HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-11 - Orange Coast Pilot. ' I •• •• ---• -• • ~ -.. • -··------""T• ..... ~~--...----... ·~·-·-...,..-------~•Jll"'llli:-~+P."111•..,~111;,..o-~5.~' ... '~~~~lllll!~¢"!> ... J"Ol!lllli•llltl!ll!!!E!l!!!!ll!llllll!&•llEll&•ZJ1JZll!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!ll!l!!!!!l!llllJ!!!!IJ!lll!!~!IJYY LOCAL FOOTBALL SCORES BASEBALL SCORES Marina 10 Ocean View 14 Angela 8 Newport Harbor 8 Estancia 7 Toronto 2 Mater Del 24 Woodbridge 17 Dodgers 3 See Sports section Fountain Valley 14 University 2 Houston 2 for details 1- DRANGf COAST YOUR HDMfTDWN DAILY PAPER SAlUAUAY StPrl:MBER 11, 1982 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Condo Surf side homes brace raffle for more high tides scrapped By JEFF AOLEH Of the Dall, Piiot 81alt Tht' urgantzt•rs ot ~· dwriwhlt· raffl e fot .t Dana Po1r1t condomin1uni havt' .1n1111urw1•d plans lo l'<.tn<..'f:I th<· druw111g .md refund upprux1m;iL,.lv $40.000 worth of llCkt>Ls Ticke t holdl·r~ wh11 n1ultl number in tht.' thou:.cind:. lol·ally -havt-' until Dl'l' ;! l to mull either t1<:kt•l '>lubs or proof of purchase to a Pa:.adt•na post office box in ord1 .. r lv ulit.."11 n a f u II r e fund, l'Xplatn<·d HarVL'Y Bergren . d I rt'(: t or 0 f pu bl I(' relations for Ele<:truntl' Rl•altv Associates, wh1<.'h wa:. ~pon!.Dr1ng the raffle on behalf o f th1· Orange County <:haptl'r of tlw Muscular Dystrophy Asso<:wticin "We <Hl' 1<1 rm 1 na L1 ng Lht• promotion bl-'(.'etuse of ma1.h't1U~Jll' public· support and lagging tlt'kt•t sales," Bergren said H e ca I I e d 1 h 1· r a f f I t• a "w e ll -meant but ovC'r ly ambitious promotion" that was u ndertaken by a local EHA uffll'e in mtd-1981 The drawing was to ra1St' $~0. 000 for MDA and to provide et lucky winner with the keys to a $250,000 South County <.'Ondo. he said By ROBERT BARKER 0 1 Ill• Dallr Piiot Stall St•a l Bt•Jt·h taty uff1l·1ab suy tht!y'll tak1• t·mergt•nty w•t1t1n next w1•t·k to prnlt'<.'t h11mt•s in lht• Surf~1dt· C'1d1111 v from flooding 111 CXfll'<'lt'<l high t11J1·~ "W1•'v1• gut 111 do svnll'th111g Jnd du 1t f a~L pr w1• .in· ~11111~ l11 loS<.· at ll·asL thr1·1..· Lo six hwrn·~ ... C1 ty Manugl'r A Ill' II Pat kt·r ~aid Fnd<Jy Pu1 kt•r Jbv t.fo.,do:-.<•d th.1l t'1tv Council nwmb<'n. h;,ivp 1nd1t.Jk~l they inte nd Lo apprOVl' a f-iOO-foot sc·awall rn ·xt v1•ar !111 JX'rmant•nt prott•t.:t11111 f1om till' Further. tlw 1·11y 1~ pn·p<11 mg to SUl' lht· k·dt'ro.il i,:11v1•rnn1l'nt for all1•g1•dly t ... u.,111~ tht• ~and erosion ll•at.ling ti• tht.· flooding probk·ms 1n 1h1· f11 "t plut'('. h1· s.rnJ. Parkt•r sw<.I J bulldm.t•r and a -.and scraper from lht• LIS Naval Weapons Sl.Cltion al St•al &•<K'h art• expt•t·tc·d to start work Monday on a short·t.<·rm h<:lsis The he;_ivy l'qu1pm1•nl will tx· moving sand frc1m tht• southl•rn part of thC' bN11•h to lht· north<·rn Reagan: t•11d , whl'n• about n11w f1·1·I of ... uml St'fJ:lratt•s Lht· .,amJbag~1·d honws f rum tht.> Cll'(•an Parker said tht· l'llY µIan~ tt1 l11re a contractor for abou 1 $100. lJ()(J Lo movl' about 100,000 t'Ubic yards of sand to the l'nciangtH'd <trt'.l Ttw work 1s 1·xi-i1·1·tl'd to ... 1.1r1 -;i1on and t11 last from four tu SIX Wl'l'kS 0 r .1ng1· Co u n t y <' 1 <' w !'> '''""ti u1:h•d .J sand barrier 111 front of the hom1'S in nlHJ ·Au~ust but lht· S<tnd has n ow van1:-.h1'll Ut'<',tUSl' of wind and wavt• acl1o>n Parkt•r also md1c<Jted th;.il th•· t'll v Count.•11 1s st'lthng on .t pl.111 for th1· um::.lrUl·tlun of a $till0,0lJO :-.tom· M·<iw<.ill hl'l·aust• of doubt!. Lhal tht· U.S Army Corps of Eng1nl't•rs will pt•rform maJ<ll sand rt•plC'nishmerll next Y"<ir Pllrkt•r S<J1d tht• l'tty hoix~ t(I rn1~e funds for tht• s1·awall hv t•ri·atmg a redc•velopml'nt d1slrl('t in the arl'a Under sut·h a plan. 1nt.Tl'd:;ed pro perty laXt:'~ Lh<il lll'l'r u t• fro m r ed evc-111 pnH· n t ac:t1v1ty would rem<1111 in th<· d1slrtl'l Parkl'r said four lots would be sold for rt'Clt•Vt•lupmrnt .md 20 homes reconstruc tc-d . l>;11 k1·1 ,di;11 ~aid lhf• l'lty IS t.·on1plt·t1ng a not1te of mtt•nlmn t11 su1• tilt' U S guvt•rnment for $7:10.000 ltJ rt'l'Ovt•r shorefront repu1r <.'Os ts h e sa i d are <ittnbutablc· to the rock jetty t•ntrancl' to Lht• Naval Weapons Swuun In Anaheim Bay P.ll'kt•r alleges that the jetty w ,p, n111 s lrul·t1•d 1n the early l !H()., in such a w:Jy that the wctVl'S l'.ir1•m <Jff the barrie r, 1·;.iu.,1ng <1 dual-wavt· at·uun I It· <>a1<l thl· :-.an<l 1s t·arrtl'd .rn .1y to II unungtvn &•ach dnd Nt·Wport &:at•h to tht· south ''ll un11ngt11n Bl'Hl'h and N('v.1J()rt &·a<·h v.111 have erosion prohlt·11'l'>. llK•, when etll our sand 1" giin1·" h<• .... -ud "Wt• rc•<.illy nt'<'CI all this," (the l·,rx·n~t·s) Parkl·r said "This 1s th1· first llm<' w~··vt• balancc-d the liudgt·l 1n f1v<· yPars and Wt• a1.·t.·11mpl1sht•d 1t by culling 13 p1,-,1t111ns and turning our fire d1·pannwnt ovt·r UJ th1• <·uunty " I ligh lldt-s of ab<>ut 6.5 fC'l't are t·X1Jl't't1•tl Lo h11 the area next Tlil'!-.day thrnugh Thursday 'Terribly hurt' The sponsors wcrl' intending to raise a total $300.000 by selling tickets for a doUar apat'C\' or 11 tickets for $I 0 Dally Pllol Photo bJ Gary Amb<o.e Vow · continue d budget control after ~·e to overridden Cuffe d HOOPER . Utah (AP! The plan was lo ~II di! tht• tickets and hold the drawing no later than July 1981, but whf'n the required number of ticket:. did not sell as fas t as t'X JX'<-'t<'d, that date was pushed bal·k to Dec. 24. l!lRI. ac<:ording 111 Bergren Borde r Patrol agen l puts thf-' ('uHs on President Reagan. presiding ov<·r a rain -soaked p 1cn1c o n Lht• campaign trail. declared h1msC'lr "terribly. terribly hurt" Friday when Congress overturned hi~ wto of a spending bill he cla1m<'<..I would bust his budget When that drawing datt• rollt'<I arou nd , the drawing W<is postpo ned again becaust• of inadequate sales. hl' said At that point. sponsors plannt-d LO kt'<'r> selling t1l·ket.s until all WL•rc• sold and the drawing <'Ollld b<• h<•ld. he said. uspected illega l a lie n following c-hase tha t e nde d on Bol a Aven uf' parking lot. Twe lve suspec-te d a lit>n s wt>re p ullNJ from a van , a rrestetl a nd lra ns 1>0rt•'tl to Chula Vista for que lioning Frida y. Reagan had even sent his ho:...t . SPn Orrin Hatch. R-Utah. back to Washingtnn 111 an allC'mpt lo bloc·k the $14 2 billion supplemental appropr1atwns bill {rum b<'l'1>m1ng law over his obje<'tlOn~. I.Jut 1t didn't hc•lp Twc·nty o ne Rl'publ1cans deserted tht· pn-s1dt·nt whim thl· Senate votl'd to .)Oln the· lfous<· in Finally. thl' nalwn;il offtlL~ u f both EHA and M DA dt '<·1clt-d t<J <.'anC<'l the rafflC' and ri•fund .,11 monies c·ollet:led Stuckle unhappy with Schlllitz off er "II was unfortunalf• rt wrnl awry. but w1.·'n• doing our part to make surf' its tr·rm1natc-d propC'rly." Bl·rgn·n said lit• added the rafflp n(•ver had be-en endol"SC'd by c1thl'r thl' M DA or ERA na Lwna l o ff IC'l'S "We'rC' Vl'ry sorry at tuml'<I out this way It 1s ;in unfortunatl" satual1o·n with an C'Vl'nt that didn 't work nut right ,·• commented Rc·vC'rlv Davis MDA's regwnal dm'Ctor in San Franc1S<:o. Davis said the local chapter of M DA had been adv1st'd not lo part1c1pate in the c•vt•nt whl'n 1t first was propos<'d bl'l'all~ of tlw s1:z.e of the undertaking Persons holding trckl'l'i for tlw ERA -MDA condo rafflt• t·a11 marl them along with A stamped. self -addreSSC'd <'nvc•lopc tu P 0 . Box 2851 . PasadC'na. Ca It C 911 O~ through Dec ~!I , he• said NATION By FREDERICK SCHOEME HL Ot lhe Dallf Piiot Slatt Carla Vl•ml' Stuc kl1• s;1v" that -;tale' Sen John Schm1l1. ·should be prov1d1ng $5011 pt•r month in :-. up po rt pay mt' n t !. for t w u 1llegit1mate childn~n hl' fath<'rl-<I duMng the COUfS(' of a nine-Y"'H low• affair The 43 y<'ar-uld Tustin woman <;avs Schmitz has offt'rt>d onlv $2iW per month And her attornl'y !-aid Friday th<' 1ssul' may be headL·d for Orange County Superior Court 1f S<:hm1tz does not ral~' th1• offor The support payml'nt issue· l'amf' up moml'nts aft<.'r Stut'kk wa<> awarded t'ustody of the• 1~1 -month -old boy fullu w1ng a private hearing in Orangt• County Juvenile Court It was disclosed in July that Schmitz, whose Sena le term ends this year, was lhe father of the 'E.T.' summer m ovie chan1p "E.T ." was far and away the biggest moneymaker at the box office this summer . Runners-up were "Rocky Ill" and "Star Trek Il." Page Bl3 Bess Truman still 'serious' KANSAS CITY. Mo. (AP) -Former first lady Bess Truman remained in serious condition Friday at Research Medical Cent.Pr, but her doctor said bleeding from an intestinal ulcer had stopped. Woman kick s way free ALLEGAN , Mich. (AP) -An 87-year-old woman who spent. two days kicking through a wall after being beaten, bound and left for dead by robbers says she'• grateful the cri minals le ft her cats unharmed . boy and a 10 we<'k old baby girl Tht· m.tlt· 1nf;int, whn had o;uffrrc•d .1 ~·vc·n• ~t·n1t.al injury n-qu1ring rN'f1nstrul't1vr surgPry. 1nit1allv was plaC't-d 1n a (•ounty homl' for dc>pc'ndt•nt t·h1Jdren Following an Aug 9 hearing, how«vN, l'Ustody was awarded tl'mpor:mly to S tuckle. a civilian l'mplovN· at thC' El Toro Manne Corpe; Air Stat11m rc•lony t•h1ld nrglc-t t l'harges f1ll'd against Stuckle later were dropped by a municipal court JUdgc• al the reques t of the district at torn<'y's ofht•c• Stul·klt•'s c·ustody ()f the boy wall tw <iupC'rv1St'd for onl;' year by lht• ('ounty Departme nt of SoC'1al SPrvtn'S Rl'porl<; on the 1.-hild's welfan· will IX' submitted c>very s ix m onths to Supe>rior Cvurt Judge Byron K McMillan_ (See SCHMITZ, Page A2) STATE Reggie Ja c kson .Sal e ty seat bill signe d SACRAMENTO (AP) -Childre n under 4 years old wall have to ride in approved safety car seats beginning Jan. 1 under a bill signed into law Friday by Gov. &Jmund G Brown Jr Martin thanks h er fan s SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Actress Mary Marlin, recuperating at a hospital here following an auto ucc1dent, thanked he r fans Friday for an outpouring of flowers, le tters and phone calls. Smog rules approved EL MONTE (AP) -The South Coast Air Quality Management District overrode opposition from business and labor Friday in approving regulations to limit air pollution from industrial sources. ovC'rndmg the veto Rt•agan told the p1C'mc· erowd. o nly a fraC'tlvn o f the 10.000 people Re publican organizer s had predict<'d would show up. that "mayb«'> you'rt• wond ering where· your senator 1s." He explaml'<i that HatA:h hJd (lown with him Thursday .lfternoon aboard AJr Force· One to this semi -arid rangeland. where Reagan campaigned for th£> conservative senator's re election , but had returned Lo Washington abruptly at midnight at Reagan 's request to 1:..:: "whNe he was needC'd." "I regn•t to tell you that his trip provt•d fru1 lll•ss... Reagan t old the-dren c hed but t•nthusiasut· p1cn1ckers, some of whom had been standing for nt-'arly f1vC' hours in a muddy field u~l'd for Hooper's annual rt>dC'O Th<' prl's1dc>nt said has St•nate dcft•at would not d1s<:ourage him from c·onunuing his war on d('f1c·1l fl-cleral spending "Th<'y'd better practice at that (uverr1d1ng the veto) because they're gonna get a chance to do that l'VC'ry llmt' they send an ~1pprt.>priat1on down that 1s over the hudgN," RC'agan promised. "I'm i;:oin~ to veto it again." Jackson shags two s uspects on the fly By J ODI CADENHEAD 01 th• Dany Piiot Stat! California Angels right f1dd<'r Reggie Jackson didn't have to swing a bat or catch a ball lo walk away a hero Fnday from a Costa Mesa neighborhood wht•rl' he nabbed lWO suc;pectC'd burglars. The 6-foot. 208·ixiund hasebaJI s tar was driving through easl Costa Mesa about 11 a.m when he heard a burglar alarm go off and noticed two m en climbing out a double Dutch door at 161 1 T ustin Ave .. police said. "I )USl hope somebody will do thot for me if they see sumeont.' INDEX Classified Comics Comment Crossword Death Notices Entert.ainment Movies Public Notices Cl .5 BlO B8 BIO C2 Bl2-13 Bl2-13 B4; C2 BUSINESS bn·ak1ng into my house," Jackson said latl•r "I wasn't scared I gucs.s I had God on my side bc>causC' l was doing soml'lhing rtght " Jat·kson. who lives m Newport &-ach. asked a n earby resident to call police and detaml'd Lhe pair until off icers arrived a few minutes latt'r "They were so stunned it was Reggie Jad<son they JUSt stopped 1n their trac k s," said Cathy Bm11qu1sl, who caJled police. "He was rC'al cool He JUS' did what he thought wa.<> nght," O fficer S teve Labb1ll said (See REGGIE, Page A2) Religion Spor ts Television Theaters Trivia Weather Youth Bl 1 Bl-5 Bl4 812-13 Bl2 A2 89 Slow recovery forecast LAS VEGAS, Nev. (AP) -The country's economy i_s beginning to climb out of recesslon, but the recovery will be slow and offer little Lmmediate hope for the jobless. several to p economista said Friday. . . ' ' . Orange Co1a1t DAILY PILOl /Saturday, Sopt•mber 11, 1982 ~\ \\.' Continued stories Business to aid Valley schools REGGIE TO Tiii~ Rf:SCU I~ • Ju1·kso11 wwm'I ~lll!il lt'<f with tlw p1:111"~ t•xplu11u t111n 1111 h1·1n~ 111 llll' un•a and a .... k1'<I th1•111 11ot 1t1 lltOVt• until poll1·1· lllTIV<•d . "I d on't Wlll\l yo11 IP I u11 ," Jackwn rt•J.Xirtt•d I y ~aul "But ti yuu run. I'll 1·alt•h vou ·· • Thi· µair .1pµan·ntly d1d11'1 n e c d any m 1> r 1 • L' o 11 v1 111·111 g Arrested on :-.usµ1t·11m of lJlll glary w en • Amad1s Ahnwd i'.;1hJlc1. :!:l, of H onolulu and F ran kl111 Packard F1r1(•111, :H. of C ht•stt·r'. 1'.1 ,;1111 1x•ll1·1· l.uhhltl i.u1d II llPfJl'Urt·d thal hntli 1lw h•Hht• 1111d a 11·11~11 Ulll I •~ I he• fll op1·1 ty W l'l 1' I 1111 J.:l.111J .. d 'l'h•• :1h y1·.11 11ld h;dl playc·r. kn own u:-. M1 Ol·tolll'r for his dn11w1tw .;h11wlnt(s 111 pust W orld St·rw-.. told p<1lw1· ht• was m ore ~'nS!llVl' tu rnnw s1nt't.' he w as unt•t• hl'ld uµ .11 gun pu111t in Nt•W York . SCHMITZ CASE • • • Tht• sot•1al wurk1•r as1ugrwd I• 1 the l.'aSt" Doi 1•1m Ml'<..'<11 thy, s.1111 following Friday's hearing. "l l h I n k e v l' r y l h 111 g Is g v I II g lx·aut1fuUy I can happily :.a v the 1:hild ts cluing bcuutifull y ·• "She (Stuckle) has lx>t>n vt•ry cooperative with our agency," rvtcCarthy said Stu<.·klC' tukl rep<>• t1•n. dur ing an 1mpro 111p1u parki n g 1.11 int<·rVIL'W th.11 :.ht• ::.ti ll l11v1·-. Schmitz and wish<.•:. lhdt ::.h1• could l:xo ma1T1l'd tv h 11 n Sh<• said sht• l'ould 11u1 prt·dt<'l what impac t hl·r pa:.t romam·t· with &·hm11z wo uld havl' on th1• s1·rwtor -. r•elat1e111sh1p with his w1f1" Mary U11d1•r qu1·st1o n111g. S tut·klt• :.:.11d :.hl' lwlievcd Sd1nH 11 s hou Id prnvuh• $500 µt•r month m child -.upporl P<•ynwnt:. S lw l'alll•d thl• c1111uu111 '"n•a!>on,1hlt• .. Both S tw·klt· and hl'r ..itto n wv. M lt'hal'I Md)onnt·ll. S<:11d Sl·hm1iz hact offt.-n•d $200 1x·r month "Nu actton (to fon:l' paym<'nl 111 '>Uppor l) h,1:-. h1•1•n fil(•d." MtDonn1•ll ~ml "Hut if hl· st.<iy:. Whl'l'I' Ill' I:-, l lt1•rt·'ll I)(• !iii i:lt'llllll Wllh111 10 d<1Y'> .. A11 v ,11 111ui wuulJ bt· flll'<.l an "uJX•ri111 1·our1, 1h1· ~1llorru•y s;,aad Shultz optimis tic about Arab plan WAS HIN GTON (AP) Secretary of St.c.alc Gt'Org1· Shultz said Friday that a newly adupttod Arab L eagu{· rcsulut1on would repn•sent a breakthrough 1n Middle Ea!>t p<•at·e efforts 1 f as som e s uuest ii means Arab re(•ogn111on of lsrat•l's right l11 exist Testifying bd u rl' 1h1· Senalt• Foreign Rc la lluns Comm1tt1•1 S hultz said Arab at'('t•ptanu· of I s r ael w C>uld h('lp la y the· gro undw u rk f o r St•r1ou-. n eg ou ataons am ong partws to tht> Madea<>l l'Onfh<•t The declaratwn approved Thursday night by Arab lt•ad1·r-. a t F'l'Z. M o ro<'l'O, prov1d1•d for U N S<'C'unty Counnl guuranll'I..'\ o f "peace among all skllt'h of th1· rt>g1o n " Tht• s um111 1t l'1>n f1 •r1•nt·t· chc:11rman. King H assan II o f M oron·o. :-o:J1d the• first s t1Jg1• w ould 111v11lv1• <i "::.Uttt• uf n on hl·ll 1g1•r1•nl't"' undc•r U N ausp1t1•.., S hul11 s<t1d 1l 1.vas nut dear wh1•th1•r th.-. n ·pr<'St•lltlod 1mplit·1t Arab n·n1gn1l1011 ()f lsr:.tl•l's right to l'X l<;t If 11 dot•\, ht• told st·nato rs, thc:1l.., ..i bn·.1kthrough Now 1t may not '><Jund hkt• mut·h to yuu. hut 1t I!> n hag p 11'1.·1· o f m ovC'm enl 1n pt't1plc·'s atl1tudc·s It's vt•r y, vt·r:v 1mporktnt " Shul11 said m.1ny qul'sl1nn!. fl'rt)d ln Ull<tnSWt'l't:d abPUt thl' Arab summ11, whlch al"<1 callC'd on b r.wl lo w1thdr..i'-' frum all uc(' u µu•d Lt• r ri to 1 y .and urged t'fl'<•lllm nf ,, Pule•sl1111an state • Hy PlllL SNE IL>~RMA N Of It•• Oellr Pllol lt1tf S11111t• t•111111tui11 V.1l11·y St•huol I >1 ... tr11·t I"'' 1·111., un• tuk111u u c·u c· f llllll I Ill' popula 11ty "' uarng1· l'Wilc•-; und st't'w1d h untl 11h11ps 111 .u1 .1 111•111 pt tu raise· fundi; fur st udt·n1 ac·uvillL'll Tiit• pan'nll> urt.• pn•purrng to op1·n u "TurnArnund S h op" s tol'k~d w 1th second-h and dothmg and furniture, WI w eU l!S som t! never -used goods l:lt'(.'Cpted on consignmen l. "This Is to raise fund11 for pro.)Cl'ls lhe district n o longer hai. mon1•y for." e xplained Nancy H <'m , 1J m other of thrt'<.• district s tud t•nts w h o is servi ng as d1n'<.·tor of thl• thrift sh op S he said tht> shop 1s patlL'rnL-d aftl'r a similar e nte rprise that r cr1sed $15,000 a nnually for a .;mall Nl·W Eng la nd st·h ool d1str1l·t He an said s h<' knows of n o o ther Orangl' County sch ool district panmts group operating tis own thrift s hop Thl• t·ont't'pl was develo ped by the dt!>lrtct's S uperintc nde nt- Part•nt Coum·al The group origmally hoped to o pen th e sh op 1 n t h (' d 1 s l r i t· 1 • s n e w adm1111~trat10n l'omple.i.. on Oak Stre<.•t 8 u t r e s 1 d 1• n t s o f t h e surrounding neighborhood raised obJt•c llC>n s before the F ountain Vallt•y Planning Commissio n (;eorge Shultz Slight warming (.'ou . .;to I Outer waters No•thwes1 w•nas al t '> to 25 knots w•lh 5 to 8 1001 sees lllrough night Inner wlllOI s LlgM "anable wmds early !Oday becoming wesl·sOuthwes1 01 10 to 16 ~nols •llernoon aod evening Southwest swells I lo 3 leet Morning In"' cloud1n!'~S Clearing e•te1noon Tropocal s101m Chr1s developed 011 lhe Teaas coaSI on f11da) w1t11 55 mpn w1n<l ano gale warnings were posled al.,ng me Lou1s•ana COBS! The slorm was prO<lu<:1ng rough seas end gale lorce winds 1n Ille not1hwes1 Gulf or Meaio and was eapec1eo 10 move a~1101e 90mellme today Heavy 111unders11owers covered the Southeast ond showec s dolte<l 1he Nor P•wes1 Ano M1dwes1 For today sca1ter11d thunderSlorms we<e forecast O•l'r the Southeast, Wilh storms also moving lhrd\Jgh 1116 Rockies and Ille nonhern Pla•ns 10 the upper Ml1t1sa1pp1 Valley Sno ... was forecast 1n the ll•gh mO<Jn1a1ns 01 Colorado over lhe weekend as a strong Pac1tte cola l1on1 moved 1hroug11 the Rockies Mo"ly sunny sl11es were forecast elsewhere t .'a Ii f orn ie1 SO<Jthern Ca1tlo•n1a w•ll oo lair through Sunday e..:cept ror low clouda and local <111zz1e over coastal areas Warmer along coa1t and 1n moun1ems Sundoy Orange Coun1y can e•pect highs al the beaches lrom 70 10 74. 74 to 78 inland Lo~ In mid 60s Highs up 11 IPw degrt'e~ Sund1y Inland v&lleys c&n e~pect h1g11s 80 lo 86 IO<lay, 85 lo 92 Sund11y LOWS 58 to 64 Mountains c 1n e•pect no11h1est winds 15·30 mph In n0<1hern rang&s Sunday High• 68 to 75 today In 70s Sund11y Lows In 5-0a Northern desert highs •n 801 1nd low 90s lows in 60s Southe<n desert highs 95 to tOO Iowa In 70s Northern and Cen11al Callfo1n1a !air through Sunday e~cept lor patchy coas1a1 log and tow CIO<Jda overnight Gredull wnrmlng trend S mog The Air Ouahty Manag~menl Olatrtcl pred1C11 good air quallly 11111 weeleend In ell areae of lhe Good 1lr I• predicted In Iha Extended weather MOndJy·WednO~clay noght a111.1 mornong ll)Q and low 1.loutJs along Ille CORSI O!herwo~I) IAtr ~·ceni for btMZV ()er10ds lh mountain~ H•ghs trom me low tc mod 70s al oeache' .tntJ lrom 80 10 90 1n inland valleys Lows trt lne mid 50s and 60s Moun1111n ll•gns frOIT 12 to 82 and tows lrom 4~ to 60 Al1Ja11y Albuquf' Anchorage Atlan1n Allan!~ C.ly Auston Ball1mOrl' B11m1ngllm Bismarck Boose NATION Bos Ion Burta10 Burhngton Charlsln SC Charlstn WV CharlttP NC C1>eyenn~ C'1•Cago C1nc1nna11 Clevelond Clmb1a SC Columbus Dal Fl Wlh Oay1on Oenver Oes Mo111es Oe11011 Ouluth Et Pa90 Fairbanks Fargo FlagSlall Greal Fall~ Harllord Helena Houslon lndneph~ Jacksn Jacksnvlle Kans City KnoMvllle Lu Vegas Llllle Rocil Loulevllfe Memphis Miami Milwaukee Mpls-St P Nas1111111e N-Orleans New Yor~ Nor1olk Okla City Omahl 0.-lando Phlledpllfe P1104!nlw Pittabvrgh Pll11nd. Me P11and. Ore Providence SS 48 83 6t 51 46 71 66 76 52 98 55 84 57 77 69 98 54 66 48 87 65 79 53 85 S2 76 7 t 84 57 8 t 64 114 S3 8• 60 84 6• 82 55 76 68 82 61 94 67 8 t 6t 89 59 AS 7 t 83 49 76 6!> 82 65 56 4 1 89 63 69 ., 63 •8 96 so 66 51 88 73 84 64 83 68 71 74 85 7t 84 65 89 73 86 66 84 63 86 70 81 19 84 60 80 70 8t 66 89 n 86 &3 78 60 95 67 86 68 92 7~ 8<4 60 90 80 8t 56 84 50 69 53 85 59 Reno A1enmond Sall Lllkl' San Antonio Sea Ille Snre•epor1 S•ou• Falls S1 Louis St p . Tampa Spoloane Syracuse fopet..a Tucson ru1sa W.is111ng1n Wtt;hola CALIFO RNIA Apple Valley Ba~ersl1eld Bar slow fleaumonl B•g Bear Bosh op Blylhe Ce tahna Cul•e1 Clly Eureka Fresno lanc:a.ster Long Beach Los Angoies Monrt'WIA Monlebellc> Monlerey Ml Wilson Nee<llt\S N-PO•I Beach Oakland Ontario Palm Spring• Paseden11 Paso Aoblea Rtve11lde Red Blufl Redwood Cny Sacramenlo Sahn&J San 8ernar<11no San Gebrlel San Diego San Francleco San JOM Santa An11 Sant11 8e1bsr11 Santa Cruz Sanla Merla Santa Monica Stockton TellOtl Valley Tllerm11I 1 1 Rain em Snow E~J Showers llllllll Flurries~ 71 4t 1orrance 82 50 Yuma 77 65 97 77 74 71 97 63 65 49 92 66 85 63 85 68 88 75 63 43 81 49 8• 68 85 68 95 68 85 63 96 73 PAN AMUllCA Ac•pulco Barbados Bermuda Bogota Cur&CIO Freepor1 Guedala1e1a Guadeloupe Klngslon Mon1ego Boy Mazetlert Merida Mexico City 8~ 93 92 85 71 88 99 76 74 63 88 79 76 73 75 8? 68 7' 96 12 8 1 75 96 74 88 76 84 84 84 14 81 85 77 73 80 75 73 75 67 70 811 74 Monlerrey 65 N11neu 95 77 68 79 81 77 68 48 82 71 9t 75 82 61 91 73 90 70 90 72 94 77 94 70 77 55 95 72 90 72 9,1 77 88 61 9t 73 90 73 100 71 San Juan. P.R 77 Tegucigalpa 60 Trinidad u Vere Cruz 54 73 64 61 53 64 67 68 67 68 70 56 53 77 65 58 66 71 67 53 66 65 59 57 57 67 68 71 54 56 66 64 68 56 64 l!t 39 73 Colgary Edmonton Montreal Ottawa Rfl(llna Toronlo Vancouver W1nn1peg CANAOA 54 " 59 " 78 57 82 54 71 55 83 58 64 52 88 63 WMdtw~ WHI~ By The A-l1tecl l"Y- ''ldlY Temper1ture1 1nd we11her condl1lona from mldnlghl to m1dn1g111 on pr9Ylou1 d1y Ama111d1m A1hen1 Bangkok Belgrede Be<tln 8ru1M11 B·AlrH C1lro Carecas C09enhegen COl*ll\agen Dublin F11nktu1t Gen1va Hel1ln1tl Hong Kong JltuHiem Jo'burg Kiev Ltm1 Sovth Coast Air 8181n. ~ Rlvar1lde-San 9ern1rdlno t11rH · . end the Sen G11><1et tnd P()m()li1 ' v1ll1y1, 111 wllh a Pot1ul1n1 St1nderd Ind•• o f tOO SURf Rf PORT llal>On London Mldrld M1nM1 Moaoow New o.trtl Nioo.la HI lo lie 50 90 72 77 75 79 83 70 50 73 52 81 59 91 72 112 68 83 45 83 45 &4 54 7T 54 72 55 81 43 91 8t 84 81 70 4a 77 51 &8 111 81 119 73 117 90 55 71 711 68 41 " ,. 93 ee Metropolitan Lo• AngelH wlll ·;:..... .--,....,. e PSI of SO 1nd I PSI of 87 ••-ii:il.ai-.. a ... _________ _ le lc><ecaat fc>< the Si n Fernando 1nd S1n11 Cfer1t1 v1111ya i nd Hemel·Elllin«I region All other ., ... will hive I PSI of 42. lnciudlng the lllgll and low "-1•. coeat11I er-. 8Mnlng. 8lg Bear LAU 1nd lnllnd Orenoe County ... lurl llH'f llH'f -..Ch Awg Mii ~cf Zume 2 3 t2 81n111 Monlen 2 3 12 ~port 2 3 12 Sin O+.oo Counly 2 3 12 Ovtlool. le>< Sun<11y Utfle <:111nge f. ..... Awt 1 ' 1 t ..... .... 2 2 ' 3 ..... Olr SW SW SW SW Otlo P1rll P•lnO Rio Rome 81n Juen SIO PIUIO S.OUI sr~· 8tookh0tm IS$ &4 80 77 5t NM 71 52 71 81 11 11 72 ... 81 u " 11 8t H nbout lht-le6'lillty of upt>rtitlttg 11 :Hort> Ill tlw mltl!'t of u ri·•1dcntml tr1.11·t Ruth~·r thun plunwt• Into o t·ostl y lc~ul bu Ult'. I ht' p1u·l·n lli o ptt·d for & rww location 1.1 rear 1w1:tlun of Uw d l11tr1c:t1N fornwr hcudqu11rtl•1 11 l>u1ldln g 1tt N t•wlu11d Strt•t•l und T11 lln·rt AVt.'llUl' . The shop IA expe<:t{'{l to up<:11 Sep t :lO a nd do busineti.'i from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m . Monday through Friday. Saturday houflj alao may be scheduled. T o Inform parenta about th e shop, the d islrlct's 7,- 300 students are slated to carry flyers ho m e. · H e i n said a five -member c:ommlttec Inc luding a p arent, principal. lPal·h er, C'ommunily m e mber and he~lf w1ll decide how to aUocate funds ra ised by the sh op . "I want the money to bene fit the kids specificaJly," she said. She n o ted t h at financial c utbacks have forced the district to eliminate extra programs such a s a s pe lling bee and an art contes t. S he said the thrift sho p revenue m ay h elp restore such activities . Hein said the s ho p is offering some con signment m erchandise. Income from sales of s uch items will be s plit between the sh op and the owne r . A Huntington Beac h girlswear stor e has placed some of its unsold apparel in the s hop marked down lO half-price. 01111 l"tlot '""cllo by Pelrtck O'l>oN*I Parent Nuncy Hein, who will direct tht' TurnAround Shop, hope the enterprist• will raise funds for stude nt acfrvilies in Fountain Valley. Ship runs aground, one killed JUNEAU. Alaska (AP) -A c ruise sh ip ran aground Friday n ear a small group of islands in Frederick Sound , and a woman was crus hed to d e ath and two o the r people were injur e d as passengers and c re w fle d in lifeboats, the Coast Guard said. Th e 1 52 -f oo t M ajesti c Explorer. c a rrying 100 peo ple a nd owned by M ajestic Alaska Boat Co. o f ~altle, ran a~round about 9:05 a .m ., Coast Guard s pokesman Ray Massey said. The d ead and injured were flown by Coast Guard helicopte r lO Petersburg General H ospital, Lagunan ·injured in accident A Lagun a &>ach w oman w as inju red Fr iday when s he apparently lost contro l o f her pick -up truck on Laguna Canyon Road and crashed into a ditch on the sid e o f the road. police said. Star la Fusek. 34, was reported 1n inte n s ive ca r e at Mission Community Hospital in Mission Vi e j o Friday night, aftn suffe ring broke n ribs and foot lacerattons. Officer s said Fusek was eas tbou nd o n the ca n y on highway, one-half mile east of El T o r o R oad , when the truc k eaught the right s h o uld e r , s kidded back across the blacktop and fell into a ditch on the other side. Po lice said the truck then s kidded s ideways for 56 feet. pinnins.t Fusek between the roof and seat. The crash occurred al 5 p.m . Two Orange County fire truck s c:1nd o ne Laguna Be a c h fire unit used "Jaws of Life" mechanisms to extract h er from the vehicle, police said. The accident was attributed to inattention and bald tires. AIR CHISEL Reg . $45 Now $19 where Dr. D.A. Coon identified t h e d e ad woman as Frances Lawson o { Bellevue, Wash., and o n e o f the injure d as h er husband, Barry, both in the ir 60s. Lawso n was describ e d as in crit1caJ <.'Ondilion . The Coost Guard said the sh ip was pulled off the rocks about 6 p.m .. whe n the tide came in. It was sailing for P e tersburg under its o wn p o w er after a Coast Guard c utter go t i t free, and appare n tly s u s t ai ned littl e damage, said Coast Guard Chief Ray M assey. Lawson and James G reenough Tale nt winner of Sitka. the second lllJUred person, w e re flown to J un eau . Coon said Greenough s uffered minor injuries Robert G1ersdorf, pres 1dt·nt of Explo rauon Cruise Lmes Inc., said the victims w c•re sitting in an inflatable 25-person lifeboat when a second li feboat that hadn 't been infla ted c rashed down on to p o f th e m . B y ·I a l e m o r n 1 n g , t h e remaining crew and passengers were aboar d rcsl'ue vessels. including two large comme rl'ial fi s hing boats a nd several pleasure c raft. AP Wlt9photo Miss California Debra Maffe ll was the talent winner at Miss America pageant rneliminaries Fr iday night. Maffett, who is Miss 1naheim, and h e r 49 competitors will vie (o r the Miss America crown tonig ht. llKI HOOKS $1 .49 7 1.4" WOIM DllVI SAW ~ Now 99 Reg . $79 Now$39 25 PC. SOCKIT---BIKE WRINCH XACTO KNIFE 10'' MITER SAW SET 1h " Drive SAi or Metric $12.'95 a------r. 'It H .P . If NCH GRINDIR 40 PC. SOCKn sn '~& 14" Drive IAI or Metric -.95 2 14 TON FLOOI JACK $125 SIT Set 13 Pc. $1.95 1 f $8.9 $199 FR I I P 0 C·K IT All COMPllSSOI EYIGLASS ,SCllWDllVIR 1 H.P. IUllT..fN •IOUlAfotl Q¢Jr s SI r 1 ~~:'$279 With Purcha1e Over $5.00 t--------------t All TOOLS ,._a M .JI ::c:v fJ ... ~.1~~5 I NATION I Mone y supply increases NEW YORK (AP) -Tho nation's baalc money eupply roee $900 million ln the flnal week of August, Its sixth 1tralght weekly jump, the Federal Reserve Board reported Friday. Analysts aaid the resurgence of growth in Ml, a measure of funds r eadily available f or spending, dampened chances for new declines In interest rates. F..conomlal Maury Harrill al the Now York lnveatmen\ firm of Paine Webber Inc. said that with bualneaa failures at a ~0-yeur high and financial Instability spreading througho ut d evelo ping nations, the Fed is not likely to Ughten its monetary stance, dr\vlng up interest rates, even though money supply growth is Caster than it would like. Seizure e ffort bungle d: Lid d y ATLANTA -Watergate conspirator G. Gordon Liddy suggeste d Friday the government has bungled its attempt to seize his lecture- circui t profits and lite rary royalti~ to recover the $23,- 812 he owes Crom a 1973 fine . "l don't really know how hard they're trying," Liddy said at an airpo rt n e w s conferen<..'t.' during a layover here. "Here they went to <..~urt and got this order . . . and then the very first thing they dld, I understand, was to call you guys in and have a press conference and tell you about the orde r so that I would learn immediately from the press," said Liddy. 10,000 teach ers o ff job Negotiations aimed at heading off a Detroit school strike were recessed Friday, while almost 10,000 teachers remained off the job in five states, affecting about 180,000 students. Teachers waJked out in two more Pennsylvania dis tricts. But te ntative agreeme nts were reached in Kalamazoo, Mich., and in a small lliinois ·system. WORLD In Detroit, where 11 ,000 teachers have been asked to take an 8 percent cut in pay, con tract nego tia lions were recessed until today. Altho ugh the Detroit leachers had threatened to walk out if an agreement were not reached Friday, a spokeswoman for the Detroil Federaltion of Teachers said, "A strike is not automatic." ... Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /8aturdav. September 11, 1882 I Low tar smokes 'cut cancer r.isk' • Researcher cautions that · abstention from tobacco i still sat est option SEA'M'LE (AP) -Switchln& tO low tar-and-nicotine cisarett.et 1harply reduce. .. a 1moker111 rlak of dying of lung cancer. heart dlaease and o ther s moking- related i llne11, an American Cancer Society sclenllat said Friday. Dr. Lawrence Garfinkel, the society's director of cancer prevention , aaid data f rom a 12-year national study found "many people fll)d it eaaler to quit endrely aft.er they awitch to low tar ciga.rett.et . . . T.hat may b e one o f the r easons more p eople are able t o give up smoking. "The study shows that, overall, low tar-and-hicotine smokers h ave 26 pe rcent lowe r lung cancer mortality rates than high tar-a nd -nicotine 1moker1,'' he uld . Leu dramatic but 1lgnlflcanl reductlon1 a1JIO wt:re found tor other cancen.·coronary he,rt dlleue and cirrhoala of the liver. But at a newt conference durins the 13th International Cancer Con1re11, Garfinkel emph a1iied that low tar cisareua are far from aafe. Low tar anoken still are at a "much higher t'iak t~ pe0ple who don't smoke," he said. "The beat lhi'll ls not to amoke." He also said reducing the number of cisarette11 smoked daily aeems or great.er value than switching to cigarettes with low tar. Garfinkel also cited vague ~oncern that some additives beif\I UK'Ci In low tar daurc•tt.<.'11 may CiUM cancer. Suc:h addlllVt'# arc trade tt.'(!ret1, he .uld, and tobacco comeanle• n ec:d not dlvulse them. 'Wt have no dlrtoe:t evidence .. , the additives arc; cardnosena, And ( hOf)(' it lan't true." Garfinkel conceded 1omc reluc tan ce among cunct"r re1earchc rs t o ci t e any advantages of low tar cigarettes because of concern that might encourage people to continue smoking. "But we felt it was important for thote people who can't quit to have the benefit o f this knowledge." Similar findings, and many JC Garfinkel 's r esults. w e r e re.i;x>rted in the past. They have be~n attacked by other reat>arc:hert, w ho contend bentifl&a of low l&r dga.retu. ~ loat becaull' thOM> who 1watch utually amoke more and lnha~ more det'ply thah be(or~. Garfinkel aald hlal 1tudy round just s•.ach an increue llOC>n after th<' awlU:h, "but over a lonaer period or time. they tend to ao bock to what th<>y 1moked bcforti." He 5ald the daLa came from a Cancer Society s tudy of 1 million people Crom 1960 to 1972 to consider many cance'r' variablea. Uarflnke l predicted new a moking habits will begin reducing the national death toU from lung cancer, a change that's already being seen in youn ger age groups. 'Killer bullet~ bill signed LOS ANGELES (AP) -Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr., expressing shock at the sale of kille r bullets that can pierce police offiCt'rs' bulle t-proof vests, signed two bills Friday outlawing the saJe, use or possession of such armor- p i e rc in g ammunition in California. "It is our responsibility to protect those who ris k their lives daily to protect us," Brown said, noting that the deadly bullets were used primarily i n the shootings of police officers. Pope may m eet A ral at ROME PLO guerrilla chief Yasser Arafat may meet with Pope John Paul Il for the first time when he pays a two-day visit to Rome next w eek , the Vatican said Friday. would show the PLO 1s not a terrorist group. "We need to prove to the W es t that we a r e a cons truct ive force in the Middle East," Hammad said in a telephone interview. Sea side policem an Bernie Mraz eyes phon y $22 hill motorist u ed Friday to buy gas for a Cadillac with stolen pla tes. Po lice say the m otorist ha nded the hill to a sta tion r ttendant, who took the license numbe r a nd called police. Nol>arrest has been made. The governor WM flanked by r e prese ntativ e s of law enforcement organizations as well as the two legislators who s ponsored the bills - Assemblyman Tom Bane. 0-Van Nuys. and Sen. Dan Boatwright, D -Concord. who praised his actions. The bills are AB2392 and ·'sB1342. Marshall says ~ 'short shrift' .. Brown said that in the last two ye~rs 21 peace officers in California have been killed in the line of duty. The Palestine Liberation Organization representative in Rome, Nemer Hammad, said a private audience with the Roman.. Catholic pon;tiff He said a meeting with the · pope had been arranged but the Vatican said only that it as a possibility. K ey role for Deng assured given some issues by high court Brown also signed 10 other aou-crime pieces of legislation and declared during a question- a nd -answer session that h e believes "the elect.orate is sick and tired.of crime and 1hey want a crackd o wn. That's why the Legislature is responding." PEKING Ke y Communist Party elections Friday assured China's top leader, 78-year-old Deng Xiaoping. of powe rful behind-the-scenes roles for the next five years. Despite a recent emphasis on retiring aging leaders to the "aecond line," the party's 12th annual congress re- elected most of its highest- ra n k i ng members t o the 210 -member Central Committee, which directs party activity. In an action that surprised foreign analysts, only a Cew of the leaders were moved over to the new Central Advisory Commission . The 172-member body of elders w as created to smooth the transition to a new generation b y providing a place for veterans . WAS HINGTON (AP) - Thurgood Marshall. joining an extraordinary public d~bate among the Supreme Court's justices over how they should do their work. says his colleagues ·sometimes ''give short shrift to important Uisues." Speaking lflJ federal judges meeti ng irf Hers h ey, Pa .• Marshall b ecame the fifth member of the nine-justice court to speak out in recent days on problems caused by the court's heavy workload. In vestors unload g old coins He criticized "a growing and inexplicable readiness on the part of the current court to dispoee of cases ... without full briefing and oraJ argument." LONDON -Small-time investors are rushing to unload gold coins while the price of bullion glitters from a nearly $200 surge in just two months. Gold dealers say many big traders are holding o ut for even better prices, whic h some dealers think are likely. "The s m a ll investor is saying, 'God, I've got a smashing profit here now and STATE I'll pull out,'" said Howard Verrier, dealing manager for National Westminster Bank. "And who can blame them?" In June. gold was selling for only $296.75 an ounce. But fears of the inte rnational financial crises in Mexico and elsewhere have added glitter to gold's prices. which briefly t o ppe d $500 an o unce Tuesday and Thursday. Mars hall 's s p eech was delivered Thuraday, but the text o( his remarks was not released here until Friday. "l am disturbed by the all- too-cavalier treatment of the rights and interests of the parties involved in such cases. Instead of giving them a full opportunity to be heard on the merits. the court's rules restrict the parties to a skeletal presenta tion of the issues," Marshall said. Insp ection bill sig n ed Of the some 5,000 cases that reach the Supreme Court during one of its nine-month terms, about 150 are granted review and lead to final d eciSlons. Before those decisions are made, lawyers for both sides are allowed to file additional written briefs and appear before the justices for pral argument. SACRAMENTO -Gov. Edmund "'9rown Jr. has signed i nto law a bill requiring motorists In the six smoggiest cities to have their cars inspected ever y two years and pay a maximum $50 to get their anti-smog 0., ,... htl•wy ........... "6onOey-FtKJer II \IOU 00 not -· --Dy ~30 om call DelO<e 1 ., ... ____ ,..,.,,..._.., ... unle\I and Sund~ ff?°:, C10 noc =:,r.,';. c::r ~. co:;'.;."C: _.., equipment working, his office said Friday. The bill. one of the most far-reaching passed by the L egislature this year, was signed by Brown without the ce r emony that o ften accompanies major bills. Sometimes the justices take a shortcut -and decide a case based only on the written request for review and the other side's written response. We1re Listening ••• . What do you like about the Dally Pilot? Whal don't you like? Call the number below and your messa1e will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor . The same 24-hour answering service may be used lo record let· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls, please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642•6086 .• " ORANGE COAST D1ily Pilat Themot P. Holey l'vbldhe< ond Ch.el hec1111ve Ofhc., L KCIJ Schulh v~•"....., Olld 0.. Klor ol Ad'<ertltltlg Mkhoel , • ...,,.., !»loC!Ot ol Morke!lftf 1C1tcvlot1onl Ken""" N. Oeddord Jt. 6'ttc-10t ol ()pefotlonl MAIN Off1CE JltW"' ........ C ... e ~M, CA. AUlf ...,._: ... IMO,C• .. lllleu,CA, ..... (9"tltM "'2 0r .... c .................. ~. Ne -*'1ft. llfut!r9'Molt, .....,,_I INlllP• ... "ertlw"*"t• Mrelft mey W ,..,...._.. ....,.._ ~ ....... ml.,.., .. ,...,.,.__,, Thurgood Marshall During it.a 1981-82 term, the court decided 16 cases in that manner. "If these summary dispositions are to continue at all, the court should un de rtake one major chan ge in its proc~dures," Marshall sa.Jd. "Whenever the court concludes that summary reversal or affirmance may be appropriate, it should notify the parties that summary disposition is under consideration and allow them time to Jile briefs on the merits." "The court has not only used summary dispositio ns to give short shrift to important issues" but has used the device to decide some cues it never should have tackled, Marshall said. Allowing full briefing could prevent that, he said. Justice John Paul Stevens began the recent debate in a s p eech to the Ame r ican Judicature Society last month in which h e s uggest ed th at Congress create a court to tell the justices which cases to dedde. Justice Byron R. Wh ite, speaking to the American Bar A•ociation the next day. called Steve ns' suggestion "plas tic surgery," but h a d some suggestions of h is ~wn for helping the Supreme C.Ourt cope. Justice L ewis F . P owell, speaking a t the same ABA conve ntion, also focused on what can be done to relieve the court's caseload. Speaking in Philadelphia on Thu rsday, Justice William J . Brennan joined the d ebate in what was, for him, an extremely rare utterance on an)' internal matt.er of the court. However, he refuaed to say what he plans to do With a bill that w ould prevent cities and counties from banning "safe and sane" fireworks. "This Is a bill that's just popping up all over the place." Brown said. "But it would be unprofess ional for m e lo comment until I 've heard arguments on both sides. It will get a good going over by my office before I make a decision." In response to questions about a new poll showing that his own neg:itivc image with the public appeared to be hurting the chances of three of his Supreme Court appointees to be confirmed in November, Brown e xpressed support for his choices. "They are excellent people," he said. aQd adamantly declared that California is tough on crime and i s th e s ubj ect of misrepresentations by thoee who try to portray 'it as soft. "I will make a very strong statement that the n umber of people going to prison in California has doubled," since RonaJd Reegan was governor, he said. MUL llPLE OUTLET CENTER • On/Off Swttch • Piiot Light • Push To Reset Circuit Breaker • Heavy Duty 6 Foot 14/3 Cord • 6 Rounded 15 Amp Receptacle SALE PRICED •12•• Ofter Good Thru Tues., Sept. 14, 1982 Celebrates 10 A Bay Area Rapid Transit train pulls out of an Oakland station a s the nation's first post-war rapid transit system marks its 10th anniversary this week. The system has been plagued with controversy. Doctors urge-caution in diet pill use FDA examining some over-counter preparations that may·cause kidney failure - Soviet crackdown may eliminate political dissent MOSCOW (AP) -An uncompromising campaign to wipe out organiz.ed opposition to the Soviet reglme has lt"ft the survival o ( the dlutdent movement In doubt. The systematic crackdo\ltn, spearheaded by the KGB secret poli ce, ·ha s l ed t o th e imprisonment or banishment of Victims include Nobel laureate Andrei Sakharov. most of the leading members of groups that offered the onl y Internal public challenge to Kremlin policy. The victims inalude Nobel The Helsinki accords, slaned by the United States, the Sovtet Union and moat European natJoru, agreed to respect human rights and national 1e>verelcnty. The strength of the group, aa with the dissident movement u a whole, was never In numben - even in the movement's heyday, no more than a few hundred peopl e a ckno wledged memberstllp in unofficial orga nhation~ that openly challenged the government. Rather, dissldenta always relied on preasure from the West aa a safeguard against retribution by their government. Sin ce the crack down has robbed the movement of ill most ' widely known leaden, Wesiem interest has waned and the safeguards have diaappeared. One diplomat, who closely follows dissident activity, said: "At a lime of fairly bad relations, the West hal very little leverage on the actions of the Soviet government. We protest both public ly and privately, but there's not too much we can do." C HICAGO (AP) -Some doctors are urging reappraisal of an ingredient commonly used as an appetite suppressant and nasal decongestant because at least three cases of acute k idney failure have been reported among diet pill users. over-the-counter d rug review section. laureate Andrej Sakharov, exiled without trial and held for .nearly three years under tight police surveillance in Gorky , an Ind u strial city c losed to for eigner s; Jewish activist Anatoly Shcharansky. 111 in a Siberian labor camp with nine fallure and muscle problems was University, said in a telephone years l e ft to serve o n an not final, the doctors wrote. interview. espionage conviction, and scores The official campaigr\ against dissidents was h ailed In the Soviet theor e tica l journal "Kommunist" last year. The ingredient , ph e n ylpropa n olamine hydrochloride. is found in more than 70 over-the-counter drugs. they said in their report in the recent issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association. The U .$. Food and Drug Administration is examining such diet aids and a host of other o ver -t he-co unte r drug preparations to determine their safet y , said Dr . W illiam Gilbertson. director of the FDA's Gilbe rtson said he was unaware of any reports of kidney failure associated with the drug, commonly known as PPA. A 2 8 -year -old w o man developed kidney failure and sore, weak muscles due to tissue damage after taking diet pills as directed for three weeks, while a 21-year-old man with a history of binge drinking developed the same problems after consuming 9 ~ quarts of malt liquor and about 40 diet pills over 36 hours, reported Drs. R o bert D . Swenson, Thomas A. Galper and William M. BennetL In each case. complicating factors were present so that proof that the drug caused the kidney • But they said that regardless of The drug can cause elevated of lesser-known figures. how the toxic reaction developed. b 1 o o d pressure, which is This week, the organ iza tion both people they treated and a frequently associate d with monitoring Soviet compliance third, previously reported case, k i d n e Y damag e, and ls with the 1975 Helsinki Human s uffe red kidney failure after controversial because it often is R ight s Accord said it had using the drug. used in the illegal so-called suspended all its activities, "look-alike" drugs sold on the ••unde r press ure o f the They added that "several cases stree t as ''uppers ·' or authorities." of ot h er s er i 0 u 8 t 0 xi c amphetamines. according to the By th e time the watchdog complficationf' associated with FDA. group made its announcement use o appet te suppressants or Although the FDA lssu~ a Wednesday, onlr, three of its The late deputy head of the , KGB, Semyon Tsvigun, wrote The West has very little leverage on the Soviets. nasal decongestants containing report earlier this year by an members were sttll free -and PPA also have been documented. outside panel which concluded one. a 74 -year -old woma n then that ••an t i-socialist "The association (between the that PPA was safe and effective lawyer, was facing indictment on eleme nts" who h ad posed aa drug and kidney failure) leads us as an appetite suppressant, charges of slandering the Soviet "defenders of human righta" and to be concerned about ita use in "reporta eame out in the medical Union. The Helsinki group was "champions of democracy" had these over-the-counter cir~ not literature tha( when taken in founded in 1976 to monitor been thwarted and that "the prescribed by ·a physician,'' doses higher than as currently Soviet compliance and at its peak most active of them have been Swen.son, a medical resident at marketed, there were serious had more than two dozen br o ught to c r l min a 1 0 re g o n H e a Ith Sc I enc es side effecta," Gilbe,rtson said. members. responsibility." .~~~~~~~~~--..--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~___;.~~~~~~~ Food-stanip use up 1n 1981 U.S. says 7. I million households participated WASHINGTON (AP) -About 7.1 million American households received government food stamps last year. up 5.1 percent from 1980, but there was a decline in households receiving free or subsidized sch ool lunches, the Comme r ce Department has reported. There were also increases in the numbers of households covered by Medicaid or living in publicly owned or subsidized housing, but the report said Commerce economists considered those rises statistically leu si~t. In all, the report said, about 14.8 million U.S . households received some form of means-tested benefit last year -that is, a benefit requiring recipients to have income or asseta below a certain level. The total was up from about 14.3 million in 1980. Nearly half the households receiving suc}1 benefits -,,)17 percent compared with 45 percent m 1980 -~d incomes below the poverty level, which was $9,287 for a family of four in 1981 , the report said. It covered major public non-cash benefit programs. basing its findings on a March 1982 survey of about 62,000 'households. The study also added a disclaimer that the results were subject to sampling errors. Details indicated: -About 68 percent of the households receiving food stamps were below the poverty level, the highest percentage for the four categories. The report did not give any reason why food stamp recipients might have increased, but previous reports have indicated an increase In American households ·below the poverty level and therefore Developer's license voided CHICAGO (AP) -Upholding cla ims of "filthy" conditions at a dozen McDonald's restaurants in Paris, a Cook County judge bu revoked the license of a developer who had plans to build 166 of the popular fast-food franchiees In the French capital. The ruling was hailed as a major victory by the Oak Brook-based McDonald's Corp., which charged that operations owned by Raymond Dayan were unsanitary and did not meet company standards for quality, service and cleanliness. Circuit Judge Richard L. Curry also ordered Dayan to remove McDonald's signs, equlpment and other trademark material from 12 of hls 14 McDonald's restauranta in Paris. Dayan, an Illinoi.a resident, opened his flnt McDonald's ln Parls In 1972. The agreement voided Thursday had called for Dayan to open 166 stores in and around Paris over the next 30 yean. "Simply stated, McDonald's po&ition la that the Paris restauranta are filthy and that the quality, .ervice and cleanliness standards have been gromly violated for a considerable period of time,'' Curry wrote In his opinion Thursday, "and that the Parts operation constitutes a blight on ita worJdw1de system and that they want their name off these restauranta. '' Curry said Dayan could continue operatJna the remaining two restaurants aa McDonald'• operations because company 0Ulclal1 had not lalfected them. The ruling came after 66 days of trial 'and nearly 101000 p.gee of testimony over a nine-month ~· Throughout the trial. Dayan charged that McDonald'• wu applytna different 1tanclarda of deanlineel, 9ervlce and quality to hla operaUone thu It did to other restaurants In an attempt to force hJm to default on hia llcenlln, ~l. He eakt McDooaJd'• had not INJ)fJCted h mtauranc. or ctven htm my help"' operaUna them unUI 1977. more likely to apply for food stamps. -Almost 5.4 million households received free or reduced-price ac.hool lunches, down 3.2 percent from 1980. About half of those households were under the poverty level. The report said the numbeD of households with children between the ages of 5 and 18 declined in 1981. -Just under 2.9 million households resided in publicly owned or other sublidl7.ed housing, up 3.5 percent from 1980. About 53 percent of thoee were below the po,.-ty lewl. -About -8.~ wiJUOn households had one or more members covered by Medicaid, up 2.4 percent from 1980. About 54 percent of thoee households were ~low the poveny level. E.T. Phone Home "E.T. where are you?" "I have landed at Huntington Center to visit the kids & give free movie tickets." Daily Wed. thru Fri. 6 to 8 pm. Sat. 12 to 4 and Sun. 12 to 2. Sept. 8 thru 12. Contemporary White wa11un1t ,.. ~ J • WORTH Of @@)(] @)@@)o cab.lnelry September 18-26 is National Kitchen/Bath Week. And we're marking the occasion by participating In Wood- Mode's National Kitchen/Bath Week Contest! Come to our Open House at our showroom during this week-long event and enter the contest. You could win a certificate good for $1,000 worth of Wood·Mode Cabinetry! Complete details and entry forms are available at the Open House. lWenty-flve $1,000 certJncates and twenty- flve $500 certlncates will be awarded nationally. No pur· chase necessary. Limit one entry per family. This con· test Is vold where prohibited or restricted by law. 111-llcrowaN Demoftlfr•tloft, WOod·llode""" IXAMIN!-ICltchen I 8dt _,,,.,.,,... PrOdUoCI TALK-Jb ,,..,,,,.,., Remodellnf ..,_,. COLLICT-~, ldw, A*1oe ALL AT NO OllUCIATIONI • ' For one week only, you --save on every Lees 1 carpet of Dupont® Antron® A sale this big can only happen once a year! That's the way Harlow's planned it. And, thanks to Lees reduced prices to us, we can pass big savings on to you! Big savings on Lees best-selling carpet fashions in this year's smartest decorator patterns an·d colors! So why wait! Come on in and save at Harlow's. It's Lees annual factory- authorized sale. You want to get the Aritron® •Resists Soiling •Resists Staining •Resists Static Shock GA ADEN ·OROVE 12802 Knott Street 1 I 8 tk No Gl •dt n G•O•" F'*'' (714) IN·M57 • (213) 514·M21 I Or1ng1 Co11t DAIL V PILOT /Saturday, September 11, 1982 Choose from a wide variety of colors, styles and textures. When the carpet is made of Dupont Antron® the beauty lasts. It has great looks that stand the test of time, and kids, and spills, and wear, and more. All prices include carpet, pad and installation CUT and LOOP. A magnificent multi- tone so deep it flaunts a "custom look." Styled in a rainbow of high fashion colors. s 149 5 Completely Installed SAL~ sq .. yd. PLUSH. Crafted from exceptional nylon yarns that are specifically designed for years of outstanding perfoJ~ance. $ 15 9 5 COfllpletely Installed SALE sq. yd. . " MUL Tl·LEVEL LOOP. A luxurious carved texture that reflects the finest of traditional carpet styling. Designed to perform anywhere in$ g busy homes. 16 5 Completely Installed SAL£ sq. yd. SAXONY PLUSH. A carpet for al I the decorating versatility modern living demands. Available in a medley of pop~lar decorator $ 7 g 5 colorations. 1 Completely Installed SALE sq. yd. CARVED TEXTURE. This fasc inating level cut and loop pile gives the carpet a distinetive hand-crafted look. Comes in .today's$ g 5 fashionable colors. 19 Completely Installed SALE sq. yd. VELVET PLUSH. Multi-tone saxony plush can be easily coordinated to many decorating schemes. Made with today's most durable l?ng-wearing carpet s2095 fiber. Completely Installed SALE sq. yd. STORE HOURS: Mon. thru Sat. CERRITOS 11.-0. Sou1h Street tAt .,,, 11om 1111 c-..os Mell! (213t•4GD LONG llACH 340 E. •th ltrMt 1Acl09I "°"' .... (21 .... , HUNTINGTON llACH 15073 Goldenwett lleft•l'CI Don JOM t I Coco II (114> •i.1111 • (213) .... , 9 am-5:30 pm Mon. & Fri till 9 Garden Grove open Sunday 12·5 Convenient Credit Terms Avallable PLACENTIA 121 E Yorba Linda COAONA OIL MAR ., 3838 Eut Coat H1hWIV LAGUNA HILLI 23351 Avenlda de la Carlotta (91tween El TOM & Yke FOtnt •~tit) Laguna Hiiis Mon.thru Fri 9-9 Sat. 9-5:30 Sun. 12·5 1Acrou from ,.,,. Ctownt "n1tu1tnt1 (7H) 17).4441 (714) 7•7444 I t l Al Orange Ooaat DAILY Pll.OT/laturday, hptwnber 11, , ... Fire sque lche r A bomber spr ays fire retardant on a blaze at a lumber mill in Rogue River, Ore. T he fire ~urned an estimated 12 million board . feet of stacked •umber "a nd destroyed a n earby house. Damage was set at $ l :s m illion . Deadlock in El Sa ador war Both id e tronser, baulelield death ri ins SAN SALVADOR, El Salvador (AP) The war In El Salvador la intt'ntUytna In a costly d adlock bctw n lln 1i1rmy adopUna raew aagret11lvc tactics and an eluelv gue>rrllla force relying on ambush und aabotag.,, Alier almost three years of fightJng, tho raw of b&Ulefleld death• la rtalns. and mllltary analyatll say both ai des are setting stronger, thou"h neither ap~ara to be winning. The Farabundo Marti National Liberation Front, whoee 4,000 to 6,000 guerrilla.9 hold away In much ot the countryside, ls counting on the stalemate to help it win a share or power through a negotiated settlement. Commanders of the 24,600-member armed forces reject negotiat.lona with the leftist guerrilla leaden1. But President Alvaro Magana'a rtghllst- domJnated civillan government, at the urging of Pope John Paul II and the O.S. State Department, last month formed a panel committed to seek "reconcillation" In Central America's hottest conflict. In 20 major army s wee ps this year, the guerrillas have fled their strongholds, stepped up ambush and sabotage attacks-elsewhere, then returned when the army withdrew. "Both sides a r e holding their ground , overcoming major dl{ficultles and getting better at what they are good at," said a Salvadoran military observer, who asked not to be identified. The army's latest drive, which encircled 50 square miles around the San Vicente volcano east of the capital, was another standoff. The •a rmy recovered scores of farm communities occupied by 11ut•rr11laa tor two yca111, but mo.it ot the? lruurgcnt.a titcaped. W mini( of the attack r.-och~ th rebcl·h4'1d vi llas of 8an JaC'lnto de ha Cruz two daye In advanL'C, recalled Armando Vurgaa, a local peasant who survived the army wuwult. Alter a debate over whether to stay and flaht, 1 2~ of It.a 18~ Inhabit.ant.a, includlnR mo1t of the arml.'<.l rebels. aot out aaCelv. Later, as 4,000 government liOldiera lightened thelr circle, many who had stayed tried to break out. "Som~ died in air bombardmenta," said Vargas, 36. Three unarmed m('n were shot on the run, Vargas said. Three local women told reportcrs 300 unarmed peasants were killed' in the two-week operat.lon, which ended Aug. 29. The army saJd it had killed 270 armed and unarmed "subversives," and two of its own men had been killed. In the San Vicente operation, the anny'a three U.S .-tralned battalions and other units used U.S.-supplied helicopters for the first time to move troops to battle. It relied h.-avily on a P entagon- f ashloned stratcgy of deploying small, mobile bands to use guerrilla methods against the insurgents. The Reagan admlnistrallon has invested $81 million this year In training, equipping and redirecting the Salvadoran army. "It was a crackerjack operation, the best they have had," a Western analyst said. The operation's commander, Col. Napoleon Alvarado, admitted tha t about 500 rebels and supporters had fled before the attack. "They have us infiltrated," he sllld. After most government forces withdrew. snipers ambushed two army trucks, killing 20 soldiers. Newport-Mesa parents ritise cash to restore r~medial reading By JODI CADENHEAD Of the D911y Pilot Steff Despite a floundering economy , pa r e nts in t h e Newport-Mesa Unified Sch ool District have raised $45,000 to enable the district to restore femedial reading this montFi at six elementary schools. Members of the Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation will present trustees with the group's first gift Tuesday. The money wlll be used to hire six part-time reading specialists. Remedial reading was one of the programs d rastically cut from the financially ailing school district's budget last year. Deputy Superintendent Norman Loats said that the teachers will work with a total of 200 students throughout the year at Newport,Andenon, Newport Heights, California, Bear Street and Sonora elementary echools. "Reading is the buia of all learning," said Loats. "If you can't read, you really have a handicap as far as learning ls concerned." Loats said that the oth er elementary schools in the district receive funds from the School Improve ment Program that allow them to continue offering remedial reading. Elizabeth Palmer, executive director of the non-profit group hoping to restore about $1 million in achool programs, said the donations came Crom parents and business leaders. About $30,000 of the gift came Crom 300 families a nd another $15,000 came from an anonymous donor. Last April the founda tion began fund-ra ising efforts at each of the schools. Palmer said that gifts ranged from $1 to $1,- 000 each. Said foundation president Robert Ball, "It is most gratifying to watch the response. There is not one school that didn't make a contribution to the foundation." Palmer said that many donors said tney would have given more to the foundation if economic times were better. Th e local group is one of a number of private foundations fo rme d to r aise mo ney for districts that are losing revenues. Bill to ban forced retirement by age may pass, hackers say WASHINGTON (AP) -A bill backed by the Reagan administration that would e limina te mandatory retirement because of age may have the voies-to pass Congress this year if it is kept free of other issues, Rep. Augustus Hawkins, D-Calif., has said. Hawkins, ch airman of the House Education and Labor subcommittee on employment opportunities. said h e agreed with the administration that the legislation should be confined to the retirement issue. "The chances of getting legislation passed this year require tnat w e include only the issues we've agreed upon," concurred Malcolm R. Lovell Jr .. undersecre tary of labor, at a subcommittee hearing on the bill. In a letter to Rep. Claude Pepper, D-Fla., which was read at the hearing, Labor Secretary Raymond Donovan said the administration believes it is important to pass legislation this year eliminating mandatory retirement because of age. Donovan said related issues such as pensions, hiring and promotion and the right of plaintiffs to choose jury trials require further debate. Hawkins said the subcommittee may not write a final blll "if we can't get an understanding that we wop't get into a knock-down, drag-out fight" on other issues. In 1978, Congress raised the mandatory retirement age from 65 to 70 for most private employees and eliminated it e ntirely for federal employees. Proposed legislation would remove the cap at age 70. The administration s uppor ts eliminating the age-70 cap for a ll personnel actions except hiring and promotion. Arthur S . Flemming, president of the National Council on the Aging, said his organization "finds very difficult the p osition taken by the administration: that age discrimination in employment should continue for Americans over 70 who are looking for work or looking for a promotion. and end only for those lucky enough to have a job and content enough not to be looking to advance in it." Lovell said that ra ising the mandatory retirement age from 65 to 70 has had only a small impact on employees' decisions to rel.ire. * GRAND OPENING * th 62nd Street Ice Cream Parlor This Weekend September 1 1 ·& 1 2 1oc CONE DAYS Featuring Dreyers Ice Cream at 62nd St reet and Coast Highway 646-4289 If you own or plan on owning a VIC 20 Home Computer THIS SCHOOL ts FOR YOUI Behind Spaghetti Bender Restaurant Learn • Beginning Balle • Anlma"on • Color Programming • Music Programming • lullne• Programming • Game Programming •Word Processing . Coll 751-3587 for informaHon & enrollment Umlted Ervollment • Cla•et Start Mon., Sept. 13thl c1a ... Held Monday• Wednelday 7.11 p.m. 8 Hours of .. nta"onal lnstrucnon, ontv t100. 1548 BrOOkhollow Dr .• Santa Ano • 751 ·3687 (Womer & Newport Fwy /Dver Extt) Designer of the Week • Men's Fashion Trends Illy Piii fas hi on section every Sunday! • Anniversary WHen is a Sale really SALE ? Find out Friday, Saturday • and Sunday P-ICIS STA-TAT s229 PRIE DRAWING LA·Z·IOY IECLINA·IOCKI .. Drawing Will Be H9'd Oct. 17 Y04J Need Not Be Present To WINI • , lllllJ Piiat 9ATUADAV,8SPT. 11, 1982 COMICS ENTERT Al NM ENT TELEVISION 810 812 814 ( Lons Beach tale in 'biggeBI same' D 0 against UCLA today. 82. f Lynn cracks open close game, 6-2 By CURT SEEDEN ()("the DellJ ftMot ae.tt particularly tor the Angels who ore In the midst of a pennant drive. It took a guy with a cracked rib to give the The guy with the cracked rib, Fred L;ynn, 4 today. He found out that the only Ume It bothered him was when he swung and missed. "So I kidded him and said, 'weU, don't mia,'" Mauch added. Amerlc•n Le~ue WHI w L Pct. Angels e, 6·2 victory over the Toronto Blue Jays ' made lt·eaay to forget about all the silliness. Lynn Friday night, but then that was rather tame delivered a very dramatic bfises·loaded double in cqmpared to everything else that happened at . the bottom oLlhe eighth inning after Don Saylor Lynn didn't, hitting reliever Dale Murray's first pJtch up the alley ln right-center to clear the bases. The hit sported what was otherwise an impressive bit of pitching by starter Luis Leal. Kansas City . 79 61 .564 Anaheim Stadium. had gotten the Angels even at 2-2 with an RBI Angele 78 62 .557 1 .. Chicago 75 64 .540 31h I When Reggie Jackson captures a couple of double, as the Angela moved to within one game of Would-be burglars to start off his morning, you can American League West-leading Kansas City .• bet It's not going to be just another day at the ball It was Lynn's first plate appearance since Sept. park. l, and his double was hls 35th of the year to set a The Angels and Blue Jays opened their three-club record. g~ series in a steady mist which diPn't let up all "We were really thrilled for Freddie," noted nJght, which is more than you could say about the Jackson after the game. "I honesUy felt that he was Leal and Geoff Zahn (16-7) were locked in a pretty good duel, with Leal holding on to a 2-1 lead after seven innings. Up until the fateful eighth, he had allowed an RBI sJngle by Juan Beniquez for the Angels' only run in the second. But in the eighth, he walked Rod Carew with one out. One out later. Jackson beat out an Infield chopper. OAMEaMMMMO ltANU8 CtTY (221 -HOMI! (13): Seot II, 12, MIMMOla} Sept. 13, 14. 16, 18, Seattle; 8apt. 27. 2S, 29, Angela; Sepl, 30, Oct. 1, 2, 3, Oalllend. AWAY (8): Sep!. 17, 11, ~. MlnnMo\4: • Sept. 20, 2 t, 22, Mg.ia; Sept. 24, 25, 21. OalUand. ANQlla (22) -HOME (II Sepl. 11, 12. Totonlo: Sept. :tO. 21, 22. I<-City: Oct. 1, 2, 3, Taxa. AWAY (141: Sept. 13. fA. 15, Chicago, Sept. 11. 17, 11, t8, Toronto. Sept, 23, 24, 25, H . ' Texu; Sept. 27, 21, 29, Ken ... City. players. either going to get a base on balls or help the club Slapstick was the order of the day as 25,012 some how. l just felt It." watched the two teams bumble and fumble their Added Manager Gene Mauch: "Today was the way through what was supposed to resemble a first dav he (Lynn) could swing a bat. He ca.me out major league contest. It was quite unbecoming, early and took battina practice all by himself a~ut Thal broui{ht on Murray, who was greeted by Baylor's game-tying double. After Doug DeCinces CHICAGO (231 -HOME (14): Sept. 13, t4, t5, Angela; Sept. 1e. 17, 19, J8, Oeldend; SepJ. 24. 25, 2e, MIMM01a; Sept. 27 (2), 28. 29. Seattle. AWAY (9t; 8-pt t 1, t~. Oekland: Sept. 20, 2t, µ. 23. S..1119, Oct. 1, 2, 3. Mlnneeote (See ANGELS, Page Bl) Howe keeps Astros down Do dgers keep pace, win 3-2 HOUSTON (AP) -Los Angeles pitcher Steve Howe had one thought in mind when he went out to face the Houston Astros en route to Friday night's 3-2 victory -keep the ball down and in. "If I had to take someone's knee caps off, I was determined lo keep it down and in," said Howe, 7-4, who emerged with the victory in the hard-fought game. "With me, It's not how hard I throw it but where I throw it." Howe threw it in all the right spots, getting out of a run-scoring situation In the seventh inning when the Astros got the tying run to third base with one out. Howe Intentionally walked Astros pinch hitter Art Howe and then fon:ed pinch hitter Phil Garner to hit Into an inning ending double play. National League Weet W L Pct . GB Atlanta 79 62 .560 Dodgers 78 64 .549 1'h REMAJMNG o.-a ATLANTA (21) -HOME (I): 8epl. 11, 12. Cincinnati; Sept. t3. g4. 15, Hovaton; Sept. 24, 25, 28, San Olego. AWAY (t3)" Sept. 17. 11, 18, Cincinnati. Sept. 20, 21. 22, Hovaton. Sept 27. 21. Sen Frenc19co: s.pt. 29, 30. Dodgen; Oc:t. t. 2. 3, Sen Olego. 000008(20) -HOME 113): ~. 13, 14, 15, Sen Diego: Sept. 17, 18, 19, Hovaton; Sepl. 24, 25. 28. San Frenclllco; Sept. 27, 28. Cincinnati. Sept. 29, 30. Atlante. AWAY 1n-· Sept. 11, 12. Houaton; 8apt. 21. 22. San Diego. Oct. 1, 2, 3. San Frend9co. wanted to stay In the game and he still had his velocity so l decided to go with him." The Dodgers got one run n tbe first on Steve Garvey's grounder, Los Angeles starting pitcher Burt · Hooton homered in the ~ and a wild pitch by Ryan permitted the third nm to score in the fourth inning. 0.., Not ..... " ~ ltan Newport Harbor's Brett Kacura ( 58) and Jason Savisaar ( 77) sack Stan P incur a. Aatros Manager Bob Lillia went all the way with struggling Nolan Ryan, 14-11, who struck out nine batters but also walked eight. "I went out to talk to Nolan (in the ninth)," Lillis said. "He Derrel Thomas and Ken Landreaux hit back to b'acl~ singles in the first and Ga.rVey.i fielder's choice grounder to thfrd baseman Ray knight allowed Thomas to score from third bale: Marina • WinS with 0:04 to go, I 0-8 upright on the deciding kick. ROGER CARLSON he Delly ll'llot Slllft ric Karman's 37-yard field goal b lour seconds remaining saved M.._nna High's Vikings from absorbing a 11l4ljor upset Friday night as the Vikings o~ercame host Newport Harbor, 10-8, in non-league football. For the Vikings, relief. For the Sailors. only close, no cigar. "We have a team that tries," said Newport Har~r Coach Mike Giddings in his initial start as the Sailors' leader. "I promise our fans we'll get better." Viking Coach Dave Thompson credited his team'• defense with keeping Marina in the game, but added: "Give Newport Harbor the credit. They flattened our running game, we just couldn't get our motor running." !It was a narrow escape for Orange County's No. 1-rated team after the Sailors had taken the lead with 1:51 left o~ Steve Brazas' four-yard sweep to the le t and a two-point burst over the left si e by Brazas. After a scoreless Urst half it appeared the Vikings were finally getting their act together at the outset of the third quarter, marching 85 yards in 10 plays without so much as a third down. ,How close was it? "It was damn close," d official Bill Traver as he held his ds six inches apart, indicating the tance between the ball and the right r ater D ei plays 1ong ball, 24-14 B JOHN SEV ANO ... OalJ Pttot ..... NORWALK -The beauty of h school football is that each n season brings with It new p mises and new expectations. Well, following Friday night's n opener for both Fountain y{'llley and Mater Dei, the .Monarchs' promises are still etty bright. The Barons' e pectations, however, have bly dropped a notch or two. The Monarchs used the Big ay and their muscle to erpow4:r the Barons, 24-14, at rrltos College before an ted crowd of a.