~!1~nn Dou, H31 ,.,,,._,,IUIGMI• ~ ...... CA.... ~·""""""'°"leectl,Clllfomte '11mlngo It. Otlncl Tetr .. , OA ltonatldge. W .. llllllllttt, CA 'AWOMUK~C.:,:.~ dlelrtlMI0011 wtetllfl a WMllle ~lrgt11t1 l trMI, La C1aaHnta, ~~ .. OAN A. MoN"I", 11•·A -tnU. neu. U1M _,.., "'9 ~ of 11'9 11114 ---·~.,., ;~ .._. llllllld, CA aeaa. Tiiie,.,... it oonduclN..,., TNa ~ 11 oondUotael.., lft ntta ,_.,_It c.'ld _., ei, a ""11 ..._II ....... .., M """9r °'"' ..... • DnMdad ""11 ......... II~ bra • ~ r.!~---11-dl *'"YM lldct•• lrldMIMI. __._...... ' In ...... 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I 1·111, I > H A N < .1 c .< >l l tJ I Y ( J\ I If < > H N I A 1 '> C E N f S Newport cops Seek ·ex-,convict in ·robbery try . . By STEVE MARBLE Of'the~Notlteff -A former prison irunate, believed to be the missing member o f a trio that staged a 1-~X>rmnando-style robbery In a Newport Beach neighborhood, Is being hunted by poUee today. Newport Beach officers iilid the man ls thought to be In his early 20s, a resident of Laguna Niguel and a convicted robber who has served time at Chino State Prison. The missing man eluded police ,Monday when a team of offi~rs moved into tbe ga~ SeaYiew conununHy, responding to a report of a residential robbery. School contract OK ·seen Negotiators for the Fountain Valley School District and its full-time teachers have reached tentative agreement on a three- year contract giving instructors a 7 percent pay raise during the current year, along with expanded insurance benefits. Kathy Wright, president of the Fountain Valley Education Association, which represents the district's 350 teachers, said instructors are returning ballots this week by mall o n the proposed pact. ".I'd be shocked if they didn't accept it," she said. "·We don't anticipate any problems. We think they'll be pleased with the proposal." Police laid the three men broke into a houae at 1901 Yacht Enchantrell and held three people at gunpoint while ranucklha the hou.e. Neighbors, who reporteclly h~ th6 gunmen ordering their victims around, notifiid police. The trio bolted when offlcen arrived. Police, clrcling the area in a helicopter, laid the men split up as they ran toward the nearby Big Canyon Reservoir. One man, 20-year-old Thomas Guy Baslch of · Laguna Niguel, was grabbed by pol~ while a .-ond, 20-year-old David Mark Gaynor, alleaedly ran to a houae at 1901 Yacht Ounilla and took a man and his wife hostage. The hostages, Cecil and Celeste Austin, escaped (rom the alleged robber at different points. Police said Gaynor was arrested after being di8covered on the roof of the Yacht Camilla home. The seven-hour ordeal which ended Monday at daybreak lett residents in the Seavlew community shaken. Several homeowners were evacuated and others were told to stay in their houses. ' Police originally reported t~ four alleged robbers were involv¢ in the incident. They now believe It was the work of only three men. There were other initial confusions. Police originally reported all three vtctima lived at the , Yacht Enohantreas 'home. Police later said Martin Modiano, 27, and Liza Alvlllar, 2 1, are residents of the Yacht Enchantress home. The third vtCtim, 27-year-old David Nielsen, was witing at the time and 1a not a resident. of the home hit by the team of robbers. Modlano, police said they believe, may know the alleged robbers, who they said took a large amount of cash from th~ home. Narcotic detectives in Huntington Beach today said they arrested Modtano at the Yacht Enchantress home laat February on auspldon of posses81ng a half-pound of cocaine . 'First $20,.000 raised for West County YMCA By ROBERT BARKER Of'tMDllJNotltd The West Orange County YMCA has collected $20,0QO toward construction of a $5 million YMCA building in Huntington Central Park. Officials say they need an additional $4,980,000 before they can start construction at the site -Golden West Street between Talbert and Ellis avenues. They eXJ)eCt to break ground in 1984 and believe the building should be finished about a year later, Various dignitaries were at the scene Tuesday when YMCA officials took receipt of $20,000 from Aminoil USA Inc. as "seed" money. They new "Y" bWiding will oontain about 60,000 square feet. girls, in Huntington Beach , Fountain Valley, Westminster, Seal Beach and Garden Grove. · Croxen said the YMCA building at 7262 Garfield Ave., Huntington Beach, ls too small "for expansion. Croxen, 35, said the West Orange County YMCA has grown.from 2,000 members and a budget of $50,000 in 1976, when be became executive director, to 7 ,500 members and a budget of $540,000 this year. The YMCA signed a lease with the city for the four acres of land last February. The YMCA has'three years to begin construction. Croxen said a professional fund-raising firm will develop bulldtng funds in a drive to start in about two years. • The teacher spokeswoman said she hopes all ballots will be returned in time for presentation at Thursday's meeting of the : . district.'s board of trustees. Superintendent William Fisher .has recommended approval of the agreement. Plans call for an indoor pool, two gymnasiums, men's and w<>men'it··fitness centers, a-day care center, four ,.handball/ racquetball courts, a large multi- 1purpoae room, meeting rooms and classrooms and adminiatrative areas. Dennis Croxen YMCA Exf!c·utiVe ·n 1rector Dennis Croxen said Tuesday that the West Orange County YMCA ia one of the fasteet growing in the area. It serves a population of 446,000 men, women, boys and William L. Donnelly, Amlnoll's •. .)Vest4:m re.gion vice...preaident..- presened the check to officials Tuesday. ,, "We've been in Huntlnaton Beach since the 19309," he l&ld. ''We want to be a OOC'pOl'ate aood neighbor." The contract calls for teachers to receive a 7 percent salary increase for the current fiscal year, which began July 1. Teachers would have the right to reopen salary negotiations -but no other contract provisions - during the following two years. Johnny Hulbert and his dog Annie were inseparable on Fiji Island · which prompted his mother to write ·a book described on Page BI. Schools nix hol-der change Huntington Beach City (elementary) School District truateea have refUled a requ~ to make a boundary change that Currently, teachers must pay an additional annual charge to have.immediate family members covered by the district's health insurance policy. Under the proposed pact, the district would pay this fee, giving teachers full dependent coverage. Representatives of the district and the teachers association agreed that thjs year's negotiations went more smoothly than the last contract talks. Grieving mother aided When the previous contract expired in July, 1979, teachers and the district were unable to reach an agreement before the -beginning of school i n September. Contract talks continued through the following February, when teachers walked out in a bitter 10-day strike. The strike concluded when the district and the teachers signed a three-year agreement extending from July 1, 1979 through June 30, 1982. Huntington police hunt bank bandit Police are searching for a man who robbed the California First Bank, 7222 Edinge r Ave., Huntington Beach, o( about $2,- 500. Officers said a man entered the bank at 11:30 a .m . Monday, presented a note to a teller demanding money, placed the caaJi in a bag and fled . COUNTY By STEVE MITCHELL Of'the °"' ,.. • ..,, . The letters and cards, hundreds of them, are scattered over the top of Rosie Miclette's hardwood dining room table. There are lettenH>f condolence from Laguna Beach City Council members, the fire department, the transit district, the police, merchants in town and longtime friends. ---In a smiD town like Laguna Beach, word travels' fast. And the reaction to the deatl) of R osie's daughte r was overwhelming. · "Here's one from the guys at the Coffee Pub," Rosie says, wiping a tear from beneath her glasses. Another letter, this one signed by more than 100 artists of the Sawdust Festival, is pulled from_ the stack. "'They got UJ> a collection for me and raised $471," the popular La~ Beach meter maid laid: ' They told me to take the money and get the hell away from here for awhile,'' she chuckled. Schools 'computerized' The Newport-Mesa School District is entering the computer age, and some kids can't wait to get to school. Page Bl. I STATE 250,000.fans expected Thousandl of hot dop, outdoor toilets, parking spacee and even mus outdoor 1bowers await the estimated '250,000 fans expected at the US rock and computer fe.llval Labcll" l>ay weekend ln the Ban Bernardino Mountlllni. .,._.. m. · BUSINESS Small bumw1 '8 et the frant In the eccnomk . battle and &heir memben mamce their attain qloeely, knowtnc all the detaila of their eetabliahrnent. Pace JM. "And l will. I will. But not now." Rosie's not budging from town until she finds o ut tbe circumstances surrounding the shooting death of her 14-year-old daughter, Riae Tucker, inside a Huntington Beach house on Aug. 13. The former .El Morro Elementary School student, who recently moved to Redondo Beach with her father, was pronounced dead at the ecene. Her best friend, Dena Farrow, 18, of Huntlngton Beach, w~ wounded by the same bullet· that killed Riae. Huntington Beach police arrested Ridiard Berge, 18, of Huntington Beach, immediately following the shooting. The incident is still under inveatigat on. o Crlm nal charges have been filed and Berge has been releaaed on his own recognizance. "Enryone 1n Laguna knows Roeie," said Police Chief Neil Purcell, who took on the task of breaking the neWll to the town's NATION favorite parking enforcement officer that Friday the 13th afternoon. Her friends turned out en masse for memorial services , following the shooting inddent. "They told me the re were more people there than at John Wayne's funeral," Rosie said. "l believe ij." Rosie picked up a photo of her smiling daughter, standin& arm In arm with a friend at Oak Street Beach. ''Thia was ta.ken just a month ago," she said, shaking her head and passing the photo across the table. Rise used to ride in her mother's blue -and -white Cushman while the meter maid patrolled the streets, looking for ex:pinMI parking meters. "I'd write out a ticket and she'd run out and put it on the car," she recalled. "People used to call us Big Rosie and L ittle Rosie," she laughed. But woe be unto the fellow (See ROSIE, Pace .A!) A nurse has written a book urging that every hospital patient use a friend or relative as an '1advocate" in 1eCUri.PC adequate, infonned care. Page A8. Caffeine said harmful ~th reeean:hen are urama pregnant women to keep their caffeine COIW\npt10n Iow1 u there is eome eyidence the IUbltance hamw t.bie9. Page B3. Teen trou'bles tallied ' A 1tud)' tndlcatn that broken homea do not necn11rtly lead to juvenile~ency, but that full-Ume Jobe and~ to au may lead leenl to trouble . .,... •• SPORTS I would put Bolsa Landmark homes in western Huntington Beach into neighboring Ocean View School Diatrict. · Parents of school children •Y they have been reqU.ting the change 1n dtstrict liJMB became (See BOUNDARY, P .. e A%) . ................ Sitting at a table filled with letters of condolence, Laguna Beach meter maid Rosie Miclette recalls her daughter, R~ee, shot Aug. 13. INDEX At Your Servicie A4 Hol'O&'Ope A7 Buaine98 Bl-~ AnQ Landen A7 Cavalcade A7 Moviee 87-8 Clutlfled E4-8 Mutual Funda 84 Comics D2 Public Not.ices Fl-8 era.word D2 Sports El-3 Death NotJces F7 Dr. Steincrohn A7 F.ditorial A6 Stock Marketa ~ Entertainment B7-8 Televtlion \ De 'Food Cl-1>5 'MIN ten 87-8 Weather A2 TELEVISION , ·Balanc ing a c t ,, .. >' Willy Morris o f Los Angeles cuts back on a sm a ll wave during early competition in the O P Pro Surfing Championship, which o pen ed today in Huntington Beach't' a djacent to . the City Pier . About 150 men a nd women surfers from around the world are competing for $35,000 ~n cash and other prizes in th e event, which continu es through Sunday after noon. Details in Sports on Page E2. BOUNDARY CHANGE REJECTED IN HUNTINGTON. • • From Page A1 Hope View School in the Ocean View District is located in their Tieighborhood. near Talbert Avenue and F.dwards Street. ' P~rents say their children Should be attending Hope View. But the children, unless they have transfers, must attend Huntington Beach City School Di.strict schools, 15 minutes away by bus. Bolsa Landmark parents said after the decision they are planning to seek legal co~nsel. ~pokeswoman H e t s "y L1neberger also indicated the group could !-8ke steps to force an ROSIE GRIEVES FOR DAUGHTER .. F.rom Pa9e A 1 ~ stared tOo long at the pretty tsrunette. You could count on "Rosie to yell out, "Hey, buddy. Keep your eyes in your head." Rosie, you see, was very protective of her daughter. "U a guy asked her out, I'd call the PD and run a 28 (car registration) or a 29 (stolen car) on him." she saic;i, joking. -1. "lfo cilrt~ was going to date aiy daughter. ' Then, tears welling up in her eyes again, she said, "Everybody )Qved her. She had such charm s!)e could melt the chrome right dff a car." :. .1:<os1e said she can't possibly answer all the mail she received from the people who love her. So she asked that a letter be printed, "maybe on your editorial page or something." It's here, instead: The precious parts of my body are a heart t o love many, the ~ to share that love, the mind to think of love, the sight to see the person I love, the ability to teach that love. And fIDal.Jy, to touch and make the other person aware of that Jove. • l taught .my l ovely chughter that love -I feel she bad to leave me, for a peaceful life that would not bear heartaches or pain. God let us produce her and let me teach her for 14 years -for that I am still grateful. My heArt goes to all of you who shared my sorrow and responded -You have been good to me by giving me strength and showing me that I am stW needed. From my heart, thank you. Thank you for being there, Love, Just Rosie election on the matt.er. "We don't feel our childrefl are wanted and that they don't belong in the city schools," she said. ftiii§e Tucker BY JOEL C. DON or .. ....,,......., Newport Be1ch auorney C. David Baker den ied today he tried to u1e the ballot box to poUtlcally bribe Oov. Edmund G . Brown J r. to help a group build Irvine'• flnrt hoepltal. The accuaatlon surfaced after Baker aent a letter urging Brown to away lealllAtive action In favor of a bilf that would have supported the proposed Irvine Medloa~ Center (IMC). The measure, sponsdr&d by Auemblywoman M arian Bergeson, R-Newport Bea~h. died Tuesday in the waning hours of the state Legislature. ''It was not a bribe._" aaid Ba ker, who serves as IMC president. "My· intent in writing the letter to the governor was to tell him that there were 15,000 people who were being neglected and forgotten because of poliUcal battles that were'being fought on higher leveJa. in Sacramento.'' Baker was referring to the thousands of signatures gathered ln a petition-campaign to 1upport IMC, a $95.8 million hospital complex to be built, after ap proval from state health ~lan_ning officials, at Jeffrey &.¥ld and 8'rranca Parkway. Bergeson'• bill would have perD\ilted the Saddleback Community College District to lease 10 acres of land at its North Campus in Irvine to a group wishing to build a hospital. Saddleback has endorsed IMC, which aoo plans to lease an additional 22 acre• from the Irvine Company. Brown vetoed the bill lall week, u-.Uni he f e lt the tealalatlon m ight 1uggeat atate aupport for one of the groups competJng to build a hoepltal in Irvine. In hla letter to Brown, Baker said he would send another letter to up to 25,000 IMC. ~pportera asking that they vote for Pete Wllaon for U ,s. Senate if Brown did not tlex-his poU\lcal muacle to get the Bergeeon bill paseed in the L ealslature. Brown la running against Wilson in the senatorial race. "The letter, of course, ls only a dra.ft," Baker wrote. "Your efforts ln pushing (the measure) through the Assembly, Senate and then signir;g it Into_ law today could change that letter dramaUcally. I would prefer to send out a thank you rather than a reminder." In a tersely worded reply,, Byron Georgiou, Brown's legal affairs secretary, wro~: "Your threat to condition ¥live poliuCal: support for, or opposition to, the governor's current candidacy for the United States Senate upon actions with respect to pending legislation you desire him to take in his official capacity as• governor has not only done yom cause a disservice but may well constitute an attempt to bribe a public official· ... " 'Supervisor attacks report 'doubletalk' By FREDERICK SCBOEMERL Of'IMD.., ..... ...,, Orange County supervisor Ralph Clark h,u ~y accused the county administrative office of using "classic bureaucratic doubletalk" in an lnterim report on hiring private co~tractors to tl)ke·over servtces l~rov1ded by county government. During remarks Tueaday, Clark pointedly suggested the first place to consider private contracting for the county is within the administrative office it.self. Clark conceded that county agencies probably aren't happy with the idea that services they perform could be turned over to private contractors. Nonetheless, he accused the administrative offi~ of not being "more forceful" on the subject. ·"I don't find that in this report," Clark said. "This whole approach looks like classic bureaucratic doubletalk ... " After giving the stem lecture, Clark won unanimous approval from fellow board members for a new study on the eligibility of contracting with pd1la1e sector.