HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-04 - Orange Coast PilotCharger g l 011· 011 right foot • paradise i ~ Down hill drop Delly Pllol Photo by Patrick O'DonMtl YOUR HDMITDWN DAILY PAPER ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS More heat and smog . forecast for basins LOS ANGEL!o:O"i ~Al'I L11!> Ang<'les Jn•a n-:.uh•11t...., t onttnut-0 Friday tu gasp through lht Yl'<AI .., worst bri·ath111g 1·1>11d1ttu11:. although th1· thok111g l.1y1 r 111 -;mug d1S51patt"tl slightly 11v1·r tlll' pn.'vwus two days Tc•mperJlur1·:. th;1t hov1·1 Pd abovl· IOU t'UllltnuNI J pH·,-.utt• l'IJllkl I I' fl t'l't t h,1 t I r,1 pp1•d poJlut.111h bl'low th. 111v1·1 •.i1111 layer. wrth lll\h1.tltltf11l a11 quality for t'Vt'IYOl1l Sl'cund !>liJt(l' sm .. g .cl1·1 h p r Nltl'tt.•t..l for Fridciy did n11t matt·rialti.c·, huwt•Vt•r, l1 •av111K Thursday wrth lh1· dtstmt·tton of be111g thl' y1>a1"!> smugg1t>sl day i;u Car "It still w.isn't a good day Wt• JUSI J1d11't ~(('t up to lhl• i.wgl· two alt·rls ," ..,c11d Air Quality Managl'm<·nt Drslrtl't -.µokl'-;man JE'ff Schenkl'I Wrth morl• hot lt·mpt'ratun•s and cont1nu1•d unht•althful a11 qualtt) m Sc1n Ek·rnardrnu Los Angl·ll'S. and H1v1·n,1d1 tr•UJ\lll~ pred1ctPd for th. w1·1 kt>nd rl'sldenls Wt•n• war111•d tu '\t,iy indoors, n~trtrt phy.,w.11 1 t1v1t v .11uJ It 11.1111 110111 d11v1r1g l11l.111d lt•1111Hc.1tu11·s v.1·11 , . ..., p1·1.1l·d tu tw only sl1glt1 ly 1 occlt·r today 1 <Jngrn~ gl'rWr.1lly 111 tlit uppt•r !JOs 1rn;tf':.i<l 1Jf 1w1·1 J()(J .,,t1tl NallonJI Wt·atht·t St•tvH·t· M1·1f'<irolug1 ... t Dan Alktn ( '11astal .trt'a.'I nu1 •·Xµt'l.·t high ... 111 tlw upper 7111. al th .. IJt•at·l-jt•.., wtth llllo(h:-. 111 low !-10!-. 111 111l,111d (hang1· Cou11tv Thi· smllg 11 vt•h dt t l1111•d ~·, r<lay fr urn Thursd;;y'-, high..,, wtth j n'<·ordl·d :.w ozom• IJdl'L" p1·r mrll1on parts o f air 111 d o w n t o w n L o s A n g t' I l' s . l'l)n!parC'd to 40 f.Jprn Thursday. said Air Qualtty Man<1gt.'mt-nt D1stra·t metcorulog1st Jt•rry Arnold West Los Angcl(·s had ~:.! ppm and evt·n th1· l'Oaslal an·as had unheulthful arr for M·ns1llv<.' pt•oplt" r<.'t'Ordl'd al Iii ppm m Long &•at h and U ppm In Costa Mt-s<t Tht• ml'n un n·a1·hl'd 9!:1 1 n downtown Lcl!. AngPIP:,. and ovt•r 100 II\ thl' vallt ,s. with IOii fl'l.tlrdt'<I m S<in Gubrwl. 108 in San Ek•rnardmo. )()5 m Bui bdnk 1 O 1 1 n Lu n g B 1· ;H· h l l I 1 n M11nr11v1..i. lllb 1r1 Mo11h•hdlu amJ I 0 I 111 1'.1s.1d1·11..i Nt•wpurt Beat h liJd 111 011 Thur-.<l.1y thl· community of Thl•r111al m·..ir Palm Springs wa!>. tht· huttt·st s po t 1n t h e 11.1tio11, wit It ..i whopping 121 dq~rt·t·s fill' "'llC>K!o(ll'Sl pdfls uf the t. ..... 111 1-'11d.1y wt·rt· Ill Azusa and 1•1111 H1v1•ro, with owne ll'Vt'ls of 'l:! pp111 , unht•althful for 1 ""' yurw J\ !>l••gl· two alert ts 1ssuc·d wl11·11 th1• rt:'admgs reach f>ll pprrt Ttw A~MO says that ozonP of 40 ppm 1s tons 1dered ha1.<irdou:- ~khl•nk(;'I i.a1d all of the AQM l>'s 100 inspc"<:tors wer(;' in tltt• fll'ld Friday l'hc~·krng to see if b u :. r n " s s l's a n d 1 n d u s t r 1 es throughout thC' four county r<'gtun <·omi.ilrt•d with smoggy- day rul<·s lie ~ml they found 94 pl'l l't•nt c.·omplrant't' with the r 1·qu1n·mt·ni.. to rPduce thetr ii< t1\.1ty by :w pt·n·<·nt on th<' days wlwn s<·<.ond stagt• smog alert!> ill I' 1!..'>Ul'<.l Tht· h<·at was t•).pe<'ll'<.l to ahatt• tSee HE AT. Page A21 His sailing dreaHJ caHJe true a lot quicker than he expected By JODI CADENHEAD Of lhe Delly Piiot 81•1! leg o f t h e-t r rp enrout e to MC1dt•1ra. a Portugl>Se is land off thl· t·nast ()f A frtl·a A lnwk lhal 11111~1··•1 "ilh a c·ar 011 P t.u•ific· Co11~1 lli~hway "f'tll on·r H diff rwur u dutc· s land and endt·d up in Crysta l Co\'t'. DriH•r ~'illium J . Himt•r wa~ lakt~n to Hoa~ llo ... pital, lrt•uh'd and rt•lt•a..,Pd . Patio of hom(' h~lo" "3"-~mu ... twd. Dwaynt· Bora. 20. thuughl he'd bP sportu.g gray ha11 and th~· thrl'l' martrnt tl'ns111n s of a pressurt.'<l bus1m'SSman h<•fon' his dream came trUt' He ftgurl'<l he might nc-vN ~t·t the cha nt'l' to sad half way around ttw world on ,1 rannR Vdl'ht Bora said lht·y s tayed thcrl' a Wl'Ck c·al1ng m ostly swordfish, fn.>sh fruits and veget.ables. Then 1t was on lo Barbad05 for a WL'Ck , followed by the Panama Canal and Acapulco T he rest of thl· c·rew <.'Ontrnued on to Cabo San Lut·as and up the coast. Recession inixed for artists By PATRICK .J KE:-.0!\EJ>Y O(the Delly Piiot Sten A1tP·h .111d 11flu1.i1 .. 11 1 th• l hr" P "u 111111"1 .11 1 ... h" v. -. 111 Laguna He <11 h t..1 v 1· n11.,.1 ·ol opm1ons about llw 1•1!1-t L' 11f th1 rec<'SSton 011 !><1 It~ Genf'rc11lv. 1t .ip111·.c1-. 1!1.11 tlw low-pnl'•·d ,end l11~h J>I 111·d .1r1 sold wf•ll But 111"d1w11 prict·d sale's s1•pm1'tJ 111 o,uffc•r ,,, m1ddlt· 1111111111· h11v1 ·1-. v.1lu1·d their dollcir" and u·nL ... ,1h11v1• .irt m that l)rtl'!' t>ral k1 I With l11gh Jlllll'd \\I lk'-11'.o)I\ d1d11 t c1 .. \\( 11 .11 .di r:p \\ lt 11 111,tk• ... .ind s 1•lh '-lil llll•of ~ 1.1-.-.. \A ttl k , '·'tel ",1,.1111-.111·<Jll.., huy 111~ v. ..... dnw11' .llld th;1t 11\0St ,jf 1 p.1llllll' I .tllli 111 1111\' "I>'' lfll lll'rn" Ill lP Jll!'.I lt~,k .1r111111d 'Mv ..,;iJ, .. , \A1 11· d11w11 Ill J>l 11 f•lll tltt), \ 1';11 .. -;;11d f•:p . wl11N· w111 I'"' .111 111 th• ~7'l .incl ,di<l\l' !'flt I ' f,tlJgt Bill Darn;tll, .. 1:1 \t•.ir vet1·1.111 of th1· Sawdwa F1· ... t1v.il -...ud hi' Ill\ I t',l.,l'lf ,1111 rtd.trtc f• W t th lht• t\11 J\ l-.111 ,1i.,w111g .1 .!O p .. 11111: 111111·;i-.. ... 11111 llw ~·1..,11v;il of Arh ... t111v.111g ;i o,lrglit trll r,.,,.,.. 111 .!.!Ii 11( ·oplt to !11 :!h~ 'I w.1 .... 1h..,olut1·lv ;11n.111·d th.11 111.ollV .1111 ... ts h<id lhP1r h1•:.t "'"1-.ons 1t1 v 1·;11..,," sn1d Sally H1·1·v1 , o;pokr·sw11111.1 n for th;• t't''>ll\.al of A11.,, wti11 h s1·lb lilt' h1gh1·'t pnn'1l work!> ;imong 1111 t!.11·1· ..,ht•W!> "It 'il'<·ms lht• •'l·1111111ny has nol hurt tlw J)l'oplt• whn l1uy art di th•· ft~llval.' sht' s.11d Vtnt'l•nt f'arrC'll, 5:l, who st>lls I a r Ii( <' n 1 I pa 1 n t 1 n g i. p rt t' c· ci ht•lwt't·n $500 and $2,500, agrN'd H1 was "n.ng Thret• months agu Lht youthful Newport Beat:h resrdt•nt was among eight c:rew memb('rs c:hosen to bring thl• 65 foot Alaska Eagle from England to Newport Beach N<:>1I G Ek•rgt, c hr('f execut1v1• off1c1•r o f Westt·rn A1rltnPs, 1s giving th1• eraft to Orange· Cu.1,t Collt·g<· Bora wa' ont· of thrc1• Am<'rtl'ans, and th1 011ly ~1lm,t.t ... tudent nn board HtC'hard Crowt•, a sa11tng mstrul tor al lh<· Cu.,t<t M esa colleg1· and ht!> g1rlfrtl'nd. WC'rt' also on -.hrp Crowr· chOSf' Bora from his lX. C team Fearful th<tt tht· raung vatht wnuldn't rl'turn 1n t trnt• for S(:hool. thf' blond st•aman lpft his frit·nds rn Acapuko and flt•w homt' Aug 25 Thi' Alask<t F..ag\(· is .,.,:hl'<luled to arrtv<· 111 Nl'wrort Harbor al 4 pm today e -.. lh~ay1w Rora "It was SOnll'lhing th;it I nt·\·t·r lht>Ulo{hl I'd gd tn d11, ' Sd1d Bora Th t' A I ask a Ea g I c· 1 t• r t Portsmouth, England. Junt• l2 with additton.tl c;atlors from llullc1nd Nr·w ZPalanrl ;rnd England Thi• e r"w c•nt:ountPn.'<i rL<; onlv <;Lormv "'''.ither durr11g tht (11 ~l Such t·ultnary delights as frt't'W drwd ~f strogano ff and tuna Sdlad Coruf1<'CI the cre w for fuur hour shifts, wrth two people at all times scanning the honron But 11 didn't take Bora long to find out what thousands of sea fanng adventurl'rs before him have· dt"<.OVl•n'<i Sa1l1ng can be boring Days would j(ll by without the t·n w "<.'<'Ill~ so mul·h as a small •sloop Fl ying frsh became wondf'rous sights to break up hours of sun drC'nch ed wave- w.:itt:hing "It gc'Lo; (jJd eifl(•r a while," said Born "&'(:auSl' you're doing the sanw thing day aftt.·r day " Bora µlans to continue his sailing ('<H'l'N at Cal State Long BC'at'h I It-. p;.1n•nu. have alrc>ady told hrni. h<' ...ire!, that crewing a bont won't ~l't htm Car rn the v. orld 441 know -.onw arti..,b \H'r'' aff {'C'h "d hY lht• t•f'onomy. bul I ... ol•I 01) mo~t PXJWn~iH· paintin~"'· B111 1hi-. j.., a ~n·at pla~,. for ar1i-.h to di ... pla) llwir \Hff"··· "This wa<; tht• best yl'ar that I h,l\·1· had .it th1· f1">t1\al.'' F,trrt>ll :-.<tid ·1 kn11w "11111 ,1rll'\t' \4.t•t 1· ,1ff1·1:t1-<I hv th• t'l.111111rn" hut I -.o ld rn\ mo-.t 1·xr~ns1v1 p.11nt1ng' Hut thl'n 1h1' ts ..i ~r<"1t pl:tu' for .1n1 ... L-. 111 d1-.pla~ t lwtr work " Stocks continue s urge., car s ales off Spokt..,nw11 fur tl11 r e"'11".c1 of Arts and Art A r';ur o;a1J 1lw" had ~ood ye.tr... but might have• en1oyt•d gri·,11 '' ,11 -. h;1d th• economtl 1 l1m;1\• 1,. • 11 hrti(hlt>r M t>anw hil1· .. rti-.t<, at thc Sawdust Fc">ltv.il .ire· hl,1mtng I ht• re<:csSIO!l for .t .!~ f)('rl'('llt drop In attcndane'!' and ch'< n•:1M•d salP" this S"a~m "Thl' t'l.'Ottllnty t111r I --.11t·< 'vlid R o n Ep. -.pok1·sma11 f1 1r th•• Sawdust Fe,...t1val "Basrl'ally the l(IWt·r pt 111'<1 items, tx-tw•'<'ll $1 ~• and $10. sold w ell and lh11sC' 1·st:1bh:o.h1•d .irltst.-; who had rt·g11lar C'Ustomf'r... did Wt'll But nf'wl·onwrs :111d ;irttsLo; NATION h.td h1:-. ~w-..t \Par l'\'c•r . 1,. l'Kt I\ l~-.·auo,(• h1· l11v.wrNi hr'i pm t"> II r J lso ;111 rr bu !C's int n•:i!>.t·d <;.;ilt•'\ 111 ltro; ckmem!'.tr.1111111 hooth v. h1•r1 · h1 m<1d1· I u111 t 11111.tl I,., . .tlOllS l>UI It ,1 ... lllllg ... 1 andleholders and pot..s rn front of art patruru. and al<;o rxplame'<i hi:. t(•chniquC'S while working "By lowering my pnc c·s. I worked for a lower hourlv waj.(<' htil smct-I sold more I die! ~·ttc·r than I ever have," Da rnall S<Jtd About 230,000 JX'OplC' vrsllc-d the Sawdust Festival this summ<>r. 55.000 fewC'r than last yrar Thi• otht>r two art o;;how" h.111 S trikes k eep students home By The Assoriated Press Strikes by more' than 5.000 tt•acht'rs in four st;tt(•s contmut'<i t.o dc•lay school for about I 00.000 c;llJdrnts f'rtday with most of thP nation's classrooms re;idy 111 OJX'n aft<>r Lahnr Day FRI s upf•rvisor under ini'estigation WASHINGTON (AP) ThP .Justi('<' Ikpartm1•nt cnnfrrmrd f<'rtday nn J<'BI supc•r v isor ts uncfri 1nvestrgat10n (or rcport.Nily mastl'rmtn<ling a stnng of bank robberies J erry Lewis Tele thon ready LAS VF.GAS, Nev (AP) -Final preparations are under way for the 17 th annual Jerry Lewis Labor Day Telethon, a 2 l.5 hour entertainment spedol beginning Sunday ~vening. ... fo 1 1 d A 11 u n 1 a 11 I 1 s t 1 v .ii c1111tr11ll1•1 ""d 'I cl11h1 t ...... too 111,01\. unh.1µp' .11 t1<,t<. .it tht r f>sltv<il this M·a~m ' Off1nab of tht> Art A Fair, thf• onlv show of thf' thre<' that displays works of artists who live outsrdt• Lai<una. said sales and AttC'ndane:c· wl'n• up, but not a.s lllUl'h <11' <'Xp<'Cted "It was a su ccC'ssful year rn rl':;pt'('l to what the> C'COnomy was doing," s.11d Richard Archbold, prC'stdC'nt o f Art A F'air "Our fS('t> LAGLTNA, Pa1te A21 WORLD By Tbe Associated Press Stock and pn•<.·1ous m!'tals prices soarc·d again f11day . buoyed by advances of th<' da>y before. as th<:> govcrnml'nt rcportt·d th;it un<•mplovm£•nt stuck at !l 8 p<•rc:c•nt 1n August a n d do m •· s l 1 l au t um :i kt' rs reportl·d annthl'r dr11p rn li:H sales Me <l n w hr I" th c• f 1• cl t' r a I ReS<·rve Hoard ;;aid lah• 1n thl· day that the amount of ca.,<;h 1n c1rC-ulat1on JUmJ>('d $1 5 brllron in the wl'ek ended Aug 2!'1 Thl' increase was slightly morl' than economists had expectC'd. and short-term intC'rC'sl rates rose• Third World officials worried TORONTO (AP) -Finance min 1s t t>r" n•presc•ntmg 126 developing roun tn es said Friday th4• "intf'rnational systC'm o f trade and finance could collapS<>" 1f indul'ltnal countries d on't reverSt' their econ o m1c c•ourse Tijuana bullfights canceled T IJUANA, M exico (AP) -Staggered by ~ sinking peso and bank closures, the owner of Tijuana's Plaza Monumental canceled Sunday's bullfighLci for one of the rare times in. the past 20 years. STATE CHP tarsets drunken drivers SACRA.MENTO (AP) -The California Highway Patrol wiU be out in fon-e this Labor Day weekend tc take drunken driven df f the roads . o,hghtl~ after th1· rt·port Wu'\ re> I C'ased Thi-stcKk market. how1•v1•1 was a fn•n1v of al't1vity on thl• c·vl' of t hr Labor Dav· holiday Tht Dow JonC's avt·r-agt· 11( :~o mdu ... tr1al stocks d1mbed L5 7:1 pomL<; tc> 92:113. bnngrng its gain for thl' week to -l l 66 prnnt.., MorP than two s tocks garnf'<l rn prteC' for t•vC'ry one> that Inst on tht• Nf'w York Stock Exl'hangt' Brokf'rs said thC' markf't's garns Thursday. when th<' Dow JonPs average' o f 30 indus trial stcx·ks dc>arly broke above the 900 ll'vd. had stirred fresh e nthusiasm amon~ m vl'Stors They al'\O said a INDEX Classified Comics Comment Crossword Death Notices Entertainment HorOSL"'Ope Movies C5-8 C3 86 C3 C4 C l 2 A5 Cl -2 SPORTS rallv 1n thl' bond market Th1,1rsday and l'arly F'rrday was another plus Before lhe monc>y supply f1gurl's wt•rt• released. the governnH'nt·s 14 pert·e nt bellwether bond maturing in 2011 wa.o; up morl' than $6 per $1.000 face value, and the rate on onC' yl'ar Trl'asury b ills was down three -tenths o f a pt>rt."<•n tage point to 9.99 percent. The five ma1or domestic automak ers reported that new l'ar sales plunged 32 9 percent in the final selling period of August, ao; imports grabbed a record 32.7 percent of the U S market. Public Notices Religion Sports Television Theaters Trivia Weather Youth 84, C4 B8 Bl -5 BIO C l-2 C2 A2 B'.7 Rams to meet Chargers The San Diego Chargers air force will duel with the Rams tonight at Anaheim Stadium. Page Bl. = Orange COHI DAILY PILOT /Salurday, Se ptember 4, 1082 ~\ -----------------------------------------------------------..... ------~~------~~~ ,,,._ Continued stories Reagan quietly • signs tax measure LAGUNA FESTIVALS " -• • ~ • ;tf'fA BARBARA, Calif (AP) Without uny or the f•nfare that marked his other budgC'l battle va<.·t.orics, President Reagan on Friday signed into law the $98.3 billion revenue ralaing bill passt>d by Congress last month . "~ttendam·t· was up about 20 P41rt:ent and sal~ 1ncrea.ed about . ,18 per cent from last y ear." Speclfil' figures were µnavailable , ' ' Bu t w e s t 1 11 t h l n k t h t· , economy hurt us because we ,didn't progress as much as we thought we would," he sajd. . He said s how officials wen· , qpl1mistic about future gains an bt>t tt>r t'('Ononuc · limes bE>c'aust• of Improved rubl1 c1ty and organization o the Art A Fail' "In general the artlata were pleased with the organization and facilities this yt.>ar This wu t ht' f i rs t ye a r t h <t t w l' h 11 d flu!lh1ng toilets," Arl·hbold noted. "We're lunn of proud of that," ht• <.JU1pped "We're <.'Um111g up an the world Jf this 1s any tnd1cauon " ~HEAT , SMOG ATTACK • • • The mc•aMun.>, which Reagan has said he had lo "swallow hard" to support, arrived by Wh 1 te 11 ousc l'O urier on a c:ornrnel"(:1al a1rlml' flight and was tak en to tht' pre sident 's .r;nounta1ntop ranch for his lmmed1at.e sagnatUrt' No cen•mony was held, no prL>stdentwl statcmcmt was issued and then• was not even a White HoUSl' picture of Reagan sigrung the biU. gradually over Labor Day weekend, said weather specia11st .Bob Webster "Basically we have high pressure over the western •:;Ult.es," Webster said. "We're not ,getting much of a sea breeze: the ·HB to hire ·firefighter U-eserves ~~The Hunt ington Beach Fire IJ)artmenl is scheduled to add ~: firefighters to its force ne><t ~eek m the first phase of an ~rimentaJ reserve program. t And 1f the pilot program as . successful, a tot.al of 90 reserves ~ w1U be added over three years. "acrordmg to Chief Ray Picard. ~~P i ca rd said the reser~e Egram wall provide mobility ause it ultimately w ill allow r people, instead of three, to ~rve on fire pumper crews. ~ Picard said the> addition would ~make threc people available to : ~ul water hoses from one point : ~ another at fires ) 'lie said the two peopie now :"5'vatlable can't move the hoses !when they ar<' filled with water : Picard said the program will be ;jnexpens1ve. He said the recruiLc; w ill work ·at least two 24-hour shifts each : month up to a maximum of five : shifts each month. They will ~olunteer 12 months of each shaft ~and be paid at the minimum ~wage of $3 35 an hour for the : second 12 hours of each shift. ~ Picard said the annuaJ cost for : tbe first 15 recruits would b<· ut $30,000 card said the reserves would m e from a large pool o f nemploycd firefighters trained t ·the Santa Ana College Fire &ademy. ~The Huntington Beach Fin· Jgepartment has I 39 fullt1ml' mployces marine layer isn't c•xLe[ldtng 1Qland very far at all. The &Jr 1s ktnd Of still over the basin." However, he added, "AB we get into the wet>kl'nd, we're going to see morl' of a marine mfluence.'' ''The prt$idcnt will probably come in from work, sign the bill and send 1t on its way," said White Hou se Deputy Press Secretary Larry Speakes before, AP WINpfloto If Costa Me a"s Helle n Leski s pends most o f her time a long the coast , she was quite unpre par ed for the te mperatures 'a n Berna rdino County has to off er in s ummer. Leski, taking a cup sho wt'r from Anaheim's Debbi Clark, was a t the US Festival near Devore Friday. Thf' m f'rcury hit l 08. ( to r y, Page A3.) Slightly cooler Smell craft adYl&OfY o_. OU1., ,.,, trom Point Conception lo T emperatures NlcOla.a Island tor fl0fll>w99t da ot tS 10 2S knots with 4 to 7 t -Sou1h ot San NICOias ~~ =~!o o~~~!t, ..,:~.!~ 111 varlable winds morning 1ir• b•comlng weat to uthweat 8 to 16 knots noon Southwest swell 1 to 3 I Mostly lair but some variable h cloud• Palchy t~ or low clouds early morning malnry near the south COOSI Albany Albuque Anchorage Allan la Atlante Cly Au1tln Balllmore Bltmlnghm Bltmarck Boise Bosto~ aun110 9urllnoton Ctlarlaln SC Charl1tn WV , I I...' Charlll• NC . . . ..,. s11111111ary ch9yen~ Tl!Unde<ttorms e•ten<led trom • •)oulhweatern Kans•• Into the e•n Panhandle °'' Friday. a.a ~I u lrom south-tl!lm fnu io northwallern Florida and ~thern Oeo<g1a • Rain al1owers reached from • C)(lhefn Calltornla aero .. muctl ~t western Wash1ng1on , Showere were wldety scatte<ed om welle<n New York State Into flor1hwt1Sl11<n Pennsylvania. T o d1y. acattared un<>eralorma _., forecast oo.w lorlda 1nd aoulhern T••••. loudy akll wera torecut over orthe<n New England and IM aollc NC)(lh-1, with fair altles the rest of the nation Mond1y-Wedne1day Some 10111 and morning I~ and low a near the coast. othenwlM r and warm. In coastal NCtton. lgha 11nglng trom mld-70• al• t._ to 03 to 105 In ~ ow1 In 801 and tower 701. ountaln hight In 80t. IOws 55 to Cllago CIM:!Mall ci.vela1'0 Clmbla SC CClumbua Del-Ft Wlh Oeylon Oenvltf 0et Moif>et De1ro<t Oululh El Pa.so Fairbank a Fargo Flagl1alf Oraat F•ll• Hllr11ord ~· Honolulu Houtton lndnaipll9 Jo an Jaoll.,,.... ~City Knoxvtn. la.I Vega Utlle Roell Loul1vllle Memphis Miami MltwlMJll .. Mp19-St P Naallvllle New Of'lean1 ,._..Yoo-It ~orlo4k '-·--------'""!" Oki• City "' •• Omaha Southern Calltornla wlll ~ fatr through IM ........ h -high doud• It ~ • palchy log Ot low c:louda ..... h COM1 aarty l'llOmlt10 ,,_., llnued hot days~ .... ,_ IM COMl . f. Or1nga county 1110111 mid to .,., 10• It l>NdlN, eo. WM! IOa lnllnd Lowa In '°9. lrllanO vlolleyt wtlt h...,. Ng111 In upper 90a Ind low 100. . ....,.,,. to 74 • Mounlalnl Cln ••l*l1 hlgt'8 .. IO, lowt ,.., 80. N0t1118fn deNtt lllO"-t 7 to 1, low• naar 70 8011tllern t lllgh1 107 to 117. low• IO Ol1ando P?lltadiptlla Ptlo9nl• ~re 78 92 SJ 64 81 96 83 66 84 85 83 67 74 92 77 88 8-4 7• 76 72 llO 75 94 74 88 80 74 66 , 97 SS eo 85 !Ml 81 90 87 97 78 88 98 ... 81 108 83 78 85 g5 71 7S 80 91 81 89 91 80 92 81 111 76 71 63 63 46 67 68 79 69 70 43 60 N1110nal Weal-Se""Cf' ~ NOAA US Oeot o• Comme-ce o/A Fronts Cold ..,. Warm ..,. Occluded - 81 68 so SI S7 S2 70 51 75 54 SS 54 51 47 66 43 44 .a S2 87 52 7S 88 64 71 71 68 70 73 66 Ml 71 82 ~5 so &4 73 70 73 65 68 71 88 llO 66 83 P11and, Of'• Providenc. Reno AIChmon<I Salt Lalta San Antonio Seallle $hf ...-.pot 1 Stou• Falls St Louil SI P-TampA Sootcene Sy!llCUM Topelia Tucson TulM WMhlnglon Wlchlll CALW:OMIA Apple Vlllley Baker an.kl BaratOlllr Beaumont 8'9 S..r Blltiop Blylhe Ca1111n1 Cu...._ Ctty Euralt1 Fr .. no L1nca1t., Long Beach Loe Anoet- Monrovle Montat>ello Monterey Ml WnlOfl NMdlM Newpot'I BHch Oakland 0'11•r10 Palm S1><1nge Pueden1 ,Puo ROC>IM 65 59 8:1 69 96 57 89 70 94 57 98 74 66 S8 69 73 80 4i 80 58 92 75 90 60 71 55 85 65 102 79 89 61 8S 72 89 S8 IU4 t!I 98 73 107 78 107 78 94 45 ~ 55 110 77 80 67 9:1 65 70 55 94 65 95 83 101 88 ~ 73 111 88 108 88 70 60 88 71 111 81 81 87 T9 81 IOS 89 113 80 10<4 72 100 54 RI-Side Red Blu11 Redwood Clly S1er1men10 Sallnaa Sin Bern1rdcno Sen Gabriel Sen ();tiQO San Franciaeo San JoH , $ante Ana Senta Barb•r• Santa Crut Sante Merli Santa Monlc3 Stoc..,ton Telloe Valley The<m•I Torra~ Vum1 c.ig11ry Edm<>f'ton Montreal Ottaw1 Regina Toronto Vancouv., CANADA Smog BOif llPIRI ,. 101 91 79 88 70 108 106 91 69 79 97 88 80 84 80 92 78 112 90 112 88 89 82 64 S2 88 87 72 &8 69 69 S7 60 53 82 611 - 45 7~ gs 82 83 53 78 48 70 5e ea 53 88 47 87 53 88 64 1n~tsun11 the adnunitt.ratlon wu not trying to play down a vtctory that apllt Reagan 's a uppo rt among Republican members of Congress. By contrast, the White Hou.e chartered buses last summer a nd, brough t reporters to Reagan '• ranch for a signing ceremony for leaitlatlon cutting J.axes by $760 billion over five years -the biggest ta>< reduction · ever. On this bill, Reagan had to change course after telling Congress early m the year he would seek no tax increues. He was relu<'lantly convinsed, ho~ver, that the revenue raising measures in the bill were the only way to curb runaway budget deficits and p roduce lower interest rat.es and falling unemployment. Death ruled justifiable homicide The s hooti n g deat h of a Wes t minster m an w h i le struggling wi th a pri vate in vestigator has been called a j u stifiable homicide by the Ora n ge Cou n ty District Attorney's office. Deputy District Attorney Daniel Brice infor m ed Westminster poltce Friday that he believed private investigator Hans DeHaas acted in self de fenS<' James A. Valente. 41, was killed July 12 w hen DeHaas was at Vale nte's house to ser ve divorce papers, according to Westminster Police Officer Earle Delly Piiot l'twlto bJ Clwtae ~ Orange County firefighters spray water on brush fire near Laguna Niguel. Only one Graham hour was need e d to bring the flames Graham said VaJente became extremely irate and went into a bedroom to get two handg uns. He came back to the living room where the victims's wife, Patricia Valente, and DeH aas were , under control. A downed power line was tagged as the cause. " Graham said Valent£> struck Patricia in the head with one of the guns and OeHaas inwrvened and wrestled the gun away from Valente, Graham said 200 acres scorched near Laguna Niguel Valente then went for a second ·From Staff and Wire Reports gun and DeHaas shot and kiUed A 200-acre blaze near Laguna ham, Graham said. Niguel was one of six brush fires Dc-put y District Attorney Brice that sco~hed their way across 1, satd that DeHaas and Mrs 300 acres in Southern California Vale nte. the only witnesses Friday. present. were interviewed The south Orange County extensively blaze. at Crown Valley Parkway He said nothing was found m and Forbes Road , broke out at the investigation t h at is around 2 p.m. a nd 100 county mconsastent with the accounts of firefigh ters brought the flames the two eyewitnesses. under control by 3: J 5. T here Brice said it is his opinion that were n o · injuries or proper ty no furt h<'r action should be taken damage. fire officials said. against OeHaas. 33, a resident of The f ire was blamed on a Fullerton. fallen powe r line. Police Officer Graham said Elsewhere in the Southland, that DcHaas 1s a former sets for "Little House on the Westminster police officer who Prairie" and "Father Murphy" left the department after television shows were near a 10vest1gat1on of two alleged 225-acre fire in the Sirru Valley inci d e nts o f misconduct. area of Ventura County. Graham said allegations wer e Ve n t ur a Co un ty fire sets for the NBC-TV series had not been threatened by the arson-caused flames, which were contain~ at 4:30 pm. A brush fire m San Bcmardjno County charred 800 acres near Patt.on State Hospital, 60 miles east of Los Angeles, before it was contajned, said Olivia Brown of the U.S. Forest Service. Also, 140 acres were burned five miles east of Beaumont in Riverside County, 85 miles east of Los Angeles. before being contained. That fare was started by a careless smoker never proved. spokesman Michael Zoll said the ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~- And 500 f1ref1ghters. five helicopters, nine air tankers, and hand crews were ba ttlfng a 200-acre f ir e b u r ning out of con trol in steep wilperness terrajn 16 miles north of Azusa. 60CfoOFF I. DUES TILL DECEMBER lsf ~ 1f 7 MILLION DOI.I.AR FACILITY 1f LUXURIOUS LOCKER FACILITIES FOi MEN AND WOMEN * SAUNA • STIAM. JACUZZI * 2 SAND VOUIYIAU COURTS * 1/1 MILE JOHING TRACK 1f INDIVIDUAL EXERCISE 'R08RAMS 1f GYMNASIUM (IAIKETIALL. VOLLIYIAU) 1f FREE CHILD CAii CENTER 1f 18 CHAMPIONSHIP RACQUETIAU COUITS * NAUTILUS EQUIPlllNT * 25 Mml Ol YllPIC POOL 6 IUNDICK * NOSHOP • * RllTAUIAMT, IAI 6 IOCW. LOUllll -* ....... ,.. z i ! I ·' I '• . . ...... • This former firt> "l a lion~ al 704· Lukt> St.. llunlington Beach. i" be ing 1ml up for ~ult>. a long wiah o lher <'il y-owncd buildin~!'I und land. Orange Coaet DAIL y PILOT /S1turd1y, September ... 1982 • • Delly Piiot llelf Pholo Fa~s jam US J ! . . rock festival SAN BERNARDINO (AJ>) Thousands or pt.'Oplc 1wcatt.>d In 108-degree heat nnd traffic backed up four miles as the $12.5 million US festival began Friday with New Wave music, at least one concert-related death and some grumbling from nearby n.11ldents By the time the Gong of Four opened the music In m1d- artcrnoon, security of!iclals for t~e threC'-day roc:k conccrt- computer foir estima ted at least 100,000 people had poured m t.o the 500-acre site built for 250,- 000. From an on-sitt• command post, San Bernardino County Sheriff's Sgt. Larry Stimach called the crowd estimate "t'Onservativc." large influx of vohlclet." Three people were arretted for investigation of dl1turbing the peace and another was arieded for lnvesUgation of aaauttin1 an officer, Slimach aatd, but .no drug-~ted arresta"'Wrre made. T)le tingle h ospital and eight on•slte flnt aid atationa admitted 297 patlen\I between mJdnllht and 6 p.m . Friday, aatd oe.-n Gro1e, president of medjcll1 services. Mott suffered from the debilitating heat or mino r bruJSeS. "Dust 1'J really klcklng up the asthma and the dry winds "°f)'t help," Groee said. • Want to buy a good fire sta.tion? Interstates 15 and 16E, the main access roads from Southern California. were snarled with four miles of traffic outside the 57 -acre grass -covered amphitheatre at Glen He len regional park . Califol'nia Highway Patrol Officer Wult Wolf said. Few medical probl e ms appeared drug-related, althou1h Stan Kephart, vice president In charge of security for festival producers Unuson Corp., reported one PCP overdose. "There have been a number of minor incidents -public drunkeness, fist fighta," Kephart - said. "but there's been no deali,ng arrests or problems of lttat nature. It's aJmost a little eerie-- the way it's gone h as be~n textbook so far." • Tht• l'uy uf II unllnglon &-ach IS pulling Onl' of 11..'o fll l' i.l.atlOllS up for sak' Bu t 1 l · s 11 o t t h t' f 111 • ir1<: 1 a I disaster lhal 01w m1ghl sw .. pt't'l The proJX'rly 1s no lo11g1•r USt·d by f1n•f1g htPrs and has bt.·en declarl·d surplus along with several other l'1ty uWm'<l parc-..·ls The site, at 704 Lake· St . was first ust•d in 19~:~ as a wan·houst• by tht• South<'rn l'al1f11rnia Edison Comp.1nv TIH· uty bought tht· propNl' fo1 $5:l.OOO a n <l f u r a n u t h t ' 1 $ I 0 0 • 0 0 0 rcmodl·k·d tht· wan·housl' into a fire sU1lwn m l!JCi4 But tlw building ran afoul of the utv'::. own :-.e1sm1l' safetv standarcls and waJ> <.·ondl•mnt'CI · City nff1t'1als have µut an asking price of $565.tiOO on th!• I 5-acre µarct·I that 1s wm.'Ci fo1 residt•ntial usl• and c an bt• subd1v1d!•d into five lots. thl•y ,say. Tht· f1ri• Jt•1wrtme11t moved out of th1· old L.1kt, Strt.•t.•l sl<ilmn trllo the· 1ww ht•adquart<.•1·s one liloc·k to thl' south last Octol.J<>r. Pl'Opll' mten•stl'<I in tht.> land and othl•r city-owned parcl'b m<1y ftlt• sealed bids with Ctty Clerk·Ahl'1a Wentworth prior to :! p.m. S1·pt. 1.7. All bids must b<.· subm1ttl'CI to Wmtworth al P.O. Box 190, 2000 Main St . Huntington Beach !.12648. Othl•r t'1ty property to bl· sold and minimum bids include 6,000 square ft'f't, 19012 Lindsay Lane. Deportation stayed again But Sa n JuaJJ couple not hope{ ul for adopted Liberian son By TEVE MITCHELL Of the Delly Piiot Stell Samut'I Willt•ll. thl adoptt•d L1bt•r1Jn son of a San Juan Capistrano <:11upll . h;1s rt'l'<'IVl'd yet anothN stay of d1•µortat10n. but his fom1ly 1s not C'Xprt'S.'itng u lot of 1•nthusiasm 1n thl' l.1tC'st in a serit>s of ex wns11ms The US. lmn11grat10n and Natural1za11on Sl'rVll'l' 1n Los Angelc•s will allow Sam. who 1s about :!ti y1'a~ of age. to n.•matn with his familv until Jan 15. 1983. . He was to b<• dl'portl'<'.l to his native Liberia rwxt Wednt>sday The new datt• of df'J.>arture ts th e latl·st of a h<ilf doZln deadl1n<.•s 1mµos1•d. and tht•n di scarded by the U .S governml•nt. Da v id and Ruth Wtllett adoptC'd Sam about 10 y<•»rs ago while the· c·ouplt· W<'l"C' S<.•rvmg in the Pc•ac<· Corps m L11:>€·na Whl'n the l'OUpl(' adopt1'Cl Sam. they arb1tranly s!'I thl' lx>y's ag!· at lfi. <;1nc" ht' had no birth record H o w 1· v (' r . u n d t' r U S 11nm1~ratum k1ws, Sam was too old to bt• ~ns1d!·red an adoptt·d thtkl. and Y1f), 1m·hg1blc• to live in the Un1tc>d Slalt•s without a !)P<X'ia I uct p f Congress. Tht-fomtly ~"' l:x>en battling to kl?<.'p Sam in thl· <-ou ntry for thl' pasl two years. and the effort has pro'vio>d both c•x h a u s ting and frustrating. Huth W1l1Nt says "Hc>rc· we go again." s hl' said of the latl·st dio>la y 1n Sam's deportation On at leas t six other oc.-casions, the immigration service has imposed deadlmes requmng Sam to lt-avt• the U S ln this cast'. a INtcr from HouSt.• Judiciary Chairman Peter R od in o, D -N J .• to the 1mm1grat1on bureau, asked that Sam be given an extension The immigr11t1on scrv11:e notified the Willl'lts this we-ck of the nC'w date The· n<'w deadline gives the family a littlf' more than four months to pc•rsuadc· a Sc·nalP sulx:omm1llt'<.' on 1mm1grauon to r<'<:Ons1dl'r a private bill on Sam's behalf, authored by Newport &.•;.t·h Rc.•p Robert Badham The hill died last year m the subc:omm1ttl'e. but 1s be ing "eons1d<•rf'd for reconsideration," a spokt-sman f<1r' Badham's office iw.ud But Huth Willett 1s n o t optim1st1l· that thc• subcommittee will r(.'(:ons1dC'r the bill. .. Tht'y're (Congress) nx·cssed until next week." she said "And then there's the election recess, then a lame-duck session of Congress." In addition, she said the Christmas holidays will follow, "and that doesn't leave us with much time to gel a new (private) bill 1{ thLS one dies " But, she says, s he and her hus band "will be seeing everyone we can" before the January deadline, in hopes of pushing through Badham's bill. "It's all rather upsetting," the woman said. "My faith in the svstem 1s really shaken." Mexico encouraging tourists to bring dollars with them Tourists pla11n111g to spl'nd Labor Day wr'<'kc•nd south of th• Me x1l·an bordc·r nN·d not be• co n c e r n c d a b o u l p o s s 1 b I (· diffitulties ;:~rising fr om that country's econom1t: turmoil , Mexican off1c1als sav Nl'W rulings requiring all people who ent{'r the country to exchang(' their dollars for pesos wiU not take eH<'<'l unul after the weekend and, m any ca.o;c'. tourist hotels and n•sUturants still will be able to takC' dollars. (Relatt'Cl story Page A3 ) A Daily P1lol reporlC'r'<., trip to Tijuana Thursday revealc>d that most m('rt'hants there prefcorred dollars to pesos fnr transal'llons But som<' rC's tau ran ts we re charging mon· for bills paid in dollars than m p<>SOS, rrCIN:ting the wildly fluctuating exchange rate<., that saw many establishments set their own rate<; well below lh C' approximately 100-for-one rate available m exchange houses on the U S side of the border Mon<'y exchanges outside of banks have be<'n declared 1llegal m Mexico and the banks. shut down f or two days after Presid<'nl Jose Lopez Porttllo's orde r nalional1zing pri vately owned ones. will not reoJX'n until M o nd av . A black market exchang"e was flourishing on Tijuana's strret.'>. however Tijuana and other border towns may lx· exempt from thC' exchange rules even aft.er they take effect. because of a provision whic h re po r tedly sets up a 12-m1le-w1de buffer wne along the border where dollars can be used for business transactions. Land switch cuts taxes About 200 families living in Harbor Ridge and Spyglass Hill neighborhoods in Newport Beach will pay lower taxes next year as a result of a transfer of land between the Irvine and Newport-Mesa unified school districts Dtlily P'i ... D.il .. ry hG-_....t We're 4-istening ••• ~nd.1)' f '•dih H vuu 11u n1 I hlifv•• "'°"' P•M' O't s '}n r "' r ., Dflh.•ft I 0 m • .,., '(Our ,.LO~ • ·~ t'P ., .... .,...fllt'I What clo yo u like <Jb<>ul the Daily Pilot'> What don't you like" ('all thl' nurnb<'r belo" and }Our rnt>ssage will bl' recorded, t ram.critx•d and dt•hvcred to the• appropriate editor Thi' sam<' 24 hour answering service may be used to record let· ll•rs to the• editor on any topic' Mailbox contributors must include thc•ir naml.' and lt•ll•phom• numtwr for verHicallon No circulation c·ulls. pkase Tl'll u~ whal 's on your mind 642·60116 ORANGE COAST CIHtlfl•d advertlalng 7141942·5878 All other department• 142-4321 Daily Pilot Thoma• P. Hal•y Puhl••~•• ond Chief C.ecurive Offl<'9' Jan• Amari F •M'ut,.,. £dolor L. Kay Schultz Vo<" Pr11"d"n1 •m Olr11<1or of Ad•o•t•••no Micha.I P. Harv•y Onec•or ol Mo<ke1..g IC "ciAotlont ' . Thoma• A. Mu,phin• fdil()( Raymond Moel.an COt>lr~8' K•nn•th N. Goddord Jr. O...ector ol Oper~t0n1 MAIN OFFICE DI WHl 81\f St , Coote MIN. CA M1ll ad<l,..M h• 1'60, C•te MeM, CA.~ Copyrlolll ltfi1'()t..._ C .. tl l'uotlllllno C-y. Ho n•wl ttorles, lll~rall..,,, IKlll«let M.ntr.,.,. verliM.....,h her.tn M~Y .. ••tweoN<M wflMut •119Clal penn1Ulofl of,...,,..,.._ ... , j:_,. I ' $16,200: l 2 acres, 8671 Edison Ave., $152,220; I 3 aaes (the old city yard). 1301 Alabama St .. $846,000 Critical Fermin Ramiriz Torres, 23; o( Costa Mes..,a i s rushed t o a mbulance (below) after his car s lammed into .utility pol e (right ) on Fairview Road n ear El Camino Drive, Costa Mesa, lat e Thursday night. Torr es i s ii\ critical condition at the trauma center of Fountain Valley Community Hospital. "I expect it to get worse," Wolf said. "It's just such a quick and LOMA TRASH . IJlllS SALE PRICED $&···, REG. PRICE $10.99 &..own, 32 Gal. Capacity PRICE GOOD THAU LABOR OAY All STORES OPEN LABOR DAY SEPTEMBER ~, 9 a .m.-5 p.m. WHtollff' Pl ... 102.t Irvine A¥9.. N9wpor1 9MCtl M!l·1133 , Wkdeyt 14 Tl'li.n. Tll I p,m. .. ,. l I ., -Orange Oo11t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1882 .. Violence 'slacking off' Salvador guerrilla weakening claimed ... .. .. SAN SALVADOR. El Salvador (AP) -Maaan-wu 1elect.ed u Interim prtlldent bl Prealdent Alvaro Ma1ana predlcta t.hat leftiat the 60·mcimber Conatltuent AM4tmbly, the counll')' • inauraenta ln thla war-torn Central American provlllonal Jeaia1atun, which ia clOmtnated by • natlop wlll bo waahed out within a ye1r,"8nd coalition ot rightlat partlet. It has the power to moderate leftiata may be encourapd to particlpite write a new conaUtutlon and 1et general electJont. ln new elecUon.a. A.Membly membera were elected lalt March 28 He also aaya he believe• human rlahta ln voUna atrongly endorsed by the Reaaan vtola\.lona will decreue u 1Uerrllla violence afacka admlniatratJon and boycotted by leftlata. -ott. Magana was optlmlatlc about a decreue in "The problem of aubvenion ~ definitely be guerrilla strength despite a Oefenae Mlnltll')' report aolved within a year -not by annlhllatJon of the on Tue.day that llald 8Uerrlllu had infllcted 3,801 rebel•, bui by Ufeleuneu," aald Magana. ''They caauaJUd on govemmenl tfoope during a one-rear have been loalng their force, thelr motivation, alnce period entllna June 30 -more than one-Jlfth o the March 28." amW!d forees"Y estimated 18,000 officers and aoldlers. Maaana, who haa served as provisional The figure Included l,073 killed. president 1ince May 2, aald ln an intervtew with The leftist Radio Venceremos alao aald The Amoclated Prea that he believes presidential Thursday that rebel.a ambushed two arm)'_patrola elections will be held b)' March 1984 at the latest. on the Pan-American highway this week, k.ll.llng 20 He said recent comments by Ruben Zamora, a aoldiers and wounding eeveral others . Salvadoran rebel leader ln nelghborina Nicaragua, More than 1,000 government troops supported revealed that the leftists are trying to draw officials by artillery and helicopter gunships attacked to the bargaining table becauae their military and suspected guerrilla positions several miles nort ... propaganda tactics are failing. the capitaf early Thursday, a military spokesman "Before it all slips away and they lose said. He said two soldi.ers were wounded, but he importance. they want to make a show that they refused to give details of the fighting. are willing to talk," he said. Prellminary death counts by the Salvadoran· Zamora, a member of the rebela' polltlcal-Human Rights Commission show 363 civilians were ' diplomatic eommission, said he and other inoderate killed ln A ed elements in the guerrilla organization were willing ugust"compar with 125 in July. to return to El Salvador if the government creates a Church arid human rights groups estimate at A' Wlteptioto "political space," frees political prisoners and ll!ts a least 35,000 people have died in the 34-rnonth civil state of siege. war, most of them civilians murdered by right-wing The E.T. char acter adorns much of the stacks of (an mail Steven Spie lberg, its creator, receives every day. In response to E.T.'s popularity, a quarterly newsletter, "E.T.'s Communicator," will be written for its fans. ,· Magana said It would be difficult at the death &quads that suspected them of being leftist sympathiz.ers. preaent time to incorporate the left Into the politJcal process, but predicted that would change On July 28, President Reagan certified before within a year. Congress that the Salvador government has "1 think circumstances will allow anyone who improved its human righ~ record and Is continuing wanta to participate to do so," Magana said. social and economic reforqui. Dear E.T.: Please p "I personally believe that it is healthy for other ''I have always said ~tjat the problem of human ~ --rdeologt~ J)lll'ttctpat.e. EVentually lhe·~y--'ghu-trctORty-Ued lo~e level or Vfolence ffiit One .110 ....,...e must be incorpo rated. After all, they are these people 84errillas · ·ci on us," Magana said. I.JI.JI. Salvadorans." "The tendency \sin dee · ." The mailman's waiting with more t_han 10,000 lette r s NEW YORK (AP) -E.T. phone home. The mailman's waiting. More than 10,000 letters have arrived for you · and your frienda since you visited F..arth in June. It's all piling up at your new fan club. You've got a bunch of messages. Matthew Ross wants you to come to his birthday party in West Bloomfield, Mich. He'll be 4 and he says he'w your pal. But, he warns, "You'll have to sleep at Grandma Rosie's because my brother is scared of you." Talia Glimer, 5, of Skokie, ill., says she loves you and wants your telephone number. James Oleson, of Beaumont, Texas, would "do almost anything" to meet you. .. A )ot of the mail ls for the· guy who created you, Steven Spiel~. }qda -and adults, too - call him a genius. A few ask for acting jobs or just want to help out around his studio. Allison Silverman, of Gainesville, Fla., says she "made June 23rd Steven Spielberg Day." She adds: "My mother says to tell you I have a very active and creative imagination for a 10-year-old and if you need any ideas just write. "P.S. rn giye you $150 to be in one of your movies." There's also a lot of mail for your freckle-faced friend, Elliott, alias Henry Thomas. Some of the envelopes have so many crayon drawings of Elliott and you that there isn't much room for an address. But they got here, even a few to "E.T. in Hollywood." The kids color you brown, blue and pink -but all of them color your eyes blue. Mary Ann Newman, of Yardley, Pa., drew one of those pictures but says "I did not do a good job on Elliott," Humans, she says, "are too hard to draw." Mary Ann also sent you some candy, but it's the wrong kind. Some drawings will appear In "E.T.'s COMMUNICATOR," a quarterly newsletter for your fans-being written by lra Friedman. Friedman is organizing the "Official E.T. Fan Club," with headquarters-in New York and a mailing address in Illinois. He's been opening and trying to answer all your mail, hoping that some fans will want to belong to the club. And he thinks your mail is "quite exciting ... Infatuating. really." Kimberley Ihnat, of Las Vegas, sent a homemade E.T. board game. Vince Linton, of Satin, Texas, sent a home movie and an E.T. comic strip he drew in pencil on notebook paper. Jim and Jeff Ellison of Owensboro, Ky .. sent you a picture of a papier-mache figure they made a -and it looks just like you. Shae Green sent a scrapbook of your newspaper ads and magazine artides. -~ Paul McGrath liked the movie but says, "I can't stop thinking about it. It's lilse I have a disease (no offense)." Most of the big people write Spielberg. A Florida podiatrist says he's seen E.T. 18 times "and I have no intention of slowing down." A U.S. Naval Observatory astronomer says Spielberg got the moon's position in the movie all wrong but don't worry. He says he and his 3-year-old liked the movie anyway and ''this letter is in no sense an official communication." B-1 hoinher flies outside U.S. FARNBOROUGH, England (AP) -Ameri~a's new B -1 bomber, the supersonic, swing· winged aircraft destined to replace the 8-52, has made its first flight outside the United States. The four-engined B-1, whose shape, surface and jamming tquipment are designed to make it nearly invisible to enemy radar, arrived at Farnborough, Hampshire, on Thuraday. A quarter of a mlllion people are expected at the Farnborough International Exhibition and Flying Display, Sept. 5-12, to see more than 150 of the Western world's newest aircraft, including the B-1. The London Daily Mail headlined a picture of the B-1 "ThP. Killer" and said of the R<><:kwell International Corp. bomber', powered by General Electric turbofan engines: "Thia is one of the most aweaome machines of destruction yet devised for war .. The American B-1 super bomber can release up to 30 flylrtg bombs, each with a thermonuclear warhead capable o.f destroying a city." The B-l which arrived after an 11 \Ii-hour non-atop flight from California la the last of four prototypes. Delivery of the first production models to the U.S. Air Force Strategic Air Command is expected in late 1985 with a fleet of 15 due for completion by late 1986, according to the Air Force. • By PAT HOROWITZ or .... .,..,,.... • ..., DEAR READERS: Wann weather can be both good news and bad news for a car battery. Engines atart easier when warm, which means 1esa cranking powel'-ia requiftd. .But bot weather allO speeds evaporation of water in the battery which can quickly lead to' problems, says the National Automobile Club. U water I.a not added when the level gets low, minerals can fonn on expoeed battery plates and eventually short.en ita life. Some modern batieriea are totally aealed, ellmlnating the need to add fluid, but many atill reql.lim periodjc additions of water to the electrolyte, ihe water and acid eolution that makes the battery produce electrical energy. To help m1nim.lse battery problema, NAC recommends a consistent checkup echedule be adopted. When extra water la requlred, me only clean, low mineral content water and add lt sl~ly and carefully to the battery. It should ootne to a level at least one-quarter inch above the tops of the plate or to the level marks indicated on the level marks indicated on the necks of the filler tubes. One of the most conunon cau.es of poor battery performance la dirty or corroded tenninala and cable connections. Dirt, greaae, moisture and corrosion can block electricity from getting to where it la needed aJ¥1 provide a path that allowa current to e.cape. NAC recommends keeping the battery clean by washing lt oocaslonally. with a solution of baking eoda and removing corroeion with a wire brush. When having your car serviced, uk the mechanic to check the battery'• atate of charge'. Thia Is done with a hydrometer which you can buy and do the check younelf. Thia simple instrument draws a small sample of the electrolyte Into a chamber which allows the apedfic gravity (lndlcating concentration of add) in the eolution. If 1M!Cel88r)', rectw-ge the battery overnight. U lt soon loeee ita charge, that might mean problems with a defective generator or alternator or a looee belt. Whenever you check under the hood, give the battery a quick once over, also tnaking certain it is securely fastened to the holder. Treat it with respect as the poesibillty of acid bums or-explosive gas mtxtate could lead to injury. . Mpnual aids repairs DEAR READERS: A new automatic washer do-it-yourself repair manual, the first of a planned series, is now available to guide handy consumers through 53 separate repair procedures for most Whirlpool automatic washers built over the last 10 years. q,Rng a detailed step-by-step approach and extensive product Illustrations, the manual explains repairs in non-technical terms. Priced at $7 .50, it i.s available through Whirlpool appliance dealers, parts distributors and Tech-Care service companies. It also may be purchased by mail from the Literature Department, Whirlpool Parts Distribution Center, LaPorte, Ind. 46350 for $8.25 including postage and handling. Puzzles made to order? DEAR PAT: I read receatly tlaat there are companies wbJcta make jigsaw J>tlU)es to onler. Do yoa know of any? T .A., Newport Beaclt No, but maybe some of our readers do. U A YS hears from anyone who can help you out, you'll be contacted. • Got a problfml? Then write to Pat H~ -.1 .w1u. Par wiII cut red~ 1ertin6 the • ~ and action you need to .,Jve In- .,... equltie1 Jn government and bu.sUHm. M.all 'you q HJ'fiins to Pat Hoiowlir, A-t Your Service,t Onnile Cout Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1580, Carta meu,I CA. 9M26. . ''S'fllDS'' OUT Ill A CROWD! Bpecl•I ON SALE NOW THRU SEPT. 15th CllH•r11'1 ............. Riede Marionettes wlll provide fun, moelc and fantasy tor the little ones. Huntington Centlf Mall Fri. thru Sun. at 1-2-3 & 4', Mon. at 2-3 & 4'. Sepl 1, 1912-Stpt. 7, 982 KlyptoptCM bkHis; 1.79 My body II sle*, .... wsitlle 1ton1 .. , 1111111 hne, mttrnal oraw COlltMMd 111 1 lilftf sac under "'' held. A fnc1n11iftl tddition to lllt tqUlflUfll llld I 1111 on sale II Aq111tic T ropluls lllldtf lllt name "Clm Cit" lot 1.79. VISA" .. mtw.w.~ 549-Utl•C.. ..... I'*- ' i MODEL 4730 ,... '59" SALE •44" O.LUXI "AU WOOO LOOK" CART wllll ---.,. ,..... --Ot -lop IMllll17'Al"lligll•2?''-IGlldllOer .. _IOI> -llOl-tlllll-' ........ Ill •""" -~- MODEL t7llO ~U!·49" =.. .... ,~·i::z:r .. -.................. ,,..., ..... ....... ....._ ............ ._ .. IMetlOft, M14 Ille eflllfe """ ~ ell ......... ~ ........ _... ...... ............ • i ( ... • OPIN LA80• DAY 9 to ~ 1\1 MODEL 3207 • • • O,.n WMkll.,• 9 19 9 54 6 • 1t1t. a._.• 1e • "·' ~ • \ • Water boys One goes to the water, the other brings the water to his own yard, but the idea is the same: get out and play. Miahael Amundsen, I 0 , slips and slides at his Fountain Valley home while Jim Olmost, 19, of Huntington Beach, maneuvers his skimboard in the surf line near Newport Pier. Solar cal en Jar Ipade by nature WASHINGTON (AP) -The mystery of how an ancient tribe of American Indians moved heavy atone sla)ls to form a unique solar calendar is no mystery a t all. The rock s fell Into place by themselves, scientists have reported. The Anasazi tribe apparently took advantage of a natural grouping of stone slabs to create the now-famous "sun dagger" calendar in New Mexico, aa~g themselves the drudgery of making one, geologists say. In a report published in Science magazin~ acientists say geological evidence indicates the thr~ vertical sa~dstone sla~ tha t make up the- observatory fell into their present position_ natlirally. - The stone structure, through which slivers of light pass to strike nearby markings, was first recognized as an astronomlcal device about five years ago, and most researchers assumed It was ( man-made. But how the Indians ,would have moved and erected the two-ton slabs' was puzzling. "The appearamle of the solar marker slabs strongly suggests natural emplacement," said •.he report by Evelyn B. Newman and Robert K . Mark of the U.S. Geological Survey office in Menlo Park. Calif., and R. Gwinn Vivian of the Arizona State Muaewn ln Tuc8on. Origin of the calendar, located on Fajada Butte at the south entrance of Chaco Canyon, is important in understanding the Anasazi Indians who U8ed it. The An.aaazi, forerunners of today's Pueblo Indians, had an advanced dvilliation that thrived from about 400 to 130P when it mysteriously declined. -The Indians lived in multistory, Pueblo-styled apertment buildinp built into the sides of cliffs. An agrarian society, the Anasazi built irrigation systems, constructed hundreds of miles of roads and developed a trading system that extended into Mexico. "Because there is a significant difference between the level of skills required to conceive and construct a midday solar marker and thoee required to diacover, observe, and use a natural one," the report said, "the origin of the solar marker is important to our interpretation o f cultural development in Chaco Canyon.'' llRllCIPI Suday, September 5 ARIES (March 21-April 19): Outline plans, define objectives, bring goals into focus. Lunar and nwnerlcal cycles high; Y"U actually are in charge of your own destiny. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): More penons are concerned with your opinions -people seek your counsel, pay compliments and agree that your views have been vindicated. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Romance, creativity dominate acenario. Lunar emphasis on emotional fulfillment, ways of ma.king wishes come true. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Community project enables you to gain prestige, tO win allies And to utlllz.e powen of persuasion. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on aspirations, long-distance calla, travel plans and spiritual enlightenment. Popularity tncreues. answera are received to recent inquiries. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): ~ are reviewed; partner or mate talks aboUt major purchue or domestic adjumnenL LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22): Read between lines, be open to =ona from one familiar with legal procedures, · ta and pennilSiona. ~RPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Routine will be revtaed; thoee who depend upon you, including telatlve., children and peta, will have different needs. .,,,. SAGmARWS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Sentiment and romance dominate ecenario. Strive to make room ~or lqpc. CAPRICORN (Pee. 22-Jan. 19): Check deUila, NYlew llDall print, take ltepe to improve eeeurity wa.res. Focw on property, home, o]der family nwmber and loric ttandin8 neaottatton. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Make ipqwn., take lhort trips If nee EAU')'. Pl8CEI (Feb. 19-March 20): New start provee beneflclal. Malnte!n Independent 1tance. You'll Joeate what had '-1 lolt, lm.lnc or atolen. • \ • 100" Seid State • $itnllledi T u'""9 • II.di Metrl• PktweT'*9 . • Plays up to 2 Houn • Over 300 Tltlea • Stereo Avoilable Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/S1turd1y. September 4. 1982 Airlines: Good and had news • I WASHlNGTOf\.. (AP) - Attention airline cu.stomera: The government says you are again entitled to double compensalJon if you're bumped from a flight and aren't qulcK.ly provided w1t~ alternate transportation. Now the bad news: You must begin paying new air travel taxes today. Both changes, announced this week, ·will affect thousands of airUnei paasengera In the United · States every day. The Civil Aeronautics Board reinstated double compensation as of Oct. 1 after suspending it for a year. The CAB dropped the double payment requirem ent after the strike by air traffic con troll'ers in August 1981, .because the number of flights was reduced. "We feel the system is back enougtr tOnonnal operations that the airlines can find alternative transportatlon for a bumped passenger within th~ time period," CAB spokesman Ted Lopatkiewlcz said. Under current regulations, a passenger who is bumped off a .f!!gbt is entitled to the lace value of the one-way ticket up to $200 as well u a fll1ht to the original deaU~tion. But uhder the double compensation provislop ~rllne muat pay double that amount If the passenger does not arrive at the destination wl\hin two houra . ol the original amval tlmet The two hours is extended to four hours on international flights. The bumping la attributed largely to the practice among airlines of overbook ing fllghta because of expected "no-shows" people who make a reservation and then don't show up to claim it. • I Most of the provisions in the : ,1 $98.3 billion bill, which P resident : . Reagan signed Friday, concern • 1983 taxes. But the tax change concerning air travel and fares were to take effect at 12:01 a.m. Wednesday. The airllneochange.a include: • -An increase 5 percent to 8 percent In the levy on commercial airline tickets and It f new 5 percent tax on alr freight •• ·' -A n ew $3-per-p e r sort• departure tax for passen~eifs ··~ ' leaving the country. .!1__ 'J! _----.. ,.., .... . . ., -~-~~ -•• Heur Play/lecienf • 1 ..... POUM CMttNI • llectr!Nk Tuner 59911 • Wt Tiuch ~trel • 24 Heur • "°'"'"'"'° .... • llectronk Tuner LA SIOO WASHB • ..... Capacity • 5 Cydee • 2 Sp..da LI SIOO DIYll .., ...... • 3 Cydee . ,.,.... ,,.. ·-PAii mDIL ILllTlll ... , .......... 111/llTlllllll- ........ L ....... ", • tu,. lrttht I Plctvre • QiiMe .....,1\ • ,.,. 10 Wett &....- Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September '4, 1982 'Natural narcotics' . eyed in depression .-NO REASONABLE OFFER REFUSED BOSTON (AP) Whl•n p<'Ople huvl' foveni, th .. lr bocilet1 pour out hlih h.•vels of n tur&al nareotks, and thlit may explain why they ft..cl depreSS(.'(f, out of 110rts and sluggish. a rCS('urcher says. _ A study l'OnduNed nt Harvard Medlcal School shows that lcvela of these fain killers rase dramatical y whe n infection causes a fever. "Anybody who has had a col~ knbws that he feels a little off' and depres.ed. He doesn't have his usual motivation," said Dr. Daniel B. Carr, who directed the 'study. "While most of us take this for granted, it's possible to ask: What Is the link between having an infection and feeling differently?" A key to this change in mood, Ca rr b e li e ves, m!ly b e endorphins, substances similar to narcotics that are produced by the pituitary gland. In experiments on sh1>ep, Carr's group fou n d t h at ~ndorphin levels in the spinal 'Cluid wen~ 10 times higher than usual when the anima ls had fevers caused by bacterial infections. Carr says he believes a similar or identical reaction occurs in people when they have fevers. Infection by maklna .nutrl~nt1 lcu avnllabfo lO bact.erta and by 1\lmulatlng realatJl'\I.'" tc> th•• micro bet Even though mo1t people us11oclnte narcollc:s, s uc h oa morphine, with teellngs ot pleasure, Carr aald the natural substances may produce a 4YIOl't' complicated range of sensations, not all of them agreeable. '1T he repertoire · of behavlor that can result from altered brain metabolism of these compounds Is extremely complex.'' he said. "There's more to this than just feeling good or bad." "They must serve some useful purpose," Carr says, "because they are r e l ease d so d!amatically." Carr notes that people w ith fevers often want to crawl lnt<i bed, turn off the lights and shut out the world. ,And this mood, perhaps brought about by the body's narcotics, may be a natural way of inducing the sick to withdraw fro m ordina r y stresses while they shake oCf their illness. In the experiment, seven sheep received injections of a bacterial derivative that cau sed a temporary, harmless fever. The doctors watched for changes in the levels of beta endorphin, one fonn of the natural narcotics, in the animals' blood and spinal fluid. Useless? Canadian Prim<' Minister Pierre Trudeau will be greeted Oct. 18 with butto n sa ying 1 4'Happy Birthday, Useless" in pro test o f Trudeau's econom ic policy. Piranhas said 'no · danger' BARTLESVILLE, Okla. (AP) -There is "no need for alarm," says game ranger David Strang, but two full-'ro wn piranhas 1 >flil~ • fl.I Cantfna SALi! s599. ~. BROWN JORDAN TAMI.AMI SAU UST • l'lllCf 42" T~l>le w/4 Chairs 5779 • S41t 48" Tablt w/4 Chairs 885 ... Chaist 319 '" NOMAD 42" Tablt w/4 Chairs S843 ..... 48" Tablt w/4 Chairs 879 ... Chaise 299 209 MA '"A KEA 48" iable/4 Chairs S875 .... EN!Jt W"/Mrm --389 n l'Q •ROWN lOJ. JOltDA N T•ml•ml ,, SALE '419. -- tr~• pitene TAMPICO SAlE TROPl-KAI -LIU n 1er LIST 42" Tablt w/4 Chairs S503 1259 42" Tabltw/4 Chairs S778 Adjwtable Chalu 200 99 48" Table w/4 Chairs 814 H1gh".8ack Glld~r Cha1r 130 7t POOi Cha1st 250 YACHT HARBOR SK OROS 42" Table w/4 Chairs 590 SJ19 49·· Tablt w/4 Chairs 630 J49 42" Tablt w/4 Chairs 1066 High-Back Glider Chair 133 7t 48" Tablt w/4 Chairs 1102 Ad?,!tablt Ch.list 206 109 54'.' Tablt w/6 Chairs 1170 24 · Occaslonal Table 80 .. Chalst loungt 360 WESTWOOD CANTIN A 42" Table w/4 Chairs 850 ... , 48" Table w /4 Chairs 890 499 42" T•ble w /4 Chain 1042 Adj. Chtlu 255 Jot 48" Table w/4 Chairs 1068 2Q ~l'R Glass Top End Table 107 .. Side Table 176 The study, conducted by do c t ors from Har va rd , Massachusetts Genera.I Hospital and Beth Israel Hospital, was published in Friday's issue of the journal Science. ~h e body r aises i t s te perature during an infection b slowing its ldsS of heat and incr easing its production of warmth. It does this by reducing .the flow of blood to the skin and altering its metabolism. During the fever, bIOOd level.S rose 17 times higher than before. ln add1uon, the animals' blood pressures fell briefly. The same ave been landed by fishermen angling in Oklahoma's Caney River. · The South. American fish is known for lts ability to in!lict dangerous bite wounds on large animals and man. ALL SPECIAL ORDERS .30% -40% OFF Doctors believe that a high bemperature helps~e body fight ·thing ha ppens when people are g iven injections of man-made narcotics. Other investigatorll haa previously, thro ugh indirect evidence, linked the fall of blood pressure during shock wi\h the release of natural narcotics into Strang said wildlife oUicials believe the two specimens may be the only ones in the river, popular a mong children for swimmin the blood and brain. w======-==-~~-====--~~~~~~~__;~~~~--1 .. Toxin found in niussels BROOKINGS. Ore. (AP) -Deadly levels of toxin have been found in mussels from Whale's ;aiead Cove near this southern Oregon coastal eommunity, a state Health Division spokeswoman :&aid. ~ -"U just one person gets hold of this stuff, they !could die," said Deborah Cannon, program specialist in the division's food protection program. . ~ She-warned visitors to Curry County beaches ~ avoid eating mussels or clams until state tests show that the danger of paralytic shellfish to~n has passed Division microbiologists found 1,329 micrograrru. of the toxin per 100 grams of mussel flesh in a sample of mussels taken from Brookings ~uesday, she said. • The U.S. Food a nd Drug Administration ~nsiders mussels unsafe to eat iC they contain 80 F.icrograms or more of toxin per 100 grams of flesh . .. · Wednesday's finding was the second time since ~ug. 24 that a dangerous level of toxin has been ~tect.ed in mussels along the south coas\. · A state ban on commercial harvesting of clams llfld mus,c;els, imposed' in Curry County after Aug. 24 tests, is in effect for areas south of the C.oOs County line. . Paralytic shellfish toxin is a nerve poison produced by a species of marine alga~ common along the Oregon coast. While minute qllantities of the toxin are usuaully present in shellfish, warm ff:an conditions can cause a rapid growth of the '1]gae and lead to dangerous concentraUCJns of the toxin in she llfish. Mexicans 'need ( iself-conf idence' ( MEXICO CITY (AP) -The secretary general JOf the Organization of American States says all •Mexico needs is self-confidence to pull out of its worst economic nosedive in more than half a century. "The only formula I can give you is for Mexicans to believe in Mexicans," Alejandro Orfila tMlid when asked what the country might do to cope ,With its ailing economy. • Speaking to a reporter from the government's El Nacional ne wspaper, Orflla sald "Mexico has all the resources. It has human material, it has raw roatenals, all it's lacking in is confidence." Orflla arrived here Monday for a series of ,dosed-door meetings with President Jose Lopez '.l"'Ortillo and other high government officials. · ~ In the interview with El Naclonal he was uoted as saying the "Mexican'crlsis Is not Mexican, ' it's world crisis; almost all countries, developed and •underdeveloped, have similar problems." s •n•n•'• D D 25" diagonal Console Automatic AFT Color TV • Programmable ~can. TuDing LlOS ChanneLCapablflty • Infrared Remote Control •Green LED Channel Display • Swivel Base • 100° In-Line Matrix Tube. Reg: $799.95 SALE '6999• OPEN LABOR DAY 9 • S Model 403' IPICIAL PRICE '279 An outstanding color portable, this 13" diagonal compact Magnavox will delight you with Its fine performance. It features eleotronlc voltaQe regulation to protect critical circuits, Including the picture tube filament, from harmful power line surges. Automatic Fine T4.inlng for accurately tuned plctt.Jres on every channel; a 100 % solld state chassis for rellablllty; an In-fine picture . tube for great color performance. And r.cessed sld(j pocket handles make for easy carrying. ,.,,.. ....... --------..__----..,;.__----..;..;.;-~~~~___. Riede Martonettn WWI prO'lide fun. muelc Ind fantaty tor the llttlt OMS. Huntington Oentir Mlll·'fn. thN sun . .i 1+3 & 4, Men. It 2-3 & 4. Loc'al, county, state, natitmql and international events come to your doorstep in the bright, light and lively • ' SALE nlCE U99 42' 169 . 