~. Mater Del's Blg Plays -and ere were three· of them -all ulted in touchdowns covering , 79 and 36 yards, respectively. The backbreaker of the trio, at aa far u the Barons were c ncerned, came midway ugh the f1naJ quart.er with taln Valley leading, 14-13. Monarch quarterback Roger ynoeo f8ded back to paaa and t Steve ()prian out on the left t for a 6'-yard pin. Oprtan, ever, who wu just about to t hit, pitched the b11J to t ammate Richard Aguirr• lnsinl O\Ct of th~ backfield. na'lwn:-e took the to. and went dae final 30 yards fOt' the """'Oft· uwe were ln the wron1 alignment," said a disappointed and disgusted Mike Milner of Fountain Valley after the game. "Even lf we had been in the right alignment, we probablr, wouldn't have stopped the play.' Outside of the thtte big playa, which totaled 195 of Mater Del's 279 yards In total offense, the Barona dld a good job of controllln8 the Monarchs. But evun with Fountain Valley's effectiveness, Mater Del was that much better. The Monarch• held the petennia1 Su.Met League power to just 35 yarda rushing and another 96 par ..ng. Their fierce hitting reaultecf in two key turnovers late In the fourth quarter, the flm of which Jed to the go-ahead touchdown, and left more than one Baron playel' hobbllna to the aldeline. "We've really worked hard defensively," explained Mater Oei Coach Wayne Cochrun. "Thia group t. very a1rnalve. They really like to h.lt. Heck. we have to keep them from ki1llna each other In pnc:tlce. '' The MOnarc:bl jamped out flD a 13-0 first,.half )Md • a.ynoeo connected wt th Oprian on an 80-Jard touchdown ,_ on the .third play of the a•m• •net AcWJ'N brOke --fer. Tl-~ (lee BAAONI, P ... Bl) BiU Marler's pas.5e8 of 16 and 13 yards to Glenn Vieira keyed the drive and set up a wide open tight end Marcello Mott.esi on the 25-yard scoring play .. Motessi caught the ball 10 yards downfield and had clear sailing to the goal llne. Kannan booted the PAT and moments later the Vikings were looking good again, thanks to Bob Lee's second interception and return to the Sailors' 43. But the Sailors' defense stiffened, forced three Marina punts, then the offense became allve behind quarterback Mike Wells. Wells hit Rich Power for 25 yards and a facemask penalty moved the ball to the Marina 42. Then Brazas, the 6-3, 197-pound juruor, pounded his way to the 34. Wells went to Gil Ward for 19 yards and after Long Truong picked up two yards and a first down at the 4-yard line, Brazas swept the left side. Brazas crashed over left tack.le for the go-ahead two-point conversion and the upset of the year was in sight. But the Vikings came back, thanks to quick out-of-bounds oriented passes to sophomore Chip Rish for 8 and 18 yards, then a similar perfecto to Vieira for 18 yards to the Sailors 22. Kannan carried to his right on third and 10 to set himself up for his place- kick and the Vikings let the clock run (See MARINA, Page 83) _ .. Dickie Thon singled, s~ole second base and scored on Harry Spllman's single to rightfield In the first inning. The Dodgers added a run ln the fourth. Catcher Mike ~ioscla singled to right field, Stolt. 'OOnci and went to third on th, ...ame play on Astros catcher Alan Ashby's throwing error and !ICOred on a wild pitch by Ryan. Houston's second run game in the filth inning when Terry Puhl reached base on first baseman Garvey's fie lding e rror and scored on a triple to left-center field by Dickie Thon. Hooton left with one out in the fifth and Terry Forster retired the next two batters. Seahawks run past E stancia • By HOW ARD L. HANDY °' .. Dllllr ......... When Estancia Coach 'Ed Blanton said his team was ~ he wasn't referring to the achool oolon following a 14-7 openiojt loss to the Ocean View Seahawlii Friday night at Orange Coal · College. • Blanton instead was referrin& to the loss of key offensive stalwarts by the F.agle football team after last aeuon. ''What happened toni1ht ia what I thought would happen," Blanton aald after the game. "We- are inexperienced and IJl'"l'l and will have to improve our offense or it will be a ior., aeuon." In the Ocean View camp. flnt-yev CI09Ch Steve Colflesh appeared •tWled but also added. th a t h I a ~e a m n e 9'd e cl oonaiderable ~ oo tta olfenae. "Our kida played IUee!' tDntth and we bad wry IOOd~defeme,'' Colflesh uid. "We wn• fonunaie to ~ aw9Y with a wt,n and rm very happy about It.. We h8ve a touch IChedule andl thinaa won't aet any ........ Todd Parker bad a tq ~ cury1n1 the ball for t Seehawb; p6ddns up e3 ,.- 19 CU'riel and haW,. • &.: ecortna run called 6aclt by ---1ty. He allo Clupt a P.111 11 yards and ecored the flnt (lee f&AJIAwu, hp 81) ,. 1. Orange Oout OAll.Y PILOT/l1turd1y, September 11, 1992 -W oodhridge gets its biggest • • win ever, 17-2 8 1 1\08 ffALVAlt Of "'-DellJ ,.... ..... ' Led by quarteback Kevin B\lrl< and an opportunlatlc defenae, the Woodbrldl• H11h Waa:rlor1 downed cro11-t.own r1N'a1 Unlverahy, 17·2, Friday oltiht In tho aeuon o~ner for boUl teams at lrvtno High. aald Woodbrldte Coach Oen• Nojl. "It WM • ,,..t wln ,.,.. UI. We 1ot tremendoua ltadenhip from K evin (Burke) and our d fenM forced 1101ne bia break.I." J)Ollftllon, Woodbrlda marched 40 yarda ln 12 play• for Ill eeoond ICOre. The drive wu kept allv by an eiaht-yard 1cre n po11 from Burke to runnlna back Rudy Fi1uero11 on third and .even at the Unlvenit)' 13. Thr~ play• later, Burke hit wld receiver B1U Ruuell In the comer of the end r.one with a aeven-yard TO pa.a. Leach convened the point after. Thia was the Initial meeting between Woodbridge and the Unlvef'9lty TrojaN, an~ by far the .biggest win in the young Warriors' history. Tho Warrlor.' defel'Ule .et up their first ecor when 1afety Kevin Annltronc camo up with • fumble recovery on the 1ame'1 flnt play from acrtmmaae at the Univel'lity 2t.-ya.rd line. Six playa later, Burke tcored from two yarda out on a quarterback delay and Tim Leach added the extra polnt. "We've been looking forward to ,iarting this rivalry alnce our program began three yean ago," Alter the defense forced the Trojana to punt on their next Midway throush the second quarter th~ Trojans had their flnt ecorlng opportunity of the .. .. Bucks coax -Cowens , out of retirement From AP dlspatcbes MILWAUKEE -Former Boston m Celtics star center Dave Cowens w& 't r aded to the Milwaukee Bucks Friday for Quinn Buckner in deal that Bucks Coach Don Nelson called a calculated risk. Nelson said Cowens. who retired before the 1980-81 season, is the finaJ ingredient necessary to make his team a legitimate contender for the National Baskett>ap Association title. "I am taking a risk, a calculated risk, but I know what makes Dave Cowens tick." said Nelson, who remained good friends with Cowe.ns after they had played together as Celtics in the 1970s. "If anyone can come back after two years, it's Dave ' Cowens. • I "I really feel good that cow.NS we made the right decision at this point in the history of the Milwaukee Bucks. I know we lost a younger player for a man who will play with us for a (short) lime. Our team if now ready to make a legitimate run at the ~ 'Rlampionshi p." ~ Cowens called 1t a "reaJ challenge" to come ~back from his self-imposed retirement. Minnesota stows down Kansas City Gary Ward'• grounder between • first and second base baCfled rookie right fielder Steve Hammond and the ball rolled to the wall for a three-run . hol'J\er as Minnesota, behind Bob Caatillq'a four-hit.ter1 shut out Kansas City, 5-0, Friday night. Castillo, 9-11, and Larry Gura, 17-10, were locked in a pitching duel through aix innings before Gura's defense collapsed ln the seventh . . . Elsewhere, Steve Kemp 'drove in four runs with a pair of homers to lead Chicago to a 9-3 romp over Oakland . . . Dave Henderson homered and drove in four runs while Gaylord Perry got relief help as Seattle downed Texas, 5-2 . . . In the Eastern Division, Milwaukee maintained its lead, as Charlie Moore drove in his third run of the game with a single in the eighth inning to snap a tie and pace the Brewers to a 5-3 victory a t New York . . . Eddie Murray slugged his 28th houer with two out.a in the top of the 13th to give Bal~re a 3-2 win at Cleveland Lou Wbltaker, Joba Wockenfuss and Cbet Lemon belted solo homers to lead Detroit past Boston, 6-4. Braves cruise to easy win over Reds Pascual P erea earned his first • win of the season Friday night and Dale Murphy and Rafael Ramirez homered to lead Atlanta to an 8-2 victory over Cincinnati. The win preserved the Braves' l 'fl-game lead over the. Dodgers ln the National League West chase . . . . Elsewhere, Joe Morgan belted a solo homer and converted starter Fred BrelniDg 11Cattered aix hit.a for his second complete game to lead San Francisco to its seventh victory in eight games, a 5-1 triumph over San Diego. The win moved the Glant.a to within a haJf-game of the third-place Padres . . . Bill Robinson drove In three runs. two with a fourth-Inning double, and Pete Roae set a ' National League record for ,games played as Philadelphia rallied to defeat Pittsburgh, 7-5, and moved into first place ln the F.astem Division ntaht u they drove from their own 2~ to tho Woodbrld&• 26 but the Warriors' detenM held •trona and turned the balJ ov..- on downs. Stt'Ve Bar1amian aot Univcralty on the 1coreboard wh n h uc:ked Burke in the end r.one for a aafety on Woodbridte'1 flr1t po11e11lon In the 1econd hall. The Trojans had the boll deep In Woodbridae terrltor)' three more ti met in the second half, but the Warrior defense held 1trong. On the niaht, the Woocibrtda• d tonM rC1COvered \hree fumble• and had thrH lntettepUON. With 8:oe to play in the fourth quartn Leach finished the ecortna for the Warriora aa he connecuxl on a 32-yard field 10&1 attempt. * WoodbrW.. 11, Unl..,slty 2 loOtellJ ~· WOOdbfld~ 14 0 0 :I -17 Unlv«llly 0 0 2 0 -2 W-lkirk• 2 run (LHGh klell) W-AulMll 7 PUI from Burki (LHch klc:k) U-Satety. Ber .. mlan leckled Burke In end zone W-LMCh 32 FG w u 'ltll cto.na t I ~dt 32 ... t '°·IOI P~ YlfOt 1ot a 10 ,,_ 10·11-0 ... , ... , Puntt J.)O 3·31 Fumblet-lotl G·2 ~3 Penelllet-ylfdt 7-17 6-te tndWldwel ll11tfllftt W -8chroedet. 5·32. "gueroe, It•* ~. Mor mlnut 2. But1le, 14·10t-Mlnul 3. U -lenunl, 1-45, lv11n1, t 1·26, 8"'9d, 2· It: Wilton, S· It: ZelOlvar, 1-4 lndlVldu.iP ....... W -lkirke. 10.1e.o. 109 U -BelOlllotkl, 2·7·2, tor mlnut U ; Walton, 2·7·1. 22 lndlvld11elfleoetrifttl W -AutMll, 6..a2, l'lglltfoe. 3·23; Kydd, 1·1t:ol.uU. 1·5. V -SnMd, 3-<I, Fallie, 1-4 ~ Nelson said 34-year-old cen ter Bob Lanier is !! near the end of his career. He said the Bucks 1> have made a commitment to him (Lanier), to the ~team and to the Milwaukee fans to win a title f! while Lanier is still playing. . . . Craig Swan stifled St. Louis on two hits for 6 ~ innings and singled home a run to lead New York ~t the Cardinals, 2-1, to shove St. Louis out of first place ..J .. • Al Oliver had four hit.a, including a pair of doubles, and Sten Rogers tied a careel' high with his 17th victory as Montreal recorded a 7-2 triumph over Chicago. ...., .......... ~ ........ O"D••lll Estancia High quarterback Scott Davis ( 3 ) is hauled down by Ocean View's Charlie Hagan (67). Estancia lost, 14-7. t "As Bob gets older ... we feel the time is ow." Nelson said. Cowens. who will be 34 before the 1982-83 season starts, announced over he summer that he wanted to end his etirement. The Bucks and the Phoenix Suns ):; showed the greatest interest in acquiring the ~former center from the Celtics. who still owned • his rights. Glider, Archer lead Boston tourney Veterans Bob Glider and Geor1e !I Arclaer easily mastered par for the ' second day in a row but were in entittly different moods Friday after tyin~ for the 36-hole lead in the Bank of Boeton Classic. Gilder felt he should be at least two shots better than his 134 after a second straight 67 while Archer felt be played badly the last four holes for a 68 . . . Long-hitting Clarla Jobnaoa, belting drives as long a1 328 yards, seized the first round lead in the Mary Kay Golf Classic with a 6-under-par 66 over the Bent Tree Country Club course in Dallas. She holds a one-- stroke lead over Carole Cbarboaaler and Pat Bradley. Long Beach State plays 'biggest game' • Quote of the day UCLA rated _34-~int favorite today I "I said I was sorry. I don't know why." • -Tennis player Pam Shriver, after ~upe nding doubles partner Martina Navratilova in the U.S. Open and ending Navratilova's quest for the women's tennis .Grand Slam. orn denies report of trade request Cllpper.s will stay In San Otego By DENNIS BROSTERHOUS oftM 0.-, ""°' Se.ff PASADENA -A new rival? Or survival? • Veteran Seattle quarterback Jlm [i] , relegated to a backup role by •. • ch Jack Patera thiii week, Friday enied a report that he has asked the The San Diego Clippers have • withdrawn their application to move the National Basketball Association franchise to Los Angeles and a $120 Since the Long Beach State football team signed to play UCLA this year, and again in 1984. a new excitement has been sweeping the 49er campus. A recent Long Beach State· press release termed today's l:SO meeting with UCLA at the Rose Bowl "as the biggest game in the school's 28-year history of playing football." ahawks to trade him. In its Friday editions, a ma newspaper said Zorn and four unnamed attle starters have asked to be traded. The ewspaper said the report came from sources lose to Zorn, 28, and the Seahhawks' anagement . . . After four hours of eliberation, jurors decided that Dallas Cowboys' officials did not withhold medical recor<h players. Fonner Cowboys Mike Gaecllter, le Townes and Leon Donobae each had ~ht $1 million in damages from the club for rles suffered in the 1960s and early 19109, tending that their careers were ahortened ause team officials purposely kept the eriousness of the injuries from them . . . eteran pro quarterback Jeff Knapple and ·nner Wyoming QB Pbil Davis have been Jgned by the Denver Gold of the World Football ague. million countersuit against the league. club owner Donald Sterling said Friday. Appearing at a hastily-called press conference, Sterling said he made the decision "voluntarily without ln.Ouence from anyone." . . . The Washington Capitals of the National Hockey League sent team captain Ryaa Walter and defenseman Rick Green to Montreal for four players, including All-star defememan Brian E11gblom, center Doa1 Jarvit, defenseman Rod Lupay and right wing Craig Laagblln . . . Sebaatlaa Coe returned to Britain Friday from the European track and field championahipe in Athens and went directly to Charing Cross Hospital in London for test.a on the ailment that has been affe.cting him the past few days. The 800-meten world record holder said, "I don't know what the problem is. There are lump! and bumps ln my neck and I have been feeling under the weather for a few days." That may be lrue. But the 49ers are going to need more than that kind of incentive against the veteran Bruins to be competitive. Oddsmakers brave enough to quote a line on the game list UCLA as a 34-point favorite over Long Beach today. On paper, even that may be a conservative estimate. "UCLA is a veteran team, especially at the akill posiUona. and they are certain ly a challerf1re for ua," said Dave Currey, who is starting his aixt,h teaaon u the 49en' head ooeich. "Our goal is to play well in the . :: loyd, Mandlikova to meet • 1n finals ·Enroe meets Lendl and Connors faces Vilas in men's semifinals today EW YORK (AP) -Second-seeded ~ert Lloyd, seeking her sixth title, : min.a Mand.likova of Ciechoelovalda anced Friday into the women's singles al at the U .S . O p e n Tennis pionships. t>yd, who has reached the aemifi.nala ol ric.a's premier tennlt event in each of 12 years ahe has played here, crushed ~th-seeded Andrea Jaeger 6-1, 6·2, Cle Maodllkova ousted No. 7 Pana r &-4, 2""6. 6-2. oc:iay's final matches the 1980 tinaliaW, last time either player re~hed the ion1hip match. LloycY"defea&ed kova 5~7. 6-1, 6-1 on the hard COW1I the National Tennis Center two yean e top four men's aeeda will meet in the lflnab today, w ltb to_p-aeeded John Enroe facing No. 3 Ivan Lendt of hollovakla, and No. 2 Jimmy Connon ettng N o. 4 Gulllertno Vllae of ' ntina. nnors and Vllat will betln today'a on centet' court l.n Lou1a NmltrOl\ll J~~ followed by the women'• flna[ ~andlAndl. >yd, who won the ~am'• Utle -=h from 197&-1078, dwn capt~''-"' tn 1980, had little problems with Jaeger, who bad beaten her in three of four meetinp lhil year. The two baseline players began cauUoutly, tart.mg the other, engaging in lon1 rallies. But Lloyd, who earlier thLs week complained of Wnea after eating chu11et:ake, became the dominant force. Jaeger held# serve to begin the match, havine to fight oU a break potnt to do to. [t On TV tOday · channel 2 at noon waa her laat hurrah as Lloyd ripped ~ the next leVeft pma captwinl the rtnt ..i and tak!nc ~ 1-0 l.;i 1n the 91C1Qftd. The lon1 rallln -one produced 40 .,.._ -were lftfnquent • LJoyd larDt Nltatle11 pre11ure on her l '1-yHr-old ~~~=IDtheMtOI) ~"!,~alt one ..l point at IMO In .... ~ •• ~ 1Ddeuc.9wtth ........................... ........................... Nnd ..... '9vtnl Yl'Jid tM Op9nlft1"" With that opening, Lloyd qutckly· took advani.ae. fighting through a deuce to hold serve to begin the tea>nd eet. After Jaeger held aerve and Lloyd again was forced to deuce before holding aaatn for a 2-1 lead, the five-time U.S. Open champlon 1Wept her teen-age oppohen\ at love. Jaeaer broke ~t beck• Lloyd had problemt holdlng her..ve. But Lloyd took the next pme, br..tiftC Jaeaer at 1&. then ....wc1 a rove ,.... rm a &-2 leed. She clmed out the 7&-mlnut.e match by breald"8 Jaepr for the llxth Ume in the match. ibis dine at 40, to advance into tba anal, wbwe U.. winner will aollec:t 980.000. '1t W9I • 1D& IGUlhet' ct.a the ..... ltnnle kind of .... "~ aald. ~ ... all of the bee ~ti. Ind lhat'1 IOOCI. ~t It WM a mMt8' Of 8 ... palnll ta both IRI. "I wan\td '° w&a thll mateb ~. ~·-~~-1...,. lbatlhldto...--~ .... 1 .... 1 wamw" _.. a... a 61. ., ...... ........, .... ,.,.... ...... ~llld. MW 1M m1k'h. Uiyd WM awarded tbi U.S. Tennlt -S.rvtce Bowl, 1•••ft •n•U••l to a •layer fdr ~·? .. ---· ........ game and give a good acoounling of ourselves." For UCLA, playing a Pacific Coast Athletic Association team for the first time, it will mark a regular-season debut in the Rose Bowl. The school made t he decision during the summer to move from the Los Angeles Coliseum. where it had played the ~t 52 years. The Bruins of the Pac-10 are coming off a 7-4 -1 season , including a 33 -14 loss to Michigan in the Bluebonnet Bowl. The 49ers were 2-8 In 1981. "It's hard to know about Long Beach State," commented UCLA Coach Terry Donahue. "They'll come ln knowing it will be the biaest game they'll ever play." The 49ers will open with Todd Dillon, a transfer from San Joaquin Delta Junior College, at quarterback. He will be backed up by Doug Disney, who started six games a year ago. ''Dillon and Disney have both had good practices," said Currey. "(Tight end) Darren Long has looked good along with (running back) Lenny Montgomery and (center) John Puzat.'' Donahue has been forced to juale his lineup for the opener following a rash of Injuries, especially on the offensive line. Duval Love, a Fountain Valley Hlgh product, has been told that he might be starting at. tackle, though he is a guard, becaWte of injuries to Don Mahlatedt, Kevin Cronin and Scott Gordon, and the questionable 1tatus o! Steve Qemf.a, who has a sore back. Among the UCLA veteran• expected to start are senior quarterback Tom Ranwey. who has started 24 o{ the Bruim' 1aat 25 pmea, tailback Kevin Ne18on, wide receivers Cormac Carney and Jojo ToWNell and defeNive 111'emen Karl Morgan and lrv Eatman. Macres gain finals FLUSHING MJ:ADOWS, N.Y. -Tlm Macne and .,... Tim. Jr. of Newport Beech advanced to lbe ftnall af .. hlnlly ,_,. a.ai-. by wtnn1na a pair of. matchet Friday at the tita ol \ha U.8. Open ebllnp60Mh1 .. -.. Th• Man~ father·IOn duo woa over t ... Kennecl1• of, A.lbuqu~u.~1-5,~•• r:ri.:~ .... ~~ Neeb tMQ I chempl0f'•1-lp ..... SEAHAWKS From Page B1 Ocean View touchdown on a one-yard plunge. 1 Estancia scored first when Rick Recio picked off an errant 1 pass at lhe Ocean View 15 and ran it into the end 1.0ne with 1:02 left in the first period. Keith Hodge kicked the extra polnt and it was 7-0. Ocean View marched 45 yards with the aid of two penalties against the Eagles for its first score on Parker's plunge with Reid Th ibodeau kicking the extra point to tie the count with 6:46 left in the first hall. The winning score came on a sustained drive after Parker's 52-yard scoring scamper was nullified on a clipping penalty. Chad Pariseau hit 3-ol-3 passes for 29 yards and when he couldn't find an open man at the fiv~yard line, circled right end for the score. "Our def~e played pretty well but they also made a lot .of mistakes." Blanton said. He singled out Ruben Gallardo at rover and Recio at linebacker for special mention. Colflesh, in addition to praising Parker and Pariseau, singled out Dave Carroll for 1pecial mention on the defensive unit. At times CarroU appeared to be joining the Estancia backfield ar.d he disrupted Graham's thought.a of passing on more than one occasion late in the game. Then he lnt.ercepted a pass on the final play of the game to ensure the victory. Ocean View, ln addition to Parker's run, had a 59-yard pass play that took the ball to the Estancia 11 early in the game, also called back because of a penalty. ' , t Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Saturday, 8•pt1mb4tr 11, 1082 o.i1y Piiot l'hotoe bf CtMlflM llerr Seattle won't · strike Sunday " Bui walkout 1nay com e late~,. SEATTLE (AP) The Seattle Scahawk• dc.ocidcd Friday night to play thulr National Footbo-1.11 Leogueo opcnlng gome with the Cleveland Bro"°" t eliminating the poMlbllily of a strike by the WllWl! this weekend over the release of player representative Sam McCullum. The decision t.o play on Sun<Wy was announced' by quarterback Dave Brown, who waa named player representative after Mc.<:uUum was ptac.cf.# on waivers earlier this week. · "We wlU play," Brown announced followlrig a• team meeting. • • • Earlier Friday, the NFL Players Association appealed to the Seahawks not to strike thittj weekend. when the l'egular season begins. Brown said the Seahawks decided to play for 1 three reasons -the Seattle fans, the NFLPA 1 appeal not to strike this weekend and a National Labor Relations Board Lnquiry into an unfair labor. practice charge filed by the NFLPA calling for( McCullum's reinstatement. 1 Brown would not reveal if the Seattle playeQ took a strike vote at their 90-mlnute meeting. • "That," he said, "I'm not revealing. We deci~ not to strike this game." Asked to descrjbe the mood of the Seahawks' players, he said, "We want to beat the Clevelanci Browns." ' Newport's Bill Brown (22) scampers for yardage, a s does Marina's Eric K a rma n . Brown said the Seaule players still could str"'e l separately from the NFL's other 27 teams. "It ts • possible," he said. The Seahawks play at HouslQo.ln their second 1 regular-season game next weekend and Brown ~d ' the Seattle players would hold another m~ting f next week after the NLRB decision in the Mt-Cullum case to decide their course of action (or i the Houston game. t MARINA TOPS TARS. • • From Page 81 do,wn to 11 seconds before setting up. Stan Pincura took the snap, Karman sent the ball end over end and the Vikings were alive. There were no tricks in Newport's upset plans, just hard-nosed football. Marina's initial first down did not come until 6:05 remained in the first half and the Vikings' deepest penetration was to the NH 28. The Sailors' defense, most no t ably Frank Roa, Dave Cadigan, Brett Kacura. Greg BARONS .. • From Page 81 TD run in the second quarter. The Barons bounced back, though, on a pair of 11 -yard touchdown tosses from junior Brett Stevens -one to Chris Lung and the other to Jamie Craft -to assume a brief 14-13 lead. Jacobs, Pat Williams and Bud Coberly, choked off every Viking offe ring, while the offense, although effectively slowed down, n evertheless was c.'Ontrolling the tempo against the heavily favored Vikings. Friday's edition of the Los Angeles Times called the game "The Lock of the Week". but with 101 seconds remaining, the Vikes were still fumbling around Cor the keys. Brazas carried 18 times for 77 yards through the rugged Marina defense and also gained 30 yards on 5 receptions. Karman had 69 yards on a dozen carries, and Vieira caught 5 passes for 65 yards. * Merlna 10, NewD«t HaftMw I kot• 111 Ou.teta Marina O O 7 3-10 N-port Harbor 0 0 0 S-8 M-Mollnl 25 pass ltom Mlfler (K1tmen kick) NH-Brazes 4 run (Btazas run) M-Karman 37 FG Allendano.-3,400 (Hlimat.cl) GalM ••atlettca .. Fltll down1 12 Rushes-yards 33-109 Pualng y1td1 138 p-10·19-0 Punl• 7-33 Fumble.I-lost 3· 1 P911altiff..yatdl 8-85 IAdtY!cNel llwhlftg NH 8 28-75 98 11-17-2 5-39 2-0 8-22 ANGELS ••• • From Page 8 1 was walked intentionally, Lynn stepped up and provided the heroics. · "We've been looking for a little spark and maybe this will give it to ua,'' added Lynn. "I'm happy. I haven't been able to contribute in quite some time and to come through in a situation like that makes me feel good." Maybe it was just the shDck of the news that Minnesota was shutting out the Royals in Kansas City that prompted a bumbling Angel defensive showing in the second inning. Zahn started things off well enough by striking out Wayne Nordhagen, but Willie Upshaw then followed with a double in the right-field comer. But after Buck Martinez had popped out, Lloyd Moseby hit what should have been an inning-ending grounder to Bobby Grich at second. Instead, it was a run-producing error as the ball , trickled of Grich's glove and into center field. Moseby managed to advance to second on the play. Funny cars drag Don Prudhomme and Tom McEwen will renew their rivalry along with six other top funny car drivers in the Pepsi Parade of Champions tonight at Orange County International Raceway. Prudhomme. fresh Crom running a 5.73 second time at Indianapolis, will be the favorite when final eliminations get under way at 7. Others in the field include Roland Leong's Ha~aiian, driven by Mike Dunn of Long Beach; his father Jlm Dunn in the Fireman's Quickle funny car; and McEwen who recently won the American Hot Rod Association world finals with a five- second run and a track record of 24 7 .50 miles per hour in Spokane, Wash. Also in the field are J ohn Force in his Mountain Dew funny car. John Martin in the Jam Air Special, Joe Pisano and Michigan's Tim Grose. An eight-car alcohol funny car field wiJJ also take the flag tonight along with Jack Ennantraut's Hemi Under Glass wheelstander and fqur jet cars THI IARL'I ~nNO .. ~ SOlM W4Ta MIA~ IAT"900M ...,..._ !I •• 7•707 Service T-8terta at Y0ut Door (Caa Store --· 'f04N NM) COSTA M1SA 641·1289 IS16 M9wpatt lh4. MISMON YllJO 495-0401 2"22 CeMIM C I ·-,_ .... "'-"· .. .!.., -.y.) Earlier Friday, union leader F.d Garvey said he would have been "very much surprised" if the · Seahawks had walked out this w eekend. ! Faria wins scratch main Mike Faria of LonR Beach edRed Riverside's Mike Bast to win the scratch main event Friday night during the weekly motorcycle racing program at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa Mesa. Meanwhile, Steve Lucero outfinished Rick Miller in a special match race before a crowd of 3,218 that braved light rainfall throughout the • evening. In the handicap main. Riverside's Mike Mazzacane was the winner, while Huntington Beach's. Danny Scopelitte was the victor in the , second division. Finishing third in the scratch main was Dave Sims. while Alan Christian of Huntington Beach finished fourth. In fact, the Barons seemed to have s wung the tide and have things going their way when Craft fumbled a Monarch punt at the Fountain Valley 36. One play later, the flea-flicker worked for Mater Dei, and later in the quarter they also added a field goal (of 45 yards by Mike Doan) and a safety. M-Karman, 12-69, King. a-.1; Patter.on. 5·20. Plncura. 3-lor-mlnua 13; Marler. 5-lor-mlnua 8 Third baseman DeClnc es added to the shaky inning when he booted Alfredo Griffin's easy grounder. Zahn then walked Anthony Johnson to load the '======-----~-_, baaes, but Garth Iorg grounded Prices Good Sat. and Sun. Sept. 11 & 12 Only "There was nothing 1 saw that I liked out there," said Milner. "We have a lot of work to do. "Our inexperience hurt us, our substitutions hurt us and the mental mistakes killed us." * Meter Del 24, Ftn. VelleJ 14 ac-.,,au.net• Miier o.l 6 7 0 11-2• Founleln Valley 0 O 7 7-1• MO-()prj11n llO PMS from ~ (klek mlSMd) MD-AQ<jlne 711 run (Do«n kick) FV-Lung 11 pass from Slevens (Srnoo1 klek) FV-Cralt 11 pus from Slevens (Smool klcll) MD-Agutrr• 30 run following lalet•I from Optian alter 6-yatd pass from Reynoeo MO-Doan ·~ FG NH-Bt&tU. 18·77, Greeley, I_.: Nugent. 1·3; Truong. 2·2: Btown, 3·10t·mlnu1 5: Goodfield, 2·1or-mtnua 7. Wella, 1-1. lndlYlduel .... ...,. M-Pincur•. 3-7.0, 39; Mar141t, 7-12-0.119. NH-Brown. 4-7·2, 32, Wella, <1-8.0. 5<1. Goodfield, 1·2..0. 2 lndMdllel llecelY!tt9 M-Vielra. S.85; Molleal. 24. Rist!. 3·2tl NH-Brazaa. 5-30, Power. 2·27; Watd, 1·111; Jacobs. 1·12. Edison faces El Dorado out. The Blue Jays also went out of theJr way to look silly, too, with no less than five Toronto players waiting for a Bob Boone pop-up to fall in the bottom of the fifth. That it did, with all five players watching it plop to the wet ground. However, the play came with two out, and Brian Downing followed by popping to second. The craziness wasn't reserved for the players. The game was temporarily halted in the top of the sixth when a new truck, whkh will be given away on fan appreciation day. was driven on to the fie ld just as Zahl\ was about to deliver his first p!Y'ch. MO-Saf•tr (Srnoo1 lacl<i.d by LaMoO,. lfl «Id lOM) A-1.SOO (•llmal9d) 0-9 .. tl•llc• Back from a week's stay in Hawaii and with just three days of practice in preparation for tonight's opponent, the El Dorado Golden Hawks, Edison High's Chargers will be trying to extend their newest winning * streak to two tonight at Orange AH<ML MOTEi: Tonight 11 eac11 Pactt night MO ~ Flut downa I 11 '"'*--yerda 20·129 29.35 Coast College... with o.,,. llleb (14·13) hiking to 111e mound tor tile Blue Jaya agalnat IC.it l'-11 ( t 1-10) Edison, ranked No. 3 in Orange . . Mote on the gteat burglary capet PU81n9 yercta 150 IHI p-5-19-1 11-25..() Punta 8-35 8-34 County fe t 1 ft h d d wtlloh INtur.cS tl\9 heroics of "-tole Jecll-• a ures e -an e Friday morning: Appr•ltendlng alleg•d Fum~loat 4·2 3-2 Penell~da 12-117 5-25 quarterback Don Gibbs, tailback bt.lrgleta 1ound• Ilka dangerou1 wotk, but ..,iWlllllllllll De re k G r i ff l th s, a pal r of Jactteon played down 111e lncld4lnt 1n wtilch 11e lftdlvtctwl ....... kit MO-Pol• 4·8, A91noto 2·fOr mlnUI II, AQ<jl<r• II· 110: JOMI 5·22. mammoth linebackers (Anthony rteatd a butglat 1larm coming from a Costa MeN rtome and then stopped two 1ranlllnt1 Hl~~!IAI~,...,.._~ FV-S1ev.n1 7-for mlnua 2. Burris 11·22. Johann and Andy Sinclair) and leaYlng tM llOllM. Whal heppena when you defensive back Matt Hombs, come '-'~'-with AecKlle wt'9l't you're Ak"1• 1-2: Ctalt 2· 11; Swlg&r1 4-lor mlnut I. .._,,..an 1·1. Sh-2·2. ~l'M&lfte MO-A9)'n090 5·111·1, 150 h ceught In the ec:t? "Tiiey recognlHd me N among ot ers. aoon .. t"-Y 11w me ""P the ccr 1n tit• FV-Slev.nt 11·25-0, IHI El Dorado is reportedly in the mlddl• ot the 11r .. t," Jacklon r.count--1. f b lld. d · The)' alao didn't make a•1y auempt to eecape ·~ .. ~ process o re u 1ng an lS a thefr captot. "II 1 101.i you l'IOI to move, 10-point underdog at Orange wouldn't you?" Jecuon COf1tinuect .... lidded MD-Oprlan 3-112. A41gan 1·5. JUWQ*la 1·23, Agu;<re 1-30 FV-Pi.uon 1·11. Alcina 1-8, Crall 3·32. Coast College. Kickoff for the that they calmly talked while waiting '°' ,.,. I Call 642-5678. pollc• 10 artlve. No one w11 nervou1. end Put a fe w words Lung 3-0. Butrll 2-10 non-league game is set for 7:30. much or tile talk ,....,o1v9<1 around b ... ball to work for ou. ,.----~-----------------1~'~-.:.=...:.:.::.::..:.:....::=..:...1.=..::..:....~ Today's sports on TV, radio TELEVISION 11:15 a.m. (4) -BASEBALL -Detroit at Boston. (11) -BASEBALL -Dodgers at Houston. Noon (2) -U.S. OP EN TENNIS -Taped coverage includes the women's singles final. 12:30 p.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL - USC at Florida. 2 p.m. (4) -WESTERN OUTDOORSMAN - Host Ron Hayes rows nine miles down the American River in California. 11 p.m. (5) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL -Long Beach St.ate at UCLA. RADIO Baseball -Dodgen at Houston, 11:15 a .m .• KABC (790); Toronto at Angels, 7 p.m ., KMPC (710). Football -Iowa at Nebraska, 11:30 a.m., KIEV (870); USC at Florida. 1 p.m .. KNX ( 1070); Long Beach State at UCLA, 1:30 p .m., KM.PC (710) and KWVE (108 FM,)j_~ Poly (Pomona) at Pu get Sound, 2 p.m., ~WtlM (1370); Cal State Fullerton at Bot.e State, 5:40 p.m., KWRM (1370); 10 p.m., KWVE (108 FM), delay; EdilOn vs. El Dorado at 0ranae c.o..t, 7:15 p.m., KWVE (108 FM}. Tennis -U.S . Open reporta, 9:45, 10:45, 11:16, 11 :4& a.m .. 12:16, 12:45, 1:16, 1~46, 2:16, 3:16 p.m,, K.NX (1070). " .. It'• not whether you win or lose, H't how you get to th• game." I I 4x8x ~ 11 Ram in WHITE MAHOGANY Super for Many Uses! ~x3"x5" Randon Lengt~s reg. 9.95 ALDERWALtPAiEL1NG0 ve $ Covers 32 S_q. F[ 4x8x~" "COX" PLYWOOD 5-Ply Construction Grade Exterior Glue 4x8x~" ASH PLYWOOD reg. 59.95 reg. 9.69 reg. 19.95 Beautiful Grain-Ready to Finish Solid Mahogany-Hand Carved EllTRlllCE DOORS reg, 199.95 These do not have chipboard centers • SALE 1999 SALE $69~ Orange CoHt DAILV PILOT/Saturday. September 11, 19'2 He's MftUv• 11ott11Wee1er1r h•v•"' 1 ••,,. -,....,_ Of llO 00 r..., • tedia 11 ~ ..,,_ :~,~ .. e1::~'·1 :::• .. ;::: =.-::.:.er;::::'. w·iW• 1-1-=~iiii15iiiti4-iiii•·•---no passing fancy COllMCTION A I.. 1 • I•, • ..,..,, t'*iat '°"'"""'llf'>' '' eo 1 ........_. 1, ...... ,., nn .. trt1ry IHI •Ion, •ltl curve 111rouj1h 1 ~ .......... "• P9f'Mfl ... ,~ .. • ...wtln t~~t~ tt• 'llllille Of 2 o.or ... H OO" A a~ 9' T Ill 11 , 1 I I 1 1 _... ,,. ,._ ,,. lo I~ of r-N ClUt'V .. "'' llrill'I , _ _....._ y..a-. CA "''1c1rnei11 ~ 1 ourv• ooftc1v1 10111111at1trly •oallN.nl It., --· -.. on Pt109 21 ... lnOorr hiving • r1dtu1 Of 10 00 feet, • 111~01111'1T W ClllAVIH 1141 dtlcrlbed •• Ptc*• 0 tldl•I It Uld POii\! of t•verH ............. Alie. Ho ·, llONI ~ CA Bat Hanson's TD toss sparks Lions, 7-0 ITATe-.r ~ WffiiMwk ... ,.,...,....,. ONUTllte Ul3D9a •tCTf'r'IOUe ..,... .. NMm Tiit lolfowl"O P•ra on ••• Wllhefrswn 't • ointttl pertner from the PlllnetlNp °'*"in!I undet the l1ot111ou1 bu11n .. , nime Of <•1 * S ~.._ OOt ..... u•"ltlty II c:urnture betr• l'IOl1h 41 cieDr--• · • • ~\-J"J\ICHARD DUNN •1•Pf~._ ......... 11 w Wt1tmJ.nater Hlah quarterback lu.if;ln\ Han.on attempted only two puaet th entire night, but one ,,pJ,t)'lem foun.d the handa of Matt 1,,~y on a 32-yard touchdown· n lf.whlch proved to be the only yard.a In thu air, but manQ8t>d to a>mplle J 13 yarda on the around. On the oth r nd ot the 11e1a. La QuJnta gained 117 yarda rushlns and 61 fn aertal8. ......... ., ~"'·· 0 ..... _, Le Oulnt• 0 0 0 0 -0 WMll!llneler 0 0 7 0 -7 · ',,. '-· ?i -· 00 41' 00" wttl. thence 101~u11n 1rt ~· .................. 11 oonducted11y en IP9Ck-O-Of3 ort1. , 1,41 ,_lllOnQMld~ ~~ Aleo, on page 7, the • oentrll 111g1e o1 u ~ 1• ·-· ~ w c,- lllu1tr1t1on and color , .. 10 • ~olnt 01 oompo1111d .,.. .... .,.,.... -fled with Ille lhown for the ...,.,.... urv1tur1 with 1 curv1 C011c1v1 OOurlly Olefk Of Orenoe County on WUJ COAST LANOICA,I!; {II COAST UN AI PHAI, T COMllllANY. t 148 C111r1u 1on atrfft. Co111 Mlel, CA 921128 Lion tailback Jamet Redmond · led au ruahcra with 86 yard.t. w l!ddy S2-yerd l)eM from HIMOl't (llfO klc!I() • AttendlnOl-UOO leetlrn1141dl fOf blo ~ WI lneotrecrt, llOrth«ty h1vtng • r1dlut 01 MO 00 ,., ..... _ 1, ttu The cl11orlpt1on of the 1111. • r•dt1r 11 Hid point 01 .._t • · ""'1'1 file 1tou11ou1 buelnt" "•Mt lllllmtnl f~ lhe Plf111«llflll) Wll llle<I on September 18, tH 1 In the Coun1y ~ Orenge ,1 of the game, u the Lions nr f! led the l..a QuintA Ait.eca, "l'm n ot a bit aurprlled on how the game ended up," Waten1 aald. "I expected It to be low acortng. and a lot of defente.'' 0-........... w "" l.O Flral down. 11 7 mtrChanctlM II COl'rect. r••~d :'r."~~·' ~~ ~~= llllublleh9d Oren~ CoHt O•llr WI r I gr t I I n y leciult1ieutefly 15t ti '-t llOnO Mid llllllol, Aug. 21, It, eept. 4, ~~.~!:: Inconvenience thl1 may '"'WO" 1 c.ntrtt eng1e 01 8 have cltUltd. o.g, .. 21· 32" 10 111e _1.,1y llne '""* ,.1 ... ruo n1me 11\d AddreH of tho Petton WlllldtlWfnO -lh Friday :!tht nt Weatmlnster 1°"'~P foot action, • l..a QUinta's Steve Krueger ran tor 46 yards on only lix carries, and fo und time on defenae to intercept a Dave NevUle pua, "'**-Ytrclt 34-117 '9· 113 PIMlflO ylrd1 t1 82 ,..... 11-21-0 3 ... , Puntt .... 2 e.:M I I Mid HIQ!I Drive 11 thOwn on Hid S ars Atoofd of Survey: tllenee nOf'tlMlrty e ~:!:!,;::''~~YJ'~r~ NOTICE OF DEATH 'ofl' "8.JC NOTIC£ ........ OretOtr •••• ,,.. mec~11. c .. ta ....... CA ... h• ;.1tfhe A.nece threated only once, .... i;~i' the Llona' St.eve W aahbon m \ii.Qke up a potential touchdown v~ on fourth and goal, with • 9:10 ~in the game. The Lions' secondary was touah the whoJe game, and actually aet up the Westminster Roy Afusia, Al Kahan ind Eddy alJ contributed well on aome fine sacks. FumlMM-toet 2· I 3-2 ~...,_ .. &4 a.ee INhidlloll-..... LO-Alhd. a...48, Krueger, Mt; Churel\, 5-21; Hugh, t-17, MCMiiier, S-11; Gomez, Mor-mtnue 9: Bad Mtf>, 1·fof.mlnue 17: W-R•dmoftd, 17-Hi Goode, 4·23 ; t11memMU1, 11-19; Nev411e. o-2; C!lenon, ~-lj WUlll>on, 1.0: HlntOn, 4-f«-mlnul S; INCi IOllC>, 1"'0t-minut 10; "~-M•-ro 11 oo .. ,, 41 83 tHt to th• ARTHUR A. GUSTAFSON L.--~-----is~btglnnlng or• curve concev• AND OF PETITION TO orth ... llfly h1vtng • r•dlu• ol D....,INISTER ESTATE NO -----------100 00 IHI; norlheut1rly &4.1 t A m • Pullllthld Orlr\ge Coa11 Dally Piiot. Aug '8, Stl>t 4, 11, ti, 1tf' 3750-42 "9.IC N()TJC( '"' .iong H ICI curve lhrough • A·l UtH ----------leatltrll ~le of 31 d11gr-oo· 00", To all hell'I, beneficiaries, "8JC NOTICE 'to~Mown. • ;;., .. With La Quinta deep In its own territory, Erik Burkman and Steve Ferris broke up passes and forced the Aztecs to punt. On the Lions' next posseslon, .. Wltfi 1:22 left in the third period, Hanson hit Eddy with the ""till'tng toss. "Our inside linebackers and our secondary ~yed very well v night," said Waters. "I ,.~ought we might ave trouble '~"1Nt their big guy(Aztec tigh1 o'!nd Junior Utu, 6-8, 225). but w e )1had no trouble at all." ~/,:The Lions achieved only 62 capture .... opener By TERRY WllJTE Of the Deir .... ...,, John Weiser and Roger Fickling sparked a second-half rally that enabled the San Clemente High TritoN to poet a 20-6 non-league win over Magnolia triday night at La •Palma Park. The wln equaled &n Clemente'• win to1al of a year ago. rrriton Coach Allie Schaff was ipdeased with hil team'e ·pertonna.nce. "It was 1 total team leffon," he aaid. "It WU difficult rticr'8i..ngle any man out." San CJemente eraeed a 6-0 Magnolia lead by acoring two . .lhitd-quarter touchdowns to take kl 14'-6 advantage. •o~ Tritons' recovery of a &nti.nel fumble on the Magnolia lift .et up San Clemente's first iame. From there Weiser moved ..tae. Tritons 32 yards in four play., end.Ina with a 28-yard pus play to Jef1 Can-which gave San Clemente a 7-6 lead with 9:10 remai.nin& in the third stanza. ' Schaff explained the Tritona' 1icond-hllf reaur1ence by aaying, "We came out and cteeided to play football.'' Indeed they did. After belng vbeld to just. one tint down in the ~.P..ening half, San Clemente .:tceumulated 12 in the second •half, while holding the Sentinela ild just one. The Trttons alao I dominated total team yardage in ~~e second half, out1alning ·~.190-25. "''' JPic:kllog contributed to the San CJ~ente caWle by nahlng 16 times for 63 yards, and ICOred ~ six yards out with 2:02 left in the third quart.er to give the .atritons a 14-6 advantage. "The mlttakes we made to.night can and will be corrected," Waters said. "I was g enerally very pleased with our overall play." ...... uel, ... LO-Gomea. 4·t3-0, 01: Hugh, 1·7-0, 10; HOlllU\I, 0-1-0, 0: w-~. 1 .... 1. 22; Henton, 2-2--0 . .a: ..................... LO-l<ottlt, 4-47: Utu, 1-14; W-Ed4y, 1·32; Ferrt•. 1·22: Goode. 1 ... h37deQIM118'50"eut34.oe creditor• and continge nt --.,_ .. 1Uf19W cou.r Oft nts Mt to 111e beginning 01 • cur"'• ... 1 I A h A .. _.,,....,. ITAft M CALl'OMIA '°" ntm ono•v• eou111e1111r1y h•vtno 1 ere•• t ors o rt ur . NAllll STA"-#f COUNTY~ LOe ANGSUI edlul ot 140.00 feel, nonhtillteftv Gw11.af90n and penio11' who ~ ~ig l*90N .,. doing Nt. _.....,... 1.87 teet •tong Mid curve throug~ may be otherwlae interested C 0 u N T R y c 0 u 8 1 H a NOTIC• (NI IN'TWtmON TO MU Genl/111 •no&e of 11 degr ... :re In th llJ d/ estate RIAL ""0,. .. TV AT ""'VATI 7" lo Ille true polnl or beginning e w an or : PRODUCE ANO IEAFOOO MA'l'T, IAU Said property 11 oommonty A petJtJon has been filed 2140 Pleoentle, Co111 Meet. CA Ell•I• of CORINNE GRIFFITH, HGrlb1d .. 4138 North Co111 by Sidney Howard jn the 82927. Dloeued. , l.egunl Blloh, Cellloml1. Superior Court of Oronge JAMES D. HUDSON, 1130 NOTICE 18 HEREBY GIVEN 11111, d 1110 1tn01"n It Bolt Canyon SI d Jl d b C•mlno Curter, Anaheim, CA 1ullJ1c1 to conflrm•Uon by 1111 hoping c.n1., n e Y o w a r e t2107. 1bo~llUld 8upenM Court, on a.Ille eubJeCt 10 CUfreol IMNI, appointed aa p e r son a l SAMUEL P. r..aAADIA, 2021 Seotemb« 20, tN2, °' therMlter rrtflt lu .. , curreot •MMll"*1t•. representative to administer. Pteoent11, Coett ~1 CA Ht21. w!thln the time llllowed by lew, 111e nc umbrenc .. of re oord , the eatate of Arthur A. JOSEPH c. IN\IARDIA, 2021 ·-"'--~ .. w-·t-· ....,...,. t .. -Ion ~Ion h f'teotnllt, C'Oela MMa. CA t2'21. --• •--... .._ ,,. ta, e()ndlt •. , .. , '· G.ustafaon (under t e 'ft.I..~ 11 ~w1 w111 of nne G'""'"· decMMCI, MetVlllone. rlghta. rlahl -wey, lnd d t ,...,_,_,_tratJo ·~ wtll..U•tprtyeteNletolhehlghfllt ••••H•. enel egreemenu, epen en ~•wU11 n general~. Florida tests use • end beet net bidder on Ille '''"" u lgnmen11 1ne1 HHm•nl1 or of Eatat.ea Act). The petiUon J.,_ 0. HudlOll · 1ne1 oondltlona hereln•ll., Cl. The Pf°'*1Y 11 10 be told is set for hearing in Dept. Thil •tllement wu llled with 1tte 1n1nllon1d, 111 right, 11111. end 111 "•• ,, .. bHI• e•cept •• to No. 3 at 700 Civic Center County Cltl'k of Otenoe COunty on lnler111 of Corinne Grlflllh, Ille. Nellhet the executor f'IOf the h C f Aug. 18, 1N2. dece11od, 11 the time ot the 1111 w111be 111.,.. ror o.iecte, •n<I Drive, West, in t e lty o ~1"111 1ppolnlm1n1 ol Robtrl 01111on they mllk• no w1rren1y wh•tlOeVef, Santa Ana, California on Publl•h•d Or111ge COHI Deity in season opener GA.INFSVILLE, Fla. (AP) -Florida will meet 10th-ranked South ern California for the first time ever today and Coach C harJey Pell says his No. 11 Galore will be fighting the Trojans' tradition as well as outstanding talent. "They've won more national championships than anybody in the country, and their tradition has us as concerned as their great personnel,'' says Pell, whose 1-0 Gators will put their seven-game home winning streak on the line. Florida opened the season last .week with a come-from-behind 17-14 VJ.Ctor y over 19th-ranked Miami, Fla. It will be the season-opener for Coac h John Robinson's Trojans. "They have a ~uge, experienc:ect a,nd mobile offensive line. Our defensive line must compensate those things by mental and emotional means," said Pell. who has his sights on winning Florida's first Southeastern Conference championship. Robinson's team ls coming off a 9-3 season and wiJI open with Sean Salisbury at quarterback and either On TV today channel 7 at 12:50 * T~~f"'" long Beeoh SI. YI UCL.A 11 ROM Bowl (1:30) Sen JON SI. •I Otogon Tnu El Peao •t WM!llngton ldllN> •I Wlllhlnglon Cel POiy (SlO) •• Freeno St, n Montane at H9Well, n UC Oevte •I PIClflc, n Cit Poly (Pomon1) •I Puget Sound St. Mary•1 •I Chico 81., n H1yw.,d St. al C•I Stile Northrldge, n S11111 Cl.,• •I Portlltl<I St. n ll'loGlllM C1llfornl1 •t Color•do C•I Sl•I• Fullerton It BolN SI .. n Or-.gon SI. .. Attzon1, n San Diogo SI. •1 AA Force Ullh II Amona SI., n ~ •t Colored<> St. Te ... Tech •t New Mexico, n Soulhern Uteh 11 Northern Arlzone Johnton u executor under her will, -°' lmpffe<I,., 10 lhe nature September 29, 1982 a t 9:30 Pilot. Aug. 21, 28, s.it. •. 1~7~2 111<1 ell t1ghl, llU. end 1n1er111 t1111 quelll'f or the lmptovwnen11. the m Ille eet1te hae ecqulred In lddhlon .,. looteoe or dlment1on1 of the •· lF. YOU OBJECT •A th to lh•t Which It 1111)' lllVI heel •t the l•nel or tmpro'l9mlntt, the zoning ol "" e lime of appointment of uld the property, 0, 1h1 condition or granting of the petition, you xecutor (wllh the •xceptlon of 111 ull1blllty of the toll for any sh ould either appear at the PUBUC NOTICE 1n11r .. 1 ot Ill• ••l•le In oil, 1111, l>Uf'POM. hearing and alate your - miner•••. 1ne1 hyel rooerbon1, 81<1• or ol'ler1 are 1n,..c11e1 tor this objections or fUe written NOTICf OFTMJSTH'I tAU wlthoul right of _._ entry, wtlk:tt Pf09lf!Y end mull be In Wfhlng 111<1 LOlfl No. 7I007 W\1111 be retllned by the "'•Ill In will be received In thi oltloe or ob ections with the court T.I . No. 71Ml-t lht real property loceted In th• w11111m E. Johnllon, 1ttomey for before the hearing. Your UNIFIED HOME LOANS u <lol) oounty of Or•nge, ll•to of Mid executor. •t SI.Ill• 3320, 1111 appearance may be in person eppolnted Tru11ee under lht c.rttornll, o..cnbed II fOllowt: Well Sixth Street. Lo• Angel11, or bi your attorney. tollowlng dasc•lbecl ~MCI or 1ru11 ,..,. 1 , ... .....,....,; Celllornl1. or m1y be flltlel wllh Ille WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION Thlt portion of lot 28 of ltect clerk ol H id Superior Court or I Y 0 U A R E A TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR No. 807, In Ill• city ol L•gun• delivered 10 w111111m E John11on. CREDITOR or a contingent CASH (payable 11 time or 1111 In 8Mch, eounly of Orenge, at111 of pereon.rty, 11 1ny time 1111~ llret creditor of the deceased, you lewtu1 money of the UnittlCI Slltet; ~II. 11 P9t mep ,_<led In 1>1.1bilcallon of Ihle notice and before must file your claim with the ell right, 11111 end lntM11t conveyed bOOll 27, pege 60, of Mltceltaneous making ..... to end now held by II under Mk! M1p1. In tile office or tile county The pr091f1Y will be IOfd on the court or present it to the Deed of Trull In 1he proper•~ ICOtdlf of Mid county. Ind 11111 lotlowlng terme: Cun, or plfl CUii personal representative herelnerter detcrlbed. Otllon Of block 184 OI Irvin•'• Ind pert Ottlelll, Ille terms Ol auch •ppointed by the court TRUSTOR IRWIN WINGER end SubCllYlelon, .. .,., mep r-ded In c:redll lo b• 1ccep11bl• lo 1111 within lour months from the KAREN v WINGER. hutt>end 80<I book. I, pege 88, OI Mllcelllneoue undlrelgned 1nd the Superfor f ..,;fe u Joint 1on1111s. Reeord Mepa, In lhe oflloo of 1411<1 Court, ten P•• cent ( 10) of tho date of fl rat Issuance 0 BENEFICIARY· TIMOTHY w county recorder, dHcrlbeo H llmOUllt bid to 9COOmpeny tM otter letters as provided In Section MARSHALL i nd SANORA E lollowl: . by Cllhl«'• Check, and Ille b•l•nc:e 700 of the Probate Code of MARSHA.Lt.. lluN>lnd Ind Wiii IS B•gtnntng 11 • point In lh1 10 be pelel through ucrow California. The time for Joint 1en1n11 a-thweet northwHler1y tine ol aatd 101 28, heretnefter mentloned ... Tu ... renl, Recorded Augus1 11 , 1878 es Tutaa 11 Alken... Clltlenl IOllth 23 ~ 07' 00" operating •nel melnten•noe filing claims wi.IJ not expire 1n11r. No 17058 In book 12795, SW L~ 11 Aloi. n w11t ae.to IHI from the moat uponeu, a nd premium• on to four months from the date pege 1a90 of Ofttc:111l Aeeords In t~ Tulane •I SMU, n n011her1y cotner of .. Id tot •nd tneurenco 1ccep11bl1 lo 1111 of the hearing noticed above. office ot the Recorder ol Orenge Ulllh81.•tTCU.n runntngthencenorth7$deQf-07' 1>1.1reh-1t1111t be l>f~•tod u of YOU MAY EXAMINE County.t1lddeedottrut1descr1be$ 8em Houlton St. •I Texe1-00" IUt 115.18 feet: thlnoe IOUl!I the d 11 e o I record In II O I th fil k b th lt the following property: 59 degr-J3' 48" ... , ff. 19 feet conwv1nce. Examtn1t1on ot tllle, e e ept Y e court. TllOM PG<11on• of Lot 1 ot Trec1 Arttnoton, n ..,._. 10 Ille weetlf'ly tine of HIQ!I Drive II 1111• pollcy, end e1ocumen11ty you are interested In th e 9340, In the County ot Orange. Mlc:Ngan St. 11 lllnofl •flown on • lie.need Surv•)'Of'I Iran.let tu llhllt be •I the expon• eat.ate, you may fiJe a request State of C.tflornle, u per mep tiled Not1"-twn 11 lndlena MIC>. t..:orded In booll :le, Peoe 5, of the Miier Elcfo. ,_ 111111 be with the court to receive In book 381, P•OH 34 1ne1 35, Wlaconeln M...........,ft Rloord of 8unoeym, In the ofllce of CIMdtlCI equelly be1-the Miter ( h MllCellanoous Meps., in Ille office ot 11 -·...-· the county recorder Of Mid Orenge end Ille purch•Mr. Recording of s Pe c I a I n ° t Ice 0 t e the county recorder ol Mid county, = ~· ~~··· n County: thenoe -.ither'ly along aal<I conwyenoe lh•tt be an expense ol inventory of estate assets described 1n parcels 11 follows Bayle>( •t Ohio 81. -·lf'ly line the following cour ... : the PIKC:M-Tho Pfopetly lhlJI be and of the petitions, aocounts PARCEL 1 Unit No. 11. IS thown Stanl«d •t Pvfdue eouth 14 degrH1 13' °&O" w111 ttllNferrtlCI through.,.. MCIOW to be and reports described In Ind detcf'ibtlel In 11\e Condominium w...,.-St. at l<AnlU 156.64 fMt to !he beginning of • opened 11 Crocker Natlonal Ban«, 2 O 0 { h Plan recorded on Septaml>lr 24 . .... ~.. ourve, C!C>ne•VI -1erry hiving • et 1 W•• Sixth Strllt. LOI Angetee, Sect i 0 n 1 ° t e 1888 In boOk 11900, pmge 14114, I Ken1udcy 11 !(--.SI re<llu1 of 140.00 '"t; aoulherty Cellfoml&. California Probate C.ode. Offk:UI Aeco<d1. of said County sophomore Fred Crutcher or jun or ¢;;:: ::.=.......,,, "·"---~""-T" ""'~"•M• "'~'" ,., w II II am s. C••c•, 'ARCEC 2 . ., "''""" .,. Michael Harper at the tailback position HotUIT•ica•St•IOkllhom•St. • oenttll onail of 30 ~,-00' rlghllorefUMloaocept1nybld1for Attoney at Llw, ltOt Bult 1we11111 11112)tntere11aa11enant1n le ·ft vacant by He; ........ ~ 'I'rophy Winner .,_ ·--~-s1. 11 lndlane St.. n 'I eoulh lf deOI-•e 10" ... , eny l'MIOn Wh•t-. 1 A ... T n...,. "'•y common 1n the tee 1n1erw 1n 111<110 _.,....,, ._ ..... ,.,..., e1. to fMt to tt11 begtnn~..?!..! "· tor eny ,~. lnc:lu<llng but O menca ower, vu"' "'" the Common Arq of Mid lot end Marcus Allen. •-. ":':' "'""'~·' --. ""'~;:! ,01 umu" oo. ,., ''" "" 8 Iv d . Wu 1, 0 • u I e , T•"' u..., ••m •......., o ,.. "They have a new off e ns l ve [=:t: 11 Cl~u eredlul Ol 11.71 fMt; eou1t1er1y Objectlone may be ttltlel 10 1 petition CaJlfonlla HH1 Artlete entllltlel "Oeanltlonl" ot the coordinator, Ted Tollner, whose lkldmell•t O.yton eouthweeterly 141.o4 fMI •long for c:onflrrMtlon herein, tllle In Ille Published Orange Coast D1cl•r11ton of CoV1nante, d 0 _ Idaho SI. 11 Orelle Mid °""'-ttw'OUgh • oentrel ~ menner encl In the lime Mt '°'11t In Daily Pilot, Sept. 4, 5, 11 , Conelltlone ·•nd Rutrlollon1 reputation at Bri,,ham Young an ~n NE MIHoutl SI. 11 EHtern of 102 deg-40; 00" to• point OI •ny bid ecx:epteO hefejn c:tnnot be rlCO!'ded on July 23, 1978 In book Diego State was throw, throw, throw.' lfllnole revere• ourv1tut• w1111 • ourve conW)'tlCI by the Miter Within ninety 1982 11824 , page 9 1 5, 011~ R«lord1, Southern Cal COuld have a cfjfferent look 8ou1nem llllnole •t 1111no11 St .. n conceve 1outh1Hterly hevlng • (90) deys trom the or1g1ne1 date of 3926-82 of NICI Cc:iuniy (the "DedereUon") ~a Mery .a Mleml, o. rldlue of 140.00 f .. 1. • •t<llef 11 h••rlng on the petition for 1 n d • n y 1 m • n d m • n t • or on both offense and defense than we've sw Ml•IO'"' St. 11 Nortllern H id point of revere~ cu!.v•ture confirmation OI ..... the Miler a11e11 flt&JC NOTICE eoM••llon• ther"eto been able to see on film," said Pell. '°"' n ..._..... bHre a d•gtHI oe 10 Hll: llaw Ille right to wlthdr-from the • u,. E -I 0" c 0 u" T 0, EXCEPT THEREFROM ell oil, Qll, -IQJl"-teny 15.80 IMt IAong Mid .... Ind be relelloel lltl<I relieved " mineral• 1n<1 other hyelroc.,bons, Robinson has ex.......,.i """""" about USC .. ~-· IC'"'"" ' .. ~ -• _, ... -.. 35 ·-.... ,~ ............. ~ .... cw.-.. ....................... ,~, the hwniclity his team will encounter on 12:30 p.m.) ~ 07' 03" lo• point on• Mne 1>1.1rehaw1 depoeit torlllwllh. COUNTY or: ORANOE th• r1g111 or 1urf•c• entry, 11 the Cross -country trek and says the Iowa 81. et TennMMe. n unn1ng ioutheuterty from Ill• The und1r1tgnoe1 oll1ra this ''!~~ .. !! f.. ........... rlleNeel In ln1ltumente of record Wiike F~t II Auburn, n moe1 eaetlf'ly c:orner of lot 1e or properly for 1111 In 1 llduclery .. _..,. ......... PARCEL 3 foton·1•c:tu11v1 Tro•an• will bring portable air e•uot-"" "K' No.'°""" moot_.,. .. ..,..,,_~,,. "'~-_,,._..., ,._,,.,.. condltlonlng uru1a for the aid.line. He -"' -T.., --""' •" -" '"'"" •" ".,"" T" ... •- 0 •~ _, ,.,_ u ... _ also h ... indi'cated Flori'da wi'll be at Yltldertllt II~ fl,." ol L1oun1 Cllf11 11 P•r mep un<lenlDntlCI doee not gu•ren1 .. 111e N0 8 .!!'!!c'!'L ~~ ! 1 tor the b•nellt of or gr1nted to ...,. Houeloft et Mleml, FIL recorded In booa •. pegee 68 111<1 llCCU'1ICY of any Information whlCh .,,... .._ ...... vr.n•' Owners In th1 Secllon1 entltled an advant•u•e because the Gaton already Southern Mtu111tpp1 •t 58, ol Hid Mlaoetl•M0111 ~·~i •ny l>fOllpletlve bidder mty recet.... PRIVAT'lf •ALE "Ut111 11 ..... "Sup port end -~•llllH'CIPI lhenc:e north 54 degr ... 2t 00 from tho unelerelgned, •ny Notice le hereby given that, S.ttlomenr". "Encroachmont" and have one game under their belto. -~.,.,... -n 1 212•29 - --.,. to -., "" --· "'' '"''" " ,.,.,, • .,,. • ., '"' ··eo.-"'• --·· o< .,. "I feel like a Broadway producer SMUot--'"'-"""'C..0.-• , •• ,.,.,,.,.,soot c,.,.. ,.......,,, ..... .,..,.,.. "°""· ~ .. .,. ,. '"' Oodw•tt~ "''"'" Wh o 's opening a show w ithout the P~ "ltio Cltldel, n on Mkl Aec:orel of Survey Shopping Center,« eny llf«*• ~ Sec>ternt>e< n . 1882, 11 8'00 i.m · · &Mment" ~-St. at MIMilelppl &t. being eo.1 Cen'fOl'I Dr1¥9 M ,... •t•t• lllelman. Ind eny IUCh ~ thlf'Nlter wttllln 11141 time llltowed PARCEL 4 Non-•11clullve benefit of playing Philadelphia or ..., -., ....., c..-~,.. _ o1,.. ""'No. -... .... "N-,,_~'"' ,, ""'•· '"' """"'""'· " -• _...., .,._,'"' Hartford or wherever it is they polish St. n 1: thence flOt1ti 23 dig-07' ~•; eny Pf0'99Cltve blcldet 1uoo .. 1or 1dmlnl1tr1tor ol the f« IUCh purpoeet as .,. rnerveo b 'W • layi VMI •I EMt T......_ St., n O" ••II 350. 11 Ifft •Ion" old muat rt11y u to 111 m11tw1 wfloll)' "'"' ot Ellen E. Rtgge, d-.MCI. for the bonilll ot 0 , granted 10 them up," said Ro '"'°"· • e re p ng '~"•"••• St. ., ''""" '"" ,, ""' ,. ,., .. ,., ., .... "'' ••• '""""" "' .. "' ., """'Mio,. '"' """'' ...... ,, ,. .. ,,,.,. • .,,,,,,,. on television against an outs,.nding --' --.,.. -....., ~ '"' ,_ ,.. .. 0 •• ,.,. R'•'" "' 00 .,., team in a hostile environment. I hl\ve App•l1chl•n St. •t J1mu ...... I<'·-'•......._.): o.tecs: Auaul1 31, 1982 cono11Jon1 11«etn1fter rnentloned, UllllllH •nd Cable Tel1v111on ... Mlldleofl Thal ponlon of lot 28 of lftc:t Robeft OJti.on Johnaon ell right. 1111e. Ind lnl••t ol Ellen E .. u I I I I I I• 1 · · , • •supp 0 r 1 1 n d Insecurities." .,_ -• -8' No. 001. In ,., "" " , .... , .,,..M.....,"" Rigg•-· """ •-°'"" ..,,_,. .. """'•""-•·· ~• Pell, however, isn't buying.Robinson's WHt Te111• 81. et Loul•l•n• BMCh. county Of OrlftOI, 1t111 of w1a of <IMth Ind ell rtoht, 11111. Ind'"*"' "Community Facllltles e ... mont" talk bou he G to • edee. Teoh, n Clllfom4e, M per m1C> ~ded In Corinne Griffith. deoelMCI 11111 th• Htafe "" acquired In ol tho Miele entltltlel "Ea11ment1" a II a,. •-· --·-·• .,..,, . .,.. ..... _. __ .. _ "'"'°""""'°'-"'"°""'o.o'""""c-.. ,.. "U John Roblnaon can convince you .,..._.,_, .... •-. .,,.. _ o1"" ""''~ _ ... _ "•• ""' ""'· '' "' "" C••'"""' ••• R""'"'••• It ~I that Florida has an advantage over WOftelrCI at ONdeon reoordor ot ..., county, w'll thll ,1, ._. ., .... ..,_. Pt°'*1Y tocated In 111e County 01 r1COt<1ec1 on June 9 t9711 1n boolt Southern Cal. C0 .... 1 ·dering the people a.t portion of block 114 of lrvln•'• ... .. Or•nge, State ol C1lltornl1. 117es. P•ll• 4 ~0. Olllcl•I ''° ~ .. Pwwt ft. SubdMelon, M per mep recOl'ded In i.. ......._CA IOOff <lelcllbeel .. fotlowl Records, of Uld County. ("The he's go~ he's a heckuva saJ--." the T....," -.,.. 1 • .,.. •. o< "K•"--• -Loi 21 o1 T"'' '""'·.., v"" """' """""•···i '"' "' Flori da coach said. ~It Navy Aecord Mape, In ltle otfloe of Mid Publlehed Or•nge CoHI Delly Height•, Unit Three 11 P•r map 1m1ndmen11 or 1nneot1on1 Connecmout It Cotgete oounty recorder dHcrlb•d u Piiot Sept. 10. 11, 11. 1882 rllOOl'ded In Book 47, pege 10 or lhlfeto. Florida qu .. terback Wayne Peace --·-,_ ' ,_,, •--""°°""'°' •OU•RE<HO£'Aut.TUNOERA completed 18 of 24 passes for 220 yards New~· 81 H°'Y CnlN Begtnnlftg et • point In the 1111 County Retorder of H id OEED OF TRUST DATEO Augu.t Ian Clement. 20, llegnoMe. . . touchd NM>dll MlirMI II~ nortl""91etty llne of Mid lot 21 ·-Ii' -County. 10, 1978 UNLESS YOU TAICE _., -and -·a game-wuuung own -.. --... -" -.,. oo·' ·--·-Tho ....... , " oommon" •c"O• TO PROTECT •OUR * Clemenl• 0 0 14 e-20 ~ IO fullba<k James Jon .. against w ... c ......... " -· ..... '"' l<om ... ~·" --... w ........... , ..... _,, PAOPERTv.<TMAVBESOLOATA • 0 0 ·-• laml. -..... w~ --.. .... ...... ·--· ..... AM."""""'· PU8L<C .... " •ou ...... ·--·~·""-• ___ ,. __ ,,. ---Th•""'' WbJO" to'""~' f"LAHAT""' OF 'HE HA1UAE C~ 2f----· '"*' WY' -< ........ --•-H. -T '""· ""'""· '"'"'°"• OF THE PAOCEEO'HO AOA,HST SC -Flc:kUng e run (MoOoflnacll klcltl N • 1 J h • h n degr-03• 4f" _. N .19 1ee1 Hit ta........, re11rlctlon1. ,_,..,Ilona, rlgh11, YOU YOU SHOUU> CONTACT A SC -Wliler2run(kldll>locilled) ewport SaJ ors p ace Jg tolhe~llneofHW!OrM• W I J s•,C.. rlghll ot w•y. ind HHmenl ol LAWYER ·--... ·-·-on • L-Md .,.,.,.,, PLAIN""' 8'L VEA CRAFT •-• ... "'' -•m"-i" The ,,_, ,..,_ • <02 W•• --...... _ 0 "°'* ... -·· .......... OOMPAH'( -.< <oboutH"" M-n ,., , .... -· C"""""'· • 13 c • Ma SAN FRANCISCO -Dave Hogan wu ninth With 70.7; and Record of Sufwy9, In !he omc. of OEF'EHOAHT: Ewon OERBER, oonneo11on with the ~rch~." 11141 ·•111 1 street 10drM1 °'common -Elnll, down9 K 1:> .. u 10th Ith 73 the counly recon:ler of Mid Ortnge ~Meluelly Md dlbl •I OEA8ER PfOperty I• 10 be IOld u te exc.pl dttlgnetlon It 1hown lbove, no •-...,..., , .. ,,. OM< Curtis of Marblehead, Mass. pul ent-er WU w · eo... .-"'=".-'"' _...._ -DOOi t .._ ""2."'" n e lnvtreo I« 11111 wurenty 11 gtv1n ••to th ••--'° " "'Sether a detenruned comeback Fln• 10 in final ......i1a: I. Dave .,. .,. • -10 ..,._ -"o -w ....__," -"'-r P-.. 2 • 11 --0 5- 17 • 1 effort to def•nd his world Curtis, Marblehead, Mus., 27.4: •outh 14 degrH• 13' SO" ••91 ' •••taett Pt°'*1Yend rnuet belnwrttlng Ind The beneflciary undef Mk! Deed .Punlt 4-28 3-10 ... N Be h 1$$ se feet lo the ~ of • c.. ..._ 1"" will b• rKel....O •t the office ot 01 Trust by reuon of • bfuch or '~• 1oet :s.2 3-2 champlonshif Elchells-22 dU. In 2. Ben Al-ewpo'1 ac • '"-· _,,. -"'""" • llOTICll •• -._ -•-• """"'°" '"°'' "'°""' "'w• in '"' • ..,...... - ,_,..., MO tt·fo a bm a1x o aeven •aces sailed 39.0; 3. &rry Neobltl, Auslralia, """' " '"·oo ... " ''"'""" "" - ----'~ ..,. -. """'::!I"~" ,.....,, "-"~• u""'" "" 'lO r.L ................. out of $•. Fr .......... Yacht Club. 40.0,· 4. Tim f>araona, Hong Kong, ao.93 '"'*"'Mid~ through ..... ,.. .................. •000 MICArthur OUl•v c . , 1' d1Uvereel 10 lh• underetgneel • 8C '-Wei-. t5-15; FlckJlno, 16-83, Amo, .. • ... _.... • Glflltel ~ Of 30 ~ cJO• r:: .................... 1000, Newport 8Hc:h, All Ofn • wrttlen Oec:Jw•tlon of Oefeull arid <•I~. .............. Curtia' penalty points under 47.4: 5. James Byrne, Austr8a1Ja, OO":eouttoe t ---~~--~IO ....-. •••11.....,,of 02!!?.:.C:.~C:-g:;,-:!11~ Demandtors11e.ene1wr1nennotio. inlM<-_ --.. ·•-· .. "--•. theOl · n~-we"' 54.0 ; 8. Georee Hecht, an "·"""to,....., • • ,,.._ .. _...,_,. --.,_.,.,._,..,,_ ~W. ympac ICO. ~ Frft__._ A!ll 7 7 Cl~•t U--·-~ oonc... llCll1hia.tef1V en ltlOfltly In lhla m1t1er, YOU ~o_;•mee E ~lief.I~ •°'t !<_!n<loly II~ lhe underelgned lo U ll Hid ······-• 27.4. -· -·; • ~ W, ........... ,. ..... __ -.... _ ..... _ "''""-.,._, ••• rn ••-.. _,loNI.., ... _, .... •u •--· M•.o. '°· Fou• Newport Harbor Yacht Newport Beach, 88.0; 8. John ,...,..,.,w,, •<t .O• "'' '"'• ....., ·-· • "" -., -.,.,..,,.. ;:: ,::: M'"' "" "' """"" "' ""'""'"' •• 1H i;-MuglGa, 11-15-1, 58: Sc:anlon, 0-2--0. 0 Club ski~rsAfilaced amontr the Ravtzzo, San Franci.lco, 69.7; 9. Mid ourve tlwouoft I OOfltrol ~ .... on UrM. bet~ m&,!!t ':tu be IOld on Ille OIUleCI 111<1 notice of breech 1ne1et .A ,... "' 0 Tim Hoian, N•wpor\ Beach , o1102-..~·oo••to•polnt.,. AYllOI U•t•tl lu •Ide~ .......... , _., c:&lh or....., caeti •ltcllon 10 b• r1core11d M•y o , 1"nl '. -lot On-fint 10. Iman W&l second < ""'"" '""'"" ""' • '""' -ll ---• !!:..,- 1 the 1 _:-oi IUCt1 1882, .. ln1tr. No. 82-155743 of V'J<f<J -°"' t-21; ~. 1·l2. . h 39 0 tn•-0--·t Mason 70.7 ·, 10. Kent F.dler, Newport conce111 t011th•••l1rly h•YlftO • -....--... u...... a ..... llOCI .,.,, ....... . _ .. ,. H~ ----·-· ---........ ' .!I. -Aoioolf, S·3f: v ....... t-tl: WU • po -; ~v. ,_ ot .... 00 -. • ·-" =-... - -"''" 00 " "' .. "'" •o '"' '8,;;';':,,";;;,b, M•d•. '"' "t-t-. 1-1s. was aeventh W .. i:.:l:.:h.:_6:.6:..:..:.0:.:;:......:T:..l:..:m.:..:.._=Be~ac..:cll:..:.:.•_7.....:3_.0_. _________ -1"'d point Of r•vene C1urvt111re ••t111e.a..•tta1n ... un<lllf•IOn 1 ed •n~ ~~~~~without oover 11 nt or werr1n1y, (i ===::;;;;;;::------:::-:=:::=:::::-:;;:::;-;-----1 -ll••re I degreH oe· 10" 1111: ....., Court., tl> perc:.n . •119f'WO or lmplled, regerdlng 1111a, --.,oo-.••• ~ ,_.., aout~ l&.IO leot "°"O Mid "ti Ulttd dHea IOllCltlr •I ~'L.,~~~ ~~ tz::::: ~tlon, Of' encumbf•no., to EdioGn Ch•rgen -or· oa·· to•-.. ,.,. aa•oto .• ,.,.,a •a""' =.'~ .. ~"!:;," ,. -_ .. ., "" -" a..,,... throuah • OOfltlll ll'Oll Of SS _.. di un -...00 en IMlte "'-~ -., W'CI PIY lhe r111Y111n1n9 prinolPlif 1U111 Of vi """""8 Mu# rr "..!'·"°"'• ~ ~ ~ -.r 1 P 11 ia-. de ... lftlMre, eecrow •fl• OO!lflfmeoon Of ... ~ Truet. Wiii\ Int""' • In ..., ~ • ~ _._ oe .... • ... -,,_, w ,.. w ...... ii Ill.--..., 1 c 1 r 11 PIOlridld, 1C1111M11, If eny, uncttr El l>o<Odo oo. ,.,,.,., m""•""~" --·•-, -,.. ••••• •• "' " · ,.. -ot ..,. ._. o1 T""' oomsr Of IDI I "' ... OH...... , TO '"" Dlf'INDANT· A 0--P.,. "n 0 • r\ d m • 1 fl I• n. no• ,... chltoee Ind llCpeneef of tllt LIV'1 KWVE _____ ,,._ .......... , ... _,,.... '""""''"-'•mo°''"""'""°'"""""'-" TONIOHnll,.,, •MtOI .. P•IH H ••Ola," •a•• --.... r,.. '"""" '"""'" oo '"' --.. T---.... Mlec1R•ieoue ~;I'*-flOttfl dlllMlllli._..,,._.l'llUIC, ' ofltMr atllll be Pforated M of on M~ty. leptembet to, M•-·------"-•w _,,, ... ,... • - -... w._ • ••dot• ol "'°'"•• "' ,_ M ''°° •m " .. _ -----------........ _ .......... ---·-... -·-... -...,.. ...... --.... -...... Goll l••••n• PaOM TOUlllNO PIO ALAN TAPll 1181 s. .............. In P.vttlrii On '"' ~BUY llCAL, SERVICE LICALI °'"'-• lflOMt on ..._ 111 ,.._ .......... tr•nater 1111e1, 1nd 1ny tltte Bulldlno. 300 1 ONpman A .... • ,._,..,.,..,.. Of 8tllWr now ..... loee = ;:::.•.., ,._ ........ lnavr•nc• policy •h•ll b• at 1111 '" ltlt city Of Ofenge, CA. Ortllt•-•lil,:: M.....,. •lla:atton of,_ ,.,.-0•~o:"~ii~:o:.'~~ At the time of th• lnlll11 =~~~H•• =::..-:=.c:~·:::.J :.P0::::Yof th• purch11ef or ":,:~~O:CZ ... ~ ................... ii .............. ~ tie blitttlon leowed by the •oote ..... ,...... ................. , of Tl\e Uftd~tlgn-:d:.i"::·.,:.. ltCrlDeCI dHd of .,.., ........ Mtlffll~ll'l..!~ =r:: ., .... ~~:.-:r:= :r~ "°-~ OOflflmtlnl ---~':~~-:. c:1;·.:~ •• ·~ .. ......... -....... ..... -~-.}IOU .. ...... ~ ......... -..... ,.,.t DATI0 ........ ,1"2. (1'1411111.olll. ---= ,..._L..._ ~~otor --..-....n.ttN II~".. .... ... °""' Ol "'9.......... -LOAM --.... ~ A.'--.... ~.......,. .... ,....... -::'or w .:Z."'liii • a .....,.L.... Atili4 •r f.o. ht••se • .... .....,., .... •• .... .. .......... w ................ .... """.. ............. .....,,....._:.:e•,':,!'::' •. !.. __ ... ...., . I ,_ .. OA-~-=.-=:.; • .., ~ °' c .... .,.... "'4•••• ~ eo... -1.'Tll"'.:n..... .ao:T:. • lltlot ... 10. ,~. 11U lltlot • .-... •• ...-••• ,,, :... liiliiiiiii• ..,...,. .-• ~ 11G ~ ~ . . . ' • • MAJOR LHOUI 8TANIMN08 =~ W L Pet. Ga 1(111 ... City 79 81 .6&4 A"flla 7t 12 .657 I ~ 11 ... $40 3~ S..1111 116 73 .415 12'.; Oakland 59 112 .411 20~ Ttxu M 84 400 23 MIMMOlt ISO 00 .357 211 IAITW:llH DIVlllOH M!lwaukM 14 57 698 B1111mora 79. eo 5ea ~ Botton n 1 82 .85-4 8 DatrOit 71 67 .514 11~ New Y0tk 71 88 .611 12 Clevattnd 117 71 4811 15~ Toronto SS 70 .4tl Ill Frtdly't ao... Anf11a 9. T0tonto 2 Bllllmota 3, Ciev.tend 2 113 1nn1no11 Dattc>it II, Botton 4 MllweukM 5, New York J S1tnla5, Tu112 MlllnMOlt 5, Ktntu Clly 0 Chicago II, Oaklllld 3 Todly'1 0.- Toronto (Stieb 14-13111 Aneek fFouch 11·10), n 8altlm0ta !Flanagan 13· 101 et Cleveland ISoranMn 10· 12) Ollroll (WllCO• 10-7) at Bollen (Torrtl 8·81 Ch1c1go (Kootm•n 7·111 et 01kltnd (Cocllrc>il 0-01 MllwaukM (MedlCh 10-121 ., New YO<k (Rlghllll 8·111. n 5111111 (S1oddatd 0· 11 ti T .. u (Hough 13·111. n Minnesott (VIOie •·SI al Kan1t1 Clly (Leon9'd 11-4), n Netlonel Lugue WHTIEllN DIVllte>N W L~.08 Atlanta 7tl 112 S80 Dadprt 78 84 549 l'h San Diego 74 118 .52 I 5'-t Sin Fr1nclsc:o 73 118 518 II Houeton 85 78 .481 t4 Cincinnati 52 1111 3ell 27 EAITUIH DfVlllOtf Plltladllphla 79 81 56-4 St Loult 78 111 .581 'h Montreal 75 IS 538 4 Plltaburgh 74 88 .529 5 ChleaQo 11 t IO 433 ti'~ New YO<ll . 55 83 3119 23 ,,.,.., .• ac- DMprl 3, Hou1ton 2 Montrlll 7, Chlcego 2 Pllffadllphll 7, Pllllburgh 5 Atlanta 8. Clnclnntll 2 New York 2, SI Loula I San Frandsc:o 5, San [);tQo 1 Tadlr'tO-DMprl (RIUU 14-101 II Houtton (Ruhle 7·121 Olnclnneu (Solo lt·ll) et Atlanta (Cemp 11·1) Montreal (Sanderson 11-111 et Chicago (Mertz II-I) Ptlffldllphta (Allemlrtno 3-01 tt PltUburgh IRMden 11-12). n N-York (Lynch 3-ll) II St. LOUIS (Andujar 11-10), n San Franc11co (L11kay 12· tO) •I Sen [);tQo (Welllh 1-S), n A•RtCAN LEAGUE Anaete I , lllue Jere 1 TOfloliTO CAlJFOflNIA .. ,II.. ailtrh .. A.Jol!Mon II 2 0 0 0 0owM>a n 4 0 0 0 lr09 4 0 I 0 C:W.. lb 3 1 I 0 Bonnell 311 I 0 0 0 Grll:tl 2b • 0 0 0 Petrall 3b 3 O O O Re.Jeclteon rt 3 I 1 0 Berfield rt 4 0 1 0 81yl()I' dh 3 2 2 I Norhdhgn dh 4 I 3 0 0eC!nc9e 3b 3 1 0 0 G1tela pt o o o O Bllliqul cf 3 o 1 1 UpaMw 1b 4 1 1 0 Lynn pl\ I 1 I 3 MlrtlnR c • 0 10 A Cterll cf 000 0 Moaaby cf 4 0 1 1 Foll 11 4 0 I 1 Orllflnu 4000 Boonie 4020 Totll• 34 2 8 1 Totala 32119 8 ._. by INllf'9I T0tonto 010 001 000 -2 c 111forn1a o 10 ooo os.a -9 E·OIClnoee, Grich. Of>·T0tonto t LOB· Toronlo 7. C11ilornl• I 2B·Up11tew, 8 Ma111n1.t. 8•v10r 2, Lynn 38·Moseby Tat-lo • H II Ell .. 10 1.Ml(L,10-13) N 11 3 3 3 3 OMurray '"33310 Calfforll&a ZAhl'l(W, 19·71 9 a 2 1 2 6 T·2:45 A-25,012. AnteftHf' .... 9ATT1NO Ao Jaclteon Car aw OaClncee Lynn Oo-ing At JIClllOll = OrlCh Beniquez Foll '«OUS011 Cllrtt Wlffono 1( ..... 8urlet0n M Ill H HR 11111 Pel. 126 14 41 2 11 328 444 74 Ile 2 311 .311 Ot 77 1411 28 84 297 424 13 124 18 78 292 538 98 161 28 711 281 455 80 127 34 81 27tl 53-4 87 142 22 84 268 400 39 108 T 53 204 .... 88 117 17 81 282 U9 19 38 1 18 255 424 42 107 2 49 252 77 II 17 t 2 7 221 80 II 17 2 S 213 180 22 31 1 12 194 47 9 8 o 1 110 45 4 7 0 2 161 TOllll 4,775 roe 1,307 1112 8415 274 l'n'C:.-0 • H •SOWi. 1M H...... ··~ 53 38 38 2·1 2.A7 Slaltw 18'1\ 17 9 12 1-0 3.« Wiii 159-.; 153 45 711 1-8 3.45 ..._ 82 46 23 ... $-3 3.41 t<taon 1~ 11$ 3t 18 1-s s.e1 John 118 206 38 116 I 1-10 S.8-4 Sanc:hc 11 n so 22 s-2 3.17 ZAlln ~ 199 58 71 111-7 3111 FOl'9Ch IH'i\ 197 52 117 11-10 4.03 Atnko 152 159 44 n 11-e 4.:12 Oottt 18 IO 25 37 11-4 3.8-4 Motano 49'~ 65 23 22 3-7 ' 14 Cotl>ett 7f5'A .. 34 411 1-tl f5 21 T1M4 ~ 39 I 31 2-2 5.78 Cun.It '"' 9 3 II 0-1 T 11 Toltlt 1.275 1.2411 431 848 78 02 3 88 .,_..s. " .. _, MMwtukM 100 101 020-5 10 2 N9W York 200 010 000-3 ti 2 Caldwell Ind Yoel; Guidry, KMllMlll (8) and Ca rone W-Catdwall, 16· I I l -Ouldry, 14-8 HA-M...._ .. , C. Moore (8) A-21.592 TitlnS."941 .... Ollr041 110 101 200-0 t3 0 Botton 000 001 030-4 7 o Morrit. Lopaz (t) and P.mtti. Eclt9flllay, Aponte t7J and Allllleon, Gedm111 W-Morrll. 16-14 L-Eclll<Aley, 12-11 8 - Lopaz (2). Hfll1-1>11toll, w11na11er (14), wockanl11u (fl), Lemon t 13). 8oaton, Ylatrzemlllll ti8) A-28,nt. lilel1Mtt .. ...._. • S..llle 000 30 f t00-5 • 0 T-100 ooo 010-a 1 o "-'Y. Venda a..o (8) and &e11n: r.,,.,.... Har*• (71 and 8 JOhullOll W-Peny, 9·12 L-Tanan1, 11-17, S-V1nd1 811g (3), HRl-s..ttte, 0. Henderlon (1a): TIXll, 0 WrlOfll (Ill. O'llrlan (I). A-1,3151. r-. .. ..., .... M.,,_11 000 000 500-6 8 0 1(-City 000 000 000-0 4 0 8. C.tlllo ltld ~ °"' .. Atrntiront 111, Hood'" w waewn. w-a. Ce11t1o. •·11 1.-oura, 11-to. HR-Mln,,.aol•, Wltd (.26). A-30.030. o......a. ....... ......... 000 000 200 000 1-s I I ~ OOt 001 000 000 0-2 fl 1 ~. 0 . Oevle (41. T. ~(I~ 11-t (11) and l>lwl'iOMY; ..... ~ (t). _.._ (I 1) lnO lilllllo..,"-Y. W- lftwlr1, 1•'7. L-lptlln•r. 12-t. Hfll-lll!lmofe. t. Mllrf8' (ti). A-U74. • ...... .... A'•• ~ -000 201-• t1 2 Olllleild 000 010 ot0-3 • 1 l.emfl. KMfl !tit Lyla ltt arlf ""'· "" M0t1le. H111111 (a), D'Ac:q11lato (t i eno W l,emfl, 1•7. 1.-Hotrla. M O. K.tmp 2 ( ,.,, ltlntl , .. 't. Aalt{ k .M. o.wit(I~ A-20,t14 NATIONAL LIAOUI DoMett I. ~·'" I HOUtTOll . . 1.01 ANGIL.It liilrlllll .iu"i,i P\IN GI & I I 0 Tl\olllat 211 I I 1 0 4 1 a 1 ~•nd•H11• Gt 3 o 1 o 4 0 I 0 ll•llt1 II 4 0 I 0 2 0 I I 0-19f0 3b 4 0 I 0 fl\Ofl .. ltilQhl 311 tlj)T!lman Ill A Howe pl\ ~3b JCMll 011ntt p11 w1111ng 11 Athby 0 ....,,, 0000 0.,,...., lb 4 00 I 1000 •tt-j) 0000 I 0 I 0 MOt .... pll 1 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 N~enl'* P 0 0 0 0 0000 MOl'dlY rl 8000 40 0 0 Roenleh ,, 0 0 0 0 2000 k>oec;l1a 4110 T katt Gt Dofan 2b Rytin 11 L.Rly Ph I 0 0 0 YM09! c 0 0 0 0 4010 '°'""" aooo 3 0 0 0 Hooton P I 1 1 I I 0 0 0 llOtetf< P 0 0 0 0 Orllf)fl 1000 ••-111 p 0 0 0 0 8'oct. lb I 0 0 0 10111t 352.81 ro1111 33382 kola ltr lflfllflt• LOt A~I I 10 100 000 -I HOUllOll 100 010 000 -I E·Aelltl)t, 0•tY9Y. ThOMU, Dor.,, OP•LOI AnotM I. LOB-LOI A~ I I, HOUtton I I 311-fl\on HA-HOOIOll (II 88·Lll'Cl,_M (29). Thon (32). J Crui (ltl) S·ThOn, K~I LM Af1191M IP H II 111 M •o Hooton 41,; & 2 1 a 4 For1I., "' 0 0 0 0 1 St-Ill l'"I I 0 0 0 I S Howe(W,7-4) 1"-0 0 0 1 0 Ni.denluer(S,tll I 2 0 0 0 2 ltwtloll RyM(L, 14·11) 9 8 S 2 8 9 WP-Ryan PB·Alnby, SCIGICll T ·2·8 t. A· ltl,O 18 l•PM 7, Cllbf 2 Monrreal 0 10 210 20 I 7 11 O Chlc:agc 010 000 010 2 tO 1 Rogera, Reardon 181 and Ca.rtar. Jank1n1, Pro¥ (5J, Slein (81 Ind J 0•••• w -Rogeu, 17· L-Jenkln9 10-15 S -Raardon (241 HRa-Mon1ra11. Cromartie ( 13), W1llach (211 A-8. 