HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-09-16 - Orange Coast Pilot------___............ ,. .. -----.. _____ ..,.._. -------- DRAllif COAST YOUR HOMITDWN DAllY PAPIR THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 18. 1982 ORANGE COUNTY, CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Dell' Pllol Photo by Patrick O'Donnell Bulldozers build up s and barrit•r· to stavt• off hi~h \-\''avt•s tn Surfsidt•. -~ tempers flare Ill Surf side flood fight • By BOB BARKER Of lti. Dally Pllol Blatt The US Navy and tht• fede1.d gove rnml:'nt c.:ame unJ1•r t-r1t1c.:1~m fro m a numbl•r of Surfsach· Colony rc·s1dc·nt:. as bulldozt•n, w o rked latt• tnto t h e night Wednesday prolt'<.·ttng the home•:. from flooding f111m high wat(•r earl11·r 1r1 1h1 d..iy wht•n l'lty off1l'1:.ils pul •lll t .111 t•m(•fgl'lll'V t•;:ill lo lht· l'OUrtly T hl' hullclut1•r:... wor k 111g 111 s1ngl1• file· <ind with light-. •Ill, w1dt'nt'<l tht· barrwr l1• .1h11ut JS f ••(•I "'The guver11111enl screw~d the w holt• thing up." l. 'hrp~ .,( 1-~ngtnt'l'fS "should 1 ••flit· tn and hl'lp us out " Oth<'r rt·:odents ~:.i ad t lh·y lx·l11•vt·d thl• Navy has bt•l•n grnng t110 ::.low 1n 1•ffurls to 1•asl· tht· -.1t uat1on All residences 1n the endangered northern part of the community made 11 through the night unscathf'd aftt•r bulldowr crews from Orange County put up a 10 12 foot high sand barrwr by tht' tam<' a 6 5 foot htgh tacit· hit at 8.31 p.m Only 2 1'-J fc•c t l)f sa nd separall'd lhP sandbagged homl'S Takeoff • noises decrease Ta k c• o f I n o 1 st' I e v 1· I ~ attr1but.ablc• to Panfat• SouthWt'SI A 1 r I 1 n e !> h a v t• d r o p p e d "s1gmf1cantly" in two Wt'<'ks the apparent n'!'ull o f pressure placed on t hl' carr1£-r by Orange County Sup1•rv1sur Thomas Riley Ri!Py l(IOk t h t.> San Ott'go- based cL1rric•r tn tht• woodshed r~ntly ah N learning that PSA. which opt•ratl'S four flights dally from Orangt• County . had excc<'dc>d allowah)I· tak1-<1ff n1J1St.• levels The <1mnunl of addPd noise, howC'vc>r, wa.-; <'Onstdered minor and C'Ould not bt· dete<:ted by the h uman 1·.ir .• 111or<l1n~ lo county off1 c1als ..N,on<'th<•lf'ss. PSA told Riley m a Sept 10 lc•tl.t'r that JI Wa.5 intent on l:x>mg a "good nf'1ghbor" and would alt<•r t,,kN1ff prrx.'edurC'S to r e duce' n otst· t•xposure over c l osr 1n airport arra neighborhoods . The carrier appar<'ntly had been SUl'N"S.'lfUI Chris Edwards , ;in airport nOISf' abatement orf1 c 1al , said P S A 's avC'rag<' 1ak1•orf noise' (See NOISE. Page A2) Th1•y Wl'fl' back 011 tht· Jt•h .11 6.:w a m today ge111ng n ·ady f11r a nother htgh lid<' of ti 4 ft."t •t ..it 9 19 1onight that ofr1n..ils fl'.tl m;:1v combine w ith hurrH.11w Noim.in to bnn~ mon · VvtJt.'' Rcs1dt·n1 Al Golgart '><IV:. 1h1· "1<ovt•rnnwn1 S(Tewcd thl· wh11l1· thing up" by putting in :i n x·k J('tty .it Am1he1m Bay during thl' l'arlv l!H Os Tht• Jl'll~'. S1-.1I Ht .tt'h 11fr1t·1,t1~ 'wlV, CJUM•S W,1\'t"' t111·:1111111 \II th1· dr~·;,a 11f tht• ~UI f:..1d1· hom('S ;,aml c..irry sand to II un11ngton &·aeh ..ind N1·wpc1rt 8'-;wh • 1 h1 N..iv\ ~h11uld fix JI t;oJgar l sa1t.J "Tlwy 11· :.uppoSt·d to ht· proll'( \mg our ... hon·ltnl'" Tw1·lvt> vt•ar 1 l':..1cl1•nl H1·rb Tyranaul'r, · ~1n andu:..tnal de-sign proft•ssor al C.al St.ill' Loni( Dall, Piiot Photo by Gary Ambfoee An unidt>ntifif'd . <'3Vf'nAc>r ~earcht'!-1 throulo(h r.-f u sf' in Costa M.-sa. Somclimt~s th•~) ••!'ltrikc· ~o ld" in olhf'r p.-opl t··~ discard!'. B1·a1·h, '-ltd ht· '>('<''> "!. pc•rstslt·nt f loodu1g th1 1'.1l h1·1 0:1U:.1 of thl' )('tty H t· :..;1d ht• lH·l11.·v1•:. tht· ~ov1•rnnwnt sh ould ton:.trUll J pc•rp<·ndit ul.ir .)('llY .1s tht· l.><:ltt w.Jy l11 prot1~·t home-... S1•al lkal'h d 1ty Count'llman V1l'tur Grgas safd ioch1y he holds thP Navy rc-sponsihlP for creatmg thl' <'rosron problt•ms Hi; addr.d _ t h at St'ah1•l'' :ind th1• Army City MOJn ager Allt•n J.'arkC'r said earlier he expected Navy SC'abec·s t o assist 1n s and n:plC'n1 shm e nl but t hat they t hanged the ir mmds w hc·n lh<'y rC'ahzl'd that the area was a nv1han and not a Navy bt-al'h Parkc·r a lso dtsdosed C'urlil•r 1h<.1 t thC' ci ty of Seal Bl'a<.:h 1s prt•panng a lawsuit agams t th<' f1·dC'ral government tu 1·oll£'l'I 11bout $750.000 Ln city t'OSL' "O rw f!tl~ driH'!-1 up t•H·r~ (ht) al 6:5.=) a .m . r \ t' 1 ....... told h··· ... locut•·cl :· By JOO I C:ADENHEAO 01 the Delly Pllol Slett Thi• bald1111( man 'll'pp<•d 11ut of his latt• modt•I Uldltniobllr Iii... w1ft· Wdtlt-d 111 th<' t·ar whiil' ht· rumm.1gc-<f through th1· trash btn bl•h111d tht• Newport Bt•ae h supc•rmL1rkf'l pulling out a touplt- of nic·" c;1wd black ruhhf>r mats A lc-s.' PXp<'rtl'nuod S('aveng1•r 1111ght h;w1· OVC'rlookt'<I the• pcitr of m<tL'-hul tht· trash d1gg1•r. ltk1• othpr n·~ular,, k rww what h1• was drnng L1k1· tht• mdn bl'fort him who had f1shC'd d hox of m<waroni uut of th•· -.u p1·rmark1·1 dumpstc•r ftlll-d Wt\h I mpty hoXC'S, w1lt1-d lt•ttun .1nrl a < <irlon of c;m..ill plums ht• 11·fu~'<i to t.alk di)(>ul thu rt'< l..im.1tion habit "om1• merc-hanl" 1·vnu·allv rPfrr to a-. "sC'<'un<I Jt ob~ " · Ont•f' n111~1d1•1 t'<l tht• purvll'W of th<· poor. trash d1gg1ng h<ts lwconw m1ir1· popula r wnh th1· m1ddl1• class ;111d rvf•n thl' l'll'h during lht• c·urn•nt n'('('SS1on "Wt> h11v1· our re~ular pt"i>plt• who E(<1 through thl' trash every d a v . ' ' -. .1 1 d F r a n k. M a d d c• n . mana~1·r of Smith"; rood King in NC'wporl Rt•ad1 "Ont• guy dnvC$ up PV1•ry tlav at h 55 am It 's lik.C' a JOb r111 lum l'v1• bt-.·n t11ld hP's load1vl " M ost s1·r11ung1·rl> risl' 1·arly . 111.ik1ng a round of th1· l111•al -.u pt•rmarkt't dumpstc•rl> b1•furi Ill her S<.'aVc'ngl'~. rlit·~ and llll' .ll'tual rcfuS<' rollec·tors an 1v1• ProdUt'C' past 1Lc; pnml' ltlr 11 hoxt•c; of foe.id and s\4!11• bn·;ul «r1· the· m1ii..1 rommunly sought .1f11'1 1h•m:-; 11'\· trash huntt•n; flpforc· moving fr11n1 l1.il111 Spnn~s to Sm1th'o; rood K111~ 111 * * * Sometimes, Thi· lovt ly ancl M·1·1111n,i.tlv hr.ind I)('\' ru"sl't fur Ja< kt'I d1-.cov1·r<'d in J sup1•rm.1rk1•t trn-.h htn in Cost.a Ml'sa provt-d 10 b1 a lutkv and unuc;u;il find du1 ing a :.t.:an·h ror discard-. Tht• d yC'd rabbit Ja1 kf't w;is lying on top of .i pil1· of rubb1~h , UlllOUl'hl·d and OV(•I lo11kl'Cl bv 11n111 hl'r .!'l.:'avt•ngc•r who had l)C'f'i1 1>1·1·rtnl{ into tht• bin sl'l·nnd s hf'furP Aul lhl' Jacket tUrnl'<l out tu lx· .i ran• trt'asure L1k1· tht· pnnt"I.''-" who had to klS.<, a lot or toads, trac;h d1ggrr-; havt• to loo k through man,t' garba~1 · c,111, hc.'fnrl' hitting gold A thn'<'·hour S(•an-h o f trnsh b111s in Cost.a Mesa and N1·wport Beat·h tu rnPd up I 1 tt I<' c· ls1 · or INDEX Ex-Iran leader executed Oirlf·r~ nrt' th, .. modt>rn-doy h e rof's oncl why s houldn't th<·y bt>? Erma Romlwck 'rihs tho"•' who ••nt 1, • ._._ on Pag<" A 7 . At Your &•rv11·1· F.nna Bombc~:k Busin<'S.<; Cavak;idc ClassifiNi Comic~ Crossword Df'a th Notices StAn Delaptanc Ed1 tonal Enl£'rtainment lntenn1ssion A4 A7 fl0.7 /\ 7 1)4 ll 0 2 02 OJ A7 A6 C7 C7 Ann I ..and<'r.; M,.w if'S Mutual Funds Public Nottl't'S Sports Dr S t<'lnl'rtihn Stock Markets Tl'IC'vis1on ~I 'h'cl\tel'!; Weather WQrld Nt>ws A7 l'7 8'1 C4 !U>3·4 C t ti A7 R7 Cl:! • ("'1 • A'J. A:i NICOSIA. C:y p1 u' tAPl Sadegh Ghotln.ad1·h. tlw formPr Iranian forr1gn m1nistN who ft·ll from favor aftt'r oppo111ng spy tnals for th<' Am<•n c·un host.agrs 10 T1'hran, was 1•xC'C·utc:d by a firing squad for plotting to topple Ayato llah Ruhollah Khomeini's government, thc orfk111l Iranian news agC'nc:y ri•portC'd today The news agency !RNA said th<' C'XC<.'Ut1on WM rnrrtro OUI tn T ehf§h Qfi'W~rii'S(foy·-nigtit on lhP basis o ( a VC'rdtct LS..'I U<'Ci by thf' A rmy Rr vnl ut1 o na ry Tribunal a nd 11pproved b y lhc High Judw1al Court !RNA gave no Other details or t ht' l')(f'('Utton Ghotbzckh. -IH was arrestC'd early 1n April and t•hargC'd with m astPrm1 nci1 ng a pl o t to o v C' r t h r o w t h <' I s I :i m 1 l' govC'rnm1•nt u nd assnss1naH• Khom<:'tnl, his 11nc·-t1m<' mentor and lran's ciuprl'ml' r<>volul10n11ry l<'ader Hts t1t•ii \1' Kho meini wcrf' evide nt 1n l 979 when GhotbzadPh returned h ome afl('r 20 yean un the same air_plane 8!I ·rfle exiled" relfgious leader · and promptly e merged 8" one of the most powerful men in lran. He had been o n e or Khome ini's clo!test conf1dent11 since the ayatolla h was exiled by the late •, Shah of lrrrn, Mohammad Rt'7.a Pahhw1, in 1963 G h o t b z ad e h w a s n <1 m c• d forr1({11 minis ter a f<'w dnys aftc:r s tud(.'nt radicals sem-d thP US Embassy, taking AmcrH·on!il host.age in November 1979 AhC'r 444 days in captivity, th1• 52 host.ages w ere released Jan 20, 1981 -the da y P r('s1d e nt Reagan took office. Qurin,g _tb~ ~ar!,y_mol)t)).s of. \he ... h08t.age ('risi.B, Gholbzadeh's face became a n1ghlly fealure o n American television screens ash<" answered questions and gave his government's pos1t1on on th<' hoeu.ges. Storm due to touch Coast llurrH :111t· N 111111a11, 11111vtng l>l11 wl y f ru111 Ml•x 11·11 t11wa rd Soulh•".rn Calif11rn1:i. may trigger ::.omt· l1wa I "" n f <l 11 bf'f ore 1 ts arri val, Nat1on..il W t-&1t ht•r S1•rv11·1• fon~·;:i::.ll't ~ smtl today Wc·:11h1•r S1•rv11·<· ::.p<Jkc·sm<in s('llll Mt'O\Z(•r ::.a1tl 40 pl.·n:e n l l' h ,1 11 t l' I) f !> h I/ W l' r S a n.d thundt·rshowl·rs today w ould 1nen·:.1Sl.' to liO pl'rn•nl tonight and through Friday 111· said Hurrtt·anl' Norman, localt'l.l ubuut 1,000 m11l-s south- ::.outhwest <1f SC:1n D1t<go ('arly tod av. Wils '>t·nding moist air 11 o rthward 111 mix wll h the t•x1st1ng mannl' air, int·reasing the• prospec·t oi loc.:al showers Mt·ntwr addt'Cl . huw<.·vl·r, that Southern C<tliforn1a would not fl<t·I the hurncum·'s winds until \ht· storm movt·s into the area, pHhaps t•<:1rly nt•Xt Wt't.•k . Alo ng with thl' t h a nce o f show1·r:. Friday, fon.'C:as tcrs said to t·xpl't't variablt· <:lo udiness along th t· eoast, with lt-mpt•ratures pt•ak1ng m the high 70s and dropping to uvc·rnight lows in th<' high 50s Vt:tt'ran weather wa_lt•hc r J S h t' r m a n D t' n n y s a 1 d Wt·dnesday's 1ntt·r m1t1 c n1 :.how<·rs producl:d 04 of an inch of moisture> in thC' rain gauge at his Hun11ngton Beach horn<.· Ht• so1d hl· ha!> rl'<.'Ordt-d 14 of an 1nd1 of ram ror the rain year that begun July I He .said the a rc·a had no mcasurabll' rain by this lime last year ,.. Ml'anwhilc a freak September hallswrm, las11ng JUSt 30 minutes but spewing marbl('-s1u-d l'hunks or tl'e, battered the WITl(' grape region o f Me n docino County while snow and lightning storms triggered powt·r failur('S across Northern Cailfom1a Mendocino County Agr1cuhure Director Andy DiGrass1 said he was unable to estimat e the damage to the grape crop caused by the deJu~e or SOml' SIX inches ISee STORM , Page A2) C'tJSW Mt'S<I, s tort' managt•r Rich Owings said he• frtoqu<'ntly saw ~·roung!'r' 1n tht• dt•M•rt rt'sort town "It happt'l\S mut·h mun·.111 the ,If flul·nt areas," said Ow10gs "Tht•y rt•ahw that pc'Oph.• will be rnuth mor1• finicky a nd thl' stores• ISef' SCAVENGERS, Page A2) * * "': a treasure valu1• and little that was C'dtbl<' Stun•s in b<'tler n<'1ghborhoods h<lvc l<'ss blt'm1s hrd fruit -a t drton of plums and som<' slightly ""tlt<'d lettuce Wl'rt' among the \up off l'rtngs Most trash d1ggt•r.. st.art at 6 ,, m and have finish ro c'Oll,'C·ting l>v flam Lc·1t11Ct' and tomatoc-s that can look almost app<'a iing 1n the C'arly morning dampnc:;s turn putrid when surrounded by fues m the• hot a h t'moon sun Food and produt•e still in bags ~lr C'artons Sf"t.•m to tl€' 1 hc most popular rinds Stor<' managt·rs sa id that otherwise good food ll> t<>SS<'d out 1f th<• box has bet.-n opened or if thC' expiration datl' has passed udegh Ghotbzndt'h c ~ .... --·---- s 1111111uu Cou•I DAil Y Pll 0 I I Tt1u1 tailuy S u 1embu1 16. IU8:l Robot not glamorous, but it gets j ob don e. Hy Jot-:1. C' UON 01 ,,.. o.i1r l'l101 •••H t 1111v1•1111011 l't•1111·1 Mnn· thun 70,0llll v1 .. 1t111 ., IA. e· I 4' t• lC IH' < I 1• ti a I t )11 1·xl11h1l11111 11r lh1· l.111· .. t 111 ltl lll(IUlt•I .111d l'lt01 tt 11 l)ll \'((UIJllllt'll\ 'l'ht• 1•vt•11t d1 t•w ::.11 111.111y pt'i1plc• tha t l.><Juths sp1ll1'tJ out 1nl0 u 11takc11h1ft tt•11t Th11M' 1n tt·r1·1;tl'd in hotnl' and 111111 "1lli11111111111 .. 1111 ... k .. "'"' lh11 ·1· .. 111tt:. .• ti,,, tl11 1111••1 \\ 111 1111\ """"' ""'l'·l• 1 '"' li11111.111 lndu .. 11 v r "f111 •..,1•11tu11v1·11 oil k t111W l•·1lt(••d I h1•1·1• 1-. ~t<' 111 • lltl p 11IiJ11 ft 'U I 11 f \lit• u1111l11uKht of tlll'iw hum1111 llkt• lltlll'hlrlt's. Orll' 1·11r11't•rn 111 thot workt.•rN will bt· d11:1~lut't'tl 111 th1• 11111v11·11. wr· \,\-e·t r· 111t1111hll1·d to Uuli h y tl11· Huhot, 011 11l l11hl1• nt•ulul\· l h u l t'( I u Id OU ""'I I (I I 111 II .. hu1111111 11111kl'1 111 jll'>l 11h41llt t•vt·1 y lu::.k I\ l •1b111 t>ll I h r· 1 t•gulu1 i 11:.t .. r the· clfty t111w .,o~•P opt•ru "U.1 ys of 0111 L1 Vl'!l' .. 1::. .1 11w111li1·1 of 1111 Sc·tt-t'll /\t'llll!:I (;lllld 'l'lt .1t '-, ll1illywt1od Nvw ftlt>t'I thl' l:1·111•r;il Elt'(·tnc: P!'i Pr<i('1·s." P laut ""Over a long pe riod., tht• robot will outpace the human." It h.1:-. .1.11111t· p ru~r.111 1 l'apab1l11 y. l'..t n pL•rrv1m rt'fll'llllVt· u1·t1 v1t 11·s to an at,·u1 <H')' of OOH 111t·h. Kra::.ps up tu:!:! pound::. .md 1::. U~'il to h:rnd It· 111..i tt•t ta ls. Wt• Id um.I aSM•111lilt• pat I.!> 'l'h1· I'~ 1:. n11t mut·h mot•• than J 1111"t'h<1111c:ul arm but tu tls t'ft'illors. this overs1zt· appt.•ndug1.• I!> un tht• front1t·1 o f a n 1· w <1 gt: o ( h 1 g h ll.-chn11lo,RY The G l•m •ral E)(>(.·trn· ml.Jot 1s among nearly a down sul'h mac:h1nt·s d1:,playt·d in .1 s p ec: 1 a I l' x h 1 b I\ a rt.• a a t • Wesnm/8~. a thrt'<'-day high technology t·1m vt•nt1on 1•11d1ng t o d a y a t t h <· A n u h t• 1 m bustnt'SS t·umputl't' h.1d w go to thl' nearby I >1 .. 111·ylund H otl•I , wh1 c:h u:-.1·J tlb under,.(round p<1rk1ng gurag1.· as an addiu on.aJ exhibit hall At tht> l'Onv(..ntwn 1.·1.·nll'I rohot 1t·s show. d l!>l'USs111n veen·d away from bits and bylt'S tu thl· arrival uf thl'SI' 1· o m p u t e r -i n s l r u 1· t t' d machines in our daily lives "I{ you put a human bc111g a longside any robot a human prubably t't1uld do so1rwth1ng faster over a short period of time ." said IBM sale·:. Pngtnt'<'r S tu Corns "But UVl'I' a long J.)l'rtod of TORM SKIRTS COAST • • • rom Page A 1 had and twu 1m·h1•s of rain edn!.:sday But ht• tndtl·atc·d me wine g row t>rs may havt• ffercd serious )0$.S(.'S "ln the 40 ye<1rs l'vl• hvt'<.i in e a rt' a . I ' v e n e v t' r s <' t· n tihything hkc· 11," DiGrass1 said t~ Temperatures plungl'<l from 80 grees to 51 in less than Jn ur. Ukiah poht·l• n·portl'd up tu ~Ur feet of watc•r on the roof of a l o "'lnt o wn building A J 0,000-volt tr<1ns formcr was if_n oc k ed out. t.•aus1ng a jtempo rary power failure . t{tcording to Dconn1s Pooltc•r or th!' t'acific G as and Electril' Co 4--T e mpo rary p ower o utag1·s bused by heavy rain al.so WNl' l'eported in Napa, Po tll'r Vall1·y. W illits and Redwood Valley ! F o ur 1nchl's o r snow wt.•rt• 1-epo rted on tht• Kingsbury Orade south of Lake Tah0t· and tbe California Highway Pa trol f equired c:ha1ns for Mt Rose Jiighwa y. The rt' wt' re also lra<.'C'S flt the 8,000 foot level in Squaw ~alley : Reno had a high of 46, wh1t·h ~as the lowest maximum dunng p Se pt cmb1.·r s i nce 1888. a ccording tu WPather service iaeteorolog1st J<X' Ganser The f>td record of 50 had lx'<'n reachc'Cl ieveral limes ,_, ··Th e unusual wPath c'r i velopt•d from <1 I reak low essurC' !.V!.ll•m that muvt-d out O regon tht· w1•ath(•r St'l"Vll't' d The weathe r serv11 ·" 1s.-;U1'il u ~tatement saying that h1kt·1~ and l'ampers at the h1g h1·r· l'lt'v<it1on.s or the Stl'rra Nevada should t;,1kl· prN:autmns for l'old w1«1lht•r and ::.now Snov.· showe'T$ ::Jhove about H, OUO fef•t wt·n· fort·<:c.i.t th1 ough this t•vc•ning with high::. only 111 tht' 40s and low::. an tlll' 2Us 1n th1· n 1J r t h c· r n m •> u n t a 1 11 !> a 11 d northern St<'rra Nt·vadc. I\ c:hance o f ~how1·r., or thundt'rshuwers was forC'(.'a~l for m11!>t ot her an•as of North1•rn C.iltfornia today Thn•t.• 111d1e!> of sn11w f..JI .1t Sonor.1 Pass on -111ghw;.iy JOH. temporanly dosing th -.Jr:in:. Sll'rra ro<td Thl' s t orm carr1 l·d t·oul lC'mpera turt's with 1t , dropptng readings to 32 dC'gn.'<·i-<Jt T1ogo:i Pass in Yo:;em1k National Park and t o 3 4 at Lodgl'polc.· 1n St'Quoia Na tional Park Much of the valley was sp<HPcl fro m the rain. wh1c:h c:n uld endanger crops neanng harvest Ram was reportc.od from Mc·n-tod north and light showers fell as far south as Fresno The Nauonal Wl'ath c•r St'rv1c·l· recorded 08 of an 1m:h of rain in Men·ed 1n the 24 ·hour p<·rtod that t•ndL'<i at 7 am today Tht• high Wmpt•ratur~· of 74 r (' l' < 1 r d P d 1 n 1' r " !> n o 11 11 Wt•dnC'sciay wa.s thl' luw1•-.t 1m rl'(.'nrd u 1> 1 t1 Ii u t :-b 1.· t· u nH· m u c t' :.uphtblWtllt'<.I. lhl'Y smd l ( II W l' V (• r , t h l' I" I) b U l s p t' t 1 a I 1 s l s a r g u t· d t h ;1 t w 1.> r k er s 1.• v L' 11 t u a 11 y w 1 11 assu1nL· mort• t'rf'at1v1•, ma n a lo( t• r 1 a I r t1 It•!> 1 n t h • wurkplact' and mal·hmes wall bi.· l('ft lo do the· rout1n1-.' tt•'11ous 1.·hnres that rN1111n· pn,.·1i.111n Y"l Spl'l'<i "Th1..· robot 1s tlw symbol 111 th t• n l ' w g l' n ,Ir ... t I() II () r aUl1111lt1llun." su1d JL•rry W Sa vi· rt <I llCI • a II u n 11 n g 11>1 l Bl·ad1 hilo(h l1·ehnolog _v l'llllSU)lanl "Whitt pt.'•Jl)lt· ,IJ'L' afraid 11( NOISE. • • From Page A 1 lt•vt•ls h.ivt • sh11w11 .• ::.1gn1f1t·a11 t lt•v1•l 11f 1111p111v1·nw111" th1• pa:-.t lWtl Wl't'k"> Edwarth said no1s1· 1 .. v .. Js n'-t>rdl·d hy P S/\'!> IX.'·!I Supt•r HO .r·L' art• u11nparnblt· with th11">t' of Supt-r liO'i opt·nelt--<I by 11tlwr l.llllt'l'S oil tilt' ,lll'flOrt "It l1111k ... II k1· t h1·Y ~111· 1w" hatk 1A.1th tht• p.1l'k .:, Ed,,..<tnb -..rnJ PSA .1ttr1liul1·d thl· <·xn·~s1v1· not'>I · t1 > h1gtwr th;i11 t·xpt·lll·tl po.1:.-,.·11g1·1 loads un 1 ls Orange County rhghL .... md hut Wl·ather in August Tht· addl'd pas.-;(.·ng..r Wt 'l!-"(h t . lhUpll•cl With lht• w c•.1lht'r, r1•qu111·d gn•att•r 1;1k1•off thru:-.t. 11rf1l'l<i ls saul PSI\ ~11d 1 n 1 L' l<·ttcr lo Hilt ·y lh,1t 11 h .. d Jlrt·adv sl.<olrt1·d to d1 ·al with tfH· pr11hl1-,rn bdon· tht· :-.u pt •rv1sor r;11S1 '<I th1• 1ssu1• 'I'S/\ 1::. ll'Sllng \'arlOUS t:ikl'llff )JI tlC 1·dun·., 111 1.•n::.urt• thJt 1·v1.·n wh1·n µuhl1l d1..-mc1nd .111cl tt-mix·r.1tun·-. :an · grC'at. PSA as ah l 1· t 11 rt• rn .1111 w 1th 1 n th 1.• l'OUllt v'-. 1H1ts<· gu1d1•l1111•s," PS/\ p1t·.,1d1•n1 P.1ul Baidll'y '-lid 111 ,, )l'\ll·r to Hilt•v Hiiey, in a lt•ltt•r of his l\W·n. t•xprt'~-.<·d "Ut'\'f>1'<\t appft<t.'l,1\11111 · for !JSA's "(.>'1!.lllVI· resp<ins1·" Ill n·dUtl' t.;1k1 ·off nmc:t· l1•vc·ls Undt·r poltt 11.•s f111 th1 111unt v g11 vt·1 nownt uwnt•d airµurt . a11 ,11rl11w 1.1n lo-..< oµ<·r:itrng 11i.:hLc, ,11 \ht· Jirport 1f n1t1S<' ll"l.'d-.. .1r1· I' ll.C l'C •(ft '(J More showers? Con61deratJlt' Clovd1ness through l'11day ""''" occasional showe1s decre&s1ng F ridey Highs 68 10 74 IOdBy 8110' 70 10 16 Ft1day Lows 1on1gn1 60 10 66 Showers wer" scanered lrom northern Ne•ada 10 soulheASlern Idaho and more snow tell over llW! ~0<1hwet1e1n c0tno1 ol wyommo Tr aveters adv1snr 1es wet e issued tor the Yellows1one and Teton perk areas 01 Wyoming ugnt rem ltngered across lhe cenlral rugh Plains to 1he Te•as Pannen<lle and 1n10 wP51 ern Okl&lloma Thun<lerslorms were SC3111l<ed along me Te•as Gull Cooa1 end across lhe wes1ern end middle secllons of 1ne Tennessee Valley Or1u111 wss reoor led from northe•n New Eng1anc1 lhrough f ,'a /jfo1·nia A hign tempcra1ure 01 only 6'l hH Mil a rrteord as lowesl high lor Sep1 I~ undercu111ng the mar• ol 72 se1 1n 1968 as mur~y misty wea1r>er tieoan •IS second we e• !Oday'" Soutriern Cahlom1a Tne le"hng or lall 1011owe<1 weeks ol s1agnan1 summer neat end ,mog II ~1ar1ed cooling oll on 1'1P 81 h ul Ille montn Nallonal Weatner Ser..-.c.e spec1al•s.t Fn1nk1p Snaw said Theres a low p1essu1e sysll!m 1n lhe uoper ••mosphere and 11 s locall!<l now ovCI' No<lh~"' Cahlom1a The llow around this low pressure syslem is QllllOQ Cahtorma ,.ome mOisl a11 llO'* end dtw>Df'mng the mar<n!' 1aye< She said lht> coo• cond•l•on snould pers•S1 1nrougn Ft1day wl1'1 oos,.011111t>s ot some ~!feted lhundPtsho.,ers The n1gn, Ill dOwnao .. n l OS Angelf'S on r ndAy should be m 1ne low 70s w•lh a coas1al nogh ranging from 68 10 75 Tne w11a1ner serv•CP pre<11c1s Cloudy skies 1rir<Ngllou1 S<Nll'lern C1111lo1n1a an<! n 60 percent cnanc11 01 ·~ lhr<Ngh Fndav ttie lower Gresl Lake~ •eolon Tn11111'""'r<tlll rns T e m p e / a 1 u r e ' w e r e er-er· or NATION Oenve, Des Moone~ Oe1to11 Ovlulh El Pase, Faroo Ftag5tall Great Fall~ Harlforc1 ~•e•ena Honolulu Houston lndn&phs J&c•sn MS Jac~snvll11 Kon• C•ly Kno•vllle un1ea1oneo1y cool over 1ne northern Rock•••· w1lh mrdday reeding• Wednesday rnoslly In lhe 4 O' act o • e M o n 1 8 n 8 and Albany Wyoming Gre81 Fells. Mont lied Albuouo 111 reco<d low lor lh~ dale 111 :.>9 Amenllo degrees AahfJ'o•1lle HI Lo Los Vegll& 68 5 7 Liiiie Rock fhe h igh pressure syt11m .-.1111118 ,~aible lo< lhe cool reedlllQS Allan1c C1v etso sprelld unseesonebly cool Air Autlln into 11\8 tOUthern P111ns and mt<! B•11tm0111 Mtaslaslppl venev wolh mlddey Biiiings temP•••turt• only 1n 1ne 50s B1rm1ng11m .c1osa 11\41 Tt.11•• Pannend141 Bismarck A '1 11 e d O I I he C O O I • 1 r Bnslon 1empere1ures -em lhe low 901 ~ton lrom Te•a• coealal pl•ln 10 81ownsv1111 _.11111 l~ Bulfalo Over th• Allanllc. Hurr1c1n• Surllnglon Oeblly moY9d ~ lo 8ermud11 ~ Temper al ure a .,ound lhe Ch•rlatn SC n•llOn •1 noon POT ranged lrom Cl\•r111n WV 1 I 0 w 0 I 3 4 d 11 g t e e t 11 Chaf111e NC v.ctowt1tone. Wyo . 10 • ht0'1 01 9e Ctwryenne el Mc All•n fuaa Oullporl. Cl\bgo MIU . end .. M•·~· Al• FOfO. Clnclnn•ll B&M In Montgomery. Al• Ci.vttllnd F'or todey. ac:;eller.0 •llowera Clmt>la SC h Columbus and lhund•ra ow tra were Oel·Fl Wiil 16 54 l <NISVille 65 S:.> lUOl>OCk 8• 58 Memphis 90 69 M1am1 1'l 61 Milwaukee 95 77 Mpla·SI P 84 60 Nashville 48 35 New Or le&ns 91 70 N.,... York 61 27 No<IOlk ~4 44 No Plllt" 7J 62 0 1o1e Coy 97 76 • Omoha 70 56 Orl8ndo 58 56 Pllll•dPhlo 5:1 33 Ph<>enlY 85 72 P11111>vrgh 85 67 Pll•nd Me 88 69 Piiand Ore 51 39 Prov1denc11 68 59 Re1111on 85 70 Rep1d C11v 75 67 Reno 87 72 Rk:hmond 82 63 Sall Lak• 90 73 Sen Antonio 83 64 Seellltr 65 44 1\4 51 69 1\0 4f; 41 97 1)1 '>7 44 6'1 11 60 2'l 76 6(1 54 31 88 17 89 7f, 63 64 93 11 90 7') 65 59 88 In 81 b6 88 T1 85 68 76 61 8<1 ,., 119 18 61 Sf\ ~6 47 86 b8 91 77 14 Ii~ 81 59 6:.> 45 69 85 58 51 00 74 8:.> 64 98 12 !);.> 68 61 57 /~ 4!> 81 60 90 67 52 16 45 40 86 64 11 51 01 74 70 so lorecatt .uoat 11141 GrHt.B .. in, Oavfon and from New Jeraty •nd Pann ayl vanl• lhrougll Iha ~-----------------------nor1ne1n AttenUc Cont atetu · ' Scal19lad 111unelet•torma wtra IOrtCHI o••r lht Gulf CoHI ' 18010,, Mttern Teau and 11\e -Ml~V*'f Hight In tM 50I and 80t -· prad1G1td from th• nottl\•rn SURf RIPDRT ~-. ~· "° ... fnOll!nd: lflJl'l9 eot 11nC1 70. In t~ Pedfto ..o;.th..1 • hecll """ from IM Greet 8Mlfl to tM Zum• nor1~n Aoeld•: 1t1 tM IOt from Sant• Monica lht _,,,_,. A1tentlc Coell 1181• Newoor1 &Heh lh•OUO" 11\e·Soutl\-t, ••capl s.,, Ot.go County lwl A .. 3 3 3 3 ..... .... 4 4 e 8 IM T•a•• panftanel ... and In lhto . ....,._. Outloolt to< Frk!•y Ll11141 ch•nge , l lllf1 ..... . .... ••.it l'f d Awt .... Dlf 11 2 3 SW 11 2 3 SSW " 3 • w II 3 • s SruP•OPv•I S1ou• rall5 SI Lou•~ St P Tam1111 SI S10 Marn> Spokant> ~'ftacu~e rop1.1k11 lue""" Tul511 Wssh11191n W1ch1!0 93 70 ';1 48 ·74 69 'IO n 4q '" 67 J7 6~ 58 64 58 89 6:.> /1 64 84 66 66 57 CALIFORNIA ApplP valley Onker sl1e1<1 B"r,low B11aun>n111 619 Bnor Blshou Blythe Co11111no Cul•~' C.ll<t [urllkft Fresno Ll\ke ArlOwh•Al1 l l\llC8S1f't lOllQ Beacri l os Angele, Maryav11111 Monrovia Mon111t>tt110 Monle•f'v Ml Wllaon NllOdlts N""'P<>r 1 B~&ch On1~11n Palm Springs Pundeno Peso Robl11s R1v11ra1de Red Bluff R•dwood C11y !lact&mtinlo S&lltlH San Bernardino San Diego San Frnncisco San Jose Sant• Ana S1nt1 B11b11a Santi Cru1 Santa Marl• S•nl• MO<'llCA 9,jockton t\l\o. Valley ll\ermal • To<ranae ll 56 81 67 82 61 68 55 67 3:.> TS 43 9:.> 70 76 64 13 64 6"i 44 7.l 60 58 45 i;g 56 71 65 69 63 73 ,, 63 74 66 10 59 49 43 91 72 72 64 7 t 62 90 66 70 61 5g 60 69 62 80 54 72 61 70 56 69 60 72 63 74 66 68 "68 72 60 73 61 72 .61 84 55 73 58 74 62 73 56 _..,_ 49 "311 9~ lr1 76 84 l'AN AMl .. ICAN Acapuleo 00 78 88 77 94 ,~ 66 36 Batblldoa &«mud• AOQOI• ' " tlw'r ol 1 j.(olllt( l11 t..ikt ull 11111 JI 'I" 'f't II' Y "" 1 ll 111 '>' 11111 l'll.lt·lll Al 11 I 1111· ..,,,.,,, :.!IHlll llu•y wtll tl1• 1111' v.1,1 '"")""' ~ •>f fuu111 y jul>s '")'ht• l11i< 11111t 1·rl1 I'> Wiii k1 I dlHp lUl'l'llll'lll hut It Will h11p1w11 ~rudua lly 11v1·1 1 tw 1lt'xt :.w Yl'Ul'K Pt't•JlltJ will bt· 1~11 l'l'<.l 111t11 n111r•· hll111t11l type jt>l>!> .. Suvt•ri;11iu .1g11·1·d w ith oth1·rs thut lht· U111h·d Slatl'li hu~ bt•t•JI ..;lr>W I ll 111t1111h.it-t.• l'<>lmti. 111111 111du::.11 y, u11h k l.· Ju pa11 w li 1.·1t• ::.c111H· 11 ulo •lli.'>l'lllhly llm·., tin· v;w;111t of hu111a11 W•>rk1·n. ·"l'h1• U1111t·d St,1lei. h,is h1.•1•11 sl1>t·µ111~ at thi· wlwd frn tilt' IJ!>l I 0 ye,11 :.. " :-a 1d I BM 's Corn!> "H11b111 ... havt• 1111ly lllllll' llllO pop UIJI USl' II\ tlw last thn•" to ftvt· y1.•ttr!>" Ile µrcd1 <.:tL'<.i• thJl by llH.IU. th1·n· will b1· <• :-.h11rtc1g1· fir wur k l'rs w1ll1n1< \11 do 1n u 11 d a 11 t• c· Ii~ 1 t.• s T Ii" short.a~w •>I tho:-1· )Jbon·rs will l'l'eall· high dt•mamJ rur rohols ::.tn11l.1r to tht• "ay tht• g.1:-. -,hort,1~1· foret·d l>t·trutl to bu dd :.111,il lt-r < a r!>. C 11r 11s add l'<l B e i r ut . 0.-, ...... ..,, Photo <:a llt·cl the· Mi<:robot, this piece o f high lt·t·hnology wi.1.ardry can perform n ·1wtitivt-la!'-tk~, Uh!o\t•mble parts and, with tlu· aid of a SfW<"i ul sensor .de vi ce, play dw('k l'rs w ith u humun oppone nt. truce prevails Israel claim conlrol of 'a ll key points' HEIH U'I' l.1·ha111m (1\1') U11clt'1 ltlV<'I of 111111 k Jt·I r;11cl .... .J.:mu:lt wnk!> Jntl llo<>IJS b;.itllt·Ll lt•fttst 1111l1lla1m·n frn 1·11ntrol 11r Wt•st &.•1rut tod;rv, ;111d th1· ">ll'C't't:- qu 1l' l l'd wh1·n th1· ~1·ft1 -.1 -. annoum t•tl 1111 \ .Ji.:rr·r ·cl \11 r,\11p fighting br<11'1 ,11\flllll IHI ·d 11 l'tllll I 111 Jt •d "all kc:y p11111L<;" 111 Wt'::.t f-3t·irul <ind L1•ban1·se P111m• Mtnt:.tt·r Shaf1k W<Ju41n t·allt'l1 for urgt·nt U S l11•lp to l'nd wh<Jt h1· rnllt·d ls r<11•l'-. l'tllHfUt ·st 11f lht• war shJ ttnnl ti Iv Tht· lsr;wf1:-. hc·ga11 tlll'1r pu:.h into fnrnwr l'LO strongholds 11f w1·;;1 Rc·irut on Wt•dn1·sday, hnur!> aftt•r th1· u::...,;1::.-.111;11'1011 o l Pn•s1d1·1H 1·h~ t 8<1sh1r G<'mavl'I Th1·v said t}wv IJU"t'ht•d ·tht• dnvi· to kl·t·p ll'ft1:-.t mllttldnlt•n from lf·amin~ with P.tlt•s t1n1..in gut-rrillas -.ull 111 th1· l'lty and luunl·h111g Jnolht·r rll'W w;1v1· nf I> I oocb h 1 •cl Th•·V m1 ·t I l'"'"t.1111·1• I 1 0111 ldltsL-. f11 ing JUlOlllJlll 11f11·-. ,ind ro1 kt•l prop1•1l1·d gri·n.Hks. hut SCAVENGER From Page A 1 wtll bt· '-!i-ll111~ 11d 11! thing-.. •,oorn ·r Som1· "><.1v1 ·11g<·r-. -..hc.w Up al tlw -.crnw supc·rmark1•\ so oftl'n thttt thc•y IJC'gtn lo look al 11 a!> 1he1r pr 1v:ttc· domain "Thf' regulars kt'<'P t'Vl'rynnC' elS(.· aw.iv," Maddc•n said "l'vt· had tht·m l'1•nH.' up lo nw and 1-ompl.11n 1h1~ ~uv':-. t1 yin~ to gc·t into my trash 11111 'My' trn-.h bin 1h1·'' l'all 11 •· Unl' woman. known only as Martha. show -. up ~1 oflt•n ·that she even b<Jkes applt• ptC'S fur the• store e mployee'!'; using g.1 rh;.igC' casto ffs. Esther Cramc:r. v1c·1· pn•suh•nt CHP to add headlights tlw '1'1 •l /\v1v t'omnwnd said today th.it It::. rurct'S fought thf'1r W<JY µ~1 tlu:_Jdust.:. and .guc.rraila!>.. "h11111 tht·Y krmc:d "terronsu.." ;incl t·o11Lroil1·d "all kt·y poinL-." Tht >'ummun14ue c:a llc·d un 't 1t1Lt·n-, lo n •turn to n11rm<JI ·•l l1Vtltt·-, and ()11 all tl•rr1111st.s a nd 11lht-r <1rmt>d pc·r-sorll> to lav dcJwn th1•1r arms All rl'fugt:"t· c::lmp:. in " h 1 t' h t l' r r o r 1 s t s w ~ r l' t •llH 1·ntr.1ll'<.i remain surrnundl'd .. md c lost'tl " Tht· radio st.illon of lht> Mour.ibttoun . th1· lcirgl'st mil1t1a 11f LL·bant•st· Mosl1:m ll·ft1sls. Jnnuunn·d th<tt the "<•o mmon li1rt't'!S" of ldt1:st f1g htl'rs agrC'<'d not \11 t·unfrunt t h1· lsrat'11s. The "Jllun o f G c mayc:l's r1g ht1s t l-'hak1ngc· Party alsu rc,porl.l.'<.1 an ;1grl'l·nwnt by thC' lC'fttsts nrH to light ThL· rc·port s s a id rt' p !¥' s 1.• n ta t i v es o f t h e Mourab1toun a nd the Communist and Sot.·1altst pilrllc>s walklod out or a ml'l'ltng at wh1c:h l~rat>l t off ll 1·1-s "ckmandl'd" an t•nd to tht· r«s1!>tanc:e But th<.· reports addt.-d thCit tht· leftists thc.-n mt-t amun.g.lhcmsclv.LS and 4gr~ to - stop f1ght1ng Lc'h<mon st.ate radio said Lsraeh furt·1·i. s<.·azcd c:on trol o f al l i.tr<itl•g1c: areas along the f1 vt-- m 1 I(· ~tr l' t c: h o f b caches surrnunding west Beirut Ix-fore c:loi.tng in on the two shopping d1stnc:L.., of Hamra and C.Orniche Ma1raa Tsral'lt mtl1lary soun:es 'said lh1.•1r troops were mstrut'ted to fin· unly 1f fired upon Is rael ;.irrny radio C'arlter reported the , lsrad1s had <.-eased finng, but the Tel Aviv comma n d d enied a untlatl'ral truce had g onE> into l'ffL'l't Prime: Minis ter Menac:hem Bc>gin summoned an emergency CabinN mcetmg today to discuss the wc•st Beirut s ituation, and off11:1als 111 Te l Aviv .sa.Jd ll was unltk<·ly the troops would pull out until the danger of renewed t·1v1l war eCl.S('d EARCH TRASH • • • for n1mmunity relations o f tht· :\lpha &>ta supc·rmarkct l'hain. r,a1d thcit tras h d1gg1ng ts tr 1• s pas s 1 n g . a <l d 1 n g that ml•rl'hants w orry about insurant'(' problt•ms i.hould someone get s 1l'k or inJured whil<' pic king through the discards. "I wouldn't want to fN'd my f;1mtly a ny thing found in lhe garhagL·.'' Cramer said. Such con cerns appar(•nlly <fon't worry scroungers. who are happy lo get by o n the JUnked food To combat the problem of unwanted trash pick ers. some store· chains are sending shghUy South Orange Coun ty patrol L'ars soon will be equipped with flashing h eadlamps to a le rt motorists to the presence of an emerge n _cy __ vehi c l e, th e California Hi~way Patrol has • s tale good s to food banks or t·hanttes Jun1 Valad ez. manager o f the Orange County Food Bank. <.-st1matc>s that 80 percent of the 50.000-60.000 p o unds of food d1stnbu1N:f monthly to non-profit agc•nt 1cs com es from Safeway and Alpha •Beta stores. ·•1t's good food ." said Valadez. "Wl· gC'l bread . d eh and dairy things that are getting near their l'Xp1ra1ton date " Other st.ores are discouraging dumpster looting by putting f£•n l't•s around tras h bins or installing trash mmpactors that turn rubbish to d us t. announced Capt Chuck C hase o f the highway patrol 's San Juan Capistrano office said the de vices will permit high -beam headlamp:; to fl ash alternately. FIND OF THE WEEK! .. SEIKO .. Introducing the Adventu rer, Se1ko;s new stainless steel bracelet watch created especially for the bold, ocl1ve spirtl Wa ter tested to 300 feet. the watch also features an o lorm chronograph, day ond dole, and hour)y time signals. Analog foce with lum inous 1norkers and dig ital display show the time in three zones $215 S L AVI C K ·s ,. .. ~~t917 ,..,_, ltllnCI (71•1 .... ,31(). ~ IMc1'1 ABo er.... Lal M9M'. Sen °'99'1. \Al..,... NO BElTER TtM£. NO BETTER PLACE. ' • -- . Orang• CoHI DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, September 1e. 1912 8 .A• NATION Methane gas IProject plallned· . ) Chrysler pact eached lllWILANl) PAHK, M1l'h (AP) l'hryli.t•r Cui µ uml the Un1tl·d Auto Workct " rt'tll"ht'tl 11•1Hullvt• ugrl't'llll'lll today un u c'Ont1"11l'l, but n .. 1 before: thuuminds of. Chrylst•1 workt.'n. walk1'<.I off tht->1r J<>hs w h t-n u in1dnlght s tr1k1• dl·adhnl' paSSl'<.i "This tcnlal1vc agrt"'t'llll'l\l al'hwvcs our µn11t·1µal goal ll• stJrl lht• Chrysll'I' wo rki.>rs 011 lhl' lung. long rua'll bal·k tu pur1\y with wo rk L'l'll 111 ( i1•rwral Motorl# und 1"111 t.1 ," UAW P rL•sldt.•rH Uouglai> l"rai>t.•r und Viet• Pn•s1dcnl Mui'<' Stepp said Chrysler work<'r'l!, trying to lwlp keep thl' rnmpany fro11) IJankruptC'y, agreed to l'1.1nl'l'ss1ons two yl•ars ago lh<H It-ft tht:m about $~ liO un ,bour b1•h111d t·o untt•rparts :H l it•rwral Mot•ir·s \11 p 1rnd l"onJ Mot(lr Co Abortion bill nixed WASlllNGTON (AP) In B GLENN Sf'OTT O~he Dallr PNol llaff A Sun Mutt'() flr•m huH io.crwtl u hvt• y1•11r {'Ontrutt to U!p nwthanc· g(Uj trulJµt '<I underKround at tht' Coypte Canyon Landfill Wl'llt of , UC l rvtnc, oUiciale of the li·vm.- ( ,Compuny have announced. Gai1 Rt•l'ovt•ry Systenu1, a subs1d1ary of GcnHtur Corp .. will build and operate a plant on two unes a t the comp1rny-owned, 670-acrt' la ndfill. Coyote Canyon ls the largest of four landfills operated by Orange County. The <:ounty leases the prope rty, whit'h has been 11 landfill since 1963. The C'Ounty 1s operaung under an interim lease through Juntc>, 1983. The landf11l's capacity 1s expected Lo extend from three to six years, depending on whether rounty efforts to e xpand the landfill t o the north are .llUl'n•1111 (ul, 11ul d Uun J>ol•r, munut({'r ut lht' •olld wu1tt' pro~rum. The ml·thanl· rt.'<."Ovcry · iy1H.tm1,. howt•vt'r, w uld lwtl much longer "Wlt.h or wlrhout w nlinuution of the pn.">St:nt lund!lll operation, thl4 m ethanl' production could lu11t through the end of this century," said KN1nt'th Wues\, presiden t of Gas Recover y Systems • Methane JS created during the underground d ecomposition of refWle buried In landfills. It is a n atural gas that can be 11old commcrc1ally or burned t o generate electricity. O fficials say some methane n at ura ll y sel'ps o ut o f the landfill, which 1s one reason for the unpopular odors escaping from the area. The recover y system s hould belp pre vent those, said Da niel Lamkin, the I rvin e Compuny'11 pro p urty numegcment vice pretldtml. "Until now, the gaa at Coyot.c Cunyon hus just been seeping useleuly Into thl' air," he Mid. "With thls c.-ontrac:t , the mcth.no w ill be captured through a n~twork of underground wellJi and processed at un operations plant." Poer noted that county oftlc1als 11u ught advice l ast year on ~he the P they had rights to revenue f rom the recovery systems, but learned that the company, as property owner. apparently has rights t.o what. is buried there. He said the system should be a plus for residents living nearby in Irvine and Ne wJX>rt Beach. Said Poer: "We've had some problems with odors down there and I think the gas recovery system will help." Thi* w ill be: the tecond co.,unty -run landflll lo 1•t a metha.ne recovery 1y1tem. The county 11 under contract with Gcmy Synthottc f\aell of Slpa.l Hiii to recover IH from the Olinda Landfll1, the second· largest of the four dwnpe. • The OUnda 1y1iem 1hould be in operation by early ne>et year, Poer est!~ted. lf erant.ed propet approvals. the Coyote Canyon system coyld be ext.rac\ina ancJ marketing gas wlth1n two yean, said .Lamkin. How the gas will be wted hM not been determined, but WUM said primary consideration will go .to selling it to UCI. h abo could be .._.rned into electricll)' and sold to one. of the latte. nearby businesses, he added. Flnan.c ial .tel"'m1 of the agreement wer~ not made publJo'. a ~tbat'k for the Nl•w Right, the Sl·na ll• has d ose d o{J efforts by 1.-onscrval1ve JcSSl' Helms, R-N C., to push anti- abortion legislation through the Congress this year. STATE Aftt·r two Wt'(:k:. ol tt.•nsl' dcb a tl' and procedural struggle, lht• Sl•nall' vuwd 47 -46 Wednesday lo st>l as1Uc an anti -a bortion pal'k agt.• drafted by Helms and b1ttt>rly resisted b,y a small group of libernls. Home slashes loan rate .Banning backers .Jose court round LOS ANGELES (AP) Home Savings of Amenl'<t has t'Ut its hom(l.;j_uan rate by two per"t't'ntagl' points in an t•ff<1rt to pump lif e int o tht· slumping real csl.ate indus try. Homl'. the nati on's lar1owst thrift 1ns tllul1on . l'Ut lending ralcs Wedm•sd<.1y lrom 1 5~. to 13 3t'4 t o 3q and ~0 -ye ar <.1d.Jusl.abll' rote murtgag1·~ ul up to $1 50,000. OthN CalifOrnia lending in s t i tut i o n s r eat.·ted l·aut1ously, saying they have no immediate pl~ns to match th(• rate. Ra ces romamcd at 14 +. percent at Great Wl'Slern and Co<is t l<,t•dt-r::i l and 1-1 11 a t C alifo rnia Federa l College budge t peril LONG ..BRA CH-.+A~ ..___ P res1d1ng o ve r her f1rs r rrie<.>ting as chaneellor of thl' California State Un1vers1t v syste m, W. Ann Reyn old.1> acknowledged that the statt• budget would be her' b1gg<•st --- J:hal.l.cngt.:. ______ - -- S h e was 1mmc•d1 a tt•l y warned of finane1al problt:ms at thl' Wednc:sday meeting as co rp o rate exec utive s c•xprcssed fear about the syslt'm's ability to adc'quatdy train engineers. Rock fan s in danger? LOS ANGELES (AP) -A lung specialist says the 200,- 000 pe ople who absorbNl three days of rock mus1t· at the rc.'<'Cnt US Festival may have taken m something else: the seeds of a deadly lung disease cocc101d1omycos1s -I!. also kno wn a s con·y o r Son J oaquin Valley fever because 1t IS often found m that area of Southern California. said Dr. John Mohler. dir<'Ctor of the pulmonary physiology lab at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. Supporters o f the multi - m1llion dollar Banning Ranch development in NewJX>rt Beach hal(e lost a legal bid to erase portions of a ballot argument again st th e proposed development. The fate o f the Banning Ranch, a 75-acre hunk of land in west New port. will be decided by voters in the Nov. 2 election. The ballot argument against the controversial project. written by three persons, was challenged as being 'misleading and vague. ---But-Oi:ange-Coun\.y Superior Court Judge Thomas Crosby Jr. refused to make a~y copclusions on the argument, saying instead that it is protected by the First Amendment. The suit was filed by NewJX>rt Beach Counci lman Phil Maurer on behalf of Citizens for a Better NewJX>rl, a group that vowed to raise and s pe nd $30,000 in • supJX>rt of the project. Targets of the lawsuit were Jean Watt, Mike J ohnson and Richard Ni chols the trio that authored the contested ballot argument. Watt emerged from court hot under the collar. "This lawsuit represents a n attempt by one or more NewJX>rt Beach City Council meiqbers to denigrate the reputation of responsible citizens who disagree with them," said Watt. She charged the suit was Little more than an attempt to harass,_ intimidate and waste the money of critics of the Banning Ranch project. "We are prepared to meet them head-on as we have much more personal knowledge of what our statements represent t tnnr-i-h-e y-11 ave trt-TtnrtT_....., ..... .,.--.. __ . r-eprehensible aceusations ... Councilman Maurer. who charged the ballot argument exaggera~ estimated increases in air p ollution, traffic and airport trips the project would bring, was not available for conunent. Developer Bill Banning said he remains convinced thit the ballot argument is misleading. "The effect of all this is either that it will be damaging ta the project or the voters will realize the argument is ~leading and go the other way." The fungal disea se WORLD World deceivefl on Grace Tax hills -carry flood warnings MONTE CARLO. Monat'o (AP) -Princess Grace spent her last hours in a coma, kept alive by machines while the world w as assured her mjunes from a car crash were not critical. senior medical sources dircctl,Y involved in he r treatment said todav The sources. who requested anony mit y, sa id p a l ace off1c1als knew from the st.art that the former American movie star was in extremely serfous condition. lnni..al but unofficial reports from palace sources sa1cl..only that she suffered a broken leg and he r daughter Stephanie escaped major injury Monday when their car plunged 120 feet into a ravine in Fre nch territory just outs ide the Mediterranean pn nc1pality Hurricane skirts Bermuda H A MILTON . Bermuda (AP) -Hurricane De bby, packing winds up to 11 5 mph. passed near Bermuda today but there we re no reJX>rts of lnJUncc; or damage other than some downed trees. Th C' hurri c ane wa s ce n(e r e d n e ar latitude ~i3 0 north. longitude> 66.0 WC'S t , o r about 70 m il es northwest of Bermuda and tra v e ling !)Orthe as t. the National Hurricane Center in M1am1 s aid. Forecasters in Bermuda said the wmds, sus tained at 50 mph with gusts up to 70 mph, w er e expected to subside. M exicans celebrate County pro perty owners whose homes and businesses lie in the Santa Ana River flood plain will be notified of the flood danger in 1983-84 t.ax bills. C6unty' s upe r viso rs voted Tuesday to send the warnings in the hope they wi ll convince pro perty owners to buy flood insurance. Nl'&rly 600.000 people will receive the notit-e Honors due for Newport plane victims Balboa residents John and Barbara Wright. killed last weekend whe n the stunt ptane in which they were flying crashed into a hillside near Reno. will be honored Saturday at the National Championship Air Races in Nevada. A memorial service for the Though the f lood plain encompasses almost the_\ entire north end of the county. only 25.000 property owners have flood ins urance. according to official estimates. The Santa Ana River , considered the most dange rous fl ood threat west of the Mass1SS1pp1 River, could cause up to $12 billion damage to Orange County •in a major overflow, flood control officials say. The worst flood considered possible, one which has about a one in 200 chance of happening m a n y year, would cause that amount of damage and cover all bot the eastern edge o f the county north of the river, except for several small areas. Even a smaller Clood , one which has a one in 100 chance per year of happening, would damilge large parts of Santa Ana, Fountain Valley. Huntingto n . Beach . Costa Mesa and Uarden Grove. according to estimates. Gossamer engi~eer How many humans could build their home and catc h their prey while dangling precariously. from a 'hin strand? MEXICO CITY (AP} -In a festive mood that belied the country's wor st financial crisis in 60 years. Me xtCans turned out in large numbers to fill Me xico City's central plaza for their independence day cele bration P ortillo. who seemed last month to have lost much of his JX>pularity becauw of the> C'r1 s1s, led the trad1t1o nal "shou t of 1nde pc nde m·e" from the balcon y of the Nati o nal Pal ac e o n Wednesday night whilC' about 500,000 Mexicans cheered with him. co up le. who kept h omes in :---#'----------------+----------------------------- Preside nt J ose Lo p ez ' Dmty P'li.t Dell•erp ltCH.-'"4 ~a., ft10•• 11 f()v 00 not ""-"r ...ov• o.oe• Dt ., JO r:i. "' ca•• Df>•or,.. I Pm •nd W'Ou' "'° -It Ott O•••.,...,.flf1 Newport Beach and Reno, will be held Saturday prior to the start of the races. Wright and h is wife were flying a P-51 stunt plane ouwd e Re no for a demonstration that was to kick off prelimina r y racing for the show. We1re Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily Pilot" What don't you like" l'all the number below and your message will be recorded. I ranscnbed and dell ve red lo the appropriate editor The sa me 24-hour answering service may be used to record let· lt•rs to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include th<v name and telephone number for verification No circul ation ealCs, please Tell us what 's on your mind 642•6086 ORANGE COAST Cl•H"led edvertlalng 7141142·5171 All other depertme11tt 142,..321 I Daily Pilat Thoma• P. Holey l'vbl<\M• tlll<I C'h,.,I f ·~C"'••• ()lf,ce1 Jane Amari ( • t(Vh•t f d1loo l . Kay Schult1 Yo<• P•••od•~• ond 0"«'<>' ot AO••"•••"O M~o., P'. Harvey 0..«tOf o4 Motle1o..g ICottlli!J•oOAI Thomas A. Murphlne fcf1IC)t Raymond Mo<L.on Con1ro1., Kenneth N. Goddofd Jr. O•t«•O< of Op..ot>On• MAIN OFFICE UO Wttl ... SI • C~tt -... CA Mtll t#rtU -IMO, Coote-... CA .,.,. c .. ,, .. 1'11 ltn Oreftp CM•I P<*!I~ ... C.,,_y, No,..,,.,,..,. .. ,, llluttrau.,,, MH4'1tl "'-' ot .. vertl .. "M'IO N rtl" me, lie rt~--wit'-"' •P9<1t l .. rmlnlOfl of <09Y•ltftt-• S.<ona Cl .. • poll-"lei ti C.0.1• -... CallfO<l'I•. CUP$, .... ,. $ullotrlptl01> h urrler M 1' "'°""''' by m111 '6 lO,,_IN' VOL. 71. NO. m We Invite ou To ' Take Advantage Of 403 OFF Selected W a tch~s And , Jewelry RA FF jeWeJif 32 Fuhion ISiand Newport Beectl • 844-2040 3 Generation• of friendly penonet MNlce I • .. ---~·---~-------"-"---- -...... _,., -'• Orangtt COCHt l>All y PILOT llhurtday, September 1e, 1982 ~--------------------_,.;.;;...;;..; ______________ .;.... ______________ ...... ________________________________________ ..... I • r . warning ori kiddie ladders DEAR READEijS: In t'OOperal1on with the Consumer P roduct Safety Commission, CrelHlve P laythang11 has issut>d a rentAwcd warning to t'Onsumera throughout the l'OU~trY. regard ing 11.'i l'Onlinuing efforts \.() locale ana replat-c ladders or Crcntlve Playthings' Indoot Gym Houses man ufactured from 1962 through 1979. The l~t.est warning is a resul t of 11 report r eceived b y t he commission from the Philadelphia area which indicated tha t a 3 'h-year-old child became entrapped in the- space between the upper rung and platform of an unmodified ladder No inJury oecurred although three children havEt1 died in similar incidents. The firm issued a nationwide news release Merch 15, 1982 w1lh the CP!::iC, in addition to taking other measures to notify consumers of the potential strangulation hazard of ladders man ufactured before 1980. Creative Playthings repor ts processing hundred s of inquiries dally and has sent 50,000 re placemen t ladders to consumers throughout the country. However , CPSC estimates that u p to 189,000 unmodified ladd •rs rt.'muln In ult'. To r••q ueat n . replacement ladc.Jer, phont• (800) 847-4359, or write to Crrative Pluythlng1. P 0 Box 306, Rout~ 147, Hurndon, Pa 17830 · Choosing a new dentist DEAR PAT: I'm new lo tbl1 area ud wo1,1ld like to find out tbe beat way to cbooae a deotlat. I'm due for a cbeclcur , and don'.t want to wait until I bave a denta emer1ency to get a new dentist. Any 1u11eat1011? # F:N., Costa Meu T he Orange County Dent.al S&iety says the best way to choose a new pentist Is through a personal•referral from a friend, busin~ acquamtrutl-e or docto~. For help in locating a dentist close to home or work, phone the. society at 542-8802. This 24-hour ~rvice number also can provide emergency treatment referrals. - T he society adds that the dentist you choose must fit your personal needs as a pat ient. Find out about o ffice location, convenience of office hours and avail bility of ' '1\t the rate Iwas going, " in ten yearsfd have abqut .. $2000 I have a pr~tty good job. lv~.n ever been out ·of work I 'v<.· received re gular promotions. The only thing I've 11ever been able to do is save money .... 011 e d ay I overheard m y secre tary talking aho u.t how much she Cl save d buying U ~ Savings Bo nds through the Payroll Savings Plan . I was astounded . '' • The11 I looked at my bankbook. I figured out how mud1 1i1y average yearly savings h ad b een since I'd bee n wo rking. And I almost crie d . At the rate I was going, in te n ,·ears I'd have about $2000 saved . , Oh, some years I'd save three or four hundred (nine hundred one year). but it didn't last long. Some thing would always come up a nd I'cl take it out and sp end it. I al wa~·s fi g ure d o ne of these days IC! hear down ~md build up a nest ~·gg. Since nothing else seeme d to work, I d ecided to give tlw Payroll Savings Plan a ti")~ I should he ahle to sa vl' a~ muc:h as my secretary. If it ,\1orkc<l f(JJ· he r it shq11ld work for me. lt turned out to he verv cas \~ Tlwv take a little out of each ~)aych eck toward Bonds, s<) that:'J: a portion of your pay you re not tempted to spend. Not only is it t~a~y hut it's safe. The Bonds are piling up and so is the inter<.'s t. And, h v .the wav, the inte resf is guaranteed . I never thought much about Bonds b e fore hut it '~ h ard to find a be tter retun1 on such a small, initial outlm: \Vhe n I get e nough saved I may look into otlwr · things . But as fo r right now, it's the lw st, casi{•st W<\\' I know of to save. Actually, it's the 011/y way that work~ for m e. I started late, hut bette r late than nen·r. . " r~ .stoc ~~ tnAme~ca. ... ~ ... • . . wnc:ra ncy cnr<•. AlllO d<1tt•nnlno whetht•r thl' treatment pl n• and paymt•nt tl'rm• on· ag reeable. For more hl<Jp, n.-quClil tht• fr<'l~ booklet, "How to St•leet a Dc.mtl1t" frum thl' Orange County Dental SudMy ut 296 8 Flower S t., Orange 9266~ or phone 042-8802. Mak~zine disputes cl eafed DEAR PAT: I've encloaed copies or my ubacrlptlon label and canceled c heck re1ardla1 my problem wltb "Money" ma1aztne. I ordered nine l11ue1, but bave received only three. I wrote, but baveo'.t bad Maguz11w l\c:llon Lint• In forma ll y mt•dlate11 t·omp lnlntw nhou l m aguiln e 11ubM:r1.R,llom1. Thl' \.Oil· frt'<' f\UMbt-r 11 (800) 645-9242 MAL u.sks ronaumera \.0 try LO work with thP naagadne's c u1tome r ser vice dt:partment betor<• usklng tor ill help. If the dispute In volves n non-mc•mber compan y, MAL .wllJ Senst the consumer a llat .. of m ag az ines from w h ich a 1u b1tltu te subscription cun be chot1cm . A VS has had succeflstul ~eallngs ·With this servi<.'e, and most maga21int> subscript.ion problems received by the column a re • forwarded to MAL for 110lutlon. So far the results hav<'' bt>en sat1sftH.·tory __, tbe courteay of a reaponae. I also wo&ild appreciate tbe addre11 of Publlaben Clearing House, 10 I could write.to tbem for help too. · W .C., Irvine • . Got a problem? Then write ro ._ 'l Pat Horow11z. Pat wJIJ cut red lJJRf!, Your subscrintlon problems and those of nine other readers are being forwarded to Publishers Clearing House Cor solu tion by their free Magazine Action Lme service. The address i s 38 2 C hanne l D ri ve , Por t Washingt0n, N.Y. 11050. • getting the answers and acuon you need to solve 1n equities 1n government and busm~. Mail your questions• to Pat Horowirz. At Y our Serv1ce, Orange Co;J.st Daily Pilot, .P.O. Box 1560, Cosca Mesa, CA. 92626. Redecorate for Fall! ··················~ . . I Sun-Proof' Acrylic Latex ~·-,.~~~ __ 1: Semi-Qoss House & trin Paint < ~: ~· ~~: -. ""' ---~· -. . -· !=. -; :. :...:™' -=-: : .::::::i i E""".-: -!. . -~: lini Blinds &0% OFF with this ad Good Thru 10·2·&2 ... M k-• tnf\111•1 U"" .,_..., htlll 1-M +I~ -.. I ~llJlf'"f .fl W"l" .. I lf'\.<,l.41'1t (.)If'• tol) • "'"" c ~\ "'4#t" ful d•,••t '"°'' '" • ~l\t}\f' flllilt.ll'-\4"'~'''"' HO.-otfLT Rra. $ __ s1q_.w_ 16~?. PITT-CRYL~ Acry~c l _atex House Pain~ V.,hl• .... l t.tl..f .,.,.,.,_,,. ' •'t• --~ ~· "'* KP« .~, '" 1\1"\ltll'I l 1-C fWf' ~ tfw:• \!'°"<.I CMJ•rft W ..,...,, """'"-t'\ l•'-r lflfl &lllD" ""' """ ••ltt Ciitfil\ :1fJ ~ ~trltl !II t1tolofl( tvtt .. "•~'"' ... '""" tflll Oi-tJ IC!N CAll:M' REZ® Wood Stains . A" tli "'~~Jif\.t ~al.Ip \ltt>n lfl fft&f"<.• lt-t tt•l.t!M bUitl, of •M tottt cJlott ~IU!llf I f1ltf11W Oil r,r l•'t• 5c.;W ,,.., JI llll:h h~f'lll tltK1 10 . ..... NOW OHL'I' ...... ,... ., ... MANOR HALL latex Flat Enamel I~ Jt••'• • ..,.,. 0-. Nw\11 tot •.t\ ,,. ~ ..... ~ l...-J ""'*"' ... ••~•e.t-'f 8 1 I If , ,. "' K ... ftt\ ti ...... ..,,. 6\!41111 "'<.,, L •••••••••••••••••• ALL WALLPAPER 30°k OIT (K1~%k~~1~8s ) Lari"' S.leotlH I• rHc• l••lltJ PACIFIC . 9520 Talbert Ave. DECORATING. Fountain Vfy., CENTERS <~~~~ .. ,.,., FREE IN-HOME ESTIMATES .,. Ms~~g-~~~~~;94 - BENSON & HEDGES -. IOO's • Only 6 mg yet rich enough to be called deluxe. Regular and Menthol. Open a box today. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 6 mg "1ar:' 0.6 mg n1c p~r c1gtrttt1. by FTC method. , ; .. 1 . . t . ! . ! ,. . , Debra Sue Maffe tt ( Orange Coaet DAILY PILOT/Thurlday, September 18, 1982 Miss America said helped b'y nose job. · Th 111 t Mis Am rka WU h~lped to her wlnnJny looka q,y 1n operation two y 11'11 ago that atralghlencd h er noau, ht'r mother aaya. Debra Sue MatfeU, 26, waa crowned Mlis Amerlcu 1983 H Miss California. BetoN' moving'to California last year, the co mpete<t three times unsuccessfully for the Miss Texu Lille. Nonnle Maffett, mothe.-of the new Miss America, was quoted 111 the Dalla• Morning News as saying that hl:lr daughter had an ope ration In 1980 to correct a deviated septum. She acknowledeged that the o peration i mprov ed her daughter 's appearance, but molntnlnt'd u wns pt-rfonnt'Cl for mttdlt•ul rt•WK>ns. • ABC Nl•wa, cou.rH lng cm u , f oHy Bottom veteran to h<>lp make Uw news clc11rcr , plt1n11 to hire former Secroi.ury of Swtct Henry A. Kl11tn1er all a nl'Ws analy1t and Information contuct. Klulngcr Is to be avallabl to contribute to auch 11how1 as "Nlghtllne" and" "Thia Weck with Dav let BrJnkley." 'ABC already has two oth~r Washington notables In Ila 1table: former. White House rress secretary _Jody Powel ond columnist George WUJ. Trus tees of the Gall!ornia State University have named llMIB Or. Anthony H. Evan11 tht• IK't'Ond president of ttw :;1m Bt•1 ~urdlno cumpu. Evan1, 45, 11ucct•t!d11 J ohn M. Pfau, who rNlr<'<i In July aflt•r 20 yeuni Wi prcstdt'nl of Cul Stuw San 8crnardlno. Vic.'t• Prt•sidl•nt Gera ld Sch e rba had bcl'n ru nn Ing the 4, 900-11 l ud<·n t campus. Evani1 hus been provost and vice pres1d(•nt for acad(•mic afru1rs al East,.ern Ml<.'hagun -University s1m.-e 1979. Evangelist Billy Graham has Rob1hsons Chateau Canterbury '7.95·'9.95 LEAD CRYSTAL STIMW•RE • Save 40%-47%. We show only the goblets of the three patterns ava11able, but you'll also find flute champagne. dessert/champagne and cordial sizes as well. Quantities are limited. Reg. Sale Montclair ........................ · ...... .' $14.95 '7.95 Chateau .......... : ..................... $14.95 ta.15 Canterbury .......................... , . . S 17 .50 It.I~ Robinson's Glassware, 86. Be sure 10 ask about our Crystal '"' Club Plan. 'to order call toll·free 1·IOO·M5·ll01. Lyrtc ' / Valer le Cummerbund bl-en ordorc.>d by " Mlnnl.'&1poll• doc•tor to take a vacation on hus b.wk for the nc><l two wc'(•k11 to rccup<•r11tc from a fall during un outing. Tht• 6!J-year-old Orahum had origin lly been echcdult'd to dine• a l the White House tonight with President and Mn. Reaaan. Grahum fell two Wl.'c ka ago near Spokane, Wash • when he waH climbing a ledge to g<'l a lx>tter vu:w o( the city. lie was on th<>.outing with one of has sons und an associate. A judg(! an L as Vegas must decide whether the late Howard Hughes' foru,ane-belongs to 21 first cousins, a former actress t'laimang to be has wife or a N vnda woman who ~Y• •ht" hlii lllf•iltlmaU: duuaht.er. Attorn ey• for 21 l'ou 11n1 dedared by a Te><u (,.'Ourt to be hcln to the Industrial magnute'a estate will Hk Clark. County Dunrict Judge John F. Mcndoz.a to throw out the claim.a tsy Terry Moore and Clare Benedict Hudenbera. Moore, a former Hollywood starlN, cont.ends she Is entitled lo the fortune because she secretly married Hughes as they· sailed aboard his private yacht toward Mexico. Ms. Moore's claim was thrown out by Texaa CQurta Hudcnberg, of Las Vegas, has argued she the sole heir to the estate b9C'8USe she is Hughes' illegitimate daughter. . ' --------- • • s39_99.s59_99 DINNERWARE SERVICES FOR FOUR Save 55%-60% and more. Choose from the four patterns shown, ii} 20-piece sets of four each: 1 dlnnec pJates, salad plates. soup bowls. cups and saucers. But don't delay ... quantities are limited. Reg. Sale Sunnyside ...... : ... .-. . . . . . . S 110 $41." Cummerbund . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $100 $31." Lyric .... : ......... : .. ·~~ ... $179.80 Ml.• · Valerie . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $159.80 $58." Robinson's China. 67. Be sure to ask about our China Club Plan To order call toll-free ' 1·I00·345·l501. .. , ROllNIONJ coWUJlllDP WlpptN9 91fT B911TBJ ... MAKI AN APPOINTMINT WITH OUR CONIWANT AT YOUR ttlAlllT IOllNION'I. WIU RECORD YOUR GIFT ~FIRENCll IN M~ STOii VIA THI «>:"LY ~RmD ~IVICI llt IOUTHIRN CALIFORNIA. • 8 Orange Coatl OAILV PILOT /Thurtday, Septamber 18, 1982 / Heliport plans inust proceed wi(h c-aution Huntington Bt.•ud\ city officiali; bcllt.•vt• tliey °hUVl' h1l u p o n a n t• w l' t ' o n o rn y f o 1· operations of polkt.• twlwopt~rs by c reating a h t>liport in the industrial area of the city. The plan has promise with perhaps a few reservations. Local police favor the plan because over the past four years. their helicopters haw been porll'd in a rental hangar at Orangl· County's John Wayni: Airport This has n.>qu1rcli the shuttling of flying officers back and forth a nd additional costs in fuel for flying between the county airstrip and Huntington &>ach. It has ~n estam;;ited that aJ! this extra movL•menl il> L'osting about $150.000 annually. So th(' proposal 1s moving forward to s~nd $1.2 million for purchase of nearly five acres of land west of Gothard S treet and s'o u l h of the Joint P owe I's Training Center. Bids .for hangar construction could go out within 60 days. C i t y o f f 1 ci a ls a 1 so a rt• exploring the possib1l1ty that the '\ew he licopter airport could be jointly used by police and civilian operators. The site 1s on a parcel formerly used for rock-crushing operations. so it is in a heavy usage The• caution ht'rl• muy nut so much involw heavy usage in th<' imnwdiatt• urcu us It d oc•s the flight lxnhs that are selL-ctcd by the he icopters. whNhl·r they be police or c\vilian craft. Hehcoptcni ar~ noisy and can disturb neighborhoods. That kind of n oise is most welcome when the citizens below are aware· that police may be hovering overhead in a n effort to catch criminals or are operating ·on a rescue mission. The flying machines might be less welcome if th ey roar ovt>r neighborhood areas o n routine flights. /.. If joint use i!. 1:ontempla tc:d, the c:ity will need to place proper ·f I i g h t t· o n l r o 1 s o n c i v i 1 i a.n l helicopters too. Helicopters have proved to be a very effec:tive crime -fighting tool, even if operation of the whirlybirds is on th<' expensive ·silte. · · . G-i-t-y o ffi-cial s arc t o be commended for their efforts to make the operation s more economical and efficient for the police department. 1 area. \ I - When the new operation s begin. au parti~ involved should be mindful of flight patterhs and paths that will not detrat:t from good public re la lions for the policemen in the sky. ; ._ ... Nuke. .. _a_dJ:.i£.~,;_[l_a wed ... L I State emergency planning officials and repreS('ntativcs of th<' Nuclear Regulatory Commission have drawn up an evacuation plan to be implemented in the event of a nuclear accident at San 0f}ofre. The draft p l an includes instructions for residen ts within a 10-mile radius o f the plant. setting out specific escape routes and evacuation cen te rs for various neighborhoods in the area. There are no instructions for Laguna Beach ~ince it is outside the 10-mile radius. The emergency planners say Lagunans would be suHiciently protected by just remaining in their homes if a radioactive plume from the plant should head in their diktion. That, city o!f 1cials sa , 1s hardl y r eah stac . How many residents are gomg ·to stay home and just peek out the window while evacuees from further south are zipping up the h ighway to their designated evacuation centers to the north? ----State officials insist the worst e x p o s u.r e L a g u n a n s t: o u I d experience outdoors would only be equiva lent to the exposure received during a physical exam using radioactive materials. And that would bt> cut in half if th ey • stayed indoors. C\ty Council members aren't happy about a ll this and want to meet with NRC and state and county e.me_rge.n cy planning officials to discuss the question of i n c 1 u d .i n g L a g u n a i n t h t' emergency zone. · At least they think Lagunans should be prov,ided with the educational material distributed to south county r~1dents for use in the event of !1 n~clear emergency. This d0esn't seem too much to ask. The plant as only 16 males south of Laguna -and four miles of extra distance might not make that much diffNence in a "worst case" scenario . Volunteers can fill gap Recognizing the fact that funds for many desirable city programs are in short supply, and likely to remain that way. Irvine is preparing to launch an expanded volunteer program for the city's Community Services Department. Among the areas where the department would like to use volunteer help are the nature center at Turtle Rock Park, the Fine Arts Center at Heritage Park and the Adventure Playground at University Park. where maintenance and construction are needed. While the full program probably won't go into effect for a few m o nths. the department already is welcoming groups that want to help. Recently. helping hands from Kappa Sigma at UC Irvine have been cleaning up the old Bommer Canyon cattle camp. which was • acquired by the city for use as an ex tension of the Turtle Rock nature center. The 34-mernb.e.r .1.raternity proposed the cleanup job as one of the community services required for receiving its national ch arter -and the city was happy to accept the offer. Other fraternities at the .university are eyei.,g similar service projects. for which the city · supplies materials and the volunteers provide the muscle. It's all very much in keeping with the community spirit that has . devel~ped in Irvine. In addition to saving the city m oney. the volunteer programs s h o u Id guarantee adequate maintenance of facilities a ll the citizens can enjoy. Individuals and groups with time and energy to s pare should line up for future assignmen ts. Opinions expressed in tne space above are thOse of the Daily Pilot. Other views e>e· pressed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invil ed. Address The Da11y Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. ~hone (114) 642-4321. L .M. Boyd/ Re.lirement No. 56 on that list of do's and don'ts for those contemplating rettrement: "If you want to go. go someplace where they don't know your nickname." No. 31 ls: "Count your drinks and dollars, but never count your days." No. 23 is: "Don't plan as far ahead as you did when you had ~our daughter vaccinated in a place you thought would never show.' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilot "'"""'-.... ,, 0.• .,i '"", ... ,•I IJO W•\I 8•• \t C.e\t• llif'tW AOOft'\\ totr•"'90"0 .. rw• 14' to• l'-0 (O\I• ...... l A t1tl• Do you buy the claim of ~ome psychologists that certain women can enlarge their lJust lllt'aauremen.t.a with self-hypnosis? Neither do I. Q . Who invented 9cissora? , A. Same genius who invented the Army tank. Leonardo d1 Vinci. Brazilians like avocado• for breakfast. Thoma• P. Holey f'11~11h~· Thoma• A. Murphlne l el110f Jone Amari f111(uh•• (Cl•IOt lorboto Krelbkh l d~Ot IOI POQ41 I Cl~°' Themat McConn It Mo""IO(lof!G Li •or -• ( • , I • © INF.LlTiON ,/. Letters to the edito.r Legislature must MAILBOX have a situaucm such as the one on 19th Street In Costa Mesa? Therl! sits one lone high-rise .dominating its neighbors, totally misplaced. Most of our c1 l'izens favor the determined by a balanced C1v1c redevelopment of downtown using "the To the F.ditor: Comm1tl.e(? Their approach could entail village com·ept" as Laguna and Seal set priorities I noted with interest your Sept. 5 c'Onstructivc J>('rsuasion, legal boycotts. Beach have done. Thes.e cities have editorial, "Procrastination Costl y." The non -patronizing. and media wonderful low-rise commercial uses editorial appropriately pointed out that 1dentif1cation of "offending" s ign which are aesthicall y pleasing with chaos reigns during the closing days of a holders. patios, walkways, a nd open spaces. legislative session and that the The present policy to compel basic These businesses are financial successes Le~islat~~e ~ot de.liberal! to 1he ~..!....-unif?nmty ?>' or~1nanc~'!1as~p-!ourd , • jind ~~. keep1!'J w!~~ the surrounding, of its abtlity tn UtC41ntbl~ il'Wlrn~vr-·~ciim'ttg. n {~.~P:w ~ suc:ces:.-«:if-' ""H!~~~~~n:-vn.ii'ZC_, bills'1md a rapidly approaching deadline American YJay of individual freedoms, our downtown. We want those who As you pointed out, the Legislature communication. t'OOperation and public develop our city to make a fair profit and failed to send to the governor its pay coruiideration. those who buy into our community to raise bill. If we look at the overall scope Let's be fair and realistic. Costa Mesa prosper. We want visitors to return. A of the legislative se5sion, Wl! find several has been blessed by a responsive, village plan would help. Those backing reasons why our failure to do so was respdnsible business community, an the high-rise plan contend that theirs is a justified. indispensable contributor to our having ''village concept." l have traveled in 32 First, I should clarify that there are attractive educational, social and low-tax foreign countries on four continents, and many hard-working legislators who are a.dvantages. Small businesses have a I r:ie~er saw ,a village with 12-story- not adequately compensated for the time right and a need to advertise properly, buildings. they devote to their full-time positions. and duty toward beautification. Yet, The most effecti~e legislators are· the why should the t'Ouncil punish everyone most conscientious, putting in especialJy in these trying economic times workweeks which extend lD six days and for the bad manners of a few? someti~seven. CHRISTOPHER MAGEE STEEL THIS WAS a year, however. when the Legislature should have grasped a golden opportunity to establish priorities and to reduce or eliminate state spending in suRerfluous areas. lt.4idn't happen. F.ducation is suffering greatly because priorities were not established. We still face the pos8ibility of deficits -because we borrowed from this year's revenues to balance th,e past fiscal year's budget. Worse yet, we allowed special interest bills to get through to benefit specific legislators at the expense of the overall st.ate budget. Until the Legislature is willing to reprloritize, it is inappropriate for us to grant ourselves ~ raises in the face of the cuts we have asked others to absorl>. 1 believe this will not happen until we see a change in the composition of the Legislature -but it ml.isl happen. The fact that a legislative pay raise this year was not approved does not cloud the fact that certain legislators are deserving of pay increases. It's just that as a body. we should take care of the state's most important business before even considering It. MARIAN BERGESON Assemblywoman, 74th District' Rule or represent? To the F.d1tor: Now the mayor of Newport Beach and her followers on the council are suing her constituents? For disagreeing with her? Or, doesn't she remember? It seems a taste of power leads to a thirst for power, and eventually to downright tyranny in the hearts of our small-time politicos. And all of this, right from the steps of City Hall! We can only observe that it has become as perilous for the citizen to exercise his poUtical freedoms &'I It is to be a good Samaritan. In both cases, one.. must now face the intimidation of being sued. And in this instance, by those who would rule us rather than represent us. 1 llEBA WlbLlAMS R ep eal sign Jaw To the F.dltor: The Costa Mesa Council could ~at serve the laudable causes of civic beautification and harmony by repealing the controversial sign ordinance. Such unpopular but courageous decisiveness would remove the growlng potential o( costly, divisive litigation by all sides against the city. Actually. It would be taxpayer against taxpayer, whereby we all loee! A repeal would eliminate the current diacrimlnatlon against legal, but non· conforming a.lgna. Furthermore, a repeal would avoid any diacrlmlnation or untaJrnen that might b e fe lt by contormlna .slgn holders If the council enact• a questionabl e. proposed modlflca.Uon In November. OONCVRRENT with rel*!. I\ would be mandatory upon &he council to provide 1tron1. sincere Jeaderahlp for tf\~lve, voluntary melhoda of aJtenl'\I or~lmlnattna undesirable •Ian• ·~ , Police exp ertise · To the Editor: Members of the SeaView Board of Directors join m e in offering congratulations to the Newport Beach Police Department for the experti5e shown 1n handling the recent armed robbery/hostage s1tul!_!.jon within our community. · Prompt action by patrol officers, SWAT members. hehcopter pilots and all other personnel during the several hours of involvement provided the perfect solution to a tense situation. Great restraint was shown by the ofiicers not ftring their weapons during the suspect chase. ~he community of SeaView thanks the entire Newport Beach P olice Oepartment for 1he calm. peaceful ending. All cit1z:ens of Newport Beach are lucky to have the protection of. this fine department. • JOANN M. BROCK President Sea.View Homeowners Association What 'village'? To the F.d1tor: Huntington Beach again faces the prospect of highrise buildings and their resulting problems in the downtown area. The City Council has approved a general plan which would allow structures of 12 stories. A similar but lllrger plan was overwhelmingly rejected by the pubhc in 1976. Many of the same objections have been voiced by both residents in the proposed redevelopment area and citizens from other parts of the city. The plan emphasizes commerciaJ and office structures that would serve anl area limited In access (no freeways) and limited .in surrounding financial possibilities. Would or-could the dow.ntow.n..corppete eYen..mod.esUy with Huntington Center, Westminster Center, or South Coast Plaza? U not, wouJd these buildings become condominiums resul tinJ[ In a aevere economk drain on the cltyf Would any citizens be willing to fight the traffic to patroniz.e downiown? The area LS already congested. To add more traffic even wlth the planned street modiCications and closings wouJd not solve the problem but exacerbate it IF THERE were full Implementation of the plan, what would be the result for the downtown area? A few blocks inland t long one or two streets would be high· rf1 •nd mor~ medium to high-rise buildings along Pacific Coast Highway from Beach to Golden West. thus dwartlng the 1urroundlng residences.· Wow.Id anyone, even the approving couircll membcr~rezone their own nclshborhoods wit l.an like thl.s one? What of the people in good (aith buy theAe bulldlnp which might not fulfill economic projections? WllJ we r .. Lt IN'-tr-l<t-" .,. •ti<-TIW , .. It <-llW Ill t•t\ te hi -· ., tlltnlNI• 1-I• lftff-Utttf\ .... ..... , 91 111\l """ .. ·-..,tltttMe All letltt\ '""'' II\ ti-·~· •M lft<lt!tf'lt -·" -Nl-l l"tY M Wll-11911 f-\1 If ••1flt<l ... I ..... ,.I•_ ... , .... ,,, Will Ml .. ,.... ..... Lt1Nf\ tn0 ................ .., .... "'•'"·.,.,. ...... _.,..., ., ... c ... .,..., .. -........ lei ... ,., ........ --· . , . \ ··------------ JOANNE C. STEVENS L et church grow To the F.ditor: As a senior at Harbor High and a 15-year resident. ~ would like to make known my complete and unwavering support for the building plans presented by St Andrew's Presbyterian Church. My father has alw"YS told me that if a person or orgamzatlon is not willing to change 1t will never grow -change and growth go h and in hand. At St. Andrew'$ we have a tremendous potential to grow. There are many people in the community we can reach out to and support. However, we need a building that wall provide us with the space and resources necessary to reach these -people. We h~ve presented a building program that will allow us to reach new people and support them. A church is like a support group for the surrounding community. St. Andrew's supports and aids some 3.0110 local r~sidents who attend the church. I would Hke to see our support of the community and our outreach to people increase. Yes. we are asking for a change. A change that wilJ enable us to grow as people and to grow as a chureh. We all. must be very careful never to deny the peop)e of this co mmunity the opportunity" to grow. MELISSA MITCHELL Life at 83 To the F.d1tor: Not sal1Sf1ed with the $10 per month taken by Supplemental Security Income (SSI) because people who never went to school learned what little they do know from computers, now, besides the pound of flesh they want my blood. Today my SoclaJ Security anci SSJ checks combined amount to about $449. And n~w that my rent has skyrocketed again to $460, where do I get any money to buy a piece of new rope? WHO DO I thank for this mess? I could start with Reagan; then Jarvis and all the hunks that voted for Proposition 13. By the way. wasn~t ffProposiuon 13-ilfa dld away with the st.ate surplus? Now that 1 am not permitted to put anyt.hinR Into the bank except my SS and ssr. who payS the $11 balance on my rent? Who pays my $~plus utility bills? Who buys my clothes? Of coune, most of my clothes have come from the tr4sh bin -and t think there's some extra fOQd out there Ln the trash. Me? I'm just an old 83 yeana. Time for me to die anyhow! W.J . ARMSTRONG lllllY• TMteaa ol trvln.r t.o acfd more national holldl;ys . (Mat'"1 Luther Kina o-y. Elvis Pn!Slcy Day. etc.) to the calendat1 why don't w~ l'C!duc.-o the num~r an<1 .. ve eome Uvee on the tUahwaya? 1 ANTI-DRlJNK. DRIVER •ANN LANDERS •ERMA BOMBECK •HOROSCOPE ' • Ortaige GoHt DAIL y PILOT /Thu1 •d•v. Soptemb ( us. 1eei 1 \ • ·rrhey're Off-, runni,ig al '€o ckro3ch Downs' -. DEAR ANN LANDBRS. Just bft•ausl' you lived In New OrlearuJ tor three y•·urs' does not make you an authority on t'OCkroat:hes. I thought il was pretty smug of you to suggest such a thing. · A lot of people t'Onsidt>r ronchcs a nuisnnl'e (especially Yankees), but in the state I hv<' thl'y are worth a Jot of money If ~U know how to l:'ain them to ra<.'<' Roach racing is a fascinating S()()rt. and 1 seen some important money change hand!> at these events It has also created an interesung sideline business -fo~example, e mbalming, gold-plaung and mounting the winners. Just a fow weeks ago l Saw a six-in<:h, gold-plall'd roach that had lx'en framed on a red velvet ba('kground, hanging .m the QUEENIE By PHIL INTERLANDI of Lagurfd.Seach c ooo GU'VS • . 0 honw oC A prominent c.:lUt.en. Whut do yo~ think o! that, AMle? -BULLETIN FROM BILOXI DEAR BULL: I tblnk people are 1Ull ,011~1 to spend more moon 10 1et rid of roacbes tbao to watch tbem race. Tbey carry dl1ea1e1 and can crea1e 1e.tlou1 problem& If lb6y bite-children. I was f asclnated to 6ear about tbo1e l'acing roaches In Mi11t11lppl. When Wiiiie boemaker rides 01, lel m e know. J'tt bet on bim. · DEAR ANN LANDERS: My 23-ycar-old nit-ce insists she is in love with a 21-yeiu--old boy ,(t'annot use the word "man" because he acts like 14), and I am deeply dlstrcs.5ed at her talk about marriage. "Tom'' has been in and out of hospitals ever since he was a child. He has a heart problem, asthma. ba<:k trouble and migraine head11ches. I've K"nown the family for many years, and Tom has been understandab!y pam~red because of his illnesses He is also demanaing, rude, has a bad temper and asks Janet to do many things for him that he rould do for himself. He dropped out of college after the first year and has never been able to hold a job. Janet's first boyfriend (age 16) was an amputee. Hl•r Se<.'Ond romance waS legally bllnd. Do you see a pattern-here? Please express your ~pinion. QAllll Waa Pf;rhups Aun Landers can 'put things uHo proper perspt!<'llVt' A LOVING AUNT DEAR AUNT: I do, indeed, H~e a pattern, but people resent belog Cold tbey have a martyr complex, so I won't s uggest lt. . Janel h1 23 and can do as s be please11, but if she marries tlils 21-year-old seml-lnvalld, she'd better be prepared to becom-e a pa rt-lime nurse and fulHlme breadwinner. Wish ber luck -she will ne~d lt. DEAR ANN LANDERS: '(ou'vc print~ many lelll'rs from d1vorct.'CS an-d widows who complain that their married friends have dropped them because• no one wants an extra woman. P t•r haps this will help the widow& and divorce.~ understand why they arc lonely: hsten IP yourselves and t.·ount the number of tlml>s in the <.'Oursc aJ tht• cvt•ning that Y.OU say, "When George .. Green ·tliUmb· tuned • ID watt llv111u " ur, "Wht•n l w:1~ nuu rwd to Ucnry" ~NOUCll SAID JN OPELOUSAS, LA. DEAR OP: Your letter 11 11ure to make llome people mad. bul you have a point. Thanks for writing. CONFIDENTIAL to Hear My Ide: orry. fl won't wash. We all have U bouu a day. It's bow we use tho11e hours that determines our prlorltles. When something Isn't done ll's becauu• w~ decided something else was more Important. ls pot a drug? Om LSD, PCP, c'OC.wnt• t1nd pills 01~m new· w orlds for you'.' Stop guc•s.'iing. Gt•t tpe laC'ts in' Ann Landers' all-new bouklr:t, "The Lowdown un Dop<• "For each bookll't ord('r£od, sen.d $2. p/w; a Jo~. s<'lf-addn"SS<.-'d sr.amp<'d envt'lofX' (37 cents puswgeJ to Ann LancJers, P.O &x J 1995, Chicago. Ill 606 I I P'OT SHOTS BY ASHLEIGH BRILLIANT TAKE CA~EOF WHAT YOU LOVE, AN D TRY TO LOVE WMATEVE~ YOU MA.VE TO TAt<E CARE OF. .1 • I .~ SAN FRANCISCO -The kibbutz on the windowsill 1s read_y for the harvest. The basil flourishes. N"ceds only a little oil and garlic to berome pesto. The rosemary remembers. The sage looks sagacious. ·STAN DflAPlANf ---, -;;:I ........ -.. - ' .... {., ..... .-, .\ Cl, .. , ........ l ... !ft \.ndlll.. .... ,.,. Wvo~ ·~ .......... • HOIOSCOPf BY SIDNEY OMARA ' Friday, Septembe r 17 · . ARIES (March 21 -Apnl 19): Play walling game. Permit others to state their views. needs. Be attentive, observant a nd detect subtle clues. Contract will be offered. You need not make immediate decision TAU R US (April 20-May 20): Low-key approach brings Qesired results. Look beyond the immediate, perceive potential, reahre services ('an be improved. Resolutions c-or'icerrung diet, nutr1Lion and health arc import.am -keep them. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Emphasis on speculation, changes. variety, children, affairs of heart. One relationshp could end, aROlher might begin, you will have chance to rebuild on a mor-e- suitable base. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Get documents in order. Written material is important Member of opposite sex seeks reassurance, wants commitment. desires .answers to lon~-evaded questions. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Diplomacy wms. you get what you want by ullhzing gentle persuasion Domestic adjustment ()C('Urs, gi ft is r(>Ce1ved, morale soars as result. We have a dozen pots of herbs now I got out the guitar and gave the plant!! a few bars of "Home on tht' ~ange." It has ~n proved that gal'dens do better with music -although a clergyman in San Diego got a good crop of marigolds by feeding them prayer. l expect both are sustaining. We've named it J(jbbutz Cap Weinberger. I said: "Because it's here today and gorlc•tomorrow. However, it's protracted." THE HE RBS ARE r.ow PROFILE . They don't.spoil lhe view. ln the past three days, three aircraft carriers slid by. planes stacked neatly on their decks. We don't expect we'll need them. I sllid: "An her b garden is not a prime .target." Not as easy to raise an t)erb garden as it looks. "We have to get a watering can." said the Home Decorator • I said: "Why can~ just pour water out of a g1a!l:S?" Then I qakkty said: "OK. r knew I was wrong before the words were out of my mouth." ' We got ·an adorable watering can from Cost Plus. It IS beige. "Brown AND beige," she said.- Why? - "Se<:ause those colors go with what I wear.'1 It has a Long spout. It only holds about a teacup of water, but it's the design that counts. "You just refill it, is all." For a simple.ton, giv~ him a simpJe answer. I hadn't \1ved on Telegraph Hill for a long time so I didn't know there'was so much warlike trarfic around. Cruisers with long sleelt guns. Sometimes we put the binoculars-mra destroyer. We're keeping an eye out for the two ·~ battleships President Reagan and Cap Weinberger are bringing out of mothballs. Dusting them off and enterinl'"tl~n a concours d'elegance, I expect. 1 was pretty hot about those two ancient AAOUNQ THE WORLD battlcwagons. I'd just made my quarterly income tax payment. . I said: "Bla~il it, Churchill made tha\ mistake. It proved surface ships are dundee when he let Japanese planes sink the Prince of Wales and the Renown." · w I was so blown up by my memory -(1 d1dn 't even havl' to look it up) -that I wrote 1t. Immediately every history bllff wrote me: "You oaf, 1t was HMS Repulse ... " I had sunk the wrong ship. OUR LITTLE PATCH of herbs .ls a strip of peaceful green underfining the passing gray _warships. The herbs ..art> organic. We don·t feed them fancy plant foods. We let them grow green and spicy on their own. I jl,A.St give them TLC. A burst of song once in awhile: "The Night the Firemen Came to Mother Kelly's." And "When Your Hair Has Turned to Silver, I Will Love You Just the Same.'~ Not everybody goes mad about my singing, but for the plants I'l"it Pavarotti. There was some talk of putting a couple of smaU shrubs on the balcony. But I said: "And ruin the view? 1 don't want to have to part branches to look at it." ' An apdrtinent w;th a view in Snn Francisco costs a bloomine fortune. We settled for a petunia that was gwcn to us by a neighbor. It's loaded now with white blossoms. "It's beginning ~get livable," she said. I said: ··Then let's haye the housewarming party." (I knew I was wrong before the words were t>arely out of my mouth). c. 