1675 ... 975 JlS , 1599 628 1 109 .. Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Saturday, September 4, 1982 AT U.S.-S vi et arms treaty still far away WASHINGTON (AP) Dlllsl'• 21 w..U of arnw control =in Geneva. .the illuee are ldered too fomplex, the 1 pl.dona too d"p\ for • new ty with the Sovaet Union to emer,. eoon. U.8 . and Sovi.et neaoUaton are u1tn1 a 1ummer rec .. In the barplnt.nc to CONider thltr next mows when the talkl reeume on Oct. 6. Here in que1Uon-and- an1wer form IJI a summary of where the talb at.and and where they may be }lead(<(!: Q: An the United States and the Soviet Union cloH to 1n ..,....,..ent? A: Apparently not, due '° the complexity of the luue1 . However, the two 1ldea are Scie~tists pool resources, seek CHICAGO (AP) -R<>--y Mackal has wandered through 1tea~y, uninhabited junelea tearchlng for dinosaurs. And he's ' journeyed to distant waters lookina for aea monsters. Now he and hl1 fellow scientists are joining forces -l?oplng to redtacover forgotten worlds. here's been a 1ap between what11 repreeented in the field and the scientific community. The 90Ciety will bridge that cap." That's not to say "all these animals exist," Greenwell says. "It should be investigated just like any other controversial topic." Mackal and Greenwell do not see themselves as monster hunters. Mackal ls among a unique group of aclentiflc sleuths who hope to prove that sautopods, '• apemen and the "Loch Ness" "W,,e· know monate~.s don't monster still roam the p~et. exist, Green~ell says., But the . Theee acientiata belong to the larger the ammal is, the more recently formed International resistance thc;re is to Its ex.iltence Society of Ccyptozoology _ art-.:,qn \be part of scienttata. U an organization of about 300 8ninAl ls two or three feet, they members, formed to explore the just shrug \heir lhoulden . . . science of unknown o r After 10 to 12 feet, people beidn · unexpected animals. ~\>plying th~ label ~nate~; Sut The society -primarily for it a entirely m their rrunds. 1 c i e'n ti at s -1nc1 u des Some of the creatures that paleontologists, biologists and intrigue them most were last anthropologists from France, known to have walked the Earth lfOUhd." And ao the society -which hopes to organize expeditions f~ by contributions -wtlJ search for evidence and 1tudy photo1raph1:1 sonar tracks, footprint casts and tiSBue and hair samples. r Still, the scientists know the chances of discovery are extremely remote. Mackal says that his years of. probing have not been without J\.ICCeSS. Once, while on a boat during his Loch Ness probe, he said he spotted a large black animal that broke through the water. "lt'a 1ki~· was black with wrinkles. It w twiating left to right." ls convinced the animal was a p 've whale. China, South Africa and the millions of years ago. One may be United States. They represent the sauropdti dinosaur -or Such sightings are not the only some of the. biggest and best mokele-mbembe, as this strange incidenta that are encouraging. institutions of the science world animal has been dubbed by After all he says the gotilla was -the Smithsonian, the Dar.yin villagers in the Congo. Mackal_ acceJ?ied' only tn' the ~Os. _._ .. ....___ Museum ln-Moaeow, the-Peking-and ~umeye<I there the pygmy hippopotamus In Natural History Museum ana in search of a .reddish-brown 1913. 1n 1976, the "megamouth," more. creature that witnesses_ describe a new species genus and family And w hat they b ave in as being 30 feet.. tall, with a long of the shark ~as found. common ii a spirit of adventure neck, head, tail, heavy legs with and a fiery desire to probe claws and, sometimes a mane. reporta of creatures believed to They did not see the animal - have vanished eons ago. which fits the description of a "We're interested in solving dinosaur extinct for 60 million mysteries -;-:-regardless of the years -but did spot unusual outcome, say.s M ac.kal,_ a footprints. "It we pretty damn U~versity of Chicago biologist, exciting," Mackal says. Still, he moety co-founder and a director says that's not proof. of the Loch Ness monster invesueations. "lf this is a real animal, it CQuld be a ~ge lizard," Mackal says. The society h&S several reports of "unexpected animals" it wants to investigate, lncluding large octopi, spanning 150 feet and sea serpents that may represent primitive whales known as archaeocetes, believed to be extinct for 20 million years. Hriou1 in their bar1alnln1. ProPo9111 are not belq ewept a1tae the way the Sovleta rejected Prealdent Carter'• cutback plan out ot hand In 1977. Q: What'• at 1take? A: ln one •t ot NlfoUaUOna, how many rockett the Sovieta will '8riet on w•tem Europe and whetMr' new U.8. milUles .. aimed at the Soviet Onion will be deployed in Britain, West Oefmany and Italy beainn1na In to solve mys.teries December 1983 :11 ln \he IM!OOnd ne10Ua1Jo ln tlwt Swlll city, the even .ase of \he U.S. and Soviet ttr•• anenaJI -lona·rana• bomben and mlullea carried In submarinea and stor*<l in land elloa -will be determlned. Q : Row lon1 have the nesotiatlona iOne on? A: 'l'wenty-one weeka of talka have been held on Euromillllee and 1hc on strategic weapons, the to-called ST ART ta.Jiu. PJ'Ol..- \ho re la better thano In the 1972-1979 SALT ne1otlation1, which produced a treaty after seven yeara. That la the agreement Reagan condemned during hl1 campaign but I• observing aa Iona aa the Soviet.a do \he same. ' Q: Are there any deadlines? A: Not In the usual eense, but (he negotiators at work on Euromlssilea have to keep in mind that the first of 572 Pershing II and crulle r~keta will be deploy~d In ~eatern Europe unleu an agreement IJJ reached ~lthin the next 15 months. "lt'simpossible t9 say whether we will have an agreement by . December 1983," an official here said. Q: What la the Soviet response to President Reagan's proposal for a START treaty? A: ln the treaty's first phue. the number of strategic warhe.ada on both aides would be sliced by about one-third. This would cost the Soviets more because-it would-cut deeplyinto their lead in heavy land-baaed missiles. But all strategic nuclear weapons eventually would be on the table, giving the Soviets a chance to neutralize U .S . advantages:- The Soviets have responded informally and cautiously ao far. They have made it clear they want to head off U.S. cruise missiles, the hedge-hopping, pilotless weapon in which the United States holds a lead, and to slow down the Trident .nuclear submarine program. Many of these mysteries have been controYeraial for decades. Bu·r, S''&ys ;: Richar'ci Greenwell, society secretary- tre~, "J;>eople hav.en't been. comriiWUcating with each other. -"We !U.way:i (Wu,me there. is. a sim ple, non-se nsational explanation . We. have to be pushed. W'1Jre not stuffed shirts. - But we do keep our feet on the Also, the socjety will probe other sensational tales of the yeti, the sasquatch; the alma 10r the wildmari -all versions of hairy, human-like creatures reported in he Himalayas, -the Soviei-Uhion, China and the United 'States. ... Walter McCrone of Chicago is among a group·or scientists who are exploring uncharted..wilds-to . .Joeatermodel"n dinosaurs. The Soviets promised to study Reagan's proposal during the _____ _£._U_rrcnt recess :am!_!:Q..~nd more ruDYafter the negotiations resume on Oct. 6. PUBLIC ·AUCTION ~ ESTA TE JEWELRY ·a FINE PORCELAINS, CHINA, BRONZES, RUGS, FURNITURE, SILVER, OILS, Etc. FREE ADMISSION -PUBLIC AND DEALERS WELCOME Don't ml•• t'11• Important aalel Ane China. Crystal; Porcelains, Bronzes, European Furniture. Olis, Etc. Alto many ftne pieces of antique and contemporary jewelry lnciudlng fine W81chee, eolltaJre diamond rings, eanlnga, gold chaJns, clutter diamond, ruby, aepphlre, and emerald rings. '· • • SALE f8fT Frt., 3rd, Sit., 4th s.., 5th, 1:30 , .M. INSP£CTIOll 2:00 PJl • 5:00 P• & 7-&P•W.MIMI . ' t Property of MVWal prominent Leleure World reeldent1. together wtth ltW9ntOf"y of well-known L.A. jewelry In ftnanclal trouble. Aleo, out-of-pawn merdWdM. TEAMS: VIM • MuterCard ,.,.,.., ct'9Ck • c..h. Some extended term• can be •rwtged. Property moved for ~nvenlence of Nie to: • Tuetln Ave. (Corner P•c. C08at HWJ. a Tuatln) New"'1•••oh CONllCaf .. NTI ACCl'1 ID 'T1L I P.K AV TRUCKLOAD SA E , ~ ~~R PARKtN LO MIRllOllD NDISTALI ChOICeol 24", 30". 36. ,. HA&I • PRICI • TODAY, SUNDAY AND LAD OR DAY • a "' Orange Coaat DAILY PILOt /Saturday, September 4, 1982 1 • . 3 days o~ly! sat.,· sun. & Mon. Join us in Plumnier's chain -wide savings celebration in honor of our new La Puente location! Bring in this coupon and save an additional 10% off our already low, low discou11t prices! 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' Edison Ex~ress stealnrolls -Punahou ROGER CAl\LSON ,_. Delly Nol ... " sophomores..." \ threading his wu through a 1tunned 1«<>ndary with 9:38 1till left in the thJrd period. HONOLULU -The Edison High Express just keeps rolling, as evidenced by Friday night's 44-13 'ctory over an outmanned Punahou Bu! 'n Blu He wasn't putting anyone down, just atallng an opinion and all thal r~malned was whether the Chargers would give the statement credence. Andy Sinclair's fumble recovery at the Punahou 24 Ignited the f"'8t surge and left-handed quarterback Don Gjbba threw the first bullet, a 22-yard pickup to Jim Washington, which got the ball tO the Punahou three. The defense, Edison's bread and butter, tried to get things started with two more Punahou turnoven1 on Matt Hombs' Interceptions. But it took flanker Gerod Jones to get things going later In the second quarter -comillg from the left and sweeping the right with a re?enie for 59 yards to the Punahou six-yard llne. Jeff Waahlngton's interception and a brilliant 21-yard recepUon by Votendahl set up Grlfflt.ba' second TD run, a one-yard sweep later in the th1tcl quarter. ad here at Kaiser Hil{h School before 3,000 fans. One of Coach Bill Workman's biggest concerns asn't an unknown opponent in the season opener, ther with his own untested offense when they lved here Wednesday. It didn't get any better on Thursday when he IJt hi.s outfit through a three-hour practice, which ulted in the gnashing of many teeth with the n offense showing little of what it will take to uccessfully compete in the Sunset League. John Steiniger swept the right side for the ·final two yards and Gerry Graham toed the PAT to make it. 7-0 with just 67 seconds spent in the game. Derek GriCflths' straight-ahead carry from eight yards out over the left side upped the margin to 13Y0 wkh 2:06 left in the hall. Defense was dominating the game for Edison -holding the Hawaiians to 26 yards on the ground and 3-of-10 for 41 yards throujth the air. Graham added a 47-yard field ~oal dW'ing a night of exceptional kickifl$l. Graham a klcking .and a 55-yard punt by Votendahl helped Edlsoo establish domU'ultlng field poeiUon throughout. In the fin1t h'1f alone Edlaon took over at the Punahou 24, 43, 29, 24, 48 and its own-129. More of the same followed in the aecond half. It wasn't long before the Charge rs were knocking at the door again -but penalties derailed the Express. Jon Nowotoy, a junior, took Gibbs' pitch and threw a Rerfect strike to Mark Votendahl in the end zone, but the wide open tpuchdown play was nullified by two penalties on F.dison. Edison wasn't exactly tearing up turf with By contrast ~unahou took poeseaaion at ita 10, . 18, 35, 2~. 29, 29 and 20 seven limes, taking possession In Edison territory only once (41). consistent offensive yardage, but the d nse, led by lineback~ Anthony Johann 'tlnd nclair combined with e big play was keeping P ou The Chargers' offensive line, without Jim' Inter because of a serious injury during two-a- s, was a big concern and despite the victory he y still have definite thoughts on the subject. Bu~ the preceding sophomore game may have n ~ Upofl. Fonner Orange Coast College star Bill ding, the Punahou High assistant coach, viewed 34-0 runaway in the third quarter and said, "I Graham's' eventual 47-yard field goal attempt had the distance, but was.wide to the right. Down by just a 7--0 count, Punahou went for it on fourth and one at its own 29 -typical of the Buf 'n Blu's $amt:lling attitude, whether on o!fense or defense m an attempt to turn the game. from any realistic ot at an upset. Jones was the i it.er again at the outset of the third quarter (a 24-po t explosion) -: dashing 35 yards with the kickoff to rovide the Chargers with yet another great spot in terms of field advantage. Robert Jean's fumble recovery at the 19 set up another F.c:lison touchdown, a 10-yard jitterbug by Nowotny. on't think our var&ity can beat Edison's Votendahl eventually turned in the big payoff, catching a Gibbs pass over the middle and Punahou finaJJy cra<?ked the scoring column with a pair of fourth quarter tollchdowns before Edison reserve Vernon Wallerich raced 78,yards on a quick opener for the final score. John success, 5-2 Angels keep pace with KC MILWAUKEE (AP) -It took Tommy John only one game t.o feel at home with his new Angels teammates. "The Angels are like wine and ~ cheese -7'1.hey age well,'' said John, 39, who scattered eight hits in his (irst start for the Angels who defeated the Milwaukee Brewers 5-2 Friday night. John._ 1 J-10, acquired by the Angels in a trade with the New .York Yankees Tuesday, walked one and struck out four. The Angels backed him with a two- run triple by Juan Beniquez and a two-run homer by Bobby Grich in a four-run sixth inning. "You can't count on shutting down the too hitting teams like the Brewers,;, John said. "I tried to hold them to three, four or even five runs, and I figured our club could outacore them. "He's the S8l1le Tommy John," Brewer Manger l;tarvey Kuenn said. "He keeps the ball down and •way and doesn't make too many mistakes." ,The Angels overcame a 2-1 deficit against loser Bob McClure, 10-7, in the sixth as Rod Carew led off with a single, extending his hitlin.g streak to 18 games. Carew moved to second on a groundout and Reggie Jackson walked. Don-Baylor forced out Jackson, puting runners at first and third, I' On TV tonight channel 5 at 5:30 and Beniquez then tripled when Jeft fielder Mark Brouhard missed a sliding catch 11')'. Grich followed with his 16th homer. The Angels Brian Downing opened the game with hb 23rd homer. It was the sixth time this season that Downing has homered as a leadoff hitt.e.r, tying a American League record shar e d by Eddie Joost of Philadelphia, Eddi~ost -0f Detroit, Tommy Harper of Milwaukee and Bert Campanerla of Oakland. lien Bryant rambles for yardage against Seattle and will play again tonight. Milwaukee's loss trimmed their American League F.ast lead to 3 'h games over second-place Boston and 4 games over Baltimore, which both won Friday night. The Angela stayed two games behind Kansas City, which also won. The Brewers took a 2-1 lead in the second when Ted Simmons !Ungled and scored on a double by Gorman Thomas. Ji.m Gantner singled in Thomas. ams .. get test from Air Coryell Attack • • JOHN SEVANO Dan Fouts, and with a receiving corps of "Everybody here, with the 6-10 record thoughts, deciding it might ue best to o.iey PIR>t Stan Charlie Joiner, Wes Chandler and we had last year, wants to play and is save Jones for the regular season and not he San Diego Chargers and what Kellen Winslow, the Chargers present looking forward to the season." tire out his arm In pre-season. safety Nolan Cromwell terms the one of the most potent offensive attacks Ironically, the Chargers' strength will Thus, Jones will be playing in the first r Q>ryell Attack" invad~ Anaheim In the NFL. be matched against the Rams' strength half and Vince Ferragamo will be ·um tonight (7 o'clock) in the final And, it doesn't look like the Chargers as few eecondaries In the league can making his 1982 Anaheim Stadium ason encounter for both sides. have been slowed much this pre-season. match that of the Rama. Already the debut in the second. I think everyone knows they have In compiling a 2-1 record, the team has foursome of Cromwell. Johnnie Johnson, With the Rama having problems t Air Coryell-type of attack," explains Rod Perry and Pat Thomas have trading Ferragamo, the likelihood he'll mwell, who figures to be active On TV tonight accounted for four interceptions in the stay with the team becomes greater and o ght. "They throw the run in as a three games. Thomas, In particular, greater. ture, like most teams would do the channel 11 at 1 seems to have returned to his Pro Bowl Malavasi figures to keep only two form of a couple of years ago. quarterbacks on the 45-man roster and ey're a passing offense and they and die by that." averaged better than 22 points per game. Somewhat surprisingly, the Rams have averaged that same figure too, although their record is 1-2. On the other side of the line of put the other on the four-man taxi licrimmage -for both teams -It's still squad. Thus, who does Malavasi put course, the Cbp.rgers have done tty well with their aerial philosophy. not certain how long Bert Jones will play where? tonight., while the Chargers' defense will Does he put Ferragamo, and his $350,- have somewhat of a different look to it. 000 contract, on the unit, or Rutledge, West champions in 1979, '80 and 8 , about the only thing to elude the ~ argers has been a Super Bowl arance. "It's been a very quiet camp, but I think we got a lot accomplished," says Cromwell. "I think one thing the coaching staff and management wanted to get established was a good positive attitude and I think it was done. Prior to the Rams' win over Seattle who perfonned so well last season In a last weekend, the game plan was to let retierve role? till, San Diego Coach Don Coryell is one to knock success. In quarterback Jones play the entire game against both Whatever, or whomever , Malavaai the Seahawka and Chargers. TIU& week, decides, the other has to 1tart seeing Coach Ray Mal!_vasi has had second (See RAMS, Pace BS ) Barons should find out a lOt early in season • Fountain Valley High'• Barons loom as the dark.hone with the 1982 football season approaching, due to the fact the Barona lost a lot when Matt Stevena, Greg Bolin, Rod Emery & Co. depar1ed afte~ being graduated. But, there p an~ther reaaon, and that's the continued tentaUvene11 of the current Barona' backfield. Coach Mike Milner aaya he h.u three quarterbacks to ~ose from and a handful of running backa, and he aaya he ian't ready to make any choices, the swtera may not be determined until midway throuah one of the t.oughest non-league IK!hedulea on record. Mater Del, hothlll. St. Paul, Servite and Lons Beach Poly loom on \hf! Barona' 9Chedule. "We feel ll (the 8Chedule) will lfve ua an opportunity \0 look at a lot of our ldda and they'll be expoeed to aome fine lootbell ~·· aaya llllner. "It'll 1tve ua a quicker evaluation before Jeque starta. We're ao&nc to have I some kids thrown lnto the fire the ftnt week out against Mater Del and they'll find out quickly what It'• like to play Sunset League football." The Barona have juat two retumlna siartera, but receiver-defensive backs 1982 OUTLOOK E•) Jamie Craft and Mike Newton form a 1Dlid cornerstone for the Baroni. . • "They're the ll.l"ll playen to Ii.rt u ,. sophomores on the VJralty alnce I've been here," aay1 Milner, entertn1 hit 10\h year whh Fountain Valley, fourth .. head coach. "We think they're both \Op quality pi.yen." Milner •YI he M9 five '° pick from ln '8'ml Of Wlb.ck·tullbllCk and that .... 11 a *1l"J ln ltll!U, MK the major lnterwt llatq~. A year aao Qne appeared too excited about quarterback piospecta, but the recent transfer of Bruce Tollner from Provo teems to have turned lhinp into a three-way battle for the spot, and the resulta are all.on the plus side. Here'• a rundo:wn by politlon: QUARTERBACKS -Brett Stevens (5-11, t80 jr.). Dale Frye (5-8, 140.ar.) and Tollner (0-11, 175 sr.) are all rtaht- handert with the ablllty lo run the offense. "Riaht now It'• hard to tell," assesaea Milner. "If one clearly rlaea above the others. he'll •tart. If two are jl()nquerable, they may ahare time the first couple of 1ames until one emef1J'l9 in our eyee. 11iey'U be under pnmure the entire fall camp and will ba hllhlY earudnlMd. ·• RUNNING BACK.I -Scon Garren (&-10, lH sr.) ob\llou1ly ha• 1om• potential with 4.0 tpeed Md tt. abWty &o aquat 800 pound• and bench MO pouftd1. "ff•'• very phy1tcal," MY8 Milner. "The speed and strength stats are a areat indication of bll exploaiveneaa." Bevan Pavalko (5-81....180 ar.) la expected t>Kk for the St. raul game after a knee injury, F.rnie A.k1na (5-10, 190 jr.), Scott Har:Non (&-10, 180 jr.) and Kurt Bunia (M, 170 jr.) make this area very aoUd. Burria baa 4.7 speed and was the 10phomore9' leedins-t.:k. Garrett ia equally effective at fWlbedL RECEIVERS -Newton (6-0. 180 •. ) and Craft (6-10, 175 jr.). t'OUpleid wlth Chrla Lona (&-7, 160 ar.) have MllMr •t.lafied tliat he ha the best CllX'pl ot ·~ receiven lince the ''18 Mrlllr'Mlat Tom Thompaon (0·10, 185 ii.) II • '-ckup f« the 8-Th.ree. At tilht end th• laadlnl candfdate la Tom Pt.non (8·0, 200 ar.). chall•n1ed by Brian Belcher (8-2, 195 Jr.). Lune (4.'7), Ncuuwa end er.ft (4.1) and~. Mid Aec•a (4.t) 1lW the ~ ~ ..... (lei POUNTAIN. Pap BJ) hyllis tells NFL o. 'get act together'. From AP dlapatcbes Ell · DES MOINES, Iowa -Phyllia 4• • George Brown, CBS televialon foot~ll commentator, said Friday that professional football team own.era and players "better get their act together" and atop bickering. A players strike, she said, would damage the game and wouldn't be fair to the f•na. ''The owners and. players bette!' t their ac. t together before t. 12," she said: "With all carrying on, the game of ~tball ia losing a little bl\ of its glamour.'' The dispute between play.ers· and· o.w n e r s is unseeml~. Brown said. "With everybody crying for more money, it's not healthy for the game of football." 8ROWM Brown, the wife of Kentucky governor John Y. Brown, waa in Iowa on a campaign. swing in behalf of Demoeratic gubernatorial candidate Roxanne Conlin. ; "' Quote of the day Bob Starr, announcer for the Angels, after misidentifying a pitcher in the bullpen: "I was looking through my eyes rather than the (TV) monitor." Zoeller on top after record round P uny Zoeller streaked to a l!I course record 9-under-par 62 Friday to grab a two-shot lead over Calvla Peete at 12-under-par 130 niidway through the B.C. OpenJolf tournament in Endicott, N.Y. Peete bird.i eight of the first 16 holes and finished with a round of 8-under 63 . . . ·Walker Cup ace Jay Sigel, All-Americans Rick Fehr and Jim Hallet, and South Carolina co-captain David Tolley charged into the 'aemifinals with .a pair of victories apiece in the 82nd U.S. Amateur championship In Brookline, Mass. · Luzinski powera Chicago peat Rangere Qr•1 L11.la1ld doubled, 11na1 !d II and knocked In throe run• and Chk•ao sot •t!'Oni reu t pJtchlna to hold on for a 7-& victory over Texu )• Friday ntahl.. Th Ra.naen had rallied from a 6-f deficit to trail 6·& bt>tore Kevin Hickey, Warren Bru11tar and Jim Kern atopped the 11ura1 . . , Elaewhere In the Amurlcan League,Wlllfe Wl110n, th(ll IN e'• battlna leader, legged out hit 10th ,,a cw-eer In.aide-the-park homer lit and Fruk WbUe delivered a two-run 11n&le to help Kansas City knock off N•w York. - 6-3, and retain a two-game lead over the Angela ln the West. . . . A three-r un homer. by Reid Nlcbola and a aolo sh ot by Tony P erez boosted Boston to a big lead and the Red Sox held on to defeat Seattle, 10-8, and moved to within 3 'h games of Milwaukee In the Eaetern Division ... Cal Rlpken Jr. and Eddie Murray homered to support Mike Flana1an'1 six-hit pitching as Baltimore won Its 13th game In 14 outings, 4-'2 over Minnesota . . . · Toby Harrah and Andre Thornton slugged consecutive first-inning homers to lead Cleveland past Toronto, 3-2 . . . Mike Isa1a and Luce Parrlall drllJed two-run homers as Detroit downed Oakland, 6-3 . Schmidt helps .Carlton win his 18th Mike Scbmldt hit a home run II with two outs in the bottom of the ninth inning to break a 1-1 tie and , present Steve Carlton with a two-hit, 2-1 victory over }{oust.on Friday night. Carlton, who struck out 12 and did not walk anyone, became the tnajor league's first 18-game winner and now has beat.en each team in the National League at least once this year . . . Meanwhile, Darrell Evans' sacrifice fly with the bases loaded in the 1 O t trtnn tng-g.-v e S-.n- Franciaico a 3-2 victory over Bnce Satter and St. Louia. Sutter, 8-7, yielded a run in the ninth which created a 2-2 tie. then allowed a leadoff triple to Clalll Davl1 in the 10th to set the stage for the winning fly ball ... ac..-c>T Clalldell Wullhagton smacked a three-run homer In the fifth inning. powering Atlanta to a 4-3 victory over Montreal, upping the Braves lead in the NL West to 2 ~ games . . . Erle Sbow tossed a five-hit shutout and Terry Kennedy had two singles and a run-scoring double to lift San Diego to a 3-0 victory over . Chicago . . . Frank Paatore and Brad Lesley combined on a seven-hitter and Cincinnati acored its only run on a balk in beating the New York Meta, 1-0. Baaeball today On thla dato In buebaJl In llHl: • With 18 8&md 1tlll to play, th New York Yaflkeea cllnch_.d the ~murlcan uaau peh.nant . . . lhe carlleet pennent cUnchlna in hlltory. On thll date In 1928: • Tho Bolton Brave1 1tarted a aruellns atrt.>tch that. would a c them play nln doubleheadon In a row . . . an all-time major leaau.e record. On this date In 1927: At Redland Field In Cincinnati, Plttaburgh outfielder Ullyd Waner hit a lopptna lly ball to ahort left. field that nit just lnalde the foul llne and then bounced Into the atanda . . . a home run under .the rules of the . time. Waner'a brother Paul then stepped up and h it another homer . . . the same way. Today's t>irthdays: Kansas City second baseman Frank White la 32. New York Yankees pitcher Doyle Alexander la also 32. Cincinnati outfielder Paul Householder is 24. Rockets wlll match Malone offer HOUSTON -The Houston m Rockets )Vlll ma~h the Philadelphia 76ers' offer of a $13.2 million contract to Cree agent center Moses Malone, a ~ team spokesman said Friday. ''We are on record as saying, yes, indeed, we will match the offer." Rockets spokesman Jlm Fc;>ley said. "It's almosl a case of where we have to match it, because If we don't match the offer we get left with nothing." Malone said the $13.2 million contract offer from Philadelphia is a cash deal with no deferred payments over the six years of the contract. Utah deals Wiikins to Atlanta The-trra1r3an -Vrlda)'--rr&aeo • DomlDJqae Wllkln1, the third player picked i n the National Basketball Association 's 1982 draft., to the Atlanta Hawks for forward .Jolm Drew, guard Freeman Wllllama and an undiaclOsed amount of cash. Hawks General Manager Stan Kasten said Wilkins signed a six-year contract with the Hawks and terms of the pact were not disclOeed . . . UC Irvine's Steve· Scott will bead a glittering 15-man field for today's Fifth Avenue Mile in New York. Scott, who finished aeventh last year in. 3:53.84, said ht: misjudged the pace because of a slight lncUne w;th about a half-mile remaining which caused him to make his move too quickly . . . Wide receiver Jerry Butler, who had refused to show up for training while trying to renegotiate his contract with the Buffalo Bills, reported Friday, endinJt his five- week holdout. Paid PolrlJall Adv. Lendl escapes . upset ·at Open • McEnroe, Connors advance NEW YORK (AP) -Thlrd-aeeded Ivan Leqdl, preeeed to the UmJt by an lnaplred Tim Mayotte, fou1ht back from near-ellmlnatlon to pOlt. 6-4, s..e. 4~. 1-e, 6-t victory Friday and advance lnto the third roun<rol the U .S .-0-pen T•nnla Champlonahll)9. . The narrow victory ke_pt alive LendJ'a hopee of capturtns hil tint Grand Slam title. Earlier, tall Chip Hooper blasted his way pu& 16th-seeded Roecoe Tanner and the two top aeeds. John McEnroe and MarUna Navratilova, aolved the 1wlrllng winds and thelr stubborn opponenta to pm& second-round victories. Kooper outlasted Tanner 6-7, 7-6, 4·6. 7-5, 7~; McEnroe eliminated Martin Davia 7-6, 6-f, 6-3, and Navratilova ousted Jill Davia 7-6, 6-1. • Al.fo moving Into the third round waa eecond- seeded Jimmy Connors, who had no problem eliminating Hank Pfiat.er 6-t, 6-3, 6-2. In night matches, the two No. 4 eeeda breei.ed to victory. Andrea Jaeger ripped through Yvonne Vermaak of South Africa 6-3, 6-0 In just 50 minutes, and Guillermo Vilas of Argentina stopped Marcos Hocevar of Brazil 6-4, 6-2, 6-3. The Lendl-Mayotte! contest was sus.J>ended Thunlday night by a torrential downpour at the National Tennis Cent.er with the Czechoelovakia.n leading 6-4, 1-2, 30-15 on center court at Louis Annstrong Stadium. It originally was scheduled to be resumed on the grana.tand court, then was switched to cent.er court when the Hooper-Tanner match lasted so long. But Lendl reportedly asked that the match be resumed In the grandstand, which Is a smaller facillty, because he would less affected by the winds. < It wasn't the wind, it was Mayotte who 1 caused problems for the strong right-hander. The Sprifl8(ie.ld, Mass., right-hander kept the preasure on Lendl with hia strong aerve-and-volley game. Surfers in one-on-one stage . It will be one-on-one for the balance of the competition in the Op Pt'O Surfing Championships in waters adjacent to the Huntington Beach pier today and Sunday with the title to be decided by 4 o'clock on the final day in the $52,000 event. Mack Richards opens his bid in the round of 32 today for a fourth world title while Freida Vinba of Florida " the dark.hone favorite in the women's competition. 1 The women are d8wn to the final 16 surfers and will pare the field to four today with the men gettina down to eight !or Sunday's quartertinala. Action begins at 6:30 both days and runs most of the day. ROhinson has the 'right' idea Pirates send Dodgers tumbling 2 ¥.z games behind Atlanta ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL LOS ANGELES (AP) -Don ~binson was not particularly surprised he was able to handle the Los Angeles lineup Friday night, pitching Pittsburgh to a 3-2 victory. The Pirate right-hander said, "l usually have _pr~tty good suocess against the Dodgers, with all of their right~handed batten. rm able to jam them ... Robinson. 15-8, scattered seven hits over seven innings before relievers Kent Tekulve and Rod Scurry finished up. "After the seventh, Chuck (Tanner) told me he was going to bring in Tekulve and that was fine. I was tiring. "We knew coming in this was an important series," added Robinson. "We knew we could ble three as well as win three, but the main thing we couldn't go home 9 Yz games out." Johnny Ray and Bill Madlock knocked in runs with two-ou.t singles in the seventh ·'inning to break a 1-1 tie. The loss was the 'I usually have pretty good success against the Dodgers, with all t]J e ir right-handed batters' Dodgers' second in a row and fourth in their last five games. It dropped them 2 ~ games behind Atlanta in the National League West. Don Robinson, 15-8, teamed with two relief pitchers to scatter seven hits. Kent Tekulve and Rod Scurry pitched the final two inninp. with Scurry earning his 13th save. Bob Welch, 15-10, was the loeer. The Pirates' winning rally started when Dale Berra singled and stole RCX>nd with one out in the seventh. After Robln.aon flied out. Omar Moreno walked, then Ray and Madlock followed with run-IOOring singles. The Dodgers took a 1-0 lead In the third wheq Bill Russell tripled to left and scored on Welch's groundout. The Pirates tied It in the fifth when Mike F.uler walked and Tony Pena doubled him home. Berra then bunted Pena to third and Robinson and Moreno walked. Welch, however, got Ray and Madlock to Oy out. Los Angeles added a run in its half of the seventh when Steve Garvey doubled, went to third on a groundout and scored on Russell's sacrifice fly. Sports on TV, radio today TELEVISION 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -New York Yankees at Kansas ~ity. Noon (2) -U.S. OPEN TENNIS -Early- round coverage, taped at the National Tennis Cent.er in Flushing r.leadow, N.Y. 2 p.m. (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN - The 1981 Stampede and Suicide ~ from Omak, Waah. 4 p.m. (7) -PIGSDN PREVIEW -lHZ --A look at the 1982 coUege foolball aeuon, including Interviews with Georgia running bllCk Her8Chel Walker, Pitt QB Dan Marino and Stanford QB John l;iway. Also: A visit to Notre Dame. 5 p.m. (7) -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS -, Former WBA welterweight champion Plpino Cuevu (29-7) vs. fast-rising contende r Donald Curry (14-0) In a scheduled 10.-round bout. taped at San Antonio, Tex.u. AJ.o: Taped coverage of the BUY LOC~L, . . ERYICE LOCALI ' I Fifth Avenue Mlle from New York City. 5:30 p.m . (5) -BASEBALL -The Angels at Milwaukee. 6 p.m. (2) -NFL FOOTBALL -The Houston Oilers meet the Dallas Cowboys in I.rvi.1'g. Texas. (4) -NFL FOOTBALL -Cleveland at Los Angeles Raiders. 7 p.m. (11) -NFL FOOTBALL -San Diego at the RamS. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Milwaukee, 5:25 p.m., KMPC (710); Pittsburgh at Dodgers, 7 p.m .. K.ABC (790). Football -Northern Ariiona at Cal State Fullerton, 12:40 p.m ., KWRM (1370) and KWVE (108 FM); Cleveland at Raiden, 5:40 p.rn., KNX (1070); San Diego at Rams, 7 p.rn., KLAC (570). Tennis -U.S. Open reports. 9:45, 10:45, 11:45 a.m., 1:45 p.m .. KNX (1070). .. I OPEN LABOR DAY 9 -4 WOODEii SCREEll DOORS SALE 36" reg. $29-95 Full Screen 42.80 41111" SALE ' PLYWOOD reg. $1995 26.99 Shop Grade Sanded 1 Sfde 11118' SALE CEDAR FEIClllG reg. 99!.. 1.39 Dog-Eared Top Fresh Stodc 41l11A" SALE WALNUT PLYWOOD reg . $24 95 41.95 Beautiful Stodt 4111%" SALi BIRCH PLYWOOD reg. $26 95 37.95 Shop Grade Nice Grain 20~ STAILEY TAPE SALi reg. 'I''· Jil" Wide 16.69 #33-320 ••h~" SALi 111 PllEUll r~ •14• 24. y .... , ... U.fk..._. -letMly Te Stein .. Orang• Co11t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 • Where ~l,.ey're playing Here's a list of area collegiate football players By HOWARO L. llAND\' MIM Dally ... lol 8leh Orange• Coast 1m•a high school and <.'Omrl\Unlty college football players will be playing on a widP variety of fltilds across the nalion at fourryc.>ar schools tnis coming foolba11 season. Tht•r£' are 134 players ltsted on 58 Cour·year <.'Ollcge rosters for the 1982 campaign with Edison Hlgh's Chargers providing at least 28 form<'r pla,Yers (or the ranks. Long Beach State has the largest number of former area prep and community college stars on it.s roster, nme with Cul S t.ate Fulll'rton, San Diego St.ate and Kansas each having s4:ven former area stars. AJI seven ut Kansas are former Echson players. When Cal State Fullerton hosts Northern Arizona today, a total of 13 former area stars will be on the two teams, m.•wn with the Titans und six with the Lumberjacks. Here's a rundown of urea players: Pacif ic-10 Conference USC Name, School.: Pos. Ht. W&. Yr. Mark Boyer, Edison Mike Brummett, Huntington BcaC'h Ouaine Jackson, Edison Chris Kiernan, Mater Del Kennedy Pola. Mater De1 Brian Brown, Marana UCLA Lee Knowles, Manna Duval Love, Fount.am Valley Greg Bolin, Fountain Vall<o•y Matt Stevc>ns, Fountain Valley Arizona Mike Freeman, Fountain Valley Mark Gobel, Kennedy, GWC .. Arizona State Curt Arons, San Clemente. Sadd. Bryan Caldwell. Fountain Valley- WiJJie Gittens, Fountain Valley Brian Lopker, Ma ter Dei Callfornia TE 6-4 230 So. C 6·5 245 Jr. OB 6·0 190 So. QB 5· 11 195 Sr. ILB 6-2 215 Fr. OB 6-0 175 Fr. LB 6·2 210 Jr. OG 6·2 250 So. TE 6·3 225 Fr QB 6·0 190 Fr. OL 6·2 244 Jr. TE 6-4 225 Sr. TE 6-4 235 Jr. DE 6-5 245 S r. TB 5-10 175 S r. DL 6·3 245 Fr. Lance Stewart. Laguna Beach, Sadd. QB 6·0 190 So. Oregon Harry Billups. Unavl'rsity Ed Stringer, Estanda, OCC Oregon State Rex Brown, Occ>a n View Joe Carna han, New port Harbor Stanford Scott Car penter, Corona dc•I Mar Mike Dotterer, Ed1MJn Emile Harry, Fountain Valley Washington Jeff Partridge, Tustin, GWC RB 5· 11 190 Jr. RB 5·10 175 Fr. RB 5-10 180 Fr. or 6-5 245 Sr. OG 6·4 250 Jr. HB 6-0 190 Sr. SE 6·0 185 So. K 6·1 160 Sr. Washington State K.evm S loan. Estam·1a OT 6· 7 263 Sr. PCAA Cal State Fullerton Ken Andrews, Estancia OL 6-5 220 FT. Navarro Dixson, Pomona, Sadd. DB 5.10 180 Jr. Hank Goebel, Corona del Mar OT 6-8 230 Fr. Dan Monteverde, Irvine TE 6·2 220 Jr. Mike Smith, Estancia or 6-5 250 Fr. Greg S teinke, Fountain Valley K 5.9 180 So. Blll Smith, Pacific, GWC C 6·3 220 Jr. Fresno State Stephone Paige. LB Poly, Sadd. Bryce Malavasi, EdlSOn John Cuviello, Edison Long Beach State Joe Donohue, Mater Dei Michael Ounivin, Capo VaJley, Sadd. Guy Johnson, Capo Valley. Sadd. Greg Locy, Mater Dei Mike Pearlman, Fountain Valley Phil Spencer, Mater Dei, Sadd. Paul Van Liefde, Saddleback Lance Wong. Tustin, Saddleback Mitch Olson, Los Alamitos, OCC SE 6-2 170 Sr. SS 6·0 190 Fr. T 6·2 245 Fr. LB 6-2 OL 6·3 K 6·0 TE 6·4 p 6·0 DB 5-8 OB 6-0 OB 5.9 K 5·11 222 Jr. 240 Sr. 200 Sr. 205 Fr. 199 Fr. 160 Jr. 180 Jr. 167 Sr. 185 Jr. Nevada (Las Vegas) Rod Emery, Fountain Valley RB 5-9 165 Fr. San Jose State Steve Bodkin, Irvine, Saddleback C 6·1 220 Sr. Harold Hadley, Fairfax, Sadd. OL 6-1 255 Jr. University of Pacific Tony Camp, Estancia TE 6·5 Jim McCah1ll, &t.ancia QB 6-2 Neil Ross. Newport Harbor NG 6-3 Bob Shollin, Corona de! Mar OB 6·0 Todd Elliott, Golden West RB 6· l 240 Jr. 185 Fr. 240 Jr. 180 So. 195 Jr. Utah State Rick Moser, Ocean View s 5-10 175 So. Greg Selby, Newport Harbor QB 6·2 · 195 Fr. Other schools Air Force Academy Bob Avila, Mater Dei IYr 6· l 225 Jr. Boise State Mike Alexander, Edison TE 6-3 714 So. Brigham Young Mike Eddo, Saddleback WR 6·3 190 Sr. Claremont Chris Cittes, Golden West WR 5·11 175 Jr. 'Fony PasUu.o, Golden West LB 6·0 195 Jr. Cal Poly (Pomona) Dan Howard, SaddJeback OL 6-1 225 J r. Rlch Sanche2, SaddJeback RB 5-10 175 Jr. Clllco State Mitch McGregor. Saddlebaclt TE 6-2 225 Sr. Colorado State Jim Tpylor, Huntington Beach, OWC DB 5-8 175 Jr. UC Davia Mike Fiecus. Unlvertity RB 5-10 175 Fr. Drake Jim Staff, Univeralty · QB 6·1 185 _Sr. Ea1tern Wa1bln1ton Cee Wheeler, Marina, OCC LB 6-0 195 Sr. Geor1ta <)ll Rhodes, Edoon. owe Saeve Abrams, Saddleback ; I WR 6·1 180 Jr. LB 6·2 220 Sr. D1nal l~• UCLA WHiie Olttene Arizona at. Lance ••••• ,. California Mike Dotterer Stanford KeWI Sto.ft Wffh. St. Harvard GrL•g Brown, Mcatc.•r Del Rob ffo~rt, University J(H!LScuy, Fount.a.Jn VuJlcy- Humboldt State Marc Gritton, Or"ngc Coast John Hughes. Loa Amigo., OCC Idaho Howurd Wilcox, Golden West Idaho Stale S<.'Ott Coll.lnB. Edlll<>n, OCC Kerwin Bell, Edison Dino Bell, F.clison Dave Gcroux, Edison Ken Major, Edison Bill Ma1avasi, Edison Frank Seurer, Edison Troy Seurer, Edison Kansas Louisville Jamie Fortune, Golden Wesl Mesa, Colorado Bill Herson, Edison, OCC Bob Durnity, Edison, occ Fred Moore. Golden West Damon Moore, Orange Coast Minnesota OL 6-4 255 Sr OT CJ·O 190 So. WR 6 0 17~ Fr. LB 6-0 198 Jr. TB 6-1 18~ Jr. OB 5· 10 175 ~,r. OL 6·3 220 Jr. RB 5-9 OB 5-10 RB 6·0 QB 6·4 LB 6-1 QB 6-2 DB 5-11 180 Jr. 190 So. 216 Fr. 201 Fr. 220 Jr. 185 Jr. 170 So. LB 6-1 215 Jr. TE 6-3 220 Sr. OG 6·3 220 Sr. RB 5.10 165 S r. RB 5-7 180 S r. Greg Eskridge, Edison WR 6·0 180 Fr. Missouri Efk &·hm1dl, Mission Viejo._ SadcL ~ 1-00 -:i>JF.,..-----------Dally Piiot •••tf Ptiol, Navy Fountain Valley's Bruce Tollner is one of Marco Pagnanelli, Huntington Beach QB 6·0 216 Sr. the candidates to start at quarterback. t Bre~t Batchelor, Huntington Beach DE 6-1 19~ Fr. f Chris Grady, Matt'r ~ievada (Reno) OG 6·4 225 Sr. FOUNT AJN VALLEY • • • I New Mexico From Page B 1 DaVl' Vranich, Mater De1 OG 6-2 210 So. OFFENSIVE LINE -Reid Northern Arizona Long (6-3, 230 sr.) is solid at Theo Langford, Edison RB 6-2 2l0 F tackle with Mike Murch (6-2. 220 J ohn Heinle, Ocean View QB 6-2 195 F~: ~·~ ~nd ~~Abra~ (~-11, ~20 Kevin Margerum, Fountain Valley WR 5.9 170 Sr. Jpr. •Lan a (6 e1°2n20t e o)l e!hsi4e5. Ted Pistole, Golden West IYf 6-4 240 Sr. at cey · , sr. , wit . J)pn Groscost, Hunt. Beach. GWC OL 6-2 245 Sr sfpeed and experience as a starter Brad Rolland, Golden West OL 6-2 2i5 ' or two games before a knee Jr. injury sidelined him, ranks as Cal State Norlhrldge Joe 7.eruC'ha, Edison ' NG 6·0 195 Fr. Damien Wa lters, Saddleback OL 6-1 245 Jr. Notre Dame Rick OiBernardo, Edison LB 6-4 218 Fr. Larry Williams, Mater Dei · OL 6-6 240 So. Occidental Robert Anthony, Newport Harbor QB 6·0 170 So. Peno State Randy Scott. University Prlncetoo Alan Gaddis, Newport Harbor Redlands Scott Belcher, Edison Pete Helfrich, Newport Harbor Mike Henson, Newport Harbor Brett LeCluse, Newport Harbor Tony Flores, Golden West San Diego State Brett Blanchard, Edison Steve BuDfngton. Npt Harbor, OCC Bill Fairbrothec, SaddJeback John O'Callaghan, Edison Rob Mella, Orange Coast Jim Sholin, Corona de! Mar. OCC RB 5· 11 185 Jr. OB 5-9 165 Jr. c 6-1 OB 6-0 TE 6·2 OT 6-4 OB 5-10 WR c ILB TE LB WR LB 6·3 5-8 5.9 6-4 6·2 6-2 6·3 195 Sr 185 Jr. 205 Jr. 275 Jr. 200 sr. 190 19~ 225 225 195 195 210 Fr. Jr. Sr. Fr. Jr. Sr. Jr. one of the Barons' best at guard. Howar.Q-Kanae (&-0, 205 sr.} and Ken Trippett (6·0, 205 jr.) are in a tug·of.war for the other guard spot. Center is usually a bright spot for Fountain Valley and Cory Barnes (6-0, 215 sr.) appears to have things settled here. DEFENSIVE LINE -Pierson a nd Russ Geck (6-1, 180 sr.) appear.JD be the starting e nds, with backup from Garrell if needed. Lacey and Kanae are strong at tackle and the nose will be either Trippett or S teve Martin (5-8. 170 sr.). SECONDARY -Craft an Newton ate the corne rs, backed (and challenged) bv John HSfQ (5·8, 145 jr .). A big battle 'l developing at strong safety with Kevin Empting (6·0, 175 sr.) aod Steve Dorsey (5-10, 175 jr.). involved. Terry Lung (5·8, 18~ . jr.). Chris' brother. and Mali' Anderson (5-1 J. 170 jr.) are toe ' LINEBACKERS -Milner top candidates at free safety. '• seldo m g oes overboard in • ' describing_ depth. but here it's a KICKING GAME -Chuck different story. ~·We've 'ot a Smoot and Chris Sperle, kick.in~ helluva crew to C!k from.' says spec ialists, will handle t t{e .. Milner. Bruce k (5·11. 195 punting and place·kicking. Also tt · sr.). Long, Akina, Roger Loyo possibility as a punter: defensive' (5·10. 185-ar.) and Jim-Joseph -back Al-shaw (5·9, 190 'Sr.). (5-10. 195 sr.) are the mainstays -By Roger Carlsofa' RAMS PLAY CHARGERS. 1 ~ • •• .. James J ohnson. Orange Coast • San Francisco State J From Page 81 Bob Hughes, Corona deJ Mar, occ WR 6-3 180 Sr. some action . Malavasi has leaned Donald Dykes from the New toward Rutledge being No. 2 all York Jets, safety Tim Fox fro~ Southern Methodist year, but Ferragamo's contract -New England, hnebacker Dewe1. Pete Johannson, Corona de! Mar K 5.7 155 Fr. and popular reputation with the Selmon from Tampa Bay, safe~~. fans -could change things. Bruce Laird from Buffalo an~ Southern Oregon Anyway, the later the game linebacker Jeff Siemon from Jim Coppom. Fountain Valley, GWC WR 5· 11 175 Sr. goes the more interesting things Minnesota. As a side note, they wlU become. also acquired running b~ Tennessee As for the Chargers' defense, Ricky Bell from Tampa Bay, _,_....:.S_am_:..:_.:..;Ai;;;:..'e;;.:l;;.:lo:..:..•...;.M...;.ar=in~a"''-'G=-W.;..:..;:C"------....:Q~B=--=6·2 200 Jr. Coryell and his staff did some they needed any more offensiv~ -----u:wmie~e'1Ti1n~gii1a>.nVl"-,r.e~aatTi1n~g;i-=;1~n,.:..:w:..-;---1M!l&..----·.._-----_::.:__._+lll Tulsa Mike Womack, Golden West DE 6-4 250 Sr. attempt to bolster the unit. ·The Chargers went out and got linebacker David Lewis from Tampa Bay, defensive back Anyway, back to the defense. Siemon has since retired) and Laird has a fractured wrist, bu all the rest figure to see action. University of San Die~ Greg Stein, Edison B 6·0 190 So. Abel Cachola, &t.anc1a WR 5·8 155 Fr. Utah Otis sidelined with headache.~ Alex Gerke, Golden West OL 6·3 250 Jr. TE 6-3 220 Sr. Ray Elgaard. Golden West KANSAS CITY (AP) - Center fielder Amos Otis was out of the Kansas City lineup with a headache Friday, 48 houcs after he was hit In the head by a rookie Texas Rangers pitcher In a beaning which was followed by a wild bat-throwing incident. "I'm still getting headaches oil and o n . I don't feel up to playing," Otis said, alter being out of the starting lineup for tJ)e' Royals' game against New Yori<~: Vanderbilt Chris Gutierrez. Golden West Weber State Mike P owell, Edison Craig Dumity, Edison Bob Casper, Golden West Kory Burwell, Golden West LB 6·2 220 Sr. · LB 6-0 200 Fr. OG 6-2 230 Fr. LB 6·3 220 Sr. LB 6·2 220 Jr. Whittler Mike Vanags, EdllOn MG 6·0 200 Jr. Otis repeated Friday what he had said earlier, that he did not intentionally throw his bat. Texas pitcher Mike Smithso~ hit Royals' second baseman Frank White in the elbow and Otis in the back of the battint! helmet In the third lnnlng of t~ Rangers' 7-3 victory In Kansae) City Wednesday ~ht. r . Blanton • 1s more U you're going to survive as a high school football coach you had better begin with a love of the game and a tense of humor. Ed Blanton, Estancia High'• fifth-year coach, has mastered both as he prepares his team for the 1982 eeason. He know1 how It feels to be rated as the ftavorite = into a eeuon, and as a darkhonae, which might be a deteriftion of the current 42-man aquad. " 1hould have a four-year job by,now," says Blanton. "But nobody hu realized how talenied 1 am"" Blanton lt aped(lcaUy in charge o( developing the quarterbecka and secondary, but he offers other lnli1ht into hla job: "I'm a1IO ln'charge of lining the field and aweepina the floors," he adda. On • l9rioul note, Blanton admita what really kNpe h1I ooee in tt it hlt low for workina with \M a\hle\el. "I enjoy the COllChm. upect,11 he •YI· but not IOm@ ol the tiuff tbat .,.. whh ft. ''O\her thu\ the~ that I don't haw a·contnct. l'm happy." . Slant.on la amona the many tHChen wl\h the IChool I than just a coach district who are on a reduction in fon:.-e list and his job ts.not officially aecured (If lt la) until virtually the beginning of the 1982-83 semester. _,,, "Working with the k1ds;• adds Blanton. "Is great. Thunday, Friday, Saturday ajlhta. that's fine. "But there ia a lot of fund-ralaina that I have to be involved in too. We have a $2,000 budget and that'• a joke. "The booete,_ club and my.elf raile S10·12,000 ffCh }'_ear, with dancea, Chriatmu treet, firt!Workt, pancake 6rffkfuta, )Vine taatlna partla, btke-a-thona, you name it. "And, \here'• alwayt the commenta of the ,,.renta, eome\imel pretty ~uch out'of line, butt undentand, 1 don't lOM my cool. 1u-,atowhln1 w11 YoW\&V.'' With four ~.'-hind him at 11\anda after leevfnl Corona del Mar wleeft be WM an ..Wtant.. Blanion'• tMml . have won two ~UU.....nct finllhed second (1981).• 0 We lhouJd have won three,'' M)'t Blaftton. to[ ....Uy feel we wen the blilt t1111m In the -.W 1111\ yeer." Blanion. however, continue• undaunted, hi• enth-..n fer tht ...-~ hll ll.!llWll ally. J _,,...,ca,... _, . ' ' IN • Or1ng9 Oo•t DAILV PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1882 -. MUC NOTICE NUC NOncc NOTICI CW DUMA T "81.£ mncl P'lalC llJT'ICl AND ... "°" TO llU. ~A:=t' "°"'*" ....... '90TmOUI ll:JlllllM wi:n::.::,raTIOM t>u!..":.:,Oflowlllf ,.,.Oit '' dolnt Tiie ~ ".:::::. ......._ 9ilAm lfAW COMDmOMI a MtMTIOHt Tt'. ~ 11: -.. ~ '°:"111V ~ .,. dollot ...,., --.oc:.~."' T"''· 1IOll OOUNT"Y O OUllHI fHll'l,ll'TIDll,llfC.C...,. ~ llOT1CI" '270I 1" 'CMllaln V-, CA ~I AHO llMOOO MAM. ,£>.!tv.!'.I Newport IMcft, Callf0tnle ., vou" ,.110,."n t1 1N ,.011,.T w 0,.AVIN 1141 ~ .-.~"•· Coe•• ...... CA AN :2:li~~i~=~~u'~:l'y'Je~f~ =A~ .• No.·,, --Hllll. CA 0 Ji.MU D. HUDION, •uo °'~-~sio~'1111~= IT MAY ll IOLD WITHOUT Arn Tiiie ~le oonducted..., emlno Curter, Anell•lm, OA t2-' COUM ACTION. lllld rov !NY llevt lndMdlMI "'' en t2I07. Miii• .,_, 1171 tndue ,.,... Ille leoal rlgttt to btlnf YoVI eocount • ~ w er-SAMUfL P. INOA .. DIA, mt 8enta Ana ~le Celllornle H70~ In fOOd l llllldlng by P•~ .. Of Tiiie ... ~ . flled wttll ttie PleoentJe. eoee. ...... CA '"27. Tom DO)'I•, 'u II VI• Lido your PHI due peymenll plut Oourity OWi! of ~ County on JOttl'H C. INOA,.DIA1,.~lt 8oud, Newport IMofl, CeiH0tnle permitted 00tlt e nd HPent" Al9lli 1' lMI Pleoenlla, 0-. ...... CA tn¥7. t2t80 Wltlllll """ (3)"1'ilontllf from I~ ' ' ,"'117 Tiiie ~ It oonduioted by e O•v• Moore, 4H Lenwood, d•te 11111 Hollo• of Default wH Publletled Oran.JI• 00 .. , Delly oen«el ~. cc.ta ~. Cllllfofnla '2U7 reoord•d H ellown In tll• upper Piiot, Auo. 21, H llepl. 4 11 1N 2 , .... ,~ 0, Hudaon lei White, 210 114118tf..C, Apt. flOllt l'IMCI OOfntt abow. ' • 1741 .. 2 ~·-•~t wu llled with the OS03, Newpor1 IUGll, Cellfomla ~ atllOMl!t It 1726.00 .. ol Jurw ,,_...._of 0rflf'I09 Cowdy an tate3 H. 1t12. end wlll 1ncrMM delly AUG •. 1"2 TNa ~ "OOftduoted by an until your eoc:ounl becOIM8 eurrent. "8JC NOTIC( ,,..,_ linlneorSIO(ei'4 aeeoc••tlOn ot'* You mey not l\aw to pey 111e enllrt l'ICmlOUI ftubllelled Orenge Oout Delly then 1 ~· unpeld portion of your ecoount, um ITA:=f• • Piiot, Aug. 21, H , 8ept. 4, 11.1. 1N2. ~ P. "-dmon • n n thou g II tu II p • y man I I 1 Tiie 'OIOWlno '*"°"' ,........ 914342 Tlllt et~ wu flied wttb ttie demended, Out y0U MUii pey Ille Ill*'-M: ere _,,, County Clttll of Otmnge County on emount iteled el>OW. GNAT L!NGTH8 (FOA H I). .,._II' llnTIC( Autue' 10. 1N2. UnteH the obllgellon being 2'20 e Coeel H C A!:'ei .--..,, "" '1•tn fOfecloMd upon permlte 1 1onoar ..., ce.omi. wy., Cfona .w:nnout .,_.1 A. a.. A*'1t period, yOU haw Ille legel tight 10 'w1111. E d p ..... ITA,......, ~ .. "'-ttot> the f0teo1o111re only by P•vtno c "' . •n •m•I• L. The f-....... *' o.... "-,_. m Iha entire •mount demendad by .:-C::Jg12 Clllf Drive, LllfUn• bull """":"~"' '*'°"' .,. doing -.,.,. ......, C.....,. -'IOW~llOfwllhlnllwee(3)monllle Thie·~.:~..., ~.r:·8U! Cll!ANINO a Publlehed Ofenge Co .. t DeUy LA runna·""g back alt., Ille dlt• of tllll document'• OtMrel '*' •ehlp -· • MAINfl!NANC_E 7H1 MacDonald Piiot, Aug 14, 21, 21 end a.p.. '· u recordetlon, whloh d•I• ol ,..;:... L ~ at .. No. 4, Hunilngton 8-otl, CA. 1N2 Greg p itt (3A) rlCOf'dlnt •PPMflhareon. w1111em e.~ e2e..7 · ae1M2 rU ... To nncl qut Illa emount you mu11 Thie ai.tement -Ned with the Weyne DMlal Povllellle, 7H1 returns the r• I pey. °' to anenge tor peytnanl lo ,.. _ _... Qer1t Of 0r-r~.-... Mec:Oonald 81 No 4 Hun1i....1on •-w-..,,._ Ir& "op Iha loracloeure, or II your ~. ti, IN2 -...-_,,, on Baech, CA. 92'47 ' ""' r-..., ""'~ kickoff for prQpefty" In foracloeore tor any . l't..,. Carmin M. Povlleltl•. 7881 '9CTTTIOUa ...,... .. ~~=~ :!.'?.r: ~ Pu£ltehecl Orenge eo .. t Delly MacDonald 81., No. 4, HUl\llnQIOfl .. ._ 9TATII__, I Raiders in Lo • T..,. C...tet °' IOO Piiot. Auo· 21, 2.8, 8el>I. ... 11, 1"2 ~· CA. t2M7 Th• follow1n11 per'°" I• doing A I c .......... CA... 37~ lnef~~ II condllc:'teel by en ~~<>ANEY SEAVICI! end nge es against (714) MMl97 .;Wayne Po'lllallla PAOTEK SYSTEMS 3037 Wwran Packers last II you h•v• eny queetlon•. you PtaJC NOTICE Tiile ltai.mertt WU flied with the Lane Cotta M-. Callfomla •aeae ellould conteot • lewyer or Iha 'IC County Clertl Of Orange County °' j;•ll'ic* Dannie 8endar'I $037 week. Raa·de..... ~llWll~whlctlmayhave ~-~NT·· Augutl 12, 1N2. Werren Lane, Coua .:. ... • o rnt41fec. your ......... .. • ·-1'11a11 ca111om1a e2e2e ' host Browns at REMEMBER. YOU MAY LOSE ~lowlnQ P9f80flt .,. doing Publl•h•d Orange 00 .. 1 Dell) Thie bull_ la conducted by .,, ~!~:~:~~TTSAICTF YIONOU DO NOT How:~D'8 l!OUIPMENT co Pilot, Aug 14, 21, 28 and &.pt. ' lndlvldull. Coll·seum ton ·ght """ · 11 ... ·• 1ea2 Petrlek o Sanden I • NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that CA .. H7~' Fountain VIiie)', 35te.82 T'hll 11a1-1 -.. filed wf1h the 1 Al'~o HARBOR VIEW HILLS CountyCler1cOfOr Coun HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION hu Or. Dan A. Howard, 1 Hiii Aug lfl f982 ange ty on d • lien upon the rMI P'91*1Y known Prlnceaa Ct., COete MMe. CA t2t2e PUBllC NOTICE · ' . I .. 3912 lnlal I ... Dr Corone dal Mich••• L. Ro u , ea 71 . Publl•hed Or 1'1•• a1 ers_ c ose_ out preseason ~~~l~nla, which 11 legally ~~etten, Hun11ng1on Beech, CA ,-::~~~=:-Pltot,Aug 14,21~~\~~~.·~-~~J Unit ??? of Loi 48 of Tract 8425 Thie bu"-11 conduoted by a The lollowlng perwona are doing 35414-82 ' -u pw a mep ,_.ded In Book 23e l)enWtl C*'lnerahlp. bu.,,_ u: B b • • { lJ.SC - - - -~-----SO..-"3""T0-.8, llfCIOIMI, -ora' MicMtl L. "---8MMA-H-8~TIN~. e i-.:~=~~~~~~~::=-i~ . rowns ring contingent 0 products lo Co11·seum ln11ruman1 Number???, Dr. Den A.Howard Hermosa Clrcla, Buen• Park. CAI" Ml1callanaoue Mapa ol Orange Thie llalemenl WM !Med wl1h Ille llOe20. NOTICIOf fii(la~·t aALi'" I LOS ANGELF.S (AP) County. Calllornla of wlllcll County Clerlt Of Otenge County on ALB E AT S A L MAN L_.. No. 7'00'7 -The is 58.3, and third-year pro Paul Dave Browning is expected to SHEMOODEL • ROWS HAN Aug. f1 , 1M2. ASSOCIATES. INC .• Calllornla T.a. No. 71 .... 1 4o6 Angeles Raiders make their McDonald out of Southern Cat f righ YADEGARAN ere lh• ownare of '1•112 c;otpQfatlon, &935 Hermoaa Circle, UNIFIED HOME LOANS .. dUI) ~nd appearance in their new McDonald had th nd move rom t end to the left reciord end aald u.n hM .,...,, by Publlahed Orange CoHt Delly Buen• Park, CA GOe20. eppolntad Tr1111 .. under 1111 r.v..~ to-ight as they take on the e seco -best aide for the exhibition finale to virtue o l • Oecleretlo n 01 Piiot, Aug. 14, 21, 28, &.pt. 4, 1ee2 Thia bu•lneu I• conducted by a lollowlng deecrlbad deed of 1ru11 .,.,..... '"' passing rating last season in th~ fill in for John Matuszak. Cove n ante, Condition• e nd 3~2 eo<poretlon WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION !ftde feated Cleveland Browns, NFL statistical system. Aee1r1c11ona (lleretnaflar "CC&R'•"I Albert s11men Aaaoc. inc:. TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR au. t beating the Browns might Three other former Southern Matuszak la out of play with recorded on Jenuary 10, lte7 In "8.IC "°TIC( Albert ~·•men. p,.. CASH (p•y•bl• at lime ol Hie In be h back pain and could be t f Boole 8968, Pegaa 94, lnckulve, CK lewful mOMy of 1he United Sl1l .. l Jl)t as toug .as it 80unds il the • CaJ standouts and all No. 1 draft OU or N ln1trurr.en1 Number ??? Of11c»1 • T.a. Na. 1a1 Thi• •talement w" llted W'lth tha all right, 1111a and lnler•t c:onveyec1 Ba Ider s ' 6 -1 le ague rec 0 r d the aeuon. Dlagnoetic tests w ere Aac:ord• OI Mid County, Cellf0tnta. NOTICa cw TMJaTIFa uu Coun1y Clark of Orenge County on 10 end now held by 11 und« Mid aoainst th · · d ' · continuing, but team officials said N ennexeel 10 the aubject property. YOU AM• DllJIAULT UMMEll A August 18, 11182. DHd ot Trull In the propart) --P em 18 any m Jcatlon: ·On TV tonight they feared the 285.pound NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN 111at Of' TMJaT DAftO MAM:H F1""6 11era1na11er dalctlbed: ,Both the Raiders . 2 -1 in •br'Mot!Oflhe~llonforwhlch •..t 1Ht. UNL••• YOU TAKE AlllNANDFLATT TRUSTOR: IAWIN WINGER end h I 4 6 defenaive e nd m ight have a Mid u.... -given .. aacurlty"" .oTION TO PllOTICT YOU" Attorney• .. Lew KAREN V. WINGER, huabend •ncl sflmmer action , and. the Browns C 8008 8t ruptured diac. occ:urred In ttlal the peymanle of QMI IT MAY H tOlD AT A .._ MacAtttwt INwd. No. S10 wde .. Joint lenanta. cJose out th eir preseason play HIH•m•nl1.•nd cllergH duly •AU •• YOU ... 0 AN Newpon lleech, CA._ BENEFICI AR Y: TIMOTHY w · h tonight's game. It will be Mi c k s , Cbjp Bank s, C la y Lyle Ahado 'started at right lrlled by Mid ~tlon aoetnat XPLAMATION Of' TitE NATuttll Publl•h•d Orange Co111 Dally MARSHALL ano S ANDRA E. h d C h l nd nnl .. •t th p t..-f1 .... &.; .. _ Ille eublec;t prC>Pef1Y _. not paid nt1 PllOCUD•~LAQAINIT Piiot. Aug 28, Sept 4, 11, 18, .111&2 MARSHALL. llu•bend and wlla es first preseason game between att ews an ares White, e •a .... -e 8C1":r&, .... .._... when due. end 11111 rernaln due, ou, YOU aHOULD CONTIOCT A 3842.&2 Jolo• t-11. two teams, a nd they will figure in the lineup. middle guard Reggie Kinlaw, awing and unpe1c1u 1o11owe: WYO. RKorded Augu11 11, W71 .. d The P.aid ers are min ff B the M tt Bahr d C'--'-A1Humente which are more STAN·SHAW CORPORATION, e .... 'IC NOTICE tnetr. No. 17058 In book 1219~. · t again uring the season o n co g 0 a ro rs a an IUll:t than thirty d•Y• PHI du•. plu• •lllornl• corporetlon, .. duly rUU\, pege 1890 ot Olflclal Rec0<d1 In the ~t. 10. 24-3 win over the Green Bay Bahr will have a chance for a aul>Mquent asu1 ,,.,,,, tOgether appointed TrullH under the NOTICE Of TIIUITH'9 Ull ollkle ot tha Recorder ot Or•nQe T Packers in their ColiaeWtl d e but little sib~rivalry aa the fonner wttll lntareat thereon from Mid dela. followltlg delc:rlbed deed ot truat ~ ,.,_. County. Mid deed ot tn.t11 delcrlbes i Cleveland so far h as downed last w eek . They earlier 1'-t to the will l ck f h B II the rate of7 par~• par ennum. Ill Shl AT PUBLIC AUCTION YOU AM ... DEFAUlHJNDE" A the..lOllOlllllng property:I t .. e Detroi L Lions 17 16 the -p ace-or t e rowns In ecldltlon to ellOfney°I *"· COlll TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOE DIED 0, T" u. T D. TI D ThoM PCKtlon• of lot 1 of TraC1 '' • • Detroit Lions 30-16, but won and the latter for the Raiders. andtatedlargea .. eettorthln..:d CASH()( .. Ml forth In Section NOVEMlie.1 21, 1110. UNllat-9340, In th• County of Orang•. Rams 26-23 and the New Orleans th . i s ccaR'• logecher '""' I/If'/ lllld .. 2924'1 Of the CMI Code. ... ......... YOU TAKE ACTION TO PllOTll"T Slit• of Calltomla. u per map flied Saints 20-17 . The game against Franeic~.,2_P1e7~1e4r_ aga nst a n MeanwhHe, Browns owner Art eum• adllenoect ~the AAoclatlon 11tta lllld 1n1erae1 c:on~ 10~ YOU" PllllOPlllTY, IT MAY it In book 381. P•GH 3• end 35. •L Rams th . n1 h -.v Mode ll says he has complained to ()( It• aoent•. under the 1erm1 and now held by II under Mid Deed °' IOl.D AT A PU9LIC UlE. IF YOU Ml-'lall4IOUI Maps, In Ille office of LVe was e ir 0 Y ome Quarterback Jim Plunkett is Davis on Davis' d ecision to prOYlllon• ol Mid OC&R'a. Tru11 In the property h•r•lnalllll' NEED AN l!XPLAHATION °'THE the county r1CO<der 01 Mid county. iJlme th is preseason. e.,.__..~ to start for the Raiders, l ·-'--th NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN lllal deee:ribed· NATUlll OF Tiffi PllOCHDING dalcrlbad In parcala .. followa C "~"""" te evwc e game even tho ugh it Mid AllOClallon. through 111 duly TAUSTOR·. LHter L•b•r and AGAIN•T YOU, YOU 8 HOUlD PARCEL , Unit No 11, .. 111own $ 1 e ve I and Coach Sam and M arcus Allen, who leads the was n o t sold o ut In time t o IP9Qln1ed agent,,,.. executed and Tarry Lynn Laber. llu•band lllld wife CONTACT A LAWYEll.. and de9Ctlbad 1n 111e Condominium ligliano goes into the ~ame team's ball carriers with 93 yards oom~ly with le.11aue rules. dellvwed • written cleclar•llon of " Jll •• 10 1n undv. ~ Int. and NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th11 Plen rec<><ded on September 24, . ( .. ft-~ back · d 5 2 d -e-defllUll lllld demand for Nie. and Mk:hetl J.S<:f\eflar.11fnglemanN l 'AR VISTA FINANCIAL INC 1118& In book 111100, page 1484, oosmg rom q ....... o.cr nan an a · yar a-per-carry Te NFL requires a sellout hu 1urrenderad an documan11 to an un0v.~ 1n1 ... 1enant1 In corporeUorl. 767 Nor11l "E"'s 11..t: OfflclalRec:ord1.01MkiCounty. pe, last year's M 06t Valuable average, is sure to be in the game three days before game time •vldanc:lng obllget1on1 aec:urad common 'lei! Bernardino, Celll<><nta 92403 PARCEl 2· An uo<11v1<1ed one- yer whose completion averal(e plan. before the a .. nuo can be teJe·-'-.... thereby, and hu decMnd and <1oee BENEFICIARY: The 1r111ne TelapOOM Number (7141889-0231: lwalflh (111211n1er•1 u a tthanl In -·-v"""' '*eby declare •II auma eacurad Comp• n 'I d I b I • S an 11 ago •• the preNnl Trullff under the common 111 lhe '" lnler•l In and 10 Anderson leads Cincinnati ' ~olphins prevail in overtime; Tampa Bay blanks Atlanta F'1om AP d lapatcbes CINCINNATI -K en Andenon threw four touchdown ~. including a 5-yarder to Iseac-- <1!rt.is that snapped a fourth-quarter tie as the Clincinnati Bengals defeate d t h e Washington Redskin s 28-21 in the final National Football 4eague exhibition game for both teams Friday n.Jg ht. • Anderson threw first-half touchdown passes of 11 yards to Curtis, 10 yards to Steve Kreider and 38 ~ to Cris Collinsworth as tbe Bengals took a 2J-14_ lead at the half. After a 37-yard touchdown pass play from rback Bob H olly to Clint Didier tied the acore third quarter, Anderson drove the Bengals 73 yards in e ight plays, hitting Curtis with 12:54 to ~Y for the winning acore. Anderson completed 23 of 32 passes for 307 ~ in slightly more than three quarters. Curtis ~ught eight passes for 109 yards to help Cincinnati • · t victory in four exhibition pmes. W ilbur Jackson rushed for 78 yards 0'021 • and a pair of first-half touchdowns for the • who finished the exhibition aeason with mark. , ••l111Jlns 16, Giants l 3 MIAMI -S ubstitute kick er Rex Robinson dtJle d a 31-yard field g oal 5 \h minutes into 8\liden-death overtime to lift Miami to a 16-13 trfiunph over the N e w York Giants. Robinson, filling in while regular kick.er Uwe v6n Schamann recovers from colitis, aho kicked fif ld goala of 53 and 42 yards u Miami improved its pteseason mark to 2-1-1. The Giants dropped to 1-3. Dolphin starting quarterback David Woodley, f4Cing third-and-8 on the Gian.ta' 31, aet up the field -1 with an 18-yard pus to tight end J OBe Roee &om the sbot.gUn fonnation. . -M1am1 COach Don Shula choee not to gamble atd immediately aent Robinson in to Ice the victory. i The Giants had first chance with the ball in the !'!!!:'!.period, but a p e nalty a nd a tack of ~-back Scott Brunner denied them a ICOl'ing .. ,,. 84, Pale.as • TAMPA -Quarterbacu Doug Willlams and rry Oolateyn toaed one touchdown pass apiece the Tampa Bay defen.e limited Atlanta to 92 1 yards as the Buccaneers demolJ1hed the lcona, 34·0. Williams hit 13 of 20 pasaes for 150 yards in the first half, as the Bucs stormed to a 17-0 lead. -The fifth-year pro teamed with tight e nd Jimmie Giles on a aeven-yard touchdown play in the first quar1er, and uaed pinpoint pudng to .et up Michael Morton'• one-yard touchcfown iUn and a Bill Capece field goal in t.he teeond before giving way to Golateyn. The Bucs' defe nse, meanwhile, h e ld the Faloons to 70 total yards in the opening half and enjoyed continued succea after the intennh.ion when M ik e M oro.kl and Mike Kelley replaced Steve Bartkowaki at quarterback.. The Falcona, who managed to era. mldlieJd only once, finished the game with 39 yards puling and 63 yard.a rushing. Atlanta quarterback.a were sacked four times for 32 yards in loaees. . J'lld••• 24, ••• ,. 