100 t ravH I, Rade 2 C1nclnn111 00 I 000 010-2 9 2 Atlante 230 000 2 h 8 9 0 8 Shlrlay HayH (31. LHlty 17) and Travino Perez Gttbet (8) end BanedlCt W-P.,u, 1·4 L-B Shirley, 8·12 HR1 Alltnll, Murphy (35), R Remlrai (6J A-17.407. Ptlllti.1 7, ..... , .. 5 Pll1laoetpNa 220 2 tO 000 7 IS 0 p" llburgll 022 100 000 s 10. 2 Rulhva11, Monge 171 end B Diaz, Ctndelarla, Guante (5). Tekulve 181 and T Pena W-Ru1h.-n, 11·10 L· C111de11tle 12·11 $-Monge (21 HRs Plll•burgh, Euler ( 1•1. Medlock I 115) A IS.S96 Matt 2. Cerdlnala 1 New YO<ll 000 100 010-2 II I St l.oul1 000 000 001-1 3 0 Swen, Oroaco (7) and Hoclg81, Stupet, a.Ir (I). Kall (Ill, Lahti (9J and 0 Port., W-Swen. M L-Stul)lt. 6-S S-O<oaco (3) HR1-New YOtk. Kingman 135) St Lout1, K Hernanov (7) A-111.1121 Glanl• 5, Ptdte• 1 Sen Frenclsc:o 000 201 020-5 I I I San Doege 000 100 000-I 6 I Breining end Branty, Or•vecky Luca (8), Griffin (81. Chllfar (ti) and T ~nady W-Brelnlng, II-•. L-Or1veci<y, 4·3 HR-San F'renc1sc:o, Morgan fl2) A-13.34 I Pomone Felr FlllOAY'S RHULTI (2nd .. ~ _."", OUARTUIHOAHI AlltT RACL 350 yatdt Chlmplon ., Pley (BerdJ 4 80 2 ao 2.80 Im Outla Touc:h (P..,llnal 4 80 3 40 Petll Oeteeu (Rouph) 8 80 Alto raced Rebegaln, Ou•I)' Pyr1mld, Loll of Smoothy, SpecYI Dab TM s~ Edltiotl Time 17.94. ta IEXACTA 111-ll) peld $48 80 IECONO MCIE. 350 yatdl Syreat1 (Peulina) 6 00 3 00 2 40 Duplicate Policy (Tr-•I 2 80 2 20 Aaaurecl Juen (Bwd) 3 20 Alao rac.d Chltflplon SUQ11 Slapl\eniee ~-1. No Pol Limit Llflll POiiey. All• C091M1k:, Option Year Time 18.00 Al"f'A.L.OOIAt 1""'° Al.Cl. •' \ l\11iong1 Bo Brown (Crutl 11 80 3 eo 2 60 A Oatk HorM IRondl 2 80 2 20 The Oal11had Kid (Slubblelllldl 2 80 Alao rtced Bud<'• Coumt Pramee11111ion. Bnat Jet Twne 0 55 4/S N IEXACTA I 1·51 pllld $52 00 THOflOUOHllfllDI FOUllTl4 RACI. 5'-t f\.r10ng1 Tldaa of FOl'lunt !Ortega) II 00 3 80 3 20 My Hepoy Kina (Elttlda) • 80 3 80 Aoyany Fnt tfrognar) 3 60 Alto reced. T'oo Teri, Rivet'• Bond O•klM'I PromlM, JOl'lnny I Oeflglll Time 1 06 115 FIFTH RACI. 8 lur1<>n91 Tengo King (~) S 20 3 60 3 00 Ra111ac1 10rtao11 s eo 4 20 Tanc14ble AIJQllll (Noguez) 8 40 Af10 raced· Sewtooth. GI/hi, Secret lnlrlC110n. Don't Oare Me Tl<nr I 12 316 llXTM llACL I 11111 m.lfl K04 Tov (Fen•) 9 60 Petite Rlvt (Slbllll) Poona Velvet (BllClll Aleo reeed Camp1own Filly Run. Stingy Udy Time. 1490 • l'XACTA 13·11 palO St26 00 Mvt:Nnt llACE. 8 fut1ono• •60 300 4 80 2.llO 300 8u111 and Jol'tltl Too (Stbllla) 3 eo 3 00 2 eo Ptulle'a Ooublt (Mlf\8) 4 80 3 80 Fleet WMd (Camp1a) 4 20 Aleo rtoed Cejun Mema Chttelatd, Kln1 MIM, Min Stllly'I Tlm41· I 12 15 llOHTH llAC .. I lu11ong1 Embermaloc (S.bolle) I 40 S 80 4 40 Howdygonero (H.,_J 14 80 1100 War Alloecl (M-) 5 80 Alto 1tceel. Monlieut Lapin. Cheyenne E1gl1, Jimmy Atlro, Prldlllcllon, Speedy TudOI Time I 10 •15 .. IXACTA (M l peld UM 50 ~ llACI. 11 IUf~ C P At;.c:t (Bl.ck) 4 llO 3 00 3 00 Cotnlth Watrlot ICen\911) 4 00 3 40 A•ll'dllo (NOgoe&) 3 IO Alto raced O~ge M , MOOfl9'1 Pride. Gl..tota. Projacllll, Trlangll • Ftt11 Time· 112215 TaNTH RAC.. 0 hirtono• "°"'1d Polley (Menll 3 00 2 20 2 40 •ton 891 ISlbllltl 2 eo 2 eo 8old Hottton. (C:-..) 4 40 Aleo 11ced Common Foe. Pel Ma, Olndy't Bolu, Otcl Smokey, lllllllllllvt F'O• Timi: 1:12.0. .. IXACTA (4-1) plld t1UO lUVINTH AAC .. 8 f\lflOnQ9 Moclt9ly 8lalM (Ciml)lll3'° 40 10 20 4 20 &tfltldy'• Aet> tManeJ :s so a 80 fkinny Ridge (8lllCIC) 2 80 Aleo 11CM; Lllerery Ledy, a for 01rt1, Attzone'• &old, POllll;oe Tr-. Bayou Mltl, 90!.nd to F'-TllM 1.11.0. TWl:U'TM lllACI. I 1110 l'llllM W .. Cll lht AGtJol\ (M'Cofmlcl() 7 40 3 80 3 80 Oellent Heidi (Mlnltt) 19 00 9 00 ftMIOne't W0td ~-) SAO Afto raced I "' 011nn1011evan. \la111 01oN. Trt Olrl. P-1111"Th0u0ht TllN. 1 49 Ill. .. l~CTA (4•2) p.id M6S SO Attendance -10,700 NCCMIO lllAC ~ ,,... flM.w Mlljtttl( Avta tW•l I 00 t IO t ttl tu111fW• 1•11• 111 .. 141""1~)· '° if*' M9/lllf IJ' HMlll« (l1illt1ge011I I 40 Al ll<M AllO)• Lily, Ito o.b!M 1...,. coro1•, L•or Llnll• le111nc1tnall, t4r l)alale flfl'>I , .. '*"» RACI, One 111111 1M1Ce Offltll IOl'l (l.01\0ol I 00 I IO ~00 liun1111 I~ (,leloal U 40 I 40 DlllnO .io. (l"llkll) • 40 Aleo rl!QICI ,ull JIQOar, ...,...,. Abe. "°4 M lot~red, AnC1y1 fectdy, Goaetttr Johll, Andy1 l"ooclla. MOl'I AMI Malttflo lltM 200 411 N IXAOTA (1-2) t>llO t it& to 'OUlllTH UCI. Otlt n1111 PllC'I I'm . HMll!v foo (11111) 7.IO 4 IO l .IO Wll\dtmell 18a111At0f0n) IJ_lO 18 IO TrllCI Mte. (Mileti i.40 AIM rac;ad Ont 'or Dtne, Aw•v l'rom HOit ... Wll\de NeYlda, Ro)I .. MMy, Ot~lal Mont.,~. OaltQln, 0YPtY Mol\lltey Tim. 2 00 41a PWTH RACI. Ona milt p-~renll ... Neto IP9tk9rl a.oo 2 eo a.40 8r11kwl:J:llllMtt} a eo 2 to l'eoll o ie-.h1 oo AltO rtcecl K1ttlN Netl;oe .JOy, f"fNll, Oold1 MW H, t.lllta Albl AM!e, WIN 8e HIPIW, ~ T1IM M. Tima u1 415 U IXA01A ( 10-4) plld $21 00. tlXTM ltACC. One mite Peet ~~~~) 9 20 '~ gg :·: DlnlM l!ndeav0t (Deeomlt) 2 80 Aleo raoad1 8aron1u C1tn1. Olen• MIChllte, Pinch HI\, Illy Lii. Annlt Kerr 81>11•, Midnight Choo ChOO Tlmt. 1.158 • .. H ACTA (1-9) P11c1 t t43 ao .. VbfTH RACI. One mlll ,,_ W•towr AoM (Shelr1111 20.80 10.eo o.oo T.,...ater (R11chlotdl 9.00 4.40 Sena• Roaa (Gtunely) 5.40 Afeo raced lndlan Swattla. Apollo MIOQll, AH .. MllCFlllll Tlme I 58 '6 UACTA ( 1·71 paid $289.00 llGHT'H llACI.. One mlla ptce Gefltlt MIU fVNtldnghml 10.80 4.80 3.40 Neoa Htno-(Lonoo) :s eo 2.ao Riven Co111en (B1llf8fgeon) 4.80 Alto raced Bun• Heno .. r, Happy Bride, No Eu:u11 N, 01lablue Time I 57 3/S NINTit llACI. One mlle p- PteldtabOlrd (Co9111nd) 11 40 II 00 4 80 Alahy F11nk (TO<ld Ill ' 9 80 7.20 Bleck Rogue !Merriam) 10 00 AllO flCed: MICllHll Tiger. Wondtflul SPiii, Hutllln Dude, Sir Aelll, Ambl8f\CI, Andy1 Urtula, Reg1n1 Ltd Time 200. _, IUCTA (3·91 peld $84 30 '2 l"ICk tlll 17· 10·1· 1·3·3) paid $38,· 630 40 with one winning t1Ck1t (tlx hOtMt). $2 Pick SI• con104all0n peld $ 1,073 00 with 12 Winning llChll (llVI hot-) TVO'H llACE. One mfll ~ Klngt Nugget (AUblll) 18.60 5.80 4,40 Aldgemark (Ttttlatl 8.40 4.80 Sop111t11ce1eo Uld)'JCto0111n) 11.00 Allo raced· An y1 Suitor, 80111. Mr. M M , 80dy Ctlldler, MOlltignO< Ollt, Super Ttd, Time 2:00 115. 13 lllACTA 13· IOI paid sauo. Al(lnd1nce: 9, 184 u.a. o.,... (alNew'f .... ) ._ .. ._.......,.... Hana Mendlikov• (CachOtlovlkl•I def Pem SllllY., (U.S ). 8-4, 2-e, &-2, Oht'lt E"'9fl Uoyd (US.) def AndrN JMger (U.S.). 11-1, 8-2 ·-·· DollblM 9-NIMla Roal• C111I• cu.s )·W•ndy 'Turnbull (Au11r111a1 dtl Baltlna 8unga·Cl1udlt Kotlde IWMI Gamlany). 11-4, I-I. l!llltlltl Po11ar-!lh11on Walth (U S.) def. Mllllne Na .. 11llova-P1m Sht'"'9r (U.S l. ! ·$, 2-9, M Ml•adO.-...telftlll.• ArlM Smlllt (U.S,)-t(t¥1/1 Cutr111 (loutl'I Africa} del 8arba1a J01d1 n·Ch1l1 Dunk (US). l-1, 7 .... lln>lrt f'ollet-FerOITAygllll (U II ) del Candy Rtynoldt·She,..,,ood Sl .. 111 {U S ). 8-2, 1-4. Juni.t hf• ........ ,,__ Pat C111t fAu1t1alla) def. Guy Forget (Frenc:.), 8-3, 6-3 .... ..,.~ ....... -Jonl(l\81'1 CW111f·~ Kur11 !U.S.) dal Stuart Ball·Oavtd Falg11a (GrNI Btltalnl. ._,, 11-2. Pit Cull-John Frawley (Au1trllle) def Fernando Perer-Frencltco M1cltl IMt•lcol. 6.3. 6-2 .lunlcw Glrla Dou4ltae hmlllo .... Panny Barg-Beth Herr (U S I def Elvyn Bertai..Aoulincl Rlecll (South All'IU), 6-4, 6-2, Anna Hulbert (U.S .. knaclllla Randell (A..slralltl def. Hllenl Ot.-i (11.....0...>-Tine Scnauet·l..an«l tOanmn). 6-4, M . e..3 Mall'••• ................. Je;me Flllol (Chila) def Pel Ct-f8oulfl Africa). 8· I, retired. Colin Olblay (US.) dlC IVlll\ Moline (Colotflbll). 7.e, W ........ DoWIM Arwt AcMlftd Bulch 8uchholz-Vlc St l•H (U.8 .l dal. Tony Vincent-Frid Kovlllsltf (U 8 I. 11-3, 6-4 tlClOftd -.... Fted Stolte (Aue111t11)-P111Cfto Segura (US ) det Butch 8uc:Molz·VIC 8el11M, 11-3, 6-1, R1man1than KtllMell (lnclla .. Eugena Scott (U S) def. Don Cll\dy·Werran ~ fAu1trall1). 7~. 6-4. ·-·· J5 ....... s-NIMt• 811119 "--King ( U S ) del. LoulM F'lingOld (U S). l-1, 11·2. Judy Alvera (U S.1 dll WllWJ't OYanon (US), 1-3, 2 .... 11-0 ·-·• II DoublM a-lflMle Marie Bueno (Brarll)-811111 JNn Kloo (U.S.) def Judy Alver112·Wendy Owrton {U s ). 4-e. 6-3, 6-3. FtencolM Durr (U.S >-Bitty Stove (N'"*llnds) def Maty Attn ~ Baaltl• Sttphanll Oef'lnl HllQlll (U.S I, 11-3, W Femlty Tenntt Chettenge (al.._ Yortl} o~.,.._ Tim MaCIH • Tim Macrff, Jr (Newport lkllclt) det Kannedyt (Al.,._quel 6-3, 7.5 tem~O...... Mac••• INawporl BHC.hl dtl Cowl1y1 (Ul&ll). 3-0. 7 -5, 6-3 t Htgh IGhoot ,.,.. l•ttnela ,,, ..... Ot4 1 o O'M11r1 (El 'c::r';wmlanto. I-1. dat. Pr11to, II-I, det Wlf\janl, 11-0, Ehllrl (E) loal 0-41. 6-7. won 11-1, Barllltlno (I) loll CM, won 1-4, ll-O D4MlltlM CunnlnQlla,,._l-1« (E) def Spinner• Akin. ll·f, def. L•••lla.•Wlnttf, e-t, dll. Crtwlord·Seundtf't. 9·0; Drl~t·F9fdt (E) Iott 5-7, 2-ll. won 1-3, Cway-Bonnltt (EllOl1 I-7, 4-11, won 11-0 Orange Oo11t DAIL. V PILOT/Saturday, 8epttmb•r 11, 1882 •• LPQA toumement (at Dllllt) 32-34-88 31·3e-87 34-38-17 33-35-68 34-34-68 311-32-08 33-35-08 34-35-89 34-35-89 311-33-89 33-Je-69 33-38-89 35-34-89 35-34-89 33-31-110 35-34-89 311-34-70 13-37-70 35-35-70 34-30-70 :SS-35-70 311-34-70 H'9h echoof eoorM <-...... . Marina 10, ~ Hlfbot 8 Meter Dal 24, Fountain Valley 14 OoMn View 14, Ettl/Ida 7 W11tmll\1tar 7, LI Oulnta 0 w.:;::r11.~1y2 S 20, Sanla AM V-"af 14 MllAion Vlefo 41, TUtelll 8 Foothll 14. Cec*tr1110 Vllley 11 San 0..-ta 20, Magnolla t Cenyon 24, Troy Ill El MOdan8 19, lOltl O Vffte Penc 3-4, Pedflce Z3 8u9na Perk 11. y Mlrlda 0 Warren 15, La Hlbt1 II Kltalla41,S-a 14 E.eparerwi 311, Sunny HIHI 7 8r-otlnd1 to. El AlllQho 10 Savanne 19, Mayflit II Weatam 14, Kennady 8 Rlndlo AlamitOI 21. ~ 12 Sert• •. Momlngtlcll I Plue)( 14, 819he>P MOlllllOf'I*)' 10 8llhOp Amit 14. Mary Ster 0 SI. Paul ti, ~· 2 WomM'ew ....... CQUiQI UC ltvinl def C•lllo1n11, 15-6, '"t4, •ts. s-1r., 1._12 "'°" KHOCM. Foun1alll V....., dal. Ml!lllOn VlajO, 1W, 1!'>-1, IS.I ''*r'•lrelw ...... M•aALL llllAJOR LIAGUI! IASIE8ALL ~ Int I~ ot TOfll Vllln ... lllll'llltlnt end tit~ ..... 8tEATTl..L=~~ llrown, out~. .............. NEW YORK MfTI -Trlda• Tom "--· Oltciller. to tM Atllllll ..... lllf Oarlol Dllil. pltdlat MMIT9AU. .......... 111111•11 A111111•1n IOITON 011.TICI -TttffCI OIVt 0-1 -*·IO tll9 MIMM• .... f9f Oultwl~ Mission Viejo - rolls on, 46-61 BY ED ZINTEL O(lheDalef Netl .... Ml11Jon Vlt"jo H lah football co.ci' 8W Crow hftd aald earlier In t.he week that he waa concerned about hit team. He waa conc~rned that hit Dlabloa, the 1981 CU' Central Conference champlon1, were inexperlenoed, and he mentioned \he fact that ho couldn't get a '"real feel" of where h1* team was at. But following Friday night's oonvincing 46·6 win over Tustin In . the eeuon opener at Mi.ton Viejo, Crow ia probably not qi.lite as concerned tOday a.a he wu. Mission Viejo, 13-0·1 tn 1981, moved the ball at wtll all evening, rushing out to a 26-6 halftime lead and coaath\g from there. · Senior quarterback Klaus Leitenbauer, a three-year starter at Miasion Viejo, threw for 191 yards, including three touchdown strikes to split end Fred Coler of 18, 14 and 9 yards. "Offensively, it was a great game for us, no question," Crow said. "Defensively, I feel we still have a lot of work to do. "We have a young group of kids and the inexperience on the defensive line still concerns me but the offensive line has to be given a lot of credit for tonight." Indeed, the offensive line for Mission Viejo, which gave Leitenbauer as much time as ht! needed. was the key to Ftidar night's victory. That includes center Nick Vageonis, guards Bill Humes and Steve Micheil and tackles Greg Aitkenhead and Tom Beecher. By halftime, Leit.enbauer had oomplet.ed 9-of • 14 P8Ml!9 f brr.1'72 yardl. M l.tlfon Viejo wouife'W:U.p the evenlna with a ballh_wd attack, ttaU.Ucally, with Ml'liHal yuds. ~· ... ~ Coler. Leltenbauer'a taY.o\'lie receiver, .lot thtn11 1otnt"tor Mlu.ion Viejo midway t~~ the flnt quart.er when he • t an 18 °yard pau (' Leitenbauer· for a touichdo . Early In the eecond q~r. Coler and Leltenbauer~ook up again, this time for 14 ,W and a touchdown. That u aet up by a 33-yard pau;'tiMay from the Mme combinatlon;•r·{f ._...., ·1 1~0 * l -·-r ....... , Tu.tin 0 0 O~ I MllllOn Viejo 7 11 20 =4t MV-Colar 18 pat from Lellt •ut1 (Johnton kloll) •, 'f/f'J MV-Coler t4 PIH from ltll•l)~f,P.91 (JollnlOfl klclt) • T-Ettep 4 run (klek Jllltd) • 11oi MV-81own 27 run (kick Ill*!) • I MV-Coler II ~ lrom Lelltnlll~ IJJp. Ill~) • MV-Brown 2 run (.Enrique klelc) 1 •> H MV-V11ner II p ... from Leftenb~~ Ill~) ' MV-Vwn« 37 .JJm (Ennqu. kldt) '' Altencl111C1-1WJO ("11mattd) ,IJI) o.m. ltattttlce T 1nl~ Flrat Oowna 9 1<•r!Ji4 Pullng y11d1 32 ~l ,. Ru~yllfda 2$-UMI ~~! Pa._ 4·25-2 n Punll S-27 1-, Fumbl ... loal 3-1 ' f 3-0 Pen1tttee-yard1 0-50 3·25 lftdlwiduel ~ T-Bahr, 7-17; Pi9rCl9, 10-140; Ruonton, 4-15; T41dder, 2·14.; Eatep, 1 .... MV-brown, 10-511; Henrtq"", 5-11; y,f. 5-42; l.elt•nbautr, 3-3; HUI, S.31; tc: , 1-fOf·mlnu• 1. lndMdllelP ..... T-T~. 4-25-2, 32. MV-L•llenbauer, 10-t8-0, 191. Schulle, 1-2-0. 7, • !n41......., 1'8u1Wtg • ~ T-Piana, 2·11; Bak.er, 1·2: PierCl9 • ..-.-4f. MV-Coler. 8·105, Brick, 1-24: Brown. 2-42, Varn«, 10-1; Gtegoty, 1·7; Henrlq"" , 1-ll :o • • •• :t ) ti~ Capo Valley upset by Foothill, 14-6 .·!~ touchdown, and rushing foe 1.6h · additional 37 yards on ~~ By CRAIG RUSSELL Of ttie D..,, Not lleff Every season opener is a learning experience. Coaches and players alike finally get the opportunity (o an alyze their ability in actual game situations. For Coach Dick Enright and his Capistrano Valley Cougars. however, there was eveti added lmportance on their first game Friday niaht. You see, the South Coast League was elevated Crom the Central Conference. a CIF 2A level which Capo Valley won two years ago, to the Sou thern Conference, a very tough 3A division. And in its season opener, C&po Valley went up against the very best in the conference, the 1981 champion Foothill Knights. For three quarters it was scoreless, but the Knights finally wore down the Col.\gar& to poet a 14-6 victory before l,750 fans at Capo Valley . "They just wore us down," said Enright. "We played pretty w e ll at times but we were sporadic. We could never seem to Cit everything together. I'll tell you , though, w h en they (Foothill) hit, they really hit." And that pretty well sununed It up. Oh. the Cougars moved the ball offensively and held their own defensively. As a matter of fact, junior quarterback Burt Call was nearly flawless, connecting on 14 of 21 passes for 183 yards and a carries. , ·'•l'I: But the difference WH'!\he Knights' superior tlhysical abllit&' and approach to \he g~ aggressive type of football tftat maybe the Cougars hadn't ·llMI\ before. ~ Anyway, it was acore)ll'.U through three quarters ~ Foothill finally took conUol. With the fourth period ')ust under way the Knights took'ttfie ball at their own 20-yard line a.ii proceeded to march 80 yarda·tri 11 plays to break the deadMd< with 6:29 remaining in the Qllbf. '*' ·:clq Foott.11 14. CllPO Y.., I '' Jf:J ._..., 0-W. .• ,,, Foothill 0 0 0 '12-14 capo v.ii.y o o o.~~e F-~o 2 ""' (Holden klcll) " F-8dlweppe 30 run (Holden ~) ' (Ge! CV-Badie 20 pms lrom C .. (NII ... Attendance -1.750 ( .. tlmated) 1£ Ge!MSun.tlce , '.J•:>dY :::::_.~ 4$.~ • ~~d~ PllMlng y.,d9 58 J · 1 :;ii p-~t 1~~1 Punt• 1-36 , 2 Fvtn~t 3-2 • • ·2 Ptn111Ues-ywd1 7.-S •11 I ......,,........... ...l.d.l. F-J. Laird. 23-134, o.tltow. MS; ~'Nf· 9-45; Schweppe, 3--39: ~d. 5-29. CV-CWI. S-37; lAntlam, i-25; Pwdiiton, 2·12: Banda, 5-11; KMnan, 2-3; n.r.-, 1-mlnUtl 4. --...-rr.;;r IMll?tf•ll ........_ m1• F-Schmld. ~. 4~ DaDrow. 2~f1<Jft CV-Call, 14-21· 1, 113. 11 rti .... '1, ... lh 11lutl• ' F-R. Lalld, 3-31; W-. M71 JJliwVls, 1-tO. CV-B•nde, 5-55: M1n1ukhanl, 3-31; 8ac:tle. 2-41: Pencllelon. 2·22. Lanham, 1-15: o.c ..... 1·13, r Eight interception~! Saddleback steals 20-l 4 victory By ROBB MUNSON Of IM 0.., "91 ltelf SANT A ANA -On a drizz.ily Friday nlght at the Santa Ana Bowl, the Santa Ana Valley Falcons threw the same away to the visiting Saddleback Roadrunners by a 1COre of 20-14. During· the game s.ddleback Intercepted ea.ht. ~""ln i-(a sch ool (record), the mos t important of which came with 1:57 left ln the third quarter. Ray P erez Intercepted an errant pus and rumbled 38 yards to the Santa Ana Valley four yard line, and then two plays later Alex Plckerina drove over guard for the declafve 1eore. "We played good defente, '' said Saddleback football coach J erry Witte. "We didn't think that they would throw \he ball u often u they did. Bu~ we lntercep\ed the ball ejpt Umel -I don't thlnk \hat we ..,,. .. completed eleht l*IM·" To be exact. the Roadrunnen completed jullt three for 21 yardl. but capitalised on the Falcon mtatak". On the other h~dl MCh time Santa Ana Valley MCI . 5 of the ball, lt woulcl uat end up ln \he arma of • dlebalck def~r. 1n wtnntns onty lhef.r' MCODd opener tn nlne yeau. JM ROedNnnen Opelwd up on tDf • the fnt ~ .. r\ann6nl tiedi Kevin Bradley brOlli \off• rt;hl tackle and sped past the ~ def en a e 5 2 yard • f'ilto~a touchdown. •WJI'\ But Santa Ana Valley ~ back for two straight touchdowft.s u quarterback David Goos1f.ne threw a pair of touchdowns &o atv• the l'akona a eeven-~t Mlftlme advanta19. "Thia victory rni1ht glVW' ut more recoanl\ion a1 a tntb," added Witte. "l'm not aa)'inl that we're v-t. but we beat a ~ tough $anta Ana Valley .~..­ tonight." ... 8eddhhatc aa, ..... AM • ..,, ..... ..,o-..n 8adcllaC>ael( 1 0 1S 0 &ante Ana V*'1 1 1 o o 1-lfedley II ""' (,._. _., SAV-l oyd 30 pan from G I • (Oood!MlllClll.) I AV-Cth1l11 20 PIH frolft Ooodl • (OOOcllne ttlolq -=.:.i 1-l'ldl....,,. .. ""' = Mtcl) • -, A•----.:.~==·' • ""' clowf'lt 10 ~~ n.•a1 , ....... ~ 11 ,... S-•4-1 11 lt""'9 Wt P'\lfftll .. IOet 1·1 ~..... 11·1tf '"' .............. e-lrecHe~..1 11·tH: tieh1eu, 1·1: lt!Ollef~ll , 1·~. ~-, l ·IOf•"'llllll ; WlltrM. ,., a..~ r.:: .... 8AV~ ..... •-,.._ ~.o. I IAV-'' tit. ~ ... J I ·~-.. ,,.a.. IAV-~.i-to; ...... 141 , t-M: CelwW\, ...... ,..... 1.10. • •'-' ... Orang• Coett OAlt.Y PILOT/Stturdav. September 11, 1082 --Miss America a recluse nly wo1nu11 lo win crown t wice i 76, live lrugally SAN FRANClSCO (Al') Thu only woman to b\ the Mia An1(lrh;u PQac1mt twloo la 76, "alway• rrou,nded by llln " and dOC!tln't care a fla obout nlahl'a telovl.00 beauty pQ& a"t 1:>ther wearers of the poaeant crown hav tried trade their fleeting glory for commercial s•ln. .,y Campb 11 Townley chose to care for an I ft.lid mother Instead or acceptlng an lnvltatlon to bf Ziegfeld ~irl. -'; • blow she's a virtual recluse In the two-bedroom mFranclaco apartment she sharea with her nd of 48 yean, Frederick. I haven 't een anyone in two yeart,'' ahe ~red dw-lng a recent interview on a street <-irr)er near the couple's aparl.ment buUdlng. "My hl4615And won't let me out o/ sight. l can't go at1Where. J ~ •. ''He is depressed, and I'm taking care of him e~ minute. It.has been practically impoeslble. I'm ~ng on by my teeth." i -"Miss America of 1922 and 1923 has angina and h blood pressure. She and Frederick, a retired ont Co. executve, live frugally". They have no cllldren or other living relatives and seldom have vtJltors. • , They share a hot meal delivered daily by a sddal service agency, Meals on Wheels. t "They're hanging In there together," said M4arlene Chapman, a social worker for the meals Pt<mram. "They are managing." : Chapman and Gloria Bridges, manager ·of the F)'esidio Heights A~ents where the T~wnleys live, WON 1urprtllf'd to hear Mra. Tow\\lty wu twlce a MlM America. I "I don't llkt to be a public peraon," Mra. Townley aaJd. She wu bom In Columbua, Ohio, tald ahe wu 16 when •h• wa1 "puahttd Into" the Ml11 Ohio rontett by • Judgo who nouced her In • Columbu.t theater watchln.i the preliminary competJUon. He augaeated she aet on the •taae. and 1he took hit advice. "I didn't think I waa the leaat bit good lookln1.'' ahe uld. "I wu IO naive. They aaid eomethlng about my figure. I didn't know what they meant." After she won the Mlu America crown for a aecond tl_me In 1923, ahe waa offered a Jnovle contract and a •tarrina role In the Ziegfeld FoWee. But she never made It to Hollywood. Instead, ahe returned co Columbus to care for her Invalid mother, who forbade her to accept the acting contract.. She attended Ohio Wesleyan and Ohio State universities. When she married Townley, the couple moved co New York and she put the pageant behind her. 1 She has grown stooped and thin. But ahe still has bright auburn hair and the peaches-and-cream complexion that llnpressed pageant judges 60 years ago. · Despite her distinction as the only two-time pageant winner, Mrs. Townley said she wasn't ''all that wound up about it. It wasn't that Important to me." • cr1nie ~S. schools getting safer Pooch puts bite on HAMBURG, Pa. (AP) - Who is that g o ggled companion with the long snout riding on a Honda 500 motorcycle behind office r John Ayella of the Hamburg police? riding the cycle, in the police cruiser or on foot patrol. She's the first c anine on the Hamburg force and possibly the best-known motorcyclist in this part of Berks County. Ayella had cornered an armed man ¥(ho reached for his gun whl~ Ayella says. turned out to be empty. Ginger bit the man's coat when he reached toward his pocket, giving Ayella time to get out of his patrol car and disarm the suspect. T rend r everses as stude nts r e turn to old va lues By1T\le Associated Press , After a decade-long e pidemic of violence, A.Qi~rica's schools are getting stricter -and safer. ~r teaching and students' return to traditional values share the credit, school officials say. While there are some who fear te nsions induced by the recession and jobless teen-agers may trl~er renewed problems this school year, officials generally remain optimistic that the worst is over in the nation's classrooms. In New York City, for example, classroom violence dropped 22 percent last year. "We think we are in the first part of a healthy trend," said Angelo Aponte, head of the school safety unit. Other systems reported fewer attacks, robberies and other crimes in the 1981-82 school y~at. In Los Angeles, arson was down 20 percent, burglary and theft were 15 percent lower. ~t;Uts in Milwaukee clipped to 633 from 685 a year earlier. Acts of vandalism in San Francisco declined to 2,373 frofn 2,875 in the previous year. School officials also report less violence in Ch\tago, Dallas, Baltimore, St. Louis, Kansas City, Denver, Evansville, Ind., Seattle, Madison, Wis., and Omaha, Neb. In Louisville, K y .. officials blame a 1974 court-ordered desegregation plan for a subsequent wave of violence. Incidents began to taper ofl last year, however, and officials say they're confident about the year ahead. "We had a good year last year and we don't see anything on the horizon," says Stewart Sampson, director of pupil personnel. "A few years ago we would have been thinking, 'Oh, why is the summer ending?' But the kids are ready to come back now. They don't have Paid Poli""81 Adv ALLAN BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL _,.,..., ........ k 1100 -...,...._ N"""°" lln<h o.rvoicED? Call 642-5678. Put a few words lo work for ou. SEPARATED? t' lll't ;.t GO 1lt1IP it ... CIOI lWll(~ it! ·.-DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Six Tuesdoy Evening• Sept. 21-0ct. 26 St Andrews Presbyterian Church u St. ~'!'~~8.ffl! St. 4 _. .,_ ..._,.,. H.tlw HlfJll s 15.00 14H)hlrclffoll For man IRfCN'lllllffoft call: 631-2115 9:00.5:00 Maa..fri. ~EITAIY , •• 1111 ........... • -College Preparatory ·~cademlcs . •'f-0reign Language lO All Grades •.~aditional, ·~(JJndamental Education · •·Patriotic Emphasis • Founded On The Consistant Word Of God • Concerned, Dedicated Teachers • CIF Sports • Informed Parents IRVINE COAST CHRIS~ SCHOOL •21 ...... ..... eon.·-(714) 645-9755 ....,,,, . .,, to dread it any more. I hope the violence is ending," Sampson says. An exception Is Boston, where there were new flare-ups last year after a two-year decline in violence. Disciplinary suspensions rose to 5,483 from 4,495 a year earlier. Robberies increased to 331 from 259. It's "Ginger," Ayella's 3-year-old German Rottweiler and hls partner when he's "Ginger saved a guy's life a r-- fe w weeks ago," Ayella, 35, says, giving cr edit to h is canine companion. If he hadn't had faith the dog could do the job, Ayella says he would have had to fire. An added concern this year is the st.11t.ewide tax-limiting Proposition 2 ~ whicb has cut deeply into school security spending. John A. Ch1.Stolipi, director of the Department of Safety Services, says Boston spends less than 1 percent of its school budget on security. In some cities, local officials say reduced violence resulted from hiring more school guards and cracking down harder on student offenders. Weldon Davis, president of the Oklahoma Education Asaociation, said the drop In attack.I on teachers is due in part to a new state law calling for a fine and imprisonment of anyone attacking a school employee. Viol ence declined In Philadelphia's 210,000-pupil system last year, due In part to a 50-day teacher strike. Teacher assaults dropped to 316 last year from 373 a year earlier. Thia fall security will be tighter: new alarm systems In all schools, required ID cards for high school students to guard against Intruders, and 25 percent more security guards. Philadelphia also is giving achool administrators the power to expel di1ru pt1ve children -JA penalty no student has suffered In 20 years. But stricter dl8cipllne UI only a part of th e change. Some officials say that improving the quality of education as evidenced by New York's improved reading scores, for example, has helped. T UE COUNCIL OF THE NEWPORT HARBOR ART MUSEUM 2\ntiqut!i @Jl}nw 1932 850 Sun \k111~·111~· I lriw ;'\,·wpo11 lkud1. Callfomlu D2f>f:>O September 17, 18, and 19 F1 ulu' ui11l Sa111nhl\' 11 ()().\.~I 1111111 8.00 °1' M. S1111duy • 11 00 .\.:>I 1111111 5.00 l'.~I. P'rlday and Saturday Dount Toun (Muaewn Galleriu) 10:00 A.M. l.Ef'Tl'WES Friday, September 17 11:00 a.m. S UBJ!:CT: "SetUna tbe 18th Century Table" Loulae Beldon WlnlerlhlU, Delawatt 2:00 p.rn. SUBJECT: "Ottek llcons and Tht!lr Ruulan Oft1prln1" Dr. Oerlckatn Brlnl&ertlotr Pro f. of HIJto rical Ar&, Univ, of Calif .. IUY\'nlde S.turdar. Sepumber 111 11 :00 a.m. SUBJECT: "QuUu : America'• Polk Art" NoHU Rendrickeon F'teelantt D•llaner and Aulhor 2:00 p.rn. SUBJECT: "Enalhh Porcelain of the 18tll Centurr Mr. 'olln P. C"*IOIS Retired Conwl&ant PorcclallU, Victoria"' Albert Mlletllrll, London Sunday, September lt ll:oO a.m. ANTIQUES FORUM: "N•w Thov1ht• on Old SubJee&a: Cuntn& Opinion on Colledtna Anllquea" Mocletatorz Donald It. Laprbera Olrtctor, Art O..panm.nt Callf. Si.t• Univ., Fullerton PuieU11.11 W. Gt ah an Arad~r 111, f,,oulae Belden Jul.la Kielman Cohen Jam• M. llUIMn Qwlel&.,...... .All L•~ture Sulu £ .. n&e •"' In Padtle Mutual Auditorium, dlrecdr MM• from UlaMu•\1111, f'..XllllllTOW~ Aaaiffnian Or~ncal Ruv Adam1HouM W, Graham A.rad tr Ill •a..ioch GaUuy The 8eadolocltt Anna 9eck AnllquH Belcan 11Jnterprl#a, Ltd. •Wm. Bl&k, 1'td. The Blue Quall The Connot..ur • Oavl .. Rokhblp No nna Ou AntlquH •OUllncham and Company •Ro bert Oomersu• •Company •Charle11 Edwin Anllquu •l!van1 • Gem Antlqu .. Hnel f'llhu Paperwtllhll •It •' Frankel. Lid. The Gal~ry •Richard Gould Anllque1, 1'ld, •'•mn M. ffan#n •Hobart Hou .. •Constance H. Hurst An!IQuea. Inc. Sulla Klleaer Lyon1 Ltd. Antjque Print• Mathi.Mon....,mnr Anliquu Adele Mc:Go wan M. Mokotoft llobert '" Nkholt Musarat Nord Antlqu .. P,G. Pupley • Son •G. RandaU ' OolcMon lA8"flCI ·Le----~y Dorothy ltanlburt'• Pol'WlbeUo Antlqun Tom lun.tlury Anllquu •Thetlen • CompMy, Inc. Warttn Import• .... ltHl Ftne A.U •What .. Not Antique• ~ll•ley·LoY• OaUery ....... l"mll)' A Vell-4 Show •Pre 1110 ltahlWton M111C'l.\I. F.\'F.XT~ Admlnlon! (lll~ludtt C•Wol) •.• , • , •• I 6,00 Docent Toun· Cllleh.1411•1 Adm1'"'0fl) •••• 110.00 l•ch i...ctu": ..... , ••• , , •••••. I 1.00 l"lvt Lec&utttl . • • . • • • • • , , , , • • 116,00 l'IC'a"4' M:llll rt~n .. lhttt!O Mii Ch<'clc" IMl\·11bk IOI ~c"1~1r1 llubor \n M1110C11111 ,\nllll,!•('IO ~h41• """ ON'k-c 01111 H1M ;'\i~'ll'IMlr1 Do<'h, C'11.. MCMWI (7l•17M>-1 It~ "One lady who heard about it s ent d own a steak for Ginger," he says. "That night I had spaghetti and the dog had steak." It was, Ayella says, Ginger's first "bite" in two years on the force, but it wasn't the first publicity for the patrolling pooch. She's become a familiar figure around town for her police work and her prowess on Ayella's bike. "Since s he's been on, I haven't had a burglary on my shift," Ayella says. Ginger sits behind Ayella in a c arpete d s eat made of plywood and metal tubing. Ever safety conscious, the Hamburg police officer insists that his partner wear goggles and her seat belt. "When I start out she sometimes knoc.ks the goggles off," he says. "but she leans right with me when I have to steer." "PREP"ERL Y DRESSED FROM HEAD TO SHOE ORT *STAR nylon duck shoe. The rubber· soled 0 Gumm er" style _.... ...... d looks great with ieans Brown/tan and blue/tan combinations. in sizes 5·10 (whole sizes o nly) 19.99 ANAHEIM East Anaheim Sho~Jlfng~tere BlJENkp~ ValleyYl~_& Ball Rd. e COSTA MESA 17th&Oranae (MesaCenm) e FULl.ERTON Oranaefalr Mall e GARDEN GROW 8"M>khunt & Katel1a e IRVINE tr~ Ptaza e PlACElft'IA Yorba lJnda le ROM ~Rose Unct. Shooctn9C1n~ e ORANGE MaU olO..nge. Tustin le Helm fo Lou M~lilr'I) e SANTAANA Main Street Center e WHIT1'D si'OOt. Whttttcr Blvd. (fo~ Lou Miiier'•) • Packard poll says he • WIDS Write-in candidate claim he could beat Crean and Arch er By FREDERICK SCllOEMEHL OflM~fltlelli.tf Carl1bad Mayor Ron Packud, a write-In candidate, could defeat Republican Party nominee J ohnnie Crean and Democratic contender Pat Archer In the Nov. 2 raat In the 43rd CoQ~Onal Dl1trlct, a poll conducted on Packard a behalf lhow1. Reaulta of the poll conducted by Decl1lon/ Making/ lnfonnaUon of Santa Ana were dl&cloeed at a press conference thla week. Crean, who defeated Packard for the GOP nomination in the heavily Republican district In south Orange County and north San Diego Countr,. Immediately called the poll 'inaccurate." Faced with the question ~ "If the election for U .S . Congress were being held today, '•C•MD would you vote for . . . Johnny Crean, Republican ... Pat Archer, Democrat -or write in Ron Packard, Republican? -respondenta came up y.-ith the following answers: • 18 percent would vote for Crean • 23 percent would vote for Archer • 38 percent would vote for Packard. • 21 percent were undecided. Crean attacked pollsters for interjecting Packard's name into the question, pointing out that Packard'• nam will not apptar on the ballot. "They ,av him 100 perc t>nt name ldentJflcaUon.' Crean aald. Crean eald ht. own poll 1how1 Packard wlth only 4 pel'Ct'nt of the vote. Thoeci who mentioned Packard'• name did IO volunt.rily. Crean 11ld. The Packard poll al.lo ahowed that Crean drew 1 G2 percent "unfevorable reaponae" and • 14 percent "favorable" reapon1e from thoee polled. Packard said the poll showed hJm with 39 percent favorable response to ~ percent unfavorable. Crean conceded today his Image suffered in the waning deya of lhe June primary campaign, in part CMAN said Crean's lowered. because of a flyer put out by Butcher-Forde Consuhini Inc., of Newport Beach, a campaign consulting firm Crean aub- eequently fired. But he sald his image is rebounding. Crean claimed his support "has doubled" in the past six weeks. But Gary Lawrence, groject director for the Packar poll, negative rating cannot be easily "That number is almost immune to campaign spending," Lawrence said. · Ortnge C~t DAILY PILOT/Saturday, September 11, 1882 Stretc time Mexican field workers in Salinas exercise to avoid sprains and relieve monotony of work. Such calisthentics increase produc tivity and decrease injuries. Michigan nJayor encounters curious Texas hospitality 'T' FORT WORTH, Texas (AP) - When the mayor of Saginaw, Mich., came south to help Saginaw, Texas, celebrate its centennial. he found himself in the middle of a Texas-style hotel room brawl. celebration over the Labor Day weekend. He had a reservation for a hot.el room next to a room occupied by' Billy Bob Barnett. a 35-year-old former Texas A&M football and basketball player who is co-owner of a Fort Worth nightclub called Billy Bob's Texas. Fort Worth police said officers were met at the door by a young woman clad only in a towel. Barnett and another young woman were in the Jacuzzi, police added. A short time later, Barnett returned to apologize to Bushey with a case of liquor and a band, said Bud Starnes, president of the Stlginaw Chamber of Commerce. But when the nightclub owner learned that his female friend had been arrested, "he got completely infuriated and went wild," Starnes said. Police returned and arrested Baml!tt as four companions were trying to whisk him away m a car, police reportii' said. He was charged with pubtieor, intoxication. It all started with a bubbling Jacuzzi, a 6-foot-5 former star college athlete who now owns a nightclub and two women -one in a towel and the other in the tub. But Barnett's room didn't have a Jacuzzi, and Bushey's did. Police say Barnett apparently broke into Bushey's room to use the tub. About that time, the Michigan mayor arrived and said he didn't know wtfo the visitors were, but wanted them out. Barnett and one of the women left. Barnett was out of town and could not be reached for comment. ' · Bushey said by telephone from Michigan that the in cident was ,. "aJready forgotten." ' 1 Mayor Ronald Bushey. 53, found them in his hotel suite when he got here. . Hotel employees noticed food was being delivered to Bushey's room, even though no one was supposed to be there yet, and notified police. Alter c h eck ing outstanding warrants, police arrested the other woman. She later was released after paying about $170 ln unpaid municipal court citations. "He reached over to the bar where the liquor had been delivered and just slung it off the counter," Starnes said. "It took three or four people to subdue him. People were really afraid of him, and glass was flying everywhere." "The only thmg I was upset about•. was that we wanted to have a nice little , hour and a half t.d talk," he said. "Then " to have our food thrown all over the place, it was a letdown." He had been invited to the Fort Worth suburb of Saginaw for the The Saginaw crowd, meanwhile, got going on Its own party. IOROSCDPI Sanday, Sep't. 12, 198Z ARIES (March 21-April 19): Transaction can now be concluded. Financial security is emphasized. Focus also on home, safety and restoration of harmony on domestic front. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Define terms, avoid scattering forces, communicate with relative in transit. Be flexible and willing to laugh at your own foibles. GEMINI (May 21 -June 20): Spotlight on investments, more responsibility, valid opportunities for increased compensation. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Lunar cycle high -you'll reach more people, prestige rises and you "flirt with fame." Longstanding BMignment will be completed. -LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Light is shed on areas previously dark; maintain independent stance, refuse to be intimidated by one who is envious, suspicious. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Emphasis on family, home, security and successful utilization of persuasive powers. Scenario also highlights wish fulfillment, business opportunity and romance. LIBRA (Sept:23-0ct. 22): Promises from persons in authority are subject to change. Know it, be a Jert and have alternatives at hand. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21 ): Revise, review and rebuild on a more aolid base. Check details, be aware of available source material. SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Examine motives, ask questions and accept truth as It exists. Financial status of one close to you comes into focus. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Gain indicated if you are diplomatic. You can recover loss, but attemptinJt to force issues is not answer. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Tread softly: you are on right track, but there is i'lo need to "wake" competition. Emphasis on dependents, basic issues. pets and cooperation from co-workers. P ISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Accept added responsibility. Member of opposite sex does care and asks you to reciprocate. Emphasis on challenge. pressure, ability to make necessary changes. ~tewart Gf\9th c/ln/Uf llfiJ Chippandalas In Parson Ladies meet the handsome Men of Chlppendales here at Huntington Center this Sat. & Sun. 12 to'2 p.m. Autographed calendars av'ilable. Bpecl•I Sept. 1-S..,t. 14, 1912 ..... Hlt•"'*'Pha: .99 I am inclt1enous lo the ~lay Penlns11l1, easily the most popular of the Rattlor• family. A wiolet sheen to 1111 COior I With I dlr~ bloe coctaa lless desiCn on the •lttnnost pert of iny bofy. PtaNI, lttractht _,on .. 11 Aquatic Tropiclls. Only .99. ~ ..... •IJel-C.. ..... IMer AUCTIOri SATURDAY•. SEPTEMBER 11 6:00 P.M. OVER .300 UNIQUE ANTIQUE PIECES OFFERED AT AUCTION . ~ (714) 751·8&:12 18218 eUCLID (Or"r .\05 l"WY) r"OUNTAIN VALLtY •, McGovern tests the waters May seek presidency again on nuclear freeze issue DES MOINES. Iowa (AP) -George McGovern, hoping to seize on the nuclear freeze issue as a vehicle for another run at the presidency, concluded a two-day swing through Iowa Friday to test his political appeal. A resolution calling for a freeze on nuclear weapons failed by two votes ln the House of Representatives last month and McGovern said the closeness of the vote gives th~ issue credibility and wide popular appeal. "I think that, if not me, then some other public figure can make that Issue Into the major thrust of a campaign ," McGovern said in an interview. "I think it's the most im~rtant MoOOWM issue before the country.' While most of the other potential Democratic presidential candidates who have been in Iowa recently have concentrated on economic issues, McGovern spent most of his time talking about nucJear weapons. "We're not going to bring those (economic) problems under control until we get out from under this enormously costly a rms race with the Russians," McGovern said. , The former senator from South Dakota was ,· among the first in Congress to o ppose U.S'."'· involvement in the war in Vietnam and made that an iaue in the campaign that ended with hhi ' overwhelminR defeat by Richard Nixon ln 1972. , .. ,. His support for a nuclear weapons freeze is an • extension of his long-time support for reducedl1 defense spending and strategic anns control "I think the fact that it (the freeze movement) , came out of the grass roots, rather thafl; Washington, is a healthy sign,'' he said. "It's not•a -• good as a verifiable strategic arms limitation trea~y,. ,• but it's something. It sends a signal that millions of , people want the arms race halted." McGovern acknowledged that it would accurate to say he was "testing the waters for: ~ presidential bid" in 1984 with his Iowa visit ah~ added "I've never been coy or cute about m y political intentions." • COME EARLY FOR BEST SELECTION! ~ t.r ID flf ID I/WI ,,....,., worT1I lie W.' 640-5800 AMBltlCt'S MO.W' BMLJnFUI. GAIWF.N CENTER °'*1•to•-'¥ •9oft.IOOQUll\lllltlood81MllOM!lllf ~ • locltOMllel'lfCl-IMN:l lfl~--11 NURSERY • 1NC>OC>R PLANTS • FLORIST • LANDSCAPING • PATIO FURNITURE • ANTIQUU " '· ,. -· nvironmental protection takes new direction NE M . GORSUCH ~mark• by Anni:' Gor•u ch , tniatrator of th~ EnvJronmonc1l tion ltgcm~y. a~ reprinted IW>m ~wn Hall Journal. Environmental Protection Afiency , has the broadest mandate, u well of the most important mandatea, n y agency in the federal ent. ong the federal lawa tn which :nllt...,,._ hu entrusted administration to lhJ .1 A are found the responsibility to adlJ)lnister the Clean Air Act, the Clean Wlter Act, \he Safe Drinking Water Act, anit' the Toxic Substances Control Act. TtUI last act charges the agency wlth ~ning the Introduction of any new c~mical before its entr y Into the m~etplace as well as controlllng those tht't-llre on the market. fwrther, the EPA has responsibility over pes ticides, insecticides, a nd des -their regulation and use. e EPA must supervise solid waste d , procedures which just 10 years uld have been thought of as the ··~ty dump," but today is a critical enytronment.al concern as the public's awareness of hazardous wastes has grown. IM DECEMBER 1980, Congress passed the "Superfunds" legislation, giving the EPA dual authority to respond to emergency spills of hazardous materials and to see to it that hazardous waste sites are cleaned up. In J.he spring of last year, the EPA was givd) the additional responsiblity of overseeing the "steel stretch-out," a program that gives the steel industry, in cettain circumstances, the ability to obtain an extension on the deadlines set forth in the Clean Air Act. . . Under each of tMle 1tatute11, \hu EPA has the admtn1atrailve re1pon1lbllltl 1, reaulatory reeponalbil.ltld, and, ln aome instances, quaal-judidal re.pol'\libWtiee. In order to dlechar1e ha manifold atatutory obll&atlona, the EPA la one of the taraest Independent aaenct11 ln the federal echelon, and haa about 10,000 employeee. The EPA 11 financed with three sepuate tunda. Tho Ural 11 the Construction Grants Buda~ t, whlch for FY 1982 la •bout $2.4 billion. W have requested \he same level of fundina tor FY 1983. In ow-conatructlon 1rant1 budget, the EPA paS8el the money &lona to atate and local governments primarily for the funding and conetruction of sewage treatment faclllUes. The second source ot money la the Superfund. This money la raised through a levy on the chemical industry. Such levies account for 86 percent of the budget, the remaining 14 percent o! the Superfund budget comes from general funds. Our third funding source is our operating budget of $1.1 blllion. The EPA, an inde~ndent regulittory agency, was formed about 11 years ago under an executive order signed by President Nixon . The EPA reports to more committees and subcomnuttees in Congress than any other regulatory agency except the Department of Energy. This situation arose because of EPA was formed by combining several existing agencies into one. Many of these earlier agencies were accountable to Congress. As a result Congress continues to assert it.self over those aspects once accountable to them. Thus, we have a reporting responsibility to approximately 50 Congressional committees a nd subcommittees. -__ ,.ti( ____ ;·, .. ~ _,~ ~The peso must be down again ... it's ~another batch o( Mexican bankers ... HThe agency's goal will remain th am in the Reagan admini tration as that for which it wa originally establi hed." -Anne M. Gorsuch The agency's goal will remain the same in the Reagan administration as that for wh ich i t was originally established: " . . . the protection of the health, welfare, and environmental valu.es of the American people.'' That is not to say that it will be "business as usual" at EPA. 1 have had my share of ink in the printed media -whether on the front page or in the funny papers. And it Is not surprising. The critical articles and cartoons stem from the fact that we are making significant changes. When the forces of change run up against the most powerful force in Washington -inertia -the sparks indeed do flv. WHAT AVENUES of change is the EPA pursuing? The changes are very straightforward and simple. They can be grouped Into four basic categories. Scientific understanding is the fundamental premise upon which the EPA's regulatory activity is based. We must utilize the highest level of scientific expertise to define what constitutes "qlean air," "clean water," and the "best use of our land," before the EPA can formulate a r egulatory program addressing these wues. The agency has taken several steps toward enhancing the quality of our science. We have ins~ituted a peer review process at EPA. We also have enlarged the membershlp of the Science Advisory Board, an independent research group established by Congress. By enlarging the membership, we have broad ened the scientific exp ertise available to the EPA. And, we are, for the first time, using that board on a regular basis, channeling our major regulatory actions through them lor their scientific 9Cr'Utiny and advice. The EPA ls unique in its ability to carry out the president's commitment to the New Federalism because we need no new legislation to Implement this keystone of the premdent's program. In each of the major environmental laws, Con~ clearly delineated lhe agency'• administrative role for establishing standards and developing a regulatory program to achieve the 'standardS. S imilarly, in each of the major environmental laws, Con~ defined a role for state and local governments. That is, the EPA has been directed to delegate responsibility for implementation of the environmental programs to stat e governments whenever the EPA determines that the states are willing and able to implement the programs. The legislation directing the EPA in this regard is not new. What is new Is the will to follow these directives and relinquish more responsibility to the states. Regulatory reform is an interesting subject for the EPA, especially since regulations are the cloth of what the EPA is about. 'Regulations are the primary tool available to the agency for achieving the environmental goals set for the nation. The vice president has been entrusted by the Reagan administration -with leading the regulatory reform effort. It iii important to clarify one point, however. The Reagan administration and the new EPA are not talking about deregulation in the environmental area: we are talking about reforming regulations that already exist. "To my knowledge, no one in the Reagan administration has ever expressed an interest in dismantling the EPA." The EPA is not considering reducing environmental pro~tion standards as so many people believe. Rather, we are aiming at reducing the red tape that has diverted the agency's resources from accomplishing its original mandate. THE FOURTH MAJOR initiative of the new EPA is to do a better job with fewer tax dollars. This issue is the focus of the controversies re flected by the print media and other critics of today's EPA. We have indeed asked Con~ for a reduced budge t at EPA. To understand how thla has turned into a lightning rod for controversy let me explain the budget .cenario. The first act was performed last Oc1ober. The federal budgetary process is such that each agency internally fonnulata a budact pro~ that ta then •ubmltted to the Office of Manqement and Budaet (OMB) and the president. rt the qency and the OMB dluaree over the budget propoul, there la an appeal proceu: firat to an ap~al board, and then to the president. The president aubmlta the propoeed budget to Congrees at the beginning of each calendar lear for Congreaslt.>nal approval. ~t October, Congresa had not yet enacted a budget for the EPA for Fbca1 Year (FY) 1982. Ironically in that aame monlh, the nation reached a trillion dollar level of lndebtedneas for the ffrat time. Throughout this period, I spent upwards of 16 hours of testimony a week before Cong reaslona l commi t tees and subcommittees where the bottom line of Congress' concern was that 1 might not spend enough money In FY 1,983. The second act followed in 1pring of this year. EPA's budget requesting the same level of overall appropriationa of $2.4 billion for FY 1983 was finally being conside red by Congr~ss. This budget request included a 20 percent increase in the Superfund. This program required more funding since it waa new and not yet fully developed. The cJUia came not in that budget, but in the operating budget request. We propoeed a very real, very substantial 12 percent reduction in the current $1.1 billion operating budget. This reduction was proposed against a backdrop of an agency that grew between 1977 and 1980 by more than 60 percent. One other piece of relevant information that is often forgotten: it is illegal for me or any head of the administrative agency to spend -iess than the amount appropriated by Ccngress. · THERE ARE A NUMBER oj false rumors about the EPA that I have encountered. I have heard rumors that the Reagan administration has expressed an Interest in dismantling the Environmental Protection Agency, and if that falls, dismissing many of its personnel. To my knowledge no one in the Reagan administration has ever expr~ an interest in dismantling the EPA, either 'publicly or privately. In terms of personnel, fewer than 110 of the 10,000 employees have been involuntarily separated since my appointment . Under the Carter administration the total rate of personnel attrition was 1 percent. Under the Reagan administration it is 1 percent. Another rumor is that there is a "brain drain" going on in the EPA. But are the "best and the brightest" leaving the agency as some critics claim? No, the greatest turnover in personnel is coming from the clerical and support staff, not the administrative positions. Finally, there is a rumor that the EPA is putting very little effort into enforcement activities. These critics often attempt to support their claim by citing the fewer number of cases being referred to the Justice Department. The number of cases being referred to the Justice Department is a measure of nothing. Hopefully, this rumor will be laid to rest in the next six months. iidia speeds space program amid controversy s; JAMES W. RATION ..._.,eel..,_ wrtt ... NEW DELHI, India -Floating high over the equator is a malfunctioning, multimillion-dollar "made for India" satellte that has become the focus of contipversy among Indians. c.tttics of the Indian National Satellite, which represents the first half of a $ 1,30 million communications and w..vier project, say the money could be ~ spent bringing water, electricity aJtd health care to the nation 's in1Poverished masses. • . ~ut the fledgling space program' also has its supporters, who maintain that ~·s first steps into space are frugal o~. that promise potentially enormous rer;ards. ''rh ey'r e d oi ng it right," a tern scientist said recently. •TFor one , they've been using other people's kets.'' ·a•s space program began in 1963 three basic goals: improve communications, gather weather information and survey the country'• natural resources. To meet ita immediate needs, technologically advanced nations were paid to build and launch satelUt.es for lndia. To prepare for the future, India also began developing its own hardware. THE PROGRAM began slowly. with the equivalent of $325 million spent on space projects from 1963 to 1980. It now ls accelerating, with $1.1 billio n budgeted for the 1980s. The Soviet Union launched India's first two satellites, in 1976 and in 1979. Last year, a European consortium sent up its third. In each case, India got its payloads into orbit without spending time and money to develop a reliable launch vehicle. Also, with Indians working alongside ecientists from other countries on the projec\s, there was a transfer of aome knowledge and experience. Then last April, the United States launched Insat-lA, the first of two satellites ordered by India from the Ford Aerospace Co. of Palo Alto. Just about everything went wrong. The launch at Cape Canaveral, Fla., wu delayed twice, a crucial communications antenna required eeveral days of special space maneuvers to unjam, and the stabilizing "solar sail" did not properly deploy. With lnaat'a planned seven-year life reportedly reduced to lea than half and ita television relay capability cut one- third, lhe volcett of dfsaent filled the air clamoring about waste and inefficiency. Tfie Indepe ndent Times of India newspaper noted, for example. that the satellite's ground facilities were not finlahed, no television programs had yet been filmed for it to b eam to the countryside, and that many villages had no televt.slon sets or even electricity to run them. Defenders of the program countered that lnsat was an exercise in frugality. It was the first civilian satellite to combine teleconununications, radio and television broadcasting, weather data and data- relay capabilities. Previously, separate weather and communications satellites had been uaed, a Ford 1pokesman aaid. The benefits from the lnaat program alone could be enormous. It will eue the burden on India's archaic telephone system by handling 8,000 long-distance conversations. It also will provide weather information and storm warnlnp that could save crops and lives. The greatest impact, officials believe, could come from the telecasts In.sat will beam to India's isolated, rural villages. Initially ft will reach about one-filth of the country's half mllllon villages, but th.ii eventually will be expanded until lndla's diverse society la linked with a single communication system. At present, television is limited to the major population cent.era. alifornia Republican kingmakers look to '86 8 THOMAS D. ELIAS '\?en if Pete Wilson and George ~mejian sweep their Democratic tion this fall, 1982 will have been a fllal year for the kingmaken who e called many of the shots in the 1\/ornia Republican Party since d Reagan became governor ln 1967. ow there are indicatJona that the w afthy power brokers may be planning ( er ahead than they have in the put ln af' effort to avoid a repetition of this r's debacle. ,, RE KI NGMAKERS, a group of a.itaetai and business leaders who mott r ntly staged their mee\inp In the h Regency Club atop a Loe Angeles h-riae building owned by David ' rdock, the flNndal chairman of the te Republican Party, find thernlelve1 the first time in 15 yean with no r candidate beholden to them. the Senate in the spring campaign, but enough o f them were sufficiently unimpressed by both those eventual losers to hold back and prevent the behind-the-scenes signal callers from making any concerted effort. Clllflllll fll:ll . ............................. The result is that neither the Republican candldate for governor nor the party'• U.S. Senate hopeful ta aa conservative a.a California'• 1tatewJde GOP candidate. have been •ince Reagan'• flnt run for office. No one is dlacu..m, it openly, but the behlnd-tbe·teene. lfOUp may now be •tting i1-ll up 1o be ln • much 8t.l'Onpr and more fntluenUal poelt.lon four yean from now. the next time both the governor's office and a Senate •• , ao up for arabs. One 11 kel y pro1pect for the Jcin8maken' ~ ln that ~on hM already been brou1ht back jnto the California picture after a lour-year at.nee. He ia Wtlll•m Banowaky, the hend10me '46-yen-old edmlnlatrator who prulded over Pepperdlne University's move from Los Angeles to Malibu in the early 1970s and later served as California's Republican national committeeman. Banowsky chaired the 1972 re-election drive for Richard Nixon in Los Angeles County and wa.. approached ln 1973 by Dart and other key Reagan aupportera looking f or a 1974 gubernatorial candidate. Later, he became president of the University of Oklahoma. But now he's given up that $120,000-a-year post to become president of the 8,800-mernber Loa An1elet Area Chamber of Commen:e. Banowaky'• new job wt1J pay $1~.ooo. but differences in houtlna coiata and other expenaes make the two l&lariel about equivalent. BANOWSKY DENIES that he la movina back 1o CalJfomla to re-enter Republican polltlc:a. bul he's a aolld c:omervatlve, with youthful looka and 1tron1 academic and admlnlatratlve credential• -:_ pre<: ... 1:1 &he type of can41date the GOP ~ look for. Banowaky aJIO clearly Intend• to become the moat vltlble chamber of commerw tpokeeman In C.Wom1a. "l thlnk the rf\anlber ii better poaitioned lhan any other oqanlullon to provide leadership," he says. ls it an accident that he haa been hired at a mu.ch higher salary than his predecesaor, wilh a more prestlgioua title than his predeceseor (who was called lhe chamber1a executive d1rec1or), at a time when the GOP power brokers desperately need new blood that will cooperate with them? It ~ be, but. it's a}9Q true that. several of the OOP leaden are alao active in the businela FOUP· Even If Banow.ky didn't plan It that ;:Ji, his move l• Umed perfec:tly to CSon him f« 1986. He arriva in the midst of a campeiJln. drawing relatively little attention. ffe will have a atrong operatinl bale and plenty of time to eaubUah hlm1ell at a major "non-poUtlcal'' apokesman for OOP- backed caUleS on a a&atew1de bN1a. a role he developed extenlively In Southern C.Utom1a ln the 1970.. And hit pretence a11uru the Murdock·Dut poup -wt.me makeup may c....,. af\er U\il fall'• 1'9Ultl are In -thet at lealt one proepect.lve 1988 candidate wtu be '° 111 "°"'plew Uklnc. n.om. r:uu la. ,,__~ Columnlat bMild In Sanca Mon.lal . .......... Meanwhile, in keeping with its policy of eelf-rellance, India al9o has sought the capability to put up lta own satellite with its own launcher, and in July 1980 became the seventh nation to do 80. THE FOUR-ST AGE solid fuel rocket India developed wu the simplest and cheapest way to do \his on its own, lhe Western scientist said. But he added that better technology could have been purchased for much lea money. Satlsh Dhawan, the Amerfcan- educated head of the Indian Space Research Organization in Bangalore, last November defended the indigenous effort In terms of nation-building. Dhawan said Indian scientists were gaining basic experience they would mill lf the country bought only finithed goods. Alao, Indian industry is learning 1o build devices ~th apace--age precision. The program also is bringing people together, Dhawan aald. " A 1975 experiment aent Indian scientists into remote villages to build ground atationa to receive telecuts bounced off a borrowed American satellite, he aaid. The acientiatS learned to build TV receivers •trona enough to withstand the butting of the lllCl'ed cowa lhe viu.&ers invariably brought along, and lhe Villaaen got their first chance to watch television. And Just H Americana felt proud when Nell Armltrona walked on the moon, Indian chesta swelled when an Indian aateWt.e rode an Indian rocket into orbit. 'nle tedmoloO that put the "Rohinl" satellite Into space two years •IO alto miaht lead India down another rOMI . The Rohtnl rocket'• gu.id.ance 1yatem was rudimentary and inaccurate, but Dhawan tald that India had 1alned valuable expertite from it. OflANGI COAIT 111111111111 The comment P•I• otthe D•llY Pilot 1eek• to lnlorm 1nd atlmulate reed•n by pruent· 1n1 • varte\y of commffttary on toplC'1 or lnltreat Hd 111nlflcance from Informed ob· 1ervenud~•men 7',.,_P. ff'*j, P11bMM1r lltwdaJ,lep .. mMrll, IHI YOUTH ,~• \,. I . . ~~<-mag1nat1on ,~\~ . . put 1n motion · One thing Uncle Len learned while opening his mail this week ls that his young friends like to travel in style. There were a lot of thrilling ideas like the space shuttle. the Concorde and hang-gliding. 0 But Uncle Len was pleased to see his friends still like the more conventional, slower-paced methods of travel, too. He had a hard time picking a winne r because so many drawings were really good. Finally he decided, and Molly Deneher, 9, of Newport Beach, wins flrst place honors and $5 for her drawing of a ·san Fran~ cable car. Horses were the most popular entry, and Uncle Len thought h e'd lik e a ride on th e one drawn by Shannon Rhodes, 13, of Corona de l Mar. Good work S hannon, and you win the $2 runner-up prize. K e ll y O'Quinn, 9 'h, o f Huntington Beach, also drew a v e ry good horse. a nd she deserves special mention. Uncle Len wants to thank Greg Rhodes, 12, of Corona del Mar, for his space ship, and Scott Borack, 12, of Costa Mesa, for his drawing of a hang glider taking off from the cliffs with sailboats below. First: Molly Deneher , Newport Beach And a speciaJ thanks goes to Nancy Hobbs, 12, of Costa Mesa, who reminded Uncle Len of the spooky holiday coming up next month with her rendering of a witc h riding a broom over skyscrapers. But b e f o r e we ge t to Halloween, Uncle Len has a lot of fun contests planned. Next week, in celebration of going back to school, Uncle Len wants to see what kind of a lunchbox you'd like to carry, even if you don't pack a lunch in it. Draw your entries on 4 by 4-inch paper, and mail to Uncle Len, clo the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626. Be sure to include your name, age and address, and get your entries to Uncle Len by Wednesday. Meanwhile. UnclP Len will be planning the menus for those fancy lunchboxes. Second: Shannon Rhodes, Corona del Mar Wanted: Outstanding achievers Ar e you a teen whose community project is the talk of the town? A math or science whiz? A sports star? An inventor? Have you published a book, started a newspaper, had your play performed? Has your acting, dancing or musical talent received rave reviews? If eo, you could be named the "All-American Girl of the Year," win nationwide recognition and a $4,000 scholarship in the fifth annual competition. Five national finalists, selected from-entries submitted by mail to Teen magazine will be Oown to New York City in January 1983, all expemes paid. Accompanied by theil; mothen or guardians, they will spend three exciting days at the city's cultural and entertainment attractions, meet celebrities in their areas of achievement and b e photographed for the magazine. In addition, each tinalist will have the opportunity to write a guest editor column. The national winner will be chosen from the five finalists by a dis tinguished panel of prominent women -educators, public figures, business and cultural leaders. The winner will receive a $4,000 1eholarship from Noxema. Think you could be the nen "All American Girl"? Then look Skip~r, a male buenji mix, is available (or adoption a l the JA«nna Beach Animal Sheller. Skippe.r ,wa1 hit by a car, but officiale eay he'1 ••a1 good a1 new," althoo1h he 1till ha1 a 1l'8ht limp. Call 497-3552, 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. dally. ,.. ___ _ for the e ntry blank in the September issue of Teen. The contest is open to girls between 12 and 18 years old. With the entry blank, send photos or copies of original literature, artwork, photography, science projects. a'&fta -or samples of any work in your particular field. (Do not send originals; they cannot be returned.) Or send newspaper cllpplngs, reviews, programs or oth er verification of artistic performances, a thl etic accomplhhment or community service projects. All entries must be accompanied by a recent photograph, a description of .individual achievement in 100 words or less, and a statement of originality signed by a teacher or principal. Also Include parents' names, address, phone number, signature of pa.rent or guardian, your age and date of birth, name and address of your school. prindpal's name and your grade. Entry blank and rules al.lo are available by aending a stamped, aelf-addreased, bualne11-1lze envelope to "All-Arnerlcan Girl Contest," 'Teen magazine, 8490 Sunset Boulevard, Loa Aqeles, CA, 90069. Entries, which become the property of the maaazlne and c annot b e returned, ahOuJd be poetmarked no later than Nov. 30, 1982. The flve final1ata will be notified by Dec. 31, um. Youths win essay awards Two Orange Coast youths have won a total ol Sl:M> foe e91&YI on American hlatory. PtAcins 9eCOnd and recelvtn1 $100 w• Jennifer ~. 11. of Huntington Be.:h, and John Boyle, 12, Of Corona del Mar, WU awUded the third pblce prim of $60. The •chievement award• campetldon included vtewtnc 21 on•·mlnule te1eca1u on Almlim'a hiltory on KTJ'V (11) and then wnuna about whkh ....... t rneenl Che molt io the vtewel' and why. Prba were awarded by Lucky Stora Inc. Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Saturday, Stetember 11, 1982 Rusti and Gene Schuler operute the Wild Animal Retireme nt Village in Florida for about six dozen orphaned c reatures. Aniqials find place in the sun HAWTHORNE, Fla. (AP) - The tired and the toothless, the sick and the lame: Beasts of all varieties can spend their golden year s at the Wild A n imal Retirement Village. Like their human counterparts who flock to Florida's retirement communities; the animals also have found their peaceful place in the sun. About six do:zen lions, tigers, horses, raccoons, birds and other forlorn or orp'haned creatures dwell on a 20-acre plot behind the stockade fence of the old Buffalo R anch , a former amusement park on U.S . 301 that clooed after lnterstate 75 sapped the tourist traHic on the Tampa run. "We can 't take t he m a ll because we're not on a crusade," says Gene Schuler, who runs the village with his wife, Rusti. "But if there's an}'t.hlr\R we can do for one of them~ we'll do it." S c huler. a former ci rcus trainer whose legs are dented by bite scars, has w oi'ked with world scope Animals for most of his 51 years. Visitors to the village, a composite of log houses, sheds and animal pens, are asked only to drop a small donation into a large glass jar on a bench above the sawdust floor of an old barn that is home to a do7.en or more caged guinea pigs. "We don't charge anything." Schuler said about the village, whic h h e opened last May. ''We're not a tourist attraction, really. We don't have any drinks or potato chips or anything back here, just the animaJs." Stanley, a 5-year-old lion, was confiscated Crom a man who had no permit to keep the cat. When Schuler got him, the day he was to be put to sleep at an animal shelter in nearby Gainesville, Stanley was a cub afflicted with rickets and a cleft J>il}ate. "H e h a d s uch a calcium deficiency he couldn't stand up." When Schuler removed a cast covering one of the cat's front legs, he discovered the flesh was rotting unde rneath. Today, h is (10 point• tor .. ch quHllon en1wered correctly) 1 President Reagan vetoed a "budget busting" appropriation bill that would have enabled the government to operate through the end of the fiscAI year. TRUE OR FALSE: II was the firit time since he took office that the President used his veto power. J In a new report, the FBI noted that crime rates In the U.S. (CHOOSE ONE: rose, fell) by 2% In 1981. fluffy mane and h ealthy roar belie h is sordid past. Boonie the baboon came from a woma n who was con cerned about neighborhood children tormenting the a nimal and wanted it to have a better home. The Schulers spotted an ad for Samantha, a tiger, in the Circus Report. ''She was used as a breeder but was getting old," Schuler said. As a result of the same ad , the Schulers discovered Teddy, the rare offspring of a Jeopard and a jaguar. · The Schulers a re about as unconventional as their menagerie. S he was a waitress in Ocala, Fla .. when she and Schuler met seven years ago. He wandered into the restaurant at 2 a.m. and sat silently as she served him. "He didn't speak at all when I asked him If he wanted more coffee or anything," she said. "The first thing he said to me was, 'Run away with me'." Three weeks later, she did. J President Reagan ordered trade wnctlons against the French subsidiary of an American firm for defying a U.S. embargo and selling te<hnolotlcal equip~t to (CHOOSE ONE: South Africa, the U.S.S.R.) 4 Business failures hit a SO-year high in the last week of August. Among these was the Manville Corpor1tion which faced 16,000 lawsuits stemming from Its manufacture of (CHOOSE ONE: pesticides, asbestos). • news picture (10 polnte II you ene,..r ltllt qveellon correctly) Riot pollce used water cannons and tear gas to disperse a owds that gathered in Warsaw, Gdansk, and other Polish cities to mark the second anniversarv of Solidarity. The labor union has been outlawed since 111•ru•1 14W was declared In Oecemoer, 1981. Pollsh Prime Minister .• 1 •• had warned that authorities would use force to stop an such demonstrations. .. ,. 5 Benjamin Sasway was jailed pending senten- cing after being convicted of falling to register for ,.,e draft. The law requires all men to sl1n up for the draft within 30 days of their . . l .. birthday. peoplewatc:h/spot lligllt n newsname (10 polnlt Hy~ cen Identity tht1 pereon In the newt) As the Senate finance Chairman, I recently called for a special ses- sion of Congress to meet after the November elec- tion to deal with the flnanclal problems of Social Security. Who am I and what state do I repre- sentl 1•transcrlbe ).transcend ~10 beyond 4-bfeak the law (2 point• tor .. ch queetlon entwered correctty) 1 Actress lngrld Bergman, winner of three Academy ~wards, died of cancer 1t age 67. for which of these movies did Ms. Ber1man NOT re<eh1e an Academy Awardl a-Casablanca b-Cullght c-Anastasla J Ashby Harper of the U.S., age 65, beame the oldest pet'SOI)' ever to (CHOOSE ONE: c.llmb Mt. Everest, swim the ln1llsf; .! Channel). J Rickey Henderson of the Oakland A's made baseball history' 1 when he braise the record for stolen luises In a single seuon •. Former St. Louis Cardinal .. l .. held the old season total of 111 ' stolen bases. 4 AlttJou1h complaints about his "spitball" are renown, Caytorq., "' Perry of the (CHOOSE ONE: Seattle Marlneri, Phlladelphl,. ~ Phillies) rec:ently received only the fl"t suspension of, hi.._ "· career for "doctoring'' a baseball. 5 The tum from Klrki.nd, Washlnaton, defeated the team from Taiwan to win the 1tl2 little t.usue World Sertes IA Wiiiiamsport, PA. TRUE Olt FALSE: Teams from the U.S. ha~ won the wiet for the past five yeari. · • 1 roundtable f~ dlMuetlOft (ftO Melf9) Recently the U.S. and Canada sl1ned an 11reemen1 to work 1 topther on the problem of nuct.ar wait• dltpoMI. What do yoe think lhould be done to IOfv. thlt Pfobl1mf - YOU" ICC>f'I: It .. too,..,. .. -TOI' tcORll lrto IO polntt 0 -l1"""9t. n ... '"'" -0 ... It .. '° ........ -,., •YIC. IM .H ·ll ' (. -- -~~~-~~~r ~-~·~~~~nr'!~"....-:'rr~~~~'""'C"'':"""!""'""""':~'"'.9""l!""':'""'~""""""'...,...,...."""""'!!"""':-i~"""""~'~'~•~•,....»~e•s._.s~s_..c._.~c.-._.c~a ... a ..... •a~s ......................... llllllll~l ~Colet DAILY PILOTll1turd1y, ltpttmblt 11, 1N2 .,.,., ____ __ THE t'AMIL'' flRCl'M by Bii Keane \\Was P J our first-round draft choice?" 