'm ._t"1•~ .,._..,.. ._ .. "1'"''' .........,.... ""'' ,, ...... ~,, ••. ,....l. '"" flMA 80M8fCI ATWIT'S END Die t los e s • • its 1nag1c I was watching a TV starlet (wh" shall remain nameless) on a talk show the other a fternoon and when the host askt-'Cf her how she had ~\ all her weight she said. "I ate less." ~ I dropped everything and ran for a pencil and paper to ta'ke down what she ate When I got bt1ck thl• l)ost was :.aying. "How does iL work?" S he said, "I JUSt cat less food than my body can blltn up." I COULD HAVE SCREAMED. What kind of advice is that? Does she think Americans are stupid? · We've known that for years. Whot we really want to hear 1s how we can l~ weight and still eat · everything and as much of it as we always did. I want someont> to tell me what I can have from list A and hst B. I want to measure food that I hate on scal<.'S and suffer I want to feel disgust and guilt when I put sugar on my grapefruit I want a diet that is so dramat1l' a Ad you lose weight so fast. you have lo put a belt on your underwear. . VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Define terms, protect financial interests. Someonc want's some.thing for nothing -you might be a targN. Lunar emphasis on inrome. payments, collections. location of lost object Aspirin linked · to .Rey e's? Five out of fi ve Amt>ricaru; go on a d1l't every Mo nday. You know why? Be('ausc evt•ryone respects a dicwr OiC'ting books hav<> out.sold sex manuals for the• last decade. And of 200 million Americans. tbcrc.• 1s not one who admits to being a per f{'(·t weight • LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct. 22). Pos1t1on ls strong. this could be power-play day. Lunar and numerical cycles highlight m1hat1ve. productivity, personal magnetism and "promotion. . SCORPIO (Oct 2:J-Nov 21 )· Finish what you start. tie loose ends. open Jines of communication. What had been a source of fear could now be.• reason for celebration. SAGITTARlllS <Nov 22-0ec. 21). You find right person for job. assignment. New approach is necessary and benef1ciaL Emphasis on romance. wish fulfillment, ability to inaugurate successful policy. "' CAPRICORN (Ik'C. 22-Jan. 19). Use material at hand -you'll be rewarded for research. Focus on career honor. prestige and special collection You gain ma'?r ally t:unding. could bec'O~ available lor exciting. creative pro)eC't . AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Dec. 18). Spotlight on ability to communicate, deterrrunat1on to pursue higher education, long-range travel plans and principles of justice. You're invited to unusual social £unction. • PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Individual who i;nakes promises may lack financial support. Know lt, stress self-relianct• and be aware ol small print DEAR OR. STEINCROHN: Whenever my kids got a cold or flu I'd reacb for tbe aspirin boUle. It was a reflex action like fumbling for tbe cake of soap iD the shower. Now tbat oDe of my daugbten ba1 yoong11ers of ber own, sbe tell1 me 1be doe1n't ase Hplrln wbea tbey are 1lck. Sbe 1ay1 It may produce severe compllcallon1 -even deatb. Isn't 1be being• a bnormally anxious? -MRS. R. DEAR MRS. R.: Undoubtedly she has read - or her doctor has a_dvised -that aspirin may be tied in with Reye'a syndrome. Afthough relatively rare, this condition may even be fatal if it complicates viral inlections like the flu or chickenpox. It may cause liver dysfunction, brain swelling and seizures. Government warnings linked aspirin with the development of Reye'a syndrome a few years ago. And according to a recent Journal of American Medical Association report by Ronald J . Waldman, M.D., of Atlanta, affected children are more Ukely to have been those who received m edicat.ion containing aspirin during the initial viraJ Infection of flue or chickenpox. Studies are ,uu continuing, Mrs.· R. Don't consider. \hat your daughter is being abnormally anxious. .... Lunar emphasis on leases. necessar.Y lk-ense, l~a=J ___ _ requir~ments. DEAR DR. STEJNCROHN: My doctor bas rou1 HEALTH DR. PETER J. STEINCROHN 1uggested that I vl1ll a p1ycbot1teraplsl wbo ls a 1peclall1t In bypoo1l1 trea.tme.nt. Bue I don't like 10 ·be forced 10 do anytlllDg against my will. My trouble II Htreme Derv0Hne11. Tbe doctor tbinks bypoo1l1 may belp me relax. -MRS. M. DEAR MRS. M.: If you don't agree to be hypnotized, remember it can't be forced upon you against your will. Cooperation is essential. Will hypnosis be helpful? ln many patients, I have observed aome improvements in those who suffered emotional tension. As a result it helped such .conditions as migraine, hypertension , ulcers, insomnia -all of which are associated with abnormal pressures. Dr. Steincrohn welcomes ql.J#stlons from readers. He CJ1JU1ot answer aJJ individually but will include (hose of general interest Jn his column. Send your questions to him i are of tbe.J)aJJ.y Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mes11, C4lif. 92626. D1et<'rs art' the modern-day heroes and heroines And why shouldn't they be., They staple thctr cars. wire their mouths shut, go to overweight camps. ovt•rprn.'t'd spas, take pills and candies to curb appetltt·s. takl' tucks m their tummies ;md undergo hypnosis THEY HOOK THEIR VACUUM sweeper bags to silicone JUmp suits, knead their .celluhtc, .wr~p ' themselves ln chamois soaked in herbs, drink water until their liver floats and change fruits every 15 minutes and dance.. To eat less? It's unnatural. B<-s1dC'S. eaung sensibly would only tarnish the memory of those sainted people who starved courageously with Ors Stillman. Prttlkin and Atkins and stopped ort at those ('a lorie-starved cities o{ Scarsdale, Beverly Hills and New York I stared at the TV screen and said out loud. "You don't know nolhln' 'bout dieters, Miss.Starlet. They exist or technology. They wanrto believe the ads about ,.>ill-that turns fat Into watc.-and llushes it ou. of your body by the gallon. Tht'y want to believe the stories that say, ·v~. Virginla, there is a st.arch burner that allows you to eat past.a until you faint.' "eat less! Maybe if you could list something that we .could rrurncograph and pas;s around t._, __ ,. • office ... ll might fl y.'' GOIEN ON lliDGf Eaal-Weat vulnerable. Ea1t deah. NOSTB +&QU Q J °'AllH' •11u WEST EAST •u•• +to O QHO OAIUHHI o t o K4 +QIH4 +A 90lJTB •An Q V ... OQftfU ~+K i ta T~~: EMI ..... w.- 1 0 %0 2 0 I Q • • ow. 4 Q p ... Pue 5 0 P ... P .. Pue O~nlng lead: Eight of •. The San Franci1co team of Ron von der Porten, Kyle t.amn, Peter Pender, Hu1h Rot1, CMp Martel and lAw St.an1by won the Grand Na· tional Team Champlo01h.lp aL the Summer Nortb American Champlon1hipe In Albuquer- qu , N.M .. In July. In cWq to, they beam• lM ftnt lHm to quaUf7 for tlat Lriall to Hied the U.S. team f« BY CHARLES H. GOREN ANO OMAR SHARIF the 1984 World Team Olym· pi1d. Von der Porten. South, liked hi• h1nd'1 playlna potential enough Lo overcall two diamonds even thoush the quality or the suit left something to be detired. E&1t Interjected a cl\lb bid a• a lead director. Since South knew from hll partner'• cue- bid that It. would find good trump. In the North hand, he pe r uvered with rive diamond•. The openlns IHd ten the dub 1ituatlon unclear. Ea1t won the ace of clube and 1bifted to lhe king of hearlt. r Declarer narfed and. 1inee E&lt wu a favorii. to bold the kins or diamond•, he coo- Unued with & trump to the ace. NHt came three rounclt of apadu, and when everyone followed, the it.a,. waa "t fOf an end play. Oecla,..r 1lmply exited with a trump, not really earlnr who won th• kJar. E&lt waa on lead wlU1 lhe ldnr of diamond., and he wu about to eolvt'declarer'• pro~ Jtm1 ID the club .. tt. 11 he r.&wn.4 a chlb, IMrkhw Ma •Itta Lhat ault, declanr would '8vt ft ....... the jMk and then 1htd "" laat dub on the thlrtffnth 1pade. A• It w11, EHL wu down to nothing but hearu. When he perforce led a heart, dec.larer dltearded a club from hand while ruffinr In dummy, ttt.n took a di1card of the jack of club• on the thirteenth apade. Jn the other eoom. the . Detroit team look a phantom aaOlDce It alx dlamondt doub~. Su Ftantltco 1aln td l4 laternaUoaal Makh Pofntl on tM hand ind went on to win the ftn.il by • •~ or 1eo.94 IMPL .. Rvbber brlclae el•ll-;-- llaro-slaeut the rftltt,., ... ' ~ ll•e IHr-4eaJ .. ,..,. ...... l. De they O.w ... eu.t .. , .. clea'U C .. arle1 Gtre•'• °F .. r-Deal lrl•ae" wlll t.H<li·1•• .............. iMa4 tadlc1 ., tW. ........ .. tlo• ... e·tlaat ,,......, ~ c•e hr ........ ,,. ... n . Fer • eepy .... • ........ . .... 11.15 -.·"G ...... tew De al," cere of tlile Mw.,.,.r, P.O. ha !It. NerweM, N.J . "'48 ..... t.laeck9 paJ.W. i. N...- ,.,....111te. • Brotherhood Sculptur~ ; . . The Acad e my of Judaic, Christian and I Jamie Studies celebrated its fifth a nnive rsary this week at UC Irvine with an ice carving. The sculpture featured the Star of David, the Christian Cross and I ' the Islamic Crescent. From left are Rabbi Bernie King, George 1 GrqSe~ lit-a a emy preside nt, and Dr. Maher Hathout, of the Islamic Foundation of Southern California. The groups will meet at UCI on Oct. 28. ClllCS 111.D .. oa - l• F• TM .. , .. Sip LOW COST CAT & DOG VACCINATION CLINIC BJ Ptl Prtwtnt·A·C.t• -. Ap:'ot , ,...__.. Rabies .................................. $3.95- _.. t'1w •• 4 ->· Dist~ (D.H.l.) .............. $4.25 - AM~•"'!~ ."-1' Parvo .................................... $5.00 11c1 ,.,...,..••--n.... ''5'-1" $700 h•l ....,, ...., Mrflu; ""5 •• ,. .................. ...... • - .... ...,.. •• ",,.... cat "3*1" ......................... :$5.oo- ooos lllST mt LrBC: cm IN eow;l'lW£ COSTA MESA F Alt VAUEY S.twdar, Str>L 11. 1m S1twdar. Sept. 11. 1912 2-5:30 , .M. 9 A.,M..NO()fl M ... v., ... C..,11< Watn<t< Wot<I w .. 1 Hacl>o< BIVd 6 Acl1m1 SllOC>PlnO Cent .. 9300 Block OI War-Ave. at •-d SAVE THtS LAGtlCA Nl6lR s.i.da1. s..it. 19, 1912 l:JO , .M.-5:30 , .M. M-Cfl Bay Plaza Parking Lor Cto.,n Valley Pan.way • tt PCH DIVORCED? SEPARATED? lll't jmt co n..o it ... mw nr111' it! DIVORCE RECOVERY WORKSHOP Six Tuesday Evening• Sept. 21-0ct. 26 St Andrews Presbyteria11 C~urch Newport Beach St • ....,._.. ld. .. I lfll St. Ac"'""-Hew,.t H.t1or1fl4J11 S 15.00 Recjhtratioft For nt0n IRfonMffoft call: 631-2115 • 9:00-5:00 Moa...fri. -----------------------------------'l .99 ~A -. Offer good Thura. thru Sun. only. Limit 3 Plzzaa per coupon. Not good with any other offer. Good at following location only: Phone from . ' 1. 1':21::\ COMME"CIAL CRf,DIT CORPOR_A TION I \:::. r::J "Control Dc\ta Company "' i..-•• u \'\\) ..... """ ... _..,.., ....... ,.....,,. • ~ . - I I I I I. CO TA MES"A •3iOE.17th treet •61S·Ui00 llUNTINCTON BEACll • 16075 Colden West St.• 847-7771 MISSION VIEJO • 2 1~'!5 i\licia Parkway. Suite 2E • 770.2651 Alicia To-wu Plaza ' SANTA ANA • 1221 Eust 17th Street• 5-17·587 l \ .. ___________ .. An Invitation to our Customers to a '~Sellabration'' ~ on the occasion of- our Twenty-Third Anniversary , An opportunity to ._do a little pre-Christmas shopping at 25% off everything and anything. now in stock. COSTA MESA ra:r~':'!!:;a, If you have no reason to take advantage of this 187 E. 17th St. _..,. 83,_1 .... 992..,,..._ .. ._,_s_pecial buying offer, please come in T anyway and C::!~~~~~-&-~~:e! •••••••••• ~.i!'!'.~?t!~. share a moment on this happy occasion with you ) •5,99 UY ·•ulilM llllllll friends .. on the staff at \ ~A I CHARrLES ff; BARR Offer good fhurt . thru Sun. only. Limit 3 Pl.a .. per coupon. x; ~ Not good wllh any other ofter. Good at fottowlng loeatlon ' ~ L. ,.1 only: Phone from • OW ~- home for . COSTA MESA .::::... fat• NrVlc. 187 E. 17th St. -. 831-1992 17th at Irvine <A>rner of 17th & Orange Ex9l e.2w 2 W I 'ff Pl N · B h ••. ,3.:i·i··;;·;;;,;,·~····· estc 1 aza. ewport eac ----- Straw Hat •. ,,.:,. on. good T""'·· ttwu Sun. Oflly, Limit 3 Pin .. per coupon. Hot good With eny other ott.r. Good at followtng location' only. Phone from ·COSTA MESA ,.:,';'~ 117 E. 17th .St. ~ 131 1~ Corner of 17th & Orance -.,., !lcplrte t-:tt-12 AU "' "',., ,_ ,_ at -. Friday, S·eptember 1 7 and Saturday, September 18th 1 O o'clock a.m. to 6 o'clock p .m. Door prizes totaling SS,000 In ·merchandise Including a . 2 3ct diamond to commemorate our. 23rd anniversary In the .Newport Harbor area. Mo rt than 25 grou1 will lw r<-J•r • nh d -6 ·county c,o-leges set 'singles sCene' The• S1ngll• Ex/Jl'rtl'Ol'l' und $(•(•ond Look wll bt• unwlll•d &pt. 29 when 111x Orungt• County community t'Ollcgcs comblnc for on "Orangc County Singles · Scene•" at the MarrloU 1101.cl an NC'wport Beach. Inform ation distribution on lhese powerful progr1.1ms for 11inglc odult.s wall be part of tht> program being called one of thC' larg~st gatherings of singles an Orange County. S lated for 7:30 p.m . an the Mo.rriot\'a ballroom, the program Includes displays and Information booths on programs, dubs. organizations. agencies. associat ions and groups for singles. More than 25 groups wlll l:x• rcprdcntc.'CI . Co-sponsored by Fullerton, Santu Ana, Cou111tlanc, Golden W <'s t . Orang(' Cous t and Saddlcback t'Ollegcs, ~he proiram wjll kick off thL" many pro(Jrams planned for 1$1nulei. during the · school .)'f!ru' ~ Fullerton Collc1w Community Scrvtt't."8 coordinator Jean Lest.er said The Singll' Experience is a. new program for single adults. Second Look provides a framework for singles to meet others, what to look ror and how to choose friends. ''Orange County Singl es Scene" h a11 ·a $3 per pe rson admission foe and ls payable at the door. Additional information as available by calling Mrs. Lester a t 871·8000, Ext. 252, or the · ~mmunity servi<.-cs orfit'es of anr of the sponsoring community t'Olleges · *Chevy d~ler, quittinc •u1lne11, lit1uid1te1 lte1utiful, · load11 '82 Chevy exeoutive 01n and truoks . for CASH to dealer or rour own fi1anoinc! low mileage, well-cared for, totally equipped! tAST-CHANCE for. these MASSIVE PRICf REDUCTIONS! * '82 Chivy Caprice! * '82 Chevy Cavalier! Four-Ooo·r No. 529217223 Four-Door No. 6114/7132 $ 2 5 2 8 ... ,.,, ,,,.,~,, 1lld1rl s 19 51 .,,,,,\·,,,.,,,, ,,,,.,,1 $8 7 2 ~,,,, ,.,,,,, ,.,,,,,/ s900 ,,,,,, ,,,,,,, ,.,,,,,/ * '82 Chevy S-to Pick Shell e)(tra. No. 6580/7519 $1"4l0 ''''" ,,, •• ,, 11idt1r/ $ 3 91 .,,,,, ,.,,,,, ,.,,,,,, *'82 Ch.evy· Caprice! Four-Door No. 529617221 $2456 ,,,,,, ,,,.,,,, 111d1rl '868 .. ,,,, ,-;;,;,, ,.,,,,,, , * '82 Chevy Fun Yan! HD RV No. 397517126 , $ 3113 .,,,,, ,,,.,,,, ,,, ... ,, $986 ,,,,,, ,.,,,,, ,.,,,,,/ * '82 Chevy Camaro! Berllnetta No. 5680/7477 $ 2112 "''" ,,,.,,,, ,,,.,,,, $ 718 hllrt ~HIHT inM•f . 1 ·4th~ Anniversary SALE · When is a Sale really a SALE? P•ICIS STA•TAT 1229 PRll DRAWING LA · I ·IOY llCLltA • IOCI· . Crowing Wol &. Htld Oct. 17 ... lt-Vn~..t Mot k l'rfteftt f..-w1--. \. ... THURSDAY, SEPT. 18, 1982 con verl tell ·h ot to j ump ease into -· BUSINESS 06 the lrenzied routine STOCKS 07 "' nonch ala11tly on Page 82. ----------------------------------------~-----·---~J-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:....... ________ .::_ __ __::_ __ ,..._ __ __::.__J ~\ ~,,,fG . Calling the park officials' bluff -' OUR PARKING PILEUP: State government has finally cough~ up the first money that will be used to start dev~epment at our new Crystal Cove State Park, between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. It's amooesT sum, to say the least. \A Gov. Brown signed the appropriations bill to allocate $5 million to the park. · -Now, for those of us who subsist these days on , peanut butter and jelly · _ ,,..._" sandwiches, $5 million. -sounds like a mighty tall JDM MURPff llf ~ pile of dollar bills. B~t .Y~U ---------'-..,''----have to look at what tt will buy at the new park. The money will provide some restrooms, a visitont' center, and some parking spaces. That's it. .. THIS IS A FAR CRY from the appropriation that was originally sought by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R -Newport Beach, calling for the state government to ~!!d $1 million eaco year for the next 20 years. It's difficult to determine how much parking really will be built for the beach visiting citizenry. One state report suggests eventually, there will be 1,970 parking spaces to service the park's 3.65 miles of_ beach . El Mc.rro. ~t"ll' ~nr:.i:.i...·1 ..::Sc~n~.r_. • .;_1 -1---1'-e P_:· : ' -. •, Arrows indicate state's proposed blufftop parking at Crystal Cove That compares to Big Corona in Newport, where 488 spaces are provided for just 0.28 of a mile of beachfront. The suggestion here is that the state hasn't even really started yet and already it doesn't have enough parking. ANOTHER RE PORT QUOTES Ronald Rawlings of the state Department of P¥~ and Recreation as saying that 1,035 parking places will be provided above the Crystfl Cove area beaches_ on the bluffs. Construction of these spaces would be completed, he said, within th~ years. Part of the state general plan for Crystal Cove park says that four 60-car lots will be created where the horse center is now located and another 300-car lot at Reef P.oint. That's room for 540 cars. You are~eft presume that for now, at least. the other 875 cars ve you a 1,415 capacity of "existing" slots must be a ong the highway shoulders. REGARDLESS OF HOW you play the numbers game, the state comes up short of needed parking and worst of all .. state officials are blundering ahead and putting that parking in absolutely the wrong place. That is: on top of the bluffs. The bluff area, between Coast.Highway and the beach , could be landscaped with grass, sqme trees, greenery, meandering paths, perhaps even some picnic tables and barbecue units. The area could provide a beautiful, scenic, passive place where you could look out upon the Pacific. Not only would it preserve open space; it would enhance it. ' Instead, it appears that the state is going to blacktop it. Pave it over , so you cqn gaze out over a sea of C4ffiper trucks to view the ocean. This. my friends, is absolute madness. ANY KIND OF THOUGHTFUL planning would preserve that open space and place parking facilities inland of the highway. Pedestrian overpasses would be provided for safe access to the beaches. But all evidence to date suggests this isn't going to happen. The state is going to do it on the cheap. And we will be blessed with another Bolsa Chica. F oriner NB officer Simi Valley chief .Former S eal Beach Police (:hief Edward Cibbarelli has been appointed chief of police in Simi Valle y, a suburban pnmunity of 80,000 in Ventura C.ounty. . I Cibbarelli, a resident of Huntington Beach, previously ~rved as a lieutenant In the ewport Beach Police partment. He take. over his dutJes Sept. 27. e will receive a salary of ,000 while heading a pan.ment of 76 sworn officers. ' ClbbareW was believed to be f th~ youngeet police ch1ef1 1tat.e when he became Seal chief ln 1974 at the age of , He .resigned ln 1980 to become re1ldenl of a Garden Grove ufacturtna flnn. "I rn1IMd police work and J this ls a peat opportunity,'' eaJd. Slmi Valley Deputy City Manager Mike Sedell said that the Simi Valley police department had been \he target of criticism e~rlier thia year. He said one incident Involved an allegation of a rape In a h\)ldlng cell and another ca concerned mitaing evidence. Sedell said neither allegation was proved but that former Police Chief Donald Ru1h resi~ in June ln \he mldal of a controversy. '"nlere'a been llOme difflcultlee ln the put bu~ there Jiu been an effort to take care of them. We'll wait and tee," ClbbareW lai~. Clbbarelli made lhe new• in 1979 when he nearly~ ln the twimmlng pool of hJa home, then tn Cotta Meta. Pollce at the tlm• Hld ClbS.relll blacked out w htle 1wimmln1 durin1 a barbecue attend~d by Hveral poltce officers. haron Green ·Getting the juinp on vitality l -} By SANDIE JOY Of the D.itr Hot lten At first, Sharon Green couldn't keep up the pace; now others are hard pressed t.o keep up with her . Furthermore, she's obsessed. She admits It. She started out s truggling through routines just a few days a week; now every day she does at least an hour of concentrated, Isolated muscle exercises. She's in t.o aerobics. She's so far into it, in fact, she now teaches others several days a week at NautilWI. Plus in Irvine's Centerpolnt businCM plaza. And, she's teamed with two other UC Irvine grad·uate students to form an aerob ics business which, among other endeavors, is running the first county-wide aerobics competition S e pl. 25 at Los Caballe r os Racque t and Sports Club in Fountain Valley. · She started with aerobics a year ago as a hobby and a way to become better conditioned for the acting career she hopes to pursue after completing her master's degree in dramatic· art.I at UCI. . "It's li~e. video games," she suggested. "Once you try it, you get hooked Into it. That's why it's going to be around for awhile. "It's big business in Southern California. It's huge here." One d e ntist became so · enamored with aerobics she now teaches 6 a.m. fitness classes before going into he r dental office. Of her own introduction to the sport, Gr~n recalled, "I couldn't ,keep up with the instructor the first few times. Then, I kept up 60 percent of the time, \hen 62 .. --.. Within s ix week s Green volunteertd t~ fill in for the instructor ~t Spa Lady in Fountain Valley. Now, she's on ·stall there, too. ' Green ticks off aerobics' benefits with enthusiasm: "You lose weight, first of all. A good aerobics routine will use up 450 calories In an hour. "You lose a lot of inches and tone up a lot. "I find it improves your mental 6uUook, your brain. "U I'm depressed, I can get rid of It with aerobics or I can get rid of anger, too. "You just feel better abo4t younell and ypu meet a lot of people. The guys are fun, too." G~n said she's encountered many men working out on weights who've belittle d aerobics. " • "Then they try it," she said, "and they're in pain." "Aerobics are difficult, not the sit-ups you did in high school. There must be 20 different exercises for the waist aJone: then for the inner and outer thighs. "What makes the a erobics routines bearable is \he JJU!Sic." Green Aid she and her busi ness partners, Colleen Newbry and Tom Gloe, hope to at least break even on \heir Sept. 2~ competition. Six teams of four will ch oreograph a flve·minute routine to music of their choice 80 an actual round is 30 minutes of non -stop rufining," she explained. "The professional division involves instn.&ctors, ao routines are qui~ dJfficult and creative. Because of the long period of running al\c;l difficulty of the various steps, endurance becomes a strong consideration for the judges." After long stretches of the most frenzied gyrations, the pace eases as ex~rcisers do less hectic leg lifts. Prospective contestants may call ~56·4301. , . Shooting range compromise too late? Envtronmentallata, developer1 and the county have reached a compromi1e al1owtn1 ·con1lructton of a 400-acre ahoo\lna and 1port1 recreation area In Coal C.nyon. But the A1reetnent may not be in Ume for the lhooUng ranse to be uMd ln the 1984 Olympk:a. Or~ County 8\.lpervlaort Wed neaday denied a Sierra Club •pptel to ·~ OOIJ9tl\lcUon of the faclllty. However, the 4 • 1upervi1ort did hu~rt 1everal The environmentalist.I were condition• t'hat Coal Canyon concerned about protection of the Partner1hlp, the developer, had 101l 1and 1everal other plant agreed to after talks .w.llb l_bg.,. • 1pedea allo. · Sierra Club. Supervilort added 1ome The club and other envt~ntal group1 had feared ·the canyon, which "°'1tainl one of dnly four grovet of Tec:ate cypreaa tree• in &he United Statea, would be damaaed by c:onlU'\ICUon of the facility. protection for the cypre11e1, outlined proceduru for replacement of t.ree. and aareed to h.ave a consultant on the lite durtna tree-clearln.I to advt.. on ways ~ proted wildlife. The ICJ'Mmeftt may be too Jat.e for the facfllly'1 uH •• the 1hootlng range in the 1984 O l ympic•. however. Game. or1anlsera had choeen the lite, but only If conttnactJon ~ by Sept. l of U\il )'Ml'. Board of Supervi1or1 Chairman BNce Neetande aald Wednead~ It may atlll be poulble to lure the Olympic com peUllon to t h e •Ile, bu t dev.lOP«°I would not l'Onll'MOl on the P'*bllity. --------------~----. _ .............. -~----~-• ' . -.. Orange Con1t DAILY PfLOTITI'turtaey, S,ptemt>er 16, 1982 .. r Tll llDDlll PIGTURI HutchiIJ OIJ -Wei Mr. and Mn Rlcherd Hutchin1on, nee Christina Welu, are re1ldlna In Coata Meaa l>Ql'{•nui un· L..orin Wld clune Wei ot Corona d 1 Mar and Richard Hut.chJnton and VlraJn1a Hutchlnsotl, both ot N wport Beach. , following a weddlna trip to Maul. . They were married Aug . ..21 Jn Community C)lurch. Congregational, Corona del Mar. Their The bride'a tchool la Cal Stato Long Beach and the bridegroom attended Sant.a Ana College. · . . : : .• By SANDIE JOY Of~ Delly Not lleff • :: Aside from a fondness for parachuting, • my idea of exercise ls walking to the .. lunchroom and pushing the candy machine button for another Snickers. the label listing everything from Vitamins A and D to Siberian glnaena. I hoped they'd help. But my jumpmaster had strpngly • suggested I build up my Jeg and back..mu.scJes -for safety's sake ......:. and Sharon Green was enthuslvticalJy extoJliRg the benefits of aerobics for strength and stamina conditioning . My initial reaction was yuk, especially since she wanted 1lle \o start on the Friday night of a holiday weekend. All that running and sweating SANOtE JOY didn't soµnd particularly appealing even If it ~as for a good cause -improvement of my over-30 bod. I arrived early. trying to look casual, 1 attired in the closest thing I could find to leotards ~ my striped bathing suit and a pair of shorts. Sharon cheerfully bounded across the gym to greet me as I apprehensively eyed 40 --c:l'--50 \~men doing pushups. . Already tired just from watching, I retreated to a nearby restaurant for a Diet Pepsi .and sought out a quiet ben·d1 to meditate. r I popped nine "high-potency" vitamin tablets into my mouth at once before readilrg POlltlcal Adwrtl..,-nenl Bill· Agee NEWPORT CITY COUNCH. NOVEMBER 2 . Pd. FQr By Frlenda Of 8111 Agee P 0 Boil 812, Corona del Mat, CA. · Watching oJJ the lithe damsels arriving for class, thetr feet fairly springing as they walked, I wondered how I'd flt Into that crowd with my pudgy profile. I wondered, too, If I'd look like Racquel Welch ir} a few months. "Push! Push!" Sharon ordered while bouncing up and down. "Lift those legs." I watched her closely and listened · intently as I tried to look Uke I knew what I was doing. I remembered her advice: "Take it easy. Don't expect to do the whole thing at first. Build up slowly at your own pace. If you stop, you stop. But you've also got to remember to . push." . I liked the stopping part; lio as often as I dared, I I.aid back a bit pretending to observe the others. The drinking fountain and ladies' room also provided great excuse for brief breaks from the grueling routine: running, a fre11Jy of strange gyrations and poses, thpn - thankfully -slower ballet and relaxation exercises. Maybe I kept up 50 percent of the time. My conclusion: not bad. I really did feel -good and definitely more alert and energetic J than an ,hour earlier. P.S. Nobody else cared how I looked or performed. They were too preoccupied with .their own sweat and pain. ~­' . Joseph F~~chow, M.D. Is pleased to announce the opening. of his office to.r the practice of DERMATOLOGY Skin lttseases, skin cancer and surger.y. Acne. warts. moles. cysts and allergies. Dlplomate. Am. Board of Dermatology • Fellow :Am. Academy of Dermatology _ Olly or Night Care (714) 752-5858 355 Placentia Ave. #102 Newport Beach, CA 92663 : - A Lecture Series by C)ean mlcuie fn Fountain Valley ~inning lhe ·Age. Game (How to stay young . all your life!) I. Winning with my Beaut)1 Se.crets for mature skin l MON. A. Capture, care & maintain a lovely complexion 9-20 B. Makeup techniques to look younger .. C. Body Skin Care ... things no one talks about ~-·- II. Winning with a New Attitude toward aging THUR. 9-23 A. If you didn't know your age· .•. how old would you be? B. Stress & tension: The enemy of beauty C. Life cycles/Identity crises/Sex appeal · 111. Winning MON. A. 9-27 B. IV. Winning C. D. THUR. A. 9-30 B. c. V. Winning MON. A. 10-4 B. . c. . with Nutrition and Exercise Body Age Makers: Arms, Back, Tummy & Hips Exercise is for life (the right kind!) Eat & grow younger ( 3 simple foods) Your posture tells a story . . Habits to become the Ageless Woman Body Language -How's Yours? Why act your age? Smoking & Alcohol -What price on aging? Hair Styles e1nd Wardrobe Hair ... three "MUSTS" for the ageless woman ' Fashion . . . Friend or Foe ? Three ways to avoid looking matronly •ao 'O.~i:-<=> •20 ~- Lecture times: 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. C1 L)\'11 (714) 964-5242 ;Jean,, :/I'& ari,e, ® Magnolia & Talbert (Southwest Corner> \ .. . . . l Mrs. Orlan Moore Marino -Wallace Laura Wallace, daughter of Gene and Joetta Wallaoe of Fountain Valley. and Michael Marlnq, 10n of J ack and Gale Marino of Whittler, repeated their weddlna vowa Aug. 21 In First Christian Church of Huntington Beach. · The newJyweda will reside ln Canoga Park after a honeymoon In Puerto Vallarta. The bride la a graduate of Los Amigos High School and her hu.tband'a 1ehools are UCI and Pepperdlne School of Law. . Moore -Anley Llnda Ann AnJey became the bride of Orlan Curtis Moore Sept. 4 In &t Bonaventure Church, Huntington Beach. A home in Costa Mesa has been established by the couple following their wedding trip to lxtapa, Mexico. Parenta of the newlyweda are Mr. and Mrs. David H. Anley and Mr. and Mrs. Oliver C. Moore, all of Huntington Beach. . • I Mr. and Mrs. Michael Marino ' The bride was graduated from the University of Oklahoma at Norman and the bridegroom graduated from Golden West College. Mr: and Mrs. Richard Hutchinson / •Jn=ualired -•• 111'7to 31 clap, Minimum Balance $20,000. Act today on this high rate account Stop-in at your nearest Allst}te Savings office or call collect (213) 240-5913 and a mem~r bf our Bank-by-Mail Department will be happy to help you. This account is fully insured up to $100,00,0 by the FSLIC. . Allstate Savtnos Allstate Savings & Loan, a member of the Sears family. Over $3 billion in assets. C>1982 Allstate Savings & Loan. ·A~o.«aour.a~~'WM"drr~tJ~S* Md1l'llftf111t~ N1t>lndsamb1 ,.--. f~,,..,.,_'°"' trQ\aft' ti.lbM.M'lli.J•rlt""' P"n.ill t·• ,.,.., •44hdr1-.aJ s 4. 11 ... . SCllEWDRIYER SET LCD W~TCH u1n·r r $299 l ~!A~a · · $399 ALL CEILING PANS u Models 15 % OFF 5 Year Warrantee DIGITAL PE~.WATC~ $44.95 Value , 41 po. i SOCIET SET l ii·4~· WORK GLOVES i~•1t~ COUPON FREE 10 pc. MINI TOOL SET With PurchoH Must Pr ... nt Coupon , ............ , lDO w1ff Prelr1••1~l1 MICROWAVE $700.00 Value '299°0 . $499.QO Vajue ROLUWAY TOOL BOX $169 99 Was $9.95 SUPER DRILL UCHmll TOOL SET •1" $39.95 V'11Ue 4-WIJ' H-1 TR • 4415 $1 9 Value AM/FM/CASSlnl STIRIO IN-DASH ,, •.. 4 • . . t •• j Orange Coaat DAILY PILO'r/Thur1day, September 16, 1982 Ba . 60 area students colnp.ete Coast etni-finali ~is yje for National Merit cholarship More than 110 tccm-ugN11 from Otlange Coo1il high schools will compel<' w1lh 15,000 semi finalists nnt1onw1de for National Merit Scholarships, The studt•nts were among more than a million young scholars who took s1wdal exnms in 1981 The sem1-Cin11ltsts urc vying for 5,000 scholarships, some of which are $1,000 awards HUNTINGTON BEACH . Edison I111h Sebool: Jolt.-cn M Uroalng. H-u n tin 1 lo n Be a c h H I ah School: J~I Simpwn; Paul Kevin Wood. . Marina High School: Ronald R. Coulon: Albert J Goodman; Jonathon D. Loeb, Vincent P . Sanex, Charmain S, Wakefield. . to be applwd toward their college IR VINE education. Irvin~ filgh School: Rebet.'Ca A. Following is a hsl of coastal McFaddcj\. Orange County sem1-hnahsts. University High School: David COSTA MESA A. Ayotlc; Michael L, Bartlett: Estancia High School: Gwyn Amy u. Bertin; Ni cholas S . Alcock; Michael E. Ontko; BuCfinger; Vincent C. Chun: Michael A. Chu: William A. Christine N S~ydam Craven; Ad am Finkelstein; DANA P0°INT• Ksana Golod; Phillip J. Layton: ; Dana Hills High School: Duanl' Sofia V. Merida; Matthew Miller: A. Griswold; J ean M. Johnson; Daniel J . Wldawsky . Andrea K Penman; Kristin B. Woodbridge High School: White Diana J . Bracy: Joseph Cheng; Michael J . Rondc1au : Jtlffrt.'y A. SproUte. Ml11lon Viejo lll1b School: Poul G. Floyd. NEWPORT BEACH Corona del Mar Hi&h School: Sherman J . Dorn: Lo ri J . Enallah; Gregory F . Fillers: David M. G~man: Gregory T. 1 Probst; Phillip A. Rellly; Scott C. Woods. . 1 Newport Cbrlatlan Hl&b School: Richard B. Sowers. Newport Harbor Hl&h School: Thomas Bridle: John R. Doedens; Conrad J . Heiney: Daniel P. Kaufman; Linda C. Palmer. SAN CLEMENTE San Clemente High School~ E.9tcban 0 . Svoboda. TtJS'tlN Tustin Hl&b School: Curtis M. Castella'net; Steven B. Frank: Donald E. Townswick. Et TORO Jean Kam; John M. Kim; Thomas El Toro High School: Steven G. Klem; Davtd J . Prins:z; Greg WESTMINSTER S. Shaw; Steve C. Sherwood. LJ Quinta High School Sh H. Haddock. R. Cowls. • : awn FOUNTAIN VALLEY r.tISSION VIEJO Westminster High ScJaool: Fountain Valley High School: Capistrano Valley High Paul W . Arnold; Kermit D. Ariana R Wyle. School: William J . Baldwin; Marsh; Charles A. Patwell . _:__~~-.-~~~~~~~~~~-r-~~_:_~~~~~~..e:::===============::P!====================================::::: Paid Pohtu.al Ad~ ALLA BEEK FOR CITY COUNCIL ..... '"' b1 llJl&n e.tl 1190 Slwfll\lf"'°' 'nrpon ~h RUFFELL'S ~LSTERY ............ llttdS.-.• 1922 HAJtSOR ILVD. COSTA MESA -541·1156- Arts 'n Crafts Show/Sile Huntington Center doily thru Sun. ·W!:a UCOHDIT~ sot.41 WATR HIJ.TINO IAT~OOM llM009UNO St I· 111,)1 Setvtce Time S1111a at Y°"' OoOf (Cllll Store ..__, Your Ar .. 1 a>ITA MISA 641-1289 1526 ................. MISSION VllJO 495-0401 2H22 Co""-~,.,,. •. cs-~ ....., .... ..., "'-wy.) PEOPLE NO CONGER FEAR PSYCHIATRISTS ~:['1 •• • In lhe pasl psych1a1nc help WU COl'\SJdered onJr 8S • last resort Prople avoided going to or taking rel11tives IO a psychuitrisl. even when it was evident that IJllflment was nl'1?ded They would e ve n disregard lhe auggeslion of lheir family physicians There was a feeling of shame. This has all changed Tod a y . W.J t h pub l 1 c awareness of the 'problems of ment.aJ health and with lhe spectacular development of new medicines to treat mental dl.lorden1. people are no longer afraid to consull a physician They reab:z:e that lhere 11 hope We stock lhew new medicines as n s they are ova1l· le preteription Ulle. YOU OR YOUR DOCTOR CAN PHONE US when you need a delivery. We will deliver promplly wilhoul extra charge. A greal many people rely on us for I.heir belflth needs We welcome requena for delivery 1erv1Ce and charge eccountJi PAM LIDO PHAltf/IACY ,,.. o.11"'7 ., ,,_,,_,, lf#d ,,.':',,._,, 1IOll! Speed . Up Your Auto Sales ., Now and them .. .. .. • .. .. " . Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. • ,. Competitive brand tar levels reflect the tower of either FTC1 me1h0d 01 Dec '81 FTC Report . . SOFT PACK lOO's FILT~ MENTHOL 2 mg. "tar''. 0 2 mg nicoune av per c1garet11 by FTC method • p I 19 ' c. ............... D'tl!94 ... \ .. I . I I I l [ . I • , I . ,,,:.:·: $199 ~ EACH 2"x4"x8' Redwood Studs ~ 'TYPE 1000 6 FT. Fiberglass · Panels .• s21R!3.99 ;, . B' Flbergl••• Reg. 5.29 .... SAYE 1.30 ..... •3.99 .4 .sow 1-------r--~~~~-+---,~~~~~~~---1·sackChair 1"14"16' Redwood Combed Dog' Eu Reg: 1.39 ............ 89• 4"14"rl' Redwood Post.s Reg. 7.99 ................ 15.49 10' Flb•rfll••• Reg. 6.99 .... SAYE 2.00 .... 14.99 12' FllNrgl••• Reg. 7.99 .... SAVE 2.00 .... 15.99 , . Particle Soard ~399 • Regul1r 4.99. Inexpensive, durable building product For shelves. storage. cabinets, work benches tind more 1/e" x 4 x· 8 STANDARD • Hardboard R99. 5.&t. Ideal for remodel· tng. building, or any form I construction OWENS CORNlNG • Fiberglas Reg. 49.99 EA. #40W ~~Sle 01-T~p· 99¢· STUD GRADE 2"x4"x921/4" Stud .... Reg. 104.99 #T42W Table Base Reg. 41 .'99 #8200W .. UNFINISHED Gourmet Table s7999 Re9. 11.N . Stur4y con· scructed table me"asureJ 20 \.4"Jt20•h"x34" high, and. la ready to stain and llnish. Thi tap It 1 solid 3" thick end grain top. with a knife drlWef and storag41 'shelf. 1122W. ' . .. Whittier ~ Wc»od-- Products SA\IE 76 .95 SET Set includes one 42" round butcher bloci< finish table with contemporary base and lor Bowbaci< chairs with 19" seat. All pieces areol heavy stoci<, finely sanded and ready to assemble and finish . Rig. 1.91. RemoYes rust. brushes on llke 1elly, adheres to ve11ic1I sur· laces. Excellent tor prepat· ing metal surlaces betont painting. 8 ounces. I NJ.,t. • •. Weldwood Contact Cement s249 PINT Reg. 3.19 This waterproof h9sNe needs no naililig. . . • euity troweAed IO ll'ff ex· ISdrlg wll eurfaoe. 10032. OUMT.Ret.1 ..... 3 •• FILON ® B' Cool Rib triped Fiberglass Panel ' . Insulation , • $ 299 . Str1ps 1 · 3•;,•·x1S" 3 -3¢ $ 99 ··~ B' Cool Rib Striped Fiberglass Panels 15.99. Cut heating and cooltng R'!~ by using lnsulatton Keep your :m. cool In the summer and warm in EA. the winter. Install now and save on Reg. 49'. Oualtty lumber for all your federal taxes. #R-11. building needs 8 FT. WOOD ; Step Ladder is,1·599 ·' - Va" x 4" x 8' . CDX Plywood s74~ ,... M.tl. Sanded fir plywood lor conattuction utlkty cablne11. atorage IOcl<· n. end many mote IJ)eelel projlct1. We haVe ell cyp.t end tltlt IO shop UI litlt lof ell your ~ needl • '. EASY ROLLING Utility, Cart s5999 ....... '74.tl. RNdy to UMmble oell cert with 11tf1Clive cane lnMl1 on the llft.up door Av• 117·"•"1C11 hard-f'NOle ClhOr»nO boero " ~ with lhll llaln, tctlleh Ind hMt rMIMant unit I ' ~. 10.99. Add varue and beauty to yoor home Yt'lttf Fllon 8' panels. Use on your patio, home greenhouse or carpofl. Cornes 1n Clear, Green or Wh111. #140. · 10' Striped Panel R99. t2.99 .............. ~10.99 12' Striped Panel Reg. 11.99 ............ :.112.99 HERITAGE OAK FINllH Reg. 14.99. Cool Alb penell ere ... y 10 htlndll end go up in 1 hurry. And. one, up, they give you a d91per, cooler sMde for 11"•11 outdoor living. 1 4050. 10' Strlped'FlberglaH ~. 11.91 .... '15.99 · 12' Striped Flbergla'• Aet. 21 ...... •17.99 Entertainment Center ...... n .... Shown In Form.'°" $2 499 Henceoe Oak fln11tt. Ateo evell· ~ able In Fortnelon Weverty Wei· nut llnleh Hat pull·out 1hell Reedy lo a11emble 41'~"•1• 4'x28·~· hlgtl -• . . I Black & Decker. VARIAl;ILE SPEED -Jigsa"" $26~!.99 METALLIC 2-HANDLE Lavatory Faucet Amgui.t 37.99. 4" enter wrlh pop-up Washerless No·toofs hookup 10 year warranty 19820. - 2 HANDLE KITCHEN Faucet with Spray Regular 44.99. Gel rid of • ' Frve year wrinen guaran· , . . 1 O'x20' LATTICE WOOD . Patio Kit INSTALLED PRICE GLIDDEN LATEX SPRED SATIN Wall P'-itit e sa~A!N . Revular 12.99. Availaute 1n r:Jver 1200 colors. cuslom muce<I lree Non·yellowrng. accepts hard scrubbing 13400. fa1ud~f.:s~~~;~~ta11~~0~ $2699 tee 19510. ~-=~--..J._:__:..._ __________ -::='lii WllDIATIR" 51 ing TrlJ,mer SCOTTS Turi Builder Black.& Decker Folding Sawhorse. ~.1 ... ~ ~ ~.~:..§.~ $, 9~ oM pounds for easy one-hand aperatiOn. grffnrng ror 6 to a weet<a Clean, light· Regular 24.91. Folds·por1rb aatetv Tnma arry elght·inch path Manual line weight. easy to use. wrll not bum lawn easy to store LockS open Of h 1 h\ advance Wllh 12 feet of 065. ~ Complete leroltzer for grass Of d!chon· end 1tab1llty Most popular. :_o k· line on spool Double rnsulatiOf'I #Nr. dra lawns 12M. (30"). Stable. 1turdya~11':r9 ~er WHO EA TEA STAINO TRIMMER. ,, 10-7 02. Bag covert 2.000 square ed by Black ~·~1 8f s lu one v •24 99 feet wartan"' 117rvv · 110, AEO. 21." ................. • · ,,. • J_ • 0TArUNG . . . PORTABLE Oscill11ting 9'' Fan ~ Regulaf $19.99. 3 speed push bunon osollatrng Ian !of complete room coverage Maximum air movement lrooi a compact fan AdJUSlable speed and 050Jla11ng motion Non·mar base SAVE ss.oo 12" FAN, Reg. $29.99 ............... 522.49 • -- 32,. OR 36" WINDSOR BRONZE S__are_en_D_oor_ 11 ·s29~9 36" PEACOCK qOLD, REG. $49.99 ..... 939.99 SHOP MONDAY THROUCH FRIDAY 9 TO 9. OPEN SATURDAY AND SUNDAY 9 TO 6 . . 12260 E Garvey 6!>S N0<111 Mills 38" Oran0t Show 1093~ l Firestone 12662 C"'°man 2~17 t So11111 Sr 7800 Ed1noe1 A¥e 21940 Vte101y 3309 S ·e11s1ot St 10)31 M'9ft0!11 13999 S Wnl11n 977') 8alllrnt Ad 2314 S M0\11111111 "'41 S WIMttn (213) 443·69~3 (714) 624 1&93 (714) 889 9661 12131868 9991 (7UI 7!>0 '.lW 13131 4?8 /~I (7141847 6066 1213) 348 88!>0 17141979 8191 (714) 687 ~3' (213) :.322833 (7141 MO on2 (71 4) 913 3944 (2131$4711:l2 L . :. ·-. • HM J\ •UH "'\ ti ft "llJl"'lllll 1111'\ltl Ill I' \K 1\11 \I r HS, 198~ I Sears I 2 DAYS ONl.Y* 1s .... 11 .. 1 """"' for cl111,., in )our urt'u) ALL SILVER RE PLATING REDUUED · 25% t;'"'>''""I! old luuk• Ill'" "II'""· fhis 11 au C!~fl'lll'nl 1lnll' to t1tkr 111h 11111111•··of lhr 25% •11ving1 lo h11ve ) ou1 wuru .ih t'f"'llfl', an1i11u•·• ond fttmily hrlrloom1 1 r1•llltt'cl lil.r Ill'"' Thr•r vir1·u arc uow more valuablr rh .. n r•rr 11nd m11l.11 -.011Jcrful ~ifta. AIJ -.ort.. huvily •lh rq •ll'll•d h} our •I.ii lt d 01h rr~millu and ••lr pric'• llfll'h '" iJI p1rl•'lo '11-.ET ot H HEl'IU£SE~TATIVE AT Tlll·:s t; STORES1 •"tfoah 4 Utllil \fr\M .,,.,.h \J. r\tm1n\tf'r •'c-•ttt ( rrr1lu• •"••n I una llurh '"rr•• \ •llt} •"rnH 'or du i'titr •"'irff t-. 1'nrratO('C' • ..,.. .. ". 1.trntlalt ""• "" I •aun• 11111• "'lflrml\Or 17 Hltf 18 "•pltmbn 20 1l0d ZI ~p1rmber 2! and 23 Srpltmbrr 24 •nd 2~ "tepltmber 27 ind 28 "'tJ'lrmber 29 •nd ;10 · Otrobrr I 11111 2 Ot1obrr 5 •nd h Or rubrr 7 and 8 You can count on !Sears .. llJam In 7 t•m lllam to 711m lllam lo 7pm llla111 to 7pm lllam lo 7pm IO•m to 7pm IOun to 7pm IOuu 10 7pm IO.rt1 IO ipm GARDEN PARK VILLAGE A TOWNHOME COMMUNITY FROM PLUS 1 Q.2 O/o interest on o~r last few remaining homes in this fabulous brand new garden-like lifetsyle. Fairview Rd. at Avocado. Costa Mesa Open House D~ily 10:30 to 5:30 (Except Thurs. & Friday) &IQ, ,J QC~r~ R11'rrY . ' • 548-2239 675-2311 rchiv set to expand The Ar l·hlvl• Corporauon ot Cu11tll Mcaa has ex pa ndt•d manufa c tu r'l ng capub1J1til'» und opened a Southwt•11t 1rnlN1 office after ocqulrlng a 25,000-aquarc foot build Ing adjacent to compuny headquarters. A ~nufacturlng line, which will triple production of at.reaming tape drives , will be housed in t~e new section. Building modifications will be completed by November. The sales office. at 2787 Bristol St .. will be headed by sales manager Jim Simpson and wltf cover Texas and Southern California. Design banquet plant1ed T o encourage participation, the Orange County chapter of the Amcr-ican lnsti tu te of Architects has expanded emph asis for "on the boards" design work from a single category to an overall competi lion theme. The design awards banquet will be held at the Costa rvlen Com· munity Center Nov. 11. The deadline for entry application forms is Monday. They are available at the chapter office at South Coast Village. 3840 South Plaza Drive, Santa Ana. Final entry binder designs .must be submitted by Oct. 18. ' This competition e n compasses seven design categories: custom single family, merchant built housing ; com· n'lercial ; institut· ional; mixed use facility; interiors; and plannin~. Investors' meet-set A seminar on foreign investment will be offered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa on Saturday. Titled "International Real Estate," lhe session will run from 9 a.m. to l p.m. in OCC's Science Hall. Admission is $6. Lecturer is Joel Carlson. a corporate broker with S..-iss Investments, Inc. of Newport Beach. Seminar offered A seminar that focuses ·on personal problem solving will be oHered at Orange Coast College in Costa Mesa on Sept. 24. The seminar will run from 7 to 10 p.m . in OCC's Fine Arts Hall 119. Admission is $5. Seminar director is Donna M . WAck . a marriage, family an<l child counselor. For information, phone 556-5880. *""'' RFS YOUR TRUMP CARD IS AT REPUBLIC FREE INTEREST-EARNING CHECKING $200 CHECK GUARANTEE • $2500 LINE OF CREDIT REPUBLIC'S Chek-Reserve/Check Guaran· tee Card. You gel a winning hand of financial services with thr~ one convenient card. I Free Chek/ln Interest-bearing account. • Only $400 average balance needed. • Only$ JOO average balance needed if 55 year's or older. • With $2000 in any Republic Savings Ac· count Check Guarantee. Your checks up to $200 guaranteed at any established business. Chek-Reserve Une of Credit from f500 to s2soo. Wrtte checks for more than your cHh balance. AccHs to cash al any time, egainst your tine of credit Reassutlng overdraft pro· tectlon. Most flnanclal jnstitutions require a much higher balance for free checking. Low Interest charge. too. on loans against your credit tine at Republic. The 5 Y4.% annual Interest.on your checking is compounded dolly. Coll or come by for full details. ; Check Guarantee and Chek·Reserve Line of Credit on approved applicotlon. REPUBLIC FEDERAL ~;~;~~;·· otOO.OOO IF$iiC] ofld I04fl IUOCllll10fl SAl'ITA AM 17th S... Wttl of N-port P:-reeway (714) 541·~286 AMKEIM 202 AMh«1m Plau. 500 N. Eudd S... (714) ~ ~GUM ruour:&.30212 er°""" l/e~Par1<w1y(71•1•~oe~ WUTll'llNSTER 134 WewnlMttt ~IVBoite & Sen OlfVO Fwy. (714) 54.,347 ~Ml <l''"• A.1.!A0£~A J2"46 N 1.Ak• Avf (~13) 791 1281/681 ~II "' fA()fNA . AM"'tl '"', llllCl\OIA . 81.lll9 ... f'IK. Cl..Altl/1\0!0 , (I AIU lo\Ol'IT Ht l()Hr\ • HllClfM~ llf l()llft • l.AOUl'lll f'llOc.ltl 10-. A-.C.l l •M l<"\ Pl"NGS. ~DfHll ·l'l~O ~V1 ltA, lt·VOA Al'IA • tHOOMl'IO Ol\K$ • Wl.SfMll'I ftll• WOOOl.AND Hllll TlmH Mirror C1blt -Ttltvl1loo of Irvine named J1mt1 F. Outbrle ttnlor vie pr~Jdcmt •nd U"l'Uu.rtir. tlll wu ll'nlor vi pre.Id nt end chief flnancl•I oftlc: r of the Grace l«'ttaurant Company, a 1ubitd ary or th~ W R. Orace and Company of New York. Tht> company ron1l1ta of Rveral chain.a lncludlng Jo.Jo'• and Col'O'a coffot...ihope, Reubent. .Plank}\oUJe. and &xwr'• dlruwr hOUR9, as well u El Tonto and Houllhans .-pedalty rettauranta . WESPERCORP of Tuatln 1ay1 It compl ~ lhc acqW.!tlon by merger of C1llfor11la Minicomputer Syuema, Inc., a privately-held corporation headquartered In Loa Angels. Sharctholdera of CMt; received itH,004 ah.a.ree McOINNll ACHTUall'IO Ro1er McGh1ol1 ha» been llJ>pomted prealdcnt and chief c-x~ut1w orflc.: ·r of Far We1terD Back, h(!adquartered {n TU¥tln. Ht• Wat f>H.'l!idt•nt of th Bank of San Marino and former rrumager ot th Orange branch of lmpctrial Bank. -of WESPERCORP'a authorized but prevlou1ly • Richard D. Val.encla or Nl'wporl Beach hu unlasued common 1tock. The 1hares ~resent 16 pert.-ent of the l,6 I9,028 aharea outstanding. been named an 11 1st.ant Vll"t> prt'll1dtmt/ossistant cashier by El Camino Bank. More than 90 percent of the 18700 Beacb Eads Moving Brokers, Santa Ana named Bulldln1 on Beach Boulevard ln Huntlngton Beach Jame. I. Jobn1en of• Irvine general manager He has been leased. M M 1 was o partner 10 on independent moving and Tenants Include: aruman Corp., anbal storage l.-ompany, in Kelso, Wash., and consult.ant Kandell Public Rel a tloDI, Bu1lne11 an d Profe11lonal Con1ultant1, Inc. and Healtb Care r t.o Seattle First National Bank. Center, Inc. Mark Friend and Ron Miiier are leasing agents Separat101i1 and Recovery Systms, Inc. of I Irvine was awarded l.'Ontrt1cts by Bath Iron Works for A1hwm Burke Jrvloe. The lease lransactl9n.s and Todd Shipyards ror construction of an were valued at $217,000. Developed by Seaborg, Inc., the 25.ooo.square additional three oily water separators t.o be 1nstaUed aboard Navy guided missile frigate class ships. The foot project is just off the San Diego Freeway. contract to SRS totals 52 ship sets, the firsl installed Denoia R. Achterberg of Laguna Beach joined on the Frigate Oliver Hazard Perry. the Newport Beach office of conµnerclal real estate Paul Roulay was appointed manager of the bJokerage firm Iliff, Tborn & Company, as a advanced ted1nology division at SETAC corporate rfiarketing associate. He was affiliated with headquarters 10 Irvine. He was with Dynamic Business Properties Brokerage Company and the Science and BDM International ~ewport Beach office of Grubb & Ellis. Mark E liot has ~n appointed public relations coordinator for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of Orange County. He was public relations and promotions director for KWlZ AM-FM in Santa Ana. · Andy Binkerd of Laguna Hills has joined the Newport Beach office of Grubb & E llis Commercial Brokerage Group where he will specialize in the sales and leasing of industrial properties-in -the Sant.a Ana/Irvine areas. He was with the Charles & Lewis Development Company in Irvine as director nf m~rketinll. OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS MUTUAL FUND Saving money .by i;v.irchasing one's office building will be addressed by Ri chard Shapiro of -Kenn~th Leventhal & Company at a seminar Sept. 29, in Executive Plaza IX. Signal Hill Shapiro ts a partner in the international accounung firm, and in char~e of its tax practire-in-Oraf'lge-rounty. Sharon Smith of Hu.ntington Beach has join~ Gene Taylor & Associate.a, of Irvine custom marketing research and consulting firm, as administrative manager. She was director of operations for A.J . Lazarus Associates, a pubhc- relations firm in New York. -· UPS i...~t .cr;,. s~ • u , ... "" ,. # • 4 31, " ,,.. . , .... l .... l -~. J '" 1 " ,. • 1·16 • • t \r. 101 • ,-., 1•-. I ., ' • t4- " -1 ~ , . ... ••I • ... 2l. • \.. ,,_. ... "· JI,. ~ ~ ;:: ; ~ ,_, . ' I) • 1\. I• ~ I ' '- Pel Up J:)J ..,. 11. 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AmlSue j s JU •1 -\IJ C•MPw I.ID 1 .. 14111-..... Eml\trt 2.40 s "' "" ..... H~~ "i • : ,,14_ ;: ::::: .~ • ii ·r·.:.::~ Pllllln of I " n v. . SltvnJ 1.20 4 ,,, lellt ....... AlllU .10 -· 11SI 22 ....... t n$o.,. .M IJ •n IJ\lt+ "' EmpO\ I.SJ 1 ' 11'-HudMo 101 .. ,. IJ"9-v. ¥41•ta IJ )ft.-~ P1111Pw4 170 .,.., ~. ·~· Stww .. 1.611• 24 ""' .. A:r,•111 J.. 1 ,. -I'll CVIPSn2.IJ s 24 II~ ... EmoPI .)0 . 110 4 ... Hully .011 201 10-.• .. ¥41t•m }·; •"1 +l\IJ ~r~~ : ~ J~ m:. "~::t~cpl,., ',,: ~~~: ~ ~ ... ~c:. : :A;; 11:~ ;~: ~ ~~·:~~ ,. , '~ ,::-~ l~t': ·: ,: ~ It\\. ~ ~:' :: 1: ~~ ~~. 2 .. ::~ =~~ ;:: !:~.I -PltNG I . I " mu ~ St-WI -I • ..,... ..... AHt.1 pl 3:)0 .. 410J . C.nv II • 4 s ,.. JI.._ ~ Ennl•B :ID 7 1 UV.: "' Huma.,,, so . • '"'. ~ MIE ofJ 1.32 I 110 )0 • I ~:r:..:., ,.. ~ ,:; ~ ~:~~ 1:: 1: ~ !r..:. ~ Al'f\Aor .051 • 431 1'-.... Crt-1-•· II tJ>f.-111 EnMttll I.ta 6 1tl 19"' Hu11tCll «114 llil ut2\I. • -¥41d'd 411 2h t llt Pion-< t t nt 11\'lot \o S!Ml.: 1 JI.. lt\o-I A.tnAfr .. JOOI tl V.-\I'> CftSAlr .«I 10 Jto llYI • V. Enarce . . • ... 2h HuttE F M 14 tlJ :Miil. McllEA 1.)1 1 IJ • ~ PlonEI , '7• l1 1 l)\111 • w Sto•et .n ta •-t"~ , ~ Mir wt •IS 61M-\lo Cllmoln .•le ltoS 11 • .... ENSTlt ta S 16 IS w Hydt•I I 16 6 I 11 V. MllWI p12.61 10 11\IJ • \lt -•1~ ~ • _,..... ''" -M lr PI 1.11 at i.\IJ+ \It Chml pf t.10 . 16 ""-•'-Enter• .M 4 71 2•'-'--1-1 -Mc1CT91 1. • 1 S3 ti'-• 111 Pltnyll uo' 1 .. • -.+ .. StrldRll 1.M ' 70112''-+I~ All911t • . · t II~ 14 Clllnl ~ 4.60 .. H ...... • 1 • Ent.. 1,0I • 41 14 -11'1 IC Ind J 21 6 2'.111 2'"° • Ito MdCT otJ.06 . . 11 t1 -tt PllnB pl 1.17 • 111 Ubl 1 Suav511 .JO S UI 10~· .... I -~ l ~ 7 ·~ ··~ ~ Cham IO IS '" av. l't c JO ···~ I 1-'' JS... ~ Plll)ln ta • S44 13\1>. .... Sut>PrG 1.60!> • '°' ,. .... A r .. -.----• -· • Eqult• 1.ta II 16 u•V. + I& I In pl J. . 10 _., • \lt M den n ·-6 I "'• -PlailR~ t 1539 u av .. \, 'ull•lr 1,1 •-••o 1~ Alrcl,,, 1.10 •• J ....., ..... , .... CllarlCo .I s ))I II• ...... Equlmll .. 4 "' ICN ,. t.U 1 ••. M dSUI ..... 4tt$ , ..... " -~ ....... -.• Alll'f pl 2.7S.. IJ H V. .... CMM wt • • t0 Silo t IQ Eqm .. p!1.JI . 1 16 + "' INAln I '2 2 • uv .. ~ MlfRos 1.40 t 11/ 141 .. "' Pl•nlm 16 l2 It 11'-' Va SUflBU I St1 II\. t \IJ Alrf Pl l.'1 .. 11 44YI • \lt Chart pf U.S · · IU 1114 • \\ EqtG.s 1.50 s IJ 24 l/. IU lllt I.IS t , ... IS~ \<, MllHW I.SO. I tM n ., .... PlaybOy IJ Ut 7\, • '•• S11nCll 41 • 10 16~. • 1. Aide$! I.ta al61' ., .... _ .. c ..... J.40 •'361 .... J ... EQILI .)Of20 ZM11l4~1• ~ 1'ou.'.,."'°'1'•· ,· ~~ !!~· ... , .. M"''11'1'RB<d1 1 .. 20s2IO• ''",. ttlS~.· •. "' .• :::··~': 11l ~ 1~; ~~~ 1':d s 1~ ~~. ~. Al.. I ' • u,... .... CNM plt.7) Jl1 SI • I Eam ... 11 l.M I ISS ..... ,.. f> -~... "' • .. ft-"d .tlJ ' ·-~'"' ~ ... • •• 2 ..... k AtusPcl .SI. ssuu,..~ .. ClleMflllM a S1 •• E1.qulrf .. ' lt ,,. dUl8 U7 IU ~ v. -1:101J.--.i -"'or .. 1c1 .....-s ... -Ame.. 1.to llJ04) ~I ~ ~ ~~fll$,!l • ?! ?!-. ~•~ £UuC .b 1 u ti ... Ill lllPow< 2 41 1 661 22111-"' MlnPL 2.21 6 IU 11 Po.,ld U•t"2u2Ho• '-SUnCl>lt llO I llS J'I '-' ACM\ pf r-.. llL . 4 21Yt-I<. ..,, __ tf2.--~--Eattlne ... 10 2' 16\\ 't llP-on 10 1200 11 -1 Mlt11ln t .to } :M nv. +. l. Pncl<os .Sii tcr J11 21 1,, SUflMn <IS ·~ \'I AC-ntry .10." 12 '"' "' Cllel-·-s " .... \11 Et1171 I.JO • '1J ""'. "' llPowpl J.IJ r tO Ul7\'>• Ill') MP.cc J..ao • m .. -\I') Poe>T•I ., ., " u SUfltlM M ., ~ ••• ACy... I.JS '11112 JO"". "" ClllMd 111.U II so u?IV. • .-.. Ely pt8 • I 4J llPow ,,,. IJ . 1200 JI -~ MoPS• I 12 s ,. I>'-• ~ PortK .IO ' 11 '°"" SuptVI St IJ 1000 n h I• AOT t '4 11 11 41Vt-"" CllNY ' 7• 4 t44 111!, + l"i EvanP 1Sl • lbt 1 :_ • ~ t-TW I.Ill t It l2 -~ MoPS pl 1·.. I 1111\'1 + .. Portr pl S.50 · 160 61 · SuprOll 10 11 2Sll JO AEIPw 1:2' 1 14' 11'11., V, CllfiiY flll.11 • . II ttv. •!Vo Ewan pt j 40 '. '. 22 I'-.,_ lmotQ> S7 9 , • . MoPS of4 '13 . 10 Jt11. + .. PortGE I 14 ~ 4l2 UV. lilt SuprnkG 61 1 144 32"1 • l'l Aml:&41 1.10 '1 .. 1 O\\+ l'o CllNY ol'J.•t. 115 U \r.-'II. E•CtlO t.60 1 11, 2, _1, .. r O JO "1 tlllo Mlle! . ' 11' 10'-PoG olll.50 . 11150 u'4 • J SUp\Cp IS 21-• ... AF•mll .60 ' IO .. -...-"' Cll"iY Pl .. Ml SI">. \I') h <IU I ... 10 IS \-. .:i~M ol1 OI . 6000 so .. i~ Mobll 1 • SJM ,,...:;. i4 Poro,,, 2 60 l lt\1 S••n~ ., 11 . s 11t'.-v. AGllCo J.10 • .ut 41 ... + V. Cllet V • I Ill I 10 22-\'I E uon l • .,11 214; • 'IJ r rJO t0 • \I'> MobllH 11 J Pw<i Pl 4 . .0 ~ lOl<o .. V. Syb<on I 09 t 11• I• '-AGllcl J... .. 11 v. CflffPn I 11 10 S1• U Y. .... •• -,._,. -11 .. :M,,, s ' UV. • .... MdNle• .10 ti .,, 1J\IJ. ;i,; "°'° ,,, 4 J2 SS :IQ ·~ Swt>rn ... , .0 I 2' ... ,.. AGllCY 1.-11 24\IJ-v. CNWst lS 231 ,. -'-FMC I 60 • S.1 ullh . '"' '"°::: pn.is ;s '"". ~ 22 "° ,.,._ " Polllch I .. 10 6j 26 • lo Syntu' I 10 11 1292 01" AHetl1 M t J 1"'-V. CNMlw Jt 5 41111o • FMC Pl 2 U 14 "31" •I lftfl pn '1 13 U ll. . ~ MollaK I tU th-V. PolmEI I 61 I ,,. l'°"' I. Sy Ko> 11 IJ m• ""' ... • lllIDe Factory, outprit drops WASHINGTON (AP) ln anothtr blow to • hope• for an economic recovery, the szo~nmo11t hu reportl'd that production by the n .Uon s tactcrtes and mi.net ft.'11 O.~ percent ln August,< 11th decline ln 13 months. The drop reflected "continued cutbacks In production ot business uqulpment and a sharp cut Jn output of motor vehicl~.'' the Federal Reserve Board sald. Th'-Commerce Department reported Monday that retail sales declined 0 9 perc~ In Augu1t, crushing hopes that the July 1 tax-rate cut would encourage American$ to Increase spcndlng and t.hus 1pur ret'Overy from the recession. W eir1berger to peak "' Secretary of Defense Caspar Welnberger will be a speaker at the 20th annulll Orange CoWlty Economic Outlook Con(erence to be held at the Anaheim Convention Center on Oct. 20. Weinberger will join 11 leaders in business and government to speak at the conference expecU!d tc draw over 1,500 participants. Each speaker will address the conference theme "Business Works: America Profits." ' For lnformation, call 634-2900 Recession on hold? SACRAMENTO (AP) -A California ec0nomic index remained unchanged in Jyly, suggesting that the recession in the state has hit bottom, says state Finance Director Mary Ann Graves. Ms. Graves reported Tuesday that the Index bf Leading ~nomic Indicators stood at 119.3 for JuJy, the same as in June. It h been about t}\e same for five months, except for a stnall upturn in May. - STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES N~W 'l'ORKIAP) Final Oow·JOMI .. o~ '°' ~-Sep u n~ . --. m H'911 Lew Cl9M Ole :io 1nc1 .... ttJ u •u.s. t:io .. • / o• 20 Tm 7S IS ,7100 3'4.91 )74.JJ 1.11 AHolll Sil 1 lOJ IS -ClllMI' 4 2'tt+ .... F•br119 '4 jo 212 19"' "-lndl~o. 1 21 u ... ' V. ~ ~,.2;; .. =-""tb'>. ••• --Y--"T"-AHome 2.10123"1 """• .. CNPn .... 40 12v ....... Fal>tC1 3211 a 11n .... h ::IPL ~ta 141 24\lt• ..... MollRutl .to 110 'Ot£1pl•SO dOO u .1 TDltn 12911 10 ,...., .... AH-,,, J . 111llMV. •• CllkFUll «112 IU """ ... F.cet " " ,_,.. lllHCO .14 : )1) 10V.. \lo Monrell ,., .. Prtmrl .'1 .. ,. u» d \') TECO '·· I ,. 11 ..... Moll>' ... 111116 • .,,, ..... CNl.c\ 1.S11 II «> '3 -llt Falrclld ., ... , II ·;·~ lnlmtc n 11 ~ ts.,.., Monoor .'3 ' IS p, ........ JO 12 32. •O •... TllE 111 5-< 16V. Yt AMI I .S21S .20l6 JO\,. YI Cl>CH JJl l . .at) I 100 ..... 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Wectnetcle, 1 ll'IC>9 --tllanOe Of Ille I"" moel Kii .. Am9flcen S•ock·bcllt ne• 1uu ... 1recl1rtg nelion.lly at m0te ,,,... $I •• Domel'lrl 111,i/OO S tJ.t• • t·•• Evt~ t 101,600 17111 • '"' W•llQ II llS.100 Jt\,, • I A"ldalll tff,tOO 71~ • I\, K.•.,Aw'm ~ 11•.100 )•i• • l\i) Ra.._otl •1,900 S'• h 'hlld'f8<d • '1.100 10 ...... Ewe1Jn 8 "7.SOO 10..., • "' Aeronca In< tl,600 s.. , "-Clr<leK 11.-12 • ~. UPS AND DOWNS NEW YORK tAPI T"9 lollow•ne hll •-• 1M New YOfk Sloe~ Ea<l\Ml9! stot•\ -••nantt tll•t ll•w• -up Ille mcKI --n lllt '"°" DaM<I on r:;un~ c~ •-rdleu ol voou- ~ ~r~' .::,.~~'1.;~:.:~·~~.:. g)~=~=··'~1eeor .. 10u1 < IO>l"9 Uf'S La\l •Clla P<t le'> ~ Up ll6 ISl1 • J up 14 I 20'• • 1\o Up 11 l ?01/t • 1 Up 10 I ti.. , ~. Uo t0.4 131• • 11,. Up tO • • .. Ue 10.a IJ'> • I h Up 10.J 100 ' Up t t 1 .. Up t I U ... • t•. Up t • 1111 • th Up • 4 II'• • I Up • J toi• , '• Up I I ~r., \o Up I 6 It , th Up I 6 22 • 1-. Up I 0 II'• ''-Up It lt\'J • 11• Up 11 1 .... 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I NEW YORK (AP) Spot nonl•trous me1a1 Pfi<:M Wodnesd1y: • Coppe• 70" 73 cents • P011n<1 US Offtlfl•llonl L-eod 26·~ '*11t • OOUnCI Zl11e 4~2 cents a pound. <1.i1vei•o nn $6 3212 MetllS W-oompat11e lb Al11ml"""' 76·77 CMll • pouna N v Moro11rr $340 00 P4ll llult Plallnum $365 OO·IJH' 00 ttoy ounc• NY Sil Vflt . 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( Orange Cout DAILY Pll.OT /Thurtday, 81pt1mb1r HS, 1982 Grace Kelly .became in just six yearS, l l a legend -. movies I By BOB THOMAS ........... ,.....~ HOLL YW.<.fJD -Grace Kelly's movlt! curt.>er .ltpanned only six years and 11 fllm.1, but her legend 'would have endured even without her 11torybook marriage to Prince RainJer of Monaco. During four of those six years, she was the most In-demand actress in Hollywood. S he )appeared opposite the biggest stars: Gary Coo~r. ~k Gable, James Stewart, Bing _Crosby, William jlolden, Cary Grant, Frank Sinatra. In 1955, theater-owners voted her the No. 2 moneymaking star (after James Stewart) and that year, she won the Oscar as best actress for "The C.Ountry Girl." With only a Broadway flop as experience, she came to Hollywood in 1951 fbr a supporting role in .. i4 Hours." Fox offered her a term contract, which she declined. She returned to New York for the vigorous training of live television drama. .. In 1952, she returned for the· Oscar-winnifti ''High Noon." She said she enjoyed watching the .tilm, except when she was on the screen -"that Kirl just wasn't in the same class with the others. They told me I had done a fine job and I h ad .flattering offers for other films, but I knew better.1 left Hollywood as fast as I could, and I told myself l wouldn't go back until I could carry my own weight." "Mogambo" was the turning point. It won her ,critical praise and an Acad~my nomination as best 11upporting actress;-J}-0 get the role, she had lo aacrifice her Independence and sign a term contract with MGM. · "The part was good · and I wanted to see Africa," she explained. Miss Kelly was .6lfred Hitchcock's ideal for a leading lady: a cool beauty with underlying passion. Although tame by today's stand ards, her love ec~mes with James Stewart in "Rear Window'' and Cary ,Grant in "To Cat.ch a Thi~f" demonstrated that, despite her critics, she was no "ice queen." Off-screen, she maintained a quiet dignity. She once told me: "I don't believe in telling all. -I don't 8ee why I shouldn1t be able to keep my periional life to myself. I don't like to read about what an actress has for breakfa.it or bow many shoes she has in her closet. I wouldn't want;people to read those things about me."· She remained in character even during the excitement of winntng an Acad e my Award. Backstage at the Pantages Theater, photographers urged her to plan't a kiss on her co-winner, Marlon Brando. She. replied: "I think he sh oula kiss me." ,. · Her last film came in 1956 :..... "High Society,;-;-a musicalized remake of "The Philadelphia Story." Ironically, the record of Cole Porter's "True Love," • • winner 1 -And the • • Miss Anierica LOS ANGELES (AP) ~ NBC's live telecast of· the Miss America Pageant from Atlanuc City7'N.J .. was No. 1 in the A.C. Nielsen Co. television ratings for the week ended Sept. 12. The annaaJ pageant Sept. 11 was the first win for NBC sinCe May 25, when "Television's Greatest .,,.,Commercials". finished on top. CBS returned to first place in the network ratings, after having been displaced the week before by ABC, with a Nielsen rating of 15.3. A.Be was second with 14.2 and NBC was third with 13.0. The networks say this means in an average prime-time minute, 15.3 percent of the nation's homes with TV were tuned to CBS. NBC's firstrplace win was i'ts only slot in the ' Top 10. CBS took six places, "led by No. 4 "60 Minutes." ABC had three 'in the Top 10. ABC's • "Too Close for Comfort" was second and the network's ''Three's Company" was third. Reruns of the two-part miniseries "Scruples" placed No. 5 and No.'..9 for CBS; while "M-A-S-H," .its perennial frontrunner, was irl tenth place. The· week also saw tw4:> usually high-rated shows, CBS' "Magnum, P.l.," and NBC's ''CHiPs," finish among the five lowest rated. Here are the Top 10 shows: The Miss America Pageant, a rating of 23.3 or 19.4 million households, NBC; "Too Close for Comfort," 21.3 or 17.7 million, ABC; "Three's Company," 21.0 or 17.7 million, ABC; "60 Minutes," 20.8 or 17.3 million, CBS; "Scr.uples," Part II, 19.6 or 16.3 million, CBS; "Afchie Bunker's Place,'' 19.5 or 16.2 million, CBS; "The J effersons," 19.3 or 16.1 million, CBS; ABC Sunday Night Movie, "The Fog," 19.1 or 15.9 million, ABC; "Scruples," Part I, 18.8 or 15.7 million, CBS; "M-A-S-H,'' 18.5 or 15.4 million, CBS. '\ Here are tbe five lowest -rated s h ows : 'Magnum. P .L, CBS; "Walt Disney's 'Gus'," CBS; ABC News Closeup, "The Monastery," ABC; "Catall.na Sea-Lab,'' NBC; "CHiPs," NBC. . A,ft.,olol Pucker up . Eliza'6etll "Taylor, garbed as a nune for a Bob Hope TV skit, plants ki&ees on ( cloc~wise, rom -top right), Hope, Glenn Ford, Tony Geary o( "General Hotpital" and ex-husband ' Richard Burton during a · l'ftent ta provided more lm:om(' tor hl'r thtUl tht• movie. Becuuse shl' simg u phrulie.' on CrOflby'i. hit r«-ord, sho short.'() In the l'oyultles. , . Whal would hove happened w Gruel' Kelly's career U ·she had stayed in films instead of bet.'Omlng Princess Gra~? The question Is a subjoc'\ for idle conjeclurc. Probably, she could·-hnve continued aa a n important al.Ur for another 10 years. But the cruel fact remains that few-actresses can maintain their stardom in Illms past 40 unleflS they possess strong personalities like Belle Davis and K a tharine Hepburn. ,, ---eruc Kelly wusn't ,,leased wilh her work in "lligh Noon" wilh Gary Cooper, but audiences loved he r. Wltere Friendly Service Fa ruil11 Tradition Decorative Faucets Choose from a handsome selection of faucets designed with a flair of nostalgla. All are handcrafted solld brass and washerless. Reg. 89.99 .. ~ 7rn99 DESIGNER ~ - ---=s'""'E=-=A~IES . --IANK LEVERS EITlll! EITlll Sun•••m l-lro1 SKU 1036 EXTRA compact. 20' 8 EXTRA light. EXTRA features.Reg. 27.98 Glidden Spr9d Houae Paint goee on Mally. drtea quickly. Durable net ftnf1h, r_,att bllat.,.. 1.nd peallng. Weter c!Mn-up. Rag. 17.99 . • -11~ Reg. 179.99 ........ tlt.ff console 1Uto111tic AFT "color tv • MX7300 chassis • 100° In nne' matrhc tube • c·ontemporsry styling • Green_ LEO channel dlsplsy • Swivel bese . #4950 Rag. 799.95 get that lawn Into shape Scotts turf builder sKu 189·852 Covers 4000 sq.· ft. 13' 8 2211. lb. 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Diiiy Piat Bari tsrr J THURSDAY, S!PT. HI, 1882 took a page ENTERTAINMENT TELEVISION C7 08 from Lombardi' book unday. C3. .. Chi~ago's Steve Nyman (left), Atlanta's _Rufino Linares and St. Louis' Darrell Porter hit the dirt. The climb. up.hill • IS getting tOugher for Angels CHICAGO (AP) -Angels Manager Gene Mauch says it all started with the leadoff single t s h ould have been strike three. The man who got the hit, Chicago White Sox first baseman Chris Nyman: was erased in a force on the very next play, but the hit opened the gates for the first Chicago runs in an ·8-3 dedalon Wednesday over the Angels. With the loss and the Kansas City Royals 5-4 ~xtra-inning win over Seattle, the Angels fell two games off the pace in the American League West. Mauch didn't know that when he was questioned about the first-inning ~lay. but simply remembering the play was enough to make him grimace. "ll kills my soul to see a guy swing weakly at strike ontr and strike two and then top the ball for a hit," Mauch said of the play, which was follqwed by a force play at second that left Harold Baines at first. That and a walk of Greg Luzinski set up Carlton Fisk's two-run triple, which provided the flrst Chicago runs. But \he death blows came in the fi ve-run White Sox fourth, in which 11 Chicago batters dispatched Angels starter Geoff Zahn, 16-8, and reliever Luis Sanchez. "Th e re was some qua Ii ty hitting In that inning, guys going Rams making plans I or possible strjke By JOHN SEV ANO O(ttM Deity Plk>I Staff Word leaked out Wednesday night that the NFL Players Association plans to call a strike next Tuesday. Not to be outdone, the owners leaked word that if a nationwide walkout takes place, they were prepared to .continue the NFL season as scheduled. · It has been learned that the Rams have already made preparations in the event of a hike by the players. ln fact, the team has already gone as far as holding a secret tryout last Tuesday in Santa Ana. A Rams official confirmed ;Wednesday nig~t that 14 players tried out Tuesday under the watchful eyes of head coach Ray Malavasi, offensive line coach Jim Ringo and defensive line eoach Fritz Shurmur. "[ t h ink a lot or teams in football are doing it," says the official. Most of the 14 players who participated in Tuesday's tryout were local athletes, the source added. "We could be ready if we know about the strike early in the week," maintains the oHicial. ''It would be tough if they told us __ on a Friday." . The tryout has already had some effect on the R1ims as they are reportedly on the verge of signing r~eiver Ricky Martin, who was released by the Pittsburgh Steelers on their final cut. "We brought in a guy today that might be better than some of the guys on the team ," the official contends. "Maybe we'll .find some more guys w ho are better than the guys who are playing here." A couple of Ram players were both cynical and irritated by the team's developments. "h 's my understanding that they'll put on a football game if we strike," says Carl Ekem, the Rams' pla~er representative. "I'm surprised they've got the time to do that. We have things we have to wor on llere ... (See RAMS, Pa1e C3) American League Weat Royals Angela W L Pct. GB 84 61 .579 82 63 .566 2 GAMES ROlAIHINO KANSAI CITY (17) -HOME (81 Sepr 16. Seettle, Sept 27, 28, 29. ~··; Sept 30. Oct. I. 2, 3, OUlend. AWAY: (t) Sept. 17, 18, 111, Mlnneeote; Sept. 20. 21. 22. AftgMI: Sept. 24, 25, 2e. Oelllend. . ANOl!LS (18) -HOME (8): Sept 20. 21. 22, Kentu City; Oct. 1, 2. 3, Te•u. AWAY (11): S9'>1. 18, 17, 18. 19. Toronto. Sept. 23. 24, 25, 26, Texu, Sept 27, 28. 29. Ke,nM.S City t o the opposite field ," said Chicago Manager Tony LaRussa, singling out the back -'to-back t r i ples by Vance Law and Aurelio Rodriguez that accounted for three runs. • YOUNOkOOO ~oyal~-would host Angels Chicago's Jerry K oosman picked up his ninth victory in 15 decisions, scattering two runs and seven hits before yielding to Warren Brusstar, who worked 2~ innings, and Kevin Hickey, who got pinch-h i tte r R on .Tackson and Brian Downing for the final outs. K oosman knows something about comebackS, having 1been a key figure in the New York Me ts' m iraculous 1969 stretch d r iye . While making n o predictions, he said it's too early to ~rite the season epitaph for the White Sox. "We've certainly got our work cut out for us," K<><>Rma n said. "We don't play either California or Kansas City again, but that may be a blessing in disguise. his team a leg up. Maybe we can let the others do "The people who were doi~g our work for us." au that talking didn't know what LaRussa, though unwilling to they were talking about. You've give up the season for dead, got to do it out there," he said, laughed when he heard his team gesturjngi out the clubhouse door characterized as a "dark horse." toward the field, ~·not in here." "Is a dark horse the same as a "Let the gamblers worry about dead horse?" LaRussa said. "Our edges." Mauch added. "Whe n horse has been dead several you play good, you win." times now. The Angels scored their first in "All we've got to do," he added the fourth when Doug DeCinces with an Ironic smHe, ''Is win the ·doubled a nd scored o n Juan rest of our games." Beniquez' single. The Royals have eight· home Brian Downing s lammed his games remaining compared to 27th homer of the year for the the Angels' six, but Mauch said Angels ln the fifth. ile put no stock in such statistics, Tonight the Angels begin a recalling that an extended home four-game series with Toronto stand· earlier in the month was . before coming home Monday to supposed to have given ., face Kansas City. · HoOton back to. full par? He. claims he's not after beating Padres on a three-hitter LOS ANGELFS (AP) -Burt Hooton of the Los Angeles Dodgers claims he's not all the way back after mid-season surgery, and he says he probably won't be until next season. But don't tell it to the San Diego Padres. In 'further flattening the Padres. 5-0 , Wednefday night in his eighth sl.ilrt llnce the s urgery, the laconic Hooton allowed only three hits -j\Jst one in the final four innings when he said his bursitis flared some -and he didn't permit a runner past second hue: Hooton, 2-5, also extended the Dodgers' string of scoreless innings to 26, their longest scoreless streak of the season. National League Weat W L Pct. GB Dodgers 83 64 .565 Atlanta 80 66 .548 2'1t OAMEIMMA*IHO , DOOOIRS 115) -HOME ( 10) Sep1. 17. 18, 19. Houllon; Sept. 24, 25, 26, San Franclac:o; Sept 27, 28. Clliclnnatl. Sep., 29, 30, Allente AWAY (5) Sept 21, 22. Sen Diego. Oct 1, 2, 3, Sen Franclac:o ATLANTA (18) -HOME (3) Sept 24. 25. 28. Sen DleQo fr" AWAY (131 Sept 17, 18. 19. Clnclnnell. S.01 20..__2_}..'._!!' Ho14ton, Sept 27. 28. Sen Frenc;l9Co, Sec>t ~. 30. _.. Oct 1, 2. 3. San Diego From AP dispatches l _The Kansas City Royals and The win was the Dodgers' sixth in a row to 'Milwa ukee Brewers won coin jump them to a 2 IA -game lead over faltering tosses Wednesday and will get Atlanta in the National League West. the h ome-field advantage in And by completing a three-gam~ sweep of the one-game playoffs s hould the onetime contending Padres, San Diego. Manager American League division races Dick Williams has lowered his expectations. Guerrero also has a .310 average and 93 nt'hsl" batted In. Hooton fired up a one-hitter in April, his only win for four months, but by June he was on an operating ta,..ble. end in ties. "Realistically.'' he said, "I'm now determined If the Royals and Angels are we finish third. I hope the playersTeelThe same.n- deadlocked at the er.d of the Pedro Guerrero slammed his 30th.homer in· the regular season, a playoff game th!.rd inning off of loser John Montefusco, 9-10. That would be held on Monday, Oct. 4 leaves Guerrero only three home runs aw._y from in Kansas City. St.eve Uarvey's Los Angeles club record of 33 set lh In the East, the fi rst-place 1977, and with it he became the first Dodger ever to Brewers would be at home on reach the "30-20 Club,"'that Is, 30 homers and 20 Oct. 4 to eith er B oston or steals in one season. Baltimore. A Red Sox-Oriofe "Just so we win," he said , putting little layoff would take plac~ a1-emphasis on the achievement. "l don:Lca.re abou ton's Fenway Park. records~ nothing like that." "When I've put a few of these. back-to-back, then maybe ru say l'm all the way back.'' Hooton said. He has put some good games, if not genu, bac k -to-back. In his eight starts sin ce his arthroscopic knee surgery June 21, he's allowed only 12 earned runs in 49 innings, a 2.20 ERA, and he's 2-1 in thal span. In the 10 games before the operation he was 1-4 with a ~.37 ERA. __ "l...had...beJ.~trol of m fast ball tonJJht," (See DODGERS. Pa1e Cl) Oilers,· Seahaw-ks loo.k . for • W"lll No.2 • ID prep action tonight By ROGER CA.RL.WN °'ho.llJPllotltiift ..Jjuntington Beach Hlgh's Oilers and the Ocean 'v1.W ~Seahawlu seek their second straight non- league victories tonight, while F.atancla, Cost.4 Mesa and University try to get into the wlnnir\g column for the first time. All are 7:30 kickoffs. Here'• a brief ~each of the area's contests tonight: * .... ~ ... HurttlfWIOft ..... Huntin,ion Beach (1-0) featutts Eric Lawton ai quarwrbllck, .ion, wtth fullb1dt Danny Thompeon out of the I-formation aa the Ollel"I continue preparatJon for the 'SuMet Le.,ue later ln the wuon. The Ollert are 0-5 aplNt Lm AlamUoe ln five previoua MMUncs. lt'1 at If unt.lnp>n ee.ch. r ' ............ u.-e ... r.:h la lookina (or Ill flrwt Win of the ...on and 1 ..._,. olfemive pi'oductlon. 1'.et.anda'• r..a&ee are 2~0 Wida i..,una HWl ln prevkK» meetlnp. Scott Davia .. •t ~ for ~. while Lacuna Hilla COW\..,, wtlb juntol' Lee Plemel. Z.Ch nU• on an I-orient.cl ~ an.ck. 'nw ~la ldleduled for Ml.Ilion VMjo I ' ...... ,tago ... Coeta..... . Coat.a Mesa unveil• It.a double-tight end. option offerwe behlnd quanerback Scot Hagey for the fint Ume on home eoll agalna\ the .Cavaliers, who enapped 1 1.6-game l<11lng •freak • w~k ago. Mesa topped San!Jaio, • 21-0, a year ago. Meea enten 0-1 after falllnc to Santa Ana. The garne Is at Newport Harbor. , * Twttft ft. UMvwattr 1\al\ln holds a 7-l·l ~ In this ...... and hal a flve-pme wtnnlng at.reek aofng over the Troja111. Each 11 wtnJe. after a at.art, but T\mtJn lhowed n.tnnlnc potenual with 2o&-pound fullback Brett Pierce plninC 140 yarda In 111 cam. .,.tnat Mi.ion Viejo. Gary lanUal WM the TrojaN' leedin& ruaMr with 85 yarda In .ttM carrlel. The 1ame II at Irvtne Kith . • cx:hw v..., .... ..,.,_.. · few Yoder's r.peranaa A%1eCS are nWled No. II ln =::;:aunty_ Dick .i:.vtcht'1 C.po eou.n In No. 10 •l1M' to ~ -.... 14-9. t.ch ..... 8'.le, .,.cl depch. C..po'1 olfewe la Jed by JUnlor Bun Call. S.peranu, whh nine returnln1 darten. la ~by Pit Wren. 11Mt pme la at V.a.nda I ( • ..... Maft.l1t•1llHll Sidi i. 1-0 af1er one wftk and ~ ~ and experience, but Santa Ana twa an on-paper eidlll wtth better 1lae. The Salnu of 8~nt.a Ana t .. tun Rick Franklin, Stephen Shaw and WayM Bar,..tJ In the backflekl. Shaw and Barrett combined for 204 1arcta ruahlrW •lrwt Colta M-. Saddleblick'a ~Mole e&pt &nta Ana V.U.y .,_ '-t week. The pmt '8 •l for w Sant.a Ana Bowl. ·- game to mother From AP dl1patcbea SAN DIEGO Cos m os' m goalkeeper Hubert Birkenmeier, recognir.ed as the best in the North American Soccer League this season, says he wW dedicate Saturday'& Soc.'<.-er Bowl In· honor of his German mother, who died last month. "I promised that to myself when she clied," Birkenmeier satd Wednesday as the Cosrnoa r.eadled for their showdown with the Seattle Sounders. . A New York victory woulcJ give the Cosmos a fifth NASL title in 11 years. The gante will mark the final competition for Cosmos' Carlos Alberto, one of the greatest defenders in NASL history. CaptAin of Braz:.il's 1970 World Cup championsh ip team and a member of .four Soccer Bowls with the Cosmos, Alberto, 38, is retiring aft.er 20 years. Birke nmeier'"S m o the r , Maria, died unexpectedly in Germany on Aug. 9, s hortly before her 60th birthday. "She never saw a soccer game I played in b'!CaUse she feared she would see me get hurl," said Birkenmeier, 33, who grew up In Germany's Black Forest region at Freiburg. "When I was growing u~. she always stressed that I ~~ l"!}.Y __, homework befor~ 1 could play soccer." Birkenmeier has n'>t allowed a goal in his past two Soccer Bowl starts. He shut out Forl Lauderdale 3-0 in the 1980 finals and held Chicago scoreless in regulation play last year before the Cosmos lost in a shootout by a 3-2 score. Brewers protect lead In AL East Roy Howell drove> In thr~ runa Ii with a double and u single to lead Milwuukcw to u !>-3 victory ov.l'r Detroit Wedncsduy night, preserving the Brewers' l 'h-gnmc lC'od over Baltimore in the American League East Elsewhere. the Orioles kept pace as Cal Rlpken Jr. rapped u two-run double to tie the 8COre during a six-run sixth inning and then ~·<m .. -d on Eddie Murray'11 double as red-hot Baltimore downed New York, 8-5. It was the Orioles' 23rd victory in 27 games and their fourth straight c..'Ome-from-behind win over the Yankees Andr• Tbornlon knocked in three runs with a homer and a single and Larry Milbourne and Ron Ha11ey collect.ed three hits api~ce in leading Clev~lund p~st Boston, 7-4 . . . Steve Hammond lined a one- out, bases-loaded single off first baseman Jim Malu'1 glove in the bottom of the 11 lh inning to give Kansas City a 5-4 victory over Seattle and a two-game lead over the Angels in the West . . . Gfty Gaetti had four hits in Minnesota's 10-2 triumph over Texas . . l{lVe Baker's RBI sinRle helped Toron o outlasl--Oakland, 12-11 , and win their double-header. 'the Blue Jays tool< the opener. 3-2. thanks in parl to four A's errors. t . Baseball today ' On thh• d1.11t• In hui1t•bull In 1 »7:) Plth1huq(h'11 Honnlt• 8ll•11111•l1 lll•d W1lhor1 Hol>lll~Jtl'll UU.11 r(l('Ord by goinu 7 for 7 four Hh1uli·11, two doublt•w untl ll t1 l"h· UK th'· Plrut•·• rnuult.U th{• Cul)H, ~2 o. 11t Wrll(ll•y Jt'h~ld 111 thl· mtJ111l dl'('l11lw .. trutuut h1 muJor lt•ugut• hlKlo1 y <.)n thl~ d11u.-In Hl60. At tht· UK or :!IJ, M1Jwuuk<'I.''" W11rnm Spohn Ill'\ u dub rcc.'Orcl with 15 Htrikl·vut.¥ ond hurlt d the first ot hl11 two car ,., no-hiltera, bf-otJnf{ Ph1ladclphlo," 0. It WWJ the a;econd tlnw In lt.'18 thon a monlh that Ute Phllllea nod befn no-hit by the· ar11vt.'I (Lew BurdeLk' blank~'<! tht.•m on Aug. llj), On thht dat.o In 1939: The New York \'anket .. clln<.·hcd lht'lr fourth conR.:cutlv~ l\merlcnn Lengut.• pennant, bcoting lhe Dt.·tro1t T1gt'rs 8-5. On thla dote in 1924: Sunny Jim &ttomley of tht.• St. Louis Curdinali drow In a n.->e:ord 12 runs us.the Cjm:is rou ted the Bro<>klyn Dodgers, 17-3. On this date In 1914: Al lhe age oC 23 yean;, 223 days, Ne w York sh_ort.slop Roge r Pecklnpaueh 111. named to manage the· Y ankces, becoming the youngest s kipper ih major lcagut' history. Today's birthdays: Milwaukee short.stop Robin Yount is 27 Montreal outfielder Tlm Rtlines is 23. Youth dies from football Injury A 14-ycar-old Seattle boy died of • head injuries suffered m a youth league football game, a medical invc..>sllgator said Fredrick D. Pascua, a s tudent al ScattJc High School, djed Tuesday night in Harborview Medical Center and an • autopsy conductl'<i Wc.-dnesday showed he died of Braves sink further back in West a type of severe bruise called uncal lonsillar Dickie Thon slamtned 8 three-run 11 h ernia lion, said J oe Frisino, a King County d medical investigator •. . . The Montreal ouble Wednesday night lo -propel .Canadiens trad~d veteran Natio nal Hockey Houston lo a 5-4 victory over Atlanta, League goalie Denis Herron to Pittsburgh completing a sweep of their three-game series. Nolan Ryan, 15.11, was the winner Wednesday for future consid(•rations. Herron, 30, as the Braves dropped 2 'h games to the rear o( had been a member of the Canadiens since being the front-running Dodgers In the National traded to Montreal by the Penguins on Aug. 30, 1979 . . . The favored U.S . squad, led by League West · · · Elsewhere. Joaquln Andujar veteran Jay Siegel's 3-under-par 69. took the lead pitched a three-hit shutout as St. Louis toppled Wednesday in the .. first round of the four-day 41~-.. Philadelphia. 8-0. as the Men's· Amateur Golf Championships by two --Cardinals moved in front by strokes over Japan. 'Spain stood third in lhe Quote .pf the day l 'h games in the F.asl. George h La s Jimmy Piersall, lhe controversial · Hendrick drove in four runs competition being cld at usanne, witwrland . . The three Stastny brothers -Pet er, Troja~ learn a CJ1i1ie e squad By HOWARD l.. HANDY O(the Delly Piiot lten women lesson weep (}, c A methodlcttl, wcll-ora nl~t-d P oplo'• R ·public of C hin J'Unlo r Nat1ol')al women'• volli>ybQU warn gave the USC Trojans a le910n In lnternotlonul t>ompt'tllicm Wedht>Sday nl1ht at Orange Cooi.t Colh.'KC. · The Chhw11t• team SC..'Orl'C.I p 10-9, 15-6, 15-6 victory ovc.