~ for services . The administrative office report, prepared in response to a July 13 board action, said two services provided by county government were "appropriate" for immediate study of transfer ·. to private enterprise. Those . services are maintenance of . county vehicles and distribution : of food stamps. · The administrative office recommended that a consultant be hired to study the effects of turning the services over to private operators. ~\~ Fair and warmer CoUnty jail ca.Im after riots .CQas ta l SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AREAS -lncrealng night Ind rnomtng log and low Ctoudl In coaatal areH by th• holldey we.-end and becoming oooler. Ott1erwtM fatr. High t~aturee In IOw IO mid 70t at the bMdi. . and mo.tly 85 to 115 In Inland' ~ About 5 degr-cooler Inland by Sunday. l.owtl 58 to 88. Mountain hlQfle 15 to S5 Ind Iowa 50 to \tie mid 808. I' a Ho-2 toot aouthw.t IWllll. NorthwHt wind• wlll rano• from 12 to 18 knot1 with 4-to-7·1oot -tllrthet than 80 mMel offaho<e from San Nlcolu llland. Temperatures 78 5( t2 ~ 115 8E 73 8E 85 71 78 71 ·ee n 811 71 82 54 llO 71 78 45 81 62 u~ 75 58 73 54 .. <46 a5 ee 111 ea n 10 83 54 75 82 81 71 77 M 85 70 7' M "711 M 88 111 57 83 72 72 83 57 5e " .. 51 41 71 11 ..... r, : n se t7 n ... S1 12 70 t3 78 .. 17 u n 13 75 101 70 116 71 ... 71 I 115 7 4 CAL#OMU : :g Bakeralleld ... 78 87 eo =· 1~ 54 73 85 •fre.io 113 83 81 70 Lancutw • ee 87 ea 71 LOI AngetM 88 72 81 71 M#Y9\l\lle 113 84 5 M 85 ... 82 ~:.ay 107 ff 73 Oallland 83 85 86 p Ro "7 •• 811 73 NO blel "' "" .. 88 Red Bluff 114 511 10& 88 Redwood City 88 54 I 78 88 SllCfamento 811 511 78 ... s1111n.. 11 48 .... San Diego 111 70 ' n 511 San Francteoo 74 52 ~ ;g Santa Blrb&fa 711 80 80 50 Santa Marla 73 119 ..a Stockton 115 117 58 Thennal 112 117 78 Ulci.h ... 71 5e Barttow 103 18 116 • Blv e.. :l = 84 81 =. 78 87 88 76 Long 8-:tl 112 16 :J ll MOflfo¥1a 102 80 86 411 Ml Wllaon 84 82 15 52 N9wpor1 IMdl n ee ~ _u_g . 71 58 ------------.. 76 102 14 Smo•IT 101 11 e 17 72 " 74 lllf llPIRT Tides TODAY 8eoond low 1:41 p.m, lloond ~,,... F!rtt lo< 1:41 a.m. """llWI 10:01 a.m. U leoofWflow 1111 p.m. 1.1 leoOfMI """ t:D p.lft. U lull .... .._ • 7:11 p,lft., ..... ~ • 1:17 Lift • ....._ ............. ,, ...... -~-~, ..... . By DAVID KUTZMANN O(lfle 0.-, "°' ..... Orange County's overcrowded central jail was reported "aim today following a ser tes of dtsruptions Sunday night and Monday In which inmates set blankets and sheets on fire, clogged toilets and shouted at deputies. Though sheriff's department officials said the disturbances were not eonsidered serious, they con ceded that a numoer of incidents had been occurring over the past-several weeks. The jail facilities ln downtown Santa Ana have been the focus of considerable news media attention during that period as reports of incidents related to overcrowcs.tng have come out. But sheriff's officials claimed today all the publicity being generated aboutJ·ail overcrowding coul b e contributing to the problem. "Yes, it is creating problems over there," Lt. Wyatt Hart said this morning. "We feel very strongly that all of the recent controversy about overcrowding ls creating problems.'' Hart said. "We know there is overcrowding and we're trying to do something about It." The four-story jail is designed to handle about l',200 irunates. It now houses about 1 ,650 prisoners. Th e latest disturbances apparent!)' were triggered when deputies began a Sunday night "shakedown" operation in a cell area known as Module E, where it was believed an escape was being planned. "Guys started rattling the bars and raising hell." Hart Said. Deputies believed the noisy disturbance was meant to be a diversion. 253 OFF .SALE ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, SEPT. 4 AT OUR THRH LOCAL ST~ • INCLUDES ALL: • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS lllFE llllPUlll CUllC Sat., s.pt. 4, 10 AM -2 PM At c::..n. 4el Mor Stere Only Three Kn.,,_ Per Cuttom« Shalop1R1d ...... Add6tleftot 1( ............ . All StorM Open L.9bor Dey 9 AM-I PM '· NATION Economy report hailed By 'Re Attoclaced l're11 Commerce Sec re tar y M•lcolm Baldrlae Joined private econorniatl 1n na.lllna the 1ovemmenl'a lateet report on key economlc lndlcaton u pointing to "solid economic lmprovemenl" ln the coming montha. S:conomlau uld the Commerce Department'• report that the Index of Leading lndlcaton jumped 1.3 percent ln July lndlcaiee that overall national economjc activity should i n cr ease 11ubetantlally by the end of the year. 6,000 teachers· play hooky . Slx thousand teachers in P e nnsylvania, Illinois, Michigan, Ohio and Montana stayed off the job, affecting nearly l~0.000 students, but Philadelphia educators ratJfied a contract to head off a repeat of last year's bitter strike, which lasted 50 days. Gasoline 'prices steady WASHINGI O N - Motorists will see little change Ul"gasollne prices this Labor Day over what they paid on July Fourth, according to a nationwide surv~y by the America n Automobile Association. The AAA said the current national average price per gallon is $1.318, an increase of only 0 .4 cents since.July Fourth. f 3-day nightmare ends LONGVIEW, Texas - Curtis Dcekard, 16, trapped for three days in 3 feet of water at the bottom of an abandone d well .has been rescued after a neighbor f!!WIY recognized hi.s fading cries for help. DeCkard fell thrOugh rotted boards covering the vine- covered well as he crossed a vacant lot -once the site of a house -about 6 p .m . Saturday Cuba radio jams blasted WASHINGTON -The State Department says Cuban jamming of at least five AM radio frequencies in the Unite d States is another WORLD Aral at in Athens ATHENS, Greece -A pistol-packing Vasser Arafat, taking his first step into 'exile from Lebanon, arrived here today saying he was proud to h a v e saved Beirut Ir om "Israeli genocide." e;ample of "Cuban disregard f r international agreements" The department declined to speculate abo u t Cuba's motives Arafat 's s pokesman , Mahmoud Labadi, said ihe Pa l estine Lib eration Organitatinon chief "will be in Greece one or two days, it's going to be decided later. From here-he fli~ to ""l'l.m1r.' Last of PLO troops leave BEIRUT, Lebanon -The last 633 Palestine Liberation Organization guerrillas steamed out of the port of Beirut today, heading for exile in Syria and closi.ng a page on the bloody turmoil that has shaken this nation for the past STATE dozen years. The boat left only three hours after Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger arrived to thank the U.S. Marines who h elped safeguard the PLO exodus. Alien crossings increase SAN YSI DRO -The humber of Mexicans illegally crossing into the United States near Tijuana is up 20 percent since the latest peso problems, U.S . Border Patrol officials say. . "The devaluation Is the straw that broke the camel's back," said Border Patrol a gent Tom Collier. (See related story Page B6). .-.> Medi-<;al cutbacks start SACRAMENTO -Some Medi-Cal cutbacks go into effect today, but state Health Services Director Beverlee Myers says othe r s will be delayed or re9C'inded pending legialative or court action .. The reductions in services, eligibility and reimbursement were ordered by emergency legislation passed earlier this year to help balance the state.- budget. Jarvis, Gunn pals again SACRAMENTO -Howard Jarvis and Paul Gann, onetime foes, are teaming. up again with a n e w initiative to overturn the state Supreme Court's interpretations of their Proposition 13. Gann, 70, said the n ew initiative would be written to simplify Proposition 13 "to the polnt that the Supreme Court can understand what it aays." Ma Bel takes lu:ffips street • lft • No one is happy wtth Pacific Telephone's pljm to hike the OO!t of calling if reactions of shoppers at South Coa11t Plaza are an indication. "I don't understand what they are golng to' use the money for," she said. "And I can't understand why they have to double the rates because salaries aren't going up more tt~an 10 Mrcent ... Our phone bil! runs around $1~ a month now just for basic service. l would hate to pay $30." a dramatic increase and ! can't see why thet have to double it. It might be okay to raise prices a couple of cents, though." Santa Ana residents Tony Mirabal and Carlos Hernando said they don't like the rata hike proposal a single bit. The comments of a tourst from Baltimore pretty well summarizes what more than two dozen s h oppers had to say Tuesday: "Obviously,• he said, "everyone will react negatively. We pay too much already." John Bigham of Long Beach called the proposed phone cost increase ·"awful" and noted he's "pretty unhappy with it." "I -already pay $12.60 a month for my phone," Mirabal noted. Marcia Weiss of Costa Mesa called the proposal to more than double the basic phone service rate "terrible." Monterey Park resident Mary Bigham said she thinks phone charges "are way too high already." "We don't like it," said Santa Ana resident F.dna Adair. "I live alone and my bill is $32 to $34 a month already." . She added, "I really don't understqnd it all because you pay $18 a month now for a basic phone with all the extras they add on. That's really a big, big jump. I don't think anybody pays that $6.75 they say they charge for a basic: phone." She suggested the company consider lowering its rates, particularly for college students who have to call home. Irvine resident Carol Moceri added; "~ have five people here and we have five votes no way.'' Carolyn Hovis of Huntington Beach questioned the need for a phone price hike and the rationale behind it. Phone charges already are "too much," agreed Millie Wu of Santa Clara and Gladys Chen, of Newport Beach. "O course, we don't like it," declared Dan Boutot of HuntinRton Beach. "That's kind of Eno Cleveringa of Newbury Park in Ventura County said phone rat.es are too high "especially when you have to call long distance and especially when your mother lives in Santa Ana. My bill was $82 last month." General also seeking rates boost General Tele phone Co. has folJowed the lead of Pacific Telephone Co. and has applied to state officials for permission '° boost telephone bills by nearly 100 percent. Pacific Telephone announced it would seek a massive $864.5 million annual hike. The GT.E appllcation would Increase residential subscribers' basic monthly rate from $7.75 to $15.30 and give the utility an additional $2lf7.5 milliori'1n annual revenue. to a $15 monthly fee statewide. GTE . The r ecessio n any1 If approved, GTE's new rates increased competition for Ion~ would not take effect until 1984. distance phone business causea, GTE services nearlV.5 million Southern Californians in 330 communities from Laguna Beach to Santa Maria and inland, GTE p r e 8 Iden t Davi d revenues to be "much lower than, Anderson said the increase was expected ... Without further needed because of an inadequate substantial rate relief, General's rate hike for 1982and cf"'ro~t.ed earnings will .continue to t' .,--decline," Anderson saiO. · - The PUC granted GTE a $100 million increase for 1982. loss of business becau se of d • f He added: "In order to meet er egulation that takes ef ect the downturn in busines~ nex~.~ear. _ -Gener.l1 ts reducing -expeps'es -... ~ i.nclpding...sections_ .of. Hunt.ingt.oD. Beach and Fountain Valley. GTE asked the Public Utilities Comrn.ilSlon for a 94 percent rate increase Tuesday, oi;ie day after rvfeanwhile, Pacific Telephone is seeking to increase the flat monthly residential rate from $7 in San Francisco and Los Angeles and $6.70 in the rest of the state, A.n de r s on also sa id the wherever it can wit houJ. additional money would be jeopardizi n·g its service needed to fund a multibillion-improvement program." dollar service improvement The upgrading program is program by Santa Monica-based costing GTE $2 million a day. ., Legislators say no to 'sin taxes' SACRAMENTO (AP) -that take effect next year. Election-year politicking also Smokers and drinkers won't be H owe v e r • t h e A s s e m b 1 y was mainly responsible for the paying more taxes, schools won't continued until 12:35 a.m. and death of proposals to rai.fle "sin get more m o ney a n d s tate the Senate until 1:30 a .m ., taxes" on cigarettes, liquor, beer. legislators and the gbvernor working on bills that take effect and wine to provide schools with won't receive a pay raise next immediate ly and needed two-$430 million. year. thirds votes. Those were some of the The raise bill attracted only a Democrats in both houses who casualties when the Califontla 41-26 vote in the Assembly, far were backing those proposals Legislature adjourned early short of the 54-vote, two-thirds realized Tuesday they didn't today, ending its 1981-82 session majority needed. It would have have the votes, despite a month with the u su al late-night raised legislators' salaries now ~ofheavylobbyingbyteacherand scramble to pass hundreds of $28,111, by 5 percent next July 1 other school groups. Raising bills. and another 5 percent the next taxes requires a two-thirds vote, The lawmakers did send tQ the year. Salaries of constitutional which means some Republicans governor measures to cut the officers, including the governor, must vote for them, and the GOP divorce waiting period from six who now gets $49,500 annually, refused to vote for increased Delly"°' St.ff ~1 months t o 3 O days, give would have gone up 10 percent a taxes of any kind. Assemblywoman Individual Re tirement Account year for the next four years. Ins d Se Alan s D-Marian Bergeson , owners a state tax break, allow The pay bill, SB238 by Sen. tea • n. ieroty, Medi-Cal patients to continue Alfred Alquist, D-San J ose. Los Anfeles and a bipartisan ft-Newport Bea ch, getting codeine prescriptions, failed to attract any Republican group o 25 Assembly members celebrated her birthday permit banks to invest in real votes, mainly because of feelings urged Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. estate and _throw out of office that ln an election year and with in a letter to call a special sessU>n Tuesday night as the politicians elected by lying about the state's tight budget it might of the Legislature in November Legislature wound up opponents. be unwiae for ~wmakers to give "to addr~ the fiscal crisis facing But bills that didn't make it ,....l~m1~a..JU:YL ______ _:our~....!pu~b~li~c:..:9Ch~~oo~l:_:s~ys~te=:m~.:...." ___ ...!;it~s~s!:e~ss::!:1~· o~n~. ------~ included ones that would have required houses sold aft.er: 1985 to have energy-saving it.ems such as insulation, and a h otly debated blll on use of pound dogs for research that became the focal point of 1a nasty Assembly-Se.nate tiff. "The pay raise bill is dead," Aasembly Speaker Willie Brown, D-San Francisco, announced right before midnight, the constitutional deadline for bills Gem Talk By J.C. HUMPHRIES Ctrti/itd Gtmo"'6~t. I.GS When you have something rare and beautiful to celebrate. -c>ffAHGE'COAST Daily Pilat CIH•lfted •dvertl9'n17141142·5111 All otMr depertmenu &t2 ... m INDIA'S DIAMONDS MAIN OfFICE lltWHt .... le., C_.. MeM, CA. Thomot P. Haley f'libl"rit. and Chief u.cvt~ Offteet ) Mell...,._: .... IMO, Coale Mesa, CA. '2ta c., ...... "'2 0r-. c.... "'*'"""' ~. ... _.....,lllvtll'M ... 1,ed!Wrlalmlftl4'9' .. Jane Amafl Eaecutlve Editor L kay Schultz V'rce Ptetldenl ond Oif.clOt ol ~ •• i,,g Michael '· Heney Oirec!Or of MotbOng tClfoilollonl ....... ......., ...... ,, Thomo1 A. Murphlne Edttor laymond Mod.Hn Collltoll. kenneth N. Oeddard Jr. OltectOt of ()perotlont wertltefMfttf ......... -... ,___. ..._ 9'1Cla4 ...,,,.. ...... ~ ...... -. .. We're ·Listening ••• What do you Ulre about the Dally Pilot? What don't you llkf? 'Calt the "umber below and your m•Hlt will be recorded, transcribed and delivered to U.. appcoprtat• edttor. The ••me 24-hour answertnc M"lee ma1 a. UHd to record let· ters to the edJtor on any topic. llallbox ~trtbuton mutt include their name and teleptaone numwr for verlncaUon. No clrculatlon calls, please. Tiii 111 what•• on your miad. I . .. •got11i46~ India, which already ranks third among the world's nations that export cut and polished diamonds (Belgium and larael are tops) is planning to double it.a export.a over the next five years. India's diamond cuttera already claim three-fourths of the world market in amaller diamonds. such aa thoee used in aettlnp with emeralds, rubles and other colored stones. There are llterally thouaanda of c:raft.11men acattered throughout India who work in the ahope of 8M11 vma,e.. Many of them are concentrated around the ar.-t PQrt dty of Bomt.y. To bacreae the d1Amond tnde, the Indian Sowmment plant to apend 27 million dollan In developtna new diamond mines ln <.'eftt.ral India. lndaa la • ~ COW\1.1')'. but the cU.rnond iDdUltry Offen I chance for tJw nation to pull ltHlf up by lU economic bootatrap1. MeanwhUe, the lncl'lued diamond llC11Ylt, WUJ help lndl•'• lnternatlonal ba1aftce of .,.,...... ... and wdl rechD •• lmPG"_atlon of 9ouib African dimriondi. .. One single diamond. Set .simply and elegantly. To sparkle on Its own. Of fasting value. t>ecause diamonds ofabout one carat and up are rare Unique. because no two diitmonds are allke lfyou·re~ooklng for that special gJtt. come • see oursetectlon of diamond solitaire jewelry. Vou11 know why It's the gift whtn you have something rare and beautlf'ul to celebrate J. C.JJ"'"l!l,.w. J.-l,. ,=:-~~~A@ 8an!IAIMflCA,._M .. lef CJMfge , ' H/F 'Dance master · UCI's Loring dies By JOEL C. DON or ... 