81G GEORflE by V1rg1I Partch (VIP) : PE" l 'T • V · .... " .. """''·~ t WHEN IT'S WINTER,~ ,..,, CAN STAV IN THE MOUSE Tl'MBL£•££08 "Whit did I HY about begging?" IM TMe SPRIN6 AND 'TME SUMMER YOU CAN JUST LIE MOUND by Brad Anderson DE~:\IS THE MENACE Hank Ketchum ttl II [ FA ~ r~ I I I I 1h I . ' 0 "' ' '• L r~ .. _ r I I "One kiss Is enough apology for knocking over the flshbowll" 9'11 MOON M l 'LLIN8 'fou H,AVSTHf: DAY OFF? G<)oDr FIRS~ YOU ·· 47 Feasts SI Orde<ly 52 ParbOll FRIDAY'S PUZZLE SOLVED • 6 Arizon• hill ~o Unwary 54 PO()( golf8' 54 Trinket 59Wusorry 61 RCMPcon· cern _!4 Knowing 15 NorM king 16 This· Sp. 17 Plf1ol1 "I" J8Etne 19 WW 11gun 62 Noun ending ..-~~ il!F.~f!lt!lftll 63 Numeflc Pf8· ~~~ !IF.-f!'+..tir.+::t:-1 II• 20 Old hand 22 P8'COlllec:I 24 Flower 28 OeclthendS &4 Frlghleolng 65 Brit money 66 Nourish 87 Prophets 27 Act pa.r1 DOWN 2 words J 1 -Avrt 1 FtSll 32 Dike end 2 8t - -23 Shackles Irene 1>11nltet 25 Garden put 3 C11tte breed 3 Tinnin plant 27 Tobacco U Coutlf 4 Novel 28 Guetll 38 USSR Ml S Arbiter 29 Epochel 39 SMld91fls 8 P11ts Of YfS 30 Go Into Ao Mr POtttt 7 Htbf.w lelttf 34 11111en city 41 Femmt I Alltn gMb 35 81 .. e· Abbr 42 Of• OOCIOt t lnacilrttlon 3e Cllg1ty'1 43 lnlers 44Mo<eada· man I 46 Ovote 47 Dresses 48 Happening 49 Sfrtflily 60 Rtlith 53 Malde -· '3 1tt1M1 pqel 10 Vend 80* ptO'I/ ._. "TIWll tt -1 I TPtt pitY9' 37 ltlltft HMdlctle 55 Blaze ( ... " 12 lulOci 39 - -Mt 41 OW....... 13 0.. 40 Hepp, fl• ' 21 :-.MIO 42 ()ptMlo Sf Allen nobtt 57 Fttntle rultt IOP9'11 'WAIT A MINUTE ~ IAAT's C.WLY PARToF A ax::if<IE ... 'tOtJ GOT MORE C0\11N'. .. ~ by Harold Le Ooux I'M NOT LEAVING eecAUSE HE HIT ME , CHAPJ..EV1 THE TF\UTH LS l 6HOULO'VE LEFT A LONG TlME Ji.60' I FINALLV OO'T THE COUAAGE TO 00 tT1 .1/T)~"1E1E"mlllllill by Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson 0 c---...-.- GORDO THEY HIT TllAT WIT~ A :JTICIC ANO ..(-tA.<E MILLIONS/ rHE'V 111r THAT WJTJI _.STICK ANO~E M/LLtOll/.Sf t'l'NK \' "INKERBEi\.N I'LL 1til. l.,OI.) I Fm)... ! t..EU. A LDT LE.S$ SINCE fNJ H~ AND Lim£ 1MIN66 ATmCK , rl.E REALLt.; ~,. OP!£T ME A5 C1J..Jf'ED D001'l A LOT! MOCH ~ ! ma 8DTIE• •• , •••• ••E ~ ~LSH?1s ~e. r\le. eet:N~ FUL. \JPJJ.f.Y \,OCE:~ M'(eI:. L..EtGm c:F'TRE ~T.EASl~~3r? ~~=~Sl!l!M ·-· ~ ~1(1! , THE.V HIT__ EACH OTHBR IN HIT MOVIES ANO MAKE MIJ.LIO/Jt!J/ by Tom K. Ryan by Ernie Bushm1ller ,,,, ,, ...___ __ ,,,,, ,, )J by Gus Arriola by Kevin Fagan 'b>'o 1'WN.C 1'~-i'O ~\U ~ t.M'f()Nf. .,.. ~ v.,~ Af~f~~ -··-~------~-------------------------------........ --..... ----------... ----........ --111!111 .... ~ Seminar, lecture, play slated IDEAS ON HOW t o tak~ charge of your life wlU be shared by· James Me lton, nuuonally, acclaimed ipeuker and uuthor of "Your Right to Fly," at a seminar at 10 a.m. Sept. 29. Sponsored by the Religious Science of lrvine, the event will be held at 1M55 Jeffrey Road, frvine For information call 833-1286. DR. BETTY COBLE, author of "Woman -Aware and Choosing" and "The Pnvate Life of the Minister's Wife," will talk RlllGIDUS NOTIS about attaining self awareness al the first meeting of the Liberty Christian Women 's Fellowship. an outreach ministry of the Liberty Baptist Church of Irvine. The fellow s hip, o pen t o women of all denominations, will meet at 10 a.m. Sept. 18 at the Airporter Inn Reservations are to be made by Wednesday by calling the church at 851-9144. · THE REV. BRUCE JESKE will be installed as associate pas tor o f Christ Luthe ran Church , Costa Mesa , during ceremonies at 4 p.m . Sunday at the church. Rev. Bruce J eske A SATIRE about the nuclear weapons controversy, entitled "Kooks, Nukes and Flukes,'' will be presented by the Black Sheep Players of the Laguna Niguel Shepherd of the Hills United Church of Chnu. Performances are schoouled at 8 p.m. Sept. 18 and a dinner showing at 6:30 p.m. Sert. 19 at the church, 30121 Nigue Road. THE THIRD ANNUAL picnic !or members of Shir Ha-Ma'alot Harbor Reform Temple and St. Mark Presbyterian Church, will begin at 1 p.m. Sunday at Mason Park, lrvine. T he t.'On1re1aUona are In their fourth year of sharing joint focllitles In Newport Beach. AN ORGANIZATIONAL meeting of the Temple Shlr Ha-Ma'alol Men's Club la to begin at 6:~0 p.m. Mbnday at the Sheraton Hotel, Newport Beach. LATE R~GISTRATION for religious educaUon wW be held by St. Elizabeth Ann Seton Parish, Turtle Rock, after each mass today and Sunday. CLASSES in Science of Mind will begin Monday at the Laguna Beach Church of Religious Science. For information call 494-7666. A BREAKFAST .at 8:30 a.m. Sunday will kick off the fall and winter season of Bible study and C hris t ian education at the Community Presbyterian Church , Laguna Beach. If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a Daily Pilot classified ad.call ~ South Coast Comm unity Church 642-5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn your wheels 1ntocash. Services 8:30 A.M. & 10: 15 A.M. Corona cMt Mor Hi911 School, 2101 Ecntbluff Or., Cotono del Mor "Radleal Chris tianity" Tim Timmons, Speaking For Info: Call 644-1350 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT /Saturday, September 11, 1982 New home Banners, hands and floa ts will lead thousands of participants in a traditional pTocession at 11 :30 a.m. Sunday when Ch ah ad of · Irvine makes its official move and the Torah is taken to its n e w home, the J ewish Center at 4812 Royce Road. Rabbi Mendell Duc hman is the executive director. ROIH HAIHANAH Friday. s.c>tember 17 ....................................... 8:00 P.M. Saturday, s.c>temb« 18 .................................. 9:00 A.M. Sunday, s.c>tember 19 ..................................... 9:00 A.M. Chlldren'a aervlee• both daya .......................... 11:30 A.M. KOL NIORI Sunday, Septemw 28 ..................................... 7:00 P.M. YOM Kl'PUR Monday, Septemw 27 .................................... 9:00 A.M. CHILDRIN'I HRVIC18 ....................................... 3:00 P.M. Mlnhah, Ylikor Memooal Service and N'Eelah Conciuslon .................................. 3:30 P.M. '°" REIERVATIONI CALL Ml tlOO °' ...... 7512 of Newport 9each -lrvtne (Reform) HIGH HOLY DAY SERVICES . et 1011 Cametbeclc Roed (off Jemboree) Newpoft ~ SELICHOT SERVICES ' Sat. s.c>t. 11 .............................................................. 11 p.m. ROSH HA8HANAH Fri. Sept. 17 .............................................................. 8 ~m. Sat. Sept. 18 ............................................................ 10 a1m. Chlldren'a Service ...................... : .......................... 1:30 p.m. YOM KIPPUR ' Sun. Sept. 26 (Kol Nldre) .......................................... 8 p,m. Mon .. Sept. 27 ........................................................... 10 a.m. Children'• Service ................................................. 1:30 p.m. Afternoon, Ylzkor and Nellah (Cloalng) ..................................................... 3:30 p.m. ...... conducted by Rabbi 11..tl •• ..., Aaalated by Cantor Aoneld Ewan Fordle Information and Tickets: 11 ....... 1. Qrange Coast RELIGIOUS DIRECTORY "You've Tried the rest, NOW try the BEST/" Rev. Dr. E ... nor C. JKkeon -lllougM Cfvlollen E~ NEW THOUGHT CHRISTIAN CHURCH Sunday Service & Junior Church 15th & Irvine, Newport Beach ' 10:30 A.M. "You Can Be Healed" Church Office: 1929 Tu1tln, Coate M ... P"-146-1032 Olal-A.llHtage ... t•t 1st CtUCH of RELIGIOUS SCIENCE Of NEWPORT BEACH Member Cllurcll United Churdl ol Rq,ous ~ CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE 10:00 A.M. !/. ••. "·~ Sunday School-Child Core ~~= "What Did You lAarn in '-~-" Life Today?" . hY. J4'.ty Go'9 "~ial-An-ln1piration" -760-0504 1011 Cam.lbaclc, Newpon Beach . (eff ....,.., .. a.ocl) . Mvtk Directw • Marie &otfhh 760-9474 , Church of St. Matthew by the Sea (Traditional~ HOLY COMMUNION • Each Sunday -9:00 AM (Book of Common Prayer -1928) MERTZ HALL of Community Congregational Church 611 Heliotrope, Corona del Mar The Rev .... m .. Hohfefd -532-2201 ST. JOHN'S THE EPllCOPAL CHUACH IN COSTA MEI A .. , atr .. a at orenee Avenue 8 :00 Holy Communion 10:00 Holy Eucharist 10:00 Sunday School Nursery C81e the Raw. Conred Nordqutet, Yk:# 548-2%17 ST. JAMES EPISCOPAL WO.COIE YOU 3209 Via Lido, Newport 811ch hnd.y MO A.at...,.,_ Book, Ho1J ~ ~ t:OO A.II. Chruotl ..._._,Wt • .._.._ --lJ 10:00 A..M. l'lrret lund9J, ..,.,., ... ...., eonwn ..... ._. .. ,, ........ ...., ............... . t:OO a 10:00 A.II. Nunerr C.... CHNUllATIC llAll "'9t ._., ef ._ ....... -NI P.M. T....-, -1MO A.IL...., ......... ................. Lerlne °"Of ...... The""·"°"" P. AahleJ .. "9ctor -......_ m.ot10· NEWPORT HAl80I lUTIBM ctllCH 1'MD0W1r'Dr. ~MACH ..... 1 ....... , ........... °""'9A.~.~ WORSHIP SERVICE ....................... 8:00 A.M. CHRISTIAN EDUCATION ............... 9:15 A.M. WORSHIP SERVICE ..................... 10:30 A.M. _.,OM& AYMLA&a W.LCO. . CHRISTIAN SCIENCE CHURCHES MANCHU 0. THI MOTie CtU'04. THI !'NT CHl-"CM 0. CWUT, llCIEHTl8T IN aoeTOH, ~I "SUBSTANCE" Sunday, Sept. 12, 1912 Coet• M ... -Flr1t Church of Chrl1t, Sclentlat -..... Verde Dr., Coete ..... Church 6 ...,_, hhoot -10:GO A.II. Readlnt "°°"'9 -..... Verde Dr. t A.11.-4:11 P.11. Mon. ttwu let. Wed. 7•7:IO P.M. -....ao P.M, lrwlne -Flrat Church of Chrt•\!:o,lentlat RenotMt ........... '" ............. •1 lllchHllDn (Mw Vele) c ..... ...,., hhoot -... A.at. Readlnt Room, 4330 ..,ranca Pllwy., Suite 141 llonehurat Pl9u 10 A..M. -4 PJI. Tues. ttwu lat. 10 A..M. -1 P.M. Thunday CNkl C.e -~ & W-ay Huntington Be•ch -Flrat Church of Chrl1t, Sclentlat "" a °""· H4antlntlton hech Cfturc:fl 6 lundeJ lchool -10:00 A.II. ,........ Room -m Mein 8L Newport Beech -Flr1t Church of Chrlet, 8clentl1t S303 Via Lido, Newport a.ach Church & l unday School -t:OO a 10:30 A.M. Aeadlnt Aoom, 3315 Via Lido Mon. thrv let. -t A.M.-0.M. Tllee. -7-t P.M. CNkl Cele PfO'flclecl T.-.ys -t 30-11:30 AM IOI Study T- NeWport BMch ..:.. Second Church of Chrtat, Sclentlat I L , .. Pecfflo View Dr .. CeroM .... ..., Chuntt & ...,_, ..._. -1MO A.JI. ............... -_ ...... C...t ...... C4ll WED. EVENING TWITIMONY MlmNGI - I P.M. ALL CHUAC•I All •• cordlally lnYlted 10 attMCI the Churdl -vie. end enJoy Ille prfYlleOM ol Ille Reeding Rooms. Olllld Care Provided At All SERVICES. CMd C.... Prowtded AT AU. UIMC•I A CORDIAL WELCOME FROM TIE lllTED CIUtCH Of CtlUST C~CtUtCH CONGltEGATlONAL 111 Ila....... .... • CoroMdelller 144-7400 DonaldW.Kuts.lltftleter 10 A.IL -..., ........ Cllurd> ldOOOl lfld HWr'W)' c.. NEIGlllORHOOO CONGltEGATIOfW. CtUtCH 340 Sl -·· PllCt It "-"'· u.-llldl •~•ou .... ll llFftllUS IMHoWT Mii llmllUS ....... llUl-~ .... Clllrdl Sdllll & ...., HARBOR CHIU8TIAN CHURCH (Dl111ipl11 ef Ctwtlt) M011MM ............... 146-1711 Momlnt Wonltlp 10 A.II. Gene ••aneon. 111n1ew Attend The )Church of Your Choice IT. MARK PM88YnlUAN CHURCH •ullltlJff Dr. a.-....-. Newport hech Rft ....... lloQueld ""· Tony Wotte ...... Aeeoole ........ Roger Whitten, Musk Director Church School & Adult ~ -'9:00 a..m. Wotahlp S.W. -10:00 a.m. C.... et ...... , .... for Into: C.-..._1M1 A Cord .. I Welcome from The UNITED METHODIST CHURCH Coate Mee9 FIRIT UNITED Ml!THODllT CHURCH 191.h St. & Harbor Blvd. Churalt acMot t:to ........ Chal1M O. d9rk, Mlnllttf Huntington e.act'I FIAIT UNrnD MITHODIST CHURCH 2721 17ttl 8t. 63e-3537 Worahlp a.ntoe 10:11 a.in. .._, ..... ..... c...-......._ ... ...... I . Coata Mee9 North r------~-----------. Me8A YmRDe WESTIMSlER LUTIDAN CtutCH UNITllD •THODllT 11M1-. A"' CHURCH (Nest eo a.n.,.... '""· • w ........ -..&) • ...._a c....... .-... ...... A.at. -WORIHIP URVICl8 -Dr .............. PA8TOR M>mL A..-::: A.M.PHONm -1111 CHRIST CHURCH .... ,,. , •• w ....... llCTCMI . HOl Y CClta •990tt ............................. A.M. ' MOI ... PIAQl.c:.-CH ICHOOt. ..••••• , till A.M. wottt.:.r=m~· .. 'fj:ij ·-~ ... A.¥. .;;c; ... _,_; ' 1111 ....... ~ ...... II A.Mo ............ ...,flllA.M. SIRMON Topk: Sept. 12th 9:00 & 10:30 A.M. "Creating Your Curriculum" CIUICH OF llUllOUI IClllCE =""'~-=. C:.""'8':: = HUNTINGTON MACH, CA .... ~~~0:r .=,"::re.. BY THI UA Fountain v• 1400T:::8Nd. M-=.~~H Rev. Robert Sheperd Jr. 11228 ~ St. ....... ~....... . .... ... A.JI. Dr. CerrOI E. Word, Mlnllter' .., .................... c...... ....... Nl~c:::.... .emre~ .... NaWPORT CPTD UNlftD ..-ntODllT Wt-1us .. Awe..C....*811er ......,. Worahtp & Church SChool -9:30 A.M . Rev. Ken Mdlllllln . . This Sunday Worship In ST. ANDREW'S PRE .. YT&RIAN CHURCH 800 St. Andfew8 Road • Newport e.ch • 931·2880 elf ...... A..__,"· ..... Worship Services-7:30-8:45 & 10: 15 AM "ff'• Ti•t ftr , .... CllHH" Dr. John A. Huffman, Jr., pt~hln9 PROGRAMS ' 7:30 Lm. -Infants Thru Kindergarten, Chlld C8re 8:45 a.m. -Infant• Thru Adult ClaaMI 10:15 a.m. -Infante Thru 8th Grade & Adult Cl ..... .. MC .....,..__....2212 Community PrHbrt•rl•n Church 411 ,oteet A"" UjuM 9eedl .._,_ Rev. Arthur J . Tankerlley Rev. er.ig w.ar. Christian Education 9:00-10:00 A.M. Worthlp -10:00 A.M. NURSERY CARE PROVIOED DURING SERVICE : t I PRESBYTERIAN CtuCH OF THE COVENANf -, ..... Rd., Coate ..... -1174MO 9tuoe A. K_,..., PMtor Terry McCanne, Director of Youth MlnlaUea . Howard Kllllon, Director of Adult Mlnletrlel Don Maddox, Director of Slnglel Mlnlltl1ea lunde! Worahlp -t:to a 10:IOO A.at. Chwch acMot -Chlldreft ttwu MYlt9 ... A.II. .....,, C*9 ......... -l:IO. 10IOO A.II. v...,.,.-7*> P.11. CHURCH OIL CHRIST 111 w. Wiieen, Coete ..... Ml4•1 We're A Gol'J -Qlowlng -Growtng Church UNDAY llUMCH ..a ITUOY t A.II. WC>Mt9P 10 A.IL a I Pa 10 A.M. -"A Vwy P't'nent ..._, In TroW!t" -,... ~ 6 p .M. -CtUtCH SERVICES I hul ThoMe9, ....._ -DM1 Cole, Yedl ......,t (l~L~~~~fOeMliiMittw.A lerlMltrnh T'8!nlng Youth Or~819temood a.Moel: Fi , 1:11 p.m. a.t. t:1 a.m . aun. t:30a.m . 111 W•t Ham'"°"9 Coeta ..... a1.-_,_ "" ...... k*lla& J'i11Mi .. 1r11~> • ,...., ..,._ • 1M ,rt.My of Moftttl -7:80 : . A1lgta• ldlool. W Id .. Vouth Cltoupt. ..... ,_ 1011 C811t .. Hll, .... ,.,. ...... ( .. 7 tr 1-a ...... ~ o.llf ....... L ...... •l•u11111..._V.. I Orang• OOH\ DAILY PILOT/Saturday, 8epttmb•r 11, 1982 rFri vi a tussl e tied up again ,. Uk~ th • muJor lt•t1WlU' p1mnanl rut't'I, 'hu bllnle toe 1uprenw :y In 1'rlvlu Bowl XXVll la ll w rac:a In which flt Ml on t't1Hh•nd~r. th n another, la out tn front. Tuduy the Ovc.•r th Hill Onl'\a, with a per~ 1rore, ha» fol'Ct'd a tic for the le d. ·Alto flawless wna Strt•lL'h Muaclecramp, while Ed ~hm~rler notched 10 poln'-to hang onto a ahafo of the lead. LookB like thlJ one will go down to_, wlre. ;TRIVIA BOWL XXVll STANDINGS 4" OllW 11w1 Hill Gang ( 111 95 Ed ~merter (10) 85 2. Stretch Mueo141Ctamp (111 15 ll. Cobra II (D) 75'~ ~. •Trlitt; Godfrey (3) ee 8etlf' Fact1 (5) 82 Prlo< 17> 54 Vo "7 ·Th• Oroup (5) 53 e Th• oton~lan1 (S) 211-.. G Al<:k Warner (3) 215 10 John Ru1Mll (2) 10 •no entry r-ived -hall ol latl tGOr• awarded oday' we return, by popu1'lr demand, to the riddle -but with some modifications. More but no names dropped. And all the flicks will 'g" ones. Dig in . . . Alfredo Capurro made It big on Broadway as ? . . Name the dog in the comic strip Hi and Lois. . Her former lover told her her "love was too PN~um" in what song? '4. The character of radio's "Mr. District Attorney" was modeled afler what real-life ~\ician? '-~. Joe Namath's TV series "The Waverly Wo'nders" was sel an what ci ty?• ' 1:6. Carroll Baker and George Peppard, lovers in "The Carpetbaggers," were mother and son TRIVIA BY T.T. (though 1he'1 thrC<l YNU'IJ younM!!r than he) In what movie? 7. Brian Downing lt1n't the only converted catc he r p laying the outfield Cor " pCJnn nn l ,.,_ __ _ contender. Name another. HANUM COITA MEil fULUIHON .... JUAN 8. Lu1ty Hutchlnaon is a character Crom what 81oollhu1~1 t 11w111ds tuwn Cen1a1 f o• CAPISTllANO st.age play?, 77'l 64•8 7~1 4184 ~i~ .,., f'aL1t1c·, M1~'100 Ott•• I" 493 454~ 9. In the movie ·•West Side Story," name (a) lllEA MJn11 or~J l'lm ~29 ~339 the dress ahop In which Natalie Wood worked and "°'"muccm1010M '"'11"0•0•"'"' (b) the p0lltlclan whose name was on so many billboards. 10. When his buddy had jumped to conclusions anq his brother <.'Ouldn'l overcome hls hangups, the hero decided to make his singing debut In what movie? Laet Week'• Aa1wer1 l. Burl Ives (Ivanhoe name) 2. Funky Winkerbean or John Darling (Minnie Cameron) 3. "The Malteee Falcon'' (Floyd Thursby) 4. Shirley Jones (Miss Piusburgh) 5. Shakespeare (Feldon's category) 6. "As Thus We Are" (Swoosie's soaper) 7. Josh Gibson (homer out of Yankee Stadium) 8. ''The Big Knife" (Smiley Coy) 9. (a) "The Fiend Who Walked the West," (b) Robert Evans ("Kiss of Death" remake) 10. Elizabeth Taylor in "Butterfield 8" (movie phrase) (Send y~ answer to TRIVIA, clo the Daily Pilot, Box 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. All eniries must 14A FIRST RATE, BEAUTIFULLY ACTED, THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE." -.1-t Ma•Un, THa HllW Y°"K TlMll lflEA ll[Wf'OlllT llACM OlllAllOI M.on 81u 1'1414 lOwatO~ Ne"'PO'' C~ S29 5339 C111e111a 60 0760 63• 2!>!>3 MISSIOll VllJO EOwaiO~ V•efU Twin 830 6990 WlSTMllllTllll Edwi<OS Clntmi Wll' 1 891 393!> NO ••SSU ACCl'PUO •O• tH( CNOAOlMtH• be received by Wednesday. otherwise half the 1----=====,,,, Cha p}in· £ i}m player 's last score wW be awarded) nd • ID archives r/· . LoNOON (AP) -"How To MaJ<e Movies," a preViously unknown film by the late Charlie Chaplin about Hollywood movie-making in 1918, has -been discovered in a screen archive vault "acinewhere in England," Thames Television says. Bryan Cowgill, managtng ~i reclor of the commercial te levision network, said this e 23-minute film will be given i'5 world at the London Film Festival in November &rill l}iat Thames plans to broadcast it on British tef~on early next year. Cowgill refused to say precisely where the film was found. He said it was partly documentary and partly Chaplinesque comedy and was "an . .-oa.z:ingly funny essay." He said it was dl.$00vered by Kevin Brownlow and David Gill, producers of a series of Thames Television programs on Hollywood, afte r being · penn~lon by Chaplin's 57-year-old widow, Oona Chaplin, to look through dorens of cans 0 . POLTERGEIST • •l ... 11'9<46 coira mu .._,,,.., .. ~c. • n1 .,,, .. , ...... , . ., It know., what scares you. ~ .,...,...... ... , .. u_....... ~ NOW PLAYING l l f-, ........ .,. ~··::.HI OIUllCI .i.oo.c.-'l• ,., 1111•1111GTOlllUCll •OllAllG« •WUfM .. SflA f""•aitl .., ,.., AY r-' ""' " 4 A lllOl•· ',. ,.~ . .,. ~ •Cl) 1'0# ........ A festival in music for the whole fami~ -· UT-.... Wl:IT-Tlll u.tr-c-Hsuu -·-°'"'''" i..o ... S-0 llNCOI-1111 17' 9UO ~I UM UI U •O IM.I 111"'9 DIWIU -~"" _ .... ...,. l•·-·--c-. """"'-Ut SJJt SSI OIU O• Jt11 ,..... 1H>W>y H OI> .... COSTA ... IMllU llACll ,.., __ , .,.. __ CIMO U t 1SOI •I• 0 1' "' >ltl , It's singing. It'• danc· Ing. It's entertainment like you've never seen. The Up With People ShoW II an lntematJon- ally ecclalmed cut of OWJ/f 100 young people who 1lng end dance their w.y rtght lnlO ~ heart. With mu1lc from home and abroad. Don't mill thil ctwnce to ... thl1 beautHully choreo- graphed, colorful fe1llva1 of mu11c. f. I I .. Coming Sept. 5 and 8 to Orange COMt College .udltortum at I p.m. Advance Ucketa for 17 avallabte at the OCC ticket offtoe, 5ee.5527. Ttcket1 on night of perlonMnae .. M at the pte. Ewnt oo-eponeored by Orange Coat Cotlege and the Orange eo.t Dally Pttot. \ f • • I I . .. ~31 !Bl OOMIDY SIUIB or !Bl llill "A 11111t ro111o•n m•o• 1011" -D•llJ ,_h&r••• NOW PLAYING --- *BARGAIN MATINEES• Monday thru Saturday All Perform1ncu b•lore 5:00 PM (Elctpt l peclll En91 .. mem1 and Holidays) LAKEWOOD CENTER WALi( IN "llOCICY • --•r __ _ --""" '° ... .,., _, .. __ _ --- LAKEWOO D C ENTER SOUTH wau '" Jocutty 01 Co"Ol•wooo 21l/131·9HO -CMUCH a CMOMO nMOI AM TOUGH AU. Oftft" Pll ,_, __ •YOIMQ OOCTC>fl9 IN LOYr 1111 ·--- ............. , .,... 1;30 .. ,. .. , • ., '""'''" ...... IMPORTANT NOTIC(t CHILOlllUI UNOlll 12 f lll U! """' w ... -. Tin rr1. J:tt • Set.. r... -. '-• "' CM~ 50IJllO • 'IOUll 4111 CM! -IS "IGllll ~ If NCI AM CM! l\/00 Wlt'IO -ICClUOll• l'OSlfOt --AM fOllTMU t•AU Ollf.fl -D Gii AM - A""AHll~ ANAHEIM OIUVHN •t••-Of tt ol leMOft St 179·fHO "'Tltl COlllCMTW .IUMOU"' l•l --...,,.y T"9U11t .. NITr1•1 CMllt- Pt••!'· ...... BUENA PARK Oll!Vf IN llftCOln A¥• .. tf Of (ftOft 121·.070 - "' ........ "' LINCOLN OlllVI IN uncotn A•• W•ll ot I Mtt 121-•070 1. "fHa CMALLlll Ir 1111 2."Tl9 ~1111 L ...,,. CW ii .AW.I" Clllt .. . . . ~ . LA HABRA 1·11" • ., --·-·-·-.... 171-IMI -... , 1.T~ TH9 llXTM• l'Ullla8TN.Al. • C'9I -"INC...,.,. ..... -WOllAW' !NI "TH9 MIT UTT\.I WMOMMOU• IN TIX.U" 111! -"MOHT9flPT" (Ill "t'AIT~I AT lllOUMONT HIGH" 1•1 -~ .. I 1MDANOIMO .... Ctl8" 1111 -"'"' ....., """*" 1111 CM It tOullO 1.T. TMI UT1'A ~ITMM.• -... -..c-.a •IPI• IUIMI WOMAW' .... OQANGf 1•11 ,, '"' ........... ,..., • ..... c-.. 634.9161 ..,..meTunu ........... TlltA8" .. ............ .. MISSION I .1•.1 '"' .----,. . A Spielberg summer 'E.T.' wins box office race by light years By 808 THOMAS A1 ... 1.eM "'--Writer HOLLYWOOD -The Winn r and champion of a record - b~ awnmer al the nation'• movte houae was "E.T. -The Extra-Terrestrial," Steven Spielberg's plea for tolerance of apace vtaltDra. A.a Labor Day signaled the end of the sur;nmer season, Dally Varlety ls A .O . Murph y calculated that 1982 $el a new record of $1.4 billion In ticket sales, a ta percent jump over last year. Director Spieber~ can be credit for at le l S326 million ot that amount, booaUlf" of "E.T.," "Poltergeist," (whlc:h he pr<>dut't'd but did not dire-ct) plua a rel ue of ht. 1981 hit, "Raiders of the Lost Ark." The leaders In theater gJ'OlllCil for the period from Memof'lal Day through Labor Day (wt.ala rounded): "E.T." -$240 million. "Rocky lll" -$111 mllllon. "Star Trek II: The Wrath of Khan" -$75 million. "Poltergeist" -$68 million. "The Best Little Whorehouse Sheen donates talent HOLL YWooo' (AP) -In this day of mind-boggling salaries for movie stars, Martin Sheen has worked free on several projects. He <lid a small part ln the $22 million "Gandhi" in return for a $100;000 donation by the film company to Concern, a group that helps Third World reful{ees. For the movie "In the King of Pn.&ssia," he worked for free - and donated $5,000 to the project. He did the same thing for PBS' "No Place to HJde." Sheen, who is currently worklng on "Thal Championship Season," said, "If I feel strongly enough about something then I'm happy. to give my ·servic~s freely. But I do il because, In my mind. I have no other choice." in Texas" -$60 million. '"Annlu" -$&3 million. "Fir fox" -$46 mJUJon. "An Oftlcer and o Gentll'man" -$45 million. "Friday the 13th, Part 3" '29 million. "Young Docwre Jn Love" $27 mllllon. "An Otflcer and a Gentleman" should Improve lts position alnce ll was the top draw over the Labor Day weekend, bringing a huge $7.7 million ln four days on 980 acreena, a 37 ~rcent climb over the previous weekend. What do the box office figures mean? "They show that kld1 s till want to see movies and they want excitement," ob1erves Lloyd Leipzig, a dvertising- publicity vice president of Orion Pictures. "The moet encouraging sign waa the late-summer hit of 'An Officer and a Gentleman,' " The summer had its disappointments. Columbia bombed out on "Hanky Panky" ·and was disappointed in the reception to "Annie," although the musical placed No. 6. "'The Chosen' ... A UNIVERSAL Poc:tute !11!.!Jt'!.!/ rm Sflowll\1/:'JI ;' 3:50 llL~ 11UllllVI S11ow1 at ;a:zo ano 7:J~R Phu TJle TlllnJI (R) I '!I SllOWI 1110 l 1JS a 1SS P'llfll Soldler (R) T. THE EXTRA· • • ThRRESTRIAL ,., .. Tiie Great Muppet Caper Q) No ~UMJ Tool 8011 Murder CRI Oriv•ins Open 7:30 Nightly Clloldren Under 12 FREE Unleu Noled One of the year's best!'.' -Jellreylycn wc:as~ano'M'IXIV ,; Orange Ooaet DAILY PILOT/81turd1y1 September 11, 1982 ... ,. . TAKING THE CAKE -Catherine McAuley gasps as Michael Grenie gets a facelul of frosting from Michael Kell y in th~ farce- ~medy "Bullshot Crummond," now on stage '"THE 8EIT L•lTLE WHOllEHOUM IN TI:XAS" 1111 FfU.-IUN. 4:10, \:15 "THE SOLDIER" flN.•IUN. 2:20, 1:20, 1C1:21 POLTERGEIST ...... 18! FRl .• -IUN. 4:00, 1:00 T.~Ot~m ''THI BEAST MASTER" f'N.-IUN. 12:IO, 4:4S, tiU ~~Bl FN.·IUN.. 2:U, 1.-tO, 11:00 . POLTERGEIST _BE, l'ftt.·IUN. 2:00, 1:11, 1Cl:30 ~lw•..-m ........... "FAST TIMES AT RIDGEMONT HIGH" r11t ""'··•UN. 1M. 5:11, 1:45 "HOME WORK" ffU.-IUN. 3:30; 7:00, 10:30 °':!!:;:;--f.4fr TfMrJ AT .., ~ lllOC:l-f 1114111 mi , .. _ IATI-1:AI. R1I. - "HOMEWORK" '"" ' .. *'° SAT/eUtt.-, 1il0, 10'.Je tHl!SOLDIER II fl"1. 1=-. 10:1• 8AT/IUN. ~. 6:30. 10:11 "ROCKY ID" (f'O) l'N. 1:20 UN.1•.4A1:20 fA$T f//lltJ AT Rl~~MCNIT FRl.·IUH. 2:00, 1'.JO. t:G0 "HOME WORK" .... -::.":.. T~Ot 4• ... ..,_._....., ........ ~ ...................... POLTERO!IST.8 ............ - JA weekends through Oct. 2 at .the New.pllt'f'l Theater Arts· Center·, 2501 Cllff Ddvmw Newport Beach . 'Call 675-3143 for ti~et information. d'f" "TEMPEST" ""'· 1:~1 10:il0 IAT/IUN. 12:00, 2:40, = 1:00, fAJr T!Mt! AT IUOCCMOltl MIGM FfU.-SUN. 1:45, 5:25, t:OO <"> ~~ "SECRET DAit. y 12:30. l:OO LICEMAN'S .•• " ~. l:OO, *20 3:a, 7:10, 10:4I , (..0) ,,.,., .. -.. ,--. .... -~m ...-. , .......... ~- ..,,11 1<1>\\ MOflNING ·-· MOVll **'Ai "RoclletehlC> X·M" (1961).UO)'G BrklQte, OM M•••an. A m11011lded ~ lendl on Mera °lnllaed of the moon. I:,, CC> MOVll * * "Murder .At The World ..,._ .. ( 1871) Lynde Dey Otofge. Keren Veleottne. A young men'a b1urte kid- napping aoMrne lnvo!YM i' 1 : n... im-1 woman end t. : • the flnel two ~ of the --~ baMtMll~. 6:80 (%) MOVll •• * "The Thirty-Nine Stepe" (1911) Robert Pow- ... David Warnf/f. A men t>ecomw the quarry of bolh the pollce and 1 1ee1e1 eroup ot foreign 191n11 operating In Eng- land Wl'len he I• framed for a a1renger'1 murder 'PG' 1.-00 8 11.JMMEA 8EMEST£A II SEREHOIPITY I TEENTALI< FAMILY AFFAIR SATURDAY MOANING GRAPEVINE CJ) POllUC .AFFAIRS Cli)MOVIE * •'At "Contract On Cher· ry SlrMt" (1977) Frank Sinatra. Verne Bloom. A policemen devlHI en unorthodox plan tor bring· ~ ='8 10 )usllol. • • "My Ch1mplon" (1981) Yoko Shlm1da, Chrle Mllc;hum. The true story ol a 1-'8 Jap.,_ running champion 11 told. 0T~AOW'S MOVIEMAKEAS A Mlec:tlon of -erd-wln- nlng student film• from eome ol todey"• top, young lllmmak .. are pr_,ted. 6:201 NEW8 8:30 ouerrs TAEEHOU8E II THArSCAT I PACESETTERS SUMCUISIN~ WATCtiYOUA MOVTH • CAPTIONED ABC NEWS CJ) VOICEOf AONCUI. T\JRE 111 IT'S YOUfl BUSINESS a Dfll SNUOOLES 0 MOVIE * * "The Hazing" ( 1977) Jell ENI. 8'.o Davie. The mernblre of 1 pr .. tlglou• college fraternity attempt to hide the death of a 1:00,-~~ DAVEY AHO OOUATH GAOOVIE GOOUl.8 • fl1M'T P£MON • YOGA FOR HEAL TH CJ) INTtAHATIONAL HOUR ~~ • • *'n "Breaker Morant" ( 1980) Edwwd Woodwllfd. Jed< ThomlHIOO. Aus tr 1111· ena c:onecrlpted 10 fight on Englend'I llde In the BO« War Oec:lde lo fight the Boer guerfllu on their own term•. 'PG' 1: 11 (%)MOVIE • • "Mystery l1land" ( 1911) Four chlldren 1trended on an llland ere cheMd by • hermll end dlacover • C8M of coun- terfeit money. 7:30 8 MR. MOON'S W.OIC CfACU8 19SMUAFS DR. 8NUOOLE8 9 NCHIE AICH I soooevooo 1J DAlm' ANDOOUATH • IMO IM.UE MARBLE CJ) INTEAHA TlONAL HOUR 8:00 8 CJ) POPEYE g MOVIE • • "Blue Montene Sktea" (19311) Gene Autry, SmH-v Burnette. A men Mer'Chee the Cenedlen Nort'-1 for tvr amugglere. G HOTFUDOE • MOYIE ** • ""Spilflre" (11134) Kathel'lne Hepburn, Rob· ert Young A mountain gin lelle In IOY8 with a merrted men. • f.ATUAOAY MONlltQ GAAPEVINE 1.::: • ** ''The Bedlendert" ( 19Se} "'*' Ladd. Ernee1 Borgnlne. Two men eciMrnlng to •IHI e gold llhrlpmenl wind UC> 11 a Mexican lleele. .MOVIE * * "Jedi And The BMn- ltell" • 1978) .Anlmeled. An edllenlur-~ boy dlmbe a giant bMtl•lelk to • rnegtcel lllngdom llO"- erned by • O'-'Y· ~ennl- • ~· ·o· I:*>. Cl) TMZN4 /LO. ~ e 8KIDauKfll ~~ • 0 flONZ I HAPPY OAY'8QAHQ • WIU>, WILD WORLD OllANMA&..I • MATl&ATTl* ~ Host Gary Collins, Elizabeth Ward, reigning Miss America, sh are pageant stage tonight a t 10 on KNBC (4). Jimmy Durante end Lupe Velez ere featured In "Paloofla" (1934), baMd on the famous comic: etrlp cherecter: I~ •horl• Include ''Calling All Kid•" (1937). "Allee In Wondar· land" (1931) and a car· loon (R) @ WHO ARE THE 0£BOL T8 AND WHERE DID THEY OET 19 KJOS? Henry Wlnkler hOtts thl9 look at the OeBoll famlty wtlO have opened their home and their hNl1• to handlellS)ped chlldren. (%)MOVIE * * * "Mr. Aoctt And Aon" ( 1957) Chuetc Betry, LloMt Hampton.A fabu- lous look Is taken at the '50s and the beginning of rocll ·n· roll. 9:008 Ll!AV£1TTOBEAVl!R a o l.AVERNu SHIRLEY IJ WILD, WILD WORLD OfANIMAUI ., EAHUT ANGLEY ~MOVIE • • • "The Qlua Bottom Boat" (1966) Oor1s Dey, Rod T 9ylor. A phytlclst t>ecomw tnvo!Y9d with a girt who P<>Nt •• a mer- mald~·llme 9:30 9 Cl) 9U08 BUNNY I AOAOAUHNEA IJ 8 SP10EA-MAN 8 OlZJE ANO HAAAIET G 111 HEATHCUFF & MARMADUKE G wtlD, WILD WORLD OfAHIMALS Gj) CALIFORNIA WEEK IN REVIEW INSIDE THE Nfl Cohosts Len OllWIOll and Nick Buonlcont1 pr-• hlghllghte Of the pr.-vloue _.., pro football action and lntervtew11 with play«• end c;oacl!M. .MOW! ··~''TM Nonh A...,_ Irregular•" (1979) ECIMrd Herrmann, e.tt>wa Heme. The -minister In a tmall town organl1N • group of dotty women In hie oongr .. gallon 10 •top the now of c:tlurCll fund• to crfmlnal•. 'G' 10:00 a a SPACE STARS • SHANANA 8 9 THUNOARR I OOLDIEOOLD G MOVIE ••'At "Copper Canyon" (1950) Ray Mntand, Hedy L..emerr Corilederate ,.... erant !IMklng • ,_ .. .,, In the w .. 1 art lllOed by • ~llghter. 8J W£'AE MOVIN' m eoeJOHU &l Titll OLD HOUft Gil VOT!A'S PtPEUNI "AboUI Love And Oled- pllne" Ac:tMtla that we may tue lor granted. ~I a t«1oue protll9m tor handic.pped lndMc» ala u Jim COOC* dleco\I· .... (S)MOW: * * * "FOUi Play" ( 1971) Goldl• Hewn. Chevy CheM. A Mbterien enllatt the aid of an Inept Polloe detective alter the ~ klvolY8d In • bCzarre W1ee of murdera end kidnapping ettempta. CZ)MOVIE * * * "Hendle Wllh C8re" (19n) Paul Le Met. Candy Clerk. A men'• obtNtlOn with hit CB radio gete him lnV°"'911 wflh vw10u9 tun- ny, offbeat hometown local• 10:30 g SHA NA NA • DODGER DUOOVT • NA8L 80CCER KJa(8 • IOUAM P'OOT OAADENNG D IUAMl 8TAEfT C"> fi>M<>Yle *. ''TM lritnmW'l00 ( 1971) A proud "lehman refll- to yi.eo to ~.-wtien hi. buW-... tMIMltr .. tl!fMteMO by motortted tren8C)Ortetlon. 11:001 AMllllCA'I TOP TEN 111 WHJ(IND 8PICW. ''The NcMr1oue JumcllftO Frog Of CeMrwrel County'' A young boy with a p-. Alon lof w-oemo ch9'- le!IQ9 • '11'"'19" "°"' the , pe11 to t lf'OO·jutnplno oonteat~ I ,..,,.~o.,,·1111~•• "°"" HOOO • Robin end hi• men encounter • Village In whlCh the Sherltt'• he•llY tA.ll .. toree the chlldrtn to starve (Pwt 7) &:I MICROWAVE COOKEAY ct)MOVIE • • •'At "The Hanging Tree" (1959) Oary Cooper, Merla Scn.ll A doctor klll• • men white reaculng • glfl end 11 elmol1 lynched by • drunken mob. 11:111 111 IA8EBALL LOI Angeln Dodgerl Al Hou1ton A1troe 1J 9 BASEBALL Detroit Tigers at Botton Red Sox 11:30 8 CJ) Bl.ACl<STAR 8 OILUOAN'81Sl.AND 8 9 AMIAIOAN BANDSTAND G WILD, WILOWUT 8) A081NHOOO Aol>ln helpe the nnenclelly troubled Sir Richard of the Lea, wtl<> '91urna the feVOf by provlOlng -.pon• kif the bend. (Perl 81 8' M.AGIC OF OIL PAIMTINO '10 MISTER AOOEM (A) CIMOVIE •• *'-' "Brttn'I Song" (1971) J-Cean, Billy OM Wllllem1. Two lootbell player• lhefa • rer• friend· &hip 11ntll eencer cU!m• oneo1111em. 11:45 (%)CHARLES CHAMPLIN PMSENTS ... AFTEANOON 12:00 .. CJ) TENNt8 "U.S. Open" Coverage of the women'• 1'1alt and men'• wnttiMll lrom .,_ United StalH Tennis Auocletlon N1tlonel Ten- nie Center, Fluehlng Meedow9--C«one Perl!, N.Y. 9 THAR STOOGES ., TMe AOOtOU Two young etook• wtlO rob 1 tleket 191nt 1tt Wit· netMCI by • maltrnen. • RICK'S ANIMAL.8 G ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) GYMNASTICS MOVIE • • "Herry"• W1r" Edward Herrmann, Oerll- dlne Pege. An average Amerlcen decler .. war on lhelAS. 'PO' (%)MOVIE * * * "OUU1nd" (1981) SHn Connery, Peter Boyle. A tPlll» marellel lnveatlgel• • rMtt of ~ terloue dMllt• Within • mining oolony on one of Jupltar'I moone. 'R' 12:308 111 NCM fOOT8ALL USC at Floflde. 8 WOVI£ • * "The Trecken" ( 1957) Cltyton Moore. Jay Sii· verhetl1. Tile Lone Ranger end Tonio 1-1 lyncft mob. fD VIC MADE.N'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTUM "Payocnologf' Vic Breden ellOwl you how 10 reduce unnteeMMY It,_ CIUl'lng • rnalell end how to put mor. tun l>ectl Into your gerne.(R)CJ CO VIUAMEORE(RIQ MOW * * * "The Thlrtv·Nlne Steps" ( 1971) Robtn Pow· eM, Dallld werne1. A rnen becomea lhe quarry of bolh the police end • 1ee1et group of foreign agent• opetetlng In Eng- lend wfl8n he la Ir emed for • llrlllge('s 1m1rder. 'PG' 1:00 g THE MUNST'fM Eddie enten Herman In • rodeo bre>ncc>-rldlng con· tMt. -~ ••• ''W-Of The T OW11" ( 1943) Clelre Tr• VOt, Altlefl Oeklter. • MONIYMAKIM "lnwtllng In Hl!fd AtM11" • THI HUN11lt AHO Titl! HUNftD JOM ,...., nerret.. • report on tn. oontlnulftO Wol1<lwlde .-di lot Nul war crlmlneta; emono thOMln~er•.._ hunter Simon WleMnttlal end 1ormtr as oMoer w-. ler Aeuft. (A) R~·9Nfl·• eone" (1971) ~ Celn. My 0.. Wlllllfllt. T'tfO tootMll ................. .._ ____________________________ __ :cHANtll LISTINGS ~ ...... ,.,.Mind> 9 KNXT (CBSJ 0 G l(N8C INBC) IJ e ICTLA Uno I " .l(A8C I ABC I tCt e KFMB IC8SI ,, 9 1CHJ0TV llnd.) 111 e l(CST (ABC.I • • ICTTV llnd) • e KCOP TV llnO > • . e ICCET cPHI • eKOCE P851 On·TV Z·TV HBO (Ctnemo> IWOAI NY.,N V tWTBSI IESPNI IShowtlme) SootltOfll IC11blC' N11wi N•IWOf"-1 .. """ ... --OMof"*'" e uovw * •• •'flll OtMr Side Of Tiit Mount.In •• Pert ... (117') ,,_.,llyn H....U, TlmOU!y lot10fM 'ONNI' ~ • .., .. l(#t. mont. r...-.cl • ~ .,.. by • trlllo eooldent. .,...... ...._ .... .... ..... ,.... .......... . ... 1;t0. ILTM>Oft • MOVA ''TM c.... 01111ottuw Of Lin Xlllll" a... ICllllto' .............. _ .. Ill ......... -. Clitl ,., ..-ii1111' OM- CM, en 4lluliw MflOlf Wf!WI ...... ...,.... hOMle ~ Cl4 ll\let "1 Lin Xian (Al 0 COl INTIN THI t.aAH .....,'"'...,. "~ l'ollnMly POt1••~ Al'*1 llneteln In ,,,.. .,,.. man 11\ow '"'*' •I ttie Newbrld(!• Performing Center In Loe~ 11IO G WllTIAH OUTOOOMMAH • Gll.UGAH'I Ill.ANO • MOVll • • • "E111ep1 ''om bhleln" (1te218tl Mineo, Yul 8ryMet • MOVla * e * "lob & CerOI & Ted & Allee" ( 1Htl Netelle Wood, Rc>Wt Culp. • THI OOOMIAYeM AulllOflti.t lncludlno IOCfal c;rltlo MelCOlm Mugget· ldge, nNftOler> Adam Sm1111 end P<Mident of the WC)(IO F"111ure Society Edw11d COfnlah dlec:UH the PQMI• bi. end Of W•tern clvlllu · lion Qt HEWICEO'UI WUKLY Cl)MOVIE * * * "Nori II B~ Nor1fl. weet" ( 1959) C1ry Grant, E\le Merle Saint. An edver· lltlng rnan'1 lllt le Chlnoed dr11tlc•lfY wnen he II ml .. lllllen lor. CIA llQ8nt. (l)MOV~ • • "Myetery 111and" ( 1978) Four chlldren llranded on an lelend eie chaMd by • hermit and dltcover • ca8' of coun- ltrlell money. 2:301J ON CAMPUS "Investment StreteglH During A AeceNlon" 8 GILLIOAH'S 18l.ANO ID fRELAND:A TELEVISION HISTORY "Terror: 1919-1921" Brit· Ith foroea c:onlf"ont the l)8wly crHled lrleh Repub- Ucan Army. QI RHODA CC)MOW • • • ~ "Bleeker Morant" ( 1980) Edward Woodward, Jeck Thornpeon. Auttrd· •n• conac:rlpted to fight on England'• aide In the Boer War ~ to fight the Boer guerlllH on their own terma. 'PG' C&)YUTUIYEAA. .. 1 .. Thie relrc>epeetlve of the period of enu-wer ~o­ tnt, the .ctvancement of cMI rlghte, tile lllrth of, "Oooneebury" •Nf "S-- rne StrMI." Richard Nhcon end Woodltoca lncl\ldee en Interview with Mtroneut Bun Aldrin. 3:00 II AGRICUL TUM U.8.A. 9 MOVIE • • 'h "The Three Stoogea In Orbit" (1962) Thr• Stoogea. Cllfol Chrlt1en- Mn. «I) MOVIE • • • "Houdini" ( 19$3) Tony cuni., J-i Leigh. The llfe of the world"• grMIHI eacepe 8'1111 II llctlonellnd. CO OOVNEY "The CheCO Legacy'" One or the moat comorehenel"9 building Pfof«l• --ClevelOped aver llOO yMr• ego by the lnhabllen11 of 0-Cenyon ........... co -la uploted. (R) 0 a MARY TYLER MOOAE (D)MOVIE • ·~ "The Secfet Of Seagull l•l•nd" (1911) Jeremy Britt, Nlclly Hen- eon. A young Amerlcen glf1 tries to Ir .. her bllnd .,.,., lrom her lllend ceplMty. 9 MOV'IE • • "Agency'' I 19811 Rob- ert Mitchum, L.. M•Jore. The MW heed of e major Amerleen edvertillng """ u-1 Chl~en·• bfMl<fM1 drink cemp.lgn to tren!llTlll etiblmlnel polltlGel -ugee.. 'R' a:ao a IN8IOHT A cer1C« victim glvea ,_ -*1g and hope 10 IN llves of • group of .-llor ctttrene. • AHA.IA IAIOGI: ON THE CUU'\JAAl 8IOE ra eoe HEWHA"1 Bob end hla friend. "The Peeper," tllke a trip doWn memory ~ end wind up lnthellemmer. (8)MOVIE *** "FOUi Play" (1978) Goldie Hewn. Chevy Ch... A tt.brllrlen enll9ta the aid of en Inept pob detec11v• ell., ehe bec:omee lnvohled In • blurT9 Mt1M of rnuro.re end kldnipplng ettempta. (%)MOYie *** "Mr. Roell Md Roll" I 1ts 7 I Chucll Berry. Llonel Hempton.A letJu. IOuS IOOk le tellen et 1M '&Oe end the l>eglrlnlng of rocli 'n' roll. 4:00D TAU<~ PtCTUM8 • FOOTaAU f'OWU Gooft made by NFL play. .,.. ere Mt to the mutlc of T chelltomy'• "NUtcredler Sune." 0 T'Hlf.AINT • MOV1I **"'"Fun Wllh Dtcll And Jene·• (19771 Oeoroe Segel, Jent "°'*· An unemployed atroapeoe executllle end hlil wtM tum to robbery M 1 ~ to MIPOOf1 their IUxurtoul IW. ..,.. • OUllPA.IA.U .. A' "Cenntrt Auna Aw.y" Cet· "*' NM ~ wtllll IOOY. the,_ hlmly ~for IM NM!et, 09!• eY'tf'f• one'• 1ttent~. • ,AUIT The leOtftd of Ooef Of ft-', Wf\O eold hie IOIM lo the o.1111 for lcnowlldel Md powet, .. Pt ......... • "*'°'_,. ,.....,. Q THI fllOCICJION> ..... a..w. !It* "lonl l.oMrw'" (1N7) TOl'll LAllQl'illn, duMth JMlle. A Mll•bfMCI lftdl. 811, lilly ....... ,_ • '°"" "" of mot~ '°"9111. •:ao1 :;M.L ..... "Tiie Hltflt 81....-· (1971) DIMn ~ Cltol .. ~. • JOUNllY TO THI IKY Tiii ...... '°" .... ... ~ ......... -... T-lftdllrl .,._ -"'9 ill•b•m•• '"~ '"• Covet1et1H .,. II II ltlftlelOn, llee.M~ end lllt moilOl!I •ww Pl'· IOI l!'l tOfl!I llf Ille (If Mltel 1l'IOw•1topp1n1 muelcal nwnMrt "ell lllM Q eMOWJ ........ ,,. ltudy in lc;aii.t ~ ........... '"'''"'*" 11111111 OtMlur• -'\lie IOOllllll .. enoo. ====-·"· __ .. ,INM I .... KNXT (2) tl:OO -"Guai, the Pigskin Mult.>.'' Pun l o f W It Disney preecnt.atlon about mule thut helps ( IU1) llltQlnald Owen, Alll'I MOWl>f ey t:oo e MOV11 ~ * * "Altered It " llHOI Wllllam Hurt, llelf lro.tn A Hwvwd .a.n. tllt'• OAftl'llc WUCllure It lltered Whln he oon®CI• m1ne1 .. •p•nd1no •-c>er•· "*''' with llOllllOft tenkl and ~fl.ti httluclnoo football tcnm aot11rt a winning stre!uk. KABC (7) 8:00 -"T.J . Hooker." A young woman, who agr<.'CS to l<.'l;lify in a murder case. bt.'<.'Omes the kJUer's now targ t. KNBC (4) 8:30 -"Texaco Star Thcatrc -Opening Night." An array of top stars perform show·stopping musklil numbers. KNXT (2) 9:00 -''C.H.O.M .P.S." A computerized robot dog is programmed w stop criminals and solve crimes. (t>MOVIE • • • • "Ra1homon" (1950) M aohlto Kyo, Toenl10 Mllune. Through • _... of ttuhbecl<1, an elgllth•cent11ry J1paneM woodcutter recounts hi• vertlon of a rape-murder to • Buddhll1 prletl and • .. rvant. ())MARK TWAIN THEATRE.: TOM ANO Hua< Tom Sewyer and Hllekl• berry Finn bring beck Iha loye of RI• on the Mletl .. ~I Rf\ler. DMOVIE (.0)MOVIE * • ill' "The 011\ef Side Of The Mountain -Part II" (1971) Marilyn HUMtt, Timothy Bottom•. Former champlon ellltf Jiii Kln- mont, rendered • quedrl· pleglc by a Ir egle eccldent, wreatl.. wtlh Mil-doubt when • n-love ent•re her Ill• t :46 CZ) CHARLU CHAMPLIN PRESENTS-. 7:008 NEWS IJ F'IOHT BACK G OOINO STfWOHT An examination ot the moll lnterHllng end promising ot community eflor11 10 find rHll•llc alternative• to prison. * * •'() H.0 .M.P I " (1t79) W~ ture, V.W· le lenlnelll A..,.,~ men tnvent• • compUttt· lied robot dOO pro· (l'emmad 10 ••op Cflmlnale end eotva 'rt"'" e IHTIATAIHMlNT THflWUf( Inlet...._. wllh AiellfdO Montalban, Olen Camp- bell. SUN/I sumvan, Louie Jourdllfl and 8VMl'I Lucci •@ LOVI IOAT The crew tu1i*:t1 11111 • t>atvtllul women 18 trying to llMI het mlftlonllr• ~ bend. and • 9ltrn0roue divorcee trlel to 09t rtac· que!nted with het ton (RI it ,AMILY UNDIA FIAi • ODV88EY "The ChecO Legacy" One of the mott comp<ehenl4v• bulldlng project• ever - developed over 900 yee11 1100 by Ille '""8l>llanl1 of Checo Cenyon. New M••I· co -It e111)101ed (R)Q ( MOVIE * * "HHrtbeepa" (1911) Andy 'K1utman, Berna· dette Pe1er1 In a world of the near future, two corn· merclal robOll experlen<le Ille vlcltlltudes 01 • first IOve 'PO' (?)MOVIE • • "Penllsnllery" ( 1980) Leon tnac Kennedy, ThommyPOllerd.A young blaok uM• hi• b0x1ng •klll• to aurvl.,. In prleon 'A' Ii. 'R' 11:4& MOYll * * "VtN Cen'I Win '!Ill All'' t 1170) Tony Curtle, Ch•, .. • ltonllOf'I Two Amtrlcene oat tOQ91Mr 10 Mt!ctl for gold In T urtttV dur"'O the 'IOI 1a.oo1~ "Ultra Fleeh" (1979) h*I, Jamie 01111•. A •Peca ~ U-WW laVOf• 10 ballle en ercil ~aln. tl:IO 8 MOVll • ·~ "Con..,irecy Of,.,_ ror" (19711) Mleh• eon. 11anllnt , Serb1re Ahoeelea . II QI IATUADAY Nt0HT I.IV£ HOit: D•nllll J . Trevenlt. Guest Jotinny COUger. (RI (%)MOVIE • * * "Mr. Rock ""4 Roll" ( 1957) Chuck Berry, Llonel Hempton A I.OU• IOU• look 19 taken et lhe '501 end the beginning of roat ·n· roll. 1:00111 MOVll • • "Dracula Ve. Frenlcen- 1lein" ( 19711 J Carrol Neish, Lon Cheney • MEWS Cl)MOVll * • ''The Hazlllg" ( 1977) Jett Eut, 8'1d DeVI•. The membet1 of • prMtl9lou1 college traternlty •llempt to hide the dMth of • pledge during hutng .. ·po· G THE HAAOY BOYS/ NANCY DREW MYSTERIES 10:00 IJ QI! MISS AMERICA PAGEANT • "Tenen, The Ape Men" (1911) Rlc:herd Harris, Bo Derek. White accompany- ing her lather on• -ch tor the legendary EJe. phan1'1 Graveyard, • young woman le abducted by an unclvtll2ed wlllte men ""'° wM raltad by !J!..1$ In the fungla. 'R' 6:00 D AAIO£A8 Pl.A YBOOK FHtured hlghllghl• ol Raldet• football gamee. lnttrvi.wt with player• and c:oechea. pronl• of former Raider greet• and R1ld1r•1t• cheerlH ders and a apeclet eegment wlth odd• maker Jimmy the Greek I HAPPY DAYS AGAIN GRIZZLY ADAMS SOUOOOl.O C0 WOOOWNOHT'S SHOP "Pltchlorkt .And Dough Bowts"(R) !II N~S (Q)MOVIE • * "Run-ay lslend" Mltet &lcllanan, Simone Buchanan. In 18309 Aue- tralle, lwo young11ere -.CllP8 the Clutchee of • corrupt governor. CZ)MOVIE * * * "Handi. With Care" (1977) Paul Le Mii. Candy Clarll. A man'• oo-lon With hie CB radio gets him Involved with var1ou• 11111- ny, olfbe1t hometown locale. 8'.30 1J NEWS 8 l.A\1£RNE & SHIRLEY &COMPANY fD OHCE VPOfl A ClANtC "The Hiiis Of HNV8n00 A car-.. eccldent reeulta In • battle ~ rlghC and wrong tor tl'lf"M ct\lldren. (Pert 2)[J G 8QU)JW FOOT GAN>IMNG 9M<Mf ** ''G~ Rush" (1944) Robel1 Mltcttum. France. Langford. A bend ot enter· lalnert on tour oete •tuck In Celltornle dUftng the Gold Rutl'I deys. (8.)MOVlf ••'Ar "Corltract On Cher· ry Street" ( 1977) Frank Slnetra. Vwne Bloom. A policemen devl•H an unorthOCIO• p1en lor btlng. Ing c:rimlnelt 10 Juetlce EVINNO 9!00 II N8C NEWS • MOVIE ..... ~COme&eQ" (1te2) Dorl• o.y. Rock Hudeon. An ~· bual-"ltl !Mel• hit rnetcn In • ~ end deltrrnlned blonde. ·NP'\.~ G WllD, WllD WUT A"'"" agent, whOm Weel end ..... llret f ... wit! bl • d.irtmenl. pr0¥M lfwllu. eble In dMllng with 811 .. um ring. I :::.T. * * * ''When Wor1dl Cof.. tide" ( 1'51) Bllfbere Ruth, Rlc:Nrd DtrT A rodtet llllP .. hurrltdly er9Cted In c.. Earth la etibjected to • -teortt• w-. 1=:=AL8 JOUll'NAL !: ••• "RetU<n Of A M•n Celtecl HorN" ( 1818) Rich- ard Herrla. Gall Sond«· QUtd. Aft Engliell LOtd return• lo .America wh«• "* 1eerne tl\et tn. Sioux lndlane whO Initiated him Into their ltlbe llev. toet thelt modeet ~ to oo=.e .... "Foul Play'' (1t7t) Ooldl• Hewn, Chevy CNM. A lbnwlM enlel• 11'1 lld Of en ll'*Pt ~ deteOllVI efttr the ~ ln¥ONed In • llMr"8 --Of ~ encl~ .. ,.,. •• .MOVll • • • * "Ac*n Md Mlltlo ., .. (117tl..., Connery, ~ ~,.,. '*"" encl ....., "'*" Hoed t9lurnt --...... to Sherwood For .. , 10 t.clllm ,. ....... Meld Metten .... ""~. COflWnt llld .... .., ,_ "°"' •flO• '*I MMY ~ MOON =-MO"mAf JllLL.IMD INOllno ~ wort!• w1t11 AlteOulll oe "..,.,.,· "'*-' ..... encl aw. ------~ 11'11tto • ., °"'*""· ................ ,.., .... ......,.. = ... Mf ... ............ " ..... ................. ......... "' . - - A men who vanlatlee, a fly. Ing aeucer and a floor that collepaH all confound Frank and Joe. m LAWA!HCE WELi< &:I CAUFORHIA CONOAE8810NAL REPORT CJ) NATIONALCRIME AHO VIOi.ENCE. TEST "Rape" The latest tech· nlques In Mll-protecllon lrom crlme are offereel In thle examination of repe. 9 PEOPl.E't COURT 9 THE MUPP£T8 ~t· V9*1e Harper . (%)MOVIE • • • "Outland" (19111 Sean Connery, Pe1er Boyte. A 99aee marllhel lnv .. llgal•• a rUI\ ot mys. terlous dMlh• within • mining c;otony on one of Jupiter'• moons. 'R' 1:30 9 DANCE FtVER "Grand Finals" Celeb<lty judges: Connie Slaven•. Elk• Sommer, Sammy DeYll Jf. D Ml88 AMERICA: WHO WILL SHE llE? Holt Gery Collln> and for· mer Miu America Susan Parkins tetce • bec:Jlllege 1oo11 et the preperetlont for Ihle Y"f0I pegeenl. • PAE8ENTE "Couplet I Parefu" Inter· cultural merrl•g•• bl._ P*OOle of Latino and non-Latino herlt-vet are dlacu...O. (Pert 1) I MOTOAWUK EYE OH SAN 04lGO TH! MUPf'ETS Gueet: C1ndlce Bergen • 1:00 9 Cl) WALT Dt8NEY "Gui, The ~In Mule" A Vugoalavten mule. hired by I loslng football c;oech, helpa the team begin • remerllebl• w inning 11r.-. (Pert 1) a a Olff"RENT 8TA0t<U Arnold get• the dlenc:e to perform wUh 1 ramoua bll· lerlne.(R) g MUSIC MAl<EM IN CONCERT ""Peter Allen And The Rodletl .... 8 @ T.J. HOOl<E1' " )'OU'IO women who wN peraueded by Hooker end Romano to INtlly In • murder caM blcomle the killer'• ,_ target. t"I D MOVIE **'Al "The Oblong Box" ( 1tH) Vincent Price. CMalOl>f* Lee. A !'Mel- man burled tllW during a MIPPOMd trH lment --lutlly~,_.. • ~ON THI EDGE °'TOWN A high echOol Junior le leoed with 811 unwanted pn1gnency. • MOV1I "Myster1ee Of The Mind" ~78) fdOar Mltchell • PA,.,. CHAIE "Gr .. t E.llpect•llOne" .A ltudenl .. dlw9ed With • Cflme he did not commit that could end hi• law car-wtl8ft e drunll811 • )'Ol>nt women he lnY!tld to • party ..iv-to exon. .... ,.111m, • IHANNO n41 WINO (C)MOVll ***IA "The Hinging TrM'' (1959) Gwy Cooper, Merle Sctlell. A *'or 111111 a men while reec:ulng a girt end .. MnOll lync;tl9d by • drrienmob (8)M0"11 * * "AM TM Merblee" j ltl 1) Peter Fellt, Butt Youno. A '-ftlnO, wie. orecktng meneo-pullltt ,. two lemllt Wflttlert 1~1t1e1op.'A' (D)MCMI • ,, "Looker" ( 1tt 1) Albett Flllnay, Jamee Coburn The mytMr10Ut dee1lll of • """ Of .,..,. .,. mMlll lfwoMd In • ,_ .,_..lllllO PfOfte' -blelfttd °" .. ~ 9Uft9011 wftCI ~ on ltllrll. 'PO' (l)P~TA&.I lMIATM "TM r• Of TM F'rog ,,.... Aobln W1lllWM ""' In • ,.,,..!Gel t• of a ~ wtl0°1 tumed Into • "°' llW • WllCll'• .... .fllCMI ••• "Outland" (1H11 a.en COfll'l•'Y· ,,,., ~ ...... ......... .,.. .......... ,. .. ~ ~ ......... . MiMn1 edOftr Oft OM tf ~·--'tt -··18AOOlfMt TMMWIL CMl9•• -..r -.... -........... Gary Co411n• hotts Ihle yMr'I INllvltlet with co- hOtl Susan Powell end apeclal gue11 ster Mefltyn Mc:Coo, from the Conven· lion Hiii In Atlantic Clly. N J. •• NEWS G ®> FANTA8Yl8LAND A MCretary tries to win a lorlune by ll•ylng lnlld• • haunted houM for two hOUrl, end • bounty hunter stalk• the only men ever to elude him (R) Q G MOVIE * * •·~ "All About Eve" (1950, Bette De\lle, Anne Baxter. A 1ter•1truck g"I rnanlpYlet .. end connlYM her way to llerdom. ., BOUOGOLD • MOU FlANOER8 Belty (later known u Moll) merrlM the llrll of her meny hutband1. flD MATINEE .AT THE BIJOU Featur•d. "Prelude To War" ( 1942). • documen· tary directed by Frank Capra; • 1942 Clf1oon end MW9"Mi; and Chepter 4 ot "LOii City Of The Jungle" 11948).(R) CC) MOVIE •**'A "Brlen'e Song" 119711 Jemea eun. 8'lly OM WllHam1. Two foolbell p41yer• share a rere friend· ehlp untM ctnQer cteima one ol them . (8)TEDOY P£NDE.AGRA88 IN OOHC8n' Vldeot1ped at London'a Odeon Hell, thlt perform· ence by one of eout' • blgo- geat aupertltrl IMlur• many of hi• hltl. 0 MOVIE ** "A~"(l911)Rob­ er1 Mnt.huln. LM Majors. The new head of • m•Jor Amer1can edv«tlllng lllm UMS •children'• bfMklNt drink campaign 10 trenamlt etibltmlnll polltlcel ,_ aagea "R' 10'.acl m IN8lOHT (D) CHARLIE D.AHIEl..8 BAND (I)~ Get In lhllf)t, look good, end IMI grMI wtlh tflll pnys1ce1 mneee progirem. t0:44 9 SATURDAY SPORTS PAGE (%) CHARl.£8 ct4AMPUH PM8EHTS- 11 :00 •• CJ) Ill NEWS COUEGI fOOTIALL LonQ BMcll Sl•I• VI. UCLA m MOVIE ** • "FUn Wltl'I Dick And J•n•" (1977) George Segel. J-Fonda. • MOVIE ••• "Ocleena 11" (1te0) Ffanlc Sln1tra, DMn Met· tin . (8)MOVIE *** "l.ooldng FOf Mr. Ooodbar" (1911) Olene t< .. ton, Tuteday Weld. A •oclelly repreHad echootte1c11er •••le• eitcllement by frequenting elnglel bare end luf1ng var-- lout men Into one-night 1tande. 'R' (S)B&ZARM "Fant..., lllend Cutlng" (%)MOVIE •• "Fiona" (19'°) Flon• AIGtltnOn<I. AnlhOny St .... A nolorlout -)out· nettll recount• h« Olllt•· veou• edventuret with 101M of Europe'• IM4finO plll)'boyl. 'A' 11:JO . n41 "'°°8<flON> Fil.II 9 ,,..;NIWI • HOMIMCINO "1912 l<enllldlV PeelnO 0-by" C-ege ''°"' LouitVllle Dowfw of "" tfllrd ..... In 1he Trtplt <>-of --ttclnQ tor 2-y9tr.<*f ~ • MAINTINANCI 8"°' .ILUll (I) MOYIE ** "The Lono C'*8" ( 1t72) Ben Mutplly, "GOW 0.-. A pelt QI Cle'IW ClrOC*a .,... • '*" of OtllM ~..., '°' Ill MCM9 •• ·~cc..· Nloe Nlgl\I !!Of A~· (1t77)Qu~ ........ lellellly (J:)MOVll "Lundi Wagon'' (1tl1) ()loll Vlr'I P8ltlll. CtlllCllt Mae-. A Midi._.,, ....._ ....... .. ,,,.. ................ .. OMl99 ........... . ;..:.---1" •• ,. !~ Of ,.,,., •• ,.,, ............. MIONft A slN;.- 1:05 CC) MOVIE • • • "TM or .. 1 Texe• 0yn•mtte Ch ... " (1978) CllUdl• Jenning•. JoOllyn .ion.. Two female bank robber• oulwlt pollce M th~ ravage lh• male popul•c• with bluing llhoolOUIS, dynernlte btlllte end ou1regeou1 dlegul-. 'R' 1:20 CID MOVIE * * * "The Thlr1y·Nlne Step1" ( 1918) Robert Pow- ell. OIVld Wernflf. A m811 beCOmee the quany of l>Olh the pollce end • MCl'et group of lotelgn egenll operating In Eno- land wNI\ he la lfamed for • 1trengef''1 murder. 'PO' 1:308 MOVIE * * "Deallnetlon Saturn" (1939) Bueter Crabbe. Constance Moore, • MOVIE * •'h "Point Of Terror" (1971) Peter Carpenter, Dyanne Thof'ne. (D)MOVIE "Euy" (1979) Jeeele St. J-. C!)MOVIE *'h ••Mandingo" (1977) JamH MHon, Sunn o.oroe. A w .. t Alriean of lhe Mendlngo tribe Is brought to a ..._bfeed. Ing plentetlon In Loultlene before the 1tert of the CMI Ww 'A' ,...t:41(11 AICHIWI 2:00 1J li'OCK CONCERT Gueeta: KOOi & The Geng, Slsve. Rod Stewan. Gery Yudman. 9 EV£NINO AT TitE IMPAOV Hoet· Phll Foeter. Oueeta: Nancy White, Mlc:hall KM· ton. Ann Jillian. (%)MOVE • • • "Handle With Cera" (1977) PIUI Le M•t. Candy CWk. A rnen'a ~ with his CB ~lo gete him Involved with verlow fun- ny, oflbe•I hometown IOCel8 2:308 NEWS ~40~MOvtE *** "Relum Of .A Man c.lled HorM" ( 1971) Rloh- ard Henll, G• &onder· OUfd An Ef!OIWI Lord retum1 lo Amer1ca ""'*'• he 1Htn1 that the Sioux Inell-who lnltlltld Nm Into their ll'lbl ~ ~ their modeet pr-to trapper-. t:eo • MOVIE •• "Arllbelt" (1968) Rlcft> erd Herl'laon. wendlM OllldL An Amertcen IPY II ...igned 10 ,.._ I IClio entllt wllo -part of 811 lnternetlonet coalltton WC>ltllng on an ~ petrOleum protect. 3:008 MOV1I '* * ~ "Tender Comtaclt'' ( 1943) 01noer Aogttt, Robert F\ylln. CUttng WOffd War II, e Qfout> of ~ wtw. atruogle to eooept the feet lhat their -- bend• 1m111 go to.,.,.. 1= ** "looker" (1t81) Albert Finney, Jamee CobUm Tha ~ dtlthl of. --of~ tlf\11 modelt lnvot¥ed In • new .Overtlllng proj9ct .,. blemld on thl plMtlO I Mveon who opetet«I Ofl thlm. 'PO' ())MOW * • "a-t auo-'' A yOung -.. fOtotd to WOftl Oft • planlltlon. "" ii tn. Jungle. 'ft' 1.-ol®1'1DD't ................ ()()ltll(laT Vldloteped .. t...oftdOft'• ~H .. ,tllll ..... -llW Ofle ol toil• bit-.................. mlft)'ollllthlla. Saturday, &ept•mber 11, 1912 Lo oking /or a career in sales? ·See today's Help Wanted ads , classific ation 7100. • ~'!!!f~.lf.fP.'!~¥.tl ~~'!!f~.'1.~.11}~~ A;;tt•••I• -._ A,.,,.,.,, A,.,,.,.,, I'""' '"' •••t•/1 II f:i•,. 4J M l1al1l1 ,. •••nlllf M/ln IMI"' 44H l•ll•111 ---..... __ _tfl Ua/•1•ldM l11l11•ldM ll•l•1al1At4 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••• ••••• 1 •• -.:1 ••••••••'•·m._ .......... ~:~ •••••••• ~.......... tt. , ... ~!t.~ ...... rr.;.f !'!'!r.!!.!flf~ ... /.~ff ...... ..-.-........................................................ Ne. pvt noma. klton Aoommat•toatv31ti.e, Oon1e1v1tlv• non· 11f11 IAll&lll ... -..fr.!!~!'!!l ... I."':'!~ 3 .,,,. ev.it; 2 bd, UIO: 1 Suri vl•w 20 11ep1 to C..I• ••u Jllf C..11 ~ UM ·~, ..... ,,,, laoll • U98 & I ulll leguna lcn, non-•mll~ M\Oklng ,.,,,, to''" lfO l!xeo. Ut .. lnc4. r~t., Mor• Month lh&n MOM(> bd, 1426; 8eoh, 1375. ••nd, 2 Br, nlc .. y furn •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••• •••••••••••• •••• ••••••••••••••••• 850·1991 ref1. "310 mo. 4'97·301 ho1.;1e w t••m•, CM. a.c'y .. rve tonl '"' l ulld bueln••• k••P Catt ltu 5 40·3888, dplx. Matu,., ,..p, only. TownhouN 2 Br. w. ea., LllllY OllHI e..u1111.11' 81 nome. furn, ev.. t350. Call for d•tall• kit., mall ti•ndlo'. R~; your Pr•Hlll Job, IH 497·2338 A v a 11 s •r. •·Jun• rrplc, pool, ll>tl, 11t10Md .. te a.. ht PIMa nr b .. ch 1300. Oecllla I I tll&llP9'NT 8A8· 1A35 1portelv• to your butl· ld111nl11091. "°' private NIW BREED APT&. $880/mo es ·0114 ger•\•· No P•I•. Av•ll Frplo elegant ''•noh 903·3018 F ~kr 10 ehr 4 br, Rmmte wanted ror NB neu nHdt. Adi 405 co u n • • t In O, o •I I 1 Bdrm w/lott. Frplo, rec Darllng 1 BR, 1 blk tr now. 825/mo. 931 • .-994 wlnd6w1 AC In hom• COUNTRY CLUB LtViNG CM, lux above gar tor 2"' ba 3rd nr IC)I, trplc. ocHnlront Non·1mlcr FW'J In F V. lndlv olc• 847·7275, alt., 8 P.M. room, pool. jec:unl, gae bHch, w/oar .. winter Beaulltul 3 BR 2' BA, No NC11t1ty,' 28r 2S., tBr IN Nl!WPORT BEACH naet non-emkr pereon, eunrool, balOony, lndry, rellable mai.. 873·5383 ~~~: lrom 1325 #Qn ft l..la Hll 6 water paid. NO pete. r•ntal. $600 mo, Incl utll. P•ll, 1575 111, IHI, MC, 1111 6 lllldloa. A 10111 •nvlronment no kltch, 548·7197 lfl den. Yrlyl275, 111.1111& Prof. f. ton lo lht 38drm 5 ••••01•••••••••••••••• 393 H1m111on, C.M . 78().1982 83 t -1168, 60 -0A88, tar & llUdlo lnol Wlhr/ •Partm•nt community on 8PM dep. 873· .. 7"2 hOm• In N.8 . Wiii oonll· NEWPORT EXEC 8UITE8 2'd TO AHOC. LenOtH• Wiii 845·4411 ---... ------1 955·2522 dryr, alto Include• p111 th• UPP•r Bay. Private AVAILABL! der 1 chlld or rellr•d. Full Mrvk;e, reuon1ble help quality your 1oen tO< 1395 1BR I I ~nter, fg• 2 BR, gar. ---------1 Ohlb w/lennl• court•, ctubhOUH and hHllh Aerfft fr••..... IMMEDIATELY Over 30. '350/mo. IV ,.,., )(Int IOO 752-8408 blllk credit Need good pell, 2 edultt ;:.;, '3t~Co ~·,·,•2•.~!21~ mundo. ,:~ SGT~NdenNIN..,G~·lapoolrge ! rB.!.. gym, pool•. Jaouu11. •P•, 8 tenn11 oourte. 7 Mature lady May hive to ahar• with prot r•· mag 759·9135 eocuUv1 Sult• H B equity. but minor pro w . 17 ~ -., ,,, • .,,, -,. .. -111t.1n11. bHutlluH)' deco-I I bual kitchen Pfl\lli.Q• Utll Pd. • •. b I. m. 0 . K 18th.873· 787. Neptune.8"'5·9875 irea.710 .18th.St. rated olbhH & much apoolrpo'·,coFMhtol lnl"d'· Pklng.S225mo. 1ponllbl• temele 25·30, Large28r2b•lnCoron• Sharerentwtth CPAan 71'·409·1825. s mor• Prom $450 mo r • 81 on •en · 8A5•29ee, 831•7~ 2 bdrm, 1'h bl COM apt. def Mar. 80. of hlQhwey. Attorn•y. Sec, Xero11. 525. 2 Br, 1Y.be twnh111. Meonltlc:ent vJew. 2 br. 2 * 28r. 1811 NMr So. C. Incle molt urn 100 · Convenl•nt aho~• on 3 bike to boh. Pool & 1350 mo. 873-9102 A«:eP Avail. 891·8991 #f•!T. W••IM I!." :::~,ft~;~:1:•11. ::~~~~·p':~~·:~~kl~ ~:::i·~,~~o1Lus~75 cc:~ 5'9·3421. 38At 8Hr s1: ::. ~~l~r=-pt~': WANTED: Rm 4 nlghte or gerden.t lnct'd. 111. lut, Non-amotllng fem to lhr 1 ... flll w1r;.;·,;•;;._·~~;; CtoN to beech, 2 Bdnn, bHCh. It 100/mo. or pell. 833-8974. (btwn 8unllower & townhouML ti'~.~~ ~~l· 11th ~·;~~·~· ~.~·:: 2Br·28• apt CM 1225 Newport Center EXEC. lor '328.000 111 TO •I ••oo mo. 1 Bdrm *""5 wMkly rate avell. (6021 McArthur). l&-40 • 11000 780·8859 mo.+ 'h ulll. 8"'5-1049 8ull .. fully 11atr11d to 12.9% e.40·9805 ... ..,. !.aide luKU"' In a pine IO· S I b PLE'"6'"NT ROOM Eall mo. Pool. gar. No pete. 2 7 4 • 8 9 9 4 , ( 8 O 2 '' Huge 3 bdrm, 3 ba, prlv ever a achelors and 1 " " • 1---------hendle all your bu1lneu • • 642-4470 998·2811. Call collect. rHI. Refrlg, 0/W, Incl. 2 patio. No pell. $600 mo. Bdrm unl11 feature fine tide, CM. Shere bath, M/F 25·33 prof only, no Prore11lonal mom w/aon needt. lndlvldual olflc:ft •:::J,H1 •Hll Br 2 Be. 1525. Avall. 851•2175 dHlgn•r furniture and kit, prvt yard, prefer 1mlc1, clean, 10 lhr 2br, 13 need• employed 1• M o/Mo . lrom s350 I 1131 &VAIL •Wl tOl&I flHT 9115. Mgr Rick 831-1741 ecc:.uorlet Move In 1~ aeml-retlred ma.n S225. 2'nb• new condo, CM llable M·F to lhare home 844•7189 •••••••••••••••••••••• Large t B r, refrlge, 2 bdrm winter r•ntal. or M/F 2l3l592·28A5 2 bdrm, 11n ba. Flranlace. dey O< reMrVe for aum· 548·5998. Dave, 831-4391 on llllld, N.B. 2Br evalt. . 1,1, Umll D ... Wiii con1lder 1 chlld. h ...AA.. O t Pl renge, laundry, carport, S600 mo. 831·8018 Agt Sp11clou1 2Br apt. pV1 pa· lshw11h11r, prlv petlo. mer montha. Smartly NEAR BEACH lrg maater MALE TO SHARE J d 875 5837 .,. tH Ill •""81• It ..... pool. No pell. M25/mo Junior ~ lk VeraalllM, on tlo. blllna. Encl gl'f. Ger. No pets. 1520 mo. turnl1hed model• open bedrm, w/prv1 bath, uM NWPT BCH CONDO u Y • New building. ju11 com· Specializing In tit 6 2t'ld 9 3 1 w t 9th . s 1 . c 0 u r 1. s 0 8 51 m 0 . Cong r 111 1 A.pt•. 543·5478 dally. of kit. poot, temele pret. 9.-s....224 8'2·9228 Female 10 lhr 48r, apt 'n ptetlld Main floor eval· TD'• elnc. 1949 5"'8-0492. 3 642·1875. 988-5082. blk from bcil w/2 lam. teble 1800 to 7600 aq tt. Robt. Settler NH/CM 21 1887·3292 daye, $530-$540/mo. 2 Br. t Be. On JamborM Rd at Chrllllen fem rmmate to S250 mo. 873-8"'38 2 1tory bldg Subterre· R.E. eroti., 8d ...... _ Large 2 Br. 1 BL d/w, In-213/387-5900. E. SI d 11 2 b r . 1 b •, 1 atory, lh•g crpl, drp1. • Sao Joaquin Hltl• Rd. Rm wfpvt enl. & bath, ehr turn 2 BR apt. HB a kl O / ,_,~. d r y r m . W. I 1 I d 11 , Attrecllve winter rental 2 down1trt, lndry, no pell, patio, lrplc, beemlld eel· i•• l IOO kltch, lndry, pock for F. are• 964· 1248 AMI Quiet F nonamkr to look B~lld~/ ng · wner 8"'2·2111 545-0811 M90/mo. Avell Oct 2nd. Br 1 Ba, laundry, carport. ••30 mo. 271-A E. 18th llng1. encllld garage. ••· , 1176+. CM1 8"'6-0892 Fem 24·30 to •hr 2Br rcoyrn2lhlba''a~f2'073S2275 ea ~ng-tS1u1n9d110ypen12 ttoor3 PvMi... WRIDEOLWo•~A •• S 1'"0K IUO<p.TDNo'• 8A5.e825 waler""", 4808 ........... Pl. 8"'4-0452. TSL Mgmt. &42·1803 '"vi ser,t 151o~t 1, yrly .,...,.. .. , -· ,... ......,....,.. " .. Roorn In 4 bdr! ba hH. dplx. S225 + ulll. YILU 00".oyl Dr. $575. & S500 eecur. •1 Br. Trlplex. $375. $325, utllltlee Incl. Sm. t at99t r beach 2 BR 2 Ba. Kitchen, wa r/dryer. 831·2895 NEWPORT BEACH 720 Paularino at 8rl1tol Credit en.di, No Penal· Rera. &48-9463 New carpet & pelnt, no bd. 1602 Newport Blvd, $760 mo. Cell for appt, 1225 no laet . Rm w/lclt. priv., $225, tat St. ty. Dennlaon 6 A1100. Spacloua E.Sld• Apt1. WINTER RENTAL bach. pet1. CM 831·7392 875-0124 a1k for Kate 842-4172 842-8386 ev Female roommate wanted & 11111. 8'2·8811 Leguna Beach 500 a.r. _8_7_3_-7_3_1_1 _____ _ Encl gar, petlo, dehwlhr 2 2 8 2 p 1 e c 1 I • 10 •here 1paclou1 3 6 1tove. Moat ulll tree. apt. 1 blk to oceen, 'n blk 11 n •' Nr 18th/Pomona, 1 Br t 1 BR, 313 33rd St , 2 blka ROOM In happy, lovely bdrm, 2in ba, full laclllty RHp. gey M 1hr houH ocean 11lew condo, xlnt Money 10 loan tor reel No pe11. to B • Y. S 4 2 5 mo. 545•9494 811, down1talre, O/W, to bCh, 1450. mo. Sierra home In Coata MeH. coata M ... Condo. $275 w/2 yg prol'e, $376 + parking, 1111111/ tale/ "late Truet Deed loan1. 1 BR. 1 penon $435 875-4902. 2 BR. t BA. frptc, pool, carport, Wllll( pd, 1 Child Mgmt 8A 1-1324 S225/mo. 5A8·24S. mo. 545-4358 utll1. s. Lag. 499-5835 Opllon/ equity Plr11clpa-714..S.-5--4930. 1 BR, 2 ~· S..65 3 Br. & Slngle. Monthly gar, 1395-A W. Baker. OK, no pete $'450. Agt .. '/\ Block to beach, 28r, M/F 40 d M/F 9hr 3br/2ba, llepa to ~~tns05~g 1. P • u I R. Wiii buy 1mall, lhort, high 2 BR rent•. St11p1 to beach. No pet a, chi Id ok · no fM. 545·2000 bright & •I"'. S700 mo. Btllll #1t1/1 4100 or 01 er, non bch, N.B . $275. Cell yield TO.. P/P llartlng at $510 $625/mo 845-3415 ., ••••••'••••••••••••••• amkr, to look tor 2 BR 2 CO M 873-0822 2323 Elden Ave. CM 2 1 3 1 1 3 6 o7 - 3 5 4 5 8 5 , · · 0.aa 1tl•I JIU yrty. 088.-8263 IUUll •TIL ea. Oct 1 or 15th. Beth ;. n 1 w e r A d 8 7 8 • 1111 eFsa 1 or1:5room -----· ---- 2 1 3 8 1 • 8 5 • 2 BR. 1 BA. old hOuH, no •••••••••••••••••••••• Lrg Bluffl condo, 2 Br 2 Wkly rentel• now avall. 546-4354 btwn 1-8PM 642-.-300. •u IH. rom I mo. 8"'2·7805 213/285-3507. petl, chlld OK. All utU pd. t Br. garage. neer oeeen, Ba. 2 ~·· "llr w/,,,,,_.., Sh I Utll1 lncld 770 W 19th Ae. ... fftlt•ll I '"l5 H 111 1535 1 13.,01 ...... " _,... .. _ St05 & up Color TV. F to ahr my clean lge are arge Irvine town· St. 851·8928 1' I / I Olsl IE 0110 B"'"CHFRONT RENT'"L .. am on, · very c een. " mo. beft view gr•11nbelt0 h bdlb •---------1 ,,.-.... I ~ " 8453415 2131402 2657 s Phones In room. 227A home, lrvlneNorthwood, ome. own a, ger,,. ••-, 2 Bdrm. Winter $850. • • · 111 111 S8 5 830-0eA5 111 5 · Newport Blvd. CM. $300. 552-6603 comm Feel'• $400 mo + Ollloe space, In xchg tor W.11 Ital ALL UTILITIES PAID 3108 W. Oceanfronl. 24882 Cordobe Dr. A.pt . . 64a.7445 y, Utlla. Dep. 553-0176 tight telephone enswe· •••••••••••••••••••••• 673-1573, 43.-.3777 AM, A. 2 Br. 1'n Be. Townhouae FEllLE ICI eves & wknd• ring. 980-1596 Wll I ftul iM Compare before you 8"'&-5902 PM. mesliBJIU ••• u-i'•• style. No pet. IA50/mo. 8 E I c H A R E A •••••••••••••••••••••• rent. Cuatom d••lgn ••••n1im· -,,. 5'C8·2882 n Student wanted age Newport Exec aulte 2 min •-ililililllililililllililililllilil fHIUtH. Pool. bbq, Winter Rental. 3Br 2b•, ar-lt•e Jl40 20-24. to lh•re furn 2br C.1a•t1 /11l1al43$0 lrom Airport hu lndlv cov'rd gerage, aur·roun-wetertront. S750. Go di-B111ut1fu1ty lendscaped •••••••••••••••••••••• IOE&ll FlllllT $84/Wk ept In CdM. Beaut. quiet ••••'••••••••••••••••• offices In e luxurious FOUND ADS ARE FREE ded with plush 11ndeca-rec t. 18 O 3 ·w . Bay. ~arden 1pl1. Pool & Spa. Deluxe poolalde xtra large Yearly 2 bdrm, 2 ba. loc. Non·tmkr. nr bch & E Sid• CM llngle on PV1 antique lllled bu1lne11 ping. No pet•. 730-3777, 837·2813 atlos/deoka. No pete. 2br, 2 ba. bltns, d1wllr, $750 mo. Agt 831 ·8018 Rerrlgerator-Mald-Pool 1tor11. MOO mo plu1 'n alley, ule. clean, storage environment equipped t Br. Furn $515 Bechelor $'410-$415 1~ mll• beach. No pell ...... _lor .... 50 Nwpt BIVd a Wiison utlla. avell 9120 cell only 170. 873·3600 with The, W.P .. ena 1erv , 2 bdrm. 1 b• 1650 Mo 1 .... _ "'"8" •• o $5001 "'3 ... 83 · .......,..., apt,..., 213 83 3202 I I 385 W Wiiton 642·1971 WI R _, """' 30 ....,.... ... ~1 mo. u v-62 1 br 'f'· turn, 1725 COsta Meat 548-9755 • 1· . 1 Car lock up garege. rg con er~ rm, Iota of nter ent ... '"" th 2250 Vanguard Cd•• l80/ parking. mo/mo or I-... ril•I 31JI St. 8"'2·5431 540.9826 or 642_.905 2 Br. 1 Ba. upat11lr1, 1 3 br, be, beyfront. en-Yearly on lhe beech, hotel Roomm1t1 wented M/ ... mo. from 1375, deak space •••••••••••••••••••••• Winter rental• child ok, no pell. water joy beach llvlng at Its room, kltchenetle & ah~ straight. no-amk, 1250 + 770-0347 1250. Move In lllowenoe can: Super t er. t Ba. VIiia, now available. Cell Large 2 Br. 2 8atllaS5eS paid, 1400. Agent, no belt, $1100. -· $280/mo. plus MC. 'n utll. Dy1 642·5AA8. aft 833-9978 courtyard. very private. .aa.I IULn 398 w. Wiison fee. 5"'5-2000. depoelt. 2308 w. Ocean· 8PM 6"'2-5820 ()lllt1 lt•l•l 4400 ----------1 MJ·Hll Nt&ets. $450/mo. -.. M••••RMnn 831·5583 or &42-4905 On bch·2Br Apt.pool/ front, Newpor1 Beech FemalH mike the bHI •••••••••••••••••••••• IUITIFIL !~~~~~~~~~ 87 13 rn _.._, eauna/HC. $900 mo. + 873·4 l5A. roommalH. Mine are UEtmYI lllTll IEWPHT OEITEll Loet: Tri color Paplllon Iii II 11 ll .. 1111 3 Bdrm, 2 Baths $825 tee. dep. 538-8093 aft Pine Knot Motel on Coae1 moving on so I need 1 or IRVINE. Phone an1we-With uH or reception. "Telly" vie L•laure World -;..:1 • J'J·~o C. 151E.2111 548-2408 4PM. OCEANFRONT 1 BR , Hwy, NB Step• to 2 more to share my ring, conr. rm, utll pd. conr. room. klteh, phone, vie . Reward . Eva ·.t .,. i.. 11•nll 3111 winter. $550. Oya . ocean. Wkly rat••· 2Br·28e on bllaeh Bal· actry Hrva, etc. Alto eecratarlal & word pr~ 830-1125 •••4iit&TfUYHii•••• ~~··j••••;•9•••• TIWllllSI IEIT&LI 730·0104; eve/wknds 8"'5-0440 boa $400 mo. MlchHI dHlc epace. $150/up. c:uslng. MeH & mesaege•---------x ..... arge lb. 1 ·~t:fi=----2 br, 1Y.ba, $550. 833·3743 875-4074 ev111. SA0-9145 MrV. IVall. 1-arll-. 11 LOii: Toy black PoOdl•, Beaulltul park-llke aur· corat ...... garage, lock • ---==--=-... 3 br tY. be, $575. IEEI A PUGEi • ., _, femele vie Sant A • b •• ~h 1hop1 s·oo FUllLJ ·-WTILIFF F t h 28 2b 2 1817 We1t~llfl, N.B. 266 dealred. Cell: Judy, ' . • n rounding•. Terraced .. • .. · _.,. Oppty ror opt. to buy em o • r r • " 11•11•"-0IOO Ave & Robin Hood Ln, 213/378-3119 RH1onebl11 ,., ... Kit· I I I H 8 I 4000 tt 1 n .. ...., pool. Sunken gaa bbq, · BeeutUul garden apts 5-45·1'13, 957-1413 S875 2 bdrm, tV. be. chetlett ... phones, maid ;1 ~;lm!P No:·amkr,: 0 aq. · 11· oor. C.M. 5-48-0454 1parkllng founteln1. PatlOs/dec:lca. No pet1 2 2 Br 2 B Sunny upper VI-. No Mrvlee, z channel mo· Agent Ml-5032 Olllce/Stor1/Bu1lne11 Found p 1 tlon GI Spacious room•. Sepa-Alfll•••ll children welcome. atwnhae,tennll& pelt. 811 Amloo• Way. vi••· SANDPIPER MO· Contact Ann dK' •HLIU "'1111* •P•oe• lor l11a111 580 & reec;f d St 111-ret• dining area. Walk·ln _ na•--t-&.~ 2 Bdrm t 'I• Betha $540 Cepalr.·!1!,,~7 .. h5. 2202 Hllll See Mgr. 644·1"1 18 TEL, 1987 N.....,,..rt 81.vd, 557·1108. ev 848-041 12GO 1q.f1 . Top loc.. •bH nehar N ' reet ~101et1 ho e Ilk• kit "' 1'"116 .. _ 2 Bd 2 B th S585 .,....,..., .. ·-..-From 1 room to 3 rooms. Herbor Blvd juat No 11 • c • 11 w P 0 r I. .. , m -•••••••••••••••••••••• rm. • • · CM 8"'5-9137. Fem to ahr MV hom•. · · 573 4586 chen & cabinet•. Walle to ltlM llluJ 3111 398 w. Wiiton 2 Br & den, 2 Ba twnhH, Beach 2Br. 1ba, ow, P•· non·amkr, ulll Incl. S285 From 11.18 • eq. ft. No Baker St, CM. lnq. mgr., __ • __ . ____ _ Huntington Center. •••••••••••••••••••••• 831·5583 or 8"'2-4905 t11nnl1 & •P•. nr beach tlo, waah/dry. cerport. V111ll1• l1•l•l14110 mo. 788-9116 leue required. Adj. Air-8"5-8100 REWARD. loll. Canvaa 1 Bdrm-furn, 1515 2 BR 1 ea. no pet•. yrly. 2 B 2 .,_ T h d 2202 HeH Cir. 960.3745 ses 500/mo. yrly. 11 1 4211d •••••••••••••••••••••• porter Inn. 2172 Oupon1. I _,_ FIJI prtnt bag containing No peta. Utllltlee treel lndry lacll, deck, $600. t . .... own m, yar • t. pen Sat/Sundey LK A.RROWHEAD·2tty MIF ti) lhr 3 br, Y. blk to Ca.II AM. 833--3223 • .,.HI lt•la/ 44f unfinished needle pnt on LA QUINTA HERMOSA 875-0349. no Piii•. $'495 & $450. WALK TO BEACH eac:n.-10-5. 848-4407 new •Br + loft, 28a, 2 bllactl, N.B. 1200 mo. + Airport area • exec. Sul· R;~~i~i~;;;i"i6s07'·.;;,; Bayelde Drive near eati11 18211 Parkalde Ln, t blk 831·3871. 875-2600 lor, •tove & retrro. ga• & LOVELY 2BR, 28A trplc1, 2 balconlH, C•· ut111. 848-1313 tet. From 225-450 aq, ft. 1885 aq. ft. plus 8 ca; Co r 1 n I h I • n . C • 11 W. or Beach, 3 bike S. s~:O~n:·~,ftr~I. 2 bdrm, 1 ba 11lplex. ,,,.. water paid. S 00/mo. in blk to bdl, w 10. gar. thedral celllng, color TV. M/F 10 lhr CdM hOUM: 2 S1 per aq, ft. Meny xtru. garage. 8A1·S'777. 875·3318 or 3'4·2015 ot Edlnger .•. 8'7·5-441. 81s-2578 ml Bch. Patio. Gar. ~ 53e-7979• Yrty 1700 mo. 875-1708 Sipe 14. North Shore trg br'a, 1 ba, frplc:,,aun-Call 557·7010 I coll. novated. 1525 mo. WALK TO BEACH B~ $285/wknd. $395/wk. d k d t 3 •••••• , --------OcNnfront etudlo ept. 1 Br apt, tome bltlna, 813-8921 •~.it-. r~·· _,1 utl•-LGE. ol••n t BR. bay • $596/mo. 522-8831 ec • In f'/ ac. btk• Ex.ecutlv• office •ulte, ~ IFOUND gi-, bl-tocall, Pool. l500 mo. "" v~ .. .. bCtl )'(ly peta. SA95 from bHCh. '380/mo. oomer ot 405 F'wy. Neer I Ill -hOtld•Y wk•nd. Cell et &49-83<t7 -· 1375/Mo. Cen Mr. Pem• 2br olee t pl /d pd. 1350/mo 36-1979 873:0072 ~~5708 ' 1 Br. aleepa 4, llCfON the Utlll Incl. 1175-1721 Hatbor BIVd. Take over Top •ttllbllahed Mell Smlthl Mrkt. 32nd et. m.~~.~~ ... 1!.~! Luxuty 11udlo, tr .. HBO, phone, maid Mrv, apa, $130 wk. 499-3016 Oceanfront, magnificent •Br. 11850. 497.2042 !'.?.!!.~!~ ... /!.~! OCEANFRONT Dix 2·A Br. By we•k or month. bert on eve1 /wlcnd1 • n, r 'gar, w • · • ; 1trMt trom th• bea~n. B 2131289-9307 :l9a:,'eenon-1mk1. $570. IST&TI 1JY111 WESTCLIFF 2 Br. 11.~ BL 12961~. 675•5068. " Fem. rmmt•, 1 btlc to IMM. 1eoo ~ft. at 00. locatlon. For Information N · 875-tOAO. 2 Br. 1 Ba. Apt. newly · Beautttul perk·llke eur· TownhouH. No P•I•. Lake Tahoe on water w/ beach/bay $300/mo utll ft. c.ll 751-11 1 cell Found: Mother Codcapoo. pelnted carpeted & dr• 1 Br G.-t houlll, E/elde rounding•. Terraced $800/mo. 1128 Bedford Incl. 875-1591 •ft 5:30 Foun1a1n Valley Office PAV~~:~EroR BUc. with 8 wk old pup. ped, p~tvate aundeck, ~1u51111. S475/mo. Avell pool.kS11unk•1n ga• b1bq, Lane. 54&-7533. ~1~~·~8'P 13~ exec: 2 BR 2 Ba Nwpt apt, w/ apaoe, 25001q.ft. at SO. 11•1120 1,_8,._4-_7_2_&_2 ____ _ rerrl8• Incl. Yrly lellM. ..-1 . ~er ng oun11 n1. Lg• eunny. 1 bd Lido 1700/wk. 552·21 ~; ~; vl•w. fem, 25·35 yre. a ft. Good expo•ure, .-Found: Blk end will fem. 185 /mo. Avail. now. 645-8&25 aclOue rooma. S99•· Baylront, 1850 yrly ..,.. 975-0311 Approx MOO. M2...aoo, oood perking, T .. bert & tFf1lll cal CdM No ID Call Marcia Redick BrendnewCondo2Br.2 rat•room1.~1tedl-875-0t20or873-2357 24hra,No.518.7 (15r10•01~1hurat. Call lllWltt•I . ~50 875-1731 B1. 2 cer garage w / nlng atH. Walk-In clo· PALI HlllT..... 2 ..,. " d b I Mtl. home-Ilk• kitchen & 1Br, 1Be, 1 bllc 10 OCMn, Cou prof. Fem to •hr Npt WWlllSI Found: Bl*t Poodle, 1tan-ltl)H forpp•1~n•r1. woof I urn ng cablnete. Walk to Hunt· w /parklng, 1435 mo. (Mbont211(f1Yb tu nlry/Clt !!I home, wallc to bHch, 400.900 PLUS 1400 eq. ft. In Stonemltl. Beautiful dard tlz• M .. Dover • _,_ ... v ew o • reem & lngton Center 873•11210 3 r, •. rn .. w 1,,.... poolltennle 1325. utll Penthou111 81yfront Sul· Shores 11 ee 8"'5-8129 Tl.,.,HI• 1101 w a Ill r I a It•. S 7 8 5 . 2 B f · ,. Goll, tennla & ewlmml"". Incl. "'"5-9""'7 te, parking, patio•. reception lrH. oflleee, ----'------•••••••••••••••••••••• 882·1309 rm un urn •• 575 .. ., "'" "" etlOU C M 1778 F d C I S 2 bdrm, 2 be newer dplx. 2 Bdrm Townhou•• B4ICh Apt. S265/mo. 1 BR. Delly, wkly & monthly B 873-1003 war 111. . aq oun : oll e/ hep(?) F yrly. Mature non-amkrt, 2 & 3 er, lmmed. occu· unfllrn .. S850. '350/mo 1 perton. No rll•• Call Marie, ~.,;1 ~~1.h~ls!+.o:'.°.~ fl et 79e. 675·3882, puppy, vie. frlabee Golt '"-frHt/Yltwt no peta. $750 X 3 pancy, $475-$825, walk No pete. Utllltlel lr"I pell. 548-2882 558-8001 wkdya. + HC. + 'J\ utll. Call *""' llALI* 8«-9539. CourM. H.B. 833-1740 2 and 3 bd Ld 213n99-4195, 257-9792 lo echool1 & lhopplng. LA QUINTA HERMOSA Kon•. HI. Condo for rent 1 831·3548 btr 9:30AM °' o .c . Airport arN. Prof. Bal. Ill. Comm'I 6/or ore Found amall tiger striped 873-7873 flreplace. USo i,;J'11~p or (714) 873-3988 Lola of extras. Corner ol 16211 Perkllde Ln. 1blk Ila Clt•taft Jiff Br. aleepa 4, Avall 10·15 att t0:30PM. environment. fllll MtVlol, +storage. From $100 to female cat wl1h collar. winter. 