•r the Trojans m less than an hour, ~ldom l'r41l'kin~ a smile and appearlng to know each other's movc..>S before the ball was sent their way "That's a pro team over there." USC Coach Chuck Erbe said of the Chinese. ''They start when they arc youngst.ers and they eat, drink, sleep and play volleyball almost ever'j hour of the day. "By c..'Onlrast, we have a very young t.earn. I think we picked up some-valuable experience in this m~tch against a team of this caliber . We scrimmaged them yesterday (Tuesday) and I feel . we did much better tonight than we did in the scrimmage w}lich is a good sign. "There were a couple of times that we fell apart and appeared disor!ented on the floor which I'm not too happy about, But overall, we did better tonight. And we should .do better against. other college teams and we won't be at a psychological dlSadvant,age." USC openc..>d the mat.ch by t.aking an early lead and ran the advantage to 6-3 before Li Guizhl (6-1), Wang Mema (6-0 ~) and Hou Y uz.hu (5-11 ~) took '-over at the net to pound the ball repeatedly a t the Trojans:._ When the Chinese really needed a point or a save, they wenl to Guizhl, a lean , versa&lle veteran at 20. · The loss was the secohd for the TroJllns who were ranked No. 1 before the season started against one win. Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo) beat them over the weekend and Erbe called the loss a blessing in' disguise. "It took all the pressure off this team and now I hope they can settle down and play volleyball. Lori Uranich, a senior outside hitter from Mater Dei High played well for the Trojans as a starter as did frcshi'ffan Tracy Clark, a graduate of El Toro High. . Chicago White Sox announcer who often for the winners . . . Andre Anton and Marian -have been suspended ,...,,. "' ~~:c:::·~w.;.e;~ ~~:;·,,.,="~-==~ ~~l"!~..Jl~-.~~~h>s 2Cl.Ubbnroe d f · 1 b th Q '--N d f h "Th . h run to 1<.•ad off the bottOm of . in e mile y y c UC<A.,,: or iques or t efr management e guy 10 t e grocery th 1 Ith . . d . failure to appear at the team's training camp, the Leslie Devereaux. another freshman from El Toro, was a start.er and· middle blocker before a stress fracture in her lefl foot put her out of rompetition . She is in a cast and will wear il for "wo more weeks before returning. "- store hates tcr see me come in. If his stuffs e inning. an give NHL team said WedOesday. . bad, I'll teJl,him. In a restaurant...iLlgeL bad .__LUUnt.rcal a 6-5 "&ctory--Ovei:-Lis.a Niedringhaus, .another freshman from Mater Det and a res1deni-of·Newpol"t Beach, played- sparingly on the back row with the mat.ch being conducted under international rules with little substitution aJlowed. -rood, Mlserurft back. With the money the New York Mets ... you're paying nowadays. they've got to be Pinc h -hitter Jody Davis Televlslon, radio perfectionists for me." ~ . cracked a two-run home r with one out in the elghlh inning to lead San Following are th<' top sports events on TV tonight. Ratmgs are: v v v v excellent.: v v v worth watching; v v fair; v forget it. McCullum says there'll be a strike Wide receiver Sam McCullum, [i] who became a member of the ••• Minnesota Vikings Tuesday. says a strike in the National Football League is inevitable. "I'd say right now a slrike's definitely going to happen in pro footbalJ," McCuUum, who was cul by Seattle last week, said . . . New Orleans Wednesday announced they had signed kicker Tony Fritsch to handle field goals and extra points, but turned klckolf chores to punter Ruuell Erxleben. Rookie kicker Morten Andersen, injured on the opening kickorr of Sunday's season opener against St. Louis, was placed on injured reserve with an ankl sprain . . . Jobn Jeffer100, an important segment of Green Bay's pass-catching corps, was placed on the injured list by the Packers as they prepared for Monday's televised game with the New York Giants. Also on the injury report to the NFL are two other regulars, cornerback Mark Lee and fullback Gerry Ellis. Francisco to a come-from behind 5-4 triumph over Cincinnati . . . Jody Davis belted a three-run homer and Keith Moreland t:tnd Leon Durham added solo shots in C hicago's 7-2 triumph over Pittsburgh. Ferguson Jenkln·s, • 11-15, went the distance to earn his 275th career win. Somethlng's fishey about this bl~eglll ~ KALAMAZOO. Mich. -Wllliam II Hart was angling for bullhead, and thought for a second he had caught a bluegill. But altho'Ugh it sounds like a fish story, Hart had hooked a foot-long pirahha. "When I heard the fish's teeth scrape across the pliers, I knew it was no bluegill," Hart said Friday. Dave Johnson, a biologist with the state Department of Natur~ Resources. confirmed Hart had s nared a piranha. a voracious freshwater fish native to wann Sou th American wate,.lllld often kept in aquariums as pets. e 5:30 p.m., ~hannel 7 V' .............. NFL FOOTBALL: 'Minnesota at 'BuTf:alo Announcers: Frank G1rford, Howard Cosell and Fran Tarkenton. J oe Ferguson will lead the Bills against Tommy Kramer and the Minnesota Vikings. Both teams won opening games with Ferguson going to the alr in the absence of running back Joe Cribbs. He threw touchdown passes to Frank Lewis and Jerry Butler 1n a 14-9~win over Kansas Ci•y. The Minnesota defense intercept.eel three passes and recovered a fumble to aid a 17-10 win over Tampa Bay. RADIO Baseball Angels at Toronto. 4:30 p.m., KMPC (710).. . Football -Minnesota at Buffalo. 5:30 p.m .• KNX (1070). Injuries have hampered the Trojans m the early season and sophomore Katie McGarrey will rc.-d-shirt this season with Utanlch taking over her starting spot. Uranich started two years ago but McGauy took over last season. She has a back problem this year. 'l'he 'l'roJ3n women will return to Orange Coast on Saturday, Oct. 9 against San Diego State in a · Western Collegiate Athletic Association mat.ch, then wilJ have two over matches in lhe area later in the · season. concluding with Stanford and Kim. Oden (an Irvine High graduate) Friday, Nov. 19 at Edison High. DODGERS WIN. • • From Page C1 he said, "and I had consistency with all my pitches. ''The only problem, late in the game the kn~ stiffened a little a nd the. bursitis in my shoulder bothered me. I didn't know 1r I could get loose the final couple of innings ... Walton's status stiil a question ~ark He retired the (i.nal 10 Padres in order. Williains assessed the series tersely. explaining, "I felt after.-losing the first game in 16 ~s. (4-3) we went Oat; we should have won and didn t. Then we didn't execute the second game losing, 1-0, to Fernando Valenzuela and you saw what happened -. foot problems. tonight." . SAN DIEGO (AP) -With the st.art of the San Diego Clippers' training camp just two weeks away. Bill Walton's status remains a 6-11 question mark. "I'd love to say I'd be1rreamp a month from now, but I just don't think the foot will be ready by then," says Waltbn. who has m issed four National Basketball Association seasons because of rerurrifig Five years ago he was tht' most dominant force in the NSA. earning Most Valuable .Playe r honors after leading the Portland Trail Blau-rs to the 1977 league litle. Williams did take notice of the Dodgers' pitching. and he gave them his endof¥ment Cot, the closing 2 114.t weeks of the season. Malone dealt to Sixers from Houston HOUSTON (AP) -The Houston Rockets traded Moses Malone,· the National Basketball Associalion's most valuable player last s~ason, to the Philadelphja 76ers Wednesday in exchange for forward Caldwell Jones and a first-round drah pick. Rockets' own er Charlie Thomas said Malone indicated fte pl'eferred to play-in Phfladelphia. "We thank him for his six season• with the Rockets and wish hlm well with the 76ers." Thomas said. · "But we feel we are building a team for the future and the dralt selection we acquired today is a major step," he said. Jones, a 10-year NBA veteran, averased 7 .9 polnts and grabbed 708 rebounds in 81 games for the 76ers last season. Malone signed an offer sheet with the 76crs on Sep\. 2, calling 'for a reported $13.2 million over atx years. The Rockets received a copy of the offer ah t-el the following day, and under the Robertson Agreement, had-15 days to match lt or loee Malone. Malone haa been an NBA All· 1tar five tlmea. He la conaldered one of the top robounde ra In league hlnol"y, and the 78era need help on the board&. The CJippers say they are w illing to have him back on whatever part-lime basts can be arranged. "It appears the Dodgers have finally hit their stride." he said. "They're 2 'h ahead and climbing. They're going to be tough to cat.ch now." NFL standings NATIONAL CONFERENCE West Division AMERICAN CONFERENCE West Division W L Pct PF PA W L P ct PF PA Atlanta 1 0 1.000 16 14 Raiders 1 0 1.000 23 17 35 San Diego 1 0 1.000 23 3 21-Kansas City 0 1 .000 9 14 Rams 0 l .000 23 New Orleans 0 1 .000 7 San Francisco 0 1 .000 17 23 Seattle 0 I .000 7 21 East Division Denver 0 l .000 3 23 34 East ·Division Washington L. 0 1.000 37 St. Louis l 0 1.000 21 7 Miami I 0 1.000 45 28 Philadelphia 0 .I .000 34 37 New England 1 0 1.000 24 13 36 BuCfalo 1 0 1.000 14 9 Dallas 0 1 .000 28 NY Giants 0 1 .000 14 16 NY J ets 0 1 ...OOD 28 45 Central Divlstoo Baltimore 0 1 .000 13 24 23 Central Division 10 Pittsburgh 1 0 1.000 36 28 10 Cincinnati 1 0 1.000 27 6 Green Bay l 0 1.000 35 Detroit -1 0 1.000 17 Minnesota 1 0 .000 17 Chicago 0 1 .000 10 17 Cleveland l · 0 1.000 21 7 '~ampa Bay 0 l .000 10 17 Houston 0 I .000 6 27 TOftlotlt't 0-MIMMOI• et Butfelo (Ch.nnel 7 et 5.30) hrM9eJ'• o.m.. Deir°"-•' Rafi!• 1Wd91• •• All•nta (ChanMI 4 II 10 • m 1 N-VOtk .i.tt •I ~ Englend New Oti.tna •I Clllcego Pl'llladetS>llle II Clewlancl S., Diego •I KW'IMI City ClftclnMll II Pltt.WOfl DallU ., 81 lOUle Sen Franclec:o tt OenY« SMlll• •I Houtlon W11t11ing1on et Tempe Bey Balllmo<e et Mteml ~··a-. GrMn hy ., New YOrk Ol•nta (CMnMI t •1 lpm) - 82 HOUR I ALL AMERICAN MIUTIDI SILE ,., ........ -JOHNSON &SON presents ... llFL "··~ ...... ... Rams over Detroit t San Francisco over Denver * Dallas over St. Louis • Raiders over Atlanta • Green lay ever ewly-acquired eenler Motet Malone poeet wilh 6er owner Harold Katz. I The Rockett will pt the rtl'lt· round pick in the 198~ oollese draft that tM 76en received in Oc~r 1977 from Cleveland ln t-xchan·1• for th la to Terry Furlow LINCOL"N llERCUIY 2626 Heritor ltv.t .. Ce1t• M••• ....... Ttus., Sept. 16th - .... . Mon., Sept. 20th ... . . . ) • ' Yince Lombardi, former coach of the Packers, coolers with Bart Starr during a 1967 game. ... M Wlr..,tloto Or1ng• Cout DAIL y PILOT /Thurtday, September HI, 1882 Remembering V.ince Star~-borrowed a page from Lombardi By WILL GRIMSLEY "'Ii-tel Ceff~t Bart St.arr altM on th hotlt'St At'Ot ln thl' National Football Leaaue. L.ut Sunday, th• ~ former all·•Ulr quurt.erback muet have folt ht11 pant.111COrchlna u the Green Bay Pack~rs fell behind the Rama, 23·0 In the flrat half. 8c>O$ rnoundod throufh the Mllwaukc..~ County Stadium. Creatfa Jen, discouraged, .anary at themaelvet, the Packen trudged into the locker room. Did Coach Bart Si.rr, the favori~ pupil of the legendary Vince Lombardi, borrow a page from the old master's book to snap the disheartened players out of their doldrums? .. "I REMEMBER we had almost a similar\ sltuaUon in 1965 when 1 was quarterbackin~. the team," Starr 18id. "We were playing the Lions In Detroit and we had a miserable first half, behind 21-3. "Going Into the locker room, we didn't know what to expect. We all knew Coach 1:.om~ardi to be tough, hard-nosed and abl'aslve but also we respected him as a man of deep sensitivity. Surprlsin;r;I , he. was the calmest person I've ever seen. e didn't-berate any of us. He quietly poln out our errors and then, with a slap on the shoulder, told us to go and play the kind of football we were capable of." The Packers rallied, won the gaitie 31-21 and qualified for the playoffs. Modesty. prevented Starr from giving the d~tails. He passed for three touchdowns and rushed four yaras for another in one of the flashiest quarterback performances the game has-seen. Last Sunday, the situation was somewhat the same but the roles were changed. Starr had assumed the mantle of. his old co~h. . .. C11lllng 111anal1 and directing the at\ICk - Swrr'1 former job -wu a 12-yH.r ve'4:ran out ot K.ansaa Su.aw, Lynn Dlck.;y. DICKEY, WHO had fumbled tw1oo and thrown two lnt.erccptiona in the errocrpocked opening half, engineered the fierce, alm°'t flawlea comeback, throwing three touchdown passes, two in the apace of 17 aecondl,_for a 35-21 victory over a Loi Angeles team that had been tabbed a1 havlog Super Bowl powntial. · .- What happened? Was the remarkable turn·around done with mirrors? Not al all. StaJ't' just remembered 1965 and a man named Lombardi. "Basically, I've never been one for punching blackboards," Starr said. "It wu easy to see that the guys were down enough on themselves. They didn't need somebody to give them a harangue or a corny speech. "I li4't.ened to our offensive coordinator (Bob Schnelker) talk to the offensive guys and the defensive coach (John Meyer) go over details with his bunch. Both did a good job. There wasn't much for me to say except t.o go out there and play ball." ST ARR SAID he did not feel that he h.3d patterned himself after his highly acclaimed mentor, who died at age 57 in 1970 aft.er buildin~ the Packers into an NFL power that won Cave champion ships in the 1960s including the first two Super Bowls. During that halcyon era, Lombardi's trigger man on the field was Bart Starr. "I learned a lot Crom Coach Lombardi," Ste\rr said. "But one can't be a clone of someone else. You have to be who you are. I have my own personality and my own methods." ... BUlllTIN BOARD .. ·RAMS ... From Page C1 UC -Irvine poloists open season Friday Horse raclnlJ OAK TREE -Thoroughbred meeting set Sept. 29-Nov. 1 at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia. Meet runs 27 days with first post at..J p.m. through Oct. 30. On Oct. 31 and Nov. l, 12:30 first post. Dark on Monday and Tuesday except Monday, Oct. 11 and Monday, Nov. l. Senior Citizens Day, Friday, Oct. 8. Free admission for fans 65-and-over with payment of· 25 cent municipal tax. Ad~ission pri~es : General Admission, $2.25; Clubhou se, $5. Reserved seats. $1.75, $2, $2.75. Parking: General.,$1; Preferred, $2; Valet, $5. HOLLYWOOD PARK -Harness meeting runs through Oct. 25 at Hollywood Park in Inglewood. Racing Tuesday through Sunday nights with first post 7:30 except Sunday, 6:30. Dark Monday and Tuesday. Senior Citizens Days: Every Thursday. Free admission to those 62-and-older with payment of 35 cent municipal tax. Admission prices: General Admission, $2.25; Clubhouse, $4.50; Turf Club, $7.50 (Dress code: Men, coat and tie; Women, pants suftS or dresses). Parking Free, gates 2 and 5. Valet parking: $5, gates 3 and 4. POMONA FAIR -Appaloosa, quarterhorse and thoroughbred racing. Meeting runs through Sept. 26, 7 days a week. Admission prices: $4 general admission to fairgrounds and race track . Reserved seats, $1 .50. Clubhouse, $2, $1 reserved seat. total $3. Boxes, $3. Senior Citizens: $3 admission to fair and racing, Monday through Friday; $4 on Saturday and Sunday. Parking: General, $1 ; Preferred, $2. Tennis TENNIS j..ESSONS -Newport Beach tennis classes at Community Youth Center, San Joaquin Hills Park, Mariners Parle and Las Arenas Park. Classes meet once a week for 10'" weeks. Cost: $27.50 per class. Day or nigh~ sessions for adults; Afternoon sessions for 6 -8 -year-olds and 9-12-year-olds; Saturday sessions for adults and youths. Classes taught in small groups of 4-8 students per instru~r. Register at Parks, Beaches and Recreation office, 3300 Ne wport Blvd. Further information, call 640-2271. Beach l'olle,,ball Cuervo World Champions.hip of Beach Volleyball at Seaside Lagoon in King Harbor, Redondo Beach, Friday, Saturday.and Sunday. The schedule: . Friday -9 a.m. -All teams begin competition; Noon -Second round wu:iners' and losers' bracket; 3 p.m. - Third round winner5' bracket; 5 p.m. · -Third round losers' bracket. Satur~ay -9 a .m . -Losers' bracket continues aU day\ 10 a.m. - Quarterfinals winners' bracket; 1 p.m. -Miss Los Angeles bathing beauty oontest; 2 p.m. -Semifinals winners' bracket (last four undefeated teams). Sunday -9 a.m. -Quarterfinals losers' bracket; 9:30 a.m. -Finals winners' bracket (last two undefeated teams); 10:30 a.m . -Semifinals losers' bracket; 12:30 p.m. -Finals losers' bracket; 2:30 p.m. -World Championship finals. Featuring the 64 highest· rated men's doubles team in double-loss elimination. Winners' bracket matches, best 2-of-3 to 11 points. Losers' bracket matches, one game to 15 points. Purse -$20,000 (largest in sport). $10,000 to winning team; 2nd $5,- 000; 3rd -$2,000; 4th -$I ,000; 5th and 6th -$500; 7th and 8th -$300; 9th and 10th -$100. Sanctioned by ·National Outdoor Volleyb~ll Association. Hosted by Intemauonal Boardwalk Association, Redon~o Beach. Adm'ission: Free to the public. Expected crowd: 25,000. Rac quetball CataJina Pro-am Racquetball Classic at King's Racquetball Court in Westminster. Tournament dates: Thursday, Sept. 30 through Sunday, Oct. 3 with all- glass tournament oourt for excellent viewing. · Amateur players may enter in 21 different categories with deadline Friday, Sept. 23. Ticket prices: 4-day backwall section, $45; 4-day sidewall section, $40; Daily tickets, $12. Tickets available by pnone with Visa or Master Card. CaU 898-9841. Limited seating . $20,000 prize money. Jerry HUecher is defending champion. Top seeded players are Dave Peck and Marty Hogan. King'.1 Racquetball Court Is located at 14731 Golden West St. in Westminster, juat off the 405 (San· Diego) Freeway. Rams officials figure if a strike is called maybe llJ players, n:'OSt of them rookies, will stay with the team. The club would then add 20 more athletes to give them a roster of 30, whi~h officials think would be enough to play a game. 'I think they can pull it off. There's no doubt in my mind," concedes Jack Youngblood. "All they have to do is put 22 men on the field. "But I think the fans and the owners want to see the ultimate (meaning the best). They don't want to see sandlot football. "It's all relative. U the Rams have a team of bartenders, then so will Cincinnati, Dallas, New Orle&N and San 'Francisco." "It would be like a college game . . . make that a Triple-A contest In a diffetent arena." Youngblood will probably be the lightning rod for the Rams - in other words, as he goes so will the olavers. And. as of this juncture, Youngblood claims he would take a walk if a strike was -called. "We'll need everybody to go off to make it effective," says Ek em. T6e .Rams· are preparing themselves, though, Wst in case such an event happens. .,. UC Irvine will open its 1982 water polo season this weekend when the Anteaters host their 16th annual tournament Friday- Sunday. This year's tourney features some of the strongest teams on the West Coast, includin·g Stanford, last year 's NCAA champion. The top-seeded· team of the three-day com,petition is Wasserfreunde "Spandau of Berlin, Germany. The German team includes six members of the starting lineup of the German National Team that placed third . in the World Games this summer. The host Anteaters have _established themselves as the No. 2 seed with Cal third, Stanford fourth and UCLA fifth. Long Beach State,· Pacific, USC, UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara, Fresno State and Sall Francisco State round out the field. Ted Newland is entering his 17th year as head"'coach at UCI, with a record of 317·95-2 (.769) over the past 16 seasons. UCJ retuntS aU seven startera in '82 plus senior Pet.er Campbell, who redshirted last year after 1eading UCI in scoring the three previous years. "Peter has size, speed and strength," says Newland. "Plus. he is one of the most intelligent players and students of the. ,Rame." Campbell was a mamber of the Junior National team in 1978 and '79 and the World Student Games team in' 1979 through '81 ... H e was voted college All· American in ·1978, '79 and '80, and AAU All-American in '80, '81 and '82. Another veteran on the team will be senior John O'Brien, who was all-PCAA second team and All-American third team in '81 . ... Sophomore J eff Campbellt Peter's brother, .return this season to help out at the aetter position. Jeff has alao played on th-e.Junior and National...)e8mt. Senior John Vargas will be back to quarterback the team from the field. Lut yea, he led UCJ in scoring. "John has one of. the prettiest shots in water polo, ·and he makes up for lack of size (he itands only 5-9) with hi• knowledge of the game. He knows the system and can adapt to almost any situation ," adds Newland. • Other returnees include aen.ior Trevor Dodso n , Georg e R.obertson, a senior from Newport Beach, and JOphomore Diggy Riley (a graduate from Newport Harbor High), a left- handed driver. . TV pacts not legal ANGELS -ROYALS To piece your meMege befOf• the reeding publlc, phone BISBEES ', £ p J ) Q } I b, } .' SUITE W 6 TICKETS 1714 1 541 -2263 I 714I532-38:/1 Dally Piiot Claaelfted, 942-5878 ·Hlh '-> A.ty 1 • "" B .1ltin.1 1 .... 1.ir11~ t. "• 1 :·i OKLAHOMA ClTY ~--------'1----------_.J....::..;,;_.:........:=====::::=::::::: (AP) -A federal judge has thrown out the college tel evision contracts negotiated by the National Collegiate Athletic Association, holding that the NCAA had violated antitrust laws in selling game rights to television networks. The ruling by U .S . District Judge Juan Burciaga of Albuquerque, N.M., filed in the federal oourt here Wedneaday, held that the individual -coU:_~es may sell their foot rights t o te l evh i o n and prohibits the NCAA from negotiating any future television contracts on behalf of its member colleges and universities. A spokesman at NCAA headquarters in suburban Kansas City uld the organlutlon 's lawyers would seek a n Immediate stay of the order. 1982 CATALINA PRO-AM RACQUETBALL CLASSIC Co Sponsors: BANK Of NEWPORT, AMF VOIT $1111 000 PRIZE ~~I MONEY Featuring 5-Time National Champion Marty Hogan, Number 1 seeded Dave Peck and many other top touring racquetball professionals. DA TES: Th.,ra. thru Sun. Sept. 30 Oct. 3 .SITES: King'• A•cquetb•ll Court • 14731 Golden Weat St. We1tm1n·ater, Ca. . Phone: (714) 898-9841 (213) 430·5]11 TICKET PRICES (King's All Glass Tourney Court) 4-day Package/Back wall Section .. $45/Seat . 4-day Package/Sidewall Section ... $40/Seat .,; Dally Tlpkets $12.00 NFL players to Strike Tuesday? Tickets may be purchased over the phone with Visa or Master Card VISA' Cal Todayl , ·- WASHINGTON (AP) -The National Football Leagu~ Players Association has decided to atrike next Tuetday, barring a breakthrough In negotiation s thla weekend, infonned aources within the labor movement told ~he Alloclated Pre. Wed.oaday. The eoul'ftl, decllnlna to be named publicly, uld rnernbera of the un.ton'• execu\Jve committee had Informally ureed on ~ Tuelday walkout aplnst die 28 cluba. The committee, which lncludH playes: rep~ntatl11ea from IOlm of the tMrl», wiU meet Monday ln New York for the announced purpo1e of setting a. atrike deadJJne. Oiher aouf'Cft, after refusing to be named publicly, confirmed the report. "The date has been aet. tt ahouldn't come aa that much of a 1u rprl1e to anyone," the uruon IOUl'Ce •id. Earlier, unJon offldala have ta.Id the ltrlke' would come between the eeconci' and fourth weeka of the eeuon. The ll«'Ond week of the echedW. will end Monday ntaht with • aame betw.n the Green Bay Packen and New York Olanta. The contract between the playera union and the club owneta ran out July 15, and negotJaUona for a new t'Ontract have been aporadlc and unaucceaful. The two aJde.. which latt met one w~k a10, wlll reaume neaotiatlona ln New York on Friday. . Wednelday nt•ht, td Garvey, the union'• executive d irector, aald the NFLPA II I06"I to the ta1b '° bup1n tt. refuMd to either eonflnn or deny ~ repcr1 °"' • mite dale hat beer\ acr-d to. . limited Seatin1 AvaUable . .. Twenty-one categories are available to local amateur players. Winners· wlll receive merchandise and awards. Entry deadline for all tourney players Fri. Sept. 23. CO..SPONSORS: BANK OF NEWPORT, AMF VOIT ' , .. Orenga Co••t DAILY PILOT1Tnurtd1Y1 8wpt•mt>er i e, 1812 - Lavelle, (11 years old), Hun saker winners at Peacock Run· Fr e training clinic for next year' Long Beach Marathon planned; Costa Mesa Grand Prix ruh ~ <!he duled Eddie Lavell<', un 11 yt•ur old tron1 li'ountaln Vullcy, nnd Brlun HunAAkl•r, 2~. from Corun• dul MW' ... were a,'Ctlnl wlnncr1 In their dlvtsiofl.li at the Pe :ock lOk Run twit! IU5t Sunduy m Orlrfith Park. Ch11ld,•1 o( <.:ovlnu, tho four lime• NCAA •-----------• The race, ro-11ponaored by KNBC und the Greater Los Angeles Zoo Auocialion, drew opproximat(.'ly 4,000 runners. Lavette completed the course m 36:45 to win the male 12 & under division, whlJe Hunsaker J><l6te4 a Um"', of 3010 I to top the male 25 throuah 29 division. Bobby Macias of Los Ange les was the best overall male runner with a time of 29:52 The best individual time for a female runner was Mich ele Bus h or Carson with a time of 35:0 l. Among the other runners competing w ere James Sikktng. of "Hill Street Blues" and world elms runners whic'h included Kenya's high altitude lOk world rerord-holder "Kip" Mibey; Ed National 10k drnmpion {who plul't•d 1c•cond In hl11 dlvi•lon ut thi1 yl•ur's Peacock 10k), and m ·mbt·n o f tht• UCLA women'• track lt••m ('&o'hu:h induded (c•m1tl t> wlnn •r au h). Tht> prun• •d11 of thl' race wt>rt> to benefit ttw nf'w cltlldreJl'• zoo IN PREPARATION FOi\,. th(' 1983 Long Beach Muruthon. free tral{llog clinics wlll begin next 'l'hursday at 6:30 p.m . at Roge rs Junior High School gymnasium. 36~ Monrovia Avenue, Long Beach. 90803 .• The marathon is scheduled for Sunday, Fe b. 20. - "Now ls the time to start tr~ining," says Gordon Proct.or, ra<.'t' director and veteran marathoner. "Fiily percent of last yeilC's running field were first-time marathoners," said Proctor, regarding the 1982 Long Beach Marathon's nearly 2,000 competitors. Ml.IC NOTICE NOTICll Of' TllUITilll'I IALll I TATl•NT Of' U~NT Loen Ho. 1ll001'14 flCTITIOUI0::.::.11 ., .. ,... T.I . Ho. MU2I ._.. BUTTERFIELD SERVICES, INC. The followlng per1on1 have -duly ~nled Trull .. under •b•ndoned Ille UM ol Ille flctltlOu• the following cleeCrlbed deed .ol OUllnoN -,,,,., Wll I RELL AT PUBLIC DELANEY SASH & DOOR, AUCTION TO THE HIGHEST NC . t7 t00 Giiiette, lrvlne, BIOOER FOR CASH (payeble 11 Calllornl1 92714 time of NM ltl lawful money of Th• FlctlllOUI BullhHI Name the United SlllM) tit right. lttle •olerred lo above wu IU-d In end Int-I gon~ 10 and tlOW Orange County on July 19, 1982 held by II undet Mid Deed of Fiie No. F· 193S72 Trull In Ille P'OC>«IY t1ere1n1l1et Warmington Interior• and ct..c;rl~: :>Hlgn, 1 C1llfo1nl1 co1poratlon, TRUSTOR: PHILO M. SMITH 17 tOO Giiiette, lrvlne, C1lllornt1 JR. and REBECCA ANNE·AU }2714 SMITH, hu1b1nd 111d wife u Jolnt Thi• buaJneu wu conducted by a t11nent1. :orpo11Uon. AUNNIN(l DENNIS BROSTERHOUS "And ninety percent of thOH who romplet(-d time cl1niC8 finished tho rac..oe." The weekly clinlus are headed by Joe Carl9on, world-clll$8 runner and owner of A Runnlns Experience store In Lona Beach. Expert speakers will address 11uch tdplca aa warm-up, nutrition , body awareness. footwear and Injury prevention, psychological preparation. pacma and running the marathon. and ·goal-setting. The one-hour discussions will be followed by a group run. , · On the subject of w hat· marathon trainees can expect during the next five months, Ctil'l11nn X4•hl, "You 111.nrt f rum wht•rl! you art-11nd ln<:rl•llH! your running approxlmntoly 10 percent JX•r Wt't'k. You •hould mainlllln that f)UL't: ror approxlmutcly •ix to t•lghl we.·k• 1and dally runnlnA ~t·hcdull's a1Urnutc• betwt'Cn ho.rd und etlly rurw " GETTING CLOSER as thl' Cob'°'' Ml'Sll Or&tnd Prix 5 and lOk Huns, which urc schedult'd for Sept. 26. · • There have been o Cew changes In the tnformation on the race since h w~ first repor ted In lhl1 column. The entry fee for the me is $7 •md Jate registration wllJ be $9 There will bt• no T-shirta af ven away; lnstctid, nylon • trkot running shorts will be pr~nted Also, part1cipanta wtll not be allowrd to participate in the bike race unll'SS tht•y have qualified at t1 district rare. Registration for the run will be held the day of the rac•c from 7 a.m. to 7:4!; at Estancia Hl1th. ~ Tht· Sk t'OUl"M' llJ lk1l, wandlntt through 1-'alrvtt•w Swtt• H011plwJ and around 1.1 public &olt t•ourM! Tht• lOk roul'ti(• goc. .. downhill tht' lan1t male., th(• K'<.'Ond up o Mix dl'tir<·e grade·, and tht• rl'malnd(•r th1 uuah the Fa1rv1t•w ll0t1pltal und around th1· gotr coutM• * "UNHIH<f ICHlOULl a.1urd•J ""I Beptlet Church of Oowne1 'ourth A1111u.i tOll o.g1n1 I a m 11 Rancno Lot Amlgoe tto.pna1, 780 I f! lmporlal HfOhwav. Downey FM 17 \lltllh T ·•hill 111d $3 wlltlOUI ConllCI Aleh Freeman II 12 131 923· t281 , Jim ThOffM ... mOflel I end 1CMI "Ull a.gin 7 e m lor 5~. 8 a m 101 tOk 11 lom111 City H1TI, 24300 Narbonn• Av• . Lomlla COU•M I• 1111 Ind IUI with -grMI.. lat. II oouble ltp COUfM F .. ,. 17 SO.with T·tnlrt Call !2131326-6378 , lalutdAJ, .. pl. U KFW,J lo<lth Coeel CIH A!c 10 end Ill ~Beg1n1 8 I m tor the 5k I 30 tat thl 1011 S~ htn<l!Upped dM•IOn In 101< Fee II S8 tor llnlry and blQ. $4 tor llnlry ooly ano SS '°' d•y or rac:e with no OIQ Cou•M 11 ll•t and IHI. ICOll&d II Mason Plll'll In ll'Vlne Cotltact Kllhy et CHOCl551·28a. C091a MeH Qrand Prtw S end 10ll "une -Boglnl 8 om FH 11 $7 wl\h &9 lote r 111rat1on BENEFICIARY: BUTTERFIELD W1rmlnglon lntenor• SAVINGS & LOAN ASSOCIATION.· Recorded Febl'ulty 24, 1982 u and Oealon 1na1r No. 82--083980 01 Official wnuem s K•ellle. Record• In the olflc• of the ~etery Fl«:ofder of Orenge County, Mid Thia 11a1emen1 wu filed With lhe dHd of truel dHcrlbH the :ounty Cl«ll ol Otenge County on followlng PIOC>«IY. 'ugval 30. 11182. - MALIBU II IJJW VOLTAGE FLOODLIGHT'sETS WITH TIMERS LOI 6 end the eolftherty t9.00 (IND£\. a ANOllltlON -feet of lot 8. 81oc:ill 21 of Tract 1.ewyen No 772 In the City OI Newpol1 toOO MKAtttluf lllYd~ 8Mc:h. County ol OtlllQO. Stile renth Floof of Clllfomla. u pet map recoro.d Suite 1000 1n 8ook 23. Paget 6 end 8 of lltwpoft llNch. CA neeo MltcelleMOU• Map~. In lhl otflc:e Publlahod Orenge Coaat Dally of the County Recorder of Mid >11 1 s 1 2 " t• 23 1"82 County. EXCEPTING THERl\FROM o ' 89 . ' "· "• ' " 4• lhe e<>ulhefly 18.00 f .. t Cl' LOI 389 82 5··you ARE 1N DEFAULT UN DEA PlllllC NOTICE A DEED OF TRUST DATED S~fttOfl COUftT '°" TitE February 18, t982. UNLESS YOU ITATE OI' CAU'OfUielA FOft TAKE ACTION TO PROTECT THE COUNTY CW °"""°E YOUR PROPERTY, IT MAY BE C-No. AO 21751 SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE IF • CITATION YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION OF In lhe Metter of th• Adoption THE NATURE 0 F THE Petition ol SHAWN T ... OMAS PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU. STANCHFIELD. Adopting Perenl. YOU SHOULD CONTACT A THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF LAWVER. ALtFCRNIA AddreH: 418 82nd Street. to JAMES JOSEPH JAYCOX Newpol1 8Mc:h, CA 92M3. ..(If • By order of true court you are 3 LITt 4aaa 22~:R500Q2 .sa~a ttrHI •dOt1u or common heteby cited to appear l>efore the 17S w att la m p at dealgnallon le lhown above. no ludgl prealdlng In 0opert1n«1t g of h 60 b lb • w1rr1n1y 11 given " to .!•• this court on 0c1ot>or ts. 1&82. •i 2997_ dusk and off a 1 Use less e lectricity t a n two watt u s complet-or conec1neu). 8:45 e.m., then and there to .now d l' h t ( h 6 l . J b l I N i d d The beneflcle'ry UnOor Mid Ootcl CIUH, If any 9ou hlVe, Why lhO awn, m o re lg t 8 ite Set, e ieve,, 0 perm t nee e 1 t OfON '' IWOW.HE- WAS f ,HAT 8Rl6HT/ ol Trull, by reeeon ot • bf-each p111t1on ·01 SHAWN THOMAS #Rl 75 tha n three ISO w atter just lay or bury the cable. ~;c~:~~.,1~h~~.~~~ ~:~1:1·~:~~! ~~t~~:~~g J:'vcv'~·~X~Ml~yol.K:op~1~~~o~f ~===~~~-------=pa~r~la;;.;m.;..:;p.•-· --=-..... -t-=:::=:::--:====~=~::=:=':".::::---T-::-==:::==:""'.=:::-=:::·::-·-=.::::;:;---""1 necutod "\d dell,,.,e<I , to lhl aon. "'°"'° not be 0 ' ~~~ .! ~o.;cs:~:: o.tee1 Aogu•t 19• 1982 BOMTEK TIGHT WATT BEMCO llfDOOR OR OUTDOOR ACADEMY TUB ENCLOSURE -and -11ten not~ of btoech and LE£ A BRANCH. 0 1-e lection to ceuee the ~alt T King LIGHT CONTROLS under1llQned to Mii Mid property ~. ~ · 4 9 7 to utllfy Mid obligetlonl, and ~:J • thWeetlet the undefalQned c:euMd HErTllAN • .Pl ~+ ,--'"> Nice. tu rn on at d u s k . off Mid notice of bl'Ndl and of AHCW'Mp et l.w ~ e1oct1on 10 be Recorded May 19. =:."n.llWft ltrwi, #1022 ~~··•_b atdawn. Yo u caneven ;=., .. ~~d•~0· 82'173053 of IMta A-. cllltfomle l2'70t ''-.,";>-; a im th e sena~r or limit it's Said ..,. w111 oe midi. but (714) IM-t1t1 ~ acope without covenant or warranty, Publlth•d Orengo Coast O•lly R 1 J h l d t ~ • UPf'MI or lmp11e1. regerdtng 1111e. Pllqt. Sept. 2, 9, 18, 23, 1982 • e p ace e n can eacen 4 9 7 ~. or tneu1t1brtnce1. to 3893-12 an y our lamp and get pay the remaining pmdpel "'"' IC MnJIC£ l' h t f 1 01 Itta note MCUr«S 1>y Mid Deed PtB. "" more tg o r ell e n e rgy EA of Truat. wtth lnt91Mt u in Mid --FIC-TnlOU--S-llU--SM--ll--coat . La1ta lo n ger t h an • ~ '7~m. ':'::'· O:.C, ~i ..,.... STATE•NT reg b ulbs too. #OLC-5 OR #LL-12 Trual, feM, chergee and upenaee bual~~ pereons ere doing of the Trut1M end ol the lruata M 0 0 R E E L EC T R I C A L creeted by uld Deed of Trual CONTRACTING, 278 I Sllurn Sekt .... wllt be held on Tueedey. StrM'I. Bree. CA 92621 October 5, 1982 II 2:00 p.m., at ROSCO! H. MOORE, J R . 1630 the Chepm8"'Avenue 11ntrW>Oe, to Roenoile, ~II•. CA 92670 the CIVIC Centef Building, 300 EM16Chapman Av.nue, In the ettY AOOOER LYNN MOORE • .S723 of renge, CA. F.culty, Lakewood. CA 907 t2. Al the time ol the lnltlal Thlt busl-la condoetod by • publtcellon ol thl• notlQe, tho total gonerel pllflnerlhlp. amount of the unpaid balance of Roecoe H. Moore. Jr· the obllgallon NCured by th• Thlt 1111emont wu lllod With tho •bow ~lbed deed ot trust County Clerk of Orenge County on 8lld .. 11me1ec1 coetl, ~. September 7, 1982 8lld ldvanc.a 1e s 111,082.32r ,,..a. To delermlne IN openlAo bid, yov mey cell (714) 937..otM. O.te: Auaual 31, 1"2 ~ MRV1CU, INC. Aa .... T,_..., Br T.O. H"YICll COtilPANY, ...... KetMeetl M. ,. .. ,.._ A9et. SeetJ. OM CltJ lltYd. Welt, Oreflte, CA ... {114) ....... · Publllhed Orange Coeat Diiiy ·Pno1. Sept. 9, 18. 12, 1H2 392M2 l't8t.IC NOTICE ,tCTmOUI llUllNEll N.AMll I TATDIENT The tollowlng peraon I• doing bull-. u : ALTERNATE HOME POWER, 2442 AndoYet Pi.ca, Coeta ...._. Celltornte 92828 Ooneld E Martin , 2442 Publlahed Orange Co111 Dally Piiot. Sept 9, t6, 23, '30. t982 39n-82 rtalC NOTIC£ FICTmOUI BU ... U NAM11aTAT11.•NT The fotlowlng peraon II doing butlneeau: J & J PLASTERING. 1905 COUr1 $1., Newport Beech. Cetif. 92663. John MlchH I Skagg1. 1905 Court 81., NewPo~ 8HCll. C•flt. 92M3. Thi• ~ II conducted by an lndMduet. John atceoo• Thia '"'""'"' -flied wtlh the County Cler1I ol Orange County on Aug. 24, tlMl2 ,"'°1t Publl•hfll Orange COHI Dally Pttot. Aug. 2t. Sept. 2. 9, 16. t982 3755-82 Andover P 11c1, Co111 M • • 1, ---,..---.,.-Mn-TIC£-.-.--- Celltornla 92828 / f'WK.nl "" Thie bull-It coriauc18d by an FICTnlOUI llU ... IS lndMduel Oon11d e. Martin ........ STATE•NT Thi• 1111emon1 wu flied wttll the The tollowlng pereon la doing C "' c butlneu u : County """ of ""•noo ounty on c & D p A R K I N Q L 0 T Auguat 24. tD82. F1tl02I MAINTENANCE. 77t SOuth Euc:lld l"ubll•h•d Orenge Coeet Dally Avenue. No. 34, Santa Ane, CA Piiot. Aug 28, Sept. 2. 9. t8. t982 927~0SE L BERNAL. 77 t Sou\11 374942 Euclld A--. No 34. S.011 AN. ---... -_-IC_Mn_TI-,.-r ---I CA 92704. "~ ·nv -Thll ~It oondUCted by ao ACTTTIOUS 9U ... ll lndMduel NAm ITATll.•NT JoM L. 8emel The followlng 1>«10n 11 doing TIMI lletement WM filed with lhe ~ u . County Cler11 of Orenge OOunty Oii J L H. DIGITAL, 10549 An9el Septeil\bef 7. 11182 . .A¥111Ue, Founteln VIiie)', CA 92708. ,,_,., • JAMES 1.EROY HEIL, 10549 ... C. leNft. Atty . .Angel AYetlUI. Fountain Valley, CA *I Weetolltf Dt. tfo. tltl 92108. .._,.,. 9'e0tl, CA Thi• bull-II condueled by an ...,... JndMdUll. Publl•h•d Orang• COH t Delly Jemtl L Heil Piiot. Btpl. 9, 16. 23. 30, 1982 T1lll ltltemont WU Iliad with the 3943-82 County Clerk of Orange County on September 7, tH2 ( ,,,_ Publlahed Orange CoHt Dally Piiot, Sept 9, ti, 23, 30, t982 397&-42 Ml.IC NOnct . ...,. ACTITIOUt ....... NAMI ITAftMDfT The lolowlng ~ .,. dOlllO ~ .. : Pla.IC NOTIC( PAO,HSIONAL AUE.ARCH --~=~~~~~--IL.ABS A N O H U •H ~Al.TH "'1tnl0Ue -·· 019TAIBUT0"8· 2120 Alrwe y ........ ITATil•NT Avenue, Co••• MHI, C111toml1 Thi followtng peraon I• doing 92t:zt. IM.lllMM M: Winning Leborator,.., Inc., a , A • H I 0 N H A I L 8 • 3 4 l a c.lltornll OCH'POfl!t!O", 2920 Nrwl'f .....,,,, INCi .. N9Wpol1 BMcll, CA Av•nue, 00111 ,,. .... O•lllornle '*'· 92t2t. 0.t TheM l.M\, 1208 Vletorla Tltll ~ 11 conoucted 11Y • A\111. 14, Venloe, CA 90291, corporetlOn. TNI ~le oonOuc1ed by an ~~etonee, lnO. 111111:1'dlotl ' -··· Def Um leor'eWt TNI ...... 11111t -f"8d wlltl the T'llll ttaterNnt -fled wltfl 1M OCIUntY °""°'Or .... County Oii Oouft'Y alflt Of Orllll9 OOUn'Y Oii °'4· fO, teta A\IO-20, Itta ·-,_ ~ Or•noe OONI Ody PuMllMd Or•• 00991 .,..., Not, Mii 21. ~ L •• tt. 1Ma Piiot, A119. M, ._,., I, t , 11, 1tel t7t2·U 1111.ta ' ' • 1 WALL 'PLATES I 9CEA. #2132 #2134 All com e in w h ite. b ro w n. o r ivo ry. Way to save o n e lectrical acce11orle1 . (N o. I'd rather wait u ntil they're o ff aal• 10 I ca n c ry a little.) SINGLE POLE J WITCH 49t'EA. #1301 White. brown o r ivo ry. (Aunt Penelo pe 1 ay1 h e r job cit th e pho n e c ompany i1n 't a career. It'• . ju 1 ta callin g .) EMND-A-PHONE CORDLESS TELEPHONES •' MODEL £1900 BECEJYE/ PACE 6997 MODEL £13000 BECEIYEICILL/PACE 14997 #270 The o ld 1witch e rro . in b rown. w hite or Ivory. RATIONAL LUMBER GARBAGE DISPOSERS #20 TWO YEAR WARRANTY v, HORSEPOWER 32~7 Yz HORSEPOWER 4797 ~ .. #70SEVEI YEAR WARRUTY .. -·- ¥• IOBSEPOWER 8797 Mad• tor u• by a biggie. Why pay more U all you need I• a good dlapoeer not a bl9 nae•? Silver anodized finish . nylon rollers. obscure gloss (no peekie). for standard S foot tuba. PLUMB SHOP ANTl-Sl~HON TOILET TANK REP AIR KIT 4 9 ·7 #PS-2061 You lose a lot o f water and a lot of sleep with a noi1y toilet 10 here ia a kit to fix it. GAYLAN OAK BATHROOM ·- ACCESSORIES 3997 Real wood never looked 1 0 good. Gt.- th• bath aom• declded acc:•nta. (Accent1? I thought they were Ametlcan made?~ r ·i . woman to compete SAN DllOClO 1'hc womt'n'1 volleyball team or Southt-rn California College, romlna off an lmpre.Jve four-~t victory over Cal Luthoron In lta opener Tue.day, retunu w aclion Friday In the UC San Diego tournament. The alJ -day t ournament rncludes teams from Humboldt State , La Verne, USIU , Anchorqe, Alaska and UCSD. Against Cal Lutheran. the Vanguards won 15-11, 9-15, 16-8, 15-8. The hitting and middle blocking of Juniors Ju lle Lemburg and Mary Hardiman and sophomore Debbie Joo peovided the punc h aloQS with the setting anti passing of freshman Beth Longfield and Laurie Ott. T~e win was also the Vanguards' NAIA District Ill opener. . I -Orange Co11t DAILY PIL.OT/Thurld1y, September 18, 1982 Palomar Won't .be· easy for Pirates By CORT SEEDEN Drtlle Delly ........... h doc'9n1t 10und Ukc a thrllllna da.y, but a group of Orange Col t ColltlJtt football coaches lut week aat throuah a 1erlmm•ae between Palomar nd Groamont college.. ~ ls the cue most of the um , It turned out to be 11 very educational day for OGC Coach Dick Tucker and his coaching a ta Cf. Just how educational? lf you ask Palomar Coach Mario Mendez, he'll give you a straight answer. • "W e knew Orange Coast coachea were scouting us, ao we worked mostly on our running game." he says. If Mendez is telling the truth. the Comets may bring a few surprises with them Friday night when they open the 1982 football lt'UOn with the Plratt-t at OCC. Game um ll 7:30. "Palomar a;_t'•l ly handled Oroumont In that 1erimrrui1c." adm"• Tucker, whoac team m&naaed to puU off a 7r3 vtcwcy over the Com ti In Laa\. year'a opener. "I hav to rate the Comet• H on.-of the belter teallll around on the baala of that perf()l'mance. Thia ta certainly going to be one. ot. the b tter Palomar teamt.Jn 'jean." That's Juat what Tur.kcr needs. After Palomar comet and goes, the gotns .really 1eta tough. TUcker'a team. which went 3-7 last year, muat face Saddleback, Pasadena, El Camino and Fullerton before the season 'a over. But he'll have to worry about those powerhouaes lat.er. Friday night, he'll unveil the 1982 edition of the Plrates, and if C. TUCUll D. TUCKlR Tu~r·a son, Clay, bas his way, there wlll be no surprises at quarterback for &ho Plra~. Clay Tucker, who broke his ankle several weeks ago, says he's healthy enough to start in the opener, but It will probably be freshman Greg DenhaJl) out of Palos Verdes High who wiU get the QB call. Tht• Com •ti, who llnJ»hl'<i Lut 1t•n.1Km, will c•ountrr with John Petenion at quart.er~k. "That i'-'Ort.'1 me," 1n1l1t1 1\ac·krr. "Palomar hu had IOm(• f'><<-' IJcnt pc111en ov ·r tho years." Adda Palom r offenalv l'UOrdlnator Tom Croft: "It'• no aecret we'rt· planning to be an asarc ivc offensive team ... "We 're looking toward to a winning season," insists Mendez. "W<>'d like to start things off by beatinf. Orungc Coast in the OpC'ncr.' Tucker will call on guys Uke linebackers Kendall Ruehl (5-11, 180) and Craig Lindberg (6-0, 205) and down linemen Duke Maples (6 -1 , 211), Ron Malcrstcm (5-11, 210) and Dave Siemons ma (6-0, 210) to spoil. Mendez's pf't?phecy. Ml.IC NOTICE ln uddltlon. Tuck<•r bc>u•t.I 11 dcfen1lve beckfleld t~t foutun.>t three returnlns 1t1rt ra: JOI) OimaJant.e. Dav McNaman and Brian Oykltra. Thaj.,sroup wUJ be backed up by Milaon Htah product Billy Gray (~-11. 175) Otten1lvely, It w1U b~ Tim Dougherty (6-0, 20~) and Steve Southward (5-11, 180) doin~ most ol the rushing for OCC. Southward, a tailback, had the leading rush£n.c avera~e In the South Coast Confer ence laat seaJOn (5.4 yarda per carry). And whether it'• Denham or Tucker doing the pB111ing. the OCC receiving corps includes three returners: Mike Giddings (21 passes, 332 yards), Kirk Dunham (28 passee, 389 yarda) and Gary Stenlund, who broke his ankle last season against Palomar. . Ml.IC NOTtc£ VOU Alll IN 0.,AUL T ~R A c; E I 0 0, T" u. T 0 AT I D NOTICE OF DEATH OF ~gJ~:::~J:.o:.•;~· .::_~\~~; MAR IAN NE V . B UR NS • BAPn GUSS NO DEALER SALES AD STARTS THURSDAY Six loot wldtba. The Happy Grau baa a two year warranty. The ar10lclal Gf'GU CCl1'pet baa a G-'>rgla Guarat11 ... II 11 bnah In CBIENllll MDII AMBER DRIYlllG um m ttt!l;mt a•• -E•er'a•k the garage what they charge to install a ••t of these. Un.believable! You can do it youraelfGnd aave a bu~dle. GElllE VJ BP DELUIE SCREW DRJYE GAUGE DOOR OPEIElt 13888 .>-~ mtau.&!91fl .. 49•• ,_.,__..__ nrr wrTll nu. -TUI wuaun Once you hGTe 00. you OeYer want lo be without It. ConYeoleoce. ncurity. at the puth of your Unger. STIRLITE GEIUllE SBEEPSIDll SEITCOYERS PITCBWOU 1477 LOOI EA. SOLID ~I I 977EA. For high or low back bucket iLJ._...,....,.. seats. Sure a lot dlJferent than that hot atlclry plastic. bey. Pret cuah . __ WIR1' FULLYIEI JlllBRORS .,-;;:::;:;. ...... PlllEJ. -1077 lfo blind •pot•. DO glare. DOW ... lt all. S.. that cop amlllng aa he yell a, "Hen• a good day. air". (Then you woke up.) · 35" mE PUEL 1177 \ PARTICLE IOIRD 3 77 o/1" 4XS llonl at rock. worh Ult• wood ta '"CGD MIW 11. wt It. dltll lt. pain• M.~1hat1r.otworaoeo. ........ c-...U..Mde''T) .,, 11, .. • as . 577 ~,, aa V." 6 77 as DORIE FURNITURE 30" ALL PURPOSE STOOL 1.497 l'M NOT DONE VET · \ EARLY AMERICAN LADDER BICK CHAIR 1 .. 97 ·"u~~~ . ~ \(lJ~ Ank:ename. aovnd• fflendly. Tht fllmltvre loolla good too. UntlnllMd, elteecty HMmbied. lty the way, the ladder beet& h•• •woven pelm ... 1. .. 30" RUSI SWIVEL SEIT BIR STOOL 2597 IRDOOR ELEmONIC -BUG ID.LER / 1997 tnalde or covered patio area, proteciaapprox. 2000 aq. ft. from all type• of ll~g fuaecta. UL approved. EYEREIDY EIERCIZER BlnERJES U 01 AU TWiii PU aa•PAK C DI D TWiii PU 01 t '8LT SDICl,E PU 119 YOUR CHOICE PAK Do like I do. luy aome eHn II you don't need them right now. Your rela1l•H will want aome and you'll be a hero. Full leader. balloon whllewalla. coa•l•r brak••· chrome bar. Famoua (who aaya •o?) Black Cherry trimmed lo Flr.c:racker ftedflnJah. KEW!. EAGER BEAVER BY McCULLOCH 14" W CRllll SAW 9497 . #EB-14 More compact. 2.0 cu. in. powerful engine. wraparound brake/hand guard. (E.erybody keeps talking to me. how can I write thl' muck without 1ome peace?) 2 88 GAL. Oh lorta. at laat. thinner on apeclal. The way you need thla ah.aff thl• price baa to be welcome. STIRPLAT& BUILDllC SYHEIC · • 2377 Ea1y to betld a ahed, ,_houM, •-hOllH , gaMbo etc:. with IMM 11 1tcuplote .._.co.MCtora. i-r lutNCtloft•. .._. ......... \ • PIONITE HIGH PRESSURE PLASTIC LIMDllTE 49tSQ. FT. Thia atuH la made under high pre11ure (like how I write theH ad1). A11orted color• and auH. Special purchaH. K • R 7 PC. NUTDRIVER SET --~ --\.-.---~ ~249 . -..... .- . -----.. . . ....-: . #CCND-7 Good'loola are never expensive and. at National. that goea double. <Seeaking of tools. aummer must be over. my neighbor juat gave me bpck my lawnmowe r.) rm: ·JRCB CUSTOM IRSTILLED Prices for brown or white enameled gutter made at the alte. Normal inat&llatlon on reaidence1. downapouta RIDf GUliER -·"" .,..., t"-1 7 LIN. FT. COi.DWi PACKHORSE D TRAILER WITH FEIDERS Handlea a payload of 1063 pounds. '9"x41" cargo bed. (Now how do they get 1063. Why , not 1065 or1059?). Receaaed taillights for upright ator<1ge. You bolt it together. 1 -8997 RUBBERMAID ROUGRMECK 32 GILLOM TRASH CAif 977 Oureupply la limited. (Don't tell me you've only ;ot II Ye and one la nailed down to the floor or there'• trouble.) ' , VOUR lllROlllHTV, IT MAY H AND OF PETITION TO IOLD AT A ll'Ulll.IC IAU. If YOU ADM.ll'flM'ER ESTATE NO. HUD AH aDUH.UION Of THI A ll~H£ NATUlll Of THI "ROCHDINQ " "' " . AGAINST YOU vou SHOULD To all hetrS, beneflClal'ies. CONTACT A LAWYER. creditors and contingent None• Of TRUITll'I IALI creditors of Marianne V. NOTICE ~:·H~~tVEN. lh•I Bums and pel'90na who may on WednHday. Saptemt>ar 22. be ot~erw{se Interested In 1982, et 9:00 o·e1oc11 • m. of tald the wall and/or estate: day, In the room HI Hide for A petition has been filed conducting Trut1 .. ·1 S•lff, within by Donald A. Bums in the th• olfleH or REAL l:STATE . Co f 0 SECURITIES SERVICE. ~led •I Superior url 0 range 2020 Nonh Broadwly. Sult• 206, In County requesting that he be the Clly of Sant• Ana. County of appointed as p e raon a 1 Oreoge, St•t• of Catlfoml• EM represen\ative to administer ·cg:~J~~:~~ ~FA~~~~ic!~! the estate of Marianne V. Oet1w1re corpor•llon, H du~ B u r n s ( u n d e r t h e appolnled Truatu under •nd Independent Admi.n.lstrat.lon pursu•nt 10 the power of ule of F.Btates Act). The pet.Ilion conferred In th•I cert•ln Deed of · •at for hearing in Dept. Trust executed by Loula M. Nigro 18 "" • and Cynahl• L. Nigro, hutb•nd and No. 3 al 700 Civic Cent.er wife, recorded November 25. 1980, Drive. West, in the Oty of In Book t38<18 01 0111c1a1 Records ot Santa Ana, California 011 ••Id Counly, al P•g• 1279, "---be 6 1982 9·30 Recorder's 1netrument No. 34381, ""'"" r • at · a.m. by reuon of breech or default In IF YOU OBJECT to the P•yment or perform ance of th• granting o{ the petition, you ool•g•ttons Hcur•d lh•reby. should either appear at the lnctudlng th•t llrHch or default. h esarlng and state your Notice of which wu recorded M•y r . . . 28 1982 u Record.,'• lnatrument ob1ect1ons or file written No. 82-'184909, Will SELL AT objections with the court PUBltC AUCTION TO THE before the hearing. Your HIGHEST BIDDER FOR CASH. ap•~><•r<>""" may be ln person l•wful money of the United St•t•. ..----- or • culller'e cbeclt dr•wn on 1 or by your attorney . st•te or national bank, • st•t• or I F Y 0 U A R E A federal c:redll union. or • •t•t• or CREDITOR or a contingent federal .. v1ng1 and loan a..ocl•tlon creditor o1 the d~. you domiciled In Ihle 111te. etl P•yeble •t t {ii your claim with the the time ol ..... a11 rlgh uue end mus e Interest held by 11. 11 Tru•IM. In court or present it to the that rHI properly altu•llon Hid personal representative County •nd State. deacrlb•d 11 appointed by the court IOI~ 6 Of Tract 3182 u Pe< map within four months (rom the reeotded In Book 95. Pagee 18. 17 date of first i11uance of and 1e Of mape 1n tile offlc:e of the letters as provided iJ1' Section County Recorder of .. Id county. 700 of the Probate C.ode of c.o"m':0~1r;:~.g~~~l~~·~1°{~1r~!!i CaHfornia. The time for property l'IWetn•bove deecribed i. filing claims will not expire purponed to be. 209 Joanne"'-· prior to four months from ~ BMctl. CalUornla. the date of the hearing The und•r•lgned h•r•by ticed above ~~~~~~:r':..':C,~~ "°you MAY EXAMINE or other common dealgnetlon. the file kept by the oourL U S•ld .. 1a wlll be m•d• without you are interested In the warr•nty. exprau or lmplled, est.ate ou may file a .....,..uest reg1rdlng 1111•, poueulon, or . • Y' ·-., . encumbrancu, to ull•lV th• With the court to receive prtnclp•I b•l•n~ ot th• Nole or s p e cl a 1 n o t I c e o f t h e other obllg•llon aecured by Hid Inventory of estate assets Dffd of Truat, wllll lnterHt •nd and of the ,...tltlona accounts other euma •• provided therein, r-• . , plu• •dv•ncH, If •ny, un!Mr the and reports de.scribed In ltlflN thereof end 1n1., .. t on auch S e c \i o n l ~ 0 0 o f t b e advanca. and pl11a '-· charge• California Probate Code. and ••P9NM of I.he Truet• and 01 W 111 lam S. CI e c 11 the trusll crMled by uld Deed of ,,__ Ci ' Tr111t. Th• 101•1 •mount of H id AU.oraey at Law, vwc ty obllg•llon, Including rHaon•bly Blvd., Weal ltll Baek of Hllm•t•dfeu. ch•reu and America Tower, Oraeae, •xpenMt Of tl'le Trust•. •I the time Califon.la tzHI of lnltlat publlcetlOn of Ihle Notk:e.11 p bl" hed 0 "'--·t '4<1.110.•7. u 11 range ..-..... Oeled: AUQ\l•I 31. 1982 Daily Pilot, Sept. 15, 16, 22, BU, E FI CI AL 1982 MANAGEMENT A082 82 CORPORATION OF ________ , __ ._ AMERICA. .., ... IC MftT1C[ • Oelawat• corpc>r•tlon, l"UUL nu u Trust... e-tma B~EAL ESTATE NOTIC& cw .. INTPlmllV'lmvlON""' Sl:CURITIES SERVICE. TO CMATI • Callloml• corporation. I MCUNTY IWf'IMIT Ila AQent (lece. H01 ... t07 U.C.C.) By (SEAL) 0 J Morger. NOTICE I• hereby given 10 the Ila Preeldenl Credltora ol Ml:S"A VE.ROE 2020 Nor1h 8ra.dway. PHARMACY. INC . o.t>tor, WhOM Sult• 20e. bull.neea eddf ... ~. 2911 S.n11 Ana. CA 82708 Blvd .. Coat• M . nly ol T .. : (71<1) ~·8810 Orange • .ilal• of ellfomla, I~ Publllh•CI Orang• COHI 0•11~ HC11rlly lnterHI I• •bout tft9 Piiot, Sept. ~. 9, 18, 1982 crNted by Oeblor lllld 91anted to 3903-82 01 GIORGIO CORP. dba LAO DRUG •-----------CO .. COMPUTER ACCOUNTING !'ta.IC NOTICE MANAGEMENT, INC., LAOCO LAEJ$, INC., ALLIED DISTRIBUTING LJICTITIOU8 .Ul•ta CO . Secured peril•• whose NAME ITATIMEfT buatnMa lddr-. la <llM9 EM1e St .. Th• following penon ta doing RolwnMd, Coun,tr ol LOa Angeiee, bu"'-u : Siii• of Celtlomla PACIFIC MICROWAVE The property In wlllcll lhe NTEN~. 1701 P-Coeta Sec:urfty Int.,. .... be CtMled la. ......_ c.lifotnla 92e27 1n general an rnerctllllldlle. llaturee. f\otler1 Sturgee. 1324 Seeeleat • q u 1 pm en t . furn It u re and Ottve. Corona det Mar. C•tlfornl• fvrnlalltnga of Debtor covering 92e25 property now locateCL.at 2971 Tlllt bual,_. la condUC1ed by an Hltbor Blvd .. Coat• Meii;1 a.my tndMdual.;_~ o. Sturc of Of'enge. St•I• of Celltomla. and .,.,.,..., ~ k,_ • MESA VEAOE Tiil• ll•lemenl WU fl with the PHARMACJ. ty Cter1I of Orange County on Tiie aforeuld aecurlty tttnMC11on Auguet 30. 1982. wtH be conaumm•ted on or titer I.he ftlMOt 30th day 01 Septemeber 1982 11 Publlah•d Orange COHI D•lly tO:OO a.m. 81 Ot Giorgio corp, dbll Pllot,Sept.2,9, 18,23, 1982 Lad orvg Co ., Comp11Ur •---------3M-t--8-t2 ,Acco11nt1n9 M•n•J1•m•nt1. Inc .. •-II' 111\Ttl'r [acJCO Ube; Inc., Aiied D18tnbvtJno. r-.n. nvoiw; 411<1t Eerie St .. Aoaeme1cJ. •----nn'"'"_aou _______ , Callfomle In in.ta11menta. rNA.. .:.~II So i.. • k,_ to Ille Secllf'ed Th• following peraon ta dOI Party. all b111lne" namee and ~-.: ~ l..cl by the Debtor for THE WES/ COAST ACADEMY the thrH )'Hrl IHI PHI. ere. OF DOG TRAINING. 7<10 Amigo• NOHE. ~ Wa • Sute •• Newpbrl 8Hch, DI'=°.;.. ~1. 10I 1912. • vi::. 'l::·Mtnt 7o40 ~ LM Dr"9 Ca. Ce1 llUW Way, Apt. •. Newport BHch, An~ llimn...-nt tM.. Clllfomla t2MO ...... UM. IM.. M9M Tiiie b1.1a1nett le con<Jucted by an ~-... C.. lndlvtd\Jal DnW ... ......... Vldlle Lynn Mant Vlee 1111'1 r'fr st el ""-Thia atetement -Ned whll tht Publt•lled Or•nge Co111 Oelly tr c1erti o1 Orenoe eouncy on Piiot, a.pt. 18. 1112 uovet '°· 1912 o40tMa> .. ,.... l'l.lblllll•d Orange COHI Deity ....: "°nee .... '2. II. It. 23• '"2 1-1;;;-;n;;ftljjliiiiiMiiiimiil-,....2. Aemtout ., .. , ... U.IT~ ..a.te NOT1CC ~ ~ l*90M -00tn0 fltennout Wll ' INOUSTAIAL IHUl :.:.~ NAMI ITA.,_..,. 1n1 Lotan. Cotta M9a. T~ fo41owtnt '*'°" I• ctolne Nat. ~ea; • Wray • 1111rp, • Cellfornle IUlllA'I MOltL AUTO corpor..+on, 1170-C LOf4111, C.a ~::a.~41 Fllllet, Coell Meta ~::: :~ by 1 r-=~~g::~·1~.ma corpor~~' llWP lftO T1lia IM.tlll-. la ~ by en Jort 1Nar9, -............. Vloe "'911cNrtt ---.-......Altfl 14Ht30 ' Tiiie .............. =.. "* lt1Ell .......... """ .. CCMltY Cllrtl Of °'*"' 0ouMy OR County Cllrtl of Or.,. ~ Oft ~· 141 ,... ·-~IO, ttta. ·- lll11tMllMd Oran .. COM1 DMty ll'vbHIMCI Ofante Coa1t Delly llllot. Aug M. lept I, t, M. ,... ~ • ._,. 2, t tt. n, ,... 1-•• •no.a ----' t • '• ~ . ' " " MAJOR LI AGUE· 8T ANDINO I Amerloen '\.eitgue WllTlllN DIVllfON K•n ... 1 Ctly Aneel• Clllcago Saanie Oa~land Tt•81 Mtnnewt• W L Pel. O• 84 e1 6711 02 8J 5&e 2 ,, 91 '3& 9., 61 11 48' 19·~ 60 ·~ 414 24 51 ee 3113 21 53 112 368 31 I AITlllN DIVlllON M1lwau-ee 88 60 589 Ball""Ottt 84 61 5111 I 1 BoSIOfl 80 65 557 5 • o."°'' n 11 503 17 , N-Yllfk 73 12 503 17'> Claveteno 11 73 4113 14 T0<onlo 67 78 462 18 WadnaMI•,.• lc0<•• Chocago 8 Ane••• 3 T0<on103·12 O~tana 2· 11 M1l.,.,auaee 5 DalrOot 3 cr.veiand 1 Boston 4 Batumore 8. N.,., York 5 M1nnetota 10. Teaa1 2 Kanu• City 5. Seam• 4 ( 11 111ni11il•I T oclar'• Oeme1 An119l1 tForaclt 11 10) at 10101110 1St1tib 14·131. n Te .. s tHough 14 I 11 81 M1nn~totu tVrolo 4·8) New York (Rrg111111 9 81 al Baftomoro f Pllmei 13 41. n Bo51on ( rorre• 8 81 DI D•WO•t (Wlf~O• 10-71. n Oakland (No,,11 6· tO) at Chocogo (Hoyt 15-14). n Seattle (Ba11n11t&r 12 4 11 4l t(.inaaa City tleonord 9·4). n On1y gamea acheduled Natlonel Laeau• WHTEllN DIVllJON Doc19ara Atlanta Sen Franclaco San Otego Hou11on Cll'<llnneu W L Pel. QB 83 64 565 80 66 548 2'> 16 69 524 6 74 72 507 8'> 68 78 41)6 14'' 54 92 370 28'• IAITlllN OIVlllON St lou•s Phllacl.,pllta Montreal Ptltlbutgll Chrc.g<> N-YOfk 81 63 582 &O 65 557 '" 79 85 549 2 ,, 68 631 4. 63 63 431 19 S6 86 394 74 W.clnaedeY'• lcor•• Dodgen 5 San Ooeoo 0 Monlleal 6 N-YOfk 5 f I 1 rnnrngsJ 61 Loura 8, Phrladelph1e 0 Chrcago 1. Pllltborgll 2 HOYtlon 5. Allan1e 4 San Franc11Co 5. C1nc1nna11 4 Today'1 Oamea New York !Swan 9 6) al Montreat (Sand9fson 10· 111 n Sa n Diego (Dravecky 4 31 •• San Franctaco (B111n1no 8·41. n Only game1 ache<luled AMERICAN LEAOUE Whit• lo• I , Ana•I• 3 · CALIFOll,NIA CHIC AGO abrllbl ab rllbl Downing If 5 12 I Nyman 1b 5020 Car-1b 4 O 2 O Baines cl 4 11 O BeylOt dll 4 0 0 0 Klnle r1 3 0 1 0 O.Cl.-e 31> 4 1 I O Kuntz er 2 0 O O ReJaclllOl'I rl 4 I 2 0 Lu61n1k1 dll t 3 2 1 Beolq..-Z Cl 4 0 1 1 Fisk c 4 1 a 2 Grich 21> 3 0 I 0 Hiii c 0 0 0 0 Foti 11 2 0 0 0 K""'P If 4 I 2 I f91guson c 2 O I 0 V Law 11 3 I 1 2 Boone c 2 O O o Roar~ 31> 4 1 1 1 Adami 11 O 0 0 0 lOlllgflo 2b 4 0 1 I Sconierl p/I I 0 0 0 1(-11 0000 Lynn p/I 0 0 0 0 RoJackeon pll I 0 0 0 Touwa 36 3 10 2 To1e11 35 I 13 8 lcote bJ lnnl,.• California 000 110 001-3 Cllleago 200 600 10•-8 E -Lovlgl«> v Lew OP -Cattlornl• ' CT>ieago I LOB -Cellfornia 1 Cl\~ 7 2B -G11C11 O.Ctnoee. F1a1<. Re Jacaeon 38 -Flak. V Law Rodriguez HR - ()owning (271 LU%1ntkl ( 18) SB -Kamp 151 CalttOfflla IP H fl Ell H •D z.11n (L. 11-11 3 a 8 1 1 2 S~ .... 4 I 1 0 0 SI-l''\ 2 I 1 I Cotbell I 100 1 ClllceeO Koo.man (W,9·61 8 2 2 0 2 8ru111ar 2'1t 1 1 0 0 Htc;lcey II) 0 0 0 0 0 Zahn pHche<I 10 4 ban .. 1 1n Ille 4th HBP -by Slelr9f (V L•wl, by Bruutar (Grten) WP -Bruntar. COfbelt T -2 39 Ro Jackson Car-OeClncea Lynn Re JICkton Oown1ng Bey IOI Bemque.z G•ic;ll Boone Foti f9fguaon Ctetk W~fong KellalMlt Burleson Scon• .. s Tot•la Angel aver119H BATTINO Al R H Hfl 126 14 41 2 465 78 146 2 514 83 155 26 425 83 125 18 4'l.5 13 133 34 s6b 101 1s6 21 555 79 144 22 115 21 44 2 451 67 1111 17 425 40 109 1 4311 42 109 2 811 9 18 2 80 II 17 2 172 23 34 I 47 9 8 0 45 4 7 10 I 0 0 0 4946 731 1358 164 PfTCHIHO R•I Pel. 18 325 36 314 87 30:! 79 2114 89 280 11 219 85 267 20 267 111\ 264 53 2S6 50 248 1 228 5 213 16 1117 I 170 2 1S6 0 000 ~3 275 IP H I• •o W-t. IRA 69'~ S3 31 28 2 1 2 47 2 t\\ Ill 10 13 1·0 3 32 1 w, 102 39 n 1.5 3 35 52 45 23 40 3.3 3 46 11•., 13 32 22 a.2 3 54 '"'', 112 45 10 1-s 3 se Hassle< si ..... Klton ADe Sancllei Wiii John Zallri F0<1Cl1 R&nko GOitz Moreno C0<be1t Tl ant Curt It 205 213 36 81 1210 380 2061\ 205 59 74 16-8 313 ?05'i 201 53 68 12.10 366 152 1511 44 72 11·8 • 32 66 69 75 36 IH 4 84 49'~ 55 23 22 3.7 4 74 76'... 10 35 50 1·11 5 Ill 2~ 39 8 30 2·2 5 76 1•1t o 3 8 o-1 a ,...,. Totlll 1313'1> 1288 446 ee1 12-63 : 85 Orlola1 I , Y•nk-I N..., YOfk 000 320 000 5 1 I 2 Bafllmor• 200 008 ooa-8 12 1 Guidry, K1<1tman (8). Ala.and.. (81 an. ea.-. Wyneoat FMinao•n. Weleflet-16). S1aw911 (7) ar>cl Oempny Nolan W- Welchel, 1-0 L Guidry. 14.7 s-s1-ar1 (5) Hfb ~ Y0<1' Wini tfd f34l Smalley 2 (20) A 22.MI 1 lftdlan• 7, flacl lo• 4 ,&"'C..,,.._ 002 131 000-7 18 2 Bot1on 002 101 ooo 4 s o Barker Sp+llner 171 and H•My. Edilf9ley Burg~• (51 and Allet1aon W Berle•• 13-11 t.-Eck1<tlty 12· 12 S -Sputnat (Ill) HR-Cleveland. T11orn1on (31) A-15,2611 .,_ .... .,, ...... , Mllw8uk.. 021 O:Nl 000 5 II I OeltOll 000 ~I 000-3 13 0 VueltOVICll, f.Mltrly (I~ &trnard (81 llnO Simmona. MO<rla ...0 Parrlall W-VUllOYlc:ll, 17.4 L-Mou11, \I-It• S ll1<nard 15) HR-Oelrotl. WIMUtlctf (15) A-11.324 TwlM 10,fl....-ra 2 TUM 000 002 000 2 6 3 MlnnWOll 101 130 40•-10 15 o T1n1n1. Fa " (&l. 8ollan0' (II and Sun01'9rg. B caarn1o ana Laud,,., w B C .. lttto. 10-11 l Tenent, 6-18 A 3.~2 NITOAMI 9lllt Jere I, A'• I Otklancl 000 000 101-2 6 4 Toronto 100 000 20•-:I 4 o Contoy, BM•d {ti, O'Aequltto (81 af\d M HM1h, ....... D ~utrty (I ) and Petrall, B MetllMZ W-LMI, 11"10 L-Conroy, 0·2 6 0 M111••y(t) HR-Oakland. Arma.t (25) KCOMOOAlll9 -"""9 1t, A't 1t 0-lllM 100 010 U 4-11 11 I TOtOflto 001 »0 001-12 ti 4 K.ouQll. Owc!fllMO Ill~ H.wia (1) frMI M HMtf\, l(ewiwy; loc;llflOrn, hfllM'f In. 0 Mllttey (t). Ill l J.CllllWI It) MCI _..1•9111 W-111 L J l ekl Oll •••• 1.-Henn•, 0•3 Hiiie Ot!tlend. t11rr0V9l1' (11,, TOfon10. WOOOl 111 A-1a.qt0 • NATIONAL LIAOUI Dodaen I,'"'" O . UN 011cro 1,01 ANOILH .,.,.,... Mlrlllll n1C1111d1 H 4 0 0 0 TllOmH 211 4 0 t 0 Lalttb••• 311 4 0 0 0 Lendraaua GI 4 0 0 0 Ru Jonat GI • 0 1 0 ()eh .. II ) I I 0 t(.,.n.Oy~ 4000 Ouet111011 4 1 1 2 P11111n11f 3 O O 0 h•ttH 311 O O o O _... S•teJar et 3 0 1 0 Otrvey lb 4 t 1 (fr r Bevacqu• 111 2 0 0 0 Cey 3b 1 1 1 O luou p o o ob Mondey 11 1 O O O Fl1Me1y 7b 3 0 I 0 Roanlekt rt 1 0 0 0 Monltlu!ICO p t 0 0 0 Ru1aell •• 4 0 I I Lancetllph 1000 Yeagerc 3011 Orllltn p 0 0 0 0 Hoolon p 3 O O O Ow1nn d I 0 0 0 • Total• -30-0 3 0 Tttlllt •cor• b7 lnlllne• San Ooego 000 000-0 Loe Angeltt 021 00 I 00• 6 E Bciva4:qua p.,~lf\I, Moolelu.co LOB -San Diego 4, Loe Angt4M 5 28 Btktf. Ru Jonaa HR Guerrero (30) SB - Th°'"" ( 11 .... Dleeo Mont•lulCO (L,I 10) G11tt1n lucu .. 4 2 2 H 111.llHIO 4 4 2 1 3 2 I I I 0 I 0 0 0 2 l.oeA ....... HOOlon (W.3·5) II 3 0 0 I 2 WP Hooton T -2 01 A 40.343 Aelroe s. lr•ve• 4 llCNll6't 100 010 300 5 II I Atlanta 000 I 10 020 4 1 2 Ryan O Sm1lh t9) and Ashby Boggs MOOJJI (71. Oeyl•y , .. and B•n•d•CI w R~11;r 15.11 L Boggs 2-2 S 0 Smith f 111 HR AlllOnta HOffl .. 1321 A 1 I 422 Cardin ... I, Pblllle• O V Sr lou•~ 005 o 10 110 8 13 o Pl11IM1elph11 000 000 000 0 3 I AMVJGI and D POfler. Oeony, BahnHn l•I. Ru1hven (7) R Reed (91 and B 0182, V11g11 W Andu1ar 13 10 L Denny, 0· I A 33.337 Eapoa 8, Mata S New Yot~ 100 002 110 00 5 10 2 Montreal 010 001 300 01 I 10 I ~~ £R ~}~1, . .,,., ,· . 1 2· 28 ~, Ownbey. Oro.co (7). Allen ( 11. leach (Ill, S11k ( 111 and Boc11y, HodgH. Rogers, '8 Sm11n (7). Rearaon t8), Burrts (I 1). Fryman (111 and Carte< w -Frymen. 8-3 L-Slt~. 0-1. HR-Mon1reaf. Dew1on 120) A-16 500 H ero's welcome Cube 1, PlralH 2 c;noe;ago O 10 104 00 1 1 13 o PtllSOorgh 000 100 010 2 11 0 Jankins and J Davis. CancMla11a E Romo 16) Scurry (61 T ekutve tat and T Pena W-Jentilns, 11-15 L Candeta111. 12·7 HRS Chicago M0te4and ( •• , Duth .... (21) J Dlr;rs 1121 A 8 678 0111111 S, 11.c!a 4 C1ncinna11 000 020 200-4 7 1 San Franc1aco 100 002 02a 6 7 O B Stwley Hay-• 161 Pric:a (I). Lff1ay 181 and T r11111no R Mar11n Gale C7I Lavelle (Ill and Btenl) May W G31e 6-14 L Pnc. 3 4 S -L•vetle 16) HRs C1ne1nnau Oes1er (81 0<19Uen 114) San F(flr>CtSCO Clark (251 C Dav•s ( 171 A-'"3 853 Top \0 ,....., °" .00 •• bal•) AMERICAN LIAOUI W Wilton KC 'l'C)Ynl, MU c-w. Aft9'le Garcia, T0< Murrey, Bal Cooj>ar. Mil Hetrlll, Cle RJca. Bsn L anst0<d, Bsn Hrbek. Min 0 Al fl H .. cl. 120 521 711 171 340 140 588 111 185 S28 122 415 71 141 318 .... 130 532 82 1611 318 134 487 75 154 316 139 585 114 183 313 143 545 94 170 312 128 511 71 168 309 117 441 62 138 .308 1215 477 75 147 308 Homaflun• G Thomas, MHwauk ... 35, Wlnlletd. N- Y or k. 34. fl•. Jack1on, Angele, J4; Thornton. Cleveland, 31, Coope r, Mllwaultae. 30. OgtMa. 1i1uwau1tae, 30 Aune e.ttad In McRH. Kansu Clly, 122. Tllornlon, Cleveland, 112, Cooper, MllwaukH. 110, Wlnftetd, New 'Yorio., 103 G Tllomu, Mltw1u1cae. 101 ,..,c ...... (11 0.Cl•lone) Vukovich, Mflwa.J '.et. 17-4, Burnt. CNCagO, 13-5. z..M, A,...ae. 1M: Quldry. N-Yoril 14-7; Solc~lle ClevalanO. 12-8. 11-o, Aftf81e, 11-41 Petry OeltOll 14-1 NATIOMM. LEAGUE Olrvet MU Madloell. Pgll lo Sm.th, SIL Buclcnor Cnl o-r..o, Ood9ar'e Ourt\am, CN Hernandez. SIL hllar,Oodgere Sclltnldt, Phi Cart ... Mtl Q A.I fl H ,C1. 142 544 II 113 338 142 S3 I llO 170 320 138 S35 115 111 320 145 SllO 8• 115 314 139 533 13 165 310 138 505 74 156 30ll 143 5211 11 181 304 133 518 73 157 303 131 4SS 106 137 30 I 137 490 u 147 300 -f111na Kingman, Htw York. 34. Murphy. Atlanta, 35. Se111111d1. Phl"defpllla. 33. Horne r. Aaanta. 32, J Thompson, Pfllat>urgh. 30, Ouenaro, ~.IO. liiun• e.11ec1 In Murphy, Allan!•. 108: Buell,,.,. Chtc;ego. 119, Ollv11, Montreat, 99, Cla rk, Se n FrancltcO. g1, J TllomplOfl, Plllaburgh, 118. H0<nor, All•n!A 98 . -1'1ttfAne < 11 o.c1a1one 1 P N1ekro. Alfan11 , 14·4; Roga11, Montreat, 17·7. Carflon, Phlladelphla. 20-11, Lollar, Sen Otego. 14·8: Candelaria, Plltaburgll, 12·7, lleuH, D~•. 1 .. 10: Foraeh. St. lou11, 14·11: Vele1u11ate, C>odgen, 1a.u. ·Men'• tournament (at ...... -. Blclty) Finl Round tlngloe Juan A'vandano CSpatnl dal Adriano Panell• (rtalyl. 6-2 7-5. JOH Ga1d• ISpt1n) def Cotraao Barauum (llelyl 6-4, , ... 6-2 Andres a-tE.cuadorl a.r M•<c:o Otlo;• 1Yuoosl•V1•t. 5-7. 6-2. 6-0. John Aleaandat 1Aut1rat1al def Z•ltko Frenulovlc 1 Vugo1lav11J fi .3 6·2 Pebto A"•Ya (Argen11na) def T1ev0t Allan (Au11rellt). 6-4 6-3 DcM.lbtee tournamenl (al l'Oftla Vectra, fie.) Finl Round Snerwood Stewart-Ferdt hygen (U S I def Brad O.ew1n (Au111111a1-R1cardo Ycaz.a (Eeued0<), 7-5. 6·•. Kevin Curren (SOYth Alrlce)-Sleve Denton IU S ) def Jelm•· Alvaro FllloC (Chltal. 6-4, 8-4. Darile v.-. 1•an v111oen (Soulh Alr1c1) def Ole~ Stockton tU s J-Belu• Pre)OY• IChllel. 6·3, J-6. 6·3. SI••• KrultVlll (U s )·John Fll~tralcl (Aullralla) aet, Eddie Edwardl tSou111 Atrtcal-Leo Pelln (Ftntend). 6·4. 6-3. • ~~mean tsou111 Af'l1ca)'llU1en.W•nt (U 8 I dtf Paul Kronll (Aut1tefll}Mfkt b1ep (U S ). 7-5. 7 ·6. Miiie Ct hlM (U S )-Btrnlt Miiion (Soulh Alrte•) def Mike GandOIO- M•rk Dick.on fU S ), 6-7, 6-4. 6-4 High eohool women • Matlna 1a. Untver•llr a •lfttlM 0e LUI (Ml 0.1 Balcer, ..0. 0.f Ltltllwe, 6-0 def Cor1man. 4-0. Cleu1 (Ml Iott 4-8 4-8 won 6-1 Alberta (Ml io.1 ""11 2-8 won I 1 -Oevble• LOlllO-Nglwam (Ml def Butnll•·LUCU 6-3 dal Malay-5•(1•1 8·2 dtl Ander1on-°'"*· 6-3. Uang~btend (Ml twOft, 1·$ &-2 lotl, 1-8, SIW\fletd·H.,rl IMI won. 6 4 .. 2. 7-8 AllT'I ...=:. (:.'=1"1...1 -36 lt\Qltll 27 ~. 8 bontlO, 11e mtc;~trtl, & roelc 11111, 7 tWlpln • OAVSY'• LOCKl.111 (Now,.n 9"cll) -66 angl•u . t CMracud•, t'5 bOllllO, 1 CellcO b .. t . 83 IMC"'rtl. 118 rottt-11111. 4 l4tohCI Da ... , 1 white ... Date DANA ~1111' -169 ang,..a. 126 l>tte o 1 bontto. io 1 meciltttl, r eculpfn, t ~IACN -.,. •no11n 0 Hfl•Clldl, 8 bOftllO, e C .. ICO _. ... 111 mec;IC.ertl. 13 toek 11111, 16 Wld MM, \I ICulPIO, I tll .. pehe•d (ler11) -41 M(lltr• 100 bonito, 2 f'lllltlul, MIO ll'l~er91, I Nino "-a IQApll\. llO .-11111, 100 ..nl .. G#oel!M IAN DllOO CHIM ue4111e) -tH MOW• 150 .,.,_., I "*""· I "- ,, The Dodge rs' Pedro Guerrero waves after hilling homer Wednesday. to crowd , Pomona Fair WEDNltOAY'I AHULTI (7111 ol 11-day fair mee1'"91 AA.t.91.AN llACI fltllT llACE. 6 furlongs Sebfe Cl1an1 (Caltlla) t 1 00 5 80 S•matat (Cru1) , 6 20 Flaming StrHk (Burns) 3 40 3 40 360 Al10 •aced Keio<•m Jm• Bask·O·Zll L.ady Luci! Jamil Time I 20 3/S Ahmoae. OUAllTl llHOlllH HCONO llACE. 350 yatOI Leona Moon (H•r11 10 60 • 80 3 60 Specie• Lynsey (Atmunenl 7 60 4 40 Na1lwllte Slladow (Armllrongt 4 60 AIJO reeed Bacllstde, How Rich . .Mr Ebqr;iy 01um1, Blue Be'dutno. Borghese Sliver Strltl Time 18 2S la UACTA 12·11 paid $111100 THlllO llACI . 350 yards Armen Jon tBardl 12 20 4 20 fOOll Doc. (Harl) 3 00 2eo 240 240 Play luff (Ff'Yd8YI Alto ••C•d My Spicy Man ROCllel Out Teet Smoolll rime 17 89 P:OUfn'" llACI. 440 yard• Bua An Acee (8111v1na) 15 40 1 20 4 80 Jimmy YOYng (Ton~•) 8 00 5 20 Waylon Away IFrydey) 3 20 Aleo t.c.d ~I a Chant OuPM Ltllle llaat 8rld In fht Pu1pla One IO Wateh Caacn Luci. Big Wtn1o, Time 22 19 15 U ACTA 1s..e1 paid S202 50 THOllOUQtt811£01 FIFT" lllACI. 6 f\lftongt Steelmall (M-1 4 60 3 00 2 60 O•lee I Promlae tMerunaz) 4 00 3 00 COHiii Arllllaty (Slb!lla) 3-20'- • AltlO raced Old I MllQIC Hope, Spanaway Felcoo Ch•rge. 0 1 KeOy Mr HOllH Time 113 SIXTH llACfi.' I II Ill m1le1 Rare Tllrtlt (Onag•J ~ 80 3 40 2 60 Paulie'• Double (Mena I 4 40 3 00 Minna Hew Haw 1Btack) 2 80 Alao ·•~•d A, Stately Ten, . Flyer• FantHy, True Affection, B<>gg9f'I Oirt Time 148 415 HVENTH llACE. 1 1/ 11 miles R1veleur (Stalllng1J 9 60 5 00 3 20 Or Felt• Starr 1Ceme>u1 ·e 80 5 40 Pltaaln (Padroial 11 &O Also raced Sunny1lopt Guy River Oeneer. TrlmbucllJa. Amber And Gold Empty Road Time 1 48 4/5 II llACTA (6-3) Pll<l S 170 00 EIGHTH llACI. 8 lurtong1 L1<d Wtldornat (Mena) 4 60 Lead on Lull• tMartinUI Rivet 1 Bond tC.mpu) Al10 ra ced F anon Good Vtfllgo Bold Ep Time I 12 215 NINTH lllACE. 8 tvnonge 300 260 3 40 3 00 3~ Room. Go To Teti lllO Trlll (Pdrt) 8 00 2 IO 2 eo HOllO.., 8atgatn (G-l 3 00 2.80 C,O.. City Gem (Sl91Angal 5 20 AllO r•c•cl Jull • Oear. MIH Palll Welhr. Unowf)atlmNylng, Clrde of Glory. Ruler'• Prlat Ttmo 1 12 II UACTA 12·3) paid $42 00 TINT" llACI. 8 ll.fllongs. Smtrllon (H11nnnt 8 00 5 00 3 80 l atula prudge (NOQU82) 5 00 3 20 $trle1n tM-) 3,60 Al10 ra ce d Fuhton Knowledge, E•lltf .. llllactton, l a K• B•ller, Clle!tClrd, Wae Pled119 Tlmo.,.T'H 315. ELIVINT" llACI. 8 f\lr1Qno1 Ptlm Ouat(OrttOAJ It.AO 7,.20-4.80 Pelltt P-(Stbllftl 3.40 2 80 SIMltone Gray Otwn (NoguttJ !> 40 Alto rteed SIHnlt OM!. Dawn TM OuU.. SllOI G~ Annie, Wand)l'a Roanatte. Dawn lyM I Fancy Ttmo 1 11 ti IXACTA (4-3) Pllld S I 14 00 TWILITH H Ca. 8 llK~e Hop't Ptf'-llon (C91!\Ptlll IO 4 00 3 20 Pllllt ,...,.. (Mer\8) 6 20 3.90 Rlllng Yllllon (lltlkngal 3 20 Alto rlCOCI JOI lkt foo, ttltll l.OV'a. Kant MIM, L4'dy OomffW Lldtlta Otlllld H• .. a ~111 Ttfllll',_...Tff llACI. I'• mflel HIMlll Prlnee (Sl•ll"'llll 6 80 4 20 ~ lao Wttlll'I '"" (°'18QI) ).80 ~ io Mio-t Mlltlon (lm<tlll 2 80 AltO rtct<I Scoll!IK ,.~"O '°'"' Oiova, 0 Rollfke, 80\lnd T reitk II, 0-Bye 9)le Ttmo 2 ot 116 .. UACTA l'-31paid "200 Attend-11, 160 ,. THIAO llACe. Ona milt P&Cll M19na Ce••• tS,,.,ren) I 40 4 40 7 80 SPO<l"'ll Son tC>ttomatl 3 40 2 eo Pet., 0 G (B8'Uare-l 3 20 AIM> race<! Canadian Dew Lady Gjlmble• lo4ont81ay Oa"'n Cool NiQtll Cal Jtl. Ra•I ClllM. Papa Jttry ''"" 21)3 2/6 93 UACTA tl-7) plffl $52 20 . FOURTH RACE. One mtla P*'• Fernando (W1111emsl 3 80 2 •O 2 20 Blaclc Mark N tSl1me<man1 3 00 2 40 M1nnlflaha fella (Longo1 3 20 Alto 1 aced Kenwooa Ct1arlea Rava Gori N Maple Otlcam lmpettal P1111ce N Bt•Ck eouon R Curt.it ludo!' K•no Time 1 511 2/5 FIFTH llACI . Ona mile 1101 lnuae \FllCOI II •O 5 60 4 00 fic;kel Room 1ea111a1geonl 111 00 11 60 lkanoa tP11kar) 16 20 AllO racocl OO·Flagg Hanover Hoobara Reamonds Joy, F11>1an Hun1e11 Gotd Bue~ Stove, Armb•o Ta1ge1 OO-F1nrst1ed secotfd dllQuallhld an'd placed fOUflh Ttme 2 00 21!> S3 DACTA 13 21 paid S246 90 81iTH llACI. One mite p.,;e Conna AdlOI (Kuebl9f) 3 00 2 20 2 10 H-.ppy 10 Ba tCrogllanl 3 00 2 10 HIDllY Hwa! (Gtundyl 2 10 AIM>,_ Glory N AMM H-lndttll M--oat. Ho4y Vt11l"'e S..y Colly T.,.,. 159 415 $5 l.lACTA ( 1·51 pa•d '20 00 UVINJH llACI. Ona m!la pace 11.cllt>u<n (Todd) 20 20 10 40 7 20 0.,,. And Ou1ly N fWWIWl\ll 11 40 5 00 ~ •"'°"' Kn!Qhl (Sleeth) 3 40 Aleo 1 ac ed Brlflla nl O'Shea. Selnl Andr-N Super Sue N MOOCly 8tut N Cr1U ... Wly. Arml>to Brad H ~ Twne 154 115 $5 EXACTA (4·31 i>tlO '383 00 EIOHTlt llAC£. Ona mile PK• a"Scotell Double CVl!ndgm)7 oo 5 80 3 ao •·Orr Sack tS,..lh) 7 00 8 80 3 80 Racy Regen! N 1Hym9111 3 &O • coupreo Also rec.ea P>nell R11. Spry Sam R-.n1 H, Tac! Henaty Getry Ayr Coulleau SPOrly Ola At "rime 1 59 NINTH llACI. One mile pace Oatreva 1Ba1"•r~I 1 20 3 80 l eo Spc1a1111 t8a)'1Ktl 3 20 2 eo Cap1a1n Knight N (Longo) 5 40 Ateo raced 01c111or11111p, High Moore G81ry Juntot, Homt £h4111Ce. Ra,,..· a GOid. J-And•-• Time 1 57 21!> 13 EXACT A (5-41 paid 533 90 ti PICK lllt (1·3-1·4·1-Sl pe1d 13 543 60 wtlll nine winning hekall (M\ llOfMI) S:l Ptek Sh. contollflOfl peld $54 20 woth 108 winning Ucllall (11va llotM•I U Piel\ Stt screlch eon1olllfon paid '34 20 wtlll 64 """""'II 1~111• (IOll< 11or-one acra1e111 TENTH RACE. One mole pee. Btyen H (Aotetll 04 40 S4 00 10 20 Tuatahl Ridge (Parker I II 00 6 00 Race Olloef (M-1 3 80 A*> t-.S Skipper Wyett. Don Cata a111 Phoenta J ack Outen of Ou Che1tau1 Hlwll. FM< Truth. Don 8lua N T ..... 200 13 aXACTA (t-3) ~ $1131 10 Alletld-8 854 .z ts s kS t W~TI" ..OLO UCI achedule f'rl -Sun , ~I 17-11 -UCI TOYrn1m1111 Sun. Sfpt ff -11 UCLA (11 1 m) S11 ._~1 2 -ti UC llll!IA 8.ll'b.ll[A_ • (Noon) Sun • 0c1 3 -use at ~or1 l'latt>or High (Noon) lues , Ocl 5 UCL.A el a.imo<11 Plue (7 Pml S.I Oct 9 -Unl....,...f'Y of PKthC" II Ntwpotl Hltl>or High (I pm) Fn. Oc1 15 al UC Sen !Mgo (4 p MI Sii Ocl 18 -et Pappard1na • ( t :>O PM) Frt Oct 22 11 UC ht~tltY Q om I Sii Ocl ~ -., laanlord ( 11 a m ), •I Freeno State' (7 Pm) Sii -Sun , Ocl 30·~ 1 -al l.Ot\O 8Nc:11 lnv11411onel ( .. lmonl Plait llmfl to be annaunoad) lual Nov 2 •I LOflO 8tKl'I St • (7 pm) SIH'I , Nov 7 UC 681'1 OiaQO •1 NewC>Otl Harbor H'9fl (-) fll . Nov 12 -UC l•nla larbtre el Ht<wporl HM bor High (, p '" I SM , HOv '' -Cal Stale 'Ulltt10f1 et Heowporl Hiib« High (I p m ) frt ·9•1 , Nov U ·20 P C AA Cl\atnl>iO'ltlltpl 11 Belnlot11 pi.,. tTlt'MI 10 be•,.,nov~t S et •llun • NO• H->e NCAA Cllamf)torlltljpt II 8tlmon1 Plue (TllMI 10 llt•~l • Denot .. PCM OOl\1 .. 1 .................. oou..e C•-C....C-..1 hop• .. lllooui.1111 of c~ ... J11111or ......... ... U9C , IM, IM, IM .., .. tndtvtdut ....... tc. &.UDIHO ~ASIC.Ill .. ,A PC VIM A•' TO f1141oMnaJlll WIWI lO t8 311 II I 3 •HOtha"' l'tlla 21 1'1 248 .,. 3 Jlw1>1•kl Pf'IN lO '7 U1 176 ' 40 211 3!14 10 ' AndtrlOll, ClllO Wt11le. Ot!ta• lo 7& ,,, (j 64 4 lllAl>hw N 0 n 111 221 ••• 1 Nleltan, llOY 17 11 110 7 00 I ,.,~•WO, UullllO )1 18 166 SS~ , FO<i •· San Diego 33 19 1163 717 1 1$runn.,, NY Otantt 41 '~ 310 7 68 ' IJAOINQ llU•Hllll TC Yda. Awg TD Cotlln1 NC 21 137 0 6 0 Pfullt, Clevol111a 30 1)6 • 0 ? McNqd, NV ~•tt 13• 118 •v-0 Allen, lllekNf• ?3 ~10 ~o 1 lvary, or .... ~·y 11 100 14 :t H11111, P1111 2• 103 4 3 0 rranklln, M1em1 211 103 36 ' Campt;etl H0<i11or1 20 82 A I 0 MUllGlt~n ~<1 18 19 4 4 t Whoa, • f4 73 67 1 L&AOIHO 11•c11v1111 l'C Yde. Aft TO Mont., Ween I 134 1111 1 ~llllworlll,Ptllt 7 137 '"' I Mullady NY <J11r11, 1 119 14 I 0 ' t1111, OallH 8 130 21 7 I Jtllttton Green Bay 6 116 10 3 0 Clttk San Franciteo 6 I~ 17 l I L Scoll NO 6 T7 2 0 Upchuu;ll O<!nvt'I 6 97 16 1 0 Sovza Ba111m1>1• 6 76 12 7 0 Largent Se.nla 6 71 II 8 0 6ullt< Bullato ;a 8 51 • 5 I YC)Yn(I San FrJtt 6 45 75 0 LEADING PUNT llETURNllll No. Yd6. Awg. VigattlO M1amo 3 79 16 3 lfWlll, Ram• 4 8, 20 5 B<OOlc• San o..go 1 16 16 0 Ftltowt Dlllat '1 27 135 Mnehell. SI LOU•• 5 66 13 2 LEAOINO KICKOFF RETURNERS No. Yarde Avg. W W1laon, N 0 1 44 44 0 Prulll, fla4M•• 4 135 33 8 Hollin. Miami 1 31 31 o l Andl!•IOn, Ba111more 3 92 30 7 MllCheU. ,Iii LOUfr I 71t 711 0 Peyion. M1rre•o1& 1 29 29 o LIAOINO PUNTERS Jonn1na1. NY G1an11 Guy, Ralclotta Er .tebon Ntw Orleans Colemen. Minnesota ROl>attl M1am1 ' No. Yrda. Avg. 6 318 530 4 198 49 s 6 283 47 2 6 282 47 0 3 141 47 0 NFL team 1tat11t1c1 AMERICAN CONf'l!llENCI OffENH Ctnclnnall .s.n Dito<> Pi!l1bo1gh Balltmora N-YO<ll Jelt c:ltvaland -lngtena Otnwr Mlltnl 8u11•to flalder• KanlU Coy Sean la Hou11on v ............... .. 419 103 316 3113 140 253 381 147 241 352 131 221 :Ml 144 197 330 227 103 330 227 103 323 101 2.,2 323 no 113 2511 101 158 25S 161 094 229 104 125 ,_, 040 140 171 089 082 DEFENSE Ctnctnnau 171 "~ 02 Clfvalano \&O 40 140 Buttalo 2;> 1 140 125 ,........ '.o2 80 112 l<•n .. a Clly 259 101 158 N-Yori< Jell 323 210 113 Sen o..go 323 101 222 Bat11m0<e 330 227 103 SeaUte 0:10 200 130 Miami 34 • 144 197 Ntw England 352 131 221 • o .. w.. 3113 140 253 HOYtlon 419-103 316 P11111>urgh 438 115 341 NATIONAL CONf'EAINCI OFFINH Wa1h1ng1on DaHat Plllladtlpllla New Y0<k Glantt Gr_, e.y Tampa Bay -Or!Nnw Allanll RMn• San Francl9CO M~la OelrOlt Clloeago y .... 1111811 ..... 487 114 373 436 95 :Ml 426 101 325 378 76 302 377 149 228 355 6S 290 290 107 183 272 I f8 IS4 271 105 166 252 80 182 218 101 115 212 87 145 154 50 1()4 St Louo1 150 116 ~4 DE.l'INH N-OrlMna 150 ~H O..roll 154 50 Chrcago 212 17 Tempa Bay 218 \01 San Francieco 255 161 Orttn S.., 271 105 Ntw 'l'orll Olanlt 272 Ill St lout. 290 107 Mlnneso11 355 65 l'l9IM 377 1411 Allan ta :11a 76 Oe#u 388 147 Waalllt 426 101 Phlllld la 481 114 High echool echedule FlllOAY FounUlln Vali.y VII Eoothlll al Tuslln Marine e1 San Lula Ol>llPO 54 104 145 115 94 1118 154 183 290 221 302 241 325 373 WHllnlntltr vt. Pacillc:a II Garden Grove LI Outnla ve °"8n v1.,. al Weatminlltf Cypr ... el ~port Hatl>or Coronl clef M•r 11 San Clemente WooOl>rfdgt •1 1rv1na M!PiOn Vlt)O •I El Toro Legune Mell ve S.venna 11 ~ .. 1 .. n Dot Pu.bloe YI Miiier Del at SA Bowl Loyol6 91 SI Paut BIS/IOI> Monl~ ., Ser•• t.nyan VII El Oor.c!O •I Valencla loe•a ... An.,,...,, at La Petm• Park S.-e Pen. at 80IM Grande Gatelen GrO¥t YI Orange •I El Modal\• Rtncl>O AJem11oe •• B•-n Veltncla at F~on W-n .... S~• at La Habte BrN-Ollnda vs Slmny Hill& 11 Buena Patil T10y VII C..rlloe at G.,,, (Elgflt-fMft) Inland °"'1111an .. ltl>tr'ty ClltlStlan If 11111111 Square Peril ( 1 p m ) NtwPor1 Cl1tt1han at ituc~rey (2 30 pm I l.ATIMOAY Ediaon •I VIiie (I p.m I Plua X a1 Otne HAii (1 pm) Lot Amigoe vt. MllOllOlfa al La P.am. Plt'k Collon YI. Santa An• Vellty el SA Bow! llllhop Amal ,.. Muir al La Canada Strvtle al MOtllll ( 10.30 a .m.) , .. ..,.. .. _) Caoletrano Yelley Chrllllen ..,. Pacific Cllrlall•n al legit Roclt Hight\ pm.) C .. 118 ..... ti 7:30 Ullltll 01'*'-!M nolld) A gosy race t~ps schedule By ALMON LOCKABEY Dtllr "lot hetlllf Wrltet Nt•urly 100 boat& ari• •·hl'<iuled to il•t Hull Saturday from the Balboa Pit.'t In Newport Oceun Suiltng Association's overnight Arf(Olly rncl' to Cubr11lo Beach Yac:ht C lub in L os Angeles Harbor. After an overnight f arty at CBYC th'e fl<:ct will sai back to Newport on Sunday. T he Argosy is one of three t:vents sponsored by NOSA. The others are the Newport t o Ensenada ta('e and the 14-Mile Bank rac.-e In other local events.. Bahia Connth1an Yacht Club will hold its Walter Podolak Memorial Re2atta in the ocea n o ff Newport Beac h Friday , Sall.irday and Sunday; Balboa Yac ht Club will stage the Me tcalf fleet champion s hip, Saturday and Sunday; Newport 'karbor Yacht Club will hold Its ·BOATING Sept.ember one-design regatta for insid e a nd o utside classes Saturday and S unday; South Shore Yacht Club will wind up its Hi-Point Series, Saturda~ and Sunday; Dana Point Yacht Club stages the sixth race of its Dana Point Series for Performance Handicap Racing Fleet· yachts Saturday and Sunday. Southern California Yachting Association weekend calendar: Los Angeles-Long Beacb Sea l Beach Yacht Club - Man-W oman race. 1 ndian Summer Series today. - CabrilJo Beach Yacht Club -· Inflatable ~o Race, Saturday. Alamitos Bay Yacht Club - Closing Day Regatta, Saturday, Sanday. Long Beach Yacht Club - Isla nd Series 7 & 8, (Isthmus and return) Saturday, Sunday. Santa Monica Bay King Harbor Yacht Club Lido-14 District Championship. Saturday, Sunday. Cali fornia Yacht Club -Lazy 8 race (Harris Series). Saturday. Pacific Mariners Yacht Club - Man-Woman race (PHRF). Sunday. San Diego Coronado Yacht Club -Kelly Los Coronados. Handicap . Saturday, ~unday • Coronada Cays Yacht Club - . Ship-Shape Series, Saturday. San Diego Cruiser Association -Mission Bay invitational (prodicied log). Saturday. Silver Gat~ Yacht Club - Area c h am pi o nship.s (CaLahna-27, T-Bird, Ranger-32. J24). S unday; Raffef? Series (Cal-20). Saturday, Sunday. Mission Bay Yacht Club - One Day regatta, Sunday. Oceanside Yactlt Club -Fall Dinghy Series, Sunday. St. Francis ~erpetual set M~nday SAN FRANCISCO -Half of the 39-boat fleet m St. Francis Yac ht Clu b's St. Fran cis Perpetual (Big Boat Series) will be from the Southern California area With at least a half dozen Crom Orange County yacht clubs. St. FYC race coordinator Jim Tyler said there are 39 boats entered in this year's Big Boat Series and 19 are from Southern California. The racing fleet includes three "maxi-yachts" -vessels over 70 feet -which will be ractng for the St. Francis Perpetual. They are Jim Kllroy's new 81 -foot Kialoa from California Yacht Club; R o bert Belf's 80-foot Condor , Royal Bermuda Yacht Club;-and Condor-of Berm\lda.- owned by Dave L ew i s of· Bermuda. It will be Southland yachting fans' first glimpse of Kialoa which was built in Florida and campaigne d in Flo r ida's Southern Ocean Raci ng Conference. From Florida lt went to Hawaii for the P an Am Clipper series. Condor Is n o stranger to Southland yachtin,g fans. She was raced in Long Beach Yacht Club's Big Boat Series earlier Lhis year before continuing to HawaJi Cor thf' Clipper Cup. The four-race aeries ~tarts Monday off St. Francis YC c:Joe«? by thl' Golden Gate Bridge. Tht> other racea arc Wednesday, Friday and Slturday. .. Thousands of spectators Jinl' San Fran<;l9C0'1 "clty •hort>" Le> watch the ·•arand prlx" racera tack and jibe· over ~Y cowws exwndina from the yecht club to Crt..y Fleld. Blcmorn Rode and A.&cet.ru.. ~ Hundred• of Souther• California yachtln1 fan1 from San Ottto. Ne~ BHch and Mann. cJt.1 Rey are on hAnd tor. the.n.. I ~ :El Grande' delight( ully;_ locO • aARQAIN MATINllS • Mon••w Um• 11twrd1w All '•rfor"'1nc11 belot• 6 00 PM lh..,C ,,._... ...... ,...., 111• Hellfaya) 8y TOM TITUS Ofthe Dellr Hol lteff Pll·tul't', IC you will, lhl• l'llll•rtu1nnwn1 rou\lnl'll of Carmen M1rund11, 0.•10 Arnui, Chnro umJ ottwr llOULh of thl' border lumhu11 lt·tc In \tw hund!I of Lill' Three Stooges ur tht• Murx Drntlwr1t und you huvt.• a working ldl•u or .... ~, Grundl· dt.· Cocu Coln" Ul lht.• • Huntington &•uch Pll1yhuu~ Ni a mwncal n•vut•, "1':1 Urand<>" is to night clubs what "Thl' Tor<:hlx•urt•n." ls LO \ht-1.1k•r a show 1n which evt•rylhing that can go wrung d<>t.'S, "£1. 0.RANQILOI COCA COLA" A mv1ical revue by Aon HOUH, John Nevnl•Andr11w1. Al1n Sheerman, OU While and Sally Wllll1, d1rN;h1cJ by Kent JohnlOfl, produced by Roger Miii• llige m11111ger X1omer1 Suro, technlel,L. C1Jrect011 K1ren Meyer end John Shaw. aourld and Hgh;:;I ~ oy Vlnc:e Ao.. 1><etenH1<I fuday• e11d S1lurda~ It 8 30 Olr Ocl II by 11141 Hunllngton 8tl6Ch PlayllOuH, In tri. SH cl ft Vlllege •hopping center Main Street at Yorktown A~ Huntington S.toen R&fftvetlOnl ~7-4'46S Pepe Hernende2 Juen Rodriguez Miguel Hernandez ConlYela Hernandez Mana Hernandez Rollla Hernandaz Pepito Hernandez THE CAST Clari. 8uraoo Joe Rllkat Neal Kopot Karan J Matheny I Trllha 8ureon ., LI• Mendez Wayne Mayberry to the sheer delight of its auchenct'S. It's a madcap farce in which anything that might produce a laugh, or even a sm1ll'. 1s l~"il'<i into th<' bubbling stew or slapst1l·k silliness. 111 all seriousness, thl' Huntington Beach Playhouse has taken a gamble in produci ng this offbeat offering. But in assigning It to the directorial imagination of Kc•nt Johnson, the theater shifted the odds to its own side of the taole. Johnson could find the comedy in "Long Day's J ourney into Night." He doesn't have that formidable a task with ''El Grande," however. Written by the same team of British zanies that created "Bullshot Crummond" (also on th~ boards, in Newport Beach), the show 1s a semi-structured farce ~t in a Central American night dub in which each al'l st'<.