191r,....., Eu1ene Lorina, a pioneer of modern American ballet and founder of UC Irvine'• dance pfOll'am, dJed Monday In New York after a batUe with cancer. }Je WU 68. • Lorina'• career spanned more than half a century on the at.age u well aa the eci-een, where he choreographed nearly 20 fllma, includlnft three starring Fred ~. e iliO served as dance m e n t o r f o r s u c h m •lo r entertainers aa Leslie Caron, lz.a Minnelll, Mary Tyler .Moore and Richard Chamberlain. In 1938, he collaborated with composer Aaron Copland to choreograph a production tiUed "Billy the Kid." Loring recently revived the work for the Oakland Ballet along with Copland. Q; The ~r was per best known for weavin ' ocial . commentarl into the a ric of nearly all o his productions. One play created for the Joffrey Ballet, "These Three," was based on the mid-'60a killings of three white civil rights supporters b}' members of the Ku Klux Klan. Born in Milwaukee, Loring learned his art at the School of American Ballet in New York. ... ~~\ t.'\ ..... ~, By PAT HOROWITZ • of lfte DellJ Not ..... He wu an orllinal member of the American Ballet and Ballet Caravan and. ln llMO, Joined the prestigious American Ballet Theater In ha flrat HHOn aa eolollt and cho~apher. He created 'The Gre)lt American Goof'' for the American Ballet Theater. Loring started hia own company, Dance Players, •nd acted on the New York stage before~a;>D'v.lng.J.o Hollywood to work in the film ir\duatry: He choreographed aeveraJ Cyd Charisse movies and started the Amerl~an Ballet School in Loe Angeles, breeding ground for many of today's entertainers. He continued to work on Broadway produc tion s throughout the '50s and early '60s before coming to UCI in 1965 t o launch the then new university's dance program. He was the recipient in 1967 of the Annual Dance Magazine Award for his work as an artistic director and choreographer, an honor akin to the movie industry's Oscars. Loring was made professor emeritus al UCI in 1979 and left the campus last year to retire in upstate New York. He is survived by a brother. Eugene Loring seeking civ l penalties of $10,000 for each violallon an a permanent l.llJUnct1on against further violations of FTC mall-order rules. Mail order firm s s ued SMM was 84 percent owned by Peleg until last March, when he sold the fbm to Las Vegas-based Gold 'F.Qultles Inc. Within a day, SMM was seized by tJ.S . marshals for alleged non-payment o f d ebts and is now in bankruptcy proceedings. Harold A. Abeles, a Los Angeles attorney representing Gold F.quities, declined c:omment, saying his client is attempting to rescind the SMM purchase. DEAR READERS: The Federal Trade Commission has filed suit against two Southern California mail-order finns to force them either to deliver goods or refund money for at least $850,000 worth of orders: In a civil complaint filed in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, the FTC aJ)eged that Super Mlrket Media of North Hollywood, its owner Nathan Peleg and SMM Mail Order Marketing Inc. of San Fernando, violated the agency's mall-order rule by failing to fill orders within the required 30 days or notifying customers of a delay and offering refunds to them. The agency's regulation . carries the effect of law. The FTC is askinR the court to require that the finns either deliver or give customers refunds for about 65,000 undelivered packages in a San Fernando warehouse. The request also includes any other orders not yet discloeed that remain unfilled. The FTC also is Plenty Of Free Parking OPEN 7 DAYS 8 til 6 llLllY UTIITHE fUTUTD WW. PAID •a•• loL (Reg. •14.99) , The FTC suit ·covers orders received by the finns since Jan. 1, 1979. The complaint alleges that the two flrms and Peleg solicited orders and "yet had no reasonable basis to expect they could ship products within the required period" of 30 days. George Schulman at the Los Angeles FTC office said Super Market Media has been ln business for 15 years and SMM was incorporated In 1974. Correcting bank error DEAR PAT: I j uat r eceived my monthly buk s tatement and 11 far 11 I can tell, a m h take baa been m a d e In on e of my aatomated &eller macklne truuctiona. Wbat procedar& aboald I follow to get the bank to make a correction? I alrK4Y notified the buk, bat wonder lt I bave to do more. C.S., Coata Mesa Fish&Moree •2.49 Our fa mo us Flsh £, More ~ has two crispy fish fillets. fresh coleslaw. golden fryes, and two crunchy hushpuppies. Who could ask for m ore? 3095 Harbor Blvd . In Costa Mesa UU11 South of S.n Olqo Fwy. acrot• from Fedco. 14715 Jeffrey Rd. II W1lnu1 Outt off Sant• AN Fwy.I Irvine • 11-fltj OLYMPIC STAIN Semi-Transparent Sofld oll And Latex Weatherscreen ·~11 99 Gal (Reg. 115.99- 117.99) .. • DemoCrat leads • ID 43rd . . Cr ean poll shows him trailin6 A r ch er A poll• commiuloned b_y ~bUcan candtdate Johnnie R. Crean purportedl~ ahowa O.mocrat Roy "Pat ' Archer leadlnl all candidaiet ln the race tor lfie '3rd Con1reulonal District seat. The poll, conducted ~ntly by a Texas firm, show• Atcher leadlne the three candidatet with 84 percent, Crean wl\h 27 percen t and wrlte·ln candidate Ron P~kard tralllna with only 4 percent. Crean confirmed Tues- day. Some 3~ percent of the voters sampled aaid they are undecided in the race, he d . --a.e..y_lts of the poll ecame public after they we "leaked" to a member of n Dleao County's Republica central com ml ttee by someone in Washington, D.C., Crean aaid. He aaid that when he arrived Monday to apeak to the San Diego Republican Buainea and Profeaaional Club he was confronted by several people who lmew the poll'• findings. But Crean sai'd he doesn't Whli. House aQd eomeone told a friend," he sua-\ed. The 33-year·old Republican &1IO Mid twt la not .W,,rt.ed by the poll resulta. "It's a I~ poll and I'm a little bit beftind Archer, but lt doesn't aurprtae me becauae I've been beat up by the newapaJ>era conaiatently alnce May,• Crean uld. He added that the poll shows that Archer la 1etllrig the Democratic vpte. in the solidly Repu blican dlatrict while Republican voters largely are still undecided. "The poll &hows either me or Archer is going to wJn and the only reiulta of the write.in will be to elect Archer," Crean a1eo . said. Predictably, Archer said he was pleased to learn the poll showed h1m as the front-runner in the race. "I feel I'm going to win, I'm the front-runner primarily because of a negative vote against Johnnie Crean,"· Archer said . conaultanta wanted. "It'• hia poll and at thla point in Ume they wanted to make me look aa bad u they could and ahow that Archer could win. We re~lly don't place any real atgnlflcance in the poll," Packard aald. Packard added that he i• expecting the reaulta from a poll he comml11ioned in the next several days. He Aid he lntendl to ma~e the reaulta of,hJa poll publlq . Packard, who announced he would run as a wrlte-ln candidate in the dayt following the primary 4'lectlon, ran secona to Crean In a bi!_terly c:Ontested 18-way prtmary. Ftnal vote total.a showed Packard loeing to Crean by a alim 92-vote margin. Heavily RepubUcan. the 43rd district, whJch includes pottions of both south Orange County and north San Diego County, was considered a "safe" Republican seat this election year. , • believe the poll wu released In an attempt to d8JTI8ie his election chances. "Th.ls waan'l a declalon made to help or hurt anyone," Crean said. The Democratic candidate atlded, however, that while he belJeves the poll'a flndinga are valid, he feels that Packard actually has great.er support than the poll showed. Expansion OK'd MERCED (AP) -The City Council haa approved a sewer maater plan to allow development north of Merced deaplte warnings that homes there would encroach on th e nolae zone for Castle Air Force Base . -.. "I think this la probably the most intere!ting race in the coutry and the results were floating around the Republican Congressional Committee or the Packard, the former mayor of Carlsbad, said that the poll was designed to demonstrate just what Crean's campaign Also send a letter to the bank within 10 days. Give your name and FOOunt number (not your personal identification number) and describe the error. After being notified, the bank has 10 days to investigate and tell you the results. If t})e bank needs more time it can take up to 45 days to investigate, but only if the money in dispute ls returned to your account. If no error is found, the bank can. take the money back. If you fail to notify the bank within 60 da_)'.s, you may be out of luck. The bank has no obligation, under federal law (Electronic Fund Transfer Act) to conduct an investigation u you missed the deadline. Army fund program DEAR PAT: Can you explain bow tbe Arm y college taad proaram work_a? I've beard tbat tbe Army matc bea faadt tlle service c:~·avea ud a college education can be f la tbll way. -- T.G., F ountain Valley The fund combines a qualified soldier's savings with government matching funds and Army supplements. This program, now being introduced nationwide, allows a soldier to accumulate aa much aa $15,200 (while contributing $2,400) during a two-year enllatmenl, During a three or four-year enlistment, a soldier's college fund could grow OpenDalyf.9 Sunday 10-7 CUiiom Tlnttng At No lxtrca Co.t Al ADVllTlllD ONTV to $20,100, with a contribution of $2,700 by the soldier. To participate in the Army College Fund, qualified high school graduates enlist in the Army and agree to train in one of 60 selected military occupational specialties. They contribute from $25 to $100 of their pay each month up to a total of $2,400 in two years or $2, 700 In three or more years. (Saving is possible since pay is more than $550 a month and housing, meals and work clothes are provided .) The government will match a soldier's contribution two-for-one. Then the Army will contribute additional money - $8,000 for a two-year enlislr(leQl period or $12,000 for an enlistment of three or more years. Army recruiting stations }\ave details on the Army College Fund as well as other Army education and slQll training programs. • • '"Got a problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, • l getting the answers and action you n eed to sol ve inequ ities in n government and business. Mail •. your questions to Pat Horowitz, A t ~our Service, Orange c.out DailY. Pilot, P.O. Box , 1580, Cost.a ].lea, CA 92828. As many letters as possible ~be answered. . Wed. thru Sat., Sept. 1·4, 1912 r-11- THE PERFORMEr'J ...• OUR FIATURl·PACKED EJCTERIOR HOUSE PAINT •Famous Dutch loy· Quality • 9·year Durablllty Rating • For Wood, Metal, Masonry • Fade And Chalk Resistant Got. Latex lxtet10r House Paint Ac rylic. flat-finish house point in white. custom tints CMoaa Mouw Ancl Trtm Polrtt •••••••.••••••• ' ••..•..• 10 ... &. .... ,.ht .. Moute Paint Flot-flnilh totex house point In white and colors. lalelndlaat. AVA i IA81 r A'-1"' '\..I" lJ R T OCA 1 't .... --, ,.'f · ' ~ ~ ~_.: • , ~~ . -L :, 1.. ~ I I '-·~ .' 1 1 .. • • .. I ~~ ·~ ·''~,~· .. ,. .., .... .., -.. , ~ ,, •. ~ IU 1~·~._ C~i .. c::-..,,':o''* .'~t~+C': Mc~O .~·~~C1·-:.~': c. fl M t " r 1.10 t II .. .._ + " llM •e t 1 I ._ :...i•., (1ft :. I ... : .. : 111 JIJ JI ~-.... ~ , .. 1•1i t::~ '-~, . . ~"· ~ • . u H"• "'~,~ .. -. \II o~~~ !1~'::1n&~~tt .. cii: .~ Y~"' i.·~r -t{'+l\11 !. :~t;r~ ~:': ~·~~1· j u~~Lt :..d~ I. IJ I 1111 "°ii~·. 1 1"z ~ ~~·~~· M~ I ! m ,.. '-(Niten l· ft U~ .. ,. ; lfll 1 t 1•'-• '°' ~ ~ •• M 1111 I It ~+ " MelYllle I 4~ m.• I~ A llJf 1. If • • J " .. .. . W.1 y t 1 J 111-VII Mer<ll J I '' t °" Al •1•.. • ~ ·~ Ir .. \II I .. 7t .... MerTH 1.1 1 11.-.. ,11 $elft N•I c ,,. 1;101 a....... A MO "' "'·IO . • " "' M9ro. t -IO I I '"'• ... p . llft c1o .. C'"" u N•t .• p Ji"• 14 •A,., .. :: u t .. ttii ., .. -· IVll IW!erdllll ,.. 11 ~"' . .,, IC I.. ,., • "' •A, rue 't •VII. 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" ~= .s. ., 41: 1 It t: awtPd 12 t -1lt O.= 1,64 I ii .-.+ \II r-IA il :wt ~'\\ LucllyS 1.te t '4t I""+ ~ P....,ICL• 4 ltt U... ..... .....,., ' t .. 100 11\li'.+'.'~ 0.MYU M 12 -,...__Ml rlln'I llfJM , 2A 211111+ \lo LUlleftt .'2 I I II .,,,. P•ft t 1 .. t U 1117\li+ .... ·= 7' I M1 ~ °" Oeftt.111\t M IJ lM 14\li-\Ii I .Jt i IJI 11171\ + " -M-M -l>erft<ll • 1!$1 »-.-1"' I '"'" ........... _ '·"" ........ • 1:,. .......... --..... ~ ....... ·-· ................ . a •i. + " Oe11d 1M • 1tir1 tfti>-11o _ i.• a ~ • ,_ MCA 1.• it ... ~ ~ ... 110r1 • u 1 111 ~-11. ·er.kD .7 •. ii Ml , ........ 0.1 " u• . . • '514 •• .. • I uo . i '"' ... + " g'"'E~ ~ 11, .!! ~ ... :.: P .. HM ..... 410 1e\li-" I Hflw 1:40 • 11 tJ4. l.i. Del " •.» .. no p .. . .. I Ill• .. • 12 -"' = ...-t -,.:::-.. P•f'llPn .a~ 14 ,. -"' l'Jll I ' al ..... 0.11 flf ,.4$ .. IMOldlVll+ \lo Ill 11 1 Ii -1\11 ....., ,.. ... •• at .,..+ P-1 f !Of .1'1/t-" k•Hlt U2 1' IJ7 31._: " 091 ~ •• ·• i.. ti\IO + 'Ill t' 't -w: i. ~ = 21 •: tt~ .._....,. IH •V. ... ., ~ ::: Ja.': ~,~ 81.., U::: I JIU! ~ ~~ ·1 oil .. ; : m· ~tt ,:: 11~,.!,~ ~ .. ,,. .. ·:" J: m~:: ~ ;;fli1! t.•tt "' l"O ~ 4 .• IS uVll•lt • 17 ""•'-'l ml ~+ .tetti .-+Yt U2 • .. • ~ o• rl( .. ~.. • ..... .. . -.......... -" .. • ~ " ''·•.'--1* j :8:'..rt .• :u~==:r .... i :Dtm ... " ,: u'l:t • • .~ ..,~141.:;·i' "' J ~ ..... OIG_, I t1• ~~ V. tt~W t.7' 6 It .... l 4 t i. ' ti 11 +I ... llJf .. t<Ni+lll' o.-111C IMS! 42 40 .... , .... 11'8 1.1"1 t " 1 ..._ er: e + .. fl' • 1 .. u t\a+ '-OIMd t,)t 1 11J 19". .... "...._. IAt • ~ Ill a 11 M ,..._ 1' 1 • "' • 1A .. If ~ °" M fl 11'N ~ ~ H-'l 1 ... I K-" 1 ) t7tl ... ,.t ca • 1 ' -I t ... It llt ,._.._ -ti SIJJ a--19' Mef\J I.Al•.. .. t~..... ..Ute 1 it '.;'~ ,.... .. "C J.11 ll WI ~ti. .M 1 SI 12~... •• HMJI I .... 't M ltW.-1' ... " 41t • \4o ~itt "".,: J •• .,_ 11''J1i iii ir-!t: v'J11:1;; mt!~ a: .• ,':::-.·&:· :: .... :; .. $:c ... t.:·11 1u1:: =t'·" • • ~,.::·~ -.. ~ • '!":: ... g '1', 1* Ir':::~ II J' at··'.._ :l·I· ul. A ·· i r ..... . ..... Mlt9ft 1414t-141 .. ,, ,._._ w I.it 4 . :a :j ttVll;~ ·=··,~ .~= t1 ·1 .:c= I' . :·= ,., , ., ··, l · ~ :t .~,, n:,11,n.;l--~, =::; " ilf!\'° 1' ~ 1·1 J fi!! 1 t· t f! ~ '·. u i I:!~ ii IF. 1 .... ': ff 1 • : l I m:; .. ~, , 'ft~u -tt ~ • ~t' •"j '' = ~-:-' SI + l4t ... M jt • i: !!' !. ,.. • --'£ • ...11 ... • :t· .. ~ ·•·i~· , + ~ t ~ +t I. •f 17'11 + ,. 7 W. • ._ .rt 6 • I t lt-ai~: iii~·~ ": i . !1t~·s =· ~i~ :.I ••o -!.~ 111 ~It ~: · \I 1a '" ..:.:· Orang• Cout DAILY PILOT/WedMld•v. s.ptember 1, •882 H/F .. i Buy reopens Santa Ana hank1 From Wire Services . A Sant.a Ana bonk shut down by federal officiall because of/foan lOlllM!S last week has reopened after lt was bought by C.Ommonwealth &.nk of Torrance. The Western National Bank of Santa Ana was purchased by C.Ommonwealth Tuesday and reopened. Doyle Arnold, acting comptroller o! the currenty who announced the takeover, said West.em National will be a branch office of Commonwealth and all depositors of the closed bank' will automatically become depositors of Commonwealth. Western National, which had been in business for only two years, was closed by Arnold last Friday alter the bank was hit by "significant Joan loaes." The I Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation was immediately named receiver of West.em National. K arch er earn ings up With a strong sales surge in recent weeks, Carl Kare.her Enterprises, Anaheim, owner and operator of the Carl's Jr. restaurant chain, was able to post a slight ' increase in earnings per share in the second quarter eve)l though average shares outstanding were 32 percent higher than in the year-earlier period. In making the announcement Tuesday, Donald Karcher. president, noted what the comparison was · with last year's second quarter, which was the strongest in that record-breaking year. . For the J2 weeks ended Aug. 13, sales were up 14 percent to $55.29 million Crom $48,643.000 in the like weeks last year. F.arnffigs were up 34 ~rcent to $2,- 725,000 from $2,027,000 with earnings per share of 49 cents and 48 cents, respectively. Average shares outstanding were 5,599,903 against 4,:t4ll.ts80, reflecting the initial public offering on Oct. 15. For the 28 weeks ended Aug. 13 sales climbed 13 percent to $119,527,000 from $105,891,000; net income was up 66 percent to $5,151,000 from $3,099,000 and earnings per share were ahead by 24 percent to 92 cents Crom.. 74 cents in the year-earlier period. Karcher attributed the sales increases to improvements in average urtit volumes, customer traffic, and guest check average, with added stimulus from two new menu items: the Western bacon cheeseburger and the crispirito. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ~OLD COINS ' "9W YOM~ -l'YtGtl .... ~of I oold *"i ~ """~·.,,... t ic~i...--.,1411n.1111 .. '* ....... ~,~-. ..-·.-•11 . ......_.,... uwo,-..M007 .. uo . •::.. -..... ·"°''"" •. .-.ff. .......... e--O.-· ..... DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOAKIAPI FlMI Oow.)--· for ~ .......... Aug. JI. STOCXS · °"911 Mi.II WW CIMe Diii 30 Ind ..,_ .. tl6. .. •l.'1 t0U1+ 1.0~ JO Trn 3".31 JU ... W .12 Jl0.61+ I.., 1S Ull 11).IJ llSM 112.•2 11~+ 1.11 as st11 ,., .01 ~.oo io " 250.14 .. 4.J7 11\0US .. . . .... .. .. l .W.SGO Tr•n . . . .. . .. . 2,112,tOO Ulll' . ... .. . • .. . .. 1,tV,400 •s Stll _ . . .. . .. .. .. .. 12,llJ,IOO WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOflK IAPl A119. JI Tueeclay 1ao. ,., ....... AOv~eo 0.<llnod VIK~ Total I_, New 11191\S Ntw low. o:Tt -••AMHOO 1SI 19tS ,179 • NEW YOAI( (API Auv, JI Adv~ed Oe<llnod U1KMn91d Tot•l 1- Nt w "'°"' New- T~y .. 221 201 m ,, ~------ METALS 1• m ·i: • NEW YORK IAP) -t!lpol nonferrou1 mtt~lod•Y. c.,_.., 10-..7a Hiii• • pound, U.S. o..ttnettone. Leed 26-28 _,, •• pound Z1M 40 o.111 a pound, ~. 1'111 M .•ltO Met ... w.-oompoelle. ~ 1fS..n -11 a pounO, H. Y. __, 1385.00 I* .... "-'"'-'325 004321.00 Uoy ounee. HY SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS J • •".ll•NI ,J1t11 ll'llMl1111' 111 OH AN(,t ( OlJ N I l 1 Al II OHNIA l'J C ENTS Newport cops _seek ex-convict in .robbery try I ' By STEVE MARBLE OfttleDlllJ ..... 