64G-478A $425 1 br 111 pd 417 E Fa Irv t ew I Ad am•. W. ot Beech, 3 bllc1 S. ;·e;:;;·d:ck:;d~ to 10·29. 1250/weelc. or no trllla. tndlvldu.I ot· $350/mo. Call Mr. Pem-Harbor View Home• -:===;:::===::-::::= Bay Balb~.' No' pet1. 557-4785 of Edlnger ... 647·5"''1 charm. apectac1Jlar 5Ao-AA84 F;r;_3t:. ~t~r~.cn~ nc:.e O< deltc apace. 150 berton 213/289-9307 ~923. THE 547·1155 2 bd. 2 ba, lfg 1tp clown 1111 w•••• lt11.t 1141 oc:een vu, wdl to beach Avall now wkly or dally amkr. no pet• $325 +.,.. aq 11 •3500 aq11. 1 MO. C•••tnlll Found: Fem mix Hualcy BAY & OCEAN VIEW two ~90wtt8h rrpl. S550/mo. 0~~·;,;;;~~~:·;~0,,jj1~;~~ s.-95. COntact Mgr at apt 3Br, 281, lg 1undeck, ulll. 842·1801 FREE. 759-8978 fl•IUI . 4411 blk/wtlte, Fem mix Aual. 1 br apte. 975•7811, .. •Br, 11750 mo. C. 332 Encino Ln. N.B. &48-1397 •••••••••••••••••••••• Shep Huaky, bllc/Mllf'le. "~ooo 1510 W. Balboe #I, Bal-Dix 2 BR upper. no pelt, 497·20.-2 MAUI KIHEI tBr, ocean Pl..-JNJ PlllT 1111 IPAll M 800 IQ. ft. c:omm'I or olc Male Shep. Blk/belge, • boe Penn. very CIHn, nice arH. A,.,,. •• ,, r.md# v I • w' I u x I 3 0 d y . Lux. 2 br, 2 .,.. f1illc, .. A1t1'9CtNoe Nltlc upatalfl lplOI. Bail• & Brl1tol. Mete mill Shep bllt/tan, ---------·I $'475 M4 1889 large Studio with kitchen n l ,... 873-1210 -873-2493 amen111 ... S3A2 + .,.. Mttlng. w. aupply deek. CM. MOO mo. SAQ.-0988 Male mix Shep blk/tan, LIFE'' Pen. Point: 2 bdrm, 1 be, . • dtHtlng room, t blk '1 ., •• ,. ,_ v 7•• utlla. 875-9543 ......_, ---'-. You .,,,._ Mel e Melamute blk/ YEAR.ftOUNO FUN; Soclal Actlvltl•• Dlrector •Free Sunday Brunch•BBO'e• part 1111• Plus much more QRIAT RE C REAT ION : Tenn la •Fr•• l..elaon• (pro 6 pro ahop)•2 Heelth Clubl•Sauna• Hydromuaagr SwlmmlnaoGoll Driving Range •I AUT IFU L Al'ARTM I NTI: Stngtea. 1 & 2 Bedroom .. FUfnilhed 6 Unfurniahed•No Pett•Model1 Open deity 9 to 8. Oakwooll ..... ......... ...,.,, .... '1 •. 880 lrvlne (at 16th) ~714) MS.1104 ~ ..... / ... 1700 16th St. (Dover at 16th) (71.4) 842·5113 I N & El ••• ••••• ••• ••••••••••• ~ ~ ~ __,...-Plt•I -'L ..... , 2 t I .,_ ....._ • 1c gerage, Indeck, Ht cieen aide 1 br, beac h . I 4 2 5 /mo . Laguna Bch atudlo, 2 blkl F rmmt• 2s-35 ~ 10 ply phone, & 195 pr mo ..... .. .. •. em. m x ,,_,,..,.. ldry, no peta. S825 yMr· crpt1. drp1. atove, r•frl· 497-1955. to bHch, furn. 1425. ••1'11IIBan4311 enr 2 br 2 be In CdM. pr 0... Call 844-7211. 1100 eq n C-1, nr 17th & V9f'e pupa. gold & wh1•, I y . 8 7 5 • o 9 8 3 and ge. 130 E 201h. St •2. f 1375 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1. SUp«IOr, S100/mo, avail. Male mill R9111ewr gold. 875-7998 '375. 851·9522 Victoria BMch: Petit•. II· un urn • utll tnct. Plnanc1a11urHpon1lbl• Oct. 1 . .,_,25 + Y. utlll. 2000 •q 11 w/500 1q ft Oct. 1. 8A2·243A m•I• Shep mix beige, trectlve 1 Br apt widen. Mature person 984-1881 F-....... 2 9 t -"~ • 78C>-3813 llorag•, O.C. Airport I ht 844 38'"8 BAY VU 2br, Iba, gar apt. Eaattlde quiet 2 Br. 1 ea. counyerd. view. Beech Iv mag. ~~nal Hoe~;;;:-4;. BHutltul N .B. condo, er• a . 1 2 0 0 0 I mo. lal•1tnal ~ geMeh Shett:,, wld. gar ap, $800. h wlprivate yard & gar• cloae by. IUO m o. Lagune eurt view. llec>• to Motor·Sallor doctced In poola, Jee. 1232, 1•1 a 861-1928 ••t•I 4SIO 125 M•H Dr., Coat• 873-8276. w 979-1371. In 4 ~x. No pet• $520. 494-2255 or 494-7839. town/ooean. 1 Br, 2 ea Newport. hie central air, laat, i t88 aec. dep. •••••••••••••••••••••• M ... BAY VU 2br. ,.,._ gar 1Pt. 752• 550 28R. oc.an vu, w/garage. condo w/pool. S750 tum, hHt, 2 IHthl, ehower. Avail. enytlme. 780-0524 llLL mTll N.B. 3975 Birch. 1000 eq. i --------- w / d, gar ep, HOO h 2 Br. 2 ba deluxe apt. Walk to town , bch. 1·772-3053 kltch•n. all electric. • ... , W fl. M IA zone. Agent Loet: 2 cklgl, aml poodle 87" •218 97" ""71 2448 Eld • •92• •• Pleaee •end r•aume, Room In prlvale home. COMPLETE r v"'C'UT"'"" 541-503.2. type, whlte/Snutty, other ....., • w ........, · en ,.ve. • ., ... 75/mo. 499-5022 OCEANFRONT 3 BR 2 ea. Male ov•r .-o. S275 ~ """ blk named Sunday. Nr C.n•a ltl #at ''" mo. 851'8228· Studio. 'h blk to beech, lg1 unit, ap•ctacular =r~t::; r.o~~ tnc:lda utlll. 55&-0e37 ~:~~C: 1:5E rov~~i5~ 1750 up. 2180 II. lndu· Harbor & Edinger, Ftn •••••••••••••••••••••• 1395/mo. t Br. t Ba. Apt unfurn. 1385. tat. mo ocean view. Walk Ing 35-8, Balboe llland, c.. UNEXCELLED SERVICE· etrlal . otnci., 18101 Re-Va I I• y . Rewa rd . W&ITll Cllrport, lndry rm. Sub-only + 1500 depo11t. dl•t•nce to lhoppfflg & Ill. 92862 BMullful CdM Condo.,.. S, ENVIRONMENT, dondo Ctrcle #M & T 839-2098 or 5.-5-1278 Modtlrn tBr _,,1, carpott mlt on pet. balcony. Call LeaH. 494 •2797 or ~·· llMtt r•ttu· hind fun. Ille. S250mo. STAFF Huntington. Beach. or garage lor r•tfred for appt. 493-1137. ran11. Avl S•p. 15. to Male 35-45 lhr 5br. 2be y, ullll. 111 & tut Stee TH£ HEADQUARTERS llA2·2834_ Found: Black male PoOd· lady. No m· no atalre. TSL Mgmt 8"'2·1603 TINY RUSTIC COnAGE i~;.:..J:· $1100 mo. ~:!.nt2~S~~~::'~~: ;:8.oi~f· R .. p only. COMPANIES lt.,.,t•&l,,.rt ~V.v~:.·3~1~13-~8EJ1~~ ~/s.J:40 ~~!F~12~!~ lllT&IT •I Nrbch,&<IVtTltwn.11ng111: 8"'1-4913. Fem to ahr N.B. apt. 1 lH/111 ... 1 Olttullnduetrlal _8A_7_~8_2_ee _____ _ or all day S'el/SUn. Eutlide '826/mo. 2 Br. no do 9 '• S 4 5 0 . ..... fOll Dl9crl In I & flnenc:tai. block to bc:h, '278 mo. SO. LAGUNA. 3 Arch Bey. 4,000·1',000 eq It. All Found· German lhOft hair tin Ba. TownhouM, all 760-9857. •••••••••••••••••••••• m at ng 875-43.-0, 545-88&5 2 Sult• avall. "d . ..._, A/C Hvy Pwr and Ught· male. Vic Mag & Gar Studio Apt, 1 blk to beach bullt·lol, lndry rm, car· Lagun• Beach Molor Inn ly rHpon1fbl11 Fem ala "" .. w7 Ing. Xlnt fOf R&D and low field .HI & 9eo . and llor•. "375 Incl U111. port, yard/balcony, tmall NO FEEi Apt. & Condo 985 N Pac:ltlc Cll Hwy. 25·39 yNfl to lhar• IU· M/F, to lhar• CM hOUM. Vltlblll1'/. 491·2351 r a I ea. 7 2 0 . 0 6 2 1 ' . I run. •2835 494-3324 Avall 10.1 pe1 OK. rentat1. VIiia Rental•. La9une Bch. Oally/ xury 2 Bdrm. Promont~ dbl gar, yd, frpt, 1285. •2500 aq.11. ln<luelrlal unll 213-927-4404 Found Black kitten w/ So 01 Hwy deluxe 4 Br 3 TSL Mgmt 6'2· 1803 875-4912 Brotlet. Wkly/ Kitchen evall. Low ~:!' ~"= :: 6"'5-1888. with 326 aq.ft. ot otnoe + 1000 IC! n ofc a. wwehM ~;11; ~·~ collar ~ .. r ~. 2 h'plca. 4 car 0.,. Sc>arkllno ciN.n 2 er w. • ti IHc.t JUI winier rat ... '94-S2i4 me. cunwit ptioto, per· Male/Female, nr So Cal 5000 aq.ft. 1119hal1 cove--111n1 10o: 1310 Logen: n range) .M. S1A50/mo. Derrell. own/ ~. s-415. Utll1 pct. Refrf· .. '!!r. ................ Roomwtthkltc:tienprtv.Nr aonal beclcground to Plaza, 2 bd 1ba.2S.3A. ~~:o~q.tt.Y~~~•trlel C.M. R• .. onabl• rent -"- 1 -....,,.- 1 - 8 ----- agt. RE/MAX 79-1221 ge. 2 amlll children Ok, 2 Br 2 Ba trom 1625. No llhopplng center & bu•ll· P.O. Box 35·8, Balboa pool, S220. 1188-2017 unit with 9000 •".II. of 84&-7512; 5"'8-8900. Found: Slam.. ca1, Wll· "~ no 1>1111. C:'· ~croH .from Npt ne. H.B. 982·7620. tlland, Calif. 92882. Fem rmml• to look tor & ~~.....,. _.. __ ..., •·e•-•-•qa.-..1 ~ ~~w1'' lrvln•2·-0c1:!1 bet . .,..,, .... •••~ 1980 Wallece "9" "-'t Cou ,....._..., . ...,... .,.,,..... - -"'' -.,. -()pm 5S .,.. •••••••••••••••••f:!,-: h ......, rM ............ • """ • dap lhr w/ume, up to '300. 00 eq.11. lrtduetrlll •••••••••••••••••••••• ' ~ 2 Br. t Ba. SA25. 2 bdrm dplex Newport " M . &.cs.4455 •U ~ ,. •P ,.,} • .-93-0122 worll. Sarella. uf\11 wttn 15'00 aq t1, Of N.8,P.O. Emp4oyee & '°" found: V9IY IOI tor1olM, L Br.d 1~fB•. U75. ~~ .. ·~·.Open3288•c' Pine Knot Motel, 2 Br, utll •• ~ •••••••••• Y.~f ···~••••H••••~ Female25to35101Mte2 ~:.'::!.d1!!!1;,·;:~ =-~J:M': ~ :::~2~ Hgte. Identify. aun ry ac., pool. an un • . pd, tit• mngmnt dull... • bdrm apt. courtyard, nr ,, ... 1450 or unw. Call 5"'8-9558 12-7PM. Ogle. Avall. tor reduced rent. • So. C•t Plua. 12et plul aq.t1. °' otflee •Pac• 11 An• w •r Ad # 5 t 8 Found: M. Yottclhn T.,. PINE BLUF, APTS '550/mo. 2 Br. , .... Ba. 8"'5w0440 Kennebunkport? utll. o.p. ~ ••• o own•r I• 8"'2""'300 2Ahtl. ' :7.~1~oodbrldge, Irv. 2 8', 2 Be. Chlld at!, on TownhOuN, balCOny, in-QuJet 2 br, ,.,, patio, Isn't ·~·"t the boat 957-0832 ev/wtmda ready to mah a deel. th• Blutfe, patio, vlft. dry rm. car pott, all bit· pool, no pet, 1801 H t51h UHi Cell 714-161-4780. Prln-•m•/laMI/ Loel: M. Datmauan. vie. 1rp1c, encl gar., gu 110-In•. Ava11 Sept. 11. Newport Height•. that won The Amertca's Cup In 757 e1 ... 1tled AO• 8"'2-5878 e1p1111 onty. .) t1uaff BHch/Ed lnger, HI, . _ ve, dlltlwaltw, ape, lrt-TSL Mgml 8"'2·1803 1525. 8"'2·7340. ~fD~ OIJ#t Hlf -•••••••••••••••••••••• "Buc*lhot". 642-3148 H~e,:;e~~·~ =~ :7~· $800/"':31..e 101 '*' _, ~ fl'Q 'O .a.,., , /1 'C be. .... If~ rt not sure whO (« wt\lt) rr.eonycu ...... l.!f!f!......... t/P!!..~!M .... H!lf Tol'IPI,. L:.c~.·~~~ """• v~ ~"CIU ~~ -'It r;,~-;J· .... WIS. dOn't feel ~-you rt nol .iottf ••• •••••••••••••••• 419-1817. "9werd. -... ., aA• a. ,_ Kannybutllipon 1s one or t 4 dlst1nct1vtly * Piii.ii llTIOI * Only t lOOO lln•nolno for ~ wno rtMd People O ~'~":....:':....~. ~ ~ff~t tPartment floo~s at SNwind VilliOf :;,: ~c:'e:'~ ~, Tnet'• wttat tM , ltw ... ,.,,. ............ -· n nvntmgton llYcl\. s.wlnd Vl•age Is • rtSUl1 I • °"'" v 'ILO"T of toe.ally par10Nlllfctprof1SUON1 ~ The new Back Bay ahoppl ns a.II tt11nga laet wtth C>elty/ &E~ DIAarrOA't' I L,A y T £ R I I 11 I I I ( I NEOMY Ii' ~ I I I I _ I HAGUL lzl ""-,-,...-...-,--.r__. h'1 11119, YCMI ~ gel ~ .__....__.,___,'--....__. being • thllcl •• 1011Q 1t Yoll .. -------un go llOlllt to-· I TOYUAL I :·:i:=r::. 1::1 ::1 : • ~:::: :-.... c11:::. -::J _....._, ___ Ne, ....... • "':::u$~t110~ I~ I' r I' I' I' t I I ~~·~14~:· LUitiJ I I I I I I I W" un......,." .,,,,,,.._ - Tlle kind ohttentlon you detM. Center a t lrv,ne and Meaa Dr, PllOt Want Adi, . la al Moutl ·A perfect blel1d Of naiul"f Ind IMng-Newport Beach , home of the n,. ,,._ 111$ -If i-.. _.. nestled In• forest with blbbling ~Ind quit! Camou1 lrvlne Ranch Farmer• ••••••···••••••••••••• ;;;:":l .... r:= •• ~ ponds. <QOl«S by l'lltUraJ ocun breezes Md to tnit ttnots ccuns. swimming~ ,,,_.uJ MO Market, 11 ren\lni new office apace • convtn1trt1 muon ONT 5hoPP!ng ano In t.._l• unique ahopping center . employmtnt ano you'W got • P'«t 1t1)'0nt would Spaco available from 600 to 8000 proudly tall nom. (Evtn KennytJufltlC>Ortl) feet a t very reuonable rent. Ont .no tw0~r»orvom.r' er.a two~ ~~.~~~~~toy~ maxlmufl' expo.un IO the public. Come end choole your new loaa\Jon 'i•1119f now . You wtJ.1 not t. ctiMppolnt.ed I \IDS ~1111ng1Dn V-..1.ft ~ lt..;fl, CA lllute you_, (f14) ....... 1 '"°"' "" s.n °""° ,.~ dfM llclnll Oii IMctl lo Mctlddlrl. "*' _,.. on Md11111111 • 5tliMM w..., ~,...._·Ol*l•lOAM tilCMk • ' * NOW IS THE TIME * * RATES ARE DOWN * -Home, oonnclll W'tCOfftl Pf01*tY -S10.000 .,Olll ~ -fnt & llCOllll M Old -Cid no pidllpTI Wiit! ~ _.., -Mf ,_,.,,~II ~ eo.r.r -~n S&L•OAC C:I Orano• OoHI DAILY PILOT/lalurdey, 8ept.mb•r 11, 1982 .,,,,,,,, By PHIL INT Rl ANDI of Laguna Beach "This car is definitely rishtaillng." Nature wages cancer fight SEATTLE (AP) -Although Americans may sometimes think they are drowning in a sea of cancer-causing ch emicals, they're aL50 floating on a raft of carcin ogen-fighters, says a scientist who expects these na tural "inhibitors" to play a potent role in preventing cancer. Two carcinogen inhibitors r ecently were discovered in coffee beans, which also have been accused of causing cancer , said Dr. L ee W . Watte nberg of the University o f Minnesota path ology d epartment. • "There are opposing forces in the environment," Wattenbe rg told the 13th International Cancer Congress this week. ''There are carcinogens and also . . . these anti-carcinogens. The question n ow is whether and how one can tip the balance toward inhibition." The inhibitors are found in many fruits and vegetables and their use for cancer prevention "is on the horizon," Wattenberg said in an interview. But he warned that much research is n eeded and "it's very hazardous to translate this into recommendations at this time." Some r esearch ers contend environmental fact.ors cause or contribute to as many as 85 percent of all cancers; others put the figure at fewer than 25 percent. , The Congress, with 8,000 delegatc--s from 95 countries, is organized every four years by the Geneva-pased International Union Against Cant.-er . The inhibitors -"and there are enormous numbers of these things, at least thousands" - block some eCfccts of certain cancer-causing compounds, Wattenberg said. The inhibitors being studied at his laboratory enhance naturaJ enzymes the body uses to detoxify hazardous chemicals before they reach susceptible cells, he said. Wattenberg's lab is trying to catalog inhibitors found i.n foods. Mice are fed various substances, then tested for a particularly potent detoxifying enzyme. he said. Compounds that double the enzyme's acuv1ty seem to sharply reduce a stomach cancer in mice, he said. It has not been proved whether humans receive similar benefits. however. Proven and suspected inhibitors are abundant, both naturally occurring and slightly modified laboratory versions of nature, h e said. Many are found in produce, most notably beans. peas and cabbage, he said. citing a New York study a few years ago that found a reduced incidence of bowel cancer in men who ate cabbage often. However, Wattenberg said manipulating diets to use inh ibit.ors against carcinogens probably is not the best route. A food that contains an inhibitor also could be packed with carcinogens, h e said. His lab recently showed that two chemicals in coffee, kahweol palmitate and cafestol palmitate, combat carcinogens. But a Harvard University study last year linked coffee to cancer of the pancreas. Besides, Wattenberg said, inhibitors seem to occur naturally in very small quantities. Their most likely use might be in a purified or synthetic form taken as a pill or perhaps as a food additive just as vitamin D is added to milk. However, "You may have to give something like this for 20 years or so" to get continuing protection. he said. And anything given in large doses for decades to an enti.re population is likely to have some adverse effects, he said. r "°' HAHotl L.AW~MT. Oll¥1 Mortuarv • Ce rre terv Crematory 1625 Gisler Ave Cosla Mesa 540 5554 "UCI HOTHUS HU llOADWAY MOITUAIY 110 Broadwav Costa Mesa 642·91SO - f't&IC NOTICE P'ICTITIOUS aualNIEH NA• ITATEMENT The tonowtng persons are doing bullnauu· AVANTI, 33982 Blue Lantern. Dena P0tnt. C" 92629. MODENA CORPORATION, a Celllornle corporation, 33962 Blue Lantern. Dene Point, CA 92629. This bu9lneea 11 conducted by a corporation. Modena COrporallon Abdolleh KhOla, Pt89 Thia statement was med with the County Cle<k of Orange County on Septemt>a< 8, 1982. '1'10S5 coay ... KELLI"· Alteme1 at Law .. T_,, c ... e... Of. No. IOO e .... .....,cAntae Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally Piiot. Sept. t 1. ti. 25, Oct. 2, t982 4032-82 Eleanor Roo v It top li t MUC NOTICE Mt.IC NOTICl NOTICI Of TRUITQ .. IM.I IUNNOll COURT Of PIOnftOUI IU ... 11 ~ ,_,.... OAL#'CNMA NAiii HAT ... '*Y D :ro ~ f T"ru"rt Tm:: COWTY Of Of'AMOI Tne fotaowl119 P«IOna •• dOitlt NOVIMH" It, ttaO. UNLIH _.t;.~c:".=:A~m::.~ IW ~ ~QINH.HINO. ~20 W •ou TAICI ACT!Ot' TO fl*>TSCl ,ef c ...... .._. MIOAttflijl, O" 81n11 Ana. CA ¥0'1" .. "0fll .. fY, IT llA¥ II C-.... A•t1*f 12104 llOlD AT A "'91.IC UU," YOO 0.-0lfl TO SHOW OAUll JACK A VANBEEK, 3814 8 ~A=-fh1 lollowl"f tMraon 11 4ll1•no ...-.. .. HOLL Y'I Q"Af'HICI 1917 Otano• Alllllu•, Ho ·-· CO•I• M .... ~U827 i••D AN I XfllANATION o• THI '°" CHANOI °'...... Van~ •• ..,, .. Ana. CA 8:1707 LOUDONVl'L."'' NATU"ID,THl'"OC:HDINQ Mt and Mii WILLIAM JOHNVAHO K,'9t4SV111 "" J:4 . AOAIN8T YOU .,vou SHOULD lfRATl!MAN Ila... fjllQ. Olllllon In ...... lanta An•. CA •no1 N. y (AP) HI wrltu~ CONTACT A LAWV•"· tlll• COVtl IOI an order allowing Thlt butinM• •• ~\ICtlO by • HOLLY TUIA Ll. ~lt7 Orano-A~. No 4·1. Cotta Maea C::A 92621 Thia~ 11 cortd.uc141d by an lndtvk:luel rank Elt>anor Roo •vdt NOTIC is HtRIOY OlvCN that petutoner 10 chaoge 1111 nllrllt t•Otn o-lll partnen111p f'!-AR Vlif A fl'INANCIAL. INC , TAYLO" JOAOAN ITAATIMAN 10 Jaoll Van 8olll Holly Terrell Thia atatemem waa ftled With ltMt County Clafll of Oranoe County on September 1, tH:Z ffrvl 8.mong the natlon'a COll)Ol•llon. 1$1 Nor1h "l " StrHI, WYATT JOAOAN IYAAT MAN Thlt •tatoment was tlled with the ~[!~.!Ollnd:1~~ wh1dllt-.t;;thry 7:~:"~·~~~~~·1~~~.!~;g~; P~,'.!~.h~~.~~!.,~~dT~',~.'",:!,~: ~~::!l f:'~9g~ Or•noe County on '"' ....... nK l'rt.v C •• tne prHent Tru1tH under the aloreMld IPP9411 bllor• thl• court F11U14 worst, accord In" to u deed 01tru1t herlllna1ter rnef\tlOMd, In Oeoenment No. 3 at 700 CIYlo Publl•htd Orang• Coast Dally """° Publl•h•d Orang• Cont Dally Piiot. Sept 4, 11, 18, 25, 1912 3869 82 11urvcy II 1811 to lh• hlghHI bl0011 lor Center OrlV• w111, Sant• Ana, PllOt. Aug 18, 8apt 4, t t, 18, tH2 ' 1111 In lawful mo•'9Y of Iha Unlltd Cattfornla on <>ct 20. t982. at 10·30 3795--82 M o r l! t h a n l 0 0 11111 without w111•nty 01 •ny kind o'eloc:k a m .. and than and th•r• •------------hlstorlon1t took part In 1 • put>llc 111r;t1on a1 lht time and 1how cauM, 11 any they haYe, whv .. _IC MftTll't P\Bl.IC NOTICE th d , ....r b Pl•c• e1 .. 1ana110 b•low. In th• aald .... lltton tor chino• or nam• '"-nu1!'l4 e survey· con UCt<.'u Y county 01 in• su111 or c1111ornt1 lhO\lldnot be granted. •---'1C-tmOU---,-au-... -. -.-,--'1CTmouaau11N111 NAMI ITATIMINT Douglas LonnRtrom 'md "401111.a oeiow. 111 ot lh• right 11111ur1htt orderao 1h11 •copy of HAMS aTATl•NT Thomas K elly profeti."Ota llllt Ind lnte< .. t now held bv Mid thte order 10 ahow ceuH be tha following per1on 11 doing Th• lollowlng paraon 11 t.tolng butlne" ee. SI ,.._ ' •Ttutlff In •nd to 111 that cart1Jn publlll'led In Co1t1 M111 Dilly Piiot, butlneM 11, at enu '-"'U~gc in this 11>roperly wnlch 11 1lluale In Hid 1 ~paper of Qllllt'll cl1oul111ton, MISSION POOL SUPPLY, Albany suburb. 1County and 11 de1Crlb4KI below. The publlahed In thre county II leut 26842 Mulrlanda Drive, MIH lon R·C INDUSTRY SERVICES, 9681 Yarrno Clrcla. Gatden GtOYe. CA 92144. Mrs Roosev<'lt wife of "''Ht •ddre11. II any, or other once a WHlc for fa.Jr conaecullva VleJo CA Frank.tin D. R~. evc:h. ~~~ ~~~!:!.i:,"i!i:Y of uld ~:.~~prior 10 ttl• day of 1110 D••~~o~~P~ri!:u~!t~:;o~ll~l JOHN ROBERT CO~K. 9881 Vermo Clrcle, Gardari Grove, CA 928"4. topp<.'Cl the list of 42 flritt Seid dHd or 1tu11 •H eKecuted Dated: September tO, 1982 llOON. lad( Ith t' f 93 by th• Tru1101 dHlgnated below Ftenk DomenlChlnl. Judge 01 lht T~ bullnell II condue1ed by an Thia bu1ln111 11 conducted by 1111 lndovtdulll es W a ru mg O • and was r•orded on the date, In Superior Court al far ahead o f John th• Book and 11 the P•fi• aa Publlahed orano• coaat Dally lndlYtdu joeept1 TNMWlcz John R Cork Thia 1ta1emen1 was filed wt1h the County Clerk of Orange County September 1, 1982 Adams' wife Abigail Docum•nl Number 01 0 llctal Piiot. Sept t 1, t8, 25, Oct 2. t982 Thll atatement wu filed with thO • ' Record• In the Oflloe of the Co.Jnly •"31 82 Coun c .. of Or "~-ty who was second with a Record•• of Hid County, 111 es "" · 1[i *" .,. """'" on rating of 84 . dHlgnlled below, end conveyed , PlBLIC NOTICE Aug. 9• t992 ,1wn1 Lynd 0 n J 0 h n s 0 n. s Hid property 10 ,,,. Trullaa I herein ------------Publl•h•d Orange CoHt Dally F1111a Published Or•n11 COHI Dally PllOI, Sept, 4. It. 1 , 26, 1~~4-82 1pec1lled. P:ICTTTIOUI .ua•H 2 8 .,_ "8 2 wife. Lady Bird, scored Sale ot 1ne prOl)9rty w1w t>e made Nute ST4Tl•NT Piiot, Aug. 1• 2 • ..,...t 4• 11• 1-• 77 to rank third. pursuant 10 the demend ol the The lollowlng peraon 11 doing 3744-82 ----.... --IC-NO_m ____ _ . . S.nellclaty undet Hid dead ot trust bualn"' ea 1------------H1storrans were asked and by •H•on of deleun In th• BANKERS FINANCIAL GROUP. PUBllC NOTICE '1CTmOUI .., ..... to rate first ladies on 10 payment or performance of tOOOOu1US1reat. No 160. Newport 1------------ h t • t. J obllglllona MCUtecl by Nld dead of Beach. CA 92880 FICTITIOYI aUStHEaa MA.Ml ITAft•NT TM lollowlng pet'90n8 are doing bualnlla u : c arac eris ICS -va ue tUSl tncludlno Ille oaleult, notice Of CYRIL F KE~TMAN . 290 I NAME STATEMENT to country, background, htch wH t8COfded on the dete, In ICerob Street. Newport Beach, CA Th• following peraona are doing GREAT LENGTHS (FOR HAIR), 2820 E. co .. 1 Hwy., corona del Mar, Callfomle integrity, l eadership, ~ook and at tho Pege, ~nd., 92660 1>u11~~·E:NATIONAL BUSINESS intelligence, being their Aaco;-:n~, ~ue'!'~1~ :::,.. lllclal 1ncT~u'::s1net1·i, conducted by an DEVELOPMENT. 437 Carnation. o w n w o m a n , The totel amount ol the unpaid Cyrll F. Kertman Corona d•I Mar. CA 92825 a cc 0 mp Ii sh men t S balance ot the obllgallon secured Thia statement wH llled with the JOSEPH c STEWART. 437 Wllllam E. end Pam•I• L Cacace, 1012 Cliff Dflva, Laguna Beadl, Callfornla 9285 t • • ' y nld dHd ol trust and 811lm111ed County Clark ol Orenge County on Carnation. Corona dal Mar, CA courage. public Image 0811, expenses, and advances 11 Septmbat to, 19112. 92825 Thia ~ 11 conducted by a general parlnetllhtp. and v a ) u e to the the lime of the lnltlal put>Hcatlon of F19'7117 JAMES E PALMER, 7 tll'lr president hla Notice ot Trustee's Sale la Publlehed Otano• coa11 Dally M1r1gold, Corona del Mor. CA Pamela L. Cacace w1111am E. Cacece · Hlgneted below. Piiot, Sept. 11, 18, 25, Oct. 2. 1992 92626. Aa used herein "Trustor" Shall be ---------4028·82 Thia t>ualneas is conducted by an Thia alaternant waa filed with the County Clari! of Orange County on Manager hired PARADISE (AP) - George Irving, a senfor administrative analyst for Fresno County, has been hired as town manager in this Butte County commwlity. Pla.JC l«>TICE FICTITIOUS 8USINeH NAME aTATE.MENT Tne tollowlng poraon 11 doing business a : BUN 'n' BARRELL. 21 I 82nd Streat. Newport Beach, CA 92&60 GEORGE MKITARIAN, 2433 Newrldge Drive, Rancha. Palo• VerdN, CA 90274 -. Thia buslnns It conducted by 8n •ndMdual George Mkllarlan This statement wH hied with Iha Co.Jnty Cletk ol Orange County on Septemt>er 10, 1982 Ftt7113 Publlahed Orange County Delly Piiot, Sapt. 11, 18, 25. Oct 2. 1982 4029-82 PlBLIC NOTICE FICTITIOUa SUllNEH NA.ME aTATEllENT deemed 10 mean "Truslora" II mote nun•ic NOTICE unincorporated association 01her than one Trustor la designated r--than a partne•shlp Augult. 19, 1982. ,111711 Publlahed Oran~• Coaat Dally Piiot. Aug. 21, 211, sept. 4, 1t, 19112 3740.82 below. end "Benellclery" shall be NOTICE OF l'UltLfC Hl!A"INQ James E Palmer deemed to mean "Benellclarln" II NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Thia atelemenl was llled with Ille mo•• thal'I one Baneltclery executed pyblic hearing wlll be hatd by Iha Co.Jnty Cklfk ol Orange County on the Nouce ol Oel•ull hOtetnabove City Council 01 th• City of Costa Auguat 26, 1982 ------------ manllonect M ... on Septernba< 20, t982, In the F1"213 PlBLIC NOTICE Th• time end place ol aale, Council Chamt>a<s 01 City Hall, 77 Publlahed Orange Coaat Dall description of Hid propartv and Fair Drive. Coate Mesa, at 8.30 Pilot, Aug 28. 5-pt <I, t 1, t8, 198 other d•ta relarred to abOYe are as p.m., 0 , •• soon thereafter aa 3793-8 lollowt folio NOTICE OF D!FAULT ANO ELECTION TO HLL PUAIUA.NT TO DECLARATION Of COYINAN'Ta, COHOITIONI a "HTltlCTIONI Count" Ora,,,,.. practlceble, on till wing Item , .. ,.. REQUEST FOR RATE T rustor LAZAR JANICIN and INCREASES. from G and W Towing MARICA JANICIN, Husband and SerYlce, lncorpotated, t32 w~ c Deed 01 Trust Racordatlon Industrial Way, oala Meu, end HarbOr Towing Sarv~. 1184 WMI Diie Dec 10, t980, Book 13867, 17th Str .. I, Costa M ... Pege 1907. Document No. 15256, Notice la IU11haf gl,,.,., thll 11 aald Notlea of Default Recordatlon time end place, 111 1n1er1111d Date Apr 2. 19112, l)oa;men1 No. peraon. tne" .8PPMI and be he11td 82·114420 Cl' C I nme 01 sate. Wed., s-iemt>cw by the IY ounol on the ...., afor_,.loned mailer. 22, 1982, 10.00 A.M. A ELEEN'· ,..._Y, City Clef1i Place of Sale: North front Publlahed OranJ• Coaat D•I">' en111nce to Iha oounty courtlloute, p .,_ 11 t"8 700 CMc c.n1er Drive West. Santa 1101• ....,,t. · • Ana, CA ~022·112 PlB.IC NOTICE Pen I PlCTJTIOUI tultNEH MfliU'ORT NOTICE" ..._ ITAn.NT If YOUR PROPERTY IS IN TM followlng pet'90n8 -dOlng FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU ~ u; ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAYMENTS. JIM SLEMONS HONOA.32841 IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY Cemlno Cepl1tr1no. San Juen COURT ACTION, and you may have ~eno CA 112875. the leQel tight to bring your account SLEMbNS MOTORS, INC .. e In OOod etandlng by peylng all of Celltornl• corporetlon, 32881 your PHl dua payment• plu• Camino Capletrano. San Juan pormltted' c:o111 and expenee1 Ctipl1trano. CA 92e75. within lhree (3) months from the Si.mon. Motor1. Inc. date this Notice of Oefeuh was C. O. Defy, recorded H llhown In the upper ANt. Sec;, right hand C9''* above. Thia ltatement wu fifed with tM Thie amounl It $728.00 N of June To111 Ollllgalion end Htlmaled cosll. expanaea, and advanc• at 1n1t1al publlcllion· $86.372 19 Street •ddran O• othet common de11onat1on o t aeld p1op11rty: 2412 Saratoga. Costa IUMMA"Y Of' County C1et11 of Orenge C<-unty on 28, t982, and will lncreaae dally PflOPOaED Of'DINANCE Aug. ill, 1982. unlit your aocount becomM current A proposed ordinance la F115l'IO Yo.J may nol haYe lo P•Y the entire aoheduled ror adoption 11 the Publlahed Orange Coast Dally unpaid porllon of your accounl. reguler City Council malling of Piiot, Aug. 2t, 28, Sept. 4, 11, 198.2. aYan though lull payment la September 20, t982, being 374S.S2 demllnded, but you muet pay the di amo.Jnt stated above Or lnance 82·14, changing Ill• ------------I Unleaa the obligation being z011lng for p1operty tocaled at 3t50 PlBLIC NOTICE foreclosed upOll permits a longat Bristol Streat from C t to POC period, you have the legal rlglll 10 Th• motion to give Ordinance F1Cm1ous BUSINSSa atop the lorac:losu•• only by paying 82·14 llrat rMdlng carri.d by thtt NAME aTAT!ME.NT the entire amount demanded by loll owing roll call vote: Councll Th• followlng penon 11 doing your creclitor within three l3) month• Mesa. CA 92828 Description of Properw. Lot 255 and e 113341h undivided Inter"' In common In and to Lot 1 ol Traci 5160 as Pll' map recorded In Book 181, P~H 40, 41 end 42 o f Mlacell 1 Maps, In the Office of the C unty Recorder of Hid CoUQJy TOGETHER WITH non· exclutlYe aaaementa and non-The following peraon 11 doing aJtcluslYa right of way oYar und« buslneasas· · Members -AVES. &:hater, Hall, bu1lne11 H alter the date of this document's Hertzog, McFarland, Johnson SHELLl·BAY CO., 486 Newpon recordatlon, which date or NOES. None ABSENT: None. Blvd., N-pon Beach, CA 92863. rac:ordlng appears ha<eon (Al CASH DISCOUNT CARD •nd upcn Loi 1 lor neousary or OF ORANGE COUNTY• (B~ ACRO OF dUlrable lngre11 and agt111, • teleYlllOn cablee. potM, Wtnla and ORANGE COUNTY, 263 2 Pacalo condullt for electtldty tetaphC>nN Drlve,MlsalonVleto.CA92691 and other purposes and GREGORY SCOTT IRWIN. accoutremenll, thereto, aewett, 26392 Pac.to Drive, M19'ion Vle)o, dralna wattt. OU and ltaam plpaa, CA 92691 and accoutrements 111«e10, and tor Thb bullneu II conducted by an such roof overhang• and other ind•Yldual encro1chmen11 of a llke or Gregory S Irwin diUlmllar kind, and .-11 on T~ 1tatemen1 _. Iii.cl with the edjac:ent Loll ol said Tract tor roof County Cieri! ol Orange Co.Jnty on 0 v • r n 8 n 0 1 1 n d 0 1 h • , September 8, 1982. Ftt70l8 •encroachments. of a Ilk• or d11slmllat kltl<I Publlahed Orengo Cout Dally oateo· August 25 1982 Pilot. Sept t 1, 18. ~5. Oct 2. 1982 Mar Vista Financial, Inc 3941·82 a corporetion, TrultM ------------Surr & Helly8' fltBUC NOTICE A Prolaulonal C«porellOll "CTITIOUS BUalNIH NAME aTATEME.NT The lollowlng peraons are dofng business H : THE VIDEO OUTPOST, 4961 la Palm• Avenue, LI Palme, CA 90823. DONALD L. TORBERT, 6412 Verner DflYe. La Palma, CA 90823 DONNA F. TORBERT, 5412 Verner Drive, La Palma, CA 90623. Thia butlnns 11 conducted by a general paflnerlhlp Qonna F. Torbert Thll atatam.nt WU llled With the County Clerll of Orange County on sept II, 1982. F1t70N Publlahed Orange Cout Dally Pilot. Sept t t, 18, 25. Oct. 2, 1982 402842 PlBLIC NOTIC£ By Joann G~gallla Allorneya for TNllN Publlthed Orang• Co111 Delly Piiot, Aug. 28, Sept 4, 1 t. 1982 3803·82 PlB.IC NOTICE FICTmOUa 1Wa1NEU NAME ITAffMINT T"8 fotlowlno peraona are doing busl-u: SALMAN SEATING. 8935 HatmON Circle. Bu.n1 Parll, CA 90820 ALBERT SAL MAN ASSOCIATES, INC , a Calllornla corporation, 6935 Hermosa Circle, Buen• Park, CA 90820 This bullnas Is cortducted by a corporation. Albert Salman Auoc Inc. Albert ~"'""n Prn. The full Int of the propoHd ALLAN RICHARD McLEAN, 486 To find out the emount you must CHd~ may be read In the City Newport Blvd., Newpon Beach, CA pey, or 10 arrenge for peyment lo Clark'• Office at 77 Fair DrlYa, 112963. atop th• lor•c•oaure. or If your ~~~ ,......Y Thi• bullneas la condvc1ed by an p•operty 11 In loreclo~re for 1ny City Cleft lndMdual olller r--.. confect City of Cotta ..... Allan R Meleen LM H. Dunt, Attomey at Law Publlahed Orange CoHI 0 11 This atat-t wu Ill«! with ~ Ill TOWft C-tw Dr. Mo. IOO Pilot . .,_, 11. t982 a )' County Cteni ol Otange County on Coeta ...... CA ... _, See>temt>at t, t9112 (114) .. 1.1111 4023·82 Ft..S It you hive eny queall0111 you ----.. ---.IC_NO_TICE_____ Publl1hed Orange Co11t Dally should contact • lewyer ot the r-~ Pilot. Sept 4, t 1, 18. 25. t982 ll(Mlmtnanl agency wNch mey have IUlllMAJtY Of' 3380-82 lneured your loan PflMOMD OM>INA.NCI REMEMBER. YOU MAY LOSE ORDINANCE 82·13 la echecluted PlB.IC NOTICE LEGAL RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT to be In lull eltect 30 d1y1 from TAKE PAOMPT ACTION September 7. 1982, and wu K-01'33 NOTICE IS HERE8Y GIVEN that adopted by th• lollowlng roll call FICTITIOU• SUIMIS H A R B 0 R v I E w H I L L s vote; Councll Membera: AYES. NA• aTAT!MENT HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIA110N hH Sct\alat, HaH, Hatttog, McFarland, The lolloWlng per90n9 are doing a Hen upon the reel proC*1'( known Johnaon NOES. None. ABSENT butlneta u · H 3912 Inlet Ille Or . Corona del None. , C A L I F 0 R N 1 A S U R F Mat, Calllornla. which 11 legally ORDINANCE 82-13 1dop11 by PRODUCTS. 212g So.Jlh Hethaway. deectll>ad ••. reference the t979 Edition• of the Santa An•, CA 92704. Unit '17? of Lot 46 of Tract 6"25 Uniform Bulldlng Code; the Uniform STREET HUSTLERS SKATES .. par. map recorded In Book 238. Houlllno Code; the Uniform Ooda CORPORATION. a Callfornla PagN 43 to 45. tncluatYe. or •• for Abatement or Oangaroue corporation. 2129 SOI.Ith Hathawl'f, In• tr um• n t Numb• r ? ? ? . Bulldlng1: the Uniform Sol•• Energy Santa Ana. CA 92704 Mlacallaneous Map• of Orenge Coda: lh• Uniform Plumbing Code Thia bullneae 11 conducted bye County. Celllornla ol which lndudlng "ppendlcee A, B. c. o. G. corporation s HEM 0 0 0 EL a R 0 WS HAN H, and l: the 1978 edition of th• Str .. 1 Huatlen Skat" YAOEGARAN 1re Iha ownera of Uniform Mechanlcel Code lncludlng C()(J>. record and aald Lien hU arlMn by "Pl*'dtc.a A, B. and C: the t978 Jack HohMOn, Pr•. virtue of a Declaration of edition of th• National Electrleal Thlt 111tement waa flied with the Co'tenanlt, Condition• and Code and the Uniform Wiring Code County Clerk of Orange Coun1y on "-ttrle1lonl (heteineher "CC&R'•"l of th• City of Coeta Meaa, and Aug f2. t982. rec:Qfded on Jenuary tO, tH7 In oe t ta In am• n d m • n 11 and '11128f Book 8988, Pagee IM, lnc:1u81Ye, or modJflcatlona to Mid ~. Publlahed Orange Coaat Dau,, H lnatNment Hum~ ??? Offlclel The full '9•1 of the propoHd PllOt, Sept 4, t I, 19, 25, 1982 Record• of Mid County, Calllomla. «dlnancl may be r..c:r In the City 311~2 • anne1ted to tr. eub)ect ptOC*'t'f Clark'a Olllce 11 71 Fair Drive, NOTICE IS FURTHER Gt\IEN that Cotta MIN • ~ ot the obllgallon IOI' wl>lch EJLUN '· .........., ~ NOTICE Mid Lien -gl¥et'I .. -tty ,,.. City Cleft occurred In thel the peyment1 OI MUNIC•AL COUWT OP: Thia 11a1ement wee llled with the ettr ef c .. ta ...._ ACrlTllOUI 911 ..... aa1H1m.nt1 and ctiargH duly CAL•a..NIA County Cletll of Orange County on Publlahed Orange Coaat Dally MAm ITA~ leYled by Mid Ae9ode.llon llQalnlt ~OUNTY•T ..... 2!~c-OMTV Auguat 18. 198:? Piiot. Sept. 11. 1982 The lollowtng per-eon .. doing the eubleet ~-.. not paid .... _....._ ........ , • Ft._ 402.442 tiualneM 111; when due, and atlll remain due, .NC>taAL DlaTNCT ALUN AMO 'LATT -----------CAAIBE PACIFIC SERVICES. O'#tng and unpaid u loftowl. 1141 tltfl at. Att_,. .t law PlB.IC NOTICE 338 E. 17th Strwt. Coate M.aa. CA A11eumen11 which are more WN....._, CA 8*I 4400 MeoAl1ttuf aml. No. 170 FICnrtOUI 8U .... I tH.27. than thirty day1 paat due, ptua ll'L.A#fTIFF: l-AM'Y TAHCLL ........,, 8Mdl, CA-.0 ........ •T .. -......... DANIEL JOHN MOATS, 9 ll.lbNQuenl -t .. too-tiler DEFINOANT: OA"Y MICHAIL Publl•h•d Orange Coast D•llY .. -..... -... wtlilpllflng Wind. win.. CA 112714.. with lnt-1 tMreon lronuald date, STE,H!NION, TE""y DE Piiot. Aug. 28. Sept. 4, 11, t8, 198~ The following person II doing Thl9 ~le ClOnduot«I by In 11 the,.,. of 7 percent per annum. llA"TINO· llff(E tlAfll, Tl""y 38"2·82 bullMN ... lndlvlclUel. In addition to allor~·· .... COSll ~ MAflTINO 8ftd .Cl MAfll.t a FRANC 0 E NT ERP R IS ES Oen1e1 J. Moeta and late ChergM N Ml forth In M.ld OeMtal ,~ .. •1A111S COMPANY. 835 Baker SltMt, No. N Thie lt•111M11t -flltd with""' CC&R'• l<>gelller with any and aU AUTO CINTlfl AND LaAllNO and 81-IC NOTll't t08, Cotta MeN, Callfornla 92828 eouncy ewtt of Orange County on "'"" adyance<J~the Aaaoclatlon DOii 1 .......... IMtueM. ...~ llW. Rall Franco, 835 e.ker Str .. I, • I 1" .... 2 I ...... nd IUWO"HI ON '1fll1' K-Ot• No. N 108, Cotta M .... Callloml1 "'""" •· ,.., ' '*"" :o~=!~·~d ~A'~erme a AMIMDl.O COW\.AINT ,ICTITIOUI 9UllMll 92828 Publl•hed Ora~e Coal! Dally NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN thll C-No. 70llS NANI ITArw.NT Thll bualneaa I& COf'tducted by an Piiot. AllQ, 21. 28, sept. 4, 11, 11182 nld Auoclatlon. through lte duly NOTICll You Ila.-""" aued. The followlng peraona ere doing lndhltdual. M87-82 apPQlnt«I agent, h" eaeculed and The cow1 "'8' dMtde ._....., JOU buelnau aa: Aefl Frenco dehv.red • wrlUen dectaralion ol without ,_ ~ llMrd 11n1Ma COAST LIQUIDATOR~. 3200 Thi• ltllemenl WH fli.ct with the ----PlB.--IC_NO_T_IC_[ ____ default and demand for Nie. and '(!:'! .~·~~ cUJe. flMll Harbor Blvd., Co•tt Meu. CA County Cl«k Of Orange County on has surrendered all docum1nt1 ,,_ '"'°'"' ......... 92828. Auguat 27. 1982. ''"* ,.c:mioue au-•• •~ldenclno obllgatlon1 Hcured II you"""" to Mii( tl'll tdvlca ol JOSEPH A. FLYNN, 850 Publl•h•d Otano• Coaat Dally ...... •TA ff.....,. thereby, and hU declared and doet an attorney In thl1 mlttlr. you C•darwood Drive La Habra. CA Piiot, Aug. 28. Sept. 4, t t, 18, 1982 Th• lollowlng per1on la doing hereby dMl1t• all 1um1 ucured lhOUld do ao promptly IO that your 90831. ' 384'4·&2 butlnue u thereby 1mm1dtat1ly du1 and wrltllll reaponM. If any, may b• IRWIN GREENWALD. 483 ·------------·· (1) NATIONAL PROMOTIONS, payable, and hu llecled and don Ned on time. South Rodeo OrlYe B•Yefty Htli. PUlJC NOTICE (2) NATIONAL PRODUCTIONS: (3) 11ct to caua• 1h1 property AVllOI Uelecl Ila elclo CA90212. . ' --------~----11tUS ·OPP MAILINGS, t304·1 eacrlbed above to bl eold t demanclne. 11 trl1t11nal pued• Thia bu"-11 conducttd by 1 '1CTITIOUa llUllNmaa Logan. Cotta M ... , CA 92828. t11ly th• obllg11ton1 due 11td llMtdlr ooMra U& aln ..... ,...._ • Olf*al pannerllhlp. ...._ ITA,.._NT J AV MARL 0 W , 1 7 3 1 a uoct.tlofl. -... Ud. r..-n• -...,. Lewrenc:• 1 tglow Atty. The tollo•tno oar1on 11 doing &utton'#OOG, Foun111n vat~. CA r o o E T E R M I N E t F de• ..... LN le .......... ..._.. Thia Ital-I wu fti.d with 1~ bualnel8 aa. 927ot EINSTATEMENT IS POSSIBLE IALn & IUGllOM SMrTH & TUTHILL W15TCUFF CHAPIL 427 E t7th St Costa Mesa 646-9371 ...... County CW!( OI Orange COunty On ORANDMALANO, 435 Fair Thie blllll'llll 11 conductlO Oy an NO THE AMOUNT, 11: ANY, -----------·• SI Uated dHH aollcltar el ~ t, tta2 om., Coate M.aa. CA 92t28 lndlvld!ual EC ESSARY TO CURE THE "8.IC NOTICE conM)o de un abogado an Ht• '1"a:I HAflGf FRANK. 435 Fair · ~Matlow EFAULT. CONTACT· rtHCI MOTI4lH $WITHS' WOITUAIY 627 Mam St HunhnQton Beach 536-6539 'AClllC YllW MINOllALPAJ• Cemetery Mor(usr; Chapel-CreM81ory 3600 Pac1f1c lllew Drive Newport Beach 644·2700 I eun t 0 . di b• r r. ha oar I 0 Publlthed Orang• COUI Dally Drive. Cotta Mele. CA 92$28 Thie lllltfMnl WU ll1ld Wltl> IN H. Dwwt. Attenlel .. LfW ~~T-.~· lrnl'nedlltam«lte. oe .. ,. """,.,.. Pllol Sec>l 4, 1 t, 18, 2$, tN2 Thia bualneM .. condUC1.0 by an County Clari! Of 0ranQ41 County ~ T-cenw Dr ..... - IU ~ eacr1ta, .. hay atguna, 3112742 lndlviOual ... , ...... "'r-" Auquel H . ttt2 ·-....... CA -The follow4ng P«ton1 ere doing pueoe -raglltlllda a 1i.mPO " ,.,... ,. .,,.. .. ._.., ("4) Mt•119r bu"'-H .. _IC NOT"'t TN• 1tat4N'Mtlt w11 hied with the Publl•h•d Orano• Coaat OaJly o.t.o· June 21. tM2 CAI.AV SYSTEMS. INC., 3901 1 TO T)4E 0£FEHOANT A cW~ '""'"" ~ County HCWllNO! Or&n119 County on Pllol, Aug. 21. 8ept 4, 1t, 18, 1M2 NW ta.La MacArthur Blvd,. Suite 1 t5, complaint hll OMn 111.0 by Iha 'tC'nTIOUI .,_.. August , t c. ,,_, 8814·82 ...,., Al90CIAT10N ~ &each, CA 928e0. ptalntlll ~I yOl.I II )'OU with 10 NAMI ITATlmNT Publl1hed Orange CoHt Dall( M. DURIT, ... .......,/ateftf EL"'CTRLO.,KICR Go·~eOHH. H[•Wlnsrl'~·' defend thll '""'"·,>'°""'"''·within, Th• lollowlno per1on II dolno PMot, Aug. 21.14ipt 4. 11. t&, IN r\atc NOT1CE TATE OF CALIFORNIA) ~ ,.. ,., ~" IO day1 after th• •urnmons • b~ 81. 3'1W2 OUNTY OF ORANGE .. ) Krumm-Sir 5. 8050 011enbach, t«vec! on )'OU, Ille with lhl• court • CAPITAL OAOWTH SERVICES. ..,._ ) w .. t Germany written r9lil)OMI to the complelnl 2SH Colgate Dftve, Cotta ~. "9lJC llOTIC( PIC'"10UI IUIMll On JU~ 22, tM2, ~ me. IM KAISER I DA. DAMM GMBH, UnteM you 6o ao, your default WIN ClllltOrnla 112828 NA.MS eTATIMl.N'T ~.a Notery P\ltlllc In arid 01th•rt·Hauptmenn.81r. 74, 80$2 be .,,,.,ed on appllcatlon of 111• oeratd L 8etirenOMn, 2i51 Nnnoue IUll•ll Thi followlng pereon1 .,.. doing or th• State ol California, Mir~= :~~=yby. =:n.-=.~:r:::.; g:.1~,:.::e~·· COiia MIU. Tiie ==·:::n~a dolnt 1>111'(T.8.~!AIN80W MAN'" II> ·~s~~=~:r,::~C:,.\~·~ corporation. dtM~ ~ ,.,. ~t. Whloh Titll ~It COnd\IOtld by., ~ -""AINIOW VAN", t07 Lombard UthorlHd and dHltn•t•cl Caley Sya1arn., lft9, could ra1u11 In oarn1111m1n1 or ll'ldlvlclutl. NIWPOftT GIPT ~. 4too ~.co.ta Mell. CA tHH. ~,,..l9ftt,•t11111 of tM A-llt f .. ,. atat:•,'~~· !!.."!J·~t·. waioee. 1alllt'IQ Oii '"°"" orropetty Oeratn l ~ ~ °':t.olulle SoM, ~ IT "AIN, INC., • Oallfornl1 it I ell •11,oulad Ille within ,.,. --,....., -.1'1111 the or other r.tlel 1&q11Hll In 1111 'T 11 flled CA • OOfPOl'lllOft, to7 l.ombWd Coult, '""*''· ttllOWfl to IM to be tne Count~ Ci.tit of Otano-County on c~ co!.,, ~~·~u ~t= I WA"O ITITZIL, 11 Coete ....._CA Hm •Oii wtto t "eovted the wlllllfl lepternMr 8, 198a, O.t«I M llptamber 2. 1N:1 = 11 !NI aftll9 "'""Y" Lana, Bra••ur~. OA Thia ~ II oonctuc'9d ~ • n11r11man1 ori •tllllf ot Hid '1'71m ...... ,,. ·w... . . tOtO ~'°" .odlltton "'° lllOIU10Wlldlld .. HOWMfl., °''" .. "I IROWN ~ , ....... , '°".:r::"'. IUCICLM t111a' ..,._II -• llHd Dr M It . ..., tno-.... Mlct ,,,.. .. ,. 11 I ...... A......,. .. ~ LAW 0'"011 0 llURUY ='Tl:. .... ~ ............ Wtmam H, haln, ""-tM C..-Df. NUft ....... .,.....~..... .,,.,. ......... Tlllllta .. IMilWNad ..... ., •••••• MA"D A"D .... 2~ _,C'" -t4W= ... CA___ .............. C • "* --. .. *" -llefl Wl9I .. ~ Qertt Of Otw'll9 C...,.... llAL ~·-==.,... -I ,_,. ~Ollltt,_el~_OlwleyOft t.t.t, tMI _ ........... -(1M) -fl. . ,_ r-r ~ Of..-.. 00..1 o.i 'utlltallwd Ora~e Coe•t Oetty PuOlle'*I Ota~ eo .. 1 O•ll'f PuOlftlled Ofant• COllt Dallv ......... Of'lf!l9 eo.t Dlillr "'*"tied °'11"'9 CoMt Otltf "°"· A"f II, .... 41 H. t , ,'"°4.1191 II, 18, '·Oct Ji~~ ~. h9t 11, 1t. 21. Oct.~a~~ ,.,., A4iO 21. t.pt 4, 1t, ~~ ........... It, ........ '~ l'llol ... 4, II,''· n. ~ 1• ~ • ' ~.')(#ff!! .... '11tm!.fmA •• IMf ...... L°"'J I .. home on lhe Hnd t HOO/mo Aot M4.04M iiUf ifi"'bo rm, 2 b •, or .. nb•ll, pool, t11eo rno Dkr , M..O 134 81U1fa 3 or. 2·~ ~. '•m tm, greenb-11, pool. tt400 mo ~16-44-0134. Big Canyon Condo, full golf courM view. pool, tennl1. 1 120011 .... 844-7424 Brokw. 'NEWPORT HOTS' 3 Br 2 la, 2 lrptu, adulll, 110 pell. 430 Redl1nd1 AVI, 1860/mo. 8"8·0448, 213/473-7714 4 Bdrm 2'/\ ba In lrYln• Terrace. I yHr lea11. I 1800 mo. Avall 9115. Aaft tor Katie Robarte. Unique Hom11 , 875-8000 Huge beech-cloH 4 b<, 3 be de>l1t. blt·Jne, 1900. yr IN Oct t. (213)378-4509/39&-8088 Harbor View Horne. 2 Br. din, 2 Ba. t 1250/mo. 8"0-8169 Of 931.3g95, Ouple1t Mwty remodeled. 11epa to oc.an. 3 Br. 2 Sa. $950/mo. 2 Br. 1 e.. $760/mo Yearly/Winter. 8"8-5710 E x I c u t I v 1 r e fl t'I I a , S 1500·$4000. Vl1wa & waterfront Agt. No Fee. 5'16-6251 WESTCLIFF TOP CONDI· TION 3Br, lg yd w/grdnr, pell welcome, MC aye. Avell l mmed. $1000 mo. 833-1290 l&OI UY 4 bdrm, lamlly room. 3 be. fenced yard. Garde· ner. Spa. Quiet cul·de- aac. Chlldran OK. peta maybe. $1150 mo. Agt ROSS SMITH. 848-7274 Harbor Ridge lease 4 Br 3 Ba. t>Mul. decor, 3800 ft, pool, tennla, guard gate 11500/mo. Bob or Dovie Koop, Agt , RE/MAX 759·1221 Prime oceanfront "81uel 2 apecloua Brs lrg plct window kid/pet g8fage 500 METRO AL TY 636-7005 f .. Stretehout In thla lrg 4 +2 + frplc: + gar equal• 550 METRO RLTY 636-7005 fM POOL HOUSE MAM MOUTH 4 ptua 2 plue big den with rldlan1 frplc JUST 850 METRO RLTY 636-7005 f .. Nici• & clean 4 rm 1 Br lully equipped kltch yard tor kids & pet now 375 METAO ALTY 638-7005 fee ... J ... ••• ~~~~! •••• !.~?f HlllllM executive home. 4 bd, 2'h ~. ll'nty rm. tv'o rm, l>Onua room, 3 frpl, l>Mutlful yard and Jacuz- zi. I 1650, lndudes oar· deoer. wa1er and tram pickup. 6&1·7717 ,..,. Au "" ..........•.......•••. 3 BR 2 Ba twnhme nr So. Cl1 Pllu. AC. tplc, DIW, refrlg. atove, pool. ape, & more. No peu. 1at & lu1 req'd. Laa. Avt now at $700 mo. 0)'9. 979-7100; eve, 775--03e<l, Mlk• [)o. '*1y c.H .. 1.i ... Oals.raJ1•-' 3411 .....................• 1395 SO. COAST PLAZA. MacArthur VIII. etudlo w/bkyrd, aeml-furn. Pool, ten nta, •tc. 557-7838 2 bdrm, 2 ba. penthouM, flreplace, MCUrll)', Ver- •• II I• Bldg. $8 50 . 752-5328 Brand new condo. 3 BR. 2'A ba. Vttd c•llfnga. Frpc. 2 car gar. S850 Mo. 752·5328 3 Br. Condo near So. C. Plaza, crptng & bit-Ins. overlooka lreenbelt, pooq, ~ ctubtiouae 1vall. Security gate. M50. can g711--4231 -& wttnde. f nd•un hnldN 3$1$ ........ , ............ . Rancho San Joaquin, Model Townllouee In Ir-YIM. 2 bd ptua den, one ttMt nic.at In the deve- 1 op men t. 1825/mo 728-2148 ~~!!.~-!. ..." 1111 .................•.... BASK IN THE SUN In l>Mulllul Palm Sprint•· Why P9Y hlgfl h0t414 rate tor 1 amall room '#tltn you cen h•1111 a 1 or 2 br. poolalde condo by nlQtlt, wtc, Of mo. tor ..... Call tor reHrV. Pec.ra R..ny 1-320-M$3. .,a., I " ,__,,u Jm ···-··········~······· $ BA 2 Ba. dpl)t, lt7 E. Balt>oe &Nd. Wlntet Of yrly. 1700-1750 mo. 173-57"5 • 3 or 4 Bdrm, 2 beth, complete w/lln•n•. dtlMa, "'*· 873-46N Wlnllf Ren tel s Ir. "' la . t c a r g1ra9e. t1001mo. 8'9pe to be}I, 2 bit!• 10 l>Mch. 30' !cf· l•••tar (Coronado at aytro~.:.Oblnaon AMltOr 1 Small 1 •• ~ dr• pea. rtfrlt•, "o•• '416/mo. efS..llGll Ortnge Cout DAILY PILOTl8at~rday, September t1, t982 ('3 simtal Sm-vice Direct ---------1 ~>X!'.'!~r ........... ~~!1!!.~........ ~!!r.!m, . .,,11n .. ~('1,1 •••••••••••• ~~!!¥ti1 ••.•.••.•..••• 11 84 p D Infant to 3 ~"· my 0 M 8hM!POO 4 tteam cfMn L.I, ....... I IH lh~··· Al.Lil,~ ~,~::s ;&t.:!seLIO. ~r~t~r .b;'8"!~~~~.:.~· l.IO.A~.~ ... Tiii. OUMI' JOI$ a Small MO'lllng JOl>t T~lt~ Clean Call Mii<£ 841r-t391 .. ,. 'cs°'ay' ... •-• •••flfTTlll Hatt. llvldln, rm• 115; •1111 849·115H/045·4844 up, 11w11 renov. 781·341' ---------HAULINO·ORAOINO damolltlon, ol11n-up Conore11 l llM r~ll Quick MfV 642-7838 .,., _ ur• -room 17,60. oouct1Ito:1......,~~~,....,.....,,.___,,"""" Tll 11111 Miii In the CM eru 949-5768 chr 15. Ou1t tlll'I\. pet ADD'N9/AEMOO!LING l.lwn·lrM ·tnrub lnitllll Nllf 81by11tUng In my home. odor Ctpl ree>elf. t5 Yrt Piii\ .. L.IC'd OIOfge TrM trim/removal Pl.IT "'Victoria, CM up Do work myHll Pllmer I Sona 040-7814 l.lwn Mtln1/Aotolllllng ~2-t482 R•I• 531·0101 ... ,.tll rrM Mtlmtll 541•6005 PROF. SERVICE .:::::, Loving home, ION 3 I up, l!XC'!c~~~~~1~Re .KAT~iN•A.·i~·Ltve:iN OUALITY Wl!l!DINO & ~~~nl ~~ c~:: :, FIT $40/wk, + ""•It. OwMt/Ol*ltor hlkpll, dally mtld ~. Malnl. "'-"*"W IM 3 873-0548 DO IT NOWI IChl, CM. 559-3822 Carpel, uphol,.,.. ruo otflo• CIHnlng, crp1 R't • R•aaoneble, R..... HAU~INO ' CLEAN-UP a. fer IM4H WHkday1 after 3 1111? oi.enlng. Work guar. CIMnlng, 835·2110 ble, Rick. 491·30YO Ydelg1rege" Prop. mgt Your Dally Piiot WM111nd1, d1y1, nlahtl, FrM Eat. 845· f771 .._1_, •--' Simmon• Gardening • '31-ot53/631-0885 8eMce Dlr9Ctory OW<nlghl. Uc 8HC <see ---------..-. "'!I. -..n Cln•UPt. lawn care, rull ~ 11 Cal.I lf9nl 556-4211 Cllftl•• ••••• ••••••••••••••• comm & r11ld m11n1. Cte1n-up1, o•r•o••. Ml·ll;-1, :~~Ill M•tut• ,..., 0#1ng wo-•••••••"•••••••••• •••• P!!o~~q~r.':'drl· 848.u.4 ~!~:~: ~~!:~~g, Call man Wtlt Ill ior you In my Having I party? Local Cl• vera lor your di" to dly 0ARDENINQ SERVICE H•ULl""O II dent h11 ~~~~~~~~~! home. Any age. ,.,., In your aret know1 d ShO",:I d Clean-up1 "" ..,v, & "' '" • • u .:: 642•6072 y our llf11tyla & un• 1rr1n •· .... ng. r. h 1....., 94 1•101e p 1 lg• truck. Low•tl r11e. Aftufll&I UU.!fl dtrltanda your nHdl as>Plt, church, •tc All "' '''»· 1 1 Prompt. Call 759· 11170. •••••••••••••••• •••• 81by1ltllng, $00 weak. Food, drlnl\. d .. Mrl• & n"d• mat. By hour or L1nd1c1plng M1lntanan· Thank you, John. Applied, ,...applied, Qulf., Mon-Fri., my home. K•· decorating. We are lllt• day. 494·5857. ce, uwn & garden c1ra, , ____ ..._ ___ _ ln1ur1d, llc'd. 414891. trln1. 840.9145 perlancad In 111. Call cl11n up. K•n JonH, B•••HIN•llf. 130-1eoo ,, .. aaum11aa. l•li•n• i.mt" _N_ancy_.;..._•_t _85_7_·909 __ 3 __ !'!7.'!~!.............. 630.1810 ,,,... ..'RoeiN~scL£ANiNa·· ~I.~!!.... •••••••••••••••••••••• ,. I'/." 1 RDR!~ALLl1A1cbousTtc11 UJIHllU WUTH 1servthc::ct • • tho5r~h,!Y57 ,.,..,, OFF FIRST MONTH llltl1111•LL ..,,.,. ..,.1111 I ep .. ra. am o apec. Mowtnp,. ed~lng, raklnn, c ean OUM. ...,...,., ""'n -• • ••• •• •• •••••••• • ••• yr1 exp ....... 552 95•2 " Oapandlble, affordable. GP SutlneH "Doctor" Cement-Matonry-Btock · · ...,., • " 1w .. p ng. rae etllm•· Joan'• Cleanlng SetV~ euentlal. An1werlng Boolct/ Olla/Word W1llt-Cu1t. work. Uc. Will llJCturu-Acoulllc '"· 645·5737. Hou--Apt1·Rent1ll 11rvlce, Hcretarlll l Proc.atng #301057 Rob 547·2ea3 H1ng-Tape.-S1eel llUdt FINESTKIND Olfloel. 540-1287 butlnau MrVICH. mall 90 Min on-alt• visit Drlves-PallOl•Walkt Uc. 389944 1·53~·5549 GARDENING Claan.upt. TIRED OF HASSLES? bolt rentll, word prOQel· SSO extra time $25hr. NO JOB TOO SMALL ,.._11/til 1m tandacaplng. monthly Quallly ctaanlng help le 1lng. T1lax-F1ctlmll1. (714) 045-6979 FrM est. 538-2007 ~::•••••••••••••••••• malnt. Nell &42-9795 ~al Refa. 9e0-7452 order entry, ~lllM I .,, buy, dMk ep.oe rental. aJJ In D11peratel Patio work. ELECTRICIAN-Priced K&O Lan<ltcape M1lnt. DIAL·A·MAJO. Quality l ANSWER NETWORK •••RJ•E•••ao"e .. RE•••••••• Free dealjn. Lo prlcei. right, rr111 etllmate on Resld/Comm. Cleao-up. Serv. Nr Ae Your Phone. 7 .... 7320 (uk lor •.v.1 M LI PAIR 1 large or,.1ma11 Jobe. Lite h1Ull"". 548-2489 ..,51145. 839-08llO "" "' Flnlth work & door Xlnt re 1· 97-7354 Uc. 3119821. 873.()359 ----···'------,,_;_..,._..;__ _____ _ i-wn hinging No Job loo big --------Bulnr•• rcu11om home Cleaning & -:rr.•••••••••••••••••• or small. Mike 631·8311 Citi•# fl/I uc·o ELECTRICIAN •••••';;•••••••••••••• complete maid 1ervlce. REAL ESTATE •••••••••••••••••••••• Oull. worll-Reu. retet Carpentry · M1$onry Prof., bonded & Ina. Rettdentlal/Comm'I C1llJ11I lllki•I. Kitch baths eotrlaa Free 111. Tom 031-5072 Roofing · Plumblng Unlclaen S'/ll•m• of Npt 873-1919 •••••••••••••• ••••••• custom & comm. ELECTRICIAN Oryw1ll . Stucco . Tiie Bch 8S0.1200 C1blnett & Carpentry Free Ill 840.2002 Sml Jobtl"-elr1. UC. Remodel J.B. 648-9990 ---------~e.~t.~ ........... . Driveways, Parking Lot Repalrt, Saalco11lng. S&S Aaphlt 831·4199Llc Small Job• & Rep1l11 .-...., Qvlflty Houtaeleanlng Free Eltlma1es 645-2003 233108·C· 10. 548·5203 Ben's M1lnten1noe Serv w/a peraonal touch. CM, KITCHE•• F•CELIFT Clll/I C•n ••••ORTH STAR•• Plumb·etec-carpentry Irv, NB. Beth 850·0933 .. "' •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •~ Painting Cell 96<t-5231 Reetyilng existing kit· HARBOR TRINITY PRE· Electrical ContrlClor HOUSECLEANER cnen cab. w/real wood. SCHOOL DAY CARE Lie. New Hrvlce. 220 HIRED HANO, WILL Good reli. NB & lrvlne Dan Hallberg Griding Save S$$ nowt 842-0881 CENTER. Colle M111. clrcult1. 24 hr 645-4174 TRAVELI Many dlveree pref. Gladya 541-0702 & Paving Co. R .. 1,;t>ml. Openln~ Sept 13. Full LIC'D ELECTRICIAN chorea. Wlltle 842-3491 Lie 397804 842·17~0 f!!I!.'.!~•••••••••••• =~dM~ R~gf:::~ 7~~~~ NEEDS WORKI Cerpentry . Cablneta R=~c:;'~~~~ta Atlfnl.., CUSTOM wood plllo ~ Corner Bake< & Fairview. _L_lc_._4_1_8_968 ___ 84_2·_80_23 Plumb · O.aln Cleaning Balboa ltland 075-3810 •••••••'•••••••••••• • • vera, deck• & fences by Etectrloal • Tiie Pwaonatlzed. low coat I• RANDY 641--0822 ,_5_56_·_433_5_or_5_5_6-_7_7_87_ f•llltlll lillilill Relt. Don 968-0149 Bachelor'• Haecteanlng gal MrVIC419: Ind .. family, 'Graveyard Shift' Ito. chlld ••• • ••••••••• •• • •••••. G , 1 & Laundry Serv. Karen, bual. Initial conauttatlon C1tMI i.mu care. lg• F.V. home, Custom Refinishing-Furn an. contract g, ma nt, 540·26101850-0892 free. 553-0290 ••• .-.-·•••••••••••••••• plenty ol ''Pf rm• & lnterlo11-All R•r,•lrt plumb. repair, palnt'g, ---------No Steam/No Shampoo mobile hOme ~. PREMIUM QUALITY Dtvor~Support Change Stain Specialist. Fist S8/nlte. 84 l·227 Call for est. &«·52 4 Jim 535-99571530.3684 DAY WORK All Family Matters dry. FrM nt. 839·1582 Chlld care wkdlJI• by yg Cadlllaca 10 Go-Cant Are you planning 1 move? by lady wtexp. & rel• At1'y Koflroth 8,48-4375 cred. teacher (Mastera Whatever th• Fad Classified 1d1 wOI point __ 84_5-4_25,_9_1_84_2_·3_2_99 __ A I w I Y • • a • I • I n OegrM). Org1nl2ed eetl· Roll 'em off lhe marke1 1 the tght di ectlon Buyer meelt Mller-wllh 1n Want Ad Heli>'1 ct1111rted-read lhe ads vtti.a. C.M. home nr Npt With a Classllled Ad ro"11~d th'• horr:e you aUeotlve cl1Hllled ad. 842-.5878 every day. 842-5978 Hit Elem. 845~857 Call Nowl 642·5878 need. 842-51578 842-5878 ~!!'!!!~!!''········ !~~!l .............. 1r~~11~1. ............. '-~!~1. ............. . Houaeclffnlng by exp lo-Cuti om Brtok•lton• Ill P&imll ROOr Rf PAIR cal eoupte, work d~ by llock.Cooor.1•Sl11CCO FlaH ralff Fr .. •I 91'CCIAUST 126 S 185 ~-....1 01~1227 Aal• FrM ut U0-1412 001, O•v.• 064 ~78 fr .. 1111mat• 710-2725 8011 CM>lnt clean~. Ca· #tr/If I >"'lltNAV ROOrtNG>"' tar tor tripe A• 1 rel't •••••• ••• •••••• ••••• • !!J!.~l~A............. Shak• Shlngl•·CotnP 842·3047 or 046-4140. •A· 1 IMYlll* llarthlng tnt.,lor Oeelgn UC 415232 548°8213 NEE O H 0 U I IC L. ! A fop q111ll~ SPIOlll Caret HANOlNO/STAtPPINO Hu'* Roofing alJ llJJ)lt NINQ? tit time.,., prloa • In ll•ndllnft 25 yr1 exp I Vlaa•MC 6co11 045·0320 N-racovar·deoki ~i1.:i~1 l llP & refl. No =riem::1111 .:1~~3531 AIR PAPERHANGING Lie •411802 648-9734 1 yrt local ••P Gutrll~FINO REPAIRS Rhonda • 1 mature reap STARVING COLLEGE work Prlce1 1tar1 at Small JObt 0 k lrH ut1- p111on Wiii hOUHClean STUDENTS MOVING SS/roll. Alec 979·0853 m1111. Call Tom & Chuck I OU 12-11 "'"0 5•3~ CO Lie T124·436 l--------1 0' Y """ • •v • v.. loaurad 04l•807 EJlpart wallcovartng1 542"°302 .l•lll UIJ WATCH US OROWI lnt11i111lon RMt pr~ .--------n Conaultant A11lgnmen1 o1ttHll Haework, relt. 900-0719 Prelllge Moving Low 11111·8590 ••••••••••••••••'••••• ratet, 1ant1tllc aervlce MOBILE SERVICE B••111ltll•• Slate wide Vlu 6 MIC Paperhenglng, 11rlpplng, Retcrffnt/N-tcreant ~;;";;.·:;i~·,;,jci•;Q.; lnturad 543-8462. Cal pointing •ll'lt work, lg or NB/CM 4"'2·9552 IOOklng to hou ... 11 thlt T·137,124 em111 lobs, ra1ton1bl1 l11t/1kJ111 aummer. We'll care tor ---------• r1111 • Ritt Free •tt ·'"•••••••••••••••••••• plan11. h0u1e. etc. Call !~~·J:'J..~~!!!~~~••••• Brendan 988·7427 SERVICE & REPAIR Ken Haven, 700·8078, Nurtet Au't for home llNI li•o•ll \tan Oppene Servloa Co 1'9lt •v•ll care av111. lmmed .. tully •• ,-.···••••••••,•••••••• <7141 838-"9ee -M------lll-h--I Int. 538-5803 Vlclda, **BRYANT S•• •i·/I ature woman w ou· 1·921·10llO I W1t1covarlog Removal !~•••••••••••••••••••• 11111 & care for pell, All fyl)ee 642-1343 TILE INSTALL.ED Pl•ntt & home •le. Rel•. l1l1tl•f. I All KIM• Gue11n1oec1 64&· 1042 ••••••• •• •• •••••••••• lit C111 Relt John 1140-9217 ---------• FllE PlllTIH •••••••••••••••••••··· ---------J11lt•tl•I b Rlohard 61oor. Lie I Certllled Houae Slltera 1111 S1nit1 •••••••••••••••••••••• 2lo&44 13 yrs of happy Bonded. $11/day (every ••••••••J ••••••••••••• Complete Janttonal aervl· IOGal cuttomere 3rd wk tree) 153 f-1234 llPOIOI CM, tr1tnld atall, bon· ded l Int Unlclean Thanlc you. 831-4410 l tiet111 ft1•l•f TllEE IHYICE Sy1tam1 ol Npt Bc;h Custom work, Int & ext, ••••••••••••••• •••••• "Tree W~rk Wiii'\ a Con· 850-1200 • He'd 20 yra In aree l'lfs ,Con1uttallon & Hend scteoca• trimming & Herb 521 -8012 alt 5 30 Made Frames 40 Y••11 removal by Howard Doi· ,,._, l E•perlence. 646-5141 loft P 0 Bo11 34. Cotti ..... ~!~·''·········· RALPH"$ PAINTING ""'" ''• ,,, Mua. Ca 92627' Ph WllOAPlll lntle•t Reas. rates. 1 ·•••••h~•~•••••••••• 642-1932 Reaaon1ble, rellable. Rel. Free est 536-9898 ED'S PLASTERING --------- Wayne 490.7264 Palntlng our family t11d1· Neat patchet, lotle•t '!.".'.'!!~!. ••••••••••••• Yard Malnt. & Cleanup tlon tor 0111r 100 yrsl R111uccos 645-8258 Moat subjects. 1(.14 Sod, tprlnklarl, ro•o, lntle•t Lie 346252 Free PLASTER PATCHING Day/eve $5 & $10/hr. trea rmvl, drainage. hlll· est. 661-3998 Rastuccos. Int/ext. 30 Mr. Morgan 645-5176 aide weeding. Bri an Biii's Painting, 101/e1d yrs Neat Paul 545-2977 Wio,ort Clllllilf 586·2253 Resldtcomml. 6 yr1 exp II ) • •••••••• •••••••• ••••• S Cat 1111 High qual & , •• '!!'!.!~I............. ··Lei lhl Sunshine In" l.H•/ All I materlelt. Lo price Free ATLAS PLUMBING & Call Sunshine Window ••'••••••••••••••••••• eat Reis. 496-5717 Heating. speclallzlng to Cleaning, Ltd 548-8853 ¥1111 WILLI QUALITY WORK • oeet. repal11. 645-1688 20"1. Moothly Dlecount Fore lree 1101 lhlet, calll rNS honest Refs Lie R -~ 1· ,1• • Int/ext Resld/comm'I Ha1ry Weese. Attorney al 287 101 Dive 964-1045 · 1 .!!'!!'!"!.!'!11.'!!l~!!... Frea H t. 200/o monthly Law, 553-0290. I Remod & eddlllooa, free discount. 644-4798 Lowest ra1esl Prompt, dealgo & 951 Qua! & low • • • ll1uan -neat profentooalt 15 rates Steve 752-9556 W111,ort 111110.f ••••••4••••••• • ••••••• yra exp BA8·56&4 · • •• •• ••••••••• •••••• BRICKWORK: Small Jobs. CUSTOM PAINTING R II STOP! N-por1, Co111 Meaa. Int/ext. Resld/comm .!.0..'!1. •••••••••••••• lrvloe. Reis. 675-3175 Fr ea es1 Lie 644-4 798 vlrltk·lltek·ltHt ALL TYPES MASONRY Uc. 349479 838-3812 15 yrs llltP NB/CdM I'm tmall, my prlcet are amalll Ron 673-6477 llOOF PllOILll1 Oont rerool, repair 111 traction ol the cost. Calli Lee 857-2890 He11•Gtare•Fadlng by SUN MASTERS Hlgll Qu1llty Guaranteed Home-Auto-Comml-Boat CALL 631·4720 ~-------· !1!!.!!.'.'.-!f •••• !.~'!f !!~.'!!!'.'!!. ..•. !.~!¥ ¥ • .'!l..'!.~~~ ..•. !.'.!f ¥!!1..'!.~~~ .... !.{'!! , .. 11..'!.•.'.!'!. •••• !.'.'! ,.'!l.!!!!'.'!!. ...• !.{'!f ¥..'!1..'!.•.'.!~ •••• !.'.!fi•••1•--•"!1!11•4i..."··················· .. Loll Min Oecht, Bl & Tan, COMPUTER .OPERATOR Contractor• GOVERNMENT JOBS. LIU lfflOll PIRllll FlllAY Salet ~ ~· ,._ -. • .DO A LITTLE Mlle, Lott 9·8 nr CulY11t (part-time) Complete The Sawduat Corp. 11 Many Jobs 1vall1bl1 In "IUO llUTllll 11 'JOU .,1 1 "Ilk• char· Supplement l :a. BUSINESS IN YOUR & 4 0 5 Fr w y ( 7 1 4 1 9uall'llSI Sy1tarm1 (all or IOllcltlng bid• from con-U.S. 1nd ov111 .. 1, For Your Income ;.. •. ~~l£ 1 f, ~: ....-.... ' OWN HOME 552-7172 parttal) Call A llee tractor1 lamlll11 with Thi DlrlCIOfY 312-880.4347 FounttJn Valle'/_!1!0"j .. 8 ge" perton who can Work PI T, 9 im-2 pm -' 545'-7497 Ev enings S1w<1uat F•llval for the Ext E-91 g• company n......,s -handteavtrletyolofflce with the Loa Ang1111 1 Found: Small cal -arlng 964-8160 construction of 1983 profesalonll women -tukt, ranging from 11• Tlmea Clrculallon Team l ..i"l... '· >\i'e~~ .~ yellow collar with bell Vic I GROOMER WANTED for king rewarding poaltlon ncoraphy lo bkkg to tale ~-~ ~ _i[J ,t~-1 1· .~,,,, 1a;·~." • ~ ~ • Gartleld & Main HB Live-In English Speaking S a w d u 1 1 Fe s 1 v 11 Fri & Sit. (possibly Sun I In lhe Mortgege Banking and racp dull ... apply In In talephOne ealea. Earn .-· -,... , , , ... ~1 f ~ 840-7652 Swede for home & chlld grounds. For ipeclllca-for NB pel ahoe>. Must be lndu11ry Rut 111111 wrltlnn by Tu11day lo an hOUrly wage+ comm. • ~.. I~ r •'-/. , '• i.., • • I N e l ions & Info call Alida II & 11 b 1 ' • Tr1lnlng provided. For ., ,.. -..:!' ~ .,... l ~ fJ t-:-care, re•· . area. 4""' "263 All k'ds mutt exper . re • •· background d1tlr1bl1. Pr•ldent, Or11t Amerl· delelli . Call (7 1 ~i t' ..__.._ ...:..~ ; , rf , ~ •. Found. Puppy, Laguna 768-7888 ..,..., · U1 64<>-0091. Sub111nll1I Income lor can Media Inc, 430 32nd .. ,,. "'."" ._..~. · .,. ~ l' ' , ' . 1~ Bch. nr Crucent Bay. be received by 1012182· dedicated, mot1v11ed, ti. N. B. 92883 540.03ot ·" .~. "'> • ... 't',, • ~~ ·~ I' 1' .:r1 Blk/ whtlbm 494-0373 L~:·~~dr~:~1b1!:~,~~ w~~ CPA Firm has poaltJon lor IROUIDSIAI and con1l1teot lndlvl· PHONE SURVEY worker SALES ..:-. ""'•"-.. ~ • ! ' ' f ~ ~ ~ Found: 2 kltlana. need child care, hakppg, .,. 111tt eccouotant. Public Groundsman needed by duals. Hiii 1 ed 4 5 Work In own backyard, 11\ home 2 mo Accounting experience Huntington Beach Clly RESIDENTIAL no ng requ r · • pro11C1ed tarrltOtY Ser 'ff \. . ~;052 rendt In ••Ching• for helpfuL Knowledge or School District. 12 mo MORTOAGE SERVICE hrt per wtt 11 home. s5. vie• 1xl1llng accoun11: GARAGE SALE ADS NOW ...... ~ • <..llf • '. • ; :r;i: ~~'.· ~-,·~~ ~ Diie Proc11tlng. Send pollllon. Written 1111 wut John Cusack plua. per hr. S40·7138· Le1d1 provided. Direct CLASSIFIED IY CITY! ··-·4 \ \ FOUND: Sml black kltten, 652-oee& resume & aelary raqulr• b • g Iv• n . S a I a r y . 964-9090 PROfESSIQNll •II•• axp. • mutt Ad· SEE llLOW .... 1. ~ male, approx 5-8 wk1., _________ 1 menta. Dally Piiot, Ad $118741478/mo depen· MAINTENANCE n vertlt lng 11111 helpful. ~~-~~90renge, CM. !•Jl..~~'!!. .... !J.~ ~~~~·.P~·.:~·. '~: ~ngio°:6~•r,::em':L.e~ :~J~2~,~~·n~';,~r,n~; TALENT ~~-~.?~. ~~1~e'o'~~:~~l••••••••••1••••••••••1 •••••••• Found· ........ le mix lldefly Acc::ountlng 92828-0560 H. 9, 9&4·8888 portuntty. For '" Into low tor appt. 1·524-1020 •lllH lll•al C11t1 11111 B111tu•IH IHtll F, v1c: ~ttton &0Tnur1n. Tll IUH/P·tf•t IAY Ill -i·-Ull ... 11 •••T. can John 831-M20 NEEDED! •••••••••••••••••••••• ···········••••••••••• 3·;,-··,;--·s~1·i·;···,;··· 9/6. 842· 1207 20 or 30 hrt week. Altng, rs _,. -_.. iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil llUnAIY Moving Sale. beds, draa· 1 Anllques & Sl)Orltng COi· em Y e urn ure. llght l yplng, ichedule Houra 8 AM-5 PM needed tor Heir West. Join a company that'• Full time. Gocd typing eers, dloette set, couch, lectlbles, bOOks, magazl· appll1nces, clothes. misc Found: Parak .. t, on ttMI prep1tatlon, talll end Apply In Pfl(ton N.B. Loulae. 873-4180 . Management going AFTER THE BUSI· ind administrative akllls. chalra, lamps. etc. Sall o ... prints, decoye, d• Items 218 W 21st. St beach, N.B. Call to ueetexralurni.Noexpr. Mon-Frl,Z-"PM. l<ele• lllttft ..,ESSI Serloua, ambl· Sm11tgrOWlngHotetCo. Sun9-3.711N.Bayfront. preulon glaas. mite Hunl.Bclh . Identify, 873-3782. nee. BHIC accounting Also taking appltcatlon1 llOSTEIS tloua lndlvldulll can Salary comm1n1urata C•tMI Iii #v 2977 Croftdon St., oll Sat/Sun. 9-4 Furniture. Found: lg• blk a brn koowtedge pref. For tar-lor FI T position avell. re-..... Trllltll .. rn aubalantlaJ 4ollara with 1blllt1J and expa-•••••••••••••••••••••· 1 B • k • r S 1 S • I .. antiques, mlac. 115555 puppy, Shep/Lab(?), nr ge O.C. Computer Mfg. H=~.!. •ponllbl•, mature people ltcle YHr O...r with many beneflla. For rlenoe. Cen Mr. Kopp Chinese 711 eola. French 9am-5-pm. Se 11 CI r c 1 e . e.ach/& Hell. 842-0392 located In trvtne/Tuttln only, apply In per1on Start your new cereer on an exciting ulel poalllon 497-4857 Prov. Armleu chair and 4 Family Gtrage Furn, (Hell/Algooquln) are a. Ce 11 Debby . 1111111 Mon-Fri 2:30·5·00, Vic-our 3rd lhlfl, e1rnlng $4. call L• Kataln llOlnAIY travertine collee tabla. tool•. & more Sat/Sun i·....181 •nnuJi SJH _7_1_4_17_30_·3088 ______ 1 IEWPllT UADI lorl1 Station 990 Dove Up to 14.50 11 you be-549-4300 549-1457 lmmed. ,.,,_1..,. tor ... 522 Seaw1rd Rd. CdM. 9 237 1•2385 College. .~!~•••••••••••••••••• !~•••••••••••••••••••• Attendanl overnl~ht --0-E-C-K-.. -.. -N-05---_s_t_._N_s ______ come more exp'd. You -..-.· ... to 12 only OFFICE FURNITURE COEDS W Id I t ""' SS Ill b I d t a magnon crelary In Legun1 Beach ---------3 FAMlLY SALE, Sil/Sun .... LF PRICElll · • ou ove o wk:endaS25.Aast11d 11· Fllll 1 HOS T/HOSTE • w epromoe o ar1LXln11yplng1ndor·5Fam1tyGarageSale.Sat. l0-5pm Monyetect ""' partywlthyou.CallSue bled prof. woman u, me,,· oppay,MXve-I 1 CASHIER, 1va1. & mgm1.&1upervlaoryle-• "•nlzattonal akllla 1 only,8·1 707'A<Polnset· appl .. h---.ld ltems ... ·rn . Desks, flle1. chelrt, or Kathy anytime. 645-23S7. "postoni open. " wkand1, excel Irv. 1111 vela.Call.714·537·4840. :;,ual.CallLlndl.Frlthn.i llt ,CdM blk '""' 9"'lS •u lamp1, ate 30 Misty 213/804-3233 opponunlty. For lee Info Call Joanne at C'Elt I.I Interviews held every Set. 7141494-0748 11• PlrlS "' onora, Mee Clow. Turtlerock l&IYllTTll call John 831-6620 vi. Care. 551-5300. Wed. 7·8 pm •t 111 Del t' ;"'41•"' llOUSE CM. Culver to Campus 10 l.mA I Yllll'I Mature lovlng woman, DEL IVERY IS TOCK HOUSEKEEPER . Student Mar, Colla M111 and pon laC *IOI U Ill.,,. OlUI IEIOLITI011 Moving sele SatlSUn 8·6, Hlllgate to Mist)' MH· my home 3 day per weak 111m-8pm, Tuea·Sal. IV9fY Thura 9am-noon at Fut growing f1thlon " 2700 Peteraon Pl, Apt dow. 752· 1094 Sat & PHOTO MODELS for lntell"'-t 18 mo old. benefits, Ml HarOld 495 ormr P&•~',:~1.,mde'" ·~IOwplo!~ 1390 N Cat. Hwy., Ulg. Harbor Blvd at Fw Of bus'-~· cotmetlc One, Flllttur•. all lumber, win· 42·0. C M 957-8178. ,_S_u_n_9_t_o_3_. ____ _ ESCORTS/DANCERS .,._, """ ..,.. ., .,......, 8ch E O E .. -. d d .~ OUTCALL 24 HRS Own trentp Corona <Ill E. Hth SI, CM. In 1xch1n,... for hou ... 1~~·~·~·~-~~~~~li>nlliln~C~oa~l~l~M~aaa~;;;;:-charge Of lnventOtY con-ows, oora, carpel, 011n1 Sele Set & Sun 9-5 Sport and Ork Rm Equip, Nl-0207 Mar Area -D-EN_T_A_L_A_SS-IS_T_A_N_T_f_or wonc & cniid care. Mu11 1: P/TIME Singing Mu-trol. Mllure, lull-time. drapes, etc Set, 8 am-4 3225 Oako1a, C M. Sii· Sm Appl, tum, bl\t, clo· ~~~~~~~~~ 720"1437 Ortho otc, chalrslda, alt· have car. Raia. N.B. Mature, rnponalbl• Pl'· aenger for Cookie Cut-benellla. Cill for Inter· pm. 238 Heliotrope, CdM reo. beda, e1c 5-45-9904 thel, & MOREi Sat Only, = BABYSITTER, my San per pref, ROA or ellglble. 760·2090 ton to work PIT In 1 Up1. Mgmt. potentlal. view 979-8073 CHll #IU 9-3, 11 Jordan Ent (ott *** Clem. home, Wed. 7-5, 3 979-1400 ---------bu1y 11ndwlch ehop. Mull be 19, own car w/ STOCK CLERK •••••••••••••••••••••• VARD SALE Sat/Sun MlchelllOn) 551-0529 mo. Infant. 881•7149 HOUSEWIVES mike extra Deya onty. Call tor appt. Int . 714n 50•3013 FUii time. wtll treln, top 11's a Biggie 263 Cost• ---------Aflllfll Parlor --------10enta1-enatrlld•. PIT AM. dollar•· can J-t 64t·8209 pay, xtntop"""'unlty. For SWAP MEn Mes• St GARAGE SALE. baby BAKER, axper, capable ••P· RDA. 4 dya pr wk. 556-0481 PllLllllM """• E s d 81 -3 furn, twin box 1prlng1 Open7 da~ h,r~~ay bekar for managing a Bu1y pteuanl ottlc::ct. Npt Insure.~-llllOAL lllllTAIY fee lnlo call John very un ay, m pm. 2 Family Garage Sale. m11trN111, bed frarnet. ,. ...... blk•off & mix '" ttore Ctr. 640-0300 ·~ Front Olfloe. exper'd. ty· Trernendoua Cit-opp-831-&e20 Orange Coast College Many itemt 883 Con· bedtprtlds. Olk kit tbl a J1•1cuwr.zell,I S1•1u~•0· u~~.~,1~ bakery. Located 1n N.B. OENT•L ASSIST•NT ..... IUl.ll ping, H.B. olc. Good Sa-~r::.att'i:n rtgh'.i:e::: Teach othlf'S 5~ hrs per 6:~t~le~•.!. ~~1~P~~~~ grua St. 9·? 979•8364 chr1, mite. 18691 Porto-.r ••. C.11 Fr.n .. (71~) "' " OWlll intaaa•I I•"' ••7 "771 dep ..,.. E •'"""$"""' SUN ONLY 10 4 flno t~ BankAmerlcerd. Amert-87"' 0 0 " .. )(Int opportunity tor ex-~ - ,. -~ nal magmlne pub11$hlng ""· arn .-vvv-.vv mo. free to buyers. Seller · • · '" can Expreu, D1ner1. All .,., 4 perlenced RDA. Bu1y, Minimum 2 yeara nper. MEO. WALK·IN CTR company In San Cle· no Mlllng nee 850-1991. R"8(11atlont/ lnlo Garage Sala, huge H · -,,.--,-,..--"---- welcome 714/845-3433. BAR PERSON. college pi1111nt LllQUl\I Beach Should be famlllar with Nwpl MD'• MW wlllt-ln manta. Mu1t have II Ttlt--... Wtlttn 6515-6880 leclloo. cheap! 252 E •• !/.~~•••••••••••••••• 2112 Harbor Bl. CM OK, lull or part-time. offtc.. Full or part time. RVS. COB, and Medlcal cllnlc Miki mature per· IMlt 5 yra olc IJltPllr & ,......._ 191h Cemplng & aportlng gda. C M. 640.5544 494-9788 group contr1ct1. Xlnt tons. H .. vy exp. In front lltlnt t~plng & clerlc1I Needed Immediately. Moving Sale. Evarythln" & equip . •oma furn. Relaxlng muaage by ten-banellta. Salary com· r a t ·'"Ill* •t k-extremety ldMI tor atudenll or ho-Cul·d•·tac garage eale. $5" book• Sun onl 9 4 1 1 L l back o c mom -... u .,. well memakert. Hourt, 3•9• Great v1tues·Somera11 must go. I cent to 0. · Y • • ~...' • ..P~o~.~ or•S::! Be0auty C • Fl OomHtlc Chlbtdcbar•. re-man1ura1e with axper. flalda. FT/PT. Hra a 1ccur11e wlde1a111. w 1 No Milin". Air....,. area. HomH. 913 Lombard Sat/Sun. 286 Santo 1090 K11elt1 St. u.g Bc:h _,, ,... .,~~".."!.~n,!1.! nest 1pon1lble a y181tter Saddlebaek Valley Area. lhlfts vary. Send rnume organized & aomewhat 1 Call beiwee79.12, cn. Biker bet. Fa1rv1-1 Tomas 11 ,. II by • pp I . 10 .9 p M """"' ·-·......,ant, ta-needed to care for mo Clll 837·0830 to: Ad# 1020, Delly Pltot. ~fectlonl1t. 8:30·6PM Bear. Sat/Sun SAM. ''iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii ·•-ti It 548-2817 tented, hair 1tytt1t. Top old, WednH Morn• In ---------1 c 92020 wkdya. Salary commen· 640-4047. Alter 1 pm, 1• •••0'°;•••••••••••••••• Selaty, Corona del Mar. Call INTERIOR DESIONER·NB Box 1560, .M. · ll&e-0151 540-3670 MOVING: Some nice Garage Sale, Sit. 9·2. ~-PLll RIVE GAUCHE 975-4552. Hom• dlllgn center tur•t• wllh related IX·1---Tl-.-.---.-l---•suPER GARAGE SALE . lhlngs. 1om1 fl1t1bl11 Babyhirn .sport1equlp , ... "' .... ~o LIAIR s•LON , _________ w1nt1 "rOI dulnner w/ llllSES lllE par. Cell Shell• 171 4> ""'-Furniture, Fender m•ltar, hsnld Items 324 Otero. -~ " "' " • 498-1600 3158 Yellow11one, C.M. •-D1ncer1 for Bachelor/ N 1 wP 0 r 1 e • 1 ch DONUT SHOP, counter aatab loltowtng, •XI*' In Exper. only for conv. ----· -----llLllfltll 8•5 Sat/Sun. 5 deske, 3 pc sofa needa reu· The Blulf1. Nwpt Bc:h. Bachelorette Pertlaa 540-8l87 help, P/tlme, AM thllt. technical & d11lgn hoapltal NB. Good wortl· IUl mATI IALll $5-$30, apkrs $5·SlOO. pholllerlng S70. Lots of Moving to Europe • ave· 738_8538 0< 658_8538 No exp neoaaa. Apply In 11pect1 ol window Ing condlllon1. Excel. Need 2 •Jll*. people In We Med gOOd people to Dremno tbl w/mach SSO. mite. 2213 American l')'lhlng must gol 4 .... IMllDNI perton OlppltyB Do~:;· ir .. tmnet, firing, furn, fir baneflp •rt ''o' F°:::r an,: !"'m ~ commerclal Ind lndu· set up appointment• Mite. Ave C.M. 011 Vlctorle son• or women'• clo· Unemployed M wlll vl1ll High volume rNteurent 1854 Newport IVd. • plane, consulting. Gan. 11,.._, , .. 1 111111 for ~ from our Newport Beach ---------and PI a c • n t la St thing. rettan f\lrn , WI· =~·J.L~~~ mag, ~ ~~~ =·~k::. E•IW ...... ~=· :::'h!V:~o1":11ii84ii2ii-80iiiii44iiiii.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimaJ ceaalul and growing firm. olf\ot In Iha _,Ing 10< M.::. ~~'~:Wb~~,t·•:~:. l~i63ii1-3ii5i90iiorii04i2i-5iji10i5; terbed, ptant1. t'rl·Sat, Soma experience pref. ...... or work, relt. 2 8-hr 0ytl'I, Beat worttlng condlllont Holiday lnn't new tra\191 Off Gl1ler. S11-Sun 8-4. 10·8. 5515 River '\ve .• • * * * * * * * * * 10 key by tc>udl. PieaH Fountain Valley mortgl• par wk ··floor tlm•. 3.4 Openlngl ~~4~e:::o~r1t Beach. :rob~ ~·~:u:,>'"~:t Oetk, beby cttenglng II• #lOO (Lu BrllU Apti.) apply In pereon from a to ga company Hiking Non-1mkr prar. VIiiage MARKETING 833-3740 .,_ 1 PM. IUAll IALI bit. 1troller, acala. TV Garage/E.Jt11e Sale. Sat fDULEI WllTll 5 pm. Lii Bria••· 381 eac:tOW otnc.r to proc.11 Home Daalgn &40.9193 u•n...-r Boc*I. lklll and boott. t11nd, ll•h lank stand, 9.3, 152• lrvlna Ave. 2 tingle malea with 60' Cliff Or. L1gun1 Belch. loan acrow1. S1t11i I .llltlter (WNk·t1!1) lllT NBmlL fOf' boat yd In N.B. Mu•t Telephone Sala• & tit• tennll t1Cket1, camping tamps, 2 drawer nte ca· N.B. Btwn 19th & 20th. ~ldlt dMlre 2 ATTRAC. Cenvua commlttlon. Rewer Ing Sat, Sun, 7 AM to 3:30 have car. An-phone, =~s:.:~~~ r:~ ~~~;:: ~~ :~·,:;.~ blnel,C1tl)enter'1translt, 450 QAVIOTA (E/Slull) ,:'~ t:'"t!:~ htr le htr careerR=NT:ZL PM. 4000 Hllerl1 Way. tI..._5 i~O 1111 paper-work. caau11 St• H, Cotta Maaa elec lawn mower. mllG. wall axarcl11 machine Sat/Sun 10-5, qu1111y M N • wp o r 1 e each • dr-. $4/hr, 973-ee25 ---------1 ~~1Su 1<M 1630 l<Me (l)\.llley type), misc. photo furn I 1CON1. Clothing, Mexlclln coattllna. ult "'•·n •"to $14 nuwant· MORTGAGE SERVICE --------T I~ ........ -'' n · 1tulf knick knac:ka I""• 1 & 1 ...., --'mml ··'I""' ..., .., • , ...... _ ,.......... ••2."•8t "'-·11urant t t Ill rt S t Co 1 t e Me a a • ' -• """"" ch na. en,.., • .., no. -" .. ' eed. No telllnQ Welk ""''" --.... "" .,.. • • · and gamH, girt' a bike.,_-..._•·------- hiking & fl1hlng. L•vlng from • to 7:30 PM. Wiii ~9090 UllHY HottlHOllHI, Cocktall Nae ed lmmeellately. 957·1251 Siturday only, 86m·2prn. GIANT PATIO 3 Family aoon ... Randy Stewn1, Call Sun/Wed noon pesaon. Apply In pertOn tdMI for llues.t\11 or ho-30 • w l ( 11 s 1 A 11 t 1 Ste 145, 2005 W. Bell>Oa train men Ind women Female babylltter tor 2 Help warlted lull time. 71•·"3-0984 alter S. 18774 Brook· tnem1ken. Moura, 3~9. BLOCK SALE 5 tamlllft, 1.. arren •n• o a a n que1, oo I , wllh good appearenca g1r1a e 1 11 ~ 5 cs.ya, Fluff and told/counter~~~~~~~~~! hur1t, Foul'ltlln v....... No Mil ...... A.._,. area. mtac:. antiques. 