HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-15 - Orange Coast Pilot, DRAllil CIAIT YOUR HDMITDWN DAllY PAPIR --WEONESL>AV S~Pll:M~l'.R I ~ 1982 ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Pauling By JOEL ( '. l>ON Of lh• Dall, Piiot Stan .i ~~Wµl~•~>~•~I~•~: .. '~~,~~:"'"~~'~"'~~~~~~,~~' lll'..il I dtS..«.l:K' l'o11'dl1tV.1~·11l,11 d1"·;,,,. ,1111k1• ·•I h'I Ht"'4'1t·lo:-.ti. PuultnK, whu da1111i. v1u1111111 l' Ttw d11111111,lll'd I l11w t.111 1.111<.1· "W1· ,... t .. ·i.c11111111g l11 wo1k111111 ··1 1h111k 1tu· • ,1;-1· 1;-111""" 111 1:-. ~ooc.J fm· JUSl a bout wht1leVt•t Pt•lll k11ow11 .is .111g111.1 JH'I 1111'1" (1 h1·l,1t11m 1l11·r.1pvl lo M·t· 1f n·, ttll' 111c"tltcal e11111111111111 y ' alb you, said tltt• tn•atme11t 11-.111d 111.i'r d .1111 ,1g1• th1 hl';11 t ,.ff,~ t1vc·." Ill' s..ud N1·v1•rtl1C'lt•s.-., l 'aul111g 11·111.1111:-. l-.tllt·cl l'h1·lat1on tht•raµy The· 11111:-.t·h· lluw1•v1·1, 111 1t•m·t11111 to this undnlllllt•d 111 h1i. 11•-.1•.11d1 l<'<-'l11114u1• 111volv1-i. 1n)f'{'ll011 of .1 tht•:-.1s, a U( · l 1 v1111· 1 ,11 d111log1:-.t e·ffort.' 111· w.as l<1l)l ·l1·d ,1 11,1nk I Blot k . .,.~, n l Hiii Ill 1111111 · L'l)'t•A I I I I ti I I r d1t•m1t·.1 11110 th.-b ody th,1l 1111t1·d th .JI r, e 11· t1l111n w ll'n wsugg1·s ll · ;11g1· < 1ll-.1·so bands with h,1rn1fut -.uhsta11t1·' '"1"11•11 V "11 •·111'' 111·•V 1•1ll'•I '1 th1·1.1µy h.1:-. alt t•Jd v IM-.·n µ1uv1'(l v1t•1111111 l' w ould 1ir1·vt·11t th1· h1·,111 .111.11 k I w h 11 h th 1· 11 "'r 1· 11 alll 1 .1 I I' to ht• of no v.ilut• 111 tlu· l1 c .. 1trrll't1l 11111\1111111 l'O d Twu tl11lt• Nolx•I 111111· w1111u-1 Linus P ,iultnj.( '<lupp1•d ul I .11 Chaµman C11llq.(t' lo ft'('t'IVt .111 uward. I.Jul I hl' 1 1111l11•Vt'1 ".ii sc:1t•11t1st didn't lt·av1· lht• Or.in~·· 1·t1mµus w1th11ul drupJ>trlK a htrtl h<· 1::. abuut to 1•111b.trk or1 n·~·.11d1 1ntu .11111thl·r unonhod oi. .111d unprovt•n nwd1t'al ln·utnw11t Tht• lurrnt•t l'all1•d1 l h1·m1sl rold Ltw C'ollq,:t• lx,._.rJ of truslt-.·s and lall'r rt.'IJOl l(•r s al o lfft•s:. l'11nft•t t•11l'1· Tut·sd.iy ht· 1-. J ll t'l' l 111 g l' ff or ls o f h '' Pa I 11 Alto b.ist>J L111u' Paul111K !ns lltutt• of &·11·11t·1· .uid M1'(l1l'111t• "" ' "" ..J I '.•u" "" '" '" "" '" "' Vo·• tlu· ol "' ""' "~ 1,., '~" '" th•· '"·" I y "711>. """" ng ""'" n i 111 ht•art tl1 s 1•,1:-.1" 111 El>'l'A tlll'1.1p) 111.1v 'H1 lll'1t tlu· "Jn a tl11"011·t11al ..,t.ll't' 1t' tl11·w t~u-111· ol thc· 111<•d1t·al .irlet tusd1•rus1s. the• t h1•1111 1 .ii pl<aylll'' ,11111 l1·s....,.•11 th o· r1:-k' 11( µ.1s....il1h · 1l eould wor k hu t ll h;,, um11nun1ty wlw11 lw <11111uunn-<l ~:LYrA ts Ust'(l tu n •nt11v1• 1· .. lntrn1 th<· N11 t k1ll1·1 11! A11w111;111s h1 ·1·11 tr 1t•d a11d shown 11 ol lh.n v11.<t111111 C uffc·" IA·1lt'f1t.-. 111 that tend :-. lo har t.Jen fa t ly lit· ..,,11 d 1 h c•l,111011 tlw1,.,1y 'u1·1·e .... :-.lul," -..11<l U r .lo 11Jth.111 lht· t1•·al111l'nl 11f ""''' f11nns of plat.jUl'S that hnt• arl•'I y w;,lls. p1 ul1.1hlv would l11•lp .ill fur11i... o r Tohis 111 ,1 td•·µh111w 111wrv11·w e anu·1 l'auh11g semi It 1s th1•:-.c.· pla4Ut'!'.> .11 tt•111Nl1·1u"'· tlw gt•111•1.1I 11·1111 "}11·11pl1· h.iv1· lookt·d .11 Eln'A If! P<1ult11g sornl 111• t~1k1•:-. I ~ g1,1ms thc1t 1·v1·ntuc1l lv r~.o:.l11d tht· flow f111 d1"··"t ' 111 1 hi· .1111•111 :-.. 1h1· I'·"' ,111d tl1t·r1· h<•~ hl·1·11 11f th1· v1t<a111111 ,1 d.i y l.inu.., Paulin~ Bus riders to LA halted .. By FREDERICK S<.:JIOEMEllL 01 lhe Dally Pllol Sl•tt An 1•st1n1atl'd 1.:IOO Or,mg•· l'ttllnty n •,1d1·11ls h.id 111 f111d alkrnatl" m1•ar1s of t1av1•I 111 Los Ang1·l1:~ t11d.1 y ·" ,, 11•:-.ult o f 1h1· m1d111ghl w a lkout lJy South1•rr1 l'ahf11rr11,1 H.qrnl T1.111sil IJ1strwt drivers A spokt•swrnn,111 f11r 1111 · Ur.i11gt t'11u111v 'r1.ori...1t l>istrwt .• 1 ~·paralt• agt·m·y 1101 affc.'(·tl•tl by tlw ~t11k1• ,11111111 -..11ct 1h1· 111.•J<irll) of rtdt•r.> trav1.•l1.J ,1 roult• 1•xte11ding fr11 111 !--..mw /\11.1 .111d 1-'11ll1 ·rt1111 to tht' Los Angell•s l'1v1<" Cc•nl1•1 Madeleini-B11:kert. OCTD 1·w1111111111tv 11·1.1111111' d111'(·t111 s.11d Los Angc·lt·s-bound bu::. rult•r' should 1· .. tlwr 111111.u l /\111tt.1k 11r Commuter Compulcr, a t:Jr po11h11g 111,111 h111~ '"1 vu ,. to find ;o11 etllern a ll' mt-Jns 11{ lrave•I lo Lo!' Angt•lt..., B11kt·rt s.ml CXvfD. bt'(·au..,.• of agn'i·m•·nt ... \\Ith HTI >. <.11111111 µlat'-' bUSt'S in se:-rv1t·1· •Ill th1• ll'nipor;1nly 11101Jt·1 o11 1w· HTl> 111utc·~ "A 1111 of pt'()pl1· havt• a..-.kt'<I u' why wt• d1111'1 dc• 11 W e· la.1v1• Jl-{rt"l·1T'l1·nt.s and our cinver.. bt·long lo th\' u1111m Tl11·v w1111ldn't g11 for 1t," Bt<•kt·rt S1:11tJ .. And. Wl'.rL· SllllJ.lly 1101 l'4U1ppc.·d to tia11dl1 • I\, ln ;_1dd1lwn to tht· Sanl<I An.i Los Ange·lt·~ n1ull HTI > .tlso o~ratC'S St•rvwes lo the• El SL•gund11 a1t·a fr 0111 Ur;mgl· ( '111111t v B1ckt·rl said the· HTl) st rt kl' hJs t rl·Htt·d ''.1 1111 •1f , 011 ru ... 111n' a mong O rangl' CtJunty rt-s1dl'n!.!. who re·ly cin t X vl'I > "CX.'TD 1s no t c<ffc'C·tt'l.l by the· o;tnkl' Our.,.., v11 ,. is 111x·r;cl111g," s he e xplained The RTD driver~ w1·11l on s ll'lkl' al nml111ght afl1·1 t.ilk~ with managt:mcnl brokt> down It 1:, tlw fifth HTI> ">lnkt• 111 10 v1·••" <.X_vfl) has been aff1'C'lt•tl l'rtly 111\('I' by ti '-lllkt d!'lll•ll 111 f\•bruary 1981 when dnvt·rs walkt'<.l out for 1h11'<• V.L't·k~ That's show business: Council faces TV woes By R OB E RT BARKER Of the Dally Piiot Slatt It's tough l'nuugh dt·ahng wtth sp<X·1f1t· plans. u.mmg nrd1nanrt.'S and t·ond1t1011al use· 1>t·n mL.., Rut llu nt1ngton Ht•.1l·h City Coun(·tl l'l"ll't'l tnl{s soon will bC' coverNI I 1vt• on It>« a I 1·abh> l!•lt•v1s1on And lhPrt· wil I ™' Of·W pro h I r-ms f o 1 l h 1• <' o u n 1: 1 I m1•ml:x-rs lo fol'f'. foc-u smg ma111l y on h ow lo look good on TV J o hn Batt•man . (·X1.·1ut1vf' dtrPc:tnr o f the· Public l':ihlc· Tell'v1~1<in Authority. ha~ m;iclr avatlablt· to t•<wh l'OUlh ti rne•mbt•r a 17 pai.w n11•ni11 11 ( d o·s ancl d11n'L, H t· sa 1d 1 n t lir nH·mo hP rr· ... cht-d bdtk into hi'> :m v•·ar; nf Airport parking fees up Princeu Grace t•xpt•rwnL't' m tekv1s111n 111 e,11n1• Up With lht' c<dVll'E' O n e unfortunatr thin~ tl11• camt•ra d1x.os . Batt1ma11 !<aid, 1::. to put about 10 pounds 1111 th1· avl·rage p1•rS(>n Ht' said pc•rsmis lan work tu makf' tht•1r fa1·cs appt•ar thin. h ow cvcr. by sucking m ch1•t..·kl- a nd a pplying a (i)lonng H1· says thts accents the c:ht•t:klx>n<'!> ancl mm1mrit.'S the .)ClW Sweat 1s anotht•r probl1•111 But Batt•man say~ ll will IH·lµ 1f mum·tl membt•rs .tµµl y J fil my IJyt~r of milk cur ltl h1·Iµ t Inst· pores and fl'<IUet• th.-amount of v1.-;11Jlt· pt:rsp1ratwn If a fC'w sv.1•al ht•Jrts should s u r fa l e . B a t P m a n s u ~ ~ c· !-. 1 s WI ping tht•m d IS( rt·('tly Wllh j .; Park mg fC'C'S t hargt-d at John W;lvnc A1rpurt will bt· grnng up Ol t I although not as high as had been ret·omm c nd ed h y airport managemt'n l As a result of a1·t1on Tut">4.J.1v by the Orange County Buard of Supt'rvtsors. the 24-hour rat(' in the main airport pa rk mg lot, d1rK'tly adjacent to thl' wrm1n:il, w 111 increase from $5 to $fi The daily rate in the long ten11 parking lot locatf'd north o f thP terminal will increase from $2.50 lo $4. while· monthl y rat1·ci (•harged 1r1 emplnye1· only lols will mcrease from $10 lo $15 fon•l111g1 r .111d w1p111g the· I 111gt•r with ti h,111dkl'r• h11 ·f W iping tho• l1row with ,1 fm1<1·1 w1ll 111Jk1• o m· look thoughtful, h1· '>J IO Bate•man .1bo .1clv111.1t1·s I ht• Ust• 11( pann 1k" 01.1k• 11p b··fo r1· l'l1uncit rnl't•tJngs ff your h<11rlt11t' .... r1·n·d1ng. m<.1k1· Slll t• \IOU gt•l lhl' rnakt Up into 1h1• h.11rh111•, he -..ml And 1f you1 tw.ad 1:-!,;old. c ov1·r tlw hP<1d w1 I h .1 ltgh I dust1n1~ of 1h1 · m,1k1·up 111 l'lll g l;i11· I It• ('lll'OUI ..ig1•s WOll1t'll lo t'otl I y tht· rnak1•up down b1·n1·;tth tilt• nt'(·kl1m· 11{ tlw dn·-..-, • •r ... u1t "A µ.1rt1,1I m.1k1·ltp .1oh t ,111 ht• w11N• th;1n 110 rn.1kt•up a t .ill " he• wt11ns ·You·11 look "' ii vuu ht1VC' ;i mask on b.ully .Jppfwd tSee CABLE. Pal(P 1\:11 Tht r.1h pr111x1 ..... t1 ... ubmlllt'<l 111 tht• ho.trd liv /\11 po1 t Man.1~1 r Murn C.ibl1• rt<t.cimrrwndl'11 .1 $7 ix·r day rJt•· 1n the· m;11n ,11rport p;1rkm~ lot, $-1 1n tlw long ll'fm lot and $:111 pc 1 1111111 I h for 1•mpl11v1-.· 'f"'t't'' Cnhl<• "'"ti p.trk1111c{ 1.1t1· l11k1•s wc·r1• w.11 rant1'<t. m p.-trt. bt'( ; .. use· of th1· high clt·rn,md pl.wl'fl •Ill lhe a Ir p u r I s I 1 Ill I I I'd p ;i I k I n g fa1·1lit11 ·s Tht· bo.11 d .., v11t1• 11n lht• 1 n <' r" n s" s w ,1 s lt n .1 n 1 m • • ll s Sup1·rv1sor Hog1•1 S t,1nton said thl' ('on1prorn1st• 111n <'aSl'S \\.'l'rP Roulette wht>e ls wer.-s to pp~d nncl hf1wkjtu·k <·nrd-. packe d a way . Monaco mourns MONTE CA RLO . M on1:u:o (AP) The death o f Princess Grace brought gril'f today to th<" sunny seastd<' pnnC'1paltty sh1· helperl rult• and st unnt•d American fan s who n~v('r s topped loving lhe OsC'ar winning actress even after she left them for a prince T he former Grace Kell>' du'tJ in a Monaco hoepital T uesday at the age of 52 from a cerebral hemorrhage. about 36 hours after her car somersaulted 120 feet down a mountainside, trapping the princess inside ~ flew at hall staff today atop the royaJ palace overlooking the Mediterranean and at banka along the Boulevard des Moullna. Prirwt• R.11n1 C'r was al his wd<''s lw d s td<• "JH cll lll'ally wllhoul intt•rru puon," a palace s p o k<·s man sa id witho ut s p<'Cl fy1 ng w he•t he•1 h e was ac·tuallv there w h l'n sh l' d 1t-d One. Frl'nc h report quoted wltn ctiscs a s saying Rainier quietly left about 30 minutes bcfort' Gnll'l' d1l'd at 10:30 p.m. (I :30 p.m PDT) in th<• hospttal bearing hl'r name ThP youngest of the roupll''s three c hildre n . 1 7 year-old Stephanie • the o nly olhN person in the car suffe red what a mroical bullNin described as severe bru1smg and remained "under obiervauon " in lhi-same hoepltal. "ultcr Mondalt· " rn o r ,. I h ;1 n f ;i 1 1 · f 11 r .ii I <'lltlC"e'I nt'fl In 11th1·1 ,1111on. "UJ.>1.'rv1,.11rs Appn•vl•d a 1·11nlra('l w11h Laguna &•<1t·h undr·r wh1eh lht• 111untv will subs1d121• bu~ farC's for si:•n111r 1•1t1 zC'ns riding thl' 1·1ty 's bus lint• Tht• $7,7~0 1·11ntra1·1 will cover tlw C'Olil o f ab11ut 5 1,000 ncic•s. offidals said pff1nals M id I nt-rt'asNJ rubbis h l-Ol It '('Lion le·c•s fo r pt·rso n s l1v1ng 1n un1nt·orp11ratt•d areas o f th<> 1·1)unty Hrs1dc•nt1al ratt's w en· bt>(lSlt'tl 95 CT'nts pN month fur D•llY Pllol Staff Photo lr<lSh haull'CI dirC'Ctly to n1un1 y owned lant.lfdls ant.I $I fi~ pt'r month for lrds h s 1•nl t o 111lt•rmt-<liaw tr.tnsft-r st.<illons Th« ra\I' 1nc·rt•;1st' rt•sullPcl from r<'<'l'nl ;lt't111n by supc•rv1sors 1 o 1 m po s r a $·I . 9 0 p e r to n dumpin~ f1•1· at t•ounty landfills. Aeeeplt•d an offt•r from tht• Laguna B<-<wh Boys Club for us1• of a portion t1f tL'i Laguna Canyon facli1t y as a "drop-in" <'<:'ntt•r for I h C' "t· o u n t y P r o h a l i o n De pa rtmt-nt Thl' rlt•partmc•nl will u~· thl' s pat·1• to intc•rVll'W proba uonrrs Princess Grace Gract''s o th e r c hildren. Princess Caroline, 21i, and Crown Princt' Albt'rl , 24. werf' In M o naco. a palace off1c 1al l'Onfirmcd A palact' spokesman said it was still too early to say whf'n funeral servict'S would be held. "We a rc still all m a state of sh ock ," he said The tiny principality on a rocky slice of the French Riviera immediately went into mourning w hen G r ace's death was announced just before midnight. In the glittering casino that made M o naco f amous in Edwardian times. roule tte whee\3 wt're brought to a stop and the blackjack cards packed away The floodhghts were turned off and the d oors quietly closed Ac ross Casin o Square. thC' gaudy Cafe de Paris dosed, as did all the rcst..aurants, cafes, bars and nightspots. The usually lively streets were deserted. Across the yacht-filled harbor. the usually floodlit royal palace on the "Rock of Monaro" stood in darkness. P olice allowe d o n ly official cars to drive up to the stately Grimaldi family home . "It's shocking," said H er ve Fiolet. a h otel bell capt.am "She was a ~rande dame " 'l'ributes to the champagne· haired Philadelphia native began pouring in from the stars of her H ollywood past Mondale • Ill oc, roasts Reagan Campaigning m CalHorrua OJl behalf o f Democratic cand1da~. fo rmer Vice P resident Walter Mondale has called the Reagan adman1s trallo n 's formula for righting the economy "bad medicine" that is underminmg the country's a bahty to become strong again. Mondale -who offcially ls exploring the poss1b1lity of a presidential bid in 1984 -looked every bit the candidate as he campaigned in Orange County on Tuesday f or Rep . J erry Patt..erson , D-Santa Ana, who is seekmg re-elecuon to a fifth House te rm from his central county district. Looking fit a nd relaxed, M o ndale moved easily from table to table shaking hands and chatting wllh the nearly 200 Patterso n s upporters who had paid $25 per person to attend the b r eakf ast fundra1ser at t he Disneyland Hotel. Echoing wor<h reminiscent of the 1980 presidential campaign when then-presidential hopeful George Bush char acterize d Reagan's economic proposals as "voodoo economics," M ondale repeatedly referred to Reagan's economic remedies as "bad medicine " T h e Minnesota Democrat said the administration is explaining away the terrible shape of the econom y by saying it is going to take "tough medicin e" for the ec.-onomy to nght itself and come out leaner. stronger and more competitive. "Th e t o ugh medici n e argumC'nt ts what you are going lo hear between now and the elcct10n -that it's patriotic to go bankrupt or lose your job beca~ you are helping out America," Mondale said C 1tang the administratioJl!s failures In dealing with tqe economy. Mondale scud what ~ needed IS investing in plants arid equipment . helping small businesses to prosper. increasine consumer spending, reducinj federal deficits and cutung the size of government. Instead, Mondale contended, indu s try 1s having its most "dismal" perio d in 40 yeara, small-business bankruptcies are al their highest level since 1932 and consumer spending is off 9 percent m this quarter aJone, ln addition, Mondale said W prof i l stru cture of Americap business is in the worst shape In :)0 years and American expor11 have "plummeted 20 perceqt since this crowd took office." s § -INDEX--§ At Your Service Business Cavalcade Classified Comics Crossword Death Notices Editorial Entertalrunent Food Art Hoppe H orOllCOpe Ann Landers Movies A4 84-5 A9 ES-8 E2 E2 E3 AB 86 01-10 A9 A9 .! A9 86 I B4 A3 Mutual Funds National News Public Notk't!tl Sporta 84,88,E3-4 Stock Marketa Televiaion Thea ten Weather World Newa Cl-~ ~ 87 86 A2 A3 r -· •. ,. .. . . ... . . O range Coaal DAILY PILOT /WednHday. S•Ptember 15, 1082 Surviving test of time Gift watch find it ~ way ha k to c hit~f's dad By STEVE MITCllt.:LL Of Hie Dellt ,!lot atalf Thlii 11> th1· i-tory 11f 11 41i y1•.11 11ld wnstwatd1, 11.-. 75 Yl'lff old or 1~111ul uwrwr. a nd how tht• lht• l wo ..:01 btat·k tol(dta-1 agum It's ulso tht• !!lor·y of u Lagunu &•uc·h polu.-c ehi1•f who trntk<'<I clow11 1h1· pt•rft't'L ~tft for his fatht•r':; h1rthduy Our talt• bl·gms al a Unttt•<l P1t1'l't·I S1-rvw1• awiirds banquet 1n 193tl whl'l'I' N1·il J l'url'dl, Sr. re<-eiv1..-d a fam·y 1<;1g111 wn:;t wuu:h Hand-cngruvt'<I on tht• b;ll'k of the• gold filled watd1 were tht·~· wortls: "Honor Award/4 13 ~ltl/N1·il J Pun·dl 111 apprec1auon of his ft vt• yt•ur dr1v1ng r't't'Prd without nn avo1dabll· al<t'11l1·tll Unalt>tl l'af\01·1 Servares " Neal Sr was pit-tty µMud of thal w;11d1 Wore It t•vcry day for 17 yt•ars Then, in 195:1. ht· took th1: uld t111wp1t't't' into Hegwald's J ewdry on Main Stn•l't 1H1 Balboa and traded It 111 fur a pair 11f wau. h1-s for his wife and daughtN "Dad always said ht.· W<l$ !>Orry hl· got rnl of Lhal wat..ch," says lus son, Laguna &•al·h Polat't.' Chief Neri Pun't'll No one knows what l>t.'<.·anll' of th1· old wal<:h for tht.• nl'Xl f('w dec.td•·::.. bul 11 rc.•app<.'art'<.I about a monlh ago Bnct• Woodward. who upt•ratt•s Uus' WaL«h Shop in Laguna &•aeh, said hl' was going through a box uf 500 or M> old wal.l..'hcs al a jewelry shop in Sanua Ana last month "It w as Ul a box of m1st0t'llaneous Junk wat.<:hes," tht• 1ewclt•r suic.l ··1 was impressed with tlw ft1l't' .11111 """ II •" ,1 '"1nd1d,111· fur H'lll•1n111u11," 111 'luld s.1 h1· '"•l1J,{ti1 1111 " .• 1..i1 '"' .111111rt i :w .dung w ith ... ·v1·1 .ii 111h1 1-., .11111 touk 1111'111 IJ;tl'k 111 Im. L.1~ll11.1 lk.wll '<ll1tp It Wui111'1 u 1111l lw h1·~..r1 d1·•1111 11~ t h l' tl nWpll '\.'l' thut W1•11lw.i1d 11oh•d lh1· 1•11gr:1VlllM 1111d lilt' 1\111111 ' 1111 111 .. l111t k "It W HS j\1:.1 1!11< llllll'll 11( 11 l'llll\\'l(ft•11t't'." W11odwu1d sanl Tiii' Jl'Wt•lt•I 11111l.11 l1 •tl 1h1· p11lll'l' d11d. wh11 nml11·1111•d 1111' w.111'11 11111·1• lwk111~1·d 111 hts lath1•1 And, -.1111'1· tlw 11ld1·1 l'11rn•ll's l111·1hd11y w;1s l~1m111g up, tlw 1 lt11·I .1•,k1·d Wuodw;1rd to f'l•!\lUlt ' Lill' W.1td1 Wh1d1 1111 • j1•w1 •l1•1 d11I At 1•11:.t B y 1f11· 11111• 1111· w.11d1 111lll·1·t111 11•furb;sh1>tl th1 · 111.t l•:lg111. 11 w.1, w11rth dUOUl $:l50 Woudw.11tl 11~1111 •" 11 1 w.t alll111t $711 b:il'k Ill I 1:1:1li Last S.11111 du\. 1111' pula1·1· d111'f pn":.t·111t·d the· long 111,1 111111 ·1w·c 1· 111 his lath1•1 at .1 lnrlhday pa1 Iv lll'ld 111 N1•wporl fx•ad1 llas dad w.1:. pl1•;1s.1111ly sua µ11:.l'd wlwn lw ll JJt'lll'tl tilt' 11111~ -.lt·11cl1·1 hox "At far-.t I thought 1t wa' 11111· of thtl::*' l 'XJX'llSIVl· p1·11 and p<•ru rl '>l'L' you 111•v1•r usi•.'' thl• ultkr Pun·Pll lauglll'd "Dad r 1•l1r1•d from tilt' Urntt•d P.irl'l'I Sc•rvil'l' 1n 1\:17 1 <111d lw 1\.11> ,, lot of good nwmurll's 11f thusl' yN11-....." lh1• polln· chu·f S<111.J. Ineluding a ll award s l'l'remony held nl•arly a half n·ntury 11go l.a~uu a Bt·ac·l1 Polit·t· <:hid Nt·il Pur('t·ll ( lt·fl ) ~urpriM·d hi ~ fu llwr~ N•·il s,. ., w ith a tl.6 -yt·a r -old wrist watt·h . • ....... ; I :wr··,·~ I •• , . 1A:E • • ••• ••• ••• ••• Brother cycles . for Sam A rmt·d wtth prt.•s11 rc•leaio~t. lellcn1 to t•ongreasmcn. a n d hunJn'<.lt; of red and yellow T - sh1rts, David Wtllt>tt will pedal uff from hi11 Sa11 J uan Capi11trano mob1l<· homt• Satu rday for the 11ut1on 's capital. HP's riding his lO·speed bike 2,700 miles in hopes of seeing President Rea~an to outline the plight of his brother Samuel, adopu-d more than 10 years ago by h is parents. · The family ts attemptin g Lo get a h earing o n a private bill authort.>d by their congressman, Rep. Robert Badham, R -Newport Beach . that would allow Samu el to remain m the United States. Should a Senate immigration sub<:11mm11tec fail to consider &dham's bill, Samuel would be deport<>d to hrs native Liberia Jan 15 Young David's bicycle trek is a "last ditch e ff o rt," t h e 20-ycar-old says. "'T h l· whol e' s1tuat1o n is rid1t·ulous," he said Tuesday a t a ga theri ng o f frien ds and n c·ighbors in the mobile h ome park. Fares cut to SF area b y AirCal Israeli 'peace' troops move About :30 supporters wore T - s h1rls that rea ~ "Save O u r Samu el." and thC' get-together wa~ a fund-raiser t o finance DavaJ's marathon e ffort. Wh(•n Dave and Ruth Wille tt adopted Samuel more than a d('(•ade ago. they arbitrarily set tht• Liberian nat1ve's age at 16, bt.'Cause he had no birth record. Newport Beach-based A1rCal has dropped 1LS one-way fares f r om Burbank t o th e San Francisco art'a and LO Sacramento in what has grown into a pnce- lashmg war among commutC>r ·arriers. The cut 1s cffc1.·11vc through Oct. 15 and lowers Aarl"al's t1t.·ke t prices to $2!:1 from $46. The ~·uL uesday w as quickly matt·hcd by acafic Southwc.•sl Airlines PSA sparkt•d th<' prn·e war BEIRUT. L «banun (A l ') Israeli troops and armor push1·d rnto Moslem we::.t &1ru1 L·arly today to head off what th1•y called a "dangerous s11uation" following the bombing that killed Israeli-backed PresadL•nt cle<-t Bashir Gemayel and at lt•ast 26 senior aid es. The troops t•nlt•red west Beirut an a "limited" m ovl• "to prevent f1ghung and secure peat'l'," aflC'r the Tuesday blast that kallcd Gemayel, the Tel Aviv mmmand sard . It gave no details. but &•1rut radio stations r<•portcd shot1ting between advanC'ing Israeli force>S a nd leftist M oslem mal1ll<11nr·n (See related story Page A:\ ) For the first t1m1• 1n 1h1•11 14 w1·1·k old invasum, lht• Isr:ll'llS dn1v1· 111to till' fornwr PLO m •rv<• t I' 11 t 1• r 1 11 l h 1• Fa k h a n 1 m·1ghborh•1C•d Th1•v Jlso l'nlt·n ·d 1h1· Kuw:11l1 Embetssy .1rt•J and th1· .1dJ.•l 1·nl IJ1r ll ;:1ss;1n twaghllor h1111CI un thl· t'dgt· of tlw Ch;,itrlla rt•fugt't' 1·amp, and thl' n1ast.d -.trip ::.tn•H·h1ng from () U l ii I I •I l h l ' b U I n l' d tJ U l Summ1·rl.1111I 111111·1. &:1ru1 rcid1us r<•portt·d Thi• l:-.r.11·11 n1mmand also damp<.·J a turfc·w 1111 Sidon, thl' main 1·11y 111 southPrn L1·b<anoll, and l'los<•d lht· Lt•b<tnl'st· br;·11:h bord1•r to <ill but rnal11.<1ry lr<JffH' Pr11111• M1n1::.tt•r Ml'nal'hl'rn 81•grn'-; <;µukt•sm:.in. Un Porat, told n •p<•rtN·~ Ill J1•ru!>tlll•rn llw army 1·n1t•n·d Wl'Sl H«ll'Ut \11 twc1d US prc•..,.d1·rH1.1I t•nvoy Mcwr 1-. Ur.qJl'r 11H·l w1 th Bt·gin for n1·arl·1 .i11 hour and S<.ttd, "Tlw °'h~tlt~l'lllg l 'XJX'rll'nn• of fl..t.'ihll (;1·may1·l's ,1:-.-..1-.s1n,111 un h<1s twnplit·att-d tht· µrubh·m f11r us. I> u l "' t' <• 1 t • g n 1 n g 111 rn o \! l' f11rw;11 d with dl'lt•rm111.1t111n " 8 1·1 1 ut 1 adao broarlt'<J!'>l!\ .,atd thl' 1:-.ral'la f1irt·t·s that hc1Vl' 11ngt•d Wl'sl B«trut <1dvanC't.'d up to I :! milt·'> int<> th<' wt•stt·rn s•'t'\111". v~w.11t·d two Wl't·ks a~o by P :1 I c· ., l 1 n t• L 1 h 1• r a t 1 u n Org;11111a 111m gu1•rnlla.... undt·r ci US n1•1.tollaH•d plan aft(•r n •1tt•.1\1•cl br;1d1 homlwrdna·nts L1·ha111 •!>l' P111t11• M1n...,lt•r Shaf1k War/An fl'Jl'l'lt'<i lsral'l's t·u11tt•n11on that tht• thru!>t was a limned operation and ::.aid at VIOi .tied the agrecrnl'nt undc•r which the PLO It.ft for t•x1lc> tn uth<'r Arah nations. 111 a statement read •IVC'r state radio. Wa.:zan said he s pukt.• to US specia l envoy Morris Draper rn Tel Avrv about the> thrust and that Draper "promisc•d to follow the• matter up " Lebanese news photographers said mat·hine-gun ext·h a n gC'l> flarl--<l bt:tween the Israelis and ll'fltst m1ltllamen nc•ar th e Fukhani neighborhood and lh1· t·at v's soccer s tadium. former PL·o strongholds, fun:rng many n•s1dcnts to flt!<'. U S immigration law state~ Samuel was 13 months too old t.c Ix• acl·epted as a foreign adopted son. So for years the family ha~ batllt·d to keep Samuel in the Umtt-d Stat.es. David plans to roll 1ntc Washington, DC .. on Oct. 7 -o day before Congress breaks for rt'('CSS And he hopes the pu blicit)' gt·neratcd by the trip, wh ich wiU include• stops in th e hometowru of s<'wra l prominen t legislators. will reach the Oval O CCice. "It's ironic." Dav1d said . "The nt•w S 1mp so n -M azz o l l 1mmigrauon bills grant amnesty to morl'.' than six million illegal a llt-ns g. 3 when it re du«t'c.l farC>s between L os Ange les ;rnd San Frar,aciS(:O to $45 Sheldon Best, lJtCal's executive v1ce president, said his company's Cart• decn:,-as(! as aimed at promoting the carrie r's n ew Burbank-to -San Francisco service and Lo s ttmulatt' travel Flight instructor fined, sentenced "But Sam was brought hen lc-gally (on a student visa tha t h~ srnce expired), and they want tc take him away from his family and sh ip him back to Liberia. He said thC' compan y's rJiurbank flights recently have ~n only running at about 30 ~rcent capacity F ares will ~n at $46 one-w:iy on flights ~San Francisco, Oakland , San J~ and Sacramento out of Los 1 geles Internallonal Airport. tario Airport and John Wayne rt. R-t said. The operator of a now-dl•fum:l John Wayne Airport flight 1nstruct1on school will pay $180.000 in reslitu lio n and $20,000 in fines for submitting false bills to the U.S Velerans Admrmstrat1on A s pa rt 0 f a n (' g (J II ,I t (• d s ettlement reachc•d an U S District Court in Los Ang1.•lc•:., Herbert Daniel Hill w all pc·rform 500 hours of t.•ommumty serv1l't' w<,rk and sp1·nd :10 days 1 n fl.dna I pnMJn 1111 1 0 1H'r.111•d N..itlllnal Jct lnd~tru·-. Int . Jn <.11rport-hase<l firm th.it prov1dc-d flight anst1 u1 t11111 to :>l'V<'r<JI formt•r s1•rv11tm1·n 1•l1g1l.il1· f o r VA tl.'>....,.sL<an1•1· Th•· farm, whtl'h was 11rd1•n.J 111 p;.iy a $:W,OOCI fmt'. 1s no lonF(l'r 1 n busuw~" Weather wet becoming southwe11terty 81 8 lo -----------------------............ 16 knots In lhe oltttrnoona with a Rain~ SnowQ l ·lo-3·1001 SO<Jlhweat swell r.',~t;......__.------· T e 11111e rature s I) t.:o a .~ t n / NATION Chane• or m•aaureble rain El 10 petcent MOSlly cloudy ' 1 11 some drizzle llkely Thurll<lay ~ nlno Cou tal tow 80, Inland •lfe. Coatlll high 66. Inland 75 • ;r~1er 10 1 El .. where llghl and v•rlable nd1 nlgnt and morning hours b•comlng 1outhwett 8 to 16 lll'IOlt In 11w1 111.,noon Soulh-t 63 48 61 66 67 64 71 62 35 71 42 40 62 18 Nar.."' t .._,.,..,., •• , •· 1 t NOAA u ~ P• ' I Showersmmill Flu111esl**I __ .,en 1 10 3 feet but combined tea• 3 to 6 lea1 over nor11ie1n tar welart Conald&rabl• low c oudln••• wllh only Pl rtlal c1ear1no "lbany .Albuque Amarillo "sne11111e Allanta AllanlC Cty Austin e.111more B1111nos Birm1ngnm B1smarci. Boise Boston BrowntY11e Buffalo Burlington 81 80 88 83 88 74 95 81 37 90 53 61 72 96 83 86 35 87 82 80 50 78 89 87 84 83 96 85 S7 67 88 54 88 52 66 42 81 41 91 87 86 92 89 75 88 88 93 87 91 90 88 72 59 90 91 Bl 80 61 95 81 91 82 68 Fu;nts C nlr1 ..-.ir Wt".,.... ,1, 11·'~ , I'" ee •·-----------Cupe< lf .$. S llllltllCtry Heavy lhund•rllorms d•valoped f rom northeall Mluourl 10 the aoulhern Texaa Panliandl8 today. •nd ac aeast one tornado w111 re ported In Ok11nome Some ui;1lon• ol Edmond. Okla , and Oklahoma Clly were under wller lrom the vlolenl rains Funnlll clovua dipped out ol the aky 1n 1111 central and nortf'leatl pans of the etate Hiii pounded p•n• of Mluourl. while enow In Ill• nortllern RocklM began 10 diminish and rain P«M•led ecroaa the Dakolat and the upper MINlaalppl valley Into the Greet l •k" ~ent• or sou1rww-n Montana -• dlgglno out from anow up ro 24 lnChM deec> The anow c.utec:I parllal power oulagee Tuetday atound Bllllno•. Helen• Ind GrNI Falla Maanwllll•. In the Allanllc Oc••n. Tropical S1orm Debby neeted nurncene 11a1u1 u If• 70 mpn wind• -ed away llom Ille Baham• 1.ianda tow•rd ~ -n,. 11orm c.nt., wu about 525 mll•• aoulllwaat of B1rmud1. moYlng nor1h·nO<lhe&lt Tempara turat around lhl nlllon M<ty rooay re~ from 29 In K•ll•P•ll. Mona • IO 83 In Cot~ Clirlall, Tex81 ·---- Ca lifornia Charlstn SC Char1s1n WI/ CMrltle NC Cneyenne cnicaoo C1nc1nna11 Clevel&nd Clmb111 SC Columbus O&l·FI Wlh Oaylon Oenver Des Moines Detroit Duluth El Paso Fargo n ags1e11 GrHt F11lls Harll<><d Helen• Honolulu Houlton lndnaplls Jacksn MS Jacksnvlle Kans Clly KnoaY111e l .. VllQH l1111e Rock lOUllY111e Lubbock Mempnts Mlem1 MlhN&ukee Mpll·SI P NHIW!ile N-Orleens N-York NO<lolk No Plerte Okla Cny Om•h• Orlando Plilladphl& n 10 68 71 39 63 73 69 72 69 73 70 43 59 67 47 61 45 4 t 35 62 33 74 80 68 70 72 62 70 60 n 69 86 74 80 56 54 70 72 85 63 48 72 53 75 64 Phoent>. P111sburgh Ptland Me Pllano Ore Providence Raleigh Repod C1ly Reno Richmond Sall Lake San An1on10 See Ille Shreveport Sioux Falls St LOUIS St P-lampa SI See Marie Spakane Syracuse Tope~a lucson Tulsa w aan1ngtn WIChlla '16 71 85 67 12 49 n 4!1 7'1 66 87 117 47 42 66 32 84 ti? 61 4J 93 72 69 5:> 95 7~ 55 53 83 68 9t 74 58 47 60 45 87 61 74 61 87 6:;t 96 7 t 85 68 8t 6:.> CALIFOANIA B11k8fslle10 Bly1he Eur el< a Fresno Lane••'"' Lot "~le• M11rysv111e Monl8fey Needles Oekl1nd PllO Robles Red BIYll Redwood C11y Sacr1men10 Sallnu San Diego Sen FrancllCO S1n111 Barbara Sanle Merla Stoc~lon 86 67 92 66 47 8!> 61 7S 57 73 86 84 70 92 70 77 60 85 56 77 81 8t 58 72 80 ,. 66 07 87 58 7 t 61 73 115 59 The Natlon•I W1HJth« Service 11 ~edlcllno lloht rain thr~t'!out Southefn Callfornlt on Thu,.Oay wtth t!Mvy otoudlnHI along the cout. Temperaturet In l o. Angetee et• eJ1pec1ed 10 re.ell only Into the mld-70. wtth • ooattll high .ieo foracaat In ll'le 70.. Mountain ~·IUl'M w!M ~ In Iha llOe with 78-to U ·degr .. hlglla ~ed In the northern o-1 The low. ci-11 could -higtll ~ ffom .. to H deOr- ...... ?: ...... ~u ....... R_f R_IP_DR_T l &oeMr• ffOfll Pornt Conoepllon lo the Mealoan boreler ahoutel tl(pec1 Mgfll ylfllllle wtnClt during the nlglll and morning 11our1, ._.. Zum• Senta Monie• Newpon BMch 81111 Olago County ... .... 3 3 3 3 • . .... A1t9 1 I t I l•ell .... 2 2 ~ 2 ..... Dir SW SW $W w rt1erm111 U._•eh BAtSIOW Big Bt'ar 815hOP Clt&lino L &~f! Arrowhead Long Beoch Monrovia Ml Wilson Newport Reach On1or10 P"lm Springs Pasadena Riverside San Bernar<11no Sen Jose Senta Ana .Srr1og 93 74 88 64 69 34 80 42 76 64 63 42 76 69 81 6S 62 49 73 66 76 62 90 64 76 83 73 62 77 63 74 SS 77 65 Thi' Air Oullflty Managemenl Olstnc1 predlCIS good Bit quallly 1oday 1n l\ll areas ol the Suulh CO&ll Air BHln Gooo • ., is pre<11c1eo 1n the A1ve•11de·San Bernardino area with 11 Pollulant Slenoard Index ot 92 Tne Sen Gabriel end Pomon• vnlleys w111 hav& e PSI or 67 A PSI or 42 II lorec.st I()( •II 0 1 her 1 egl ona . Including melrOpolll•n lot Ang~. Inland Orange County, llie Sen rernando an<! San111 Clarll• valleys. coaslal ereH,. Big Bear lake. h•gh t nd low de .. 111. B11nn1ng ond Iha Hemel·Eltlnore 1eg1on AOMO r110ng1 are ea tollows: Good. O· 100. unheallhlul for 1en1111ve ptopl11 101·200; unhealthful for av•ryone, 20 t -300. and he~11rdou1 , 301-500 Tides TOOAY Second 1ow 2~28 p m. Secon<I nigh 8:31 p m. THUflaDAY t.4 8.11 Fl11t low 3 18 • .m ·O 7 F111t h'9" e 34 a m 5.3 S.Cond low 3·12 pm 1 O Sec.and high 9 19 p .m e 4 Sun HU 7 00 p m .. rl1U Thurtd•v 8 37 • m Moon H it e 20 p m .. •IH• I tivrt<ley 5 35 a m lltll was !>(•ntl•tH·cd aftt·r plt·ad1ng guilty to four chargl>s. indud1ng CHll' l'OUnl of l'Onsprracy and thrt'l' of f iling fals<• :.talC'menl.!> to a fodt•ral agl'ncy Prosf'('Utoro.; alle~C'd that Hill halll'<.l llw ~ovt•rnmt.•nl for flight 1ns11 uct111n that W:JS ncvC'r prnv1dro 11 al l''i a llorrwv. J<inll's H1ddt'l o f Santa Ana. satd Hill "pre-billed" the VA for flight 1nstruc tto n after learning chg1br)lly deadlines were m·anng for man y K o r C'a n l'onflrc:t SL·rv1cem<'n Some <>erv1t·eml'n lur whom instruction was pre-billed never showed up to takP their clas.'l<.'S. H1ddc-t said "He's no more Liberian than the next pe rson ," David said, shaking his head. Ex-LA mayor in hospital River story areas, corrected Former Los Angeles Mayor Norrrs P o u lson was in s table con dition today a t St. Josephs Hospital 1n Orange a f ter h e underwent colostom y surgery last week. a hospital spokesman said. • se1D1nar Monday 's story in our Santa Ana H1vf'r sc·ril'::. 1nc(lrrcctlv 1dC'n l if lf'd art•as llf I hC' Orang~· Coast that would bl• span'll frcim dam.ig<' 1n ;1 ma.JOr flood Tht• art>as an• a 4'\rap 1n Huntington &·at•h and a small po rt 1 on o f F' o u n ta 1 n Va 11 e y roughly hordc·rc'<i by the P:mfrt· Ol·t·an. N c·wland StreM. tht• 'lOuthc·rn ttp of We!-.lmmstt·r ~nd Edwards StrN•t. plus two areas ........ tot; .... ~,:~r.·~;,-1 ... -.. -·•-ft'1••• several blocks in s ize rast or Huntington Harbou r and W<'Sl or the Naval Weapons Stat11in in Seal Beach. Because of a t ypographical e rror. the date of the seminar by James Melto n , spon sor ed by Religious Science of Irvine. was reported inaccurately. The seminar will be at 10 am Sunday at 15455 Jeffrey Road The Daily Pilot regrets this error. FALL PAINT SALE T h e s p o kesma n s a id the 87-year-old Poulson was moved Tuesday from th e intensive care unit to a regular floor. Poulson's grandson, Alf Brandt, said that Poulson also su ffered from a n ulcer and other ailmen ts. Poulson served as mayor from 1953 to 1961. w h en h e w as defeated by Sam Yorty. He was instrumental in bringing t he Dodge rs baseball team to Los Angeles from Brooklyn. Poulson has lived in Tustin since 1968. ~;...to Pittsburgh Paints I Raz Stains 1 Gallon Free With Purchase of Every Two Gallons Includes All PPG Products In Gallons Offer Good Thru Sept. 30. 1982 more than you expect In a hardware store CROW• EJ lllSA' HARDWARE Weetolln Ptau 1024 trvlne Ave. Newp()(t 9MCh "42·1133 Wkct.Vt t-t Thura. TM! 8 p.m. "" Storee ooen 1 oey. Coron• del M•r Harbor View Centef 3107 e. Coaat Hwy. 18 t4 S•n Ml.: Of. 873-2800 Newport h Wkdey'l .. S'30 644·1870 . Wlldeyl •7 J • r. . ... # I. • • • ~· ' WORLD -~-~-------~---''>·., ¥-•#' U•'4 .v t P. Hotel Pilot u n s ure d ecis ion right taxes eyed By The Auoclated Pre111 With the total death t-0U still uncertain in the Malaga, Spain, crash of a OC-10, Capt. Juan Perez said he was not sure his decision to abort the takeoff because of vibrations was the right one. "I had to choose between trying to fly , knowing that we all might die. or trying to keep the plane on the ground 'to try to s&ve lives," he said Tue.day in an Interview In Madrid with the government news agency EFE. "At first, I thought I had savt'CI people,"he said. "Today, I don't know if I killed people or saved a lot of people." About 50 people died when the jumbo jet bound for New York crashed and burst Into flames on a highway Monday. Israel blam ed for assassination ROME -PLO chief Vasser Arafat today blamed Israel for the k illi ng of L ebanon's president-elect Bashir Gemayel and said the Israeli move into west Beirut broke the U.S.-negotiated agreement for withdrawal of Palestinian guerrilla fighters. Arriving in Rome on a major diplomatic initiative that includes a long-sought meeting with Pope John Paul II, Arafat said Gemayel's assassination was ''the continuation of the Israeli plan against P alestin ian and Lebanese people, parlicularjy Lebanese people." ~ Speaking in Arabic, Arafat said Gemayel 's killing Tuesday was "an attempt to s trike at Lebanese reconciliation and to offer a justification for th e continuation of the Isr aeli occupation of Lebanon." By STEVE MARBLE Of the Dell~ Piiot tten Newport Beach City Coundl m embers are preparing to do what voters in the ci ty twic·c refused to do -increase tht• hotel and motel bed t.ax. A recent st.ate Supreme Court ruling. the council was advised Monday . opens the door for council members to hike the tax Crom 6 to 8 percent without first going to the voters. Voters in Newport Beach shot down the tax Increase last June and November, failing both times to provide the two-thirds majority vote tha t, at the time, was required. The court ruling, explained City Attorney Mike Miller, brings a new twist to the old issue by returning to loc al government some taxing power believed lost under Proposition 13. .. The Irvine City Council is expected to take advantage of the same court ruling tonight by upping the h\otel bed tax from 6 NATION Tables turned in e lection By The Associated Press F ormer Gov. Michael S . Dukakis of Massachusetts turned the tables on Gov. Edward J . K ing with a Democratic primary victory and veteran Sen . Howard Cannon of Nevada narrowly deleated a c onse rvative challenger. In Minnesota, former Gov. Rudy Perpich jumped on the comeback wagon along with Dukakis, winning a surprising victory Tuesday over state attorney general Warren Span naus, who had the backing of the party regulars. N uclear freeze wins big vote MILWAUKEE -Wisconsin voters endorsed a negotiated atomic weapons freeze by more than a 3-1 margin in the nation's first statewide test of the nuclear freeze movement's grassroots strength. Supporters of a weapons freeze. heartened by their victory on Tuesday, predicted similar issues on the November ballot in eight other states and the District of Co'lumbia would win approval. With 3,577 of the state's 3,625 wards reporting, 611,835 voters, or 76 percent, were in favor of a weapons freeze while 197 ,944 or 24 percent, were opposed. Cycle c r ash kills nove list BINGHAMTON, N.Y . - J o hn C. Gardner Jr .. who dazzled critics with innovative 1 novels a nd outraged the literary establishmen t with harsh words for contemporary writers. is dead after a motorcycle accident only four days before he planned to remarry. STATE The 49-year-old author, critic and writing teacher at the State University of New York at Binghamton lost control of his motorcycle Tuesday on a cur ve in Oakland Township, Pa .. three miles from his hom e in Susquehanna, police said. Fir e d eath toll n ow 2 4 LOS ANGELES - Accompanied by the strumming of a mariachi band, the victims of a pre-dawn apartment fire w e re remembered at a s pecial funeral mass just hours before the 24th victim died. Marcella DeLaTorre. who had been in critical condition since the Sept. 4 fire at the down tow n Dorothy Mae apartment hotel, died Tuesday afternoon a t Los Angeles Countv-USC Medical Center, said spokesman Tony Tripi. She sustained secohd-and third-degree burns over 95 percent of her body. he said. Block age o f r e m a p pla n sou ght SAN FRANCISCO -A three -judge panel is considering a plea by 13 cities and two counties to block the California legislature's reapportionment plan. Attorneys for the counties and cities anzued Tuesdav that part of the San Francisco Peninsula is being denied fair rep(esentatlon because the plan would leave them without a state senator until 1984. About 600,000 voters who used to be in the 10th and 12th districts have been shifted to a new district, the 11th. Since odd-numbered districts won't elect a senator until 1984, some voters feel cheated. to 8 percent. • Laguna Be ach is the only Orange Coast ci t y with an ·existing 8 percent bed tax. While the bed tax issue has never sparked great political debate in Newport Beach, it has enraged several motel and hotel operators. -"rt's simply amazing that the council can consider doing this," says Victor Rumbellow, a former aerospace executive who now owns a Pacific Coast Highway motel. "When you have a Supreme Court that twists the desires of the people, 1 guess there's not much you can do except grin and bear it," Rumbellow said. He said the motel business is slumping and that a tax increase will not help matters. L ike other h otel and motel operaors in Newport, Rumbellow claims the tax hike will hurt busin ess and drive potential customers to other cities. CABLE. • • From Page A1 and it will look like a death mask." Bateman also says vivid red lipstick and lip gloss shouldn't be worn. "Finis h your lips with a dusting powder and make sure you have applied and blotted enough layers of lipstick to last throughout the meeting," he said. Other pointers by Bateman: -Eyelashes, if false. should look real. / -A layer of light-colored blemish eraser applied sparingly below the eye will mask bags and wrinkles. -Don't wear white. White shirts and blouses will flare in the lights occasionally. If a rear projection system is used. light blue often fades o ut. Gray. darker blues. yellows and beiges are better choices. -Always keep a double· breasted jacket buttoned and sit up straight to avoid bulges. -Avoid h e rringbone a nd similar designs. They have a tendency to "crawl" on television and look animated. -Plant your rear solidly in the chair. Whatever position you pick, make sure ,you are sitting erect with as few folds around your middle as possible. -If you are in full camera view, it's good to cross your legs. Crossed legs, or at least crossed an kles. give a neater, more relaxed look. Bateman closes his memo by observing that style is more important than substance in television. 0911y r110• o .... ..., ............ We're Listening ••• ~ndly·Fnoay II Yo·u do not h11i,.r )'Ou• PI09' by ~ 30 om c all t>efor• f pm and your cc..oy *111 b~ o,.i.~eo SetutOl v ancl Sunday 1 i you <Jo ,.,, =~9 iX°:~ c:n°J 1~~' ~O:,Ym'MH~ del1Vft'ed 1 What do you like about the Daily Pilot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. · The same. 24·hour answering service may be used to record let· ter~ to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls . please. Tell us what's on your mind. 642·6086 ORANGE COAST ClaHlfl•d •ctvert111ng 71 41142.5111 All other depa rtment• M2~321 Daily Pilat Thomas P. Haley Pvblosh<tt ol>d (h,ef hecultve Ollicer Jane Amari El(J!Cvl1ve Ed••CK l. Kay Schulh Vt<• Prestdent oNI Oirectcw of Adve•t•llt!Q Mkhoel P. Harvey Oitect0t ol Motket\ng ICotculotiOfll Thomae A. Murphlne EdllOI Raymond Mact..an C0111•ollet K•nneth N. Goddard Jr. Owtero; of °'*o•lotl• • MAIN OFFICE J30 Weal 19" St., C~t.• Mew, CA. ,,..II .. ,.ff: ••• ,,., C•t• Mew , CA.,,.,. Cottvrl9M 1m 0r.,.. coeat PW!llN"' c.....,.,, 110 ""'' ttori., 1111111r•llont, M11er1e1111--..., -ve;tlM11141111t -tffl m.y M ,..,_ .. wflMlit -••• permlatklflof(OPYrftlll _,, Orange Coa11 DAILY PILOT /Wedneeday, a..>temw 11, 1112 ii Abandoned baby boy cheats death • cr1es, STOC KTON (AP) Thl·n ·'11 unQthl·r buby l'rying In tht• nursny at San Joa4uln Gt•neral Ho~pital, but this abandont·d boy ha11 ulrcudy proved hi!! voice is spt'<:iul he saved his life with It. John Doc is the way they formully refer to the infant discovered abandoned and near death Saturday, saved by the last whines he could muster from inside a box only eight inc h es high. Dos:tors figured he was about three days old. "He's crying good," said nurse Merietta Mercado, who was in charge of the nursery of 20 babies. She said the 7 ·po und . :.!-ounce ahild remained in intensive care, but his "poor" condit ion was actually an improvement. He gained a pound since he was found. The baby was so weak and near dea th when h e was discovered by two teen-agers that he wasn't able to c:ry anymore, doctors said . But his whining wa s e nough to attract the attention of Clyde Valouch, 19, of Mante<:a, w ho had s topped his car at a boat landing at Fren<:h Camp to go to the bathroom be hind a ticket booth at about l a.m. "I thought it was puppies," said Valouch. who hailed his pal, Dennis Romero, 18, of French Camp. While Va louch turned the c:ar around. training the ligh ts on the box, Romero o pened it. "I said to myself, 'Oh my God, there's a baby inside.'" Romero said. "I ran back to the car and told Clyde, 'It's a baby.'" R igid, deh ydrated and nearly dead , the tiny infant's umbilical cord was wrapped around him as he lay on a yellow and white towel. He was covered with ants and ant bites and had scraped lhe s kin off his feet kicking against the bottom of the box. UWlfe,11111 This little fellow has a new lease on life aft er a young man found him cr ying in a ta keout food box. ~ Nurse Mertado said the 19-inch-lol)g baby was still being fed intravenously with antibiotics and nutrients, but was a lso able to eat a baby formula. ' Although a uthorities received inquiries about the case, sheriffs Lt. Fred Wilson said solid information was lacking about who the child's parents might be. There is <:me scant description, be said, without explaining where it came from. ''We're looking for a white woman with long hair and a General Motors station wagon," that may be in beat· up condition, he said. "We don't know whether the description is wonh anythlna or not. It's all we got to tr')' • righ t now." ~ The box th e ba by waa found in measured 15 inchel wide~ 15 inches long and eiaht . inches high and came from a -\ nearby fast-food resta'Urant. Wilson said he didn't know w heth er people have been asking to adopt the baby, who' eventually would be turned over to a foste r home or a county shelter. The nW'linC staff has taken to calling him, "Moses.'' "That's cute they give them names like that," said one sheriff's deputy who asked not to be identified , "but , what's he going to do for the rest of his life?" Treasure Islanders lose court round Newport man shot; police arrest wife Residents o f the Tre asure Island Mobile Home Park in South Laguna have suffered a legal st7tback in their a ttempt to halt development of a 440-unit tim e-s hare con cominium development on the property. Judge Thomas Crosby swept the residents' two-pronged attack on the develo pers and the county aside, saying they had not shown sufficie nt cause to allow t he matter to continue. Mae Brown. a leader of the majority group of park residents who initiated the action, said today her group will a ppeal Crosby's ruling. The residen ts' main complaints were that the county should not have issued a pe rmit for the development because it did not provide adequate affordable nousing opportunities and that the developers' plan to relocate mobile home reside nts was inadequate . Gem Talk ByJ.C. HUMPHRIES Cutified Gr mofog ist, AGS A $3 MILLION WATCH witb 118 diam ond•! When Swiss watchmaker Vacheron Constantin met painter Raymond Moretti, their conversation led to the idea of creating a unique watch. T he design they created resulted in a team of artisans working 6,000 hours over a period of 20 montha to make a watc h which Constantin c hose t o call "Kall.lsta,'' the Greek word for ''the moct beauitufl." The watch haa 118 diamonds totaling 130 car ats. When the watch was completed a couple of years •• it was valued by ita owners at f3 mllllon . Ho w ever, they eetimat.ed at the time that their creation would increue in value at t he rate of $4,000 every day! The d.iamonds, ranging ln sir.e frQm one to four carata each, are set in a mount eculpted from a one-kilogram 10lid block of gold. Even the back of the watch'• case i• 1pan1led wltt\ full-cut diamondt. lnalde the cue la a watch movement of the thlnnelt kind . By the way, Constantin uya the watch keepe excellent time. .. .. They also claimed they had not been given adequate notice of the project and the necessity to relocate. Schools lose 700 students About 700 fewer students than last year showed up for the first day of school in the Newport- Mesa Unified School District, officials reported. Attendance Monday was 16,- 130. compared with 16,870 last year. In the last five years, the district has los t an average of about 1,000 students each year. However, there were 100 more kindergartner s register ed Monday. the first in crease reported in recent years. A 34-year-old Newport .... man remains hoepitaliaed .....,, with a gunshot wound~~~ he received Monday t ~ a domestic quarrel wi hll wllt. Carl Stephens, who nllldei al 214 34th S t . on the BaU>O. Penin sula , waa reported· Jn serious but stable condition ~ at Fountain Valley Commudft:; Hospital. w her e he la bel~f treated for a gumhot wound 1' the liver. · ' · Newport Beach police Set. fa 1 Riley said the man'a wife, S..... Morri S tephens, 31, bu *" placed in Orange County J~ suspicion of attempted m . S he is being held in Ile " $250,000 bail. R iley said the couple Wt arguing ln their home at 10:4 p.m. when the woman ~ fired a .22-caliber handpn at husband while he WM in a bedroom doorway. : . \ '• I Orange 00•11 DAILV PILOT/Wlldn .. dey, September 15, 1982 Consumers seek Utility help llouo1·t•d l\1c:(;t•orgt• Dundy i umon~ lhrct• former U.S. offkiols, who promoted "no first ust> ,, of nuclear weo1loru,, to receive the Albert Ein lein Foundation's peac~ prize. .. SAN DJEOO (AP) A mon who puld $21,000 uut of h111 pockt•l to move a utility polt• 110 hl' c·ould build 11 hom<' on hi11 proPQrty uy11 he wishl•s lh,•re had bcl•n u consumer udvoc.:Ul'Y group to help him. The expen!M.' of Sob David of Poway after months of privutt· effort WWI dt'8Crlbed al o Publk Utilities Commission hearing catted to consider a proposal to put con s umers' literature in billing envelopes of San Diego Gas & Electric Co. convictions up to seven years ago. However. If you were arrested but never convicted, the item must be removed immediately. Credit file questioned Don't trust th~ credit bureau to automatically remove the information once the time period has paued. Review your file. Also. if the time period hasn't lapsed on an item, but you disagree with the way the information is in your file, you can disp)Jte It. Under the law, the bureau is required to reinvestigate the matter. If you are right or if the information can no longer be verified, the bureau must remove that information. If the bureau verifies the infonnation and you still disagree w ith it, you are entitled lo write a s ta temen t up to 100 words on the disagreement and it must be included in your file. DEAR PAT: Can you tell me bow long a credit bureau can keef. adverse information to Us flies about an ndlvldual? I've beard that the time varies depending on tbe type of incident. L.T., Huntington Beacb ·~ A credit bureau is pennitted to keep the following credit information in your file (Civil Code Section 1785.13): bankruptcies wruch happened less than 10 years ago; lawsuits and paid judgments which happened less than seven years ago; unpaid judgments which happened less than 10 years ago; any other adverse information which is less than seven years old; and records of arrests and Tips for gem collectors DEAR READERS: The American Gem Society offers the following tips to help you care for fine gem stones: -Emeralds, sapphires, rubies and other trans~rent gems should be kept separate PlanetariuHJ shows set Fall program announced at OCC Orange Coast College's Planetarium will open its fall season, Oct 1. Performances are scheduled at 7 and 8:30 p.m . on Friday evenings throughout the semester. Tickets, pri<:ed at $1.50 for adults and $1 for children under 12, will be sold at the door. Seaung 1s limited. The opening program, titled .. Starbound," 1s a NASA tribute to space-age astronomy and the invisible universe. Shows will be offered Oct. I, 8, 15 and 22. The second production. titled "Cosmos." 1s a pre-recorded show a bout the dream of space flight as interpreted by Carl Sagan in his "Cosmos" television series. The program wilJ run Oct. 29 and Nov. 5, 12 and 19. The planetarium's seven th annual Christmas program, "The Star of Bethlehem," will run Dec. 3, 10, and 17. The expanded two-hour program will begin at 7 and 9 p.m. The holiday special examines the existence of the "Star of the Magi," including conclusions made by several astronomers who have tried to explain the phenomenon. Lecturers are OCC Planetarium director Stephen Lattanzio and Joel Levine, an OCC astronomy instructor and a physics and chemistry teacher at Hawthorne High School. For information. phone 556-5880. Zahava and John are among the A ijroup 01t1d1· up of Uniwn1lty or Sun Dlt-1Jo law profl"NOOnl 011d ttll'lr 111ud1•nli.. lhl' C.'c•nh•r fur Puhhc.· lnlC'r<'lit Low, wurHH to ru11tt• funds thut wuy to flnont't' an lndt1plmdt•11t utility wul~.'hdoK ug<.•nt·y. Allrnlulictrutlv.-. Luw Judg1.· AllHun Colgan of their proposul to mull u nc•wsll'ttcr four llmt'fi o yNir to th<.• utlhty'11 IJ00,000 customt.•111, some of whom ore In South Orungl• County. Although SOG&E oppo:l(:d the ideu. a spok1.•sman said It supports lht• 1nwrvl•nllnon of consumer groups an its proc.'l'Cdmgs before iht-PUC Robert C Ft:IJmuth, an 1Htorney fur the unlvt-rahy iroup, argued that SOO&E l.'u1toiner1 arc: powerlcu lCJ oppoee th<.' monolithic utility ond 1lll high-paid luwy('nJ. Pormu uon of thl· so-l·11 I l1·cJ U t 11 1 t y Cons u m c r • s Ac· tl o n Network IH sought us u permanent body to reprei.c~nt utllJty customers m rate hearings and billing disputes. As the hearing opened the consumer j(ro u p told PUC ''This 1s an impr<ip<;r use of utility mailingfl.' SDG&E attornt•y Randall Childress said of the ~ of its bllJlng envelopes. Among other witnesses who appeared were an Alpine woman who L'OmplalnC'd about a $1,854 electric bill which she blamed on o faulty meter and a lawyer who claimed SDG&E empooyees haw been instructed not to deal with attorneys r e presenting customers. from each other and from diamonds. or the harder ones will scratch the softer ones. -Turquoise should be protected from soap, grease or other materials that might discolor it. -Pearls are organic gems. They are far more fragile than durable mineral gems. Keep them in jewel boxes. Wipe off body acids silh a soft chamois after each wearing. Restring every year or two. -Diamonds should be kept neatly separated. Check settings at least once a year to be sure they are secure. Have your jeweler clean them occasion ally. In between professional cleanings, use a soft toothbrush and jewlery cleaner or a mixture of amoni1a, mild detergent and water to keep them sparkling. -Your fine watch should be wound at regular intervals. Have a jeweler check, clean and adjust it at least once a year. Have a broken crystal repaired immediately to avoid dust or glass getting inside and damaging the watch. -Opals are more fragile gems than most and should be handled with the same care as pearls. Keep them away from other gems, .)CWelry ~nd especially from heat. -Check with your jeweler before using a commercially available ultrasonic cleaning unit to clean your fine jewelry yourself. Make sure your stones are durable enough to be used in this machine. Opals are fragile an,d might crack, as would stones having some interior imperfection . If you're interested in learning more r about gems, jewelry and jewelers, write for a free Consumer Kit to: The American Gem Society, 2960 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles 9001Q. • · .. Go, a problem? Then write to Pat Horowitz. Pat will cut red tape, .. 1 getting the answers and action you need to sol ve i n equiti es in f"1 • government and business. Mall . .your questions to Pat Horowitz, At /our Service, Orange Coast Daily Pilot, P.O. Box .1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. As many letters as possible wi1/ be answered. THE PRICE OF TURTLE IS DOWN . Theres something different going on al the Velvet Tt,rt/e. Both on your plate. And in your pocket. We've got a new menu. New dishes. New decor. But best of all, new low prices. NIGHTLY SPECIALS ON BOARD. Every night our chef will be serving a changing variety of black- board specials. Six delicious dinners starting as low as $7. 95. E verythingf rom fresh fish lo delicate duck. I ncludingyour choice of soup du }our or crisp chilled salad. Plus a warm loaf of sourdough bread. All waiting on board at the Velvet Turtle .. A NEW SET OF LOWER PRICED DISHES. Besides your old favorites like Beef Wellington or Roast Rack of La.mb, we've added some brand new lower priced specialties. Like a third cut of ' . performers at the 44Art in Motion" ~ festival Sept. 25 juicy Prime Rib. And a Petite Lobster Tail. Or if lender, succulent chicken is your dish, you'// find it prepared in a variety of and 26 in Laguna Beach. A movable art fest Dance, music planned at Laguna Park "Art in Mot.ion," a celebration of dance and music, ranging from aerobics to st.eel drum bands, is scheduled Sept. 25 and 26 "on the green" at Main Beach Park in Laguna. The project is the result of six months of planning by the city's Arts Commission AJHance, and will feature mimes, Scottish dancers, a Bali dance troupe, ballet and a Caribbean carnival. Two programs, running from 10 a.m. to 4 p.m. each day, will be staged in the grassy area of the city's beach park. Organizers are encouraging viewers to bring beach chairs and plan to stay all day. Douglas Howe, managing dlrector of the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, will announce the various acts both days. Food and gift booths , conatructed by the Laguna Architect.I Association, will be staffed by art• cor.1mit1ion volunteers and civic organizations. Among the performers will be Caprice Rothe, president of the Los Angeles Mlme Association. She was seen as "the hand," in the film E.T., and will pre1ent interpretations with her mime troupe. "Gimbdu Dance Suite," performed by the Lo. Angeles Choreographer• and Dancera, will be presented Sunday and Zahava Nameri will demonstrate aerobics. Other performers lnclude the Cathy Rigby Gymnaats. a Caribbean carnival by the Wonda Lewis dance ensemble, the Strat.hleven Scottish Country Dan cers, Gordon Grey '• Highland Bagpipe band, Olympic fencing m aatera and a jau elllemble. The celebration "for everyone who moves" la free to the public. For Information, call Arts Comrnlllioner Doria Shields at 494-1474. II tantalizing ways, starting as low as $7.95. THE BEST DRESSED TURTLE IN TOWN. You wo11't recognize us from our shell. We're taking on a brand new look. We're lighter. Brighter. And more relaxed. The perfect SP/ting/or dinner. All at prices you're sure to/ind very fashionable. WE LEAVE WELL ENOUGH ALONE. \\'«-ill Lo• l\ifl~·~ (213) 47i'·42:l5 Lo• i\n1e1•I'' <2131 ~lill ·2:l!"l5 \\'oodlM)(J lhll1 !2131 70;1 ffl!ill PihAck-n.t (213) i92·3101 '01ml\\ ,. !2131 !\:W 1701 Vull1·1 iort 1714 l 871 93 10 ~l"\\ptltl lk'tl\h <714! ll-14 :"l.113 I h1•U•,tnd 0.11\, (110:11 197 78111 lkdondo ikill'h 121JI .li"·&'.177 l.11n11 l..,11\h 12131 12tl 11191 • . I • I . '\ ' . Orange Co11t OAIL Y PILOT /Wednelday, September 15, 1982 They're alike J('nnlfer nnd Jac.-quellne Robey have won the first ploc.""C trophy Cor bl'ing thtJ leust look-ollkl' twl1111 Al the Los Angl.'le11 County Fair. And Donna Robey, th<' mother of the 5-year-old Huntington Beach girls, c.'Ouldn't agree more. "Jennifer is small and has a • light complexion. She likes to play with dolls and to wear dresses. She puts up her hair in a ponytail and t1hc help11 mc clean hou8<!," Roboy sold. But Jat.•qul'line ls u dltft•r1•nt 111.ory. "She's always going, going, going. She's either on her bike or on her skateboard. She's a real tomboy." Robey also says the darker- complexioned Jac.-queline is about a half-head taller and weighs but different about 10 pound• more than her petite allwr. Robey says 11he and h e r husband Ted t ook their daughters and their three other children to the fair Sunday in Pomona "to help perk them up." They all had been feeling sad because of a serious Injury Lo their brother, Chuckle, 6, Robey said. She said he was struck by a car . Aug. 28 while riding hi• bike near the family'• rc1ldence at Bu11hard Street and H amilton /\vunue. "The firHt thing that Jennifer and Jackie wanted to do was call Chuckle and tell him they won first place. "And he was so proud. Their trophy is bigger than anything the rest of the kids got !or aoccer or other things," Robey said. Piano, guitar lessons set in Irvine Program d esigned to introduce children to musical concepts Piano lessons for pre-schoolers and guitar lessons for beginners of a ll ages are planned by the lrvlne Community Development Department. The pre-school piano lessons, designed for children 3 to 4 1h years old, will run from 10 to 11 a .m . and 11 a .m . to noon Tuesdays starting Sept. 28 al Yamaha Music F.ducation Center, 15455 J effrey Road, Irvine. Ear training will be stressed in the course w hich will introduce children to basic musical concepts t h rough rhythm, singing. movement and simple keyboard activities. The guitar lessons begin at 7 p.m. Sept. 27 at University Hich School. 4771 Campus Drive, Irvine. Guitar instruction will include proper hand positions, sitting positions, basic chords and note- reading. The piano course, which runs through Nov. 2, costs $51.50 per student while the guitar course costs $6.50 and runs through Nov. 15. Both courses h ave been arranged by t h e I rvi n e Community Services Department which can give registration information at 660-3639. Proposal for new Irvine bank approved Dall1 Piiot Photo by Chat .. • IQlr Institution to be located on Cul"er Drive near Santa Ana -Free way Same, but different Five-year-old J e nn if er (left) and Jacqueline Robey of Huntington Be ach have won first place trophy for being the lea st look-alike twins at Los Angeles County F a ir. DIVORCED? fime Alone does not heal all the wounds. DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Help, Support and Guidance for any divorced or separated person. Six Tuesday Evenings Sept. 21 -0ct. 26 -7:30-9:30 St Andrews Presbyterian Church Newport Beach St Andrews Road at 15th St. Across Frocn N-port Harbor High $15,00 A!'Qislration For more htfonnatiOft call: 631-2185 9:00.5:00 Mon..frl. lJLACkBMIU>'S EARLY BIRD DINNER SPECIALS Tenderloin of the Island .................... $695 Honey Dipped Chicken ....................... $6 95 Fresh Pacific Red Snapper ................. $695 Sirloin Tips ........................................ $695 I Petite Prime Rib ................................ $]95 . All dinners Include fresh vegetable, soup or 'dinner salad, hot rolls & butter, and dessert. 4250 MARTINGALE fl:WPORT BEACH 833-0080 POSITIYEL Y THE BEST SHUTTER IUYS AIYWHEREI WIDE LOUVER SHUTTERS •CUSTOM LOUVERS IN WIDTHS TO 4 '12" • SHUTIER KITS IN 20 TAKE· HOME SIZES FACTORY DIRECT PRICES White augar pine I• the Both our KITS and premiere wood for fine CUSTOM SHUTTERS shutters. We have are In the finest ~ prOUdly fMtured sugar homes. Let your purM pine lh\lttert since 1055. make the chok:e. ~~~~::i.... l/ISTALLATIOll AVA/LULE CALIPOBNIA 24316 SWARTZ El TORO 8Bufi'BA8 111·17H Approval has been received to establish a bank in Irvine and its organizers filed an a pplication with the Comptroller of t h e Currency seeking to use t he nam e, Bank of the Pacific, National Association. With a projected location in the vicinity of Culver Drive and the Santa Ana Freeway, the bank will be capitalized at $4 million, according to F.dward Carpenter & Associates, Inc., Los Angeles- based financial institutions consulting firm. It prepared the charter application on behalf of the organizers, all with business interests in the area. Plans call for the institution to be engaged in both wholesale and retail banking activities. Carpenter maintains its Orange County office in Newport Beach. James T. Capretz of the Irvine law firm , Capretz & Kasdan, interim chai rman of the organizing gro.up. says t h e financial institution wi l l emphasize services to county business and professional people and retail services to lrvine area residents. A public stock offering is planned early next year, he adds. Call 642-5678. Put a few words lo work for ou. ~ on1Ji\it ed. Take any 6 of these selected West Coast flight segments* and earn a free round-trip ticket anywhere United flies. FROM ~r1 ~~J.rl '~~ . ~It/ '.J/J/i 'J/o//o/j 01V If you're a member of United's Mileage Plus program, you're set to qualify. If you're not already a member of United's Mileage Plus program, call United or your 'lravel Agent about instant enrollment today. Because the friendly skies are offering West Coast members of Mileage Plus an unbeatable opportunity to earn free trlps anywhere United flies. Bolae • Denver La1Vep1 Loi Aqe!C!I • o.Jdaad Phoenb • PorUud • Sacramento ... • Sah Lake CltJ • • S.nDlep S.n Fnaet1co • • • Seattle • Spokane • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Tu qualify, simply take United on any six of the West Coast flight segments indicated here between September 15 and October 15, 1982 . While you may qualify for an unlimited number of free trips in this program, the free tickets must be issued in your name and are not transferable. All free trips must be taken between October 15 and December 14, 1982, or between Jan~ JI and March 23, 1983. Normal Mileage Plus te~s and conditions will apply. As ·an added bonus, along with your ticket you'll receive a 503 Weekend Discount certificate good at any Westin hotel in the U.S. or Canada , and a 503 Weekend Discount certificate for Avis rental cars. • Dot lndloatca qualifying flllht eepnenta. $0 round-trlp anywhere in the friendly skies. Call your Travel Agen\ Or call United at 973-2121, And start working on your free round-trlp . Flythe friendly sides ofUliited. Call United or ~Travel Agent. 1980 N. 8LASSELL OIA•E Hl·Mll •A filght aepnent la any ntlht for whJch a separate tJcket i• required. . . .. ,\8 Or1ng• Coaat DAIL v PILOT /Wean Idly, September 18, 11>ea ---- UCI ch mist's find wins national award !" Shl•rwood fu1w luml, lht• Ul' lrvmt• t.'ht'inlst whu (lf8l wllf'm'tl lhul rluorot•arl>un pru1wllanls w <'r l' d c..• p I c..• t 1n8 th t• NJ rt h •" prott-t:tlve ownc layer, hus won th" 198:! Award for Cre1111vc..• Advanct's in F~nvlro nml•ntul &:1cnce and TC'<:hnology from thl• American Chemical Society. Dr. Rowland will rE'(•eiVl' the..• award next March a l the society's national meeting in Seattle. The scientist is being honored primarily !or his pioneering and continumg work related to ozonl' dt·~ll•llun Howlund. alonu w11.h UC I <'OllN1gut• Dr Muno M.11tnu. tulltod worldw1dt• ullcnllon to tlw probll'm an I UH by a11se1•tlng rlu11rot'urbo11s rrom u<.•rusol sprays. refrlgc•runl'i and solw nts were st•r1ou 11 l y damaging strutospherk ownc. A s th c o z on t• I a y <' r Is· daminish£>d, harmful ultraviolet rays fro:n the sun reach the c..•urth. Thosl' rays may result in an Increase an the ancidenc<.• of skin cancer . Rowland. a Newport Beach r<.'Sidcnl, came to UCI in 1964. CdM optometrist dies at sea Funeral services for longtime Corona del Mar optometrist John W. McCabe, who died at sea last week while sailing home from Hawaii, will be held Thursday at noon at Pacific View Memorial Park in Newport Beach. McCabe was sailing toward Dana Point with two friends when he sufferC{i a heart attack. family members said He was 60. A native of Colorado, M<.oCabe moved to Corona de! Mar in 1959 and was active in the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerc·<.>, and the Kiwanis and Optimist clubs. He was instrumental an planning a youth center in Corona d e! Mar. A tennis buff, McCabe was a yac htsma n of 35 yea r s. compe ting regularly in the Nl.'wport-to-Ensenada races. He 1s survived by two sons, Lane<' of San Clemente and Craig of San Francisco, and three grandchildren. FREE SPINAL EXAM Open Dally 9·9 Sunday 10·7 MSC·'6 1:30 •·•· -I •·•· llH-Frl thru Sept. 30 I I NEW SllORi•i ERM ACCOUNT imA Jn Annualized llVe Rate n 51" Annualized e Y1eld •r1117to 31 clap, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today on this high rate account. Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings office or call collect (213) 240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Departm ent will be happy t.o help you. This account is fu lly insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Allstate sav1nos Allstate Savings & Loan. a mem~r of the Sears family. Over $3 billion in i!J>St'ls. CO 1982 AJl<;tate Sav111g<; & Lcian D eliver the Daily Pilat Boys and girls 10 or olde r - Call 642-4321 and apply toda y . Daily Pilot WED. thru SAT., SEPT. 11·11, 1912 .... 2 For Submarine Sandwiches Mado rrest-. ao,1, -\n tt•Coun41ma l..r"•' nutnhrr ol .oluh ... m lh.-l n11rJ ~li.1tr~ hit\r r\pf'•rtrn1 rd .al l~Hl onr rfn-.."lr of •~\t•r" iln•I prolu11t:f'J h..tr~ p1un in 1hrLr l1u·._ \1or•• lh.rn .,.•\rn rmll1un \mrr.1 4UI "rt' l•trnJ( .u-11\f'h ffrllt*'d h~ dot (Of,_ lor I hrUflh" lud, J>~UO, •r.J """" •·•~" "rr lirm~ Jlkk•J .. , d ,_.,,. of •lmoet tv.o 1mlho11 • , .. ,,., \1 dtf" ,.,,. h.hl p.un 1a !iprt'•tlmJE. m thrr.-\t-Jr• n\tltt" fH"Of.>I.-'fillU 111ulf;or hum ,·hroru• iand rrrurrm~ b.t l proi*-m• than lrum •n\ othf'r un,ilr 10f"tlir1I 11lm .. n1 Hf't rnl rh1ropriu·11t 'unr\ .. tt'\l".tl thAt 'l2 p.-u rnt nf l~rl prul·l•m• rf"uh frum rl11ldhooJ •• • 1Jrn1, •nJ 1.11. l al .... r •••11•11'-,1,.,,. •h•t 'i00,01111 ""rl1n~ hour• Atf' fu.._1 a 11u1nth ),, ~ .... ~ lM.1 \._, m IM ........ of r .. t.1 .. rru• IMo l .. , •• , ... ., ... •urr••""1 11.r un• nullmn m.irl 111 11175 The Great Grocery Give Away ""h no rrl••I m -·~''' l>r H111hr11l"'rF "'111 I•• al.It to "•th t1mplf', parnl..,,~ '""''lhfi:., ..k-trrnurn-1hfo rc'u'Ki111on ot th"' ~pmr ~ .... rh •Jrtrdton of barl prllliltm• 1• lhr 1 ... t I''""'"""" for furthtr Ii.I• l a1lmrnl• 536-2541 Dr. Cary H. Rothenberg Chiropractor 714 Adams St., Huntington Beach DOWN S.t\VING.S . I ·( i Oe11gned to alloW gfoater • ., CllCUIBllOl'I. the Elytl• Whtie gooae doWn comforter 11111 ret1tn1 the rnsulalrve quahllee and trad1t1ona1 elegance Scandia Down' comfortflfa are lamoos for •s ale Thru Sept. 30, 1982 COIOIA DIL MAI 2798 E. Cout Hwy. 711-0372 , UIVIA IUCI 1980 I . ao.et HWJ. tt7.ntl Encaaed 1n a 100 colloo ttck with ex1111 large sizing th11 comforter tS Now On Sale*. R11. Price , Twin $200. Full $230, Queen $280. Kan& $340. Sale Price $160. $184. $224. $272 .. , , I Oflll 00"1.\ f'1p~rt1" and la Shops ' -~~ ~~-~~ . .-k~~J~ a .. ~· ~ ·-,~t}) lnc1Ude$ Qemore Control e ' 19" Olag. Mea1. Color TV /Space Phone lleceive coll$· ttvouon rv w•tt10u1 leov•no vour cno.i l?emo•e scons cl'IOnnets Co ~·een c hOnnel numbe< r.rne cl>SOloY Color Senrry Svstem ..... CO"l"'k'O"•~.,... 19" Olag. Mea1. Color Televlslon Feature· 51,oer video ronoo run1no auto i:ont1ot cot0< system l1ectron•c Powe• Sel'ltrv A suoo• voiueo Outdoor Plants For Fall 1:2:.: ~~=· ~ .. -·-·····-··-· ..... kx s 3 l.Gof • AIPOIOOUf ~or 13 l.Gof ' Nondlno Of Hlbleclll -·--····· ---· I '°' '-Inch • tn.lonf ' 1 Colol lllontt . .• . ·-· ------I kif &.Gal • Wofdenlo Plant• --·-'I • Conlalnet ... - 0 ~ Whlrtpool" Washer famuy S•IO Capo ot1 4 0 JtOrTOl•C CyC (IS Q&QulQr liOO•• Pe<rT P1ess StlOtt ono Soo• fre•o• Yl· no wo•e• !(l'TICl S&IOC!O• w•t" 3 wOS~ I r HI combonol>O<'S Whlrtpool · Electric Dryer A •motler K mott In ce1to1" oreo• moy not d••play each od'flert11ed model bvt w1U wor•hov•• o'd•r for you Soe<:•OI COOi dowr CO!O to "etp pie11ent w!ln~lo' 1n Perm Press or.a In•• IOb11cs 3 drying terT•P seleCl•ons Jumble Pross· f•rro 10100 1on1 screen Gos Model lG5701)()(... ..$307 Save At ~ Kmart Nl3'2W)(I d*"N ....._-. - $274 13" Olag. Meas. Color Televlslon Auto c;on!i()I COIOt Syst...-trope PUS ChOU•S th locus OoCture lube suoe• v1de0 range tun•no s1<1em S·rnutored woinut 100o cot>onet "'-.. PIUAAe (;~09,, --~ Stereo H.adphone1, 7.47 $199 AM/P,M Stereo With Ca11ette/l·Track Cossette recoroer/plOyet 8 track oto-,er plus soeake•s Full s•z• semi ou1omotic recora ployer !r1.50 11/2 Cu. Ft. Steer Manure w..c; "" <><oonie rert•f•ze• H4tlp& IMCl'I IO<I 40·1b. Lawn And Garden Fertlllzer A comptefe rron mch 1er1111t1t tor tverylhlllQ you QfOw In 11 .,...,~f Recel'ole a SAO RolprU Food CouponWilh The Puretiale OI A Micro. WO\le Oven Model u.17100 Whlrtpool' Microwave Oven for Cooking Ease W•t" ouiomot.c 11.'eo t ...... seoo•o•e OOflost C:VC 9 OO•ooceo wo.e COO< •no system 1 3 cu " COPOC•tv ,,,. ,,. ' ... ~ ':>a 12" Olag. Meas. Two·Way l /W TV 100'\ ~'°state OJ<> • 8 whore IV len.IP\' AC Of" O(>e<Olo<>O .,.,,,, C•QO•ene t O"re1 Odal''e< c.v1a •1'Ctuoeo f~rgy \()\ no oes.on AM/FM/I-track Stereo A"A FM ste<oo 8 troc~ plover outomo11c tu1nrot>1e s090l<e<s a~ PLANTER *Ml~ c:: iC ... ~ $2 11/2 Cu. Ft. Planter Mix 100' O.oon< Use to en11cn Oii toolt UM orouno 5t.1ubs 1o~s bldO•no p1onts ~~$5 l·Pounc:t1. Gra11 Seed Or1nge Coaet DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday, 8•ptt mber 15, 1882 ~oyalty due here in 1983 To wed Reagan invites queen and hu1band to visit West Coa t • Queen Elizabeth II L.ONDON <AP) -At t ho Invitation of Prealdent R.aaan1 Brl&aln'a Qut.>en Ellr.abeth 11 ana her husband PrlN.-e Phlllp will make an official lO·day vlalt to the U.S. We.t Coiut early next year, It waa announced from Buckingham Palace. The Feb. 26 to March 7 royal visit will give the queen her tin t look at California. President and Mn. Reagan stayed wit h the queen at Windsor Castle In June w hen Reagan was here to addreH member• of both Hou1H or Parliament. Ht wtnt honeblck rtdlna with Brl&aln'1 08-year-old monarch In Wlndlor Oreat Park and a ttended a a llu trlna ltate banquet. Tueaday'1 announcement from the palace aald: "At the Invitation of Prealdt nt Reaaan, the queen and tht Duke of Edlnburah wlU pay an official vi1it to the United StatH Of America Feb. 26 to March 7, 1988!' Elizabeth'• IHt trip to the United State• waa In 1976 for ~ ....................................... . }\ Newport to Avalon 0 DIAMONDS 40% to 50% off 7172 Edinger Ave. Huntington Beach, CA. ( Gemco Center) (714) 842-7334 ELIZABETH EXlER Jewelry Designe< with purchase of I /4 cts or larger the setting will be FREE OF CHARGE For your convenience we will be open on Mondays SALE EN DS SEPT. 30th A ho~ey of a savings. Tr11 1111111•11 Bttktd ltttm T1111ltt/1z111g M~11tard, Yriu'I/ /11t•f It/ bl<.'Cnl<lnnlol ''t•lf'brotlON, but 1hu vl1lted only the Eo.at Cooat. Final plan• for th«! 10-day tour havo not been complcHt•d , the palace aald, but It 11 cxpcc.:t.cd to Include San FranchK'O and Lot Angolea. h waa not known whether the queen will vlalt Reaiian at the Western White Hou1e near Santa Barbaro. The royal party pla n a month-long trip to the Caribbean and North America and will be b ased o n th<> r oyal yacht, Britannia. Jennifer Biel, 2 7, will become the bride of Federal Budget Di recto r David Stoc kman In Feb ry. Stoc kman ma de the announcement during a recent day in hit honor in hit hometown o( t. J oseph:... Mich. brand name bulky sweaters comparable in quality at $40 mars~~J 19.99 For lhecool e~ntngsahcad. Bulky pullovus In solids and strl~s. All acryttcs. for easy care. First quality. sizes S-M-L-XL. Past S<'ason. brand name belted slacks comparable in quality at $23 mars~:fJ: 13. 99 Comfortable eaay·care alacka. PlaJn front and pleated pan ta. wtth belt. Polyester/ cotton fn &MOrted s hades. First quality. Sites 28 to 36. N11111rsh11lllls 'I == lirt.Utd Names for Less/============ COITA MllA1 H1tbor Sh~ Ctr . at lht tnterHcUon or Harbor Blvd end Wllaon St LA MIAMAI Orttn 111111 lnopp1n~Clt . hit lf'TIP-.1'111 HG*Y ..t. cotnar o!J 1nt1 Otrfrud .. A~ HU'*ftMITot9 llAOMI COft\ff ol ICh llYCS Ind T .,ry Or -u11111'*A HIL I OakbtOOll VIK•Ot on Avt11id1 df II C•lot• 11111 El Toro t11t1 o« Ian OitfO '"*Y (Alt 8). •di 10 laoun• H1ll1 M111 ................................... ,... . ........................ . . "' Or1noe Co11t DAILY PILOT IWedntld•v. lept•mbet 11, 11U 'Work for ~elfare' bill had no chance Laat 1prina we noted in thia apace that It waa "hardly 1urprllln1" to flnd no fewer thun 00 state lc1i1lator1 representing both h ou1e1 and both partle1 1upport ina a proposed con1tltutlonal amendment that would require all able-bodied Callfomlana between the a,es of 18 and 65 to work for part o their 1upport before receiving a welfaro check. Hardly surprising, since California, with 10 percent o( the U.S. popuJatlon, haa 13 percent of the nation's welfare recipients and makes 20 percent of the nation's total welfare payments. With a Caltfomla family able to collect more, tax free, than a person working for the minimum wage can earn, It seemed apparent that welfare reform 1hould, and would receive widespread support. Unfortunately, we'll never know how much support the proposed amendment, ACA 69. would have r eceived in the Legislature, or later lf it had appeared on the ballot for voter approval. That's because the measure was killed last month by just four m embers of a n Assem bly committee before h oven reached the floor for a vote. Three ml•mbcra of the Anembly Con atit utlonal Amendments Committee vot d for ACA 69. Three voted 1a1ln1t lt. The seventh member walked out before the vote wu taken . Lacking majority approval In the committee, ACA 69 expired. The mea1ure WH carefully drawn, based on 1lmilar proarama that have dramatically reduced welfare rolls in other parts of the country . The work r e quire ment, supporters pointed out, not only discourages would-be cheaters, thus freeing up funds for the genuinely n eedy, ·but aive1 recipients of aid the dlgnlty of knowing they are helplna to provide for their own support. There i1 almost no doubt lt eventually would have received solid voter approval. But once again the Legislature failed to do Its job. And if it continues to back off the issue, we'll probably see work-for-welfare reappearing u a voter initiative, but probably not as carefuJly drawn as the orlatnal bill. as too of len happens wllh initiative measures. Rules of salesmanship Despite the fact that the California Supreme Court has now upheld the so-called "truth in auto sales" law, there ls considerable doubt that sales practices will be altered very much, If any. at successful auto dealerships. The regulations In question had been pU8hed through by the• California Department of Motor Vehicles and w ere promptly blocked in 1979 by two lower court rulings. Two auto dealer associations had challenged the rules on grounds that the regulations violated constitutional f'Uaranteea of free speech and were overly broad and vague. But now the Supreme Court justices have agreed unanimously that the rules are lawful. One of the main contentions In the new rules is that an auto dealer can be held responsible for any "oral misrepretientations" that his saleapel'80n might make to the customer. This kind of reminds one of the ancient auto salesman jokes in California where the salesman \ella his cuatomer, "Li.st.en mister, lhls beauty was owned by a little .,Id lady from Pasadena who only • drove it to church on Sundays .. That's just one of the old stereotypes, like attorneys who chase ambulances, doctors who peddle operations, or the newspaperman with a press paaa stuck In his hatband and a fluk on his hip. They are caricatures with only rare counterparts ln real life. The main r eason the auto dealers opposed the new set of regulations probably is that here ii just another set of governmental rules they have to worry about. Certainly the dealers did not oppose the rules on the basil that false or misleading statements would help them sell cars. To the contrary, 1ucce11ful auto sales people know that sales are made and customer• return again, when the aale.penon knows hll or her product, la able to point out product leatu.res, and helps the customer In a ktnd, courteoua and efficient manner. These have been hallmlU'ks of succeHf ul aaleamanshlp dow.n through the years and alwaya will be, whether you are 1elllna automobiles or peanut brittle. No atate rules or reaulation1 will ever be able to change that . ()pinions expressed In the space above are those of the Delly Piiot. Other vltwt ••· sireutd on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reeder comment 11 lnvlt- ,d. Addr.ss Ttle Dally Piiot. P.O. Bo• 1560, Coste Me .... CA 9262'. Phont (7U) ••2·•321. Medicare fund threatened : An editorial from the Sacramento re· I One of the leeks of the ~mlnl1trallon'1 new Advisory uncll on Social Security will be to udy the loomlna problems of the ed1care tru1t fund which, thouah ealthy now, la beln& depleted at a ate that el.inala trouble in the near uture. Medicare outlay• lncreued by 1.5 percent lut year, elgniflcantly uter than the 1&.0 pel't.'ent lncreaae n the overall national health blll, tly because of the 17 .~ percent Ike In ho.pita! billa. At th~pace, ~rdini to Social Securtly lntltees, ftfedlcare fundt w.lll run short In five yeara If the economy remain• it.qnant, and by the early 19908 even r the economy l'et'OVl'ra. dy the admlnietrallon end have U'led to eJow the drain, approvina •1:u blWon ln Medicare cu\I over the next three Ye&nl laraely by red~~ hoephal payment.. But .. the naUQn • aitna population grow11 tllnply curbtna the rate of lncreue in ho1pltal ancf other medical co1t1 probably won't be sufficient to maintain Medicare'• economic balance. TM MWly formed advtaory councll wlU need to eumlne 1uch q_ueetJona u whether Medlc:are 1hould be f undtd prtnct.,.Uy, aa It ll now, from Soc:lal ltturlty s-yroU taxee. or s-rtly or wholly from ••neral re'lenuea, a1 aome propoee. A more fundamental ~on \Mt hMn't t.n ~hty etcplond LI whether lhe f onnuta tor alfoeatSn1 s-yroU lax rtvtnUtt to ORANGE COAST Daily Piiat . .. - OTHER VIEWS Social Security'• three tru1t funda may require revtalon; revenuee for the old a1e and aurvlvora fund hive fallen 1er1oualy behind payou\I, whlle the MfClkan and diMbllity funda •till en.Joy 1urplutee. lt'1 eftCOW'a8lnl that the advlaory council 11 1otn1 Into the Medicare 1ltuatlon now. 10 that 1omethln1 ronatructlve can be done before that pro9r1m reachea the kind of crl1la beaettlnc the penelon fund. The council'• work 1hould be coordinai.d with tht current 1tudy by the 1>reaident'1 National Commmlon on Social Security Reform, llnl'e what happtna to MedJcere will have lml*\ on the owra11 retJrement procram. However, lt aeeme cle1t that without tMjgt chanlft in the naUon'• hfflth deUwey ayatem -~ly wlthout mort effective method• of controllin1 health care c:oa\I - permanent 10lutlona for Medicare'• problem• art likely to rtm1ln aa tlualve u thme for the trouble-rtdden Medk:eid ~ for the poor. ht now, th• bH\ hope 11 to dtYIH polltkally ~ptable •xpedJeftta to .. Medlcar• 1nct the rt1t of Social Security throuth \ht 1hort t.nn. The lon1tr·ran1• probltma of bo\h reUrerMnt _,.ntflll and hHl\h care call for Nltl'UCtu.rlni no\ only ladal Security but th• way thl1 nation 111urH tt1 elU1tn1 of all ••H ~uaw, affotdabll helllh twe. ,..._,,....., flvbh .. ThetMI A. MwrphlM lo.let .......... be<w•·•• fcj.IOf ............. ldolot191 ~ .... ,..._Mlelftft M...,.r-. l I \ ~RON: IT') ~ 'tQJ 00 ~ UND£RSTAND MY .POSITION. SO ™AT TUIS OClS NOT MAPPEN >$IN I ~VE E~LOSED A «P/ OF . ™E 5J?AE.U FOREIGN POLfCV GU,DE . MENl(~EM BEGIN Pacemaker prof its probed WASHINGTON -The half mllllon Americana who wear pacem1ken may ~ paytna too much for their llfeuv1nc device.. thank• to a team effort by friendly aaleanen and compliant doctors. Inve1t1a1tora for the Senate Select c.ommtttee on Agin9, chaired by John Heinz, R-Pa., have concluded that the ' marketlna ayatem for the Uny battA!ry- operated lleart re1Ulatora la riddled with abule. Th& reaaon Uncle Sam i. involved ii that 90 percent of the •2 bUUon annual blll for pacemakera l1 paid by the eovemment throuah Medicare. SELLING PACEMAltERS le a lucraUve buainf!91. Contider thia flndina contained ln an upcomJ.na report from the Senate commJttee, reviewed by my a.ociate Tony C.paa:io. "There are about 400 pacemaker aaletmen in the country. Their minimum salary it U0 ,000 plu1 a hefty comml11lon. Averaae aaleamen earn aeveral hundred thousand dollara a year. At leaat 1 doien earn more than $1 million a year. "For theae 1ale1men , the manufacturera and many pacemaker phy1lcian1,. pacemakera are literally pwnplna aold." The 1taff report notH that moat pteemaken are. t»11cally allu in qu.al.lty and coet, ao lnducementa are needed. And they a.re apparently forthcomlni. "Evidence of klckback1, potential bribery and other Inducement. to do bultn• were fl.aarant and inetapable," the report etat.ee. But It'• not only the aaleunen who are rakln1 In bll buck• from the tiny lmplan\I. The moat common Inducement offered to docton by pacemaker aaleamen la the Jll:I 11111111 free uae of equipment that la Wied to implant and monitor the devices. For example, doctora are 11ven •3,000 prorrammera, •2.000 analywen and $3,-ooo-\elephonlc t.ranarn1mlon reoeivera u a aal• Inducement. Aa the Senate 1taff report notee, "The pk'emaker lnduatry la notorloue for lte generoelty to phyaldana." That'• putttna It mildly. Pacemaker manufacturera have hired the Queen Mary, entire i... Veau ahows, comed1an Oeor1e Burn•, trumpeter Doc Severlneen and even the Dalla• Cheerleadera to perform at medical convenuona. The entertainment really l1n't nece.ary, thouah. Pacemakera make big money for everyone Involved. "Pacemakera tend to be lmmenaely profitable enterr,rleee," the Senate report obtervea. 'At every level, our invesUaallon lndlcatet cost.a are exoe91ive and profit 11 Inordinate. The avera1e pacemaker currently COit.i -600 to $900 to manufacture and la eold to the hoepit.al for •3,000 to •o.ooo." Wlth that kind of markup, 1ro11 profit.a for pacemaker flnna run up to more than 60 percent of aales. And It'• a tightly controlled field. Five companies have over 90 percent of the pecemaker trade. They are Medtroniai, Intermedlc1, Paceeetter. Cordle and Cardiac Pacemaken Inc. "lntermedlcs and Medtronic• have eetlmated 1ro11 profits of 68 to 63 percent," the Senate report nota. THE GOUGING contlnuee at the ho1pltal where the pacemakera are Implanted. According to the Senate report, holplta.l markupa range from 5-0 to 150 percent, even tho\.llh in moet cue1 the devices are only delivered to the ho.pit.al on the day of eurgery. "Moet aenerally, in the worda of one nleaman, ho1pltale 'turnkey' the p.cemaker coat," the report eays. It then explain• the phrase "turnkey" by explalnina: ''They'll double It (the coat). If we eeD it to you for •3.~00, they charae •1.000." That •7 ,000, mind you, la for a device that co.ta *600 to $900 to make. Y asser Arafat needs a new Y ... r Arafat OUCht to do himlelf I favor'Uld shave! Of all the public flaW'el I've ever aeen. Anfat 1uffen mo.t lrom what he lookl like. How doee he maMCe to look u If It'• alwaya been four daye 1lnce he ahaved? He never hlll 1 real bMrd and he'• newr clean·lhaven. He juat looka ICl"Uffy all th• Ume. THERE AAS attnctlve-lboklna Arlb .,menia but Arafat never WMl"I them. He'• u1ually we1r&n1 that checked kafflyeh. It looka like the Middle J'.ut equivalent of a cheap racetrack hat. Araf1t muat be emart beau11e a dumb penon rouldn't have caUMd u much troUble u he hlll, but he 1w-e doean't look am.art. He may be k1nd to c:amell and a thouahtful bu.band and father for all I know,but you'd never tu-lt from lookJ.na at plcturet of h1m. I have almoet no lmPreaik>n at all of what Anfa\ la like M a permn. To cornet thia lack of lmpr-'on he'• made on moat of the world, there'• aomethina elae Arafat ouaht to do after he ahave1. He ou•ht to pt hlmMlf a toad publJc relations man to improve hla frnq_e. Poll• lhow tha\ the American people are divided about whethft It WM rl1ht for the hraell1 to deatroy the Lebanfte city of Bet.rut to drive out the Palu\lne Llberatlon Army th1t w11 holed up there. With a little aood publJc relatlon1, Arafat could have had 90 percent of all Americana demancilnl that the llrMU. atop thelr attack and that the Palntlnlan. be ctven a homeland of their own .,aln. M.n.chem Belfn i. more ~pular ln America than Arafat. It Ian t euy to t:'' -•• -.,-•• -•• -1,-· ____..§1= come in eecond to Belin in a popularlty contaet, but Arafat hu manand to do It. Now that the PLO hu left Beirut Arafat haa 1worn to continue hl1 terrortlt ICUvlU• aplnlt the llrMU. and .,aln11\ ewryone who helped them ln \Mlr rec91\t offenalve. 'niia la PJ'\I to ,.t Arafat nothlna but trouble, and It won't ,et the Pal•tln.lana a homeland. ~ how much better off they'd be If Arafat llaued a atatement like thll: "l want to take thla ~unity to conar-tulate Men11ehem Belin and the llll'Mll Army on tbtlr vlctory over the PLO. The better army won. We now hos-th.at the llrMUa can find lt in their h..,... to allow my P90plt to have a land of their own eo that they will no lonpr ~the homele11 wanderera of the world. Jewa and Paleet.lnlana are, after all, both Seml\lc people. Some of my belt frienda are Jewa. Shalom. Yamer Arafat." A atateeman-llke atatement of that type would have all the world feellnc eorry for Y uaer and hia PalestJn!ana. He could have erued the pkture the world baa of them u bomb-throwtna terrorists and replac:ed lt with one that evoked 1ympathy . All throuah h!atory there have been public ftaw-who looked juat riaht for their jo6 and othen who looked all Wt'Onl· Winlton Chw-chill, for example, looked perfect. Even Adolf Hiller WU perfect ln hie own way. If you were aotna '° cut a character to play the moet evU man In all hlatory, you wouldn't chance a hair on Hitler'• muatache. Georc• Waahlncton looked like the Father of a Country If anyone ever did, and Albert lln1teln looked llke a mathemaUcel pnJua. Walter Cronkite had the perfect face for a televteJon new. anchonnan. Ataf1t juat doesn't look rtaht. He lookl 11 If he Juat took a four-<lay, nonatop alrplane rldt and need• a 1have and acme clHn clolhee. He ou,ht to set a freeh 1\art in hla new home and he could ~ by buyina himlelf a ruor. [ h.ltate to 1~t It but he rni&ht even conaider a Sheik Injector ruor. 'Security' now has a frightening meaning I think the moat Important, and certainly the moat dram1\lc, way In whJch tht world hu c~ """' I WM a boy le in the chanp of a anal• word: leclwity. When I WH •rowtn1 up, 1eeurlty meent aewral different tf\lnp: but It did not calT)' the "'"""" It hll today -a •Yttern to protect tht av.rap penon from harm or at~ by another peraon. Aa a chUd, I never 1aw a l\IAfCI with a ~· IY-1--11-Y 111-111----~ J .. evaporated everywhere but In the ll1'IA1i.I\ ~ And 9Wf\ lheN, hou.ll!I .,. lodced thit never were before. The whole world i. a.om.Ina one vut "Stc\lrtty Syatem!' Indeed. 118ecuttty" haa turned tnto the f1ate1t•1rowtn1 lndu1\l'y of modtrn um .. , alri\oet the only one that hH expanded, not dlmln.ilhed, with Ow economk ....ion. J am convlnctd &bat lht rH•nt fll1ht from the clUM to tht 1malltr t.oWN -which 11 ...... enouih IO have demotnphle qnlfltuft -It lnlplrwd by fHt MOW\Una to pankl in many cu.. People do no\ want thtlr children arowtna u,, or thtmMlYM 1pendln• \Mtr l'Mlremlnt YMft, ln an atmaapMN chal'IM wllh UV..t and violeMe and lnwilaft. h thl• the final fr\&H of our lHhnolo11oal alYlll1atlont l• u th1 IU~ ""'1 of OW """' that Whllt 1wr1 dtw'lpmtnt tendl to br&na u1 ,101tr to1tah1r1 th• YtrJ 1l11 ind ~tr of la-llM• clftW UI Nfther aput. Niil &atD hll own UtU. bl.lrroWf Tht H•Hllttl "uu¥l¥a~u" :::-.:.911 ~..:-... ~ laNll\ ...... ,,... '111laimtf -• ...,..1a1Maa1111rr.-:MllltlhtMW • the odda llfttn heevier \hat we will need no e>c\ernal enemy to bK<Jtoe a fort.rw aoclety, barricaded In our narrowtna ntlahborhooda our bloc~ our parka and ewn, ewntuiily, our putw.. l know It I.I a dire p&Ctwe l paint, but It 11 dl1m1yln1, tn a period of eo many convenJenc.w, not IO •Y baxwiell ~t we nne.r knew tn the pilt, w. llK>Wd Nive to be noe\alck about t.he d\1 and the..,. of ..writy we felt Iona -ao1 when the word w11 not ciap6..i&ied ana tht meenin, WN not millllrllld. 111111• .. . . •ANN LANDERS •HUGH MULLIGAN •ART HOPPE Orange Co111 DAILY PILOTI W9dnMday, September 18, 18&2 A9 Cold shoulaer hus band's rewar d for loy alty DEAR ANN LANDERS: I demand cquul timt· for me and othe r hus bands whose wives hnvt• turned off the sex. For 21 yea rs 1 have been tlw n • thro ugh sickness and health, me ns trual cydes, suicide attempts, spe nding s prees, three childbirths, teething, diaper rash, delinquency. communio ns, confirmations, graduations and the rest or the SC(.