•ms to be worst' than the one preceding it This makes it a long evl'mng for the master of 'ceremonies, Pepe Hernandez. who, it appears, has fiUed the bill with family members (all but one perfo~er is named Hernandez),.,lt's not easy to be intentionally awful, but Pept• and his company somehow manage it. The role of Pepe is made to order for one or Orange County's most proficient character actors. Clark Burson, who handles both the comic timing 'and the tricky dialect beautifully Burson is charged with keeping the s how (which would have kiUed vaudeville if giv~n the chant-c) rolling, and this he does with hilarious aplomb. .. &IWlllM Pac.Ille t •~ni 0.111• Ir· 119 9UO ~. MIMltN"'9.t• Ut )Jlt COSTAMISA t .. .,°'~°"" t~ •>• >~01 .,'1 ENTER THE • : ', 111CH01 · VOU MAY -A NEW AOLLS ROYCE Pl.US S 100 000 IN CASH OR ONE Of THE THOUSANDS Of OTHER PRIZES ·, ..... ~~ ..-•' MfUJON DOl..lAR • ,,,';....::~ ·-~C. .... : ... :-:..: ;:;-~--.:" :-::::; SWEEPSTAKES • _ ........ -.. ~= " STARTS TOMORROW • MT1Wt• 11.M:11 OM111t , .. _ HP"IG""ll C-.... "'°"""Drove .. Id OJ.. IJUf/O llltllll WHT .... lO ,.,_ w_...,. c.r..-,,..,..,. o,. • .., "'' • UI OtU ltl >tU lAMM IUCll Wflf•llfOI I lhlllll\ Soutll Col\I '"'t" •HI Wiiy ~· 0\1 .. In •I• ISU ltt :ltll ..... • Pl.-lecl ill CXJ[--~---~) c;; ....... ,un ..... ,.....~ -·--. INTERllRIDN I hmdllng the bulk uf the t'Omc-dy in Kt•wrol dlttort.•ni lfUltK>s uro Joo Rltkc•11 und Neal Kopit, both of whom adopt lhc baalc buW In the.' c:hlna ahop approach and art· purtkularly effocUw u. u tcum. Three young nd nttraellvc aon&blrd11 -Kur •n Matheny, Triaha Bul'j()n and Lis Mendcx aupply the spice for the moth:y mixture whllt< Wayne Mayberry (.'Omplct.es tht-casi as th(• perennially overlooked slblh)g. ff here are, to be sure, a few occasloru. when the humor Isn't quite on the mark, but these arc overshadowed by the high pe~-entage or gags thBl wor~ -though the success of the show wiU vary with each Individual audience. Overall. it's a rollick ng overoose ofl:itln lunacy. "El Grande de Coca Colo" will hold forth weekefids through Oct. 16 at the Huntington Beach Playhouse, Main Street at Yorktown Av~nue in the Seacliff Village shopping center. * { BACKSTAGE -South Coast ReJ{er\ory's Evening Conservatory, a profe!lslonal training program for adults, will offer four classes during its fall session. Sept. 27 through Nov. 24. fA!r r1Mr1 AT lttOGIMOllT MICH l!I "u•I 1141 (f'Q) _()rive-ins Open 7:30 Nightly Children Under 12 FREE Unltn Noterl MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND 'YOUNG PEOPLE n.. ~-ot,,. ••""9• • ro -_._ ...... ,.O""l'ol _.,._.....,..~o,r.•~- Tl1! If~ OF THE MOTION PICTUl!t C004I OF $EV lllEOULA llOH •A U1 ... .-1 1' -.,.i •1 Muc.-o 11 laiac10111 LA MIRADA WAlll IH tf4·2400 ''"OCK'( 111" tH I ........ ._ .......... "AN O"IC"' ANO A GINTLIMAN" 1•1 1Mili.-•••• .. w ''f'lllOAY '"' 11TH '"'" 8" t•t i-.ao . ..... ~-·-~-... '~--~~~~~~~po-~~~~~~~~ "YOUMO OOCTOAe .. LOW" 1101 ---"AUTltCMI AUTMON" IH I ---LAKEWOOD CENTER WAll< IH lAl<EWOOO CENTER SOUTH WAI• ... r "INDANGHID INClll" '"I ..... " ""' ''" •t\ ... rocuttv ot ConclfewoocJ 21J/H1·9HO •nte HeT LITTL9 WM<HlaltOUM .. TIUl" 1•1 ....... "' ..... "I NDANGIAID IPICIH'' 111) .... ___ ....... -"'lllOA ~ T .. 1ath 'AJIT I'' 11'1 ... -.... ---- BIG• BIG• DlllVE·IN BARGAIN $2 EVERY WEDNESDAY Ir THURSDAY Children Under 12 Always FREE ,.. ""°" ......... ' , .. ~ l • "•' .... 1 •t .••• , \• .... flt .. 0 IJllPOIHANf NOT1Cl1 CNllOIUll UNOlll 12 r11u1 """" ,. •-.., nw "" , ... • s.t. Sioa., 1111a. ..-,. CINI-fl IQll'IO • 1U lM CN1 MOIO rS !M ll(M(JI •fl .0 UI CN1 -MfM -ACQUOlll l'OllTD -lilll!GA"l'OlllAllJ1•M.1 ~-11tOltAM - A~A.Hlll.11 ANAHEIM DRIVl·IN •THI CONCMTI JUMOL•" 1•1 •nte CHAuiMCIF 1•1 --..,lllOAY THI 1Mt1 '"JIT r "" I "THI NAeTMA1n:11· 11•1 C"'I llMIUHO . Cttk lo_, I VfNA PA"' BUENA PARK DRIVt IN "LT., tHI ..,.,.A•TWIUllllTillAL" 1 .. 1 -"INClllD!Mi IHlllN«INO WOMAN"1 .. 1 UftCOI<' Av• We•f Of 11\0tf 121-4070 11.Jf N.A io>.A.,11 LINCOLN 'lRIVl·IN Cllj( .. _ 1.T. TM .. UTllA TDiw•TillAl" -. ....,. __ .............. .... 17Ml62 WOMAN" IN.I --Ii'•.,,, of ORANGE ORIVHH lO"IO A."O f""" • l'O'• , .... 0. 634-9361 "TW •llT UTTU WMOMHOUH-lf TDAr (Ill "LVNDI'° 1111 .... """' "~ ..... MISSION ORIVf IH "ITAA WA.Ar --... T All Tiii)( It -TMS nATM CW~ - ·• ..,, "" · ..,, II a "" WARNER DRIVE IN *'O•M t A'fle WeU Of teocft tf•O •M7·l591 " f:4.00 "' CAl:t.OAO , ·11\I \I 1, Ir •· ~ 11. I' • •· 1, • WEITM•TD Plclftc's HI Wrt 39 Orlvt In 891 3'93 ··-QnMome 834 2553 GllTAMIU fdwlrds South Colst Pliza 546 2711 NO~AOCPTID,OftTMI~---------- f I • , .. - WJHI! klND OP LOVI! ITORY FOR WHICH THI P.UBUC'I Bel!N THIRl'TING. A IKlu.FUU.Y CRAFTID AOMANTIC DRAMAWrrHH~H~CHAAGED PEAFOAMAHCE8." .. \ . (:8 Orange Co11t DAIL 'V PILOT ITl)J,lr1day. Septemtier 18, 1982 • R eviewer p r ojects .E mmy winners ~ BY ... RED ROTllENBERO llf'Ulng, "M·A·8 -H" a1.1aya fn ... h ~til'T••Wot1Wr11.. wlth tnatahu lnto hum&an NEW YORK (AP) Tht atruaatea, atrcnaitla llnd lclevlalon lndu1nry 8l!U lo pal w 1kne11t1. Won't ABC bt• It.elf on thl' buck Sunduy, whun crnbarr...ed If "Taxi," canet>lt.od amvlna In th la~. 1&1 nljht. t:>llm pkkina• eht.•whtrc. talthouaih "Night of 100 Stant" wjth aa1.•tu11Jly more than 200 atani A8C preat:"nta cu1.111t l(H'OHI by ABC and picked pp by NBC. "thank yous" on tht> Emrny wlna? "Love, Sidney'' u lop new moy huvt• c•nouaih lnvltt.'t!tl lo pad the volll'\g box. Out•landfng Information Sl'riea: The networks also left this tit-Id to public television. Somethlna about prioritlc• Tough choice betw1.Jen "Crca\lvlty With Bill Moyers" {Ind ''Middletown," which pointed I~ c,_mcras at Muncie, Ind .. and photographed a o~tlon. &lge to "Middletown." Award show on C:hunnel 7 al 11 alt.com. p .m . Hen• ore our c hokc11 Ouutundlng Limllt>d St-rit•ll: Thankfull y. the at't't•ptnnce "Town Like Alice" Wlill THE speeches will be short. dramatic love at.ory of the year. Outstanding Druma Serice<: Publit• TV dominates this "Hill Street Blues" is writing the category, with (our of the book on how a ISOUp opora can contenders, Includ ing the be powerful, poignunt. funny, funniest sertea, "Fltckers." Only sexy and dramatic. Nothing on pn 0 e 1 t 0 w ... ork no._mlnee Is "Marco TV comes close. AJI other co~ on TV rinse out a pale blue. 'Lou Outstanding Drama Special: Grant," cant-eled by CBS, may "Skokie" made the events and f.et. 5omc sentimental votes. divergent perspectives from the 'Fame" is the y e ar 's best Nazis march come alive. Danny ne~~'l':~·ding Comedy Series: Kaye, in his first dramatic role "M-A-S -H." The Korean War for TV, truly is "multi-talented." will end this season after 11 Outstanding Variety, Music or years Throughout, "M-A-S-H." CNomedk>:. Prograr~: "SCTV Outstanding Lead Act.or in a Dramatic Serles: F.d Asner "Lou Grant" has alienated too many voters with hl8 political stands, eo lhnt leaves lt open for Daniel J . Travanti of "Hill Street Blues," whose Capt Frank Furillo, the latest sex. symbol, pulls off toughness and tender ness has kept the patients and one-. etwor was a winner every convincingly. · liners going. Despite its 1950s tame out, and it needed l<> be, Out.standing Lead Actress m a rm 1RSDA y EVEHINQ 5:30 (7) FOOTBALL Vikings et Billa 8:00 II D NEWS 8 CHAAUFS ANGELS 8 WILD. WILD WE8T • S.W.A.T. I HAWAJI FIV£'4 OV£1' EASY "Chenglng Femlly ~· tloNhlps" G~t 2ae z .. Gebor (RIO --~~~ .... ~. ,. THAOUOH THE ARTS "Film 20th-Century Leo•· ctl. CBS NEWS Q!NltcNEWS (t)MOVIE * * "The Last Glrette" ( 19791 Sunn An1pech, Simon W1rd. The true 110- ry ot Betty 1nd Joell LMlle-Melvllle. who lrltl<I 10 ""• a herd ot 01r1ff" 8:30 fl) DICK CAVETT Gu .. 1: Ch«. (Part 11 ~ OROWINO YEARS "Studying Chlklr1<1" (J)Q!NEWS (I) CANCER COHFAONTATIOH Oeni91 Trev Intl hoata • OocumenllfY apeclal wttlch t~ on acme of the oontrovetslee auf"foundlnQ Canclef, Including Inter· vlewt wllh lnvo/Yec:I Con-o,_, Cln08t ·-en otllclel•. doctOtl Ind Cln- Oet victims 0 MOVIE .... Jeck And The a.en- ., ...... ( 19761 Anlmeted An edvenluroua young bOy dimbl I Qlll'll l>Mnstellc IO • ~· kingdom QOV· etned by• greedy, tyrannl- cet giant 'G' 7:00 8 C88 NEWS D N8CNEWS 8 HAPPY OAYS AGAIN Ttie ~ plans to buy Fomi. • ,_ motorcycle D THESAINT tD M•A•s•H Father Mulcehy tekea being paaaed 011« tor 1 P'OtnOllon phllo90Phk:alty untll he '-ta of the repk:I •d~t made by • h«ol<: hellco91et pilo1 G) (8 JOKER'S WILD • Gi> llUSIHE.88 lllEPOffT Cl) P .M. MAOAZJNE A~whou_._ technlquee to cure -c.u-of infenillty, a haz· etdoul hOtN r-In South Oeltot• CID CONSUMER AEJIORTS Pf'ESENTS "The F ... lng Ane Show" Thlt edhlon •~ on "-lth·rll1ted ptodUC11, • lncludlng low-sodium fOO<ll end OVW·IM-eoun- let 11PP4'tlte IUl>P<MNnll (1DMOVIE **'II "IM\let ~ lAnd'' (19111) Petut1 Clerk, Ceth· 1Nn Hffblll A 9-yMr-old girt NCipet '*' 1one11,_. by fantHlzlng •bout 1dventur" with Pet., Pan 'G' CZ>MOV!e- ••• "Ou~ (1'981) Sein Connery, Peter Boyle. A ~ meraNI lmleet!Qat" 1 rllh of myt- l«iOUI deethe within I rn""'1g '°40ny on one ot Jupiter's rnoone 'R' 1:33 8 2 OH THE TOWN FMtured: 1 looll et • hotel ~ lyltem In Lia VlgM; -M/t en d-nlght !)9yCNlttlet, en tnt91WM with Totle Field'• d•oot1t•, Iha let.a! In elOt mectllnN, 1e111 about -... ownllllno " Ution.. ,NIW...Yn\IO LA~&~ &OO!t#Nf'f ~d-ttl•taflt llld ShlfWy .,. 80 ,...... *· e u•A•e•H Wlletl Hot Upe pnoo,. ..----..) A • Detectives Henry Golcl blume ...-(l~~~ek)_and Neal --Wash ington (Taurean Blacque) trace a murder weapon in "Hill Street Blues" toni~h t. from TOkyo to "Y there's "big new1," Frenk aasumea 11·1 1111 expected promotion, g) (I) TIC TAC DOUGH SI MACHIEIL /LEHRER REPORT GD FAWLTYTOWEAS Wor1d Ww loom& In the near IUIUfl n Sybil enters the hoapilll Ind 8eall lwl- dlee lhlnga badly. (Pert 5 ol SI INSIDE THE NFL ~lllen~lnd Nici! 8Jonlconti pr-'11 lllghltollt• of ttle prftloul ..... 11'0 lootbll lcilon Ind Int.,,.... with~ Ind~ AEA08Q8E Gel In .,..,., look good, 1nc:1 ,... or•t with ,,. pllyslcal m,_ progtem. 8:00 8 Cll MAGNUM. P.t. A troubled \'91er1n hlr• Megoom to find Illa girl- friend, h()plftg that he wlU lead him to a f«mer foe. (Al D al FAME The ·~· pl1n • al'low for the 1tuden1a. and Doria Ind Montgomery attempt to tell nothing bot the truth for • di)'. (R) 8 MOV1£ * • • • "Glent" (Pert 21 ( 19~) Ellnbelh T1ytor, Jamee Deen. Baaed on the story by Edna Ferber. Tu- u rancll ltte and the pur- suit of Olt W...th ettec:t th<•l*ll*. iJ WHERE'S DAD? What every c:l\lld wants from Illa tether le explc><ed In this dr-tlc~ tD P.M. MAGAZINE A -oeon who -le8« tec:l\niquN to QUf'e tome ceu-Of lntenlllty; Inter· "'-with 1ten II a coun- ·~ewarOalhOw * • • "The Cllepm1n Ripon" ( t"2) Efrem Zlm- blllll Jr , J-Fondl. A MIC 11UNey conducted by I temoua p1ycho100111 louehel Ille ti-of fOUI' typi<:et IUburben women • U.8, CHAOHCLE "Survtval tn Houston's Publlc HOU91ng" The prob- '-nl In Houeton'1 publlc houling are examined. el) SNEAK PAEV1EW8 Roger Ebert Ind 0- Slal!el hOlt en lnfc><mattve • 1oo11 et whet'• ,_ et Ule molllee. ct)MOVllE *'* * "Return Of A Min Celled H-" ( 1978) fUch-- etd Hlff.._ Giie Sender· O-d An EnglWI Lord retumt to America ..,_. he ...,,,. thel ttle SiouJI lnOlent who lnltleted Nm Into thelt tribe llew loet thelt modelt or-to tf1PPW9. (l)MOYll ••• "The HUnttir'' (1171) s~~.b w• lldl Relph "Ptipe" Thor· eon '-di a dlnQ«OUI Ille M I modem-dll)' bounty hunler. 'PO' • MOVllE • • • .,.. "He1rU1nd" (1981) Rip Torn. Conchela Ferrell. A rancher end hla housekeeper ' tee• the rigors of frontle< Ill• In 1g10 Wyoming. 'PG' 8:30 G JOAHIE LOVE.a CHACHI Joenle II IOtn bet- llnglng II the home Of I hot-enot record "'~ 'or attending • huge f1m11>' t>utt (RIO m ooo~ Felix end Oecer •Uempt to eecepe the turmoM of moO· em IMnt by tutno uc> reel· dence In • rellgloua retr•t • 8HEAK PAEVIEW8 Roget Eben end Gene Slaltll ~.,, Informative looll II wtlel'I ,_ et Ille moYIM. 8il SEAPOWEA - 9 YOU AIKED FOR IT MOVIE * *'~ "Clrcle Of T-" ( 1960) Ri<:herd Burton, T.etum O'NNI. Despite 11rong pe1entll oppoeltlon, • poignant romance deYel· ops be'-I llO·)'Ur·old erllal llld I precodou1 teen-ag .. ehOOlglrl 'PG' (aJMOVIE • • "The Money'' (1976 A lllTlall-Ume con artist c;ooka up 1 k ldnepplng IC'*"4I to lml>fov. hie llnanoee. "R' 9:00 8 Cll 8IMOH & llMON A man fallt to hit deeth from hla llOtel window lho<tly ef1er A.J. Ind Rick -dlve<c:e ptlpef'I on him (RI a a °"""'EA 8AEAK Setnent"-think• ahe la preonent 1ller •he la ~ tty • boy for the flral lime (R) 8 MOVIE • • 'II "Blue Knight" ( 1973) Wllllam HolOen, l• ~ A Loe AngalN pollc»m111 muat dedde ~ ateytng on the forH or n'ltrylng the WOll\ll'lhetov.. 8 PAUlHOQAH • MPVG.......,.. OUMta; B.8. King, 8QI Snyder, Hat llndeey, Wll· Hem Sfletner. Ille Arthur Murrl)'0-1. • IMl.ANO:A TEL!V1llOH HllTOffV "CMI War: 1921·11>24" The bnitll cMI con~ In the ewiy '20I •till dMdN Ireland todey. -~ ntlATM "T"tlnl9nt Of Youth" Vere. rn.., lo beaome • Wlt"'"9 llWM, ~ .,,. dNdgrf of her tr• lnO encs looll• ,.,,_d to • CMetmee ~with ,..,._,, (Pwl t)(fll)C !:Y~lN * * • ·-n.. eont.eion" ( 1870) 'l'YM Mont1nd, ~ ~. Attur ~·· lor1*I _,,_. ''*' Ind lmprleolllMftl occur dunno ..,. -nlll PllfV9 of 1" 1. ..... TMQ .. °"y DIMe --'°°"' ~ per, wllo ........ ino I I04 CHANNEL LISTINGS of 1111 •<llPO ·-· ... IO ar~.(fll) I !'MA. HOCIAH l..OOCMN'I 8 KNXT !CBS) e ICNDC (NBCI e KTLA (Ind.I ~ llJl<A8C(A8Cl .. e KFMI CCBSI e ICHJ·TV Ond.) e KCST IAIC) e K ttv llllO. I •e IC COf". 'fV Cl nd ) e JCCET (PIS) e ICOC£ (PBSI 101 On·TV Ill Z·TV !ff HBO !Cl <Cinema.> m (WORI N V .N.V, al) CWTHI 11) (ll$PN) (~lmt) • kiotllotlt • le.tile Hew1 NetWOf'k) ~\ ) 1HO (I) ICNOtl LAHDIN9 A~~-'*"' ...,. In '* ..,.., .. Glory, Md Uurl dl*ll'l M.llOW ,_ to dell wit!! fllldWd, wllo .. ~ tNrepy isHUmmT T~ ~ llMd to klll • SI o4lc "'*' 1urn1 out to lie .... ""' ... polloe ~ ......... t • ..-: ...., Pl""*• ...... dutln9 • dtMnt .... (R) •••• HEWS • INMWKR HARLlM "The 09pree.llon • Y..,1; tt30-1940" Hll1em'1 eth- nic: hefltage, 111 rMCtlon to the Gr611 o.p,...ion and ltl mutlo Ind IN>'# bin!· neu tr1d1tlon1 ere explored (R) el) OOYIHY "CrM Hunters Of The Ml• tullnl" The CrM lndlena ol C1nld1 11111 trek north· waro to hunt and tr1p o•me .. their torel•ther• dld.(R)O (II BA .... EY MllllA Fllh dl11gul-hllTlll'lf U I -1n on the enll·muoo· Ing aquao white the other detect"'" try 10 C411cll I men seeking revenge ~elnat Ille Almy. CCJMOVIE -• ~ "The Spin" ( t964) Jim &owo. Olehenn Cerroll Alt• pulling off I blQ rot>- befy, • gll'IQ hU trouble dl\lldlng the money. ©)CHARLIE DANIELS BAND "The Ser11oge Concert" The c .D.B. s-torma "The Oevll Went Down To Georg11" and "The South'• Gonn• Do It A.gllin" In this concert taped 11-.. 11 the S1retoge Per!Ofmlng Ant Center In Sw1to01 Springs, N. Y. (l)INZAME "Strlp.0-0rem" OMOVIE * • * ·~ "Brlltl'a Song" (1971) Jamee Cun, Biiiy OM Wllllem1. Two football pl•)'«• "'-• fire trlend· lhlp unlU c;encer clelma one of them. 10:15 MOVIE • • "looker" (1981) Albert Finney, JlmH Coburn. The myaterloutl dNth• of • --Of .,..,.,_ llfUf m°'*8 lnYOIYed In I -ldYWlielng prolfe1 ere bl8'Nd on the plM1~ -~ who ooer1ted on lh«n 'PO' fO'.IO • INOIPEHOeHT HETWON< NEWS di EHTEATAINMelf TOHtOHT ..... evidence l*'lllnino to Mlfltyn Monroe'• O..th 11 eumlned MAl'MH~: THEY"RE PUYINQ MY 80NO Liu Mlnnelll, Johnny Mllhll, Glldya Knlgllt and Cetly Simon llng M>me of todey'• greetut hlla lnc:ludlnQ; "The W1Y We Were," "Whit I Old For Love" Ind "Nobody OoN It Better." 11:0e>8D8(1)9QI NEWS • &A~YHIOKT Hoel: E~t Gould. Gueet: AnneMurrlY iJ YOU A8KEO FOR rT F61turecl: '"The ~ men Who Pteya Terun" llld "Aualrllle'1 Magnetic Anthllt1 " • u·A·e·H Hewkeye •nd Trapper "perauede" Frll'llk not to requeet e dlahonoreble dlec:hlf09 fOf I wounded. '-'-uel eoldler. • .....VHIU. Benny pleyt. ~ .. er QUght In .,., Amettcen Ind Aul8lln lone dlepule. ·-..... ~ ID OOCT°" IN THE HOUll "The ~H You Know" 1 t:to • (I) OU1HCY Quincy eomH lo 1h• delenM ol en Old Mend •nd po(itlelltl wtlO w .. It IM -the night of a movie tt1r'1 CIMth. G QITOMGH'T Hott: Johnny C111on. Gueat1: Marltyn Horne, Glen Cempbtlf •111 MCHIWI NIGH'TUNI • MOVlil * * * "Oddt Ag11n1t Tomorrow" (1859) HINY ~. 8Nlley Wlnt-Aadel prejudice ,....,. lnlCft9 the rnemberl o4 I tlflt ~ I blQ Nnk .... ·T'HI~ Choroe ..... •tr-...... kid. • lOVI, AMINCAH Im.a "love And Tb• lpenctthftlt" I "low And The Cor'ft"t11or1" • CA"10HE> MC NIWI (Q)MOVll . • • "looker" ( ttl t) Albtrt Finney, J1m11 Cotlum. The rnytttriout cMettle of • ..,... of~ lfN lftOdlll fnV04wcl In I -IMMnlelflt ptOjeet -blelMCI on tne P4eltto -oeon wno oPW•i.d on tp'll 'l'O' ~ fQl'\NCI: LOYI IN T'HICMm '~ **"' "Mo!MW 0-.." (tMtl P'• ~.Oleo ,. '°"""°· P'Of111a ""' ... "°"' CtlMfcwd , ... '* 1WO tllllopted dllldrell . .. Drarrultk St-rlc•a: The· ob.)t>t'l of somti o f that tt.tnctt'rno11 Ill Verunlc·o HDmt•I (Joyt.'l' Oawnport) Wht•n 11t1e1 crlud or went throush c rt'\'r ~·rblls, w1• believed. And. wht-n aht• cuddlro up to Plu.o Mon In 1>00, It lookt'd like they were playlni for krep11. OuutandlnR Lead Actor In o Com<>dy Serh:a; Anothf'r dittl~·ull call. Alan Alda In "M·A·S·ll" la the wl1 -cracking medic who aomctlmes l<>ts u (1.Jcllng out. Judd Hfrsch In ''Tux.I " ~xpres.'k'H a few more emotlorui and Is our pick, although l lol Linden may get ltle sentimental vote bt..>cawe "Barney Mlllcr" ended Its long run. Outstanding Lead Actreu in a Comedy Serles: Carol Kane, who wlll be a regular this year on "Taxi," was better at her dlal,ACt than Andy Kaufman. and he invented the language. If she wlns, let's hope she says "Tank you bery much." .. TUBE TOPPERS KNXT (2) 9:00 -"Simon & Simon." A man falls t.o his death from his hs>tel window after being served divorce papers. KABC (7) 9:00 -"Blue Knight." William Holde n plays a Los Angeles policeman who must decide between staying on .the force or marrying the woman he loves. KNBC (4) 10:00 -"Hill Street Blues.'' A handgun used to kill a policeman turns out to be stolen from the department.--8ee- photo, left. KCET (28) 10:00 -"I Remember Harlem.'' Study of the colorful era that embraces the creation of a thriving music scene. In a ~tic llfTIOIC)here 11111 ...,... from tu:xunoua comtort to Ndlatle dlael- pllne 'PG' CZl MOVIE * * "RIChltd'a Thing•" (1981) Uv Ullmann. Aman- Oa Redm1n ·R' t 1:35 (C) MOVIE * ·~ "In PrelM Of Older Women" ( 1978) Tom Berenger, KlrM Bleetc. A Hunger11n lothlrlo r111nin- 1~ on 1111 put romantic: conqueet1. from hie flrll el tile eoe of 12 to his Ndue- llon of 1 l\OUNWlte II 30. 'R' 11:50 CID MOVIE * * ~ "Mommle °"'"'" pg81) Feye Dunewey, DI•· n1 SeltwlO Fortlel lllm stet Joan Crewford ,.,_ het two adopted ehlldren In I Oom.tlc; llmoephere t"-1 verlel from lu•utloul cornlor1 to ledlltlc dfed. pllne.. 'PO' 12.'00 8 EHTUTAIHUf.NT TONIGHT New eYldence '*1einlng 10 Metllyn Monroe's CIMtll 19•.umlned 8 MOVIE * • ,., "The Southern Ster" (1989) George Segll. UrlUll AnOr-A Min -Chai for I PflCeleM dlamonO In ho9M of win- ning the lleer1 of lhe -·· deughler • MOVIE * * * "The Paoer CheM" (1974) Timothy Bottoms. LtndN)' Wagner. A young law lludenl 11tempt1 to 1mpr ... • tyr1nnlcel pro. 1"80r whlle unwlltlflOly lelllng In io.... with Illa deughter m LOVE. AMIERICAH STY~ ''Lo .. And The Newtlcaa- tera" Two 1m1ll-town -.cut•• Ille for poal~ lion wllen they l6lrn thll they ere being rated 9 NEWS MOVIE * * "Alt The Marl>lee" ( 11181) "*ter Falk, Burt Young. A hualltng, wlM- et-*fnO meneger P\I"'- "" r.o letnlAI WI' .. , .... toward the top. 'R' • 12:30 D CB LA Tl HIQH'T WYTH DAVID LITTENMN GuMt St-Allen. • COUP\.U • LOVE. AMENCAN Im.a "Lo.. And The Ooet«'• Hoc leYfTIOOll" Kevin llnda that being m1rrled to a ~or can be lfuatrlllflo 1:00. MOVlil * * • "The S-9' Ur. Of Welt• Mitty" j 1147) 0.nny Keye, Vltglnle MIYO. A meek m111 bUrdened with dOmHtlc 11t1cllment1 coniur.. up lllualone Of himMlf II I hero. • MDVII ' **lit "Impact" (194t) Brl· 111 Oonlevy, Elle~ A .... -conotllved &>IOI by • wom.n Ind her Ptiremour 10 dlepoee of '* hvlt>and ~ 111 "eocldtni.t" CIMttl blekftr• ltonlcllfy lor the ~Pl* 1i0te (I) MOCl.OUD McClolld --• .. 10 ... °""*' etdell ll'ledl- Clne to ~lrlO ~ tfll Amenc:.n 00\lftttltt.. 1:1.~UOV. ** "Aeturn Of Ttle Or• OOll" (tl721 INol Lee. Chuc* Hottl9. A mertlll lr1I epen ~ fl'ont HOftO Korio 10 fllolM lo help• ltlenO wflO 11 In trou- ble with the mob 'R' (l}MOVIE •*'lo "Morocco" (1930) Gery Cooper. Marlene Dletrleh A women la forced to eh<>OM be1-n the wealth ano pos-. atons that one m1n ot1er1 and the 10,.. lhet anothet otter a 1:ao a s H8C NEWS OVERHIOHT fJ NEWS (C)MOVIE • •·~ "little D1rllng1" (1980) Tltum O'Neel. K11a- ty McNlctlol At aummer c1mp, twb teen-age glr•• compete 10 -wno wtll be the 11111 10 ION her vlrolni- ty. 'R' 2.0011) MOVIE • * ... "Tiie Trlel Of ClllP- lllln JenMn" ( 1976) J- Francttcua. Joennl MilN. A Chaplain In the N11'tY le cour1-mertlale0 tor edul- tery MOVIE • • ,_.. "Geluy Of Terr0t" (1981) EOWerd Alben. Erin Moren A ~P et- enGOU11t«1 a cotlf1e o4 frightening ellen et•tur• wllli. 1oc* Ing fOf lllOlher YMMI atrlndecl on• for- bidding planet 'R' DMOVIE • • "Melvin And Howetd" (19110) PtlJi LeMat, Juon Roberoa An other#IM unknown g11 llltlon •llendant cl1lm1 to be the rightful l\elr to Howetd HughH' bllllon 001111 nt1te.'R' · 2:06 (f:t) MOVIE • *'"' "Stuc!enl Bodies" (198 1) Kristen Riter, Matthew Goldsby. A hMyY·brHthlng l)tyd\ollc , kNler llelka the lun·lovlng students of 1 typlCll Amer· k:an high IChool. 'R' 2:30 e MOVIE • • ., "Twisted Br1ln" ( 1174) P•t CetOI, John Hiiand A torment.a teen- ager la dfl\len by forcea outllOe hi• eon1ro1 10 com- mit !rent.led llCll of ~­ der QIHEWS 2:38 8 NEWS 1:00 8 MOVIE - • • ·~ "81rblr)' Cout" (1936) Joel McCrH. EOWetd G. Rot>lneon. Rao 11g1111, 9embllng and boo&· Ing reign In Siil Franc:llCO In ,,.. 1800a (%) CHAALE1 CHAM PUN PRESENT& ... 3~8 MOVIE • *'" "One Touch Of llenua" P960) Ava Gardner, Robert Walk•. A window trimmer la 111rprllied when the atltue of Venue ~1n1 telklng lo him. S:10(C>MOVIE • • "The I.eat Giraffe" ( 1979) 8u1111 An1P8Ch, Simon Wwd The tnie 110- ry of Betty Ind Jodi lMlie-~. who tried 10 .. ._.I herd M Qlrlff .. 3:11 MOVIE * • "The Nine U-' Of ,rlu The Cat" ( 1974) Anl· meted Votc.e of SlllP Hin- nen!, A4tv1 AoM 'R' \uo• MDVII • * ·~ "A Qame Ot ONth" (tt4e) .JoM Loder. Auck~ long 8h~ victim• New serie •"t-rnundo Lamus ployw <:ae ar, o clost• r riend of Querry of 1n ltlend medmen IMlclng sex>r1 •nd piHIUfe [$)MOVIE • • • "The Hunter" ( 1979) Steve McOueen, Ell Wal- Itch. Relph "P1pe" Thor- . aon loads a d•n;eroua Ille al'...1 modern-dey bounty -hunter 'PG' 3:35 (.tfJ INSIDE THE NFL CohOlll Len Dewaon 1no Nick Buonlcontl preMnt hlghllght1 of the prevlou1 WNll'I PIO IOOll>lll llCtlon and•lntwvl-• with players and coeches 3:45 1,')MOVIE ** * "All N~hl ,long" ( 1961) Gene Hackmen, Barb,. Sir~ Alter being Oemoted from cor· porele uecuu-.. to chain- 11ore "iOht maneger, • mlddle-8Qecl man's 11fe- 11yte Ind vt.lun ere lurn.O upside-0-n 'R' 4:35 {It) MOVIE * • "Looker" ( t981J Albert Finney. J1mH Coburn The myalerlOua. deetna of • -1e1 of beeu· tlful model• lnvOlved In • new 1dvert11lng 'projeet ere blamecl on the plaatlc 1u1geon wno operated on them 'PG' 4:'5 (.Z) MOVIE • • "Penitentiary" ( 1980) Leon laaec Kennedy, Thommy Pollerd A young blec:k UNI his bOxlng 1111111 to survive In ptlaon 'R' Frida11'• Dayt l•t-.tf oe,i t-11 5:00 (t} •••• "Reehomon" ( 1950) M1chlto l(yo. T ot.hlro M1f\n>e Through I -• of nlahbecka. .,, eighth-century Jac>- WOOOC:Utter recount• hl1 ver'liOn ot I r~Cler 10 • BuOOhllt "''"' and • _.,anl 5: 15 • • "MY Champion" (1H1) Yoko Shimada, ~rll Motellum The true lloty of • female J.,,.,_ runnlnO Cllemplon It told .. * Y, "The H1Unllng • Of Ju111" ( 1977) Mia Fw· row, Keir OullM Aller recovering from 1n emo- tional c:rlsle, •woman pur· ChHll e l'JOUH 11111 to be haunted. 'R' 8:30 ~ ~ "Tiie OcllQon" (1980) ChuCk Norris, lee Van Cl611. A w .. ltlly young wom111 hires · • retired martlel arts cham- pion to Pl'Olect her trom twrorlata ttelned by the ~l•loua Ninja QUtt 'R' 7:00 U "Legend Of The Wild" 'PG' 1:00 Ct)•• 'II "Tribute" ( 1990) Jec lt Lemmon. Robby Benson An lrreeponalble Broedwey prHa 1gent ~Int to regret 1111 wutld Pie and Illa tenuous rell- tlonltlip with his orown son 'PO' 1:30 CZJ. •it "Serial" (1980) M1rtln Mull, Tuead•y Weld. A llepplly INITled Mll1n COUnty COl4>ll are e.purred by their trendy nelghbo<a Into ~Ing elt•nat~ Hf .. tylee 'R' 9~ tD • * ~ "The PIMw.e &.eiiere" (111861 Ann-Mer-grec, CerOI lynley Thr• young women looli tor loYe In Speln. 10,00 CC) * * "The 1'11111 Mulllet· _ .. ( 1979) Beau 8rfcloee, Uf'auta Andr .... O'ArtlQ· n1n Ind the Thr• MUMl· ••-• become Involved In 1nothet p11n to block the evll lntentlonl of the elnle- 111 Cardlnal Rlcllelleu again.t the Fl9nC:tl erlatoc- rllC')I. 'PO' ® ••~"Contract On Cherr)' Strfft" (1177) Frank Sinatra. Verni 8IOOftl A pofloernen CleY• .._ en unorthodox plan for bringing ~ to ;)':' •• "'the lldlMo -·h ( 1NI> Alen Ladd, Er~ lorgnlM Two men 8ClhetnlnO to lteel I fcMd ..,,_,. ~ up It • Mateen flel1L • * * "Solo" ( ttTI) Vln- oent Oii, Perrt Armetrong. A lier~ ltldtPeno.tlt At.1t1r11t•n WOlt\811 w"<I worll• M • IOtttt reno- _,,Robttrt Guvilon,' in rww NBC-TV Serie HGavilun" tu be telecast Tue day . becOIMt lnVOlved with • fire pllol 10:15 CZ)•** "Play II Al II l •y•" ( 1972) Tue1d1y Weld, Anthony Petldrll A former ec1r ... ~ Oltlllu110ned will! mar- riage, motherhood Ind Nie. 12:00 8 * "Lott Women" ( 1163) Jackie Coogan, RIChlrO Tr1Y11. A mad Id· e11t11t, transfers ln1ect quetltlea Into women guln- ea plg1, • G> • • "Sundown" (194 t) Gene Tlernty, Bruce Cebot. The Brllllh uncover Hui ec:tMtu Afr1ee with the help of• Eurulan girt (C) •••;."Urban Cow- l>Oy" (1980) John Travolte, 0.b<a Winger A ~ ,., wortcer wtlO tll'ldel hlmaelf • modern-d1y C-boy tells In loYe wllh 8 gtrt he .,._ti In I poQUlat country-eno--t•n bW. 'PG' ** "Looket"(lllllt) Albert Finney, Jeme• Coburn The myaterloul deltha of • series of beau· hlul modeta Involved In a new edvlfllslng ptOject 1re blamed on the platlc eurgeOl'O who opereted on them 'PG' 12:30 ~ftf '"Hild COt\Vect~ ( 1N9) J-Coburn, l• Remick A beeutlfut wom- an ceu-a hired l{lller to abandon hla pl1111 to com- mit 1 thlrd muroer. • • "The Pilot" ( 1980) Cllll Rober1eon. Oline Belier A pilot turn• to drinking to NClpe • the unh1Pp!Mu of hie mar- riage Ind the fru.tratlon of hl1car-'PG' Cl)•• "Hwry'a War" Edwerd Hemneon. Ger»- din. Pip'!. An •ver.oe Amer~'Oedar" -on the IRS. 'PG' 0 "Legend Of The WllO" 'PG' 1:30 **'I\ "The Looney, loon.y, Looney 8ug1 But>· ny MO\lle" (198 ti Anknet· ed v~ by Mel Blanc. June Forey New meter1ef II bMnOeo with otd In lhie cornpltatlon of duaic: Fnu Freleng "Looney Tun.." tHturlng Bug1. Dally Duell. Porl!y Pig. y_,,ite S1m, T-11 Pll end oth- er• from the eertOOll ..,.. 'G' 2:30 • • "Gree.eed light- ning" C 1977) Alcll1rd Pryor. 8Mu Bridgeil. All• World Wlr II. a lllll dffler bec:omea the nrst blllCltl chemplon 111 ttie hlltoty of the rece-c:er droutt. 'PO' 0 • ** "Hlgll Rltk" ( IH 1) J1mH Brolln, Cleevon llttle. A trlO of grMOy IHends plot the robbefy of I mlllon dollltl ll'om I South~ drug dealer. 'R' 3:00 (%) • * * ~ "The Men Who Would Be King" (1976) S11n Connery. Micheal Cline. BMecl on the lioty by Rudyard Klpl- lng T-Btlti.to IOldler'I Mt Out lo dllm the rlchN Ind power of • remote. ... ~ ~lnQdOITI-'PG' a:ao Ct) • • • .. JICk The Glint Kiiier" ( tH2> Kerwin Mii'-&. Judi Meredith. All• reteuing the klnO'• daugllter trom • ~ moneter, 1 youno t11m lld II rewlfded lof 1111 llero- llm. 4:00 D • "The Hero" ( 11189) Rlc;l!Jrd H1r1t11, Romy lkllnelder An aging IOClCer pl,.yer preperea lof hll llnll -la ot 'Jb'I. 4:30. * • "8811 ... lw Ollec:• tlc:a: Conqueal Of The E1rth" (19110) Lorn• o~. Kent McCord. The Olleetlee rMCt1N EM1tt Cloeely l)Ufauect by I OylOn ell~ force Intent on O..troylno the pllnel, 1:00 ('C) • * "The""" Mulll!lll-_ .. (1171) Beau ~ U.W11 ~ O'Mlf- nen and me Tine Muak· ...... beoome lnvolv9cl Ill IWl04Nr '*" to bloc* tN PA lntentlonl of the .,._ teJ C.rdln1I Rk:Nt~ ~ the Frtlfldl arlttoc- rer:y. 'PO' 1:30 CZ> • * ..... V.-..." (tt32) Mertent OllMcfl. C8fY Otani. WNfl I ""°""' en Mel to ~ '*""' Md'* oNld .... Mr ~ le II, her effot19 IMO to 111 llltclt tlttrlt. . by Armstrong a B•tluk &01 ~N ANP rNTl"'°"BW HIM fl'>~ Tl18 SCHOOL PAPJl'f ! • DI Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Thureday, September 1e, 1082 • • I , NeW'' illpower~'.Diet Tablet-'? 'I'hat Can Make Yu~ Skin11y in 45 Days.~. . · Everi H You Clleat!:!! . H ave you ever tried to lose weight? Then you know that it takes a miracle to reall y overcome a weight problem. And you've probably tried everything fr o m "st arva- tio n program s a nd p ainful exercises . to weight reduction c linics ". with little or n o results. If you are tired of the yo-yo effe ct and con cerned about your weight you may b e interested in a new "will power diet tablet" now being offered to the publ~c by The H ealth Energetic Corpo ration. This unique tablet was specifi y developed by a group of leadin utri tionists solely for the purpose of help ing people who have tried other methods without success but are very serio us about losing weight. It sh ould not be used by people who oniy need to l~se 5 · or 6 pounds or those who are not highly ·motivated. It cont ains a blend of ingre- . dients that, when taken as dire.cted, can · supercharge your energy leve1 and, at the same time, decrease your hunger. Why can these "willpower diet table ts" help you succeed when so many other systems h ave failed you ? Because, in a ·world full of gimmicks, it's a m ajor breakthrough. A weight loss plan that works on your hunger biologically and psychologically. This powerful combination of tablets is beir\.g sold with a weight reduction . program that h as been protected by U .S. copyright law. Together, these elements are so effective that the com- pany refuses to advertise the results! "Why should 17" says Leo Daboub, ' President of The Health Energetic Corr) "If I start telling people how they can · lose up to 7 pounds in the first 48 hours ' and then continue to blast off their ' excess body fat faster, even if they were lf running 14 mile·s every day, nobody would believe me anyway!" r I Therefore, instead of maki~g dramatic claims or empty promises like this, Mr. D aboub is offering a legally binding iron .. clad guarantee. The guarantee is simple. H ere is the way· it works. If you order the product and use it ao directed fo r a trial period of 45-days, you must be 100% satisfi ed wi th you'r rapid weight loss o r you ar e entitled to a refund of DOUBLE your entire pur- c h ase price. There are n o exceptions. This guar antee is _iro n -clad ~nd legally binding, regardless of your current weight-level o r ho w long you have been overweight. All that is required is that you follow th'e simple instructions and give the reductio n program an ho nest ch ance to work for the full trial perio d . However, becaus~ of the nature of this special offer, we can o nly . guarantee delivery to the readers of this publica- tion who respond within the n ext 10-days. After that, orders will be filed on a "first come first served" basis as long as supplies last. , Here is something else you should know. Even though The Energetic Weight Reduction tablets are q uite powerful and effective, they are 100% safe. They can be taken over pro longed periods of time. As a matter of fact, t h is is one of the very few diet aids that ~ U.S. government panel of medical and scientific experts approved as a!1 ·active -ingredient for appetite contro l and weight loss. Besides, it is not required to have a warning o n the label! But, more impo rta nt, Energetic Weight Reduct Lo n has worked wo nders for overweight people ... people who h ad given up all h ope of ever losing weight. And .it cari work fo r you t6o-as you watch the body of your dreams emerge. Now, with our reduction program, you can: • Burn away a maximum amo unt of fat in record time. • Look fantastic in clothes you only dreamed of wearing before. • Improve your self-image and self.·confidence. • Feel more energetic than ever as you dramatically transform your body. ~• Put an end to gnawing hunger pangs. -· .--------------------, .. ·. CAUTION : A s your weight begins to plumm~t down, you s~ould use your goo d ·judgment and not let yourself become too thin. It is very imtiortant to eat properly. Before starting any weight loss program you should consult your physician to be sure you are in normal health. Now then, as you m ight imagine , this is o n e diet t ablet that d oes no t come- ch eap. The price is $19. 95, and Califor- nia residents must add 6% ($1.20) for a total payment o f $21.15. However, if you are · serious about losing weight', you sho uld remember that this is the only diet product on the 1 market that is backed by a DOUBLE your mohey back guarantee! N o o ne else offers this guarantee. Weight Watch ers doesn't; Schick do~sn't; nor does Gloria Mar- sh all, Lindora, Nutri-System_s, o r any ot h e r g r o u p, pla n, book, or progra m ... But we at The H ealth Energetic Corpo ration do, because we know o ur program can work for you! It is easy to o rder. All you have to do is write your name and address, and the words "Willpower T ablets" on a piece~ paper and send it with $2 1.15 to: The Health Energetic Corp. De pt. C-68 1011 Brioso Dr. #107 · .. Costa Mesa, CA 9262 7 That's all there is to it. Yo ur order will be se nt promptly by return mail. By the ~ .. .lf you prefer, you can dial (714) 548-227.1 and charge your. o rder to your credit card. Just giye the girl who answers the number and expiration date of your card and tell her you are respon- ding to "offer 1011" in the Orange Coast Pilot. P.S .... lf you live in or near c;osta Mesa, feel free to come to the address above during normal working hours and purchase your tablets ~irect, r ight over the counter. (Brioso Dr. is located off Whittier betwe,en 17th & 18th just West of Placentia Ave.) ' •• Orange Co II DAILY PILOT/Thuraday1 Sept1mbtr 18, 198% t THE t',\MILt' c1ac1:1 by 8 11 Keane "Mommy's in the closet with the telephone." MARMADt:KE by Brad Anderson "I think you'd better increase his bone allowance for fetching th~ papers." ACROSS 1 PipalnarM S Ai the peak 9 "Welled _, .. 14 Allan coin 15 l.tarning 18 lnt4'1ity 170rtwup lnlW 19 Oak lrllft 62 8loclc 64 Blond lhede 65 Ventrll 67 Barrel plent 70 Range pony 71 Green• 72 En19ty 73 Out of line 74 Lii 11 ttlnd • 75 Encounttt 20 Ash bUktl DOWN 2 HOOi 1 Ory out 23 Otnu 2 End of -24 Mott MWft _, WEDNEIOA Y'I PWZl.l IOl YED 27 ftlgnt 3 Comprthtnd ~ioP.f .. ~· lli!'P+'!'~ 29 Stl)ar1ttd 4 T11111 city • 31 Kind of 1101t1t II Hltdlcoc:il, to ~~ 35 Ant• pell 37 Wf9netlet e Intent 30 Ptey 48 Untwrl 3t £11Y11t 7 lode con. 32 A-one 51 Ptrlomied ------40 Wlnglllit lentl 33 Cont!Nnl -S3 &.!feet' 47lliilde 8 Foot control 34 ~tlYt county . 44 8eatbll'a ' ' t Chlllc:t 3S EnQllth 65 F....,_. Sptlktr 10 Auto arta ape STU S eymbOI 45 Dodftnl 11 Sllortly at "WlltlnO for SI 8U91tY 41,....., looll 12 -moMY tilt Robtft 5t Deel .. eonwttd 13 P... --" 80 Center NM 90 ~ II ltlgllt 31 Mia• e 1 Nlctffatt N Nolll'I fOll 22 Steel 41 Con_,OI 13 Fout 14 ""°°" 211 FOOlpeet 43 l&rlllt ee Cet1tt eound It...._ 2t Duclt 4f Footblll'e M Aett· Sp .. 0.... "LIP" ... -• Cuddle . . BIG GEORGE by V1rg 1I Partch (VIP) I f -•C. "H1'111tlng his up1ld1 down c1k1." Hank Ketchum ~THIS'LL KEEP ME F~ SINKIN1 IN O\SE l GET A CJWAf' IN MY LEG ! ~ . by Jim Dayis I PON"T UN"Ef(~TANP VOU, GARFIELP ,....;..~ PEANUT Met, 816 eROTMER!COME ON OVJ, AND PV5M ME IN 1 HE SWIN6 ! TUMBLE• Et:D8 SHOE PUFF---PUFF--·THIS 15 HEAVY---YOU SURE PACKED US A BIG PICNIC GORDO DEFINE 1HE FOl.LOWIN6 : i ' I ! DRJ\BBLE • by Charles M. Schull --------. by. Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly IT ISNT SO --JUST TWO TV DINNERS ANO MUCH---SOME FIREWOOD (I.) FA'THER>OOO o---.,._, .... by Gus Arreola by George Lemont eu-r WHA-r HAS SHE: 601"' "f'HA-r :X: HAVSN'-r Go-r, SH, M: I t:>PO ?! by Lynn Johnston WHO'? • I Orange Co It OAlLY PILOT/Jhurld y, S•Pt.ember~1 DI MllC NC>TICI M.IC HOH Mt.IC fl>flCC Mt.IC NOTIC( '*IC NOTICC NMIC NOTICC NOTICI 10 C"IOITC>ftt --;ICTITIOUI .Ul lNlti Y·weae CW IUl.• T"4Hlll" MAMI lfATIMCNf *'Tte• OI' T9t\llRl 'I IALI OC .. I" NOllCt OP tMIBTH'I e ALI PICTITIOUl IU ... 81 'IClffl<Nt M.il•H TMltfU IA&.a MO. aMtt,A MOTICI CW TRUITWI I ALI T NO.,.._ ....... ITATIMl,Nf NAMI I U T'IMmlff .....,_ , ..... IGI Null. •It llallll•y gi~ .. 1 1"411 • i.11tt. tr .. ICllluwlllO ,,.,_. 11111 "''~ 4--, .. 11 .. 1.i., tt •bO<il to 1)41mac11111111 t11rt1-n "°" AN•DllAUL.T UNOMA llOll•Onat l)IU(;411ty U.arnbeQ ltwlt~ <.Oll Lor VI w I t IO 0111\' OllO °' lfWIT OAYIO AUOUIT ... ..... HrAITAQf COMPANY UC.now fh• t0Howh1g pe1aon 11 dotng lh4t lt.llowlng P«M!ll ... oo.ng NOflCI 0 ' DI PAUL T A•D •ou,,.,. .. OIJ~T uema• .. 8(.RYICU INC •• llUly appi;l11t•fl t>u•lnttl" bu11t1..... WCflON Ol.IDOP11WITDARDNl!!!J TtlltlH lllldar lhe lolfowlnO DACK •AV 1N1tRNAltONAI. LIOO l ANOSC..APE lHH' TOUU.UNDlltO(IOM TIIU9T 11141 111m111 ani.I b1111nOH •dUrH• WNcombe, 000 Ntw11u11 C1111t11r 11..i •H 1, IJNLlll 'rOU TAlll ut th1 1t1t111ll11d ll•11•terur 11 Ortve, 01111• er.o Nawport tlHOh, AwflOlll TO '"OTICT Vou" llUWAliO Wfl ltl and PA 1 fHCIA A "'°""n· IT,. •• II IOLD AT A WLllS 3147 f Cout 111gh11<ty GAflY Wf8COMllC, 6110. PVklC IALI. II' YO\I NllD AN t•.UNL1H YOUTA)(IAC1iv.. Ot ttilbtQ°"'1ollrl'•tWIU 8t!.l MAM I< ltN G ltACIC BAY M11111r 8111111 Coelt MUii, !Mt'OWTAllff'fO'nCI TO '"OTICT 'fOUA PAon•ITY, Al ''UILIC AUC TION TO Ht• WATCtl I. MOIORPAINlS :107 Catllornla 02027 II' VOIM PttONJn'V IB .. IT MAY II IOU» Al A PUii.iC HIOllltJf DIDDf'A fOfl CA8H lltt.ll lt•••t. lull• 60&, Ntwport A1114'l1to LtOnt Ill ""'• f'O"ICLOIU"I l lCAU81 YOV IALI . ''YOU MllD ~N (pt yaOlt 11time 01 •••t In l1wlul O.ac.h.CahlornlaO'eeo Miner 811e11 Co111 Me11 AM COiona d ... M., Ctllt0rrrta ' Newport c .. 1111 OflYt. 81101 •50 IXPLANATlON Ofl J HI NATUftS Tti. 111.ne eou 1>ua111 .. a ..actr ... Newport ..V.. CA t2000 OP 1'MI P"OCl l OINO AOAlklT a t Iha 111111ndtt1 1t111a1111111 ,, JACK OLDHAM MO N9wpot1 YOU, YOU ... ()UY) CONTACT A AOBEAT A o~oorN 104:1 ~OUUI C.t rtlt f D11v11,8ullt 1110. Nt ... pOll LAWYI". C:oaat H1gnw1y, l •011111 Bu~h. BHc.h, CA 01MO On Ill• 1!1111 Oly OI OGtob«, 11182, C1111torn11 "41K{ Ml'Y R. UCIO NtWPOll ti Iha hour 01 110011m.111lhe411h The OrOporty lo !>¥ lr•r11l•rrttl 1, C•nla1 Ortvt, Sufi• 8110, Nt*POll 81rNI tflllt/'Ce Of 11141 new Covnty dttclll.Hl(j '" 11•11•1111 .. All Of 11\t Beach, CA 02600 Cou1tllOuH, toc•t•d II 700 CMo l lOCk In traO•. mer4'hllndl••. PAUi. PFElFFEAI &60 NtwllOll Cent., Ofr.,,. W .. t. 10ff1141(fy knowll t uppllH. ll•luro. 1qu1pm,111 Center Drive. Suttt 850 N9WPOrl H 700 w .. 1 ltll StrMI, llllutltO If\ tOO<lwlU a.no 11.Ut ol lhtl ~larn ~. CA 02NO I h . c 11 r 0 I a. n I I An.' flutln ... known 11 WULS~UP(A ST AN SOLOMON, 6eO N..-por1 County of OranoeJ e 111e ol MARKCT Said prOPtrlY It C11r11111 OrlYt , Sunt 850 NtWQOtl Ctlllornla . CO NTINEN T A L IOClltd ., 3347 EUI Cont ,h, CA 1120«> AUltlt.t,.RY COMPANY,. C•lllO<nNI l-l10hw1y, Corona del Mar. Callloml• Al WAN AM AK ri R, 8 0 0 corp0t1tlon. H Tr11tlM 11ndtr Dead 92~25, Or11nr Coun1y N11wpor1 Cantet 011ve. Su110 860. 01 T11111 ~•ltd Augutt :i'8, 1118~. Said Dul tronaler 11 to be Newport Beach, CA 02660 ••!Kul•d by George KOl()iltl 11no c; on• u ro m • 1 td on nr • 11 er OERALD I en AMMr 22~ Lu1t1t11• K~hel. wno 111 marrl4td Stp1emoe1 30 1982111 the olhc;• 01 Broadway, Sune 1 tS!! S•n Ot11go 10 OCh otlltr, •nd rtcord•d on end c111m1 may be 11100 w1111 SEA CA 9210 t Sll)t 16, IH t, H lnttrumtf>I No COUNTRY ESCROW 301.l 1 Town LOUIS MALONE S00 Newl>Of"I 17910. In 8ooll 142111, Ptogt 1283 ol Center Drive. Suite 107, ltguna Cent., D11ve, Sull11 '00 Newport Otfitll!I Rte:orda. Cou1'1y ot Orange. Niguel, Calrt 92677 Bectch, CA 112660 C11111orn1e, given 10 H cure 1n Thi THIS BULK TRANSFER IS RICHARD 01.0tlAM , 1417 lndcOltdneH In favor of Bank ol SUBJECT TO SEC 6101 ot 1he l<rnoebury Drive Nuh111t1e Amorl<laNallon•ITruat and Savtno• UNIFORM COMMERCIAL CODE Tennessee 37215 AHOGIGtlon •• nation .. O•nklno BULK TRANSFER • MARK HEMPHILl. 4204 s •UOCl .. lon, by reaaon ot 11141 breoefl The IUI dale fOI llllng GleJms 11 Stpulv601 Blvd , C11l11t1 Cfly. CA OI the ObllO"iOtlt MlC11rtd lllertb)', Stptemt>er 30. 108' 80230 notl<le ot whl<lh wH rte:ordtd on So tar es i.nown 10 111<11 1n1end&CJ OENNIS G TYLER 4000 J11nt 2, 11182, h tnatrumont No 1r1nalo1ee, l/'te 1nteno"° tran.fero1 MtcArthur•BIYd. 8ull11 1000. 82·188613 In 01114'1•1 Record• OI llHd the 1011ow1ng eddlllunal Newpan Beech, CA 112660 11110 Orange Coo111y, and m&t then oualnen namH and 1ddresses A L/<+I H WLE N EA 4000 three montna heva 1l11p1td •Inca within the three years 1as1 past MacArlhur 9111d . Sullo 1000, such recorc:h1llon. wilt 11811 at public GENl;'S MARKET. 1080 8 Co11s1 Nt1wpo11 Becach. CA 02ll60 auction IO the hlghall bid~ tor Highway, Laguna Beach. California This 1>us1neS1 19 conduct&CJ by a c11h or • ca!lhlar'a chklt dra Ol\ P11Dllshtd Orange Coast Cally general partn11rshlp • state or nallon•I benlt, • s at• or Piiot Sep1 16 11182 Alan H w 1e11er. Gen flldeftl credit union or • tttlt or .-112-82 Part lederat n11tngs and loan H aocl111ton POOLIC NOTICE Th•s st1temen1 waa ltlecJ with tho dOm14'1ted rn lhlS lllMI, (payable 111 County Cterk ol.Orallge County on time ot Hie 111 lawful money of the September 15 1082 Ur>t!ed Slates of Am11tlc1t wlll\out HARBOR ORANGE COUNTY F1974412 covenant or warranty, uprau or MUNICIPAL COURT l aw OfflcH mplled, H 10 title. ponenlon 01 44!01 Jamboftt 8oultv11rd. KINDEL a AHDEl'80N ancumbrancu. tht lnlartal P.O. Boa 2510 4000 Mec:Arlhur Blvd. i;onveyeo lo end now held by the Ne w p ort B each, C t lllornl• Tenth Fi-H id lruatee under H id Deed of 12M0-1M7 ... wpon lktKh. CA l2MO Trull, in and 10 lht lollowlng PLAINTIFF DAVID WARREN en Published Orange Cout Dally described propefly anuattd tn th• 1nd!YldueJ doing bualncss 11s DAVID P1101, Sept 16. 23. 30. Oct 7, 11182 County oJ Orange, S t tie of WARREN &·ASSOCIATES 4105-82 Calllornl1. to wit DEFENDANT· Al RABALAIS tsnO Loi 186 of Tract No. 7100, lrl the DOES l· tO. lnclutlve City 01 ''"''"•· County ol Orange. 8UMMOffa Ml.IC NOTIGL State 01 Cellfornla, es tllown on a c ... Numbtf 54"53 map re<:ordod In bOOk 324. pages NOTICE! You hne Men au.cl. FICTITIOUS eU81NESS 44 to 48. 1nc:k.tSlve of mltcetfaneoue Titt ..ourt may dtc:lde tt•ln1t you NAME STATEMENT maps, In the ofl1ce ot the county •lthoul your being heard unltH The lottowing 1>8•tonl are dOlng recorder ol said county 1ou rHpond within 30 d•y•. f'•td business 85 Eitc;epllng 1~erelrom 111 ort, otl BOX SPRINGS COMPANY, 765 1 hi i t I tht lnlOf'm•llon btlow. Baker Street, Coll• Men, Ce. r g a, m nera •· miner• rlghll, II you wish 10 !leek the ad111ca ot 112626. n1111ral OH rlghl•. •nd other an 11110,ney In thrs matter. you hydroc111bons by whalSO.Y8f' name •llOuld do so p1omplly au lhat your PROGRAM· t972• 765 Bakllr Street, llnown that may be within or 11ndt1 osta Mau. CA 92826 h t written response. 11 any. may be 0 LyMP1 A 1 NV EST M EN T t e p1rce1 o land her11ln1b0Ye Iliad on lime. de1Crlbed together with the A y t S 0 I U t 1 t d h • a Id o OMPANY, 765 Beker Street perpetual right OI dtllllng, mining, dtmtndedo. El-lrlbun el pued• oata Mesa. CA 9262& eitploruig end operating therefor dtc:ldlr contra Ud. etn •udlt ncle 1 Thia l>uJiness 15 conducted by 1 and 11orlng tn and removing the mtno• qut Ud. rH poncle denlro eneral partnership same lrom Sllld land or 1ny other de 30 die'" LH 11 lnlormec:lon qua l E 1nd us11 1 81 lllnd, 1nct11d1no the right lo ,10~ Pro0ram· 1972 whlpalock or dlrec:llonally drlll end S llnkletter Properties, 1 1 1 d h h h 1 usred desea sollc:11ar el G P mnt rom en 1 01 .. er ten I ose :onse10 de un abogado en este en art J k D J 11 heremebove desetlbed, oll or gas 5 au n 1 o. deb er 1 e ha c e, Io ac en ins well•. tunnels and aha Ila Into, nm.cllatamenta. de asta manera. Tnrs statement wu lilcd with !he thlCNgh or ec:rosa the tubllu"-Of w r~ta tse:t111, st hay Blgune aunty Clerk 01 Orange Covnry on tne lend herernabo.,,e descr1bod. C>Yede .., reg1str1d1 e llempa Septemlte• 8. l982 and to bouom such whll)1t0«ked or I TO THE DEFENDANT A clllll F1ll707$ dtreGllonally drtlltd well•. lunntll :.omplalnl nu been tlled oy the Published Oran~• Coasi Dally and •hafts under and btne1th 01 pt1lntlll aglllnst ou 11 yoo wish to Pilot. Sept l6, 23, 0, Oc;t 7 • l.982 beyond the e•tttlor llmll• thereof, :lefend this lawsuit. yoo must. within 4107·82 and 10 redrlll, retunnal, ,.quip, 30 dtyl tl!er lhla summons la mtlnltrn, repair. d•tptn and ,.,.,,eo on you. 111e..w11n tnrs cour1 • Ml.IC NOTICE oper11e tny auell w•ll• or mines Nrlllen response to 1he c:orni>la1n1 without hOW8'1ef, IM rig.ht to drtll, Jntess you do so. your default will FICTITIOUS BU81NJ88 mint ttort. explore lhd operate oe entered on appllce11on of tne NAME STATEMElfT through the surtece of th• upper :>l1int1tf, and 11111 court may enter a The following person 1s doing 500 ffft 01 the svbsurlace ol Iha tuagment against you for the rellet ouslness as land here1nabove aeacrtbed. as demanded 1n !he complaint, wn1ch SASINI, 293 l·J Grace Lana, reserved tn Iha deed trom lht lrvlne ~outd result In garnishment ot Cosll Mesa. CA 92626 Company, a Wtal Virginia Ntges. laking of money or property RICHARD L JACKSON JR :orpor111on, recorded Augutl 7. or othcr relief 1equested In the INC • a Calllorn1a corportllon 11175 In Book 11477, Page 14 ot ::omplalnt 2113 l·J Grac;e Lane Coste Mm Olllclal Record• The addrtH or DA TED August 10 1982 CA 92626 othef common dealgnetforl, If any. J Pe1ep1on Th11 business 1s conauc1ec1 by• ot th• re11 property d111crlbtd Cieri< c&roorallon •bOYt I• purpor1ed lo oe: 3782 Fern By: o M1lleson1. Ric;hard L Jac;kaon Jt Street, Irvine. Callfornlt, tile Deputy inc underlllgnad TruatM dl9Clltlm1 lllY DAYID WARREN & A880CIATE8 RlcharcJ L Jac~son, rtabllllty for any lnQOfrec1neu of tile 11711 .-.OArthur lloulevetd, Pres • d d r • • • or o I h • r common Sullt MS This 11a1ement was hleo w11n ,,,. O-OnttH>n. II •ny thown h«lln P.O. Boa 195e3 County Clet~ 01 Ofange C<>unty on 11 tht ator6Mtd properly hu no '"''"'· Cellfoml• 1271:t-ISU September 1•. 1982 "'"' 1ddress or other ,i;ommon Ttl; (114) .,s-1111 f 1'1MI deslgnatkln, dlrtctlona u lo hoW lo Published Orang• Coast Daily Published Orange Cout Dilly toc•ll 111oh properly m1y be Pilot, Sept. 16, 23. 30. Oct 7. 1982 Pilot Sept 16, 23. 30 Oct 7. 198? obtained lrom lhe Benell<llary under HQ6·82 4048·82 said Oetd ot Tr111t, at whose DIATH NDTICIS . DUNCAN HUMMEL AGNES M . DUNCAN. OONALD M HUMMEL resident of Costa Mesa. Ca · . • Passed away on September a Leisure W orld Resident. 13, 1982. Survived by her passed away on at a local loving husband Clifton B. hospital ~n Sep~ember 12, Duncan, sons Wilham R 1982 H e IS sWVtved by ~IS Smith , Chhon. a Duncan, wife . ~llowene. M em orial Jr and Clarence J G services wtll b e at the · • Neighborhood Con-Duncan, daughters ~bara o eoa tlonal Chu r c h o f C . Barnell and Linda J .,r " Smith sisters Adel18 Barker Laguna Beach on Thursday, Le n 'a H u 'n 1 er. 1 4 September 16, 1982 at grandchildren and 16 great-2.00PM with Rev Jack grandchildren. Sel'Vlces wiU Reynolds offic1aung Pnvate be h eld on Saturday i nterment w 1ll be at Loch Septembe r 18. 1982 at Cemc;ter y . Lodi. Ca. Ray l :OOPM at Pac 1C1c View Family , 1;-aguna Beach Chapel Friencb may call at M ortuary directors . D'AGOSTINO teqllffl tile sale " 10 oe COtldue;ted. purauant to 11 written requtal submitted, wllhln 18'1 d1y1 from tM llrat publlceuon of this Notte•. to such B11net1c1ary at th• lollowlng addrua BANK OF AMERICA NATIONAL TRUST AND SAVINGS ASSOCIATION , LO AN ADJUSTMENT DEPARTMENT NO 4327. FORECLOSURE SECTION. 45 SOUTH HUDSON AVENUE, PASADENA, CALIFORNIA 111101 The unpaiO bllllo<:e of the nort ,.c;vred Oy aaJd Deed of Trust. with .ntt<ffl thereon. as provided In saJd note. 1d11ancas. II any. under the terms ot said Deed of Trust. Including feta, c;h1rgea and e•oen-01 the TrullM. u 01 ,,,. date ot the 1n11111 pobltc;atforl of Iha Nollet of Sile. to wtl 1103.1147.3•. 01ted September 10. 11182 CONTINENTAL AUXILIARY COMPANY 45 s. Hucl8oft Ava. Ith Fl. Pa~. CA t 1101 Jotn C. Ct1111 Ea..omclo Agent (213) m-te»O Publlahtd Orange COHI Dally Pilot Sepl 16. 23. 30. 1982 4100-8' the mor tuary on Friday. CHARLES D 'AGOS - September 17, 1982 from TINO r eside nt of D1m1tCNOTICE 4 :00P M t o 9 OOP M ' n1Du Interment at Pacific View Costa M esa: Ca. Passed aw ay LEGAL HOTICI M emorial Park. Pacific View in Phoenix, Arizona o _n NOTICE OF APPUCATION '0" M ortuary . Newport Beach September 14, 1982. H e IS RELOC A TION oir NEWPORT d irectors. survived by h11 wife HARBOUR NATIONAL BAHIC ------------Tomasi ta, son John and T" U • f DIP A" TM I NT. d h d Di ~CATIOM N0 .12•1M 7..ot7, aug ters Nancy an ·a.ne Nottttellton 11 hlftb)' given lhlll D'Agosttno. Recit.auon of the Newport Hatbour N•t1on1t B1nk °" R osar y will be held o n 23'4 Eu1 coast Htghw1y. N9WPOrt Thursday. September 16, &each, Catilomlt 92080. hH filed I 9 8 2 at 7 : O'O p M a t l he en apptlclltton wl111 lhe Complrolle< H a rbor L awn M emorl.81 ol the Currency on Sepltmbef 2. 11182, u apecllltd In 12 CFR 15. In Cha pel . Mass o f the tht Comptroller's M1nuet lor Resurrection will be held on Natlonll 8ank•. ror permltelon to ••f'LANAT10N Of' , ... 11161'\Hlll MOllllY Of lht United ••• ,... ... i11omu l'dmund Wooc.t. 303 Cetrloml• 1n821 UHINO IN YOUtl 'AY•""··" Ofl , .. HIOCllOl•O AOAINIT 1to111 Ill .. encl"''*'••• Cl)n~td to B•y VllW ''""*· Coll• MtH, .loMl;tl E Mod••· ,. Walnut MAY .. ·~o W11"0Uf ANY YOU, YOU l "°""D CONTACT A 11\0 now !Miid by II ull\Jtf Hid OMd C8"1of11l1 t2(127 811t111 Cotta Mau C111lornl1 CCXMT ACTION LAWYl.A. Of''""' In"'' Ploc>e'llY ller•n•fl•t lilt• butlneU .. COtlO\X.ltc.l lly.,. 02627 AND YOU MAY H AVC THC On OCIObtr I . 11112. II 11 00 d-lbed 11\dMdual 11\l~llntN It CQ110u<;t.a by • lCGAL RIO~n TO UAINO YOUR • m . Vl!RDUOO ,ll!RV ICI! TRUIJTOf\ JOHN w FICI<.. Thoma• E W()()(j g-11rp1111111111hlp . ACCOUNTIN 00008TANDINQOY CORPORATION •• C1lllornl1 mertled mall lhl• 1l1tarnen1 WH flttc.1 With"" Anac.leto Ltor)t 111 PAYING All OF YOUR PAil DUI corpor111 on ••• duly •PPOlnttd 8 N I ICIAAY llYl!LYN ASTI •• County Clerk of Otll.gf Covrlly on Tni• lllltmMll WH frltd wtlh ·~ l'AYMENU PLUS lt[RMllTEO ltJJtlt1 under and purau1nt to widow end DARLENE DUNN, 11 Augull 30, 188? County Cltlk 01 Orange Counly Oii COSTS ANO EltPfNBC.8 WITHIN DMd OI Ttual rec:orded S.Otenlbet '""'~woman ... to1n1 lttllllt• 111"407 A11ou•• 30 1118:1 THREE MONTHS FROM THE OATr 10. llMIO •• lnttr No 121~3, boo« Recorded Augutt 27 1HO H l'Ublllhea Or1ngt CoH I Delly ,1M402 THIS N0f1Cf OF DEFAUL l W"'9 13731, p1g e 141. of Olllcl•I tntlr No 33880. 111 OOOk 1'7 ti. Prtot, &apt 2 11, 18, 23. 11192 Publllhtd Or•11g11 COHI Delly RECORDED fHIS AMOUNT 18 Recorde, tll8Wlad by NEWPORl P41Q8 1223 ol Offlel•I RtCO•O• In lht 38~ 82 Piiot Sept 2 II, 10, ~3. 1082 $30,1110 47, AS Of AUGUST 23, p A fl T N r; Rs HI p . A 0 t 11 t,., ofllC• ol tho RtcOtOlll •f 01 ..... ------------3850-!> 11182, ANO Will INCR!ASE UNTii. P11trie•t11lp, U lru11or, In tllt Olficif County, H id dteO Of trv•1 <J.Utlb4M Pll!lJC. NOTlCE -YOUR ACCOUN T SECOM 18 of 1111 COYmy Raco1uer ol 010119e tile tol1ow1ng f)rOPtrty PlMl.rC NOTICE CURAl!NT VOU MAY HOT HAVfi County. Stitt of C1llforn11. WILL Loi 52 or tract NO 0083. tn tlle FICTITIOUS BUSINHB TO PAY THE ENTIRE UNP.\ID SELL AT PUBLIC AUCTJON TO City ol Irvine, •• pet m•ii recorded NAMC ITATUffNf FICTrTIOUI BU8U.1!81 PORTION OF YOUR ACCOUNl. HIGHEST BIDDER FOA C ASH In book 281, p1go 23 to 2G The following Ptrton la doing NAMI ITATIMU CJ EVfN THOUGH FULL PAYliAENT IP•Y•ble II time of .. ,, In lawful 1nctulliv• ol rn1aoetlaneou1 m11pa. 1n b\dlr\ffa u Th• lollowlng P••aon It doing WAS D(MAN0£D. BUT YOU M08l money ol the United StatM) at the tht otttce ot t~ counly •tCOrdtt ol HOUSECAl.l. &2fl Vtctorte l>Ualntllt ti PAY TH' AMOUNT STA TEO ll'llrancie (&Olllh) to Ot•nii• County Hid county St•HI. Sult• 0211, Cp111 MIH. THE COUNTRY HlAOITIO"i_, ABOVE. old CounhouM, Clly Of S•nl1 Ana. YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNOER A CaHfOrnla 112627 • 274 Bowling Green Drive. Cotti AnER THREE MONTHS rROM C1lllornta, 111 rtoht, Utlt •nd lnt8fOll OE~D or TOUST OATED JUNE 1, Donald 0 J11c1t.aon. 62tl MtH, CA 112628. THE OATE OF RECORDArtON 01" conveyed 10 1na now held by It 1g80 UNl.ESS YOU TAKE ACTION Victoria 8troel. Sull• 020. Co•t• MARTHA JEAN TIETGEN 274 T'11S DOCUMENT, WHICH DATE 1111d11r Hid Dffd of Tru1t In lht f O PROTECT YOUR PROPERTY, IT M ... , Celllornt11112027 Bowllng GrHn OrlYt. Coell Mtu , OF RECOAOATION A PPEARS prQRarty allua.ted In ulO County MAY SE SOLD AT A PUBLIC SALE Thia l>llllneN la conducllCI by an CA 1121520 H ERE 0 N U N LESS 'T HE and' St t it dMCrlbld H lF YOU NEED AN EXPLANATION lndlylduat Thia bullnfllt II conducted by In 0 B l I Q A T I 0 N & E t N Q Lot 7 of Tract No llOO, In lllt OF THE NA TURE 0 F THE Donald D. J11Ckton 1norvldu1t FORECLOSED UPON PERMITS A count y of Orange. llllt of PROCEEDING AGAINST YOU, YOU fhlt llltement was 11141<1 wllh t1141 "4trlht Jean TletQto LONGER PERIOD. YOU HAVI! C1.lllornl11, u par map recorded In SHOULD CONTACT A LAWYER County Clttk ot Orange County on lll1I atlttmtnl wu filed whn tht ONL y 1HE LEGAL RIGHT TO STOP bOOlt. 4, P•g•• t I and 12 of Str .. I tddreu ot above. 19471 A11gu11 30, 1982. County Ctork of Otano• County on HE FORECLOSURE BY f>.AYING MIMltllaneoua MllPI. In the office ot Sler111 ~ago Street, trvlnt, CA F11M01 Auou•t 1r, 1082 HE ENTIRE AMOUNt 0.f.MANDED lht CO<Jnty Recorder ot aald county "(II a 1lree1 addreH or aomrnon Publlahed Orange Coatt 01rly '115571 BY YOUR CREDITOR. end llatt ol Catlfomll dHlgnallon 11 ahown 1bo./t no Pitol, Sept 2, II, 16. 23. 1082 Publl•hed Ora11ge Coast Dally TO FINO OUT THE AMOUNT Tht atrtet eddrHt and ofhtr warranty ta given 11 10 111 34140·62 Pilot Sept II, 16,23,30.1982 YOU MUSTPAY,ORTOARRANGE COl'l\mon deSlgntllon, II any, or the compteteneas or correcnnesa)' ----PtJBl--f-C_NO_T_IC-1----1 3964·82 FOR PAYMENT TO STOP THE •••I property dtactlt>ld 10ove It The beneficiary und ..... Id Deed L C FORECLOSURE, OR IF YOUR purported l o bt 2328 Newport ol Trull, by reason ot 1 oreacn Ot FICTITIOUS BUl lHHS PUBll NOTICE PRpPERTY tS IN FORECLOSURE BIYd •Colla M eat. Celllornla dllftull In Ille ObliglllOnt aecu1ed NAME aTAf'EMIEHT 9TAfEM£NT OF WITHDRAWAL FO~ ANY OTHER REASON, 92026 theret>y, hetetolore t~tcultd end The followtng peraona are dolny FROM PARTNERI HIP OPE."ATINO CONTACT The 11ndet1lgnad Tru11111t d•llvered to the undaralgned 8 butlneHH UNDER ANNA M ARIE M URPHY dl1cl1lm1 1ny tlttOlllty tor any written 0ec1arellor1 ol O.tautt arid IA) COS OF CALIFORNIA. (BJ flCTITIOU-BU81NE419 HAMl 801366·0 . clo WESTEllN LOAN 1ncio11ec1na1a oltllo •lreet lddreat Demand tor Sale, and wrlllen not lea c A s E S" E R v 1 C E T n • follow 1 ng P 11r 10 n 11,. SERVICES. 1130 1 W Ol YMPIC and other common deston•tlon, 11 ol breach and of ti\ectlon to tauae R E P A E S fi N T A T I v E S • t C I wllhd•twn Ha gtnarll partner t om B L V 0 • l 0 S A N G E l E S • any, tllownllereln the under11gned 10 Hit Slld EAOLEWING ADJUSTING lhepttlnerthlp.oc>llfallngunderrlhe CALIFORNIAll0064 (2!3)820-0711 Seid tale will Oii made, Out ptOl)Cl(ty t<raatlsly H id obl1g111on1, C 0 M P ANY . I 2 2 3 5 B tech lrcl1lious business name ot JBS IF YOU HAVE ANY QUESTIONS. without covenant or w11rren1y, and lh••Hller lhe undtrelgned BootevaJd, Sta.nton, CA 90600 JNVESTMENTS 11 4000 MacArthllr '[1~YE8nHgRu'if;E ~OO~ETR~CMTEN~ eaprest O< 1mptled. regarding tllle, cauMd .. ldnot1etol 1>1111chandof CLAIMS ADMINISTRATION Blvd, Suite 470, Newport Beach. •GENCY WHICH u a y HAVE PO ... Hlon. or enwmbrancta, to election lo bo Recorded June 7, SYSTEMS, INC . 1 C1111orn1e Celllomll 92660 " "'" P•Y the rem11_intng prlnctpel tum of 1982. II Instr. No 8'· t113036 of corporellon, 12235 Beach BIYd.. Thi! t1c1111oua bus1ne111 name INSURED YOUR LOi'N the note NCured by Hid Dead of Olflclal Rte:orda. Stenlon. CA 90680 llll&menl IOI the a I llllP Rl!MEMBI", Truat. with lnterHI thereon, as Seid tale wtll bt made, Dul Claims 'Adm1r111trallon hlad on Feb er ~.' 7:~ In~~= YOU MAY LOSE LEOAL RIGHT8 provided In said note, advanc:es. ff without covtnanl 0, wtrrlrlly, System• Inc · ru Y ' IF YOU DO NOT TAKE P"OMf'T in nder 11141 I I aald Deeo County ol Orlllge. ACTl<>tt y, u erm1 O e.xpress or tmplled, regarding lrllt. Hit Lurie, E11,~ V Pres Full Nome and Address o t the NOTIC.E IS HEREBY GIVEN of Tr11sl. It'll•, charg•a end ft"IHstlon. or encumb•loCOf. to fhlt 1111-ant wa• ,, .......... ,h the Per•--w lkd •w"" e•nanaa. of the T ., .. and of lht """ ~·-# ..., ... ..,., Y 1 .. , ..... TH ·T LOS ·NGELES TITLE ·NO -..-·~-ru Pl)' the remaining p11nc1p11 wm ot County Cl11tk of Ortnge County on Jlr!Wt .S A;tttn, t«M-6 L a " " " truall c;rnttd Oy H id Deed 0~ IM nott tecured by aard Oood ol Septtmbet 7, 11182 Mrrade Leguna Beach Ctllforn1t TRUST DEEO CO .. la now duly Trual. for the amount rHaontbty Trust, w11h ITltllfetl es In H id note Fllll9'8 92680 · ' apparnted Tr111teo undtt •Deed of ffllmattd 10 °'· Sl64.5112.35 provided, advances. II eny, 11nder Published Orange cont Dally 111 James s Stein Truat. dlled J11ne 11, 101g, The beneficiary unde• aald Deed the term1 of said Deed ol Tr11st Pilot Sept 9 l6 23 30 11182 ,132313 ••tcultd by ALLAN MEKKELSON bl Trull heretofore e.ecut11d and 111111• chargea and el(l)llrises ol the 1 • • • · ' 31178•82 Publlahed Orange Coall Dally end VIVIAN MEKKELSON, huabend dellv11ed 10 the underalgnod 11 Truatee and of the 1ru11a 4'rHttd Oy I Pitot Sept 2 9 16 23 1982 end wile as TAUS TOR, 10 &ec•He written Declaration of Def!Mlll and ukt Deed ol Trust Seid ult will oe PUBLIC NOTICE • • • 3882•82 001tgellon1 In fe.,,or ol ANNA Ot m1nd tor Sett. 1nd I written held on Frtdey, October 8. tlla:t.,at MARIE MURPHY, u e.n.flcltty Notice or Oetlaull ind E1tc;tl00 10 2 oo pm , at Iha Chaprni n AYenue FICTITIOUS IUllNEll PUBlfC NOTICE Rec:orded on July 16. 1g79 11 Seit The underalgnad cauted uld entranc;e 10 th• Civic Center NAME STATEMENT ~ Document No 192«. Booll 13230 Notice of Oeleutl and Election ro 8u1tdlng. 300 Eut Chapmani The lollowlng peraon 11 dorng FICTITIOUI BUllNIESS Page 1344 ol Oll1C19l Rec:ofd• In lhe Sell to oe recorded In lht covnty Avenue. In the City or Or•noe. CA. oualnffa 11· NAMe STATEMENT olflct of rhc Recorder of Orenge where the rea.1 propeny 11' located. At the 11 me o t th, 1n1 t 1 a 1 C 0. A D N A D E l M A R The 1011ow1ng persons are doing County, Ctllfornla desc;rlbrng the 0••·· Septeml>ef 7, 1982 puOllGll!IOn of this notlcw the 1011111 CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE. 23A5 East bullntH .. I• n d I h., e I ri • as m 0,. f u,, y VER 0 U G 0 SERVICE amount ol the unpaid balanc;e of the P1clllc Coast Hrghw1y, Suite D. OENCO SALES. 13 Ttmbtrltnt, desclll>ed on Slld Oeed ol Truat, CORPORATION obllgallon secured oy the aboYe Coron• oet Miit. CA 92825 1n.1ne. Celllornta 92714 Including 1 note tor th• 111m of H said lrullee d111cllbed deed of t ruaJAmd GARY PAUL BARANOSl<I H Denbigh Eltla, 13 Timberline. $30,000 00 Thal lht btnellclll byCrl,trnt Vtl)Oll eallmtted co111, u panHs. and 0 C . 1801 Hoven Pl11c;e Ntwpotl ttYrne. Callfornf• 92714 lnte1t11 under "Id deed ol trull 401 N Brand BIYd • ••22 advances It $29.070 05 To BeKh. CA 112663 Mutn11 Elita, 13 Tlmbtrllnt. and tht obttgellOn• eeco1.a thereby Glendale. CA II l203 determine the opening bid you may Thi• 0115lness ta condueltd by an trvlne. Celllornle 112714 are Pr••• n 11 Y ht 1 d b Y t n • Tlll'l213)600·248S callt714)937-0966. ' lndlvld11at. Melin de Ellis P11rrl1. 13 S-hci1ry Th•t a breach of. and P11bll1hed Orenge Cout Dally Oeted September 9. 11182 Gary Paul Baranoo,1. Tlmt>erllnt, INlne, Calllorn1e 112714 detaull In. 1he obligation tor whlCI'! Piiot, Sept. t6, 23. 30. 1982 HERITAGE COMf'AHY ESCROW D.C Thia 1>u1lnes1 la conducted by 1n said deed of truat ·IS MCurtly has 1 __________ 4_1_0_1_-8_2 9£RYICES, INC. Tnf1 1111ement wu llted wlli't tlie untnco1por11ed asaocl• on o\her occ:urred In that the payment has P\Bl.IC NOTICE Br f .O. SERVICE COMP ANY, County Cieri. of Orange County on than 1 pertnarshlp. not been made ol agent Stpttml>llf 7, 1982. • H OenblQh EM•• F1llu1• 10 make Iha July 5. 1982 PUBLIC HEARINGS WILL BE Yk:ltl .I, Andrlcl09, FlllN1 Thia attlemtnl wu flied wllh the payment of P•ln<:le>ll &J>d/or lntar"t HELO BY THE COSTA MESA AHi. atcfttlfl' Publllhed Orange Co111 Delly County Clark ot Orange County on and t ll tubnquenl poymtnU, PLANNING COMMISSION AT THE OM City Bhrd. WHI Pilot Sept II. 16, 23, JO, 1992 Augull 24, 11182 together with lelt ch11gt1 CITY HALL. 71 Fair Drive. Coeta Orange, CA neea 31174·82 F1M027 tmpoun.da advanc111. 1ues. Meat. G1lifornra. et 8:30 pm. or u (714) ISW211 Publtahed Or1oge Co111 Dilly delinquent P•yment on Mnlor Ilona. aoon 11 pout bit th11ealtar on P110llth1d Orange Co111 Dally PUBLIC NOTICE • Pilot, Aug 26. Sep1. 2. II. 18, 11182 or HHstmenll ii eny Monday, September 27. 11182 Piiot, Sept 16, 23, 30. 1982 3753-82 That by reaaon lhtreol lhe Reger d Ing t t't e f o II 0 w Ing <l-099·82 FICTITIOU9 8UllNl99 PftHnl B1ne1tc111ry under euch appl+cattone. HAME STATEMENT PtBl.IC NOTICE Dffd ot Tru11. hH tllte:uttd and l ENCRO c E T PER••1T PtBl.IC NOTICE The fottowrng person 11 dorng dell....,ed to uJd TrustM. • wnnen A HM N .., buatntaa u FICTITIOU8 BUSINEIS Dtclarellon ot Oeieult and Demand EP-82-10 for Robt•I L Burns, FICTITIOUIBUSINESI S PA M ECH•NtC, 2 450 -.-f t 1 -.. I euthorlJ.td T.:;t ot Herrick Henton, ... ._ ST .. TE._NT " N.AMf! SfA,~NT or SI e. end hes depoa 1 ... w lh 13 .. 5 N th __ .. S 11 1• Sa 1 ""-,. ~ Newport Blvd • Cos II Mese. The folloWI"" peraona ire dOlng said Trustff. 1ueti Oeed of Trust .. or r ..... e. u e "· n • Th• following peraon 11 doing c 1 t 02626 ... Ana, to lllow pllcement ol p1rldng .... 11ft~• u • 1 ornl• bulineaa u and 111 the document• evidencing 9PIOM In IM public rtghl-Of-WIY tor UV 'eP-1 PROPEcRTIES LTD . 4100 Thomu Andy Richey. 1527 AG GR A" A T I 0 N EL I M . the Obllg111ons H c;11red th•r•Oy, Pfoperty toe.fed-et 4f2'C~lll1 171h Birch St , Ne~porl Beech c • Newport Blvd • Colla M11111. INATORS, 8110 W 15th Street, •nd hlS decta..a end does hereby Slrwt.lh•C2~one &tYlronrnenlal 1126e0,Sul• 100-"Calrlornra02627 Spe4'e 49, Newport B•1c h declare all sums aecured thereby 0.lermlnttlon. Extmpl E p I G E N E R A l Thia bUSlnHI •• Conducted by en Ctlilornl• 112663 lmrnMdlttety due Ind P•Y•ble •nd 2. A PUBLIC HEARING TO PARTNERSHIP 4100 Birch Street lndMd11ll Cerotynn Ctm, 890 Wtat 15th hts eltCllCI Ind does h«tby ~I CONSIDER A~ ORDINANCE of the • • lhomu A Alclley Street, Spece 49, Newport BellCtl, lo C.UM IM lr11S1 propeny to bt N..-port Beach, CA 92680 Sulla Thia •l•ttrnenl WU tiled With ma Callf0fnla,1128S3 IOld lo' Hlllf)' ,,... Obllgellons City Counc:ll 01 lhe City 01 Coate 100 County Clerk of 01angt County on Merllynn Wllkaraon, 8110 w. eecored thereby. M-. Ctlllornia. amtndlng Article This t>u•lneu is conduc;ted by • Sep111m1>e1 115, 11182 15th Street, Spice •II. Newpott Oeted Augull 23, 1982 11i.., Thie ~-',,. Coste Men general palr1"8rlhlp '1"7 ... 7 Munlclp11 Co 10 1ncorpor1111 E p 1 G 8 n er• 1 • -Buch, CaJllor11'4 92663 Lo• Angeles Tille cont&tucllon al dtllda tor mobile P·~~-hip • Published Orange CoHt Delly Thia buaf-" conduct~ t>y • • end Trust Deed Co . hOlna d moblte home rtt d .,,._ .. , Piiot. Sept 16 e3. 30. Oct 7. 11182 ganetal pennen1111p. u Tru•tt11 In Pt 1 an J-E. Logan 4088-82 t:arotynn Cain • By Chlc:lgo Tiiie euOdt...laiona localed In 111• flood Th" statement was flied wtth tM Thia llatemenl wu ll1td wnh the lns..,-ance Company hlzlrd ttN County Cletk ot Orange County on D1•u"' NOTICE 3 ZONE EXCEPTION PERMIT Sepltmbtr 14 11182 ~--.n. County Cletlc of Orenge C<>unly on agent ZE·81·132~ for Auocl•IH In f 1tnll MN-12t11 September 1, 1982 Oon•ld A St-. Archlleclurt and Dealgn. llmlled, Publlshod Orange Cou1. Dilly bcrow No. 8411/SC F1M.St$ Aaalatent Sec;retery authorlied egant lo South Cont PJlo S t6 23 30 oc 1 196, NOTICl f O CREDITOlila OF Publlthed OrJnge Co111 Delly P110ll1hed Orange Coast Dally Plaza. 33115 F•irvlew Road. lot en I. opt, • • • I 4 io2-82 8 u LI( T-" AN.FE" "N 0 0 f Piiot. Sept 2. 11, 16, 23. 11182 Pllot, Sept 2. 11, 16, 23, 11182 1m11ndmtnl 10 l ht flntl INT ENTION JO TRAN8 f £R __________ 3_8_112_·_8_2 3882•82 deYt lopment pt11n tor a new ALCOHOUC BEVERAGE UCENIE re111uran1 tunder conllruc:llon) ____ PUBt.:....,_l_C_*1..,.....,.Tl_CE ____ 1 ( .. ce. 1101·1 107 u.c.c . end/or rnctudlng I CoodiUonal UM Permit "CTl'UOUS IUllNl!SI 2~ 8 6 P) FICTITIOU8 BUllNISS FICTITIOUS BU81NES9 lor OlltdOOf MllJng, and a Ylrltnce HAflll STATEMENT Notic;e 11 hereby g111en that 1 bulk NAMI 9TATl!MIENT NA ... STATEMENT from Ht back •nd ltnd14'1plng TM following persona .,, doing 1ran1f .. ;,f personal p1oper1y and e rlle following per-aon1 are dOlng The toltow1ng ,,.,-sons art domg reqUittmenll on Brlllol SlrM I. tor bueln"' u . lfllntler ot liquor llcenM 11 about 10 bUsll'ltlf u t>usineS. u prOl)ttly located II 3300 Brlatot WILSHIRE CONSTRUCTION, De made. The name end tddrtss of ,HELPI COMPANY'S COMING THE ELECTRICAL CHARGE. g:;,:!;,:~.~I~ ~=n ~i!n~::it•I INC . 1 Celllornl• oorporatforl.' 1835 the transleror IS THE KROGER CO . la c;ooltbook),· 3632 Blue Key, 37 t8 S timber Strt11t, S•nt1\Ana 4 ZONE EXCEPTION PERMIT Whllllllf. Sott11 C-, 1. Costa Mesa. 21175 ~rbor Blvo .. Costa Mesa, CA Corona Clet Mar, Ctlllorn1a 112825 Celrlomtt 117207 CA 112827 112626 Patr1cl1 0 Rowley. 3632 Blut Rtc;k Zapata. 3718 S Tlmbett ZE·82· t37 'Ind T•ntaflYe Map of NORM PARl<ER President The n•me 1no 1dd1t11 ol tht Key. Corona dtl Mer C1liforn111 Street. Santa An•. Ct11torn111 92707 fr act T • 118611 tor Bruce Mila 2217 Loll Lene Santi Anl CA Trtnafe<ee II SMITHS FOOD KING 112825 Miguel ChlYW. 3718 S Timl>tt t uthorlHd agent 101 Vlftorl a 112708 NO 1 P 0 Box 730 Lynwood. CA Dorothy Dunnigan. 3220 Sttt111, S1n111 Alla. Ct11fornl1112707 Gerden VlllU. Lid., 7340l "South STEVEN L. JOHANNES Vice 90282 Fltldcrut OrtYI, Sacremtnlo, Thll bullne.& la condUCltd by 1 Pointe Drive, Leg11n1 Hiiia. for 1 Prtaldent, 2278 Orenge Ave~ue. That Ille paraon11 properly lo be C1111ornle 115821 -••partner.flip. Condi lion al Use Permit tor • Coate Met •. CA 92627 trenafarrtd 11 furniture, llxlurts, Tllla oualne11 le condlJ(lttd by 11 Miguel Chevez 38-untt condominium wi t h• JEFF REY $ ELS TEN . equlpmenl•tndlnven1oryof1tockln genar1tp111'1~1hlp. Th1t1111emen1wulli.d wlltllhe v1111nce from required butldlng Sec:retery/Trtaaurtr. 3206 trade ol ' buttne,u k nown u Pt1r1c11 D Rowley n1y Clerk of Or~ County on •• pa,. t I 0 n and • 0 n •• I 0 I Ntb<Ukl. Coal• M .... CA 112626 MARKET BASKET Ind •• located •• Thia 1t111emen1 WH filed With lht ugust 30 11182 ~~~en!~7':~J..~!:t ~~ Thie Outlness la cor>ducttd by 1 21175 H1rbof' Blvd , Coate M ... CA County Cltrk ol Orange Countr on F11M01 -n AP/Cl zone IR4 Pllndlng} corpor111on 92626 loOtlher wtlh ,,,. lollowfng Auguet 24 1118' Publltntd OrtnQe CoHI Dally Envlronmtnlal Oete•mlnllloo EIR W I L S H t R E dHCrtbed llcohollc 01ve1111e f1M02t Pilot, Sept 2. II. 16, 23, 1118, ac<lePltd 10, GP-70-lC CONSTRUCTION. INC licenM · Publlahed Orange Coat! Dilly 38311-e2 6. ZONE EXCEPTION PERMIT Jettrey s Elaten. Sect OFF SALE GENERAL LIOUOR. P1101, Auo 26, Sept 2. 11. te. 11192 p•m•ic NOTICE Tree. Uaenn No 21-65716 now Issued 37s.4-82 uut. ZE·82· 130 lor Jorge 0. AIYlfH, Thia llllemtnt was llltd wltll lhe for "'d pr11m11e1. tor premlles K-4i4N :~:.';~~~·~~natl~~ 2~':t,·~~~; c 0un1 y c 1 •, k 01 c 0 un1 y 0 n IOcattd •• 21175 Heroor Blvd., C'.otta Ml.IC NOTICE flCTITIOUa IUl lNl!H ,.... ,_. "-tembtf 15, 11182 MMa, CA 02626 N• .. I! S T Ctrcie Pllce. San Diego, for • .,..., .,.117413 That tilt toll! conatderetton for FlCTITIOUS BU91Neas .. TAnMeN Con<lll!Ontf UM Permit to conttruct Publrsnt<I Orenge CoHI Deity the tran.alar of lllid t>usrnesa tnd of NAME 8TAT£Ml!NT The fOllowlng P&<tonl trt OOlng • 133-unll motet. lncludtng • Pilot Stpt 16 23 30 Oct 1 11182 11110 llCanM 11 1119 sum 01 S24&.· Th• following peut>n ta doing Dutlneas •• m1111ge1"•unll,IOfptope<!yloclled • • • • 4i04·82000 00 lnC1IUdtn9 lnYtntory bullMHIS. CACHE. 3315 Fairview Road. al 2151·2765 Brltlot StrMt, In I CL H lfmlltd at $28,000 00. which MOS PRODUCTS . 442 El Coate MtM. Cefllornta ll262S. zone. EnYlronmerll•I Oetermt1111llon. 1-------------constalt of Ille followtng ~2~~:n•. Newport Beech. CA A tours , Inc • • Florid• Neoau.,,. Oec11r11t1on. PtBLIC NOTICE CASH. None • ....., 00tpor1llon, 8156 N.w 33rd StrMl. For funn•r lnlorm111011 on tl\e 1-----~-----.,-------CHECKS &iy.r a _ s2 000 oo MICHAEL OAVIO SHERWOOD. Miami. "orlda 33122.. lbOVt 1ppllctllona, ltlephon• FICTITM>UI BUSIHE88 PROMISSORY NOTES' OemtrUL 442 El MOdtnt. N8wpor't 8ffch. CA Thia bu..,_ .. ooncSl)cltd by • 754-5245 or cen 11 tt'te olllOe ol lhe NAMI! STATl!MINf lyP• to oe replaced by cHh 112ee3 4;0rpor1Uon Plannlng Deo•rtment. Room 200, Tilt foltowlng '*"°"* 111• doing 1248.000 oo nue t>ualnftl It COllducltd by an AtOUft, tnc PtBLJC NOTICE !'ta.IC NOTICf. '1UCE HOTHEU l&.1. HOA OW A Y MOlTUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·91SO F da "'-'--17 1982 r~111 ,,.,. Trust Otptnment lrom n Y· ;::,eptem~r • 2344 EHi coast Hlghw1y, NCIWpOfl at l O:OOAM al S t. John the Beech. Ce111om11. 1128110, 10 180 17 F1tr Drive, Cotll Men . bollMll81 TAN018LEll N TANG IBLE lndl\lldulll Llrr,H Sc;l\atz Ctlllornil S A I l I N G S P 0 R T S ' PROPERlY Nornt MIChMI D Shenltood Secre11ry • Publlahtd Orange COHI Delly "40NOQRAMIT/W ENTERPRISES, That It n•a been agreed bttW9Cltl This alatttnanl wu filed With the Thi• lllltmtnt waa fifed With tile ULT'l IHGEIO,.. ~&TUTHILL WIS'TCUFf C HA'EL 427 E 17th SI Costa Mesa 6 46-9371 rtRCI UOTHIU 5Mf'THS' MOltTUAaY 627 Marn St ~ritrngton-6each 536-6539 rAClftC YllW M8401tAL ,Alll CerT]81ery M ortuary Chapel-Oematory 3500 Pac1hc View Or1.,,e Newport Beach 644-2700 M&-COlMtQ MOITU ... JU L8i1una Beach 494-941 5 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Caprstrano 4~1776 HADOtl LAW.._~. OUVI Morluaty • C.nwtery C remtlory Baptist Catholic Church . N-porl Canter Dflve, Sutt• '1n Inte rment services will Ntwl>O•t S.ath. C1t11ornla 920«> follow at the Good Shepherd Any PllflOO withing to comment PllOt, Saptemt>e< HI. 11182 2000 N~ BIYd., Coell M .... M id trineltrM and said trtntlernr County Clerk ot Orange County on County Clefli Of Oranoe County on 4095·82 CA 11'627 that 1 c011tlderalton tor the 111ne111r SepttmO•• 1•. 11182 Aug 17• 11182• ' MUC NOTICE JOAN MICHELE WOODBURY, f Uld bualnltt and ot U ld '111402 P1•11 2830-A Newport Blvd , Newport ICt nH II l o bt paid only elltr PuOll•htd Orange COHI Delly Pub.,ai'ttcS OrenQe COH I Diii)' Cemetery. Hunti ngton on tht• ippt1c111on m1y Ille commenla In writing wilt! Iha Beac h . Ca. Services under R11Qton111 Admtn111r11or of Nattonal t h e d l rec t Ion o f Ba I tz B1n1t1. Fourteenth N1t1°"'' Mnlt Be S th •· T th'll AaolOO. 61....,1 St'"I T-. Sulle Betch, CA 112ee:J llntltr hH bHll l ppro.,,td llY Piiot, Sept 18. 23, 30, OCI 1 11112 PAot, Aug 29. Sept 2, II, I&, 11112 FICTfTIOUS IMlllNIH HENRY PAYNE THAYiR. Ill Dtptrtmenl Of Al<:Ohohc 8'¥1rllQ8 40811-111 37te-.82 NAMI eTATW•NT 1938 SanOerllng Ctrct1. Cotti l•ol. "''tWUlnl 10 S.c 24073 et Tile lollowlng P9'tonl -doing ....... CA 112S2S ... t>ualntH u: Thie bulllnftl la conducted by 11 OY9ERTECH SEARCH. 1146 gtn11r\I partner•hlp hal the ht rt111 dtlcrlbtd rgeron· mi °" u 1 21f> 1. One Mtrktt Pl•u~ 81n Westcliff Chapel M ortuary F'rencllOO, Cllifornfa g41015, 'Wllhfn Coron• L•n•. Cotta M•ae. CA Joan M. Woodbury lr•ntftre .,.. lo b9 conaummettd. g2626. fhl• 11attmenl waa nted with tile ltubJl<l1 to th• ll>Ove j)rOYl1lon1. 11 CYNTW1A C B l.AKE. 1141 County Clark of Or~ County on lfHE ESCROW VIL~GE. E1<1row of Costa M esa. 646-9371 2 1 d•y• o f the d1tt or thl• DOTY puo1rce11on Tha non-conlldenllel JOHN V. DOTY. resident l>Of1IOll• of the ~•tlon .,. on Of "--1.a Mesa, Ca p-----' hie with tilt ~egforlll lldmlnf•tr•tor """'" ..,_.... .. ~I Of the publlc me. Thia Ille .. away on September 16, HI~. ••tll•b•• lor puOtlo lnaptctlon He la aurvived by 3 eol'll Paul duflng r'9111¥ bullnell hOufl Coron• Lent, Co811 MtH, CA September 15, 11182 Oaparfment, 111114 Yen1Utl p!Vd . 112S2S Ftt1• S1uc:no City, Ctllf 9 100. on or atltr '..4ilnEST w WALLACE. 15238 Publlthtd Orange Coatt Detty ~= 3in~':od 1111 01 H ero Yeneda, Le Mired•. CA 00638. PllOt, Sept lO, 23. 30, OcL 1• 11112 hold11 THE ESCROW VILLAGE of Costa Mesa, Ca .. WllllAm A :·::::rb« 14. 11182 a n d G e r a 1 d b o t h o f vi.t ""' a Tn111t Oftloef Mataachusetta, 3 daughters •'°'1 "'"*" ...._., 9llftlC Thia butAMN le conducltd O)' I ~S-82 ' gene<ll ptr1ntrahlp , EtctOW °'91•1mtnl. t 11114 V11111ura frneit w. WtOtct Bllld , Studio City. CA 111604 Thie etll"'*'I wu llled with 1,,. PUBllC NOTICE All Oll'ltr buatneH ntrnt• eno C<>unfy Cltrlt of Orenoe County on IHTINT10NS TO ll\1. Odrtu u111d by th• tr•n•ltror 59Pttmbet 14 1982 AT PUil.iC AUcTION l'lln Ille lhfw ,. .. ,. taa1 p .. 1. tO ' • '1f1tl1 Nolle;• la hereby DIYtn u1111 on •r II llnown lo lran•ter" ert Catherine T owne of Cost.a PuOllth.O Orang• Cont Deity Mesa, Ca.. Margaret Brown P11o1. Sept 18, 23, 191' and Anne M&rlln both o f 4007·82 Put>lllhtd Orange COiet Delly l u e 1 d ay, t 11 a 2 6 I h 01 y o I 0.~td Saottme>t. ~ 1tU ~llol. ""t ll, 23, 30, 0Ct 1, 1982 Seottmb«, 11182, II 10 00 11 m 11 IUtOQi" CO 1 ' Mau aehu.ae tt1, I brother PdllJC f«JJICC Ph1111p Doty o f New York And 2 lfltttl In New York, 4043-.82 OAANOE COUNTY SHERIFF· '· ~ AM'I. e.c. alto~ g,randchJldren and 20 greal·grandc:t\Udron . Rosary wtU ~ Nd~ on Thunday. September 16, 1982 at 7:30PM at PJttc:e Brothen &JI Broadway Chapel and Maa of Chrtatlan Bu.rial wUl be celebrated on Friday, September 17, 1982 at 8:00AM at Sl. Joac:hlm'a C..thollc Church. ln~l Al Harbor wwn MemorlaJ irtCTmOU9 IU ... H l-----lC-NO-T-l"_r ___ CORON ER HAA80R PATROL _...,.., N._ aTATIMINf flta K BUlllEAU, 1101 l1y1lde Drlvt , ' -.., ~000 I(....;....., .,.. Coron• dtl Mar. CA pur1u1nt 10 '" '""',_, 1 ~~o~~g PtflOn 1• d oing ~A~=I Hubor t nCI N11vl911t1on COO• =.. ...._,, C-lnhf (Al ILLUSIVE CONCtPTS. (I I The f...._...... -• ere .o..i.... 60().&(M, lhe lhertlf..corontt ol the Pullll•ll~ Oranj• CoHI D1llv THI! M AGI , CC/ TH.t M AGI ...... ....::'"'111-"'V ....... ----·'V County of OrWIQO Wilt Mii at puOllO ' ' l ---..citon to , .................... , ....... &, 1_ • h9t 11. IN ENTERPAIU8. 0) 0 Nl!AA (A l SMR. (8) 8EVEAAOI Olllfl, 11\ ~ ~ oftt;'Unll~ 409&·82 CASTING; (E) fL MAGO. (F) MACHINE AtPAIR, 13142 Oltdtrl 9111 ... ,.._ 1 ............ no .~.-1 CONCEP'TS IN AOVtATISING ~ G 81 d Oard-Grove CA .... ""'""' ,,_ Harbor 8t¥d • .1. Sulla K•7, Coate r~v• v ·• "" ' IUILOIA: Unlinow11. tfULL "4tM CA OHi'&. llH40. N U M 8 I Ill ; U n ll n o w n • ~OWAAO KEITH MORGAN, Coet~0~.~~;.:~,17 l<tllatNy, AlO~STAATION NO PC>ellble CF 31 t 'Tllell«d w..,. Coll• ....... CA MAAC WfDOICOMH . u ·~ ~ei(.0~.~~n C~,!~.~. y~i!N~~~T 112u1 ~. lent• Ana. OA ,,,.0 .. Thie ~ It c.onduCltCI O)' .,, Thit ouelnlll .. OONl\.loted O)' • lndlwldull .. _~ ·•~...-9*"'fll pannenf!tp. Anll1bl• •or tn1pecllon I 00 .,.,....v ....,.._, JOn Kann.ct)' 11.m . dq °' _... Nil.JC NOTICE MOTIC:I Of' ~ICATIC>ft 'TO llU. ALCOMOUO 91YUAU9 l'tB.IC f«JTICE Ml.IC NOTICE F1cm1oua BU ... H a n cmtous Bua ..... NAMI! STATE•NT NAM9 8TATWMl!NT Tht lollow1no oeraon 11 doing Th• lottowlnlf peraon 11 doing butlneat H butlMll II BONOAYI ASSOCIATES. 18430 REGAL ENGINEERING, 1680 BtOOl<huf111 Str .. t Fountllltl Vallt'f, B•b4'0C:ll SlrHI Co••• Mau. CA 112708 C•kfornl1 t2S27 DAVID A Pl:TERS, tU30 Frenlt A LllOfttky, ~0() 8roollbu1t1 Slr.-1. Foun11tn Vtllty, Dogwood StrHt, Cotll Meo. CA 12,oe ce111orn11 112627 Tiiie bullllH• I• c;onducl.O by • Thi• bullnen Is conduottd by en 11m1u1cS 11el'lnerehtp. lndtVUtull. 0.vtd A Petere Frank A LubfMky fhlt atalemant wu IMtd wttl\ tilt Thlt •l•t~l w .. t~ w1111 •Ir• County C"'1! ot Oretli)t County on Count)' C1tr1I or Ot•not ~nty on Sept.,.,,l>llf ., 11182 s.p,.,.,,bet 14, 1N2 ,, .... , ,,..,,.,. Publl•ll•d Or•no• COHI Diiiy Pllblltll•d Or•no• COHI D•ttr PllOt, 8-pt. II, 18, 23, 30, Tfff "' Piiot, &ec>t. 10, 23, ~. OCt. 1, 1N2 H? .. 112 40) .. N MOC NOTlCl •teTITICMle MletNUB NAMI BTATIMSNT Tfl• tollo•tng peraon It doing llneea•• NAT IONAL LIMIT~D ARTNl!R8HIP, 180 I Oovt. No 80, N8WPOt't ~. CA t2MO "ANOALL IVOINI l"t'°'-IT 1 Hetti .... I~, CA H7 t4 Thlt 1\1..,_,. le condllel9d by I to Plr1Mrth'P ll'tndtll ~ Trit>Olet Thll at91emtrit wa ftltd Wiii\ Ille ounty Cttrlt of Oranoe County on rta.IC NOTIC£ irtermoue .,... .. NA• ITATUmlff Th• 1011owtno oet•on ta doing °' ... ,.. .. COUN'l'RV 'RAMl!flY. 23711 Mercut't Aoecs. (I Toro. ¢allfomla '2830 A"-tCI Lloyd w .. tnet. 8~4 e WOOdt l>OtO Avenue, AntT\tll!I, Caifornte t2I01 Thie ~II ~Itel by tin tndMcMI MerOl w.... T1'111 1.111111Mn1 ... ~ twill\ !he County CWll of 0011'!0' 00\lf\1 .. on lllGlembllr 14, IH2 Puk. P'rlenda may e&ll al the mortuary on Thu reday, September 16, 1982 trom ..._ o ~ 4:00PM to 9:00PM. Pierce ~---------~ ~rothert Bell Broad way Mortuary dlr«ton. tG~ Gttler Ava , Cott.Mew 540-$$$4 Tlllll 111tt1Nfll ..... ,._, wlltl Ille fhle 1IMtmllfll -fileo .tth the I A A D e A TI e • B HI "I P • " County cu.tit or Ou1no• County on CoUnlY Clark of 0r-. County on ~c:.:.,•r;:.--:-• Stf)l. 10, 1tU ' ..,...,,_ 11. 1912 . ,,.,.... ,.., ... ltul>Utl\td Ota110• CoHl Delly ltubllthtlt 011n0t COH I Oellr P11l>llelltO Or=• COlll Delly P1101. llpt 11, 23, 30, Ocl .';.:: f'llOt. 1tot 1t, 2), 30. OC1 ~i Not. &t9t ti. I 410...2 To WhOl!l II M1y C-n MAY·YU. LlO (U I A 11• ~ lO 11\t O.p111m11n1 Of AICOhOllC lever1_gt Conlrol tor ·••1• OH !JAL! UUI I WINE (f'Ua, I AT, PL.) •o Mii aloohof!o .._, ... It 100 WAfntr A¥•. Sit C & D, ff0Url111111 YalletV. C4 ta 7ot Publl•hed Or•ng• 0o .. 1 OtitV Plol .... , .. 1~ ""'* 14, 1"2. '""" PublllMCI Orano• Co111 0111r 8-11. u , ;)(), Oe1 ? , .. , ,1'111T Publllllff Ot1noe CoH I Deity f'llol, ...,, 11 u. 30 Oct 1 !Ma ICM0-82 •oto.12 404742 ,. • " r ' / • "4 Or ngo <.;,o11e OAILV PILOl /Thur1day, S1pt1mber 19, 1962 '*IC NOTICE P\alC NOTICt MOTICI Of llllUITIH' IAll •OUNU VAU.aY TI I t 100 ICtt~ CMITNC1 On leOt~bw ts lH<I et t I 00 NOltCI Of ADOPTIC* I "' l'lt\IT AM RICA .. '1 t ~ t °' IUllOl.UltON °' INIU .. AN CI COMPAN Y Ii INT1.NT TO 1.IAll Callloml1 OOfpotlllon II Tru•IM, •ua"'u• OllTNCT °' 11-fn.;el• 0( luottll\11.0 MA1. ~TY TrUllM, ol 11111 ce1111n 0..d OI ..., NO ..... Tru•t IHGutld by KNOWLllON NOltCf IS HCRC'bY Orv N"rHAT CORPORATION, 1 C1llto1nla THl rOUNTAIN VALlf:Y 8CH00l GOfpotlllon, 11\d t900fa.d Al>fM 8, OISTAICT llU d1Gr11•d 11111 the Ill t u lnettuMtnl No u•1. 1n 1o11ow1no ,.., ptQC*ly wlll not bt 8ocMi 1400I. r-18H, ot Oltkllal r1MC1ec1 let clat11oorn l)U(PGMe MUC N011Ct Pionnoua ,.,..., .. ....... ,., ...... , '"-·~·"" "'""'' 11• llQlf'IO blol lntM ae IM,OIH D C Af)8 ANO COVCM. 412 I Lyon ltrMl. hnta Ana, CA 92101 • KONlU INTLRNATIONAl ' COAP 1 CaHlornl• oorpo1a11on. 11HOI Chemlc:al L-. Hun11no1on 8eaall, CA 9'640 llUt bvtl~I la CCHIO"'le(I I)~ I cC>fO<>tallon l<ontu 1n111,n•t101111 Rtootd• o Ortngt co11n1y, 1t10teo• ., .. (~O•lmately i • C1llfornl11• ~'"d pur1111n1 10 11111 i ') In lulldlnQ [' at WatdlOw Sellool Cetp cer1eln Nouci. 01 Otl*i!I IMteunder located II "'10 I PIOl\HI Orlv•, recorded Meroh U , 11112 u Hun11ng1on 9Mc:h. CalllC>fnll lnttr11men1 No. 82-0MMI, In ll!loott Tiit Board or rruetH• ot 1111 PtM Tllla 1111em111I w" tiled with Hit County Clerk ol Or1noe Counly Oil September 7, IH2 -. Ptige -· Of Ofllolal Aeoorde ol Fountain V1llay Sc;hoOI Olllrlol 11ld County, wlll und•r ind , .. oiv .. to 11111 1111 t1clllll" 10 purauan1 10 uld Deed of Trull Mii lndlcattd above und1r the 11rmt •t publlo auction tor 01111, l1w111I end condlllon1 1t1l1d In lh• money ot th• United 811111 ot ~lion ot tll• Boerd f\1101utton Amerlcl, 1 011111«·1 cheGk payable No I0-8. • , to Mid Tru11 .. drewn on • etll• or n11 i0>lnlmum monthly 111" n1tlon11 b1nk, •,tl•I• or led1rel payment tor the term ol Ille •- credit union. or 11111 or tedltll 111111 not be 1 .. , 111111 12&.00 ptr H vlnge 1nd loan euocllllon monlh Th• minimum montllly leaM domlcffecl In 1111• 11111, at the mlln p1ym1nt for 1ub11quant period• antrenoa to Flrll Amtrlo.n Tiii• may be edjvetto by the ConlUl'RI( lnaurance Company loc•led 11 111 Prlo• tndea 1nn11al 1111reg1 feel Aflh SlrMl, In Iha city ot S1r111 raflaGled 11 Ill• ind of 111• 1aa11 Me. e.lltomll, 111 11111 rlghl, 11111 l)e(IOd. A MCl.lrlly dl9Gllt may bf end lnt-1 con~ 10 Ind n-reQulred prlOr to occupenc:y lleld by It under Mkt Deed ol Tru.t No commllMllon shell be paid 111y In the property 1llu1t1d In H id llcenMCI rail Miii• t><Oll•r In 11111 Coun1y •nd St111 d11crlb1d • regard end Iha•• 11110 be no followa: lnllfMC:tlon of Iha oenter deducu'on from eny propoul In ::idof mS::lf .~·~-.~lul:rrr Oltermlnlng Ille hlghell raeponslble • bldcl• prolongatlon ol the -• llne of Sealed propou11 to le•se u ld lot 8; lhenca noflh along H id l>'oe>lfl)I mull be reoelved by the prolongellon 1nd th• wut lln delegated olllcer 11 Ille Fountain 112.6 r.t, thence MS1 P•rallel Velley 8cnool Olatrtct Edueetlon .. Id center llne ot Baker S1r .. 