1'8ft A fOrmer prison Inmate, believed to be the N,._ .. ,.,misslng m e mber of a trio that s tag ed' a commando-style robbery In a Newport Beach neighborhood, is .being hunted by police today. Police said the three men broke Into a houae at 1901 Yacht Enchantrell and held three people at gunpoint whUe ranaacking the houae. • Neighbors, who reportedly heard the gunmen ordering their victims around, notified police. The trio bolted when officers arrived. The hostages, Cecil and Celeste Austin, escaped from Jne alleged robber at different points. Police said Gaynor was arrested after being di8covered on the roof of the Yacht Camilla home . originally oeported all three victims lived at the I Yacht Enchantress home. Police later said Martin Modlano, 27, and Liz.a Alvillar, 21, are r esident•' of the Yacht Enchantress home. The third victim, 27Jear-old David Nielsen, was visiting at the time an la not a resident of the home hit by the te.am of robbers. Newport Beach offic~ said the man is thought to be In his early 20s, a resident of Laguna Niguel and a convicted robber who has served time at Chino State Priaon. -Police, circling the area in a helicopter, said the men split up as they ran toward the nearby Big Canyon Reservoir. One mal). 20-year-old Thomas Guy Basich of Laguna Niguel, was grabbed by police while a second, 20-year-oJd David Mark Gaynor, allegedly ran to a house at 1901 Yacht Camilla and took a man and his wife hoetage. The seven -hour ordeal which ended Monday at day break left residents In the Seavlew community shaken. Several homeowners W4!re evacuated and oth~rs were told to stay in their houses. Modlano, police said they believe, may know the alleged robbers, who they said took a large amount of cash from the home. , The m.laaing man eluded police Monday when a team of officers moved into the gated<Seaview community, responding to a report of a residential robbery. Top LB official1 gets hike Laguna Beach City Manager Ken Frank emerged from a 3 ~ hour secret session with the City Council Tuesday night with a '7 percent salary increase f or himself and promises of another hike in si.x months. The executive session was called by the council to consider Frank's contract with Laguna Beach , and officials said today the City Manager's contract was extended for another year. Frank, who was paid $47,784 a year, willnowmake $51 ,129. Si.x months from today, a city spokesman said, he will receive a 6.5 percent increase, r~i.sing his annual salary te $53,132. . That increase will include a . hike in Frank's car allowance. from $140 per month to $250. Police originally reported that four alleged robbers were involved in the Incident. They now believe it was the work of only three men. There were other initial confusions. Police Narcotic detectives In Huntington Beach .today said they arrested Modlano at the Yacht Enchantress home last February on suspicion of possessing· a half-pound of cocaine . Attorney denies ~Brow·n ·~bribe' By JOEL C. DON Oft1'9DlllJPtlotlttff Newport Beach attorney C. David Baker denied today he tried to use the ballot box to politically bribe Gov. Edmund Ci. Brown Jr. to help a group build Irvine's first hospital. The accusation surfaced after Baker sent a letter urging Brown to sway legislative action in favor of a bill that would"'h'a'Ve supported the proposed Irvine Medical Center (IMC). The measur e, sponsored by Assemblyw o man Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, died "Tuesday in the waning hours of the state Legislature. "It was not a bribe," said Baker, w'ho serves as IMC president. "My intent in writing the letter to the governor was to tell him that there were 15,000 -people-who were being negl~ and forgotten because of political 1 battles that were being fought on higher le-.tel8 in Sacramento." David Ba ker . legislation might suggest state support for one of the groups · competing to build a hospital in )rvine. In his letter to Brown, Baker said he would send another letter to up to 25,000 IMC supporters asking that they vote for Pete Wilson for U.S . Senate if Brown did not Oex his political muscle to get the Bergeson bill passed in the Legislature. Brown is running against Wilson in the senatorial race. ''The letter, of course, is only a draft," Baket" wrote. "Your efforts in pushing (the measure) through the Assembly, Senate and then signing it into law today could change that letter dramatically. I 'would prefer-io- send out a thank you rather than a reminder." Theater delayed at f airgro'unds By JODI CADENHEAD O(llle .,.., Not ..... Construction acheduled on the $10 million amphitheater at the Orange County fairgrounds in Costa Mesa, has been delayed Johnny Hulbert a nd his dog Annie were inseparable on Fij i Isla nd which prompted h is mQther to write a book described on Page B I. Daker was referring to the thousands of signatures gathered in a petition campaign to support . IMC, a $95.8 mlllion hospital complex to be b u ilt, after approval from state health planqing officials, at Jeffrey Road and Bartanca Parkway. Bergeson'• blll would have permitted the Saddleback Community College District to leae 10 ~ of land at ita North Campus in Irvine to a gro'uf. wish in g to build a hospita . Saddleback has endorsed IMC, which also plans to lease an a dditional 22 acres from the Irvine Company. Brown vetoed the bill laat week, stattn1 he felt the In a tersely worded reply.- Byron Gf:orgtoo, Brown'r legaI-· affairs secretary, wrote: "Your threat to condition active polltk:al support for, or opposition to, the governor's current candidacy for the United States senate upon actions with respect to pending legislation you desire him to take in his official capacity as governor has not only done your caU8e a dislervice but may well conatitute an attempt to bribe a public official •.. " (See BRIBE, Pase A,!) The delay Tuesday was the third si n ce w or ker s ceremoniously broke ground July 11, 1981 on the open air bowl theater that is already five years behind schedule. ·Grieving mother aided By STEVE MITCHELL O(tM Delly Plot ltaff "And I will. I will. But not favorite parking enfurcement now." of~er that Friday the 13th Rosie's not budging from towp afternoon. Rick Witte, vice president of Nederlander Organization which has the state contract to build and operate the 15,000-seat theater, declined to say when construction will begin. The letters and c ards, hundreds of them, are scattered over the top of Rosie Miclette's hardwood dining room table. u n ti 1 she fin <la out t 'h e Her friend• turned out en • "We'll be ready when we're ready," said Witte. "You'll know construct.ion has begun when you see the trucks out there." Durine a phone interview the Los Angeles attorney said he has no intention of backing out of the 40-year lease agreement contract with the fair board and the st.ate. In the past Witte has blamed financing problems on the delay of the theater ~at had been ·scheduled to be open by July, 1982. The scheduled new opening date is May 15, 1983. William Blurock, president of Blurock Partnership, the Newport Beach -based architectural firm that ls ~eligning the open air theater, aald representatives for Nederlander and the contractor, C.L. Peck of Loe Angeles, will meet today to work out a final fixed fee contract. COUNTY There are letters of condolence from Laguna Beach City Council members, the fire department, the transit district, the police, merchants in town and longtime friends. In a small town like Laguna Beach, word travels fast. Ahd the reaction to the death of Rosie's daughter was overwhelming. ''Here'• one from the guys at the Coffee Pub," Rosie say1, wiping a tear from beneath her glaales. Another letter·, this one signed by more than 100 al1ista of the Sawdust Festival, is pulled from the stack. ''They got up a collection for me and raised '471," the popular Laguna Beach meter maid said. "They told me to take the money and get the hell away from here for awhile," she chuckled. Schools 'computerized' The Newport-Mesa School District is entering the computer age, and some kids can't wait to get to achool. Page Bl. STATE 250,000 I ans expected Thousands of hot dop, outdoor ~ parkin& spaces and even mass outdoor showers await the estimated 260,000 fana expected at the US rock and computer f•tJval La~ l>e1 _weekend in the San ~ Moun .... _:Plle B8. BUSINE .. S~S circumstances surrounding the masse for memorial services shooting death of her 14-year-old .following the shooting incident. daughter, Rise Tucker, inside a "They told me there were Huntington Beach houae on Aug. more people there than at John 13. Wayne's fune~al," Rosie said. "I believe it." The former El Morro Elementary School.student. who Rosie pi.eked up a photo of her recently moved to Redondo ~ daughter, standing arm Beach with her father, was an arm wl\h a friend at Oak ronounced dead at the acene. S~t Beach. . ker bel1-rrn~nlt,'·ne-rm·""hn'ow;-~·-~_w.as... takea_~J\,&81, a .mon..th 18, of Huntington Beach, was ago, sh~ said, shaking her head wounded by the same bullet that ~d passlng the photo across the killed Rise. table. Huntin~ton Beach police arrested Richard Berge, 18, of Hunti.nfton Beach, immediately following the shooting. The i n cJ d e n t i s s ti 11 u n d er investigation. No criminal charges have been filed and Berge has been releaaed on...his own recognizance. "Everyone in Laguna knows Rosie," aald Police .Ch ief Neil Purcell, who took on the task of breaking the news to the ~·· WORLD Rise uaed to r id e in her mother's blue -and-white Cushman while the meter maid patrolled the streets, looking for expired parking meters. "I'd write out a ticket and she'd run out and put it on the car," she recalled. "People used to call us Big Rosie and Little Rosie," she laughed. But woe be unto the fellow (See ROSIE, Pase A%) Marines near Beirut leave TEL AVIV, llrael (AP) -Defense Secretary Caapar Weinberger Mid today that U.S. Marines will be withdrawn from Beirut within "a few days'' an4 thal be expected U.S. military aid to Lebanon to be lnc:reaed to ltNfC'hen the war-tom country. . Mexico banb go national ' MEXICO CITY (AP) -Pn.ldent Ja.e Lopes Portillo brdered today the'natlonallatton of all private banka ln Mexico • he ~ the natlonla eevere economic crilia ln a ltilte of tlie W\IGn speech before ~· SPORTS Dllr ............... Sitting at a table filled with letters of condolence, Laguna Beach meter maid Rosie Micle tte recalls her daughter, Rise, shpt Aug. 13. INDEX At Y oUr Service A4 . Horoecope A7 Busine9a St-~ Ann Landen A7 Cav~ A7 Moviea B7-8 Clulified E4-8 Mutual Fu.nda 84 Comb D2 Public Notiael Fl-8 . en.word D2 rsteincrohn El-3 De.th Notices F7 A7 ='~nt A6 Stock Marketa B5 87..S Televislon D6 Food Cl-D5 'lbeeten 87-$ Weather A2 TELEVISION -1 ' -..... ----. .. --. . ~ ... ..., ....... L 01'11\g• Ooa1\,0AILY f!ILOT /Wedneed1y, a.Pttmber , 1112 ,,. . 1\ared too lona at tho preU)' uneue. You could count on to yell out, "He)', buddy. p your 9Y• ln your head." Roale, you aee, wu very tectlve of her dauahter. 11lt. auy uked her out. I'd call e PD and run a 28 (car trat.lon) or a 29 (aiolen car) him," ahe aa1d, Joktna. " o dtrtb&~ was going \0 date ~uahter. • en,. tears welllnfi up 1n her ea agaiJ\, she said, Everybody ed her. She had such charm could melt the chrome right of~a,car." es for girl ltelle eaJd ahe can't poljlilbly answer all the mall ahe reattWd from the people who love her. -So the asked that a l~t.er be printed, "ma)'be on 1our editorial Plae or IOmethlng.' It'• here, lnltead: The precloua paru of my body are a heart to Jove many, the arms to share thac love, the mind co think of Jove, the sight ro •ee the penron r Jove, the ability to tHch that love. And finally, co coUch and make the other pel'tlDn aware of that love. --- l uu1ht my lovely thuihter that Jove -I I~ •he had to leave me, for a pH(ieful Ule that ·would not bN.r hNrtache. or pain. God Jee ua produce her and Jet me ce.ch nt-r tor 14 years -for that l am •CiJJ 1r1ateful. My hNJ"C IJOH co all of you who lhared my 10rrow and 1Wponded -You have been good to me by giving me atrell/lfh and ahowlng me chat I am atm needed. From my heart. thank you. Thank you for being there. Love, Just RoBie Rise Tucker Damag1es sought • ID riding-death A San Clemente huaband and wife have filed a wronJf ul death against Capistrano Unified J District and Capi8trano- gun a B each Regional 'i),c c u p a t i o n a 1 P r o g r a m contending their daughter died from injuries suffered during a $hhool-related veterinary aide program. Regina Turner, a 17-year-old il1udent of San Clemente High ~hool, died April 30, six days after she suffered severe head lrrjuries In a fall from a ho~ at . ; the Hurtt Ridge Riding Club 1n San Juan Capistrano. Randy Hite, attorney for the girl's parents, Ruth and Robert Turner, said private investigators are trying' to determine preciaely how the girl died to aee if a cue can be made for a lawsuit. "Money will not make the family whole again, but there are many unknown facts about the death and knowledge of how she died can onl>: help the Turners' peace of mind," Hite said. Hite said no lawsuit wi~ be Clark won't face S' ••Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark will not be charged in connection with an alleged violation of the county's campaign financing law, the district attorney's office said today. "We conduc ted an in- vestigatiqn and found there was no intent to violate the statute by Supervisor Clark. We are taking no further action," said Maurice Evans, a deputy district attorney. H1 ,.,The district attorney's ~ffice }jlµnched the investigation at the CAQUest of Shirley Grindle, a E, 1)6nent of the 1978 Time Is w, Clean Up Politics ordinance gned to reduce the influence of major contributors in aw>ervisorial .elections. "he ord inance limits the amount of campaign contributions a superviaor may receive before being required to declare a conflict of intere8t and refrain from voting on any item involving the contributor. It was alleged Clark received a donation from Signal Landmark Inc. that raised the firm'• aggregate contribution above the TJN CUP lin)it. When the overage waa discovered, Clark's campaign committee refunded a j)C'.>rtion of "'t h e dona-tion to Signal Lan dmark, thus reduclnR the filed If the private investigations indicate that public officials weren't neglectful or responsible for the accident. Trustees of the Capistrano district routinely denied the claim last week and trustees of the regional occupational program are expected to also deny a aimilat claim at their meeting tonight, said program officials. . "It's a very tragjc accident, but my understanding is that she went to the stables at an fund rap aggregate contribufion-and permitting Clark to vote on matters involving Signal, including the firm's development proposafa for Bolsa Chica near Huntington Beach. The district attorney's office later ruled that refunds are not legally allowable. It w~ at that point Grindle, a former county plaruilng commissioner, filed a complaint with the district auorney'a office. Evana said Grindle's complairlt waa "reasonable" and complimented her for monitoring compliance of officials with the campaign reform law. "She ia ln agreement with our deci.sion," Evans said .. BRIBE DENIED BY ATTORNEY . • • • F1om Page A1 On the Assembly floor, an angered Richard Alatorre, D-Loe Angeles, called Baker's letter to the governor "the height of extortion." Alatorre said he - and not the governor -was responsible · for preventing Bergeaon from resurrecting her ~~~~~and bill In the ~wing Brown's Aug. 25 to, Bergeson amended the lation as requested by the emor and had the measure ~w-tvod to a llChool diatrict bW mored by Assemblywoman uwen Moore, D-Loe Angeles. In a last-ditch effort, Bergeson failed to gather enough members of the Legislature for a conference committee vote on the combined legialation. She also could not 1ecure enough votes in the Aaembly for a veto override of the otfginal legialation: llrown said be would support the amended version of the Bergeaon bill, according to Terri Thomas, a legislative aide in the governor's office. But IMC officlala aa well u Bergeson felt the governor didn't make any efforts to get the Leglalature \0 take quiclt action. on the Moore bill. Backers of the hospital proposal said Baker's letter was a common method of exerttng/reau.re on politidan.s. "I ha to let the governor know that there waa grave concern over the way (the bill) waa vetoed," Baker said. "The governor may be trying to distract us from the fact that he waa the one who vetoed the legislation. "I don't think he kept his unauthorized time and didn't have a standard helmet and didn't follow class procedures," said Jerry Thornsley , superintendent of Capistrano Unified. The regional occupational progr~ la a separate system from the school district, but operates in a ' ''joint _powers agreement" with Capistrano Unified and Laauna Beach Unified school diatricts, Thomaley aatd. Ra lph ~lark promise (\0 support the revised legislation) at all." Opposition to the Bergeson bill was ihltiated by Dr. Stanley van den Noort.. dean of UC Irvine's College o f Medicine. The university official haa long fought for a teaching hoepltal on the campus. UCI is considering several hospital proposals. In an interview last week, van den Noort acknowledged that passage of the bill would hurt UCI's chances of building its own hospital facility. Club Jumps gun .. on Oktoberfest Oktoberfeat in Septem~r? It might sound premature, but the Laguna Beach Exchange Club's Oktoberfest '82 celebration will l>Etheld Sept. 25 from 4 to 10 p.m. on the Festival of Arts grounds ln Laguna Canyon. Activities Include a Tyrolean band, authentic • The Laguna B each Chamber of Commerce's second annual golf classic will be held Sept. 20, beginning at 10:30 a.m. at the San Juan Hills Country Club. Registration is limited to 80 golfers, and the entry fee is Uerman food , dancing, contests, boothJ, beer