21 ~-i.rs -Minnesota quarterback Tommy Kramer hit Ahmad Raab.ad with a 22-yard .:»ring paaa with n.l.ne eeconda lelt to play and the Vikinp pulled out a 24-21 victory over the New Orteana Sainta. The ecore nullified a fourth quarter rally in which the Saints came back from a 17--0 deficit to take a 21·17 lead. But Kramer took the VI.kines 73 yards in nine plays. all paaes. Kramer oompleted 23 of 40 pu9eS for 272 yard.a and two touchdowns. In the final drive, he completed 8 of 9 pmea. Raaha.d caught six pasaes for 82 yard.a. ' . The Sainte' comeback after a 17-0 halftime defidt was inlptred by their defense. New Orleans forced two fumbles and an interoeption and turned all three into touchdown.a. Syracuse dumps Rutgers EAST RUTHERFORD, N .J . (AP) Sophomore qu.artert:.ck Steve Peach, pla~ hia flrat game wUb the varsity, threw a 34·ya.rd touchdown pa.m and pl~ one yard for another aoo-re Friday, lead.ins Syr11CU9e to a 31-8 victory over Rutgers. Hal1beck Jamie Covtrurton dove one yard over the ~ for the tint of Tua two touchdowns. Peach threw hia acortna toll to 90phomore wlde receiver Mike Moma with 34 leCOllda left tn the fim half, which ended with S)'nie\.m leedJnc 17-S. hristian captures scratch niain ( .. llCl'09 the finAah line by Shawn McConnell of Brea, !herllna Coaar of O uanalde; John SMdoN °' Rialto; John CcJOk °' .Rc.eville and Ketth Chrl8co ot WhJtder. Mark Dwyer of Rlveralde cepcu.d ta.. third dlvlllw main event while Alan DeYid8on of Corona -............ ln the wanddh .... ... ,,_. ue fGUI' ._.. al 1M ~-.. =-:.z·=.·"l:u~ lhtlonal1 acbeduled for thereby lmmedlalely due end tnveatment Company deed of tn.tat herelna'1er menllonacl Ille Common At .. ol Mid Loi and peyabla, lllld hM alected lllld <loee Aacoroed June 15, 1981 .. Instr. wtl1 Mii 10 the higheal bidder 1« TrllCt u ~term la defined In the •l•ct to c eu .. Iha property No. 21847 In book 14100, peg• CUh In l•wflll money of Iha united Article enlllllld "Oeflnttlonl"' of Iha dHcrlbed above to be eold to 12710fOfllc:lalFlecorde ln theoffloe Stet .. wtlhOulwananl)'olenyldno. Decleratlon of Covenen11, Hlllfy the obllge11on1 due H id ol IN Aeootder of Orange County; •I e public: euctlon et the tlma and Condlllon1 and Re•trlcllona Aaeodatlon Mid dMd ot tru1t claecrlbM the piece dHlgnated below. In th• recorded on Jiily 23, 1978 in boOlc T 0 D E T E R M I N E I F f ...... property: County ol Ille Stale ot Callfomla 11824. pege 915, Ol1lclel Aecotda, REINSTATEMENT 16 POSSIBLE a...-rr "A" Mslgnated below, •II of Iha right, of Mid County (Ille "Oec:IMa11on") AND THE AMOUNT , IF ANY, LEGAL DESCRIPTION: !Illa and lnterMI now held by said Ind any amandmanu or NECESIARY TO CUAE THE PARCEL 1: Trutlee In Ind to 111 tllat c.rtaln annexetlon• lherato DEFAULT. CONTACT: Unit 72 M et1ow11 end Cleec:r1bed prc:fperty which Is situate In Mid EXCEPT THEREFROM ell all, gas, Lee K. Dunt, A..._, et Law In 1he Condominium Plan recorded Cocinty and le deecrlbad below Tile ""'-tis ano other hydrocert>ona. -T..,. C...lef Dr. No. IOO on November 29, 1979 In Book 11r .. t addraH , II any. or other below • depth of 500 feel. without 0.-. ...... CA -1$413, PtlQM 788 IO &49 lnc:lullw of c;ommon Oeelgnallon, II any. 01 Mld the right ol 1urlece entry. •• fhtt Mt•Ql7 Offtdel Flecorde Of Aid county property le Ml lorth !*OW. r~ In ln1trumant• 01 r-d Detect: June 2', 1982 PARCEL 2: Said deed of tNtl -executed PA AC El 3 : Non·axcluelYa HAMOR NW HI.I.a All undMdlld one twwil)' nlnllll by the Tru11or dHlgnateo below aetamanll OYer IUCh property and No.OW.U At90CIATIOM (I/29th) lnterHt H tanen1 In and wu recorded on the data, In lor IUCh putpOMa " are rMMWd lD K. DUIWT, ... ....,_,,._.... oommon In Ille ... lnteraat In and to the 8ook and et th• Page .. for th• benefll of or granted 10 &TATE OF CAUFORNIA) the oommon ., .. of Lota 10, 11. 12 Document Hum bar of Offlclel Owner• In the Sec:llone anlllled COUNTY OF ORANGE I *'Cl 13 of Trect N58 M per Maci Aecotda In the Ofnoe of Ille County ' ' U 1111 I I a I ' ' , . 0Suppor1 a nd If) llteel In Book 438. P•11•• 1 to 7 Aec:ordar of H id County, ell •• Sett*-11", "Enc:roactwnant" and On .JUiy 22, 1912, before me, the lncJUll.,. ot Mlecellaneoue M8')9, d .. lgnaled below, and conveyed "CommOfl AIH &Mment" 01 lha uoderelgoed, • Nolll)I Public: In lllld record• of nld County, u IUCh Mid property to the Trutt" therein Ar1k:la of Iha Oeclaratlon enlll~ I 0 r 111 • 8 u I. 0 I c •I II 0 r n... IMm le defined In 1M wtJde en4ltled IC*:lf\ed. "'e.-ntnt" pereonelly appHred LEE H. "Dellnltlona" Of the Del':lentlon of Sala of ttie property wlll be mede PARCEL 4. Non-e xi;luslva DURST, known lo me to be ttle duly Covanen11, Condi Ilona end purauant 10 the dam1nd of 1h• _,,. OYer IUCh 1>1'°'*11' end •uthorlud and de11gnetad Aeatrk:tlon1 Rac:o<ded Aprll 21 . 8anef1claryun<leraalddeedoftnm for IUdl ~•ere r~ ,..--•••""' Of the AMOQlellon' 1978 In Boole 12'44 Page 961 of and by rHaon of daleufl 1n the for the banem of or granted to wh!ch •••cu ted Illa within Ofltc:jel AaootO.(The :.Oec:iarallon") P.•.rmanl or parlorme nce of Ownett In Illa Sec:tlon1 antllled lnetruman1,1tnown1ome101>et11e and any eupplemerf11 end 01>11gatlon•Mc:UtedbyMkldeedot ··ownert' RlghlS ind Outlu, pe,-.on who exac:uted tll• within M*ldmenta ttier.lo. trya•lndudlng Ille dafeult notloa of Ulllltl•• ind Cebl• Telavl•lon"', lnatrumant on bellall ol H id PAACEi 3; which wee recorded on the dale, In "'Ullllll••". "Support e nd a..odetlonl _end edl~ to Ewlt H euc:h euementa the book al'd al Iha Pege, and M Settlement". '"Encroachment" lllld me thet Mid ANodatlon exeQlfeel ar• pertk:ulertr, H1 forth In th• Document Number of Mid Olfldal ·•community FaclllllM Euernant" Mme, artlole •Hlad • e.-natlte" of the Raco<da N Oeelgnated below. of the Attlcla antltled "E-t1" WIT Na a 9 MY HAND AND Decteretlon under the HCI Ion The total amounl o1 the 111.pald In Iha Daclaratlon of Covananla, °"'1CW. MAL hMdlnga In euc:t1 llf1lde .. 1o1ow9: belenoa of the ol>llcJetlon ~ed Condition• end Re1trlct1on1 ~ ....._ "Rlgtlt• .,,d Dvtlea· Utlllt,.. and by Mid deed of truat and •llmaleel recorded on June 8 '87& In bOolt Publl•h•d Orange Coett Delly Caiile Tatev11ton". ··support, coat•. •"-'*'"" ll'd ed><ancaa 11 11788. page 4~0 . Offlclel Piiot, Aug. 28. Sept. 4, 11. 18, 8ettlemenl and Encroachment", the time of the Initial publlcatlon bl Record1. of Hid County, ("flla 1982 •-.,._ £ot-end AecrNttonal thl1 Nolle• or 'fru11 .. ·a Sele Te MHl•r 0.ClereUon"I enct-11ny 384M2 flllMI'", lild "Exc:luelYe Aeett1c1ed daalgnaled below. amandmante or annexetlone -----------1 COftWftOn Alee e-1". Al uled herein "Truat°'" lhell be ltlarato rtaJC NOf1C[ PARCEL 4: ci-ned to meet1 "'Truators" If mOfa YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A eu.-itt u euc:h euemen11 then one Tru1tor le dHlgneted DEED OF TRUST DATED AllQUll --=-'AL COURT .,. penk:ulerly ... fOr1h In th• below, lllld .. ~. alltll be 10, 1978 UNLESS YOU TAl(E WON~ ettldie entltled "Eewnent•'" Of the~ low ··~" If ACTIO N TO PROTECT YOUA W9TCMAMOICOUNTY Oacleretlon Of Covananu morethanonaBenefEieryexeovted PROPERTV,IT MAV 8£SOlO~TA •'DeaN. .... , .... , Condlllon• end RHtrlctloni , .... Mollee ot Oelautt llertln•bOYa PUBLIC SALi!. IF YOU NEED AN tM1 a........ rec:otdM July 25 1977 In Book mentioned. E.)(PLANATION OF THE NATUAE WI II I t JI , C& 1»05, P1119 ?4e Md r•t900fded Tha llm-•nd place of nle, OF THE PAOCEEOINO AGAINST PLAINT,,I': Ill.VEA CRAFT a.ptemt>er I, 1877 In BOC* 12371, dffcrlpllon ot Hid property and YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A ~Al COMJ'AHY PtlOI i27 °' Olfldel RecorOt 811<1 OllW det• referred to above .,. .. LAWVER, D91HOAHT: ti.UOTT ~ MY ....,.,..,._, .. end emeodl'Ml'te folk>wl; The etraat eddtW II 102 W•t ~ and dlblal OEAaEA lher9lo (the "*"« o.daretlon") County Orange Y ... loop, !Mne, Calllomle. ~ end ooea t.,,.... under ttle eectlon hMdlnge In 9'dl Tnitt0<: LAZAR JANICIN and ''(If . str..c llOOf-«common 10. ~ artlole •lllecl .. follows: "AIQM• MARICA JANICIN, Huabend and dealgn111011 11 lthown above, no •••DM and DlltlH: UtllltlH end Cebte Wiie werranty I• oiven H to II• C..-. 1-Tetevlelon•·, Support e nd Dead of Tru'1: Aecordellon ex>mptet.,_ CK QOrTee:IMM)" lltO'hOm Y• .... .._ ..._ Settlement end Encroachment" Dela Dec:. 10. 1880, Booll 138&7, The benefldery,.... Mid 0.0 n.-.. ..,...._.......,,.. Heo.-vty FaclltlM &eemant•': Page 1907. Ooc:vrnent No. 15258. of TNll, by r..aon of• br9'Cfl or .... ,.. ...... e..iN ..._ end "Dr•lnege Over Community Notloa of Detaull: Aecofdatlon defeult In the ~Iona -.o ,.. ,...... ..-• .... -.. Fecllttee". De•• At>t. 2, 1982. Document No. 11\ereby, heratof~ executed end .. ..._ 11'1 --.. MAY BE ALSO KNOWN AS: 17 82·114420. dellvareo to the underalgned • If~ -..i eo ... tfl9 edwa of le Aoctl•ll•, Newport BHcll. Time of a.Ir. Wed .. September written Oac6enltlon of ~ and en et10f'M)' In u11a m•tt., you ~ tateO. u . 1982, 10:00 A.M. Demand tor Sele, end written nottoe "*-clO '°promptly eo .,.C ,._... "(" • ..,... .odt ... or ClOll'lmOfl Place of Sele: North tronl of bteactl and of elec:tlon to c:... """*' '9llPOllM, " eny, IMY be deeltnatlon It ellown ebove, no ~•-to the county OOU11'-. Ille undenl~•d to Hll ••Id tied CM-. werrenty 11 g iven u 10 11e 700 CMc Centet Otlw Weat, Sante property to ut Mid ClbllgattclN, AV It O I U • t e • 111 a •I•• oorv••,... or~)." Ana, CA. and tharHll•r tie underelgned •••••.-.. ......, ~ 1be .... It under Mid Deed Tote! oti41ge11on enc:t •llmeted ceuMd Mid notlDe Of br.-ch end Of ....., -. Ult. • s •k • of Tnlel, W rwon Of • ~ or ooete. ~· end ad\lanoea at etecuon 10 be recor~d Mey 1, -.. U& ............ _...,. In IN OOlloMtOf• MOlnCI lnltlel pubilloaflon: aae.~72. It 1H2, " lnatr. No. la·16574S of •• .... '-11...._I .. ~. '-alafore .__,,ed and lttHt addreu or other Mld~Recotde. ...... deltvered to 111• undertlgMd , common dHIOnetlon ot uld l ald Ula wlll be mid•, bu1 ti U•t•d dH•• aollolter et written Dlldere11on Of DeteUlt eno e;_::•rty; 2412 S1reto0•. Coate without cove11ent or werrenty, ....... • "" e11ogMo -.n ..... DelMnd tor a., and wrttten nodoe • CA tatae. •llPl'MI or ffnolled, ~ tttte. • etllftto, d•b•rl• h•o•rlo Off lwaadl MCI Of eleotton to --Deecrlptlon of Praoer1y: lot poa ... 11on. Of' encumllrencie, to· Imm 1111111'"1-. de w "**' tlla l'nd•r~I ned to Hll u ld 2511and•1/"'4th undivided 11'11arw1 O"Y 1M ~ prtnQoel """of w '"' _. _.... 11 ,_ ...... ~ to Mid ObllflltlON, In common In "'4t-to Lot 1 Of Treat ttie note -.r ~ Mid 0.0 Off ...... Pllfll'edli etlllftpo. 9114 1~•'1er lie underaltned 1180 •per map ~ded In 8ooll Trull, with Int.,....• In Mid note t. TO nt1 DfJ"fNDNfT: A_. -----~Olw.ctlandOf 111, PegH 40, 41 end 42 of PfOYlded, edveno.e, "eflY, under ......,. Me ....,_ ft1eC1 " !tie ...._ to lie ~ Aof11 21, Mleo11t1neow Maoe. 1n the Office of the tarme of Mid o..ct ii' ff\IM, .,.... _. ~ 11 ~"""to tMI M "*'· Ho. Q ·t4ttl4, or 111• Coun1y Recorder o. 1 1eld ,._ INr9M and_.,.... Of tfl9 ............... ~ ........... tl6d°"*l"9ootde. Cou11ty. TOQITHIA WITH non· True ... endoftfletruMaor-.cfby M ,.,. ...., '"" MlfMIOM le 111• HI• wlll b• lleld on u oh1jlve HHment1 a nd non· Mid Oeedof'f"Nel lllld .......... _....,,..., .. _. ... ...,. 1 ••• la 10. 1MI, ee tt:OO e.11\., ~ rlaM of wey -· un6er held on Mondey, ...,..,,.._ IO, ..-. ,.,._ to ,. OOlllllkllllt • .. "°"' ....,.. of ......... "'41 "90ft Cot 1 f« ,_ nwy °' ttu el 2:00 P·"' • .. a....n ui.. ~ clO eo,,.,.., dlflllllt .Ii CetfOfetton, tltl I . t7ttl 11 .. d•elr•ble lntt•H end •tr•_"i AIMllUI lfllrenOe to lie CMa 0.. & lft .. ,.c .. IOl1 of lie ..... AN. CailllWNe N1t 1, tele¥teiOll oelltaa. po4ea, Wlrw -lulldlnl. IOO I. ~ Awnue. ......... ...., .... • n. ................. ~ oonduftt fl)r ~. llll•hOI• In ""City Of°""" CA. ~ =.::..:-= ::-::, .. ,,':;.~~~9':' ~--= ::O:U,~,.~ ~~:.• :..:;: ~~;~:;, ~'"W:. o~ J.:1~ ................. "'"''"""'"' .......... """""-...................... end....,,. ..... emoullt ""' .. Ullpllld ........ .. ~ ........... er..,...... -.. I Ml• ~:Ire.. ... Md UOD ll""1e11• -..0. aftd for ~lo" W...--.W ttle ..._ ., ..... ,.... ,....... "' .... ---. • .. ... ...... ...... fOOf ...... ,... .... o!Mf CIHOtlb•el dHel of ''"'' "' • iNJUUllllS4 ""•-••. •111roec11M1nu 01 • 1111• er ........... ....._ .... ''""" .,.. MTID ...... tt. 1111. Olile: ....... to. t• ............... Md I Ill .... '" lel¥1ftHI •• HO:au. ''· T• ~ L. W9dl ......._ °""'91 .... 1 ..,._.,.LA* Mid T,_"' NIOf ............. , .,..,,,_ Ollltl • Mllld ~ over11en11 e 11d o t lier (1t41"1.-. -A........ Ir : It e" • I 11 • w ""-'""'"'"· 01 • 11111 •r ·-I a tla. o..,. ... , ............. . .a.Mm ·~-..... ~ ...... ,.. ,...... • 1AM.~cll1tt ..___.. .......... llM. a, f.D . ..,.._ ,..................... .... ·m-.r..... ... . ·-=.=...... eerr-·D'BF ··~m r;.="s:::r~ .. :.,'lit='=: :f!R=r .. '11"": ~ • • "'. '. MAJOR LIAOUI ITANDINOI Amertcen LMaue WUTHNDf~ W L pool 08 1<9o ... Cliy 71 58 512 ~ 7f 58 .6t7 2 Chlcego 71 f2 53• tY. S-llle 92 71 •et 15\t Oelclalld 58 11 430 20.,.. Tex• 62 51 381 25'" Mln-t• 411 115 3t1 ~It IAaTUUt OIVlatOH MllwlUkM 78 56 .580 Boaton 75 58 .5e4 3'" lleltlmot• 74 6t .580 4 Oat.roll " ,,.. 6 15 10 NIW Yori< 11 65 508 11 Cleveland 63 158 4111 ,.." TMonto 91 74 452 18'h • fftde1'• 9corff .,.._., 6, MllwaukM 2 Bolton 10. s..111e 8 Betllmore 4, M""-Ota 2 Oetro41 8, Oakland 3 C~ 3, Toronto 2 Chk:ego 7, T••• 5 Kenau City 5, New York 3 Todey'tO.met Aftgelt (Renko 10-8) at Miiwaukee (Vuc:kOVlcll 15-41. n S..lll• (Perry 7-12) at 8oSIO<'I (Eclleraley 12-10) Toronto (Elchelhorn 0-11 al Cleveland (Blflter 12· 10) Olkleno (Rucker 2·41 11 OetrOlt (Morris l"-1.4~ --N-Y0<ko(R1wlly 8·11) 11 K1nau City (Gura 17-11) Mlnn11011 (Cutillo 8-10) 11 81ltlmore (Pll!Mt 12·3), n Teut (T1nena 8-15) al Chicago (Oolaon ~11),n Netlonal Leaaue· wun"N DIVll"ION W L ~ct. 0 9 711 58 567 74 11 .Ml 2.,i, 70 65 518 8\t 67 er .500 8 83 71 470 13 52 82 3118 24 I A8Tl!RN DIVlllON SI. Louil 711 57 571 Phlleclele>lll• 7 4 60 552 2·~ MO<'llflll 71 63 .530 5'" Plltaburgh 71 83 630 6 \t Ctlic.o<> 58 .16 437 18 New Y'()(I( 61 81 .386 2<M • F(tcMt't ~ Pltlsbu<gh 3, ~ 2 Allanta 4, MonlrMI 3 C4nctnnall 1, N-YO<ll. 0 Pl\lladelphla 2. HOUSIO<'I): $1n' Diego J , ChlcegO o San Franc:l9CO 3, St. Louis 2 ( 11 lnnlngt) TodeJ't Gamet P!tttburgh (Candelalle 13-5) 11 Docleef• (V~I 17·10), n Houaton (Knepper S-13 or L..cou 1-4) at PhKIOelphll (Rulhven '°"10) ' Allanla (Perez 0-3 or Mthler 8-10) at Monltlll (San<leraon 8· I 1). n Clnclnn•ll (Baranyl t-14) II New York (Zactwy Ml, n Chicago (Jenkin• 10-13) II Sin Otego (H-in. ~ or Oravec:ky 4· I). n SL Louis (LaPOlnl 7·3) 11 Sen Franclaco (MIW11n 5-81. n AIMRICAM UAQUE A~S,lr•wete2 CALIOMIA Mil W Auttll ebrllbl .itrllbl ~tt 5131 Molllor3b 4000 Cetew fb 4 1 1 0 Younl M 4 0 0 0 OeClnCM 3b 5 0 0 0 COOC* 1b .. 0 1 0 Re.JM*_, t1 2000 Slmft'lont c 4 I 20 R..Claft t1 o o o o Thoma cf 4 1 1 o Bsylor dh 4 1 0 0 Money Ob 4 0 0 0 a.ntquez ct 3 1 1 2 Broulvd If 4 0 1 0 Grlcfl 2b 3 1 1 2 C Moore t1 3 0 1 0 FOii • 3 O O O Gani.-2b 3 0 2 1 Boonac 4010 Tole!• 33 5 7 5 Tot... 34 2 I 1 kofabJ........ -California 100 004 000 -5, MllweulcM 020 000 000 -2 E·Boona OP-Mllw.,I<• 1 LOB-Calttomla 7, MllW1u1<11 8. 28-G Thom ... Slmmont. C.Moora 38-Banlquei HR-Oowntng (231, Grich ( 18) SB-Downing (2). Clilltotftla IP H .. u .. ao JOhn(W.t1-t0) 8 • 2 0 1 .. ...... " Mc:Outl(L, 10-7) 7'1> 7 5 5 5 2 P011er t"" 0 0 0 1 1 WP..JoM T-2:42 A-35,217 • ,...._I, Aalf .. 1 H-lon 000 0 10 000 t t 0 Pt)lltdelOl\11 000 001 001-t I 0 J Nltitro and PuJoM; Cllrton Ind I Ola w -0111t011, 11·• 1.-J Nlallro, l3•t0 H~HouMon, A .._ (I), ll'tlh#llillt4e, lkhtnlOt (HI A-H .Ut -... "1 ... .-CIOGlnn•ll fto6 100 000-1 6 0 New York 000 000 000-8 1 o Pu1or1, Lt~) •nO Ven OorOar; ~be)' and w -Pu.1ore, a. 10. L-Ownbey, 0-t. 1 -L....., (4~ A-t .570 ,. .... a.c•o 'Chlcego 000 000 000-0 6 I 9en Diego 102 000 00•-3 • 0 NolM.~baU (81 end J 0.¥19; SllOw and T K • W-8110w, 10-4 L-NolM. 1·11. A-8,4 .,.,,.. '· l•llOI a Atlanta 010 030 000~4 10 0 Monlrlll 200 010 000-:S I 0 P Nlaluo, a.drotian (I) ltld 81Mdlc1, LM. 8 Smllh (71 and ~-P . ..-.Cro, /14•3. L-LH, 11•f , 8-BtOro•l1n (8). HR-Allanl•, W••lllngton (13). A-2•.oe&. OIMll 3. C•cllMle I SI Louil 000 000 200 0-2 5 1 San Frtnc:ltco 100 000 001 1-3 8 1 Fonc:h, Suiter (II) Ind T-. D. Porltf': H1mm1kar, Holle no (8), Minion ( tO) and M•l· Branly. W-Mlnlon: 11-4. L-Suutr, e.1. A-8,801. Too10 (lllMCI lift W It llMI.) AMe"ICAN LIAOW W.Wll_,,K,C Yount. Mii Hernh, Cle E.MIH"rty, Bal Gercta, T0< L1nalord, Btn Cool*. Mii c ........... Bratt.KC McRM. KC 0 A9 .. H "°t. 108 474 70 113 .844 128 522 103 170 .32• 130 488 82 180 .:121 121 434 .. t31 .318 12• 632 80 1t8 .318 106 394 54 124 .316 127 636 84 IN .8t4 111 4M 71 111 .114 117 450 ... 140 .311 134 511 75 tff .311 ~"-G. 'rhom .. , MllWaukM. 34: Ra.Moll-, Af1911•, U: Thornton, C11W11nd, 28: Parrllh, _ OetrOll, 27: Cooper, MllwlUkll~ "-a.H ...... McA'aY. KTnnr-Cfry;-tt4~t , Cleveland, 103, Cooper, MllwlUkM, N . O. Thom ... MllwlUk ... H ; Luzlne6cl, Chlcego, 80. ll'f1chlflg (11 DeclaloM) P1lmer, Belllmore, 12-3 I Vuckovich, MlhorlultM, 1$-4, Guidry. ,_. Yori<, tS-5: Bumi, CNcago, 13-5. ZMft, ........ 1 .. Gura. KanlU Clly, 17.f: Patry, Oetrott. 14·7: Slllon, MllwlUkM. 10·5 NATIONA.L LIAOUI 0 .. " H ht. oovar. Mii 132 SO. 75 1N 333 Madlock, Pgn 131 4fl 81 154 320 lo Smll".i. St L t28 505 108 159 .315 Durh1m. 1,;hl 126 487 70 148 .313 Buckner. Chi 134 5'19 77 t87 .308 C111er, Mii 127 454 75 138 .$05 Knlghl. Hln t:M 5 12 82 15& 305 ~ ... 121 .a 11141 .-. Dawson. Mii 121 488 91 151 .303 Ru Jonea,S 0 101 3et t2 110 .301 .~ ... MurPllv. Al\11111~ 32: l<lngrnan. New vor-, 31, Schmid{,~ 28. J ~. Plltabu<gll. 28, Cettw, Montr..,, 27: Hom«. Atllfl\I, 27. Oliafrwo, Oodelfe, %7. ................. M\itPhy. Alllllte; M: ~ MonnNr. 81: Bucll.-. Chicago, 80: Clark, San Frtnellco. 80: J. r~. Pltllbu<Qh, et. ~(110.W-) P. Ni.llro, Allan1a, 144; Candelaria, Plnaburgh, 12-5: Roger.. MonlrMI, 15-7; c1111on. Phlladelphlt. 18-t; D. Roblneon. Plll1burgh, 15-8; Yelaft1111le, Do4tara, 17-10; F"or1ch. SI. Loul1, t3·t: C1mp, Atlanta, 11-7 NFL UJ99IT10N ................. 11 ._..,OIWWI Washington 1 7 7 0-21 Clnctnnttl 7 14 0 7-2t Cln -Cutllt 17 pau from And~ (8'each klc:lc) waa -JldtlOft 3 run (Mllw kid!) Cln -Kreider 10 p ... from And«ton (BrMCfl Ilic*) Was -J~~.M\ (.Mhlef Ille*) Cln -Colllnaworlll 36 PHI from Andetaon (Breach kick) Wu -OIOlet 37 PM9 f\'om Holfy (Mlllar kldo) Cln -Curll• 5 p111 from Andaraon (BrMCh kk:k) A -43,381 ....,,.... ltaCleUM RUSHING -WMhtnglon. Jec:alOft 2f.7t, ThelsmlM M , H«mOn 3-8, Wonlle¥ I ·I , Didier 1·f Clnctnnetl, Johneon '7-St, Alaundar ~. ~ 2·14, Tiie 5-14, C0111ntwan11 HI, A. Gr1'lln a-1, s.,on.y t.f. Hergr~ 1-mlnua 4, ~ 4-nllnul 5. Tte«e t , A't I PASSING -Wethington, TMfamann Oalllancl 010 000 110-3 I 0 7-8-140, Holly 8· It· f 11. Cincinnati, OatrOll 020 001 30s-9 10 0 Ancler90n n-32-307, ~ 2-4-11. Lanoford. T. UnOltWOOO (f~ D'Aoqu111o RECEMHO -Waalllngton, .._ 4-65. (7) ano M. -· UjOut encl LM Ptorrlth Gerratt 3-79. Monk 2-24, Jectlton 2· 14, W-Uldur. 8-7. L-Langlord. 10-15. HR•-Weuan 1·12, Didier 1·37, Ctatar 1·17, Oe1t1ano. Oro" Cl). Murphy (21). OatroO. Willl1m1 1·15, Harmon 1·5. Clnclnnlll, Lage (1). L M. p.,..1911 (27). A-22,754 Cut11s 11-108. Collinewor1h 2·50, "-3-71, Krafder 3-32, A. G"'"'1 3-t3, JofwllOn 2•11. OrioloM 4, TwlM 2 Alaunder 1·111. H1rr11 1·15, Tela t-3. Mlnneeoll 000 000 200-2 8 1 Httgr-t-mlnul 1. Balllmore 201 001 OOa-4 9 1 MISSED FIELD GOALS -WaaNng1on, O'Connor, ~on (5). Utile (7), Redfern (8) MUii< 48, 37. ~~----------..... -- n Norlheut Loul•l1n1 11 lo11t"arn MIUflll\lsM. n Ouka11Tanneeaae,n Eaet Tan-State M T-Tadl, Incl Laud'*; Flenagtn llnd Oam~ W-Doi 91N9M 12-10 L-Q~J~~----......:.=c,;.:::;;~~~~;--'=------Mft.t)OOll------8ettlmora, Rlpllan (221. Muu1y (2.5)- A-2'.t,473 1M1M1 I. llM ,,_,. 2 T0<onto 000 010 001-2 9 o Clev9111nd 200 100 001-3 e 1 C1ancY. GelM4 (4). R. L '**'°"' (8) encl WMl, 8 Mettlnc. And«aon, HaalO<'I (fl, Brannan (8) llnd H&ll9)' W-Ancleraof'I. 2-1. 1,-0...cy, 11·13. S-Brannln (2). ~·Ra­Clevaland, Hureh (25), Thornton (29). A-12, 131. i.MSo• 10.llllrtMrl l Seema 000 007 o 10-8 11 1 80elon 050 040 10.-10 ,. 1 F. &annlatar. Muaaalmtn (2), AndarMn (6), Vanda Bar9 (8) end &alan, Sweet; Tudor, Burgrnelar (f). 11. Si.nlly (I) llnd Allenlon. W-Tudor, t0-8. L-f' BaMltler, 11·10 S-8. Si.nley (12~ HRe-Sea1tla. G. ~ (5). T. Cna (i2). C-W (18); 8oeeon. P- (6). Nlc:llole (f), Staplalon (t2). A-22.6M. 1'19r•l.Y•-• ,_. Yori< 101 000 100-3 t 1 KMl8M City 001 400 OOx-5 10 0 J. Howell. LaAocN (4) end Cerone: Blue, Qul8enbarry m and Wadlln. W-81ua, 11•8. L--J. Kowall. 0·1. 1-0ulaenblfry (32). H~NIW Yoril, Gttfl9y (11): Kan ... City, W. Wllaon (3). A-33.t13, ....... 1,-..,.1 T-100 040-000-. 11 1 Chlc:aoc> 420 000 01•-7 • 0 lc:hmldl, HOMYCUll (t) and 8undt>arg; HIW!. Hickey (5), INtltM (1). KM\ (9) and Flait. W-~ 1.0. L-9cMlidl. 4.f 1-t<em (2). HR-T ..... LA """"' (12) A-12.&M. NATIONAL L.IAOW ,.,.... I, D1d1:• t "' ~ &. ........ llttllM lltrllM ~ol 3100 1Su2b 4010 J.,Aly h 4 0 11 Llftdnl d • 0 1 0 foNllioc*llll> 3021 Wwtt 4000 ~1b 2000 04iarr«Orf 4010 .,....,,. 3000 0.,1111> 1000 Leey t1 1000 "-«•Pf 0000 ....., " 3 1 1 0 Qerwy lb 4 1 1 0 T.hNO 4 011 laloedeO 3010 91tt•• :S1109rOC*pfl 0000 "*'*"' p 2 OC1 o Mot .. pti 1 o o o T•lllW p 100 0 ~ • 1 11 1 '°""'1 p OoOO Weldl p 20 t 1 °'11pfl 1000 ,......, p 0000 T°"'9 .... ,... st 2 7 2 ~ .... .., 11ooo~t0 200 -3 Loi~ 001 000 100 -I l•lllttr. D'•Loa A"ll lH 1. LOB· ....,........ 7, IM MfltlM I 19-T."9N, hltar, Ollerreto, OeMiy. ,._...,.....,I· ~ . ., ........ o.=:&.1MJ 'r "1 "f42•1 90 4 ,....,. ~ 0 0 0 1 1 ~11) ~ 0 0 0 0 0 ~t1C~e11 1 • I •• 4 'onltf I 0 0 0 () 0 "''·M•dlOoll fby W•IOh). T·l:al. A-49.111. NY Gienta 0 tO 0 3 0-t3 Miami :s 1 i o a-1• M!a-FG Robln9on 42 Mle-Httdy 6 peee from Strodl (Robin_, ktc:k) NY-Woolfolk 30 PH• from Brunnet (o.nelo kid!) NY-FO Denalo 52 Mll-FG Rooi-53 NY-FG OeMlo 41 Mla-FG Robin_, 3t A~.4M ................... FIUSHIHG -NIW Yottl, Cllatmlrt t3-40, Morl'fl 10-27, WootfOlk 3•23, AMd t· 18, HNllf 1· 1, BNllMt 2.0. Miami, Frenklln Ul-48, eowan 11·24. w~ &-12. Naftl1t1 1-8, llannetl ..... PASSING -New York, Brunner 12-211-1· 145, l'lld ().. t~. Miami. WOOlllWt 1)-24-1·120, Strodl 5-7.o.14. RECEIVING -New YOik. Ori )' 1•81, Woolfolk 1·80. Parkin• :S·2f· t2, Haller 2·25, MulllOY 3•21, Morrlt 1·5. Ml1111I, Han11 4-72, AoM 3-52, Moen 1-$. Har~ S.20, l/IDOtllO 2.t3, Nl\lwn 1.f, OIMll 1 ... c-en f .. MISSED FIELD OOALS -HoN. ~-....... 11 ...,..,o-w. .... Orllanl 0 0 0 21 -2t ~1 a 14 o 1 -2• M"'-OalwNllr FO 2t Mln-Getbrwtll 1 run (o.nmat.r klOltl Mln-l.1Coun1 57 pan from Kramer (Oenrnellr kldt) NO-looCI t pe. lrCMn ,...,._ (MderMn l<ldl) No-G ftoe1r1 1 run (~ ltklk) NO-WlllO" • PHI from Mtnnl"9 (Anderlon ktc*l Mln·fll11h1d 22 p111 lrom Kramtr (Denmllar klcll) A-6t.a10......, ......... RU'SNlllO -N41W OrleMI. 0 . l'looerl 1M2 J. "°'9'9 ....... WlleOll 6-d, fyllr :s-5 .:.~ ,.,., o.ten 1-1. MtMlifOla. G ... 111....0. ~ 1,...., Kr-1•7, YOllllQ t4, PAlllNG -Na• OrlH M , lta bler 10· 11·0·10, Mannlnt 11· 11· 1· 11. M~a. l(f-23-40-t 272. AECllYINO -Nn OrtMM, Ir~ f·4t , lcotl a.at, TllOmCHIOft :S-H, Oroth a.21, Wiiton 9-15. Q, "°'9'91·7, Gelln 1·1,' ~11t 1·1. MlllftHotl , fllMtlN Ml, LICOllnt ... ,.,::-wt. QelDrWllt 144. ..., ... "·' a.1~ 'leLO QOALA ..... 0 -...., Or---. An01rwn II. 41, """'*°'a. none. ; °'.....,. Cout DAIL y PILOT /laturdey, hptembef .... 1982 - •• ..... ---·--.. -· I .......... c•~-.a.c.> •The Pttttel "-'II or Sunday'• touthlrn 600 Orllld NatlONI llOOll UI rtce, wilfl l'YPI Of ctr tlld quellfylno NIMd In mph: 1. Dl'ild P-ton. Mic =t55,788 (bfNlll Old 8oulharn 600 QUal •ICOfd 0( 114.NO ... In 1978 by 9olltl)' ). 2. Owrel Wlltrfe>, 8uldl Regal, '54 113 a. lobby Allaon, CM¥rolel Monte Cerio, 1&U24. 4. Joe R.ullmen, Bukll< Raoal, 154.078. IS. 0•1• Eernhardt. ford' Thunderbird. 163121. e. "Icky Audd, Pon111c Or•nd Prt•. 15S HI 7, Tim Richmond, 8uictt Regel, 163.NS. e. Rlche1d Pelly, Pontiac Oreno Prl~. 153.212. I. 08laY11110rOllQll, 81.tdt ~. 163.110. to. Nall Bonnett, Foro Th11ndarblrd, 1112.'41. 11. Tttry L.ll>onta. Cha¥1olat Monie Cltto, 152.617. 12. Hwry Gant, BulOll Regal, 162.351. t8. 8111 ElllOll, l'Md Thunderblfd, 153 181. 14. Morg1n 111\tphard, Buick Ragel, 163.1'4. 16. Gaoll BOdlna. Ponlleo Ortnd Prt1, t51.511. te. Joely Rldlay. Ford Thunderbird. 151.577. 17. Dive M.,., Chevrolet Monte Cerio, 111.825. 11. Buddy laker, Ponuac LaMena. 15U5t. 11. M"'11 Manin, 8uldl Regll, 150 ~4. 20. Benny Paraon•, &ulell R90t1, 150.st5. ,,, fllon floucllatd, 8UICIC ~. 150.0ll. 22. LAik• Spead. lkllCk Regal, 141.481 2'.), D.K. Utric:tldlulck_ Flepl, t48.2~. --24. l(~-,.atty.~Eiil,148 79S- Aell of Illa 40<at lleld to be ftllad In time ttlllt lod1Y. ..,.. ..1=o-r.:.":!:!L> -ee lftglan. 196 bonito, 359 r1'141dlerel, 25 rod< llltl, f Mnd bMe, I yellowtall, 67 kelp bue. • ecupln, 17 ~· DAWY'a LOcP(~ 9Ndl) - 183 englars. 4 \5 bonito, 70 clllco !>US. 3111 rnecktttl, 69 rocll flell, 19 Miid ba ... 1 ~""""" -18t angiara. 192.,.... 4 b1rr1cude, 217 'bonllo, 2 halibut. 20 macke rel. 2 rock If.ah, 1 ~ejlowl•.!_11_~ IMICMlhl•d. "1 tc:uli>ln. r ca'bazon. f "Y'"V 11911. SaAL 91 ACH -100 englart. 107 belracucla. 20 bonito, 28 Clllc:o bbl, 200 ~30 Mncl baM. 40 ICUlpln. , ...... -ff angla<t. 20 bonuo, 5 hlllblll, COO "** .... · 10 Mncl beal, 500 whl1• c:t'oak•, 18Q~ ftetl. IAN DllOO (HUI Laftdlftg ) -t3 angtera. eo a1t1ec:or1, 23 yeltowfln IUf\6. 11 yellowtall, 4f bonito, I bUa .,.._ ..... .,.. ...,..1'9 .a ~ ................. ed _ _..., .....,. u cc. • IUrtonge lltfllll lell(~I 2900 IUO t .80 ,..,,,.. (c..tanadll 22,00 10 eo Ohl9f Celalw-r~ uo Aleo rle*I: '1 Tip, FIMI Bid, Mt Silllo, Shlru Tudor, ~ Cour1 Ruing, Tll;ln't Tornado, Plegal, Velvet Tullado, 00- lo GoM. 00-Flnl~had third, dlaquellflad end plaCl9dlML Time· 1: 10 215 MCOMO M Ca. 6 1Ur1onQ1 Hudtlabarly Honey (Pncl 8.20 3.40 3.20 Ceilltallnel (Sim) 4.20 ' 40 .._ I Winner (Ma.II 5.AO Al9o rK*I Ledy 8olCI Olk•. 8eOy Doon, Pyrernld High, Timaly Oellah\. FOlll~. Trumpkln, SappNra Ster Double Fortuna, 8ha'•. Doll. Tlnw. 1~t 1 4/5 • DALY OOUk.a (t-7) petd 11oe.oo. TitlN) MCI . t luflOnQI. No !Wink• (Vallnluelll 37 .20 10.40 4 20 Pel't P.t (o.anou-ye) 1.40 2.80 OrMm ol tit• (Mctllfvua) 3 20 Alto r'K*I. 'Top Oaelc:. ()(!ta end Fittl, ""*Hit, r l\ml. 1:09 2/S. • DACTA ( 1-3) Paid $272 00 "°"""' MCS. I 1/19 mClte rm Ludrr1t-1 ie_eo 10.80 t.IO MMale' .. lillUllC(~l 12.80 7.IO Lall Partner (&tr Ide) 1.00 Ahlo raced: 1111~i~ Greaay Knoll, N..-ulWt Ooublad. 1 c-, I'm • .... ,,..., T.V. Fl)'lr, SllMr't Taroet, /\ OenO'f 9aftef, Ca.ii Flo. TlrM: 1:'4 4/5 """ MOI. • lurfontt ~ (MICMOll) • 40 4 to I IO ..., h••• (....._) , 40 '.'° llr~ (Vll(llrl) UO AltO reo1d · .i.o. Anw111r, ,., Mt, Otnlleman llldt, told Horl1on1, ,1ycno Ww T-111 • IJIACTA (24) Plid l llt IO llXTit RACI. I f\ll'lonOt 9\llMllf (Vlillvuala} 11 <IO UO 4.40 QOOCI 'lnllll C~I 4 20 4 00 ~· Joa,...,.,.,.., • tO AIM raoed lett« Hot ,..._ lomll!Mt 9-d. ~y Tiit lcw, Too Mud!'°' T ~-. l"voy • 'ride, Aval\darot.N•w t.'"°'Y; Irr ,__.,,, ta VlfWt •Ill MIO. Tim« I 10 $11. llY'INTH IUCI. t I/II mllll on turf. ~(~I UO .. IO 3.20 My Timi Pll (Hawtey) U . .0 1.110 ...,,.. ,.,,_..,, 3.20 Aleo rlQed: "'buiolit Seit, 81\lmmy, L.lrk't . I t el, Qraftja •Duquua, Zlmbtl>•. HonOenlca. TrOl)IC:ll .,.._ Time 143 211 • HACTA t• 10) petd 1112 00 ft PICIC SIX (7·1·3•2•t2·1) paid 112,· OH.10 wllh eight winning llCkalt (flvl l'tot-). $2 Pic:ll 811 GOMOletlon plld 186.40 with 837 wlnnln(l lleklll (lour hot-) llQHTH M CI . I 1111 mltw Cr1941ut (Shoemaker) 5.00 3.00 2.40 POiey (Ptncay) 4 20 3.00 Karlin (Hl'#llyl 3.40 Aleo rlCld. &111°1 Dr-. lq\we Your Hat, l,,..,,t&bla LNd«. Wiit Cont N•llw. Alk Me, Cedt lJI Bahdll, Trigonjlml Timi: 1:41 411. MMTM MC.. 114 111!111 on lurl. Mr. Aeector (Oftoarn11Mr)4t.IO 18.80 8.20 8Mll Vltaelll (MoCarron) 12 00 t.40 ~(H~ • 11.80 Alla rlCld: Ufbln, Hew1 a..1. Pierre La Monl. Vticellonar. Or•t GrMdton, Tower = Qep I T'wo, lll(lamemat, CMaar'I Time: 1:50. •I ll.ACTA (12·11} petd 11,07t 50 Allendanor.1f,7H Hoffrwood '"" PM>AY'I "HULTS (1ttft .. a-fllsM --_."", NST u ca. Ona mite peoe Frotty ~ (ONndy) 42AO 13.40 t 60 Atput Rid (Valtandlnghlm) 3 80 3.80 Lucky Card A (Glorloao) 14.80 Alto recaci: Qlamour-Boy N, AenHI Che~. TrlbUt• N. Hive, Bon Blue N, Mwk Morm. Sepotl, -20'. II OACTA (7.f) petd 1180,50. H COHD M CI. Ona mile pace. Trtcl Ml• (Meler) 11.eo 3.80 3.00 Oell9~~l 1 eo uo rm 1 Too (Slwthl 3.40 Aleo raced: Ona Fol Dane. Royal Mery, W~, Wende Neved .. Cwtl T, P'- ~. Dottle Butler. AWll'f From Horne. 'time: 2:02. TitlMI RACE. Ona mlle ~ AndYt Winner (VllndghM> 31 IO 13 eo s ao K.8. King (GrlQOIY) 4 80 2.80 Lynna EJ\pr-(Daeomar) 2.80 AllO recad: CommoOlly, Shady Dal. Owanta, Anc:tYt Folgatabla. Halcyon Hero, ~For YOU. Time: 2:01 215. II DACTA (1-51pelctl2M10 • 'OURTH MC&. one mile ~ ~an (F-.;ghty) 11.40 3 80 3 20 Mon Ami MljMUc (Kutl>ler) 8 80 5.40 Hunt•• Shldow (Pierce) 11 20 Alto rllCIO. lmmlQAata, Hol N Bochered, • DO·Andy.a.. Abe, ;tip~ C. Oaring Joe. Andy'a Teeldy, Andy'1 Poodle. DO -Flnlahad third, Olequellllad 1no pllCld llJ<lh. Time· 2 01 4/5 JYTH U ca. Ona mite ,,_. 8onnla .._ (Blkl() 4.00 3 40 2.80 Braeltwlnd (WHllttn•) 8.20 5.00 Lottie H.-(K~) 3.to Aleo recao· A~I Kii)'. Et11nik. Gold• Malf N, W-8a HIPPY, ~lalne, Nalille J<¥'1, ~ Timi N Tima'. 1:54 215. II al.ACTA (3-t) paid 113 00. lllC'TM RACL Ona mite pace Majaatlc: Aura (.._I 2.~ 2AO 2.40 And)'9 Lii)' <MMllll 1 80 11 20 ~ay .... , .... <•••• 980'1) 4.20 AllO raced: Baeu11ou1 B•11•, T~lhall, Hy Olallta, Big Oel>bla, Lady um11. EMY eoma. Tim« 1:50 215. • DACTA (9-2) petd sst,00. ta'YUl'TM U c& Ona mla pace 8une H.,_ (Beytaee) 2.80 2 10 2. 10 Oanlla MIM {VlflandlnO'llm) 2.IO 2.20 No e.c-N (Longo) 2..IO Alto reced: C111b1111, lndlan Sw.•11•. APollo ~'"The~ Time: 1:51 4/6. • aXACTA (3-4) paid $15.60 llOHTit "ACI . Ona mlla pece Hade H-(Longo) 4.20 3.40 2 to Benge RoN(GrundV) 1UO 100 Twwatw (Fletdllord) 1.00 Also raced. Flor• 00<' W•Jovar ROM, Oti·Allaa Mac:Ft bar, Oti..c>enlll ErdNvor, J.J.'1 Ptmtle, RIYar't Cllltlon, Sty Lii Oti-o.acn-1 Timi: 1:57 415 ...,,... UC&. Ona mill peGI Paddlaboerd (Coc*lncl} 1 t.40 7.80 t .40 MonllQrw>r Oete (Sie.tll) t0.00 UO Slf Rell (Bettona) 1 UO Aleo raced: 00-lllnga Nugoel, Huellln Duda, Anctye~, Body Checlcer, M,V.P ., ~ • Ul"IUla. 00-0llqualtlled om -"' to llllltl Time: 2:00 115. a IXACTA (2-3) petd $12.UO • ...Cat ... (5-3-1-3-5-2) petd '298.20 wlTll t4' wlrv*'g tldl .... t• ,__,. S2 f'ICll Sia c:onaolellon peld '5.IO •tlh 2.203 winning 1lcklU (llYI --~ TINTH MCI. One mlla pam. WoncltrfUI 8pelt = _, 12.00 uo uo (Mlf'dlend) 27 • .-i9;20 Mldle9I'• Tiger($•-> 7.40 Aleo raced: Arn..,_, AeMy Frink, Mr N M, ~Ledy, Rldglmerll, Andya Yank. T-2'.00315 • DACTA (7-tt peld $1111.JO A~10.1t7 llKI HOOKS $1.49 alKI WllNCH In $1.95 ' PI I I PIO CIC IT . IYIGl.All SC .IWDllVll • I 5 •' i . • I (~L°= ~ ............. :-=> ...... Jann Mel/Ir .. (U t I Hf Martltl D9Wll (U.t).7 .. ,M,f..~ .......... ~ NI 'l'artY Moor (U I ). W , ..... 1 .. , TOIOI <klll*eon (U 8 ) NI JerCWM ,otilf (flrllllel. W . f. I t-i: 1<1111 W""*11 (Auliialt) dlr. Cllrl1 Meyotlt tu.1.1. M . •·a, •-o; Mel Puroel (U I I d9' tt.WOOCI .....,, IU I.}, f. 1, •3. M Dot Telllcllet IU t I ff' C9'Y L.NW <U ·~ •1. t-2: .lllMIY Ari• IU I I _. Olck11lil't (ltflll). M , ~2.a.1. ,, "odney Harmon (U.8 .) dal Ht ntlk 8undtt1om (Sweden), M. e.2. a.2, retired; HMolCI lolonlOft (U I ) def Thierry Tulllnl (france~ e.2. e-1. 7·S, e.o. Ffltl 8uefWna (U I .I dlt Jim lk'own (US.), 7-6, .... e..f; 1.e, f.31• Chip H~ (U.S.) Nf. Rotc01 Tinner (u.8 ,). &-7, 7-t , 4-1, 7-5, 7.f: Jimmy Connote (U 8.) ~ Hank Pflflll (U.B.}, M , &-3. •t: Jollen Kriek (South Afr1c:a) dll. Vietor Amey• (U .. ), 7 ... 1-6, 1-6 SI-Denton (U llJ Clfll Clludlo P-IUt llllifY). f..3, •2. 1.f; lkna Flltol (Chila) dl4, Freddie 8-(South Afrk;e), 44 7·5, M , 8-7, 7·f : Chrl1 Lewt1 (New i.ai.nd) def. Mell Mllchell IU.8 J. 8·3. l ·IT.f: kott Devit (U 8) dli. Brian lNCll« (U 8). 7.f. 1.e, 7.f, Ivan L..o4 (C::zecMtloYlkll) otl. Tim Meyolla (U.S.). M , 3-e, 4.f. 7.f, M : Gulllarmo v1111 (Argentine) def. Marc:O. HOCIYll (!lfll1I). f-4, 1-2, &-3. ' ....... "r•I .....-0..-.. Trecy Oelatt.Mel Purotll (U 8 l Clfll TOii}' Gflhem·Mlll MtlChatl (U I), 4-4, 8-0, 7-6: Chip HOGC*·Pller Aennwt (U S.) Clfll ~ Oun1h1rdt (Swltzart~ndl·C•ulo Motte (BJU.11). 1·3, 4-6, &-4, Charla Strode-MO<rle Strode (U.S.) def. St*wooo SINW!·Fardl TIYV•n (US), 3..f, f.1.4, 7-5; Mike Oandolfo- Ron Hqlt-(U S ) dl4 Freddie i;... llcNtlti van ci.r MarW9 (Boutl! Alric.). 9-3, 7.5, LMry Sttlenkl·Flobart Van't Hol (U.8.) d•f. Buddy Co1<-Joel Hollman (U.B.). 7.f, 1-7, 11-2 ·-·· hcoOfld "9WMI ...... Ell11 Burgin (U S I oaf Leigh Ann ThomPIOtl (IJ S.). &-3. W : Cteudle KOfldl (W•I Oarmanv) oat. 1v1nna Mlelruga-0- (Afg•nllo•I. 8-3. 8·2: Wendy While (U.S.) def. Barl>at• R.oeel (1111)1), 11-1, 8-0; Jennifer Mundel (Soulll Alrlc:I) dat Mic:lll lc'1illtnp ~u.s.J, ...... -64, W:--~ Nawatll0'11 (U.S) def Jiii Devit (U 8.t. 7.f, &-t. Kete l.ath•m (US.) def. Iva Budarova (~tlOllo\llkl•l. 3·8, 8-4, 7-6. HHthar Crowe (U.S .) de f, Berbua- Hallqul11 (U.S.), 7·•· t-8, 7-8. Bonnie GtduHk (U.S.) def. Dianne Fromholll (Auslrllll), M , 8-2, B11t1ne Bunge (U.S.) dal, Pltrlell Medraoo (Bruit), e.1. &-3: Kathy Rfntldl (U.S.) def. MICllllll T orraa (U.S.), 9-4, M : AnclrN JMQW (U.S I def. Yvonne VlrlllUk (Soulll Alrtca), 1-3, 'f..O ._ .. ,.,..,~~ Laatle Allen (U.8.)·Mlmla J1uaov1c (Yugoel1vl1) def. Laura OuPont-81rb1r1 JOfden (U.6.), 5-4, 3-ll, 8-0: Sllndrt Lae Cottln•Ptm faeguerdlrl (U.S.) def. Rlc:Quel FltcWa (ArgantlNlt-AM Henrldl-(U.B.). 1-3. 1-2: CMdy Reynolele-Peull 51111111 (U.S,t def. Bunny &Nnlng-Kala Latham (U.8.). &-2, &-3. ,,..,.. lrwtlol• ......... CALIFOR~Ga:;,--Dropped Holyoke of Iha EMtam League ... ~ lllQIJI •11111111. MILWAUKEE BREWEES -Sent Kiiiin 8a11, oullleldar, Ind M1lra MeOden and Frink Of Pin<>, pit-._ trom their Vlr10CIU\/9r term Club In Illa Pacific Coast Lalgul to the Houlton Aatroa to oomp4at9 tlla deal for Don Sulton. pitcher IA9"1T8AU. NlttaMI ........ A1ud 1ttcMI PHIL.A0£LPHIA 711ERS -Signed FIUMeil 8c:lloene. IOl'WWd. PHOENIX SUNS -Announc*I lhll Rory Whtie, forward, lllO eg<aad to ,..,,,. on • one-year CO<t1"ect. UTAt4 JAZ2 -TrlOIO Dominque WllklnS, forward, to Iha Atlant• Haw11• for JOhn Draw, lorwerd; F.-.n Wltllarna. guwd, and cull. POOftAU ....,.., ..... u..- BUf'FALO 811.LS -8IQnlCI Jerrt Buller, wide receiver. NEW ORLEANS SAit.TS -Cut J- Wlllker, llnabac:ker. &-.-............ u..- sOSTON BREAKERS -Slgneel Jolln Otefanbac:h and Hubert OweN. delanllve bedtl, end Wiit/ Wright, wide r'80ll¥w CHICAGO BLITZ -Sf(lned Lou King, delentlva ~· NOCICIY ............,u..- WINNIPEO JETS -AnnoUJICld Iha ..tlr-i of 8arT)' Long,"""'"-'..., cou.aa. ADELPHI -N1med P1lrlei1 P= llMCI coecfl of woman'• lleld hockey. Lllgll Pollal IMiatenl c04ld't OI I'*! 'e end women•1 1rldc. ARIZONA STATE -""'*'Lou 8111an 11111'1'• 1ennla -a.. 10" MITll SAW With Over $1.00 .. ~ [U][Uj~~u ndustrial espionage could lead t a sabotage JOltN ~DDIJ~WEC' ..-"ER GREEN Dr. Wetrergreen I• • prof e•sor :JI ~Jltlcal •cience a t San Joie Stace •llalwrsley. The lndJctment of 17 employeea of Hitachi and Mltaubl1hl for lndustrlal tsplonage against mM has drawn wlde attention. And rightly so. For the case pJta the cammerclal honor of Japan again.at the technological superiority of the U.S. But ultlmately the matter lnvolves more than our commerclal interest aa against that of our industrial rival. Our I military advantase, as agalnat that of our de.dly enemlee, la alto at 11.ake. INDUSTRIAL espionage la a special problem for the electronk:a lnduatry just now, becauae that induatry la cla.ely competitive rapidly arowtna and very profitable. A lead of jtiat a few month.a In the design, producUon, or marketing of the latest electronic device can mean tens or even hundreda of millions In proflta. Thus, otherwlae respectable elfctronica companies have been caught trylAg to acquire information about their rlvala' plans, _as well u their competitors' prototype.. product& and toola of del&cn. teatlnc and product.lon. At the.extreme, 1e>me companle1 have been wllltna to •bcMae othere' operaUona. Even email electronics flrma, ~even flrm. hot enaaged In production for hlah-tech weaponry, aucti u that uaed by by brael to defeat the Syrians' Sovlet- auppUed airforce, take extr•ordinary eecurtty precautiona. The laraett. molt innovative finns go far beyond ,the~usual armed j(Uatda, plant paues, electronic survelllanoe, alarms and fenicee. mM, for example, employs several former CIA officers, at very high salaries, to lo , auperlntend the leCl'ecy of lta planta ~d employeea. Nevertheleaa, IBM la "penetrated" often -ao often, It la rumored, tha\ the oompany'1 m.anqera ti.ve to decide which cuee are worthy ot pl'OleCUtlOn. Security measures, however rl10roua. have not prevented the development of International black marketa for electronic• devices and Information. These marketa 1reatly benefit some electronica companies ln their s~e wlth their competlton. More important, though, theae markets ~eneflt the Soviets' ORU (military intelllgence acency). Recently, the Commerce department leaked the news that aome lnfonnaUon and 1oods pirated in th~ U.S. for commercial advantage end up in the hands of Soviet agenta ln Tokyo. The GRU ls alao reported to be active in the black and gray market.a of Taiwan, }long Kong, Singapore, Thailand, Los Angeles and San Joee. The Soviet Union la not the only one of our potential mllitary enemies involved in lnduaUial espionage. Chipex, a tlny electronics firm in Sil.icon Valley, WU recently allepd to be ,a Communist Chlneae front. Moreover, an FBI lnveetiption at General Electric In San Joee indicate9 that the mainland Chtnese are Involved in an International high- tech counterfeltirll rlni· BUT JT IS MOSCOW that is most active.on the lnduatrial eapio~ge front. Because they have a highly centralized, mlnu1tely pervasive' intelligence operation, the Soviets can take advantage of even small lapses ln .ecurlty. Legitimate Soviet businesses employ GRU agents: in the past six months alone, 19 employees of Aeroflot, the Soviet commercial airline, have been expelled from 11 countries for •l>yln.g. Soviet alliet aerve the GRU in the aame way: An Eut German importer of waahlng machine• waa found to be antpping sen1itlve electronict teat101 devi.cet to the Sovieta. And It lm't any accident that the Soviet Conaulat.e In San Francisco alma lta elaborate ll1i.ntn1 device9 at tlle telephone linea of SWeon Valley, ~ mUea aouth, which abounds In h1i)l-tech companiea. The black markete of lnduatrlal eapionage aid our foe1 by 1upplyin1 then'\ with technology they cannot themselve• produce and with Information about our weaponry. But Industrial espionage can do more harm. For where there la the exchange of pirated goocb and Information, there ia alao the potential for sabotage. For example, the reliability ol computer chips bought on the black market ia no more likely to be checked than their point of origin. Yet those chips could well end up ln a weapon used by an American soldier. THE SIZE OF THE lnduatrlal espionage problem and the degree of Soviet participation in it are difficult to calculate . Recent investigation•· concerning $2 million in chips 1tolen from Advance Microdevices and $3.2 million funneled through Brut Electronics revealed the usual American underworld connections. But also revealed was the indirect involvement of a Sovfet agent. It should be noted, though, that these and similar cues an! instances of a failure on the part of apies and thieves. Successful acta are aeldom reported. This much can be said: if industrial espionage were only a matter of commercial advantage, then it woul)l not be a serious problem. As the electronics industry develops, shortages of products and information will decline, and the competitive edge will become less important. HQwever , i n th e present circumstances, industrial espionage - eyen for the narrowest commercial advantage -amounts to a betrayal of Western security . · ~ran Ce e'X tenO.s l nfluence, stirs conlroversy z-..:.. • , ~ GREG MacARTHUR ~led .. ,... Writer PARIS -France's leftist government teering the country back to center e ln world affairs, guided as much by Gaulle and Descartes as by Socialist T#Jeology. 'Under President Francois Mitterrand d his Socialist Party the French find emselves directly involved, if not ways welcomed, in the Middle East and Central America, and leading the West European rejection of the technology embargo against the Soviet Union. I Foreign Minister Claude Cheysson recently vffited South Korea to lnfonn the pro~west government that France is considering the establis hment of diplomatic relations with Communist- pemed North Korea. ACCORDING TO ANALYSTS, tern diplomats and French officials, new look" of French foreign poli~ be traced directly to Mitterrand's nality and to France's traditional E n that its reading of world correct. tells the United States publicly has m isread Sovie t intentions, de rest imated S oviet economic ·ence and misunderstood the nature f Latin Ame rican revolutionary vement.s. Israel, on the other hand, to accept the French contention at elimination of the Palestine Liberation Organization will only create a more extreme movement. The nation which produced th~ 17th century mathematician Rene De9cartes ~ whoee system of lo~c revolutionized ~tern thought -• limply thi.nb ill ~· things ffgured out better than 8lJlt'bodY ela," Aid a West.em diplomat. who lnaiated on anonymity. But U'nlike h is m oat recent eceseors. Mitterrand is backing up his words with actions within the inherent limitations of a medium-sire nation. No French leader since the late President Charles de Gaulle has held to the vision of France's "grandeur" and independent role as erithusiastically as Mitterrand, according to foreign policy analyst Dominique Moisi. "Mitterrand shares de Gaulle's faith in France's special mission," said Moisi, assistant director of the prestigious French Insilute of International Relations . But Mitterrand is also a "moralist and a humanitarian" who practices "a kind of idealistic Gaulllarn," he added in an interview. Last March, despite warnings from some advisers that the trip would dry up Arab investments in France, Mitterrand became the first French president ever to visit Israel. French banking aecrecy makes it imposaible to determine if the Arabs retaliated financially. SHORTLY AFTER coming into office in May 1981, Mitterrand's administration signed a joint declaration with Mexico recognizing the leftist guerrillas in El Salvador as "legitimate representatives" of the political aspirations of many Salvadorans. Later France signed a contract to ship "non-offensive'' military equipment to Marxist-led Nicaragua, including trucks, two helicopters and a few gunboata. "lt was· all largely symbolic," Molsf said. ''France realll has no business in C.entral America; its an American zone." The French moved to normalize relations with radical Arab leader Moammar Khadafy of Libya after he pulled his troops out of the former French colony of Chad in Africa laat winter. But the rapprochement came on the heels of U.S . accuaatlona that K.hadafy was spreading international terrorism and had aent an aaauaination squad to the United States to .kill American leaders. Waahington's anger waa tempered, however, because Mitterrand a1ao broke tradition by fiying to Washington after hia hraeli trip. No previous-French Fifth Republic leader would have conceded to fundamental strategy with serious Implications for the entire Atlantic Alllanoe. Althou1h both aides claim the di1- •1reement ia no more than a bad family equabble, Evan G. Galbraith, the outapoken U.S . ambassador to France French I oreign policy's "n ew look" can be traced _to Fran cois Mit terran d 's personality and to France's conviction th at its reading o f world events is correct. meeting an American president except on neutral ground or in France, and Mitterrand's trip was heavily criticized by his political opponent&. Unlike his coneervative predecessor, Valery Giacard d 'Eataing, Mitterrand haa been unequivocal in hil oondemnaUon of Soviet involvement in Afghaniatan and Poland and in his support tor U.S. plans to lncrea9e West European nuclear defenses. But what began last year as a aurprlalngly oozy relationahip between the Socialiats in Paria and the Republlcana in Waahington has degenerated intQ. a naaty diapute over admits there la a "fundamental difference" over the threat of "Soviet domination." France and the United States disagree about the basic nature of Soviet intent.ions and what to do about them. U.S . economic sanc"tions aimed at delaying the Soviet natural gu pipeline exacerbated open resentment over U.S. economic and tra de policy and Waahtngton'1 perceived lndifference to European concerns. The contradiction• in the political phlloeophies of President Reagan and Mitterrand have played a relatlvely minor role. West European leaders across the political spectrum are angry about what they see as America's heavy-handed attempts to draw them into a self- destructive economic war w ith the Soviet Union, and ~orale within the North AtlanUc Treaty Organization la low. ~ranee, which has been largely immune to the neutralist sentJmenta sweeping much of the rest of Western Europe, particularly West Germany, has consistently taken a hard line against the Soviet arms buildup. And the French, whq believe they went the extra mile in arguing Was hington's case for deployment of new medium-range U.S. missiles .on West. European soil, are perhaps the angriest of all. PVBUCL Y, THEY say deterioration of relations has reinforced their suspicion. about U.S . dependability. They complain that WaabJngton and Paris "no longer sj>eak the aame language." Privately; a senior French official Aid France is simply fed up with what it conaiden the United States' incoherent policies and arrogant disregard for European interests. The official, who spoke with the understanding he would be neither identified nor quoted directly, said France is under no illusiona about Sovlet intentions. But it considers aimpllatic the American analysis of the Sovieta as ruthless · nists. Even ~French accep\ed.-the U.S. view, they are convinced the only victims of an F.ast-West economic war would be the hard-pre11ed West European democracies hungry for trade and a sure supply of natural gas into the 21st century, he said. Military apendlng would be the last thing Moecow would cut, the official aaid, and aJ).. economic boycott would only harden the Soviet political line. l.{epuhlicans facing .the most risks • ID California races ai THOMAS D. ELIAS "Revelation.a about Re publican state S e n . John S c hmitz and his two illegitimate children should ensure that hit name will never again appear on a 1~wide ballot. •• Ad •• \.!)' ~Ir ,, E.T. ME Even without such acandal, California voters this fall probably are seeing the lut of leYeral other major figures who have eagerly vied for their approval for years. The only uncertainty i8 over who will be retired. But one conaiatent thread running through the ticketa of the two major pertiea is that defeat would mean pennanent poliUcal exUnction for more Republicanl than Democrat&. But a Wilson defeat -espedally after his wintertime switch from candidate for governor to 8ell&torial hopeful -would Cll1111111 llCll probably finish hlm aa a ,._.tewide Candidate . would mean the end of his career In government. He'a never run for office before and lan't likely to get another chance, becauae he has no lerce followlna among voters of either perty. But John Van de Kamp, the Democrat, would remain in the apotllaht aa diatrlct attorney of Loa Anaelea County and could u.e hla position aa a •tepping stone to 90IM other office. After yean of tr'Ylna, he finally won a statewide nomlnadon:-by clalm1na only ONLY THE RACE for lieutenant he could defeat Brown. U he falls, he pemor ~ both lldn in the same IF GEORGE Deukmejian upeet Tom won't aet 1nother nomlnatlon. By position. Both Republlcan Carol Hallett Bradley In the• race for aovernor contrut. a Brown defeat would leave the and Democrat Leo McCarthy have been Bradley would remain mayor of ~ pernor out of aovemment, but not out IUonl 1eeden of their pu1ie9 In \he atate Angele• at leaat throuah the 1984 of poUtks. ~y. . • Olym l whk:h he loob forward to Even if he io.t, Brown would remain a M4'Carthy aictually wanted to run for ft'llltter which otttm M-TOCat, ...Uw ftaun 1n '1M DHnciCfilk.....__pernor_or the Senate;bQ\ Wat tOlftd Jian, however, haa no Party. /.nd tf time vindicated hla to lower hia expect.ationl when betier- faUback position. Like )\la defeated controversial stance• on eneray, known, better-funded f~ ran for p,rlrMry election foe, Lt. Gov. Mtke envlronnwnt and other lllUel. he~ thme of&9, A defeat woWd leaw him Curb, Deukmejtan would head for a atlll be younc enou1h to attempt a out of olflcie for the flnt time in mare h.lah-paytnc job ln private buainem But ~. 8o a -.1tciial def•t wOWd thM a demde, but he would llb!l ~ no me«er who winl uu. 1'8Ce, the 'a.r mean the a of WUlan'• hllh mnbUicn, for aGIDllhlna .i. in INlrt arder. llayDI molt likely will never apin make a but ~t Gnl1 bl • '9mPJn.ll'Y ~ IDIJGI' GI 8M l'Nndlco. statewide tiaUot. far .....-... lllDl&t U.O hll no fallt.ck ~ But ..a U10ft1 eudlMtet for 1...... ....gs wtthan ._ Pll"J •with In ihe Pee. WUllon..JtirrY Brawn NCI om.. IM ~ •ndau., With Ml' ~ COllltltuen'8. lo def•t for th• U.8 . &eftli., H'a WUtan wbo cWtal llba-=*'91 Mllwwt far walddD w die end fer her,....,, teem1 to have a fall._. polldoa. A ~ iwjil __ but not fer nwny mv.n If abe --. npect Carol IWlftt defeat would Waye ..... ~al Dw1111 .... .. tn ~' IOClft. San~ wbDt llloWftwould bl out.di ror CWor .. Nlcllolaon, the GOP But lei' o&M1' ,..._Ulm Wlllan lftd a job lf bl lait. ~ t \ • ~··· -•• ......., .......... -°" ... ,._, ..... ,,waukl........, be ' -- the end of the line, even thoUgh lo8iJia to a Tom Bradley or a Jerry Brown ill no dJa8race for any politician. Ironically, the one poliUclan who haa been ~ ill Schmitz, and he can't run for any major office for •t least two more yean, livi.na voters plenty of time to forget aboUt hla problema. But this te;.; it'a clear Republicana nmning for office have the most to loee. For if they loee, their J*1Y wl1I almost ~Y have to belin turnl"8 to new f.aet. ThomM ElJ,u "' • fl'f!e-Wttt columni.t b..«l ln Sane. Monn. ----------~._,-----~---..,_,------~----------..... ·-----... ----------------...... - YOUTH I Sum'mertime ' filled with fun Uncle Len wu daydreamJng about a vacation when all of th-.e neat drawing.-landed on hia desk. He eot pretty excited about all of the great things hls young frlendt have been dolng this summer, and he wistled he eould have joined you. • .. He was especially interested in how many of you traveled to Knoxville to aee Ule 1982 World's Fair. Uncle Leh hasn't been there, but he still has until the end of October . . . that's when the fair cloeea. ~. ~t-fill u E t'\e.r5y tur.,s -t-~ wor\d '' The drawing of "Energy Turns the World" exhibit by Marc Nu~terlein, 14, of Costa Mesa, no de>Ubt, will inapire'Uncle Len to hurry and ~ some plans. >.. Uncle Len was so drawn to this entry, he is giving the $5 f~t prize to Mare. Suzanne Hartley, 13, of Huntington Beach , had Uncle ~n wishing he could get away· from hia typewriter and air- conditioned office to join her backpacking in the f~esh mountain air. -For her efforts, Suzanne geta the $2 aecond prize. FIRST PLACE: Marc Nuechterleln, Costa Mesa There were a lot of creative ideas turned in this week, and Uncle Len wouldn't feel good If he failed to mention them. Matthew Borack, 13, says "collecting stamps is fun;" his brother Scott, 12, found "happiness is making a rug;" Michele Frenz, 11, took a boat trip to Anacapa Island~ and Sue Nuechterlein, 12, liked The People's Republic of C hina exhibition at the World's Fair. . IJl of the artista are from O:>sta M'esa. As most of your summer highlights happened while traveling, next week Uncle Len would like to see what kind of transportation you like beat. It could be anything from Amtrak to a sternwheefer to a s piace shuttle. Remember to get your entries in early because there'll be no mail delivery Monday (Labor Day). ' Draw on 4 by 4-lnch papt'r and lnclude your name, age and addresa. Mail them to Uncle Len, clo the Dally Pilot, .Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626, and be sure they arrive by Wednesday. .. Meanwhile, have a h.appy holiday. SECOND PLACE: Suzanne Hartley, Huntington Beach Penguins aid undersea science LA JOLLA (AP) -Uncforaea aclence ia richer, thanks to uome deep dives taken by two king penguin volunteers, discloses Scripps Institution of Oceanography after a 2'h-year study ol their findings. The big birds were outfitted with tiny backpacks loaded with electronics and went 790 feet deep while a third went almost as f.ar, researchers say in their official report of Antarctic experiments perfonned in March 1980. - Their findings were a:nnpiled for publication in the scientific journal, Science. The experiments conducted by Dr. Gerald L . Kooyman, a research physiologist, and Dr. R .W . Davis, a postdoctoral Dog of tie Wee~----- .... ,... ........ LOVABLE -Sund~, • 3-year·old Gnat Dane, ll ~ for a home with ~· He'• available for edopdOn at the 0nnp County Humane Sodety, 21132 Newlud Ave., HuntlnQtcn Belich. Sodety offtdU MY he Jov91 ldda. You can ~the IOCNrty at 538-8480 betwwn 11 a.m. and 3 p.m. Mon&ty throuah Saturday. fellow, were designed to learn how far king penguins div~ in search of food and how much energy they require to live and raise their young around rigid South Georgia Island of the South Atlantic. In Interviews, Kooyman and Davia said they learned about managing Arctic reaour.ces, especially the stock of the shrimp-like c!'uatacean krill which forms an essential part of the diet of aeala, birds and whales. Krill is becoming an important food as welrfor humans. The watel'Uaht and preaaure- proof backpaclu, packed with electronics by Scripps technicians, are an inch in diameter and 3 IA inches long and weigh lea than 3 'A ounces. F.ach was clipped to a king penaum's back feathers. If the bird should fall to return, the backpack would drop off harmlessly when It molted, Kooyman said. The aclenu.ta .elected a colony of about 100 kbag pengulna at Schlieper Bay and U8ed alx of the 30 -pound ·birds for the experiment. A1 the parents take turn• guarding their chicks and· fetching food, one will spend four da)'9 or more at IN diving for squid for ittelf and •tonne some In Ua belly belon reiumlnl to recurlitate lt for the chicka. In four da)'9, the other parent la back from the deep-sea supermarket with U• food. Koo and Davia Mid their ~t a.ck • record o lvea 1howin1 'they averapd 144 a day. TwO went down more than 240 metere, equal to 792 feet, a depth which utonllhed the adenu.ta. 'l'he other btrda were lnjlc:ted with water teged radlolletlve. and the quanUty of IUCh water IUil in Wlr bioodlVMml WU determined when tMy NL"""Md. ~ and Davia concluded -~ ....... ·~~ of deAly to maintain their llCd ~)'but that they ...... food GD ~y 10 percent of tbilr dMa. 'l'hlii' ......, .-we ... ~ far further eJC~ltlona &o learn d•..U. ...,..-., barv•ttnc krill, &hey.., • . , Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/8aturd•v. 8ept'"1ber ... 1882 WATER'S FINE -Matthew Trobridge, 4; Chelsie Stevens, 2; and Mike Ferrante, 4, seem · more interested in splas~ around in a oool o.111 ............ .., Ndwd It pool than learning how to use kick boards at beginner's swim class at the Orange Co t YMCA, Newpart Beach. Frisbee fans to perfe ct fling ;I I . Smi th sonian prese,its disc worksh ops, exhibitions >.. thouaanda of people gather Sunday on the NatloriiTMall in Wash.lnP>n. lhey will find the sky filled with hundreds of brightly colored sptnnlng dlaca. 0 But spectators won't need to run fo.r 'f'Ver. The event ls the "big throw," the grand finale of the Smithsonian Institution's annual Frisbee Diac Festival, the world's largest non-competitive diac event. Sponaored by the National Air and Space Museum. the fatival includes much more than this maaslve fling. Featured during the festivities will be workshope and exhibitions of dlac tricks and moves by dlac champions -both the hwnan and canine kind. It's a day when young and old, novice and expert, can learn or perfect the tosses and catches that make Frisbee disc play one of America's favorite peatimea. The festival was begun in the spring of 1977 at the su~estlon of Bill Good, a meml>er of the museum a art department staff and a Frtabee diac enthusiast. '"rh& S_JnltNonian was already holding annual kite and bOomerang fettivals," Good recalla. "I thought the Frisbee Disc Festival would be an appropriate addition. And as for th.e air and space connection, a dlac ls really a combination of an airplane wing and a gyroecope.'' Explalna Donald Lopez, chairman of the muaeum's aeronautlca department, "A diac has an airfoil shape -sllahtly rounded on the top and flat on the bottom. '!"he ah.ape gives lt lift when it'• moving, the rotatioo keepe lt stable and the angle at which it ii thrown gives it dl.rection." "The faster the forward motion of a Frisbee diac and the geater ltl atUtude (the angle at which it fllea), the greater the Utt and the longer the flight, .. Frt.abee dlac exper1ll Mark Danna and Dan Poynter write ln "Frisbee Players' Handbook." "It'• the same princlple u an aiJ'plaM'1 wing. When the world scope (10 point• fpr HCtl quetl4->n •n•wered eorrec:Uy) 1 Mlllttry forces from the United Statet, France, and .. 1 .• supervlMd the evacuation of the Pl.O forces from Lebanon. a-luly b-Ja~n c-West Germany 2 Durln1 the Pl.O withdrawal from Beirut, the Lebanese Parliament elected a new President, Buhlr Ciel'Nlyel. Ciem.yel follows the tradi- tion that Lebanon's President Is a (CHOOSf ONE: Christian, Moslem) leader. • leading edge of a forward moving wing is Uk4t upward-., air is compressed underneath.it. When~ s~ ot a Frisbee disc slows, the diac levels •tr because the air Rressure above and below l becomes the same. An entire vocabulary has grown up toe some of the nuances of Frisbee diac aerod but even the experts admit that the preci aerodynamic buia of why a dlac can "fly" has yet But Frisbee aficionados needn't worry a , be explained. ' ~ physics and aerodynamics as they practl perfecting their disc skills at the festival workshope. Beginners will concentrate on the hist toss and catch ikills, which, once mastered, are W1ef1 to perform more ,dvanced moves. • Intermediate and advanced workshops focus~ "fancy tricks," Incl "nail delays," where dlac spins on the nail ~e index finger, and" rolls," which involve rolling the disc from one h.u1' acroa the body, down the other arm and into ,i» opposite hand. The object of all these maneuven. of courae, ts t9"'keep the disc spinning, ...and -11 advanced moves are guaranteed to impress any audience a diac spinner can muster. Workahope will be followed by freestyle tAd canine exhibitions -the most popular eventa at tJie festival. The freeatyle po~on features World ClMa Frtabee Disc Champion.a, who combine dance step with dlac moves to create a unique perforrname' involving grace, style and dlac play expertise. Amid all this tossing, catching, leaping atlfi continuous spinning, at least one pie tin alw~ turns up in the act.. a noeta1gic llnk to what ICQe people claim are the Oligina of the Frisbee dlac - the Frisbie Pie company of Bridgeport , Conh. Shortly after World War II, ao the story goea, YOUJ)8 men at Yale University are said to have t09111P empty pie tins aero. the campus yelllna ''Friable" in an attempt to Wan\ fellow studenta of a poMble onslaught. . Aa1wer1 appear (apslde down) beneatlt qal1 l Con1rwi-passed President Reagan's $96- bllllon tax bill desl1ned to fl1ht the l;udaet deficit. TRUE OR FALSf: The bill reduced the number of weeks worbn can re<'elw unemployment benefits. 4 Followln1 ~uqe of the tax blll, the New York Scodt Exdlanse had Its buslat week ever, with 455 million shares ctianaln1 hands. By ~·send the price of an ayera,. shve had (CHOOSf ONE: dropped, risen). • news picture lC I With the la'lest forel1n debt In the Third World, •. l .. pined a tckiay extension on loans totalln1 S1G-bllllon from 115 banb In various countries, lndudlng the U.S. •·Brull b-~laerla c·Mexlco (10 ,..,_ II pou can '-'"Y "* ,..._ In the ""'9) I As l1rael1s Mlnl1ter of Oefef' ... some people hold me penonally telpC>Nlb&e for the destruction and deaths In Lebenon. I have claimed the Pl0'1 "unparallejed defut" will make h lmpoetll* for that Ofllt\ltetlon to prldlce tefl'Ofhm ••In. Who em n ( ........................ , . 1-dhput• 'f" ... "". IH!chlbit . 4-Mnd out ptt>mpcly (10 point• II~°" -ltlte queetlon eornetty) Thousands of Palestine Ubefatlon Orpnlutlon fiahten like these recently left families ~ln611 they boarded trudts ~ took them out of Lebanon. The PLO members were dispersed to Mwral Mideast countries. Which of the followlna nations d~ NOT receive any PLO fl1hten from West Belrutl 1-fgypt b-lraq c-Algerl1 · peoplewald1/sporflid1t (2 poln .. fOf .. eh quetllon ltll-.cl COft.CH~) 1 Sobhuu II, klnaofSwullandfor mofethan60ye1n,lsdead ap IJ. The only other monarch In modern times to ref9n for six decades was .. r .. of Enaland, who ~led from 1137 to 1901); 2 Aho dead at ... 86 Is Loyal Divis, well-known .. l •• and stepfather of First LAdy Nancy lh! .. an. a-writer b-su'leon c-archhect . lJ J In Edwardsvtlle, llflnoft, Hector ZeYlllot end hh wit. W..- freed 1her beln1 kidnapped and held for nine dayt by ttMt Army of Ood. 1 terrorltt 1roup that oppotes (CHOOSf ONf:"t abortion. nude1r armament). ~ 4 fonnet' U.S. utronaut James lrwtn was lnjuNd 11i9htly white dlmbln1 alone on Mount Aruat In Tutkey, suppoaedly the lite of (CHOOSE ONE: Nolh11 Ark, the dty of Troy). I A• the U.S. Open pes underw1y In Flushlnt Meedowl. ...W. p1a,_. from thf'OUlhout the WOfld will be hopine to un.- the 1911 ~Int men'• 11n,1es chimp, .. ' .. •·Jimmy Connon b-john Mdntoe c:-<Ane ~ roundtable 'lfNIY ......... , ........ In b lnftual report the l'*'l'llttonal MoMtary Fund c:aHed lnfladon the ,._ ""'°""" eCGllOmk ptObMm netiOnt tac.. DD you ..,.., Why or why nad YOUR ICOflllr 11 to 100~t1 -TOP ~Oft·! et .. II,....._ -lllCtileftl. 1' .. M ,_.. -OeM. 11 •?I,...._ ... Pelf •..c.-. ...... Oran ~~~OO~UJ[~J • . r ' . ounty touch_ed by: Mother_ Teresa. aood work of Mother Teresa, ren0wned lplric the destitute In India, hu 1pread to Q)unty. of Mother Teresa'• mllllonary brothers at a converted convent In Santa Ana, Ing 1lmple hoapllalUy to needy county et. 