1, Center 17210 O•k Slreel Fountain 211.2 feet; ttienc:. IOUth fatallel 1 va1i.y 'CalUorr111 112708. no t1let H id wHI llne of 101 end 11• thin 2 00 P m ' sapiamber 28 IOUlherty prOlongatlon 412 5 !Mt 1 li&2 ' • Ille eenler llne ot Baker StrHt, eaiort accepting iny wr111en lhenot _, •!Ong Mid centat llne propoula 1111 deleg1ted officer ,,...., Publl1hed Or1t11g1 CoHI Diii~ Piiot, Sept. 9, 111, 23. 30, IH2 3011f.112 NlJC NOTICE PICTmOUI IUllNIH NAME STATEMINT Th• tort-Ing PlllCIOI .,. dotno bu1ln"• 11 MUNCE & TOOO COMPUlER 8\'STEMS, 1000 Biren StrMI. Sult• 114, N-por1 Bollch. CA 112880 WIL,.l.IAM 0 MUNCE. 1160 E t81rt-SI , Cotti MIM. CA 1121127 W ILLIAM D TODD. 84 Eec>lenade, Irvine, CA g27 15 thlt bu1lnes1 I• conducled by 1 general PllflMl'lhip W Munce Thia 11atemen1 wu llled with Ille CoUnly Clerll ot Orange County on September 7, 11142.. F1Mtl63 Publlened Orang• Cobt D•lly Ptlol. Sept 9, 16, 23, 30, lill2 31110·82 f't&IC NOTICE 211.2 !Mt•to Iha point ol beginning ahell cell ' 1or oral b idding Any exce pt th• aouth 1 0 teat peuon who hu lleretolo'e flCTITIOUI IUllHlll con~ 10 Ille County ol Orange submitted a written bid may submit NA,,. ITATUdNT tor Ballet StrMI by dM<I recorded an oral bid exc..cllng by 11 least The loltowlng peraon 11 doing F1bru1ry 15. 11143 In book 1181 11118 PlfCllll Ille hlghett written bid. bu1lneaa as: PllO' 157 or Ottlcl•I ~orda. llle hlgllMI reeponaibte bidder lllall lHE CONCERT FACTORY. Also except lhe NII 105 6 lee be r1<1ul'ed 10 execute Ille form ol 1714 Pl1ctntle. Co111 M111. 111ereot. leeM, euch format hll herelolore Calllornl1 92627 The alr••I addreu or other been approved by the Board 01 Jouph Jonathan Yukeoh, common de1lgnf tlon o l 111 T•uetees. • 16035 E. M1rllnton. Whittler, pror.rty; la purporltd to be: 81 The Board 01 Trustees allall mike Celltornla 90804 81 er St reel. Colla Mau tile determination as 10 whelhllf 10 Tiii• bUalnas111 condU<:ted by en Clltloml1. lease said laclllliH wllh ten ( 10) lndlvldu81. Said 11le wlll be made wltlloul d•Y• 811., ,_lpt o1 bids. JOHPll J. Yukoch cov1n1nt or w11ranty, expr1a1 or lnlormallon concerning lhe Thlt 11111men1 was llled will\ the Implied, u lo lllle, po1-lon or proposal should be addreSH<I to· County Clerk or Orange Counly on encumbrancee 10 .. u.1y Ille unplld FOUNTAIN VALLE\' SCHOOlr eplembe• 7. tll82 balenoe due on Ille note or not .. DISTRICT, 17210 Oak Stree , 1 FIMtM MCUred by Nld Deed ol Tuai, to Fountain 1111i.y. c.urornla, 927<>&. Publl1hed Orange Co111 Dilly wfl: 1171,816.81, plu1 Ille lollOWlng (7l4) 842·665l, Atlentlon· Naomi Piiot, Sept 9, 18, 23. 30, 11182 111lmet1d cost a, up1n11a and Wiiiand Deted 39 t8.a2 advenoee at the llme ol the lnlllal Dated September 2. 1982 publlcatlon ol 11111 Notloa OI Sale FOUfttaln ValleJ School ~~~8 TO PttOPEIO'Y OWNEll ~= D9:"::.tof Trvet- YOU ARE IN DEFAULT UNDER A Cl9ril of the a-ct • DEED 0 F TR UST. DA l ED Publlalled Ortnge COISI Dilly FEBRUARY 24, INt UNLESS YOU Pilot S99t 11 16 23 1982 TAKE ACTION lO PROTECT YOUR . . . ' 3966-82 PROPERTY. IT MAY BE SOLO AT A ------------PUBLIC SALE. IF YOU NEED AN PlBlJC NOT1C£ EXPlANAllON OF THE NATURE ------------OF THE PROC!EDINO AGAINST YOU AM IN DEFA~ T UNC>eR A YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A DUD Of TRUST DATU> JUNE 23, LAWYER. 1111, UNLEll YOU TAKE ACTION Oiied August 31, 1982 TO PROTECT YOUfl PlllOPERTY, FIRST AMERICAN IT MAY It" SOLD AT A PUBLIC TITLE INSlijlANCE I A LE , I F Y 0 U NE E 0 A N COMPANY, IX"LANATION Of' THE NA'TUM'. e Calllornl1 corporetlon OF THE Pf!OCEEDINO AGAINST Din Ofmllfod, YOU, YOU SHOULD CONTACT A Authorized Officer LAWYER 1 II EU1 Atlll Street NOTICE Of TRUITEFI I ALE S1n11 Ana. Ca. 92702 Ta No 11112 let: (7 14) 556-3211 NOllCE IS HEREBY GIVEN, tllat Publlalled Orange Coaat Dally on Wedneeday, Seplember 211. Piiot. Sept. 2. II. 18. 11182 1982. at 9·00 o'clock e.m. of U id .-x-:;.... ____ .....;;;..._ .. 14..._..;3..;M.;..3;..·=IU day. In the room 111 aside tor nun11c NOTICE conduc11ng Trustee's Sates. within l"UIX. the o fflcu ol REAL ESTATE K-G1723 SECURlllES SERVICE. located at NOTICE TO CREDITORI 2020 North Bro.dway. Suite 206. In Of 8ULK TRANSFER the City of S1nt1 Ana. County ol (lace. 1101-4107 U.C.C.) Orange, State ol Cafflomla. L & B Notice la hereby given to FINANCIAL CORP .. a Calilornll creditor• ol th• within named corporation. II duly 1pp0Jnted 111naleror that 1 bulk tr1naler la TrullM under Ind pursuanl lo llMI about 10 be med• on p1raon1I power or sale conlerred In that Pl'091rtY hetelnellet delC(lbed certain DMd or Trust executed by TIMI name and butinMS edOr-JOSEPH F. ROBERTSON 1nO of the intended 1r1n1te<Of 111 CHARLOlTE L AOBERlSON. DEEJON ORIGINALS. 354 husband end wife. recorded July 1, Flower Street. Costa M,eea 11181. In Book 14123 ol Olllcl1t Celllornl• Records ol Mid t-Ountv. •l o•oe TM toc:etlOn 111 Calilomt• 01 1ne 13411. RecorOar·a lnatrumenl No. dllef executive olflu or prlnclpal 928, by reuon ot • breach or bualne11 oflfc• ol 1111 lntenOed 0.l~lt In peyment or perf0tmanc:e transfer°"· aeme u 1bova ol Ille obllgatlona aec:ured thereby. AU other bu1lntH n1m11 1nd Including 11111 breach or detaiill. 1dd,HHI uHd by tll• lnlended Notice ot wtllch -rec:Gl'ded June lranaleror wllhln thrM years last 4, 11182. 8f Recorder's lnstrumenl put 10 tar 11 known to 1111 NO 82-111'1534. Will SELL AT Intended lranalerM 111 Noni PUBLIC AUCTION lO THE The n1me and t>ulineas 1ddr.,. HIGHESl BIOOER FOR CASH. ol Ille Intended trenslerM are 11wtut mooey of the United States, Robert McEtravy. t 7220 or • cultler's Clleek d'awn on• Newllope Avenue, Fountain Vati.y. 11at1 or netlonll bank, • state or CeJll0tnl1 teder11 credit union. or e et1te or Thll 1111 property perllnent federal 98\/lngs lrld loan usocl1tlon 11ere10 11 de8cclbed In general u : 111 domklfled l"'thla~te. all peyable II woni In progress, r•w malMl1le 1nd Ille time ol u.Je. Ill rlghl. lllle end mereh1ndl1e. All llxt ure1 . lnt1re1t held by 11. H Truslee. In equipment and tanglbl• llMIS All thll rul property fltu1t&.ln Hid trade business name. goodwltl and County and Stale, described 111 olher lnlanglble uaeta and la tol\pwa: toceted 11: 354 Flowef Street, Cosll Lot 511 ol Tract No 10370 u MeN, Cllllornla. per mep recorded In Book 472, The bualneal -uMCI by Ille p I g • • t 6 • 2 0 ( I n c , u s I II • ) • Mid lrentleror 11 Mk! tocetlon la· Mlacellaneous Maps, In the office ol DEEJON ORIGINALS the Counly Recotder ol Hid Thll 11ld bulk Henefer 11 County ' Intended 10 be conaurrunated 111ne The 1tr111 1ddr111 or other olllc• ol. Cook11y. Coleman & common "d11lgn1t1on ol the ra11 H-atd. 17782 E. 17th StrMI, WMI pr09lft)I llerelnebove d..:rlbed Is Bldg •• Tu11ln, Cellfornl• 112880, on putported_ to be 3 Warm SPl'lng. or 1fler Oetobtlr 5, IN2 Irvine, Celrlornte. The bulk traneter 11 subject to lhe under1igneo hereby 01llfornla Uniform Commercial dlselatma •II liability tor 1n) Code Section 8106. lr}eorr9C1MM in said ~treet addr- The name 1nd addreH ol the dPotller common clelignetlon pe<IOn wttll whom c:lalms mey be Said .... will be made w1111ou1 filed 11 KIM PATlERSON GAGE. w1rr1n1y, exprua or Implied 1n82 e. 17th Str .. t, W•I Bldg . ••girding 11111, PQuuslon, or Tu111n. Celllornla 112680, and the encumbreneu, to ulialy the IHI day for llllng clelm1 by any prlncJpll balance ol Ille Note or eredltOf lhaJI be October 1, 11182. other obllgatlon secured by H id which la the bulineas day before the Deed of Trull. wllh lnterea1 1nd conaummatlon date apeclfled other 1um1 II provld•d therein; above. plus advances. II eny. under Ille Cited. September i . 1i82 terms 11\ereof ln<I int1W11t on IUCh Kim P1tt1W10n Gage 1dvancea. and pl\is lees, ot1arge1 Atte>meyl end IXPlllNI of Ille TrullM ln<i of tor Robert MeElravy the tn1ai. etMled by NJd Deed of lnllflded Tr1111le<M Truet The 10111 amount ol Hid Publlahed Orenge Co11t Delly obllgatlon, lnoludlng reuonably Pllol, Sept. 18, 11182 Hlim1t1d 1111, c1111gu 1nd 4081-82 upeneee ot the Tru11 ... at lhe time ___________ _. of lnltlat publlcallon ol Ihle Nolle•. I• S30.061.70. Dated: Seplember' 8, 11182 PICTTTtOUI au ... IS l & 8 FINANCIAL CORP., ....... ITAft•NT • Cell!O<'nl1 oorpotlllon, T followl d"' "TruatM. hi ng pereont are ..,ng 8y. RMI Estele l>uW-11: NEXXUS OF 80 ORANGE Seourltlel SeMee. COUNTY, 3600 w. Moore Avenue. I California corp., Santi Ana. CA t27o.t:-ltt Agent TNJ INC ., e C1lllornla By:(SEAl)D.J. Morger, corporallon, 3500 Weal Moore Ill ~8'14tnl A~1 S~~!~ _A~ CA 11270I. 2020 N.'9roectwey, Thie ~ fl OONIUCled by 1 Suite 208, --atlon Santa ""'· c.Jll. 112706 -....-TNJ rne Tel· (714) llS3-e810 Thomas c Wllllltl\I Publlah•d Or111ge COHI Dally Thia etat-:it w .. Iliad with Iha Piiot. Sept. II. 18, 23, 11182 County Clertt ol Onitlge County on 3t71..S2 September 7, 1M2 Nl.IC NOTICE f't&JC NOTICE FICffTIOUI I USINHI NAME ITATIUftNT The tollowlng pereon 11 doing t>uslneaa u CRYSTAL CLEAR POOL SERVICE. 2924 Cllettnul AY9nUe. Costa Mna.Celllorni1 ll26:t6 G0tdon AH1n MlllhOuM. 2924 C11e11nut Avenue. Costa Mell. Cllllornla 02626 Tllil bullnest II condUGted by en Individual G A MIHhOUM Thlt llalement WU llleO Wllll ,,,. Coonty Clerk ol Orange Counl'; on Sept 7. 11182 F1111S5 Pu1>11an1d Orange Cout Delly PUOt. Sept 9. t8, 23, 30, t982 31112-82 PtEUC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUl lNIHI NAME ITATEMENT The touowlng pe11on 11 doing bUsmess at: THE DIET STORE. 600 W Ptclllc Cout Highway, Newport &each, Calltornle 92663 Leo D1boub. 220 Nie• Lane, No 209, NewP011 Beeell. Calilornl1 92663 . , Tiii• business IS conducted by an L lt>Cllllklual. Leo DabOUb n..1 s111em1111 wu hied wOh IN County Cltrll ol Or•llil* County on September 7, 11182 FIMM2 Pubtrs11eo Orange Cout Dilly Piiot. Sept 9. 16. 23. 30, 111112 31137·82 f't&IC NOTlCE FICTTTIOUI 8Ul*«H NAMl. ITATEMENT DAVISON ASSOCfATES, 18430 Brookllurst Street. Fountain Vlli.y. CA 92708 DAVID A PElERS. 18430 Btookhural Streel. Fountain Veney, CA 112708. Tllia bualn ... IS CondUGled by • llmlled partnerahlp David A. Pelatl Thia llll&menl WU llled With tho County Clerk of Orange County on September 7, 11182 F1MllO Publtthed Orenge Co111 Dally Piiot. Sept II, 16, 23. 30, 1982 31160·112 lUllfC NOTICE FICTTTIOOS au ... H NA* ITATa•NT The IOl!owtng pareone 1r1 doing buat..-su· SRINOERSON PROPERTIES II. 111700 Felrcnlld, Suite 350. Irvine. Cellfomta 11271 $ Gery l Brlndereon. 1115 Em11ald Bay. Leguna 811011, Calif~ 112951 Rlch11d e . Fontaine, 14 70 t Cherrywood lane, T ustln, Callf ornl1 92'80 John D Pierce, 111111 Port Edw•rd, Newport ~. ClllfOfnle 1126e0 Tiile bull,_ ii conducted by e genll'li partMl'Jhlp. JOl\n D. Pierce. 0-11 Pertnet • Thia 1111-1 Wll fli.d will\ the County Clerk of Or•noe County on AuguJI 30. 11182 ,, .... Publl1hed 011ng1 Co11t Dilly PHot, Sept. 2, II, 18, 28, 11182 38115·82 Nl.IC NOTICE FICTITIOUI IUINEH NAMll8TA11MINT The lollowtno per1on I• doing bulln4111 u : INTERNA TIONAl TRADE ANO CHARTERING. 3 Cedarglen. lrVlnt. Clillornla 1127 11 Rlcl\afd Pelmet. 3 Cederglen. 1rv1ne, Celltornla 112711 Rlellard Palmer Thia 1111-t WIS flied with tile Counly Clerll of Or111g1 COUflty on September 7, 111112 ,, .... Publlthtd Orange Cpeet 01lly Piiot, Sept o. 111. 23, 30, 1082 303$-112 F1 .... 1~-----~~~~-- Publllll•d Or•~i• Co111 01lly P\ll.IC NOTICE "8.IC NOTICE Pllol. Sept. o,. 111. z:1t '°· 11182 'n iTihiiiiNT°M""AiM;c;iiiiiii!NT' f'ICrmoua tutM•• , 3M0-112l ITATIMINTOfl AIANDGI....,. ..... ITl'11111MT Of' u• Of' ncrtnou• ™ I04lowlno '*'°"' .,. doing IU .... 11..._ ~-The tollowlno ,,.,.on, have BONNIE BENTON, llMllEO, PICnnoull _.. lbandoned ttle UM of tM flctlliOut 18$152 MICA.rthur Blvd., 8ulte 410, ,.._ ITATa•NT ~ neme NE'N'Of'T MARINE !MM, CA 112715. The foloWtnt petaon1 are doing EHGtNUAIHG al 1~ W•t t'th OAVIO K LAMBi 8 81. Tr"""' .. , buMM8t ee: Slreet, CO.II Mau. CA i2f21. 11 -..- 0£SION8 ,OREVIEA, 1710 • lh• llOllllOUI bulln•U nema ~H=~· ~~,~~ ... 20132 1111 17th llrtel, S1n11 Ana, rtfefrld lo lbow WM tlled In t11t VIiia Circle, Hunt"""lon Stactl, CA catlfornle 02701 County Ctttk'• oflkl• on 0.0. 18, ""' ..tulle Oebfl "6m..-., 17048 IHI. • i2(All. ,.......,_ ,...... JOHN MINAA . 111 552 !f'llln9. Tueltn, .-mnnll 02tl0 AOI OtwlOpment Cofp., by J. MIOAtltluf Blvd . lull• l•O. INlnt. HOfedo ..toee "8mp0ne, t7Mt A. JOflnlon, PtMidenl, 1~ W•t c• .. .,71., !MM TUllln, ~ OHIO 17111 Str•t, CO.la MtN.. CA t2127. " "'" " i.,010 c. R1mpona, 17048 Tilt butll'IMI we conducted by a Thia bullMee te C()n(IUCltd by • 1..-TWl!n, c.Kornll t2tlO ---atton. Nml11d p.,,ner..,~1 •••-. ~,...... Ollllcl "· Lemb TI* """'*" II oonduot.d by 1 "°' o.v.lopmtnt Corp. Thlt •tat«nent w .. fllld with the OlfW9 ....... •. .J. flt. JotlMOt\ County Clertt of 0rlllg8 CGunty on JICllle ~ Preelclent ·-L..;...~-.. -.... .....,_.,, wel llld wfth Ille Thie ltatem«rt -ftled with 1M .....,.........,. 7, I 2. ,,_ Coun ,_ County Oletll of.Orlftfl Coun(y on ty Cleftl of Orwioe County on Publlth•d Or1ng• Coa11 Dall" ~ l4. ttu. ,_. Aug 14, 1112. P1~ Pllo4, ts.pt t , 1t, 23, 30, 1"2 , ,.ulllleMd Of•nte c ... c Dtllly "ublllhed Orenoe Coeal Oel'Y1---------•at.....,.7M2o.= ...... fWO. tt. lellt. I. •. "· 1112 "'°'· Auo. 2t, ~. 2, •• 11. 1112 8ttop •• IWMfte, It'• eMY 97u..t ~,...., With ol 142 ... 7• Ml.JC NOTICE ,, Th rnarketplace on the Orange Coast . a1ll lif1f1-the ComplN Or-. Coe .. ~Place CLASSIFIED INDEX IHI ,,,,,, .... ,, ,,, 1.1. ,,.,,,, ,,, ,,,, ...........•.•.......•......•••••.•.................•..••..•...... !:~~~:.~:~!!:!::* P!.~~~~L ......... 1.~J "!~~'l. ......... !.~1 In thle r1twap1per It •ubf•Cll to tlla Ftdtlll F•lr Hoveino Act 01 1oe11 which mak .. 11 lllegcir to Liil llU llMll ... ,,, ,,, ,,,, ,.,,, ,,, ,,,, .•••••..•..•.......... ···················~·· Q,.1111 I OOZ C.111 #IA JIU ..........................•••.•••.•.....•••. l&nalll , .... WT .. fe Piie• Y111r A•. Call Prlme Lido Nord bayfronl. 5lidim, 6~ bath. Lgc L .R., 2 boat 1lJpe $1,500,000. W/NIAIUP .,., ...... 11~ 642-5678 MOUSES f Ot SALE SERVICES fw.f,." .. O.rtttort £MP'10YMCNT & l'IEPAtUION t ...... ,.,b ••• 11 ... ~ JubW.ntM • ttfi,V.aftt..a N 4 t M£RCHANDIS£ A,..,_ ::u::: ••l4"tt••• C•mera' • f;qt.M~ft.I C...1 Dool• 1~ ... IO '"" f\tnvlwc c.,.,. s.1. ,...,_ t-G-. 1 .... ,,, LnRlork lllOl'IM_, ll•tttll•-· Mt:Well"""'°"~ ~•Bl~ Mv.M<•f I Mitnurw M.t Ofll« "''" .. t;q ... , , ... c::~rci~=­~·~~::::,., n.,. ~·rf"..ioo.lllt'• M•roo ••• IOAJS & MARINE £QUIHAEHT , AITOS, NEW , ..... , .... ""' •<lverllM "e ny preferen· c:e, llmllltlon CH dltQflml- • nation b1Hd on rtCle, RcmodllleQ 3 bdnn, 2 bath + large rec. nn. ooror, ret1g1on, 11• or beam .....111..-.,. fumiah..vt u *"20 000 on•t1on11 ~rt.-1)1'-lnY .,.,...,,_. ..l"• pa °'· ~ • · :: Intention IO m11t.1 1ny ::f! •uch prlllrenc-. llmltt- 111111 !Ion or dlterlmln11fon " • 4 Bdtm & dining rm, 3 Be (IPI In ~Ir). pk.11 1leam b11n. complettly remo· dlleel. on.i-)ICM.Ir tradt. All<lng IUClll,000 PE11111u 11111 .iA01U amn Prize Wett Bay bayfron~. SUpe for 2 boata l.iiiiiiiiiiiiiliiiliiiMliiiiiiiliiiliiiiii- remOde!led 3 1>4nn, 3 bath $1 ,20Q,OOO. IHllllT llTO•U ::: Tl'lll newapaper wlll not ::; knowingly eectpl 1ny ,.. 1dvertl1lng tor real Mii-Ot.-ean & i..uy vtewa. Marine room, 4 bdnn, 3 •OM tt whleh It In violation ol ,._ IAffUIT 3 Bdrm t tmodelad In Beacon Bay, large m11t1W 1Ul1e. t Bdrm apt, mual ••• to believe. Owner wlll help finance. ::: th• 1ew. bath, 3700 eq.ft. $1.38~.000. Orean!ront. ,., ·----------111'!' I• 109 lfll 1"111 '°"' 111!14 IOll IGlll ,,.. HHU1 Advertl· sers should check their ads dally and report errors Im· mediately. The :: DAILY PILOT as· ::: sumes llablllty for ;=: the first Incorrect l:l Insertion only. ::1 ....................... ... ~ ... ,,, ,,, ,,,, a--•••••••••••••••••••••• ~Q ,,,, ,,,,,, z:: ••••••••.••••••.•••••• = ¥!!~~ .. ~ ......... !.~~ =: 10 IOIEY DOWI, YA 3 Bdrm condominium with huge pllto "''· Attached 2 c11 g1r1ge, ne11 South Cout Plue. Liii& iSLE l&YFlllT I Lagoon view from 6 bdnn, 5 balh, playroom. dark nn, den. Boet allp. Now $1,000,000. • '· 105,000. Ullllll C)Ut t1 "'I'S llYlllE PLIOE Reettor•. 67MOOO Spectacular bayfront dplx 2 br, 2 ba up; 2 br, !~~~~~~~~ 2 ba dn. 2 boat apaces. Reduced-$1,.~.ooo. FL.Alt• ltU F&lllUll UIOI New 4 br, 4 'II ba, custom French Normandy E.tate 1.2 prime acre hillt.op $1,250,000. IYILll Fee simple rottage on quiet Deacanso St. (in Flata). $145,000. OlllUll 0111 C.Oronado laland cust. b8Yfi'Ont lot. 85' boat dock. Plans avail. Now $370,000 w/tenna. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR M .. 1 Vt<dt 4 Bdr 3 Be, eupe< floor plan w/3 car g1rtge. Wtll prlctd at 1224,900. 751·3191 IEIT IUY LargHI 4 Bdr plan In MHI del Mer. lovely y1rd, aqueaky clean. All tht1 enc! the owner wilt eerry. Call now before lt'a gont. 63 1-7370, 545-7836 Two lndhlldu1r houH1, highly upgr~ with ... Pat•I• yard•, on R"2 IOI. Owntrt 1n1110U1 encl wlll help w1111 th• Mancino. Aalclng I 11.6,000. Call 5'Q.tf51 ~HERITAGE REALTORS - --- •1& ftUI Vae1nt and ready. I Bdrm and large family rooM, remodtlad kll- ehen. nicely upgradtd 111rvou1. f~e9.ooo . 142-1200 PITT BARRETI .. EALTY JUST 2 Ml. TO THE AIRPORT ~lght end airy 2 Bdrm townhorM with den. 2'"' Ba, Newport Glen. $ t20, 000. 844-7020 LI ... RUL ESTATE COLLEIE PARI Owner wlll e1rry 2nd. ::::::::::;:::::=:::~:iii Aaklng $116,900. Call 5<46-2313 ... -------1 J .11 ~~ ') y \'()I [), • • ,. • I~ (, ., {J ( I ~ 1 TR\DI TIO\, \I ~I _,\I I\ By owner It 10,000 In uaumable loana. Spec. taeular new 1p1rkllng pool & ape make thla 3 br, 2 b•, horM • terrific batgaln. Fantaallc tlnan- clng. WMI not tut long et St311.SOO. Open houH Sel 12-5. 1179-72115. THE REAL ESTATERS LOOK For our n•'llt' regul1r weekly IMtur• BOAT SilOW- •mn Tt 1E&01 Thie Mn11t1onal beach eotllgt ltllur•• 1 n oceen View and eundec:k. Exlallng tat T.D. s 1 10. 000 la payable at $100.00 per mo. (neg11l11• emortl:tatlon). Oflefed at S 165,000. Clll 759-150 t or 752·7373 for detella. ~ •IAYPlllT* ltATIUP IPll IAl.Y 1·1 311 BALBOA COVES. 3 bdrm -2 bath. REDU· CEO TO $409,5001 Ill lllYlllTTI IULT11/ ... I •111-1111• .. umM- c.n •• ,,, ., "" .••.•••••••........... ...,.,..,lft., Homri-Oueat+lnc:c>fM OWC lat -Fie• Term1 SOii Acaci.a COM nr bd'I Spotleta Vec:ant Duplex Huge !lbr/3ba+3br/3be 4401( own/bkr ~S.7046 HUllllm I Bdrm 2ba exe<:ullve hoem• In rovaly MH• Verde. Quiet cul-de-MQ. 12% flNflCing evall Ur· g• •••umable loi n. s 1711,900. call 979-5370 \ ( : ·I l / tl I :.,, •·f I. .... t,,f .,,,,,,,.. ~ CASE 1010 Every Saturday In the 3'lu Dill Prrot c1111lned1 Walker & Lee llPlD 10% HWI 111 .. 1tl•t llll Balboa Penln1ula. Well Defulle duplex • terma to •••••••••• •••••• ••• ••• kept duplex wttl'I two 2 fll your budg9t. Own all 3 bdrm, 3 be. euatom view Bdrm unite, 2car11atege, or part. Darrell own/agt. hOme with 3 eat garage, t blk from the beach. RE/MAX 7Si-t22t 2 flteplaee1. 10% dn. Good winter & tummer ----------1 Owner will lletp flnlllCe. rentel. Min. vtcaney fee.-RIOl .lllTT• PllOE, $235,000. e: ~~~~~;;:~~;;ri~;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;1 ~ SUPlll HITI IOH BRAND NEW ··H•art of TOWIHOIE Orenge County" Town- s 000 S homes • Luxury 3 bdrm 102• . Imply lovely. hOmH bHUtffully d•-upgraded Fountain Plua l100 end unit townhome. alQned. qulllty bullt -and ) lO c financing now that you tor. S38g,ooo F ... Call 1111,000. 648-704 ... 661--0882 Dlon-Schmehr or Marla : Jim'.'~~.!:~:~~~~~ Jual won't bellev•I C•ll S.covltt for <Mtalla. 2 Br. Cottegt netr Big El ftff 1131 C0tgn1 Beach. x1nt flnan. •• ••••••• ••••• •• •••• •• ))30) prlvlle spa Near little now Brtndywyne Pro-t:: on" playground. GrHt 1_'*1 __ Je_a_l_l,_53_t_-9.._. 6_7_0_. __ 1 . fln1nct~6·2313 Clualfed Ada 842·56711 GEO RGE ELK INS CO 751-9100 -ttm l Hll !04 lllllt •u -----llMS -~ ... llllU I tlrili1 h ... noo 1411.11. lfflet • 121t *'· ••. h Ltt 1JOJ120 12IO,HO Eastllde Coate Meaa 2 Br 2 B1. home, hard· w9'0d floor•. larg91' lot. eul·d•atc *''"' S 125, 000 Owner will flnanGe. : ••r l10ar4te, RhT. -141-lTH 5 ====~~~~ii:i toll -llOE ---- 1i010 -----~ ---~ ... ti• tllD ,. .. tlll ,. .. .. ,. tlll -... -'All ---. .,. ~ - --· -.,. Wll •n Tit CROWN POINT •• SPYGLASS HILL Superbly eonetrueted gated "let• on alrnoat ,.. acre with apeclacular v1ewl. S U50.000 11 IHkJ P841f .... • S.H•J 1·l Pll (Wa4 11·IPll) See lefge Id In Seturd•Y Dally PllOI A E MC11on lltl "'""'' .. ...., 111-4444 ?11·1111 CRESTLINE 'LCMI nMl In tilt aky. N- 2 br w/tlrtpl1ce 170, 000, $6000 down now, 14000 ne11t yeer. Owner Clarry. 10% a11um1bl•. (71'4) 66(1..()369. IPYIUUNW RESIOENllAl REAi ESfAIE SERVICES lllOUYll llH- The ultimate i n glamour & sophisUca\ion in this 4 BR De.file townhome . Nothing has been omitted in the upgrading & decorating. Lovely private location. An exclusive listing. IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 WKND SPECIAL -NEW CONDOS I GIANT REDUCTIONS No. 2 •• ...,_, --ttOW IM0,000 No. a•• 1111.000 -ttOW 1111,GOO No. 4 •• 1121,ooo --ttOW M1l,OOO No. I w .. 8411.000 --ttOW a.ooo •ur OM or all ••. owner mu1t mo" lmmedlatelr. Wiii n .. otlat• on not•• canted Moll .,.., CMe.. LINDA ISLE-A STEAL! LOWEST PRICE A ,...,.._ VAL.WR lof Oflfr --end own. fteatbte on tenN end ooodttkMMt.. 8ubmtt .......... °' tenM or CAIHI An .. oepttonee WATS.-,RONT home on the taeoon With • pmete 2 .. totJ re1ld1noe for e..tertalnlnt t•rt• troupe or dallJ llwlne In I bedroom• + formal llWlnt room, ._.. ......., ""-with 1t.p.down bet on the • ...,, ..,_...,. pMto a much mote. Celt lot detalle 6 lnveet'now .,.._. th• price• 90 UP. Pler/1llp tor lerg• J~l WA U:.RFRONl HOME . I'< ,,~.\I 11111' '-.......................... h iw ............ . U .lll 'I 1-ll•t '"' __ .., .... 111·1400 1:: S<C\\4llA-4£b's· = ---------· .. -•:.. ..... ..:i e ........ ,.. .... ... --= Two atory N1ntucket 5 bf. with bMullM 8unMC pool 'aurroundtd by 14, .. , .......... 1.......,1_1.;...o..;A-'C~S-_. 000 red bttcl!t. T lllef\lllY dtc)()reted thruOYI with Wlllt>eipere Ind lflutten Showe llk1 • model homel Meny uptradH. Seller tlnena.. Submit down, 11t0,000 tnol 111114, -= = = -... -..., ---.... "f l DO I r I I liill1~ ~ ......_ 2 • 3 '*"' l.ultwy Con· .. EnCll ....... ""' ltnltllt•. l8000 dawn C1ll Al ch O•nl A9t • ...... ,71 .. - B. Ellerteen -Age111 WEFHIT 675-2373 or 720--0740 ll,IOI llWI C..11 #.u 1114 2 ap1eloua bdrms + 2Ba. •••••••••••••••••••••• 2 pool, apa. sauna & 11!,lllllWI t9flnla. All tor only $89, 900. Mull .. 11 lmmed. .... •• Pteue..eall 631-45117 Spaelou• 3Br + 2,..B•. iutJ.1,.,, redwood patio & apa, handsome brick frple. t.M IHI xtra '9 2 ear gatage w/ ••• •••••• ••••••••••••• wine eeller or derk rm. B'I' OWNER 3 BA 2'A be M u I I •• 11 A s A p . hou.H. 2,000 aq.11., 2 6-46-5680 tpk: •• fenced yrd. 3 yn STOL IT Low chm, ueume loan.. 3 8r 2 Bal Agt. Fred T• nore . 631 -1266 or 631-271 I Deaperal• owne< -mu1t NII or trade I bdrm pool home In Bec:k Bay ., ... Prkled below recenl ap- pralMI. Low lnltW .. I 111. SS0.000 down. Open to all offers. Cell 548-8471 or 801-8056. PIP. Ylew af ha .. , ltat 01tJ LkMI MESA BlU~ CONDO reduced 10 Mii by owner. St52,500. ContllCI Uncle Belrd . 955-02 60. 850-9903 •FNllllllll* ••nm Owner w1n c:ontldtr 2nc1 •• 0% '°' 3 yre. 3 8r 2 be Eealal()e. I ISCl.000 Agl. .115-925'. •Yl~llWI SBA, 2~ba. 11106 all, 1 119,500. A11ume In, OWC balenea. Prine o nly . 514-11390 & 838-9851 1001 VIEW old W/llk• amaller houaa/eondo or truat deed In tr Ide or wlll dl- acounl for c11h down payment. St53.000. 720-0527 dya/eYa lmn JIU ...................... T1l1Ultll.llJI ,,.....,.., ..... A apot .... 4 bdrm Glen· ntyrl plan In I gfMI k>- cellon only a lhort · welk to pool and tennle. Re- duced over 120.000 for fall aale. Exletlng tat 11 usumeble al t0.75%. NOW only '2118,500. '44-1111 \f >II/ tll:"tf ...... 2 Bdrm. 2 beth condo. WOODBRIDGE CONDO - Full amenlllM end MC. 28r, 28a. er!d unit. pre. gate. No quallfytng with ' mtum loc. FrplG, AC, al- 16000 down. 10 75% taClhed oar, yd. •129, loan pr()Qrem 1vallable. 500. Oood a11um1blt Call Ric h Own/Agt. 16an1. Owner/agt. 964-8171 499-5778 Need a huge 2 Br. 2 Ba . New Orlt1n1 Condo, ffl)lc, pool, clubhM, wlll! 10 1hop1? Drive by 174 I Tuetln, Unit 22A. Call 673--3313 tor eppt. UHi 2 .. 1Wllll with 2'h bathe, 2 cat encl gar. & ylfd. 15000 down end peym•ru •nl•t•d i>rogram. C1ll Rick Owner I Agt 964-e 171 ...., ...... 3 bclfm, 1 t>a. s.p. din rm. Covered pello. Adami Ind H"1>or, neer ~000. ----------PUI 4 In Turtle Aoclt. 4 bc:lrrna, 2~ bl., OM level. Pro- fe11lonelly deco11t•d and l•nd•o•ped, back yerd, petlo cover. Thia la a mull -before deci-ding on an)'thlng elM. '233,900. liiiiiiiiilAITmliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil •St5 c..s1a--. THREE UNIT&-1 3 Bdrm encl 2 2 9dml pM I • • ... ~ 11oo11 w ... 0wner 1 .. 0 llnenclngl Cell f'lldt, llr· ,..,,.,.a.M40 ..... •PllTllm 11 .. •n• ftl II on thl1 eht~ Turtle Roc:tl Gten TOWMOll'll. 2 bdrm, I~ ba end ,unit located on hlrO beliutltl.ll gr••nbet11, Dey end nlOl'll llQtlt ..... Thie " 1n e•c•ptlonal bU)' 11 Utt,000. 9\llld« hll ~ .. oein probleml. wlll ..... wltll option lo pufOllaM wnhln IS monthl IC TOOAY'S Pf'llCL New t Of J If. 3 I• Condo·•lo * hlk •. ........ '-OtMt loOatl9n ne•t door 10 •fl •l'IOC>- plnf, '" .. "" • '""" IPClftdOn. 114-a 1-toN Of" IU•IOOO Or•nge Coa1t OAIL Y PILOT /Thuraday, 8 pt mbet 16, 1982 · Real Eslila -the Complete Oran1e Coast Marnt Place ------~~!!!~.~~1.!.1.'! ....... 9!.!!.!-.~~/!.1!.'1 ••••• !'.'H!!.f,/r.~~f!'. .. ,. .. ~.VH.,~.~{t!~ .. !-.~'.!!.¥~~.'!!'!'... • A"o:i-::r ... _, ~.'i:,-:;:..., lnl•• IH #16111 __ ,, CMM• l•I llu J••• C..11 .,,. ,,,. lnl•• Jlf4 ,....,, &u•• J.111 ..,..,, ""•t ~111 ··•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••111••••••••••••··· ······•••••••••••••••• .............. •••••••• l•t ,.,, I JM •••••••••••••••••••"':':'7 ....... :l»••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ... • ··-·""""··":lT·•••• •••• •• -.-."n ••••• , •••• r.... I'. Iii 1114 D ti '--11# Iii .. t 1111 Wllllltlll .................... ":l UYPI-LWI :S bt, 2 ll•ll• f1mlly unit, allT&Lt ti TU WITH DarUl\O 1 IA. l blk fr 11!}~ ••• !!'··••••••••• .~1.! .. ! .. ! ............. '!f!r.!! •••• ! ..••••••. 3 l>drm 2 bl condo llUIL'" -· gatll09. 175 + cllQ 2 to 4 bdrm•. 111111no II 61tbo1 COYU IHCUllll• bHC!I, WIG•'·· wlnllr VACANT 211r, 2B•. Cir• hclh 1p1, .. ~ btll. 10 CJc;h, •ct-• t'rom community 24 X 94 with ':r.:7 "'"0 ' an• I bedrm, '"' b1tll w/ MITRO ALTY 836-7000 1~ to 11•"" home, 2 & den Or 3 t1nt1I MOO mo. Incl ulll ""'I ••2• mo iwl\OaCll ""g .-. l300 Parka 110 600 By O'*· c1011d .,.. 11g'hi"1n11-terclflo mlll\ ~•Y 11l•w vvv '""" bdrm All opening •o 1eo-1oe2 llle81iBAU .. -54a".3aet, 730.111& e1s.14n ~.t , .. , - f\lf', 851-laM days rlore. lelen'd kltohen. 1Speclou1 fem ly home P1t4 ... 11141 gerd1n, petlo o111tloo• 1--.. -.-.. -.,-.-.. -a_.--&PUTlllTI 1 IA-pool•btook 10 Lar~ tam rm 2 IA 2 wldock. 14,000IM O Full kllollen tor Mom. tclnQ wile<, 2 trple'e, gu ..,.. 3 Br 2 61 oc;e vu 111111 FOAECLOSUAE SALE BA 540•5937, ' ' Mar 1 ha M 1cn1 b Reedy nowl Pet• olt. prvt 11,. ring, epa, tic. 110. t bdrm, winter re111111. H11ullfully landac1p1d g 6 u' an • oc•an-llngll '350. lmmaculata Woodbrld~ pirltlng 8 1ST Ally Meybe rurnl•Md. allp for 1•25 Including u11111111 g11den1 apte. Pool & 8p• 11 4~~~70 8'2·6002 Avalon. 2 bd. 2 bl, AIC, Live In NewpOtl QMch '°' 530-t100 ,.. boll IVllllbll Only No P•U e 73-t944. :::::::o,cs.ck• ~:tr.i!·ta B .,, I eLIFFHAl/EN C<lfnet lot l!e.ooo204~own s1g,ooo 2 &drm t ~·In ltt 1 re.tel ICtHJ 1 tHlll mo 711 t •2717 _a_4_e._t_030______ 1 8drm 1485_1470 •• •I•• Spaclou• 2 Bdrm, patlO, & TO Pay 6117· "' privet• comm ery d111ya. eet-8103 ...,.., 18R COTTAGE Mature 22•0 I/a uatd .ltHi 3140 dl1hw11111r, garage, c87'6'.2'1n42 Mu• I • • • Never 901ln Compt1t1 4 J,I~ ,,.,,.... ..... adult• Pf•I No-ptt5 ••o.g:2• ng 42·4""6 ••••••••••••••• • ..... •• SllOOtmo. M5-713e By Owner, well located room fltl. 1300'1 child i. ••1 Wlntet rental• " v v or II vv Detu>11 poolald• lltra ler~ ---------Ot1ngelr" condo, t Br ,,_ fine et BEST flat f•I· • BEACHFRONT 3Bdrm now lllllllblt Call ---2br 2 bl bltna d1wt11 Ute MOl'lll dullll 1vall for & Iott. PreMntly rented -•••nlil JltmlneCMll .._811t 3 130.8100 tt523~Da·ll'l1Mt ae.a New opte. new ....... H••n Larg12Br,28ath115e5 1~'mu11 b.ach Nopet•' rellrld/Mmi.-retlfldq>I for lnveetment purpoMI ..... ,,,. 11# r •......, • Aa.lnt alt now can bl ·--._ 308 W Wiiton 1500/mo 538·e382 2 Br ept, utll pd. 8ml or •~•II. for trnmtdlate •• J."."A• • .,•••••••••••• 8r. family rm, tt•P• to Purely aflord1bla. Nice 3 ,,_ ' 811 Pllf llll&llMllT 83 t·5583 or 842·.4905 blach motel. e4S..0440 occupancy. Priced 11 001111,L 0 2 •P• & llnn11. 11500. 8r In good loeellon, t 'A 3 bd. A111lleble Now. Oer· turnlahed "ohn, Agt lll·llll 2 Br. 1 Ba up1t1lr1, t ---------actual mid· toe t purcha-• 1175-2740. bath. llud1nt1 or temlly diner. No Peta. 1930/mo ,_8_~_1._2_24_2_.______ 3 Bdrm. 2 Betha U26 chtld ok. no peta, w11er Lovely 3 bdrm. 2 bl, ,._ "price of &82,500. Ow· Prim• C.~~· 4~ eq Cnl• lltu 1114 fin• 11 DEST Riiy Q9en 7 831· 18111: 403-77118 l/erulll11 2 8r. 2 Ea :::::::::::::---i 161 E. 2tat. 546-24011 paid, $400 A91n1, no c:~11, dr•P•• ind •P· ner wltl help finance It bldgS I . IQ pro-•••••••••••••••••••••• deye ~" O~ANOE TREE CONDO -Condo. $700/mo THE ----------1 f" 545-2000 pl~ Slept to water. 055-2033, 750-t071 Ka· ~15~~~~~· ~~~c<;>'i.4~J1~~0 &~~~:.',:''~:-~·~~ 1Br, elr, r1frl8 Incl, no Ao-nt 768-0120 ""2al:fleld TIWltlllll HITlll :1~~1J:11 -0"21 or :~· •-L llUI l•tt•• 11f•tlY 1000 CC-RENTALS 750.3314 Not far from South Cont ~~.• 55~~:~1541 -t 1466 LIN llU 2 br, 1'..,be, S560·o --C-EA_N_F_R_O_N_'T-.,.4_B_r_&.'"'""'"'3 ~···· _.,. -....................... Plaz• 4 Br hOUM m Ill 4 BR 3 Ba & den. S1400 ••aooo HMILY Arri 3 br ,.,. .. b•, $575. Br 2 bl Heh. frplc1. ··'· •••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach 2 on. IOI 0111'& MIU beth• carnata t~u-~• DEERFIELD Lo11ely 2 bd, !1)0. 222 I/la Pale<mo, B11utllul ~erd•n •P•• Opply for opt lo buy $ t860/ s 1450 " NO. LAGUNA COTTAGE 1 blk from ac..n 12 )( M-..i I Ir -.... ' .. -' 2'1\ bl townhome $726 675-71118 Pallolldeeka No pell 2 545·3367, g5'1·14t3 r1199C • Price Reduced! Low Groll Well m1lntllned. -• • cozy frpl 2 car g1tage. • . LIFE'' vety. down Ownr Motvd Dleoretor ~feet, •P•· klda weic0m.. BEST RttY 552-0431 eft 5pm. BIG CANYON S1050 children welcome Ill&-l l.Ylll f>ROPERTY HOUSE . , Welk to shopping. Bkr. ctou1 2 bdrm, 2'~b1, new open 7 days 111 Gott cour11 view. 2 br, 2 . 2 Bdfm w. Bath• $54b B-1utlfu1'~perk·llke 1ur-e42-3850 642-1010 Apprvd plans for eKpan-213·308· 1828 ca""' Cod. Pool, Jae, r• I I £1•HI ••d 3141 b 11 .i1 ................ fUN! 2 Adrm. 2 Betha 1565 v alon. R·2 lot. OC4an vw. ,,v • II· 110• ••'•••••••••••••••;::... I. goroeou• wa paper, T .. " ".,.,.... T 398 w. Wiiton rounding• Terraced NEWPORT'ISHORES Ou· Arn Miiie<. agt 770·2169 Sharp 5 un111. E·llde CM oreatlorl area, Pl/\ patio, HARBOR OCEAN FRONT MCure araa. Socia I Act111lllU 631•5683 or llA2__.905 pool Sunken gas bbq, pte•. 2 bd, 2 ba, dwnalfe. 0 WC MekN sense at belcony, wine cellar&. lge Eeslelder Ollerlooklng Nu 3200' lux hrn on blu1f DI r •cl or• Fr•• 1parkllng tountaln1 frpt, dw. 2 car gat. patio, ,!.'!r.!!.!!!!~ ... !~~ 15% dn. Bkr g10-A383 gerage. Decorator wall N-porl, 2 atory'I-5 rm t80 deg. vu of harbor, Sund•~ 2 Br. 2 B1. t1undry, no Spacloue room• Sepa. I 8 0 0 mo •gen I PITilll lllEH Seve<al deluxe 4-pl••••· ~·:,:~' S %~~~~~ ~~?i ~;:~;11:;,1\:,~ f~:r::~: aurf, mtn1, 3br,.3ba, ae-~~~r:=~lu~'a• pe~':i 1~;~·t, 875•2880 rate rooma. Separate di· 1175· t8.42 Prof. decorated, warm 3 Incl Covtngtona In choice 548-2239. 10:30 to 5:30 kid• ok. $535 B~ST open cSu r 11 Y • 18 u n 1' 1 P1 ' much mot1 ---------• Mntn,,g, h'o'm''•' lwlkeelkkl-tc''!.....c.!0 1• _N_E_W_P_O_R_T_P_e_n_l-n1_u_1_1 _1 Br l R 0 R FR big locellons as low as $50, pm 7 d1y1. 111 1800/mo. 496,-7000. Q " E A T Brand nlW Condo 2 Br. 2 cabinets W111t to 'H""un't· b<I, 1 ba, '435 mo utlll • " · ·• · • 000 dow~ Teke 011er *l•t 11IO* Old cllermer view 3br 2 Br 2be luxury condo. Nr fl E c fl 1 AT1 0 N : Be. 2 cer g1r1ge w / pd ~I 875-18A2 kltch., frplc, P1A'1 • prl-101n1. Prine only Agt, CALL NOW 2br 2ba w / • • hrwd firs, trP.c. deCk. Nr beech All 1men1tl11. Te n n. I 1 • F r 8 8 opener. wood burning lngton Cante< · 11118 lrg manlcJrld yatd 645-8100; 549. l38e huge ltt I re1t1I llHIJ belch/ town. s 1150. Moat beautiful comple11. frplo, view ol llream & 2 Brm unlurn. $575 Steps to b11ch, 2 Bdrm &eprlvateputtlnggreen gar.bakerekllch$500 $7451 H Pfl I Lesson• (pro & pro waterlella . $785. 2 Bdrm Townhouae 011er gerage, 1525 & 3 cer garege. A reel £1t1 /11 Ill• ZZOO CC-RENTALS 750-3314 3 BR 2 Ba, ~ acre fenced, 4g4.5930. 2 1 3 l~oi 8 -~~y 0 0 ~; ah o PI• 2 He• II h 11112· 1309 unfurn • 1650. 873-2432 aft llPM. 11alue at $375,000 end •••••••••••••••••••••• CM W11Ulde. Fplo & EMERALD BAY 3 br, 2 2131870-300S Club1•S1une• No peta Utillllll frMI you own the land. Try If IWllll Nice 3 BR 2 Ba. den, M... much omore, $900 rno. ba. l800 sq ft. trpl, brlck Hydromessaoe• $395/mo. t Br 1 Be Apl LA QUIN.TA HERMOSA "• CJ .. t•ll 311• 10% dWn. Petrick Teno-1'1\ 1011 In Huntington del Mar, grdnr, no pete. 771·3938 patio, with 1pa $11100. I•• J•1• Swlmmlna•Gol1 C1tport, lndry rm Sub· 111211 Parkalde Ln, 1blk •1•B•r•.••p•vt••d•:;k·,·0•1•d•=d· B C• 2 be $850. Sierra Mgmt Co. 3 .. 78 55 11 I 3•i1 Driving Range mlt on nat balconv Call w f Be h 3 blk s -.. .,., w:~hPaci11~nCo~:: H~ 641-1324 E~~'::.~ ~~-y~d~ ~r:~ 21 Iv •22 · ••• ~~.~!~~~! ...... '!.. :::,.urT.J:~TLI : torappl,"' ' oi~olng!~ .. :847-5!41· ~m~.~a~kc::= ' '• 8 n d W •In u I . CC-RENTALS $375/mo agt, 875·11152 £•••H Billi 3Zf0 Hlll1lde execut1111 homt.,4 SI n g I ea, 1 & 2 _T_S_L_M.-.g_m_t_-""Ql~,_·_1_60_3 1 Br, refr"'"' blt·ln atove & $.495. Contact Mgr et apt 714-960-2411 1·5br'a $200 10 S2000 ••'••••••••••••••••••• bd, 2Y, bl, lmly rm, lv;J, ..,... B 1_ I HOME FOR RENT 3 t Bedroom1•Furnlshed lllTUT II 011en, drap11, cupe11 C 332 Encino Ln. • ft... 750-33t4 open 7-daye ut .. f,. rm. bonua room. r • & Unlurnl1hed•No N 960 2675 R£/M~ --------• lllHl•I•, .,..,,,, --------•1tt 3140 4 Bdrms. elcltc. home. beautiful yard end jacuz-Eaatlld• U25/mo. 2 Br o pell. • A,.tl•l•ll l1t•lliH IL'''. Ill•••• ,,,,,, Z400 HOME FOft RENT •••••••••••••••••••••• $900. Fenced yard & ge-zl. 11550, lnc:ludel gar· Peta•Model• Opan 1V. Be. Townhouae, all &&••111111 Will u. I .,,._ -•••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Bdrm. $76?>. Fenced NR BCH Nice 2br w/huge rage. Kids & pelt welco-dener, watet end trHh dally 9 to 6. bullt-lna, lndry rm, car-.._ fl • •t• .,,_ You own the land. 2,000 Kone, HI. Time Share yerd & gerege. Kida & 'pello, no11e1 kllch $450 me. 545-2000. Ao-nt. no plekup. 661-7717 OlkWOOd . port, yard/balcony, smell Lrg 1 & 2 BR townhouse •••••••••••••••••••••• sBq twldt, 3BGr, fem rm, 2'1\ Condos tor 11le 1 Br & 2 pell welcome. 545-2000, QC-RENTALS 750i-0314 '" ll•I• •-, "UO pet OK. apuk. encl Ngar • lrplc, SUWlll •• • r~belt, ,,.., Br. Call for detalla. Agent. no IM. ,.. ,, ..,... TSL Mgmt. IM2·t603 hHOrbor ·U,rPo'm s•4•7r5 HCuhn1'1-YILLAIE pool. Fer below market 540-4484 OC·RENTALS ll/11/•• V/1lf 3111 •••••••••••••••••••••• a ... -ets $245.000. Wiii lease op-2 Mr•, 2 llt Ot14t 1·5br'a $200 to $2000 •••••••••••'/•••••••••• 5 yra. new: 3 Bdrm, tV.ba, ,. .. ,.. Sparkling clean 2 Br I'/• dren OK. 840-11807 .-·~Ion~. ~B~kt~-~6~44~-0~13~4~~ .,., lltit• prlv patio. Excluellle 750·3314 open 7-d•Y• HOME FOR RENT OUl·de-aac. kid• Ok. • • .,.'1 ...... 1... Ba. $475. Ullls pd Aetr1.1--------- New 1&2 bdrm. 1011ury eptl In 14 plane. 1 Bdrm from $540, 2 bdrm frorn $615. Townhouse from sees + pool•. tennla, waterfall•. pondal Gaa fCV cooking & heating paid. From Sin Diego Frwy drive North on ~~~..»!· .;. fx i UOO Eestslde. Beautlfully 3 Bdrm. $700. F•nced S725/mo, 111/IHI $300 880 Irvine ge 2 small children Ok, Br 1 Ba, garage, 2nd llr, Park Lido Adult Condo 3 ••••• ~.~~/.!.......... tandacaped Pool and WOllWE yerd & garage Kida & dap. A11111 10/t, Heidi (at 16th) no pe11 $t>e550tco$300ny, sto11•d. O/CW. Br. pool, near ho1pt1el, Trade fr~llar 3Br, 2Be clubhou11 1750 mo. Spec t & 2 br. lovely pell welcome. 545-2000 9711·2390 (714) 645-1104 1960 Wallace "9" 8117·Se88 .~. ep. all beach. $145,000. Owner home, A:n1helm -com· 494--4701 pine• & 11ream1, aec Agent, no fee. •-,,--.6--.-1-----h.,m i .. elt/S.. w1h help. Ao-nt 64e.-1044 plate refurblth • aarne gatH, entry by phone, Iii .. i 3111 "'••••,. ••• 1700 16th St. 1en1nt 10 ~ra for Rea. I Ir, 2 I•. lge rec area Incl. gym, .!.'fr.!! ••• ~!......... U•l•1•l1AH 34'5 IUPPll(SI 111 LA. Orange. S. Diego, Frplc. renge. yard, gera-pool & 1p1. 848-6591 NICE 4rm w/party patio 0•••••j•··~··s;75• (Dover at 16th) Thie lo11elv l/eraelllea co11111 ereH, $80,000. ge no Piii Prl11111 Lg kllch 1-Ad ..,. ••25 range ree o, (71~) ~2-5113 , $8 • . . Sharp 2 BR condo, t sty, OC·RENT, •L"".s 71v50:--3314 1 Br & loft, 1ennl1, pool, condo penthouM II only I 1 1 4) 9 6 8 • 2 II• 5 •or 50/mo lat. l>IU• MC. ell bltna. pool, $550 mo. " 1 tr earn NO pet 1 $12g,soo with 1 30 yr 3115-5511 only. 648 W l8th. St. Cell 540-1158, 11k tor OC·RENTALS 553·t141 11 .5% loan . Greet 49 1617. Dave •--------- mountain 11lew, pool, l••l•l1 3 c C d l-6br'a S200 to s2ooo 2 bd 214 bl 2 car gar A,.tl•••ll gym, aac. gatad Oon'I •••••••••••••••••••••• B 2Ba ape ~;'.1°~ 3 Br 2 Ba, lprlc. Lovl\)I 750-33t4 Opet1 7-CS&yl lo11i storage: Nr Herbo; U.J•t•iliH ml11 aeelng thla one. Bt•lfl 1.,.1,,H 97_2149 noma & area t ml to Newpott Sh0t11 3 Br. 2•;, HI Sch and Oakwood •••••••••••••••••••••• Agt. Rod. 67µ000. •••••••••••••••••••••• beach $850/mo Roger Ba 2 block• to beach, Apu 545-3674 de, 111.t.I 1111•' UH •l.t.. lil••I JlOI Lr r, 2V.ba. condo. 640-9008, 983-0902 • cloae to senool & tennis 840-5156, ev11 •••••••••••••••••••••• ( ~ • • c··.·1···u·s··,·o·r··Y·E·:·R·L·Y··o··r avail. l0/1. Many extres NEAR BEACH 3 br ,.,.. 982·6683. llWI OUJlMH ,.. lnclud. micro, frpl, Ilk• ba, fem rm, tOl l s.2~ Aull•••ll fu•iliH Llfge 1 Bdrm. tireplace, ' • WINTER ren1111. Aegtr n • w 4 g g -2 3 O O • mo ~1 973•8931 FS •-or lee opllon, .,-.-;•••••••••••••••••• bearrled clll'1, t1undry Propertlel 675-.4000 831-7100 · 1500/mo 5 r •large •IH.1'1,.1 3104 Ultlmatt prl11acl w/ 1------------------3 br 2 bl femlly home yerd, ac:hoolt. shopping •••••••••••••••••••••• p1rtl1I bay view. 700, lTTIAOTIYI 1 BR TRAILER. P.rlvlle, n~ paint crpls • dra: nearby. Agent ~8-l044. WINTER 11 mo. 3Br. 2Be. 842·7284 wknds/ e11es. BEST DEAL IN HARBOR 2 bdrm hOUM 111alleble ~~go7~:'~· ~~l~su~~~· pes, 2 ce; gar., covered EASTBLUFF Ellec. hOrM fully turn. 3rd hae from ()( 832-3400 dys RIOOEIBeauL3 Brhome now.$700wlnterorS825 499-1617 · patio , lmmed 111111. 3 br. 2 ba den, fO<mal So Bey $800 mo •-tL-- wllh lncred. view In yHrly. Con11 loc. N11r $795/mo Incl. gardlnlt dining, 2 lrpl1 garden ,_e_1s._1_030 _______ ,_ prallglous gall guarded Bay. 675-9667 4 Br 2Ba, bltlna, dl w, new & water Agt by eppt, pa 1 1 0 , s t 2 so m 0 •l.t.. 1••l•••I• 3101 c 0 mum n . s 4 e 5 M . J /L--cpll, drapet, frplc. dbl 957-0701 ~2-0350, 857-~828. •••l•l•I• 3,,0., •••••••••••••••••••••• 642·7745 • -car gar. pool. $850/mo. r· 1 • 1 2 bdrm. 2 ban._ dplx. ''•i•••I• 3101 2310 Santi Ana A11e. Come home to this 2Br 4 II 2~ II •••••••••••••••••••••• yrty. M11ure non·lmkra, VERSAILLES CONDO •••••••••••••••••••••• Call 2t3/375-8107 family unit chef etyll F $1250 I Small t Br carpets. dr• no pale. f750 X 3 1 br, 1 ba, IOUlhern ex-4 Br bayfronl w/dock. kitchen garage 450 + am rm~ M pea. raftlg•. Uove 2131790-.41g5; 257·9792 poaure, 1ubt1rr1nHn $ 4 0 0 0 I m 0 .. yr I y . RENT TO OWN: N-2BR Chg e.«-eo53 $425/mo. 875-soea Of (714) 873.-398e pr kg, llC. entrencll, $3000/l"o. wlnte<. A11all. 2'Abl condo Call Rich METRO RL TY 63&-7005 Eaalblutf 3Br, 2ba. Avail 2 BR 1 Ba, 1 11., epaoe, ,,.. ou1111notng pool/ 9110. Owner/Agl "64-6t7t now S 100 O I mo , blk to ocean or bay No clubhae. By owner. $98. J.R.'PROPERTY • •3Br, Twnhae. nr s.c. lBR HSE 300 ~.,4,0;.!,,08 1_! .. AforrnEl1•11~r pell. HOO mo. 9 mo. 900 11sumable. Sandre MANAGEMENT Pl S .. p I "" """"' ,._ ·-7t• •7~ •142 842..e149 875-6173 IZI. .... 00 . IP•. Ullr• mod•tn kitchen w/ leaM ...-v ....... iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii on th a Pol n 1. 3 Br 2b1 , UITIUFF , Thi• loVilly family home hu just ~ painted In & ou1. Vacant & raady to ll'IOve In. 11 hu 5 bdrma. patio. winter lee, a11all l mmed. 1750/mo . 675 ·3894 or 213/792-4610 s .. be- ginning Sunday. 3 b1tha. tamlly room on 1-.----,.--,--3-1-1-1 corne< lot near patk tor • .'.'!r.!! ... ~! ....... .. the klddlea. Walk 10 LIDO ISLE • 3 bdrm, lam schools, at ore & tennis rm, 4 Ba, s 1700 mo. gar. $780 mo. No pell. all bit-In• pet"" chg LIDO BAYFRONT new 4 OcHnfront & CIOH to 752-5822 METRO RLT't' 638-7005 Br $Ba .. $2950/mo S 2 B • 831-3671 675-2860 mall 1 & r. ,.pie. 2 BR 1 Ba. I car gar. lge Beaullful 2Br 2ba huge ' $350-$750. Yrly & w1nte<. y1td, $650. garage kid/pet 500 + Harbor View Homa, Cat· 875-5102. 873-0168 dlg met Mdl 3 Br: femlly rm. W-ln-1-.,-R-.-n-,a-l•-.-B-a_c_h-,-1 111&111 METRO ALTY 636-7005 Leue l ll50. S«..e9'T7 bd, end 3 bd wtlh OCMn LANDLORD doetn'l cera 3 br, 2 lge bathe, newly 3 Br, ottlOe, Mn, country v I • w . 5 3 5 • 8 7 11 8 . about moneyll Seya rent remod. Pat1. 575 +chg. kltch. frptc, 211\ Ba, 2 car 875-0318 this 3Br 2Y, B• c:uslom METRO ALTY 838-7005 g1r. W/O hookup, gar--c---,-,-,,--3 ... ,-i-~ pool houH, gourmet kit def\,lr, nr 1chool1, no .!~! .... ~ ... ~••••••• $425. 1 br. utile pd, ~17 E Bey Balboa No P•U. 5-47-1155 Bachelor. y aarly 1340/mo. Ullla paid . 875-9582, e48-1319 Clean 2Br. 1 Be. petlo, seoo mo. ~ 1031 evealwknda. -• • • -1 BR, yrty, upp'er unit. cl .. n & Mfe, deck w/ch1nnel 11lew. 1535 Incl ulll Open Sun. 3302 M1tCUI 973-19~ 3 apt1 111111; 2 bd, 15Ml; 11--------- bd. $425; Bach, $375. Call Stu 540-3866, •97-2338 ~~: , ADULT lfflim A . S ..-WI n d Vl I fag e -. " -:-:;:-rrv 1'N li 1 Bdrm w/loll. f'rplc, rec 1 (714)893·5108. room, pool. Jacuzzi, gas • Sec:urily Gatts OCEANFRONT 3 BR 2 Ba, & wetar paid No pets. • Pf'OI & Rec RC)()M 393 Hamllton, C .M • I& 2 811 PahoApts lg• unit, 1p1ctaculer 8.45-4411 r. l ocean view W1tklng • •lraeo anOSQP•no dl1tance 10 1riopplng & $395 • 1BR, ref rig, no • Oosnwashtrs & 880s N-port'• tln"t reatau· pe11, 2 adulla pref. 731-C • Joo 10 Bu<:11 & Shops ranll. ,o\111 Sep, 15. to W.18th.673-7787. June 15. $1100 mo $525 2 Br. 1¥tba twnhM _e_7_3-4.4 __ 83 _____ _ Poot, patio, no pet•. ,,.., 4000 91e-s•25. 1141-0514 ... ,,.,,,. ;.~::.ihkit~~·p;,:~N; C1011 10 beach, 2 Bdrm, B•tN•t 314 Z ahopplng c.nle< & buaH- $400 mo Crpta, drpa, •• • ......... .... .. .. .. ne. H.B. 982· 7520. \..... pool, gar. No pell 4Br, pool, epa. _ 642-4470 ~1500 mo N.B. pllt home, klloti. ptlv, 492-.4353 non-smoker. $295 lYllL. ltWI £ •-.. Jl~I aso.1ggt or 63t-7215 Large 1 8 r, relrlge, ••••• -•t• Y ranee laundry carport ••'••••••••••••••••••• Furnished room In Costa pool. ·No pell ·._.251,,,o Oceanfront, m1gnlflcen1 Mesa, quiet home for 9 3 1 W 1 9 t h s t 4•· S 1750 mo • working per90n. not un-S4S-<Mll2, 497-2042 der 32 year•. 546-58().4 Large 2 Br. 1 Ba. d/w, In· Studio, 'n blk lo beach. CM, lux above gar for dry r rn· w 111 d 8 unfurn. $385, lat. mo neat non-1mkr person, $490/mo. Avail Oct 2nd' only + $600 d1po11t no kltch, 548-7197 aH 6.45-ee25 Lease 494-3862. 8111. ,_8_P_M ______ _ • _.... a. • I ~ ..... ,, ••ii Jiii Room In A bdrm, 2 b• hM. __ , ••••1 II••••,. ··-·•"'••••••••••••••••• Kitchen, wa1her/dry1r Lo-bad\ wltplc, patio & NO FEEi Apl. & Condo 1225 no tut dep. carport. $400. No pets rent111. Villa Ranta.ts. -642-.4172 &U~ ev M ... Pin., ~0·2447 e1µ912 Broker ----·-----------'----·---------•HO & up with llllchen, Bachelor 1 81, w/ehoww, weekly. ac..n1ron1 Mo- lge yd, $27S mo, lei. 675-8740 673-0t68 PARK NEWPORT APARTMENTS Single room for mature 2 Br. 1 'h Ba. No Pita. COUNTRY CLUB LIVING female. Npt Hit 1200 $450/mo for 2 peraona IN ~EWPORT BEACH Call 6.45-3487 Club Fantastic llnanclng, $232.000 OCEANFRONT 2 bdrm, 1 Bl $700 mo. Biii Grundy. Rltr, 675-6161. fonT\41 dining, rock frpl lllS/Pns 01 pell $995. 1-637-1458 Of Oc11n 11l1w. bHutlfully designer decor thruoul Worlt1hop gar. 400 + S48-5026 furn townhouae, frplc, Many more EXTRAS chg. Blulla 3 br, 2•..t ba, fem pool & plllo 1895/mo. 1...5 5 W -1 8 l h ."-SI . • t t I I o t C. ' I It 3&fZ 64e-9507 " o a env r nmen IH• I IHtl 41SI .~!~! .... ! ... ~ .... -::·. ---------• 'l.partment-community on •••••••••••••••••••••• -673-7300 $350 METRO RLTY 638-7005 rrn, greenbelt. pool. 873-0896 rlf'lt~~~~~ MA:ra970 $1400 mo. Agt e44-Ct34 -C .. -1.-.-,..----3-1_1_4 Beautiful home for quell- fled persona, gr acloul h- 11 Ing. $2500/mo 111. 3 BR 1~ ba dpt11, SA Hgtl, 675-1530 ln<:4 y1rd, ger. l630 mo. 20201 B Birch St. Outallndlng 1 & den, 2 833-1927 3 BR • 490 Huge o.ach-c:loae 4 br, 3 E~~;;7d;•5·1~;:·;;;5 Affordable f1mlly unit. be dplK, btt-lna, $000. yr utll1 pd. Nr •llOP• & bul. Very am. move In + chg. IM. Oct. 1. METRO RL TY 838-7005 (21~)376-4509/306·8086 .-Piii. 6•6-.4831 CASA H 010 All UTILITIES PAID Ba. aundeck, f0< 1 or 2 Perlect 3 br, 2 ba, chll'• Hlfbor View Home, 2 Bt, persons. S750tmo l9e t 3bl'\ 2'hbl, nr new, fltl<*l kitchen, r1dl1nt fr pie, den, 2 Ba. I 1100/mo. yr Lois Miiier. egl yard. trllll. C111 aft. •. gw. Kida/pet. 550+chg, &40-8180 or 831·3985. llALIU llWI 83t-1266 $800. 940-50lO. METRO RLTY 839·7005 Herbor RldO-..... 4 Bt 3 Compere before you NEWPORT CREST CON· Eaatalde Condo, 3 bd, 2 Ba, beaut. decor. 3800 ft. rent. C-uetom deelgn DESPERATE!! DO -Beaut 3Br, vie.... be, trpl, micro, balconll-llOllES I APTI poot, termll. guard gate fHturn Pool, bbq, 10% DOWN/OFFER I t200 mo Agt e4S-02"5 •• enct yrd, dble gerage, $2500/mo. Bob or Dovie COll'rd oarege. aurroun· NEED FAST ESCROWI elec:. opnr., 1776/mo + 100'1 a11all herll a 1..... Koop, Agt, AEI MAX did with pluah land9CI· BY OWNER Wlnle< 3 BR 2 Ba uplllin u1111tles. 644-.4908 ....... 759·1221 ping No Piii 5 bdrm, 3 bath Victorian. unit. S8~~~;So4 720-5012 day. Affordable 2 Br Kld ... 400 NEW P 0 ~ T CREST 1 Br. Furn $515 Step a to So Bay 1---------•0ld Spanl1h llou11 on 365 W Wiiton e42-1971 Suba\Mlllal price rlduc-Oceanfront 2 Br 1 Ba ,.,,.. Eutllcle lot 3 BR, Latge 4 + 2 + den w/lrpl CONDO-Beaut, 3Br. New "••• ••l•t ,1,- 11 0 '. •-q~ klleh gar 650 cpl & paint, S 1000 mo. ,,. ,., -lion 1175-0652 v1rage. pa o. n pe · huge detached gat. Dirty ... Agl 645-0205 •••••••••• • •• • ••••• • •• fnc:tudel ut111 unlit June & need• work. Vacant. Super 1 Br 1 B1 VIiia, Completely Remodeled I e 2 5 & S 5 7 5 Im o . $600 mo. Cell Latry or 3 Br 2 matr balha chef• HARBOR VIEW HOMES -courtyard, very private. executive 3 Bdrm 2'nba, 648-2510. Oave, 5.40-ll5ll kllch •Kids pet gar ... 525 38r. 2Ba, din rm, 1g kit. No p-et,1 $450/mo formal dining rm, huge bl d $950 mo A"'t •73 .,., t3 fem rm w l welbar. 2 lido weterfronl home 5 SUPER SH~R1P 2br 2ba 636 7005 55~J13o · "' .-v--~11-------f I 1 pa 1290 000 Bdr,.,. 11 moa le111. ~ If ~·.!tu i>uy d~ to s 150 .i40·5273. Ag•. patio, poo1, kid o11 S-475 • HUT YllW •;.:,1 • J'4I 13%. oceenfront _ ettracttve OC-RENTAl.S 750-3314 Not 1 rental agnc:y Chg Cet1llna & rn11, Hunting· •••••••••••••••••••••• Open Sat/Sun 1·5 3BA 2ba $1200/mo. 0 •ltlO Ulfllll• METRO REALTY ton night 111 ... H-. CS. llTlll LMll 2297 R~~d• D< moa IM. &a.I 875-91 te 3 Br. Clean & qulll, car-Nr .._~ .. 3_ ._ ___ '"""'S luH 2 br, 2 ba, aec:ur. Beautiful perk-Ilk• eur-11 . r ..,._,,, .... nun .. ..,. glla, brick frplc, yard. rounding•. Terraced 750-66e5 or 64.4-8458 ~~J!.~A~~ ...... !J.!f Ph•ts, kdrap11, l1unddry at BESJ Flat fee No p1t1. ldeel for he-pool. Sunken gll bbq, Owner/Agent o o -u P • -¥ • r • 53H190 neymooners. $8Ml. SH aperkllng fountain•. --.-L-1-1-0-1-1-L-E--2s:~;,:,~1~~~Ju~:·~· ~::.ge.W1ter paid. No *llN .... 1at then call. fB103 Spaolou• room•. S.pe- 1 1 d u II' 12 t") SUNSET BLUFFS, cor-rel•dlntng araa. Wallt·ln llYFlllT ~ nc u •• t •· ~ 181 Senta IMbll Wltli trldo-tatove lnlldl. ner of l/lc10<la a E. Pa-cloaets. home Ilk• kll· 999-2953 eeo-3989 BEST ~ty 53H190 fM clflc Alie., Co1t1 M... Chin & cablnete Walk to ~~~r~~~ ~·::. coO:ek~ ·-.. -,-.,-n-u-.-,.-,-.1-1_i_#_ IOMEI I APTI ltt • ,...., ICIHJ ::~-~:~e. 1144·8722. Huntington c.n1er. choice Nord loc. tee •••••••••••••••••••••• SpectlCUtar 38, 2 bllll Sting the family, nice Sor. · 1 8drm-furn, 1515 ) land. Xlnl uaum. nn. No 11•1111 Jiil Rem~ kitchen 800 dbl bath frplc fnod ~ remodeled 3 br, 2 No pets. Utltlllll treel qu»., no pta. $4751< 111. •••••••••••••••••••••• ... ssge, BEST 11i1 111 be, 1050/mo. 2 bt. 1 1>8, LA QUINTA HERMOSA 13%. S225K 2nd. (17251< IEITALI Roomy 1BR bit-Ina.. 250 538-e190 1750/mo. On the Penln-111211 Parkllde l.n. 1 blk exl1t. 2nd 111um. by Wl 1ul1. Step• to ocean. W. of Bllctl, 3 blk• 8. croH-COll. $SOOK on Y•erly·WMllly-nte<, 2, • Fair 2 Br family unll. A .. -yr I y / w Inter . 0 '/I Of Edlnge< ... 9.47-$4•1. other prop.) Quick Nie 3.4 Bdrma. Chermlng ~!r + bonua ~S:,h:.:I~~ ~:r~ 1175-3132:...,. 146-5710 • '--•• •.•.• ......... i.t ••••• l.'l.f.f. price H75K. Prlvete JAClll IULn utll paid garage .... 406 to 1111• c.n BEST rt•• t.. 1ew 28r, 2e. Condo. tu» -::r. Perty 873-71173. Pllf 63H 190 ~ury MMnltln, ans mo Luxury 1tudlo, Ir• HBO. ... Cll•l•lf 1111 11a••1fllflT POOL HOUSEEn«mou11--------8YQO e45-2251 pllone, meld Mrv, apa, •••••••••••••••••••••• _..,. 3Br MYef'll blllll yard 2 bdrm, 1 ba, encl oareci-. $130 Wk. 490-30115 ... lllUlll ll1·11ll for kldllPl1• Olf ... 800 '3711 mo. (BMc:h Bl and cLAIN condo, Big Ca-Oc11nfront, megnlllcent -_.1 Sieler). 4'41-3152 nyon, 2 BR 2th be, Im· 4Br, 111150 & 18r. S860 Wlll'll *~Br. 2 Ba. nr SC Plza, the Upper Bey Prl111t1 Board end room In lovely lB S.A. Pool, ape, carpon. clul>house and health M ... ll«dt ~Excel. Modern r apt, Cllport $575 No pet•. 752-51122. apa, 8 tennis c:o""•· 7 food. Rafi req. 545-20tS or garage for retired poola, cloM to bulll')ISI. lady. No pell, no llalrt * a,t 2 II elrport. Fa1hlon Island. ••t1J1 ll1t1ll 41# UP t o I 5 0 0 ( 2 1 3 I South Coast Plue area. Con11enlent ahopa on ...... '••••••••••••••• 275-2540 Mon-Fri 1v11 s t c g 8 1 1 . s • 1 s . lite. Unfutnlshed beche-WWI •m or all day Sal/Sun. • 8.48-46e7 10<1, 1 & 2 bdrm apta and Wkly rentela now avail So of Hwy deluXI" 4 Bt 3 Ba. 2 frplc1, ~ car gar. 11450/mo. Darr.-, own/ agt. RE/MAX 75~1221 M111 Verde apaclou.s 2 Br 2 Be. Apt. Garage. trplc, bit-Ins, completely rldec .. nit & den, 1.,., ba. townhouses. 1105 & up. Color TV. $540 -$1000 Phon11 In room. 227• Wilk 10 Bch 2 bdrm, 1 patio, frpl, beam Cllllng, be. lrpc. bal. Quiet. Enc built-Ina, gar-, lndry lee:. gw. 1775. e75-6580 • no pe11. 540-113311. Se11eral bachelor• and 1 Newpott Blvd. CM. Bdrm units l11ture line 6.48-7-445 • dHlgner furniture and ~or90f,:~°: ·~:: B E A C H A R E A ·-·· Well located 3 bdrm 2 batl'I apl. wfth flteptac., bltln kitchen, eoclolld petlo, carpell and dra- J)n. Nie• condition. 11100 per montn. $525. Vary NICI. 2 br. 2 ba. bale. trpt, beam eel· ting, bull1·1n1, gar, lndry fee, no pets. 540-e338 mer month•. Smartly '°84/ k furnlahed model• open f W dally. Relrlget110t~Makt-Pool On Jamt>O<M Rd el San Joaquin Hiii• Rd. 144-1100 2 bdrm. 2 l>a up1t1lr1. No pets. $500 mo. Avail. 10/1. Aft.5, S<C&-3598 2 Br 2 Ba from 1525. No 2 br, 11A ba. frplc, pv1 !>•I• Acron from Npl patio, OW. gar No pell. Bch Golf Cour11 OttlOe $520. 1134 thmllton. nr1 g~. 5<1µ855 Nwpt Blvd & Wiiton Costa M... 54a-g755 Yearly on the beach, hotel room, kitchenette & lho- "'· 12801mo. plUI MC. deposit. 230e W. ec.tn- front, Newport Beach. 873-4154 _&4_3-_54_7_e _____ 'A Block to beech, 2Br, Pine Knot Motel on Cout lmfMd Occupancy. 2 bd, brlgnl & airy. $700 mo H w Y. NB. Step• Io 2 bl, 17x21 lvng room yrty. N8-8283 ocean Wkly ratu ;'1 ~~~~I. $5 5 O I mo 1_0_C_E_A_N_F_R_O_N_T_1_B_R_,1 -645-04---40------ w l n te r. $550. Dye, IHI A PUCEI A (),\ '~"'" 01 2 l>d, 2 ba townhOUM, I:· 780·0104: 1111/wknde ReHonabl• ratee. l<lt-1 Ide. 4 yr old , yd . 833-3743 c:Mnellll. phonet, mlld llurbor ln1estml'nt Co 1800/mo 998-7300 deys, 1---W--TIL--l-ff ___ , 11rvic.. z cnanMI mo- ••k lor Dick; e40·2428 vi... SANDPIPER MO· "~t'• .. ,.. •••~ E\191, Wknda · $1175. 2 bdrm. Ht. bl. TEL, 19tl7 Newport 81Yd. ..,.. • ,., -•w D B Sunny upper, View. No CM 845.gt37. •••••••••••••••••••••• 1lux1 new 2 Br, 2 a ~ta. It 1 AmlQoi Way. --------- Spllelou12 at. 1 ea. $425. garage, fr pie. dllh-s.. LIA•. llA4-71t8 I ·-u -·-3 Br. 1'h Ba 1475. wa1111r. a&25/rno. ....,. ....., - Laundry tac . pool. '3t-0155 No P111. 3e9 LOVE\.Y 2BA. 2BA 11111 • 5.49-8559 12-7PM. AVOcado. ,_. 1>111 1o bch. No pete Wkly rll'ltlll I 105 up. Yrty 1700 mo. e75-17M Oo1or TV, frff coif ... TownhouN 2 Br. 1'1• 81 .. trplc, pool, apa. 111.ehed garage. No pell, Av111 now. Mall/mo. 831-4M4 $550/mo. a B'r. 1 ... Ba . TownhOUM, balcony, In- dry rm. ~ port. 111 bit• Ina. A11all hpt. TSL M9fnt 142-1903 · lllaled pool & 1t1p1 to 0... h/al Jiii WESTCLIFF 2 Br. 1'1\ 81. ocean. Kltch'a 1vall. NII •••••••••••••••••••••• Townhou11. No p1t1 N Coeat Hwy, L1guna 1 Br. g1tage, ,,.., ocean, SllOOlmo. 17211 Bedtonl Beactl. 41M·&H4 111ry clt1n. 1390/mo. Lin. 5411·7533. 213/402-21157, See et 1BR DUPLEX f•11tlM leatlll flfl 241182 Cotdol>a D<. Apt STEPS TO BEACH L;k;·;-·~·;;-·;; A. $445/mo 070.7206 boll doc'(, 48' 3be bee ,..,. _. LUt hle/hfn 636-7005 48r, 2'"-grdrw~nc:I •• 1750 macut1t1, ohlld OK, no •07-2042 Approx 2400 aq ft H -. Piii. 11100 mo. Call .... 8 1 Wiii Mii 1. LUI lot leti Fantutlo l~elton, 2Br, mo. Oerry or Chrllll •StGHT & SOUND OF -25• utUltlll lnel. m l ~····••ll•M hm . Compl turn . 812 ·21 Hi Of IYll 015-0311 right on b11chfrontl A ftreptac.. MC. bldg. J>ool 781•8t23 873-17111: 780·1307 SEA 18r, lrplc, gar, '~ ~~~1~ llvd,J• 'D' RAAE BUYI Call evH. •88 11 5 ..a.Ht/h ... ,. Noter11ntalegnoychg •-1 J.144 win Ur 1425 mo . ~.t\Pt\n . . S 402-49e4 San Clemente ,.. .. METRO REALTY ~~ ••••••••••••••• Br. 3Ba. 2 aty, '**Bey, 494-11114 Nr 18th/Pomona. I " 1 ~o • 9"&;11'1\!iG~ 2 8d 1 _, ....__ din rm. lndfy rm, rrp)C, 8 d 1 O/W • ,. ..,~ •·,. •--•-l-a rm, oft, ex .... -.· 38r POOL 110me 2 Ille SUCH A DEAL 2bt 2be lg rm for bolt or AV, grdi\r, ALMOST OCEANJAOHT I . owneta ra. , _,. -• -llon on Edgewater. bathe modern apci11 nu gar,~. bit-In• 1$75 1925 mo. et•-3l1ll #. C4"POf1, weser pd, t ctllld :P•E•R•;E••c•T•••s•T•:·,.·r•E•R• $1200/mo. m 11• k/fYe50 + ~ OC-AENlALS 75<>-3314 i----------ibr. 1,_.b, hou • 11711 OI<. no P41te $4&0. Agt., CONDO" ......... ,,.,. .. AO AL ..... 7 II I th kid d 1 mo. 2br, 1 b• dupltic. no tee. ~f-2000 _,.. .., .,...,.. LUIEIH r ng • I en P• $7211. Both f\irn, l)f'ltng, r Anan-.. • I So. Coaat Ptna OOrr1111 by 1911... '!,~d•3 2 Br, 1 ea, 2852 Santa 3 .... 11'1 ...... ~ ... ~ ::~~.~~N~ly.::~I~ petloe, view. Wlntlf only. STUNNING large I Ir. ~~Ice 0,... ~ ~'\) unit w/rec rm. . Aval now • .,, ..,......, "'-• • 114 ..... ,. .,.., .,.,_...., ,..,.,_ "'•4 1••a1•17-"'t'"• G ....... Aoll .....,.. & rec "'' •................ Sll.000 8' wlfemlly rm. Outt1an-"'' ,...,. · ... .,.,. mo In axoellent arM Allaltl· chg -• ..,... • ..,. ..... _....,, ~vi ...,.... dwn, ~ «)Mii. Agt. dlnglocatlOn ~Imo. 151.eue. bit 1mm•dl1t11y. MITRO ALTY 138-70CMS a ... t lflf .,_,ltO 18"'· 81• lu11urious cldUlt & family living in an all 5112·2000: 752-0187 ~"'" .. bf POOL hOuM, ......,.. l8001mo on 1 ~ ...... 11111 I ans i;-!!!r.!!............. • 28r. tea. NW So. c . new rountry ~lllng, ii> 2. & J Bd~. 2 Id 700 Or..... f)1thl. tr~. 850 + cflo. Fl11t other• to oh00'-9 ......,.../Ylewl Ptu-. 8.A. l.uJCury Con-I IHl/E.8TOA8 rm. mo. .... METRO ALTY eH-7005 trom. We',. the ontt to 2 and 3 bdrm, L-.,h'' do, wtpool. H50. Ho A~nilies Inc Ude: '5000 dOwn I 1200 mo. by 2001 Klt\gl Ad. call. ....... ....... ...... 100' tit........ ·~ v•7 ftalL ..... -74 I 1.....1 negatlYI cMtl 11ow t0t • W.tttir... ..... 1 II • Ill ."":::."" · _ • 111 ·-" 1 r-Jlrepl~. "'° •n up ...... _.._ '*Rel Ga\ Range • 1 Ot Ol/Rfet'Ou.:" t~ ::.,'~.'=~ Ul-1... !!!'''"*'-·"" (~l]lllle4•,,..0 ""°"•o.~1·100 •. m ==--..:::.., .. ~.~.T;.';"0r.'. •Oo<hw.-hef•dl<po"11 * P"lollllndf<k "'°' K4,.t171 lM M'tr~'~ + :Zf'Doe llHlll Cozy 1 er blt-lne .. *' 2 bl. 1120otmo ~ ~ co a/.,••• AP 1 •. '* OraptS/CIHS>tting * L.1undrv 1 .. cililit$ 1nJan1a 1111 ct= urn 712·t•H. _14_s.. __ ••-· -----1 * RKrt~tton room *Air roociitlonin)l 11'!.~ ........... !.'!! ...................... I •• 411 551·-POOi. HOU8 ll)tldOYI 17 I 2 '"· 1 IA, trl)IO. "°'' c ·~-....... ..L...i...... , .... .. ... -700 ,,_mo mew.• In I II • QI ._ rraau Pl•1.•n11t 4 + 2 +din W/foeit. kOIC "--f ~er, tat&-A W Bllllf, .W 1tt ut f90W"" ~ ~~ 1n1115 W. -•·-,. ... --......_. .,_an ront 1 ld~-~IO o pita, -•lld ok. v••-•"'10fL.......&.-I '-I :....... ,. ... 2 8drm1, 2'i' b1, low ,;.,.;o.;.:;:;::;. SmelldeOOtlt+Cfloo TurtleroOll euc, 2 ~..!!."!!.~~-No tsHlmo.t4W.11, .....,...., ,...,.._.. Ill~ fY111'(".-.,: ci-t. 10.75~ llnenclna METRO 1'1."'TY N6-700f Ma.TAO ~TY '""'"'7oot "'11t1t1, den, 2'i' be, 636•7005 -.....-1'';"'.,-, ...... ,_ t 1•. 1 ••, ..... ...__ y Qt ewilt, cal Aaotl Ownl f.Ol l 1HO. fl"ll 144·1090, ,_ " ... ..,.. ._, 119 ..... 111 TM f .. 1 .. t draw In IM Alway1 1 11le In ll'S-INI pett.ClflltdOK.Alutl,. ~--~~111;;;;11i el...a G . 'f04K one-WHI. • • D~llOI Cf~·,..ad the Ml Not.,...., l9ftCY Cf'9 ILi. IClll 11""9 Witt\ • • ta Htnillton. uu. stop~ otfltlf. Cf..a#led M . ft 9*Y d4ly '42·MTI W91t Adi Oel Mi-1179 MET~O REALTY Delly~ Cl....._. M.. e.414411 • PWl __ T_ (Mont.,.y Counlry Club) ) br, 2 ba, f\wn=, wl Golf. t~lt· . Delly, wkly l montll y 11111. Call Merk , 6ff.IOO 1 wtldyL KOM. HI ooncto f« rent 1 er. 11e1p1 4 A,,.. 10.15. 10 10-n. iuotwMk. ~ ~~.!!.~.'1.P.!lf "nancl•lly r11pon11D1e ,emale 2Wt to.._. & OCaatlonal Hott.... 41' Motor-lllllot dOdlld In ~. llM oentnl •• Ntl. I l>atht, "'°"'· kltollan, all electrlc. ,lltlt Hl'ld 'if}=:S oun-.nt ptloto. '**f'Ol'"CI to .o ... ...... leftloa ....... a.. llf.IHll Ml•Mfl • .... Or ngu C'Y DAILY f>I\ OT/Thur1day, 1JlomDir 181 t08.2 0 Eil Pralessianal Servicil Dinl:I ---------~~ .. l.!{'!!~I ..••••.•••• ~,L~4Al~e!uu~~r f ~.'r..'~ !!!!!!! •••••••• Shampoo & 1tHm cl .. n Color Orlghttntrt, wht crpt1 • 10 min blH'll 11111 llY/dln rm1S15, avg r001n S1 50, couch I 10, th. SIS Ou1r t llm p11 odo1 Crpt repair tl5 )'fl up Oo work my1ell Rill 531.0101 ~!!!!~ ............. ~~!.,'!'~ ............ ~~!!~•.,t .••••••••••••• l!!~~~~!~f ......... . *KA TAINA 'S LIVIH N QAROflNINO tl!"l/tCI! CLE .. N·UPS. OARAOCIJ, Verd Mein I 6 Cl11nup htllpre, daJly maid Mf'V, Clean•up1, lrM 11rv 6 AN.VTHINOI CALL 8od, 1p1lnkllrt, roto, otrlc;e citu nlng, crpt ~Uno f41·10ff Peta RANDY 142-7841 trM rnwt. oralntQe. hill· UP1D IHYllTII .. C M t6r«111 646-~7.,Q lor 1 U11by•llllnQ In my home 111 V1c;1orl• C M Cleaning 835·2118 1101 WHdlng Brian L1ncsac1p1ng M1ln11nan-•HHllH•I•• &H 2253 30 <111y •o In Iha 642 IWl2 Dllri•• lfm•• ce. Lawn a g11o.n care, •••••••••••••"•••••••• 1--·------~-···,·,··,' .. ·•••••• .. ··.·~.1.0I••••• cl11n up Ken Jonu. AOBIN'I CLtANINQ ,.,,,,Al' DAILY PILOT ltMllll llOrr'-. •Uh 3 & up. I r 11 S40twk + btl 1111 ¥chi, CM !15G 31J22 TI 838-1810 rel'1. Slfvlce • • thoroughly ••'••••••••••••• ••••• • Pt11on11, qu1llll1d drl 1--------clff.n t,ou11 840-01&7 YllH WILLI H llYIOE llllEOTOllY EXCEL CARPET CARE Jack Oulllnoton Ownerl oper11101 CAIP*I. upllol. are• rug c:1c1on1ng w ork 01111r Frff Ell. 845 11' 1 vert IM your dey 10 dty IAlllllH WUTll """"Ti'RiD OP HASSLES? For 1 trM tact •"-1, call e11and1 Shopping, dr Mowtno, edging, raking, Quallty c .. inlno help 11 He1ry W1111, Attorney 11 appt11. chvrcn,• •to, All 1we1pfng. F'rH ••llf'!la· ,...,1, Rel• 080-'14152 Lew, 5153.0200. • Wukdllya 11 11111 3 till? 00 IT NOWI Ask ftr l 1dr1 Your Dally Pilot Service Olrec1ory Wuek11nd1, daya. nlghta, ovornlghr lie 8HC1:J68 1 Coll trenu 558 •211 need• met. By hour or t••· 845·9137. day. 4g4.11e57. FINESTKINO DIAL-A-MAIO Quallty 6 #1 ... 1• StfV Nr M Your Phone • •• ••••' • • •••••••• • ••• CHILO CAR( my home I lunthlsnac;U included D JI OAROENtNO CIMO•UPI. 1315/$4!1 839-0880 BRICKWORK: Small job• .!f!'!!•••••••••••••••• 1m lendecaplng, monthly Newpor1. Catt• MMa. C '/.C DRYWALL/ACOUSTIC melnt N4MI 842-t796 Cullom home clelnlnO 6 Irvine Refl. 875-3178 .!!~~! .. ~~!!!!! ..... Repll,., aml lobtPeC. 11 -K-,.-0-L--d---M-1-1-comrltll meld Hrvfct •..t-L It I C.mtnt·Maeonry·Block Y" ••P Bud 552·0682 • •n ec:epe an Pio , bonded & Int v .., .... Hk• te•• Repre1ent111v" 1 l8_.'..0• yard 6•8· 7931.1 142-H ll, n t. U2 Will 1>aby111 111 my homo. $40/wk ,..,,.,, Beach & Ada'ms 53G J4~J Walls Cull work I.le Well tutur .. ·Acouatlc ~~:I~~~~'." 0~2~:9 ~'f5;,.~~~· Of Npt L~\~::es M~~~.=~ 38t057 Rob 547·2883 H•"/i·fena.St--' lluda ,._ ""' CLEANUP·HAULINO S At .. 1tit1/ C1JJl•f l 8 1 • Ill SI ·"1 Orlves-Pe11os-Walk1 Lie 89944 1·1532-5549 LANDSCAPING Quallly HovMCIMnlng Cullom Brick· tone A••••1 •:,•••••••·•~· •••• •• u,J!'. ••••• .1.V.'•••••••• NO JOB TOO SMALL ••~ti/ti/ Don 499..J40 w/a par1on11 touch. CM, 8lock-Conc:r1t .. Slucco PP llv re-applle<, ouar . HOUHOALL Free ast 538-2607 ~.'''"'• •••••••• •• •• •• •• ••• Irv, NB. Bt•ll 8150.0933 Reio. FrM NI 549·9492 lnturud llc'd 414691 , ----1 B. ' 730· t900 tree osllmates GI' Business "Ooe1or Oespeietel Patio worli ELECTRICIAN-Priced •• ~'!.f!f!!~•••••••••••• HOUSECLEANER Buol\1/ Ou1a1w ord Free design Lo prices. rlglll, tree Htlmeto on Ca~try • Muonry Oood rel1 NB & lrvlne A.1w11i•f S11rit1 . Procoutng Xlnt rels. 497.7354 large or 1(7'1111 lobt. Roofing . Plumbing pref. Gladya 541·0702 •••• •• •• • • •• ••••••• •• 90 Min 011·&111 visit LIG. 3118621. 673-0359 D"""'•" • Stucco • Tlle 8&M "'OUINCleanlnn 60% OFF FIRST MONTli I $50 ex11a 11m11125tu C"/I Cl1• .,.od. 4 '' ,. Dependable. ·arrordable, 1714) 645•5979 •••••••••••••••••••••• ~c·o ELECTRICIAN Rem 11 J.B. 8 6-9900 Reaaoneblt. Call Bente essanllel Answering I HARBOR TRINHY Pl'\E Ouat. work-Reea. ""' Carpentry. Cebl~ta Btlboa lalend 876-3810 service. 11ecret11r101 &llai/1111 SCHOOL DAY CARE Free eat. Toin 631-5072 Plumb . Oralri'Cleanlng Bac;hetor'e HHCleanlng business StJ1v1ces mall •••••••••••••••••••••• CENTER Costa Me1&. ELECTRICIAN Eltc:trlCll • Tiie & Laundry Sarv. Karen, box rental. word P;OCOS· REMODEL/REPAIR Opening Sept l 3 Full Sml loba/Repelra Lie. Rell. Don 988-0149 540-28181850-0892 ting Tllle• Facs1m11e. F1n1sh work & door and '> day care 7AM to 233 08 C 10 546 5203 order entry, pagers·lease hanoono No IOb too big 6PM Register NOW 1 • • · • Oen contrac;t'g, m1lnt. Boal C1bln1 cleaned. Ca- buy. desk space rental or small Mike 631 -8371 Comer Baklf & Fairview LIC'O ELECTRICIAN plumb repelr, palnt'g, ter for trip• A·1 rtl'I. ANSWER NETWORK C b · /II k • 556-4335 0t 558-7787 NEEDS WORKI mobile home lllt"Vlet. 642-3047 or 848-4640. 760-7320(aaktorAV I .!.!f'.~t .•• ~.!~/. •..•.• G S I lie d Llc.416968 642-8023 Jlm536-99671538-3684 H I I b J raveyard n1 1 chll ou11c ean no y •P•· A • Cab1ne11 & C11r11en1ry care, Igo F V home, F•1•ll•1• ••ll•/11 Bii'~ FIHll neee lady, wkly, 111p'd. l/J.T•llltl Small JOOS & Repairs I I I I •••••••••••••••••••••• own Irena. 842-5196 • ••AEitLESTATE••••• Free Esume1e5 645-2003 ~6~~:iey 8~ 1.;2~f 1 ma c~~·~~·R;i1~i;hl~g:F~;~ HARDWOOD FLOORS HOUSECLEANING Realda1111al/Comm I KITCHEN FACELIFT 1----------1 & Interiors-All Repel" B11ulllully clHned 673-1919 Ras1-.11no ex1s1tno k•t· Child Care In my home, Call for eat. 644-5294 and wued. 832-4881 H0Bn1ee1n1d&o~62-26d"10ble ' E/s1de, newborn & up, • " A,.A•lt chen cab w/raal wood PT or FT 645-0327 0.1'••i•• HHll•• ••"•••••••••• ••••••••• Save SSS nowt 542 .. 0881 ---------I ••••••••a•••••••••••• ••••••~•••••••••••••• Ouellfled "•kpra. From ~!!!!I •.•.•••••.••••. •&·1 IOYlll• Top quallty. Spaclal care In h111dllno. 25 yra exp. Competitive Relea No overllma 730-1353 -ABC MOVING· Oulc:Jc, Cereful Servloe. Low ratM. 552-0410 STARVING COLLEGE STUDENTS MOVINQ co lie T124-438 ln.,red 641-8427 WATCH US GROWi Prutlo• Moving. Low ratea, lantHtlc service. State wide. VIII & MIC. Insured. 643°8462. Cal. T-137.124. ,,J,!!~1. .•.•.•.•..••• P1lnl1110 """ !Miiiy trldl· tlon for over 100 yr11 11'1/llCI UC 348252 ,r .. Mt Ml-3998 1111'• Ptlntlng. Int/ext Aaeldlcomml. 8 >''' el(p s Cat trH High qu~ a m11.na11. Lo prlc• Fr" "'· Rtle. 4ff·571f ~!-!!!!~~!~!~ •••••.. !0'8 PLA8TERINQ NHI paten ... lnlleMI Aee1uuo1 845·11258 PLASTClll PATCHING RHIUCCOI lntl tllt 30 yr1 N .. I Paul 846-2977 , '"' .•....•............... TILCINSTALL!O Alt Kinda Qu11antMd Rel• · John 140 0217 Kitch b1t111 tfllrlet cuttom & c;omm f'rM ell 840-2082 r!~!!,!~I. ............ 1!!!.!!!!!!I •••••••••• ATLAS PLUMBING & I LOW RATES S OUALITV WORK • neat, HHtlng, 1pecl11tzlng In~,.• lrlm/rtmov. CIHn r .. e .. hone1t. Reta. Lie. r1palr1. 845-1888 upe, mowing. 654·7017 287107. Dive 984-1045 II ILL Ul·ll2I llPllltl LOwHt r1te11 Prompt, Waler HHter Sp.atall Tiii 111"••1 neat prol111tonal1 15 24 llr plumber ate '"' yr• axp, 848-5884 "Tree Work wltll e PLUMBING REP"IRS ConlC!lence" Trimming C.USTOM PAINTING Replpe-Reptac;1-draln1 6 ttMOYll by HO'Wjard lnt/tMI Relld/CC>n)ln Fr ..... RMa. rella~ Dolloff P.O 8011 34, Fr .... , lie. 844-4708 845-2811 Catt• MIN Colla M .... C• 92827, 16 yra exp. NBICdM I'm 1m11t. my prlc;e1 are 1m1111 Ron 873-6477 INT/EXT PAINTING & WALLPAPERING Cullom work. Free HI. R1a1. Steve 547-4281 !~~~,~~ ............ . F1r1hlng lnterlOr Daalg.n HANGINQ/STRIPPIN"O VIN·MC Scott 845-9325 ASR PAPERHANQINQ 7 yra local up. Guar work. Prices 11ar1 11 18/rOlt Alec ?51-7027 Ph 142-1032 ~!!!~!!t!~t ........... --------- J.D. Horn Rellnllhlng '!.-.~•!!~I. .... ••••••••• AntlquH. kit ceblnet1, Moel tubJtcll, K· 14 fine p~nllng 645-0864 Dey/eve &5 & 110/hr I II Mr. Morgen 8417-5178 .!!..~I. .......•..•••• WI ' Cl I Huber Roollng .. u type• New·recover·decka UC #411802 548-9734 ... ~.!! ... ~~!.!/ ...•. "Ltl the Sunahlne In" ' Call Sunshine Window Cleanlilg, l td 548-8853 ROOF REPAIR 20% Monthly DlllCOl.rnl SPECIALIST S25-S185 Free Hllmete 770-2725 lntlut R11ldlcomm·1 Fret eat 20•;. montllly discount 844-4798 vHENRV ROOFINGv Shtllt-Shlngle-Comp Expert wallcovarlng RHF PIOILrrl1 lnttatletlon. Re11 prlcea. 5 STOP! Lie 415232 548-6213 !!!!!~!.!!'!!{•..( •••••• Contullant Anlgnment Dont rerool, repair at 581-8590 fraction of 1111 co11. Cell Ht1t•G11re•Fadlng l ea 857-2890 by SUN MASTERS Paperhanging, 1trlpplno.1----------1 High Ouallly Gu1renteed painting xlnt work. lg or ROOFING REPAIRS Home-Auto-Comml-Boet 1m1ll jobe, reaaonebte Small jobs o.k . free esll-CALL ~ 1·4720 rells.-Reli. Free 111. mates. Call Tom & Chuck '-iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiim Driveways. Parking Lor Repairs, Soalcoallng S&S Asphll 631-4 t99Uc Childcare wkdy1, cred TREES OUMP JOBS 180 per wk AllO e1pla~ 11.,ll•• lfnitll c,,.,.,,'l. •eacher Organized actl-.. Smell Moving Jobi d r. p. I . b 11 n d I ······"·············· It For Ad 'ct""' ......... ••••••••••••• vltlos. C.M. 6'15-4657 Toppodlremoved. Cteen Cell MIKE 848-1391 857-8195 Nur11a A11'1 lor home 11MI •••HI/ IH•I ft Ml Remod & 11dd11lons, lree r 751 3478 ----------• -"' t ••'•"····~~··•••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Brendan 966-7427 54,·6392 11 ... & 0 & up, awn renov. • ---------HOUSECLEANING care av ... 1. Imm...,., ully ••BRYANT'S** C I uesogn osl ual low C .. lt•tlOll S.•111/ HAULlt'G-QRAOING ln1. 538-5883 Vickie, MOBILE SERVICE a a Oen Hallberg Grading I riles Sieve. 752-9556 ··········-'·········· Tiil IUfl scr•r d1molltlon. clean-up. By Seandtnavta.n"Lllry 1-021-1080 wattcoverlng Removal RllCl .. ns/New screens & Paving Co Restcoml --------11.J. lluff•a1 I Stt L11wn-tree-1hrub Install Concrete & trM removal. exp'd. 548-2171 All Types. 642-1343 NB/CM 642-9552 Da:Ay Pilot L•C 397804 842· 1720 CUSTOM wood pallo co-LIG 306888 RemOdet, Tr .. trlml remoYal Qulctc MN 142-7638 I I 11/•ti.. H vers decks & lencos by A"d'ns. Cab•not• Lawn Malnt/Rolotll~ln Ila Ian llou1ec eaner. •••••••'•••••••••••••• 1•1 C•11 l1,lidl•11 Altoiaer,i RANDY 641·0622 u • PROF SERVIGE complete wlnoowa Fllrr Pllmll •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••• ID.VISOR ••••••• •••••••••••••• ---646-65861645-'1644 Fr" estimate 548• 5 Haullng : yrd clean up oven1, we~. Iron Reis' 5 ' c.rtlfled House Sllter1 SERVICE & REPAIR ft Olvorc&-Support Change E1tRperoedncedddq11rpenter ADO NS/REMODELING QUALITY WEEDING & Quick & clean. Free 111 6611-933'1 by Richard Sinor Lie. Bonded. $11/dey (every Ven Oppent Service Co 642-5678 All Family Miiiers emo ·e n-pauos 1 R 3 673-0548 1----------280644. 13 Y" of happy 3rd Wk lree). 631-J234 838•4666 All'y Kolt101h 846-4375 760-2685 548·8654 Plans. Llc'd. George Ma nl emember th• 'J1•ll1li•I local cua1omer1 ,. ,. , Primer & Sons 646-181'4 R"s Rekeaoneb3te. Rella· _H_A_U_L-IN-G---.-,u-d_e_n_t_h_a_s •••••••••••••••••••••• Thank you, 831-4410 l •• 'it •• t• •• r1 •• f..1.• •• •.J.•• •••••• More lamlllea a 00 re g 0 0 0 tt1ng ~~~~~~~!'il-.ldr1itli•f. "'•tNI o1ltntl bll. Rte . 497-070 lge truck. LowHt rate. Complete jan1torta1 eervl-..., h I b I -Cadlllac1 to ro.•·arta •••"•••••• ••••••••··· 1···,.·-·•••••••••••••••• Masonry, carpentry. eon· 1 I Id 1 ff b Custom work. Int & ext, Coneultatlon & Hand t 1 camp ng UO th 9 u ..... Infant 10 3 yrs, my c M No SieemlNo "Shampoo crere. edd"na, Inf/ext re· Simmons Gardening • Prompt. Call 759-1978. ~·•d ~· 1n •u• 1• 1 ?n· • llc"d 20 yra In area. rel•. Made Framea. 40 yee,. year. II y~ have e cam-Whatever the Fad home 8 nr day Lie Stein S.,.....lallst Fest ,_m_o_d_L_1c_d_._s_•_6_-0_1_8_1 __ Cln-upa, lawn care, lull Thank you, John. • na. n c ••n Herb 521•8012 att 5.30. EJcperlenoe. 846•5141 per 1h11 a no1 ge111ng Roll 'em off the markel .. --·-comm & reald melnt. System• of Npt Bell. used. 1111 II now wllh a With 1 Clanltled Ad ·~~:_.!!B~8~C!t!9!0!53~7~5~4~-6~2~3~8~!!!d!ry!!F!r!ee~e·!·~83!9!·!t!58!2!!!W!e!n!t !A!d!s!!!C!a!Jl!64!!!2-~5=8~78~!84~6!·!68!8!4!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!~S~e!U!ld!~!!''!em~1~84~2~-5~8~7~8~~850~-~12~00~~~~~~~C~laa~~!fled~~A~d~l~84~2-~58~78~W~an~t~A~d~•~C~ll~fl~84~2~-58~7~8~C~l~u§•~lt~led~A~d§.~~~~~~c~~~·~N~o~w~l ~84~2~-~58~7~6~~ , . 1~! for rour \l\C ~bed . ACJ ~©~ • DOLLAR DAY DOUGH SAVERS for Merchandlaeu f\der 11,000. Sell your no-longer needed Items for cash. If It doesn't sell, we'll run It another 3 days FREE. One Item per ad, must be priced. Sorry, no real estate or commercial ads. Call today tor full details. - 3 LINES 3 DAYS . .. CLASSIFIEDs642-56 7 8 DOLLARS -(~.Extra llMI S1.00) - Real Estate C•;:.~':J!'1 4415 "'ill:/,"' r,.,, 50JJ f1!!.,.f!!!~~ .... !.~!f '!!m!aJ! ........ !.~!f ¥!!1..'ff~~'!. .... !.~!f ¥!Jl..'!.'. .. !IJ. .... !J.'!f'i¥!Jl..'!f!'.'!. .... f.l.f!! •••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••••••••• •••••••••• Lost Old F C~epoo. blk, Metura gentleman, r-..1 l&lf&ITTEI Dental/Front Offlca, plea-••seket,.r /lttlre I ~ the ~~lete O!ange Coast M~t Pl8ce Pll•f otll•'l R.E. toan1 eva1111>1e 1at a l«l'll·bllnd, 22nd & Santi ra1fdtnt, '"king com-F 2 mo Old b b 11n1, busy Hlabllahed for woman executllla 4 1IOO1q f1 c-1• nr 17th & 2nd T.D.'1. Up to 90% Ana_ 842-4158 pany of nk»-looklng lady d:; 1 M · non! Y~~ office nte<11 ust. front SuparlOf, $700/mo, avalt. L.T.V. T~loted to ;11 your Found: Young Seal Point (up to 80 Y"•I. tn1ereated 11 ~·. :'! 1110 ~Y 1 . olc mgr EJtper neceaa 4 ::~. ii:;..0:\~:'/~~ OCt 1 842-2434 need•. Al. 984-7875 Slamaae fem Npt Crnt In end11tlng & endunng 845-0417 day work wetk. CM Good driver. Refl. Ptt· 3 Area 845-8175 rllatlonlhlp. Uku a llltle 845-7580 Nency manent po111ton Ctll • I •L 3..c-.. 11 1.·1.. J O -200 II lnduatrlal space Aa••••ff•nll/ -· dining, dencing, thMtre, Beauty ,.,.I to.,..,, 4 IN l•t•l• I• .,,,4 tHJ tlltt ... ,,, """ w /comm'I tront•g• Found. Chow Chow dog, mu1lc & •haring R•· Orono• County'• Flne1t DENTAL ASSISTANT day• 640-6224. IVll/ •• • • • •• • • • •• • • • •• • • • •• • ... •• • • • • ••• • • • • • ••• • • • • • • • • • ••• •• •• • • • ••• •• RI n d o Ip h S t . C .. ·. 11-'"'•lll' I Xlnl op'"""'unltu for ew wtmdl 840-4309 "" • .,.. / red. Sept 7 AlllO Btoctl. apond 10. Ad No. 1025, Seton needs elegant, ta-""'• ., ~-· Mele 35·'15 shr 501 2ba Mature F to sh1 CdM apt IUPEll IAlllAl•I 546-1853 1bk tor Gor-Wll 11•••' 831_..232. 495.5201 Dally Piiot, Box l580, tented, hair atyllll. Top perlenced ROA. Buay, ---------h1.e nr S C Pl111a 1Frwy ' 1n exchange for cooking Exec. Suites Incl. recept., don or Roger. •••••••••••••••••••••• Colla Mell 92f27, gt-Salary. ple1Hnl Leguna Beach lllTIU/•IT Spe S225+sh8r,. 1Jtils & It hsewk 544.5319 sec'y sorvs, cont. rm . 1----------Aa••••ll•l•ll 5100 FOUNO: Sml blk fem vlng name, phone & re-RIVE GAUCHE office Full or pert t1m1. tor the Towera Resteu- 641-49 t3 l 11 h 2 b 2 b kit . mall handlg Re-1•'••11111 •••••••••••••••••••••• Terri-Boo. whta collar, cent photo would be ap-HAIR SALON 494-9788 rent In the Surt end Sano 01scr1m1n11llng & hn;;-c11I-!P'7!',;;;n.!~kg /2s-35a sponsove to your bull· •••Ill 4800 1111 II l•1tlflffH rhlnH lonH. 538"1846 precllled. Newport .Y, ea ch O_O_N_U_T_S_H_O_P_._c_o_u_n_la-r Hotel. 1555 So Cootl I espons1ble Female ness needs Adj 405 •••••••••••••••••••••• 760...0&<>4 •ft JPM MO 81a7 help P/tlme AM thlft Hwv. legune Beech 4 Y r Must have good refs & Fwy In F.V lndlv 0101 NB 3g75 Birch. 1000 aq. Jane St1lwell'1 • • • · ' 25-39 years lo share lu-be nee1 Rental S290 Molmo from S325 ft. MIA zerfe. Agent SCR'M·LETS Found: Ap11 8 yr Old Ger-SINGLES DIRECTORY Bookkeeper for Chlldrtt11 No exp nece11 A.WI)' In days/wk, 9 am • 3 pm xury 2 Bdrm Promonto· 64 l-8 t08 963_6445 541•5032 n man Shortlltlr Pointer of Club•. 14. 957~279 •lore Retell Sties EJcp pa,.on Dlpplly Oonull. Exper Pref Apply In ry Pt To9"nhome over· vie. Magnolle/Yrktwn ReQ. PIT PETITE MAR-1854 N-pon Blvd CM. person to Loulae ~ 1001\s poot Send resu-Fem only 10 SI" ltg noose NEWPORT EXEC SUITES $750 up 2160 ft. lndu· 'NSWERS 960-2835 ATTA. yng lady 1111 al· CHE C 642 1 1---------· me, current photo per-nr So C Plaza lrpl. den Full service. reasonable alrlal • Olfk;e 18101 R&-ft fluent older man, Lynn, • .M. -4 14 Ory clnrt counter clerk. ~t Roolera wanted Call sonat background to & wetbar lndry no pets rates Xlnt toe 752-8408 dondo Clrcle #M & T Garlttl . Dimon F~~· Lt g'dnMlhort hair Bx 1412, Pl1cent11 Oir ...... ktlf ~~~067~!,.~; 5 deya Bob or Ntvltle 11 PO BOJ< 35-B Balboa 957-0899 Huntington, BHch. Kneel. Quiver 1Yol&..6-3030 _9_2_8_7_0 _______ 1 Over 18 )'l'I, futt time. 642•7222 Island Calll 92662 Rmmte 10 shr 1rv1ne hou-Executive Suites 842•2834. MILEAGE Dancera for Bachelor 752-7100 HUIW IFFIOO 1--------- R--o-o_m_m_11_e_w_e_n_1_e_d_M_1 se Moll omen111es 111111 For tease. 3 adlacent l••••rt·llr....,. Tho llr1t thing you'll find Found: Kiiien, lllVlf and B1ch11tore1te P1rtl11. PllOIUll IHIURPlll 11n, straight, no-amk, s250 + or near by S280+ulll executive suites Top 0111,. 1 11 ndu"•'"1r'111 In your new oar 11 e White striped back w/ 738-8538 Of 5584538 CASHIER Fou 111 "at'-ortge at th• Surf and Sand 1 857 t668 11 1 1 1 d " booklet ttlllng you how whl pawe. 979-8919 n n • -• m • Hotel needa e eu.._....aor '" utll. Dus 642-5446. all • 00' 0 prea1gous a · •.000-1•,ooo sq tt. All I •• t •'b'-ge co~pany eeeklng ,..... •• ' ... B 111 1 1 "" "" to I e about wour ga1 CIEW IEEDED ..,,a ure, reapon ..... Pl'· .. , full 11-1 •""II '1hlf1. Bl· 6PM 642-5620 Room mote w 11 n t e d , vress eeu u 11 ow AIC Hvy Pwr end Light· MILEAGE ' Found female black La-ion, nlghta. Apply 505 eec:row officer to proeess llngu~i'." 14.SO/hr. Cont- 2 BR 2 Ba Nwpt apt, ,,.1 , $250/mo Costa Mesa ~~~~~~ ~~~~~·r!t~:~-Ing. Xlnt tor R&D and tow · brador Retriever. Ft. Vty. Experienced MJF. non-30th St. Rm 211, New· tq,an 11crow1. Satery & 1 ct M 11 • M 0 r c 1• view, fem, 25-35 yrs Call George 642-8381 Suite avalleble Ind I vi-111e1 7 2 0 • 0 6 2 1 • Wll •I•••' 5300 83~-0323 amoker. hHlthy. tor port Btacti. commlaalon Rewarding 497.:,.477• EJct 385 Approx $37~. 642-4300. Fem to shr 2 9, I Ba. 1 dually or as e group. 2 13-927-4404 •••••••••••••••••••••• Found: LadlH wttch at cruise to M•11lco/Sooth ltlllU .... I career opportunity. 24 hrs. No 516 house rrom beacl'I, $300 Ideal for branch office or . South Cout Pl121 9112. PactflC this winter. Send •-RESIDENTIAL •• 'l •• ',l·•.n1t/ Call & 1 .. -tl.., •••31~1 . rnume lo "--"M", Box fOf vo1er reg111rtllon drl-MORTGAGE SERVICE 2 F to share 3 Br Apt 111 c 1nc1 ulll 673·9129 person In the llnanclal '' fOlJNO ADS ...... •1 .,...,.. " ........ p •"""1 oo d I 11e1 d p 1e 8 • 1 c a I I •1 A le ,._ 6787, Laguna Nlguel, Ca. YI •YI _.,.. 1 e ty. John ~tack M $200/mo share ullls M/F 10 shr lurn 2Br 2BI • 1 ••••ti *' Latga accoon V · .,... 92877 Ptld twice weekly. 964-9090 Aval! Oct Isl Karen apt POOi. fie 5395 nio gt4)760·l8l8, Newporl 1••••1•••••••••••••••••• ARE fRE.[ plllrano Btach, Pall11----------750-1828 750-5584 F-ale llva-·ln RESIDENT 631 ·8032 1ncl Ulll 548-0929 1 enter Ill .,,, dee AfM. 6& 1· 1397 ,.,,..,, _,, A--M h h Costa Mesa 1 or 2 room ~~ttul!f SHI lfnim S3IO hler Prhlten · MOR. for women's elco-esp qo~ s 's o~se .Shr luxury condo nr suites From $75/mo ••• ••••••• •••••••• C I Found mixed Lab-Borzoi •••••••••••••••••••••• Fromex Ona Hour Photo hol recovery facllity. Sa-w/2 YO prol s 37 + 405155 lwy poor 11c. Ul•lt lnctd 7711 W 191h MARKETING iSUSINESS a : puppy female & mall 8 lf ftll SllWJOI Syllema In Hunllngton tar; 6 baneflt1. FM Int· ~ S Lttg 499-5635 gar tndry frplc. beau• SI 851_8928 e11panOlng. Several PIT ICl-Hll moa Mete Shephard Peraonal, quallfled com-Beach 11 now hiring COior trVlew phone 548-5546. Xtro large apt near ocean. furn, 2 decks Pref prof, repa. needed. We train blackd S& beige. Malll m&I· pinion drlver1 for wour prl'lterl. Cati Mr. Rogwa. Full lime, .Driver Trainee, •-pie· w/pool M/F A.. non-smkr rHp & neat Office $pace. In ICChg for 848-8331 for eppt lll htPhtrd b IGk , 891 8558 .. ~ " 1 F 1 A t 11 day to day 1rrand1. • mull know arte, good 7PM 840-8910 S400 mo 641-9402 eves fight telephone aniwe· Onlv SSOOO financing tor 0•n. am• 1 ui &ra an Shopping, doctor'• CONTR•CTORS drl~n record ren. Call ---------! ring 960-1596 ' food 00 ct ., Lo1t Min Dacha, Bl & Tan, attle dog brown tan. ,.. -,. Are you Ilk• ET & wanl to Q t I I 1 43.50 new pr u 1· .. ery Male Lott 9-8 nr Cul.,,.,. Female Setter red, 1kln •PPll. chu1c11, etc. All The Slwdull Corp. 11 _84 ____ s_. ____ _ phone home? M/F Shr .!!!/.~~.!! •..• ". •..... Newport e,r~~lte 2 min hi proflto. 5'8-6572 eve. & 4 o 5 Ft w y f7 1 4 >" oo-nd. Male Sllkle Terrier needa met By llour or IOllclttng bids from con-Fii "'' beautllul Nwpl hOme wt E Side CM sl119le on pvt from Airport hes lndlv • I I 552-7172 black & tan lnlurtd. F.. day 41M·5857. lrectOtl lamlllar wllll the pv1 bl $435 mo • /1 alley, safe. clean. 11orage olflcu in a luxurlou1 ••"' ••• iko mete Doble mix black & 1-----------Sawdu11 FMtlllalJfOf" the Are you adventurous, utll 6'12-86t0 only close to beach antique filled bu1lne11 n.N1l•llit. I~~'!'. loat· M. Dalmatlen. vtc. brown. Male mtxad eon1truct1on of 1983 need money, & love 10 5 70 49 3 .0803 environment equipped•••"'.("•••••••'•••••••• Beach/Eding er, HB. Boxer/Pit Bull brown & t.•l-nt Sawdull Ftltlval traval?Callfomlamarke-Non am11r 4 BR nse. steps 5,.8.6446 · with Tiii, w p . ans aerv . W1nted: 50% partner/ "Bucklhol" 842-3848 while Injured. Male ml· ••·"·;~"·•••••••••••• ground•. For ipeclllca-ting company has 10 ro beach $350 lrg conference rm, 1011 of lnv11to1 for pre11ntly C ed Collle black & wllll H•I• WutH 11H Ilona & Info, can Allde ti opening• for lharp, mo- HOUSEWIVES MAKE EXTRA SIS can Janet 558-0481 Dental Hyglenlat Expe. 111nctd and expanded duties preler'd Colla M... 1-879-2000 UllllY Help wen11d tull time Fluff and fold/counter per1on Pr1s1er1 for hand Ironing. Driver for dellverles We will treln Hop11ng·e Lllundry Serv. Laguna Beach 49'1--4044 LIVI II Rnponalbll female wltll c;a1 to cook tor elderly woman In Newport 675-3231 S1ng1e car garage In Coale 1>arklng mo/mo or ..... r1n1ad well located Lott: how, reddlah In • 1 •••'•••••••••••••••••• 4ge.7004. AM bid• mu.It tlvated hlgh·IChoOI gre- 2 moles to shr uni 3 BR 2 Men. completely enclo· from $375, desk apace Crangatree condo. Tekt ~1·8S17o .. RL.agu-11nda. area. pupo~ ~=k~Medh~:-Accounting bl received by 10·2-82 dutlts to travel 7 7511-1997 sed $65/mo 751-5266 $250. Move In lll!Owance an IH & depreciation "" w • TO IUlll/P·ff•• WHllrn Stat•• & de---------- Beach be •Pl " bit< lo ocn benefits lor monthly na-LOST Tl oet1tly clipped. Male ml-COOK, .............. tlOnt hAIAA mon•tret• an e•ct11ng Live-In Hou11kttper & $275 & S325 673·9127 Oflitt 1 .. t•I 4400 833"9976 gatlva & aml equity down wares'. Br~h~~~~~~;..J,:: xed Lab black 844-3658 20 Of 30 hr• week Flllng, eccepttd~~ny Ro",;~~ new product. T;.lnlng COOll IM eldetly gan1ta- WFsh1 my Eat CM hse ;6~7·v;;;,·0;1;;:N·e .. 25e IUITIFIL b • • e d on •ct u a I napolla. HB, 988-8688 ~~!..Miu Or .. Coate ~~:~.;~ri~n~· .~~::d.u~: 842-9070 program paid. Above man In Coron.a dll Mar. pell o k laundry etc 10 4000 aq '1 111. floor •EWHlf Ofml mld-1881 purr.ue ~ Chlld'a hMrtbroktn. uN tax relutna. No expr. DECK HANDS average eernlnga. trano Mel• or F1mel1, UPI• $350/mo 846-7673 Agent 541•5032 With UH 01 reception, P7~1,.,_1 1cs,.71.9K5·-·n2 0 3 3. LOST F-. StA••ESE ~·t. FOUND: Male bl1ck/ttn nee. BHIC accounting Full ti~ top l\AV ~ tum, ralurn guaranteed. rt7enci7e72rtqu71redp. Call I ~1 h h ,.,. • -· _.. "" -older Siiky Terrier, lt1Ju· knowled,.. pr91 For lar ..... ,._,, ..... ,... For )n tervl ew coll 7 5·:Z •fl :30 M. Female non-smoker share *DrrlUIE OFflO•I* con room." tc . P one. emall, I 100 reward. vie/ red. 844_3858. NB Anl-.-• · • rat po1lt1on1 open. Xtnt 84 spac 2 bd, 2 be c M. 5 5 secreterlel & word pro-lto •• •.