>ne. I do the marketing, cut the grass, pay the bills and am nice to her miserable relatives. I never missed a day's pay, a birthday or anniversary, havt> taken the kids to the d e ntis t , the bar ber. amusement parks. the zoo, the beach -you name it. I have !raised her looks, her cooking and her body. I tol her on a dally basis that I loved her and meant it. Now she says I am old and ugly and cannot satisfy her sexual needs and to leave her alone. It seems I have lost out to a dude at work who 1s 10 years her junior. All I get is her mean mouth, a cold shoulder and dirty looks. No advice, please. just publish this. -MARRIED IN Nl\ME O NLY IN QUlllllE By PHIL l f)ITEALANDI of Laguna.Beach 1 :. :' ·;li· 1, I J~ i ~ ,( ~ ~J • .. # AIT HOPPE THE INNOCENT BYSTANDER TV habit multiply ing It was a dark and stormy night. My dear wife and I were spending a quiet evening at home. Our sweet children were upstairs s tudying. I was reading. the newspaper. "Listen to this," I said. "Television Digest, Inc .• re ports that the United S tates now has 2.07fl television sets for each and every home.'' "That's unbelievable," scoffed my wife. "One aet alone is enough to rot the finest mind in the land.'' "Yes," I said, "that is why we never watch that black-and-white 11 -inch (measured diagonally) model we bought in 1958.'' "And thank goodness our two darling boys have never seen it," she replied, "or they would never grow up to be scientists or engineers and thereby keep our nation strong. But tell me, how many sets do we have altogether?" "A total of 170.8 million," I read, "which is 8.3 million more than last year.'' A SHUDDER RAN THROUGH m y wife's delicate shoulders. "Good heave ns!" she exclaimed fearfully. "Where do they all come from? You don't think '' I patted her hand. "Now, now," I said, "w e have nothing to fear from our one hannless old set.'' "Of course not," she said, bravely composing henielf. "Excuse me, I thought 1 heard a noise in the bedroom. I will go see what it Is." When she hadn't returned in a half hour. I went to investigate. Opening the bedroom door, I found her pressed against one wall, her jaw hanging open , her eyes glai.ed. Across the room was a gleaming 17-inch television set! On it, two women were cavorting. I slapped my wife\s cheek. Had there been brain damage? "Hi, Laverne," she said, emitting a can of laughter. "But it IS real coffee. It's Sanka- bnnd decaffeinated coffee.'' I could only pray it wasn't pennanent. The children! I rushed upstairs. Too late! Another .et. Thia one a 21-lncher and 110mething called "The Dukes of Hazzard." WHERE HAD THESE FIENDISH instrumen ts of mind det&cuction come from? I hurried back down to the living room to telephone the FBI. And . . . Oh, the horror1 The horror! ~t. paming model from the bedroom was now nelllled up .,aiNt the o&d black-and-white. Both were turned on and they were ... Well, I cmmot dacrlbe ln a family newspaper what they w.e doing. Suffice lt to say that, when they w ere ttnlahed, a panel on the new .et opened a nd there mM!r'pd a 1pantdn1 little 16-lnch poTtable wlth nmote controlL ' That le how I atumbJed on the awful truth -a tnlth &Nit will U.tantly be rec.'IOfP'llled by millJona of Americlm: Our televlalon .eta are bftedtna. How ~ lnnocent famlbee have purchaled a imcte • only to ftnd themlelvee aomehow the :*'llm ol 2.075 or ewn 5.138 of the braln-llqUf'fytna dwal! Amer1cuw. neuw your ttt-vee 1eu before lt't too late! SOU1'11 llHUN~CICK. NJ. DEAJl NAME ONLY: OK, no 1dvlce, but may I ask a question'! Why doea a sterling fellow like you -a ve rt&able gem -•tay with a n unappreciative, aelflah, Ill-tempered abrew who ls fooling around yet? I am -BAFFLED IN CHICAGO DEAR ANN LANDERS: l just finished reading the lcttC'r from a mother of a teen-ager on drug:; who expressed her despair and guilt so poignantly. We tend to for get, or deny, perhaps, that add1(·t1on is addiction whether it's alc."Ohol or drugs. In fac•t, ak'Ohol is a narcotic and a depressant. But because ak'Ohol is socially al.-ceplable we fail to realize that it is the most abused drug of all. I'm sure you would want to know that many parents and spouses of drug abusers are finding the help they need in u group called Narcanon. The princi ples a re the same as those taught at AA. Relauvcs learn first that they did not cause the problem. T h<'V also learn to g<'l off th(• "pity pot" q A1IN LANDERS and go on with their livt'S and help the drug addict whe n the tamt• comes, by NOT ullowang him or her to Jay on the guilt I hkt· the• w ay you (•hallengc people to take responsibility for their lives and quit blaming their parent.'>, i.ocicty and their peers You know how to call a spade a meat-ax and make them listen. l know what you say is true because I hav<' been married to two alcoholics and have kids who experimented with drugs . At present I am w o rking with recove ring fa milies an a treatment cente'A for akoholism and I thank God every day that r can give back a little of what has been given to me. - WE LOVE YOU IN INDIANA OEAR 1.0VE: Narcanon sounds like a wonderful oqcanlzatlon. Ple11c tell u1 bow to get In touch with tbe headquarten. I'll be watcblng t.be malls dally. DEAR ANN LANDEHS. My sister has two kids, a boy 14! a nd a girl t•ight. S hC' Insists that they shower t.ogetht!r to i;ave w attc'r. I was upset when I heard about th~s. Sh~ says it's perfectly okay according to ht>r psy<·hia tr1st. Will you give us your oplnJon'! BEET Jo~ACE IN BERMUDA DEAR FACE: Your sister bould change psychiatrists. Don't get burned by a "/inc" that's too hot to handle. Play It cool with Ann Landers' guide to "Neck ing and Perring Whor Are the L imirs'?" S end your request to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago. lJJ. 60611 . enclosing 50 ('('n lS and a long. stamped. sc.•Jf-addreSS<'<l t•nvelope. 'Carioca Crazies' spreading . RIDGEFIELD, Conn. -According t.o a ra-ent study by some clinical psychologis t.s. the citizens of Rio de Jane iro, the Cariocas, are sure ly and not slowly going bonkers -oCC the ir collective rockers. lt should <'Orne as no surprise. We know from · "Charley's Aunt." that durable farce, that Brazil is "where the nuts come from.'' Carmen Miranda may have set thl' psychic norm fo r the Cariocas by cha - cha-cha-ing about with an exposed navel and a fruit cocktail on her head, except that she was born Mar ia Da Carmo Mmmda Da Cunha in Portugal, whit"h 1s w here a lot of the Brazilians originated before they went west and lost their grasp on reality A schola rly paper, "Who's Cr acking Up in Rio de Janeiro.'' caused the politicians to go ape when presented at the annual meeting of the Brazilian Society for the P rogress of Science. It was the work of a team of four researchers led by Dr. Paolo Sergio Silva Lama, professor of clinical psychology at the Catholic University in Rio. THE STUDY CONCLUDED that people of Rio wer e rus hing o ff to anal ysts' cou ches "in a psych oana lysis explosion " bro ught a bout by political re pression, economic hards h ips and a disruption of traditional Rao lifestyles by moving the nation's capital to the inland city of Brasilia. "Psychoanalysis has become a Rio fashion," Lima told an Associated Press reporter who came calling after the bombshell study exploded at the usually unexciung scientific convention. "The rich soug ht private a nalysts a nd then s prea d the phenomenon by sending the ir mentally distraught employees -and even their maids -to group thera py sessions at public psychiatric clinics." The doctor's wife, Maria Aruta Lima, also a pro(essor of c linical psych o logy at Catholic University. reported that the Caraocas had ••a unique Rio way of cracking up. Rao turned into a big beach resort. The only way people could satisfactor ily express themselves without getting in to political trouble or bringing on even more anxiety was to concentrate on the cult of their own bodies -diets, suntans and bikinis.'' I wish this husband and wife team of clinical psychologists and their colleagues would pay a visit ' .. ~ ~l HUGH MULLIGAN ~ MULLIGAN STEW to our little town o( Ridgefield, Conn. (Pop. 17,000) and the surrounding communities. Many of the same symptoms are present here, although the causes may be different. Political apathy. rather than repr~ion, is the abnormal norm a round here. True, the e<.'Onomy has gone to pot, and the locals ge t a bit hysterical about plans to move the post office, which is not psychic trauma on a par with moving the capital, but it does put the folk in the white coats on a butterfly net alert. Sanity is definitely on the wane hereabouts, and the cult of the body is on the upswing. Joggers thro ng o ur highways and b y ways. The supe rmarke t aisles are jammed with bronzed Amazons in tennis tutus. The bulletin board at my parish church lists aerobic dancing as well as Bible readings and the schedule of ushers and altarboys. Diet books fill the bookstore window. Bikinis regrettably are in short supply on our town beaches, but Main Street in the vicinity of the library is a voyeur's feast of short shorts. designer jeans, backless sundresses and skin tight ri~ jodhpurs. Go-go dancers have returned to the 1 entertainment scene, and girls softball is our leading spectator sport. Other munici pal aberrations are manifest and worthy of clinical study. It as difficult to strike up a conversation with anyone around here, be<:ause those who are not already talkJng to the mselves are in a catatonic state m front of the television set. Cable TV has turned the craving into a compulBion. TEEN-A GE R S TAKE OUT THEIR aggressions against parents and teachers by beating on neighbors' mailboxes with basebaJI bats. Some menlally unbalanced urchins indulge a strange craving to reposition the swimming floats in the middle of the lake night after night. Th05e addicted to inhaling the fumes of exotic flora perform GOREN ON BRIDGE BY CHARLES H. GOREN AND OMAR SHARIF s trange rites a t m oonrise t o the blarin g acc'Ompaniment or enormous ste reo spea kers. Their parents seem even more disturbed. Many moved to the suburbs to find peace and quiet. Yet every weekend dawn comes up with the thunder of chain saws and power lawn mowers. Motorcycle gangs, drag racing an our once pleasant country lanes. add to the mad music of the mentally unhinged. and long before the sun rises on these bosky dells and ridges small plane pilots taking off from the nearby local airpor t assault the sanity of the sleepless citizenry. Someday at a tag sale I hope to come across a secondhand Bofors gun and zero in on my favorite dawn-busting nemesis, a twin-engined aluminum job that always flies right over my house. l'U get off scotfre e. of course. w ith a plea of municipal insanity. By that time, no doubt, the maJady will be diagnosed as Ridgefi eld Derangement. a Northern Hemisphere variant of the Carioca Crazies. It was a bit unsettling to discover that the Yellow Pages for our area already have listings for 48 psychiatrists. Any day now I expect to pass the Medical Building downtown 'and see a sign: "Full Psychotherape utic Treatment for Town-related Trauma -Four Couches, No Waiting." POT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT TO THE UNIV'E:RSE, &UT AM N CIT SUP..E £)(.ACT'L"< WMAT PR.I VIL.EGE$ Tt-4.\T E,,.TITL.E"S ME TO. Ne,it hrr \ ulnerable. East ril'als Pa111 Pus Pass Opening lead: K1nK or +. other champion.'!. Rhoda Walsh or Los AnRclcs and Mike Lawrenc(• of Berkeley. Calif. cash the ace o ( hrarts because there was no way to establish and run the hearts. If the latter. a low heart would defeat the contract unless declarer could run nine tricks. clt•dart•r had started wit h 0 xx in hear ts. he could have killl•d that suit by playi ng the king from dummy at trirk t" o! When he did not make that play. it could only ~ becau e he had started with a doubleton quern. !l'ORT H • Q 1052 ~ K85 0 K 7 +Jl098 1-;xr,cr ls make Cl"rln1n play<1 automa t ically. But WEST EAST +AK 87 +43 ~ 763 'AJ 1094 0 952 ~ 106.U +Q 53 +76 OUTH <> J 96 Q2 AQ J 8 +A K42 omelimes they have to pay for their ability. Their op ponents can infer certain card combinations by what lhl' eJC pert d<>t's or does not do. This deal is rrom t he Mixed Team Championship ll l the Sum mer Nor t h American Nationals. Sitting South was a former world rhampion. Eddie Kan tar or Los A ngt>les. He reach· l'd 11 normal three no trump contr11ct that probably would have n1ade Wt'rf' it not for the fact that silting East and Wt•sl respeclively were two Against three no trump, l.awren('e led the king of !>pades. T hen he shifted to the seven of hearts. Kantnr played low from dummy and Rhoda Walsh inserted tht' ten. Kantar madr the rxpert play of allowing the te n to win. East was now fa C'ed wi th 11 problem. Had her partner led from a doubleton heart, in which case declarer has started with Q·x·x. or Crom three cards in the suit. in which case declarer wa~ now down to a bare queen'/ If the former. she might as well After some thought. Ea!>l came up with the right deci s1on -she continued with a low heart. Declarer overtook his queen or hearts with the king and tried the club finesse. West won the queen, cashed the ace of spades and reverted lo hearts to gain a thrcc-Lrick set.. What price fa mt•! Have you been runaiq Into double trouble? Let Charlea Goren help you Olld your ••)' throuch the aau of DOUBLES for peaalliee and for talae .. t. For a copy of hJ1 DOUBLES beoklot. Miid IJ.8~ to "'Gorea·Doablee. .. care of tllf1 new1peper, P .0. Box 25t, Norwood, N.J . 07648. Make eheeb peyable to New1peper\ool&1. The hidding: Eaat South Pass I NT Pas11 2 Q Wett North Pau 2 + Pau 3 NT llow did East arrive nt her decision to continue with a low heart'/ She banked on declarer to have made the right technical play! It Pisces: F o cus on • o ve rvie w, forget det ails Thursday, September 16 ARIES (March 21 -Aprtl 19): Review methods, bring objectives Into focus. be creative but realize necessity for basic rulca. regulations. Highligh t initiative, In dependence, willingness to be an ln_novator. Member ol opposite sex helps you to get to heart of matters. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Emotional responses dominate. Be ready for awift changes, unu"ual opportunities a nd new dimension of a relationship. Hunch proves accurate. Intuitive intellect serves., reliable guide. GEMINI (May :u.Jul'\t> 20): What had been a confining situation will now be more open, you'll have new opportunity Cor self-cxpreulon. Older relative admits error, makes significant concession. Be a ~racious winn~r. CANCER (Jun~ 21 -Juty 22): Promise of confldentiality may not be pc>Mlble to kef'p -know It, protect IOUJ't'ft, You'll ~ aaked questlona, It may be ne<:ellal')' to revile, review acnd rebulld on mott suitable atructure. Scorpto natJve plays hnponant role. LEO ( July 23-Aus. 22): Utilize ablUty to pt'rt.'t'lve \renda, to anal)'M characier and t.o proje('t into futur@. Keep rwolutlON conceminl ~ ... • HOIOSCOPI BY SIDNEY OMARA collcclions a.nd steps necessary to lncreaae Income. Gemfnl, Virgo. Sagittarius persona t111ure prominently. VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Cycle conUnue. high -home improvemen~ oc.rur, atft la r«elved, famUy member relates good news. Take inlt.iaUve, make penonal appearancea. Imprint aiyle, bffutlfy surroundlnp. Timing, judgment and Intuit.Ion are on waet. LIBRA (Sept. 23-~t 22): Look behind ac.tM11 for anawen You'rt on brink of Important dltcovery. Check Mtmlnlstratlve n.>eordt, pJn.,... to data which unravels myatery. Terma will be defined, delay .. '°'Cht and you•o ,...w tllrDP'l"I offer. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov 21): Lunar emphMla on friend•, powt-rs of persuHlon and romantic involvement. Wha t s tarts as a m ild altuation ~ heated, intcns1fi~ and makes you realize meaning of Involvements. Cancer, Capr icorn persons play significant roles. SAGITTARI US (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Finish rather than initiate project. T erms are set, negotiations actuslly are completed and Y°'-' can make final claim on property. More people ·~ concerned with your viewa, are drawn to y~ with their problems. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J a n . 19): Travel opportunity ts cloec at hand. Outline ed.ucatlonal pW'lulta, have tancuqe dlctlonaries available and pt ready for unuaual Jaunt. You'll pt to heart of matters and regain opdmlmn, enthualum. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): What appean a loel ii actually a delay cauttd by ttd ta~. Lepl dectalon ~ In your favor, meaN more money and provldet chance for atronpr ICl'ftmeftt. Family member la on your mde trMt will prow ll. PISCES (Feb. 19-M81"t'h 20); Gain <Mrall vtfti: perceive po-.nual, J.teve flM potn• °" de\aill ,_. another tinw. Accent on pubUc relaUont. contneta,; partnership propo1al1 and rurftal atatua. Sodal acuvuy (n(re...., puty Invitation ta on the way. Orange Ooa1t DAILY PILOT/Wedn••day, September 1&, 1882 Good to the last scoop Cancel the henana.s. The k>e cream atA:>re ha1 split. Bernie and Oroce Col~-chlo shut down ttw • Ba.akin Robbina 1lore they have owned for 10 yeara lo make way for n.-development of Clsta Mesa'• Superblock. They held out to the last minute, watching other 1tores shut down, but the summer crowds were down to their last llclu and bulldozers arc due Oct. l. Owners of the adjacent medical clmlc, plu.a and sandwich outlet, furniture mart, pharmacy, antiques store, electronic service, beauty supply shop, Mexican restaurant, barbershop, dentist of!lce and foreign car parts agency at the comer of 19th street and Harbor Boulevard had all vacated the premises. " We'll need the rest of the time to dismantle the equipment," said Colacchlo as he hefted his last gallon of Royal Choclate Mousse to the counter Tuesday. "The walk-in refrigerator CO&l about $5,000, but we'll oniy get $500 on resale." On a happier note, he recounted some unusual ordera and the way some of his 20 part-time employees would wince as they scooped and sauced some of the weird shakes or sundae combinations that customers concocted: A gallon of Jamoca Almond Fudge was packed in dry ice and air-freighted to a grandmother in Hawaii. One of the regulars always placed his order then went across the street to buy a quart of milk to drink with his three scoops. • ew-port nixes uke initiative t Supporters of an initiative that seeks a halt nuclear weapon testing and production have iled to line up Newport Beach as a supporter. Proponents of the measure, to appear as Proposition 12 on the Nov. 2 ballot, were turned away last week by the City Council in Costa Mesa. To date, the only Orange County cities that have agreed to back the initiative are Laguna Beach and Garden Grove. Carol Ann Bradford, a Newport resident and advocate of the ballot measure, told council ,members in Newport on Monday that the city .has a responsibility to get active in the initiative. She said Newport Beach-based firms like ;Ford Aerospace and Hughes Aircraft would be ).ikely targets in the event of a nuclear war. "Imagine the chaos," she said, "The fires, the disease -the living would truly envy the dead." Council members, saying they were not IJnmoved by her pleas, agreed that it would be inappropriate for them to take a stance on a national issue. Only Councilman Phil Maurer voted to support the initiative. Clinic offered to end smoking A four-week group support program for people who wish to stop smoking will be conducted Mondays and Wednesdays from Sept. 20 through Oct . 13 at Huntington lntercommunity Hospital, 17772 Beach Blvd., Huntington Beach. Co-sponsored by the hospital and the American Lung Association, the "Freedom from Smoking" clinics will be held from 7 to 9 p.m. in t}le business and education annex. 8 TENNIS LESSONS •2000 Costa l11a T 111i1 Clult 557-0211 Last week! Perm Saler Pro Foam Perm means perfect curls everytime. Special price; reg. '45 ... '27~ ~fpf.f~/R~fl.u (, - CelebrlUe11 auch u Kristy McNlchol, Jluddy Ebr1cn, und Joey Bishop Wl•rt• unwn~ tlw normally hcalth-t•onciout1 l'lwntt•lt· who wuuld binge ot-cnslonally on the ~tcntt.>d Prulhw1' 'n' Cream with all the tramming~ Collachlo recalled how tht• ahop provldt-d "t~ flnit jobs In a wholesome atmospherl' thut are so acarce today" for teen-agers and collcgluns, lncludlns hla daughters, Laurie Dufresne, Carleen McGregor and Paula Evans. Additionally he had made donations and discounts to echools, hospitals, senior citizens. charities, football teams and library fund drives. The site had been an ice cream parlor for 24 years as the city grew. Was It getting too large and old to enjoy the childish pleasure of a melting cone? "Two and a half years ago the city said we would have to move out temporarily and come back when the bualness center was rebuilt," he said. "Now they're talking high-rise, and we may not be able to afford the wait, or the price or that sophisticated an atmosphere for selling ice cream. "And our business was very good here. Naturally it was best in the summer with traffic going to and from the beach. But it never really fell off." Even down to the last second. As the doors clO&ed for the last time, Leah Patterson of Costa Mesa skipped out, carefully balanc.ing her Mint Chip cone as only a delighted 5-year-old can . Lights ~ t•111 oul la ... 1 ni~hl at last store lo l•·avt• Supt•rl.lo<·~ t·orrwr. MIKE'S s~T~ FAMILY CLOTHING DEPT . STORE 5840 EDINGER HUNTINGTON BEACH . (CORNER SPRINGDALE) NIJCT fo SA V-OH DRUGS, MAltlNA VILLAGE CENTER "OUR SELECTION IS ENDLESS" ENTIRE INVENTORY LIQUIDATED UP TO 80 O/o . OFF DEALERS: BY APPOINTMENT ONLY ENTIRE GIGANTIC INVENTORY WE ARE ONE OF THE LARGEST SUPPLIERS OF FAMILY CLOTHNG IN ORANGE COUNTYll PAlml s111m1 T·SHlml TOPSI SllOllSI JAClml SllOIS· TINNISI SWEA TllSI IUCll 'lllOllGSI wmu1n1 SW1Ant •111S DIUSISI IATIHIG sum1 YDnl SUNCUSSDI IOOGIE IOAIDSI uni SOCISI IUCll <:Uml IUCI TOWIUI IACI IDnl LWllD (SUlf) •Ln1 nc. a·s• IJY'S Cl.01tm lllh ... lutlttlDllctllltl :50%-80% "' SllOP fOI SCllOOLI .._CREDIBLE!" HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS OF DOLLARS WORTH OF NAME BRAND CLOTHING SACRIFICED FOR TOTAL SELL OUT! I STORE NOW UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. EVERY· THING Will BE SOLD, MAKING ROOM FOR NEW ARRIVALS. SALE STARTS 9 30 THURSDAY • A.M. SEPT. 16th • SHARP!! LADIES'! MEN'S! CHILDREN'S! CLOTHllG! ENTIRE GIGANTIC INVENTORY IS SACRIFICED AT DISCOUNTS UP TO r · 111. CUii 111 THI caum ~' ~ Grass g reen er under a jalopy? KEEP OFF THE GRASS, DEPT. -Santa Ana, our fair County Seat metropolis, is currently engaged in a new facet of its never -ending campaign to clean up its municipal image. This time it's lawn parking. So frustrating has been this campaign that San ta Ana Mayor Crl>rdon Bricken even took the name of Newport B each in vain over the issue. Anyw ay, h a v i ng . r.'. appare ntly set aside the T-0-.-.-0-8-,-8-1-1-1 ~-r campaigns ag ains t dirty l -~ ~' 1 movie theaters and people ________ ...,._......,.._. changing oil on the family car in munici pa l gutte rs, law n parking is now under assault. There is a n ordinance in Santa Ana that declares you may not leave the family heap in repose upon the front yard amid the pansies and dichondra . Owners get cited for this practice. THIS YEAR ALONE, Santa Ana city inspectors have skulked a bout a nd issued an estimated 1,000 citations for front lawn parkers. . The result has been that these $25 tickets have been vastly ignored by the violators. Alas, since it costs more than $25 to pursue the matter in court, most of the lawn parkers get forgotten in the records and thus elude justice. This has irritated Mayor Bric ken. He was quoted in the public prints as declaring, "II somebody parked their car on a front lawn in Irvine or ,, Al.as, he parked in on a fast-growing Santa Ana lawn NewJX>rt Beach, the JX>lice would be there in five minutes ·to tell them to knock it off." You are left wondering by the mayor's challenge just wha t the situation is on lawn parking, say, in NewJX>rt Beach? Your intrepid corresJX>ndent, always in the pursuit of truth, decided to check. Newport Beach traffic investigator Rick Bradley was asked how h is d epartment handled lawn parkers. "LAWN WHATS'?" h e asked . Investigator Bradley obviously figured he was getting another one of those kook calls. Somebody playing with a 49-card deck. I mumbled a bit more of an explanation, offering San ta Ana Mayor Bricken's remark about swift justice for lawn parkers in NewJX>rt. "I've been with the NewJX>rt de partme nt three years and I've never heard of a case of lawn parking," Bradley declared. "But I'm pretty s ure we have an ordinance against it. Let me check." There was silence on a line for a minute. .. Investigator Bradley came back on. "Nobody's heard of lt here . But w e're looking up the ordinance for you. I don't really think it's a problem, you know. Lots of places in Newix>rt have three, four and fi ve-car garages." I also JX>inted out to the traffic officer that lots of places in NewJX>rt don't have front lawns. Or any lawns. Officer Bradley was asked whether it would be JX>lice or some building and safety inspector wh04would cite a lawn parke r in NewJX>rt Beach . "IT WOULD PROBABLY be a pa rking control officer ," Rick suggested. "But wa it a second. We've found the ordinance now . "The only law we have says it's illegal to park an inoperable vehicle on the private property. " "You mean it wo uld be OK to park a running car on the lawn?" "Well, I guess we don't have an ordinance against it," my traffic expert concluded. So I asked Officer Bradley if you parked on your lawn in Newport Beach, would the cops be there in five minutes, just like the Santa Ana mayor suggested? "I DON'T KNOW about that," Rick admitted, "but you can bet the neighbors would be there in about 30 seconds." In Newport Beach, you just know he's right . WEDNE80AV, Sept 15, 198' STOCKS TELEVISION 85 87 Mighty mooch e r It was nice of Tony Corrigan of Costa Mesa to feed t he pelican on the Balboa dock . It was even nicer of him to leave h is b ait pa il unattended . The anchovies were irresistible, a nd the pelican , knowin g it's not nice to speak with one's beak full, swam off without even a '"thank-you." Al Entertainer Al Jarreau brishten stormy weather for Ian in lrvjne. Pase B6. C oast Jews s tar.t high holy day services with hopes for peace ~ JODI CADENHEAD year. First we think of peace in holidays be made in advance and ~:au p.m. Tickets car~ $50 for hold Rosh Hashana services CHADASH wlll hold a joint .. .,.., ......... the Middle East,..ficace in the that no checks be written at adults, $25 for seniors, $25 for Fridas al 8 p.m. and Saturday service in the Fine Arts Theater Jews along the Oranae Coast county and peace over." services on those days. thoee under 21. College students and unday at 9 a.m_. at the at UC Irvine fQr R08h Haahana . I will join their brethren around The Jewiab high holy days of The following la a list of local and s e rvicemen w I th Newport Harbor Luthe ran Frida~ at 8 p.m .. and Saturday ' ~he world i6 uaherln\. ln the synagogues and the· time and identification wlll be admitted Church , 798 Dover Drive, • repentance and renewal Include and unday at 9 a .m. Yorn I ewllh New Year rlday Yorn Klppur, the Day of location of high holiday services. free . For reservations call Newport Beach. A special Kippur 1ervices will begin Sept. evenlnC. aa 1ocal re~owa leaden Atonement, which atarta Sunday, 963-4611. children's service will begin 26 at 7 p.m. and continue ~pt. 27 t look toward hopa or peace in B'NAI TZEDEK Reform Sunday at 11:30 a .m. at the at 9 a.m., with Yl%kor Me~ lhe MideMt. Sept. 26 and concludea the next Temple, 18225 Bushard St., CHABAD of Irvine Jewish Harbor Christian Church, 2401 services at 1 p.m. ~ht. Fountain Valley will hold Rosh Cent.er, 4872 Ro~ce Road, will Irvine Ave., Newport Beach. I I Roeh Huhana, beginning at ews look back on the old year Huhana eervices Friday at 8:15 hold Rosh Haa ana services Yom Klppur services wlll Tk:keta are $75 rr penon. For I ~ J'riday, marb the •tart knowing that God la reviewing p.m. and Saturdah at 10 a.m. at FridaS at 7 p.m. and Saturday begin SEtt. 26 at 7 p.m. and reservations cal 551-1829 or I tbt hif! ho1t days and the paat 1ln1 and good deeda to the Church of t e Latter·d•y .and unday at 10 a.m. Yorn continue pt. 27 at 9 a.m. at 798 631-3262. I ~ewl1h ew ear of 5743, dedde the future year. Saints, 5402 Hell Ave., Kippur aervlces wlll begin Sept. Dover Drl\'e, with Yhkor }r1dltlonally considered the ''The new year presents tt.e Huotlng\on Beach. Services will 26 at 6:30 ~m. ~ Se~ 27 at 10 Memorial Services at 3:30 p.m. TEMPLE BAT YAHM, 1011 ! jam.lveru.ry of the creation of the world Jewish community with continue Sunda'4 at 10 a .m. at the a.m., wit Ylzkor emorlal and children'• aervlcea at 11:30 Camelback, Newport Bffch wtll. ' World. challenges more Intense than Fountain Val ey Community 1ervicea at 11:30 a.m. Ticketa are /A.In. off er Rosh Haahana aervlCft i uwe all get lnt.o an emotional ever before ln recent years," said C.enter, 10200 Salter Ave. •M for adults, $36 fo{ senior Tlcketa are $100 per family, Friday at 8 p.m. and Saturday at mood knowing that we're going Rabbi Robert J . Bergman, with Yom K.ipf:':' aervicel wUl be citizens, •18 for atudenta and •50 for adults. Out-of-town 10 a.m. lYom Klfpur ..me. Will ' I ~ into our Uvee and yean Temple Iaalah of Newport Beach, h e ld at t e LDS ward tn children under 13 free. For atudenta and aervicemen will be be1ln S~t. 2 at 8 p.m. and ~t ," aald Rabbi Mendel notlna the recent contllct in Huntington Beach Sept. 26 at re.ervatlona call 651-1188. admitted free. !'or reeervatlona continue pt. 27 at 10 a.rn., with hman at Cbabect of Irvine. Lebanon. 8:.16 p.m. and Sept. 27 at 10 a.m., • call 548·8900. Ylzkor Memorial aervicee at 3:30 "We take stock and look All local aynaaoguea ask that wlth children's Rrvlces at 2 p.m. TEMPLE ISAJAH of Newport g·m. For Uclcet lnfonnaUon call forward to a better and a.reater reaervationa for the hlah and Yi&kor Memorial eervic.w at Beach, 2401 Irvine Ave., will TEMPLE SHARON and OHR 44·1999. . I Bl Or1ng1 Co111 DAILY PILOT /Wedne101y, September 1&, 1982 Bridal, alumna event • upcoin1ng : ~Pamma Tuu C :~11111uu ulumnu1• 1·huptt•1 uf Af.P'JtA CllJ OMEGA wall hold u i;t)tlut:k d ullwa ul tl:30 p.m. Thu a 11<luy 1.1t H5tl I Wandlullli OriVt', llu.ntl n g t on Beut·h t<'u r tht•r 1n !ormutlon uvallublt! by culling 8J9-0U22. '. Newport Bcal·h Murrlou I lotcl ond TcnnlB Club will hold a BRIDAL FAIR FASHION SHOW , S unday, m the Pat·aht• &llroom. ! The show entitled "Visions of Romance," wtU feature fuhlona by Mon Amie Bridal and Fo~ and Arrow Men's Formal Wear and live ' ITJUJJ: by the Essence Men's Formal Wear and Uv.;~music by the Essence Band . Numerous ~ will offer presentations on photography, flor.'Al arrangements and travel destinations. ;~;:>oors will open at noon and the fashion ~<>t will begin at 2 p.m. Complimentary hors d -o,uvres will be served. A complete bridal eh5'nble will be awarded as a grand prize. .. .. ¢ ¥ $ $ G I U BENSON & HEDGES ·.: .·: '-: ·:! ::: .. :-: .. ... .. ... .. ·:: .. :: .. :· .. .. •' ·: :: •' .. .. .. •' =~ .. . ,: .. :? i~ ::· .. ... .. :· . Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning : The Surg eon Gene ral Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. e mg "rer:· 0.6 mg nicoune av:per c1garau1. by FTC method. • • • • Luncheon speaker Ruby Keeler Lowe com e from Palm Springs to tell the Women's Guild at Our Lady Queen of Angels Church about show business life. Chatting with her were Carolyn Baldwin, guild president, right; Msgr . Ralph Harvey and the Rev. Jim Dunning . WORTH Of @@)rn __ ___.cabinetry ® September 18-26 is National Kitchen/Bath Week. And we're marking the occasion by participating in Wood - Mode's National Kitchen/Bath Week Contest! • Come to our Open House at our showroom during this week-long event and enter the contest. You could win a certificate good for $1 , 000 worth of Wood- Mode Cabinetryf Complete details and entry forms are available at the Open House. Twenty-five $1,000 certificates and twenty- five $500 certificates will be awarded nationally. No pur- chase necessary. Limit one entry per family. This con- test is void where prohibited or restricted by law . IEI-Wood·Mode Fiim EXAMINE-ll'ltchen I Bath Dlapl.ya, "-w Producta TALIC-1b o.119nen, Remodellng Expelfl COLLECT-uterature, ldNa, Advice • ...._-----~ .. ALL AT NO OBUGATIONI ...... _...-..ii...._ .. Sharing Schoo ls throughout Me xico will get copies of President Jose Lopez Portillo's Sept. l state o f the onion m essage. A ationa l b a nk system was announced in the speech. Lung group installs The American Lung Associalton of Orange County has installed Dr. PeLer P . Kozak, Jr. of Orange as president. Pearl J emison -Smith of Garde n Grove is first vice presideqt; Carolyn Green of Corona d e l Ma r , seco nd vice president; Louise Della Bella of El Toro , secretary, and Michael Immell of San ta Ana, treasurer. Elected to the board of directors are Jane Boys of Laguna Hills; Dr. Raymond Casciari of ViJia Park ; T homas A. Fuentes of N e wport Beach; Edward GriHith of I rvin e; Ric hard Hochschild of Corona del Mar; Bishop William R. Johnson of Orange; Dr. H arvey Kershnar o f Santa Ana; J eanie Ming of Orange; Dr. Cu-Dinh Minh of Villa Park; Kay Ramseyer of Santa Ana; and Dr. Paul Selecky of Huntington Beach. Sergeant wins Army m e dal Sgt . Jon L . Leifermann, so n of Francis H. and Gennette Leifermann of 1908 Bikini Lane, Huntington Beach , ha s b ee n decorated with the Army Achievement Medal at Ki tzing e n , W es t Germany. Leifennann is a shop foreman with the 3rd Infantry Division. ·111, !;::! All co.en-.. 90UUI WA 1'11 MIA TINO M1'900M WoooaMQ $1 '"' 21707 ..,_ ,._Item el Y°"' Door feel Store NMtWI y,,.,, Areel COITA MllA 641·1289 1126 ~ 11¥4. ~ vtllO 495-0401 21fHC.....C4l flMOO I'-.... ....,,. ii_,....,,, 8,,.cl•I . 15, ltt2·s.,t. 21, 1t , ................. : 2.7t }tfl ouully qUllftl Ud c4•tlu0111 1ddltio11 lo 1111 1-Uflltri.tn. HowMr, I lllwt 1 bed Mlllt. I l*t to bittl .... 1111 dtlltnoft ... h \ltfy tlllCOlll .. tltlie tor !tit t9Ciflltfll of "'' '1qutttifll IOC~ dt111t111or. H YOll hen llsll Ille! st111d up tor 111111 rt111ta, I 1111 c~1r11ln1. Su "" at Aquatic ffGPklla wlllft I Ill Oii .... llfldtf h """ • .,... lot ., 2 7t. ~ ...... ••••-c.-......... .. Mlwlnlfllhftcy 1t.i11111111 11111111 ltlk•1111MIM!lll 1111i41trnicv1111t1•1 Alf«•,.,._, • ,.,..... tu1•t••t1• 0-••1t•a... •"11Mil 11111in••w~• 1t,i:i1Hul lilt ,_.,.,_,._,,*•'•"• """,.,.. • ••••~'"'•11"""'..-'''~ .. ..,. latll!r1l111IUtP11~·"~'"'"._ .. ,,,, I ll11'111ft~-flDtle 1•d&1 OllUl•li•.,.C•el .. C-.Nt ......... Prlcu Good W1d., Sept. l S thru Tutt., s.,t. 21 Some lt1m• ot a .. ulor Pmn l&M UICI OVIN lillDUUS SUPEI PllCI 59c 16 .. a. Wltite 1t•1 Int. IMT 6 CANS PO CUSTOMll v::">.-.... 1CY POINT DIUCIOUS Pl•I SAUION SUHI PllCI 159 1 S 'lt·ea. WW.. 1tedl1 !wt. IMT •CMS PR CVSTOMO HORMEL ROYAL SNACK . inn CHIU r---1~~ INDIVIDUAl NO aANS SNACK CAllS 111411 C-l SUPEI PllCE • 0"111" .. • SUPEI PllCE 97c \~~~~1il ! 100 \'~ l ~ .. ..,. • ..-I ../ U ·ei. cllft. While stocks lost. 1-112-oa. & 1·213-01. While 1toclcs Iott. UMfT • CAHS l'R CUSTOMU ~ 10 ,D CUSTOMH TOUI CHOKL • Vl GOAllf WONT ON • POii • CHICllN SOUP•X ..,__ ___ __.,IY IUIUCHAN c:JA•nlC'Mll WofttOft Soup SUPD PllCE .... J Hl-DRI AISOlllNT PAPUTOWIU SUPEI IUY !100 VICKS NYQUIL ~--.. NIGllTTllll COLDS lllDIC•I IEG. 3.49 22s Effectiwe relief. 6-0L lilottlt. • Afr1n NASAl SPRAY AFllN NASAl SPIAY DICOllGIST A•T IEG. 2 .19 169 1 I J-e1. •firey. l'OREAL · mrnmc1 llAll COlOI __ ....____ FLAYORITE MANDAllN OIUIGI SUCH SUPEI PllCE 39c 11 ·et. Wltllt 1tedl1 lent. UMfT 6 CANS PH CUSTOMH l 1lhl1Mt .. •tcu 6 ftfh •••• """ , •• ti/ flW.1'1 ALPO NUTllTIOUS DOG roo1 IEG. 63C EA. !lqMo CHotCI TW• PACI IOOll FOGGll IEG. 5.39 399 Twe 6·oa. eeresel ,..,.,,. ,. TITRALAC ANTACID TAILITS IEG. 3.59 279 .. ...... 100 ........ --~~~~ J. G. DUIANT CRYSTAL GLASSWARE IMPORTED FROM FRANCE UYflAGl GlASSU 2 'fOUI ON·IOCIS 01 9 9 C 01 S-IN. IOWl llG. "' HCN FOi CHOIC£ Created m finest trad ition of European elegance CIYSTAL IOWLS WINI GLASS 01 ~~~G~ 0 1.99 WATll GOllET ~jl,!lG. 2 1oeff' ~~~ ~:O~u 99c VKTOllANA PAmlN Wini GlNUINl GOU> HIM 20-PC. FINE PORCELAIN CHINA DINNERWARE SET · YOU'D l.,ICT TO rAY SSS •OH 1999 Service for 4. Dinner & solod plores, bowls, cups & souce" Also in Spring Bouquet pattern SOFT KRINKLE VINYL PADDED TOILET SEAT YOUR CHOICE Good looking, soft & comfort 8 9 9 oble toilet seot White, brown sky blue or pastel yellow MICRO-GO-ROUND FOOD ROTATOR FROM NORDIC HUINGINtlPT. SYOllS FOi 49.'5 2999 Ehmrnotes cold spots & hot • spots On and off switch Terrific volue! #V6230 ruJfil~arnlID ~m~arn~ DECOIATOI PUINITUH DUltAILE RUSTIC FINISH ALADDIN 40" x60" OV Al OR RECTANGULAR RUGS COWUI OUAUTY 10 IUGl 25.00 S(WNG nstWMltr IOI OI _, 1 Plush nylon & polyester pole rugs, non-skid bocks Ovol rug hos fringe Choice of colors 3 99 YOUR CHOICE YOUR CHOICE Wide ronge of styles & looks 199 · You con find o hondcrofted basket for every need Volue' NON-STICK FINISH SAUTE PANS l·INCH 299 HG. 6.t9 10-INCH 499 llG. 8.t9 12·1NCM 699 HG. 10.99 Fost & even heottn(I olumonum P.ons hove DuPont's Silverstone~ finish Fontostic offer' llG. J.t9 'pn'fi;_'!Jffi 3 2 9 ~&! QUALITY LIQUOR & WINE VALUES J f, l1quur ilrm• \old Only'" \!or" rhul lor y 01,1ollrd \111111, 1-2/10-ea. Price IMt. He off .... FINESSE UllSPUYPOI A ..... CTLOOI 110. J.Ot L~~---·~· 1 v Mlr::t. ...... * , ...................... ..... IMITl•f• UACll • "" ......... I' ,, • . ... ,.._ . ..,....._ ........... 1 •11m .... ...., ... ._... POlllTAI• YAUIY . ................ ....., . .,,.. ........... ,....,_ . ......... . · • ._,_.,At,.. noms TAYLOR CALIFOINIA CELUIS WINES YHICIOKl1 ........ • IOSI' ...... • CllAIUI HG. it.I• 299 • 1.S UTH CMTAMllA •DIL '111 -C.. ......... c... . ........... _ .... ..... c... ANDIE CHAMPAGNE I" YOUI Clt0Kf1 • COlD Ml HG. • HBA MY CIWllPAG* • ,_ CMAWAGM 750 m!· J.lt llADUY'S DELUXE J79 IUNDID WHISKEY HG • 1.7S LnH .... llG. 299 JALTA YODICA 7 so ""· ,,.. . DUNCAN SINCLAll Ht. 949 SCOTCH WHISKY 1.75 UTH 10.tt ILACI YILYn 519 CANADIAN WHISKY Ht. 7 so ""· .. ,. I j Ot'aote Cout DAii. v PILOT /WedMlday, September 18, 1812 WANTE D! ALLAN BEEK IMllE llm I Cl.ll!NT8 Who AN Looking Por A TU Piii w • ., To Melle Their Money Gr<Wlt •• , •••• Current lntetMt Aat• FOR CITY COONCJL Kice MlUtr ef WHtmluter hM jolMCI Pini Cealeulal Tiii• C.mpu11 lac. 11 ~r of the Oranp, San ~mardlno and Riverside counU ' o~r1tle>n1 located ln Santa Ana. Ml~r hat eerved two major lllle huuranco companJee ln Southern CaUfornla the IAt.lt thtt'e decadea. • 11.21% 1001 CUMentNd Sal•lr ol l'•111Cilltl --~•ti lt~ twrw 111t0111t r u WMn '"* ro 11e11ttic111r ~IMAMutty I A 8oftd FOA MORE INFO. CALL OAWRITI II you don't smoke, I can offer important savinas on auto insurance. Cllllm y~r r.ward from: Edwta and Carolya Ralaer, ownere or the Sir Speedy PrtaU.1 Coler at 1001 Placentia ln Coeta Mesa, received the "Century Club" eward for their center ~lna amona the hiahat volume centers ln the franchilo tyttem of 41e-prlntlni centers ln the Unf~ State.. I •,, f<, ~,,,I 111• '" 1 ·~ RABBITI INSllt~ Jo L)'DD ValoU waa appointed manager of 441 otct Newpof1 llt¥d. publications and admlnlatration at SETAC corporate New~1~· Ca. headquarters In Irvine. SET AC, a high-technology ~~~===:!!!!~ ayatems engineerlna company, ii located In the F.ast ,_~-~--------------Irvine lnduatrial COmplex. ~ • our ' Clilarlea Bartluoa has joine d Jaaaea Professional A1toclatea lac. of lrvlDe aa an acoount executive, florist he wu account aupervilor at Marsteller Inc. in Los F\£AST' · 291 5 Red Hiii Avenue Angeles. • A-108 Costa Mesa· Irvine architect and land planner Howard F. tone Mill Business Park 641-0810 Thomp1oa will speak Sept. 21 at the American r ' I I II • II • -; f ,.,. ~. .. .~ ,, .... Market-Rate C hecking combines the high earning power of mo ney ma rket · funds with unparalleled checking convenience. , Open Market-Rate Checking with S2.000 or more. Immediately, every dollar over $2,000 begins to earn a high money-market rate of interest. All funds up to S2,000 earn the highest rate allowed by law on a checking account-5 1~%. The S2.000 is insured by the Federal Savings and Loan Insura nce Corporation. Funds above S2.000 are not a savings account or deposit and are nol insured by the FSLI C. They are backed by United States G overnment securities. With Market-Rate Checking you may write checks just like with a ny other checking account, or arrange for the exclusive T EL.E-PAY " system to pay bills by phone. You can also withdraw cash at any of our seventy-two 24-HOUR T ELLER locations. ~LMTt' Get all the details on exciting Market-Rate Checking by calling The Financial Linc-direct or collect- (714) 231-4023. or visit the nearest Association office. 11.150% •sub,ecl to chan1t dl1ly. Annual tfftcl!vt yield auumes retnvestmtnt ol p11nc1pal and 1nlerest al m11unl'f II a.me rate 11tboup lh1s can't bt 1u111nteed Great American rederal SAVINGS AHO LOAN ASSOCIATION 2 divi~>fl' "4'0in~ Ontnge Count) thn1t.1~ 18 ottke'i Laguna Federal ..._ -. \\~ s.-..... "'"j'ltt -. .. ..... • 600 c..i """' 8'rl -...... .... 9111 "-lwf uc-...-· 1'0<k••• .. ..... Peoples Federal """"" ...... ) c..,...,, "'"' 0.~ • /\)) N Ion!,. '•• FSfJC ---·-J J I l J J ........... • )01 1lh t1H •1t·t4't ~-·l•JCI ,.,...,. .... ,. s.. 0.... .• II ....... '"" • VII ~ .... (I c..-... .. l ""*-IMO • IC106 Ool't'1 '-'' - 0 "" . llUI " .... llNt .............. JOlfl c:..-,,.., '•"•h -""'. m11 c-.... ~..,. )_, . ..,,..,. s.. -'-!:•-· mn ,......, c.,i .. .., ............°""'" .... ~, ••. • ~ ,...., . 1011\ s..c .. , .. ,, ··r ., rtalC NOTICE Ml.IC NOTICC '1C1T110US .,..... rtennoue wu ;,,;. ...._ 9TAnmNT MAim ITATDmWT * followlng ~ -doing TIM lollowlng ..-•on la doing .,...._ M: bl*'--oo SCHOLAR DOLLARS, 9691 PRIMORDIA LANDSCAPE H-llton Avenue. Suite 134, COMPANY. 1100 Pec:tflc SlrMt. HiMl!ng1on BMch. Caltlomle 9264& Stenton. Cellf«rM toeeO •Debra Ann Dou, 19352 Thom11 M. Snow, 707 11th 8 khurat Avenue, Hunllngton Street, Huntington Beedl, Cllffoml• ' Celllomle 1294& 92&48 llll1m George DOH , 3831 Thlt t>u.ir-la conducted by en nla Street, La Cre1cent1. lndlvldu.i. C411lilflllnia 91214 ThomM M. Snow ,,..Delorea Ann Don. 383 1 Thie Ital-I w• flled with the Vfrg1nla Street, La Creacente. ty Cterti of Orenge County on CttllOrnie 91214 ugua1 5, I 982. UIM IMI!.-19 conduc1ed by a ,_,. ;enerll ~. Publlahecl Or•nv• Cout Oally r. ' Oebre A. Ooea PllOt, Aug. 25. s..it. 1. I. 15, 1M2 f'talC NOTIC£ rtennoue --.. NAm STATIMl#T The lollowlng S*90M -doing ~-: DESERT EHTEAPRISES, 115$ I awtwnont. Santa Ana. CA 12706. WILLIAM E. OSTERMILLER, JR., T"-t" Of the OSTERMILLER INTER VIVOS TRUST dated ApfH 27. 1171. 833 Lido Puk W1y. ~ BMctl, CA 12ee3. JOHN W. HENGEBH, Tru11 .. of the HENGl!SH INTER VIVOS TRUST. deted Augull I , 1tl2, 19651 ~t. sant. Ana. CA t2705. Thll ~ II conduc1ed by I OlfWll pettnenhlp. John W. Hen11•1h. :ttll9 lt.tement -llled wtth the 378342 Tn.et .. ceMty CWk Of Or1111g1 County on ,,.._ AUOUtt 1e. 1ee2. ..,_ PWllC NOJIC( JACK~ .. •:•u . ..o -ru-bll•h•d Orang• Co11t Diiiy .. -.... MM .... , ........ ~·Aug. 25' Sept. I. I , 1~~~2 NOTICa or: 'Nli..c tALa -=-=... ~ ~ , · . or: NM10MAL ,.,....., t P::= Or•noe C011t Dally i • •-.,. lllftftl'r Notice 11 h•r•by tlven that l'tloC ~ e 1$ 22. 29 IMZ ·•. "-..u1-. ~toeectlonlMlotttieCM • .._ •. ' ' ' ' • • l'tCnnou8 .,._.. Code, State ol C1lllornl1, the ~ MAim eTA,._,.,. Uftder1l911ed ..... et ~ 1111 folOWtftO by oompetttlYe bldcllno on 111e 20UI "9lJC NOTICE Tiii ,,.,_ -doing d~y of September, fH2, at 1:30 f'ICTmOUe Wit --~=~T~UMFUND o~p.m .. onllle~where .... .----Mid pn1per,y llM belll ttored, and -••••-• lt·I, LTD .. 181 ,aahlon ~.Suite wtllc:n-loceled IC PublO 8tC!'1191, The lollowlnf P9'90nl ere doing nl, Tutt'".a.~ ~· Inc., 2oe& Ptecentle Ill the °"1 of bUelllMI 11: ·'~T H. ~AAN. 181 Fllllhlon Coate Mn•. Covnty OI Or•nte. IUIN80W CONNECTION ~~=~l~ ~~e:8':.= .• , ... of CelHomll. lhe 1t1andooed CHILDCARE CENTEA. 1181 ~~ :o:f:.'9'1on. 181 oood1. ch1Hle1 or pe11one1 LMben Dr., Huntington l•lldl, Pf'operfy O..Crlt>M below. In the ~-tH41 Lori, 8IM 1 I . T\lltln, CA matWI of: A1ttne C. Auter, lt51 Lambert ~· ._.,... 19 oondllC'9d .... 1 &heron McCray· baby oe<I. Or., ~l~Ofl Beech, Celtf«nle ~ VJ Ironing boerct, • ~ t2t47 ..,,,_. per1n1rtNp. L.andlotO r..-111e riQM to blCI Joa AM A. IM:ao. 24M1 Cllle • O~ran ON Company at tile ..... l"urofle ... 111u1I .,. !.I Toro Clrele, El Toto. C911fomla IM. !Mlle ,.itll GMfl only Md peld lor 11 92830 : • Pet H. Qodwlfl, ,,_ the ._of..---. NA pUrcNaecl Thia ~ Iii ~ed by I • 1HI ........,.. .-llllld wlltl the gooe11 -IOld .. 111, and '"'* b9 oorPOf1lflon. ~. cr.:.anoe County on ~~:..::-a:~ ==. c-:.:.,-uc.1 :..--._ a .. .&::7 the .,_.,, ol Mttllf'Nftt between AltMe c. "*' --... landlord 911<1 ....... l*'Y. Oeled ~ ~==....._ thl• thlr• end 101t1 day or Tlllt.....,.,..._...,wttti ... ~ .... .....,.. ~., ...,...,,.,.,, 1tu. C<MltY can°'°'""' County°" ..::... ...... CA -=-,., .... Inc.. A4'llUlt n . tta. ,_ "'Dllel*t craT. ~~O .. ly Publlllled Ort11941 COril Deity Publllflect Orantt C~ ~ .,.... .... •• • . • ... 7.., Piiot,""" •. "· tllt HM42 ,., Auf. It, ...... '· •• 1:1: NILIC NOTICC ~COURT OflCMJPCNNA COUNTYOfl~ 190 CMo CeMw °"" .... .... ._.. AM. CA 111'1 MARRIAGE OF PETITIONER. BONNIE LYOHS RESPONDENT: THEODORE F. LYONS ~'4..~lllllll"M1140NIJNla ('AJAY LAW) cuaMb.~ NO~Y•""9Mett_., ,.... °"" _, ........... ,.. .............. 9-N .... ,..,........ ......... ...... ... ............. . " you .. to ... the adllloe of en attorney In thll matter. you ahould do IO ~"li IO tMt your ritpOnM <K , t My, 11\ey be tiled on time. iv1ao1 ueud "• •Id• •••1ttdl4e. II trllt•n•I ..... . ........... Ud."" I 11111 .... I :::-:~ .. ·==·= ~Ull•d dllaa IOllCltlr el conMJd de un 1bog1do en Nt• a1un10. deberra hac arlo ~••• de eata menere. 111 r~ll O •leOllOlon, 11 hay' 11oune. pued• Hr regl1trad1 • lllmpo. 1. TO THf RUPONOENT: The petltlon•r 1111 filed • petition OOftOlfnlng your ,,.,,.. " you , .. IOtlel~ ... '°deyeof tlle d•1• th1t thll 111111111on1 11 -* Oft )'Oii, 'fV4K dellMll mey be .,__, encl thl oourt 1MY .,,.., a judOfneftt contllnMt 1niunc1iw Of octier ordttt ooooema.1111 dMllon of prop9fly, •POUHI eupport, ofllld cu1Jody, olllld 11.1ppor1, 1ttorney felt, coet•. Md .. ottw ,.... .. mey be grlWlled by 1M ooun. The oarnte111Mnt ol ...... 11kl119 of IMN'f "" propeny, °' -. ooun MlltlOttDd Pl a a 11 •noe ~ allO ,..,... o.\TIO ~ I , ttu. LM A 9rllldl, ~w..-. ' "'bll~tntt COMI 01lly "°'· AUO. 21 ....... '· ••••• 11Q ,, .... , PtannJna AalodatJon'a CalH<>mta conv nuon at the Anatietm c.onven\Jon Center. Thompeon~ pr.id nt of Howar4 F. 'homptM 6 A1aoctat .. , aac., will ctu.cu. ''New c.oncepta ln Commercla.I and lnduatrial development." JoD1lUD P. Sllerwood of MlMlon Viejo hM been named vice praeldent of aales for Spacaanr Storaae Sy1tem1, lac., Santa Fe Sprll\111. He wu general manager of lnd x lnduatrlet In Runtln,ion Bf-ach. ABLE Comptlter of lrvlDe hu named EMa (AH Rote of lrvlDe dlrecior of operatlona. He jo1ned ABLE Computer thlt year u direct or of manufacturing. Judy Hu1bea of Irvine hu been appolnted munager of thv\nahelm otflce of Republic Federal Savln11 ud Loan A11ocla&lon. She has been with Republic since 1977 at the Laguna Niguel office. The Laguaa Niguel Chamber of Commerce'• September generaJ membership luncheon will be held at the Brass Balloon at 11:30 Monday. The guest speaker will be Brad Cates, Orange County sherlff-ooroner. David A. Michie has joined the Laguna Hills office ot Title ln1uraoce and Tru1t as an account manager. He was senior loan agent for Accuplan Financial, Inc. and Home F.quity Loan Corp. David B. Travis of Laguna Beach has joined the Newport Beach oHice of commercial brokerage firm Iliff, Thora & Company as a senior marketing associate. He was a senior sales consultant with the Santa Ana office of Coldwell Banker CommerciaJ Brokerage Company. Newport Pacific Capllal Company, lac., a real estate syndication firm headquartered in Newport Beach, named Jim Rozell of Fullerton vi.ce president and director of ma rketing. He was director of marketing/Western region for Griffln Investment Corporation. B.J. Stewart Advertlllng and Public Relatlon1, Inc., Newport Beach, has been selected t.o direct public re lations act ivities for Chez Dante's Continental Restaurant, Newport Beach. Leab Marshall of Laguna Beach has been named general manager for The Newporter resort hot.el, a 26-acre property purchased last year by the OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS owners of the Los Angelea Biltmore. She waa executive asaiatant manager for the Weatin- operat.ed South Coast Plaza Hotel ln Costa Mesa. Crowell McKay, lac. of Irvine haa been selected t.o handle advertising and public relations for The Vista, a townhome project ln Brentwood. Pbyalologjc Rep1 IDc. of Fountain Valley has appointed Stepbaale McCalD vice president. The medical firm specializes in sales, rental and service of telemetry and hospital equipment. McCain was office manager. Robert P . Neapolitan has been appointed director of sales for the Anabelm HUtoa under construction near Disneyland. He was the assiatant direct.or of sales for the Las Vegas Hilt.on. Doug Kirchner of Huntington Harbour has been named an assistant vice president of Truumerica A11uraace Company. He continues as direct.or of marketing. Gene Konatant, an authority on real estate sales training, development, and management, will speak on "Understanding and Motivating Human Behavior" at the monthly meeting of the Orange County Escrow A11oclatloa tonight at 6 at the Saddleback Inn in Santa Ana. 157 ~~ ~jUPS AND DOWNS SupetEI '" I ' v.lt.•• 711> "I NkW YORK (AP) -,,.. following II• ME DC V. \It _. "'° Ow. • !tie • CeWller '•~• J71'o »Yo 1ltocU -,..,,MU _, NI ........ eN11em u" 1•" ,,. ,,_ --,,.. ,,.., .._ .. To<""'P U ~ ~Uftl of~ ,.._.,_ et -. Tel<mA ,,,,. 21-•tor T--,. h..ant 14\to 14\lt 'i Ho -wltles .,..,,. -p -lftct- Tlprart • .... ..-.S. - --~ <l\afleff.,.. .. TOMIOll JY,, lbl dlffHWtlee '-'-I ... -lovs < ....... Toyow ' •11> ~ Dkl prtc. -IOCS.,.'l IHI Diel ptl<e. TW•IEa s~ S\lt I ITrk ol"l:I D 14\'J Ty-Fd 111'> 11\lo UnM<Gh 11 17\lt US Etv s.. 6Y. US Sur 141'> U I US Trell 10, ""' 2 UVeltfl ~Ute J UnwEne J\Q J"1 ' Up"-P 1JYI 14 S VMIR ......... • VelM«I ~ 1'14 1 V..,Ous N IO\Oo I Vel<to ''" I~ t Vl<l<.S. 6"" 7 10 v~ ~ s 11 VeH&tll 1"' 11~ 12 w.,nEt 12\'J 11 U WMIEN IJ IJ"' U Wl>ffp 131/0 l>\I> H WHold ~ Jt 1' Wmo<'(; 1714 17\1> 17 Wettnu 1• ... I~ II w1.,.r0 ' 11\lt 11\1> 1t Wof¥Akl S4'lt • 21 W-1 11V. 1J\.') 11 W-Ult ft\') JO U Wrlt!MW 1114 11\.') U ZloftUI U \ro U\'l 2• " ... -ICICll"8111e ts I t u" LA>I Cho "" • 1" 1\1.o + \It ·~ + 1¥1 ,,., . ,., '" .... " S • I 3 ,.,. • 0.16 J1'1 + 11·1' '"" ... J • \I) ~ . " " . , .... 21<'1 • " 7141 • I "' . .... "" • 1\lt ·~ + "' 2 • " .... + "" ..... + "" J\4 + " lt\o'J • " ~ • II> " . '" II + lllo DOW'll PU. Up 40.6 Up &5 Up 12.A Up 2U Up U.> Up HA Up Z2.J Up 11.6 Up tu VII a.t Up a.t U11 M.J Up 11.6 Up ,.,_ Up 16.e Up 1-.1 Utt IU Up 1U Up 1U Up IU Up u.a Utt IU Up 11.0 Utt IU Up ILi LAA CM Pct. NASDAQ SUMMARY i HEW YOllK IAPI --I Ktlft -· ; ,,__., -II• .-!led t>y NASO. I JV. -1'4 Off 2'.J Jlto -lto Off IJA J\lo -l<'t Off IU J -\lo Off 11.1 4 -\o'J ()ti II.I l \lo -I ()fl 10.1 11 -J Oft M.J J... " Oft 1U , ... llo 0ft1U •Yt 4 Off 1'.J 2141 " Off .... ~ 4 °" .... '"' \I) °" .... t \4 \lo ()fl .... 2\o't \lo Oft t .I j \Ot \I) Oft 1.1 J-. " °" u • \I) Oft 1.1 J llo °" 1.1 J"' \It Off 1.A "' ->16 °" 7.) • ._ " ()fl 1.1 ,_ llo OflU S\<11 " Of! U "" .... Oft u Slto ._ Oft U )\It "' Oft u H..,... Vol\lme aid 4-0.. t MCI a... . 1.VJ,700 22'• n v, + '-10 111te1 .. .. . J.M.• H V. n.e. -" 11 -'"leC .. 4Sl,IOO .... It + '-12 Ta-"2,400 Dtll U... -14 IJ En1t1v .. • JM. tao s~ S\4 + 14 ,. lrwTom uo..io 121.Q 12• • n11 IS A<edln& . ....IOO 11'-17llt + \It 16 SvtllMr . . 251,400 1~ lt\lo + -., 11 Quot"'" 2Sl, IOO 4l a\io +J 11 CMt1H • . 220,700 2:1\ot fll~ + i. 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'"" °"""' UI .. 1410 1• "" Htll'llP . , •n 11 ... "" y Mnvl ,,.., Ofl • w 14 .. -ll"o Al•~ 1!"192 1 """'. ""' Mint 0 21 IJt 711. • w o..., flf 7 to ieo 11nl'i • I Htr<lllt I.. • m IO". \'> Peel I.ID ' 111 H • \lo AltP., ., , •"'-""' Cttll~ .n I ... ,... "' OyeoPI .2A ' » IJ" " HelllC n 14 II • • ~ ~It, " n1 2 ""' AIOP .... t ' 110 ttl<J Ctrntl l I 1146 Jlto+ \It OynAm .IS II JI I ., ... ,Illy 2.10 t 4t .. ._ w Mtt I.JS 4 lOI U \tt+ 1o1o Alt~ pt .... : dGO fl 0t ii; Ct roft .St II 1e11t • 141 "'GG -;_ •11-~~-22,~ .._ Htnton ,IOj . , 4 t \I\ ~r .MU NIOI U + Y> AltltcO UO S 2 IS\lo .... , Ct rPw 1.40 1IOIO tt · .. • " 1 ... -...... n Hettn p1,-, 1 "-· ... Mtf .32 ti 1'7 10-0 + ,,_ AIMl'y •.• • ., 11 .... " Ct rP flf U7 .. ' !l"· : .. E Syu .;1on 151 ,. .... fitlltlllfl Jn 174 M". " Mtrk pl 1,30 •• II ,,_ "" AIMrte t0 e 11 u~ y, C:orTec 2.IO • •• ... -~ Ettl•P ·" • wo it""• "' "4•••Pk .241141M Ml"o • ""' ..-.,,1o1 .JO 'f "'* '41/u tw Allllsn . 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AH-a '14 17 , ... a ! t1o ~:::::.. 72.l: I.: :,,,_ ~ Evtn pf 2.10 , S 13.., + "° IM01(4> .. t -.... MlltrW l.!09 e M2 11 + V. ""'' • .SJ 14 l2Sl ,. + "" CIWyslr "''2 ... . Ea~lo 1.eo 1 I.. """' ~~ (NCO 20 .. • .... "" Mlllltnl I.JO • IOS n--. "" ~~.·-n .·; '!!! .!~· ,;,: ""'"" 142 211'r ... Emclv 1 ...... 22 IS ........ lndlN1pf1° .. &llDOO ..... _, .. Mllllls SJ. IJ IS\lt .... "" '" • • ,,_ -~. -Cllrys,,. Ml 10 • .... Eaaon l • 7"1:2 ,..,.._ " lnclfM pl '11 .• •IOtO lt\l>-J\lt MMM l.JO II .,., 11". "" ASl.Flt .. I tto • l"o C""r<:il , 10 ..o J>Yt , • --I' -lncllM pfJ.IS I U ::~!}-2: ~ tt 2~~ ::; ASlli&> Mii 7 SI t \O + ""' Cl1>8tll 2 n I I a.... "' FMC I.to e S>4 to\'t t l"o lncllM pf2 U 2 I~-"' .._ AmStd 1.»1216U 2SYt•I ClnGE ilO Jl14t ll\li• w FMC.pf 2.2' .. » Jllo• ll'r lncllMpflAJ l2 ts _ Mlsnlnt IDS S40 21'11 + 'II. 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"' Pt Pl 2.:D 6 ffl "'° + l"o So.lerl11 2 :to I 12 It-+-" PO Pl pf 4 . .0, t• J2 , .. • $eMdWll JO 1 J U.. t V. PtPL pl 4.IO . . dO )1'<t-V. StttBk I I I I i)... , PtPlptUO dO e •I SoelPS Ult • H 11 .. t l"o PtPl ~· .. 11000 t I SC.IE<! 1.24 7 1-M'-• '-Pt Pl llprJ 7) . . 12 \jo-\!o SollthCo 1.10 I JJ1t 14"' ... Pt Pl pt t 14 • 1JDO .. Sel1>GE t ... 1 24 22"• + \'I PtPL II< 11 l200 1111> t \1•1 :SNETtt 4.'6 1 ltO ""' • \It PtPl II< I 1100 SI"> 1111 S.NE pl J.G , al Jl'l<o , "• Pt Pl ...-10 129 ff . . . S...Ptc 2.tl I 171 D lo ....-11 J 20 I m 2' • I-. S.Ry pl 2-to , t 2tf>t-lo! Pftl• pl I liO . 41 11111-Y> StUl'Co 1.5' t 101 l7'1o t \lo PennrGI , )0 • 1>12 ,,...,_ lo! Soutlnd 1.16 • 174 • • 1-. Ptn1 pf• I . 1100 ~ • 2-SoRov .•:is ltol lt \oo-,. P-'>r )t ' 161 """ '-~ J llS SY. 14' "-1! n I J M '"' t l"o So,,,_ pl I t l 'llt Mt PeMIC::O l.tJ 12 1112 4'I t \II SwAlt s .J2 11 I.. SI-• 1\.\ PttkEI .JO 16 ..0 ,,..,. 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P"llE pf 1 U • 11• UW. + I SIPt<Cp .10 :16 103 t t I\ l'llllSub 1.30 I IU 10\lt •••. SttlldU .tftt I Ito YI-+ "' PllllMt' 2.«I 10 ltst ~ • \Ii 51tn-.lt t .. ''"" . , . , P!llllnol .SJ IS I.SI M20h + 1'-Sltnett It I I 21 • Mt P!lllln pl I . Jt 11'5\tt t l'MI SllMS. 1.-. !OS t\lt, . , , Pl\11"-l 2.20 t llti 21'-+ "" SltulGll 1.4' t 12" 20"'° + '-P!lllVH to I $7 IJ,,_ + .. $1"90 .1211 It S >'-. , , Plltd.11111 .2t t .. » . .. Slercl'tl 1610 lS 10 ..... Pt.NG 1• I 4' ""'· .. Smll<p .1'2 t It 6h l"o ~lr~v u" ~ .= ~:.:1y; ~:=~~ l::1!1::·m;:: PleMtr I t S30 ""'• 'Ml SlwWt s 1 ... IS 21 UV. ll't PtonEI I Ve 11 t 12h • \I\ SlolL\/C. I.ti 1 • 'J3 • llO ~::~,.pf ;.~ t ~ ~rA-~ ll~V.~ i 11~0 ~ • :: Plllstn .to • IOU .,.... .... Stone s AO 10 120 "ltt-"" Pl•nllsc. I a.JI I , . StepSl!p 1.41 I ... """"'• J\lo Plt ntrn 11 IJ 111 11v, , \It SIOrltc I Jno ~ " PltyllOy 12 . Ill I-.+ \o St-.72 II UI 1'11'r t .. P-I 10 tn lllS .... • "' Slrlclllil 1.J4 • tt to + l"o ~:r::: ~.I1l: ~"":-: t::~,~'.1no::;: ... i-. ~': : !~ ~ ~!\~. ~ t:!:ti:s ... , •. = .: ..... ~ P-.IO 1 S I~• \lo SwnCI\ .• I II llll't-\oe Portr pl S 10 . rlO ti t 111 5'H>EI .Ill . . Jt 10 -""' PortGE 1.14 1 SS11 1'V.. t 141 s..nCo 2.>11 4 40J D,,_ • "' PoG pl 11.50 .. 1WO 11'2 + 2 ~ Pf l .lS . . J 11 tie t PorG pl 2.to • . S 11 ltl'J t Y> Sunctslr I .a 1 M a + ll'r Poro p1 4.«I .. » ~ • " S..11Mn . 11s ,._ • -. ·~::fct:' ~:: io J ~! = ~~ .sa1l> .,; t~""':... " POIMEI 1 ... 1 ,... 1 .... + l"o ~I .20 12 »SJ JO Ill PotEI pt t.44 . ...-.,,. .. , ~G .• I 121 12\"o • ll"o Pot El pt 4. . 'notl M , \Ii Sul>tcp .. 14 t\lt .... Pr•mrl IS M 24111.... SW•lll( .a IJ 10 IJ + l"o Prt .JO It U 11 .. .. Syllnin I •• 10 I~ I .... + ~ pr"' n2.«1 ' " uv.+ 111 Srw n p12..o .. 1 • \Ii Prlmee 20 ,,.. ,,..., • .. $ynlall s uo 12 1m 45"' ... Pt1M¥ s I• IS 1«12 11\lt .... ' Svsc.o s .21 11 m ~ • I ProctG t.JO 10 Ult tt411• l"o -T-T -P"'llWI J2 11 » ... + '° TOK n .ltlt 11 I• ,,_..__ lot Pr-1.AOIJ U --l"o TECO ,. I na -.. PSvCol l.7t 1 ttS I~ ""' T•E I 11 " -· , P$Calp11.IS . rJl4 st +1 T"llW 2.0 t•m ~.,.._ PSCt1 -'l-10 t It'-• lot TllW pr 4,'°. I IOJ + 1\lt PSllW t .11 S I.SI 1' • 11. Tte-1 111 --V. PSln pf I.CW 1450 ..,,_ \II T ettllnl I ' .01 »"' + .. PSln M 1.-.. c• 1 -141 Ttllt'I' • . 14 s • l"o PSln pf t"' .. 1130 .. .. .. , Ttli.y pl I. M I~+ Ito PSln pt I a dO ff -1 T--., I• SJ14 •11t .... PSvNH J.12 S JD'l IJ .. + ~ Tnclyctt 14 Jt II -lo. PSHH pn,n • rJO ""'· .•. l <l\c:lt ,, 1$ • 10 ..... PSNH pit.II .. J 19l\. , TelllMa llUOI• 4Jll'r • 2\1. PSNH pl4.U • u ~ l't Tel<om .. ti , ........ PSNH llfl,IS .. 11 U\lt..... TtHlyne UO:Jt io...-.-\It PSvNM 2 • I 101 2,_ ..... hi.• 10 IW 1-"" PSvE:O 2.16 I IJt t1-.+ \lo T-2.liO SitG ~\lo PSEG pt IA . t 11\<t-t. Ttf'< pr 11 . 21 71\lt + 'II. PSEG pf4.lt .. dOO 11 +I ftn< P' 7.40 .. 4 JIV.+ \It PSEG ptS<OS Ill J1 +2 T~..,,... » aM 0 14 PSEG pfJ ••. - -+ "' l-o .Cl S 12111t '"° + ,. PSEG plJ.11 I It ... T-WO • . 1 ls.\li t It. PSEG ,,,._. .. t100 -..... Tt-Ill 1.11 .. 2' 2111> + 14o PSEG !1'1.10 ,... ,.-._llol Ttatce J 4 ~ "'-"' PSEG "'7..IO 110 V -1 TllAlk rtl.4' t It -· '-PSl!G,,,.. rlOO SJ _, 1 .. em I IO .... "'- PSEG P'l.U . dltO SS.... Ttd':tl 4.10 t llO """ '"" PSEG (1111A .di W -" hElf t..17 • S :n ...... PSl!G pft.tJ tJOO 10'n 'r uG l.12 J «I fl .. • 1tt PMO!kk . . IOS 2"'. . TUlllll .... 10 at 2« -lo. P.,.lllo • IJ I 405 11 ~ • ... T"nll'M 2 It 1•1 IOI .... Pllc.m I 11>7 .... Tfalfll .OS l7 JIJO t""-11<1 P-1P I It I :161 14\.11 • "' TwNMll t. It 1 4 lt\lo + l4o P11rl1111' • S71 ..... . . . . TaOGes .21 It 1231 2''--v. PMrOll I l,QI I st 12" t '°' TxPt< .• 10 I -+ Yt Pvro 4 112 4~ ""' THUlll LCM t 111) n"'+ \It 0 ..... 0 t IOM 41 • lot Tntl In . , 10 I -'-OWi.SO .ID I 1tO I~ . l .. 1ron t• 1 t44 JI"-"' OWN• to I It 1 "" , .. ,, p1 2.. It u .... -I-. Olle•... 30 I~ IS.__ l"o fntr Pf I «I 2 It + '- -"-· -Tlltd • I Jlol .. 1181nol It 2t S ''"' • w T"l't•"'EI 10 14' 14\tt + " RCA tO I I 2'31 22... . . Tllf•ll I.JD IS oMJ 50"' + ltt llCA pl ) IO dOO )4 + I"' Tl\m ... t 12 1i ti 4t t I\'> AC.A pl 4 6 .SS t t Tl\orlllll -10 11 17 • l"o 11(4"' 2 12 I ... ?llO-"' llllmMd ... • " ..... • "' llCA pt J .S IJO t4,_ "" Ti..li.y ID I 11' IA t \'ii RlC n .M I 110 t '-• loo l!CttO I 20 t .. Mltlll + \I> fllE .0 e » 1 l-.. S a t ltflt + ""' ::::.:::-1I I~ I;~• \lo ~:=:n I i• I~ a: + I lltl'llllC 1.IO ll » Ith+ ~ Timi pf8U7 t M .... + "" lletKO .14 I 2 11' .. l"o Timi llfGt.SI .... .a.,+ " •o<m" ... 12 tD2 -• \It TlmtM t 12 11 ff • '"' lltylNI . 21 l l"o • \I> llmlll' J.CI 1 It 47lol llt y""I I 5 SI 11\IO.... loclSl\p 1,12 tlW Slll'r + 111 lltYltln t.• 12 U4J ~ll'r • llol Oll\m .W 1 50 IJll.,, . Ae .. e s •• 4 ,.., I~ " TofEcllt 2 ••• 1217 ...... • "' RcllM pfJ.IJ • .. Ull'r . • Toi Eel 1114.lt t t:""' '-AllR!tf I.Ole I S '-otEcl J112.Jt . 4 "'+ l"o Rtcnl!q !ti 611'r V. efl'.cl pit.JI • • I IS" t \lo :=: .20 '° "; '~ .• "' r:.": ... .: t: J :;_,,; ii. ::r.:t • I~ ~ ,;~-Ito ~= IM '. tt '! .. llt•Alr ,.. Slit+ V. Tot<O It t 1160 14'1 •I Rt~ AO 1 M Ill-.+ "' T-..W I M4 11111 + '-".,'115 I 21 IS JOll MCJw. "" l..,Ru' JI ,.. 12 ... RtPHY IA s 107 ...... -f rtcor, .JO IS I •• U'll + -RNVpf 2.IJ . I IS '-fr-1.lt 1 ltO ..-. t. llNY llQ..IJ. ) 11llfl• W. TW C:. ,_ illll-'-ltMY tfAJ..-4ffj•"' .. W w1 .S 1\0i .. RtjlSll It . t4 Ill-. '< TW ~ IU Jiii-lolo II~ I ., S 111 U + " l WC: pl t It ltYt + \It =•,q ·• 11 ar. ~= ! ~ r:~ = l:: : . :! ;::::: : ,. .... ,. . ., ~. "' y,_ ........ ~· " "tllton ..... lr'1 .... t \lo frtnlllt t .I• • , II 17\lt .... llti!l.m ,eo 1 12' Ulll ""' TAR tty U 11 1l-.-,,_ RUMd l.ot 21 llt 19'1> + -Tr-. 1.IO S Ill ......... lltY!lln 2AO t 11• ff + i.. lfM< pl l .tl .. 11 to"'+ \It lttyl11 pfJ,U . 11 tu + 1\lt lr-" Altl .. II 4\lt,.,.. ,.tYlll "4.10 .. 1 ~ 14 TtG;c•.tS •. 1100 tlV.+ 1111 llt~Nllt I.II> II U1 .,._ + Iii T rG IO.J2 • dO 77 .... "' M f/IUD . 2 tt\lt-flt TIO pf._.. •• OJO 74" • , Jllc Vd1 HI t 1• 2' + ""' lrO~,. t.IO .. J --. ..... Ai..tT I.ID l It t•~ ... Iott lrMOll .. I Jiiii + Iii lllloOtOll UO I NO -+ I"' Tr..,_., 1.IO I It 7114 • "" !lloGrpf M ...... ~Iott Tt•YIH 1 ... '1140 t lfh "' ,., .. Alcl .. 14 as.a~., .... TflC .. Ml• . ,.,. .._ + ""' "...,..,, l.'O 11 It l'hlt • \II f?IGI' Jf UI • . e lirh-Vo "OMlll IM S tt 11 .... t \o't Ttlltlll I ,. 4\olo + llt ,._...,. .M t 115 .,1~ t ... TtltlMll .AO to It 11 + V. •ecno I ,. s IS. Un ... Trlt~ 1 ,, M ,, "' T-bills mixe.d on money mart WASHlNGTON (AP) -Yield.I on ahort-Lerm Treasury .ecuriUet were mixed ln auctlona, with ra'9 for three·month T·bUl.a dropping foe a aecond straA&hl :.1 week but six·month blU. rltlna aUahUy, offld&la uJd. ~: About $5.6 billion In three-month blUa w•re :: auctioned Monday at an awnge d.18oount nte ot 8.ltl percent, down from tho 8.~5 percml of IMt week. _ The government alto told about ~.e blWon In : ah<·month bllla at an average rate of 9. 704 percent, up \ from the prevloua 9.605 percent. ) Railroad merger OK'd WASHINGTON (AP) -The govenunent hM approved the merger of t hree Western railroads, clearing the way for creation of a linale rail tyttem stretching from the Pacific coast to Cliicago and lhe Gulf or Mexico. The merger or the Union Pacific, Mim>uri Padfk and Western Pacific railroads will create a aya\em covering 21 at.ates and establish the nation'• third largest railroad In track miles . Newport firm tells gain Newport PharmaceuUcala lntemalional Inc. of Newport Beach announced net lnoome wu $1M,000, or 2 cenw per ahare, in the three--mqnth period end1nC July 31, compared to $45,000, or 1 cent, for the Wte period last year. A redr.tctton In operating expense• and the elimination of d*lontinued operation lcmes durtnc the period re9ulted In the $111,000 increMe in net income. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YOM (AP) -...... T......, pttoe -.... c:Nneeof .............. **"'-.... YOik llock 1Eache11,. IUWH . , ....... ntllOntlly .. ,,..,. -1. I BNI 1,120, IOO n \lt " Gen_, 1.15',tto ~ • l"o s .. nlloeb 1,cnuoo 21" ._ " ConllllCp 11>,a II~ + I Enon 10,200 2t\lo -"' IC mtr1 100,MO tJ\lt t ltt MlnnMM 111.200 '2'-' • ~ HOtl) lc:&I "3,l'tO 42\"o • 2\4' Amer TAT -.100 ~\It • .... Mollfl .-.100 »'Ml • "' l'ordNto( .-.100 ?1" • " THtcO In< S...,SOO 29" -.. Scl\l""'*t ,......., --• .. PrlrNCrn Sit.too 11\lt + '°' Cllkorp SlS, 100 tS... • I AMERICAN LEADERS NiW VON< (t\Pl -..... l......, ~ end net Ch•n11• ol lllt la41 lllOt l active ·--81~ Eactl•nte I-trltdlntl ,..,.,,....,, .. _.._.1. OomaPICl JI0,000 'i'll•nt. 1.0,JOO A...... to•.too "-1>1' tO,JOO TtE-e.n-71..600 ~'i..s~ ~-= lttyPtw,., s -·-Gvlllwcl ff• All..cM JI,- u" -!AM .'"\ I ll C SC1'n ,. .,_ t UMEl Tr Jh • .... J WRUll 4-'0pl u , .. •E~ '"' -s~, 4V. • " ·--Ill'\ ~ ..... . Siio r FoXllot'os ll\19 • Jiii 1-Ftlltk to\lo • I" t WtlUlm pf , ... • " 10 o.no.i. 10 + " llC_I_ IOlol . _,, It WnAlr 2111 12" • ~ IJ AM-RI I' n""' • JI<. :;~:.~. 14 .. • I 10._ + "" l~~~ .. 121111 • .. lS .. + '' ... . , .... • 14 . ""' . "' A "" . , .... ~l VII I0.0 u. .., V• t.J U• '·' Up ••• Ve •.o U• 1.7 V• .., U• ... Up I.I U• '" V• , .. Up 7..S U• 1..S U• 1A Up ,,, 1.J II NSPw UOpl ""' • It= Stlop Up l4 .., .. 1.J ~ • )l"o Up 1.1 '° 1ip. '"" lOh • llol Up 71 ~ ~:-~.c. .. ~ IOO • •Vi up 1.0 ""' • 1\1> Up ., tJ ""'""" .r. ""' • 1i. Up .. , 14 M«l'll s ., • , .. Ue ... u Allflll ll • I .. U• I.! oow11• -l..tSI -"i.. !"ct. I T .. tl lllO l °" 17.2 2 Tt11nlnll ...,_,..,. Ofl IU l PSEG 4.lllllf " -4"' Oii 12.5 4 C•t¥lbcl'I Jt\lt -JV. Oft u S ..... lnd 1 ... -\(j Ofl ... • S.llt la\i ll\lt -... Ofl 1.1 1 'Ch,.,_' s.-i .... _ ll"o Oii , .. I Fl pfl ·~--Ofl ... ·~ IOfli -_,, °" t .J 10 Cl'lttterC. W1 sv. -"' Oii .... llC-~ • -: g:: u It A~ rst 1141 -S,1 IJ gr·-···. "'" -,_ Oii S,1. "0 ..... '"" Jl"o -"" gi: M U \Inlet l.JiOIJf "" -1i. u It Tr~r1 . ..., -" Oii .u llD= ""' -.. g:: S.4 ,. Ptl .,.., ... -" u 1t Grotltt n '"'-"' Oii u 21 \INC Res ·~ -"' Oii u 21 G l Fl I .t5clf ·--"' °" .... n "'--n ... -..... Oii ... D \/ti..., '"" ~ ... : .. °" ... l4Nev~., -Ofl 47 tS Lll0'1tol ,. .. Ofl ... GOLD COINS HEW YORK (AP) -Prw.t ..._Mondi'; of gold Coll't, COll'IPIHd wtltl Ftldeft prtce. IC""9ff....... I ltoy OI., 14f'.00, "II $4.25. .._... ..... t 1101 01 .. a.n H . 111> 11.75. ......... ,.... t a troy 01., 1845.IO. llP '600. A..,._ ,. ~ .H02 t1oy oi.. 14•2 2&. up ... 00. lourCl9" DMll·Ptr- DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW Y~K(AJ"I FNI o--.i-...... ~~ ....... ·-·''" • ,,,. °I::.. :r'la •= = • fl • Tm :rn.11 a t.IS an.• 111..S• ..-IS Utl llS.1J llt.'1 114.'4 tit.fl• .... ~ .. ~.~.~~.~~ .... ~~ i~:r. ·::::::::::::::::::::: ~ ..,. 5&11 .. .. • • .. • .. • .. .. • .. .. • • 11.-. • WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YORK IAPI ~. U ....... l-y -::. MvtnetCI *' 0.Cllnecl -.. , UM...,.., 11' -T"Oltl l-'"" ,. ..... llltN 1• .. Her iow. I 4 """-' AM£a00 NE~ YOllK fAP) Sep. 14 ,..,...,, =r= T ... ~ = ISi UM ........ .. -lettl ...... "4 'tt .... ,,..,. ,. --• • METAlS Htw YON< (AP) -apoe ~ "*" ptlOee ~ C...., 7C*-U wnta 1 pownd, UA. Otetlnetlottt. UM H.2t mntl I poulld. nr.. 40-42 OMto • pownd, ......... 1119 M.4t00 Melale WMlt 00", u •1 lb, '"-1111• 1 .. n _.. .. I poutW, H;Y. ..._., $385.00 II« 11111111. ....._ *3ta.004S72.00 tro, °""°"' HY. SILVER~ H•ndy & Hatmen, 11. 1IO pet 11•1 --· GOLD QUOTATIONS flec1'TI , .. 1 IM .. ". "' Tr1Cnl1 --• .lit IV.-... "ec•wt 1,M 10 IUI ¥f\lo • \It l1k • 'It t IS f" + '- • ......,.. t.IO t 1e u-. • ._,. Ttlnll: .JO t ~ IJ • ""' "-1" r m n • "' t11<• ", • • m »'-• " ll!:t"' a.11 . ms, + ""l•'" 1.10 • 1 ........ ~------------------------~ ":1'1~ ""., 11· l\lo--l't~ TY<y,!Lr t ·!! • 1#11 ~1·,~-•• ~"· -ft ..,. -.,. -t -t,ISIM '"j' 7' .-+""' WI('~ I,~ 1 • J1'11., ... ~II IM 1 1• !ltmc:. wll \of• lymslw tt t • U'UM • .01 tJ tUU \lt W••iiM. ,dO U .. ,,_•Wllel~f1 · M ·-.. .._."' -U-41 -USltt'(Jttc I 14 ""• "'Wtc.=•· 1 -Miit+ "",,....,, ••• 1 "..,.., ·"'•!ff 1141+ 111 UAL M...,. .,.., .... u!@ 1.• sa ..,. "I ·~" m 1st11+ \It WMi• •· ~ 11.,., ... " ·----n UO:I ., .. t 11• »vt-" u1 • ,.,, i -,,. .tt •. --"' -~ J I "-tn , .. 1141 •• " uec JfO '• , ...... "' u tllC ... .., 1'1 ""•! • . .. §;. ~ ... ,, .. u = -ptt.4' t' 11' = + 116 u IT .at I U Jfli• 14 IJi tell t.40 • UU + '-wt JI • t • " l1 ti C Cot '·1'4 n_ •• " ,....... • •1 ... "' •• c• .. M7 • •• a"'•' ... W• • I ti nj .,... ,, ' • "•YfO ._.,.;; h...a•\;~ .. :". usr.GJ.flf • w ,....1 u c~f;t.u ., 1;,i ;._.;Ml •'"'J t •'~-~ illC i ........ t,t4U tt .. "'+ 11; Unlw t.»e t I d -1\'t UfllTel 17-Ml ,,. At• 4 ~• '-tt j ="':!!It \ sfufJ I:~+ i.. ~lllNV •·"t ; j ~· ~ UftlTI"' •M • 1 11 '" w~ 1 m ""'• \It ..,...... , ... .. ~,.l ..... , .. ~."'u~ .... ", "!-'~"· ::i :tn::1::;iu~J ::a~":::=, Ii· -._., -uira .111 ' • '-v;;i% , ... J u n .... .._ ~ '·'r I If: : WIMI• "' :J • IS~ ·':':Tl.;.!~::~: *1,. 1t:.•,,. '""-i · 8"a.'.'.Nl : .. , • *'+·i.i ;~!j" . • ::g:o~u iFN 1.tt J m11tt\.\•.,.. u11 fr.'-· •• ¥t•"' urf'l11 .I: t fl ~. "'.. ,•4 •~I ii .-.T« .11 11 I• • v. u~ • "' SJ •.• u~£'"'" iii 11 • " [-... 1: =1r-':: uill!" I t~· 1 g~-~ ~~~':°"i' .. ::! "'I : ,i :t ·~· :~," , "" + v. Ull J": .... Sl\lo : IJtl"t.111•! •• T. D\I>+ ~: • , +Yr f. •t M. 1• JJ .. ··~ t 1 •• ff·-. ~::u:f:!. , f:-...: ~ • .. " =\~ E . ,! t , ...... 16 U11~. 1 •• IOH I y 'I ~Jr ~ t ;s .. ::tt ·! ~ r-,·::; ~ ~;:r'r;r •. : 1 .~:·: ~:~" tA f iif ip: ~ =1•1: . : ! = ; 1 . o~ ,;; 011• I ~"= -!! 114 ...... \lo ~= I :ff J J " .. ~ • a I -; l: I II j =~·.,.,, tQ 111·;·1.; ~a~ '·r.o n' .. ~ ":?:. .11. ,, 41111 ..... ~. :r .. :~«.; rJ1: 8r~11~:1i: t ~~ ,'.: ~=-au 3! :s~!'= aw.t .!' ft.::::: , ... :~ • -···~· .. I., m:m·· ... ~m== ;I .~ ns: ~ v.... .I . ~ii . ~ ·-.... ... . -. i ... ,, ........... J! • " • .. • ". ii .. -~!i~ ~·~i:li::::.!~JMJ~l~'.~ ~iJ?~ ~~~r1 ::~ut~-~-~~f:~~ ~!.... .. , 4 .... ~. ... iJ :. ·., !~,, ..... C-!'111 J: &Jh.. J .• :~ .,... t• 1 I ltllfl• l<t U I•. Ill V\M-U4 f ~ •tlt+I .... t •• It + • 1 ij ~.; u .. , "'. ----·-.-.w • .. ... llt " ' ' Ii:: ... • ,_.. . ol .. Or•no• Co••• DAILY PILOT/WednMday, 8eptemtMr 15. 1882 Al Jarreau brightens stormy weather • In Irvine By STEVfi: TR IPOLI Oft!M O•lly 'llot lt•n A heavy nih1t ft'll 011 ttw lrvhw Mt•oduw• \ Amphltht>&lc•r ull of lwit Jo'rlduy nlsht, but It dlc.fn't rnully rail\ on the..• pnrudc for Al Jarr,•au und a n arty full ho~ of hit fans. Jarrt?ou brou&ht u lot ol buckup music with him. int'ludJnai thre•o alngt'rl, thrw hc.>rru;, two pN-cu Ionian•. two kcybourda and a gulUlr, and they c'Omblnc..>d wt'll In c. dght aet th1H fuuturt>d hit• from h111 platinum 1981 lbum "Breakln' Aw~y Oil' 47, ot du-1>01>ulurlty thut t•ludt·d him until th!! mlrl 70... Born Into u m~kully l11c:lln td Mllwaukt'tl fturuly , Jurr 1.•uu'11 ll(t- took tWvtm1 l detours from mU11c: lx•fort> ht• found his nlclw lhcr1.• Jo'rt1m lUOU till 197~ Jui n•uu wtwk1'tJ dubls Jn the· Sun Frandfk.'O and I .os Anf(t'il'e lll't'UM, and In 197& t.'lim hia d but "Wt• QQt By" album. .torreau und mo1t of the ta~ didn't I t thq wet w~utht'r lnt.t,rfcre with a Wt•ll· po~'CI und enjoyable• •how that lncludt'd many of Jarreau'a blggc>tt hit.a. Jarreau ab.o tre~t<"d tht-aud1cnt-e to liOrn(• ent1>rt1&lnlng imllatlon11 o f musical instrument¥,' o Ulltint he haa cultlvatt.'<i sin<'<! hia youth but that nol many fana ere 1twurc.' o.J. The lmprovl&atlon, which at one point took tht' form of a duel with the group's drummer, provided tom pleasant diversion between numbers. Finl, at wuoe •port.Ii Jarn•au W\'lll LUI fur !I tht• apring trulointc t•nmp of ttw then· Mllwnukt'c Braw11 bmn•bull lN ull 1,.•fon· decldln11 to pursue hit' ~.Jucution furHwr. It'a bN•n lour Urummy Awuro:;, IK'Wrnl antt•rnauunal toun and o plh.• uf t>1h1•1 m•hic:!V<'mt•nt.s 11n<.'(• ltH'n, but the glow h1 Kiili on for Jurre&u. I h· &ayti musk i11 hh. dcnnln11ti11t( inwrc..'tlt evN1 off11wgt" 'though the weather could huve been beU.er -it did manage to drive off the less h<'arty in a alow but steady stream -th· onl;y real low point in Jarreau'• Bi-hour iet! was the oc<•asionally overpowering SOl..D'ld system. Jarreau Been\$ to enjoy riding the creat, et A bochelur'1 and a maictt•r'M dcgrt.'e 10 p11ychology later. Jarreau wutt In Sun Francilf('() as a cuul\!!Clor for th£' C:1llfom1a Division or Rehabll1iutlon. but wec•kcnd gigs at Bay Art'a nlghtclu~ 1.'0nvlnced h im that music wrui what he really wuntt-d "Winn~o~ uw~1rds 1s wond~rful I hJVt' tl,e recognition," Jarreau told an Interviewer, "but the main thing la doing the music and getting the response from the audience " ·-1• P-.1 ... \ 4,,"""9• Df1tt If\ 179 91!10 lllU .._ .... ....,. II TOllO OMMI th .. H~• AMCO.-M..i ~It ~HO U/ OHO .. _ ...... In-,,,_,. C.0-.. UA Coy C-~$1 OIS~ 0 4 Jt11 IHIT•lllllR UA f•ll'ClwMl IUUU WllT .... Ua -· MIW1y >t Ol1'0 Ot ... ,.., \79$1>9 COITIMlll (°*MO\ HM'bof f ._, IJt ~$01 lA-IUCll (Ow¥ft Sovt" Coi\I '94 '~"' llL1D/l lfUlf,,.,, c;-?~ n 70MM Shows II :1120 and 71lfoR Ill ~-...W-~ pm P'lu1 The Thln1 (R) I 12100 Z.:00 4100 l tOO 1 :15 Shows 1:1011111151 101U s.cons.tt111t .. oniv ~A FIRST RATE, BEAUTIFULLY ACTED, THOROUGHLY INVOLVING ROMANCE." [R J°" lllU llEW,OllT llACN OAHGf Mann 81u Plata Cowa•ds Newport C.neoome ~29 ~339 Cinema 6H 0760 634 2SS3 WHTMl .. Tlll Edwards Cinema Wes1 891 393S T THCEXTRA-•I. fi:RRESTRIAL MllSIOll WllJO Edwaras V•eio Twin 830 6990 MO-· ACCO'llO '°" T><f INOAO<MO<T P'lu1 The a, .. t Muppet Caper (Qj No hnH Tool BOK Murder IRI Drive-ins Open 7:30 Nightly Ch•ld•e,., Unde1 12 FREE Unl"s lllottil * P\eLIC NOTICE FICmlOUI BUllNl'.11 NAME 8TATElllNT The following pettona .,. d04ng busin ... u : HARRISON PARTNERS. LTD., 3 Upp•r Newport Pin• Orl11•. N-port Bellch, C•lllorn111 V:lbbU Jaclt J. Jakotky. 715 P•toot•. Coro11a del Mar, C•lllornle 92825 A. Nlcholu J•veru. 200 r.m .. Vitt• No. 190, Cort• M•d•r•. C9'1IO<nl• 94925 lhll buslneN 11 conducted by a 1m1t*2 pNtnarlhlp J90k J J•kC>Ay Thll 11atemen1 ••• riled with the Counly Clerk of Or•nge County on September 3, 1982. . F1""5 Pt.Ill.IC NOTICE mnnoua BU ... aa NAME ITATE•NT Th• lollowlng p•r1on la doing bulllnMSU: HARBOR LIQUOR, 1927 H.,bor Blvd., Unit B. Coln• Mesll. CA 92827. HOANG NGOC DANG, 10111 Minion Drive. No. 0, Coll• M..a. CA 92828 Thi• bullness Is condUCled by .,, lndlvldutll. H0911Q NQOC 0aog This ll•lement wu flied wlth Iha County Clefll or Of•nge County on Augull 19, 1982 F1151'11 Published Or•ng• CoHI D•lly Piiot. Sepl. 1, 8, 15. 22, 1982 3&88-82 Publlah•d Or•n~• Co11t O•lly Pllot.;S41PI. 8, 15, 2 , 29. 1~~2 1------------ P\a.IC NOTICE Pt.Ill.IC NOTICE NOTICE CW TRUa~·a 8AU LwtNo..~ • IMPOflTAHT NOTICE T.a. No. A.-0 IF . YOUR PROPERTY IS IN THE YOUNG ASSOCIATES at FORECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU duly 9PP01nled Tru•lae under 1M ARE BEHIND IN YOUR PAyMENTS, following daecrlbed deed of lruet IT MAY BE SOLO WITHOUT ANY WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION COURT ACTION, 9nd you IN)' h•w TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR the legal right lo t>rlng your llCCOUl\I CASH (payable •I time of Nie In 1n QOOd standing by p•ylng ell of 1..ru1 ITIOM)' of IM Unhed Sl•t•J your pHl du• p•ym•nte plua ell right, 1111• and lnl••HI permitted coe11 •nd up•naH conYeyed lo •nd now held by It wlthll'I lhree monlh• lrom lhe d•te under Mid Deed of Trust In the lhla notice of d•l•ull wH rCICOrded P<°'*1Y hereln•lter dMct'lbed: Thia •mount la S 1,245 48 aa ol TRUSTOR: JACK MORGAN, 8-10-82. 9nd win lncreue until your BEVERLY MORGAN KCC!Unl ~ c:Uft9nl You may BENEFICIARY. ROBERTO not h•w 10 IMIY the 9nllr• unpeld PERUSSI. NELIDA PERUSSI. portion ol your ucount. •Ven JERRY BERRY, PAMELA BERRY. th0U9h lull p•ymenl WU d9m.oo.d, Record.ct M.,Ch 8, 1981 U but )IOU must P•Y tn. •mount 1t•ted lnetr. No. 9300 In 8oOll 13972, ebO..ie. ~llQI 1478 of Olfk:l.i Rec:orda In Att.r three month• from the d•t• ~ha olflc• ol th• Recorder of 01 r•cord•tlon ol thla docum•nl ~.no. County; .. Id deed of trutl (Wllldh d•t• ol recordatlon ~ iuwtCt1bM tn. followlng he<ebn). unleU the obllQ•llon being LOI 182 ol Tr.ct No. 5&98, .. lorHloMd upon petmfta a longer I* tnlP recorded In 800lt 218. perlOd. you hav. only 1n.1ag.i right P•9•• 18·21 lncluel11 a ot to a(op Ille forecloeur• by paying Mleoellianeoua Mape. In IM offlo. th• •nllr• amount d•mend41d by iof Iha County Aac:ordar of .. Id your' creditor ~nty. To find out the •mount you m1.19t YOU ARE IN OEFAUl..T UNDER 1>9Y or to •rr•nga tor IMIY"*'I to DEED OF TRUST DATED atop the loreclosur•. or II your 2111181. UNLESS YOU TAKE property 11 In foreclosure ror eny ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR olh• r11aon conl•ct Pl•cenll• PROf>ERTY. IT MAY BE SOlO AT • I A PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED L•llH Homeowner• Asaoc •llon. AN EXPLANATION OF THE ~~i:r~.~~:::S::~i•A~ri· NATURE OF THE PROCEEOtNG Mlu lon Vlelo C•lllornla 9289; AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD • CONTACT A LAWYER. (714) &43·22 1 534 Pl•rpont Orlv•. Co•I• II ~OU h•ve any quettlons. you M • a • C A . II 2 8 2 8 l'tllllC NOTICE K_... NOTICE OF 8ALE OF AEAL "'°""TY AT ll'NYATE 8Al.f MO. A-111.-.. "' ""' ....... Cowt of u.. llllte of c....,. tor The County of Or-ee In lh• M•lter ol the Ettlle ol EDWARD MONTG O MERY , Oec9uecl. Notice 11 hereby gl.,.,, th•t the undet"elgned will Mii •t Prlv•t• ule. 10 th• hlgh .. I •nd bHI bidder, tubJ•cl to conllrm•tlon ol Hid Superior Coun, on or •tter tn. 28th d•y ol Septemb•r 1982, •t the olllc• of John P. Bien.,. 208 t Bus"-8 c.nt., Drive, Sull• 145, Irvine. County of Of.nge, St•t• ol C.,.lorn .. 92715 1111 the rlgllt, tltle 9nd 1n1 ..... t of Mid ~·t tM time ol death •nd 1111 lhe right, title end lnllfeet th•t lhe •t••• ol Mid d•c••••d h•• •cqulr•d by operation or lcrw or other#IM other tll•n or In addition to th•t of 1ald decMMd, •t tn. time ol death, In Md to •II the cert.in reel property lltueted In Clty ol HunUngton 8Mcll County of Or•n9e. Sate ol Cel1f0tnl•. l*'tic:ul9tly dellcrlbed u follOwe, to Wit. Lot 93 or Tr•ct 3903 H p•r map r41Corded In Book 185. P-ves 48 10 50 lnelulllv• ol MISQ911.neous M..,.. Offlci.i Record• of Ofiange County. C•lllornl•. A11e11or1 p.,c•I No. 114·503·04. mor• commonly known u · 11332 Molohl, Huntington BMctl, C.Hfornl• 92647 Term1 ol ••I• CHh In l•wful money of tn. United St••• on ule. Of p•r1 cash Md b•I~ evidenced by not• •ecured by Mortgage or Tru1t Deed on IM pr009f1y to lold. T•n percent of •mount bid to be depOeiled With bid Bid• or otlert to be In writing 9nd wlll be recel119d •I lh• •f0t•Nld olllca •• •ny time •fl•• tll• llrel publlutlon hereof lllld bet-d9te of ..... D•ted 1hl1 2nd day or Sepl9mber. 1982 Victor Montgomery Admlnlstretor ol the &•••• or Mid o.c.oant 2081 BulMM9 C....ter Dr .. Suit• 145. Irvine, Cellr. 92715 Attorney for Admlnltlr•tor Published Or•ng• Co11t Dally Piiot, S91>1. 14, 15, 21. 1982 4053·82 thoOld cont•ct • l•wyer or th• .. ' · gov•nment•I 11g•ncy which m•Y (II • alrael .cldr-or common .. _ II' NOTICE llavtl I~ )'OUf IOlin deelgn•tlon ol property I• ahOwn l"-.n. R•m•mbar, YOU MAY LOSE •bove, no warr.,,ty .. ghetl •.!0 tta ~ COURT CW LE01'L RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT c;omp191-or correctnna). The c~ TAKE PROMPT ACTION. w•rr•nly 1' glv•n H lo th• COUNTY CW Dl'ANOI NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN th•I complel-O< cor'9CIMM of 100 Chlto CMttef Or .... t pur-'i•nt to Artlcl• IV, Section 1 ol t h• • b o v • 'd d' • • 1 · Th• 8aftte AM. CA ta'102 th• i:>•clu•llona of Cov•n•nle, t>enefld•ry und« Mid Deed of ...,..ACME Of'~ Co"'lllona and Realrlcllone Trutl, by reaon of • t>readl or ,etltlen•r: MICHAIL DIAN -..<.. • II 23 t981 d0 dellUlt In the obllg9tlon9 MC:Ufld •x-t9d on .. pr • • •n thereby llereiofore executed end MAIWOM>. r•~rd•d Aprll 29, 1981 .. dallverad lo IM undar•lgoed • RHp•nde11t: llOalN ALICI Do menl No 35484 In Book written Oeclet•tlon of Oefeull end aRAO~ORO •It• ROalM A. 1 ,7. ~ 1718-1788• lnclullve, Oem•nd for St l•. •nd wrlll9n RA~"RTY. In t~ Ot1loe ol tn. OrMOll County notice of brNCll end of electlon IUWONI "AMa.Y LAW) R•oord•r. Or•ng• County. 10 cauw tn. undersigned to Mii ON llCONO C•llrornl•, • bre•ch of th• H id prop•rly to uttely Hid AmNDID NnnoN ob IJ 11•1 Ion of p • y m • n I o f obllg•llon•, •nd lher .. lter Iha CAM NO. O.a n G ....-ita haa oocurred Nol\Qe ~ C*INd Mid notice of NOTICll YM MM MM Med. of l4'd t>reacil 9nd flan -llled for brMCll •nd 01 electlon to be Tiie -' _, ...,. ....,.. 1" rec9rd on July 19, 1982. H r~ed Mey ,25 t982 .. lnltr. _.... ,_ ..... ....,,.. ..,._ Oo<:Cim•nl No. 82·248988 In 1h• No. 82·179992 of OmCiej Rec:ord9 In ,.. ,.._..... _.... • .,._....., Olfl4tll Reoo<d• of OfMQ8 County. 1ha offloe of the Recorder 01 Oranve "'8 ll"81-lle11 ...... . No payment of p .. t due wnoont1 County If ,.. wtell ....... tfle MVtoe of hH;occurr•d. Tll•refor•. th• S.id · s ... WIH be mllda, but a11 att•n•J 111 tlll• M•U•r, r•11 P l Hen II• L•llH Hom•owner• wltho111 covan1nt or w•rr•nty, Mlellld do N..,....,.., .. .._. ,_ A1.oelallon dou hereby elect lo e11pr ... Of lme>fled regarding 111i. r..-et ......... It flflf, IMJ Hll:or uuH to b• 1old, th• pc111111on. or mmbranclae, to M Med"'....._ lollotwlno daecflbed rMI prc>p«ty to pay 11\e remelnlng prlnclpal IUf!'I A V I I 0 I U e t • d fl a • I 41 e .. ~ the ObllO•tlon. of Illa not• MC:Ufld by Mid deed ............. .. lrlll1111al ~ .. t-ot 12t of Tr9CI 9981, U Pl' of TN91, wltll lnt ... 9'1 ae In Nici ......, MMta Ud. eM I •1 .... e map;racordad In Book 441, Pagee l'IOle provided, ed'vMOM. 11 any ........... Ud. =.....,. 39 t6 48, lnc:fu9lve, Of M~e under the terlM of Mid Oeed Oi de • dlae. U. lels11 ... M•J*, In the 01floe of the 0..91199 Tr111t, f-. chergae and expen-..... COutty Recorder. of the Trutt .. end of Ille truet• .. , 'u11e4' 4'•H• ••lfollar •I fife record llMted owner• of Iha Cl'Hled by Mid ONd of Trutt. Mf1Mfe de IM ...... • .... prodertY rnor• oommonty known • S•ld Hie wlll be h•ld on 1•1111 I•, de• er f • II a e • r I e 31iJ' Maul Drlv•. Pl•c•nll•, Wadnaedey, &eptambat 29. 1.U, tMR11,..11111tu•, • .... ......, .. ~. are Tony M Moon end •I 2.00 p.m. •t Iha Chli9t'/*I .. fn,un• a 11 .. II:. ...... Sok~. Moon. Avef'lua entrance to Iha Clllle etpt1e, ...-. -r .. tetre4'e • STAYE OF CALIFORNIA) C:tf'lter 811lldlng..1. 300 fut ........ -.L -. ~ Cflapmen A--. Uf811(18 CA. 1. TO THE RESPONDENT: The 00\Mn OF OAANOE ) At th• tlm• ol lhe lnlll•I petitioner hH llltd a petition By Diana Slater publtcltlon OI Ihle notlOe, the totlll conc«nlng your Mtttleoa. II you 11111 oil I • 19•92. before m•, th• tmouttt of the unpeld tllil-of 10 !Me• rtte>OMt wttl'lln 30 d~ of ~. 1 Notary Pubic In llnd the obllOIUOn on MWred by tM !ht date t'hll Ihle eummou 11 '°' ~Stat•, pereonalty ~ed lboYe Ottctlbad detd of tr'\181 MtWd Ol'I you, 10Uf Clef9Ull mey be ~ llatet, l!nown to rnt to be llnd aetlmeted ooee., ...,.,_, "'""*' MCI Ult cour1 may enter 1 AIA ~ of the OMPOfttlOtl llltt and eclVMCet It 144,Mt lt . ~mtnt COl'ltainlng l11)11nctlw "' 111.wt.ct t~ within 11111r111'!'1•nt, Th• optl'llng bfd may be other ordart ~Ing dMelon of 11nown to rM 10 be \ht petlOf'I wno OOtalned by Ca111na tflt dty betorw property, epoue•I •upf.ort, child exaqU1ed tM wtllllfl lnetrumant on IN Mlt. (114) ~..oMI. cullOdy. cl\lld 111ppor , •Horney betlllf of the corPQfltlon t11«11n o.te: Aualllt~· ,..., COMt, Ind 8llCtl otMr f.itef .. 111~. and act1nowi.cloH to me ,,. Y~ .._.ft• mey be grant.cl by the COUt1 Tiii "'-' eudl OOfP(llltiOft tlltc:Wld the M .... T,....., Olrnltflmanl of ...... t•dno ol wttll+I\ tnttrllfMllt pureuenl to 1t1 ., 1'.D. HRVtCI COWANY, ~ « PfOC*tY. or otMt OOll!1 :rt::::~«ll•Boetd ~ $' ,. 4 ..... ....,. ~~may lleo Wl'TNtH my llancl llnd otftclll 0.:-cetr 911& .... ~' ..,_ I, 1M2 .... 0.... CA -uaA.....-.c..tc I.Ind• L. loOCIO (714f---c .............. ~ Publltflef O,.n~ COH l Dilly "'°'~ .. ~ t~ o.11)' ,\ll>llth.O Otanoa CoHt 0111, Pilot. e.t. 1, .. 11, ta, , .. ~ • • • "2442 fl!lot .... 1. •• ti, t2, 191~ Nil.IC NOTICE FtCTITIOUI BU .... 81 ,. NAMEITA.,.._NT The lollowlng pareon la doing bull-• A.C.E. RECOVERY SERVICE, 1800 Iowa SlrHI, No. B. Co•t• MMe. Celtlornl• 92828 Mlch•el Aob•rt Mln.,ch•n. 1800 low• S1r .. t, No. B, Cotta M .... Celllornl• 92828 Thie blltlnau I• GOndUC19d by an lndlvlduel. Midi ... R. Mln.,ch9n Thl9 11etemen1 wu flied wltl'I the County Clerll or Of.nge County on ~t.3, 1982. , F1-.r Publl1hed Or•no• COHI O•lly Pllol, Sept. 8. 15 22, 29, 1982 3901·82 Nil.IC NOTICE NOTICE ~ TRUtTfl'8 IAU L-No. TAYL°" T.l ..... C_.._ NEWPORT HOME L6AN, INC. H duly 9PP01nted Truatae under the following d .. crlbad dMd 01 tru.1t WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH (p•yabfe •I time of Nie In lawful money ol tn. United St•l•I .a right, lllle llnd lnl9JMI conveyed to 91\d now held b'(' II under Mid Dead of Truat In tha properly hereln•ttlf da9crlbed TRUSTOR: ROBERT KEITH TAYLOll, • single m•n BENEFICfARY ; EMPLOYEE PROFIT SHARING PLAN OF CAROIO·PULMONARY MEDICAL GROUP INC.·M Recorded NoV9mbaf 8. 1981 U lnltr. No 8798 In book 14282 pega 1648 of Offlci.i Records In the offloe ol the Recorder ol Ore.no-County, Nld OH<I or truat dHcrlb•• the foltowlng property: Loi 129 of trllCI No. 1112, In th• County of Or•no•. St••• or C9llf0tnla. u per fTl9'> rlOOfded In Book 50, pegtle 32 to 38 lnciu.iva, Mltcell•naou• M1p1, In tn. ottlce ol Iha County R•aorder of uld County. EXCEPT THEREFROM •II oll. g•a. mln•r•I• •nd 0 1h•r hydrocerbon9. below • depth of 500 rMt. without th• rlghl of aurf•c• en1ry. es r~ In lnllrumenll of record YOU AM IN O.FAIA T UNOIER A DllO OF TRU8T DAT E D OCTOMR U. 1•1. UNLIEH YOU TAKI ACTION TO ,llOTECT YOUR ,ROPIRTY, IT MAY a E aOt.D AT A "'9&.lC 8ALI. •YOU .. ED AN EXPLANATION Of' THE NATU"I OF THE ,ROCHDINQ AOAIN8T YOU, YOU IHOULD CONTACT A LAWYlll. HO Grove Pl-. Coll• M•ea. CA. "(II• 1trMI •ddr"' or common dHlgn•llon la 1hown abov•. no w1rr•nty le gl11en •• 10 lta complet-or correct-)." The banallcl.,y undu H id 0Hd of Trutt. by reHon of • bre•ch or dellUlt In the obllg9tlons MC:Ured thereby, her•lofore ••ecut9d •nd dellv•r•d to th• und.,algn•d 1 wrltt9fl Decl•r•tlon of Default 9tld Oemend lor s .... 9nd wrlll..-i notice of bt'99Cfl 9nd of election to c.ute the underalgn•d to ••II Hid property 10 Mlltly Mid obllg•tlona. end th•r•all., lht und•r1lgn•d ClllNCI NICI notlOe of brMCll •net of alecllon to be Recorded M•y 2,, IN.2, M ln1t. No. 82· 118421 ,of Mid Offkl .. Record•. S•ld 111• wlll b e mao•. bul wllhoul covenent or wtrr•nty. •llP'-or Implied, regarding tltle, po-slon, or encumbrMICM, to pey Ille remlllnlng ~ eum of tllt note(•) MC:Ured by Mid Deed of Tr\19t, with lnl-t U In Mid l'IOta proYloed, •dv•nc".:.. II ~ny, undef' the ttrma of Hid ueea of Tr1111, leM, cflerges and lllpan-ol the Trutt• and ol the 1Nel1 CtMted by Mid Deed of T ru.t. ltlld Nie wlM be held on Wtldnaedey, Saptambat 22. 1912 et 2:00 p.m., Al the Cll-c>man Avenue entrenca 10 lhe Cllllc Center lulldlng, 300 Eut Ch•Pm•n Avenue, In the Ctty or Of•noa. At lh• time of 1h1 ln111a1 ~blklatlon of tl'll• notloe, the 10111 wnount of tllt unp•ld btllnat of the Oblf9•tlon -.cured by the tbov• ducrlbtd dttd of tr111t •nd ttllm•ted cott•. ••Plnht, •nd tdVlllCO It 130.841.97. l o cltltrmltll tha opening bid. you m•y C1111 (7141! N7-otM. Date: Auguat 24. 1912 ~ HCll'!'ll LOM. Inc. •Mid Tru1tae T. 0 . 8«vlcle Com,,.ny r~ldl~ MtlttMl~ary OMCltY~.waet Orftltl, CA ntN 114AMlll P11bll•lled Orange OoHI Diiiy Ptlol.ltpt 1,1. 16, ,Sitt HOl-12 COITI MIU ldwa<Os ttarbol I w•• Ut 3~01 OAMlll OllOYl ld•illOS WHIOruoll S30 4401 AllAlltllll PKdll. \ Alln.n1 lllJ•f"' 879 98~0 OllAllOI AMC 0t a119e Mal< 131 0340 ~Cll~iotmil I • CM\ '6 Pl¥'ANl!O w CN~ HOl IH JO J 634 3,1 I HO P.UIH ACC~Prro ~o~ '"" fNOAOlllt.lfl •BARGAIN MATINEES* 1 Monday tltru Saturday All Ptrlorm1nc11 before 5;00 PM (h~t lptelll Eng1gements end Holld•Y•I "YOUMO ~:.·.: LOVr 1•J "AUTHOlfl Auntofll" IN I ---LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll( IN -~:!:"J.... --... ,ox· ... , -IT __ _ LAICIWOOO C lNTUl SOUTH WAlM IN ~IOAY THa 1JTH l'AlfT '" 101 .. ., a-.--.--.--- "ENDANQE9'ED IPECIE8" '"! .. ............ ''" .... 114 IOCllll'f ol Co"d!ewood 211/IJ1·tll0 •THa MIT UTTUI wttOAIHOUH .. TWXAe" (llll .... ._ .... ___ _ "INDAN0e9'1D IPIC!Ea" 111) , .. ~.._ ......... "fllll)AV THI 1M l'Al(f T CIQ •• ------- BIG•BIG•DlllVE·IN BAllGA.IN$2 EVERY WEDNESDAY a THtllSOAY Chldrtn Under 12 AtMfi(t RH ,.. ,_.. ._ ..,,, ... ' 1'1.-1 JD '"' .,. 1 U '~• \•.,. "O.u 1111,0llTAllT NOllCl' CMllOIUlf UllOlll 12 fllU' ,.... .. _ ... llinfll. JM•Sll.-.lllllil.'Mliti °"""'-·~"'C""""°'ll'IOllll~ IW 'OIO AM CM -wmo -41CUSSOIT llOSITOO _ ................ llU CIO(.fl---qoo; .. - ·~·14fl~ ANAHEIM OOIVl ·IN t •M•cn t I .. l•~OI' S• 179·9llO "T1C CO.CMTW IUNOU" 1111 -....,AY THI 1Jlel '""' r' 1111 CIOltll - t 11t ,.4 ••• "' BUENA PARK 0111v1 111 \lflC:olflA•• -ol&llOft 12'·.070 It. I • ~ .. ,. I A• II LINCOLN DlllVl IN l~OI~ Alfe tte tl ot CMtt 121·4070 ,.., .... , I"' COil( ••10UllO .. ,,... CHAU.l.Moa" !Ill -"THI NAen&Aeftlr' 1111 C1Mt t1-...T. THI IXTlfA·nM9tT'lllAL" CHI -'1NCMOl9U .... llO WOMAN"1N1 ... ..AITTWSI AT lllOOllMOWT HtOH~ [41) -"OIMIW'(fll CIHl fl $CU•O HI WAY 39 r1111 ~1 11; lf!K~I~ So OI Golffll ...... ''"..., 191·369l 1. "TM9 CMAlUlllQr 1111 L"nteBaM~~l .. Mntm C°'9CIMft ~ Clllf ,..,... " " .. "~ . LA HABRA 1•w1.1 "' ,..... ... _._ .............. 171-llH - • &•, 1NO ..... Ri;t ... C.I" 00 "T'll98UeT....,.....fll\ c• "'°""° "LT. THI UTllA TDMeTlllAL" -.,.., "tHClllOIM.a ...... ... WOMAN" ... , ORANGE 0111\/I IN ........ "4,,.,., ., ..... c_ .. 6S4-t361 ..,,.._.unu wtt0•1o"'L • TDAr 1111 ~ ... MISSION t·""'•I :"' . ~ . . ... . H1•••Dt~ -Le ..... Le ... Le ..... Orange Cout DAILY PIL.OT/ There's a method to HBO programs \\ 1-'l>'\t.SUt\ Y ~- 1.'00··· ~ CHAAUE'I JUfGEL8 • WIU>, WlU) WQT • ·a.WAT. I HAWAII FIVE,.() OVEltEAIY Gueeta: llriger brtha Kitt. nnanc:i.i C04umnlat J- Bry9111 Quinn, (R) 0 ID UNDEMTAHOING HUMAN IEHAVIOA "Tiie 81'aln" i C88NlW8 -MCNlWSQ -N9CNlW8 UC>. DK* CAVETT au.t: Or. Matg¥el 81'en- men-Glblon, ~ !yet Ind blog<apher of Cllf • id=~ (I BAINY Mill.EA (B)MCE~THE NHNANT 8W'ry Tompldne Ind Tim Mc;C.,..., -ell Ille ~ IMdlng to the 1N2 woncis.n.. .MOVIE * * "The Hu.Ing" (Hin) Jeff Eaet, Brad Oallle. The member• or a pr .. tlgkxie c:oM9ga trllemlty attempt '\o hide the dleth or • pledge during l\IQlnlg .. PO. 1:00 I cee NEWI NeCNEWI ~DAVI AGA!t4 l ==Q u•1.•a•H Hawttaye and B.J. dl9cover Chanee IMng the life of "Illy due to the attant1on1 or hie men1.ity paid KorMn _..,ant. • 1 JOKEA'8 WILD • IU8INa8 MJIOfn' Cl) ,,M. MAGAZINE A llM9U<1 hunter who ..._ vaged $40 million worth of *Hlkan gold and,._..: an an.,gy efflclent ea1'1h· lheltered '-· 9 ENTDITAJNME)(f TONIOHT A looll II the downwatd trend of Lu Vega ~ buelnHt and the lncrMMd activity In Atlan- tic Olty. CID WHO ARE THE DOOl Tl AHO WHEN: OIO THEY GET 11 KIOIS? Henly Wlnkler hoete Ihle looll et the Oe8olt 1em11y who hew op9ned tMlr i-and thtlr '-''to lllltldk:llPPld children CZ>MOYIE ** *'.4 "The Way We Ware" (1973) B•rbra StralMnd, Robert RadfO<d, A young CO!Mga. couple In Ula 19309 .,._,....., that I.hair polltal differ•- -evong-. 10 jeop.. •dbie their~. 7:ao. I ON THI TOWN Feetvred: aoma of Iha ~ ~ f« • ll•tlng In a,_ book, ''The Wom- an '1 Guida to the Ellglble 9edlalof1 of Loe Angelle; a lolk muelc: reunion at Iha ReMd• Country Club: -of the IM1Mt ... at die 1982 WOfld'e Fw. I QI ,AMll.Y f'IUO l.4VBN! a 8HW.IY &~NfY '--"-and 8Nney .,. IOf'oed to let ewlckly wfMlfl Le¥wrne'1 tllhat Wl'MgM • -· '°' .... daugh-ter. • IYIONL.A. FeMUfld: a f"tl)Ot1 on IUl'l'- mar 0 lftO\'lla; • toOll 11 • MW fYSll of boxing; an '"-tlgatlon of Iha parole ~ • M"A•a•H " rumor lflel Iha 4017th 11 gotno to "bug-oui" baoo1n. lll'OMIV .._.,. e IOOCT ((851 e ICNBC (NBC) e KTLA (Ind. I 9'CA8C IABC> .K,MB ICISI • l(MJ. TV (Ind I e l(C1T (ABCI e KTTV llnd.J '• ICCOP• TV I Ind I .