and fun. Sp0nsored by the Excrumae Club, active participant.I wW lnoludc various civic and service organizations, chul'Ches and youth groupa. The $1 adml.uion g(lea for Child Abuse Prevention and other yo uth -oriented activities . . ' $40, which Includes cart, green fee, dinner, and prizes. Dinner guests mar attend for $15. Cocktails and dinner will follow the tourney at 6 p.m. at the Hotel Laguna. For in!Onnation,callthechamber at 494-1018. .. • 'The Busl n e as_a_n_d __ a_d_m_i-niatratlve services for Profesaloruil Women's Cub of PCM Real Estate and Laguna Beach will host I Management wUl be the dinner meeting Sept. 16 at 7 guest speaker. Westfall ia the p.m . at Laguna Federal Democratic nominee for the Savings and Loan, 263 Ocean 70th Assembly District seat. Ave. For reservations, call Linda Westfall, director of 641-4889. Coct is $5.50. Supervisor attacks I report 'doubletalk' By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL O(fMO.., ......... Orange County supervisor Ralph Clark has angrtlr accuaed the county administraUve office of using "classic bureaucratic doubletalk" ln an interim report on hiring private contractors to take 'Over services long provided by county government. During remarks :ruesday, Clark pointedly suggested the first place to consider private contracting to~ the county is within the adffiini.strative office itself'. Clark conceded that county agencies probably aren't happy with the idea that services they perform could be turned over to private contractors. Nonetheless, he accused the administrative o ffice of. not being ••more forceful" on the subject. "I don't find that in this report," Clark said. ''This whole approac h looks like classic bureaucratic doubletalk ... " After giving the stem lectUre, Clark won unanimous approval from fellow board members for a new study on the eligibility of contracting with private sector for services. The administrative office report, prepared i.n response to a July 13 board action, !JClid two services ~ovided by county government were "appropriate" for lmmedlate study of transfer to private e nterprise. Those ·services are maintenance of .... county vehicles and distribution of food stamps. The administrative office recommended that a consultant be hired to study the effects of turning the services over to private operators. Thieves loot LB laundromat ·Thieves, apparently ua1ng a .et of keys, emptied coin-operated washers and dryers at a Laguna B each laundromat on two occasions, escaping with $2,200 in quarters, police ~d today. Operators of Thrlft-0 -Lux Cleaners, 1040 South Coast HJghway, reported the pilfering of the machines t o police Tuesday. Fair and -warmer County jail calm ~fter riots .CQastcd SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -men.Ing night end rnomlng tog end low cloud• In 'f.011111 1r111 by the holldey Weekend end becoming cooler. OUletwlM tllr. High lemp«l!Urel In low to mid 70I et the ~ 8nd moatly '5 to 95 In 1n11nd' "1llllyl. AboUI 5 ~ cooler lnllnd 11y SundeV. Lows se to es. "'Moun\111\ hlQlll 75 to 15 end IOwl Jrom so to U. mid eos. Thuncler1torm1 d•"•!::'~ of • cold eront pr 111 end high wind• wllll• ompt1no • hlllfl flood -•ctl lodaV tor pottlon9 of 8outll Dltlota. Wind 9uat1 10 74 mph were rec:Ofdecl et Sioux Felll, where mof9 tNn 2~ ~ of ,..,, ... end wller• 1lren1 1ound1d • tOl'll8dO wwn1nC1 late Tu.Id~. A• th• 1torm rolled •111. QOlfbelMlnd hell wu reported In ~· end power MflM ... downed In 1ome 11ct1on• of Mlnneeota. TIIUnderllOfm• 1110 dumped h11vy rein In Kentucky end T•nn111M. where flHh flood W9tcllel ·_. poeted oYemlght. EIMWMre 1tound Ille l\llliOft, at\OW9n -• wlclely ecat..,_ °""' Ille Gr'OOI I.all• regloll INI nor1hlm Ohio Veley II Mii •In aoutllem New Engllnd. 8hoWef• end thuncl•ntormt cO¥eted tM Florid• peflln1ul1 _.... doUdy --Pf1tlltllled .... of Vie Ml11l 11I"" Veley. Stii. ... ...-v dear "°"' t'l9 Rodi• to tfll P9dtlo Coelt 'and °""' IN 8oultlefn Plllnl erlf ~ Mii 11 tlrpl Vl/l!Wt. ·c alif ornia So\llMm Cellfoml•·· -"* "'°'*' be tllr Thut9d9Y with hlgfl c:toudlneu •nd fog •lono 1oulhern coul•I ueu, th• N8tlon8I w ..... 8«'tlo9 aeya. H1gN -fot!IC8M et H In Loe Ang8lel. trom t4 to 100 In C>wel!a Vlltflt, from IO to II In mount.in ., .... up lo 101 In northern o..rt• end "°"' 1oe to 111 In tM low deelrt. -'° ' O¥emlaM '°" --~ dip to II In clowntown LOI ~."°"'.to .......... oou t, fron1 H to II In tll• ~-i.om•tollln ciHorta. deponcllno on tll• ........ 80llef'I ..... ,_ OOIWZ••• '°"'° .............. .... ....,. ......... --"""" ... OYenlnl l "f MOfftfftl Murl.r MOOIMllWllllOIOJf ...... ,. --"' .. llftlrftOOfl .... • 1-to-2 foot aouthweet ..... Northw .. 1 wind• wlll reno• frofn 12 to 18 knoll with 4-to-7-foot .... t11t111er ttwo eo m1111 ottttiore from 8811 NlcolM llllnd. T e mpe ratures 13 5f t2 a:; 95 8E 73 st 15 71 78 71 "n llt 71 82 54 80 11 78 45 ., 52 11 51 Mn 115 51 73 54 • 45 85 ea 79 • n 10 83 54 75 82 81 71 n ee es 10 74 .. " 19 .... 91 57 83 72 12 83 57 M :: :: 78 51 ..... n• 81 12 n 56 11 n .. 81 12 70 93 15 .. fl1 16 TT 13 75 101 70 • 18 ... 71 85 74 CAUFORNIA 93 IO 8811..n.ld 94 88 12 Blythe 110 87 IO Eur.ice &4 73 85 'FreMO 113 It 70 Lanceew M 93 71 ~.-..... 88 81 71 ... ~ 93 t : ~ .rr H 73 Oeklend 83 85 85 Puo Aob1M 97 llt 73 Aid Bluff 94 1: :: Redwood City 18 78 ea =..wnenio ~ re 54 a.n Diego a 1 n st a.n f'rlnCllcO 74 IO 85 8em• ...,.,.,. 71 11 70 Sllnta Metle 73 IO 60 Stodlton 95 II 41 Thlnnll 112 IT SI Ukllll 94 IT 78 ,.,......,flfl 103 71 IMI BIO I 11 " • lleflOp 94 ... 81 Ceblfn• 71 11 11 Lono 1Mct1 ea .. ~· MontoN 102 !! ..... Mt. WlllOn ... 1i a2 .....,,, Beech ~ 11 .. -~----·------.. 71 102 7• 101 71 17 72 .. 74 Smos lllf llPIRT ,. BY DAVID KUTZMANN O(theD...,NotlUft Orange County's overcrowded central jail was reported calm today following a aeries of disruptions Sunday night and Monday in which inmates set blankets and sheets on Ure, clogged toilets and shouted at deputies. Though sheriff's departmeit officials said the disturbances were not considered serious, they conceded that a number of incidents had been occurring over the past BeVeral weeks. The jail facilities in downtown Santa Ana have been the focus of I s • considerable news media attention during that period as reporta of incidents related to · overcrowding have come out. · But sheriff's officials claimed today all the publicity being generated about J'ail overcrowding coul be contributing to the problem. "Yes, it is creating problems over there," Lt. Wyatt Hart said this morning. "We feel very strongly that all of the recent controversy about overcrowding is creating problems." Hart said. "We know there is overcrowding and we're trying to do 90l'Dething about it." The four-story jail is designed \0 handle about 1,200 inmates. It now houses about 1,650 prisoners. The la t est disturbances apparently were triggered when deputies be~an a Sunday night "shakedown ' operation in a cell area known as Module E, where it was believed an escape was being planned. "Guys atarted rattling the bars and raising hell," Hart said. Deputies believed the noisy disturbance was meant to be a diversion. 253 OFF SALE . ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY; SEPT. 4 AT OUR THRH LOCAL STORES INCLUDES ·ALL: • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS lllFE SlllPDlll OUllG Sat., Sept. 4, 10 AM · 2 ,M At <:orona 4-4 Mar S-. Onfy ~ Knav.t Per Customer s~ ,. •.. -AMttienol K._W IMh. ' 111111118111 ... W I l>NI ' (11\'t' '.I I'll r.1111 I i, I •ii. OIU\N(.t (<>UN I i < J\1 If <>HNIA '1':> C E.NT ') • N eWport cops seek ex-convict in robbery try , By STEVE MARBLE oru..o.ie,,... • ..., A former prison inmate, believed to be the mining member of a trio that staged a commando-style robbery in a Newport Beach neighborhood, is being hunted by police today. Newport Beach o,fficera said the man is thought to be in his early 20s, a resident q( l.-aguna Niguel and a convicted robber Who has served time at Chino State PrisOn. The missing man eluded police Monday when a team of ofUcers moved into the gated Seaview community, responding to a report of a residential robbery. Library ' • pro1ect expands A new public library to be built at Irvine's Heritage Park most likely will be twice the size initially planned and will become more than a usual community branch. The Orange County Board of Supervisors authorized its library administrators Tuesday with city leaders to discuss expansion from a 10,000 to 20,000 square foot facility. Municipal officials, who have known about the possibility of the expansion, so far have supported the proposal although the Irvine City Council has yet to ~e final action. Police said the three men broke Into a h.ouae at 1901 Yacht Enchantrees and held three people at gunpoint while ransack.Ing the hoµ89. Neighbors._ who reportedly heard the ~n ordering their victims around, notified pouce. The trio bolted when officers arrived. Police, circling the area in a helicopter, said the men split up as .they ran toward the nearby Big Canyon Reeervoir. One man, 20-year-old Thomas Guy Basich of Laguna Niguel, was grabbed by police while a second, 20-year-old David Mark Gaynor, allegedly ran to a house at 1901 Yacht Camilla and took a man and his wife hostaj{e. The hostages, Cecjl and Celeste A1,.1stln, escaped from the alle-ged robber at different points. Police said Gaynor waa arrested after being discovered on the roof of the Yacht Camilla home. The seven-hour ordeal which ended Monday at daybreak left residents In the Seavlew community shaken. Several homeowners were evacuated and others were told to stay In their houses .• Police originally reported that four alleged robbers were involved in the Incident. They now believe it was the work of only three men. There were other Initial confusions. Police orlg1nally reported aU three victim11 lived at the Yacht Enchantress home. Police later said Martin Modiano, 27. and Liza Alvillar, 21. are residents of the Yacht Enchantress home. The third victim, 27-year-old David Nielsen, was visiting at the time and is not a resident of the home hit by the team of robbers. Mociiano, police said they believe, may know the alleged robbers, who they said took a large amount of cash from the home. Narcotic detectives in Huntlngton Beach today said they arrested Modiano at the Yacht Enchantress home la8t February on suspicion of poaessing a half-pound of cocaine. - Attorne.y denies Brown 'bribe' By JOEL C. DON O(tfte DeMr "°' ..... Newport Beach attorney C. David Baker denied today he tried to use the ballot box t.o politically bribe Gov. F.cimund G . Brown Jr. to help a group build Irvine's first hospital. The accusation sur~ after Baker sent a letter urging Brown to sway legislative action in favor of·a bill that would have supported the proposed Irvine Medical Center (IMC). The measure, spon sored by Assembly woman Marian B ergeson, R-Newport Beach, died Tuesday in the waning hours of the state Legislature. legislation might .suggest state support for one of the groups competing to build a hospital in ,.Irvine. · In his letter to Brown, Baker said he would send another letter to up to 25,000 IMC supporters asking that they vote for Pete Wilson for U.S. Senate if Brown ·did not flex his political muscle to get the Bergeion bill paaaed in the Legis lature. Brown is running against Wilson in the senatorial race. "The letter, of course, is only a draft," Baker wrote. "Your efforts in pushing (the measure) through the Assembly, Senate and then signing it into law t.oOay could change that letter dramatically. I would prefer to send out a thank you. rather ~ _ TTemlndet:" ---·- The new library to be located adjacent to the city's Fine Arts Center at the park, initially was to be the same size as the branch library in University Park, with possible expansion in five years. "It was n_ot a bribe," said Baker, who serves as IMC president. "My intent in writing the letter to the gove~r was '° l~-r...:-;r-·t-tell-him· thallhere were 15,000 In a tersely worded reply, Byron Georgiou, Brown's legal llffairs secretary, wrote: "Your 1hreat to condition active political support for, or opposition to, the governQr's current candidacy for the United States Senate upon actions with respect to pending fegislation you desire him to take in his official capacity as governor has not only done your cause a diseervice but may well cc:Matitute an attempt to bribe a public official ... " But officials tor the cO'iiiily, which will finance construction, decided recently that the Irvine alte ahould immediately serve as the first regional library in the southern part of the coun~, said Robert Griffith, as&stant director of the county's General Services Agency. Regional libraries differ from other branches because extra apace is der,oted to research and other governmental and technical materials, he said. The county will save money by building the larger facility at once rather than addinR space in the future, Griffith adaed. Johnny Hu\bert and bis dog Annie were inseparable on Fiji Isla_nd which prompted his mother to write a book described on Page Bl. • people who were being neglected and forgotten because o( political , battles that were being fought on hiaher levels ill Sacramento." Baker was referring to the thousanda pf signatures gathered ln a petition campaign to support IMC, a $95.8 million hospital complex to be built, after approval from state health planning offi~ials, at Jeffrey Road and Barranca Parkway. Bergeson's. bill would have permitted the Saddleback David Ba"er Colllft)unity College District to leaae '10 acres of land at Its North Campus In Irvine to a grouf. wishing to buil4 a hospita . Saddleback has endorsed IMC, which also plans to lease' an additional 22 acrea from the Irvine Company. Brown vetoed the bill last week, stating he felt the (See BRIBE. Pase AJ) Construction of the library is expected to begin next spring and the cost will range from $1.2 million to $1.6 million, officials aaid. The city is paying architectural costs, which are $84,000 now and would increue by as much fa $2~.ooo if the expansion is approved, said Pat Fiero, manager of the city's- recreation and leisure services. Grieving mother aided The library is expected to open in mid-1984. R io iing kills · t wo in Poland WARSAW, Poland (AP) - Police dodging bricks and firebombs have fired on a crowd of demonstrators in the town of Lubin, killing two and wounding 12 in the most violent inciden\ marking the second anniversary of Solidarity, the official PAP news agency said today. In Warsaw, m ourners fashioned a cross of spent tear gaa canisters today and placed a red banner with a black stripe and a piece of paper above it reading: "To the memory of thoee killed in Lubin Auscust 31." COUNTY By STEVE MITCHELL OftheDallyNotll.rt The letters and cards, hundreds of them, are scattered over the top of Rosie Miclette's hardwood dining room table. There are letters of condolence from Laguna Beach City Council members, the fire department, the transit d~strict, the police, merchants in town and longtime friends. In a small town like Laguna Beach, word travels fast. · And the reaction to the death of R osie 's daughter was overwhelming. "Here's one from the guys at the Coffee Pub," Rosie says, wiping a tear from beneath her glasses. Another letter,, this one signed by more than 100 artiats of the Sawdust Festival, is pulled from the stack. "They got up a collection for me and raised $471," the popular Laguna Beach meter maid said. "They told me to take the money and get the hell away from here for awhile," she chuckled. Schools 'computerized ' The Newport-Mesa School District iB entering the computer age, and some kids can't wait· to get to acbool Page Bl. STATE 250,000 I ans expected 'nlousanda of hot dop. outdoor toilets, parking spaces and even mass outdoor ahow~n awatt the estimated 350,000 fana expected· at the US rock and computer festival Labor Day weekel\d in the San Bernad1no Mounta&Jw. Jt.-m. • I "And I will. I will. But not now." Rosie's not budgi?g from town until she finds out the circumstances surrounding the shooting death of her 14-year-old daughter, Rise Tucker, inside a Huntington Beach houae on Aug. 13. The former El Morro Elementary School student, who recently moved to Redondo Beach with her (ather, was pronounced dead at the scene. Her best friend, Dena Farrow, 18, o( Huntington Beach, was wounded by the same bullet that killed Rise. Huntington Beac h police arrested Richard Berge, 18, of Huntington Beach, ipunediately following the shooting. The incident is still und er .investigation. No criminal charges have been filed and Berge has been releued on his own recognizance. "Everyone ln Laguna knows Rosie," said Police Chief Neil Purcell. who took on the task o1 breaking the news to the town's WORLD favorite parking enforcement officer that Friday the 13th afternoon. Her friends turned out en , masse for memorial services .following the shooting incident. "They told me there were more people there than at John Wayne's funeral," Rosie said. "I believe it." Rosie picked up a photo of her smiling daughter, standlng arm in arm with a f~iend at Oak Street Beach. "This was taken just a month ago," she said, shaking her head ~d passing the photo across the table. Rise used to ride in her mother's blue-and-white Cushman while the meter maid ~patrolled the streets, looking for expired parking meters. "I'd write out a ticket and she'd run out and put it on the car," she recalled. "People used to call us Big Rosie and Little Rosie," she laughed. But woe be unto the fellow (See ROSIE, Page A%) Marines near B eir ut lea ve TEL A VIV, Iarael (AP) -Defense Secretary CMpar Weinberger Aid today that U.S . Marines will be withdrawn from Beirut within "a few days" and thai he expected U$. military aid to Lebanon to be Jncte•ed to ~n the war-tom country. Mexico banks s o n a tional _ 1~EXICO crr.Y (AP) -Pr.ealdent Joee Lopez 1'"0rU.UO ordered toda1 the nationalization of all private ~ in Mexico M he cll9CUlled the nation'• severe ~ crWa ln a mte of the untan tpeeeh· before eoncr-. . . SPORTS .., ............. Sitting at a table filled with letters of condolence, ~guna Beach meter maid Rosie Miclette recalls her daughter, Rise, shot Aug. 13. INDEX At Y oUr Service A• Horoecope A7 Businele &t-5 Ann Landers A7 Cavalcade A7 Movie. B7-S Cia.ified FA-8 Mutual Funds &t C.omks D2 PUblic Notices Fl-8 Cromword D2 SpPl1a El-3 Death Notices • F7 Dr. Steincrohn A7 Editorial A6 Stock Marketa B&. Entertainment 87--8 TelevWon D6 Food Cl-~ Thee ten B7--8 Weather A2 TELEVISION o •tared too luna al th pretty unette, You could counl on • '° yell out, "Hey, buddy. p your .,_ In your ~." Ro1le, you 1ee, waa very tecUve of her daughter. 