'We aee ourselves u a lut reeort," aid Brother of the Mmionary Brothen of Charity. "We a fourth vow to gfve aervice to the J>OQreSt of r , people with no money, no fnendai no ves, no re90urces, people who are down and • • They are (amilies living in squalor, and worae, dlllfare families who have migrated to the land of · pfiintae finding nothing at the end of the rainbow,' ~,t.:a1d. They end up living off the streets or 1n , T.cara. , -~ 11 0 ''i'hree years ago, the Missionary Brothers of Cbality established a honse in the Catholic Diocese of Orange to aid homeless families. Today, they provide food and shelter to as many as seven families at a time. "We also see ourselves as a first step for people," said Brother Jim. "We offer hospitality and the love of Christ. We give them what they n~ to get their teet back on the ground. As soon as ~ get their first welfare payment or paycheck, we ask them to leave to make room for someone else." >!~tn addition to providing temporary homes, the ers also distribute hundreda of pounds -of , rice, bread and other staples to poor families week. Until recently, the brothers conducted kM' distributi~m twice a week at the house. Up to 80 recipients waited in line for food. Services 8:30 A.M. & 10:15 A.M. CorOftO cMI Mor Hi9h School, 2101 E011bluff Of., CorOftO cMI M.or "Many Are CaHed Bat Few Ge t lfl'! T im T immona, Speak ing • For Info: Call 644-1350 • • If It's got e handles • you'll grab a sale • faster in • Dally PIJot e classlfl9d e ads.call • 642·5678 . .... ;. Now, however, the brothers have arranged for food to be taken to the homes of needy famJUes. "By rule of the Ord~r." Brother Jim explained, "we shouldn't wait for the poor to come to ua: we shoul~ aearch for the poorest.'' Like the. people they serve, the brothers live humbly and meagerly, relying on donations of food , clothing and other Uving expenses for themselves and those they serve. · They have no telephone, television 'or . automobile. Volunteers provide ltan.sportaUon for distributions. Referrals are made by charity agencies, the police or anyone who knowa about a needy family. ( Founded by Mother Teresa in-Calcutta in 1963, the Missionary Brothers of Charity has a membership of about 350 worldwide. Aft.er the Communists took over the Order's houses In Saigon In 1975, five brothers came to Los Angeles where they opened a novitiate, a home for runaway boy..11 and a hospitality house for street peo~ . These three houses and the one in Sant.a Ana are the on~ Missionary Brothers' houses in the United Staie,. Brother Jim came from the hospitality house to Santa Ana last December. Hell the superior of the house and.has the title of Local Servant. o4 fMWpof1 lleecf\ •IMM (fleform) HIGH HOLY DAV SERVICES at 1011 Camelbectt ftoad (off JamborM) Newpof1 BMch SELICHOT SERVICES Sat. Sept. 11 ............................................................... 11 p.m. RQSH HASHANAH 'F'rl. Sept. 17 .............................................................. 8 p.m. Sat. Sept. 18 ...................................... -.................... 10 a.m. Children's Service ................................................. 1:30 p.m. YOM KIPPUR Sun. Sai:.it. 28 (Kol Nldre) .......................................... 8 p.m. Mon., Sapt. 27 ........................... , ............................... 10 a,m. Children's Service ................................................. 1:30 p.m. Afternoon, Ylt:kOf' and Nellah (Closing) ..................................................... 3:30 p.m. ~ oonduotild "' ...... Man .. ...., AMlated bJ Ca11tor Ronald •van llordla lnfonMtton and noke4e: 714444-1111 - . Class set for· women A CAREER WOMEN'S Bible Chw will be conducted at 7 p.m. Mondays, beginning Sept. 13, at the Newport Balboa Savings Q)mmunlty Room, Newport Beach. The special eerlea iJJ designed to give blWcal anawera to the needt of .buainee. and profellfonal women. Presenting the sessions LI Adventure With the Bible Inc., a non-profit organlzaUon baled in San Juan Capistrano. I TEMPLE ISAIAH ot Newport Beach will have a Havdalah aervice at 7:30 tonight at the Corona del RllllilDUS IDTIS Mar State Beach. • The temple also will present an evenlna of music, dance, entertainment, discussion and philosophy Sunday at 7:30 p.m. at the Oakwood Gardens Clubhouse,...Nawport Beach. Aaron D. Berkowitz and Peretz Greenwa)d, Lubavitcher rabbis, will discuss the Lubavitcher way of life. A NEW non.denominational ch~, the South Coast Church, will have its first meet at 10 a.m. Sunday at the South Coast.Plaza Hotel, ta Mesa. The Rev. Ernie Nyland will give the sennon. The church Is affiliated with the United Church pf Religious Science an(1 teaches the science of mind. 1'EMPLE ISAIAH OF NEWPORT BEACH CONSERVATIVE HIGH HOLY DAY 8ERVICE8 AT NEWPORT HARBOR LUTHE1'AN CHURCH 191 DoYet DffN, ... wport llMch ftabbl Robert Jeremlatl 9ergman 'nMPLE CHOlfl ROSH HAIHANAH Friday, September 17 ....................................... 8:00 P.M. Sawrday, Septeml>er 18 .................................. 9:00 A.M. Sunday, September 19.................................... 9:00 A.M. Chlldren'a services both duya ......................... 11:30 A.M. KOL NIDRE Sunday, September 26.................................... 7:00 P.M. YOM KIPPUfl Monday, September 27 .................................... 9;00 A.M. CHIL.DMM'I llflYICll ....................................... 3:00 P.M . Mlnhatl, Ylzkor Memorlal Service and N'E.iah Conclualon .................................. 3:30 P.M. '°" M M flYAT10NI CALL Ml llOO or Ml-7512 Orange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY "Yau've Tried the rest, NOW try ttHJ BEST/" Rev. Dr. EIMnor C. Jeckeon -ThougM Clw1lllM ~ NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CttURCH Sunday Serv1c:e & Junlof Church 15th & lrvtne. Newport Beach 10-.30 A.M. "l!ARN TO THINK llG'' Church Office: 1929 Tu1tln. Coate M•N • ,.._._.,._,_.._ .. --~ DW A .11111111 eM tM1 lit CtuCH of REU6IOUS SCDCE OF EIPOIT BEACH ...... Cllwdt IMitM Clwdl !' ......... ~ CIUBRATION OI' LR . . RRYICa 1CtOO A.M. @)' lu'""'r khe.e-OllW c;.;. " • "Al• Yov Doin9 Your -~ Life's Wortc?" .... lv"'1.. "~t-A!Hn .... tion" -760-0504 1011 Comelaodc, Newpett leach ..i. . • , .... , ....... ....., . • -Dhcter • M.rte ........ 7.o..f474 hurch of St. Matthew by the Sea (T~~ ~OL Y COMMUNION • Each Sunday -9:00 AM . (Book of Common Pnmyer • 1928) ,• I MERTZ HALL . ~f Community Congregational Church ; 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar TM Rev .... ..,.. "°"'*' -112·2201 ' ' ' ' I I ST. JOHN'S THE EPl9COPAL CHURCH .. C08TA •SA .., ......... Onnte ....... Holy Eucharist 9 :00 lnfont ond aw c.. C~llATIC 111AU ....... ....., ef ... .._. -'111 P.11. TlllMllJ -... A.II....., .......... ...................... °"°' ..... ,,.. ............... ...., ....... _,....,...., · 1E..-r w.-WTillM CIUCH ,... a..·Dr. ."'°"' llAOM ....., .................... ...... A. .... ....... WORSHIP SERVICE : ...................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 1:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. _,, ..... .... WIL.CO.. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES llMHCHE8 °' T .. MOTltUI Cf«.W:M. THI AMT CHUflCH °' CHN9T, 8CIENn8T IN llOSTOfl. ~ "MAN" Sunday, S.pt. 5, 1912 Coate MeN -Flrat Church of Chrl1t, 8clentlet --.·,_.ar .. c......._ c-...a....., ...... -11111A.ll. ............. --. ... Dr. t A.M.A:ll P.11. ........ 8eL Wed. f·flll P.11. -..... P.11. lnlne -'1nt Church of Chrlet, 8clent11t ......................... ", .............. •1 -.uluR (..._ Y•> c-... a.....,......, -111111 A.M. Reeding Room, aao 8arT9"Ca f'tlwy., lulte 141 ltOMl\unt Plau 10 A.M • ...:. 4 P.M. TUM. thru l at. 10 A.M. -7 P.M. Tituradar CMcJ i;w. -8'lncHy & w.ecin.ci• Huntington Bhch -Flret Church of Chrl1t, 8clentlat 1ettao1v~..._ C-... a If ...... -10IOO A.II. ....... ~--llelftlt. Newport Beech -Flrat Church of Chrlat, 8clentlat SIOI Vie Lido> ... wport • c'""°" a hftder lchoot -t:OO I 10:30 A.M. Reeding Room, 1115 Via Lido Mon. lhru 8at. -t A.M.-S P.M. Tuea. -1·1 P.M. CMd Cate ~OYICl.o Tueedeya -t .30· 1 f:llO A.M. !Of Study Time • Newport llHoh -Second Church of Chrl1t, 8clentlet ......... View Dr .. COfOM .. ... c....,. • ._.,..._._ ... A.M • ....... ...... - -....... c.... ..., .. C4M no. IV.NINO TRITIMONY MllTINQ8 - I P.M. ALL CHURC .. I All ere oordlelly ln\llted to attend the Cllhurcfl MMc:ea and enJOY the prlvltegw of the Aeedlng Aoom9 Chlld C-PrOYlded AT ALL SERVICES. Chld C... ,_"1d1d AT ALL lmmeal WESlllNSTER LUTtDAN CIUtCH 19t1-Aw. (Not to ... D1ete Prwj. a W ... •••tw ...._)' -WOR .... •RVICll -.. a 10IOO A.M. PMONa• 1111 Au .., .... ttlllNhfC~~-18M2 Buehard, Fountain Volley 963-3801 In .•••••• w ...... llCTOI No&, T Cata •llaM ••••..•.•..••••........... Ml A.M. 1A01t•• PIA-.Cl•CM ICMOOl •••.•••• till A.M. .MOlf:==•~·~: ... u11·•· ! · ...... ~ .... II A.N. . .... • .._.......,"''Milo SllMON Topic: Sept. 5th 9:00 a 10:30 A.M. "Learning In The New Age" CllBll Gf -ICDCl . ~ .... Ullllld ~ ................. -.-a .. Vl.LA9I UTI 41. ,_MAIN ITMIT HUNT1NCITON llACH, CA .... Ml* I Jt. a.nit '°' lofomlllllon to 1 tctlO ...,,., •• 11• A COROIAl WEl.COlllE FROM TIE lllTED CtUtCH OF CllllST COIMllTY CtutCH CONGREGATIONAL 111 Hellotrope Ave. C...del ... 144-7400 OOMtdW.ICuta. ...... tar 10 A.M. -.__, WonNp °"'"" lclllOol 11111 ~ c.. toaORHOOO CONGREGATIONAL CtUtCH Ml Sl """' ,.. It llllmyrt, l.111111 .... 494-IOll .... Ill IEllllLDS llMCAll(T ... ~ ...... ll Ul -S.., ... a.ro Sclllll ' ...., HARBOR CHRISTIAN CHURCH (Dteclp ... o4 Cfwtet) M011MMat8MttalNbel M1o-1111 Gene 8waneon, .......... Attend The Church of Your Choice IT. MARK PMIBYTRRIAN CHURCH ......... Dt ................ 1 ...... ...._ Rl!t.T_,w .... P9ator AnnlatePeetor Leele ............... .,.,...., Church School I Adutt Cl.--t :OO a.m • Worship Servtce -10:00 a.m. NUIMrJ Care at ......... ,., """' Cell M4-1141 A Corcll91 Welcome from The UNl'nD Ml!THODl8 CHURCH Coate Meaa NIT UNrnD MITHOOtlT CHURCH 19th St. & Harbor BtYd. c-....-...NO .......... ChatlM o. ci.rtt • ....., Cotta Meaa Nofth •IA YaRDS UNl'IWD MnHODIST CHURCH ................. ...... A.II, Dr ............ C"'"8T CHURCH Huntington a..ct1 '1MTUNlftD MTHODllT CHURCH 2721 17th 81. ~7 ...................... --ro..M ..... °'""" ....... _.. ...... tMlingtOft 8eeol'I North COMMUNITY UNlftD MnMODIST CHURCH .... Hall·-842"'4t1 --~ .... ..... ......., ......... BYTttmlU ,~~ 1.C:7.;1..,a:c"Blvd. "'8T D e7WIOI MITNODl8T CHUllCH "9¥. AoMrt lheperd Jr. 11121 ...,... a ....... ~....... -···· ... A.II. Or. c.t'rol I. Word, ..._ Wll ........... ...... • oa..11 ...... °": ·~- ' Thia Sunday Worship In IT. ANDRl!W'8 PRESBYTRRIAN CHURCH eoo St. Andrewa Road • Newport Bead'I • 831-2880 ., ..... A. ......... _ ...... Worship Services --8:45 and 10: 15 A.M. "What Se ems Bad Can Be Good" Df. John A. Huffman, Jf., preaching PROGRAMS 8:'45 1.m -Infants Thl'\I College '-10:15 a.m. -Infants Thru 8th Grade AK lttllplloe Ml an Community Pr•...,rt•rl•n Church 411 ,.,.., Ave.. Lajune het:h .._,,_ FWY. Arthur J. Tankeraley FWY. Craig Wllllema Worship -9:30 A.M. NURSEl'IY CARE llROVIOEO OURIHO SEl'IV10£ PRESBYTERIAN CtUCH Of TI£ COVENANT -,ana.w Rd., C..ta ..... -..., ... .,_. A. l(wt'te, .... .., Terry Mceanne, Direct« of Youth Mlnlatlea Howard Kllllon, Director of Adult Mlnletrlea Don Maddox, Director of Slnglea Mlnlatrlea 8uftdett WotaMp -NO a 10llOO A.M. CMtrcltt 8oMol -a.ldren ltwu Adulle 11111 A.M. Nunery oar......_ .. -.. a 11111 A.Iii. Y ...... -NIP.11. CHURCH OF CHRIST 117 w ........ Ceela ......... , We're A ~~vd'1ow11:g Ctluroh _,. 8TUOY t A.II. WOMHIP •A& a I P.11. .10 A.M. -"The Deptti Of tlJh l'tlcts" -.... 52.69 6 P.M. -COCH SOVICES fleul Themea, .......... -D ... cee., y_. ....... m SHIR HA-MA 'ALOT HAMOR MPORM ft...u .. .......... ,...., '"""'4..,...... lrtl , .... ,. A t ' Pftl,....,......... WP& AMiii hmard P, King Jembol• & ~Or. Mullc: Arte 8hlkter ............. Clllf. Eduoator: Nancy LM'I flet t11tnweaw ....... ,.. ,,...,...... ...... • I .It's not far to Timblictoo Califo~nia • in T~BUCTOO, <;allf. (AP) - You can akip a long trip to A!rlca and atill boast that you've been from "here to Timbuctoo11 -by driving th.rough what's left of a once booming California mother lode town. , What's left lsn't much -only a crumbling Wells F a rgo building. Flre destroyed Timbuctoo'a two hotela, aix boarding houses, eight saloons, a church and other structures after the now nearly forgotten town slipped Into a decline in' the 1870s. But Jim and Jacqueline Ashenbrenner, who bought the Yuba River townsite 2 ~ years ago, _hope to restore the brick and atone Wells Fargo building and eventually put up replicas of some other structures. "It's hard when you're doing it w i t h o u t m o n e y • ' 't s a y s Ashenbrenner. "But w e would like to re-create the gold mining industry as it was then, and maybe in the distant future rebuild a lot of the old town. 11 Mrs. Ashenbrenner says that IO far the venture is a hobby that could mushro·om into a full- blown h istoric r estoration project. The couple now divides time between a southern California business and work at the townsite just east of MarysvWe. One of the first things done to the town by Ashenbrenner, who runs a commercial diving and diving s upplies business in Reseda, was to put up a tall mesh and barbed wire fence around the old Wells Fargo building to k eep out vandals and "treasure-hunters." The building was Intact until the 1960s, but since then bricks and foundation stones have been carted off, a fire has charred roof timbers, two walls were knocked out and a third has a gaping hole In it. An iron door also is missing. ' ''We're trying to protect the place from those who are trying to destroy it totally," Ashen brenner says. "The fence is to keep out the ttetaure-hunten. 11 The t1n roofed structure, built in 1855, now aita amid tall weeda and oak trees. Nearby, Blg • .Ravine Creek, choked with wild blackberrlea and polaon oak, flows into the Yuba. lt was here, 80 the'story goee, that white miners found a black miner busy wlth a pick and shovel. He was eith er from Timbuktu -the ancient center of Ial.amic study in the great Mall e mpire ln Africa -or he reminded them of an old song, "For' h e was a rnan from Timbuctoo." The name stuck, and wlth the start of hydraulic mining In about 18~4. the boom was on. Wi~ a few years there were up to '3,5001 people ln town. ( Ashenbrenner says that information on five mines operating in the area shows about $10 million ln gold a year was produced at Timbuctoo's peak, when it was the largest town in eastern Yuba Countl. Scarred hills around the town attest t o extensive use of hydraulic miners' water cannons. Now there are only a few small h ouses in the Sie rra Nevada foothill area around ther old town, located in low, brown hills only a few miles from where the hills give way to the flat, fertile Sacramento Valley. Tne road to Tlmbuctoo is unmarked, narrow and potholed. A main r oad to n earby Marysville, just north of Sacramento, runs nearby. But motorists on the main road aren't likely to notice the old townsite. All that now marks the town is a rusted, nearly illegible metal marker put up years ago. Local historic preservation groups worked off and on over the years to lsave Timbuctoo, but history bu'ff Anita Laney of Marysville s ays that until the Ashenbrenncrs got the property nothing much had been done. Neither former owners n or local government officials were interested in the effort, she said. A champion at I 00 Fair exhibitor finally wins ribbon LINCOLN, Neb. (AP) - P ersistence has paid off for 100-year -old Emma McCamley. After five years of trying, she has achieved that m<l6l elusive of goals for Nebraska State Fair exhibitors -a grand champion · purple ribbon. In each of the years since 1976 that she has entered exhibits in cross-stitch, c rocheting or embroidery, McCamley has won ' f!rke, &~\.'1h'c 1hr11 ~'Jll •• lrJ 11nJa11~'1 h•1411.1n1h~11 on h:111J. purple ribbons but not the grand championship. But recen Uy, the Lincoln woman won the special ribbon for being the 1982 !air's oldest winning exhibitor. On Aug. 15, about 60 of her relatives, including her eight grandchildren and 10 great-great grandchildren, got together to celebrate Mrs. McCam.ley's lOOth birthday. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /81turday, 8eptember 41 1882 OUT OF PAST -Tpurlsts explore the home of the post commander ~t Fort Davis National Historic Site, wttere ........... visitors are treated to a taste of frontier life in the late 18~,W. ' . .o )(> GhQ~ts troop line at lf.ort ·Davis :; FORT DAVIS, Texas (AP) -The fort was abandoned wht!n "In~ the 1930s, people would "A big part of our /'ob~ Bugles blare to assemble the the soldiers left to fight in the move into these houses wHlle kee ping the visitors o f t~ troops. The sound's of clopping Civil War in 1861. When fedetal they were waltln¥, to get their ruins" McChristian said. ',, '9:i hooves and tramping feet grow troops returned in 1867, the fort own houses built,' McChristlan ' ~· closer and closer, mingling with had been wrecked and burned by said. ''One of the reasons they are Durj.ng the summer. emplo the'"Sl'ioais-um~~ot th Indiahs:-In pretty gooa col\offfon is-ana vOJUnteers in period ~P fort adjutant. , because they were occupied so staff the more im port~ The adjutant reads a message New stone and adobe long. But d\Jring the '30s, the structures at t he fort a from President Ulysses S. Grant, structures were built and housed roofs were really beginning to describe what life at the ~ ordering flags at. half staff for soldiers until the fort was closed crumble. People were coming post was like. vl ~ former President Andrew in 1891. over and scavenging material. "In the officer's kitchen, .-- Johnson, who has died. "It was bypassed by the "Without the roofs, windows example, we have a servant But the parade ground at Fort railroad," sahs McChristian, a and doors, the walls were left to who talks about the servants Davis rema1ns still. There are no d · " h •"' · · te historian w o speciaUzea in etenorate. ow u1ey were m a caa a troops -only tourists and frontier military his'"ry. ''There In 9608 from the officers," Mc:£h · ghosts "" the 1 , the government 'd It's 'an eerie flashback to the were no more hostUe Indians in began a partial restoration of the 981 • past. all designed by the National the area. There was no reason to buildings.. replacing the roofs "She gives & lesson in t Park Service to give visitors a keep a post here." · and, in some cases, the porches. sociology of the frontier. I feel of what life was like at a The buildings of the· fort Building.s that were beyond subtle. She doesn't announc mlli tary pos t : The sounds remained ln use by settlers in the repair were left in their original 'We're going to have sociolo di · now•.•• -wafting across the empty parade area for ~a.J?Oth~r: 40 years. 0011 tipp. field come from s peaker!i .-----------.-----------------------------concealed in one of the vacant buildings. "Hail Columbia" and "The Star Spangled Banner" are played through the empty structures. B e hind those buildings, the Davis Mountains rear stony fingers that dwarf the gravestones . of the cemetery below. "We think the sound track adds a touch of realism to the fort," says par.K k S. uperintendent Douglas McChristian. "Last year, we had about 71,- 000 visitors," he said. ''Yo/e're up 15 percent over that so far this year. People are adjuating to the price of gasoline and Caking shorter trips." The fort sits ln a wide canyon in the rugged mountains, within the city limits of the town of Fort Davis. Visitors expecting a movie set fort surrounded by a wooden stockade are disappointed. Fort Davis was first estab,lished in 1854 to provide protection for travelers on the Lower Road west to El Pa.so. The first fort began as temporary sfrllctures of pine and canvas. Later, a few stone structures were built~ Celebrate Labor Day Weekentf At E.T. Phone Home Appearing Fri. I lat. fr•• 1 , •• ~ -UTZ I JIMMEIS "E.T.? Where are you?" S.1. 2 , ...... , ••• I • , ..... 1111111 -UVE .HYE "I have landed at Huntington Center on Planet Earth. I'll be here to meet the kids on Sun. from noon to 2 p.m." ..... , 2 , ••• t• 1 , ••• -SIYUR BROTHERS I fr•• I P·•· -LIVE .HYE 2406 NEWPORT BLVD. NEWPORT BEACH A Labor Day Weekend Famil Event Coming Sept. 6 and e to Orange Coast Coftege auditorium at 8 p.m. Advanc. ticket• for 17 available at the OCC ticket office, 556-5527. Ticket• on night of pertormanoe .. SI at the gate. Event co-aponlCrid by 0r.,. Coat College end ~ co.et o.lly Ptlot . .. • The Up With People Show la an Internationally acclaimed cast of more than 100 young people who sing and dance their way Into your heart, with music from home .and abroad. Don't mlaa thf8 chance to see thla beaut~ Qhoreographed, colortul fe1tlval of mualc. Cl) Wt4A T'I UP AMENCA , .. lllfeel: a ICl\ool IC» 1111111men. the AJrny 01 the Mute:. oH-roedrilclog wlth · tNI ml.l(ldlta Inc( their eoepeG•\>P b_ugglff, lh• rNI Andy Kaufma/\... CC)MOVll: • • • * * .. lady Ta••• A Chance" ( 19•3) John way,,.. Jean Arlhor A woman finds an unw1111ng candidate •f9r morrlag• while huaband-hunttng In HOGAN'S HEROES SUMMER SEMESTER SERENDIPITY TEEHTALK. llhl~~ .. t 9~EE~ OF JAZZ -t}la Fitzgerald is JOmed m ~ncert by Count Basie, Joe Pass, Roy Eldridge and Zoot Sims tonight at 9 on KCEI' (28). f'AMIL Y AFFAIR &ATUROA"Y MOANING GRAPEVINE I PJJ8UC AFFAIRS PERSP£CTIVI! TWO DANGEROUS W>IES . Two apine-tlngllng leles ol IWO beauUIUI and myall!ft· ous ladles: one auspectec:I of proc:t+c:mg the ocx:ult. Ille other a wealthy woman ·on ·11 strangly deserted la land • NEWS DUSTY'S TRttHO\J$l: I THArSCAT PACESETTERS SUM CUISINE WATCH YOUR MOUTH • CAPTIONED ABC "NEWS .()) VOICE OF AQAICUL T\JRE · 1 ·IT'S YOUR BUSINESS 1 DR. SNUGGLES MOVIE • • .. Greased ~lghtnlng .. (111771 RK:h8'd Pryor, a.au Brldoe& Altllf World War II. • text drtVer t>ecornet the llrsl black champion In the history of \ha roce-cAJr circuit ·pa· g SPOTLIGHl PREVIEW , 1 Host Robert Osborne took• at the movies. specl els •11d sports eve<tlS com ~up on SPOTLIGHl CZJ MOVIE •• * ••8f.eathle$S .. ( 1961) Jean Sebe<g, Jean-Paul Belmondo An Amartcan woman has a tragic allalr wllh a happy-go·luct..y crook 1:00 8 KIOSWOALO II Q! THE FµNTs-TOHES I BIG BWE MARBLE 9 SUPERFRIEHOS .DAVEY ANOOOUAn. OAOOVIE OOOUES AAST P£RSON · • YOOA FOR HEAL TH Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR t:mMOVIE • • * .. Jack The Giant Killer· ( 191i2) K•rwln Mathews. Judi Meredith Alter rescuing tile kong a daughter from a huge m()(later, a young rarm lad la rewerded lor his hero· lam Cl) FRACTURED FUCKERS .MOVIE * • .,., .. The Mysterious Stranger.. ( 1982) Chrla Mall~. Fred Gwynne A daydreaming Mtuourl boy lane-an encoontllf with an angel or dublOY• origin ln:medleval Austria 7:30 8 MR. MOON'S MAGIC CIACUS I Q!SMURFS OR. SNUGGLES (II RICHIE RICH I 9C008YOOO I °"Vftv ANOOOUAn. BIG BLUE MARBLE Cl) INTERNATIONAL HOUR (l)MOVIE • • .. Hanger 18" ( 11180) Darren . M<:G&Vln .. Robert Vaughn Retearcher11 et a tiecret government 1n11a1- lat1on lnvas1tgate the c:ause ol a Slltelhte s sud den destrucik>n ·PG •:oo I ()} POPEYE ~ MOVIE . •"' "tieart Ol The Rio G.tande.. ( 19•21 Gene Autry, Sarah Pedden. A aloglng cowboy he!p1 1 widow tum her ranch ~nto a.money~lvng venture I MAVE:Ala< MOVll! • • • "The Borrow.a' P973) Eddie Alberl, Tem- my Grlmea. A ttny f11mlly Ill/Ing uildar rile floor. boer.d• of a country hOUM borrow odds and end• from ·v-1" people to lur. nlett their hOme • IATUADAY ~GRAPEVINE ·!= * ,, ''Agency" ( 198 \) Rob· erl Ml~ •. LM Majora. The ,_ heed of • mafor Anlaflcan aovenr11nq firm "-a cnllctren'• bt'Mktaat drink cempalgn to tr8DM!lt IMll*nlnal polltleal - fD FAUST Th8 tegand ot Doctor Faust. who sold hll soul to the devil ror knowledge and power 111 preHntad H a mar1one11e telopley (C)MOVIE * * • • The Way We Were ( 1973) Barbra Streisand. Rob8rt Redford A young colloge couple 1n the 19301 discover thal then pollhClll Cl1tlerences are strQng enough to jeop- ardize their m11rrl804t tHn~ovr£ * flt .. Breakthrough .. ( 1979) R1charel Burton Rod Ste•oer A Nazi _: gaant bee~ embt'Olled ma ptot to asaau1net1 Hit- ler ·pa· O MOVIE . * .... Rock 'N' Roll High School .. ( 191g1 P J Soles. Vmcent Van Patten A budding songwriter at Vince Lombardi High tires 10 get tne Ramones to record har music while her equelly omb1ttous lrtend pursuas the sch004 heart- throb PG • 11:00 0 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER fl®) LAVERNE & SHll\LEY 0 WILD, WILD V!ORLO OF ANIMALS a> ERNEST ANGLEY 9:30 IJ (I) BUGS BUNNY I ROADRUNNER a a s PIDER-MAN 0 OZZIE ANO HARRIET fl (!; HEATHCLIFF & MARMADUKE 0 WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS ID THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL flil ARTS '82 '1!) CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW Cl)PUftUE Melba Moore. Robert Gull- 1 au me and Sherman Hemsley ore featured tn a performance ol the hit · Broadway musical based on Our• DIVIS I pley Purlte Victorious 9:45 rt) MOVIE * *' > Momm1a Dearest {19811 Faye Ouneway. Oi•· na Scarwld Fortres film star Joan Crawford ralSeS her two adopted children 1n a domestic atmosphere that vo11es from tu•urrous comforl to sadlSttc drsc:I· ptme PO t0.00 0 Qt SPACE STARS 0 SHANAN.A fl mtJ THUNOARR I GOLOIEOOU> 0 MOVIE I * * Yaqui Drums' ( 1957) Ro<I Cameron Marv Cu· tie ID AMATEUR BOWLERS', TOUR II) B08~ES &ii nos OLD HOUSE '1!) VOTER'S P1P£UNE The MaglC t;uti. Explo- ratory learn•llQ Center .. Jim Cooper d•tcovera this spe<:1a1 ch1t<1re1,.a learning cent11< which hOYses t"8 natur at htstory and history ol-O•~County <HJ INSIDE THE NFL COhosts Len OaWM>n and "Itek Buorncont1 pr-I "'ijhkghll ol the previous weell s pro rootbeH ectlon and 1nterv-11 with pl•'l'f'• and coachea 10:30 0 AMERICA'S TOP T£H G) NASL SOCCER KJCt<S fD SQUARE FOOT · G.A.RDajlNQ 89 SESAME STREET (R) Ee>MOVIE * * "Sh1pwr9dl" (11171) Robert log•n. Mllckl Jaml- aon-Otson A wid-. hl9 two daughter11. a reporter and a runaway are 1trand- ed on an lllOlated Iatan<! alter encOYllt8flng a "'4o- lenl 1torm a1 MA ·o· U TOMORROW'S MOVIEMAKERS A Hllctlon of ftard--#lfl. ntog student lllmtl lrOlfl tome of today•• top, young fit1J>mak8ft ere P<•Mnted, 11:15 8 BASUAU. New York YanlC-at Kan· 11aC1tyRoyata • TAAZAH 8 @WW<ENO SPECIAL ::r,:;:~· . r;,;;u;. AffZAH I LONE ... ,ICID 8UPEA I l'OW8' "°"" ··=-/HAPPY .. Thi Winged eott·· A boy alld 11111 UllC44I find then\. HIVll IM conlUMd ~ .,. ol a coll born With wtnga. (Part 3)(R)Q DA~ • kNXT (CBSI e 'l<NB( CNBCI • KTl.A (Ind.I l<AfK: CABCI JiFMB ICBS) 104.J. TV (\nd I 'i&ar CABC) ICTTV II !Id. l • KCOP·TV (IJJid,I ltCfl IPIS) KOCI; tP8SI • • SOUL TRAIN 0 OnTV <Z l TV II HBO IC CClntm.i~I 1•1 CWORI NV .NV •OI CWTBSI •Ill CESPHI 1• tSNwtfMtJ • $PGCllQflt • CCAllle Hew\ N•l-rl.J .., ROBIN HOOD Frier Tuclc ollars Robin, Will and Ralph •heller In the rorut. Robin and Llllle John dec;tde lo join their two band• (Pan 5) 1 SI MICROWAVE COOKERY (l!BASE8AU. Regional coY41fage ot New York YankNI at Kan11• City Royals or HOY11lon A1tro1 at PhJllldetphle Phll· Hos (IDMOVIE * • '\ .. Mommle Oeareat.. 1 ( 198t) Faye Dunaw1y, Ola· na S<;a(wid F0t1le11 him 11ar Joan Crawford rel- het two aooptld chlldr8tl 1n • domestic etmoaphlra tnat verlea from lu•unOU11 comfort to aadlltlc dlec:l- pllne ·PG' DMOVIE * * "The Hating" ( 1917) Jell East, Btid Devit. TM membe<s of a p1eatiglou• college fratetn11y attempt to hide the death ol a n during haWlQ ·PO' tt:~8 BLACKSTAR fl AMERICAN BANDSTAND 0 WILD, WILD WEST G) ROBIN HOOO M arton helps Robin escape after which he leads • ratd on Prine. Johns stave labor can1p (Patt 8) tm MAOICOFOtL PAINTING ~ MISTER ROOERS (R) AFTERHOON t 2:00 8 Cl) TENNIS .. U S Open" Covwage ot -ly round mat~ lrom the Unllld States Tennla AUOCIBtton Netlonal • T ...,. n111 Centar. Fluahlng Meodows·Corona Park, N V. 9 LOST IN SPACE ID MOVIE * " * Ale•andet·s Rag- time Band" C 1938) Tyrone Po-AlicA Fave ., n.E ROOKIES &I RICK'S ANIMALS '1!) ELECTRIC COMPANY ~MOVIE **'•"Never Never lend" I f98 I) Petula Clark. Cath· lean Nesb•ll A 9-~-old grrt ncepes her tonalineas by rantastzlng about adventures With Pel« Pan ·G Cl) WACKY WORLD Of' JOHATHAN WINTERS Oue11t Jackie COOl)ef (%)MOVIE * * * "9 To 5 .. (1980) Jene Fonda. Dolly Parton Three worklllg women rebet egalhst theif aubju- gatron by a male c:halMnltt boU PG' 1'2:30 8 POATRArT OF A LEO ENO "Melt Sedake" G MOVIE ··~"Tale Of Gold" (1g551 Clayton Moore, Jay Sii· verheela • • VIC IAACIEH'S TEHNaS FOR THE FVTVM "Condittonlng .. Vic 8'8!dln dlmOna~I" flYe Import• int •••el-guwantMd 10 take you from "hutt and pull" to "win and grl11 ·• (R) i VILLA ALEGRE (R) Q QI KIOSWOAU> (C)M6VIE * * '• "Urban Cowtxly" ( tllllO) Johll Travolta, Debra Winger. A ~ lar worker wllO fanclea hlmHU 1 modern-day cowbOy falls In low wflh a girt he meell In a populer coun1ry-and-w'eatem bar. 'PG' (l)MOVIE • • .. Treeaura lllland" (1972J Orton Wlllea, Kim Bvrfltld A courageoue boy jolll1 the Inf.,,_ pirate Long John Sltwr In ICOUt· Ing the MU for alltpt car- rying bounty worth lleal· 11·~ * * * "Bleclcl>Qtrd Jutt· gle" I 1955) O'-' ~Ofd, Anne Francie. A dedicated young 1~ att4m1>t1 to reatore Ofdtr In a b!O-Clty lrllnlog KhOOI ..... ,. l"l\•ftge ~ and •ldence have lallen root. t:OO I THI MUN8TIM MOVll • * * '.t "Tile Sir~ Wllh· In" (11174) •8afbat• Eden 080fge Orimlfd. • • MOVll • * .. American EmJ>k'•'' (IM2) Prnton F091«, AieMICI Dix. ·~ "!nergl.ZlnO YM I~· ment1" -~T01"1 9'CY Tlle ... loll~MCI ..00..~ llletonw °' two T •~ lfldlln 1r1Ma -.. Al•b•mu •nd uie COlltfllllH ere ' r:-:·-" ,. .................. II '01111111 HHplf1t ', r lnl1rvl•w• wllh ClltfVI Lldft, Jnan 00Mlr11, ~ lchroder. Joh11 OHM vet" ind M11loll Ro11 1'M . MftOOP • NOVA • Ammal 1rnoo11ort " T,.,. rarnarkellll lormt of d«lel)tlOn uNd by both prt0ttor1 And lhelr Inland ed vicllmt • lo eel or lvold blMng Hien • •rt e.amlned (R)O CH) &NIAi( l'llllVllW Hoal 1.~trel Htrrlt too111 1 1111141 movlet, ~· tnd IPOfll 1tYt11111 c;orntng up on Home Sox Ofllce (Q)MOVll • * "The lncradlble Voy- age Of SU11Qray" c 19851 Puppelt Capl Troy Ta.-n- pe11 Ind thlt rnlghlY 11)11> SllllQrtV try to llOP lht tvll ... lord, llta11, from 1aklog over the world 2:00 II Wl8T!AH OUTOOOASMAN • GILUOAH'S 18LANO Cl MOVIE • • ·~ "The Big Land" I 19571 Aleo L1dd, Vtcolnla Mayo • MOVI! • • ·~ "Alter The Fo•" ( 1966) Petit Sefl8fl, Victor M•lura. CID OOYSSEV "Maasat Women" The rote ol wo"'-n amoog the Ma8.Sal of Ketlya, a paato- ral aoctel~ 111 which ca111e are lhe Jnl lll aource or 1uatenence 1nd wealtn, 11 eaplored (Ric;> (II MOVIE * * '"' "The E .. cut1oner" I 1970) George Peppard. Joan COiiin• 8 MARY TYLER MOORE <HJ MOVIE • • "Greallad Lightning" ( 1977) Richard Pryor, Beau Brldgea. Alter Wortd War II, e tul driver t>acomett lt•e.111.ll tit.ck champf9nJ the htatory or Ille rece-car circuit •PQ' (l)MOVIE * * "Action Of The Tiger" ( 1957) Van JohnlOll. Mar- tina Carol An Amer1c:an edventur8f'a path cro- that or a glamorou1 femele. CZ)MOVIE * • .. The Water Babl88" ( ttl79) Animation and hve acllon Jemea Muon A couregeoua young bdy saves 1averal playlut ocean creatur88 lrom the wrath of litid8'water --mies. 2:30 II INSIOHT A rock 1lnger'1 cer- lleada downhill until he 11ar1s collabOlatlng with a black jenllor 8 GILLIGAH'S 18LANO 8 RICH MAH. POOA MAH:900KI The llYM of the Jordadle bfolh1t11 (Peter Str.uaa, Nlek Molla) crou tor the last Ume H a.ploslve event11 Mal their O.atlnlea. • IRS.ANO: A TELEV18ION HISTORY "R1a1ng 1914··1916" The bloody Eu* Rebllkon of 1916 11 remembered by ayewllnauea on both tlkMI. a eoe Nt:WHARJ 0 BARRY MANILOW: IN THE ROUND • Mantlow perlorma a Mlle· hon of his h11a. tncludlng "Manor." .. 1 wr111 The Songa .. Can't Smlle Without You" and "Copa- cabana Taped al P1t111- burgh·11 CIVIC Aren1 3:00 II AGAIOUl.TURE U.S.A. e wow: * * • "The Pride Of The Yankee•.. ( 1942) Gary Cooper. Teran Wright • MOVIE * * * .. Nol With My Wtla. You OooT. (1966) Tony Curtis. Vkne Ual • CID AATS '92 QIMOVIE (C)MOVIE • * *"" .. The Way We Wet•.. ( 1073) Barbra Strel1111nd. Robert Redford. A young COiiege couf)le In Iha 1930s dlec:over that their polittc:al dlN•encea 11re atrong enough to Jeop- ardize their ma«lege (O)MOVIE * * ,_., ''Aalt Any Girl .. ( 19sg1 $hlrley MacL-alne. David Ntven Job Ind hUl- blllld-huntlng occupy Ille lime of 1 girl newly arrived tn .... 'l'Utk C1tY 3:30 II MEDICAL cann • W£AE YOU THERE? "The Day W'*1 The Anl- m-ats Talked" Nlnet)'·)'Hf· Old educator AIN. Or. Wll- lt&m Faulkner prollldes lreah l11slgtil1 lnlo Afro- Ame<lcan lolklora. (R) o D THE AMBA88AOOM A man (Paul Scolleld). ""' to Parle to r-1 young Am8'lcan friend from Ille clUICMI of a worldly Pert- alenne, la aided In Illa ,.,, .. tlOn by a Cha<mlng At'Ml'i- cen •J!Pllrlela (LM Rem- ick) tn lhl• dramallullon of Henry Jamee· novel. 1:44 (Z) MOVIE * • • "Shanghai Expr ... " ( 1932) Marl8n.o Olettlc:I\ CM Brook PN- aengera on a lrllln lflclud· Ing a doc:tor and an ao....... lur ... run Into renegadla •:OO. PIGIKIN PMWW Hatry I< .... 110et1 11111 in. depth 91lely9il of '"' lop colllglat• lootb•" tffn\8 of e.a<:h rna)or conlerenoe, lootdng at Ille ,,., p1eywr1 Ind Ille IChooll with Ille .,... di-for l'Mftber -"' "" l\lllonal ~­~ .... HAW Oueeta· Jecky Wtrd, ~· McEMlfl, Jllllrny ~. • MOW! **•""··me Long OOOd· bye" (1t731 Etllott O~. Hine Ven Plllendt • QUt PA8A, U.8.A. t "Ml Abueto'1 Orhrln9 8dlool' .... _,Antonio Ille ault .... tfwr -lllt bV, Adell MCI OanMll ~ car-11 i.meng 10 Cltl\r9 Q 1"1NXMPOM ..... CB> .... NOeOO'r.I ...., . "A ~Of~ W....111 Tiit '°"' c... ,,. . lllt• ffeU!Mfltwy .,.. ............ "' .... , .... ,...."' .......... .. "" -.. -.,.... ... """ ,,, .. -.UV ..... TUBE TOPPERS • LOVllOAT v11r11ri.1 IUHll n .. lchmek· Ill Whtttl I mitt olla.t I l•warl.I hir llr•dlrtg a wom• an lfff him, 1nd a 1111n llH<Httfl.,tltil by hl1 1)11111 KABC (7) 8:00 -"T.J. H<~k<.'r." OW~'CDI Hookt>r and Romono discover an lllcl(ul ~,_. __ N<.r•lary l1N• tor a bu•Oftl blood• lflJ[:) • IOUNotT AOa weapons operation. . 1 KNXT (2) 9:00 "Beyond Witc h Mountain." Two cxtrotcrrc."'Strlal children leave Eorth to scorch for artother space travelf>r. KCET (28) 9:00 -.. Ella." The queen of jau performs a rcpertQirQ ranging from Ger hwin to Porlt?r Lo Bacharach. See photo, left. KNXT (2) 10:00 -"2 on the Town.'' Hosts Steve Edwards and Melody Rogers look at Australia Crom ihe sophisticated capital, $ydney, to the primitive wilds of the bush country . pr .. anl -· teaturlng tlUCh r1mou1 peraona1111e1 11 MH Well, Sl11rlay Temple, Eleanor Rooaevell and \nanymore MOVll! • ·He~gar 18" ( 11180) dtrren ~ovin, ~t V11ughn ~aarchet11 at a lfCrat government ln11tal· 11!Hon 1nyest1g'1te the c•uM of a aetelltte·a 1ud· din destruction ·PG' 4:30 I FREE-4-ALL ; EXILE: THE DALAi LAMA ANO HIS PEOPLE Wtlllam Conrad narratn tf'MI 11ory o1 the ••lie or Tibet• Dalal Lama and his loll-eta. who lled on loot to India followlng tile Chi· nate Commvntst ermy'a lnvHton of their homatand gMOVIE .. Legend 0 1 The Wiid" ·PQ· -- 1:00 I g-NEWS --NBC NEWS WIDE WORU> OF SPORTS Sdledu'*<I co.._ege of lhe Piplno Cuevu (Me111coi I Donald Curry (U S A I 10. round welt-eoght bout lrom San Antonio, Te• . covtlfage ol lhe 5th Ave· l'IUC: Mlle from N-Vorl< City Cl GRIZZLY ADAMS • SOLID GOt.O HOSll Anov Gibb. M1rilyn Mc:Coo Guesll Rtek Nel· 11on, Arr Supply. Julee Newton, James Brown, Gladys Knight & The Ptpl The Dtrt Band with Nicolette Laraon. Chuct.. Mengt0ne G°O JACK LONDON WITH WILLIAM DEVANE The hie ot the Californian author 18 traced lrom hts youtn to htt untimely de•th •I the age 01 .co In a docu· drama stamng Wtlllem Oevene (Al Cl) M"A•S'H Q! LAWRENCE WELK Sllute To Working FOlk•" (C)MOVIE • * Thi Conqueror ( 1956) Jolln Wayne. SuNn HB'J'*afd A mighty Mongol warr!Of kidnaps the daugh. ter Of a powerful Tartar king and seizes control or hrs ornp11a CB)MOVIE * * . Willy Wont.11 And The Chocolate Factory .. (19711 G-Wilder Jeck Alberlaon A ~Id romoua COill1Ctt0net orr... a hfe- hme 11upply ol candy to the live w1nner11 of a treasure hunt (Q) SUPER BOWL OF BASKETBAl.L "Sam•hnals .. 5: t5 CZ) MOVIE ** Agency 'f1981) Rob· en M1tchurn Lee Maron The new head or a major Amerlcan edttrltslng fffm uae1 a children's b•eaklaat drink cempaign 10 1.-n11mll 1ubllmln111 politk:a1 met- aage1 ·R· 5:30 8 CBS NEWS I NEWS 8A8£8AU C alllornla Angels at M11WaukM er-• • ONCEUPOHA CLASSIC ' The Hilla 01 HNvert" A car .... • tleddenl results In a bani. between fight and wrong 1or three children (Pan 1)0 • ~"'"°°T OAAOEHING Cl) WELCOME BACK KOTT"EA • 9 WIDE WORLD OF SPORT8 Schlduled cc.verage ol the Piplno Cuevu (Meatc:o) I Donald Curry (U.S A ) 10· fOYnd -uerwetghl bout lrom San Aotonto, Tex .. c:overege or the 5th Ave- nue Miia from New York City 1:00 • Cl) NFL FOOTBA.U. "Pra-SeHdn Garne" Houaton Olla<• al Dall111 CCwt>oya 8 NFL FOOT8AU. "Prt·S1uo11 Garn•" Cleveland Brown• at Loa Ange!M Raldefa • WIU>. WtLD WEST • LAWMNCE WEU( "Salute To Wortttog Follie" • MOVlf • • "lrwHlon From lnMt Eat!h" ( 1974) Niek HOit, Peul IWt~tn Five people retU<l\lng lrOm a stay II\ 1111 Canadian wilder-cffl> co-llltl llMt WOl1CI .. 11•11111 revag1C1 by 1 •trlngl d ...... end • .. f '•IOul rid balm NOl('I ANMM.8 WOODWMHT'S '"°' "TllnClef ,,_ eon11ruo- 11on" ~ Undethtll lllOWa llOW M rlllatd the bMIO "-of 1111 ttheP (R) 1= • • "Tllll II 1Me·• (1911) ~llfY. """''8ot199 Md dramallo '~'*" -uled lo tel ll'lf 111ocy 04 IMe l'reeley'a ..._ ltld ......... .M VMDmAT ill•LWD . •f l.llllllrlO .......... .... ..,. La Glotle" "°"' ... ...................... .. 11141 tC .... °"""' .... I t Ment11t and Tonio de Paolo pmlorm aelacllons • by Pucc;•nl. Moz1rt 11nd Verdi (RJ • I MOTORWEEK NSCNEWS )MOVIE * • * .. The MC)fley' ( 1975) R' U FEMALE MUOWRE8TUNO ·w orld Ltgh1welght Cham· p1onshlp ' 7:00 fl SHOOT I DON'T SHOOT Peter Falk 110111 this ape. c101 whten lt1$tl viewer a on how tl'lay would reect In CrtftCBI s1tuat1on11 lltuatrat· ed by ectual pollC4 training JtlmS 8 PAUL HOO.AN ID <mJ NFL FOOTBALL "Pre-SellSon Geme.. Los Ange1e1 Rama 11• San 1lleg0Ch-argeil-~ 9 "CAtlf'OANIA CONGRESSIONAL REPORT G) U.S. CHRONICLE · Survival In Houston·1 Publie Housing The ptob- tems m HOYston '11 public hous111g are examined CJ! THE MUPPETS (C)MOVIE * * "Shtpwreck .. (1978) Robert Logan, Mikki Jami· son-Olson A widower, hi• two da~htera. 1 repor18f and a runaway ere 1tr11ld· ed on an 1aolated tJland altef encOYnterlng 1 vio- lent st0tm 11 aea ·G· Oil SNEAK PREV~EW Host Leonerd He.iris took11 ot the movies. apect1ls and sports ev,tnts coming up on Home Bo• Ofllee (Z JMOVIE * *" Mommie Oeerest .. (l!la 1) Faye Dunaway, Dia- na Scarwld Fonlea him 1111 Joan Crawford ralaes Iler two Adopted children m a c:lomeattc etmosphere that varies from luaurlous comtort to sadistic dlSCi· pt1ne 'PG. 7:30 IJ PAUL HOGAN 18 PRESENTE 69 SNEAK PREVIEWS Roget Eber'! af\d G- S.llket htghlight llX 1J1m11 thal the publlC miuecl the hrs\ ltme around. 1nclud1ng "Cattle Anni& And Utile Brttchee.'· "Go Ten The Spartan11. · '011er The Edge and ·s wamp Thong (A) Cl! WEEJ<EHO MAGAZINE OD MOVIE • * Breakthrough • 11979) R>eherd Burton Rod Stetget A Nazt -- geent bacomM embroiled •n a plot to assass•nata Hit· let 'PG' 8:00 D T.J. HOOKER Oll1cera Hooker and Romano accidentally dl1- cov9' an Illegal -apons operation (RI 0 MOVIE • • "War Goda Of The Deep' ( 19651 Vincent Prtce, Tab Hunter An underwater clty'a rullt kid· nap1 two yoYng women G) WRANGLER COUNTRY STAR SEAACH OennlS Weaver "°'" a blend of amateur talent on the doorlteo 10 stardom, lea1ur1ng petlormances by Jerry Read, Merle Hag· gard, Mel Tlltta and Tammy Wynatte from the Gr11nd Ole Opry HOUH In Naah· Ville • STUOto LfVEI ·Freddl4l Hubbard • G MOVIE * * *'\ 'Made For Each Other .. ( 19311) Cwole Lorn· bard. J-s t-art A yo..ng nl""lywed COYple try 10 cope wllh the agelella problem or lnlarferlog In· laws Q! OIFF'RENT STROKES Arnold goea overbOard trying ~ rep1y Withs for aaving TltOle (RI (a>MOVIE * * .. AH The Marblea',' (1011) Pater Felll. Burl Yovng A hutlllng, wtee- cracklng manager pushel hi• two female -lier• towwd Ille lop 'R't0.00 RodlON Cl)CAHCER CONfAOHTATIOH Daniel Tralfatltl holl• a OoWmentaty eoectei wtllcll IOCUHS on '°'"' of the con1rover11le1 turrouncltng cancer, lnclUdlflil mter· lllewa with Involved Con· greeatnen, CIMClr ,_.,Ch 0H1Ctala, <IOctor• and~­ ur V.Ctimt .MOVll * * " ... AA The Marblee .. Pltlf Fllk, VIClll Freclfricll A wlMCfecklng meneger """ hie two beautiful lag INrn Y1rr"tl8f1 on the cir. cull In aearcn 01 f81Tl1 and lortun..'R' 1:aoe MOVIE • • "'E-V Dly'a A HOii dey . (1937) MM W"I· Edmund Lowe a'"' ,ACT't cw~ Jo Ir• 10 lllftlnln '* COUaln, • girt Who 9f9W up "*'*'"' In a houM full Of boye. '"' " t:oo• WM.l~ ''ieyend Moll MoY!lteln" Two .. .,........,._. ..... *"'PI 1111 ~ '"" lelW ....., brtfl ......, ....... ..................... .... ..., ....... ~ .......... . .,. .. """ ..... .. .... ........... -- ttla 1ha qu"n of IM.J It jOlned bV Count 81 11. Acy lt<111dge, Joe ,.... ar\d lOOI 611111 wll•ll •hi 1tq•t1 hur 11111 taktYltJICln program In OVVI a dlCIO .. (fl) c;> (I) MOVIF • 11 IMfllltM·' -lJHtJ B\ir L ReyttOl<lt Anne J (all Cl "'°"'~ • • l ne Strunoer Al Jlf '"''°" HIOll ' ( 1982) Stew- art Petter...in. Oona K•lll mf•ll (CJ MOVIE * • ' • Urbun Cowboy" I t980) John T ravoll•. Oltbfl Winger A btue,COI· la1 wor~ar wno tanclet htmHll • modern·dly co.,,.l.lOy lulla 111 fj)ve with a girl 1111 mee11 1n a popular country and-western bll crl~OVIE • • • ·~ "Mommte Oe11rett .. I 108 tJ r aye Dunaway, Di•· na Searw1d Fortlel film Mar Joan Crawford rlllM• he< two adapted ch~dren •n a domeartc atmospl\lre that va11es from luMurlou11 comfort to aodiatlc dllCI· pl1ne 'PG ($)MOVIE * * · Tho Blue U.goon" ( 19110) Brooke Shield• ChrtllOPhllr Atklna Tw~ Clllilway children grow to Odoluc:ence on a ramota South POC1llC ISiand and e•i>etrence tne pangs of tlrat tove ·R 9:30 0 THE FACTS OF LIFE Jo trtes to feminize her cousin 11 git I who grew up -.mlrtiiirTe~i'Tn a h0u&i" lull _ _.0 ... 1_..D0 ... ~8 --m MATINEEATTHE BIJOU Featured .. The Gorilla · t 111391 11arr1ng Ille Ritz Brotnera, a 19•0 cartoon, a 1939 snort atarrrng Joe l ou11. end Chapter 3 ol "Lost City 01 The Jungle" (1946) (A) (2)MOVIE *!* • • Bad Tom•ng" ( 1980) Art GerlunkeL Harvey Kettet A po1SeSS1ve P•Y· chOanalyal end a stylilh young woman begin a trll4jjte romance tn Vienna ·R 10:00 I) 2 ON THE TOWN Featured. a trip through' Auslralta tnctudes a took at th8 unique wildlife. a mtn· •ng region and Iha capitol Sydney 0 MOVIE * * The Strang¥ At Jel. talson High ( t9821 Stew· art Petll<Sen Dana Kim- mall em NEWS fl ®J FANTASY ISLAND A ~ecurny guard meets the l•mouac detective She<tock Holmes and l\Ar Roarke ta tOld by • .. oman that he 1a the lather ol her ch1td (R) TtXASANO TENNESSEE; A MUSICAL AFFAIR Asleep At Tt1e Wheel. the Cnerokee CowbOya. Jim- my De•" JQllnny Duncan. M•ckey Gilley Johnny Gimble Kn5 Kr1stotleraon, Roger Mtller Ray Pl'IOI. Jerry Reed Tanya Tuclter and Ernes1 Tubb get together to pay trtbule to the p1oneflra ot the Texas so..nd G) SOLIOGOlO Hosts Andy Gtbb. Marilyn McCoo Guests RICtc. Nel-,o..... Alt Suppty..-JWc& Newton James Brown Gladys Knight & The Pips: The D1rt Band with NICOiette Larson. ChOCk Mangllt'le 0 MOVIE • * Malvln And Howard" ( 19801 Paul leMat. Jason Roba•ds An 01hli1wlM unknown ge11 station ellendant cle•ms to be the rrghtful hetr to Howard Hughes bllllon dollar ""t R· 10~30 ID INSIGHT A presldanttal envoy end hla Peoce Corp1-member SOil claJh over whet kind or aid the U.S ahoutd give a S~/lh A&lan eounl.r)'_ • ROAO WORK AHEAD PEAFORMS CARHIVAL SUITE (1'.)MOV1E * * The Blue i...goon·· ( 1010) Brooke Shield•. Cl'lrtllOPher Alkina. Two cattewey chfldren grctw to adol1scence Ol'I e rernola. S~th Pac1t•c lslend and . exper~ the pangs Of lirat tove ·R· t0:45 9 IATUN>AY 8POR'T8 PAGE • tt:OO •• (I) f.I Cit NEWS ENTEA'T AINME.NT THIS WEEK A behlnd·lhl-1oeneslook ._, ' Ganeral Hoapllal"; lht1rvlaw1 with Cheryl Lldd, Joan Collins. RICky Schroder, John C•- Vltff Ond ~arlOn RO$I • MOVlf . * * *'" "The Long Good. bye C 197:1) Elliott Gould, Nina V•n Plllandt • .MOVE • • * "Whatever Hap. palled TO Baby J1ne? .. ( 19412) Oetle O.vla. Joen Crawford Two 11a1e11, bOth former lllrn •IJn. llW a blrwn axlltence 11'1 a w · ror.rldden '-· • UNNEDY CIHT!R TONIQHT ' Or .. I Jau Vlbeel Ltonel Hampton Afl4 f:rlend1" • PHii s.ltey, Oave !Sru· beck, Zoot s1m1, a.uii Calllf aod olller Ian 0ffftl pey a mutlc;al lrlb- ute to Uonel Hampton at a White HoclM f9Gel)tton and a oonoert at Kennedy Cell• , .. -~~ au. (l)lllAMI .. .__.o...·· ,,, ... ,...."°°9(~ r=.--··· .__. ~ . ........ ......-..; """' ....... ...... ··" r ...... ~ CtNI) , ... ,.......,. ... • • • l)r1;e In (1110) Glttfln Moraho ... 11r, UN I er11ot1 6av•1a1 '•••• ,_, llQV(• ITl#t Cl•lfl"!I a 111ght or 1omar11 .. 11 a11d tuc.t1em1.n1 1t 11 dr•~• tn 11to111r1 re11ur1111 an lmprobobll di ""' him IHl MOVIE • * • St Hi>let1a ' (1111 I) Afl~rn.,y O.;V1(f -All. llO-yu•r~ men rel-li"M•I hlJ Cifi .. I 18•Clfl •lter • o•tOloglal pted!Cta II volc.11111(; ctlfH• tar PO (l l MOVlf • "' .. $Ila fley' A IVtllrtlllC "'"" t •IW't•• •••'I gun wHh the pow"' to make •nY WOtl'llUl fO" hof)efMlll'f 1f1 k>v11 (l )MOVIE * • Agency' (1911 t) Aob '"' MllCl\um LAI Ma~°' I fl@ new head or • m•jor Amt•rtcon advttttlllng lirm uw1 a c;l111dron·a broakfllt drink c;ampnlon to tranemll 1Ybllmln111 pOlltlCAI - IMIQH R' 1145fl M~IE • • • The Moon itlne War ( 19701 Rich1rd Wtd· mert.., Alan Atd1 12:00 0 NEWS 0 MOVIE • * M~t11ne Gun t<elly' ( 1951) Charle~ Brontori. Susan Cabot 0 MAVERICK 0MOVIE * ~ock N ROii H.gh ~~· t 19791 p J SOlea Vincent Va11 Pattart A budding songwrrrar at Vince lombatd• Htgn 1rta11 to g.it tno Ramone• 10 record her mu»•C whWa 110f -equalty-ambrt1crur-1rtlllllr pursues the 11<.hoOI hearl· "tnrtJl14'(!1- t2:30 IJ MOVIE * * / Arrtvederc• Baby! .. ( 1966) Tony Curt11 Rosan· na Scn1ef1tno A playboy who murdeu wealthy women to gem thetr 111rier1 tancea meets his moteh 1n a nobleman 11 widow Q SATURDAY NIGWT LIVE Host Tim Curry Gueat Meat Loaf (Al (OJ MOVIE •• t19780 x 12:45 ($)MOVIE * * Tn15 Is EIVI~ (19811 Documentary Film footage and dramatic rO•GtO.>llons ore used to tell the •tory ol Etv•S Presley s 11fe end Cdfeet' 1:008) MOVIE • • Mon~ll'I rrom A Pr~tSIDrtC Planet t 19G6) Tam10 Kawe11 Yo~o Yamamoto a> NEWS Qt EVENING AT THE IMPROV Host Phil Fo,.01 Guuitb Nan<.~ White Micllael ICf!a· ton. Ann J1lhan M 01HJMOVIE * • o.tadly Bte•io•r.g (1981) Erne&t 8otgn1~. Lots Nettleton A 11 .. ng nightmare begins for a young woman when sf'MI m11mes into a st11ct rellg· lous sect 'R t~(C)M~IE * The HdPP; H001<1t1 Goes lo WiUl'l1noton' I t9771 Joey HMth9rton George Hamilton Tttt> rrrepre>slble Xavtera Hot landei ,ourneys to the u S capital and uncove<• some very sens11tvc secret dC>Cu· ments R (%)MOVIE * • * 9 To 5 ( 19801 "-Foflde...Qoily-·~ Three working wo,.,,..n rebel aga.nst their Wb/U gatt0n by a male ch•uv1n1s1 l>OS6 PG uom MOVIE * • ·Dracula s CHiie' ( 1969) John Cartad1ne Otto Kruger A vemptr~ end tits wile kidnap young gtrts 1n order to drtnk their blood 1 :45 D MOVIE For Jerry & HI• Kid•, Noack T roohies & Engraving ' 170 E. 1'7th .St., Suite 117 Costa Mesa · 646-3141 CONROY'S FLORIST 2983 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 2275 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 540-3135 i Support hrry & HI• Kkl• I FOSTER & SONS ROOFING :,, 1730 Pomona Ave., Ste. #2 l Costa Mesa 642·8982 WltJi..lov•lor .JMry & hi• Kkl• COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES 2161 San Joaquin Hills Road Newport Beach, Ca 644·9060 #2 CIVIC PLAZA SUITE150, NEWPOA,T BEA-CH 760-8300 WE CAii ALL HELPi ·HARBOR AREA APPLIANCE 1240 Logan Av, Unit 0, Costa Mesa 549-3077 SUPPORTMDA Balboa Bay Properties 4509 W. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach 675-7060 We Supporl_.lerry'• Kid• ASSOCrATED BROKERS 2025 W. Balboa Blvd. Newport Beach, Ca 67.3-3663 In Support ol J•ry'• K,_ c::!!::. NEWPORT HORIZONS REALTY · Aon Lowe 642-7404 WESfMINSTER~BBEY _ .. ANTIQUE MALL 11751 Westminster Ave. Garden Grove 554-6103 HELP JERRY'S KIDS . LLOVD'S NURSERY LET'S HELP JERRY'S KIDSt ABC Lumber Corp , 1 TARGET DATSUN DAVIS-BROWN COMPANY & LANDSCAPE COMPANY Sates-Service-Parts-Leasing 411 E. 17th St.. Costa Mesa1 145 Cabrlllo 2038 Newport Blvd., Costa Me$8 13731 Harbor Blvd. 646-1684 Costa Mesa 646-3261 646·1441 554-9000 -----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------+-----------------~----------------~~--------------------~------------...._----------------------------------------~i JOHN WAYNE AIRPORT MEDICAL 2192 ~11rtln, Irvine 833-9490 GOOD LUCK, JERRYI Bat:ter -Motors 2925 Harbor Blvd., Costa Mesa 979-2500 ORANGE JULIUS 711 East Balboa Blvd. ----ealboa, Calif. 675-1073 Help The Kid• & Jerry Univ-er-Sity Olds Sal~er-Vice 2850 Harbor Blvd., Costs Mesa 540-9840 WEBCO ~RINTING . . 'WABASH APPLE COMPUTERS 1~5 Newport Blvd., Costa Mesa 23720 El Toro Ad. El Toro 645-2522 768-3236 COSTA MESA FLOWER REMINDE~~R _ 3841 Birch St. FIREMEN'S AS-S0€1/tll0N·--+- ln Support ot J•ry'• Kid• . &MDA . Newport Beach 751-4705 $upporl MDA' A-DOORS WINDOWS & SCREENS 869 W. 16th St. Newport Beach 648-1191 DeANZA BAYSlDE-VJLLAGE 300 E. Coast Hwy.. Newport Beach 673-1331 t ~ • . • ' • ' • ' -----------------------------------------+------------------------------------.,....---t-----------------------------------------t-----------------------------------------+-----------------------------------------11· MILLER MARINE CANVAS PRODUCTS 2132 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 631-2931 AIRPORT GRAPHICS 17962-G Skypark Blvd. Irvine 751-2050 Newport Beach . 751-4705 Park Private Day School 261 Monte Vista Ave. .Costa Mesa / 645·5171 -· SUPPORT MDA NEWPORT BEACH FIREFIGHTER'S ASSOCIATION In Support ol MDA & Jerry'• Kid• SHERATON-NEWPORT 4545 McArthur Blvd., Newport Beach 833-0570 0 ~atrmont llrblatt &c~ool 1557 West Mable, Anaheim (714) 774-1052 ~ MESA VERDE PHARMACY ALICIA'S FLOWERS & GIFTS Support Jerry'• Kid• & MDA ' i 2971 Harbor Blvd. 1701 Corinthlnan Way AIRPORTER INN HOTEL 1 Costa Mesa 5'46-8770 Newport Beach 833-1 883 18700 MacArthur Blvd. lrvlne 833-2770 WE FULLY SUPPORT MDA . Bay Department Store 303 Main SJ~aJboa. Ca. 673-5650 Join 1'-"'1hl 1111•ln•t MDI DICKERSON 'S NATIONAL GLASS co. 125 Rochelter St., Costa Mesa 642-0084 PLEASE HELP US SUPPORT YOUR LOCAL MDA Newpon-...-.bor Jaycees Good luck lo hrry'• kld91 SOUTH COAST BANK 890 Baker, Costa Mesa 540-5300 Help Jerry'• Kid• by •upporl MDA GOOD GUYS MUFFLER SERVICE 1959 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa 548-3282 ••• Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Saturdiy, September ... 10H &ong-term mortgages often costly in interest Monthly payments lower but buyers pay loads to finance 30-year term debts NEW YORK -The 30·year ~e la at.ill around ln one form or another even at t l x~ d 1 lnt•ifeat · rates for the entire term In,. spite of rumors that tt mlgbt 1uccumb to credit-market instabill ty. 1 t I s n ' t CUNNl'P difficult to figure out why: Long-term loan• can be profitable for lenders, which is another way of saying t}\ey can be quite oostly to borrowers. A simple example, using a face amount of $24,000 and an lntereat rat• of l3.7$ pt•rf.'tlnt, demonstra~ the polhf. I On a SO·r.ear amortJzaUon Ole month.ly payment• would be • $286.46, for 'a 360-month total ot $102,762. If the monaace were for 16 years, the monthly payments w ould be $322.18, totaling $07,992.40 at the completion of payments. The dltfer~nce, $44,769.60 Is interest. In the early y~. payments on a 30-year mortgage are almost entirely for Interest. In this instance, aJihQlJgh $3,426.40 w6\.lld have been paid after one A#~o RENAULT ALLIANCE -W . Paul Tippett, chairman of the board of American Motors Corp., and Jose J . Dedeuwaerder, president of AMC, shake hands across hood of 1982's European "Car of the Year," the Renault Alliance, produc t of 'int'.ernational cooperation between AMC and Renault, the French automaker. G ear, the amount nwed would be 24,438.76 -• reduction of only 1.20. In contra11t, the borrower on the 16-year mortjlagc ~ould have repaid t629.20 of principal after the tlrtt "fear. Instead of having a balance owed ot t24,- 438. 76, the bOrrower would have reduced It to $23,970.80. Important u thll la, I\ becomes even more eo when you co~r that the averaae home morta•I• at uvinp and loan aMOClaUona luu only 11 .6 yean. On a 30-year echedule, moat paymonta in thoee 11 .5 y an would be tor intereet. borrower would have repaid Sl l,617.90. The gap become• even more pronounced If the·hom owner sells hl1 house and retl~ the mortgage even earlier, and in more n ormal times that i1 a dJatinct poealbllity. likely that many CUl"JIUJltt.ntn will bo •elllna thelrncnllt1. Othen will 9eek to ternol1p&e, hoping to· 'lo\\'er the relatf vely hjgh Interest rates. they are now paying. • When that time comes, many ot thoee people who hold very- long-term mortgages will find they owe almost u much u they had years before. . True, ln that year'• t.lme the 16-year borrower has tc> pay $440.76 more than the 30-~ar borrower, but offeetling this la an equity bulldup totaling $629.20, or $467 .96 more than that ach\eved ~)' the longer-time borrower. ln the ~xample used, the borrower or\ a 30-year mortgoaie would have paid $89,392.10 In 11.6 yeart, but still would ow about $23,175.76, havlna reduced the debt by only tl,324.25. In contrOlt, the 15-year borrower would have paid more -t44,460.84 ln 11.IS yeara -but would have reduced the principal owed to $12,882.10. That ls, the Leu than .a decade ago homeowners sold and retired mortaages In about 1even years. In part, the tlme span tiaa grown since then because ownen have been unable to sell, or reluctant to part with relatively low-coet mortgagee. When better times return to- the housing markets, It seems Too late, they may dlacover that while long-term loans sometimes are desirable -when for example they lower monthly payments into affordable range -they can be extremely ooetly also. . J :·BBD.kruptcy mysteries · explaiiied NEW YORK (AP) -Buatneucw are falllng at a dizzying puce, and no letup ls In eight. Each week the llst grows longor llJ mostly little-known companic1 concede failure and tcek protection from their creditors under tho Fedora! · Bankruptcy Code. At last count, the tide of bw.ln<..'88 faUurea was rising ao rapidly thot analysts expect the total soon to e~ the po&k.Wotld War ll-1-ecord set In 1961. The bankruptcy surge la a clear sign of weakneaa in the American ecqnomy, but what does it mean to the collapsed companies, Ila creditors, employees and stockholders? Here are some questions and answers to help explain corporate bankruptcy and its consequences: Q . What kind of companies are filing for bankruptcy? A . This year the stigma of bankruptcy has struck a wide range of industries, including some - such as the airline business -that previously had been immune from failure. Braniff International Corp. joined the list last spring, becoming the first major airline to collapse sipce the birth of commercial aviatlon. Other major failures this year have included AM International, the manufacturer of office equipment; Lombard-Wall Inc., a government Kcurities firm; and most recently Manville Corp., the mining and manufacturing concern wh~ bankruptcy filing last Aug. 26 mtde it th11 year'• bigeat. with combined short-and long-term Q . Why urti bankruptcies so debt of $600milllon. trc<iu tll thl• ycur? Q Do h edi l h" A. ••or monv '-'<>mponle11, the strain · t e er tors ose everyt mg " in a bankruptcy? • of hlKh lnu•rl'lt rak"I for the lalt three A. Not usually. Once a company ycaarA •Imply proved overwhelming. me, a Chapter 11 petition, it is no In faact, the; raw of many companies kin mny have be-en 11c.>olcd In late 1979 longer obligated to continue ma g whun tho J!'od riil Reserve Board interest payments on outstanding umbarkN.I <>n • new monetary policy debt. So the credit.ors, taken together, that ••mt lnt.erc>1t ral41• aoarlng to are bound to lose a great deal. •-te-veli ncr~crr· b..-foro ~een -or But they do have-a ..voice_in_tbe_ cxpc-clt'd. Also that year, Congress company's eventual plan for reducing rt•vlllCd th<1 bankruptcy law• In an Its burden of debt. In fact the effort to atv~ troubled companies a reorganization plan must be approved better chance, of reorganizing under both by the court and by a majority t>f oourt. prol4.'ICU6n. the creditors. If approval is not given. Q. Arc these companies actually the company must sell off its bankrupt? remaining assets. A. Most major bankruptcy cases Q. What happens to the company's lnvofvo companies that are unable to employees? meet their debt obligations and tail to A . Unless a company files for reach.agreement with creditors on a straight liquidation, in which it payout plan. A common solution, auctions all its assets, certain jobs will then, is to file a bankruptcy petition be kept. But in any case workers bear under Chapter 11 of the Federal much of the burden of a bankruptcy. Bankruptcy Code. Besides the loa of jo\ls, worken C::an In doing so, the company· 15 be stuck with medical bills that are protected by the court from pressure not covered by the company because by credit.ors. The idea is to give the it failed to pay insurance premiums. troubled co~pa~y, enough breat.h!"g __Q. What happens~ 1l coyipany's space to fashion a plan of reorgaruzmg---ftOck~ its business and its debt. · The case of Manville is an unusual A. Stocks and bonds of companies one. From the standpoint of its in bankruptcy proceedings typically balance sheet, Manville is considered stop trading on the New York and one of the healthiest corporations ever American stock exchanges within to file for Chapter 11. It earned $60 d a y s o f a r e o r g a n i z a t i o n milllon bst year, and its net worth on announcement .. ~ut that does ~ot _June 30 was $1.1 billion, compared mean the secunues no longer exJSt. Invites you to join us for our PRE-SEASON· SALE UP TO Clothing and Equipment 50% OFF Sale Starts Friday, September 3rd AND MORE Friday, Sept. 3rd ... 10 a.m. to 9 p.m. • Saturday, Sept. 4th ... 1 O a.m. to 6 p.m. Sunday, Sept. 5th ... 1~ noon to 5 p.m. PARKAS SKIS Roffe-were $105 . . . . . . Now $49.95 Serac -were $160 Now$94.95 Rossignol F.P . -wereS270 Now$199.95 Pre 1100 -were $245 Now $149.95 HCC-w_ere$320 ···-·-·······NowS-1 49.95 .. .... BOOTS Salomon SX90 -were $255 Now $179.95 STRETCH PANTS ~ Obermeyer -were s 11 o ....... Now $77 .95" Serac-were$145 ........ Now$59.95 Roffe -were $1 30 . . . . . . . . . . Now $99.95 SHELLS were $90 . ' .................. . Now$59.95 BINDINGS Tyrofia 360R -were $140 .. Now$99.95 and much, much more .•• L1m1ted to stock on hand K2 • Fischer • Olin • Lacroix • Dynamic • Elan • Aaichle • San Marco • Dynafit • Koflach Marker • Geze • Obermeyer • Meister • Demetre • Colmar • Cevas • Bogner Something New In Newport ... The Newport Ski Company Ski School It'• your lkl lk>pe·cloM to home. Here anyon& can safety learn to lkl or Improve their preeent technique through f)peciaUzed ln1tructlon on ~r endlna, revofvlng lkl rwnp. It'• ccwered IO you can lkl rain or thine Md all the equipment yoo will need for your clUl le provided. The lpeed of the rMtP le adjustable for any abfflty leV9I -rtOvlce through advanced, and/ ttle smooth lkllng IUrf&ee promot• futer IMmlng and more attentton to proper technique. Our highly qualffled lld lnetruetor wllf For cl•H r•••rvallon, oall: 1141'31·3144 • IJld .,,.. ,...,, ., OUI' um. StOIW 'T--he F o'l!ce Boy, 12, writes hook about 'Star Wars' trivia By IKE FLORES ..... , .... "'-...... ORLANDO, Fla . - Sprawled on the living room floor, freckle-faced Rusty Miller delved into books, acrlpta nd memory •nd came up with hWldJ'eda of trivia auesUons on the galaxy-apanning ''Star Wars" "'row the 12-year-old redhead . haa a book comlnt( out in November, has seen his picture -complete with braces -ln Time matfa.zine and is "trying my dundest' not to change. His work \s a tr ivia mlndboggler called "Tbe Jedi Master's Quizbook." It carries Jhe official approval of George Lucas, producer of the "Star Wara" movies and joins a. multimillion -dollar merchandising empire of toys, dolls and book.a spawned by the cinematic sagas of Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader. Rusty was 10 and was browsing through a bookstore when he noticed a quiz book on 'the fantasy epics of J .R .R. Tolkien. "An idea started boiling in my head," he said. He pored over books based on the popular science-fiction movies and jotted down queeitorw: -What apaceport was the · cantlna ln? Moe Etaley. -Where Is · Princess Lela from? Alderaan. -How many legs does a Probot have? Four. After aeveral months, he had 631 trivia questions and submitted a manuscript to Ballantine Books with th,.help of hla parent.a, Ed and Nancy Miller of Satellite Beach. ~ Approval had to be granted by Lucaafllm Ltd., the corj>orate agency which churns out "St:¥ Wars" ,spinoffa. That took about a year. The publisher fretted in a letter to J\usty and his parents last year that "there are numerous technical problems which may make it impossible for us io publish the book -not the least the fact that the questions are so difficult that few of us sitting in the Star Wars offices could score very many points." "But a kid who has seen "Star Wars" flve times and its ~uel, "The F.mpire Strikes Back,' six times does not give up. "I got a lot of encouragement from my mom and dad," he aa.ld. "I love to do reaearch and I atuck to It because I think we need aomethln2 like this for people who Uke ,Star Wan'." When the aoln& got tough, Lucastllm fw-nished Rusty wlth movie ICl'lpta, and he came Up with 400 more quesUons. From that vut pool of data, the final result waa 425 items. The book l1 dlvlded into sections, starting wlt.h the easy QUestJons. "The last part la called 'Tough Trivia'/• aaid Busty. "The' back of the book, has lhe ' 81Ulwers." .. ' The only help he got from his mather and father was In checking the answers and watching for duplications, Mrs. Miller said. "J?m a writ.er, too, but all I've ever writte n are some very l1oring articles fbr dog journals and things like that," said Mrs. Miller. The youngster's father writes articles on contract mana&ement. ; The junior high school student ls in demand for newspaper interviews and talk shows, He and hla mother are scheduled to Qy to New York in November to promote the work. -"* -~~~r~~ --r --"'• ..... -~ AllAiiiiM COSTA MHA FULLERTON ORANGE Blookllurst Edwards Town Centllf Fox Paclhc:"s Olange Duve In 772 6446 751 4184 525 4747 634 9361 \ Cl CLOSING _. Th flpal performance of the ~ Moulton fl!YtWlUM'• woruhop J)t9durUori "The Robber Brid~o: Will be ltven wnlaht at 8 p.m. Fut\l.Nd (from left) are Ltndee Brown, Brendan Walsh, Bunky Jonff, Gina Ottro and -Dan1eUe JoeephlOn. For ticket information, call 494-0743. POLTERGEIST It knows whal scares JOU. i114Z1i ·--lo.