• ICCET <P8SI e ICOCE (PBS> In a alven month, th• 24·hour n twork wlll hav 60 different 1how1, lncludlna 16 new movt ... , 10 retwmna ftlnu, 1porw •vC?nw, 1pe!Cial1 and kJda 1howe. In determlnlna the schedule, Perryman con1td~en rival movlc 1ervlco1 (Showtlme and The Movl Cl\Annel) and th c:ommerclaJ networka. He'e al10 1ovcrned by contractual restrict.ions with the m(\Vle companlefl. "If the pay·TV c:ompetltlon la Ukely to play a movie on the first of the month (lta first permJtted exhibition day), then we'll play it there too." But, lf you ml11ed opening night (morning), don't fret. A new movie will be shown again. . .and again. One of this month'• major attncUons on all three movie servlcek is "Mom.m.ie Dearest." Its HBO run began at 8:30 a.m. Sept. I, followed by plays on Sept. 4, 7, 12, 16, 20 and 2~. There were J 2 showings in all, with 11 different starting times. The only repeal was 10 p.m. HBO's exclusive movies can nart running later in the month, when movies Renowned soprano Leontyne Price solos with the New York Philharmonic tonight at 8 on KCET (28). alad untU It la bettev90 11\tt the antlnl Chi,_ ""'Y ta attacking the camp. (Part 2) • TICTACDOUGH SI MACHEll.. I LEHRER REPORT D ARTUR fW8IN8TEH "P1rl1" Rublneteln di.cu-muelc with Cf1tlc Banard Gevoty, ettancse a private conoer1 by Ollllll Paul Tortellar end olfwe adllloa to • ~ COl- lallgua. prMChar flnO• i-ven In • lad ... ' choir 'R' (Q)MOVll *Yo "Under The Rainbow" ( 198 t) Chevy C"-, Catrle Flthar Tiie 150 mldget1 who are In town for Ille lllmlng ol "The Wlz.ard Of Oz." tum • c..tfornle hotel ~own.'PG' (1)812.AME "Two YMl'I Of 81nrra" Duovte llko "Mommlo De1r<•1t1' h~Vt' pewrcd out. HBO coined e"clualvo rlahi. to "Cannonball Run," "Trlbut " and "Endle11 Love," among others, by lnvC!tllng In their producUon. In It.a 9 million subecrlbt•r homl!1... HBO doe1 almoal as well at ABC, Cli::i 11nd NBC, oc't'Ordlng to a February Nlclacn aurv y. Counterproiirammln~ •a•lnn the nctworu helpa. "It they re dolna a big theatrical movie that's been on HBO, we'U do OK," aaya Perryman. Each network night has a personality, and HBO tries to find the vuhicrublllty. "Monday Night Football" hordes the male audil'nce, so HBO opts for hard- acUon movies. On Tuesday niaht, when ABC's comedy block ''Happy Days" and "Three's Company" is successful, horror movies work well. Wednesday and Thursday nJght.s don't have much distinction, but Friday night, when boxing was king, male viewers still dominate. HBO serves up aclion- adventure. Saturdays are family nights, and on Sunday, the most watched night, Perryman offers "our glossiest movies." rlence .-..,.,. for hlf IUCCHl.(R) ID AEFUOEE ROAD TUBE TOPPERS A Laotltn f1mlly I• IOI· lowed during their jourMy lrom a rehAQM camp In Thalland th1ough their ra11ttllmant In cantr11 Ohio. Cl) CIACLE OF ITAM "Aretha Frenkffn" (C)MOVJE KCET (28) 8:00 -"Live From Lincoln Center." Soprano L eontyne Price performs with th e N ew Y o rk Philharmonic, conducted by Zubin Mehta. * *'"' "Mad Mu" (111801 Mal Glbaon, Joanna Sim- uel. In an Au1tr1Jl1 ol Iha not-too-dletent Mure, the Irland• and family ol 1 top htghwey pureult policemen become the tatgell ol Udlatlc motoicycia geng 'R' CIDTEOOY P£H0£AGRA88 IN CONCERT Videotaped 11 London'• Odaon Hall, lhl1 parloim- enca by one of eout'1 b!Q· geet tul)«ltare fMtur11 many of hie NU. (Q)MOVIE * * * * "Altered St•t11" ( 1980) WlNlam Hul'1, Blalt Btown. A 'Harvard aclln· tlet'• genetic etructure 11 •lter~ wfllfl he conduc11 mlnd .. xp1ndlng exparl· "*'" with leoletlon 1ank1 and powarlut halluelno- 00,,.;,~E * * '-' "Lunch W1gon" (IHI) Cindy Moore. Chuck McCIM. A trio of beeullal run Into trouble from compalllor• white providing euatanen<ia to hungry conetructlon work- er1. ·R· l\tMOVll *"' "Mandingo" 119m Jamee M11on. SuHn George. A Waat African of the Mendlngo tribe 11 brought 10 • llaV.braad· Ing plen .. tton In louillana befof1 the tlart ol the CMI war. 'R' KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Firepower." Sophia Loren portrays a chemist's widow who seeks revenge for the murder of her husband. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Quincy." Quincy's credibility is questioned when it appears he made an e rror in his investigation of a murder case. KOCE (50) 10 :00 -"Refugee Road." Documentary of the journey of a Laotian family from a refugee camp in Thailand through resettlement in Ohio. one ot t han'I. 12:00 8 !HT£RTAINMENT TONIGHT A took 11 the downward trend 01 Lu Vagat •how bueln•H end the lncrMMd ICIMty In Atlan- lk; C_i!y D <m LOVEIOA.T Julla and Gopher lall In tova, lhraa IJHlatVICln*1 Ml their Mtgaartl up with • er-member, Ind a blev- tllul woman find• the man of her draam1. (R) "G) MOVIE * * * "Full Of Liia" (1957) Judy Homday. Richard Conte. A m.r dllNpta tn. llvn of hit aon and preg- nant d9Ughler-lrHnf. • LOW, AMEAICAN STYLE C:D>MOVIE I 1957) Anna Magnini, AntllOny Oulnn. Trouble erupts When • young men l•lla In love with 11\a MW wife of hie guardlen 1;100 MOVIE * • '"' "Rabu1" ( 1968) Ann·Mergr11. Laurance Harvey 9 NEWS 1:ao a a N8C News OVERNIGHT 2!00 G» MOVIE • * "Sha Played With Fire" 11958) Jack H•wkln1, Arlene Dlhl An ar1on lnYMtill•t« meet• up with • IOvaly t.rnala firebug 0MOVIE Cl) MIEMU. Sen Diego ....,,.. et 1.oe Angelaa Dodger• ttl YOU A8t<B> ~IT 1:00 e C88 AEPORTI *'*** "Altered Sl•t .... ( 1980) Wllli•m Hurt. Blair Brown. A H.,,,.,d acian- 1111'• G4W*lc etruc1ure II allet9d whefl ha conductl mlnd .. iq,andlng 11111«1· mante with leole1lon tenu and ~ haltuclno- 10:10. IHOEPEHOENT NETWOfU( NEWI -~Of'MY ~ **~ "Or. Hackyl & Mr Hype" ( 1990) OlfVar Raid. Sunny ~ In • aul- Cldl attempt, en inc..ldlO!y Ufh podlatrllt qwff9 1 epadal bMUty potion that tume him Into a hand-'°""· and murdaroue. ladlll' man. 'R' • * • "Outland" C 1981) Sean Connery, P111r ~· A tpKe mwWlll lnvaatlgatae a raeh of mye. t.,lou• deltha within a mining c:o4ony on one or JUj)lter'e moone 'R' 2:15 MOVIE *. ''The Blue Lagoon" I 1980) 8roolta Shlllda, D 8 REAL P£OPLE Featured: a man who II bulldlng a rodlatlfllt>: a Canadian who Clalme to be the wortd'a llrongaet men: a chemplon whaelchalr fl&M.(R) II MOVIE * * * * "Giant.. (Part 1) (1956) Eltubath Teytor, J.,._ Dean. BU«t on in. 11ory by Edna Fartier. T ... u ranofl Illa end the pur. IUlt of oM WMlth eflac1 thtea people. D ttl THE PHOENOC An 1rchaaologlet taad1 8annu to Mire'• tltN a.p- eute. wtlera a hoetlle pr- ince from hie planet ewelll him. (R) G MOVIE •• * "The Fvglttw Kind" (19601 Marton Brando, Anne M9g11an1. 8Mad on a llory by T-Wll· llama. A wandatlng gutter pla~ klndlee pualon In •-very different woman ., P.M. MMAZINe A tr-a hunter who..._ vaged MO mllllon wortt1 of eunltan gold and j9wele; an an.,gy efficient aatth- lhlltered ,_, • MOVIE * *'-i ''lht .. Vlolant Peo- ple" (19641) Chlrlton H-. ton. Anna Baxter. Two man and • women bac:oma lnVOl¥ad In • ttlengla wtllll fighting an unt• prcM- elonlll eo-nmant. •GM.Ar . P£AFONiWfCO "Liva From Uncoln c.n. tar" Zubln M911ta conduc:t1 the "-Y«k Phlltletmon6o In Mout1'1 "Jupiter Sym- phony•· and Str-· "Don .Jv1n"; Leontyne Prtoe ... en.. by Mor.att and Verdi and Iha llnel - from Straua1' "Saloma." ct)MOWI! ........ "Blooctbrothat1" ( 1978) Richard Clafa, Tony Lo Blanco. A roung man d., .. to brMk 18mlly trad- ition by worillng In • hoepl- ... ward for cNkkwt ratllat tt111n In Iha haev)' oonetruo- tlon~. 'R' CH>MOVW * * * "Which Wtrf .. UC>?" < 18m Rlc:Nrd Pryor. l..onatte ~. A Mii· etarwd fruit plclcar 11 ceuent In • comic croaaflre ~ 1111 union and Ille Mob, and a llypocltMlolll (0) On-TV (J) VfV IHI HIO <Cl (Clnemu) (I) IWO~I NY., NV @ IWTBSI (ES~) (Sflowtlma) • $t:)otllfh& e CCeblaNrMNatWCH'kl ~·· ·R' 8:ao•ooo~ Oac1t •nd Fell11 are lhocllad to learn that a computer dating ..vic. hu m1tchad Otcer with Gtorla. Falla'• IX·wlfa. I!> EUCTION '12 MOVIE •Yo "0..th Vl/ltr(' (1982) Paul i..M1t, Peter Biiiings- iey A Nft YOttl ~ II lent to Al'lzona to vtelt hit mother end etumblel acroaa a _._ of gtlaly murder•. 'R' t:008 MOVIE • • "Flrepowar" (1979) Sophia Loran. J1mH Coburn. A Cfllmlet' 1 wld- -and _., Olhat Pit· , ... COf!Ylrga on Iha Cetlb- baan to IMm the r- blNnd her hueband'• vlo- llnl dNlh. D QI TH( FACTa OF LIFE Natalia vower-. wtllfl 8191< reveale eoma ember· rMllng lnlormatlon aboUt hat.~) • Ill THI! FAU.. GIJt Colt II hltad to find Iha ~tpplrlg man.tell' of • ladlae' Wflll.llng 1-. (R) ., MEW GIWPIN G~a: Tad Lange, Tina Jotlnlon, Oeor'ga Plim9- ton, AerlM Teytor, J<iMny oarti. (%)MOVIE • • • "t2 In The Shade" ( 1975) P9tar FonCSa. W11> ran Oetaa. Thought• of murder Int-wl'lan an antarprlllng dl'lflar lnvedel !tie ~ terrttory Qt • Y91er ... flehlng guide In Iha ~I( •• •.ao a a LOYL M>HEV Sidney and ~ pwllC wl'lan ltlWf ~ tha ldentl- 1!_ of P1t11'1 taer.C edmlr9f • IOAAD AHO ((AM ~· Jaerl Ole and ~ atd Ooea -IMtur9d In Iha elOf'Y of two •mentally handlc:liPPld young people Md the problem• ttwy leca wNll ~a clOla relatloniNp, (R) .. 40 {D)QWILj(~ COlmJ\' THIATM .. f'ha Count" ( 1t1f) Cl\lt. ..... parllllded to ~ ~ada··~·· ~perty. 10:00 D a QUINCY Quine)"• o,edllllllty I• qu11ttonad •llen II ..,.,..,. ''* ha .... medl • ~arTOrln ..... IA ii l'lll'llOll of I mufdar ii\!.~ Alull lllMnt• hat tOINlllOI """' Colby,' 11"'9ft ,. booked on HHUll ch.,gt1, •net Olaudta r~ IM 11W11 --9"0' (Ill) • OH ITMI WITH JUOn'H IOMOGe A pro"'-of ""' ~ ~ oonduOtOt IOOll• Ill her .... ---lrlCI llt rioma. ~ ... ., ..... 1AO and telllertlll of_.,.. On ·the -of hll Uth blntld•y. the legendary Ylddl•h actor 81ruch lurnat la pr-tld In 1 vlrtuoeo one-men perform· ance. 10:44 CZ) CHARLU CHAMPLIN PflEIEHra ... 11:00 ea e <1> OQI NlWI 8 8Al\IAOAY NIGHT Holt. Bob Nawhar1 GUMll: Amazing Rhythm Acee II YOU ASKED FOR IT Featured: "Korlng1. lndl1'1 Strongwom.,, .. and "TM Oucke Who Llw lllla MIHlonel< ... " ., M•A•&•H The paraonnal of the 40nt11 reepond In the ueu- al manner whln aipply llllll .,. cut a11or1 and thly feca crltlcal lhortegae. • IEHNYHIU. Benny pr-le lnOlll« hllarlou1 •ketch or "Thlnge Go Wrong." D DOCTOR IH THE HOUSE Olde applial for • )ob u eanlor houM 111rgaon. (HJ MOVIE * ••• AQaney''( 1981) Rot>- .,, Ml1Chum, L.. Ma/or• Tha MW held of I m1jot Al'llll'lcen ad-11elng flfm UNI. Children'• braaklMI drlnll cwnpllgn to trlnlllllt aubllmlnll pollllcel -(!'8'~ • • "Fiona" ( 1980) Fiona Rlohmond. Anthony SIMI. A notorlou1 women jouf· ntllll racounll her OUtrt• gaou1 advantu111 with -of Europa'• laadlng playt>oyl. 'R' 11:30.(IJ ~ llJNl<8"1 ~ A~t.lk .. ovw HllnV'• lntaraet In Iha lier end bacOlnal Atehll'I ,_ par1ner. (Pvt 1) (Al D9TONIQH'T Hoet; Johnny C.,eon. 0""1; l(aleanll Kif!. 89 A90NEWI NICIHTUNI • NOWHIN TO TUM 81•n Moon1yh1111 •nd CerOI l.ftifance llOll lflll dOoumantwy on 1n. tnata than tilt lllllllOn ~ tn Africa .wt1o h.... lltafl all101ad by "'" and drOUOf'lt end the rNUtt• of IUCh avantl. • THE_,.MONI LOulte 1u1paol1 lh•I Qeoroe'• "o4d Navy bucS- ~·· .. NllllY ·-· • LOW, MotUllOAH l1'YLI "L-And Tiit WW<to" I "Love And TM Awtl~ ~~ .. -~ •Cwno..A90 NIM (l)~LCMI .. THI~ l!_art 3) u:» Cl:) MCMI ...... ''lriM'• long'' (11111 Jamee ea.n, -o.. WllllelM. r-toot11111 ......,.....,..,_.,... (l)MOVIE • * ~ "Mommla Oa••HI" (198 I) Flye Ounawey, Ola- n• ScltWld. Fortin film atar Joan Crawford 11111aa her 1WO *CSoc>tad Chlldran In • d-11c llrnoaphere that ,,., ... from twcurtoue comfort to Udlltlc dllcl- pline 'PG' 12!06 8 Cl) MOVIE * * "The Batey" (19781 Lair.nee Ollvlar, ~ Ou,,. A ~ Detroit IUIO tycoon btlngt a dara- cs.vll racing etar Into 1111 company 10 dav9IOp I ~· Olutlonaty MW~ (R) 12:30 D QI LATI NIGHT WTTH DAVIO LfTTlAMAN GUllle.: comedian Kavin Nealon; B.H. Betry, who .... 1hMlt1cal llghtl. II COUPLES G MOV!tt **'-' "Road To Salina" ( 1971) Mlm•lf Farmar. Robert Wall!ar. A hand- eome hitchhiker -·-• lonely young woman 11 • dalolete r~- llOa cai. In Ma1dco. • LOW. AMERICAN snu .MOVIE * * * "High Riek" ( 198 t) J-Bfolln, ClaeYon Ut· tie. A tl'lo of Qtaady friend• plOt Iha robbery of 1 mN- llon dollen from a South Amarlcen drug dealer .• ,.. CZ>MOYI! '* * "Richard'• Thlnoe" (1981) Liv Ullmann, Atnln- d• Radman. 'R' ·~®MOYie * * "Tiie ,._ting" (1980) Gloria Orlhaml, Jolin C.- radlna. A nowlllt rente a MCMled Victorian -lion where Iha .,.,. heV· Ing 1tr11ng1, erotic: draame. 'A' 11'.fO (C) MOVlt! , • ••~ "Th• H•notng T, .... (1959) Gwy COoc>ar. Mlria Schall. A doctOt kllte • man whlll n11Q11no • girt and II lllmolt ~ by a dNr!llan mob. , •• MOVll *'*'* "Wonder Man" ( 1041) DIM)f Ktye, Vlrotn- la Mayo. A nfOlltOlut> entw- talnat'a twin lltothar le ICCMld Of """'"'. • MOVll '* * * "Wiid le Tiie WIAd" Chriet()phar Atklne T- caetewty cl).lldran gr-10 ado161cance on a 1em041, South Pacific lllend and l•PI<~ lhl pang• ol flrst tova. 'R' (%)MOVIE • * • "92 In The Shade" (1975) Piiar Fonda, Wat· ren Oat... Thoughlt of murder lntervana whaf1 an antlfl)rillng driller lnvadN the bull,_ llfritory of • Y1ter1n flanlng guide In Ille Florida Keye. 2:20 CID MOVIE **'A "Tullpe" (19811 Gabl Kaplan. 8amadat11 Peltn. Whan ha II.. In tova. • auteld.i man trite to cancel Ula conlract he put outonhlmllelf. 2'.30 . QI N£W8 2:408 NEWS 2:4e CJ!) MOVIE * "Thi Happy Hooker Qoee HOiiywood" ( 1978) Marline Beewlcka, Adlltl'I w .. 1 The ci-ol llle ull gtrte goee to 111a mm CIPl- 111 to mall• • movie bMad on her eutoblogreony R' 3:00 8 MOVIE * * * "Judge Horton And Tll• Scotteboro 8oya" (1978) Arthur Hiii, Vere Mllu. D MOVIE **'-' "We Uv. Aglln·· ( 1934) Fredric March. Mn1 Stan. ue(B)MOVIE ** * "Wlltctl Way le Up?" (1917) Richard Pryor, l.onatla Md<aa. A Mii· at1rvad fruit plc:lier le caught In • COMlc croullra bei-hie union and the Mob, Ind • hypoCtt1loal l>'MCl'lar find• Maven In a lld ... ' choir. 'R' •:00• MOV1E * * + "The StOf'Y Of EJlth- lt Coetello" ( 1957) Joan C.1wt«d, Roaaano Bru:rl (l)MOVtE * '-' "Death Valley" ( IH2) PM l•Mll. Pater Biiiing• lly. A New York youno1ter II eent to Atl:lona to Ylell hit mother Wiii •turnblle Kl'Oll • ..... of ortlly murden. 'R' .MOYIE • '*... .. Altered 81e1•" ( 1980) Wllllem Hurt, ..., BfOWfl. A H#vlrd 1C$111• , .. ,.. OllllllO ""'°""' .. lltarld wMtl .,. condUG11 JOHN DARLING mtnd .. 110111dlno •111>«1- mante With leolatlon tan111 and ~ hllluo4no- Wedne9day, September 15, 1982 I ~~~IE • • "Flono" (11180) Fiona Richmond. Anthony Steal. A no101lou1 woman four- nlllat recount• her outr•· Qeoue 1dv1ntura1 with tome ol EuroPa • leading pt1yboye. 'R' 4.15 (C) MOVIE * * '•l,91'a 0o 11 Again" (1975) Sidney Pottier, 8111 Coeby. A 1T1llkman and • tac1ory worker engage In betll~ •nd hypnotlem to ralM lunda '°' their lodge po· 4:aa a ISPY Thur•daf1'11 IJayt lme ttf ot,le11 7:30 0 * • "JICk And The 8Hnllalk" (1978) Anlmet· ad An adventurous young boy Cllmbl a giant blan- ltalk to 1 meglcal kingdom ~nad by I greedy. trannlcal gl1n1 'G' CD • * • "Mr Rock And Roll" ( t 957) Clluck Berry, Lionel Hampton.A labu· loua look I• liken at the '50s and lhe ~Innings of rock 'n' roll 8:00 (C) * ·~ "Slnbad And Thi Eye Of The Tlgef" (1977) Petrlek Wayne, J-Sey- mour. The dulling hero bllllea unaerthly cre1tur11 1nd a deadly tiger to r.mova Iha curse that iceeps 1 young prince lrom his rightful pl-on 11141 tllrone. ·o· e:30CH) •• ··Loo1oar"1198tl Alb•rl Finney, J1m11 Coburn The m'(lterlous dNtha OI 8 -lea of beali- llfUI modal• lnvOl¥ad In • new ad,,.nlalng pro)9Ct are blamed on the ptutlc aurgaon who ~•lad on thel'n. 'PO' t:OO 0 * • • '"' "Brian'• Song" (ti71) Jamee Cean. 8llty Ola Wlltlama. Two footbal ~ tllar• • rare friend.nip untM cancer Claim• one of them CZ> • * • "The Conf ... llon" ( 19701 """ Mon· land, Simone Sillnoret. Artur London'• forced conf ... lon and lmprteon- ment occur during Iha communlet Pllrgaol 1951. 0:30 • * * * .. No Down Pay· m1n1" ( 1957) Jo1nn1 Woo6w1rd, Tony Randall. Four coue>tn llvlng In 111e aema poetwar housing d.vllopmant f-Illa and Ill ptObllml. 10:00 Ct) • • • * "ReaflomOn" ( 1950) M1en1to Kyo. Toehlro Mlluna Tf\rough a ....... 01 llllhbaclc1. an llghl~tury Jepan111 woodcu1ler recounte his ~ of • rape-murder 10 • BuOdhlll priest and • MrVanl (Ei)•• "St. Hllan1" (1981) Art Cerney, Oevld Huffman. An 80-year-old man r•fu-10 ... ,,. hi• amatt rMOrt 1ftar • geoto- gllt prldlcll • votcank: dlaaStar 'PO' *** "ThaOulr~" 11"4) Paul Newman, lo-. rence Harvey Four dll'far· ant varaionl Of I fl.Pl and murdar etory 111 given u evldanca tn 11141 trtel of • cowardly blllldlt 10:30 g * • • '1' "Haartland" (1981) Rip T«n. Conchata Ferrell A rancher end Illa houHk••~• lace th• rigor• of frontier Illa tn llltO~lng 'PO' 11130 {CJ * * * ··RatU<n Of A Man Celled Horse" (11178) Richard Hwll, Gall Son- d1rg11rd An Englllh Lord re1um1 to America Mier• ha IMfne lhlt Iha Sioux Indian. """° 11\lllltad him Into thalf 1r1... ha,,. IOl1 ''*' modaal ~ to trappare (%) • '* • "Oullend" (IHI) Sa•n Connery, Petit ~ A 111-mar• 1h.ll tn,,..1trg1"8 1 rUh of myttarloue dMthe within • mlntno colony °" one Of ""91t1t'1 moone. 'R' 12:00 D • • * "Oparatton Mar- l'l'llld" (IMO) Mal Zet1ar- llng. l<llnln Wynn. A ttlo ol Brltlefl eolclarl end en Amartcln hunt down Niii tre11ure burt9d eom .. wt1are llonG Ille Nor1111ncty OOMt, • '* • '<' "Htro'• ltiand" ( 111121 J-MltOll, Nw- llta lltllld. '" tha 1 l'OOI, • New image Actor Richard Thomas change John Boy image with moustache and beard for his role of Hank Williarn Jr. in NBC movie "Living Proor' to air thi · eason. plr111 end • former ell!YI b•llll to keep an llland off the C1rollnu l1om ,lllllng to the oontrOI ol • pllr of V!_lad\I brother• 12:30 w * ....... "Qlildalc:anat Olary" ( UM3) WOiiam Efan. dhl. Lloyd Noltn. The Marlnet 11rugg111 to get 1 llalr llrll footflOIO In Iha Pacific. 01) • • '"' "Ctrell Of Two" ( 1980) Rlchatd Burton, Ta1U"1 O'NHI. Oeeplle llrong ptrantal oppolltlon, • poignant romence d9\lal- 091 bl'-• 80-yelr-old ••tlll and • praoocloul •aan·aoa achoolglr1 'PO' * * "All The Mert>lae" (1981) Pater Falk, Burt Young. A huslllng. wiN- orecklng manlO" puW- hlt two lernale wr11tlar1 toward lhe top. 'R' Cl * + ·~ "Mommle Oeerast" (19811 F•y• Ounewmy. Qiana Scerwld. Foi111a fllm at•r Joan Crawfoid rat-her 1WO 1doptad chlldran In 1 domeetlc a1moephara tf\at verlee from tuxurtoua com- fort to udlatlc dlec:lpll,,., 'PG' 1: 15 (%) • • "Richard'• Thlnga" (1981) Liv Ullmann, Amanda Red· men 'R' 1;30 (C) * + * "TM GIUa Bot· tom Boal" (1968) Oorte Oay, Rod T ly\or. A phyll- citl bacomM In~ a girl wtlo poeeru • mar· maid part-lime. 2;30 * • '-' "Mommle OelrHI" 11991) F1ya Dunaway, Diana sc.rwld. Fortin lllm llat Joan CrlWford r.._ her two 1doptad children In 1 domae11c a1moaphar1 ttiet varlal from tuaurloue com- fort to Udtetlc dt.apu,,. 'PG' (S) +*.,.,"Key To The Cltf' (1950) Clatk G1bll, l«atll Young. A couple mtel and felr In love •t • meyor1' con_.,Uon held In Sen Frencleco. 3:00 0 **·~"Torch Song" ( 19531 Joa n Crawford. Midlaat Wilding. A BrOad· way stat IOYad -Illy by a blind planlet laade en empty and U11Mll1lyln; Iii• CZ) ••• ··ni. Contea- llon" ( 1970) YYM Mon- tand, Simona Stgn«a1. Ar1ur London'• forced contaaalon Ind 1rnpr110n- men1 occur during the communllt purge ol 195 t. 4:00 D * * • "Odds Agelnet Tomoirow" (1959) Harry 8elafont1. Shelley Wlnter1. RllClal prafudlql leetare among the mambarl of • gang. plWVl!ng • big bani! hallt. CC> • .,., "Sin bad And The Eva Of The T\gar" ( 11177) Patrick Wayne, J-s.y. mour. The duhlng hlfo bettlal unaerthly craatu,.. and • deadly tlgat to remove Iha Ql<M that -111>9 • young prince ltom hi• rlghtfut ~ on Iha throne. ·o· 4;3() *. "My Cl'lemplon" (tHt) Yoko Shlm1da, Ctlrle Mitchum. The true etory of a tameM ~ running Qhlmplon le to4d • g ***"'"RoblnAnd Marian" ( 1978) SIM Con- nery, Auorey Hapbum. An Older and .,._ RoOln Hood rllume from batlta to Slllnwood F-1 to reclelm hie balOYld Mekt Matllln, who ham anlered a conwn1 and tlkan her vowe.'PO' a:oo cm • * "The lnctadlble Voyage 01 Stingray" (19'5) Puppet1. c.i>t Troy T amc>Ht and Iha lftiOhty tlllp Sttngrl)' try to ·~ Iha ~ -lord, Tltan, from liking ovw Iha World. '~ (8) • •It "Tha Lo<lney, Looney, Looney .. lun- ny MOVll" (19811 Animal• ad. Volcll lly Mel 8lanc. June F«l!Y· New malarial " blended with Old In "* c;omplatlon ol ct...ic f'rttz FrlMng "Lo<Jney T-" fHlurlng 8uge, Daffy Duell, Por1ry Pig, Y_... SMI, ~la Pia Ind~ are from tlle cartoon ..,....o. CZ) * * * "Mr. Rodi Alld Roll" (1957)'0hudt Barry • UOntl Hempton.A ~ lou• IOOll II tlkan at die 'SOI Ind Iha bagll.,.,.. of Ioctl 'n' fOI. by Armstrong & Batluk .. ... ! ' Or1nge CoHt DAILY PILOT/WednHdly. September 10, 1812 YOURCHOICI 2611. • 6 INCHNON MffAlllC fAN l lAl>fS . ...,, ... 9aa co .. ~...... IACN Made of tovgh dvrcrble mol•rlol loob~ • ......_ llACl, TAN, '11.Ul. • q • • HllA 2" ::0-lASlllO " ll. .. OWl(f FOii CAR IOA T, HOME, ETC FIRE CONTROL II 5 BC. DRY CHEMICAL REFILLABLE-FIRE IXTlllGUllHIR PLUS ,..,.r.: • sroo l1IATI .. ~~ _.,._ .. _lY\YAH<A ;!:".rt: ;. • :-"~ (Golc_ .. ,_ •"'•I HJ006·1.0 7,• H46Jl ·t l H~'6·1l HlOOl -t D EACH H6017·tD 1111 H60S..·l.f EACH t:urtl• W•X • ·c-· • WCOllE CM WAX// II I Ml•TE WAX '~ • A r••ol11tlo11ory new -· • Wo• ony tl1e cor "' .... "'-15 ........... • s1 ... pty 1proy on & _,.,. ofl to 9fi o twtle wo• lonuh 31• AS SlfN ONTV IACI .. .,... •. fOl llGllT OI LlfT SIMS IACll f• ....... hlyt, f1nW!tlits, etc. CORNEll "200" 78 SERIES TUBELESS llACKWALlS s23ee A71·1l rlU$ J l 42 'l' "" •O.CI ttO t•C a..C:• rvt hf\\ .. , 878 IJ t27.99 SI .SJ C78-IJ t31.99 SI 78 C78 U '31.99 SI 68 £78 ,. ir·!• SI 80 f 78-1 • S.99 S2 01 G78 I• .3 .. ff S2 17 G78-l.S t31.99 S2 26 PAii Of "AA" IS OL 99< ......_ ___ l"UI *U * v:LT 1~ ~w~~ °"" 55< CORNELL ''150'' FOR COMPACTS, DOMESTIC, & IMPORT CARS •2499 600 12 llACltWAU r1us J I d' E 1 HI ' PRICE u o f •( .... ,~ '""hl\t. ... .S60 l.S S29.99 SI .S.S 600-lS '"·" s•F t.·11 PRICE flO h C ...,.,..,, tv•htU ... 600 12 09.99 SI 43 S60 ,. SS1 .99----SIS• RUIAllUPACTURmD PARTS SPllCIALI ----H78 l.S '40.99 S1 •:I St>0-1.S tS2.99 SI .SS fOI MOST A_,CAI OI IMPOIT CAIS • IY AmltCA'S llST-lllGWll Niii lllU.Wlll Ill wnl CU _.AIU ' '"' .... CUSTOM WHEELS 8-SPOIE WHEELS .. •n IS -.-.u1w ... Mlf\MllCI • u.& _,., • W • ..,.~·Item·-·---- SPECIAL ro~ 01 THI UM CORNELL "900" 2+2 STEEL BELTED RADIALS . s5nmuss3-~! $20411 1 ..... ..,,., 2 )00\fUIUIAOU.I eoo•ruu + 2 'lUS 1 SfUl IElTS SIZE PRICE ••o ''' ... f'REMIUM HIGHWAY Tlhl 700-1 .S .... 99 S2 81 130-16 ...... $J 54 700-14 US.99 S2 38 100.1.s 153.99 S3 07 G78.1.S tl4.99 S3 II H78-1 S .,. ... S3 39 HIGHWAY CAMf'H 100-16 .s f63.99 SJ 3• 87!5-16 s ...... SJ 78 'il'.S0-16 s ., 4.,,,, S4 :11 10-16 .s aTl.U I S4 •2 12-16 s t 101,99 $S 37 f'REMIUM TRACTIONtTE H78.1S .. 1.99 SJ •• TRUCK SS RY 31al0 .SO-ISi a76.9Y SJ 92 31•11 .S0-1 .st ., .. ,yy S• 49 3Jal2 .SO-IS •-·-I S4 90 VISIT OUR NEWEST STOttE IN EL TORO COSlAMESA FULLERTON GARDEN GROVE LA MIRADA SANTA ANA WESTMINSTER EL TORO RD. & ROCKFIELD PHONE : 855-9593 OPEN 9 AM 'TIL 9 PM 2946 BRISTOL ST SO Of SAN OIEGO FWY PHtlNE !>49 1538 ........... 1530 S HARBOR BLVD PHONE B70-0700 10912 KATELLA AVE. KATULA 6 EUCLID PHONE 638·0863 14207 ROSCCR~NS AVE PHONl 944 6437 -' 120 E FIRST ST AT CYPRESS PHONE ~c7 7477 OPEN MON. THRU PRI. 9 A.M.·9 RM./SAT. I A.M.·6 RM./IUN. 9 A.M.·5 RM. 11 15221 BEACH Bl.VO PHONE 893·8544 __ t._._ "--it_ 1 lllllJNlt WE!DNE!80AY, SEPT. 15, 1982 Ora11gc on t College looks strong again FOR THE RECORD C5 on occer field. C2. D·oes justice have a H(e)art? Todd Hart is fighting the biggest battle of theID all it;s a fact nothing is more significant than things that strike home -San Juan Capistrano's Wyatt Hart will testify to that. The lieutenant with the Orange County Sheriff's Department has been a liaison with the press for several years, stating official response on hard cases. PREP SPORTS ROGER CARLSON According to a hospital spokesperson, the 19-year-old's injury to th~ ~rvical vertebrae remains unclear because tf'\Vswelling h as not subsided and may not for still another Cew days. Today, Hart is still holding press confe.rences, but the subject isn't a crime victim or some other statistic, the subject is his own son, Todd Hart, the Long Beach State football star who suffered a severe neck injury Saturday in the 49ers' game with UCLA at the Rose Bowl. experience, and dad's backing didn:t end with the paycheck or bus token. Efforts to contact his dad have proved futile. he's at his son's bedside. But W'Jatt did take time to hold a pre~ conference an said, "They are telling us what's the worst, and then we can hope from there. They are preparing us for the bleak side." The bleakest side would presumably include a state of quadriplegia or paraplegia. It strikes home h ere because it wasn't very long ago that Todd and his mom (Susan) and dad were visiting, and the barbecue discussion was how Servite HiRh would do against the Edison High Chargers, should they meet. . Wherever Servite was, so was Wyatt Hart, on the sidelines, biting his tongue on both ends - keeping cool when mistakes occurred , keeping cooler while his son was earning honors as a junior, then as a senior. One of the goals was to play in the Shrine Game in Pasadena, but Todd settled for the Orange County All-star game. Anything less than that at this stage would have to be considered a bless.ing if it's true, but neurosurgeons say predictions are "not valid at this time." Wyatt Hart was recruited by t~e University of Oklahoma in the early 50s, but things fell through · for him and he ended up in the Marine Corps, where he and I became the best of friends as PFCs while stationed at El Toro. Another goal was to play for Stanford, but he settled for the 49ers. Todd was a defensive back for Servile and lo and behold, Servile indeed met Edison in the 1980 playoffs and as was his custom, Wyatt Hart was on the sidelines, giving the Friars of Servile and his son, Todd, his usual backing. The San Juan Capistrano athlete was sent by his dad to Servite' in Anaheim because that's where he felt his son would get the best educational Now the goals are slightly di!ferent. Just to walk out of Huntington Memorial Hospital in Pasadena would more than suffice. Todd has been in the intensive care unit since being injured and although he has feeling in his arms and leWi. he can't move from the neck down. Later we were to reunite while hitting the boulevards in Yokohama. Twenty years were to pass before we met again and I learned of h is receiver-defensive back at Servite. Bruce Kison Dodgers: Big crowds ·a big plus It's been 25 years since those days in the (See H(E)ART, Page C2) Kison pitching heats up Angel pitcher finds added strength to down Sox ~ CHICAGO (AP) -With the cool of September, the pitching of the Angels' Bruce Kison heats up. "I can't explain my success in the final weeks of the season, but I gu~ it goes back to my days at Pittsburgh, when I seemed to find added strength in the month of September," Kison said Tuesday night after shu tting out the Chicago White Sox, 7-0. "And now it's carried over to 1982," he said. The lean right-hander recorded his ,,. first shutout since April 23, 1980, to keep the Angels one game back of front-running Kansas City in the American League West and drop the White Sox 6Y.t games back. Kison, 8-5, allowed seven hits, walked one and struck out four in his fint start since June 22. The win improved Kison's career won-loss record during September and October to 25-7. Manager Gene Mauch said he didn't decide until Tuesday morning to start Ki.son -who had made 16 straight relief appearances. And even then, Mauch said he didn't expect him to go more than seven innings. American League Weat KC Angela Chicago W L Pct. GB 83 61 .576 82 62 .569 1 76 67 .531 6'12 QAMES fU!MANNO KANSAS CITY (18) -HOME (9): $ept. 15, 16. Sullle; 8ept. 27, 28, 29, ~;Sept. 30, Ocl 1, 2, 3. Oakland. AWAY (9): Sept 17. 18, · 19. 11,tlnnesote; Sept. 20. 21, 22, A"f91•; Sept. 24. 25. 26. Oakland. CALIFORNIA (18) -HOME (8): Sept. 20, 21. 22. KanMS City; Oct. 1. 2, 3, Texu. AWAY (12): Sept. 15, Chicago; Sept. 16, 17. 18. 19, Toronto; Sept. 23. 24. 25. 28. Teic .. : Sep1. 27, 28. 29, Kansu Clty. CHICAGO (19) -HOME (12): Sept. 15, A"tM: Sep1. 16, 18, 18, 19, Oakland: Sept. 24. 25, 26. Mlnneaota; s.p1. 27 (2). 28, 29, SHltla. AWAY (7): Sept. 20. 21. 22, 23, Seallle; Oct. 1, 2. 3, MlnMaota. surprises me," rightfielder Reggie Jackson said. "And when a Bruce Kiaon can literally come out of the- bullpen and get a shutout, it's got to be one of the great success stories of 1982." White Sox Manager Tony LaRussa had a simple answer to the problems facing his team. "It's simple -all we have to do is win a lot of games in a hurry.'' he said. was intentionally walked. f>oug DeCinces lined a single to center which Rudy Law misplayed, allowing both Downing and Jack.son to come home. Carew singled in the t hird and came around on Don Baylor's double to make the lead 3-0. The Angels made it 6-0 in the eighth. DeCinces led off with a double and took third on Lamp's wild pitch. Rob Wilfong's bloop single scored DeCinces, and Wilfong then stole second and took third on a single to short right. Harold Bair1es bobbled the ball on the play, permitting the run to score. An error by Vance Law on Bob Boone's grounder let in another California run. Wilfong's ninth-inning RBl single cloeed out the scoring. The two teams conclude the three game series and their rivalry in the Windy City with K en Forsch (11-10) going for the Angels against J erry Koosman (7-6) of the White Sox. A loss by the Sox could virtually LOS ANGELES (AP) -The Los Angeles Dodgers, BOme say, have two big things going for them in the closing weeks of the National League West pennant chase: pitching and Dodger Stadium. "Bruce told me after the eighth inning that he would put ice on his pitching arm in the clubhouse and that he really wanted to finish the game," Mauch said. "Not because he wanted the shutout or the complete game, but he simply wanted the Tuesday night's los,, was the third in a row for the Sox. The Angels scored two runs in the first inning against Denni.a Lamp, 9-8. Brian Downing led off with a single and, two outs later, Reggie Jackson • eliminate them from the pennant scramble. They fell 6 'h games behind after Kison's shutout with the Angels tr~ling front-running Kansas City by a smgle game. Following tonight's game, the Angels move to Toronto for a four- game series before returning home to face the Royals for three games beginning Monday night. De11J Piiot tr.ff PM«e Huntington Beach's Jeff Lopez will be one of Eric Lawton's work." "Nothing in the world of sports chief targets Thursday night. On Tuesday night they used both to full advantage as Fernando Valenzuela nursed a first-inning run into a six-hit, 1--0 victory over the San Diego Padres. The win increased the Dodgers' lead over Atlanta to 1 Y.t games. Will area teams live up to rankings? And another big audience - 44,302 ·-added to San Diego Manager Dick Williama' claim that "the crowds here have got to be worth two, maybe three wins down the stretch." Fountain Valley-Foothill, Edison-Vista top week· two of non-league action Until recently though, the Dodgers haven't played that well at home, and Eric Snow, 10-5, the Padres' pitcher who took the loss despite allowing only one nm and six hits for seven inninp, can't understand why. "Pitching here reminds me of the movie, 'Chinatown,'" he said. "You know the line, 'Don't worry, Jack. this is Chinatown'? Well, I juat said to m)'llelf, 'Don't worry, F.ric, this i.a Dodgertown. They get all the breaks.' " The Dodgers got enough breaka to win their fifth straight game and hand the Padres their fourth straight Joa. They now trail by 71h pmes. "The D6dgers have the- experience, they know how to play the game," Williama said. "The only thfna, thia ia the year / (See DODGERS. Pa1e CS) By ROGER CARL.WN Ol'u. Daly not ...,. With m<l8t of their first-game wrinkles ironed out, the second week of prep football get.a under way Thursday with a half d<>7.en games involving Daily Pilot teams, followed by another dozen entries Friday and Saturday. After last week's opening round there are eight teams from the area rated in Top 10 CIF polls, including Edlsorr (No. 3), Marina (No. 6) and Mater Dei (No. 8) in the Big Five Conference and Newport Harbor (No. 6) in the Central Conference. Al.ao ranked are Mission Viejo (No. 6) and Capistrano Valley (No. 8) in the Southern Conference and El Toro (No. 1) and Saddleback (No. 3) in the Central Conference. Here's a look at this week's non-league offerinp, with all Thursday and Friday games billed for 7:30 start.a: FJ' I'S. Foot•lll Fountain Valley's rugged non-league achedule continues, thU time with \he CIF Southern Conference's No. 1 rated ' ·~ Milner Mullen team, Foothill, wRlch s1opped highly- regarded Capistrano Valley last week, 14-6. Coach Ted Mullen'• Foothill crew operates with a slot-I otfeme and split six defense with James Laird (6-0, 180) the primary rusher. Laird ran for 134 yards on 23 carries against Capo in a run-oriented attack. Coach Mlke Milner'a Fountain Valley Barons went with junior quarterback Brett Stevens ln last week's 24-14 loss to Ma~r Dei, and the younger brother of UCLA's Matt Stevens responded with an ll-for-25 performance for 96 yards. The Barons' running game, however, was limited to 35 yards on 28 rushes ( 1.25 per attempt). Edison I'S. l'lsta Edison's Chargers take thefr 2-0 record to Vista, where the Panthers await with a formidable background and a solid 1982 edition, despite a 12-0 loss to. potent El Camino High of Oceanside. Vista Coach Dick Haines has a 27-year nicord of 227-71-7 and his teams at Vis1a are 102-26 since taking over in 1970, capturing seven league titles and two San Diego Section Large Schools crowns, including 1981 when his team went 13·0. Vista•s main strength is it.a secondary, which Includes safety Tom Simmons (5-9, 160), a second team All-San Diego Section player as a junior. Albert Veytia (5-9) Is the quarterback, althouah the Panthers could go to 6-2 junior Marty Hardesty. Brent Sepulveda Controversy among the Rams? You bet there is !'. JOHN SEV ANO "l'i~~~ to eend Ray Malavasi to a fourth. helping of pasta. You would thinlt the Rams coach had 1uffident worries already following hia . team•• performance aptnat the <:rreen Bey Pack.era. in which the Rama turned a 23-0 lead into a 35-23 io.. Ah, but there•• more. At MalavMi'a weekly media breakfaat Tueaday morning, there were alto m.tnuadona that a ''number of players" may not have liven their all tn protest of Bert Jone-betn1 the team'• No. 1 q~. Honett, follu, thla la aeriaut 1t\lff. The rumor concemtna the players' L. .. ; division of allegiance between Jones and Vince Ferragamo surfaced as early aa the firat week of training camp. Suc h accusations w ere dlsmiaaed as heresy however. A sports columnist re1urfaced the problem, though a couple of daya ~go and Malavasi add.remed himself to the mue Tue8Cla.y. Mai.vaai admit1ed that he "talked to a few playenr' during the preeeuon about the allegations, got them smoothed out, and that wu the end of it. "They're all mature player•.'' said MaJava1i, apeakina of the team as a whole. "Sure, they all have preferenc:a and friend.I they'd like to IN playtna. but I don't think dlat would l1pp them from perfonnlng on the field. ••If they do, it only hurts them.'' A source close to the organixa\ion claims that four of the players Malavaai held dlscuaaiona with were "Wlde receivers Preston Dennnd and Bill Waddy, guard Kent Hill and running back Wendell Tyler. . Addi~ to the 1peculalion, too, wu the tact that Tyler took hirnaelf out during the aecond half of S..t &mday'1 ~· claiming "he jult didn't feel rt1h~ and the fact that Dennard only cau1hl one pa.19 and Waddy dkin•t catch any. -"I'm 1ic:k of all thi1 (bleep),•• commented Jack Faulkner, the Rama' Director of Pro Operatlon1 who waa obviously bent out of shape concerning the rumors. "I want t.o know what the hell this is all about. If somebody t)as something to say then he should come t.n and say it. "I don't thtnk people should talk behind other people's backs. Let's not be little kids abOut this. People want to see men play. "You must remember we always want to do what's best tor the football team." Of coune, ''what's best" for the Rima la c:urrtntly the dU.pute under tcrutiny. Should Jones be leading the Rama? Or ehould lt be Ferrapmo? "When you l~. everything c:rope up, everythJn11 •• maanlfled," Faulkoer (See OONTROVEUY, Pase Cl) -"" (5-7, 150) is the main runner in the Vista attack. He had a 65-yard run last week. Up front the leading lineman appears to be Mika Streipes, a 200-pound tackle on a relatively small team physically. Marina I'S. San Luis Oblsl'O San Luis Obispo was a 28-0 victim of Crespi last week in a game which saw quarterback Eric Jackson limited to an 0 for 7 performance passing. Steve Gupton is the Tigers' leading rusher, although he was held to 33 yards on 10 carries by Crespi. Phil Papa, a two-way lineman, i.a one of the Tigers' better players at 6-2, 22~. San Luis Obispo runs a power I wi\h a 3-4 defense, with a tendency toward the run game. The Tigers were 9-3 a yeer ago. Marina, ranked No. 2 In the Daily Pilot's Orange County Top 10, will be trying to re-establish some respect after being held to a 10-8 victory over Newport Harbor last week. Cypress 11s. Newport l)arrln Ruble, Cypress High's quarterback, connected on 12 of 26 pasaes for 163 yards in a 21 -7 loss 1o El Toro a week ago and appears to be the player to watch (or stop) by Newport Harbor's Sailoni. The Sailors, who opened some eyee wtth a near-miu 10-8 aetback to highly-regarded Marina a week a,o. rely on the running, kick.Ing and linebaclc.lns play of Junior St.eve Bruaa. Coach Mike Giddins• ta, employina three quarterbacks, uaing each•a particular strength when be need.8 It, wlth eeniort BOJ Brown and.Mike Welll. along wlth JunJor Bruce Ooodfle~. Cent.er Mark Parry la apparenUy loat for the seuon bc.'caWIO of a hip lr\JW"y. CdM .-8. Saa Cle•e•t e · San Clemente'• runntna pine abowtd llarll of sire~ ln \he MCOnd half of . (See Wll.L AREA, Pase 0) I { 11 I Orange Ooaet D~ILV PILOT/WednMd•v. 891>l•m!Mf 18, 1982 ohinson's thoughts : ·:·We have to improve • Fron.i AP dlapatcbes ,. LOS ANGELES -Southern Cal al fl unked lta flrat teat of the 1982 4. t ·football aeaaon and Coach John , Robinson hopee the Trojans can learn from the experience. "We have to recognize where we failed, 'correct it, stay confident ln ounelves and go on from there," Robinson said Tuesday, looking back at the season-opening loss of 17 -9 to Florida laSt weekend. "The key for us, as it is for almost all football teams, is to improve." Robinson, whoee team dropped from 10th to 19th in the national football poll with the defeat, saw a lot of positive aspects despite the loss. "I liked Sean Salisbury," the coach said of the new Southern Cal quarterback who was intercepted three times and lost one fumble to the Gators. "He was aggreMive and he gave me the feeling he has a chance to be an outstanding player. "I'm more sold on him than I was before the game." Quote of the day Bill Caudill, a Seattle Mariners relief · pitcher who spent 22 minutes on the New York Yankees' roster before being traded to Seattle: "When I retire, I'm going to ask George Steinbrenner to send me a uniform with one pinstripe on it." Cruz, Lacoss combine to sink Braves Mike LaC011 gave up just two a hits over seven innings, and Joie Cn11 belted his ninth home run of the season Tuesday night, to give Houston a 4-0 victory over the Atlanta Braves. The loss moved the Braves l ~ games behind the Dodgers in the National League West . . . . In other games, Riehle Bebaer and BW Macllock blasted grand slams in consecutive innings as Pinsburgh, trailing 4-0, stonned back for .,.t.,. a 15-5 thrashing of the , .. • Chicago Cubs. Madlock drove CRUZ in two more r uns w i th sacrifice rues . . . Darrell Porter's two-run homer in the fourth inning and the combined five-hit pitching by John S&uper and Brace Satter carried St. Lou is to a 2-0 victory over Philadelphia, sending the Cardinals back into first place In the National League East . . . Al Oliver drove in two runs with a pair of singles, and Cbarlle Lea limited New York to six hits as Montreal defeated the Mets 3-1 for their fourth straight victory . . . Dave Bergman hit a two-out, two-run homer to give San Francisco a 2-1 victory over Cincinnati. Another dull day for Cal Poly SLO SAN LUIS OBISPO -The Cal [i] Poly San Luis Obispo football team c. • may not hold Fresno State in high regards, but when a press release refers to the Fresno team as the Dulldoga (They're the Bulldogs). you know it's war. Of course, it's possible Cal Poly sports information director Steve Rutledge may have ju.It made a typographical error when he was typing the release, but it's doubtful. Cal Poly's new coach, Jim Sanderson, for instance, ls a former Dulldog, er Bulldog, and still holds the school record for most interceptions (16). The Mustangs, meanwhile, were trying to begin a new era under Sanderson when they tangled with the Bulldogs last Saturday. Cal Poly's four wins last seuon came over such powerhouses as Cal Lutheran, UC Davis, Portland State and Santa Clara. Well, ·things didn't turn out the way they were supposed to in the Mustangs' opener. They may be the Dulldogs in Cal Poly's book, but the Bulldogs pounded out an easy 26-6 win over the Mustangs last Saturday. There wasn't a dull moment in Fresno that · day. Rlpken's rip sinks Yankees Cal Rlpke1>'1 grand slam In th(' a fifth lnnlng led the Baltimore Oriok'll j to a 5.3 vfctory over the New York Yankees and a swec•p of th<>lr double-header Tu('sday night. The Oriole. ooat the Yankee$ 5-4 ln the opener to move to within 1 ~ games o f Milwaukee in th<• Americtrn League East. Baltimore's Benny Ayala paced the opener with an RBI sin,glc in the eighth inning . . . Elsewhere, Biil C11tro won his first game as a starter In aievcn years, and Hal McRae tied the major league record for runs batted in by a designated hitter in a season as Kansas City topped Seattle 5-2. McRae blooped an RBl double in the first inning -his 12lst RBI of the season . . . Milwaukee's Don Money homered and tripled, driving an three runs, to lead the Brewers to a 6-3 decision over Detroit . . . John Tudor avenged a complete game loss at Cleveland in his last start by firing seven strong innings in a 12-1 Boston victory over the Indians. The Red Sox received home runs from Carney Lansford and Glenn Hoffm a n Jack O'Connor patched a four-hitter to spark Minnesota's 3-2 victory over Texas. . . . The game between the Toronto Blue Jays and Oakland A's was postponed because of rain and has been rescheduled as part of a twi·night double·headcr tonight. Baseball today On this date in baseball in 19W: Boston's Bob Watson became the first player in major league history to hit for the cycle in bqth leagues. In a 10-2 Red Sox victory ov$' the Baltimore Orioles, Watson collected ·~ single, double, triple and home run. On this date in 1969: St. Louis left-hander S teve Carlton set a National League record by striking out 19 New York Mets' batters, but a pair of two-run homers by Ron Swoboda gave the Mets a 4-3 victory. On this date in 1963: San Francisco's three Alou brothers - Matty, Felipe and Jesus -played in the outfield at the same ume during the Giants' 13-5 victory over the Pittsburgh Pirates. Today's birthdays. Cleveland Manager Dave Garcia is 62. Seattle pitcher Gaylord Perry is 44. Olympic hockey goalie Craig Innocent For mer Olympic hockey goalie • Jlm C r aig was round innocent Tuesday of motor vehicle homicide in a Memorial Day Weekend crash that claimed a woman's life. "I have never changed my statement from the start," Craig said after the verdict. "As happy as I am, I couldn't be any sadder that a death was a result of the accident." ... American Mel Lattany won the 100 meter race at an international track meet in Rome with a 10.14 clocking . . . Welterweight champion Sagar Ray Leonard said he would decide in the next two months whether or not to resume his boxing career . . . JaUoa Boros,. a two-time U.S . Open winner. and Katby Wbltwortb, winner of a record 83 titles on the women's tour, were inducted into the the World Golf llall of Fame . . . Toay Frlttcb, cut last week by the Houston Oilers, tried out with New Orleans and his former coach, Bum PbJIJlpt, now the coach of New Orleans . . . Sam McCallam, whose release by Seattle sparked threats of a strike by the Seahawks last week, was signed by M innesota . . . Dan Devine, the former collegiate and NFL coach, said he has turned down a possible position wit h the Arizona Wranglers of the United States Football League . . . South Korea upset Japan 5-2 to win the 27th World Amateur Baseball Championship before 50,000 in Seoul . . . Dick Weat , star basketball forward for UCLA in the 1940s, died Monday or an apparent heart attack. Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baaeball -Angels at Chicago, 5:30 p.m., KMPC (710); San Diego at Dodgers, 7:30 p.m., KABC (790). ff ritons surprise Sea Kings Oilers, Monarchs, Sailors also open sea~on with wins ~The 1982 women 's high school volleyball · ~ kicked off Tuesday might, and already the Sj(C Clemnte Tritons have earned what could be ~bed as an upset. , 1:;':In my 10 years of coaching here, I've never I• · Corona del Mar," admitted San Clemente Jack Iverson. whose Tritons recorded a 15-9, 6-15, 13-15, 17-15 victory over the Sea Kings M. i · In other season-openers, Huntington Beach ed five games to upend Mission Viejo, Newport r swept Westminster in three and Mater Dei Tmded four games to disp<>ee of La Quinta. All es were non-league affain. At Corona del Mar, the Trltons u$ed 90Me fine_ Crom junior setter Tracy Millers to open the n on a winning note. "You a1ao have to give credit to twins Lisa and Luhnow tonight," Ivenon said. '"Illey were effective in the middle." i• Corona del Mar WH led by outalde hitter ke Harrington and back row specialists Pam rence and Ilene Hess. At Huntington Beach, the Oilers were sparked ddle hitter Kim Scane, just a 10phomore, and or 1etter Jackie Townsend. (E)ART ..... Corps, b\ll Wyal\ Hart la 1tJU juet a aooct 'ol from Oklahoma. Now hll pride and joy 11 flat on hlt bllCk with • en neck . . • detplte the fact a carinf f•ther't WM behind him all the way. , Only time will revul the cMarw Of the lnJury, If ~ c:onwna • hear., t.hlt Ila.rt will beat the VOLLEYBALL Newport Harbor's defense easily handled Westmin ster, although the Lions received fine middle blocker play from Diane Watson and Jackie Mendez. At Mater Del, Peggy Baker reoorded 12 kills as the Monarchs pulled out their victory over La Quinta. They needed a thrilling 16-14 triumph in the decider to wrap up the match. Reds offer free tickets CINCINNATI (AP) -The Cincinnati Reds, suffering through • rough yeer at the gate as well aa on the field, are givln1 away free Uckets for 1983 gamea at Riverfront Stadium. The ballclub announced Tuesday that fans attending the last home game this teuon on Sept. 26 will receive a gift certificate good for one free reeerved teat tickel to any 1983 Reds home game ln A pril, May or June, excluding Opening Day. The ticket ,iveawar II part of the ft.eds' annual "Fan ApprectaUon Day' held on the lu\ home date. The Reds annually give away a variety of priz.et. lncludlna major appl.iantea and motor vehicles, at the laat home flame. Estancia poloists win, 16-4 Troy Fft'lley ..-ored five goala, David lnadoml edded four and Mark Wicka IOOred three to apark Eatancla Htah to a 18-4 victory over Fountain Valley ln non-league wa~r Polo .ctton ~y. The r..11et led 8-3 art.er two quarien and then poured ln six more pit ln the thlrd quaner to wrap up the Yldory. r C, Ch in play volleyb a ll at Coast Two-tlmt• d1•fC'ndlnti national ~h1i1mploo USC will hoat tho China Junior National women'• volleyball team In a match al Orange CoHt College tonlaht (7:30) with :scvural area playel"R lllU'd on the Trojan l'08ter. Lisa Nledringhuus, a frcthman from NewPOrt liarbor High and Lorl Uranlch, a senior from Mater Del, are among the top reserve$ for the Trojans. Tracy Clark. a 5-1 l left side hitter, and Leshe Devereaux, a 6-1 middle blocker. are freahmen from El Toro High who h&Vl' gained s tarting berths with Coach Chuck Erbe's Trojans. USC was ranked No. l in the nation before the season started but split a pair of matches last week, defeating Pepperdine in the opener and losing at Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) Saturday. Tonight's match with the Chinese junior team is one of four that will be played by the Trojans in Orange County. On Saturday, Oct. 9. It will be San Diego Stale at Orange Coast College and on Friday, Nov. 19, it will be Stanford (with Irvine's Kim Oden) at F.clison High. • • AP Wlreptloto The fourth m a tch will be against Nippon College of Physical Education o n Wednesday, Oct. 27 at Orange Coast. All matches start at 7:30. Angels' Rod Carew scor es o n a Don Baylor hit i n the thir d inning in a 7-0 victory over the Wh ite ox Tuesday nig ht. Best OCC soccer teain ever? Pirates boast seven r e turners, f i ve all-conferen ce players When Orange Coast College soccer roach Barry Wallace assembled his 1981 squad, he got the feeling something was missing. It didn't take long t.o learn there was a lack of sophomores. COMMUNITY COLLEGES CURT SEEDEN In fact, Wallace sent his troops into South Coast Conference play with not one sophomore among the group. And what happened? The OCC youngsters walked ofC with the South Coast Conference championship. Imagine Wallace's state of mind between last season and this season. The OCC coach was probably crossing off days on the calendar -just waiting for the 1982 season to kick off. High grad, should be one of the premier goalies in the state this year. WALLACE YOU SEE, has seven returning starters from his 1981 conference championship team which finished the campaign with an 11-5-2 mark. And five of those players were All-South Coast Conference selections. "Every season that we've fielded a team we've had the best goalie in the conferem.-e," Wallace boasts. ''One of our goalies (John Benbow) played in the North American Soccer League. There won't be many goaljes in the state who are in the same class with Wandler this year. He's b~g. quick and talented." Wallace calls Campbell, who played at Huntington Beach High, a "super player." Both Mullen (Fountain Valll'y) and Allen (El Toro) figure to add speed and quickness to the team. "Without a doubt, this is the bes-t team we've ever had here at Orange Coast," Wallace admits. "I honestly don't think we have a weakness this year." The Pirates open defense of their third straight South Coast Conference title Oct. 5 at Fullerton College, but there's plenty of soccer scheduled before that. Among the newcomers are m1dfielders Glenn Strachan and Claudio Taboada and fullback Jim Jensen. Strachan, whose older brother Scott was an all-league performer for the Pirates m 1980 and '81. played high school soccer at F.dison. Most notable is the OCC Soccer Cup, a four- tearn tournament which will be held on the OCC fielct. Other paruc1pants are College of the Desert. LA Harbor and Long Beach CC. Games will be played at noon and 3 p.m. each day. "Glenn is a key player for us. He's small and quick and is an outstanding performer. He has a great future in the game," Wallace says. The tourney should be a s howcase for Wallace's talent-laden squad. Wallace figures the toughest conference competition will com(' from Golden West and Fullerton. "GOLDEN WEST always has a fine team, and I'm sure the Rustlers will be tough again this year.'' he says. "Our 1980 championship squad was a bit short on fullbacks, and last year's championship didn't have many forwards. This season, we have good players at every position, and we have more depth than we've ever had," Wallace admits. AMONG THE Pirate returners are goalie Jeff Wandler, forward Jose Dydaaco, midfielder Joe Campbell, and fullbacks Mike Mullen and Scott Allen. "I'm sure we'll IJe favored (to win the conference) because we're the defending champs and we have so many players back. We'll have to have some luck in order to win the title this year, but I sincerely believe it's going to take an awfully good team to beat us." he adds. Wallace feels Wandler, a 6-4 Newport Harbor Santa Ana College, whJch finished fourth in the South Coast Conference a year ago, figures to improve on a 3-4-5 mark this sea.son. College football IA~DAY'IOAME8 .... tndtet1a .... use at LA c~m ( 1 30) San OleQo SI al Ctlllornla Cat Siii• Fullet1on al Cal POiy (SLO). n Fresno SI al Ofegort Sen JoM at Stanford (Cllennel 2 at t 30 p m I Colo<aelo vs WUlllngton St 11 Spohne Sonom• SI al Chico St .. n Nortllrl<lge St. at San Francltc0 SI Hayward SI at Santa Clilla, n use JV 11 Le Ve<ne l'oclllea Washington at Arizona, n N.-.ada-Reno at Boise St . n Hewell 11 Colorado St. ltadllc: 11 ldlhO, n Portter":I St. 11 ld1110 St .. n Puget Sound 11 Mont1n1 Wabaf St 11 Ullh SI. Long Beech SI at Wyoming loutllwn t N•vy VI. Ark•n• .. al Llllla Rock. n Arllone St. at Houaton, n NE Louill1n1 at Nonh Taxu St Ullh 11 T11111. n Tn~llnglon II Taxu .UM, n SMU 11 Te11N•EI Puo, n Air Fo<c. 11 Te1111 Tacf\, n ........ UCLA 11 Wllconlln MlchlOan II Notre Dama (Chanoal 7 al IS p m ) low• St. at Iowa Ohio St 11 M!Chtgen SI Mieml, 0. II Nonllwwtern MIMllOll at Pu<due TCUal IC- Soutll OllcOIAI al KaNu 81 New Mexteo St 1t.Habruk9 Dreka at Soutl'lltn llllnoll Merlflalt et T Olldo. n 81111 SI. al WICttila SI , n Bowtlng Gr-at Central Moehlgen Kant St. at Northern llllnoil , n Rldlmond 11 Otlto U IHlnols St. at Weste<n llUnols, n hulll SoullMlfn MIMISSippl 111 Auburn. n 80lton College at C1em1on Pitt at Florida SI . n The Cltadel II Georgia Tech Oklahoma 11 Kentucky OtegCN'I St. 11 LSU, n Ml.aitsll)pl SI. at Memphis St • n Alabama vs. Mississippi 11 Jactiaon Vande<bllt at Nonh Caroline Waka Forest et NOt1h Carollne St., n Ouk• 11 South Cetotlna, n WMI Taau St. at SW Louisiana, n Rlcla at lulane, n James Madison et v"gtnla Miami. FIL el Virginia Tech VMI It W1nl1m & Mery Furman 11 Appelaclllan St EH i Rutgart It Penn SI Merylend al West Vlrotn•• llltnols 11 S)'facusa Laf~ll at Army Vala et Btown Pflneelon 11 Comau Penn at Dattmou1h Columbia II Hatvlfd MINIC:huMtlt II HOiy CtON COigate al LAnl\)h Rhode e.land at Mlin4t 8oltoo U el ,.._ H1mptfllfl •UHDAY'8 OAMIE OkllllOml SI el TuJU n 82 HOUR All AMERICAN 2626 H•rlter llvd., Cett• Me .. ...... llRITIDI SALE nus., Sept. 11th - Mon., Sept. 20th .. - llOIMUll JOHNSON &SON presents ... NF& ,. ......... ... Rama over Detroit * San Francisco over Denver * Dallas ov~r St. Louis * Raiden Orange Oout DAILY ,.ILOT/WedMtd1y, le,ttmber 11, 1tll 0 Pennant fever bites Angels during dqg :d~ys I No one know• tor aun which lnlplred t..rd fJl'lt c.Utld them the "dot dty1," but he WM lpt U WlllMliWa ... The dot d.iya .,.. of butball. They .,.. , ... da)'I and houn ind w"lu of that period when Ume r.i.nu..ay arow• ln on the rlOll to the .,.nnanta In the ma)Jt i..u., You.,. quR. OOl'NC\ in concludlftl, then, \hat the dot da)'I are upon UI now, 1t thll very rnom.nt. The A.nttJa haw mdund 1 couple of deoedtl of ploddln1 thro"'.lh th• do1 day1 wlthou\ th• ulc&maw "*-· The cloetti ~ Ana•l tum l'V•r -'ftl wu In 1t7t wb.n Jim ,....._.,, peopS. won the MuunpkJnlhlP of the Ameriean 1AuU1 W11t but -. Jn ttwt pt.yolf to the Baltimore orroa... KOS* 1pr1np annual u well 11 ewmat. Hooe = very brt;htly 1n 1982, a llMOft wherein the are maJdna a v.ry 1plrUtd run at the W11t. Thia II a very IOOd tum. The bawn.n and flelden, 1n fMt, are rather aWllOl'M on J>lper. '"'- lineup lnclud.I the 1Uc11 of Bob Boone, Rod Carew, lhiati Downin1, Tim FoU Fred Lynn Dou1 DI f!.":h Bobby Grich ~. . .Reuw Jacluon. A lt'lentllt look.I 1t th1I oollectkm of power and deflnldv• talent and dry wuhn hJa han&. Th• Ant•I•' unoerlalnly 11 pltohln1. The ~ty of all b&U clubl ll pttchil\I. pt.l'UWS.rty . durin.t \he dol day.. Thia II very \aftltbl• 1tuff. There are them authottU. of \he arariCI old pme who will wll you thlt:t 11peot1 dwiftt the dot daya are UM ln .... or ln1WMl9, an l.n~ble la how lM 1th1ettll lnYOlved view UM t&tuatJoft. It II perfec\ly U\le \hat llOftW bMebell CHml Win\ to WJn moN than otNrt and tome beteb&l.1 teuT1I know moN about wlnnJnl than othan. Bobby Grich, the llCOnd bMlnnan and 1tudeftt ol ln~b1", w11 Wkinf abou\ It the other day. "Thlt wain want.I to win, of coune," Grich MMI. 1'1'hil tMm knowl how to win and \hat II men Important. Wlnni"f 1t a habtt Uke anythlnl el.le. Thlt lltlm haa IYerYthl"I \hat II needed to wfn It all tn the Wiit." lncludlnt pttci~ "lnclUdlnt ptk:hU,,.'' Gricih Nld. ''The main thlna, thouch. 11 the frame at mind thtlt tuYI are tn/' Reale J.cluon alto know1 all about th"' lflOeII 00\MI! ¥h'RKER thinll• lea 1 matter of fact, J..:luon may know more lboU\ \Mm than lnyOM elle. ..Thll bunoh hM • betwr Wlnnlnf atUtude than any olub l'v• .ver been on," Jack.Ion Mid. S.ate allo Mid thll Anltl tum hu I NUOn to win whlcn may .. .,. 101M of tht by1tandel'I, IY•n thoH who ue re1uler1 1t th• Bia A, the 1ffect!onaw wrm for A.Nlhelm Stadium. ''Thll tum hal the notion \hey would Uk• to win 1 ~t for the Cowboy," Kellie Mld. Tt\e Cowboy 11 haw the Anpl PliY•rt refer to 0..., Autry th• oh1Jrman of the boud. "Who ~" a champlonahJp l'l'M>N7" •ut• Jecluon Nktd. Who Indeed? Autry hat been the prlnc:lpel owner of the Anaell llnce he otfldattd 1t th• birth WILL AREA TEAMS LIVE UP TO RANKINGS?. • • F emando Valenzuela DODGERS .. From Page C1 the)' cou!d have been had." From Page C1 th• M1anc>ll• .. me lut WHk. with • 190-2& tdl• In Heond hall 1tatl1tlc1 tlJ!!Una • 20-e vktory. TtMI Tritont reJy on quan.rbec:k John W•lMr'1 run-pu optJon, alona with a virtual etaht-man front on deftm111. Corona del Mar, dllptt.e a 24.7 to. to HunUnl\Oft Beech tn the Muon optntr, 11 atlll conaldered a IOUd pl'Glpeot for Sea View Lea,ue title upfrattont, behind th• l'\IJU'llnt of Lance Martin, who ran for 118 ya.rat on 22 carrt. a WHk •to. E•t•nol• 11•. L•••n• Hiii• m.tancta aot off to 1 very a1ow ltll1 wlth two yardt net l'\llhtna and only 41 throu1h th• air eplnat Ocean View and wW be tr)'lna to tum It around aaalnat the Hawka, who at 1 14·0 dedafon to Irvine In their opmer. 11\lnela complettd only 5 of 18 ~ whll• La1un1 HUI• 1howed 9-lt-2 staUl1Jct pillint, aoocl fol' 119 rardl and a runnt111 pme whkh netttd 13 yardl, but no polnte. Both aquada are mWl In numben. THll WEEK91 G~ME8 (.U pmee •t ?llO unt.t• noted) Tll• .... •Y The Line !1tancla v1. Laguna Hiii• at Ml11lon Viejo Estanola by 3 Santiago v1. Co1ta Me1a at Newport Harbor Even Santa Ana v1. Saddleback at Santa An-Bowl Santa Ana by 8 C1pl1trano Valley v1. E1peranza at Valencla E1peranza by 3 Tu1tln v1. Unlver1lty at trvlne Tustin by 3 Loe Alamlto1 at Huntington Beach Htn. Beach by 7 Prl•ay Fountain Valley v1. Foothlll at Tustin Foothlll by 8 Marina at San Lui• Obl1po Marina by 12 of t.M t.eMI in lMl. Autry hit lMtn unbeUevabJ paUeftt *1\h UM Anpll' plOd to cte.Un~ and the,. hardly a IOW 1n blieball who dOll not .,.... 1t'I CoW!aio>' d111rvw a championlhlp flai on the po1l 1t the ... A. · 1101ne t1 overdue.'' 11ld t!,"n'ral ma~ 8uule •viii l.n what may have a muw of Wldenlet.ment. . It nwy be out of the ordJnary that the auU of the ball club aJeo ear-that Autry 11 ln line J.or pennan\, lndMd a world champlonlhlp. '"'-latw the Antell l'tCODJ• th• peUence and the tftona phy1icially, 1pfrhu1lly and financially -· 'nd •PDCWlat.e hbi ront.rlbuUona. More than enythln •*· they appredate the manner ln which AIAr)' hM accepted y..,.. of adveMt)' without a whlmt)er. 1 ' lt It t&plfltent \hat o.n. Autry retume'ihe compliment and M It It the fana who deltrve the chari'lp&ontht_p of :C world u 1 reward for Jhetr, petltnce and ~atty. . ~ A mutual ldmJra\Jon IOClietyf If It It, to bf lt. ; Thll II 1 very sood Iii" becaUM the petJenci19 of• ownera and fan1 often becomH exhau1ted,! partlcularl~ duriftl the doa da11. ' • • • Tu•lln .... Val11er•lt" i Both took a Uckln1 oUtnaJvely anc{; def en1lv•ly Jn their oprnen, and 11ch~ flturt• to 1how 11tron1er unJt thll t:J. out. Unlvenlty'1 J>Ullnl 11JM netted onl • 10 yard1 11aln1t Wo0dbrld1e, whlJe Tu.Un'• 4e·8 ION to Million Viejo found; the Tlllen h•ld to 32 y1rdt throu1h th~ •tr. Brett Pierce, a 6-0, 208-poundj ful1b1ck, however, rambled for uo! yardl on 18 can1t1, advinl Tu.Un a t01Jct: bull to work .,.ound. ; • J:l.Mwhere In hl1h achool football: : Caplttraao Valley VI. ll:1~raa11 -: It'I No. 10 (Capo) VI. No. 8 (l'.tperant.a)i with each team bla and experienced. • ; WHtmlatttr n . Pacifica -The! LlOnl of We1tmin1t.er hope to 1•t thelr: pamtna 11JM 1otn1 1fter netttna only 62 : yard1 In a 7·0 win over La Quinta.: PIClfk:a II tl')'l.nl to bounce b9ck from a : 8"4·23 ICM '° VUia Park. _ : • • Doe P11blot ve. Mater Del -Mater: The Doc:1atr1 were tn trouble until they fOt row.n, 1n Aupt, IW'lina (rom 10\ii 1amee behind on July 30. 8•ntl••• t'M. Co•tll Me•• 8ant1110 1napped a 18-aam• loeln1 1treak with a 12· 10 victory over Bellllower a wHk ..,, while Colta M ... wu e1'Del1endni t0me arowtf1I paint at Santa Ana, where tM 61uer and tut.er Sainte r«orded. 3&·12 victory. We1tmln1ter v1. Pacifica at Garden Grove We1tmln1ter by 1 Dei dealt Fountain Valley a 24-14 blow,: but Doe Puebloe hu atven the Monarcha• trouble In the paat, wlnnln1 8-6 ln 1977,: and 14-8ayear110. Al Pola (0· 11 , 220) ta! Mat.er Del'• bla run. : ~ they 1tarted to pick lt up •t home, but even now they're only el1ht 1ame1 over .500 (39-31) In Dodaer Stadium, a place where they've had jult one blna record In 20 te&IOJ\I. Alter 1queestn1 out a 4-3 vict.cry ln 16 1nn1nll Monday, the Doctien aot -ru.a.y•1 only run in the tint """"'· Then Valensuela -finally ~ hJa 11th w1n after three ~ ttabe at It -retired the fint 10 Pac:tr. and allowed only one hit for flv11nn1"'9, two for lix. When the Pachw did bqin to eet a few htta, two In the lt'Venth ind two mot91n the etchth, they had other probi.tm. One runner wu thrown out at third and anotheT runner wu er...cl an a bun1led bunt th•t became a double play. Th1I ti.me UM mat.chup appean t.o be very close with the Mu1tan11 u1ln1 uartMmck Scot Haey ~ hll twtn t tnd 1ystem (Jeff Jlln&liah and Miu Mion). Su\Uaio count.en with runner Ricky Slmmonl, whme touchdown NN of l and 2t yardl tumid the tide 1ut w•k. L..Al•mlt.• ., •• B• HuntlnpJn •.ch faithful, h\&f111'Y for a flnt wlnninf ttuon lince 1H9, are npecllng a aeoOnd 1t.ral1ht Victory from the Ollen followln1 their convlnotn1 24-7 wln over Corona del Mar. Quar1erbeck ll1o Law10n compi.ted 12 of 22 p111e1 for 188 yard• and fullback Danny Thompeon 1pearhMdtd the runni.na pme With h1I bloc:ktf11 and runn1.na ( 16 carrlel for 30 yarda). La Quinta v1. Ocean View at We1tmln1ter La Quinta by 3 Cypr .. 1 at Newport Harbor Newport by 7 Corona d•I Mar at San Clement• CdM by 1 Woodbridge at lrvln• lrvln• by 8 El Toro at Ml11lon Viejo M1111on by 9 Laguna Beach v1. Savanna at We1tern Savanna by 3 001 Pueblo• ve. Mater Del at Santa Ana Bowl Mater Del by ~ lat•r••Y Edlton at Vl1ta (7:.-5 p.m.) PIUI x at Dana Hiii• ( 1 p.m.) the w,una Beech ArUl18, who opted to llClimrnap C.Ufomla m,h, rather than play • MUOn opener ~ w"k. Edlaon by 4 Plu1 X by 14 and runner Johnny 8allnu. 8allnu pined 101 yardt on 10 carri• ln hJa lnlUal '82 •tart, while Woodbridl• oounten with quarterback Kevin Burke (lO·for-18 and 109 yarda lalt week) and 1peedlter Rudy Fl,ueroa. • ' El Toro VI. MllllOD Viejo -El Toro la ; ranked No. 1 In the CIF Central: Conference after whlpplna Cypreu, ~ 21-7. Ml11lon Viejo 11 No. 0 In the: Southern Conference after belUnai Tuatln, 48-8. Ml•lon'• bl1 weapon ll, three-year 1tarter Klaut Lelt.enbauer at l quarterback whU. 11 Toro'• 1t.renath ll 1. In It.I line and defenM. · lute Au VI. laddlebacll -Santa Ana'• Sainte rolled t.hrouah Colla Meta. (85·12) and Saddlemck'• det1n11 came < up with et1ht lntercept1on1 tn 1topp1na ~ Banta Ana Valley (20·14). Each teamf boMte 1peed, with the Salnta havtn1 the ! edte In..... : . Pt11 X v1. D111 Hill• -Plu1 xi nipped Blahop Montsomery, 14-101... and: enten u a heavy favorite over J.JenaJ HW.1 which dropped a 27-6 dtcilJon to; Gansen Grove • week 110. ; • "Really, there'• a 1lmple uplanation, '' anorted Wllllamt. "We didn't execute, that'• 111." Los Alamlto1 dropped a 20-10 decllJon to Los Amlcoe a WMK IF· The Grffflna have etpt reu.am!q ttarten, but have a revamped a.ckflel4. Savanna ~ a 19-8 vlatory over M1yfalr behind the blockln1 comblnatJon of Petet Po-China (~-10, 200) and Dean Hunter (8-1, 240). ---~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~......_,: . Natlonel League WHI W L Pct. QB Dodt•r• 82 64 .562 - Atlanta 80 65 .552 1 1~ Coach Denni• Haryun1 unveU. ht• 1982 Lafuna Beach aqUad with hallbeck Jledt Arabi UM key runner behind an offen1lv• Un• which Include• Pete Wet.Ml (220), Tlm Lucero (220) and Uaht end )(Mn llcDmnon (190), Goodell, Palomino to be honored -~ICNIOULa ATLANTA ('11 -.HOt.41 (~pt. 1t, Houelon; leot. l<i, 21, ff. llfl . AWAY (11): lept. 11. 11, 19. ClncilnMtl; leot. 20, II, It, Houtllon; lept, l!z. ~·· tM ''-'-f tept. 21. '°· Dodglf-.. ua. 1. a. 1 • ..., Diego. DOOeDI (11) -HOME (11): lept. 11, llfl DletOi. lept· 17, 11. 11. Howton; tept. 14, 21, 29, Ian l"rencleco; ltpt. 27, fl. Clnolnne1l; hpt. 21, 30, Atlllnla. AWAY (It, hPt. 21. 22, a.n oi.oo: act. 1, a. •· ten ,,iindeoo, Lit fl•l•UI .... Oee•• l'lew The &eahawkl hav• a tall order to eolw 1n La Quinta Unebedcer Junior Utu (8-8, 22&), but Ocu.n View Ml a!Nedy lhawn an ability to put the ball l.n the end zone after dl1pc>1ln1 of l'.etanola, 14-7. Todd Parker'• runnJn1 out of the \allmck aJot. comblntd with quart.erbeck Ch.d Parlaeau, llv• Ocean View • aoUd one-two punch and the favorite'• role. .......... ,,,, .... /Ill ...... savanna'• Rebet. hav• a hMd rtart on w .. d6rld•• .... lr11lne After dl•Po•lna of Unlvenlty 111t w•k, 17-21 WoodtW&dp can lay claim t.o tM Cl\y or lrv1ne champon.hlp with a victory, but the order ll tall aaaln1t deftnlive·mtnded lrvtne. lrvtne 1hut down Laauna Hilt. wt weak, 14-0, and 1•t• IU offen1lve flttpower from quartm'baok Mike Zorn CONTROVERSY AMONG THE RAMS? ... From Page C1 explained. "If we had won (Sunday), would thae people have Mid the ame ~ have decided that he (Jonet) II our quart.erb.ck. I really don't want to d*'-It. It'• not worth dt8cutlina any snore. "I'll lilt.en, but at the NIM Ume they (the playera) have to undentand thJa ii a team concepl, not an lndMdual thlnc· Th1I isn't a tennil metch,'' uJd J'1ulkner. Jonet, who WM at Rlllw Park iru.day for treatment on a allahtly aJUna left knee, 8COUtd at anx notion of I dlWion. 11Ablolutely "°" he arwwend to \he quftUon of whether he felt certain playen were puUlnl out and othen were not. "We're all '-rof111lonal1 in thl1 · ~. n,.re 1 no ._.. there at all. We're all worklna on the ame Ne.'' Al 'Oil Sunday'• pme aal.lmt the Packen, Mallvaal w11 ou\IDObn, When a Wliwr uked 1'Wb.t'1 up?" Mal1v11I re1ponded with: ''I'm Ju1t U')'1na to ,.i a pmt plan up to wfn a pine. We ~ the lalt OM up. We Wint to ... what we mn do wt\h th1t one. "La1t Sunday we had \Oo many playen who dldn'l perform to t~tr =!~"· We alto made '°° many And, we h8d anly II polnta WMn ft ehould haw had 40." Of oaww Che key ~ w• why the ..... pie~ ID poorly. 11We had ............ 1a1t week. We hm a 8DOc1 P.' 11 flDfl, We Jult Dlayed poarty."1 dan t know why," r.. -'I. , >ea tor the 90lution? "You turn thlna• around by belnW poeltlv• and havlna a aood 1ame plan, Malavul uld "Y •h, but II that enouahf' • reporter COW\t.ered. "What do you want me to do7" Malavul quickly retponct.d. "Take • aun anc1 ahoo\ them?'' Malavatl predicted th1t th• R1m1 would pS.y well thlt Sunday In their home opener aolntt Detroit. Malavul alto 1afd the lam• would pl•)' well .,a&Nt Green Bay. u1•m not 10f.na to be wrona_two w•ka tn I l'OW," 11kl the coech. ''PlUI, W•'re man of a team, a family, than we've l'WI' been before.'' • Alktd whether ts. w11 emberr~ by 8unday'1 lhowlna, MalavMl Mid: "I don't aet embarraued. I'm a profeMlonal. What the hell 1hould I be embarruted aboutT" • • • MALA V All refuted to put any added Importance on Sunday'• ,.me, clalmlna It WU Ju,tt one of 18 outlno. Faulkner, however, put i'hlnp ln their proper penpeotlve: 1'It'1 damn Important that we wt.n. The WI)' l look at It W• play only 18 houn of football (predk:attd on eo minute Pm-> and now we have only 1& left, Thia tm't like bueball (182 pnee) or bMketball (72) where you have time to come beck. '"nill (bt.ep) 1bou\ how we ~ make it (the lam) up II (blMp), Therw ate 14 t.eamt out there do4"1 what we're dolM today and th1t'1 re-evaluatln1 aha Mcorid-~"I ttwm.lvet." Racquetball tourney scheduled ( The flrtt ttop on th• 1982·13 Prof..e&onal Racqu.tt>.11 tour for men wlll be held at Kint'• Court ln Wlltmlnlter Sept. JO thrwih Co\. I . 'n\11 II the nm nop on the Catalina Cl-'c am. l '°"' of •• ~-Uutc will cubn!nlt.e In the 1prtnt with th• ~taUna ohamplonlhi_111.:..--~ Mar\y Kopn, 1 flv•·Ume national champion, wm letld the 12 Cataltna c.m a 1.nto the eomDeUUon Malnlt four fyln1 playen from the 9outhWtlt In the round of 11, .. O.w Peok ot ll ,_ 'rft., wan o.e -- • Cai.II~ oha~lon1hip aerlft In Fon WCll'th by clefMt!M HopnUi OWllnalt and wW be the HO. l lteded Dlayer tn W•tmln1\er, Hopn cap\uncf the top money winner crown and the national pham~p. however .. ThJI a. the thJrd year_ for the •"'"- event to be held In We1tmln1t.er ana third ranUd J.rry HUecher of lndnl\11 hH won th• event In Heh of th• pNYtowyeen. For furthtr Information on re1trvallon1 and \lok1&1, oall Bill MGCUn.k ., ~·Court. ...... 1. Brian Goodell, Olympic sold medalllt twtmmer from MJ.ton Viejo, and CarlOI Palomino, 1 former world welterwelaht box1n1 champion from Huntlnaton Beach, are two of 11x champlont whcuivlll be honored try lnduciton Into the OranJ(e County Sparta Hall of Fame J,1,0h. ~~r~he Anah•lm Convention Othert wlll Include Del Crandall , catcher for the Milwaukee Brevet ln the 19~0'• and current minor ieaaue manaaer ln the Dodaer oraanization from Fullerton; Blaine Nye, a Super Bowl 1tarter for the DallH Cowboy• three .ti.met In football; Dave Meyen who wu a n All-Ame rican buketball player at UCLA and played In the NBA w ith Mllw1ukee; and Clifford "Oavvy" Cravath, a former major leaauer ln Philadelphia. NEW 12 CONTININTAL •• ··376.88 PER MO. PLUS TAX FREE 31 MO. OA 38,000 MILE WARRANTY 9.~ en Centlne"'91, Mllrk VI & Townc•r · "8 mo. cloled end i..11. 1b 38"3. 1•t pA, & Lio. S1183.88. Total payment 118, 17~.62ptue11.000 oap r~lon. ' ' • • l . t • ; i i : I I I • I -i 4 Orange Ooa1t DAIL. V PIL.OTIW~ne1day, 8epttmb•r 15, 1HQ Deltr f'lklt lt.tf "'-to Big plays pay dividends Monarchs used a pair to top Fountain Valley By ROGER CARLSON orttie D.itr N41t 111.it- Bll playa win bllil aamN and Mater Del H t11h'1 Monarl'h1 proved It laat week with their 37· 14 victory over Founialn Vallf'y. The Monorcha lilOt an 80-yard touchdown pua play from Roaer Reynoao to Stevq Oprlan and collected a 79-yard acortna run from Richard Aguirre to hcfp put them on top. There were three othol'I In the eO-yard range, In addition to a couple .of blll plays rcc.'Orded by Edleon Htah when the Charael"I opened the aeaaon a week earlier In Hawaii agalnat Punahou High. A1 f or t eam e U ort1, Saddleback High School may have come up with one of the all-time efforts, lntercepllna eight Santa Ana Valley puses lO pac:e a 20-14 victory. Tbe Bia Play• SQ-Steve Oprlan (Mater Del), TD pau from Roger Reynoeo 79-Rlchard Aguirre (Mater Del), TD run 78-Vernon Wallerich (Edison), TD run 09-0erod Jonee (Edl10n), run 02 -Ke vln Bradley (Saddleback ), TD run 02-Chrla Mandeville (Irvine). pau from Mike Zom 01 -Dave Patterson (CdM), kickoff return Statl1tlcal leaden Ruabln1 1 . Kevin Bradley (Saddleback), 8-114; 2. Lance Martin (Corona del Mar). 22-113: 3. Richard Aguirre (Mater Del), 9-110; 4. Johnny SaUnaa (Irvine), 15-101. Paa1ln1 Chris Mandeville Dave Pau erson Punahou): 6 . K evin Burke (Woodbridge), 10-18-0, 109, I TD. Recelvln1 1. Olenn Vieira (Marina), 0-65; 2. B\11 Ru11ell (Woodbridge). 0-62; 3. Steve Brar.as (Newport Harbbr), 5-30. De1 ), Dere k G rl ffl tha (vs . Punahou, Edlaon), Louie Cerda (lluntln~ton Beac h), Blake Fennell (El Toro), 12 each. Field Goal• I. Gerry Graham (vs. Scorln1 Punahou, Edison). 47; 2. Mike Doan (Mater Del), 45. 1. Richard Aguirre (Mater CIF football rankings INQ ,Ml CONAMNCa ,_T_ l.s.Mle 2 81 PIUI 3. f~ 4 LB Poly a LO)'OI• I Mlline 1 Blehop Amet I Meter Del 9. St Frencll IOUTHUIN cow•RINCI ...._,_,_ 0-0 I Foothill 1-0 2 Eeperenu 2-0 3 El Moct.ne 0-0 4. Loe Altoe 1-0 & Million VlelO 1-0 8. El Ootldo 1-0 7 VIMI Plfk 1-0 I. Cai>ltlreno V1lley 1-0 9 HH Wolaon CINTllAL CONnRINCa ""· ..... ,_ t-0 t El TOfo 1-0 2 LOI Amlgoc t-0 3 Slddlebeek t ·<> 4 8uen1 Plfk 1·0 a ~ Al1mltot O· I II Newoort H1rbo< 1-0 1 Full«lon 0· I II LI Oulnt1 l·O II WHtern Rec. 1-0 t..() I..() 1-0 1-0 0-1 I.() 0-t 1.() Bede Ara be carries much of Laguna Beach High 's ho pes in the running gamt!. The Artist open against Savanna Friday. 1. Erle Lawton (Huntlnaton Beach), 12-22-0, 188, 1 TD; 2. Mike Douglass (El Toro), 7-9-2, 163, 0 TD: 3. l\oger Reyno10 (Mater Del), 5-19-1, 150, 2 TD; 4. Scot Hagey (Coata Meu), 10-21-3, 141, l TD; 5. Don Olbbl (Edison), 6-8-1, 126, 1 TD (va. 10. Cf'Ml)4 1-0 10 Lynwood l·O tO Bru·Ollnd1 0--0·1 Prep football players of the week ~ Todd Parker, OcHn View A 1·11, 114-pound Hnlor, h• rvehed tor 13 yard on 11 carri.1 end hed anot"9r 110 ya«t1 cali.ct baok by penaltlle. HI ICONd OM TD and cautht • .,.., tor 11 yard• In tlM ... h1wkt' 14-7 Ylctory over letancll. ·--------------------- Scot Hqey, Coete MeM HI comJ*tfM 10 of 21 paeMI tor 141 y1rd1 and a touc9'down end ran tor II 7•da on 14 catrlet In tlM Mu•t•ne• open.r 991ln1t Senta Ana. HI alto ICOrld on 1 7-y.,d run In h i t lnltl1I 1 t1rt 1 t quert•rbec:k. Eric Karmen, Merine TM 1U-pound funlor ruthed tor 1n avw:ri of IU Y•d• per carrr, but t"9 monMnt came with tour Hoond1 •ft •"an h• booted a n -r•rd fl•ld goal to give th• Viking• 1 10-I vtotory ov.r upeet- mlnded .... port Harbor. ·---------------------Reid Long, Founteln Veller The l ·I, 210-pound Hnlor graded out with 1 11 percent ·~ et often1lv1 tackle end pro 11caltent p111 prot.ctlon for hit quarterback. He 1110 1pukled when on the tleld at llnebecker for tlM ..,one. •--~~~~~~--~- Johnny Sellnea, lrvln• Only M , 155 pounde, 1M botted over from th,.. r•dt out for llM 110·1h11d touo"down In 1 14·0 victory over Letuna Htn1. In all IM rvehect tor 101 rarcte on 11 C¥rtn tor a 1.7 • ._., ... , t I L ~ • · 1" CKVClil l ... ,C'. ... Bobby Meede, WHtmlnater A 5·1, 155-pound tenlor n0te9uard, h• WH credited with five una11l1ted tacklH, 01uHd two lncompl9te petMI and 1acked the qu1rterl>Kk In tlM Lion•' 7~ victory over L1 Quinta. * . Aay Perez, 8eddlebeck A linebacker and offen1lve guard, IM w1a credited with nlM una11l1ted t11eklH , thrH 111l1t1 and had one of Saddi.blck'1 eight Interception• 99aln1t Santa Ana V1lley. He 1110 Ignited Kevin lrldl•Y'• 52-yard TD run with 1 eolld bk>ck. •·---------------------- Lene• Martin, Coron• del Mer The 5-1, 155-pound aenlor acooted tor 1 n yardt on 22 carrtn for 1 5.1 1verae• 1nd acor.ct on 1 15-yard IWHp, In addition to hit duti.1 11 cornerbllCk on cMflnM. TM rHt of CdM'• ground game netted one y1rd. ·--~~--~~~~~- John Schroeder, Woodbrldae A 5-1, 110-pound Mnlor, IM had" two lnt1rc1pllon1 lrom hi• Mfety 1pot In th• 1econdery and rlc:Ofdld a 1.4 aver19• pickup on five c1rrlH In the W8frlort' 11·2 victory over Unlverelty. ·--~~~~~~~~- Ricky Recio, Eatancla Th• 5·11, 1t0-pound Hnlor llneb11eker Intercepted an Oc11n View Hrl1I ind returned It 15 y 1rd1 tor E1t1ncl1'• only touchdown, In 1ddltlon to 10 una1alal1d t1okl11 end five a11l1ted ltop9. Eric Lawton, Huntlnoton .. eoh TM 1-1 tuftlor oomplet.CS 11 ef II puu1 tor 111 r•r•• and a louotMtown1. • 1-JIH •tfttl• to tteht Mel Miil• ... , "' "" Olen' M-f vlotory •ver Ceroni ••I Mor. Lawton WOflt tM dletancle anti •• not lfttetoe,e.d. •~--------------~ Steve .. , .. mien, Unlnnttr ~ A IOl/•un•, ••nl•r. "• wa• .. oredll• wit" 10 uneuleted .......... ._... ................ ~~°".C:..w==·~ • ..._ "' °"" pelftte. •·~~~~~~~~~- Tony Johenn, Edleon TM a..a, 110-pouncl llnebeoker ... t"9 ....... .,.. ...... t. •"kl" llMlted II Dorede to a OM taM per rt.11", ,_... 1la uneeeletM t .. 11i.. Mel WMllM • ll·rllfd ...W .... att~pt In t"9 '""" ••rtw to P"Mf" • 10-7 .... .,. Rlcherd Perea, Mater Del A 1-a. -.P"M "'1ohoker, M had 11 unaHltt..i tHlllot an• HHn H•l•tM atope1 lnoludlnt two .... art•r~aoll ...... a POH defleotton Mel a """ .... '"°"" In tM .........._ •• , -..14 wtn °"' 'ountatnVlller. •·~~~~----~~~-- Jerry lldrkjge, II Toro n.1-10,1~Mfttoreota 10"001 rooord •It" t"re• lfttefoe,ttoM .. a .... "~ Mok and ecored a touo"down •"II• av ... etlftl 4.1 ,... ,., MnJ In II Tore'• If· win ..,., CJPNU. ~ 1982 high school f oothall slates SUNHT LIA.QUI lcthMNt (2~) « Punahou 13 10 El Dorado 'T Sept. 11-at Vltll Sept. 25-BannlnQ (Ane. Steel.) Oct. 7-Mllttr o.f (SA Bowl) Ocl. 1&-M1rln1 (C«tltot) Oct. 22-at Huntlng1on Buch Ocl. 2t-Ftn. Valley (An1. St1d I Nov. 6-11 W•lmlnlttr Nov. 11-0oun View (OCCI ,OUfttafrt ValtlJ (0.1) 14 Mater Del 24 a.pt. 17-Foollllll (II Tuttk'I) Sept. 24-81 Paul (CerrltOI) Oc1. t-a.Mte (Cerrttot) Oct. I-La Pot; (II OCC) Oct. 1&-11 Huntington Beech Oct. 21-W•tmlnlter (II OCCI Oct. 28-Edlson (Anl Stld) NO\l.&-OOtlnVlew(1IHB) No¥. 12-Mtrinl (C«rhOI) "'"'"""°"8Mett(1~) 24 Corona del Mir 7 Sept. 16-Lol Allmh09 Sept 23-LOI Amlgol (It 00) Sept. 30-lk>lal Grande Oc1 ........ .,, Ollmlnt• .CCI. 15-Fountlln Valley Oct. 22-fdleon Oct. 2t-OoNn View Nov. 5-Mll(ln• (It Wm) Nov. 111-w11tmln11ter OoMn View (1~) El Toro Newport Harbor (0-1) 14 Elt1ncl1 Bept. 17-La Quinta 111 Wm) Sep1. 24-CyprMI 1w .. 11m1 Ocl I-Sunny Hiiia (It HB) Oct. 11-WMtern (II HB) 7 21 Cyprffl 1 II M1rln1 10 Oct. 15-11 WMtmlnster Oct. 22-Mlrinl (II Wm) Oct. 28-•t Huntington Bffeh Nov 5-Ftn. Valley (II HB) Nov. 11-Edl9on (II OCCI sept 11-11 Ml111on VleJo Sep1. 17-Cypr ... Bept. 24-11 V11encl1 Sepl 24-al WMtmln11er Sept. 30-•t Newpon H1r1>o1 Sept. 30-EI TOfO Oc1 7 -E111nc11 (at MV} Oct 8-U"lvtrlUy (lf'Ylne) Oct 16-CdM (II OCC) Oct. 15-11 lntloe Oc;t 22-Co•ll M ... (II MV) Oct 22-E1tancl1 Oct 28-Unlver11ty (II Ir.tine) Oct. 29-SlddleblCk (SA Bowl) Nov 5-1t ln1loe Nov. !I-Cotta M ... (11 OCC) Nov 12-SlddleblClk (II MV} Nov ta-Corona del Mir l allftele (0-1) hddtlbeoll (1~) w .. tmlM.., (1~) · 1 La Quinta Sept 17-Pleillea (II 00) Sept 24-Newpor1 Harbo< Oct 1-tt Compton 1 Ocean View 14 0 Sec>• 18-LllQUn• HHI• (MV) 20 S1nt1 Ane Valley 14 Sept 24-11 Sen Clemenll Sept 18-Sanll Ana (SA Bowl) Oct 8-UI Wlllon Oct 111-ac..n View Oc1 21-Ftn. Valley (It OCC) Oct 28-Mlllnl Nov 6-Edlton Nov. 12-11 Huntlnglon 8Mcfl llA VllW LIA.Gue CoroN del Mar (0.1) 1 Huntington Beach 24 Sept 17-al San Ctemer111 Sept. 24-c.po VeAW; (II NH) Oct. 1-Eetlncll (at NH) Oct. t -81ddleblCll (8A Bowl) Oct. 15-!I Toro (at OCCI Oct. 22-lt lrvlM Oct. 2t-Colt1 Mffl (at OCC) Nov, 4-Unlvwalty (It NH) New. 11-at Ntwpor1 H1tb0r Ceeta MeN (0-1, 12 8an1a Alli H a.pt. 11-lantiaOO (at NH) IOI. 26-Lo• AllmltOI (W•tMll Oct 1-UnlYerlllty (at IMnl) Oct 1-INtne (It NH) Oct. 11-~ CM NH) Oc1 12-Toro (8' MY) ~ n -CdM {It OCC} Nov 1-Npt. ttlrllOr COCCI Nov 1a-htllnOl1 (0CC) .. , .................... ~ Oct 1-CdM (II NH) Bept 24-at LI Hlbta Oct 7-EI fOfO(ll MV} =-•~Cd~(S~S~) ) Oct 14-Unlwrllily (II NH) Oct 22-11 N-port Hlrbo< Oct ta-Ool11 MMa (II NH) n. 29 ( NH) Oct 22-UnlYerellY (SA lowl) ,.;, 5.:-~:;~. ,., NH) • Oct. 2t-Npl. Harbot (8A Bow!) NOii 12-Colta MMI (II OCCI Nov •-E•lenc:l• 111 NH) Irvine 14 Laguna Hilla Sept 17-WOOdbrldge Sep1 24-11 Tutlln 0 Sept 30-S.ddlebec k (SA Bowl) Ocl I -Cotti MMI (II NH) 0Ct 1&-Ne#PC)f1 Herbof Oct. 22-Coroni del Mar Ocl 2t-E111ncl1 (at NH) Nov a -El Toro Noll t2-Unl11erllly Nov 12-El TOfO II M\/) Untv.ntty (0.1) 2 WOOdbrldge 17 Sept 18-Tutlln (It IMM) Sept 24-LllQUnt HUit (II MV) Oct 1-Coeta M ... (at trvlne) Oct. I -Not Hltbof (at IMnl) Oct 14-£1t1nel1 (It NH) Oct 22-Saddlet>ack (SA Bowl) Oct 21-EI TOfO (II ltvlne) Nov. 4-CdM (It NH) NOii , t2-lt lrvlne Weiskopf survives bad start VAIL, Colo. (AP) -Tom Welakopf r'«'Overed from a triple bofrey on tho flnt hole Tuellday to fire a 1-undor·par 70 and win the J e rry Ford Invitational aolf \01.amament. Wellkopf had a to~I of 136 for the 36 holet and eam.d •20,000 for first place and '3.~ tor tint plact! In ieam plav. SOUTH COAST LIA.QUI C ... tnM V111or (0-1) II Footl'llll 14 Sept. 11-ltperllNI (II VII.) Sept. 24-CdM (II H9wpoft) Oc:I. t-0.111 Hllt1 Oct. 1-WOOdbtldge Oct. 15-•t ~llllon Viejo Oct. 13-lAQune Hllll (II MV) Oct. 28-Cl\Jno Nov. a-at LaguM 8"ol't Nov t2-8tn Ollmlnte Dtlftottlh I Oar!Mn Of-17 Sept. 11-ltlul x 11 p'" I Sept. 24-at 8111 M~ (SD) OCt. 1-11 ~reno Vf/tey Oct, 1-~1 91ec11 (1 pm I OCt 11-Wooctbrldtt (1 p 11'1) OCt. H -at Sin Clemente Oct 28-Laguna Hilll 111 MV) Nov. a-11 -..on1c:1a1r Ncw. t3-Mllllon Viejo (1 p.m.I Mteolon Vleto (1 .. ) 41 Tu1tln e Sept. 17-El T°'o Sept. aa-c.non Oii\. 1-lt tndlo (I p.m.) Oct. 1-Lagunt Hlllt Oct. 111-Ceplatrano Vf/tey Oct. a1-Laouna 8Mct'I Oct. 28-WOOdbrtdgl (lrvlne) Nov. a-a.n Cllmen19 Nov. 1S-tt Owll Hllll ( 1 p,m,) Newport Harbor' Dill Brown will be in action Friday again t Cypre ' Centurion • Turner faces lawsuit NJ!!W YORK (AP) -Major leacue bueball'• televlalon commluee and ABC Sport.a flied ault 'J\tetday In federal court aeekina an lnju~uon to prevent WTBS, Ted Turner'• cable televlalon atatlon, from broadcaaUn1 Natlqnal t.eaau• ChamplONhlp Bm• pmea if th• A\lanta BraW!I are involved. Named aa defendan\a In th• ault are the companl•• owned by T\lmer, pl'llldent of the Bnv.. lncludlr\f WTB8 and tM A.Ueft&a club. • ~ . ' • • MAJOR LEAOUI ITANDINOI Am.nc.n LMGW WHTUN DIVllJOtt W L Kantas Ctly 83 81 l'ct, GB 5711 Ane.te 112 62 Sllll ' 11•,, Chl<:lllJO 78 67 Su11H1 67 76 113' 489 Oaklend llO 113 .419 16'• 22 ..... 28 31 le•H 57 17 396 MtnnHota !'.2 112 381 EASTERN OIVlllON MllW8VkM 85 80 5116 Bamm0<0 113 61 578 , .. Boat on llO 84 5$41 • • • New Y0<k 73 71 507 11'• Oet•Oll 72 fO 507 I I ' t Ci.v.land 70 73 490 " Toronto 65 76 454 19 T-ey'a 8cOtM Angela 7, Chlc11go 0 Balllmore 5-5. New YO<k 4.3 Oakland 11 Toronto (ppd. rain) MllwavkM 6. OelrOll 3 Botton 12. c ....... nci 1 Mlnnetoll 3. To••• 2 Kanut Coty 5. Seallle 2 TodaJ'• GM"nff Ano••• (Forsch 'I· 101 ., ChtCIQO ll<oosman 7-6). Oakland (KeouQn I I · 17 and Conroy 0· 11 al T0<on10 (Elctlhom ().1 and lNI 1().13). n New York (Gvldry 14·61 al Ballomore cF11nagan 13· 10). n Miiwaukee (Vuckovich 15·41 at Oelroll (Moms 16· 14). n Clevetand (Barkar I 2· 1 q at Boston (Eckersley 12· 1 I). n Toxu (Tanen• 8· 181 •I Mtnnesote (Castolto ~ 10). n Seetlle (Peuy)I· 121 a1 Kanua Ctly (Gura 17 101. n National Le911ue MSRRN OMtlOM Oodeer. AU1n1a San Fraroctseo San Diego Houston Clnclnnail W L l'ct. Ga 82 84 .5112 llO 115 .562 1 •.-. 75 1111 .621 II 74 71 .610 7' ... 87 78 4112 14'~ 54 Ill 372 27' ... EASTERN OfVllfOM SI Louie 80 83 5511 Phlledelp/Ua llO 84 5511 ·~ Mont(l.&I 78 116 545 2 P111abvrgh n 61 535 3'\ Chicago 112 83 428 111 New York 511 115 397 23 T~y'alc­ Dodoef'a 1. San Otego O St Louta 2, Phlladetphla O Plltsburgh 15, Chicago 5 Montreal 3, New Yorlc 1 Hou11on •. Atlanta o San FraneiJIOO 2, Clnelnnatt 1 Today'a 0-.. San 011190 (Lollar 14 ·111 et Dodgere CHOOlon 2·5). n New York (Ownbey 1·2) at Montreal (Rog9's 17·71. n St Louis (Andujat 12· 101 al PnHadelphla (Denny 0-0), n Chicago (Jenkins 10· 15) at Pln1bvrgh (Candelaria 12·61. n Hou11on (Ryan 1-4-11) et All8nta (Boggi 2·1). n Clnclnn•ll (Shlr'ley 6-121 al San Francf9CO IM8'11n M ). n AMEfUCAN LEAOUI Anoet-7, Wh"• 8o• 0 CALIFORNIA CHtCAOO .Orhbl arh .. Downing II Peltla cl Carew lb Bayto< dh ~acboo rf R C181k r1 OeClnc:es 3b WtllO<>Q 2b Beniquez ci FOlt 11 Boone c 5120Rlawcl 4000 0 0 0 0 v Law 11 4 O 2 O s11oee1ne1rt 4010 5 1 3 I Lvzfntkl dh 4 0 0 0 3 t 1 0 l<Clff'p 11 4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 F11k c 4 0 3 0 5 1 3 I H114 c 0 0 0 0 • 1 2 2 Nyman lb 3 o o o 4 1 1 0 Rodriguez 2b ' 0 0 0 4 O O O Hairston p11 1 o o O 4 0 1 1 L Orey 3b 2 0 0 0 LOVVllo 2b 3 0 I 0 totllla 39 7 14 s I<•~:: 3~g ~ g Sc:Ol'I by ""'lntla Cal1f0<n1a 20f 000 031-7 Ch~o 000 000 000-0 E-R Law, Cerew. OeC"-1. Baines. v I.aw Df'-Calllornla 1, ~ 2. LOB- Calil~ 8, Chicago 9 2B-Beylor 2 Fiil< OeelMea. 0..1'eS. SB-Wtttonv ) Calllomle • H II Ell ae SO KllOfl(W,6-5) II 1 0 0 I 4 CNcaeo l.amPCL,11-11 1 1 I 6 S 3 2 K8fn 2 3 I 1 0 1 Lamp pjlCned 10 3 bln9'1 In IM llh WP-Lamp T-2;45 A-13,7118. Ang91ever .... 8ATTINO A8 II H Hfl Ml !"ct. Ro Jac:kaon Carew OeClncft Lynn 125 14 41 2 II 338 461 71 144 2 311 .312 510 82 154 H 17 302 425 113 125 11 71 2114 471 12 131 )4 Ill .271 555 100 1&4 2t re .211 55 ' 19 148 22 15 .2611 181 21 43 2 111 .287 448 67 1111 17 81 263 423 40 109 7 53 .258 ~ Jac:keon Downing Baylor S.nlqvez Ork:h Boone FOii Fwgveon Cler1I Wlllong Kelleher e..rtaeon Tolala H"'* Kl.on s1.ir ... A81e SancllU Wiii JofWI Zahn FO<Kh FO<acll R41nko OoU:i Moreno Cofbetl Ttent Totala 437 42 109 2 50 249 77 II 17 2 '7 221 80 II 17 2 S .213 172 23 34 ' 18 1117 42 II I 0 1 170 45 4 1 0 2 • 1541 41110 7211 1348 163 Sil 1 274 ma.o II' H -to W-4. VIA 89·~ 53 38 28 2·1 2 47 118"' 102 311 72 1-5 3.35 181~ 17 II 12 1.0 3.44 52 45 23 40 3~ 3 48 ~ 711 32 22 6-2 3 47 164\\ 182 45 711 6-5 3 541 205 213 3e 81 12.10 3 eo 203" 11111 58 71 16-7 3 81 203"' 201 53 .. 12·10 3.111 205 .... 201 53 .. 12·10 3.111 152 159 44 17 11.e 4 32 611 611 75 341 6-4 • &4 49'~ 55 23 22 S-7 4.74 75'~ 1111 34 411 1.9 5.28 2~ 311 8 30 2-2 s 78 1305v. 1215 443 857 82.e2 3.112 Twine 3, lllentef9 2 T ene 002 000 000-2 4 0 Mlnneac>ll 000 012 OOx-3 7 I Malleck. Comar (8) end Svndberg, o·conn0t ano Smllh W -O'Conoor. 7.7 L Matlac:ll. 7.7 1\-3,382. ~lo•12. .......... , Clevelend 000 010 000-1 t 2 Botton 200 053 20a-12 13 1 HMIOfl, SO<en_, (5~ WtlltOI (I), RMd (8) end 8endo : Tvdor. Crawford (ll and Alllnaon, LeFranco11 W-Tudor. 11·10. L-He•ton, 0·1 ... R-Boalon. Lanford (10), Holtman (71 A-1S,54S "°' ... I, ....,._. 2 S..tlle 010 OOt 000-2 • 1 Kana. Ctl)' 320 000 OOll-5 7 0 Beattle, Cl8'k 121, Anderaon (I). Vandebefg (8) and 8-t. Eullon. CMtro. Tull• Ill and wat,..n W-C.lro, 2·1 L- BMllll 1-12. S-T11l11 (1) A-11,128 '"'IT GAMI Otioe..t, Ylflll-4 ~ York 103 000 000-4 10 2. Beltlmor• 000 011 12x-5 11 t Rawley May Ill and Cef~ McGregor. AIM (3). T Martlntz (II) and'*'-W- FllM, 1-4 L-Aawley, 10.t t-1 M8t1111U I "I HR-"'" Yorll. P'IMCloll>h (I) M.vlll 10 Baltll'llO<t, Ay818 (II~ Ford ( 10) ' ar:~=J "'" Yorll 200 000 100-3 I 0 8.illf'llOfe 000 OOt OOW-5 3 0 Morgen, l'razlt t 18) •11d WyllfO••: G. 0.vta, T. MartlMl (8) mnct ~. Nolen w D1w11. 7·~ ~-t.toro111. t-10 e-T. Mttt"'-(10~ Hiii-...,,.,,., "'*"' (2.4). NH Y0111, "°'*190ll (~lo A-tt• .._.. .. """'' ,,...,,,,.,... ooa OOf )00-8 12 o o.troot 001 001 010-J 10 O MMICll, ~ (t) 8'ld ~. llluclt•. ION (I); f._ (11, .-..111 Mii ,..,.,1111 W-MMloll, 11-13. l-l'ludler. 2·5 1- 911110!! (I ) HA-MllW ..... .1. llo'~ (11). DllrOll, ~(ti) A l ,llw Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, September 16, 1982 Cl ,,-------------------------------------. NATIONAL llAOUI Dodoeft 1. , .... 0 UN 0.QO LOI ANOILll •lttlllM "'"'" AtthtUe 11 Lallblot 3b 8evll()q ,, I Ken11cly o 8•1•••• •• 1\11.JOO• Cl 8Wlfl* ~ PlttMfl 2b •tiow p T1n4>hn Pf\ Oeleonp 40101111>11\Hltl 4 000 4 o 2 o lanlj•• cl 4 t 3 o 4 0 0 (I flaker II 4 0 I.) 0 3 0 I 0 Gve1t1r 11 3 0 1 1 300001\r""y 111 30 10 3 0 I 0 Cey 311 2 0 0 0 3000 k~a rt 0000 3010k~llO 3010 1000 A11•Mfl" JOOO I 0 0 0 11111111111 ll 3 0 I 0 OOOCi fOl81t :IQ ' ,, ' so o 8 o To1a1a lcor• bf lnnlnt• 81n Otego 000 000 000 O Lot Ang ... a 100 000 OOx I ( Plt1m1n OP San Ol900 2, l 01 Angehtt I lOO -San Otego 3. loa Ang .. tH 6 28 l ancJretlu•, Gutrrero 3B LancJ•o11,. s Ro.niet.a ""Oleo• ... SllOw (L. 10·01 1 H 111 1111•1 ao I I I 0 4 I 0 0 0 t Deleon I LoeA ....... Vlllen1uel1 (W, 111· 121 II e 0 / 0 O 8 l 2 17 A U ,302 C:etdlnale 2, l'lllllle• 0 s1 Louia ooo m ooo 2 1 o Phllod11fphoo 000 000 000 0 ~ 0 S1uper. Suiter (81 and Porter, krukow. Monge (81 1nd Dl111 W Stvpet. 1·6 L Krul.ow. 12·10 S Suiter (321 HA 81 lovla, POrler (9) 1\-32.854 Aalro• 4, lkaYM 0 H0<11lon 000 021 00 I 4 II I A111n1• ooo 000 000 O 2 1 L.COIS, LaC0<1e (Ill and Alhby Mahltl • Moore 1 n Hausman (9J and Benedict W LaCoss 5·6 L • Manltlf, 11· 10 S L.CO<lll (51 HR Houston. Cruz (Ill A 11.331 Eapoa 3, Mete 1 Now Vor~ 000 000 100 1 8 O Mon1rea1 I 20 000 00• J 7 0 Zachtry Puleo 171 and HodgH, Lea Fryman (1). Re•rdon (81 and Certtlf W lea 12 9 l Zachary 8 7 S Reardon (251 " 21 !1 12 PkalH 15, C:11be 5 Chicago 00.C 00 I 000 s II 0 P11111>urgh 005 460 00• 15 13 0 Nol11, Proly 14), 1<ra11ec (51 Stem (S). Campbell 17). Bord (81 and Oav11, Benton. Tunnell, Niemann (3), Mcw1111em1 (51 and Pen~ W Nlomar>n. 1·1 L No1a1, 8·1:1 S McW1111am• !II HR-P11111>urgh. Hebnl!r t2J Madlock ( 181 A-4.822 Olanlo 2, Red• 1 C1nc1nna11 010 000 000 I 8 O Sen Fr ancosco 000 000 20• 2 3 0 8•rany1 H•Y•• Clll ano T revtno Hammekar Holland (8) and May W Hammo~o• 10·8 L-Be•eny1. 8 11 S Ho"and (3) HR--C1nc1nna11 Trevino (II San r1anc1sco Bergman (3) A 3.778 Top 10 (l•MCI on 400 et 8ett) AMl'.RICAN LEAGUE WWol.on KC Yount. Mot G81Cll TO< Cerew, Anoe!• COOl)et Moi E Murray. Bal H81rah. Cle Lan1!0<d, Bsn Rice, Bsn Bretl, KC G Al R H Pct. 119 SUI 17 175 339 1311 564 '' 1 1114 326 129 532 81 1611 3 tll 121 461 78 1411 317 138 580 113 1112 314 133 4113 73 151 313 142 ~$ 115 170 312 , 115 437 72 136 311 127 507 711 167 310 177 4115 90 1411 307 ............ ,.. G Thomat, Mltwaultee, 36. Ille • .lechon. Angelo, U ; Wlnlleld, New York, 33 Thornl on. Cleveland, 30, Coopat Mllwa ...... 30, OglMe, Mllwaul<M 30 R""• .. tied In McR•• Kannt Ctty 121. Coope1 MolwaukM. 110, ThOrnlon, C-an<I, 109 W1nlield New York, 102. G Thomas Mltwauk". 101 l'tlc:hlng (1t O.C:lelon•) Vukovich. Milw•ukea. 18·4: Palmer. Bllltmore, 13·4: Burne, Chlcego, 13·5, Guidry. New Yo<k. 14·6: Zlhn, Aneefa, 11-7; Svtcflffe, C.....iand. 12·11, llleMo, Aneef•, 11-t; Pllry. Oelroll, 14-8 NA TIOfCAL Lf AGU« Ott...,, MU MadlOCk Pgn Lo Smith. SIL Buettner, CN Quen9'0, Dodgen Durham, Chi Schmid!, PN ....... OeclO«• K HrntnOei, SIL Catlar, MU GA8 lllHl'ct. 141 540 81 192 337 142 527 90 118 3 111 137 530 113 1117 316 144 585 73 113 313 138 5211 12 1114 .310 136 501 73 15-4 307 130 451 105 131 304 132 516 72 1511 303 142 5211 71 1511 302 1341 4116 111 148 300 -Ihm• Ktngmen. -Yon.. 341. M<Kpll'f. l\tlanla. 