'U a IUY uked her out, I'd call e PD and run a 28 (car tratlon) or a 29 (atolen car) him," she aald, joking. • o din~ was going to date ~ug_hter. • Moete Nld 1he can't..pomtbly anawer all the mail 1ht received from tho people who love her. So ahe uked that a letter be prln~. "maybe on rour editorial pap or eomethina.' . It'• here, lNtead: • en, tears welllrlfi up in her again, she said, 'Everybody ed her. She had such charm could melt the chrome right a car." The precloua plU'U o/ my body •re • heart to love many, che Al'1M to share that love, the mind to think of Jove, the sight tp •tte tbe peraon I Jove, the abUlty to • teach chat Jove. And l1nalJ.Yi.' to touch and make the ocher person •ware of th.at Jove. By J ODI CADENHEAD O('tlle DellJ Not ltafl J,.. Construction scheduled on the ~•0 million amphitheater at the Orange County fairgrounds in ~sta Mesa, has been delayed a,eain. The delay Tuesday was the {h i r d s i n c e w o r k e r s ~remoniously broke ground July l-l· 1981 on the open air bowl theater that is already five years behind echedule. Rick Witte, vice president of Nederlander Organization which has the state contract to build and operate the 15,000-seat theater, declined to say when construction will begin. "We'll be ready when we're ready," said Witte. "You'll know construction has begun when you 'Clark won't face •' L" Orange County Supervisor ..ftalph Clark will not be charged in connection with an alleged 'violation of the county's campaign financing Jaw, the district attorney's office said today. .. "We conducted an in- vestigation and found \here was no intent to violate the statute by Supervisor Clark. We are taking no further action," said Maurice IEvans, a deputy district attorney. . :; i The district attorney's office .launched the investigation at the request of Shirley Grindle, a -.proponent of the' 1978 Time Is •Now, Clean Up Politics ordinance designed to reduce the influence # of major contributor a ln supervisorial elections. The ordinance limits the amount of campaign contributions a supervilor inay receive before being required to <leclare a conflict of interest and refrain from voting on any Item involving the contributor. It was alleged Oark received a donation from Signal Landmark Inc. that raised the firm's aggregate contribution above the TIN CUP limit . W h en the over1i1ge was discovered, Clark'• campaign committee refunded a portion of the donation to Signal Landmark, thus .aulucing the .... .. l uu1IH my luv~Jy daughter that love -I t~J sh• had to le•ve me, for • pHCelul life that would not bHr he.rtachee or pain. God Jee us produco ht:r and let me tHch her tor 14 Yffn -for that I am •r.J.ll vateful. My heart goet1 to Ill ot y.ou who •hared my 8iJrrow 1;nd retponded -You have Ix-en good to me by giving me •~nlfh and showlngame chat 1 .tm still needed. From my heart, tharik you. Thank you for being there. Love, Jwt Rosie see the trucks out there." Durin2 a phone interview the Los Angeles attorney said he has no intention of backing out of the 40-year lease agreement contract with lhe fair board and the state. In the past Witte has blamed financing problems on the delay of the theater that had been scheduled to be open by July, fund rap aggregate contributlon-and permitting Clark to vote on matters involving Signal, including the firm's development proposals for Bolsa Chica near Huntington Beach. The district attorney's office later ruled that refunda are not legally allowable. lt was at that ~lnt Grind.le, a former county planning commissioner. filed ·a complaint with the district attorney's office. Evans said Grind.le's complaint was ••reasonable'' and complimented her for monitoring compliance of officials with the campaign reform law. ·"She is in agreement with our declaJon, u -Evanrsaid. Rise Tucker • again 1982. The scheduled new opening date is May 15, 1983. William Blurock, president' 1of Blurock Partnership, the New&>ort B eac h -based archit-ectural firm that is designing the open. air .theater, said representatives for Nederlander and the contractor, C.L. Peck of Loa Angeles, will meet today to work out a final fixed fee contract. · Ralph Clark By GLENN 8CO'M' o<-.~ ........ Culverdale rettdentt thought they'd won a green light from th~ Irvlne City c.ounciJ ln July when they aaked tor traffic alanalt at the two entrances to their neighborhood. Thls week, however, the light turned red. The city'• Tranaportatlon Comml .. lon voted unanlmoualy Tuesday to advise the City CoWlcll against installing sign.ala at Main Street and Thiel Avenue or at Culver Drive and Ferris Avenue. • That recommendation tis tentatively acbeduled to go back to the City Council at its Sept. 14 meeting, along wtth staff reports ar~ing against lhe signals. 'I gueu we're going to have to look at the stuff and make our own decisions,'' observed Councilman David Sills. Ttansportatlon commiaaloners agreed with staff apeciallata who said the aignala w ould be unwarranted and more of a safety hazard than current conditions because of increased rear-end collisions. They estimated the combined installation coets at $296,000. Comm1111oner1 did IUlfHt, thoulh. that cro.lna ~ Of construction of a walkway alon1 the west alde of Culver to Main would eate dan1er1 for thOH chlldren leavtna the vlllaae to attend nearb)' 11ehoola. A committee of city offJctal• and Culverdale realdenta mJaht belt> to pinpoint specltic ulety problems, they added. The suggestions were le11 than the residents wanted. Jeanne O'Laughlln, ·preald~nt of the Culverdal_, Community Aasoclation, aeld ahe undentood the City Council had lmpllcttly approved the algnah. She claimed the direction had been simply to "run lt by" the commission aa a procedural matt.er. And anything leas than the signals will not be accepted by lhe eommunity, she added. "Our kids don't learn to play dodge ball ai echool," she claimed. Tuesday. "They play dodge ear." Commission Chairman Alan Miller, however, explained that his group has a responsibility to consider technical implications before condoning a proposal. Supervisor attacks report 'doubletalk' By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL o<the~ ......... Orange County supervisor Ralph Clark ha.a angril~ accused the county administrattve office of uslng "classic bureaucratic doublelalk" in an interim report on hiring private contractors to take over services long provided by county ~nt. During remarks Tuesday, Clark pointedly suggested the first place to consider private ~ontracting for the county is within the administrative office itseU. _ approach looks like classic bureaucratic doubletalk . . . " After giving the stem lecture, Clark won unanimous approval from fellow board memben for a new study on the eligibility of contracting with private sector for services. BRIBE ATTE~T ON GOVERISOR-BROWN-DENIED-.. -.--.-- Clark conceded tliat coun{y agencit!I probably aren't happy with the Idea that services lh~ perform cOUfcll;e ea Over to private contractors. Nonetheless, h e accused the administrative office of not being "more forceful" on the subject. The administrative office report, prepared in response to a Julr 13 board action, said two services provided by county government were "appropriate" for Jmmediate study of transfer to private enterprise. Those services are maintenance of county vehicles and-<lisuibution of food stamps. · From Page A 1 On the Assembly floor, an angered Richard Alatorre, D-Los Angeles, called Baker's letter to the governor "the height of extortion." Alatorre said be - and not the governor -was responsible for preventing Bergeeon from resurrecting her special land bill ln the {,egtalature. tallowing Brown's Aug. 25 eto, Bergeson amended the ~tion as requested by the iivemor and had the measure --M?h4~ 'to a 9Chool dist:ric.t-bill naored by AasemblyWoman uwen Moore, D-Loa Angeles. In a laat-ditch effort, Bergeson failed to galher enough members of the Legislature for a conference committee vote on the combined legialation. She also could not aecure enouah votes in the Aaeembly for a veto override of the original leg;ialation. Brown said he would support the amen~ed version of the Bergeson bill, according to Terrl Thomas, a legislative aide in the ~--lJflJoe. ---- But IMC officials aa well as .. Berge90n felt the governor didn't make any efforts to get the Legialature to take quick action on the Moore bill. Backe.rs of the hospital propool said Baker's letter was a common melhod of exerting pressure on politicians. "I had to let the governor know that there waa grave ooncem over the way (the bill) was vetoed," Baker said. "The governor may be trying to distract us from the fact that be was the one who vetoed the Jegiilatlon-. - "I don't think he kept bis Fair and warmer ,, --------------.-.-. C q as ta l SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL ANO MOUNTAIN AREAS -lnCteMlng night llnd motnlng tog and low cl0ud1 In 4'1'Htal areH by Ille llolld1y Weekend end becoming cool«. OtllefWe lair. HIOh temperalur• In loW to mid 70I al Ille beectlM and moetly 8~ to 95 In 1n11nd' vlllleyt. About 5 degren c:ooter lnlend by Sundey. Lows 58 to 88. ~ 111QM 15 to 85 llnd Iowa rrom 50 to the mid eo.. a H~2 toot aouthweel ...._ NorthwHI wind• wlll ra119., from 12 to 18 knot• with 4-tc>-7~ -tart11er than eo rnllM ofl9hore from Sao NlcolM lllMd. Tempe ratures NATION 73 5( 92 e:: 95 et 73 et 85 71 71 71 "n " 71 82 14 90 71 71 45 11 52 S1 61 "n· 75 58 73 ... " 45 . .. 7t et n 10 83 ... 75 12 S1 71 n ee • 70 74 ee " 7t ... et 11 51 83 72 72 13 57 N " .. Ill 46 7t 11 14 ... 72 ... 11 12 17 H 87 17 ... 11 12 70 13 7S .. t7 15 77 13 7& 101 70 M 11 14 71 .. Wbbeldl MempNt Mlwnl Mllwa''lt .. M~t.P NllltMlle NewOrteene NwY0111 Nof'folll No.Platt• Okla City Omllha Ortlndo ==-Pttt•burt PUand. PUand.Ore Pr0\46ela ="City Aano laltl.IM 1911 Antonio s.ttle ..... .,.°"' 8loull ... St Loull 81 Louie St P-TMIP9 St Ste Marte 9PC* .. Syf-+= T'*9 Wlllfllngtn WtclMa . , 95 74 93 IO .. 12 17 llO 73 85 11 70 t3 71 .e 7t 99 ... 82 99 73 85 85 " 73 83 88 108 M 78 88 71 14 n It IO 85 11 70 IO 50 " 48 17 51 17 71 71 5e t5 .. 14 11 88 75 88 n 11 e5 41 75 52 71 5e ee 71 102 74 101 71 17 72 " 74 < Smog ... 71 110 84 M 93 13 t8 87 88 72 93 85 107 13 97 ... ee 19 7t 81 74 71 73 15 112 ... 5e I 59 14 59 48 70 52 IO 103 • 11 40 ... 191) 7S 17 t2 85 102 IO ac 12 17 II t5 12 W119r• to e111 (toll ltH) lor ...... ~lnfonnetlon: OrWIQ9 ; (IOO) +ts-3tlt lo• Angel .. Co11nty: (tOOI U2.-.0U ...... and len 91fMt•IO ClllUntlel: (IOOI M1-4710 AQMO lp4eOde Center: (IOO) 142-4111 1 promise (to support the revised legislation) at all." Opposition to the Bergeson bill was initiated by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean of UC Irvine's College of Medicine. The university official has long fought for a teaching hospital on the campus. UCl is considering several hospital proposals. In an interview last week, van den Noort acknowledged that passage of the bill would hurt UCl'a chances of building its own h:ospttaHa::ility. -:- ·"I don't find that in this report," Clark said. "This whole The administrative office recommended that a consultant be hired to study the effects of turning the services over to private operators. Irvine cycle rider injured A 31-ycar-old Irvine man was in serious but stable condition at a local hospital today after his motorcycle crashed into a median on University Drive early this morning. _Kyle Krause of 29 Cerrito was taken by paramedics to Fountain . Valley Community Hospital for treatment of head and internal injtiries after his bike slid into the raised median just north of Campus Drive at 2:30 a.m., said Irvine police Sgt. Jim Broomfield. -r--- County j8il calm after riots By DAVID KUTZMANN O('fhe DellJ fttlot It.ft Orange County's overcrowded · central jail was reported calm today following a series of disruptions Sunday night and Monday in which inmates set blankets and sheets on fire, clogged toilets and shouted at deputies. Though sheriff's department officials said lhe disturbances were not considered serious, they conceded that a number of incidents had been occurring over lhe pa_st several weeks. The jail facilities in downtown Santa Ana have been the focus of -•&:. considerable news media attention during that period as . reports of incidents related to overcrowdmg have come out. But sherilra officials cl.aimed today all the publicity being generated about jai1 overcrowding could be contributing to lhe problem. "Yes, it is creating problems · over there," Lt. Wyatt-Hart said this morning. "We feel very strongly lhat all of the ·recent controversy about overcrowding ls creating problems," Hart said. "We know there is overcrowding and we're trying to do something about it." ·The four-story jail is designed to hand.le about 1,200 inmates. It now houses about 1,650 prisoners. The latest disturbances apparently were triggered when deputies began a Sunday night "shakedown" operation in a cell area known as Module E. where it was believed an escape was being planned. "Guys started rattling the bars and raising hell.'' Hart said. Deputies believed the noisy disturbance was meant to be a diversion. 253 OFF SALE ONE DAY ONLY SAT\laOAY, SEPT. 4 AT OUR THIH LOCAl STOIES INCLUDES ALL: • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIFE SETS lllFE SIAIPEllll CUllC Sat., Sept. 4, 10 AM· 2 PM At Corona ct.I Ml# Stwe Only Ttwee Kniftl ,., Cuttomer Shar,...t ...... A•~ " .............. . , ... •11111 llRlll ,,... t I' NI . I' r, \ .1 I I I r.1111 I I I ' OHANC,I < <>IJN I'( ( J\I 11 lll<NIJ\ 4''• ClNTS Newport c~ps seek ex-convi ct • Ill robbery try l ! . By STEVE MARBLE Of'lheDelp,... ..... A former prison inmate, believed to be the missing member of a trio that• staged a commando-1t.Y,l~ . .tQ~f'~ ,ln. a Newport Beach · ·7-·"neighborhOOd, 1s being hunted by police today. Newport Beach officers said the man Is thought to be in his early 20.. a resident of Lagupa Niguel and a convicted robber who has served time at Chino State Prlsbn. The miSslng man eluded police Monday when a team of officers moved into the gated Seavie~ community, responding to a report of a residential robbery. Banning allies for01ed By STEVE MARBLE Of' 1M Delly Plot It.ft Claiming voters In Newport Beach are being fed a bunch qf "damn lies," former city mayo.r Don Mcinnis announced the formation today of a campaign group that he said will try to set the record straight on t he controversial Banning Ranch development. The fate of the 75-acre proposed project in W est Newport, threatened by a referendum measure, wil1 be decided in the Nov. 2 election. Mcinnis, a city council member for 12 years, said he and others are angered by ballot language submitted by the West Newport Legislative Alliance, the group behind the referendum. .The f orme r mayor, who ~ represented-West Newport while on the council, said the new group -Citizens For A Better Newport -nopes to raise and spend up to $30,000 before the election. PolJc.-e sa1d the -ihree men broke lnto a hou.e at 1901 Yacht Enchan\l'ftl and held~ people at ~point while ranucking~ the house. 'Neighbors, who reportedly heard the gunmen ordering thel~ victims around, notified police. The trio bolted when officers arrived. ' -Police, circling the area ln a helicopter, said the men split up as they ran toward the nearby Big Canyon Reservoir. -. • One man, 20-year-old Thomas Guy Basich of Laguna Niguel, wu grabbed. by pQllce while a second, 20-year-old David Mark Gaynor, allegedly ran to a house at 1901 Yacht Camilla and took a man and his wile hos~e. The West Newport alliance, highly cr~ti ca l of the development, gathered more than 6,000 signatures to get the issue put on a citywide vote. Mcinnis claimed the ballot argument written by the alli.ance ii "vague, dishonest and wrong in aorne cases." Johnny Hulbert and hlA 4og Annie · were inseparable on Fiji Island which prompted his mother to write a book described on Page Bl. "· The ho1tage1, Cecil and Celeate Austin, escaped from the allqed robber at different points. Police aid Gaynor waa arrested after belng alacovered on the roo~ of the Yacht Camilla home. The seven-hour ordeal which ended Monday at daybreak left residents ln the Seavlew community 1haken. Several homeowners were evacuated and others were told to stay In their houses. Police originally reported that four alleged robbers were involved ln the incident. They now beUeve it waa the work of only three men. There were other Initial confusions. Police originally reported all three victinlft lived at the Yacht Enchantreu home. Police later laid Martin Modiano, 27, and Liz.a Alvillar, 21, are residents of the Yacht Enchantreea home. The third ~. 