• •• •T..'' •• IM •••• • •••• l.O.t.I. Ford Rd. 75g.137g, .... QI O.C. Compuler Mtg. opponunlt)'. For tee Info &-3337, lt-4 PM thru LoM weight & m•ll• mo-apl Pool. Jacuz:zl. tennis. From 1 room to 3 room1. cesslno Mall & m"Hge mil Shiite< or .,,.1.1030 located In lr11lne/Tu1trn Clll John t31-8820 Fri. or 148-4167. Parenti ney, for complete dtltalla S327 & ·~ uUI 545-4356 From S 1 16 a sq tt No serv. evell. eeparttety If 15'A% • 20 yr1. 2'd TO't1, Loll: 81p1 3rd. Small d11k Found: Knapaack. blut. • r • •. Ca II 0 • b b Y. w.icomt 81 lnterYltw. can Brtnnen Miiiigan. lease required Adi Air· desired. C~I: Jud)., A11ocl1te Lindert wlll grey ahorthalr cet. 10 Smith'• Mkl, NB. Call 7141730-3088 DtflVll"f Pafaon IM Land· lllll&L ffFIOE 645-1858 Roommeto to share largel porter Inn 2172 OuPOnl 7141780-0100 quellfy your loan tor moa. old. Nr Edwarda, 875•8376 to Identify. •• • ••-ecapa Archllectural Ottl· ---------2 bdrm, close to Deach Call AM 833•3223 bank credll MlnOf pro-M c Fad d 1 n , H a.. -.... _._. ce In frvlna. Wiii run Sharp peraon tor front MAINTENANCE Furn Npl Bell $275 mo HEOmYf SIITTI b 1•m 1 0 . K . 89!-5280 Found Mix bread male, ExPlf P«90fl -part or fVll btu..,rlnt machine. mlk• office. Typing, llltng a Full time, mtnlm11m 875-0346 !Airport area • Exec Sul· Peter's Landing announ-7t4/498-1825 Brindle w l wht necik, time lo hand.., oto, WI· CllllY9rlea, etc, Ml time. heavy phone•. 975.geoo 112.2& per hr Xlnt op.o les From 225-450 IQ 11 CH • few choice uec lltnr T"'1 cneat 6 pawt Spnnoc:ltle r111011H & pllone tor Own trenlP()f"tallon ,.... GOVERNMENT JOBS. portunlty For '" tnlo ~rooms lor rent 111 and SI per 1q It Many MlrH suite olflcH tor rent $20,000 lo 140,000 to Neutered m•te ut 3 yn & wutmlnller. H8 marine produc1• mfg ,.~ CffHry. Call 970-5120 Man)I Job• t Vl lllbl• ln1=icatiiitiJohiiiniii83iii1~iiii20iiiiiii 1u1 req'O Call bet 6 and Call 557-7010 Harbor or ocean vtewa loan for 2nd MOf1g1g11. Old. lotl sun approx e 893-7793 & dletr. Typing. uN of btwn 10AM a 3PM. us. and ovtrMaa, For 11 9 PM 980•8968 !Fountain Valley OlllG• Mo/Mo Secretar1al ..,. 780-090912131 889·1415 PM. Mell Verde. RE-• otc m1chln•• ntctu Olrectof'Y 312-888-4347 MtnlQelMl'lt space. 2500aq11 11 80¢ Y1CeS 1714) 846-5528 or #. Ir. tH 1131 WARD 548-8030 or htN•'11 r,111 plut aome bltpng, lhtp· ltltal lff,t, EJct E-01 ltete• lenets OCEAN FRONT view N t fl Good expo1ur1, (213) 592-5514 ••~~ ••• !~••••••••••• &40·5640 COEDS:•w;~jd•I~~~·;; ptno & ~. "9Qulrl l"ull tlmt .. hprtd In 1o._R_O_O_M_E_R_W_A_N_T_E_O_l_o_r Laguna 8Mut. furn 2bd. good parking. Talber! & Offloe/Stort/Bu11nu1 S2000 NEEDEDI Payback loal: Goldin/ Samoyed party with you. Call Sue Good phone C)aplblll1lel, Pegboard, Ina. bllllng Frt & Sat, (poHlbl)' Sunf l1•t, Trel•••• 2bt condo 1350 mo Br ookhurtt Call epeoea for 11111 580 & 1250.{no for l2mo'a toen mix, 9 19 182, COM, or Kathy any11me. b•n•flla. Cell lll rlell, and all p11 .... of troni t0<NBpeuhOp.Muetbl ltp1•Y.., lert., 497.70191840-2e12w11 751.51111 .:150 •q.ft. Top loc .. H ourecs by equipment "Bear ", rew1rd . 2131804·3233 ~,~~dMd~.~83Tae: olft~req.F1nV1tleyofo. ••P"· & ret11blt. &tarty;ourMWcar..,on HIPIHllLE llLE 400-000 PLUS 1400 aq. n. Hacbor Blvd, juat No. 94e.932o 840-15989 Plflor No. 5, Colla M... M·T". 1183·5634 640-0091 _ our 3rd 11'1111. .. tnll'IO k Profoulonel In mid thlr· Penthouae Bt)'lront Sul· Beker St., CM fnq, mgr, #1G!:J,H1 rn1I Found: 8ml blk dog. Some Ulll I ftlll'I Apartment Man-Otrlt.11 i---...... -----1 Up to $4.80 II ~ ba- 11• lllk• upgrade year-te, parking, p1t101 84&-8100 I • IOJI Whitt. COM ArM. No Id. PHOTO MOOl!l..S Ov•llfled eoupi;'"io m•· !xperllnOld R.0.A. nee-tfLP !~ri·b~o;~o~:tcsedy~ ly Newport lodging On 673·l003 Small 0Ulc1. Nwpt Bch, ••• .. ••••••••••••••••• 840-7H7 ESCORTSIOANCIAS naga 13 unit ~t blcl9 did lor Ottllodonllc motnt. & 111~ ... or n11r th• waler with 15x12 (184 aq 11), gOOd ~· ... uma.. Found 8111 Lib mix w/Whll OUTCALL 24 HAS llattlng Nov. ;.., •• : prllGtlce In MIMlon Vtelo YNDSELF . vale. Call. 714·&37-414-0 compttlbt. ro0t!.)mote(1). *llm IULI* loc .. fr" Prkg. Su1t1bta II• h . .... apot on d\tlll, e-12 mo. MMlt'I 78()..t418 ewe!Wl!nda, .,.. 830-3703. UUI\ tn11rvl•w• held tv11y ' M/F Qarttg1 8 mutt To 0 C Alfpott ar .. Prol tor retired bualnetlmtn. SpeclaltlnQ In 11t & 2nd Hf.5"1 DENTAL ASSISTANT Te l lttttr .., .. , Wtd. 7-t pm et f11 Oil 1800 tnct urn Phone envltonment, tun eervtce, lnveetort. bldll Furn or TO'e alnc. t8411 Apt Manager, C04.1&,le wt .,.ave your bffft H ar· Join • company lhtt'I Mer, Cotta Mua end • n • w • r • d • 5 1 9 · or no lrlllt lndlvldull of· untum. G R. Ceoltal, Inc. "Obt. Sattler NHICM Found Cocker 8panlef' * * * •xperl~ for 1 unit Ching tor 1 rewarding ooH\11 AnEA T .. E BUSI-~ Ttlura 9am-noon at 842 ... 300 24 hr1 ncu or cs• •P~ 150 840-8811 RE erotcer lld AM!ton ~1c.11E~w•r10;1Edl~,.,. ltlllfll Parter l!'t:;1 :'bo~~·+~· cat1W wner• yOUt ct1.ir-~1!8'81 l•tloue, 1n1bl· 1390 N cat. Hwy .. LtiG HAIL llMHIATflf ~~'i ~~8:18"· ' MO l•llHll 1••1'1 4411 842-2m 54&-081" 8J.21121~ • n t Y . °'*' 2.4 ... ,. • drt 142.4907 Wkctye •Id• &111p1rt1•1• 11w111 b• ~~· .~ti::::,~,~~':011:~ ·8c~h~e.~O~IE~. ~~~~ To 1hr w/1rof mature •••••••••••••••••••••• WIDOW HAS SIS fOf TD'• 7 dl)"I 1 W'llll ueed apt)r"IC ao. WI -milt exec. who lrtveli Rttllll 1tor• at 2850 Avon, RE Loana, lOK up. No Found wtlhe kl1ten, MltlW J•cuut, llluna, Locate laby11tter, Mon•Tllura lnvltt tou lo JOln ua I with "*'Y blneflta. FM MANICUAIST '1T. ~pe. tllltnitvety. beaut new Hll IP&ll Ill 1886 1q. ft, ~u• I car Credit Check, No Penal· 1yu , black 1po1 on H well H Tourllta. ev ... hre verltd. my 1h1re n the growth of an 111clt~ ':"' poejtlon rtenced '" P•dlc11r• & condo. In N.8 . Herbor AUtacitlvt 'uttle V"lltlre gara119> l4 l·8 77· ty. Otnnlaon l AHOO. heed. Vic. Newpcw1 Pier. 8af'lkA!Mflcard, Ametl• h o m e ' N p I I c h ' thll cartno dental otttoe. ac ... ~.-••• ~ .".. ... , 0 .... ,.n IOn~~f40-4· Hr.o. tlf!W. VY 18• .. 873 483t 14t·H11 Xlnt b1n1f111 tncludH -.. ...., '" -· AldQe atH. Prtl 2 flnen-HlllnQ. W tupply dnk, mo, trnul/ 873-7311 • ' ~n IJtpreq, Dlner9. All med Int. 1 1400 If quell· ct111y r9'P M/F Pool, ap"'9, copier, You tvP· WlllMll Money lo loan lor t HI Lott: DoQi fem, OOld reel wetcomt 1141848-3433. UIYllTlll !lad NI 541.aec>a MECHANIC, •xper In to-11nnt• crt1, •P•. 3Ba. PIY phone, a SOii pr mo .. ,.,. Trutt ,..__.. .... AA._ otr, meet n . No 1~1 211a H•rt>or II. OM went-6 ""'ft time In my · • telgn cer•. full time, ,.,,._~, ..... '"·rfl. u111 1-·• . ..., .. _ ... r-11 •••.7211. '" Stonemlfl 8H u111ul ....... ..,..... c " ' ... -·· .. -..., v """" ... , •v '""' ... ..,_ """ V"" 11 ofllc 1 7141848·4130. " l'llr"•' • M•H V • All~ fl'IMllO' by ten• homt . Infant end $ yr -·-..... , c o n t • o t • • , 150 mo. 553-0844 Al 2000 aq ft w/500 tq ft rec1p11on 'c"~· 177t• ' ., .. 84t·2031 nit pro• from L•juna otd "2-4347 Wanted:~ ...... .,..,, pontiac/sd)rU men714·,4.l ... 2·1l11 t af'I c ... G'""....._ Of 180· 11411 warehouM. ..... aq WNI ~· tm1N llhOt1. .,.,... "'""".. ... ___.. ---=-·----...,.---1 1torag•. o c. Airport 11 11 7h. 875·3812. • • ...... • ... n leach Weyne tw teve ~ .... · .... ,.._. Aoo4NN1• to tllr 38t apt, tr a a I 2 0 0 0 I mo 844·08311 ~ Oa. PIP by I .P, I I 0 • t fl M Ulfiihd U00 NM,12. CM S300 mo . 11111 pd. Hl-1021 873-0tU lllut •net 111ttr1t •lone. ....,211 Mat\lf9 .om.,.. wanted HlttMW IMI It ,.., Or '"'*,.:. = ::'* ..... ,,,1 ~· Ut·:ITtl so V.OUNA 3Atclllay e.:·.:: c;';'~·~roo~! Matoh to your pflOfle to ~~:,O..C:~~ "'*"f,loY9CI M llllH vl•ll ;:92';,_l,:;r~ ~'o.:'=:. lftco.1a MeM OAILYN.OT \llctll • 2 8ultea avall Od Hwy 1350/::. Cell Mf. P9fn. P4909 • faet·aotlna ola. AE#ARO 648·7208, ton11y Ji. 1. .... M•t. 001'1trground 1 0111 ps pref, M>A orlfllll* C'•llf'ed Ade.~°""" 11.fMCI OlMOTM'Y w ldlle II.mt 142·M7f Vlatblllty 417·Ul1 blrton 21312 ... 1307 llflld Id 842-.M71 ...._21" 8M-43H J. Tuotl• Vldll. 711·1"2. tTt-tlOO "• ellOPPlnV oenMr, la al Moutt . ·. · .. • Orenge Coa t DAILY PILOTIThul'lday, September 18, 1882 07 ~ "M~ 1.1• Lllii Wuw ,, ........ bJM ..... ....., .,.,.,, .. ,,., .. ,. un ...... ._, .... , ~.,..,,,,,_ t.lffm.l!!m .. !!.!f ~!.1 ... '.!!!r.!!~. ······ •• ••••• • •••• ·~U ~.-:mm •••• 11.u rr:CA-.................. r:'A: •••••••••••• ._u.1 •t'••••'iT•••••••• • irir ••••••••••••• ::.:s ::;-.... ·.1r ••••••• r.~l :1:r.lfi'f'•"'••71T•••••••• ._ ., 1 MllOICI lranterlpllOfl It fee.Merl .. WOf'\911 ~..... "'"'"'IV pup, AKC, ..... IUPll'LU• .IUflB Cara· l11rmH• l(tt1an1, Cf A II' Clf\19( 'H "· " •• ,.,,"' .... ""' 1111"" ....... :nn •••••••••..• 1:.t WOI~ •I tlomt Current .. 111 .. I r.1'11•nTilouunuu •f Partao .. on p a rm IMI M.,,y 8'11 lor Un-,.. Mate 1111 HKn new cuetom 1trn .............. .-. •0 • All oe>llont wht w/blue :r-~w~~ = Olfaet ..... ••P ,.. .... .... 1hol1, ato ,,OM 1100 def t&OOO ,Of Info C.all UM>t7t 1m, IO•Cl•~..1)0_~!•1 fin '{!:~~.M~~.m:=· Int, •1111 cond tceoo ~~ bl proflo~I In all pha• red. M"" bl. ttong ,.. .-• 63f.Ol21 (S\2)13MMt bl 1131 PIAllAN TUM•L.ln Pl· •11all. 1311.IMl-...... 120 132& 842·i .. u . (714) 641·H7_o __ .......I ~y~ .. , ot mec11oa1 dictation. ONlttr & ·~ to tr•vtl. l~arJ lu~iy, ~3PM ,_ If f• Mlf New Women'• golf llloef OIONS. •nvwti111. ' pr """""' ft 1k1 IH a ..... e.,..,tc.-1..41ttt.no 1 e ••• II 0 0 M • , O.tl 10Att_':,M Ol\fy, Mr. ~.~Y,:w :"~,~:g~ :::":' ••••••••••••• T:o~ llOlllO.l whit• O . IMlh.. HOO, HMllot "" ... ., ... .... p~~ 't'r'°p1 c:w lnO~ •• 1'................... 'II lllf'• .,, ""' llAM•6PM. OINtrO I 115 Catll M .. t Admf11lon AbandoMCI kllllfll need SIMI I It 15, '41·3774 IMul 0 .. man ~hafd 200 "4P h lnrude All CMn 21tt 81 '-Ca' ,,~j TOYola '78 AM/FM 81• Nice ~llonl ...... I 8 hOtMt MOftlnfo. II &.Ill SIO reo c ....... Smell •'782002 Ctj)O en/(f ........ llHRUY -.. '" to buyer• •lier Call 041·13011 ITUT Y• puppy Al<C fem, moe. op one • new ' Sii camper thtll 12176. (9l7PV8) , ' Fronl Ottloe •xc'd .... N•• ora1tlY• lt•m RMatv1Uona/ lnlo. -·-·· ·-· Tr•fntd W/lhOlt. la&O, 000 T14·841·6870 Elle· PUCH M .... , Oood -~d 873 0011 • '7" 3201 • 10 •tc · • v 11001111e p1u1 reorder• 611·&180 FrH to good home. r ••-_.... 04a,.n31 nlng1. ""' '""' ... • • u • " ~ng. H.8. ofc ood 8•· Can you proepeet? Ca~ Qotden Att1L1b, t moe, UIU Yttlow, yary clean 1360. 11184 CHEV P.U N..01 (11411780) ery. 8•41•3771 you cloH'> If 10 cell St\ t ·llpm 1oe. Salin••· ~t•. ac>•'f9d. 494·3068 U."'llful l*amlo hMM C1narlel, M/P, Rede, Ytl· JO' Oll&llTII call 840-827I 1 no ln1 12110 h t '• • '78 320!. 4 IPd • io.. MED. WALK·IN CTR 831·0040 Mon lh;u Fri ISm•lle" oft Sunflower. Fret Puppl•• lo good 30" high on hind lag•' 1a0""•· ~flll•d Pu,14!.11 N•w 427, ..... 4·11 )(Int W1nted VHP• Moto r 8·1pm only 637·2003 dedl C718YPCI Nwpl MO'• new walll·ln .. 4 b , color TV. C41ramto cate: OOd .. nger1 131·1 .. 4 c o n d I I 2 •Io o ac:;oottr Pew up to *300 • 'IO 3201, 6 epd., an/rt ctlnlO Niie• m11ure .,.,. etwMll BrlllOI' Fair-home, ml• lg• breed. plclurea. 811111 Cl1u .... eu'"'' .. Kiiien, F, 111 714/841-11870 f\I... 0711·8308 I 11111& OIVCO Mllll Truck (H~ZOKI IOJI•· H""'Y exp. In 1ron1 SALIS • No '~" n••· "''-Call llS?-0211 Mr 6 Mre. 8ant1 a much thot1, 1200. Stud tllO 1H1 Iott on Whaler, Need• w0tk, 1160 e.., •• , • 80 U8I. aulo .. in/rt a baok ofc & mg mt ~ -"''""' ell MIN WORLD'S LARGEST " HA\I! MERCY ON Ml! • "'°"· .. endmlda lealhaf ayllf 8311-<>9711 13'A', 40hp W/tltCtrlc YllPA JOO ltH Only 9-lpm 537•2003 14eezOJ•'•• 1111 field•. ,T/PT. Hre & B 964-3457 beaut kitten•. M lo\ltng Item• a much mort Jach RutMll Tttrlttl. tn• 11.,,, cttm ""'• fully Xlnl cond. 846-0327 '35 P:ord Pick up V8 na--anlft• "'tr/· Send ,1141~ SalHPtraon for plan I iou WANT It, wt probe• home now. 4117·6'28 aft 840-1709 ...,.., l(lulpped, w/lrlr. 15400, lhHd All orig S4.500 208 W ltt, San!a An1 10: Ad ,102t. Dally Piiot. llOfl. rull 1nd pan-time d~nr~tf"va!:~r~a~r:::; 5. 1~:~. 11\1~~~.~:d ·~:~ 845-69111 #1l1tqflt1/ 846·1383 CIONCI 811nOay .Box tN(), O.M. 112828· :.~~~~2 Prtf 1 r red • Sun 10-4:30 ~ OrHI Dant and part I" YOU HAVI! 1400. 875-2438 ••• 'f!!'.!~1! ....... !{!~ 1111 TtJttt ,.,, CHOICE INVENTORY Nanny nHded, 1ld 10 Saint Barnard. 2 yr old lNITa.LS • ..,. IJ' OllllllllT 111511 88A•AIO B•lktl, 2 with earn!* IMll 11300 . VOLU~ALES mother w/chlldren & S8* MOVINO: IYtrythlng LO\ltble lge dog . clM\ l/l•ff I 'l!fu1--Wlnner'I 8ptolll LIP· englnat & trtn1, 12110. ~·m 873-8818 hOUH. Ll\lt·ln. Rm a Supplement goHI Anllqu• drtlter, 53&-34113 nu ::AMMONO ·crRoA·N 11rta11hull,allnewpalnt, Eu'• 8-8pm Only . ·v boerd a monlhly lllpend. Your Income 1kl1, tlarto, mopedt, FrM 10 good ho~. IOYI · Thi._ (a your lucky dey H·382, two 81 lley ml· full canYH, 180 hp In· 537·2003 '74 Chevy Luv PU. new 40 & ovt< preferred,,.,., Work PIT. 9 •m·2 pm home Oym, vec. golf bl• mlHd breed. good way. 8Mullful h1nd too-nu111, auto rhythm, 25 boerd HerculH ong., '78 Honda C8760F SS, brk1, clutch, radiator. .-. I M 0 LARE I non-1mkr. 840-6321 with lhe Los An~elet olube, hthld mlao., clo· wllb klela, M, 1 yr. led oheok book co..,er pt1C11l1, 18 chtng11bl• c:ompl. gone o"'"· Full blk. Ilk• n-. xtru. gl· $u1~~5-~CncJable Needed X-Ray"Tec:h and TlmM Clrcutaflon Mm lhH & book• 2101 893-7793 with l'IOrMI head l lnl· pr ... 11.4M11drewt>er1. 09t1on pkg Wl,..,..dOCk rage kept StOOO llW back office ualttitll fOf In ltiephone ulN. Eatn Orange (comer 2111). Fri .._ _, lf•f tlala CHO. ~lat ~ 848-8238 *3900 Mull Mii ASAPI 842-0955 '7 I Chevy V. Ion 4WO PU, Stle1·$eMc;e-LN.llng Orlhopedlc Office with an hour1y wage+ comm. 12·5, Sal. 8-5. 11 •t1Ulen W' 125. &aorlllc• for only 873·348 I eno greet "body OK, pa. 850 N. Beach Blvd 1 d 11 p T Training proYlded. For •••••••••••••••••••••• $15.toluckypertonwlth ORQAN • COtm. Good llffllTIUPll pb, gd wo rk truck, L1Habr1 ~~1~~00 cenu. I . detell1, Cell (714) OARAOESALE **'BUY** lhtN lnltlale. Hurry call lone. excel. cond 1990. 78 SKIPJACK 20', xlnt 2ttrok,,$1000/0BO '18001obo.873·8828 111·1111 •. lllT &-N 640-030l 33c4 ~e:,~1 1:1~.~'-· '40-8709 oa..... 558-0535· cono .. many 111tra1, 110, AlH 1188-6457 '68 El Camino 327 4 bar· Open Sundey ..,., llOln&aY/WO. . . . Good uMd Furniture & Bell MaMagtf. like ,_, Old uprlQhl Orend. 12do. 500. 847·8013 rel S2000 needed at the Surl and Min 8 yrs h"'Y HCrtlarlal BHtl!flg IHft Ap~llancet·OR I wilt Mii SM to appreclale. S 100. Good pTaytng e"'ond. Hur· w• ... EI L:lc~~~ :~;·,:~I.an 74, 11 847-8920 lrom 12· I ll&Hf OHITY'S Sand Hotel. Fri thru e.11per '"""· Challenglng •••••• •••••••••••••• or SELL'°' You 982-l26e ryt 497·2139 -• 762•9•87 tllllT Tue1. Apply In peraon to -... GIANT PARXINO I.OT IUITlll llOTlll 13 It Bolton Whaler In '75 Chev Cr-Cab, low Margie. 16,55 So Cat po1lllon for aomeone SALEll New & u1ed •••1111 lll·H•I S..ra 10" Radlel Saw+ 2 Perlecl Hammond Organ. gOOd condition. '79 Yamaha YZ400, gOOd fTJll ... air. c:ru111, new & Hwy, Laguna Beech. unul4.lally brlQhl & akll· Item•. factory HmplM -a dr cabinet, on wht., uMd Bench & mu11c S850. 213-441·5385 c:ood. *776/0BO Ur" S3,995 963·4058 ~kF~ long nr .. • ', ...... w,do Sal 9/18, llAM. 18600 I .. ,····-once. *425. 873-3809 Call Jim 848-6340 Bryan 648-1398 Nur11ry: lnterlo.,Plant ~"' ~ offw _, Main St .. H8 acroM from .. ,_11 II • Pl 15' Fl1hlng boat & trlr, VHI • 1110 Technician for malnte-$24,000 .,., yr, pension 6 Point Shopping Cntr. L" 1157-1133 King ar Walerbed, 1ola, fl Hr llt 4 o Hp e l e c . 111 r e1. 73 SUZUKI 125, rbll mtr, •••••••••••••••••••••• Sal11-Servlc•-i.eulng nance route. part time, fund, 1n1, bonu1 program fllllmll llW oak din tbl, Pt(llAll c•· WALNUT, Benell $700. S800tbel olr. 873-0847 n-ur ... *250. '73 FORD VAN ~CARVER experience. with pl1nl1 & an oc;ean view, II you'. /m1t • mer a, PlonHr 11efeo. . 760·9656 845-4203 or 846·4199 Cu•torrt pelnl. Int. whla, l'L..11 preferred. 845-1180. ,. nol the beal pleaM tell •• • ••••• •• ••• • ••• ••••• PRICES ST ART AT: 967·8238, 541 ..... 44. 21' lwn d1I. Sklplack Pllol elC $1700 891-8645 fl.'l.J.S ~, Hr'vi\'\I your amerteat under· YARD SALE • CIOMd <>Yr Meur ... a Found. NI Conway Up~ht Plano house. redar. auto pllol, Jawa Speedway blk•, ... OFFICE HELP • Perm•· c:hallenQed friend about •lore. Bed/bath 11nen1. New tactO<y Maled Frigidaire Air Conditioner, Ellel cond. 115 Loran VHF, depth eoun· cell. cond. Mull '" to ¥11 0.IY llt O••• ~.~"';~ •. ~:;:.:;: nent, part-llme. 11 you ua. NON-SMOKER. Col· 1how cHe, gondotu, Twin $77-tull 1117 •Ingle rm. Reg. outlet. 847·7017 Cler. trlr, bettt< than n-. appreciate. 11800 or bal Sole bed, 2 hi back1---------- art dtlall con1clou1 & lln• & AHoc .• 587 San deak, cash regllle<. glll Queen l147·Klng S187 S1001b1t ofr. ~1-8878 lkll• 1013 657·4758 all 6PM. ofr. 778·36116 111a11, wtlbar. lceboK. '7d, rune oood. Ex~ ha\lo moderate lyplng Nlcolu. N.B. 6.44·5771 boxes. beg• • all below Sola Bede 11117 . Soloflex ln·home gym. ·····'··•••••••••••••• •L-11 •1U IOIO '78 SUZUKI 250 RM. v..,,, C loHt Cupbo a rd w/ lranafer • mull ••II 1klll1, pleuant PNhOonw• COii. CASH ON\. Y. 9 Sol• & '°"" -t 1197 Compt. ~k-out. Men & Pr 82 Oynamle VR17 Ex· ~-·'·~·.............. clffn & very ful. S47S, lights 2 ltblH $900 9177!~~/aoobo PIP, bull peraonallty & K llOlnllY Bennlnglon, lrYl n• DISCQUNTFURNITUAE women. $31111, 2101 perll. XLNT condlllon 19• Hobie cet, yellow wl 846-ll85Dan. 080 • ..., SAILBOATS call A&P Varied DullH. Good 551-0487 1959 Harbor Bl\ld. Onlnge A..,., Corn 211t, wllh blndlng1. $170. teq. 1unrlH 11111. Like 642·2201 '78 BMW 2002. Showrm Marine 848-8941 apetllng and 1yp1ng with Furn, baby clothing, mlac COSTA MESA 831·8809 CM. Fri/Sat 1163-8063 new. $2500. 876-8181. '76 YAMAHA 250 Dirt AitH WHIH ISIO cond N-t1re1, braket. dlctaphone 111111• • must. llema. Fri and Sat 8 AM Gold Couch Down plllow1 •-.. --a..a-• l'u-r •r..1"'•f. I!--~, 1~ Claaslc SI"""' 20' Varnl·.. Bike. Run• gOOd. 1450, •••••• •••••••••••••••• \lal\lt Job. Mini cond. 34 Opening• Able to handle preuure 5 p S Fl •76 COM -nn-,... •· 11, -.,_ --.. .., alt IOpm. 842-2841 WE PAY Asking 17000. Must NII In bu"" medical dlstrlbu· to M 11 llller r, Ir· • . 1·...,., • ••••• •••••••••••••• Mahogany 3 •alls MARKETING ., lllne. 78().0181 Oynaftt Ski booll. u 12~. $1200 548-0577 '75 GL 1000. Fully loaded ASAP. 002·2309 Iv mao. lor office. Hunllnoton Modtl868.Nearnew(25 uud 1 uHon. 176 w/CB . Groal cond TOP DOLLAR '711320!, red, mint oond. Bch area. e.nefl11 ... la· ..... ,, .. ,.. GIRLS EEDROOM furn. hfl on clock)r Cptt $9, 840•1304.dya 24' COLUMBIA. E11 cel $1900l btt ofr. 6.48·7983. G ry negoll1ble. Call btwn ••••I'••••••••••••••••• oft ~hlle. French ProY. 000 • aaorlllct tor S6. conq. new Ood~er, ulla, FO• USU OA• 84K ml. AJC. am/fm 11" M MT •JI & 12 841-2886 MoYlng 10 Europal WO· etyle, bHUI. complete .. ,..,.. 9•<> n3•3 911 ._,,,, ....,,, $6500 <>• 1105 '70 HONDA 350SL n n Ca I It I t I S 9 0 0 0 · · men'a clolhlng, rattan Ml $350. 773·1814. 'IV\/ • ...,..., " '"c..~ ''' -.... · -· Good c:ondlllon $300 WI Ullll 848-2088 SECRETARY.0-al ofc, I I II Ve I H d nl "'" ,,.,H IHI c ·L 28 I b d d 559 9 --------POTEMT Ill 1 d d 1 h urn .. nure ng un orm1, 8 t h , h•.._,, ge ron y ropo c ••••••)'••••••••••••••• .. . n oar . goo • 197 Nlft•,./SIWI .79 BMW 6281. 4 ...... llhr, . l1 " •n IYI opmenl, Y'J wtllfbed Fri-Sat 10-8. MU . COYC • ""' ......... garden 195. Queen bed BEAUTIFUL 25" RCA Co-cond. Mull ..... $15,500 ·-..,,... phOnes & typing. SH °' 5515 F\lver AY, "108 (Lu navy a ~. xlnl cond. 165. FM lape w/epkre o bell offer 648 9588 '80 KAW 420KX 2480 Harbor Blvd. BBS whll, Ilk• new. 112, $ equiv req. Malure1 non· BrlHI Apll). $400/obo. 552·1389 S80. 54a-0471 lor TV. 2 yr wrnty. Sl48. ' · • Exe911ent condition COSTA MESA OO<ror euume IM. (7141 15 400 emkr. Send r .. ume & Frff delivery. Open Sun. l1/INl1l1 IOfl $700 659-9197 ' 141-4100 6.44~8325, 669·6442 • mlam 1a1ary req. 10: PO Bo11 Ytrl lalt --=~u;r~'l:.'f."S~~.b~: A~~1'1tb~~:' ~~.~ TV John'• 848-1788 5;~;10~·51~ii'wi;;;:r: Hulky 3e0. deMr1 equip-• Mt-1411 '87 Clulllc: Sh .. pl 4 qoor, 7008, N.B. Ce. 92860 Clothing books ap· 1 bl 8 h I •1100 • · PACIFIC MICROWAVE d b l R model 2000 RuM "'Mil • · • •· c •" • Comm College 0111 ler Sall b oard, $500 pe • g lank uni •· pllancea. 327 Fullerlon Call 41111-1248 ~... · · · ANTENNA ..... & Mrvl· 546•25 ••• 7 .. 1308 g 0 0 d . I 4 5 o 1 0 1,. WE IUY 1 • Mu1t Hiii BHI otter. 114-Hl·HM 11oan••y 111 Ave. Sal/Sun 8 10 8. Sun 558-5764 ca Call Clancy 831~ ""• v .,.. ... 2•64.... r 769·1677 °' 831-0900 Part time. H.S./ Jr. Coll. 1tudenl, mlac. worll on cla11lc wood boat. No exp. nee. 831-8480. PART TIME POSITIONS. High Income . Call Mr. Cepoblanco 964-8111 -• • 8·12 2 Hand made Chalr1, · .. II S k WI d .,... ..., OLUI C•llS Secretarlar po1lllon In n ed tco • I S20 Light GrMn Antique Sa· Stereo with turnltbl•. MUii se IOC n aur· " I G _, --•-C e r v r ng. tin. 00\ltr door wall, It< Sallboerd. *475. '79 YAMAHA ENDURO lll YmlO•S act "'' Newport Center ener .. Qatage -· •· etch. Firm. 144lt12. 175. 752.-5728 apHker'1, etc. Good 875• 1483 250DT. xlnl oond. 1 n " RHllor'1 office. Front blnet maker Hlllng 111 5.cjl-()()27. cond. $75. 842_.338 ah. SIOOlobo. 845-8001 office position rl(lulr" pwr. & hand lool1 . .:fable 1 Pr 80x84, 1 tingle 4prn. N-Windsurfer Magnum --------- good lelephone \IOlce, uw. band UW, Ille. OCCASIONAL CHAIRS. 38•114. bttge IOOM -· 370, rainbow Hll. New '77 Sui.ukl 250 RM. N- typlng, S.H. & appearan-Sal/Sun 2324 Laurel, NB a q u •. good con d . ~ *35. 752-5728 ~p and lurnlable, good $I 186. Sacrifice $896. top end, lo•. air, lhoclla. ce. Aeal .. late e11pe· 11 t -~la-S251each. 658-0535. -~~·}911110;.._,~e 2 p•• 873-3800 lu1. 651-3260 I h I f I b 1 "''" ,....., TABRIZ PERSIAN RUG! ......._ .,.,.,. .., euent a . re er oca bd•lff IOOS style solid maple delk, 640 8818 PANASONJC STEREO u COMMB.l CHEVROLET ".~ lldrloor I~ : , ,r:.,J\\H~\ 546-120 '75 BMW 6301. Super clean, yellow. anr1. AC, 49K ml. Bllllelfla $5900 875.C)348 '88 2002 BMW nice cond. Moving, mu1t NII. 12000 obo, 673-9125 f!~ ............ 1.~!! PAIT '191 Ella and/or weekend•. Responelble •dult1, °"" 21. with outatandlnQ, at· tracllv• peraonllltlM to work with youlh (agH 10·14). Call 2·6PM, 842 .. 321, Eat. 348. EOE r enc•, 1' ppu f utl no, •••••••••••••••••••••• MOVING-Lg Early Am BMt ofter 1a11 .. 111 IHl1, 1'1111 #tlll BMn, Iii~ rHldent. For lnlervlew ••••,.•••••••••••••••• Lyre type l•g• I l50. Compl. system: 1m/lm, II O#k1 H10 lnllll1t1fl Ill call Mr1. Duhl Roll-Top OMk, O~ 48", 840-2518 Metal 1hed, S5, you di· trk, turntable. lge ap°l<re, •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••"'•'••••• ••••••••• w~a... I T ~It Md fl llhl 1676 d 1260 669-0767 SLIPS a\lall. Hunllnglon IMlll ... 1111 MYEI '74 Yellow Ceprl. Redlo , Top dollara for Sport• am/Im cHa. Gd cond. Care, Buga, Camper•. Mull sell. Bat ofr _, • • • n ' ,. n ng. MOVINO-V~ ~ IHHmbla, n ' aom• . . H • r b o u , B • Y • 21 ft 18,000. Good oond. RM110ta 910 080. 07S.8205 nal Chair S26. work. 6411-7281 .. ,, a lful•t 7 I 4 • 8 4 0 • 5 6 4 5 • 558-0481 Antique Oak Orsr. bewled 840-2588 Hol lub kll. new redwood • 1148-7786. ---------' 914'a, Audl'I 857·5009 ' SERVICE SALES • Xlnl mirror-A Clr\ltd fHI, BEAUTIFUL WICKER di pump & llller $360. L./-nt , S Rent: 28' motor home. gr~h opi>ty w/tm mfgr. b • • u t . S 9 5 O I o Ir . 1 b"" ; 494-2113 after !lpm •• ~':"°""•••••••••••• 40 llp for pwr or aall wt alps 8, full)' loaded. mtch Hper, Spanlah 875-3793 n ng ta ... glaN top, .. •••1'1 HIO lel-down mast. Balboa 645-1618 (Paul) helpful, \lalld Callf Ori· ceptalne chair•. 12115. LIVI l&LL....... u •••••••••••••• ••• ••• Co..,... A\lall now. Fle•l· ------'----..,.,., lie, g~d drMng Antique lctboit, good 657-3119. Send aomeone .-. '°"" WANTED· ble, 845·8100 f11ll1n1 '11nl 1111 condition $500 ,_ ALUMINUM CANOE • ••••••"'• •••••••••• ••• record 642· 58 · . WATERBED w/8 drawer a beaullful bouquel Ol 30 8T5-97117 Sllps avall CdM area. 22' AIJo Traller, llPI S..8, PllJTml OHISll.tU Alli fOf U/C MGR , ........ YILllW&IU 18711 Beach Blvd . HUNTINGTON BEA~H 142-HOO '74 Capri, a le , am/ffTl co1ae11e. automatic. good cond. 12000. 541-81172 '81 Capet, lull)' loeded, air a aunrf, lo ml $7600 538-6116 EnJoY working wllh 111<11. Work evening•. We lraln you 10 become a youth counHlor. Call 2·5PM, 842-4321, X348 SeMce .Station 842"5041 headboard, wnel111 hellum balloona. Ptrtect S 9 II I. c 111 Ca,, I• lully loaded. $3500 or ~tchanlc, FIT, aome Anllque Barbar Chair, metlreu. Acce11or1... for all occulona. Graat IHll, #li•l••••H 714·955-2473. Wkdy1 c Io 1•11 b Id . Ca II knbwiedge, all cat•. own completely r111ored, 1130. 831.,.133. decorating ldeaa. l«rilf HZO 8·5 1144.~793 aft 8f>M WllTEDI DlllH ITZO Lite model To~otas. •••••••••••••••••••••• toola. Aleo need PIT at· 12500· 83l-«M7 WATERBEO a_, ala, 873 .. 4111 •••••••••••••••••••••• BOAT SLIPS AVAILABLE: A llm 1 Vol\I~. Pickup• ' Vans. tendent. O\ltr 18. SH J.-ll••1n 1111 10 yr wrnty, complete. 1·:: 14K rope Chain with Marine Elec:trlctan Newpon 8Mch· 25' 28' •ft If, 1111 Mr. Botte; 2490 Fairview .. Tr.:tt. •••••••••••••• 1100 648-4631 y. nugget. 1850. Pr/pty. 0Mlgn/ln1lall/Repalr 30', 40', a is'. 'ca1i I Attnurlt1 H• -1nu-al Fair Or. C.M. ~ARBOR AREA . . 831·9218 Olly '#Of'll. 549-2520 E\I 842·4644 from 9.5 , •••••••••••••••••••••• Call ua todayt • ~ , ,.._ ·-APPLIANCE SERVICE Lllllng rm .... brown sofa ... • M F I PAINT a "'' body W()(k, with ex.,.,ienoe In taking Shoe S al ... 25·36 hra. We Nit recond guar a 10.., .... t. Gd cond Mobile Phone, direct dial, 11, ul•• on-r · up to 60"h off your body order1. No Sollcltlno. ·exp only. Hrly & oomm., appllancee. 649-3077 S165. 552-74211 en &pm.' m •mo r Y. S 2 8 6 0 . L.i-••I 1131 Cook ap-eYallable up lhop Ml Slit 9&4--0332 Nice atm~•-Good xlnt oJ1pty. Chlldren1 997-4261. 131-8207 •• ~':"Att•••••••••••• to 36'. 111 50111. Ardell. l985 GMC·V6 Engine a Start, Ing SCalary11'AF1°'1 lnl· ~~erltry 844-2484 Mr . I llY ~ wr:t.': ~~~o~:w~E~lth Pc Ml American Tou-11.n. Sta Pllet 842·5735 HyClro. Gd cond. 1200. .,.., ew, • •or:i. L" 957-8133 matlreu & box eprlng, rls1erluggage,lnc:llgone by Sharp. LTD.Liii•~-· Sllp 30 11 Hunllngton Eve'• 8 ·8pm only fOYOTA-YOUO ............... , c .......... ~ '46·UOJ., UO.f46 7 648·2271 SNACK BAR WUher·Dry..-'·Refrig. S90. 842·7874 w I w ha e I a . S I 2 5 . uc 11300. PIP Harb o ur . H o m• 537-2003 PIT opening. reproduc· CHhler/Food Prep. Ollhwather·Freezer 831·1993 557•9509 213/592·21130 a olllce -,9-6_5_23_5_C_H_EV __ E_N_G-IN_E_1 WI MY llon depl/mallroom. Onl Opening and clo1lng Xlnl cond. 646-5848 °:::!~ ... Beda~.· ~loh. Magle llland Gold fiWtj.. .. ,, ,,,,,, H40 714/833· 1103 .$175. EY•'• Only 6-8pm. USED CARS a TRUCKS duties. 833-3232 1111. Mature. SHclllf -·--b hi 1160 •••••'•••••••••••••••• MARCUS CHANNEL· Id 537·2003 COME IN OR CALL FOR nlry Olub. 6311-8868 22' tide by llde trottlffl 675-8204 • ~4:, ':r':'en~r~u:. 1200. c 1a11lc 18' Lapstrake 111 10 28 11• 5150: 8 1 110e ---------• flU &PfWUl 1111 llrtttr llltllltr S •at re Ir I g •fl 1 or. I 2 5 0 .llEI •RI Cenlury bay boat, 4 cy1. • • Aeltl /ft lilt Part/time. Experienced 01 ... 1or1 ,_. 548·7044 . -1111 875-86811 Or-. S3500. 875-8161 1817d3~8u1~510.l8 11 $100. •••••••••••••••••••••• Cormler·DeLlllo 0 did. Flm rate Resort Co. 151-1110 _, -.. c Olmtt.n only. Amerlcan9 .. " !!'"'· Ellcellent WOfklng condl-Elec1rlc dryer, gold. uMd trittltal Ill • 21' Chrltef"atl cbn c:ruar, IMPORTANT NOTI E 82 BEAC BL D Colla MM&. ....--l4 11on1. Top compen••· 8 mo. Xlnl cond. 1100. ••-&11 .. ID•-Tabrlaz 9•12, perfect IH•· ,,.,,,., ._. TO READERS AND 1 11 H V · _., c• .-7 tecen11y relurb, reblt 0 , .,. --ADVERTISERS HUNTINGTON BEJ.CH llUL llT&ll l&UI tlon. Call Jeanne. Of~,,,. 842-:4338 aft. 4pm. 851-1110 ~2 n~S6 6 3 1. 7 8 8 . tngl & Irena. bt11 tank, ••• DR •• v···s·T· OR··A··GE····· The price of ll•m• •d· 147-1011", l4t-Hl1 Need 2 exper. people In 9·8 DISHWASHER portable, LARG&: SOLID OAK h,..;.,...._._______ radios, NB lllp Incl, $11, YertlMd by \lehlole dea· Eatale Sale 1980 Dataun 200SX, xlnt cond. Orig owner. ac- cepllng bldL Wkdaya pleaH call, 76&-422t '85 Wagon, rune good. '83 tags. 1395. 983-5272 commerclal and lndu· 494·0748 rune fine. S40. BANKER'S DESK 1100 · TlleSpa,heatt</btower, 500. 875-9585 1era In It'll lfehlcl• claui· T DoO atrial real •tale fOf IUC· STOCK CLERK 556-0535 848--60711 itllr ... $600. 1173-0847, 18 ft Johnson 110 Monthly boat atorage. fled ad\lertlslng columna op ar '12 Dataun 240Z. Like ceNlul and n'owlng firm F"" I ..... , -'-876-0880 any llze. 24 hf f rlty, d t I I d new. $4100 845-5532 ,.. . . ..., I me, w n ,,.,.,, top Relrlgt<alOf, llllt ,,_, w/ SPACE-SAVER $1500 nrm. Ir• launchlng Oii no nc u I any p •d Beel WOfklng condlllons pay, xlnl oppor1unlty. For '-000--R-----C--673-2180 •ppllcable laxes, llcenM, 31 Eerly mornings or IJ\e In Newport Beach. tee Info call John klemaker, *400. Of bl91 BUNK BEDS, '400 UN • 10 It haln ---------llWPllT HIES tran1fer lee•. finance t\ltnlngs 7141648-5061 e3l-Be20 otter.841-3163 orbstofr. 848·5079 link fence .• 1350. 231tCuddyCebln,rlgged 1111 ltt• la' Ir, chargea,leeslorelrpol· ForYOYr C•fl T I h S I a II' 19.3 cu ft. W•ttnghOUM. Walercloud walerbed 8 8424402· 642-8029 for llshlng.J>all tank, -ft. lutlon conlrol dt\llce MISll I Ill !!!!~!!.••••••••~!~~ PO:,!.~ dee· ~~~ ~ P~ F/F Xlnt cond. 1175. drawer. pedestal • .,..,.,, lfiw1u,.,.., ~l! n~. ":~ ~-l44-tllO cert1flca110'\• or dHler U.ttl•·•rt•'1 Nllll OHITT'I llng with people. Bu1y dal"'. A_.., n11 W. 191h, 980-11678 liner• nHdl mallreu WHIH "'' drlw. ; .. II~ 873-8540 documtnlary prepare· 2828 Harbor Blvd. HLY •-·-~ " ""'' S 1 O O I 8 O O n • w -50. llon charge• uni••• Costa ••esa 540 5630 _,_., phones. light office du· Sle H, Cotta M... • G.E Por1able Dllhwaaher. . •••••••••••••••••••••• 1---.-------Sell with EASEi .... • Ilea. Colla Meaa. Mre. Butcher blck top. Need• 845-2145 HELPI 1 ha\le a perm Sw~ WANT ACTION? 11'1 a BREEZE otherwlH specified by Premium prices FlllUIU 8ry9on, 548-7172. Tl1IPllll llUI m In or re Pa Ir. $ 5 0 . Twin 11ze wett<bed eon M • • 1 1 P • c • 81 O CIUllfed Ads 842-5878 Clualli.d Ad• 642·5878 the adllertlaer · paid fOf any uM<t car llAI 0191 Part-time l\lal & Sat. tle0-11671 out S200' S Falrgrnda. Nd produC1a """:::::;_;:;;:;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;:;;:;;;;;.:,;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;i-11m1-;;;;;;;i-ll(" b#I :/ (for-'~°' domMfic' RecepUonlll lyplng, 50 Salery +comm. Exper. I er-:.::~ . ao. lo ull. Any Id•••? • ,... -· 1 I lf/J wpm, non-amkr pref f0< Nee. 841-0313 l ·l Waml/Nm 1 · 2 714-1131-3670 Cl111l11 ISIO In OOod condition. ~~ plu1h N.B. ofllce. For $290 pr. 851·1810 Jennie Lynn twn bed Ira· Need Exercycle for new Boat picture ads provide ••••• ... ·••••l••z.·1~::,••••• · t!l!l_is..lli 1Y1•"1Flf.ri"i1il!\ appt.644-2507 TILIPml ni. *35 .. .111 ... ........ Upr1gh1 F~er. 2 dr, 220 '848-1211 hip thtrepy. Wiii buy °' Shay r89flta; plckupa a RESERVATIONIST n... __,, VAC . 1300 /oll•r. tradertfr19.875-3022 ~~ coupel. 4 10 choose ~~1111n•1111 '.3100• Wr· .. ,,.:.~atH'""' ded, wlll call from our 548-8952 2 Teble Lampe. wt.n.del. jiiiiiiiiiiiliiiiiiiiiiiiii oO from I (008788) (Stk. ....,. -• Newport 8'ech office, no We need good people to Glua, approx 40" high. wa.wwlfl A3093). Prtcea slartlng al Newport Beach expernec.Wllltraln.Hre. HI up appolnlmenll Olsplayleefreezer.16tub, 648-4984aft 5pm IU'll~ $~ 9 •YSl,Hll 642·9405 3 -9 p M. 8 4 1. o 11 9 , from our Newport Beach Sacrifice 1800/oller. WASHER & OAS DRYER 2-4PM. ornc. In the l\lenlng for _s.c_w_9_52 ______ 101n1n~ room Ht: lbl Good cond. Reu. price. ~~ 1it 111$ Holiday lnn'a ,_ Ir...,.. W T 80lt42 . wl4 c:hrs. Ind 2 • "4-4332 ~ 11 Ill .. •••••••••••••• •••••• •• Restaurant S •llngllouN Range op, 18 .. leefl & pads, t>un.t I~~~~~~~~~ e-.'IQl8 .11h1~ '" Con STRAW HAT PIZZA club. alary + oommi.-c oYerll:e °""'"· Slanttlony 82~ 10" (2drwra 4 dr) 1: $9 ,."''·' \ft•,,1 ~II \l,Llll 88Good850 Spldef& ~-In•...,.,· ·o· H 1...,.,t BMoh •Ion + bonu1. all hood 4. long Copperto-• #i .Ull body a.... .. ex~~ ~ay work.,. 833-3740 ·~ 1 PM. ne. S250/ob0 548-41184 =lobo. 548-41184 aft ;.,,,..,.,, llU J Hf~~~~~.l~~~la6~~ mpg. ll100. 87 404 1. Apply lhru Sal. 8820 Telephone Saiea an !lpm. •••••••••••••••••••••• m •at I c 0 r 10 re I g n re •71 hardlop 850 Ra- w A ••7 2 .. 72 Earn ..... u-.... the 1--.;....------•ANTIOUE hand car\led e«. Xlnl gu ml Good .,.,., .......... " ""'~ ... , v, Frigidaire Froel FrM R.-LOVESEAT off large YAMAHA BaH Amp. .tJI -, 551"8285 1hape. $1500/bal Restauranl bHch, SSOO-S lOOOI lrlgeratOf. UO ytlCl\t 170. 5411-4783. He9d wtth a double 15" '63 S debalc C"• pion Ow ACCEPT G Melt. Cell 53&-7611. 848-3433 tu er ,,..m Aa,., l•NllH 842-4889 N IN ---------•Off whl Bdrlt't "'· qn R , PV ~aker cabinet. All 5 pa•• cpe . Nice car. •••·•"···'····••••••••• APPLICATIONS FOR: , ........ ltllefftn Whlrlpool Dryer, Gu ti db rd. b d fr em •• In •~c•ll•nt condlllon. $3750. 2131582-1792 AJ/1 ... H 111$ 78 121. tltcel cond. , .. lllYlll NHded hflmedl11111y. NHd• couple 1mall aptlngalmatl 100. St,000. .... ..... ltt4t4 1•;•;it;~·.4·;,;:;·1c·~ buMI eng. n 2•2907 an 5 bperlenc• ntceuary Ideal ff)( atudtnl• Of ho-parll. $30. 146-343.3 f.44..4014 u .... 11,tt.... I 75 FIAT SPIDER r~. w/ APPLY: l>etwMn 2 and "*"'akere. Houra, 3-9. liiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil ·-,,,., Ford Woody W•· 6 1pd. "'"Y CIHn. 0 wire wMele. •XCllll COlld. 4. 37 Fuhlon llllnd. No Mlllng. Airport .,... wa.we I Large plllow chalf, blac:ll, gon. S13,00I>. 1' m pg . • 3 8 7 5 . leevtng ...... 11000 be- Newport 8eech Call betw"n t -12. 1111111i;ll fabric · aoft . 135 , Calm P.A. syatem. Votoe ---714-980·1208 low bOok , 1:2900. 840·4847. Alter 1 pm, WASHER & 0 .AS DRYER Wkndl/evea 1131·1241 ~ of lht ThMter apeaa, 4 19~ FOfd Model A Town 74 Spyder, xlnl cond. 780-leH. ~:.';~'::!, ... , Cocktall t-866-0--16_1 _____ Good~~ pra. ~ ,_.,,., ~!~~:·~ ~~~·~!~.C:i s.dan. ll0,000 newlnl/palnt1top&11rea. '--..,.------1-1-1-1 per90n. Apply In peraon TOPLESS MODELS ~~~~~~~~~~·••••••••••••••••••••• co..,ar, lllle nu. $1000. 11163 Studeballtr A\llntl. 16100/olr~ 146-11363 •••••••••••••••••••••• efter 5. MEDLEYS, S750AY • PAIDDAl[Y;: Relrlo/Frv 17 elf175, •tMf14 15500.876-8161. t\let /wkndl . or ... ....,.., 18174 Brook h u re t • no exp nee • 828--2583 lllMlft If# OooO eond. 176 Wkndll '--.-----.,.-.-.-----------1 649-1115 dYI Wt can htlPI ~· yOu Founlaln Valley. ••"'•••••••••••••••••• _..,.. 831-1241 _.r111 ..,.. '84 COR\IAIR 4 dr AT, AMI lll1 buy, cMc« ow unbeel•· TYftlT Dirt ll*a, boys, bite, '40. J !11. ._, AJmoet new. MOO. R&H radials 1860. e--bl 1 -Ion M I Good ........... akllll. FIT. 10 ape:! boy. 136. Call ... -·' Call 714-151.0740 Inga (714) 538-'nll •••••••••••••••••••••• a •• ·-• y "g' SALES AOVENTUN! ., .... ._ el1er e PM Hunter •••••• ••••••••••••••• n M WI ION TlrM Ind Mrvlc9 toda,yt TRAVEL gg~:.~ 'p'::~/~ff,,r:~•;:; 873-0973 · Ladlu Dl•mwond ring, Alto su. Yamaha, xlnt 11150 Plymollth 2 dr won, 21.000 mat•. 1u11y IOllded .VEllITT · Mwq .. 28ct. S2, '550. cond. 1250. Good lor ell new mect1 & eleo. ~ 1unroof. Qd cond. Like growing. For lnlar..,lew MEN'S 8 SPEED 541...et52 1tud4lnt 842~784 28' Ericaon ,utly IQulpped cn.llM, renovation. A bHCh "new. 113,400 080. IALll t ..... 1f t... wO:=~~e:.::.1"'* B= =~:: :1~8Q ~ llfJ FLUTE (MW padt) Ram· 9 .. lie, UHfl, oompeaa, CO'i9R. ~·~·:~ca =~5_og 1038~; ~tllee:.. 2d~ E "'at • 21ros~~· L..otng PubllOatlol"I Finn 11yrwt1tl EllPer Apptyln Olr1'1 blka. 8c:tlwlnn 20" ~ Atn1· •••••••••• ponl Cen•~ .. M~!!~o Perfect condition $19,500 213·305-3351 otc 141 H• now tlll lmm•d OP•· per1on 17$1 Newport LIL' CHIK '°' lnlOt'l'llltlOn ..... .... ... .... F.1.8,M. ,.... ............... 123·4597 eo 4000. A7c:-!unroof, • ~·~ ... Glluyakt 10' t~~ 8Ml. c:~. call 752'4Ht 8/8,Qrldl-ofalf.___ Oood"'begl_,n..,,,._,.,.,. ·~I IMI, &lereo. lmmao. 18450. "rt ACCOAD UC. 811•, ... .., """"" •• .., 1---::-:-:-±::==:-::---1..::::...;..:.:..::.;::.. ____ , ""' .,.,_._ ci.tlMI 1145 ... , IHI 1131·2tt1 ' roof rac:tc, cu1torn meo wtllle they work In US WARE>40USE PEUOEOT, tO·lpaa d Low rat" Cati after 3 ' • • ••• • ••• -.....1131 17«. maJor c111 .. 1 Dan"'"· FuN ume, ....,a1 po11. ,,,_, •• bike. 21 Inch rr.. PM. 5"6-•M7 54&-3375 Set vour courM for taat aalel 18\1 ·AoveA·;·c;;-ooo l#fl 111 • HouatOfl, New Y°'11, etc. tlona ~ Xlnt DPPOf· me.'°"' cond. 1110 obo. ~' a.a ~ Clarinet. xlnt cond. with a Dally Piiot boat ple\ure eooy, t75. Eve'• e-apm ••••••••••··~··••••••• '10 Honda Accord Ilka -rou ·n::c::" ~~ ~=:ea1~ Info cell 4'4-41•7 L9g Bctl. iiiiiirw·= •1 e&2-HM aft IPM. ad. Each Saturday, the Dally -Only. 537-2003 :ooiow MlM ~52IO & be eble to ... va Im· l2SO.OO w .. kly PI Y· llJMla, I 10 20• toftO, Me per ft. &ll\IY PLlft Piiot Wiii Offer YOU ad IP9C9 f.~.¥!ht! •• l!!f 76 Hon4a CVCC, alnt ~on· M, .. ~~ .. ,,!.!'.~ °'**9 (""'Y guttaMeed) ,,.,,,,. #II t1'9-t..,1 enyttme. .,.8 ... 1 .............. -that not only deterl* your &.AAGf.IT Jll~ DIALER cone1. rebll eng, new -·-" -"·.. wonting part or u ttrM •••••••••••••••••••••• i::;:u: ""' -.. , _... ..._ ..... ~t I .......-.11 In 1"' W.., pelnt. new tlrH. cpt, PfOl"MI• tnnap. tur-at homa. Wffkly pay• .. Ht /n • OOMI """"'E KrTI tNO Vlmllhe Of19'1· .... UY9t, uvt ,.... Ur98 t U -' dele*•letY Medi I 2 5 0 0 0 I 0 , KI try nllheel ...... eetftlngl a cMc*t IMhd dlrec1fY to Redwood ht declll Locelly m.,_,,~ld ,.. ..,., been uHCI. w.. The price It guaranteed to ~ JlEP. 759-0021: 76t-tsU =·.:::::·::.=: =:·=:..::::. ·~ ..... :-&.-~ =-~ =·,:"· .•. ...... buoy-· IPl•ll· _ $4511... "t:".::"a __ ... cvcc ......... . :..:u:rr,...,:,.~-~ IM"*9lltafy. No' Hpe-:=.. T11-~r Ken ft. Nt HM •----.....,--.I.JI-... --.. --• teke the pfoture, and only ~0 • ..... W• • " ~ ; :1m l;.,tOO ---.Wtcti · ;,; rtenoe M<1111ry • .HMto-Gold WOOi 09rpee t 4lCH -'WW • It you prOYtde the picture for• ·-'-! 1 '31·2040 ..,.,... ... ,,_"otW-=-----".;_,.._ ;;-;.-,~.,.,_. nel oempany. Do your L~!_~!.~ .... s too. With' P•d: ...... , .... =:'~ ......... ,C"" l&lltD• ... '72 •mall alH1lo oer, ........ ...-..... ............. -won.. ....... ,"' thl oomfOfl .,_., ,,_,..,_,.,._, " 11• ,._. .. :;a~ ......... ~ 2 column 3" ad. -· --........ ... -.... .. empt. 11cooo co"d' -• ·-· "'" '"" ·-IN ~of 10I" own prloa lf'ltroduCltory ...-...........u Dell! top aopew, ~ IMf..IOH "'f..?770 21MOt M~• .-.. -T MO . .:..... '°' ~ lfl4entew t1o1N.. Ott-. lfld IPPI--. OorMne to aDCIO eq OUTSTANDING ~llL IOI. 111n1 ...s ..... ~ "11 M6aaloft VlefO II • 100 contact M1. lerbera oetton IMled. lend 'f04ll ft. -.MM CHA.._. Ulla '*"· , ~ u amt omoe. a..e.0111. For f\lrther detel11 about how ••• •I (A*Y l•" off •·II •-• -... ~ h•·l'rt 1oAM·l,M. ntt1te Md ldetrM• to: a w t1111e t120. 112·140I PIO Del"' Ptlot boet Al..euN Ida 1 ' °'*' lundayt ::::-;:r.;i.mr •• .r:.ir ,....., 1-;;~;;::-:;;;;;~inl '' .,_, 11noo11a on."'*' 10" 'f~ K.....,. CWa.--. AfWtoen Acltlt'Y Com-Of lhOP,lnt. rlgtlt al IU .. PLU9 JIPI, CWI • ll'Of'lallle t1pew1""'J MO. can wof1c for you and to • uee ,_,..re Delly '71 9MW UOI, loeded, !*' tlree. ,.., IUflfOOf i;,.,.:...,. • ._...., ~=·.!."'1.°:.~·~ t:fiv~=l= ::"tio~,!'I'..:'~ U;!J,;~d oon ltlon. acNdute your ad, c*I Pltot Ct Cit to 41 .000 mt .. U700. '3480. MOlllt C' IP•• ...... '*"' ........ TX. 111ao A9. To .... _ ... ad ""1"",.., , .. ,--.,,.~-11 -.I --a. ........... • -..... ... c.. ...._,NO°' 1'°""14 . ., .. vw I(~" •••• pDU ..... rtgtlC ~ .. 141""71 ..... \• • • _ .. -ood c1 .. u & Ctlllrl, ---"' -"" _,, ~ ~ ....... .,. 'Tl l.llW UOI 17,100 °'" °"'*· ~ to find llte hom• you Q111lflld M-vteor Miit ''"d whet~ want tn mull .... Call Good oOndlfton fHtored. ••et oner ....... 1111 ,.._ ~ .... Giii PU1 ln.4llO MlllMi . ...1-4174 r ,DI , I " • Orange Oout DAILY PILOT/Thurld1y, September 18, 1912 ~,. c,~ ,. ... ,. G -~\, $~ MATCH THE NUMBERS ON THE • Believe it or ·not/ It's a short drive to HAWAII! Watch the Dally Piiot all during September for automotive ads containing the coupon belowl \ r--~--~--------~ ~ ;::~==·!!~~ .. .... ~~-u~ L~~·--­ArftetlC8n Airline• We re ,,,,,..ICMI M h,... Ooong wn•I we oo .,_I MN 2 RWl> TW HAWAII via AMERICAN AIRLINES Bting llllt ,_.on ono ... 1 or ... one°'°"' -"'....i t••• 0111•no SeptemO.• 10 11uahly '°' oiewing 0y Ii•·• -thlp IC>f 1 f A([ 1ouno 1110 ltCllett IO MllWl\H N Ame,t<:•rt A"~' Mu11 ha~• v•JAO p.tma"4'nt 011v-e,. tic-111111 be 19 yu OI 1199 t1' o-.< No llulO Agency. PllOllUll1t1'1 t1' Ame11Q11 AwW.. ~ Ot •elat- mey aue~ty Ott• ••Pl'K ""°"'U"I 9130192 11"1 OICMI •----------- N-------------~ A~------------- """'------------~ o..i..·1 ,._.... ..... -------- L---------------------------- This Is the time of year for ttie best auto buyal Take advantage of this opportunity to win 2 round trip tickets to Hawaii via American Airlines ALOHA SERVICE. NE ~ z "' "' sw .. ~ MAP WITH THE NUMBERS IN THE BOXES • ATLAS CHRYSLa~YMOUTH ... 2929 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 54&·1934 3 blockS south ol San Diego Freeway oft Ha<tlOr Blvd Complete ,body shop Sales Service Pans s.rv1ce Dept. open Monday thru Friday 7 30 A M to 5 30 PM and 8 A.M . to 5 P.M on Saturday • HACH IMPOll'TS 848 Dove Street Newport Be.ch Tel 752·0900 Call us. .,,,,. •o the Cf"i' \ ,t., r. r Alfa Ac-meo Peu9eo1 Saal> & Mus~ral t THEODORE ROllMS FOID Modern salaa, Hrv1oe, parts. body, peint & tire dapts. Competitive ratH on leaM & dally rentals. 2060 Harbor Blvd .. Coate Meaa M2-001 o or ~11 . • JOHHSOM & SON LINCOLN MBCURY 2828 Harbor Blvd . Costa Meu Tel. 540-5630 57 Years ot friendly lam1ly service -Orange County"• oldest Lin· COln-~rcury dealership SOUTH COAST OOOCH 2888 Harbor Blvd . Costa M.._ Tel 540-0330. RV Mrv•ce apec1all1ta. custom van con\19f-'ons. MIWPOltT IWOITS 3100 W. Coaal H ighway, Newport eaach. Tel. ~2·9405l540-176J Tha Ferrari Headquarters. ,. • NIW,OIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street. Newport Beach Tel 833· 1300 At the triangle ot Jamboree. MacArthur & Bristol behind ViclOfia Station Sates. S«Vk:e. Leasing & Part". We make great deals! • MAIERS CAOILI.AC 2eO<> Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tel. 540-91 00. Orange County s Large11 Cadillac dealer Sales Service Leas· mg • DAVID J. PHILLIPS IUICIC.p()NTIAC..MAZDA Salee • Service • Leasing 24888 Allele Parkway Laguna Hills 837·2400 • CHICk IVHSOM POISC ... AUDt-VW 415 E Coast Hwy , Newport Beach 673-0900. The only dealerah1p 1n Orange County with thaae three great makes under one root• • ALAN MAGMOH PONTIAC·M.UU 2480 Harbor Blvd , Coate Meal Tel. 54~4300. SalM, 5-rvlce, Leulng 'Mr. GoodWreoch · • CLAll lC AUTOM091 785 Newton Way, Coeta Meea. Tel. 131·1313 "JAGUAA& OUR 8PICIALTY" • XK 120'a I 140'1 I 160'1 I !·TY.Pel I XJ'I 8alea -~ -Reetoratlona • Off Plaoentle between 17th & 11th In Col11 MeM 0 • I 01 LONGPRE POMTIAC 13600 Beach Blvd Westminster Tel 892-6651 Orange County s oldest and largest Pontiac dealership Sales. Service Parts • DICk MILLll PIAT ll.ANCIA "Probably the lowest priced Flats fn -Southern CaNlornia" (located 1 mile rlOfth of South Coast Plan near Main St and Warner Ave. In Santa Ana.) 120 W Warner. Santa Ana 557·2132 • SANTA ANA DATSUN 2001 E. 17th Street. Sant• Ana Tel. 558·7811 Your Or1g1nal Dedicated Datsun DNler. • MIRACLI MAZDA We've moved! Our new location 11 1425 Baker Street, Casi. M ... Tel 545-3331 Stop by & Yt91t our brand new showroom and see why we re the t1 Mazda dHi.r In SoYthefn Cahlornla SalH . SafVfoe, Parts and Leasing . • AMAH8MMADA ·•o.e,o.c. ..... ..-•• Pree ........ L-.C..." 601 S Anaflelm Blvd . Anaheim 958-1820 Just north of Santa Ana Frwy on An.n.lm Blvd Catr ut lfrttl 'WE ARE HARO TO FINO-eUT WORTH ITI' • SADOLllACI IMW~AAU 2~ Marguerlt• Pkwy , A*'f Pllwy e111t W. olltf +hat no bank or lea .. company can. 1 Eapettty at.tfec:t. moat modern 11rv1c1 & perta•oept , 2 One Of tne Southllhd a moat ••P•rlahcad NI• & '"81ng_ 11.n. 3 Ellmlnetlon o( the mlddlema n by leellng ~di,_ 83t·20e0 Minion V o M COSTA MISA DATSUN 2845 Harbor Blvd . Costa Mesa Tai 5.-0.6410 Serving Oranga Countyfor.16 years 1 Mile So 405 SUNSET FORD, INC. {Home of Wrllle the Whale~ 5440 Garden Grove B lvd , Westminster Tel 636-4010 • OIANOI COUNTY VOLVO 10120 Garden Grove Blvd .. Garden Grove Tel. 530·9190. E11clu11ve1y Volvo to cover all your Volvo requlr~tl. ~tlaed•Salel•Leaslng•Parts•Servlce•Body Shop &eaway cioM In the heart of Orange County at GMden Grove Blvd. & Brookhurat . • COMMILL CHIVIOUT 2828 Harbor Blvd .. Costa Meaa. ~ 20 years Mf'llng <:nnge Countyl S.lea, leaalng, MtVlce. Call 54&·1too; special parts tine. 54&·9400, body ahop llna. 7~ 0 ROY CAIYH IOU.S ROYCl-IMW 1540 Jambor .. Road, Nawport 9each MO-M+e Sal•• Service, Parts And Leasing • COltMll• De&.ILLO ClllVllOLIT (~ Of'Ottl CMwoletl 11111 IMCtl ltfd .. Hufttlnfton 9Mch New • UMd• ..... • L ...... • ...... ~ ~ .,, Md ... °"' Huie m.nt«Y' ., .....,., EOR FURTHER INFORMATION, OR TO . BE PLACED ON THIS AD, C NTACT YOUR DAILY PILOT REP • 642~5678' ,.. . a • .. ( HHJHS DA Y S f PI l: MBl ,_. lh l<JH;..> lllTlllTll lllCI I flllTlll lllllY OH ANG £ COlJN I Y C AI lfOJ~NIA 25 CENlS Storm due to touch Coast· Hurricane Norman, moving slowly from Mexico toward Southern California, may trigger some local rainfall befor~ its arrival, National W eather Service forecasters said today. Weather Service spokesman Scott Mentzer said 40 percent chanc e of showers. and thundershowers today would increase to 60 percent tonight and throu~h Friday. He said Hurricane Norman, located abQ.ut 1,000 miles south- southw.est of San Diego early today, was sending moist air northward to mix with the existang marine air, infreasing the prospect of local showers. Mentz.er added, however, that Southern California would not feel the hurricane's winds untU the storm moves into the area, perhaps early next week. Bulldozers build up. sand harrie r to stave off high waves "in Surf side. ' Along with the chance of showers Friday, focecasters said to expect variable cloudiness along the coast , with temperatures peaking in the high 70s and dropping to overnight lows in the high 50s. .. Tern pers flar~ • ID surf side flood fight Veteran weather watcher J. Sherman Denny said Wednesday's intermi tte-nt showers produced -Q4 of an Inch of moisture in the rain ga~e at his Huntington Beach home. By BOB BARKER Of"ttle Deity l'tklt lteft The U.S. Navy and the federal government came under criticism from a number of Surfside Colony residents as bulldozers worked late into the night and today protecting the homes from flooding. AJI residences in the endaJlgered northern part of the community made it through the night unscathed after bulldozer crews from Orange County put up a 10-12 foot high sand barrier by the time a 6.5-foot btgh tide hit at 8:31 p.m., Wednesday. Only 2 ~ feet of sand separated the "Sandbagged homes Takeoff • noises decrease Takeoff noise l e vels attributable to Pacific Southwest Airlin es have dropped "significantly" in two weeks - the apparent result of pressure placed on the carrier by Orange County Su_pervisor Thomas Riley. Riley took the San Diego- based carrier to the woodshed recently after learning that PSA, which operates four flights daily from Orange County, had exceeded allowable takeoff noise levels. The amount of added noise, however, was considered minor and could not be detected by the human ear. according to county officials. Nonetheless, PSA told Riley in a Sept. 10 letter that it was intent on being a "good neighbor" and would alter takeoff procedures to reduce noise exposure over close -in airport area ·neighborhoods. The carrier apparently had been successful. Chris Edwards, an airport noise abatement official, said PSA's average takeoff noise (See NOISE: Page AZ ) from high water earlier in the day when city officials put out an emergency call to the county. The bulldozers, working in single file and with lights on, widened the barrier to about ,15 feet. "The government scre we d the whole thing up." Corps of Engineers "should come in and help us out." Other residents said {i_ey· believed the Navy has been gqing too slow in efforts to ease the situation. He said he has recorded .14 of an inch of rain for the rain year that began July l. He said the area had no measurable rain by this time last year. They were back on the job at 6:30 a .m. today getting ready for another high tide of 6.4 reet at 9:19 tonight that officials fear may combine with hurricane Norman to bring more woes. Resident Al Golgart says the "government screwed the whole thing up" by putting ln a rock jetty at Anaheim Bay during the early 1940s. The jetty. Seal Beach officials say, causes waves to carom to the area of the Surfside homes and carry sand to Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. "The Navy should fix it," Gotgart said. "They're supposed --to be protecting our ahoreline." Twelve-year resident Herb Tyranauer, an industrial design professor at Cal State Long DllllJ ........... 'r Gery~ An unidentified scavenger searches through r~fuse in Newport Beach. Sometimes they "strike gold" in other people's discards. Beach, said he sees a persistent flooding threat because of the jetty. H e aaid he believes the government should construct a perpendicular jetty as the best way to protect homes. Seal Beach City Councilman Victor Grgas said today he holds the Navy responsible for creating the erosion problems. He added that Seabees and the Army City Manager AJlen Parker said earlier he expected Navy Seabee1 to assist In sand replenishment but that they changed their minds when they realized that the area was a civilian and not a Navy beach. Parker also disclosed earlier that the Ci'-¥ of Seal Beach is preparing a lawsuit against the federal government. to collect about $750,000 ln city ~. • Meanwhile a freak September hallstonn, lasting just 30 minutes but spewing marble-sized chunks of ice, battered the wine gape region of Mendocino County while snow and lightning stonns triggered po~er failures across Northern California. Mendocino County Agriculture Director Andy DiGrassi said he was unable to estimate the damage to the grape crop caused by the deluge of some six inches (See STORM, Page AZ) Ho • ne guy drives up every day at 6:55 a.m. I've been told he's loaded." Trash ~iggers ·clean up By JODI CADENHEAD 0("'9 Dellr f'Uol lteff The balding man stepped out of his late model Oldsmobile. His wife waited in the car while he rumn:\IBed through the trash bin behir\d the Newport Beac h supennarket, pulling out a couple of nice sized black rubber mats. A less exper,ienced scavenger might have overlooked the pair of mats, but the trash digger, Uke • other regulars. knew what he . was doing. Like the man before him who had"fished a box of macaroni out o f the supermar ket dumpster filled with empty boxes, wilted lettuce and a carton of small plums. he refused to talk about the reclamation habit some merchants cynically-refer to as "second jobs." making· a round of the local supermarket dumpsters before other scavengers, flies .and the actual refuse collectors arrive. Costa Mesa, store manager Rich Owings said he frequently i>aW scroungers in the desert resort town. Produce past its prime, torn boxes of food and stale bread are "It happens much"lnOre in the the most commonly sought after affluent areas," said Owings. items by trash hunters. "They realize that people will be "'Before moving from Palm much more finicky and the stores Springs to Smith's Food King in (See SCAVENGERS, Page AZ ) *** *** Sometimes, -a treasure' The lovely and seemingly brand-new russet fur jacket discovered in a supermarket trash bin in Costa Mesa proved to be a lucky and unusual find during a search for discards. value and little that was edible. Stores In better neighborhoods have less blemished fruit -a carton of plums and some slightly wilted lettuce were among the top offerings. Once considered the purview of the poor, trash digging has bec..'Ome more popular with the middle class and even the rich during the current recession. The dyed rabbit jacket was lying on top of a pile of rubbish, ·untouched and overlooked by another scavenger who had been peering into the bin seconds before. Most trash diggers start af 6 a.m. and have finished coll<?Cting by 8 a.m. Lettuce and tomatoes that can look almost appealing In the early morning dampness turn putrid when sUrrounded by flies in the hot afternoon sun. "We have our regular people who '10 through the trash every day, ' said Frank Madde n , manager of Smith's Food King ln Newport Beach. "One guy drives up every day at 6:55 a.m. It's like a job for him. I've been told he's loaded." Most scroungers r ise early, But the jacket turned out to be a rare treasure. Like the princess who had to kiss a lot of toads, trash dlkgers have to look through many garbage cans before hitting gold. A three-hour search ·of trash bins In Costa Mesa and Newport Beach turned up little else of• Food and produce still in bags or cartons ~m to be the most popular finds. Store managers said th•t otherwise good food ls tossed out if the box has been opened or If the expiration date has pa!l9e(I. INDEX .. Work starts soon on Crystal Cove Park lifeguard eervice during wln~r months. - Working three shifts a day without coffee breaks, robots will outpace humans. They a re pe rforming now at Wescon. Page A3. At Your Service A4 Ann Landers -A7 Erma Bombec:k A7 Movitt C7 Business B6-7 Mutual Funds B6 Uevelopment of J)11rklng facilities, trails and campsites at Cryatal Cove State Park. the 3,000-acre stretch of coastal terrain south of Corona del Mar, la Kheduled to begin early next year. The one-time a llocation Is provided thro~h a bill authored b y Aaaemblywoman Marian Bergeeon, R-Newpe>rt 8eAch. The bill was algned th&a week by Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. Lack of rarking, aaid state park offlcla Lee McCarao, has made acceu to the park a difficult and aometimea stretches from Corona del Mar lO Abalon e Point. The park's interior takes in Moro Canyon. The state purchased most of the land in 1979 from the lrvlne Company for $32.6 million. While the atate has resisted opening the interior to the public until It can afford to hlre more ran~n. the beach property has been drawing thouaands of vllttors durtna summer months. State park offlclala estimate that once the improvementa are in place Cryaial Cove may attract up to 15,000 gueeta on peak daya •. Qavalcade A7 Public Notices Claaified 04-8 Sporta Comics 02 Dr. Stelncrohn Cromword 02 Stock Marketa Death No\icn D3 Television Stan Delaplane /\7 Theatera Editorial A6 Weether .Entertaln.ment er World News lnten,nieJon C7 C4-5.D3-4 C l -6 A7 B7 C8 C7 A2 A3 State park officials, charged with groOmlng the park for the public, this week were allocated $~ million for the d~e1opment chores. The money le to b~ spent carving ou\ 1everal parkl"I Iota, a network of tralla and day campeltea -\ Improvements de.lined to lnc:re~ public acceea to tt\e three-yeat-old park. dangeroua task. .. The ini)rovementa, he aald, likely wUJ be ln pltn by the end of \983. The pnk i• a .collactlon of canyone, rtdaea and mo ... than thrte miles of beach , which T he park haa only ona full- lime ranaer. Ufel\W'(t •rvke ii provided by ~ Beech and leC\lrity by the Oranp County Sheriff'• department. Thett le no McCargo said the plan la to a>natruct rouahly 1,800 parkl"I aptcee. lncludln& $0 behind El Morro Elet'Mntary School to be u9ed u a atqina.,. fOf' hlkera. WhUe the '5 million allcadOn ehould ao far ln aettlnl the park rHdy for the public, MeCarlO aaJd moN money will be needtd to c.iomplete the •tate ~· ·. RTD strike talks c-ont~nuing College district names official Wllllam F. Waecb&er, 45, of Garden Grove, has been named vice chanct?llor for employee relations for the Coast Community Collegl! District. "Before )othlng th~ Coatt Oi.lt.rkt In 1979 as penionnel director, W aechter for 20 years held various teaching and admlnlstralive post11 at ·Long Beach Community Colle"e.. LOS AN0EL1';S \/\1'} Goldy Nurtori h11n11rt•cl ll nt,WM Nt1aiotlulor11 Wf'rl' u1wk ot tht• blockout und would not 1•laborott• burgulnlng tnbll' today trylnl( to lln thl' outrn111t• ol mot t• thun flv<• l£l't bu~·i. htll'k on th<r TU<td u4(u111 hour• of dlM'UH. Iona, t')(Ct•pl w whll frou:Jlod t•c.m1n1utt•ra1 fut'l' N" ttw (jldc would m<'t't titimn unuther duy of bUfOJH'f to thl" Hft('n\Oon ol tlw ht•ht"t 11f u bumper truff&t' 111 tlw M'l"md day Iii.Ok' com·1lml0r of tht• city'• bu •trike. During a.n c•arty'-mornlng A marathon bllriolnlnai llt"8Slon brt>ak, UTU Ocnt•rul Chalrmon brok e otr ot 2 :30 o .m . and Earl Clark told Tlw A88oc.'lutcd . apokeamen ·for the South~rn ?rt~ thut "Thlnga art• going fine. O.lltornla Ropld Trana!\ District. We're atill here nnd It'• a good and UnlWd Traruiporllltlon Union · .atm08phorc." said In a Joint stotemcnt that "substantial profi(reti" wrut made.~ . "Right oow wt»vc got 11omf' -things wt•'rv looking at und It's diffkult to aay wh lhl'r thc:y'n• «oln& •to b<• 1.tcccpuablo or no& Wl''rt• trying," hl• auld In 11 tclt•phunt• 10k•rv1l'W Tuc1day, Clark u\"cc:pH·tl binding arbitration lit lc:aal on \ht• renlral iauc.-In &he •t.rlk • thl' di•trlct'• dcm11nd &hot it bt• i.llowed to double thc> number o f part-lime drive,.. to 20 percent but R'rD Pmsident Mike Lewi rcjl'ct.cd It. Sup•rvlsor Flt Edelman urgl'<l RTD dlrf'ctor11 to reconaldcr ucceptlng the arbitration In a d1~"<f dour ~Uni Wc>dnetk.lay, but L<•whc dl~·llnc-d to say what th<' bourd dl"-'ldt-d uftt•rw1o1rd Jluw v~r. tht• Loi Anj(i•lct Tinwt Id today that the board vou'CJ 8 Co-3 t.o 1ubm1t th(.'I l•u to btndlni urbltratlon, whtc·h mcu111 both lldet would a~ 14 abide by the rtndlna• of an Impartial arbitrat or. The propoeal was submitted to UT\J negotiators Wednaday n!lht, th• newspaper said. cltJna unnamt.-d BOU~. Smar\ said he would have "no c.'Omm nt" on the report. . I ! The district in,•ludes Orange Coast College In Costa Mesa, Golden West College in Huntington Beach and Coastline College, based in Fountain Valley. Waechter Lt on the board of directors of the Association ot Community College Administrators. But RTD spokesman Jim Smart. and \)TU apokcismun NOISE. • • HB apartment project'fought ! •A program aimed at helping women avoid procrasli nation, disor - ganization and distractions will be conducted Tuesday, at Golden West College In Huntington Beach. The time management le(tu.e will be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m . ln Business Room 113. Registration fee is $9. ------• Tin• Havlns, a nursing instruttor at Golden West College in Huntington Beach, has been appointed secretary for Local 1911 of the American Federation of Teachers. This chap ter representa 700 full-time faculty memben In the COast Community College District. Havins resides in Dana Point. STORM SKIRTS COAST . • • From Page A1 of hail and two inches of rain Wednesday. But he indicated some wine growers may have suffered serious losses. "In the 40 years I've lived in the area, I 've never seen anything like it," DiGrassi said. Temperatures plunged from 80 degrees to 5 1 in less than an hour. Ukiah police reported up to four feet of wAter on the roof of a downtown buildi fl g. A 60,000 -volt transformer was knocked out, ca u si ng a temporary power failure, a('C()rding t.o Dennis Pooler of ·the Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Temporary power outages caused by heavy rain also were reported In Napa, Potter Valley, Willits and Redwood Valley. Four inches of snow were reported on the Kingsbury Grade south of Lake Tahoe. and the California Highway Patrol required chail)s for Mt. Rose Highway. There were also -traces at the 8,000 foot level m Squaw Valley. Reno had a high of 46. which was the lowest maximum during a September since 1888, according to . weather service meteorologist Joe Ganser. The old record of 50 had been reached several times. The unusual weatt~er developed from a freak tow · pressure system that moved out of Oregon, the weather service said. T he weather service issued a statement saying that hikers and campers at the higher elevations of the Sierra Nevada should take precautions for cold weather and snow . Snow showers above about 8.- 000 feet were forecast through this evening with highs only in the 40s and lows in the 20s in the northern mountains and northern Sierra Nevada. A chance of showers or thundershowers was forecast for most other areas of Northern Californja today. Three inches of snow fell at Sonora Pass on Highway 108, temporarily closing the trans- Sierra road. The storm carried cool temperatures with it, dropping readings to 32 degrees a t Tioga Pass in Yosemite National Park and to 34.. at Lodgepole in Sequoia National Park. Much of the valley was spared from the rain, which could endangf!r crops nearing harvest. Rain was repo~ from Merced north and Ught showers Cell as far south as Fresno. The National Weathei.: Service recorded .08 of an inch of raln in Merced in the 24-hour period that ended at 7 a.m. today. The higl} temperature of 74 recorded in Fresno on Wednesday was the lowest on record. From Page Al levels have s hown "a significant level of lmprovcment" the past two weeks. Edwards said nojse l~vels recorded by PSA's OC-9 Super 80 jets are comparable with those of Super 80s operated by other carriers at the airport. . "h looks like they are now back with the pack," Edwards said. PSA attributed the ex<:essive noise to higher than expected passenger loads on its Orange County flights and hot weather in August. The added passenger weight, co upl ed with the w eather , require d greater takeoff thrust, olficials said. PSA said in its letter to Riley that It had already started to deaJ with the problem before the supervisor raised the issue. "PSA is tcstihg various takeoff pr()('edures to ensure that even when publtc demand and temperatures are great, PSA is able to remain within the county's noise guidebm:s." PSA president Paul &rdley said in a letter t.o Riley. Riley. in a letter 'of his own. expressed "d eepest appreciation" for PSA's "positive response" to reduce takeoff noise levels. Under policies for the county government-owned ·airport, an airline can lose operating rights at the airport 1f noise levels are ex<.·eeded. . Forum slated - 4 b y candidate Democrat Paul H aseman seeking election in the 40th Congressional DisJri.ct wiJI meet with interested voters at 7 p.m. Friday in Costa Mesa's Vista del Lago apartment complex clubhouse. Haseman is challengi n g incumbent Repu~lican Robert &dham of Newport Beach. A voter registration table will be set up at the meeting. More showers? Sc1t1ered lhunderalorms were·---------------------~ for•caat 01111 th• Gull Coaat r11glon. •Htarn THU end the ~ Mlulaslppl Valley Hlglla In the 50a Ind 60a -• predicted lrom the northern ----------· Plaint to New England; 1n the l!Oa, Coasta l and 70. in tile Pacific: Norti-t and trom lhl GtNt Basin lo 1111 northern Aoc:ktos: In the 90s from Cloudy wllh light ,..., Of drlzzll the aouthefn Allantle Cou1 a1a1 .. throughout lh• day Ra in to through the Southwest, 111c:ept conllnu• with • Chtnc• of lhe Tallas Pemendll and 1n tile ltlunder~• late thl• afte'"oon · through Friday High• today M to "°' llMWtllf• 72 Overnight Iowa C!O 10 1!6 ----------~.,~on F'rlday with hlglla 0110 California .. Rain mm Snow E§) Shower•• Flumes~ Coruarut·llon of a $1 4 m1lhon publ11.:l y owned apartment project 1n a Lake Strei•{ r esident ial aren was t(•rmc•d 1n appropr1ate toda,l by Hur1t ing t o n Beach l::lly Councilman Don MacAlhswr MacAJlister. who suid he hveb four blol·ks from th<! s ilt' formerly occupied by the Lake Street fire station, s aid ht.> opposed the propos4..>d location "a:. a resident." "The neighborhood Is zoned R-1 (single-family residcntiul) and the proj<.oet would'n't bl' good for the area,"· he said. MacAJlister also aSS<:rtL'd that public· hearings should be held The former city corpor ation yard !ll l:JOl Alabama St. would be a better choil'C' for the proj(x·t t)f>causc lt is zont'd for multiple resldenual units, according to Mac Allister. Mayor Bob Mandie, a neighbor to MacAlll<iter, said Wednesday, "f think either of the sites ls okay. One of them probably will be picked." OCfacials are viewing apartments on one of the c1ty- owned sit.cs as a plagr for people to live af they arc fof('ed t.o leave their homes in the event of downtown redevelopment. The .city put the Lake Street and Alabama Street parcels out to bid recently but can pull them off the market if either site is picked for the p\Jblk housing, officials said. Stephen Kohler, a city: comm unity developmen\ specialist, aaid a selection committee has endorsed proposals to build 24 apartment units at the flre station site. He said maximum rents would range up to $370 month!)' . dt>pending on household size and income. If approved by the city and th~ Orange County Board ot Supervisors, the housing project would be owned by the Orange County Housing Authority and the c ity would have a management role, Kohler said. The board of supervisors doubles as the Orange County Housing Aulhority. Beirut trrice prevails • I srael claims control of 'all key points' BEIRUT, Lebanon tAP) Under cover of mock JL'l raids, Israeli tanks and troops battled leftist mmt1amen for ('Ontrol of west Beirut today. and the streets quieted when tht.· leftists announced they :.igrl•cd to s top fighting. Israel announced at l'Onlrolled "all key points" in west lk1rut and Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wauan called for urgent U.S . help to e nd what he called Israel's con.quest or the war- shattered city. The Israelis began their push mt.o former PLO strongholds of west Beirut on Wednesday. hours a Ct e r t h e ass ass 1 n a t 1 on-o ·r President-elect Bashir Gemayel They said they launched the drive to keep lefust m1J1tiamen from teaming with Palestinian guerrillas still in the city and raunChing another new wave of bloodshed. They met resistance from leftists firing automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenades, but the T el Aviv command said today tbat Its forces fought their way past the leftists and guerrillas, whom they termed "terrorists," ahd controlled "all key points." The communique called on "citizens to return to normal activities and on all terrorists and o~her armed persons to lay down their arms. All refugee camps in which t e rrori sts were concentrated remain surrounded and closed." · The radio station of the Mourabit.oun. the largest rnilitict of Lebanese Moslem leftists, announced that the "common forces" of leftist fighters agreed not to confront the Israelis. The station of Gemayel's rightist Phalangc Party also reported an agreement by the leftists not to Cight. T h e r e p o r t s s a i d . representatives of the Mourabitoun and the Communist and Socialist parties walked out of a meeting at which Israeli oCfk-ers "demanded" an end to the resistance .. But the reports added that the leftists then met among themselves and agreed t.o stop hghung. SCAVENGERS SEARCH TRASH . • • From Page A1 will be getting rid of things sooner." Some scavengers show up at the same supermarket so often that 1hey beglD to look at it as their private domain. "The regulars keep t>veryone else away," Madden said. "I've had them come up to me and complain this guy's trying lo get into my trash bin. 'M y' trash bin they cill lt." One woman, known only as Martha, shows wp so often that she even bakes apple paes for the st.ore employees using garbage castoffs. Esther Cramer, vice ,President for community relauons of the Alp~ Beta supermarket chain, said'""'that tr,ash digging is trespassing, adding that merchants worry about insurance problems should someone get sick or injured w h ile. picking through the discards. "I wouldn't Wanl. to feed my family anytitt~ found in the garbage," Cramer said. Such concerns apparently don'.t worry scroungers, who are happy to get by on the junked food. To combat the proble m of unwanted trash pickers. some st.ore chains are sending slightly s tale goods to food banks or charities J oni Valadez. manager of the Orange County Food Bank, estimates that 80 percent of the .50,'000-60,000 pounds of food distributed monthly to non-profit agencies comes from Safeway and Alpha Beta $tor.es. "It's good food," said Valadez. "We get bread, deli and dairy things that are getting near. their expiration date." - Other stores are discouraging dumpster looting by putting fences around trash bin~ or installing trash compactors that tum rubbish to dust. · C1/P dd South Orange Count.-)' patrol announced. Elae•here. from Point CC>nC9'1tJon 10 thl Me•an t>ordat and oul C!O mllff llghl v1rt1ble winds bec:dmlng toulh to aoutllwnl 12 to 20 knot• thl1 efternoon and evening with 2 to 3 foot •Ind wav11 South to IOUlh-1 Swelt 2 to 4 lllt with 1ome br••kert In toulh·faclno beechn ot 6 feel 1od1y end Friday Oc:culonel ario-1 today with a chance of thunder.no-. fO a cars aoon will be equipped with Capt. Chuck Chase of the A high tempere•u•• of only 69 h dJ • h flashing' headlamps to alert highway patro l's San Juan llM 811 I record U '-1 high ea 1g ts motorists to the _presence Of 8n Capistrano Office said the devices lot Sept l5. undercutting th• ~~ ~·•J::, ~ea::!!.,. · emergency v ~ }! i c I e, t he w l 11 p e rm 1 t h i g h -be a m on Friday. U.S. su~t11nary Sllowera w•re ace11e1ed from northern Nr.ade 10 IOUlhellllffl ldallo end mO<I lllOW flll OYet tile north-tem corMr of Wyomlt'l(I. Tr1vele11 1dvl1orle• were luued for Ille YlllOwttOM and Teton r•nt lfHS of WYoml"G Llgh t11ln llnge<ed llCl'OU the c.11ra1 high Plllne to the Tuu Panhandle end Into wntern OklahomL Thuftderll0<ms -• eea11«ed atong the Taau Gutt Coast and actOM tile .-t.,n and mlddle MCtion. of ttll Tan,__ Valtey Drlule wn reported from nortl\9fn N-England through the tower Gr11t l.&11 .. regton Tempereturea were wnteatonably cool over Ill• northern Rocktet, with midday reedlngt Wedneadey mostty lf1 the 40• ecrou Monllna end Wyorn1f10. 0r .. 1 F ... , Monl., tied 1U -d tow lot the dale at 2t dlQr-fhe high preuure 1ya11m rMC>C>Nlble for the cool rMdfnOI allO IPf'llld Ul\Maeonatlly cool air Into the aouthlfn ~• and mid MIMltllppl Vlllley, •1111 mldda'f t•mpereiurn onl~ln tilt 501 9C<OM the Tuat Panhandle. Ahttd of the cool atr. ·~""'" --In the low toe from Ttut' cotttal plaln lo ..at«n TtnneeNe Over th• AU•nllc. Hu,,lcane Otbb)' mO'll9d clOMf to lttmUcla. Temperatur .. atound 1111 ri.tton ti ,_, POf rtnQed fl'OM • low o t 34 d•Ort•• at VtllowttOM, Wyo., to a lllgl\ ~ M at McAllen. faue: Outlport, Mita. and _. Muwll Alf ~oe ... In MontfOIM'Y, ML '°' todey, aealteNd ..,_. and 11111ndtrthowere ware ror-=-t ecroee 111t o-t ....,,, and froin Htw Jtrttr __11nj_ '•nneytvanlt throu9hll'it nOft~n Allanllc Coett ttlt" man °1 72 811 In 1968· .. muttty, H' h P l 1 h headlamps to flash alternately. ml•IY _,ti« bllQan ,,. MCOfld Fronts: COid ..,.. warm ,.. California ·~ way a ro as •••k today In Soutllern_.. __ ,.... _______________ ~----~'"'!"!--t ~~~~~~~~~~---~-~..:..;_-~-~_.;.;~_.;;---~~~~~~---~~~~~~~ calllornla. JICl<lll MS 93 72 The IHllng of fall followed ~::::::~ C1y ~ ~ Jacllt11Vlle 90 71 Wllka of ttagnent summer '-' Aua11n 95 74 02 K11n• City 6S 52 Ind llllOO· 84 611 Kno11vtlle 88 67 "It 111rted c:oollng off on the Beltlmo<e l v 87 68 C!lh of the monlh," Nallonel ::~"e!hm 48 42 Ll~le :0: 74 68 .05 Weather Service apec:lellsl ··• 9t 71 L 1 ,... 85 s.- Frankl• Shew Hid "Tll•re's • ::i;:ck ;~ ;~ L:~ 76 62 tow·c>r-r• aystem In the UPPlf Botton 73 58 Memphlt 39 72 77 et~•. Ind 11'• localed now 81own1Y11a 97 74 Miami 89 79 over Northern Cellfornta. Tile now ButfllO 70 5CI Mllw1uk11 117 •9 01 lfOUn<I thl• io.-prequre l)'ltem 71 68 58 Mplt-SI p 92 49 03 i,r gtv1ngdc111d llorn~ '°": mo1t1t, 11r gu~ton 52 35 .o 1 NH11v1111 86 11 ow an eepen no e mer ne Charlttn SC 85 72 New Oflltn• 91 73 layat.'' Chtrtttn WV 85 1!7 04 Ntw York 7<1 68 She Hid 1ha coot condition Charttte NC H 69 NorfOlk 61 66 1hould p.,1111 through Friday C'---ne 51 42 01 No PteU• 62 52 "with ponlblllllH of 1om1 Ch·r_-..._ .. 47 Ollll City 69 C!3 11ea11 .. ec1 tllundl<thowert " "'-v" .,.. Omeha 511 so The lllgllt In downtown lo• g'~".1t :: :: 31 Otlando 90 73 Angalet on Friday atiouto bl In Columbu• 82 59 Phlltdphla 82 117 09 lhe lo. 70t 'Wllh • coutal lllgll Otl-FI Wth 90 89 03 Pf\Oanlx 91! 73 ranging from 68 lo 75 65 55 Pltttburgh 82 Cl3 ; The weathlt aervlc:e Pfldlcts Dayton e5 411 Ptltnd, Ma 1!7 62 02 CIOudy lklla throughout Southefn Denwr Piiand Of• 75 47 C11tfornl1 and • 110 percent g:,:°"'" :: ~. 01 p,0111csfnc. St 1!1 ~ OI fain~ Ftldey. Ouklth 41! 42 32 ~h 90 69 El Peeo 92 1!7 33 ...,.., 47 37 91 T e rnpe ratures Alben)' Albuque Amarlllo AtfwM!le NATION HI le hp 611 55 .oe 711 55 115 55 114 113 F«oo 57 41 Sau~· 7t 49 Aegtttft 60 '41 Stn An1onto 91 69 08 Great Falla eo •o 02 s..1111 10 50 ~d et C!2 04 Shteveoor1 ea• 71 He1eo8 54 :M Siou• Fa111 50 47 Honolulu ti 711 81 loutt 74 55 Hou•ton 89 78 Ot SIP-Tempt 90 74 1nc1nap11s 83 s 1 st Ste Mttle 49 42 08 ·~*...._ ... !u ..... R_f R_IP_IR_T tlpollt~ 17 43 SyracuM 70 55 21 /opella 64 51 T ucwon 89 8 t TulN 71 64 Wuhlngtn 64 71 Wlctllta M 51 CALN'OftNIA APl>llV~ 111111~-fleld 77 511 81 87 lMlttoft Huntl1101on Bluff• Hu!lllngton Pier lanta Ana AIWt Jetty • 40\h 81. Nftport 22nd 81. Newport lalboaW.00- AoQp!MI, \.atUfle .....,., Hollow Thlll .. 8tOOll• Ian CltlNnt• '* Trtftloer fT·•t,...) ,..,., .... ·-... A91,/Ma1, .._. Temp. 5·8 QOOd M 2.. tlfr•aood ea 4-8 lilt 10 . 4-5 , .. , 10 ~ t ,.., 10 M ttlf • 10 M felt 70 2-3 ltlr 80 ) llllr 80 i.a good .. .. TOMORROW HIOh Tide 10.05 a.m low TIOe 3 55 p m lwtlt Oltectlon South f . Tides TODAY hCOnd tow :) " p.m t o ltcon<I hiOh 9 19 pm O 4 · "'IOAV Flflt tow 3·80 a m 0.4 FW11 high 10:011 am, 6 6 hoond" low 3 55 p m O I ~ hlth 1001 pm e 1 hfl "''•Oday 11 llH pm., t1tet 'rtdev .. • n • "" MoOn , .... t~al 5)$ '"' Mtltlt.Mpm • , FIND OF THE WEEK!, SEIKO Introducing the Adventurer, Seiko's new stainless steel bracelet watch created especlolly for the bold, oclive spirit. Water tesled to 300 feet, the watch 0140 features on olorm chronograph, doy ond dote, and hourly !Imo slgnols. Analog face with luminous markers and digital display show the time in three zones. $215 §LA.VICK'S ' nr....., Silo 1917 ,...,,..,, ._.. rn•1•·1•·....,.,,11ett1 Mio r.r.... &.-~.San O.,.• la~ NO BETl"ER TtME. NO BETTEJl Pl.ACE. ) .. • .. -, NATION Chrysler pact reached HIGHLAND PAHK, M1<'h (A!') ChryltWr Corp und the United Auto Workt•r11 reached tentative ogr<.>t.•nw11t today on a con tra('t, but not before thousands of Chrylst•r workers walkJ.:>Ci off t.hclr jolH> whe n a midn ight 11 t r lkl• deadline passed. "This tentative agreement achieves our principal goal to st.art the Chrysle r workers on the long. long road ba<:k to purit y with work1;1u ut Uunt•rul Mowr11 und l''ord," UAW Pn·t1ld1•nt Do1.1wluw Ji'ru1u•r• and V it'c• Pr('sldc:nt Mar(• Stepp aald Chrysler workers, trying to help kee-p the t.'OmJ)flny from b a nkrupt cy. agreed to ('Onct'ssions two yt'ars ago that leC~ the m about $2.60 an hour b e hind counte rparts a t General Moto rs Corp. and Ford Motor Co. Abortion bill nixed WASHINGTON (AP) -In a setback for the New Right, the Senate has closed oCf efforts by conservative Jei.Se Helms, R-N,C., to push anti- abortion legislation through the Congress this year. STATE Alter l~v w1..-cklli ot tense debat e a nd procedura l st ruggle, the Sena te voted 47-46 Wednesday to set aside a n anti-a bortio n ., pac kage drafted by Helms and bitterly rt.'Sisted by a sma ll group of liberals. Home slashes loan rate LOS ANGE1-iES (AP) - Home Savings of Ame rica has cut its home-loan rate by two percent.age points in a n e ffort to pump lif e int o th e slumping real ~Late industry. Home, the nation's largest thrift institution, cut lending rates Wednesday from 15.Y. to 13 ~ to 30 and 40-y e ar adjustable rate mortgage~ ol up to $150,000. Othe r California lending in s titutions rea c t e d cautiously. saying they have no immediate plans to match the rate. Rates remained at 14 ~ p e r cent a t Great Western and Coast Federal and 14 111 a t Ca lif o rnia Federal. College budget p eril LONG BEACH (AP) - Presiding o v e r h e r firs t meeting as chancellor of the California S ta te University system , W Ann Reynolds acknowledged that the state budget would be her biggest challenge. She wa s imme dia t e ly warned of financial problems at the Wednesday meeting as co rpo r a t e ex ec ut i v es expressed fear a bo ut the system's ability to adequately train engineers. Rock fans in danger? LOS ANGELES (AP) -A lung specialist says the 200, - 000 people who absorbed three days of rock music a t the recent US Festival may have taken tn something else: the seeds of a deadly lung disease. The fungal disea se - WORLD cocc101d1omycos1s is also kno wn as coccy o r San Joaquin Valley fever because it is often found in that area of Southern California, said. Dr. John Mohler, director of the pulmonary physiology lab at Los Angeles County-USC Medical Center. World deceived on Grace MONTE CARLO, Monaco (AP) -Princess Grace spent her last hours in a coma, kept alive by machines while the w o rld was assure d h e r injuries from a car crash were not critical, senior medical sources directly involved in her. trea"lment said I.Oday. The sources, who requested ano n y m i t y, s a id p a lace officials knew from the start that the forme r America~ movie star was m extremely serious condition . Initial but unofficial reports from palace sources said only that she suffered a broken leg and her daughter Stephanie escaped major injury Monday. when their car plunged 120 feet mto a ravine in French territor y just outside the Mediterranean principality. -- Hurricane skirts B ermuda HAMILTON, Be rmuda (AP) -Hurricane Debby, packing winds up to 115 mph, passed near Bermuda today but there were no reports of injuries or damage other than some downed trees. The hurr icane wa s cente r e d n e ar latitude 33.0 north, lo ngitude 66.'0 w est . o r about 70 miles northwest of Bermuda and traveling n orthe as t , the National Hurricane Center in Miami said. Forecasters in Be rmuda said the winds, sus tained at 50 mph with gusts up to 70 mph, were expected to subside. Mexicans celebrate . • ~~-~=-co----~~~ ... \ Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT /Thureday, September 18, 1982 Robots due, but don't worrf By JOEL C. DON Ofthtt Dallr ~Mot ll•lf In tht movil'll, W<' w t•re lntrodut·1·u io Ho bby lh(· Robot, on aftuble creatur<.· thilt ('Ould outpe rform Its hum•n mokt>r in JUBt about every task A. robot on the regular cast ot tht' daytime aoap ope ra "Days ol our Lives" Is a membe r or the Screen Actor'!i Guild. That's Hollywood . No w meet the Gene ral Electric P5 Proc.-ess Plant. It has a ·n ine -program capt'b lllty , c an pe d o rm repetitive ,a,.c tivltles to an accuracy of .008 inch, grasps up to 22 pounds and is used to handle ma~rials. weld and as&emble parts. The P5 ls not much more than a mechanical arm but to lts creators, this oversize appendage is on the frontier o f a n e w age o f high technology. The Ge neral Electric robot is among nearly a dozen such mac hines displaye d in a s pecial exhibit ar-ea at Wescon/82, a three-day high technology convention ending today at the Ana h e im Convention Center. More than•'70.000 wlsitors were expe cte d at the exhibition of the latest in compute r and e lectronic equipment. The evenl drew so many people that boolhs spiUed 'out into a makeshift tent. Those interes t e d ia home and business computers had to go to the n earby Disneyland Hotel , which u s ed its underground parking garage as an additional exhibit hall. At thf' corw t•nllon ct-ntt'lr robo t lc11 1h o w , dl1cu1111lun vel'ft'tl uwuy rrom bit.I and by!.4•11 tu th~ arrlvul of thclk' co mpute r ln 1 tr1.1 c t e d machlne1 In our dally Uvet. "If you put a human being .. iongside any robot a hwnnn probubly <.'Ould do ltO~thlng fast.er over a short period of Llm(I ," &aid IBM aalt!s engineer Stu Corru. "But over a long period or tJme -w ithout coffee breaks and three shlfta a day -the robot will obviously outpace the human." Industry representatives ac kno wl e dge d the r e 1s ge neral public fear or the onslaught of these human- like tnach:nes. One concern Is that workers wlll be displaced as robots bec ome more sophisticated, they said. However , th e r o b o t sp ecialis ts argue d t hal w o rkers e ventually will a ssume more c r e ative, managerial ro l ts in the workplace and machines will be left to do the routine, tedious chores \hat require precision yet speed. "The robot is Lhe symbol of the n~w generation of automation," said Jerry W. Saveriano, a Huntington Beac h high tec hno l og y consultant. "What people are afraid of is they are going to take all our jobs. They will to some extent. After the year 2000 they will do the vast majority of factory jobs. "The big concern is worker displacement but it will happen gradually .over the Trihullal ex·ecures~ e -Iranian leader SIA. Cyprus (AP) - Sadegh otbzadeh, the 'former Iranian fo ign minister who fell from fa r after opposing spy trials for the American hostages in Tehran, was executed by a firing squad for plotting to topple Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini's government, the official Iranian news agency reported today. The news agency IRNA sa~d the e xecution was carried out m Tehran on Wednesday night on the basis or a verdict issued .by the Army Revolutionary Tribunal and approved by the High Judicial Court. IRNA gave no other details of the execution. 1Ghotbzdeh. 