3S, Scllmldl. Phlladalphl• 33 Horner. A11an1a. 31. J :::::i::.r.:."1>v'11t. 30 MU<phy, Allanta. 108. Buell,,.,. Chleago. 119. Ollver. Montreal, 1111, J Thompaon. Pllllbvrgh. 118, Qwll. Sen Francltco, 115 l'tlcfllllt (1' 0.C:lllon•) P Nlekro, Allanll. 14·4. Rogers. MontrM I. 17-7: Carllon. PhlladelPfll•. 2().9, Candelarla, Pillal>ufgh, 12·8, loU1r. San Otego, 14·1, ...... Dodgen, t•IO; Fo<ICh SI Lovit, 14·11, V ...... uela, Dodtlwa. tf.12. ~tournament (8' "°" ....... ,,.., Flm lloul>d VICtOf Amaya-Hank Pfister (U s ) Clef Jim Ourlaln·Orew Oltlln (US). 4-6. 6·4 6·3, M81k Edmondeon·Klm Warwick (Aullralil) def. Mall Doyle IV S.)·Oevld C1r1ar (Auttralla). 6·3. 7 ·6, Brian Gottfried (U S )-Raul R•mlfa.t (Mexleo) def Zdravtco Mlnoel!·OotdO Jones (US). 8· 1, 6-2. M811Y Oavlt-Chrlt Dunk (US.) def Sien Smllh-Bob LUIZ (U S ), 6-2. J.-6, 8-4, StlYI M ... llr· Craig Wlllua (US J def Sammy-Tony Ollmmalva (US ). 8-2 2·11 8·3 l\ndy Andrews-John S.Orl (US) def Robe< I Van 1 Hol·L•uy Stelanlkt IU S 1. 3·11, 7 ·IS 6-4, Tracy Oelalte·M•I Pvrcell (U S ) def M1rco1 Hoc111ar·Joao SoarH (Btllll). 6·4, 6-3. So/\alk Van der Me•we.Freddle Sauer !Soull'I Afrlcal Clef Andrew Jarrell· Jonell\on Smith (Brlltln~ 11-7. 1-1. 6-4 Women'• tennla HIGH I CHOOL -.....1, Yeuna 8Mch I (fllllrtN WOft Oft e-IS-71) ...... De lMt (M) def. Jenell, 6-t, def Woltelta. 8-0, def Godfrey. 1-2. Ciaua (Ml won 0-2, IOll 4-8, won 6-3. Alllerlt !M) IOtl 3-6. won 6-2, IOll 4-6 ~ lotlte>-Nghlen (M) IOI! lo Sturm-WaHace, 4·8, def Pack·Bro.n, 8·4, dtl Conkey. Mayto<. 11-4. Stanliefd·Harrl1 (M) IOtC 4-e. :_!; t:· LJ1n9-Hilleb<and (M) Iott ()..6, 2·8, I~ 14, c,_,_ 4 ..... Smllh (E) Clel Sh...,.U, 8-1, def Burgeu. 11·0, def Yenawlne', 8·2: Kirk (El foal by delauCI, won 6-1, lost by Clelaull, Sella CE) toM 4·8. won 8-0. e. 1 Ooulltee Loll·H~I (El dtl. CIJ!f'.Phllltr•· 6-2. d•I Rodrlqu11·0c:kil.1wa. 8· 1 de O.Cerlo Coutent. 6-t. si--stmmon• (El won. 7·5. &-4, 6-2, Reell¥0-Klvblnk (El won 6-1 6-1 foal 4 • • NFL x-Ram1 2 YI over Detroit x-Atlant.a 3 over R1ldet1 x-8uffl1Jo 4 owr Mlnne10t.a x Pittsburgh l over Cincinnotl Dallas 4 'A over x-St. L.oulJ x-Chicago 4 !I\ over New Ori {Ull New York Jcta l 'A ov~r x-New Englund x-Cleveland 2 ~ over Phlladelphio San Diego 3 over x-Kansas City x-Mlami 13 over Baltimore· San Francisco at x-Denver, even x-Houston 3 over Seattle x-Tampa Bay 4 over Washington x-Ncw York Giants 3 over Green Bay (Mondoy) College x-USC 20~ over Indiana UCLA 6 over x-Wisconsin Washington 9 ~ over x-Arizona Pittsburgh 8 over x-Florida State x-Nebraska vs. New Mexico State, no odds AJaba~ 13 ~ Over x-Missis.9ipp> Flori idle SMU s. x-Texas-El Paso, no odds Geor~ia jdJe x-Penn State vs. Rutgers, no odds x-Arkansas 17 over Navy Michigan 1 over x-Notre Dame x-North Carolina 20 over Vanderbilt Ohio State 6 over x-Michigan St.ate x-Houston l over Arizona St.ate Miami, Fla. 7 ~ over x-Virginia Tech x-Clemson 12 over Boston College x-West Virginia 6 ~ over Maryland x-Texas vs. Utah, no odds CoHt area rHulla LAGUNA BEACH MfN'I CLU8 (•I fl Pr.00-Chlno Golf Coutae Low Nel Tourn1ml!lll A Fllghl I GllOfge M1f18f 8 I· IS-66. 2 1111) Al Giana 79·12 -IS7 end Jae~ Lund 80·13 67 4 Roy Pons 82· 13 69 B Fhghl 1 111e1 Richard Sawyer. 8$-18-67. Abel Gonulea, 83· 16 87, 3 111111 James While, 86 11 89 end Ken Smnl\, 66·17 69 C Flight I ArnOld Cerlaon 87· t9 68, 2 (llel No1n1011 Raid 92·20 72 and led lehn1tr 93·2 I 72 0 Floghl -I Em11 Aleunde1 93·24 69 2 RICl'oard Pete<1on. 97 26 11 E Fljgl 1 JOhn Brown 93-30 63. 2 (toe) W~llam AKatd t04 ·36-&a and EfftOll L1lloo 99-31 Ill o .. p ••a fl1hlng Alllra LAHDIMQ (Newpo<t a-chi -3? ano••n. 50 l>HI 116 1>on110. 254 mac1>.8fel. 2 rock hlh. 2 1eufptn DAvtY't LOCKER (Newpo<t 8Nchl 78 englora 208 bonito, 16 calico bau 440 macktlfel. 4 rock '""· 6 und b•H. 1 whlln MlbHS DANA WHARF -74 angl~rs 60 bUI. 60 bonllo. 1211 macl<erel. 24 rock ll•h 15 yeltowt8ll SEAL 8 EAC:H -79 •no•••• 1112 barracuda 6 bon110 18 catoco b•H 20 macil8f91, 112 sand t>au, I wtlll8 -l>IH 5 I aculpfn SAN DIEOO (HIM Landln9I -215 angtw1 2911 1fbac:o1e Thia wMk'1 trout plant• LOI ANGELl!I -eouqvtl Canyon Creel< Castalc Lake Seo Osbrool R1ve1 !Ea.i Fork end West F0tl<I VENTURI\ c-11.1 l ake •AN 8 ((11NAROINO -B•g Bear L•••, Gr-Valley Lue Gregory Lal>.1 9ANTA 8AR8AlllA cecnuma Lal<O KUIN K8fn Rt-(Democrat Oem lo KR1 Powernovae. Borell Po-llouaa to Oemocret Dam ltabella Oam 10 Borell Powerl'IOuH KR3 PowernouH 10 Lok• Isabella) TULARE Ke<n River (Fattvlew O.m 10 KR3 Powtrhou1e. Jonosondate Bridge 10 Fairview Oam). Peppermint Creek Tula Rt-(Norlh and Sovtn F0<kt of Main Forkl MAOllllA SM .,/OllQUll'l ~ (Middle Forkl ALPltffi B1ve Laite (Lowe< and ~I lnternatlonel "'"t (IC 11-1 (Olatance -t• "' meten) MEN 100 I Met l•ll•ny (U s ). 10 14 2 Merlan Vo<on1n IFr•nc•I 10 22, 3 Ernul Obeng CG11.tn1). 10 45 200 -I Jam" Bvtler (U S ), 20 88, 2 Pier Francesco Pavoni (tlalyt, 20 87. 3 Carlo Slm10n110 (llaly\. 20 94 454~ t Getson Soun Andrade (Braz~). 1100 I Alberto Guomarau (B1u10 1 411 17 1.500 t th()mas W-nghage (WHI Getmeny) 3 32 115 3 000 1 All>etlo Co•• (ll&lyl 7 51 117 1 IOHH I Javier Mor1cho (Spa1n1. 13 98 400lH ' Oavtd Lee (Us'· 49 ~. 2 Jemea l<tng (US I 49 67 HJ I Jnnuu Trzepltur (Poland~ 7-•' • 2 Owigl'll Stone• (US), 7.4•, PV I Jean-Michel Bettol CFr1nce1 111-8'"· 2 8111 Ol.on (US) 18·81~ 3 Brad Pvt_,.,, (U S J. t 11-4' • OT -1 lmtlClh BUQat (Cz~altlll) 222·11'1. 2 Mee Wltch!ns (U s ). 221· ' ... WOfllftl 200 1 J1rmlla Kratocvllova (Czeeh0slovalc111). 22 80 8 il'?? -1 M•rlCICI PVICI (Romani•) Weter poto HIGH 9C:H~ l atencll II, 'ount•ln Valley 4 Fountain Valley 2 1 O I • e111nc11 4 4 8 2 1e Foun11111 Vllley acorlng -Slng11 I Young 2, M00te 1 E11anc11 ecor~ Fenlty 5. 1neoom1 4, WICkl i Bertg 2. Ptttmen t CampOelt 1, lltvettlde l'9ly ....... ton Vi.to 4 Miiiion VoejO I 1 1 I -4 Ro...,llde ,oly 2 I 3 2-fl M in ion VleJo •coring -eoall• t. Hourigan 2, HutChlngt 1 Rl~111ld1 Poly acorlng HelliHy 1. Bu1cn 1, 011111 f, COMO!ty 3, Roed 2 Women'• YofleJINll COLLI OS UCLA dlf Peppt1dlne. 1$-t, 16-S, 12-16 1$-10 • "'°" ICHOOI. 81111 Clement• Oii COf~ dtl MIW, 1t.-t 1f.1 t-15 13-IS. 11 15 Hu11Ung1on 8HCh dtl MitlllOn Vl•IO. 1&-10. t-1$ 1$-13 15-4. 15-5 Htwp«1 Hatbot def WllllNllfllf II I I, tS I. If.II Mllaf 0.. dll La Ovlnt• 1~·12, 11-3, t2·16, 18· 14 Pomon1 Fair TUftDAY'S lllfSULTI (llh ol 11-d•y "'"'"'91 THOROUGHBREDS FlAST RACE & lurlongs Jen Jen Jen (Mattone11 17 20 S 00 3 20 Seal><eeu Pe,011 10•1eoaJ 2 40 2 20 Easter Lolly fMenal 2 60 Also raced Cl'"' s Luck Lady for Am0< Trade foll T alluluh s BAck Zany Tempo Time I 1• 215 $5 EXACT A (6 Ill p31d S 103 SO OUARTERHOASES SfCOtlD lllACf 350 ya1ds Btg ltctl (He<ll 7 00 4 40 3 20 See TroublP Run IBd•OI S 00 4 60 Runn.n S1• IMy~I 4 60 l\lso ra'trd M11u So. Duplicate T akaoll Leos Paudr<1 ><ave B@lllt' EOJy Ooul>le Too Moto St Pat11ck Tome 17 SQ THIRD RACE 400 yaroo King Third (Mllt M lll 27 40 12 00 10 20 The Norseman (To .. ~11 1• 60 9 00 Sorrels Gonn19•1em IB••dl II 00 Aleo •ilOf'd l oµ Em UP Lona Tony G•y e.. Bo Man Ono Ven Moon. Tap M• NOi Man lhe Gun Tome 20 44 S5 EXACTA 18 Oi 1 ood $130700 THOROUGHBREDS FOURTH RACE. 6 lurlongs Baby Doon IMl'nal 8 ao 3 80 7 60 lndepe11<1ent Mttody (hlr&da1 4 20 3 20 Wor1n Elo<l IA•mu.-... 111 3 60 At.o r11<f'd Sw~f'''" J~ruc,. My r1vo<1ll ~':' Sweep w1w~1 P"ppa s Niece H•rs Ttme I t• 4 S FtnH RACE 1 OutdOOf Rvler (0elgad•llOI 1•1bmuua •8 20 8 40 6 20 760 ~20 31SO RC)gue Aoval G'NI Relu<n (MllrllnezJ COiey'• Pride !Ortegal Fast 11 riu"v R1pp11ng Ooc:trine, Beloev• T f'l•s l•mti '500 SEVENTH RAC:E. 6 fvrtongs Ms Royal T IPedrOH I 48 8o 14 llO 8 llO Na1.,11 (Cruz) 9 40 4 80 T1mety Bell 1Mm•nt 8 00 Also rKfld Rei>t at Jonn W1nn.ng Angel JJ1Cks 01'* Gort 14;a1111a GOid Go Go Dami>< Ttme I tJ I ~ EIGHTH RACE 1 I 16 moles ApOlhcary M1H (Bhl<l<I 8 80 4 00 3 60 Wes1e1n S1ar101 fMl"'~l 3 40 2 llO GI GI (Stblll!!I 3 ,0 Also •IWO Ttleproty Em I Make Up Kii. Sully s Enco<11 I '""°' Barba"•"· RebelliOVs Lti Toma I 46 !> ~ $.KXACTA fl )I P•ld S51 50 NINTH Rl\CE I 1 16 moles Shes a Ga1 1Mtn11 8 20 3 llO 3 20 Peute Rev• (Spencerl 5 00 3 80 Poon• Ve1ve1 tS1b1ite) 3 60 Also 111eed Prl<lo 0 Paul Cemptown nuy. Rullmulhn Cha,.ep1e Ax Impressive TENTH RACE. 5' furlong$ Or Gaddis 1Hansent I 1 60 5 40 4 40 Ww HOU ... !Campest s 20 3 20 El Mt Am.go CMtooll 5 00 Also reced C.e,,.111 "ccourn Monsl8Ur 1.a91n J 0 Ma'°" Mu 1er F'*1d. Sllan 1 Beet. 11me I OS 115 SS EXACT A t6 41 P•ld Sl33 00 ELEVENTH RACE. t 1116 miles T8fr8 MIU (Hlntenl II 00 4 80 3 80 Granl• 0uQu9'D tBlad<I !'> 20 3 80 Shes a Swope (EJlreda) 5 20 AllO raced Sllane McGuire Prone P-toon. RON TudOf ~Ill l<ong UnltM Tome 1 45 215 TWEl.nH lllAC:E I , tntlel CllHll "'"''~In CSPl"Ce<l36 00 IS 20 8 00 Ten Oownlnq (Mpna) I 1 60 6 00 El Clove (Burns) 9 40 At10 1oced Real OonQutc11. Dinner tor Two. P&11 lh~ ~taller King W•ko, Joa't Balle Time J 01 315 SS U AC:TA 18 31 paid $690 00 1<11en0ence 10 eso Tueacs.r•• treneectlofla eAltC"9AlL Netlonal halletNll A-let Ion NBA OFFICC -N•tntd M.ae COie. v~ PrHldenl 01 Team ,.,.,!Cea •or NIA PrQWtlet,ll'lt l<ANSAS CITY l(tHGS Signed l(en ~. Qll81d P~ Wtlg!'lt, 1-erd. Jack MOOrl. Qlllld end Rober! BalH, l0tward '00f'9~LL Nttlonal footNll L.Mtw DENVER BRONCO& -Signed 8t1Yt Wiiton, tornerb1Ck•wld• recatver, tnd ~ St-Foley llftty on tlll lnl<lftd -htl KAHSAS CITY CHIEFS -Pltctd Jack Rudney cen1w, on thl onj\lred r-N91 PHILAO lPHIA EAGlE8 -R .. llOned Wtffy Hlnt'y 'Mdt r_.,._, Ind pitC1C1 John S<.11111 SNlll raM.,.,. on tne lni'lrld ,...,,.. "'' HOCKIY ................ .,L...- l'DM ONTON Olll AI floned Dt v• Semenllo lo • •one·tttm conlrKt toc:C:l.ll llhjefllldMf8-~ WICHIT A WINOS -••on•O lteve WHtb1ooa end 011110 w,mn. det.ndlf• Rete .. ad Oon fobl11, 111ld-llalo.t ~'" 0.-.0 .,.......,.. and Rl<:fl ..... for'.-tf'd eou.e• LOYO~A COLLIOt -H11T1eo Miik Ama111cc1 fin d llHlltlll•ll COICll •11• ...... Ml et~ CllrtOIOt ~eattle' Julio Cruz sidesteps a sliding George Brett Tuesday in Mariners' 5-2 elbaek to Ka nsas City. Wooden Boat Show comes to Newport By ALMON LOCK.ABE'V Dilly Pllol loallng WrllM The days of "wooden ships and iro n men" are abou t to be reviewed in Newport Beach with the first Wooden Boat Show on the West Coast which starts Friday and continues through Sunday at Lido Marine Village. The display or classic wooden boats built during the 20th centur y is being produced by Duncan Mdntosh, producer of Newport Harbor's In the Water Shows or both power and sailboats. Mci ntosh said the wooden Boat Show w ill feature millions of dollars worth of bon afid e wooden boats which date back t.o 1879 "This wiU be the first time for all wooden boats to be shown in Southern Califor nia ," said Mcintosh. "In the east the in- the-water wooden boats shows are usually sellou ts. It gives people a chance to see craft which have vinually disappeared from the yachting scene." A number of the boats in the show will be listed "not for sale" for exhibit only by owners who are proud of the vessels they have so carefully preserved. "We will be blending the old with the new in the wooden boat show," said Mcintosh. "There will be both classic and new wooden boats." "One of the highlights of the show wlll be a classic boat race Sunday afternoon fetauring s-0 me o f t h e o I de r c r a f t i n Southern California. Mcintosh saiq an e ffort is being made t.o get t.ogether a fleet of Snowbirds, the classic 12-foot dingh y that made Newpor t Beach famous with the Fligh t of Snowbirds . Among t h e boats to be exhibited in the non -commercial category is the Yehis, built in 1906 and reporte d to be the oldest gasoline-powered pleasure boat still• in existence on t he California coast. T h e Yeh is belongs to the Rev. George A. Wil so n , pas t or of t he W i l ming t on C a lva r y Presbyterian Church. Another feature is the Jade Dragon , built in 1879 at Affen Denmark. This vessel is for sale for $120 ,000 a nd carries a mainsail, foresail, squaresail and a variety of jjbs. The brigaUne once carried royal cargo as well u contraband to many exotic countries. She is an 81-footer and has h.er logs still aboard writ ten in Danish, German, Portugueae and En~bsh. Hours for the show are Friday from 11 a .m . lo 7 p .m.; and Satu rday an d S unday from 10 a.m. to 7 p.m. Admission i.s $5 for adults. Children 12 and under will be admitted free. Mcintosh has arranged for Cree parking at Pacific Coast Highway and Newport Boulevard with shuttle service to and from the show. Water taxis will also be available from the Mariners Mile area at 3101 W. Coast Highway. U.S. sailors edged Italian boats pull out final rac.-: PORTO CERVO, Sardinia - The American yachting team, headed by Bill Power's High Roler, Newport Harbor Yacht Club, was barely edged by the Italian team in the fi nal race of t h e Sa r di n i a C up , t h e Mediterranean's most prestigious yacht racing series. The Italians won by squeezing their three boats ahead of the U.S. team in the final race, a 2e-m1 l e Oly mpic course conlrontalion. Scaramouche and Thunderbolt rolled up 732. The yacht Brihon rv of Spain, which was crewed by King J uan Carlos during one o f the four races during the eight-day event, finished first in Tuesday's final race. Vikings· snap Artists' string High Rolcr al.so was narrowly defeate d for the Star P olnt Trop h y f or i nd ividu a l performa nce by the lt81hm yacht Alm~gores. L o r i De L a a t w on three matches and the Marina High School Viking, handed Laguna Beach ·High lts first defeat-in.,, w omen '• dua l·match umnl• action In 42 outings Tuesday to open the 198~ seMOn. .. t The Ci nal race was another Hght. air offalr i n w h ich Almagores kept H igh Ro l er astt'm under hazy skies and 6-8 knot winds. The Italians won th• fl.rat. edlUon of the blennJal •rt• in 1978. The U.S. team won ln 1980. The Jtalians Wtre leadl"I by 10 point• gotna Into the final r~. and It wu the duel bet~ Hi&h Roler and A.hMgores which clinched I.he cup for the ltallana. The flNl ogttgate lt'Of'W for Italy'• A.lmagon!S, Mandrake 11nd Brava wu 748. while the U.S . t a m of H l gh Roler , Marina and Laguna Beach tJed 9-9 ln eeu but the Vik.logs won with an 85-78 pme ecore with De Laat winnl"I all tru. of hw matc:hea. Khn Claus anB Pam Al~Me a1'o cbd well 1n lln&)el with Laura Lodto and Simone N1hlen wtnnlf\l two of three lft doublet. In ~ ecUon, lldAlora ......... off 1982 on thit rilh\.fool with a 14·4 YtcWy owr eypn.. 1he Cha,...n wen s-d bY Pam Smith. .. f ------... -=-:or--7 •• Orenge CoHt OAILV PILOT/Wedneaday, September 15, 1882 WID. Thru IAT. llPT. 15·18, 1982 f lr111m1 end emmun11ton are l<'ld 1n 11tlct compllence with Fe•111, $1111 i nd loc.et t1w1. All purdl1se1 mu1t be picked up on ptrtoft. l"utctleser ot 11111•1111 mull be • 111ic1tn1 of St.et• •n wttlch f1111rm1 ... sold, Prtmut® Lantem "Standard doub le mantle. (non-regulated) 8.97 Blac\c Vinyl·Gun Case Lint-free cotton lining. plastic handle and 1.0. holder. Save! Scope Model Case, ................ 9 . 97 Primus Two lumer Stove Two burner regulated pro· pane stove. 6.97-8.97 Re m ington' Centerflre Cartridges· I h·shock · soM·po1nt bullets ore ovolloble 1n choice ()f 30 30. 308. 243. 270. 30·06 and calibers 20 rounds Save now 299.97 7400 Semiautomatic Rift•· 4-shot magazine rifle features stroighHlne stock with check· ering. Cross boll for sa fety. 30/ 06. col 159.97 336C lever-action RHle · Mic ro-groove barrel and deluxe sights. 6-shot c apacity. American walnut stock 30/30. -~--- 159.97 94 Wlncheste,. 30/30 Carbine· Popular. lever-action centerflre ri- fle with 6 -shot magazine. 20" bar- rel Handsomely finished stock. 244.97 700 ADL lolt·actlon Rlfte • Hunters like this rifle with ad· iustoble sights .270. and 30· 60 calibers 279.97 7600 Pump-action Rift• • 4-shot magazine rifle features stro1ght-llne stock with check· ering, and cross·bolt safety. 30·06 caliber. ·Tent fabric treated to N ftame·re1l1tant l.n accordance with CPA1·14 Nylon Two-Person Tent This ffre retardant• tent, with 5x7· nylon blue floor. hos o center height of 3'h' Nylon screen door plus. 10x18" zipper window 3 Man Tent ....................................................... 34.88 --,------------~-- --= ~ '29.97 4x32mm Rift• Scope Blue finish with coated, sealed optics for "tog proof" Image. Me1ered locking ad· justments. 3x·9x32mm Scope .................................. .39.97 Kmart• Sole Price Len Factory Rebate 39.97 -7.00 WMo• Lubrtcant ~,,;e 2,~3 Len Facl'Ol'y • S 1 1.97 \ YourNetCoat32 97 Atter Factory Rebate • Catalyttc Heater '!ebat• Your Net Cost 2 $ 2 Attef Factory Rebate Por Warm Kntt Hunting Cap Bulky Orion• ocryllc with deer emblem. Sovel •Ol,t l'onl t IM --~.._ _____ .._. ____ ..... _ DlllJ Piiat " ~ Wedneed1y, S~ttmbef 16, tH 2 SLIM GOURMET 04 11acks on a s tein, SUPERMARKET St-iOPPER 07 MEAD ON WINE 010 com e in cluste~ .• . DS .... Don't put the grilJ. in • • winter storage yet Summer's swan song doean't mean the end of the barbecue season In Southern California. Warm fa ll days a nd m ellow evenings are an invitation to sit on the terrace and enjoy good friends and the tantalizing aroma of meat cooking on the grill. If what you want 1s a quick- cooking, no-fuss meal, consider Ham •n Vegetable Kabobs. Cubes of ha m, alternated with chunks of potatoes and pieces of green pepper are threaded on skewers, brushed with herb butter , then broiled. Seasonal fruits make up a delectable salad dressed with a tangy Lime-Apricot piquancy -that accents the flavor of grapes, peaches, strawberries and fresh pineapple. Complementing the menu is Cranbe rry Pineapple Zing, a thirst-quenching combination of cranberry juice cocktail and pineapple juice. For a Septembe r Sunday, nothing makes better eating than a juicy tender pork roast, basted and g lazed with a cranbe rry flavor and served with an Americana Wild Rice Salad. A light and refreshing dessert 1 teams ripe melon wedges with a quickly assembled lime sorbet. HAM 'N VEGETABLE KABOBS 2 pounds ham cubes for kabobs• 3 med.ium pot.a toes 2 large green peppers, cut into 36 pieces 11.1 cup melted butter 2 tablespoons chopped chives 2 tablespoon s snipped parsley l clove garlic, minced Cook potatoes (do not pare) in 2 inch es o{ boiling wa te r in covered saucepan, 15 to 20 minutes; cut into qua rte rs . Alte rnately thread s ix green pepper pieces, four ham cubes and two pieces of potato on each of six metal skewers. l tablespoon honey 1A teaspoon salt 1Ai t easpoon grate d fresh lime peel Dash ground ginger 11.1 cup salad oil l 1h c ups green gra pes, seeded if necessary l in c ups s liced Cres h peaches, apricots or nectarines I 1h cups halved strawberries or red grapes l 1h cups fresh pineapple chunks Fresh lime wedges Lettuce Combine preserves, lime Juice, honey, salt, lime peel and gmger in container of blender or food processor. Process at HIGH 30 seconds, or until thoroughly pureed . With motor running, gradually add oil; process 30 seconds longer. Comb4'te grapes, peaches, strawbe rries and pineapple; arrange in lettuce- lined salad bowl. Spoon dressing over. fruits. Garnish with lime wedges. Yield: 6 cups. CRANBERRY PINEAPPLE ZING l quart cranbe rry juice cockUlil l c an (1 2 o un ces ) unsweetened pineapple juice S ugar to taste Mint sprigs, if desired Pour 2 cups of cranberry juice cocktail into ice cube tray. Freez.e until solid. Combine remaining cranberry juice cocktail and pineapple juice. Sweeten to taste with sugar. Place 2 to 3 of the frozen cubes in each glass; fill w ith c ran be rry -pine8'>ple mixture. Gar nish with mint s prigs, if d esired . Yield: 6 servings. CRANBERRY GLAZED PORK LEG 3 to 4-pound boneless pork leg 1 can (16 ounces) whole berry cranberry sauce 2 tablespoons chill sauce Combine butte r , c hives, parsley and garlic. Place kabobs on grill over ash-covered coals so surface of meat is 3 to 4 inches from coals. Broil at a moderate temperature 10 minutes, turning occasionally. Brush ham, pepper and potato pieces with herb butter and continue broiling 2 to 3 minutes. 2 tablespoons finely chopped onion 2 teaspoons pre pare d mustard 'h teaspoon salt Ham kabobs, threaded alternately with chunks of potatoes and pieces o f green pepper, vie for color and taste appeal with seasonal fruits in salad. Ti+rn kabobs, brush with herb butter and continue broiling 2 to 3 minutes or until d one. 6 •cubes (1 ~ x 1 in x 1-inch) can be cut from inch-thick ham slices or canned or "fully-cooked" ham. FRUIT SALAD WITH LIME -APRICOT DRESSING 'A cup apricot preserves 2 tablespoon s fresh lime juice 'A teaspoon ground ginger Place roast, fat side up, on rack in open roasting pan. Insert roast meat thermometer so the bulb is centered in thickest part. Be careful that bulb does not rest in fat. Do not add wate r. Do not cover. Roast in a slow oven (325 deg r ees F .) until m e at the rmometer reg iste r s 170 degrees F .; allow 3~ to 40 minutes per pound .. Meanwhile, combine cranberry sauce, chili sauce, onion, mustard, salt and ginge.r in saucepan and simmer 10 minutes, s tirring occasionally . Brush pork roast with sauce during last 15 to-20 minutes o f cooking time . Let roast stand 15 minutes before carving. Ser ve r emaining cranberry sauce with carved pork. · AMERICANA WI LD RICE SALAD ¥1 cup wild rice 1 can (8 oun ces) wate r chestnuts, coarsely chopped !l'J cup chopped walnuts Pork roast, 1lased and 'basted with cranberry sauce mixture, is a tempting dinner for a September Sunday. Serve it with wild rice and top the menu with lime &orbet fur deuert. -.s.------- 3 green onion s , cut into ~-inch pieces ~ cup salad dressing Dash pepper Cook wild rice according to p ack a ge directions. Cool./ C o mb i n e wild rice, water chestnuts, walnuts, green onions, salad dressing and pe ppe r , stirring lightly. Cover and chill 3 to 4 hours. Y!eld: 4 cups. LIME SORBET IN MELON 1 1~ cups sugar 1 ~ cups water l 'A cups fresh lime juice ~ to ~ teaspoon g rated fresh lime peel 'A cup heavy cream 1 to 2 drops each yeUow and blue food coloring, if desired Ca ntalo upe, C renshaw or honeydew melon wedges Fresh lime wedges Heat s ugar and w ate r until suga r dissolves; cool completely . Stir in lime juice and grated peel. P ou r mixture into 2-qua rt shallow metal pan; freeze until almost firm. Spoon mixture into container of food processor or blender; process on IDGH until light and fluffy. Gradually add cream , mixing thoroughJy. Add food coloring to mixture. if. desired, stirring to combine. •I Pour mixture back into metali pa n a nd r e freeze, s tirrl n~ thoroughly after 1 h our. Let sorbet thaw in refrigerator a few minutes before serving. Spoon into wedges of melon. Garnish with lime wedges. Yield: 3 cups. Fill fowl with grapes A new approach to an old favorite is "Savory Grape Stuffing" lo accompany roast chicken. For an extra fruity flavor, fill the fowl with fresh table grapes before cook i ng. The grapes plump up with the succulent juices, as the bird, basted in wine and butter, bakes. Later, when the chicken is carved and aerved. place aome of these hot, fragrant grapes on each plate. To accompany the fruited fowl, make a light, but flavorful dressing. For convenience you can use a prepared dreaing mix, glorified w ith lots of grated lemon peel, celery, onlon, a handful of red and green table grapes and some rich drippings from the roast chicken to give It a "homemade" flavor. SAVORY GRAPE STUFFING 1 cup seedless green or red grapes ~ cup chopped celery ~ cup chopped onion in cup butter or margarine 1 chicken boulllon cube, crumbled ~ cup water 1 package (8 ounces) seaaoned stuffing mix 1 tablespoon finely grated lemon peel in c up finely ch opped parsley 'A cup drlppln1s from chicken Rinse and stem grapes. Use sreen leedlesa or red IJ'apes, or a <io mblnatlon. H a lve 1rapea len1thwl1e or leave whole, aa desired. Cook celery and onion ln butter until tender-erlap. Add crumbled boulllon cube and water. Brina to lhnmertna. Pour over atufflnl mlx and mlx lllhtll Wlth I fork. Add lemon pee and parsley. Tum lnto bakln1 dish and cov er l~ly with foll. Bake ln moderately hot, 376 Lemon peel and fresh grapes accent stuffing baked in its own dish . degrees, oven 20 minutes. brush lightly with butter or oil:" ~move foll, stir in grapes and W Cover looeely with foll and ~ cup dripplnp from roast chicken. in moderately hot oven, 37~. Bake 10 minutes lOl\ler. degree., 45 minutes. Remove foll.• If mollt.er stuffing ii preferred, Melt W cup butt.er with ~ cue. add an extra tablespoon or two of dry white ,wine and brush aw!i ~ drlpplnel · (f•t removed). chJcken. C4ntinue rouUn& aboul; Makel 8 eervtnga. 1 hour lancer until chlck.n ~, Rout Clllcllea: Prepare a done, but1ha eevera1 ·tl.mee wttl) ~!,~ ~~u."j ;!'~~e~~~; =~~mw::;~::: p=cf and add 1 cup w hole aeedlHI srapee from lrWde chieMn alonC ~Chilean pp11. with Heh aervln1. Mak" e Tte or ak•wer chicken and aervtr\81. ; ~- ap Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wedne1day, September 1b, 1WU_. -Could shoppers afford loss of competition ? By MARTIN SLOANE p11rtklp1HlnM bowllnti b 1 • t d o n p 11 <' t.' Couponbontmm my•Wry Q . t I p 1 . Son d the from 40-count Modeu DEAR MARTIN -A.. c nk'r. Pl'f'l('nt one back ovallablllty Thill offtir hi BUPlllllllJ BHDPPll t•o u p o n S!'nd tht.' r quired refund form Reaular or Super. For long aa column11 like pantil with Unlver11al valid for bowlt•rv 18 n•qutrl'd rdund form and th · word1 "Doubl~ Sl.60, nd the form and youn enoourag the WMl Produ ct Code 1ymbol ~eara of age or oldn unu Unlvt:nul Product 'l"lpp('d Safety Swab1" three UPC 1ymbola. For of coupons and refunda f r o m a n y Co I g a t e Explrt. .. Sept. 30, 1982. 3 by :'> ln<,·h curd t:xp1rt•H 117.c• und your narnl' and C«Jt• lff mbolH from uny from the tront puncl11 of S2.25. send the form and lo "save" the cu1tomer Wlntertreah Gel or FLICKER T an-Savt•r Sc•µt. 30, 11)82. 11ddrt.•1111 prlntt·d o n 11 two o the following thre<.• Q -Ups Swabs. One four UPC symbola. Look money, the manufactur-Regular Flavor to tiny Offer, P .0 . Box 220 l , MITCH UM Muxlmum 3-by·:'>·lnl·h l'ur•d. ExplrC'S bra n d 11 : c.; I o s c -U p of the proo f11 mu11t bl' for the form on specially era will continue lo participating bowling Maple Plain, Minn. Protect ion , P.O . Box &·pt. ao. 19K2. Toothpaste (4.U-. 0 4· or fro m the 170-<·ou n t mark e d pa c kages. Increase prices becauae center. For partJclpatlnt 65348. Receive $1.50 1153,MaplcPlaln,Mlnn. These offers requirl' 8 2 -oun re ) Sig n a l packages Expires Dec. £xpires 0ct.31, 19M. they think that their centers, call (800) worth of 1amples of 55348 . Receive a $1 refund forms: Mouthwash (18-, 24· or 31.1982 ORAL-BTravelBruah advert I a Ing and 847-4230 We dnesday Copper t o n e LI t l' refund. Send the word CLOSE-UP, SIGNAL. 32-ounce), Pe psod cnt MODES S C a 1 h Offer. Receive an Oral-8 ouUandishldeasincrease thr o ugh Sun da y Formula Oil, Tan Care "Mitchum" from the PEPSODE NT Cou -Toothbrush (Adult, R e fund . Receive a travel toothbrush. Send the sale• o f their betweennoonand6p.m. and For Faces Only. front panel of a box of ponbonanza Offer . Re -Junlor or Child).Expires refundof90t:ents,$1.50 the r e quired refund product&. EDT. In New York, call Send the word "Flicker" any Milc h um anti-Cl'ive a $1 refund, $2 Nov. 30, 1982. or $2.25. For 90 cen ts, form, the side panels I, for one, would just (800) 522-1101. Free from on e Flicker perspirant (Roll-On. in c:oupons for Close-Up, Q -TIPS S WABS $1 send the required refund with the words from any like to lee lower prices. 1 games are available for pack.age and your name StJck, Dab-On, Pump or Signal and Pepsod ent Coupon Refund. Rc<.>elve form and two Universal tsh r 8 e e PO r 0 a 8 1 • B think this could be 8 ,_n_o_n_-l_e_agu_e_p_la_y_and __ are __ a_n_d_a_d_d_r_e_s_s_o_n __ a _C_r_e_am--'-)_e_x_c_e.:...p_t _t_h_e _tr_ia_l _T_o_o_t_h_b_r_u_s_h_c_s_a_n_d_a __ tw_o_6_0_-ce_n_t _co_u.;...po_n.s __ fo_r_P_r_o_d_u_c_t _C_o_d_e_s-.y_m_b_o_l_s ( ee HOP, a1e ) accomplished by discontinuing these gimmlcka as well as all advertising in newspapers, radio and television. Why should the coupon clippers have ir fun at my expense! , -D. J . from Port St. , Lucie, Fla. ' DEAR D. J. -I agree •te'th you. Advertising es cost money . irectly. that money co out of each of our ts, whether or not we read the newspaper or redeem the couoon that appeared in the ad. But consider for a moment what the effect might be if manu- facturers stopped adver- tising their products. -Without advertising and new s of new products, many of us would fall into the habit of using the same old prod ucts again and again. -New companies. the lifeblood of innovation, would find it hard to get started. The o l der established companies would be able to rest on their laurels, and product quality would slip. -There would b e fewer· products on the supermarket shelves and less competition. This would make it easier tor the en t re n ched companies to raise their prices and increase their profit margins. -For those product categories in which there was still competition, manufacturers might spend more money on lavish packaging to attract your attt.ention as you walked down the ..upennarket aisles. You might see a lot of gold, lsUver , tinsel and even flashing lights on your box of Duncan Hines! ~Then someone like lyou would complain that the fancy packaging was costing us money and that all packages should lqpk alike with plain wbite labels and black I lettering.) This lo ss of competition might foree t ut shoppers to narrow •o~r choices t o a few l hundred "necessities" I. rather than the 12,000 items carried by the !average s upe rmarket t.Oday. Of course, that would ~mean that most of the ompani es whose produ cts fill today's s~ermarket shelves wOuld go out of business. IA l ot of peqple would be pUt out of work -and · n0t ~t. thoee f'"?m the aitvertiSing agenctes. '6omehow this doesn't lSOUnd very productive. fAnd shopping just ,wouldn't be as much fun ~)'lnOl'e. • < ,}\'hen you think about ~t. adverti s ing is an ~portant part of the lUel that keeps o ur e omy m oving. It p1 to create demand, h, in tum, helps to ~t.e jobs. ~ Thank you for the lu&gestion, but I'll pass ft it. ~LI P 'N ' FILE RE FUNDS ,~ Personal Prodact1 ' (File 11-B) ' Clip out this file and eep it with similar ~ah -off coupons - verage refund offers th beverage coupons, or exam ple. Start 1ollecting t h e needed e.~of pu.rchaae while for the required d forms at the supermarket, in n e w spapers a n d magadne1, and when trading with friends. Offers may not be available ln all areas of the coun try. Allow 10 weeks to receive each refund. 'lbe following refund offen are worth $16.04. T h ie w eek'• refund often haw • total value of $33.64. T beee o ffen don't Mquire refund fonn1: COLGATE. Receive two free games at a Cl'SOA h»P ~ ~ •...vm a..t ~ hiM-'•• Rump Roast F?Yiilrf~hlcken '°',.., '°"" """" Spareribs UftlA Int~ Goldien Pt•rritw Short Ribs w1..1.t0n •.r rot n .. Boneless Hams 1.89 .,., lb .59 ~ 1.89 ~ 1.79 ':: 2.39 ~·~ .. Jo"'·~ .. °' lbb .. ,,It YOrK i..oins ~ 1.89 ""'-rman Co•• Yalu .. --• "°"" C>ttlOllled '°"''" Scallops Double Coupon J,1,....,, "' 1toto, uuo<m tiouu with ""'f oh• hbnut..-.turn1i cen1~ off l.Ov&>oo i:t~t 0' 1 noubl• H•t ..... ,,,,, .. -.n..n ~°" ~'"n* •fl lh• Orm Nol tu •"" tW~ '"°'t4clt·• he·• ut '>''. et,-po,cha.!.f (OufK>n• o• .,_.ceeo th«! w.)tut ul If ii•°''' ( • l\1"4.'" l1c1u1•• lt,b .. (t ~ 0 .. l'f ptocJ\H'I• Limit One Item Per M1nuf1cturer1' Coupon and Limit 3 Double Coupons Per Customer Coupon Effective Sept. 11 thru Sept. 22, 1912 "•"' .. w...onat..., n01.a.t • Knock wurst AM0-1'"4 llKe<I Budd1g Meats Orange Juice V\otp $tn;:'"'•HI tfm• Kaukauna Cheese 1\likey Franks llor 199 J*g • ) Ot P•O .49 ~ 1.59 ~~ 1.39 .98 ----• la.k•ry Yalu"----· Pall ht Egg ·n Honey Buns i>eiife-oaii'Sh ~ .59 ~~ 1.09 '4V-Red Taco Sauce MUMt Tomato Sauce Hun•t Ketchup w-~Otl.ll• Italian Dressing c;.,10 Paper Towels lll>dot Tortilla Strips !nackPack , ... tJcl ..... ..... .59 .69 .22 13:: L19 11: 1.29 UOC1 .... .65 .99 ':~ 1.09 rror•h O.t1M1KI Halibut Steaks ~ 4.99 ~ 3.99 140.l 129 lllo11 • ---· ftoaen 1ood ValuH --- •-•• ft.Allf ~Yalu" ---• rt-AIN'WIAr Grape Jelly l't./\INW_,.., Mustard ";:.; ";;. l.06 .66 ---Ap~lte lhopp1 Yalu.I --· fH I, •f ti' iU1 t -I Carando Proscuitto • H" 1,., Summer Sausage· ·~· ~29 'ii' 2.59' Vfld t o\tuon.a Ralphs Donuts .89 Wh119"8iead :.:. .69 ----• Liquor VaJUH ----• .... ,. ,, Smi1notf Vodka l..t ,,,.,,, Budwejser Beer ,...,,,. r-"-., Bacardi Rum """ 9 98 Ml • ,..·~ 3.99 1':: 9.89 to'PhtOl..2, r-1C8 (..;reaID MeZi'C<xn Pizza 888Tfnchilada WiihbOne Patties switch 8r save even more al Prices e1tective Sept. 16 thru Sept. 22, 1982 ,. .,,fl)l>•APWlittlllOpjNOl>ly ~=.::::4~:.~·-·-•,...••1M1 __ ,....., .. .,.,., __ •«"'-fl-• •• °':~ ... ':'.; ,:.. ,:;;, .• ~.~ ·~~·• •" ,.;.,,· .. ~ :::~t=:~::..;;'t., •M._..._. =~=.:::.:::.-: ':J:'.:.~:;::;.;::• .-:u ...._. "*' "419••+,..f ,_._.,_... • .,_. ~ 1.59 1.79 1.69 ~°I: 1.59 .... • r«o • 01 pliq M'U'.Shrooms S-Juq Casaba M elons ,,..,._ Green Cabbage Q..Mh C\lp _T_O~ Yarsrups ~orseradish i'Ou~ets Fiultvfhilne Terns ,. .... Spinach RCii'.Stil.S re" ...,d,_lWJ)fV4'qO!o';!<':o,0t Chop !>uey Mix R~'etP~tCrtoes MlMt•~ Brown Onions c<me>rs U01119.J.i:..COSTA IEA 2MO Wl, llltl'mT talS ttOl W, .,..ICll•CAH .!2.,IT,!.A!!lDCH 'AIEO Dl V lMUIA talS 1204 •M, TUSTlt, ..a.T & 1RVK IUD. 481 ll LOMA, AIWlll -IM2 .... •1..w1-•-t011-1UCH .._, ... Vll'I -auo .... AT WM.JllT, .. 172'1 Ult ST .. TU$"' .... ' .--. ,.,,. IM1n • ... PICI .... lb .,., ... f<'• lb .., I\ '''""" .79 .10 .14 .45 1.49 .99 2.99 .29 '''" 1.29 .49 ·-" l•I ,, .,., lb .33 .17 15 I • California· vineyards yield lush harvest of table grapes .. By TOM llOGE Af Wine end ,oocl Writer Un l' of l h c moti t delightful foulurc11 of 11ummer and full 1s the variety of gropes thal pour forth from the vast vineyards or California Grapes are also grown m New York, Michigan an d Ohi o, but th(• delectable lable grapes available al food stores across the {'OUntr y 1n season come primarily from California. Many of these fruits are descended from the European wine grape which is grown today in temperate zones here and abroad. One of the oldest of all cultivated plants, grapes were gro wn in Egypt 6.000 years ago. The Greeks also cultivated lhem and the Romans planted them throughout ttw11 t•mp1rc Tlw Blblt• re fers to grapt•i. 111 buth the Old und New Tt•s laml•nts, ant.I poots and painters have sung their praises through the uges. The pictu r esque vineyards dotting hill· sides in France, Italy, Greece and ot h er European countries must have been an arresting sight over the cenluries. lo Judge fr o m o lc! paintings. The European grape was first introduced in this country b y Lord Ba ltimore In 1616. It never did well in the eastern part of America b ec au se o f it s susceptibility to cold and pests, but in California it came into its own. Among the varieties flourishing in California today are: §ou'tmE.t Presents North India n Dinne r Learn the St'Net o/ making an autht'ntir curr1' Uhtng varied blend; of frr~hfr ground spi<'t'S. A mt'tlU auro111arir. sa 1•on• and on/1 oc1·1rnon/fr hor · d1~plarmg tht' rich cu1;1m.• of the north of India. Curumkr R1a1a pi-rial Ch1t·kt'n Curry Hit'!' P1lau w11h Pea• and Po1at0t's Indian CheeSt> Cak!' w11h Pistachio~ '\1' ednei.day e ptember 22nd I I :00 a .m. Ft't': 120.00 TO ENROLL IN A CLASS Pa>menl mus1 ~mad.. m ad~anl't lor 1~ full amount lt•fund• v1nno1 11<" """' lJut d4<1 crnlu .,JI 1 ... c•to..d Phont ,. .. nauon• .,,11 bt arrtpltJ "''" 1 • rrd11 urd num~r t\ IS\ \! .. 1trCarJ .\rMn~an faprtt•I or 'Ou ma\ ''~""' 1n ~non 11 C:0.11 Hud,.ar• Tht' bright 1 t'i.I 1'okuy 11 v a i I u b I t• r r () m ScptembN through November. lt hu11 large berries with a thick skin ond a mild tastl'. T h e R e d Ma l aga . already available. will last thro ugh October. G r ow n in the Sa n J o aquin Valley, this large spherical r ruit ranges in hue from pink to reddish-purple. lt is very sweet. A particularly beautiful variety Is the Exotic, a large black grape with crisp texture. It is available through August. The most p o pular tabl e grape i s the T h o mpson seedless w h ic h has b een on stands since June and will still be ther e In November. It has a sweet flavor that h as been \ ~ ,, Save42~ dL'llC.'flbed lii4 flt.•utrul 'l'hl' ubNt'nt'l' of M'<'<i'l IN II plu11 2 cups c our1il'ly shrt>dded cubbugt.i 1 cup Thompso n K'<'Cil~ grapes V. cup shct.-d green onion ~ c up t·h opp ed grt>en pepper Curry dressing 1 tabl espoo n chopped parsley In large bowl toss cabbage, grapes, onion and green pe pper with curry dressing and chill. Garnish with parsley and paprika. Serves 4. T o mak e curry dressing combine 11. cup each mayonnaise and dairy sour cream, l 1fi teas poons vinegar . 'fi teaspoon curry powder, ~ teaspoon salt and dash garlic powder. Blend well. / . : and bake these Pillsbury favorites. '· Orange CoHt DAil. V PILOT /Wedneaday. September 1'5. 1982 Fish&More~ 8 2.49 Our famo u:, f-lsh (,More' hes •' EARN AND L A ! lwo crispy fish fillets. fresh cole slaw. golden (ryes. and two crunchy hushpupples. Who could ask for more? 3095 Harbor Bl vd, In Costa Mesa ""'' \oulh u4 "" ""'RO f w,. .i IV\\ hOM ••lko 14715 Jeffrey Rd. 41 w.1m11 thnl uU - .,...,, An.. '"•' lr\ltne Deliv er the Daily Pilot Boys and girl s 10 or older - Call 642-4321 and apply toda y . Daily Pil' Slarl Your Own Business ff you had started your own Daily Pilot daily paper route just a year ago · you 'd have $360 or more today depending on the size of y~ur route. That's a great reason to join thenewspape~ today! ·-------------------------------------· •I would like to be a Daily Pilot carrier. ·1 : I : N a m e ......................... · · · · I I I •Address ...................... Zip. . . ·I I I :Phone . . . . . . . ...... · · · · · · · · · · · · I I ' I : Age .................................... 1 --------------------------------------~ THREE Bath Size Bara or TWO Family Size Bara or FOUR Peraonal Size Ban of IVORY. .. '. '• ·: . •' ,. .. ' 'I 'I 0 •1 Or nge Coa1t OAILV PILOT/Wedneaday, 8epternb9r 16, 1982 There riiust be 50 ways to By BARBARA GIBBONS Mo11· 111 li•i.i.1 l-.ow t•nlorw 11ddll11111:. ht>lp subtroc-t c·u lor1c11 from t ill' bottom l11w, 1f you're a Slim Gnurml·t t"tx1k Adding nutrit ious, non-fattt'ning foods to a r l'l·ipe (or increasing their ratio while you cut down on h ig h -cal ingredients) mt·rcasc!l lht• yield. More· servings from tht• same rcc1pt> mt'ans fewer calorl<.•s per serving. Added bonus: Thi• additions prov1d<• extr a vi tamin s a nd minerals, and more fiber and appetite satisfaction, too Fifty tips to start you thinking: l. Make potat o or maca roni sa lad with more s hredd e d vegetabl es and less potatoes or macaroni Use car r ots, cel e ry, onion, peppers. pick.Jes. 2. When you make a chef's salad with turkey, ham and c h eese, use twice as much turkey, half as mul·h ham and cheese. 3 . MakC' sa lad dressing with half as mueh oil. Re place th~ missing oil with fruit juice, tomato juice (or water). 4. SC'r vc strawberry shortcake with twice as many berries. half as much cake 5. Ma k e chili with more Ix-ans. less meat. 6. In baked goods. use tw ice as many eg g whites, half as many egg yolks. 7.Use fewer nuts and more raisins (and less sugar) in t'OOkies. 8. Add cottage cheese to blender dips and cut down on high-fat, hard cheese's. Also. increase the seasonings, using more mustard, Tabasco, garlic and herbs. 9. Make pizza with "ever ything o n it": mushr ooms, peppers, onions, zucchini and lots o f tomatoes. Use less cheese ... and no oil. 10. Make fruit punch with more fruit juice and less punc h! Use more mixer and less booze in mixed drinks. Use the lowest proof gin, rum or whiskey you can find for more booze flavor, fewer alcohol calor ies Use more ice! 11 . Serve two vegetables with dinner instead of one. Or three vegetables 1 ns le ad o f two . And smal l er Sl'rvings of meat. 12. Use more celery, less apples an Waldorf salad . Use more raisins and less walnuts .• Use fresh grapes instead of raisins, they take up more room. 13. Use more sour and less s weet in Orient al mai n courses, by in- creasing the amount of fruit. 14. Use more tomatoes and less cheese on your cheeseburger. Add tomatoes and o mit ketchup. 15 . Put sa uer - kraut on your hot dog, and have one instead of two. Use only half a hot dog. sp lit lengthwise, and add a d ill pickle spear. 16. Add lots of minced pickles to mashed egg yolk fillings for stuffed eggs . . . and cut down on calories as wel I as cholesterol. · 2~. Thln panc ake >1yrup with oppll' jul~. r other fruit julet.'ll. PUe poncake11 or walfles with lots of fresh fruit, UM> no butter. 26. Mash fruit and t·1nnamon Into t•ream r h eesc and u se as a topping for toast Instead of butter and jam. 27. Double or triple the amount of fresh fruit you fold into g e latin desserts. And use fruit juice and plain gelatin ins tead of synthetic 1ugar mlxe1 that ur(' mainly 1ugar 28 . Fold boaten t>gg whltc11 Into puddi n1i& mhcturl·•: lncrctl'C the• volume. ' 29. Uae extra-large salad plates. lunchcon- aiie dinner plates ... more salad leaa moln course! 30. Serve steak or other high fut meats cut in s m all p i eces o n skewers, punctuated by Jots of vegetables. 3 1 . P ut extra ve1ctablo1 ln 1oup11. 1tew1 and 1paght•ttl aaucca, &md Ult' lf"llS nwat 32 Make lasagna. o th e r la>'ered p u tu dl1hc1 with mon· put cheese imd pasha, le11s eggs and meat. Add a layer of spinach. 33 . Stretc h ham - burgera, meatloaf and meat balls with cer· cal , s hredded vege- tables, cottagf' cheese or rice. 34 . Add l ots o f s h redded o r minced ' C ......... 1Ml"1L-.--........ -~ ...... -... -- BONELESS 179 !!<?u~~a!TEAK U> ~-_..._ LONDON BROIL STEAK BOM~S BOnOf<I Bfff Round SIRLOIN TIP STEAK BondeCI Bfff 110\Jncl LARGE END RIB STEAK eonoeo BHt CROSS RIB ROAST ~s eonaeo Bfff Clluck FRESH GROUND BEEF 11.DSor~ Does not excttei 3°" tac PORK LOIN ROAST StrlOln Cut l U> Avg PORK LOIN CHOPS Rib Cut FRYING CHICKEN Wile* eoov S?Utnem c;,,)de A DRUMSTICKS OR THIGHS " 119---+-I SllM GDURMIT carrots. c<dl!ry, onion~. other vegewbk'li to btt•ud dre111llngs or 11tufflng11. Serve stuffing with l'OWlt meat or poultry. 35. Make alit.s in chops and stuff them wilh grain o r vegetable mi>ctures. Sautee lots of onions and mush rooms to serve over smaller size steaks or hambur~c>rs. less calories 39. Sllcl• onion• and mushrooms Intl> Pf'U. yogurt Into mayonnatae or aalad drt>11lng thMt you u1t.' on lunchtime sah1d11 or In u ndw1ch mung1. :us. U1w 11rouno nwot tor lt'ltovcr roast meat or pc>ultry) llii a filling for baked vcgc tabl<.•11 : p e ppers , zu ct•hinl , tOmato<.'s, eggplant, etc" 40. Make a quiche thol'a nl<*lly onions and mu11hroom1. l~aa eggs und ch\'Cfie tilling. 44 At lunchtime, fall M bowl with salad grttna, and use mall a.mount.I of diced cheese or meat rut a gamiah. 41 . M11kc o deep d1Bh <.'Obbler Instead of a two- t•rusted pie. Use double the amount of fruit. 37 . Serve hamsteak or porkchops with t hick slices of unsweetened pineapple. 38. Dice red and green peppers into cul corn. 42 . A dd l o t s o f 11hredded carrots, minced celery or chopped pt>pper to tuna, chicken, egg or c rabmeat sa lad s o r sandwkh fiUings. 4~. Pack pita pockeUI with sliced cucumbers, green pepper s and sh redded lettuce, and use less meat. 43. Fold plain, lowfat (See SLIM, Page 05) alue Compare our quality and low prices! • Select from over 60 cuts of quality beef • Grade A chicken and fresh poultry items. quality pork and fresh USDA Choice American lamb • Money-back Guarantee on every item in our meatcase • Our "Valu· Tnni" policy trams away excess fat, bone and waste • Ouahty, selection and everyday low pnces -that's Basic Value from Lucky! CANNED & PACKAGED r HARVEST DAY 79 ~V~~c~ 74 Qz Loaf e rDELMONTE 39 ~.~~NB~~~. Hench Cuc GENERIC ITEMS WHITE BREAD Gf .. k l<ICID 1e0tuw .37 DELICATESSEN ITEMS r WESSON 199 r LADY LEE 169 OIL 48 or Btl !2'-~NA,6 or P119 RfC)U41' Thl<k or 0 tu Thle'V r KRAFT 139 !~~~SE SPREAD ,,01 .. c 1.69 MAYONNA.l1S0Er ,_ , _ I~o~~~~T Of TURKE~01 -1 .29 I!!!~J~ .. ~:.fOTAToes 65 r~~~~~~~EE~.°' .. ~ 2.59 \CliUO"l"OOll Ml'l\H~ \\Ol IOa • HOUSEHOLD & PET !DEL MONTE PEAS uo1 0 .... 43 Key Buys me~n extr a savings. Key Buys are 11ems priced below 1heir everyday discount prices as a result of manutacturers temporary promohOnal allowances or exceptional purchases You II t1nd hundreds of Key Buy items every time you shop DAIRY & FROZEN LOWFAt j86 MILK G"-6 lactv l~ ~_. c;a1 en rPUREX 69 ~!ACH ,,a oz ar• • £~:~.1~~~ CAT FOOD , 01 ,.,. .32 r ~~~~! r issuE IOU' .. , 1.09 I GRAVY TRAIN DOC FOOO 4 29 If l• U'f·r • AHO lltlC»ll •O ll aAC • r~~~AN WRAP •om~ 1.67 LIQUOR & WINE I!~~~ .. C!!,,AM llOl!.~~f\ 13.99 r MARTINI & ROSSI WINES 2 59 ~llOllMfOU """' ttl e r RIUNITE WINES 2 29 "'~O UNCO 0t ~uo "°"' '" • QUALITY PRODUCE 17. Add sliced turkey or chicken to ham and cheese sandwiches, and use less ham and cheese. CANNED & PACKAGED CANNED & PACKAGED COLDEN BANANAS II .23 . .. 49 .• :19 18. Serve a sc:oop of lowfat ice milk or frozen yogurt ... with a smaller piece of cake or pie. 19 . Serv e a fruit sundae instead of plain Ice cr e am with two scoops of sliced fruit for each scoop of ice cream. Use lo wfat ice milk instead of ice cream. 20. Always garnish cheesecake w ith lots of fresh fruit. And serve half -size portions. 21. Add plain, lowfat yogurt to whi pped cream. Gently fold them together. 22. Add plain, lowCat yogurt or bu uetmilk to m ayonnaise, equal amounts of each . Use light or lowfat mayonnaise. eCMUUIOIC!lDll.l•I""' RUMP ROAST RIB EYE STEAK ,, 2.77 .. 1.79 .. 2.98 ~~~~~.~ISKET .. 1.29 CORNED BEEF BRISKET ,.1.97 IOCCO' -t(l/I .C~OMlf ~ ll J0 1 CUT ·UP <:HICKEN ... 72 OSCAR MAVER SAUSACE lllQtl~M OKM'MAf't•n.ttACOJif 1 97 UOlfll,tt h. ,.,,. 1ll«al e .~~~~~!;1AVER B~C~ .. G 2.~~ '"' ~ .... i~~ """" ""' . . . . . .. :;;J --, ... ·-. I~,•".'•". ,..~ ···.' ,;' . . .., SEEDLESS CRAPES HONEYDEW MELONS IN SHEU PEANUT S ,,~, .. , .89 ~\,,OOt \"4 lfO • GENERIC ITEMS QUICK OATS ODI (fN 1.24 STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 1 3· 4 ""'"" UOI tU • ~~OWICH BAGS ""(• eo• 1. Q6 Ginger Harper Saved se.59 23. Whip cold milk into soft butter to make twi ce a1 m u ch breadspread. Use equal amounts of each: cut the calories nearly ln hall. 24 . Serve mo r e s paghelll and fewer !~c.!~RE~.s~.~~~~ ... 1.29 ~T ~ TURB<?T .•• ie 1.49 ~!n'?f REX SOlE ., .... 2.4~ The ~iscount Supermarket. Ginger's own w"k'I ahopplng totaled $87 1'1 at Lucky "l"he same or comparable Items at the 1u~rm1rktt of her choice toltled S75 78 That's a 11vtng1 of $8 &9 at luckyl Tta111ktn •11011•1 )1 ,.., 1Docu~,..1•11on Ofl hi• I meat.balh. 0 • ' Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Wtdnttday, Stpttmbtr 15, 1882 ---------------------------,:==========~====~========~~---------------~ How to b picky without sampling . snacks on a stem Conte tant to roll in dough Snnt.a Ana's Bowl•f'll Mulit'um will be rolllna In douah Sunday, at 3 pm during the llr•t annual !''lour Tortilla Ro ll-Ott competl lion 11pon~:ir1.od by lt'll' Bowe.-. Mull('um Foundation Mexican-American Council Be selective. Other than sampling, what should 1 look for when selecting grapes? First of all, please don't sample! It every shopper picked one grape, the cascading bunches would be picked to thelr bare stems. That shopping habit is very expensive to retailers, and the cost inevitably is absorbed by consumers. Instead of tas ting. follow these shopping tips for choosing sweet bunches of goodness: •choose well-formed bunches with smooth, plump fruit that's well- colored for the variety. Green grapes ar e sweetest when yellow- green in color. Red varieties are best when all or most of the berries are predominantly red. •Grapes won't increase in sweetness after picking. so there's no need to hold the m for further ripening. •Look for fr esh - look1ng stems. •Avoid fruit that is sticky. Wh en you b ring grapes home, put them in the refrigerator, preferably in plastic bags and store the m in the crisper or h ydrator section. Grapes will keep about a week. but for prime succulence, use as soon as possible. Jus t before serving rinse grapes under a gentle spray of water and drain or pat dry. Here's a description of some of the grape varieties you're likely to encounter in the produce department. Thompson Seedless ... Medium to large light green or light gold berries. Market season - June-November. Emperor ... Large, red berries: generally seeded. Market season - September-March. Tokay ... Large, brilliant to dark red; nonnally seeded. Marke t season -August November. Ribier ... Very large, blue/blac k ; normally seeded. Market season - July-February. Cardinal . . V ery large, dark red berries. Market season -May- August. L ooking for so m e great grape ideas? •Make a miniature "grape bunch" salad. Place fresh pear halves, core-side down and coat with thinned cream cheese, yogurt o r whipped cream. Cover p ears with h a lved seedless ·grapes, pressing SLIM (From Page D4 ) 46. Make a skinny. two-ounce hamburger and pile it high with sliced pickles, onions and tomatoes. Remove part of the bready center of hamburger rolls to make room for fresh vegetable garnishes. 47. At breakfast, use more fruit and less cereal. NaturalJy sweet berries are high 1n vitamins and natural sweetness, so you need less sugar or o the r sweetener. Because fruit is moist, you'll need less milk. 48. Double the amount of fruit yo u u se in muffins, biscuits, pancakes, other batters. Omit or cut down on shortening. Breads made with fruit are sweet . . . no jams or jellies needed. Use crushed berries or other purees on pancakes or trench toast in place of sugary syrups. 49. Instead of fried eggs, make an omelet filled with fruit . . . or a savory mixture of tomatoes, peppers and onions. Use a nonstick skillet and no on. 50. Add dried fruit to hot cereal mixtures, made with nonfat milk. No butter or sugar needed. For low-sugar and sugarle11 deHerts and aaladl whh euy-to-uae gelatin, 1end a stamped 1elf-addreued envelope and 50 cenu to Sllm Gourmet Gelatin Reclpea1.._P.O. Box 624, Spart.a, N.J. 07871. g r u p t' s l o g c t h t• r lo reSl'mblt• grapc bunc:hes. •Fo r a rt•frt•sh1ng dL•iucrt 1d1•a, blend vanilla or lemon yogurt with grape halves. Spoon into parfait glru.scs and garnh;h with a grape cluster •use grupcs. plain or frostt.'<i as garnishes for appetizers, sala ds and d~rts. To frost grapes, beat an egg white until frothy. Dip grapes In beaten egg white. then roll in granulated sugar. Plu<.-e on w ire rack to dry for 15-20 minutes. •Grab the snack-on-a- stern fruit for fast and convenient snacking. FRESH AND EASY GRAPE PARFAIT 1 c up d airy sour t·rcam or vaniUa yogurt 11JCUp light brown sugar, firmly packed I teaspoon grated fresh orange peel 'h teaspoon vanilla flavoring 1 \!'1 pounds green grapes Ground nutmeg Blend sour cream or yogurt, s ugar, orange peel and vanilla extract. Remove grapes from s t e m s: c ut in half. Arrange alternate layers of grapes and sour cream m parfait glasses. Chill tho r o ughly. Garnish with nutmeg and a grape c lu s ter . Mak es 6 servings. FAST AND FRESH STIR-FRY 3 cups raw chicken, cut in thin strips lf4 cup soy sauce 4 tablespoons butter or margarine 1 c up s liced fresh celery I cup thinly sliced fresh onion 'h p ound fr esh mushrooms, sliced 1 quart coa rsely shredded cabbage 2 cups grapes 1 tablespoon cornstarch 1A teaspoon grated fresh ginger 'A teaspoon ground black pepper ~ cup toast e d , slivered almonds Marinate chicken in soy sauce 30 minutes at room temperature. Remove chicken; reserve sauce. In large skiUet or wok melt butter. Add chicken, celery and onion and saute over medium heat until onion is tender a nd transparent. Add mushrooms, cabbage and grapes . Cover an d simmer about 5 minutes. Blend together reserved soy sauce, cornstarch, ginger and pepper. Add to skillet with almonds. Cook , tossing gently until sauce is slightly thickened. Makes 4 to 6 servings. The contest will h ighlight thl' council's "Lfa Jamaica" restavlllea set for 11 a.m. to 6 p.m. al the museum. 2002 N. Main St. La Jamaica, which will celebrate Orange Coun t y Mexic an -Ameri c an Cult ural Appreciation Month, wlll also feature dancing, food booths, arts and crafls and a queen competition. The Roll-OU ls open to 10 experienced flour tortilla rollers who must provide their own dough and rollers. Awards will be presented to the best-tasting and roundest tortillas and to the fastest roller. Entries will be judged by Orange County Supervisor Roger Stanton, Newport Beach City Councilwoman Ruthelyn Plummer, KWIZ radio personality Patty Gonzales, Judge Frances Munoz and Fr. Rafael Luevano. Contest co-sponsors are Grande Foods of Orange and Irvine-based Cart.a Blanca Beer. -~-~~ l. IVORY BATH BAR New Bundle! 3·bar pack !.81 MR. CLEAN All purpose cleaner 28 oz r1s1 IVORY PERSONAL SOAP Beauty Bundle! 4·bar pack !.86 DOWNY FABRIC SOFTENER lt'S concentrated 64 oz 96 oz r22sr291 SPIC & SPAN For fall Cleaning chores 540Z I249 O<Jr Pnct P•Otf<tl()n POllCV QU;tr<tnlf'('\ ,,,j!\, P<l(~ to 0. tllf((IVf weon~av S«1>teml>tf H 1nru luMOav ~~tffl1~ '1 1987 ~-....._ The Discount Supermarket. WE'RE GIVING EVERY DANNON BODY 40t TO CELEBRATE OUR 40TH YEAR. congratulations. America! You can celebrate oannon·s 40th anniversary by saving monev. You'll get 40 cents off on America·s leading yogurt when you bUV three B oz. cups of oannon with this coupon. so celebrate with oannon, and have a present on us-WOW! ~9972 121372 -----11111 ... • I AIOUT •$14911UT llJ z e Mill 2 Good for two plec11 ot juicy, aotden I Good tor nine pieces of Juicy, 11otden ::> brown Kentucky Fried Chicken, plus a o slnale serving ol Kentucky Fries. brown Kentucky fried Chicken, with I tour rolls, a large cote, slaw, a tarce Redeem this coupon for a Carry P•ck loaded with fifteen plecn of j111cy, aoldan brown Kentucky Fried Chicken. (,.) I I Limit two ollt" ptr pu1ch1u. Coupon aoo<I only 101 combl.nt tton 1<hlte/C111i. 01d11• Cu11om11 pays 111 eppttc1bt1 u lu tu. Offer expires September 26. 1982 Prlcts m11 •••1 at perHclpettna loc1llon•. I I mashed potatoes and i medium cravy Llm1t 1wo olllrt per puochatt. Coupon 1ood only 101 combination whltt/dllll 01dtt1 Customer pays all 1ppllcablt nits ta. Oller eJpires September 26, 1982 Limit two olle• 1 ptr putehau. Coupon aood I only ror combln1tlon whltt/dllk 01d111 Cu1tom11 o•u all 1oollcaDt1 uln la•, --COUPOll COCMI only In Southern 1lllornla wh111you111 thl mem· bt11hlp 1ul ot tht Kentuc~y fried Chlc~111 Auoclatlon I PrlcH may ~•rr 11 p11tlclp111n1 tocrnons CouPon 1ood only In Soullmn Calllotftll wh111 you IH tll1 membership Hll ol !hi 9 l\111luclly rrltd Clltcll1n Anoclatloft. 9 Oller expires September 26, 1982 I Pr1c11 may •ti')' tt ptrticlp1t1"a 1oc•ll011• Coupon aooo oftly '" Soulhun C1llfo1nla I Whtie you ut the mtmlltrllltp Mii of the Kentucky r1110 Chlchn Auoc11t1011 ------·--COUPON --·------llifl ~ntucky Fried Chick~ Her~!.~9~ponro Try COllEILIQUID ~ Great for tough stains around the house. ClJT Al.ONG DOTTED LINE ~m----------TAKeT..lsc;,u;o;;ToYooR~00£------, r 'I SAVE when •1L11-A1RAs1n 20c !~ 20 ~ cOiiiet -saze LIQUID on the miam Coffees m SAVE Sl.00 on a 3 lb. can of MJBPremium Oround Coffee or a 39 oz. can of MJBPremlum flake Ground Coffee CONSUt.llA 0"'" '"''""' '0 •">'•• r •UO" ,.,., 11<•• ~ ,.,_.,~ ('ioullt~of)' •tt\fltt•19(\f •I·~' I0\'6W U'tH°f't on '"''c tM"U nt MJA C.v''''P An, oOHtt ull• ( M•t·•~1tt•1-~~~1: .. ~~~,,~·~;:,~_,~.-~~i'tc7~ ~t>\~:~!:,':;: '"""n~,,,.~ ,,, nin t.h • -·•'u• ''°'"' f f kH hAttd~nQ ,Wf'V1fl~t .0.1 And CC')n"'-"""' f"t\.~ ( C}m()l1ttd .,,,., lhf '"''"' N "''' """' C:tahJ'W')O lnft~ not hfl ·~011 .. rl ~ 111ni.i.1•f'<I ny yoo Wt• "'"' n111 hn!1t>1 •"'1,m11••'"• !n•OUO'• °'"°"'~ ''~''""" ll<Ollt•t\ "If 'l\l\11 '"' ""''t)f ,,,.,,, ,.,'f 4'ny -·'''' 1n-Covron ~ *"•u11 l1u•f'I prvrot>ih•t1 "" t~ttf•CtOd '"'vO·'~ 'tho.,.tftt .... ,Yt Ollf(h•Uft• .,. 11uU1< •4"'01\lt\(tl1Ut.(Wor fO•iOi)tlt '1'•••ute+1 ftu HH1f\mJ_ttU''' '"'111t tu;; 11tihn~n nn •vclU«· t Ct t\ \,,hi.• t ;>() ot on1t r1•t" fn.i 11t0f'tlf\t 111tl~•1•'•"" .,,,,, t111il ,., '" "4JB Cl' 110 °"1 I ~er C~11ton kM• ~ 1 " llplrte Offtm&er 31 1112 OFFER LIMITED TO ONE COUPON PER PURCHASE • ~JR Co ...... r ·~·-" CA STORE COUPON 40500 103696 ~-------------------------------~-----------· .. '• ., J • DI Orang• Coa1t DAILY PILOT /WednHday, Saptember I&, 1~82 Chef s huns palace for place • ID the Ozarks By ERIC NEWHOUSE dccl1lon for 'l'orroa, u Swh1c•rland, AmJtcrdum food1, to m11kt• frlt•nthl crutlc•a umJ th<'y do 11 lot VN'Y nk<' pluc·c .. " .......... , ... writer 41 yt•&Ar old globt>lrou~r ond lhe 'l'unll Hilton und to lt·urn ltmguuges," or Wilchl.'rott thl'rt'.1 My Afi Torrt'I luuah11 OZARK LAKE, Mn. A ll'an mnn in high tx•forc• b<,'Ornlng ch<'( tor Torn·11 1Mml . w It t• d Id n ' t w 1& n t lo u bu u l th•· Inc Id c n t, .(AP) -Eve n a king chc•f '11 hut , Torn•• the llol11&nd -Aml'rica A-. ht• 11fok t•, the ronw,"Torreaaaylli poi.<:hed 11almon under couldn't persuade Andrl' :a lt t•tt·h l•d o ut his Lim• ThC'n It wn11 28 11mokt•d llih wo1 Thc·n on lhe 1:vc•nlng ~'"" 111 1erv<>d The Torre• to leave the backgrollndortl't'Wntng munth1 c•ookang 1n rc•pllll't'tlhyfro~lt•j1110up c>f ttwh d1•µurturt•, hh1 d<"licuteWll'oftht•fresh Ozarlu. recently, ovt•r n salad wartorn D ccn bl'fore with wau•rcrt>1111 an wife, AnJU, turned on fish 111 complemented by F.arller this year. King composl'd or smoked Jumping t o Nairobi. adaptation of an old the television ant.I began putt pastry and a white Hu11eln o f Jordan trot.at , salmon and 'I'okyo ond 1:ventuully French re(;lpe. watching a movl<' about butter Bauce with whit£' lnvited Torres, executive sturgeon, all flown in Los Angt'les, where he Three yeara ago, the a reincarnated witch in wine and fre1h chives. chef of the Lodge of the fresh from Boston. was executive chef In the owners ul the LodgC' of the Lake of the Ozarks. Ironically, Mrs. Torres is Four Seasons, lo spend a Born In Algeria, he clly's Clrs l Japanese th t: Fu u r Se as o n s That did It. a Hindu from India and week at his palace was first taught to love hotel. the New Otani. recruited him. "She wouldn't come," eats no fish or meal. cooking for the royal food by his mother, who "I love rood, but "Everybody said, says Torres. "I had to Now Torres oversees family. Torres accepted. cooked for the governor. L'OOklng ls an opportunity 'Don't go there -they come alone and write her 56 cooks In five kitchens lakcfront rt'IOrl. Tht• lodgt.1'11 bukc·ry produC'cl 18 dltft-r\•nt k1nd11 ur br~od 0 doy Ttw !!sh la nown in fresh from Boalon or Jo'ur11., and thl• api<:C.'lJ atl' grown 1n gardens o n the ,premises "It took lime for the word lo 8el aro und before good cooks came here, but now we have cooks from Florida , Louisiana and S t . ''And w1· h ave •lu<h-ntH Crom f'ra ncc who pay thc.-lr own ticket t o cu m<-hc•re from c·ullnary ..choolt " "It took a year t o adjust, to make people think the way I wanted them U>," he says. "But after a year, I began to relax and make friends. "Now, I go fishing and I go hunting," he laughs. "l 'm becoming a "There was no cost -He worked in France, for me to travel, to learn art-hillbillies, rednecks, and say· it was really a serving the :i 1 :,-room buy what you want and .---------------------------------------------------------------------------------~ ~------------------------------~~-------Louis," says Torres. hillbilly ... && much of it as you want," Torres. said wistfully. "The airplanes belong to the king and they broug)lt in the best of cream from Italy and smoked salmon from Norway. "Everyone ate on silver . even the children," says Torres. "Real silver. Heavy." At the e nd of the week, Hussein offered to make h im chef o f the pala ce . Torres reluctantly declined. "It was a fantastic opportunity, a lifetime opportunity, to cook for a king," says Torres. "But if my famil y wasn't haf py, I could not do it." t was a s trange Shoppi n g with kids can h e f un If you have children or grandc hildre n who regularly accompany you on your trips to the s upermarket, it 's a wonde rful opportunity to help them learn about the importance of good food. Make their learning experiences fun as well as meal"!ingful. If you don't have a background in nutrition. the library has some ideas that can help. You can also check with your local supermarket. They often have a consumer a Hairs or h ome economi cs department which has materials to aid in your challenge. Some people feel that children are a nuisance when they're shopping. But if the c hild is prepared for the trip, he can contribute and learn at the same lime. Take time to discuss their likes and dislikes of food before you prepare the shopping list. Maybe you'll learn why they don't think they like certain foods. Discover ways to introduce new foods. Maybe the child can be asked to plan the menu, starting a t the beginning o f the alphabet. For example, today's dinner will have all foods starting with "A '' -a lbacore, asparagus, artichokes and apples would be appropriate. There will certainly be "original" menu s discussed! Substitutions may have to be made, but at least the child will give different foods some thought. With the m e nu s chosen and the shopping list prepar ed, the child will have flln searching for the food choices at the store. and it· will be easy to slick to the list. Of course, the child can be looking at the shelves to get ideas for the next menus, too. Price and budget should be discussed, since if the child realizes how much things cost, he will have a better concept of why some foods are chosen over others. Putting away the food la an education, too. Some things must be refrigerated. some must be in a dry place. The children learn about food rotation and food storage. It is necessary to wuh eome Items before they're p .. l away. They learn how important the proceta la in keeping food at lta best. Preparation of food can aho be a game . Maktna food appear attrllCUve and appetlzina t. a ak1l1 top cheta have learned. Kida love to "make thlnga." Let them try radl1h "roaea" or ''ltata," carrot "wheela," celery "half moons,'' and ••tecee" on foods -thete are all fun. . .9t 's (°)uh J\Jleat 8110t J\Aode 1.fo crJ'omousl Stater Bros. Has Something For Every Occasion... Don't Forget Mexican LIMIT 2 ROASTS PER FAMILY W HILE 8UPPL Y 'LA8T8 Cjrfll.(!00 <:.!11r<•i<1C<: Fresh Butterflsh .... ·~ Fresh Dover Sole ...... Whole '"°'(""' • _.._er --.Jot".".( l°"'" .. ........... St.•...0 'hllt'I llm.. l'lt'(IJlt'' \c C Ufdl \ oil lhc· (I\(•( ~~t.tml ' If t"f' .,. .. ~ Olt lttr ..... If ..... " f1t1• ~ttth ... , jlf. r Uft \Ol:fl l~f".;,111 '"-tll I Hllf' MIN JtUf thU lkf-lh fA "lfWtwt tft .. llil' ,_, ........ " _. I .... ; • • .\U\ I H 11.,EU I I tM c,1 .\K,\~IF.i'. "-• '4hu ht,_,.,,. ••a..fkl "'1l•rflit"'9•\.t"' .-Ill ft•'t ••I .-.CJt9'....,.ll°" II 1\.-'•• tt.__h.__., ""''"'"' Wf t•Mlt!4 Mt"noHt""4t .. 4""'""tt-.I ~ ..... "M\I\ I Utt'-' "'i4tl• Mwnirn,.fil.u11tt tuwfrll1~\ UW iH'M•I .... ...,,. ,,,_,, pf'lil,. .. , ".'" ... , ....... Jffl<, .. , ....... ..,. lff MW'fll .. H\ 1t.n' • IOSTlfOS 9""NO IAAOlllOHAI. Ofl HAG CliUJil TORTILLA CHIPS llansens Soda ~~':£:,}f::~.~: I ·'• 79 &olU)Z I.. Tecate Beer lucky lager RUA Cribari Wine i~'l~ Rlunite =~ Tan111 la "-!(IUO Y .. llAlllA V~ OOLOoqSll\1(11 la Paz ::.'t°"'"'" Brandy ::r:>D<~rco E&J Brandy 11110ZCANI ~.09 121110ZCANI $2.99 • LITlll s4.21 • llftll S5.39 ''"l" s1.33 ''°''" s7.31 11Hlllll $11.19 la Cadena Rull Wlilff 011 ...... " , ,. L11r11 s7 .99 la Cadeu Vodka 11u '8.99 Independence Day, Sept. J:6! 8 10 THIN 8ANDWICR WRITE • Stater Bros. Bread Chuck Road .. s.f·OZ LIMIT , LOA vu na FA.MIL y WHIU 8UPPLY LAST8 Stone.vare Mugs A 880RTED PA TTERN• La. E ACH •heBMll Cor11ecl Beel Brisket 8 EEFCHUCK 80NELU8 Faanily Steak ... 99c $ijiii(lli'iii$ 57c Nl#C.....C• l • -••st •1 89 Nl9'WWl<Af-..._IJOi' u. • IW ..... ST •1 99 KU c:.<ue• ... • 1•11AST •1 95 Nl-W HAl'IOHAl IJOI u • IW JUISS •1 99 Ml•~-.i1-.. ... • smlOllAST 11 99 NC .... WNAllONAl lfOI -• IW SAlMI CM •2 29 Hl•-l•"<OM<l•W• "' • ..lllAST •1 99 Nl ... (WN•llONAL !IQ.I u • Im •ICU CM •2 29 *"'"""lllU•lla"1lG ... • IUMBI PATIIS -es 8L .. lllllAY-CHfllAYUM(1 OflANGUflSl'9CAAYllTllMr lV ROYAL WESSON GELATIN OIL Cl(Hll.I lb. <_!r,1-ir<' TuQ; Cjf)('<'ioM A••M• tfl '""'" Wlltfll Sen;w;. o.1· o..tt KHeu.DlCU1 •• •1.39 POTATO .. '1.49 ~~ '1 59 SALAD ... " " 11.49 ~~~ ",1 •89 MACAIOlll .. 43c ... 43c ... $1.99 11 99-STUI u • ~uan lO e KU .... _.,.,.. 13 79 .JftLIUI .,., • .. 11.89 ~aa~ ••• " " TinEY •• 59 1.-,~uu1w1• """"'~t ., 2• •KIST lA ... ClmlUJ la e .. ~ •11CIOIO()OlO(O 11 ~ H f1 - • ,::OGf-&'c..W:.:J.fw R.C. COLA ! --=--· &rllia t© .... ~-.. AlllNA-llf 011 ASST COi.DOi$ BATHROOM FOOD TISSUE ! .... Shout Stain •9· • Remover •EAOSOL •~z I.• 93 IY017 .... 8Np Garden-Fresh Produce! ... -/ 4AttC> l'A4_1AN JIUMl\t Prune Plum• ••lof(;Yrhut• ....... Broccoli MWC"Y'.,_"°, ..... II y .... I ..... •W\tt -u 1111 ••O Grapelralt .... .. z9e .. 33e .. 39° ••••• I • STEAKUMM 'IJ ALL BEEF SANDWICH STEAKS •47,! ORE·IOA SOUTHERN STYLE • '•1.21 ll~· "°' .. 9t · g <0u1t uUeat V°ltat vUodc qi~ 'iJomous/ 9t·~ ©ult Jlileat 91wt v\.itode cu~ 'Ctamous/ • .. Orange Co .. t DAILY PILOT/Wtdneeday, leptember 15, tH2 8 7 Grapes of fall blended in molded mosaic of green, red With fall Ju•l around VINTNER'S llCC.'ded red 1r11pt1t1 oran1e Ju"'9. the comer, we can look CITRUS 8ALD Salad sr ru ChUf unut mtxturu forward to cool, crlep ¥1 cup 1usur Lemon and oranao b tt 1tn1 lo l h I ck en daya, leaves be&lnnlni to 'A teaspoon sail alk'H 1ll1htl)'. Add 1rapea. turn from green to &old 2 en v e 1ope11 ( l Sour c r ea m or Pour lnco 6 ~-cup mold . . . . and a bountrtul tableapoon eac h) yoaurt(optlonal) Ct)lll firm. harvest of fall table unflavored gelatin. rn mhdn1 bowl, blend To Nrve1 unmold tm grapes with the promtae It\ cup lemon juice sugar, aalt and 1elattn. 1ervln1 di.ah llMd with ClaH ic molded of d latlnclive quality. 2 cups bolling water Stir lemon juice lnlo eaJad 1 reen1. Oarnl1h Red, green and blue-I It\ c ups o range mixture; let etand ~ with lemon and oran~e aala d iii colorful black -all the grape juice minute• to aoften. Sllr •llcel. Top with a dollop t j th colors are avatlable thla l 'h c ups h a lved bolltng wat e r In to ot tour cream or y<>1urt, way 0 en oy e fall. Nine of the 10me 14 seedless grapes mixture until gelatin and If detlred. horve11 of major California ,rape l 1h cups halved and s ugH dluolve; odd Make. 6 to 8 servings. dellcioui grape&. va rieti e s wll be ,~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~..:__~===========:::;::::::=::;::=:::::=~~~~~~~~~~~~~==~-=-~~~~~~- appearing In the produce section of supermarketa, and some will b e available through the holidays and into t he winter season. Actually, juicy California grapes are available In at least one color almost every month of the year. Fret1h table grapes are pro bably the moat convenient fruit w e enjoy. "Packaged" by the bunch, grapes come in bite-site moraels ready to pluck off the stem to eat as is or toss into splendid recipes. T h e fruit is a g ood complement to many meat, vegetable and fruit recipes. Grapes make any dish "juicier" and prettier; and they maintain their flavor and their shape when cooked. One classic treatment for fresh grapes is a cool, pretty molded gelatin salad. Vintner's Citrus Salad ia an easy, make- ahead mosaic of red and green grapes suspended in a zippy lemon and orange juice gelatin. It's one of thoee recipes you'll want t o stash away in your "effortless entertaining" file -or one to treat your family on special occasions. Enjoy it this fall and through the holidays. Chips are down R emember when bread waa 35f per loaf and gas 62f per gallon? The year waa 1977 and believe it or not, some prices today are going back to what they were back then. The Nestle Compimy, Inc. baa announced to the grocery trade that t he price of it• Toll House monela haa been r olled back to 1977 levela (~ yeara aao). A 12-ounce bag of Toll H ouse m orsel• will decline by approximately 20¢. Thia follows a 20¢ price decline In 1981. The price decline alao applies to Nettle milk chocolate moraela, new Nestle mini monela, and 6 -ounce bag1 of Toll Houle moniela. Consumers can expect to see the1e reduced p r i ce s in th e supermarket now -juat in ti m e for th e beginning of the baking aeuon. N eatle attributed the price decline to a lower COit of commodities and ma nuf acturlne efficiencies aa a result of 1teadily increasing aalea. Not all is lost Tile Bo•atlhl Fall Gra~ It 1 ao nice to know t h a t n ot all of t he d ellclou1 fruit we've enjoyed throuchout the 1ummer month• will IOOll dlaappear from the markets. Several major 11ape varloUes will be with Lm at leMt throu&h J a nu a ry -the followina i.ble 1rapea are mmt noteworthy: -... ., ...... Calmorta1 : T h e .. rhyrninc'' arape1, the9e .,_,, srapee .,.. tn the =~~ tasttn1. To toll t h e dJffet"el1CI: the c..lmeria born. IN alJChtly more olon1ated t han th o Almena, -&mp1ror 1 .Av.U.bJe now tbrou,h A.oril. thit Nd .a,. hU a ...... aMrry n.vor and -..~---.· -Often caU.s "Kins of Baackl," thll kmcM jn-b&8dc .... ,. l1 mild and awoo&1 mM'wloul in Mladl ana do11ort1. A.v1llabl1 Woulh r9bruary. f IMlll'I lllllLI CllPINI! FRYER BREASTS CHICKEN• WITH RIBS An ACHED FAMILY PACK (7 --~\9'8c ~u)1 .. TURKEY WINOS 1 MUTY . -. RED · DELICIOUS WAIHINGTON ITATI Al'PLll, NEW c"o' 3t1 ITALIAN SQUASH ,RHH ZUCCHINI FD LG ER'S COFFEE el'' CARNATION TUNA LIGHT• CHUNK• OtL • WATI" et,..01. CAN ~•lie ................... ~.,.... ............ 94 ... CAfltLO fltOlll WINll Ill' ~L-=~~·.~.~.~ ............... ,~,.. II IAVI wn1 mll'I LIW PllCll A• I I.ILi C•P•ll 7 ·BONE ROASTS UIDA CHOtCI Ill,• CINTI" CUT CHUCK ~!~~~~ .. ~~.~~.~ .. ~~~.•.!! ...... 211 !:.'~~.!~~l~C~fCHUU . , , , .•.•• 1'' 2~~.!c~!'-~•1.................... . ............ ••· 211 !.~~~~! ... ~~.~.~~!~~.~~.............. .. 5 9' ITALIAN SAUSAGE HLLA DONNA• HQULAR •HOT ~ BONELESS TURKEYS Al'MOUI' • IUTTIR·BAITID 1'! ~!.~!!!~~ .... , .. 21• ~l~A~H'l? .. ~~l~~l~l~IHOULOlllCHUU . I.a 2'' PAVIA LIQI 89' CHtCHN,WHOllLIOI ... .. . ... . LI AUDY'I FARM IAUIAQI 231 •OllK, H I llOU.. ..... .. .. . ........................ , ,_ ..... -.. ~· LONDON BROIL UIDA CHOICI Bii' •THICK CUT ROUND LARGE TOMATOES I HON~YDEW MELONS "ID• ILtCINQ 1111 / •1 ~ IWHT •JUICY I -"' 31 ¢ . r' 25c LB. '~!i-}') La. ~!~!.~!!!~~·~·~·~·~·~.... ..... ..... .. ... ... 4 9c ~~ .. ~.!.~.~IHAOOMI .... 98• . 5i11 2•• !'_0~~~.· .. ~.~.!.!.~.~.~........ 3 i11 ~.~!!~ CO~N ~r!~~.~.!c~~,~~~!! ... .,o" .~. .~ 2'' S~!!~J.~~ .. ~.~~~.~~~o~ .. ~~l!~;!,r.C?.~!.~~l~CH l flt '°' ......... 4 •• ~2!!!~PO~ .~.~ ... ~ !.~~.~.~·· ... :: .. :.: .. :.:::.:.::.1•• B RTLETT PEARS CAULIFLOWER JUICY INOW WtOTI HIADI 41~.0 51~. KING SIZE CHEER FRESH BREAD DIT NT• 11t·OI. IOJC • INCLI. 70' 0,, • WHITI • WHIAT • IANDWICH • 1 .. 0Z. ' • 511 'OIT fltAlllN lfltAN 1'' ............. H I ....... ,, .. ., .. , ........................ .,,,.,, ............ , ....... , ~~~'!!!.~~ ......................... 89• ClfltADI AA 1un1flt 1•• ~ '""""',,.. •t•••••t'"•tff••H•t••••'*"'•''''''''''''''''''''''''''"'''''''''''' HANllN'I IODAI 8 :1tl •-Tllll•'-ui .... ~1111. •Mfl-U•L cou .11-01-cu • ITIAK·UMM 411 ... , ,,..._ ......... ,. ... "'41UJI ............................... -.. Q"A'''"UIT JUICI 89• , ...... .,, ....... Alt.·-• ........................................ . IA"A Lii ,OUND CAKI 111 1t-.oa.Ne ........... 01••••••-••••o .. ooo•••••••••-•o ... oooo.,.oo•tooooo0Mllf .. U ~.~~!,!>~!!!!t,.~YL ................................. -99' DR PEPPER ORANOE JUICE "o DflT • H•OI. CAN IMITH'I • 11·01. CAtU "'90ZIN .P~ , •• a • JIC RIB STEAKS UIDA CHOICE Bl" LAAQI IND / t.1·~ 0-BONE ROASTS UIDA CHOICI 811' •ARM CHUCK 1'! RED, RIPE TRAWBERRIE IWHT•.IUICY 'U~L 8AIKITI ~""""~ JI~. PREMIUM RUSSETS PRIMIUM QRADID POTATOll VARIETY PACK llLL l"AND o IOI OP 1t IAOI , •• 1100 MLBOA ILVD. AT 1111 IT. • NIWPORT BIACH HARBOR BLVD. AT BAKIR •"COITA MllA °"'"'A.IL !O , ... ,, ---1.:.---~ I *' pz .. Teen athletes and food myths Meeting night· dinner cooks while you dress Doo. the ~fore·11amo • decldM lnflutWJO on an meal make a dltterem-e athlete'• puformanoo1 In athloUc pertormarwe'f Maarann aaya tho tooa Toonage uh let"•· ea ton two day• prior oonvln<.-ed \he meal thoy atr~ta porf<>llN.lnt'tl oven eat jult before a aame l1 more. She adda that thll the dool1lve factor In 11 e1peclally true for their pertormtrnco, are ~nduranCCI sport», such aa par\ly correct, 1aya a Iona distance runnina. nutrltlonlat. Certain Again, s he aaya \hat food1 do help a thletea complex oarbohydratH perform better than 1hould be empha1laed others. But juu aa within the framework of Important, ahe atreaaea, a well-~lanced d et. "la the athlete's penional . ....-------~~"':-:".":=:= preferent-0.11 Myth1 about foods for 1port abound, especially amona teen-aae athletes, aaya Suaan Maarann, a realaiered dietitian and consulting nutrlUonlat in L.a Pama. A p o pul ar mil - concept ion 111 that at eak , w ith ital high protein and Iron L'Ol\tent, will boost athletic prowesa. "But, in fact," aaya Maarann, "ateak is one of the wont f<XXls \0 eat prior \0 competition." She explai ns that 50-to-70 percent of the calorie• ln ateak are in the form of fat, which Is "hard to d lgeat, and takes the longest time to leave ttle stomach." A full stomach during a race or game often retiulta in &\Omach upset. Steak, a1110 high ln protein. ia often believed to increase atrenjth. ln fact, aays Magrann, the average American, lncludini ath let e&, ingesu t wo-to-three time11 the amount of protein needed. A high- protel n meal la not a good choice before an event or game, she aaya, becauae i t can "compromise hy - dratlon1" .that ia, use up the 1:>00y11 stores of fluids in the procelili of metaboUzing the protein. What should a pre- jame meal Include? IRVINI RANCM . . . , '. t . BAKING SIZE PREMIUM RUSSET POTATOES PICKED FRESH TODAY LOCAL GROWN In un1rea1ed a-quart round ~rolo; arraf\19 • ham un pOtatoe . Beat &•uc Mhc, wai r and milk with hand beater un\ll amoothi 1rad"8lly pour over potatoe. and t\Mn. Aiko WlCO~f-1 40 minute•: sprinkle with (!h eeu and bread crumba. Sake until top ta aolden brown, 10 \0 13 minute. lonae r . 6 ae . The best pre-game meal ia one thl\t 111 hi&h in com p lex ca r - bohydrate11, because they are eaay to digeat and provid e readily available enersy for the body, aaya Maarann. Carbohydrate• Include breads, cereals, 1raln11, fntita and veaeiablea. MUSHROOMS ....... oae Lii.' "A aandwlch which la not heavy In meat, 11kJm milk, fruit and cookJea," would be conaldered a jood meal for athletic co mpetitio n ," aaya Mail'ann. It the athlete la &\Ill hun1ry, and t.eenagera often are, add more calories w ith carbohydrates. Ideally, the pre-1ame meal will be eaien two- to-four hol..ln in advance of an event or 1ame, 10 that the atomach la empty durtna compe\ltlon. Two-tQ· three 11la11e 1 of a bevera1e, preferably water, ahould alao be con1umed prlor to a aam e ao that dehydration does not occur. Althou1h ·th• meal eaten two hol..ln before the "bil 1ame" can have SHOP ... (Fn111 Pa11 DU toothbru1hH and the dated ~r tape wtth th• prfcea ol roled . Explrw Oct. 31, 1982. PONDS U Refund. Bend the rectulred refund form, the top panel from one cart.on of an)' Pond'• Cold Cream or Pond'• Dr)' lkln CrHm and \he dated re1lator tape with the prlce circled. lxplrea Sept. SO, 1982. SO J'T 81:N8 !- l!NHANCE Cuh Rebate. Receive a refund of t l \0 U . Send the required 1 refund form and any c ombination of the f ollowlna prooh or purohue: tho bott.om of the blck label from any lot\ llnle, th• hlnp cu\ from the oa.,_ of I · or U ·ounc• Enhance lhamP?Oi the l\lnp CU\ from th• cap ot 8-or U -ouno• Enhance Condl\toner. You will ,_.w fl for Moh twm ~up'° ta. Tape ·lhe ~f• of the form, ~lept.IO,lMa. Rftl a ntund torm to wrU• for : Vlolu Htadway -~ar1• BlH CMh ftef\IM, Y.O. Box 8411, Hlok1YU1t, N.Y. l UU. lend a 1tlt· addr1111d, 1tamped envelo~ wl\h your nqutlt. Thll r·eo olftt npilw Dec. a . 1812. c· GREAT FOR SALADS LOCAL GROWN CRISPY BEAN SPROUTS . NA TUBAL FOODS ....,___D ELI--..,._.-MEA. TS.____.. OU" RIG. '"ICI OUR 'RICI CHEElf OF THI WllK TOP QUALITY RtJ. ILi DI FRANC! $4.H/lb. ~e~.....-..... -------1 RIP£ BRIE GOLDIN HAWAIIAN (1 kho bO• •e..&tl POTATO CHfS 3 41 .... LPN BONILl88 211 . PORK ROAST "''· J.4t/ll. 11t. =~· fAllH fROllN J II . · GAME tEftS "••· 1.91/H. ... toU.AWf... .. Ii oa. (Mhtld Of UM111ed) .llAI --· t~e o,... yOU • fond lfl HIWI• 11<11 w1lllOVI ell ti.. ~-=~:i:.. y~ ·~~': ttw-1111<1 131 I 01 IAOWNfO ALL WHITl PRllllD IRIAIT or CHICKEN "''' 4.41 lb. 3 41 TAl·TIP 2•• 1" ROAST Rq. J.H/ll. ''· HAIN a:fEP" l"velooe MILD • SLIOID OA OMVNK MOZZE~ELLA Rt,. CHEESE 3.n lb. 2 41 LIAN G~OUNO .... . 11t. BEEF PATTIS"•a.t.41/lol f .. . I•· '*' · "°' to NCMl9d ~ f1t OQflttnt A•1111111e 1n •••• ll••oi• -91•w C~H\I. I Ul1ttlflll> CllllH & CIMllt ~ .,.. .,., ...... :;,.":::~::.~ :f.11"": = IACK TO SCHOOL TA!AT8 3 I I'' ..... --~-..''-------------1 INDIVIDUAL STRING "'I· LUN08SAG'8 5 9· CHEESE ,.. ... UNIAL TIO 690 ..-RICE CAKES LUNCH BOX •"~· ~~11!!11!!~~--------t FAVO .. ITl8 • HOAMl!L Rt,. PPIAIDOI PAAM 11 • LUNCHEON LOAVES S.11 ... BREAD 1 •a llQ • PUTCH • OLD 0 ii°AIHIONID ~!~~~·oa~· ..... -~RO VISIONS THOMPSON 811DL!81 RAISINS .,.. °' ...... ~ .. BANANA CH•S lultl °' !'eek• ~· SCHOOL 8NAOK · TRAIN MIX 1 oa. Paokaoe I ll "'•· l.ft/lb. .. •• "''' 1.711•. I~~ R•I· 1.0t 8 5., =tJi~A\ lu* Only "''· 1.11/lt. J 8 8 = llnut, ClnnMIOft•Apple, Oooonllt•Dett, I•. H~ 1n91, & OflMll G0nt Nutt I ~HO~J...llAN , ... ,H .... 1.11 • 4 8. COfffl~ IA~ r.Oflt~· l.lt/•. • ... ChOOM trom our Wide 8"atlon of GONmtt Wnole ... n Co""9 .. , Colut'llbla lu~A.Mootll J1va, blOln.inated Ootteee Ind '1eYOl'ed CoftMI 11110 Cite Ameretto. IAVINI AANOH MAfltKIT POPPY . KAISER ROLLS • pq, • ALTA DENA SOllt CREAM . it oi. "'•· 1.01 HANSEN'S R NATllAL SODAS 21i ago 1•• ti 11 oa. °'"' (Mandarino-Lime, Lemon Lime, CltlOffN!t and Oo4a) VIE DE FRANOI CROISSANTS ... et 1 Tt*9 114 blltt« Ofol~• .... """ by '*"" .... In frenoh o'l•n• • w"h •II ''•noti lngredlent1. VIVI LA fMNOI 1 , • VIVI LA Ofi'OIMANTll ~· SEAFOOD TUSTIN. NIWPORT ONL V ,LUI P"ODUOTS: "''· 4 TI MUNCHAILll IH VITA• SYRlf . • ... I MUNOHAIL.18 fllTflE YnAMINS With won a "'''* ... · to Tabl MUNOHAILll VITA• c . IO ,. TUITIN . 1 111• New,ort Annue .· It lnlM 9oUleVlrd llMITO ........ ,. ........ ,. • NO DIALIA IALD • LIMIT AIGHTI AlllAVI~ 'l-); ,__..:...-!·----( < -- Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wednnday, September 15, 1982 Presid~nt's palate fares well with royalty REIMS, France (AP) - Ronald and Nancy R aaan Art' mad about fl•h mou11e and noodle1. The kln1 o f Swede n makes hia own pasta. Princess Grac.'t.' and the Monaco royal family oft.en sup on c..'Om on the cob. The prim-e of Denmark prefers eel in green herb sauce. This and o th e r i n s id e gastronomic information a bout presidents and royal families surfaced at a gathering of "Les Chefs des Chefs'' -cooks for world leaders -in this famed cathedral and Champagne city in eastern France. Af\"r a lwo-d ny eotlng nd drlnklns blngt• in Rt>lm1, lhl' c h t' f 1 w t' n l o n l u m o r 1· gastronomy in &lglum, t.\lrnplt•tt• with a day of fishing and u do· lt-lhen-uielves fish-fry. St.artt.'Cl fi ve years ago by lh1• Frt'nch firm Bruga rd, which makf's chefs' uniforms, the dub holds gala annual meeting11. Tht• recent Reims convention of llJ chefs was festive, helped along with Fre nch pates, delicate dishes and waves of the local bubbly. Despite c urre nt Frenc h - American political tensions, the- ent<'ntc.· waa c1p caally worm bclwl! n Mtn.'\'I le &rvot from the French pretldcnt'• Elyawe Paloet', ond Henry Hullt•r, chc.•f at the Whitt• Jlou11c Thc-y would rothcr dlacu:.." iwu~s and good wint'j thon polltk't. "I IOVl' ~'rench rood. It's IJ grc·at Inspira tion ," irnid Haller , ltn af!ablt' S wls.s-b<>rn master cook who ha s s er ve d f o ur admlnlstrntions beginning with Lyndon Johnson's. "I won't compare presidents," he said. "But I will tell you the Reagans are very knowledgeable about food, and have exccUenl wu•'' Polltlct don 't lnterfer wlth Jlnll r,.•-. 1·ullnt1ry domnln 11lnN• tw know• how to plC'uo Amt:rkun and f o r e ign pa lutt a with evl'rythlng trom MarylAnd crab c a k l' s t o s w e e t b r c a d 1 "Vt•rtmiqul'," in graf)(' UUt.'t' Aftl'r training in Swlw-rland and serving as chef at several luxury New York hotela, HaUcr was lured to the White House from the Amba._"88dor Howl by Lady Blrd Johnson In 1966. "I get Inspiration at these chefs' gatherings," HaUer said. "But menus for the White House are baa~d on tr~ah locol produce." The Rcu1an1 eat a 1lmpl(' brc•akfut. Their typical •1..uruncr lunch menu would be a cold fl<>UP lik e j e llied consomme or vlc"J'8110ise, followed by lobster '181•~A ~;;1~"f~j~e1rh~~~· would be stuffed veal chop, perhaps with fresh peas and pasta . cucumber salad, maybe lemon mousse dessert," Haller said. Pres Ide n t Re agan lo ves dessert, and both he and the first lady like Italian cuisine -dish<.>s like veal Marsala. When wine Is on the tablt', "It 1 usually from Otllfornia," Halll'r aid. "I Uk' It u lot ln fl.ah or game 1(luce1, mayb uv ·n dctHrll," aaJd l,(,' Servot, at he-w touring the lwih slop«.'9 of the Roederer vineyards ond plucking grape1 with Haller and the other chefs. In spite of a Socialist regime and new austerity measures, the French presidential chef must still serve three•star food and wine. When asked about theme mea ls he has served to every French leader since Charles de GaullC', Le Servot said, "I try to plc.>ruw each one." ~Bees have been busy .for ages ·By TOM HOGE . All Wine Md Feed Wrltw For thousands of ,.Years, the busy little :honey bee has b e en ;stocking its hive with -nectar unmatched in ;flavor and the variety of ;ways it may be used by PRICES EFFECTIVE 7 OA YS 8 AM THURS , SEPT 16 THRU WEO, SEPT 22, 1982 BACK TO SCHOOL a~ SAVINGS I man. · It is uncertain how .l ong human s have ·.consumed honey, but a .carving on a cave wall .near Valencia, Spain, dated about 7000 B.C. shows a man gathering :honey from a hole with ,bees flying around him. · In ancient times, the H ebrews, Greeks and Roma ns all fed their infants a combination of honey and milk. And the ·sweet liquor was used as a medicine for everything from sore throats to diphtheria. Apicus, the noted food writer of the 1st century A.O., flavored ham by making gashe$ in the skin and filling them with honey and dried figs. • Honey accompanied armies in the field in ~olden days to sustain the fweary troops and also to :serve as a dressing for wounds and infections. '.Alexander the Great was 'a firm believer in the ·healing powers of honey. :and took along a supply .on his expeditions. ; More than two dozen .flavors make up most of the honey sold today. :They include orange, ·locust, sage, maple , ·blu eberry , clover :b u c k w h e a t a n d . fireweed. Honey provides , energy partly because it .contains levulose and :dextrose, which are 'absorbed rapidly in to :the body. ~ Honey is used for ~many dishes from entree -ito dessert. For many •years it has served as a :mup to meat and fowl :~hes and in sauces and :glazes. ! Fann wives have long :used honey to flavor ~tender young beets, peas :a n d c a r r o t s i n springtime. They also ·mix it with vinegar and herbs to season salads. · Honey is used as a sweetener for a number of breads, because it · improves both the flavor and preservat i v e properties. In cakes and cookies, it is often used as a substitute for sugar. Here is a recipe for pork chops cooked in ,. honey-flavored sauce. f. 4 double loin pork ~chops i 1 can (8 Y.t ounce) ';l1ced pineapple :. II.a cup honey 1;'. ~ cup pineapple ~juice ~' ~ cup orange juice ;: . . 1 tablespoon lemon t"•.JUICe I.,: I t a b 1 e s p o o n ;, prepared mustard V Maraschino cherries :' Cut pocket in each : PM>P and insert II.a slice f drained pine_apple, '.;reeerving juice. Combine •ft honey. pineapple juice. ·•~orange juice, lemon juice mustard and spoon a le over each chop. (Bake in 350-degree ~~reheated oven 90 \1' minutes, drtzzllng honey \~•sau ce over chops hlrequently. Remove ~choPI from oven, topping each with II.a slice :plneapple and a cherry. i.lteturn to oven for •couple of mlnutea to \llrarm fruit. Heat any remaining honey sauce •and serve with ch ops. '8erve1 4. Good with J-ehllled l'OM wine. I! . .. ----------It•,' Call 142-1171. Put a lew word• ~· to work lor ou. .; ______ ......_ __ CENTER CUT CHUCK ROAST BEEF .s1~ .. 9 US 0 A C~o·<r Frr\1> • .,,,.,r«or LAMB SHOULDER ROAST 18 1.49 US 0 A (t>o-c., Frr\~ "'mr• 10" 1.69 LAMB SHOULDER CHOPS IB U S 0 A Ct.o•c., F '"'" """.,'"or 0 -BONE LAMB CHOPS IB 1.98 US 0 A Ct.o"" frr•h Ame,.con 2.49 LAR GE LOIN LAMB CHOPS lB FRESH BEEF LIVER I N ~ ,.... I ,~,·~~~o 69 \UCIO 1•• 6 ••CON •• Dl'oll t .. 10 LB. • 8 7!1 oz Bell Brand Vortt"Y Pock POTATO CHIPS 10 P•1ck HOSTESS TWINKIES 1.49 1.39 6 Pock V~n De Komp' BUTTERMILK BARS 1.29 JIF PEANUT BUTTER ~ c1:e~!v I 49 e CRU~RCHY e ~--SAVING YOU MONIY II OUR GAMI---. FRESH LEGO' GENUINE AMERICAN LB. .89 U 5 0 A Cl>O•<<' !Uoef 1.39 Reol McCoy l 8 2.29 CENTER CUT CHUCK STEAK LB SMOKED BEEF TOUNGE U S 0 A Ct.o-cP S..rl Chvck Cut 1.89 Real McCoy lB 1.99 BONELESS CLOD ROAST IB PICKLED BEEF TOUNGE U S 0 A Choice Fre\h Amertcon 1.29 Smoked Pol,ko Btlel IB 2.49 lEAN GROUND LAMB 18 HlllSHIRE SAUSAGE U S 0 A Choice Fre\h Americon Armour 12 oz SMALL LOIN LAMB CHOPS tB 2.98 BREADED VEAL PATTIES EA 1.49 Reol McCoy Ho1mel little Son ier 12 or CORNED BEEF ROUNDS tB 2.39 PORK SAUSAGE LINKS EA 1.49 ----FISHERMAN'S BAY--- io'VER soLE ..... LB. 2.49 MONTEREY SQUID lB .• 79 Frozen Sovth Pocofic MAHI MAHI FILLETS . . LB 2.09 Fro1tn Jumbo, Cooked DUNGENESS CRABS . LB 2.49 ,,...--SAVING YOU MONEY IS OUR GAME!-....... BESTFOODS MAYONNAISE 32-0Z . JAR LIMIT 2 .38 18 01 T1op1col STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 20.or Ovoker LIFE CEREAL 1.39 -1.69 74 0 1 AUNT JEMIMA SYRUP 12·01 Generol Moll\ WHEATIES . 1.79 .. 1.21 4·Pock, Nice '11 Solt BATHROOM TISSUE • 99 '1 lb Origrnol 99 AUNT JEMIMA PANCAKE MIX , • NABISCO ~PREMIUMS 16-0 Z BOX 79 SAlTEO OR UNSALTED • CAMPBILL'S TOMATO SOUP 101 •• oz CAN .23 ~--SAVING YOU MONEY II OUR GAME-....... GOLDEN DELICIOUS I. "' FRESH ROMAINE EXTRA FANCY WASHINGTON APPLES 2 5 C"'P Solod EA • CUCUMBERS 9LB. , EA .15 ....-~~~~~-t~~CSfJf'Ttf£~f4£lVT~~~~~--. IN OVt llUN HOOUCI Of'f FRISH TOFU .. 19 01 P\q .58 111 8ut1r r Soucr 9 0 1 1.99 CERTIFRESH SOLE EA W th l•mo" Sovel' Q 01 1.89 CERTIFRESH SEA BASS EA Oscor Moyer Pork or 8,..f I'} or 1.79 LEAN & TASTY EA U S 0 A Choice 8onel•u ~el Chilek 1.98 FAMILY STEAK lB LEAN GROUND BEEF OOU NOT£Xc11on•.r111 I 6 9 I lEANf~! Gt OVNO &Ur (1("'t ~~·1 ''\:1 1 89 LB. 9 32·01 L1qv1d WISK DETERGENT 1.85 '2·llter, Regulor or Suoor Free COKE, TAB, SPRITE . 1.49 6·01 D-CON FLEA KILLER ....... 3.99 TREETOP APPLE JUICE 64-0 l REGULAR OR UNFILTERED 1.59' 2.09 D•""Ott\ o or Iott• OYSTER SAUCE .79 .S9 .69 Col e..e • 01 Pl.9 SHRIMP CHIPS .7S ~ ., .. • • , ... /I • K•OPE CTATE llEGUl•ll 8AlSAM PROTEIN SH•MPOO .99 1.69 •••J>••··· ...... , .•• '""'#1 &RUT l(fRI DEODORANT • I . 7 I LOTION 2 . 79 -;..,~ '°' 1 ) oa Co"' Mo•90 •·•o 1' or Co,. SARDINE IN TOMATO COCONUT JUICE '-'vtw-.. """°'* t 4 1 11\Q DRIED SEAWEED " ~• C• 9 • II o 0 7' 01 11\9 SHREDDED CUTTLE FISH .S9 .IS It'"' '" • ,.( • OlO SMUGGLER I 0.69 DEMI TASSE SCOTCH . .. llQUEUll •• ........ 12.M -CONVINllNT ••OllN •OODI---, *HAltltY aOIH HAlllANAH -----DILICAIUAll TalAT•----.... ~-~ 1-lb Sti<kl•mit2 li'lfGHll . 79· ORANGE JUICE • I I lS •> 510..lfot '•P-0"' FRENCH BREAD PIZZA • cooaaoo• VOl.Ulll .... ... 2.19 ~;.· ~O'-ts;u;FED POTATOES .63 Glou MIMORIAL CANDLll .39 ···.~!!~~:::.,::' .49 '2•·ot It Ot 'noc:\ww''' Of 'of·\.h ,.,,, ... VIENNA BEEF FRANKS •. , , '·" llondom We1gli1 lon9lior11 Of Mo11t•••v Jo<k ROKEAC~ GEFILTEFISH 2.29 3'1·oi Reg or low Col MANISCHEWITZ BORSCHT ,89 MANllCHIWITI ,0 89 UNIAL , •• MA TIO. I t • DAKOTA FARMS CH~ESE 1a 3.19 LOWI• YOU• IOIAL FOOD •ILLI ......... ·-~· ...... ALL .......... ,USS ...... ..... ....._-...., .. ,Mtll .. ••••,. ..... ._A ....... ¥ ...... a..-..11 Mae. I (_., ••""'·--• .~ .. ~ t•ffff IM ..... el tM ,,_ jlvrt~ ... cl • "91 ot~ 1. lop....i ,.., • ,,_.., NI ectt,ltf ) Cfft"""•IJ P•-',."' •"' ...... , ,.,,. ..... <...,,.,,. "°' "'--'" 4 0-ly u:·i'!..1.• _.,..el.,,. .. ',_ .. &I 00., ""' .... "-....... ,, ..._._ .. -•• _ ........... . • f(R ,.,,.,_ .............. i.,iew • Vel.tt1 1_1 ..,,.,..i..,_.......,..__~-Nll,._t 1 tl•t _, ..... _.. H "91 .... ~ lllt ""°"" ~,,.._ •" ..,..._,' •-• -••• wlilt ....... .,. •-el ...,,......,, ,..i,.. • l-. ~ • .....,, ............. .w... • ........ .. ............, 91\-.li ._ 10 Ol!wr .... ..,, 1• 111r. s..r n '"1 TWM .. ••••-uc••••=•-NM ..... ••• I [( 0\/\t'l\11 I -._ ------.. ------------~~~ -------·-----------~--~--------------~ ------ -, ·------~------.... -----.------,__.------~--·~ ••• Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wtdne1day, September 18, 1082 Academy A wards go tO 13 top • wines at show B)' JERRY D. MEAD Adler Fe I 1 1 9 8 I enough lo acc·ompuny akohol Thi· flu11or11 11n· WIN E AC A 0 EM Y Gewun tramlner (uboul loud, ytit fruity enough crh~p ~nd rc•frc11hlng, oml A W A I\ D S I n $6.50) My favorll1• of ttw t o c v n s u m ,, t 11 r Ric•sliriE( fMn 11 who urt• conjunc llon with th~ two currently avollablt• r<'freshmNlt, looking fw wlrlt'>< to dull recent ln terna tion a l wine•, and my favorite Ad It r Fe 11 I 9 8 1 11nd urink pool1-1idt• tht•!w Gourmet Food & Wino sty l e ol C.:u li fornlu '' B •cl 8 a I up !'" la11t warm duy!i will Show at San 1''ronc.'iM.'O, Gewun. Whal Hty lc 111 Jobannl1ber1 RlHllDfC probably ~'<'Otm· n •pN al 13 wines were presented that? Spicy, and with (about $~.lW) A prtHly, 1:u11lomcrs. with a "Grand Award" ju:n enough s weotnel!S to apple·y aroma promises Adll·r J<'t·l~ also hu!j a 'from the International take off the bitk•r <.'<igc just aUttlcmorethanlhC.' llml t n l produt·tion Wine Awards Academy. that is often founJ in thh; wine deliveni, but that's sparkling wine produt·t·<l MIAO ON WINI ('llSl 'h µrndlH't•dl. II writ lw .,old 1111ly tlu nugh 1h1 · W lllt•I y 'J'o g1°l (Ill 1111' lllU 1I 111 ~ I a°' t. WI' al 1 · I 11 Adlt·r 1-'<'l:o., !i:t.!!1 (. '1111 wl< Ltllll', 8 1111 la Ho!'l,I ('I\ 1)~1·!05 ~ill ,, ti '"' ollltlllld $r1 111/>lc'otd 111 tlw pa t'\'loll..,IV qw •l• •d $Ii BHt MO\'I•: Vt•1 v I f'li;tl1l1• "Olll'f'I"' lo•ll fll~' l h, ii l•:d f•' 1 11 •d a 11 h, I h I ' Wlllt'fl1.1k1·1 Wh(I 11'('1 lllly '''"'l!ll1·d 11 11 111 S:.11 M;11 t111, Ii.a.. 111 ·1·11 pl.111·d Ill I lt.11 g1 ol .t 1111tl 11 11111 111111 d11Jl,1t VM11•y,1rd 1111d \\ 1111 '" pn111 ·1·1 ,·, .. 