···-.. NOW PLAYING AIWlllM COITAMlU •OAJ• •wur•1•1n11 IJlool<llUSI Loge EOw<11d'l Cinema Ctftltl AMC~ MaM ECIWatds CiMma Wtsl 1ru ) ntu4e 979 4141 ur 0340 991 393$ COSTA MlU fl TOllO • ou.i Eclw<llOS TOW!' C...111 COw<110S ~-UA Coty Conerni 7$1 4184 $41 6110 634 3111 TH€ ORIGINAL IS BACK. -----~-~ .... . -~---)-.. .._... ___ _ ------- (~ '-·.: ~ '~ .. ~ *BARGAIN MATINl!l!S • Mondey tllru S1turd1y All Perform•ncH before 5:00 PM (EIC.,t .,... Eap11111Mts IM HIMeya) "ROCKY .... IN} ------ "'TME .IUMtMAW' .. , ---.-..... - "8TAR W~"~ ,.... DOL.9't 9..-v ............ lAl<(WOOO CENTER SOuTH ,., • " 'HOllE WORK" . -------.r .._,AY TMI UTH ~lilff r 11'1 1110 ------ ..,,. .. ,UTn.a ...a•Dl9a. TUAr ... ----- "MCI(~ l:l_ =~--"'°.,......,_. __ . --- •YOUllO OOCTOlla • LOW-11'1 ----..caHT.....,..tlll --- "fM)AY THI 11TM ~Nl'Tr'lll! 1110 -----·- ...... -._HS -I&. I& NI----• .. IM,OflTU l llOTICU CllllORl• UllUIR 1J 11r1 .............. ,. ......... -.ia. .. ~-·*-•CM._..,._..,... If 1111 • Cllll llMllll wmo -calGll°I ...,. __ . ...,...,.""'~--··- A'• A ' '.• ANAH EIM ORIVE·IN ,_, .... w-11 ;..__.....:;1.:....79-:.....;..tl.:....IO ___ ~---Cl!!!.!'.~ __ .. •"•a ' a"' BUENA PARK 'II•! ·~ i.•-•eolOlll-12 .. .010 ----- ' ......... . LINC OLN 01.'.V f IN l-000-,. .. -o1 •""" 121-.010 - '• A '• FOUNTA IN \IAllfY 0111Vf IN -Doeee '""' .. --(lol .. . . . . H: WA y 39 I" d ~ 1.T, TMI DTRA• .,.,..aTlllAL. - . -"'Tt90MAT lllUPNT c...,... .. , ""AIT,...e AT Mla.MOtfTW1111 -"T'MS MOU.YWOOO c..n-a• Cllll ,,_ ...,._So al ...... "_,,_ 191•3693 ...,....,...1111 -"fWVAft UIMOelr Cl!) O#ll "'------..,,.~­ ...... • WOle9'" - C-.A- 1.T.ntllXTM-1 111'111&.--..,,.-.aT ' ......,~ ... Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/81turday. September •• 1912 9. The tarnoua 1&n411ter movie "Kial of Death" wu rem.de into a wettem. ~ame (a) the remake and (b) tM future atudlo head' who at.amid in it. 10. The phrue "no aale"/ecrawled 1ri llp1tJck were tM flnt "worda" ff'On\ what act.reel in her Olea.red periormance In what movieT · La1t Week'• An1wen 1. Mamie Van Doren (name oilanae) 2. Tumbleweeds (dog named Pajalnaa) S. Jupiter ll ("Loet In SJ*e") red nine ahd moved ahead of the ldle Tracy . ,·-~ ... my, wOO'a ou\ fOf' the IMIOI\. · • : TrtvlJJ tidbit: Marilyn Monroe waa a di~t 4. Nevada, ln 1924 (first 1aa execuUon) 0, "Howie ol Wax" (second 30 movie) 6. "Forbidden Area" (first Playhouse 90) 1 scendant of Prealderu Jamea Monroe (her 11iUmame waa her mother'• maiden name). Now on I~ the neX\ cha~ter ln Trivia Bowl XXVlI. .: : 1. Name the actor and '1nger whoee middle hame fa Ivanhoe. · '' : ~lnnie Cameron m11ht be found in two cOmk: atrl)I. Name eithw. 7. St. Louis Cardinals and Browna (ttolley ~riet) • 8. "Paint Your Waaon" (Jake Whlp~y) · 9. (a) A Hon and a anake , (b) • Humpt)' Dumpty" ("Tan.an") 10. William Holden in "Stalag 17" (movie quote) , l 3. In what movie do we hffr a lot about -but 'bever aee -a-eharacter n.-ned f'loyd Thur,.by? (Shtd your answers to TRIVIA, clo the Dally "' 4. An Oscar-wt.nnine ectreas and former TV Pilot, Box IMO, Costa Mesa 92826. All entries muat• ~es ~once held the title of Miss Pittsburgh. be r eceived by Wednesday , otherwise half the TName h . • _ playr!r 's 1-t acore wJlJ be awarded) • 5. bara f eldon ~won the limit on "The ---------------~---- $64,000 esUon." What wu her category? • Wh 1 Wh ? 6. On TV's "Love, Sidney," ~entity the soap 0 S 0. opera on which Swooale Kurtz stars. 7. Who was the only baseball player ever to hit Every Sunday in a home run out of Yankee Stadium? . 8. Smiley Coy shows up in what play? "'The Chosen' ... One ~!ev~~':J~!~~' •• fPOJ COITA MIH COIYA Mlh Edw1101 Contini C.nttt fdwlllelt Town C111111 .,. 414 1 701 4114 ....... .CCU1t• ,.,. .............. .., IF YOU HAVIN'T IHN rr- YOU'VI M•llD THR eEST LOVI 8TOAY IN A LONG TIME. •• IF YOU HAVI UD rr-•N'T rr f1MR ifO flllL GOOD AGAIN? ltl'Wf'OllT llUCM IMlAlll ,Ectwu ds NewPQl1 C4ntdolM Cinema 544 0780 534 25U MllllOll YIUO Edw11ds v,... Twin 830 59110 DAILY 4:JO, t:'9 ~1111 DAILY 2:21. t:a 1U1 fAJ1 f!Mr1 ., "'""'°"' MICltf 2IOO. WO. l:OO "HOME WORK" "THE SOLDIER" 2:11, uo. .. DAILY4cll0.1:11 .. THI WORLD ACCORDING TO QA.IP' DAILY1t11, .. "THI IUT UT1\.I ~-Tll!Arlll) DALY4c .. .._ ~JL!l"l!!.' "THE IOLDllR" DAILY~llll,- POLTERGEIST..!! DAILY ...... T.~Ot~· ·----- Alf3£¥* .Gll:ll'l'LBIUJV ' u ,... fOUlfl'ANt ••un lllwllfl l.tdllllllt~ (iw~ft l I'> lfll<lll! V4 H1 UIO Ul t~ COITA MlhllMllOI C.ttrn4 C..1t1t t1t 4141 . . r ftO , ..... 4CC:l'J t 0 •Oii , .... 1..0AOllfllorJ l "HOME WORK" DALY 1 .. a:tO 1:11,7100,1:91 .. , ... -""'-MT,__ ... ,.,_ =· .... IAT,_, TME t'1'~1L'' Cl aCt.'8 .,.- - BIGGEO GE by Virg il Partch (YIP) ~ : ~\' t. f a :r • • , ' PMNl'T More Health Ttps t;>Y Charl11 M. Schulz -------Eat lots of fruit s and vegetables.· Get plenty of rest. And learn to· duck . l'U..SAV! ME:Al\JPA Pt>sse CHASe;(7 A HORSE 1l-llE:F FE:~ 1WO WHOLE '7AVS ! by Tom K. Ryan 'SPt:CIAl..l.Y WHE:l\J '1:~1l4S ~LY ONE: Wl'THOtrr A HOKSE! 1fp SHOI: by Jeff MacNet~y 11811n here long?" MARMADl'Ki: by Brad Anderson DE:\:\IS THE MENACE ~I - "Did I put in a wake-up call with you!" THIS CAPE IS T~£ SOURCE OF MY PQW£R. THE 50URC£ 01= MV IPENTrTY JfM PA\l't~ 9-'I MOO:\ Ml'LLINS . ACROSS 52 8ohemlln 53P\lt~ t Allen gatb 5e Wlnd1 up 8 Afran lltld 57 Cltl'ltlge tO Open 1Pect 80 Onma t4 F•m IOUlld c:tttlc'1 lp04: t5 8tllrp 2 WOfdt ti Scotti.ti poft 82 Kind of llCld '1 p~ 84 Dlltrlbute I &lofty ltlanty: 85 In lddltlon 2 wordt ee Blnlu, t.g. 20 f oo4 pen 87 lnYollt 2Uerdy ea Squint: Diel. 23 Mein lr1etlll M LOlt Wlter 24 Pronoun 211 Ice 1nM1 DOWN 2t Sclf"P 311~ 34T~ 35 YOUllQ WOftWI a7 Drop bell MHotc:M MFuiwll ~ 41ft.- U ''TMDMth ! i Ill 11111111 111 ' by Ferd-& Tom Johnson BUT I LIKE YoU B~TT~R 11-l,AN ARlmMET/C. OR GEOGRAPHY· , __ NANCY---WHAT 15 GOING ON HERE? t'l'NK ,. "INKERBEJ\N AND a.JC FINAL~. 'THERE Will f>E A ~05$ OOl.JNTRt.J ME£f AF'fE.R. SCJiOOl 10N'CRRDW Nl(,Hf ! BRABBLE PO '>OU HAVe ANY MePICAi, ~OU~NAL.S IN COMIC fl)OOK ~ORMA1"~ ~-~ I l ' . WHEN IT STARTED TO RAIN--- NOT TO MEHTION UlfD. by Tom Batiuk • by Kevin Fagan ' l'M WA~ ~EAO .Ziita..i::.:;;; ___ ...__10:.;r~•:.:.:.na:.:•:..=.O.:;ou::...t..:;O;.:,;Ai.:.il._.._r?f-Tl81turd•Y.89Plemb•r '4 ...;1.;;.o.e~~~~=---t~----~ ..... --.... ---.-------------..... ------MllC NDTICI MUC ll>Ta MUC Nemec .. 'in=.. ~=-.. ":i::t:r.."'4'&'1' ,~~.=tr fh• 101111w1111 pereon I• dOllll Th• IOOOWlrtO Htton ,, doing TM fOllOwlflO j)efMM\ II dotng Tltt totlowtno P•r•~ ,, 001n1 w.-111 ~.. ....... ., lll*nNt .. HO\.LY'I GfllA,.1101, HIJ fll,O INDUIHIV llftVIDll, MJHION POOi. IUl'l'LY, JiP1At400 INTIOftllH ... 642-5678 ~~~t:=::· No. •;•· 00111 ~~2~4';° Oii•. Q11cten GrO'il, HUI M111,11nd1 Dr ive, MIHlon ~~.~:~:·~!:.~~:..!:~om•" Ho1.Lv """'LL, 2•u~llljl8 JOHN AoHAt ooAK. •111 ~cfti,H Tftu11w1oz .... 1 "'" heneo. 838 ... ., 111ee1, I ~ AYll!Ut. No ...,,, Coll• , OA Y«mo Olrele. 011den Oro .... , OA Dearborn brlve, Holl~ood. CA No. N 100. 00t1• MMI. Otlttornle _._,.. __ ,. r.-1 ....... ,_,..,. r.-1M14 .,,,.,.,, A,,tt•t•I• ,,,,.,.,, 12121 IH44 02121 , we.::nn·:i.1r..T• we.:.-n •••il'lr.~.... · l1i 1 •• Id.ta.ti Tl\lt bu1ln•il¥ ltLW1;J ,111.Mllliillitll•ftrtlarlVllt~«r ........ •oonduct~v,-.. .... ~...,_.._...._.,..,, ..._ "111#1 I. f!MJff?fl#j .. N.ff ... f~ ...... , ... ~'!ff!~/!~.'! ........... ~mP::r.e ...... .. IMMduel. Holly T11re11 lndtvlduel John R COtk lndMOINll._.... TfllMWIQ ""' ........ Reo ,,wo ·~;,·uH"mo. ·: ~ l>IOCk 10 bWh, '" l!Mi•• -... u•~ •u=,.. •--' IHft .~, Thi91t•l-t -Ned With IM Thlt tl•tement ... Neid with tM Thll 8ll~t ... ftled with IN Thi• •lllemenl WU flied wllh1IM 11 .. E. lell>ol llvd. U>•· •121. Utll pd. r.:1 •• r.m •••••• r::."n • .-.-.r.e •••••••••• :T.":. Ooun1Y Clll1c at Or9ng1 eoumy on County Clerk of Oreng• Count~ County Clet1I of Orenot county on <.ounty C141fll 01 Orange Count~ Oii 8 7 t . I t t 1 , ...._.87~ l!A8T8IDe 1 ibd IOI• of •• ••• ............ l!Jf OoMntront ~iy 2 It 1 hp11mber I, tHZ. hptember 1, ttH. Aug. ft, 1M2. AUQUtl 21, 1182. ,,Ital 21S..33S.48" .... ..&. !"'........ wood, quiet, pvt, '311 •• J1200/mo. ,,.... ,,_ '111N1 Publl•ll•d Orange CoHI Dlilly I!. _ ....... I II 2131433-IOll Publl•h•d Or•nae Co111 Delly Publlehed Oren,. OOHt Delly Publlth-4 Oreng• 00111 Delly PllOI, Aug 28, Sept. 4, 11, 19. Ul2 CIHIU ltJ lat • 2 and ' bdrm. Ldry, 9ut31• ,.91'!011d·,...~o pelt, ...... N........,. ..._, 2 It Piiot t.pt 4 t1 ti 26 tH2 Pllol Sept 4 11 1 H 1082 •·-t 21 ...., I M2. 3'44·82 ••••••••••••••••• ••• QM .. llrtpllOI. MIO ~ ... '" "''"' or elt ._ ,.._,......' ,.... --·--· -·--· -·-·-386 .... M...._z., . . . • . . 387442 PIOt, ._. 1. • .._t 4, I • I . -----------• OoMn vi... j)MutltuHy uo winter. 840-4784 .. pm. 1 8e uppet unit. MOO Sf44-U "8JC NOJIC( furn. towntloull, '~·•::-:--:-:--....,..----• !Mtllde 1 8clrm, WMll yrty. Avllt nO'# P\llJC NOTlCE MJC NOTlCE poo4 & pello. lff&/mo. Meonlfl0tn1 view, comp!. bU1 cozy, loU of naturll • Stclil••y carH J.R. PROPERTY P\8.tC NOllC( 'ICTITIOUe eu ... n 973-0tN turn. 2 bl, 2 ba, ftplo, w 0 0 d . R. n t • 3. 0 . • '001 ' lite 1100111 MANAGEMENT NOTICE Op DEAT-u OF ~~.,· .. ,..~-NAMI ITATl•NT ... L. ·-tennl• ct•, jeo, Muna, 151·N22 • 1' 7 llA PallO ApCt e7M173 -.. _.., 'ICTITKMll eu ... u Thi follOWlnQ ~'°"' -eking -_, • poOl. we111 10 blaoh. G ARTHUR' A. GUSTAFSON Th• followlng, per1on ,. doing N~ ITATIMINT 1>11111,..... at! Rm wl b•lh, no ldt~. No 173·3720 or (802) Utll pd, 1 br, f300/mo, : o~::::.L~~·::;. Ufl AND OP P""TITION TO bllelNM 11: The followlng P•rton •• doing DA T EM ' ND e A 8 0, pelt. "'''' '315. 274..eet.4. Quiet, P•tlo. nr· bch. ff!.(!~!! ... z;:e •• ~ STl!Vl!'S A•PLIANCI!, 1841 .t>utlMM te; DATl!MIN0£A$, INCL 3090 Pullman Fri 3.5, 8el & un l;::=::::;m;n:::=::::-::::;-Sept. 1 l 15. '44-etee • .lot lo le«ll & SllO&lt Mlf • Tm -:~~ESTATE NO.:="• No. 1. Coate M .... Oa ~~~~2.'c~i~~~J! ::;;;1. Colle Mtll, Oalllornla (1:,·s~&s-:::r Begonl1. E , Huge 3 bdrm, 3 bl, P<IV In San Clemer'tt.i Near To all hell"I, beneficiaries, 811v• Herold Delong, 1141 82827 Deternlndert. lno., • Calttomle ----------=-=~ p1Uo. No pate. 1800 NEW 2 Bdrm. apt wtttl crediton and contingent Plll*!lla No I, Coat• M .... O•. ~ JONPf\ Wolflndlft. 3018 CC>rJ'Or•tlon C..I• ~ 1114 '' • GOD mo. 851·2175 bullt-1n1, 4arpet1no. d f h A 12827 CoolfdOI, No. 42, CO.II M ... , Ca. Thlt bU"neet le oonduc:ttd by • •••••••••••••••••••••• • STUNNING I 1 8 du' nr~,fi00141Uf '!7.....!,.ecl• lltyf,.; ere H o r a o Art ur . Thlt butiMM 1, wnduc1ed by.,, 82127 QO(J>Ofellon, STUNNING ltroe 1 Ir. atge r. ---------1 1der ..... ,,...... .,. OuatAfaon and penona who lndMdual. Thl• txialn-'' condU01ed by en DATEMINO!A&, INC. Garden Apt., Pool a f90 01rden Ap1, PoOI a reo I Br. 3 bike to ~. 2 ca,., publlo tennl1 may be otherwise interested -Steve H. Delong Individual. JPr~~.1 KruM, eree. 1435/mo. 710 W. LIFE'', M.-110 W. 18th. St. S330/mo Inc. uUI . No court• & golf cO\lrM ln the wW and/or estate: Thie 11atement wu flied wllh 1111 Oenlel JOM0,11 Woltlnden _.._, 18th. St. * 28r. 18&. Neer so. c. pale. 53e-8M1 rlghl behind prot)er1y, A peUUon haa been filed County Clllll of Orenge County on Tllll •t•t-t wu tlled with the Thi. •tet-t ... llled with the l ll1iiiii;WiiirN1liiiMiit:-:Y1iiilit"iwiil ~ ,UN: Pl11e , S.A. Luxury Fruh 2 Br 1 ba, & w1lklng dl11ence to by Sidney Howard in the Aug. H. 1982 '*'" ~71~Ja of °'enot County on ~n70~\;:2 of Orenoe County°" Be1utllul 1hady apt1, 8oc111 ActlvltlH Condo, w/paol. 1575· breezy, enet gar. O/W, 8 1 a t 1 P • r k & Superior Court of Orange Publl•h•d Or•no• co .. t Dally • 1'1•1n ,,_.. ou & wet• paid. Piiio D lrtctor•Fr•• No~-'33-897... no fi 111· S516l mo. =·;·~51fm=. Sidney Jl ow a rd be Pllol, Aug. 14, 2t, :fa, s.c>I. 4, 1H~ Publlehed Orange CoHI 0111~ Publl1hed Orengt CoH t Dally l deck, pool, jacuzzi, Sund a Y 2 bf, nr OCC. gar/pello _8_4_2_·_8_9_7 _____ -1 Av11fable October 1, appointed OI personal 35t5·b Piiot. Aug. 14, 21, :ft. Sept. 4, 1082 Piiot. A\.io. t4, 21. 28, Sept .... tH2 ttnnll oourtl, vol.,bell 8runch•88Q'1• S 4 8 0 PI U I I I C . 2 br, Ht be twnhte, on• or two adulll only ,,..pre.entatlve to administer 0581-82 u21..a2 COYrt, rec room. r i Pertlee•Plua 845-1387 Child O.K .. No '1415 + S371S dee>. Nr & no pet•. c.11 owner at ·.,, l't&.IC NOTICE bdrm, S 4 3 O. Ca II much more Doo• BMq'h Btvd 1t IMcFld-(714) 842-0138. t he estate of Anh u.r A . ___________ , ----rta.JC-------Ml.IC NOTICE 557.0075. O" I AT ' 1 t>d apt, upper, dean. dtn. Quiet older '*'°" ....;..._....;.._....._ _ _,..._~ Guatafaon (un<ter t h e K-oim NOTICE • "-IUCRIATION : ~elnted patio. Rife, pref. No pet1. 89MtlM 1 Br. pvt dee*, old wor1d Independent Administration • flCTITKMIS .,..... ACTITIOUe .,._., FICTITIOUI au.,..11 ,,.fl•• T • n n I •• Fr•• ,. 7 6 I charm. •p•ct1outar ,,,_ Th NA* ITAft•NT ..... IT 1'IMIWf NA• ITATll•NT t.MI 1141 LIUOl)I (pro & pro ~ and e I I · 1 Br> patio, 4 plex. apt. oceen w . wallc lo bMctl of ..,..tales Act). · e petition Thi lollowlng P«aont ere doing A The tollowlng per1on 11 doing •••••••••••••••••••••• 1h0 p) • 2 He 1 11 h · &45-1803 Idell tor clean quiet M95. Contact Mgr It ... let for hearing In Dept. butinMS u : ~~ pereone -doing bUtlneM u : man LIYIH Cluba•Seun•• E.lld• lu.xury In • pine Id u It I . N 0 p e I • • 1pt c. 382 .Ellclno Ln. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center c AL IF O·R N ' A s u RF JIM SLEMONS HONDA 3288t Oflv~. ~~~~~!i~~f 82~~=· F•lr Bffulltul p•rk·llk• eur· Hydromuuge• foreet. RefrlgJ. OIW. Incl. '~8~/toe 1~1/IHI +. ..... , ... ~ve, ~est,~ 1lf:e ~ty ol :~~~~~!~cit~~1i':.'1h H11heway. =~o c~·~~=~:· s ari Juen HATIGE FRANK, 435 F11r ~~d~~=en Tg•:;•:::. =~1=1 Le; l . a..M ~5~6.RA1v:1~ 54s-1e31 on• Id . L;;~~;·~~;;/~'; s!pn~m~a29 a1gs2r~~a9:~ CORSPTROEERITHIOUSNTLERCS s,IKI AlEIS a(~ONS MOTORS, INC.,. Drive. Coal• Meta, CA 82826. 1perkllng fount1ln1. • I Au T,, u l 831 ·8741 or M /F 2 Br. 1 Be. up1t1lr1, 1 085 N. Pecfflc Cit Hwy. • " • • • orn • C1llfornla corporetlon, 32881 Thi• bulln ... 11 conducted by en Speclout r~•. e-~ A, AR TM INT a ·. 213/6g2 2845 ...... ~ ok 1 t L B h O II I a.m . corpor1llon, 2129 SOulh H81hawey, Cimino C•pl1treno, S•n Juen lndMdu&I r111 dining ";M. ;. SI n QI I I • 1 & 2 • ...,,..., • no pa a, WI« l~une C . e r IF YOU OBJECT to the Senl• Ana. CA 12704 Clpletreno, CA 12878. Hetlge Frenk In cloMlt, hom• Ilka Bedr<>CHN•Furnllhed 28'. 1B1 Trl-plex, 1'h ml paid, $400. Agent, no Wk y/ Kitchen 1 v1 I. granting of the petition you Thi. bual,,... le conducted by I Slemone Motore Inc Thia atet'"*ll w .. filed with tht kitchen & c1blnet1. & Unfurnlth•d•No to bch, fncd yd, gilt, fee. 545-2000. Low winter re t el. should either appear at the corporetton.SlrMI HuaUer• "k••• ~:.E· ~· ' ~:>!~!~ fe~~o~~.Orange eou,1;:,;:n Walk to Huntington P11e•Mod1lt Open renovated. 1526 mo. W•••• ... e. 3141 -4-9-4-·5-2-9-4------ h · d " .... , .,_, -·-"'-nllll'. dll"' 9 to 8. 788 Scott Pl. 873-8021 ••'••••••••••••••••••• fem. nice room. plea .. nl e aring an s ta te your Corp. Thie ttet.m.nt wu fifed with the Put>llahed Orang• CoHI Dally ""' ., BLUE LAGOON to n· 11 1 E/Sld C M nr obEUona or file written Jeck HOkeneon, Pf'ee. County Clet1I or Orenge County on Piiot. Aug. 28. Stpt. 4, tl, 18. 1982 1 Bdrtn-fufn, ·~~ 111.we0.1 E.llde CM nr 17th St. 2 houae on the oc:1~ O CC S 1e0 o ·, ~ o ob tlona with Jhe court Tiii• 111t9'TMJ'1t wM filed with tht Aug. ft 1082. , _________ 3_8_t_3_-8_2 2 Bdrm-furn from .-5 a • Br n~ yerd S525 rno: • · · .__ h h 1 y County Cieri! df Orange County on · ~ ,. 2 8drm-Townhouu ..,._ JoYoe Waltze' 931.12ee· Ilda of the hwy. 2bf. _es_1_.1_1JW __ -____ _ .,., ore. t e ear ng. our Aug, 12, t082. p bll had o c o 11 rtaJC NOTICE fum agt. ' ' c:ou2bart'• ~1.!.:..le~~501' CdM. nr beech, greet appearance may be ln penon F1M2M u ' reno• 0 "1 • Y from M75 .......... • '" .. .,_., .., 2 hou or by your attorney. Publl•h•d Oreni' Co111 Dill~ Piiot, Aug. 21' 28• 5ept. 4' 1~7~~2 ~~=-..r" No pe11. Utllltlel treel ...,... ...... !.. 1~ci~s.f~~lo. ,_:~1~ ~:Le~: Edgew1t1r ~,,:,. ~~55 ... I F y 0 U A R E A Pilot, Sept 4, 11. 1 . 28, 1982 The foltowfng peraon le doing LA QUINTA HERMOSA 880 lrvlne 8 5 7 4 a 2 8 h I b N CR.ml'l'OR t in-t 392M2 • butlnel8 u : 18211 P1rk1lde t.n, 1 (at 18th) • om e · SWdlo. J.i bll! to beach, Poo • IP•. back •Y pt, --.. ••~-of theor .. a__~:::.oe, y"'oun P\B.IC NOTICE NEWPORT GIFT WOAU>, 4'500 bit! .. (71 ~) 6'": 1104 142-0350 WOl'k. unfurn. 1410 Incl utll. Chrl1t1an Mile pref. <.:n:UI..,. ~ w. ol S.ach, 3 blk• 8. .. _.. Shi 2 Bd 1 bl 1 t I + 1500 1151·1910 mutt file your cla1m with the nu111t IC NOTICE PICTI110UI IW ... 11 campua Ortve, fllil1• 348, Newport ...,... ..... /le rp rm . ' . mo on Y --------- 1 h ,_.. NAm ITATU.NT Beactt, CA 12aeo. of Edlnger ... 847·5441. 1700 16th St. • 2912 Peppenree Lane. d Ip 011 t . L . I I •• Fem/pvt room & blth, court or present t to~ e NOTICEINVfTINQ91Da TN lotlowlng '*'°"'er• doing EDWARD STITZEL . 33 j I '41 1475/mo. No pet1. 404-5410 or 494-2797. compl houMhOld prv. 1 personal representative .., ITDll NO. 512 bull.-u: Woodlyn Len•, 8redbury, CA ~'!!~.~••••••~•• (Dover at 16th) 660-47111 • CM. S290 mo. 'h utll. ap~ointed by the court NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEH th8t RAINBOW DECORATORS. 110t0. LUX'"" atudlo, free HBO. (71.-4) 6-42-5113 s I 2B ...... ,, .. .,I "" 831-0412 3004 H di w Colt Mesa CA Thie buelr-.-"~-t.ct by en --1 pac ou1 r •Pt, pvt •• -.-..-••••••••••••••••• ---------wi in four months from the Nlled propoeate wlH bl received by 11 no rf, • • 1--.•A .. •• phone, maid eerv. epe, patio, bltln1. Encl gar. NO FEEi Apt. & Condo 3 Br. houae, 2'h B•. d t f fl t i f tilt City of Coat• M-. to wit: The 12828 ,..,m....... $130 wk 499-3015 c • a e o ra aauance o City Council P 0 Bo 1200 Cott · Catherine Murphy, 3004 Edwlrd Slltlllll • • n gr e • • "'Pt•. rental•. VIiia Rental1. kllchen prlv .. Jecunl, letters aa provided ln Section MIH. Call'to;nie 8~828,' on 0~ H1rdlng W•y. Coll• M111. CA Thie 1111-t w .. flled wllh Iha • ....,, ..... ,111 2 Br. Wini•, garege, no &42-1875. 875-4912 Broklll'. pool & p81'kl~. L.agun1 700 of the Probate Code of blfore the hour of 11:00 a.m. on 12828 , eounr. Clerk 9' Orange County 00 •••"aii••••••••••••••• pell, •tape to 11nd. E. Side 2 br. 1 b1, Niguel 495--93 O. California. The time for Frtdey, Septembef 24, 1182. It lhall ThomH E. GrlmH Jr .. 201 Auo. I, 1082. 1'1tf11'2 OCEANFRONT Olx 2·4 Open Houle Sat/Sun downltre, lndry, no jLail· Nlg. Loe rm. gor· fiJJ.ng..cla1rna-vtd1lDOt ·~ JlillJbUelPQOAiblltyoflbebldcwto ROM~. Coe. ta Men. CA 82827 Publlah.cl 01•110• CoHt Deify Br. By week"ot-tnonlh. 12·5 5208 Neptune petl, S430 mo, 271·A E. geoua vu, prtvecy, pool, to four months from the date dellwr Ns bid to 1t1e City C1er11'1 ™'~~~"conducted by• PllOC. Aug. 21. 28, Sept. 4, 11, 1082. _8_7_3-_7_11_7_3 _____ 3Br · ..... ~.,.,. 18lh Pt &44-0452. IPI. klt.~n<I pttv .. gar. f th ••--' bo Olllce by th• proper ennounced general ..-u--.... . ~2 • 1t11>1 to -"'· ......., CO y C S o e bearina no~ a ve. time. 8ldl wlM bl publk:ly °'**' C•lherlM MllfPl\y 2&3 Bdrm wtnw rent.Ilia mo. 1r1y. avall now. S.-50. 2 Br, refrlg, patio. UNTR l.UB LIV-__ 2_9_5_. _2 __ 10 ___ _ YOU MA"\' EXAMINE Md read aloud et 11:00 e.m .. ofaa Tiile 1111-1 wu tiled with lhl PdllrC NOTICE on NewPOtt Ptnln. $525 875-5 10 eY1elwknd1. catl>Oft. Adl\I Pfilf, no IN NEWPl~~T BEACH Large be1ut1ful room the file kept by the court. U eoon lhereafler M pr1cUc•bla on eoun7 Clerk·of Orenge Count,y on FtcTfTtOUa aUSINEll up. Agl, 875-1842. 3 br, 2 ba, frplc, 108 pet1. 724·B JemH. A. 10181 environment with prlvatt beth for You are interested in the Frldey, Seplembe< 14• 1982• In lhl Aug. 1· 1982· ,-1n NAME STAHMINT Wint• Rental. 1, 2 & 3 1uxury·ty""" apt. Step• 873•7787 ipertm•nt community Pr~Vllegelt near .. ~~Kmoltch Council Chemblrt, City Hiii, 77 Fllr •-T tot•-• .... bdfimL ...___.. P-1-..-" ...,.,., ,.... estate, you may file a ~t Drive, Coate MeH, C•llfornl• Publl•l\•d Orenga Co11t Dally t>Yal'!:.., ;;·no pe<eone "' """ng eut.. ~.;;-A;.; &;;;; to weter . Sepl·~une. Lux. 2Br, l!Be, So. Cit on the UpPlf Bay. Prl-· · with the court to recetVe t2829, for"" f\lmlahtng"of LABOR Pilot. Aug. 14, 21. 29, Stpt. 4, 1182 J v ENGINEERING 3420 w 873 1900 $7 0 5 / m 0 . R. r.. Plaza, AC. pool, MCUrlty vale clubhouee •nd Call OM-2951 ' spec ial n o tice o f the ANO MATERIAL TO REPLACE 3582-12 MecAr1hur "G .. Senta An• CA • 9271.1·53g905 5 7 ; g117.5' beamed$.._ ce1,Donung1, ~!~.!.'~. 1'ppoo1a .• a. cl~t'o' y ...... ··~ b' ... 10 ~ .. lrg I f DOORS AT CORPORATION YARO. . . . BEACHFRONT RENTAL ( 13,..., • $5 mo. ·-ry nl ~·.. ~ -·· ,. "' bdl nventory 0 estate aueta Add 111on11 •a 1 a o 1 th 1 l't&.IC NOTIC( 92704 2 Bdrm. Wint• $850. 1 979-2390 dy9. bualneH, 1lrpor1, Fa-1 room & ¥. Ba, no and of the petitions, account.a apecltlcatlon• m.y bl obtelned •I JACK R. VANBEEK. 38t4 s. Bdrm Winter $476. 1 BR. M26. 'h blk 10 S3 ttllon lllrand. Convenient k' t c h. n . • 3 2 5 . and reports d escribed in the Offloe ol the PurCllUlng •~t '1CTTTIOUS au.._11 van Nits. 881111 An•. CA 82707· YHrly S576. 3109 w. beech, 1 gar space, no "1 Br. Trtplex • 75• 1hop1 on alte. Unlur· 873-8327. . ........ .. ..... ST --NT JOHN VAN BEEK, 3814 s. Ven pet• 1 •i>ar1on 118 N-carpet & p1lnt, no Sect Ion 120 0 of the •t 77 F•lr Orlv•. Coate Men , ,...._ •·• Mesa S1n1a An• CA 82707 Oceenfront. 873·1573, 381h 's 87&-g122 pet nlahed bachelor•. 1 & 2 ---------California Probate Code C•llfornla. Bldl lhould be returntd Th• following peraon I• doing Thta t>YllMP ;. conduet9d by 1 84s-5902 • , ___ 1_. __ . ____ , 2 2 8 2 P 1:c •n 11 a . bdrm ept1 end town· R1oho•mre 'rn•nptrlavndhoumtel,·. · 10 Iha attentton ol 1111 City Clert<, t>Y"'-u : F m 28r apt • itepe to ~. A w 111 la ml.as . lCH1teBc k .! within Mid llme Mmlt, In • IMled MACHO HAIR SALON. t590 s. g_ .. panJ'::"~';.. 8Mll l· ... ---1111!!11111111!!'-ben. grMt IOcatlon & 845-IMM $540 • S1000 Walk lo belch. $250 nonaey at w, u .. enWlope. lden11fled on tlll outllde coa.1 Hlghwey. Legune Beach, CA This llllemenl wM fifed with 1111 1-white wit• view. Avail Cloll to beech, 2 Bdrm, Several ~Ind 1 _m_o_. _84_5-0_1_19 ___ _ of Alnerica Tower, Olle City with tht 8ld hem Numb« and tilt 82851 • County Clef1c 01 Orange County on 9.15.92 to t-16·113. 1 Ba. M90/mo. Pool, 8dnn unite fee_ture fine .... • •--~ ~-• 8 1 d W t 0 ~ Otte. Richard Tal1m1n111, 14312 .. ~ ... 3 N ••2 ••70 d 1g f It d • _.. ...,_ V • ea , r a DI e, £,,;;;;"bid lhett epeclly each and OenOll St., La Puenlt, CA 81748 • Augull 26. 19o2. 87 ........ t gar. o pete. ,... -.. . " ner urn ure an •••••••••••••••••••••• Callfonlia ltlH avery lltm " Ht torth In the • Thia butlnee111 conducted by an "11214 ----------r 2 BA 1 BA frplc poo4 •cceuorlH . Move In Llc«iMCI board 1 c.re Published Orange Coast apeclllcallont. Any and 111 lndMduat. Publlahad Or1nge CoHI 0111~ .,,..,,,, • 1395-A W. •Bak • lod1y or reHrve for home. Xlnt car•. 24 Dall Pilot Sept. 4, 5, 11. Hc•pllon1 lo the 1peclflcallon1 RlctlardTelamenl• Pil01,A119 28,Sepl.4.11.18. t08 ,,_,__,_,_,, ~4:· pet1. child o9:: tum mer month1 . hours. 951-4819. l982y ' mu11 be clearly 11eted In the l>id, Thll 1t1tement WM n1ec1with11>e 379s-92 ••• -.-:::::tt:"::"........ '525/mo. 845-3-415. :i,mar1ty "'J~1~ mod>-•mll .. ,.,, 41# 3926-82 Md la!Ue to eet toith "'Y hem In County c.rtt of Orange County on "8.JC NOTICE ..,.., ~ ,,,, ---------1 open 'Y ••••••'••••••••••••••• tt1a epec1flR.t1ona 91\111 o. ground• .. uo. 11. 1882. ( 2 •• B •• R •• 1.:.:··::::::..·.:fJi· 2 BR. 1 BA. old houle. 1111111 9ITIL , ____________ for~ ol tht bid. •115174 F'ICTTTIOUI eu ... u .... '"' ..--no petl, Cl'llld OK. AH On Jemt>oree Rd •t rtll.IC NOTIC( Eadl bid lhlll eet forth Iha tut! Publl•h•d Oreno• Co111 Dally NA* STATOIOfT ~ lndry fectf, cMctt, • utll pd. 415 Hamllton, San Joaquin Hiiia Rd. ;',~~ r:"':,' ~ ~· n•mea end ruldencu ol all Piiot. Aug. 14, 2t, 28, Sap1. 4, 1082 The following '*'°"' are doing ~ 875-0349. •535. 845-3415 144-1100 · · K..,_ paraon1 end p1rt1 .. 1ntlll'e11ed In 3593·82 butlneu ••~ r'l •---------i Phones In room. 2274 (~.~·.Jc1° ~u c°"'c l ~:t:i~·~;.:~ :~ n~!... 11 J~,,! , ____________ OEV1~LT~:~~~~N4~\ i~~~~I~::. ~:r,,,,!,b~tlt:.. Sp~ ~~~ptl. 1p~;kr~:~4to'~· ~ Newpo"e..~: .... ~M. ---· • • • otflcert who can llgn .,, egrMment Pl&IC NOTICE Coron• del Mw. CA 12825. 875-2578 Encl gar, petlo, ·dlhwlhr 875--0812 •ti 5. -------- Notice I• hereby glv•n to th• 00 blflalt of the corporetlon 8lld FICT1TIOOI ao ... n JOSEPH C STEWART, 437 &No•~ .. · Moll utN "-· CONDO ___ ...__ 3 Ba B f I C H I R £ I credl1ore of T.F.N. CORPORATION, wt>elher more than OM officer must ..... ITAru.N'f Cernatlon. Coron• dll Mer, CA 8-yfront. 3 bdrm. 2 ba. ...... __...... n, " " " ~~~~:'to: ~~~t=.·~:.:ri~..: ~0::.wlng person 1• doing 1262 J 5 AMES E. PALMER. 718~ ~ ::~;l ~ ::: J =· :,:g ~o~·u~'3d~=p~~ $84/wk ~ Callfomll., County of Orange, eddrHMI o1 ell 0-11 partner• (l) NATIONAL PROMOTIONS· Merlgold, Coron1 del Mer. CA 975-7009, 87 1 Br ~tarting •I M35 pool, prvt patio. $785. n-f ,_,11or Ma'".Pool Stell ot C•llfornle lhll • bulk llOd joint ventur«•· If lht blddel'le 1 ~I NATIONAL PRODllCTIONS (3) 92825· 2323 Elden Ave. C.M. 851·9522. ~tBlvd ·, Wiiton tr1n1t1< I• abe>Yt to be made 10 aottproprletorahlporariothtrenllly US-OPP MAILINGS t 304•1 Thl1buslnn1llconduc11dbyen 1 bdrm, plly tum., yrty ... _..2 7805 ,._., MIChul W. Hawkin•, Tran1ferM. that doM ~ undef • ftctltloue l Cos M CA 92826 unlncorpor1ted , .. oc11t1on oth1< S521S/mo. 3Q.7 Corer. ..... • 2 Br 2 8a from $525. No C:O.t• M.a 548-9755 ""'-~ lddr-le 18701 name 1ht bid thalt bl 1n the ,... ogan, t• -· · than a partn«tlllp 873-5132, 87~938 S325 .. ,~., pet._ Actoee from Npt V•l• A-•· City of Sent• Ana. neme of the bidder with • J A y MAR l 0 .,,.,.. 173 1 2 .i-e. P81mer ._,..__ t>d. '1':e21 .......... ~~ ~ .. O<fl.f .. ~·50fftce B EA c H I R EA County or Orange. Sute of dealgn1tlo:i lollowlng ehowlng ~~wood, Fountain Villey, CA Thie atalement wae flttd with the -CM 831• 392 m• -..,..,..._,., ft Calltomla. "OBA (the llctltloua n•m•)"; Thie. butlnel9 11 cond ed b en County Cleric of OrllnQe County oo l..U.1.M 11f1 -=.::...=..:..:.:.:=::_ ___ ll----;;;;;;;;-;---1 $84/wk The property lo bl tr.,.,_,ed II ptovlded, how•vtr. no flclltlout lndlvldllat uc:t Y Augull 26, 1982 •••••••••••••••••••••• Nr 181h/Pomon1. 1 Br 1 YIAILY dMCrlbld In gentral ae: Al etocll In name ah .. blUMd untMs there le a · J M rlow •11t211 cars* bikes• 2 ~rm. 2 be MW11' dpbc. Ba. upetan, OIW, cet· ecrou ltrell from ~frlgerltor·M116-Pool tr8de. nxturM, equipment and good current ri':ratlon wllh the Or8nge Thi• eteiei:ni !.u fifed with tht Published O•eno• Cout Delly yny. Mllure non-emkrs. Port. wetw pd, 1 child bHCh, 2 bd, 1 be. Nwpl Blvd & Wlllon wlllTotFM~1!"'"°81on~·~~ County ecorder. In cue of County Clef'k of Orange Counly on Pll01, Aug. 28. Sept. 4, 11. 18, tt82 *skateboards* no pet1. $710 x 3 OK, no~ MISO. Agt., w .. her/dryer, carpor1. eo.ta M-548-g755 u · .N. ""'poret • .,.., """"'_, corporatlonl lncluOa tht .,_ of A 28 t982 3713-82 trUCkS*baby 2 1 3 I 7 t g • 4 1 9 5 • no lee. ~2000 87s-to96, 111 42nd St. -~-------et 2750 Hwbor Blvd., City of Cott• the Prelldeni Secretary Treuurer UOUl1 • • 257.e._.. Yearly on' the bHch, Mela, Catlfomla. County of Oflnge, end~· • • f1*10 rtaJC NOTIC( carrlages*tea or "14) e13-3'Ne 1 8d, 1 Be duple.JC. utU Ac ron from beach, hotel room llJtcflenette Stele of CalltomlL The City Coundl of the City of Publlthed Orenga Co111 om Carts*trikeS " peld. 1375 mo. WI lo bright & llry 2 Br, pa-& ehower: '280/mo. Tha bulk tran•l•r wlll b1 Cost• MIN r~ the right 10 Plot, Auo 28• Stc>I 4· 11· ~1~82 PK:nTIOUe ~.. M25. 1 br. utlla pd, 417 move In. Agt, 97&-1842. llO, lndfY rm $730/mo p1u1 eec. depollt. 2309 conlUl'Mllted on or 8ftar the 23rd reject ll'fY or ell'*'-· N.u. STAlWlmNT rollerSkateS* E Bay Balboa No pets. •---a...J_I .,... yrly. 998-8283 W. Ooealltront, ~ dey of Stptembef, 1H2 & lht lalt DATED: Septembll 1, t982. Thi f()llowlng pertone ... doing lk •t S.-7 i11S5 --~ --.. ___ .. •7 ... -"1"'• dlll to "'' cl1lm• I• Sept. 22. Publllhld Oreng• Co•ll Deity PtlllJC NOTICE bualnell M: wa ers oys • • ••••••••••••••••••••• 2Br. 1e.. S575 mo. yrty, ......... " '7"0 ..... 11112, •I tO:OO •. m. •I Grover Pilot s.p1. 4 1182 NOTICE INV1'TINO -· ACTION CONSULTING TEAM, •wagons•··· 3 BR, 2 e.. unlum, )la. Lar.t 1 .... cerport, cpt1. d rp1, Pine Knot Motel on Etcfow ~llton wtM)M add.-• • "'922-82 -.............. M1 420 Proepecl St .. Newport BMcll, Scooter-hot oceen view, 1 1050, no Utu. pJ, $450 mo 2 open beam• 1118 W. Cout ,,._, NB s-•002 I Bl d T II " -''"'""'...., c .. 12"3 ~ petl. 213/737·7272 • ' Balboa (213) 8&5-2M2 ""7• • ,....., II lo rv nt v .. ut n. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that bdrml avall. 4N-N04 . to oc.an. Wkly retee. Caliloml9. PtllllC N011CE Anthony C. Agaplnen. 420 rOds*coupes• deye, 714/t73-035e, Agt STEPS TO BEACH · 845-0440 So f 1 r 1' I• known 1 o th• Miiied proposall wfll bl received by Proac>eet St., Newport Beldl. ca. ---------T,_..,..., atl l>ll*-~end NOTIC•9M'T1MGMD• Th• OHy ot Co••• M .. • 82863 trallers~rd C.... HI,,., 1111 2 br, meture 1en1nt1 t Br dupielL ..., ._,, 4111 ~ ueed by lhl Trwferor ii> mM NO • ...-Atde••opc•••• A~. to wft:'Thl Pflecllfa Portillo Agapfnan, "20 tops•convert-•••••••••••••••••••••• only i•r. s42a mo 842-8970 •••••••••••••••••••••• tor lht paet three Y'Nfl are: 111'119. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhlt Olrector1, "P.O. 9011 1200. Cost1 Proepecl St., Newport llelc:fl, ca. Lrg. 1br, bech apt, 2 493:()7 1 or .. g).c8280 Pine Knot Motel, 2 Br, Pvt roome. Loving a.re, Oeted: Septembef 1. 1982 Mlled propoealt wtll be recetwd by M•11. C•llfornle 92828, on or t28e3 ibles• motor bike from Big Corona, Webb Reelty utll pd, Ille mngmnt bal. dlet1, rural .,... 24 Mlk• Hewktna tht City ot eo.11M-.10 wtt: The before the hour of 11:00 •.m .. on Thlt oo.ineee 11 oonduetld by• hornes•tawn utlla pd, 07'5 mo, OCEAN VIEW' 1 br, 1 ba, dutle8. Avell. for recluc-hr. '*'•· 559-7107 °' Mldlael w. Hawttlnt City Coundl, P.O. Boll 1200, Coe1• F'rldey, Stptetnb« 24. 1082. 11 lhall limited P•rt«nlhlP-· 873-1153. _.25 mo. ,.. ..... 2 ... _. ,.,,t. 845-0440 731·1247 Tr.,,.,_ MH8, C•llfornll 02828, on or blthtrtepOnelbllltyoflhebldderto AnthonyC.Aoeotnen mowers*lirnoS -'"'"' -. .., ---------Publlahed oreno• coaat o111y before the 11our of 1 t:OO e.m. oo ~ 1111 bid to the City Clerk'• Thlt tt•t-1 -1"9d wtth tilt •corftftr'ate c.,u .... UM $550 mo. no pale. <Mei 2 br, gar. patio, FM•llffl ._,.,,,,., Piiot Stptember 4, t082 T"91dey September 14, t0112. It Olflc:. b~ lh• proper announced County Clattl of Orenge County on _. ...................... 7 14.8 5 5 • 1 1 2 1 or pool no pet 1801 H ..................... . • 3916-82 •hall bl Ille tMf>Onllbillly of the time. Bid•. bl pul>tlcly opened Aug. fl, 1i82 headquarters 1 .. 2 .. I.. 551-2334. 15th •I N•wport LIC. ARROWHEA0-211) ------------...-b6ddlf to ~ hie bid to ttie City and reed llOUCI et 11 00 1.m .. or 11 '1•117 • de t ..._......_. ..___ Gae .... H 1 • .. 5 2 5 new 48r + loft, aBa. 2 Clerk'• Otflca by the proper -tllll'Mlt« U prectlcable, on PubllMl•d Orenge Coeet D•llY gar n car S ~·, ............ ,..., •u""-"9 •. g ht 1 . • ' frplca, 2 belconl'ea. oe-HAJ.IOI UW~MT. OUVI 1nnounc1d Um•. Bid• wlll be Frtdey, s.c>lemblr 24, 1082, In 1111 Piiot, Aug. 14. 21, 28. 5ept. 4, 1N2 Model A's•••• tncl gar, dWlhr, pool, ~ 1141 642 7340· theclral oelllng, color TV. Mortuary •Cemetery publlcly opened end r..cl aloud et Council CNmblra, City Hell. n fair 3411M2 •typlnntableS :..i:~:~I•, no pate. •••••••••••••••••••••• OCeanfronl )'9arly 1 Br Sipe 14.. North Shont. Cre ma IO"f 11:00 .. m., or u -ther .. '111' M Drive, Coate M .... Clllfornle. tor '•111 o.IU•• poolllde JC1ra fer-wood & glale, utll. pd, 1285/wknd. S3t5/wk. 1625 Gisler Ave pr1ct1cablt on TUMday September th• furnl1hlng of LABOR ANO rtaJC M>flCE Wheelbarrows• Spaclou1 2 Br. 1 Ba. Q8 2br, 2 bl, b1tn1, no ~. non-emt<r, 1C11 '696/mo. 622-8831 Costa Mesa 14, tte.2, In Iha COUncll Ctlembtn. EQUIPMENT TO DEMOLISH. ti I 1425 a Br i !A 8• dewtW 1'A mlel beect\ prof. per9on pref "5(). ettyHatl. n FalrOrtve.Cotta Mau. REMOVE, ANO DISPOSl: OF l"ICTmOUI .UH•• recrea 008 1475°. Laun.dry tac.: ~~·· UOO/mo'. 87Wa23 . . B!AENTC~LSRONT !!l_NT, ~ 540-5554 Cellfoml8 92828. for the tumllNng VARIOUS STRUCTURES WITHIN ..... STATWmNT vehlcles•,....,.1f pool 848-96541 12 7PM .. .. Npt -.... ..,.., of ELECTRICAL M<>OtflOATIOH TO THE CfTY OF COSTA MESA. TM foll<Mlng per-. -c1oir19 lr" . . • . 1 BR. 313 33rd St., 2 10 Mey, 2 8R. or 3 8R. "HCI HOTHllS IB.l HOADW.U MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9150 IAl.T% & IHOla0'4 SMn1i & TUTHIU WISTCUff CHAHI. 427 E 171h SI Costa Mesa 848-9371 PlllCI MOTMIH SMITHS' MOHUAIY &27 Main St HunttnQton Beach 536-6539 MICOIMtCK MOITUAl•I uaunaBeech ........ ,5 L.&Qun• Htllt 711.olm Sin Juen C.ptttr 11no -.1m ~ THEOfTY'SCOMPVTERROOM. Addition•• .... of lh• ~ .. : carts•rnodel Large 2 81. 1 8L wtth __ .. WALi ~ 10 bell, $450. mo. newly remodeled. Addltlon1I 1et1 o t the ~tlone ml~ be obtlllned •t PARROT PROMOTIONS, trains*blkes garege, d/w, laundry Lge 1 I 2 Dr twnl1ee Sierra Mgmt. 841-132.. 714-544·2..a'4. epeclflcetkln• may bl obtained et tfle Office of 1111 urct1a11no Agen1, 2oaa1 Adklnaon Lan•. Trebuco, *planos•cars rn'I: $496. . llP1•. frplc, dlehwalher, the Office of the Purctllalng Agent 77 F•lr Drive. Cott• Mau . Olllfornl•92818 Aleo lrg 2 Br. 1 h : enoi. "'""· Nr Hun°i11on WANT ACTION? el 77 h lr Drive, Coeta MHI, CllffornlL Bld1 lhould bl relurned Richard Lynn Brown, 20311 refri,_ratOrS Meo -,.,__........, ,......_ .. Callfomle. 8ldl ahould bl , .. urned to 1ht 1ttent1on of the City cr.t.. Adklneon INle. Treouoo. Calfomla *sk•t-es•••••• AviH .. ,. 845-8825 ~r·~~o~:· .._,_ ... v. 842-5970 GREAT ESCAPES to Iha ettentlon of Iha City Cllrtt, within Aid llma tknlt, In a Mllld 82878 • "" PINE BLUFF APTS '= . , ... ,..,.. envtk>pe, ldentlflld on Iha outelde outtlde wltfl lhl Bid Item Numl>ll 8eY lhrett. Co111 MMa. Celttomla .... ·Chlld ok', on 1:... cfn111fted '42-M78 ..................... . ....,, the Bid Item Numblr end lhl end the ~ °'"· a2111 ... • .. within Mid tlrnt lmlt, 1n 1 a.led envelop1, In ldentlfl•d on lh• DenrM Kaye Elltnl Jf., 40t w. @ 1 Br wtth IOf\ & a 8' 2 9t hoMe. It 1 .aey INd See mountoln propertr llllJnge In llvtnG oolOt C1bre Ttlevlalon fr: °'*'""' o.. Eloh l>td ah epeclfy ..en end Thi9 ~ " oondUClttd by a Bluffa, petlO, ¥19W. frplo. E.ICtl bid lhlll epeclfy MCh and av.,y Item H .. , forth In the generet p"1nerehlp. enol oar .. g .. 1tove, K b · k 0 t? every llem H ... forth In 1hl ap1clflc1tlon1. Any end Ill Oennll ~ d~, ~ lndty enne UO p r . 1peclflcat1on1. Any end all e11cep11on1 to Iha epeclllc1tlon• Thlt 1111-t -flied Mth lht rm. MOO/mo. •x~tlon• to tilt tveclflc1Uon1 t'llUet be CIMtl'f •••led In the bid. County CM1I of Orenge County on 8PMC 131 .. i07 ,,_. 11e c:teer1y .. ..., 1n Iha l>ldt, Ind ...,,. to• kw1h Ii/fl/ Item In Auvuat 11, ttt2. If It's got Ind 1e11un to ..i forth llfl/ •em 1n the epeclllcationl lftall be grounde "'81" h I 2 bdrm1...~.,. be. Fite· Iha eipdlcatlonl lhell bl orouncta fof NjrlctlOt1 of the bid. Publlthed Oreno• Ooelt D•lly W ee S, place. IJllllwlllt•. pttv for r9f1C11on of the bid. fecih bid lftall Mt lol1tl the lull Piiot. Aug. t4, 21, 21 end S.. 4, ~OU111 move paUo. O•r. No pet1, 1acn bid .,.. aet forth the NII na111•1 and rHldence• of 111 1H2 t f t I '620 mo. 64a-M1t • Wasn't he the Ambassador from Australia undtr Teddy Roosevelt? ~rn~ n1me1 8110 tHldeno11 of 811 P«tOfll Ind par1Mie ln11< .. led In ~stt .. a 115 er n a ..._ _.._ " .... , .,._ per.one Ind part1e11inter"*'1n the propo111. 11th• blct.11 by•----------Dally Pilot ._ •-m • --H • the propo11I. II th• bid •• by • •PorltlOn ........ -of tht rtllllC NOTICE classified utM pd. U2 H#llllton 10U ,. llOI $Ult tllllo (or """11) Kt11ntlMHl•Poft WIS, ciorpor8'IOl'1, ..... t"8 NMel of .. ofllcert wtto oan 111gn en agreemen1 --------.;.....--81. ••t leel bed -JOll'lt llOI llolM ltcft••Po<t 11 offtoW9wtiocan111gn en 9"""'91'1t on IMNlf of tM oorporllfOn ltlCI ITATW OP wmtDM ad. C.lt '621/mo. ..a.G477 W OI I• dl1t•b"4y dillef"'t .,.r1flltflt. lloor jll.tM on bellelf of tht corPOl'lllOn ltlCI alleltlW mot9 "*' -oMc« ""* ,_ L .. 2 5678 nd 2 er 1" ... -......., iJ~Wl!ld wi.,t "' ~on 8'~11 SffWttld wMllW l'llOf91Mft one ofllW tn1111 ~~bid le 9Y a ~Of ,MT_.... OPDA~ -" a a . ' .. ,._, ....-. ,...,. d a mutt ol IOI..,~ pro~ ~tMbldllbV•:z:nertfllpor :J;;....~.._.__'*""'.., wma frlendlyad-:C,-·p:~~.1~-Z:: ~ Tld111t101a11t11tio11yoednef" Al*t.t ;Ad",::·:~:=;,:: end!Olnt~~.,.=::: ~~~~.~.. vlMrwlll MH/tM. a1.-.. llltnd ot 111t•1• w ~'111 -ftbtltd u tor"t 111111 ltlCI IOllll ~ tfthtblddtf le• 101eproptlet0tllllp 0tln0therentt1y wlthdr•-• •Olftlfll ~"°"' help Uftl• 3 bt I b*""l "oo•• Ml Q1lltt pond\, cooltd by llflurtl 101e pt~ Of MONr entity _, doee bulineM utldtr I ~ the p"1Mrtlllp °'*"1tne unCler tM tu r-• ,,:0 ~ r-o· OCllfl brttm. Md lo IJla1 """" ~04lllS. 1•111441t "*' d09I bulinell unC1er 1 flot-.. tilf Wd IMll 118 In ....... liotJUOUI tllflllle .. -~ Of ., rn yaur ~Id O.k ~ ...... t ... tN I (tll.....t ..... Mii ......, neme. 1M t16ct lhlll 111 tn ._reel 1111u of Iha b lddtr with a WHT COAST LAN09CAk; (a WheefS lntO ;1eu~· tl~olor mo , .-tll!OIOflllflll tfld ,._ ... IOt I !*t lftyOM woUld nam• 01 tli• bidder with I cfHIQ11a11011 fOllO#'lno lhO#lllj! OOASTIJNI APH.Al.T COMPANY, ... us ........ t pt.., C.-llolllf ([ .... ~Poft') de1fgn1Clon foll-Ing ehowlnj! ''DIA (1ht flollt10111 11em1)' ; 1141 Chltl .. ton ltreet, COila C8a.1. Ont tlld '"''*"°"'·Olla W 1 .. bath "DIA (U1:0~~~0111 111me)' : O'Wtded llowevef, 110 llotltl0u1 ....._CA ttlll ~"'°' I ... 1~ ... •llllf!lt1lrom 1$1511 South Or•no• Co on T.V.R.E. chennol at. nlolltl)' 11 7pm or Tlmol MTrror cNnntl 3. Frt-dl y, lat l lunday •~· FM mMe Info: Greet E1c•P••· •o• H 17. Bia 8Mr LAke. Oallf. llf315 or call 714/eet-M90 1 It. ....,. ... eoroee the 1treet from tl'I• beacri . S2t8/wk . 97&-80M. .,.._,_ (Mon•et Oow!lry Club) S.,.tw. I be. twft., wl rrpto. Ool!t__!OMle • pro.lcled, • 110 flcOtlOul ,,...,....,._,... .... ,,.. .. a Trte flct1tlou1 ""*'"°" n1mei-•••••lll•ml Towlllt~, ••tcionyJ -,.... .,.. •...i uNeel"*911e .....,.. 111101 •Ion wttll tfll OrMOO _.,meM lot 1fll pet1t...,. ._ Ultllt um...,.._•°" 0 lnclrv ""' Clef port. • W °"'""' ,.......,.._, Wlttl IM arenge Coun1r "ecordet. 111 tH• of llleO on 9-tembar 11. 1Mt lft.. Tuffet along aame • 111e.-. ._. lept. in .. .! ""' "ii'-""' County "eoordtr. In UH or OOOjiOI ...... tnalYdt 118 ,__of County of OrMOI ..... 'lftd N9CI In "'9 Tal ....... 141-1'M """' "" •' __.. a-.W :"°'~== =.i:=:..,._ery,T,....., ~:It ~2.,'"ot ot ... lfled ........... 1 11r. 1 • .... !t.~ ~u.r .... & mo_,lllV ratH. Gall M*"l llMllOt .... Md.......,_ Tiie Dlrlileel'l ot 1fll Qtr ol COiia full NIM eflCI Add,... of IN ...... .... ...... ... 1 -.y, .,_ lrllit. "9f p to w .,_. • _, n. °" ~ o1 .... Cf1r GI Meu "•de¥elop1Hnt At•nev '-"°" W.ti.,..•· :•9":.' ;n--..... • drpt, peuo. ~ 1~~ss ~ ~ l• ~Oii '-"·CA 11ome •t•r•le, lao' COllla ..... ,......thettgMI0,___ .. ,.....10,....MrOtll ....... .._,..... . ................ ~ \71)_ .... , -.. -...... ltllGt!'izOtel.,.._ ...._ tMIOllwl ....... ~ ~ tuff9t Md lo'8 et Piii'-~. • .. _, -· . DATii>. ...,...,..., a. 1MI DATID: ~ It, 1111. 0....--. CA otller tlllngo 111rou1" T9l. ...-. ..... flM lflt $1110.0 '"""' *"' north Oft e..h to CdM. near ........ ._. ~•t1e11tct oranee eoa .. 0&11) """"*' l>rante C•••t Oaltf , 'flVl»ll"'9CI o_,.,.. 1 Dellr D•llr "'°' 01 .. °''* •---------• Md..._ !Mn""'• llkf.-..i ID s...lfi-.. ' '°°"' "' a ..v ,._. ~~'~ ~~'~ ~~-~'1'·'~-~~~~~M~a~~~~=~-------LJ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~·~ ~~~~~~~~~----_:_ ____ _,. __ ! .. !!!:1-11!!1~~--~~~~-~ 'r--~ • t __ .,._ .... --. -... ~·~ Orang• Coul DAILV PILOT/Saturday. September 4, 1082 ..-' .ca J llJIWl.lt.ftl/1.-l!tf llft~.11.~~ 9..ftfJll .... IMf ''J::'::.i"' . Ml..rMttA .... TIJf l!!i..,MM~ ... 1.~ff "'1..f.¥.'11. .... !.~ff lW..'fe.~ .... 1!..ff ~ um.1 ~~1l1t~,.~··i,,:,~11~; ,~:rt!ll!n,,.~':'t ... ~~al , •• Mtt.t.hMf ...... 1A111~~,H~l.N:11~~ O:c.=ci~I~!,_ et "::t:: :_rne.,_lnlftlf; '""~II (~ll.J...., ~.;~~ ..... :;:cll..:.\'CMM e=•ful 4 Ir. -. ... H·ll, non·emoti., to r•••PI , .. 0 • .,. Ml"f• .._,,, '-J •Miii rl•nJrd ~roP•rty/ 1011001, ~s.1 pin "Olll*191\Ce K~ . perllt IC ILJL._~ .._._ ..... ~ uoormo. eh•r• ''llU·n•w" I oonf. '"''• 1111., "'••I t'171.r • .-.nrn ••• r.~ Otflo ''•l•oll au1. "t·•m ot c" W0to ProoeMOf ;:;:_• .:S:':r:f7oa _ .._~ --w '• J 1-1 ~ •• I beth ten Ji.tM l\andlCI. ~llW to L I PorlNlll -...._....... MINflt, iOc*ll .. nt. 011.11/llH ITOOI( helpful. 0111 Lauri• . ' ~·· ~ • r iii!: :8'9~..'::~ ~='r':oi~"t ~';f.r lo~elrr:; :-r:: Ot t 1J1Ml7-· ~:~~.On~~ t1am·lpm, 1 Tu11•hl. 1~22 ':i':::.•r;~j ~~~ ~':i! ~ .. ~~--:"-"'•I ~ j'-; ·t:-~ lunll•ndllurt plu• only mlnutH to '"' 1nd1v. oft!!:_ ... Mo/mo. 142•'1°' hoall•nt ,.,,,,nooe, ~~·1':'9J4M"old 411 UUI. 11•n11Y time. exper Pf•t.,red. '~ .,.4 • ·-iii to, •17 ~ t !, l'flvat• .ntrenoe, bHoh & o .. ,. ,olnl fTom ~at. ww44•1. 1.011: w11111 and J'•Y Me. KIMICfy N1·4t.N · • · N•weort O•ntar AHi '4W3H -,:\ H.,bor. HOO/montll NIW,.~IUfTU :_:~ '=-~ H': NU"HI AtDllhom• °r.':'arlenc•d ,. o A ~:':d~ ·'-~~i~•:onL.'":1 •••~•on: gOOd oc>• U:~4rS:~~ :,~,;;w ·~; 'i ·•~hu•1 or~ ~':.,~.r~; ,ull teuonlbll ooltar & tag1'. d• oaia, d•Y•.1. •• .,.r. all needed f()( Orthodontic lteo'y, 11lnt typing, Sio. f)Orlunlty for lnde.,.n· lll•ILOW "··· a ti-OM-tot• n 1•2040 0 , (? U ) re t •, )( 1n1 Io o , 14..,1292 ev 7:0 •2281 ftalde, 541-~e:MI. praottce In MIMIOn vi.1< tapflOM l •horthll'ld 0 dent contra~tor of llll••llllilliiiilil••••••••I AVAILAll.I IMMIOIATI· 4M-t7M, 71LMOI " "' eroa. 83()..370) tnuat lal1ry open. llrtlght oommlulon. LY ()jl"O • 01-CdM I.oat Z\t WU: gray M •• , ...... ,.,, "" • &40-eHO 120·1151. .. ....... ,.~ '11-f•.... y to 1fWe with P<of ,.._ .., ........ 00.t =I p~llO+ ~ I I b b Y 011, n I U t ,, ••"'II'•••••••.,••••••••• Dantal -• ~• ....... •h••••• fr.••••••••••••••••••• DOMlble t.m• as..so. Oontaot largHI G•y Ill ... I ...... ·~eq "TMQ•r", vlo. Balboa ART C'NTIR with di· ''"' ...... Llv•·ln hOUllllHptr, ·-"L OAAPOflT IALI! • lun QAAAOE ·~ 116" lt bdrm t'A be COM Mlle ,.,,,.,. ~ In av · · ...... .._14 1Btvd & O It. Rewwd v•r1t operet1on1 ind 1...,.1 ..... ., oook. Meture adult S I / S t ·30·4. ,urn, 10011, throorf\ acoHe. eome apt, 3 bike to belt\, ,ool So. Cliff. 14CM111 IJMlfht Jllffn "'8TH847 ::;:,~-= ~ llor quality Oent11 :::":,i':.r.r--::nm V:f:>ti 8 8$ 8CY ~~'.mr:!'ti r:::: ;~~~3 ~·~ & Oetdtner lnol'd. 1•· Mlle 3M6 el\r 6bf, 2be '°' ..... ; 3 •dJec.nt Loat Diamond ~amuton good otflo• 1111111 Practice lo CM. ~lure bath. Room & Board Typing, •horth~nd , 21g"' Menna Ave. Bal CM. :!'io MOW~ 8':~:.~-hN nr 8.0 .Plua/Frwy. eicecutlve eult•J· Top Wa1c611. vlo No. Hunt· Jmblllon encl w1'"ngneei nper'.!11 p1r1onebl• Plue 1e111y. Peld Vaca-boOllk-=.OQ· lecflltrv 1e1e ...;.. ______ _ home'7eo.eea11 • ~ S22&+ehare utlll. floor of p<•t~IOul Id-~~~1-loh. "•wardl \o oonform to rlold N1·14:lV tlon. Cell 876·3148, :!.n~ travel ,Nlel You· won't bell•v• 111 ft!J!!-?'J!.f~!r •••••• 841-4913. dre ... le1ut1 ul 4fl•w. • dr"' oode. af·SO lloure Dantal Alllllant alter 6 pm 842·2124. • 640-2500 ,,om brlll bed 10 Fri/lat. CllrlelmH & "n•nolally r11pon1lbl• M1' mow 1n loY9fy home H~hly upgradeel. Rea-l1M llWAll to •tllft; chance for fUll Heve you been Mitch-deye ••t 140t Bel 5·7 etereo. IMl'IY 111m1 from •Mleo. 11oac. From ~ '""* 21-39 lo llhlr• CM. Pvt ea a oornol •P lonl•1 1 .. rvtce pro-Alwtllnlan male 6 mo llrne exeoutW. polltlOn Ing for • rtwerdlng MANAGER OPPORTUN 1nt'"ue1 to nw. Sat. • ........ lhoWroom. MUcll & OCMtlon•I Hoel ... ! houNl\old !)(Iv. L•••I• vlded. ult• avatlebl• 67tn ' ~ w i encl nnanolal partlclpl· oarHr oqportunlt) • SECRETARY, FANT OFC 8•Pt 4, IAM·4PM .• ;:;;;: 8544 0.trlctl Cr. 46' MotCll'.Sallor lSOCkea &42-3277. lndlvldul11llyfor U ! Newport, M1·13i3. .. tlon. &4&-4546 wMle your •Xl)tlllneed. ~.:orh~ecr==: IAndvg Aengtdncyp:.oGnoode uotycp.e Sun.. le!)t S, tAM..,PM. (COrner Ellla/ Hftlltnd.) In Newpon, hie oantrel group. dlol or brancn I cMlrllde •Kl>lrtlM wtM B h I " • 11 O air, heat, 2 b1lh1, Fam. roommate wtnted Office or P41'80I\ In the Found: Oold ohaln w/ Att1nd1nt overn Ohl be uMd and IPS>facllt• ••o ire•a .. "r. lllll'lllal 8h0fthand • 300 nyx, 81lbo1 llftl~ .. •hower, -ltch•n. •II to lhltl furn Ooa1n tlnanol1I ll•ld PIHH medllllon Identity 'WkanCll HS. AUl•I ed? If lnvlt4 °t•n. 848·8 44. ca I plu1. Opportunity to l•lan4. REOA.ROLE88 eleotrlc. PIHH H nd Front winter rental. Leg 0111 (714)780-1018, 790-08a7, 1167-1222 dl11bled prof. woman to Joln~i :/at!1~ 1 5pm. 1 edvence. Salary com-Sun. only 10-41 A'PPll· OF PRICE reeume curr.ot photo Bel\. Avail. 9118. 1328. Newpor1 C9rlter. Found: F blond• Lab 846-2367. the growtll ot Ihle car• mert1Ur1t1 wtth experl· ance1, tool•, dr11111 Furn., appllancn end ~ bec4itfound to 1·240-7005 att 8 PM Pu.II PUil 1 A 20 ATTORNEY Ing dental otflol. X'-NT Manegament eno1. c111 Carol, 10 12.18. mite. furniture. m1eo heme. eee7 EtH• P.O. Box 36-• B«ilboe Young ProfMllonll. OC>ll'I 234 e.tl 17th St. CM 'R:no::O'Mric1": ~~~ benefit• Include medlc•I ...... l•rk•ll IM-12 pm. 557-0842 121 Colllna Av.. • Sat/Sun M llland, Calif. t2ee2 mlnclaCI mal• •Hkl 1400 aq tt to 2800 aq &42·5008 New admltt.. ...~ lneuranoa. 11400 If l&•I• TrtlltH 11•n&1Y /DU GRAND PATIO SALE •uda ,_ ,.,,, Prot. non-amoker, tem.a. ume tor 2 bdrm0• 2 be 11-11.05 pw ft. UtU a llH llW••i entry leY9I poeltlon. quellfl!~d,0 "'.'i2•wport .le-'• YHr Oarttr 10 C.F.O. of Npt Bch Sit, Sun, Mon, 10 AM •••••• !f•••••••••••••• to '"'" 3 and den lrvln• home. arag•. JanllCll'lal Incl. s.. bldg -etaner. Polltl\19, 1ff•ble·. BMch ........ ....., •• FI n • S v o • •. FI rm. 221 Amathy1t llrgt G11ega Sale. Ap- h o m • In Newport yerd. Non-emoker. 13g5 mor &4&-3120. Stoteri: 2 J11 1kl1, 1 Seturday lntervtew. 720 Dental/Front Oflloe, Start your new career Challng., Reepon. po11. CdM High Sct,oot Croae plf•ncH, clothlng & ShorM. wuner, dryer, mo Incl utll. 551.,.2156 Scaling Do n? 0 C red.:.....orng, yelblulow .. ~ wht. w. 19th St., Cott• plHHnt, buey ••II· ~.ouUpr 3,r0e1 ~.'!'A • .. rn~ tlon. Good typing, Incl. Country 0.,.,,. Sale gem••· Beginning comm. C::ti tennle, ...,.. 833.().450 deye w · • I .... t & · .._.,d, M • • a . 1 0 -3 . bll•h•d office na•d• .-. .,. -,~ 1t1tl1tlcal, S/H lklll• & Iota 10 ... 00-,. f•om' OAM·SPM, 8•1/Sun. 4th ...... k 1111 .__ B<ancM omc. 11 R• c • 11 8 4 8 -a 8 2 7 714-146-8350 1 1 1 b1i;om• mo,. e11p'd. 111 d 1 b "'' • · & •th •901 M h 11 ... to , u t-Fam• to "'' 2 bdrm, genoy C•nler Exec 545-4554 CM P • HI . ront o o mgr. •P u • or num are, 328.,. "methy•t. Bal " . ., are • lnclud•d . a350 . 2 bl N.B. epl, 1250. eultH In N•wport nr lice Dept' or · · 0-Auto o.talllng Exper nece11. 4 day ~c:'m~~ll:-:~~i:~::'o~~ oper. req 'd . Call Ille. Or &4&-gee7 720-1&48 ...,.. Airport tully eq<ilpped ' . Steve'• Oetjlltng I• now w 0 , k w •• k . c M I • v • I • . c • I I : &40-0123 ,,,, .. __ ..... , ,,., BHkltball blCkbrd & Dlecrtrnlnatlng & flnan-II.I. __.. 1taffeel: 120-i40 eq ft. Lott: Blk Kitten, M., 8 hiring compet•n• end &45-7690 -· 714·537·4840. Inter· SECRETARY -perm•-••• ~.~::~.:;:! ••••• bHkll, 5117 redwood clally r••ponalbl• F• F nontlTlkr.to lhr 4 br, ~ .. 01~. ormo'J::.'"· 12 ~o0. ~. oi:;.:~ ~'9.·1:tJ ~~:.~~Ht'°~. ~~~~ N. ~lllb Pll~ view• held every Wed. nent full/Um•. nMded SUPER PATIO SALE deck. Antique•. mite • male 2549 yHrl to 2,~ b 3rd fir t ,_.,. 1 " "' : ....• ,.,.1• _ d ...,..., ,Y e1101.,. car 7-8 pm II 111 Del Mar, now, IOI' 7 per900 lrvlne 502 E. e.y Av. GrMt furn. 178112 El Nop11. 1hare luxury 2 Bdrm. • IP : .. ,...., ,.. w/1 '" ........ v ··-· • n c • P '• •r r • · Agency. Clean driving Coeta Me .. and every lax & lnv..tm9"1 firm. barge Ina: printed T • (81alar/ Gldnwet) PromonlOfY P1. Town· :'~~~~ =:tit~!!i Share o110i& garden of· Found: lnJured Gold•n 831-8900 record. Mull be relt· Thure 91m·noon •t Requlremente: HC4111ent 1hlrt1, buy 111 for Garage Sele. t<enm0,. home, overlook• pool. & dip. 873-<t742 flee~. near Airport. Leb Cat Hwy Dana AITI llOUllO able. 1186-8308 1300 N Cat. Hwy .. Lag. client relttlon•, typing 14.99, get 2nd for tc; _..,,., & Oryw, 1200. Send re1ume, lurrent lrvlne. 1250 /mo . point Cw~ In vw a Pore-Bch. E. o . E. 76 wpm+, WCll'd PfOC. ewlmw•ar. lhOrU: Drafting Table, com· photo.., ~•I back· M/F 26-33 prof dnly, no ,.,,7,. "20'"' ~ M1·9t28 ......_ lie'--&Wt or legal exp. helpful. pante drtll" kid• L--.. 1 ~ground to P.O. Box 1m1tr, clMn, to lhr 2br, • ......., '• Chee. Toot• necaeeary. Part ti;: PM and Medical A11'1 for der· Apply ln pe110n at 2891 ctothei. odd• & end1. P1.'!10·.1~1. ~s.~-thSMu~ ,, . ••• .... , . t~: !• • . .. ,• I :1 S6·B. Balboa l1land, 2'Aba new condo, CM. Our pu¢oae at our full •1oo R-arel Call 855•8137 weekll'ldl. 4000 Hllarle matology office, 4 full Alchtar Av., Suite 102, Fri-Mon, 10-8. ~on, 9.4 pm. 10101 C.Uf. 92882. Dave, 831~91 IMl'V"-.~~ <Ant1r Ca I I co C 11 • F · • am Mf lllYIOI Way, Newport Beach. d~ pr wk, Mon-Tuee-corner Jembo,.•, or J O D I HB .111 1 Ew~utlue ult• 11 to 18th/Orange, HB . •~2 5••1 call Mr Dalton 1t~-a1 ~,, ••• on •Y r ve. Prof Fe & Son to .,.,.,. 3 ·-• ~~-A~ • 53 3 and 1~111 repair•. New· '" • "" T Url·frl. Wiii train · ' !':':: •••• ':'•••••"!'"••••••• 983~8222 ,..,, OIJJn •••~ 'WT ~ new and •xlttlng 8-2 12 """' re ,.. ... , .. 3000 "52·1313 ..... dye. &4t·37e... NEG BO 00 bd home In N.B. Wiii •••••••••••••••••••••• bulln...-., with • tully Lott: Slameae cat, lml >""" ""'"' ...,,. DRY CLEANERS u .... I H RH 0 OAR· Photo & darkrm equip. ... conllder f chlld. llaht mwnYI llrTtl equipped etaff. Thie la whte, nr Martner1 Elem E. Coat Hwy, CdM. Countar clark, ••per. llltUL -Olnllf AGE SALE. Mite. 819 BMX bike, "A" Ford ,•, chlld·care. Over !O. IRVINE. Phone --accom9'11Md In pr .. 11-echl. ISO reward. Babye!Har Mlded ~on. pref. CdM. 873-«93. TIAllOllPTIMllT -PolnMtlla, CdM. p1rt1, art euppt1, loye, :•. 1•~!~! .. ~o . Lv Mau Ing, conf. rm, utll pd, glou1 and beauUtul Q.1.5339 Tuee, Wed, for little 2 yr Eleotrlcal Work at home: Curr9r1t IW. llTaTI CoOeotlblll, woman'• & doll hou1e, ceramics, ,,_, • ......, eetry ..erve. eto:-Al•o-lurroundlng1 wltflln. old girt Npt Bch Ar.. ILEOTllCaa TEIT Full time -real ••••• glrl• clothH, game•, toole, book•. houlNtlOld Fem 10 ehar• N.B. eon.. dHk 1pac .. 1150/up. dlvtdual offk:M. Mo/Mo. Found; lrtah Seiter pu~ 530-3482, 873-0322 · ' ..., Medical Rec:ord Dept. llc•n11 d111rebl• but book1, MUCH MORE. ltem1, Sat only 0-4, do, fully ;urnl•h•d. 540-9745 from S350. e«-71et. ~~ ~~u\i:~timm ~; BABYSITTER EllllEEll ~'Fi~. r~~f:n/~'~.1~ not nece111ry. Bu1y Sat. onty. i>-3. 417 Or-1015 12th 11. HB on non-1mkr. 250 + 'h 1617 W••cllff, N.B. 251 ...... lala.I 44IO Shep. mix, blk & brn M; Mature, for 4 mo. old. TIUIEE 71417&8-8500 zorJ" k•gun: Offb~i chld. _LM __ ._P_ar_k_. ___ _ utll. Avail lmmed. Don to 4000 IQ. ft. 111. •••••••••••••••••••••• Shep mix brn F M·F 8 ·5 :30. C .M. Minimum 2 yr engl· -.. S~~·Rol 1~ ~~I-C.tl• .... lrn•t 831--0815 noor. Agent 541·5032 Beeutlful ex~tM office Newpc)rt BeaCn Anlm.i • e.4&-83-42 ~ng degrM requlr· ._._ m•nt, 831-0838 or •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• M want• M/F to ehr 2 *HLIJI lffllll* IUlte plue wwehouee !n Sllelllr, 844-3858. BABYSITTER 7A.M·8AM ed. FIClllly tocallel In Tr•t1rlHr/frf th. 499·1320. BIG MOVING SALE·9AM UN GARAGE SALE ~'· 2 1 bl Jlpl, N~t er· From 1 room to 3 :•o!ilgl=~;7~· Found vie Werner & •& tftlr9Chl 0 untll dinner San Juen Capletrano for ~r'l time for MIHlon ~:~.~·. 1~:1 r:.~ ~~~r. A~u:'t~~ i:o~imo~clncl~nu~ll!: room•. From $1.18 a tt. 875-3882 from 1o-s; Raitt, SA emlll belr.'. wtcdyt. &48-71122 =~= b:i=:! 49~7l,O~lology office. S /R l Vlrde). l9v1 Mat wimows & Depoelt. &48--0929 :: 'lar0 A=~:~ &44-95311 •ftar 8. i.~.'~:a.::~~n•H m •• IUYIITTEI tlon equipment. U.L. llUIOlL ecy ecep MOVING SALEI Bed1, ~~::!:~·-5~. 5~;.,.,~~~ FernaM want• to lhlr• 2 2172 Dupont. Cell AM. Comm'I or bull. ofb WllTEllU Certlf11d circuit• for f /f a--&.~·-T a. ~11:*~~18;: cablnete. wood,' picture pln1 drop leaf table bel, 1 ba home. No 1133-3223 w/phone & 700 eq ft of Found male German 10,000 end 25,000 ..---ti• fremee, more. Cheapl $250. Navy baby etroller lmkl"I, no llc:ohol. 1250 yard In C.M. on Pia-Shepherd, 1 )'Ml old, Mu1t llave own trane-amp• A. I. C. Appllcant and runner for M.D of· young buey Santa Ana 50t to 1200. aoe Joann. 130. 4119 wool wov•n Npt Height& f.42•2151 Airport area • Euo. c•ntla. a2SO/mo . flea oollar a IHthtr portatlon. NHdld to mull 11119 In arM. In· flee In .Mla1lon Viejo. office. Submit amptoy. CM. Sat Seipt 4 to Sun l'Qg ses. N-wicker · SullH. From 225-450 &48-3332 co1i.,. Vic. Balta/Chica. help In my l\oml part-t1rvlew1 at UNICORN No. •llP'· nee. 495-4700 aalmen~t hrl:!_~2...~~lu11dlogto Sept 12. 11-4. changing table uo. F to.,.,, nice 2br/1ba ept lq. "· $1 Plr eq. tt. 548-54912 llm•. Cell Dana ., ELECTRICAL PRO· ._.UH--• w/..,,.., NB. asoo utll• Many 11t ra1 . Ca II Retell 11ore ar 2850 54~7827. If no anlWel', DUCTS, Anaheim. Call MlllOAL PO x 1988, Attention 'CJAFIAGE SALE Chllforob1 (natural) pd. (213)425-2731 557·7010 Avon, 19e5 aq. tt. plue l11Naal1 . 11$0 PLEASE keep trying to 830·2011 tor appoint· 11111 lfftll Darlena, Senta Ana SAT/SUN ~b ·.~25 ~I~ n:t~ 8 Olf garage. '41-8777. •••••••••••••••••••••• c.ti.l...;J rea1on1ble ment-0 G 92702.-. tools, houaehold, bltt•. er • · t t..,..... COM M/F to 1hr lrg Executive office 'ulta, COEDS • Would low to houn. eusy B· YN~nHcte moped, b•d•. 3225 Sff..8300 beMrt. 3 Br condo. Pvt corner of 405 Fwy, Neer llllEIY p•.tu with you. Call Sue -· back office a1111tant. Teacner·1 Au't 0 k t 1-------- •°VI I ,, ... J 1J Ba, eeparall ttv rm, lrg Harbof Blvd. Taki over I •T -• 0';'''1<1thy anytime. p""""'=. E11per. Mature. Salary Special cl11111 for 1 0 • i-... J.MA Bdr, gar, walk to ocean ....... 1600 eq.tt. al OOC -2131~3233 1um UT ,_ open. Houri Monday handicapped adutte. 2 YARD SALE SAT.~ ~;.;•=.:·~~~·:• Avell. 1011. 309~ Irle, ft. Call 751-e1e1 Top eatabllehed M"' Be • carrllr counMlor through Friday. Call yre college exp. req'd. HMl\ld lteme, clllldren'1 -· -·--"" 173-5802 or An._. Ad locatlon . ..-Information ,,...... ..... for a local newepaper. An1wer Ad No. 722, $750, •Int vacallon & & adultl' cloth ... decor. Porcelain FlgurlnH & 132 Diiiy Piiot 842-4300 Founteln Valley Office can LmU I YIOIJ'I LoOKIJIG TO ADO No Hp.,lence nee••· &42-4300 24 hr1. 1n1uranc• benefit•. pee, bed & b•lh Item•, v ..... ~·· Brorwie. :~ 24 tire. IPICI, 2500 1q.ft. at MEL FUCHS PHOTO MODELS TO OUR STAFF ury. Work only 12 .... •-•Ylltll Wkdye 8:30-4. United tome furn., many mite. Oriental • TMk & 80t a ft. Good expo-I PAVILION REAL TOA , ESCORTS/DANCERS • I Mak._...,. Artllt houri a weak. a75 to _._ Cerebral Petey AMOC., odr.1027' Concord SI, Roeewood randtather Female Roommate want-aura, good park ng, llM1H OUTCALL 24 HAS • 1 Man~~11 •tart plu• additional Noon Superv11or1 ur-Sante Ant. 5-48-5780 M ... North. Chiming Clock•. Teak & ed lmmedlatlly to ~ Talbert & Brookhuret. llMIOl •hare of partnerlhlp'e gently needed by Hunt-T•~ ........... _ Fist\ Potee., R ..... 10 • ...,., Marble Bare, Orlent•I 3 er. 2 Ba. CdM. Aek Call 751-8191 l•'•1l1/aJ Client• not MClllllY profltl. lngton B .. ch City -nwn bike Bargain• Fr._;;;; S«Mna & othlr ltemt, tor VIC1c>N 720-1002 400-000 PLUS 1400 eq, lfll A rMI tun Jobi School 011trlcJ. Salary NH ed Immediately. 9.~ • 281 E 181h St Cry1tel Ch1nd1llere, Resp. M 2w5 10 ehr ft. P9r!thouM Beyfront •••••••••••••••••••••• Richard Ouettett• Management opportunl-$5.078 per llr. apply ld••I for 11ud•nt1 or CM. · · Fine Fumlture. e.au11ru1 !owly, unturn. 2 br, 2 Sult•, perking, petloe. N.B. 3975 Birch. 1000 S~t=-~:~lve 200 Newport C9rltar Or tlM. For Interview call 20451 Cralmer Lan•, homemaker1. Houre, · Glau Front Cabtnetl & be Promontory Pt, N.B. 873-1003 eq. ft. MlA zone. Agent ~cell Newport BMctl •ft• r I : o o PM . H.8. ~ 3-11. No Mlllng. Alfport Elec. ~lter, blk .. , VltrlnH, Lampe, 011 S400, Alteon, 876-8204. 541-$032. • .. 1-83n ... 2·5878, ... 312. NUTRmONAL ., ... Call betwMl'l l>-12, drlll P""· 9" uw, Painting•. Dozen• of Prof non-emkr, M/F, to el\r 28r, 28a. NB. Apt. Streight, CIN to bch, ta65 mo. + '-' utll. 7ll0-8789 • MALE TO SHARE NWPT BCH CONDO &45-4224 '42·9228 ·~~~~-~~~~~~Beauty CONSULTANT &40·4847. Altar 1 pm, lraller & more. 54&-7689 Collectable Porc1t1ln *twrl IULI* 17:'fa1 up. ~~ ft.1~":;i: Orange COunty'e Fin.t FANTASTIC EARNINGS Ol .. t money maker • ~151 aM Woodland, ott Tuettn 1Mfd9, F1gurtne1. Ptetea, O.C. AJr1)0f1 ., ... Prof. !!......;_ ,,_._·,M" T • *** Salon need• •tegant Excltlnety elmpl•. W• tr .. '':rtl For mor• T.._...._ •-•-CM .... 5.77•3, "OOcc &Etc~~~ environment, full Mr-.,..,.,......, .,,...,_ "' talented llalr etyllet' are expanding to '8 .,,. __. .... -.._ .... v " ....,..,,,_, ...,,., ....._. Yloe. or no "1111. lndM-Huntington, Beach. lfll..&:I PlrlOr' fop Salary, · orange County and tnto. call 1· 2.... Earn Big Money by the Yamaha 1700. Much tlon framed under dual offlc11 or d••k &42·2834. nu RIVE GAUCHE nMd •• IMlt 8 people ParMlme gen otc. Oeeke bHch, 1300-• 1°001 mlec. gtau. 383 er-tt Bay epece. 150 :b ft -3500 ~ .\lr,.,t oci:"d~ ':' w:.:IY HAIR SALON to be trained u !Mderl colt or HS tiudenl at· week. Call 538-7511· Big Gerage Salel Sit. Dr. North Laguna, •q II. 1 M . FREE. Offlcellnduetrlel J11CUU!, SaunL l.ocale Newport Be1 ch ~~·1:;0::-::n~~ ternoone. 831·U80 Top Sr. Security door 9-ll. Something tor 4117-7090. Sat/Sun only 750-8978 4,000..14,000 aq ft. An .. well •• Tourlete. 540-8187 or Conni. for .,.. appt. PUT .,. plrlOn up to se.oo per ewryone. HMhld lteme. 10A~PM or by appl. A/C Hvy Pwr end BankAmerlcard, A!Mf-hr. Pr .. tlge condoml-baby fl.Im., lhop ~. '--8M .,..,J Ou6et1 2F brnonemlu'c•• ~ lookfor CdM dl11 1u1te, A/C, Ughtlng. Xlnt tor Rl.D lean Ex.preu, Diners. All IUT PAIT•.,_ flLl aDI Evea end/or week9"d1. ntum Jn Newport Beech. & much l'l)Or•. 274 Cd ::r ••••••• "A":••••••••• or '"' -~ 8fn9lt pkg, utll pd. 2855 and Io w r a I e 1 . welcome 714/8-4~3433. I Ag9r1cy NB Re19onllbte adult•. OY'lf C•pable of being d• Pt. Garage Sale (In houM) Oct. 1. Up to $275 IL E C.t Hwy 875-8900 7 2 0 -0 8 2 1 ' 21 12 Hart>or Bl. CM M • Tift ;..~ ' , 21, with out1tandlng, puttl.ed. 875-8101 btwn JUI •HI! Unu1ual Item•. furn .. Cynthia &45-2732 · · 213-G2J-'404 e. 1 1~ Pf~ attractive pereonalltl.. M , Mon--Frl. • ~ ~ Sat/ Sun/Mon F _.. ,.. .. M 2000 aq ft office epeoe . Aelaxlng maHege by tlon olerk for local 'FOOD PREP. ptu1 dell to work with youth eay •• rl-1 30276 VI Real Mi:om. ~i;;"'.:Ohf'M:-"pvt for IM. c1!..: eYlllS ,..~· Ptecentla/17th St; 1500 t•nn11 pro• from I.a· newepaper. Private counter, 7am·3pm. (ago 10· 14). Cell W....,/Wlltrtll -• L br & .... $350/mo. utM• 825 W. .... t, ........ a.I. Incl. otllce. 1450 guna Beach. Wayne or dell!, ~ ettlre. Only Mon-Fri, benefltl, ... 2·5PM, 842·4321, Ext. French Reetaurt11t exp-11 Al • I Pll llblJM 41lel. Incl 8'1'i-4392 MHa. 845-8830, ... mo. 848-1184 Cly1 , Sieve by appt. fO.llPM raqul1'91'Mnl II • good Harold 4115 e. 17th It, 348. EOE er. Apply. 3421 Via Girt• Bunk Bed• wUh ••••••••• ~ • ..,.. •••••••• · Mr1. Northrup. &45-0543 -548-2811 phone Yolce and iot1 of CM. P1t1-tlme eandWlctl mlk· Lido, Newpor\ Beech ladderl. ~. Clo-Country Yard Sale. El MlF lhr tum. 2 br, 2 be. SUNNY ..,_ .. _._ ... _ .. _,_ • ~ 4•-Dancer• for Bec .. etor/ 9rlthuelum d 10 2 N frC¥T'I 10 AM to 3 llM. ,.,.. & Toye. Toro Ad. 4" ml E. or T II pool $333 Incl ·~,,.,. • ......,, --...... ,_ -n H' Friday type penon f0< If• aye • · Hr 245 Tulane Road Tr• bu co. Se 1/ Sun ~n M&-~7 NB · Petlo Off'lol. 1133 Dover, •••••••••••••••••••••• Bachalorell• Part111. Mon-Fri. =.e:30PM t>Uey medical dl1trlt>u-lk'port, Irv. 545-5275 .. __ .... _~,.... eo.te Meal 754-1009 1581·9018. u · · · Suite 2. 1308/mo. "-'>· F dlllrel clean. 738-8531 or 55&-8538 Sit ll:30AM-1:30PM tor. E11cell. typing & liiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil-MIF, pref. eurllr, to lhr 831-1094 9UMY apt on Pw!. or 'C'"PEZIO M ........ GE' IC)elll"" lkllll • mutt p•--•••••••••••••••••••••• Neug ctire. luggega, pie· .,...._, ...,. beachlront, 52nd St, 111and1 for Oct Yrly " ,,__.,.. 184.00 to •tart. ... · -• •-" Aadnt1 "" tu,. fram11, & much •• -• ...,.....; .... ••••••••••• N.B. 7611-1710 Oreg ....... -' l275·i3t5. 1188°·8481 20 mln.425. By Appt. Atter 111--.. .,,.,. In Good all around omce llllllLlll •••• ,... ••••••••••••••• mor• 24e ROM Ln. CM. 9 It FBRJGLS Sall boll; Attracttve ruetlc upet.ir. meo for Sue 10..gPM. &48-0407 part~ proftU. exp. Incl. AIR needed. EnJoy worklnQ with kldL 955-2554 Moped; 5,000 BTU A/C; View ocnfrnt. No Lag. Nttlne. We~ delk. w. n t. d : R 0 ck I FOf tervtew, :--"'bl• ~.~~5 "tr:,; Work evenlnga. We WESTMINSTE~ men. women. kid• clo-lun>, 2br 2be. 1375/mo. apace, copier~. You I _,_ ,1,_ '/ call altar OPM · • train .,,,., to become 1 ABISEY 81113 famlly ..... Fum thH. Clarinet: lamp• Over 30 prof. pref. IUpply phone, & 198 pr .... ,,,, .. ..,, ==·~~· .:!:':. ::.: 142•H11 10-12. youth'counMlor. Call ANTIOUE MAU. (xtnt). bo)la 20'' bike. MCI mite. l'r1 & sat 3 497.701g, mo pr d .. k. C•ll n..-tlon. HllW record com-fill! Time, Plt't·tlrne ,.. 2·SPM, &42-4321, X34e 11751 Weetmlnlter A\19. cttltldeller, gemee, loye, and 4. 8-3 PM 2312 RMMTE f!Mded, Balboa 1544-7211. ,·;;i,;;;;00••......... pany upar. Picture-tlT 11! pair department recetv--, GARDEN GROVE luggag•, king bd1prd Franc:leco Or. ....... .....~ • ..,... mo + 500 ft tepe ~le11e. Reply -Ing clerk. Some ..-. IUL maTt ... -554-8103 (ruet/brn). Ant. eehoot MOVING S'"LE -·. ,.....,_, --• 2000 eq " w/ IQ ~ ._. M t be t 545-11415 _. dMk SUk ecreen frame " die>· 873-314g. etor•o• o c Alr""rt ,,. .-~ Cl1HI lad Ad 1788, Bolt ci-llng Mondeye, "' nee · ......, 2 ,,_...._ In lamp'•. 2 twn .... brde.' Furniture, "ectronlc1, ' ' ' .. -••• ••••••9'•••••••• Dilly Piiot, PO Box 8 llouf'8 •• hour ,.....__. u.... n-.. .xper. ,,_,...... Orlentel l'!Mvlty carved "" K • 10 Shw• OCMrl view apt, •re•. 12000/mo ...... +... 580. ·.., f: · ......, __ .,....., wn up to commercial and lndu-hutch, 2 pee, rapro. 1088 SallnH (M1u draft. equip, toy Promontort Point, 2 bf, 861-8928 Zoned R·1 w/oomm'I ~282S.Colta Meal, CL &42_. 83. S400 week taking anap =:,r~:_:!.~1 _.!!'~~ .. 50. 1-828-3313 Woode) font, rare HthOI. Atncan 2 b•. non-emoker. -w-n •••-overlay. 2900 'U'· IOIT SIOW •hot• tn your are'a. '"' ..... .,.v-".. art, mlec. olls, more, 875-3805 -· ..---Unem~ M wlll vtett AmeMur photogrephir• firm. Beal working con-Orienta! hMvlly carved Sat. onfy l>-3. Clothing, &48-4594. 2027 Com· Prfvlt• Offloe .•• 1405 pr...mty antique t~nelv -F. L••v• m1g, H 1 1 d 1 needed, f>/F tkM. no dltlone In Ne~ort con.. & 2 Ind tabtea, baby ltame, motorcycle modor• News>or1 female 2~20 BUii.-. Bfanch Offlol ..• $75 Mel w/tpldoul 2 br, 2 OUMW VH, 1 u en 1• av .... or Mlllnn ran'd. I rack1, loll of good ----· --'----A~ .. -............ • .. ,. be home. 1195,000. 95 J. TUCl<ar ~/time temp. help: _,,........ ..... P~O e..ctt. 714/&4&-1 r •Pro• ' 5 5 o . _,_ 3037 F nhMth • ......___.. ._.., man wtth lltge hotlll nr ....., .. _ ...., Cuhler, ticket tlkera. Writ• to UnlY'lfMIL • • 1-826-3313 ,,_ • · _,_. ~ Altpott. Wiii atiar. with 7 2-4M08 1~2-733-11&45-6434 l#HIMJ etc. Apply 1780 A·• 8011 S10, Montebello, .... ,..., Antique Singer oall eew-AMER. OAK ANTIQUE Dining room '"'"• be- =lnmogglr1 IOI 25-30. so. LAGUNA. 3 Arch ltrrlnf llfl Monrovia. C.M. between Ce llOMO Who 9rljoy9 peopl9 and 1 eontne 190 cul\ roll top dell!, etc, Sat droom furn, TVe, empe, 7;. .. 7.,.,. Bay. 2 Sult .. evall. Gd. LIDO ISLE VILLAGE •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ·and 8 pm WMkdty9. -aa -c I n I) and I e bu I Y ~ m ' ' . oniy, llem, 280 E. 15th, g• BBQ, MWlng ma.. ' ...... """"" ......., Vlalblllty. 497.2351 Th• Mote Hote: gift•. Attracrtlw rnarr. couple ca I I H •at h • r • t --..--phon••· Mu1t be fa· 8 1S-e024• CM. l4t 53&3. Chine, glaesawe. rnllc. ' ,,,__ ,,_, ...___ .._ -. -g lvH private danc• PfT ~ evall Im-1hlon conecloue For •nt""-"-,,... 11-25-to 1200. 507 Alllo, ":::'8i:, ':"::!.~ Low budget studk>-o4'11ce ~b~~t;,-Q0;;T.1;;: l1uon1 & act u &48-3Me mad. Houre ftexlbla. elegant Mlon fU11 't1me. "'s~Cllh~ .-v••• Sal/Sun t-2. 3297 IOW9 NB Sat/Sun 1CM:30 fwn 25yr1 10 el\r nice evallable, M 0 .0 Alf-1500 eq "· Sub chapter eecone. Name & phone ..... ..,., PIT ReQulr• eoma typlnfc. RICHARO OUELLETTE 815-e024 St. 557·15117. Plano, Ga1age Sale. COt1* l-Oth ~'T~ !:: ~ ~ .,."2~,~::. '8' cOfp. Protected t•-I to PO Box 274, G.O. want HPlr'd non· Contac1 Stew 556-31 0 200::::: =Of. Ant. buffet, tlgar 0111, lttr90, Tv. refrlo. ctan-& Riverside A\19, Npt . ) .. •., l! •r: r .. .._. 7. 1250 ....... K-t 146-3176 ~~81r.'e~5 Inv. ::~,-41274 ~:. torw~'7 ""~ lll'L..,. ctew feel. mint. 1875, ::.''1n9~:!t ~· mite. Hot•· Sun/Mon ...,.. ...... -· ....... Hll •Y• • • egaro OlllC• •kllll • mutt. un·-·-..., Record player, w/ Fent••tlc Oarao• S1t11 or Laura 875-0'50 •2500 1q.ft . lndu1trt1I ,.,. •• , •••••••••••••••••••••• SVtt OOod •t problrlm Heavy phonea. Some OAYTIME'SHiFr need• cylinder rcd1. S450. 3 Family Sate, Set/ Redwood p1tro turn • • 8!!._ tumutll ~ on ~~ :re.~~ ~n~:. ~~,. lflf w.= r~~~: = ~· ~C'9~: :~ • ~~ 4 i·~: DELI PEASS~N;0 HOCS· Evea 720-0509 ::o~~:::.n 1~5~-s::i: ~!!IY_l~toor Honfurnd:: ~ j -· ..,., non-..-.... r, phalt coveree1 & fwlOed ••• •••••••'•....... Mid s.pt. 8-42-2770 8·12 hr/wk • flelllble. TESS & ,.N WI H Hand oarY•d antique uclly Pl CM Stereo .,_ ... _...... ure, • avall 10.1. 495·8583, ywd Partnerehlp: 112,000 640-91113, 9:30-5:30 &42_.500, Mr. Devi.. CATERER. ParedlH floral P91tet Twin a.cs.. •Qkre. iampe: tablai: motorcycle PM1•, cio: en-823e 02..oc, eq "· lnduetrlal cuh aecured.1 lhou0001d --WfTI a BOOKK""...... ... ~ ll ... R Cate • Flltllon lllend, a1501MCh. &4f.0208 blntoote dMllfl mleo ttltl, blk•. coye, eurt M/F lht E.C M tlM unit with 9ooo ft of Miity return 100• flY/CrvlM Medllerr... "'""r"'" w,_.. Y'9 800-0 News>or1 C9rlter. hMhld ltlf'l'll Marine/ board, mower, boll & ;v · · • of'lloe. eq. · "* ~ to party ... neen axper fQ( lrvtne Arch. wemed tor Frt, a Sat. Apply 1n peraon 3·5pm, Several pr.c.1 wicker, boating eq111p • al klndL mucl\ more.· Set. 8-3. ~!~~~~. ':,:t?~/3 ~~.ft. lnduetrtal leoted. Mr. Cutler Al" 2 10 May 8, 111e3 """· wlll wont w/outlldl ~ Sun. avellabte) for Mon thnl frtdfY. maple v~ mlec. · 2000 Port fWneglta. unit wtth 1500 eq.f\. of t&W111· Ru/Info 710·000 ::,"1'w:d oon'll)Ut= •h•:;,~o~~.~e::h .. r;:, Reeteurent• tteme. 1 · . .. Pm.t UU • UL.I ~ w'f:eep~ ..::~ upgreded offtce. Hew !ftt1. ,,,..,.,, "" Owwt be a ptue. ~ nee. rlencad &. ralltbla. ml/la. KDI ll•&tr ltwlll 11· r'°''-.nct--::0 :.~a 18th end Alleo Ave. fem . unbellavabl• eul>-teMI ttn9rlt for OOO ••••• •••••••••••••••• 540-2228 MO-OOIO FIT. Vetvet Tl.lrt». "* ..... 'ttloV91'"7"1 ~ St. Newpof1 ~ll. Sat, eq.ft. of ottlce IP*» If '45.000, "'°'1 term, .cm .._......_, ti? .. • _, .. ...,.. s M Clothln room•. overtooltlng ~. l..T.V .. -v well MC:Uf· ::X:-d:tt:' ........... CASHIERIHOUSEWAAIS Hell'~ wanted, '*It fC>f Laurie 59 Faehlon fHectrlo. 1uo. O•k CM un, on. g, • lbroott & weterfall. Pool. •Motlvat•CI owner re ed. 413-78'14 ,._,, • S.,_ EICper pref APPIY IPICI Aleo Manlourltt llland. cuwfoot o.blnet. wont• ~ ~i •,: ~ .. ~•;r!:· ~~17c~ reedY to make a deal. ......... ._. WtndlM 1111 •t Crown Hardw•r~1 638 4ieo/142-4548. · RESTAURANT ,.n. 1\6£;.11665 !!~ ~~-~dine :own 'a100. 7eo-t045 C11r 714-761-4180. ~ 'I .... , M1• •••••••••••••••••••••• 3107 E. o.t HWy . CdM Hardware StlH PIT. ..... lar nlture ~ An deCo bdrm"'"''°' "" PrttlOlpetl •· ................. ~ 8::n.,"*'~ m: •llUlm """retired type,""'*" ..._,._./.... ....... .... Hou~ ~~csooi-1 11200 0t bat otr.,Oeft. nice 2 lbr, 1 be apt, ...... ..... U. UTna prof. tel IMe eve. tor voter regl1tratlon In l*IO"· Ofown H•cJ-P#1 time polltlon, Mu9t l<nowlH 1900 clro•. wt~ Comer of Nie twa. Noon on. • : .. :·=.· 1::1~4 911· OfftOe 1U1W owrtooklng lllltaa le..... w-drive. Paye 150-.100 were, 3107 E. o.t Hwy, be •~ etty houB. 8ervlcl for t2. Wiit/pink TU9tln AW & 20tf\ St. Newport Hert>ot. c..Mt s~tnt In 11t & Ptm LDllll ftlet dell)'. Pakt tWlol ~. CdM COMact T~ 11~1~ a f t d g •. 2 FAMILIES. Sat 11·1, WN1 a WonctarfUI World M/ft IO lht condo, OOMfl apece ~. AoorP tnd Mre. leldwln 651·5332 75Q..1U8 750-6614 H.ip wanted for ~ 561· 2 '780-11655, sun 12·5. Tebl• 11.., ot Shopping, right at view, amenttlM. )&6 1 • 0 0 0 • q . t t • TO'• llttOe ,... PIANO CLASSE8·5 yr ...... ,_... Otw1lnl ~. Wll ......... .,., 131. IMnt • WOfMnl ~ tlngei1lpe 11191~ mo Incl utlla. &42 1 71~7100 ~ 8attW NH/CM old•, T1&•·Thure, .,.... train. Muec h•w Cit. HOW ACCEPTING YOUR OUST COl.LEC· blkN 140 ... 41'8Cll• Dally ,llot Ctt11lll•-d -====~===::;~i!,:=~i:=:====I A.E. Broker 8C1 Aeallon 1:10.2PM 581-1532 Cr:o:.~ni.n~~·m:::.~~ lntere1teel In hl l_plno APPUCATIONS FOR: .... ~.1 ool a10. rnen·a, women·a & Adi. To p1eoe )'OIW ed, ,__, 0..~'0 ..i\~ a~f/'iC.• .... ...2.2111 IMl-0811 ' ·~ oornpany. Oood --""Y_..":!, ~-•• ,..-.............. • ot\lldrane clOtMI. Mita. ml 141-1171 lflCI let • ,.11u1 ~~ l'Qtl -i;. ., , .. , ...... w ~ •-i mportant Mrmenont p-.... 1aoo •-lect.._, .... .,,.._, 2107 Wiii L ,.. ,.._.. ..... _...._ ..-.. WIDOW HAS aH for ,,_ •U-1•• reconta. A~Y 9t of.. .,. E11perlenoe nec:ettary '"Hlo ................. It tor • o an•. ~1 4CI ._.. .. _ ,_. -.. "'aAT L POU.Ml------• ••••••••••••••••••••••. ftc•• Aoom 201 S•n Hou1ec111nere, muet APP\.Y: betWeerl ll Ind :...1 .:Z-or' .;;.. Ml 7901 you. et;·~_:, ~ ll!' 0~~,;: ':o '-eciuna Nlguel wori\an ce.rMnte IM. t1eve good running oar, 4. u fl•ehlon 111ane1, ,~ c'AU. CAAOl.IE '---· 1or , -'-p 1 0 I ' & Nekh'lg WOr'k In Medtcel ~r pref'd but w/ HewPort llMcfl -'° "' -11...,... _.,. ) •n• ty. enn eon Oil Derita! front °"'°' 0t _.._1 •• 1• ...... ,. ... u&-••... 87~~ 6 1 1. K y N I ~ Aeeoc. tn.7311 Io o •I o u •In• 11 . "°' oftlae ,... '*" ~ .... ......., "UTAUMNT •..U.s• Ml'" ---Mlf I~ · ( 11t or ~ Truet Deed 4964tOI eon ' 10 train on mini llnDllPll ..... ,.... ~ ~~'. axr. ........... U.\i ................. u.. -I I I I I I . ~ ~ ..,.. .... ~ Of'ly o~;.~·~~p=~ :..~ci:';,~t.=J~ ;~=:~:i' ,::~Ii~ ....... :a eo.~~~ o:t...~.ww.~: we:-.;::.:= I R u ; A o I l 1 llve·ln ioo oertne '°' _, Huntington Httlr ..,,,.. W...,._/Wllw NM (106-1314111) f1o new, rune P•rr. >Ont oond. ••I 8141 I I r I j -tW ~ ......... ,,, eldafty 01 II. Loo rtf. ~bu a.... In ~ and 0"""""8 - -to. Mf.M7' QIHON Al" IWHP . . - . .... IW111111~ 'I AIWl'9 .,.. • .. •. .PllW> • fW)fM IOMfttlel. II .... ~·-... , Lady ~ apt ... 13000 ITU .., ~-~ t" Ml4112 rla etyfe rHt111ranl. hf'I pet wt!. ....1411 :dWf•u•u••u•U.°i ...,_, •• NW, 1190, uon., 9100, 141 1111. I I A " t C I ; -,,., I ~ Aeoquelball • hHlth before -..... /Wllltr 11 OU ft ..__ ........ .__ Mt-1170 f .-....... ....,... --. ••••••••H:r:::":•••••• -.. m1LW dub. In 1....,.. 11"'8 I _... ..,.,.. ..,_ -• ...,~ rwn 1--,,,.....r......,,1--'1--' Ullly, ttWfylhtng I do t11rn1 1-1 ,. ~ a.-. Advonturoue, lffkl 8elunley9. t7a.olll t HOUllKHHft fOr ~ ._.. be ~ fW111, no twtnt. ~ Whlttpoof .... ,.. Clo-. t J'9 olll, .. ,_, .. -·-""--'"'·--'·'--' ovt wtong 1 ~ 1 cat_, n'n• •l'•lllT.ueTUTf WOf11 • tr9W11ne oom-to 4. Mii. ........ »«I ,,.., A~Y tH HMO; rn·. ::::"it :ti) tMe l)ryer. (llOI Gel MIO. ......1 I It ooeen·1 meow. 11 -. penlon, body ouerd, COUNTlfVYAN> '°"°" • k ~of · w " t\ d 1 • 7ao.olt7 COftd.. M , Mlo17M Cotclopot "•"IO •11. I CI SS U 0 • fnlM\ ADS driver. •tc. Xlnt •P· tor toot & "'*,....... ....., 1'11 ... -...,....,...,.,,._ _.... cu or ,.,.. I Ii I I I e ~ ..... :-... ~-""-· uunu pw•a • .....,,._ ,... oompeny In Lo1una HOUilliiii*! MOtt """ 111 ~....,Dr 'WN11paDI ~ W-. • ...,. ...._ '" •· · ... __ _...._..._ ... _ .............. '-J ,.. .;..... i..:;. _,... 2 ~ IDr FREE !~.' ! L. ob•• r v • n t . Id!. ._,.. ~ 1ll!Ofll-,,., Ml 111w .• Nowpor1 ~ llAOH · •·IM .,.,. Liiie MW. ......_ ......,. 4 -""' _...,.., 1ng .,._..., tood .. --. 1n.aau. • ~ '°'°"· a ~Old. li:;;M::::i:-;.;;;;---;;1;;;;;;-1;-;;:tt:M;"ii& • ,.,;,'M!;,1mm ,; r r _r r r I W•!l-troom•d mature Wyrz ~7=-=-o~o:t •11 • ·= .~CA~ :'\.'rr.~ '= = --:-.::. .. ~ °" ~ ":!.:.-.:;,'.'° .~ C.L MO')'_.... 1 or t.,. .• ,-·....._. •,... .ei .. ..., '*"· eutM: 4111 I. Qrowe ~Na.~ 1111. -.1111 Mloll11 • ~;r~ ifflttt I I I _ I I J ~ ..._ ...... IJllfl "'°"°' fin ' ...,, _. •IHO Ir HI. ..... .... ....... It P,. ArtlOfte ___ . . . . . . Ml~H & o..,....;boll,...,_ ~~=._o;.::,,•: . · __ , ..O.O. oef'la. ~ ....... ~ '.::r."'A~":f"::. 'lt:.8a=:.::: -· &.m llluai .... 11• •••• -= ~4;:-~· O.M. Toto ... ... ...... ......,. w... Ma Cll M:afi ooM. ...... .1 .. ,. -... .... . . .. ' C• ' \ I I! 1 1 , Orange Coaat OAILV PILOTl81turd1y, September'· 18Ja lessilinal. Se•.Yice Dirm:I DO IT NOWI , .. ,., .... ,. Y O<Jr Delly PllOI Senl1ce Directory ~-tetlve 142·Hll, ut. HJ ~.'.~'/!!!.f!!!!~I! •.. A pplled re·applled, guar .. Insured, llc'd. 4 14'91. 730.1900 Ir" ut1m11 .. ~'Jl!i .... ;.::;:-.tE.-,ii .• "6ii.11.rfi.ii.~.~.• ..... • ••••••• f~.'!!!!t~,.f!~!!!l .. ff.r/.t.-.!•J •••••••••••• !'.~M!~!!!t ••••.••. f1~!~ .......... tll,.t/PI. ••••••••••••• UP'l IUYllTTill QUALITY CMPl!NTAY Ou1t om remod1l1 • MOWINQ • CL!AN UPS R081H'8 CLIANINO Ullll&Ptttl Cu1tom ~01k, Int a 1111, c .M. area 148-6159 Piiio oovert. dOOfl & 1ddltlon1, 1r11 e11. H1u11no • L1ndacap1no 81tvlc• • a thorQUOfl'Y ~Ible. tt111~ llo'd 20 yr1 In arN, ,.,, windows. ComDI. patch· Ouellty 2nd to none ,r .. •11 "42·9907 c .. en l'IOUM 540·011!7 W•vn• 4N-72"4 tWb 521·8012 aft 830. B~~~~t~ •. lnC ';Z h01?9, lncS a pelntfn& Jim :~a'SV:' 84~~4~~\· I.lo JMtl1'1 G1r<Senlno Joan'1 CIMnlng 8eMol Y1rd Malnt. a CIMl\up QUALITY PAINTING 142·1412 H men, e..a.s t 3· Clean·upe, ''" lrlm a Hov ... -A.p11.Rent1l1 Sod, eprlnkl1r1, roto, Extllnt1 , ... r1t11 CllMI ltmn 1 • .1. l1ftll11 I 1t1 meint ..,v. 640-8035 ~ 540·1287 tr11 rmv1, draln•o•. Lie 834toiTe &3f.23et B1by11ttlno b)I CHRIS· •••I'•-••••••••••••••••• L'-.,,....88 A•__,.., l'lflltlde wMdl"" 8rl1n TIAN mottler, Mon·'''· No 811111\/No 8ll1mPoO .... .,.,.... . .... • ._.... &rill•• La......... Tll~ED OF HA6SLl!8? . .•. EXURIOA PAIN TINO HB. 980-4&&3 Stein 8ptel1llet Fait ~~~~ft.~e::. Tr" trim, ~ ctnup•. Qulllty c1e1n1no help 11 eclf-2263 CuttOll'I work l'r• Mt Babylllllnn by Chrletlan dry. ''" Ml. '39·1!182 ---------cement work. Fr" 111. h9'11 Rafa. 980·7452 lnl/tlll landlceplng. FrM R111. + fine Int & • c •• ,,., ,, .... ,.,.,, Clll 54g. t804 1nytlme. DIAL·A·MAID Qu1llly & Ht. Sod, tr,. • lllrub • I I I n I n g • 8 I ~ v • mot I\• r & t ••ch• r. 8h1mpoo a 11 .. m •Cllln. ••••••• •••• ••• •••••• • · y 1n11111111on 8111on1I 5411.,..281 Mon-Fri. e&2·7573, CM' Color 'brighteners, wnt Tiil 'l•IU ••••1 8erv Nr Al our · ---------0 O.Oor1tor 11y11 Int. bar•. " -p h 0,; • I 3 5 / 14 5 color for any OClCltlon. RALPH'S PAINTING ,.,1,•ll•• ltmn ~Pll • Id min. bllilel ~· mentll1, llbrarle11 hlah Lawn•tr"91hrub 1n1t1ll 840•4eeti · Xlnt re!•: rell1ble. Cell lnl/e1tt. Reaa. ratM. •••••••••"••••••••••• nell, llv/ In. rm1 1.,; 1tyle rel~ p1ne1 w1Tl1 Tr11 trlm/remov11 ' Pur.NTWOAK JAYS "8PEAKEA8Y" 1vg r(\Qrll 17.50, couch & catting Lie:. 53f·23ecl Lawn MllnttRototllllno Cullom home cleaning a 499·34T21fT6-o800 Rel. Fr" "'· 53f-11898 Prof. Bertendlno Serv. 110; chr S5. Ouar ellm. Fr11 11tlm1t1 848-toe5 complete meld Mrvlae. I AJ'~ Plllt1tlno: O<Jr family tr•· Any occe11on Pr1bl b1r pet odOf. Crpt rec>alr. "-'nt/1 . Prof bonded & In•. '--• • dltlon tbr over 100 )lrtl 1-819-7552/521414\. 15 Y'I exp. Do work •••••••••••••••••••••• QUALITY WEEDING & Unlciean S 1tem1 ol ::r••••••••••••••••••• lnt/1111. Lie. 348252. m)l ... f. Rell. 531.0101 •KATRINA'S: LIVE•IN Malnl. Remember lh• 3 Np! Bch. 8U-1200 .... WIU.I Frll M t. '81-39N l•ll•n• ltmm hlkpra, dally maid ""'· R'e· R111onable. Rell· For 1 fr .. flCI llleet. •••••••••••••••••••••• EXCEL CARPET CARE ofHoe cl11nlng, .crpt able, Rick. 497-3010 Qu1llty Hou1ecleanlng cell Herry w1111, At· GENERAL BUSINESS J1ak Buffington cleenlng. 835-2118 w/1 per1one1 touch. torney a t L ew , SERVICES Own1rloper11or Slmmon1 Gardening • CM . Irv , NB. Beth &53-0290. Help for 1m111 bu1lne11 Carl)et, uphol, lfH rug Df1!!111 Cln-up1, l1wn care, full 850·0933 1---------1 phone cell 1w1y. c111n1ng. Work ou1r. •• ••••••••••••••5•••c•• comm & r11ld m11n1, .,,..,.,, Recordkeeplnn, tax F"91 l!lt. '45-1n1 ORYWALL/ACOU Tl fAf.fCl84 B&M HouMCleanlng •••••••••••••••••••••• "'II' p I ti I I/ t • Ae9alr1, •ml lob apec:. ---------1 R11.aon1ble. Call Bente BRICKWORK: Small lobe. .... • 1 n no. n ex OllTIM PllmH 26 yr1 111p. Uc. 403941, Bonded. ln1. Ref1. Color e•pert. 983·0911 Dick r,rep,411~u~I= counlll· CMt•I I C..1nll 1 1 yr I up 8 u d GARDENING SERVICE Balb<Mf l1l1nd 875-3810 Newport, Coeta M.... Aelld/commJ 8 )lrl exp A111wtl•f. i.mt• ng. • • •••••••'•••••••••••••• 552·9582 Clean-upe. tree ""'· & 1rv1~. "-11. e1• 317" 8. Cat arl4t High qual ••••••••• •••••••••••• ...... ai 1 c.m.nt·Muonry·Block h-.ollng. '41·1096 Pete Dulch •cleanlng av1ll .... ,._ .,.. " & m1terlal1. Lo price. ~ OFF FIRST MONTH ._.. Wall•.CU•t. WOik. Lie. Wall texlur ... ACO<Jlllc TuHdl)I mom $8 hr Brlckwork-•mall or IQ• Fr .. • a I A. I I Depel'ldable. ,.11ord1ble. GP Bulln111 "Doctor" #381057 f'ob 547 2683 Hang·Tepe-Stlll 11ud1 B1nra1• Xlnl r•I• 557·0105 or Jobi. 100., local refe. 496-5711 enenllal. Anawerlng Sook1/ Date/Word · • Lie. 389944 1·532-5549 •••••'"•••••••••••••• 549.4413 Since 1969. 945.9512 ---------1ervlc•, 1ecr1tarl1I & Proce11lng Concret1·1m1ll or lge DRYWALL TAPING Carpentry • Maaon~ QUALITY WORK • nHt, butlneae • 11rvlc.e, mall 90 Min on-alt• vt1lt Jobe. Remove, replace All TexturH & Acouillc b Roofing • l?lumbln BIOhelor'• Haecleanlng v lrlt•·ll ... -Sttll rHI .. hone1t. A1f1. Lie. box rent11, word pro· $50 1xl11 time S25hr. or repair. 845·86 t2. Frie .. I Kevin 875-9088 rywall • Stucco • lie & L1undry Serv. Karen, ALL TYPES MASONRY ~81107. Dave 984· 1045 ~.·c:i~::. g ord!r I~~.~ ... ___ IT_1_4)_'4_5_·_5_11T_9 __ 1 DrlYel·PltlOl·Wllkt Remodel J.B. 648·9990 540·2'18/850.0892 Lie. 349479 838-3'12 PAINTER NEEDS ., Cdlatl #ikl•• NO JOB TOO SMALL IJHl1/11I Bin'• Maintenance Serv II you need a houH· u ~ WOAKI 30 yr1 exp, pagers·lllM buy, de1k ••••••••••••••"•••••• Fr" .. t. &3f..2807 •••••••••••••••••••••• Plumb-ellc~arpentry keeper 11 tuuy 11 you ~!:-!~••••••••••••••• Int/ext. Acou1tlc cell· apace rental Cablnet1 & C1rpet1try ELECTRICIAN-Priced Painting Call 96-4·5231 're"11'. call 613·8890. *1•1 1t11ttll* IHngt'. <.tc .. 3etT80. Fr11 ANSWER NETWORK Small lobl & Repair• Oe1per1t1I P1tlo work. right, frH 11tlmll• on H TS0.7320 (Hk for A.V.) Fr" Estlm1t11846-2003 FrH deelgn. Lo prloel. large or amlll Jobi. HIAE.O HAND, WILL Top qu1llty. Specl•I Davi• Palnllng 847~51ee Xlnt ref•. 497.7354 Uo. 398821. 873-0359 TRAVELI Many dlverM B11111Jlll•• care In handling. 28 yra ----.----- t~I!'..~!!!!~! •...... ~!!.'!~I. .... , .......•. * •111WA.NT'8 ** ROOF ~EPAIR Wallcovlrlno Removel SPE~IAL18T 12M1H AH Tyl)M 142· t343 .fir .. fftlmate 770..2725 ,,, C111 .... Hi;NRY ~OOFINO .... • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • •• • •. • • ~Sf\tno....Comp Cenlfled HouM 81ttlfl Lie 415232 54f.fi 1:1 Bonded S 11/dly (ev«y 3rd wk lf'M). U1· 1234 Root probleM? Donl r• ---------• root, repair et frac;tlon "''•" ,,,.,,,, • of lhl COii Ct ll Lee ••••••••••••••••••••• 157·2890 Oon1u1t1t1on a Handi--------- M•d• F1am1e. 40 Yffr• 111f1•1 E.Kperlenc•. •4•·5141 ••• t.408i1T8!:0Av~e··· ""'"'l•ulr Reecr .. ns/Nlw acrlltl8 • • •• • •.,, ~ • '• •• • • • • • •• • NB/CM '42·9552 ED'S PLASTERING NMI peteh••. lnt/1111. •1.t1dl111 R .. tucc0• 845•11268 • se·Rv:ce·i·;;ePAiR •• PLASTER PATCHING Ven Opp1n1 Strvlce Aestuccoe. Int/ext. 30 Co. 'Ir I . NI I I . P I u I (T 14) 838·4888 545·2911 '"' IHI ''"''' ,,.,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••l•••I'•-•••• TILE INSTALLED Pool Mrvlce All Kind• Guaranteed Maintenance & repair. Ref• John 840-9217 Re11on1b l1 rate1. • I --' 892·1'32. 1IH l1Htf POOL SERVICE: mllnt· ···c·LOW 0AATES0 S .. enance & 1epalr. Rea•. Tree trimming-a remo. ratea. 892·1532 VII, all cleanup• & mowing ~!!!!1!!!~11.~1~!! ... ~---65_4_·_70_1_1 __ _ Remod & addlllon1, tree HPHlll design 1 •11· Qual & 9811 lllYIOI low ;1111 Ste v e. '" 752·9556 "Tree Work with a Conaclence". Trimming & removal by Howard Oollott P.O Box 34, A••tlllfn KITCHEN FACELIFT cl\or11. Wiiiie 842-3491 •••••••••••"•••••••••• exp. SPIRIT Palntlno. Never • .,.,..•••••••••••••••••• R11ty1lng 11111t1no ktlch· C•t••lt r1J1 LIC'D ELkECATAICIAN C'"LL H'"NOY••AN Jt•• R11pc>n1lbl1 cpl, mid 30'1 Competitive Rltea undll' bldded. Satl1f11C· uETICULOUS MORT'S REAL ESTATE en cab. w/re1I ~ood. •••••••••••h••••••••••• Ouel. wor • 911· "'" " " "' '"' looklnn 10 h~·M•ll thl1 1 730 13•3 tlon Guer Int /ext 111 " Id ti l/C.. 'I p Kit h b I t •-· F T •31 5072 ••11n1.. plumb. rep1lr, • ""' No overt me. • " · · s Coat• Meta, Cl 92827, Ph. '42·1932 "91 en I vmm s 1 v e s I 9 n 0 w 1 c I I en r... '" 111. om " • "' eummer. We'll cere for comm/res. 538-0134 ..-HOM£ RtPAIRS·R£MODLL 873·1919 custom & comm. palntlni. Ret/comm'I. STARVING COLLEGE . 642-0881 Fr" ••t. ··o-2062 ELECTRICIAN 53'" "5 I 3 ... pl1n11, houae, etc. Cell L I I I p t ..-flX IT SERVICE "'" I .,... "' 1 6 8·3 .... 4 Ken Haven, 780·6078, STUDENTS MOVING owes ,. 91 romp • • Car""nln. • plumb1nc A.~,J, "' Sml Jobi Repalr1. Lie. t 1 1 1 n111 1" ,.. ., .,,, ... ,,. C 0 5•9 5203 CarnAnti,· C1blnet1 rel1 111111. CO. UC . T12 ... 43f nea pro e 'o · " •• ••••••••••••••••••• ...... -.... ,............. ltL//' c,,,, 233108· • 1 . . .. • ...... I ..... • .. , 9•21 ""• ••P 848 5684 eelectn~I ftntShtd cer-ntn. 0 1--P kl L t .,. Plumb • lln Cle1nlnn n1Ur .... ""' • .. ,. · • ,.. ., r ,.. ., ng 0 Door hanging. remodel. H •• A • .:B·o··R···T·R·IN··,TY····P·R··E·· RE.SID/ COMM'L/IND. • ,.,,,,., ft-.., ... ,, WATCH us GROWi edoors •rnoldm1s eubinets Repalra, Sellcoallnlt bl t ell t " Elec1rlcal • Tiie !1 •••••••• ~t11•••••••• *.1111 llFFIUll* S&s •·phtt •"'1-•1""' le ca ne a, pan ng, e c. SCHOOL. D'"Y CARE 20 yra. Do my own .. _, n..-........ "1•9 eshelv1nc fl'IUls 10 1ara1e ...... ""' .. "''" Painting, ~I. Rafi CE•"'ER. ,..::,1 M..._ work. "'"'1. """' .........., .. Oellgn ptofeulonal, ISID, Preatlge Movlno. Low Pllntlng: All typeel Jerry S<tf-4413 '" "'"'" 2780• .. ... 8 28 B II re1/comm 1pec11111t. rites, fentutlc Mf'Vlcl. want the belt? 20 yr1 <loot spnncs 811 OI small wt O...,.lnn a-t 1'. Full Lio. ..1 Al ,,_. 1 •• •• S wld V .... & ••tc do 11 all f1•1 elf1c~n1 ••rv1ce Dan Hlllberg Grading & Paving Co. R11/coml. Lk: 397804 842· 1120 ....... • ..._ ••.•.. t11.............. '47·2378 tor free con· Ille •· ... .., . exp. S1t11. guar. Refs. • "' -FRIE HTill&Tlll and \oli day care. 7AM ••NORTH STAR•* DUMP JOBS 1ult. ln1Ured. 543-8482. Cal. ln1ured. C ell dy1, 201'$ up Reaaonable prlcn; fut, to 8PM. Reglller NOW. Elec1rtc.I Contractor & Smell Moving Jobi INTERIOR WALL T·137, 124. 83f..5528, IVI 83f..8706 ltetnu 183526~11' All11•1n prole11lon1I work Corner Blklr & F1lr· Lie. New aervloe. 220 c 1~ MU<E 846-1391 ~--~ .. ,!~~ ............ . Mo11 aubJeot1, K· 14 D1y/ev1 15 & S 10/hr . Mr. Morgan 545-5176 !~~~!.f!!~~!~t ..... "Lei lh• Sunshine In" Clll Sunlhlne Window Cleaning, Ltd. 548-8853 20% Mon1hl)I OlacO<Jnt •••••••'"••••••••••••• custom work tool No view. 558·4335 or clrculll. 24 hr 645·4174 1 DESIGN Mull•• ltmn1 l1r..tl•Jl. 951-6067 Personallzed, low COit Job too 1m111 or loo _s_5_8_·T_7_8_T _____ l .JI • ll fJi HAULING-GRADING Arrange your lrt, 11mlly ······"·············· •• •••• ·······..::·;··;.:··P~•J..!~~n::~~~~~~1 For Ad Actio' n l.g.I •• rvlcea· Ind bl 1 c bl kl h •1 1-f • demolition, clean.up. photo• etc. for tull be-Nur'" A"'t for home Far1hl~ Interior u ' . • g I nell, IC en 'Gr1vey1rd Shift' lie. ... .... .. N ING/STRIPPING· family, bull. Initial con· remodel & llnllhed car· Chlld care, lge F.V. e:~;;~··~k:a;N~:;,.~;~ Cotlcrete & tree remo-n•llt or their blluly. ~av.ii. lmmed .. lull)' "" Call a 1ultatlon rr ... 553.0290 pentry ... Mec1/ plumb/ home plenty 01 ilpg & lnterlor1·All Repairs val Shlrlll T 14-645-3873. lni. 5~8·58'3 Vickie, V'"·MC Scott '45·9325 Divorce-Support Ch•no• cablnetl/ c:ounter1opa. I rma. ietnlle '41·2217 Cell for .. t. 6"-5294 Quick Mrv. '42·7838 J••'''"'' 1·921· 1060 ASR PAPE.RHANGI G All Family Mattera do everything tBrom •tlllt FfT Child c 7 "" t ---------PROF. SERVICE eo•••••,••••·,···, ··r1·11•••••• 111all•• 7 yrk• !Pocai I eiq>. • ••• ~#............... Daily Pilot Att'y Kottroth '4a..4375 to flnlttll Cell red et are, :..... o Cid td Haullng • yrd clean up mp ete an to ..,. •••••••'•••••••••••••• wor . r c11 111 11t Huber Roollno·•ll types. (714) 171·1210 5 :30, b)I yg cred .•••• ! •. !:I............ OUk:k & clean. Free .. , vlc11, trained 11111, Fiii Pllmlt '8/roll. Alec 979-0853 N~-reco~·deck• AO-VISOR •"-lltl• I. a<: h. r ( M I I t • r. 673-0548 bonded & Int. UnlCINn v.. ·- Intent to 3 yr1, my C.M. covers, deck• & fences organized ·actlvltlu, Topped/removed. t1e1n HAULING & CLEAN·UP 850·1200 280644. 13 Y'• of happy 11111111on. R .. 1. prlcet. 042-5678 ••• -6: •••• r ........... I CUSTOM wood petlo Oegiee). Agee 2 & up, TREES . Syatema 01 Npt Bch. by Alcherd Sinor. Uc. Expert w111coverlng In· Lio. #411802. 548·9734 home. 8 hr d1y. Lie. by c .M. home nr 'Nwpl u P,. 11 w n re n 0 v . Yde/oaraQM. Prop. mot local cu11omet1. Con1u1t1nt A11lgnment Classlfled Ad1. yO<Jr on• U' B8C190S3. 754-8238 ~N9Y M1.oe23 Hgt• Elem. 845 .... 857 751-3476 831-0953/&31-0885 ~111 Idle ltema 842·587e Thank. you, 831·4410 581-8590 atop •hopping center ~~~~~~~~~ ~llJ!!~!.'!. .....• !~!. !'i~ ............ !~f r~!~ •..•.. ~l!M r~.'!~!! •....... !~~ H!!!!!!~ •••..••• !~f !'.'!!!!!~.'!.~! ... !~! ••!!~II '"' ~r.!!!!t.~~! .. l.'!!1 "'i,,•uu,• •030 ~.'!1.f!.~~ .... ~f HARBOR AREA SHIH TZU A.KC PUP· **'BUY** King a bdrm Ml wltrpl WMtt• lst4 Antique mahogeny cabl· •• ~!!Ml!!~!!........ SCUBA GEAR •• ~~!P.!!'··•••~•••• C~~~1lc 18 boL•P•'J•cytke APPLIANCE SERVICE PIES, Champ llne, Fe/ drnaer armolre & 2 Wte ......... net with OflQ. RCA radio Complell, 1300 Teak Wood 2M BF A.. ""'"'tury bay It, '" • We Mii recond., gulf. M, 111orted colon•. nlte itands, cirved dk ti fl -• & record player·S75.00; YAMA~A B111 Amp. (714) et2-o907 sorted, Miii Grade, Kiin Grey '3500 675~l61 appliances. 549.3071 Guar. lrom $185. ~00:: Ulld0~f•..t. w ood , 1850/obo . IOITIIWISTll• b1throom "marble Headwlth1dO<Jble15" BRAND N~W GOLD eo dried . $29 5 BF 18· Southco11t, great I Ill lPPLIUOll 539-<>926 P'S~ y "'4f..382T 31792 Camino Capl-type" 1lnk In 1 door & PV apeaker cabinet. All Penn Aeeli. '3T5. 2131697·180g shape, $8 ,000 BO. . lab 1 year old. all lhOtl, or 1i1a•T11tolr lHTlou M atrano, San Juan Capl· 2 c:trewer cabinet plue In excellent condltlon.1 7141844•7001 .69 40hp Evlnrude ihort 548·0261 bel 2PM, Les 951·8133 neutered trained -W11her & dryer. Ken· atrano matching 2 door wall $1,000. shafted, clean. Lake 645·1579 Freezer Needs 1ov1n0 home. x1ni 141 ... 11 tll-HH :, ~:vmg.ut~d.·~~1j 4113•1023 f,!!~.n!~11 '~"t:r~:! llt..fflt, 14N l1rfh1r• Mud mo tor s 100.1-s-.. --Ra-y-2-4-55-0-A--19-80- s200 w I c h I 1 d r • n . I •-FRlllTlll und« warranty, S...00 or #1tila1n I011 ,,,_ . • "Wave Tool1," 5'f ''. 5.46-4754 aft 5. w/o trlr, loaded Mull 54f..4764 S501negot11ble. D1y1 -· __,, ....... 49s.1303 •••••••••••••••••••••• only s 100.oo; horee S h 6 1 / twin fin, 1w111ow till, •1Uo sell. s 11.900 or ofr ----------1 213/204·3313 Wknd1 LM 1157-8133 -· ........ lllPllllTI bl1nket·S20.00; new car uoJ: one • mer new 1 .. 1h. no dlng1, i..11 ·1"'1fl ,_ 964-5588 Freezer upright, lmpel'lal Eve1 714/~eeA Burgundy ch1lr S125. Oltllng rm eet: 09k 38" With acceuortaa lloor mall (4)o.S20.00: Bun y Sax. Selmer/ xlnt cond S1901b•t ofr. •••••'••••••••••••••••1--------- lwyc u dfulty. oommerlcalL I k • n ,21 '"KC •.. •-... ~ Uk• ,_, Muel ... lq. tabla, 4 chllra, wall 875-<8101 new 14 Inch fight alloy !~Tnd5y E Flit. A• new Al10 O'Nelll Sprlt1g I' T11HI ltlf '59 0-1 2e It •Ingle " ........ ....,_.., .. .,,,,,, 63e-7T19 unit, 11 moa old, xlnt rim• (BMW'•) ••t of .., Sult·llze L 180. Fetter, tuner, 11fer, gas wooden beauly $650/Met 831•2228 9 '#Ila. S250· cond. Mutt Miii 1850 or BRIDGEPORT mlll • rent 4·$200.00; two new 873-0248 '4e-e474 than A ~et 1kl, with Sac Sf500. 875-8202 768-~81 e ri bfUI 1ne1 ......... IOfll -... 4" .. 1303 1225 min e mo late contlnentll tteel belted I 1 11 d t llnrln 10 table, Ilk• n:;-"s1ao. ......... ·-modet s.;.0535 . radial tlr" 195no HA Flute for Sale. 1100. ,. er. ea • mo or. ltsfH Wllaltr h•t •••'"••••••••••••••••• TtH 11 FH IHS 536-7719 Hand-carved Span. blk · · 1~·S 100 .00 . Call XLNl Condll~n. ff. I•"•, ~t~02 !!~t:,1~~ ~~ 22 It cabin model. Very * Wun. + •••••••••••••••••••••• · W1lnut dlnlt1g rm set #luill••H•I IOIO 842-0138 649•2 10 •111 llflH IHI Mere. s1.ooo 640-7488 10 hrl Many xtru, full 1 \oli y e I r G o I d e n ANTIQUE walnut dining w I 8 ch r I S 1 2 0 0 . •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••"••••••••••••••• warr1111y SllCI Unl·SHt, Cook Bro• Aetrleve/Colll• ml11, rm teblete c halra, 968-•372 "'"· Aollaw1y w/chMt & more MIW• 2d ... Ollln Tu•lt•lf I BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA 25' Baytlner, 1972. cabin. Stlaee• ltlfs ban, Shimano OX pe: grea,t temparmenl, $l500 mltchlng china Wall curio cabinet + tool1, 21 dr1wer1, 8 to 20' long. 36' per L.J .. 1al l•S CotQ' TV 2 yr wmty Mwetulle1 motor, good • tT•·JOIO dais. Good condition need• lovi ng home. cabinet S300 85T-et57 seo. Uk• new. $350. 557..()927 11 71!>-1491 anytime. •••~""~"•••••••••••• 1148. Free delivery. cond $5900 675-8032 • onl . Todd 53f..9832. 497.7052 Rob. Xlrtt girt• Bdrm Country 875·"88, '40-9t29 EUO -· IEI SAFE o~.\~Ks.:~R,;,~~~~lno °'*'rv ~n.. "·"'11•• ·14 Carver 25', mint ,,,,,, ,,., 8 wtt old klttent ador Oatden e.-pc Mt. Prln-• ' Me)Of Model 1112 .__ ......,,n 1 .,..q-.... cond Loll of ""'Ulp wfll C'L HSO SCHWINN glrl1, red, able, male, llA4·eoot o; cell day bed w/ GIUI top china cabinet L$7tkOOe MWOBO' 1191~~ 1 1°'22.,,TV. $200 (714)662-0907 ctt1 111"5 .. 1ot ucrR lfloel pr ..... t T• ....... Dec.k, rael to reel. NII or trade. e75.sae1 ••••'=~!!!!•••••••••••• Bantam bike, trelnlng 833 "203. dr•-•. Cheval mirror. S 3 5 O • L 1 k • n • w · · .,.... "' • 1 "1·230 1 0P '°c•~•LnL ...........-...., h b k h 11 67" ....... 8 or e•o 91"" Tennl1 & ·~•el club co• .. Qu1draphonlc Stf50 Ftr lilt .. , hltr Oal •.•o tlttl• I wneefs, $58. 845-8968. d11k, C r, oo a e • ""'""" .. • ""' Fl1h t1nk with extr11. """" O WN g 5 . M F n 1 w , now I e 5 0 . • N_....!, • 71•/•"1·3600, llTTlll I ""'U dresMf, 2 nit• ll1nd1. Two 111ther loungers. 100 g11ton1 631·5377 memberahlp, Sl50. A • pm • · 955·2380. 38 It Grend 1nk1 Xlnt 4;;-4-..,'., .. "" SCHWINN conv, blue, Pet Zoo 'n' Planll Too only 1699. '7&-2518 very comfort '350 u . alter 7 p.m. 54e-..754 111 5· 833-8800 cond. Sleep1 e. 159, -""" Pi xie bike. traini ng 2330 ~ Blvd CM c 11 559 4467 I rt It .. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Stereo·Color TV·HIFI, 5 o o . F 1 n . A v 1 11 .1----------wheet1. $58. &45·8968. FREE PE1'S 531·'a350 RUSTIC DINING TABLE a evs, • Electric 1tove $100, color • .,. II• IBM ELECTRIC beautiful c.blnet. QOOd 84o-&6oo ,,,,, •-n .-11 WITH FOUR CHAIRS Both like ,,.._, couctt 9 It TV $80, book lh•ll. , ..... 01• ••• ~.,. TYPEWRITER • STANO cond $275 551 61~g ----~htMld10d~~ tight· Baby Bunnlu, grey, $150 .... 720-1021 1175, aleo country pine lamp 5-45-3909. • .. L $75. 1195-3327 · • • '83 Ski Craft with tralter. •••··'··•••••••••••••• .. _,. ..,....., t30 bleck bull realty cute A I S 1e5 pp -!~~~~~~~~~ Admiral color TV, needl wor1t $500 CAL 25, '82 EnMnada Nearty new Ellercycle • 54&.et:n · !>-pc bdrm Mt.-exceM. r mo re • Mull 1111· Seara lrecw. NEWPORT 8 CH. Full 1. 1180 848-2743 alt 4 pm rece wi nner, brl1tol 150. 548-3088 · condition S...95. 9'2·19'1 vending m1chlnu F1mlly. Reuluble. lttl •T 642 979 Boye 5 ap. Roll 011• IEE OILllY 542-4183 ...... Selfe (IOda. gum) Bell olr 1900 or b111 offer. •••••••••••••••••••••• __. 13' Boston Wheler 1981. ~5~~g7·1 S 1 o • 5 o o · mond Crulaer. blk w/ eAe-5938 1 d•y only.Sat 914. Odd• Wei A· 1. Kl:1g u . 8.42·5224. 751·8375 Ca~~~s' 5.i1 c.~J25r. Like newt 25" color 40 hp Mere. 1'300. Clll --------- & end•. Bdrm Mt, well H dbo d Bo S m-1 ' m.,_ • . conl!Ole TV, '800 value, John 213/574-8034 EtlOHI H + 1171 red trim, $175. chain & FREE. KITIENS (•) e ....,1 er'--'. 121 .. E. "•'boa ea Ir · x 1prg. S1l1; Dreuer, blkll, Franz Metronome 26, 142 ... f24 mu 1 t 1111 I 3 ~ O Io ck Inc Id . ca I I .. ..,. """" " .... mall. 2 nltp 111nde. 10011, tub•, .. nk1. mlac. Boogie boltd with leuh 1---·-------• ~00$ \ • 35' FB Orelle Craft In Fully equipped, Includes 548-2870. old , box trained. I. Dre111r & mlro plu1 842,..TSA, 964-1410 $30, 5 dl'Wf chelt $30, Mllltary Macaw tame & In ---------clank: brlatol condition. Inboard d lu el, 11tp ~27 Oak di 1 1 .. ,_ ,. chit 1550 973.9319 un top deak '35, Fr VfWY QOOd sh1pe. 1-2 Gerrerd eutom.UC record 15000 down with xln1 evaJI. $23,500 Pv1. Ply. GIRLS' SCHWINN Brltllny Spaniel, ""'........ n ng room a.,,. '" 558-7273 . . OUTSTANDING WHEEL· Prov dr...., & mirror yr1 ofd. "91 IXlm In-ch1nger/pl1yer w/cart. 9.9% tln1nclng av1ll. 559-0428 10 SPO, LIKE NEW. ..........-e upholitered chelr1. CHAIR, Liit• MW, 1 yr, s 145. Deell • ctl.r S95. duded. Wu s 1449 now L I k • n • w . I 5 0 . c •I I I 0 r d. t • 11 I •1--------- $75. 840-8140 ~o~ .. ~·[~:.: wWt'roomyed, ~~!'.'......'?.o. nd 1800 . Couch. Hlfculon, b~ & tt blue $175. 962·7408 Bu• boater• az 7 S20 '875 t40.oo90 873-41708 84e-T883 12' Salllno Dinghy. s & S • ••m . ._ '""'"' .,....,.."""' beige. 175, 2 neug. Clealgn, w/dolly. 1650. to run. No city Ioli bfown rec:llnere. $30 ea. DOME HOME KITS 551-889' 2 PET WHITE GEESE •78 Aberform. 22 ft. w/ 875-1980 or 833..fT01 10 .,. lllE p I •• I • . w k d y I Gorgeou• contempO(ary Clll 54f..2e(M Locally manufactured. \oli Round trip LA l o en1. GRl:AT WXTC"DOOSI ,,,,, ' M--'•• lr1r. 1500 ,, fish finder, Islander 32'. beeutlful NEW, $75. 995-3327 T 5 2 • 1 7 3 0 , ho m I walllut bdrm 111• 7 pea. pr1oe lnlrodUC1ory IPI-cego Vallcf 1 yr $780 S20/PR. ,._, VHF. TA tabl, Xl nt tnk & oek Int. Bettet 780·2585 Mr. Tor,.. $750, Ph 957·1251 MOVING·Nlce quaeri N clal. Converl1 to 2000 Vlfu . S 1400• Cllh 9'8-7222 L./_.., cond. St0,900. than new 15 ... 500. C d ... 5pc:: bdrm Ht w/box 1q 11. 839-3598 VI 1· ac · 1---------.. ~':"'~r.•••••• •••• •• .. I ""' To good home: Shepherd ontemp. redwoo "' IPl'lng 1 mattrua. Xlnt '73-3481 1f, I It.. IOH •••II IOll 870-7151 64~231 I •J Mix, 2 Y'• old. IMther Chelr Ind 0110-cond 1250. 978-1037, lntelllvl1lon w/8 gem• ---------•• ~~.'! •••• :-;,.~ ...... •••••••••••••••••••••• 11' llH llJ LHHla -32_'_Cf_1_tllc--C-r-ul_M_ll_oop_·_. #11tdll1 IOZf Call 840.4787 man. -.200. 951·1251 540.e338 certrldgee '200. • .. 119 ll"'H •••1 w1nt1d: Baby grend I' •••-.... IT •••••••••••••••••••••• 562-3518 "''"' n -ft•A--• OnlY 4 mo. old All A· Bit Finland Brl1tol, IOW 31 In Per10n1llty Plu11 Smell "New" E~ecullv• d•k COtlW11lble Couch, king· Porc1111n Flgurln11 a ,,....~. ec>PMrllnCI ~ 1151080 t>erolaM. Repro 01 Tum custom lntr. many loll· 0 • black pt Poodle, e yrt, Ind leather chair 1200. az bid, 175. or wfll Qu11er Video Outfit. v .... rJ'i'r. Bronz•. 1be '""'1 t. 1NeacsJ not be M2·2331 of Century PICkll with traa. Mull 1111 nnan Redwooc:t 2xf dectclng, spayed F llA5.0197 Ph 951·1251 trade for comer group. Recorder, tuner/timer. Orlenlal Teak a ut1ct one · •net, or blue Surr9Y top plus avall. 128,000obo ~ r'::Jno: .al~~I rJ~ Free to good home. Love S..t, green a gold 842·2532 RCA COior camera wt Aoaewood randfllher JO)'CI 788-3337 "'"· #id•• 1tde curteln1. Comes 675-8391 dYI Lovable wht kitten pt11d. 125. --------trl.pod. A• new, s 1.ooo, Chlmlno CIOcic1, Taalt ~ bt1Mt ~ 11111 , -•o with Ml cover. 12 hrt 1980 LIDO 14 o r K • n • n Y t I m•· 551•5007 '4f..H24 Tripi• dr11Mr & night or xcnge for etec org1n. M11bl1 B1r1, Or'-nlll L.1-nl _.. on one charge. Pur· nS.1491. 1t1nd need• renn11hlng 963-8291 Scr.ana a other ltema, f44.7'87 .. ~':"'~"•••••••••••• chued tor Sl1.000 of· Trlr, llnd dolly. cover. DOME HOME KITS WrO<Jght Iron Wall Unrt 125. 842·2532 Cryatal Ch1ndell1r1. llrtlHttr P9aH • Avon motor mount fered at St4,000. PVI llke new. 13000 or Locally manufectured. 'A Tanil•lf IOSO w /4 beveled •h•lv11. ChlMH 711 aofe, French Ptrta.it 111 Fine Furniture, Beautiful WALNUT. Benell 11,000 Make otter iP~lrlY~'.:_·~8~7~3:,:·3~1::_4:_7_~=11~m;-1~ke:-;;;ioii,;ff;"-·:'3:;;;-l1·2;-f-;5;;;:5;;;: Ice I I od I ••••• •••••••••• ••••••• $35. S4f..9'24. L I k • n • w . • T 9 5 . GIUI Front Cabinet& • 7•"9"5.. ....,.......--,.-"""--53---4_5 ___ -14' Sunllltl won In C<>tl- pr n r UC Ory ~ Gius top Glrll Oreulnn Prov. Armlell chair •nd 552·9587 Vltrlnu, Lampi, 011 ....,.. " " FOR S'"LE '18 9." HP 'T 7 St er C ra It • 1 7 ' · ' ~al. Co<lvert1 to 2000 Table 125. ... 4 yellow tufted 1wlvel tre'\llf1tne coif" tabll.1 _________ 1 end 5, .. ,.. • w/14011~ Mercrulllr. test, bHt offer it! It. '39-359' ,. .. ,. ft""" dining rm dirt. Sf() all. 522 Saewar:d Rd. CdM. Normln Roclcwell Colllc· Pelntlng1, Ootene Of Knlbe 9' . • e • Wal• Evlnrude, long lhafl. *"'SOO, I ,.5,. 4197 859~7310 c. .... ,, •• .e. .,.....,,..,., '42-3787 9 to 12 only tor"• Pl1t1. Angel w/ ~211ec~~~or~~•ln nc:ondut "~~ 1:!::.1X.'!!t 111c. 111rt1r. S450. .., " ... * ............. _ * • -• s PC BDRM SUITE b 11 ck • Y •. I 1 s . ....de, • '"''""-. .... tea, .....,.,.... ..., 9 11 o · 5 9 e 4 o r 20' 1m UIHI _.. •• L.l-••I "" GOOD COND $250 ,..,...... Modlfn 3 pc 1ttra-deep 545-9478 etc. Some Jewelry Nazi ·~ II-~. -~ 21Wf0..IM34. VolVo Pent• 130/270 ·n S..20 ,.., clan tote •• ~':"'~•••••••••••• ... .,, .... 15 _ 9;.7•811·8 .......... ......a.. ..... I eact1on1I, beige, na'*· iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii;I & German Coln Collac-., f. -, --S 1 1 1 of g11r + trlr Sec 28-85mm 2.8-3.8 Vlvlter ._........,. -" _, ,_ .... cond, pd 11199, tlon !rented under • ••••• •••••••••••••• NEW 20 HP Marine turdy. 111. c 111 c, Se200 len1 w/fllter1. Nikon Buffet/Room OMder PRICES START AT: Mii te50. Tr1dltlon11 lt1tflt 01ntfal gl111. 383 CrH<*ll Bey SURFBOARD OleMI engine, 2 CYI w/ oentw con~ •l-lng. IOllOI INTI mnl. $130. 873-3708 , 1Tx42x70, 3 dwra. 3 Matt,... a Found. NI aofa, hunter g1een. end AM Merket Dr. North Laoune. Xlnt cond, 5'10", '*' gear bo11 . I 1060, '3750, 873·2050 Citl IOJS g5;:09~~25. Wiii del. ~nf'i:r.fu.~:' Wrought Iron 1011 & L.aguni 8Nch Fllllvel 491-1090. SltfSun only tealh, 1100. '4a..I082 . 7141524-0378 1 __ ..:e..:.7S..::.._1..:.9'.::.._0..:.or_8_33_-e_10_1_1 ________ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• n..-1147 • .,....._ •1'7 chair, bllgll xln1,SS275. GrO<Jndi. Prtnil, Video 10AM-4PM or by appt. -,_ Kl 1L H s ...,.,._, ""·"' • Lge will m rror. tweo a c 1 G .. le Ad0t1b.., ttena, '" I· of1bed, $150. 15" eolld Sof1 8acte t19T cabinet, walnut, 84 .. , u no 1m11 • ..,14 20" 11wnmoww. Werd1. mal1yan, fluffy carmel & chrom. wheel•, S20 .._ Sofa & love IMt 1191 $75, Delk, dk wood, & dancing. 11 AM • 9 uNd only 6 llmea, IClnt white. R11dy now for 648-4378 MANY OTHER ITEMS 175. Pr 01 ooc. chelra, PM. Sit Sept 4. FUN cond 11?5. '42·2549 loving home. 497-3925. Bat 1toot1. CUiiom made, O.SCOUNT FURNITURE 135 97 ... 1135 FOR ALLI ... • .... Thoroughbred Himalayan pert cond Upt\Otltared 11168 Hltbof BNd.•er• Cit for Ille, hu pep. bir' lron't p i ece to COSTA MESA '31-'809 WIGtler Mv. rm Mt: aofa, Al1111nder doll•, Terry ...... ltnet ""· .,141832.0480. m • t c h 3 \+ x 1 \4t • CHA~R. ' 2 ch1lr1, end tablt . Lee doll• a mite. Ewa Ju•t In time for ..ny ••" .. ,..... 1a5 CUiiom-made euthlone, 120--0509 Chrl1tm11 1hoppln~. Burmeee Kllt1n1. CFA .....,._,,.... ne 2 · l"'t cond 1200 ---------• 1 .. 2 • ' "131.. • • IT'S NOT A MIR'"CLE Pr111nt1y Hlllng n reg. Mlle S 125. Doub I a m •II re 11, ... .. " 1tor• at $120. Wnota- 839.()972 boxlPf'lno• and frame, ••-'I .. Juit oammon Hnae. 1111 throu~h Ihle td b I I -·-9 f1 cuetom hl·fl c1b. LoM epprox. 10 to 30 SIMllH Himalayan Kit· rown v ny armchelr B£AUT.,UL ou11om built In !IPlNklfl. 81*)1 lbl per month. Sita !ll'd S50. "4~ 4 evM. ten. cl\ocol1te pt, Fem. ~o~ ~!; made bedroom •et. tor cot11ponent1 and effective. 100% Hlla·liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 1 _., $50. 496-4814 table, whl1• vlnyl, "°'" o..tl, dr-. COfner 1tor1ge. t250. Birch faction guerar\teed all IBM ELECTRIC ____ ,:.:., ______ ;i;;;;;;iiiliiiiiliiiii--miiiit SlameM Hlmaleyen Kii· Md Denllh OOClllonel Of'oup, 2 Md9. qulltld ooffM 1eble on cuetom you can 1oM It poundl. TYPEWRIT£A & ST AHO Ith, Saelpotnl M .. 7 _., ctlllra. tlbta lamp Ind CO'l'WI l pllowL Ult• Iron bale 150. 873-1433 call Chtll or Connie et 17&. 1196-3327 ..... •9 .. •81• ptct ~ l':= new ... lo~. 8·~·~1~"~~~~-=lii:iiiiiiii~~~I ..,., ... .,_ .. In ;!:' ...,, ., New 12210/ latl for PATIO FVAN: Brn Jor· _.,.. "' · ,,.. ... ,.. . .... 11598. 54Mttl. dan. 45" tlble, 4 chllrl. wmLIUll Ill N!W FIHlt< & w~ .-. .. _11_ tum e ..., ....... ._... 2 chtll .... 2 end llblel. .... ........ ~ •-115 ~ •••••••••••••••••• ,... -· · ,,.. -· """ Lrg IOlld Pec•n dMll ••5()/obO. '40-1140 ""'·-·-Q91, • A bMutlf\.11 Bonol, M* MCI. IOfla, reotlnar, ot• . I l&OO ' .., 3321 14 mo, AKC Need• tom1n, t1bl1, plant = coat • HO. ''· Prov. v1n~t /dllk, Luggige. New V1tdl 8 1~~~!!~~~!!!~1 1111-"'"'d. ::.::~ 11121 1t1nd. N11d1 u'hot. • 63e-7022 • poe 111. never u11c:t.1;; .,.... •-_. • ..,.... •-........ good cond, • • Moch • t>rn. 1200. •O· cocker Sp1n1a1 • ....,.,tblt otr. '40-NS 94~C: '=s-& "° ... 140 640·9"0 SCRAM-Lm mile, 10 mo1. t1110 ~ a bid, 1~ moe dlr l1IO " ~~ New futl·1lte m1ttr111 TOOL SH£0 t>fMd ,_ lllfM'Ds i°"°· fM3..520t aft 1:30 0!01 1120. Cell ,_,..,,... g1nv bd;rn Mt t110. Nt, "'· New qUllf\ 10113. '2s0 ' wnU\ u.. ~. AKO pup-fAO #In. '42-4300, 2i4 2s·r ACA Color TV ..... '100. 71()-5832 .... 03l4 KlnCn • ~d l plel, Home ,..., with IW'a. '200. 78CM>I 11 Clblri Cati Ador'ble pereo-Obi. bdrm Mt w/dble ... ,6"" ..._,., FIRIPLACE, deeorettve IA~ 23' ~CE ARROW 1979 n111ti11 Sholl, from • ...., & a ntte 9'endl. OIM"8 Am ... Meple t ••••• ~••••T."tt'r.•••• pot'!_.., wtren l hNl• rEft 1 s200. i3t-to25 '250/0bO . ...._*' ~;:-:g,.~,.~°E •:':cJ:t!!~"~o.m•· •· 1100• at-:lHO. ~~~· ~:':n~.c:t~ Beige w / dark brown trim, Volvo 290 AKCI SPRINGER IP'A· TWln bdrm Ml, oen be Hutch 1400. t 1=' Nt·tatl '~"::~J:J'':A'Jr bougllt • cat and It HP, 4& MPH. 100 OAL fuel, bait lank, NII&. Wit 1349• now bunlc Mdl, ::-.1100 ,.,.. ._ dlM . .I-'-..,, ~19 °' 111 ... 111 t~JS'' ITleOW, It rod holden, hffd. cudd:fi cabin. k.'e only ltH. flll lull ._ °' bet Qfr. 1 Orienta! Aul lllfl T:•~'-•••••••••"-~'• •----------•• IJ a.:Mt new l1M, Ml ~Mt· (t mot Old}, 2 l•rv1111n I . Kt. All N0,000 01f111t1ct f'Ublel H1W ALIACOAE POLE ..__.. __ ~ box, CUl\Om IPtl & f eovet, ll ~ .,__ & •.um. dbee ~ 1 ._., a Wood '•0 uoo & MOO'ln 9el1 °" wt,..,,. & IOOIL 0t 140 ... ...., channel VHF, Trallrlte Tandem TIHU 8un . only. boolto•••• 1 d ... I• 11t-7CMI .,_MOOG ...,._7007 • ,..., Ill l4a-tlH b1hmtt.. ._... .__,._ "'°"°°'° ' u •• lr."lilii'H" ••••• l'ml' ......-• ,. 4 • .......,, I "' ..,...,., I••• ... , ..... ...._.. Dfop •d 11" ,....... wtlo Med...-retofl -.C.rto tufter" a!Mftlum,y 111tr llWI •14 UA A8C MD DOM~ I nlte 1t1nd1 All Olltl'I~,.,.,.. 1no eti"eln. totat1 o¥er t ......... ..,..,. Cit-* f'9 ttrlno1. ""' Motil. J ...u.. ~ " ,_ "-& ...,.. .-1'. IYletcfllne. llOO al « tlife,' . IM-Ot11, 011110.1 1110 /pp leMoa Oriolory In die l4000b0. m-M17 lft 642..SIO Cell.s-4.etlO -.. 4H-1IOI '41.0f , · •1..me, DAll.Y '91.0T O I ' • Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes-A-Line our famous , DIMES-A-LINE Ooelt DAILY ptL;OT/8atur .. -· OIMES·A-tlNE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FR IDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. Cl Believe It or not/ tember 4, 1912 ~.'.'!!..'r!m .••••••.. f!W..~ •.•••• IA•.~······ Wt.'111. •••• ,.ii. .. 11.'l!t.Flll. •••••••••• 11.'llt.'111. •••••••••• M'l!t.Plfl.. •.... , .• ~ •• u.~ll• '11ttll ......... llff ~ .......... llff 1"'1ttm ...... l!lf ................. ft f't!~!A!~ ..... tt-ff !H!ffl ......... 11.fl fMIJH.......... N ·u ""*"' l• CM ,.,. • .,. CO'IOLLA 'N hg, toOd conctKton, Ill n Pll8T1 ... I dt led ICJnt Nn• ... Mu1tan9 HlrdlOlt ,,. .. ..... ... .. conct ... 000. de ~good, 61900 or wht wi red Int , nu W• tleWI 1 DOOCI Ml9c nlng. eond. NMOI tome with retNtlt eng t 1700 All l>*f t,,... e .;[: (" Af)ll l ..t..C ........ TM•IMI IMll• °"9f. tta.ano braliee a Glutei\ t1200 tton ot NIW a u110 body wortc Grut °' Hit 57K, e20oo. -~2.Nli #'' ...... 1~ ; f '41·H21 Cl'leWolet•I Ttanap. UH 144-0141 --_ ~.~ ..... 1..ff N. •.• ...•••••••• II.fl -ooino-. t1_1d1_1_0 -IOtl...,...I muet---i 042-7o33 '74 Mutteno u, 49,000 12 NITlll T1NO CLEARANCE #1 DEALER IN US A .r;:~ nu •no a Mii et luo, retllt eno. '"' IHf m11e1. ve en9, euto. AutorMtlo, air ~'1111t -- --_'----'. • ~~·-•-Int .. ~-H'erd/ new Int. &_rk~~-~•d ..................... lrnmac cond 12400 . Wheel, 1tereo (20 ) ~-~---;r--s ·-ii-orr·---~'"1~iV --·---~ • .,._, ... ,,... .... ----·10 vw ..... -~ ...... .. -~~ --..aiu.. ........ 111111 .................. _~...,..~---,, II' ..... 10 ..., ,...,..,,, ~·· I t •• I '78 Mu•tano Mach 1 y.,-y Cep 0011 Hou.111. • 78 Trtumoh TR 7 oon· nd1 mln0t wOfll Mutt tll fJ ~·rt lood oond, 10' ml. Retldual Ut17 «. 10111 drl·ve . to ___ , ...... ,..,ICHIW'Olll<.INl... "9'1. white. 25,000 ml I e 111 • 170 0 I 0 b 0 ' 1111 --....... ..... 3500. 551-6158 of payment• lor 411 1977 CAOIUAC - NIW'OlllllN'" 11w1MO.-11lnt cond. htended 43t-9oee -·-• • ~•etenoer wlTh rool 1984~ Mutt. convert. montne 1t750·40 +tu H AWA 111 ~M~=.~v:.;!.ff ffi~:£~·5~~!;~r-:;•"·"""~'""'n..,,~..,w..,".-:~,-¥J-~~-.'-• ..,b-1..,c11~. ~~~:t::~: a~um"!av1'~ dg'';n~;or,·n,~ ~:~;::~;;:; a. magnon court~ILll LUii i 1111 UAI BeeuUtul TAO '70. Per· 'II VW dleeel plok up. OILY IHllt or bit otr. ~9-7374 • • • ... -·· .. 1111 1eo1 1n1er1or1 perreot All e111r ... l!xc•ll•nt pOOtlaC/ U ---·--" top, •lrlt eno ne, good cond. 18.995. 494·43M NWlll Olttwrtltt • 01'i•i)l/i lllS 1979 CADILLAC $ drive train, s1_crJt1ce .• 99 Buo. No Engine. Bal• Do.,.tOuall 811. t' /"'"' ••••••••••o •••••••••• ILDOIADO COUPI Watch the Dally Piiot all during September for automouv-, ads contalnJng the coupon below! 345.42 .::5=~~r:~~::a :i~o:inl ::~~3~00. 111&.103~. NE~.a:a~Ol~rCH pon 1ac ~aw ·r:ad~~~' 1m~~c~·a~~i Har~~r c8c::~. e~r Or , (834042) per month plua tax m •oh . o o n d . --------• Hilrbor Blvd II Fair Dr Hfl $9850. 144-0937 5•9-4300 548·1457 Sl0,995 ~--.. ~·~--------~· ~.=-·==-. •>WL»' -.c. -.... American Alrllnea , we·re AmeflC611Alr-Oo<no ...,., ... clO _, WIN 2 ROlJI> TRP TICkETS TO HAWAII via AMERICAN AIRLINES •e month clo--.. end '3000/0ed."'873·1435 '71 vw 411 Sl:DAN 1111 011¥11&.n In Coet1 MH• ~·i12~o~LD~s~e~11~s~1iii80~.-liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil .. .... Look• and rune jreat. 01-· 9 300 5 9 5 'II Plllllll •-IHM on approved ere-'78 TR7l lo ml, AO. 111n1 3 2 mp II · • 1 0 0 . .... •• 54 -4 4 -14 7 . D•Y• 141·21173 - dlt. Co1t-tte,375; ln1lde •out, t3800/blt 990-0205 Tiii• one 11 extra clean! '71 FORD Maverick. ~·· 144·5489 Reblt Turbo 400, aharp H52. 16 calh requll'9d. olr. 833-0119 --.,------.,.---1 (15712). Good CQnd. 3 new tlrN, '79 CUTLASS LS. VII. lnllde & out. Make ol· Come In and ult tor --------1'72 SOUAREBACK rvni OILY 12111 econ. S850 494-3211 auto, AC, 45K mt, fer. d9181111 (19924). V1lh .. ,. '1111 Jreet, nd• paint, AMI •11 ...... S3750/0BO 1145 7202 536-9832 IUOI llNITI ••••••'!••••••••••••••• M o • 1 •. 11 3 O o . • -'79 F11rmont, air, pa, pb, 1 -I~~~~~~~~ '11 'Ena 1173-0742. VIUIWllU radio, htr. 4 C)'f, 32K ml. Terr. 12 , •• Ttaa .12000 Ma Dow Street 1111 111111 BMct1 Blvd 13195. 9112-4315 • , .. NEWPORT BEACH White/tan w/root. '89 VW Bug. Clean. 32 Huntlnl ton 8Nch ,70 T""' Con 1 ,_ .. I llll TIAIS Ill Automatic, air cond .. 712·0100 17350. 945-8272. mpg. Orig cond. $1475, 000 ... ,no vert b.. S500 860-1178 pwr. 1teerln9, am/Im 8311-7394, 974-0791 14 ·2 Rebtt, Jd cond, 12300. · (6711 1351 '72 Saab 88E, gd eng. '79 RABBIT '73 Super Beetle, tun· 1980 Cnevette A/T A/C Call "018 R. dye ., .. •HtMY + tu (Trane prblm) mutt tow Int/HI llke n-. rune roof, arn/fm cut., Od AM/FM, 19K'mt. 14100: 144-90e0; eYI 876-1731 '78 Cuttu• Supreme Cep. CO.I 593~. Rell.- U 0 0 I o fl er ( 2 131· grHt, etereo. S2595 oonct. $2800. 644-203'1 5411-4321. '72 COURIE~ Auna good, 000Brougmhl~· plp~~7• ,,90 33• dual S.-232.59. total or 512·4371 or (213 OBO.Mlke931-4818 I d I -~ .. '79 VW Convertible '112 Bl1e1-2 dr 8 ...,, cute goo OH m · · peyment1 S9918.32 + 371-3097 '63 BAJA BUG 1635 eng. Mint cond. Veq low ml. reblt 3 .C)d~' n-~a1n'i'a 115oo1 OB O. e vu ·72 Toronado, nu eng, tax ,...,., f11J r~d cond. $1000. 19750. 1-528"'4719 tlr ... orig. cond. 648-11154. waterpump, rad .. fuel a. magnon ••u•••••••••u••••••• 73 2912. 11400/obo 547 1909 '1 l IHS ~mp, paint job. 1525. ~Leulng '84 BUG. rebullt eng. nu '87 B•I•. c~. new blue · • •• !!!!.!.............. 20-1101 llM' Ill• brakH, tlrH, clutch paint, tire• & rime, '73 Impala Station Wa-'74 Mark IV, 78,000 'ml .. --------I ---1971 CADILLAC llYILLI (978VNI) *8995 19,12 autae •\PAIK AYINUI" 4 DI. llDAN (10TT550) -. $11,995 19IO CADILLAC ILDOIADO COU,. (917ZEM) 8nng INI eoupon In -1•1 orwe one 01 OUt ,_ or UNO care ""'"'G S•P••m«>e< 10 qu•MI) lor 0<1w1ng by 1N1 ~ tor :l rnEE rouncJ lrlp llckell 10 HAWAN ... AmeOcen AWttne1 M1J11 hav• v1fkJ pe1marien1 d1tv.,1 liceow -be II Yf• OI • or cw.. No Auto Agency, PllollMlrrora or Acne<lean Alf.._ ~ or •••-mey <ll*lv Ol.., •APll• rnlelr1'gl\I 9130181 •-••• S1500/0BO 5511 5110 1800cc eng reblt, Int, gon 55.000 ml. Orig lmmao cond. lull pow· 11•11 H51 ont' • -le8ve ,,,....g., · 4" 1111. S2000/bat orr. owner, $1500. 780-0301 er telthel' 'new tire• •••••••••••••••••••••• p •~/ U 111-IMI U'941U 72 VW Super Beetle, xlnt 957-2525, ·11 CHEVY WAGON etc., mu1t ..... 13SOO: ·12 2ooocc Runabout, IV\, 1912 CADILLAC '12 SIUll I /I mechanlcat, new "'" & VW Weetpflall• Camper. l.OOka and run• great. firm. 876-11974 ~~ & look• ~7093 Harbor Blvd et Fair Dr CIMAllON SIDAN s13,995 ·-~·---------- Heme -----------~ A-------------~ Phone------------OMW'a 'llP'-'la1,... _______ _ L--·-····-··-···••••••••••••• • This Is the time of year for the best auto buys! Take advantage of this opportunity to win 2 round trip tickets to Hawaii via American Airlines ALOHA SERVICE. ,.u.. 1_._..... trans. S2300. 497.4153 1982, dlftei. 3,000 Ml, ~LNT Trana. "oo. #1tHn llSO · · In Cotta Me .. _, .....,,... s15,ooo 11rm. 942-9889 9&0-0206 ...... ""·············· II :t IHO 549.4300 649-14157 '-~1lcoe ....... t S O;+-r~ ·~3er~tri;, erit:w~~~: '73 SUPER BEETLE • '83 CORVAIR MONZA '72 ~o.j'~ego I St;S W~e· •• P.!!~! •••••• ~••••••• '78 Formul1 TA tadlala ...._.. oei S54c "• ...-beeutllul cond. Reduced excel cond, 12500/0BO COUPE well melnt1lned. :~~ co~dau ~975ibeai '79 Plymouth Horizon mags. s250otbelt orr: dual $2432, total or 10 l3ll50/Plrm 10, quick 4 ap, d.e1perate auto, radio, $1200 1 65,._8042 TC-3, 29,000 ml, xlnt Mull Hlr thl• wknd. PS:~rnen18 is:~ 4(~1':"1~h)1 ..... SM to appreciate. M1-3389 497-2781. or. cond. Auto, air, AM/FM. 559-5127 Mary "" ..... 637 2753 •••l••t. llSJ 13500/bat olr. 5311-2951 1---....,-----''----,,......,.1 a magnon -. ltll YW Ill llOOO C:t1nl11 llZS ••••••• •••••••••••••• fi••'•ri/r' 1110 • '78 Bua. greet ahape, ... ,.-.. ••••••••••••••• '118 Muatang 289 power I. II IHS •••••••••••••••••••••• ou1tom Int. w/bed, rune RUNS GOOD. 'll CHRYSLER iteetlng. New' paint, .!."..!!••••••••••••••• 63 T-Blrd. Cl81111o. 68K Pontiv/DU U9;:.c~76%~3.book. 995 • 3327 T1w1 I C111trr ::~~1ryt>.1~~1~·~.~~~'1!~ '12 FIREllRI $J9~,'g9~~ ~~~1· tV~ '73 Super Beetle. auto V1Jn 1111 ltetltl W11H GOid nuoget meg whit. lwtt•1Ho, llr Hl41., '89 Lindau, ·2dr, PS/PB, allck. 49K orig. ml. ...................... 9 puaenger wffh roor Air. cond. Reblt eng 1t1r11, tllt wllttl, AIC, 11lnt cond. 11200. Harbor Blvd •t Fair Or $3260/obo. 494-4692 # 1 Y•IY• hlltr rec«, llml. wood "del· 12200 Firm 543-2998 n 11 J. y ..... h • ...._e.o-_3_02_8 ____ _ In COit• M-. '74 Panel Bua. 10.000 ml 11 tr1111 IHlfJI ~~m·,~ T'dt>'r:~~: ... IT OHYEITIILE (111111) '73 T-BIRO 549-4300 649-1457 on motor. AM/FM c:ua 1921XlN) Showroom cond., Pony 1211 •HtlllY + tu 450 cld. 11500 '74 DL. eunrf. gd 1n\iext. W/9qUlflzer. 840-8209 1&1.11, lllYIOI a Int .. dlec brka, pa, •uto. Cep. Coat 1 10.750, 965-2022, 9411-2807 Runs great I 1200. #744•, many more to OVERSEAS DELIVERY • 'M y, MUSTANG conv paymenll for 48 month1 ••-'•••••••••••••••oo•• AM/FM 1tereo. AC. *'118 BUG H95. dlr• Ill LUI• magnon 16900. 855•1035 re91dual $5300, total of , .. , H14 87~96 chooH from. PETE'S EXPERTS complete r1buflt. nw 111,085.12 + tax. 74 Vega, clean. no ·-------==--======~· .. ,'W'.,. AUTO,SALES 948-2888. nt' ID p1lnt/tlrff •. orig rim•. a magnon denu. auto, good r ...... ., ~ WU flE po IV u lac. •Ir. tight yellow w/ t r. n Ip 0 r t • t I 0 n . ••'••••••••••••••••••• '88 VW S~u arebk , IV~ blk lntr.' l lop llYlog • 11100/obo. 848-8518 ~~~~i;;l~l~~~:~ Xl~C~~':1.!·a. fl~~ r.53~114 1996 ~~~Blvd. Harbor Blvd 11 Fair Dr cert. 110,950' OBO. bet. 6 & 8pm IUflJ'OOf. am/Im ltereo. 1973 VW Thing. very COSTA MESA In Coate M... ~r,o::ll-8222, evH pontj~C/"'.'"U $4300/0BO. 940-0187, nice. S2.950. Call ...,.._ 141-llOI U0-1411 549-•300 649-14157 -. tV ~ People who need People ~ Th•t'• what the ::-:-=--:---=---::---t...:.;55:.:9~_.:..:4.:.87:__ __ -.--i---------'85 Vallent, need1 tome Tr1~ your old a tu rt for • HMbof Blvd et Fair Of DAIL y PILOT "AUTOMATIC '11ANI. AND IUNaOOf" (1CRz'458) $10,995 1912 CADILLAC PLllTWOOD 910UOMAM (1EAl5"45) $15,995 Offer Good Thru Tueeday, 9-7-82 NABERS -c:ADILLAC 2tOO HAR80R Ill.VO. COITAMHA 540-1860 '14 :royota Corolla -'87 VW Bug, reblt eng .. A•IH U1H work. S300 or *1 otter new goodl91 with • In COila M... SERVICE DIRECTORY gon. Auto.. 721<--mllel. 1 new tran1, rune good, •••••"•••••••.••••••••• 53""9848 Clualtled ad. 942-5878 549-4300 649-1457 I• 811 •l>Outl Ctlaalfled Adt 942-M7ll owner. Runs good. need1 paint & lntr. C.a111J llOl _ 11350. OBO. Call 11·5 work. s1200 OBO. •••••••••••••••••••••• A•IH 11•• HOO A•lll lltfl 1100 A•lll ll1t1 1100 A•l11 llw A•I., .,. IUI 844-5053. 875-2513. Corne In & ... Newport •••••1•••••••••••••••• •••••~•••••••••••••••• ..... ~•••••••••••••••• •••••~•••••••••••••••• •••••l••••••••••••••• .( lhnual Cars, Classics, Aftffques, Race, & One of a kind! '80 COROLLA 1t1rf. AM/ 1981 VW dl...i, 5 tpd, 4 FM can. excel cond, dr. beaut. Nnd metallic, 15500. &e2·2081. Blau. atereo c81s. Sun- roof. air. Mlchellns, 19K WANT ACTION? mtlea. H950. 146-8459 Clualt.d ACS. M2-6e78 or 648-7471. Labor Day Clearance SALE • 1982 Continental Sedan 11.9% A.P.R. Plus Tremendous Discounts 1982 COUGAR XRl 11.9% A.P.R. 1982 CAPRI SNmY-1'1 a.1rt11'1 #11a ... -.,., ............... ......., ... , •• 14 * ll Beach'• nnest Mlectlon • or prevlou1ly owne"lt Poraohe'•. Audi'• and v~ ...... 445 E. Cout Hwy Newport Beach 1173-0900 IEE IS for the flf gest end beet Mlectlon of n-end uMd Buldl• In Orenge ~ ••i..~..,.c...ty 2925 HerbOr Blvd. COSTA MESA 171-2108 Cen1ury Station Wegon, '78, Must Sell! S2300. 549-0208 • '78 Riviera Turbo, mint cond. AM/FM, A/C, S300 & take over pymnta. 833·8755 CMJJJ• Hll ....•..••..•........•. TIE WIEST IEUOTlll ot lete model, low mileage Cedlllac1 In Souttlem Celltomlal S.. UI todayl IAllll OUIWO 2800 Hllfbor BIYd. COSTA MESA 141-1111 '78 Cad Blarrttz company oar, nu tire•. etc. Loaded &8300. Wkdye only 892-55ee ext 39. '71 ELDO whtlred le8th- er, be1uty, nu tr1n1, loaded, low ml, mint cond, 12750/0BO pp. 631-0115. '78 8evtlle. Aatro roof. CNlle, wtw. 57k. '8550. 95~2551 '77 Atwd Brm-mlnt perf, tux bHuty. Wiii HC 15150. 942-3555 '71 Eldo, fVfly loaded, .. lttr•. lo ml. mutt .... '2200. 842·7500 c...r. "" •••••••••••••••••••••• "71 C.ero Lo Ml One owner. A/C, crul•• control. Tiit wtll, rlldlo. Aatclng 15200 010. 492-8 31 & e v , d1 1546-1193 t FRIDAY• SATURDAY• SUNDAY• MONDA Sale ends Monday, Sept. 6th at 9:00 P .M. LABOR DAY SELL-A-THON SHOP IN THE SHADE WE WILL NOT BE UNDER· SOLD. UNDER THE BIG TOP! A.P.R. FINANCING AVAILABLE* • I .. ,. OEADUNES For Tueedey through Saturday publ!Clltk>ns, 5:30 PM the prwvlous d11Y. For Sunday and MondllY publlcatlona, 12:00 noon s.turdlly. .. ERRORS ~should check their ••ty and report errors ·1mm.dtaeety. The OAl&:Y Pit.OT ..urrea lt9blllty for the flret Incorrect lneertlon only. 642-5678 • P\&.18HER'S NOTICE: All rHl --lllMrtieed In this 1W "IPll* le ....,._.to the Federel Fair HOUl6ng /Id cf 1• wttlc:tt ...... ll 1"9gll to 8'Mrtl9e "eny PNf•tenC9, llmllllkln. or clleofi~ ...-on ,.., color. Nllglon ..... or nettoNI origin. or.,, lntlntiOn to...._ "'f IUOh .,,....,.,_, M'"tt.tion, or dl9oftmlnltion." ·---------------... = -!I -·- ===~,.~ ,. .. -~ ·-=::::,, Cru .. . ·-... g-r-tt ... ':':" J• •• .,.....11 .... -. -................. ·-i=::s:..=11 . -1• ---Trl<PYh .. s:r.~ ---a:::.:.-J..; . -':'l:·c ...... llllt ==·=----.. ... 2 -Orenge COUMy Real Eatate/An Mwrtlllng • ...,...,. to tM DAILY ~OT/satur.y, September 4, 1912 State h~slng sho.rtage ~on~J stop emigrants Delpite poor eoowaruc condidooa, unemployment and a 11evere housing shortaae, pc.l&le continue to immilr'ate to omla.. State Department of 'Finance re.arch abowa the ltate'• population ho. grown 3.2 percent lince the 1980 cenaua WM conducted. Between April 1980 and January 1982, Calffornia's population 1ncn •ed by 7M,200, accord1nc to the eatlmatea. Nearly half that lncre x w due to lmmlll'atioo. "~ to Callfamla reaalta from the undedytna ltrength of the California economy aa c:unpared to the rest of the country," aaya Ben Bartolotto, director of the Construction Industry Research Board (CIRB). Bartolotto contrasted the population growth With. the state's lnabillty to provide for its new residents. During the 21-month period when the state population increued by 3.2 percent, total housing produced was less than 2 percent -215,000 units. ''To accommodate the increa9e in population, at least 300,000 new hou1ing units should have been provided," says Bartolotto. u the extra 85,000 bomee had been built, Bartolotto adds, that activity would have generated 93, 000 construction jobs plu1 an additional 266,000 jobs in the aeneraI economy. c.allfomia'• current wiemployed now number 1,157,000-9.5 percent of the workforce . The unemployment rate this time lalt year WU G. 7 percent. A substantial portloo of that fr=ene re9Ulta.from comtn.actklO unemployment. Bartolotto forecata that little man than lat year's "needed" 85, 000 additimal bomea will be built this year. "We are not meeUnc the neec1a of the c~rtent pop\llatlon and, unfortUWtely, we will be .unable to provide for the people who are entering our state daily," says Robert H. Rivinius, executive vice president of the California Building Industry Alsociation (CBIA). Projections indicate that the state's population will grow from its current 24 million to 28 million by 1990. •"Whether or not locaJ governmen ta encourage or diacoura~e the production of housing, population growth will continue," said Rivinius. ••u this growth is not planned for by providing housing," he adds, "growth will occur haphazardly and the quality of Ute in the state will suffer." Home prices dip below previous year's. level; expected to climb The best time to buy in any market ia when priL'eS are low and aelection high. Unfortunately, such combinations are inf.rerauent. But for the first time in yean., thoee two fact.on are preeent in the houalnl market. Median sales prices of existing homes inc:reMed only 3.6 percent in I 1981. The price at the start of this year was $66,800, llCOOl'ding tO the National .A9odation of Realtors. Reflectin& ~ta from teller finandnl and adjustments made for inflation, the net ee1.liD8 prices are now lower than a year -ao. Orange Coat BeUt«a ay. Reduced home prices mean lower down payments. they add. If the economy improvee later in the yeu--... expect, the demand for housing could be exceptionally at:rona. But any aavinp achieved from lower interest ratea then could be more \ban oft.et by hlgber home prices, aa buyen begin to fiood the market. Higher prioea, even with lower interest rates, will mean higher monthly payments 1n most cues. Until there ia an increae in the construction of apartments - vacancies are at an historic low of 1aa than 5 percent -and other fonm of new bowing, there will be 1C1De upward premure in the pricing, Realtora. say. By puttlna off a home purchue to ".:>me other time," a buyer could be pamlng up the lowest pricee 1n quite a whUe, R..ltora ay. Avallablllty of second morlgages ·rlses The Federal National Mortcaae Amoclatlon, OI' ''Fann.le Mae'' .. it is known in industry circlo , baa announced lfcnlticwnt apamioD ot Its aecond-mortcaae purchase pl'OIJ"8JD. Oranie c.o.t BeUton •Y· The proaram Increase• the avallabWty of IUCh ~ for bomeownen who need the loana foe such purposes aa home lmproYemmta OI' additiom, and foe tboee conaidertna takin1 back a leCCIOd ~ to help .n their bomm. PrevioUlly, Fannie Mae bo\.acht c "ab.ares" OI' partic:lpatlom 1n of .....xi~ on.lnat.ci ~· tmtitutiana. '1Dder the c-.... ,..... .... will pUrebw .......... . Tb• aottn wau..:r::: tM . numblr al'.. l's' tbM • • 1 I make second mort1e1e loans to homeowners. Before, flnanclal bodles were reluctant to make letlOSld-mortpae Imm beca\m they couJd not .ti the ... ~of adl mort1a1•• to l'annle Mae, and therel>y replenlah tbelr ·caab, R..ltora•y. Homeownera who flnd lt necessary to take back a eecond DJiDl'1Clll'e to .n their home under current market condltlom now will be able to work with a l'annle Mae-approved lnatltutlon ln arnnctn8 tl!r1m. After' the .... the hammeller wUl be able tD cmb ln the xcoad ~ with ,........ ... tbl'OUlh the flnmdal ........... The de1lp of th11 pro1r.m, acoordlD,ljt a ~··-;a'ttr ,,o•••s ••. ••• , tai9am re ••1JM1 I f t - the outet.andina balance on the first ~ma property to 80 percent of the value of an owner-occupied property and to 70 penieat of the value for lnYeltion. RNMA ,..... 11 •tatlwe allo have worked wUb l'annie Mae to fadlltata cha .... ln lta ~ procram for aeller-beid flr1t ~ J'annie Mae w01 DOW coCIODllali'llllCI• DI~ wbole-lmn tint ~ that were not orillna&ed by an~ i.nder'. In adicfhaGn. io.m &bat an man thm a ,_.. old and loam lblll-.,,. not been xMced bJ a,........._.. :c;:.v•d lender are now alao far .... . furthli' .... ....-.. mm-=i IM 8llllA r Phi, •• .,. Ill 'l'r7 ltda a. R.W., Wnt's.,_. D.C: ~ . • I . . Orange County Real Estate/An Adver1t9'ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 -3. MACNAB IRVINE REALTY LICEllE Priced for Immediate sale. Assumable 30 yr loan of $278,000 @ 13°/o. OWner wUI carry 2nd TO. $595,000 ....... Professlonelly decorated split level, 2 BR widen & library. Reduced $100,000 for Immediate sale. $450,000 LICEllll Spacious 3 BR. Including Master BR Retreat w/flreplace. 3 car garage. Beautiful ocean/bay view. $695,000 IYUSn Highly upgraded 2 BR w/spa and sauna. Immaculate throughout. Great assumable financing. $465,000 LICEllE Interior Designer's own home. Elegant throughout. Unobstructed Ocean View. Assum. Fin. $725,000 ...... Dramatic 2 BR split level widen & li~rary. Great location & terms. Ocean/Bay View $580,000 .,.._E Assume existing 30 year $400,000 Arst at 13.8% flxQd. 5 . B~ w/Bonus Rm & 3 car garage. pcean View $850,000 LIOU• Country Frenchl Gorgeous.wood panelled FR w/bullt-ln bookcases. Assume long-term financing. Ocean/Bay View $695,000 IHWlll Immediate possession on this spacious 2 BR split level wi den & library. Ocean View. F.or lease $2,500 month .lllEW Must sell -wtll conlsder all offers. Plush beige carpet & wood plank floors. Panoramic View. $675,000 Belle Partch or Mauree;n White "YOUR HARBOR RIDGE SPECIALISTS" 644-6200 . LlllT •tllE ESTATE 1&1111111 1 • Hand crafted truly a home of excellenoe. Slate roof-brick courtyard entrance -wood floors-leaded windows-walnut carved doors, green house. Ams w/tree top balconies & charm. Formal din rm. 9 BR, beach, pier & slip to accommodate 95 foot yacht. $6,000,000 Barbara Aune (T11) UYFlllT DOLISIYE Custom designed tor casual. Indoor outdoor living, this professionally crafted residence of 3 BR occuplel a site moet deeired on Newport Bay. Tastefully finished In Imported marble & ltone & white oak doors & floors. Pier & slip and security. $4,750,000 furnished. Barbara Aune (T12) IUllllfltlE Ulf•IT •'1111 ••t•T ... Unique home approx w/8,000 aq. ft. Lg ellp, b8Yllde lawn, POOi. 3 fplcs; plus His & Here bathrooms, den office/art room, library, gymnasium. Unusually deep lot w/approx. 74 ft on the bay. Only 5 ~ old. $4,500,000 John Macnab. Seli.r wtll help wttl'I financing. (T13) --··•·•·•·• Total security In thl1 bea&.ttlful luxurloua ·condomtnlum -Bay & city view, underground 1ecurlty parking, Pool & 1pa. Magnificent entrance saJon w/crystal cMndeller, Poof rm & d9Ck.,.. to prtvate boat ellpe. $845,000. Barbara Aune {T15) ...., IPIUlll 1111 •AIU WL Overlooking reaervolr & mountains. Decorated In earthtones wtth lots of wood flooring & ehutters. High assumable loan. $450,000. Gisela Jenkins (T18) 411 -IUlllW The "Port· Royal" -EJegant two-leYel family home wtth 4 spacious BR., lg fam rm w/2nd fireplace & wet bar, formal dining & two balconleal Lovely garden & ooean view. $'425,000 Belle Partch (T17) ..asmlllT•-Construc11on -SOiid walnut cabtnetry -formal dining room -Living rm w/veulted celling -family rm & country kitchen -4 BR -Lg comer lot. Sparkling pool w/bMutlful country garden. You own the land. 24,500 Barbara Auna (T-18) -'I •ZIDT IWLll 2 unit• ready for loving chanQe. One level, ftreptace, open beams. OWner wtll flnance. $248,000 Coby Ward/Berbara Callthan (T19) .... ~ lllT.sllml- 2 BR, 2~ BA, atrtum large erdoeed patio. lots ot prtvacy. 2 years old. lmmacutate. Aaaumable loan. 1147,000 a.it Mitchell (T20) ............ r -~ ------.__.. --------.... ->• , ·• .... 't-·"'·~ .. · ,...__. • -: .. · .... ·~·..:.., -J&-."':;.,,.