27-yea.r-old Davi,d Niellen, was visiting at the time and la not a resident of the home hit by the team of robbers. Modiano, police said they believe, may know the a!U!ged robbers, who they said took a large amount of cash from the home. Narcotic detectives In Huntington Beach today said they arrested Modlano at the Yacht Enchantress home last February on suspicion of possessing a h alf-pou':'d of cocaine. Attorney denies Bro.wn 'bribe' By JOEL C. DON Of'ttle Dellr Not 11.tt Newport Beach attorney C. David Baker denied today h e tried to use the ballot box tp politically bribe Gov. F.dmund G. Brown Jr. to help a group build Irvine's first hospital. The accusation surfaced after Baker sent a letter urging Brown to away legislative action in favor of a bill that would have supported the proposed Irvine Medical Center (IMC). The m easure, s p onso r ~d b y Assemblywoman M~rian Bergeson; R-Newport Beiach, died Tuesday in the waning hours of the state Legislature. "It was not a bribe," said Baker, who serves as IMC _ president. "My intent in writing the letter to the governor was to tell him that there were 15,000 -peop~ wHo were l>elng neglected and forgotten bec:ause of political battles that were being fought on ·higher levels in Sacramento." Baker was referring to the thousands of signatures gathered in a petition campaign to support IMC, a $95.8 million hospital complex to be built, after approval from state health planning officials, at Jeffrey Road and Barranca Parkway. Berfeson'I bill would have perm tted the Saddleback David Baker legislation might suggest state support for one of the grQups competing to build a hospital in Jrvine. lri his letter to Brown, Baker said he would send another letter to up to 25,000 IMC supporters asking that they vote for Pete Wilson for U.S. Senate if Brown did not flex hls political muscle to get the Berg~n bill passed in the Legislature. Brown is running against Wilson ln the senatorial race. "The letter, of course, is only a draft," Baker wrote. "Your efforts in pushing (the measure) through the Assembly, Senate and then signing it into law l<>day could change that letter dramatically. I would prefer to send out a thank you rather than a reminder." · -In a-ter-sely worded reply ;- Byron Georgiou, Brown's legal affairs secretary, wrote: "Your threat to condition active political support for, or opposition to, the govemor's current candidacy for the United Stat.es Senate upon actions with respect to pendiJl8 legislation you desire him to take Community College District to lease 10 acres of land at its North Campus In Irvine to a grouf with ing to build a hospita . Saddleback has endorsed IMC, which also plans to lease, an . adcfftlonal 22 acres from the Irvine Company. In his official capacity a1 governor has not only done your cause a dillervice but may well constitute an attempt to tmbe a public oUicial .' . ." Brown vetoed the blll last week, stating he felt the (See BRIBE. Pase Al) He said the ballot lan~age predicts that the multi-mUUon doJlar development will mean aeven times more air pollution, 10 times more noiae, 10 times more peak-hour-tratftc and seven times m ore demand at the airport. Grieving-moth-er atde-d "Who are they kidding?" said Mcinnis , during a press oonference called today on the slips of city hall. He said he doubts the validity of the claims. Representatives of the alliance could not be reached for reaction. Councilman Phil Maurer, listed as a director to the newly formed group, said h~ is outraged by the alliance-written ballot argument. He said he believes there should be legal action taken again.st the argument. Mcinnis, revealed a list of directors that includes five council members and two IChool trustees, admitted that developer Bill Banning does not know about the group's existence. Banning, who has yet to say whether he will support his own pro~ la on vacation and out of town. Mclnnia said directors for the new group include Mayor Jackie Heather, council members Evely n Hart, John Cox, Ruthelyn Plummer and Maurer and Ne wport-Mesa Unified School District tfustees B.J . Sk i lling and Sherry Loofbourrow. COUNTY By STEVE MITCHELL Of lfle Dellr Not It.ft The lettt!'rs and cards, hundreds of th~J are scattered over the top of Rosie Miclette's hardwood dining room table. There are letters of condolence from Laguna Beach City CounciJ members, the fire department, the transit dis trict, the police, merchants in town and longtime friends. In a small town like Laguna Beach. word travels fast. · And the reaction to the death of Rosie's daughter was overwhelming. • "Here's one from the guys at the Coffee Pub," Rosie says, wiping a tear from beneath her glasaes. Another letter, this one signed by more than 100 artists of the Sawdust Festival, is pulled from the stack. "They got up a collection for me and raised '4 71," the popular Laguna Beach meter maid said. "They told me to take the money and get the hell away from here for awhile," she chuckled. Schools 'computeriz ed' The Newport-Mesa School Distric:t ii entering the computer age, and some kids can't wait to get to 1ehool. Page Bl. STATE 2 5 0,000 tans expected ThoUlanda of hot clop. 9'1idoor toilets, parking spaces and even mau ou tdQor ahowen await t.he e91imated 250,000 fam ex9ected at the US rode ancl computer featiival Labor l>akweekend in the San . BUSINESS "And I will. I wm. But not no ." Rclsie's not budging from town until 1he fin'ds out the circumstances surrounding the shooting death of her 14-year-old daughter, Rlae Tucker, inside a Huntington Beach hou9e on Aug. 13. The fol\lll er El M orro Elementary School student, who recently moved to Redondo Beach w ith tier father, was prol)ounced dead at the scene. Her best friend, Dena Farrow, 18, of Huntington Beach, was wounded by the same bullet that killed Rise. Huntington Beach police arrested Richard Berge, 18, of Huntington Beach, immediately following the shooting. The incident la still under inveatlgatlon. No criminal charges have been filed and Berge has been relea.ed on hil own recognlzance. 0 Everyooe ln Laguna knows Roeie," said Police Chief Neil Purcell, who took on the task of break1nc the news to the town's W O RLD favorite parking enforcement officer that Friday the 13th afternoon. Her friends turned out en masse for memorial services .following the shooting incident. "They told me there were more people there than at John Wayne's funeral," Rosie said. "I believe it." Rosie picked up a photo of her smiling daughter, standing arm in ar,m witn a friend at Oak Street Beach. '"Iltls was taken just a month ago," she said, -.haking her head and passing the photo acroes the table. Rise used to ride in her mother's blue-a nd-white Cushman while the meter maid patrolled the streets, looking (or expired parking meters. "I'd write out a ticket and she'd run out and put it on the car,'' abe recalled. "PeoJle used to call us Big Roaie and Little Rosie," she iauahed. But woe be unto tlie fellow (See ROSIE, Pase At) Marines n ear Beirut leave TEL AVIV, larael (AP) -Defeme Secretary C.par Wetnbeqer Mid today that U.S. Marines will be withdrawn from Beirut within .. a few da)'I" and that he expected U.S. military aid to Lebanon to be , )nc.Tl!11ed to 8CNnlthen the war-~ c:ountry. Mex ico banlcs so national MEXICO CITY (AP) -Preeident Joee Lopei Portillo ordered todlly the natlonaliution of all private bankl ln Mmdco •he~ the nation'• aevere ecaaomlc a1ala in • state of the union 8P"Ch before eor..r-. - SPORTS .,..,,... ....... Sitting a t a table filled with letters of condolence, Laguna Beach meter m aid Rosie Miclette recalls he r d a ugh ter, Rise, shot Aug. 13. INDEX At YoU.. Service A4 Horoecope A7 Buli.netl 84-5 Ann Landers /\7 Cavalcade /\7 Mo~ B7-8 Clualfied E4-8 Mutual Funds B4 Comfa D2 Public Noticel Fl-8 en.wont D2 Sporta El-3 Death Noticea F'1 Dr.Steincrohn A7 Editorial A6 Stock Marketa 86 Entertainment 87-8 Televillon 06 Food • Cl-~ ThNten 87-8 Weether A:/. .. .. TEL EV/SION .. O/N .,., Orat.oe Cout DAIL. V PIL..OT/Wed~. leptemtMr 1, 1812 • OSie 1\al'od too Iona at the J>"llY nene. You could count on to yeU out,· "Hey. buddy. your eyee ln your held.'' oale, you 1ee, waa vtry tective of her daughter. • •u a guy uked her out, I'd call e PO and run a 28 (cat tration) or a 29 (1tolen car) him," ahe aaJd, joking. o dirt_~ was going to elate daU&hter. I • en, tean wellln§ up in her Kolle uJd m. can't pamtbly anawtr all the mail 1he Neelved from the people who love her. So ehe Mked that a lettfr be printed, "maybe Off rour iCJ!torial pap or 10methina.· It11 here, lnateed: l Uufht my lovely diaU1h"1r th•t love -I !NJ 1he h•d to lHve me, tor a ~tJJ Ufe thllt wo"1d not bHI" hHrU1Che11 or pa.Jn. God let u. produce her and let me tHCh >ier for 14 years --for that I am 1tiJJ gr•ttJful. My hHrt 6'* to all of you who lhared my aorrow and re.ponded -You have been good to me by g/vln1 mt' • aettl16f.h and ahowllll me that I am st.JU needed. again, she said, 'Everybody i;yed her. She had such charm ,._ could melt the chrome right off a car." The pr9C/OU. parta ol my body are • he•rt to love man.y, tbe armt to W1'9 thllt love, Che mind to Chink of lov11, Che eight to see the pel'90n I Jove, the abl1Jcy to teach th•t love. And tJ.nal.ly, to touch and make the other penon •ware of that Jove. From my heart, thank you. R1' e T ucker Thank you for be/.ng there, Love, Juat Rosie Fairgrounds theater snagged By JODI CADENHEAD OftM D..,, f'tlot II.., Construction ecneduled on the $10 million amphitheater at. the Orange County fairgrounds in 4'-oata Mesa, has been delayed aaain. The delay Tuesday was the t'h Ir d s I n c e workers c:eremonlously broke ground July q. 1981 on the open air bowl theater that is already five years behind achedule. Rick Witte, vice president of Nederlander Organization which has the sta~ ~ntract to build and opera~e the l~,000-seat theater, declined to say when construction will begj.n. "We'll be ready when we're ready," said Witte. "You'll know construction has begun when you Clark won't face Orange County Supervisor Ralph Clark will not be charged ln connection with an alleged 'violation of the county's campaign financing law, the district attorney's office said today. "We conducted an in- vestigation and found there waa no intent to violate the statute by - Supervisor Clark. We are taking no further action,'' said Maurice 'Evans, a deputy district attorney. The district attorney's office daunched the investigation at the request of Shirley Grindle, a • .proponent of the 1978 Tifne Is .Now, Clean Up Politics ordinance des181!ed to reduce the influence of major contributors in superviaorial electlona. "rhe ordinance llmita the amount of campaign contributions a supervl.tor may receive beJore being required to declare a conflict of interest and refrain from voting on any item involving the contributor. -It was alleged Clark received a donation lrom Signal Landmark Inc. th at raised ttie firm's r~ ~~bution above the When the overage was discovered, Clark's campaign ·committee refunded a portion of the donation to Signal Landmark, thus reducing th e see the trucb out there." Ourinsr a ohone interview the Los Angeles attorney said he has no intention of backing out. of the 40-year lease af:!~rnent contract with the fair and the state. In the past Witte has blamed financing problems on the delay of the theater that had been scheduled to be open by July, fund rap aggregate contribution-and permitting Clark to vote on matters involving Signal, including the firm's development proposals for Bolaa Chica near Huntington Beach. The district attorney'• office later ruled that refunds are not legally allowable. It• was at that point Grindle, a former county plannin~ commissioner, filed a complaint with the district attorney's office. Evans said Grindle'• complaint was •'reason ab 1 e'' and complimented her for monitoring compllanoe of ofildala with the campaign refonn law. "She is in agreement with our deciiWm," Evans said. 1982. The sch e duled new opening date is May 15, 1983. William Blurock, president of Blurock Partnership, the Newport Beach -based arohltectural firm that ia designing the open air theater, sa1a Lrepreaentativea for Nederlander and the contractor, C.L. Peck of Los Angeles, will meet today to work out a final fixed fee contract. Balph--Cla rk BRIBE ATTEMPT ON GOVERNOR BROWN .. PENJED. _._._: ·---. -.. . ' · From Page A 1 On the Aaaembly floor, an angered Richard Alatorre, D-Los Angeles, called Baker's letter to the g~ernor "the height of extortion." Alatorre said he - and not the governor -was responsible for preventing Bergeson from resurrecting her ~~,~~~and bill In the ~wing Brown's Aug. 25 'f4to, Bergeson amended the 'MUlatlon as requested by ihe _..,emor and had the measure ~ to a school district bill ~llfOred by Aaaemblywoman uwen Moore, D-Loe Angeles. In a last-ditch effort, Bergeson failed to gather enough members of the Legislature for a conference committee vote on the combined legislation. She also could noLaecure enouah votes in the A.alembly for a veto override of the ortginal legialation. lm>wn said he would support the amended version of the Bergeson bbl. accordlng to Terri Thomas, a legj.alative aide in the governor's office. But IMC oUiciai. u well as .Bergeac>n felt the governor didn't make any efforts to get the Legislature to take quick action on the Moore bW. Backen of the hospital proposal said Baker's letter was a common method of exertingdressure on politicians. "I ha to let the governor know that there was grave concern over the way (the bill) was vetoed," Baker said. "The governor may be trying to distract ua from the fact that he was the one who vetoed the legislation. "I don't think he kept his promise (to support the revised legislation) at all." Opposition to the Bergeson bill was initiated by Dr. Stanley van den Noort, dean of UC Jrvine's College of Medicine. The university official has long fought for a ~hlng hospitaton the campus. UCI is considering several hospital proposals. In an interview last week, van den Noort acknowledged that passage of the bill would hurt UCl's chances of building its own hospital facility. Parking lot opens .._ in Mariner's Mile Newport Beach has opened a 122-apace parklng \gl in the Mariner's Mlle area, completJ.ns a alx-year $660,- 000 effort. The municipal lot, located in an area where parking is at a premium, is situated al the foot of the bluff below the city P~rforming Arta Center. -....._ • A free concert of music from the 20's to the 80'• will be performed Sunday at 5 p.m. in the Balboa Pier Park Gazebo. • Free blood pressure check ups will be offered Friday from 1 to 3 p.m. at Heritage Bahk, 1720 Adams A.ve., Colta Mesa. Acceaa to the lot l1 oft of Tustin Avenue, one block north o f Pacific Coast HJghway. The lot ha. parking met.en with a fee of 10 cenu per hour. Hount are 8 a .m. to 5 p.m . Annual passes may be purchased from the city for $30. The Endangered Species will be featured during the last summer concert sponsored by the Balboa Improvement Asaoclation. The checks are b eing offered by Hoag Memorial Hospital. Fo·r more Information call 760-5942. Supervisor attacks report 'doubletalk' By F REDERICK SCHOEMEHL Ofttte ...,,... ..... Orange Cou nty supervisor Ralph Clark has a.narilY aocuaed ·the county administrative office of ·~irtg "cl#laaic bureaucratic doubletalk" ln an interim report on ti.iring private contractors to take over eervlces long 'provided by county pemment. Ourir.1 remarks Tuesday, Clarll ntedly suggested the first p ace to consider private wntracting for the cou nty is -within the administrative office itself. Clark conceded that county agencies probably aren't happy with the idea that ~rvlces they perform could ~ turned over to private contractors. Nonetheless, he accused the •dminiatrative office of not being "more forceful" on the subject. "I don't find that in this 'report,'' Clark said. '"This whole approach looks like classic bureaucratic doubletalk ... " Aft.er giving the stem lecture, Clark won unanimous approval from fellow board members for a new study on the eligibility of contracting with private sector for services. The administrative office report, ~ in response to a July 13 bOard action, said two services provided by county govemmen1 were "aj>proprlate" for immediate study of transfer to private enterprise. Those services are maintenance of county vehicles and distribution 'Of foOd Siainps. ~-.. . The administrative office recommended that a consultant be hired to rrtudy the effect.a of turning the services over to private operators. N-M trustees weigh budget Trustees in the Newport-Mesa Unified &hool'Oistrict will meet today at 7:30 p.m. during a s pecial meeting to discuss adop\ion of the $48.5 mUJion 1982-83 budget. Also on the agenda Is ~nsideration of the 1982-83 contract with certified (non-teaching) employees and discussion of the Banning development. The meeting will be held in the Harper Community Center, 425 E. 18th St., Costa Mesa. ,. Fair and w-armer County jail calm after riots -· ------------=----. CQ a1 t a l SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COASTAL AND MOUNTAIN AftEAS -tnor...inQ night llnd momlna fog end low cloudl In ~Hill •r•H by th• holldey WMll«ld and ei.cotnlng COOi«. ~ flilr. High templfalurM In IOw to mid 70. •• the ~ and moitly I~ to 8!5. In lnlend' ~ About !5 a.or-cooler lnlMd by SundaV. Lowl 58 lo II. Mollnt.aln hlQha 7!5 to 85 and 1ow1 from !50 to the mid eo.. ' Te mperature1 NATION 73 !St 82 ~ 95 IE 71 et 15 71 ·78 71 ". 11 89 71 82 54 90 71 78 45 11 52 S1 51 .. T7 75 • 7S 54 .. 45 86 ea 78 .. .,., 70 13 54 75 82 11 71 n se 85 70 74 se " 79 84 • t1 57 13 72 72 83 57 .. " .. .... 71 11 .... 71. a1 a n 16 11 n .. 11 112 10 93 1& .. 87 16 n 13 78 101 70 116 71 .. 71 The Fcncaet For I p.m. EDT S..rlMfntvir 2 95 74 CAL6CMIMA 113 ao Bellarsfllld .. 