11! ,ill pl11~·~·i., Gl·Or~la l\11d Y<'"· ttw 1o<rn1w v .1 r 1 t ' l a c· i.. w 1 I I b 1• 11 iHl1l1111111I wllu• g1 upt.'S 110 1 tt:JtlVl' /\nwr1n 1n g1 .!pt'h I'm 111ld t h at t'hurdo111wy, Suuv1gnun n 1 ;i 11 , . . C I! b t• r n <· t Sauv1g ri1Jn, Hwsl1111o( and t'lwntn Blnnl' a 1·1· all lwml<( pl:mtt«I. w1•t'k11 but•k lhul T&ylor Cc1llfor'o h1 l't•l111n1 WUR i:ommg uut w11h "bulk J)l'Ol'l"UO" <·hurnpugrw, 1111d th1•11 ~o l to wond<•ring wlwn• at ww. p1·odu,'t-d, s 1 n <.' l' Tu y l u 1 's 1H· w wanr·ry at Gon1alcs 1n MmH1•r1•y <.:uunty 1s i;11ll und<•r t·1ins1ru1·t1u11 To be eligible to win variety. not much of a criticism Crom a blend of Rwsling an award, a wine first The a r o ma of this since th e nose i s so und G e wurztram1ncr PlllCf: C'llAN<a: had to be nominated by wine combines a little forward and aggressive. that will be relcuscd for T hat Gallu l'alw 111 .. 1 one of the hundreds of floweriness with spice , It is a light style the holidays in a SIX'c.'tul Suuv1g111111 tlh•I a., 1111,dlv re ta i I e r s a n d which aL'IO makes il more R iesling, and as such etc hed bottlt~. A rl'a I mnkin~ 11 an to .,,.1,., h·d restaurateurs who were attractive. It is dry could use a little less t'Olle<:tor's item (only 100 n·tuil 111111·k1·t~ 1111., m1111th polled, nationwide. and .-----------------------------___;;, __ _ t'hatt•au l•:lun ii-tht· o t f ll' 111 J n u llll' 11 I t h t • vim·yurd-wincry pro,jjtC't. fH~TE<.:'l'lV~ WOHK I\" 11 o u 111·1·d i..11m 1· Bas<·d on lht• bundi•d Wl nl•ry n u m bl'I' that app<:ur11 011 ttw lutx·I, the· bubbly 1i. b<!ing 111:11.11• tor Taylor hy Jl"J Rroncu of l'1•r1•s, l 'ald ornw also to qualify, the wine h ad to hav e b ee n released during calendar year 1981. A total of 15 wines were selected in e ach wine category, and a preliminary judging was conducted to narrow the number of finalists down to five. The judging panel was made up of a mix of j o urnalis t s, restaurateurs and other wine professionals. VOPIS WEEK LY SPECI ALS PLUS DOUBLE COUPOrtS On the final day o f tasting, jud ges w e r e forced to narrow the five down to one "Grand ;..\ward" w inner. Space will not permit a reprinting of all the nominees, or even all the finalists, but I 'm sure you'll want to see the list of top winners. Sparkling W ines: Domaine Chandon "Napa" Special Reserve Brut. Sauvignon Bla n c : Chateau St. Jean 1980 "Sonoma" L e P etite Etoile Chardonnay: Chateau Montelena 1979 "Napa Valley" Chenin Blanc: Villa Mt. Eden 1980 "Napa" Johannisberg Riesling: Zaca Mesa 1980 "Santa Ynez" American Estate Oewurztraminer: Joseph Phe lps 1980 '1Napa" Bes t Other White: Trefethen 1981 "Napa" &chol White Pinot Noir: Acacia 1979 "Napa" St. Clair Cabernet Sauvignon: Robert Mondavi 1977 "Napa" Reserve M e rlot : Duckhorn Vineyards 1979 "Napa" Zinfandel: Edmeades 1979 "Mendocino" Du Pratt Vineyards Bes t Other R e d : Caymus non-vintage "Napa" Petite Sirah Dessert Wine: Chateau St . J ean 1980 "Alexander Valley" Gewurz traminer , Indiv idual Bunch Selected Late Harvest. MORE RESULTS - Results are also in from this year's Mendocino County Fair, where a total of 115 wines from the region were judged by a pane l o f noted experts. I was invited to judge again this year, but was unable to make it due to a small incident involving my left leg vs. a runaway Lincoln. My )eft leg lost. Not to worry, it's all better now. On ce again , Mendocino has failed to provide consumers with access to an awards booklet, but once again "Mead On Wine" will come to the rescue. If you'll send me 50 cents and a self-addressed, stamped envelope, I'll ,send' a photocopy of the several pages of results. Write to: Mendocino Mead, P .O . Box 7244, San Francisco, CA 94120. ti APOLOGY -Some weeks ago I wrote a r,ather critical item concerning the Riverside County Fair's win e , judging, and especially but the list of winners that failed to m ention vintage dates or vineyard ap~llations. l While the infonnation Jfrovided to me w as incomplete, and no one told me about an awards booklet that would have complete information, .fact la that such an animal is available. Send fl to: Riverside Wine Awards, P .O. Box 398, Hemet, CA 92343. NEW RELEASES f r om a new winery, 4dler Feb, in Sonoma County, a couple of very tasty white wines. Not teviewed here. are two qew Chardonnays that wlll be releued in the n ext aix months, one from Mendocino. the other from ''SL Francia Vlneyardl'' In Sonoma. The St. Fr•ncia 11 tht sme. TABLE KIMG BEEF. BONEJ...ESS LIMIT 2. REGCJV.R PRICE L8. 2.88 TOP SIRLOIN STEAKS-.LB. 2.49 WE'LL DOUBLE THE DIFFERENCE YOlt8 QUAM1n1tr: 01' 0011 lOW FOOD Plll(H "Tocorwmcr you of Vortt romni1lf••t"' 111f1,~ 1;.,.11,r• ..... v.•·" rnok1ng th•~ otlet tf )'0\1 c.on l11wt k.lw••• ,, .. ~·inll h.i1 .1 • "" •• "' th1\ W~f'k dt onv 04hf', )U~~rmork.rt Vrn1-. •Iii 1'•1\o ';"II it ... 1t1j,. tf1•) dP'lt"ft"n(l' Ju)l \t1""' t\t v..,..,, f\uv uf\f 1-;JI '11 i "• .i1H1 ,,.,., trul d1$hnC't rood 1ttm~ WOfth $2() (\f 'l\tJft' ( 11n1pdl'" ''" Pi. ....... 'I·• wme food t\f"mt 11t "nr athl'' '"'"'""·""'''' • If theoir tt>Cdl "k>wet brn-.g row ~,..w111-.1 • VOf" re<e+,,t 11nd th~ othrr 1rH1tkt'I' ""'"1 pnct-\ to Vw,\ •ud wf' II µav tJt,.,t_.k;> 111<' dtfftJfencr Von• k.1w hx>1J ""'''" v,_ , ,,,1 " bfl~t> 1n t"'i llf,,., .... ,., .. > ·• "'''""'" ... .... ' ~ .... ,' ., •••••• •f "'" '""'' ''" Oil CHAMPION RAISINS-10 I-OZ. OOXES-.99 L8. GROCER'S CHOICE FRCJrT ROU.S-4 FOR 1.00 LB I a OONcr PACKAGE. llSSOR'TEO l!E.GOl.JIR PAICE I I ~ PROD<JCE rr:.rebbage .... 10 -Ol'<Q'<S-UI '' Russet Potatoes ~.79 it3. w~ 011£V\ VI .49 ~~ [A .29 """""'°~ Large l'tktt Pears U1 .39 00-T :h~ll"~ Fru co U1 .39 ~ Mums [A } 99 FROZEN FOODS I lGAUOll CM'IOl'<-l\SIOlT!:D "-"llOll! } 39 Westwood Ice Crum 4·.IOL8C1'1 (>;H<.f"'"l"'fllt'l'I~ }59 Gino's Deluice Pizza T~ Grapefruit Juk:e • 7 9 ]1 .. fll g-.('_ ~r,~T()tl('t,••\H C'OT 89 vons Potetoes • n• 1~r~•-r• .... ••'o(tl l'larl\es Taqultos 249 .49 VONS BAKERY ~~e=;Ol'oc~ .85 ~~,;:=eo•rA,.s .98 ""°'·~ .. -..-cc~ o.nlah Ruwt }79 .89 ~~r.= ~~~•Ot••69 LIQUOR ~<!h~n B&enc 399 ~1lm'~:'ee:.-0111.an }59 A:,"'-llUTCff flOTn.[-"""'C dre Champagne 2~500 ~ll§~~ch 469 f~~~cd:: 349 ~~-· 549 ~·~~ht~ 299 DELICATESSEN .25 ~<·•a..•.u..:et.su u.-,-.v_,. 229 Vons Longhorn Cheddar La ~9:.t.o~~ }39 ~ms-ifc~ts.-v ,_.CK .69 tf:n~f\ Crum Cheese .89 ~';oGoB:fs.teme } 19 ~~~~m'n~} 79 DAIRY PRODUCTS ti:l~o-p;rng .89 T~ ~nge Juice }59 ~~oe=.165 ~Soft Spread .99 GROCERIES T~c T~~°Appic J~ic;e .. ' v~~-s t4;1~rai'Raisins ,,,, ... l .. "'' Qulck'NTenderNoodles Cr~~~h'oia Sn~c;k Ba~s --"' 11' lol Jerscymaid Ff'\Jit Drinks } 35 .89 .43 } 49 .79 v;,'n°; 1P~n~t6uucr 139 ti'•l'"tlJlfl• llflfllt'~ 99 Tropical Preserves • oei'M~'nl.~ c~~ ' . . 4 9 r,\;~"e11'Ao';..~e Coffee 2 S3 Frl's'kk~ 'B~rr~'t ca't F~·~ • 3 3 SERVICE SEAFOOD '.:P<>'l"'-Jt!J'l!<l5iµ> """" I• 349 :>now ...:rab \.:lusters w.~t 'f.NOlh T"fA 89 l'\Ontercy Squid , ,, • ~:;s~le Flllet3 2 8 9 lp/I" tWAV .. C. '' 3 99 cooked Bay Shrimp HEALTH &BEAUlY Xcf~F~"fl' 'th~' u• iu oo paste 107 :.t::'~id-~"'-""'""' gen• n lion }45 ~s'&tc~cnnt ) 39 We; P~ tr. &°St: CO"M'°"'I • ealt y • r hampoo 4 21 lo PACK. 12-0CJNCE CANS, REG. OR DIET Ll"llT 4 RE.GUV.R PRICE I 49 T A8lE KINO 8E£F, WHOLE IN THE 8110 LB uYll' 2-REGCJl.AR P!llCE. LB I 89 (POll'fl CUT -u 1-'9 f'V\ T cur -UI I 591 '"' • t<•~1 ,......,tUSS Sirloin Tip Steaks 1.1>248 .... ·ti,, 1.1>258 Cube Steaks ' ' ' ~' "" f' ""l If'-'\ Rib Eye Spencer Steak 111 368 • ~t''§,,...'.t~"s Top RO\Jnd tea ·~ 219 •I' ~ ,. H I t ti I 'l'l/t I) Bottom Round Steak l& 209 •• ~ .. ,.. ... ~ ff Lean Ground Bee Patties UI } 89 HAPPY JEWISH NEW YF AHI _.., t.J,..t...All JtH •.JM ·.~i.U Manischew!tz Oenlte Fish 249 , ... l\fll.f °" "'° \N.-f 99 Mdnisc:hcwitz No Salt Matzo• . I w•-...., I# Vr'ft/ Glass Memorial Candles .65 ' '" "'"'' (!HU••A.I }09 Manlschewitz Reg. Borscht "' ••"'flf#~'l4r\ .69 MMl,chcwitz Noodles P•H~ 89 Fresh oasti'lg Chickens ca • ~c.cvr~AA\ ~ re.sh Hen uri(cys LI .89 ~~~~CO-'il \U!(Tfl269 h ausage ui ~~rw~k;oM"'-CDOCiliCO> 98 I Beer un1to EA • l~ll""CO S "<")'>o(UTUJ> Fancy llced Bacon [A } 89 9-0l p,i;G .-FtiOlt "'! [A } 39 Jones Beef Sausage HAPPY MEXICAN I NOE PE NOE NU L>A' • fi(" (ib'lr'~ OI> ~ osa e eel ns .85 1901 (1'-l'lil l..A\ '""-"""'' Enchilada Sauc:e .73 1gi!IN([ (~"' 1t(i" Green Chi I Salsa .59 L:~ """T~ Oil AA.,. Hi It.A oria Salsas .95 ~~"~ s Menuclto Menudo }09 PlllCl!t fl'R<:'TM: ntlJltl, n.u wt.C> .. llUTVISVI It TO ltPTVIBEll U , IH'l. CAll.,(213) )~~Ol FOR I ()CATION 01 llC>RI NI .llRI "IT VOU NOT llU ITVISAMI> PIUC:l\111'1 Tl111J Al>Ul"!CTM. AT ~.ltooW.1191:0 II.II!> .. •J'lt W.'°1H IT,. 1.01-'"Of.1.U.9"" l>ltOO, FfltSNO ANI> l.A5 \lfCAS SAU-S 11'1 Nf TAft OIJAl'lllfl! ~ Ol'l~V MO!l!T ~TORtS OPfll f NII TO II Piii' 1),1\'t'I A WflX. MR. CLEAN UQLJID CLEANER 260Z. 1.93 HUNTINGTON MACH ltlll ..... .,,:.1•• COITA•tA ALL SPIC·N·SPAN CLEANER "4-0Z. 2.53 32-0Z. t .49 HEAW DUTY LIQUID, LAUNDRY DETEROE.N1 l/b()Al 2.79 HUNTINQ'JON 81ACH .HUNTINGTON HACH 11111 ...... -... _..Atlllftta t"VINIE •no .. ,,.11ca ·~ IAN JUAN CA,.IT'f'ANO , "'"'"' ..... 17tfl ...... MM! °' .. AM· llOl1 C ...... c•atrano I 0.1 01111po ... ,, •• ,,. llYd, PRINGLE'S POTATO CHIPS I Rlf'f>LL 801. TWIN PACK 1.)9 RI Ci<Jl..t.R 9 OJ. TWIN PACK I .39 SONLIOHT GISHW~SHINC LIQUID DETERGEN 22-0Z. (l'iCLI.JOES .20 Of'P'I 1.l 5 FOUNTAIN VAL.UY 1H01 Ketbof I ...... fOUNTAIM VAl.L&Y '"" .......... , ...... CAPllTRANO MACH MOIT Dofl•llY ,.,II Df. I vtot.te LAGUNA MIU.I • ... , ...... ,.,.,., • Mon -------~---"-~--------~,.__-~ ........... , . I ' I Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Wtdnetday, September 15, 1982 E I A SPECIAL ANNOUNCEMENT • • • OVBB. OUR IlVVOICE COST, WHII·E 1~E SUPPLY LASTS, IS .AI.I. YOU PAY FOR ARY OF THE FOY.I.OWING: @NEW 1982 DIESEL RABBITS @NEW 1982 DIESEL JETrAS @NEW 1982 SCIROCCOS @NEW 1982 V.W. P/Us @NEW 1982 DIESEL CAMPERS .·. ..... :-. :-·· .. AI.I. llBKA.IlUITG ISUZU CABS AITD T•UCKS w11.1, BB SOI,D l'OB OltLY 3% OVBB OUll IltVOICB COST. Invoice does not include a.ny factory incentives to the dealer, or dea.rler 1nBta.lled options 1f any. Naturally, tax, license, documentary, pre-delivery 1nBpect1on, : detail a.nd co-op advertisers fees are extra. Offer ends 9/aJ/82. .. ' -: . I 18'111 BW&Cll BOVl.WV.l•D, BUBfl:s&~• B•AOB &&a-aooo ~.:,: .. . ··:· . ... r Orang1t Co111 OAIL V Pll.01 /Wtdnttduy, September 15, 1G6~ .. • THt: t'.\Mll.,. ('IRC'l'S by V1rg1 I Par tch (VIP) PE ~l'TH "Why do I hafta answerGrandmo's letter? She didn't 'ask me any questions." . by Brad Anderson "Marmaduke knows you've been out for a steak dinner!" ~l.D6E PARK•:R "Prob1bly just another weather progno1tlc1tor." , ~-15 ~SEE ~ HIS NO& ISN'T OUTA JOINT ! IT ALWAYS LOOI<$ 'flJAT WAY ~ I by Jim Davis ALT~OUC:f~ CATS ' ARE FINICKY EATEF\$ ... "HUNvE.R STRIK£ '• ISN'T £XACTLV IN OUR VOCA0ULARY ACROSS 51 Drills oul t ~eeward ~ 54 Worthleu : 1j;1and 58 Indisposed S·Powerful 60 Local map 9 Cupboard 61 8ooksefler 1flf1Sh rsles 63 Inter - tftager 64 Circuit t6·Road worker 65 W~Jel rtems Ii R1~er dorl 66 Copper 18 Longfellow 67 Harvests work 68 Semg: Lat 20 Otaw 69Body1olnt 2 M'ablt part 24.)Vas unSleady 2~11eaource 2~101efltgrblt 21 Verucle 2!rMrllions of years 30 Holiday 34 Sedan 36 Hearsay 38'Mod•ly 3!>N Amer :6°.l1U-11eld .) wOfdS 4 2-()epulteS •3 (lot gv!Otd 44,¥a(IW 45 Ooet Su!f11 46'~tflflll811Yf 47 Stafl\td 411 -Atea DOWN 1 Sandra's nickname 2 Melodies 3 Raillng 4 Prong SEdenrte 6Slant 1 U.N prede· cessor 3 WOJ'd$ 8 Seabird 9 Swiftness 10 Nalhan - 11 Rotten ' 12 Smooth PllOnellCS 13 Atl&lft 19 Happy IOOll 24 l oily h~kes 26 Ptnk a/lade TUESDAY'S PUmESOLY£D 28 Mouse QeflUS 46 Toy 30 Miami's 48 Stow-.galn stale Abbr 49 Voucller• 3 t Vermont 50 Uber - • patrlol \ (•l'>oV• 11111· 2 WOtdS 0tr 32 HIH,Y 52 Quebee's 33 Bomt>eck neighbor 34 lax pros S3 Declare 35 Oe1eended 54 Steel beam 37 Pouts 55 Frott 38 Sptrll 56 Ftthef H•br 40 Comparallve 57 Miscue suffra 59 -ma)etty 'I Plfdo• 62 Edger A - SHOE OFFICER FLOO~ DID YOU G ET THE RAISE YOU ASKED FOR'? GORDO If I~ DEFINE n.IE FOLLOWING : DR.SMOCK GOSH .1 A MU6GS:R H 1-r 1"HA"T"' Y OLJN<S C::>OC"'r'OR AS SOON AS HES S"T"'ESPPE:P OFF 1'HES suew A Y.' 0 • I f J by Tom K. Ryan CHf:f:R IJP-MAYl'E 1J.I~ 1-l'L CRl'frERS WASN'I A"f HOME. by Jeff MacNelly --SOI SOLD ADVERTISING SPACE by Gus Am ola by Tom Batiuk (I.) BROUHAHA by Kevin Fagan Talk et chang GWC on B l "Th" C hallrnge o f C h&l'\ie" -~hanalng for the positive be-lure cr ulia hi'--ls the topic or • workshop a t Oold('n W es t Co ll cg<' 1n Huntington Beu<'h on Saturday. Lec turer 1s Susan C hri stoph er, psy- c h o lo g ist and author . The aeulon will be h eld from 9:30 a .m . to 4:30 p.m . In Fine Arts 222. R egistration fee is $20. lllTH IDTICI- Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/WednHday, September 15, 1982 t~3 rt.ale NOTICC MLIC NOJICC MllC NC>TIC( lf.apJI NOTICI °' T_,IJ .. ·e eA1.1 Ncmca °' fMleTfl'I IAU L ....... tHtl~ v..-a MIO • fllUIT T .... .,..,..., MA JUAN N 2 v. I u RN lllN'OflTAWr *>TJCI TAANI COAIT llAVIC INC ANI> OJI P E TITION TO TO "'°""" o.w .. .-.. e1111y~111ec1 l•11t1 .. unow11111 NOTICE OP D ATH O ADMINI TER PAT ATE NO YOU ...... "'AULT UNOIA A IOllOWI" d•tcrlb41d dMO of llUll A•J UHi • ::,~: .. ~:,. TJ:. "1:.~. ~~(1\: ~6l~J1 L~,&~.~~8~~C:1:'f~'g~ To oU h ln1, benefldMrlt't, YOV 1TAKI ACTION TO 'l'OTICT 0A8H IPI Ylbt. ,, lime 01 .. 1. In credlton and conllna .. nt VOU9' P9'0,.9'TV, IT MAY II Miw!IM money of the Unlllld 8111 .. J Ctt'dltor1 or M arian no V IOU> AT A PU9tiC IAl.I, IP YOU all right, lilt. llld ~l4JfMI CIOnveyecl Suma and r:niona wh HllD AN IXP\.ANATI~ M ,.... to II/Id now held br " undel H id "'-·· "th I , r todmaly NATU9'1 OP THI P9'0CllOINO Oud ol T1111I tn the property UC! ., crw.. n.. ~ n AOAINIT YOU. YOU IHOUl.0 h«elll•ll., dNc;llbed U'U' w111 And/or t!lt.l.t' CONTACT A LAWVO. tAUSlOR ,,~ANK c ROYC£ A pcllJtlOll tw be-tin flltod NOTICr 18 1ceRrav OIV(N Ind PAlRICIA L ROYCE. huband IJy Oonald A. Butns In t ht' pr!~1~:o~:d:r .~~~ :t~~~"°o~/;;: 10:;~~F'ICIARY ALLS TA lE Su~raor Co1.1rt o( OrlOl~C Trutl d•t•d Stpttm~ 22. 1012. a Av I N G 8 AN 0 L 0 A N County rt.oqut.'llllna that he be and rK01dtd In th1 ofllce 01 the ASSOCIATION. 1 C•lllorn•• uppointl'd aa pcr•onal R.cord., ol tht CO\lnly 01 011noe. GOtpor•uon repl'e9C?nlattV{' l.O adrnlnl,U!r Sl•t• ol C•Hl0<n1a, Of\ Octo~ 1 A.corded Octobef 28 1979 .. h f V IHI 1n volume 14247. page 1363 lnllr No 40757 tn book 13389 l e e11tateo o M 11r1onnt' • 01 01110111 Rtc:ord•. e~eculed by Pao• 1311 of ot11e1a1R4!Gore111n 1he 9 u r I\ 11 ( u n d c• r t h c Jlmm11 N Wiiton, •n 1111m1111ed olllce of tn• RKorder of Or•ngt lndept•ndent Adtninllltrutlon man u Tru11or, lo SUNl<•Sl Coun1y,talddMdol11uatd..crlbH ur FJll.uk'I Act) The '"'lit S E R V I C E C 0 M P A N Y . • the lollowtng pr0l>4tfly • r-ion corpor1t1on, .. Trullff. and STAl'E PARCE:l 1 FM t lmple 11119 IC> Is IWt for hcarina In Dept s A II I N G s A N 0 L 0 A N COl\dOmlnlum un11 No 252 (Ttie No 3 a t 700 Civic Crnter ASSOCIATION , • Celllo•nl1 "Unll 1. tn tr11 City of Newport Drive, West, ln the City of eorporllton, •• Beoettclaty. Beach, County ol Otange S1•11 ot Santa Ana, Cali fornla 00 And purtu1n1 to tM •CIQuotl 01 c a111orn1e u shown 11pon ""' Oc .__ 6 9 0 lh• own•• ind holder ul the Condominium Plan (entitled l.Ouo:r , I 82 at 9:30 II m promlHo•y note secure<! by the "Condominium Plan lor Lot 1 of IF YOU O BJECT t-0 t he Deed ol Trull 1bov1 relerr•d 10 Traci No 10587"1, County ot sranting of the petition, yuu And by reaton ol th1 default In Otan~•· Sllll ol Calllornl• (Thi JRWIN should either ap""'ar al the lh• payment ol aa1d promlHory "Pl•n '). rec0tded on July 12. 1111t. h I d r-note end th• breac n o l the .. Document No 15810 tn b<X>k E MMETT M acDONALD e~r ng an state ~our eond1t1on1 In Hid Oe.d of Tru11 13228 PIQH 78 thro~gh 116, lRWIN, resident of Corona obJecllona or file wr1tlt'n proV1ded, • Notice ol Oel1ull and tnctullv• ol 0 111()1•• Records ol .. Id del M ar, Ca. Passed away on objections w i th the court Etectlon 10 Sell Under OCHl<I 01 Truel Orange County which Plln pertelnt September 11 , 1982. H e 1s before the hearing. Your htvtno bun <luly rec:o•ded " to that P'<>'*IY detc:rlbe<I In Traci . provided lor by In said Record11·1 No 10517 recorded In boOk 449 survived by his wife Laura, appearant-e may be an person Ollie. on June 14, 1982. tn Book pagea 5 end 8. Mlaeetleneoue Mapa: aon William Wolcott lrwln of or by your att.orney. 1n11. No 82·200721, In the olllc• or th• county recorder La Habra. Ca. and daughter I F y 0 u A RE A SUNKIST SERVICE COMPANY .• OI Hid c:ounty Charolette Grace Huntley or CREDITOR or a contlngent oorpor••lon, u lh• pr11en1 PARCEL 2 An undivided L . Fa Ye t t e ' Ca . ' 8 credit.or of the d~----' you eulhortzed end ec:11ng Trut1ee 00233 percent 1n1er .. 11n and 10 the M ~~~..,..,.., undet said Oeed ol Trust, aror ... ld, Common At••• ea s"lown 1nd grandchildren and great-Ud in you r eye AP Wlr~lo must file your Claim With the on Wedn•aday, Octobet 8, 1982, at CS.lined on the Plen grandchildren. M r . lrwi11 court or p1esent it to the IM hour ol 10 00 o'ck>Cll 1.m ol EXCEPT THEREFROM •II oil, was a member of the WI • h d ' · d 'I II · b person al representative taldday1t1M Not1htron1entra11ce gaa. mlnettl• 1nd oth11 Co n1 Co . I l3 t H t e trtlCS t hJlOrl Ut'OUn , OW 8 OU( mud riding, Jikt> I t d b th t to the Orange County CourthouM, hydrocarbona below adepthol500 mmu ty ngregauona n P po n e Y e co u r 700 Civic C.nter Ot1v11 weal, 111 the feet. w11nou1 'Iha 11ght 01 aurl•o• Ch urch , Corona de) M ar, Ca. Dannv Millan and Adrian Lopez are doing ai; they pilot the ir within four months from the City o f Saota Ane, County of entry as reserved In lnstrumenll OI and a member o f the Al J date o! first issuan ce o f 011ng11. s111e 01 Celllornia, WILL 1ecord M alaikah and the Shriners thret>-wheele r through a mud ho IP in u field in l"ort Louderda l t>~ letters as provided in Section SELL, purtuaot lo the power ol tale PARCEL 3 An Uelusiv• tight Services Were held al the Fl 700 o( the Probate Code of conreued in Hid Deed of Trull and and easement 10 uM the B•k:ony a . without covenant or warranty Area detlgn•led B-252 Of\ IM Pia-' Community Congregational • California The lime for regarding title. posseuton or .. being appunen1n110 the Unit Church . Private cryptside filing claims will not expire encumbranc:ee. al public auction, 10 PAACEL 4. An 111clu11ve riQht services were held at Pacific PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE prior to four months Crom the highest casn bidder, In tawtul 1nd 1aaemen1 10 use the p1rkfnv View M emorial Park. p the date of the hearing money ol the United Stttea ol spaces dutgnated on the Plan" rogr a m NOTICE TO CREDITOR& C•lllo1nl• Regional Weier NOTICE OF TRU8TtE'I SALE . _ _. Am1111c:a, all thel certain real Parking Space No PS·81 Donations may be made to OF BUU( TRAN8FER Q11e111r Conltol ao.td T.I . No. l3201·J noth...:u above. property sllueted In the County of YOU ARE IN OEFAUll UNDER A the Cal Tech Scholarship (hcle.1101-t107U.C.C.) lenl•AneReglon TO SERVICE COMPANY es duly Y OU MAY EXAMINE Oreng;o State of Calllornt•. DEED OF lRUST OATEO Fund, Pasadena, Ca. or to W I• th drum Notice IS hereby given to MOl lndlana Annv., appointed lrustee under thl the file kept by the court. If deter! H loUowt. OCTOBER 11, 19711 UNLESS YOU h c: edllO i ol th lthl 811lt1 200 i d h PARCEL 1 An undlYldll<I 115th TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT YOUR t e c 0 m m u n i l y r r • w n n•med following dHGt1bed deed ol ttutt you are nteres.te tn t e interest in ano 10 Lot 1 01 Trac:t No PROPERTY. IT •uy BE SOLO '"T • Congr e3ia tiona 1 C hurch , lreueleror that a bulk 111n1ler IS fllwe11ld• CA 9250t WILL SELL Al PUBLIC AUCTION estate, you may (1le a ,..,,.,uest 11148, .,, the City ol Costa "eta, PUBLIC s •LE '"'1"F YOU NEEo"A"N about to bl made on personal NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR · h h ·--. C "' "' Corona el M ar. Ca. Pacific h d } d property hereinafter descrtbed and CASH (payable 81 lime 01 8911 In Wit t e court to receive ountr, ot Orerige. Stale or EXPLANATION OF THE NATURE View Mortuary d irectors. SC e u e lhe names and busln11S9 address APPLICATION FOR WAITE lawful money ol the United Stetea1 s p (!cl a 1 n 0 t Ice 0 { th e Calllorn 8· •• per map rll()Orded In OF THE PROCEEDING AGAINST McCABE ol th Intend d t f DISCHAAQE REQUIRIMENT8 j ( Book 479, Peges 16 and 17. In IM YOU YOU SHOULD CONTACT A JANE~ K YE~Nc;'ansd e;t~E~~ (Nellonal Pollllllon au right. Ulle end lnterlesl c:onveyedd nventory o ~state assets office of the Cour>ty Recorder ol LAWYER J 0 H N WE ST ELY Th M MAK and w U YE~~G No 26 Oltcherge Ellmlnatlon 10 and now hetd by t under 111 and of the peuuons, accounts said County 101 Scholz Plaza, Newport M cCABE, •-esident of Corona D;~mse of ~g{~:~~~~n ~ POlnt Loma Ome, C0ton• del Mer, 8J•I.,., Pwmlt) ~:~.~~/~~"~th• P•OP••ty and reports described In E•cepllng lh11etrom Units 1 Buch. ca~l0tnla del Mar, <.:a. Passed away on CA g2625 '°' TRUST OR JAMES J DURANT. Sect 1 o n 1 2 0 0 o r I he lh•ough 5 15 shown upon the "(II a 111ee1 •ddren or common September lO, l982 at sea in lectur e/dem o n stra lion The 1oce11on 1n ca111orma of the Jem•• l . Ewen•, 8,, unmamll<I man Catiforrua Probate Code Condominium Plan recorded in designation 11 1ho"'n above, oo route from Haw .. ii to Dana that' exp Io r es th e chief ••ec:utlve ot11Ge or p11nc:1p11 db• Boat &pec:lalltl BENEFICIARY MARI/IN GORE W 1111 S C · b BOOk l 408l, 11 Page 653, Omc:111 warran ty 11 g i ven 11 10 111 ... be bustneu office ol th• Intended and IRIS M GORE. husband and am · i; e c ' Records of old County oompleteneu 01 correctnns)" Point, Ca. H e is survived by g inning of percussion, l•analeror 11 No 28 Point Loma Jamu L Evans. db• Boat wlle. 85 joint tenanu, .. 10 en Attorney et Law, One City PARCEL 2 Unit 5 as shown upon The t>enellciary undet said o.eo h is former wife Christine w i 11 be prese nted Ome. Corona del Mat, CA 92625 Spec1a1111, has filed • raport or undivided 80"!· interest end en A Blvd., Weit 1900 Bank of the Condominium Plan relerrod to ol Trus1, by reason ol •breach 0t M c Alpine M cCabe. Also Saturday al Orange All other business names and wuta dlcharge and applied tor GORE. a widow u to an undivided America Tower Orange In Parcel t above and more default In the obllgaflona secured surviving are his son and addresset used by 1he Intended requirements f0t the discharge of 20% lntet"t C UJontl t !ISS ' ' commonly known as 2182-E P1ct11e thereby, he11tolore executed and Coast College in Cos la trensleror within three years tast wattet rasulllng lrom • bOal yerd Rec:ordld October 20. 1981 15 a • Avenue, Cotti Mesa. CA d1hv11ed to the undersigned e daughter-in-law Craig and M esa. past 10 far es known 10 the operallOI\ 10 11111 waters 01tne11a1e Instr No 2!>867, 111 boolo. 14282, Published Orange Coast d 11 lh•re 11 no 11ree1 address. wntten Oeclerauon ol Oe1•ull and Nancy King M cCabe and son The performance will intended transletee ere NONE On the basis ol prehmtnery •tall page 1381 ol Olllc:lal Recordt In th• DaiJy Pilot, Sept. 15, 16, 22, lrecllons may be obtained by Demand for Sal1. end wrttten nollC4 and daughter-in-law Lance The names end b11t1ness review and epplic111on ol lewlul olftce of the Recorder 01 Orange 1982 wrmen request 10 Slate Savings ol breach and ol 11tec:t1on lo ~UM and Trudy Terrell M c.<:a'--, begin at 8 p .m . in OCC's addresses 01 the Intended standards ar>d regulallona. th• County,saiddeedoltruatdetcrtbes 4082 82 •ndLoanAuoclaUon.222Nor1hEI the under11gned to sell nld ""' Fine Arts Hall 119. transferees are RICK YUNG· TAI Calllornla R119lonal Waler Ouallly 1ne following property • Ootado Street, Stockton. CA 95202, property to sallsty eaJd obHgallon•. 2 granddaughters Katharine Ti"ckets will i...~ sold al CHIN •nd NAN CHAN CHANGE •nd Control Board. Santa Ana RllQlon. Lot t 8, Block 20. sectton 3. •----PUlll--IC_NO_T-IC_E ____ Al I en 11 on Lo an S • r v I G 11 and thereaH" the und11rs1on11d Reynolds M cCabe. K ember u.: AllCE CHANGE. No 10 Thunder tentauvaly proposes lo luue waste BalbOI Island es per map recorded Oepanment, not fllllf lhao October caused nld nollee ol breach and of Shannon M cCabe and the d oor for $4. They are Run, No 16-F Irvine. CA discharge r11qu1remen11 locludlng 1n Sook 1P•ge15ol Mltcelllneous IC-01720 5• 1982 lor lhe purpose ol paying el~llon lob• recorded M•Y 1' ~r andson Broc k Scot t $3 i n advance. Thi! the properly pertinent ellluent hmllallons end 1p11c1al Maps 1n the oltlCe ot lhe county NOTICEOf•ULKTltANIFER obltg•llonsMCUredbysaldDMdot 198t!. as lnelr No 82-166137 . of cC hereto " d11sct11>e<1 "' gener11 as all cond1l1on1 Persor>s w11h111g 10 R«ordet of Hid County ISec:t. 1101 .. 101 U.C.C.) Trusl said otftCtal Rec:ords abe. Dr. M cCabe had "The Magn ificent SIOCI< in trede. llxtu11s, equipment, c:ommenl upon or object 10 th• YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A TO WHOM IT MAY CONCERN The total amount ol IM unpakl Said sale wlll be med• but practiced Opt.otnetry for 20 Drums o f Afr ica'· trade name and goodwill ol this prc~osed discharge requlr•mentt o EE o o F TA us T o ATE o Notlc:e 11 h•reby glv1n 10 the bal11t1C• 01 th19 ot>ttgahon 19 ' 127·• without covenant or w11ran1y years in Corona del M ar, and ce•t&Jn IHI food bu11ne11 and la at111nvned to submit same In wrlung SEPT EMBER 23. 1981 UNLESS Cr e d 11 or a o I M . B FOO O 932·71 end the estlmlled amount 01 express 0t Implied. t11Qardlng title, had been active in various f ea tures four dancers 1oca111<1 •I 17913 Mac:Arthur Blvd .. to Iha ebo11t1 address no later than YOU lAKE ACTION 10 PROTECT DISTRIBUTING COMPANY, INC. a costs, exp•nsea end advances ponesslon, or encumbrance•. 10 and various percu ssion lrvlne. CA September 10, 1982 All c:ommen11 YOUR PROPERlY. 11 MAY BE Celllorn1• C0tPOt•tion, Tren1f11r0t, which will be incutrll<I by lhe dale 01 pay Ille remaining principal sum ol clubs and organizations in in 5 l rumen l s . It is The bus1ness name us«I by tile or ob)ec:tton• rec;etved prior 10 lhe SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE IF YOU whose bu1lne11 •ddrest It 2701 sale 1' $l,089 76· the note(•I secured by said OHO ot the area. M emorial services se1<1 tran1ler0t •I .aid toe.lion 11 ebOve d•I• will be COl\lld.,ed In the NEED AN EXPLANATION OF THE Allon Avenue Irvine, County ot Dated September 15· 1982 Trust with 1n111<as1 as In said note will be h eld on Thursday, choreograph ed by Belly SUNSHINE FOOD COMPANY lormulatlOI\ ol l1nal determlnlllon• NATURE OF lHE PROCEEDING Ot•ng• Siii• ol Cehl0tnla. 9271,, IUNkllT IERYICE COMPANY. provided. •dv1nce1. II any. under September l6, l982 at l2:00 B . W illensk y . Technical Thal n•d b11lk 1ren111r •• regarding Ille was11 d1tc:h.,g41 AGAINST YOU. YOU SHOULD 1na1 a bulk tt9ntltf ta ebOut to be 1 ~•tlon the letms 01 tald Deed ol Tru•t, Intended to be contummlled •t lhe lhe botrd wlthll 10 Obtain CONTACT A LAWYER medl to MARlY MONES and Oa Chavlel, A .. t. Y. p,.., 1-. ChlfQet Ind expen-ol tl)e noon at Pat'iflc View adviser is D r . Jacquline 'olfoc e 01 BETTS ESCROW 1n101met1on 10 aulat 11 In 221 and 221·~ Ony•. B•lboa LARRYWEOEL,lranafer-.wnoee m N.EIOoredolt. Tnisteeanool1he1rustacraated by Mortuary Chapel. Donations DjeDje, of the UCLA ENTERPRISES. INC 505 North determlnlngprOf*'WHtedttcharge Island. C11Hlornl192662 butln••• addreaa 1a 2372 ltocllton, CA t5202 said Deed ot Trull may be made to the Kiwanis music department. . Tustin Avenue. Suite 1110, Santa requirement• •nd. lor that purpoH, "(II• alrMI edd•esa or oommon Comt1oc:k, Orange, County of (20t) ..,_1111 • Said ••I• wlll be held on Club of Corona del M ar. for An•, CA 9 2 7 O 5 on or e I ter wlll hold •public; helling at follow•: dealgn•llon 11 shown above. no Orange, S111e ol Calllornle Truetff Wednesday, October 6, 1982 at F O r i n f O rm a l i o n • September 30, 1l182 Oale October 8. 11182 w •,, 1n1 y 11 g 1 ve,, 11 10 111 lhe ptoperty 10 be tranater•ed 11 Publlahed OJ1nga Coast Delly 2 00 p m •t tha Chapman AV9nue the Joplin Boys Ranch , PO phon e 556-5527. Thia bulk ttansfer It 1Jubjec1 to Ttme 9·30 • m complet-or correctness)·· toc.tlld •t 375 -SPKM A & B -PtlOI, Sept 15· 22• 29· 1982 entrance to the Civic Center Box 294, Corona del Mar. Ca. C•lllorn1a unHorm Commerc:t•I Place Riverside City Council Tt>e t>enehctary un<I., uld OMd No c1111wood. Brea. County ot 4080·82 Bulldlng 300 East Chapm•n 9 2 6 2 5 . Pad ( 1 c V i e w B Code Section 6106 Chamber• 01 Trutl by reason ot a brNGll or Orange, Slit• or Cehlomla Av.nu., In the C11y of Orange M or tuary dir et'tOrs. 3500 ack pa1· n Tile neme and eOdreu of the 3900 M•m Street def1ue1 Ill the obUgatlon• teeured S1ld properly,, detc:rlb•d In PUBLIC NOTICE At th• llm• ol lh• inlllel Pacif' V Dr! Co pereon with whom claims m•y be R1vettlde, Celllornla thereby, ha111olore executed and general" eH lh1ture1, equipment ot FICTITIOUS BU&tNEaa PtJbCICllllon Of Ihle notice. the 10111 IC iew ·ve, rona llled II Betta Escrow Enterprises. lnterHted p1111ons are invllll<I to dellverad 10 th• unde11lgn1d 11 that c:erlaln rettaurent butlneu ol NAME ITATEMEHT amount ol tne unpaid balenc• ol the del Mar. 644-2700. • • Inc:. 505 N Tullln Ave . Suite 160. allenCI lo up1eu their vlewa on written Declaration ol Oel•ull and M·B Food Otttrlbullng Comp1ny, The tollowtng pereons are 001...,., obllgatlon tecured by lhe ebove BUTTERS ls to pic Santi Ana, CA; Attn. 820291MF end tnese luuea ret1Ung to the above Demand for Sale, and written notice Inc. and located at 375 -Spac;et A buslnest as .. ,. dtsctlbed deed of trust end the lut dey for ming c1e1m1 by any w1111 dl11eharge Petsone m•klng ol breach and of e1ec:11on 10 cause & B -No CllllwOOd. Bru, County ( l CAMBR OGE .. limited co111. expenaet. eno H OR AT I O O L 1 VE creditor shell be September 29. pre111r1t•tlons tllOuld confine 1helr the under11gn11d to Hll sa1<1 or Orange. Stal• of Calllorola CAM.BRIDGE 1MOR~~~NE~· «~l 1dvanc95 la $74,54127 BUTTERS, r esident of T h e anatomy of a 1982 whlc:h 11 1he buslneu d1y stetemen11 10 the above 111111d property 1o salisty sakl obllglllont. The bulk transfer w111 be CAMBRIDGE LENDING. 211•3 S lo determtn1 the opening bid La Be h ,.._ p-----' 1 . d betore the consumm•llon dlle tnuu Orel ttatementt will be and thete•lter the undersigned conSYmmaled Of\ or alt., the 7th 1>uflmln Street, S•nle Ana. Y°"' m•y call (71•11137--0966 guna at' • ~. ..,.,..,... s Ip pc disk w 111 be specllled ebo.... hel!d. but, tor the eccuraey of 1he caused tald notice ol breech end ol day ot October. 11182. and cl1Jms Calll0tnl• 112705 Date· September 7. 1982 away on September 6, 1982. d iscussed in "Beat the Delee! September 3. 1982 ••cord. •II tmportant lltllmony elecuon 10 be record•d Miy 6. may b• fll•d at WELLS FARGO Cambridge Cepttal Group, 1 lran1-Coa11 Servleel, Inc Survived by daughter Bad Bac k Syndrome .. a Rlcll Y11ng·T1IChtn allould betubmltted ln wrtUng Oral 11112. u tnatr. No 82-1!>7125 of SANK. NA . Eac:row Oep111m1n1, Calllornla corporation, 2943 S 11S1ald Trustee. Gwendolyn I. srgder o f • N1h Chan Ch1nge st1tements thould be brlel lo allow said Olllclal Records. Re Esc:row No 843-40t3, Sull1 Pullman Slllll. Santa Ana Sy T 0 SetVloe Company, B a lboa Islan .d, a . "nd Goworkshop to be held a. t Allee Change •ll 1n1er111ed persons time lo 1>e Slid ule wllt be med•. but 1230. 880 N11wp011 C•nt11 Otl¥e, Calllornii ll27o5 ' agent • Id W l Coll Intended Trentl•rrH heard w1lhou1 covenant or wattent N-pon Beach Counly of Orenge, Thi b 1 1 Shuon M (OePletro) daughter Bea W eber of El e!" es e~e in Publlthed Orenge Co111 Delly The report 01 wtste di11eh11ge, Hpreu or Implied, regerdlnQ tllle. S111e of Celllornla 112660 or by mall c:orix!ai::!.. neu 1 conduclll<I by • Lerner, A.sit Secretary Seg u ndo, Ca. Mr. Butters H untington B eac on Piiot. Sept 1!5 11182 rofal~ documents. llC1 "'"''·the po1Mu1on, 0, enc:umbtenc.s. 1o •• Box 7280. N-Porl Beach. CA C•mbt•dQe Cai>ttat Gtoup w a 8 a member 0 ! the Sept. 25. 4071-12 80.,d • proposed requlremen11, pay u.e remaining principal aum of 1126&3 Steven L Ed d Mason le Lodge 6 72 of Chiropractor Cary H . t--------------1 ind ell comments and pellt1on1 the not.Cal NCUred by aekl o.eo of All claims must be recei...O II this Executive 11~8;.r!11den1 One Clly Blvd • West. Orange. C1tn 92668 (714) 835-8288 La R r•celved m1y be tnapected •rid Trutl, with tn1er .. t 11 In HJd note eddreu by IM 81h d•y ol Oc1ober lhlt statement was flied with the gu_na Beach, Ca. Memorial oth e nberg will \each copied •1 the Reg1on11 Board oll!Ce, provided. advances. 11 any, uno., 11182, unlelt the bulk ttanaler aleo c c 0 aerv1t'es w ill be held on particip ants to r e lieve 6809 tnd11na Avenuo, Suitt 200, the terms of as.Id Deed of Trust, Includes the •••ntl•• ot llquor s.°;:~~~~~r~•~'19;;nge County 00 Publlshed Or•nge Co111 D•lly Piiot, Sept. 15, 22. 29, 1982 4074·82 Saturday, September 18, lower back pai·n through Rlv11r•lde. CA 92506 (phone ree1. cihergas and e11penM1 ol lhe llc:ense. In which cue. 111 cll•ma FttTJtO 1982 t 11 OO A M h To pl1ee your mesuge 714·68•·g330) between the hOUrs ol Trultee end or lhe trutll created by mual be r.c411ved prior lo lhe dlle Pubhslled Orange coesl Diiiy PUBLIC NOTICE p a .: at t e natural and drug-free before the 8:00 am end 4.00 p.m • Mond•y Mid Dead of Trull Said sale wm be on whlc:h the liquor llc:1nae. '' P1101. Sept 1~. 22, 29, Oct 8. 11112 aciflc Vie w M ortuar y methods reeding public, tnr~h Frld1y held on Wednelday, October 13 trenslerred by the Department of •066•82 STATEMENT OF UANOONMENT Chapel, 3500 Pad fie View T · . phone ......... bring the IO<egolng to IM 1982 at 2 00 pm, II tM Chapman Alc:Oholle Sev.,IQe COl\trol Of' UH Of D r ., Corona d el M ar. Ca. he session will be DeJlyPllOt 111en11onolenyperton1known10 A¥enoeen1rance101heOvlc:Center Solar 11koown10 th• PUBLIC NOTICE FICmlOUllUSlNESSNAME 644-2700. held from 8:30 to l p.m . Clusllled, 642•5878 you who would be int11<et1eo In lh•a Building, 300 E Chapman Avenue. trantler-. •II bu11ness names and l he tot1ow1ng peraon hu · H lth $c" 120 miller. In the C11y OI Orange, C•lrl0tnl1 addrHMI uMcl by Trenalfrora for FICTITIOUS IUllNE8a abendone<I Ille use of the flc1lllOUI ____________ 1n ea 1ence , Publlahed 01enge County Daily At the t ime or t he 1n11111 the lhr1tyHrslHtp111,ildltt11en1 NAME8TATEMENT bu1lneasn•m• Registration fee is $12. Piiot, Sept 15, 1982 publtcahon or this notice. the total from the 1bove, 111 IM SAME •nd The following persons 11e doing SOUTH COAST ARMY-NAVY ~~une ~~t) ·~~;~~~~~~==~~~~==========~=========4~~~·~-~~~amouM~~w~b~~d~~~113n -~~A&~~ ~-.. SURPL~S~S.~M~w~ CREMATION BURIAL AT SEA II obhQlllon HCUred by lh• above CllllWood. BrH, 011ng• County, PROFESSIONAL PARK· 1, 881 Blvd .. Coate M ... CA 92827 •646-7431 • deac:r1bed deed of llutl and CA, 344 No Clllfwood. Bree, Dover onv.. No 15. Newpor1 Beecll. The Ftctlllollt 8uslnns Neme 1982 CATALINA PRO AM esllm•l•d co111. expenHt. end 011nge County, CA 340 No CAg2663 rtlerred 10 above was Wed tn Our llleralure tella the • aovencea II $201,48001 Cllllwood 8rH, Orange County. HUBERT J MILLER. 881 Dove< 011nge CO\olnty on November 1', complete story 01 our To d1term1ne th• openlog bid. CA., •nd 370 No. Cltlrwooc:t, BrH. Otive, No 16, Newpo<t Beach. CA t9T9 c.., .. .._,....,,. 11 • Dale Seplember7.11182 Dated August 16.11182. EDWARD F MILLER, 881 1850 Perk Newport, Newpoti IOClety. RACQUETBALL CLASSIC youmeycall(71•1937-o988 OranoeCounty,C11 g2683 MICHAELJEROMESHERMAN 14 ""· c.... "' TO. SetvlOe Company Att..illon M. l1lg9• Dover Orlv1, No 15. Newport Beach CA 112660 Co Sponsors·. BANK Of NEWPORT, AMF VOIT H Hid Tnistee, 1'.0. Boa 72iO Beac:h, CA 92883 This' butinett wu cond11Cled by $~a 000 ~1~::,f S::.°:':,Y tt'~· ~i.,,~"::an~p conducted by • an lndlvldu1~1chMI J Sherman ...... Cl U OTHllS ~UOADWAl MOaTUAll 110 Broadway Coste Mesa 6"2·9150 I.ALT'.? HIGHOH SMfTH & TUTHILi. WHTCUFF CHAP'IL 427 E 17th S I Costa M esa 646-937 1 ... Cl taOTHHS SMt'TMS' MOITUAlll 627 Main SI Huntington Beach 536-6539 PACIPtC Y•W MIMOllAL PAI• Cen)etery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory' 3500 Pac1f1c View Dnve Newpon Beach 644·2700 NaCOIMa MOITU.AltlS i..Quna Beach 494·9415 t.iguna Hlll1 768-0933 San Juan C.p11trano 495-tne 0 PRIZE Ooe C11y Blvd . Watt Marty llOnee Edwatd F Miiiet lhla 1111-1 wu filed with the Or-Inge, Calllornta 112MI Letry W.-t ThlS 11•1-"t wu filed with the County Clerk ot Orange Coun1y on , MONEY (714) 635-8286 Tr-*-Couoty Clerk of Ot1nge County on September 14 1g12 Featuring 5-Tlme National Champion Marty Hogan, Number 1 seeded Dave Peck and many other top touring racquetball professionals. DATES: Thurs. t titu Sun. Sept. 30 Oct. 3 SITES: King's Racquetball Court 14731 Golden West St. Westminster, Ca. Phone: (714) 898-9841 (213) 430-5719 TICKET PRICES (King's All Glass Tourney Court) 4-day Package/Backwall Section .. $45/Seat 4-day Package/Sidewall Section ... $40/Seat Daily Tickets $12.00 Tickets may be purchased over the phone with Visa or Master Card VJS4· Call Today! !. . Limited Seating Available Twenty-one categories are avallable to iocal amateur players. W inners w lll receive merchandise and awards. Entry deadline for all tourney players Fri. Sept. 23. CO·SPONSORS: BANK OF NEWPORT, AMF VOIT Publlthed Orenga CoHI Delly Publlthed or Otenge Coatt Delly September 13, 11182 · FUtlOI Pllol, Sept 15, 22. 29, 11182 POOi. Sept 15. 1982 ,,.7241 "'"" Jenr•J M. How•rd 407S-82 4077...,:> Publlthld Or1nge Coeet Dally 1t0 ... wport Centff Dr. •-----------nun•ic NOTICE Pilot, Sept 15. 22. 29, Oct 6, 1982 lult• a50 l'\&.IC NOTICE ,.~ 4070-82 .... pon lteech, CAA t2ltO FICTITIOUI BUllNIHI FICTITlOUI •ua ... H Pta.IC NOTICE PublleheO 011nge CoHI 0111y NA• ITATEMENT NA• ITATE .... T -----------P110t. Sept 15. 22, 29, Oct. 8. 1H2 Th1 lollowtng peraoo It doing The loltowtng persons 1re dOlng FICTITIOUI IUIMll Ft*Ot busln•111.. butlMtt ••. NAMI'. ITATEMINT AttJ Jettrer ... How11d PROFESSIONAL PARl<-2 881 L 0 MEL I · RAY A & The lollowlng• perton la doing 1t0 ... wpon Cent., Or. Oo,,er Drive. No 15, Ne~port ASSOCIATES. 2950 Alrw1y Ave . buslneu H · lulte 250 • Beach. CA 112883. 0-8, Co111 M .... C1llloml1 g2828 (A) ELUSIVE CONCEPTS· (81 Newpnrt .. tclt, CA t2ttO R J SMITH. 881 Dover Drive, No Ruben John Lomeli. 1594 S E. C 0 NC E PT S IN MUS IC ' IC) Published D1•nge Coul Diiiy 15. Newpon Bueti. CA 02683 Skyline, Senti Ana. ~l0tnla CONCEPlS IN THEATER'. (01 PllOI. Sept 15, 22, 29, Oc1 8, 1982 Thie bcalneu It c:onductid Ralph Anthony R1y1. 22832 C 0 N C E PT s IN PUBLIC 4072-82 by !united perln«thlp s~. Mlstlon Viejo. Calllornta RELAllONS (El CONCEPTION Pta.IC NOTICE RJ Smith 92691 GRAPHICS. !1'1 CONCEPTS IN Thia 1111"'111111 wH liled with the ROnllCI Wllll1m Reid, I 3 MANAGEMENT, 3303 HatbOr Blw:I , 'lCTITIOUI •UllMEll C~lerk of Orenge County on Elderwood. lrvlM. C1Ulornl1 92714 Sutt• l<-7, Cotti Mftl, CA 02628. NAMI ITATE•NT Seplambar t3, 1982 Thie butlnMI It conduoted by a HOWARD KEITH MORGAN, The fOllowlnQ pereont ar• dolog ,,f1MO gener•I ptr1nerthlp. 381 Thellord Wly, Cot11 Mat•. CA butlnetl ... • P11bll1h1d Or•nge Co141 Dilly Ralph A. Ray1 112627 (a ) SURF G l AS , SURF P1IOI Sept 15 22, 29. Oc1 l . 11182 Thia 111tement -Ille<! with the Thia butllnela II conducted by.,, PRODUCTS, (bl LIGHTNING BOLT tOee-12 County Ciertt of Or•noe COllllty Of'I IO<IMdual SAILBOAROS. ti 10 E. Borcll11d, 1------------September 3, 11182 How1rd Morgen Sent• Ana. Caltlomla 92705 PUBtJC NOTICE ,,...,. Thi• •l •l•menl wit llled with Surtglaa Inc. lnaorporated tn , Publl1hed Orenge Cout Diiiy the Co\lnty Cltfk of Or1noe Couoty C1l1tornl1, 1610 E. Borchard, 8enle NOTICI 0, Al"PUCATIOH Piiot, Sept t5, 22, 29. OCI. 8. 1912 Of\ AUQutt 17, 1082, Ahl. C•lllornl• 92708 TO HLL 4084·12 '1tM07 Thll bullnea1 11 oonduoted by 1 ALCOHOl .. IC1!-~·flAOll ·-1c N()Tll'E Pul)llth•d OrtnQ• Co11t 01lly oorpor1tlon. ,.... r-. '"' PllOt, S191 15, 22. 29. Oct.&, 1982 Surl9lu, lnO. fo Whom II Mey Concern ,ICTTTIOUI 9U ... ll 407:M2 Maty Ellen Maueo HAZEL E SARGENT! •nd NAMI ITATl.MINT ---.. ---IC--Mf'\Yll>_r __ ;...;..,;,1 Secretaty RICHAAO L S l.ilTH are ~IAQ to T loll I"~ ""'""°" Ttll• 1111-1 wu Iii.cl With the th• Oepar1men1 ot AICC>hollo he owing '*''°"' -aotng r'ICTmOUI IUIMll Couoty Cl«tl ot Oranot COullly on Btverait Control for "41" ON bu~L~R'S TRIM SHOP 1411 NAMI ITATIWNT A11911a1 31, 1182 · , SALEO NERAL(PUB. !Al PL,) lo lndutttlll Way Co 11 M t Tht lollowlnO P1t•on II doing ,, ... ,. Mii •ICOllolic O.V.111ge1 a1 90 Wett Calllornie 02827 • ' 1 1· butlMM •• Publlahed QrenQI Coaat Diiiy 1111h Strett, Cotta Me1a, Ct lllornla Rol>lft W Tty!Ot. 10342 Bethel ACMf! SWAGING & CABLE PllOI, ~I. 15, 22. ~.Oct. I. ltl2 pu:~b:;,·~so~~~r COUI Cally CltCle, H11n11ng1on he<lh, CaMlomla PAOOUCT8. 1173 Whltti.r Ave . aot&·h • • 02848 Coal• MM•, (;.A t2821. rta.JC NOTIC( 408Ml2 CarOI A. Tl_y!Ot, 193'2 .. lhel WILLIAM H. NIELSEN, 2'71 1------------lckCJe. Huntlogton 8Meh, CalllOfnla Clllll M .. Pl-. Cott• M ... CA NOTICa cw ~-noN 92641 92tl27 '°" CHANel .. Thi• butlnell " Condueled by en Tllla bullMN It condllCled br an OWNa ...... °' ALCOHOUC ln<1Mdu11 lndtvld111l. IS'ftttAGll UCIJtll Ao"-' w f"""" Wllllem H. Nleltan .,,,. car"; A T1~~ To Whom 11 Ml'r eoncern • Th• ttlle!Mnl WU 1• with Ille TNI llaltrl*I~ 111aa flied with the THI! (°)REAT OA'fllY'S, A NION'I' Oounlr Cltfli of 0tanQ41 Counry on County ci.ttl of 0•1111041 Coun1r on CLU8, INC .. •PlllYllltl lo Ille -'""'* 13. •tl2 Sec:lllmll« 13, 11182 Oepettrlltfll of Aleotlollc .....,. •ttmt ,,.,.. control IOI '41" on Q.N IALI PuOtitlltlld Ofen;e Cotti O•ltr ,11l>lltht CI Orang• Otily ltllOI. OtNERAL IPUt l'fllM:) 10 Mii Pllol, S.I IS. H . "· Oct e. 1M2 Stell 1s, ~2. "· ()cl, 8, 1NI •IOOllOllC btVltl9H ll 19070 4ot? .. I 40t0·11 MIOflOll• ,,..,.., HuntlnQton llMoll, i--~~--~---...;......;..-+--~---~~~--~CA~~ 8hoti et llom• It'• 9My HU. Idle Item• wllfl a Pui,,lt•h•4 011no1 Oout 01l1v wltfl cMIMlfled 141•1171 Oe1tf ~ CIMllfled ACI 'llcM, aec>c Ill, IN~ -'07:t.ea I -- ( ~·· . '" Orange Oo11t OAILV PILOT/Wtdn"day, ept.mt>er 15, 1082 lt()f~O C...,Oll. -P\aC MOllCt "*1C MQ11C( °' juMWH i--PIO-Tf--.T*.-.;A-.;.Ml.;....;. _ _;,._H__ ,-•1 --11 1a... "°' ,., u.o.c.) NAMI lfAfl•WT HMialTAftMiiT NOllot t• llereb-, 11011 10 .'"' 1011owlnt ptnon 11 do•nu Tn. tullew111g l)lt~ .,. OOinO ortclllora ol th• within neMtd WW-11 lilll"'-.. lrlllllero1 111•1 1 t>ulk 1111111•• 11 (A) AC LAW OHIOl!I. (II lltN. I AFIT'V PAODUCTI 111 llll~oul lo bt Mldt on Oet1on1t AOOl'NIYI ON CAU. 1202 N r Atn11ldt, Newport 8tt~h, P ....-willfltt dMt•lbtd lroad'#ey, 1tn11 AM. CA 92?01 CelllOfnla I~ T -en4 ~ foO<lr... M I C H At L I A C K I , 16' Cl'tde Alfred ltrnOtf'IOll, J 71 , ol th• l11ttndta 111n1ttror II l'ftnotlOll onve, Co.I• M .... OA t\l'ttt,.lde, Newport leecll, KE811)f AllT AUl\ANT, INO , a 12828 ClllllOfnlt 126413 ~ 1lltornlt cur po,. II on, 4 1 10 Th•• bUll,_ 11 GC>nducttd llY Ill\ M.,y Ellen Lembv1on 11 f fl C ,. ~~!'""' llYO Newoorl hte:h. lndMdutl Rlvt••ld•, Newport Beech, ,.,..,n1a Mtc.f\MI SKk• Cellforlllt 112M3 lrllt IOOtllOn In Cetttoml• Of tilt Thi• lllltMIM'll WH lllld with 11\t Tlllt bwll-II GonciYGltd by • cbl ier e11tcullv• olllll• 01 p11nc1ptl cwn1~ Cltlk ot Otano• County on 04lflt'al p11tntl'lll1P. 11111 .. Olllct ol lh• Intended AUQUtl 27, t882 Clyde A. lemt>erton lrtntftror It • 110 MecAt1hur 81vd . ,11U71 Tlllt .... ~. WU IUed wllh Ille ~ Otecll. Ctlltornl• Pubt11hto O• •no• c o .. 1 Dally COunty Cltril or Of'enge COunly °" A Olher butlnHI namtl 1nel PllOI, s.p1 I, I, 15, 22, 11112 AU(lull 23, 1912 •4dre .... uffd llY th• lnltnel•d llH0-12 ,,...,. •:r.•i.ror Wllhln 1hrM Vfltl IHI Pul)lllh•d Oreno• COHI Dally e II 10 fer tt known lo the ------------Pit I A 26 8 I I 15 t"•2 nttnded 1ran1ter .. .,, NONE. P\llUC NOTICE 0 ' UO ' fPI. • • • '"" ;ri.. ntmt end bUllntU tdd1-s 7 20-12 of lhe Intend«! lltnelerH II THE PICTITIOUt IUtlNltl PtllllC MQTIC[ PACIFIC CLUB, INC , 1 non-ototll NAllS ITATIMIN'f Cl lllornl• corporation, 1303 The rot1ow1no 09ftoll II • dOlnO 'ICmtOUt ., ... ,. AIU>ctCIO Avenue, Sullt 220, bu...,_. u NAMI ITATl .. NT ~1 BMGh, CA 92tWIO COMPUTER TRENDS. 17132 Tilt lottOwlno l)et'IOOI .,. dotno ·l1111 th• proptrty pertinent lr~lne Blvd, Suitt K, Tuatln, CA bU9'ntM ... ht<tlO .. dttcnbed In Qtntrll .. _ •II 92880 w E 11 T c L I F F N u R s E s owe<• ln~lory and •• tocaltd BRIAN M MIZUNO, 10201 Pu9 REGISTAY. 1e11 WtttcMff ()t1yt No ·~ 110 M90At1hut Blvd , Newi>e>rt O<lvt, Hunttnotoo a..eti. CA 826All. 2011 Newport a .. ch Ctllfornla ~• ca11tornla. Thi• llvtln<he •• conduc1td by 1n 12&eo · lndlvldutl p buSin.a name UNO by ltlf Btlln M M~uno roltHIOnall In ACllon, • Mid 1r11ltler0f at Mid ioc:.uon 11 Celltornla corporation. 371 W•lnul. LAKESIDE RESTAURANT Thi• •tel-I wd hied with the Cotta MMe. CalllOfnla 02$27 hat utd bulk tren•l•H ,. County Cttrk or Or111g9 County on Thi• llvll,_ 11 eonduc:ttd by 1 In lo be contummtled 11 1ne "1IOU•I 23. !942. CIOl'pottllOll. o lot of BETTS ESCROW f 1Mel1 Proltule>Otlt lnAcUon E ERPRISES, INC., 605 N. Tustin Publllhtd Orang• CoHI Dilly Roxwm Ward, A'ff., Bulle 180, S1nlt Ana. CA Pilot, Aug. 26. Sepl 1. 8, IS, 1912 PrMldtnl 92105 on 0t alter Oc:lol>tr 15, 1982. 3775-82 Tl\11 11a1emen1 wu tuad with lh• Thia bulk 1r1ntler 11 aubjec1 to ----.,.---1C_Mn_T_...c ____ County Cl«k of Of'tnge County on C1lllornl1 Unllorm Commerclel '"~ "" ~ AUQUll 23, 11142 Code Section 8108. PlCTITIOUI 9UIMH ,,_. The name and eddreH ol Iha NAMI ITATIMINT Putllllhtd Orano• CoHI Dally ~ with ~ c:lalm1 m1y bt The lottowtng per•on I• ootno PU01, Aug. 25, s.pr. 1, 8, 15, 11182 11"'9 11 Bell• Etcrow Enlerprl11e1, bU"'-u: 371M2 ·~. 505 N Tualln Ava . Sune teo. VILLAGE MEADOWS. 801 s --II' Slllitl• Ana, CA 92705. and the 1111 Lyon Street, sinl• Ana, catllornl• l"UUU\I NOTICE d!Y tor llll11g ctelmt by eny 9210s PICTtTIOUI llU.,..11 MUC MOTICC PC~M.1-•t NA* lfATW•Wf Tiie lol~no P«tOM.,. ooino bull-... DOL,HIN IOUNDI Ht Vlo1ort1 t•rffl, Co111 ~ .... CA izta7. LAW"f'NCI P AllAOI . '" VICtOttt It , COil• ~~CA 02821 M1CHACL ROO~Ra ue V'Ole>tlt It . Co111 M .... CA 02827. fhlt bulll\Mt .. condl.IC1td by • °""".. p., l'*"'IO I.I.,._ P l•vaoe Thi• •ltltrntnl ... llltd Wllh lht CoucltY Cltlk ot Ortngt County °" h01embtr 3. 1882 P1 .... Publllhtd Orano• Co111 Dally Piiot. Sept e. 1&, 22. 21. t982 390•.a2 PUBLJC NOTICE •ICTITIOUI IUl .. 11 NAMelTATl•NT Tilt IOllOwl"O ptttOlll lie CIOlno bullllhl ••· EAGLE PARTNERS, I.TO , 3 Vpptr ~Ori Pine Orlvt, Nawpotl • CA 112080 JACK J . JAKOSKY, 716 PltOllta, CorOlla dtl MIU, CA 112826. A. MtCMOLAS JAVAAAS. 200 Tamai Vl•t•. No tOO, Corte Madera, CA 941126 Thia bullnMI le concluoltd by t llmlltd parlntAlllp. Jeck JllkollcY Thia 1lttemenl WN fllld with lht County Cter11 of Orange County Oii September 3, 11182. ,1 ... Publl•h•d Oreno• COHI Delly PllOI, Stipt 8, 15, 22, at, tlllll:' 31151·12 N3l.IC NOTICE FICTTTIOUI IUlllNIH NAM« ITATIMINT Ml.IC MOTICC PIO"TM)UI au:::•N rtel!TlOUt .,._ .. MAMI ITAT& wt l.fltH ~ 11Aft•"1 ~~=-:•no o.rt0nt .,. dOlno NonCB OV DEATH OF bu~o::wtno P41t1on II oo1no ILU HO"I ZON ,_ Al. ALMA JANZ llOllEll, 11<011 OUtllHC, IOOI lv~111n UfATfi. ~ 1U Yullon Avtn111. AKA ALMA J. ROSSE& '-ane, Otlll'Qt, o.lltorrn• 12111 Oo.ta ....... Ollltomla UOH A ., .a. ... L M " J .a. a.1 :.t llf\l!t I . Oonon. 2001 tvyhttt Oer~ O letH ) 1n Yull.on " ,. ,. ,. ,. ,, II!; Ltl\e, Ot~. Ctllfomlt 82117 Ava11ue, Co111 Min, C1tllo,,1t1 ft 0 D 0 E ll I A N D 0 F lM IMH*l It condU41ed ~en 112eze PETITION TO lndMdutl ea10111• A 111 ... ''°' v1.111on AOMINl8TER l!liTATE NO. 11t111t e. 00t1on AH1oue, Cotl• Mt1a. Oet11or1111 A·ll•lll rhlt 11•1""41111 -t!Md wn11 1t1t 1ze21 • =1• C4trt& Of°'.,. County on Thie llvllllMt 1e conducted by 111 To alJ h•lra, bcnrfld&riea, embet a. IH2 lndMd\111. credlton and contln1enl. Al.O MCMlllTTI B111b11• A 011" cr•dltor• of Alma Jan .. Alt«Mf Tlllt 1111tnltlll wu llltd with lht ao.tr aka Al.ma J ~ 1* Deft l""4. C~I)' Cltril of Of'tnge CO\lnl'J on • -· ~ hftt -Auou11 23. 111112 aka Alma Jane l\odpN 111\<1 *""'1 ....... e....,. ... ,1.-.. pe r1on1 who may bo Tell (JM) 11...,.1 P1.1bll•h•d Otano• CoHt Detty otherwlM! lntertett'd ln I.he ,1_. PllOI. AUO u , Stipt t, a. 111. tlll2 will and/or at.Ile Pubt11Mld Orano• Co11t 0111~ 372:..•2 A petition haa. been tlled Piiot. &ep1 I. 16' 22' 20' 1~~2-112 i---M.l--C-NO-TIC_£ __ by Shari Ann Owl~ In tile .... .,. llftfll'r Supertor Court of Or1n1e r~ "" ._ County r eq ue• ll na th. t ~ • ..,,,,-A~,.-.. ~N.;.T~Ofl~--.-""°"~,......, ... __,.AL ftCTITlOUI llU ... H MAMa ITA'fWMINT The lottowtng pe,.on I• dOtno bullnta• .. KITE ENTERPRISES. 432 82nd 8trMI. N-port BHC:h. Ctlll0tnlt 8211113 Terry J. Klan1lo, 32 62nd StrMt, Newport BHch. Calllorntl 921163 Thi• bullltwltAI 11 conduc:ttd by 1n l11dlvldu11 Jerry J. KltNlt ~hll •t••-· WH tried with lhe County Cltrll ot Ofenot county on Stptembtf 13, t982 Shari Ann Owing• bo PftOM appointed u pereonal PAllTNllll~Pl"ATINO repraentativc 1.o administer '1CTITIOUI eutMll NAm the enate of Alma Jane Tiie tottowlno pt,.on 11u Ro11er, Fountain Valley, wllhdrewnuagenertlparln&flrom Callfornlu (under the ln· 1111 parlntralllP oP«•llncl under 111t depe~nt AdmWttratlon of ~~~~~ b~~~·J~ ~~m;. ~~ T~~ F.atates Act). The petition la OPorto. Sull• 6. N-porl a..cn. eel for hearlng In Dept. No.'3 Cattfornl• 112M3. at 700 CJvlc: Center Drive Th• llcllt1ou1 bualntH neme W Sa " --ea11·--·:. etlltmtnt tor the pertnerfl\lp WM eat. nta n.i .. , u,., ... 111tc1 on F.otuMY 21 tN2 In Ille 92701 on September 29, 1982 County ol Ottnge. ' at 9:30 a.m. Full N1mt i nd AddrM• ol th• lF YOU OBJECT to the Per.on WllhdrtwlnQ. '90'"10UI ....... ~.,,,,_.,, T'llt lottowlno 1MWton I• Ool"t ~ .. JOHH WILLIAMI ANO AHOCIATH, 604 H N-potl 11vd.1.~~ .. 206, NtWpof1 IMGft. CA IZWJ JOHN HlH"Y WILLIAMS, Jfll , 601 leoonl• Avenue, Cofone dll Mllf, CA 928211. ™• ~ .. oondUC!ted ~ In ln4Mduel JoM H. WllllMle, Jt. Thi• •tatemen1 WM flled wltfl IN County Clefk of Ot9n09 CoUnl'I Oft Stp1emtMw a. 1te2. ~,_ Publl•h•d Or•no• COHI Dally PllOI, &.pt. I, 16, 22, at, 1N2 384M2 •1C1TTIOUI Ml._ .. NMmflATllllMT Tnt tollowtng pareon te dOll)O b<lllneet .. WAHA TECHNOLOOtll COMPA,NY, 201 t<noa llrttl, lllltt e. Cotl• ...... c.llfornlt 12t27 AtGNrd OouglM Allen JI •• 201 Knox 81rttt. Nit E. co.ta ......, Ctlllorlllt 112121 Tiii• bul!MM la condueltd by en lndlvldval. Aachllfd D. Allen Jr. Thi• •taltmenl WU llltd with tilt County Clerk ol Ofanot County on Augual 23, 1912 ,,_ Pubtlllhed Oreng• CoH1 Dall) P1101. Auo. 25. s.i>t. t, 8, 16, 19&2 3725-12 ,1trnl Publl•h•d Orano• CoHI Dally Ptlol. Sec>I 15, 22, 29, Oc:t 8, t982 •I ft,, f l.h · MldlMI W Mllttr 908 1 Collltr gran ... oe o e peution, you L•n•. w .. 1111tnater, Callloml• mould either appear al the 92883 ___ mtOU _______ _ ---NJl--IC-NO_T_IC_[ ___ 1hearlng and etate your -MlchMI w Mllltf ,_111711 "°..,... l~A=• 4016..82 ------------1objectlon1 or file written Publl•h•d or1no• co .. 1 Delly Tiit rottowlnQ pttaoftt tr• dOlnO .... ~"°01~ ... t .. -obi'ectlons with the court Pltol, Aug. 25. Sept 1, a, 15, 1912 bullnell u: ... ,.......... ....,, "' ,.. b h h I y 3784 12 NEWMAR. 1020 w .. 1 17th 81 , 1 , ot Celltoml• e ore t e ear ng. o ur • sueot, coil• Men. Cttltornla F~ the appearance may be In pert0n P\llJC NOTIC[ 1121121 cr~lor 111111 be October 14. t982 Phlllp H McNemtt, I 1711 Melll NAME ITAtt•NT Wit It lht bUlllMSS d1y before lhe s N c T c 1 cJ eummallon d•t• apeollltd 11 .. 1. o. A, trvtne. 1ltrornl• h• tottowlng pereon 11 dotno 92714 l>UllnMI M: •led Auou•I 18, 1982 Thll bullneu I• condUG1ed tly an ABRAXAS. 1733 FullttlOn Tftlf ~acltlc Chtb, llW:. lndMdual. Street, Co111 Men, C•lllornll The lollowtng pe11on I• doing bU*-' 11: NEAT THINGS, 714 E 8albot Blvd., 8tlt>Oa. Cllll0tnla 112061 Patricia Kay Smith, 343 VII Lido S o uel, Newpof'I Beech. c111tornt• 92883 C_.ty Clf 0r.,... or by your attorney. ROI 0e,e1opmen1 Cori>«•tlon, 700 CITIC Ctnltr °''" W"• I F y 0 u A R E A • u p I II I 0 R c 0 u II T 0 " I Delawtr• coroor•tlon. 1020 W..t PLA~~·,~ir.· ~~~o~ES L CREDITOR or a continge nt CJy~~~ ~~~h2:1r .. 1, C0t11 M .... Clltlomll BREWER, creditor of the deceased. you CAM NO. A-1141'7 Tiiie bullnMI "conduCt9d ~. Intended Tr_...... Philip H. McNamte 92827 lrblllhld Oran~• Co111 Dally Thia ... ,_, ...... flied with Ille B. I I y J. In s M 11 h. 3 1 e P .,_ County Clerk or Or1noe Count)' on Catt!*:lo S1r .. t, N-port a.teh, I •-..I. 15. 198 Augull 23, 1982 Celtfornlt 112831 Thlt butlnes• It conducied by an 1ndlv1dual. P1lrlcl1 K1y Smith DE F E N DA N T B 0 RI s J . muat tile your cla.lm with the C>RDEll TO IHOW CAUll COfl)O(ltlon. BARANOWSKI. 1nd DOES 1 court or prese nt it to the In .~~.~:~.::=Ion Of ROI O...elopmtrll Corp. lhrOYOh llO, ~~. personal representative LtOll Burton M011llf)trt lor Clltnge ir:e.=i*'"· c-.....,.... _.1 appointed by the court ot NaMe. Thie 1111ement wM tlled w1111 ttie '°7Q.t1? fl1M21 T~ bUlllnna I• conducitd by an P\8.IC NOTICE Put1U1hed Orenge Co111 Delly lndMdutl. P1IOI, Aug. 25, 5epl I, 8, 15, 11182 S.lly Jean Smilh e· FICTITIOUI eua.-11 3779-112 Thi• 1111emenr was 111ac1 w1111 th• Thia 11•1-I wu flied '#1th Ille County Cieri< ot Orange County °" Sept..,.,b6r 3, 1982 F1tl8M Publlahed Orenoe Colt! Dilly PllOI. Stl)t 8, 15, 22, 29, 11182 3903·82 NOTICll You """• betfl tll8d. ~I thin four months from I.he WHEREAS, th• 1ppllc11ton ol County Cttni of Ortngt County on Tiit court mtr decide lfAIMI JOU date Of first lsauance of LtOll Burton MOllleptfl tor Chlllg8 Augull 23, 1982 . wltMlll r-bt1ftt M«d wnlMt 1 'ded . Sect! or name ht1 bMrl duly llltd with the ,,_. you _........ wttNn ao ..._L llfed ettera as proVl Ul on cltrti of thle Court, and It eoc>MMa p bll 11 d o en • Coa•I 0 •11'1 • ~ NAME ITATlM8NT ------------County Clttk of Orenga County on . 1J>A tollowlllQ penont 11e CIOlllQ P\a.IC NOTICE s.i>tem~ t, 11182 l><f'I~ as. f1tlAI J..._ M I C H A E l S H E R MA N '1CTTTIOUI .UIMll Publl1h1d Orange Co11I Dally ENTERPRISES INCORPORATED, NAME ITATI!MENT Pllol, Sep1 8, 15, 22. 211. 1982 6100 w Coe.II Highway, Newporl The lollow1n11 per1on la doing llll15-82 8UCh, CA 92663. ')UllinMI as NII.IC NOTICE MUC NOTICE FICTITIOUI .U .... H HAllll! ITATIMINT tM .;;;;itofl below. _, 700 of I.he Probate Code of lrom H id •P:fllcetlcin 11\at 1110 u 1 • ' g Pllol. Aug 25, Stpl. 1, I , 15, 1882 II yOY wl•h to Mtll th6 advle• ot California. The time for 1pp1tcen1 •air•• 10 have a112.a2 •n euorney tn lhlt ''""". you filing claims will not expire appttcanl'• n•m• chenoed to the 11\0Uld do to promptly to 1hl1 you.r 1 to fo r months from propoaed neme of (tnn Merl wrlnan reeponH, II any m1y be pr or u . · Avellar. flltd on time. . the dale of the hearing NOW. THEREFORE, II .. htrtby T·1mf Av,. 0 I u.'. d II •• Id 0 noticed above. Ofdtred lh•I lllt l)tl'IOllS Int-led NOTICI Of' TMl•Tar• 1.ua PlB.IC NOTICE ' : M I C H A E l S H E R M A N (Al THE ERIC RANDALL CO.; E ;TERPRISES •• Callfotnla 8) TREND A DVERTISI NG C9'POrallon, 6100 W. Coul 'SSOCIATES. 911 Junlpero Drive, Hf9hw1y. Newport Baech. CA ::cell M .... CA 92626. FICTITIOUI au..... The IOllOwlno ptftont .,. dOlllQ NAMa ITATIMINT buslneea u · demandedo. El tribune! pued• YOU MA y EXAMINE In the Hid miller of chino• ot T.I . No. ~A =;''~~=tr! the tile kept by the~· U ~::l:C,1':!:,~. ':'~t~"; t~°.':: Eil.«:Ul::'e~.:;r::WC. Htlmlc;ll. de 30 dlM. L" 11 lnlormacton que you are inlere1ted m the toctlt4 11 700 CMc c.n1er 0r1 .... HllCI• C. Htlmlcll and Judllll H. 92663 RANDALL E FRANZ. 988 lflls business Is conducted by • Junlpero Drive, Colle Mesi, CA Tht tollowlnO perton II dolno C 0 M P R E H E N S I V E bulln"I aa: COUNSELING SERVICES, 230 t tlllue. estate. you may file a request Stnta An• on tt1t 8th day of Oclo-Ny•trom ~I Ualed e1eu1 aollcllar et with the court to receive ti••. 1982, 11 th• hour ot 10:30 NOTICI ccypor111on. n626 CYBER·CON, 512'~ Fernteel, Zenith Avenue, Stnta Ane He!Ohl•, Cofone dll Mtr, Calllornle 92825 Celttornlt 92707 con1eJo de un ebe>gado en eatt • I . f h o'doc:k LM lhtn and tl'ltr• lo etlOW YOU AM .. D«fAUl.T ~A ••unto . det1erl1 llacerto apecaa notice o t e etuH, II •ny they hH•. why the D«IDOf'TllUIT,DATID.--11. M I c n • e I Sh e r m 1 n Randell E. Franz EQ181prlseS. Inc Thia .. ,,_,, WU filed with Ille -it Mlehaet Sherman, Prt1. :Minty Clerk of Oreng.i Covnty °" Wllll•m Kenneth Cllnk, 512'-' Thornal 0 . Perrin, 2301 Zenith Fernlttl, C0<ona dtl Mer, Ctlllornll Avenue, San If Ana HtlOhll, tmmedla11men1e. Cle "'' mlfl"'•· inventory of e1tate aasetl 1ppttc1t1on tor cnano• ot name ,-. UM&i•• YOU TAK• ACT10N eu '~'' HCtll•. sl 111y a1gun1. and of I.he petitions, accountl enould not be oranltd. TO l'tlO~CT YOUfl PtlOP«RTY. putdt -rtgltlrtd•. tlempO and reports described In IT IS FURTHER ORDERED 11\111. IT MAY .. IOlD AT A f'U9lJC .r.hl1 statement W6' llled with the "ugust 30. 11182. C<>11nty Clerk of Of•1191 County on f11M41 92625 Ce11t0tnl1 92707 Tiil• bualneu •• condUC1td by en Tiii• bull,,_ II conducted by an I. TO THE DEFENDANT. A cMI s 2 0 0 GoC>Y ot !Ne order be publlehtcl In • ALE . " y 0 u NI ID AN Septem1>81 14, 1982 Published Oreng• Co11t Ollll'I _ F1tn61 Pllol, Sept 1, 8, 15, 22, 1982 lndMdull. Individual. WllUam K Clink TllOrnU 0 , Perrin comptelnl hU been llled by lh• e cl i 0 n l 0 f l he lhe ORANGE COAST DAIL y P1LOT. H~TIOM Of' THI MATURll plaln11ff itgllnll you. II 'JOU will\ lo California Probate Code. • ~ti* of oan«•l l)Ubltctllon. °" THI l'tlOCHDtNO AOAJMIT cltland thla lawsult, yOY mutl. wt1hln Arthur J. Bilava, 1571 printed and publltMd In the city of YOU, YOU IHOUl.D CONTACT A ao d1y1 alter thl• 1un1mon• 11 Weat Katella, Sulte J .• Coat• MtH, County ot Ot1ng•. LAWYm ~ Atty • .....,., M. Howard 3173-12 Tiii• allt&menl wu tiled wltll me Thll 1111.,,..,,1 was flltd wllh the County Clerk of Or1nge COYnl~ on County Cttrk ol Orange Coullty on i; Ito Ntwpor1 Ctnttr Dr. I luttt 2:50 P\IJUC NOTICE Augu11 23, 1982. Augull 30, 1982 F1-F1_, t«vecS °"you ntt with thll court 1 Anah lm Calif . 92802 onoa • wetll tor IOUf (4) IUCOMIMI On Stptemt>tr 30, 1ea2 11 10:00 wrllltn , .. pori .. lo Ille comptalnl. e ' orrua . ....ek• prior 10 tht d•I• lboYt 181 Lm. CHICAGO TITLE INSURANCE Newport 8"d\, CA taeo 1:-ubllsh•d Oranoe Co111 Delly PUol, 5epl. 15, 22. 29, Oc:I. 6, 1982 'ICTITIOUI Ml ..... NAMllTATl....r Publl1lled Oranoe COHI Dally Publl1hed Orange COHI Dally Pllol. Aug. 25. Sept. 1, 8, 16, 1982 P1101. Stl)t. 8, 15. 22, 29, 1982 Un .... you do IO. your dtflWfl will (714) 635-01~. fOf llMtlnQ ot Mid llpPllC:atlOn. COMPANY ti duly appointed bt entered on eppllet11on ot th• Publl1hed Orange Coast OATEO: A~iJ,6• 188-l Tru11 .. under and put1utnt 10 -" .071-82 The lollowlnQ penon1 ate ClolnQ butlntU as: 3722·82 3954·82 plelntlft, and 11111 court mt)'.,.,., I Daily Pilot Sept 8 9 15 FRA K MEN HINI Deed Of Truat recorded Junt 23_ Nil.IC NOTICE PlB.IC NOTICE -C,,.·211111 lfoTICE OF T"UITIE't UL.E T.I. No. f d 1IOlllUHttl IPANEMA DESIGNS, t 12113 Topaz Street, Founteln Valley, Calltornl1 92708 Trecy L•• Susman, 112113 Topaz Street. Founteln Valley, Catllornla 112704 ju<loment egelnst )'OY tor the rllltl 1982 · · ' ' ' .lu6oO of Ille 11180. u ln•I. No. 24541. In t>oolt demanded In tht complaint which $u9trlor Court 13643. p19e 1138. ot Olflclel coutel reeult In oernlahm'tnl ot 3959-82 tCATHAlllMI A. MAION. llO. Rtcord• In Ille office of the county wegw, 1•1no ol money or proPf'ty 11• ""'• LeM Rtcorder of Orange County '1CTITIOUI llU ... 11 PICTTTIOU• •UtlNEll ...._ ITATl .. Wf NAME ITATIMENT PtllUC NOTICE -· NOTICE Th• lottowino peteon 11 dolno Tilt tottow1no peraona .,. dOlno bull-... t>u.u-a u : or other refler requeeted tn 111• ~ ._, C.....,. 111'M Clllfon"• WILL SEU AT PUBLIC complat111 PUBUC NOTICE (714) ..._.. AUCTION TO HIGHEST BIDDER DATED No-..mbt' 10 1981 Publlahtd Ot1noe Co .. t Dlll'I FOR CASH (pay1blt el time of Mlt ypu ARE .. DIFAUl. T UNDIR A DE'D OF TitUIT, DATID MARCH 1 l~IH1. UNLlll YOU TAKE ACTION TO PROTICT YOUR l'tlt>PE.-TY, IT MAY M IOlD AT A PUil.iC IALI . IF YOU NEED AH EQUNATION Of' THE NATUlll Of ,T .. PROCHD'"° AGAIMIT YOU, YOU lttOUl.O CONTACT A Sten Suem1n, 11293 Topaz SI .. Fountain Vlltey. CA 112708 Thll bull,_ Is condUCltd by en lndlllldull lAMt A &enc:tl · NOTICe Of' TlllUITll'I tALI Piiot, Stl)I. 8. 15. 22. 29. 1882 In l1wlul money ol lh• United Cter11 ' T.L No.-39S~2 Stllt8) ti the north front entr..- By Arlene C Pollchtlll, NOT'IC« lo the County CourthOUM. 700 Cl"1C COAST AUTO ALARM & OBERDORFERS BAKERY· STEREO, 71 t W. 17111 Slr .. t CO.le DELI, 5 H W. Belbo• Blvd , BalbO•, Mtea. CA 92021 ' C1lllo<n .. MICHAEL AOeERT RASEY 12 Jec ob ThomH Obetelorler. T rec; Susman Thi• 1111emen1 was tiled with the County Clerk of Orange County on Augutl 23, 1982 L111tudt COUrt N8WPOf1 Btech 'cA 322'"' lrla. Coron1 dtl Mar. 92813 · ' Calllornll 92625 Otputy YOU Alll • DlrAULT UND9R A PlB.IC NOTIC[ Center Orlvt West. Santa AM, CA ~. · ,.......__ leq. D 11 D 0 f TR U IT, DAT ID IUP«N09' COURT Of' y-.. 1111 rlgnt. llllt and lnttrt81 ~ FILDMAM a Q()M)OM DlefMllR 11. 1110. UNL••• lo and now held ~ h undtt .., 1121JO VtMWa llMI.. hltf 904 YOU TAKI ACTIC* TO PllOTICT ITATI Of' CAL#'OllNIA DHd ot Trull In tllt proptrly I'*-o.u, CA t1t03 YOUll '"O,EllTY, IT MAY •I C~Of~ lltuettd In Mid Count)' and Stew (21')........ = ~!. ~=-: ~ Tiit lettte of, deeGt1bed u : TIW llvel,_ 11 aondualtd by an OenlM Y. lurgrwn. 322'"' 1111. lndMdllel Corona dll Mii, Cttllornla 112625 . Mlllt Ruey T~ bual.-la conducted by • Thi• 111terntnl wu tllad wllh the general partne!'llllp ,,... LJ.WYP. en October 6. 1982. at 10:00 a rft. BUCKEYE RECONVEYANCE CO MPAN Y,• Calllorn l1 c;orpo,.tlon, 11 duly 1ppolnled Truflee under and purauanl to ~ plTruat dated Merch 11. 1981 Publlthtd Orenge CoHI Delly Piiot, Aug. 25, $epl. I, 8, 15, 1982 3724-12 County Clerk of Orenge County on J . Thomu Obtrdorler Stptembtr 3 19&2 Thll 1111-1 wu lllad with I.ht Publllhtd Oreno• Coit! Delly ... TURI Of T .. '"' ••oc1101MO IL 0 I • f HI N 0 IE " • 0 .. PARCEL l Unll Mo. 74, In the Ptlol, AUO 25, Ste>• l, 8, 15, 1982 .. ...y ... " CHlTW'fMD City of lrvlnt. COYnly of Of'tnQe. 3785-82 AOAINIT YOU, OU IHOULD ._ANNA E\.Otll .--" .. ......, Stale of Cellfom!I. as etWJWn and ------------1 ' ,,..., County Clerk of Of'ange County Oii PlB.IC NOTICl Publl•h•CI Or1no• c 0111 Detty Septembtr 13, 1182. Pllot, Sept. 8, t6, 22, 211, 1982 f1t?m Publlthtd Or1no• COHI Delly Piiot, Stc>t 15, 22, 29, OC1. e. t982 ------------CONTACT A LAW'YUI. ,_ __ •-dttct1bed In tilt Condominium Plllfl On Stptembtf 20. 1982. ti 10:00 •• llOtH A. HlNDPtlOM. t1corded on Merell 18. 1978, In A.M , DEFAULT SERVICE dioHe.-. bOOtc 125N page 1021, ol Olftc;lel 10rded April 2. 1981. aa ln.i. No. FICTITIOUS .u ... 11 231•. In t>Oolt 14006, pacie 810. o1 NAMa ITATI...,, Ottlcial Record• In the offlGe ot Ille Tht lollowln9 per•on 11 doing Col.Inly RecOrder of Ora1191 County. bualneu u : S111e of Celllornl1 beculed b'/ UNLIMITED ENERGY, 411 flCTITtOUa IUIWEll MARY E RUSSELL. 1 merrltd Oakdale Drive, lrvlne. CA 927I•. ..,.._ ITAT'lm.lfT women .. her sole end aepar•I• KENNETH M ZIEGLER. •I Tht following per90lll .,. doing propet'ly. Will SELL AT PUBLIC Olkdtlt Orlve. lrVlnt. CA 92714. bull.-... AUCTION TO HIGHEST 81DDER Tlllf bulineM II conducted by Ill 8 0 M A S M E D I C A l FOR CASH (payatlle II time ot .... lndlvklull Kennelh M ,.....,_ INDUSTRIES. 11120 e. Katllla. Suite In l1wlul money ol lhe Untied .....,~ H, Otange. CellfOfnia 92M7 Stttes) 11 the tronl outlld• entrance ™' 1181'"*'1 wu llltd wlUI lht ~· Ven Som. 9705 Brook ot lhe Contlnenlal Home Loan County Cter11 °1 Ofenge County on 8ay. Huntington Beech. Calltomla bulldlng at 434 South Euclid , &.plembtf 2. 111112. 112848 Anaheim. Celllornll. all right, tlllt '1."714 JoMph Y11leal11. 15132 Sall. end Inter•• conveyed to Ind now Publl•htd Ore~• Co111 Delly Gllfdtr'I Grove Cllttoml• 82643 hel,d by II undtf aald OMd ot Trull PllOI. Sept 8. 15, ' 211, 1882 Thll ~ II conduCled by • In the property 1llu11ed In t•ld __________ 3_11_•w_2 gentrll panntf'ahtp, County and Stele ~rlbed u · JOlfC)l1 YO ...... Lo• 69 T1tct .ase. 1n lhe Ctty ot PlB.IC NOTIC[ Thi• 1111emen1 wu flltO wtltl the Coit• Meaa, County ot Oreno•. FICTIT'IOUI ., ... 11 County Cterlt ot Of'enge County on Slate of C•lllornl1, •• per mep ttA.-ITATPilllNT September 1. 1912. recorded In Book 168, pegea 34, 35 The lottowlng ptr10n8 art doing F~ end 36 ot Mltctllln4IOUS Mec>t. In bull.-.. , Publl1hed Oreno• Cout Delly lhe olflea of tile County Recordef ol ERIC L. ROBERTS SCRIP'TS Piiot. Sepl. I , 15. 22, 29, IN2 1tld County · • 31133-12 The etrHI 1ddre11 and ollltr 10711 Wee1Watd L.ene. eo.l• MtN. CA 112627. c:ommon detig.nallon, II 1ny, oft~ EWF TELEVISION, INC., t NII.JC NQTIC( , .. 1 proper1Y deacrlbtd above s tcelttornll corpor11ton 1071 --~~---....;.......;....;..;...;.,;. ;..... __ _ purported to be: 3154 Kerry l-. fW C •• :.,._ CA ACTITIOU9 .,._ .. Coal• Mt81. Catllornl• 92626. ntwarel uane. 0'11 -· 1 NAm tTAT'lmlfT Th6 undersigned Trull•• 92827 EWF Televillon Inc: Tilt toltowlng persona 11• dolnQ d l1clatm1 1ny tfeblllty tor 1ny Erle w Fretwald p,... ~ea: Incorrect,.._ of Ille 111eel ICIClreas Thll 1111_,1 wu hied ,;..111 the ASHLESS ASH TRAYS, 145341 arid other common dtllgnatlon. H County Clertl 01 Or•not County °" 8rookhur11, No. E. WHtMlnfltr, any, 91\own llefeln Stpltmbtf 3 1982 ,1..,.. Celllomll 92683 11tld 1ale wlll be made, but Publl•hed' Ora~g• CHI Delly Donald C Erlclleon. 8042 without coven1nt or warranty, ........ .,_1 8 IS 22 211 l982 Huard, Mldw•'I City, Calllornla ·~ or tmplltd. regtrdlng lltlt, .--... ..,... ' ' · ' ' t26S5 po•M•lion, Of tncumbrancel, 10 3949-82 Gary B McCell, 8042 Haztrd. pey the remtlnlno principal 1<1m of PlB.IC NOTICE Mtcrwey City. C1llf0fnf1112655 Ille nolt(al MGUrtd by Mid Deed of TNt ~ la condue1ed ti)' a Trutl, wllll lnterHI thereon, H '1CTlTIOU9 llUSINlll general penncrll'llp. ~In Nld note(•). ldvll'ICM. NA.Ma ITATl•lfT Donald C. Erlekeon II any, under Ille term• of Mid Deed The followlng ptraon 11 doing Thll •lalamtnt wu flied with Ille of Tru••· ftH, clltrOH end ~ u: Counly Cltlk ot Orange County on ·~of Ille TNtll .. end of Ille THE BINNACLE. , 1a.e Ao•••. AUljUtl 23, 1882. IUlll.I cre•t•d by Hid Deed ol Btlbot 11111'14, CA 112te2. ,,91G7 TNft. JOAN "· Mc NAIA. 118·A Publl•h•d Or11no• COHI Dilly ,.,,. totll 1mounl of Ille unpaid Agalt, Ball:IOO lllelld/CA 112812 Piiot, Aug. 25, Stipt. 1, •• 15, 1912 belarlOt of '"' obllglllon Mc;Uftd Tiii• butl-.. conduc:ttd by"' 37211-82 b~ Ill• property to l>t eold and lndlvldual 3904-82 NII.IC MOnct MUC NOTtCE 4037.a2 NOTICI Of' T'RUl'ftFa IALI! Ml.IC NOTICE T.S. Mo. 74497-6 VETERAN ESCROW COMPANY flCTITIOUI llUIMll II duty ll)l>Olnltd Trval .. under Ille HAMI ITATl•NT lollowfna detcrlbtd dttd of lrual TN followfnll penona are C:Olng WILL SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION bullntu H : TO THE HIGHEST BIDDER FOR H & H G"S. 628 Ntwhopa, CASH (ptyablt ti llrnt ol Nie In Slflll Ana, Cal1lornle 927(µ llwfvl money ot tilt Unlltd St1I•) Hetal Khen, 21181 8tlt Street, ell right. tltlt and 1111ere11 conveyed No. 201, Co111 MtH, C1t1fornla to end now held tly II uncle< said 92626 Deed of Trull In the properly H1ns·Dtetrlch Spitz, 620 s htrtlntl1er dteerll>td. Har Mon. Sanll Ant, C11ttornl1 TRUST 0 R . GE 0 R GE M 9270• l A Z A R U I( • n d 0 0 R 0 T H Y Thia bu11net1 la conducted by a LAZARUK general pann&flhlp BENEFICIARY· M ELC H 0 R HtlAl Khan CONTRERAS BARRAGAN 1nd Hana D. 5'>111 CELIA BARRAGAN. llutbttld and Tiii• 1l1ttrn6flt wu flied willl the wife u )olnl tenant•. County Clerk ot Oranoe COUnty on Recorded APfll 30. 11181 as lnatr. Saplembtf 13, 1182.. No 37041 In hOolt 140311. page 290 f1'12M of Ofllcltl RtiGord• In lht olflot of Published Orenge Co111 Dally Iha Rec:order or Orano• County; Pllol, Stpl. 115, 22, 211, OCt. 8. 1082 ltld dMd of lrull Cl .. crlbf• H•e 4031·12 tollowlno prOl)tf1y. ------------1 Lot 187 of Trac1 No 11172. N per m•P recorded In Book 53, P\BJC NOTICE PAQM 47 through 49 Ml-'lanaoul FICTITIOUt IUtMll Map•, rtcordf of Hid Ot1ngt NA.Me ITAT'lmNT County The tottowlng pettonf -doing YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A butinetl u DEED Of TRUST DA TED APRIL 27, THE NATURE LIFE COMPANY. 1911 UNL.ESS YOU TAKE ACTION 3114B Oo•• Slrttl, COiie MtH. TO PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY. IT Catllornl• 92627 MAY 8£ SOLO AT A PUBLIC SALE John E. Eowerda. 394B Ogle IF YOU NEEO AN EXPLANATION SlrHI. Coate Men. C1lllornle OF THE NATURE OF THE 92827 PROCEEOING AGAINST YOU, YOU Jon Wlllltm Pierce. 12881 SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER 8111Ckthorn Str .. I. G•rdft'I Grove. 2175 State Str .. t, Cottt M-. c1111om1a 12840 Celltornl1 112627 COMPANY, INC ... Ct lllornl• CAM NO: A1'J* Record& of Mid County: corporation, H duly eppotnltd T~~I ~TY PARCEL 2: An undivided on• Tru•IH under end purtuanl 10 • "-''Y-aecond (1172nd) lnl.,..I •• OMd of Trull r«:Oldad Je1t4J11Y 23. AT '°""'ATI IA.LE • tenent In common In Ille lff 111111, aa lnl1. No 2t056, In bOok Nbol 11~• II h•~~tly Rlvenb th,~1. '""'eat In and to lilt Common Neta 13923. P•O• 11•9, ot Olltctel tu •C 10 con rmat on Y • ot Lote t through 6 fnctut lYe. ol Recor<lf In the office ot the County lbc>Yt enlltltd Superior Court, on Trlel 9742 as P« mep llltd In bOok Reeor<ler of OftnQt County, Stele Octow 11, 1982 II or ther .. tter 4o1 P • 0 • • 2' • n d 2 5 o I ol Cetllornla E.1u1culed by Scoll wi1hln lhe lime llloi#ed by law, Ille Mlacellen.au1 Map1, r.eord 0 • ot Rtnnt end Undt Atrlnt. hutbend undtr14Qned. II taec:utort ot tllt Mid County u IUCll ttnn It dtllned end wlla H jolnl lenenle, WIL( wilt ol ELOISE HENDERSON In lhe Arttcie enthltd "Deftn11ionf" SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTION TO CHETWYND, decMMCI. w!M Ml1 ti of the Oec:l11et1on of Covtfltnlt HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH Pflvate Mio to lhe hlghelt end beet Condlllont and Rt1trlctloni (peyib141 11 time 01 .... In ltwfu1 nel bidder on lh• term• end Ottc:tlbed In "SUl>jtct To .. btlOw monty ol th• United Sl•I") et condition• l'ltrtlnafttf menllOntd ell (Int "Oaclaretton"); 2S200 EHi La Paz Ao1d. Suitt rlqhl, tlllt, and tnlerHt of ELOISE EXCEPTING THEREFAOM ell oil "2 t7. L1oun1 Hitt•, Ctlllornl•. •11 H EN DE R.S 0 N c H ET w y N 0 • Oii t1ghta. mln«al•. mlf*ll t1ght1: tlQllt tltlt and lnterttt QOfWtY9d to OtcetMd. et Ille time of her dtlth nature! 011 rlgllh, 1nd otller tnd now held by., under uld Oetd and tit tlQflt, tltlt end tnlert81 t.htl llydrc>G*bOnl by"""~ nernt of Trull In Ult P'OPtrtY lllutltd In Ille •191t hal ~red In tddltlon known thtl m.y bt within or under Mid County and Sttte ~rlbed 11: 10 lhll 01 d~I 11 the time ot th• perc•I of t1nd nerelnet>ov• her a .. th, In lht t1tl property dtecrtbed, 109ether with th• lllMMt •A• IOCtled In tilt County of Of'ange. perpttu11 tlgtl1 o1 dl1lllnO m1n1n9 PARCEL 1. Lot 2• ot Trect No. =. 01 Celllornl• de~crlbtd 81 eaplo<lng end C>Cltftllno '11-tfcK 9'87, In tllt City ot INlnt, County of "L. 1 53 1 Tact N 4280 end e1orlno In 1nel removtno tllt Ofll\9f, State of Ctlllornlt, M per 11.,_,, ~ 1 ~ 'tcOfc:;, In eo!! ..,.,,. from Mid land or any otlltr mec> ,_dtd lrl boolt nt, 1>eoet 167 Pl 2'P8 r 33 I cl I tend. Including lllt rloht to 111 lo 22 lndueNe mlaOtll_,. . OH 0 n Ut va , wlllpsloelt Of dlrtc:11on811Y cfrll end Mapa. In lht off~ ot Ult county Mltcttltneou• Mepe, Or1no• mint lrom lend• otller than nlo rte:ordtr of Mid county. County, Cellfomte. The prOPtrlY 11 land, oil or 0 .. "''· tunnele end EXCEPTING THEREFROM "' commonly ,.,.,,.d IO .. 956 .,...,.. Into, tflrough or euou Ult undivided~ 1ntweet of ea oll, Magen en StrH.t, Coet• Mtll, aubaurtece of Hid tand, and 10 g••· m iner t it end 0111er Cellf0rnlet:!e2t. bottom 1uch whtp11outd or hydroeerbon aubatanca• lytno tn Tilt .. ,. 11 tullJtct to current Olrec:tion•lty drllltd wefla. tunntll a.nd und¥ Mid land below 1 depth 11ue, cove(l•nt•, condllton1, and ,11111, under and ~th or of 500 Itel mMIUttd vertlctlly lrOM rHlrlcllon1, rtHrvallon1, rtohl•. beyond I.ht ulertor llmill ~. 1M _,_of_....,.,_,, .,.,, wi1....... rtghl• of wey, end e•-"tnlt 01 end to redrlll rttunnel ..,.ulp _. ...... '""'' rtGOrd T"4I pr0Pfl1Y II 10 be 9olcl • ' • .., • lht t1ght ol eurftct entry tl'ltrtto. M on 111 .... 11 .. bull maintain. repair. dHpen end rtMl'lltd In dMd• ~dtd In bOOll · ..... OJ*'•I• any euch 'Miiia Ot tnlnw. 11&••. p1gae 801 to e 11. 0111c1e1 or=: ~lf«..!:t!~1:'" 1°' ..... w11nout. no-. Ille right 10 cltMI. ~di. wlll bt r-""<I et Ille otllcit., ~ mint, t1orw. exp40re and OCl'ftl• Thi• t>uelnMI 11 conducted by 1 "(II • •tr"t tddr-or common general partntrlhtp, d11ton1t1on I• ehown at>ove, no John E. Edward• werranty 11 olven •• 10 lu PARCEL 2: Eanmenl• tor H TREBLER ettornty 10, , le through the •111fect oC ttle U9t* lidtVard l>Uf'PO'" In and~ Ille · ' l,t 500 .... of the~ el Nkl lend dt1crltltd In the emended t lltCUIOrl et t200 N. Main SI., land II rM«Ytd In IN dMd frofn Stc:ond DeclMtllon of AMUatlon Suitt 710, 8tnla Ana. C11tlornl1 TM INIM Company a Wttl \#lrVinlt end u 11\own on Exhibit ",..: 12701 Ofm#fO/btltltdw4lh 1119 cltrfl CQrporlllon rtGOrded Oc1ow 2 entdltd thtfftO, r-dad In bOok ~ ~A ~:amrt ~ly,~I 1978 In b~ 12184 page 13U: 121ee. pege 105, Off1clal ~di. · ............ -.• ()fftel•I Racorda. ot Oftnge County, Clllloml&. any flint•"• the flr'1 publlottlon 01 PARCEL 3: Et .. ~n ...... , Thll llal-1 WU flltd with 11\t compltl.,_. Of corr.Cl,_)." County Clerk ot Of'enge Cou.nty on 1 ne Otntfle•al'Y undt4' Mid OMd Stpternbtr t3, 11182. of Trvl1. by reHon of 1 l>rtaGh or f1t7m dtfaott In the obllgallone aec;ured '~=bl• u1lm11td coets. Joan A. McNlllr PU8lJC MOTICE t and advenc99 •1 tilt time Thll s1etemem -llltd with "18 --~=~-,-~...;. __ _ ot th• lnltltl publlcellon ol lhe County Cltrtt of Orange count'/ on ftCTITIOUI .,...,. PuDllllltd Orange COHI Dally ~lltrtby, htfllofOft txec:uled "1ld Pilot, 861)1. 15, 22, 29, OC:I 8, 11182 delivered 10 lht undtra1oned t 40S8·82 wrllltn Deo11t1tlon of DtfauH and ------------Demand for Salt, and Wfltten notice Pta.IC NQTIC[ of b<eecti and ot tltetlon to CtuM Th• •trHt eddr .. , and otller = notlot tnd btforw Mlklnll thlil forth In th• 8tct1on1 entltltd common dwlQnallon, ff '111)', of the "Certtln EtMmtnt. for Owners" rHI propetty dttcflti.d 1bovt 11 ~= ~!' ~ ~ c!: •nd "Support, S•ltt•M•nl end O\lrPOf1td 10 b« 20 Luoero W••· _... t ,.,. • .' 1 .. _ 1.,1111 of •• ~ .. encroecllment" 01 the Arllct• INlnt. c.tlf~ ..... Pfl u ...... ,,. .....,, enlllltd "Eeeemente" of th• fhe vnderelgneo Trv•t•• credit 10 b• tcc•ottbt• 10 tllt Otdlretlon. dtecletm• eny lltblllly tor '"" undtralQned llld to Ille SuP8flot Tiit ,,, .. t eddraH 1ne1 other tneor'9GI,_ of Ille atreet tdOr ... Court. five percent (5'14.1 of th• oommon dttlginttlon 11 efW, of Ille and other GOmmOn dNlgnttlon. If 1moun1 bid II to accomp1ny tilt real properly ~titi.d above It eny lflowll fWtln offer ti)' oertlfled en.ca Eac:tow .. IC purponed to tit; 1, Net\teff9. .,,,..,... Hel~ ~~-~~~·~ ....__. Aug 18, 1882 ,......-MAm aTAnmlff ., .,. ,__._, .... ..._ __, ..,.... ...-Tiit followlnG per.one are dolnQ --=~~.....,.~~_,.. ___ lht undertlgn_ed 10 tell ••Id flCTITIOUI 9UllNlll prOPtrtY to Mllafy Mid obllglllonl, ol·Tru11 t1trt1ofor• e1tecwttd end Publl•h•d Orano• Co••• Delly bUtl,_ u . d .. lvertd 10 lht under1lo11ed t PllOI, Aug. 26. S.01. 1, 8, 15, 1112 ALTERNATIVE DIMENSIONS, wttne11 Deelaf•tlon of Default and 377M2 212tl Mttguotrllt Perkw1y, Mlltiorl o.mand tor Sela. 1nd • wrlllen .,._IC MnTIN' \lltlO. CA 92992. Notlet of Otfaull and Eltc:11on 10 ... -. "'"._ GLENN RICHARD PoWERS, Salt The undtrliO(ltd cauMd Mid ftCTIT10UI ....._.. f4HI Adame. Mldwty Cny. CA N«lea of Default 1nel Etecllon to NAm ITA~ 112855. w to be ,_dtd In Ult county Th• followlno ptraon II doing THOMAS JAMES BETHMANN, ~ Ult ,..., prOPtrtY 11 toeated. bu*-• 33038 Dolpllln Court. Sen Juen Date: Augual 211; 19t2 CANYON MATERIALS, 21K2 Cec>lllrtno. CA t2t76. -Buck•Y• Aeconvayenc• Hllerla Clrclt, Huntington Btecll, 1lllt buelntU 19 conCluiettd by • Co A• Said TIVl1H CA 92e4e general pw1nenfllp_. ,434 S EUCllCI. WESLEY SUSUINU UVEKAWA, Oltnn J\. P-.i !' Anelltlm, Ct!lfomta 92802 21H2 Hll•rla Clrole. Huntington Tllil lltttrntnl -flltd wltll Ille Tet. (714) 11111-7032 Betcn, CA 919-48. ~ty Cltrtl of Otanoe County Oii By: Otbtlle Bo11 Tllla bullntU II condUCltd by ..., ..._tember ll, 1982. ~bll•htd Or•no• Coe•t Dally lndMdlitl ,,_.1 p • Sept. 16, 22. 29. 19112 W• ~..... . Putllllhtd Or11ng• Co•ll Deity . 407(1..82 Tllle ''''"'*'' ... flltd with '"' Pilot, &tpt .•• 115, 22. 29, 1"2 _ Coun\Y Clel'k of Of9n09 COUii!)' on H50-82 PWUC MOTU AuQUlt 30. 11112. ,,.... PtalC NOT1Cl • --PublllhtO Ore11oe CoHI 0•11)' PICTITIOU9 _ .. y ~~A~I Pilot. Stj)I, t, I , Ill, 22, 1H2. MAm ITATnmff ~I~ pereont -dOlng 3'12•12 Tiit IOloWlrlg ,.,_ -dOlr19 ...,_ -"8JC MQ11C( ~ •. • CAHUIA IU81Nl88 FORMS. ACTION COHSULTIHO TEAM, 1800 .. OerrY llfltt. S.011 Ant, '1CTmOUI _.. 420 PtotC*l1 •• ' NeWpor1 "-"· Cell'Ofnlil 9210I NAm ITA,_..y CA ntlS. • Jt• D•l•r & Iona. Inc.. • ,,,. lolloWfflO ptftOll I• dollfO ANTHONY c AOAPINAN, 420 Callfornlt OOflMl'ellorl. 1tt cai-l>\lllflet8 ~ "OIPtC1 I I • NtwPOr1 ~. CA Aven\I•· Lot Anfala•, C•lltornl• ,Et\IONAL. DlVf;LOPMfNT tata. '°°21 IEMINAllll tttO la•I Frt.111 It PA11Ct\.LA ,01\Tll.L.O· .J::~. It~ by. lllM 1oe. '-'••AN. CA 92701 ' AOAPINAN, 420 Pro1pect 81 .. ..,...._ V.MY A~ YOUNG, 1008 NIMPOl'I ._...,,CA l2Mi. I """~ & Soni, tnc. OrCM Ltne, NtwPor1 tetdl. CA ~~~~~· la conctvot.O by .loetPll A. Olt9y "'· t2tl0. ........... .... c ._..._.. ,,...,._ Larry A YounQ All • ._...-. TNt _.......,. ..... llecl wlttt 1111 Tlllt 8'1Mm9nt ... flltcl """ "" Thia .. ......,. -.......... tN coumy a.t ol OJtnP County on CounlJ Oler1l of Otenot COllntY on COUMY Cltrll el~-. CelMty on NJ9llA Ji, 1MJ. ,_, ~ 3, IN2. • ......... I ..... ,.. ·- ~llMed ()fan,e Coatt Deity Publ1IMCI Of•noe co .. 1 Detty fl1.11»1t~ Orana• Coatt O•llY "°"Aug 2$, lltP' I ••• If, I"!.. Piiot, Sept. I , 16, 22, 2t, IM2 PltcM, a.pt I . U , H. ti. I'.!!._ .,. '711.fc ft06.l2 ,._ > NAME aTA,......-r and 1here1lter th• unaeraton•d Tll• tottowlng ptraon I• doing c:auttd IOld nollct ol breach Ind of 1>U11MU u . • tltG1IOfl lo be rec0<ded Mttch 11, SPITZE ENGINEERING, tUO 1H2J.._!I ln1lr Ho 82-098579 ot Bebcock Strtel, Cott• M•H. Mid unlcltl ~. Calllornla 921127 Seid HI• wllt bt mtd•. but Mlc:tiHI EOwllfd Pillll1, 154•2 without covenant or werranty. HHct, Wt11m1n11er, C11t1omt• iexPf-or lmplltd, regerdlnlj title. 92813 poe-alon. or encumbranc.e. 10 Thia l>lillntal la conduc:ted by en r flit rtmlllnlnf ptlnclpel 1111111 Of lndlvl<lllf'M~ E. Pt4111J rr':.~~ ==~:CS~~ fllll 114tltmanl w .. flied wtlh Ille .,,QY1dtd, ad\'enou, If any, under COl.l(lly Ci.tll OI Orenoe ~n1y on ~'"' 1enn1 ol Mid Deed ot Trull, Stptemblf I), 1012 ctlttgte and a1t9"1-Of the ,,..,... Ml• and ol IN truele ctttttd ~ Publllhtd Ot1nge Cotel Otlly INici Dttd OI Trutt Pilot, Stpt 16. 22. 21, Oc1, I . 1982 ~ .... .tt1 bl lleld Of\ ffldty. •011.e2 ,,.1ow I, 1Ma ti 2:00 pm .. •• lhe ___________ :;,:.p..,.~ AWtNe enttanoe 10 tilt NlltC MQTIC( lvlc Ctnttr tulldlng, '00 II ---:==~~~~~-----~111aprnan Avtn...-. In'"' City Of '1Cnnoul ....... ,,.,., NAMI tTA~llfT At 1111 ttm• 01 Ill• lnltl•I Thi IOllOwlllg per.one .,. doing IPu~tlon ot t,. notlc.. tllt t<*I bllelnttt •: emount of 11\t unpeld ""--Of Illa t<>"WAl"IOUmONa. 11so:511eation 1tcured by tilt al>Oft I!. O..t1. Sant• Ana, Oelllornla ••crlb•d deed of l•u•I end 12105 tlmtled 00111, expenM•. and Pet., o. fltncll, 2016 r.1ane, --It 111,807.04. "'!!!J. ,._port Beecll, CallfOfnle l_!o deletMlne the open1119 l>ld, 12_, ,,..., Mlft call (71•) ~7-0He, Ar1hur R, HHlll, ll 1'2 I Vie Dalt• Augut\ at. IN:f ,,,,,., $en ..111111 Ceplelt•no. Vf:TIAAN uc.-ow co ClltMi"-t2'76 ae teld Tl\atl ... Thie bWt1MM It oondllCttd by t tty: T D IPMCI CO .. Otf*ll pef1Mf'lf!IO eoent ~ D ,tncfl tty: lhtrtrl ,..._ TN """"'"' Wl9 f"9d wtttl Ille ....... ~llY COllnty ~ Of ~ County Ofl ~ Ont=· ~It. 1MI. Wttt. • CA~ ,..,. 1714).,.... '"''"tied Of•nee Cotti Delly fl\lblltMd Ortntt Coot Oelly '1tlot, ... t . 1&. fl, ft, 1111 S.. 1. I, II, IN2 a11442 aea1-e2 Said Hit w111' tit made. bul be opentd within lhrH benklnO CA 9271,, without oovenanl or w1rr1nty, ~~0:::.-"t, ~.::',:' ba": Tiit undtrfl9nad dltc:1elm1 einy ··~-Of IMpllecl, rao•cllnll lltlt, DY Rtblllty '°' eny tncor..ctMM of Illa Po ..... ion, or encumbr-. to 30 dt)'t dut1llon. Tiit btltnet ol '''"' ~ end OINr common pey tlle NfllaMinO """°"* aum 01 lhe calll part ot tllt pr~ °' the ~tlon, If tr'('J. ~......in. Int nottC•l Mc:urtd by Mid OMc:t of btltnCt °' the pra M the c;aai s110 H1• wllt 1:11 "'•dt, b\lt Tru•t. •1111 lllttrtll tlleraon, H ::: ~~=: =~..,:: without covenant or w•rrtnly. PfOl/1dad In NICI M'e(e). td\lanott, · • • . • ••Pf-or ltntlllad. ,..erdlno lltle-, 1feny,undtftlltttltnt0f..icl0ttd :~·~0:.:,=:~:~ pa•mll011. or~. to of Tri.Ill •••••• cll••OH 111d lO IN~""' be_...., ~Ille rtrntlnlng pnnclptt M'll of lxPtrlt" of the TM* and of IM .--IM no\tll) -...0 by Mid Deed of lru•l• creeled by Hid o.td of a• 01 11• d•I• 01 th• ctoa• O Ttull. wllh Inter"' t"ereon, •• TNll ttGtOW· EJtpan.-of examlnat!Ofl 01 l)rOl/ldtd In Mid notl(t). ....,..., rtie total ""°""' of "" ~ 11111. rt cordtno of convey•nct If ""'' under Ille ttrme °' .. Deed bit._ of Ille ObllettlOn ..wrtd 01111111 ttxu. end any tftlt. 01 True!, ltH, ~lltrQH e nd by th• property to be 1old end "'""•net pollcy lh•ll bt etiar~ P'*"'9 °' IN TNl1et llf'4I o1 \he rauo111bl• ••llm•t•d 'cotll. ~·:;:.rC::':csln ... =enc. 1ru11t orHl•d b~ _H id O..d of IOIC*I-end~ et tht lirnt ,.. ' Ttuel, lo-wit: t14,He. It"""°°" of 1111 111111•1 pwtlllcetlon ot lllt Th• vnd•r•111ned rMtrve• th4 Tiit btli9lldal'Y under et6cl OttCI r-iottc. Of 8* It '56,091.71. r111111 to~ lo -::z' any bide. of TNlt h«etotor• •ecuttd Ind . Tiit btMf\Clllt)' under Mid DttO Otltd JS:,,' 8 2·.:...,__ delivered lo lh• undettl9ned • of Trvll 11ttt1ofcwe exeoultd and CO-'"°''°' ot lhe wtw written Dedat•tlon of ~ ~ dellvtrad 10 Ill• undtret9nt0 I! of the e bove ntll\td Oetftttld ror ..... and• wrluen wnt~ o.ci.,.,ton Of Ott8llll and ~ Nottu Of Dtftutt anci lbtGtton to Oemtnd tor Sale, and • written Otttd· 9-t 2 1882 ... TM ~ _.... t11111 "°tic. of Defeul\ encl Eectton to • .IOflll ·M • HendWlon Notto. of Dtfaulf Md btctlOfl to W . 1llt undtt elglltd _.... MIO CO-&eoutOf of Ille Wiii ... tO b9 ,..... " .. ...., Hotlot of ~ ... lltOtlOn 10 . ~ ..,..,. "" ,.... or-"' ......... a.it to be,_. In IN oounty cltOtden~I 111' •bov• ""'"" H111\t, ltreel Ad4ren •11d .,_e tllt rMI ptoperty_lt loeeted Daltcl~ -I I, f912 T~ ~ of ltT~ Otte. Auouet at. llU Per H Tftf*i' per.on~,_ oaltun ltr-Mt OOl'tleltft1, AllomtY tor btCUt-TtTl.I lNIUR~ Cl COMPANY, lnO. ,., H. f,.-, lltl W""*' tlw.l.i LOt Aflllilato. • NICI TNtl• McOarmtel. ~. TreDIW ~ 90010 4111) .......... "200 E. La ,u ~ Anonwtl ti l.tW DMa ~ n, , .... """No. 217 Wt• 110 ~~---.......... CA t2l63 1200 Monll Mein It,... ......,...._ ......,_.-,..... •' l114) llf.4'IO een.-AM, CA 1210 t • TNllM 1IV JANIT M, °'"' (714) ..... t ti tr~ C ...... Ptiblltllad 01111941 Cotti Delly 11\ibllelltd Ori~ Cotti Dt lll Pulllll1~ Oferwe c ... 1 Delly P*M, a.pt. 1, I, 1e.. 1NI ...... ._, 14 11 t 1Ma ,_, .... 1• a. , .. ,. ,......., ..--.. ....... ' • • 4Qt0.ll ....... ·~ Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Wedneeday. Septembtt 15, 1112 The rnarketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 Nearl11 half o/ all Dallfl Pilot r•o.Ur1 have Ultd tfi. cLaHl/Nd 1eclfon lo bM~ 4 or aell a product. -CLASSIFIED-! ..... !1!! ..•........ l~!!!!.(€!#i .......... !!!.~'!.!~.'!. ...... !~.~,,,. 1-l•IH /11 l1J1 ~'.!!!!.{'.'.!.•.'! ••••••• ~H •• !f• •• fi.1.1,.i.J. t ~!!!.'!/.~! •••••.. ~~••••••••••••••• Ill II Ill ltt, I Jiii ····•••••• •••••••••. .••••••••••• • •••••••• •• ~~~ ••••••••••• } •••••• ~~~••••••••••••••• •••1tl lllJ ,..,,,/ 1111 &.,. ... JIM lnlM I luu AN I .._ lll8llW •-------· IA.AND A!W "H••" of ••••• •••• • •••• •••••••• •••••• • ••••• ••• • • ••• • • ~................... ····•·;·;i;·,...······ :;:e;.·;E.c-r·a·rA·Are.. •••••••••••••••••••••• LOOK Orang• County" Town· 111-MWI ' CONDO ~~ ••• IJ.ff j homN • LUllUfY ' bdrm .... • Ador.-•• .,,., home In grHt 80. CoHt Pl••• 0 111 UI for YIA•U. y .,, F I home• b••utlful!y d•· •ucTION . IOY9jy t*ghborhoocU lie· loo bleh unit wlreo rm WINTIA rental•. ~ ~fy~~~= regu ., tlgntd quellty bUllt ·Ind ft lpacloue Hr + 2'Alll , Ctlltnt financing 1valt• ten~I• PoOI epa aa ooO Propettlel 81~ • ,.~!!~ t "'I 642·5678 MMSESFDISAU llOUA.L. ..OUSIHO OPPOIHUNITY fln1nc1'ng now th•t you Ll'l'9tl i•• ,.. ..L•d.-eoCI P•llo l •P•. ble. Ml.l'ly emenlt• In-ctwn ~· to ~ Ag. Ill' S.lw• Juet won't btlltvtl Cell 11 ,.. ..,... .. I lllfideome brick trptc, cludlnO I fruit tr .... Cell 11112:2000: 7112.,018; · CUM 3 Br. 2 ... trplo, r now lrandywynt Pro· 111 .IAll Wtrl lg 2 ~ Otraot WI 178•IS10. ' homee frOf'll bey. Avel OISE pertlet 11 1131·M70 wine a.lier or dlfk rm. INVESTORS now. MM. 1t0-1'n. :: Every 81turd1y In the ' llLlll ISUID ~~~ • 11 AS AP · =Ml~ ,::Of;'°a ITlllllM ::. .........,,, 1tt1ee1 li:o:a1:z~P11ot=. :=CIMtlfled:::·~ *.,.,. " 11111 :sar 1bl 191 tamity cs.. 2 bdtnl iw... ...,....... ... Thi• Mn••llonal b•aeh ITUL n WOOO&A.100£ CONDO • chtd home. Rich Own/ now. 1700 winter« .... •• All rMl ""t• IKlvertlNd c ottage fteturH en Nearly 100% Financing • I.ow ctwn, ueume '°"''· 28r, 28a, end Ul\lt, pr.-Agt ff.4.f11l ~eerly. Conv 100. H•· •• In thl• newep•p•r 11 ..... 11• ... ft. OCMn view and Mindtcic. 25 Year K 1st T.D. Assumable 3 Br 2 Bal Agt. Freet T• mlum too. Frplc, AC, ••· Bay. 17....., 1 l:: eubJ•ct to th• Federal --, • 1--~ft. E11l1t1ng 111 T.O. t110, Inspection Friday, Se"'t. 17, 12 '"PM nor•. 83t·1288 or teched gu, yd. S128, fulU I ........ ,. ,... Fair Hou11no Act ot 1"4 ...,.. ,_ o o o I• p 1 y1 b 1, • t ... .., 831•27 t 1 1100. Good Htum1bl• ••••••••••••• •• ••••••• -::: which m111 .. 11 llltQll to "Let 1Ha1 $400.00 per mo . Auction Date Saturday Sept. 18, lPM 101ne. Owner11gt. I....... r.JMU. 1111'1 •• edvtrtlN "111y prtf•tn· 1211,111 (neg1tlve 1mortlutlon). Sale At Site l \<i!t 111 ... LI Yll 4ff..ll778 2 Bdrm1, 2~ bl. low .................... -;: :~ ca. llmltltlOn or dl1Crlml· Otf9ttd 11 Sttll,OOO. Clll Off •-• ....a Pri T Sal on thll 4 8c:lr home end down. 10.75% llnandng 4 Ir b1yfro11t w/ctooll. •• n•tlon b111d on rece. Ea1tlld• Cotti M ... 2 758·1501 or 752.7373 en ntN~Poeu . or o e owner wlll help with Id-WllMIW •'11111. c.11 Rlcfl OwnlAot $4000 /mo . yrt_J,.1 1 :::: color. rellglon, 1t11 or Br. 2 Be. hom•, herd· for detllle. Offers Subject To Seller Approval dltlonll llnanelng. Full 3 bdrm. 2 b• condo. "4-tt71 t3000/mo. wtn•. A._, :: ~n~~~~l~n °:!gl~a:! =~~ wood floors. 1erger 101. For Detalla 640-0255 675-4494 e:~.•c!,.'~~f~ioo,.:;.• ~:~1r1c:.i600~oo! _ .. _ •--• .... *.... 1110 :,.A .• PROPPTY • , :: 1uch preference, llmll•· cul·de-eae ltrMt. •125• ner. lll1·15te d•Y. ~::.~!'!.':.":..... MAHAOf.Ml!NT 1 11• lion or dllCflmlnaUon." 000. Ownet wlK flnenoe. FORECLOSURE SALE. lfMlll ..... 8TM11i Thia n-epeper will not ltJ ....,.,, lltr. Ull llLI •El lmmec:ul1te Woodbrldot 111 "11 1111 Ou1et 2 Br. wtnlM, \11 Ml 1 :: knowingly 1ccep1 any •••ttH Prime Lido Nord bayfront. 5 bdnn, 5 ~ bath. Avllon. 2 bd, 2 be, A/C, •••••••••••••••••••••• to b ••ch. Ind r 'f. •• IKIV«tlalng for , .. , ..... -···-•m T -LR 2 boat allrw •1 &1\1\ 000 corner IOI. $18,000 down MWPllT ... '500/mo. 27th It. AWi! ltat __. ._..,. •• , .-• ,<JVV, . • .... A'-u--, 1f1t Int· 1111. 875-3141......_ ' ·-te wtlletl •• In vlol1tlon Of A plMlnlnQ '1 -... OMptftl• OWntt • mutt l TO P1y. 1117·2045 .... .. ... ._., .. t: liitheiillwii.iiiiiiiiiiii c~ ad• .:n "':c:t 2 & 3 Bdrm LUJCUry Con-Remodeled 3 bdrm, 2 bath + l.ar e rec. nn. .... or trees.. 4 bdrm pool r....H lfMj '"' tl'IOA. 2 bdrm. beth, On th• Point. ,., 2b!1 •• you In the right direction :::!n,=: ~~ beam cellinp Cum.iahed pet.io9 ~20 000 hOmt In Bede Bly.,.._ "::70":':':••••••••••••••• front kltehen. ·~ p1t10, wtnt• IM, -. .. , = HHlla Advertl-::.::n:,.~h:e7h8om1 you Cell Rich Ownl Agt. ' • · ' · ~=·~'"=::;: ~~ici.:~~~~~~:;1"~~~ ~~ul~~n~ngS:. .. ~ ~";~~~·1 ~14&0 1 m:;, = sere should check 1---· __ . ------:=-~17 1 n11i11u llMEI 15(),000 down. Open to down. Ownr MolYd. 124•500· 540-5937 2t3/782·4t10 .... "" -their ads dally and Prize Weet Bay bayfront. Slips for 2 boata all on.rs. Clll 5411-e.74 Apprvd P1•nt for exp~ PAUi .,.... IJlnnln9 Sund9y. f = t I mod led 3 bdnn or 891-8058. PIP. tlon. R-2 lot, oceen vw. L1nd1C1ped corner lot. i.-... a... •• a. •1d _ repor errors m -re e • 3 bath $1,200,000. .,._ tf ... .., ..._., Arn Mlllel', lgt 770-2189 Furnlehed. 1 bdrm "::7.':':':'.~ ••• !" •• ':'f : noo mediatel y . The H IE ORANGE COAST .... ..... s ·•·•--1m1nacuM1t _...._. .._.. -O O "--an •·jetty views .... _ .... __ room, 4 bdrm, 3 aM. u.llb '--IUU •µ,••I 1111 ,.,,_twin trey llnkl. • ~ 1 -AILY PIL T as-~ ... <TUUUIC MESA e?uFF!> CONDO ~ ...... .-, ........... dllhwlllhtr, at°"9, corn-..-. "9centtyrtmad1l1d JI• -~ au mes llablllty for bath, 3700 1q.rt. $.l,385,000. Ocean.front. recWcld 10 1111 by owner. VILLI H Olllll p1ctor. 11r cond. pink and red1oor1tetl. t , .the first Incorrect B USINESS OUTLOOK S152,aoo. contect unct1 BEAUTIFUL b1throom. CUTE AND bdrm, ,.,. .,. ~ u1•• 1•• r ••YflllJ Baird . 955·0280 , OLD WORLD CO z y · S 1 2 'O O O • dil*'O ~ ._ Insertion only. -.. ~ -94s-ee14 rry deck o. ' • Lagoon view from 6 bdrm, ~ bath, playroom, 950.9903 TOWNHOMES nyon. 3 blk• to beedt f -= ·---------:;: •••mmW• "°' •••••••••••••••••••••• .. IHI 1111t. :: ......••.............. -... ,.i ''" 4100 •••••••••••••••••••••• ••• .. -.. ---Ult u. ---•IO •. , ---- --ftll ,.. tllO ... ... lmmtll Exc1p1lon1I value. 4 Bdrm 2 81. n-p1lnt, Clfptt l drepea. Aaume S 103,000 In loana for S 1096/mo peyment. At- k In g $1 28,900 . 831-7370, 549-3548 TR,\DI T 10\ \I RL\I I' TIE CROWN POINT • SPYGLASS HILL S uperbly con1tructtd gated e1t1te on llmoat ~ •er• with •P•CllCUltr views. St.950.000. m: ·--------- ie LOY9 C!