· .. ·1: •.... _, ... ~:~·._...-;._., ~" •! .... •. v .-: .. .-• ._,, ..... ~--Tr~u:· .. ~·~u .. ,~;-:-4-r..~:·ttr ...... ~-:...,·.'"!t•I'.-.:._":'~~&_~·{~..!.. .•-: ~-:.;:..:~.·.· .. -:-:-~.:~ •• ·.,.:.·..e!'J:::u .. :.·.:.-1. ~~":.. ~r.:·.:..:: .. .x.-:·.-.:~:x~tta1. ·.•,..·. ;1 •• .,,-.. ~"" ... ,.,..,. 4 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY. PILOT /Saturday, September 4, 1982 760-8333 PERFECT 11111111 lllE Lovely F.astside Cos1a Mesa 3Bdr.,-2 Bath with Spa -plea8ant rear yard, tree-lined street, easy tenns. $195,000. 675-6670 Ill CAIYM ELEUIGE . Prestige and security are found in this lovely Dover Model with dramatic city lights and Bay views. Excellent seller - Assisted financing to qualified buyer. 2 Bdr. •nd den. Expanded living ~· $450,000. 760-8333 Piii Ull IETilll Large 4 Bedroom family home with Spa in super University Park area. Lots of trees -Cloee to schools and shopping. Excellent buy at $240,000. 760-8333 IPllTAOll 11 RllWITD WllW from this 4 Bedroom, 3 Bath entertaipment 'palace. Pool and Spa are located in private courtyard. A ltalrway leads to a beautiful Cameo Shores beach . $2,225,000. 760-8333 . ' 3 _CIVIC PLAZA #170 _ -NEWPORT BEACH, CA ·- 111T1M t11t•111 New and elegant 19th Century Charm with modern conveniences. 3Bdr. and library .• Exquisite wallpaper, quality construction.,. 180 degree bay and ocean View. $750,000. 675~6670 111 GUYii wm View of golf ooune and night-lights from extra large custom size Cul-de-sac lot. 4 Bedrooms. Formal dining. 3 car garage. Submit on financing. Asking -$795,000. 760~333 llOllFla Ill.I Reduced price $50,000 to avoid foreclosure 3 Bdr. & Den -6 plan in delightful J asmine Creek -partial Ocean View - Security Gate Tennis, Pool -fantastic buy at $329,500 with excellent financing. 760~333 ....... . Ouiatandina MGnlCO with lmrtflc location on fairway bi 8'c Canyon. 31klr., formal dlnlne. Oak panenn,, bookcun. Delichtfully decant.cl tbrouchout. 3 car ....,.. Owner will finance at 131'. '820,000. 780-8333 - 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach, CA 12813 I ~ ~ 7 : . . I. .. .. ~ ·. \ I J. . ::-.. f l' \ ~ .! ~ • . I f. l Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertlal ......... . . ... .. .. , "' 760-8333 ~ ....... .. . . ,. . . Plliila.I""' Fabulous bay view. 3 Bedroom and den. Fonnal dJnin&. Larae spacious rooms, adjacent to swimming beech. 2~ Down. owe balance at 12'. -reduced to $675,000. 675-6670 TlllUllll ... Beautifully Decorated end unit "A., plan 2 Bedrooml, parquet entry, custom shelves and paneling. A1r conditioned. Showa like a M~el Larae a•umable loan. ~169,990. $760-8333 · LllWD llnlllr DTITI 60 ft allp and lkle de. Spedoua marble entry with cathedral celling. Sunny patio -5 Bedrooma, 5 Baths -formal dlnlnc. Al8ume existing 1~ loen. Submit on down payment. Reduced to $1,200,000 for immediate ule. WW Trade Down. 760-8333 ... A Dlvlelon of t • ·' "'t, .. ........ 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170. NEWPORT BEACH,. CA DIDTA_, m.11111 Fabulous family room with exdtiJll ocean view. Atrium. spa. 3 Ji'lrep1llces. 3 Bedrooms. _.,me K first. owe Jarse aecond - prioed"at ~.ooo. 760-8333 ...llYIWll Super abarp 2 Bdr. "Walden" Model on great comer location,b\ 1, .. ·, Univenity Park Deane Homes. Vaulted ceiltnp make for light and bright uv1ng. A.ume lat and 2nd. owe 3rd Submit down payinent. $179,000. 760-8333 • .... Ill. 111 IEmlllL Beach cottao in perfect old C«orla location. One block from Beach. Pa.rtfa1 ocean view. 3 Bedrooms, t>e.ined cei.lings, brick .-tio. Great potential to remodel and make money. Offered at $325,000 760-8333 lllmN.llJllll'f IArse 4 Bedroom, fmdly room home with Pool 3 fireplacea, lmmllculate move-in condition. Perfect location for family llvina -priced rieht at *279,500. 87~70 ii' JACOBS REALTY, INC. • • # • • 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard ~ Beach, CA 92683 . .. . , • 6 -Orange County Real Eatate/An AdvertlaJ_n~ Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 .. Dalebout BaY • Beach Real Estate - REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• ua.-llUll llftl • • • If you enjoy luxurious living on the bayfront, this masterpiece la ,.. - - ----- worthy of sertoua consideration. A pier and t =lg~gu~t•,' ~~l~~o~:ir:"petlyrf::n.~~~ float for a 48 foot boat. Huge famfly room With 1 b Fl cl bed F 1 di 1 1 1nuterplece was deaigned to fill a partlculat ar. ve spa ous rooms. orma n ng need -yet It la quite flexible. One master room. Dining area In kitchen. Sepatate muter 1 bedroom plus convertlble den In the main suite -Ideal for guests. Restful pool and spa. Three car garage. You own the land. Home 1 bulldlng. Alao, acroae the uled brick patio Is a lrt 11 b lit 1 1980 $2 350 ooo 1 separate two bedroom guest suite. The v ua Y new -u n · ·· · ··· · • • 1 spacious bayfront with pier and float, accented by the shimmering night lights on the bay, 1 complete the dramatic picture. You own the llu.IS • . . Five bedroom early California home -warm and Inviting. Huge IMng room with ftreplaoe. Paneled dining room conceals Intriguing wtne atormge. Muter suite with large sitting area and stalrcue to custom Jacuzzi. Artistic uae of stained glass. Elaborate sound system. Owner motivated -will consider lease/option ................................... $1,650,000 Ill UIHI ••• To say this home Is simply elegant la the understatement of the yearl It has warmth and comfort, quality and craftsmanship. Five spacious bedrooms provide eccommodatlone for an average family plus overnight guests. Formal dining room. Immense famHy room. Pool and spa. Fuclnatlng view of the 18th Fairway of BIQ Canyon Gott Courae ...................... $1 ,4'95,000 Open Sun 1-5 ..... : ................ 20 Cypresa Point IPYIUll mu ... lmpreuive Englllh T1,1dor. Superbly crafted. Two story beamed celling ltvlng room. Formal dining room. FamHy room with wet bar. Five bedrooms. Spa and wet bat In master suite. Four fireplaces. Lovely mountain view. Four car gatage. You own the ~!:. ~~ .. ~~ .. ~~~~~~:. 8s1~~~.~ llQlllll ... Extraordinary opportunity. Thia residence sits on prime waterfront ... With the prized advantmge of lta own giant private pier and slip. Highly prlvlleged gated community. Very special owner financing Is avallable. Oh yes, there la a three bedroom home set on thti treasure. ........ ...... ................ ........... $1,250,000 -1mMI ••• If the home aets the mood for the day . . . you will be Inspired by the spectacular ocean and bay view. Tremendous living room. Three spacious bedrooms. Large famlly/bllllarda room. Huge patio for easy entertaining. Custom apa and gazebo. You own the land -worth u much u the total asking price. Motivated teller ...................... $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........ 1301 Dolphin Terrace llYH 111111 • • • Quallty ahowa In moat everything -partlcutarty In a home such u this pmom four bedroom by Valentine bullt with lath and plaster. Beeutlfully situated on a very private beach. You can step onto the sand from the family room patio. Muter bedroom suite b-!CO"Y overtooka beach and bay. In-law or maid a quarters. Security system. '980,000 L.91 ..... One of the largeat homee on Udo. Bay view .and tempting poof. FamJty fun at the nearby clubhouM, tennla court, bNch, boat ramp and park. Sewn bedr.ooma, Five baths. Separate muter bedroom suit• for your well eatned privacy .................................. 1875,000 111 HIHI •.. The much sought after "V•reaJllea" model. Spacloua four bedroom home. Four and one-half baths. Cuatom decorating throughout. Extenalv• UH of beVeled Glaaa. Parquet ftoora. Comer lot. Vwy =~ ~~~ .. ~~~~~.~~: .. ~.~.~~~.?. .. ;:'.~S:O.~ I I land. .................................................. $985,000 I -- 11Y11 _.. • • • Extraordinary value. Two muter bedrooms In one wing. Third bedroom In the other wing wfth own entry and private bath. Sit-down view of.ocean, upper bay and city lights. All rooms open to Indoor dehumidified poof. Sec;urlty ayatem. Located on cul-de-MC street wfth only eight homes. Seller may eatry 1st trust deed ftve years, 12% with $300,000 down. ................................ $835,000 • Ullll • , • A popular and V«Y practlca.l -, "townhome" In a prestigious location ovettooklng the sixth fairway on the goff couree. Three apecloua bedrooma. Pormal dlnlng room. Oak plank ftoor1. French doors. Vacant and ready for iulck occupancy. Attractive assumable lnanclng. You own the land. $599,000. _ ,..._ ••• Fuclnatlng apllt-level home. Nothing monotonous here. Beam celling. French doors. Shutters and levefora. Three 1pacloua bedrooms. Oen and family room. Property In top condition. Freshly painted. • Carpeting only four months old. Low maintenance yard. Bubbling btack spa. Can be purchased $575,000 Fee or $4'4'0,000 LeaMhold. '* UY • • , Over half acre early Callfomla estate. Six apacloue bedroom1. Huge llvlng room. Formal dining room. Sunny morning room. Beamed ceilings. Incredible storage. Three eat garmge. Horae corral. Separate lot large enough for tennla court. ......... $550,000 .. ,...., ••• Delightful famtty home In a highly deelrabte .,.., Four aptlCk>UI bedrooms. Huge IMng room wtth mart>te flreplece. Formal dining room. Large famlty room wtth beamed oetHng, noor to celllng flreptace and wet bar. Breakfast room off kitchen. Large master bedroom autte with walk-In cloHt. Gourmet kitchen with microwave ov•n and new dlahwaeher. $449,500. Utmn • , • The lnaplred work of a malt• crafttman. Completely rebuilt with rare artletry. Four bedroom1. Poot. Spa. Stldom does a ~~.:f,tr~ .. ~'.~ .. ~~ .. ~ .. ~~.:o~o:o HIT ILi" ••• Enjoy the elegance and convenience of a rare Lusk "E" plan hQme. Superbly deflgned for the large family or people who nke to entertain. Five apacioua bedrooma. Larae famltv room and bat. Bar and barbecue In tfi• aheliered patio ar... Very private backyard with pool and apa. Heat rHlatant decking. Minimum maintenance. Three eat garage. You own the land. $389,500. unmn ... Excellent ttnanctng. Attractive tour bedroom home. Kitchen and family room completely upgraded. 8Mmed celllnQ8. Wet ~~wt-= ~~~ .. ~~~~~0-~ ...,.., , , , Attractive Cape Cod home on large corner lot. Spacloua three bedrooms, family and dining rooms. Impeccably decorated and maintained. French door• opening to large private garden and covered patio. Pride of ownerahlp reflected throughout. Seller's program makes the home very available. $316,000. • U -• • ... Reduced $35,000. Two bedroom cottage on great corner lot. Ocean view. Attractive ~ financing. Now $340,00 ......, ••• Gracloua one 1tory, custom bullt home wrap1 ltaelf around Inner atrium providing a very Intimate feetlng. Enormous master bedroom, two apadout bedrooms plus a convertible den. lc:IM for mature family. The nine foot ceiUnga greet for art eoHectlon. Solat heated jacuzzt In garden ..•............... $300,000 -• • ••• Excellent flnanclrig. South of Highway. Two story, .two bedroom houae In front. One bedroom unit In rear. Convenient to ahopa and bank• .............................. $299,500 W • m 'Fl ••• HJQhly motivated ... ..,. Wiii conlkMr any reuonable offer. Tastefully decOrated four bedroom home In Immaculate =hlon. Upstalra muter bedroom retreat. buy In area. .............................. $270,000 "' .... I a ... A great place for retirees who enjoy dignity and elegance. Two bedroom penthouH overlooking the bay and ocean. Security gate. Pool/Spa. Clubhouff. Gym. Excellent financing. ........................... $259,500 Open Sat-Sun ........... 100 Schotz Plaza PH 10 •WlllT ~ ••• Conveniently located condo. Three apacloua bedrooma. Two and hatt bathe. Restful peek-a-boo view from decka. Aaume attractlV9 financing ........................... $210,000 9"11 _. ••• Exceptional value In this lovefy four bedroom home. Located In an attractive neighborhood ... well acreened from street nofM. Restful tamly room and formal dining room. Fuelnatlng upper bay vt.w fr9med by two huge ornamental tr998. Mottvmted teller Prtoe reduced $-40,000 ...........•. NCM S209,s0o -I R •= •.• Never' a better time to buy! Thia thrff bedroom dwelling hal extreme value. Large HCluded cul-d...-c lot. Pool. LMM/optlon available ••••.....•.••.•..••.• $199,900 Open Sat.sun 1-5 ........... 512 Rockford Place ._ U1 •• ••• A two bedroom (plus den) condo wtth a fabulou8 view of golf courae and green belt. Just reduced ... Now $179,900 .. FllT -• • • t-'IQh beamed oelllng In llvlng room. Skyllghtecf kitchen. Atrium off m..-bedroom. Two bedroomc and bath plua bonul room upetalra. Walk to bMch. 1179,900 --, •• Hlghty==r.ted four bedroom home. Roof, kitchen '1C9I., and cerpetlng -all MW wtthtn the two yieera. Convenient locatk>n. Owner wttt help ftnence ..... $134,900 !II•?" 1 a , , , Uke MW OM bedroom condo In the 1uxurtou1 V.,.... atmoephere. tilgh qualtty wall and window oovemp. S.Wator 1erv1oe and lnald• parking tor two care. Clubhou1e, pool and epa. Guarded gate 1125,000. NEWPORT BEACH Orange County Real Estate/An Advertllfng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 -7 ~SPECIALS Many owners are olfering substantial price reductiom and term.8. Some will exch~ge and ."cash speaks" Lower than listed price, if you have cub .•• Call lor details and submit your off er ..• ~l __ •_EWP0 __ 1_r_1u_c_1 ___ ll ~ ___ ••_1•_•~~-s_1s ____ l"I ~ ____ ••_w_n_E_• __ ___.I BANK FORECLOSURE--ta,000. U.... wtde ...... fw In .................... H.,..,.. ,_ ....... a,., ... ,....._°"" 4,... o111. 2 w. 2-. o...,. ..._ eun a 11on. 100 Udo hrtl Dr. next too ... ..,... ............... NEW LISTING-CONDO OWMf •ut .... tMe Nchelor uH In tlM bMtttltHf V ........ COM'llL 8e0Mrtty ..... poot A ....... MJ e.me a CMh. .,..... FIXER WITH POOL Qreal lao•tloA on comer wlllt I w. + taM.""' ......... bul aft opport1tAll,. Lari• •••u111ablo loan. Drive br 401 Tuetln a Clll 111-1400. ll7l,OIO. NEWPORT-ONLY 10% CA8HI 0.... ............ ............... _ nowt gw _,, ....... e88Hlft•ble Joane. c.,--.. ...... Newport le. •ring cro•tlYo Id•••· Roducod froM sao.oeo lo IMl.Oll. 111-1400. llEAUTW=UL GOLF COUR• VU OWNIR MM1'D ~ • M eunnr -.1 _. wttttVufNllt_,,......., ............ IW.+21h -. ......, deft_,......._.......,......_ c .. mdritt, l1c ..... efpoot, .. a....._1 .- BAYCREST--FAMLY HOIE LMge rwdllld I llldFD,I I lw ........... 6ua ..td...., ll:llclMR. OM ..... wtllt ,.,.. a ..... llll,llO DrM.., 1m 111tru 11, ""'""-Aw.. a ... tor....._ CUFFHAYEN-VU, VU-TERMS '"--'......, • .,...._...__... .. .......,....._vu wMtwo211••••• ..................... ...... =~9'Wwlpootlrl1I 111111 ..... ....... , DrtN llf 9D1 Klnle Roed. Maupw;.111-wa .IA&•• CREEK-ELEGANCE • Qulol HI tie NO IR PN0"9'"• gltMdM pto .,... Plol111l1nal._,...._.._ ....................... ... ........................ 8PYQLA89-PA8TORAL SETTING lllJtllM8. ...... + ................... :.i ..... o..-w1 ... ,,, ••• ~............. ,_ MJofAI ... 1111..._, a ,.,.., cllRI ... rOOM. •IMo ""-Oll19=t•,110 UDO 181.E--GMDBt ROOM Tho ....................... ., •••• 411•* "'' ........ UrgeltJU,.= ... ,_ ......... + ........ ....,...._ ans.-. Lalt9f 0., .. -Yllr ~ ' 8AYIHOMI llftAND NEW L.ar9elll••••-. .......... 4~ .......... ...... ... .., ........................... c.-.. c..-c-...,., .................. w-.-. OPEN SATURDAY ~-a -Vie Ontalo, Udo ..,.. 114 ...,..,, ... C.....dul ... -------- -leMNf'd; ......... = 1171L0.-.,.... ,_.. ------., ......._ ....._ ,_.. ..... 1111 K"-.._., CMlcu .. 1 --_ R ......... .., ...... ..... °* ...... ClflLaNft '!!!-!!!--100 Udo ltd Dr., Udo ........ #14 ------.,. Udo Pwll Dr., Udo ...... #12 ---~ .,. Udo Pwll Dr., Udo........ ... 1111. ... L..oA 18U-LOW8T PRICE-A 8TEAU A .... ulHIYA&.Umtor~:~:r-.... __, ...... . --.... --·-==r· ., .... . CA8"1 All ••=aal WAR ..._. • tM .......... a....,111lll1u1.., 11111 tlllill'I ........... .., .................. + ..... ..... .......... ...., .......... , ----~ :.= ., .. IHI ..... a ...... --. cal .., ...... a ........................ ,..,,..,.., .... ....... I ITIU llEIS I • INCTACULM HOim .... ................. ~ ......,. ..... Cllrll Mal ---= = = ... :::.,.-; ;,:~ =-·~~~! z::: ...................... LAQUNA--uNOBSTRUCTED VIRW8 f'Ml·elao ~rtJ • I loHle wtte. -.a, ...... a •••• 1ha ..................... II I 0 ?'1 ....... Cl ¢1 1111•a-..+...., ............ .... . BAL80A IS. LaAU/Ol'TION 111Cllftl••1W111-•• CW....., ..... 90l.D PUfllll-..... +-...-.vu .. .., ......... +....,._ ...... I .- IPAlll8H DUPL.aX-CORONA Da MAR ... ,,.... ............... 0.-.Cla: .. .... ........... + ... 1w. .......... ...... DHll hd a ••arlllll ...... DCLUalft 11 UNITS 0. ....... I --w/.HllFJ ............... Jllll8I a '"· .,.._ T .. C.... .... L .. 111 ... wpert. Woll "'t 1111 ............ "--• ..., ........... ,. ...._a--. ca1..,...., ......_ "--••••• 111t1"" ,.. ...... ...,. LAKa POMST-AFl'ORDMU Maw•""•• •1111111 a 111: • 111•..., ..,..._ Cloao =-.-....... .....,,...a ...... .._. ••11•• CANALFRONT -BEACH ~a 11•*...a ...... °" Maepcwt-. ~ow ..-..... a w ••••r • ....,., ...-. DrtN.., IM llFid at. a oe1. OCEANFRONT-UQUNA--ta11,000 ....... 2bad.2ba..ln~Udo....t1J ........ ,....._ v.n + lmd1c1,1• ... _,a pea&. BAYSIDE COYE CONDO VU .. autlfut dfforator coor~lnatod .................. ........ vu .. ..,, ........................ lold oo•plofolJ ••rnl•h•d ..... 2 ....... ...... ...... don and dl"'"f le porteot for ho dlaort•t......... Thie WATRIHlllONT ........... , ...... boat ellp nallabto .......... .., .... ON WA~OMIAL a LARGE lMeeal ......... In "=IHI Udo,,. ... ..... O ..... LAl!,Faa ... t; .................... .... ..... ............................ ( ...... ... IN ll1•1••J ¥9W .,_ .... wt bJif .. ••• .... .. .... ..,., 1t'1 .,..., ................... ... ........ ......................... ". llAYMONI' REDUCED~ ............................... .. w . •1al1n1 WARN'RDllT 9'w ........ ....., ..... +a...., .......... DHIF .... _ ...... a_, ........_ ............ ft ........... ..., ...... t1 .... I llAYl'RONT •AL.80A 181 Alm YU ..... h -....... ......., ........ .,. ..... ................... 4 ........ ==-· ...... +1~-c.......... ....... ........................... llA9I llAYl'RONT--4llYIDioSI '•111 II ¥9W9M-..... rt 11 ....... ..... ..... .•• , ..... , ............................. + .__....., ........ ,, 11av....gw.._ --~ . W~TERFRONT HOMES, INC. , s.la. Rent.ala. Property Ma~..,, 315 Marine Ave. • Balboa llland 673-6900 ==-----::::-~----· ---- 8 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Septembef' 4, 1982 coit nrnur © mvrsTnrnT conrnITT ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT ......, 1.1 llCl'M of Mduded pttvecy """. ~ pool end .. end a ..,_. ... tUMt houM IN NEW'l'ORT IJEACtm OWner _. tr8de end .._...le "'°"'tor• tenNe oowt. Good ............ ftnenclng end OWMr .......... "25,000 UDO ISLE WATERFRONT RecenUJ red4tced SI00,000, thl• cueto.. I bedroom ......... a ... c ........ kitchen tor the ........ ......... cook. ......, ... end "" modem, the ....... l'9ftecte OOR ....... , Na"C' 8wtt ... .,... A pier end lllp to eccommocle o • u1~ boat la Included, owner will oxc:hengo. 11,115,000. . LOCATION -WATERFRONT -LOCATION TNa Uncle .... cuatoM rtgld on the llaM CMNMI hao ,......, boon r9ducod .. •1,as.ooo. UNqua In ...... end roodJ to "'°" lft, ... tw hao s bodrooma.,.; a pier end allp to llCCDinmodolo J boet9I Qllto gwdod with Ila own pm9lo lloectl end ......,. CCM1. ... family ~ .~ ft •· owner wHI exc:hengo. r LINDA ISLE•s BESTU H country Fronce. NormendJ le rour ..... end Mwtnt "THIE Mt'r" ttts rour fttM!ncM, JOU ...ct loolrno twthof. °"' ............... With 127 ..___. ..... Oft .... ... end a pier end lllp tor boel9 ..., 100', ... ,,....., proportJ with • a car gengo end pool la '5,000,000. SPECTACULAR BAYFRONT °" ........ Horbcw lelMd """ °"" 12 .............. tNa 5,000 ....... foot cuetona, ........ the ...... lftOClofft ldtc'-' ......... lncludao pier end ellp '°' ...... °"' 100', o holM to rtYel _,end a HUGI FRONT YARD right Oft the IMIJ. Pmecy .. the key tor Ihle .... oriented ....... R1duced to M,200,000 ON THE 11th FAIRWAY 0..0 of 9lg CMJOft'a flMot. dlla • ll1dr00111cuatomWith1 ..,... .. 2 bodroem-don lutle end meld'• ...,..,., ...._ • oedudod poo1 end rent enc1 1e porcMc1 ""'' on tbe ,_ ,...,, Tho owner .. _.... with the "'•ldftg end .. TRADe tor ~ proportr In IOUltt Orengo CountJ ...... ICIOd to $1,115,000. CONTEMPORARY GOLF COURSE H JOU'N UNd of CIMMtfy FtoftCh or country !£ ....... thon Ihle '"ofr c:uetom 9lg C-ron horlM _., lto h OM tor c. T...., ,....1d1t1d .... 1 JW ... Md ........... 4 ...., • ......,,_AND....,, .. ...._le.,. •cNtu..., •tuclr In lllOdorn ........ VERY ........ pool end .... Md .......... ....-.... tor. oen. ..,,..,...... end the owner .. llnMoo et llolow ~,...., A PRIVATE WORLD Owortooltlne .... ,.... ._... • a m• ...._, ... ...._ ......,_ a ••Hll• ............. ::::::""' """°" ..................... DOM/I ...... .-d.....,,......_. ... 11c1l111110% ~Allhla In .... ...,, ....., ....... tor ...., ..,.... endo. 0..-...,...,..... M. ~ .... HIGH ON A taL v .................................. ,. •••• ·~ ....................... =...,····· Q&DWC) .. ,..., ... )f ........ ..... ..... ...,, ............................... 0..1.-....................................... ,....,.n. ...................... OPEN HOUSE a 8AN 8E8ASTWMtAM RIDGE -12, 100,000 11 IUDGEUNE-HAM RIDGE ~ 21112 CAmt<> TRUOL-LAKI FORE8T _: CAU FOR DIRECTIONa NEW U8TINQ8f LIDO ISLE WITH POOL OM of tho boet ........ Udo .... hOMM owier Oft tholNfbl. ..... ,.....,...., ...... .....,own balhaonMO•• .... lofANDa...,_w..,.._ wt1tt R.Y. ~A lowolJ, Dfhlll9 pooland .. - ell ed)aceftl to tho Lido ClllMIOMH and t•nla court.-.-............ -alll• .... UDO ISLE -SMALL VIEW LONfJ' Ndraa-. a ............... "°' ....... mini view of tho bllJ and bMclt "°"' a twao Oftlot1alnor'• htng room. •xoolleftt ..........._ flMnolna and tho owner .. OOli 11111 r .,...._ tor anolMt lMMe. Prtood to aol et -.ooo EA8T81DE COS-TA •SA . Low9'Y 2 ...,, •ucutfft "°"'° .......... of .... 8adc ..,. ,... boclroonte end a....., ........ "'• vacant end roodJ to move In. OWner le ...-.. ...,... ell....,._ Thie ono won't i.t...., LllMr .,.,. Prtood et ... .- 901 UDO -PREMIER ADDRESS Located on tho Ith floot of ttt. moet prHIJglou• waterfront C01Mloml11lu111 In Orengo eoum,, tNa adultl oner unit ..,. 2 .......... 2¥1 ....... end 1pn•--- ..... OCMft a nltftt llghta ..._ a. ttow • ...,... MOWttJ a rour own doonMftl 1711.M. LAKE FOREST -CORNER LOT Hl1h•r.:r,1radod 4 ltodrooM, 1¥. bath ho"'• on paal o oarw lot""" ........ .......,..,,-.... wpot end ............ Tfill la a...,....., ....... "' • ....., .... .., IOttint end the OWMf haa •tod the _,D,lrlJ ..................... ESTATE IALI! -RITA.TE HOME IEMor ..... •II' ..................... 4 ........ ...... .......................... WR'I .... ....., ....... '=.r.. ........................... ... =--~ .............................. a NIGHT UGHTa -DAV UGHTI AMllW .... _,....., ......... Cele....., ........................................... ........ ,........,,_~····· ............ · illlllllfllll..., :c ..... Ti 1111 t ........ .... ....... ....... .- .. HARBOR RIDGE -OCEAN VIEW CONDO Locaeod ....,_on• 1111, Ihle greet Kel.._.., ......... 4 4 ........ enc1 a llolhl .._•.......,..,..end°"'...,.. ......................... ..._. ........... ,JOU ,..., ,..._ ... In ..... ~ OCMMl..n,t Tho ....... Mlp ............. end ........... .... ...... tor 12,4M/Mo. Prtcod ......... .... OCEANF"ONT wmt A PERSONALITY ..._., In ell Of • .......,. C•arftla con JOU llnd • hoMo ---........... ..., ...... ...., .............. Md ...................... _ .. ......._eoro.. ....... .... oteertne tor w. cM100•4 a 11••-.._.. n. oww ...... In tho ......... end to tho flllelflod ....,.,. .., ...... 'h ACRE -OCEAN VIEW .. ... Did ............. Cofw dot ... Olli ....... hw .. Pf DllllltJ tho ftMot °"9l'lft9 In tho cllJ . ....., , ......... d ......... ,..... doon end ........ a ~pool (WRY ~:I end a front rant thet loofn .................. hfll( ..... ...-) .... 4 .......................... a ....... I~~ ........ 9ltod oa1111..ea Md 8'PllRDOO I GET OUT THE TELESCOPE, MOLLY TNa io..tr :C':':°! .. homo, with I •DROOMS, 4 ....... 2 •• end a prtyMo ............ boot In ........................... ., .............. ....... Yacent and roodJ to,.... lft, tho....,_,. .... fl," .................. ,..... ....,. ... ..., It ...... ...... d191t lnflallon CNOpO .. Oft UI again. ~ at •u.ooo. JASMINE CREEK -REDUCED TO $111.SOO n. ....., a 111•oom, -... ...., ....,.. ... ..,_. ,....., '°°"" ........... .-rdocl .............. ..... ~.-In Corona dot llor, en aNI unit with fta -...... r:,:'9,.. good credit •• lnfluanoo the .... to ~ a ..... tor a long ....... v .. ,..., ..... -.............. a .... -....... tor,..... ........ or ....., ......... LAGUNA BEACH-SPECTACULAR ..... 1111alOlldicMau•• OHDHtho ' h•-I ..................... ..... Md....,_ ..... Md _,ahnlu.., i..dH8'1d Oft,_, OWll ... do~,_ .. ..,,...did ORI .... bf ........ ~ ............ 1n,.. ........... ,..., ·--_.. ........................ ... ... . .,.... ................................ .. "Glw .. Lat-a" ..... ,,..... ........... ···- 9IG CANYON TOWl•IO• ... .-J.Lewlf ... fll I ......... lllfllMlaftd 11111 ....._ .... _, _. ~ • ..... -••hl111aw .... and AU. ... CANl9T Alm PMIT. th ...... .- ~ ........ ....... . . .......... ..... .. ·--r9'-lwlet ... ,., ..... I . Orange County ~~ Estate/An Advertl8ing Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 -9. REslDENTIAL REAL ESTATE SERVICES NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH BEACH COMMUNITIES ....... 1111.- Best buy In the Bluffs! Ready to move Into. Spllt level 2 BR condo. Greenbelt vista. Excellent opportunity In Newport. Good terms. 1Llff1 1111,111 This 3 BR con.do Is In mint condition. Plus neutral carpets & good locatlon. Priced for a fast sale. Great assumable loan tool UITILlff 1112,- Terrlflc Lusk floor plan that features 3 BR, Famlly rm. w/flreplace, sunny patio, & convenience to schools & shopping. Best price & financing In the area. ..... ••Ulll 1111,111 Beautifully priced 3 BR, 2 bath home on quiet Newport Beach street. Well maintained with nice ffoorplan and several large trees In private yard. Owner will cooperate with financing. IEWPtlT oam 1212,ooe Lowest price plan 5. ·4 BR, clean, bright & cheerful. Near pool, spa & tennis courts. Owner will carry financing. Try 18% down. Move In condition. Call for more detailed Info. ..... YllW _. 1211,Gll Outstanding "Monaco" on fee land. Just remodeled with over $25,000 In upgrades. Features 3 8A's, spectacular country kitchen, cathedral ceillngs & a pool sized yard. A great buy I UITl&.lff uu,- Executive elegance in Eastbluffl Fabulous 3 or 5 BR famlly home In parklike setting with reflection pool, spa & lots of emotion. Very anxious owner has priced to sell quickly. IAITll.lff 1211,GIO Family home with view, private courtyard for entertaining, lovely neutral decor, fam. rm, <t BR. breakfast area. home & office. Owner will help finance. Priced to sell. IAITILlfF 121..- Reduced & motivated to sell! Spacious immaculate Lusk built <t BR home with pool, entertainment yard, cul-de-sac location. Assume 1st & 2nd. Owner will help finance. ...,,. Ill ..... PD Great backbay view from llvtng room, dining and 2 Bdrms. Large open kitchen surrounded by patio. 3 BR & lovely private entry. Excellent financing on thl• view property with you owning the land. A must Mel ILlffS ·--PU Rate 1 story Paula plan. 3 BR, Fam Rm home with the largest private entry & back paUo on greenbelt. Fireplace In llvlng rm & muter BR. Excellent long-term financing. •un• sne.-overlooktng Big Canyon golf course, one of McLaln's best located condos with Its own double garage, 2 bedrooms, formaJ dining room & parquet kitchen floOr. Superb financing on one of Newport's best buysl More than just a place to llve, an Investment! ............ 111..- Unlque expanded 5 BR. 4 BA PaJermo. Newly painted & ~peted. Aasume the first at existing rate. Owner will help with financing -low down possible! Best price per square footage In town . UYOIUT 1121,0M Beautlful custom home. Remodeled, redecorated & ready to mov~ Into. French doors enhance the brick & latticed patio. Family room, 3 BR. Owner hlghly motivated. UYUUT 1141,111 The smart assumption. $200,000 assumable fixed 30 YR & 12~ •. An airy, contemporary 4 BR, Ivan Wells customized with oak woodwork throughout. Large patio for easy entertaining. Best value In Baycrest. IUYllW 1411 .... ~Spectacular 4 BR New Bedford model in guarded gate area of Seavtew. Community pool & tennis. Ocean & city fights view. Be creative, owner will uatst with financing. 11111111111 1421- 0wner will consider a trade or a lease option on this bright & cheery Dynasty modef. SkY llghts, custom shutters & off white carpeting. 2 BR, 2 BA, separate suites. Owner will help finance. •UIYtl ........ Reduced $35,500. Lowest priced Monaco In Big Canyon .. 3. BR. cathedral cetllngs, freshly painted & new landscaping. Large private lot. Owner will hefp finance. Aasumable, long term, first trust deed. Would consider trade. .. lllYll ....... A aophl1tlcated townhome overlooking the golf couree. 5 BR wtth prtvate master suite, study 4 spa. Professionally decorated with marble ftoors, cu1tom cabinetry & crown moldings . ...... ,.,... Dean Oeauvtlte. Superb location oV9tlooklng the 18th fairway. This dramatic 3 BR tamlly room townhome has It aJI. Huge master suite, gl ... encloled patio for outdoor living. llWNIT llUll 11 .... Honeyoon cottage on spectacular Newport latand. This 2 BR home sparkles plus having a lovely patio garden. Sefler will finance. Pllmla& IHI .... Sharp duplex fully furnished 8 doors from the sendl Near shops and restaurants. Priced below market, tow cash & seller financing available. See fast, this won't last! WEIT llWPllT 1111.- Newer 2 BR -3 BR duplex near park. Walk to beach & ocean. Both units with fireplaces. Upper unit has deck with view of chanr1el. Easy to rent. Outstanding Investment. Ull 1411,llO Warm & cheerful atmosphere in this 3 BR home on one of Lido's finest streets. 2 ffreplaces. beam cetllngs & a spa. A lot of house with lots of charm. Large assumable loan. UYSllll 1411,IM Safe. Secure. Scrumptious describes this Immaculate 2 BR separate office on Fee land. Large secluded sunny patio + lreshty decorated makes this an outstanding buy. Sefler creative financing. L.91 llU 111 ..... <t BR Den, Formal dining room, gourmet kitchen. ELEGANCE ABOUNDS In this Ideal famlly home. Seller Is offering excellent financing at a very low Interest rate. Lm&llLI ........ Gorgeous custom home on the bay 5 BR family rm, pier & slip for 3 large boats, 3 fireplaces. Priced below market with excellent financing available from motivated aelter. llLllA 11,111,111 Spacious bayfront home with overatzed &tip. An elevator, separate 1 BR guest suite & air conditioning are a few of the amenities. Call about owning this clear In 8 years @ 5°/e Interest. .......... 11.a..- Creatlw Miier eeeks buyer who needs a home for 55' boet. Besides charm, location, carefree malntMance security & sweeping views, you'll own a 3 BR Cape Cod.charmer. ....... ., ....... Megnlftcent Dutch Cotonlal r91ktence on the bay. 5 BR, library, formal dining room, with eJICteneNe UM of poltehed woodl & tiles. Will captivate the moet dlecrlmlnattng. Pier & ellp for 70' t>oet. CMOl ... u..-JOCMOl-_,_ -KW ... -.s ----.. amEl CUii----....... au.a. ... -... 1DKW ::.w-cau•.._ DMcm:YT ----··=-Dtr.:· ;r.r ----um --..Ull • =--=-~ --.... --mt_, .. , ... ~-. -·- I '• ,, . I 10 -Orange County Real Estate/An Acbtertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 +DOVER SHOllS+ This custom Ivan Wells designed home waibuilt with executive entertaining in mind. Quality throughout from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled family room. Some of the numerous features are: Sensational view of Fashion Island &· ocean, black bottom pool & spa w /outaide bar, 3 car garage, complete security system and of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE. *HARBOR VIEW HOME* Monaco Sensational 3 br home on quiet street with pool sized yard. 11.25., assumable financing!! Priced at $216,000 fee. Call 759-1501or752-7373. * 11 3 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on this builder cl06e0ut! Extremely spacious townhome featuring 2 master suites & attached garage. Priced to aell now at $149,950. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. · *BAYCIEST*12~ financing spacious executive ranch style home in prestige area. This home features 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land!! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501or752-7373 for appointment to view. •snPS TO BIACH• This sensational beach cottage features an ocean view and aundeck. Existing 1st T .D. $110,000 is payable at $400,00 per mo. (negative amortization). Offered at $165,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for • details. , *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Pool Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus rm., akylite, luah private courtyard, fplc., & __.llD!lble financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752·7373. · *CLIFF HAVIN* *OCIAN & aAY VllW* Unbelievable VIEW from specious 3 br home on extremely large lot overlooking Balboa Bay Club & Channel $675,000 FEE with great tenns! (714) 759·1501 or 752-7373. *$30,000 ~WM'"'• * 11.A6" FINANCING Available!! Fabulous TURTLEROCK VISTA 'roWNHOME. Featuring 3 hrs. fp1c. gourmet dining and private courtyard. Only $280,000. 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HIRITAGI PARK* *9~ FINANCING ••• * When you takeover existing 1.t Trust Deed on thia at.olutely beautlful PLAN 4. Thia former model featuree 3 Br, 2~ Ba & extensive . upgrading. Only $139,8001! 759-1501 or 752-7373. *NIWPORT RIVllRA* 3 br, 2~ ba. family condo located ca ,greenbelt!! Aaoc lncludes pool, tennis & clubboule< 7~-1501 or 752-7373 . . •W(»ORT 11.ACH OFRCS .2870 Ian Mlglll DltYt . Ntwpon lelcll;OA l2llO . (7J4) 711-llOI . ATTENTION FIRST TIME ,:BUYERS ONLY!! If you have not owned a home In California In the past three years you may be. ellglble for Orange County's Revenue Bond Program. For the first time money is being made available ONLY for first time buyers and ONLY in the city of Huntington Beach. The loans are a 30 YEAR FIXED RATE with payments and qualifying based on II llTEREST UTE IS LIW IS 1.1%!! If you've been considering buying a home but have held back because of high interest rates., don't let this opportunity pass you by. There ARE some price and Income restrictions and the total funds avarJable are • limited so act now and call us for complete details: 556-7035 or If that line Is busy. 963-5671 . I WC ·. . 1 · • \ ,· 12 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 WESTCUff 3 Bdr. 1¥.. Bath. Owner will finance with normal down at LOW LOW Interest FOR D ETAILS. $239,500 ask for IUIY FUIUIOl 631-1266. IElllEL II SUTI W m. 2 Bdr. 1 ba. on lg. lot. Great little house w/great expansion potential. $126,500. ,,_. 11•n1• 631-1266. OllTI IEll IUUll 3 Bdr., lg. fam. rm. w/flreplaoe, remodeled kitchen. Best value In town $115,000. Mllll ll''M19 631-1266. 1n. a 11. •••• 2200 Sq. ft. of almost new luxury home w/forever view only $359,900 w/tremendous terms! Call Pl~ er Fm n•E 760-8702/631-1266. ' ... . STW.m Low down. Assume loans. 3 Bd. 2 bath PUllOI tr Fill TllllE 6 3 1-1266, 631-2711. TElllFIO MME Prof. decor, warm 3 bdrm, fem rm, big kitchen, high beam ceillngs, fireplace + a large private manicured yard. A real value at $375.000 and you own the land. Try 10% Own. Open Sat/S1,.in 12-6 1218 Keel Dr., CdlVI. Nlllel la.I 631-1266. OUI•, 11111, PllYUY e. Side 3 Bdr. 2 ba condo, poof & tennis crt. Only $159,900. lllHT llLLllll 631-1266. UITSIM EDNilft -Assumable financing, $85,500 @ 9.75%, on the 2 .5 Yr. nu, 3 Bdrm, 2 ba. Step-down llv. rm, fem. rm w/wet bar, formal din. nm-·-631-1266. IEWNIT ILIFFS II PETE .1111111 You own the land. Priced below market. Smaller contemporary condo with private spa & view or back bay only $260,000. Larger 4 Br. remodel vacant. Reduced to $287,500. Call Pnl JI•• 631-1266. IEWPllT IElllTI 4-PUI Quiet resldentlaJ area near Harbor High School. 3 Bedroom owners unit. Large assumable loan. Priced to Sell! JIYll wu.m 631 -1266. •LY 111,000 IWll Best In Eastside 4 Bdrm, fam rm. Assume loans. Mint condition. 11111 llPPIL 631-1266. IU1 II llEll YEllE Beautiful 4 Br, 3ba. 2 story home steps from the park. Assume jumbo 1st T.D. at 9¥..% and seller wlll finance balance at 120/o with 2~/o down. Price $199,900 .... l1USUll 631-1266. O&STLE IY TIE ID Come down off the hlll and check out this one of a kind prewe home of. the v-r .. ~ br. 4 ba. masterpiece wtth whitewater w of little Corona Beach. CaJI •IM.TD 759-1221. IOlllTl·l.llMlll Assumable 81A•1. 1st T.D. plus owner financing 12% -.,Hurryt ••• LIHtl lrtltr/lntr 759-1221. Liii W&111flll1' LUii 2 br, 3 ba, f.r., sec. bldg. Underground park. Approx. 2600 sq. ft. PoH. boat dock/fantastic vu. All nu palnts/crpts. $1800 mo.• er llftl I• 759-1221. llllR llNE Ll&IE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., study, beautlfulty dee. lge decks, fab. vu. Prt. grd. gate, poof & tennis. $2500 mo. Submit aJI offers. • " ..... 759-1221. llWfllTllllT- 3 br. 3 ba. f.r., d.r., huge muter ate/sitting rm, vu, largest model. 1210,000. Submit any offer on terms. • er llYll OW, 759-1221. . BOB and DOVIE KOOP Liii PDTllllE 2 bd. 2 ba. The finest vu avall. In Newport. Sec. Bldg.. pool, boat dock w/notlce. $525,000 ... " llYll I•, 759-1221. llPLEl-111 Country antique, different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba, hlgt)ly upgraded kttchen, brick fplc, $295,000. Seller wilt finance. Must eee. Submit any offer.•• 111111•, 759-1221. ..,., .. m 4 Bdrm 2'...i Ba w/game room . Beaut. decor In every room. Over 'A ac. w/jac. Aaktng S340,000 Fee. Wiii trade for emalter home or condo. • tr llWll 119, 759-1221. .....,.. ........ . You must see to bellew all thl1 fine wkmnlhp 4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tlle, chotce of crpt. Npt. Hgta. Only $350,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13%. • • ........ 759-1221. ......... ._ ....... Just reduced -$350,000. Must sell. Submit any offer on thla 4 br. 5ba. with fam. rm., library, huge master suite, 4 fireplaces, ocean & nite view. Steal at $1,500,000 «submit to•• ... , •• 759-1221. ND•lllT -llUIFlllT Convert·u . lae duptex to your prt. r•. & llve on the finMt beach on the coast. $170,000 11t at 11%. 2nd of $250,000 at 12%. Steel at S850,000. -• ... I• 759-1221. ........ 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, hlghly upgraded, Italian marble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r., study&. f.r. hU beeut. paneling •lhutters. Fab w 2 lge. patio deck1. A muat to Me at $895,000 ......... 759-1221. .... ... ... Fab. OCMn & COMtllne vy, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d.r., f .r., atudy, lge. pool & courtyw'd, prl. boha. '885,000. r:... -• ..... 719-1221. 112' ,,.._ Juat 2 years MW, W1Y oontemporary. 3 br. 4 be. comer toe. tab "'-• two kttchena. Beet oceanfront buy today. Very motivated. seeo.ooo. Submit eny offer) ........ catlt,... ....... ..., 7lt-1221. Orange County Real Estate/An Adwrtlefng 8uppWnent to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4' 1982 -13 . ' (_N_E_W_P_O_R_T_B_E_A_C_H_··--- ELEGANT BAYFRONT CONDO In-the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms+ den, 21A baths, fireplace, private beach. $825,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Setler packing, looklng for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence w/famlly room, fireplace, wet bar. several eating areas and views flt to klll. $495,000. EXQUISITE WHITEWATER VIEWS A country kitchen and skylight windows will light up your llfe when you move Into this 3 bedroom, 31A bath wood condo near beaeh and shopping. Reduced to $249,500. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda late, this 5 bedroom, 4'1A bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry with spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of living apace. Slip and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Setler will help finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE This rambllng ranch home Is Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized tot, 3 bedrooms, 2'A baths, country kitchen, room for poof and reduced price of $163,000. Setter will carry with 15•1, down or will consider trade down. OCEAN VlEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller will carry at 1~.s•1. with 200/e down. $475,009. _ SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME Thia well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has lmpreaalve city and catallna sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units carry owner financing with 20-250/e down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY leasehold, this duplex with 2 two bedroom units has seller financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. HARBOR VIEW-MINI ESTATE Try AITD or trade on this 6 Bdr 4 Ba Harbor View home with over IA acre, 2 frplc, skylltes, French doors, gorgeous pool, spa, Kol pond and huge lot. $495,000. Open dally 1-5. Sub'!'lt any offer. (_'_'T_H_E H_U ........ N ....... T_C ........ LU __ B_'_' _,,,,,) MOTIVATED SELLER WILL F,INANCE -OR CONSIDER TRADE Rustic rani:h home on 1 acre with 5537 sq. ft. residence Including 6 Bdrm 61A Ba, pool, spa, tennis, and stable. $1,500,000. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEWS OF CAPO VALLEY Engllah Tudor 5200 sq ft home with 5 Bdrm 5 Ba + pool a apa to be constnteted on 'A acre lot. Can be t.,tored to t>uywe apecial Meda. $965,000. CUSTOM VIEW LOT-BUILD TO SUIT Try a Jotnt venture on this .821 acre view lot with equettrlan trail ecceea. Sell« will aubordlnate or trade for other reetdentlal or commercial property. $985,000. HARBOR RIDGE ) "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $564,500 at 11.759/e on this 3 bedroom, 21A bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city tights from large decks. $695,000. uLUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller wtll carry an AITD ~f $519,000 at 12.75% tor an extended term for a qualified buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft., 3 bedrooms, 3'A baths, large de<:ks, 3 fireplaces and fam!!Y room. lncredtble v'8ws. $850_.._000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume exlatlng 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25"• fixed or seller wlll consider trade on this 4' bedroom. 31A bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller relocation. $775,000. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES Mirrors, ceiling fans and pavers accent this llk•new 4 bedroom, 21~ bath home In ctoee proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000 with excellent owner financing. CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium tot with plans for a 10,000 sq. ft. formal French home wtth no hOUMa behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that will rival all others. Seller must llqutdate but will consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 1,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCE! Located on ao·unusuetly targe~k>t,'thts panoramlc'Vl8w home c8n be traded for residential or commercial property or seller wlll carry at below market rates. With 6 bedr~ms, 7 baths, projection room, wine cellar, famlty ~oom & large kitchen. $2,700,000. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft. home with spectacular ocean and ·night light views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down. $575,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spactoua with 4' bedrooms, famlly room and 31A baths. Lg deck overlooks reeervotr lake. $595,000. TRY LOW, LOW DOWN See and compare this "Dynasty" 2 Bdrm 2 Ba 2000 sq. ft. home with large redwood deck, flreplaoe and vaulted ceilings. $231,000 assumable tong term financing at 10.38% fixed. $379,000. ( EMERALD BAY ) COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corner lot, thta 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home ha a large patio with spa, custom landacaplng, famtty room and full UM of recreatlonal factllttes. Try leae/optlon or tow down. $825,000. $517,000 ASSUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP Spectecular 2 bedroom ocean view home with IWlmmlng pool end additional ....., ftnenOlng. '650,000. WALKING D18TANC• TO MCRUTION Charming 5 bedroom, 4 betfa home In exolullw ~ community with u• of prtvate beectl. l700,000. •ACH AND-COUNTRY CHARM A s bedroom ooe1n view reeldence with mllld'• quarter•, formal · dining and .,., .. ft~. 1790,000. / I f"" \ I 'I .. • • . . 14 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Adwrtl81ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 HARll08 RIDGE MANOR HOUSE Now under conatrue11on tn g.te-guarded Harbor Ridge on spectacular view lot. Elegant new mansion being deYek>ped to the highest standards of quality and luxury. If you purchase now, you can ltltl" taUor the flnllh details to your requirements. Contact Susan Trtvteon to revtew the plans. Priced at $2,200,000. OLDE CORONA DEL MAR On the bluffs overlooking bay .,id ocean. Custom' built-home. Archltecturally designed. Magnificent views. Beautiful woods. Handsome appointments. Abundant closet and storage space. 160 ft. frontage on Ocean Boulevard. For more details, call Cathryn Tennllle. SPECTACULAR VIEW Two large three-bedroom homes, PLUS teen retreat, PLUS secluded studio ... all on one bluff-top lot In Corona del Mar. Remarkable view of bay, ocean. and Catalina. Assumable 1st T.O., and seller wllf carry balance. Priced at $1,500,000. Call Sharon Collins for details. INTERNATIONAL FLAIR A most luxurious five-bedroom bayfront property, with pier and slip for a large yacht. Superbly crafted Interiors dramatically counterpoint the bay and city views. Remarkable priced at only $1,350,000, fee. Please contact Cathryn Tennille for details regarding owner-assisted financing. NEWER BAYFRONT. Smashing bayfront contemporary with view the length of Promontory Bay. Spectacular wood and glass home, with three bedrooms and convertible den. Huge far.~ily room, many decks, private dock. PRICE REDUCED TO $1 ,200,000 ... -TRY CASH FOR FURTHER PRICE REDUCTION. Call Marilyn Twitchell. FABULOUS BAYFRONT VIEW PRICE REDUCED! Five (plus) bedroom home with private pier and slip. Exceptional Bay Vlewl Perfect home for the watersports-oriented family. Priced at S875,000/leuehold, or $1,996,600/fee. Try CASH for further price reduction. Call Marilyn Twitchell. LUSK IN EASTBLUFF One of Newport's most desired famlly areas. Beautifully mslntalned flve-bedr0om family home features formal dining room, huge family room and remodeled kitchen. This Ii the largest Lusk/Eaatbluff floor plan. Excellent financing. Call Sally Shipley. THE CHARM OF CORONA Dt!L MAR Darling two-bedroom home In Old Corona del Mar. Perfect cottage with flreptace, country kitchen, and wonderful patio. Lot Is zoned R-2. outstanding opportunity to own In COM ... only $252,000. Call Sharon Collins for a showing . OPPORTUNITY AT SHADOW RUN Traditional Warmington-built famlty home In lrv1ne's village of Northwood. Four bedrooms. two and one-half baths, and a big bonus room. Formal dining room, separate family room with wet bar, and a three-car garage. Cul-de-sac location. Priced to &ell, and the seller will assist with financing. Give Carol King a call. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Low. low priced three bedroom with Jiving and dining areas opening to secluded patio. Near beach, schools, shopping. C41tom cabinetry. Good assumable loan. Priced at $175,000. Call Binnie Dixon for detalla. TERMS, TERMS, TERM81 Seller will lease/option. Very private, well-build home In rural North Tustin area . . . three-bedrooms, super fireplace, homey kitchen, and a remarkable solar water-heating system. Even a sofar-heated spa. Nicety maintained property. The price Is right, the terms are flexible! Call today. E~EGANTL Y UPGRADID Poulbly the loveliest of ttie Harbor View Homea. Completely redone with great flalr. French doors, antique bath ftxtures, tastefully coordinated color scheme. The patio/deck and gardens are a virtual paradise. Call Jo~n. Lambe for a personal showtng. THE PRIVACY OF EIERALD •AY An urban eophlstlcatlon keynotes lhla ocean view property In private Emerald Bay. The ~andaomely styled three-bedroom home, plu1 convertible den, la Ideal for the buay professional couple. Asking $835,000, and wtth a substantial down payment, the ... let wt• .... It wtth financing. Furnishings negotiable. CaJI Joyce DabOlt. ING CANYON Townhouae In Newport Beach's prestigious Big Canyon. Showa llke a model -bright. cheerful decor. Huge master suite ptus private guest bedroom and beth. Owner/agent wlll fin.nee. Asking $405,000. Call John Merrill. STEAL A CONDOI In Irvine's Woodbridge area. Three years young. 10%~o financing. Located on cul-de-sac. Fenced yard. Owner extremely anxious. Asking only $135,000. Call Susan Trevlson. $10,000 DOWNlll Charming three-bedroom Laurel Pointe townhome, end unit located In desirable northeast Costa Mesa. Fireplace, skylight, and kitchen with greenhouse wtndow. Try $10 .. 000 down, assume the existing loan, and the owner will even assist with financing. Contact Susan Trlvlson for more details. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS TWICE We have two dellghttut family homes now available on a quiet street In Costa Mesa. Each home has three bedrooms. one and one--half baths. One has a remodeled kitchen, skylights, and nul"lerous upgrad68; the other features a huge famlty room, spa, and cabana. Priced at $109,900 and $115,900, with Interesting financing options, these are excellent properties for first-time buyet9. Call Donna or Biii Webster. • REIREAT AT ROAD'S END -181,500 Remodeled two-bedroom home In aectuded rural setting. Tasteful use of cedar, wallpapers, and paint throughout. Nice deck, woodburnlng stove, and renovated kitchen. Assumable 1st T.D .. and owner will carry 2nd T.O. Fantastic opportunity for first-time buyer. Less than 15 minutes to Orange, or El Toro. Call Mary Richards. REDUCED '70.ooont Exquisite custom wood and gla88 home. Quiet cul-de-sac location. Featuring three bedrooms, plus a convertible study; spack>Us famtty room, t>eautlfutty landscaped garden, patio and pool areas. Off-street RV perking. Large assumable loans. Call Joyce Debolt of Don DeThomas. NEW ENGLAND REVISITED.. • OUtatandlng bayfront home In Cotona "el Mar. Character and warmth reminiscent of the East Coast. This 'superb property features four bedrooms, five and-a-half baths, and a bllllards rooro. Outdoors, a private brtck and wrought Iron trimmed courtyard, plus a fine bayside patio. Marvek>us view of bay. Pier and stlp. Priced at $1,700,000, fee, with excellent financing avallable. Call Linda Tagllanettl. REDUCED '100,ooont Wonderful potential for famlly compound, or perhaps redevelopment. Fabulous Balboa Island bayfront location, with private pier and docking facilities. Two ct8811c "lsland" homes constructed on adjoining lots. This • property represents a remarkable opportunity for the famlly seeking bayfront surroundings, or for the bullder/lnvestor seeking an outstanding waterfront building site. Priced at $2,000,000. Call Don DeThomas at 759-9100 for 'detalls. CHARMER IN "OLD ORANGE" Neat starter home ... handsomely returbtshed 2 bedroom cott .. on corner lot for privacy. Ideal for either couple or single. Low maintenance yard. Only $96,500, with fantastic assumable V.A. loan. Don't miss this opportunity. CHARM Ill ING CANYON , Country grace overtooklng Big Canyon Country Club's 8th fairway. A marvetou1 property Imbued with the feel of provincial France. The elegantly detaJled reeldenee featurea five bedrooms, Grand Salon tlvlng room, oputent formal dining room, exqulstte llbrary, superb famlly room, l8Cluded awtmmlng pool, and evety'lmaglnabfe luxury amenity. The prlee 11 S2t290,000. can Miiiie Howe. MOW RIGHT 1111 Four Bedroom, Two Bath. Weet11de Costa Mesa. TOTAL REMODEL, lncludlrig French Doors, Celling Fans, Textured Finish On Walls, & CelNnga. N.w Carpett a. Paint. SHOWS LIKE A MODEL On A Quiet Street Near Shopping & Schools. $129,000. Call Mary Ann LaFleur. 759-9100 I. • Orang~ County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 -15 Set on a plateau up against the Santa Rosa COME UP FOR THE LIFESTYLE. Mountains, Ironwood is literally the highest For location, fadlities, choices and price, no country dub in the desert. other club comes close to Ironwood. Here you can This prime location, a variety of gracious house select a golf and view-oriented home, an intimate styles and custom homesites, and first-class· townhouse next to the courts, or a custom home- amenities are all good reasons to s tart Y?ur search site. You can join the club and enjoy a full round of for a second home in th~ desert by commg up to .___s>-5ocial activities or escape the world altogether in .--Jfonwood. the quiet tranquility of your home. Best of all, COME UP FOR THE VIEWS . you'll find a warm, friendly atmosphere and The homes at Ironwood are sited·on a variety of people who are ready to welcome you.as well as topographical levels. And whether you're looking respect your privacy. out over the golf course or at the valler, floor . COME UP FOR THE VALUE. below, the scenery is incredibly beautiful. Because All the prestige and amenities of one of the finest of our secluded loca'tion you'll also enjoy protec~ country clubs in the desert can be yours,starting·in tion.from the desert winds 2s well as pnvacy from the low $150,000s. For a limited time only, lron- your neighbors. wood is offering 30-year financing subsidized to COME UP FOR THE GOLF. 103/, % (11 % APR) for 5 years on some models. • There are substantial discounts for cash buyers. Both of our cha llenging, 1~-hole championship Buy~rs will receive a generous decorating courses were designea in consultation w1th the allowance from Ironwood's Design Center. Club President, Arnold Palmer. The South And should yQu desire to purchase a completely Course, which lies back in the mountain coves, is furnished home, we have several models available unique in that there are no ho mes lining the fair-for immediate occupancy. ways or even nearby. There are picnic areas set h h th around the lakes, so that you can play a round of 11.s with all good t ings, owever, e op~r- golf, commune with nature or share the seclusion tunities to secure your place at Ironwood Will end and be~uty with loved ones. soon . Before that happens, please call our sales office at (714) 346-0551 today. Or tomorrow you COME UP FOR THE TENNIS. may have to set your sights lower. Some clubs ei ther ignore tennis or have only a handful of courts. Iro.nwood has 14 championship quality courts, 13 of which are lighted for night play and ·one of which is a recessed Stadium Court for matches and exhibitions. Both golf and tennis facilities have their own lock~r rooms and fully stocked pro s hops. Ironwood Country Oub 49-200 Mariposa Drive , . Palm Desert, CA 92260 . (714) 346-0551 Sales office open 8:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. . . . IRONWOC,D . . The dub above the rest. . . " I I - _.__......_:-_..., 16 -Orange_ County ReaJ Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 . Tti~ U~IUJ~ i()LUTI() /1 ' llYflRJ WITI 4t n SUP -View, airy, 4 Bdrm, large master suite/fireplace. 3 sundecks, · cheerful & quiet. Owner w/flnance. $595,0oo. MUI fUllT lllllllll -Little corner of the local coastline: surf. dramatic rocks, exQulslte 4 Bdrm, pool and spa. Nothing else llke ltl $2,- 500,000. lllT llLUH AIU -Low malnt.. no noise. Ja- 9mine Creek 3 Bdrm, one fevet;-tmmacu1ate $355,000. WT llH OIST& •EU -Cul-de-sac locatlonl Nothing this low on this large of a lot. 3 Bdrms. owner will carry. $129,500. lltl•ET llTOIEI llYFlllT -3 Bdrm remod~led in Beacon Bay, large master suite, 1 Bdrm apt, must see to believe. Owner will help finance. $1.195,000. YEii l&YSINll -Cottage nr. beach, country kitchen. wood floors, 3 bdrms, used brick fireplace. patio. Financing. $310,000 leasehold. H•ETllH 111•11 -A{chltects homel In Seavlew, 3 bdrm, view, dark room, loft and tasty touches throughout. Really speclall $425,000 • tll Ull -Duplex, good Income, West Newport location with plans for new home, good financing. Asking $550,000. -• l1MI ,_, -3 bdrm In Harbor View Homes, perfect condition, good assumable loans, fee title, $219,500. E X A ~t P L E S ,. . IPll llllE UT 1·1 978 Sandcastle, CdM • Low price, view, ownr desperate $295,000 -1315 Santanefla Ter. NB. Vacant-spari<le ... spa & pool $369,000 IPEI HISE llTl •ll. 1·1 12 Beacon Bay, NB. Bayfront, ownr fln. tennis $850,000 -21 .8eacon Bay~ NB. Bayfront, 3 bdrm, beach $695.000 IPll 111111 .... 1-1 210 Grand Canal, NB Little Island/boat dock $575,000 IPEI •IE UT /Ill. 1·1 1806 Port Taggart, NB. Nifty 3 bdrm/pert. cond. $219,500 5 Point Loma, NB. Spyglass, 5 bdrm, view $925,000 IPEI .. IE UT/Ill/Ml. 1·1 211 Opal, Balboa Island Balboa Isle/new/vacant $595,000 IL.,. • 191 -Exceptional end unit, quiet cul-de-aac, private wtth eubtle colors, good loans, private patio, leuehold. $224,000. ITmlLI ,. ..... , -Great location In old CdM, comer 30 x 118 lot, duplex lncotne potential good, R-2 zone. Asking $215,000. 1U1T191 lllT& mu -2 bdrm home with 1 bdrm Income unit, 6500 aq.ft . lot, assume 1st loan under 109/e, exoellent rental area (Broadway & Orange) $143,000. LIWllT ,.. Pllftl -·View home will go at non-view prloe If buyer has cash. Leasehold and priced accordingly. 4 bdrm In HV Hiiie. Interesting view, only $295,000. A listing of Dottle Valentine. -. . HIHl•I 11•1 II HTTIHH• -Four bedroom, In Dover Shores. Pool, plans for add on & owner will finance. $279,000, leaae land. . 111• N 1111 WI -4 bdrm, The Ranch, neat street, weU maintained. OWner moved, will finance wtth 20¥• dn. $199,000. .-..ui 111111 aft -Neatl 12•/o financing with 20% dn. Rents are eteady. Tree lined street convenient to library, shops & beach, $289,600. ..... NW _. lllJJ.--Newer Monaco $20,000 price reduction. Pavera, mirrored wardrobes, patio overhang! Owners wtll help finance. $229,000. .,_ tm. ,_ MWI 111.--Fee land, 3 bdrm, mini view, 2 flreplacee, a large famlly room, owners will carry 1st trust deed. $352,600. , ... KL ,.... • IUUUlll -Harbor View Hiiie. Owner wtll carry 1250,000 @ 12% Interest. No polnte for 5 yrs. Nr. comm. pool. ~ bdrm 3 bath $429,000. & .. IUL -lmmeculatel 3 bdrm 2 bath lrvtne Terr., vecant with pool, ehuttera, apa and good ftnanclng, taaty at $389,000 . ..... NW au •U•I -Seewtnd 4 bdrm, PmdJ JIWUH• -Mint condition In Harbor PllHIY Ill MUI YllW -Hard to find f I~ ~ t t ~ Ex....J RiA-... ~of llt• lak & mtna 3 bd --Broadmoor, expanded 4 bdrm•. gourmet am .. rm, , u-o enn .. , • "'911ent JVVV• ,,,.,,., • e · rm, """''• .-.. 29 500 leasehold -2 yrs to renew. 1ng $239,000. ~ · din. room & I• opt. poulble. Asking $495,000. . ~~~· extra large maatet eulte. -• · .. ,,,,,, ...................... EQUAL HOUSIHO OPPOATUNITY ........ ,,, ....... All ,.., •llt• adWfti.-ed In thll ~ Is IUbfect to the Federal Fair Houetng Act of 1988 which mak• II .._ legal to ed\ler1IM "any preilerence, llmltallon or dt9c:r1mlnatlon baaed on race, color, religion, MX or natlonal origin, or any Intention to make any eucti prelllfence, 11- m It at ion or dlKttmlnatlon." Thia ~ wlU not know~ acoept any adYer1 tor '-' -ta• .. In 'liolatlon of the law. 1111111 Advertis- ers should check Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, September 4, 1982 -17 •••m /11 W• •un 111 S.11 • •••• ~.'.~.{9!.~.'! •.•••.. '9~!!!.{~!!!!. ...... ·!~!!!!.~.!*-...... ·~.'!f.!e! .•••..• !'.!!!!.!-!.!!/!. ••• .-•• c.···············j·;;z ................. 1001 Ct I Ill '-•n•I 111: C..n1I lit ,_.al I lnn.J lllZ ..• ~!~~! .............. ~!~~{ ................ ~~~ ..................................... ······················ ...................... ······················ E ILIFfl IPPllTllm Just J sted-front row view. Lowest pr.iced ... E" Plan 3 Br, family room. $197,Qdo Aaawne Joana. Submit on dwn. 2645 Vista Omada $315,000 Open Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 ILIFFI WSE 2 Bc:ifm. water view, $950/mo. JM-Mll ERFRONT ON TliE BAY I S!1Q~OOO FEE ...... .. 12~% $111,IDD LAGUNA BEACH ttliqlldation sa1e •• 3 ~ 2 bath, wlOd ' llm· SNI but classy 2 story. QJ-1122/Ql-Mll • Prof. decor, wann 3 Bdrm, fam rm, blg kitchen, high beam celllngs, fireplace + a large private manicured yard. A real value at $375,000 and you own the land. Open Sat/Suh 11-6. 1218 Keel Dr. CdM. Patrick Tenore, RE/MAX, 631-1266. RV M ~ of Costa Mesa :~ .... };/ . • b .. I. eJ .. lltt ... ·. ~ IPI llT /1111•11 , .. ... .,,,..I&. ................ ................. ..,..... ... I ... .~ ....... ...... .............. 1lt111. bullnt ,., •• , ••• ., •Ill ~:"~'SELL THIS WEEKEND AT 1385, 000. 818 Mwtgold cou,,,. ... '°"' MAL10M HltL~.._,. c-...... 61$·5Stt ....... .-=Z-"-litl..01UY..;el)jtl:ft~ report errors Im- IPEI RISE UT /Ill 1-1 , ..11a .. _.-.JIL...---1.f_.~. n. ••"" 11nM11 Mor• ,.,,,... -getting tClaaelfled Ad• are the More tamlllee .,. genlng IM CM'Pincl "bug" thle an.w.r-to a ~ful tM camping "bug" thl9 ~· If you 11ew a -garaoa or Y8'd..,.. " 1 • Y91U'· If Y04J heve a c.m-per that'• not o•ttlng better W9Y to tell ITIOfe per that'• not getting uaed, NII It now wtth a peoplal uMd. Nit It now with a me d I ate I y . The DAILY PILOT as- sumes liability for --me flm Incorrect lntertlon only. ......... .••........•.......... ..., ,,,.. ~;;;i·········;·;;; •................•.•.. ,....._ Owned by lendor -ori- ginal prtc.; I 108,600, now $94,500. Haw 3 double garage. Call Lind• Oeth tod-v. &42-5200 ; PETE BARRE TI REALTY ·~ BEST FISHING AND SWIMMING BEACH plus 2 bdrm home -2 cer gar11ga. etcl $825, OOOI •IP'llUll BAY & OCEAN VIEWSI 4 bdrm, 2.,. baths, ..,...,._, 3 cer ~ .,... ""'°' rnOf94 $650. OOOI .... .., ,,.,. l1ll1n *"'-1•• u.-. a Br condo In amal complex. Faaturea Y8Ulted <*Inga, quallty con1truct1on a many .v-. fiAI pr1oe 1138. IOO. 711-31'1 ~·. 1 PriHl.111 HIJ BOAT ON THE BAY, PlAY ON THE OCEAN. Claeelftad Ad. Sell Idle 1tamt &42·5e78I Claulfled Ad. I -tffL-tt-...... A II• •H This prime investment property is located on a comer lot & has 2 - 2 BR unita. Good annual income with low maintenance. All records available. Property easy to see. Offered at $324,900 Bill Wf!dmore 551-8700 llf111 Tllllll FEE LAii C harming immaculate home, extra wide lot. Shutters thru- ou t Heated pool, Separate bad,.unton ct. Prof. landscaped, autol;natic sprinklers & Malibu lgta front & back. Walk to Balboe Island. $359,000 Ray Davies. 