82 8lythl 87 80 Elnka n 86 ·F~ 11 70 L-1« 113 71 LolMll Angelel 81 71 ~ ::: ~ " 73 Oakland 15 85 PMO Rob4ea 89 73 Red 8klff 83 .. Redwood City 1oe ee sac:r-10 78 ea 8allnM 78 ~anDlago 77 5r'"ean Francl8co to 11570 8an11 Barbara a1 Senta Mana ao : St0Gk1on rr 58 =-97 78 Barttow 11 58 BIO 11ea1 :: :: 8lltlOP .. 75 ~IMdl " n :'."'~ ~: ~leabfl 71 .. . .. 7!5 ~~ ~: Smog 17 72 ... 78 110 84 54 93 83 .. 17 .. 72 83 86 107 113 19] 5e ... ff :: I: 71 48 81 70 74 52 71 80 73 85 112 .. 103 11 .. 78 t2 102 84 T7 95 .. 74 Wh«• to c•ll (toll lrM) for ...... Im. :'!:•llOI•: ~ . (800) ....... lllf llPllT LOI A nt•IH Oouftty: ('°°' 242...0U ,.._... -a.i llena•io oow.-.i ~ M7 ... 710 • AQMD ._._ Oefttef: (eoot ......... By DAVID KUTZMANN OftM D.., Not 8e.tf Orange County's overcrowded central jail was reported calm today following a series of disruptions Sunday night and Monday in whldl inmates set. blankets and sheets on fire, clogged toilets and .shouted at deputies. Though sheriff's department officials said the disturbances were not considered serious, they conceded that a number of Incidents had been occurring over the ~t several weeks. The jail facilities in downtown Santa Ana have been the focus of ' con siderable news media attention during that period as . reporta of 1nc1aen u r,lated to overcrowd.mg have come out. But sherilf's officials claimed today all the publicity being generated about J'ail overcrowding coul be contributing to the problem. "Yes, It is creating problems over there," Lt. Wyatt Hart said this morning. "We feel very strongly that all of tl)e recent controveny about overcrowding i1 creating problems,'' Hart said. "We khpw there is overcrowding and we're trying to do 800lething about it." ·The four-story jail is designed to handle about l,200 inmates. It now ho u s es a b o u t 1 , 6·5 0 p~ners. The latest disturbances apparently were triggered when deputies be~an a Sunday night "shakedown• operation in a cell area known as Module E, where it was believed an escape was being planned. "Guys started rattling the bars and raising hell." Hart said. Deputies believed the nolsy disturbance wu meant to be a diversion. 25 3 .OFF SALE ONE DAY ONLY SATURDAY, SIPT. 4 AT OUI THiii LOCAL STOHS INCLUDES ALL: ' • OPEN STOCK • OAK BLOCKS • BLOCK AND KNIF.'E· SETS lllFE IUIPEllll CUlll Sat., Sept. 4, 10 AM · 2 PM At C.Ono chi Mar s ..... Onty Ttw.. Knives P• Cuttomet Sh.tpet-4 ............. ..... " ........... . .. Wt llNI ',jll\) '.ti' 11 Mi ii II I 1·111 . OH ANCI COUN I Y < /\l If OHNIA :i!) Cf NT <, NeWpo:r.t cops _see.k ex-·conV.ict in robbery trY By STEVE MARBLE «1MDa1JNot•1.,. A former prison inmate, believed to be the miaaing rnember of a trio that staged a .... commando-style robbery ln a Newport Beach neighborhood, is being hunted by police today. Police said the three men broke into a houte at 1901 Yacht Enchantreaa and held three people at gunpoint while ransacking the houae. Neighbors, who reportedly heard the gunmen ordering thetr victims around, notified police. The The hostages, Cecil and Celeste Au1tln, escaped from the alleged robber at different points. Police said Gaynor wu arrested after being diacovered on the roof ot the Yacht Camilla home. originally reported all three vtctimt1 liyed at the Yacht Enchantress home. Police later said Martin Modlano, 27, and Liza Alvilla r , 2 1, .are r esid e nts of th~ Yacht Enchantreu home. The third victim, 27 -year-old David Nielsen, was visiting at the time and iJ not a resident of the home hit by the team of robbena. Newport Beach officers said the man Is thought to be in his early 20s, a resident of Laguna Niguel and a convicted robber who has served trio bolted when officers arrived. • Police, circling the area in a helicopter, uld the men split up as they ran toward the n~rby Big Canyon Reservoir. · The seven-hour ordeal which ended Monday at daybreak left re1ldents In the Seaview community shaken. Several homeowners were evacuated and others were told to stay in their houses. · Modlano, police said they believe, may know the alleged robbers, who they said took a large amount of cash from the home. time at Chino State Prison. • The missing man eluded police Monday when a team of officers moved into the gated Seaview community, responding to a rep0rt of a residential robbery. One man, 20-year-old Thomas Guy Basich of Lagul'\i Niguel, waa grab~ by .PQ}ice while a seool')d, 20-year-old David Mark Gaynor, allegedly ran to a houae"'at 1901 Yacht Camilla and took a man and hit wife bos~e. Police originally reported that four alleged robbers were Involved in the incident. They now believe it was the work of only three men. Narcotic detectives in Huntington Beach today said they arrested Modlano at the Yacht Enchantress home last· February on suspicion of possessing a half-pound of cocaine. There were other initial confusions. Police Banning . allies forIDed Attoriiey denies .. Brown -'bribe' By STEVE MARBLE of'IMDellJ .......... Claiming voters in Newport Beach are being fed a bunch of "damn lies," former city mayor Don Mcinnis announced the formation today of a campaign group that he said will try to set the record' stfaight on the controversial Banning Ranch development. '!'he fate of the 75-acre proposed project in West Newport, threatened by a referendum measure, will be decided ln the Nov. 2 election. M~Innis. a city council member for 12 years, said he and others are angered by ballot language submitted by the West Newport Legislative Alliance, the group behind the referendum. The former mayor, who represented West Newport while on the council, said the new _group -Citizens For A Better. Newport -hopes to raise and spend up to $30,000 before the election. The West Newport alliance, By JOEL C. DON of'the D.., f"tlot atllft Newport Beach attorney C. David Baker denied today he tried to use the ballot box to politically bribe Gov. Edmund d . Brown Jr. to help a group build Irvine's first hospital. _, The accusation surfaced alter Baker sent a letter urging Brown to sway legislative action in favgr_ of a bill that would have supported the proposed Irvine Medical C~nler (lMC). The measure, sponsored by Assemblywoma n Marian Bergeson, R -Newport Beach, died Tuesday in the waning · hours of the state Legislature. "It was not a bribe," said Bake r , who serves as IMC president. "My intent in writing the letter to the governor was to tell him that there were 15,000 • people who-were being neglecu!d .. and forgotten because of political battles that were being fought on 'higher levels in Sacramento." highly critical of the .development, gathered more than 6,000 signatures to get the issue put on a citywide vote. Mcinnis claimed the ballot argument written by the '1lhmoe ls ''vague, dishonest and wrong ln aorne cases.'' Johnny Hulbert and his dog Annie were inseparable on Fiji Island which prompted h is-mother to write a book described on Page B 1. Baker was referring to the thousands of signatures gathered in a petition campaign to IUpport IMC, a $96.8 million hospital complex to be built, after approval from state health planning officials, at Jeffrey ' Road and Barranca Parkway. Bergeaon's bill would have permitted the Saddleback He said the ballot language predicts that the multi-million dollar development will mean seven times more air pollution, 10 £"'1 . • • h e -..I-: d ~;;;,:;.t!::?~~~~-bl9·tev1ng ·muter a1ue ~o are they kidding?" said .. Mcinnis, during a press By STEVE MJTCHELL nowAn." d I will. I will. But not favorite parking enforcement conference called today on the Of IM o.-,,.... ,..,, officer that Friday the 13th steps of city hall. He said he The 1 e tt er s and car .<is• u nRost i \e's, ~o: ~~d!!r: ~": ~~ af~i::.~~iendis tJrned out en • doubta the validity of the claims. hundreds of them, ~ ~tte~ Representatives of the alliance over the to~ ~f Rosie Miclette s circumstances surrounding the masse for memorial, services could not be reached for reaction. hardwood dining room table. shooting death of her 14-year-old .following the shooting incident. Councilman Phil Maurer There are letters.of COQdolence daughter, Riae Tucker, in.sicfe a "They told me there were listed aa a director to the newly' from Laguna Be.ac. h City Council Huntington Beach hOUle on Aug. more people there than at John formed group, said he is outraged members •. the. flr.e departm«:nt, 13. -Wayne's funeral," Rolle said. "I by the alliance-written ballot the transtt. d1stnct, the pohce, The former E 1 Morro believe it." argument. He said he believes merchants m town and longtime Elementary School student, who Rosie picked up a photo of her there sh ould be legal action friends. La recen Uy moved· to Redondo smiling daughter, standing arm taken against the argument. In a small town like guna Beach with her father, w as in arm with a friend at Oak Mcinnis, revealed a list of Beach, word tra".'el#fast. pronoun~ dead at the scene. Street Beach. directors that includes five And the reaction to the death Her best friend, Dena Farrow, "This was taken just a month council members and two school of Rosie's daugb ter was 18, of Huntington Beach, was ago," she said, shaking her head trustees, admitted that developer overwhelming. wounded by the same bullet that ~d passing the photo across the Bill Banning does not know "Here's one from the guys at killed ruae. table. about the· group's existence. the Coffee Pub," Rosie says, Banning, who has yet to say wil>ing a tear from beneath her whether he will support his own ~· project, ls on vacation and out of Another letter, this one signed town. . by more than 100 artists of the Mcinnis said directors for the Sawdust Festival, is pulled from new group include Mayor Jaclde the stack. Heather, council members "They got up a collection for Evelyn Hirt, John Cox, me. and raised $471," the popular Ruthelyn Plummer and Maurer Laguna Beach meter maid said. and Newport-Mesa Unified "They told me to take the School District trustees B.J . money and get the hell away Ski 11 i n g and S ~err Y from here for awhile," she Loofbourrow. ch~ed. I COUNTY . . Schools . 'computerized' The Ne'wport-Mesa School District is entering the computer age, and some kids can't wait to get to school. Page Bl. STATE 250,000 tans expected Thousands of hot clop. ou~ toilets, parkinc spaces and even mus outdoor ahowen await the estimated 250,000 fana exl*ted at the US rock and computer feattval Labor 0.y weekend in the San Bemardtno Mountaina. Paa-Bl. BUSINESS Huntington Beach police arrested Richard Berge, 18, of Huntington Beach, immediately following the shooting. The in cident is still und er \investigation. 'No . c r iminal charges have been filed and Berge has been released on his Rise used to ride in her mother's blue-and-white Cushman while the meter maid patrolled the streets, looking for expired parking meters. "I'd write out a ticket and she'd run out and put it on the car," she recalled. own recognizance. "Everyone in Laguna knows Rosie," said Police Chief Nell Purcell, who took on the task of breaking the news to the town's "People used tcr call us Big Rosie and Little Rosie," she laughed. But woe be unto the fellow (See ROSIE, Pase Al) WORLD Marines near Beirut leave TEL A VIV, Israel (AP) -Defense Secretary Calpar Welnberaer aaid today that U.S . Marines will be withdrawn from Beirut within "a few daya" and that he expected U.S. mllltary ald to Lebanon to be lncreMed to Jtrengthen the war-torn country. ' Mexico banks go national MEXICO CITY (AP) -Prelident Joee Lopez Portillo ordered toc:t.y the nationaliJation of all privat.e banka in Mexklo u he ~ the nation'• eewre ecoaomlc crtm in a state of the union speech before eoncr-. SPORTS Tommy lolua jolm Ansels TH ~Ii'· pate~~ 1taff · pta a booet with 11eqW11t1on·,of ~ John and John Cuttia. P.,. ll • .. 1 David Baker Community College District to lease 10 acres of land at ita North Campus in Irvine to a grouf. wiahing to build a ho1plta . Saddleback has endorsed IMC, which also plans to lease an additional 22 acres from the Irvine Company. Brown vetoed the blll last w eek , 1tatin1 h e felt the legislation might suggest state support for one of the groups competing to build a hospital in ,.Irvine. In his letter to Brown, Baker said he would send another letter to up to 25,000 IMC supporters asking that they vote for Pete Wilson for U.S. Senate if Brown did not flex his political muscle to get the Bergeson bill passed in the L egislature. Brown is running against Wilson in the senatorial race. "The letter, of course, is only a draft," Baker wrote. "Your efforts in pushing (the measure) through the Assembly, Senate and then signing it into law today could change that letter dramatically. I would prefer to send out a thank you rather than a reminder." In a ters~~Y. w~4ed reply, "Byron Georgiou, Brown'• legal affairs secretary, wrote: "Your threat to condition active political support for, or opposition to, the governor's current candidacy for the United States Senate upon actions with respect to pending legislation you desire him to take in his official capacity aa governor has not only done your cause a disservice but may well constitute an attempt to bribe a public official ... " · (See BRJBE, Pa1e A%) . ,_.,,... ... ,..... Sitting at a table filled wilh letten of condolence, Laguna Beach meter maid Rosie Miclefte recalls her daughter, Rise, shot Aug. 13. INDEX At Y oor Service A4 Horoecope A7· Bu8ineaa 84-5 Ann Landen A7 Cavalcade A7 Movies B7-8 Clul1fled E4-8 Mutual Funds B4 .,: Comics D2 Public Noticea Fl-8 Cro.word D2 Sport1 . . El-3 Death Notices F7 Dr.Steincrohn A.7 F.ditorial A6 S~Marketa B6 Entertalrunent B7·8 Televiaton D6 Food Cl-D6 Thea ten B7-8 ' Weather • A2 TELEVISION .. ., I '· 1912 N .. CLOllNO IH.05 .. c-- \ Buy reopens Santa Ana bank From Wire Services • ,, A Santa Ana bank shut down by federal oUiciala becaUR of loan losses last week has reopened a!1er it was bought by Conunonwealth Bank of Torrance. The Western Nat.lonal Bank of Santa Ana Wat purehaaed by Commonwealth Tuesday and reopened, Doyle Arnold, acting comptroller of the current~ who announced the takeover, said West.em National will be a branch office of Commonwealth and all depoiitora of the clo5ed b14nk will automatically become depositors of Commonwealth, · Western National, which had been in business for only two years, was closed by Arnold last Friday after the bank was hit by "signlficant loan losses." Tht Federal Deposit Insuran ce Corporation was immediately named receiver of Western National. Karch er earnings up With a strong sales surge in recent weeks, Carl Karcher Enterprises, Anaheim, owner and operator of the Carl's Jr. restaurant chain, was able to post a slight increase in earnings per share in the second quarter even though average shares outstanding were 31 percent hig}'ter than in the year-earlier period. In making the announcement Tuesday, Donal Karcher, president, noted what the comparison was with last year's second quarter, which was the' strongest in that record-breaking year. For the 12 weeka ended Aug. 13, sales were up 14 percent to $55.29 million from $48,643,000 in the like weeka last year. F.arnings were ue 34 percent to $2,-1 725,000 from $2,027 ,000 with earnings per share of 49 cents and 48 cents, respectively. Average shares outstanding were 5,599,903 against 4,2411,t>tm, reflecting the initial public offering on Oct. 15. For the 28 weeks ended Aug. 13 sales climbed 13 percent to $TI9,527,000 from $105,891,000; net ir' ICOlnef was up 66 percent to $5,151,000 from $3,099,000 and eami.n:gs persbare·were""aheact by-Z4 peteenl tO 92 cents from 74 cents in the year-earlier period. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS NEW YO•IC (API -Ttoe folloWlftt lltt _, llw -Yotk 5100 Eau...ge stocu --•ant• tMt haft OOM "" tht most --the most ti.MCI Oft M•<MI of <11o1nve r~rdlen ol ...,,_ lor -.. ~. ~""~ :C~..i"l'.:~::-~~ difference be-llw Pf'•VI-<IOllnt orl« -lodeV'• J/im. prlc•. - "-Ult CllCI ~L I 8...C:.ITr 24 • s"' Up 2U 2 Rtlln<d pl8 al "+ ~ Up 1U 3 EMOUl"ce JI<\ + ~ Up IU 4 OlllttP plN 70 + 1'A Up 11.• S Wal ... Jim 1tV. + 2 UP II.A • PSEG •AOlll SI • 4_, Up 10.) 1 "-'Cor1I 1oio • I UP 10.1 I ~ Refrec Jiit • 'A Up LJ ' L.~ ltlft + tllo Up 1.2 10 A J~ + 1~ Up 1.1 11 GTFI Ol8 10VI • ~ Up 1,1 12 Met&: a.. U + I-Up 7.S 12 PIGNerEl s 12~ + h VII 1.A 14 Oy<of'lltrl 141tot • t Up 7.J U A,.._ pt !OS + 1 Up 1.1 t• Owtlll ~15111 11 + 41tot Up ~.6 11 0-Cp IV. • Vt Ull U 11 MeMbl Tr IV. + Vt Up tS It PSEG 4.llpl Sit. + ,... Up •.J to Tr~or • 2>" + 1~ Up t.J 21 t!-oit~ll 10~ • ~ Up .. , t2 l"'-1 llet 17~ + I Up .. , 2J Jotvieft Jpl >4-" • 2 Up .. , tA J-R'I 01 ~ + l\or Up t.O 1S SCA 5"' 11°" + _, Up LO DOWNS Ult ChO GOLD COINS >-"-"" JI -1VI •'--~ ,.,., -"' l~-1 s-..-.... I I')--' -"' ·---14\<\-I~ ·~ -"' '-"-~ " -'"' s --Hllt -1'- 21W; -"'• .... -'" 71')-~ Sh --,. -... """ -I """-~ )I'll& -'°" ~-1\1. Prt Oft 11.1 Ofl IU Off , .. Off t .1 Oft &.A Oft L2 Oft Lt ()fl 1.1 Ott 7.S Oft '" Oft 7,4 Oii J.J Ott 7.2 Oft , JJ Oft " Oii '·' Off 's Oft .., Oii u Oft s.t g: s.1 u u Ofl ,,, ' AMERICAN WDEIS METALS NEW Y0°AK (AP~ -Spot nonlerroua melal en-toeley Cett~ 70'll·73 centl • pouno, U.S. deatJNtlone. WM 2&-29 -.ia • pound. DI-. 40 cent• • ..,ound, delhwed. Tin M .4'10 Mellla w.-eompoelte. ........_ 1trn centt •Pound. N.Y. ...._, 1386.00 per llUk. '981111-$325.00.$321.00 troy °"'""· N.Y. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS e,TIMA......._,,_ a.iec..S WOtld OOld l)flcl9e lodey' LeMM morn1no !IJllnll '404.~. Ofl 17.U. Lo'""'1 erterno6n flall\g '405.211, orr M.25. ,..,.. llllemoon twno 13M.13. oft I0.7t. re,.._. fixing l403'Jn. on au 1. ZWWI lete et1wnOon 1bJnO 1404 75, aft M.711 bid. l405.50 •.o. N111•r a Mer111e11 Conly d•llY quote) '40e.tll, Oii ... 25. ·~ (only delly QUOlt) $406.211. °" se.2s; • ....._. (onty dllbi QUOtel l•llnGet9d "425.ll, Off ... 51: . -