~~'!. New 2 br wlllrepl1ce. $70, e1e 000. seooo down now, -'4000 next >'Mf. Owner :: cury. 10% 111um1bl1. = (714) 58&-0389. e Tt --"91 ,.,. ,.,., .,. f7U f7U -'111 11Nm Don't Miss It! COMING OCTOBER 3rd On the first Sunday of every month, the Dail y Pilot presents an expanded business section with everything you need to know about business in your community. If you' re in business, you need Business Outlook. OCEANFRONT-CAPE COO Appe•llft9 ... ,.," cherm wit" etl the warmt" of = d•J•· IO' on b••t bMctt. I N , bMme, fttepl90e and muctt ,,...., '"· a 1-1.o. VIEW-CORNER-POOt.-t.AROE f'rlul• wooded ale••• with ou1toM I..._, 4 bed. fOn'MI cllft6nl, ,....., "" + rec:reetlon room. f'rlwat• pool a •IHI· LMve • ....., MUtnl daCOr, ,...., fOf moff-ln now. owner .. c:errr fOf 10.11 Al'tll fOf ,., ,..,. wtth t'MIONlble ceeh. -,SOO. FEI. WATE.RFROl"\T HOMES,'" lit \111111" '-"""-M1 •l•k. t•n4 .... ~h \t.i...,.,_.-.t AESIOENTIAl AEAl ESTATE SERVICES -.--..... Spacious home on extra wide lot + large living room w /FP + dining room + bright kitchen eating area + family room. Owner will finance for qualified buyer at below Mkt. interest. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 ... f7ZI '1» rm '1• 111.t:l tlJl ..,. Pride of Owntr9tllp unite In N.E. 8utrll P1rtc. Ten 2 Bdrm l -' 1 Bdrm 1N unlum. Alklng price S825,000. Stier wtlt Cir· ry It 13% w/20% dwn. Owner very n.111blt on flnenelng. Thi• ... greet rentll ., ... CloM to rwya & lnduetry. Super OP· portUl\lty for en lnveetor WhO ta rMdy to uporl<M --------.....;..---------. hie porttollo. Cell for '1• '1• f7U '™ ti• f7fl '1• '71e --"" ·! ·--'"' "" - more oetalll. GE ORG~ El K IN S CO w.u .... Classified works dark nn, den. Boat alip. Now $1 ,000,000. • .... -1 By Howerd Merk Co. UYI In Newport 8elctl for end Mote9. Wimer rMUl •' -* from $159,000 Slt,000. 2 Bdrm 1 bl In ll50 per mo. • IAYllll PUOE Spectacular bayfront dpl.x 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, 2 ba dn. 2 boat spaces. Reducied-$1.~.ooo. lllffllllll Single story end unit. expanded 3 br, 3 be on largest greenbelt & lake. •250,000. FllllAllll UIOll New 4 br, 4 ba, custom French Nonnandy &tate 1 ~ acre hilltop s1.2~.ooo. AVILH Fee simple cottage on quiet De.caNo St. {In flats) .• 145,000. llllUll&lYI C"oronado Ia1and c:\.ISt. bayfront Jot. 86' boat dock. Plana avail. Now $370,000 w/terml. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR l • 1 I• _ • a• ~ • , " "-i------1 c.n.. '-'.., ,,,, 1'rlATPlllT1ft •••••••••••••••••••••• llATIUP ..... ,..,...., .. 111.l 1•1 Home+outet+fnoome 38 BALBOA COVES, 3 owe ltt • Flell. Term• 509 Acacia CdM nr be.fl bdrm • 2 blth. REDU· Spotteu Veeant ~x CEO TO '4911,llOOI Huge 5bfl3ba+3brl3bl ..., •wm 4401< own1bkr 94s-1044 IULTll/._ •llM111* ..... TlllU Unautltlonably the beat buy ln,Blg C1nyon. 4 bdrm•. l f•m rm. lmm•· cul1t1. New c:ptt, drapee. marble tntry & decor. Eltctronlc 11curlty ayatem. W•t bar, 2 n. replc:I, 3 elf ger, PoOI l ep1. Priced right et 1195.000 lnct. lend. MMt11 Tl\ YI.Of\ < '() ~ .... YOIK bortng lnc:ome pro- perty or outgrown reel· dtnce with lerge equity for ttil1 neet ru1tlc: llld roomy 4 bdrm 3~ beth hom• with 180 deg. oe11n vl•w In walk to btac:h Coron• dtl Mer locellon. REDUCED TO 1475,000 with 11.75% Int. 144-1111 11~·- ... DeluJlt duplex • terma to flt Y01K budget. Own .. • ILUI or pen.°'""' own1eot F1mlly home, 8Hcon 1_R_EJM_AX __ 1&_e.-_122_1 __ Bay w1terfront, tennle, .. lln. .... nffdl TLC, owner wlll llll..,. flnlnOI. LMMhold II It· ,._. trlC11vt. '185,000. 2 Br. Cottaoe nttr Big U,_,100~ t1C)Mtl ~.:C~C.:~~~:,."· Reeriore. 875-tOOO 875-2373 or 720-4740 ~~~~~~~~~!Have you re•d tod1y'1 A I w • y • • •• I • I n Cleulfi.d Ada? If not ela .. ul~·rMCI the •d• you're INtelng the -C ~ dey. M2-6e78 bergtlnt In town! .... m 495-3244 780-83511 prlv1t1 comm. Very 487-4llOS I °"'"" wih conlldtr 2nd ........ ..... "" c I •• n . M u I I I • • . • et 0% for 3 yre. 3 Br 2 bl .. ~.~;;;.............. 875·2742 ~ .... lltt eutllde. s1118.ooo Aot. llLY ,._, ,,,_,,,, 1111 Lioo ;.:E·:3·;;;,·;.M 1145-8254. SIMO •••••••••~""••••••• rm, 4 Ba, 11700 mo. •Y It.Wt MWI Older Duplex,_ 45th 8t. ___ . .... NB. 3 br, 2 ba. up9telrl. OC"'"NF .. OHT 2 ~ 5BR 2'Alb• 1908 elf 2 br l'i~ ba. downltMn ·~ " l18t,500. Anum• in: to LEASE OPTION Ihle w111 'N11 u la for 1100' 1 81 noo mo. 8 11 OWC b1l1nc1. Prine 1h1rp CLIFFHAVEN 000 or wt11 build to euttl Grundy, Mr, 11M 111·• on I y . 5 4 4 -8 3 to & home. 3 Bdr l den, 2~ for S875,000 l up. (plenl 8Mutltul home lor quell- 939.9951 Ba. ASSUME $120,000 l 1pprov1le oblllned) fled peraone, l'llCllout '- IOU. VIEW 111 with LOW DOWN. Arm It 1 gt Rt 1 It y Ying . $2500/mo IH. 2 Bdrm, 2 beth condo. Full amenities and MC. o•••· No qua11ty1ng wtth 18000 down. 10.15% loan progrem tv•llablt. Cell Rich OwnlAgt. "4-f171 Need • huge 2 Br. 2 ... New Orl11n1 Condo, frplc, p()OI, clubhN, welk to thopa? Orlwl by 1741 Tu1tln, Unit 22A. Cell 573--3313 lor eppt. U..IMIWW with 2v. bltht. 2 car Ind ger. & yerd. '5000 down end payment Ulltted progr1m. C•ll Rick Owner/ Aot 984..fS 171 ........... 3 bdrm, 2 ba. Sep. din rm. Covered p1tlo. Adame end Htrbor. ,_ .-yt~OOO. UITlm $182,000. CALL TODAY. 714-544·2484. 875-1530 · :S~J2"R O O OE RS Duplex on the tend. 30th Outltllldlng 1 l deft, I et. NB. Newty r~ Be. ~. few 1 or 2 In end out. 3 br., 2 be. ~ 1750/mo IM 1 up111lr1. 2 br., 1 be. yr. Loi• Miiier, •et downet•lra. Min. 10'4 831·1288 down OWC b1l1nc1 at _N_E.W_PORT--CRES--T-COH--- 1 .... llWI 13.9"4 lor 5 yre. Gr•t for 00 ... •e ... __, summer rent111. $735, • -•ut " '• ·-· ~::::.~Pc1;:~,~!r B!~ 000. Armitage RHlty. '1200 mo.~ MMHI · Newport lddr-. ~· _7_1_4-_644-__ 2_4&4_. ____ 1 WlnMr 3 8R 2 Ba"'**!. me $120,000 11t. $188, C....a.l uNt, 1175 mo. 000. RAE RODGERS 175-3804 •• f!!r.t!l. ...... J!!!f Oceenfront 2 er. 1 .. : ._,, 1-Z ~ S::·U: = ~ Pr1mt C.M. loc. 4000 aq S I 2 11 & S 57 5 I m o ;-' . ft bldg, 111,000 :i::: 14$-2610 . 121 ... llWlll ~;~~~ -Udo--.. -,-erfr-on_t_home. __ _.., .- BUYS thla S Br BACK liiiii~====--i :~~.' ~::;. 1:!~•;.,, BAY Chumt r. NEW-I-WIYllflllf ~ J PORT lddr-for onty vecent •II• In Cennery Oceanfront • 1ttr..,.tve S1H,OOO. Juat ll•t•d. Vlll•g•. Wiii t•k• 80' 3BA 2b• 11ioo1mo, • CALL TODAY. RAE boat. MllO,OOO. c.. '°' rnoe IM. 8&111 t7M111 ROOOER8831-12tt dttallt. ..... la/wdaW 141-1111 ~·········· •••••••••••••••••••••• THREE UNITS·1 3 Bdrml•------llilllilal and 2 2 Bdrm plu1 4 IJI-' .. -........ J PETE BARRE TI lllTILI Y..ty..W.-.Y.,Wll\W, I, 3,4 &clrrM. regee. 8loC* welt Owner .,.r• ._,,_ flntnelngl Call Aidt, Ber· You own the lend. 2,000 . REALTY rett 1142·5840 ICI ft. 3Br, fMI rm, 2~ !~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~ 81, wtde Greenb111, ,_ .a111111ULn ... llPll .... TRm 12•••• , •.. Bulldtr 1118 ~ gain problem1, wllt 1MM -'lh C)f>tlon to putcheM within 15 monlha at TODAY'S PRICE. New 2 or 3 Br. 3 B• Condo·•lo * lux tmtnltlet. Or•I ioc.t1on next door to all •hop- ping, tl1e11era & tr•n· 9'>0'11tlon. 714.f3 t·5055 or M2·2000 pool. Fer below merktt 1-IJJfll'f.,, 1245,000. w• .._op. ;;.::;;1·~2· ,;;;;;. tlon. Bkr. 844-0l34 1 bllt from OcMll 12 X MlllMPDI 11M111 GrOll, Wiii melntalned. ---------""'· llEEI W•lk to tflopplng. Bkr. "••hllt.IWlllw Prof. deeor•tld, wenn 3 1 _2_13-306-__ 1_8_2• ____ 1 Furn. F.m..ac 4 bdnft, Br. L.A .. D.R .• F.R .• big .... ,..,. ~~= kltcfl., frplc, plui 1 prl· Time Shere, S•n Cl•· toc1t1on. Av111 winter vet• lrg menlcured )'ll'd l 1 privet• putting Ot9tn mente, S10M + groat Otnty. $1750/mo. l 3 car gar~. A rtal ..._, Trldl • Joint wnt· ,... 11.IWlllw vetue et '375,000 and ur• • or Mii et I 1.8M lMC.~ *'"" ._ YCMI own the lend. Try w/28% dn. By Owner on IMe. WllW 10% ctwn. Pltrtdl T-. 1_1 ... _12_._11_20_. ____ 1 o n I y . P • rt f u r n . • elll&LI•• s 11001mo. .......,., ... Eastlldt Cotta MeM tt1-Avell furn or unfurn, pt.11. 8.8 x grot1, 40K f 11 ti 1 ti / down. Price 1fOK. ly an • c oca on w O'#Mf, (303)U7-2187 vtew9. 2 bdtm, l90Uftty btdg. PoOt. MM/mot .............. 111·1• •• LO\Wy one bedroom end = den condo. Ple1unt 8'1t *-· POOi end epe. S.. ttlt ~urlty gatt. S 104,000 = loan It tOV.%. Owner wlll .. 91 ~ry MCOnd trutt died. = lt4t,OOO. -U1·1* for you when you want to =1~~~ i i . , . a -Nh9i a wmrM--wo;a of a"opplno, rlt9't •t ,.. ...... ~ Defir ~lot OlueihM Ala. T• ...... ,_.Id, . .....,. ....... Olli a s M-Vllor ._ ,... If tt'sgot .......... you'll grab ..... faster In Dally Piiot claulfled ••· ca11 '42·9671 Orang• 0011• OAIL,Y PILOTIW•dfl•tday, September 15, 1H2 • tot rour out-tNwn •e DOLLAR DAY DOUGH 8AVIA8 • for Merchandl•• under 11,000. a.ti your no-longer needed ltem1 for cuh. If It doe1n' I Mii, we'll run It another 3 daya FREE. One Item per ad, mu1t be priced. Sorry. no rNI e1ta1e or commerctal ad1. Call today for full detall1. , ................. ~ .... ., ...... ,, .. ) 3 ~nAYS INE8~ CLA881Fl~D8642-5678 OLLARS Real Estate -the Complete Orange Coast Market Place ......... -. ~ -A t t A,,11•1a11 l1•l•l1 r. f!11• 4800 O/llr1 l1a11I 44H .... ,., "•l•1•l1· .. ~ •••••• "•l•·•'•L-.i i.,,,.,, "-'1111i-a.14 •• ,,,, n.1.,.1••14 A1tatl•••'• •1tal1!H ,.,,11•1•1• Ill ••• ' ••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• •1 Iii .... -~ .,, •. ,, ... ~ ll'tlli .. r ••••••• rJ-.,.-•• i.--:r. ••••• ,.. ••••••• :.r •• ~......... n l I &..-..I n I I &...I u..1.,-1-&.-.i 3• 6 h &b "b 1• 17 w tlcllfl N 8 2*6 •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ., .1. 1,111 111 1.. a. e•ff v• ••• l•n v•••'• 1... ., ... ~••••••• Male ""'"" 1 r r. , • u • , . u I" t ,,. Ju·~ B t·' I •---&. ••~f ,.,,...,1 a...,. ,. .... , ff• "'' •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••• h•e nr 8 c Plaia/Frwy to 4000 eq. 11 111 floor ••I I ,.,,. • •• ••f •• £•1.••• -• >1•• • .-.-. ...... -:rr ••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Ill: . ., •1•~ Jl tJ. ,,.. #lflNll ..... Jiii S $225.+'. h 1111' Aotnt 5A 1·6032 •••••••••••••••••••••• ..... 3.140 HA.RBOR.OCEAN.FRc)N'T McLAIN condo, Big C•· •••nfrtlt .... ....1. ,.,,. " ... .. . ....................... P• • •r• u CALL NOW 2br 2b• w/ •••••••••••••••••••••• Nu 3200' tux hm on bluff. nyon, 2 GR 2"' be, Im-.. , •••••••••••••••••••••• "'' Jl40 N!WPORT SHOAES DY· 541.4g13, •Ill.II tfrlOll• ger. bak!~0:i1ch 1600 N~!~~ n~': !~~;~~~· 180 d1g vu of harbor meculate. child OK, no ~4~gr~c1:~~~:' u~~n11:~: 2 0:,~· 1~9~~A file's~~::· ;·9·;·;·9~~·~~~~;;;.~·; pl1•. 2 bd, 2 b•. dwnwa. AVAILABLE From 1 room to 3 roorn• OC·AENTALS 7&0·3314 OC·AENTALS 760·3314 llUrf mtnii 3br 3ba _: Piia. •11oo mo. Cell No pate 813-7844, No pate, child ok child c»i, no pell, water lrpl, dw, 2 car oar. patio, IMMEDIATELY From 11 18 a sq fl No ' ' ' ' Garry or C hrlata 548.1930 1525/mo 645•3415 neld. 1400 Agent, no $1100 mo agent 10 1hare wllh prof ra· 11aH reqvl11d AOI Air· OC·RENTAlS C!IHlty. uuna. •P•· 873 7781· 790.13g7 ' r'"-••• _2000 876-1642 aponelbt. lemata 25·30. porter Inn 2172 Dupont lbr, quiet, trM thaded yd t·5br't $200 to $2000 S1800tmo. 4oe.7ooo. • , IBR COTTAGE. Mature 2 BA. 1 BA, old hou11. no -.,...,.. 2 bdrm, 1'"' ba COM apt Cell AM 833·3223 Couple or •Ingle o.k no 750-3314 open 7-dayt OCEAN VIEW 38r, 2 BEACHFRONT 38drm adult• pref. No pate pell, child OK Allutllpd. TIWIMHU lllTALI NEWPORT Penln1u1a 1 3 bike lo bch Pool & pets. 1450· 548•8251 lrplce, $1075 mo. 1422 1845. New cpta, n1w Vary Hcludad. lJlll pd. 415 Hamllton, S635. · bd, 1 ba, 1435 mo. utile garden« lncl'd 1et, laat, Airport area • Exec Sui· 38r, 28• Cape Condo, Will P•lntlnterlor and ax-l1rn1ce Way. 780-83711 palnl. avail now. Can be 1475/mo. 945.34 77 645-34 t6 ~ :;· 1~A:!: U~: pd ~I 875·1842 NC .,. ulll Contuelo Wk IH From 225·450 '<I 11 quiet, •Int loc Clean tatlor ol llxat upper tor furnlahed John, AOI wkdya 0 1 bu •ia C''••••ll JIT~ 8 i 1• e g 1 1 h 0'm e $1 per eq ti Many x1ra1 s7eo mo 4g7.214g move In coat• on 3 bdrm Old charmer, vi-. 3br, 831·2242 · pply °' 01)1 10 Y ~~••••'~••••••••••••••! reo.ee59 ' Call 557.7010 ttouae Hunt Sch area hrwd fire. trpk:, deck Nr. Wlntar rental• ll!a&lllD81iBJIU 545-3387, g57·1413 lrg. 3br, 2'-'b•, condo. only 964-7512 beach/ town. $1150. Ila J11a now available, Call ~ 1 Br. P111 dactc, Old world Roommate wanlad M/ Fountain Valley Olflca avail 1011, Many axttu 4g4-e930. C1•l1tr1a1 J.111 J&.S IULn l.PllTllllTI. HT&tl LIYllt charm. apectacular atralQht no-amk $250 + space, 2500 aq It at 80c lnclud. micro. frpl, Ilk• 3 BR 2 8• Seabury. ., I Jl•O ••••;(:'••••••••••••••• NIP MllllllllT eaaulllully landaciped 8e1utllul park·llka 1ur-ocean vu, walk to beach '-' utTI Ov• 642.5446, 111 a It Good upo1ure. n 8 w 4 g g . 2 3 o o , School•. parka, •hope, £1•01 ..JJ 1 ~ Hilla~ executl" home. 4 -------garden apta Pool & Spa rounding• Terraced 1496. Contact Mgr •t apt 8PM 642•51120 good parking, Talbeft & 631·7100 beach 8111 cond $850 ••'••••••••••••••••••• bd 2~ ba fmly rm 1v·g llM 171 Patloal dackl No pell. pool Sunk an gH bbq, C 332 Encino ln 9 1 o o k h u r 81 C a II · 1144-1094 HOME FOR RENT rm'. bonus' room. 3' 1rpl, eachelOf' s41o.S4 15 eparkllng fountain•. Fam to ahr 28r 2b• 2 751-e1g1 3 Br tv. 81. gar-oe. lrg WHIWI 4 Bdrm•. eHc. home. beautlllll yard and lllCUI· Winter Rant al. 2 ~ 3 1 Bdrm. 1486•1470 Spaclou1 room• S•P•· A,.,, ... ,, FltalliM "or y a p I In H 8 1-4-00-.900--P-l_U_S-1-4-00-aq-f-1 yard, atove, dlahwaaller, $900. FenQed yard & O•· iJ. 11550, lncludee g.,. Bdrmt, Newport Pattin-2260 Vanguard rate room1 S.parata di· II Ua/•t• JIOO $tg5/mo Non-amkr, Penthouae Bayfront Sul· near S . C . PI a 1 • Spec. 1 & 2 br, lovely rage. Kids & pate welco-dener, water and tra,h aula. 540.ge28 or 842~905 nlng area, Walk-In clo· •••••••••••••••••••••• Con 1•c1 Ann d y • I• parking patio• $745/mo. 833...S 1112. pine• & at ream•. HC. me. 545-2000. Agent. no pjc:t!up. ee t-7717 Playa Real E1tate NII. hom•·llke kltCMn & SUWlll 557-1108, ev 848·0410 673. 1003 . 1 BA TRAILER. Prlvete, O•IH, entry by phone, '"· 873•1900 large 2 Br, 2 8athtS585 C!ablnat• Walk to liunl· M/F to •hr CdM hOUH 21--------- yerd, no peta. Utll• paid. 10• i':C •r•:4~~5g~ym, ,,, ..... , • .,, '''' ~~.'~.~~ ••••••• !~ Oceenlront. Deluxe 2 bd. 3g5 w. Wll1on lnglon Center VILUIE lrg br'•· 1 ba, lrplc, tun· IHI IPAOI o•• $450/mo + 1ecurlty poo epa. · ••'•••••••'••••••••••• 3 BR 2 ea twnnme nr So. 2 ba. S1200ilmo yrly In· 631-5583 or 1142·4905 2 Brm unlurn, $575 New t&2 bdrm. luxury deck. lndry lac. 3 blkt Attractive ruatk: up1talrs 4g9.1517 Sharp 2 BA condo, t 1ty, 1800 1q ft family home Cat Pia.ta. AC, tptc, D/W, eluding ulll. 752.g488, 2 Bdrm TownhouH apts In 14 plant. 1 Bdrm from beach. $380/mo. Mltlng We aupply delil. all blln1. pool, $550 mo. lmmed. avail. 4 br, 2 ba, r1lrlg, 1tove, pool, IP•. & 873..0881 3 Bdrm, 2 Bath• $825 ur\lurn .. $850 from $540, 2 bdrm from Utile Incl 875· 1721 1pace copier You eup. 4 Br 281· bltlna, d/w, new Call 540· 1158, uk for bit-In gu kit., pluah more No peta 1•1 & 1aa1 151 E. 2tat. 548·2408 No pell. Ulllttlff lrHI S815, Townttouae lrom ply phone & sg5 pr mo cpts, drapH, lrplc. dbl Dave crpta. drapee, 2 cir gar. req'd Lee A.vi now at Oceanlron1 1 Bdr, $450 LA QUINTA HERMOSA 5685 + pools, tennle, 2 BA 2 Ba Nwpt apt, w/ pr deak Call 644•7211. car g•r. pool, $850/mo. Niguel Ad & Crown Val· $700 · ,..;., g79•7100. mo. to mo. lae & dep. No t82t 1 Parkside ln, tblk waterlalle. pondsl Gu view, lem. 25·35 y11 1---------231 Sante Ana Ave. 3 Br 2 Ba, lprlc. lovely lay Pkwy. Agt by eppt, 7~~~0w3,.,',;. Mlk ,.._• garage, no aummer. aJu .... --a:a--..a W ol Beach. 3 bike S for cooklnn 4 heating ApproK $375 642-4300, 2000 sq It w/500 aq ft Call 2131375·8107 home & area. 1 ml. to g57-0701. !~~t'y ""· •""'" 873·t858 WWCl9LI -=-.a ol Edlnger ... 847-5441 • 24 hrs. No. 616. etorege, O C Airport ,..., paid. From San Diego l-------,-:---1 RENT TO OWN: New 28A b41ech. $850/mo. Roger , •• 1 HMILY IPTI s•25 2 BA 2 ea 001 Frwy drive North On Prof M/F 21 10 30 yr• to 8 r. a . s 2 0 0 0 I m 0 . 21,Lba condo. Call Ric.. 640·9008, 963·0902 #i11i•• Vl1'• •• 5 yra. n~.· 3 Bdrm, n ',ba. e tll 1 d 1 ., · • P · 851·8g25 ,. .. ••••"•••••••••• ·-eau u gar an •P •· patio, kids OK. no peta. Beach to McFadden to shr dlK 3 bdrm, 2'"' ba i------:---:'.-Owner/Agl gfS4.8171 5 br. 2 ba. pool, near •••HOME FOR RENT cul·d•·HQ, kid• Ok. THE Pat101/deck1.Nope11.2 848·9868;g80·7484 Seawlnd VIiiage 1wnhae In e•Cluslve Npt SO LAGUNA.3Arch8ay. Sprlngdele & War nar. 3 Bdrm. $700. Fenced S725/mo, tit/IHI s3oo C!hlldren welC1om1. (7 14)893-5198. Bch Area. Pool, Jee, ldry, 2 Sulles avail Gd Hwy *38r, Twnhae. n1 S.C. $900 mo. call 847•3803. yard & garage. Kid• 6 dap. Avail 10/1. Haldi 2 Bdrm 1•1, Bathe $540 1 Br, refrlge bll·ln ttove & 1250 mo. dep 837·2260. Visibility 4g7•235 1 Plue S A Pool •P• g7g 2390 ''&OOD 2 Bdrm. 2 Balh• $585 oven, drapH, c1rpet1. OCEANFRONT 3 BA 2 Ba. 6 5085 1 $'1eo' N ' ' E A BE CH 3 b 1•L ""'IS "lcome. 545-2000. • I It I I ge4.4. eave meua· llPffl w•ull gar. mo. o pell. N A A r. ,. ,,_ 1 398 w. Wiison No pell g80·2875 ge un • spec acu er .., 752-5822 ba. lam rm. 1011. S825 Aoent, no ee. C..l .. hl••• 631-5583 or 642·4905 ocean view. Walklni l------,,.,..---,--,-::-1 Exec. Sult"lncl reeept., 2 BA 1 ea. 1 car oer. lo• mo. •o•nt 973 • 8 g 31 !•.f!r.!!.~!~ ... 1.~! ... !!!~!!~!! .. !~~~ LIFE" 2 er. 2 ea. laundry, ya1d. lrgl~l~E::,~.!n~~ .. ~1;!:;0~·,10r1~:~P~!~~•u· F~~·!!1'.0~:~Y!~~~·n~ :~i°:Y ,;:r,v~.~~701., r~.;: yerd, 1650. 3 br, 2 b• lemlly home, NICE 4 m w/party patio 2 bdrm 2 ba panthouN no pete. $450. apte, encl gar, lrplc, rentt Avl Sep. 15. to So. Cat Plaza S261 plus 873-0188 n-paint, crpta & dra-L kltr h I d d ••25 flr""laC. Mc:url~ Ver, y·1 .......... ~ ,....... 831·3671, 675-2860 h k N H t J 15 $1100 mo U111 ,.,__ sponalve to your buel· pea, 2 car gar . covered g c • nc Y -... • ' • """nvvnv "" 00 ·UPI ear un une · ..,.,p neas needs Adj 405 '.•••11 d 11 OC-RENTAlS 750-3314 ••Ille Bldg. 850. Social Aotlvltlat eraftd ~Condo 2 91 2 Hrbr from $475. Chll· 673-4483 957-0832 evlwknds F...,. In F v lndlv. olca. -pat io, Imm• •11 • • 752 5328 " ·--OK 8•o """7 .. , l.ANDlOADdoeeo'1care $795/mo. Incl. gard-QC-RENTALS • Direc1or•Free 81. 2 car garage w/ dren ., -..ov IH•I 4000 Ammie wanted lor NB Mo/mo from S325. about moneyll Saye renl & water Agt by •PPI. 1·5br't $200 to 12000 Brand ,_ condo. 3 BR, Sund• 'I opener. wood burning 2 Br 1 Be. gar-oe. 2nd fir, •••••••••••••••••••••• oceanfront. Non-amki g53.5445 this 38r 2'"' Ba cu11om g57-0701 750.3314 open 7-d•YI 2~ ba. Vltd celllno•. Brunch•BB0'1• lrplc, vi-ol stream & balcony, 11ove. O/W. Laguna Beach Motor Inn reliable male 673·5363 1·N-E-W-PO_A_T_EX_E-=C-S.,..U-l"'"T"'"E~S poot house, gourmet kit Frpc 2 car gar. $850 Mo. Parti .. •Plut w • t er t • 11 a $ 7 8 5 $550, $300 aec dep Call 985 N. Paclllc Cat Hwy 1---------::-1 IOfmal dining rock frpl Come ttome to thl1 28r For lea.le or IMM option, 752.5329 much more 662·1309. 8g7•5886 111 5 Lagune Sch. Dally/ 2 F to there 3 Br Apl In C Full tervlce. reuonable dMlgner d~r thruout famlly unit cllel •tyle S1500/mo. 5 Br .. large Q "I AT Wkly/ Kitchen avail low M $200/mo ahare ulll• rates Xlnt loc 752-&408 Many m0<e EXTRAS kitchen garage 450 + yard, echoola, ahopplng 3 Br. Condo ,,.., So. C. ft I! C "I AT I 0 N : $395/mo 1 Br. 1 Ba. Apt wlntef' ratee. 494.5294 Avell Oct 191 Karen E11cutlYI Sulttl $350 chg nearby. Agent 648-10«<. Pia.ta, crptng & bit-Ina. T a n n 1 a • F r 8 e Carpor1. lndry rm. Sub· 631-8032 UNDER MAAl<ET METRO AL TY 636-7005 EASTS UFF Ex h overlook a greenbelt, llUonl (pro & pro mlt on pet, baleorty. Call Room wtlh kflotien prlv Nr 1---------1 For leaae, 3 adjacent l ec:. ~ pool• IPU & ctubhouN ahop) 2 Health fOf' appt •hopping center & bUsll· Quiet F nonsmkr 10 lqok eocullve 1ul1e1. Top renials+us 537•5g7o 3 br. 2 ba den. formal ava11'. Security gate Ctuba•S~una• TSL Mg;,,t 642·1ll03 ne. H.8. 962-7520 fOf' 2 br, up 10 $275 M lloor ol preellgloua •d· 3 BA 1·~ ba dplx, SA Hgta. lBR HS[ 300 dining, 2 lrpla. garden $850. Cell 97M23f IYff Hydrom11SH99• llST•-Ill Cynthia 645-2732 dreu eeeullful view tncd yard, gar, S&30 mo. Ultra modern kitchen w/ P 8110 • $ 1 2 5 O m 0 & w11nda. Swlmmlna•Ooll _, Nn~~.".!i~::es~~;h prlv, AHp gay M sht houH Highly upgraded. Aeoep· ~ 0 2 0 1 8 8 1 r ch SI all blt·lnt pet am chg 642-0350. Orangetree Condo, 1475. Oflvlno Range Eutelda $625/mo 2 Br • Secu111y Carts 850•1g91 or 631•7215 w/2 yg prof'•, $375 + llon111 aarviea provld~. 833· 1927 METRO Al TY 838-7005 4 II J~ IA 1 Br 4 Iott, tannla, pool, •I AU T t f U l 1'A Ba. Townhouae, •II • p~01 & RK Room utile. s Lag. 4g9.5535 Suite avallable lndlvl· A' A ft T M E N T I : bulll-ln1, lndry rm, car-• 1 6 2 8A p11,0 Aots Furnlahed room In Coste 1---------1 dually or as a group. 3br. 2',.,be, nr new, lenoed Beeutllul 28r 2ba huge Fam rm. $1250 IM •tr• am . N 0 P • t •. S 1n 0 Ia1 . 1 1 2 port, yard/balcony, amall • r.iroen lands"P'"" Mua, quiet home for MIF ahr 3bf/2ba, ateps lo Ideal lor branch otf!C41 Of' )'•rd, treea. Call aft. 4 garage kid/pet 500 + ~8053 553-1141 Bedrooms•Furnlttled pet OK. ... working person, not un-bC!h, N 8 $275. Call person In lhe financial $800. 540·5010· chg Ea11bluft 38r, 2ba. A\lal1 2 bd, 2~ ba, 2 car gar, & Unlurnlahed•No TSL Mgmt. 642· 1603 • Dishwunm & 880 5 der 32 year•. 548-5804 A n s w e r A d 6 7 8 • f 1a1 d p 1 ea, e c a I I Eastalde Condo. 3 bd. 2 METRO Al TV 836-7oo5 n o w S 1 0 0 0 I m o . lota/etorage. Nr Harbor P•t••Modela Open Spar·kllng c•-an 2 Br 1'/• • Joo 10 Beach 6 ShopS 842·4300 (714)760-1818, Newpor1 'I "' CM, luK above gar tor 1---------1 be, lrpl, micro, bak:onle· 3 br, 2 lge bathe, newly 6 4 0 .go 1 g Arn le or HI Sch and Oakwood dally toe. ea. $475. u111a pd. Aafrl· neat non-amkr person, Non smkr rmmete wanted Center. s. encl yrd, dbla garage, remod. Pete. 575 +chg. 831..0836 ask tor Elaine Apta. 5'45·3874 da, OILWOOd geno·.!,,"", all children ok. no kllch, 548.7197 alt for 3 BR CdM dplx. 3 -L-ag_u_n_a_B_e_ac-11-5-0-0-,-.-1• elec. opnr . $775/mo + METRO RlTY 836-7005 LIDO BAYFAONT new 4 1140-5156,..,.. a ,._ 6PM blks Ir ocean. W/D, $265 ocean view condo, xint ulllltlea. 644-49g8 eves, ---------1 Br. 5 Ba. S2050/mo ..... 1960 Wallace "9". & I utll 639-7840 dye, parking, ieue/ 18181 720-5012 d1y. llDS/PETI 01 .... 1•3871, 876•2860 A.1u •• 1.t.• •• •.•.1.1.F •• •.ra •• l.1.A.H.. a....-tltt $ B••tl•fl•• Room In 4 bdrm, 2 ba hse. 673-4239 evs, Brian option/ equity par11clpe· W k h 400 + "" ,-.-. ..,...,. 3 11)11 ivell: 2 bd, 550: 1 B. &.-•1~1 Kllohen, washer/dryer. A Old Spanl1h houH on or • op gar. Harb« View Hornee, Car· 111_.., ............ ,... bd. $426: Bach, 1375 •••• ff::!! ••••••• t~."!. 1225 no IUt dep. Xlra large apt near ocean. t Ion AO t Pa u I ~~:! ::,~= ~~,3 J~ ~'?TAO ALTY 836-7005 m..1 Mdl 3 Br, family rm. l .. lai•ll 3111 880 Irvine Call Stu 540-3666. 48r, pool, 1pa, 642-4172, 642-8386 ev 4f98 ~'W~ M/F Alt _6_4_6_-_so_s_i _____ _ & needs work Vacant ---------1 LMM $1150. 644-&0n •••••••••••••••••••••• (at 16th) 4g7.2338 S1500 mo. I ._ IH-.i IOSO 7 M 4 • 1 Colla Me11 1 °' 2 room $600 mo. Call Larry or 3 BR • 490 3 er ~ den country Smllll 1 Br ca1peta. dr•· (7 14) 645-1104 NEW BREED APTS. 492-4353 • .'!."!.~ •••. ~•••••••• * Whlle only Mel e aullu From $75/mo. Dave. 540-1t58 kltch 1rp1c0 2"' ea 2 car pu, relrlt•· •tove ............ ,... 1 Bdrm w/lolt. Frplc. rec .,,...,, ••ei Jiii Board end room Jn lovely Roommate. large hou11, Utile lncld 779 W. 19th Affordable family unit. gar, 'w /D ·hookup, gar-1425/mo. 117 50e8 1700 16th St. room, pool, Jacunl, gu ••• -..-;•'•••••••••••••• M ... Verde home. ExC!el pool, IP• $300 plus No St. 851·8g28 SUPER SHARP 2br 2b• Very am move In + chg. dener, nr achools, no 2 BR 1 Ba, 1 gar IP-. ~ (Dover et 16th) & water paid No pell NO FEEi Apt. & Condo food Rel• req 545-2095 smoker. 752·5822 Office ipace, In xchg ta< wt METRO ALTY 638-7005 pets 1995. 1-e37-1458 °' blk to oc.an °'bay. No (714') 642 5113 393 Hamilton, C M rental• VIiia Renlall I Iii I 4100 re you Ilka ET & wanl lo light telephone anawe-~~l~E~i.~ /~~71~ Perlect 3 bf, 2 be. chef'• 548·5028 p•t•. HOO mo. 9 mo · • 845-4"11 1175-4912 Brotter. ~!.'!.!, .. .'!!.! •••••••. phone home? M/F Shr ring gll().1596 kitchen, radiant lrplc. Bluffa 3 br, 2,-' ba, lam !MM. 714-e75-4142 13g5 • 18R, relrlg, no IUWI llTIL beautiful Nwpl home w/ N-potl Exec suite 2 min •lllO lattslll•• gar l(lda/pet. 550 +Chg. rm, greenbelt, pool. Oceanfront & cloee to A pet1, 2 adult• pref. 731-C Wkly rental• now avail Pllt ba. $435 mo. + II from Airport haa lndlv 3 Br. Ctun & quiet. car-METRO ALTY &36-7005 $1400mo. Ag\64-4-013-4. Small t & 2 er. Apte. ,,.,,.1811 W. 18th. 873-n87 $105 & up. Color TV utll 642-8610 o fflcu In a 1uxurlou1 pats, drapu, laundry IOMES I lPTI Huge ~ 4 b< 3 $350-$750 Yrty & winter .••• '!~!~~!! ....... $525. 2 Br, 1"'be twnhM COUNTRY CLUB LIVING Phonu In room 2274 Non amkr 4 BA llM, step• antique hlled bualnen hook-up, yard, gerage ba dpht, blt·lnl. uoo,' yr 875-5102. llJt.. /tJad Jiii Poot, patio, no pate Newport Blvd. CM 10 beach $350 envlronmant equipped No Pell. 100'1 av•'I "'-"a 1-I Oct. 1 WI A I 8 .. 1 •••.••••••••••••••••••• 979·5425, 841-0574 • 'NtoNtEWal PaOnRvTlrBoEAnmCeHnt 646-7445 675·3231 with Tix, W p . ant a«V., I 8 1 S a n t a .. '"" "" "' · ntar •nta •· ec... ,. lrg conlerence rm, lot• ol 950.3g59 (213)37~5091396-SOee bd. and 3 bd wtth ocean ea.. 11&1911 CloM 10 beech. :i, Bdrm. 8'>•r1ment community on 8 [ I C H A R [ A 2 main to shr uni 3 BA 2 parlllng mo/mo°' lease Affordable 2 Br Kld ... 400 Harbor View Home. 2 er. v I e w . 5 3 5 • e 7 8 8 . Large t Bdnn, flr191ace. $490 mo. Crptl. drps, the Upper Bay. Private " ba apt, '"' blk to ocn from $375. desk apace 10111 I lPTI den, 2 ea. $1250/mo. 875-0318 beamed oell'a, l1undry. pool. gar. No peta clubhouse and hHlth $ $275 & S325 873-9127 $250 Move In allowance Spec1ecular 38r 2 bath Large 4 + 2 +den wlfrpl 840--&leg or 531-3985. C..•~ l.J #u Jtll Ultlmete prlvacl w/ 642~470 epa. 8 1ennla courtt, 7 84/Wk M/F ahr my Ett. CM hM, 833·9976 Aemoeleled kltcl'len ... 800 queen• kltch gar ... 650 l'iarb0< Ridge leeae 4 Br 3 0·:·.·.·n··v·1·a·w·.••b•e•:~:1iu"iiy• g:;~':~a~·~~4!,~i :v:· ---l -YAIL.--1-t _W_I__ :°'P!~1~}~.~fonbu~=~: Aefrlgerator·Mald-Pool pet• o.k. laundry, etc ___ ll_l _IT_lf_l_L __ _ 3 k-S 8 ..... t ...... ~ 3•"" ft v 832 "•oo d l 1 e f 1 Nwpl Blvd & Wiiton $350/mo 646-7673 Roomy 1BA blt·lne. 250 Br 2 m1tr bath• e • ..,., • ....... u · ._._..... vuu • furn, 1ownhouM, frplt. Of ...,.. YI arga r. re r o•. Convenient ahopa on llWPlllT OllTIR Charming 28r + bonua rm kltch • Kid• pet gar .625 pool, tennll. guard gale pool & patio. $895/mo ••&.-. range, laundry. cerPor1, Illa Unlu1nlthed beer.. Coita Mna 548•9755 Female non·tmoker share With u•• ol reception. $2500/mo. Bob or Dovie 873-o8H -pool. No peta. $425/mo lora, 1 & 2 bdrm apt1 and Yearly on the beaeh, hotel 1pac. 2 bd, 2 ba C.M 1 kll h hOne Koop, Agt, RE/MAX l'1•/a1•ll 3111 9 3 t W 1 9 I h · St 1ownhouMt. room, kitchenette & thO· apt. Pool, Jacurzl, tennla. con · roo1m1•4 c 'Pd ' utli paid garaga .... 4g5 636-7005 POOL HOUSE Enormoua Not a rental agncy chg 3Br several bathe yard METRO REAL TY for ldda/pell gar ... 800 Nr beach 3rm home $3g5 at BEST Flat lee 539-8190 759-1221 l"--11 .. .,, 3••4 •••••••••••••••••••••• 549.04g2 15•0 . 11000 1 $327 & •L 111 545 4358 secrelar a wor pro-...,. "'' ••• !.~. : bdrm. 2 be newer dpl1t.1----·-----.. d "'· $280/mo. P ui MC. " u • caning, Mall & mesaage NE w p 0 RT c RE s T E~~;;ici;·5,~·dto. 1345 yrty. Mature non-1mkr1. Large 2 Br. ' ea. d/W, In· Several baChelOrl In 1 depoelt. 230e W, <><:.an-Roommate to •h•r• large Mrv. avail. aeparately II CONDO-Beaut, 38r N-utllt pd, Nr a/lops & bu•. no peta. 1750 X 3 d r Y rm . W /a Id•, Bdrm unit• IHture fine Iron!, Newport Beach. 2 bdrm, close to beach dealr~. Call. Judy, cp1 & paint, $1000 mo. Pvt. 648-4831 2131799-41g5, 257.97g2 $490/mo. Avail Oct 2nd dHlgner furniture and 673·"16<1. Furn. Npt Bch. $275 mo 714/760-0100 Agt. 645-0295 or (7 t4) 1173-3988 1_64_5-_66_2_6 _____ :;~..!,!:°: '~:: Pine Knot Motet on Coaet 675..03~11 UEOmYt Simi HARBOR VIEW HOMES • OUA IE 010 $425. 1 br. utile pd, 417 E Lltla, .. .., laHM.,. m•r month•. Smartly H w Y • N 8 · S 1 • P • 10 1-2-r_oom_t_l0t-re-n-t,-t:-a-t -.n-d'."1 Paler'• landing announ· 38r. 2Ba, din rm. lo kit, All UTILITIES PAID Bay 81lboe No pat1. Loe bach w/lplc, patio & lurnlahed modal• open ocean. Wkly rates. laat req'd. Call bet 6 a.nd CH a law choice exec +.•OO ltftl+ big yd, 1950 mo Agt. 547-1155 carport. $400. No pet• dally 64S-044o 9 PM aulle olflcu lor rent • 551-11130 Compare before you M Pt " 549 24•7 IEEI A PUOEI g90.59115 Harbor or ocean vtewe. 636 -7005 Nol• rental egncy chg With frldge/1tove lntlde. rent. Cua tom dHlgn 8 •ch a Io r. y 1 • r I Y. "' n • • On Jam~ Ad at Mo/Mo Slcretaflal i41'· METRO REALTY BEST Alty 53g-e190 lee llUT Yll'W leaturH. Pool, bbq. $340/mo. Utlla paid. Bachelor 1 ea, w/thower, San Joaquin Hllt9 Rd. Reaeonabla ratet. Kit· Ma1ure F to thr CdM ap1 vices 17141 846-5528 or 38, POOL home 2 tile let a reltal ec••IJ Cetallna & mll, Hunting.. cov'rd garage, aurroun· 8715-9562, 64e-131g lge yd, 1275 mo l'4· 1IOO cheneltM, ~.maid In exchange IOI' COOl<lng ,21315g2•5514 bath• modern 8'>Pfl nu Bring 1.._ laml"' nice 3br ton night llghta. New. ded wlUI plush land-· CIHn 28r. lBI, pallo.1 ____ e_1_3_..0_1_ee ___ I---------:--11rvlce, z channel mo-& It hNWk. 5'4·53t9 crpt gar k/p 850 +chg ,,. .,, • deluxe 2 bf, 2 be, MCUr. ping. No peta. MOO B N 2 Br 2 ea from s525 No vlH . SANDPIPER MO· OCEAN FRONT view N Olflce/Store/Bualneu METRO ALTY &36-7005 dbl bath. lrplc, fncd gate. brick lrplc, yard. 1 Br. Furn $515 K3-~l IV'l9/wtlndl. 2JSo/~ ,,: 2 :.,:::· pate Acrou from Npt TEL. 1987 Newport Blvd, UgunL Beaut. f\lfn 2bd, apaces for leaN 580 & $5g5.BESTflatfee Nopett.ldeelforyoung 385WWlllonM2-1g71 755 W 18th St BcnOolfCourN.Ollloe CM645·9137 2bacondo S3SOmo 12501q.fl.Toploc .• 2 Br. 1 Ba, 2852 Santa 539-6190 couplH. 1850. See 1tt ,. ___ •-'-ttlf C.INI 111 #u Jiii 64&-g507 hl'I g...e 645-4855 ul""lll•• lialaJI 4,1$1 4g7.7ol9l640-29t2 wk Harbor Blvd, lull No. Ana Ava 14 1450 mo F-'r 2 Br f'"-1"' unit . .,__ then call. WB-103 SUN· .,... ,.,..., •• •••••••••••••••••••••• r • ,. Baker St , CM. lnq. rnor 851-6226 .. .. ... , ._. SET BLUFFS corner of •••••••• • ••••• • • •••• w•-• * 2 Br. 2 Ba. nr SC Pll.a, '"' Glock to beach, 28r, • • •••••••••••••••••••• ·--•••tU •u ir 645·8100 dy th• flrat ol month. • Super 1 Br. 1 Ba. VIiia. -·-""" & •• .,700 1 Br. lleeps 4, across the s .... _ ---------~ 4 br POOL houM, -al $450 per month +garage Victor1a & E. Pacific Ave, courtyard, vlf)' prlva1e. Modefn 1Br apt, carpott S.A. Pool. ape, carpon. -·"'hi .,ry • mo. ttrHt from the beach. P101 ... 1ona1 In mid thlr· l•ilalll liati/ 44SO bathe. trplc. 850 + chg. to UM. Cail BEST flit fee i,.2 ~86 :5~_:e:2~ 2 2 • No pe 11 S 4 5 o I mo . or gar1ga lor retired 1575. No peta. 752-5822. yrty 968-8283 $295/wk. 675-5068. ties IMka upgrade year· •••••••••••••••••••••• METRO ALTY 636-7005 53M190 • • · 873-3313 lady No ~ta, no atalra. * a,t 2 II 2 er. 1'-' Be. TownhouM lake Tahoe on -ter w/ ly Newpon lodglno On Retail store 11 2650 Avon, 1 II -Ill lnhl1 1144 ~:~ i: 'r;,: ... 11.,,.,, ~fs.J~4o ~~n~F~12 .~~ ~~ ~:~ ~,•4 •;-:. ;z:2:~ pet l450tmo boat dock. 48r 3ba exec ~::1~t>l;~~~'.t:(!~ ~~11:0:\..'t8~~"; 8 ear Big 4 rmer 4 Chlldr~. "'" SUCH0A00EA0L2t,;·;;;·~ 115o1mo. on the .Pll\ln: ,,,,. J1ff Of' •N day Sat/Sun. 64~667 ,.O,...,,.C_£_A_N,...F~R~O-N,...T~1-:'.B-:A:-. ~ ~2 . ~ 1° t~ p ~ r I~~:~ ~~~o ~~~u~ll~~·~o~~ 1110. trFtOll/ pd,EZ1erm1+ehg. 9er,spa.btt·ln1$575 auta. St•P• to oc1an. ••••m••••1•n•••;;,;;;,;,,•••• So.o1Hwydlluxe 4 Br3 E/alde luwury In 8 pine winier, $550 Oya, g75--0311 anewer ad •51g, w••1..-.11r METRO ALTY 1136-7005 QC.RENTALS 750-3314 Yrly/wlnter . Oya M'f._ Ba 2 lrplcl 4 car gar A 730 0104· eva/wkndt ---------300 4 -..__ I II• 411 2 II• 421 Small del>Ollt +Chg. MElRO Al TY 638-7005 LUIEIU 3 Bdrm detached homee In exc.llent area. Avalla- b I a I mmediately . $800/mo on 1 year leaM. 3 br, 2 bllh lamlly unit, Five othera to chooae garaoe. 575 + chg. from. We're the onee to METAO Al TY 836-7005 call '°' luMI. full 11111 IHI (Uj)\\bodbr1ci; Full kitchen lor Mom. D a I Raady nowt Patt Ok, PM ~a ,, parking. BEST Ally 551·3000 539-8190 , .. let 1 r ..tal llltlt' 4tltllarr1110 Pt.•y.lr~IM Never again COmplete 4 room net. $300'1 chfld la fine a1 BEST flat fu 639-6190 llllT&U 2 to 4 bdrm•!. alerting at '600 to '1490. 875-3132; eve &48-5710 Baauttful park-Ilk• aur-s1450/mo. Darrell, owni '°' .. '· Aefrlg, d/w, p1t10. 833 J743 • P&UI HUIT .... l-M_2_~ ___ 2_h_ra ___ , In Slonamlll BaautllUI View 26r. 29a Condo, lu· round Inga. Terraced 191. RE/MAX 759·1221 bbq, gu Incl. 2 Br 2 Ba.!--·-------(Mont«ey Collntry Club) &Ylll lllElllTILY reception area, otlicea, " ..._ •775 pool Sunken OH bbq, 1526. Avail 9/15. Mgr UITILlfF 3 br. 2 ba, furn .. w/lrplc. To a'"r wl prol mature warehouM. C.M 1776 eq xury emen -· • mo. apartcllng lountalna. It--•• • .,, ••u Rick 831-8741 or Mon· 1875. 2 bdrm, 1.,, ba. 1 • 1 1 " fl at 7g, 875-3882, B-.n 646-2251 """'" "'' 7 ' Golf, tenn • .. sw mm ~· mel• exec. who travel• ,~ Speclout 1oom1. Sepe· •••••••••••••••••••••• Fri 213/592·284S. Sunny upnar, v•-. No o II kl & th 544.g53g, •• ,.. ,._ • y, w Y mon Y eJttenalvely, b1au1 n1w 48r, 38a. 2 aty, Back Bey, rTte dlnl~ area.11v;:•l~j~n Sfttelout 2 Br. 1 Ba. -25· Ml .. Verde apacloua 2 pet1. 81 t Amlpoa Way. rate a· Ca 11 MI f k • condo. In N.B. Harbor -B-al-11-l.-C~o-m-m-·1-&,.../_o_r_o-:"IC!- din rm, lndry rm, lrplc, c OHta, om• • • 8 ' • 1 '~ Ba. 14 7 6 • Br. 2 ea. Apt. Garage. s .. Mgr 044·7118 558-8001 wlldya. Ridge area. Pral 2 linen· + atorage. From S100 to rm lor boel or AV, ordnr, cHhantl& ca, bl~a.t Walk to laundry lac., pool. lrplc, bll·ln•. completely LOVELY 28A, 28A Kone. HI. Condo for ranl 1 clally rHp MIF. Pool, $350/mo. Call Mr. Pem- sg25 mo. 9g44119 u~ ~:'.t;,;.'. 'Hts 648•9558 12•7PM. redec., no pate 1575. ,_. blk 10 bch. No peta. er. •leep8 4, Avail 10·15 tannl• orte, apa, 38•. berlOn 213/289·9307 Bring th• kid• and pat No peta. UtllltlH lr•I PINE 8lUFF APTS 548-8009. Vrly $700 mo 875-1706 to 10·29. 1250/wHk. comgietely furn, utll Inell. Cl••ttdll along tool Fully equip. lA OUINTA HERMOSA ~r!re~v#:: ~z:~.°!i.:'. 1525. ~utllul 1 br. Iott & WESTCllFF 2 Br. 1.,. Ba 640-4484 ~~?tao::·o:~~~::, Al •••l•I• 4411 kitchen ONl Y 1425 + 111211 P1tklldl• Lnb, 1 8blk lrptc, encl oar., gu ito-den, t ~ b&, patio, lrpl, Townhouae. No pate. l•at·'t ._ f:'Llff 4•00 Roommate to , .. r 38r "'"I. •••••••••••••••••••••• c~ W. of a..cl'I. .. lka . .... di-..... ~'---........ IA· beam celling. bulll·ln•. ...""/mo. 1728 BedlOf'd ., 1• • o1 " .... Niii -l'L M Ro RlTY ..... 7N'Ul. of "'di,.,,_ •~1 ••41 .. .., ... ..,... .... ,.. ........ '' I dru lac no """''' ~ ••••••••••• •••••••••• CM •300 mo .. Ulll nd, .,_ .,.,.,. vv" "' . ..,.... ........ .,.. · dry rm. $600/mo. CO' ~a' · ... · lane. 548-7533. FlnaMlelly reaponalbl• 848.•5413 83g.2{11 1100 eq rt C-1. nr 17th & 111111 I Anl i-. .. ,,,,. 1141 SPMC 831~t07 • · lg• aunny 1 bd lido Femall 25-3g to el\l.re & • SuperfOI', $700/mo, avail. ::'I'.':'::............... BAY TIMBERS 1525. Very Nie•. 2 br, 2 Baylront: $850 yrly ocullonal Hoetns, 45' 1--v_1c_k_i ___ .,.-,...-.,.--:-1 OCt 1 642-2434 100•8 -··" .. ~ .. 1 f-Lu•ury atUdlo, Ir" HBO, S --'-·-1 Br 1~ """"' ba, bale lrpt beam eel-e75-0l20 or 873 2357 MotOf'·SlllOf' dock~ In Sef1o1n 'f(Xlng lady dee!· ---1-1------~-·-phone, maid Mrv, ape, p......,... · • ..,.., """' Ung, bulit-1n1: gar, lndry • Newport, hu central alr. ,... room & ba Nwpt In IU•lll I 1130 wtl. 499-3015 & more. IM8-9a83 lac, no pet1. 640-t338. 1BA DUPLEX heat. 2 betl'I•. ahower, ex~ IOt hOUMI<.... 11•1•1 4111 •......., 2 8t OIHna .... 575 1---....,..----~~ s EPS TO B"'"CH ---, •SIGHT & SOUND OF 1550/mo. 2 Br. 11A Be. 2 bdrm, 2 ba upatlln No T ..-• tcltchen. all 11ecttlc ping. 2-e14g 1W mag. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cozy 1 er -Ina. 300a SEA 1er, frplc, gar. Townhouae, balcon:l, In· pete, 1500 mo. Aval!. $44!>/mo 979 7296 PIHH 1and rHuma, L--wtll lhr 2 bf, 2 be NB 3g75 Birch 1000 aq. bit " w 1. t 1 r I .. 2 • m 0 • d"' rm ~-..,... bit· .. ~ 8 curr-t pho'o peraonal --·-,. ... It MIA zone. Agent " .. " ..:.! Ave· II~'• 10/1. Afl 5. 5.49-.w9 BaC!h apt, '.t blk to bC!h, '""' ' • P.O :f:' w/non-amkg F 2-..v 541·!5032. POOL '-'OUSE 9,__, ....... 41M·51... "-....... • .. ndack ""'O yr"' $300 background to .o. Box Utt hav• oood r•I• & ---------n ,._.,,... ~~=:--::~'."".'":':-==::= TSl ...,,mt M2·1ll03 2 br, t~ ba, frplC, pvt ""' ' ,.... ' '7 ' 35-8 BelbOl llland Ca-d 4 + 2 +din w/roctc frl)ler: L OCEAN FRONT mv 075.7477 -• • be neat Rental $290. $750 up 2180 It. In U· 1325, litllltlea loc:I. Sm. t pello. OW. gar. No pet1 1--.,.-----"".'""-HI. t2662 641-8108 tlrlll • 01flc. 18t0t ~ 2br, 1'Abe hOuee, 17711 bd. 1682 Newport Blvd. 1520. 834 Hamilton t BA·pool·block to 1...;.----:---:---1 dondo Circle •M & T 636 7005 mo. 2br, t ba duplex, CM 831•7392 _543_.s.._1_1 _____ 1 oc.an-alngle.1350 llOllllTE Fem. only 10 .nr lrg houN Huntington. eiach. Not lar from South Colet • 1725. "°'"' fllm. pncng, .,.,, ... 2·5002 nr So. C. Plaza lrpl, dan '42·2834 Pina. 4 Br houM, mufti : petloa. vleW. Winter only. Hf 11th/PQfnOna, 1 8t 1 ... ,.,,,, -1---C-L.l-FF_H_A_V_EN--FllDEllS & wetbar, lndry. no'*'· -------- ba"'t. C!lfpets thrv-out, '52JCNw,Ja.~. Not a rentlll_egncy chg M •·1 ... t /4t7-5t25. lh, downatalra, D/W, vi:ci.N•T•ie;,•·;,;;~·;:r: 8pacloua 2 Bdrm, patio. 957-0899 ..... rt•AI,,.,, fl'PI 2 car gar.,.. METAO PIJALTY ,,,,_, -.._.. 3111 ce<pott, wal• pd, 1 cNld P«t '525 mo dl11'1w11h1r. cju1g1, 01(jeet & targeat agency. Rmmta to anr lrvtne hou· Of 11 c •I Ind u 11 '111 ClOZ'J • BEST..,,., Woodbf~ tM i.ita. • Tll W&-!'.1...a;;;.~~•••••0 OK, no peta 14llO. Aol., ~2-3591, 13o.718S 1590/mo. MS-7138 All ~lent• 8Cfeened With M . Moat amenltlll evell •.OOO•l4,000 aq II. All kid• wt!COme..._ Rlty ExeouttYa 3 b<S, 2 ~ be. D.........._ ,._ ~....... "''"NF.,...,.. ...... 2"' •·. no fM. 5'6-2000 ...... 1 • _._.. A/C Huv Pwr and Uohl· open 7 deya •-Manv Extrul l t<400/mo _...... .....,_ __,.,.,,,.. ""' """' """ --• f ''"" oa ,. r ..... enoee. or n1atby l280+utll. .,, I ... 0 ndlow •UM1M• I••~•· 562-950 , home, 2 •on or a 8{: WHk or month. Huge 3 bdnn, 3 ba. Pflv \~·l:=.i;~=: u,:1~r~'::!d'C1;, Crlditt: CoetnoPOlltan es1-1eea ~":t~'~. o;20 .ou 1. 651·2193 Of' 987...et5T bdrm, All opening to e 3•7973 patio. No pet•. $600 mo. 2131402·2HT. SH It t Br apl, utll ~d, Sml O~T~~~.' 1"11---~--._-_-,-... -l ~~-=-•11=1 213·927-4404 eutalder overlooking garden, petto ovarlOO· ..................... ""~ 151·21711 ,._ .. ,,.. -'"..,.... "' -•• '" Newpot1. 2 1tory, 5 rm Turtlarock •••c. 2 kl wat 2 ......,, ..... .,..,...... ,~~~~~--..,....,,.-24662 ...... doba °'· ... pt betcl'I motel. 04 0440 II rt M111ff .................... -,.-hl--,-,,~---1-V-- tiome. 11h bl, pita car-mHtera, den, 2•.-. ba, ng er, .. ..,.. 8• otu 2 encl 3 b<Stm. Ldty, oar.. STUNNING luge 1 Br. A. l.oll9'y 3 bdrm, 2 ba, new Pl• • I! Side CM MIOll on P~ I 1111 I•.,_ pet.•. fno9.Y_etd + oaraga, I 1350, Rlt1 844-9010. tire rl~e1o, • o. fireplace. 1850 and up G11den ~· PoOl l rec 8 It 2 la. OCMn w, 1va11. cp11, drapea and IP· elley, .. ,,, ctun, ttot-oe l'lllun klda 04(. 9635 BEil open 4173.9519 ~:r.e evelleb l •• ~n'r; wtnter. 640-4794 .,... 710 . 18th. St. 9116• '8&0/mo. pllanc" Stepa to wetlf. Dlac11ml= l flnanCllal· only. 170. 873-3600 .. •••;;;;;;••••••••••••• 1 d!IYI. fee bd, Av1llabte Now. a..-I 1995/mo. 751 ·2787 Derllno t 8R 1 ti Ill tf * 21t. Ila. Neer 80. C. 49t-4110 2 1 3 •II 8 S • 0 II 2 1 o t ly '"pone le Fem ala o.tll Pl oar1ge tront d(I-~ _,__1 •-+tlM11tt ..,.. .. _ ..... ,....... I Ptu.i 8.A. Luxez Con-• 113·1811 25•392~1 ... -'0 .... ~.!.~ veway, C!IOH io t>Ncl'I. ....,_,,. ..... private yd. No Peta. ....,.. .,. · b••Oh, w/91r., winter d • / 1 11 0 N ••;,.~"" xury "''" .................... 1 ., 0 , .. 3 o 1 o i ••• I'•••···~'·••••••• l8f a ...... IPltf 1930/mo 831·1816; ,, ... PrlfJlrlJ ..... rentel. llOOmo, lnC!I utM. o, wlpOOI. • o • .,. ·-· OCIANl"AONT 4 Ir I 3 Pt Townhom. OVlf ' " • ' MAAl<l!TINQ IUllNlll 4t3-1718 1eo.1Ma '*'· ~14• •••••••••••••••••~• Ir. 2 ba 11ch. trplc1. ::O.i PoOI lend ,..,: 1-54_4_·_84_~-•-·-----1 ••P•M"10· '""" PIT {!e.~.f~.1.¥.1 ORANGE TAEE CONOO • t~~: :d~ Junior 1 It. V ......... on 8pacloue 21k lft, pvt Pl-C>e!Uxe PoOielde Jttrl IMga llQO/ l 1'410 r...,.all• me. ourrent pfloCO, ~-M11Ch to yout=M to 'ift~~..::. tralf\. ...., MMe eq, fOI 3 IA 2 18r, air, rlfrlci Incl, no 9"llOI Of r-d..., It'• 1 , o o 11 t t . I I e II Imo. goti/. nblt!".'; 8 n:'P~•:: 2,!>: .m2 ... b~. ·No~· Vl!IW. Pl"TY HOUll aon•I -·~•e•\!'.. to p1eoe a faet· ~ 8 •. ver'f nlo1, 1150. Peta. Avail 10·1. SAIH betMr w-10 a.I "'°'9 2U/H7·HH dlye, ... t" .~,_,..':'!. ... 2....-... ~..,. ... 2•1010 ,0. lo• :!~...::boa llflaclld.M2·5t7 Wldle!tama 141•M11 17t-Tl34. M&-«177 mo. 'Se1·2654 ,...-_, 21~M7·MOO. ... -"'"' _,,........, ._.._ llland, c.M • .,..., .. .. ,. • Orange Coa1t DAil. Y PILOT IWednHday. September 1&, 1982 t!7 lessianal Sm-vice Direct ~·!!!I .......... . f.~!.hr.!~ •....... ~!!l!!fflc .f!!l!f! •• fel'!.~!11 .••...•••... ~~~I •.•••..•••...• -t.~'!m~! •.•.......•• r~1~11~1. ......•.••... r~~~!~~!~ ..••.•• ~!!'!!~t............... ~ DO IT NOWI ... .., IM4r1 Y 01.K Ollly Piiot &.Mee OlflC1ory "-Prlllll'llltlYI Ml·Mll, tit. HI ~ ..... '!f~.f!R'!:I! ••• ~. r•ePl)lled, guar., tnaured, llc'd. 41-4891. 730-1900 lrll MtlmllN. Infant to 3 )fl, My 0 M 11om1. I hr day Lio. BIO 19083. 764-f23' UP'I UIYlmlll C M .,... IMl-5768 81by11tllng In My home, nr lllctorl1, C.M. °"42·8412 LOvlnQ llOml, IQll 3 t up, FIT '40/l~k. + bel./alt. tcl'll. CM. 558-3822 Weekdey1 efter 3 tlll? Weelllnd1, dayt, nlghtt, ovttnlght Lie 8HC1381. CeH Irene 556-4211 Shampoo• """' ctean Muonry, cerl*'trv. oon· Tll 11111 IOlll Color brl9ht1n1re. ~Ill et.ie, ldd'na, Int/Ht re· l.tlwn·lr ... lllrub lnitall crpt1 • 1 min bleech moci Llc'd e.48.0781 frM trlm/retnovll H1U. ltv/dln rm• t 1e, avg Lewn M-"11/Aolotlff~ room 17.60, C<NCf'l 110, ... Htll chr 15 Ouar . .i1m. pe1 •••••••••••:•••••••••• F111 N•lmete &4t 5 odor. Crpt repair 15 yn •t<ATRINA 8: LIVl!·IN QUALITY WEEDING a 111.p. Oo work m y11tf hlkPr•. dally meld 11rv, Malnt. Remembef the 3 Raia 531-0101 olllce OIH nlng, orpl R'I : RHIOnebll, R9lll · PRO ... 8ERVICD Heullng -yrd cleen up Quick £ o,..n F111 ffl 873·0548 HAUl.INO • etudenl l'IH 1g1 truck 1.ow11t r111 Prompl Cell 769-1878. Thank vou. JoM cteanlng 936-2118 bll, Rlctc 487-3070 Dtl rl•• i.mn s1mmon1 Gardening -!~~~!~!!I ....... . Comp1e11 l1r\11orlal MM• Piii PAJITIH o ... lreln1d 11111. bon-by Rloherd a1no1 Lie did & In• Unlcl11n 2800-44 13 yr1 of lllPPV sz:.11m1 01 Npt Bell tocal C:UllOmiWI I 1200 __ T111nll )'OU, 031 44 10 f~,_~~t?f!!f ......... . Verd Malnt & c111nup Sod, •Ptlnkler•. roto. trll rmYI, drainage, hlll- 1ld1 weedlriQ 8rl1n 588-2263 Cullom worll, 1n1 & ext. llc'd 20 yr1 In 1r11, 1111 Herb 821·8012 alt 5 30 No S111m/No Shampoo Stein Speclellll. F11t dry. FrM nt. 1138· 1882 EXCEi. CARPET OARE Jaoa lhlfflngton Owner /operotM Cerpet. upllol, aree rug ••••••"••••••••••••••• Cln-up•. ltwn 0111, lull ROBIN'S CLEANING AT YHI lllY• comm & r11ld malnl Service • •thoroughly i J 11u p In 1 1 II di P1reon11. quallfled drl-..... ...... • cleen hou11 84o-o8!17 Ml ,.,. • t no· our •m Y tra • .,.._,,_.. ••"••••••••••••••• •••• llon for over 100 yrel RALPH'S PAINTING Int/HI. AHi. rllll Rtl Free .. , 638-88911 ~• 104' ~r dey to day Joan'• Ci..tllng ServlCI Yllll WIUS Int/ext Lie 348252 Fr11 1rrend1. &hopping, dr. GARDENING SERVICE HouN1-Apl1·Rental1 For 1 trll llCt lhlet. cell 111. 861·3898 IPPll. clluroll, etc. All Cll•n·up•. Ire•""'· & Olllou. 840-1287 ---------nlldl mlt. By !lour or hauling. M 1-1088 Pete H1rrv Wo11, Attorney at Biii'• P11nt1ng, Int/ext clNnlng. WOl'k guar. Free E1t. 845· f771 ••B~YANT'8'** Wllleovertng Remov.i All Typee °'42• 13.43 ,., c.,, ..........••••.•...... Oerttllld HOUH 6ltttr1 Bonded S 11/dly (IVlfV 3rd wil lrM) 831 -123• r!!!~!!.!'!~!'!!'!f ..•••• Co n11111atlo n a Hend Made Freme1. •O year1 E•perlence 848·5141 !!~!!!!.t~!J!'!!~ ••.•••• B1by11111ng. 180 week, day. 404-5857. L1nd1ceplng Malntenan-TIRED OF HASSLES? Law. 563·0200. Retld/comml. 6 yn exp Moo-Fri., my llome. Ka· ,. 1,,. ce, L.-wn & garden care, Ouellty cleenlng llllp ta • S Cit 1rt1 High quel & I'' L/ trlna. o.41-9145 t!!'!~~,.".!'!!!!!! ••••• ¥fr.!1U clean up. Ken JonH , he<ll R111. H0-7452 •• ~!!!!(•••••••••••••• m1t1tlllt Lo prlCI Free 1••• •1. PLASTER PATCHING R11tucco1. lntl1•t 30 yra. NHI. Peul 645·2977 CHILD CARE my 11ome. Clment·MllOttry-Blodt .. DRYWALLiAcousiic.. e3&-1e10 rer1• DIAL·A-MAID. ouallty , BRICKWORK. sm111 Jobi. 111. Ra11 498·5717 ··ATLAS PLUMei,.;c)"4 .. luncll/91\ICkl Included. Welle-Cu11 work. Uc. Repelre, eml Job apec. 11 ... 111111 w•--1 Serv. Nr Al Your Phone. Newport, Co111 M11&.0 __ U_A_L-IT_Y_W_O_R_K ___ n_e_a_t. Heating, epeclallzlng In Large yard. 0-48-7939 •381057 [lob 547-2883 yra. exp. Bud 552-0582 -_,.. 135/$45. 839·0880 lrvlne. Rela. 875·3175 reaa .• honell Rafi Lie. repalre 645-1888 I z-•---1 or1v~P1tlot W11~1 Mowing, edging, raking, .J lrle•·lltt•·llt•t 287107 Deva 984·10•5 El ELL 11111121 .,,.,,, -~•ffl · .. -· " Wall t1xturn-Acou1tlc 1weepfng. FrH Hiima-Cu1tom home cleaning & ""'" · ~ • •••••••••••••••••••••• NO JOB TOO SMALL Hang~T.,,..Sllll lludl tea' 0-45-&737. complete maid -vice. ALL TYPES MASONRY Lowell retell Prompt, Water Heater Speclall ~-.-1-lfrrln •UOALL Free "t. 538-2807 Lie. 388944 1·532·}~48 Prof., bonded & Ina. Uc 349479 838·3812 neat prole11lonel1 15 24 hr plumber etc. ::":'o":::;:r............ OP Bulln111 "Doctor" FINESTKINO U I I S I I N t 848 5.,"4 50% OFF FIRST MONTH BQokl/ Dell/Word DF11perda11ll PaLllo wlork. llHtrl"J GARDENING Cl11n•up1, B~h~ :;,~1~:ioem1 o P Cuetom Brick-Stone yrs e~p. • vv PLUMBING REPAIRS Dependable, affordable, Proceulng ree es gn. 0 pr 011· •••••••••••••••••••••• 1m 11ndec1plng. monthly ----------1 Bloek·Concret .. Stucco CUSTOM PAINTING Raplp1-R1p1ac1·dreln1 e11ent111. An1werlng 90 Mill on·tlte v\alt Xlnt rela -497-7354 ELECTRICIAN-Priced mi lnt. Nell o.42-8796 Ou1llty HouHCleanlng Refa. Free fft 540·9•92 Int/ext Rnid/comm FrM 111 Reas. rell1ble 11rvlce. 11cret1rl•I 4 $50 extra time l 25hr Ci/t' c111 rlgllt, l r11 11tlm111 on w/1 peraona1 touch. CM. M rl Free 111 Lie 844-4708 845·2811 Co111 Men bualneu 11rvlce1. mall 17141845-5070 •••••••••••••••••••••• large 04' 1m1ll lobs. K&D Landeca'C Malnl. Irv. NB. Bell\ 8!50-0933 •• ! .. -!f••••••••••••••• 15 NB/CdM l'M I H ll••ll I bol x r.nT111,. WOl"dF prloeee.-11 HARBOR TRINITY PRE-Lie. 396821. 873.0359 LA,,•.•lhdl/UClolnmgm. 5'!'8n2-~8p9, HOUSECLEANER ••-1 ••v•••• .~~~1·. x::_y prlcu are .!."! •• ! .. ~u •• !t!.! ••• Ing. e I x· IOI m 1. J-"~lll SCHOOL. DAY CARE LIC'D ELECTRICl•N · ..... Ol'der entry, "'""tf'l-lelll •• 9!:':••••••••••••••••• CENTER c t M " ., Good refs. NB & lrvlne Top qua111v. Special care anialll Ron 873-8477 METICULOUS MORT'S ...-.. e 01 • 111· Oual. work-Reas. ret" a••'ntU pref. Glad'JI 541.0702 I tie dllng 25 1 exp ---~-----"' buy, clMk apec. rentel. REMODEU R PAIR Opanln9 Sept 13. Full Frll nl Tom 631•5072 •••••';;•••••••••••••• n n yr INT/EXT PAINTING ..-"ltOM( RlPAIRS RlMOOHS ANSWER NETWORK Flnllh work & door Md 'A dev care. 7AM to ----------1 Carpentry -Masonry B&M HouMC ... nlng Competitive Rates & WALLPAPERING 7&0-7320 (uk 104' A.V.) hanging. No Job too big 8PM. Reglater NOW. ELECTRICIAN Roofing · Plumbing Reeaon1ble. Cell Bente No overtime 730·l 3S3 Cullom work. Free 011. :'J~~~~t~'Z~l~mbinc 04' llT'tall. Miiie 831·8371 Comer B1kef & Fairview. Sml job1/Repalr1. Lie. Drywall -Stucco · Tiie Balboa 111and 875-3810 -ABC MOVING-Rea1. Steve 547-•281 ~11!.'.!!!!! •••••••••••• ----.-L-,_---__ 55_8_·_4_33_5_o_r _5_58_·_7_7_8_7_1 233108-C-10. 548-5203 Remodel J.B. 0-48-9990 Quick, Carelul servl04t. 1tlecinc1I ftn1\lled ce1penlry Cdl•ll l1Ull• Bacllelor's HMCleanlng l•Ntl•• edoot" REAL ESTATE ••••••••••••••"'•••••• "Graveyard Sllltt' lie. chUd *•NORTH STAR•• Carpentry· Cablnttl & Laundry Serv Keren. Low retH 552-04 tO •• ,-.-••• A••••••••••••• 5 l moldinrs •obintu Retldlntlal/Comm'I Cabinet• & Clfpentry care. lge F. v. home. Electrical ContrlC104' Plumb -Dr1ln Cleaning 6•0·2818/850-0892 STARVING COLLEGE Farthing lnterlM Design •shtl'llnt f1uuts lo 111aee 873·1919 Smell Jobi & Repelr1 plenty ol 1lpg rm1. lie. New 11rvlc1. 220 Ellctrlc1I -Tiie 1----------STUDENTS MOVING HANGING/STRIPPING 00ot sp11n1s 811 Of \mall we 11-~• FrM E•tlmatn 845-2003 $6/nlte. 841-2277 circuit•. 24 llr 645-4174 Reta. Don 966-0149 PREMIUM QUALITY co. I.lo. T 124-436 Vin-MC Scott 845·9325 do 11 all Fut efftc1en1 servtct 1111 d DAY WORK •• ••••••••••••••••••• KITCHEN FACELIFT -C-11-lld_C_a_r_e_l_n_m_V_llo_m_a-,1 LIC'D ELECTRICIAN Gen. contrect'g, main!, by lady w/exp. & refs Insured. 841·8427 ASA PAPERHANGING 20 YIS t(p Ori-aye, Ptrklng Lot Rellyllng exl1llng It.II· E/alde. newborn & up, NEEDS WORKI plumb. rap1lr, palnl'g, 845-4259/842-3299 WATCH US GROWi 7 vrs 10011 exp. Guer l1ctn~ I BJS16SI IHf NllUlt Oont rereor, repair 11 ltlCllOn of Ille COii C1n LM 861-2890 ROOFING REPAIRS Small Jobi o k Ir .. 1111· rn8tll Call Tom & Chuck ~2-8392 l 1tH•I ...................••. MOBILE SERVICE R1acreen1/New ICrlln• NB/CM 842-9552 fl!!~~!!!! •••••••••••• SERVICE & REPAIR Van Oppena Service Co. 838·4881 "'' ........•.••••••...... TILE INSTALLED All l<lnd1. Guaranteed Aet1 JoM 840·9217 Kitch batl\1 entrlel cu11om & comm. Free nt. 840·2062 ftH l1mt1 .••.•.•••............. SLOW RATES S TrM trlm/remov. clean upa. mowing 554~ r'-~'!!~~ ............ . Moat subject&. K· 1' Day/eve $5 & 110/llr. Mr. Morgen 645-5176 !!~~!~.~!~~!!!f ..... "Let the Sunlhlne In" Call Sunthlnt Window Cleaning, lid. 548·8853 20•;. Monthly Olacount Int/ext. R11ld/comm'I. Free est 20% montllly dlacount. &44-4798 .. .. .. .. Repalr1. Sealcoatlog. c11en ceb w/rell wOOd. PT 04' FT. 845-0327 Lie. <t189ee 842-8023 mobile home ~Ice. •----------Prlltlge Moving Low work. Prlc11 start at 951-6067 S&S Alpl\11 631-4199Llc Seve S$S nowt o.42.0881 • _z I ,. ' " Jim 538-98571536-3884 Boat C1blns cleaned. Ca· retll. fantaatlc 11rvlC4t $8/roll. Alec 751 -7027 Wl•i•rt rl•ll•• • G di Chlldcare wkdy1, cred. • •11nlalf Ill•••• ter lor tripe. A· 1 rel' a. Slate wide. Visa & MIC. ---------~======== ••••••••••••••~•••••• ' Dan Hallberg ra ng c., ... ,n teach• Ori:nlzed aotl-••••••••••••••••••••••••• 11.. 842-3047 or 8<t6-4640. Expert wallcoverl ng .:: STOP' & Paving Co. Ree/ooml. • •• .-.-••• -,••••••••••••• r, . Cuatom R1llnlahl""'·Furn ••••••~•••••••••••••• Insured. 5•3·8462 Cal. lnatallatlon Rea• pr•---IHI.'/•!• UC 397804 842-1720 Remod & addlllon1. free vlllea. C.M. s-4557 & lnterlore·All R~pelr1 DUMP JOBS Hou11cleanlng bV Japa· T-137.124 Coneulteni Asslgn=i ••••••'••••••••••••••• He•l*Gllf• .. Fadlng 11 design & eat. Oual & low C••ll•tl•ll ••1t'1 Call for Nt. U<t-5294 & Small Moving Job• ne11 lady. wkl~. exp'd, "•t•i•r• h nitn se1-a590 Huber Roohng·all types. bV SUN MASTERS .,,.t•m, rat". Steve. 752-8556 •••••••••••'•••••••••· '----------1 Call MIKE 648-1391 own lrens. 6'2·5198 • A •----------New-recover-decks H gh Quality Guaranteed ••••••• •••••••••••••• It 1 I ...._H I le "''••I•• •••••• •••,••••••••••• Peperhanglng, stripping. Lie. 11411802. 548-9734 1 C B Peraonallzld, low COit .... CUSTOM wOOd patio co-••• .... • •••••••• ~............ HAULING-GRADING HOUSECLEANING Nural9 Asa I for llome pelnt1n11 )(Inf work lg or Home-Aulo-omml· oat gll NrVlcel: Ind .• lamlly, vera, deck• & fence• by Lie. 306888. Remodel. TREES demollllon, clean-up. ~oneat & Dependable care avail. lmmed , fully small joba, reas~nable ROOF REPAIR CALL 831·4720 busl. lnltlal conaultatlon RANDY &.41·0622 Add'ns, Cabinets. Concrete & tree removal. __ e_r_•n_d_•_9_62_-_2_e_90 __ Ina. 538-5863 Vickie, ratl9 . Rel•. Free 111 SPECIALIST $25-$185 lrM. 553-0290 Exl)lf'lenced Cl rl*'lll' 846-8586/o.4S-4844 J~~=~51~~te Quick~. o.42-7038 Have IOmlthlng you want 1-921-1060 Brendan 968-7427 Free Ntlmale 770·2725 C~~:-ev:: ~~::- Divorce-Support Cll1nge Remodel•. add·on•. pa-ADD'NS/REMODELING HAULING & CLEAN-UP 10 Mii? ClaMlfled ldl do Read tlle claasllleel •d• for VHENRY ROOFINGV Roll • .,,, off tlll market All Femlly M1tter1 Uos P11n1. Llc'd. George Have 10metlllng to 1111? Yds/ger•ge•. Prop. mgt II well I Cell NOW , the beat deals In apart· SELL Idle Item• wllh a Shake-Slllrlgle·Comp. With a Clllllfleel Ad Atrv Kotfroth 848-4375 7&0-2685 548·8654 Pllmer & Sona 846-7814 Clasallled ada do It well. 63t-09S3/63l·0885 842-5878. menl renlala. 642-5878 Dally Piiot Clanllled Ad lie '15232. 548-8213 Call Nowt o.42-5878 luJ!!!,..,.., SM fr.!.~.!!.f!!l •••• !~!f !!m~! •••••••• !~!f ¥!!1..'!!!'.~'!. •••• !.1.'!f ¥ . .'}I..'!.'!'.~'!. •••• !.~! ¥!!1..'f!!'.~'!. •••• !J.~ IJ.'.11..'!!!'.~'!. •••• !.{~ IJ.1!1..Vf~.~!'o'. •••• !.{~ IJ.~11..'!!!'.~'!. •••• !.{f! IJ!!l..Vf!. .. !'o'. •••• !.{'!f ••• ~r.;;..-;;, ........ Lost: Golden/ Samoved Unemployed M wlll vl1ll OllllUTlll Female ilve-ln RESIDENT Insurance MECHANIC, exper In lo· REAL ESTATE SALES SALES Telephone Sales Only $5000 financing for mix. 9/9/82, CdM , ~05'!1l~95F .JLTeavke mag. for vottf' r~llretlon drl· MGR. for women'• alco-lllHP IOLTI reign care, lull time, Need 2 exper. people In Work In own backyard, Eatn Big Money by the IOOd od V .. B • • r .. r • w •rd ., ......., uc er P S $100 dal"' ....... f Ill.., S OWlll rw•-•11 c onta c t v e e com-erclal and I du· protected territory Ser bHch. $300· S 1000/ new pr UC11. lt"f ' · · ve. 9'11 .,. ""' recovef)' IC .,. a-...--7 t4•492•9311 San Cle· 1 1'" 1 1 1 t~ I' •• ~. vice existing accounts. weett. Cati 536-7511. Ill pront1. 54M572 eve. 840-5989 Jane Stllwell'a Paid twice weekly. lary & benefit•. FM Int-Minimum 2 y"r• exper str a rea •• a e ..,.. ....... Lead• provided. Direct --------- Found: Sml blk dog. SOme SINGLES DIRECTORY 750-1828 750-5584 ervllw phone 5411-5546. Should be tamlllar wllll mente ar11 cesatul and growing firm. salea axp. a muat. Ad Ttlt,latH ltHtlltrs ~~.!!.~ .. !~~f white. COM Area. No Id . Of Clubs, $4• 957-6279 Clerk/Manager carde, Full time, Driver Trllnee, RVS. COB. and Medlcel Madlcal trenacrlpllonl1t. Best working conditions verll1lng uies hllplul. Needed lmmedletely 15'~% • 20 Yfl. 2'd TD'•. _840 __ -_79_8_7 ______ ,ATTR. yng lady slli al-~Itta. end cosmetlca. Exp mu11 know erea. good gri;iup contract•. Xlnt Work at lloma. Current In Newport Beacll. S•0.000 plus earnings tdeal lor studenlS or 110- A11001111 Lend era wlll old L ref. drl~ln record req. Call beJleflt1. S1l11y com· Ill per. required In Madi-7l<l/646-5051 potentfal Call Bob SWal memakere. Houri, 3.9 Found Biii Lab mh( w/whil tluent er man, ynn, quellfy your loan for epot on chest. e-12 mo. B x ,.. 12, Plecenll• 64(>.7373 84 3 m1n1urata wllh exper. cal Records Dept. Mutt IEOIPTillHIT low 104' eppt. 1-524-1020 No 1111tng. Airport ar11 bank credit. Minor pro-988•5098 92870 ----.1n1n1..-.w----1 Saddlebacil Valley Area. be prollclent •n all Pll•· Positive attitude In dea· IECRE·t••y Cell between 9-12. b I em 1 O . K . Otltr Prllftn • _. Cell 837-9830 111 of modlc11 dictation Ung wltll people. Buay "" 640-4647. Alter 1 pm. 714/499-1825. Found Cocker Spanlel. D1ncers for Bachelor Ba· Fromex One Hour Plloto Are you 1dvenlurous, 1 8 8 • 8 5 O O M • F phones. llglll office du· West cout dlalrlet salH 966·0151 $20,000 to $40,000 to ~1~·11e~~:,er~;~e~~~,~: ~;:~~1C:,15;':;;J;•· =m.: n~ ~r,~~ ~=?~!}~~nta 1~: Help w~!~1r!u time ,_9_A_M_·_5_P_M______ ties. Co111 Mesa Mre. ~~~ h0~,m:i:.c':'~~=~ -... T ... O_P_L_E...,S_S_M_O_D_E_L_S_ loan tor 2nd MOr1glQll. 840-2529. prlnt1r1. Call Mr. AOQl'I ting comp1ny h11 10 Fluff and told/counter IEllOAI. IEOlfTAIY Bryson, 546-7172 polltlon avail now. GOOd $75 DAY • PAID DAILY 760-0909 (2l3) 889-1415 1----------1 CllEW IEEDED 801-a55e opening• for lllarp, mo-p111on Pre11er1 for Front Offlol. exper'd. ty-Recepllonlet typing, 50 pllone & typing ekllls. no ••P nee • 1126-2583 w ~ ••• , Found whit• kitten, ember llv•ted lllgll-ICllOOI gra-hand Ironing. °''"" tor ping, H.B olc Good SI· wpm. non-1mllr ptel for Automotive lea sing ...... HIYU ~!1.!!~!~ •• ~. ey11, black apot on Ellperlenoed M/F, non-OllOllllE duat11 t o travel 7 dellverlea. We wlll treln. lary. 8•7·3771 plush N.B office. For background llelplul but •n · 12000 NEEDEDI Peybeck head. Vic. Newport Pier. emoker, healthy, for htlttMt W11tern St1tH & de-Hopelng'a Laundry Sent IPPI 844·2S07 not necesaary Sterling Mull be 1amu1., wltl'l l.A 1250mo lor 12mo'• loan 873-4838. ctulM to M1xlco/Soutll monllrate an exciting Leguna 8eectl ,94_.044 MED WALK-IN CTR 11,.,Y up 10 S 1050 + & OC area. Picltwldt Pe· ~':o by equipment Lott Sheltle w/cllewed ~.:~ ·~~· .. -=:::-.~ ~Ol'H~~~1= ;~;gf:!d~~'l/r~~n~~! LIYI II ~~~ !:.:~ ::u~~~ Res~~~~~ HAT PIZZA ~:':fL~.-=~3:~~~1call :',.Prod 1791 Plll<lentla t-o. acrou from Hoag. 8787 L-cJune Nlgoel Ca. • Monday only. Cont· average 11rn1ng1, trena Ra1ponllb11 fem1le with aon1. Hnvy eicp. In front Huntington Beech. n.,ST •=n, Ftul REWARD 94s-esae. 92877 · ee1 Jen :1~.•601 furn, return guaranteed. cer to cook tor elderly &1 b1ckFoTl/cPT& ~gm61 ••s>erlenced day worker· SEOlfTllf/UIO. GOOd tvp1ng"' lkllla, FIT, ' •11111111 Loat:oldFCockapoo,blk. • -• ",... For I n t ervlew ce ll woman In Newport l1ld1. nra •·Apply thru Sat. 8020 Mln'"'"Sh""·~r11erlel 1 ~~ rltH•~ lhlft Send u ,. ., ........ good •tarting aelary, •••••••••••••••••••••• a.tnl-bllnd. 22nd & Santa •---1 SJ~• CONTRACTORS 848-3337. 11·4 PM thru Beech. •vary. rnume Warner Ave. 847-2572 exper req Challenging 1.1. l&mD Ana. 0-42-4158 -mffl -Tiie Sewdu11 Corp 11 Fri. 04' 848-4167 Plfentl 759-1897 to Ad,, 1028, Dally Piiot. R.lSteur1nt poaltlon ror 1om1on1 great posslblll1119 for •••••••••••••••••••••• lollcitlog bid• tom con wek:ome et Interview. ----------1 Boii 1560, C M. 92626. unusullly brlghl & ekll-growing. For Interview llfrtslCt It, lff, Loet: Dog, fem. Gold red lT Jiii lllYIOI tractM• larnlll.: with th; Live· In Hou11ll11p1r & A d NOW ACCEPTING led. For tong hrl & !lard 0411 Allson, 548-2271 Speclal!Jlng•tn 111 & 2nd ~Ir, me~ az, No tag1 Peraonal, quallflld com-Siwduet F1ttlval fM 1111 General Olllce. 1nv111-Cook 104' elderly gent,._ Needed. X· •Y Teel\ an APPLICATIONS FOR: wOl'll. we otter salary 10 WAREHOUSE TD I llnct 1949 Cllerll• . Mesa Verde pinion drlvere for your con1truct1on of 1083 m • n I co . n • • d • man In COfon• del Mer beck office Ullatant 104' lllVEll S24,000 per yr, penalon Full llme, 11ve111 po11-Robt. Sattler NH/CM ar ... 54&-2031 day to di" errand a. S 1wdu11 F 1111v 11 11c'y/bllllpr. Mu1t be Male or Female, e11pe-Orthopedic Office with Experience necei11ry 1 s I c 11 limited llc enae PI T fund. Ins. bonus program tlon1 open. Xlnl op.uv. R.E. Brokw Bd AleltM• •••-UT Shopping. doctor'• grounds. For apeclflce· tr1lnebl1. aJary open. r ence required. • · · APPLY: bltween 2 end & en ocean vt-. 11 vou·-tunlt" FOr tee Info "c';u o.42-2171 54~11 -· eppla, churcll, 110. All Ilona & Info. call Allde 11 Mu•t be lharp. ,Call bet. 175-2172 an 7;30PM. 831•2200 4, 37 Fashion laland, ,. not the best pl•aaetetl Jolln' 631•6620 Blue -nd white 1tone. needs met. Bu !lour or .,,...._700•. All bid• mu11 &-tt only. 645-tlMe L••• tFF.,.11 llllT AllfTll N-port Beacll .,. WIDOW HAS S$S for TD'• Lott vie Calvary Chapel 11 .. ..., .. -"' your smartest under S 0 RE Lo1n1, tOK Up. No or Splrn at H11bor Bl. dey. 494-585 · be received by 10-2·12 GOVERNMENT JOBS. PllUO IWTltll needed et 1111 Suri 1nd Restaurant challenged friend about 25 .OO Weekly PIY· Credlt Cn.ck, No Penal· REWARD. 548· 7208 ...... ! I COOK -""""'"tlonl being Many lob• avell1bll In Send HOlll, Fri thr u Hosl/HOllHI, Cock1111 us Colllns & Assoc . 567 °'11Ckl (fully gueranteed) ty. OennllOn & A11oe. 641-2198 ~,..(;~!! ........... ~~-.·t~Tony Romll U.S. and overseu. For Fountain Valley mortge-9 Tues. Apply In person to person. Apptv In pereon Sen N l co l11. N.B. wortclng part 04' full time 873-7311 --.,.. .... · Directory 312 888-4347 OI company nleelt 4-Mergle. f555 So Cat alter 5. M EDLEYS, 844·5771 81 home. Weekly P•Y· Found: Young Seal Point ••I• Wut" 1llO o.42-9070 ex e 91 • profelllonal people -H'""'. Laguna Beech. ---------1 checks malled directly to Mon." to loan for real C •••••••••••••••••••••• t · lcln?i.rewardl Ill _, 1877' Brookhural, IEOllfTllY you from Home Office I Slamne, lem. Npt rnt Accounting DECK HANDS GROOMER WANTED ror ng POI on Fountain Valley estate Trull Deed loan1. Aro. o.45-8175 TU aa -a/p.aa--Full time, 109 pay, ~ Fr1 & Sal.(~'"'""' Sun) In I MMtgage Banking Nuraery· lnllrlor Plant iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii.iiiiiiiiil Varied Dullea Good every Wedneadly Start 714/545-4830. •-• -al po91tl XI 1 ,,.,.__, lndu1try. Reel 111•1• fechnlcl1n tor malnte· ipelllng and IY?ing with lmmedlately. No exp1-----------1 Found. Chow Chow dog. 20 04' 30 hrs Wiik. Allng. r one open n 104' NB pet stiop. Must bl b1ckground dHlrable. n111G1 route. part time, SALES ADVENTURE dlctaphone lllllls 1 mull. rlenc. neceuary. N111o- Wlll buy llT\all, 8"0rt, lllgll reel. Sept 7 Aliso Beacll. llglll typing. schedule opportunlt FM 111 Into exp 1 r . & r 1II1 b I e . Subllanllal Income tor experience wltll plan II TRAVEL Ablo to handle prequre nal company. Do your yllld TOI. P/P 831-4232, 495-5201 preparation. 11111 1nd call John t-8l20 840.0001. dedicated, motivated, preferred. 8•5-1180. In bu•r, medical dlatrlbu· work flglll In 1111 comfort 873-0822 N d t ---------FOUND: Sml blk lem Ul\9 tax retum1. o expr. h1t1f lto•t. • ........ ••-. and consl1tant lndlvl-OFFICE HEl.P • Perm•· tor 0 llce. Huntlrigton an seeur I>' of yoYr own Terri-Boo. wllle colter. nee. Bnlc eccounllng r -• --• duels. 1 1 11 11 I lffll Bch area S-llls, 1118• tlOme. Detell1 and apptl-bMun.nl•/ rllln11tonH. 538-1846 knowtedgl pref. FM lar· Full time. Expred In needed for Hair WHt, RESIDENTIAL nent, per -1 me. you L &di P bile llon Fl ry ~Uable Call btwn cation malled. Send your •--'-/ 111 3PM "'"' O.C. Compu1er Mfg. Pegboard, Ina. bllllng N.8. Louise. 673-<t118 . MORTGAGE SERVICt are dellll conscloui 6 1 ng u • rm 9 & 1 9•1 2"'"'.. n1m1 and eddreas to: r., • ..._.,. •-1 1-.. fT J and Ill pl\INI of front ----------1 !lave moderlte typing now 1111 lmmed ope-· .. • """ •~t 11. " ' located n "''"' ust n off•-r-. Ftn Val'-• 01~. Homemaker Sandwich Jolln CUllCk aklll1, pleaaant pllone nlng1 for Guve & Dolls American Fidelity Com--• •••• Found: Apx. 6 ur old Ger-a r 1 a . Ca 11 O ebb". ....., -.. ... , " 9 .. ~ """" ' pany Hiring Dept 77 -,;;.;·;;.·~···•;;;;, man Shorthair Pointer 7141730-3088 ' M-Th. 083-5034 s·a119 person wanted. ,... • ...,"" person1llty & KNOW wllo WOYld Ilka to tra~I llOlfTlAJ It.I. 0 • · • •••••••• !. ..•••••.•••• ~~~gno1111Yrktwn W. lUM 0en11k11a1re1c1e. pn AM. :~ ~~1':,~r~,o~c:' L:;, ~~:.::; ~~~~i:9::" A&P ~~l:r'i~r,.~rr~~~v~~ !~,~~:1~~~/o~~1g:~1~,,_~0_r:_u_n_7 .. _0~_._rx_s_111_1_r_1_3o_New_ Exper Pl'IOl'I part 04' full &,P.y ~t~m!. ~ Contact Ken, 963-0868 cell Brennan Milligan, PART TIME POSITIONS Houston, N-Yorll, etc. Realtor'• ofllce. Front C.11•1 "'" FOllt> ADS ARE FREE Cat: MJ·Hll Loet Min Dedie, Bl & Ten, Miii, LOii 0-8 ru Culvtf' & 405 Frwy (7 14) 552-7172 Found: I.I bm lhort hair Lab type, CdM 846-3030 ,,,,. • .i. 1381 .....•..........•...•• COEDS • Would IOYe to perty with you. Cell Sue or Kathy anytime. 213/804-3233 time to hlf\dle ofc, WI· Ctr. &4().0300 Hot Rooltr1 wanted. Cell °"45·l 858 Hlgll Income. Call Mr. on a random Itinerary. office position requires ••••'••••••••••••••••• rehouae & phone for ----------1 Bob or N • v 1111 11 MAINTENANCE C9$>0blanco 964-8111 You muit bl neat, •Ingle good lllapllone voice. Im•• m111~ producta mfg r-Dentel ""•2 7222 & bl able lo 111v1 Im-t I S H & •• ••• • •••••• •••••••••• ·-...... ..... -Full time. minimum med. AH IXperlMI pd 2 yp,. . . •PPl•fln-~ARD SALE -CloHd our & dl1tr. Typing. UM of Exper~ R,:.D·:· 1 ltllllEIPtll llPT 112 28 per llr. Xlnl op-PlllT /TllE . wk on Ille fob training ce H I estate eicpe-•tor• Bed/bath lln1n1. 1fc macllln11 neceu ded or rt o ont c • portunlty. For 111 Info Ory Cffleners. 494-0596 program. AH tran•p. fur· rl1nc1 llelplul but not 1110._. case. gondolu, ptu1 aome blt~shlp-practice In Miiiion Viejo 11 1h• Surf end Send can John 83t-8120 nlahed. High earnings & euenllal. Prefer local desk, Cllh register. gltt ping & r-ivtng. ulre area. 830-3703. ~f,1~11:!ft~lt1U:.'~~ I• PAIT Tiii casual working cond. r11ldent. For Interview boxes. bags • all below good pllone c.pabllllllt. DENTAL ASSISTANT ..... EVH end/or -kend1. ma1c .. 11119.,, xlnt apply. call Mii. Dulll COii. CAS~ ONL y. 0 benetlta. Call Bartell. Hive your bean 11.,. lingual. $4.SO/llr. Cont-Management ~•Ible ldulta, fYlltf' IOf' 1 Cllllf-Ol1enlld In-WtsleJ I , T1..a..r Ot. Bennington. lrvln• 831..0300 Of In peraon, e. "' I di • c I M I •• MI r c I ' It t I .L t 21, wltll OUtl11ndlng. •I· .. __ .. f.~ ft 0 "•87 H. Ballard Co t636 Su-c ng or • rewer ng 497-4477, Ext 385 I•• lral I . dlvldu11 Prevloue Jobe • .-~~·°'~1~~~-~4"'~·~1 ~[:55_1_..,..-::---::------LmA I Yllll'I ..... N 5 Co 1 M ce,_ where your cllelr-1 __________ 1 tractive peraon1llt111 to deallng wltll t>lople euch _ PHOTO MOOELS per..... o. ' 1 • ... 1ld1 experll11 wlll bl HOUSEWIVES ICMf. Jflillll work with youth (agll ea Fell Food & W11trt1-SERVICE SALES • Xlnt #1tr/j .. '1fl ESCORTS/DANCERS Apt M1nager. couple w: uM<I & .pprec? II SO, we MAKE EXTRA US hell '"' larttr 1 0. 14) · C 1 II 2 • 5 p M • ling llelpful, but nol nee. growth oppty wtam mlgr, ••• •• • ••• • •••• .-. ••••• OUTCALL 24 HRS experience 104' 100 unit Invite you to join u1 & Cell Janet. 556-0481 Stlft your iww career on 642-432l, Eict. 346· EOE For peraonat Interview mecll exper, Spenlill AIJll••ll 1#$ ..... -l i"den 9')1.. Colt• M... •h•re In Ill• growth ofi.,---....,..---..-----our 3rd lhltt, earning S-4. contact M1. Berbara helpful, valid Calif Ori· ••••II>•••••••••••••••• L M 0 I ti I «• I + b + I tllls cat•-dental offlCI. Dental Hygl1nl1t. Expe-p•--T F O .. M .. PM Antique Oak Orar bevelld oat: · 1 ma an, v 0· l~~~~~~~~~~I 1 •ry onu• •P Xlnt b•"n'Vtlll• Include• rlenced and expanded Up to s.4.50 u \IOU be--• •-ue· r l 1 " • .., · ver'1 lie, good driving • 1 B11ch/Edlnger . HB. I: 842-<l007 wkdys. 1 C come more expfci.-.You ....... 750·8955 record 842_2256 mirror & carved 111, "Budt•hot''. 842-3&.48 *** med ln1. $1400 II quill-dul 11 pr1t1r'd . 0111 wlll be pro moted 10 -• • ' b • 1 u t . I 9 5 0 I o fr . B1by1ltter. Mon-Thur1 fled. N.B. 541-6802 M .... 1-879-2000 mgml. & eupervlaory le-EnjOy working with kld1. Sefv1ce s11t1on 875-3703 Loet: Chow. reddl11\ In color. So. Legune 1rea. 409-1817. ~d. Afflnfil Parlor evu. "" varied, my --•••-1-..,.i,. Call: 7 14·~7-4140 Wort! evening•. we train 1&1.11 M1ch1ntc. FI T, •ome Antique Icebox good ~.;! ~•Y ~~-n~; NP t B c". w-:'~ .,~.;.,-::;,,,, To pl-:lc:'t~ ~~~v~~w:n,h::d1 ~1v~ =n':e1~ ~-~~~~ ::0::=,,~anc:",:: ~· :~.~t:iT°:t~ conc1111o~:.~1· LOST: Tiger kitten. ,.. Jacuzzi, Sauna. Local• UIYllTlll oen do all. 25 htt I we.II. reading publlc, Mar, Colll Mell ano l:iMii2i-43ii2i1i,i Xi34i8iiiiii;I tlvated Hies prole11lo· tendant, over 11. See ..rd, lkoolchum/ lndl•· •• well 11 Tour11t1, Meture women wanted 1200. 837-71 12. pllone every Tllure 91m.noon at" nal1. Proven HIH rt· Mr Botta. 2490 Felrvlew A••lll•ffl 1111 napollt, HB, 988-8888 BenllAmerlcard. Amerl· 10 ~··e for 2 ..__, Mon-OENTAL ASSISTANT IOr Delly Piiot 1300 N Cit. H....,., 1 ...... cord more l mporllnt el Fair Of. C.M. •''"•••••••••••••••••• ....,,Id • ..__ .. brOk "'·-"'---••1 _, ~,. Cluelllld, 842-&e71 .......... e. O •• , ___, h---1 •-.a. than computer back-HARIOR AREA ...... r-• en. ~~41$45".:.W. Thuf'oc IF. 21:30-7:30d. blt\Clndll Ortho oto, chllr1'dl, IX• ·--------~~ ...... ~··~~·~E..~~~~~ ·---·-..... ground. Wiii train Cell Siio• SalH, 25-35 hrs, \APPLIANCE SERVICE LOST "-""· SIAMESE cat. 2112 Harbof et. OM 1 rgroun 1. a Pl' Pflf, RDA 04' lllglbll. Oenertllll with no I... Chuck Kelly '48-1410 exp C>nfy. Hrly & comm., We ffll recond .. ou•r. lmlll. a1oo r-wd. W:.I Vicki, 752·1382. 979·1400 than 7 Y" exp. In en xlnt oppty, Ctllldrens appllancea. 549.3077 • Ford Rd. 759-1378. Allulng m&Mlgl by ten-UIYSITTll Dental/Front Office, pie.. llectronlo1 co. Salff.Men 4 Women Boollry 844·2484 Mr.1--------- L.oet: Sept 3rd. Smell dlr1c ~.Owl.'~ ..';•g,"!! FM 2 mo. Old be""'. mu Hnl, buay .. 11bll1hed I.II.. OPPORTUNITIES !II. LIZ~=-·~~nc .... IUUIHI Mllltf' I "'AHlllml 1·~ ~ S v.. ui ' offlc» need• Ult front r . •• Direct 11111 exp. requl-Tel_..__ Sollc:ltors ,_. 1... 067·8133 grey •t1otU11lr eat. 10 by 1 Pf1. 1 0 _ 0 p M Cott• MIN home, part/ · N 4000 W11terly. ~1·-__, M ...... 1 ..... ~~ mot . old. Nr Edwerda. 54e-211 1Im1 w 11 k d 1 ye . olc mgr. Exper neoelt 4 I N!Wp«1/8334190/FrM "''"· utl..,. 11 ong,.. ded Flrll rate Ra90f1 Co. W11111t-Oryli·Aefrlg. M Cl F. d d. n . H B . e.46-0417 day work Wiiie. C M Electron1·cs & ConvnunicatW..s -crulltf' & •bll to travel. Exoelllnt working condl-Ollhwa•lllr·Fretnr 801 6280 fMS-7580 Nancy ""' Call 10AM·1PM only. Mr. Ilona Top oomp1n11· Xlnt oond. 84&-5841 : • liEl.PI DeMrted bnkrpt & Blklf with 111perl1nc1. ... IPIUTH 0.Nero 884·0585 tlon. Call Jeanne. or Kim llter T..., hotn11•11· Metaph)'lloel 1r1nc11 br11d • other DENTAL ASSIS'TANT How Would You Like To •• , wftl'l 1111)1f'tenc:. In 11111ng 9.g 22· aide by aide troetleM Hlut8'1d ma11 cat 3 ~ :g: ::=~~: ~·:B:: 2::.· 835 w . tttn. St. :,t1,:1=!':u:;: • u.m A NewtSkilJ orden. No Sollclllng. New c~~e 1temi----4-04-0 __ 7_4_e ___ 1 ~t~cf.r••or . S260 • (16d. LOlt Sun ~OX e bne rm or? Modlet rent • M.... l)IMMn1 Legun• Beaoll • Dtwlop LNdenah.lp Nici •ttnOl9t\lll. Good $100/UI• plu• reorde11. STOCK Cl.ERK ·----.,---"."":""--:-• PM, MIH Verde. RE· no d1poel11 Cheryl BAR PERSON, college office. FUH or pwt tltN. • Mekt New Friend& Starting Salary. For Int· Oen you pro•peot? Can Full time. Wiii tr1ln, top Eleotrlo dryer, gold, ulld • WAf'D. 548-8030 or 003-8813 OK. lull or part·tlme. 4t4-07M • &8m Extr1 M~ »t ervl1w. C1111 Allton, you c1011? II ao, cell p1y. ic1n1 oPC>Ortunlty. FM e mo. Xlnt cond. 1100. 640-5840 ~ C.M. Ml-55'« 0 T SHOP I • l')\Joy ftqul.v CMJ.lan Ltrt 848-2271 831-55AO Mon thru Fri lee Info oell Jotin o.42·4338 an 4prn 1M1t•Mll«-wltllan11---------1D NU • coun., PIT I d .... 1 '"""" WANTACTioH? ect1v1 cl•Hltled id, Beauty tlllp, P/tlme. AM 11\ltt. lion o=r,t.,:= g~j -~--------"" ·..-v DISHWASHER poneblt, ~ Adi IM2·587t e.42-5878 Orange Coun:i'• Flneet No e!tp ~. At19tt In We Offer • • • •· &33 SAi.ES • No ••per nee-TllCll olhlrl w hr1. per run1 tine $40, ---------1 Sllon nM<I• ant. ta-person Dlpplty Donuu. • ~&Jent Career Opportunltlet For 11.8 . Outlll. -3232 <*I. W9 train. call Ml .. wll. Earn seoo-seoo mo. &58-0535 --It lrH• Jiii •--,. WM 11'1 ltnted, lie.If atyl tt. T09 1154 N9wpo(1 8Wd. OM. Orec:l1.1ete or !Qulvlkont 1111 llltttr llttllltr ~ "4-3-457 no Nlllng nee. 850-tot 1. Retri-.a10t, Nkl M'lf, w/ ::;':;'I•••••••••••••••• :::::'1••••••h•••••9"i" 81l1ry. • Tralntna FM Pt!QPll With No ..., RIVE OAUC"E °:J clnra counter cl•rll. MlUtary b~ P1rtftlm1 Experlericld 8elt1pereon ror plant Telepl'lon1 S1111 4 1111 =~~iJm· Of belt • •NOWISTHETIME• New~~'~AL~•oh ec/J0e1~~.Sdayi. =~~~~3~~1'\hdey =t•=~~;:' ~1~::,u11P~~;"::. ~1~~ MWAIMll•YD * RA.TES ARE DOWN* 840-1117 WW.,,_ lndMdua.19 946·3S92 Stl H, oeta Miii 1200 pr. '5H810 • • 11 -Home, cornmtrdll. lnCOml ~ e:::~M~~r::: '°""'~·='!no. SOUND INTER.ESTINC . s.... S~t =. 'f!-S•. "s'm J od:;!~ II -110,000.,one rnlofl Aeq. PIT. PETITE MAR-,. oo:; Hiking CALl TODAY 979-7363 YOAH lnootM M•·•Nt c.-& ___..,.,.. ...__ OHl. C.M. e.42-4714 ltCfOW 10 pt~ (bttWMn 8:30 a.m.-.4:30l .m.I Work PIT, 9 t m•2 pm We need good .,.opll to -------- ' -~. -""•--IW l..W!J"' toen MCfOWI. Seta7t & C»e1 H .... llO , with thl 1.01 Al'IQl l .. Ht UI) ~mentl !Wllllnghou•lllang9T"OP. Qd no-""-' Wiit! IUlfotn( Ml.. Tlmee Clrculatton Tum from '1'Jt . ~ 0-*9 ~. 8111111\ofty -.,._,, ..,...., °* 11 yrt. llme. oommlNIOn. Atwar tng In t~ ..,.. l1tn otftc:e In 1111 ~fof flOOd ,. IOng. COCIPenO- I -"' ,_,,,, ..,,.,_ rn Orqe ~ 782-7100 cateer,.~ ; Jj~'I i en llOUriy-.. +comm. Holldty IM'~ trawl ne. 1250/obo 641-4N 4 -an_ nS&l-. OA.C • 011110 MOAT,!-!OJ.J~VICI 2651 Ntwpert 11¥d. I Trtlntno PfOYlded l'Ot olut> Sllary commie. •ft lpm, l """"'..__...JX& C..ta M..o I ~· Ca ll l 7 t•l 11011 + llonu . C1ll .-.Opltwt!Oneed ,..... ':' -~ --• -~---,Jll Matu,. l'elPOM!ble per. ~H4-l090 r.11 IADl"'I W-37<1() '"" 1 PM TNt't wt!et ttie I r"'-•• .. --~... rn-·--ton. nlot111. Apply 508 I l!!J._--'.~--I I T\lf1'I tO tod•Y'• .... fled ~K.V "'-OT ..;.\.. ... •1 aoth St, Am 211. New• HI.I. Idle ltema with •· 11•-.U---for the bHt lll1t,.1,11~1Ul1'tet Ade. 'JOU/I onto< S~IWICI DINICTOflY -· -LIW.J •I pot'18eadl. ~Plot Cllallfted M , .. ------·-·~!'~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!~. 10-Nft atop lflOOplnO 09n*· 11 ti t110111t -__ _.._ ________ _J.. -' • .J._ --· . - •' .. • .. t;a Orange OoHt OAILV PILOT /W.cln'-d•v. 89J)t•mber 18, 11e2 ~l.~ ...... l.~(f {1!'.!'9. ......... 1!.tt "tt!!.!'.."" ~ '1Nl..frft .... Mtf •:::.':'' ,.,,,. 11M •••••••••••• ll.ff ~ ... ~ .. '.!f'.r.!!~ ...•... ~~'!'1.~ •••.•• ~1.'1!1.'!lr.!.'11. •••••• ,,.,,,,.,r.1. ......... . Dilf)tar 1G41 rr..,.,, II tub, l adl .. D!amona ring •• ,";l;ir.inl •••• To"OTI' 11tt War •t .... .•""•••••••••••••• .-.-.T y11 9"t IM .... ,,_ 1111 .,,,.., lf•1 lf4f r~~-tJ.1 lat rllloe 1100/o ller Marq H<.t VVI UOO lflte ..... .. 100 tfl'. l'lill'HUCll All 71 Vemahe Vl400 OOod lof1 blCI I hi blOll. mr. ............ r •• '1.. •••••OH••••••ur••• .Tr::.-.W'1r'o••••• •• .- l4f.HH Ml .. ., -Word PI0<.4t .. Ot Clllk option• Liiie MW t10, cond. 1111JCJIO ... , •• welb•t. lcebo• '71 UOI. r.0, "'"'' Cond '78 Mlfoeon •IOIL con '10 VallQI Ofl T°' COllCI #ad/1.,. H1if 111n. lt,.01111 det1111 000 714•141·1110 Iv. •'Ylft Mf.l~ff CloH I Cupbo110 '*' .,.K ml AIC, llftlfm el« vttllblt • lldlnp, lo.o.d 20.000 mt. A/C, •tereo, f rlgldalte ''Oii r, .. ,.. ... ;1................ f44·1tclo4 nlnp .llWI IC>Melwtty bllla, •• 1191\11 t tablH HOO a •• I 1111 • I 0 0 0 tn 000 lhetP 4t3"°40t I'll u II ••II 1 1 110 lri041'11or t10 rat lllen1 ull cond Muat ... 10 080 Mt 2011 12 M11aec1 .. 1ett"""L"i00 931'1* ___ '4_&·_3"33 .Jt•1 ... ,. 4IO 4tltr Pon1ble tyl)e'lffll.,:tiO It' ltUllTTf aP91eclele 11900 or btl '42·2201 •7g IMW 8211 o4 epct llhr O TuttlO. t PM1 leclen, iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii w 111r1ioo1 Ort". o u s11 Q11d1"'tot 11t rr,pee Vet'J good condition New •27, ... ,, 4·1 Xlnt olr 17 .. 3&ff A .., ~ llH •e• wnt Uk , •12' AntNec:11e gray Matllllc. llPll llml I II I .. 6"'2 ..... 10 0 0 n Cl • I 2 • 0 0 ,,,, ........ .. .. •• e l'elll, • • PllO I I t f!I 811 N•• • coup e emall .. o• "'11 • • 11 ~ -1141941,9170 I!!' '71SUZUKI250 RM Very •••••••••••••••••••••• 800 or •Hume'" (71o4) m no n • 90 • '72 VW. •Int mecllenlGml, Plfll 130 841-3'433 PM &-48 4817 ... ,, ,,,, ""· olMn l YlfY fut ... ,5, WE PAY t44-13H. 5H·t442 d ing RI, etc All this ¥ery CIH!' New llrH iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii #/ ~J lfll ~: .................... 18'1 lo11on Wll1ler, lo4f·11150in OAASTICALL..Y AEDU• Allll,l:H.00 o487•4163 Ill ft PlllTJ Wa heve It 100C1 ietlc- llon ol NIW & UllO CheWoleltl COHNfl l f ._.l ~•OlfT . ,. ' ~4 f>. 1 l OO WAllTIDU •• .'!.' •• ~.'.'.•! •.•••••• 1 Wffk old tem LhHI 13 w , o4011p 1111/eleolrlc -TOP DOWI '17 Clu~h~I 4 dOOf. ~f3D .... ..'ft·500 Prlv Pty, · :j 0 • ORY!R ..... hi... ~p•o d~lred :v A~erl ltlft, Cllm ... , •• fully '78~ YA:AHA~250 .~!~' ~f Hiii ,.:.· ::::· .,, V1nt1Q011 dl)I Ul'llj)tl, WASHER l A.. 1 20• 1 3-. 11 i na an ° imp on equlpPed wl trlt l&o400 • une • ""• Fii 1111 Oalll 1 ,111 1 ~ 931,,.,.,.,. 'IOMB 28081, alvr blu, 10 ml, i lnt cond Musi 1111 - -Oood cond AM• p1ioe 10 ono. per 1250. Lli 8•8·3127 145-&119' •" 10pm, u ·2"41 " "' v""" •·dr, 33K ml, 1 ownr. 11 •• 11 1 -·-• 538-11132 77f>o 149 I anyllme a. •• ..... -• • ... • t o 1 ••--PERSIAN TUMILIR Pl· '15 OL 1000 Fully IOlded - -'{6 BMW 5301 Super compl mllnt. rac;ordt. I 738-o417 _._ OOMI! HOMC l<ITS GEONS Blk/Whlt•, 1 pr U' MlllUIT wl CB Qrut con Cl PelTIAO/lll&al cleen, yellow, 1nrt AC. nu t1r11 $25,000 c11h • I 4 door. IOlded, belllitltul IJ I 1 1010 Loc•lly menuf.otured 'h $800, 567-1209 Wl11ner'I lpaotel. LAP· S 1800/bll ofr. 6"'8· 7893. 2o480 Hatbot Blvd 491( ml llltlllnt 16800 646-~ '72 vw 8qu1rtb1Ck Run• • 11 • G u ' I " • c • r DiZ'!i!;:;,;,;;~·bik~i"4o~ ~i'~~·c:,i:,'!!~~~~o~~~ Beaut. Getman 8hephlt'd 11rt1k hull, •II new paint, ·10 HONDA 35081.. c~!1TA11':00HA 975·0349 '79 •60 SEL. Blk·81k, 50. g:.d·;:';Q'li1;~.t1~~lm 11129217 •212 2 31 121 1o •Pd boy• 135, call It 839-3698 puppy AKC. fem, 5 rnoe. lull c1n1111. 110 hP In· Oood condlUoo 1300 -·-'et 2002 BMW nice cond 000 ml, new Sentra alter a PM Hunter Trained wl ehOll U 50, bOlrd Harcul11 ·~·· H9·8187 141·1 .. l Moving, mu1t Hll 12000 Whl1, W/P 7 tlrH, Re· 'l1 •11 IHAI 11.00 Below Window ltlckerl u 3.oe13 Gold wool cerpet, 24)(26. 6o48·9738 ccmpl. !one ~~•r ull ,80 KAW ,.20KX ooo. e73.g 125 c1nt Serv & brk• job. Reblt tng, auto, new HWAlll •"'•let MEN'S 5 SPEED =7~~og95 w 11 h P 1 d ' Canaries, MIF, Rtc11. Vel· ll~ M;0-'1 ::,h A"s°;:i E11cellent c;ondltlon WE IUY C••tl 1111 ~~~~1~~ 1 12 4 • 2 5 o brtkll. amJtm, iunulnl. 0o¥t/Ouall 811. Bl!ACH CRUISER $150 Iowa, Created. P111111. 873*3.&1 111 I 1700 569-9197 OLEAI OAlll ••'•••••••••••• • • ••••• 32 mpg. 5• 1·0777 NEWPORT BEACH Doug 840•5100 Xl9 Full •lze Pool Table, good Good alngart. 1131·17'4o4 1111 TllllOll '7o4 Vallow Capri Radio Mutt .. 11. 78 o450 SEL. lo Voln 1111 IH-0111 condition 3 Bar 110011. HulkY 380, delert equll)* "" am/Im CIH Gd oond ml, tunrl, all KtrH 111 •••••••••••••••••••••• If ff•• Glrl'• bike. Schwinn 20" Aak fo r Ric k alt 4 Bu1meae Kitten, f , 111 1Ht1 1 IHI ptd, big tank . Runs M ull 1111. Bii ofr. 122.500 181\et Call #1 y-t.. I I 11•1Hlll 11• Lil' CHIK for Information 831·1387 Shott, 1200. 61ud a110 •••••'· •••••••••••••• go od . I o4 5 0 I o t r . 65'1'·6008 '1'14·540-o4752 to-· 1111•• ••tr •••••••••••••••••••••• call 752-6568 1---------1vall 93g 0912 tt' Hoblt Q111 Yolifow w/ 842-6o495 f1 lra11• 0.HtJI '81 Burgundy, 4 epffd. 12 Piece stiling of ehlna, 1---------1 teq 1unr11t 11111. like Dall•• 1110 '77 45081.., 1 owner, "· •••••• air, tellher, pe>w«, alu· PEUGEOT. 10-t~lld S350. t2 Place Htllng or 1/HOI I 0tf181"" ~. 12500 e1&~18t. '79 YAMAHA ENOURO •••••••••••••••••••••• 000 ml, med red metalllc, •"ti lllYJOI mi n um whtel1 Oor· m.n'• bike 21 1n~ Ire cry1t1I $200 .. on F I •••••••••••• ••••••••• 2•"0T, •Int cond. h 11 .... ! o&Aut 11 .. m1•~ $1'" me.Xlntc;o~d Sl70 obo 0 evee,7S9-1208M • r , HAMMOND O RGAN Cllltl0Sloop20'Varnllh seooiobo. A 8o45-8001 pare menl tH .• oyt, lllLWIH ooo ' ... p~'on~ 494.4747 Lao Bch ---------H-382, lwo 81 key ml· Mahogany. 3 lalle , new factory soil '22· OVERSEAS DELIVERY 71o4/640-9133 ------""----OUTSTANDING WHEEL nualt, auto rhythm, 25 $1200 5411-0577 77 Sulukl 250 RM. N.-950· 642·897! 542•1387 EXPERTS l•ll"•I CHAIR Like new, 1 yr Lt pedals, 18 ch1ngeable top end, lox, air, thocka, .... llYH MB SI. WANTED fff' fHO .. ,1,-'all IOZS blue $120 882-7408 preNt•. 4 Mt• drawbar1 1111"'"1 Hll Ian 651·3280 Top doll1r1 for Sportt Wiii tred• S22K equity In WL.E Ill •••••• • • •••••• •••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• WMHLOIWR --. Muat NII Stock Wlndtur· #olfl .,.,,, 1111/ 91;·,', A~dl'i • = 53t!~4:nahelm VILYI cond 3 ~ tlr ... econ ,., n °•6 8238 •••••••••••••••••••••• Ca 1 8 1g1 Camper• 1 5 d f 71 FORD Maverldc Good llOW JIO/ff, So45 497-8918 ORGAN • CONN. Good fer SallbOetd. M75. J18t l lttll., 1110 Aile tor UIC MGR 1969 Hetbor Blvd $850 494-3211 Redwood 2118 decking, ---------1one. ••eel cond $990 67!>1483 ••••·--•••••••••••••••• .llM IUllll 1111·210 1t•. COSTA MESA ... , --------- 4-20' long alto redwood ITALIAN MARBLE CO· 558--0535. New Wlnd1ur1er Magnum ......... to•••aw•••• 4 door, white, blue lnte-.... IJOl l40·141l 18e5 Ford, 2 dr .• Galuy. lenclng C'ail Jim or Ken lumn Very beaulllul Use 0 370 I II N 21 11$8000 Good cond • ._ -rlor. Clean, 1lmo1t show R .. blt Trani & Bellery. anytl-775•1,.91 for planter. llatue etc. Id upright Grand, 1250 • re nbow H •w • · ltfT 11 "'---~ ei·vd 1460 obO 831 8638 ...... $350 080 557-8393 Good playing cond Hur-St 188 Sacrifice $895. 65&-<>481 HUNTINGTON, BEACH car $5,800 6o45-7452 '78 242 VOivo )(Int cond . • DOME HOME KITS ryl 497-2139 673-3600 Rant: 28' motor l\Om•. •••-tooo M1t• ,1.~~ 5o.ooo ml S475o. Cell l•nla IHI Local"' manufactured 'h SURPLUS JEEPS. Cara-_. Eltlla Sale ,... ,.,. 540-1542 or 548-9460 ••• •••••• ••••••••••••• '' ""--11 ••en Sell I U Perteet Hammond Organ .. Ill $JJ11 t ips B, fully loaded. 1980 Oetaun 200SX, w1nt •••••••••••••••••••••• 'll ..... I ..a. 111 Price Introductory 1pe-"""' "" Y or n-1 .. .,.8 .. 1 .. (P I) A '74 ••Ge. runs reat. ••• It•• d SSO oo F 1 I c 11 Bench & mualc. $550 "--L, -·1 .,.,.,.. " " au WlllTEDI cond Orig o ner ac M 11 .a ., H clal. Converts lo 2000 aq er or n ° 8 C 1 JI 6 5 ,,_. "''' w · • good mlleage. $2100 nelOl'I 111 Greet condition. $5.500 "· 839-3598 {3l2)93l-l98t &t 2239 al m 64 • 34o •••••••••••••••••••••• f111/111 f'11n/ 1110 cepllng bide Wkdays 751-9195 or M4-4157 o,::.•1•11•1•••••••••••1·~,· Call Biii 557-738'4 'v. • ' . SLIPS avall Huntington ••••••• m~••••••••••• Late model Toyotaa, pleese call. 759-4229 _ "' C•ll 1035 New Women'• golf shoes. (.. a 11, H a r b o u r B a y . Starcratt trailer. alps 8, Volvo•. Pickup• & Vant l11ull1 1150 •••••••••••••••••••••• 11te1• llSO •••••••••••••••••••••• Etonlc. white 88. leath, a aiti SlllH IOll 7 1 ... 8 .. 0 • 5 5 .. 5 • urgent ••I• $1o4001otr. Call us today! 65 Wegon, run• good. '83 •••••••••••••••••••••• Come In & ... N-POr1 ······;.\·············· Burmeae Kitten•. CFA Steal $18.95, 548-3774 ••••••h••••·.~··•••••• 948-7788. Call Ad litter t 703, tag• S395 MEISTER Beach'• t1n11t Hlectlon harp 1983 coupe. 305 reg. Mlle $125 IT IT YI It BEAUTIFUL 25 RCA Co-642-4300 2o4 hrs. 963-5272 ol prevloualy owned tng, auto, new Urea & 839·0972 A U lor TV. 2 yr wrnty. $1o48. o40' Slip tor pwr or tall w/ Poreche'1, Audi's and b a 1 t e r y , S 1 O O O . OHISTIH llOPPlll Free delivery. Open Sun let-down meat. 8alboe Aeto h1•1t:t1 1•111 TOYOT•-YOlYO !!!!~!!.. •••••••• !.~~! PORSCHE/AUDI Volll1wegen1. 6o42-4810. ¥!t~ ............ I.~~ EllLY TV John'• 648-1786 CovH . .Avail now. Flexl-I Att1111d11 HOO tU• M..._ 14., OllHIE OOUITY'I 1383 I Harbor Blvd. •JI. I\ .,., ._7_2_M_o-nt-e-go_S_tl_W_g_n_, Jack Russell Terriers. En· Beaulllul ceramic horse, PACIFIC MICROWAVE ble, 5•5•8100 •••••••••••••••••••••• C••'•"'"' OILY &IT•OllZEI Garden Grove , _. --1uto, am 118, xlnt cond. gllsh atock aa seen 30" high on hind legs . .ANTENNA sal11 & Hrvl-Stipe avall CdM area, PAINT & 111' body work, ~'4•·tlOJ•UO·t07 lalts•ltnltl $750/btl ofr. 554-8062 Spo ta 111 at ated M&F color TV, ceramic cats. oe Cell Clancy 63 I 0908 S 9 I f t . c a I I Carr I• up to 50% off your body FERRARI Ltllll& 445 E. Coast Hwy $4oJ. 675~2 .. 36 pictures. Santa Clauses. 1-S-t_e._re_o_w-1-1h-1-u-rn-1-·,·-b-11-. 71o4-955·2473. Wkdya shop "1· Biii 538-9832 WE llY IULElllllPl N-por1 Beach ••IH• HSI Mr. & Mrs. Sanle & much 8·5 1985 GMC-V8 Engine & 714 831-2331 873-0900 •••••••"•••••••••••••• FtH 11 roe 1045 speaker's. etc. Good USED CARS & TRUCKS '71 llllA 12100 Adorable abandoned Items & much more 4pm. Marcus Channel Ev e '• e -epm only FllEE APPllAllAL LW Clean lo mileage AMI •••••••••••••••••••••• 538-0343/8"·1lo47 •••••••••••••••••••••• more Handmade leather cond $75. 642-o4336 alt, Side tie to 18 ft, StoO mo. Hydro. Gd cond. s2oo. COME IN OR CALL FOR I ~rt-n~s __ H_A_R_P_'_7_9_9_1_1_S_C_, AllC IHI Benji puppy,•loYH kid•. i 8i4i0i-8i7i0i9i eivi•·.·---1-.A-m_p_1_nd_t_ur_n_ta_b_l•-._g_ood_ 173-81'4.5 537-2003 Cormltr-0.Llllo M TS FM Cuselte, c'rulst ·~~;,og~o~,?.·.:.~c.~: 'II MllTAll only to good home IF YOU HAVE cond St 10. BOAT Sl.IP8 ~VAIL.ABLE: 1985 235 CHEV ENGINE OIEYRtLn . -~ Control, Sun Roof, p.7 5, 847-4177 2 plul 2 4 ipd and 983"3769 INITIALS 964-4911 Balore 2 PM ~t BMCti: 25', 28', $l75. Eve'a Only S-Spm. 18211 BEACH BLVD. 3 00 W C H TlrH. Loaded. S22·500· comp restored 14 000 7 Week old Kittens, need 1---------1 :IS) 40' & 0 ' Call 537·2003 HUNTINGTON BEACH 1 N-= t =~~hwy 855-9991 859•1261 leitk fllO OBO. . ' . good home Variety ol CHO ,.,,, '.,,;.,, 84 2'-o4 .. from 9-5, Dual o42 OCNF Weber 141-Hll 141 a••1 642~9405 'll TarL-,.,,.,. 'll ·······,··E·E··,···········~.---6_7_5-_52_00 __ _ colOrs 845--9340 alt 8 ~·~· •••I Mon-Fri. carbs, m11nllolda, link~ ' • •• F 11 I ..,th 1 1 N ~ 6 H d b Tlllt Is your lucky day F'' 1 11'•11 u ea er n r. ew tor t .. -larna.t and .. ~1 6 ar lop w/r II eng. Ab1ndoned kittens need wiy eeautllul hand too-'i,~,;11 •••••••••;;j" 50 Fl Mooring. Ne•port fy:-:7 :~11111'=1'.$200 T Doi .!! .•..••••....•.•• :!~ NCT'a, 129,500. Wiii 1111~'7ion •;; new ;;d $1350/bat hOmH. More Into ted check book cover •••••••••••••••••••••• 8eec;h. S125 Mo. OBO. Cill AM'e, uk for op ar 'SS 850 Splele< Conver! c9~!'~1d7er trade. Rick. uted Bulckt In Orartge 64o4-0S41 Clll S48-1305 with horses head & lnl· llTllWUI 5o49-o4293, 957-0957 Oen, 5'48-3 147 p 'd Good body & engine 40 .,....,1 1 County todeyl '78 Mu1tang II Futback Free 10 good home F tills CHO Reguler price o44 It LanMtf 3 ye1r1 old. Dock IP-avalleble up 31 mpg $900. 975-54o4 ·73 Porsche Targa, new ~ 45,000 ml 4 1pd V-8 Golden Rel/Lab, 9 mos. S25 Seetlllce for only $189,000 Wiii trade. to 38'. $11.50/ft, Ardell. A•IOI IOI lllt For Your Cart Rere '71 hardtop 850 Ra-eng. Int. brakea, tires. ca11, stereo e.47-5640 ahota. spayed 494-3066 'l5. to lucky person with Submit property 642-5735 •••••••••••••••••••••• ., ...... I ... cer Xlnt QH ml Good stereo, alarm. 6'41-0664 0 n·· ---------1 these lnlliels Hurry call 673-'4424 1---------IMPORTANT NOTICE LI I M h S 1500/b t k 1'1•dil1 ~~ feiailall IOSO 840-8709 Dave. _________ 1Sllp 30 II. Huntington TO READERS ANO IH a-trtary 9 a Pe 1 Porsche '77 91 lS cpe, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED . H 1 r b o u r , Home 2826 Harbor Blvd _"4_2_-4_M_9_____ S-R air cond. >Ont paint & ·73 Olde Sta Wgn, tilt **I Buy** Belt M19sager. llke n-ALUMINUM CANOE 2 13/582·2930 & olllce ADVERTISERS Cotta Mesa S40·5830 '78 128 l lleel cond re-Int. $12,500 for quick •lhtOr-..C..ty Wheel, 12 position Mii See to appreciate $100 975.9797 7 141833-1103 The prlc;e ol Items ad· Premium prloea bull! eng 772-2907 alt 5. sale. 642-8971. 2925 Harbor Blvd 454cl $400 Call Ad Ill· Good U __ .. Furniture & ·~98_2_._1_25_8______ ve<tlled by vehicle dea-ter •702, 8o42-o4300 2o4 --.. .. ,.,, #. i len In the vehk:le clual-paid tor any uaed car u 0•'• 1111 IHHll 11SS COSTA MESA hrs Appllanoea-OR I will sell RGK Surtboard, 5'7'' twin '' It.•• IHI~ llll'AI IOH fled advertlllng columns (foreign or dom .. tlc) 11' • ••• • • •• Ill 2100 ' or SELi. tor You fin. S 100 ~•!t•••I I031 ••••• ••••• ••••••••• doll not Include any In good condition. ···uiiii"iiiiiiiiif"0 ·8-0R;n"a"uii L~1r ~; & • i-.7-2_T_or-on_a_d_o_. -EK-cet--cond-- IUITE.• AIOTill Call 548-31o47 ev11 B•·ra.nd·n-·•1•9•83•••E•v•l•n•ru•d•e• DRY STQR•G[ a-1'-able 1•we1 Ileen.. See Ut Flrtll Be eng. In xlnl llke new N-tires. $500, • ft .... "" ...,. · ..... Wa can helpl lore you cond. d•Y• 549_8'477 1973 Buick C.Olurton lull 720•1101 l .. ·1111 taa-H21 Sears 10" Radl•I Sew+ 2 4 HP outbo1rd, never tr1n1f1r le11, llnatc• buy. check our unb111a-power, AIC, low mlltage 1 ________ _ dr cabinet, on Whls, used used. $525. Call Doug Monthly boat atora~e. charg ... fees for air P<>I· ble Hlecllon, 11vlnga l•ll• Jowf 1151 S850. (714) S45-0811 '79 CUTLASS dleeel, ••· I llY FlllllTllE once. 1425. 673-3600 Turin (work) 873-1o43o4 any tlze, 2o4 hr MCU ty, lutton j)Ontrol devl~ and Mrvlce todayl ••••••••'·-·••••••••••• oe1 cond good mileage Ln 957-6133 King tz Wetarbed, iota, (home) 6'42-o4910 lri=~'f 11111 , ~~~~~:~f~:y o;r:::::~ UlllYEllllTY "l DEALER IN U.S.A. ff!.IJ!!f. •••••••• !!.{~ 8o47-o4 17i alt 5. . FIHITllE·IEW oak din 1bl, Pentax ca-l1rt Ill It• Plltt 1U1 lttk llJ ir. tlon chargu unle11 l&Lll I IEIYIOE TllE UllEIT '78 Cuttut Brougham J'.~;;,;: ;i~~~l :;., ';5';.~2:fe'.0;:~~4~1:r•o. ~ics~~~&i~ i~P Liken-. ••· ~t!!'~::.~1=.•cllled by 28~~;~~re~~d. [{){ CAR'v'ER SELEOTIOI ~~~ ~~·r~ I P$'3 f~rJ~ N-tactory sealed Frigidaire Air Conditioner. 557-9509 H4-0110 A. I '/ :MliB ll.u hotl 111\d 140-1140 IO.lS-fOCE of late model, low mllee· 538-7490 Twin S77-lull $97 single rm. Reg. outlet J I I0401---------1 t 1•11 1.11,t.1 \l,.,;i ~iio.L•I ~ ... _..,,OJ .. ,...,. '"'" ~ Cadlllac1 In Southe<n 1-,-,-1------H-11- 0ueen S 147-Klng S 187 S 100/bat olr. 831-8678 .~.'!, .. !'!!;.~••••••••• fllal .. llllioa CJ1.,Jt1 ISIO 1975 Honda Civic, 2 dr, ''-"'' 0''"'" ''" ... ..,... alllornlal s .. us todayt .?~.!••••••••••••••••• Sola Beds St97 1---------Claulc t8' L•P•lrake •••••~•·••••••••••••• •••••mtHL·:.j;;;t"•••• Htghelt cash Immediately hatctl·blck. 4 1pd, new °"" WNDAY't •M llAIEIS '74 Pinto. 4 spe1, newttres. Sofa & love seal S 197 l1•a1trl1I l!ltr Century biy boat, 4 cyl, MllOlllH llhl 1140 lor your v ehicle Do-llret, S 1800 640-0348 • 1151 ClllLUG 111~1 5c~~;J2950/bel1 of-DIS1~~~~:,~~~~:J~RE l•tt•tr Grey s3500. 875•8161 .•;;·r.i/c·;;;;;.;.j·;,~~~ :~~YP~':"tc:i~:rc~':f:.! mes8~8c5 or foreign wknd1 1nd 11111 6 pm .!."!.~•••••••••••••••• ... .,......,., Model 886 NNI new (25 551· wkdaya '70 Rover 3500S, 2800 Harbor Blvel loal''•• ..,.1 COSTA MESA 631-8&09 . * ••u•ay low mllet, mint cond froml (008768) (Stk . COSTA MESA ... "'- ---------1 hrs on clock) Cost S9. 2o4 ft Cud.dy~Cruls-'77 $325 642-2483 A.3093). Prlca 111nlng 81 AelOl'l /•NllH '79 ACCORD LX Sliver, 0111n~:_ond53S32500676 540 1810 •••••••••••••••••••••• ·King sz IOlld Oak canopy 000 • sacrifice tor S5. -•Y ll,llll ••••• •••'•••••••••••• roof rack. cuetom mtg r ....,ny • 1 • 'II FllDIU -bed w/mlrrora & curtain· 500 963-0383 W/lwln t.O • 170 hre. PUCH MAXI Good cond A-~I 1101 ..... .......J 83 7 1---------S 1 3 . 7 0 0 11 rm . d I Yellow, wry cleln. $350, -.. ,_,, t-l 44 11 • 1110 '1· spread S1800& Full eg11ron Hydroponic 213-278-8610, eves and ~-11 ·~"' .. 278 •• ao .. °Wi"IOOO•••••T··.·:.::· .-8-0_H_o_n_d_a_A_c_c_o_r_d_l_lk-e-1 •• f ••••••••••••••••••• Cll1nol1t II# Reblt Turbo 400, anarp • II bran head loot garden $95 Queen bed ...... .......... ·-LUii ' 1112 aw ...................... ln.ide & OU1. Mike otter. board, $500 Mon-Fri "" S65 FM tape w/spkr1 wknds 714-873-2058 Wanted Vu pa M otor 28.000 mllea. fully loaded new. low mites A/C '71 CHEVY WAGON 638-9832 759-1206 S80 548-0471 28' Chrlscralt cbn cruSf, acootlf Pay up to $300. sunroof, gd cond like se500 8'48·5280 100 Tllll C IMl Look• and runt great !