551-8700 TH"~ IHI YllTl End unit to~bu': wi\h lovely pastoral view. 8 BR + 3 baths, kif.Chen nook & courtyard entry. Super financlftg. $253,900 Julie Van Wi~ 752-1414 llllftUILlmf-•lll ... I .. m UIL 3 BB'a + loft. Large liv. rm w/wood burnin1 fireplace, beautiful kitchen on paved, plowed street. $153,500. Dorothy Lewia. 752-1414 lllPU IHlllll Delightful Woodbridae Clateau townhome. Bettet tho new •/curtom ahutten, upsraded cpta, tiled entry & kttchen, vaulted oetlinp for: • apedol.-feeUna + neutral earthtone decor. A home & community you can enjoy. $133,000. Myma Boom &51-8700. Spaclou1, open & 1unny all view home -·~~.~~k;·kr hug• prim• 111and l> • 'plare~ yt)UlO.r'ltwr-1~=~ ... "':;..-:t?:l~ _.._.... -•'"'-OJl'~·-~--------- land. +owner flnancng, •II fOf 1985,000. NOTICE OF SALE .OF Open Sat/Sun. 11-5. 4028 ChanMl Placle, Newpot1 IMand, Newpcwt BMcn. 873-0202. REAL PROPERTY IUIAll"*I CLASSY 5 BR Sgl le¥al deteched 4 Br home, family rm w/ walk-behind wet bar, Mlf-clMn Litton oven & microwave. Carefree lrontyard,. Only $135, 450. Seller motivated. Call Olan Hallwar h Dover Shor• ...... cs.. luxe throuohou1. cuttom 3300 eq rt Magnificent P90f, ape a nr. r1ng, 3 car o•r•g•. owe fl· 56f..94CIO --~"f~ Mlci ff ~Of 11 TM Gerrie Co. Comperw Mfore Y04J buy. Claulfled maket " ~· Cl••lfled Ada &42-5871 142-5878 llY WltafUIT . llED.-:EI Tl $111,~ll,NI Ill JM Plltl AR TIUS Prestlgious Linda We prime lagoon bay location. Guarded gate, all amenities, over 4000 aq ft. Appraiaed recently at $1,700,000. Take over $560,000 in notes. This la a must sell now situation. Wi 11 conaider lease/option, trades for income, comm'l, residential properties or: large yacht or joint venture. Leave rne911ge wi\h Anawer Ad 730, call 642-4300. 24 hra. , t The City of Huntington Beach . Is offering the following . property for sale: ~SSESSORS PARCEL; LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM BIO: ASSESSORS PARCEL: LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM BIO: ASSESSORS PARCEl..: LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM 810: 153-421-01 AREA: Approx. 6.000 eq. rt. 19012 Lindsay Ln., HunUngton BMct\, CA R-1 (Re94dentlal) $81,200 (Sixty One Thouaand Two Hundred Oollerl) 114-1~ AREA: Approx. 1.20 ec:rea 8671 Edlaon Ave., Huntington BMch, CA M·2 (Industrial) $152,220 (Ona Hundred Fifty-two Thouaand Two Hundred TWenty Dollen) 02!>-046-o8, 11,AllEA: Approx. 1.30 llCf'9I 1301 Alabema St .. HunUngton BMctt, CA ~Relfdentl•) ,()()() (Eight Hundred For:JY-elx Thousand OoR.,..) ASSESSORS PARCEL: 024-080-02 AREA: Approx. U5 act• LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM BIO: 704 Lake St., Huntington Beecn, CA ~JRealdentlat) ,800 (Five Hunchd SIXty-flw Thouaand Six Hundred Dollen) SEALED BIOS: ~ bld9 wtl be opened In Room EMS, Huntington Beedt CMc Center, 2000 Mlln StrMt on Thur9day, September 30, 1982, at 2:00 P.M. All bid• mutt Include • caahW'• or O«tlfled cMc:k macM payebta to the City of Huntington~ for 10% of the bid amount. ORAL BIOS: or• bide wit be caleed for and reoe!Ved after the QPenlno and NedlnO of Maled blda. &.ctl Ol"ll bide muat uCMd the hiaheet Maled bid by at leUt ft'<M percent (5%). Sealed bide muat be on fi .. to be allglble for oral bidding. , ~RMS OF SALE: . Sa'" wlll be In cuh -10% of purchaH price payable upon eoceptance of bid wtttl the ~ due within 30 daya. REJECTION OF IMOS: • The aty ,_..,.. tht rtgM to r9feCt MY llnd II bide. Tha auoc 111'1.ll bid for tht Edlton A¥9. paroet la IUb)eet to the 11l ttgM of rtfUMI Of tht ~ tenent on tht ..... INFOAMATIOH' ANO IND ACCEPTANCE: ~ ptat,,,... appn:tral and 11119 llllormdon la on fie and ... ,,. for IMpeeltlon In the offtoe Of the Ctty Ce.rte. All bkla muat ba IUtlmltt9d '° the Qty Olartl, addl 111111 • llllOws Alo6a M. weotwcwth, CHv a.tr P. 0 . 80ll 1IO, IOOO Mlfrt .,,_ ~1 ..... CA'"48 T .... hOM (7141 UI 14CM UAl.ED _,. MUST • FUD WITH TMI CITY OUN< PNOA TO 3:00 P.M. MONDAY llPU atll 17, -· 1 I t I I I I v I I I I I ! I I I I I 3 -Orange County Reel Estate/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 - This Weekend I I le991 fWI ~ •Ktery wlHI,.. fWt ~ • ,_ .. ta-1 taut ... Al tti. '-c.HeM htM Mtew -~ iill ,,_-.... tay .............. .._. iill ...,-. DA&l N.OT WANT ADS.,..,._ ....... .,.. ..._. fw .... or,.... -~ .. ht_ .. iillf•...._ lit tWt c..._ -• ~ -ts..,. I HOUSES FOR SALE 1 M plue FAii All « DEN 31131 Holly Dr, AMso Bch, So. Lllg. 499-2857/499-1600 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-4 2 BEDROOM 31 Sllkleaf, Woodbridge, Irv. 857-2045 $133,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 15n E. Ocean etvd (Penln) NB 631-1400 $344,500 Sat 1-5 56 Chardonnay (Wdbrg) Irv. 760-a333 $149,900 Sun 1-5 2308 Cmt Dr. (Nwpt Hgtl) NB 642-52PO $379,500 Sun 1-5 2507 England, Huntington Bch 963-6167 $114,950 Sat 11-2 2 BR plue fAll All or DEN - *19 Cur1 Dr., Jasmine Crk, Vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sun/Mon 12-5 1829 Port Shettleld (HVHma) NB 673-ne1 $295,000-fee Sun 1-5 **827 Via Lido Soud, Lido Ill, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 535 Hazel Dr., Corona del Mar 644-9060 $300,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 a RDROOM 2345 16th St., Newport Hghta, NB 642-2171 $245,000 Sun 12-4 3q7 Sapphire, Belboa taaand, NB 73-5291 1385,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 53 Dr8" (Meu del Mar CM 1151 $12•,800 Sat/Sun 1-4 Sat 1-8 1901 Yacht MW1a. Newport Beec:tt 846-7171 $339,000 Sun 1-5 1718 Port Westboume, HVHma, NB 759-1501 *21e,~-Sat/Sun 1-s 502 I Street (P9nln Pt) NB 631-1400 $438,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Roed (Nwpt Hgt1) NB _ 673-8900 $499,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 . *2001 Galat• Terr, CdM &4&-7171 $995,000 Sun ~2-4 617 Seeview, Costa ...... 846-7171 $138,900 Sun 1-5 * 1514 Ruth Lane, Newport Bch &4&-7171 $234,900 Sun 10-1 1824 Port Sttrlfna Pt., Nwpt Bch. 848-717f *214,900 Sun 1-5 2371 Fordhem, Coeta Meea 548-2313 $137,000 Sat 12-4 *1315 Santenena Terr., CdM 675-8000 $388,000 Sat 1-5 * * 12 Beacon a.y, Nwpt Bch 675-8000 $850,000 Sat/Mon 1-5 *2404 f Sprig, Ml..aah Viejo (213)84Mf3.4 S142,500 Sa/Sun 1-5 **210 Grand c.n.I, Newport Bch 675-8000 *575,000 Sun .1-e 87 Canyon RldQe (Turtlrtc Qin) Irv. 87&-«>oo $251,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 314 Marigold, CorOM det Mat '31-14l>O teee,000 Mon 1-5 *ICM Via Ebolt, Udo Ille, NB 873-7300 8550,000 .. 1-4/Sun 12-3 1808 Port Ttillaatt ~me) N8 .,6-8000 1218, ... 8at/8un 1-6 ... 803 38th St., Newport BMctt 875-9164 $840,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 ... I ... plue GUllT 4801 Bruce Creecent, Newport Bch ~n $219,900 ' Sat/Sun 1-6 I IR ..... ,All RM or DEN 2268 Golden Cir (Upr Bk Bey) NB &42-6448 $299,500 Sat/Sun 12-6 2718 San Cartoe Lane, Coeta Mesa 557-1289 Sat/Sun 12-5 2611 Clrcle Or. (Beyahor•) NB 645-6218 $299,500-L/F Sun 1-4 **1038 Polarl1, Newport Bch 648-0523 $975,000-Fee Sun 1-5 1218 Keel Dr (Hrbr Vu Hts) NB 631-1266 $375,000-Fee Sat/Sun 12-6 283-4 Catalpa. Eutbluffl, NB 497-4844 $205,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 62 DnlkM Bay, Corona del Mat 64+7020 $495,000 Sat ~-5 15 Rue Fontaine (Bg Cyn) NB 760-a333 $975,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1--5 _ 1218 Key Weat, HV Hiiia, CdM -""'~18-t&Jt-;SeS<ofA.ii -·~---.sup.,.~--·- 2298 Redlands Dr. (Beci( Bay) NB 631-1400 $248,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 870 SandcUtle, Corona del Mar 64+90e0 '312,000 Sun 1-5 2403 Vllta Nobtea, Bauffl, N.B. 644-9080 *280,000-Fee Sun 2·5 2501 Harbor View Dr (Hrbr Vu Hll) NB 7~'685.eeo •8attSun1Mon1-5 112 Via K0ton, Udo isle, N.B. 873-7300 $495,000 Sun 1-5 1301 Ootphln Terr., Irv. Terr., NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •s12 Rockford Pl, Cameo Hghtnd•..1. CdM 631-7300 $199,900 Sat/~n 1-5 1906T8felfta Ln., Newport~ 548-2313 •189,500 Sat 10-1 211 Opel (Balboe i.nd) NB 875-8000 *595.000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 1135 Pembroke, Newport 8eact'I 645-6665 $284)900 Sat/Sun/Mon 1·5 **38 Balboe eow., N9wport 8ch 875-7080 $525,000 Sun & Mon 1·5 81e"'Marlgold, Corona del M• 875-5511 $386,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-6 15 Aue Fontaine (Ba Cyn) NB 1IO-l333 •1&.aoo . 2501 Herbor View Dr (HrbrVuH•) N8 .. 780-e333 $585,000 Mon 1-5 2406 Cltff Dr., Newport Hta, NB 631-1400 *820,000 Sat/Sun 1-6 * 1472 G9laxy Dr. ~ Shorw) NB 842-21510 teM, ... Sat/Sun 1-6 802=Rd(~)NB 7tG S780,000 Sat 1..S #1 Aue~ (Ila Oyn) NB I 7 .... 3 1471.000 -... , .. ' • Orange County Real Eatate/ An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturdav Sept -.. ' ' ' I• ~.,_ 4, 1982 -19 4 IEDROOM *3165 Bermuda, Costa Mesa 631-1266 $150,000 S_at/Sun 1-5 222 Coral, Balboa !stand 675-6921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1142 Dorlet, (Mesa N) Costa Mesa 631-7370 $128,900 Sun 1-5 4511 Camden (cameo Shores) CdM 673-7761 $825,0QO;.fee " Sun 1-5 225 Via Orvleto (Lido Isle) NB 631-1-400 $575,000 Sat 1-5 225 Via Orvleto (Lido Isle) NB 631-1-400 $575,000 760 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isle, NB Mon 1~ 673-4208 $575,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 • · · 4 BR plue FAM RM or DEN 1441 Galaxy Or. (Dover Shoree) NB 548-5647 $420,000 · Sat/Sun 1-5 .. 2861 Corvo. Mesa Verde, C.M. 957-0701 $175,000 Sat 12:30-5 *1412 Santiago (Dvr Shrs) NB 631-1266 $318,000-Fee Sat/Sun 12-6 *21512 Camino Trebol, Lk. Forest 631-1-400 $216,000 Sun 1-5 1255 Somertet (Baycrest) NB 631-7370 $365,000 Sun 1-5 1200 Powis, Npt Beach 759-1221 $885,000 Sun 1...s *969 Sonora (M ... del Mar) CM 540-1151 $139,900 Sat 1-4 320 Seaward (Shorecffa) CdM 831-1400 $475,000 Mon 1-5 . ·*~18 Sandcaltle. ,Corona..del.Mar 875-6000 $295,000 Sat 1-5 210 Via San Remo, Udo Isl, NB 675-3048/673-2558 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 644-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1"4 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 1749 Port Hemley Cir(HV Homes)NB 644-9060 $395,500 Sat 1-4 **319 Morning Star Ln, Dover Shra, NB 645-1388-Fee Sat 2-5 1963 Port Laurent, HV Hma, NB 644-9060 $319,500-Fee S 2-5/Sn 1-5 9451 Gateshead, Huntington Bch 963-6767 $335,900 Sa 1-4/Su 11-3 9072 Adella, Huntlng1on Bch 963-6767 $179,900 Sa 1-5/Su 11-2 4912 Corkwood (Univ Pk) Irv. 780-8333 $2"40,000 Sat 12-4 *2036 Goldeneye (Mesa Verde) CM A79-2390 $~79,900 Sat 1-5 * 1707 Bayadere Terr, Irv Terr, CdM 6«-6200 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Winged Foot Ln. (Big Cyn) NB 644-4904 $785,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 320 Seaward (Shorectlffa) CdM 631-1400 $475,000 Sat 1-5 226 Poppy, Corona d4ll Mar 644-9060 $585,000-Fee Sun 2-5 6262 Sierra Sienna (Trtlrk) Irv 760-8333 $199,500 · Sun 1-5 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hilla, CdM 644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **633 Bayside Or, Waterfront, NB 675-7852 $1,050,ooo-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 5 IEDROOll 2912 Carob, Eastbluff, NB 644-1742 $249;000-LH. 8/Sun/Mn 1-5 **108 Via Lido Nord, Udo Isl, NB 675-6161 $1 ,500,000 Sun 1-5 * 1524 Antigua Way, Newport Beach 646-7171 $849,900 Sun 1-6 5 llR pl..-FAM RM Oil DEN *1 Muir Beect'I Cr (Spyg&aa) CdM 640-6259 Sat/Sun 2-6 *45 Royal St. George (Big Cyn) NB 644-7388 $849,000 Sun 1-5 ***29 Beechwood, Wdbridge, Irv 551-6829 $410,000 Sun/Mon 1-6 2724 Mendoza (Mela del Mar) CM 631-7370 $159,000 Sun 1 .. 5 5 Point Loma, Newport Beect'I 675-6000 $925,000 · Sat/Sun 1-5 *20 Cypr ... Point, Big Cyn, NB 631-7300 $1,495,000 Sun 1-5 *35 RJdaellne Or. Hrbf' Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 2-6 *3 Muir Beach, (Spygls) NB 7~ $1 ,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar (HrQr Rdg) NB 760-8333 $1,995,000 Mon 1-5 3 San Sebastian, Hrbf' Ridge, NB 760-1900 $2,100,000 Sun/Mon 1-5 *1448 Galaxy Dr, OoY9r Shra, NB 675-2373 $995,000-Fee Sun 2-5 I IEDROOll 233 Via Genoa. Udo Ille, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sun 1-5 I llR plue FAM RM Oil DEN 938 Via Lido Soud, Udo Ille, NB . 673-7300 $847,500 Sun 1-5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE 1 llEDROOll *300 Cagney Ln #107(Verullles)NB 631-2918 $120,000 Sat/Sun 11-6 'i -. 2~'"'7 • 1973 Vlata del Oro, Bluffs, NB 760-8816 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2 llR pl..-FAii RM or DEN *25·Canyon Island Or, Big Cyn, NB 759-9051 $249,000 Dalty 3-517-9 100 SchOtz Plza Ph. 10(Verullles) NB' 631-5300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5. .•.. *1738 Westcllff, Westclf, NB 673-7300 $119,000 292 Palmer #C-1, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $159,950 *HMO Iowa #0, Costa Mesa 646-7171 $89,900 a IEDROOll Sun 1-5 Sat 12-4 Sun 1-5 1984 Vista Caudel, Bluffa, Npt Bch 760-8816 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 a • p1..-FAii RM or DIEN 2645 Vista Omada, Newport Sch 640-0020 $315,000 Sa/Sun/Mon 1-5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 1 M plue FAii -er DBI 300 E. Coast Hwy Unit 111, NB 675-3347 $80,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 ., ,•J .. 2 IEDROOll 700 Udo Park Or (Cantiety Via) NB 631-1400 $32,000 SatfSun/Mon 1-5 700 Udo Prt< Or. #12(C&Mery Vlg)NB 631-1400 $39,000 Sat/Sun/Mon 1-5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE ....... 509 Acacia (OCleenskle of hwy), CdM 645-7048 $440,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 HOME FOR LEASE 4 -..... FAii Ml Oil MN 1939 ~ort W8ybrfdoe, ~t Sch 644-8053 $1250/rno. Sat/Sun 1-5 * Pool ** Waterfront ***i Waterfront & Pool With all the interest in real estate as •n investment, don't forget that your home is also where you'll be living. Sure, resale 11alue is important, but so are your housing needs now. For a good balance, consult a member of the NATIONAL ASSOCIATION OF REALTORS®. Eac~ one is required to be a reaf estate profeuiona&. actively engeged in _.rar estate, 'r¥f publicly committed to a wrltterrCode of Ethics. REAL TORS® ~perienced . •J in helping you find the right home for today and tomorrow. · • It could also take 1 heap o' lookln'. Before l1J you start, call a REAL TOR® first. ~ !:M• .. ~ \ . .. ..... -· .. ... .\,-.::•:· 20 -Orange County Real Eatete/An Advertlllng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 Keep Y,ou...,...r 85' bo•amt min t'he sllp !~'!!!!.~!* ....... ~!!!.~.~! .•••••• ~-~~'! ....... ~~-~~! •••••••• ,..., ,., "'' ,,.,., 1" "'' C.. I Ill, C.. II Ill •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• you own In front of this. •• !~~ ................. ! .. ~ ........... ! .... ~ ..... ~~t ........ !.'!I ¥!.a.~IJ. ••••••••• !.0.!1 jC1•111J llOZjCl•111/ IHZ ..•......................................... spacious condo on the Lido ........ •-.ay I 1 l9Lll 111.,.. llYmlt 111111• turning basin. 2 bdrms & den, 2. ~ I ~ ..--I OrHt c.M. iocetton, LOWIY Fr. Pr<Mndll 4 baths plus separate captain's C• " lfllllllAI .. ) ttv .. 2 Bdrm unlt9 wt Bdrm 3~ Bl necuttw quarters. Walk to Udo VIiiage. 1 ..... ••• •-• ...,.. gar1g11 Rent• _. low home. Juet reduced p erfect f 0 r c 0 r p 0 rate ... ...,.,., , ... UI ... U No qu~llfylng w120% s 20.ooo to $3115,000. • -d w n . II 3 1 -7 3 7 o I Al8Uml low lnt•e.t 111 Investment. 549-3&441 • end owner wlll help . • Pre ........ *tlll •--"·-::.: 11 finance. 1131-7370, 4 'h bd~s~ =s~mlly & NEW llSTING _:_ LIN>A ISLE =:.~.i~~~. 'i-:1· ~&HI ••• : 54 t-36441 TR.\DI 11< l\ \I ~I \I I\ dining rooms. Large 50 foot $995,000 _ $175,000 CASH ~.., 1tw ....,... nte ..... WllTI _ corner lot. South sunny private .. , .... patio plus poof. A dramatic 1121,111 ISSllllLE UllS custom home. $595,000. Model Home Perfection U"El LE 111111, IULTll Ull llU ·1 • ., -4 ....... -4 .......... 111-2111 Can only be appreciated by a .... . visit. 3 bdrm., 4 baths, den 3 . Slf FOR 4 BOATS car garage Romberger design. •--a....u ..... 4110 f Radiant heating, 2 patios. Bullt ... _, .... -....- In storage plus many amenities WISI SB.Lii ,.... Tm Tl 111.l C'~t 11 tud' 644-1133 on 60' lot. $675,000. ' (..." -0'...!!ll Unquestionably the best buy in Big t ANYTIME l Tl• YIL• M Ull Canyon. Four bednna, and family room. n·u h This 3 bdrm home offers one of Immaculate throughout. New carpeta, Bl.lJFS llQflTA Pl.AN the best street to street drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronk locations on the Island. aecurity system. Wet bar, 2 fireplaces, 3 ~Imm LOC•JION Features a lovely patio perlect car garage. Artistic pool and spa. Priced ~tn ft for entertaining. Oen, extra right at $695,000. Gate guarded area. _ wide lot, 3 car gerage. A must Call 644-4910 for permission to enter. ..,... "9te ..... to see. $495,000. 1' 11 I nB a .. -1-1 m lmT I -I 11111 l•Pf LML -1111 t.81-LIT +,.. n•n••111.111.-1,.f'"11.J.1 •110 .. MT 1-4e -114 First time listed. Charming nr. new 2 sty, Flexible Terms. U interested call John W-ak IM • ... architectural gem. 4 bdrma, fam. rm. SeDena to .ee. • to Udo VlMege. 3 bdrms, 3 Quality desip -and decor throuahout. ;~~~~·r;~f;;;;iiiiiiiiiiiii!iiiiiiiiiiiil b at h s, good a a au ma b I e Dllliped for l'Wt quarten. Priced to . financing. Exceteent buy. Pric:e .en ~.ooo. Sell« finance. No loan fee. Lm ml 11•1 ·reduced to $550,000. 211 .... .. UT I -1-1 • M 1.81 -.. -1-1 L91m •• --.. •••• Prime Udo Nord bayfnint 5 bdrm, 5~ Builder's own penonal remdence. Not bad\. Lip L.R., 2 boat slips $1,500,000. Sell thlngt tut with Delly Piiot Went Adi. TJUDI T 10\;\L Rf.ALT) IOUlf lllT LIOITllU In f abulou s Cameo Shores - Spectacular rock fonnations and a private beach! Zook designed 4 bdrm. home with formal dining rm. and family nn. Beautiful garden with many exotic plants and flowen. A showcase home perfect for your indoor-outdoor lifestyle. $2,500,000 ownet' will usis< with financing. (714\ 873 4400 (2f 3) 828-2828 . ....... , ........ £1hU1e.41t11 £stah C1 .. _, 11..:\llll()lt Large tot. 4 bdrma plua den. 3 car garage, ape, 2 low.fy patios. Large mater 8Ulte. Located on central corner strada . Generous owner financing. $650,000. ' \he average speculatol' built home. The Remodeled 3 bdnn,--;-;th+lar rec nn. arc:bi~ectural desian and meticuloua u.n. ceiHnes. fumiahed, patiof' $420 ooo. attention to detail refiect the owner'a ' ~~~~;;;;!;!;!!;;!~~~ desire to create an unusually hi ah Plllllf la& 11•1 ~ lllllfl.Lm- 2 story, 2 bdrms, 2~ baths. dining area, fireplace, bar, double garage, large pool & clubhouse. Walk to shops & market. Asking $145,000. umun This lovely famlly home has Just been painted In & out. Vacant & ready to move In. It has 5 bdrms, 3 batha, famlly room on corner lot, near park for the kiddies. Walk to achools, store & tennis club. Fantastic ~ financing. $232,000. ....... _ .. _.,, ... 1llt...,.., Priced to aefl at 1119,000. ·2 bdrm, 2 bath, pool, walk to shops. Move'ln condition & vacant. ....... Most unuau.t ouatomtzed home In area. lndoor,outdoor pool with lfldlng gtau roof. 18' ber, screening room, gourmet kitchen, playroom with full kitchen & bath. Good flnanctng. Seller reaervea right to accept bMt offer. 1899,950. qu.aUty homo .built to pleue the rM>lt 114 w. Ml . .. UT 1-1 di8criminafinl family. 5 bedroomt, 6~ PNe West Bay bayfront. su,. !or 2 boata, baths, plus all the amenities one would remodeled 3 bdrm, 3 bath $1200 ()()() anticipate. $1,950,000. Owner finandnc. --' ' · ace.n & Jet\Y views. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 .. -Liii & -.L -.,,... beth, 3700 eq.ft. $1,385,000. Oceanfront. Two .•tory Nantucket 4 Br. with •-• llLI lln•n beautiful Sunaet pool surrounded by .,_ 14,000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated L.aoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath. playroom. throughout with wallpapera and dark rm. den. Boat slip. Now $1,000,000. shutters. Showa like a model home! •·Many upgrades. Seller will finance. 111191 ft.m Submit down. $760 000 incl. land. ~ bayfron( dplx 2 br, 2 be UPi 2 br, ' 2bedn.2boat11*8-Reduced-i1.~.000. 1~11•&0•t~-am.-.. --.... Charmine 4 Br. & family room. 2 brick .....-r• fireplaces country kitchen, quiet 9mcle st.ory end unit, expended S br, 3 be on residential area ln YOUDI development W.-areenbelt • lake. $250.000 . by Buccola. lK dn. Owner carry 10 yn. Paml•I - -NW au_ -t• Brand new 4 bl', 4 ba, cwt.om .French Quiet. park·like letting. Rm fOI' paddle Normandy Eatate on l ~ acre hilltop. temUI md bGreat for orchard. Cul fl,J&0,000. de aac al. 3 fam. rm. 79,500. &VII.II I 1111 llY ml, ~ -1-1 Fee lbnple couace on quiet O...nto St. (in -.,._ _,.. ,. nae.). $145,ooo. Earthtoma tbruout." br, 2~ ba. ~ ••• ? ..... rm, dlnin1 rm. 1,3~ View of Cea..., w..t ewt. bayfront Jot. 8&' fn1iii. "*•u;;. & UT I -t-1 ~· Plw aVail. Now $370,000 \ Orange County Real Eatate/An Adver1i.lng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 -21 ~~!!!.{~~-~ ...... !~!!!!.!~~'!. ...... !~~!!!.{~M~ ...... !~!!!.{'!.~! ....... ~ ~~ ..••••• !~!!!.~ .. '.~! ......• ~ .. ~!!!.'!.'.!.'.~' ••••••• ·!~!!!.'!.'.!!.'! ...... . ,,!!!.¥. ••••••••. !.'!~ ,__U. 1111 ~H.lf!!! •••••• !.~ ~~.~ ...... ! .... ~.~ ...... !.@1 •-;::r-IHI !m¥. ........... ! .... ~.~ ... !.~f mernn LIYm ...................... • -n MWI 112"1!!!'1mlnlt 8·f9owt.E'ATaR·;·~ ~~tic. IWUll "' mi Wllll P1•1ll1 Pt, ....... ,_ ~. 9PS)tOX 2900 eq.ft. wllott. '94,000 wltK AWARD WINNER AMI V-. fOf 1175,000. New condo 3 BR 2 Ba, aeller will carry LMHIOptlon or Pur-Nr. M••dowlark Golf dn, 11012/mo. totll. No OcMtl vtew.. 3 bd'.!", 4 Incl 4 t>r 2~ ba. & •mL 1111 d chaM. YOUR new tl60 CourM 123eK 11~% new loen .... no q1U11 be, kit. w/eon~. addition 'completed ~ 3 Bdrma. 2 ,_ bathe your own payment at~ for 5 yrs with eq. tt. (plue dbl g9r1IOe toen evell up to 1170K, Paneling, e/c & ~ tam. rm, lg• ~rden, 1977 con111t1ng ot and ,_ kitchen S35t, no monthly paymenta. New financing :~~~to:;: ~ *° wit.eke ** 2nd. ~ Adult comm. e,t1oiiv f~91C:,.. ~ family rm wlfrn-000. avail. at 11 '1iCf> graduated payments. locetlon, next to •II 1410450 w/pool, Jee & lighted T.-1ac. 1912,000. By •tending lrplc, den & Monthly investment only $1250 which •hopping & thHtera, tennle eta. ~/bkr, ownw. -*-In Motege doeet. •mu gi •1saoo . • lr)CC .,. .,,,.,.. .... Op-... aaim 55M082. 813-4411 AdJ. to thl1 new ••· On Mlremer, 3 Bctrma 3 ves you • , • . tax saV1ngs year y. portunlty to 1tert ow-on Brootihurst & Her-Llalir.1;;itrr9 ... ;;tiw;i1;14iAiiirlt1Mile11~I~~~~~~~~ Penelve temlly .,.. 11 bathe, formal dlnlnf,, Call fast. wont last. 752-6499 Mflhlp w/quellty ~ culH Drive Super 5br/3ba ..,., femlly -det. -·--•• the bl1-ln elec. kit. w/ ne~ kltc'"en f•ml y ~/t•w .............. ' O .,,. --• • .._ edJ formll dining .,.., -" • .. ---·"""•· ramlly home. nly 2 dreem 110m41. Pool, Jee, • ~ tM ...._ dble room,~Mng room 7 14/13 1. 5 O 5 5 or m11e9 to bMeh. 4 bdrm, leke view.. Aleum. fin. 2 Br 2 Be In pvt undy' door entry le • huge with Wt~ 142-2000. 2-n beth, femlly rm, 1410,000. :;1&.l~ C~~~~ formal llvlng rm wi and more. ' · •MESA VERDE 3 er w/ dining -. u1lllty nn. Owner/egl, 551~29. Kelle y, Lingo R.E. enothlr frplc. The Mp. Ill··-pool & epa. Auume LM& yerd._!'t~ ~ TURTl..EROCK HILLS 497-3331 bdtm wing Incl. mater loan. 1 139,tOO. P.P. pe • Aek""' 1 • · 3 er 2 Ba, comm. poo11-------- 1ulte w/1unken dbl• With old Cepe Cod elrl, 546-9904 -& tennll. Wiii trede, .... nlr'DILD e•y ehowe r & mltrored 2 Bdrm end ~ ti Im r.-11-1"4 ti ,.g V..U 1"4 ..... opt .. or etrelght t.Kftft n wardrobe. Exterior room, doM to l300 • •~••••••~"-•••••• .I!':!•••••••••~•••••• 11111 IT ...... 9794111, agt. FRONT RON -F•~• gtounds ot lhl• comer tennl•, water. ,000. Low dwn, euume 1oen1. ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiil white weter YleWt OWn· lot heve beer'I menlcur· _ -•••-3 Br 2 e.t Agt. Fred I• er'1 plMI heve changed ed a tile,-.. ~d hU ·---• RED CARPET" Tenore, 931-1211 or Lido ea lll UIU -mu1t Mii. Pl1n1 & • lfil COYered peOo. The Speclou1 3 Bdrm 3 131-2711 Mey ..... °t:tlon end permit• for remodel. lot II pod-lllzed & ha beth1, large temlly a•ut • .,. ... U .,1 67J.7300 unit. Clo" o North-S1,4150 ,000. Cefl 1pece for crntlon of room. MMt• IUlt• llM n• -• wood• lhope. All cond., 494-0029. Cerot Tetum. rec vehlcl• ecce11. llreplece, private aun-on Ihle 4 bdrm home • ttreplece. open beelned Rltr. Don't helllt•te to drtw dedc. E.xcelent nnenc-ltlD CAINf end owner .. help wlttt MOVE IN NOW. We'll ceilnge, pool & tennla.•------------ by: 2111 Corw, Coet• Ing. 14&5,000. Of flOUNTAIN VAUIY eddltlonel flnerodng. Full clOM the .:tow In 10 Vecent Incl reedy nowt - MeH. OPEN HOUSE Proudly presents the opening of pr1ce II only 11~.500. d9'/9. ANume my 9Yt% 199,000. Cell for deWlll. Wilt< to bMctl & ~ SAT. 12:30-5 or by ILIT 11ft.D bon't welt, cell VA & 11.7% 2nd 11021 142•1200 from thll Older 1me11 llPC>f. Welk to •torH end our new office location! 979-6370 NOWI mo.· 4 bd + 2 1try home ot bulld your own ORANGE COAST bHchH. 3 Bdrm1 2 WARNER -NEWHOPE PROPERTIES tu2.ooo own/egt on the generoua llied FINANCIAL REALTORS beth• HCh unit. Top 17151 NEWHOPE AVE., STE. 107 1 ~i-2&11, 54M2t6 lot that 11 Included. 957-0101 rent11 record. 1355,000. FOUNTAIN VALLEY fk!'.ie*2~~ IOc-. 10~ ... ...... 1'WI. -OPEN HOUSE FRIDAY, QlllllrD Almoet ,_, t>eeutltut 1~~~~~~~ ...._ ... ._ Seperete unit. or 11ngte SEPT. 10, 1982, 3PM-7PM ftl1U\ Hunt Bdl. model. s & 1;: ft•H•••li FlrHlllC femlly u ... Good Looking forward to meeting you, offer• excet)llonal n-s t>ultt. 4br. 3 full Woodbridge 2Br 2be, I -•y •-~t,.!_wfn~ter ~~on°' Charlene Roulgnol, owner/broker. nenctng on out9'endlng betN.. s>IUe ,_. ~ iow.t Pficed AYelon °" --•• -"" -... ""' 4 Bdrm 2200 1.f. MeM rm. aoee to OOMl'I Incl corner lot. A/C, up-Mlramer. 1339, .' 714-545-1030 Verde pool home. <>Pn other fectlltlee. Owner gredH. 1111,000 In •••a....,.. -- ..... ... S.11&.tn 1-5. 1150,000 ..... CMrY '*· l'9dllOed euumeblee. 857-2045 1-.... a.._, 3Br, tbe. 270 cTee vi-.. For more lnformetlon C... l.i llM llll C.... 4.i llM llll 3106 Bermude. A\t, to ... $275,000. 2br condo, 118,500. t305,000 ,_ elll 8:-41'!t'l·~~ee. •••••••••••••••••••••• ···~·~·DU .. ~.. ~7~7~13 1 • 121 • 111111 llM.n owner wlll help fin. 17141494-1117 4 Br 3ba. '375,000 Fee TDll\C '330.000 F.P. wtth l30,I •All•llU 497-1037 ::JI."::':', _.. ..a '""' 1--:iiiiiiUili'"-iiliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 14178 Golden Glen. ;.__ & l-~ .... ..... I~ ,,, 000 down. T.,,,. evel--.. IMJ --------• •• ••••••• ••••••••• 48r, 3be, poot, '9cuzzl. your boring Income eble. &,.,., lnweement. LUI. • -~ ,.,. -*" ewm* mrr 1471.000 IWelhold or property or outgrown Cell John S&-8300 Model perteat MeM Del e.ut. 2 ety, 3 lw, 2-'6 ....._ Gel Renc:ti, lwcu- 1912,000 tee. Cell re1lden-ce with large Mer. ~. 2be. OOW'llr\I Huge one •lory, 4 b a . t \4 'Mo 1 t 9 K rloue new cuetom 17~ equity for thl• nHt kit, brick petloe, up-bdrm, .t mite bMCh, eell-1813 home. Hlltop vi-. Big IA ruetlc •ad roomy 4 lililillilililitl ~ thr\iout, Pf1oed =~lo~~·~!:; If .... houM. 8:t,.. roome. 4 cw ~,11;\J,~ ~l~J!! ~i~~ ~ly~ed"7h·-~-~-1-•_oe11_. -... -"°""-'_eeent __ , =t~~ ~sr~~ ~i::.~ • 675-StlO • 12'Wolin JeMlltw Cftl 000 ,..,. lllipllrN '/Wde. on R-2 Nr goetcourM. NA .,,. l'bae = ~ 175-0372 or 117-4979. · 714-7-.0109 :l63i •: r,1 11"~· rdl1 <>ww IQt M0-1515 ..._1_111 :'ii C::-wi~ ~ :.-~0::"'11:'. ": ~=:t t:o.:i,e ~ --::1:-:•=1:-:L-::D=lt:"'.K:":::---11-,-.. -,-.-.-.. ,.;..;....;..;..;YllW...;__ ldM llM-' J#I -= er"'!' .. ':'f lrp6C. 000~ ~lna1 511146, model Cert MOMf\, lgt. ~irreble loefl M onty 8ergeln ..... by _.,, 3 br, 1~ be. AC, up-...................... With" · h·--·,._-ff Re/Mu 7•1221 .,..., LoYelV hofM 2 er/2 gredee, 1110,000. llWl IUlll ·-::...---C>Mier--,-~-·4-~-·--1U4' "'·.... &sr..,:1:::!ooe :a1~· •111,eoo._es_1_420_1_. -~-- ~~ ce. ~ IPYIUll ::Uo.!:de/~t..Ta ... = -PU1 1 ~.!W. . .11.!~ ,_, No. e.y. 0-. wll IOI Acede CdM nt bdl 5 Bdrm 8outt1port. V• 2032...,, Dr, C.M. lffl L!.._ e 2 .....,!!0~ !_! BEAUTIFUL ege, eund9Ck, pat101. OWC 1et -Flex. Tenne 5 TWln Lek• Cr. r~~~~~~~1~l206~!'000!ii°'*'ii81M\~;·I I h Ch II YI.LI ..... con1lder flnen . 51 Vecant Dus*ix cent & reduced to •111111 uwm ...................... ...,.._ -'"· -Ol.D WOAU> f75-631t , l71-62t1 5t>r~/3ba •~....,..,.... In ...... ~ ....._ ..___ OP£N HOUSE DAILY plu• OEN with front T__,........,.,., --------• ownlbkt MS-7049 .,._,.....,. .... .. .,....,, ·-1~ PM bedrOOfl'I enlerared to I)'~~ Co. Pll1m WAIYll .. I .... a = =~ ';·~"::.. 16412 Gr1meud Lw !Mike nioe tn. rln. _..,.. "°"' 1151,000 EJCduel¥e 8elboe lllend If IW U. ...._ Owner wlll •Mitt w/ ,... PCH & Admhlty ..JDllllll. A/O. eo-.ct 4114244 7tO-t3l5 home. For deemll, dY9 '231.500 • 38R 2\t be, Dremetlc 3 Bdrm, ft Onl • H Dr. l.Q 4 bdrm, 4.,. be. -.,.ao. M900. pool Incl 956-0712: eY9 ~ 2 etory ......,,.., Q9ted 4\tbe. Pool, ........ Pvt c:oenc1~9~70 1 • 1ao· lloM doc:*. poof, ...._ 1111.eoo. MC, poof, tennll, jec, ~. $495,000 .... ' now. end ..... (211) ~1 . -.une. etub room. Welk Mheld. Aeelty World~8o W \ f . ·1111l /' !! to •hopping, blk• to lM-14'1 1_Pt_opa,;.._ ___ __,,..,,.-., beed'I. You own !Incl. ..!? 12/ ~ ~ ~."":y ~ .._"' Y'*'~· 714neo-3875 · IUL ESTATE 544.53971iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil C11111'1ed'" Ade, ~ OM--...... ~!!!!!!!::~~~~~= 9tOP ~ oane.. a.-llto U. home on ... ,_ '9nd. s Br. 2 ... lw ,_.II I C.•t1ll 1111 & din rm. IQ t.m rm, ell • • •• .. • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • arnenn.-, ta .,_ lot. 9Y Owner. •ztt.500. cell IN A QUIT NEIGtllORHOOO Great for rat.Ina Kid•-• comfortable ·home with all unerutiee -2 frplcs, 3Br, family nn -bullt-in kUchen with best appll•ncw -2~ 8-tba. Beauti!Wly tancw.ped with tprinkli.na system tn • Um<m Orove • Spo11a Court -room for bonet & pool on t.b.ia r-· 2 acres of UINble land reet ftnandnc $489,500. In San Dtefo'• f abuloua North County. Cal Narci11u1 at 481-9094 or 75e·2908. '40-7007. Mlllllf--._.--. Reduced to 1274.000t 2 plUe cleft. ldnl llMndna. Aft. c.- r o I• M o"M•h•n . M+«>97 « ........... TR& ... your boring Income prooetiY or ovtarOMt r .. ld9"Cle •Ith lM .. """Y for thl• n .. t ruetlo end roomy 4 bctn" I" beth hOtM .ttll 1IO Mo OOMn VleW In w*·1o-llMdl COfOM -..., ... uon. ...... 000 ....... -..me• 1 u~ loen. .... nu /Jn ' . ' . . ..,.#. HERITAGE Qf .'\l f (ti-!<., -------- /Jn ·. . .. '1 • :. J 111 lllYll 'TOllldE mmG llJST SEU 10wner out of ltaM 2 bdrm, cathedr• _...a..., .... ,...k*'-'. ... ,.... ... -... --~-;: .. OOUM, ~ Mlool-...... ................... tocad "*"°" I cer ll"Ot-_. Muo• .... ,.. ltnMaoulatt oondl ton. ~ ....... 000 ... 11111 ....... '10 141,000. wm ~· ., •• boat, ..... lft .,... ............... t ...... ................ . C111DM.YM11·· 79-•l < ·- I • - ." -· 2.2 -Orange County Real Eate1e/An Adv•rtlalng Supplement 10 the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September'· 1982 '!.~~!!!.{'.'.,,}! ••••.. : ~!.!!!!.~'.'.!.'.'.' ••••••• '!.'.!!!!.('.'.,,.'.' ••••••• !'.~!!!.!'.'.!!.{• .••••.• ~ .. ~!!!.('.'.!!.'! ••••••• ~.!!!!.!!~~ .... ~!.!!:!/.!!.'~~..... '!!~!!.!!.~~.'!.'~.'! ..... !~.~~ ... !.~! !~r!.~~!! .. !.~! !'.'!r.!!.fm~ ... !~. !-J!r.!!.~ .. !.~! ~.~~,,.,,. ... !.~f ~~-~mm .. !.~~ !'!!1!!.~tr.!!!!f .... ,.i., ,,.,.,,, ......... '*"" APO TU 1111.m 1~ .UNITS *lllAI •• !!!!!! ........ !~!! NPT BLUFFUARGAINS Reduced over $57,000. Fee land. 4 Br. F.R. Oak flooring. New carpet. Vacant. Now only $287,500. Call Pete Johnson 631 -1266. Reduced over $65,000 Fee land. 2 Br, spa. Contemporary int. View of back bay & Fash. Isl. Now only $260,000. Call Pete Johnson 631-1266. Newport Bluffs is Pete Johnson R&IM~ of Costa Mesa 20~ ..... llftttl Urgent Nie. Condo. 2 bdrm•, 2\.\ ba. Xlnt loc. $1 10,000. 112.000 On. Paymenll Sg47.50. Call owner. 714-8&1-4818 601 LIDO 8th FLOOR Waterfront Condo ADULTS ONLY S ptt1ac\.l.lar V tew $789.~ WllJlam Cote Br<*er lllllT HM• F• llmJlllD ;J I MTTll* l llLL 121.,_ San Clemente pride °' '9st 4 MHtt .. 23 un111 In prime Tuatln GREn T l&ITILI" ~~.':i:i':~ 4 ~~l~:f 18 PIOIFll locallon. 1remendou1 ESCAPES 2901 Catalpa houM with ooean~lllt & Prlc4KI to Mii at $680, potential for further Upgraded 3 Br. 2 Ba. golf courae view. Cloae 000. 15% down and development. Call for s .. mountain proper1y family -room. molllng • to everything. only 3 owner will FINANCE at cte11111. 759· 1501 or lls11ng• In IMng color on mu1t 1elll Owner yntl old & ahowt Ilk• REASONABLE RATES. 752-7373. 2870 San Cabfe Talevlalon l'I 720-1211 NEWI New OWMr could Can't «>Mt prkl9 for .... M lguel Or. Newport South Orange Co. on oceuoy 3 bdrm., 2 bath thlft 3 'If old propeny Beech. T.V.R.E ch1onel 29. BAYFRONT C()fl)() clty &oceanvlewapl.lf thl• clo•• to the nightly at 7pm , or a1)911cable 6 rent the OCEAN. Call Times Mirr°' ch8llllel 3, other 3 apertmenta fOf ...... a ... -Friday. Sat & Sunday Income Setler wtll help .,.... evn. For more Info: finance & SAVE ~ (114) ltt-1111 Great ElcapH. 8011 2 II 2 II, SIH... thouHnd1 of dollaral ljc.~ ... i:.a.:. ~~l:..:...~~;11=;;a~i~F ~~1f.·. ':1318:a~r ~.~i REDUCED Mlll119 price ..__ w. 1._ 714/SM-9490. F .. land Oul.landl""' of $215,000.00 la wey nfMI -..... lllTll --------. .,. BELOW current r......,a-•••••~0. •••••••••••~ bay view from this Ill-c e m • n 1 c 0 1 il'i 1 Cannery Vllleoe comm 1 Prime com..-location lel • .., W.... xury ~v°FRONT Prtnclpa1• ONLYlll CaH bldg. S2:20,000. Term•. c:,.:ii.:.·~~~~ Ill .,... PROPERTIES OWMI' at (714) 973-8779 Agt. velopment •r••· Fully llOllAT e.42 5002 842 O 131 11__ rented and priced to Natural Geot~ Hot . • tr-• 1ell 11 $477.000 L.H. Springs on 12 deeded YIEW :!!,r~J~~LM(e.t) i.. J•a .,,. ll.ll Owner will nnaoce.. eeres with Nat'I F01•t Ulllfl Sll,000 l:P=atll=l=ld=o=A®=lt=Condo==::l Sale: &osa'.ooo. L-C.•l1tz... 1111 ::. ~Cl!.,.~• oi:,or~~~~ IUll II ~ ~ ~t= : GORGF.OUS CAPE COD in Newport B S30001rno Incl. utH. a ••••;(:••••••••••••••• ,_ 20•000 aq. It. tllt up warm Springe cr .. k. H PANORAM C VIEW ~·14':.8~~ auoc leM. FurnlaMd. E,11str111 Ina ~ ~n.0~r~~~n!: :=..on ~·"at:. .. r!!~ Only 8 ml from WOtld gts l •expansive 4 wlll help Agent The Eitel Agt Rita. Elegant New Enaland F1mou1 Sun Valley Bdrm, FAMILY ROOM & POOL. BEST 646-to.« 752-5710 11y1e country metlOf ~ i.--------~;.~~~::, ~m~7~: Skiing. Extraordinary BUY in the area. SELLER IS READY to , •-•n 111 .... IUYllW Ullm cated on • wood9Y .,.. -Ave. In Coate Mesa. opp. to develop • prl-negotiate al $550,000. ......_ lot 4Br 4ba. 3 frplca, Oflllded Into tour 5,000 vate, c:ori>Of•t• °' rell-IN VERSAILLES/NEW 180 degfM vl9w. L..o. gourmet kHchen, exten--aq. It. unit&. $950,000 glous retrNI. Ottered Security. pool. ,..,....,.'°' •d glau, oak tloora, alve '*' panetlng. ci. owner wtll nnance. for • llmlteel time only. IEWNllT IUll IEWt = ~~~ ~f.;:: ~~ci: ='·a:= ~ ,:!:.· ~ ~ 0:~ Lido ealty TILT " s1s5,ooo cun111 llEllCtl S1M,OOO . 3% to bkrs. $441,000. amenities. Seller wlll 673-7JOO Pride ol ownership CONTACT: STUNNING CUSTOM home OVER Owner wlll nnanoe amall dn. 8«-8&99 buy down eidatlng 1oan property 100% leHed Dav1d v. v. Helmbac;h 3000 f f QUALITY FEATURES' ot WlrY attractive 2A to t 1.5% • fantestlt ._~~~~~~~;~;~~=~==-=~~ on Segerttrom In South IOAHO REAL TV AS· B sq. l. 0 , O S d · sq ft 3 bdrm horM In ILIFFS • VIEW termt. Call tor more Santa Ana. Approx. 15, SOC. uy al builders cost. pen atur ay Newport'• Upp« 8tck Fee land! End unit. po-lnlorm1t1on and an 300 aq. ft. with 5 quality 208-72&-9699 1:30-5:00. Asking $349,000. ::1t.~.•:!2~i:e• 11 r~~r 1~ .. II~~~'.~ aps:;.:, ~ Sl50,000 •H•DllM. ~14 :::~d 1~1~~ ~~~O~TY IEWNllT IEllm IUUllS iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~ ~.~~4~j~~ist~;!• GALL 411·2112 2.'~:'.'.!'111 :~:000 owner wlll 208-726-8453 I have 10 SIZZLING PROPERTIES B''LBO' ISl'fl) ••Niil -w 2 bf houM .. studio .,..n um Liii AlllWIUI from FIXERS at $147,000 to prime ft' n n . -•• ZOtled lot art atudio. gift 133 acre• In Hemet Hamltelr Lake Front VIEW LOTS *260 000' Call toda BAYfRONT Brand MW 380nn. 2ba. lhops, antlqu., etc ...... I planted In Grapefruit REDUCED $80,000 to at• • . y. tam rm, 1 ltoty home. Owner wlll carry fl· end Orang••· Top S515,000. Owner tin. High wallt w/.-C Gtt•. nanclng '°' 25 yeara. q~ production With 7 1 4 -8 4 t • 3 2 7 8 o r Sale Ir ...., Maximum prtvaey 6 loW 4?.L'IIDt~ctl\'iu Only 1 135,000. Call future potentlal for 714-337-3135 avt-w 11111111 IE /IUI 111-1211 mllll'ltenence. Seller wlll \. 769-1501 or 752-7313, 1ubdlvl1lon. Manage· 1--.-,-.-... --__;:;...._ __ ..... fll ...... tlnence w/fow Int. r11te. 2870 San Miguel Or, IMl'lt avaltable. '2.500. -_, .... .._ .._ ____ ... 1245,000. a.cti ooo A tu11urloul top qullllty fl • Oii i------• ,._ -.,.. ....., 12-4 · t7l 4t •7J.44do· auper eMfOY efflclenl '!.{•!!~! •• !J!. ••• !.... """"' wmn 111 ... 10 2MI 1•... IJIJlU .. JIH :,an;r:,u~cer~ Open Sit/Sun 9-5 Today'1 bargain, to· FOR SAL£ BY OWNER 1----------o• on ftlrwoy of golf 24041 Sprig, M.V. morrow'• trN1Ur'91 Nice ~~~~~~~~!riiiiiiir/ifiiWiiilr-~~~~~~~~~ HARB " COUfM In e11c:IU9lve -Be1ullful pool home. big llvlng room with 1.: aAWllW/lr ...., cured adult p.vk, ....-.. VERV aaumable lo.n. 3 llraptace. big mHtar 8lun. amall 3 bf MIQle Ull UI .... 1~ vlftl, big ~ bdrm. 2 ba. A/C, 120. bdrm wtth flf~ and itory condo. Good toe. • -....ovate lot. 3 or a Pill I I d __. 000 cuh, $142,500. = r,,,,_, On quiet S 1t9. 5 O O . Ag t . 8d...,.. ,... •• .., ...... _ f o. rg tan ac•~ Owner w111 ctrry btl. _,, 844-5215 rms. ~,....,., em rm, lot, .... than• ye9I' o6d. 1213)145-4934 $350,000. · 2 tr pica. ahuttera. condo AJC. pool ... i\ Dn1•111n 1Jf AtlfK. at 1125.000. c.11 · 142-1211 Aff•lllLI $215.000 a-.imtble 11t curlly. oa1e. H3'.ooo. 3 BA 2 BA. S.C. PIU.a. llJrbor lhH-,.tm~-nt l'o ~ (7141 340~160 211/211 -AOUlT M081LE HOME at 10.75%. Ouerded Owner 979-0775. pool, !*: .. 181,950, -1~~~~~~~~ or write P.O. 2728, Loft 1400 sq 11. Over-PARK ON THE BAY. geo1:·. tcennllall; ,:;· .. "'pp791.' ·--· ._ __ .. ,._ ;~~~1~1~. Ownr, SeYeral delug 4-Ple.dl. Plllm Delert, Ce. 12290, looking M . V. Goll 12 3 bdrml WIUI 1 end 0(1 • - -_.. 1nc:1 Covlftgt In c:hol-fOt detalle. Courae at Lake M.V.. 2' be. ALSO RENTALS. e.40-8227 ····;;EAN·;R<>Nr··· OCEAN FRONT locattone Oflt ,., el,,.,, Incl. tOK upgradH. $25,000 to '88.500. 300 ••-.. 3 8 tV. b d Decot furn 2+ bd 3 rso 000 d .. 'er :-125K, t0% dn, bal. at E. Cat Hwy Unit 1, ~:::·:-H•tooo acto!i trom .:..:" .!; be, 3 car Pfit·g. l500K. OWll. ioena. 0;~n. :n,:. •• !J.IJ~ ....... !l!f 81~.2ePe.2R .. Hlci<ey, llQI, Newport e-cn. Bkr. Owner 11nenc1110 •• Tri: pier and ,_ lhopplng. Qu•I. buyer• only. Ag t . e 4 & • e 1 o o : ,,,,_ lllWPllT llTI 875-3347 level 5 8dnn Mcluded Lo uaumable 11t p1U1 Enclnltu, ~ (714) 549.1see . 3br/2btl, laml~m, pool, yatd IChoola. ~ owe. OWner ilea !Ult M-1098 1-,..,.--.,---i.i.---,.,--!'!'.r.!!.~! .. !.~! MYDllHES 1441 Galuy Orlw 4 Bf. Den. Forrnel Din- ing Room, 2 Flreplecea, 3 elf g.anoe plus 1-ve Hobby Room. Pool ttz. ed lot. beaut. land· ~· Owl'IW wlll .... 9111 at flnenclng. Only $420,000. Open Stt/SUft. 1·& Robfnaon: AeeftOf ..... , llST Ill mtnY amentt 118K. 11 ,;.., by. °'*' s.tl ~<21r'°9> ,d: :~r,· .... / •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 hou... on lrg 101. 8y owner. 548-tM& Sun/Mon. Submit all A W • 8 W J9'1r .,,, It'-I,,, M8lln beyfront lot for 2 Totll price 1162,500. ........ 1K • ortera. Aj.•nt Hedde ,:•lty orld • ••••••u•••••••••••••• 1ge c:onCSoe on Penlft.. Excell. owner llnlncl119. ltte,OOO. 3 Br twn. on Maro11, 48·1044 or °" .. TU -.la 1ul•. Sandy beach. ClJrt H«bertl II, egt. 644-1742. ...fl Iwaa ,. .. -1346,000. Pencll9 ouU 83M2te giant 110' tot adlolnlno If .... •••••••";';If::;;........ -•••-11Unt Aigt. nttur• center. 'treoe/ Old Spantah Charm: Sen a.m.M Pftde ofl---~,;;:_ __ _ ftlllfll -auto or 1 Own11ot. We11clltf 3 Ir. huge coeee Aoytii, O'*tOok· ownerahlp, modern .. all Prof. d«lotatect. """ a ,_iM_•_•_3e0_._4_t4-43t& ____ , yares, top cond • .., pertc ~ -1 or Allo 9Mctl ---• • """ ._ ...._ Bf, L.A., o.R.. F.A .. bla I• a_., ~~· !:; = 3 181 Holly or: ~"""°:""'-=.! --DTITI LIT kltdl .. hlgrl ~ oe1i:. 8eedl 1 bloc*. oomm. 1219,000. Ceil 133-12'0 .... 2157 or ••1900• ro·.:.ft9. Onf1 a ...,. .... =· .,trptc,,;.,C.; ~ pool. $210,IOO. owe . . n· II at6.. i.J ..... )'Ml'I o6d .. etlOW9 Ilk• 1.e tor .. wllh l•ro• .,: 31 C# ger. A~ &% down. Cell 54f.4811 II I AD r::;:................. NEWI .... owner could bultdabl• pad. Alt VtlUe at '3?5,000 and ~-Otuirmlng I br flOfM #e6llt -OCIQ"1Y S Bdml .. a beth ouetom prop•tllM In yOU °"" tN ~ p._ BIUIT U -w/l)UMt room I beth, hf M 11• cft)' I CIONI' v19w -'· If aclualve .,_ Wiit! -trtdl Ti 911 iMe lie bttclc oello l trpto. •••••••••••••••••••••• 84>PHcabte I tet1t tfM •u• of horn•• from 4 9drm. 4ba. 3 •Jr.· ,.rench doora. le1t -II' ~ 3 ~ tor 1700,000. Prioed NO • ~ro. ~1.ic:°",. •• 1r:: pr•c• 1n •·~•hor .. 1 24 x '4 _..,, 1·.1C2a' 1noome. ....... ...., ooo under ~. ,.. 540-2MO .. tor ~ '234,000. "-· tenna. •nclOMd .,... llgflt ~ I SA~ ~ ~ 1tt & Seiter R llllUIT i.....-------i ownetl~ .....,,._......, ......... tflOUMIM• of dottant will aubord •• A.tltlnt $640,000. aui.t .,... Br, cNrl, ~Ille oondot 831-M • .:.:::...aoo ~~;"· I "'-2 ::i=~':\ ~ ~te6:c'ii ..., ... 11 Walk to Udo ~ 3 .... .... HetbOf KM 1. 27t, _,_ ... . Ml.OW a.Tent ,.;;;;. _,._. So ~e1on Coast N._.YI.._ ··--n.Mr tnd PASTURE. Coat Hwy fronteee. 1175,000 With S40t< dn • Mlence It 10%. IU/141·1111 ~,,,,.., ...., · n11 •••••••••••••••••••••• IH&tlf ml. DTITI 8'° 11PI. Street Peeo Aoo. 934.49 78 .... 55 ea. In you111 vlMyerd. Drip '"'•••Ion. 2 hOUHI 8alenOe of Ofound ,.... dy "°' plln11ng. $700, 000. 'Terme. bdrm. 2"' bett'I, .,_,.. 000. Ownr /a9t • .._ -~ ~ .--...... ...... __. m •rt I ..... ... tplrat Otlt etelrwey, You -.. i.Mt. 2.000 7IO-llt1 -ooc:llMof ~ tV, '" OWfW • ,...,,.._..,.. _._" ooet P~rl '•1 ... ,, '-I 2 eq ft. a fMI"" ~ bcttl'll. 2.,. ba. OfMt I 8fVt la. dbl OHL'flt! Cell --lit ....._. .. i=m~ch~rel la, wide G,..nbeh. 1i::_ :.::n~l(e: Hr -.. &Id of cu di W gar, .,_,. -.'Cl I. 'I' (71•> .. ~ .. 1·... :'° ..:-r.~J':: va~uu' m~.--3•ft.of' pier a ,..., ~· Fw be10W • • '°' _. 11H.OOO °'*' a.tlun *· •.CICIO. ·an .,., .... -1111 .a..-protection •"•t•m lloval. 8teambath & metllet 1245,000. Wiii to .... MlolMlll 12""• 7 ~ POoC Lii 111,000 dwn. ... ,.. -.& ..... -...... lteked I wncl. i1•.ooO wtllripoOI. All doort to-leaae" option. tnr. mAT., •••·~or TM-7124 Liiie In ~ e.ce. ...._. • .. II ..... 9-per ...., ,.,,.. 9Vllt- llcl oeic •• Aealy ouatom. 844-01)4 • ...... .... -for 111,000. I bdrm, 1 m:rn.fi.fJl!I ......... ., .......... ..._ Cel l<tft ...... 9t ~~:." •So•~/ a~~"r:Msot~ ._.. • •... Open ht/Sun 1.a~ ...... .... ... ~· In .::• .. omm. ,_ WUI dl1. 1171,111. <•> nl-1• 173-4171 Of t75-12" .... ... ~ at. taell.vuu. 3 ~ ...... ' IO l "' 11-Zn°.a . ... ,.,..,. Celt! flow. At· .... , ..... ... , ... L--.11 .. _ ..,. Loe MW°""°"' "°""9 ldtm 3 beth, lie~ o 'toollln" pvt pool. treatM "'" et taot. ~ ._ gnvvn .,,.. ...... .,,.. on 1·~ !049. Opel\ lllll rm. Cell e8ncty. Agt. ~ •rm '°' klde. CICIO. tin LI Pl•...aal trvwe ..... In 3 ,.,.. ...,,...._ $ Bt. 21h a.. lun/MOft 14. 210 Vie •7-4144. ~ lite,_ -.., T.,._, Crow I Co. •••--( ... M-cele. 0orgeoue MOO eq 1n ~ 12tt,IOO. 11n Remo! 0-.laat. ~a R.1. ~./fpto & 1ainia' •, '-~fM ... _;..· .. • °'•...Sllll171 ;;.i.) ~=--·~mi: L.H. •1191< ,._ conver· 175404I flt en.2111 ~ J .. lll"fl'Wlt -'" o.t1ng ldld'I -~-· -•••• .,..,_ ... tlon. 9'enewel 1tt1. .., ..... &Me 1111 llome w/pler I 1llp. ~°'&.m '!.-.; ~ .... -... ... ~I.,., don't ..... e ..... to =..::~°:' = 2111 Cl role Dr. .... --FR AW o.. 1 ml-... "7 -.lrV ~ Al>-_, .,..._,., llRM, _ .... .._ ,_. .. ....,.-. .... IUIO ~ti .. -11an, _.... 1171. olllr. ""' &.utl. Mr .......,. ••••• tet .. Olitr ..._ en ett In .. oilii1 000 or • ..:... · · Haw .amwthino to ""' • ~O:: 3:1"n"'" ooo. HM Li M . 1t1 1• a1 IML M ,.,.......,, l'lllt W• ~Cell""' Mt9teON MAl. TY CIMc:llteel edt do R wel. _.,., ' Cl•--Ml...... ..,. ... ......_ 1...n_ (TM) 711-4410 SS --.• -·--~ ------~1 ·--· -;;. -~ /:-1¥--,--';;'ij.;:o._"• ~ ~J..-i"""~-i ,.-,. --= ~~,. . ,,,..,.. ·-~- 1___,,..... • ._ 0rMg9 Coun1Y AMI ~An ~ ._..,. .. to the DAILY ptLOT/~--_:-:, S.Otambet 4, 1912 -23 ,.....,,.... ~!!!!.!\l!J ••• )t:~~ •• !!!!.ftf: ••. "I.!'! .. ... •• .... !l!!ft! ~ 1'rhl ~!!!!.~ •• -·~ -._,_ 't I ...................... . ••.•..........•.... ~... . •.••..•.. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• fm!!.~.!!./Mf P..'!.!!ff •••••• IMf --=-IM ~ .. -....... !!ff ;..'Wn:.ffllt •• P.M !'411!!.~ •. IMf ..,,..., !'.'lP.!t.lf!.'1. .. 1.~ff ..... .. W&t<LV AV911 ~. 38f Otllllltful 1 Bdrm duplex Nloe 3 "' 2 ~den, •••••••••••••••••••••• CIMn 28' "°me, epe, 21R~•wl ...... • ••••••• !!'JI! •••••••••• nr petll & ooeen. Uttt .._..,.._, .no 3 bcWm 2 M, MW ...... frplo, I Ur fat ... , ~ 114 bllca off ..,.,, SEE AD UNDE'.ft DANA Ille on CINI. LQe eun-Spec. • bf, 3 .,., 2200 PT dedl. 646-1317 u· Frp lc, patio. ....... llerraMgnlt crpt ... a drp•. Tfll• appl, no J>et•. Avall :Ji:· MIC tor ... eq. tt. twMome. Lovely Homes'°' ..... 7511M. M0-11n Co. M1·11M ~ hOIM '* 119 llNNd. •100 mo. (71•) N7· decor. pooWde Mttlng. Cl-. 1029 Junior 1 •. v ......... 5 1'*' Lall• Cf s!2: E.tecla 3 8dr 1 ... 1780. I fi rm wlfr••· ~·7124 .. , ...... AV811. t/15. S1800 mo. on court. 1595/mo . W~48R.'40'111p, 213/817-3282 day1, gt-. 58r, 5bL Avail. 10/1. Call Patty 1i.nd nfc trplo, huoe NO. WOOD, 3br/2bl, 3 bf, 2 be 1Mne Terr. Agt. IM0-55«), 2131317-5800. c:.,. Mell W/1-"" & AalMu ••toe> )Wd w COV'd pe11o a ..,., nn. ..,. oar. ewi11 tlofne. 11400/mo Incl. e.tblllft 38f, -2ba. Avau m S250K. lrede fof rm. Cut-de-MC. AnotMr 38t w/pool. & mcn4 18042 WMWI at tin lllJ0/11t, llft. dep, r::=· 1fS1t Bonnie now 1 1000/mo . Be ltl prop or ? Outttandlng 1 & den, S2200 mo. 780-1 .... 28r apeoe se:r. kltofl. Ed I ng er / Io It a . 562·1042, N7-4114. . 875-1541, 840·901t Arnie or 87S-4eel •und.ck, t>vt beech, 1125/mo. Ind. oarcterw pool & epa fof 1 °' 2 JASMINE CREEK. lovety IQOe a . & AM a weter. Appt. Agl, UNIV. P~N< CMMdr• ITa-22142 131-0838 .... fof Baine , latl ..... ~ oontclentloua .,.,. 3 bf, tamlly, *Ole~ .... .. e..t= N7'4701 ~~ ""• w,_ EAIT8l.Uf'F Exec. home WMerfrottt 4 IA, 3 Ba, .~.'!!!~ ....... ~ eon•. 1750 IN 1 yr. on Jreenbll. Guard ~1 ber, • .. "'' 3 br. 2 be. den, '°"'* · 12oao mo. Bo~ I.all .... agt 13M2ee rt . Poola, tet'lnl •• 8HA.W 1 IOMA FLAT BEACH ~-Lro a .,._. ,...., '° --W. .a a"ftar:: tnltt be awl. I ..,,_ ti. NOOO down vall. now. -11800 mo. -In. a..~= tor 3 br hOUM, end WATEAFROHT t t. 144-8017 or .. • ... ue..4l1t0 den, que.M 911t, cM-.., MO, "91 • <OMO • 3 bdnn, 2 be. Genioe: 1500 per 1non111 for HIGH NSE CONOO 844-0GeO. ... .. 7IM040. carport \t bllt 10 baactl. ~um•nt•. "°°° mo """" EMlllClt 4 "· 2 be. ~ dacor, ,.,,.. ... trpl ~-=:,:.= Community pool and 1 85-9837 ...... c...... "" rrd. Kida/eel• o . HQ Pit~ El tarm• fll.'!!f.!!!!t ... IA!f lennle courta.. 258 Wei-2 " ooeenfront Ma. 110 mo. ro/ce'IV ~':s·~~~ ""' Sell 8unJ Mon t-5 ..... M1W MQOtmo. Exdu-...................... H~ae, 842-H 0 or ,..._~ 537_.70 EMERA.LO IAY. S er. 2 1M 19t. Ma 752-5710 OC.AEHTALS Be. frPc, brick patio aft 5PM. IAll llY •••••••••••••••••••••• 1~5bt'• S200 to S2000 842-1010 . Mistie 3 8' 2t>ath 1695. wtltl =: 11500. 213/ ..... hnlMttl Udo Weterlronl Homa 750-3314 °'*' 7-deys l&nlm Safety tncd for kid•. 178-22 • Npt Terr. 38f 2'M>a, 1P1. I.wt. hlWnN on Univ. Or. ,. .••.....•..•.......... 5 bt, tum. 0 mo. IM. &500. Cottega 2 BA 1 1 BR, 1 a. ... 1375 mo. char m1ng..1ocal•. 3 8' 2 Ba. OOM(I w pool, OW~· 1725 mo . 3bt, 2 bl, 3 cw "8'· ....,,.. II• 11500. M0-5273 agt 639-1191 I Alty • M25/mo, Arch a..cti 55 ·7074 tpllt · level. 1950/mo •••••••••••••••••••••• BA, dining ar... fncd 2 BA. 2 Be •. "560 mo. fea. ~· Avall tt 1 . agertl 64t-7N2. Call U1 tor YEARl Y or 2 Br, 199 =rm, pello. yd, gar, very clean. Bkr. 769-1234 2 bdrm, 1 be, appll· WINTER rwtlalt. Aeglr ~ ,MC.dep. Chlldrwt OK, no pelt. ........... UPU IAYll 12 att 3PM. enc••· drepH. quiet ... a-.. .. 1n1 Propet11et 975-<4000 2 & 873-1187 213-471·1871 btwn 7 & Huo• 4 Rm, 2ba. Modarn 3 Ir. 3 la, beecll loc. 1525 mo. .............•........ IPM wkdYS-Newer 3 BR 2'A b• 'Leale to 7/1/83. AVlll 2 bdrm condo, 2 ba, WINTl:A RENTAL ...... rw.nu.w --twnhte, pvt petlo, 2 cw mutU.remtty wlw cp1'9, per!Olemlc ooeenl ~ Sept 15th. °'" by 115 frpc, den, welbaf. ON· 3 bd, ,.,. ba, 1750. ...................... S325. Cottage/duplex, ow. bkt. 759-1234 lu•t now 1450, cell view . 1880 /mo . 211h 81. NB . Call Beau eurt view. Steps 973-2348 or 873-3915 .._.i 11n ~ reconditioned, --53M1tt. BMI Atty • 2131378-3119. 87$--3148 ...... 10 beech. 1750 per mo. ...................... fee. HARBOR OCEAN FRONT 492-1919 .... IEITALI !*lJ91, 1 BR w/ MUna & fncd r,_d. No LANDI.ORO cto.n'I 3br, 2ba. 181 dbl oer. Nu 3.200' lux hm on SUPER DEAL 3rm w/ IMJ ... htduu• '111 Yearly·W••kly-Wlnter, ce1•. 213-4 1-1871 cat• •bout rnoneyl 1795 mo. 1 11 c:"/r blUff. 180 dag.. "" of cozy I ••.................... 2.3,4 Bdrm•. 1wn 7 & SPM wkdyl. sr rent tor Lane . 879 -59 1 tlarbof. turf, mtn1, 3bt. kltch, utll:r', $325 ••• C,,..t!!'!!.!~ •••• 1.'!f OcMnfronl wtnter rental. .. IClll IULn 4BR 21 bl w/OOUf'IMC 213-335-48M. . 3ba, securlly, 11un1, OC-RENTAL 750-3314 2 bt, 1 bl, comp, ,.. 2 BR 1 BA duplo, pM kit 4 br. 2 ba, tam. rm, furbltlled. Garage, .... ~Jo 3eO 181h Ptace B. formel din, HOME FOR REHT ~· 11100/mo . On th• w11ar. Supar frplc, blO yerd, 2 car I ......,,dtyflf. Utll paid. 5. '51·8522. CUMom clacor thtuout. 3 Bdrm. 17H. Fenoed 7009. thwp 3Br 3ba. water 9a1. Good loc. 1850 I •1•11111m pd . Dock a v a II . tt7-3t70. a to 5. '°'* 3'· utJll paid, yerd & owage. KJdl & Artlll'• unique 2 Ir mo. Incl. Otrd•n•r, I 11M1ll SpotleH Eatllld• de-pool, ternw $350 pet• welcome . ~ t:· ql.llet 1750 11000/mo . Ajt . -·· & tt..n. 483-2448 !WINTER RENTAL lrO 1bf, latched 4 Br 2bL .._ 842-3073 or 873-77 7 I 1 'M>a. utl'9 lncld, non-rented before. Ownef ~ UNDERMAAKET 545·2000. Aoanl, no & 11111. 97-6500 ,,.,. Au "" •mkr, no pet1, is25 , ...... 1 ... Ren~ .... New E11ec. home on pertlculer. 2 kldt <*. no 537.at70 2 Br, view, •t•P• lo WATER. 2 Bdrrn1, r,:. ...•.......•.••.••••.. mo. 875-5471 Fully furn Bach. In ~ell, no 1moklnf. '"'-"" beach, 11100 J>f mo. 3 8dr 2 Ba townhome, nr ... Furn. llM, 1 BR. 1 1>111 ~etd gated oommunlly. 850 /mo . Ca I ...,, __ ..............•.•..•.• Darrell, aot. RE/MAX den, dock av111a le. S.C. Plaza. A/C, frpl. I 12500 l'ly IH. A,I. from ocean or bay. ool, epa.. M25tmo. M-4·7211, 901. Jutt In time • fin« 28' WIEIU 759-1221 &42.-307 or 973.n3 OIW, refrlo, ltCMt. pool, 203\4 E. B«y, 1350 mo. ..... ,..,.,... E'tlde 3 Br, 2'~ ba, trplc, ~ IOOenl decor, oool 3 Bdrm del•ohed ~.!'!!: ..•. IM! spe & rnuoh mofe. No Cen be ..., SaVSun, Av•ll turn Of unfUrn., 2 petloe, dedt, dbl ••• ~· 4 '1Udll & '*'-In uoellent .,... ..... pett. 11t & .... req'd . 11-3 tant .. tlc location w/ tadl OW w/-.C oClfV. &:!t • y other1 al Avallabte lmmedllltely. HOME FOA RENT Dek&x. new 2 Bf. 2 bl. L••••· Avt ll now at $700/mo. ~ 979-7100, !WINTER 3br, 2 Y•ba, views. 2 81', MC. bldo, S750, 1ltltaet S350 MC. ~ 1800/mo on 1 yHr 4 8drml. eqc, home. ffptc, dedl, ow. Secur. ev" 775· 380. Mike 1796. 305 Montaro. pOOI. ltt51mo. Av .. Sept 1, 831-1214 190 ...... Five 01her9 10 1950. Fenc.d ,.,d .. l:i._ One for 1135, one Ooh9rty. 879 -5991 , ..,.,..." .. ..., .... LANDI.OROS/REALTORS cnoo.. from. We're the Otr•oe. Kld l ~II 95. B· 103 SunHt Of'9I to Oii fof ....._ welc4me. 545·2 00. 8lufft eoncso.. comer °' c.Mrzl•lw 213-3S5-4e88. Drt¥e by 1e11 8a)'l6de ............. FHt frM lenanl pr~ AQent, no tee. Vlclorl• & E. Pacific Or. AV811 now: 38' w/ vlderL Call BMt AMlly [g]w...i•rw.<' r.iru.uw If II I 14 Br bayfront w/dock. fem rm a dock . Decore&or perf9ct, :c:: 53M1t4 ~.!'e! .. l!ff Ave, C.M. S.. flrlt ltlln ...........•.•.•...... '! "4000 yrty, S3000 wlnt-S3000/mo ..... cloue 2 bdrm, 2' a, c a ll. 5"'5·tH8 or -Oral~ oondo, '500. •· A\11111. t/10. LWth/ ....... new Cepe COd. Pool, ...... dfll Mar 48t 2ba, s~!: OCEAN YllEW 3br, 2 842-8722, 7eo-oea3. 1 8f & 'c:o..,,,.., pOOI J.R. PROPERTY Ftntatlc locdon: 28f, i-c. racnallon --. ~ ":A:td, trptc, 1750/mo "--l107f mo. 14a2 llUYlllYIU &treMI. .,.._ AViil MANAGEMENT p1llo, balcony, w ne f • 491-22el Terrece W*f, 71CM37t. 811. 553-1141 I ,.,..,...., remocl. ltltctt-.... ITU< ...... ,. •• ,. .. . 87M173 celltr & lg• oaraoe. 48', Ha Me, nr Falntew • 8f 3 Ba. oomm. pool en, fofmal dining. Bflgtlt Oecofator waH paper, ~.~ ••• Y.!l l 1300mo Santa Ane .,.. w.,,., ..... 28A. winier l'9nlal & lllfy. I 1100/lnOI & .... 8"111 Od 1. BTIU FalMIW. 3 It nt BA. 2 . on la I boa Penn .......... draperlH and more. 1780 mo. M2'4771 foJ Ho. FOf' RENT I 8f 2 Ba. 11250/mo to atory, nr 8C PIGll, A/C, I i1050/mo . Call 2 to• Wrme. ~ mo 1 1,000mo. Agent N1·1-646-2238. 10-.30 to 5:30 appt. at MS() --to ~-3 Bdrma. H5C>-S725. 3 Br 2 la, 2 c ar, crpl, ~ pool, Jac2. ln-eatO 3 br, 1\4 ba. fancad F-enoed Y8'd & ow•-comm. pool I 1050/mo petlo, gar w/opeiw' .... ,.. ,., pm. ~ Kldt & ~ .-com.. non-1mkr, no i>•••· ~.~!t ... 1!.ff Lard, j."· 20201-e 2 Br 2 B•. tar . .....•....•....•..•.•• 3Br, 28e Condo nt Me-lrch t.. Sant• An• 't~ 545-200 . Ao•nl, no St7Slmo 1700 mo. 714-~7029. l:m.-ald Bay, ""' beach, On the beld'I, 2 8r lux. rtnert Pk, claan, all fe-~·-1830. C•ll .... Hava otMrt. Aol Fred BIG CAHYOH 2 bf, 2 ba. pool•, 1ennl1 court•. condo, oceen vu, ... ell. 1780 mo'. 497-2149 1927. !t.VPJ!.~ •• 1.f.! Tenore 131-1218 leMll. pool, MOO av.it oc.an view. 3 Bdrm. CIUf1ty 1750/mo. eoo E. NM"ICY EAITSIOE 3br, 1ba. "J: 131-2711 ~. M4-7te7. l 3ba & OU .. I hOUH. Oceanfront. 9974382. IM:I\ • .., 1~ oc-MNTAl..8 l1IOO/mo wlMer Nf'ltal al-3084 kllch, ~ lot. '700. 871 .. w e«ioo I 1.5f)t'• aaoo '° aooo 8'ldf9 • er I 1300/mo 10 E'elde C.M. oondO, 3 Br , 0( 12200/mo yrly. .... OC-REHT T5C>-3314 nut. 50-0041, A't 7f04814 °'*' 1.-. mo. a.,.. ..,.._ ~ 2be. .. ywd. frplc, 2 714flM-0047 •cnee. ~ •• 131·1 car oar, pool, Ju. I ,_.,_ 1111 KOO\. OFF 2br w/pool, ~~31r.2.,. 172Slmo. 131·7906 0tr ~mmaculate wood•Y LAROE KITCH£N w/8AA STEPS TO BEACH ' ...•••.•...•...•.••.•• lg '523CAlllSDa:IMtl ... 2 blOCIU to beacfl, 131~ ~. Reoenlly re-Pen. Point. • bf. 2 ba. 2 8t>f. 2bl. d9n. trpl, "' doee to~ & --11r ..... ' bakare kltcll MORE yd, Obi Ceo teedy 10 842•70 ............ inodeled and redeco-trptc:e, petioe, no oar. 1475 Wood~ ...... nil. M2-tta. ,...,, 2 bdrm, ,.,. bl 11100/mo. 175-6030 move In. mo Ae9 3 t>df1'I ,,.; den, 3 bl. OC.AENTALS 750-3314 4t7·aota , itu1 b90llllV9 3 bdi 2 ~ ..... w.tCllfl I Ir, den, of'-8r:.'°r Udo .... home. lndudlnO dlolno room. Ill.Ill ~?? lad\ """ WI 762-l040. MMY Elcttlll 1400tmo -. 2.,. ... 2 • .i:· , hobby rm 0tr otc.. flrtOlace. 2 mr ---~•unny dai:k oo.r.. From ~. 3 uttl-9d. yd SUS tea•e. 552·•···· ~,nopm . "'*' room, cllnlno ""· ed. 2 'lf: n... Xlnt. lno can~. 3 HOME~ AEHT 651·2193 or NT_...1 oountry ldlofl wltwtck. 1715. 7 1314 blk1 lo beac •nd BR comp fUm 2 lg peo-OC.AEHTALS 7~14 3 • 4 ldrm. 17H4780. -137 411or141 loat = d9c*.f:; .... 1lore1. Winter ranl•I tloe nr 8elboe PW. 2 Sant• Ane HeltMa 38r, Fenced~-· & 011' T"'11arod! uec. 2 mllll· CHAMt. ~!dad a er. f\#n I ~. ,,...,_ IMO per mo. blMIOBay& .. ~ b10 yard, vacant. MOO eoea. & pee& ..... --. den, 2"' ba. l1MO, a car tll'age. HYH. A ...,. 11, 11eoo. •• ~ ••••• 111! 4t7~ l850 mo. 9 ,,.._ mo. Siu. 5*4114 coma. 548-2000, A,gent, ftltl 144-tOIO, Jacw111. leeded w/ l75-3MO rao····~-.1.~!! E.Oc1•1t10ftl, 873-Me1 no tee. 17M581 frenofl wtndOWt , lllY· Rancho l•n Joaquin. I t BDRM • 1 BATH wllt\ .... 29r '" Modal Townh<MI .. In 3 Bf 2 Be MOO yrty. No ~2:i. 1460. E'aldl. 4 BA, 3 a., fofmll dlr*'I 'bd, 2 be. ... bit, "'°' ~ta. 11800/MO. ....... 2 pdol. pool, tnllna. 2 bd ... den. ISLE • 3 bdrm, ftm Ptlfa. A\11111 t/15. rm, fMlly ~ oo-tar~ yardi no ~1. 2111 m.22S1. nr a9'opa & bUHI. ona u. n1oee1 In the .. rm, 4 Ba. 11700 mo. J.A. PAOPEATY ~,;... 1-, 15, . MA~EHl' Elegant s er. 2'4 ~2 V9Nd Plldo. .,__ '°' ............ ~ ........ dell'elOPf'Wt, llH/l'l'IO --91gf, ...... .,., 11.000 11..,..., •• .,_, llrVi ~141 OCEMW'AONT 2 bdrm, t7M173 ttol'Y, pool/I~ • mo. Joan aracey .MNQ;t:! ,.,.. ....... ~ 1111~· 1 Be 1700 mo. 8111 e.....i•"" nlltled 11100. ntutn ..,...._ ..... 1. ne1rt1. At•" I -:.*:I !111!1!.lm!B ... GNndy, Mr, f7M1t1. IMO, =-14 ........ ~~: ...................... :T',~T~.r-. •. MfTlll 80. MYPRONT -· tton'8 '°' .. ~I 8d Homa.. "'°"""" HOUR ..., ....... ...... Coron• dal Mar • Ma.MIO 14a·1010 ~~~ ........ '~ ........... =-= .......,0... ..... ..... -411r,I,._..._ ... 11700/mo -. Ill HW1• --gr· _ ....... .,.... ' ;:,· hMOllM .... .. ..... 01•. 'Ufl••· :..-""' .. ._.-:,~in= .,.. .. 7llM1'Cll, 17f.a1'" . ... 1, s ..... t .. oondo. OC•ft'N.a ::,.....,. 1am111.n1::1iltt ITIN TO eQH, a er & ~CNlll. ....... S v-.-w.-.: ...... ,..,.. -to -le' --. ,. ........ •. ~11l 2twa01, er. ~ ""· -n; to CIOUftl. ...... 1 71CMaM CIPlfl ?~ :r-"tJ-l:lWI''' ............. ..... ' = & tenntl. 1MO. OI t7$-0l1I ............ ,= ..,_..,,..,.I *'J,. ..at .•.. _ ... 14 I 17,4111, N140. Nr bdl ..., -~ 1~ .......... DCRANfftONT d'f:•• I MAJ 1 ... 11P unit, 211 "*"" ,_,. ..., tdd ............... ., ...... -...... lllO.A~ ,..,. \t Ml ........ lrt ...... 1710.2er ... , ........... A "'1flleoe.= oc.MNTM.8 71CM114 den. ""' ~=-.... ·r=:-·· -... M0-4111 ,.. ,..,. & ~1, mo. 111 & ....... 2 er oondo. a-, .. ,,.... .. ,., ........ ...-....... ..... ~. ftO -..... 000 mo.~ 7 7 =.-:· "42·1Ht. Oevtft ~:.=. a =-a.:.-...... 7 U · I 41 ·II7t , I .. , ... ~ ::~Lti.tretc, oloM to mlD• .. tn-1117. -, 12 ldrm cottage • a '871/MO ..... ............ I llery, ..... E ..... pref. .. ..... • adr 1" ••• -u•et Crow. Alt ..... , .... :::r, --'°°"' .... ,,11000. 1 ,, l•e l •••• ... ............ :.::-..... ""· .... ......A.iM. . TV.,_ IUD, mod. 1100. Doe, ~ti ~--· ..... 11. ~ -~~~ ...... . ........ 1u. ... no.am .• , .. tS 1 • "' ...... f' "'"I' 111'417& •ottoola • 1hop/lnJ1. a er 1 11 --:.rear. ~ ............ -=.-tT .... . ........ Avalll t0f1. 1 0 PIM .._.&owwettt 1n . 2br, trpt, oer, ocean 211114 407 """"" .... .. 1'1'-~--11""9 tlllllf'IN .... 1•nl. ... ....-~.._. • I .~~·ap . , . v'-SIM bofl. no -. l700/lllO ..... 1. ........ ..,, '" ....... Dllr,_ M ............. _. -,,.....,, 1411. 'et. t er. ano mo. 71CM01t. llllde loe. ,aeeutttul, I ....., fumWled, ...... ... ., 1*99 lft dpflc. =.-:: I llr, I lie. '--~ L I ~ 1100 /llftO . LN "" •""*-....... pool. a • "'· F• IMllllll 1. a:n; IO Of It~ rwd. ldt. ~ ' I "'°· 11114 """'~ I -; --' Ml· OI 1411111 '. I ·a ... ,,,,. ..... ....,,,. ... , ....... ~ . --" . --. --l ~-~ -~ -~ ' ,... ---"\ ~ !•"' " . ~ I::...._ ~. ,.-.,.. / -) J-.r " "~-.) 4 . --~""' ,. -. ·.w , .. ..r--. I r I I I I I I I I' I I I I I, I I I I I I I. 1' -· ·- - I J 2_. -Orange County RUI Estate/An Advertlalng Supplem t 10 the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 4, 1982 / .lllt,.., 1111,IOI -Sparkting pool home In ' Newport Beach! This extenstvety remodeled 3 Bdrm+ den home features a wetbar, dramatic use of mirrors, Malibu lights, covered patio, etc. Has great terms and the seller Is flexible! Call 546-2313 . .SUlflll, Ult ,Ill -Country club estate, 4 Bdrm, 2 story! lmpressJve sunken famlty room, garden kitchen, bullt In llbraryt 2 fireplaces! Custom patio with beautiful landscaping. Assume low Interest loan I Call 963-6767. ..l1tltllt', 111,111 -4 Bdrm 2 bath fixer. I Fantastic opportunity for a starter family home in a good area. Seller Is desperate! Call 546-2313 . .P4.-, .. ,,... -Very affordable! Superb 2 t B<trm condo In growth area near South Coast Plaza, with community pools, IP• & clubhouse. Assumable financing + seller terms. Act nowl 646-7171. JJH1111, 1114.,llO -Possible 2 on a lotl Home located In beach area on double lotl Existing home Is absolutely beautiful! Assume long term financing; no qualltytngl Plenty of room to build a oecond homer Call 963-6167. .JJJlilll; 111,IOI -Home Is In foreclosure •. and must sell this weekend. 4 big bdrms, tamlly IMng room, country kitchen, two baths, big corner yard great for family living. Freshly painted Inside and out. Take advantage, call now. 546-2313. .UU-1141--9W% --.wnable IOllnl 4 Bdrm home ctoM to beachl Onty S 1-4,200 down! AMUme 157,000 loM @ 9%%, 1494/mo. Md owner wtll carry eecondl 983-e787. PRICES-SLASHED BdcK to--- Sc hCX) \ s_~cia\s .llll1I•, 1111,111 -Luxury condo, was alreedy IQW priced at $189,500. Now 19 only $165,000. HN alt the amenltl•, profeuk>nalty decorated, mountain & city tights views, private balcc>Nel + patio, crackllng ftreplace, country kitchen & spa. High aaumable loan and aefter wlU auist. Call 546-2313. .J.1'1,Ht, 1111,HI -Prime reduction. Motivated aetler aays mow ltl 3 Bdrm Coata Mesa home now reduCed $4,0001 Call nowl 8"46-7171. •• m.--Drastic reduction! Fantastic opportunity for flrat-tlme home buyers or lnwetora. Low down, tow monthly payment1, aaumabte loan, letter wtll help with financing. tt~fJY, thl1 one won't tut. 546-2313. .1141,11•, IUlt!:I - 3 Brand new condomlnlumal 3 utlfut new townhomee, big, big rooma throughout, akytlghta, upgraded ttle, C#P9ttng and taeteful decor. all top of the llne appllancee. Fabutoua buy at $130,000. Call 546-2313. .llMslll, 1111 .... -4 Bdrm fixer! Priced thouAnda l*oW martcetl Thl9 poof home 9Wf'I h• ftnenclng and Miier term.. Shoutd be owr 1140,000I c... today, 141-7171. Jl'lalll, 1111,Ht -Reduced! Aeducedl A9duoedl eu.tom home ~ and IUper View of Newport'• upper Bay end cfty ~at 4 Bdrm 2 bath bargain. Call nowt 7171. .J1•1• 1111,111 -Huntington Beach Dupktxf Attention Investors! One 3 Bdrm unit and o:ie 2 Bdrm unit! Excellent area. Seller wanted to sell yesterday and reduced price $15_,9501 Assumable loans and owner will help finance! Catt 963-8767. .JJI-., Ua.--Harbor View Hiiis beautiful executive home with private canyon view, this Is the spacious Monterey model home, perfect for family enjoyment or great for the lady who loves to entertain. Two stories with 4 big Bdrma, 3 baths, huge formal IMng room, etc., etc. Three car garage. Setler has reduced price drastically. Call 546-2313 for appt to preview. ..UI.,... 121..--Abandoned and priced to sent' 3 Bdrm 2 bath home In Harbor View Homee. Realty good financing and setter wtll aid! Reduced $4,000. Call today! 646-7171 . Jl"plll, 1111.--Beautiful executive home In exclu.lve CdM area. Big, big rooms, formal living room, formal dining, large lot with towering treee, very, very aecluded, walk to the beech. A. rare find. Call 5'46-2313. Jlllplll, ... .--Just In time! Just reduced $50,0001 Now In remodel this 4 Bdrm 31A bath home ha poof & IP•+ view! W1de UM of ltallan marble and fine oak woodwork. Superb termsi + owner financing, a must see! Call todayl 846-7171. Jlllslll, ---2 Story + Pool + beaehl Belluttful garden home. lmp1'911t1M atalrway to muter suite! Private patio! Bike to beach! Spartcttng poof I Aaklng tow lnteteet loMs, no qualtfytngl Call 983-e787 . SPECIALS ... __ $17,000 1 Bdrm-Huntington Beach Mobile Est $38,900 ................. 2 Bdrm-VIiia GrMde Park $42,900 ........ 2 Bdrm-Huntington By The Sea 149,900 .................. 2 Bdrm-Botaa Verde Park 159,000 ............................ 2 Bdnn'"6 Ster Park M1,900 ..... 2 Bdrm-Domlguez Htlla, 913-8717 1~ llllllRUU -Mediterranean VIUa + PoOll 8tep1 to aandl Crackllng ftreplaa.l Aelume "3,300 loan, ~%; 1564/mo. and owww wW cerry Iona wm note et 10%I Only 112,500 downl Call fe3..e787.