8-5. Sat Baklfb Coate M..._ 9'1S1ware, 1011 .. of p1ct1 ure Blvd .. Newpor1 Belch, 85J.7442 2.-0 ,pm. 780•1410 p f i: ..,...,, ".. ....,,.... only, 858 Joenn, CM • ltlll'I ... chain nnk ~. Cl. E11clo1e current ~arton. reuera or PAAT·TIME Appro11 1.e °' RMtaurant Call between 9· 12 • • ·L-•---L rldlal 1rm cut ol111w, IQ phOto,IQl&phone Olratetllkl .. FOOD PREP. plue dell cs::'i!'.r':11~e~el~°' 2·7onMon.Th!irt&Sat. NOWACC!PTINQ !!~·~847. Alter 1 pm, SATd.ONLY9·4 •• ~~!~!~.~•••• Conlarencetable,lot1ol Over 18 yrt, r\ilf time. counter. 71m·3pm. • · • Cun regl•t• exper, abl-APPLICATIONS FOR· ........,151 Chair•. llMtD 1.,_clothlng, Gerage sept 11.12, 9.5 mtac. 11539 Sylvle Ln., • • * * * * • * * * 752·7100 Mon·Frl. benellt1, IH Hoptlng I leundry Serv. lily to work w/pubtlc, 111-Q TOPLESS MODELS mite. 997 ah -Anl"'ues IM mite, bike, N.8 Fri/Sat 8-4pm only. H Old 4"'5 E 171"' 11 UlgUN18eadl 494-4G44 1om• fifing. S4 hr. ,,.. $ D y ""' Alch? Oen "' me up Ill --.ATlll ., • . .. . &11parl1nc1 neCHtlf'J 75 DAY • PAID AIL GIANT YA"D SALE 18700 Bardon Ln, HUnl· Otani Garage s1i.. Furn .• bu1l11au. I've been 1 CM. LlllL ll•nUf &45-0A04 APPLY: between 2 and l'IO •lltP nee• 828-2513 Loll ol lurnllure, l'IOthlng 11\gton S..ch. ant1qu11, g1m11, toy1, k..,, man tor the 111115 :. ;'~;!~rt~~:~: F\l.,.tlfM dellvlr)' peraon, Newport Center RHI PART·TlllAE potltlon1, 4, 37 Fuhloo 1111nd, YUYIL 1t11111J1 ovw t50 "Come & m~: LEAVING STATE every· clotha1. S11 only 0•2. yrt: thet relllloolhlP hU Paid twtoa weekly. Trevel Agency, fringe E1t1t1 Lltl~~n firm high Income, Oall Mr. N41wpott Beech ···-!__~11AdA a"""'et a.r. Stun thing mutt go, fllrn, appl, 1608 Pt1. Chartaa terminated. Am lootclnQ 760-1828 750-615e.4 ""91118. C.r provided. nMdl ~ Sec'y, c~ fOf tnt«Ytew • io:i' 2eoe ~tlnd• Dr toye, clothel, 9011 Hyde 30 YE~R SURPLtfS for 1 llmllar one. Sand •---------Call Hlllety 752-2000. xtnt typing, dlctapnone I (71•) "4·8111. UUI tor new!y IOfrned Santa off Unlvartlt ... 0011.; Park or .. M.B. Sat/Sun Stereo, dtihwHhar, pk:tUre. phone, 3 oholOaa ltler htltert Pll ._ ehonhlnd • rnu11. Salary PAIT Tm Aggrelllve locet compu· Ana lllllflCY· Minimum 2 ....... _ , SAM. couch, camp atova, of wh•r• you want IO Fromex One Hour Photo _. open. &40.89e0 ter comp.11'!'-wetlta ,,_ yn •lltPf· Salary with ex• ......, t•-'-ti & .... 11 'Vik• me to dinner. Keltll, Syttamt In Hunttnoton Ara you adven1uro111. , _ • EllM ~/Of .,...,,da. llv1ted Nlaa pro!Mllo-011. '*""'•· Oell L'"<la women'•, Men't & Chll-.,.,.., ·,.. ~ «6' Box 1"33, lrvlne 92714, 8eectl 11 now hlrtnv cdor need money, l love to .,.. Raapol\llble ectutt.. OVf/I natl. Proven talH re-Etlcttton 1t &47-.3M9 dren't ctotnae, Blcyo.... Tuitln A\19., N 1· printers. Cell llAr. AoQert. tr•~? Cefffornle mane• RMponllbll ~ with 21. with out9taodln0. at· cord more Important • I& UUll ULI Game tal:lle 1nct Cht.lrt, Drum•. Ski Bool•• Ole ..,_, Hll 891•85se Ung company ho to car to c°'lt for •ldarly lrectlve per1onallllaa to then computer baotc· T=~ Hlbl d Newport 290 f . WILSON Oryltll, Baby 1tem1, Equip Tanke, Mor•. :rr•p•••••••••••••··~·· 1-----------opening• for thetp, mo-women N•wport work with youth (19M eround. WIN train. Cati rate t'yftrrnplat ntedpar~ ,~: Bookl. llWll"J, Q()th... Book., & Mite. Sat·Sun. Sat/Sun 9-4 11 "obon .. •11U Pll 1111.. U\111ed hloft-.cnool or• 8-dl. 10•14). Cell 2·6PM, ~ Kell'J -....1•10 146-4'75. .._Sat 1 ~. tem-4pm. 1tM2 Aanget Nwpt c,..t, 4MM488 OnAM ~ ....... duatu to travel 7 758--1"7 84t-4121. !Jn. '4t. EOE •a•-ILIM _. ,. LJna. • .......__ ....._ --Allrt 22 to May 1, 1913 Needed for klll W111arn l tatet l di· _. WAITM88/WAITEA --•--~ apaa. now nl BMch Hot91~= monetratt en •xoltlng NIT 1m Olftoe aupply compeny AttrlOllW. ~ ...,_ ,. Ill.I Furniture, anllquea, doll Jl-1 7eo.o430 Ind u-.o-~ Cont new produot. Trelnlnt 1 ll•I&'• ., .. full/tlm• po1lt1on nallty. a ll llour• ror llUT Ill.I Aerrlgeretor, w .. h•r hou .. t, plctur11, knto "1'--ac1 J;;;~-.;F· ' program paid. Above -·--nallable Wiii tretn. Marrion Hotel Int.ft. IATllUN 1:30AM dl')'er bdrm 111 dlnlnQ lilnactc1. ate S.t 1•4 ....... , "4 uto '*• .. nl(!Ot. ,,..,,. D•ilY Piiot ln)Oy wonting~~ ~.,~2•,~· port ..... c.11 l'atay 204't' l/W 9trctl. a.nt1 room'_. •nd hUteh. lfr 1112 Port l<lm'*'IJ flf, nwlli••••••••••••••• f\lm, relutn .,.,anteed I ClaSSffiedl WOffl ~ ,,.... ,,_, -• .,.. ' ""' "'"'"'-.., aftw I II"' for Int.,,_, Ant >ttl. Nr NW couc:fl, COlld. Qrandfllher ctoolc lat. I Bun. 2 hh fllrn • ..... I ,or In tervlew oat I wortc for you to ***"9 I =II S1IH'91tt0n for Pl•nt (114) 14CMN4 gllla '°9 oof tbtl., Intl• l'or1able tollat, ml1c tnUlt .... 1. Meny tteme ........ W What I WonderM WOfiel =~~ :l!t n~.~ izu. ,..,11 =:·= I· l'M, ._.. M Ind pert • .._ WANHOUll ~ p!OMel. dtCOt. All 5132 Cher,l Or (IOIM k to N 790-alO .. ;:enr.............. of lhopptng. tlOht •t ~ 11 .,,,...,,..... 1 -1 • p • r pr• f •,, • d . '"n amt, ..,,.,., poet• ptloed to move MOfe Crl!C• and !dln99f) Fri, Paint 11.wntt ~· "=t~'"C~~T~: ~y"'J:o'~==·---------• 2·t671 Ate you p1ann1ng 1 ~ Mf·S* ttoM °'*'· *' otl90f· Cldllltl09 to Oo-C.,tt Set, aun we1i1o1111 ,"';;.., ..,,,.,,.~ .....,,,.. l<·Znd 1110., Ade. To 11tece 'lfNI ed, o.t OAllN CMtl for qulctl ctaalled ede w!ll '"*" letttn1 •nytl!lno with • tufttty llor ,_ Into ~· WNt..-ttit ,ed YAl"D SALi • S1t1lun blkH . boo••· t•pH. llft lfdw aleMee. °'*' Oii 842·61'11 lftd ... a !Of WHIT! ~lllCe • Calla UleS. you In.,_ fW" .._..., ~ NDt Qaulflacl M Jotln 8Sl-eeao ~'Ifft otf 1fMI ITlfllf•t 1•4. lll)t)flenoH turn I Olfdeft tooll, PoOI .... 9flrotl1Mftl ohtlel oer• Cl111lfled M-Vleor ,_ with 1 CIMelfled M to find tlle hoine yo" II • .._... Nttlf , Wtll\ 1 Otalllfled Ad "'* 1t9m1 1001 Del•· frpl Htl muoh me•• .... ltl t334 you. Call 142.tl71 9 --need Mt-N11 lUI' cell Ma·Nfl, CllMltled M• 142·M7t Cell Howl 842·H71 WWl'9, H8 , _ 221& Holy. t-4 8ttt Ollfy, - ,, Orang• Oout DAILY PILOT/11turdav. a.ptember 11, 1H2 ~•••••••••• u;;;;;; ... "'i(j !N1l!Pil ...... :.ll!lf &11/1'11. ....... IMf ~.91... . ~t ... IMf °"1:,hnl':" ~I ff.~ ............. ~! n!«Wll, .. Aft,,,ift.... ll!ff Ml/Im 11.ff r * *' BUY** I "' •-rn• ••• .. -•"O'r'1",'io;;0'i1i111, 01111r, ,,..,r.f!ff •.••.••••• 111111 Tru AKO uny pup· '""" •• •f • ,....... •• .,0'1"111 r..... " 11 -I I 11 I d •••••• •••••••••• ••• •• •••• • I L9e • .., • .," • t• IO' .......... "· ....... ,. o .. llM·O TYltlW,.,TUI Oftl· p ... oer• u ~ '1 ... llAVTl,UL .. ~ eo. OflM 10 KW .... ..,, • WllTMINITI" :rm0oed..=0~"'1"!'1re & .. OVIHO MUIT llLL . ?Tl-1411~11M en0--,:11rr: •2111 QJllU UI0/010 Adot1bl• 111011. lottv 2)fwrn~ ti ... C'W'~IMnW ... ..... AlllY l ~ y" -... 9MullNI emot&e tr: 1111 ~-~ ~ Unlwwtltw 1~ $0 141-M4t 13!·0921 ,, .. 6'11\'efY Osl«t tun ..,_, juel ,_,.,-fY'llfl ANTIOUI MALL "" Oii I .. 2 ..... ,_.1 I b ~· ~ ..c>LLI" l~TH --TV Jont,.I .... 1711 wa .. CIOOild. Ml up tor 11?11 w .. tmlntl• Ave ..,_ _,. 111 4 1 " r 1 • 1 o · "'"'"" c 11 • "•'¥90rt Men'• u 11 new. oo hh 1•1 llu• I OrfUI"" marine lllPlloatlon. OAADIN OAOVe l~~~!!~~~~~I ........ Ill-Mn IM&.73H 8-ch, po~•fy, tlO(), ,...., + a d 0.bl I -;::: ....................................... lllflO•COIOr TV·Hll'I, 12600 176-2137 614·tt03 PIDAI. PUIHIA It Nvtncl It Ind lllW Pin• Bunk Joe 194 -Wiii• u11,/ on111"i.i2': ........ .,. .. .,,.,. LtftlY 11111 .... belUlllUI cabin••· oood ..... ~-~----~~~!!~~~~I 1 Nit on their uNd blk• Wllnul HIQllboy w/11'\f(ror a.de lrom Sffrt. neYW OUTITANDINO WHllL· 87S·Se00 • I wltt AKO t9Q Had j)Up 54114591 oond 1271 H1•1Jlt H ' IPIN POLa LAI._. Olf Hind CAllwd entlque f!orll frt>rn S25 lal Sun 2eot 4 dMP ilr1w1r1. t 111 UMd. t 190 Call Antwtt CHAIR, Like new, I lr , It thott I t76 635-2494 Wutllttlf Elee1rlc, .. keyt Lii.i OIYlll 28" cO!or con-::::~ I J 0 0 · PP• p11t1I Twin ledt A Newport Blvd , N.I . !101ll1nt OOlld Ad '617. 142·000 blue.tl76.H2·740 Lrl"'!I 8Ulde CIOll'llt Cocker ~anltl ltuppl11 I y11r Old S795/0BO tole TV, HOO v1lue.1~~~.....,........,,....,,. __ _ IH/MOl'I 641.02Ge 875-2670 f.45·t2t1 24hll. om ure>pe. top qu1llty AKC, b .. p1r1y COlft# 873·870t. rnutt Mll S300 54$-4009 £¥!Midi 40 HP OultlOerd llT&TI UU hlQI\ tntllotl. Wholetall • .... t•M ••• ... BHutllul Vlotor11n darl( wicker & leathef" 1111 ... 1170. 842·7728 ALL PRO l'Tllf't 3 1p. lot1 Ooroeou• conttmporary lllUI, COVCh, L·•ll•Pld. Maple futnltut•' much prlo•• lo publlo I 16 0 . I 1 7 a. New •• , Btby Grand PACIFIO MIOAOWAV! • • - ot 11Clra1, llh new. lee>. wlfnut bdrm 11t1 1 SICl9· n•vy1a bllQe, >Clnt oond. mleo. Frl·Sll·Sun 281 83t-<>tl9 7t417611-0747 ev.. 8eldwln, •Int cond ANUNNA Niia & llM· 1. Dinghy, lllbot type, ..2·8171 1750, Ph ta1·12D1 NIO Obo. 552·13'9 Jo1nn, 00111 Men. e.tt MaHIQll', Ille• new Avl•ry 4d>C8' 19000. 015·1510 a. Call CllnCy 831.otoe oar•, Vtry good, HO. Raletoh 3 1pet<t. antique, Contemp. radwoOd & lee· Antique pine trellle table, 845·5808, '40·9998. a.. 10 appreciate. t175 ph11•tflt150 1oie1 Kufllmann Uprlgl\f lt1t10 wllh 1urntebl•. 1_"3_,,,,·_2_55_t....,,.. _____ _ •Int oon:s:.~~~'e ~~~t~:.:2t10ttomen. ~;ti.?r~p~'t:-~ir~·:r~J: OUTITANOINO WH~EL 98M2H 548·4783 Pllno. need• work, SIOO. •PHker't , 110 Good VHF RADIOTELEPHONE Call 490-1248 IVll. OHAIR. Llk• ntw. 1yr1.1 Magic ltland Memblrel'llp Mini Scllnaunra AKC, 841·4t30 cond 116 ... 2·4330 ah. HI ch1nn11, 2 wHther, SPECTACULAR DBI.I! IRON & BRASS BED S250. 842·7728 Antique Dinette S.t, aq tbl l•IJl/•f n•ll'fl•·llW blue 1176.1102·7408 wlfl HC for 11060 Incl lhote, CH elrtd, 11 Wiii, PIANO . KIMBALL coneo-4pm. llke new, •II lolld lllll. top, elk oak, Hitt 4. #1t1tl1/1 1111 PRICES START AT: Penn. HouH cherry 4 Balboa Bay Olub M•m· '82163 du" I tr1n1 '"· S150. 788·8823 11, 4 moa. new. Sacrifice 1180. 548-8424 Mutt HI lo appflo. •••••••••••••••••••••• M1ttreu l Found. Ml rio111r bid 6 Olnopy berehlp for Ille. Sacrlll· Ourrent vtlue $USO. SPRINGER SPANIELS 12000. 844·8211. ,.,,, f #1t/•t t5' Schock Aowtng Doty, _l3_20_._ .. _1._94_5_e ___ , IDW llo/FT. New tectory '"'tel ;:.n;•.:gg~·Lrk~,~~!~ oe S160. &48·5283 834·1454 d1y1 AKC, 2 m•IM, Now only ORGAN • CONN. Good L•l••••I ou1bo1rd well, cover. H I ,.._ t /bl t b'-R d d 2 e d kl TWln l 77-tull l9f UHd Aiding ClothH, $99, 840·0091 tone, llCCll. cond. t'"'". ••~•~•••••••••••"• 982·44~ em. 982..f772 ::~~ ~~r w/Qu1e~ 4-~~~; :i.o r~· OUMll •147·Kll'fi •101 875·"8•. 540.1129 .... 411114111 •••• , COii. b"1ch11, boot1. GERMAN SHORTHAIR 558-0536. • HV ... ,,,, HIO pm Annt leg• & collec:tlon ot fencing. Call Jim or 1<111 801~0:•,!'::!t 9:197 Smt gold velvet chair. Ilk• 140. 8114·8947 c 1 11 L a u r 1 1 v • 1 Mele or Ftmlll, 139. •••••••• •••• .......... •---------:~~-6~:e m I· t 11 cupt enytlme, 778·l49l. l OISCOUNT FURNITURE new .. 284~.et?l SMITH CORONA 673•4Hfl 840·009t. f!~~·A.-!~~~!!!!l!!f sJ~~IT ":~'!:331 Antique qullt, very nice $150. DOME HOME KITS 1969 Herbor Blvd. All elec:. 10 yr old Portl• ROI< Surtboerd. 5'7" twin MOLUCCAN COCKATOO SINGER -Ing macf\. w/ IHll, ,..,.,, Hfl Locally manufactured. 'A COSTA MESA 831·eo<tl 2 Hand mtdl Ch1lr1. bl• typewrlttr, IUJ>lr tin. StOO Tame l telklng, only cablt,.t, Clml. S l7S ltT••WLIR ••o• •••••••••"••••• ers-eeae or 840-9121 price Introductory •P .. Like new coucll 1 lov.. nHd recovering. 120 cond. 180. 551·13M Cati 548·3147 11111 111119 84o..ooe1. 982_ 1268 44 11 LlnMf. 3 ..... ,. old Bolt & trlr 11' Olupar, ctal Conlll(tt to 2000 eq tach. Firm. S ,. 116hp Evlnrud• 0/8. Antique Crm<lle. unueual a lln1. 1475. " 839 3598 IHt, ruet/ blUl/Whll•. 548..0027 Ul TIUPIHIE SCR·M·LETS. MILITARY MACAW. par· lH,OOO Wiii tr1de. 14500. 84&-3118 . • . HOO. 941-41831 bfr 2PM. . Olrect dial, 11 cllannel. n tlally tame, $850. lr.,1tl•f. '"'' IOH Submit property 5 x 7 redwood decking. Solld Wood dlnlnQ table. Dining Ml. Bauett S pc B 1 1 1 1 M 0 t 0 r 0 11 • 1 NSWERS 840-ooe1 • ••••• •••••••••••••• 873-4424 1971 20 ft Sea ~ wtth Excellent c:ond. $35. 52 In Clew Ind ball Pl-w/cll'Ved crte111111. Xlnt. t1750/otfer 498-4813 n Ba9'1etb•ll blCkbOard end tr•ll« 17500. REFRIGIFREEZER troll 842"8788 de1ti1. Walnut ind ull 1350' 94•·1033 C1rp1t, 171C 10 burnt RfflfY . Money C.'fi~~·f~:i!,~.Pf~1~ ~~~~:g bHktt 125' 1Ht1, #11/H H'O 8«·5993 875-9688, 840-9 t2t fr .. 1200, wtlltl c..,,,,, oct-oon!!,~~50n'o 10 It lofl gold Cir. lof•. C>rlngl. 2 pc 9116 beige, Laugh . Outley old. 125. 64t-3874. ~·!f•••t For 111• '79 BOSTON &44·62t1 .,....... .,.,....t w/IOoM c:ulhlona. llke new. $50 tor ell. MOTHER Solld Oak 12 gun cabinet •••• • •••••••••••••• WHALER, 15'A' w/70 ---------b1/••taf 1011 , G d c o n d I 2 0 0 . 9M 11833 It' t t Yorkll (F} puppy, 10 wt<t w/gla11, good 1hap1. 44 lb BR UCE ANCHOR EvfnNde motor, covw & A••llutn 1010 .. ..,.~•••••••••••••• Cept 1 King u wettrbed, 844·1033 • 1 r~. you never g• AKC. 1hot1. 1350. Mu• I • 111 S 2 o o 1250. pp. 1 1ttr11. excel cond. •''••••••••••••••••••• 28·85mm 2.8·3 8 Vlvrter 10 d~. hMtlf, met· -11L.OIWI over being • child u 1t4.••9.••32 84" ""87 87"' "3"" •5000 873 •100 HARBOR AREA len1 wlflltert. Nikon mnt. trite, booketH heed· OCCASIONAi. CHAIRS. "" long u you een go home '" .,., .,.."" ., •• ..,, • · .., · APPLIANCE SERVICE $130. 873-8708 . boerd. 1350 541·9492 Iqua , goo d con d $65 497·6918 to MOTHER. We tell reconcs • guer. Movie Camera, FuJlca Z 2, Furniture for Ille. Shown 125/each. 558-0535. Hld•·•·b•d, belg• 135. #l1nU1aH•I appll•~•· 549-3o77 8mm, Fad•. I.Ip dlUol· tlllder'lovlng c.are. O..th 8 It bltc k n1ug1hyd1 Antique hind blpwn W. IN 1,,1 I Ill &Pfll.IAIOll vu, zoom, etc. $85. In t1mlly ctu ........ Fr. couch, mint cond. ~1~&,• 1 le r S 100 · •••• !!'. .............. . Ln 957.9133 548·2335 Prov. dining rm Mt (oval $200. ..5·9888 Wint.cl. c..'. lo, • ., table, 6 uphol1. cllre, 7 piece IMng room tulle ITALIAN MARBLE CO· MICrOWIVt Oven UPRIGHT FREEZER whl· ••••••••••••••••••••~! bullet). varlou1 t1bl11, provlnclal blue velour .1umn. Very be•utllul. UM 873·8991 le, $50/0BO. HIMALAYAN kitten• chairs, oddl & end•. All aid $2500 N 81 N ' tor planter. atalue etc. With to purchaM two or Lantz. 751•70711· C.F.A. blue, aeal, pl, ~Int cgn~5f~~;~• ~2500. 3 plec~vdark ,::_ 1350 080. 557-!393 more tlckel1lo1 or more Walher·Oryer·Relrlg. $12511150 540·1760. ome. a pl• end & oottM lablea Ant ique Oak eewlng of the lollowlng 1vent1: Dt1hwaeh1r-Freeter ltH 11 Ft IHS King size bed a hHdboch $150. Furniture, TV. macil, Standtrd, wt Ram• Vt Dttroll Llont, Xlnt oond. 846·5848 ••••••••••!••••••••••• drnMr w/mlrror, 2 bed-l1mp1 & other houtehold treddle, xlnt cond. $200. Sun 9119, Angela Va OlthWHher. 1in yra old, To good home: Shepherd aide tablet. 553·1801. ltem1. 9&o.2837. 544-5585 K1naa1 City Roy1l1 Sept G·E, top cond. S 150. Ml>C, 2 yrs old. Kitchen table with formic• Rolllop Dtak. antique T1· Foldlng wlleelchalr, xlnl 20· 21 °' 22· Diana Ro1t Musi sell. 644-9528 Call 640-4767 top $35. bl• ind Ch1lr1, Queen Concert at ll'll. MHdowa KITIENS • Fr .. to good home, adorable, Utter boM trained. 548·8012 cond. S85. Set Oct 2. 557-8393 1111 bid, & more . 957-8178 PleateconlactTED Gold Coucll Down plll<>M 546•1397 ti 76().t313 Waaher & ,dryer, t yr old, llke new, portable, waehlr att. to any faucet or oonvertlble. $350 844·9526 $75. COM Henredon Pecan dining [ T MASKS •aili•I Free to good home, L•b 760..0161 rm ttble ind 6 chalra. 2 ' • ,., ml>C 10 mo. Mate, lhot1. OIRl.S EEDROOM turn. 1•i:.-~r;;:1~nd cuitom COMING lntr .. ••ll IOl1 Hard-to-ttncs apt tlH ¥ o.o d w • t ch dog · off white, French Prov. pa Limit.cl aupply. A collec· •••••••••••••••••••u • 20" Royal gas range. _5_4.o9 __ 3_9_____ style, beaut. complete Rauen DtMttt Set. Brand tor'• Item. The Hill House YAMAHA Bau Amp. gd cond. 185. 873·8845 Golden Retriever. Lab 11t $350. 773-1814. New, 4 chalra C09tume Shop llnce .69. Head with a double 15" Freezer, 9 cu h. 2 yr1 old, ml>C, 2 Yfl, """I friendly. Couch, Herculon, brwn/ 1200· 55~798 Your Halloween and PV ~111.,. cabinet. All Ilk• new. 1125 S45-3426 belQe S85. 2 Naug brwn party Headquartera. Re-In uc,,, ent condition 84 .. 2770 recllnere $35 11. Cell 9 piece Playpen IOI• Mt. 1111 S•I•• only. Theater $l,OOO. ---------King bo>C spring• and 54a.2687 E1r1h tonet. S400 obo. m•k .. up. ma11t1. wlg1. llt-Olll, 1-IPll FOR SALE Wl'llrlpool m1t1r111. Good cond. ---------• 641-0977 da, 875-8984 Beeutlful new co1tumn ~~~~!·~~~~~I w a ah• r. 11 k e n • w. $70 S4&-2828 Waterbld. king tit•. w/ & Wknd I -$225/0BO ........ , .. _ .. IVll .. IO< enllr• amity. Ac9el-LUDWIG SNARE DRUM _____ .... _ .... _" ... ___ Blade lovable Cit, 1'h yr •.... ~dbOafd, hMt•. "ner·1~========= torte• Qllor•I Cell ua tor & STAND $60 .. 2 door refrigerator. good neut, 111 lhota etc. l tOO. 496-5438 MAONIFICENTI Enkeball your need•. Ptin orlglnal 8«-2057 condition. S75. &42·7731 N-lull·llzl mattr ... Mt, win• cabinet 5'17' blk clothing end CU8IU}ne9. _A_A_T_L_EY_F_L_UT_E-1-1-7-5-1 -___ 964_·_98_33 ___ ,.l._•_b_/_S_h_ep_h_e_r_d_M_l•-.-F-e-. 165. New quHn 1121. cherry. 111ln1d 01111 1850'• to 1980'1. Hrt. $100. 750-5832 door• $3000. 860-1232 through Oct. 7 dayt 10 to Sii.VER. PERFECT. Kenmore wuhlr & d~. m•le. 7 w••k• old. 8 or? 11114 Newport ____ ..._ __ 20_5_1 ___ 1 xlnt cond. $150 tor bOth. Moetly black merlclng1. Furnltu" from Model Bt•llAtJ' '"'' IOll Blvd. et 19th St .. Cotta Klrechner Petite Upright 964-9833. _968 __ -090 __ 4_____ Home. m • t ch Ing 7 • •••• ••••• • ••••••••••• • M911. Pl•no. $800. couch & 5' love Hit, PAINTING 39" )( 72", oll 542 5292 W1rd1 2 door refrlg. with Ice maker, $300. OBO. 957·8178 Seart dining table, 10lld wood, 8 ehtl'9 on oallera. S400. 957·8178 15 c.I. freezer. 12 c.t. rt· trig, 24 c.t. retrlgllreezer comb. 63t-3123 •r•lt.11 USO ...................... IAHmll'I IHI BEAUTIFUL cu1tom made bedroom ael. De1k, Clre11er, corner group, 2 bed•. qulltld covert & plllow1. Like wlllte/ green/yellow by Merla, Spanlth. $t00 • 760·11555 $400. 3 chrome & 01111 982·1256 New Women's golf thoes. Flytng V guitar, 111 hind· lablea. coffee tabte, l1mp1·J-,..--1-----1-0-7-0·1 Etonlc, wtllt• 8B, leath, • made, c uetom tnl1y1. table, sofa 1able $500 all ••••••'!.•••••••••••••• Steel $19.95, 548-3774 plckup1, Stare lrtmelo, three. Cllromt tlbl• Beaulllul Emerald• & ITOT YNJ Schaller mech. H•rdltlell lamp $75. 8' chrome a SapphlrM rrom only 15 01•11,,.. •• S•Plll ct90011•.· 6M76~!~615111 Xlnt glaas dining t1bl4I with 4 Pl' 11onel 640·8888 " •-• ., chair• $500. Laro• 5'>C4' WLY oll painting (Kite Av«•I #llAl•in 1011 5 pc Sllngerlend drum 111 $150. Mayt1g Wa1h1r •••• .. •••••••••••••••• Beautllul ceramic horte, w/Zllgen oymbal1, Etec:trlc dryer, gold, uMd $ tOO. W11tfnghouu Air o..,'""' 30" h~h on hind lega, compl. hdw.. only $350. 6 mo. )(Int cond. 1100. 5 PC BDRM SUITE 0 r y. r s 7 6 . c. 11 3 HP 1 pl'IHI. 80 gal ~°i:', .. ~·s~:md~.:::: _Ou_t_reoaou __ ._,_8_7_3_·8_7_7_8_, new • see to appreciate. New 12250/ Sell for $1595. 545·9223. 642-4336 att. 4pm. GOOD COHO. $250. 548-5346. vert. ASME Codi tenk. Mr. & Mra. Santi & much HAMM 0 ND 0 R GAN DISHWASHER port1bl•, 545-3415 °' 957·8178 Sola, love Hat. chair, ~;~r uud. 1 995. more. H•ndmadl leather H-382. two 81 key m•· runt llne. $40. Bullet/Room Olvldlf Broyhlll. OrMn. yellow 772·5390 lt1m1 & much more. nu1l1, auto rhythm, 25 55g...o535 17>C42>C70, 3 dwra, 3 dra. and beige etnped. $226. 840-8709 IYlt. pedal1, 18 ch1ng11bl1 A•ttlM UIS s12s. w111 del. 567-0927 M1-4130 llltnU• .... • •• ~:::3:. "'' drawbare. •••••••••••••••••••••• Twin bed w/lrame Brown & Jorden patio ••••••.,•••••••••••••• IF YOU HAVE ....... ,, ....... S25 chalM. DIMrt ... $75. BARBER CHAIR •200 INITIALS •nn OUllln Sun. Sept. 12, Stddl.. 873-8733 evn 545-38e6 or S4~. AMERICAN MADE CHD Almoet new. '800. beck Inn. 1860 E. Flr1t liijiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~Glm wll 9d S46-3415 or 957-8171 Ollt 7t....U1-0740 St .• Sent• Ana, featuring: 1 ~:!:t. ~ ~..,;! 4119 It. Cuatom NII pool Thi• I• your lucky day Alll Diamond, Ruby, Em•· D ii P il rte dr....,. $850. On l:l t1bl• $500. Pie ... call Wl'f· BNotllul hand too-vmH r.r.11,,,. I raid, Sappl'llre, Pearl, • a Y ot bed $l76. All 11111 new. 780-6234 """· led check book cover L.J-ial l#S Opal & Oold rlnga. Ear· • ClaSSif iedS 64&-0979 with hor ... heed & lnl-.,.-;i;--"'.-.•••••• .. u•• rlnga. Pendant & brae. WOrk for ---------• DOME HOME KITS tlate CHO. Regular Pf1CI DESKS FOR SALE l•t•. wetchn & clock• • Entire contemt OCMn lrnt Locelly manufactured. 'h $25. Sacrifice for only D111t1 ind matching Special INture· Appfo1t YOU. tall home. Blkn, bed•. t•· price Introductory •Pl· $16. to krcky perton wttl'I cMlra •• aac:rlllce price 31< round Dt1rnond, ep. • 642·5678 bin, dlthwnl'ler and c:lel. Conll9r11 to 2000 aq t,_. lnltlala. Hurry cell at S550. R1pl1c1m1n1 pr1l11d value I 17 ,000. • more, 87S-7673 tt. 8311-3698 840·1709 DllYI. eott S2300. CAI.I. DAWN lntpectlon t2·1:30 IUC· for quick MOVING MUST SEl.L • Full ala Pool T•ble, good Portable 1'111vy duty 3 Mpm M·F. 833-880() tlon ltartlng time. Aue· • Cash Yles. Beautiful 11pc MCtlonal. condition. 3 Bar ttOOla. H.P. -t« pumC), Brloo9 Olllce Furnllu,., D1tk, lloneer, 1.11114 John Gtn· good eond. pd 11.860 Atk lor Rick ill 4. & Stratton $ 1 2-5 . Ch1lr1. Etc. Mull Hiii gle wlll tell $800. 5-45-7398 83t-1387. 545-8814 Cell Monday 111'3..0290 Here's How You Can Use Our Famous Dimes·A·Line • Btlng lhem or mall them with corree1 caah to Dally Pilot. 330 W Bay St .. Cotta Mtu, CA 92626 • Etch item mu1t be priced wllh no Item over 550 20c per llne -11.00 minimum • No livestock. produce or plantl 1----~---- ---------~---------- our famous DIM.ES-A-LINE MOTORSAILER 44 fl. Lancer. 3 years old. $189,000. WW trade. Submit property, etc. 673-4424 Rigged for fishing, bail tank, depth finder, VHF Radio. Trailer. 6 cyl Volvo out.drive . 84110. lll-1141 23• PIERCE ARROW 1979 Beige w / dark brown trim, Volvo 290 HP. 45 MPH. 105 GAL fuel. bait tank. rod holders, head, cuddy cabin, ice box, custom seats & full cover, all channel VHF. Trailrite Tandem trailer. AISOlUTBY UICI NIWI $14,SOO S.. At OC Fllrf'9'1nd loot Shew S.,.. 1 ltft .. 12tft Ev•• 642-6580 DIMES-A-LINE ADS MUST BE PLACED BY 3 p.m. ON FRIDAY. FOR INFORMATION CALL LOIS, 642-5678, ext. 319. • No commercial ad• allowed .._ ...... ______ _.~ ... AN TIQUE 1olld Olk 4 MICROFILM reeder tor '70 CHEW plok~ t1ght ;HROME and teether di· 1.4AYTAG automatic 21 INCH Ralelgh 1uptr 3 SECTION wood ll'lutllf WHITE dinette table, 4 TWOchlldren'1wetault1 MATERIAi. $3, a.ct p8dt dre-chest $40. Large temm cuHtt .. 125. door $45. '72 Blazer t1ght rector cflalrt $25. Play· w11htr 121. Umbrell• COUfM rtclna bike, good room ICfetn $15. Saiki yellow chatra. VflfY good 11eh. Smell gltl'I Sch· 12. Llttle lellher c-. tor coif .. table 120. Extre T'*1nal copelf tor over· door 145. '53 Chevy pen t 25. Wicker '!'llnl tabll 15. Jewelry 25c-S1. condition High qu111ty mei>ll occa1lon1t chtlr condition 150. Frencl· wlnn $25. New llnoleum ptctu,.1110. Women'• large hueoctc S20. Anti· hHd froJector. nMdl plok-up tender 135 eecn. bllnd1 115 ('I' price). 3115 wtlded 1teel table 111111ar Hit. Cell Ken with cuehlon1 125. Ice 1can earthenwa" Hr· '30. Wk*« furniture $35 4~ lil'I ano.. St Mdl. que 8entwood ch1lr1. tube 15. Electrlc Ice '64 Chevy plctt-1.1p fen· C>repee 110. Plctur• $3 with IMIYe $25. 20 a-I· 875-5640 ISO. bucket 13.50. Wrought vice for 6 with 11tr11 aach Bio wheelt t18. Eventno cto!Me ttze 12 peacock dellgn, 1*1ect """' freu« 18. Unr• derl $35 Mell. '64 CMYy Ind 15. Cl'larlle McClf· ton ou tank 15. 2 feet Iron 8 bulb chandelier $40. 645-8939 New weed .. t« $t5. Fun 110. Ar11nc.t l10wW'I 13, condition $35 MCtl. 8lue gul1ted power 1upply pick-up C1oor1 S35 eedl. thy dummy $10. Chit· latge wick« belket $5. TWO uroletered bar 110. Two metal dinette gallon of paint $3 MCh. 8 11ta of glaalel 15 -· .• op1l11cent hobn111 go· $40. Alm ttrlp projector Overload 1prlngt 136. e1<en1 ctotl'llt 7$041.50 Clothe•: 1of'· pant• :~M 2g t=· !::;-; cllelra with cu1hlon1d TIRES: 2 7.14,5 GooctYMr 2215 Holly I.an•. New· Pie p11111 St. 1oeo blets S 12 Heh. M•t•I S 10. Comput• monitor '73 Pinto 4 •Plld '50. Adult ctothn 75c41.50. $ 5 Oc. t 1. 5 5 SR 13 __.,,.._ 135. Turnteble -t• $3 taeh. 4119-4119 81 ply for tratler UM, new, Por1 Beach, 9-4 Saturday Concord StrMt, Cottt typewriter lland with 110. 211n bltl'lroorn alnk '73 C1maro flar end Clllld'1 toya 75c·l2. ~ltdllon 11,. C1MP tread ms,;;,11 component ot,AT tnd crehi tuppll1t 25 each. (2) 700·14 8 ~. M .... 557-4821 drawer $10. Vere print 15. 545-60S4 $50. Rear bumper $35. Books 25o·50c. w111 t10.Smellatrcompr111or 1 PIY good used tires $10 CUSTOM m1d1 Uin•~---------- 90 Inch rtd l•blec:lotll. MATERNITY clolMI tall Step bumper $35. 398 hinging S10. Colorful and motor 110. Folding ceblnet 115. 15 Inell 5c· 2. Quart canning ffCll (I) eoo.14 S10. (4) round multl purpo11 DRAFTING 11bl1 and Ilk• new S18. 72 Inch rid •trlll llh new ~. Nickey vll\le COYlfl S20. oot1 75c S.1Urd1y 9-3. benana chair S5. CASH ~~ ~kTw~tl'ln~ ~ 1~0:?:;~· :~~~:; Dita~~ Z or1gi~•I hub· t•b. let, dln•tt•, picnic, drafting machine 150. with flounce, new S12. !Mn•· blouMt StO llch. 30 g•llon otl dl8'*1Mr 14931 Olkt,.., Hunting· only. Saturdey 9111y. 2380 wood ahuttera $3 llOh 1 2 tor 25<:. 3 aC>Md capt ... lllW .... o. New card. beautlfully linlth9d Five dHkt Sl0·130. Metal tteno chair, IWIWI Or• . and I S25 and pump $25 Wat• aid ton BNcll near W•tml-Elden Ave .• Colt• M.... 8"-1033 men'• blcYcle 135. teble wooden tennis reck•t• In brown mahogany or ~1nglnf. map fU• S15. $20. New lemp lh1d11 H~Newp~~!ecn $25. Dellbrll9tor 150. nlat• Mall. BIRD c:ege wrought Iron mirror• $3.SO to 110.50. ~%~!.~·:i~d:ln1:C:!'; llghl oak 1taln, l>OIYU,.. 15w:.!;:,nA:•=c::: 115 eactl. Gellha pattem M&-3oeo or 548-2782 ' Elec:1rocardlogtlC>fl '50. JATHROOM vanity 231(31 41t 150. Coll .. teble $10. CAPE Hart ttereo with 5 g•llon wattr glau p1int., 12~. 545-8814 th•n• ttnlell '50 Heh. StO NCh Two lie C8tllo- Chln• l 5-S25· Oetlc lamp Monitor acope SS5. 25 lnclu="'ln 1tnk, f1ucet1. ClothH 25c·$2. Ouert ~pMk•r $50. VW deck bottllt $1.50. Shop v .. ---------Round matching b•n· net 15 eeCti One lodttng 15. l.lnttn1 50c:·S1. Pot· ANTIOUE a.it cheat $50, g•llon aquulum end '"·I ltlon S3 .. Met·• cane or cer pelnl U 71 125. VW ten fen<Mf cuum 110. Barbecue REFRIGERATOR fr .. ier. chea 115 Metl. 511 rad-bl t ·, 10 T tery $34e. Saturday and Oak chnt $30. Walnut a1llff 125. 8fNlll etlldent " "· 1 5.. B k 25 12 125. vw wiper motor S 10 0 d 1 wood ttalned picnic tab-0 • n • · wo Sundey 8·5. 291 E. 23rd 20•1 YWll\Y '50. King Ila delk $20. 554-7180 typewriter tlbl• 1 . 11ch. oo • C· • 120 38 Inell Frenklln • er en too 1 onl~ worldng, gOOd tor le with attached benchel 10-1pHd blk11 120 Str .. t Coate M... mattt••• and .bolt 2.Cln flrmpteoe grate 110. Ooghouu 130. l.ewn •to~• 150 Two twin 50c·l6. Large bul1n1 11ar•g• or repair $26. 135, 1401 w. St. An-Mellk--.Jll1,..50 ~~ ' · WALL.ACE Nuttlno rock• Sabre 11w S15. Belly moW9r, putll S15. 0r... · tlnk with butane 110. Goll clubt, m1n1 Iron•. -· _. ...-·~ CUT glut cream, 1ug1r •Pring• 150. King 1111 135 Metal amall Mlt 13 board, 2 1tn1 17. Army I Mr t10, Woodtn tebl• bedl, maple $60 each. 183 Broadway, Co1t1 great condition $50. Two drewt Place, Santa Ana. train llt $20 TV 15 a. $50. PrMMd 01 ... com· hHdboard and freme s · I h 1' cot u . 2 Boet boarding with 1t1nd $7. Ber llool Orener drewers 16 end M .... anytime. ladl•• wood~ (1·3) S10 §40-lllclo•"rt *n •l•n· bell Mt $10·. 016tYll·, pote $17. Old t11 Ht $30. Old wooden drop wive Hc,.tary c a r l1dd~1 H , S7. BonNl $5. Smell weldlng botlle S50. Dutel! oven with Hell. Two putter• 110 T08 -·Cl ..., .., 135 Alhl Ml t7 50 lell table ISO. Ma1ctllng $8. t.atoe v ... °'um II. dlll1" 11.s2. T9Chnlco-cart u . Tool box SS. 1111• t25. Colemen 11ov1 10 INCH TV black and each. Two hinging lamci-Oard •Ill. wire retntorc.cs lowttone, Colla M••· croCI< oot i . ~•ffll irori 4 ch1lrt 140. Wlcktr Linen•. hand made 12· lor 8mm movie Fro'-'or Driftwood 110. Tarp•,_ I f2. Cu cr11per 15. White 120. Set ol 4 C•· $ lO 0011 (o•n• look). gtua. at1lnlu1 1tHI north on Newport, '9ft °" 17. P1rcol1tor $4. Cen cllalr $20. Old wicker Bed 1heet1 end c1111 $15. Pool table ,an:p;fX. 16c • IMet. RoO...:;;y Maple n1ugallyd1 oh1lr dllllc hub cape S25. Slow Aquarium 120 Ilk• all. complete wlll'I llMCIWart Brlttol. left P1uletlno, opener S4. Mu11c bolt corner II am per $12. $2. Orano• ,wool rug, lure, Ttlleny l"P• $20. bed t10. lee clll•t 12. 150. Clu11c tin 25c electric Rival Croek oven Seturday, Sunday or for 58ln °' amaller ope-~gllt :n Y1110911one. te.50. Maple t1bl• $8. Ssm•JI bo,oke1111 $25. =~d;:= ...!~: !'..: 54e.Ol31 Coet;M..., Buddha 1tatu1 15. ••ch. 2700 Pettreon Pl $25. 09 Magn'Olll, eve'• 968-7001 Fountain nlng, look• good 125 atur '2/ •nd unday. Life Jeckete 12. Oriti ,.!!•r"~°°"·•27~~1!1. Chhaloo-re .. 5. Vtn•---""""'· l" INCH b'~ .... ......,.,te 131•3590. C2213 Amer· (420). 957-8178 Coet1 M1t1. .. s;,3397 Valley. Toole, tool bou11,_7»_9...,3 _____ _ t $10 2211 T ti .... ....... ._.. """" • -..... "'" ~.....,,---~~,.._,. 11 50·120. Diii phone MEN'S 10 IPffd l>Hc• p ... . UI n $2-lt Two mahogeny •d 112. MattreH •nd TV with atlnd $20 181n lean Av1.J.. o•t• Met1. FRIGIDAIRE •l•ctrlc BLUE Cttlp 1111'1\P boOkl COFFEE table 135. End l10.5dr•-wooddllk s .. r. FrM sr:_ .•. ; Ave .• Newpor1 Beec:fl. d .bl 125 h tpr1ng 15. SU Victoria. ..... _.. "'It• TV ..:.......d• All dly :uturday end atove, White, ~ IX• (:lO) S2.25 MCh, all tor llbl• $25. M•l•I 011101 135. 557·56511. 1136 Mac ......... Ion "'"""· ....... FOUR 141n mag wt1111• ~: 3 :!ct1on :;:..; •p1rtm1nt A. Park In -95"'e -3.t'H;d. Sunday. cellent condition $40. W . 648-1327 duk t 15. Twin b1dt _,..,., _., &_.. Ind tlr11 8 hole t 15 $30. Twin 1119 brlM bed ,...,, Saturday t-4pm. Putt h91vy~jlcka S10 CARPET ;;;.p., "U. tee &42.7355 TIRES (41 HA 11·16 126 120·128 WOOd twin bed =•J:.".'9' Yukon\ FABfAWAA€ llk1lllt 1,1, HCh. Kirby vacuum HO. Mallog1ny ChHt 1.ELU>CE car AM/fM 8' MCll. 125 for 3. Wllght crMm frMZWI '2·110. SINGLE bed. complete NCtl. ~40-c>e03 140. Smlll loldlno bed SffALIN<rwtler COO¥id TWo Oet9Ufl MOW tfMCll cl11ntr HO. Attach· $50. Saturdey Ind SUn· trldc ttweo $40. so -tt Hftlr\g blf Ind 10s lbl In Sult ~ 50c·l3. fOOd 115. lucltet -ta. ~ TWO -·n l'\I .. .._ 1111 boat H . OuMn 1><>11 eprlng• alt conditioner I 15 (ti °" '*'1114 121. T'*" .... ment1116. 2tt117ft metal dey 10-5 °'anytime, c4lll 1tereo power empntter w~Ohtt Ilk• new 126. prOOlllOt sao. Polatokl 120 pen. Schwinn Sltn-120 "'Mar1i"iv' car •Ir ~. t~ S~d = 11). Sin 01olllo1oop1 1 to. Camera Kowa and llberglH r.•n•la, 642·7347. 282 Del Met '5. Bend equaii.r 118. New tit 11tdlng glut camera S10. Aecllner ~ 201n. 125. Co111 conditioner complete $35 Nit• t•blet 18 "°"· l:.°'~~~.1~~~~ 12~~ otct•::O: 1f.:rf~ ::Os~t~:::;: ::·d~t~ = ~ ~A~::; =~8~ f~:;;,"!u~~:~~ m: ~"'==·~~ .. 2•5t07 '40. Brend new hOlly 4 Tlbll Ind Chllrt 125 tuntr 88 to 10t MHZ cemer•l104l0. C.... A I I day sun d 1 y . acrou Newport 8IYd to-·new In orlgtnat boa. wood end tlblH 13 pie hHdboerdt 120 ROLL·A·WAY bed 15 barrel cerbur110< 125. Aalf1n high wide beck 110. AM auto radlO ta. 1 Auto Zoom l\lm tao. &42·1353 Wlldl blctl t>ey. Fllr Or. s .. ,. port1bte WHd MOii. 3 Otd blJt worklna llOh. M1t1I told In Tlall cabinet 6011l81tlt a.tl-4109 ctlalr $30. KltcMn t.able lnctl Muffin ,.., 17. POf• KIMM.-200 fie. '"° BLUE Clltp book• 12. blcomee Del M•. Wadler Ind CiNrgerl16. mol>ll• home tuppor"i dllln 11 MCh. T:f ~:.;.;.tr"'..:~ SWIVEL rocker. Au1t. ~~? .. A~~=Oc.:'t~: Ns ~1~~· r~e~'r/l'lc°r:'ion::r~ i,:~~r::~P~:.:•: Lempe H -125. Wood ROUND dinl"" table labtl .. 1.1011 ... 13 ..cfl, Two Intl· ,., tabll 13. T"'°" hub-hMllf *2 L•f,.h 11 brown fabric. grHt HCh. Lampl 15·110 RHllltlO 8A·101 Solld Harbor Orffnl. c-. llrMldllt .... table and 5 ,... que dlnlnt1 oMlrt need OIPI • 1 HCh. l!U·ltft Door ma't• .. Oc Floor eflape 117. 30 Inell table B I ,, •o so Mela. 1574111 Chllrt uo. D••k 115. .Cln ru11 c. OtHt tor 66 CHEV plok-up .. ..,,,,. reetcntlof\16 ..cfl, Four ..., OOnlrol ltO ....... ICNbber $3 "SnO. lhO-llM'llp 15. 982·7408 ~ cot .... O• • Slat• ller•o •mpllll•r Ber rtlrlger1tor t20. nautical or country 1111-box 129. 'H, a73.4 6ft bOlt 09rl 75c Metl, II. P1lnt 28c·l4. lfor• vel ... •no'w eled 18 Ol'LCO Am/Fm elf radio Bl Ind wlllll TVPI~.: 120. AM/FM trenalttor 80Y'S MX I~ .,_. 41tJC8h Oflentll WOOi ruo ct*I $50, ....._2no ~ pty trlnl etc> ... I 2 for 1 11. 1 p 11 o • Nlftoal 12. Cann1nQ Jer1 ,. 0 • .. TV .. la 12 eech. a,.., radio ta. CaklullltOf wttl'I 135. Lldlea biilofl ,.,._ 135. B1ker'1 rac~ WASHER end dryer 160 Dodge ven radiator US. lfl1t3~1n rein lutt•r t1 ~ bOX 11. Wrttt 8~ dllh1 11· 3 ~ with two 8 JlL1 •PM· table 1 15. 50 -o154• power IU~ II. I Inch Ml: bll(e wttti Meleet .... 7ftll2'hft 125. Drexel king .. ch. DflhwUhlr 160. 141n maG ply_...... I fOf t 1.60. 15 pllC9 ftlt 11n •ttChll H•H . H11 girt 1 bike 25 M0 ... 7a :•·(~~lone IC ,am· A!\1 uez, -• • '"811et In Yf'll box t7. Oardovbte bnt9 Wrtlt llH llHdbOltcl 150. PUll'I mower 116. 221 146 Q.E.aro ...... '80 aluMlnlifrl otlenMI Ho Coll••• Drive. 'co1t1 VIBRATOR bell reduoer e" ""IOM' ,TYPEWRITER Ollvett 3, Oval mirror Ill wooden ... c., loP oemer ... l(lnO lln ~ oomfor· I' lower 8tt .. I, 00111 '60 · FOtd PICll-iap hood ._ Ufor II.*"" Old Mell. 1111• M* '40. Two lnl'"t :•'L'ud• diving mH~ por1abtl '1'W $40, M•I· holder 15, 15 tootle on T'#O redial ttr-= ,,.,._,, t•r rufJle end pllto I ............. ,_,.._ tlM 2-12",, '47 !ford rlOll·UP dlelt, Midi Oflt ,,_ tM ..... 116 ~ 9". 4 . ounge '90llner ell• trW wltll"bed lnllll'COll bualnffl t16. flectronlc II JlllT ... 11 a ........ • ,....... ............ , ,....... ..0"0 .. 1 .. 0 ,.. , ... d end r.tlnllfllN 110. l'lue ANTIOUl ornate"*"'* ""'·11 •---....... ........ 20 dlrome mtQ tuo new 150 .. I~ hOM bookt ta 11011. New on e hole -... ...... !;M20•1tau' rPlctantUN1oa~ln .. 1t10,. TIRU ,.., QOOcl: L71x~l_i p" 10 .. vup.t•'nd·ere tv'10 v--. of olilJ • .,,. oowr "'°"' Ian l'reftd. I 16 eeo'h7"'11'ew"'u .....,...Ced fl~t• IS. Polarold tOI IOCl !!ftter ~ AHll•tlo AM Dlglt1I I 7 0 . 1 4 't'i:'e I I . -..... It ... "'*• and t11x t4, 141x 11, I tO eno _;.:'ti ~ .... .ooii'' ~ .,.. 100, olroe 1 IOI HO. wMlll I&' 9ICh Roll ., fllm ,,.. ueed (color) AAl.EIQH 3 IOlld fOldlng L,f ,D. ctoct! ttdto 920. 1M1-S131. 00.ntet top1 tao. e11 MCh. exte.5 8 hole tao Md\, 'I? font""" tll. ...._, 10Dot10 .... ~br9MlhlDPf'OPll-Wlfbed'40 ~~ 13.90. 16 aellon aqu•· bloyoll 135. Noreloo Gl•H v•H• 11. De1k 1•owH .._.._..=-~ tse. ellNO ... <IMwtlallltl.«'14701 ders.hOOCI .. ~'" Ytdefend....,·oncy. let1]11nrr•t•.large dutydllile~~ rtuml11 . .n4M7 COffH m1ker IU. leml>l1.tlndl1P9111« " ..,... 110. lwtboard 120. I<"· ORAFT8MAI"' tool •• ,. ~ ---.... _.,. ....... pm. 110 •rent· I!!! .... PllH .,un •10 "°"· T.a tolcllnt MATCHING ll9ClfoOrTI lur· M1·1Q33 .. pair 2130 Dootofl rociller 940. rfi di 26o-IO Good drM fender IH. 'M C~ WOOd, ONlll .._, '*1 ifi:·· brenoh Md IMwa ptitlo °"" wtfft ~ nllufe! Ot111er HO . .....,,'""-"..,,..,..-----Circle, Apl 0 , Ooata r,i~~=:: I. ;.;:Si 50o-t2.' '''°" ==:.~or:' ctr•~ plett.up hood HI. 'M to 11• .. eo•d ttM. ftwtc l>teeko::l~=. '\:· ....... '**Md ... • Dr11ur mirror SH. •=0,.:;nr.~hA: XJ;AINI 8 ,.,. Iii •aa11ow ao. ... end TV,tfor!llPI. toe*-. bOth I .,.s t2 Ford Fllcon -~ on 1treet Ind welk up 144-1w ' eedl. tn-1M Ctl"t Of Clr....,1 145 It 1 litnP4e ;;;;.;; llller Hnd color II• ..... , ISi ...... ,....... Or9'0 lft dlalr '41, Cor· point Ht of \ot drive Md door9 = eiaofl, 'M ~to,.,, OllK Hln .. 41n tso ~::p:te dou:11e ~~ Juel 011!11 '41·M78 pa1111 w1ft1 ttootle Vfl'llty ...... Ml, -- Mf la.I llteet Md Ir• IOOMtt ~ dttw retoMt 'ord hOOd • 'H Ql9w IMM """ prOjeetOf ...., a.... l4ln11141n teo: .~d • .,t~ .!.~ . 1tfnpe two wlltl orylllll II Motl. Goll e.t •. w. A.._ laturday ontt ~ dttV'I rMC!Mt Ml CMfl plok·up tall1at11 IH OHi .... tft oounter/bar a o u n d tr u tr 9 3 a ... 90th IOld _.., '" good dlalr9 --"" w1ni M "-' ••• • MtllaM "' ....,... Cl l HO to 2:IO. onty 8174411 ........... ,CJI onfy Ill). ......... 173 ... 1 .~ oonclltton M14120 Cl•Hlfled 142·7MT .. a ... 11 -Went lde/142·1111 .,. ...... " ', '=';;;;;::_;::..:;;;:..;.:;::.:._~;.;,;.-.;.;...., __ ....-:-~--J·===---...... ~~-"'.::::============::::::i~ 1 ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Septemb« 11, 1082 C.I '1J1l.'1c.ff~ .... l!if Tttr.l!'!Atm. ....... t.lrtn!.l!tm .. l!.ff ~ ... ~~· . .'!'!r.!!~~ ....... ~ ... ~'.~!!'!r.!!~ .......• ,.~.~ ...... ~!'1.'1.4'.e'11! .......• '1.'1."11.. • • ~!'.'111.V."t • Ot:Hlo u • 1.1p11r11&1 •1tt/--' aa-. l.lff ·10 1cou1, 4 ov1. con111, --r111 ffff..,.... 1,lff • .,._ l.'"f •• ··,,_· •• · • •••••••• lul) uy bolt 4 cyt rn ... m.."t.'1••· .. 11'00 ot>o 1\1.11\1 00\)Q A..tll •111 n· ............... 1:.n .... !!!h.. ... .. 1mfRfltf ...... ;r., f.llJJIH 'f LI-'• ... A1t1,1 011-i • ••··•·······•·•·••···· ~!111~ ••..•.•.• ttff ,.., IJtoO 116 1111 • ;oo VHpl, •lllO•hl•ld, 646 llU •• ~ •••••••••••• ,.... 'M llOI ~MO, .... m......... .~ :rnr.~ •••••••••• r.".~ 11111 1p111 1111 100 -II AMI ... TllfM *FANTASTIC* 110 t11u1 run• good 11 "•bbll Con• Ohle, Tll UIUIT 'll .... llR W ... IOIAY m111i IHO ... to10, .. Jn111n1t1on11 ICOUI H .OOOml .... NllylOecled * '''°MS.tit• IUIO ''"''· l'lllt " "'"" 1n1..... 0,..1 oom11i1on IUOO ......... - 14 11 OudoY OtulMt ,17 754 54IO Good oond New p1lt1l 1.un1oot, Cld oot1e1 l.lkt * FIATS Ur11, IPOtll "''' 1na vu.. Cell 8111 617•7364 A1btt Tutt>o 400 1h11p W/lwln 1.0 110 11,. ,7,. PUOH M"ICI mo"""",· HOOOJobo, 849·7374, n1w. I U ,400 010 ... lf!C uucflftM IHI MIZ 10001 wllll•. l /W""'•.1 tmllm c.au. Of 1111 model, low mllM· ------~-lt11td1 a°"' Mell• off•. 1 11 10 0 ·; 1 d , ... ,..... 8•0 "431 e 4 1 . 1 a 1 1 1. v 11 ~ ~ """ n111.11t1 t111n.t t1t1tl0f. Lii t1u 1100 mt.HHO 19 CldllllGI lft lou!Mf11 Ila "• IH 63Mll2 21a.27HllO, :.V':. in: low mllH , mint oono 1111 •P W&IHUI _!!Mtl4 d•Y• ' N[.OMIJ) ~~.:J:,~ re;v1.?.~ t7l·l~l.113·1,.4 c1111orn111 a.. u11oc11y1 .... !!!•••••••••••••••• ==~~~~~~~ wllndt 114-813·2068 '326 942·1483 All option•, WM w/blul • .,, eooos. lmm•o. oond.. ltUIJ ~~ ...,.. lllOO ... ....,~~ .. .,7 IUlll '74 Mllllflck, 31.000 ml, "Ndr1111d Ptlk LJ.likn;J; #ttlttfflll/ Int, 111n1 oond 14000. io.oM w/exlrH1 ll11t w/ ..,._ 'U Mil HO SI ,,... • ._ a••ILUI llke n.-. 12. l50 AC, Pwr ... 1. AM"M Md':.~·~~c!?' b~0:J.~~ lfHlfn IJll (714) 841·6170 btu velour lnl 17500 FIAT SPUR$ &. MBOO '80 OIHll DllMf won. 4 2600":.,w lllld 6427051 l1ereo, 12400 '4a.tott et1n wllrlller A 11111 11 •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... ,L, ffM 7M·l1?3 fl•T X 1/9'1 Clll t7~0U4 llf>d, ennL~~· 40 mpg, COSTA Ml!SA #tn•n 1111 IZ PGITIJG T1000 • I 0 . 0 0 0 0 B 0 YAll&U 1111 0111 !! .. 1'. •••••••••••••• -;1 lllW 1111 ... ~,. c-. ,,... ·n 40081!, llT\1'11C. Ilk• •••• tsDOO. 4N..-OOO. • .. , 1110 :;;·M~~;g~·wg~;·.·:,~: Au1om1110, tit cond , 1111 714/9&0.08t3 Mini oond 81111 und1r TOVOll '78 AM/FM 11.. •••••••••••••••••••••• Al VtNdn -~ ,n::50· ellvet/blll .... 2·7148 .,, J!TIA • -m111o. P8, PB, lm&JI V8, wneot. llefto (205'88) W1nl1d Boalon Whale r warrinty ea MPG 1600 rio o111111t Sm•ll .,.. '" Whllllltn w/toof 17360 '73 Ced CdV 'ull 1>wr. nlcl In & out, rvn1 gr .. t S1JI ........ +tu 13· tnjood eondltlOn, t45-049CI c1mp11 •h•ll U 176 "1llAI 1111 t4M212 llllfll Good cond. A1-Q1r1g1 ktl>t 1860/ofr C•I> COit SB03) 76, A• 21314 1·41115; "1-11365 lllAOIUn 873-661e •••••••••••••••••••••• Cl'lapter 11 m•ttH 11• king 11500, 1.1n'• Auto 554-8062 11du11 t:io 17.44, 10111 01 2a· Chrlacr•rt cbn cruar, YAMAHA, 200 cc. 1ltc· D1taun PIClk Up MEISTER .umpllon of ...... pee-"pr. 1202 111 8t. 8A, ·72 C ougar )(IH, run• ptyment1 fOf 41 month• recently refurb, re bit Irle ""'· only 3000 ml. loaded CIM,, $2000 albll 2 4-dr 1111 '11 vw 642·1781 Of"'· gOOd bo(fy. $l500 11760 40 +tax. engl' tt1n•. ball tank, 1595. 54M:l23 648·82'11 •~ NIMll/1111 Rlbblte. 1 .. ,. 'II vw ·eo Bill Oil El Oot.Oo. ell 087.00115 at1 e a. magnon radtoe, NB II~ ,,,cl, S 11. 11180 K1w .. 1kl 440 LTD. IPEOIAL PUIOllllE 13131 HatbOf Blvd. r.1u trudt, Ill dltMI. Pay xtr11, l>llutlful, S 10,000. '75 Mercury 8oboll W1· 500. 676·1156 Llh new. Many utru Niw •82 Jeep CJ't . 18 lo IALll·UIYIOI '68 850 Spldlf'. Convert. Oetden Grove .~'Jo. ';,.1~:!,~ •=:~ , 849-l'llll6 gon, v.e. Auto. PIS, PtB, 11 Pt llP UTIO Mutt M ii. S1300 or beat chooH ttom. tnctudH LUii.. OOO<I bOcly &.engine. 40 ... ltmh Of...,.. el t200 plua Pll' 77 HVILI.!. blu• ml1t, A/C OOOd Corn! 47.000 t' /8 11181 Vol\IO ve lreth WI· ofter 761·08118 wlnctl JembofM peck-a• 131·2040 4115-4948 mpg. 11100, 675.5404 ........ mon111 Wkndl t42-t20t IOlded, lo mllll, L .. ll'llr. mt S1475 548-32117 pon 1ac u tar cooled. A BHu1y 111511 BSA·A10 Belltet, 2 and muoll more. UllLIUll 1ft Hare '71 1'11rdtop HO Al· 114 111-2111 dty9 l•t25·3H8. D.V,8'. Xlnt cond. IHOO. PIP #allU 1,ISJ Sec 17,500. 1ngtnu & 1r1n•. $260. SAVE THOUSAND$ 28402 Marguerllt Pkwy cer. )(Int 9 .. ml. Qood Ll•lll\Q Ltd. 561-4890 •••••··'·•••••••• •••• Harbor Blvd a1 Fl.If Or 873-5157 Eve'• 6·8Pm Only. tUlltl MAIT Mlallon VleJo 1hep1 $1500/bat '788CT1tg1, Turt>obocly .• 74 vw Lovt l ug. xtnt c,..,, 1111 '78 Multal\Q Mich I. very In Coit• M ... 16 h JOhnaon 110 637-2003 AllO/atP/lllAILT (A\llrY Exit off I.a) 842·48611 101< ml, fl~. rid w/ oond low mllel ... to •••••••••••••••••••••• Jm cond, lo ml 13500 5411-4300 5411·1457 $1600flrm '78 Honda CB750F SS. 2624HarbOfBlvd,.CM OpenSund1ye '75Fl•1Splder,llkenewln blectl.673-3337 epp~eo. $21100 OBO. '87CAMARO.rebYllteng. 1 5159 '89 FIRE91AO CONV 673·2180 blk, llke new, xtrH, ga· 5•11-8023 845·7770 ~~R & out. Low Ml. wire SHARP '79 1111 SC, 983·6313 or 673-4186, $900. &32·11774• ll·Spm, '78 Ohl• V-6, PIS, AIC, Slralghl, •trong running. r age k ept StOOO . c o • .. •'L OIESEL wheeta. A/C $'200. CIHn, lo mllt1ge, AM/ 1.oulM. Need•palnt. vln~ top, AM/FM llpe, 350 w/turbo tr1n•. 111 ;5· Motor, tlah, 1111, 7HP 6 0955 ...... • k $2150 motor. trlr, 18' m1s1 & 42-3-qu,.,tir ton cuatom 631-11197 FM Cauettt, Crull '72 Good Condition. Cirntlll . HU 30 ml. iuper CI H n, power, apo H Mii. $800. 645-6079 '68 SUZUKI 125 plck·up truck 1800 mt S1lls-Senlloe-L .. slng ,,, ' 11'41 Control, Sun Roof, p.7 $1550f0BO. •••••••••••••••••••••• 13160, 5411·7828 lfrm 4117-5373 Need• work. $50 •ta 1201't Ar • I ala ' • Tiree, Loaded, '22·600· 549-8457 IEE US flllTI ~ 1114 644•5585 ~~~r~:. ~~.!Jrr:,-1:!:~~ Nice Sel9C~oni'" ···lioiiil"lii.iiiiit ... 955.91191 5511.1281 W• hev• • oooc1 .. iec- 1 '71 IHIA 12100 .!I.' •••••••••••••••••• Honda 360, runs great. d ill• eale $•5 00. *'762002;41pd .• 1n/rf. W1canhelpl 8eloreyou '82911SCT11g1.alfop. '1~~~:~~t~:o'a tlon ot NEW a. USED 53e-o343l 844-1147 '73 "•p,•· niw tlru. 1550 or bell offer 675-t358 (9t7PVB) buy, check ou~ unbllle-tlon1, blgndy, S31.400 or Aedl•nd• Dr. Oii Unlver-Cl'levrotet11 '65 mu11ang. EJo<jy l>OOf $300/o fer 11 ..... , •••4••· . ., 26' SIHPI 6 Shower, refr, 11c. AblOlutely 101- ded. low hours. Like new plus trlr. $29,500. 646-8382 ·75 Ply. Arrow PU. 5 1pd, * '711 3201; I UIO .. MC ble Hl•cllon, Hvlnga IM. $'70 mofplu1 $.4500. elty, Coll• MIH. Sall Run• gOOd. $700 0 80 liiiiiiiiiiii8ii7ii5ii-8ii1ii7ii3iiiiiiii tlll whl. air, camper shell. (5467750) and set11lc1 tod1yt •97·3508. sun. 5 4 8 _ 6110 6 0 r Jim 962·7921 I COMMRL CHEVROLET SUZlll TlllPU c u • I 0 m p • I n I • * '79 3201: 4 •Pd .. IOI• UllYEllln '71 811 TARGA alloys, 5 642-1625. 'II IHTUll MHOl UATI ,tll-20IO 2 stroke. S 1000/0BO. S4500'obo 838-8875 dedl (776YPC) .,.. 1••50 Ale• 968-5457 L * '60 3201: 5 apd., 1n/rf. l&lll • IUYIOI ap. "2'1w112-11112 ·ea Bug 2 plu• 2 4 •Pd and 1964 CHEV P.U Needl (6511ZOK) 2850 H1rb0!' Blvd. gd condition, $1700 comp. restored 14,000 'll llMIO englpe $250. Eve '1 * '60 5281; auto., 1n/r1. COSTA MESA '78 924. Sunrool, mag,,· $44-4700 OBO .'~!Ltrf• r i\ 1 ••r,1\\1~.\ §4~ 1200 good cond, $225 6-8pm only. 537-2003 l488ZOJ) 140·1&•0 AC $6650 .. v • 1111 11__,., -S ell or trade 26' Navy 644-5215 111-1111 • • ' 213-S112-1792 'vii W VAN gd engine, H"ft.5' wtllleboat, dll. t965 OIVCO Miik Truck. body need• TLC. S950. -n1m •• 675-5290 Oll•••ill1 IHI $3,llOO 642·7058 Lt dlr1 bike, Indian 74, et, Needl work, 1150. Ev1'1 208 W 11t, S1nl1 Ana STUCI< WITH A '73 Silver II 11S Targa 7 1 4 • 4 II 3 • 8 2 6 9 . •• a• • llc'd, s 295 firm Only 6-8pm. 537-2003 Cloted Sunday RUSTING HONDA new tlrff, n-OeBonli 499-1724. Air cond .. 4 •peed tr1ne,, .••.••..•.....•.••.••. '28 Car11er '77. SF. FB, 28Kn, new custom a1rn rm, lo1d1d. to hr•. lln evlll. 139,000. 1164-4820 eYH. lift ... ., .. I .... 752·9467 '72 Rancho 429Cll' G:·8 CHOICE INVENTORY Make olfer. 648-9177 engine, AlplM atereo, 5 '68 Convert, auto elk, r.. radio & I cute earl (Sir. 'J9 Yamaha VZ400, gOOd j tr ant nda pelnt $800 lfOLUME SALES '72 6qO COUPE. Smlll car apd. $18,000. 760-81C>e. cond, xlnt cond. Mual 42511). cond. 1775fOBO runs gd. 552-0522 & c lesalc. 48 m~g . gd ... 112950. 4117-4849 OILY 121111 cond, s 1100. 644-4700. 'll '"~ Oantra 'll •tw••t --wreltt Bryan 546-1396 '74 Chevy Cheyenne Full leather ln1r. N1w '73 2 dr wagon. orig. -•- .80 Yamaha 650 Speclll, >;. ton, vs. eulo, p1, pb, 1975 Honda Cl11lc. 2 dr. NC T'1 , 1211,500 Wiii paint, etc. Run• grHt. DovefQualf Sta. 121< orig ml, t owner, a te Xlnt cond. $3850. I 0 I II 0 LARE II hetch-b1ck. 4 1pd. new conelder trade. Rtok. $2400. 75~0950 NEWPORT BEACH 1tll 01tlatt ., ... ,. .... Lo•ded, CIHn. 29.000 ml. $5595. 888CYY. WATKINS I.EASING 549·1256 1 14ooiobo 642•6909 645-9495 lllW tires. s1800 940.030 1184-1111 111-0111 wknds and alter 6 pm · '89 Sqbck. Auto .. unu11.1al ------'ll ClttaH l••r••• SalH·Servlce-LeHfng wkdeys •••Hll 1111 cond . Run1 6 look1 '10 llOIZI Loaded, clean. 10 ml. NABERS C 1\l)ILL1\(: CLEARANCE SALE! 1977 CADILLAC COUPE DEVILLE (694TJF) s5995 200 HP Evlnrude. All options. Like n-. S 10. 000. 714-6' 1-5870 Eve- nings. YAMAHA 650 Spe cial. '76 Toyota Long Bed. 5 xlnt cones. MUST SELL spd, amlfm caas. Shell. last I 1200 or baet. carpeted. $2900 Sharp 850 N. B .. c11 Bl11d. --"'"-------1 •••••••••••••••••••••• great $ 2 2 O O I b • t $4000 Firm 960 5017 LI Habra '711 Honda Cvcc:. auto, xtnt II IEW llUILTI 644-8170 Sporty 2 door Chevy wtth · • 1979 CADILLAC 122-HU OOnd., lllfY lo ml. S2995. to ChOOM from moon root. tou11r11. amt 1/alf 1151 E ORADO COUPE 20' OIUIEm New 427. seata 4-6. Xlnt cond . 112 ,500 . 7141841·5870 Evee. 545-0930 _63_1_-5_909 _____ _ #ttfl Ht•ll, l•I•/ '35 Ford Pick up. V8 111-f l thead. All orig. S4.500. 770-5384, 549-1266 Al low ae 1411811 (Hr ·73 VW Thing, HT, Rolf Im 111reot t1p1. air •••••••oo••••••••••••• LD Open Sunday 13801 Bu, 9 mo on Engine. oond., 1tyllz1d 1teel '73, xlnt cond .. nu Urea & (634042) .~~~V.!!!!~f! ..•. .'.!! _6_4_5_·83_83 ____ _ '81 Accord: Auto trans, Gre t Co d $2650 ..... 1 t le OllAllE OOlm'I Th• •II ~ '83 Alfl1nce • n . . .... ee •. au o .. con10 . eng. pert1, many xlras •L•Ht ~~~;h~!'c":.o~~"~ de~~~ I• herel Fuego•. •mm• 499-1276 '3.Moaffi39lagnon s1soo. 963-7638 $10,995 17' BOSTON WHALER Mo,,t1uk. 100 HP Evin- rude. Like n1w, S9750 obo (no trail) 645-0483 llHllMIOI 1111 TtJtfa n1, 2 t f1 $8,000. Good cond, with camper ahelt. I 1300 556-0481 Firm 673-6618 ' S~e~;5', ~~·g~~ 4~~1e~; dl•tiiifft NUT J;ws~~ :Uf,,<;:.vXfnt 0 !!r.!!~!~ ........ !!.~f 642·1603 •MO/·•E-/RR•aalLT condll $5300/obo. • ·16 Volere wagon, lf·8, 1978 CADILLAC SEVILLE (978VNI) -• """ "-646-8023 , Au6' PIS . air. 43,200 ml 1 ... I T!!!!!!'.t •• ~'.'.!~!.!J.!! ¥!.'!! •••••••••• :.!.~!! S11N-SeMce-Laulng J,.,,. 113Z :!i"so~bor B:s-~7~o '83 vw BUO pont1ac I )Warn ownr. $2000 494-4238 II, ••I 16' Xlnt cond and iery 73 Dodge van Convert ()(""1V CARVER •••••••••••••••••••••• Runs well 11195 '81 'K' CAA $5700 Ciut11 HSO cle1n.Lo1a of 1torage xlnt cond., $3800 ttrm, l\L/I '75 INTERC EPTOR 3 '78LECAR$2800 648-1487 HerborBlvdatF1lrDr Black,toml.2dr.amflm, sg995 '•••••••••••••••••••••• s1soo 644-9526 Air , auto. stereo Rll5 14.ll<c·l~1W CONVERTIBLE. 39,000 IMMAC.36t25MPG. ln C~taM... iuto.552-35t9 lal I-JO tltt,. I 631•2177; 646•3843 .......... •• • """'"' ·~ ml. burl wood duh. BOB ~5-9370 '78 R1bbl1 , Int/ext Ilk• 549_.300 549•1457 1912 IUICI( "PARK AVINUI" 4 DI. SEDAN (1DTT560) ..,_,.,. 71•1•"1 "600 "#' ,.. .. .a • ...., mu ch n w $ 17 ,950. new, run1 gOOd $2200. ---------494-~ .. "" ...., · A•I• S.rriet, 11111 1111 fllll 770-6977. ..Ill l~t 1151 Mlk• 831-4615 '83 Nov• Wgn, 6 c:yt 1u10, I Attlllflill HOO Thames van. Grell for late ·79 3201• ahowroom £ 11'"1 •••••••• ••••••••••••• '65 Bug runs good need• fair cond. Neede eng ... ,, I.ii IHO •••••••••••••••••••••• work or 1ur1. $695 090 cond. Every option av.all. ti•• " #J DEALER IN U.S.A al t i950 ' work. s25otbat olr · •••••'•••••••••••••••• Autobody Studenl needs Garaged w/cover & run1 •••••••••••••••••••••• P n ' 548-4108 t6' Hobie Cat. yellow wf projects, '70 to •82 Imp 640-51'4 on premium. 494-7420. '80 Muda 626, 5 apd, ()(""1V CARVER 960-6035 --------- teq. tunrlae Hlls. Like & Domestic am car•. Ille '70 cord Su,_, van c•-. AM/FM, •Ir, new Ooo-l'L...ll· '77 VWR bblt rf •c "71 CHEVY WAGON $ "" ,.... _.. '79 BMW 3201, loaded, dyear NCT tire .. $5599. Dr'i y C_~ a ' II.In ' " ' LOOkl and runs great. new. 2500. 675·6161. trucks. Near 1otal1. SS per, lf-8, mech. sound, 48,000 ml., 18 700. 559•1711 f'\l....Jl...J. l'L...ll'-L 4apd,notaacratctl,mlnt XLNT Trens. 1600. Spark Sundanoer. 1 l ', 60 Save Money$$ -no Junk. sf n k ,• f rl dg. S 1 t 55 . 546-l330 or 760-961' •131 •...o.-.....i <.o.,.,....,.,J><•t• cond. Aune great, lo ml. 960-0205 sq ft ••If. never ueed. 2nd o lllce service . •97-4583 . •••'• ~ ..._.,. • .r.,,.. .,.,,..... 13150. Jim 548-7245 ---------$ 6 0 0 0 b 0 . ( 2 1 3) 213-94.4-8452 --.7-3_F_O_A_O_V_A_N __ 73 3.0 cs. euper. fNery ...................... --n 1W '77 Caprice Cl1a1lc, 42, f 111 u re S 1 4 . 0 O 0 . '67 VW. look• grMt, run• 000 orig ml. Xlnt cond. 402-4360 elter 6 pm and PAINT & lite body work, Cullom pelnt. Int, wnla, 67a.6235. AA •74 Slllr Shdw, xlnt gr11t, $1200/belt ofler. Fully loaded. 13500. weekends up to 50•1. 011 your body etc. S1700. 898-86'5 ,78 B .. W 3201 1 c 0 n d .. mu 11 ••II . 640-5150 840-2773 l1lander 32', beaulflul shop nt Biii 536-9832 .., • •nr • nu (847VEV) P.P. 760-1'75 11181 Rabbl1 Conv Air -------- tllk & oak Int Beller (4) 8 L~ Wh ..... 1 & tlr-A W. ~ •5-bronze pllnt. imflm, air, _......,., tonl •• 600 '74 Mont• Cerio, Pf S, ...., H •Ill ••In ~ "' lnl. detailed, runs good. J 1151 """"' 1 Ing. -· P/B, A/C, 111 1tMrlng. 1h1 n new $ 5 4 · 5 O O • 950.16. for Chevy Pic'k· •••••••••••••••••••••• Exec. transfer • mu1t .!.~!.•••••••••••••••• 760-o301 AM/FM $2000. 546-11456 644"6231 up. 1 100. 842-8786 WE PAY j sell. $7850/obo. PI P, '10 Rover 3500S, 11172 vw Bui. good Phoenl1e reclng ubot. CHROME SIDE PIPES (2) •' bu1I. 11711·0730 1dnt cond. $3500. cood., 10M on new eng, Fully equlp'd. $750. S40 both TOP-DOii 'I· '78 BMW 3201 $7,500. Dt. Cerny 632-8761 $2200. '84·6045; '73 El CAMINO Kint cond. ,,.,,., 1115 ..••.•................ '12 FIREllRD A.to•atlt, air 0114., ... , .. , tilt wllul, ,. .. ,. y •hth. (H1111) H11 •tltttly +tu Cap Coll $10)50, real· due( $5300, total ol P•Y· mints for 48 month• $11,085.12 + tax a. magnon pontiac /~am 21' South Cout l lOOJ'. t965 GMC·V6 Engine & • •• •• ..... 645-8313 ~0• YOUI • • ••••••••••••••••••••• vw WNlphalla Cemper. hlg1111t quality, 1lpa 2. Hydro. Qd cond 1200. ...... -.76 B••w 2002 s NUTM.tto4• LUii A 1111 UAI 1982, dlllll, 3.000 Ml. 673-2190 CALL 842-8786 FOi ISEI DOS Oood C011dllton. m US f:J lau 11,, 4114-4442 eva Totally bultt 350 C.I eng. w/m1ny x1r11. 4 lpd rem rod tr1111, 2 12-0olt Poll rMr endl. MUST DRIVE H11bor Blvd 11 Fair Dr I t $2825 f t 1 -•a;•••••. I .., · howrm 11 n w r r . E ve ·s 6 ·8pro o nly ,.._,_ --cond N-tlrea,brikea, ITIPIY& tooTllll•.a S15,000ftrm.642·7207 871·6S48 537-2003 2460 Hatbof Blvd 1 _________ 1 111lv1 lob. Mint cond. •.. ... $ '72 BUG new pllnt. ex.Gel 15' $111, motor. flah, 7HP 1965 235 CHEV ENGINE COSTA MESA Atklllg S7000. Mull Mil fACIUTYI 345 42 cond. wel.I melntalned. motor, trlr. 18' maet & S175. Eve's Only e-epm. 141·4100 ASAP. 882·23011 Iv mag. 11 .... .,,.11 , .. 11 ....... 111.. 13100. 644-0632. .. u. l800. 645•6079 537•2003 Ml 1411 U ,_, N ,. ... ,. ,. I • '79 320!. red, mint COt'ld per month plus tu '60 VW: Ugly, runs good. CllllSlc Sloo9 20· varnllh Dual 42 OCNF Webber WE IUY 64K ml. AfC, Im/Im..... 48 mon11'1 clo11d end seoo. 648·1805 d•Y•· Mlhogany.3ulla cerbs,manlfolds.Hnkage c111ett1 . $9000 . '8l Mazda RX7 (GSL) INM on approved er• 642·7018evet4-'Cnda. $1200 548-0577 & K&N air filler• tor vw CLW 0111 646-2086 Perfect oond. 13,000 ml. dlt. Co11-l15,375; '65 BUG nw eno clutch II' lll .. I&•• type I dual port. $200 DI ._1011 '79 BMW 5261, 4 lpd, lthr, 111 v • r . S 1 1 . 0 O 0 . 1852.15 cUh tequlred. bib, r9dlall. lntr. pain~ CLASSIC CAUISINO OBO. Clll AM'•, Uk for '" BBS wtlll, Ilk• new. $12, 493·31'0 Come In and atk for 0... Fee. lnrl. POf9Ctle c:hro- TO BEllEVEll U500 In COall Mll8 FIRM. 833-5516 Sllve 549-4300 S49-1'57 533-4855 •ft 8pm. '60 Citation, 36.000 1ctuel 12 POllJAO J2000 mllea, 1m/fm 1tereo, Automatic. a ir oond., auto drive 2 door pwr. 1teerlng, 1m/lm h1tcllb1ck, on• owner. (578135) 14500. 644-8982 S111 ...... ., + t11 '81 Caprice ClUllc, Etec Cap. COii Sll3~0. Real- 1unroof. many exlrll. du•l 14232.511, total of U700/obo 973·3t83 p1ymen11 $111116.32 + wkndllev, t«-11370 dYI tu. s11 ,995 1910CADILLAC ELDORADO COUPE (917ZEM) s13,995 1912 CADILLAC CIMARRON SIDAN "AUTOMATIC TRAN5. AND SUNlOOf" (1CRZ458) sio,995 1912 CADILLAC FLHTWOOD llOUGHAM (lEAL.545) $}5,995 Offflf Good Tl'lru Monday, 9-13-82 SLOOP. PO Ceder Hull. ,_o_in_._5_4_e._3_1_47 ____ , 900 or alSIJme IH. (714) '82 GS. White, 1nrf. 6000 l•ll•l 116924). me whHll, Ilk• new. Sec. S24,900. or trade. A•lll 111 .,1, 6''-8325. 5511·6442 ml, loaded, 5 'fr wrnty, IUOJI llNRTS $2900. 54e-33H. 714-831-2620 ••••••!~ •• ':'••••••••••• '76 BMW 2002, mint • $11,500 845-7278. 648 Dove Str11t IMPORTANT NOTICE mint · mint · mint -mint. ,79 RX7 AC, 5 ap, AM/FM NEWPORT BEACH '72 VW BUG. 1tln1 cond. TO READERS ANO au orig. Never dented, 4 cus. 431< ml. nw r•dlala. 112-HOO Engine a tran1 In 1tlnt ''18 CAPRICE 4 dr eluate. pwr braket, alllring, AC, vtnyt top, tlll Wheel. Per- i.ct cond. CIMn. $3800. 536-31132. CATALINA 22 excel cond, moil option•. N-por1 . lllp, $7000. 673-11368. ADVERTISERS •Pd. AC, mettculoualy $7200. 640..e<>28. concl. ln111'10f, txtlflol' In The price ot 11ema ad· m1tnt, garaged, lmpec· '79 Saab Turbo. 3 dr, good condition. New /!lt,,..J lllJ a. magnon NABERs pontiac /subaru ~!?~81;! ~~: COSTA MESA MUST SELLI Lido 1' with trailer, 3 Mii uli.. $1250 obo 11711-693 7 vertlsed by vehicle dee· 1111 llftl cable 1hruout, Sll.450. #1ttHll lfH 1140 Blue, 38,000 ml, IUPlf 11r11 S 2 5 00. 0 B 0 . ::u.-:!! •••••••••••••• ler1ln lhevehlciecla.sal-Top dollars lor Sport• Mr.WllllemaS48-7246 •••••••••••••••••••••• cond. $74115. 751-37ta: 4117·1171 e111nlng1. '71 OllYSLl!ll HarborBlvdltFllr Dr 540 _1860 lled edver111lng columns Car~. Bug~. Camper• .• 67 CIUllc: Sharp! 4 dOO< ct•PllE-lllOUll dyl, 846-3660 9\191 1~(64~M~1~2~1 ~S.~tu~rd~ay).~~ 5•91n p<>3001t15~9~1•57 doee not Include any 914 •.Audi • od 000 A ' We'll •how you over 100 1---------1~· -TtWI I Ot•llfrJ 1-== .. =-=== .. == .. =::J.!!!!!l!!!il!!ill!lf 1ppllcable taxes. lfclnse, Aek lor U/C MGR m el 2 · uns greatt New & Used Mlt'c:«les-l•Nn 1111 ·eo v T d I~ trGnafar fies. finance .II• llUIH Mutt aelll Beet offer Benz Come ,,, & conll •••••••••••••••••••••• tnglOO. Cop con ' ltatlt• WMtl laJIHa1'1 HIS ........•.........•... S1orlflc. Stock Wlndaur- f er S1llbo1rd, $500 ~2586. 675-1308 ..,.._ 759<-1677 or 831-ollOO · • Salll-Slrvlol-1.eull\Q 20,000 ml, Al • •tereo, 11 p111eng1r will'\ root c:hllgea, .... for •Ir ,,.,~ YILllWAIEI der our 1 .... IHlngl· ..... a... mu • I • •II • 7 e 5 0 . I I. d lutlo n control d1vlce t8711 Beach Blvd Diii•• 11# ment1 or tong tll'm fl· -... -631·1094 rack, am · wood II H , certlltc1llon1 or dealer HUNTl~GTON BEAC ••••••••••• •••• ••••••• nanclng. lllUI ---------1 tmffm, air oond .. auto., Mull Mii Stock Wfndaur- fer Sellbo11d. $500 675-1483 documentary prapere-"" H Houff of lmpor11, Inc. 111·~ ........ pwr. llr. & brtk••· I Ion charge• u n less 142°1000 DIAL 213 or 71' i---------r.-J~••••••••••••!~{f (1121XIN) OlllerwlH apecllled by --.-,IT-E-.-,--· 837-2333 '12 1111111 I /I # 1 Ytht .... ., a magnon New Wlndaurfer Magnum the edverllser 370, rainbow 1111. New t-... -,1.-.,-,-,,----Late modtl To;ot1a, S11'.,~+ tu II lrMlt hHfJI • $11H. S1crlllce $800. I VOlllOI. Plckup1 & Vans. _....,_, 873-3600 ... ~.'!!}!! ....... !~~ Celt u. todtyl C1p. coat '5405, rMI· UUI, lllftll ponti~c;ll'a•<Vu ... " ,. •u., ltlll ''A"•I ctua1 s:i,432, io1e1 of pay· am LU... tV ~ • •· ,., m1nt1 lor 46 mon1h1 o l#k1 I010 Shey replicas: plclCupa & S5616 +tu. (118973) VE~i~fJ-IVERY SLiPs•·::.ii.'t;;~,j~~~~~ ~roou!~io~e~~a)htSt~~ TOYOTA·YOUO a. magnon H I r b o u r B a y . A3093) Prlcll a.tar11ng at .... H.._ II•& 7 1 4 • 8 4 0 • 5 5 4 5 • HU 11,ltll c .... N..e E1111e s111 846-7766. ""•O·UOI .. uo.u o 1980 01ttun 200SX. xlnt pont' IN.<V 40' Sllp for pwr or 1811 w/ WI Ill co,,d. Orig owner, ac-lti~if¥MW!M laC / MHR U let-down m11t. Bilbo~ USED c•RS 6 TRUCl<S ctptlng bld1 Wkday1 UIU•I *" 1HO H11bor Blvd. COSTA MESA ..... tall Ml-Mil Covet. Aval! now. Flexl-" pl .. M cau, 7511·4229 H1tb0f Blvd 11t Fllr Of bit, 845-8100 COME IN OR CALI. FOR In Colla M.. , .. Ykft 4 II H11bor Blvd at Felr Dt In Coe11 MIN 54M300 5411-1457 C..IU1at'1 1111 ...............••.••.. ·ea 2 dr Sid. Xlnt runnlno. cond. Nelda IOml body work. Great Tr1n1p • $350 642·7033 FREE AffUll&L 80 200SX SL, IUIO, 11600. 552-05711 Sllpa 1v1tl. CdM 1ree. Cormler·O.Llllo h1tchb1ck, 1unrl, AC, _ _:54:..:.:.M_:.:3.:.00:..:.54..:.:11-:....:..14..:.:5~7-·l~-:-"".~~-----I ..,_ fllf S9fft. c111 C1rr11 Olm .. -ate. se100. &.-e.11111• ·74 01.. 8Unff, gd 1nvex1, ·11 P1800 1u10. 11ereo. :;";"A":···••••••••••••• 714·1155-2473 Wkdy• _, * * , l • AMfFM atereo. AC. Rvn• radlal1. 741< orig. ml., '80 Dodo• Cuatom Vin. 8-5 '53 Studebaker Champion 18211 BEACH BLVD. • gtMt NGO. 675-6398 1tlnt 13(50 or belt cull 0 n I~ 2 0 • 0 0 0 m I· Newport BHch. llvH· 5 PHI cpe. Nice car. HUNTINGTON BEACH 2401* * Ohr by 11112, 171-6548 I 8 8 0 I m• k e of r . Believe it or not! It's a short drive to HAWAII! W•tch the Dally Pilot all during September for automotive ads containing the coupon below! b d II I 60• 13750. 2131592-17112 .. , .... ,, ........ , ,..... 1111 960-0552 oar . I P up o 4 SPD ORIG. OWNER ••'••••••••••••••••••• A ,_ ,,,. !°:'; :~t'S·~·m~ ~::t 'o~:'!!~':.. Top Dolar 13250 1n--0a8a ·~~°la~· ~ ~ -:":~:!.············,,,···,· ·e:tt:'.'=:OC,~1· 1op • 873·t825 113 000 80 Oataun Wgn, 210, •t.. · 7{4 760 1393 -stl 558-0481 gon, • · Paid reo 1u10, xlnt 1111pe. • • •••••••••••••••••••••• Side tie to 181t.S100mo. $3500 . ~75 ·11585; '75 c.llC1 auto 1m/fm Come In & ... Newport 18 IHI .. --;,---~=-----· "2£4 ·--. Mll'CUI Channel 1929 Ford Model A Town &7!5-7424 caaNtt•. ~c. w,y ~ a..cn·· llnMl MM!Ctlon •••••••••••••••••••••• DOCK f:r7Mren:~5Boat to Sedan, $10,000 ~iii. '81 B210. 4Dr Sdn. Aulo MBZ IOOllL'I e~:'·a '!.c~i.873· 734 ~~r~~~:!:.u~IJd~:~~~ ·~~~Rf,:~:::= 1963 Studebelcer Av1ntl, u • ..a. .... rtllfJ t1an1. new tlr11. Xtr1 Volk1Wt1G9M, $850. 484-3211 30'. 1100 Monthly. $5500 675-6161 2826 H1tbor 8IVd clean. $'4115/obo, llOIL't 11180 SUPf'I. a apd, fully ..... lr...a 'll 87M 100. tll411 Wiiiy• J11p11er, Cotta M... 540-5630 t82·2357 71~ equlppld, IMtn.t. CNlel Bo"T SLIPS •v •" "BLE: A d I I &.....rtht Ma&...__.. COl'llrol, .. o. Xt.NT Cond. 8 cyt. 2 dr, IUIO, tlr, ~ ~~25': 26., Htore , • nt runn ng Premium prle:M '75 8210, 26,300 ml, auto ...., _,,.,.,,....,. 11.000 ml. MIOO. o.ye, 445 I!. COMt Hwy 1tareo, crul .. control. 30•, •o· •• •••.Call cond . Mutt .. 111 P•ldloranyueedcer tr1n1, 11995. PP. Ot,,.,atlH 730.1111-4..,..e40-1340 ~IMCfl iowml.lCln1cond.13t50. • .. • '"" 960-4075 (I &40-8510 Mr. Myera 55"-"180 842-4644 lrom 11-5 , ·---------ore4g,, Of domMllc) '11 *SL. 7000 ml. wire '77 ToyoteCofoneStetton 8 3..otOO _ _,rv _______ , I M°"'"Frl. 'll .... CllYllT. In = condition. '•"' ITU wl'l••I•, "'iooo 090. Wegon. S-.0 AM/FM I ~Ill! "" '71 Fairmont, 8 CYI. Alt. • 50 Ft Moorlnt N1wpo1t ~~~ ~~·1:u~c:;n~'11~0~~ VI Fl,.., .... _ ... , •• !~._! .. 21= Wu ~0~~~5~0· W~;;,ij;:~ir~·~~ ~1:~•:j 1 r~~·. P~:·1~~ I a.::ne:..~~ llS~..()1157 S3000/obo. 831-6217 -·--,80 3000 586-~ frl,a•.A l1'1 80,000 ,,,...._ M&-3117 I .. -31 •-J a 11187 Chev Cepn 4 df. 'I"" FDllll ,73 MBZ 4"'"Sl.C 11 ••• :::r:-.••••••••••••• 114 133-9439 83 Felcon, 4 Or, Xlnl run-I •r-• nyl top. Air cond. EK· ••• ---• I ~· '78 SPITFIA! $Ot< mt, IK.-.... 1111 nlng cond. MOO flrl'TI I "'' cept1on11 oond. Seta.•_ .... , 1<lnt mech. & body, le. c • 1 me o l'I con cJ ...................... 751-110611 •••••••••• •••••••••••• 67 .... toe .... 2 11... 1 ~ aseuzu. P11t perty. • 1e. • ......... 1080 ,.7• .. _..... • UI 11 WHAL!A 11• Sport, e1ec: .,..... ' .... • ... ~ 000 &73·11334 or 1111 _.,_ v .,.._..., '71 Coun1ry Sq l TD 811t. e11rl, 15HP, 111 r1tnott '87 Eldorldo ClaMlc '1. _'llH8 II.II I"'' llh d B73..fSl21. for the 11toeM eno belt Wgn, 11lnt oonct., M lot-oontrole, lo1ded w/ 600. Oood Cond. ..11ot1on ot new end ded. lo ml. •31188. opllont. deluxe. New & Call Wiit 842·7222 l u•l.1 \h·~.1 fl..IOt~llCI •I 'l4 llM '71 VW 41 1 SEDAN uMd •utctlt In Orange "°""152 per~. 8.42·8398, Ilk '82 Bulctl Sll)'lerk Spec. Dllk grn. 98K ml, lClnl. lookl tnO ~ 8a County lodeyl -.7-1_T_O_A-IN_O,...._CO_N_V_, -,II-kt-I fOt .. ...., VI, pt, pw, 1/c, xlnt .,,,, m-'aJ 3l00 W"1 C0Mt Hwy M600. 873-t870 "'H *1400· ~ l'f'• ltored for veer-. AM 1Me "Ct.elo" 17' Ctw'll c:ond. 11600. 781·2133 -.·.~:·"···'r.':':.~ ...• ~.:,,·· ~ IMdl '76 '460 &I.. conv. & tmt· '72 8QUA"HACK "'"' CllPtlOnl 13600 090 tot epMCt botlt, Chev'327. ~· .__ ~, B42·M5 top, lo1d1d, gd cond, Gf'MI, ndt Pllln..!.i. ~Mlfl'M Imm • d l 1 t • 111 •. ""° oao. a82 .... e21 llftHtlMtl ••••• ~rr........... •-•a•• u2.ooo 4tS..040t CMe, 11aoo. •~74a. ••1·6373. VMltlft II# _, H•mll --------.,-1 .. llL ,,,,_. ,,,. •••••••••••••••••••••• 197'. 4t.OOO m111. New ·12 400I Au10, brOWn '74 MOB.OT, 41,000 Ofto. , .. "' -.. 'H F11oon1 oe>od cones. ••••a•••••"'••••••••• '71 Sooul 2X2. n.w trene, top. Mutt ... MtOO or ·e:i 400tGT, 11111 mt very gd conl. #1 .. o.-pc..tr fnll9t .... •1IO/ofr, btk1. ••l'l•uet ev1t1m. btt ofr. 180-36111 '7t 3010T8t, 81own •sooCl/010, US-S4ta, MINI GIOOO. ... Hmtaot IMI. 1n-1no DRY STORAGE Monttlly a.01t 1101a91, Mr ..... 14 l'lt MOuttty, "'•=-1111 IHll ltJ Ir. .. ........ run• good, nlld• minor ~~13~8.900 633-83'2. ::Hit coeTA M11A Uwla IHI WOfk, •1eoo, mu.II ..... AUi ,,,, ....... '71.,..,,.... ''°'L con-n• -r.':1::1'··············· 845-46S3 •••••••••••••••••••••• 714' v.tltMt & lld1oP loeded. ·u vw. llMI ~ .. •lftt _..... '75 Mlt1t 1v, xtnt oelftd. Ii ..,,_ '1t W ... ...... .. •terlfertl W,000, lhetJ ••M408 :=::..,... t1100. '71 ....... ilOOO 1'111. m1n1 ~ ltflr ~ °"'*· ~ ' IHI 'ully toad10, otun, ..,,.,..... '78 2400: Cherry, •tr•. 17 lft I . • air. = ONIM. Ut80. 64 ~ ...................... t7ett. 0421.MO. new rebuilt motOf tt. ·::: ':J· 11171, ·~ ,._1 TM tett• Gtf .. lfl tft9 1167 ROVE A T02000 WATl(INe L.V.llNO Ttlde your otd ttuff IM 100 7 ... N&S. ff _.,.., °" .. ..,.... ....... Wt1t ... 1 D~llJ 'llot lody, '78. !VIII'• J.lpm '4t-1ZM ~~odlu wlt!I. ,. 11 •"IL.,..~ VI,"· pw, •I•. 1lnl O••llldAd.ceRTOClllf Onty. 537·2003 let. Ml·Mfl Oleallfted Ade B42•M71 ....._, X7I: ooftd, t•D. 111-llSS &41·M71 • • ,. Q -1r ~ ~_;;:.-- American Airlines W• •• Amtf~n A1thl\ft 0o<110 .. ,,.1 ... 00 0." WIN 1 ICUI> Tn' TIC«ET$ TO HAWAII via AMERICAN AIRLINES Or.no -,_"' .. ., 1-1 Or ... -"'°" ,.. Ot """' U ta dllf'"9 •Plt'llOe< 10 Qw••Ur fOf Of•,.•llO by lhll O.~ tot 1 ~ •-lrtP f~Otlt IO t111WAll ..... Af!\911U n Aot•<l9• Mii" ~tve ••''4 H ll,.t lle<\! lll•Y9't lie-•"Cl lie 11 'I" OI 109 Ot -No A1110 I>~ l'llOll ..... tOr"t Of AmtftCAn AW-~ OI , ... ,_ ,,,., Cllf9loly Ol!el e•P.•tt m4nlg!\I 91301'1 I Mt!Or~•--~---~--~.......o ~~---.;...__.....; __ ~~-=-..;;.. 11•--------------- Thia It the time of year tor the beet auto buyat Take advent• of thll opportunity to win 2 round trip tick••• to Hawaii via Arnerlcan AlrtlMI ALOHA 'EAVICI. Orange Oout DAll.Y PIC.OTllaturday, e.temb9t 11, 1111 TICKET ORDER FORM Detach and mail with check or money order to Laguna Beach Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach, CA 92651-9990. Also please enclose a self-addressed stamped envelope. Name Address _________________ City _____ Zip ___ _ Number of tickets requested: $100 $25.00 $17.50 $15.00 $10.00 __ Underwriters (check appropriate box) 0 $5000 0 $2500 0 $1000 0 $500 Total enclosed$..,_ ______ _ We are unable to attend Enclosed Is our donation of $ ______ _ Tickets are sold on a first come. first served basis. Museum box office open dally except Sunday 11 ;30 • 4 ·~O I .. Familiar to most as a star of Broadway, film and television. cabaret song-and-dance man Ben Vereen first achieved rec· ognltlon as the Leading Player In the musical hit "Pippin'\ cofltlnued his ascending career with a portrayal of Satchmo In the TV docudrama,"Louls Armstrong · Chicago Style", and received hearty acclaim as the unforgettable"Chlcken George0 In ABC's Immortal presentation of "Root5". Earlier this year, he embarked upon a three-week bicycle tour through China wtth a cast and crew of 50 to perform and film a bl-national television special expected to air this fall • l r ________ ......... ~~ ..,.._.,.,..,........,,_=---------------.................................................................................... ~111!!'111911 ........ ... OEAOUNES For Tueect8y through Seturdey ~.5:30PMthe ~ dlly. For Sund•y end Mondliy pub41celions. 12:00 noon Seturmy. EAAORS ~should check tt.lr d d8ily 9nd report errcn lmmedletety. Th• DAIL y PILOT _,,,,.s llllblllty for the first lncon•.a lnMrtlon only. 642-5678' P\Jlll.ISHER'S NOTICE: All rHI _....~In this MM~ It IUtlieCt to the Federal F•lr Housino N:A of t• which "'9Me It lllegml to ldYertlM "eny preference, llrnffallon. or dllcrimtnetlon b9led on ,.., color, reffglon. M•. or n•ttonel orfgln. or SI Intention to,,..._ ~ .uch pl9ference, llmlt•tlon, Of dlecriminlltion." Thia n.w.~r wlll not knowlnft ~ erwr .__IQ for,.. ..... which .. In vtoletlon of ...... •Adi In thle cet900ry must be Pf9'1*d c:is-t H :3D. Seeurdey •noon (Cio.d on Sundey) •w. Bly It. CoN Mela. Ce._,.._ I ----.. .,. ---------- 2 -Orange County Real Estate/ An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 . MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A Sil S I C»HW Ofl" IMNI mlFAH't II IUlll 111111 One of the truly great Estates Harbor Island -Martha's Vineyard to Newport Beach. A llght house mansion bullt of river rock - slate roof. Hand hewn floors -carved doors -antique fixtures. Lawns & sandy beach. Dock for a lg. yacht. $6,000,000. Barbara Aune (U11) "UlllF .. IE" llYFIMT CIATUl-PllCE IEllOll $800,000. This unique home approx. 8,000 sq. ft. Is an entertainers paradise. Lg sllp, bayslde lawn, pool, 3 fplcs plus his and hers bathrooms, den offlce/artroom, library, gymnasium. Unusually deep lot w/approx 74 ft on the bay. Only 5 yrs old. Owner will help w/financlng. $4,500,000. John Macnab (U12) DCLISIVE Ullll llllE II IEWPllT IUOI Elegant French manor home In gated community. Completed In finest detail and craftsmanship. Magnificent views of Newport's bays, & night llghts. 4 BR, 6 BA, 2 fam rms & llbrary add to this home's prestigious & elegant lifestyle. Realistically priced at $1,825,000 Incl. land. Owner will assist w/flnanclng. Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanes (U13) 22 lllTS II PlllE IMMT IUCI LIGITill 2 BR. 13h Baths each, most w/flreplaces. 2 car garages or carports. Overlooking Bacl< Bay Canyon . Excellent investment/financing. $1 ,800,000 leasehold. A few blocks from Corona del Mar High School. Jan Young (U14) OILIFllllA SPAllll ESTATE Sophisticated llvlng on Lido Isle In this 16 room home on 3 lots - 7 BRs & 6 baths! Opens to an expansive landscaped courtyard & lg. pool. Excellent financing -· $1,250,000. Call Tom Alllnson or Terry Hanes to see this one-of-a-kind home! (U15) LIWEST PllOE Custom home on Harbor Rldget 3 BR, 3 BA, library, dining & family rooms. Quality construction, view, terms! $1 , 195,000. Martha Macnab (U16) IHI FllEST VIEW IPPllTllITT The best world at your feet (NEWPORT HARBOR). Huge prime lot w/5-6 BR. 5 BA, custom home w/ser.luded pool. Sensational owner financing available. One of the best lots In Irvine Terrace. Offered at $975,000 Incl. land. George Grupe (U17) IPYILllS VIEW Panoramic ocean, bay & city lights view from this two story "Southport" model. 6 bedrms, formal dining rm, family rm, + a bonus rm professlonaJly decorated In bright colors. Beautiful sparkling poof & spa. $895,000 Incl. land. Donna Godlhall. (U18) ·····------Exceptronal 5 BR + bon"' rm w/DeautJfUf ocean/bay view. Assumable loan of $400,000. All Safe Alarm System. sa&0,000. Maureen White. (U19) llYD 111111 • B.11111 I .... au D Piii-i &Ylll llU Exciting Views of Newport Center end upper bay. ScMr heated pool & spa In garden eettlng. Formal dining and 1arr lkyl&Qhted family room, plus 4 famlly bedroom&. $750,000 Inc • land. 1..arry Oyer (U20) IPYIUll ... -Ulll LIT -1.1111 P-.Y -Wonderful views of all of Newport from this large e bedrm famlty rm home on quiet cul-de-sac. Owner wlll a"l1t w/flnanclng. $750,000. Tom Alllnson or -Terry Hanes. (U21) 1111111 .... -11111 ,.. Interior Designer's Home -Huge master bedroom with retreat Including fireplace & built-In bookcases, 2 lg secondary · bedrooms, 3 baths, fam rm wlflreplace & built-In bookcaMS, custom wet bar. Aesumable $296,000 loan $725,000 Fee. Maureen White. (U22) OlllYIY FIEICI "Lucerne" model w/gorgeous ocean/bay/night light views. Beautiful wood panelled fam. rm w/bullt-ln bookcases. Fountain & gas BBQ In atrium. Long term assumable financing. $695,000. Maureen White. (U23) UM ISLE WITI FIUllOlll Cape Cod custom -2'h yrs new. Perfection. Bank of America assumable 1st T.D. Bring otters. $685,000 Call Oona Chichester (U24) llYllE TEIUOE Ocean & bay views. Huge lot offers views from pool, kitchen, fam & llv rms. 4 BR, 21/t baths with room to expand. Shows like a model. Owner w/carry 1st or· 2nd T.D. Reduced to $675,000 Incl. land. George Grupe (U25) Ullll llME 1111111 Lowest priced "Lucerne" model. Magnificent unobstructed view. Priced for Immediate sale. Assumable $278,000 lat. Seller highly motivated & will carry 2nd TD. $595,000. Maureen White. (U26) 1111• TEIUOE usn• . Super ocean & bay view from this spacious single story residence. 