~~~~~~~~~ Kltchentablewlthformlca lghl Green Antique Sa· recently relurb, reblt 675-6398 new. $13,400 OBO. ·75 Cl/CC, euto. navy $345 42 ~~~oJr•n• S800. '75GrandPr111,63,000full top $35 eng1 & trans, bait tank, 8 o4 5 • 8 2 1 1 E ¥ e I . blue o4 new 1lrea. $1800 1 pwr, AMIFM stereo, S57-8393 t,1 4"4.i:V;/5 d7~~~5;;~11• radios, NB lltp Incl, $11, YHH 200 1110 857-968" days Roger, 850-1732 d)'I i-80-C_l_ll_tion--. 3-8-.000--act-u_a_11 $2200 962-0632 Gold Couch Down plllows 500 675-9565 >Ont cond. 8'45-0327 '80 o4000, AIC. Sunroof. •, ..... , •• lf&./o 11·-t~ mlla1, am/Im stereo, ---------1 Pr 8 0x54, 1 s ingle 16" Johnson 110 .. ' '/ '53 Sludlballer Chernpton Stereo, lmm1c $8450 ~:.-:-••••• ~ •••••••• ~'!' P8< month plus to auto drive, 2 door ·77 TRANS AM. Totaled S75. COM 38"84. beige loose wea· $1500 firm. ,..,,.,~,,. 11"0 5 p111 cpe. Nlca car. 631-2991 '73 Karmann Ghia, blue, 48 month cloaed end hatchback. one owner front end. bell otter. 760-0161 ve $35 752-572S ~Hlfll ~ $3750. 2131592-1792 lease on approved ere-•• 500. 8'4o4-6982 857-5698 673-2190 ----------1 • ..., 1111 new tires, paint. 1Unrool d 11. c 0 91• s 15,3 7 5; ....._------------------ GIRLS EEDROOM turn TABRIZ PERSIAN RUGI 1·2-3-,,.....,.C-ud_d_y_C_•b_l_n.-r-I ....... --;959·95·..:.:.:io"B;:k~t.·2 ......... ltt4M1 ~~................. $3450. 840-6582 $652.15 cash required 81 Capr!Qe Clualc. Elec VH• H14 011 white. French Prov Best otter lakes ltl for fishing, bait 1~ tnglnea & trans, $250 19o48 Ford Woody W•· · 1 -t•I 11'"1 Come In and ask for de-1unrool, many 1xtra1 .·•'••••••••••••••••••• •tyle, beaut complete 640-e••9 E e'a 6 8 O I $13000 -" 1·1111 (1692'). $8700/ob o 873-3883 74 Vega, clean, no denll. set $350. 773-18 to4. "" depth finder, VHF Radio. v • Pm n Y · gon, • · ••••••••••• ••••••••••• "' ~ auto good tranapona ---------Metal ehed. S5, you di· Trailer. 8 cyl Volvo out-537-2003 '60 Mazda 826, 5 1pd, IUCH llPOITI wknda/ev, 644-9370 dya t 1 0 ~. s 6 o o 1 0 b 0 • Beaut couch, L-sheped, sa11emble, nda some drive. So4950. 673·65o40 '78 Honda CB750F SS, 1929 Ford Model A Town AM/FM, air, new Goo-8o48 Dove S1reet WANT ACTION? 648-8518 bel 5 & 8pm. navy & beige, 111n1 cond work 648-7281 blk, llke ~. wtru , ga-Sedan, $10,000 dyear NCT llrH 15599. NEWPORT 8 ... ~CH MOOfobo. 552-1389 1----------28' Carver '77, SF. FB, ·~~ ~ 559-1711 """ Claull4d Adi "42-5878 ---------26Kn, new custom atrn r 1 g • k • P 1 S 1 O O O · 1963 Studebaker Avantl, 112-0100 Antique pine tr11t1e table, SCRAM-LETS rm, loaded. lo hrt, fin 6'42·0955 15500. 8715-818,_ #IJT'I 1131 ---------end dropleaf Makes 8' avail. $39,000. 9M-o4820 llZllt TRIPLE l&LIS411Ylll •••••••••••••••••••••• '79 Saab Turbo, 3 dr. table. 8 ohalrt, S 1100 ANSWERS eves. 1987 Chev Capri 4 dr. Ill-a •••111 Blue, 38,000 ml, auper Call 499-1248 eves 2 tt~o~=·9~~~~BO, f\VI top. Air cond EK· 831_2040 495_..949 cond. $7495. 751-3788; OCCASIONAL CHAIRS, Deluxe . Baton }>ell Idle llem• 6'42-5678 ---------ceptlonal cond. $995. ••-•Ea&•• llW dys, 646-3850 eves aqu1 . good c ond Hoary . Myself 875-8106. 642-1194 ---I L-1111 $25/each. 558-0535 ROUNDS '87 Eldorado Clu sl<:. $1, 28o402 Merguarlta Pkwy .!'.~~!••••••••••••••• ---------1 My accountant hll trou-Boat picture ads provide 500. Good cond. MIMlon Viejo Sales-SeMoe•l.easlng BEAUTIFUL WICKER di· ble getting datH He Cell Wall "42•7222 (Avery Exit off 1-5) IUILWOI nlng leble, glut top. 4 gets their tele phone Open Sundays c;apt1ln1 Chalrt $295 numbers but from force oO~~ ,,.,,., ~ti/ &O~" n ................ .. ... . 557-3119 ol habit when he wrl1ea l#l ISIO --..11 111-2040 •H·4HI _W_A_T_E_R_B_E_o-.-1-9-d-r_a_w_e_r l them down he ROUNDS ...... !................, UI US ~ --------- headboard. waveleu....._1h_ern_o_"------s~ 9 1!!!., R1075VEE~!9C,,,28pm000 S ..... Serv~LUllng _,!ITO~\'AOl~~ • '!!f.'.!'. •••••••••• !~!~ mi1tra11. AcceHorl11. i1t1ll1•H•I 1\' • ~9'~ o;;i;· 537 2003• .... 'II 1111'1 &rt ltrtl ... ~ -'77 Toyota Cofone Station St30. 831-'4133 WHIH IOll ~' 9 · • Nie. Selectlonl ITtf IY & Wagon Ste<eo AM/AA 8 WATERBEO Qu .. n size, •••••••••••••••••••••• ~~-1.~~!.~!!! .. !.~!f (~;::vi:o) 2; 4 apd., anl r1 _, -.. "' ~~~·o:O'. is~u ~~Jr s':~~3fomplete ~~~: h:~•,•r.r;,sv;;~ e..a\V LARGEST JEEP DEALER 11t '79 3201; auto., A/C fACIUT'fl ~ ---------1 Falrgrndt Nd product• ~ / In the Weal (5-487760) 14ISIMUl1.UlllllUHllU)I '7'4 CORONA SR5, gd LIYlng rm Ht, brown sofa 10 1111 Any Ideas? delpefalely neec:11 * •79 :t.iol: 4 apd , loe· cond . many e11traa. t & lovaaeat Gd cond 714-631-3570 " yourJEEP. dedl (778YPC) • $2300. 642-8572, l Sl85, 552-7o428 •ft 8pm i----------"" Hlohelt Dollar Paid * '80 3201· 5 apd. enl rl Mazda RX7, 79, Mint 832-5890 f eed E11ercycle tor new Call Gary Gray 1859zOKI • · cond 5 tPd. AIC, Ami •78 COROLLA ..-.1 Ii w~I~ ~l~~o::w~E21th ~::CS~'::'to", 6"f~~ Of IUHE OIAIT * '80 5281; auto .. an/rl. Fm uu. Mnlrf, Cut Intl l<><*s good s'1~•1;.;"'.S mattre11 & box 1prlng, / Allt/.IEEP/HUIL T (o486ZOJ) u 1' 18 45 O 11 14 1 It. FIRM 960-0..47 S90. 642-7874 252• Harbor Blvd., cM IH-an1 1-63-1--0-3-00----- WAITElll 549-8023 •~5-7770 208 W. 111. Santa Ana '78 Mazda Wegon, AC, fn••t• 1111 Double Beel complete with .,.. Clo---' SuA"I" eulo, good cond. $895. ••••• • ••••• • ••• ••••• • mattreu & frame s4o WASHER & GAS DRYER llll •••p w••t1•E1 _,, '"' , 833•3487 '78 SPITFIRE 30K ml. llC· 875·820o4 Good cond. ~u. price •55 -5 CHOICE INVENTORY 1---------C I I m e c h · c o n d • 538-8832 All option•. wnt •/blue VOLU§L.ES ··""" .... 1140 $30001080 67~6438 tlEEI IEI f211 Int, xlnt cond. $4800. •••••••••••••••••••••• ___ 6_5_1-_18_10 ___ ..... eiltil (714> 64l·5910 OIMPlll·llltlllll Volk1t1!(,. 1110 ··-··1•1 111 ,... '••lr••••I• IOIJ ,,,,,n ISH w1·11 •how you ov11 100 :;o"vw· ;·tg·~·;i···11i~i ..,..,"" -'1 •••••••••••••••••••••• I 0 I I 0 LA IE II New & Used Merc.dN• ' r ' 851-1810 •••••••••••••••••••••• Toyota '76. AM/FM Ste-e.nz. Come In a conal· cond. 1 owner 1500. LARGE SOLID OAK YAMAHA Bue Amp. reo~ .. tl•t1•. Small llW der our 11110 errang•• llO'n Pearl St., Bal Isle. BANKER'S DESK SlOO Htad wllh a double 15" cam er Shell 12175, Salee-Setvloe-Leulng ment1 or long term II· '71 VW o411 SEDAN 648-5078 PV ape1ker cabinet. All 573 19 850 N. Beech Blvd. n1n<:log. Loo'!• and rune gr111. 32 SPACE-SAVER In excellent condition. lM'4 CHEV P.U. Needs Le Hebta HouM of lmpor11, Inc:. mpg. $1400. 960-0205 $1,000. engi ne S250 Ev1·1 Ill -DIAL 213 or 714 8UNK BEDS, lo400 t•l-Olll 1 1-211' Ertcaon Fu"" .,.,ul......,. crulM, ..... •"'7 2"'"" • • r• "7 "" ..,,... 8-8pm onty. 537·2003 o-Sundav "" • ~ ' or bit ofr. 8o48-5078 6 sallt, UHF, compau, cov1ra ,....... -, ~ Watercloud waterbed 8 Perfect condlllon $18,500 1985 OfVCO Miik Truck, tRA111 """'" 1Hlnflntll0 RUNS GOOD. 995.-3327 • dra-. ped11111. healer, ltm P.A. system, Votoe 123-4587 Need• wo1k, $150. Eve'• -....? { llntr, nHd• m11treu ~~~~ .. :~·~ .. ·~:~.~ Only 8-8pm. 537.2003 & 81 Rabbit Conv. Ohle, S 1 0 0 . I e 0 0 n aw horn• & pwr amp •I '35 Ford Piel! up. VB ft•· l, 6"'&-2145 cover, Ilk• nu. 11000. S f f t I theed. All orig So4.500. auto trant, met. pt. WI'# et your course or as aa et .. a •3... urn. sports "''' and Twin size watlf'bed, eon ._4e_a-_•8_1_4______ -orv ..... SIWhells. 1m./frn out outgrtw. ooet 1200 see. llFfn OLUUln with a Dally Piiot boat plctur• 11'11 teptt ,.., S~L.aatlno Lk nu 8700 mr.uuo s 100. 5"4&-8852 Almost ~ saoo. ad. Each Saturday, the Dally with cemper at1111 siaoo f{)y' CARVER 113-1345. t73-13'4o4 Jennie Lynn l'\lln bed Ira-C•ll 714-851-0740 Pilot Will offer you ad IPICe firm 973-te18 Kl.l.SICM.:C·IMW '11111 llOI/ ... , me 135·6"'8-7291 ..,A_1t_o_s_1_11.-v-1m-,-h-•• -.-1n-t that not only deacrlbel your '74 Chevy Luv Pu, new ~-·m "'""'• ,,..,. Nol rU(lnlno 5'45-lll71 ---------• cond. ttao Good for boat, but pictures ll ••well. brk1, clulch, radlatof, ._....... h.w .,.,,..,_ '74 VW Love 8ug, 11lnt '2 Table i..tl'IPI. w/ellad.. '1udent 642·4'1'84 The prl"' ... II guarint-..1 to ruS nt good. Dependable. ·79 BMW 3201, loedtd, COlldagr.r'e~. Sm2!!"00• 111 080 10. ' 01 .... "'910• •O" high. ..,.. ~ 1eoo . .,.5-t153 o ,ooo ml.. 16700. v • 5"MH'4 '" 5 pm FLUTE (MW P•da) "-m· buoy your 1plrlt1 -S•5 If we ·11 c-... "•ton •wo Pu, 54e,.1a30 or 7to-9e14 I ·8313 or t73-41H. ~ ponl Ctzzawl Miiano S ·-·1 ,,, LOUIN. \ Dlntn9 room ut: tbl F.t.S.M. rtu 963-6413 tlk• the picture, and only <40 eno. 8f'Mt, bOdy OK, p1, 'Te IMW S20I, anrl, nu eoxd · w/4 dire. lnc:I 2 1---------If you provide the picture for• pb , gd w ork truck, bronze pllnl. am/Im, air, 'H vw VAfi od angtne. i 18" IMfl & ped1, buttet Gg:1~1a':& 11800/obo. 873·9821'1 Int detailed, runi good. bOdY need• lLC. 1950. I e2x 10" (2drwra. 4 dr) 648-3375 2 column 3" ad. 'te fl Camino ,27 4 blr· euc. ttanifer • mull 7 1 4 • 4 g 3 • 8 2 6 8 • • $300/0bo. 648 ... 9U al1 l---:------·I rel. 12000 Hll. 17850/obo PI P. _4_99_·_1_72....,4,....·--...,,....--j &pm. Art~ c1111,,.1. Kint cond, For further detell1 about how H7-tt20 from 12-1 bual. ne.0130 '73 vw Thing, HT, 1'1011 11...,,.. ~ IOll II .. ~2 938t f IP D II n11 b t I d "1•1 11•• '11 BMW HOI 17.500. Ber. 9 mo on en,tna. r:':i'A•••••••••••••••• "" · I I M. I 'I r Ot Oe p cture a I !'!••••••••••••••••••~'. GOOO oondlllon. Oreet Cond. 12 50. ' H= :::. =."ti~~~ unn fLm can work for you and to '73 ,ORO VAN 141.1313 1 1 4"" 1278 TOf'lk upright plino. 2400 175. 552·93M ·~ schedule yout Id, call Cvatom paint, Int, wNa, •7• BMW 200a, lllO'#rtn '72 BUO new pc.Int, e11oel 1q n It t>nwn w-P94 1 "ff' H•ve ICHll9'1\1ng you ,.ant e.2-M78 end Uk for Safi)' LM. ttc 11100• lff.IM5 oond.-. tlr•. lllr••· -----'I-.-... ---•I ~:~:.; =~~ntelned n•w, Olk offle• furn, to Mii? CIMelfled ad~ do MM• ycMAt lhoPPl"I ... v1111e Job, Mint oond -• • Believe it or not! It's a short drive to HAWAII! Watch the Dally Piiot all during September for automotive ads containing the coupon below! Wit 2 ~WI> TRP TICICm TO HAWAII via AMERICAN AIRLINES IMO ""''-~.,.,,-· .... -OI CNl _OI _ c•1• o.it"'t le()1...,.'!1' 10 C!U•~r~ t0< O<•w"'O Or -I ~ IOf t rMC •-'"" tcl<tll 10 llAWA" ... I A"""'<•" ••-• Mvtl ,. .... •••O P«m•Mnl .,.....,, I ~-~Cit 11 1" OI '09 OI -Ho AlllO Al)e!IGf, I "*"'""•'°'• or """'~A-~ ot --I ,,,.y _.,., Ott.-•-.. ""°""O"I 11301111 I : ·_-_·_ -_ -:_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -_-_ -_ -_ -_ -_ -~ JI ACICll'•-------------1 ,._ __________ ......;_~ I I OMlll'1 --1111'4 I L-•••••••••••••••••••••••••~J Thi• fa the time of year for the belt auto buyel Tak• advantage of thl• opportunity to win 2 round trip t1ok1t1 to Hawaii via American Alrllnee ALOHA SERVICE. Wiier bed ll'd much It well J 0•11 NOW "" by ullng lhe l>llly Alll'"f 17000. ~ Mii o.ttl gm. MK ml. Xlnt '1nd wllet you went Jn ~rnot9.;;;.::...:':.:'::2.:.:·ta=.21:.W.:===J...:"'::!:2.:.!,.=.:':.=•::..· _:._ ____ ·~=============::::Jl...:::""°':;.:;Ct;:: .. ::::"'::1ec1 Ad9. ASA,. •·Hot "' !NI· N900 u~~ j.Jo.11y~~P11ot~~c~r•:•:•"':..,.~;....~:::======~==========! • I .. ' I ~ j 2 -Games People Play/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednesday, September 15, 1982 Dogs and jackals: one of the earliest Egyptian games Board games travel through varied times and cultures Anyone who's ever suffered the be rajahs by competing with armies cruel fate of being sent directly to of infantry, cavalry, elephants and jail. without passinf "Go," without boatmen. collecting a pre-in lationary $200, This game, Shaturanga, gradually witt?out even hope for re prieve became more sophisticated and except through a lucky roll of the abstract, spread to Europe through dice, knows that board gamee can be the Crusades and eventually made a serious buli.nem indeed. Bobby Fiacher famous. Today, this How serious? game of skill, now known as ches, is Industry experts estimate played by millions of peopl• Americana s pent more than $1 throughout the world. billion last year on games and The counterpart of cbea in the puzzles, including everything from Orient was a strategic game of age-old standbys such as chess and encirclement originating in China checkers to modem fantasies sudMe--_but achieving its greatest popularity home video games of the electronic in Japan. age. Called "Go," it quickly became Such tremendous popularity Japan's national game and by the didn't come oveniight, according to 16th century was so popular that a researchers for Odyssey 2's home state academy was established for its video games, headquartered in advancement. In fact, the gaine waa Knoxville, Tenn. so important to the Japanese that ln fact, long 'before all the big the d1redor of the academy received spenders bepn buying property on lAOO ~ )'ards of land and an Boardwalk and Park Place, players annual talary of 1,000 buckets of from all countries were testing their rice, skill and temptina fate on a wide Cloiiel-to home, dire conaequences, variety of "playing fields for the not rice rewatda, faced thoee players imagination." who couldn't avoid the pitfalls of Square one, as far u board games "The Checkered Game of Life," the are concemecl. .-back nearly 5,-first board pme to achieve broad 000 years to Meeopotamia. There, popularity in this country. the ancient Sumertana played their Introduced in 1860, it featured a version of today'• board games. board of 84 aquares along which Like toda~'• ulu children'• piece. moved at the dictatel of a L~· the nme waa a aplnner. The object w• to rwh the c "path" • ;r pq. ~ pl of "Happy Old ,.,,. IDd avoMI standard fMI•• ol lbla type of game tqu.lftl labeled "Dilcrw.'' UCrime" is the "za~" la WWch players laee and, wont of all, "Ruin." ground by ~ on the Wl'Oftl · Thl1 and other realllue pme9 · 1quare-a or_ ~.~beir opp~nent1 which followed lt reflected landing on tbi 11111& ona prevamn1 atd&udee -thrift ia Even in ~..._Tolen had to rewarded;...._ .... ~ -m'4t aufter lilenll)' 1iie 6'81 and arrows helped pa"9 the way Car \he malt of boorith winners, An engravinl IUCCe9dul board pme of aD time, from the l8CODd or third century Monopoly. B.C. show1 a young Raman couple 'nm pme ,pf buytnc and .WU playin1 a boara 1ame. The ·properties beume a naUooal inlcripdoo rMdl. "I believe I have ~~bard dnmol beaten you." the Grmt when "play" And in the pme of Hyena. ltill money wu only money many. played by the Araba of the Sudan, people could pt their tww11 on. the player who1e marker, Durin1 the early day1 of repreeentinl his mother, la eaten by televWoft. board pram oft.en took a the hyena II ribbed ....-rdlully by baclueat to thoae electronic bla opponm• curtoettl .. around which peopl4i.1 Aa...... would Ill for houn. ~ tbllr Today, .... two pnpeel• ==- Pacific Coast Audio Video "'/jour 1);J.o {Jam• II MRTT.!:L (IMIMllC) ~~~ '21" .... $39.95 •CASH taAft OfflalD IY MAil. wt-. MAST9 UNfT PUICMAMD llTWl9' AUGUST 16, '12 & WT. 11, •n Back to School Game S~ecials (iepl 1stt1 ttwu 3011> WITH TH IS AD Pitfall 25.95 Vars Reven&e 25.95 Trjple Action 22.95 Froaer 29.95 Pac Min 29.95 Sea Battle 31.95 Atlanlls 24.95 Barnstorming 23.95 Star master 23.95 Cosmic Arc 24.95 Defender 29.95 Stampede 17.95 Bezerk 25.95 Star Strike 31.95 Horse Racina 22.95 Ni&ht Stalker 31.95 Chopper Command 23.95 All SPORTS GAMES Sub Hunt 31.95 Math Grand Prix 19.95 & MANY MORE Demon Attack 24.95 Space Hawk 31.95 OH SALE NOW! I *'REIT .GIMES-S&/WEEI-:.= *I .., 'ao smoa. ~---• EQUflBf DATN.S 211& E. coAsT HWY. Corona Del Mar 640-5093 . REC ROOM LIGHTING AT ALLIED l:.IGHTING Where you can find the Finest Selection of Br-BUiiard & Rec Room Lighting In Southern Callfomla At Competitive Prices . COMI IN AND IROWSll Yev wen't lael eve eur Mlection, you'I leve our prlciel. Ill lletldl It., C.ta ... Cww &am ... 1111..._. KU1W7> to Ck nol ~ CDmdl& but .. Ol""••al--111--· O A . • fclrm tfie ..... -"!Ill~ .. ,..,.....,.., :ill•llll a P J tr ...,A SS•s1111clllt--8 -. a. DAILY PILOTIW 0 ° h S JD D 1 15,. .._ -3 .. na • • .......,...._ ... .._..._ G'**'-'-'rlf 7 J ...... .,. .. _....._.-... •--. a ' a llllla --. ......... e 't el wt. ~-.. d?•--..... ._ .. ..., .... ,, .... •'? , ............. ....._ C?k?tll•u*a n us, .. _.. ........ _.. tu a .................. 5 ......... _ -·· -i ........ anu Todalr.-..... $-·---·-· t t ._..._...., a .... -..w._....,. r 9 .. ~'&Utlane•--• 1 tr .... LL uti'..,11*, "'Can •• PILJ?a ....... ,, ... ., 2 -c ' wu ......... a nt ... .....,. a •-.. ~•-.. .._,. ca nu a--.->• a ••------•L s. ........... __ ... ___ 07 t ...... 7 Q •---------------.... .. _ ... p 2 ---· J1191t11 ._,. ....... _ .... 2 ~caaeunn ea .... . Set" e... ....s ---Nila .... . ~....-----.... . __ ... ...,.. ....... Jib•-· Cf 9555 ... ... lua t'Jt ... ....,_...._...._. a n , ... .. ctnara•,.......,_~..._,._ .. ...._ .. -. .. caw'aw ·Et..._ ... ._, r •---•llnlf,.,. .... 11111 P k C al? la a S 5 PT; p: 0 0 .. -....... ' -· -·-a a Claall .......... ---------..bllllePSR 2 ------------·· .... ,..., Mor.e lhCiri You Expect · In A Hardware Store 75 ' D e AlllFll •r aa A •1 ..... us--n ,. . ............. ,... __ ......... __ ,?? ...... • ... __ sn •u nn , n ,,.._~~ .... _ •• 7 '- ....... PS .... • OU n -• ... M"" 7 ta --NOW'34· • •u 'd'--Pt •ea • ...., ... , a •w-..c I SSR) • '-C 7 a? • C E ?Qaia.T .... R •c • r 2 r LI e?CL&• • ...... Ctl&&....._F' St . NOW*69" l fl. , I • I ;i AC IOSS 1. Make a choice (with "for'') 4. Pronoun 7. Pen point 10. Metric unit 11. Surrealist painter 12. Feminine name 13. In honor of 14. Gets one's ~at 15. Controversial word in a wed- d1nr: oeMmony 16. Roup file 18. Word with "coat" ... "'wind" 20. Sincer, Grace 22. Pike 25. Frav. :w. Certain cont.eat entries 27. Printer's measure 28. Fri&'id 29. Joshes 30. Jockey's riding crop 31. Scale note 32. Place of reilljte 33. He played chief Ironside 34. Kecltta' delirhta 36. W ot1d witb "bone" ll!lld "paper~· 37. Alwaya 38. I nt.ellect 39. Excellent 41. Tbetie!ore DOD !!JO~ ODO tl!lO 030u DOOc:J :JrJLJ ~1::::n:.·(! u ::ioa :J:ia: :JO!'lC D:J'.JOO CCOEJOBO onao ::moac: ac:i E!O:J ~uOSri OElEJ :m oawur: 0 000 aDOilt:ll~~ DODOC ilBOlE! ~DQL:. aam: ZJ D C ll coo llO::Jt"; U&lu~ !JOIJ :mi::: :JOI: OOr:J HA.LL.lt:>A'( 's ANT'°'°"'" 'S ~!aaltV\Q! P~PE.$Z. fAN\..lM lTe.C' ~'~ ~C>\.82S ~LO"°' ELPEtz. 'tll!STC-UW G& EA.Ml!IZS ~C.'{~ AMT\Glae& MES AMlES. 43. Criminal's tlipt : slang 46. Poem1 47. Profuse 48. Pitcher's sta- ti6tic: inits. 49. Fo~oot 50. Strn Sl. -Unr, TV rancher DOWll 1. Dunderhead 2. Certain ath1ete. for mart 8. Alann creatl7 t. Orehestral inmvmen1 S. IUM; scmt 6. Wnmc 7. Dlmitriom 8. Wradt 9. ··•....WPt." or Bod90D 1 l. .. P1atter" 1J. R Mtiatm fe:atue. 11~ "'Oraekerjack" l.J. •&1i7~ !O. Ema'lat.ea Jo!m N.aber %1. P......;t:tM !%.. Shipl' t.rails !3: Lcmc (!..-) U. Fo,er !6. 1n a •Ut tiepti- tiOllS ,.,."nrr !9. Satisf~: .WW 30. Parae1s 3%. Buy plaoea IS. BriotiM 35. .RefftSb 36. 1'J'Ollt or ............ ] 38.. ,pj at.ial 39. DaJMtT •v. Feminine name U.. Color «. Noah'a veuel •&. Xcmtb c_... .......... , I , ._WWW C"" 13m'.Pm.Zlm .. IMF ' 11f81111P ,,, 0: 3 0...&Cy •• -.-7DlllP ,., ,. gO...lR.AI ..... --'- Play tbe •••rt ehoppblg ga•e ltS Your Move I ---- SPECI ALTIES • Affectionately Amber ··Coffee Trader •Collector's Corner • Continental Imports • Dale's Footworks • Diamond Head Gallery • Etc. Jewelry Designers • European Gems • Fly A Kite •Gamemanship • Geppetto's, A Child's Fantasy • Great Beginnings • Hiland's Tobacco L ocker • H.U.D.D.L.E. Furniture •Hum -Mi Imports •Irish Cottage Imports •Jewel Connection •La Tortuga • Laguna Junction • L 'Anvers Jewelers • St. Ives • St. Ives Annex • Skansen Scandinavian Imports • South Coast GlBBS Engraving_ • Spatola Tailoring & M en's Wear • The Sleigh •Time/Life Books • Village Pet Center • Wine, Cheese, Culinary, Etc. • Woof & Warp Fabrics C O N F EC TION S & RESTAU R AN T S • Antonello Ristorante • Belgian Waffle Inn • Cappuccino, Crepes, & Things • Hungry Tiger Restaurant • Meyerhors Restaurant • Morrow's Nut House •Pinocchio's Pizzeria •Restaurant Horikswa • Upstart Crow • The Good Earth • Verdugo's M exican Restaurant • Vitamin Quota Natural Grocery SER VICES • A.1.A.-Orange Co unty • Anthony's Shoe Repair • Carlton Hair International • Exclusive Travel Agency • Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising ' Fingernail Fixer II • I Framed It Myself • Personal Formula • United Artists Theatre •Dr. Daniel Werner, Optometrist Restore the pleasure o shopping .. Overs[';!~~!~fn~g . . Restaurants For Your Enjoyment South Coast Plaza Village at Sunflower & Bear Streets Santa Ana, CA 92704 • (714) 751 -6595 ~=-======~~~~--------------.............. ~ -c: Q) E Q) a. a. ::J en <( ...... FANTASY exclusive toys & gaD1es Unique Toys For Children Of Al Aces • Doll• • Role-Pl•ylng G•m•• • KltH • Ba.rd O.m•• • Collect/bl• B••r• • Book• • Imported Toy• • Puulei •Helium B•lloon• Complimentary Gift Wrapping Open 7 Days (Localed On Main Beach Ne•I To Hotel Laguna) 150 LAGUNA AVE., LAGUNA BEACH 494-8808 ~ -----------------------------------l ~r---------------------------------Q) a. 0 Q) a. Cl) Cl> E cu (.!) I U> BOARDSAILING! The fastest growing sport in America •LEARN •RENT •BUY Private Instruction '41/3 Ian. r -- S1ilM1r• Start at 'Ill li1i l•rf fer II• 'Ill FREEDOM SPORTS ,. ................... ., .....,.,. ..... N1-lll4 On any La-Z-loy• chaw in 1todc with this ad. Choose 11011 11ea1 styta. colon • l*1c of l1·Hoy Chairs ~~11.~.~,t.~:,1 • ~­ S..12·.5 ... .w.M 0'NDAY 19 Antique Show Newport Harbor Art Museum I 1 a.m. -S p.m. 26 Santa Ana Historic Home Tour 11 a.m. -S p.m. 835-7287 [M}~DAY 20 RBER" WESDAY 21 Photos by Elkoh Hosoe susan splrltus gallery. Inc. 673-S I JO 28 Harbor Singers Presbyterian Church 7:30-9:30 p.m. 494-8119 5 Harbor Singers Presbyterian Church 7:30 -9 :30 p.m. 494-8 I I 9 12 Harbor Singers Presbyterian Church 7:30-9:30 p.m. 494-8119 ~-- 15 Comtemporary Artl Laguna Beach Art , 494-6531 . Antique Show Newport Beach Art Museum 11-8 p.m. s VII LJHURSDAY [?1DAY 16 Farmer's Market Orange County Fairgrounds 23 Arsenic and Old Lace Costa Mesa Civic Playhouse 8:30 p.m. 754-5159 Farmer's Market Orange County Fairgrounds 30 Farmer's Market Orange County Fairgrounds 7 Farmer's Market Orange County Fairgrounds 17 Antique Show Newport Beach Art M useum 11-8 p.m. 24 California: Art on the Road Laguna Beach Art Museum 494-6531 1 ~TURDAY 18 "Self Esteem" lecture 10 am. -noon 975-0700 Ben Vereen Irvine Bowt 494-6531 2 9 Running & Walking Is tor the Birds Bolsa Chica State Beach f2 l 3J 4 31 -7040 "Thurber" Plummer Auditorium 8 p.m. 773-5347 For calendar fisting send your press r~ase and photos to J.Vne Fiddelke. Oalty Piiot Special Sections Editor, 330 W . Bay Street, Cosu Mesa. 92626. • -J> VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • BODY HEAT • CAT PEOPLE • EXCALIBUR • BUDDY BUDDY • ARTHUR • THE BORDER lcleo Cassette Rentals 1884-8 HARBOR BLVD. COSTA MESA • 646-8928 = SW~N POOLS -0 =r ell 0 )> r ~ ~ ONl Of TH£ WOALD'S I AAGEST POOl BUii OCRS -" THOUSANOS Of SOUTHERN CAllfOANIA FAMILIES yt HAVE ENJOYED SWAN POOlS SlliCC 1~ WE SPECIALIZE IN 1ll: FOLLOWING: * FREE CUSTOM DESIGNS * SOLAR HEATING & INSTALLATION * THERAPEUTIC SPAS * ROCKSCAPE POOLS * FENCING A PATIO COVERS lOK M f1nMcilc Awaillllll OAC Up Te 15 Yrs. M> OOMI PAnDT -M> Pl£.PAnDT POW.TES 1 2140 South Ritchey, CAU..,. ......... TWATSI Sonto Ana 11l•II•1 I 24512 1rid9er load, ........ . El t... uc:.r. U210t<& • OBIERPORT SAi.BOARD ltD(lAlS RENTALS LESSOftS $7.50 Iv. SALES $35 day PRIVATE LESSONS $3511'. 1-...... ao.d GR<D LESSONS Alao AveHab .. Ca.II For Reeervatlone HOBIE CATS 14 . l&. 11 OnW. .... 1700 •• Cent Hwy. .. 11911tlledl, CA (714)645-2062 .... <O c:o N .. • t , \ I• - 8 -Games People Play/A Supplement to the DAILY PILOJ/Wednesday, September 15, 1982 By JANINE FIDDELKE ~ ledloM EdMof If you hurry you still may have time to purchase tickets to a memorable evening of cabaret song and dance. On Sept. 18 at the Irvine Bowl the Laguna Beach Museum of Art will present the multi-talented star of Broadway. f ilm and television. Ben Vereen. Tickets for $10 and $15 seats are still available for this major fund- raising event at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art, 307 Cliff Drive in Laguna. · . Those with a taste for the elegant may want to join the supporters of the Multiple Sclerosis Society at a "Rendezvous Under the Palms" on Sunday, Sept. 26 for a gala fund- raising benefit.· The benefit will feature dancing to Henry Brandon and his orchestra, an elegant cocktail bullet and an exclusive presentation of the American Designer Collectaon and Revillon Furs by Saks Fifth Avenue of South Coast Plaza. The gala wiU be staged from 5 to 8 p.m . at the expansive poolside terrace and surrounding gardens of· the Newporter. Tickets to "Rendeivous Under the Palms" are available for $75 per person through the Multiple Sclerosis Society office. located at 7 5 71 Westminster Avenue. Westminster. Tickeb fees are tax deductible. For more information call (714)891-4608. The mellow chords of jazz music will be heard Sunday. Oct. 3 at F.a.st Bluff Park In Newport Beach . A History of Jazz Concert will be held in the park from 2 to 9:30 p.m. There wiU be picnics, fun and plenty of music all for a reasonable price ....... it's FREE!!! That same week don't miss the opening of the Orange Coun ty Philharmonic at the Santa Ana High School Auditorium on Saturday. Oct. 2 at 8:30 p.m . For more information call 646-6411. For those jogging enthusiasts in .the crowd you won't want to miss the third annual "Running is for the Birds lOK and 5K Walk" to benefit the Amigos de Bolsa Chica, a support organization for the Bolsa Ch ica F.cological Relerve. The lOK Fun Run and 5K Walk will be held at 8:30 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 9 at Bolsa Chica St.ate Beach. The event will start on level paved surface starting near the Warner Avenue beach parking lot entrance. A $10 e ntry fee includes a collector's item T -shirt. plus participant raffle prizes. Race awards will be photographs of Bolsa Chica birds. For pre-registration forms call (714) 897 -7003. So put on those sneakers and let's run for the birds. OUR GIFT TO YOU 6 Months FREE!* Featuring • Nautilus Equipment • ·utecycle and Monarch Bikes • Co-ed Steam Sauna & Jacuzzi Call Now 675-1171 • Olympic Weights • Luxury Locker Facilities • 9 Aerobic Classes Daily •with annual membership -ONE WEEK ONL YI . , .. VIDEO MOVIES SPOKEN HERE • BODY HEAT • CAT PEOPLE • EXCALIBUR • BUDDY BUDDY • ARTHUR • THE BORDER . ldeo Cassette Rentals 1884-B HARBOR BL VD. = COSTA MESA• 646-8928 Airporter Inn Hotel (!aµtnlnO .'{table Open 24 Hours Breakfast/Lune h/Din ner To Su11 Your Every Need 10 to 600 tftl ed i terraneari C/loom Superb Continental Cuisine Entertainment Nightly Happy Hour Mon.·Fri. SUNDAY CHAMPAGNE BRUNCH m the Medit erran ea n R oom 10 -2 18700 MacArthur Blvd., Irvine, 9'l715 (At John Wayne Airport) Gamee People Play/A Supp6ement to the DAILY PILOT/Wednelday, September 15, 1982 -9 l 'Space invaders' head for home market j ! l • I I Prevail.i.ng arcade entenainment has neve r been m o re e asily adaptable to the borne environment than today. During the 1930s and '40s, man families had neither the money oor the space necessary to house a billiard table, and in the '50s and '60s, parents would just as aoon have let those n oisy pinball machines rattle and quake in the flashing delirium of the arcade than bring them into their peaceful hOUBehold aetting. Leave it lo t he age of h igh technology and computeriz.ation to create arca d e -l i k e home e"J1ertaimnent that lleem6 DO more than a natural outgrowth of contemporary mciety. Video g~. of couree, have takiea over the arcades of our nation. Not satisfied with that conquest, they are now moving iJDo the heme with s~c •peed. They are, however, weloame invaden -and pop.i1al" ones at tbaL Their adaptability from ar'C8de 1o bamr is witm :t by an esy hook- up to the !amity televwon - practicaDy an American tradition. Onoe .. pl ...... in, •• the ~ sreen beuews: an inlenldive -.e for football. bueball, tennis, car racing, ~ wan. chem and mm-e. You mime itbe game and. m......,. aJ'e. ther>e's a prcera.nn:ner wadcinc OD it. Stan S c hneider, marketing director at Desb, lnc.-Electronics Ex;po, a home video center in Sama Ana, estimates t he home video .iDc:h.mtry introduces two nrw pmes each month. Atari-a video pioneer -already bas a 8electioo of cloee to. 60 pmes from which to ch009e. Mattel. the maken of lntellivi.sion games. are a clc.e aecond with roughly 40 games in stock. The m<lilt prevalent home video systems make use of a portable console that can be easily connected to the television. Into the conaole slides the game cartridge. Garnes can be added simply by purchasing new cartridges Hand-held control devices allow players to challenge each other or the game's computer. It all adds up to a practically end less v ariety of domestic diversions. Yet it's not all fun and games m the video held. There also are educational and instructional cartridges. such as basic math and computer programming. In hand-held and desk-top non- video models, a number of non-game models are being offered, such as a console designed to teach children a variety of skills, including spelling, math and music. The instructional upect of home video ga.me. will hopefully provide solace to parents who. after preeenting their child with a new book, have agonized while watching him try to slide it in1o the aame oon.:>le. N everth e less, the emphaiia remains on the tighter lide ol. life, and that's where video pines excel On the home market there la increased rejoicing in the improvement of. video graphics. Recent game eraphb are Jicht ,_.. ahead of their tomewbat clumsy ......,_..., ... ..,. £hr.a .... ...... in their ftllWllic efiecfla.. Al9o keepine plCe with arc.de ...... ' ., ia the .lliw = +rt'• .. development of voice synthesis models. Manufacturers are now marketing games that Wk back to their owners. One electronic game heckles the player orally in a effort to break bis concentration during a complex game of rQetDOl'Y and logic. Voice synthesis also is being carried over to sophis t icated electronic chess and bridge games. An impressive new urut has a vocabulary of 50 words t o communicate its moves and repeat the player's moves. Another cbea game bu a sophisticated memory that comaina 64 o! the most famous che8li games ever played, including those involving the legendary Morphy and Capablanca and Fischer 'and Spaaky. Home video entertainment also stacu up well when oompared to alternative forms of family fun. A typical con sole coats in 1.he ne ighborhood o.f $200. Cartridges run anywhere from $15 to $40. Since most families already poasess a television, this i.niti.al expeme is the only cost involved for continual entertainment. In contrast, a family of four can enjoy a movie al the theater for about $20, and that's not including those famous tbea ter prices for goodies. Moreover , a family leaves the theater with only a memory Home video entertainment looks even better when compared to a day's outing a t a local amusement park, where expenses IJ'lCUrred are too numerous to go into here. Needlelll; to say, with the cost of Hving skyrocketing, the money co n si d erat ion becomes an increasingly important element in family en1ertainment. Maybe that's why more and more families are tuning into home video. ' rr ---- 11 -.... 'I' 11~ .-.1. ' ~ .• . ~ , Ji~~ ·- ~···· r1i· ' -9'1~ ~· .f ~ .. ': ~ ~--!! ,. ___ )_ ··~ .... ir 1 I i ' ... I _ t ~ _3 I II. ~ ........ • * * 1 ~ 11!111!1 !: '! !Vl1~ dl~iu! ~~Hli;h ~H[iilif rt~ . .. .. ;;·!'.a.I Ii.If • ~L .. .s~ _,g.,.r .. o _3 1:r ~U.1!1 ~:rr Hi1't ii ri~ 'l~~a ( ~ ts ~lt t 1 , i = • f . ...r . 'l •.f ht· 'i" ! }11i' t3 !1f J ;'ll f lr.D: f .. , !:i. .. J::.a( !-.c orf la. .. 2.i iJr'i(1iUni~n r !Jf.r 1 !~;1:i11 1n111 --; i, 1 ,1 1~;1l.~hJPr~ ! [,1 t~1 !~;;; Jii4 rt ! r. at f ,_ .. f .. rl II ... a .... ~ _ . ./ff~! ~ . -· l~ ·1··t.~ 'if ,, · 1 • 1 .r~ • 11 lf wllr i!li ;. ~ [ i fl (I~ t J ·~~ I ~ JI ~·tl ~ ··--~-~ -· I Jf ~ll i rll. '-1 . I• r.r ti• A ' I· ~ALF OJ: nu~ OVtR AND UNDE:R- CROSSINGS ARE ILLUSTRATED. ~U MUST~ TUE R™AINING T~IRTE£N. BASF ChlOm8 Minimum purchase 3 tapes; can be mixed. Beta 2-4-6-hour Games People Play/ A Supplement to the DAILY PILOT /Wednesday, September 15, 1982 -11 s CAPI lRAV£L ™RU TUIS MAZE CONNECTING ~I-I OF T~E SI)( SPOTS WIT~ ON£ CONTINUOUS l'\EAt«R ING UN£. NO ~­SAG£ OR INTER5£CTION M#I BE USED MOR( TMAN ONCE. YOUR STARTING ANO FIN~ ING POINTS AR£ l.0- CAT[O ON TME otAD £ND PASSAGE~YS. .i. ·• ,.. .......... ~ .. ~... . .: .. :~".ffi --__..:...:.·--- ZIG· ZAG THE O•IGINAL WO•D MAZE ,UZUE All WOllOS TO II CONSTIUCTIO NITAIN TO THI AIOVI TOPIC. TO YOUI AOVANTAOI ONI WOIO HAS ALllAOY lllN TUaD. YOU MUST TIACI THI THiii llMAININO WOllDS. USING ONL y THI &1n1n OHIONATID ty THI DAUINID C11Cl1S. WORDS MAY NGIN AND IND ROM llTHll COLUMN IUT IACH LITTll CAN ONLY II USIO ONCI. *** IA04 Nm1 HAS A OlffK:UlTY IATINO (AIOVI). FOUi STAH WNIFY THI HtOHlST Oloatl Of DIMCU\TY. OIVIN llLOW All THI ,OINT VALUH POI IACH WOID. YOUI wotOS MUST COllfCTLY MATCH THISI ~NT VALUH. @ :::I====== 81 SAP @ ..__( ------® ..__I __ ___, ANSW. ON 'AOI: <C> 1982 Ryon Gome Compony • 5 9 6 " ... '"'""'" Colt• TV C1fftt Your Cost =--~-"!!~;~5 7 2 .. 2 5 5 9 li...mdoffer ' -. \ I I I _J I - SUPER SPECIAL! VIC 20 HOME COMPUTER Plays video g.ma. helps with budgets, s 1 student learning aid and much more. So simple children will be programming In minutes Hurry In today' • NEW VlC 10 GANES: Space Phreeks • Night Crawler 75ss WlTT!L !L!CT'PtCn.lr:5' INtEWViSiON. Intelligent Television '229.88 (Direct from Mattel) ...!50.00 NOWI YOU s17 9ss PAV ONLY Offer Ends Sept 18TH! In Stoclct INTEU.IVOICE ADAPTOR. ... t 79.88 IN STOCK' INTELLIVOICE GAMES! R 17 BOMBER • SPACE SPARTANS • ATARlc~ Super Mvlngs now on the At.I game contolc! Hurry! •13911 IN STOCIC FOR ATARI: Just Int M Nawon'a Lode 'N ChONI M Network • lmaglc • Cosmic M • Berserk FRON ACTWISION: PldaU • Chopper Command ,,,,.,,. 19" diagonal COLOR TV 19" DlagoMI color TV with Chromuharp picture rube. IOO<fi modular Z·l chuUt, Automatic col« control and m<>ft. ....... ..._•33s11 ... , ... ll'wtce n _.n SELECTAVISION' •29411 .. VIDEO DISC PLAYER F.o&•eT To Opero/f Thon A Hrcord Plo11£rl RCA VideoOtsc.s offtr the best In movlb. concerlS. sports, plus much mOfe • Up to two hr1. of program· ming per dlJC • Visual search • Rapid a<cese • PauJC control . MODEL SGT 200. ... .. ,.. ,._'349.11 MODEL SGT 250 Stereo Mechlne.l\!tl' 64K COMPUTER • Buth-In user memory (64K) • Programmable • Graphics characters• Upper & lower c:aM letters • Sound generatc>f • Music syntheslnr HI-Fl output • TV output • "Smart~ peripherals • Game machine features • Mta•-"-Y ca.-c1ua11 .. ..,. Reg. Low $57.95. Spec1aL. .............. 149.ll • Ga-Tl-Watdl ~~f:~~ki<~i:tm Reg. Low $699.00 ..... _ .................. 1419.11 nan SO" dlegonal PROJECTION COLOR TV Full function remote control, 100% solid state chassis. Automralc fine l\Jnlng. 2·chann«V4 speaker sound S,:';;! 169411 64K c:::9 I . . s595 FREE\•\ COMMODOll£ Cll'I DATASSETTE With pun:haM ol Commodore 64K! ,,.. COLOR SOUND CAMERA with elcctronlc vtewflndeT, 6:1 power zoom.macro focus and automatic focus. '99811 ~-·--··-··--· ,,,.,,,_ PORTABLE VIDEO DIRECTOR AND COMPACT TUNER/TIMER Z.n1th'1 smallest. lightest most 11CrNllle VCR. can be joined side by side °' stacked with the tuner/timer '1140.. (Both Pleca) .. -N•,.,.. ,,_.. 7 -- llAlllCUIT lllTlllTll llACI I flllTlll llWY Wt ONf: SOA Y. Sl: P Tl: MBUt 1 !.i. 1\Jlii ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS OC bus riders to LA stranded Dressed for it Carol Tompkins of Huntington Beach pedals to her job in Costa Mesa along Adams Avenue today, bundled up against some unusually incleme nt weather. BY FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0( ttM Delly 'llol ll1tt An estimated 1,300 Orange County residents had to find alternate means of travel to Los Angeles today as a result of the midnight walkout by Southern California Rapid Transit District drivers. A spokeswoman for the Orange County Transit District, a separate agency not affected by the strike action, said the majority of riders traveled a route extending from Santa Ana and Fullerton to the Los Angeles Civic Center. Madeleine Blckert, OCTD community relations director, said Los Angeles-bound bus riders should either contact Amtrak or Commuter Computer, a car pooling matching service, to find an alternate means of travel to Los Angeles. Bickert said OCTD, because of agreements with RTD, cannot place buses in service on the temporarily inoperative RTD routes. "A lot of people have asked us why we don't do It. We have agreements and our drivers belong to the union. They wouldn't go for it," Bickert said. ''And, we're simply not equipped to handle it," ln addition to the Santa Ana-Los Angeles route, RTD also operates services to the El Segundo area from Orange County. Bickert said the RTD strike has created "a lot of confusion" among Orange County residents who rely on OCTD. "OC'fD is not affected by the strike. Our service is operating," she explained. The RTD drivers went on strike at midnight after talks with management broke down. It is the fifth RTD strike in 10 years. OCTD has been affected only once by a strike action -in February 1981 when drivers walked out for three weeks. The RTD drivers put the brakes on for an estimated 600,000 commuters today, leaving downtown Los Angeles traffic more snarled and dangerous than usual in a light rain. "We've had a Light rain all morning and that always causes some fender benders, but they are a lot more than normal," said California Highway Patrol spokesman Monty Keifer. "There are just a lot more people out there, and they're all jockeying for position." CHP Sgt. Ernie <?arcia sai~ commuters faced up to 45-minute Tax bills b e ar flood • warnings County pro pe rty o wners whose homes and businesses lie in the Santa Ana River flood plain will be notified of the flood danger in 1983-84 tax bills. County supervisor s voted Tuesday to send the warnings in the h o pe they will convince property owners to buy flood insurance. Nearly 600,000 people will receive the notice. Though the flood plain e ncompasses a lmost the e ntire north end of the county. only 25,000 proper ty owners have flood Insurance, according to official estimates. The Santa Ana R ive r , considered the most dangerous flood threat w est o f the Mississippi River, could cause up to $12 billion damage to Orange County in a major overflow, (See FLOOD, Page A2 ) That's show business By ROBERT BARKER Of llM Delly PUot ll1tt It's tough enough dealing with specific plans, zoning ordinances and conditional use permits. But Huntington Beach City Council meetings soon will be covered live on local cable television. And there will be new problems fo r t h e coun cil members to face, focusing mainly on how to look good on TV. John Bateman, executive director of the Public Cable Television Authority, has made available to each council member a 17-page memo of do's and don'ts. He said in the memo h e reached back into his 30 years of experience in television to come up with the advice. ·one unfortunate thing the camera does, Bateman said, is to put about 10 pounds o n the average person. He said persons can work to make t heir faces appear thin, however. by sucking in cheeks and applying a coloring. He says this accents the cheekbones and minimizes the jaw. Sweat is another problem. But Bateman says it wiU help if council members apply a filmy layer of makeup to h elp close pores and reduce the amount of visible perspiration. If a few sweat beads should surface, Bateman suggest s wiping them discreetly with a forefinger and wiping the finger with a handkerchief. Wiping the brow with a finger will make one look thoughtful, he said. Bateman also advocates the use of pancake makeup before council meetings. If your hairline is receding. make sure you get the makeup into the hairline, he said. And if your head is bald, cover the head with a light dusting of the makeup to cut glare. He encourages women to carry the makeup down beneath the neckline of the dress or suit. "A partial makeup job can be worse than no makeup at all," he warns. "You'll look as if you have a mask on, badly applied, and it will look like a death mask.'' Bateman also says vivid red lipstick and lip gloss shouldn't be worn. "F inish your lips with a dusting powder and make sure you have applied and hlotted enough layers of lipstick to last throughout the meeting," he said. Other pointers by Bate man: -Eyelashes, If false, should look real. -A layer of light-colored blemish eraser applied sparingly (See TV, Page A3 ) Roulette wheels were stopped and blackjack cards packed away. Walter Mondale delays getting to work, as much tx.'Cauae of the rain aa the extra, traf£ic. Once downtown, drivers found parking lots full earlier than usual, meaning extra time looking for a place to park and a longer walk to work. Meantime, some bus riders who apparently hadn't heard of the strike stood at bus stops in the morning rain, while others scrambled to find alternate ways of getting to work or go shopping. Some bus patrons got out their bicycles. Spouses and parent.I were roused early to chauffeur workers in one-car Lamllies. • "It's more pressure on my mother to drive me around, but I' really don't feel it's the drivers' fault," said Cheryl Thompson, who1 works in a downtown office. . "I've got no car. I stood there at the bus stop for 15 minutes, hoping the radio was wrong," added Rlcque le Frelow, 18, o(~ Baldwin Hills, about 10 miles southwest of downtown. "Finally, I had to have somebody Crom the office come and pick me up." Othe r municipal bus Imes that normally come into the Los Angeles area, then transfer their riders to the RTD, were in a turmoil. "We're pulling out our hair,'' said Joe Luna, a spokesman for Montebello Municipal Bus I,.ine. Luna sald MontebeUo already had added four extra bu.sea and . re-structured their routes to take passenger s all "the way to downtown Los Angeles so they wouldn't be left stranded far from their jobs. A handful of buses had been added by other lines, but 1<>me districts said they were unable to expand their service because of budget cutbacks. However, the extra lines made only a small dent in confusion. The RTD, which has 2,900 buses, normally has 2,400 on the road at any one time serving an area that sprawls over five counties -Los Angeles, Orange, Riverside, San Bernardino and Ventura. The RTD says It has about 1.25 million boardings a day. The figure includes transfer fares and each half of round-trip commuting, so the actual number of people affected is about half that number, or 600,000, including up to 75,000 schoolchildren. The number of boardings has risen from 1 million to 1.25 million since July 1 when a half-cent sales tax went into effect. cutting bus fares from 85 cents to 50 cents. Mondale oc, • ID roasts Reagan Cam~ in California on behalf -of beniOcratic candidates, former Vice President Walter Mondale has called the Ragan a dministration's formula for righting the econ omy "bad medicine" that ia underminina the country's ability to become strong again. Mondale -who offcially la exploring the possibility of a presidential bid in 1984 -looked every bit the candidate aa he campaigned in Orange County on Tuesday for R e p . Jerry Patterson, D-Santa Ana. who is seeking re-election to a fifth House term from bis central county district. · Looking fit and relaxed, Mondale moved easily from table to table shaking hands and chatting w ith the nearly 200 Patterson s upporters who h ad paid $25 per person to attend the breakfast fundraiaer at the Disneyland Hotel. F.choing words reminiscent of the 1980 presidential campaign when then-presidential hopeful George Bush characterized Reagan's economic proposals • "voodoo economics," Mondar. repeatedly referred to Re•gan•a econo mic remedies as "bad medicine." The Minnesota Democrat said the administration ls explainlril away the terrible shape of the economy by saying it la going to take "tough medicine" for the economy to right iteelf and come out leaner, stronger and more competitive. "The tough med icine argument la w hat you are aoiJw to hear between now and thi election -that it's patriotic: to - bankrupt or loee your job becawit you are helping out America," Mondale said. -lllDEX__...,. Monaco mourns Princess Grace At Your Service A4 Buslnea 84-6 CavaJcade A9 ClMlifled D-8 Prlnceee Crace I MONTE CARLO, Monaco (AP) -The death of Princesa Grace brought grief today to the sunny seaside principality she , helped rule a nd stunned American fans who n ever atoppe. d loving the Oacar- winnlng 11etresa even after she left them for a prince. The former Orace Kelly died In a Monaco hotpital Tuetlday at the age of 52 from a cerebral hemorrhage, about 36 hoW11 after her car somersaulted 120 feet down a mountainside, trapping the prtnceea lnalde. Her funeral will take place Saturday at 11 a.rn. (3 a.m. PM) at the Roman CatholJc Cathedral of Monaco. Flags flew at half staff today atop the royal palace overlooking the Meditel'l'anean and at bank.a along the Boulevard des MouUns. Prince Rain ier was at his wife's bedside "praotlcally without lnterruption," a palace s pokesman aald without s pecifying whether h e waa actually there when ahe died. One French report quo ted witneaaes aa saying Rain ier quietly left about 30 minutes before Grace died at 10;_30 p.m . (l:SO p.m. PDT) tn the noepital beJrlnl her name. The -youngest of the couple'• three children, 17-year-old Stephanie -the only other person in the car -suffered what a medical bulletin deteribed as severe brulalna and remained "under oblervaUon" in the aame hl)Spital. Grace's other children, Princea Caroline, 26, and Crown Prince Albert, 24, w e re ln Monaco, a p a lace official confirmed. The tiny principality on a rocky alke of the French Riviera lmmediately went into mourninc when Grace'• death waa announced Just before mJdnJltlt. In the 1littertng culno that made Monaco famoua ln Edwardian t.lmel, roulette wheela were brcJuaht to a atop and the blackjlick card• packed away. • 1 The floodlaght.s were turned off and the doors quietly closed . Acnm Cuino Square, the gaudy Cafe de Paris cfoeed, as did all the aesiauranta, cafes, ban and nl1htapots. The usually lively street.I were deeer1ed. Acnm the yacht-filled harbor, '1le uaually floodlit royal palace on the "Rock of Monaco" atood in darkness, Police allowed only ofltdal can to drive up to the at.at.elv Grimaldi family home. "h 1a 1hockln1," Mid Herve Fiolet. a hotel bell captain. "She WU a ll'ande dame." Tribute• to the champa1ne· haired Philadelphia naUve betfan pourina In from the atan of her Hollywood put . Corniel • E2 Cro.word E2 De.th Notices D F4itortal ·Al Enwcta1nment Be Food Dl-10 • Art Hoppe A9 Horo.:ope A9 Ann Landen AJ Moviee Be Mutual~ 84 NaUonal Mewl AJ Public: NoUc:a 84.BS.D--4 Sparta Cl·O Stock Marke~ BG Televlelon B7 'lbeetera Be Weather A2 World N•wa Al I .,. H/F Oranr CoHt DAILY PILOT/WednMday, 89Pl•mb•r 1&, iee2 Surviving test of time I I I , , I Gift watch finds its way back to chief's dad r I I 'l I I 1 ·' ·' , . I I ' ' I •' r ~J ( .1 d By STEVE MITCHELL «IMOelJ ..... ltaft Thi• 111 the ator y o f a 40-year-old wrlatwat.ch, it. 75-year-old original owner, and how the the two sot back together again. lt'a alao the story of a Laguna Beach police chief who tracked down the perfect gift for his father's birthday. Our tale beRina at a United Parcel Service awards banquet in 1938 where Neil J . Purcell Sr. received a fancy Elgin wrist watch. Hand-engraved on the buck of the gold filled watch wt-re these words: "Honor Award/4-13-36/Nell J . Purcell. ln apprecialion of his five year drivlng record without an avoidable accide nt. United Parcel Service." Neil Sr. was pretty proud of that watch. Wore it every day for 17 years. Then, in 1953, he took the old timepiece into Hegwald's Jewelry on Main Street on Balboa and traded it in for a pair of watches for his wife and daughter. "Dad always said he was sorry he got rid of that watch," says his son, Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell. No one knows what became of the old watch for the next few decades, but it reappeared about a month ago. Brice Woodward, who operates Gus' Wat.ch Shop in Laguna Beach, said he was going through a box of 500 or so old watches at a ~welry shop in Santa Ana last month. "It was in a box of miscellaneous junk watches," the jeweler said. "l was imp~ wath the fac:."C and saw It as o candidate for l'< .. torauon,'' he said So he bou1ht lhl' wutch Cor ubout $20 along with aeveral ottwl'1, und took ttwm bock I.I) his Laguna Bench shop. It wasn't until he began clt-onlng the timepiece that Woodward noted the engravlng -and the name on thC' buck. ''It was just too much of u wincidenc't!," Woodward said. The jeweler <.-ontacted the police chief, who confirmed the watch once belonged to his father. And, since the older Purcell's birthday was comlng up, the chief asked Woodward to restore the watch. Which the jeweler did. Al cost. By t h e time the w a tc h col lect o r refurbished the old Elgin, ii was worth about $250. Woodward figures it cost about $70 back in l936. Last Saturday, the police <."hief presented the long-lost time piece to his father at a birthday party held in Newport Beach. His dad was pleasantly surprised when he opened the long slender box. "At first I thought it was one of t hose expensive pen and pencil sets you never use," the older P urcell laughed. "Dad retired Crom the United P arcel Ser vice in 1971 and he has a lot of good memories of those years," the police chief said. Including an awards cerefllony · h e ld nearly a half century ago. irport parking fees up· ·Parking fees charged at John yne Airport will be going up . 1, although not as Mgh as d been recomme nded b y rt management. ~As a result of action Tuesday he Orange County Board of pervisors, the 24-hour rate in main airport parking lot, tly adjacent to the terminal, ~ lncrease from $5 to $6. ~e daily rate in the long-tenn ~king lot located north of the ~-tminal will increase from $2.50 ~ $4, ~hile monthly rates rged in employee-only lots increase from $10 to $1 5. The rate proposal submltted to the board by Airport Manager Murry Cable recommended a $7 per day rate in the main airport parking lot, $4 in the long-term lot and $30 pe r mo n th for employee spaces. CabJe said parking rate hikes were warranted, in part, because of the high demand placed on the airport's limit e d parking facilities. The board's vote on the in c reases was unanimo us . S upervisor Roger Stanton said the compromise increases were "m o r e than fair " f o r all concerned. ln other action, supervisors: LOOD DANGER. • • ·From Page A 1 fJ!ood control officials say. ~ The worst flood considered I possible, one which has about a ~ one in 200 chance of happening : in any year, would cause that i amount of damage and cover all ~but the ea st ern edge of the ty north of the river, except 1everal small areas. ven a smaller flood, one "ch has a one in 100 chance year of happening, would ge large parts of 5anta Ana, untain Valley, Huntington h , Costa Mesa and liai'den • ve, according to estimates. Thou gh many cltlea are moving toward mandatory flood insurance for homes in the flood plain, the obligation will only extend to property owners who have taken out mortgages since the mld-1970s in most cases. Most homeowners w 11 l not b e compelled to buy insurance. The warnings will include a map of the areas that would be affected by both the smaller and the larger floods. Supervisors decided on the use of tax bills because it was th e least expensive alternative presented. -Approved a contr act with Laguna Beach under which the county will subsidize bus fares for senior citizens rid ing the cit y's bus line. T h e $7, 750 contract wiU cover the cost of about 51,000 rides, oCficials said. officials said. -Increased rubbish collection fees fo r p erson s liv ing in unincorpora ted areas o f the county. Residential rates were boosted 95 cents per month for trash hauled directly to county- owned landfi lls and $ l.65 per m o nth f or tras h se nt t o intermediate transfer stations. River s tory locati'!>ns corrected Monday's story in our Santa Ana River ser ies Incorrectly identified areas of the Orange Coast that would be spared from damage in a major flood. T h e a r eas a re a s tri p in Huntington Beach and a small portion of Founta in Valley roughly bordered by the Pacific Ocean, Ne w land S t reet , the southern tip of Westminster and F.dwards S treet, plus two areas s everal blocks in size east o f Huntington Harbour and west of the Naval Weapons Sta tion in Seal Beach. Weather wet California The N1tloMI WMtlMr ServlCe • le predicting light r9ln tlwougflOut Soul.hem Clltfomll on ~ wtttt Mevy ~ llong ttle COMt. Chine• ol me11u11bl• relr\ • ebout 10 pwcent. Moetty cloudy with eome drUzle Hkely Thlndey momlnQ. eo..ta1 1ow eo. Inland ee. Coaltll high 88, lnlllld 75. Water 70. EIMWh.,., tight Ind Yltllbla wind• night er'4 morning lloun becoming 1outhw11t S to 18 knot• In the 1ftlm00f1. SouthWMt ...,..1 1 to 3 IMt but combined 11 3 to 8 fMt OYer northern • eute!' w1t9"1. Conllderab\a low oudlnau with only parUal c&Mr1ng. Tlmpetlhlt'M In LOI AngelM we ~ed to rMOh onlY Into the mld-70. ...,h • co.tll high lllo lorecut In the 70.. Mountain MlnperlhKM wtll llO\lel' In the 90I with 75-to u~ high• expec1ed In tr... o-1. The lower~ OOUld -hlgfll rllnglng from Ill to 96 c:llgr-. Bolter1 from Point COnoepUon to the M1xlcan border 1hould lxpecl light Yll\able wlndt duf1nQ the night 1nd mo1nlng hour1, bec:Omlng IOU"'-'«1y It t to t8 knoll In ti... •"-with 1 ----------M o-3-1001 eouthwelt ......_ U.S. summary Temperatures A heeY'f 1toon !>fought llioW to pwts of Wyoming and Mont-NATIOM on TuHday while • cold front .. "~ Clfrled tllundetstorm• O¥ef the 8 1 58 mid MIAINlppl Valley end Into eo 54 Plfl• of L-Michigan. 88 53 Mewlwhlle, rain In IOUll-.tem 83 68 Kentucky that had 1orced the 88 " l'lllCUIUon of Ill 1,600 rllldenta 74 82 of JenlcJnt tapered off and arlded 95 77 tat• Tu.day morning. 81 eo Light rain ••tendad lrom 37 38 .<41 -te!'n Wyoming through Iowa 90 10 and Wtaco n1 1n , whll• 53 211 thunder1torm1 were wldely 6 t 44 ICl1Wed trom -tern T-and 72 82 the we111tn Gull Cout to th• 98 78 cientrll Gulf Coest stat•. 83 511 .58 Slllel -· moatly IUM)' O'M' ae 58 .13 New EnR:•n<I, tile mld ·Atlantle 40 33 .34 Cout. t • P1c111c Coast, an<I 87 72 .03 from th• aouthern Pl1t11u to 82 87 .41 c:entr11 T1xe1. The r"t of tht 80 ee country wu Qll*llly =· 50 40 .27 T1mpar1ture1 aroun the 79 511 nation 11 noon PDT ranged lrom 89 70 31 dtgr-at Cody, Wyo .. 10 ts 87 87 .50 at CW.well AJr FO<ce 8aM In Fort 14 72 Worth, Texu. 83 83 1.20 For today 101t1ered 1h0Wlf1 and thundentorms-. lortcut 98 74 Dayton 85 &4 o.n-67 44 .36 0.. Mot,_ 87 58 .t5 O.Croft .. 60 .32 Duluth 54 4t .38 EJ Puo as et Faroe> 52 " .33 Regilt•ff ee 39 Oraat Fllll 42 2:9 .oe Hartford 8t eo Helena 41 3t .06 Honolulu 91 77 HOYiton 87 76 Ind~ ae ee Jactcen MS 92 72 Jacklt!Ylle 90 70 Kane City 75 eo .17 Knoxville as 70 LAI Vagas Ill 88 Utile Roell 93 74 Loui.vllla 97 ea .Ot Lubbock 111 63 .15 Men\pNI 90 74 Miami as 79 Mllwaul!M 72 H .08 MP49--St.P 59 48 25 NMIWllle 90 ea .03 Nft Otltana llt 72 1.30 Maw Y0tk e t 65 Norfolk 80 69 No. Platlt 8t 45 .06 Okie City 115 88 2.30 Omaha et 51 .02 O\ltf lht <>No Vlllty, t~t Laklt r~on end the n · n l llf RIPOil and mld--tltntlc Coat ....... ~ -· forecMt from Iha ~~~n~h~ 10 Iha Centtll l'talnl, wltf\ I !ft 'b anow 1how1r1 p oaalbl• In ~~ ~ :::::r:.. .... •-... A Chane • o l 1c 11tered .... T...._ thundarltorme wu t~ ltom Huftttnoton Bluff• 4-5 "· ,.., 07 Iha Gull Cout to t h• lowar Hunt~ Pllf 2·4 "· ,.r.::o, 70 Ml111Ulppl Valley, wllh fair to 8an11 NYer Jetty 4-6 ft, 70 ~1rt1Tt cloudy 1klH over ti.. 22nd8t.~ 0 ft, ,.~ 10 acl lo CoHt, th• IOUtlltrn 8albOI Wedge 8-10 "· 70 ~ tnd -.!ham Roell ... Aocltplle, Leguna 3-<4 "· et ftl'llPtfllut• In the 40e end =Hollow 3-41'1. ,Sad ff &0e ~lcted In MOl'l\IM •oot1• 3-4 "· " and : In Ille 60e end 90I 8alt er.-2-4 tt. 70 frOfft tfle nor1~n •nd central Ian Clalnentt Pitt 24ft. OOOd .. •C t 7 :::,,J = ,=::: =I= Tr~ (T , ... , 11-3 " f:!:ce11tn1 """""to nortNm Haw ~· Cotton'• point wn. °"°' .. In CM 10t and IOI ........ a. iii;; T,..... Wft ltlr-i)OOf In tM IOI •-the' .outlW'n Ian°'*'-Mfl. ltlt-900' trWd of "" ~. T~"°W'I TIDE: Hi9h Tide t )<4 • m I.ow Tide I. 12 p rn. tw.11 Direction: louthl~. --l .....---'---~= Stationary .. Oftllldo llt 74 Phlladpllla 92 83 Phe>enllt 98 74 Pttltburt'. 95 ea Ptlllld, 75 58 Piiand, Of• 72 47 Pr~ 79 60 Raleleh 87 87 A.no 68 4t .05 Salt LAke et 5t .02 San Antonio 113 16 Se1tU1 89 53 Shreveport 95 70 .01 Sioux Fllft 55 <411 .10 St l oul1 83 69 t.40 SI P-Tampa llt 73 St Sia Marie et 43 .27 Spokane eo 311 SyracuM 97 82 .'5 Topeka 7<4 eo .30 Tuct0n 87 62 TUiie 88 84 2.08 WUl\lngtn 85 83 Wichita 81 58 CALll'OftNIA 8•k«slleld ae 97 BIY!he 112 Eurel<a ee 47 Freeno 85 81 LAnca1ter 75 57 ~~ 73 ee 94 Monltrty 70 NM<l\aa 112 Olklencl 10 PuoAob ... 71 •80 Rad 8luft 85 H Redwood City 77 et s--10 11 H 8allnM 72 IO San Otego 74 ee .02 San Fr~ 87 M San11 Barba,. 71 81 811'11• Mlfll 73 Stoolcton IS 5t t3 Tides . TOOAY hcond tow 2;H p.m. 1.4 ~ hlOfl Ut p,m. e.& nMllOAY Flrtt low :MIS 1 m -0,1 l'lrtt hlOfl e 34 a.m. U 9tooncl' low 3 12 p m 1,0 8-dhltfl t .ttpm t.• l un Ht• 1 00 p,m . rlHt Tllurldty • 31 • m l\lloon .. " I 20 ,.m .. rt••• ThurMt)' UI a.m. Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purce ll (left) surprised his fathe r, Ne il Sr., wi1h a 46-year-old wristwa tch . Prizes offered photo contest • ID Cas h prizes totaling $350 wil l be awar ded i n the "Orange County Her itage" ama te ur pho t o contest sponsored by FHP, a health maintenance organizatio n based in Fountain Valley. Entrants a re aske d to s u b mi t co l o r ph o t os h ighlighting the county's scenic beauty. landmarks, historic sites and architecture. Subjec t suggestions can be o btain e d by ca llin g the Orange County Histor ical •The O r a n ge Co unty chapter of the American Red Cross urges blood dona tions during September, a season of low blood s upply due to donors' busy schedules. To help insure an adequate •A reunion is planned Sept. 25 for members of the Huntin g t on Beach High School classes of 1931 and Society, 535-3815. Fir st prize w inne r will receive $200. The entry deadline is Nov. 1. Entries mus t be 8 by 10 -inc h unmounted color prints (no transparencies). The contest ls o p e n onl y to amat e ur ph otogra phers residing in Orange County. Entries should be addressed to Photo Cont.est, PHP, 9930 T a lbe rt Ave ., F o unta in Valley. Calif. 92708. supply of blood, a Red Cross community bl~mobile will be at the Huntington Beach El ks Lodge H a ll, 10480 Talbert, Fountain Valley, today from 2:45 to 7:30 p.m . Phone 835-5381, Ext. 315, for an appolntment. 1 932 . Anyone w i th infonnation on how to contact members of these classes can call 747-7135. Israelis on lllarch BEIRUT, L e banon (AP) - Israeli troops and armor pushed into Moslem west Beirut early today to head off what they called a "dangerous situation " following the b ombing tha t killed Israeli-backed President- elecl Bashir Gemayel and at least 26 senior aides. The troops entered west Beirut in a "limited" move "to prevent fightlng and secure peace.'' after the Tuesda blast that killed Gemayel, the Tel Aviv command said. It gave no details, but Beirut radio stations reported ahooting between advancing Israeli forces and leftist Moslem militiamen. (See related story Page A3.) F or the first time in their 14-week-old invasion, the Israelis drove into the former PLO nerve ce nter in the Fakhani neighborhood. They also entered the Kuwaiti Embassy area FALL PAINT SALE ·Pair get • prison • 1n scam Two men have been eente~ to prison term. for their roles In a Hunt i ngton B e a c h -baaed con1t-1·uclion flnanclng company which proeecutors allege had no ·Inte nt i on of h o noring commitments. Steven Duane Jones , 35, of Westminster, received a three- year term and Arthur J a mes Madison, 40, of West Co->ina, wu sentenced to four years following their convictions on a grand theft c h a rge in O r ange County Superior Court. Prosecutors said the pair o p e rate d Col o n ia l Sta te Mortgage Corp. In 1980. For a fee ranging from $6,750 to $20,000, the corporation would issue a letter of commitment to builders promising to take over financing of projects aft.er construct.ion was completed, pr<>5eCUtors SAid. The corpo r a lion h a d n o intention of ho no r ing those comm i tm e n ts , h o w e ver , according to the prosecutors. J on es and Ma dison w e r e arrested after receiving a $6,750 fee from a Ventura builder in July, 1980. Deputy Distr ict Attorney Tom Buck said the c orporatio n re,.i:e ived f e es totaling nearly $50,000 from at least four builders and added "I'm sure there were others,..\ None of the money received was recovered.'' he said. Jones and Madison indicated they will appeal the convictions, according to Buck. Jones is free on $50,000 bond, Buck said. Madison remains in custody with bail set at $100,000. Pair seized in holdup of FV couple A m a n and woman who allegedly assaulted, tied up and robbed a 69-year-old Fountain Valley man in his home have been arrested in San Francisco and Cincinnati, police reported today. Foun t ain Valle y police detective Dennis Minna said the woman, Audrey Kim Tabb, 24, described as a tra ns ient who frequently resided in Huntington Beach , was arreste d in San Francisco and returned to the Orange County Jail. Her alleged accomplice, Irvin Wallace, 28, was arres ted by Cincinnati police and will be returned to Fountain Valley next week, Minna said. Both are being held on suspicion of burglary, a ggravated a s sault, false imprisonme nt, r obbery and grand theft. Minna said the victim, James G . McGinle y of 10255 La H acienda Ave ., had been acquainted with Tabb. Police said Tabb and Wallace visited the man S e pt. 8 , s truck him repeatedly, tied and gagged him, then fled with an undetermined amount of cash, jewelry and stereo equipment. Date corrected Because of a typographical error, the date of the eeminar by James Melton, sponsored by Religious Science of Irvine, was reported inaccurately. The seminar will be at 10 a.m. Sunday at 15'4~5 Jeffrey Road. The Daily Pilot regre\I \his error. Pittsburgh Paints I Raz Stains I Gallon Free With Purchase of Ivery Two Gallons lncludet All PPG Products In Gallons Offer Good Thru Sept. 30, 1982 more than you expect In a hardware store ••••• El HARDWARE w .. tcltff ...... 1024 INIM AY9 Newport~ ~~a:. nu.. l1I a p.m. • NA a-. °"" 1 oays . Cot'OM .... ..., Herbor Y1eW Center 3107 f . Coeet H'#y, 1114 8er\ _,..Or. 1173-2800 NewpcW1 lreech Md9ya M :30 144-1170 M._.t-1 ., • VISA. l • Orange Coa•t DAILY PILO r /Wednesday, St'ptembor 16, 1982 HB Aa ~~~~~~~~----------------------~--------~~------~----~~----~----~------~~~~--~~~~~~~ WORLD Methane Pilot unsure decision right By Tbe A11oclated Pre11 With lhe total death toll allll uncertain Jn the Malasa, Spain, crash of a OC-10, Capt Juan Perez aald he Willi not sure his decision to abort the takeoff because of vibra1.1ons was the right one. "I had to choose between trying to fly, knowing that we all might die, or trying t.o keep the plane on the ground to try t.o save llvea," he aald Tue.day In an Interview In Madrid with the government new1 qency EFE. "At flral, l thought I had saved people,"he said. "Today, I don't know If I ktlled r,eople or saved a lot of people. ' About M people died when the jumbo jet bound for New York crashed and burst Into flames on a highway Monday. Israel blamed for assassination assassination was "th e continuation of the Israeli plan against' Palestinian and Lebanese people, particularly Lebanese people." By GLENN SCOTT O(llM Delly Piiot ···" A San Matro firm hnH 11ltinl'<i n flvt• yt.•ur <.'Ontract to I.Up nwthttnl' £1lS lrl.lppt.-d und<.•rgruund Ol ttw Coyote Cunyon Landfill wt.•11\ of UC Irvine, offlclulti of lht• lrvlnl' , Company have announced. Gas Recovery Ay11t<.•m s, a 11ubsldiary of Gcnstar Corp , will build and operate u plant 011 two acres at the company-ownecJ, 670·acre landClll. Coyote Canyon Ui the largt>st of four landfills operated by 01 ungc County. The county leases the property, which hos bt'cn a landfiil since 1963. The county Is operating under an Interim lease through June, 1983. The landfill's capacity Is expected to extend from three to six years, depending on whether county efforts to expand the landfill to th e north arc 11 u1..•<'<'1111ful, uld Don Pot•r, mlinaier ot thu •olld W{Ulll' prnacrum 1'h1• 111l'thunc• rt'l'OVury •Y•tem, howcv<>r, <1ould lu1t much lon6(cr "With or without c.'tlntlnuotlon of tlw prt'8<1nl londCUl oporalion, the ml'thnnl' producuon c·ould h.11t throu6(h thu ond of this , t·cntury," anld KN111Nh Wue1u, · presi<ll'nl o f Gas Recovery Systems. Methane llf 1.·reut.cd during the underground decomposition of refuse buried an londtilla. h l8 a natural gas lhul can be sold commerciall y or burned to generate electrieaty. Officials say some methane naturally seeps out of t h e landfill.' which is one reason for tht' unpopular odors escaping from the urea. The recovery system should help prevent those. said Daniel Lamkin, the ROME -PLO chief Vasser Arafat today blamed Israel for the killing of Lebanon's president -elect Bash .r Gemayel and said the Israeli move into west Beirut broke the U.S.-negotiated agreement for withdrawal of Palestinian guerrilla fighters. Arriving in Rome on a major d i plomatic Initiative 'that includes a long-sought meeting with Pope John Paul II, Arafat said Gemayel's Speaking In Arabic, Arafat said Gemayel's killing Tuesday was "an attempt to s trike at Lebanese reconciliation and to offer a justification for the cont1nuat1on ot the lsrae11 occupation of Lebanon." Flight instructor fined, sentenced NATION Tables turned in e lection By Tbe Associated Press Former Gov. Michael S . Dukakis of Massachusetts turned the tables on Gov. Edward J . King with a Democratic primary victory and veteran Sen. Howard Cannon of Nevada narrowly defeated a conserva tive challenger. In Minnesota, former Gov. Rudy Perpich jumped on the comeback wagon along with Dukakis, winning a surprising victory Tuesday over state attorney general Warren Spannaus, who had the backing of the party regulars. Nuclear freeze wins big ¥Ole The operator of a now-defunct John Wayne Airport flight instruction school will pay $180,000 in r estitution and $20,000 In fines for submitting false bills to the U.S. Veterans Administration. As part of a negotiate d settlement reached 1n U .S . District Court in Los Angeles, Herbert Daniel Hill will perform f>OO hours of community service work and s pend 30 days in federal prison. Hill operated National Jet Industries Inc., an airport-based firm that provided flight inst!'ttction to several former servicem e n eligible for VA assistance. The firm which was ordered t.o pay a $20,000 fine, is no longer in business. Hill was sentenced af ter pleading guilty to four charges, including one count of conspiracy and three o f filing false statements to a federal agency. Prosecutors alleged that Hill billed the government for flight instruc tion that was never provided. Hill's attorney, James Riddel of Santa Ana . said Hill "pre-billed" the VA for flight ins tru ction after learning eligibility deadlines were nearing for many Korean conflict servieemen. Some servicemen for whom instruction was pre-billed never showed up to take their classes, Riddet said. MfLWAUKEE -Wisconsin voters endorsed a negotiated atomic weapons freeze by more than a 3-1 margin in the nation's first statewide test of the nuclear freeze movement's grassroots strength. s imilar 1Ssues on the November ballot in eight other states and the District of Columbia would win approval. With 3,517 of the state's 3,625 wards r e porting, 611,835 voters, or 76 percent, were in favor of a weapons freeze while 197,944 or 24 percent, were opposed. TV TECHNIQUES • • • Supporters of a weapons freeze, heartened by their victory on Tuesday, predicted Cycle crash kills novelist BINGHAMTON, N.Y. - John C . Gardner Jr., who dazzled critics with innovative novels and outraged the literary establishment with harsh words for contemporary writers, Is dead after a motorcycle accident only four days before he planned to remarry. STATE The 49-year-old author, critic and writing teacher at thl! State University of New York at Binghamton lost control of his motorcycle Tuesday on a curve In Oakland Township, Pa., three miles from his home In Susquehanna, police said. Fire death toll now 24 LOS ANGELES - A c c o m p a n .i e d b y t h e since the Sept. 4 fire at the down town Dorothy Mae apartment hotel, died Tue9day afternoon at Los Angeles Countv-USC Medical Center, said spokesman Tony Tripi. From Page A1 below the eye will mask bags and wrinkles. -Don't wear white. White shirts and blouses will flare in the lights occasionally. If a rear projection system is used, light blue often fades out. Gray, darker blues, yellows and beiges are better choices. -Always keep a double- breasted jacket buttoned and sit up straight to avoid bulges. -Avoid herringbone and similar designs. They have a tendency to "crawl" on television and look animated. -Plant your rear solidly in the chair. Whatever position you pick. make sure you are sitting erect with as few folds around your middle as possible. -If you are in full camera view, it's good to cross your legs. Crossed legs, or at least crossed ankles, give a neater, more relaxed look. -"U nd e r ordinary circumstances, it looks bad to t.ouch another person as you talk. It can make you look sniveling as if you are begging for attention. But used sparingly, it can be a good tool ... in dealing with a rude council member or an overly loquacious mayor." Bateman also cautioned that the show is not over until the cameras and microphones are dead. He advises the officials to lean forward and smile pleasantly. "Engage in a conversation, the way guests often do on the 'Tonight Show.' See if you can smile, see if you get your fellow councilperson t.o smile." "Gesture as you chat.'' Bateman closes his memo by observing that style is more Important than substance in television. "There is no way for a voting viewer to stop a discussion while he or s he reasons throu~h an argument," Bateman says. "So in tne ena, a viewer's reaction to the participants in a discussion is emotional, not inteUectual." strumming of a mariachi band, the victims of a pre-dawn apartment fire were remembered at a special funeral mass just hours before the 24th victim died. Marcella DeLaTorre, who had been in critical condition She sustained second-and third-degree burns over 95 percent of her body, he said. AirCal cuts SF tab Blockage of remap plan sought . SAN FRANCISCO -A three -judge panel is considering a plea by 13 cities and two counties to block the California legislature's reapportionment plan. Attorneys for the counties and cities ar,llUed Tuesdav that part of the San Francisco Peninsula is being denied fair representation because the plan would leave them without a state senator until 1984. About 600,000 voters who used to be in the 10th and 12th districts have been shifted to a new dbtrict, the 11th. Since odd-numbered districts won't elect a senat.or until 1984, some voters feel cheated. Newport Beach-based AirCal has dropped its one-way fares from Burbank to the San Francisco area and t.o Sacrament.o in what has grown Into a price- slashing war among commuter carriers. The cut is effective through Oct. 15 and lowers AirCal's ticket prices lQ $29 from $46. The cut Tuesday was quickly matched by Pacific Southwest Airlines. PSA sparked the price war Aug. 3 when it reduced fares between Los Angeles and San Francisco t.o $45. Sheldon Best, AirCal's executive vice president, said his company's fare decrease We1re Listening ••• Morws1y-Jr1d•y H You 00 nol ".,,. l'O<I' -oy ~ 30 O "' Yll t>elO<e 1 o'" al"d yoy, copy Wlll be O•h\11'9fed Whal do you like about the Dally Pilot? What don't you llke? Call the number below and your message will be recorded transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor. · ' Selu«llY IN! Su"C11y II YO\I 00 l10f The same 24·hour answerina service may be used to'T'ecord lel· ters to the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors must Include their name and telephone number fQJ' verification. No circulation calls. please. ::-:.&':"" ... ~ .~. ~:.,"' .. ,,': oet,..,.ICI Tell us what's on your mind. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Holey Pwb101he! and Ch .. f E•ecu11ve Olflc1t Jone Amari hecutrve fd110< ThomcH A. Murphln• (dtl()f L. Koy Schult1 loymond .....,_ ... --n Yt<e Pre1~ --Cll'Ci Oirectet o1 M•lfll""G C011trolllf - 642•6086 CIH11fled •dvertl•l"9 714"42-5171 All ott\er department• 142-4321 MAIN 0.-l'ICE »I WHI 9-SI , C•i. Mew, CA Mell 1'°'916 ... '*· C•t• MeM. CA '16Jt C•yrlfM "91 0r"'9t CeHt l'\141111111,. C-y. He""'-..., llklt4rllt.lt.. ""°"i.1 m.n«Of' ... •Of'llMll'lelln lleN!ft m•y M r...-0411.K .. wttllOwl '"'111 permltt*I ef CoPYrltlll OWMr VOL 11.NO~lll l -.. - is aimed al promoting the carrier's new Burbank-to-San Francisco service and to stimulate travel. Gem Talk ByJ C. HUMPHRIES Ctrtifitd Gtmolog11t. ACS A 13 MILLION WATCH wirh 118 diamond•! • When Swlas watchmaker Vacheron Constantin met painter Raymond Moretti, their conversation led to the idea of creating a unique watch. The design tbey created resulted in a team of artiaana worklna 6,000 hours over a period of 20 months to make a watch which Constantin c ho1e to call "K.alllata," the Greek word for "the moet beauitufl." The watch has 118 dJamonds totaJ.ina 130 carats. When the watch wa1 tompleted a couple of yeara -.,o, It was valued by its ownera at $3 m illlon . H owever , they atlmated at the time that their creation would lncttUe in value at the tate of $4,000 every dayl The diamonds, ra.natna ln Ille from one to four carata NCh, are aet 1n a mount ICUlpted from a one-kiloeram eoUd block of 10ld. Even the back of the watch'• cue l1 spangled with full--cut diamonds. lnlide tht cue I.a a watch movement of the \hinnett kind. By the way, Conatantln •YI the watch kHpe excellent time. -~t pl.anned 1 Irvlnt• Compuny'ac prupNly Th" w ii I ht· thl' tN'ond • manageml'nl vl<.'t' pll'l4ld1•nt < uunl~ 11111 lurid fill to get a "Until now, th«' f<ltN ut (A,yuw 1111 l1111111• 1H·11vt•ry syatern. Tho Canyon hu1 JUlll IJt.•t•n 1c<.•JJlllU rnunlY 1, unclt·r t'Onlroet with usclcasly lnw ttw u1r," ht.• 11uul Cl'll)' Synthl'ltt· J<'ucla of Signal "With this contrn..:t, tlw owth:1111• 1111 I 111 rc·111vt•r l(llll from tHe wlll be captured through u <>l111dJ Landf11i, the second · network 11( untkrground wt•ll& 1111 l:(('kl uf 1h1• four dumps. and pro<:t•t1sed ut un opNution1, Thi· OhndJ "Y•tc•m should be plont " m 11pt 1.1t11111 hy t•11rly next year, Poer noted that t'Ounty 0Cflcwl11 l'cwr 1•11tlrr1:1tc«I. IC granted prOJ>tr sought advice lust y(•ur 1111 .11111rnv.1b the· C.:oyote CanyOfl whether they hud rq~htg 10 ... y11t1•111 m ulti he• l'Xlracting, al'ld revenue from th e• rN·ov1·1 y 111u1 ke•l111u ..:••s within two years, systems, but learned th.al tl11 -..ucl L..1111k111 company. as property owtH•i • I low ttw ga!t will tx-used h~ apparently has nghL-; lo whut '" nol bl'<'" dt·U·t lllined, but Wuf1l buned there. ....ud prtma1 y consideration wiJl He said the system should bt.• a Ku to s<'llmg 1l to UCI. It al!f> plus for residNits livmg n<:arhy n 1uld h1 tu1111'<1 into clectrlclt)' in Irvine and Nc•wport &•at•h uml ... uld tu ww of the larg~, Said Poer: "We've• h<1cJ sonw n1•c.11 l>v 1iu,,1111·s.,(·s. he added , problems with odors down tht•rl' and I think the gas r1·c·ovt•1 y system will help" ~·.II;, n ,. , ,, I t t• rm s 0 f the .igu•1·11w111 w1·11· not made publi~. I Gossamer engineer How many human ·could build their home and catch their prey while dangling precariously from a thin trand? MEMBER AMERICAN QCM SOCIETY 1809 NEWPORT BLVD., COSTA MESA SINCF 1946 eankAmerlcard Miiter Chargo PHONE."541-3401 • I . . l ,, ' :1 ., :1 ,, 1'1 • Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/WednHdly, September 1&, 1982 UCI chemist's £.ind wins national award J.', ShN wood Rowlund, the UC Irvine chl'mist who linil wurnl'<i that fluorocarbon propellants wer e d e ple ting the e anh's protective ozone layer, has won the 1983 Award Cor Creative Adv anl'C8 in Environmental Science and Technology from the American Chemical Society Dr. Rowland will receive the a w a rd n ext Marc h at the socie t y's nationa l meeting In Seatlle. The scacntist is being honored primarily for his pioneering and contmumg work related to ozone depletion. RowloncJ, 1&long with UCI <..'Ollt.'ogue Dr. Murlu Mollnu, t·nlk'<i worldwide aucntlon to the rroblt•m In 1974 by nss~rtlng luorocarbo n s rro m aerosol sprays, rcfrlgrorants nnd solvc.>nts were seri o u s l y d a m a ging stratospheric owne. A1 the o z o n e l aye r 1s diminished, harmful ultraviolet rays from the sun reach the earth. Those rays may result In an increase in the incidence of skin cancer. Rowland, a Newport Beach resident, came to UCI in 1964. CdM optonJetrist dies at sea Funeral services for longtime Corona del Mar optometrist J ohn W. McCabe, who died at sea last week while sailing home from Hawaii, will be held Thursday at noon at Pacific View Memorial Park in Newport Beach. when he suffered a heart attack, family members said. He was 60. A native of Colorado, McCabe moved to Corona del Mar in 1959 and was active in the Corona del Mar Chamber of Commerce, and the Kiwanis and Optimist clubs. He was instrumental in planning a youth center in Corona del Mar. A tennis buff, McCabe was a y a c hts m a n o f 3 5 yea r s, compet i ng r egularly In the Newport-to-Enseoada races. Mc,Cabe was sailing toward Dana Point with two friends FREE SPINAL EXAM l 1H •·•· -I •·•· 111-Frl thru S•••· 30 Dr. HothC'nl.it>rg \\ill be able t o \\1 ith l>imp le , painless testing, determine the condition of the spine. Early detection of back p r oblem !> is t he best prevention for further back ailments. Although we art· arrt>p11ng new pntll'nt~. there is no obligalion arrer free appointment. 536-2541 Dr.. Cary H. Rothenberg Chiroprodor 714 Adams St., Huntington Beach DOWN s.av ~Gs Deaioneo to allow gfeater air cfrcutatlon. the Ely1l1 • white goose down comf0<1er thll ret11n1 the 1n1utat1Ve qualtllea Ind tradll IOtlal elegance Scandia 0own• comlor18't are famous for •sale Thru Sept. 30, 1982 Sile ~· to 1MOC• on ~- COIOIA DIJ. llAI 2798 E. Cout Hwy. 71M3U UIOAIUCI I lllO •• Oout Hwy. ftT·Htl Encased 1n a 1 ()()'lj, cotton lick. wllh extra large 11ztng, this cornlol'ter 1s Now On Sate•. Re1. Price Twin $200. Full $230. Queen $280. King $340. Salt Price $160. $184. $224. $272. "Yo11r Loral l>QW/11 £11prrt1" • He is s urvived by two sons, Lance of San Cle m ente and Craig of San Francisco, and three grandchildren . Open Dally 9·9 Sunday 10-7 MIC·l6 I lnctudeS Remote Control 19" Olag. Meas. Color TV /Space Phone R9cetve COllt • rtvouon TV w1!tio\J1 i.ov1ng 'fOUI cl'\011 Remote tcons cl'IOnnets On screen cl'IOnnel numbe1 rime 011pcov COIOr Senrry Sysrem • Not b CO'¥'«"°" 10 POl'V ..,... 19" Qfog. Meas. Color Tetevlslon Feotu1es SuPei vlCleo ronoe tun.no outo control color system Ehtct10111c Power Sentry A super vo1ue Outdoor Plants For Fall ::=:: ~:-'~.~-...... _ .......... -... ·-····-I Fot t 3 ::=:=~~~ .. -·· l f0t •3 4tnch. INtonl Colof Ptantt -I '« '1 ~ ..... -----· ......... -... · .. -·r-'1 • -....... .. -:1 ... __ NEW SI IORl•i ERM ACCOUNT n.51" Annualized Y1el<l •r1117to 31 clays, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today on this high rate account. Stop in at your nearest Allstate Savings . office or call collect (213)'240-5913 and a member of our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This account is fully insured up to $100,000 by the FSLIC. Allstate sav1nos Allstate Savings & Loan, a member of the Sears family. Over $3 billion in assets. O 1982 Allstate Savings & Loan. De Ii v er the · Daily Pilat Boys and g i r Is 1 o or o I de r Call 642-4321 and apply today . Daily Pilat WID. thru SAT., llPT. 15·11, 1912 ..... 13" Olag. Meas. Color Televtslon Auto corl!!OI col<x system 111041 pru1 cno11" tri locus 01ctu1e tube super video ronge tuning system Slmuloled wotnu1 100~ cobiner AM/FM Stereo With Ca11ette/l·Track Cossell• recorder/prover 8·1rock plOver pcus 1peo~e11 Full size S8r'l\1-outomohc record player !r1.50 1112 Cu. Ft. Steer Manure w..a tr" oroonoc re<1.1tze< He~ eMCh SOii $7 40·1b. Lawn And Garden Fertlllzer ~•oS40 ~Food Coupon With The l>ufcl'IOse Of A MICro- wove Oven Model u.47100 .44 -'~~~ ,~r1: ~·, "' Submarine Sandwiches Mooe fresh 0011v Whlr1pool Washer Family s11e COPOClly .4 ou1omot1c cyc•es Regu1011Heovv PerlT' Pren Sno<l ono Soo• Ene-ov SO••"O wO!e• • temo setecior w11l'I 3 wosh•rmse como<r'IOltOl\s Whlr1pool .. Electric Dryer Specoal coot aown core to help prevent wm'll<les 1n Perm Press ono 1<n1t lobucs 3 01v1no temp selec1toni Tumble Pless• Ex••o Iorgo 11n1 screen Gos Model lG5701Xl< ._.:__ _$307 Whlr1pool Microwave Oven for Cooking Ease W•trt ou1omo1c Meo1t1me• separate oetrost cvcre ool<Jnced wove COOi< •no system 1 3 cu " copoc11y MOOef r1JMlHlO 12" Olag. Meas. Two·Way l/W TV 100'-SOiid 11011 bloc~ 6' wMe TV Zen1t'1• AC/DC ope1ot1on with c1001ene lighter adopter cord Included Energy roving oes1gn $84 AM/FM/l·track Stereo AMIFM·siereo 8·trocl< plover out°"10tlC turntable speol(ers i J PLANTER Ml~ *i(i!. c::: ... ~ $2 11/2 Cu. Ft. Planter Mix Hl0'9 Orgon.c Use to en<ICh 011 '°''' Ut.e orOU!>d st\f\JOt roses bedOing 1)4ont1 ·. 1 SE COMPO 11'E TRANSACTION OUOlAflOfi\ INCUlOI •••llUO• '"' .... •O•• MIOWIU. -•c1•1c -··· M>tfO# o••IOIT UIO Cllll(Ul•An UOCJI I llCNA••ll\ AND •ll'O•flO l 'f fNI llHO AIOD INtTllll f -• Ii H/F U Factory, output drops • mine WASHINGTON (AP) -ln another blow to hope8 for an economk recovery, the govem,.ent reported today that production by the ruiUfn'a foctorlca and mln~ fell 0.5 percent ln Auguat, the l\h decline In 13 month11. The drop reflected "continued cutback• In production of business ~uipment and a sharp cut in output of mocor vehicles.' the Federal Rfterve Boe.rd said. The Commerce Department reported Monday that retail sales declined 0.9 percent ln Auguat, ·• crushing hopes that the July l tax-rate cut would encourage Americans to increase spending and thu. spur r«'Overy from the recession. Weinberger to speak : Secretary of Defense C.aspar Weinberger will be a • speaker at the 20th annual Orange County Economic • Outlook Conference to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center on Oct. 20. Weinberger will join 11 leaders In business and government to speak at the conference expected to • draw over 1,500 participants. Each speaker will address the conference theme "Buslneaa Works; America Profits." For information, call 634-2900. Recession on hold? SACRAMENTO (AP) -A California economic index remained unchanged in July, suggesting that the recession in the state has hit bottom, says state Finance Director Mary Ann Graves. Ms. Graves reported Tuesday that the Index of Leading Economic Indicators stood at 119.3 for July, the same as in June. It has been about the same for five months, except for a small upturn in May. Airlines cooperating MEXICO CITY (AP) -Mexicana a n d Aeromexico airlines have begun a program to avoid duplication and empty flights, the director of both companies announced. The official E1 Nacional newspaper quoted airline director Enrique Loaez.a Tovar as saymg that the program would allow a partially full rught by one line to be canceled and combined with a flight of the other to the same destination. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT AMERICAN LEADERS ~ -HV• • 211'1 l \ot ll\"I 2•~ 21 21h • v. +IV. ..... • \\> ..... .... • I .... ..... UPS AND DOWNS ~­' ltC SlM pl l UMET Tr J wnun UOpl • EIMen>MQ l W._dl Sir t Ams1 .. pfA 1 FOllllOn» I I -Febrk 'WelUlm pl 10 ~0.1• II Corelndt.ISI 12 WnAlr 2DI 1'-'-'"" I• T0teoCp U .. oCMeAIH "Pee Tin 11 --·· wt 1e H5Pw UOpl ,. ~IClp SNp IO l'Nilps 11111 21 CIWltC t~ n Palm8Mch t• =~r:..r. lS A ..... UH ._.~~-.''1. UP~~o.o 2~• V. Up •.S ti 7" UP ts 41h • _,, Up •.1 41•1 • " Up •I tl\"I • "" UP t.O ~::: : ~~ ~= :~ 7h '°' Up 1.t 10 \0 Up I.I 10'°' \lo Up '" 11-... Up 7A H" JV. UP 1 S 14-• I Up 7.i IOh + "' Up 7.4 it-.. • h Up 7 4 ~ + 1\lo Up 7.l ,. .... • 24 •U• ,,, _.._ • 1"' UP 7 J 20h • no Up 7 1 ICll + •'-" Ull 1 II lt\jo • IV. Up •.t ll"" + 1'-Up t.• 0 lf\ Vt U 11 I~ Ull .. 7 DOW JONES AVERAGES WHAT STOCKS DID HEW \'Qltl( CAPI S«p. " W•O t A-..:t $. 0"0 Toon ._ -m "" I .. I NEW YORI( (AP) Set> 14 METALS ,_y DI 'UI -J't4 ,. • HEW YORI( (AP) -Spol l\Onlt llOIH mtlel P"'°9 IOCl•y C•lllH• 701-\-73 cen11 1 pound. u.s <lelllnllliOn• L ... 2$-29 '*''' • pouno. Zlo>eo •0·•2 c.n11 • pound. cNll\l«eo Tiii iS 3212 Mtlalf Weell ~It lb, Al-"'-79-11 -I• I pound, H Y lllerewy $340 00 I* .... '"'""""' ms 00·'372 oo 1101 ounw. NY SILVER Handy & HltlllAll, S8 1>20 -troy - GOLD QUOTATIONS l 1TM"-w.d'-S.C11C1 -Id OOlcl pACee 1009)' L_... morning nxJnQ M••.7~ oll II.SO. UIMMft Aflernoon ll•lno 1443 U . on s 11.00 ,.,. .,._ hlllnO l43e 14, II;. ~ 14. 'r9MM1 tlXlllQ $-4d.02, oll 17.00. Zlltlell 18111 elfemoon flklf\g SH3 00. Off S4 &O bid, IA44.50 Ullecl Haft•J • Hllllllft (Oftly dtll)' (111019) S-4-43 26, o11 t1100 ~ (only <lllllY quote! $443 H , Ofl Sil.Ob ........... (Oflly d•lly Q\IOll ) l111f1e.1.ci $-465.4 1, Off l h 55 l Ullll lllal/mTI ClllT Wt ONl SOA Y. SL PH: MUI H 1'1 l!Jll4' on ANGE COUN r y CAL IFORNIA 25 CENTS David Willett and his adopted Liberian brother Samuel (center) are surrounded by supporters in San Juan Capistrano as David gets ready to ride his bicycle across the country to drum up public opinion against Samuel's deportation. 'Save Oqr Sam' saga rolling Armed w ith press releases, letters to congress men, and hundreds of red and yellow T- shirts, David Willett will pedal off from his San Juan CapisU'ano mobile home Saturday for the nation's capital. He's riding his IO-speed bike 2, 700 miles in hopes of seeing President Reagan to outline the plight of his brother Samuel, adopted more than 10 years ago by his parents. The family is attempting to get a hearing on a private bill authored by their congressman, Rep. Robert Badham, R-Newport Beach, that woWd allow Samuel to remain in the United States. Should a Senate immigration subcommittee fail to consider Bad.ham's bill, Samuel would be deported to his native Liberia Jan. 15. Young David's bicycle trek is a "las t ditch e ffo rt," the 20-year-old says. "The who le s itua tion is ridiculous," he said Tuesday at a gathe r i ng o f friend s and neighbors in the mobile home park. About 30 supporters wore T. shirts that read "S a ve Our Samuel," and the get-together was a fund-raiser to finan ce David's marathon effort. When Dave and Ruth Willett adopted Samuel more than a decade ago, they arbitrarily se1 the Liberian native's age at 16, because he had no birth record. U.S . immigration law state! Samuel was 13 months too old tc be accepted as a foreign adopted son. ·So for years the family h8! battled to keep Samuel in th e United States. David pla ns t o r oll In tc Washington, D.C., on Oct. 7 -a day before Congress breaks for recess. And he h opes the publicity generated by the trip, wh.ich will include stops in the hometowru of several prominent legislators, will reach the Oval Office. "It's ironic," David said . "ThE n e w Si mp so n -M azzo l i immigration bills grant amnesty to more than six million illegal aliens. Pauling tells new goal By JOEL C. DON or111e o.