48, was arrested early in April and charged with maste rminding a plot t o overthr o w lhe I s lami c governme nt and Assassinate Khomeini, his one-time mentor and Iran's supreme revolutionary leader. His tiE!s to Khomeini were evident in 1979 wh e n Ghotbzadeh returned home after 20 years on the same aitplane as the exiled religious leader and promptly emerged as one of the most powe rful men in Iran. He had been one of Khomeini's closest· confidants since the ayatollah was exiled by the late Shah of Iran, Mohammad Reza Pahlavi, in 1963. Sadegh Chotbzadeh · oppos.ed s py trials for the h ostages that were being de manded by Iran's Mos lem militants. At one point , Gho tbzadeh suppo rted suc h trials, but later moderated his stance to say only the United States -n o t the hos tage s themselves -should st.and trial for alleged crimes against Iran. Ghotbzadeh's opposition to the spy trials put him on a collision course with the militants holding the Americans and the Moslem e xtremi s t s running the Parliament. Later he was arre ste d by Islamic revolutionary guards and c harge d with c riticizing government officials, but w as freed. D•llr Piiot St•n l'tMtle Called the Microbot, this piece of high tec hrwlogy wizardry can perform repetitive tasks, assemble parts a nd, with the aid of a special sensor device, play ch eckers with a human oppon<.-nt. next ~u years. People will be forced into more huma n-type jobs." ' Saveria no agrec a w n n othe rs that the United States has bfen slow to introduce roboL'> into industry, unlike Jap:.in where some auto assembly lines are vacant of human workers. For safety's sake He predicted that by 1990, there will be a s hortage of wo·rkers willi n g to do m undane cho res . TJ\e shortage of those laborers will create high demand for robots sJmilar to the way the gas shortage forced Detroit to build s maller cars, Corn1 added. I • When ltaff ic didn't slow to \he ir satisfaction, worker tearing up Ellis Avenue al Randilier Circle in Fountain Valley cribbled their own alert. I MEXICO CITY (AP) -In a festive mood that belied the country's w orst financial crisis in 60 years, Mexicans turned out in large numbers to fill Mexico City's central plaza for their independence day celebra~ion. P ortillo, who seemed las t month to have lost much of his popularity becau.-;e of the crisis, led the traditional "sho ut of inde pendence " from the balcon y o f the Nati o nal Palac e on Wednesday night while about 500,000 Mexicans cheered with him. Ghotbzadeh was named foreign minister a few days after student radicals seized the U.S . Embassy. taking Americans hostage in November 1979. After 44~ days in captivity, the 52 host.ages were released Jan. 20, . 1981 -the day Pre s id e nt .-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=-=========================-~~~~­ Reagan took office. During the early months of the hosta.ge crisis. Ghotbzadeh's face became a nightly feature on American television screens 8$ he Pre s i dent Jose Lopez Monoay-F"Ooy ti vou 00 not - °IOU' -by 5 30 O m Cilll betort I o m end yout coo~ .., 11 oe d•h"'9fect =:!'.., '"': ~~·t.'' r: :0 ~ betore 1r:' '°" lt\d "°"' COP .. •H bt _.., ClraHHell ,......_. -Otono-County Ar4H UMUI Not1"-' liunt11•91on Beocn to0 Wtttmont1e< t•ttn "-"" N>Qutl If~ answered questions and gave his government's position on the hostages. I_n June 1980. he openly We~re Listening ••• What do yo°'1lte about the Dally Pilot? What don't you like" Call the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered to lhe appropriate editor The s ame 24-hour answerin1 service may be used to record let· lers to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributors must include their name and telephone number for verification. No circulation calls. please. Tell us what's on your mind , 642·6086 - ORANGE COAST • CIHl!flff ectvertlllng 7141142·5171 All other department• 142 ... 321 Daily Pilat Thomas'· Holey P..tii.tlle< onc:t Ch.-4 h.cv11v1 Olfl(41f Jone Amari h.cutove (dolor L. Koy Schult1 v 01 '•t1id41fM OM! OtlKIOr ol A<l>41flil"'ll Mkhoel '. tt.vey Ooc10t ol Mor~.itllQ IC.tclib1011I Thoma• A. Murphlne '°''°' Raymond Moc&Aan CcMroll« l<en,,.th N. Ooclderd Jt. O..e<tor o4 ()peioitOI\' • MAIN ~I! aa Weal .... ll. C•tA ~.CA ,._.II...,._.._.. .. IMO,C•I• -... (A 9MM c._,,._ "" 0r-.. cw" P*lllllflt ~ He llewt tlotits, lllvMt•ll.,1. MHetlel m-., .. """"~tt .,.,.," mey Ill ·~• wltMul -···"""'"'°"Of ,...,,i.M -·· VOL. 7,1, NO. - I ) We Invite You To Take Advantage Of 40 % OFF Selected Watches .. And · Jewelry RA F;FjevVeJry· • 32 Fashion Island NewPOrt Beach • ~2040 3 Qe,,.ratlont of JMndty '*9Qnal .. ,..,10. ·. I Ae Kif Orano• Ooaat DAllV PILOT/Thuraday, 81pt1mbtt 18. 1&82 Heliport plans m~st proceed with cau·tion Hunti ngt on Beach c ity oCf icials believe \h ey h ave hit upon a n e w econom y f o r operations of police helicopters by c r ea ting a h e lipo rt i n t h e industrial area of the city. The plan h as promise with perhaps a few reservations. L ocal police favor the plan because over the past four years, their helicopters have been ported in a re nta l h a ngar a t Orange County's J ohn Wayne Airport. This has required the shuttling of flying officers back and forth and additional costs in fuel for flying between the county airstrip and Huntington Beach. lt has been estimated that all this extra movement is costiqg about $1 50,000 annually. So the pro posal is moving forward to spend $1 .2 million for purchase of nearly five acres of land west of Gothard Street and south o f the J oi nt P owers Training Center. Bids for hangar construction could go out within 60 days. City officials also a r e exploring the possibility that the "le'w helicopter airport could be jointly used by police and civilian operators. The site is on a parcel formerly used for rock -crushing ~operations. so it is in a heavy usage area. . The CDUtlon here may not so much invc11ve heavy WlQge in the immediate area as it doC's the flight paths that are selected by th~ hel~optcrs, whether they Qt> police or civilian craft. H elicopters are noisy and can disturb neighborhoods . That kind of noise is most wekome when the c itizens b e lo w a r e aware that polke may be hovering overhead in an e!for.L to catch criminals or are operating on a rescue mission. The flying machines might be less welconi..e if they roar over n e-jghborhood a r eas on r outine flights. If joint use is contemplated, the c ity w·ill n eed to place proper flight controls on c ivilian helicopters too. Helicopters have proved to be a very eCCective crime -fjghting too l, even iC operation of' the whirlybirds is on the expensive side. City offi c ials are t o b e commended for the ir e fforts to make the opera tio n s m o r e economical and efficient for the police department. When the new operations begih. all parties involved should be mindful of flight patterns and paths that will n ot detract from good public r e lation s for the policemen in the sky. FV annex, has pluses All parties could tum out to be winners if plans to annex an eight-acre parcel to ·Fountain Valley wins approval of all governmental agencies involved. The Fountain Va lley City Col.IJlcil already has a pproved a property tax tra nsfe r resolution that -in effect com mi t s c ity government to the annexa tion. The land in question is east of Harbor Boulevard and north of Heil Avenue. Some benefits will come to the city because the parcel is earmarked for construction of so- called affordable housing, in that condominiums up to 172 units will be built, ranging in price from $73,000 to $93,000. The cit~will be n e fit b y collecting $300,000 in park fees from the developer. Additionally, local government will gain some controls over d esign and density of the project, while at the same llme d emo n strating t o the U .S . Department of Housing and Urban D e v e lopm e nt (HUD) that F ountain Valley is committed to establis hing1 some aHordable housin~ units. M eanw hil e. there are advantages for the developer in joining the city. The builder stand s a better c hance of qualifying for s tate-bond money because he wilJ no longer have to compete for -it with all projects proposed in county territory. It might be also modestly suggested that the city name d oes have some marketing value. While there a r e obviou s ly several motivations by both city o ffi cials a{ld t he developer to move the annexation ahead, these motives do seem to be positive for everybody involved. ~urf City'-hits bigtime Huntington Beach has earned its reputation as a mini-paradise for surfers and its "Surf Cit y" nickname, but the surfing con test that brough't some 60,000 to the city beach over the Labor Day w eekend seems to have capped them all. The event was the first OP Pro Surfing Championship and its success already has the primary sponsor, clothing manufacturer Ocean Pacific of Tustin, talking about a repeat performance next year. The five-day con test drew 160 men and women surfers from as far away as Australia, South Africa and H awaii and offered the l.8rgest surfing purse ever given in the U.S. For example, the m e n 's divis ion winner from Australia walked (or drove) off with $7,000 and a four -wheel-drive truck, while the w o m en's division • winner from H a waii received $2,500 and a truck. W ih i ts con sist e nt w aves, c lean beach a nd a p ier t:hat provides a perfect vantage point for viewers, Huntington has long been a favorite spot for the wave riders. Those who missed the Labor Day weekend event, if there are any, can look forward to a more localized meet this weekend, Sept. 18 and 1'9. That's the date for the 12th annual Huntington Beach summer surf contest, held under city spqnsorship for residents of the Huntington Beach Union High School District. The r e won't be any rich financial r e wards , but each participant will receive a special T -shirt and there will be trophies for division winners. For surfers and spectators it's a f ine way to wind up the summer . Opinions expressed In the space above are those of the Dail~llot. Otner views ex-pr,ssed on this page are those of their authors and artists. Fmder comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1S60, Costa Me54l, CA 92626. Phone (71<4) M2-4321. L.M. Boyd/ Retirement No. 56 on that list of do's and don'ts for thoee contemplating retirement: "If you want to go. go someplace where .they don't know your nickname." No. 31 la: "Count your drink.I and dollars, but never count your days." No. 23 la: "Don't plan u far ahead as you did when you had your daughter vaccinated in a place you thoUgbt would never show .' ORANGE COAST Daily. !ilot l'llOll\-• .,.,, d<ly el t~ Y••• •I J)O Wf\I ••Y \I (e\I• MtW Ad<lrM\ <OHt\llOft .. ,,O to llol I )60, C.o\l.t MPW (.A.,.,. . . Do you buy the claim of some i:-ychologlsta that certain women can enlarge their bust measurementa with aelf-hypnoala? Neither do l. Q. Who Invented lclmon? A. Same genius who invented the Army tank. Leonardo da Vinci. Brazilian• llke avocado• for breakfast. Thomat P. Holey Publ•"* Thoma• A. Mvrphlne (d~OI Jon• 4,....1 • he<lllMI ( do1or ...... ",...,... ld1t0f1al ,~ £d~Of Thomot M<Conn M.lqonQ f do•or .. ©" INFL~Tiotl .~ .J l&:R14:. I TMlNK THIS MM\lt:s rr A LOT M:11'l1':R. ' Letters· to the editor Legislature must • • • set pr1or1t1es To the Editor: I noted w ith interest your Sept. 5 editorial, "Procrastination Costly." The editorial appropriately pointed out that· chaos reigns during the closing days of a legislative session and that the Legislature cannot deliberate to the best of its ability in the midst of hundreds of bills and a rapidly approaching deadline. A:s you pointed O}.lt, the Legislature failed to send to the governor its pay raise bill. If we look at the ovetall scope of the legislative session. we find several reasons why our failure to do so was justified. Fin;t, I should clarify that there are many hard-workihg legislators who are not adequately compensated for the time they devote to their full-time positions. The most effective legislators are the most consc ientious. putting in workweeks which extend to six days and sometimes seven. THlS WAS a year, however , when the Leglsla.J.ure should have grasped a golden opportunity to establish priorities and to reduce or eliminate state spending in superfluous areaJ. It didn't happen. F.ducaUon is suffering greatly because priorities were not established. We still face the possibility of deficits -because we borrowed from this year's revenues to balance the past fi9ca1 year's budget. Worse yet, we allowed special interest bills to get through to bf:nefit specific legislators at the expense "l>f the overall state budget. Unti\ the Legislature is willing to reprloritize, it is inappropriate for us to grant ourselves pay raises In the face of the cu ta we have asked. others to absorb. I believe this will not happen until we see a change in the composition of the Legislature -but it must happen. The fact that a legislative pay raise this year was not approved d oes not cloud the fact that certain legislators are deserving "pf pay increases. It's just that as a body, we should take care of the state's most important business before even considering it. MARIAN BERGESON Assemblywoman, 74th District Ru~e or represent? To the F.ditor: Now the mayor of Newport Beach and her. followers on the council are suing her constituents? For disagreeing with her? Or, doesn't she remember? It seem,, a taste of power leads to a thirst for power, and eventually to downright tyranny in the hearts of our small-time politicos. And all of this, right from the steps of City Hall! We can only observe that it h as become as perilous for the cl tize n to exercise his political freedoms as it is to be A good Samaritan. In both cases, one must now face the intimidation of being sued. And in this instance, by those who would rule us, rather than represent us. REBA WILLIAMS Repeal sign law To the Editor: The Coata MHa Council could best serve the laud1lble causes of civic beauUficatlon and harmony by repealing the controversial sign ordinance. Such unpopular but courageous decisiveness would remove the growing potential oC co1\ly, divisive UUgetion by all aldeJ agaiNt lhe dt,y. Actually, it would be taxpayer against taxp1yer, whereby "we all loee! • A repeal would eliminate th cumnt discri~inatlon against legal, but non· cxin1orming atgN. Furthermore, a repeal would avolcf any dlacrlmlnatlon or unfalrn e11 that ml&ht bet felt by conformln1 .ian holdera I( tho council enact• a questionable, propoud modification ln Novembtt. CONCURRENT whh repeal, it would bt-mandatory upon the council to provide ttrona, ah\Cere leadenhlp for dfective, voluntary methoda of alterlna or ellmlnlllna undealr•blf' •Ill"• H MAILBOX de~r mined by a balanced Civ ic Committee. Their approach could entail constructive persuasion, legal boycotts, n o n -p a a on 12ing, a nd media identification of "offending" sign holders. The present policy to compel basic • uniformity by. ordinance has been fou nd wanting. It is foreign to our successful American way of individual freedoms, communi?tion., cooperation and public consideration. Let's be fair and realistic. Cost.a Mesa has been blessed by a responsive. responsible busin ess community, an indispensable contributor to our. having attractive educational, social and low-tax ad vantages. Small businesses have a right and a need to advertise properly, and duty toward beautification. Yet, why should the council punish evt>ryone especially in these trying economic times for the bad manners of a few? CHRISTOPHER MAGEE STEEL Police exp ertise To the Editor: Members of the Sea View Board of Direc tors join me i n offering congratulations to the Newport Beach Police Department for the expertise shown in h.~ndling the recent armed robbery/h ostage situation within our community. . Prompt action by patrol officers. SWAT members, helicopter pilol.s and all other personnel during the several hours of involvement provided the perfect solution to a tense situation. Great restraint was shown by the officers not firing their weapons during the suspect chase. The community of SeaView thanks the entire Newport Beach Police Department for the ca lm, peaceful ending. All citizens of Newport Beach are lucky to have the ))rotection of this fine department. JOANN M . BROCK President Sea View Homeowners Association Whal 'village'? To the F.ditor: Huntington Beach again faces the prospect of highrise buildings and their resul\ing problems in the downtown area. The City Council has approved a general plan which would allow structures of 12 stories. A similar but larger plan was overwhelmingly rejected by the public In 1976. Many of the same ob~tions have been voiced by both residents in the proposed redevelopment area and citizens from other parta of the city. The plan emphasizes commercial and office structures that would serve an area limited in ~ (no freeways) and limited in s urrounding financial poss ibilities. Wo uld or could the downtown compete even modestly with Huntington Center, Wes1minster Center, or SoutJl Coast Plaza? ll not, would these buildlngs become condominiums resulting in a severe economic drain on the city? Would any dtizens be willing to fight the traffic to patronize downtown? The area ia already congested. To add more traffic even with the planned atreet modificaUons and closings would not aolve the problem but exacerbate It. IF THERE we~ fulJ lmplement.atlon of the plan. what would be the result for the downtown area? A few block.1 Inland along one or two atneta would be hJgh- rlte! and more m d lum to h_ljh·rl1e buildlnp along Ptclflc Coast ffiahway from Beach to Golden West, thu1 dwarfing the aurroundJng tttldencea. Jlould anyone, even the approving council membera, rezone their own ne(Jhborhood.I with a plan like this o~? WNt of the ~pie who Ln aood faith buy tht.te bulldlnp which ml1M not f ulflll economic projectlon1? Wlll w Lei .. " 11-f-H 41f w•I<-t IW ,...,, le t-1.e .. I 1e1t 10 "' ..-t•., t ltl'ftlMlt llMl I\, __ un•n 6' • •Of\h °' I"\ Wiii ........... ,.,..,u All i.U•n 1'1111\I lfl (Ill°' \ltMIOoltO aM f!'<llllllf t tdrt•\ WI ,.._, ,.,.., ""' wolllll•lf.., r-\1 11Wllcl..,I 1tet.11 I• flllNf"'I """''' •"' 1191 .. _.,"'" ut••o mn M , ... .,_. •• ...... H•l'ft• M1t ...... INf'\Mt .. IM t t11lrito1•1 -.. t'¥tfl lt1 Uflh<thtll _,. .. , have a situation such as the one on ·19th Street in Costa Mesa? There sits one Jone high-rise dom inat ing its neighbors, totally misplaced. Most of o ur citizen s favor t he redevelopment of downtown using "the village concept" as Laguna and Seal Beach have done. These cities have wonderful low-rise comme rcial uses which are aesthically pleasing w ith patios. walkways, and open spaces .. These businesses are financial successes and in keeping with the surr-0unding·- residem.-es. This concept could revitalize our downtown. We want t hose who develop our city to rnakea fair profit and th05e who buy into our community to prosper. We want visitors to return. A village l>lan would help. Those backing the high-rise plan contend that lheirs is a '1village concept." I have traveled in 32 foreign countries on four continents, and I never saw a village with 12-story buildings. JOANNE C. STEVENS L et church grow To the Editor: ~s a senior at Harbor High and a 15-year resident, I would like to make known· my complete and unwavering support for the building plans presented ' by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. My father has always told me that if a person or organization is not willing to change it will never grow -change and growth go hand in h a nd . At S t. Andrew's we have a tremendous potential to grow. T here are many people 1n the community we call re,pch out to and support. However, we need a building that will provide us with the space and resources necessary to reach these people. We have presented a building program that will allow us to reach new people and support them. A church is like a support group for the surrounding community. St. &drew's supports and aids some 3,000 local residents who attend the church. I would like to see our support of the community and our outreach to people increase. Yes. we are asking for a change. A change that will enable us to grow aa people and to grow as a church. We all must be very careful never to deny the people of this commu n ity the opportunity to grow. MELISSA MITCHELL Life at 83 To the Editor: Not satisfied with the $10 per month taken by Supplemental Secluity lncome (SSI) because people who never went to school learned what little they do know from computers, now. besides the pound of flesh they want my blood. Today my Social Security anti SSI checks combined amount to about $449. And now that my rent has skyrocketed again to $460, where do I get any money to buy a piece of new rope? WHO DO I thank for this mess? I could start with Reagan; then Jarvis and all the hunks that voted for Proposition 13. By the way, wasn't it Proposition 13 that did away with the state surplus? Now that I am not pennitted to put. anything into the bank ext"ept my SS and SSI, who pays the Jl l balance on my rent? Whd pays my $35-plua utility bills? Who buys my clothes? Of COUJ'lle, most of my clothes have ~ Crom the trash bln -and I think there's aome extra food out there in the trash. ~ Me? I'm just an old 83 years. Time for me to die anyhow! W.J. ARMSTRONG lllllY• TN.Nd of tr~n« to .acr-more nauonal hoUdays -(Martin Luther KJna Day. Elvia Prealey Dey. t"t.c.) to the calendar why don't we reduce the num~r ;;;.f •ve tome Uvea on the h!Ow•ys? ANTl·DRlJNK DIUVD ------~--~~_. ..... _____________. o_ ... ,_.._...,.......,_..,.. •• ._._...,~ ........ --··'' , ........... ,...... ".--...., o.1tr "''r . \ J HB 117 SDG~E Seeking i 30o/o rate hike SAN OIF.00 (AP) Son Diego Gas & Electric Company lit seeking permission to ralae gas ratet by 30 pcrt,'Cnt by OCU>ber but. iwya. "thcy'ru not juttJfled in·' toduy'a natural sas mArkC't ... • Tht• ~tHion asking for a rate inert> IW totaling $~7.~ million was filc.od Wednl'8day with the Public Utilities Comm1~lon . A 11pokesman said it all would go to puy for higher whol1:sall' pr1ceK chnrgcd 6y Southern California Gas Co. Don Felsinger, gas dJVi¥Jon manager of SOO&E, told a news conference that "we're oppo1t.od to these new increases and we'rt• flghttng them." Douglas mark rnilestone LONG BEACH (AP) Do1Jglas Aircraft has delivered its 3,000th Jet transport, a OCIO jumbo jet ordered by United Airlines. . The C'Ompany has built 556 OC8s, 394 DClOs and l.100 OC-9s, including mod1f1ed military modelb, said Dan Synovec, spokesman for· the Do!!ilas Aircraft Division o ( St. Louis-based McDonnell ti>uglas Co. More than 4,000 Douglas workers and local dignitaries turned out for th~ dt•Hvery ceremony Wednesday. Care Corp. earnings increased . Comprehensiv!? Care Corp. of NewPort Beach said flJ'St-quarter earntngs of $2,740,000 for the period ended Aug. 31 were an increase of 58 percent over the orevi~us year's first qulrter earTI!ngs of $1,736,000. First q_uarter revenues were $20,916,000, compared with $16,927,000 last year. Fully diluted earnings per share for the first quarter were 28 cents, compared with 20 cents last year. ' Times Mirror declares dividend The board of directors of the Times Mirror C.o. declared a quarterly dividend of 50 cents per share on the company's outstanding shares of common stock. The dividend was declared payable Dec. 10 to shareholders of record at the close of business Nov. 27. Realty seminar set Dr. Alber t J . L ow ry , the self -made multimillionaire author of the best selling "How You Can Become Financially Independent by Investing ln Real Estate," will presept a seminar tonight at 8 at South Coast Plaza Hotel in Cost.a Mesa. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS ll'cl. Off , • fJ u (>ff • , Oft u °" s.• Oft " Oft " Oft " Off M Oft M Ott H °" l-J . §;! u JI u ~Oft t: •• 4' Oft :1 Off 4.1 °" 0 °" •.S .. ew YORK (AP) Prlcu l•I• w~ Of gold oolna, GCHnpareel with TueedtY'• Pf._ llNteffeM, 1 "oY oi , ••es 25, up IHI .._.. '"'· t troy o,., t•H ?6, up 1710 ....._. ........ 1IltoYOI .164S.1S, UCI II.la, ,......_ 1IO erown, .tto2 troy ot . 1440 11. uc> • ., 00 90uroe: Ollllll·P-a DOW JONES AVERAGES JC Ind 10 Tm U Ull •1 511' ~. " • j lk WHAT STOCKS DID N EW ..... _.( (API S.. IS A0•-.0 o.<11...ci U11<,..noH Total IHuK New lllQh New '°""' wu.-•¥l • l.J(• TOO.y Z'4 UI IU 1SI • s NEW YOAll IAPl Soto U AO•an<tCI Oe<li...cl • UftC ... "900 Tot•l I•~ New lllvfl• ,,. ... - METALS '"":!. ~S4 ,,. ltJl Ut ' NEW YORK (API -Spot nonlerrous metal prl<ie9 loda)I C09P91 70\o-72 oet1l1 a pound, US oeatlnallons. II> Lead 26-29 '*119 • pound Zinc •<>-'2 oetlll. pound, clell--.d Tin S6 2439 Metala Weelc 00tnl>09'19 AllH'l'llftlHft 76-77 cents a pound N.Y ... ,cu,, $340 ()() '* llfflt "-llft11m 1365 00..S372 00 lroy ounc;e. NY SILVER Handy a Harm1n, S9 120 per troy ounc:e GOLD QUOTATIONS SYMBOLS Vince Lombardi, former coach . of the Packers, confers with Bart Starr during a 1967 game. J Lt'-Orange Cout DAILY PILOTtrhuredoy, Soptemb r 18. 1Q82 ca Remembering Vince Starr borrowed a pag fron1 Lo1nba1·di ~I .:!~fe~,~t:1~~Y Bart Su.rr IUJ on tht> holt~l ..c•o l In ttw National Football League . .La.at Sunday, the former all-atar quartt•rbnck mwll huvt• folt his p1ant.a llC.'Ol'Chlng WI thl' Gn.'l·n Buy Puckt•f'ii fl·ll behind th<' &ms, 23·0 In tht• ll"'t half. Boos rctaunded through the Mllwnukl't.' County Stadium. Crcstfullen, discouraged, angry at thclT\IKJlvt>S, the Puckl•l"ll tf'udgt'<i into the locker room. Did Coat•h Bart Starr, thP favorite pupil of the legendary Vin<.'C Lombardi, borrow u pagt.• from tbc old mCtMt.er's book to llf'lap the.' diBhearwned playcni out of their doldrums'! "I REMEMBER we hod alm~t a tdmllar s1tuation in 1965 when I was quarterbacking the team," St.arr said. "We were playing the Lions in Detroit and we had a miserable first hair. behind 21-3. "Going into the locker room, we didn't know what to expect. We all km.·w Coach Lombardi to be tough. hard-nosed and abrasive but also we respected him as a man of deep sensitivity. Surprisingly. he was tht• calmest person I've ever seen. He didn't berate any of us. He quietly pointed out our errors and then, with a slap on the shoulder, told us to go and play the kind of football we wen· capable of.'' The Packers rallied, won the game 31 -21 and qualified for the playoffs. Modesty prevented 8tarr from giving the det.ails. He passed for ihree touchdowns and rushed four yards for another in one of th(' flashiest quarterback performances the game has seen. Last Sunday, the situation was somewhat the same but the roles were changed. St.arr had assumed the mantle of his old coach. C'ullinj( Mgnala. unc.J dlrt'(·tlng tht• uttuc:k SUHI 'ti Im mn .,1111J ww. u 12 yeur veu··r•n out of Kw1-wN Stut , 1..ynn l>kkcy. DI KEY, WHO hud tu1nhl.o<l twu: · and • thrown two intt•r<.·t•puwa an the erf'ur pot;kt.-d op(!nlng half, t•ng1cwt·1 t•d the.• f1C'rcl', alml.)lt fluwlc.·bll tunu•h:wk, throwing lhrl'l' touchdown paSS('S, two m the· Ml>•ll .. ~ · of 17 St."t•onda, for a 35 :ll <tlt'LOry OV<'r ti LuM Angclew tl•um thut ho(.l bl'l'n tuhl)l•d ui. h&vwg Super Bowl potl'llllUI. ' Whut hup.,1·1lt'1J'I Wus the remarkable turn around dcmt-' with nurrors'1 Not at all. St.al'r JUlll n ·ml·m!Jl·1 c.'<.I I UG5 and u man named Lomb1mJ1 "Bai>l<:iilly, I've ncvl'r been one !or punching blackw:u d s," St.urr said. "lt was easy LO set' lhal thl' ~uys W<'r<' down enough on them.'>elv~ Thc·y didn't need somebody to give them a harangul' or a corny Spef."'Ch . "I hstc>ned to our offensive coordinator (Bob S<:hne~ 1.alk LO the offeru.1ve guys and the dt'fcns1ve <.'Oat:h (John Meyer) go over dt't.a1ls w\th his bunch Both dad a good job. There wasn't mut·h for mt• to say except to go out thl're and play oolJ ... ST ARR SAID h<' did nut foci that he had patternl'd ham.self afler has highly a<.x:laimed me ntor, who died at agl' 57 an 1970 after buildm~ the Packers mto an NFL power that ~on five cha~p1onsh1ps in the 1960s, including the first two Super Bowls. During that halcyon era, Lombardi's trigger man on the field was Bart Swrr. "I learned a Im from Coa1.:h Lombardi," Starr said. "But one <.·an't be a clone of someone else. You have to be who yo.u are. J haye m y ow n pl'rsonality a nd my own methods." BUlllTIN BOARD RAMS. From Page C1 • • UC !rvine poloists open season Friday • Horse racing , OAK TREE -Thoroughbred meeting set Sept. 29-Nov. 1 at Santa Anita Park in Arcadia. Meet runs 27 days with first post at l p.m . through Oct. 30. On Oct. 31 and Nov. l, 12:30 first post . Dark on Monday and Tuesday except Monday, Oct. 11 and Monday, Nov. l. Senior Cili:zens Day. Friday, Oct. 8. Free admission for fans 65-and-over with payment of 25 cent municipal tax. Admission prices: General Admission, $2 .25; Clubhouse, $5. Reserved seats, $1.75, $2, $2.75. Parking: General, $1. Pre ferred, $2, Valet, $5. HOLLYWOOD PARK -Harness meeting runs through Oct. 25 at Hollywood Park an lnglewood. Racing Tuesday through Sunday nights with first post 7.30 except Sunday. 6:30. Dark Monday and Tuesday Senior C1t1zens Days: Every Thursday. Free admission to those 62-and-older with payment of 35 cent mwtlcii)aJ tax. Admission prices: General Admission. $2.25; Clubhouse. $4.50; Turf Club, $7.50 (Dress code: Men, coat and tie; Women. pants suits or dresses). Parking Free, gates 2 and 5. Valet parking: $5, gates 3 and 4. POMONA FAIR -Appaloosa. quarterhorse and thoroughbred racing. Meeting runs through Sept. 26, 7 days a week. Admission prices: $4 general admission to fairgrounds and race track . R eserved seats, $1 .50. Clubhouse, $2. $1 reserved seat, total $3. Boxes. $3. Senior C1tJZens: $3 admission to fair and racmg. Monday through Friday; $4 on Saturday and Sunday Parking: General. $1; Preferred, $2 Tennis TENNIS LESSONS -Newport Beach tennis classes at Community Youth Center, San Joaquin Hills Park, Mariners Park and Las Arenas Park. Classes meet once a w eek for 10 weeks. Cost: $27.50 per class. bay or night sessions for adults; Afternoon sessions Cor 6 -8-year-o lds and 9-12-year-olds; Saturday sessions for adults and youths. CJ.aases taught in smalJ groups of 4-8 students per instructor. Register at Parks, Beaches and Recreation office, 3300 Newport Blvd. Further informauon, call 640-2271. Beach ¥Ol~e,,ball Cuervo World Champion.ship of ~ach VolJeyball at Seaside Lagoon in King Harbor, -Redondo Beach, Friday; Saturday and Sunday. The schedule: Friday -9 a.m. -All teams begin competition; Noon -Second round winners' and losers' bracket; 3 p.m. - Third round winners' bracket; 5 p.m. -Third round losers' bracket. Saturday -9 a .m . -Losers' bracket continues all day; 10 a.m. - Quarterfinals winners' bracket; 1 p .m. -Miss Los Angeles bathing beauty contest: 2 p.m. -Semifinals winners' bracket (last four undefeated teams). Sunday -9 a.m. -Quarterfinals losers' bracket; 9:30 a.m . -Finals winners' bracket (last two undefeated te~ms): •l0:30 a.m . -Semifinals lose~· bracket; 12:30 p.m. -,Finals losers' bracket; 2:30 p.m . -World Championship finals. Featuring the 64 highest rated men's doubles team in double-loss elamination. Winners' bracket matches. best 2-of-3 to ~ l points. Losers' bracket matches, one game to 15 points. Purse -$20,000 (largest in ~port). $10,000 to winning team; 2nd $5,- 000: 3rd -$2,000; 4th -$1 ,000; 5th anq 6th -$500; 7th and 8th -$300; 9fH arm ·rOth -1100. _ Sanctioned by National Outdoor Volleyball Association. Hosted by International Boardwalk Association, Redondo Beach. Admission: Free to the public. Ex~ted crowd: 25,000. Raequetball Catalina Pro-am Racquetball Classic at King's Racquetball Court in Westtrunster. Tournament dates: Thursday, Sept. 30 through Sunday. Oct. 3 with all- glass tournament court for excellent viewing. Amateur players may enter in 21 different categories with deadline Friday, Sept. 23. - T icket prices: 4 -day backwall sec&lon , $45; 4-day sidewall section, $40; Daily tickets, $12. Tickets available by phone with Visa or Master Card. Call 898-9841. Limited seating. $20,000 prize money. Jerry Hilecher is defending champion. Top seeded players are Dave Peck and Marty Hogan . King's Racquetball C.ourt Is located at 14731 Golden Weat St. in Westminster, just off the 405 (San Diego) Freeway. Rams officials figure if a stnke is called maybe 10 players, most of them rookies, will stay with the team. The club would then add 20 more athletes to give the-m a roster of 30, which officials think would be enough to play a game. -- -. - 'I think they can pull it off. There's no doubt an my mind," concedes Jack Youngblood. "All they have to do is put 22 men on · the field. "But I think the fans and the owners want to see the ultimate (meaning the best). They don't want to see sandlot football. ''It's all relative. IC the Rams have a team of bartenders, then so will Cincinnati. Dallas, New Orleans and San Francisco." "lt would be like a college game . . . make that a Tnple-A contest in a different arena." Youngblood will probably be the lightning rod for the Rams - in other words, as he goes so wall the olavers. And. as of this juncture, Youngblood claims he would take a walk if a strike was called. "We'IJ need everybody to go Jlli to make it ~ffectlve," says Ekern. · The Rams are preparing the}T\Selves, though, just in case such an event happens. UC Lrvine will open its 1982 water polo season this weekend when the Anleaters host their 16th annual tournament Friday· Sunday. · · This year's tourney features some of the strongest teams on the West Coast, including Stanford, last year 's NCAA champion. The top-seeded team of the three-day competition is Wasserfreunde Spandau of Berlin, Germany. The German team includes six members of. the starting lineup of the German National Team that p{a'ced third in the World Games this summer The hos t Anteaters h ave established themselves as the No 2 seed with Cal third, Stanford fourth and UCLA fifth. Long Beach State, Pacific, USC. UC San Diego, UC Santa Barbara. Fresno State and' San Francisco State round out the field. Ted Newla nd is entering his 17th year as head coach at UCI. with a record of 317-95-2 (.769) over the past )6 seasons. UCI returns all seven starters In '82 plus senior Peter Campbell , who redshirted last year after leading -UCI in scoring the three previous years. "Peter has size, speed and strenj{th," says Newland. "Plus. he is one of the most intelligent players and stude nts of the ~amc " Campbell was a mamber of the Junior Nallonal team in 1978 and '79 and the World Student Games team in i979 through '81. He was voted college All· American in 1978, '79 and '80, and AAU All-American in '80 '81 and '82. Another veteran on the team will be senior John O'Brien, who was aJJ-PCAA second team and All -American third team in '81. Sophomore JeC~ampbell, Peter '!> brother, return this season to help out at the setter position Jeff has abo playf!ti on the Junior and National teams. Senior J ohn Vargas will be back to quarterback the team from the field. Last year he Jed UCI m scoring. "John has one of the pretuest shots in water polo, and he makes up for lac~ of size (he stands only 5-9) with his knowledge of the game. He knows the system and can adapt to almost any situation," adds Newland Other returnees inclu(fe senior •T re vor D o d s on, G~orge Robertson, a senior from Newport Beach, and sophomore Daggy Riley (a graduate from Newport Harbo)" High), a left. handed driver. 'TV pacts not legal ANGELS-ROYALS To piece your meHege belOf8 lhe rNdlng 1X1bllc. phone BISBEES \EPT 70 71 & 22 SUITE W 6 TICkETS 17 14 1 541 -2263 1714 1 532-3821 Oelty F>llol Cluslfled, &42-5678 !'' 406 S Bay I ront B a lboa Island fi7'i ~ 1 H•' OKLAHOMA CITY 1----------·'----------'----------(AP) -A federal judge has thrown out the college television contracts negotiated by the National Collegiate Athletic• Association, holding that the NCAA had violated antitrust laws in selling g.ame rights to television networks. The ruling by U.S . District Judge Juan Bur ciaga of Albuquerque, N.M ., filed in the federal court here Wednesday, heJd that the Individual colleges may sell their football rights to televisi on and prohibits the NCAA from negotiating any future television contracts on behalf of its member colleges and universities. A spokesman at NCAA _bead,gua rters in suburban Kansas City said the organintlon's lawyers would seek an immediate stay or the order. 1982 ·CAT AUNA PRO-AM RACQUETBALL CLASSIC Co Sponsors: BANK Of NEWPORT. AMF VOIT -$~a 000 PRIZE ~ I MONEY • Featuring 5-Time National Cbampion Marty H.ogan, Number 1 seeded Dave Peck and many other top touring racquetball professionals. DATES: Thurs. thru Sun. Sept. 30 Oct. 3 SITES: King'• Racquetball Court 14731 Golden West St. Westminster, Ca. Phone: (714) 898-9841 (213) 430-5719 TICKET PRICES (King's All Glass Tourney Court) 4-day Package/Backwall Section .. $45/Seat 4-day Package/Side\\tall Section ... $40/Seat Dally Tickets S12.00 · .NFL players to strike Tuesday? · Tickets may be purcfiased over · the phone with Visa or Master Card Call Today! · • WASHINGTON (AP}°-The Nauonal Football League Players AllSociation has decided to atrlke next Tuetday, barring a breakt!lrou-gh In n egotiations this ~kenct, informed aources within the labor movement told The Associated frtei, Wedneeday. . The aoun:ea, decllnlna to be named publlcly, aaJd member1 of the union's executive commluee had Informally ~ on the Tueeday walkout .,.1.nat t.lie 28 club1. The commlttee, whlch lncludes player repretenutlve1 from acme of the iama. will meet Monday ln New York for the announced purpoee of setting a strike deadline. Other sources, a!\er refusing to be named publicly. con finned the report. . "The date has been set. It shouldn't come as that much of a surprlae to anyone," the union IOW'C8 .aid) , Earlier, union of fldala have Mid the •trike would come•between the eeconcf and fourth weekt of the teaeon. The l«'Ond week of the acheduJe wlU end Monday night wtth a 1ame between t!w G reen Jay Packen and New Yark Olanta. • , The contract between the playert union and the club ownen ran out July 16, and negotiatioN for a new contrac~ have been sporadic and unaucc:etaful. Th two aides.. whJch lut met one w~k aao, wlll resume negotlatlona In New York on Friday. Wednelday nlabt, Ed Garvey the union'• executive dlrtttor, .Mid the NFLPA 18 Fina to the talkl to ber1a1n. He refUMd to either conllrm or deny the r.port that. IU1b date Ml bMn ..,_ to. VIM' Limited Seating Available Twenty.one categories are· available tQ local amateur players. W inners wlll receive merchandise and awards. Entry deadllfle for all tourney players Fri. Sept. 23 .. CO-SPONSORS: BANK OF NEWPORT, AMF VOIT \ . . . 111111 CIAIT Ullll Ull/lml ClllT THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER lb. 1~8:! ORANGE COUN l V CALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Laguna, Emerald Bay oppose se·wage project The Ahso Wat.er Management Agency is applying to the federal government. for a program that could cut sewage trealment costs to t.he agency by $400,000 a year. But two participants in the .even-member agency -Laguna Beach and Emerald Bay -have gone on record opposing the money-saving program. The agency (A WMA) was k>nned a decade ago to c..'Onstruct a $100 million regional sewage system -that ultimately would serve 45,000 acres ln south Orange County. Laguna Beach and Emerald Board ·.studies acreage for sale By STEVE MITCHELL O('tM D.., Not St.ff A citizens' task force appointed by l:.aguna Beach Unified School District trustees says disposal of 11.4 acres of surplus school land s h ould be a give -and -take proposition. The committee recommends the district give the city of Laguna Beach about four acres for a soccer field in exchange for prompt approval of a subdivision to create 31 single-family lots on the remainder of the parcel. The property, located just north of Park Avenue on Alta LJl g u n a Bo u I e v a rd , w a s purchased by the school district in 1971 for $325,000 when the then-growing district anticipated the need for another campus. But declining student enrollment put an end to that project, and .Proposition 13, inflation and a recession put the district in financial straits. So this year trustees formed a lG-member task force to explore Takeoff • noises decrease •Takeoff noise levels attributable to Pacific Southwest Airlines have dropped "significantly" in two weeks - the apparent result of pres.9ure placed on the carrier by Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley. Riley took the San Diego- based carrier to the woodshed recently after learning that PSA, which operates four flights daily from Orange County, had exceeded allowable takeoff noise levels. The amount of added noise, however, was considered minor and could not be detected by t.he human ear, according to county officials. Nonetheless, PSA told Riley in a Sept. 10 letter that it was intent on being a "good neighbor" and would alt.er takeoff procedures to reduce noise exposure over close -In airport area neighborhoods. The carrier apparently had been successful. Chris Edwards, an airport noise abatement oHlcial, said PSA's average takeoff noise • (See NOISE, Page At) Ba~ llN' exr1t--cted to hook Into ttw treatment system, located In Aliso Canyon, early next year. Under t.he federal program, a coasW treatment {aclhty, such as A WIOIA, will be allowed to avoid upgrading treatment services to meet expensive "secondary" pollution standards The issue is over how much treatment agenclt!s must give sewage before it can be discharged into the ocean. Initially, the Clean Water Act set a goal of 85 percent removal of pollutants . But Congress changl-d that tO llpprOXll'T\lllely :!5 perc(!nt There I• a catch, of <'OUl'tk' The agency must prove through a series of complex report~ and applications that the h igher pollution levels wW not harm the oc-ean environment. That's where the cl ty of Laguna Beach and the Emerald Bay Service district part wayJi with the other five A WMA participants Those a.genc1es participating in the massive sewer treatment system Include the lrvine Ranch Water District, South Laguna 13 14 15 16 22 SOCCER FIELD ALT A· LAGUNA Dettr ,.not Map I A Laguna Beach school task force is recommending 31 single family homes and a city--operated soccer field for an 11 .4 acre parcel the district wishes to sell. means of obtaining the maximum in proceeds from disposal of the Top oft.he World property. Th e committee's recommendation, which will be received by sch ool board members tonight, suggests making a gift to the city, of approximately four acres. What it suggests is that the remaining acreage be subdivided into 31 lots -six more single- family lots than h ave been previously aJ?proved for the site. Even at a· modest estimate of $100,000 per lot, the property could bring as much as $3 million to the beleaguered school d1Strict. The committee majority said the four-acre soccer field and overlapping softball an'd hardball fields would be donated to the city -but only on the condition that the district be allowed to develop the higher number of lots. , "It is the strong se~ of this c o m m i t t e e t h4 t t h e recommend a ti on sens I bl y balances the competing needs of the school system and the city," the committee's report st.ates. That consensus, however, wa.s (See SURPLUS, Page At> 0.-,"" ....... "' 0-, ...... An unidentified scavenger searches through refuse in Newport Beach. Sometimes they "strike gold" in other people's discards . Count.f Water Diatrict, Moulton Nigue Water DiAtrlc.:t, Lo. Allaol Water Diatrict and the El Toro Wuter District. Officials In those agenclc• voted this yeor to retain the Pasadena. .ingineerlns firm of Brown and Caldwell to prepare the complex reports neceiSary to seek a waiver of highe r treatment standards. Both Laguna B each and F.meraJd Bay said they would not participate in the $100,000 study. "Our city coundl turned it down," said Laguf\a Beach assistant city manager Terry Brandt. "The cotl('Crn was,the potential degradation of coastal waters were morl' pollutants allowed to now into the ocean," he said. In addition, he said , the expensive secondary treatment complex for A WMA has already been constructed 1n Ahso Canyon. But Bill Sukenik, ·general manager of the seven-member agency, said Environmental Protect.ion Agency endorsement of a lower standard of treatment could save the agency as much as $400,000 In costs for operation, maintenance and energy. "The biggest savtnp would be In energy," the manager uld He said the agency ls applytng for a 7~ percent removal of suspended aolltls, inste~d of the 85 pen.-ent removal required by the Clean Water Act. But Sukenik &aid approval of the cost-saving program won't come until several hurdles are cleared. "For one thing, our application requires the blessing of the local San Diego Regional Water Control Board," he said. (See SEWER, Page A!) Storm splatters Coast Hurricane Norman, moving alowly from Mexico toward Southern California, may trigger some local rainfall before its arrival. National Weather Service forecasters said today. Weather Service spokesman Scott Mentzer said 40 percent c hance or showers and lhundershowers today would increase to 60 percent tonight and throuf{h Friday. · lie said Hurricane Norman, located about' 1,000 miles south· southwest of San Diego early today, was sending moist air nerthward to mix with the existing marine air, increasing the proopect of local showers. Mentz.er added, however, that Southern California would not feel ttre hurricane's winds until the storm moves into the area, perhaps early ne)<t week. Along with the chance of showers Friday, forecasters said to expect variable cloudiness along the coast, with temperatures peaking In the high 70s and dropping to overnight lows in the high 50s. Veteran weather watcher J . Sherman Denn y said Wednesday's inlermittent showers produced .04 of an inch of moisture in the rain gauge at his Huntington Beach home. He said he has recorded .14 of an inch of rain for the rain year that began July 1. He said the area had no measurable rain by this time last year. Meanwhile a freak Sept.ember hailstonn, lasting ju.st 30 minutes but spewing marble-sii.ed chunks of ice, battered t.he wine grape re gion of Mendocino C-ounty while snow and lightning storms triggered power failures across Northern California. Mendocino County Agriculture Director Andy DiGrassi said he was unable to estimate the damage t.o the grape crop caused by the deluge of some six inc~ of hail and two inches of rain Wednesday. But he i~dicated some wine growers may have suffered serious losses. "In the 4()--years I've lived In the area, I 've n eve r seen anything like it." DiGrassi said. Temperatures plunged from 80 degrees to 51 in less than an hour. . Ukiah police reported up to four feet ol water on the roof of a downtown building . A 60,000-volt transformer was knocked out, causing a temporary power failure, according to Dennis Pooler of t.he Pacific Gas and Electric Co. Talks continuing in LA bus strike Temporary power outages caused by heavy rain also were · reported in Napa, Potter Valley, Willits and Redwood Valley. Four inches of snow ·were reported on the Kingsbury Grade south of Lake Tahoe and the California Highway Patrol required chains for Mt. Rose Highway. There were also traces at t.he 8,000 foot level in Squaw Valley. LOS ANGELES (AP) ~ Negotiators were back at the bargaining table today trying to get buses-back on the road again while frazzled commuters face another day of bumper-to- bumper traffic'in the ~nd day of the city's bus strike. A marathon bargaining session broke off at 2:30 a .m . and spokesmen Jor the Southern California Rapid Transit District and United Transportation Union said in a joint stat~ment that "substantJal progrea" was made. But RTD spokesman Jim Smar t and. UTU spokesman Goldy Norton honored a news blackout and would not elaborate on the talks. Reno had a high of 46, which was the lowest maximum during a September sin ce 1888, according to weather service (See STORM, Page At) "One guy drives up every day al· 6:55 a .m. I've been told he's loade d ." Trash diggers clean up ~ ~~~~~HEAD The baldine man stepped out of his late model OldsmobiJe. His wife waited in t.he car while he rummaged through the trash bin b~hi nd the Newport Beach supermarket, pulling out a couple of nice sized black rubber mats. A less experienced IC8venger, might have overlooked the pair of mats, but the trash digger, like other regulars, knew what he ,was doing. Like the man before hlm who had fished a box of macaroni out of the supermarket dumpster filled with empty boxes, wilted lettuce and a carton of small plums, he refused to taJk about the reclama\ion habit some mercharlts cynlaU.ly refer to as "second jobs.'' - Once co~idered t.he purview of the poor, trash digging has become more popular with the middle claM and even the rich during the current recealon. "We have our regular people who ~o through t.he trash every day , ' said Frank Madden, manager of Smith's Food K.Jng in Newport Beach. "One ,uy drives up every day at 6:55 a .m . It's like a job for him. I've been told he's loaded.'' Most scroungers rlae early. making a round of the local supermarket dumpsters before other 1Cavengers, flies and the actual refuse collectors arrive. Costa Mesa, store manager Rich Owings said he frequently saw acroungers in the desert resort town. Produce past its prime, torn boxes of food and staJe bread are "It happens much more in t.he the most commonly sought after affluent areas," said .Owings. items by trash hunters. ''They realiz.e that people will be Before moving from Palm much more finicky and t.he stores Springs to Smit.h's Food Klng in (See SCAVENGERS, Page A%) *** ··~ Sometimes, a treasure The lovely and seemingly brand-new ru;-set fur jacket discovered in a supermarket trash bin In C.OSt.a Mesa proved to be a lucky and unusual find dur\fl.g a search for dlscards. The dyed rabbit jacket was lying on top of a,,pile of rubbish, untouched and overlooked by another 1Cavenger who had been peering into the bin seconds before. But t.he jacket turned out to be a rare treasure. Like the princess who had to kiss a lot of toads, trash diggers have to look through many garbage cans before hitting gold. A three-hour search of u-ash bins in C.C.t.a Mesa and Newport Beach turned up little else of value and little that was edible. Stores In better neighborhoods have less blemished fruit -a carton of plurps and some slightly wiJted lettuce were among the top offenngs. Most trash diggers st.art at 6 a.m. and have finished doll«ting by 8 a .m. Lettuce and tomatoes that can look almost appealing in the early morning dampness turn putrid when surrounded by rues ln the hot afternoon sun. Food IJnd produce still in bags or cartons seem to be t.he mmt popular finds. Store managers said that otherwise good food is toaed out If t.he box has been opened or If the expiration date has puaed.. lllDEI · -Work starts soon on Crystal Cove Park Working three shifts a day without coffee breaks, robots will outpace humans. They are · performing now at Wetcon. Page A3. At Your Service Erma Bombeck Buainess Cavalcade Clulifled Comiaa era.word Death Notlees St.an Delaplane Editorial F.nter1&lnment Intttmlmlon A4 A7 B6-7 • A7 04-8 02 D2 D3 A7 A6 C7 C7 Ann Landers Movies Mutual Funds PubUc Notices Sparta Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Markeu Televllion Theatera Weather World News . I A7 C7 86 C4·5.D3·4 Cl-6 ... A7 B7 g A2 A.3 Uevclopment of ptarklng facillUes, trails and campel~ at Crystal Cove State Park, the 3,000-acre stretch of coastal terrain aouth of Corona dcl Mar, la achedul~ to begin early next year. State park offlclalt, charged with grooming the ~rk for the public, thla wt!ek wel"t' aUoca~ $~ million for t.he development chores. Thf' monf'y la t o be spent carving out 11everal parklna Jou, a network of trall1 and day campsites ~ lmprovemen\I deliCned to mcreue public accese ID the thret•yHr--Old J>l'tk . d . The one-time allcx:a•lon 11 stretches from Corona del Mar to provided throuah •bill auth(){'ed Abalone Point. The park'• by Aasemblywoman Marian interior takes In Moro Canyon. Bergeson, R-Newport Bel!Ch. The bW was aianeci this week by Gov. The st.ate pu~hased most of Edmund Brown Jr. the land In 1979 from the lrviM Lack of.farkln,1, a.Id state J>l'rk oWci Les Mc:C.r10. hu made acceu to the park a difficult and somellmu ~tNk. The lmprovementt, he aaid, likely wUI ~ ln place by tho end of 1983. The park 11 a collection of canyona, riclPI and more than three mlle1 of bHch, which Company fOf' $32.6 million. While the 1tate 1haa realated opentna the interior to the public \lntll It CM afford to h1n more ...,.,,.~ the ~h property has been drawlnt thousand• of vlaltora durtnc summer months .• The p1rk hu only one full· time rancer. LU~ Rrvice " provided by ~ Beech and -..uri&y by the Orarwe County Sheriff'• deperunent.. There la no . • lifeguard acrvfce during winter months. State park official•. eittlmate tha~ once the lm_provemenu are In pJaee Crystal Cove may attnct up to U,000 gueata on ~ days. McCar10 Aid the plan Is to c:onatruct rou1hly 1,800 parklna ·~· lncludJl'\I ~ behind El Morro Eltmtn&ary School to be uad u • ·~na atte for hlken. While the p mllllon aDocaUon should ao far ln •'dni the perk reedy for the publk. McCarso aid ~ rnoMY wW be needjd to complnt the eta• perk. I. r r eptember 1e. 1982 ----------lliiiiiii~~----------~~-- stories U.S. denounces Israeli att8ck SEWER SA VI NG5. • • Then the 11tutf' Rt-a<,urc1•11 Control Board must approve A WMJ\ '1 1pplkation ~fore It IJs sen t to th e f l'dt.'rul Environmental Protec tion Agency for review. S ukf'nik Mid his.agency hope11 to get the c ndon ·mt.'nt oC the state a g cncfea by the l'nd or October. The agency'• •pplkuUon for a "uiVl'r is dut> In Wu.shlng t.on by Dec. 29. SURPLUS LAND. • • not reached bv all 10 members. Tw,o members preaented a minority report for the 8Chool board's co~deration, and a third prepared another minority report. Both papers suggest far fewer units be construc ted In the neighborhood , citing traffic circulation increases. hillside densities and open space as reasons for limiting the numbcT' of lots. Schools superintendent Bill Barnes said trustees most likely will accept the commJttee reports tonight, the n set up a study session -perhaps with the task force in attendance -to review the~ recommendations. STORM SKIRTS COAST • • • meteorologist Joe Ganser. T he old record of 50 had been reached severaJ times. 'The unu sua l weather developed from a freak low pressure system that moved ~ul of Oregon, the weather service said. The weather service issued a statement saying th at hikers and campers at the higher elevations of the Sierra Nevada should take precautions for cold weather and snow. Snow showers above about 8,- 000 feet were forecast through this evening with highs only in the 40s and lows in the 20s in the northern mountains and northern Sierra Nevada. A c h a n ce o f sho wers or thundershowers was forecast for most other a reas of Northern California today. Th~ inches of snow feU at Sonora Pass on Highway 108, temporarily closing the trans- Sierra road. The s t o rm carried cool temperatures with it, dropping readings to 32 degrees at Tioga Pa.s.5 In Yosemite National Park a nd to 3 4 at L o dgepole in Sequoia NationaJ Park. M~ch of the valley was spared from t he rain, which could endanger crops nearing harvest. Rain was reported from Merced north and Light showers fell as far south as Fresno. The National Weather Service reco'rded .08 of an inch ol rain in Merced in the 24-hour period that ended at 7 a.m. today. The high temperature o{ 74 re cor ded i n Fresn o o n Wednesday was the lowest on record. Car crash creates parking lot chaos California H ighway Patrol officers said the parking lot of a Laguna Hills restaurant resembled a wrecking yard after a Dana Point motorist Jost control of bis auto and struck seven cars in the lot. CHP officer Ken Daily said the motorist, Marlon W. Wilbourn, 39, was arrested on suspicion of driving under the influence of alcohol. Daily said Wilbourn was headed northbound Wednesday nig_!lt on Averuda de la Carlota at about 80 miles per hour when he lost control of his auto near El Toro Road. Daily said the man's auto struck a curb, sheered a tree, vaulted a 5-foot wall and landed atop a row of cars parked at Coco's restaurant. No pedestrians were in the parkjng lot at the time, Daily said. Wilbourn was taken t'O Saddleback Community ,Hospital, w he re he was treated for a broken nose and other injuries, then released. BEIRU'l', Lcban'on (AP) Under cowr of mOC'k jet rnlds, lJJral'll t.onks unJ troop.1 bottled luhllft militiamen Cur l'Onlrol of we-st Bt:lrut tod"Y· and fl"hUng had died down to occaitlonul cunnon ond rltlP tire.• Chrlatlon radio 111.tttions said ll'fti~l mllltlumc•n hud ul(r~<t.'d ta atop tlaht.ln8. but lehh1t. rtl<.lio stations 11ud re1dst1.1nce would contlnut> unabated uguinst the laro<'ll8. Earlier report.s incorrectly Mid th<,> radio of the Mourabitoun, the largest militia of Lebanese Moslem leftl ts, announced the leftists agreed not to confront the Israelis. Israel announced ;l t'OntroUed "all key points" in west Beirut a nd Lebanese Prime Minister S haflk Wauan called for urgent U.S. help lo end what he called Israel's conquest of the war- sh&ttered city. The Israelis began their p,ush into former PLO strongholds of west Beirut on Wednesday, hours after the assassinatio n of President-elect Bashir Gemayel. They said they launched the drive to keep leftist militiamen from teaming with Palestinian guerrillas still In the city and launching more bloodshed. / They met resistance from NOISE. • • From Page A 1 ' levels have shown "a significant level of improvement" t he past two weeks. Edwards said noise levels recorded by PSA's OC-9 Super 80 jets arc comparable with those of Super 80s operated by other carriers at the airport. "h looks like they are now back with the pack," Edwaras said. PSA attributed t he excessive noise to higher than e xpected passenger loads on its Orange Count~ flights and hot weather in August. The added. passenger weight, coupled with the weather, required greater lakeoff thrust, officials said. PSA said in its letter to Riley that it had already started to deal with the problem before the supervisor raised the issue. "PSA is testing varioils takeoff procedures to ensure that even when public de m and and teroperatures are great, PSA is able to remain within the county's noise guidelines, ... PSA president Paul Bardley said in a letter to Riley. Riley, ln a letter of his own. expressed "deepest appreciation" for PSA's "positive response" to reduce takeoff noise levels. Under policies for the county government.owned air port, an airline can lose operating rights at the airport if noise levels are exceeded. More showers? Con s tnl Cloudy wllh tioht rein or drizzle throughout the d1y Alln 10 oontrnue with 1 chance of tllunderall~ late Ihle lltll'noon through Frld1y Highl lodey 86 lo 72 Overnight tows 60 to 611 Wermer on Fnd1y with high& of 70 10 711. Sc111ered thunderstorms were----"!"'-----------------"""' forec11t over the Gull Coast region. e111ern Texas and the ~ MIAISSlppl Vllley. Hlgha In the 501 and 601 -e predicted lro'm the northern Plain• to New England, In the 601, and 709 In lhe Pacific Nort"-t end from the GrNI Basin to the northern Rookies. in lhe 90s from the IOUthern Atlenllc Coast states through the Southweal. ellcept ::: '!.'=a;"endte. and in the California ; tu.._ w .. -St>tv<• 70 NOAA u s °"" oi c-v· Fronts: Cold ,... Warm 99 / lefllata Cirmg automatic nll and rockc•t·RrOpt'lled 1ircmHe1, but tlw Tel Aviv c.'Umrnl1nd IUllU tQday ,.th&t 11.:4 to1'C.'t'ft touaht thc•ir way past the lcfllal.lf and gucrrllht•t whom ttwy lt>rmed "terrorlttt.a,' and controlled "all kt'y pulnt.i." . The communique called on "citizens to re turn lo normul aclivltle11 ond on ull tcrrorl11U1 ond other armed persons to luy down their arms. All refugee camps In whi c h terro r l•~• wort• cont-cnttated remain surroundf'd and closed." The radio station of Gcmaycl's rightist Phalange Party rcportt-d an agreement by the lcftisL'f not lo fight. The report said representatives of the Mourabltoun and the Communist and Soctalist Parties walked out of a meeting at which lsraeli officers "demanded" an end to the r esistance. But the report added that the leftists then met among themselv~ nnd agreed to stop fighting . Lebanon state radio said Israeli forces seized control of all strategic areas along the f1ve- m i l e str e t c h o f beaches surrounding west Beirut befor~ closing in on the two shopping districts of Hamra and Cornlche Mazraa. Classes offered calligraphy • ID ClaslJes ln calligraphy, the art ot beautiful penmanship, are being offered thi.s Call through the Laguna Be~ch recreation department. t Sam o: Sch w e ltie r u commerc ial artis t und calhl{rapher for more than 50 years is the instructor, and • The ct l3J of Lugu na Bt>ach is accepllng applicauons for two pal't-lime ~=l asmstants a\ the city s r. Final filing dale for applications is Friday, and the • The Laguna Beach School of Art begins iL'\ 21st year of classes Sept. 27 wnh a variety of art c.'OurS<.>s oHercd. Registration IS now under wAy for the fall program with offe rings including off-the - clllll!IC.~ include tn&trucuon 1n creating manU11Cripta, acrolla, award1 and ccrtllicate1 in gold leaf. For information about tht- c I uss, t·a ll the recreation department at 497-3311, ext. 201. city is seeking applicants with some experience involving public: serv1c.-e. preferably m the area of animal care. Salary 1s $5.75 per hour. For information, call the city al 497 ·33 I 1. loom weaving, fiber, stained and leaded glass workshops and waterc.'Olors. For registration information, caU 497-3309 or visit the school a l 2222 Laguna Canyon .Road. That's showbiz • 1n HB council . By ROBERT BARKER Of the Dally Pllol Stett It's tough enough deahng with specific plans, wmng ordinances and oond1lional use permjts. But Huntington Beach City Council meetings soon will be cover ed live on local cable television. And there will be new pro blems for th e council members to face. focusing main ly on how lo look good on TV. (Port ions o f this story inadvertently were left out in Wednesday's edition.) John Bateman. executi ve dire"ctor of the Public Cable Television Authority, has made available to each council member a 17 -p agc memo o f do's and don'ts. He said in the m e m o h e reached back mto his 30 years of experience in telev1S1on to come up with the advice. One unfortunate thing the camera does, Bateman said, is to put about 10 pounds on the average person. • He said persons can work to make the ir faces appear thin, however, by sucking in checks and applying a coloring. He says thts accents the cheekbones and minimizes the jaw. Sweat is another problem . But Bateman says it will help if council members apply a filmy layer of makeup to help close pores and reduce the flrrlOunl of visible perspiration. If a few sweat beads should forefinger and wiping the finger with a handl<erchief. Wiping the brow with a finger will make one look thoughtful, he said. Bateman also advocates the use of pancake makeup before council meetings. If your hairline is receding, make sure you get the makeup into the hairlme, he said. And if your head is bald, cover surface. Bateman s u ggests wiping them discreetly with a the head with a light dusting of the makeup to cut_glare. He encourages women to carry the makeup down beneath the neckline of the dress or suit. "A partiaJ makeup job can be worse than no makeup at all," he warns. "You'll look as if you have a mask on , badly applied, and it will look like a death mask." Bateman also says vivid red lipstick and lip glQSS shouldn't be worn. "Finis h your lips with a dusting powder and make sure you have applied and blotted e nough layers o( lipstick to last throughout the meeting," he said. SCAVENGERS SEARCH TRASH . • • From Page A1 will be getting rid of things sooner." Some scavengers show up at the same supermarke t so often that they begin to look at it as their private domain. "The regulars keep everyone else away," Madden said. ''I've had them come up to me and complain this guy's trying to get into my trash bin. 'My' trash bin they call it." One woman. known only as Martha. shows up so often that she even bakes apple pies for the store employees using garbage castoffs. Fsther Cramer. vice president CHP to add ·headlights >for community relations of the Alpha Beta supermarket chain. said tha t trash d iggi ng is trespassing, adding that merchants worry about insurance problems stiould someone ge t sick or injured while picking through the discards. "I wouldn't want lo feed my family anything found in the garbage," Cramer said. Such concerns a ppare ntly don't worry scroungers, who are happy tr> get by on the junked food. • To combat the problem of unwanted trash pickers, som e alore chains are sending slightly stale goods to food banks or charities Joru VaJadez. manager of the Orange County Food Bank, estimates that 80 percent of the 50,000-60,000 pounds o! food- d1stributed·monthly to non-profit ~gencies comes from Safeway and Alpha Beta stores. "It's good food ," said Valadez. ''We get bread. deli and dairy: things that are getting near their· expiration date." Other stores are discouraging dumpster looting by putting fences aroun d trash bins or installing trash compactors that tum rubbish lo dust. South Orahge County patrol announced. Elalwher•. lrom Point Cc>nc4191lon lo lhe Mulcan bordef end out 60 mlln light verlabM wi nds becoming aouth to southw111 t2 10 20 knola this attwnoon and evening with 2 10 3 foot wind w1v11 South to IOUlhWHI swell 2 10 4 feel wtth some breakera In aoutn-factng beaches or 6 feet today •nd Frldey Occuional ano-& lodey with a Chane:. of thunderatK>wwa on Frldly A high t~ature or only 69 hu Mt • record es '-' high for Sept 15, undercutting lhe matk of 72 M l In 1968. 11 murlly. rnlaty -ti-began ill MCOncl week today In Soulhern Celffornla ---------~,,.. ...... --~-.-~~---~~"'!'!--t Tiie feellng of fall rollowed Allanla llO 67 ~:::::111~s :g ~~ :;:"~ 11agnen1 .urnmer neat ~::!~~c Cty ~: f: 02 Kana Clly 65 52 c.ars soon will be equipped with Capt. Chuck Chase of the. flashing h eadlamps to alert highway patrol's San Juan· motorists to the p~nce of an Capistrano office said the devices· emergen cy vehicle, the will permit high -b eam California Highway ~atrol has headlamps to flash alternately. r-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~: FIND OF THE WEEK! i U.S. sumniary Showere were 1ce1tered from norther'n Nevada to eoulheutern Idaho and more anow fell over the north-tern c:orner of Wyoming. Travelers advl1orle1 were laauad lor the Yeflowatooe end Tetoo perk areu of Wyoming. Light rain lingered acrou the central high Pl1ln1 10 the THU Panhendle and Into we11ern Oklahoma Thvnclwatonna -• ac.nereo along the Texu Gull Cout Ind acrou the -tern and middle .-:tlona of the Ten-v.,1ey "II atarted cooling 011 on the 8anlmore ~ 98 l<noa111111 64 67 8tll of the month ... Naflonal 8Utlngs 48 42 t~1ev:::C 87 &a Weather Service 1p1cra1111 Blrmlnghm 91 71 74 68 .05 Frankl• Shaw satd "There's a Bismarck 81 42 Lout11111re 85 84 low-~re 1yatem in Ille upPlf Boise 54 37 1.ubboc~ 76 62 a1rno1911«1, and If• localed now Boston 73 58 Memphll 89 72 77 OYlf Northern Calllornia. The now Brownallllt 97 7 4 Miami 89 79 around thla tow-preeaure ay1tem Buffalo 70 511 MllwaukH 87 49 .01 la giving Calllornta some motst air Burlington 71 511 68 Ml?l•·SI P 112 411 .03 :~o;:, ~d dH~nlng the m•rlne ~::n SC i~ ~~ .0 t ~!:'~~':.ant ~ • ~~ Siie Hid the cool condition Cllarllln WV 115 117 .04 New York 74 98 should per1111 through Friday Cllarltte NC M 611 ~:.1~:111 ~21 6652 ··wtth poul bllltlea of aome cn.yenne 51 42 01 "'-la City ,.9 ,..,. ac.ttered thundltlhowers." Chicago M 47 "" .. ..., The high• In downtown Loa Cincinnati 85 &4 ~~,!~!-~ 5073 Angeles on Frfdey lhould be In Clmbla SC 67 119 31 ..,,.. ........ .v Ille low 10. with e coeatal high Columbut 112 59 Phih1dphla 82 67 09 ranging rrom 98 to 75 Dal-Ft Wlh 90 119 03 Pl\Oerlt11 98 73 The WHlller service predicts Oeyton 115 65 Pltteburgh 92 63 doud)' a6clel ovoug.hOut SOU1h«n OenV« 85 411 Piiand, Me t7 62 .02 Calllornt1 end e 60 percent 0.. MOlnM 64 50 P1tand. <><• 75 47 ctlenoe of rlil> lhr""""" f'rldey. Oelrolt 119 67 Ot ProYldlnoe 111 St ~· Duluth 48 42 32 Raleigh 90 119 Orlule wet r eported from norlttern New England throvgh the lower GrNt LMI• region .inr.:a~:n:~.~ tcuo~~ ~ ... ~Ill T empe ral.ures northern Rockle1, with mid p NATION reedlngt WeClneadey moetly In .. Lo l"ep El PNO 92 117 33 A4lllO 47 37 91 F.,go 67 4 I Salt Lake 71 411 ~11att 69 4 I San Anlonlo 111 119 .06 Greet Fallt 80 40 02 S..llle 70 60 Hat1t0td,. It 62 04 ShrlY900f'1 93 71 HWnl 54 34 SIOUX Falla 50 47 Hon04\llu 18 76 St I.outs 74 65 Houlton· · 19 7t 01 St P·Tlll\C)I 90 74 lndnapfis u 67 81 811 Marie " 42 .oa Spokane 117 43 Syrecuae 70 55 2 t TCJ91k• 64 51 TUceon 19 Ill Tulse 71 114 WuNnotn 14 11 Wlchtt• M 51 40• acroaa Montana en Albany u 55 oe W~ng. Or'e411 Fiia, Mont , tied Albuque 76 65 111 rl()()f'd low for lhe date et 2t AlrMll1IRI 115 '55 • · • ct.gr-"~ 64 113 alto lf>'Md un-eonel>ly COOi elr ~ - Into the aouthlfn Plain• and mid • • SU Rf RIPIRT Mluiaalppl Valley, with mlddey • llmperllurea only In the 501 crow the T•xa• PanhMdll , ,.:.:::~hr:',:'c'::c: r~ li"~.:---~------------------ Ahead o f the 0001 al r . •-~liil.-lii'h• .. ._ _______ "1111!1 _ _, ternperatUl'M --In Ille IOW toe -• from Texaa· ooaatel plain to r....-e w-A-• -tern Ten,__ ~ A\tfJM9f. ......_ T CA'-#OfMA Aoott Vtitty "~ ... 77 541 11 67 10:05 a m. I.OW TICI• 3:6' p m .,... .. Over the At11nllc, Hurrloane Huntington 8tutt1 M 9000 ~ 0.bby mOYad otoeer to lletfnu4a. Huntlnaton Pl« 2·4 fair.good N Temperaturta eround tlle 81nta ~na RlWf Jtfly 4.5 rlilr 70 netlOn at noon POT renotf lfOl'll 40tll St. Newpof1 4•1 fl!H 70 • tow o f 34 deoreu 11 22nc1 1t. ~ 1 ,.., "10 Y*"9tone, WYo .. to. hlOtl of.. lllltio. Wtc!Ot M ,.,, 70 al McAllen, fexaa; Oulfpott, ~pit. IAOun• a..e ltlf 70 M .... MU •• MuMll Nt '°'oe lleloV HOllOw 2...:) ltlf 911 e-In Monlgomely, Ala. TilllieA9,00ll• ' tlllr 911 ,Of todey -'l•td lhOww1I 1M Cltllltrtte Pier 3-6 fOOd M end tllunderahower• wer• T,..llOtt ~ aoroM tM <kMl 11e11n. (T ...f"ttte1> a.s 9000 n d from New J e raer and Pennar 1wen11 111rou1n 1111 TOMOlllROW. H10f1 TIOe ll«n Allenllo Co•t elat• OlrectlOn lou1h. ' Tides TOOAY konil IOw 3·12 p,m 8cond h!Oft I. 11 p.m. ,... 1.0 8.4 Flf•t IOw 3.IO am. 0 4 Flt•I ~ 10.0S em d.I hoond" IOw 3 Ill p m 0 I lecond higfl 10.01 p 11'1 • 1 lun Ml• todey 11 9 II p.m .. riMe ,rldey at I 31 • m Moon ,.... 1oo.v •• e 31 a "'·· eetaeltNpm ., SEIKO Introducing the Adventurer, Seiko;,. new stainless steel bracelet watch created especiolly for the bold, active spirit. Water tested to 300 feet, the wotch also feoture1 an olorm chronograph, doy ond date, and hourly time signals. Anolog face with luminous markers and digital disploY, show the tln'le in three ?.Onet. $215. SLAVICK·s ,_ ....., Slnt9 1t t, ,llNefl ...... (7141 ..... •• • .....,.,""" -Alie Gl'elW laAflllllt. Slfl Dilfl •la .... NO BETl"ER TIME. NO BETT£R Pl.AC£. • t . : • r . : -1 • • l Orang• Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Thuraday. Stpt.mbtr 18, 1982 Endless parking study hasn't solved problenJ For a t least 30 yrar s sometimes it seems like half a century Laguna Beach <:1ty councils have been brooding ov('r the possibihty of enlarging the capacity of the Glenneyre Street parkmg lot by l'reating som e sort of a multi-level parking structure. At one point the idea was to set it up with rooftop te nnis courts. Another s tudy pro posed combining parking with · senior citizen housing. These fe ll by the wayside, but when the present- council tackled the p e r e nnial parking problem. the focus once more was on the Glenneyre site. The council paid a consulting firm $5,000 to come up with a pla n and even appointed a citize ns' committee to offe r suggestions for use of the site. The consultant recommended a 3 112 -story parking structure. The committee favored a 2 112 -story building. Las t w ee k the council rejected both ideas and voted 3 to 2 to forget the Glenneyre site and explore the idea of a massive parking structure in the area o f the cit y employees' parking lo t nnd th<' soon to -bc-a bnndonl'd sewage treatment plunt close.r to City Hall. Th<.· argume nt was that the center of the city has )shifted and any parking structure should bC' more con venient t o Forest Avenue. That's a ll Wt'll and good, but th e G l e nne y re site sti ll i s convenient to a great many of the town's activi ties . And the $1 million c urre ntly in tpe city's parking <iuthority fund would go a long way toward building a less massive structure there. La gu na n ee d s mor e d~wntown pa rking n ow -not more delays while more options are explored. It's probably likely both s ites eventually will be needed. The upper Forest Avenue l ocation would indeed be convenie nt during the festival season and probably would be cost e ffective. But while a ll that is being studied, it would make a great deal of sense to ge t at least something usable under way -in a hurry. Nuke advice flawed State e merge ncy pla nning State officials insist the worst officials and representatives of the ex pos ure Laguna n s co u 1 d Ntx:lear Regulatory Commission e xperience outdoors would only be have drawn up an evacuation plan equ ival e nt t o the expos ure to be implemented in~~~'""~ • r~hted A.uri~tt h~ca' ~ .. a nuclear accident a t San Onofre. using radioactive materials. And The draft -pla n includes that would be cut in half if they instructions for residen ts within a stayed indoors. • 10-mile radius of the plant, setting out Si)ecific escape routes and evacuation centers for various neighborhoods in the area. · There are no instructions for Laguna Beach since it is outside the 10-mile radius. The emergency planners say Lagunans would be sufficiently protected b y jus t remaining in their h1>mes if a radioactive plume from the plant should head in their direction. That, city officials say. is hardly realis tic. How m a n y residents are going to stay home and just peek out the window while evacuees from further south are zipping up the highway to their designated evacuation centers to the north? City Council members aren't happy about all this and want to meet with NRC and state and co uqty e m e rge n cy planning offici<JlS to discuss the question of i n c 1 u.d in g Laguna in th e emergency zone. At least they think Lagunans s h ould be provided with the educational material distributed to south county residents for use in the event of a nuclear emergen<:y . This doesn't seem too much to ask. The plant is only 16 miles south of Laguna -and four miles of extra distance might not make that much differen ce in a "worst case" scenario. Funds wisely placed The City Council made a good .trade-off in deciding to take $10,- 000 budgeted for a new sound syjtem for City H a ll council c hambers a nd invest it in additional fire protection for the station serving Top of the World and Arch Beach Heights. Since it was built in 1968, Station 3 at the corner of Alta Laguna Boulevard and 'tree Top Lane has only occasionally been m anned by t hree full -tirne firefighters. And as the hilltop neighborhood s grew, so did concern that the two firefighters usually on duty would be hard- pressed to cope with a major blaze. There is funding for a third • positio n a t the s tation in next year's budget, but that won't be in effect until June of 1983. In actuality, a third position requires hiring three individuals to staff the post a r ound the clock in e ight-h o ur s hifts, so it is a substantial investment. Meanwhile, coun cil members decided t o fill tli\e gap by abandoning the ir sound system a nd u sing the money to fund enough extra shifts at Station 3 to keep three firefighte rs on duty most of the time. The decision s hould be reassuring to hilltop residents and take some of the h eat off the council. Participants in the council sessions will just have to speak up. Opinions expressed in the space abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Other views ex· presMCI on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invil ed. Addrwss The Dally Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 642·4321. . L.M. Boyd/ Retirement No. 56 on that list of do's and don'ts for those contemplating retirement: "If you want to go. go someplace where they don't know your nickname." No. 31 is: "Count your drinks and dollars. but never count your days." No. 23 is: "Don't plan as far ahead as you did when you had your da~ghter vaccinated in a place you thought would never show.' When a woman is separated from per man for some time, her affection for him tends to wane. But not so, the man's affection for her. Such were lhe . findinips in psychologjcal studies •t the ,Uruveraity of Redlands. Our Love and War man cannot confirm this. It has been hta experience that abeence makes the heart grow fonder equally in men and women -for a ahort time. ' ' ' ORANGE COAST . Daily Pilot P~h\-... ,,. .. , •• ,,,. ....... no WW .. , \I Co\ta NW .. .__.., ,.,,n.......,..,., •• llt• '* C1nt• -... (A '1U• . Lexicographer Gyles Brandreth has put out a book about dictionary· making called "The Joy of Lex." Q. Chips in England are thick fried slices of potatoes. So what do the English call potato chips as we knO¥' them? A. Crisps. . ,.. Do you buy the claim of some psychologists that certain women can enlarge their bu.t measurements wtth self-hypnosis? Neither do I. Q . Who invented tcimon? A. Same genius who invented the Army tank. Leonardo d.a Vlnct Brazilians like •vocadoa for brealdast. Th'emaa '· Hal4JY Publ•tl- Thomot A. Murphln• (d••Of Jane Amorl E1tcUll•• (d•IOf ... lcilrttcwo IC....WCh ld 10tiul l oei-Cd.tor Thotnot Mceonn MOllOQ1<19 f d~or / q Ill 'If tOtl'Jl nt' Wt$ "'1'\IJl.MI \ rw n~ 0~1 .. " © lNFLATiON /. Letters to the editor · Legislature must MAILBOX set priorities .. have a situation such as the one on 19th Street in Cost.a Mesa? There sits one lone high-rise domina ting its neighbor&, totally misplaced. Most of our c i lizens favor the d e te rmin e d by a balanced Civic redevelopment of downtown using "the To the Editor: Committee. Their approach could entail village concept" as Laguna and Seal I noted with interest your Sept. 5 constructive persuasion, legal boycotts, Beach have done. These cities have .. - editorial, "Procrastination Costly." The n o n -pa tr o n i zing, and media wonderful low-rise commercial uses editorial appropriately pointed out that· identification of "offending" stgn· which are aesthically pleasing with.· chaos reigns during the closing days of a holders. patios, walkways. and open spaces. legislative session and that ... the The present policy to compel basic These businesses are financial successes ~-~~f!;~=~ti:l~~~~r ... =1~fs9io;~~-iot:~ ;~~7uf e =d~!~: :=:;t;;-;;1'da;;:1~1:;!-- bills and a rapidly approaching deadline. American way of individual freedoms, our downtown. We want those who As you pointed out. the Legislature communication, cooperation and public develop our city to make a fair profit and failed to send to the governor its pay consideration. those who buy into ~ community to rat.? bill. If we look at the overall scope Let's be fair and realistic. Costa Mesa prosper. We ~ant visitors to return. A of the legislative session, we find several has been blessed by a responsive, village plan would help. Those backing reasons why our failure to do so was responsible business community. an the high-rise plan contend that theirs is a justified. indispensable contributor to our having "village concept." I have traveled in 32 First, I should clarify that there are attractive educational, social and low-tax foreign countries on four continents. and many hard-working l~gislators who are advantages. Small businesses have a I never saw a village with 12-story not adequately compensated for the time right and a need to advertise properly, buildings. · ) they devote to their full-time positions. and duty toward beautification. Yet, JOANNE C. STEVENS-' The most effective legislators are the why shQuld the council punish everyone most conscien tlous, put ting in ·especially in these trying economic times workweeks which ext.end to six days and for the bad manners of a few? sometimes seven. ' CHRISTOPHER MAGEE STEEL THIS WAS a year, however. when the Legislature should have grasped a golden opportunity to-establish priorities and to redure or eliminate state spending in superfluous areas. It didn't happen. F.ducation is suffering greatly because priorities were not ~t.ablished . We still face the poulbiUty of deficits -because we borrowed from this year's revenues to balance the past fiscal year's budget. Worse yet, we allowed special interest bills to get through to benefit speciflc legislators at the expense of the overall st.ate budget. Until the Legislature ls willing to reprioritize, it is inappropriate for us to grant ourselves pay raises in the face of the cuts we have asked others to absorb. I believe this will not happen until we see a change in the composition of the Legislature -but it must happen. The fact that a legislaUve pay raise this year wu not approved does not cloud the fact that certain legislators are deserving of pay increases. lt'a just that as a body, we should take care of the atat.e's most import.ant business before even considPring it. MARIAN BERGESON Aaemblywoman. 