2 mstr suites, plus 2 more lg BR, 4 BA, fam rm, & game rm. Pool In courtyard. Great for entertaining. $595,000 LH Donna Godshall (U27) _ lllT -SEU -•W · 11 llllEOUFFll Superb location In Corona del Mar. Across from cliff view point esplanade. This custom home features 3 BR, FR, w/lots of charm. Needs some TLC. Lg frontage with pie shaped lot. Reduced from $585,000 to $495,000 Incl. land. Sharon Smith (U28) · Pll• Liii ISWI LICATIH Perfect 5 BR, hardwood floors, sunny patio home. Priced right at $455,000. Berlt Mitchell (U29) u111111sn" LllTlll Prestigious HARBOR VIEW HOMES -5 BR, fam rm, formal din rm, plus beautiful pool & spa. Completely upgraded -French doors & windows, plantation shutters. paneling & new kitchen. Too many amenities to list. $429,000 Incl. land. Donna Godshall (USO) .. Pl.llYlmMI The "legend" model one BR, den condo lltuated within steps of the bay. Completely redecorated. The muter autte occupies the entire eecond floor. Flnanclng la excellent on this preetlgtous home. $415,000 Fee Donna Godlhall (U32) 1111111- Hlghly sought after plan 3, 2 BR & den or 3 BR all on llngle level. Perfect sunny corner upgraded, * conditioned, community poofs, tennis & aecurfty. $410,000 Hotly Markaa (U33) IDllD Ill ... •IYllllZll 5 BR In Harbor View homes -Don't miss out on this beautlful 5 BR Portlflno In Newport Beach. French doors, wood cetllng In kitchen, bra11 fixtures. Must see to appreciate! Shows llke a model. $398,000 Glseta Jenkins (U:M) 644-6201 ' l I I ! I ,. I• I I 4 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising SL!pplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 .......... -- 760-8333 111'11111 UIE n A room for every member of the family from a gourmet kitchen for Mom to special play rooms for the kids. All done in traditional design accented by wooden stairways, French doors, ·stained and leaded glass windows. 4 bedrooms, pool, spa and wading pool. $895,000. 760-8333 PElllSIU TllPLEI Super rental location close to bay and beach . Low down payment and owner will carry 2nd, or su6rnit your own tenllS. Priced to sell at $299,500. 675-6670 lllTIYATU SELLER Corona del Mar duplex. 3 bdr. and 2 bdr, 3 baths, 3 fireplaces. Good income, owner will carry. Submit all offers. Only $274,900. 760-8333 .... , UYm Popular Hillsborough model. 5 bedrooms with family room, formal dining, sparkling pool, quiet cul de aac location adjacent to park in Harbor View Hilla. $475,000. 760-8333 • A Dlvlalon of 3 CIVIC PLAZA #170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA 111 WllLI at Jiii FEET From thls outstanding Spyglul Hill home overlooking the harbor, ocean and city lights. 5 bedrooms, family room, fonnal dining. Beautifully decorated. Spacious rooms. All amenities for luxurious living. $795,000. 760-8333. OllTIM UPI IM A beautiful home for gracious living and entertaining in outstanding location with ocean views. 4 bedrooms, family room, formal dining, 2 fireplaces, 2 wetbars, assumable loans. An excellent value at $375,000. 760-8333 DI• Ill 111 IEllllL Beach cottage in perfect Old Corona location. One block from beach. Partial ocean view. 3 bdr. beamed ceilingl, brick patio. Great potential to remodel and make money. Offered at $325,000. 760-8333 ··-······-nm delichtful eltate la located on • huae lot OYef'looking aolf ooune in ~ Btc Canyon. 5 bedroom, 4.batha, tavern room, Rudy, formal dinlnc, ~kitchen, IUperb a.ISt.om connruction, covered patio, pooM $2,6:w>,00b. 760-8333 - .r JACOBS REAL 1:~, INC. 675-6670 2919 Newport Boulevard Newport Beaoh, CA 92683 Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 _ 3 MACNAB IRVINE REALTY .IASlllE CIEEI Gate guarded community 2 BR+ den. Tastefully decorated. Close to pool & tennis. $395,000. Berlt Mitchell (U35) 011111 IMIWll VIEW Fantastic panoramic ocean vtew & within walking distance of the three private beaches. Slngle story 4 BR, fam rm. residence situated In Cameo Highlands. Great potential -cloee to shopping and schools. ONLY $369,900 Including the land. Call Donna Godshall (U38) UllM WIEW llUI Lowest prtce home In Harbor View Hilla Incl. land. Fantastic family home featuring 4 BR, fam rm, 2 frplc, wet bar, lg kitchen w/eatlng area. A must to seel $319,000. Call Sharon Smith (U37) • PEllDIU Niil Charming 3 BR beach home located on private co~ner lot. One block to beach -bay & parks. Bright & cheerful. Excellent financing. Seller motivated at $310,000. Suzanne Shuler (U38) Im Tl POI Huge, tow care lot on park. 5BR, 3BA, fam rm w/Mexlcan pavers, gorgeous sawn cedar wall coverings & many more elegant appointments. Assume $131,000 loan. Owner wtll carry 2nd TD. $299,900. Maureen White. (U39) OAIYll All IOUI VIEWS Larger Corona del Mar lot on quiet street, spotless 3 BR, 3 BA Including separate guest sutte. 2 lovely patios. Seller may help finance 2nd T.D. May be best opportunity In town. Offered at $289,500 Incl. land. George Grupe (U40) UlllllFF wm Never before on the market. Original owner has newly remodeled this beautiful lg. 4 BR residence to take advantage of the site & gorgeous view. A real pleasure to see! $298,000 LH. Coby Ward (U41) llOl llY OllTll You're going to love this custom bullt landmark home. In great condttlon w/bulh-lns & 2 massive fireplaces & 3 lg BR. $296,000. Coby Ward (U42) llUT FllAMIJll WITI A llUT VIEW Beautiful 38R, 2'ABa Luek home w/one of the best vtewa In Eastbluff. Large ueumabte 1at TD & owner will carry 2nd. Family oriented area. $279,000. Maxine Propp. (U43) UllE .. WlllPlll. Not too late for summer tun for the wnote family. This 5 BR home has It all-greet area & good financing & IOw, low price - a rare treat! $269,000 Coby Ward (U44) •llUILE WEITIUFF + Piil Warmly decorated family home: 3 BR+ fam rm w/hlgh beam celllngs -Open kitchen, lov.ty pool & great landscaping. Terrific neighborhood. $~69,000 Incl. lend. Jane Paquin (U45) TllTUllll Fantastic Bren garden home -Montecito model, Plan B w/great view of mountains, featuring 3 BR, fem rm, highly upgraded. This home Is on a cul-de-sac & fee land. Community pool & tennle. Excellent assumable financing. 1287,500. Sharon Smith. (U48) FILLY ASSllULE Lill II ILIFFS 3 BR, fam rm, ·2 BA, "E" Plan on major greenbelt with many upgrades Including shutters, designer wallpapers. Low maximum Interest rate loan. 36 years remaining. Seller wlll consider trade for duplex In area. ~,gge. Jan Young (U47) ,... PmlllU llPl.DJ 3 BR, 2 BA duplex 11A blocks from the ocean. Fantastic Investment winter or summer rental. $260,000. Low down and owner wlll carry AITD. Sharon Smith (U-48) 1nam n • 1111 A 2 BR .• 2 BA., Jlxer upper In Irvine Terrace. A best buy. You own the land. Good financing. Now Is the time to act. $259,500. Donna Godshall (U49) LlllT IP YHI llfEI With the sunshine 'n charm of this Lusk Eaatbluff home. Lg 3 BR + fam rm. Skylltes, brick + custom upgrades thruout for emotional atmosphere! Beautifully landscaped parklike yard areas. Submit your offer! $239,500 Jane Paquin (USO) ILIFFI • llEUIELT One story, 3 BR. "Bonita." newly painted, carpeted, shutters, lovely wallpapers. Perfect for small family or retired couple. Comm. pool nearby. Exoellent financing. FULLY ASSUMABLE! $225,000. Jan Young. (U51) IOWI Ill CUYll OllM Absolutely Immaculate 2 BR, 2 BA, bright & cheerful, hlghly upgraded throughout condo. Shows llke a model & can be occupied Immediately. Excellent financing. A residence of unending pleasure. $205,000 or furnished at $215,000 Suzanne Shuler (U52) IEWPllT IEllm 12 Great bulldable R2 lot w/2 separate houses. The front 2 BR w/warmth & charm & back house Is a separate bachelor w/yard between. Terry Hanes -Tom Alllnson $187,500. (U53) 111.lMllE I II, 2 II Charming dollhouse on quiet cul-de-sac. 2 brick fptca, curb appeal & loads of charm. All for 1178,000. Terry Aune Hanes. (US4) .... lllTl 1111 Great eastslde location 2 BR each on lg corner lot. Great Investment at S 170,000. Bertt Mitchell (U55) •• ,.. •••1WITY 1111.- Home In tip top condition In The Colony. 3 BR with big country kitchen -and a IOY81y bonUa room. Tu• up the whole 2nd ftoorl Good flnanclng. Coby Ward. (U56) U1T•TA11U- 2 BR, 2'A BA, atrium, large encfOMd petk>. Lots of prtvacy. 2 years old. Immaculate. Aaaumable loan $147,500. Berlt Mhchetl. (U57) Ulm.• WITI Wllwt Versailles condo. Immaculate throughout. Upgraded, eecond floor w/fountaln view. Clubhouae pool & spa. Excellent financing. $94,500 Incl land -Olek Halderman. (U58) Or!~~ounty Real Eat•te/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 -5 760-8333 --- SPYIWS Elegant 5 br, 5~ bath home located high atop prestigious Spyglass Hill. Breathtaking views, family rm, library, mstr suite w /fireplace. Pool, spa. elevator, 3 car garage w/motor court. Full security. $1,995,000. 760-8333 AMIE•EU Everpopular Plan # 1. 2 bdr. and den. Beautifully decorated. Lovely patio. Ideal location in guarded community with tennis and pools. Sensational price of only $318,000. 760-8333 PlllUlllO YIEW Elegant Kensington model designed for indoor-outdoor entertaining and .family living. Expanded loft area, 4 bd{, including master suite with fireplace and maids quarters. $650,000. 760-8333 • ~ ·I 3 CIVIC PLAZA # 170 NEWPORT BEACH, CA IWID WILL UllY Exqw.it.ely upgraded "Palenno" in Harbor View Homes. 4 bdr, fonnal dining, country kitchen, upgraded appliances, imported tiles, French doors. skylight, wet.bar, spa, assumable loans, fee land. $339,000. 760--8333 D•TllllL IEOL ... 111111 llME 3 bedroom, 3 beth home on quiet cul-de-sac. F.nd unit with ocean and night-light views. Wood noon, mirrored dining room wall. Skylight, private paito with spa. $675,000. Offer your t.enna. 760-8333 •llllEU .. E Don't mi8I this delightful 4 bedroom. 3 bath home with pool, spa, on large lot in perfect Big Canyon location. Ready to move in condition. $795,000. 760-8333 2919 NewpOrt Boulevard Newport Beech, CA 92683 ·. 6 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Adverttalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11,-1982 HOW DO· YOU DECIDE BETWEEN A TURTLEROCK GREENBELT AND A HARBOR VIEW HILL? IUT IEUlll UEl -Low malnt .. no noise. Ja- smine Creek 3 Bdrm, one level, Immaculate $355,000. WT Siii MST& MIU -Cul-de-sac locatlonl Nothing this low on this large of a lot. 3 Bdrms, owner will carry. $129,500. mt llYIMIU -Cottage nr. beach, country kitchen, wood floors, 3 bdrms, used brick flreplace, patio. Financing. $310,000 leasehold. H•ITllH HltlE -Architects home! In Seaview, 3 bdrm, vtew, dark room, Iott and tasty touches throughout. Really speclall $425,000 • m um -Duplex, good Income, West Newport locatlon wtth plans for new home. good financing. Asking $550,000. .. • IJlll I llMI -3 bdrm In Harbor V1ew Homee, perfect condition, good usumable toans, f .. title, $219,500. ........... ,,., _ Seawlnd 4 bdrm, fam. rm, lovely, clOM to tennta, pool. Excehnt leasehold -22 yrs to renew. Mklng '239,000. lllffl • Im? -Excepttonal end unit, quiet cul-d•eac. priYate With eubtle color9, good loans, private patio, a....hokS. 1224,000. 1111111.Y ....... , -GrMt location In otd CdM, corner 30 x 1 ~8 lot, duplex Income potential good, R-2 zone. Aaklng $215,000. PllRIT 11011• -Mint condition In Harbor Ridge, view of lites, lake & mtn1. 3 bdrm, den, din. room & tie opt. possible. Aeldng $475,000. 11111111 MIT& MUI -2 bdrm home wtth 1 bdrm Income unit, 6500 sq.ft. lot, auume 11t. loan under 10·~. excellent rental area (Broadway & Orange) $143,000. IEI I RS IHI _,--4 bdrm, The Ranch, neat street, well maintained. Owner moved, wtll finance with 20-~ dn. S 199,000. • llPLD llAID llm -Neatl 12•1. financing wt1h 20% dn. Rents are steady. Tree lined street convenient to library, thopa & beach, $289,500. E X :\ M P L E S OPEi •ISE UT 1·1 4611 Seashore, NB. On the sand duplex/West Nwpt $550,000 211 Opal, Balboa Island Balboa Isle/new/vacant $595,000 2515 Windover. COM 4 Bdrm, view $429,500 2706 Lighthouse, COM 4 Bdrm, ownr fin. Fee $429,000 IPEI IMll UT/Ill. 1·1 5 Point Loma, NB Spyglass, 5 Bdrm, view price: $850,000 210 Grand Canal, NB Little Island/boat dock' $575,000 12 Beacon Bay, NB Bayfront, ownr fin. Tennis $795,000 21 Beacon Bay, NB Bayfront, 3 Bdrm, beach $695,000 IPllllllllll.1-1 2531 Bunya, NB Newport/5 Bdrm/nlte view $275,000 216 Broadway, CM Eastalde CM, 2 Bdrm + Apt $1<43,000 1315 Santanella Ter. NB Vacant-Sparkln-Spa & Pool S3e9,000 1 Urbino, Irvine Perfect 4 Bdrm, Security-Spa $375,000 910 Nottingham, NB Tradltk>nal Dover Shores, Pool $279,000 2 Goldenbuah, Irvine I• Deerfield Twn Home, 3 Bdrm $149,500 67 Canyon Ridge, Irv. Turtle Rock super view 3 Br $259,000 13 Canyon Island, NB Big CvnJownhome, top cond. $320,000 """ 18 Port Lerwick, N.8. 4 Bdrm/1 Stv/Nr tennt1 + DOOi • -.. -9 11111 -Newer' M°"800 120,000 prlee red~tlon. Pavere, mirrored wardrobel, P9tlo owmangl Owner9 will . help finance. $229,000. -ta,_ ... Ill--F• land, 3 bdrm, mini Yin, 2 flrepl8Cel, a large famltY room, owner1 wlll carry 11t tru1t dHcf. $352,500. ..... WIU ,.... • lllAIMHI -Harbor View Hiiis. Owner wtll carry $250,000 @ 12% Interest. No points for 5 yrs. Nr. comm. pool. 4 bdrm 3 bath $429,000. I ... IUl -Immaculate! 3 bdrm 2 bath Irvine Terr., vacant wtth pool, shutters, spa and good financing, tasty at $369,000. PllHIY HI HHI YllW -Hard to find Broadmoor, expanded 4 bdrms, gourmet kitchen, extra large master suite. $429,500. LH. PmT L8I NW -Best from Irvine Terrace. 4 Bdrm1, pool and owner will finance. Only $600,000. Leasehold. tllLln NIL 11•1, '"' IHl,IH -Bright Carmef, family floor ptan, pool & spa. Financing 11 reasonable; pticed right at $249,500. ,_ ~ • • 1rnrm • -3 Bdrms, 21A baths, Immaculate. Air cond. Patio, ftnanctng undet 12%1 Priced below competttk>n. 1149,- 500. Rlal ,.111111 -Portoflno <4 Bdrm, owner Wll help flnlnce vwy way poaa., large guest room with bath. Alklng 1319,900. lllrlllT, 1111,111, 119' AN -Vacant In Bucon Bay, owner retired, want• to aell 3 Bdrm, 3 ba Baytront. Ananclng at 10% APR. Alklng $895,000. .. U./Pm • &Ill -Cute clean, 3 Bdrm with doek for 2 boats. Owner financed. Priced at MAI 1575,000. •mm11m1 .. .-... -3 Bdrm -3 bath home -°'*'°"a del Mar location. Rear 9Pt le 2 Bdrm, 2 ba. 1216,000. HI lllW HIYI IHlll -Turtlerock Glen, woodlle, top view. Dramatic 3 Bdrm Jasmine model. Upgradee, rectwood deck near pool & tennl1. OWner motivated, reduced to $259,000. _. .. 11...--Condominium, 2 Bdrm, 1148,000 of ftnanclng, eecurtty, pool and Vll1a 8alboe amenlttea. Call now. Ora"°" C".n11ntv D••• c ....... _, .. _ ............. _ .... Orange County Real E8tate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 -7 The Harbor Area's Oldest Real Estate Firm CORONA DEL MAR FIXER UPPER -Well built 3 bdrm. 2 bath home on full size R-2 lot. Needs some work, but in good location. Motivated seller asking $240,000 and will carry 75% T.D. at only 12% interest. THE BLUFFS 10% DOWN -Setler will carry 90% T.O., no qualifying! 4 bdrm. 3 bath "C" plan overlooking the swimming pool. Roomy and ideal for entertaining. Asking $279,500 L.H. QOYER SHORR BAYFRONT -60 feet on the bay with private pier and float. Large 4 bdrm home with room to be even larger! Family rm., dining rm. and hobby rm. Asking $985,000 L.H. (213) 828-2828 CORONA DEL MAR VIEW LOTS -NtV<t to multi million dollar home under construction. Two contiguous lots with bay and ocean views. Prime quiet location. Asking $595,000 each. Seller will car 75% T.D. -CORONA DEL MAR UNITS -Located on the ocean side of the Hwy. Excellent rental property currently earning $1450 per mo. Reduced to $229,000 seller will finance at 12~% Interest with 20% down. CA•O SHORES OCEAHFROlfl' -The area's most spectacular aettlng with waves breaking over beautiful rock formations. Harold Zook designed 4 bdrm. home. Lovely tropical garden. Asking $2,500,000 terms available. (l14) 873~ 8 -Orange County Real Eatate/An AdvertJalng SupR*nent to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 f ,. ( f f I ( NEWPORT BEACH ELEGANT BAYFRONT CONDO In the Cove overlooking Balboa Island with 2 bedrooms+ den, 2'h baths, fireplace; private beach. $825,000. SPYGLASS HILL WITH $224,000 IN FINANCING! Seller packing, looklng for offer on this 3 Bdrm 2 Bath residence wtfamlly room, fireplace, wet bar, several eating areas and views flt to kill. $495,000. · exau1sr ~TEWATER VIEWS A country kltche. n an~ U L ~6 light up your llfe when you move Into this 3 bedr°'-I.. . 'Od condo near beach and shopping. Reduced to $249,SV\i. WATERFRONT TRADITIONAL HOME On the bay of Linda Isle, this 5 bedroom. 41/a bath residence features a large brick courtyard entry wtth spa, a spacious bayslde brick terrace and approximately 4500 sq. ft. of llvtng space. Sllp and side tie for 60 ft. boat. Sefler will help finance. $1,450,000. ANNIVERSARY ESTATES NEAR THE GOLF COURSE Ttils rambling ranch home la Ideal for first time buyers with an oversized lot, 3 bedrooms, 21/a baths, country kitchen, room for pool and reduced price of $163,000. Setler wtU carry wtth 15°19 down or wlll consider trade down. OCEAN VIEW DUPLEX JUST STEPS TO SAND On Oceanfront Blvd., this duplex with a 2 and 3 bedroom unit could be converted to a comfortable family home. Seller wtli carry at 12.5% with 200/o down. $475,000. SEA VIEW PRIVATE COMMUNITY HOME This well cared for 4 bedroom, 3 bath home has Impressive city and Catalina sunset views plus good assumable and seller financing. $465,000. LEASEHOLD UNITS NEAR BEACH These two bedroom units cany owner financing with 20-2s•1t down. $225,000. RESIDENTIAL INCOME PROPERTY Leasehold, this duplex wtth 2 two bedroom units has Mtter financing with reasonable down. Just a few steps to the sand. $235,000. HARBOR VIEW ESTATE One of the largest lots In Harbor View Homes wtth over Ya acre, gorgeous pool, spa, Kol pond, 6 bedroom, 4 bath home wtth 2 flreplacee, skylights and French doors. $495,000. Fee. Open dally 1-5. Submit all offera. ( __ '_'T_HE~H_· U_N_,,,;,,,,;,T_C_LU_B_' ',__,,,,,,,,) MOTIVATED SELLER WILL FINANCE OR CONSIDER TRADE Rustic ranch home on 1 acre wtth 5537 sq. ft . residence tnctudlng 6 Bdrm 61/a Ba, pool, spa, tennis, 81\d stable. $1,500,000. UNOBSTRUCTED VIEWS OF CAPO VALLEY English Tudor 5200 sq ft home with 5 Bdrm 5 Ba + pool & "" to be constructed on ~ acre lot. Can be tailored to ~ spectal needs. $985,000. CUSTOM VIEW LOT-BUILD TO IUIT Try a Joint venture on this .821 acre vhM k>t with equestrian trall access. Seller wtll subordinate or trade for other resldentlal or commercial property. $985,000. .. HARBOR RIDGE ) "JODELLE MODEL" FOR 20% DOWNI Assume $584,500 at 11.75% on this 3 bedroom, 21/a bath gateguarded home convenient to the Harbor, Newport Center and airport. Residence features panoramic views of Catalina, Harbor and city lights from large decks. $695,000. "LUCERNE MODEL" WITH TERMSI Seller wUI carry an AITD ~f $519,000 at 12.75% for an extended term for a quallfled buyer. Ideally suited for entertaining with approx. 3050 sq. ft.. 3 bedrooms, 31/a baths, large decks, 3 fireplaces and family room. Incredible views. $850,000. "DEVONSHIRE MODEL" FOR TRADE Assume existing 30 year $295,000 First at 13.25% fixed or seller will consider trade on this 5 bedroom, 4 bath home with 2 large decks, private yard, 2 fireplaces, atrium and panoramic ocean and city light views. Seller rek>catlng. $77~.ooo. "CASABLANCA MODEL" WITH UPGRADES ~ Mirrors, cetling fana and pavers aceent this like-new 4 bedroom, 21/a bath home In cloee proximity to the tennis courts and pool-spa area. Only $520,000 with excellent owner financing. CUSTOM HOME LOT Premium lot wtth plans for a 10,000 eq. ft. formal French home with no houses behind or beside It. Create your "estate" that will rival all others. Seller must llquldate but will consider a Joint-venture agreement. $1,500,000. CUSTOM 1,500 SQUARE FOOT RESIDENCEI Located on an unusuallY large lot, this panoramic view home can be traded for resldenttar or commercial property or seller will carry at below market rates. With 6 bedrooms, 7 baths, projection room. wine cellar, famlty ~oom & large kitchen. $2,700,000. "EXPANDED" MIRAMAR MODEL "Estates" 3 bedroom, 2500 sq. ft. home wtth spectacular ocean and night llght views. Convenient to pool and tennis. Terms with low down. $575,000. LUXURY VIEW CONDO Spacious wtth 4 bedrooms, family room and 31/a baths. Lg deck overlooks reservoir lake. $595,000. . TRY LOW, LOW DOWN See and compare this "Dynasty" 2 Bdrm 2 Ba 2000 sq. ft. home with large redwood dect<, ftreptace and vautted cetllnga. $231,000 assumable long term financing at 10.38% fixed. $379,000. ( EMlllALD BAY ) COMPLETELY RESTORED TRADITIONAL HOME Located on a large corner k>t, thtl 4 bedroom, 3 bath art deco home hu a large patio wtth apa, cuatom landecaplng, famlly room and fUll UM of recr .. tlon., faoffhlee. Try leae/optlon or low down. $825,000. '517,000 AUUMABLE AND SELLER WILL HELP SpectllQ.ll., 2 bedroom OCMn view home wtth swimming pool and eddtUoMI .... ftnllndng. Mao.000. WALICNI DllTANCE'TO RECREATION Charming 5 bedroom, 4 bath home In exctuaNe gat.-guarded community wtth UM of pt'Mte beach. $700,000. . BEACH AND COUNTRY CHARM A 8 bedroom ocean view reeldence wtth maid's quarters, formal dining and eever., ftreplaces. $790,000. I ! !! -Orange County Real e.tat9/An Advertllfng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 -9 ----OWNER aurrs,---- WILL TRADE FOR TREE HOUSE, SAND CASTLE ••• m tor custom three-bedroom, 2'n bath bayfront with 50' dock. Generous uae of stained glua, skytlghts, and oak. Only finest materials and fixtures throughout. OWNER DESPERATE. Make offer. Call Dion or Marla. REDUCED $70,000111 Exquisite custom wood and glass home. Quiet cul-de-sac location. Featuring three bedrooms, plus a convertible sludy; spacious family room, beautllully landscaped garden, patio and pool areas. Off-street AV parking. Large assumable loans. Call Joyce Debolt or Don OeThomas. NEW ENGLAND REVISITED Ou.standing bayfront home In Corona del Mar. Character and warmth remlnllQ8flt of the East Coast. This superb property featur11 four bedrooms, five and-a-half baths, and a billiards room. Outdoors, a private brick and wrought Iron trim~ courtyard, plus 1 floe bayslde patio. Marvelous view of bay. Plef and slip. Priced at $1.700,000, tee, with excellent nnancing available. Call Linda Tagllanettl. REDUCED $700,000tUI Wonderlul potential tor lamlly compound, or perhaps redevelopment. Fabulous Balboa Island baytront tocatlon, with J><fv1te pier and docking lacllltlee. Two clasaJc "lllMd" homea constructed on adjoining lots. This P<operty represents a remart<able opportunity for the famlly seeking baytront surroundings. or for the bullder/lnvestor Meklng an outttandlng waterfront building llte. Priced at $2.000,000. Call Don OeThomas at 759-9100 for details. COUNTRY LIVING Just completed 3300 sq. ft. custom estate. Floor plan ta Ideal for the large famlly & entertaining. Many skylights. 3 tlreplaoea, central A/C & wet bar.• bedrooms, '4% baths, den, huge !amity room. plus separate formal dining "hall." Meetly 'h acre, level & r.oned for horMI at the end of J><lvate paved road. The builder la asking $397,500, & wlN Ullst with financing. PALM SPRINGS Canyon Country Club. Beautltul cul-de-uc location on golf cour11. Views ot mountains. Master 9Ulte with two rooms, two baths. Guest quartert with two rooms, one bath suite. Plus den. Pool and spa. Auto 1Pflnkler1. Alarm ay11em. S385,000. c.n Mar1tyn Twitchell for details. NEWPORT HEIGHTS Low. low priced three bedroom wtth llvlng end dining weu opening to secluded patio. Near !>heh. scnoola. shopping. Custom cabinetry. Good aaaumabll loan. Priced at S 175,000. Call Binnie Dixon for details THE PRIVACY OF EMERALD BAY An urban sophistication keynot• thla ocean view J><openy In private Emerald Bay. The handsomely styled three-bedroom home, plus convertible den, ts Ideal tor the busy professional couple. Asking $635,000, and with a 84.lbetantlal down payment, the Mllet wlll assist with financing. Fuml.nlng1 negotl~. Call Joyce Debolt. ELEGANCE IN BIG CANYON Two-bedroom and den "Dover" modal decorated with exceptlon1I taste. Dramatic hlgh-ceutnged llvlng room, and large private outdoor areas. ,._ tremendous opportunity to own tn Big Canyon Only $'405,000. and the motivated owner wtn finance. Call John Memll tor details. $101000 DOWNlll Charming three-bedroom Laurel Pointe townhome, end unit located In desirable northeut Costa Mesa. Fireplace. skylight. and kitchen with g,_,,houll window. Try 110,000 down, U1Yme the existing loan. and the owner wlll even ualat with flnandng. Contact Suaan Trtvlson for more details. OPPORTUNITY KNOCKS TW1CE we hive two delightful faintly hornet now avallable on a quiet atr81t In Costa M .... Each home hat tht81 ~rooms, one and one-half baths. One hat • remodeled kltctien. ekytlghta. and numerous uPQf9del; the other f•tur• a huge famlfy room, spa, and cabana. Prlold at $109,900 and S 11"&.900. With Interesting financing optlona, thell are excaltant P<oPert'-for first-time buyers. Call Donna or 8111 Wabst81'. RETREAT AT ROAD'S END -Sl1,SOO Remodefad two-~room home In aectuded rural .-ttlng. Tutetvt UM of oedtlt, W81tpapon, and paint throughout. Nice deck, woodburnlng stOV9, and renovated kitchen. Alltlmabll 1st T.D. and owner wlll c.rry 2nd T.D. Fantutlc QP90rtunlty for nrwt-tlma buyer. Leaa than 15 mlnutee to O~. or El TOf'O. Call Mary Rletlarda POOLSIDE SEnlNG Lovely Newport Beach condo with large patlO on greenbelt. Xolnt financing. Assumable loan, $110,000 @ 10•1.e;.. OwnM will oonlkfer 2nd T.D. & leaae/optton. Reduced to $197,500. CaH Sally Shipley. LUSK IN EASTBLUFF One of Newport's most desired family areas. Beautlfully maintained five-bedroom family home featur .. formal dining room, huge famtly room. and remode4ed kitchen. This Is the largest Lulk/Eastbluff noor plan. Exoeltent financing. Call Sally Shipley. THE CHARM OF CORONA DEL MAR Darting two-bedroom home In Okt Corona del Mar. Perteet college with flraptaoe, country kitchen, and wondarlul patio. Lot 11 r.oned A-2. Outstanding opportunity to own In COM •.. only $252,000. Call Sharon Colltns for a lhowlng. OPPORTUNITY AT SHADOW RUN Traditional Warmington-built family l'IOme In Irvine'• Ylltege of Northwood. Four bedrooms, two and one-half betha, and • big bonu• room. Formal dlnl~oom, saparete femlly room with wet bar, and a thre&-ear garege. Cut-<»-sac location. P to tell, and the Miier will assist with financing. Gtv. Carol King a call. RARE QUALITY With vtewa to the hltlt. olty tights and ocean, this quality c:uatom home la a must for thoae who apJ><eclate fine things. To name fust a few amenftl•. thta 4-bedroom home hll a larga n.,..,, Ule entry, eotld mahogany doors. cabinets. and buaboarde. artla11c br881 bathroom fixtures, etc. Quality hu been uled throughout! Located In North Tu1tln'1 moat deelrab6e area. Call Dion Schrnetlt. PERFECT HIDEAWAY Newer 2 ~room, 2 bath hOrM at the charming condo vlllaga ot lo. Quatro.. Ideal loe8tlon. qulcilly acc:eMlbll to an of Orange County. Meet "The City." High oeltlnga, greet floor plan, and a motivated llller. Cail for detail• on tuper financing. LOW PRICED POOL HOME Handsomely upgraded four-~room home with swimming pool. Cu~sac locatton. for tamlty safety and privacy. Thll c:ouJd be the perfect famlly atar181' home. Call GOl"don Lewis Of' CarOI King for llnanclng details. SECLUDED ESTATE AREA HORSE PROPERTY Large ¥J ecte In woodsy area of North Tustin. near horll trails & Chipman Park. Lovety pool & spa. Spacious • bedroom home. Htghly upgraded. Large master suite. Cathedral oelllng & 1kyltghta. Space for horM8 & parking 8 cars. Excellent asaumabll loan at 10%. Reduced to $275,000. Call Joyce Debolt or Sally Shipley. ELEGANTLY UPGRADED Possibly the loVel1811 of the Harbor View Homes. Completely redone with great natr. French doort, antique bath fixtures. taatatully coordinated color ICheme. The ~tto/ded< and gardena are a vlrtual paradise. Call Joan Lambe for a personal ahowtng. INTERNATIONAL FL.AJA A most IUXU11ouS !IV.bedroom IMyfront property, wtth pi. and ll4P IOf • large yaottt. Superbly crafted Interiors dramattc:ally counterpoint the bey and city Ylewl. Remark~ prload at only $1,350,000, fee. P ..... contact Cethryn fennltla for det.,.. ~rdlng owner-aaslttad financing. SP£CTACULAR Vl2W Two large thr .... bedroom homel, PLUS tean t9tr911\, PLUS ae«*lded ttudlo. . .an on one btuff-toP lot In Corona d.i Mar. RemarkabM Ytew of bey, oceaQ._and~tallna. Allumabla 1st T.O., and ...._ wlN e.rry batanee, P'1old 91 11.500,000. Call 8hattiii Colllna for detalla. HAReOR NDGe MANOR HOUSE Now under cona1NC11on In gat~dld H•bor Ndga on ll)ICtaOU!ar Yltw lot Elegant new m&Mlon being dev9lopld to the highest 1tancWdl of quality and IU>cury. If you pufCM9I now. you can 1tllt tallot the flnlah detelll to Y<MK ~a. Contact 8uMn TrMaon to ravleW the plant. Priced at $2,200.000. The firm with the Beverly Hiii• /Palm Desert connection 759-9100 # 2 ·Corporate Plaza Newport Center ---...... ..... ...__..._ ____ . ______________ ---------------------,... -.... ~~.._..,......._,...,~_.,....--., .. -........ ~~.....---.._.....,~- .. ' t • I I . 1495 GlENNEYRE LAGUNA BEACH 494-0791 ''DREAM HOUSE'' TOUR SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 12, 1982 3:00 to 7:00 PM PAGEANT REAL ESTATE CORDIALLY INVITES YOU TO ATTEND OUR "DREAM HOUSE" TOUR. THREE OF LAGUNA'S MOST SPECTACULAR RESIDENCES WILL BE OPEN FOR YOUR INSPECTION. EMERALD BA Y'S BEST ON DOUBLE LOT 844. Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach Classic grace and luxury are combined in one of Emerald Bay's finest properties. This 4000 sq. ft. home is situated on a double lot with lush gardens featured in SUNSET and LOS ANGELES HOME magazines. Architectural features and interior designs are contemporary and elegant, and every imaginable appointment adds to the comfort and beauty of this very exclusive home. 4 bdrms, 4 1h ba, 3 fireplaces. Offered by Inge Goericke-Bunn at $1,600,000. ARCHITECTURAL MASTERPIECE 1326 Skyline Drive, Laguna Beach Enter a world of luxury and perfection through magnificent bronze doors. 4700 sq. ft. of outstanding design. 5 bdrms, including 2 master suites, 4 ba, fam rm, study, 4 stone fireplaces. Walnut flooring and cabinets. 9 decks. Very secluded pool with tropical landscaping. Spectacular whitewater views from alrpost every room. This home is the ultimate blend of technical expertise and artistic sensitivity. Offered by Sandi Silka at $1,190,000. ON THE SAND ON VICTORIA BEACH 2823 Wards Terrace, Laguna Beach Located on the old Lunau estate on Victoria Beach, this new oceanfront is graced by mature palm trees and sparkling white sand. a bdrrns, 21h ba, den, 2 fireplaces, hardwood floors, with the rare opportunity of direct access to the beach. All the finest amenities and craftsmanship are apparent. Unobstructed views of Treasure Island, Lagunita, and Victoria Beach. Offered by Herta Anderson at $1,500,000. ______________ ......_ __ -:::;:_ Orange County ReaJ E8tate/ An Advertl86ng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 -11 *IAYCREST* · 12 Y. financing spacious executive rancll style home in prestige area. This home features 3 brs., fplc, large lot & fee land! Lowest price at $260,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for appointment to view. *HAMILTON VILLAS* Cozy townhome featuring 2 mast.er suites, enclosed patio, 2 car garage & assumable financing!! Priced for immediate sale at $117,000. Call 752-7373 or 759-1501 for details. *DOVER SHORES* This custom Ivan Wells designed home was built with executive entertaining in mind. Quality throughout from the solid oak paneled den to the mahogany paneled family room. Some of the numerous features are: Sensational view of Fashion Island & ocean, black bottom pool & spa w/outside bar, 3 car garage, complete security system and of course formal dining. To view the luxurious features of this magnificent residence, call 759-1501 for private showing. $1,500,000 FEE. *HARBOR VllW HOMI* Monaco Sensational 3 br home on quiet street with pool sized yard. 11.25% assumat>le financing!! Priced at $216,000 fee. Call 759-1501or752-7373. *STIPS TO llACH* This sensational beach cottage features an ocean view and sundeck. Existing 1st T.D. $110,000 is payable at $400,00 per mo. (negative amortization). Offered at $165,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *HARBOR HIGHLANDS* Pool Sensationally remodeled & decorated 4 br. home featuring swimming pool, bonus rm .. sJcylit.e, lush private courtyard, fplc., & assumable financing. Reduced to $280,000 fee. For quick sale ... call 759-1501 or 752-7373. * 11 3 FINANCING* 103 Down Payment on this builder closeout!! Extremely spacious townhome featuring 2 master suites & attached garage. Priced to sell now at $149,950. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373 for details. *COMMIRCIAL PROPIRn* 25 Yr. financing 2 br house & studio zoned for a:rt studio, gift shops, antiques, et.c ... ! Owner will carry financing for 25 years. Only $135,000. Call 759-1501 or 752-7373. *HIRITAGI PARK* *93 FINANCING ••• * When you takeover existing lat Trust Deed on this abeolutely beautiful PLAN 4. Thl1 former model features 3 Br, 2 \ii Ba & extensive upgrading. Only $139,800!! 759-1501 or 752-7373. *NIWPORT llVllRA * 3 br, 2 YI ba, family condo located on greenbelt!! ASllJQC includes pool, tennis & clubhouae. 759-1501 or 752-7373. •• NEWPORTIEACHOFFIC! 2170 San lllg•I Drive Newpon leach, CA 12180 (714) 711-1101 ATTENTION FIRST TIME BUYERS ONLY .!~' If you have not owned a home In California In the past three years you may be eligible . for Orange County's Revenue Bond Program. Now for a limited time money Is being made avallable ONLY for first time buyers and ONLY In the city of Huntington Beach. The loans are a 30 YEAR FIXED RATE with payments and qualifying based on - All INTEREST RATE AS LOW AS 8.5%!! If you've been considering buying a home but have held back because of high interest rates, don't let this opportunity pass you by. There ARE some price and Income restrictions and the total funds available are limited so ~ct now and call us for complete details: 556-7035 or if that line is busy, 963-5671 . Here's an example of one property that qualifies under this program: 3 bedroom, 2 bath townhome with community pool , spa & tennis. Superb locat i on. Sales price: $95,000. Down payment: $9,500. First year monthly principal & Interest: $658/Mo. HUNTINITOl IEACH OFFICE 9032 Adam• Av• . HliittlnglOI llacla, CA'12141 ro4> ... 103I I -12 -Orange County Real &tate/An Advertle!ng Supptement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 RESIDENTIAL REAL EST ATE SERVlaS NEWPORT BEACH CORONA DEL MAR BEACH COMMUNITIES lllFFS 1211,llO Emotional setting! Best location with panoramic views of Back Bay & city lights. Dolores plan with lovely neutral decor. Very anxious seller has made this 3 BR view home a great buyl Ill IWIYll IHl,000 A spectacular townhome located on the 6th Fairway. The maginificent English decor will be featured in Orange County Home & Garden. Includes private garage. Good financing is avallable. URllR YIEW llMES SiM,000 Immediate opportunity to purchase a home in Newport to be proud of. 4 BR., Pool Across from greenbelt. Consider owning all this plus separate guest quarters at low down. MAllllR VIEW HMES IHl,000 Look no more!! All the amenities of this lovely 4 BR Portoflno plan will convince you to purchase!! Fee land, view, jacuzzi cul-de-sac & gorgeous yard -plus owner 10% financing. SUYllW SUl,000 Spacious 4 BR executive home on pool sized lot on quiet cul-de-sac. Security for your famlly within guard gated comm. Assoc pools. spa & • tennis. Flexible financing. Ill l&IYll 14IO,OOO Lowest priced Deane 3 BR condominium. Gorgeous large yard. Beautiful front entrance & a view! The seller will lease option or carry the financing with 20•1. down. lllWPllT IUOI 141._ A touch of the east In this perfectly enchanting 3 bedroom home. Clrcular drive set off by green areas & color. The newest of new In tnls remodeled kitchen, & a bit of view from the master suite's expansive deck. llllUYll S411,IOO At last a one story townhome with lots of privacy. Its own pool & spa. In model perfect condition & realistically priced In this prestigious gate guarded community. llllAIYll ........ 4 BR over1ooklng 6th fairway on a very private cul-de-sac. Beautifully decorated. Air conditioned. Large deck & spa. Lovely low maintenance yard. ua111 NW 11w nu.- Lowest price In Harbor View Hiiis! 3 BR. famlly rm Lusk built Malibu plan with large private yard & quiet location. Owner will help finance! Owner Is very motivated! JWllll OIHI 1211,IOO Low, low price for a quality 2 BR & den home In this guard gated community. Plush cpts, decorator wall coverings, gorgeous quarry tile patios, air conditioning plus outstanding assumable lqan. Ullll YllW llW SSll,tOO Beautifully upgraded 3 BR with huge tree lined yard, Spa, French doors, hardwood floors, beamed ceilings. Many decorator touches. You will be Impressed by the terms available. Don't miss this one. OlllU Hl IUI SHl,IOO Superbly customized 4 BR In Harbor View Hills. Features Include: pavers, hd wood floors, built-Ins, wainscotting & the latest appliances. A redwood sun deck will entice you outdoors. CHIU Hl 11&1 san,oeo If you like hwd floors. brick f ireplaces, "hot-tubs," trench doors & private patios you'll love this smart hideaway just steps from the beach. Treat yourself & see It today. Ullll YIEW llW 1441,llO Big ocean/bay view plus lovely remodeled 3 BR & famlly Rm contemporary home on huge lot. Private pool & patio. Outstanding financing with minimum down. --Ill. ... .... ... Imagine If you will a large completely remodeled Cape Cod that overlooks Little Corona Beach. Recognize If you dare that this Is today's best value In COM location. QuaJlty terms. IHUllllUIMIVllW ...... Watch the boats & the sunsets from this newly redecorated 4 BR home In one of your most convenient · & very lovely areas. Owners will consider a trade. Submit. ---., ..... View the boats & sunsets from this exciting 4 B~ executtve home. Remodeled with elegance & quality. Features private entry, pool, spa & private access ~o beach. ......... .... ... 111 IAIYll Ill._ One of Corona det Mar's finest. Just reduced Magnificent Versailles model overlooking golf by ~00,000 to Mii at $850,000. A view from course. Beautifully land908Ped and cared for flowering terraced garden• right down the with outstanding coordinated decor. Brfng all middle of the bay. Wood & g .... cu11om home offers. owner extremety motivated, will carry with 1pa, sauna, 3 BR, den & 4 bath•. large second T.D. "'-Outatandlng. .. NIT IUll 1212,0M Good Income. Well maintained property. Just steps to beach. Assumable financing. Best rental area. Will exchange. Don't miss this rare opportunity to invest In Newport 8each. Liii ISLE 1421,000 Extra large lot, extra large home. Fabulous potential. Formal dining room. 5 BR, den & spa. Large sundeck could be beautiful garden room. Owner will consider all offers. ltM llU 1412,000 Very attractive 5 BR plus den. Great family home. Good use of lovely wallpapers throughout. Close to private beaches & community tennis courts. PllHISIU 1121,000 New, traditional 4 BR just steps to the bay. French doors & windows, cozy brick fireplaces. & a breakfast room with bay view are a few of the exceptional amenities featured. llYUllU llM,000 Very spacious 4 BR, 41n bath residence full of charm & privacy. Watch the boating scene or become a part of It. Owners will do an exchange. Submit today. un•u 1111,000 Magnificent new home. Authentic Dutch Colonial with numerous custom features. Playroom, 5 BR & library. The finest amenities. Outstanding kitchen overlooking lovely brick patio. Un.Ill 11,1....- Front row center for the best water·front show In townl The _large courtyard patio & bay-view deck Invite entertaining. A guarded gate entry. Fee land & financing are pluses. ..._. • 11,1ff,lll "By popular oplnlort"g· ~ ~ aterfront sale will be 318 Morrl ·~ Shores. Fee land, excellent ter. .." rtght. A gorgeous bayfront. Will acco .• iodate up to a 70' boat. um& llU s 1,ne.- One of Newport's known personalities otters this lovety 3 BR 1 story home for sale -one of the few built on this prestigious Island. Your boat can b.e kept right outside your doo •. Tennis available. unmu 11,1..,.. Glorlou1 Cepe Cod home on bayfront -Fee land. 4 BR Formal dining. Separate family room. Master ~lte. Large patio. Spectacular for family entertaining. Seti.re will consider tradee . ........ --KIWWW lllftlWWW ::.-.. -... LICY-. mmm....., --· -----_.......,._ __ _..;;.._ OrMge County RM Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 -13 ·11:~--.. ----~---........_..............:::~---~---:-----~--~---.....----....... --. TAKE YOUR -PICRI s; 10,. or 20% DOWN ' * DISIGlllD If AWUD-WUUllllG . llATl<*AU.T NllOUI -::7 CD 0 !: !< :!! r-0 -i ...... en • -c ., Q. • ~ f ~ ... ... 'I '1 . ' j I . . . . ~ I 1 .. I 'I .. I . I f l •30 Yttar Conwntional Loan. 40 Vear Graduated Payment Loan. t5% Down. 30 Yur Mortgage Only. Ip' •• ..... ec I Die ....., ........ .... .._. •QrletolDe ... I I llOltE PEATU'llS ... Carpet8 •2-112 .... •IBrrond ........... Doon bl ....... leda'OOID •Pia... Walk·la Clo1et la lla1ter ....... •Doele ... bl ANDMOIE ... •m··•·eed c.-.. 1a .. .,. ..... Dn I I ...... •Salla.,.,.. Tab bl Mum ...... ,, ., ¥·~ Rldlaa •)luAlt ..... ud lllcsowaw • .........., PLUSSOMEI .. ., ,.,,..., Add up your po$slble tax savtngs ... (when Uncle Donovan shows you how Uncle Sam can really help you. things can get vay exdtlng) ... and we'll show you how to save up to $219.55 per month In tax deduction credit (Based on 23% Income tax bmcket. Come on In and find out how much you can save! Ask us for a public report¥ home-owners association Information. too!" I'lllEE BEDROOM'' Homes Are Subject to Prior Sale. TO Ji SOUtli lltchaa Cdln• • Attached 2-Car Garate. ~ Dry- Wallecl •Aatomadc Gara1e Door 0peur •Cemat mock Walle Arocmd Yud t-----t~ HAZAm • ~ ,~ ~ ro- WCSlMINSTta COAST M4U I PlAZA ¢ ntlSANO.:COl'E-\ I/ I Olll 11.0Clt WI.Sf Of lllOCIQUIST '* ntl CXlMla Oii HAZAll>. -· GAlll>Cll ~ Qll.Sln SAUS OfRCI IS Clflll DAILY I I • S " l 0 .l ~ ·~ tD CD 0 0 c :I :< : :0 . I l I I m .I Cil j -• '! -ca I ...... > .I :I > Q. < ca :1 §: :I tD "' c "O "O ~ ! --0 -i 0 ~ r < '.!! r 0 -t ...... "' • -c ~ Q. ~ &> "O ~ ... _.. _.. co Q) fl,) ... Ut . - 1-,. ·- ...... -------- 16 -Orange County Reel Estate/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 cart nrnLn © mvrsrnrnr conrnnr ROOM FOR TENNIS COURT Neertr 1.1 llC,... of MCtuded prtvecr wlttl. eoettcJlnll pool Md epe Md • ..,._.,. gu.t hoUM IN NEWltORT BIACHll OWMr .. tfect. Md U.. le room tor • t..W. eoutt. Good ............ ftNnctng Md OWMr .......... Red. to sns.ooo. OW'Mf' wm ...... UDO ISLE WATERFRONT RKHUJ reducod laoo,000, th .. cuetOM I Mdroom ....,_elt.C ....... '**-lortM....._....,.... oooL MMrtr MW 8ftd "'J ........ the ....... ,..._.. oont1•111r•t.......,. .._......,.._A ,W 8ftd ellp to KCOM•ode ......... boel I• lnchadocl, OWHr Wiii .,....." ..... LOCATION • WA TERFROllT -LOCATION TNe ................ ,.... ............. ce.-.e .... ,...., .... ,.... .. .,..._... ~ .. ...... .... ,....,....................... .. 11.,.. plw Md• to aurnuuf t , .._...a..._... ..... .. -P"'llle ....a. Md ..... COUtt, ... ....., ttome .._ M .._ °"'* •• oachengo. LINDA ISLE'S 8ESTD .. .....,, ,,...... ............. ,.. .... Md ..._ ...,...9T" ......... , .................... . .,.., .......................... .... Md .................... 19' .... ,....., ...... ,., ...................... ....... ON THE 11th FAIRWAY One of .... c .. ,_., flMet, tta •bedroom cueklm with• ......... 2 b ,,,_ .. din outt. Md ......... ...,...,., ....._ e MCl1•1d pool Md rerct Md le poroMcl rtpt Oft .... 11tt. ........ The °"""' ................. fin 11 •1 Md .. tRADE tor ~ pn111rtr In aouttl e>r.,.. c..My. RldUcod to 11.-.-, MIQHONAtlU v ........ ~ ....... .._ ..... , .. * .. ..., 4¥1 --., e ....,. .... _. :::. AND • WMll•• GAZl90 .. ,.. .... lf i....... ..... ...... ...,, ..................................... .,..,,. ........... ....., ''':Tiil ........... ,....,. The ............... ·-- OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 S411 Oooan 91., CdM ------··--· '1,250,000 2 ._. Dr., Jeemlne Ck. ---· .. -··---·-S-.000 1112 lbbtldo, HYHlfte ·-.... -.... -........... -... 1 1115,000. 11 .............. Hrtw ftdge ----•1,I00,000 21112 Cemlno Trobol, Lk ForMt --....... 1211,000 211 ¥19 Udo Soud, Udo ·-·-.. -11.-000 • ··s:: Hrtw ...... ___ .. ___ 12.llO.OOG , ..... ..... """Ridge ---~-12 ....._a.,, lprglw, CdM -·---.000 NEWU8TING8 UDO lll.m WfTH POOL a.. ............... Udo ................ ... ................. , ............ OWft ....._ • • 1u•1ll1d ... AND•..._ cer ..,.._ wM R.Y. ~A.....,, ....... pool Md epe - eN od...,_t ta 1M UM ChlMtt•• Md tonnle oourt. -·-.................. eo-. &.mo .... -•ALL VIEW ~·••• a;.a._ ................... . ................. Meot. ...... = -==,,=~· ....... .-.· ........... .. ... 181 and ................. ,.,... .. ....... ............. -... EAIT ... COSTA •IA LM91J ,2 ..., ..................... .... ..................... and•.....,pool ... .. .................... 0-. .. ....... ..._. • ....,._ 1'1119 ... won't ... , over UINlr Def ................ NEWPORT IEIGHT8 STARTER Dertlnt twe ~··· .................... Oft ..... ... atrHt I• d•l .. hlful ., .. with pool. Torrlflo HtuMaltl• fl•enc ln1 and ow"•' wlll carrr. 11-.-. LOTl~OTs-LOT8-LOTa..&.OT8 .............................. ~oft ........................................... ... ::~---..-............... ... C Md"91tlf°""~ TM 0.-............. .,.... • ,.. -... .. ...... ,.....11..--.. 1111111 ............... ..... ..... to1 LIDO • PMMleR ADDftll8 Looetod on tit. Ith HOOi of tit• moot ,roatlgloue ••...._.. oonda"'"'.._ In Or-.. c..ty, ... .-... ...., _.. °"""' 2 '"* ...... n ...._ anc111111t1u tar ...,,_ • ....,., ................. 111 ...... ......, . ,.., ....... ,.. .. ...... LAKE FOREST -JEWEL Executive eptlt level 4 bdnna bedroom, 2Vt beth homo with cuetom pool and epa. New ptuah cerpote, cu.tom ehuttere end lovolf er••n houae window. Good ....,mebto ftMnclng. 1219,000. ESTATE SALE -ESTATE HOME Enter ttwv • 22' etrtulft lftto • bMutlfut 4 bodrOOM, 3 batlt homo wtttl torm.e dining room and e YEllllY ..... ,...., nom. Llf9o ......... epe and .......,. dlOOf "'1lla tNo HarMr ....... , ..... homo. a.u, .. tno.aoo .......... ...,-dod .... . FORECLOSURE SALE -BIG CANYON TMe lovefr(?) ....._ (M naoda cerpet Md palftt) WM cocontlr rocovarod '" • forocloHir• procMdl•t· ':A.: .......... Md. din,._ ....... bar !ft .... ,..., ... ,... ....... ,. •• ,, ... and ..... .. = ................ flllau:IR .. Wltlt ..... 111----M .. illl-lloftlloft and ltde ......... ~ M h .__ of ,.., ........... ,.,.. "°" 1. "teed ....... 1111.- HARBOR RIDGE -OCEAN V1EW CONDO LocMod ...... Oft ........... "' ....... ~ 4 ll1dr001111e and a ........... ....., oow and city .. .............. twttor ........................ '°" ,..., ,....., "" In ........... _...,. The ....... :--....... 111, ............ .... ...... .. ..,.., ................... . oCEANFRONT AllD IANDY •ACH c:C11••-rrn1nt1-1t1111 t tlwee II•*-..._ wlllt apaotao..., ..._of --~and ............. ,.. ................ le ehuatod on • ... 1-prtwete •treet _., ., .. tho orowde. '1.-..-.,.. oww lllmMil"I 00111ld1Nel • . 'h ACRE • OCEAN VIEW "8ducod •• 1111,000, ... Corw .. -....... .... homo II ptabebly tho ftneot °"""" lft lhe city. Newty remad•l•d to lndudo fNMfl doora and ........ • netom pool (VERY~ Md e lronl Jard 1Mt 1Mk1 111• wthtng out of Pertl (,.,. ...,.~":.! b1drOCMft ltome eleo ....._a cuek1m E.......,. wtttl ell ftttod ceblnol• and eppl ancoe -.oao. JASMINE CREEK • REDUCED. TO S-.500 Thie 1ovetr S IMctl °°"'• .... 1'orJ hofftC ........ fwnltr room, .. beNfld •guarded .... II OM ef tM Mal oftertng• In Corene dol Mer, .. Md unit wtltl Ito °"" putttng c;:'' rour good crecM wW t""'-'oo the...., to CIW1'J e Mto tor e IOftt .,,.._ You ...., ........ MO ... OtM ••• lt'••buJf----..-~ ........ ... IMM/optlon. LAGUtftA HACH-SPECTACULAR a8Dpl1C11"-.._.._ Hectlttwe 4 llldfOOM J .._. ..... '"81 .... OOMft and ............ and ........................ . -,... °"" ....... ,.. .. MllTOWlda• •t ..... ~ ........ ,.... ............... ,.., ......... ,.... .,.°"_ ............................ ,..,.. -,.,.. ................................. .. ....... .. LAllW ..... ,..... .............. ... Orange County Real Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 -17 SPECIALS Many owners are offering substantial price reductions and terlll8. Some will excha.nge and .Hcash spealis" - Lower than listed price, if you have cash ... Call for details and submit your offer . · · NEWPORT BEACH NEWPORT BEACH CONDO $78,500 for ttle young pn1t1•lonel or ... tor the rettr.d penon wtio want• • aec:urlty etmoaphere. Attractive bachelor unit. Community pool, apa. NEWPORT ADDRESS--$185,000 8ecll .. Y a bed. 2 be. home with RV tide yard. New petnt. Drtve by 2311 Redllinde. cell for flnendnt ...... <8' 11.75% lntM'Ml 10% CASH-NEWPORT ISL.AND Owner out of.,... -Meda to NII qulcldy. WMI cooperete with bur• In evwy poealbte way to Mil thle i bedroom cottage. NOW 1249,000. OPEN SATURDAY 1·5 P.M. 132 •. a.ytront, .... ... ------$1,3GO,CIOO 314 Mertgokl, Cofone del Met --···--······-·••••m••-·· tlll,000 1511 Ktnga Rd. Cltff'Heven --·-·-·---·--·--.,000 l3S Udo P.-, F-1 a.ytront • --11111,tOO 10I Turquotee, ......... ·---·····-.. -... -·-···-·-· 11111,tOO 41M11YI Carnation, CDM -··------··--·--·-~ '21 Lido Perk Dr. Lido C4 -"-------·-·--'5IO,IOO 1541 E. Ooeen, Pen. pt, ..:.. ................................. -......... $470,000 no .... ri ahot'9Cltffl -·-u..aoo -.215 1ttli It. from .... ·--·--· 1211,DOO 2211 Redlanda Dr. NPT. ··-···--.......... .-................... 1241,000 :MOS CMff Dr. NPT Helghte ------.. ·--·-· -.000 1531 8eret..cte Terrace, In. Tw. ··-----··-ano,OCICI 101 kholz Pl. #217, v...it'" ......... -...... ·--·-·-· $141,000 4M ... vue Lene, Pen. Pt.· --$409,000 ' 01 WATER BALBOA IS. COSTA MESA CORDIA DEL MAR Ll&Ull IN FORECLOSURE-GREAT STREET Drt¥9 bJ ..a Petoma, oft 2oth at. neet arvtne A ...... next doot to Ne•~ car... potefttlel -..,.. lot -,_ to expend Htls s bed. 2 be. A temltJ nelghbomood. Cell tor detalta. Try $115,000. IMMACULATE HOME Connnlent to Newpon A shopping. U199 patio with eHey eccHI to deteched 9are9ee. Two bed + pello. New applMCM DrfY9 bJ n2 lilegftolla, Coeta ..... A cell tor tl~MC'Bfvt..i;N~BOA ISLAND VU Penoremlc Vu from th• 2-••orr home on WATER et UM tum'"9 bMln. Large 4 bed. home with pler/ .. lp tor S boeta + 1 bed. apt. CM be lhled .. e alne'e femlty home Of with --------------------------ren-tat_..untt. •Uf*t> locetlon. 11,300.000. CLIFF HA VEN $249,500 &pacloul 4 bed. home with femlly • din. rma. A quiet I convenient Newport It. neer actK>oaa and ahopplnsi. Owner wlll help ftnanc.. 131-1400. DUPLEX-BLOCK TO BEACH Two well-priced unite In e vacetlon .. tttng ,,.., tun • aun. Two end 1 bed. unit• with ~ New roof. Good ttnanctng. mt,900. ITS-e900. VILLA BALBOA-VU, SECURITY Lovely orte bed+ den. S.Curtty bldg. Owner w1U "~@ 10% lnt-t.1271,000.111-1400. PENINSULA PT-ADORABLE Jwt ...... to a.y • BMc:fl.. ~ oondttloft • ~ Exceltent tlMnclng on tNe 2 bed. 2 be.+ den 6 patio. SMC,!00. 1544 E. OcNn INYd. ON WATER NEW & MEDITERRANEAN ON WATER-NEW AMI BALBOA ISLAND COTT AGE lhtle old faehloned houM on • good lot zoned tor duplex. moth tor Juet lot price. 2.04 Opal. Dl,000. c..,~. JASMINE CREEK-ELEGANT Qutet Cul de UC belitnd gU«ded 9et ... lmpr...ave decor enhtncea 3 bed. + den A cuatom ape. REDUCED TO 11'1S·,OOO. SHORECLIFFS CORNER-REMODELED 8w11ph19 comer tocetton wtttt C0111pl1te,......... 6 redecoreted 4 bod tntme with I be. + I cer tatete· .. lief mottvatod a wltt IMM/optlon or he'P flnence .... m .... erd on aun. 1-s PMI. $475,000. BALBOA 18. LEASE/OPTION C ........ comw 2......, hoftlo 80U) FUMUHED • • bed. + deft wftti vu of .. y. 2 C8' , ....... + cerpoft. 8ubmlt ........ PRICE REDUCEDI LAGUNA VIEW-CORNER-POOL-LAROE pyty ... wooded *"-""" C*latom 2-atory • bed. tannet clNftg, ._., rM + recr..eton room. Pftvete pool .... ler ... totalty neutral d9c:or, reedy tor ~now. OWMr .. C#TJ tor 10.15APRtor10 ywa wtttl ruun8ible ceeh. .. .-FEE. Rare ioc.tton bJ :: a.IMd "1tll row own ftlt out front. .. Ille ftrlt to enfof tNe -~· ....... v.w. =,..., ...... fUI ..................... w .. -.-NOWIUl,IOO An OCRANfRONT trl-tevet reeldoMMt for tlie dtacltnitNltlnt ltuJW • .......,. a bed. a be. OOftdo 11'1 .._ L8IOOft. OWNQ "'1 "'°4tYeted to ... tNe _.. "' • ....., .... c:ornpe.a wtelt • ,,....._ ........ lncludlng ........ .,.,, ... • .... ,.,.,, ..... 11 •*-+......,room. 2 ftNplec:ee + cln. nn .. UUM/....,. ""'...,,_.. 11,,._ .... LIDO ISLE-GARDEN ROOM The flnelt of deocw In thll large redeooreted 4 bedroom home. Lerge tamlf/..,... room wttt\ wet bet + ..,.. .. cln. rm. 11'1'5,GOO. Open et 2211 Via om.to. LOC.A TION VUI LOCA TIONI "9madl1l1d 2-atory home wtttt clan up VU of a.y, boeta. OOMtt end "'9ht tlglita. Enterteln ett)OJa.bfy from thla S bedfoom, r.mtr room plue prty ... patio. Own. tlexlble with fOOd flr'9lldng. -.000 , .. lend. BAY8HORE8-NEW CAPE COD Qrll06oue A 1p1Dlaue 2-etoty fllmllr·home wtttt I lladloome, 4th ....... +...., ...... Acroee "-a.,front In the ...... tracMton of the .... 1721,0DO. PIER/SUP TOWNHO• lao,DOO • A fair prtoe tor tlila I....,,, I Md. wooc1eJ r11ldl1rioe lft • ........... ......... ttr .................... OWMr ....... to .. ofteN. Good ........... ..... ON WATER-LIDO CONDO OWMr d ..... or.....,.,..._ tlila ._..OM tnet unit lft • aecurtty b11lldln9. Two bed + den, I M"-•· .... 1Hp ev ........ ~ .... ...._1111- 0CEANFRONT HOlll-ftEDUCEDI ••1Na1&MlltHl1111M1 .. ..._. .......... el wlNp" ... A ..... TWo .._, 4 bM. Ith II& 0..-.. ._ ............. eMd .... •EACHfRONT. Now .......... W•lll ltJ JIM w. OoeMfwont a 08il flDf ....._ BAYllDe COW BAYFRONT Prime ... Di.no..ct ,.... on w .._. .., 2 "'*•....., 2 betM ... deft.,,.... ................... -......, =.-=.:: ........................... ,,,,,,.. LINDA llLE-LOWllT PRICE-A ITEAU A tebYtu• VAl.U. flDf ...., 1111.-Md....., ......._on termeeftd~.._ .._. • ..._ ... .,...,....,CAM Aft na15 WATIRPROMT .._. • ............ • ,,.,,... ,. .............................. ~ del1Mw"'8tn ......... + ............ ,..., .... rm. wttt\ lilp dHI\ bet 811 "'9 ....,, .,..e1111 ,.... 6 mote. c.11 ......... A '""91 MW....,_ Ille ........ UP. ,,.., ........ ~ ...... BEAUTIFUL DEllGN ••• NEW HOME , ....... ,....., ................................. ...... 11'1 c..... clal Mw. o=,:.J":' vu. hln rooftop aundlull • LO'NIJ..,...,,.. ·····-LAQUNA-WOOD/QLAl8 CONTEMPOI ,. ....... ,,,11111ena...,.....,....,.._....,....._. =· •DDllflPHllril ....... tn INe I bed.+ t.nltJ room. NEW LAGUNA llTATW-DCHANOe Pftv901, PlllllFJ, ..... to .. • ....... I--. YIMn of hllt•,t.::•" A 111•••· Tri-towel Ito•• wtte. 10Hrn1 •••IL ................ ,. ....... +~Md.u,,..a ,,..., .... ""'"'S:" ........... -== ......... OW HCffAMCIL M lln•"" A ...... WATERFRONT ·HOMES, INC. Sales. Rentals. Property MMagement 3 J 5 Marine Ave. Balboa I.Sand 673-6900 - -- l ' ! ! l 1. " r 18 -Orange County Real Estate/An AdvertlaJng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COME WITH US TO ••• 1&11111 ISWI lllYE ••• If you enjoy luxurlous llvlng on the bayfront, this masterpiece Is we>Qhy of serious consideration. A pier and float for a 48 foot boat. Huge family room with bar. Five spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Dining area In kitchen. Separate master suite -Ideal for guests. Restful pool end spa. Three car garage. You own the land. Home vlrtualty new -built In 1980 ........ $2,350,000 UYllHH • • • Five bedroom early California home -warm and Inviting. Huge llvlng room with flreplace. Paneled dining room conceals Intriguing wine storage. Master suite with large sitting area and staircase to custom Jacuzzi. Artistic use of stained glass. Elaborate sound system. Owner motivated -will consider lease/option. ... . ............... ............... $1,650,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 2500 Bayshore Drive Ill OUYll ••• To say this home ts simply elegant Is the understatement of the yearl It has warmth and comfort , quality and craftsmanship. Five spacious bedrooms provide accommodations for an average family plus overnight guests. Formal dining room. Immense femlly room. Pool and spa. Fascinating view of the 18th Fairway of Big Canyon Golf Course ...................... $1 ,495,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ............... 20 Cypress Point •Ym TEIUll ••• If the home sets the mood for the day ... you will be Inspired by the spectacular ocean and bay view. Tremendous llvlng room. Three spacious bedrooms. Large famlly/bllllards room. Huge patio for easy entertaining. Custom spa and gazebo. You own the land -worth as much as the total asking price. Motivated seller ...................... $985,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........ 1301 Dolphin Terrace HYH 111111 ••• Quality shows In most everything -partlcularfy In a home such as this custom four bedroom by Valentine bultt with lath and plaster. Beautlfutty situated on a very private beach. You can step onto the sand from the famtty room patio. Master bedroom suite balcony overlooks beach and bay. In-law or maid's quarters. Security system. $980,000 Open Sun 1-5 ............. 509 Evening,. Star Lane llYll ... u ... Dramatic entry of carved wood and ttatlan fosalllzed marble . . . and your Impression becomes more exciting as you continue through this spacious four bedroom home. Carved wood and marble bar with tem~ature contrOlled wine vault. Solar heated poo . Spa. You own the land ............ $895,000 L.91 11U ••• One of the largest homes on lido. Bay view and tempting pool. Family fun at the nearby ciubhouse, tennis court, beech, boat ramp and park. Seven bedrooms, Five baths. Separate master bedroom eulte for your well earned privacy. . ............. :......... ......... $875,000 Ill OHHI , •• The much aought after "Versailles" modet. Spacloua four bedroom home. Four and one-half bathe. Custom decorating throughout. Extensive uee of beveled Glua. Parquet ftoora. Comer lot. Very :!:r:.~ ~~~ ... ~~~~~.~.~~: .. ~.~.~~~~--~·.~s:o.~ Open Sun 1-5 ............................. 12 Rue Verte Ill un• . . . A popular and very practical "townhome" In a prestigious locatlon overlooking the sixth fairway of the golf course. Three spacious bedrooms. Formal dining room. Oak plank floors. French doors. Vacant and ready f or quick occupancy. Attractive assumable financing. You own the land. Change In family plans hes created an urgency to sell, lease of tease/option. An excellent buy at $599,000 or tease at $2200 a month. Open Sun 1-5 ....................... 14 Aue Oeauvllle IPYILHI llLL ••• Exceptional value. This property takes the laurels for amenities and comforts, plus a dramatic front row view of ocean and city lights. Four bedrooms. Pool. Spa. liberal financing. ...................... $625,000 Open Sat 1-5 ..................... 11 Carmel Bay Dr. llNI lDUll ... Fascinating spilt-level home. Nothing monotonous here. eeam celllng. French doors. Shutters and levetors, three spacious bedrooms. Oen and family room. Property In top condition. Freshly painted. Carpeting only four months old. Low maintenance yard. Bubbling black spa. Can be purchased $575,000 Fee or $440,000 Leasehold. llYEI 111111 , • , Owner will assist with financing. Impressive two story home. Lovely bay view. Excetlent bedroom arrangement with one downstairs and three up. Sparkllng pool In front courtyard. PRICE JUST REDUCED $150,000. . ................................. Now $550,000 llftl _. • , • A home of distinctive charm and taste. Four bedrooma. One of tta many features la a ten foot solid oak bar, complete, even to brass rail. Pool. Dramatic view. Exciting financing. . .................... ,. ... ...... .. ....... .. $550,000 .. ..... -, •• Spectacular front row view of mountalna, city llghts and lake-Ilk• reMt'Volr. Three bedroom "Renal11ance" floor plan. library/Iott overlooks hu~ llvlng roo.m. Wet bar. Three view decks. l>oola and tennis. ............................................................ $510,000 •WfllT ._ , •• 116' of waterfront. Three bedrooms. Large den or bonus room. Huge patio. Your own pier and aJlp ........... $479,000 Wll11Uff , • , Prominent builder'• own home. Prestigious four bedroom home. Lavish use of trench doora and wlndowa. Extensive bullt-lns such as bookcuee and china cabinets. Loeda of storage lnctudlng attic. 90x132 pool size yard with gazebo and off-street parking for six cws. You own the land. Liberal financing! $475,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 1118 SomerMt Lane MID ...... , • Magnificent four bedroom waterfront. EnJoy the dramatic vtew of water and night llght1. Large p4er and allp. Priced reduced $135,000. ............................ $480,000 HIT 11.IPJ ••• Enjoy the elegance and convenience of a rare Luak "E" plan home. Superbly dHlgned for the large tamUy or J>iK>ple who llke to entertain. Five 1peclou• bedroom•. Large famlty room with ftreplace. Bar and barbeque In the aheftered patio .... Private backyard with pool and spa. Heat reatatant decking. Minimum maintenance. Three car garage. You own the lend. '389,500 Open Sat-&wl 1-1 .................. 2201 ""• Vl9ta WEIT RWNIT ••• Duplex. TWo three bedroom units. Excellent tocatton. Steps to sand. Ocean view from upper unit. Great financing. Submit on AITD. Reduced $49,500 .............. $299,500 llYOIHT •• , Wonderfully diverse three bedroom home. Designed for easy entertaining. Huge llvlng room with soaring beamed celllng. Quallty and Informality. Just reduced $40,000. . .................................................. Now $299,000 IUlll •ILAlll ... Lovely tree llned street. Three spacious bedrooms plus maid's quarters with bath. Formal dining room. Famlly room. Significant upgrading Including new roof. Priced reduced $26,000 ........... Now $299,000 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ................ 1530 Anita Lane UUN YIEW ..... , The popular "Carmel" model. Three bedroom•. New carpeting. Spacious patio. Luxuriant garden. Property In top condition. You own the land ...... $268,500 Open Sat 1-5 ............. 1930 Port Bristol Circle Tll YlllAIUll ••• A great place for retirees who enjoy dignity and elegance. Two bedroom penthouse overlooking the bay and ocean. Security gate. Pool/Spa. Clubhouse. Gym. Excellent financing. ........................... $259,500 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 .... 100 SchOlz Plaza PH 10 •111• • -... Spacious three or five bedroom home. One large bedroom and bath downstairs. Two bedrooms upstairs plus bonus room. ................................................. $253,500 Open Sat. 1-5 ....................... 5 Colonial, Irvine mu "91 •.. Thi• senaatlonal four bedroom dwelllng has It all. Oversized yard. Pool. Spa. Multi-leveled used brick decks. Great for entertaining. Price just reduced $3.4,000. Now ............................................................. $245,000 Open Sun 1-5 ................ 1944 Flamingo Drive M IUffl .•. The popular "Franclecan" model condo. Three spacious bedrooms. Two tlled patios and gas bart>ecue. ................ $229,000 Open Sun 1-5 ....................... 685 Vista Bonita • 1&19 111• a• , , . Never a better time to buyl Thia three bedroom dwelling has extreme value. Large secluded cul-de-sac lot. Pool. Lease/option avallable. .................... S 199,900 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ........... 512 Rockford Place Ullll MIUlll , .. Slgnlflcantly upgraded four bedroom home. Three baths. Gourmet kitchen exceptlonally convenient, Including mlqowave and 1911-deanlng oven. Reer yard tecftures sparkling pool, extenetve decking and luxuriant landacaplng. Entire property In Immaculate condition ....................... $199,500 Open Sat-Sun 1-5 ............... 1624 Sytvla Lene .na ... (UITlll) ••• A condo With character . . . Thi• Intriguing trt-levet, thtee bedroom _ dwelling la made warm and comfortable wtth the lavish uee of wood and uMd brick. Wiii trade or finance ................................ 118&,ooo· ............. Prime locatlon In Eutllde Coeta Meu. NMrty a full acre at 18th St,.... Md Orange Awnue. Ptw and permltl for H condoe are IV8H9ble. Purch ... wtce llleo lncludee a nw MW trtplU. Exoeflent ftwmt. Onwer wtll ---trade. Call Harriet Perry ........................ -11, 150,000 NEWPORT BEACH · ' I I I t I I ~ I I 1--- FHEOLllllE IALE Mesa Verde 4 Bdrm pool hm-low down. Seller desperate. Shows great. Call 11 ... ...... 631-1266 ICUI YIEW IEllOEI 111,000 This CAPE COO Beauty is READY TO SELL! EXPANSIVE 4 Bdr. with recreation room & POOL. $550,000. SUBMIT OFFERS -We'll work with you! llat lleqers 631-1266 IEWPOllT llTS IEST llY 2 houses on large lot total price $152,500. Excell owner financing. C1rt lerhrts 11. 631-1266 FIRST TllE llYEllTISEI AT TJllS PRICE Prime Loe. Newport Heights. 3 Bdr., study, 4'h bas. custom home $385,0001 Jackie ladle•H 631-1266 &OLF COIRIE 0111111 5 bdr ., family & rec. rooms. pool & spa, on Mesa Verde C.C. golf course. Seller will consider trade-make offer -$510,0001 Jao•Je l•Hk••• 631-1266 IESA YElllE IEST llY One of newest properties In the area. 4 bdr. fam , pool & spa. Reduced to $265,000. Seller's new home ready -must sell . .ltctl• ........ 631-1266 IEST II IESA YEI• Beautiful 4 Br. 3 Ba 2 story home steps from the park. Assume Jumbo 1st T.O. @ 9¥4% and seller will finance balance at 12% with 20% down. Price $199,900 a. .. WastaH 631-1266 CASTLE IY TIE SU Come down off the hlll and check out this one of a kind prevue home of the year. 4 br. 4 ba. masterpiece with whitewater vu of little Corona Beach. Call • 111.lll 759-1221. OISTI IESA IAIUll 3 Bdr. lg. fam. rm. w/flreplace and remodeled kitchen. Best value In town. Try V.A. terms $115,500. 111• ••1111114 631-1266 IEWPllT HTS. IEllOTI• 3 Bdrm 2'h ba., den, formal din, hlghly upgraded. Asking $295,000 Fee. Assumable financing. Call llltf lal .... r 631-1266 4-PUI Rare Newport Heights 4-plex 3 bdrm. owners unit. Lg. assumable loan. Priced to sell nowl...,.. Wlllle 631-1266 1-lllTS Eastslde C.M. near 17th St. Lg. 3 bdrm owners unit-only $65,000 On . ...,.. Wllbe 631-1266 Ill .. 1211,000 SI. If IWY Last years price! 3 br. remodeled home on R-2. Lg. assumable 1st T.D. Call Now. ..... ,. ... 631-1266. STEIL IT Low dwn, assume loans. 3 B1 2 Ba. Call Frd THert 631-1266 IEST VIEW llEMCEI 11,000 Prestige upgraded 2 Bdr. & den plus 2 ba and dbl garage. Panoramic views, comm. pool, fantastic financing. Only $185,000 or make offer. Call lie• ..,twarfll 559-9400 IEWPOllT ILIFFS IS Pm .llllSll You own the land. Priced below market. Smaller contemporary condo with private spa & view of back bay only $260,000. Larger 4 Br. remodel vacant. Reduced to $287,500. Call Ptte "••nea 631-1266 IPEI llMSE S•IAY 318 Jasmine -Come In & discuss terms -steps from sand -1 'A lots wide. See Tl• lllltH Sunday 631-1266 LIW MWIT Waterfront property -super condition - wlll sell for Income units -trade? Tl• ...... 631-1266 .. , ... , Call Tl• lllHe -Fantastic 2 Bd & condo -super view, move In condition. Bluffs Location. 631-1266 llAlll IEW Move In today -2 story -steps from beach -great financing. Cell n. IMM 631-1266 ao 11m -1.1 1 11m Assumable 8~% 1at T.D. plua owner financing 12% -Hurryl ••• Llut1 .,...,,...., 759-1221. R~MtlC . llUOIOJ ._. m •Ylll • 4412 llllAllA PIWI. lllTI llU-IM L 11'1 IT. BOB and DOVIE KOOP . Liii PDl•IR 2 bd. 2 ba. The flneet vu avaJI. In Newport. Sec. Bldg., pool, boat dock w/notk:e. $525,000. llPl.ll-- Country antique, different. A gift for your mother. 2 Bdrm 2 Ba & 1 Br 1 Ba. highly upgraded kitchen, brick fplc $295,000. Seller wlll fin. Must aee. Submh any offer: IEWPllT IEllm 4 Bdrm 2'A Ba w/game room. Beaut. decor In every room. Over v. ac. w/jac. Asking $3-40,000 Fee. Wiii trade for smaller home or condo. IEW llSTll FllEICI lllllWllY You must aee to believe all this fine wkmnshp '4 br 3 ba, form dr, 3 fp, oak cab. beaut. tlle, choice of crpt. Npt. Hgts. Only ..$l8&;000" $350,000. Sir, carry lge 1st at 13°/o. Wiii RlllE FllEICI CISTOI Just reduced -$350,000. Must sell. Submit any offer on this 4 br. 5ba. with fam. rm., library, huge master suite, 4 fireplaces, ocean & nlte view. Steal at $1,500,000 or submit to ICUIFlllT -IOUIFIOIT Convert ex. lge duplex to your prl. res. & live on the finest beach on the coast. $170,000 1st at 11%. 2nd of $250,000 at 12%. Steal at $650,000. UlllllllllE 5 br, 4 ba. game rm. form. dr, highly upgraded, ltallan marble In l.r., d.r., kit f.r., study & f.r. hu beaut. panellng & shutters. Fab w 2 lge. patio decka. A must to see at $895,000. WIEl ... EI Fab. Ocean & coastline vy, 3 br. 3 ba. form. d .r ., f .r., study, lge. pool & courtyard, prl. bcha. $895,000. Fee. llUIFlllT- Just 2 years new. very contemporary. 3 br. 4 ba. corner loc. fab view, two kitchens. Beat oceanfront buy today. Very motivated. $650,000. Submit any offer, seller needs cuh fut. 111111 WE WIE 4 br. 3 ba form. d.r. f.r., study, beautifully dee. age deck1, tab. vu. Prl. grd. gate, pool & tennla. $2500 mo. Submit all offers. •W•llT•DT-3 br. 3 ba. r.r .• d.r., huge mater ate/sitting rm. vu, largest model. $210,000. Submit any offer on terma. • NEED YOllt LISTWGS BOB or DOVE KOOP 759-1221 11\Wm IEACH OfFIC( , I I I I ' I I I I l I I l I I t I -2 o :_ Ora0ge County~~atate/An Advertlilng Supplemen\ to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept 11, 1982 ·1388 Watson Ave., Costa Mesa 559-9400 $139,500 SaVSun 1-4 *445 E. 20th St. (E/Stde) CM 675-6000 Sun 1-5 .. 1301 Oolphln Terr., Irv. Terr, NB 631-7300 $985,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 &..--------------------.-14 Rue Deeuvllle, Big Cyn, N.B. - - -- This Weekend ! IC•., tMs llMdy dlrKtwy wlffl yCMI tfllh wffh!Mt •• , ................... Al .... lecetl.-1 lhtM Mtow -•tcnlled Iii,,_..,. .. ell lly _..Ml ...... ..._. la tM.y'a DAIU ,llOT WANT ADS. 'etrM• ....... ~~for•• or,_. -...-4 to lat Mell .. , .. ...._ .. tMa c...._ Hell S...,..y elMfSwtdey. HOUSES FOR SALE 1 BEDROOM 217 32nd St. (Bal Pen) Npt Bch 548--4885 Sun 1-5 2 BEDROOM 2001 Kings Road, Newport Hts. 631-1400 $399,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 56 Chardonnay (Wdbrg) Irv. 760-6333 $149,900 Sun 1-5 2308 CllH Dr. (Nwpt Hgts) NB 6-42-5200 $397 ,500 Sun 1-5 2 BR plu• FAM RM or DEN * 19 Curl Dr., Jasmine Crk, vu, CdM 640-1515/1-728-5151 Sat/Sun 12-5 **633 Lido Park Dr, Lido Penln (F-1) 631-1400 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *621 Lido Prk Dr, Udo Penln (C-3) 631-1400 $560.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3 Rue Fontainebleau, Bg Cyn, NB 759-9100 $405,000 Sun 1-5 * *827 Via Lido Soud, lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1,850,000 Sat 1-5/Sn 2-6 3 BEDROOM #2 Coldstream (Woodbrdge) Irv. 552-1800 $159,900 Sun 1-5 2405 Cliff Drive, Newport Hts. 631-1400 $820,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3064 Klllybrooke Ln .. Costa Mesa 545-5736 $133,000 Sat/Sun 10-4 416 -416'11 Carnation, CdM 631-1400 $569,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1536 Serenade Terrace, CdM 631-1400 $230,000 Sat 1-5 **6802 W. Oceanfront, N.B. 645-5430 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 108 Turquoise, Balboa laland 631-1400 $595,000 Sat 1-5 314 Marigold, Corona def Mar 631-1400 $669,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 9 Creaoent Clrc., Canyon Crest, CdM 964-6111/964-7268 $225,000 Sun 12-5 3415 Ocean Blvd., Corona d•I Mar 780-1900 11,250,000 Sun 1-5 *204 Via Et>oll, Lido 1•1•. N .8 . 