-, ,... • ..., Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling stopped off at Chapman College to receive an award, but the controversial ICientist didn't leave the Orange campus without dropping a hint he is about to embark on research into another unorthodox and unproven medical treatment. The former Caltech chemist told the college board of trustees and later reporters at a press confe r e nce Tue sday h e is directing efforts of his Palo Alto-based Linus Pauling Institute of Science and MedJcine at an ~pted treatment for heart disease. Pauling, who claims vitamin C is good for just about whatever ails you, said the treatment is called chelation therapy. The technique involves injection of a chemical Into the body that binds with harmful sutistances which then are naturally excreted. In heart di se as e, or arteriosclerosis, the chemical WI'A is uaed to remove calcium that t e nds to harde n fatty plaques that line artery walls, Pauling said. It is these plaques that eventually restrict the flow of blo o d in vi c t i m s of cardiovascular disease. The diminished flow can cause pain known as angina pectoris and may damage the h e art muscle. Blocka ge o f one or m ore coron ary arteries may cause a heart attack. Pauling said he believes the EIYI' A therapy may soften the plaques and leaen the risks of the No. 1 killer of Americans. He said che lation the rapy probablv would help all forms of atheroeclerosi5, the general term for disea ses o f the a rteries including heart disease and stroke. "We're beginning to work on it (chelation therapy) to see if it's effective," he said. However. in reaction to this thesis, a UC Irvine cardiologist no ted that EDTA ch e lation therapy has already been proved to be of no value in the treatment of artedoeclerosis. "In a theoretical sense it's possible it could work but It has been tried and s hown not successful," said Dr. Jonatha n Tobis in a telephone interview. "People have looked at EDTA in the pas t and there has been s h o wn n o e ff ec t o n arteriosclerosis. "I think the case is closed in the medical community." Nevertheless. Pauling remains undaunte d in h is resear c h efforts. He was labeled a crank when he suggested large doses o( vitamin C would prevent the r.ornmon cold. In the early '70s, Pauling again dre w the ire of the medical community when he announced that vitamin C offers benefits in the treatmenl of most forms of cancer. Pauling said he takes 12 grams of the vit a min a day. a nd increases that level to 40 grams when he feels a cold coming on. He won the 1954 Nobel Prize in chemistry for h is work on m o l ecular b o nds a nd was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1963 for anti-nuclear activism. Pauling was presented the first annual Albert Schweitz.er Award of Dis tinction by Chapman College. Roulette wheels were stopped and blackjack cards . packed away. "But Sam was brought herE legally (on a student visa that h~ since expired), and they want tc take him away from his family and ship him back to Liberia. "He's no more Liberian than the next person," David said, shaking his he ad. "He's my bro ther, my family and my roomma te for more than five years." David, who will be followed by several volunteers driving the famUy truck, plans to stop at churches and stay with friends during his trek. "I hope this (trip) does some good," he said. "Nothing else seems to be working and the whole experience has been an emotional drain on the family." Mondale flashes smile County riders to LA stranded by bus strike By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL ortheD.elr"'°tai.n An estima ted 1,300 Orange County residents had to find alternate means of travel to Los Angeles today as a result of the' midnight walkout by Southern California Rapid Transit District' drivers. • A spokeswoman for the Orange County 't District, a' separate agency not affected by the strike action, said e majority' of riders traveled a route extending from Santa Ana Fullerton, to the Los Angeles Civic Cen ter. · Madeleine Bickert, OCTD community relations Los Angeles-bound bus riders should either contact Commuter Computer, a car pooling matching service, alternate means of travel to Los Angeles. ; Blckert said OCTD, because of agreements with RTD, cannota place buses in service on the temporarily inoperative RTD routes. ~ "A lot of people have asked us why we don't do it. We havei agreements and our drivers belong to the union. They wouldn't go for it," Bickert said. "And, we're simply not equipped to handle it," In addition to the Santa Ana-Los Angeles route, RTD alao operates services to the El Segundo area from Orange County. Bickert said the RTD strike has created "a lot of confusion" among Orange County residents who rely on OCTD. "OCTD is not affected by the strike. Our service is operating," she explained. The RTD drivers went on strike at midnight after talks with management broke down. It is the fifth RTD strike in 10 years. OCTD has been affected only once by a strike action -~ February 1981 when drivers walked out for three weeks. I The RTD drivers put the brakes on for an estimated 600,00f commuters today, leaving downtown Los Angeles traffic mo~ snarled and dangerous than usual in a light rain. "We've had a light rain all morning and that always causet some fender benders, but they are a lot more than nonnal," said California Highway Patrol spokesman Monty Keifer. "There are just a lot more people out there, and they're all jockeying for position." CHP Sgt. Ernie Garcia said commuters faced up to 45-minute delays getting to work, as much because of the rafn as the extra traffic. Once downtown, drivers found parking lots full earlier than usual, meaning extra time looking for a place to park and a longer walk to work. . Meantime, some bus riders who apparently hadn't heard of the strike stood at bus stops in the morning rain, while others scrambled to find alternate ways of getting to work or go shopping. Some bus patrons got out their bicycles. Spouses and parents wel'e roused early to chauffeur workers in one-car families. "lt'a more pressure on mY. mother to drive me around but I really don't feel it's the drivers' Cault," said Cheryl Thompeon, who works in a downtown oUlce. ''I've &ot no car. I stood there at the bus stop for 15 minutes hopinlJ thf'. radio was wrong," added Ricquele Frelow, 18, of Baldwm Hills, about 10 miles southwest of downtown. "Finally, I had to have somebody from the office come and pick me up." Other municipal bus lines that normally come into the Los Angeles area, then transfer their riders to the RTD, were in a tunnoil. Mondale • in county; raps Reagan policy· Campaigning in California on behalf -of ber00crat1c candidates, former Vice President Walter Mondale has called the Reagan adminiatration's formula for r ighting the economy "bad medicine" that is undermining the country's ability to become strong again. Mondale -who offclally is exploring the possibility of a presidential bid in 1984 -looked every bit the candidate as he campaigned in Orange County on Tuesday for R e p . Jerry Patteraon, 0-Santa Ana, who is seeking re-election. Looking fi! and re la xed, Mondale moved easily from table to table shaking hands and chatting with the nearly 200 Patterson supporters who bad paid $25 per peraon to attend the breakfast fundral9er at the Dl.sneyland Hotel. F.cholng words reminitcent of the 1980 presidential campaign when then-presidential hopeful George Buah characterized Reagan's economic propoula M "voodoo economics," Mondale repeatedly referred to Re~'• economic remedies aa • bad medicine.'' The Minnesota Democrat said the administration is exp.lainin8 away the terrible ahape of the economy by saying it is go;; take "tough medJclne" for economy to right itllelf and ' out leaner. stronger and mo competitive. "The tough medic ine argument la wha\ you are aoiQs lo. hear between now and. tlfi election -that it'• patriotic to ao bankrupt or loee your job becau. you are helping out America~" Mondale said. Citing the admlnlstratlon't failures in dealing with tbe economy, Mondale aaid what ll. need~ is investing in plants dd equipment, helping aman buaineaea to prosper, ~ consumer spending, reducltft federal deficits and cutttna the size ol government. -llDEI----- Monaco mourns Princess Grace At Your Service A4 Busineaa B4-5 Cavalcade At Clualfled D-8 ' - MONTE CARLO, Monaco (AP) -The death of Princess Grace brought grief today to the aunny aeuide principality she helped rule and stunned American fans who never stopped loving the Oacar- WlnnlnC actreaa even after ehe left them for a prince. The former Once Kelly died In a Monaco holpital Tuaday at the age of ~2 from a cerebral hemorrhqe, about ae houn af1er' her car aomeraaulted 120 feet down a mount.alnl&de, trapptn1 the prince. tn.ide. Her funeral will take ~ S.t\.a'dly at 11 a.m. (3 a.m. at the Roman Cat.hoUc C.&Mdr of Monaco. Flags flew at half staff today atop the royal palace overlooking the Mediterranean and at banka along the Boulevard des Mou.lina. Prince Rainie r was at hia wife'• bedside "practically without interruption," a palace spokesman said without apeclfying whether he waa actually there when ahe died. One French report quoted witneaaea aa aaylnt Rainier qulttly left about 30 mlnutea before Grace died at 10:30 p.m. (1:30 p.m. PM') in the hotpttal bearinl her rwne. 1be )'OW'llelt ot the couple,. three chlldren, 17-year-old Stephanie -the only other I (\ person In the car -suffered what a medical bulletin dncribed aa severe bruJaing and remained "under obaervatJon" in the same h,,.pltal. G r ace's other c hild ren. Princ:e9I Caroline, 26, and Crown Prince Albert, 24. were ln Monaco, a palace offlclal oonflnnecl. The llny prlnclpallt~ on 1 rocky a1ice of the French Riviera lmmedlaiely went Into moumlna w h e n Grace'• death waa announced )mt before mktrqht. In the 1l1tterin1 cuiDo that made Monaco t .. noua in Edwardian ttna. rouletle wheela were ~t to a nop Md the blackjack card• PICkN IWIY. The floodlights were turned off and the doon quietly closed. Acrom CM1no Square, the gaudy C..fe de Paris dOlled, aa did all the restaurants, cafes, bAn and nlahtapota. The usually lively atreeta were detterted. At:ro9 the dc:fil·fWed harbor. the uaaally t royal palace on the "ROck of Monaco" atood In darkneu. Police allowed only offldll can to drive up to the NtelY Grimald.l family home, "ltfl ahockln1," ••id Herve Fiolet, a hotel bell captain. "She w• a ll'9ftdit a.me. ' Tributes to the champa1ne· hair.cl Phu.delphia naUw beaan pourlnl In from the ltan or lwr Hollywood put . . .. Cornlea E2 era.word E2 Death Notk:ea J:3 Editorial .u D\tertaJ.nment Be Food Dl-10 Art Hoppe A9 Horo.:ope A9 Ann Landen AJ Movi• Be Mutual J\aMll JM National N... Al Public NoUcm JM.88.IH flpor18 C:l-& Stock lbrketa Ba Tm\.ialan Jn 'nMe&ert • W•t.her A2 WorklNewa Al L Orange Ooa•t DAILY PILOTIWednMday. September HS, 1812 Surviving test o1 time ... Gift watch finds its way back to chie f's dad JJ 11 4 rl, II ,, 111 By STEVE MITCHELL Of"ttl.-Delly '"91 etaft Thh Is the atory ot a 46 -ycor-old wristwatch, lta 75-year-old original owner, and how the the two i ot back together again. It's also the atory of a Laguna Beach police chief who tracked down the perfect gilt for his father'• birthday. Our tale beRina at a Unlted Parcel Service awards banquet in 1936 where Nell J. Purcell Sr. received a fancy Elgin wrist watch. Hand-engraved on the back of the gold fllled watch were theee words: ''Honor Award/4-13-36/Neil J . Purcell. In {, ~ appreciation of h is five year driving record without an avoidable accldent. United Parcel '' Service." " Neil Sr. WfS pretty proud of that watch. '~ Wore it every day for 17 years. Then, in 1953, he took the old timepiece into HegwaJd's Jewelry on Main Street on ~ih Balboa and traded it in for a pair of watches for his wife and daughter. "Dad always said he was sorry he got rid of that watch," says his son, Laguna Beach Police Chief Nell Purcell. No one knows what became of the old watch for the next few decades, but it reappefll'ed about a month ago. Brice Woodward, who operates Gus' Watch Shop in Laguna Beach, said he was going through a box of 500 or so old watches at a ~welry shop in Santa Ana last month. 'It was in a box of miscellaneous junk watches," the jeweler said. "I was impressed with the fac..~ and IUlW It 011 11 cundldatc tor rM\oratJon," he aald. So he bought the watch fur obout $20 •long with 1ever1l others, and took th<lm back «> hlJ Laguna Beach shop. It w a1n 't until ho beian cluanlng the timepiece that Woodward noted the engrCtvlng -and the name on the back. "lt was jual too much of a coincidence," Woodword aald. The jeweler contacted the police chief, who confinned the watch once belonged «> his father. And, since the older PurceJJ's birthday was coming up, the chief asked Woodward to res\ore the watch. Which the jeweler d id. At ~t. By the time the watc h collector refurbished the old Elgin, it was worth about $250. Woodward figures it cost about $70 back in 1936. Last Saturday, the police chief presented the long-lost timepiece to his rather a l a birthday party held in Newport Beach. His dad was pleasantly surprised when he opened the long slender box. "At first I thought it was one of those expensive pen and pencil sets you never use," the older Purcell laughed. "Dad retired from the United Parcel Service in 1971 and he has a lot of good memories of those years," the police chief said. Including an awards cere mony held nearly a half century ago. irport parking fees up arking .fees charged at John yne Airport will be going up . 1, although not as high as d bee n recomme nded by rt management. a result of action Tuesday the Orange County Board of rvisors, the 24-hour rate in main airport parking Jot, y adjacent \o the tenninal, increase from $5 to $6. • erv1ces set r popular B bartender The daily rate in the long-term parking lot located north of the terminal will increase from $2.50 to $4. w h ile monthl y rates cha rged in employee-only lots will increase from $10 to $15. The rate proposal submitted \o the board by Airport Manager Murry Cable recommended a $7 per day rate in the main airport parking Jot, $4 in the long-term lot a n d $30 per month for employee spaces. Cable said parking rate hikes were warranted. in part. because of the high demand placed on the airport's limite d parking facilities. owned landfills and $1.65 per month for tras h sent t o intermediate transfer stations. The rate increase r esulted from recent action by supervisors to im pose a $4 .90 p e r t on dumping fee at county landfills. -Accepted an offer from the Laguna Beach Boys Club for use of a portion of its Laguna Canyon facility as a "drop-in" center for th e co unty Pr o b at i o n Department . Laguna panel lacks energy ecporial services will be held unday at' 10 a.m. a t Main Park in Laauna Beach fer ,..t...,•n bartender Joeeph "P~" lnl, who died Saturday at 82. The board's vote on the increases was unanimous . Supervisor Roger Stanton said the compromt.e increaaes were "m ore than fair" for all concerned. In other action, supeiviaors.: -Approved a oontract with Laguna Beach under which the county will subsidize bus fares for senior citizens riding the city's b us line. The $7 , 750 contract will cover the coat of about 51,000 rides, offlda.ls said. offida)a said. Laguna Beach City Council w a nts to appoint a seven- member energy committee next Tuesday nlght. But member s can't fill the committee posts if they d on't have enough applicants. ,, The 1ervice will be conducted under the eucalyptus trees at the south end of the park, friends of the former Saloon mlxologist d. iciating at the 1tervices y.rill Virgil Jones, president of Che 'led States Bartenden Guikl. alsini, of Costa Mesa, dled efl hiB car struck a tree on ,17th Street in that city. e. fa survived by a daughter, eryl Krueger of Tempe, Arla. ·-Increased rubbl.sh colle:tion fees for persona livin g in unincorporated areas of the county. Residential ra tes were boosted 95 cents per month for trash hauled directly to county- And, as of today. City Clerk Verna Roll inge r says, the number o f applications is underwhelming. Deadline for resumes ls Friday at noon in the clerk's office. 505 Forest Ave. Lagunans w ith an interest in, or know l e dge of, energy conser vation were urged to apply. For information, call 497-3311. Weather wet V .S. summary Oey1on es CM lando 91 74 Temperatures o.n-57 44 .36 Phlladpllla 62 63 0.. MolMs 67 68 .15 Phoenbt 96 74 A MeYf 1t0tm brought enow to o.ttolt 88 60 .32 Pllllbutgh 85 88 pett• o1 w~ and Mont-NATION Duluth 54 41 .36 Piiand. Me 75 5a on TuHdly whl • a cold front .. Lo Pep El PMO 88 61 Pllf.nd, Ort 72 47 carried thul\d.r1torm1 over the Alt>tny 81 59 Fargo 52 44 .33 Providence 79 60 mid Ml11l11lppl Valley and Into Albuque eo 64 Aaoeun 66 39 Raleigh 87 67 peru of Lower Mlchlgen. Amerltlo 88 53 OrNt Ftftl 42 29 .06 Reno 66 41 .05 MNnwllllt. rllill In aout'-lem Alfle¥lllt 63 68 HartfOtd 81 60 Salt l.Alkt 61 61 .02 Kentucky that htd forc.d the Attenta 88 911 ~ 41 3' .06 s.., Antonio 93 76 evecuetlon of all UOO reeldtnt1 Atlante Cty 74 62 Honolulu ti 77 SMttte 69 63 of Jenlltn• tapered on and ended Au9tln 95 77 HOU91on 87 16 ~~ 95 70 .07 llite TUMdllY momlng. BaltlmOrt 81 60 ~ 86 66 55 49 .10 Light rain extended from ~ 37 36 .41 Jadlen MS 92 72 St Louie 83 6t 1.40 -tern Wyoming lhrough low• 90 70 Jac:MnYh llO 70 St P·Tampa ti 73 end W l1con1ln , wh ll t 8lll'nerdl 53 29 !(.-City 75 60 .17 St Sii Marie 61 43 .27 lhundaratorm1 ware widely 90lle 61 44 KnolM!le 88 70 Spollene 60 39 ecatterld from -tern Ta•aa end loMon 72 62 IMVegee 88 66 S)'l'ICUM 87 62 .65 the wHtern Gull Co111 to the lrownevtle 96 76 Lfttte Roell 93 74 Topel(1 74 60 .30 c.ntrll OuH Coaat llttM. Buffelo 83 H .68 LoullVllle 87 88 .01 Tucaon 87 62 811• -· mottly eunny -lutllngton ee 68 .13 Lubbock ti 63 .115 Tulle 86 64 2,08 New England, the mld-Allantlc c.,., 40 33 .3-4 MempNt 90 74 Wllhlngtn 65 63 Cout. the Pacific Co11t, end Otlerl9tn IC 87 72 ,03 Mllllnl .. 78 Wichita 81 58 from the 1outh1rn Plateau to CtwtetnWV 82 67 .41 MllwM .. 72 5e .08 OALlfORMA central Texaa. Tha real of the Clwttte NO 80 69 Mplt-St.P 5t 4S .215 81ke,.fleld 86 67 country -generally Cloud/' ~ llO 40 .27 NMllYllll 90 88 .03 Blythe t2 Temperature• aroun the =~ 78 5t NewOriean• 91 72 1.30 Eureka 66 47 11911on 8' noon POT ranged i.om " 70 New Yorit 61 65 Fr-85 81 31 ~ 8' Cody, Wyo .. 10 .. a-ilMd 67 61 .60 ~ eo H LMlcutlf 75 57 et Cllrtwlll Mr Fore. 8aee In Fort Qmblll IC IM 72 Ho. Platte 61 46 .06 ~o:=-73 66 Worttl. Teitu. COlutnbue 113 63 1.20 Oleta City 95 ee 2.30 84 For today aoattered •howwe °"'"" Wltl 96 74 Om-. 61 81 .02 Montlfey 70 and ttMlderltonne were torec.c Needlll 92 -tfle ONo Valley, the ~ Oelcllnd 70 LekM r~lon and the northern llRf RIPIRT Peeo~ 17 60 end mid 11.mle Coul atatM. Aed 8luff 8S 66 8floWIW9 -• forec..1 from the Aedwood City 17 61 cen ref ~IH r::Jllward to ... lecremento 81 66 ~ eeetwwd lalln• 72 60 to IM Centtal Plelnl, with ' t9w I Sen Diego 74 .. now 111owere poealt>le In Siii Frencllco 67 .. ,~ T=r.• ·-·----s.n11 ~w• 71 11 A olla nc..• ol 1011tered ~ A? •· ..... T_,. Santa M1ttl1 73 ~Otml wee forec..t from Huntlllgton 81u"9 8 ft. ,.., 87 8todl10fl 16 tll• Gull COH t to th• low•r =:,:,Jetty 2 ... ft. f,r.:!, 70 ....... ppl ""':l with , .. , 10 Utt. 10 1rtlfi oloudy • lea over tll• ...... N9wpot1 0 "· 1.e;;ad 10 eel le CoH I, 1111 eoutllern 911boe WIOOe .. ,o "· 70 ,......, tnd eoutllefn Acid(---·~· M ft. et TODAY T ...... 1""9 In the 409 end =·OOk• M ft. good .. hcond tow l :lt p.111 ~ln Monttne M ft. good .. leCOrld lllgh 1.31 p Ill lie ll011nd IOI wer.. 1-4 ft. flllr..,od 70 •nd c.nlflll Mn Clemente Pier t-3 ft. goocl-tllC .., 'ntl~AY °'====-= T1~) 1-3 "· c::oe11en1 Flrlt tow 3:11 1 m. ~ t :)ot a m. IO "°"'*"' ..... Englenct, Cotton'• POlnl Mtt. *""°' .. '°" i ·1t pm. 1.Q ltlefO.lflilfOl ...... •.Md ,,..... Mtt. fllrilOOf leconcl lllgfl t-11 p.m U tf1e IOe ICtOll 1111 eoutllern IMOnofre Mft ....... '"" .... 7.00 p .111 .. ,, ... --"*" T~I TIO£: High Tide .. .,.. • "'· Low Tide 3: 11 pm ...... T~l;3f e.m. Moon 1111 1:10 p.m .. rlM• Dll'lellon: 8olllf\/~hwelt. Tilurtdey UI 1.111, I 'Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell (left ) surprised his fa ther, Neil Sr . ., with a 46-year-old wristwatch . ·Laguna writers awards • receive Two members o f the Laguna Beach branch of the National League of American Pen Women received awards during a r ecent writer's confe re nce s ponso red b y Reader's Digest. Lola Glllebaard and Ann W e ll s were amon g 300 •Ben Blou nt has been name d chairman of the Beautification Council of the Laguna Beach Chamber of Commerce. Other o ff icer s of the 32-year-old group include M ickey H a n na, vice •Laguna Beach resident Mlcbael J . Pinto has been elected president of the Je wish Federation of Orange County. Pinto has se r ved as c h airman of the Ora nge County United Jewish Welfare Fund campaigns and par ti cipants in the competition. Gillebaard won first place in the published category with a story called "88 Years Old." Wells won second place honors in the non-published category with a s\ory entitled "A Clean Slate.'' chairman; Barbara Painte r, r ecording secretary; J oy Dick erson, corresponding secretary; L loy d Milne. treas ure r , and P b y llls Llttlejobns and H arr y Lawrence, board members. was a participant in the 1978 Chador Young Leadership program. He also has served as president of the J e wis h Community Center of South O range County, which is located in Laguna Beach. River story areas, seminar corrected FALL PAINT SALE Laguna preps for a party Along about noon S1aturday. Maggie Meag1, the honorary governor of the State of Laguna Beach, will step off a rowboat and on\o the aand at Main Beach Park to "reclaim Laguna for Lagunans.'' It's the Main Beach Park VllJage Party. an end-of -the- tourist-scason cele bration for Lagunans only, and it wilJ run from 8:30 a.m. to after dusk. The party was organized by a group of businessmen, who s p o n sored an honorary governor's race \o raise funds for th~ festivities. The money has been raised, M e ggs has bee n e lecte d governor, and the whole \own is Invited to participate in the festivities. The fun begins with a beach run for the whole family at 8:30 a .m ., followed by lifeguard demonstrations and events. At 9 a .m .• b aske tball and volleyb a ll tournaments ar e scheduled, with ribbons and trophies going to winning teams. A sand sculpting contest gets under way at 11 a.m., followed by family games ~ginning at 1 p.m . Sack races, three-legged races and a water balloon toss are among the offerings for the afte rnoon. A band concert, featuring the A . Lee Harper Band, will run from 4 to 6 p.m.. followed by a twilight exhibition In which 20 sky dive rs will plummet from 12,500 feet, landing on Main Beach Park. Sky divers will be "dropping in" throughout the day in groups of between five and 20. The sky divers, some of whom will spend as much as 15 minutes u nde r the cano py on their descent. include former Laguna Beach Mayor Roy Holm a nd several gold medal divers. The jumps will be dedicated \o Dean W estgaard, a forme r Laguna Beach lifeguard captain, Orange Coast College physical e ducatio n di rect o r a nd a parachute enthusiast. Westgaard is recovering from surgery for s\omach cancer. Lagunans are invited to bring picnic baskets, drinks and beach chairs. A food booth, provided by the Laguna B each Business Association, will be set up for those who wish to buy hot dogs and soft drinks. I srael troops • move into West Beirut BEIRUT, L ebanon (AP) Israeli troops and armor pushed into Moslem west Beirut early today to head off what they caJled a "dange rous situation" following the bombing that kllled Israeli-backed President- elect Bashir Gemayel and at least 26 senior aides. The troops entered west Beirut in a "limited" move "to prevent fighting and secure peace," after the Tuesday bJast that killed Gemayel, the Tel Aviv command saJd. It gave no details, but Beirut radio stations reported shooting between advancing Israeli forees and leftist Moslem militiamen. (See related story Page A3.) Pitt1bur1h Paints I Raz Stains ' I Gallon Free With Purchase of Ivery Two Gallons Includes All P..O Proclud1 In Gallons Otter Good Thru Sept. 30, 1982 more than you expect In a hardware store CROW• Bl HARDWARE w .. totm Ptau 1024 lrv!M AV9. Newport ..., ~t. nU..1i"1 p.m. t • J I 111111 Cllll 111111111111 WI l>NI ~[)A 'v '•I I' I I Miii i~ 1•, l'lllJ OHANGl:. COUNTY CAL If OHNIA 25 CENTS Council backs off on bed tax 8udget-conacloua Irvine City Council haa agreed to postpone a decision on ralslng the hotel bed tax rate after warnings the revenue-producing measure would backfire. But council members suagested to representatives from local hotels and other businesses Tuesday night that they are still inclined to Increase the tax from 6 to 8 percent unless they get proof that the higher rate would cut related commerce. In other matters Tuesctar. the council: -Called for a crossing guard to patrol Culver Drive a\ \he entrantoe to the northbound S"'n Diego Freeway \o help school children who use the freeway overpass to reach achoo!. -Postponed discussion on proposals to raise fees for the city's animal shelter. -Authorized a cteand phaae of study on annexing almOst 3,- 000 acres of Laguna Hills. including a 189-acre site sought by the Koll Co. for an office park. County bus riders to LA stranded By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL o<111e.oe11r Piiot It•" An estimated 1,300 Orange County residents had to find alternate means of travel to Los Angeles today as a result of the midnight walkout by Southern California Rapid Transit District drivers. A spokeswoman for the Orange County Transit District, a separate agency not affected by the strike action, said the majority of riders traveled a route extending from Santa Ana and Fullerton to the Los Angeles Civic Center. Madeleine Bickert, OC'PD community relations director, said Los Angeles-bound bus riders should either contact Amtrak or Commuter Computer, a car pooling matching service, to find an alternate means of travel to Los Angeles. Bickert said OCTD, because of agreements with RTD, cannot place buses in service on the temporarily inoperative RTD routes. "A lot of people have asked us why we don't do it. We have agreements and our drivers belong to the union. They wouldn't go for it," Bickert said. "And, we're simply not equipped to handle it.." In addition to the Santa Ana-Los Angeles route, RTD also operates services to the El Segundo area from Orange County. Bickert said the RTD strike has created "a lo\ of confusion" among Orange County residents who rely on OCTD. "OCTD is not affected by the strike. Our service is operating," she explained. The RTD drivers went on strike at midnight after talks with management broke down. It is the fifth RTD strike in 10 years. Although the y approved a cr01Slng guard at the freeway ramp entrance, council members stopped 1horl of acquiescing to ,Culverdale residents. They asked for traffic signal• at the two entrancet to their village -at Culver and Ferris Avenue and Thiel Avenue and Main Street. lnatead, council followed the advice of Its transportation commi11ion and ordered the formation of a committee to discuaa less costly means for making the intersections sa!er. Irvine police officials said Mondale flashes smile today the crcmlng auard 1houfd be at the new location Monday for the start of the iieoond week of school. Irvine haa two major hot.els, the Registry and the Alrport.er Inn. The Marriott Hotel Corp. is building a third, which i~ expected to be opened in a year, and the Irvine Company has submitted plans for a fourth ai Main Steel at Jamboree Road. By raising the tax rate for daily hotel guests, city officials expect to earn an extra $3 million in five years. For:mer VR • 1n county, . . hits Reagan Campaigning in California on behalf of Democratic candidates, former Vice President Walter Mondale has called the Reagan administration's formula for righting the economy "bad medicine" that is undermining the country's ability to become strong again. Mondale -who offclally -is exploring the possibility of :. presidential bid In 1984 -look.e$1 every bit the candidate u hie campalgned in Orange County on Tuesday for Rep. Jerry Patterson, D-Santa Ana, who is seeking r.e-election. , Looking flt and relaxe<t. Mondale moved easily fro~ table to table shaking hands a1'fl chatting with the nearly 2qo Patterson supporten who had paid $25 per person to attend the breakfast fuodraiser a\ the (See MONDALE, Pa•e A!) OCTD has been affected only once by a strike action -in February 1981 when drivers walked out for three week.a. The RTD drivers put the brakes on for an estimated 600,000 commuters today, leaving downtown Los Angeles traffic more snarled and dangerous than usual in a light rain. "We've had a light rain all morning and that always cal.&8eS some fender benders, but they are a lot more than normal," said California Highway Patrol spokesman Monty Keifer. "There are just a lot more people out there, and they're all jockeying for position." Irvine f irrn to get bankruptcy hearing Dressed for it Carol Tompkins of Huntington Beach pedals to her job in Costa Mesa along Adams Avenue today, bundled up against some unusually inclement weather. CHP Sgt. Ernie Garcia said conunuters faced up to 45-minute delays geu.ing to work. as much because of the rain u the extra traffic. Once downtown, drivers found parking lots full earlier th.an usual, meaning extra time looking for a place to park and a longer walk to work. Meantime, some bus riders who apparently hadn't heard of the strike stood at bus stops in the morning rain, while others scrambled to find alternate ways of getting to work or go shopping. Pauling in county, plans new research By J OEL C. DON or .... 1>a11r "'" aleff Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling stopped off at Chapman College to receive an award, but the controversial acientist didn't leave the Orange campus without dropping a hint he is about to embark on research into another unorthodox and unproven medical treatment. ' Pauling said. It is these plaques that eventually restrict the flow o( blood in vi c tims of c.ardiovascular disease. The diminished flow can cause pain known as angina pectoris and may damage the heart muscle. Blockage of one or more coronary arteries may cause a heart attack. Pauling said he believes the EDTA therapy may soften the plaques and lessen the risks of the No. 1 killer of Americans. of arteriosclerosis. "In a theoretical sense it's possible it could work but it has been tried and shown not successful," said Dr. Jonathan Tobis in a telephone interview. ''People have looked at EDT A In the past and \here has been shown no effect on arteriosclerosis. "I think the case is closed in the medJcal community." Nevertheless, Pauling remains undaunted in his research elforts. He was labeled a crank when he suggested large d09eS of vitamin C would prevent the <X>mmon cold. Troubled Western Data Management Ltd. of Irvine today WU cranted a Nav. 18 hearing in U.S. District Court In Santa Ana for its petidon under Chapter 11 bankruptcy proceedings. The firm's president and chief executive officer, Steven Alderman, said Tuesday the reorganization proceedings were requested to protect the -:ompany from creditors besieging it due to "unfounded statements'' by former employees. The company's unspecified assets will be frozen pending the hearing, said David Warren of Irvine, the firm's attorney. Warren noted today that an unarmed guard has been posted at the firm's office in the Irvine Industrial Complex-East for 10 day1 to en1ure that worried clients remain orderly. The firm specializes in collecting real estate loan payments and disbursing them to holden of \he mortgages. It chargt!a a fee to \he payer_ for the service, Warren explained. Warren said the company filed a lawsuit seeking $500,000 in damaaea from two former employees. 'claiming they spread falle rwnora that the firm was In financlal trouble and that up to $1 million was rn.lsing. Meanwhile, three investigat.on from the state Department of Real Estate joined thoae from ti* Irvine Police Department and the Orange Coun ty Distrid Attorney's office in examlniq the company's records. T h e paperwork was obtained two weeks ago by police officers "who presented a search warrant at Western Data Management's 1 Wrigley St. office. Police Lt. Bob Lennert said the investigation will take at least another week before authorith can allege whether criminal activity was involved. Lennert said the Investigation was started after his department received calls from present and form e r e m p 1 o ye es w i t-p allegations of miasing funds. The Chapter 11 proceedings, • which a court..ordered trustee · expected \o assume control, is available \o all firms to reorganiz.e books and reschedWe payments. It does not mean ~ company expects \o go out of business. The former Caltech chemist told the college board of trustees and later reporters at a press conference Tuesday he is directing efforts of his Palo Alto-based Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medjcine at an unaccepted treatment for heart disease. Pauling, who claims vitamin C is good for just about whatever ails you, said the treatment is called chelation therapy. The technique involves injection ot a chemical into the body that binds with harmful substances which then are naturally excreted. I He said chelation therapy probablv would help all forms of atherosclerosis, the general term for diseases of the arteries including heart disease and stroke. In the early '70s, Pauling again drew the ire of the medical community when he announced that vitamin C offers benefits in the treatment of mos\ fonns of cancer. Rain to continue In heart disease , or Linus Pauling arteriosclerosis, the chemical EDTA is used to remove calcium that tends to harden fatty plaques that line artery walls. "We're beginning to work on It (chelation therapy) to see if it's effective," he said. • However, in reaction to this thesis, a UC Irvine cardiologist noted that EDTA chelation therapy has already been proved to be of no value in the treatment Roulette wheels were stopped and blackjack cards packed away. Pauling sald he takes 12 grams of the vitamin a day. and increases that level to 40 'grama when he feels a cold com.inR on. Light showers, brought by an upper level low front from Northern California, will continue intermittently through Thuraday morning. A 1poke1man from the National Weather Service said the 1kie1 will be mostly cloudy Monaco mourns Princess Grace MONTE CARLO, Monaco (AP) -The death of Princess Grace brought grief today to the 1unny seaside principality she helped rule and stunned American fans who never stopped lovtn1 the Oacer- wlnnfnc actreaa even after ahe left them for a prince. 'n'8 former Orace Kelly died in a Monaco holpUal Tu_..y at the aie of 52 from a cerebral hemorrhaae, about 36 houn after her car aomeraaulted 120 feet down a mountaiNide, trapplnc the princell lMide. Her funeral wlll take~ace Saturday at 11 a.m. (3 a.m. a\ the Roman Catholic Cl ot Monaco. Flags flew at half staff today at.op the royal palace overlooklna the MedJterranean and at bankl along the Boulevard des Moulina. Prince Rainier was at hl1 wife's bedside "practically without interruption,'' a palace spoke1man said without 1peclfytng whether he wa1 adually there when lhe died. One French report quoted wltneaau H saying Rainier quietly left about 30 minutes before OrKe died at 10:30 p.m . (1:30 p.m. Ptn') tn the hospital bearlna her name. The )'OU.n&ftt of the couple'• three children, 17-yur-old Stephanie -th• only other person In the car -suffered The floodlich11 were turned off wha\ a medical bull.et.in de9crlbed t and the doon quietly closed. aa eevere brulaing and remained Acrcm c..tno Square, \be gaudy "under obeervation" in the ume Cafe de Parts cro.d, as did all hospital. the awtaurants. cafes. bent and Grace's other c hildren, nl1htapota. The usually lively Princella Caroline, 26, and Crown 1tr.eta were c:te.erted. Prince Albert, 2<t, were in Acto9 theJ:rJ·filled harbor, Monaco, a palace oftlclai the UIUally t royal palace confirmed. on the "Rock of Moneco" 1t.ood In The tiny principality on a darkneaa. Police allowed only rocky allce of the French Riviera offlc:tal can to drive up to the Immediately went Into moumlnl NMll Orlmakll family home. when Grace'• death wae • "It• 1hockin1,'' aald Herve announced jult before mklnlcht. Flolet. a ~ bell C*ptain. "She In the 1lluerln1 caalno that w• a srande dame. " made Monaco famous ln Trtbut• to the champaane- 1'.dwardian t1mls. roulette wheels hand ~ nat.i~ beaarl were broucht to a etop and the PQWin1 in ,. 'the IW'I of her blackjack t'ardt pecked away. Hollfwoowu . through Thursday, with a ab percent chance of showeca through the morning. • Loe Angeles recorded . l of .rtl inch by mid-rooming today, but no precipitation was recorded at John Wayne Airport by 11 a.m,r ~ -lllDEI__... \ 'fl I 1n'I 111 nn 111 J IJ I• Orang• Coa•t J)AtL y PILOT 1WednMd1y, 8tlptembet 15, 1882 Surviving test of time Gift watch finds its way back to chief's dad By STEVE MITCHELL Of"ltlie D.., ,..I 8i.tl with the face and 11w It u a candidate for rMtoratJon," he uld. Thia la the story of a 46-year-old wristwatch, its 75-year-old original owner, and how the the two 1ot back together again. It's also the story of a Laguna Beach 1:-.· police chlef who tracked down the perfect gift •>-.( for his father's birthday. 10 Our tale beRins at a United Pa.reel Service m1 awarda banquet In 1936 where Nell J. Puroell So he bought the watch for about $20 Ilona with several others, and took them beck to hla Lasuna Beach shop. It wa1n't untU he began cleaning the timepiece that Woodward noted the engraving -and the name on the back. "It waa just too much of a coincidence," Woodward said. Sr. received a fancy Elgin wrist watch. Hand-engraved on the back of the gold filled watch wPre theae words: "Honor Award/4-13-36/Neil J. Purcell. In appreciaUon of his five year driving record without an avoidable accident. United Parcel 11• Service." The jeweler contacted the police chief, who confirmed the wot.ch once belonged to hia father. And, since the older Purcell's birthday was coming up, the chief asked Woodward to restore the watch. ,,,~ Nell Sr. was pretty proud of that watch. Which the jeweler did. At cost. Wore it every day for 17 years. Then, in 1953, he took the old timepiece rl into Hegwald's Jewelry on Main Strt:0 t on ·>•It Balboa and traded lt in for a pair of watches By the time the watch collect.or refurbished the old Elgin, it was worth about $250. Woodward figures It cost about $70 back in 1936. for his wife and daugh ter. "Dad always said he was sorry he got rid of that watch," says his son, Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell. Last Saturday. the police chief presented the long-lost timepiece to his father at a birthday party held In Newport Beach. No one knows what became of the old watch for the next few decades. but it reappeared about a month ago. His dad was pleasantly surprised when he opened the long slender box. "At first I thought it was one of those ·expensive pen and pencil sets you never use," the older Purcell laughed. Brice Woodward, who operates Gus' Wat.ch Shop in Laguna Beach, said he was going through a box of 500 or so old watches at a t;welry shop in Santa Ana last month. 'It· was in a box of miscellaneous junk watches," the jeweler said. "I was impressed ~ "Dad retired from the United Parcel Service in 1971 and he has a lot of good memories of those years," the police chief said. Including an awards ceremony held nearly a half century ago. irport parking fees up ark.ing fees charged at John e Airport will be going up 1, although not as high as been recommended by management. a result of action Tuesday e Orange County Board of rvisors, the 24-hour rate ln main airport parking lot, tly adjacent to the terminal, increase from $5 to $6. The daily rate in the long-term parking lot located north of the terminal will increase from $2.50 to $4, while monthly rates charged in employee-only lots will increase from $10 to $15. The rate proposal submitted to the board by Airport Manager Murry Cable recommended a $7 per day rate in the main airport par~ lot, $4 in the long-term ONDALE IN COUNTY. • • eyland Hotel. holng words rerniniacent of 1980 presidential campalgn , then-presidential hopeful r•e Bu1h characterized •a ecohomic propoeala u oo ~omics," Mondale tedly referred to ~·· onomic remedies as ' bad . . .. '"cme. The Minnesota Democrat aaJd adminlatratlon la explaini.ng ay the terrible shape of the omy by saying it ls going to "tough medicine" for ~· to right itself. h e tough medictru t ls what you are IOi.q eiar between now ancl tile '"1 -that It's patriotic to IO tor loae your job becauli .re helping out America." Citing the administration's failures in dealing w ith the economy, Mondale said what ls, needed is lnveatlng in plants and equipment, h elpi ng small buainelle9 to proeper, increu1nc con•umer 1pe~ding1 reducln1 federal defidta and tutttng the size of government. Instead, Mondale contended, Industry ii bavina its moat .. dismal" period In •o years. amall-businesa ~ptcies are at their highest level l1nce 1932 and OONUmer tpe.ndiq la off 9 percerlt tn this guarter alone. In addition. Mondale u1d the profit structure of American bus1ne. la 1n °"worst wi-1n 60 y~ and American exporu have "plummeted 20 percent a1noe this crowd took office.'' lot and $30 per month for employee spaces. Cable said parking rate hikes were warranted, in part. because oC the high demand placed on the airport's limited parking facilities. The board's vote on the increases was unanimous. Supervisor Roger Stanton said the compromise increases were "more than fair " for all concerned. In other action, supervisors: -Approved a cont.ract with Laguna Beach under which the county will subsidize bus fares for senior citizens riding the ci t y's bus line . The $7, 750 contract will cover the cost of about 51,000 rides, officials said. -Increased rubbish collection fees for persons living in unincorporated areas of the county. Residential rates were boosted 95 cents per month for trash hauled directly to county- owned landfills and $1.65 per month for trash sent to intermediate transfer stations. The rate increase resulted from recent action by supervisors to impose a $4.90 per ton dumping fee at county landfills. -Accepted an offer Crom the Laguna Beach Boys Club for use of a portion of its Laguna Canyon facility as a "drop-in" center for the cou nt y Probation Department. Weather wet Lalifornia Tiie NetlONI WMINr 8eMce !'---------It predlGtfna light '1lln throughovt louthlrft c:811forn1a on Thindty wtttl hNVV cloud"-alonl) the OOMt. • ,.,t:hanc;e ol m .. 1urabl• rain TamperaturM In Lo• ~ about 10 perC41111. MOltly c;IOudy •• expected IO tMc:h otlly Into with IOfM drtzzle lll<ely Thur9dey IN rnlO-TOt with a ooeetal high .............. eouta1 low eo. Inland aleo '°'-' In ttie 70.. Mounteln "-'"'"' tempetatUtM wlll '-In the eo. 18. Coutal hleh &6, Inland 75. with 75·10 15-d•"r•• high• Wat• 70. ..., • EJNWhere, llglll end verlabl• ·~-In Iha nonhem o-t. The IOwef o-11 could -lllghe Wind• night and mOfnlng hour• rano1n9 from aa to H ~ b'ac;o~~~ 1~11~ eo.tere from Point Concep\IOf'I 1 1 t 3• 1 1 bolt combined lo the Melllcan border ehould o .. expect light vlltlable ~ dUf1ng I 3 to 8 IMt ovet northefn :::::~ and morning hovrt ... ., •• cOl\lldetable 1ow ~ •t 1 to loudlneu with only pertlal 11 knot• In the afternoon. wtth a t-to-3-foot eouthw91 ...... .S. suniniary Temperatures NATION HI Lo "=t> Albeny 8t 5g ~= eo 54 88 53 ~ 83 58 Allanla 88 89 AllWllC: Cty 74 82 Aullln 95 77 Beltlmor• 81 60 ~hm 37 36 ,41 90 10 llemarc:k S3 29 8olM 81 .... eo.ton 72 82 lltownrAe " 78 lklffelo 83 59 .68 """'eton Ml 58 .13 c.., 40 33 .34 °'*181n 8C 87 72 .03 °'*181n WV 82 87 .4, ~HC eo " ~ 50 40 27 ~ 71 59 It 70 a.wMnd 87 87 .50 Clmtllll SC 84 72 CGMTlbul 83 83 1.20 Wth " 74 Dayton 85 &4 o.n-57 44 .38 0.. MolMI 87 se .15 Detroit .. eo .32 Duluth 54 41 .38 EIPMO 18 81 F•go 152 44 .33 Reeltllff ee 39 GtMtFlll1 42 29 .oe HertlOfd 11 eo Helena 41 31 .oe Honolulu 91 77 HOUiton 87 78 lndnaplll 88 ee Jacken MS 92 72 JICktnll!le 90 70 1(-Clly 75 eo .17 KnoJNttte aa 70 lM Vega aa ee Uttle Roca 93 74 Loulevllle 87 ea .01 Lubboc:ti 9t 83 . t5 Mempfllt fl() 74 Miami aa 78 Mllwaull .. 72 5e oe Mpll-.St.P 59 41 25 NMtlvllle fl() .. .03 New OtlMnl " 72 1.30 New York It 85 HOftolk '80 59 Ho. Plelt• 81 45 .oe Ollie aty 95 ae 230 OmeN et 81 02 lllf l lPI RT ~--A 4-811. ~ 2 ... ft. aood 4-1 ft . IM·PoOf 0 ft. poOt .. ,0 "· l•it-oood t-4 ft . hilt ,,... "· OOOd ,,... ft. aood -·-· , ..... 81 TO 70 TO 70 .. .. .. M ft llfr-tOOCI 24 ft. goocMiic 70 17 24 ft. aood...-.nt M ft. '9.poof M M ft. flW'flOOf Mft. •-ooor -·---c- Ralnlm Snow~ SlatlONlfy •• lando Phlladphl• Phoenl11 PltllbUfgh P11•nd. Me P11and. Of• Provldencle ~ Salt Laite San Antonio Sffllle Shreveport Sioux F1111 SI Louie SI P·Tampa St Ste Miltie Spollane SyrlCUM Topeka fuga()fl Tulu WHhlngtn Wlc:hlla " 12 " 85 75 72 79 87 88 et 9G 88 Q5 55 93 Q1 81 eo 87 74 87 88 as 11 CAUPOMU 74 13 74 ea sa 47 eo 87 41 5t 78 53 10 48 .10 68 t.4-0 73 43 38 82 .65 eo .30 62 84 2.01 83 68 W••fleld M 87 Blythe 82 EUtel!I M 47 FrMnO 85 81 l..encatt• 75 57 ~ ~· Monterey 70 ...... t2 OMiand 70 Pao Aoblw 77 eo Aed llufl 15 M Aedwood City 77 • t lacf-10 ., .. Sallna 72 80 aan Dleoo 74 ee .02 San ''encl-17 It IMt• a.we 7t et Santa Marie 73 ltOOkton ea TOOAY ltoond IOw l:tl p m . hoond lllOh 1:11 p.m. TMUMDAY '1111 10w I: 11 1 m. ..0. 7 '"'""" l .S4 l.m. u teooncf low ': 11 p,m. 1.0 8"ond 111ef1 1.11111 m. U 1111' ee11 1:00 p.m., ''"' Thuftdey t;S? ..,,, Moon "" 1:20 p.m • rlN• T~l.M a.M Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell (left ) surprised his fa ther, Neil Sr., with a 46-year-old wristwatch. UCI pediatrics program aided The pediatrics department at UC Irvine's Medical Center in Orange has been given a $30,000 grant by the American Lung Asaociation to assist its training program for nurses in neonatal unJts. The units are intensive care wards for newborns. More than 50 percent of the babies admitted there have serious respiratory problems, said a spokesman fo r the lung • Tryouts for the Irvine Meraquas synchroniz.ed swim team will begin at 4:30 p.m., Monday at the Heritage Park Aquatics Complex. Girls aged 8 to 14 are invited to try out . A background in spe ed swimming or gymnastics is helpful. Coached by Dawn Bean and assistants Pat association's Orange County Chapter. UCIMC's unit is one of the few in the nation offering advanced degree training for neonatal nurses, officials said. From four to six nurses undergo training at one time. The $30,000 grant is intended to help fund the training program for 12 months beginning in October. Hlxenbaagb and Dodie M1d1ea, the Meraquas recently won the junio• national championships in Memphis, and its senior team placed fifth in national finals in Hawaii. For more information, contact Coach Bean at 544-6699 or publicity director Martha C11ey, 770-2202. River story areas, corrected • seill1nar Monday's story in our Santa Ana River series incorrectly identified areas of the Orange Coast that would be spared from damage in a major flood. The areas are a strip i n Huntington Beach and a small portion of Fountain Valley roughly bordered by the Pacific Ocean, Newland Street, the southern tip of Westminster and F.dward.s Street, plus two areas several blocks in size east. of Huntington Harbour and west of the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach. Because of a typographical error, the date of the .emJnar by James Melton, sponsored by Religious Science of llvine, was repor1ed inaccurately. The aeminar will be at 10 a.m. Sunday at 15455 Jeffrey Road. The Daily Pilot regrets this error. FALL PAINT Israelis on move in Beirut BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - llraell troope and annor fc:£'t their way into west .Beirut y to head oU what they called a hdangeroua situation" following the bombing that ldlled Israeli· backed President-elect Bashir Gemayel and at leaat 26 senior aides. Correspondents In Beirut reported that leftiat Moslem militiamen flred bnookas and machine guns and the Israeli tanks fired back , setting buildings and leftist positions afire. The Tel Aviv command said its troops were meeting resistance in west Beirut, but were "advancing according to targets assigned to them." lt said fighting was continuing late in the afternoon. "This step has been taken to prevent any renewed organization between the terrorists and the leftist militias," the Tel Aviv command said. It said the operation was a ''limited" move. Irvine· OKs parade on new route The Irvine Kiwanis Club gained permission Tuesday to stage a parade Dec. 4 along Alton Parkway from West Yale Loop to Jeffrey Road. The Alton path wasn't the club's first choice -organizers really wanted to use Barranca Parkway -but parade Chairman Dick Hermesch said it should suffice. "Alton is not the best route, but it seems to be the route that will ca u se th e f ewest inconveniences," he said in a recent letter to the city. The Irvine City Council approved the route Tuesday evening during routine business matters. There was no discussion. The parade is scheduled to begin at 11 a.m .. with the last of the marching groups and floats completing the mile-long route by 1 p.m. The council agreed to absorb costs of about $2,500 to staRe the event. The parade will be the third sponsored by the Kiwanis Club. The first two, in 1980 and 1981, were staged on July Fourth. But Hennesch said his group wanted to change the date to coincide with the season for local high school rnarehinR bands. The new date, however, initially ca used problems. Merchants at nearby Woodbridge VUlage Center were concerned that the originally proposed route on Barranca would hinder access to their stores on one of their buslnest weekends of the year. After meeting with the merchants, Kiwanis Club members agreed to switch the route to Alton, which ls more remote than Barranca, carries less traffic and is less developed. In exchange for the Alton route, merchants have agreed to help obtain bleachers for the parade and to have roadside weeds cut, Henne:.:h said. Piit1bur1h Paints I Raz Stains • I Gallon Free With Purchase of Ivery Two Gallons lndudet All PPG Products In Gallon• Offer Good Thru Sept. 30, 1982 more than you expect In a hardware store e++ CROW• EJ HARDWARE MM • ( 1111111:1111 l:DITI 1111 1111111 WI D Nl S OI\ 'Y ~l I' I l MtH II 1 » 1'18;.> OfiANGE COUNTY C ALIFOHNIA 25 CENTS Banning backers lose on ballot DIMy ~ Photo by Gery Ambr-' Carol Tompkins of Huntington Beach pedals to her job in Costa Mesa. a long Adams Avenue today, bundled up against some unusually inclement weather. Rain to continue Light showers, brought by an upper level low front from Northern California, will continue i'1tennittently through Thursday morning. A spokesman trom the National Weather Service said the skies will be mostly cloudy through Thursday, with a 30 percent chance of showers through the morning. Los Angeles recorded . l of an inch by mid-morning U>day, but no precipitation was recorded at John Wayne Airport by 11 a .m. lt ·WaS ralning hard, however, in some sections of Costa Mesa. The weather service said inland highs will be 73 in Orange County, with an overnight low of 65. Beach temperatures will be in the low 70s, dipping to the mid-60s. Challenge of N-M union clouds pact A challenge by a rival union asking to represent teachers in the Newport-Mesa Unified School District has le ft the validity of a recently ratified contract, granting a 3 percent pay 'raiae, in question. Trustees in the dlstrict decided Tuesday not to take any action to implement the contract approved Friday by the Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers after the Newport-Mesa Educ ation Aslociation {iled a decertification petition. The California Teachers Association affiliate filed the petition signed by 30 percent of the district's 800 teachers with the state Public Employment Relations Board~ wllich must deade if an election will be held. "We're JUSt sitting here in limbo," said Kevin Wheeler, assistant superintendent for personnel and chief negotiator for the district. "If the state Public Employment Relations Board instructs us to have an election then the result would be that we did not have a contract." A spokeswoman for the state agency said no decision regarding an election has been made. The Newport-Mesa Education Association represented the district's teachers until 1979 when inatructo.rs voted to switch to the AFL -CIO affiliate, Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers, to represent them in contract negotiations. Supportcra of the multi· million dollar Banning Ranch development in Newport Beach have lost a legal bid to erase portions of a ballot argument against the proposed development. The fate of the Banning Ranch, a 75-acre hunk of land in west Newport, will be decided by voters in the Nov. 2 election. The ballot argument against the controversial project, written by three persons, was challenged as belng misleading and vague. But Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. refused to make any conclusions on the argument, saying In.stead that it is protected by the First Amendment. Science goal told b y Pauling By JOEL C. DON Of the o.i1y Piiot Sl•H Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling stopped off at Chapman College to receive an award, but the controversial scientist didn't leave the Orange campus without dropping a hint he is about to embark on research into another unorthodox and unproven medical treatment. The former Caltech chemist told the college board of trustees and later reporters at a press conference Tuesday he is directing e fforts of his Palo Alto-based Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicine at an unaC"Ceptcd treatment tor heart disease. Pauling, who claims vitamin C is good for just about whatever ails you. said the treatment is called chelation therapy. The technique involves injection of a c hemical into the body that binds with harmful substances which then are naturally excreted. In h ea rt d isease, or arteriosclerosis. the chemical EDTA is used to remove calcium that tends to h arden fatty plaques that line artery walls, Pauling said. It is these plaques that eventually restrict the now o f blood in victims of cardiovascular disease. The diminished now can cause pain known as angina pectoris and may damage the heart muscle. Roulette wheels were stopped and blackjack cards packed away. The suit was filed by Newporl Beach Councilman Phil Mau.rer on behalf of CitJzens for a Better Newport, a group that vowed to raise and spend $30,000 In support of the project. Targets of the lawsuit were Jean Watt, Mike J ohnson and Richard Nichols -the trio that authored the contested ballot ar~ent. Watt emerged from court hot under the collar. "This lawsuit represents an attempt by one or more Newport Beach City Council members to denigrate the reputation of responsible citizens who dl.sagree with them," said Watt. She charged the suit was little , i Linus Pauling Blockage of o n e or more coronary arteries may cause a heart attack. Pauling said he believes the EDT A therapy may soften the plaques and lessen the risks of the No. 1 killer of Americans. He said ch elation therapy probablv would helo all fonns of atherosclerosis, the general term for diseases of the arteries including heart disease and stroke. "We're beginning to work on it (chelation therapy) to see if it's effective," he said. However, in reaction to this thesis, a UC Irvine cardiologist noted that EDTA chelation therapy has already been proved to be of no value in the treatment of arteriosclerosis. "In a theoretical sense H's possible it could work but it has been tried and s hown not successful," said Dr. Jonathan Tobis in a telephone interview. (See PAULING, Page A%) more than an attempt to harass. intimidate and waste the money of critics of the Banning Ranch project. "We are prepared to meet them head-on as we have much more personal knowledge of what our statements represent than they have of their reprehensible aceuaatJons ... ·Councilman Maurer, who charged the ballot argument exaggerated estimated increases in air pollution, traffic and airport trips the project would bring, was not. available for comment. Developer Bill Banning said he remains convinced that the ballot argument is misleading. "The effect of all thls Is either that it wlll be damagipg to th~ project or the voters will reallUJ the argument is misleadJng and go the other way." The lawsuit represents the second legal challenge to the project in a month. In August, council ca'ndldat.e Allan Beek -a critic of the development project -filed a suit against the city, claim.ins that the city's ballot language la confusing. Beek sald it is confusln1 because voten wanting to voW no on the project will have to vote yes. His legal claim waa rejected. Bus riders to LA stranded by strike By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL Of the DellJ Piiot ltaff Ari estimated 1,300 Orange County residents had to find alternate means of travel to Los Angeles today as a result of the midnight walkout by Southern California Rapid Transit District drivers. A spokeswoman for the Orange County Transit District, a separate agency not aHected by the strike action, said the majority of riders traveled a route extending from Santa Ana and Fullerton to the Los Angeles Civic Center. : Madeleine Bickert, OCTD community relations director, said Los Angeles-bound bus riders should either contact Amtrak or Commuter Computer, a car pooling matching service, to find an alternate means of travel to Los Angeles. Bickert said OCTD. because of agreements with RTD, cannoi place buses in service on the temporarily inoperative RTD routes. ' "A lot of people have asked us why we don't do it. We have agreements and our drivers belong to the union. They wouldn't go for it," Bickert said. "And, we're simply not equipped to handle it," In addition to the Santa Ana-Los Angeles route. RTD also operates services to the El Segundo area from Orange County. Bickert said the RTD strike has created "a lot of confusion" among Orange County residents who rely on OCTD. "OC'I'D is not affected by the strike. Our service is operating," she explained. The RTQ drivers went on strike at midnight after talks with management broke down. It is the fifth RTD strike in 10 years. OCTD has been affected only once by a strike action -in February 1981 when driven walked out for three weeks. The RTD drivers put the brakes on for an estimated 600.000 commuters today, leaving downtown Los Angeles traffic more snarled and dangerous than usual in a light rain. "We've had a light rain all morning and that always cauaes some {ender benders, but they are a lot more than normal.'' said California Highway Patrol spokesman Monty Keifer. "There are just a lot more people out there, and they're all jockeying fot position." CHP Sgt. Ernie Garcia said commuters faced up to 45-minut.: delays getung to work, as much because of the rain as the ex~ traffic. Once downtown, drivers found parking lots full earlier than usual, meaning extra time looking for a place to park and a longer walk to work. Walter Mondale echoes '80 campaign with criticism of 'voodoo economics' Ex-VP rips Reagan c.:ampa1gn.ing in Callfomla on behalf of Democratic candidates, former Vice President Walter Mondale has called the Reagan administration's formula for righting the economy "bad 'medicine" that ls undermining the country's ability to become strong aRain. Mondale -who officially is exploring the possibility of a presidential bid in 1984 -looked every bit the candidate as he campaigned in Orange County on Tuesday for Rep. Jerry Patterson. D-Santa Ana, who ls seeking re-election. Looking fit and relaxed, Mondale moved easily from table to table shaking hands and chatting with the nearly 200 Patterson supporters who bad paid $25 per penon to attend the breakfast fundraiser at the Disneyland Hotel. F.choing words reminiscent of the 1980 presidential campaign when then-presidential hopeful George Bush characterized Reagan's economic proposals as "voodoo economics," Mondale repeatedly ·referred to Reagan's economic remedies as "bad medicine.'' The Minnesota Democrat said the adminlstration is explaining away the terrible shape of the economy by saying It is going to take "tough medicine" for the· economy to right itself. "The tough medici ne argument is what you are going to hear between now and the election -that It's patriotic to go bankrupt or loee your job because you are helping out America." Citing the administration's failures in dealing with tlle econ.omy, MondaJe said what~ needed is investing in planm dil equipment, helping sm~l busineaes to proaper, ~ consumer spending, reducln1 federal deficits and cutting tbe size of government. instead, Mondale contended, industry ls having its most "dismal" period in 40 yeart, small-businea bankruptcies are at their highest level sinct> 1912 and consumer spending is off t percent in this quarter alon~. , In addition, Mondale aaid U. profit structure of Americ• buslnea is 1n the wont shape bi 50 years and American expc>nll have "plummeted 20 percent since this crowd took office." • • Monaco mourns Princess Grace Prfnee91 Gnee MONTE CARLO, Monaco (AP) -The death of Princess Grace brought grief today to the sunny seaaide principality she helped rule and atunned American fans who never atopped loving the Oscar- winning actreu even after ahe left them for a prince. The former Orace Kelly died tn a MONICO holoital Tue.day at the age of 52 Crom a ce ... bral hemorrhace, about 36 houn after her car .omeraaulted 120 feet down a tnountalnllde, t.rapplna the~ inlide. Her funeral wlll take ~ Saturday at 11 a.m. (3 a.m. at the RomN\ CathoJJc Cathedral of Monaco. Flags flew at half stall today atop the royal palace overlook.ins the Mediterranean and at banks along the Boulevard dea MouUns. Prince Rainier was at hit wife's bedalde "practically without interruption," a palace apoketm•n said without 1peclfyin1 whether he wu ectually there when ahe died. One French ref.Ort quoted whneues aa aay n1 Rainie r qultlly left about 30 rnlnutea before Or1a died at 10:30 p.m. (1:30 p.m . PPT) In the hoepltal bearing her name. nie )'OUnlett of \he rouplt'• three children, 17-year-old Stephanie -the only other person ln the car -suffered what a medical bulletin de8cribed as severe brulaing and remained "under observation" In \he 1&me hospital .. Grace's other children , Prin<.'ell Caroline, 26, and Crown Prince Albert, 24, were in Monaco, a palace official c:onfinned. The tiny prlnclpalhy on a rocky al.Ice of the French Rivtera immediately w~t lnto moumlna when Orace'a death waa announced Juat befon mJdnlght. In the alltterina eMlno that madtt Monaco hmout In mdwardlan Umee. roulette wheela were broulht to a ltop and the blackjack carda packed awa • The floodltghta were turned off and the door• quietly closed. . Acrom Casino Sqllare, the gaudy C..le de Parla cfoaed. as did all the reetauranta. cafee, bars and nlthtlpoll. The usually lively 1trfft1 were deaerted. ~ the yacht-filled harbor, the uaually noodllt royal palace on the "Rock ot Monaco'' stood in darkne11. Police ellowcd only official ctn lo drive up to the 1t1celv Grimaldi f unJly home. ·•1t"s ahocklng,'' said Herve Fiolet, a hotel bell captain. "She w•all'ande~·'' Ttlbutet to the champ11ne· haired Phil8delphla natiw bepn PoUrll\I 1n from the l\an of 1* Molly-wood paat . CJN Orange Cout DAILY PIL.OT/Wtdneeday, September 11S, 1181 Surviving test of time Ii Gift watch finds way back to chief's dad .t'I ti· BY STEVE MITCHELL ,, O(ttte Otolr "°' ..... ,,, Thia ltt the atory of a 46-yuar-old ,,., wri•twatch, lta 76-year-old original owner, ' . ..... ,,,, ,,,, and how the the two sot back together again. It's also the atory of a Laguna Beach polloe chief who tracked down the perfect gift for his father'• birthday. Our tale beRina at a United Parool Servtc:e awarda banquet in 1936 where Neil J. Pun:ell Sr. received a fancy Elgin wriat watch. Hand-engraved on the back of the gold ,, i filled watch were these words: ., "Honor Award/4-13-36/Neil J. Purcell. In 1111 appreciation of his five year driving record i.:I without an avoidable accident. United Parcel Service." '!' ·•,°' Nell Sr . was pretty proud of that watch. Wore it every day for 17 years. Then, in 1953, he took the old timepiece Into Hegwald's Jewelry on Main Street on ,.i. Balboa and traded it in for a pair of watches for his wife and daughter. "Dad always said he was sorry he got rid of that watch," says his son, Laguna Beach Police Chief Nell Purcell. No one knows what became of the old watch for the next few decades, but it reappeared about a month ago. Brice Woodward, who operates Gus' Watch Shop in Laguna Beach, said he was going through a box of 500 or so old watches at a r.;welry shop in Santa Ana last month. 'It was in a box of miscellaneous junk watches," the jeweler said. "I was impressed with thu face and Maw It as a candld•te for reetoral1on," he uld. So he bought the wi.t.ch for about $20 alona with aever&.tl others, ond wok them back to h£8 Laguna Beach thop. lt wasn't until he began cleaning the Umepiece that Woodward noted the engravina -and the nam~ on the back . "It was just too much of a colnciden<..-e," Woodward said. The jeweler contacted the polJce chief, who confirmed the watch once belonged to hls {at her. And, since the older Purcell's birthday was coming up, the chief asked Woodward to restore the watch. Which the jeweler did. At cosl. By the time the watch collector refurbished the old Elgin, it was worth about $250. Woodward figures it cost about $70 back in 1936. Last Saturday, the police chief presented the long-lost timepiece to his father at a1 birthday party held in Newport Beach. His dad was pleasantly surprised when he opened the long slender box. "At first I thought it was one of those expensive pen and pencil sets you never use," the older Purcell laughed. "Dad retired from the United Parcel Service in 1971 and he has a lot of good memories of those years," the police chief said. Including an awards ceremony held nearly a hall century ago.' Laguna Beach Police Chief Neil Purcell (left ) surprised his father, Neil Sr., with a 46-year-old wrist watch. B~nkrupt hearing granted Troubled Woatern Data Management Ltd. of Irvine today wu granted• Nov. 18 hea.rtna In U.S. District Coµtt in Santa lulA ror ill pe\.illon under Chaple"r 11 bankruptcy proceedl.ngs. The flnn'a president and chief executive officer, Steven Alderman, said Tuesday the reorganiz.ation proceedinp were requested to protec t the company from c r editors besieging it due to "unfounded s tateme nts " by former employees. The company's unspecified assets will be frozen pertdlng the hearing, said David Warren of Irvine, the firm's attorney. Warren noted today that an unarmed guard has been posted at the firm's office in the Irvine Industrial Complex-East for 10 day1 to ensure that worried clients remain orderly. The firm specializes in collecting real estate Joan payments and disbursing them to holders of the mortgages. It charges a fee to the payer for the service, Warren explained. parking fees up Honors due for Newport plane victims Warren said the company filed a lawsuit seekinj f500,000 in damages from two former employees. claiming they spread false rumors that the firm was in financial trouble and that up to $1 million was missing. arking fees charged at John e Airport will be going up l , although not as high as been recommended by rt management. a result of action Tuesday the Orange County Board of rvisors, the 24-hour rate in the main airport parking lot, directly adjacent to the terminal, will increase from $5 to $6. The daily rate in the tong-term parking lot located north of the terminal will increase from $2.50 to $4, while monthly rates charged in employee-only lots will increase from $10 to $15. The rate proposal submitted to the board by Airport Manager Murry Cable recommended a $7 per day rate In the main airport parking lot, $4 in the long-term lot and $30 per month for employee spaces. 'peace troops' moving EIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - li troops and armor fought way into west Beirut today ead off what they called a erous situation" following bombing that killed lsraeli- ed Pr~ident-elect Bashir yel and at least 26 senior ~o~reapohdents in Beirut dr ted that leftist Moslem ltiamen fired bazookas and achine guns and the Israeli a rrk s f i r e d b a c k , s e t t i n g uildings and leftist positions ire. e Tel Aviv oommand said jta ~ were meeting resistancelln st Beirut , but were '1'lcing accordU,, to tarpc. ned to them." It said I was continuing late in oon. step has been taken to vent any renew e d anh:ation between the terrorists and the leftist militias," the Tel Aviv conunand said. It said the operation was a "limited" move "to prevent fighting and secure peace," after 'the Tuesday blast that killed Gemayel. Meanwhile, Gemayel was memoriaUzed at a solemn Maronlte Christian Mau in a mountain church. according to Beirut television and radio. (Related story Page A3.) The guards in the brown unifonns of Gemayel's Phalange Party militia threw themselves acrol8 his coUin and ~ welled ln their eyes ~ the Mau wu said at St. Abda's church in the Gemayel family's home~ of Bikfaya, 12 miles east of Bein&t. J.:llaa Sarkt+. the presid ent Gemayel wu 15> have succeeded, delivered a eulogy in which he prai9ed the alain leader's life as one dedicatecl to his ooun~. "You spent your life working for Lebanon, believing in God and in Lebanon," Sarkis said in an audio broadcast. "In spite of your age you have done more than others to try to free Lebanon with pride." Calling the 34 -year-old Gemayel "the hero of Lebanon," Sarkis said: "your name has become fainous for strength and ability.'' . The Israelis -for the first time in their 14-week-old invasion -drove into the former PLO nerve center in the Fakhani neighborhood of west Beirut. They also entered the Bir Hassan neighborhood on the edge of the Chatilla refugee camp, the coastal strip stretching from Ouzai to the burned -out Summerland Hotel, and took over the port of Beirut, correspondents reported. Weather wet California V.S. summary T empe ratures NATION 09'11on 15 ... Oonller 57 « .38 Oii MolMI 67 51 15 Detroit ea eo .32 Dullith 54 41 .3e "' Lo ~ Alblln)' 81 59 ~":\: 80 54 88 53 Alhe¥llle 83 sa Atfenll ea 69 Atllntc C1y 74 82 Aultln 115 77 81nlm0r• et eo -· 37 3e ,41 8lmllngllm 90 10 llemert:* 53 29 llollo 81 44 Booton 72 82 BtOWMY!lo " 78 8uftllo 83 5t .se 9urln0ton ee se .13 Caepor 40 33 .34 Ctlerllln SC 81 72 .03 ~nwv 82 f7 .41 a.tt1e NC 80 • E 50 40 .27 71 69 .. 70 ~ 17 81 .50 Clmble 80 ... 72 CoMnbul 83 63 120 Otl-1\ WVI " 74 El Peeo .. 81 Forgo 52 « .33 Flegstotl ee 311 Ot•t F .. 1 42 29 .oe Hertford 81 eo HWna 41 31 .06 Honotu!U 111 71 Houlton 87 78 lndMPll• ee ee Jocilen MS 112 72 JIGllllM!t 90 70 KMI City 75 eo .17 KnolMllo .. 70 U.1 Veg" .. ee Llttll Roca 93 74 ~ 87 ea 01 Lubbock 111 63 .16 ~phi• 90 14 Mteml ea 78 Milwlutl• 12 5e .01 Mpll-Sl.P 69 41 .25 NlllW!lto 90 ea .03 New OrlNn• 91 72 1.30 New YOfll II 65 Norlolk 80 69 No. Pl•ll• et 45 .06 Ollle City 115 ee 230 O!nlM et 51 02 I URf RIPOil 1~ 2-4 ft. 4-5 ft. 0 ft. t-10 ft. Mft. ~ft 3-4 ft 1-4 ft 24 ft 24 "· Mft Mft. Mft. TODAY hGond iow a:n Pm. leOOfld l'llgll 1:31 p.m. l'MUMDAY l'1rlt IOW S:ll •.m, ,..,.. Nofl t:,. • m. leooncflow 3:11 p.m 1 O lloofld lllafl t:1t p.m. t.• IUll H11 7:00 P·"'" rlHI ~U7~m MOOll Htl l ;IO p m 1 rl ... fllur'INr l'.11 • "' Cable said parking rate hikes were warranted, in part, because of the high demand placed on the airport's limited parking Caci li ties. The board's vote on the increases was unanimous. Supervisor Roger Stanton said the compromise increases were "more than fair" for all ooncerned. In other action, supervisors: -Approved a contract with Laguna Beach under which the county will subsidize bus fares for senior citi?.ens riding the city's bus line. The $7 , 750 contract will cover the cost of about 51,000 rides, officials said. -Increased rubbish collection fees for persons living in unincorporated areas of the county. Residential rates were boosted 95 cents per month for trash hauled directly to county- owned landfills and $1.65 per month for trash sent to intermediate transfer stations. The rate increase resulted from recent action by supervisors to Impose a $4 .90 per ton dumping fee at county landfills. -Accepted an offer from the Laguna Beach Boys Club for use of a portion of its Laguna Canyon facility as a "drop-in" center for the cou nt y Probation Department. Balboa residents John and Barbara Wright, killed last weekend when th~ stunt plane in which they were• flying crashed into a hillside near Reno, will be honored Saturday at the National C hampionship Air Races in Nevada. A memorial service for the couple, who kept homes in Newport Beach and Reno. will be held Saturday prior to the start of the races. Wright and his wife were flying a P -51 stunt plane outside Reno for a demonstration that was to kick off preliminary racing for the show . Wright, an aviation buff and a former airplane racer, was a chief pilot for Pan Am Airlines out of Los Angeles. He was flying a single-engine World War D plane that he had purchased more than 10 years ago in the Philippines. A graduate of Stanford University, Wright served in the Air Force and joined Pan Am in 1964. His wife was active in several Newport Beach civic groups and is a former Newport Beach librarian. She also graduated from Stanford. River story areas, correeted • seminar Monday's story in our Santa Ana River series incorrectly identifJed areas of the Orange Coast that would be spared from damage in a major flood. The areas are a strip in Huntington Beach and a small portion of Fountain Valley roughly bordered by the Pacific Ocean, Newland Street. the southern tip of Westminster and Edwards Street, plus two areas several blocks in size east of Huntington Harbour and west of the Naval Weapons Station in Seal Beach. Because of a typographical error, the date of the aeminar by James Melton, s pons9red by Religious Science of Irvine, was reported inaccurately. The seminar will be at 10 a.m. Sundav at 15455 Jeffrey Road. The Daily Pilot re,vec. thia error. FALL PAINT SALE Meanwhile, three investigators from the state Department of Real Estate joined those from the Irvine Polire Department and the Orange County District Attorney's office in examining the company's records. The paperwork was obtained two weeks ago by police officers "who presented a search warrant at Western Data Management's 1 Wrigley St. office. Police Lt. Bob Lennert said the investigation will take at least another week before authorities can allege whether criminal activity was involved. Schools lose 700 students About 700 fewer students than last year s howed up for the first day of school in the Newport- Mesa Unified School District, officials reported. Attendance Monday was 16,- 130, compared with 16,870 last year. In the last five years, the district has lost an average of about 1,000 students each year. However, there were 100 more kindergartners 'registered Monday, the first Increase reported in recent years. PAULING. • • From Page A1 "People have looked at EDT A in the past and there has been shown no effect on arteriosclerosis. "I think the case is closed in the medical community." Nevertheless, Pauling remains undaunted in his research efforts. He was labeled a crank when he suggested large doses of vitamin C would prevent the ~mmon cold. Pauling said he takes 12 grams of the vitamin a day, and increases that level to 40 grams when he feels a cold c:omin${ on. 'l.o w'.:'f>..,,. -· """''' ..._...,,,,,,. Pittsburch Paints I Raz Stains I Gallon Free With Purcha•• of Ivery Two Gallon• lndudes All PPG Products In Gallons Off•r Good Thru Sept. 30, 1982 more than you expect In a hardware store 4i1'' CROW• {· ~~~) HAR WARE MM ,. ...... ?_. . Ccirw.... ....... *" c... 3107 I. c.. ....,. ,., ... =°'· tn-1• ~ ... M:IO ..,.., • a • . ,. ,. . lllllll:UIT . WEONESOAV, SEPTEMBER 15, 1912 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA · ' • __ · ,:~5 CENTS I Banning hackers lose on halloi D.-r l"tkl4 Photo by GMt Ambr-· Caro l Tompkins of Huntin gton Beach pedals to her job in Costa Mesa alo ng Ad ams Avenue today, bundled up against some unusuaJly inclement weather. Rain to continue Light showers, brought by an upper level low front Crom Northe rn California, will continue intermittently through Thursday morning. A s p okesman trom the National Weather Service said the skies will be mostly clo udy through Thursday, with a 30 percent chance of showers through the morning. Los Angeles recorded .1 of an inch by mid·morning today, but no precipitation was recorded at John Wayne Airport by 11 a.m. lt was ratning hard, nowever, in some sections of C.OSta Mesa. The weather service said inland highs will be 73 in Orange County, with an overnight low of 65. Beach temperatures will be in the low 70s, d ipping to the mid·60s. Challenge of N-M union clouds pact A challenge by a rival union asking to represent teachers in the Newport.Mesa Unified School District has left the validity of a r~ntly ratified contract, granting a 3 percent pay raise, in question. Trustees i.n the district decided Tue9day not to take any action to implement the contract approved Friday by the Newport·Mesa Federation of Teachers after the Newport·M esa Education Aaaociation filed a decertification petition. The California Teachers Association affiliate filed the petition signed by 30 percent of the district's 800 teachers with the state Public Employment Relations Board, which must. decide if an election will be held. "We're JUSt salting here in Jimbo," said K evin Wheeler, assistant superintendent for personnel and chief negotiator for the district. "If the state Public Employment Relations Board instructs us to have an election then the result would be that we did not have a contract." A spokeswoman for the state agency said no decision regarding an election has been made. The Newport·Mesa Education Association represented the district's teachers until 1979 when instructors voted to switch to the AFL·CIO affiliate , Newport·Meaa Federation of Teachers, to represent them ln contract negotiations. Supporters of the multi· mllllon dollar Banning Ranch development ln Newport Beach have lost a legal bid to erase portions of a ballot argument against the proposed development. The fate of the Banning Ranch, a 76-acre hunk of land in west Newport, will be decided by voters In the Nov. 2 election. The ballot argument against the controversial project, written by three pent0ns, was challenged as being misleading and vague. But Orange County Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. refused to make any conclusions on the ar&U!Tient, saying instead that it is protected by the First Amendment. Science goal· told b y Pauling By JOEL C. DON OflM Delly Piiot Stett Two-time Nobel Prize winner Linus Pauling stopped off at Chapman College to receive an award, but the controversial scientist didn't leave the Orange campus without dropping a hint he is about to embark on research into another unorthodox and unproven medical treatment. The former Caltech chemist told the c,'Ollege board of trustees and later re porters at a press conf erence Tuesday he is directing efforts of h is Palo Aho-based Linus Pauling Institute of Science and Medicin e at an unaccepted treatment for heart disease. Pauling, who claims vitamin C is good for just about whatever ails you, said the treatment is called chelation therapy. The technique involves Injection of a chemical into the body that binds with harmful substances whic h then are naturally excreted. In he art disease, or arteriosclerosis, the chem ical EDTA is used to remove calcium that tends to harden fatty plaques that line af1ery walls, Pauling said. It is these plaques that eventually restrict the Oow of blood in victims of cardiovascular disease. The diminished now can cause pain known as angina peclOris and may damage the heart muscle. Roulette wheels were sto pped and blackjack cards packed away. The suJt wu filed by Newport Beach Councilman Phil Maurer on behalf of Citizens for a Better Newport, a group that vowed to raise and apend $30,000 In support of the project. Targets of the Jawauit were Jean Watt, Mike Johnson and Richard Nichols -the trio that authored the contested ballot ar~ent. Watt emerged from court hot under the collar. "This lawsuit represents an attempt by one or more Newport Beach-City Council members to denigrate the reputation of responsible citizens who disagree with them," said Watt. She charged the suit was little ' I Linus Pauling Blockage of on e or more coronary arteries may cause a heart attack. Pauling said he believes the EDTA therapy may soften the plaques and lessen the risks of the No. l killer of Americana. He said chelation therapy probablv would helo all forms of atheroeclerosis, the general tenn for diseases of the arteries including heart disease and stroke. "We're beginni.ng to work on it (chelation therapy) to see if it's effective," he said. However, in reaction to this thesis, a UC Irvine cardlol~st noted that EDTA. chelation therapy has already been proved to be of no value in the treatment of arteri09clerosis. "In a theoretical sense it's possible it could work but it has been tried and shown not successful," said Dr. Jonathan Tobis in a telephone interview, (Sff PAULING, Pase .U) more than an attempt lO harass, inUmJdate and waste the money of crltJca of the Banning Ranch project. "We are prepared to meet them head-on as we have much more personal knowledge of what our statement.a represent than they have of their reprehensible ad:uaations." <.;ouncllman Maurer, who charged the ballot argument exaggerated estimated lncrea.ses In air pollution, traffic and airport trips the project would bring, was not available for comment. Developer Bill Banning said he remains convinced that the ballot argument is mtsleading. "The effect of all this la either that it will be damaging to th4S project or the voters -will realize the argument is mtsleadlng and go the other way." The lawauit represents tht; second Jegal challenge to th~ project in a month. In Auguat, councU candidate Allan Beek -a critic of the development project -filed a suit against the city, claiming that the city's ballot language it confusing. Beek said it la confualn' because voters wanting to vote no on the project will have to vote yes. His Jegal cJalm waa rejected. Bus riders to LA stranded by strike By FREDERICK SCHOEMEHL 0( the Dally "'°' •tllfl An estimated l,300 Orange County residents had to find alternate means of travel to Los Angeles today as a result of the midnight walkout by Southern California Rapid Transit District drivers. : A spokeswoman for the Orange County Transit District, C separate agency not a!fe<:ted l;ly the strike action, said the majority of riders traveled a route ex~nding from Santa Ana and Fullerto~ to the Los Angeles Civic Center. Madeleine Bickert, OC'rD community relations director, sai~ Los Angeles·bound bus l"idens should either contact Amtrak o~ Commuter Computer, a car pooling matching service, lO find 31' alternate means of travel to Los Angeles. Bickert said OC'rD, because of agreements with RTD, canno( place buses in service on the temporarily inoperative RTD routes. "A Jot of people have asked us why we don't do it. We have agreements and our drivers belong to the union. They wouldn't go for it," Bickert said. "And, we're simply not equipped to handle it," In addition lO the Santa Ana·Los Angeles route, RTD also operates services to the El Segundo area from Orange County. Bickert said the RTD strike has created "a lot of confusion" among Orange County residents who rely on OCTD. ''OCTD is not affected by the strike. Our service is operating,'' she explained. The RTD drivers went on strike at midnight after talks with ma.nacement broke down. It is the fifth RTD strike in 10 years. OCTD has been affected only once by a strike action -i.n February 1981 when driven walked out for three weeka. The RTD drivers put the brakes on for an estimated 600,000 commuten today, leaving downtown Loe Angeles traffic more snarled and dangerous than usual in a light rain.. "We've had a light rain all morning and that always causes some fender benders, but they are a lot more than nonnal," said California Highway Patrol spokesman Monty Keifer. "There att just a lot more people out there, and they're all jockeying for position." CHP Sgt. Ernie Garcia said commuters f.aoed up to 45·minute delays getung to work, as much because of the raln as the extra' traf(ic. Once downtown, drivers found parking Jot.a full earlier than usual, meaning extra time looking for a place to park and a longer walk to work. Walter Mondale echoes '8 0 campaign with criticism of 'vood oo economics' Ex-VP rips Reagan CamJ>Q.lanlna ln California on behall -of bmiOcratic candidates, former Vice Prealdent Walter Mondale has called the Reagan administration's formula for righting the economy .,bad medicine" that la undermining the country's ability to become strong QRain. Mondale -who officially is exploring the possibility of a presidential bid ln 1984 -looked every bit the candidate as he campaigned in Orange County on Tuesday for Rep. Jerry Patterson. D·Santa Ana, who La seeking re-election. Looking flt and relaxed, Mondale moved eaaily from table to table shaking hands and chatting with the nearly 200 Patterson supporter• who had paid $25 per perac>n to attend the breakfast fundraiaer at the Disneyland Hotel · Echoing words reminiaoent of the 1980 presidential campaign when then·presidential hopeful George Bush characterized Reaaan's economic proposals as "voodoo economics," Mondale repeatedly referred to Reagan'• economic remedies as "bad medicine.'' The Minneeota Democrat said the adminiatratlon is explaining away the terrible shape of the economy by aaying it Is going lO take "tough medicine" for the· economy to right ltaeJl. "The tough medicine argument ia what you are going to hear between now and the election -that it's patriotic to go bankrupt or loee your job because you are helping out America." Citing the admlnlatraUon'1 failures in deaJlng with t he economy, Mondale aid what la needed is investing ln plant.a aJld equipment, helpin g am a11 businesses to prosper I lncreaainc consumer spending, reducing federal deficits and cutting the size of government. Instead, Mondale cont.ended, industry 11 having its moat "dismal" perlod In 40 years, small·bualnea bankruptcies are at their highest level .ma-1932 and conaumer •pending ii off 9 percent ln this quarter~- In addition, Mondale aid \he profit 1tructure of American business is ln the wont shape lh 50 yean and American expor1I have "plummeted 20 percen t since th.la crowd cook office." · -1180----"' Monaco mourns Princess Grace MONTE CARLO, Monaco (AP) -The death of Princess Grace brought grief today to the sunny aeaalde principality she helped rule and atunned American fans who never atopped loving the Oacar· winning ecttesa even aft.er 1he left them for a prince. The former Grace Kelly died ln a Monaco hospital Tue9day at the -ae of &2 from • cerebral hemorrhap, about 36 houri aft.er her c:ar 10meraaulted 120 feet down a rnountainalde, t.rapJ>'na the princell lnlJde. Her funeral. will t.aike pbce S.turday at 11 a .m. (3 a.m. PIYI') at the Boman C.t.hoJJc Cathedral of Monaco. I Flags flew at half staff today atop the royal palace overlooklnl the Mediterranean and at ban.kt along the Boulevard des MouUna. Prince Rainier was at h.la wife's bedside "practically without interruption," a palace 1pokeaman uld without 1pecUylng whether he waa actually there when ahe died. One French report quoted wltnease1 aa aaylna Rainier quietly left about 30 mlnutH before Gntee died at 10:30 p.m. (1:30 p.m. Pin') ln the hospital bearinc her name. The younaett of the couple'• thret children, 17-yur·old Stephanie -the only other j person In the car ~ suffered what a medical bulletin de9Clibed aa BeVere bruiainc and remained "under obaervation" ln the aame hoepltal. Grace's other children, Princ..'81 Caroline, 26. and Crown Prince Albert, 24, were In Monaco, a palace official con(lrmed. T h e tiny prlnclpallty o n a rocky alice ot the French Riviera Immediately went into mournlna when G r ace'• d eath wa1 AMOUnced Jult before mAdnliht. In the 1llu ertn1 cu.lno that mad• Monaco tamou e i n Edwardian u.n., roulett. wheela were bfoucht to a atop and the blac:kjJck card• pack.cl away. The fioodl ghia were turned off. and the doors quietly closed. Ac1'0ll Caelno Square, the gaudy Cafe de Parll cloeed, aa did all the reat.auranta, cafes. ban and nl1h t1pot1. The uaually lively atreetl were cte.ened. Acroa the yacht·filled harbor, the uaually fioodllt royal palace on the "Rock of Monaco" 1tood ln darkJ\eu. PoJlce allowed only offidal can to drlw up to the 1t.1telv Orimald1 family home. "It'• 1hocltln1," Mid Herve notet. a hotel bell captain. "She ..... a pude dune .•• Trtbutn to the champape· haired Phlllldelphla nauve bepn powiq ln from the 1\NW of 1* llollfwood paat . ' - Orange Cout DAILY PILOTIWednMday, 8eptem1Mr 151 1982 NB Dow Jones Final UP 7.45 CLOSING 830.41 Factory, output drops • nt1ne WASHINGTON (AP) -In another blow to hopes for an economic recovery. the government reported today that production. by the nation's fac1ories and mines fell 0.5 percent m August, the 11th decline in 13 months. The d rop reflected "continued cutbacks in production of business equipment and a sharp cut in output of motor vehicles," the Federal Reserve Board wd. d The Commerce Department reported Mon ay that retail sales declined 0.9 percent In August, crushing hopes that the July 1 tax-ra~e cut would encourage Americans to increase spending and thus spur recovery from the recesaton. Weinberger to speak Secretary of Defense Caspar Weinberger will be a ~ speaker at the 20th annual Orange County Economic Outlook Conference to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center on Oct. 20. : Weinberger will join 11 leaders in business and • government to speak at the conference expected .to draw over 1,500 participants. Each speaker w1Jl address the conference theme ''Business Works: America Profits." For infonnation, call 634-2900. Recession on hold? SACRAMENTO (AP) -A California economic index remained unchanged in July, suggesting that the recession in the state has hit bottom, says state Finance Director Mary Ann Graves. Ms. Graves reported Tuesday that the Index of Leading Economic Indicators stbod at 119.3 for July, the same as in June. Il has been about the same for five months, except for a small upturn in May. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS -1 WolUlfl'I fJf J An\All'1ft"" > PSINI 4.1_. ·~ J Pottkkptr • UAA. lllC 1 Ant "'""" • AMn(ley '"'E'· .. 10 "'M9rwUle 11 Rt IJ lltQllllEll ut...,..m 14 Ill,.. (.JClpf U tt•t Inc; n It OMO Inc 11 Un,...,. Min • w111111,.. °'' " TfltonE.llOY 26 81KOYF'SL JI E.AI.. wtO 2J Vet..., Ind ncn,.._,....,. u "-M'llOCo GOLD COINS ~· Up 14.I Up 1U Up IU Up •A up •.4 Up 1.t Up 7.1 lip 1.1 Up U Up 7.0 Up ._, Up '' Up H Up '1 Up •.1 Up •J Up ._. Up ._) Up U Up ._, Up ._, Uo •O Up s• Up U Pn ()ti ,. Oft ,, ()ti 7.S Ott 7.l Off l.J Oii 7 I Off t.O Off U Off u Off UI Ott u Off » Oft ).J Oft SA Off u Off u Ott u Off u Ott I.I Off u Oii u Oii s.o Off u Oii ... NEW YOAI< (AP) -Prlco1 late rv..Gay ol OOld oc>lnl, compared with ~·e>rte. Ki....-1Mld. t troy 01 , 14511.00. on at=.,.. teef, 1 troy 01 , 1468 211, Ott ae.oo. .. ... 00 ......_to,.... 1.2 troy oa. • ..,_,.. · off S10 eo .._ ,._.,. ._ ~ te02 ltO)' OI , 1433.1&. on suo. MElALS . " NEW YORK (APJ -Spol nonlerrci&.• me1.i pr-IOcllly • Copp•t 70llt-73 cenl• • POUllO u.il 0.llNllOne ' '--26-29 -.11 • pound : ZlllC 40~2 ewtlt a po.Ind ~.cl : Tin St! 3212 Mel ... Weet. compotill lllj Al;lf'lllflllm 76-71 ewtll I POUnd. H Y , ..... ~ $340 00 I* nui. : "•""""' Ue5 00-~n oo troy oun~•· NY ~ SILVER . . ~ . Helldy & Hiiimen, ta 9~ I* lroy ouoc+ l GOLD QUOTATIONS •r TM A-i.t.d ..,_ Selt1c:l.O WO<kl Vold pr-IOday 1..ondott ln0f"4na n'l!no '444 75 on st 60 London alle•noon ll•lng '40.26, c)fl 1 1100 ; P•loa all•noon H•"'ll $q4 14, up 13.~ f~ritw1 ll•WIO ~ 02. on 17 .oo. Zwrich lelo eltOtl>OOll l\.tlf19 '4<13 00, '" .. 50 bid, $444 50 -9(1 H1nd1 a """''" Conly d elly quotol 1443 ~. oll S II 00 ' I~ (only dolly quole) '443 25. ~ '11 (ii) • Efl99fh,erd (only deity quolo) lebrlcet.O '46S 41 on St I~ SYMBOLS .•