873--7300 $560,000 Sat 1""4/Sn 2·5 **210 Grand Canal, Balboa leland 875-8000 1575,000 Set/Sun 1-5 **12 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) NB 675-6000 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **21 Beacon Bay (Beacon Bay) NB 675-6000 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * *603 36th St., Newport Beach 675-9164 $840,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *3465 Fuchsia St., Costa Me•a 546-2313 $165,900 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 2753 Drake (Mesa del Mar) CM 540-1151 $124,900 Sat 1-5 **1418 W . Bay , Penln. Pt, NB 675-6161 $1,200,000 Sat 1-5 *1901 Y acht Marl a, Newport Boh 646-7171 $339,000 Sun 1-4 11 Rue Marseille, Big Cyn , N .B . 644-9060 $450,000 Sun 1-5 3 BR plua FAM RM or DEN **38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 673-9187 $525,000 Dally 1-5 ** 1038 Polaris, Dover Shores, NB 646-0523 $899,000-Fee Sun 1-5 25 Mainsail (Jasmn Ck) CdM 640-9592 $362,400 1903 Yacht Colina, Newport Bch Sun 12-4 644-1017 $485,000 Sat/Sun 12-5 215 Walnut St., Newport Beach 675-6670 $172,000 ~at 12-4 2298 Redlands Drive, Beck Bay 631-1400 $248,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • 2887 Redlands, eo.ta Meta 631-<>448 $1'43,900 Sun 1-5 1511 Kings Road, Newport Heights 631-1400 $599,000 Sat 1-5 *4601 Bruce Crescent, Npt Bch 548-6877 $199,900 Sat/Sun 12""4 2 Shoal Ori~. Jumlne Creek 780-1900 $388,000 Sun 2-5. 616 Martgofd, Corona del Mat 675-5511 $370,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1863 Braemar.:~· Newport Beach 759-9100 ,000 Sun 1-3 3422 S~ Or., Hunt. Hrbr e.44-7020 $389,950 Sun 1-3 802 Klnga Aoed, Newport Beach 780-8333 $760,000 Sun 1-6 2001 Yacht ~ Newport 8ch 180-8333 t44t,ooo Sat/Sun 1-6 15 ..... fofltlillle, ... ~ .... lcfl 1eo-ms •111.000 a.t 1-3 631-7300 $599,000 Sun 1-5 **301 North Star (Dover Shra) NB 642-5200 $525,000 Sun 1-5 2901 Catalpa, Eastblutt, N.B. 720-1211 $210,000 Sun 1-5 *512 Rockford Pl, CameoHghlnds. CdM 631-7300 $199,900 SatlSun 1-5 *318 Signal, Nwpt Hghts, N.B. 631-7300 $269,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1607 Cornwall (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $289,500 1218 Keel Dr., Newport Beach Sun 1-5 631-1266 $375,000 Sat/Sun 12-6 2611 Circle Or., (Bayshores) N.B. 645-6218 $299,500-L/F Sa/Sun 1;5 111 Via Dijon, Lido Isle, N.B. I 675-4562 $425,000 Sun 1-5 *1901 GaJatea, Irv. Terrace 644-6200 $795,000-lnc. land SIS 1-5 3215 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 644-6200 $1,500,000 Sat/Sn 2-5 •1472 Galaxy Or., Dover Shores, NB 642-2510 $695,000-fee Sat/Sun 1-5 1337 Suaaex, Newport Beach 645-7408 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-4 124 Via lthace, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-4582 $645,000 203 Cecil Pl (E/Slde) C,M. 642-6388 $165,000 1930 Port Bristol Clrc:kt, HVH, NB Sun 1-5 Sat 1-5 631-7300 $288,500 Sat 1-5 **748 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, N.B. 644-9060 Sun 1-5 748 Via Lido Nord, Lido lsJe, N.B. 644-9060 Sat 1-5 1218 Key West, HV Hiiis, CdM 644-4910 $379,500-Fee 114 Via Orvleto, Lido late, N.B. Sun 1-5 644-9060 $400,000 Sat/Sun 2-5 218 Via Koron, lido Isle, N.B. · 644-9060 Sun 1-5 1907 Tradewlnds, Baycrest, N.B. 644-9060 $325,000 Sun 1-4 * 17 Monterey Cir, Spyglass, CdM 644-9060 $449,000 Sun 1-5 4 BEDROOM 1541 E. OcQn, Peninsula Point 631-1400 $470,000 Sat 1-5 320 Seawerd, Shorec:Uffa 831-1400 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 209 -19th St. Condos, Penlntula 217 Via Ithaca, Lido 19'e, H.B. 631-1400 From $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *11691 Tammany Cir .. No. Tustin 759-9100 $595,000 Sat 12-5 4511 Cam<Mn (Cameo Shoree) CdM 673-7781 $825,000-fee Sun 1-5 1142 DorMt, Costa Mesa 831-7370 $128,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 222 Coral, e.Jboa 1"8nd e7M921 $539,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *1524 SyMa Ln .• Harbor Hghlnda, NB 831·7900 $199,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2020 Calvert (Mela Verde) CM &45-0303 $100,000 Sat 1""4 4 • plua P:AM Ml •09N 424 letw\M Une, Pen6nlUla Point 831-1400 $408,000 Sat 1-.5 *101 Via Acnnoe, Udo -. NB 873-1'00 1815,000 Sun 2·5 *1837 Seadrift, Irv. Terr, CdM tM0-5560 $478,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 2531 Bunya (E.astbluff) NB 675-6000 $275,000 * 1700 Oahu Pl., Mesa Verde, CM Sun 1-5 75-6835 $184,900 .Sat/Sun 1-5 * 10931 Hunting Horn Dr, No. Tustin 759-9100 $454,000 Sun 1-5 114 Via Ensueno, Marin~ pt SanClem 759-9100 $875,000 Sat 1-5 * 1132 Ebbtlde, Harbor View Hiiis 760-1900 $695,000 Sun 2-5 11 San Sebastian, Hrbr Ridge 760-1900 $1,600,000 21512 Camino Trebol, Lake Forest Sun 2-5 760-1900 $216,000 Sun 1-5 **542 Hrbr Isl. Dr, Prom.Bay, NB 759-9100 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 1718 Prt Barmouth, Npt Bch 6«-7020 $310,000 6262 Sierra Siena (Trtlrk) Irv. 760-8333 $199,500 4612 Corkwood (Univ Pk) Irv. 760-8333 $240,000 Sat 2-5 Sun 1-5 Sun 1-5 1400 Morro Bay (Spygls) NB 760-8333 $595,000 Sun 1-5 509 De Anza (Corona Hinds) CdM 760-8333 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *2283 Waterman, Costa Mesa 631-7370 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1530 Anita Ln .• Hrbr Hghlnds, NB 631-7300 $299,000 SaVSun 1-5 2706 Lighthouse (HVHls) CdM 675-tK>OO $429,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2021 Port Bristol Cir., N.B. 760-1290 $347,500 Sat/Sun 12-4 1010 Sandcastle. Corona del Mar 546-2313 $325,000 Sat/Sun 10-5 1222 Sussex Ln (Westcllff) NB 642-5200 $239,000 222 Via Koron (Udo Isle) NB 642-5200 $795,000 Sun 1-5 509 Evening Star Ln, Dover Shrs, NB 631-7300 $980,000 Sun 1-5 12 Rue Verte, Big Ganyon, NB 631-7300 $850,000 Sun 1-5 * 1944 Flamingo Dr., Mesa Ve<de, CM 831-7300 $245,000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Lane, Westcllff, NB 631-7300 $475,000 Sun 1-5 1112 Westcllff (WestcUff) NB 642-5200 $255,000 Sun 1-5 434 Begonia, Corona del Mar 6«-1211 $595,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 3201 Idaho. Costa Mesa 751-3494 $179,900 Sun 1--4 4 Narbonne, Hrbr ~ge. N.B. 6«--6200 $1 ,825,000 SatJSun 1-5 * 11 Carmel Bay Dr .• Spyglass Hiii, NB 631-7300 $825,000 Sat 1-5 *5 Colonial, Northwood, Irvine 831-7300 $253,500 Sat 1-5 3105 McKinley, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $139,900 Sat 1-4 1501 Keel Dr, HV Hiiis, CdM 8«-8200 $319,000-Fee Sat 2-5 1441 Galaxy Dr., Dover Shores, NB 548-5647 $420,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4'931 L°"9nn, Callf. Homes, Irv. 759-1501 $137,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 *3165 Bermuda (M ... Verde) CM &45-8100 $160,000 · Sat/Sun 1-8 133 Via Undlne, Udo 18'8, N.B. &4+9080 1715 Ga19t .. T•r, Irv.Terr, CdM Sun 1-5 &4+9080 Stt 1:30-5/Sun 1-5 18 Cherry HI&. Bia Cenyon, N.B. 644-9080 S 1,005,000 8Un 2-5 Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertlllng Su~t to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 -21 .. 213 Diamond, Balboa Island 6«-4910 $595,000-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 * 14 Burning Tree Rd, Big Cyn, NB, 644-4910 $695,000-Fee Sun 1-5 307 Carnation, Corona def Mar 644-9060 $650,ooo-Fee Sun 1-5 *1830 Port Abbey, HV Homes, NB 6«-9060 $350,000 Sat 1-5 427 -16th Ptace, E-slde, C.M. 644--4910 $229,000-Fee 1251 Surfllne Way, HV Hiiis, CdM Sun 1-5 644-4910 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **2616 Bayahore Dr, Bayshra, NB 644-9060 $1,750,000-Fee Sun 2-5 5 BEDROOM * *4028 Channel Pl., Nwpt Isl, NB 673-0202 $985,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 2661 BawNood, E-Bluff, NB 673-7300 $232,000 **~19 Via Udo Soud, Udo 18'8 Sun 1-5 760-1900 $1,995,000 Sun 1-5 2912 Carob (Eaatbluff) N.B. 6«-1742 $249,000-LH Sat/Sun 1-5 * * 708 Via Lido Nord, Udo Isl, NB 675-6161 $1,500,000 Sun 1-5 5 BR plua FAM RM Of DIN 22 Cypress Tree Lane, lrvlne 857-5680 $2691</$1450 mo SIS 1-4 •35 RJdgellne Dr .• Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2,650,000 Sun 2-8 3 San Sebastian, Harbor Ridge 760-1900 $2, 100,000 Sun 1-5 5 Point Loma (Spyglass) CdM 675-8000 $850,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 **401 N. Star. Dover Shores, NB 548-1188 $1,495,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *#2 Winged Foot Ln, Big Cyn, NB 673-7300 $699,950 Sun 1-5 2724 Mendon (Mesa def Mar) CM 631-7370 $159,000 Sun 1-S **818 Hrbr IUnd Dr.(PrO!" Bay)NB 759-9100 $1,350,000 Sat 1-5 411 Heliotrope, CdM 76Q..8333 $565,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 *3 Muir Beach (Spygte) NB 760-8333 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 12 Trafalgar (Hrbr Ada) NB 760-8333 $1,995,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 7 Muir Beach Circle, CdM 640-8259 Sat/Sun 2-8 *2201 Atta Vista. The Blutt., NB 631-7300 $389,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1818 Tanager, Costa Meu 546-231! S276,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 **2500 Baythore·Dr, Bayahra, N& 631-7300 $1,650,000 Sun 1-5 •20 Cypreaa Point, Big Canyon, NB 631-73oo $1 ,495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1601 Kings Road, Newport 8Mct'I 631-4300 Sat 1-5 14941 Rancho Cr, Irvine 979-5370 $159,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 I M ..... FAM RM or MN 233 Via Genoe, Lido ..... N.B. 673-7300 1675,000 Sun 2-5 32 Million Bay, Spygtua, CdM 790-1900 '596,000 * 18"8 Newport Hiiia Dr. E., NB &44'-7020 '495,000 Oatly 1-5 CONDOMINIUM I ' FOR SALE ... 2 BEDROOM , 101 Scholz Plaza, #217, Versailles 831-1400 $149,000 Sat 1-5 *1063 Dov« Dr., Westcllff, N.B. 673-7300 $145,000 Sat 1-5 100 Scholz Plaza PH 10 Vereallles, N.B. Veraalltea, N.B. 831-7300 $259,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 552 Hamilton St, Unit E-2. C.M. 759-1501 $117,000 Sat 1-8 411~ Dahlia, Corona del Mar 673-8494 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 2 llR plua FAM RM or DEN * #4 Seascape(corn. Tlcondoroga)NB 67.5-8676 $139,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 * 1 Pandora (lrvlne Groves) Irv. ~2-5200 $139,500 Sun 1-5 S BEDROOM 411 Dahlla. Corona del Mar 673-8494 $300,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 685 Vista Bonita, The Bluffs, NB 831-7300 $229,000 Sun 1-5 s llR plus FAM RM or DEN •2642 Vista Omada (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $209,000 Sat 1-5 7 Aue Vlllars (BIQ Cyn) Npt Beach 759-9100 $65<>.ooo Sat/Sun 1-5 2645 Vista Ornada, Newport Bch 640-0020 $315,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE 2 BEDROOM 1095 Sea Terrace, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $141,500 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE Sat 1-4 1 llR ptue FAM RM or DEN 300 E. Coast Hwy Unit 113, Npt Bch 675-3347 $60,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 DUPLEXES FOR SALE s llR plua 1 -127-127'n Abalone, Balboa Island 875-4822 $695,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 ...... 2 ... 411-411~ Dehlia, COrqna def Mar 973-8494 1525,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 . ....... 214 HIQhland St., Newport Beach 648-1171 $255,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 ........... , ... **132 & 132~ Bayfront, Bal. Isl. 881-1400 $1,300,000 Sat/Sun 1-S HOME & INCOME FOR SALE 2 ....... ITUDtO 415-415~ Nardlaua, Corona det Mar 673-8494 $229,500 Sun 1--4 HOUSE FOR LEASE 4 • plue PAii Ml or DUI 2011 Port Albene Clrcle, NB 844-IOS3 •12&01mo. Sat/Sun 1-6 · * Poot ** W...,,..ont *** Waterfront A Pam ·- I ) ! ) 22 -Orange County Real Estate/An Advertlelng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 CREATING AFFORDABILITY WITHOUT SACRIFICING PRICE! LET US SHOW YOU HOW .. . . RESIDENTIAL MORTGAGE SERVICE TO SEL:.L IN A BUYER'S MARKET PAYMENTS 9% -11 %0/o NOTE RATES *11%-13\0/o JUMBO LOANS AVAILABLE 4 POINTS + 200 *AS OF 9-8-82 . (714) 964-9090 - I• IN.I,,,,,, ........••••••...•••.• J;OUAL MOUSIHG OPPORTUNITY h~lhlter'• ltfloe1 All real utate advertised In this newspaper la sub)ect to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968 which makes It Illegal to advertlM '"any prefwen-ce. llmltatlon or dlaorlml- natlon baaed on race, color, religion, sex or national origin, or any Intention to make any auch preference. !Imita- tion or dltorlmlnatlon.'' Thi' newtpaper will not knowln"ly accept any adv.-11alng for real esta- te which la In vlolatlon of the law. 1111111 Adverti· sers should check their ads dally and report errors im- m ed lately. The DAIL y PILOT as- . sumes llablllty for the first incorrect Insertion only. ...... ,., i.i. ..•..•.•••••••........ ... , ,,,,,, .•.••...•..•••........ •• ,,,, lllJ .....••••..•..••..•... 1111• Ulll I.Ml ""' ... No qualltylng • yet you c:en mow Into ttita pride of own«8hlp neighbor· hood w/utmoet apeed. Boat & RV acceu, country kitchen wtroc:k frplc, 3 Bdrma, 2 full Betha. S117,000. Call lmmedi.wt for~- Diana Pletenpol-Volpe 669-MOO &..-au Cute ci.n, atlarp 3 Br Meta Ciel Mar home. Huge lot on a~ at. Great ioen. Cell now on this ea.ta Meae c:utle. 831-7310 Of 545-783e TR\ DIT 10\,\l. k'f:,\l l \ Orange County Real Eeta~e/An Advertlalng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 -23 s ..... ,,, hi• BHHI ,,, ,,,, .... n ,., ,,,, ••••n ,., ,,,, ...... ,., ,,,, ...... ,., i.J1 .'':' • ...,, ,., ,,,, •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• J ••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C.•1111 IOOZ C.•1111 . IOOZ C..•111 IOOl •••"I IOll ,.,,,,,/ llOZ CIH11l 1111 ,.,,,,,, 1001 ......................••..•......••..•••....•........•..•.••.••...••.......•••••.••.••••..........•....•••••••..•......•••..••••••..•....•............•... Prof. decor, warm 3 Bdrm, fam rm, big kitchen, fireplace + a large private marucured yard, a pvt putting green & 3 car garage. A real value at $375,000 and you own the land. Try 10% dwn or trade. Open Sat/Sun 11-6. 1218 KPel Dr, C.dM. Patrick Tenore. RE/MAX, 631-1266. R&IM* of Costa Mesa UllE ILIFFS OPPllTllITT Just listed -front row view. Lowest priced "E" P!an 3 Br, family room . $197,000 Assume loans. Submit on dwn. 2645 Vista Ornada $315,000 Open Sat/Sun 1-5 IEW um11 3 Br, family rm at poolside. Designers' home -every a menity. Excell. financing. Offered with land at $310,000 . ILIFFS LUSE 2 &inn, water view, $950/mo. 2 Br 2 Ba, vu, lease $1000 UMIH MT. lM-1171 200 n .•• ...., um11t · BOAT ON THE BAY, PLAY ON THE OCEAN. Spacious. open & sunny all view home wt panoramic decka, on huge prime Island Point. + docking & prkg galore, + you own the land. + owner financing, all for $965,000. 4028 Channel Place, Newport Island, Newport Beach. 673--0202. Open Sat/Sun 11-5. 1wan1 Ada Cd 5'42-5e781Sell Idle Item• 1142-5878 1 · A RARE OFFERING ON FEE LAND Lusk built 5 bdrm. 3 bath family room. Remodeled k itchen. This former model has new pool, jacuzzi, and huge covered and carpeted outdoor entertainment area. 3 car garage with added attic storage and security system. $389,500. Open Saturday and Sunday l to 5. 2201 Alt.a Vista, Eastbluff. 631-7300 Broker • • • • • • • • • !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Cele )) CM••,_., ;, •uh L M,: 175-1511 ..... - IPlllMll1·1 ........... atetl .""' .... ... O.rt•• .. , • ., olt1111, '" I ..,_ 4 ........... ,, .. ••• 11, ,.. ..... •• ,,... .,,., .. ., .. , ,., ... , •••• ••rm ,. •••• 11' ....... tollt1p, 11• ftttn, ... "' ............. , ... .... , .,...., ... . ....... ...... sf111. Fltllllllt terlll. IH•· ,. ... 1110.-. 111 ••fic.W. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 25t5 ~. C-t Nw11. Coron• del Ill•• • • 2400 141. ft. IQHI IHYE • RE I UCE I • ol CUSTOM HOUSE. 2 & 3 Bdrm Luxury Con Jt5·5511 Excellent financing dos. Encl. gara_oee. Full $$539,000 amenities. $5000 down. People wtio need people • . • 67>6921 Call Rich Own/Agt. should alw1ya check the • $ 2 l 5 0 0 0 • Have eomethlng to Mii? 964-6171 d Service Directory In the • ' • Claaalfled lld• do II -"· Sell Idle Item• 54N;&n; DAIL v PILOT e • NOTICE OF SALE OF : 6,o~!· ='!~a= ~ng, : REAL PROPERTY • entertainment facilities for • • entire family. 5 Bdrm, 7 batha, • ptus maid'• quarter~. Is offering the e Indoor/outdoor pool, 3 jacuzz:i.s, • • 18' bar, aoda fountain. complete • property for sale: sauna room, enormou1 play · The-City of Huntington Beach following • room, gourmet kitchen, 3 sub e 1~;;;;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;:;.. zero refrig. and many more e I 1 amenities. $699,950. By UMllU-EI ASSESSORS PARCEL: LOCATION: 153-421--01 MSEA: Approx. 6.000 eq. ft. 19012 Undaay L.n., Huntington Beech, CA R-1 (Reeldentlel) 111 VII .... -IPll -1·1 Prime Lido Nord bayront. 5 bdrm. 5 ~ bath. Lge L.R., 2 boat alipa $1,500,000. e appointment with Marci Cooper e • 644-7844. Seller reserves rights • to accept best offer. • . .... _., ... Remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 ba&h + large rec. rm • #I -NIT • beam ceilinp. fumiahed, patiol. $420,ooo. • U111111.n 11a.1• • PllllllU ... e e e e e. e • •• e e. 1411 •• UY ... Ill 1-1 COOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOQJ Prize West Bay bayfront. Slipa foe 2 boata. 8 0 remodeled 3 bdrm. 3 ba&h •1•200•000· o SEPTEMBER SALES g 0 0 ~ & jetty views. Marine room. 4 bdrm, 3 g --Ill ........ tf .... ., -8 ba&h. 37001q.ft. $1,385,000. Ooeantront.. a lat ... w... te ... MllL Illa II o LlllA llU Ulfa.T Laaoon view from 6 bdrm, 5 bath, playroom. darlc nn. den. Boat alip. Now Sl.000,000. UYlmPUOE Spectacular ba,yfroot dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br 2 ba dn. 2 boat apacee!. Reduced -$1,500,000. . ILlfflOllM Slngle l10r)' end unit, expAnded 3 br, 3 ba on largest p-eenbelt & lake. $260,000. g ... •••••• ......... ,,., ... ,., ... g 0 ...... ....., tit tf I WM, 8'1111• 0 g .............. -....... 0 0 ...... """ ... ., ......... 0 , 0 ..... , .... ..,, ........ •••f •• , g g ............ 0 a o 0 '""" 111111 •••••• ., • ., g g,, ......... -.............. 0 0 .,..., ......................... g o ..... ., ..... .._...,._ltfllll o ZONE: MINIMUM BID: ASSESSOAS PARCEL: LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM BID: ASSESSORS PARCEL: LOCATIOH: ZONE: MINIMUM BID: ASSESSORS PARCEL: LOCATION: ZONE: MINIMUM BID: SEALED BIOS: $61.200 (Sixty One Ttlouaand Two Hundred Dollars) 114-1~ AREA: Approx. 1.20 ac:ree 8611 Edleon Awi., Huntington BMQh, CA M·2 (lndu9trlet) S 152,220 (One Hundred Fifty-two TtloUMnd TWo Hundred Twenty Donart) 025-04&-08, 11, AREA. Approx. 1.30 acres 1301 Alabama St., Huntington Beach, CA R-2 (Reeldentlal) $846,000 (Eight HUndrM Forty~alx Thouund Dollen) 024-09().02 AREA: Approx. 1.15 acres 704 La"-St., Huntington Beach, CA R· 1 (Aeeldentlal) $585,800 (FNe HundrM Sixty-five Thousand Slx Hundred Dollara) Sellted bklt Wiii be opened In Room 8-6, Huntington Beach CIVIC Center, 2000 Mein 8treet on Thundtl)', September 30, 1912, at 2:00 P.M. All bid• must lnctud• a caahl«'a or «*tlfled checit made peyable to the City of Huntington Beach for 10% of the bid amount. ORAL BIOS: Oral bide wtll be called for end rOQelved •ft• the opening and reeding of ...ied bide. Such oral blda must exceed the h6ahe9t ...iecS btd by et leat five percent (6""). Sealed bide muat be on lite to be .ilgfb .. for en! bidding . TERMS OF SALE: ~~~~~~~-1 g •• ... ,.,,. ...... ....... '!r ••• ., 0 o,...,.._. ...... ,... ...... g Sal• wlll be In ca'h -10% of purchaH price payable upon acceptMOO of bid with the l*ance due within 30 d•. .... ~ lnatMt~ tiomet BMutl· fully llPOfeded ' deco-ratM apacloua 2 Br & den, 3 Ba. Welk to beech & recr .. uon tacllltlea. Prl9ed for Immediate ..-. a.. 1111411 help n-nance. 'ult prloa S2at. 000. 751-8111 c:=. I ' -f' I I • I FlllUlll Ulll 1 New 4 br, 4 ba, a.tom French 'Normandy E'Altate 1 ~.Ill: hilltop. $1,260,000. AHLM Fee almple eottage on quiet Deecamo St. (In Flats). $145,000. ........ " CoroMdo laland (Ult. bayfl'Cftt lot. 85' boat dock. Plana avail. Now $1'70,000 w/ienn.. BILL GRUNDY . REALTOR I ~ t • ' ' 0 .......................... 0 g .......... ti-.... ., ......, 0 0 ..... ,,.. -............. g 0 "' ......... "" 0 o a 0 Pl.EASE CALL .IAN E. COi.£ 0 g ,(714) 175-5511 Of &40~5793 § ~OOOOCDOOOODOOCOCCOOOOOcJt1 REJECTION-OF 8108: • The City reeervee the right to r•Ject any and all bide. The aucceuful bid for u.. Edilon Awi. parcel It eubject to the 1tt right of t9fUUI of the ulatlng tenant on the lite. INfOAMATION AND BID ACCEPTANCE: ArM plet mep9, appr...., and title Information le on flle and evallable for !Nptot(on In the otftce of the City Ci.rte. All bid• mual be IUbmftted to the City a.rte, ~ • followt: Male ... Wentworth. ci.y Clertc P. 0. loJC 190, 2000 Mein 8"" Huntington heotl, CA 92641 T ...... {714) 536-5404 SEALED BIDS MUST BE FILED WITH THE aTY Cl.ERi( PmoA TO 1:00 P.M. MONDAY 8EPTEMBEI\ 27, 1982. ', I ! ' l • 24 -Orange County Real Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11, 1982 •n•••.,. ........ Choice oversized Inside lot. Spacious home bullt around very private patio wtth spa. 6 bdrms lncludlng maid's & 5 baths. Looking for r1eW owner with wherewlthall to update to million dollar category. L9I IADMIJ Completely remodeled elegant 2 bdrm home plus study. Also features pier for large boat pfus small boat. Ideal kx:atlon on quiet end of Island. Only $1 ,850,000. Ull .. LIT +PML IPll UT 1·4' 111'2·1 2MNIMU Walk to Lido VIiiage. 3 bdrms. 3 baths. good assumable financing. Excellent buy. Price reduced to $550.000. Ull ISU IAYHHT lllW USTIM BeauHtully decorated Cape Cod 4 bdrm. 4 baths. Pier and slip, holds 45' boat. Please call to make appointment to see this outstanding home. $2.200,000. Y&OITllU'S llTIUT Keep your 85' boat In the slip you own In front of this spacious condo on the Lido. turning basin. 2 bdrms & den, 2 baths plus separate captain's quarters. Walk to lido VIiiage. Perfect for corporate Investment. ...... Can only be appreciated by a visit. 3 bdrm., '4 bathe, den 3 car ga~age Romberger design. Radiant heating, 2 patios. Bullt In storage plus many amenities, on 60' lot. $675,000. 1.91 llLI IAY'FMIT 40' lot. 5 bdrm. 5 baths. Watch the sunset from gigantic master suite. '4 car garage. Enjoy beautiful beach In front of your home. $1,750,000. &.111 llLI unmr FANTASTIC TERMS ... Owner will carry 1st Trust o..d. Priced to sell. Near Lido Qubhouse & tennis courts. Wiii accommodate a large yacht. $1,300,000. ........ -... u~M 1 ......... 2 story, 2 bdrms, 2~ baths, dining area, fireplace, bar, double garage, large pool & clubhouse. Walk to shops & market. Asking $145,000. ... _. .... Complete oceen ~ from thla Immaculate a odrftt, a bath home wtth super ..._ twrace for entertalnlno. l°'lnolno or boat watching. s ....... ed pool with large deck apace tor sunning. FEE LAND. Owner financing. $800,000. IEW EllUlll M 1AL111 ISUll First time listed. Channing nr. new 2 sty, architectural gem. 4 bdrms, fam. nn. Quality design and decor throughout. Designed for guest quarters. Priced to sell $595,000. Seller finance. No loan fee. 211 IWll• lnl UT I .. 1·1 WISE 11W1 .... ml Tl SIU Unquestionably the best buy ln Big Canyon. Four bedrms. and family room. Immaculate throughout. New carpets. drapes, marble entry & decor. Electronic security system. Wet bar, 2 fireplaces, 3 car garage. Artistic pool and spa. Priced right at $695,000. Gate guarded area. Call 644-4910 for permission to enter. 14 ... , .. Tiii .. ... -1·1 NW-UUl--lna&ll Two atory Nantucket 4 Br. with beau- tiful Sunset pool surrounded by 14,- 000 red bricks. Tastefully decorated throughout with wallpapers and $hutten. Showa like a model home! Many upgra.des. Seller will finance. Submit down. $760,000 incl. land. ... __ ..,_ Builder'• own penonal residence. Not the ave,..,e speculat.cJr built home. 1'bt! architectural design and meticulou1 attention to detail reflect the owner's desire to create an unuaually high quality home built to please the moet diacriminating family. 5 bedrooms, 6 ~ baths, plua all the amenities one would anticipaie. $1,050,000. Owner financing. -1211.--..... F.artht.ones thruout. 4 br, 2 ~ ba. family rm, dining rm. 2,378 sq.ft. View of Pavilion, night lights & Catalina . 1n1 a.la. -UT I -1 .. ..... ,..-.u __ ,_ Quiet, park-like aetting. Rm for paddle tennis and pool. Great for on:hard, Cul de sac st. 3 ~ii lam.rm. $379,600. 1111 m WIST, .. -1 .. Prof. decor, warm 3 Bdrm, fam nn, big kitchen, high beam celllngs, fireplace + a large private manicured yard. A real value at $37~.000 ~ you own the land. Open Sat/Sun 12-6. 1218 Keel Dr, CdM. Patrick Tenore. RF.IX, 631-1266 R&IM~ of Costa Mesa ILHlllll IUlll IHllHt SPYGLASS RIDGE 5BR home w /pool, spa & 3~ar garage. Huge cul-de...uc lot overlooking ocean & canyon. Seller assis1ed financing. $790,000. Anita Btadshaw. 752-1414 (U59) ' llllll 11111 llTITll Ulllll Reduced to $100,000 below appraiaal! Owner's io. is your pin. &.utiful "Miramar'' plan with ocean & city lite views. Elegance for living & entertaining. 2 BR, gourmet kitchen & luxurious master auite. Now only $450,000 Anita Bradshaw 752-1414 (U60) IU""IL UIHA ..... Ocean view OQ la . lot. Thia fully reetiond 2 level aeeaide cottage offers warmth & c harm w/"early eountry" flavor. There are 3 bedrooma. 2 ~ baths, fam rm. country kl.men & guest qtrs w/3 fireplaces, vaulted beam celling & French windows. The large lot qffers aundecka, flaotone patio w /spa & nchly landaalped aarden. Don't mi8I th.ls one. Offered at $426,000. Bill Wedmore 551-8700 (U61) mT• .... -""" ... Thia 3 BR hosne otfera a spacious, U1bt & airy feeU.W w111 bedr901n1 • plea;atj.lol 'tonce· Tbe yard .. wry ....... W!Jc pool. ll8Q • cebeDL Good ~ .. available. $249.SOO. Bill w. 4Cft 551-t70o {U82) • I ll.MI MY You can aimo.t tee forever! Tentfic: view of e:=JW::c:r~= entry, plut cpt • much more. Vttr1 .-ftnandal '214.000 Allk _.MW MdWa Nl~ (Uea) 111311 11'4~ "I llllD Long-term assumable loan on this three-bedroom and den home in the desirable "Blut&" at Newport Beach . Nicely upgraded "Carmelita" model with large patio overlooking the greenbelt. Near pool. Owner wants to 1ell. .. RECENT PRICE REDUCTION ... and don't fo(tii that ,re.t .,..,mable loanl!ll Sally Shipley. ~llnll ......... Seller ia desperate. Abaolutely muat sell. Deauville m odel in exclusive Big Canyon. Handsome French doors throughout; high ceilings have all been plastered with smooth finiab. Impreuive two-story entrance and living room. oak-floored kitchen and family room. Luxurious muter· aulte, and large brick ~ ... The home la VllCU\t, and ••tine your final touch. The priae bu been reduced to ~.ooo. and the aeUer will carry paper. Call Trudy Stubblefield. n 111w A remarkably well-maintained family home in a good neighborhood. This beautifully decorated three bedroom. two bath home ls complete in every way. Great neighborhood for chlldren. The home radiates warmth, comfor\, and a feeJinl of ~ll­ '*"I· c.an Joy Holker '° pnMew at.-Jowly property. !'kw be awe to '* about the ayal)able .eller- -.ted ttnanctnc that can make thJa home IO affordable for you and your famtly. ® ~~ CID1IJI ............. .,. .... • ., *"" ., ..... 110. =.-::.'o= ,_:= ....... ..... l ... --~----~ .,,.....--- Orange County ~I Estate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAIL•PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11,J982 -25 '!.'.".!!!.{'.'.!.'.'! .••.... !'.'.".!!!.{~~'! ••••••• !'.'.!!!!.{'!.!!'.' ........ !'.'.!!!!.{'.'.!!.'!. ••••• , ~'.!!!!.{'.'.~! ••••••• !'.'.".!!!.{•!.~ ••••••.• !'.'.!!!!.~'!.~! ••••••. '!.'.".!!!.{'.'.!.'!! ••••••. GtHt•I JOOZ C.a11•I 1111 CIH11I 1#1 111M C... •111M llli c.,,. .... JIM C..t• lhN llM lnl1'• IH4 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• leal..11• I •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ...................... "".,. Need. huge 2 Br. 2 8L ....... BEST IN BLUFFS IUT llY. Lovely 2000 sq. ft. 3 bdrm, 2 ~ baths, fam. rm.. wide greenbelt, near pool. 1~ $249,000. 1111. .... TH LAU. WIU '"*'.;i;' 1~t pt. 1HI Yhta OM4a1 I w, flew UOl,000 2111 Yltta hrMI Ur 2~ •• ta. '211,MI 1111" . ._,., 1 ht, nr, n ., .. ,... IOO Plara, I w wlttl lal4 '211,MO HELEN B. DOWD IEALTlll,llC. 144-0134 LOVELY 3Br + fem rm, + dining rm, dramatic 1talrcaae entry, In area of new 2 yr old homee . ...._ king S191,000. Good fin evall. Open Houee Sat/Sun 12-3. 2341 Lltlleton Circle, CM. I ... IAIYll TllTI ..... ,.. Elegenee •bound• trom the 1econd you pa11 through the Inner gate 1urroundlng floral bou- quet.I end atap onto the Ute entry which twMP• you Into Indoor-outdoor itvlng It Ill flneat. Featu-r Ing box-beamed cel- llnga, country treah lace curtain•. antique Ameri-can oak flrepl.cie, French doofa. matt aulta w/UMCI brick llrepltlce. $225,000. Fabuloua flnenclng. Call me to._ .... .. l-4 41M11\.i a.ell• l1• a New Orle1n1 Condo, Turtlerock, xtnt fln1n- .... ~ 11 ... ,. frplc, pool, dubhM. W91k dng, owner wilt carry or I l!M It....... ,_ S11Wl ..,...., to 11\ope? Or1Y9 by 1141 excti.nge $285000 Beach College. Fee NHtelt 2 rm hOIM. 8'*'lt 2 BR itM>.. trple. Tu1t1n, Unit 22A. Call GOl.OEH. PROPERTIES Land. A-2 tot. 25xt5. 1 ~ k~I~~~· .. ~ grHt buy. Agl. A Dan. 873-3313 for appt. (714) 752-1589 blk to and. Cen be cs. ........., • _...,. ...... '""".. 983-7949 ~to full R-2 den· flreplace, •II lath & --------IPUTAllUI llty. Ownel' may ...i.t In plut•. 2 room eludlo tor IUTlllE IUlll l1TU flnendng. Income. 3 petlol, Wlllk to l...ael 211 4 Bd""· pvt courtyard. 141 4111 ewirythlngl t229.500. ., .. .,., Warm country French --------i (L) I _/ H 8 YEARS NEW end dee« ~Ing S174500 ~.~/!f! •• J.t. f?l>U>na~:::'j~ ~~~~11,:~ Brokw M&--0709 ' . •FULL OCEAN VU• ...JJN,.u ·wcr--Br tam rm home. 11'1 ltrt, t llJ ... .... .. 1Hlh TURTLEROCK: Det1· ched. exciting home on tee .,.. •er e. 4Br w/ atrium, upgredea. Views. Nr park/pool. 15% dn. 13+%. Call 631-8070. 24 Na . 12%1oen Jaamlne Crt< 'W!!I' ~Q 8'.1.a.1. gorgeou11 REALISTIC Upgraded pool home Ownet agt $4()..1515 u1<J-""7Y SELLER Hye SUBMIT neat prOl)Oled perk. Try -------- •' ---LIT 11411..Coall...,.,Cdll OFFEASI Aektng S189, $14 ,000 down. Juel llllfllLI -000. RAE RODGERS S 11 7, 5 O O. Broker 38', 2'A8a, gteel for fa- With 3 Br. n··· Be. frplc. 131-12te Ma.o709 mlly or ln'191tor. Aexlble 8Y <>wnet . ...a.aw C.t• ,,.,, llM -------euy 11nenc1ng. $132.900. l4llNlff f Hr lfhr •••••••••••••••••••••• LAlll J II 'fWllll GOLDEN PROPERTIES with 211\ battla, 2 car enc:1 (714) 752-1589 Honw+Gueet+tncome .... KL IUIY gar. I. y1td. S5000 dOWfl __ ;,._,. ____ _ OWC 11t • Flex. Terms •• 11 -/11~ end peyment 111t1ted UIOll Ill ""911 509 Acacia CdM nr bCh •-Deepefata own«· mu11 p rogrem. Cell Rick Townhoma, 2 aty, 2 br, SpotleM Vacant Duplex With 20% down you cen Mil or trade. 4 bdrm pool Owfterl"'" ... u •111 2'A ba, greenbelt. Greet Huge 5br/3be+3bl'/3b• move Into thl• lov.ly 4 home In Bacic Bay atea. ...._t ._.... loc. Like new. Good 4401< own/bkr a..5-7048 Bdrm home, f re1hly PrtC9d belOw r--.1 ap-0..1 t.lal II. lerml. 551-8058 eve ~19d In end out. T•· prallal. Low Inter.at 111. •••••••••••••••••••••• IY IWlll rlflc locetlon. Aaktng $50,000 down. Open to 14000 Downl 3 br 2 b1 S231.600. 3BR 2'A ba. 2 1147,000. FM appoint-all on... Cell 54&-3474 h 0 m. 0 n 2 I 0 I •• ltoty twnhM, gal9d MC, m. n I t 0 I... c •I I or 891-8058. P/P. S.1600/mo. Act futl Cell llVlll.1111 .... MURCHINSON ENTER· PRISES 752-8731 111&1• pool, tennll, Jae, eauna.. ilH5f VA REPOSSESSION 4bl', Bkr 497-3034 club room. Walk to -!,J'U.f!fHI: 3b•, pool, HOO dn. II ,.,. 113 ••• IPPIAL ~h!ffl. ... 111! ==~~= 1 drum: •1~:0~;39· ..... ;ar.=:n· ... Pl.. ...... By appt. 714/TllG-3875 &iltl6de 2 apedoue bdrml + 2Ba. Diana Pletenpot.Volpe 559-t400 Adorabte •tarter llorne In lovely nelghbomoodl Ex· celi.tlt financing evalta- ble.. Meny lmenltlel ln- c:ludlng 8 fruit nee. Call 979-5370. , \ ( ~ ·/ l I tl I :.,, 3Bdr2~Ba.wryapedel Of'£.N HOUSE 111..... ChooH your color ol 2 pool, apa, uuna a. • ',,f •,•1 •, ·=·-1au 1tl0 ..... prtoe. 0on·1 mm Ihle Slllnt 5 er 3 ee ~. Gr.-terma.. Cell now 131-7370, 649-3648 Tiie roctf, Y9Ult9c1 oe114ng-eu1tom home. Batgeln 9 Creaee nt Circle/ ,._ pelnt & eerpet.. 4~2ba. tennl&. All lof only see, 1, 3 8dnM & a ram11y rm, price. CtlUCk 8p0ler Canyon Crat E1ta1... .. -priced under mlct NII 900 Mu«t Mii trnTNd --------poealbte RV acoeaa, pn. CofOMdel Mer. 3 Bdnn. Spedoul 38< + 2'A8a, now. AQt. 875-141 or ~ cei 131-4587 . 2 OWNER/AGENTS wlll vate petto, aprlnklers & 3 Ba. S226,000. Sun. redwood patio & apa, 549-2"11 aacrtftce their Woodbrld- more. Only 5 W8 ~ In N oon Io 5 . Age n I hanct1ome brlclt frplc, f...ala f .-11-J ge condo 3 BR 2\oi be No. eo.t.a ~ flnan.. ..,._.,,, 0t ~7251. xtra IO 2,,., garage w/ .... If ......... •••••••••••~•••••• plue hotlby room . ......,_ clng avaMable. Opn Hae wine c:.llar or ctn rm. llJ LllMI 111, lloi le ..... m•bte io.ns. S142,900. TR \Ol 110\ \1 ~l \I I) Sat/Sun t-4. 1318 Wat· ••-T'•• •a I LUil IPT.a M u 1 t 1 et t A s AP . MESA el~ CONDO a 124,600. owe a 1001< Prine only. 844-5125; aon Aw . .... -.. Great remlly home w/ 146-5UO r9duced to ... by O'M*. 12~ 10 yr. 10178 Du-752-0147 Dl9fl9 ~,,..._,i.a.""!Pd-""'-Volpe 2 UNrTS • 6 houMI to huge fenced y d, oak miiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil St52,500. Contact Unda rango Riv Ct. ct1r11t1nel2·-B-r.-C-o_n_d_o_. -.-.. -.-5-00-. 66e-e.400 Bayfront. CloM to lot french ctr•. butcher ll.ll~ Belrd . 956-0280, ~r.875-1ntOpenSun Owner rnuet .... t"78 .....__._ ~~~~-. ~:;: ~ic:>2 =:n~as:::'o0o~ 41 9 bli U. 850-9903 -5 Golden Glen. 497-1031. l'f--• Agt. TIERRA DEL SOL RLTY Thia lovely PoOI home * fllEILlllll ... ,..... W0008RIDGE CONDO - BEST FISHING A ND iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil 497-f744 fH turea terrific flnan-....i I 28f, 2Ba. encl unH, ~ Ll>O SWIMMING BEACH plue clng. 4 toe bdrma. new * ...................... mlum toe. Frplc:, AC, at-~..!'~m. _!10o1r::,,;,0002 c1ar ":" ~J!!' .~ ~ty', ~0: :o:,c:f. paint, nMt park• and • llWI m B~w~ 4,,!! 4 Bn• tached gar. yd. S129, llnmf-LOWEST PRICED 2 bdrm pll'9 den, 3 beth. boet lllp, 12'4 ueuma- bte ftnenclng. '475,000. ---.. _., 111 -••• 1choo11. Ottered at '"'-. _,....,x ~..,., 1q. • 500. Good a11umable *SPWaAl1 BeautlfUI contem fMY l4C).79llO S1H,tOO. OWNER'S Owner wll oonelclet 2nCI Hr. MHdowlark Oolf loan1. Ow ne r /egt. . BAY I. OC£AN VIEWSI 4 home on Little f.rt>oe ANXIOUI . For an •P· Ill ~ lot :rs:· 3 Br 2 bl OovrM. HHI<, 11 \t% 4""'5778 bdrm. 2\oi batM. flrec>ll-1111nd. 3 Bd rm•. 2\t TRADE polntment to .... o.ff Eaat91dt. .~ AGt. 1oe11 1vW1 uc> to t t70K..1-------- ce, 3 cer g=• ptu1 Battll, 2 fir ... p1ue 1 .,., 540-1151 •t I~ ... ..eo w/teka beok 2nd. 104' MWI L.91 IRI much morw1 .0001 bdrm apt. 3 car Gl'809· your bo'1ng Income pro-HA, 2'hb•. 1909 '"· u e 0450 5 bd, 2~ ba. 1 1v1. Fee, -I ...... .., ..... Ml5,000. petty or outgrown reel• S119,500. A.11uma In, MOVE IN NOW. We'I do-Untv Pk, Cath Cell, Slcy-.... 1 ........ Mf &.""41 dance with large equity OWC b alance. Prine M the eecrow In 10 dayt. 11te1, Gorg.aua, Seller 111 "8..... *l--l-* One of little Balboa for 1t111 neat rwtlo and only. 1 4 4-8310 & A.aauma my 9~ VA I. CM Que!. 1298,000. Alao 3 bdnn plUe ltudy, 45'1~~=~·=-~~~;;;1 leland'a moet dlannlng roomy 4 bdml 3'h battl 838-9851 11.~ 2nd S1021 mo. 4 Avail, ..... ~. ~~·5.~d unanctng.li ~;. 2.:;~ :;;: :'~!!' 1~8!.~k•p0 11nll!!!"•.... ="~VERDE & :!:,:11~1r14~~~25~~~ ~~7 ..!1...V..s..i~ .... fJ11 e... ft unit. Gar.ge a. patio.. beecfl Cofone dll Mat •-· , nu pn • 541-1211 ,....,_, -._, 1H ft1 M11N • -. • Good fln•n=. Appl. loceUon. REOUCE> TO LeMa/o8r: ot Pura. $184, · 1 2 bdnn, din nn. tam rm, ...... I ~·-1 .... 1 ft. only. Aaklng 5,0QO. ~75,000 With 11.75% ~ (~ dr:-' ..;,-... -:; .... .. 1n .... llbraty, 45· 1o4. gooc1 n. ... t1it ~ -Atmo11 n•w, baauttrul ft ............... 000 .... _ ...._1•11 ~· DelUM Condo. 2 Bdrm. 2 belt! oondo. Hunt. ...... _......., 8 . 8 ·--'V· -· · _....,.... -6 Of..-pwtt elde loolllofl. FUii .,,,,.....,.. and aec. ....... "..,._• • •uMeoL.o next to IA ~ 1 geee. No ~ wtth bultt. 4br, 3 full bathe. - !.utllde Co«• Meaa 2 ••A L.TY ....., Ind. all -*"" 18000 do-wn. · 10-.u~ ~~~0~1 rrn. • Sr. 2 Ba. home, hard-NV••TM •NT•\ ..._ ~.-. --· --wood ...._ -..,_ ....... , to .an loen program avallable. t---. Ownar wll cet· cut__;~,!ri1~~: 0:,:,: •. :::::~• :;;~;:22 ::;::re~ ~Fstlt ~mch Own/A.gt . ry bat. reduced to aell L 0 ea 000. Owner wilt finance. ... -11 • ,w,.. .. "0 5 1271.000. -· .. M2-m. 0 l1IP"" "' ,. 11nu1 11an 67-::.7300 .., .... ~-. •-tL--~ deoor-.d t• ... t I I H 11 714-HMMIOI <T -· -miry home, SO. °' Hliwy, 11~% ASSUMAIM.E VA en., 1 ep no awe ' 1t'-790-to73 aa.n 1-lllnll I on 114 1ot1 p1ue Income a . 2ea. tam rm, t143 ~· 2°:!,IC1~ " ... ~ ---;;:=--;;;::;;;;;;;;--jl;=;;!~:_,,...,....,.. __ _ •••••••••••••••••••••• unh. OPll Sun 1·1. 313 too. 2187 Aedlande, ~-· .... -.· • ._. ~~~~I Heliotrope. UH,000. C . M . ea 1. o 4 4 t , ,..., rm w/bW. t78.600. For a.telfted Ad ACTION call• Dally Piiot AD-VISOR a..2•5878 TIJSTIN ELEGANCE 'l1\AI Enclilh &xecuttve Cottaee with ii. Tutor architecture, in harmony wltb the luxurloua 1urround1np, dwellinal and formal ~ la. ~ fnlm out of a Landoft 8ubutb. 'nw s kine .. bdrma, 2 blth., full lbit cLlnins room and 21 fL liV'lnl nn with • unfqve ftte 1iandtnc frplc, u. U-. uldma• in udliradon of 1971 911 ft. a.la ... ln&ly ..-Ack-• edult UYia8 In )'OW' mdoeed COYered r.Uo, ta.. hnted pool • whtrlpoo , Mu.na, lhooUnc pool in \be dub l'OOIDI Cll' Ji.Ill recll•tn1 •n t be 1bade of the ~utlfully malntalrlM 1round1. ~ at $1251000. Owner ~ be Clllll ..... by ::::::. in~ prtn anly . ('714). By CMNr ..... , M0-7tto ~~ 8 3/. f 0 I 4 • 152·&111 Jim. 131-9011 i;;;;;;~;;;;~~·-j~~~~-~~~ I V OWNER·3Br, 2Ba, ___.......____ " . LllU NmT .... -.. "" IP•· deett, FNnefl d,., ~ NEW U$TINO -!1!9t, tlml W ... maintained cfUll!ex fruit t ...... la io.. •1 .IAcalB O ILLl8 offered "' oYef' 50 YMflll w/~ lllOdlna of -000. °"" flouM lat ~ Lovely 0111 2 itory 4 100. Plu1 a11um1bl• 4u n ,0•4. Pr ln only,J, iiiiii~!!!i!!!i'!!!!~iiil Bdrm hotn• In good loan of S1H ,OOO a t 541·5138. I OU Kllty1 condition. Hardwood 11,..._ ~,000. IWoe*• LA floor•. wonctarhlt rronl ()wntl9igt. 11 , -~ UI I A• I Wlb P«df '° • °" _, .. 1R Ml on ..,.. 4 .., '*-the bOllla go by. fttUe. I .._,_~ ..._ wll Nip .... ...,.,.... bdnne over a .._ ........... to dltlonel ~ , c., o-.... 1114,500. : r=:, =·=,.!' pnce 1111,000. Den'\ ca11 --NJMA>C ,.._1n1 ..... ...., oe1 .,...,,. "°"· \ f I I I I ( /" ',• J PETE ' BAARt I r fH Al.TY --- ,._IDllll on the~ pro-~~;;'NM~ Tunla Aodt. a tidrm. 2\t .,. 1- ttt aey, l•rt• am. rm • .... ,.... MW9 unob- atruc:ted vte.a. APS>re- cletlon ~ .... tint. .,_ -' ' - 26 -Orange County Real Estate/An Abver11slng Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday. Sept. 11. 1982 Ho•111 111 Silt 811111 111 Salt Bo11n /or Sal• B1•111 111 i.11 ..........•...........................................•.•••.••••..••..••.••••.••••.••••• Butia1te• BHli•1I•• 1..-11 IHIA IOI 1..-11 IHti IOll Bil-., lHJ ll11~u l HZ •• -.-...-.-•••••••••••••••••• -.-. .................. . ........•................................... OIUL GAY ........ 1·1 · 1 ... , ...... .., Guarded gate community in Huntington Harbour, water view from practically every room. Beach for back yard. 36' boat dock. Lge near new home over 3200 sq.ft. Red tile roof. 4 BR (incl huge mast.er bdrm suite), 3 Ba, family rm, formal dining rm w/wetbar, 2 fplc's, spa ++. Luxury living at its best. $775,000. Seller motivated. Suggest $200K down. UAL UTATI If LNll l1Wl1·1Mt Ima• llH lnia1 llH ..........•.....•.•...•.•...••..•....•...•.. NO DOWN PAYMENT POSSIBILITIES I We have located 5 properties in Irvine that it is pomible to buy with no down payment, and little or no qualifying to right bi.ryers. Call Don Bond or Bev Turner for detail.a. IHI 1111111 llW ••• FllllUlllE l•llEiT Ill ....... View of ooean and city lights. 3 Bdrm, 21h ba plus office. 2 fireplaces. Jodelle Mode). 3 St. Tropez. OIST• LIT • 1&1• ltu Great view of ocean and city lights. Will subordinate -will build to suit. Ill UWY, W&.Tll 1444411 NEWPORT HEIGHTS BARGAINS! . FIXER 2 car gar FIXER w/guest unit IMMAC. 2 Br, FR STUNNING 2 Br. den MODERN 4 Br, new! PRIME VIEW LOT WI.US 11/llaz 111-1111 $147,000 $169,000 $179,000 $235,000 $279,000 $260,000 B111n 101 lal1 B•••n l0t S.Jo .,..., /« 6'H Ol1-~ ,,,.,. ......•••....••....... ···········•·•••·····• .......••..•...•..••........................ ~.'!r.!!.~! .. !.~! ~'P.!!.~ •• !~! ~.'!P.!!.~ ... !!M -;:-,!•" ''" PllL 11111 ••••••••••1 ••••••••••• ............. llYEIUllU PIUllPI .. cu 1 tom 4 .e o & FR LandlCllOed eorn« lot. o'looldng pvt pool. 0r... Furntahad. 1 bdrm elng rm for kld1. GuMt 1441 Galaxy Drive Stalnlell twin tr9Y atnka. hM hu own llV rm w/fple dlthweetMw. ltove, com-& king ., bdrm. Darling 4 er. Den, Formal Dining pactor, air cond. pink kltch & ba. Great pkg for Aoom, 2 Flraplacat, 3 bathroom. CUTE ANO 81t1. Reduced to 1320. car oarao• plut taro• c o z Y . S 1 2 • o o o . 00. Ruth Laurie, Rltr CdM DUPLEX: Oceen Hobby Room. Pool llz«I 846-&914 846-4380 View 3 & 2 bdrm unltt. tot.. beaut. lendacal)9d. -------- Prime locatlon and In Own« Wiii 111l1t at ft-C..•ffty I.off Newport Beach Op•n ex'*i.nt condition. nanctng. Onty $420,000. C,..,. ISIO HouN Sit 8-pt 11th .. 12 JO-ANN DORAN Open Set/Sun, 1-5 ••••¥-"tt••••••••••••• to 5. 2001 Yectlt o.t.n-l ..... 1t Aobinaon: RMltor Pacific View Memorlal der. Broedmoor Sea· 141-N4l Park gravHlte. $400. View. s er. 2th Ba. view. '~CREATM Have mov9d to Oklaho-gate guarded, decor•-POltlfOllO ma. Call Collect (405) ted. T•nnla, pool. epa. lff•UIU 799..070 Aaklng $•45 ,000. ~RTIES,INC. ADULT MOBILE HOME 1t~-.---z-t (7141$44-2187. ~~~~~~~~I PAAK ON THE BAY. 1, _.._, :: 2,3 bdrme with 1 end 2 "-""' '"' IEWPllT OIEIT lrtlll 1111 bl. ALSO RENTALS .•• :.-:.-..r.;¥ ........... .... -.. w .. tdiff VIiia. SGI i.vet·2 $25.000 to 188,500. 300 Cbanldn•ry2V201111ge cTomm't er 2 a.. CIOM to -r· E. Cit Hwy Unit 1, New· O· I ,000. erma. 3 Br, 3'~ Ba. Reduced thing. 0pn Sun 1·5. 1504 port a.di. Bkr. 873-8778 Agt, $25,000. Price $189,000. Wettcllfl Or. AgU 875-3347 --'L 0•2 ~rt~w::, ~~ ••83•1 •. 1 •094ii'•84&-0iiii29i5iiii ---Ir-.. ---. ..,---c -·-Prime .M. loc. 4000 liq R.E. Bf'kr. 84&-~1. Reduced to '249,000. ft bldg.1. 15,000 liq ft Pf'0- 0 0 0 Sh • MYll l•ID Own•r flna,,ctng. Tri· l*tY a10001mo Income wn•r, v•r or • 5 MO-t5M, 720--0M2 · ~-owe at 1~ 5 UfflllT '-" Bdm:, MCAUded bd. PM only. 1345,000. yard. ldlootl lhOpplng -,._---,....;._--.,.-.. -- .,., do'#n. 2115 Santiago I..., 4 111811 all nur by. OS*\ Sat/ ........ :!!P.!ii ...... onv.. N.8. 846-1273 ...., W Sun/Mon. &ibmlt .U of-Newport e..cfl 2 on a lot. IHl8'1f T...... fera. Ao-nt Hedda Ma· 1 blk ttom ac... 12 x IOUllFIHT 11.--8U~7~.• e. 1 o H or Grou. w .. mMltalned. By own«. 3 bdfl'n/2 ba. •1 .......... _ Walk to lhopplng. Bier. W-1 N9wport. $695,000. --LEASE OPTION 3 Bdr _2_1_3"'3C>6-__ 1_ue ___ _ TOWN a COUNTRY REAL TORS eeo2 w. OcMnll'on1 =tat/._.., 1-1 bacltbay charm•r .,, ... -.._ ______ -! •-------• S.VSun 1·5 645-5430 ........ _......__ .._.__ _ .... r... ...-.. r-• 552·1800 "" ,.._, -,_...,.., ..,... ' ,.._. Tim• Share, San Cl•· lftll .-a llLml IT UY•IEI 1141-1111 1141-1111 ~0~1:r>RJ'6·a~rs-ment•. StOM + oro11 3 Bdrm home on one of • lllJ _ 2 br charm•r In gated ...... Trade • joint vent· the largHt Iott In lh• You can own• home In oomm. French dra °'*' LiiMUlll • ftlW ure • or tell 11 S1 .8M Wlllllllll • ...,, lfMj Ill area. P9'f11c:t for entlf'· ~ a.ac:t'I for onty on huge •unny patio, w/29% dn. By O•ner 3 bdrm, 2 ba condo. 0•-a?.: .............. talnlng and family IMng. $118,000 with an UIU· plant to •xPancf. 235K. ht........... 1-492·1720. Acroea from community Large lormal dini ng mabl9 30 )'Mt loan. Ow· T4Wml. Ownef/agt, 5 Bdrm e ba home, l1WJ Park. $119,500. By ow-PITTlll llEEI room, d•n, breekfatt net i. mollvlWd, flolble 631-84751851-8300 fantutlc vt.w. Op9I\ S.t. immmllilliiii~iil •• •• ner. 851-1586 days Prof. decorated. warm 3 area In kltch•n and and OJ*l to all off•n. ---;;.-.;;;;;--I 1·5 at 1801 l(lngt Road. ••-.. ~ Coata M.-. ,,.._ Br. L R .. D.R .• F.R .. big cuatom designed patio Spactou• 28r 2~ ba •WPllT llllT AQant. 831-4300 -pff)x, 8.8 X llfOM, 401< La1,.u ..... IHI kltch .• ,,.., & 3 car o• with apa. Laro-tal<• ~ condo. With ow• and Two 3 Bdrm Condo•, I-, --If ... down. Price 180k. By •• ••••••••••••••••••• rage. A real value et flnenctng avattabte. c:arp:>rt, community pool large 12% eaaumebl• -·-•s••-r Sharp, oc••n view s owner. (303)8874887 Call Emerald Bay Rlty • $375,000 and you own $S99,500. and apa. loan, AAA locatlona, FEE LANO. Good .au-bdrm, 2'h be, IOft e«tfl.. llAll ==~111~~/~,:~~ :: th9 land. Try 10% d'#n. M2·12DO 144-7111 pool. apa, t9nnla. StM, mable loan. CIOH to tone decor, •P• & all .... , P a I r I ck Te n 'O r • , 000. 844-7424 Brott•. It«• and pwtia. S BA otMr extrM. $500,000 &. AAA L.1111'1111 ~=In Emerald Bay 831·1296 - _ 2frplcs, hlgv c.lllnga & o r •at term a . Trl·pl•••• & dupl••"· -·--lg• offlc• off maatar 714 1n. CdM a Bal Pen. Larg• MEU.-Y YI.LI Cuatom a lctrm ... .,. bdrm. Wiii trade for 12'h% ..-umab49 io.n.. 2 Br 2 a. In pvt Andy front 1'1C1m41 w/pJM & lllp. unltl. Open SaUSun 1...C. ... ,.,-. amall down. 1144-7424 cove. Term• avaflable. ~~~~~~~~~ FEE. APPf'.,_ •1•125. S25t,500. 845--7408 ••, BrOlter. s279.500. Call Keri Kel-liililll•------the fut•t dta• In the 000. Sacrlflc• at only PORTOFINO 4er 2'Mle + Top o• Spjgla .. Hiii. -Of--~ ......... --.-.. --.-V-d---...-Weat o ,11 Pit t M90,000 Aaeuma.ble 111 • eom. to 11 Muir 8eech x .. -.,..,., -er •. ley. Lingo R.E. •07-3331 llwrr• lllwax want Ad• Call 642·5e78 C'•n-·:CS. ~.11e1:. and 2nd. Open houH bonu• rm. fH land. Cr. and * to ... the (Spice Sta) lg auum. DIRALD BAY You own ll'le land. 2.0001-;;;;; ____ iiiil.iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii~~ sun 1·5. 1038 Potart.. S34f,500. 7eo.-1290 oth« .._ Spmnleh VIiia. loan. SS0,000 dn. Bkr sq ft, 3Br, tam rm, 2th 11 84&-0523 BEST DEAL IN HARBOR You wt1t b9 o.ignt«I. 979-4383 Ba, wide G,_,belt, near 1---.--.. --1 RIDGEi Beaut. 3 8r hOme ..... ._.., -------- FRONT ROW · Fabulous pool. Far b91ow mart<et IUST SELL •llDI with tncr•d. vl•w In t• 1-r-Ulf .-Y white water view! Ow-$245,000. wlll IMM op-SEAVIEW • elegant a pt'Mtlgloua pta guard«! Can be had ufaly by n er· • PI• n • 1'11 v • tlon. Bier. 844-0134 c:harmlng Hampton ~ com um n . I• 115 M . Aak tor "°"" or Tarry. purchulng theM ••clu- cheng•d • mutt eell. ~~~~~~~~ del, fatMlloul vtawa, cs. 842-7745 •---..__ If•• tlv•t: LUXURIOUS Plant & permlta for re-Patlt Lido AdUlt Condo 3 Ill ..... a I l!vet ·-c:or, spa, Pf'lvata comm -.,_,. •• 4-plex, Nwpt. 3691<. ~~J.1·~:~.t~~ Br. pool, near hoepltal. 2bdr:.'::.th,tgem...:W~:w/Roman ~~~~~~I= -== ....... jij.jiji ..... ~~~Rj~~.~.\,tS.: Rltr. ~~~~e.42: tub, toe .. 1-'n kitchen, tmnll'y rtn, IMftO ""'· SM/Sun 12-5 1008 Y«lht -• .. 1• w 1'WI H•lll board & care home. •ILLlll I lge petlo + 2 verandu, flreplaee, ColM 844-1011 ~.::,. :-ApproJt 2400 aq ft ... 185K. Bob Scott BKR. UllllT 1• -cath9dral celling, Iota of mirrors. Pool, 3 BR & GUEST _,__.r Wiii Mii 1. LMt tot left 831-5*, 7&2·1920 PllPlm IN VERSAILLES/NEW jacuul, t•nnla, 2 car garage, lookert 2901 Cetalp4l rlgM On ~achtrontl A s.ciurt poo1 R9cl\.IOed 11orage locl(ere, mudl mor.1 lmrnac:uteta Beaoti 1 btk, comm. Open Houea &in 1-s RARE auv1 Catt av ... liiiiimiiiiiiiiiuUiiil Reduced to $750,000. ........, ~·no ....ity cond. Atautne $180,000 1st, 11\ot%, 28 yrs pool, $109.000. OWC 5% Upgrad•d 3 8r. 2 Ba. 492-4914 San Clem«M ••llT .... Em. Bay.• br. 4 ba.. frpl, ,..._ I f dn. OW.. 54-8177 f ..., ~... I ... -pool/bar, Have $350.000 fMSt $1201<. 831·2918 remain ng. 20% discount or o••h to .!~·,~~I m .... v .... ng • luu Au 1_, -•• equity. Wilt tr9de for??? --------mort~. ...... .. .,....,, -............ t • • FEE LANO. E•callent 6'8-0602. ••--Thia lovely varaalllH OWNEF\ 720-1211 •PERFECT ST ... ATER ~tlon & IOCetlon. -·--ws oondo P*'thouee at onty CONDO 30~ do•n payment. ~~.'1!!! ... .!!.ff ~~~~·~·~r;~ 21 ...,. ...... lrhe ~~~~·~0t,~~h. ·o~~:~ VIEW t~a~~·~:J,!'~ ~::.~John 3 ~e~ .. =-~'':...~...:. IWlll 111·1111 mountain view, pool. '9Mla, pool.-.... ,,.,, "'..,, "" _._ 110K. 051-3201 lncludel wuher, d,,,,.,, gym, ..o. gated. Don't dwn, Pf1cecl to Mil. Agt. •••••••••••••••••••••• ....., .. -ml .. aeafn~hl• on•. 552·2000; 752-0117 Mein ....,;,.ont lot for 2 .... refrlg•ator. $325,000. ... ........... e VIEW -ir" ,,.. Hu ttg11t to .._ boet """ """' • INVESTORS condo• on Penlnauia. ~~.~ •. !!!f VILLE IE 111111 BEAUTIFUi. OU>WOALD TOWNHOMES By Howefd Martt Co. from S15t.000 495-32.'4 ' 760-9355 OCEAffRONT TUii IOI' emotler hOfM or ,,,.. coma propwty, CU.tom 3 Bdrm. "*"°"' muter suit•, 4 bath. O~loo- klng .. ndy _ Deac:h. Full p;a. t1.oso.ooo. A09ftt· "4<MM513 !~.fm! .. J!M Ui • ... {ii' I •. Cell tor ..... $6000 doWn· .. saoo mo. Sandy baaah. 9345.000. a.a•.•... negatlvw Gllllll flow for a P•nclla out! 873-8771 ~\•'I'll ..a .... ,...,..,._ ·-ooo 3 8R 3llr 1ba IOI twn11y lfM• -""-'-·------....,._ ...... ' • ched home. Rich Own/ Pr··; 1r·11 • 111 PETE BARRE TI .. REALTY llWJllT .. ITI ..... , .. 8UILOl!A8 L088l $TUNNl!'fG NEW 4 8dr cuttom. ,,.IMO OU.\Ll- TY. ~MltrMYI submit ofrartl '341 000. "Al "ODGE'•U . ' R&·/1t1~ . ----- ...... Beautiful Frencb •tyle cha*'& on 117 ft. or baytront wltb panoramic view of l•lancla. Specioua room9 fQt' mt.ertainina lncludlftl bUUard/playroom + family rm with 1lt down bar. Ftw bedroom IU.ite.. Elevator, lliJ19 for 3 18 boata. Ottered @ '4,300,000 lncludinl prime bind. Call Cathy Schweickert for ppointment. a.u..e200. .... _,.. Uttta Balboa lalarld 3M 2 ... .,,..,., ~ OOfteld9r trade on Balboa lat• ltltdfor Clr"Y .,...... • t 1. 100.000. ...... 28A 2tMI & dWt • ...,.,. ~ondlUOft. C4"Jlftl pool. spa & uune. Oood *'"'-'1~~· Open 11911aun 1·8 • CON* lellMl>t & Tl· COi~~· ..0U: WOOD. N.nt nMl11 ,_, HoeiQ Hoepttal. Agt 914-6171 IM .. ....... VIEW Fl!f iiiriiiiiii'-". ·e:..·m·•·= ..':' HatbOI' A6dla tot. latve 2 Bdtma. 2'-' ba. tow U acr.. -"ti """ ~ ~~view down. 10.7ft ftnandng da* pad. Alt cuwtom AQt. Jflfty & Chtla~.: ~~ Aidt Own/Agt Ptot*tl" In e"llctutiv. en.mi°',..,., := W:o:.=o~ :=: •M llf 1•11111 a.... ...i .._.. 150.000 ""41• mattcet. 1rWM1 nmw I Mm Ille ...-: ...... ~••••• Auumabte 11t l Saler fMt rm. 1 •torr notne. .__ ..... II• wm aubofd .. Atktng Hlgtl --.,... ..... ·-~ 1125.0DO ~ :':.LG* .... --;:i. ......... -. ... IOl2 IS1-4161t =::-.-. ,::_ ~~~"' z .... LIT 1241.aoo. llA. 199 ~ n1 CllnlnO on .._. ..... •1orawf'' ........ 114 ..... t(Mdlen .,,.._ to wtllt..,._ W.W., Ap-ft9-.1M.. tam. rm. Corner lot . •roved by CoHtat l'IOR IAU flt 0WNe" _.-._Mlf _____ __. Comm. fw Z .......... Dblwlde.11-SWl*tl oonctoa. (pou. 4 tor .._ concroat. IHO.ooo. , 4M .... - Orange County Real Eltate/An Advertl•lng Supplement to the DAILY PIL.OT/Saturday, Sept, 11, 1982 _ 27 ~.!tf!.!!h.~ ..•.. ,,.., ..., ,,,.,. ..... htai ... .... laburtllW ..... ~ ...... ,,.,.,.,,.. ......lllurlUW ..... ,.i.ni.w .....•..............•• . •.........•••..•....• . ..................... ..•..................• ••....•.....•........• ········-············· •••••••••••••••••••••• ,,.,,.... ,., ...,,,,.,. ~.'!P.!!.~ ... !{~f e...... "" c.u.... "" ·-=-"" ...:.:-1141 ~.~ ••• e.ff .............•........ •• ~ ••••• !!!'!f • ••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• lllTI ml& Ou1811ndlng ' & den. 2 ssoo. CoMge .... , 9A. Lit . atw. 2~b•, condo. •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• HAASOA OCEAN FRONT T fade ltll condO In Ptrtc ea.~'°' 1or2 dltllr'f .... tnod yd. ~· avlll. 1011. Many_,,.. Hf bdl ..., 2tlr ~ ..... Nu 3200' llllt hm on t!Mt, ...... ,, .... c~ Utah for relidelic:e par90na. 17 '""" ... 1 v«y ceaan. CNdlWI • IN:lud. micro. frl>f, Mt<• ~tto. blt-N,Oall ~tom bult l)fofalalon.. 180 deg. vu Of '*bot, ,.,._ In .,. Co. 546-1487 yr. Loi• Miiiar. agt no ~ta. 21S~11-f8Tt new 499·2SOO , OC.RENTAUl 750-3314 =cared for 38f re»<* IUlf mtne. 31>1'. 3ba. ... ,...... ........... ..., ,,,,,, e31-1Me btwn 7 l IPM wlcdyt. '31·7100. 8aac:tl .,.. 5 nne 2 betha f wtw crptng q~ curh.,, 1auna. •P•· 3 BA. 2 BL E/Slde C.M . kitchen roomy garage 11800/mo. 49&-7009. .............. lru"' IHI OacoratOf'I Bit Can/: 13215. Cottage/duplex, ri '°' k*· "°""' condO Condo. lrg yatd, 2 car 525 . BEST Alty 700 ~.~ .... !':!! hr'91at111 1t1ll1-•••••••••••••••••••••• tOWI~ Sgl lewl Br newly recoftdltlonad, ~RO AL TY 83f.7005 Sing .. Faml'tou Reeldenc:a 2 ea. lt175 furn .• 1975 r'•· frptc. pool a Jae. 538-6190 .... .... 1111,ttt. new cerpet. t BR w/ 725/mo. 831..0303 or ... HOME FOR RENT In Orange nty. Low WllUm. Ag1 &4&-0295 uuna l fncd yard. No $415 "-ntal Kie» OK. 4 Bdrm1. exec. home. 631-7905 .... ,, ,, .... dO'M' & tMIOnable """' OCEANFRONT 11t floor. 2 J*I. 2t&-471·1871 btwn Moet bib pd 2 Br+2 8a. By 0-ge I do be119Y9 $900. FMCed ywd & ga.. W ...... Ufllutlll :i;mil. Call Paul br, gar. non-emkr, no 7 & IPM wlcdya, a Bt. 1~ ea.:;.•· 1rg BEST pleJc ~190 lee. You'llO got 111 28r unit r9g0. Kldl & petl lil'9lco- IH·JIH (•Ill 11· 6-M18 pat 10/3 to 8/S prof. m1'&.U yard, lt0\19. w..na.. Vary low moYe In no• ma. 545-2000. Agent, no mature couple . near s .c . Plaza . 38r.~8&.~. 400 .... .,.,.) IMllJI ............... 1746/mo. 8S3-8182. •500·1 t •• naer th• METRO AL TY 836-7005 M2-3837. beaclll Private park~ ... ~.~'!J! .... 1.1!.! •••••••••••••••••••••• Otconltor Potfaet, epa-IYIWm 1 IR TRAILER. Privet•, · ~d for pet. Flat BU 1'n lot• In Huntington ....... hnllW ...... ~ dol'9 2 bdrm,~ MW f:':· no pata. Uth peld. M190fea. --= HOME FOR.RENT •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Cape Cod. Pool, Jae, r• Ol mo + aecurlty . 114~ 3 Bdrm. S700. F•nced Beach CA on 211t bat· ""'-I.ad "" ...,,, ,,,, c:rMtlon .,.., pvt ~tlo, w• pe1nt lnt«io< and•· wean Pac:fflc: Cout Hwy 49t-1817 •••.....••...•........ yard & garage. Kid• & .••................... . ..........•••........ balcony. wine oellar & lge terlol of tbl• uoper for 2 bdrm Broedmoor Con-and Walnut. Call UI tor YEARLY or 1m1L1 gar•ge. O.Corator wall 4 Br 2Ba. bltlne, d/w, MW mow In co.ti on 3 bdrm do•. Sec urity g•te. .,... welcome. 545-2000. 714-9e0-2411 WINTER rental•. Aeglr paper, drifcarl•• and cpt1. drapee. frplc, d bl llouH Hunt. Bell •rea Agent, no fM. Propartlee 875-4000 Yearty-Waeldy·Wlnter. 2, AcrON from blue Pacific. more. S10 Olmo. Call car gar. pool, S850/mo. only. 964-7512 From $850. Pacific Moon ~.'.'!r.!!.~ ••• l'!.! .... ,a., .... , Waterfront 2 Br. 2 ea. all 3,4 Bdrma. 548-2239. 10:30 to 5:30 231 Banta An• Ave. Realty, 848-2850. ....,., 14• appllancH. $850/mo. .llOllllULn pm. Call 213/376-8107 3 BA 2 Ba Seabury . OC·AENTALS Sc110011. p1tk1. 1hop1. BROAOMOOA TOWN 1·5br'• 1200 to 12000 ..••....•.•.•......•.. 873-4106, 873-3724 ,. .. MESA VERDE 3 br. 2 ba. Kone. HI . Time Share Nloe 3 BR 2 Ba. den, M-baech. Btft cond. 1850. HOUSE Waterfront. 2br, 750-3314 opel'I 7-deye Condoe tor aale. 1 8r a. 2 del Mar. grdnr, no pat•. avelt t0/1, 18t8 Sandal· 844-t094 Cute 3 Br. 2 Ba. lrple, 7 IUllMIUT 2ba, frpl. wet bar. gar, Br. Call for detall1. hom .. from b9(.. Avell 1895. Sierra Mgmt Co. wood. 1740 lncld. ger· $950 mo. 876-7171. CHARM: EJCpancled 5 Br. 54()..4.484 now. sees. 1eo-977. ITM111 841-1324 denet. 545-2428. WlllPMI 3 car ger999. HVH. Je. 0.1 II C.u17 LANDLORDS/REALTORS E.tlde cllermer. 3 Br Spec. 1 & 2 br, lovely lnlll• J144 cuizl, loaded wlfrencll anurrm .. .,.,. llr /Ya. plnH & 1tre&m1. HC . ..•..•.....•........•. window•. tkyllJlllt. Fut fl'M tanent provl· 1725/mo. Avall. 10/1 LWElll S HSOO/mo. 840· 523, .. ~~~ ...... !!!! 2 bdrm hoUee evellat>M S700/mo. Dftva by 2001 RE/MAX, Patty 559-9-400 gate•, entry by phone . now. 1700 winter or 1825 King• Rd Ind call. dart. Call 8ett Realty lge roe trM Incl. gym, 3 Bdrm detached t'lon'i. 833-2237. RANCHO CALIFORNIA fi:rly. Conv loc. Near ......... ti ..... 53t-e1t4 RENT TO OWN: New 2BA pool & spa. 848-e691 tn eiccellent .,..,_ Aveffe.. For ..... Of' 1MM option, 5 acre pare.It. View•. . 875-tee7 Furn: Fn•tlc: 4 Bdnn, HOME FOR RENT 2~b• condo. Call Rlctl Lge 3 br,.3 ba, fenced b le lmmedla t ely. S1500/mo. 5 Br .• large From 40K. Xlnt termt. 3 Bdrm. S760. Fenced Owner I Ag1 IMM-.e 171 bade yard, upetaJl"I roe S800/mo on 1 )'NI' IMM. yard. ldloota. ~ Own • 0 t . 3br. 2be, dw. w/d, frpl, 11eeplng porch home. 49&-70781878-2040 prkng. avall 911 1, UOO New kitchen, lneradlble yard a tataoe. Kida a Quality bit 38r 28a rm, repainted. Ctltldren & Five otllar• to cllooae ..-oy. Agent 846-1°'4. mo. 8715 ·7151 eve1. loceUon. Avallabl• for Pttl ..icom.. 1545-2000. bit-Int IUndec:k jUlt 800 pell OK . 1850 . from. We're the ones to EASTBLUFF EMc. home FALLBROOK 845-0511. winter onty. $1750/mo. Aoeftt, nofaa. METRO RL TY 838-7005 841-8930. 540-5597 (tj]~~ 3 br. 2 bL den, fonnal .... LWtW./llltr/9 INnl,1'8 ..... ... 3 Br. 2 Ba. 2 ltCJrf. frplc, dining. 2 lrpl1. garden 3.8 aa-e view home Ille. r..wu. JllT Fenteetlc location. 2br, prlv patio. Exclutlve 58r llouee ldMI 4Coll screened patio, d ltll· pati o. $1250 mo Gr .. 1 for ho<-. Euy lrplc. ,_ kltdlen. formal Eulllda. Beeutlfully 1tudan11 or ~ 850 wuh«, auto 9PriMl9fs, &42-0350. .ocaN to hwy 78, 178. .•.................... din~. bright and airy. 1and1c1ped. Pool and METRO RL TY 7005 •-n ~. 539·3319 000 w/30% down. 4 Br b•cf'ront w/dock. s11 /rno. clubllou1e. S750 mo. ... f()f appt. ILlffSttWm• S•OO /mo . yrl y , ..... ,..,.,... 4~791 Chlllnrattca l'\•y.ln!H 3Br + don. 28a, Pool. 5.89 acre•. Panoramic $3000/mo. winter. Avelt. 111 -111 Sharp 2 BR condo. 1 tty, IDTIU Frptc, WUh/dry, bit~. view home alte. Xtnt 9/10. Av•ll furn or unfurn, NICE 3 rm w/~·~ G:TTc your cat Call now all bllns, pool, S550 mo. 2 PaUoa. 2 cat garage J.R. PROPERTY lentattlc: tocatlon, vtewa. Call 540·1158, Hk lor 2 to 4 bdrme, •tatting at avocado land. 185,000. MANAGEMENT 2 Br. NCUtl~ bldQ. Pool otA now! kl1cl'I 2 MET 0 RL TY 836-7005 seoo to 11400. Baavttl, O\llet GtMnbalt w/20% c!O'M'. ENTALS 750-33t4 ,.. 0..... &1000. 'yr ... 840-2098 8715;811S 1895. 3 Br 2 ea. fprtc. Lovely 1 •era on ecenlc Live WaterfrMt ..... Room fOf kldl 3br 2ba Large 4rm fem~tart• ...... 48R 2BA winter rantel w/~lo. ~ kl1ch MOO home & area. 1 ml. to ~lifl Oak Parti Rd. Nearly la-11.000 mo. 11584 OcMn 111·1• CC.RENTALS 750-3314 1 metr It bft-ln W 300 bMdl. S850Jmo. Roger Deluxe now 2 Br, 2 be. vet. Good ..... 144.500 Blvd. 173-e880 Agt. METRO AL TY 838-7005 840-9008. 983-0902 frplc, dock, gar. Sacur. wlttl 25% down. .... ,.. ,., CALL NOW NICE 2br w/ ... rt•. One lor ISM. one -MISSION REAL TY 2'h bdrm•. 3 bathe, ..•.•.•.•.•..•.••••... l!Yge~. fnod ~ $320 Plllll Y lllY 5 br. 2 ba. pool, near 595. B· 108 SunHt 114/111-M10 oceanfront ... 1. Winter YEARLY 1 paraon only, OC. Al.8 50-3314 :&>:,ngdala & Warner. Bluff• Condoe, comer of $1050. 876-J245 1700/ 111 .. lut. 1500 Cut• & cozy! 2 + bonUt mo. call 847..sl03. Victoria & e. Pacific Ave. Sin LIM Oblepo County Quiet 2 Br, winter, ~ blk MC. 210 Pear1 Ave. Ba'-I Ir. J ... room iitce view oNldten 3 br. 2 ba. to-dblt get." C.M. S.. flm then call. to beach. lndry, boa lal and , cell Frplc, range, yvd, oar• W91c:o1M EZ termt NOW 1tore rm. 1795. 1H7t 545·9598 or 842·8722. 80 acre1 with private $500/mo. 27th St. Avail 8715-3&24. C5o no pat1. Private. 350 Ctll\)'On Ln. 879-5991 •523 ew.s~-IME-. 780-0883. lake. 4 legal parcel• 9118. 176-3148 awe. .... I mo. 111. plua eec. METRO RLTY 836-7005 llufta 4 Br $1300/mo to completely lanced. Aol· only. 8~8 w. "'"· 8t. ... King llze 38' 28a """ laWU. UM mo. Split level. Rutty :%. 1111t1 with p1nee Ind BEACHFRONT 499-181 . -din :t="'° window Woodbr1dge-on the take. . lnclUdal oozy 2 bd 4 Br 2 Ba . Frptc W/O, ...•........••........ Magnlfloenl Mention 38r U1ll won't lalt 525 Ex.cutlve 3 bd 2 II\ ba . Guinther, eg1. 831-1288 hotJIO, COHel, & out buU· dlf'ltwtlf. 2 car J:'· no 3 Br 2 Ba $900 yrty. No 1825 3 It 2 Bath 2 II .. betN Clflltal a.IC METRO RI.TY 836-7005 Many' ettrul S1400/mo 3 Br, 2 be. den. nr High pata. Avall 1115. Slngla9 OK, kid• too 1 chafl kltdlan w/blt-lnl dlog1. Fl•ll and Gama P«• 11250. Av . now. J.R. PROPERTY Moat appllancea. Ready 11'1\decapad !erd ONLY ... • ••••. 552 ·9549, Sett•. seoo. abound. 12800/acra. 844-9542 MANAGEMENT to rentl Flat BEST 82 A geml 89Wt1llng tit 551·2193 or 987-1857 848-3532 ~A.Fr-. On the Point. 38r 2ba, 87Mt73 53M190faa MElRO AL TY 838-7005 "" <* ~ jult 390 Turtterock exec, 2 4. 2~ I& llaaT&ll patio, winter IM, avail 2 Bdrm I~ MWfy HOUM 2 8t + 2 Betti ... METRO L TY 836-7005 mHtart. dan, 2.,. b•. Fam rm. 11250 IM 8 too e CM*"> ...., lmmad . 1750/mo . ... l 1350, Rite 844-9080, AtaKadero, CA 93422 875 ·3894 or dacoreted. flreplaoa, .,... Carpeted In, mo1t •P· ~ 48r pool llo\IM 173-1519 844-8053 (805) •• 9188 213ne2-4810. s.a t>.-tlo dock. yny. '795 mo. pllanc•• Klde OK. No MVWlll tlethl rod! fl'p6c Pramilum • 2 mMr ba Eatbtuff 38r, 2ba. Avail *** ginning Sunday. Linda. agt. 142-5200 taMa. seoo·e BEST Alty gourmet kltch garage Kool pool klde;: 595 2 Br 2 Ba. Turtlarock. now 11000 /m o . c.... '-'JIM '"' 63M190faa 850 METRO AL TY 7005 Avall. lmmed. 1125/mo. 840·1019 Arnie or 5 bd, 3 be CUilom home ~.~ ... !'.~ Many men ,..,...., METRO ALTY 836-7005 ... Prln onty. '33-4013 831-oe31 .. for SalM wltfl ~ "°"" on 10 ...................... cal now1 ... LMge 6 8d Hof'M. Malntnce ha 28t M 2 bdrm, 2'A be tOWllflome gorgaou1 acraa In th• ·~ wood9y ct\ar• moet praattgl0\11 Ibo· "*· Aeclntty remodliad Corona dal Mar. Houee w/letge 'flld '375 --·JI 'battle lddalp« el: 500 aYllM --15ttl. 11111 llY rougllbred ~ bf ... end 1edacoreted. 2 •1100/mo Chlkl fine. no leaee. Call Complete with 2 m1tr ETAO AL TY 7006 •121. 483-2117 Lux. ....,. on U!Wv. Dr. ding.,. In county. bdrm, 1'4 ba Inducting 780-870I, 876-2144 IE.8T Rl\Y ~ 1t0 faa bM ... UNIVERSITYi PARK 1own-3br, 2 ba. 3 cs i:eo apltt A•k for Jim Oatkln or dlnlngr~tun-Nico 28r 1 ~ In dplx. Uv Townllouaa, 2 bd, 1"' be, equipped cllef1 kltch ---florM, • "' 2\41 M. ... i.v.i. No !*a. /mo wrfte tor twoc:f1Ur9. ,.,., deck ca--rm w/ffplc, IUndack, oar. 3 yr new, Jar, patio. '-· Frml dltllr'f 2 ttte ba mlly kitchen. Muter IQ8'lt 549-1H2. ft.AU IUL llT&ft nyon. 3 bll'e to bMCll 10 of hwy. $850/mo. 1535/rno. e 6-0500 No r«* frplc fnCd yard w/ Mtm ...... '* 2"49 ,. 441 Martt! 8 tteM and ·-· Winter ,..,till 323'n Larkaeurn. pat. IT\llt tl'MI klde 6 '* cHldran/pat Ok er:& & pvt ~· Lo._ of ~.Br. 2 ... crpt, fl• San Lula Oblepo. Ca st50 per mo. 538-1463 -.oya. ~ lo moYe In HUft,. M~ Rl.TY 7 etorllQe. It mo. yrty lltt. 2 Cle!' .... numetOUI • 134()t 497"'450S 11>1', ~. ,,.. llfladad yd. RY ... te aee. G•:;i.• Gold · fruit tr .... t lttk from (805) 841-431 Almoet oc•utiout, winter' 3br. 2ba, 2 atory, on eou,19 or -:r.;·k· no METRO ALTY 836-7005 8UPERHOUR~ beum, bkr. 9191 CllH Dr. Oarcten.f. No ~ark/Orffnbelt. 400~ S)M9. $480. 51. ... 4 Ir ~ kltdl 1711 ~ttt. I 1000/mo. Avatl. .. ,",,.. rantala. 2 Br dup lex •llot r ope , CdM . e aautuut I Br 2'4 la METAO lY U6-7006 WHAT A DIAL ftr aba w/ Oct 11t. Colact .... .,. .. ~I ....... '!!!! inatmo. 2 N8r hcKlea 87~ . ~~·PoOI· Dollar °" ....... --... ~· PoOf, MOM '811 tw IPM, 80.._...tl. 150/mo. P&rlll'::t, ~-1 ............ tlft-N RENTAU 7to4a14 tloa, lleau tltu vu . -0 • ,, °' llkla f: 4IO no ~ ---LIDO llAY'ftONT MW • M4-1 ....... HVH ..... 2~ I a.r MW1tl MET N..lV ... I bd. A ..... Now. lgl .... 5 .... l2elO/l'ftO. So Ore~ Coast ~ l11DO ....,~ ..... ... ...... .. lddll&pa191 r rhr•I• Jd. No Pela. 13t-M7,, f76.lllO ~meratd lay I Br. vu, U Itta •ld•r• -..actl H Oime ll1•1e11; ............ ~•t et, 1 120q1mwo. elde . • t .... poof. flJH.fflfl .... _11.!f --....7711 N•wport C rHl1 2 bd . rn.Mt :.:~ .......... -::.· °'*' ... M. lun METAO ILTV llt-fOOe OUptell/oondo, ......... • ....... 41M-t 21R 2ba ..,.._ A•H ·4 11000/IN. H Ot Ooeen view, 3 Br a ... ... ..... .,. ~--.... °' t•r•o•. d ining lt'M. and PAHUM. co .. t ~'P.!!.f!t.r! •. !~f! 9118. 2I001mo. J. 00r., Aadlatldl OrM. off Uni-,,_, deet(a, llMoaCI ~. 4+1 +•---= ... , ... '*'·.,,.., ....... Hwy ::::-:· 1175,000 ltir.7~1t vat~ 842·tlH or car.· .. 25/mo. 1at. .,...._.net dloll. 17 Wld Oooae. ....,._ with l40t< • ~ LIOO ISLE • 3 bdrm, Nm 64• MCUrlty •• 1 ..... ~~r~z ... Nor.: '° '"°°'*'~ .. .,.. at1~ 2 Br :-,;o: .... pt9'. l t,000 ... Ownr .... t:o to wid Oo oH. IU/14l·JH1 rm. 4 Ba. 11100 mo. No pace .o.v.i •· llr, 21a Car;: Condo, !n!!!t!.M'z./Mf .... 144-1111, M-12311 ilmo. (111)•'"7637 OCEANFRONT i bdrm. 66t.()f75 QUlat, )lllnt OC. Cl .. n 1et•YlllUlf 1780 "'°· 41741 .. .._ ... lq.lglSM2 ,._.1M,lltd.Nba. 4 IA 2~ 8' PoOI • ...._ I h A"' ,.,.., 1 ea UOO mo. 1111 Plctureaque 2lr ...,... SIW,tba.dM.~biO ••• .;:;;, nloa. •no. >nr. .......... ...,Q...,..11460. Jee., nr beaoll. •1 ,OOC. .... 11# Grundy, Rttt. t7H1t1. unit IOdl ~r.r:r: IOO cd.llH+aao .•. •n-...-n ~~=,: Mio .... °""°"' mo. Nwpt Cre tt . METRO 7009 ..... °"" "°'* ... , •••••••••••••••••••••• ...,.,. home fOf' ~ ... -5-MO:I ,,,...,....be ... "-'1-4Jl~Tree fM6.0l71 ....... ftad .-.ona. gradoul • llOOI. ..... .-1111· a iw. 1"".,. oonc1o~ ......... NK:E 4nnl .,.. ri· .. t ptve acfaa Murrieta. vlng. tHOO/lftO .... '1!!.!f!f •••••• l!ff .... dllta.J:. . dtM ..... ~ldpet $480 lnddl 2.000 IQ.ft. fann us.;1530 .... IUdJ::, ott IZ WINI tllO ... "*' '°° ~ 'tO'I ... f!!l ... AU ~14 houM. lat99 '*".e.OI'· WlnMir. "" bloCk to tleaeltl, OC-AENTM.8 M M..TY ... 700I tn ........ blg tt=·•·l'M&.Wl'Y 115,000 down. •1 per 1 ...... l200 to llOOO 4 Br. 3 ... CondO, "*'Y ... ==~-== B~ llAY. I ••I mo . Tot~c• 1171. 2 Br. 1" la. afftpla 750-111' .,..1..,. alftanltl••· tlOO/mo. ~:A~m ooo. Tiii m :;rklng. fa~af. ,• . ~ 117.-.0, him & ~«: ...... ~ ··'• ... -=~-=1: 75/mo, t-7 . 2 BR. 1 ..... """' Ill Mnm •••Mll. Af.144-1440 ~and Mlltng •t. 9111 .. 'rtA.i illlD~ r,:::-tflef a ao..n Front. AttractM a A MDert ,_., •ra mo. .... In '°""' Ct ...... I• 1 .... ~:-:...< oou ... ~w ,.,r ~V."°"'9&.C.· wttat claH tie d le a ll bd, 2 be. 11250/mo. t 1• a teat a '"° •· CM ... 'tO'i iNll = .~ .... ~ ,,,..... 1 mo. t IMllMdlllr • .=rm. allel4-...... ?,, mo~.?!!~ l~.l-11~ ...,......~"·" 1~01,_. cmdlL..., l·J71H114 ..... ~ ~ ........ ,. .. r ........ ,.,.,. '--'''·· " - - I I • ' .. - ~-;- 28 -Orang& County Real Eatate/An Advertising Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Saturday, Sept. 11. 1982 ~ NOW'S IHE TIME TO BUY! .JJM.-, 1111,IOO -Sparkling pool home In Newport Beach! This extensively remodefed 3 Bdrm + den home features a wet bar, dramatic use of mirrors. Malibu lights, cO\'ered patio, etc. Has great terms and the seiler Is flexible! Call 546-2313. ..a.111,1tt, 111,001 -4 Bdrm 2 bath fixer. Fantastic opportunity for a starter family home In a good area. Seller Is desperate! Call 546-2313. Ju.-~ 111,IOO -Very affordable! Superb 2 Bdrm condo in growth area near South Coast Plaza, with community pools, spa & clubhouse. Assumable financing + seller terms. Act nowt 646-7171. ~. 121..--Abandoned and priced to sell! 3 Bdrm 2 bath home In Harbor View Homes. Really good financing and seller will aid! Reduced $4,000. Call today! 646-7171. .i.1u,1..,., IU0,111 -3 Brand new condominiums! 3 beautiful new townhomes, big, big rooms throughout, skylights, upgraded tile, carpeting and tasteful decor, all top of the llne appliances. Fabulous buy at $130,000. Call 546-2313. ALL ~RICES ''REDUCED'' J.'H11n, 1111,111 -Luxury condo, was already low priced at $169,500. Now Is only $185,000. Has all the amenities, professionally decorated, mountain & city lights views, private balconlel + patio, crackling fireplace, country kitchen & spa. High assumable loan and seller will assist. Call 546-2313. .l.191,IH, 1111,IH -Prime reduction. Motivated seller says move ltl 3 Bdrm Costa Mesa home now reduced $4,0001 Call now! 646-7171. ...,_, 111,MI -Drastic reduction! Fantastic opportunity for first-time home buyers or Investors. Low down, low monthly payments, assumable loan, seller wlll help with financing. Hurry, this one won't last. 546-2313. .Utl,HI'; 1111,IOI -Dramatic Harbor View Homes, 4 Bdrm 21h bath, highly upgraded two story homel Excellent assumable financing and seiter wlll carry! Call now for details! 646-7171. .1211,1n, 1111,HI -Reduced! Reduced! Reduced! Custom home with pool and super view of Newport's upper Back B~y and city lights! 4 Bdrm 2 bath bargain. Call nowt 646-7171. Jll .... , U21,IOI -Harbor View Hiiis beautiful executive home with private canyon view, this Is the spacious Monterey model home, perfect for family enjoyment or great for the lady who loves to entertain. Two stories with 4 big Bdrms, 3 baths, huge formal living room, etc., etc. Three car garage. Setler has reduced price drastically. Call 548-2313 for appt to preview . .a.u1.-111,llG -Home Is In foreclosure, and must sell this weekend. 4 big bdrms, famlly living room, country kitchen, two baths, big corner yard great for family llvlng. Freshly painted Inside and out. Take advantage, call now. 546-2313. Jftl1HI, Pll,IM -Beautiful execotlve home In exclusive CdM area. Big, big rooms, formal llvlng room, formal dining, large lot with towering trees, very, very secluded, walk to the beach. A rare find. Call 546-2313. JIH,ell; 1111,• -Just In time! Just reduced $50,0001 Now In remodel this 4 Bdrm 31h bath home has pool & spa+ vlew1 ~Ide uM of Italian marble and fine oak woodwork. Superb terms + owner flnanclng, a must see! Call today! 646-7171. -HU~TINGTQN BEACH/FOUNTAIN VALLEY.- mllTM -••• -&11 .. 1-Absotutety beautiful 4 Bdrm Showcase homel Bonus room perfect for. entertaining! ¥. 11'111e to the Blue Pacific! Taatefully decorated In earthtones. Pride of ownership home & neighborhood. High assumable loan and owner wlll help finance. $189,500. CaJt 963-8767. 11111 llTY• + _. LIT -Exlatlng beach cottage Is an architectural masterpiece. Bulld a second home oo double lot! Aalume fln.,,ctng, no quallfylngl Call 963-6787. HU Tll SUI -Beach Mansion . . . high assumable! Beautiful Fashion Shores home, huge family room. Brand new carpeting and fresh paint. Assume loan & owner wlll help finance. 983-6787. I ITllY + .... + 111111 ...... -111tio/e 30 year fixed rate loan available to 1st ttme buyers! Beautiful garden home! Only $5,000 down! 983-8787. 11•• l1'UL m -1700 square feet home! Huge famlty room! Wine cellerl Only $5500 down! 111ti% 30 year theed rate loan available to flrst time buyers! Call 983-8787. 11..--Beautiful 2 story garden hornet 2 car garage! Community poolf $8, 150 downf S873/mo. 11t year! HFA t245,000. Call 963-8787. .. LllTlll -Beautiful 3 Bdrm Glen Mar home! Decorated beautlfultyl Prime location! Large yardl Kol pondl Only $125,0001 Call 983-8767. •1 111.--Beeuttful 2 Bdrm mobfte home. Quiet, 9duft oriented par1c. Owners w11 trme tot home In W. Orange County or Long BMcht c.11 963-e787. 11 'h % ; 30 YR. FIXED RATE LOANS AVAILABLE-FOR FIRST-TIME BUYERSI CALL FOR DET AILI ••• NOWI >-----..... -----~-THIS WEIK'S TOP PRODUCIRS'··--.----...~==~~ HAllOI