74th District Rule or represent? To the Editor: Now the mayor of Newport Beach and her followers on the oounciJ are suing her constituents? For disagreeing with her? Or. doesn't she remember? It seems a taste of power leads to a thirst for power. and eventually to downright tyranny In the hearts of our small-time politicos. And all of this, right from the steps of City Hall! We can only observe that it has become as perilous for the citizen to exercise his political freedoms as it is to be a good Samaritan. In both cases, one must now face the intimJdation of being sued. And In this Instance, by those who would rule us, rather than represent us. REBA WILLIAMS Repeal sign law To ihe F.ditor: The Costa Mesa Council could best serve the laudable causes of civic beautiflcaUot\ ind harmony by repealing the controversial slgn ordinance. Such unpopular but cour"Seous deciaiveneu would ~move the growlng potential of costly, divisive litlgation by all sides against the city. Actually, It. would be \axpayer agalnat \axpayer. whereby we alJ loee! · A repeal would ellmln.aie the ruttent dllcrimlnatlon against le1a1. but non· conforming tlif\I. Furthermore, a repeal would avola any dlscrimlnation or · un fairneaa that ml1ht be Celt by conronn1n1 sign holden lf the council enacu a questionable, proposed mocllflcat.lon In Novembe>r. • OONClJIU\ENT wllh reptal, It would be mendatory upon the council to provide• •trona. sincere leaderablp tor effective, voluntary met.hodl of alterlna or elhnlnattn1 undealrablo al1n1 H { Police expertise To the F.ditor: Members of \he-SeaView &ard of Directors join m e i n offe ring congratulations to the Newport Beach P olice Department for the expertise shown in handling the recent armed robbery/hostage situation within our community. Prompt action by pa trol oCficers, SWAT members, helicopter pilots and all other personnel during the several ho~ of involvement provided the perfect solution lo a tense situation. Gr.eat restraint was shown by the officers not firing their weapons during the suspect chase. The community of SeaView thanks the entiN! Newport Beach Police Department for the calm. peaceful endJng. All citizens of Newport Beach are lucky to have the protection of this fine department. · JOANN M. BROCK President Sea View Homeowners Association What 'village'? To the F.ditor: Huntington Beach again faces the prospect of high.rise buildings and their resulting problems in the downtown area. The City Council has approved a general plan whic h would allow structures of 12 steries. A similar but larger plan was overwhelmingly rejected by the public in 1976. Many of the same objections have been voiced by both residents in the proposed redevelopment area and cit.hens from other partl of the city. The plan emphasizes commercial and office structures that would serve an area limited in access (no freeways) and limited in surrotfnding financial possibilities. Would or could the downtown compete even modestly with HunUnaton Cent.er, Westminster Cent.er, or South Cout Plaza? If not, would these buildings become condominium• resulti~ in a severe economic drain on the cit Would any ciUzeN be wllllng to fiaht t e traffic to patronize downtown? '!'fie area ls already congested. To add more traffic even wl\h the planned street modif!catlons and closings would not eolve the problem but exacerbate it. IF THERE were full implement.ation of the plan, what would be the rnult for the downtown area? A few blocks Inland alone one or two streets would be high· rise and more medium to hlgh-ris bulldlnp along Pacific Coast Highway from Buch to Golden Weat, thu1 dwarfing the 1urroundln1 rHJdencea. Would anyone, even the approving council membera, resone their own neighborhood.I with a plan like tJ\J.a one? What of th~ people who in to<>d faith buy these buUdinp which ml&h\ not ful(IJJ ec:onomlc projectloN? Will we L•t .. ,,,,..., ..... ,,., .... t<-Tllefltllll•t-let ten .. ht-• ..... ..,..,.,, llMI I\,_... ~t ti • -·· ..... , '-ilt • ,,_ ..... ,tfK. "" ..... ,,. ''""' '" c ........... ..,. .... INtfllllt -·" ..,. _, _,. .. ••1 ..... 1•.,. ...,_,I ti Wfh(ltfll rH'611 I\_.,., "'""' ••II Ml It ..,_.,_ l..•11 .. \ M•Y .. 191f,,,_. I• t4) .. N1mt •M ..... ,._, 01Ille4 .. ttlll<I .. -" •ti weft i.r ••••hUllM ....... '9. I Let church grow To the Editor: As a senior at Harbor High and a 15-year resident, I would like to make known my complete and unwavering support for the building plans presented by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. My father has always told me that if a person or organiz.ation is not willing to change it will never grow -change and growth go hand in hand. At St. Andrew's w e have a tremendous potential to grow. There are man y peeple in the community we can reach out to and support. However, we need a building that will provide us with the space and resources necessary to reacn these- ~ple. We have presented a building program ~t will allow us to reach new people ana·support them. A church is like a support group for the surrounding community. St. Andrew's 11upports and aids some 3,000 local residents who attend the church. I would like to see our su.pport of the community and our outreach to people increase. Yes, we are asking for a change. A change that will enable us to grow as people and to grow as a church. We all must be very careful never to deny the p eo ple of this community the opportunity to grow. MELISSA MITCHELL Life at 83 To the &litor: Not satisfied wttb the $10 per month taken by Supplemental Security Income (SSI) because people who never went to school learned what little they do know from computers, now, besides the pound of flesh they want my blood. Today my Social Security amt SSI checks rombined amount to about $449. And now that my ren\ has skyrocketed again to $460, where do I get any money to buy a piece or new rope? WHO DO I thank for this mess? I oould start with Reagan; then Jarvis and aU the hunks that voted for ProposiUon 13. By the way. wasn't it Proposition 13 that dJd away with the state aurplua? Now that I am not pennitted to put' anything into the bank except my SS ana SSL who p&ya the $11 balance on my rent? Who pays my $35-plus utility. bills? Who buys rny clothes? Of coune, most of my clothes have come from the trash bin -and I think there's 1e>me extra food gut there in the trash. Me? I'm just an old 83 years. Time for me to die anyhow! W.J . ARMSTRONG &le&a of t.ry[ng to idd moN naUonaJ holidays -(Martin Luther~ Dly, Elvia ~ey Day, etc.) to the cafendar, why don't we reduce the nwnbe,r and IAYe IOOMI li~ \he ftAab~? · ANTl-0Rl1NK DRIVER· ....... , ......................... ~.--.---i • _....,.. ,.._,.._ ,,._ ..... •• f f r • .,_ ,..,., ................. Delft...... ' , THURSDAY. SEPT. HS. 1982 L BUSINESS 86 THI GOUT Ill THI caum STOCKS 87 ~,. ~,,,~ ( Calling the park officials ~ bluff OUR PARKING PILEUP: State government has finally coughed up the first money that Will be used to start development at qur new Crystal Cove State Park, between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. It's a modest sum, to say the least. · Gov. Brown signed the appropriations bill to allocate $5 million to the park. • · Now. for those of us . ~ who subsist these days on · peanut butter and .jelly • ~ sandwiches, $5 million ·~r.... sounds fike a mighty tall TOM MURPHINI ,~ " pile of dollar bills. But you ---------"'.--...... have to look at what it will buy at the new park. The money will proviqe some restrooms, a visitors' center, and some parking spaces. That's it. ' A t THIS IS A FAR CRY from the appropriation that was originally sought by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach, calling for the state government to spend $1 million each year fof the next 20 years. It's difficult to determine how much parking really will be built for the beach visiting citizenry. One state report suggests eventually, there will be 1,970 parking spaces to service the park's 3.65 miles of beach. D.it, Not ~ bJ CMrtM llan haron Green pushes herself and class. Arrows indicate state's proposed blulltop parking at Crystal Cove That compares to Big Corona in Newport, where 488 spaces are provided for just 0.28 of a mile of beachfront. The suggestion here is that the state hasn't even really started yet and already it doesn't have enough .parkirtg. ANOTHER REPORT QUOTES Ronald, Rawlings of the state Department of Parks and Recreation as saying that l ,035 parking places will be ·provided above the Crystal Cove area beaches on the bluffs. Construction of these spaces would be completed, he said, within three ~~. . Part of the state general plan for Crystal Cove park says that four 60-<:ar lots will be created where the horse 'center is now located and another 300-car lot at Reef Point. That's room for 540 cars. You are left to presume that for now, at least, the other 875 cars that give you a 1,415 capacity of "existing" slots must be along the highway sh~. REGARDLESS OF HOW you play the numbers game, the state comes up short of needed parking and worst of all, state officials are blundering ahead and putting that parking in absolutely the ,wrong place. That is, on top of the bluffs. The bluff area, between Coast Highway and the beach, could be landscaped with grass, some trees, greenery, meandering paths, J)erhaps even some picnic tables and barbecue units. The area could provide a beautiful, scenic, passive place where you could look out upon the Pacific. Not only would it preserve open space; it would enhance it. Instead, it appears that the state is going to blacktop it. Pave it over, so you can gaze out over a sea of camper trucks to view the ocean. This, my friends, is absolute madness. ANY KIND OF THOUGHTFUL planning would preserve-mat open space and place parking facilities inland of the highway. Pedestrian overpasses would be provided for safe access to the beaches. But all evidence to date suggests this isn't going to happen. The state is going to do it on the cheap. And we will be blessed with another Bolsa Chica. .. An aerobic convert tell how to'jump ea ily into the frenzied routine nonchala11tly on Page B2. 0 D ~ Getting • the jump on vitality By SANDIE JOY °' 1t1e o.iir Hot lteft At first, Sharon Green couldn't keep up the pace; .now others are hard pressed to keep up with her. Furthermore, sne's obsessed. She admits it. She started out struggling through routines just a few days a week; now every day she does at least an hour of ('Oncentrated, isolated muscle exercises. She's into aerobics. She's so far into It, in fact, she now teaches others several days a week at Nautilus Plus in Irvine's Centerpoint business plaza. And, she's teamed with two ~other UC Irvine graCJuate students to form an aerobics- business which, among other endeavors, ls running the first county-wide aerobics competition Sept. 25 at Los Caballeros _ Racquei.-and Sports Club in Fountain Valley. She started with aerobics a year ago as a hobby and a way to become better conditioned for the acting career she hopes to pursue after completing her master's degree in dramatic uts at UCI. "It's like, video games," she suggested. ''Once you try it, you get hooked into it. That's why It's goin.g to be around for awhile. "It's big business in Southern California. lt's huge here." . One dentist became so enamored with aerobics she now teaches 6 a.m. fitness classes before going into her dental office. Of her own introduction to the sport, Green recalled, ''l couldn't keep up with lhe instruct.or the first few times. Then, I kept up 60 percent of the time, then 62 percent ... " Wlthin six weeka Green volunteered to fill in for the instructor at Spa Lady in Fountain Valley. Now, she's on staff lhere, too. Green ticks off aerobics' benefits with enthusiasm: "You lose weight, first of all. A good aerobics routine will use up 450 calories in an hour. "Y:ou lose a lot of inches and tone up a lot. < . "I find It improves your mental outlook. your brain. "U I'm deprused. I can get rid of it with aerobics or I can get rid of anger, too. "You just feel better-a~ut yourself and you meet a lot of people. The guys are fun, too." Green .said she's encountered many men working out on weights who've belittled aerobics. .-.'Then they try it," she said, "and they're in pain." "Aerobics are difficult, not ~e sit-ups you did in high school. There must be 20 different exercises for the wais! alone, then for the inner and outer thighs. "What makes the aerobic• routines bearable is the music." Green said s h e and her business partners, Colleen Newbry and Tom Gloe, hope to at least break even on lheir Sept. 25 competition. Six teams of four will choreograph a five-minute routine to music of their choice 80 an actual round is 30 minutes of n on -stop running," she explained. "The professional division involves instructors, so routines are quite difficult and creative. Because of the long period of running and difficulty of the various steps, endurance becomes a strong consideration for the judges." After long stretches of the most frenzied gyrations, the pace eases as exercisers do less hectic leg lifts. Prospective contest.ants may call 556-4301. F oriner NB officer Siini Valley chief Former Seal Beach Police ,Chief Edward Cibbarelli has been appointed chief of police in Simi Valley , a suburban community of 80,000 in Ventura County. Cibbarelll , a reaident of Huntington Beach, previously served as a lieutenant In the N ewport Beach P o li ce ,Department. He takes over hl.s new duties Sept. 27. He will rece ive a salary of $45,000 while heading a department of 76 \Worn officers. Cibbarelli was believed to be one of lhe youngest police chiefs in the state when he became Seal Beach chief in 1974 at the ~e of 30. He resigned in 1980 to~ ,president of a Gerdel'\ Grove manuflCtUJ'ina flrrn. "I mJued police work and I ihlnk thla ta a areat ORportunJty," he said. Slml Valley Deputy City • • Manager Mike Bedell said that the Simi Valley police department had been the target of criticism earlier this year. He said one Incident involved an allegation of a rape In a h1Jlding cell and another case concerned missing evidence. Sedell said neither allegation was proved but that former Police Chief Donald Rush resigned in June in the midst of a controveny. "There'• been some c,ilfflcultles ln the past but there has been an effort to take care of them. We'll wait and see," ClbbareW said. Cibba.relli made the new1 In 1979 when he nearly drowned in the swimming pool of his home, then ln Costa Mesa. Police at the tlme uld Cl bbarelU blacked out· while swlmmlnt durln1 a barbecue attended by Hveral police oftlcen. ' - Shooting range compromise too late?. Environmen\alista, develo~ra and the county have reached a co mpromi se allowing ·construction of a 400-acre 1hootln1 and 1porta recreation area In Coal Canyon. But the &l"fftnent may not be In time for the 1hooting ranee to be u9ed In . the 1984 Olympks. Oranae County Sllpervlaors Wednead•r denied a Sierra Club •PP" to atop rorut.rucUon of the facility. However, the supervisors did Insert several condition• that Coal Canyon Partnenhlp, the developer, had agreed to after talks with the Sierra Club. The cl ub and other environmental groups had feared the canyon, whlch contains one of only four grove1 of Tecate cypre11 treea In the United States, would be damaged by construction of the facility. · 'I The environmentalists were concerned about protection of the soil and 1everal other plant species al.lo. .. Supervisor& added some protection for the cypresae1, outlined procedure• for replacement of U'ees and agreed to have a consult.ant on the lite durtna tree-cleerina to advile on ways to protect wifdllfe~ TIMI agreement may be too late for the facility'• use as the ... shooting range In the 1984 Olymplc1, however. Games or1anlzena had che>1en the aJte, but only It construction began by Sept. 1 of t.hta year. Board ot Supervl1ors Chalrman Bruce Neat.ande said Wedneeday lt may atlll be po11lble to lure the Olympic competition to the alte, but develo.,.na would not comment on the prob.bUJty. r . ,. \1 ·1m111111111 THURSDAY. SEPTEMBER 16. 1981 ORANGE COUNTY C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Irvine, -Emera.Id Bay oppose sewage project The Ahso Water Management Agency ts applying to the federal government for a program that could cut sewage treatment costs to the agency by $400,000 a year. But two participants in the seven-member agency -Laguna Beach and Emerald Bay -have gone on r ecord opposing the money-saving program. The agency (AWMA) was formed a decade ago to construct a $100 million regional sewage system that ultimately would serve 45,000 acres in south Orange County. Laguna Beach and Emerald Doze:rs shore up beach By BOB BARKER Of the Delly ~lot llatt The U.S. Navy and the federal government1'ame under criticism from a numbe r of Surfside Colony residents as bulldozers worked late into the night and today protecting the homes from flooding. All re s iden ces In th e endangered northern part of the community made it through the night unscathed after bulldozer crews from Orange County put up a 10-12 foot high sand barrier bv the time a 6.5-foot high tide hit at 8:31 p.m., Wednesday. Only 2 1h f ee t of sa nd separated the sandbagged homes from high Wate r earlier in the day when city officials put out an emergency call to the county. The bulldozers, working in single file and with l,ights on, widened the barrier to about 15 feet. They were back on the job at 6:30 a.m. today getting ready for another high tide of 6.4 feet al 9: 19 tonight that officials fear m ay combine with hurricane . Norman to bring more woes. Resident Al Golgart says the "government screwed the whole thing up" by putting in a rock (See BEACH, Pa1te A2) Takeoff Bay art• ex1x!clt't.I W hook into th<.• treatment system , lu<.·atC'd in A1u;o Canyon, early next yl't1r Under the Cederul program, a c.'08Slal treatment fru:1hty, u<·h as A WMA. wlll be allowc.'<i to avoid upgrading treatment services to meet expens ive "seconda1 y" pollut1on standards. The ISSUC is OVt'r how much treatment agencws must giv<.• sew age be fore 1t can .. b<.• dischargc.>d into tt\c oc.-ean. lmuaJly, the Clean Water .Act set a goat of 85 percent removal of po llutants . Sut Con gress 1:hang<>d that to 11ppro>e1mutcly 3~ pt.•n.'t•nt Ttwn· is a calc.'h, of C.'<>Ur&' The ugcn<.•y must"'prove -through a senes of complt·~ reports and apphcations that the highe r pollution levels will not hai·m the oc.'Can (•nv1ronm\:nt.. That's where the c ity of Laguna Beach and the Emerald Bay s~rvicc d istrkt part ways w i th the other five A WMA purtic1pants Th()S(' agencies parl1c1pating m the massive sewer treatment system include the Irvine IU!nch Water District, South Laguna Count.f Water Dlstr1ct, Moulton N1gue Water Dilltrict, Lo6 Allsos. Water District and the El Toro Water Di~tr1ct. Officials in those agencies voted th is year to retain the Pasade na engineerine firm of Brown and Caldwell to prepare the complex reports necessary to seek a waive r of highe r treatment standards. Both Laguna Beach and Emerald Bay said they would not participate in the $100.000 study. "Our city council turned 1t d o wn ,·• said J.,.·aguna Be a c h assistant city manager Terry Bulldozers build up sand barrier to stave off h igh waves in Surf ide as the beach colony prepare for more p~nishing tide toniglu. Brandt. "The concern was-th<' potential degradatio n of coastal waters were m orl.' pollutants allow<.'<! to flow into the ocean," ho said. In addition, h e suld, the expensive SCl'Ondary treatment complex for A WMA has already been con structed 1n Aliso Canyon . But Bill Sukenlk, general mana_ger of the seven -member agency, said Environmental Protection Agency endorsement of a lowe r standard of treatment could save the agency as much as $400,000 in c:osts for operation, Dally Piiot l"llOlo bJ Palrlcll O'DonMll 440ne guy drives up every day at 6:55 a.m. I've been told he's loaded." maintenance and energy. "The bl~est savings would be m energy,' the manager said. He said the agency la applymg for a 7S perce nt removal of suspended solids, instead of the 85 percent removal required by the Clean Wat.er Act. But Sukenik said approval of the cost-saving program won't come until several hu_rdles are cleared. ''For one thing, our application requires the 'bl~ang of the local Sari Die go Regional Water Control Board,'' he said. (See SEWER, Pige A2) Students • increase in Irvine By GLENN SCOIT Oftti. DallJ Piiot Staff Officials say the latest b:aby boom is making a mild bulge in enrollment at Irvine's public schools. AboutAj)O new students have reporte<i to class this faU, a 3 percent increase over the 15,462 on campus by the e nd of the first month last year, said Da"e King, planning a nd facilities director for the Irvine Unified School District. · But in the kinde rgarten classes, the enrollment has shot up at a 7 percent rate, he said. Wednesday, 1,098 youngsters were enroUed compared to 1,016 last year. King said he expected the kindergarten classes to hold more childre n \han last fall, but "it went up a little higher than I expected." However, King said he isn't surprised by-the change becaW!e the statewide baby boom was bound to cause higher enrollments in Irvine. A key question, thoullh. was whether reside nts In this high-priced community would generate the numbers. "You drive arouna Northwood (See STUDENTS, Page A%) • noises ... - decr ease Ti-ash diggers elean up Tak eo ff noi se levels attributable to Pacific Southwest Airlin es hav e drop ped "significantly" in two weeks - the apparent result of pressure placed on the carrier by Orange County Super visor Tho mas Riley. Riley took the San Diego - based carrier to the woodshed recently aft.er learning that PSA, which operates four flights daily from Orange County, had exceeded allowable takeoff noise levels. The amount of added noise, however, was considered minor and could not be detected by the human ear, according to county . officials. Nonetheless, PSA told Riley in a Sept. 10 letter that it was intent on being a "good neighbor" and would alter takeoff procedures to reduce noise expos ure over close -i n ai rp ort area neighborhoods. The carrier apparently had been successful. Chris Edwards, an airport noise abatement official. said PSA 's average takeoff noise . (See NOISE, Page A2) ... . Dally Piiot f'tlolo by Gary Amllf- A n unidentified scavenger searches through refuse in Newport Beach. Sometimes they "strjke gold" in other people's discards. By JODI CADENHEAD O(tM Dally Piiot Staff The balding man stepped out of his late mode l Oldsmobile. His wife waited an the car while he rummaged through the trash bin be h ind the Newport Beach supermarket. pulling out a couple or nice sized black rubber mats. A less experienced scavenger might hav~ overlooked the pair of mats. but the trash digger , like other regulars, kne w what he . was doing. Like the man before him who had fished a box of macaroni out of the supermarket dumpster fiUed with empty boxes, wilted le ttuce and a carton of s mall plums, he refused to talk about the r eclamation habit some merchants cynically refer to as "second jobs." Once considered the purview of the poor. tras h digging has become more popular with the middle class and even the rich during the current recession. "We have our regular people who go through the trash every day," said Frank Madden, manager of Smith's Food K.Jng in Newport.Beach. "One guy drives up every day at 6:S5 a.m. It's like a job for him. I've been told he's loaded." Most scroungers .rise early. maki-ng a round o f the local supermarket dumpsters before other scavengers. flies and the actual refuse coUectors arrive. Produce past its prime, torn boxes or food and stale bread are the most commonly sought after items by trash hunters. Before m oving from Palm S prings to Smith's Food K6ng In * * * S ome times, The lovel y a~ seemingly brand-ne w russet fur jacket discovered in a s upe rmarke t trash bin in Costa Mesa proved to be a lucky and unusual find during a search for discards. The d yed rabbit jacket was lying on top of a pile of rubbish , untouched and overlooked by another scavenger who had ~n peering Into the bin seconds before. But the jacket turned out to be a rare treasW'e. Like the princess who had to kiss a lot of toads, t r ash di&gers have to look thro ug.h many garbage cans before hitting gold. A three-hour search of trash bins in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach turned u little else of Costa Mesa. store manager Rich Owings said he frequently saw scroungers in the desert resort town . "It ha ppens much more in the affluent areas," said Owings. "They realize that people will be much more finicky and the stores <See SCAVENGERS, Page A%) **~ a treasure value and little that was ed.tble. Stores in better neighborhoods have less blemished fruit -a carton of plums and some slightly willed lettuce were among the top offerings. Most trash diggers st.art al 6 a.m. and have finished collC!Cting by 8 a .m. Lettuce and tomatoes that can look a lmost appealing in the early morning dampness turn putrid when surrounded by flies in the hot afternoon sun. Food and produce still in bags or cartons. ~m to be the most popular finds. Store managers said that otherwise good food is tos9ed out If the box has been opened or if the expiration date has passed . . lllDEX Work starts soon on Crystal Cove Park Wo r king three sh if ts a day without co(( ee breaks, robots will outpace humans. T h ey performing now at Wescon. Page A-3. A4 Ann Landers A7 Movies 86-7 Mutual Funds are A7 C7 B6 Al Your Service Erma Dombeck Business Caval~de Classified Com1ca era.word Death Noticet St.an Delaplane F.dltorlal F.ntenalnrnent lntenru..fon A7 Public Notices C4-5,D3-4 04-8 Sporta C l ·6 -02 Dr. Stelncrohn A7 02 Stock Markets 87 03 Televislon C8 A7 Theaters C7 A6 Weather X.2 C7 World News A7 "' C7 r . .. • ., .... j Ue v e loproen t of p11 rk Ing facilities, trails and campelte5 at C r ystal Cove S tate Park, the 3,000-acre stretch of coastal terrain south of Corona del Mar. is scheduled to begin early next year. St.ate park officials, charged ·with grooming the park for the public, this week were alloca~ $S million for the development chores. The mon~_y la lo be tpent CllrYing obt several Parking lots, a network ot trails and day campsites -1'9provf'menta deallfled to lncreue!ublic 8CCel8 t.o the lhree:year~ol perk . The one-t.lme allocation ia provided through a bill authored by Assemblywoman Marian Bergeson, R-Newport Beach. The bill was signed this week by Oov. F.drnund Brown Jr. Lack of parking, •aid state park otficial Let Mce4rgo, haa made acce11 to the park a dlfflcuh and aometlmea dangerous t.uk. The lmprovemenU, he said, llkely wlU ~ In.place by the end of 1983. -"' 4' The pnk l• a collection ot canyon.a, rld1et and mott than three mttea ot beach, wb.ich stretches from Corona del Mar to Abalone Point. The park'• Interior t.ak~ In Moro Canyon. The st.ate purchased most of the land fn 1979 from the Irvine Company for $32.6 million. Whi)e the state has resls\ed opening the lnterlo.r to the public until It can a(ford to hire more rangers, the beach property hu bef'n drawing thouaands of vlaltora during summer months. The park hu only one tull- tlme ranaer. Lifeguard aervl~ la provided by L..acuna Beacb and teeurtty by the Oransf' County Shf'tltf'1 department. There ta no lifeguard acrvice during winter months. State park officials estimate that once the lmprovementa are In place Crystal Cove may attract up to 15,000 guest.a on peak daya. McCareo said the plan la to construct roughly 1,800 J>Uidl\8 spaces, lncludina 50 behind II Morro Elet9ent.ary School '° be uaect u a ·~na aree for hlkert. While the $5 milllon a&c.Uon •hould ao far in tettinl the perk ready for the pubUc, Mce.rco 11ld ~money will be~ • t.o ~plete the t\lte ~It. # ,. • U.S. denounces Israeli attac STUDENTS INCREASE. • • and you ~ a lot of preechoolt:l'll out there now," ho oblerved. The kindergarten clau Isn't the biggest of the 13 grades m Irvine's 25 school•. however. T hat distinction goes to the seventh grade, where 1,485 students a tte nde d c lasses Wedneeday. The next largest is the sixth grade, with 1,318 studenta. The smallest class is the fiCth grade, "With 1,055. The sixth and seventh graders, King said, represent the last surge ln the statewide birth rate. Those births also came at a time• when hol.Wna in lrvln wu more ~uonably priced, he said. The 3 percent e nrollment I~ this year la the amallest alnce the district waa formed in tho fall ot 1973, ne noted. The projecu.'<i 400 new students ure leas tha n h alf the 900 new students who reported to school last fall, when the c•nrollment increased by 6 percent. Jn 1973, the enrollment ol the rapidly growing district went up by 22 percent. It has declined gradually slnc.-e then until It was 10 percent in the fall of 1977 and ,;,jl percent in ·1979. BEACH SHORED UP . • • jetty at Anaheim Bay during the early 1940s. The jetty, Seal Beach officials say, causes waves to carom to the ¥el\ of the Surfside homes and "5J"y sand to Huntington Beach and Newport Beach. "The Navy should fix it," Golgart said. "They're supposed to be protecting our shoreline." Twelve-year residen t H erb Tyranauer. an industrial design professor at Cal State Lon g Beach, said he sees a persistent flooding threat because of the jetty. H e said he believes the government should construct a perpendicular jetty as the best way to protect homes. Seal Beach City Councilman Victor Grgas said today he holds NOISE. • • levels have shown "a significant level of improvement" the past two weeks. Edwards said noise le.vet• recorded by PSA's OC-9 Super 80 jets are comparable with those of Super 80s operated by other carriers at the airport. "It looks like they are now back with the pack.'' F.dwards said. PSA attributed the excessive noise to higher than expected passenger loads on its Orange County flights and hot weather in August. The added passenger weight. coupled with the weather, required greater takeoff thrust. officials said. PSA said in its letter to Riley the Navy responsible for creating the erosion problems. He added that Seabees and the Army C.orps of Engineers ''should come in and help us out." Other residents said t.hey believed the Navy has been going too slow in efforts to ease the situation. City Manager Allen Parker said earlier h e expected Navy Seabees t o assist in sand replenishment but that they changed their minds wherl they realized that the area was a civilian and not a Navy beach. Parker also disclosed earlier that the city of Seal BeaC1¥-is preparing a lawsuit against the federal government to collect about $750,000 in city costs. that it had already star1ed to deal with the proble m before the. supervU!or raised the issue. "PS!Hs testing various takeoff procedures to ensure that even whe n public d emand and temperatures are great, PSA is able to remain within t h e county's noise guidelines," PSA president Paul Bardley said in a let ter to Riley. Riley, in a letter of his own. expressed "deepest appreciat.i6n" for PSA's "positive response" to reduce takeoff noise levels. Under policies for the county government-owned airport, an airline can lose operating rights at the airport if noise levels are exceeded. SEWER SAVINGS. • • Then the state Resources Control Board must approve A WMA 's application before it is se nt to th e federal Environm ental Protection Agency for review. Sukenik said his agency hopes to get the endorsement oC ~tre state agencies by the end of October. The agency's application for a 'waiver i.s due in Washington by Dec. 29. BEIRUT, Lllbunon (AP) Under t'OVtr or mock JN rtild1, l11raell tanks 11nd troopi battlc'CI lt•flist militiamen tor l'Ontrol of w t Beirut today, and ftihtmjt had dl"d down to occ111iontil cannon nnd rl fie flrt· Christian radio ati.Uons aaid left.lilt mlllUumvn had IA{lrl't.-d to 1top fighting, but leftist rodlo stations sold resistance would continue unabated against the limaells F.arlier reports int'Orrectly said the radio of the Mourabitoun, the largest militia of Lebanese Moslem leftists, onnourwf'CJ the leftists agreed not to l'Onfront the Israelis. lsrael announc:ed it controlled "<.dJ key points" in west Beirut and Lebanese Prime Minister Shafik Wauan called for urgent U.S. help to end what he called Israel's conquest of the war- shattered. city. The Israelis began their push into former PLO strongholds of west Beirut on Wednesday, hours after the assassination of President-elect Bashir Gemayel. They said they launched the drive to keep leftist militiamen from teaming with Palestinian guerr:illas sti.:tl in the city and launching more bloodshed. They met resistance from leftists firing automatic rifles and rocket-propelled grenates. but the Tel Aviv command said today that its forces fought their way past the leftists and guerrillas, whom they termed "terrorists," and controlled ''all key points." The communique called on "citizens to return to normal activities and on all terrorists and other armed persons to lay down Fire scorches Irvine home; no one hurt A fire of undetermined origin caused an estimated $2,000 damage to an Irvine home Wednesday night. but all family members escaped unharmed. according to Jeff Taylor, a spok esman for the Orange County Fire Department. Tayl9r said the blue occurred at 1 l :40 p.m. at a home owned by Suzy Fillman at 17501 Teachers Ave. He said neighbors feared three children migtrt be trapped inside, prompting a search by firefighters. He said the youngsters later were discovered .outside the home, uninjured. According to Taylor, the fire damage was confined t.o the garage, but smoke damage occur red throughout the two- s tor y house . H e said the residence ha~not been equipRed with smoke detectors. More showers? Co astal Sc1t1ered lhunders1orm1 were lorecHI over th• Gull Coall region, .. stern TexH Ind lht lower MIUIMlppl Velley Hlgl\9 kl 1he 50t end 60a -· predlc1ed ltom •1'• northern Pllllns lo N9w Engi.nd, In the eo.. and 70. In lhe Pecilk ~t and from the GrNI Bum to the notlhem Roell !es, In the 90s from CIOudy wflh hght rain or drazle the IOU1hwn At11ntlc Cout stiles lhroughout the day Rein lo lhrough lhe Soulhwell ... cepl continue with a chance ol lhe Texas Panllen<lle. and 1n Iha thunderlllowers late thl• afternoon through Frldey. Hight today 8e to _eo._elMwller ___ e_. -----72. Overnight Iowa 80 10 88. :~~on Fridaywilh high• ol 70 California E 1 aewh ere. Ir om Pol n t A high tetnP91•1IK• 0, only 69 Conception 10 the Me.clean l>Ofder has Mt • rec0td u iow.t high and out ~ mlle9 Ugfll verieble for Sepl 15 undercultlng Iha ... , • ...., we•-S.-.-• 10 wind a becom1 ng aouth to. mart! 01 72 ..C In 1968 u murky "'°"'" v $ ~ of C-.-~• •outhwHI 12 10 20 knot• lhl• misty -tn.r began ita aecon<i i.,,F;.:ron;,.;;...ts...;;:-:C:-old~+~+,;:;-W:":":-'ar-m~.._=-::::=--::--=-:=:-.~=':':".":-=-: elternoon end evening wtth 2 to 3 . week t 0 d • y 1 n s 0 u the r n ---------~~~::---"'::':~~ ...... l oot wind wevea. South to Calllomla --93 72 eouth_.1 twetl 2 to 4 IMt with The le~llng ol lall followed Allen•• ~ ~ J:::~vi~S 90 7 I aome breekers In aouttt·l•clng week• of l1egnenl aummer heel At1en1c Cly 95 74 .02 Kana Clly 85 52 beechH of 6 feet todey end and ainog Au111n K lie 118 67 Friday. Occulonal allow.~ today "IUtaried cooling olf on ui. 8Jltlrn«e 84 U no~vl 81 68 , wltll • Cflance of tnundelllt~• Ith of th• monlh," Nellonal B!llinge :~ ;~ ~~le= 74 68 .05 on Friday. Weether Service tpeclalltt Birmingl>m 81 42 Louitvllle 85 84 Shower• we<• to•llereo from hem Nevecll ·10 IOUl'-91em ldllho and more enow fell 0"9f lhe northWMlem corner of Wyamlng Trevelera edvltorlea were luued lor lhe Yellowtlone end Teton pef11 erea• of Wyoming. Llghl rein lingered ec¥0M the central high Plelns to the T n u Pen11endl• and Into wutern OklllllOIM. Thundefatorm• -• -ttered along the Tex .. Gulf Coaat end ecro11 the -tllf'n and mlddle MCtlon• ol th• Ten-Valley. Drlnl• waa reported lrom norlh•<n N-England through lhe IOw'9r Greet Laket teglon T e mper a ture• -.r•r• unaeeeonebly cool over the northern Rocillee. wllll mlddey Mdlngt W~ motlly II\ Ille 40• acqne M onune end Wyoming. Or .. 1 F•. Mont., tied· tta r9C«d low lor the dete et 2t ~lgh preuure ayatem reeponalbfe for tlle c:ool r..otnot alee> llPfMd u_.bl)' 000! "" Into the 90\lttlem PlelM end mid MIHIHlppl Veile)'. with mlddey ttmperaturu only In the SO• actoea Ille TexM Panhandle. Atlead of tlla cool •Ir, ttmP9"et~ _..,. kl IN low toe lrom Tuae' COHl•I pl1ln to .-.rn.:r.....-Ov•r th• Allanll •• Hurrtca11• Oebtl)' mov90 c:tot8f to .._.. Temper1turea around UI• nation at noon POT ringed frOm 1 low o f •• d•oree1 11 Vtlow9'_, W\IO., to 1 lllgll of M t Mc.Ali.ti, feu•. Oullport, r ..W M ....... NI ,onia "'~··Ale. ,., !Ode1· ............ nel ll'111nC1•rehow•r• w•r• aQ'°'9 ttit ()(eef IMlft nel from H•• Jar .. ~nd an111ylw1n11 tl1rou1 II• rtlW'o AUMltJc CoH4 et "· • Frenkle Shew uld "Tllere·s a :;n"Clt 5• 37 Lubboek 78 82 ~· syelem In lhe upper M 13 511 Mempllls 119 72 77 at~. and lt'a localed nctw 8oeton 97 74 Mllml 89 79 owr Norttietn Ce.lllornle. The flow Browntvtle 70 58 Mltweuk" 87 49 .01 wound thlt tow-p<-re syetem 8ulfalo 1 t 56 .!>8 Mpl..St.P 92 411 03 It giving Calllornle aome molal air ButHnoton 52 35 .o 1 Nathvllle 118 71 ~ ~nd deepening the marine ~=n SC 85 72 New Orleena 9 t 73 -·5~ Hid th• cool condition Chetltln WV 85 87 04 1 New York ~~ :: allould P•<•l•I through Friday Cherltle NC ~ 1: 01 ~~f~tl• &2 52 "with poulbllltlu of aome ~~ 88 47 ()Irle City 89 e3 ec:au...ct thunder"'-1." ~._.. 115 84 0me11a 68 50 The lllgh• In downtown Lot g:'~~ 117 89 31 Orlando 90 73 Angela on Fl1dey ~ be In Cotu bu ll2 59 Phlllldp!Me 112 &7 09 lhe low 70. wtth • coettel high o.r. W~h 90 89 03 PhOenlx 118 73 rengtng from 68 10 75 65 65 Pltleburgh 82 83 The ~weather aervtce predlctt g:ton 65 48 • Piiand, Me 87 52 .02 Cloud)' lklet throughout Soutn.rn .,., 84 50 P11and, Ore 15 47 C1lllornle end a 80 percent g:,~t°'"" 811 527 01 ProYldence 81 81 "'9nce of rain t~°'!SJh F'rkley. Du,:;th 49 4 32 R•lelgh 90 8Q El Pae6 92 17 33 Reno 47 37 91 T ~ t FlfgO 57 4t Salt Lake 71 49 empera ures flaott•" ee 41 san Alllonio 91 119 011 .. ATK>N "' Lo flclJ sa 65 .oe 78 65 85 55 84 83 0. .. t Fella eo 40 02 Seellle 70 ~3 71 H~•-·d 111 82 04 Stir~ " • "'" 5-4 34 Slou• Ftllt 60 •7 = 81 78 St Louie 74 &5 ... _. I IU " 711 .Ot St P·Tempe 90 74 nvut on s 8 • • ·-•9 • " ·""" lndn•plll 83 57 t t• ... er.., .. ~~ "" Spoke"-87 ..., Syrecu11 70 55 at Topelcl 84 &1 TUCIOn 19 81 Tulu 11 IM WNNngln 84 71 Wlclllll 88 6t CAlWOtlNtA ·~:iT:rti ..... ~U.-...R_f R_IP_IR~T T • ·-...... .... T ..... ~= 17 58 Ill 87 LeMllleA Huntington lluff• =tn°" Pier ean.. e AIYW JeltV 40lh It. H9wport 22"Cllt.~ lllboa WedQ9 ~.uoun• =.~ ""~'* Tr~) M 2-• ... ... t &-• ... M , w , .. t.l,iarJ ff llllt TO ,.., 70 Ilk 10 ,.,, 70 ,.,, .. ,.., .. good .. good .. TOMOfllfllOw • High TIO. 10:05 • m l ow Tlda S:H p.m ..... Dltactloft IOU411. Tides TODAY l«ond low 3 t' p tn ~ hlgtl II It p lll l'RIOAY 1.0 u "'" low 3 50 • m 0 4 ,.,..1 hlQtl 10 Ot a m. S S ~IOw 3Hpm 0.1 l«'Ond ll4gh 10.01 p.m I. t l un Nit toelay It I SI p,m., r1 ... rrtc1ey • 1.11 • m Moon rtMt IOCllY It 0 34 I m .. .... 111.Npm ' U1L•lr urnw. All re•fugL't' <:amVff In w h I c h t L' r r o r I 11 t 1 w e r l' concentrutl-d rcmuln 11urrounded 1md clCJB{'<.i." The r dlo 11tatlon o! Gc.>moyt•l's r1gntl1t Phalangc Party rcporwc:J an ifl>t•mcnt by thl' leCU.t» not to fight. The report a.'lld rcpn.11Cotutlvt"» or the Mourobltoun und tht• Communl.lit and Sociol!Rt Purtiefl walkt'd out of a mL'Clang at which lllra~ll otflce!'f "d monded" un ('nc.J to the resistance•. But the report udded that the leftists then mt't omong themselves and agreed to stop (ightlng. Lebanon state radio said Israeli forces seized control of all strategk areas along the five· m ile s tretc h of beaches i>urrounding west Beirut before closing in on the two shopping districts of Hamra and Cor'tuche Mazraa. Israeli military sources said their troops were instructed to fire only if fired upon. Israel army radio earlier reported the Israelis had ceased firing, but the Tel Aviv command denied a unilateral truce had gone into effect. Prime Minis ter Menachem Begin summoned an emergency - Cabinet meeting today to discuss the west Beirut situation. Orang" C<Junty Ml.4nl«ipal Court Judge Barbara Tam Nomoco wlJI speak on the judicial sysu.·~ ut 1.1 luncheon 'I'u£-sday sponson•d by the Soroptimlat lrltt'l'n(ltlonal of Irvine Nomoto, who was named to th~ bench in 1978 at age Z8, worked in the Oranfo(t> County Coun.sc•l'a Offtc<: prior to thl• appointment. Her llJ)4.'C'(•h will ho ot the R egistry Hotel,. 18800 MrH·Arthur Blvd , Irvine. RetM:rvat1ons can ht-made.> by 1end1ng an $11 check to Soropt.lmlst International <if Irvlnc. Box 19278, lrvrne 92713. •Met ho ds for fi nding restaurant, 210 l E. F.dinger, rewarding jobs will be in the in Tustin topic of a luncheon Tuesday, Cost is $9 for members, $12 sponsoring the lrvine for non-members. Deadline Business and Professional for registration is Friday. Women's Club. Interested people can call TJna Beosoo mornings al Business consulta~ts Aon 83~-9704 or send a check lo Oil and Jane Ballback wiU be her at Sutro & Co .. 1401 Dove guest speakers at the noon St., Suite 400, Newport event al the Hungry Tiger Beach, CA. 92660. ------ • A five-piece band that mixes jazz with Ea.st Indian instrumentation will perform • at 4 p.m . Sunday at UCl's Campus Park as part. of the city's free concert series The.> group, "Quest.et," also perform s Braz I fl.tti'-Jazz combined with classical styles. or anizcrs say. That'srshowbiz • in HB council · By ROBERT BARKER O(llM D•llr Piiot St•ff It's tough enough dealing with specific plans. zoning ordinances and conditional use permits. One unfortunate thing the camera does, Bateman said, is to put about 10 pounds on the average person. He said persons can work to make their faces appear thin • however, by sucking ln ch eeks and applying a coloring. He says this accents th~ cheekbones and minimizes the jaw. make sul'e you get the makeup into the hairline, he sa.id. And 1f your head is bald, cover surface. Bateman sugges u wiping them discreetly with a the head with a light dusting of the makeup to cul glare. He encourages women to' carry the make~p down beneath the neckline of the dress or suit. - But Huntington lieach City Council meetings soon will be covered live on local cable television. And there will be new· p r obl ems for the council members to face, focusing mainly on how to look good on TV. (Portions of th-1s story inadvertently were left out m Wednesday's edition.) J oh n Bateman. executive di rector of the Public Cable Television Authority, has made available to each council member a 17-page memo of do's and don'ts. Sweat is another problem. But Bateman says it wiU help 1f council members apply a filmy layer of makeup to help 'cl<?se pores and redu<.>e the amount of visible perspiration. "A partial makeup job can be worse than no makeup at all," he warns. "You'll look as 1f you. have a mask on, badly applied, and it will look like a death mask." He said in the memo he reached back mto his 30 years of experience in televis1dn to come up with the advice. If a few sweat beads should fo refinger and wiping the finger with a handkerchief. Wiping the brow wlth a finger wiU make one look thoughtful, he said. Bateman also advocates the use of pancake makeup before council meetings. 1f your hairline Is receding. Bateman also says vivid red lipstick and lip gloss shouldn't be worn "Finish your lrps with a dusting powder and make sure you have applied and blotted- enough layers of lipstick to last throughout the meeting," he said. SCAVENGERS -SE.ARCH TRASH . • • From Page A1 will be getting rid of things fot community relations of the sooner." . • Alpha Beta supermarket chain, Some scavengers ~how up atj said that trash digging is the same supermarket so often. · t P~.s pass 1 n g. add i n g that that Chey begin to look at it "5 merchants worry about insurance their private domain. problems should someone get "The regulars keep everyone sick or injured while picking else away." Madden said. ''I've through the discards. had them come up to me and "I \1\9Uldn1t want ·to feed my complain this guy's trying to get family anything found in the mto my trash bin. 'My' trash bin garbage," Cramer said. . they ca.LI it." · Such concerns appare ntly One woman. known only as don't worry scroungers, who a.re Martha, shows up 59 often that happy to get by_ on the jun ked she even bakes apple pies for the food. store employees using garbage To combat the proble m or castoffs. unwanted trash pickers, some &ther Cramer, vice president store chains are sending slig)ltJy CHP to add ·headlights South Orange County patrol cars soon will be equipped with flashing headlamps to alert motorists to the presence of an emergency veh icle, the California HiRhway Patrol has SEIKO s tale goods to food banks or charities. · Jom Valadez, manager of the Orange County Food Bank. esumates that 80 percenl of the 50,000-60,000 pounds of food distributed monthly to non-profit· agencies comes from Safeway and Alpha Beta stores. "It's good food," said Valadez. "We get bread. deli and dairy~ things that are getting ne8J" their expiration date." , Other stores are discouraging · dumpster looting by putting· fences around trash bin s or· installing trash compactors that tum rubbish to dust. announl'Cd. : Capt. Chuck Chase of the h1ghway patrol's San Juan : Cap1Strano office said the devices will permit high-bea m : headlamps to flash alter:natell:._; . . -S- Introducing the Adventurer, Seiko's new sto1nlen steel bracelet wotch created especially for the bold, active spirit. Water tested to 300 feet, the watch also features on alarm chronograph, day and dote, ond hourly time 1ignols. Analog face w ith lumlnous markers ond digital dlsploy show the time In three zones. S215. • §LA.VICkS ,.. .....,.. Slra ,.,, ,..,._ ..... ('71., .... 1 •• ....., lllsfl --~\Al~·-D119'•\AI-.. NO 881Tl.R TIME. NO B!'mR Pl.ACE. - .. • Ot.ifo• Ooul OAILV Pit.OT IThurlda~. 8epttmt>er UJ, 1882 El Toro airport idea . doesn't ~ie quietly Earlier lh11:1 year we• sugg~stt.'<i t ha t two Irvi ne C ity Coun<'il ·members,' Lnrry Agran und David Sills , were "beating a dead horse" w hen they proposed a n in -depth review of c·ase law available lo prevent con version of El Toro Marine Corps Air Station mlo a commercial airport. It had been obvious for some time , we pontificated. that the cha nce of converting El Toro in the face of stiff opposition from the Marines , wa s a lm ost nonexistent. Ho~evPr, with v irtua ll y everyone in Irvine opposed to the idea of an international airport in their backyard, an anti-El TorC\ airport s tance couldn't hurt anyone's po litical campaign, we n ote d . At that time, Sills was eyeing the 69th state Assembly District seat h e ld b y Nolan Fraizcllt.• nnd Agran wus likely to be seeking re-election lO the City Council. . No t s u r p r isingl y , the two c:o unc1 l members were a little huffy over our suggestion tha~ they probably were just trying to make some political hay with their proposal. So now , wh at to o ur wondering eyes.does appear but a f orm a l pr o p osa l from th e Southern California Association of Governments that, of a ll places, El Toro-Marine Corps Air Station would be just the ticket fof a regfonal commercial airport. Frankly, we think SCAG is beating a dead horse too.· But maybe we owe Sills and Agran, now mayor of Irvin<', an apology for assuming, prematurely. that the animal already w as defunct. ·Water insurance plan The Irvine Ranch Water District is moving ahead with a plan that should go far toward assuring an adequate 'supply of water should droughts s trike in years to come. A series of wells designed lo tap the county's plentiful supply of groundwater eventua lly could yield up to 20,000 acre feet of water a year. One acre foot is e n o ugh to m e e t th e average family's water needs for a year. Three test wells alread y have bee n drilled , three more are sch eduled for construction next year and water district officials plan to have as many as 16 wells when the project is completed. The wells are,. located outside Irvine in southwest Santa Ana along Dyer Road, which becom es Ba rranca Parkway in Irvine. In due cour se. th e water w ill be pumped through miles of lines to a reservoir at Sand Can)'on Avenue and Trabuco Road. _ Location o f the w e lls is significa nt because groundwater an the area is naturally purified by percolating t hro ug h sand a nd gravel and wall ~ot require c<>stly treatmenL The project, h owever , will be costly -$14 million for the first six wells a nd $1 l.7 m illion lo hook the well field lo existing pipelines. So water u ser s ca nnot look forward to a ny immediate dollar savings . What they can look forward to is i nsurance against future water shortages and some relief in future years from the increasing cost o f energy need ed to pump water from Northern California - plus. of course, the satisfaction of participating in a· mode l of water conservation a t its best. Volunteers can fill gap R ecognizing the fact that funds for many desirable city programs are in short supply, and likely to r emain that way, Irvine is preparing to launch an expanded voluntee r program for the city 's Community Services Department. Among the areas w here the department w ould like to use volunteer help are the nature center at Turtle Rock Park, the Fine Arts Cen ter at He ritage Park and th e Adventure Playground at University Park. wh e r e maintenan c e a nd construction are needed: While the f u I I program probably won't go in to effect for a few months, the department already is welcoming groups that want to help. Recently, helping ha nds from K a ppa Sigma at UC Irvine have been cleaning up the old Bommer Canyon cattle camp, which was • acquired by the city for use, as an extension of the Turtl~ Rock nature center. The 34-m e mbe r frate rnity proposed the cleanup job as one of the community services required for receiving ats n~tional ch.irter -and the cit y was happy to accept .the offer. • ~ . Other fraternities at th e university are eyeing s imilar service projects, for which the city suppl ies.materials a nd the volunteers provide the muscle . It's all very much in keeping with the C0mmunity spirit that h as developed in Irvine. In addition to saving the ci ty money. the vol unte e r programs s h ould guarantee adequate maintenance ·or facilities all the citizens can enjoy. Individuals and groups with time and energy to s pare should line up for future assignments. Opinions e>Cpressed 1n the space above are those of ttie Dally Pilot. Other v iews ex· pressed°" this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is invit· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Bo>C 1560, Costa Mesa, CA 92626. Phone (7Ul ~2·4321 . . L.M. Boyd/ Retirement No. 56 on that list of do'a and don'ts for those contemplating retirement: "If you want to go, go someplace where they d o n 't know your nickname." No. 31 is: "Count your drinks and dollars. but never count your days." No. 23 is: "Don't plan as far ahead as you did when you had your daughter vaccinated ih a place you thought would never show." Q. What's the weight of a typical grand piano? ' A. 400 pounds. When a woman is separated from ~er man for some time, her affection for him tends to wane. But not IO, the 'man's alfection for her. Such were the findlnRS In psychological studies at the UnTverslty of Redlands. Our l..ove and War man cannot confirm this. It has been his experience that abeence makes the heart grow f9nder equally ln men and women -for a ahort time. ORANGE COAST . Daily Pilat ,.,, .... -_, .,., ....... , .. , •• >Jt """' ... \t . (O>t• ~ Acldr .. \ C6'•"11D-"f• 10 8o• I~ (Ht• INU t A '7tlt You don't find a lot of badgers in Wisconsin. Never did. It's known as the Badger State because the lead miners there, working underground, were called badgers. Lexicographer Gyles Brandreth has put out a book about dictionary- making called "The J oy of Lex." Q. Chips in England are thick fried slices of potatoes. So what do the English call potato chips as we know them? A. Crisps. Do you buy the clalm of aome psychologists that certain women can enlarge their bust measuremen\11 with self-hypnoeis? Neither do I. Q. Who invented tcllsors? . A. Same genJus who Invented the Army tank. Leonardo da Vinci. 4'razlllans llko avocado• for breakfut. • Thoma• '· Haley Plltil•ll!e• J Thomot A. Murphln• f d.ior Jan• Amari [o11(vhve td•IOt ...... krel*h fd,NlflOI '• td••Ot Thomet McConn ~"'iJfdolOI I; \ © IMFLt.TlON ; .J \U4»:.1 'llllNK 1 lUS MMG:S 1'1' A I Dr PRJ4~111ER . Letters to the editor Legislature must • • • set pr1or1t1es To the F.d1tor: I noted with interes\ your Sept. 5 editorial, "Procrastination Costly." The editorial appropriately pointed out that -chaos reigns a\Jring the closing days of a legislative session and that the Legislature cannot deliberate to the best of its ability in the midst of hundreds of bills and a rapidly·approaching deadline. As you pointed out, the Legislature failed to send to the governor its pay raise bill. If we look at tbe overall scope of the legislative session, we find several reasons why our failure· to do so was justified. First, I should clarify that there are many hard-working legislators who are not adequately compensated for the time they devote.to their full-time positions. The most effective legislators are the mos t conscientious, putting in workweeks which extend to six ~sand sometimes aeven. ./ THIS WAS a year, however, when t~e Legislature should have grasped a golden opportunity to establish priorities and to r(!duce or eliminate state spending in superfluous areas. It didn't happen. F.ducation is suffering greatly because priorities were not established. We still face the possibility of deficits -because we borrowed from ttµs year's revenues to balance the past fiscal year's budget. Worse yet, we allowed special interest bills to gel through to benefit specific legislators at the expense of the overall state budget. Until the Legislature is willing to r~prioritize, It ls inappropriate for ws to grant oUI'llelves pay raises in the face of the cuts we have asked others to absorb. I believe this will not happen until we see a change in the composition of the Legislature -but it must happen. The fact that a legislative pay raise this year was not approved does not cloud the fact that certain legislators are deserving of pay increases. It's just that as.a body. we should take care of the state's most Important business before even considering it. MARIAN BERGESON ·Assemblywoman, 74th District Rule or represent? To the Editor; Now the mayor of Newport Beach and her followers on the council are suing her constituents? For disagreeing with her? Or, doesn't she remember? It aeems a taste of power leads to a thirst for power, and eventually to downright tyranny In the hearts of our smaU-tlme politicos. And all of this, right from the steps of City Hall! We can only observe that il has become as perilous for the citben lo exercise his political freedoms as it is to be a good Samaritan. In both ca.sea, one must now face t he intimidation of being sued. And in this instance, by those who would rule us, rather than ~preMnt WJ. REBA WILLIAMS R epeal sign law To the·F.ditor: The Costa Mesa Council could best serve the laudable causes of c ivic beauUficatlon and hai:mony by repealing the controversial alga ordinance. Suen unpopular but courageous decisiveness would remove the growing potentl&l of costly, divisive litigation by all aides agatnit the city. Actually, It would be taxpaytr aaalnst taxpayer, whereby ~e all loee! A repeal would..cllmlnai. the cw-reAt dllCrlrninatJon aaaJn1l legal. but non- conformina signs. Furthermore, a repeal would avoid any dllcrlmlnatlo~ or unfalrneu that ,m tsht be felt by confonntna lt,_n holden If the cou ncll enact• a que1tlonablt, proposed modification in November. ..... CON~RRENT wtth repeal, h would be mandatory upon the council to provide •~l'ons. ah,cere leaderahip for . eff.cuve, volunW')'.met.hodt of alterinc or llminatln1 undetlnble 1tgn1 11 MAILBOX determined by a balanced C1v1c Committee: Their approach rould entail constructive persuasion, legal boycotts, non -paaonazing, a nd media identification of "offending" sign holders. The present policy to compel basic uniformity by ordinance has been found wanting. It is foreign to our successful American way of individual freedoms, communication, cooperation and publk consideration. Let's be fair and reahst1c. Costa Mesa has been blessed by a responsive, responsible business com m unity , an indispensable contributor to our having attractive educational, $0Cial and low-tax advantages. Small businesses have a right and a need to advertise properly, and duty toward beautification. Yet, why should the council punish everyone especially in these trying economic times fo r the bad manners of a few? CHRISTOPliER MAGEE STEEL Police expertise To the F.d1tor: Members of the SeaView Board of Dlrectors"join m e in offer ing congratulations to the Newport Beach Police Department for the expertise shown an handling the recent armed robbery/hostage situation within our community. Prompt action by patrol officers, SWAT members, heli<.-opter pilots and all other personnel during the several hours of involvement provided the perfect solution to a tense situation. Great restraint was shown by the officers not firing the~eapons during the suspect chase. · ~ The cOmlJlunity of SeaView thanks the entire Ne wport Beach Police Department for the calm, peaceful end.mg. AU citizens of Newport Beach are lucky to have the protection of this fine department. JOANN M. BROCK President SeaView Homeowners Association What 'village'? To the F.ditor: Huntington Beach again faces the prospect of highrise buildings and their resulting problems in the downtown area. The City Council has approved a general plan which would alto~ structures of 12 stories. A similar but larger plan was overwhelmingly rejected by the public in 1976. Many of the same objections have been voiced by both residenta ln the proposed redevelopment area and citizens from other parla of the city .. The plan emphasizes commercial and office structures that would serve an area limited ln access (no freeways) and limited in s urrounding fina n cial possibilities. Would or cou ld the downtown compete even modestly with Huntington Center, Westmin.!ter Center, or South Coast Plaza? If not, would these · buildings become condominiums result~' in a severe economic' drain on the Cit . Would any ciUzen.s be willing to fight t e traffic to patronize downtown? • 'M\e area Lt already consested. To add more traffic even with the planned atreet modifications and closings would not solve the problem but exacerbate lt. IF THERE were full lrnplementaUon of the plan, what would be the result for have a situation such as the one on 19th Street in Costa Mesa? There sits one lone high-rise dominating its neighbors. totally misplaced. Most o f our c itize ns favor the redevelopment of downtown using "the village concept" as Laguna and Sea.I Beach have done. These cities have wond erful low-rise comme rcial uses 'which a re aesthically pleasing with patios, walkways, and open ..spaces. These businesses are financial successes and in keeping with the surrounding residences. This concept could revital~ our downtown. We want those who develop ow,: city to make a fair profit and those who buy into our community to prosper. We want visitors to return. A village plan would help. Those backing the high-rise plan contend that theirs is a "village concept." I have traveled Ul 32 foreign countries on four continents. and I never saw a village with 12-story buildings. JOANNE C. STEVENS Let church grow To the F.ditor: As a senior at Harbor High and a 15-year resident. I would like to make known my comple te a n.d unwavering support for the building plans presented by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. My father has always told me that if a person or organization is not willing to change it will neyer grow -change and growth go hand in hand . At St. Andrew's w·e · have a tre m e ndous potential to grow. There are m any people in the community we can reach out to and support. However, we need a building that will provide us with the space and resources necessar y to reac~ these people. We have presented a building program that wiU allow us to reach new people and support them. A church is like a support group for the surrounding community. St. Andrew's supports and aids some 3,C160 local re&idents who attend the church. I would like to see our support of the community and our outreach to people increase. Yes, we are asking for a change. A change that will enable us to grow as people and to grow as· a church. We all must be very careful never to deny the people oC this communit y the opportunity to grow. MELISSA MITCHELL Life at 83 To the F.ditor: Not satisfied with the $10 per month taken by Supplemental Security Income (SSI) because people who never went to school learned what little they do know from computers, now, bes1des the pound of flesh they want my blood. Today ·my Social Security ant1 SSI checks combined amount to about $449. And now that my rent has skyrocketed again to $460, where do I get any money to buy a piece of new rope? WHO DO I thank for thls mea? I could st.art with Reagan; then Jarvis and all the hunks that voted for Proposition 13. By the way. wasn't it Proposition 13 that did away with the state surplus? Now that I am not permitted to put anything Into the bank except my SS and SSJ, who paya the $11 balance on· my rent? Who pays my $35-plus utility bills? Who buys my clothes? Of coune, moet of my clothes have come from the trash bin -an.d l t.bink there's 90me extra food o_yt thHe. if. the trash. Me? I'm,j(&St an old 83 years. Time tor· me to die anyhow! W.J . ARMSTRONG the downtown area? A few blodui inland along one or two at.reeta would be hiah- llllll• . riae and more medium to hlgh-rlac buildinp alona P~fic Coast Highway fr.om Beach tp Golden Weat, thua dwarfing the aurrouncflna real encea.-- Would anyone. even the approving council m embers, rezone their own nelghborhoodt wlth a plan Uke lhls one? What of the peiople who in 1ood faith bu~ thne bulldfnp which ml1ht not fulfill economic pro~Uon1? Will we fnateido try1riitO acfd mart naUonalf hoUda)'1 -(Martin Luiher Kina o.y, Elvia Pretlty Day, etc.) to the calendar, why don't we red~ UM numt.r and aave 90l'ne live. on the tuahwa~! ' L•l19r' ''"" r..-"•lt-1011\f TM tttfll t•t-let ,.,, •• ••• -· ......... ,.. ........ , ·--L.9" .. 'ef --·· .. IAt •IM .. 91-lllftltrtl'tct All totlet\ ...., .. I~ c llift ,,.,.,.,,. •M 11\tlllftf -rtH 11111 ~ l'M• lilt ........ , .... ·-· ti Wlll(•ef'll ... ...i ., ...,.,..,, ,...,,, w ilt NI It ...... .-Lotl.,l M•' .. , ... .,_.It eq .... H•--....,_ _,,.., ol tM C ..,,, ...... , -It·-lef •Utht•lt"' ........ , ANTI-DR11NK DRIVER ....... , .. ._. _ _. __ ....,.. ...... _ __..,,...._, ............... I JI ,._. __ ,.. .... ......, ....... , ......... \ I \ ~Strike talks go on LOS ANGELES (AP) - Negotiators were back at the ~gaining table today trying to get buses back on the road again while fraizled commuters face another d ay of bumper-to- bumper traffic in the second day of the city's bus strike. A marathon bargaining session brok e off at 2:30 ~.m. and spokesmen for the Southern California Rapid Transit District and United Transportation Union said in a joint statement that "substantial progress" was made. But RTD spokesman Jim Smart and UTU spokesman Goldy Norton honored a news blackout and w ould not elaborate on the outcome of more than five hours of discussions, except to ~r, the sides would meet again mis afternoon at the behest of a state conciliator. 111111 ClllT CllTA Ilia 1111111 .. CmANGl C:OUN I Y c Al I. OllNIA 25 CENTS Beek: Move • airport By STEVE MARBLE O(tM D.itr Not tlllff A Newport Beach City C9uncil candidate has asked the city to lead a push to relocate John Wayne Airport to Santiago Canyon in northern Orange County. Council hopeful Allan Beek, appearing at a candidates' forum Wednesday in Balboa, said a coalition of cities, industrial firms and major air carriers must team to force the relocation. Beek accused t}le Orange County Board of Supervisors of failing to follow through on its committee's recommendation that a regional airport be located at Santiago Canyon. H e said pressure from a coalition is the only way to end the supervisors' "paralysis.'' During an early-morning break, UTU General Chairman Earl Clark told The Associated Press that "Things are going fine. We're still here and it's a good atmosphere." Bulldozer build up ·and barrier lo lave off high waves in - Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, Beek's opponent, said she sees little merit in Beck's suggestion but agreed that the supel"Visors "are being very lax about finding a new airport site." Beek, a.. fonner city planning commissioner,-also said Newport Beach should move quickly to annex the unincorpor;tted county area of Santa Ana Heights and protect it as a residential neighborhood. "Right now we've got some things we're looking at and it's difficult t-0 say whether they're going to ~ acceptable or not. We're trying," he said in a telephone interview. \ Tuesday, Clark a ccepte d binding arbitration.at least on the central issue in the strike -the district's demand that it be allowed to double the numqer of part-time drivers to 20 percent - but RTD President Mike Lewis rejected it. · · Supervisor F.d F.delman urged RTD directors to reconsider accepting the arbitration in a cloeed-door meeting Wednesday, but Lewis declil)ed to say what the board decided afterward. However, tl'ie Los Angeles Times said today that the board voted 8-to-3 to submit t..he issue to binding arbitration, which means both sides would agree to abide by the findings of an 'impartial arbitrator. Takeoff urfside as the beach colony pre par es for more punishing tides tonig ht. DozerS shore up ~and • Ill Surfside By 808 BARKER Of t!M D.UJ Piiot St.ff The U.S . Navy and the federal government came under criticism fro m a number of Surfside Colony residents as bulldozers worked late into the night and today protecting the homes from flooding. All resid e nces in the endangered northern part of the community made it through the night unscathed after bulldoier crews from Orange County put up a 10-12 foot high sand barrier by the time a 6.5-foot high tide hit at 8:31 p.m., Wednesday. Only 2 1h feet of sa nd separated the sandbagged homes from high water earlier in the day when city officials put out an emergency call to the county. The bulldozers, working in single file and with lights on, widened the barrier to about 15 feet. They were back on the job at 6:30 a.m today getting ready for another high tide of 6.4 foe\ at 9: 19 tonight that officials fear may combine with hurricane Nonnan to bring more woes. Resident Al Golgart says the "governme nt scrcwc;;d the whole thing up" by putting in a rock jetty at Anaheim Bay during the early 1940s. The jetty. SeaJ Beach off1c1als say. causes waves to carom to the area of the Surfside homes and carry sand to Hunungton Beach and Newport Beach. "The Navy should fix it." Golgart said. "They're supposed to be protecting our shoreline." Twelve-year resident Herb Tyranauer, an industrial design professor at Cal State Long Beach, said he sees a persistent flooding threat because of the jetty. He said he belie.Yes the government should construct a perpendicular jetty as the best way to prot:ect homes. SeaJ Beach City Councilman Victor Grgas said today he hoJds the Navy responsible for creating the erosion problems. He added that Seabees and the Army Corps bf Bngineers "should come in and help us out." Other residents said they believed the Navy has been going too slow in efforts to ease the situation. City Manager Allen Parker said earlier he expected Navy Seabees to assist in ,and replenlshment but that they changed their minds when they realized that the area was a civilian and not a Navy beach. -Parker also dlsclos"ed earlier that the city of Seal Beach is preparing a lawsuit against the federal gove rnment to collect about $750,000 in city costs. HOn e gu y drive up e~ery day a t 6 :55 n.m . I've been told he's loaded." . • Santa Ana Heights is located directly under the takeoff pattern at John Wayne Airport· and is the scene of a battle between forces th~t want to preserve the area and ~thers who favor replacing homes with oCfice buildings. Beek acc used his council opponent -Hart -of being on the side that favors turning the residential community into a commercial center. "Her rationale is that the homes must go," said Beek. ''My thinking ls that the noise must go." Hart said Beek's assertion ls false and that she haa never favored converting San~ Ana Heights to commercial w~. <See AJRPORT, Page A!) • noises decrease Trash digger~ clean up Takeoff noise l evels attributable to Pacific Southwest Airline s have dropped "significantly" in two weeks - the apparent result of pressure placed on the carrier by Orange County Supervisor Thomas RiJey. R iley took the San Diego- based carrier to the woodshed recently after learning that PSA, which operates four flights daily from Orange County, had exceeded allowable takeoff noise levels. The amount of added noise. however, was considered minor and could not be detected by the human ear, according to county officlals. Nonethel~. PSA told Riley in a Sept. 10 letter that it was intent on being a "good neighbor" and would alter takeoff procedures to reduce noise exposure over close-in airport area neilthborhoods. The carrier apparently had been successful. Chris Edwards, an airport noise abatement official, said PSA's average takeoff noise . (See NOISE, Page AZ) -0.., ll'llot "'""° .., cw,. A.mbrOM An unidentified cavenger searches through refuse in Newport Beach. Sometimes they ustrike gold" in other people's discards. B)' JODI CADENHEAD Of I.he D.ity l'tlot lteff The baJding man stepped out of his late model Oldsmobile. His wife waited in the car while he rummaged through the trash bin behind the Newport Beach supermarket, pulling out a couple of nice sired black rubber mats. A less experienced scavenger might have overlooked the pair of mats. but the trash digger. like other regulars, knew what he was doing. · Like the man before him who had fished a box of macaroni out of the supermarket dumpster filled with empty boxes, wilted lettuce and a carton of small plums, he refused to talk about the reclamation habit some merchants cynically refer to as ''second jobs.'' Once considered the purview of the poor, trash digging has become more popular with the middle class and even the rich during the current recession. "We have our reguJar people who go through the trash every day," said Frank Madden, manager of Smith's Food King In Newport Beach. "One guy drives ue ~very day at 6:55 a.m . It's like a "}Ob for him. I've been told he's loaded." Most scroungers rise early, making a round of the local s upermarket dumpsters befqre other scavengers, flies and the actuaJ refuse collectors arrive. Produce past its prime, torn boxes of food and stale bread are the most commonly sought after items by trash hunters. Before moving from Palm Springs to Smith's Food King in * * * Sometimes, The lovely and seemingly brand-new russet fur jacket discovered in a superm~rket trash bin in Costa Mesa proved to be a lucky and t1nusual find during a search for discards. The dyed rabbit jacket was lying on top of a piJe of rubbish. untouched and overlooked by another scavenger who had been peering into .the bin seconds before. But the jacket turned out to be 4\ rare treasure. Like the princess who had to kiss a lot of toads, trash di1gers have to look through ma ny garbage cans before hitting gold. A three-hour search of trash bins in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach turned up little else of Costa Mesa. store manager Rich Owings said he frequently saw scroungers in the desert resort town. "It happens much more in the affluent areas,"' said Owings. "They realize tbat people will be much more finicky and the stores (See SCAVENGERS, Page A2) ··~ a treasure value and little that was edible. Stores in better neighborhoods have less blemished fruit -a carton of plums and some slightly wilted lettuce were among the top offerings. Most trash diggers start at 6 a.m. and have finished collxting by 8 a.m. Lettuce and tomatoes that can look almost appealing In the early morning dampness turn putrid when surrounded by rues in the hot afternoon sun. Food .and produce still in bags or canons aeem to be the most popular finds. Store managers said that otherwise good food is tossed out If the box has been opened or lf the expiratlon date has J>85.'ed. ....----111DEX Work starts soon on Crystal Cove Park . ' I.' I• Working three shifts a day without coffee breaks, robots will outpace huma n . They arre performing now at Wescon. Page A3. At Your Service Erma Bombeck Business Cavalcade Clualfled Comica Cto9Word Death Notlces St.an Delaplane Edi t.orial Entertainmen\ lntenn.llllon ,, A4 A7 86-7 A7 04-8 02 02 03 A7 A6 C7 C7 Ann Landen Movies Mutual Funds Public Notk.'eS Sporu Dr. Stelncrohn Stock Marketa • TeleV'l&lon Theater-9 Weather World Newt A7 C7 B6 C4·5,03-4 Cl-6 A7 87 C8 C7 A2 A3 JJevelopment oC p~rking facilities, trails and campsites at Crystal Cove State Park, the 3,000-acre stretch of coastal terrain south of Corona del Mar. Is scheduled to begin early noxt year. State park officials, charaed with grooming the park for the ~blic. this week were allocated $3 million for the development chores . Tht> money i• to be spttnt can.ting out several perkll lo\a, a network o• trails an day campsites -Improve t>nt1 dc.'tt~ to increate public 8CCC9I to the three-year-old puk ,( The one-time allocation Is provided ihrough a bill authored by Auemblywoman Marlan Bergeeon, R-Newport Beach. The bU! w~ aigned thla week by Gov. F.dmund Brown Jr. Lack of rarklng, said state park oUicla Les McCargo, h u made acce11 to \he park a difficult and •ometlmes dan1erowi task. The lmprovemenu, hf' Hid, tlk~ly WIU be l" place by tho end of 1983. . T he park la a colle<:tlon of canyon.1, rM,.. and more than ihree mHea of beach, whtch stretches from Corona del Mar to Abalone Point. T h e , park's Interior takes In Moro Canyon. The statt purchased most of the land In 1979 from the Irvine Company tor $32.6 million. While the state hias restated opening the lntertos: to thf' pubJlc unUl ll can afford to hlre mo~ raJ'l8ef'S. the beach property hu been drawing thousands of vi.aitors during summer munttw. Th• park has only one full· time ra.ncer. Llteau.ro aervice la provided by La~na Beech and · IK'Urity by the Oranje County Sheriff'• department. There la no , Ufeguard aervice during winter months. State park officials esttmate that once the improvementa are In place CryatAI Cove lnlY attnct up to 15,000 guesta on peak days. McCargo said the plan 11 to conatruct rouahly 1.800 parkif\I spaces. lncludlna ~o bef\lnd El Morro Elementary School to be ull'd u a •taaitnc llt'ft for hJUrl. While the $5 million alloca~ 1hou1d go far In aettlnl the smk ~ady tor the public, McCarao •Id more me>MY will bt nMded to CX>mpleie the state putt. I CIN Orang Coaat DAIL V PILOT /Thurtd•¥, S:ptemt>er 18, 1982 ,.,. ______ _.._.llllll!liii~ •lowly rrom Me)(ICu l()W{ll' perl\llp1t>arlynt1xtwt~k. of l I battered th<' win« arape downtown bulldlna . A &uthem CallfomJa, may trlgg~r hlona w(th th« chanc ~ of r glon of Mondocino County tJ0,000 volt lran1former wu •<>mo local rulnfull before Its how1•ns Friday. fol'(l(lftfilt'l'li H3 d whll«• 1mow and H.ihlnln4' 1torl'JUI knock t' d ou t , ca u 1 t n g a arrival. National Weathe r to t:Xp ct variable cloudlne11 trlagered power (allur<'• ec:rou tomponry powc.-r failure, Service fort.-c:aaten aald today. a I o n a the co 1a 1 t , w I th Northern CallfornJa A«.'Otdlng to Dt>nnl• Pool r of tho Weathf'r St.<rvice 1poke1man tcmpt1raturea peakJng In tht• high M~ndoclno County Agrkulturc Piaclfk Cu and EJe<:trlc Co. Scott Ment:wr au1d 40 percent 70. aand droppin1 lo ovNnlaht Dlrt!ICtor Andy otGruel 1ald he ch an c e of 11how"r1 and low1 In the hl&h 50.. wu unable to ettlmoto the Temporary power outages thundershowers today would Veteran weather watchc:r J . da~s to th ar•pe crop caUled cauaed by heavy r1tln ~ were Increase to 60 percent tonlght S h e r ma n D e n n y • I d by the delua of eomo aix lnchetJ reported ln Napa. Pon(!r Valley, ·college district names official and through Friday. W("dl\e1day'1 Intermittent of hall and two lncho. of rain Wllllta and Redwood Valley. He said Hurricane Norman, 8hOWCrt f)roductd .04 of an lrich Wednet day. But he Indicated. four inchea of •now were located about 1,000 miles i;outh-of moisture In th~ rain gauge at tome Yo'.1ne growers may havti reported o n the Kingabury southwest of San Diego early hi& Huntington Beach home. suffered aerloua loaee. Grade IOUth of Lake Tahoe and today. was sending moist air He said he has rt-rord~ .14 of '1ln the 40 rears I've lived In the Callfornlu Highway Patrol northward to mix with the an Inch of rain for th<! rain year the area. J ve never 1een required chain• for Mt Rose exi1ting marine air, ·Increasing that began July J. He aald the anything like it," DtGraasJ aald. Highway. There were also traces the prospect of local showers. area had no measurable raJn by Temperatures plunged from 80 at the 8,000 foot level In Squaw Menu.er added, however, that thls time laatayear. . degrees to 51 In less thin an Valley. Southern California would not Meanwhile a freak September hour. .. feel the hurricane's winds untiJ hallawrm, lasting just 30 minutes Ukloh POiice reported up to County to fight airport ruling Orange County supervisors have opted to appeal a court order blocking implementation of a $100 miUion master plan for improvements at J ohn Wayne Airport. Mee ting in closed session Wednesday, supervisors said a challenge to the order should be pursued in the 4th District Court of Appeal in San Bernardino. Sumner subseqi'.&ently issued an order preventing the county Cromaslting any improvement 4t the airport. Under the master plan, the number of permitted daily jet departures would have increased from 41 to 55, so tong as overall noise levels were reduced in airport-area residential neighborhoods. About 2.0 ·million pasaengers annually use the airport now. Accordmg to aides, supervisors Wednesday did not discuss several options for future airport improvements. The options, prepared by the ai·rport administration, ra:.ngc from permitting no Increase in the number of jet departures to as many as 90 per day. AIRPORT. e .• From Page A1 Hart serves o n the .!kily's Airport Land Use Comml ssion which is deliberating whether Santa Ana Heights should be anne)(ed by Newport Beach. "l don't know how Beek c.ame up with his conclusions," s he said, "especially since he's never even attended any of our (commission) meetings. The annexation issue is · scheduled to be considered by the full city council later this month. WUUam F. Waecbter , 4~. ot Garden Grove, has been named vice chancellor for employee relations for the COHt Community College Dlttrlct. The district Includes Orange Coast College In C-Osta Mesa, Golden West College In Huntington Beach and Coastline College, based in Fountain Valley. •A program aimed at helping women avoid procrastination, dieor~ ganliation and distractions wlll be conducted Tuesday, at Golden West College In • Tina Havlns, a nursing instructor a t Golden West College in Huntington Beach, has been appointed secretary for Local 1911 o f the Ame rican F ederation of Br•fort' jointng th Coast District in 1'979 as pertonncl director, Wucchter for 20 yearw held various teachina and admm1strattv(• post.a al Long Beac h Community Colle~e • Waechter 1s on lht' board of dirl'Ctors of the AssoC'iation of Community Co ll ege Administrawrs. flunungton Beach. The lime management lecture }'fill be held from 6:30 to 9:30 p.m. in Busineiis R<>Gm 113. Registration fee is $9. Teachers. This chapter represenlB 700 full-time faculty members In the Coast Community College District. Havins resides in Dana Point. Orange County Superior Court Judge Bruce Sumner, in a victory for Newport Beach and the citizens group Stop Polluting Our Newport, ruled that environmental documentation for the master plan was inadequate under state laws. The plan ca lled for construction of a larger airport terminal, additional parking and new street access routes. The plan would have increased the capacity of the airport to 6.1 million passengers annually. NOISE . From Page A1 e • That's showbiz in HB council levels have shown "a significant Bristol h _igh level of improvement" the past By ROBERT BARKER One unfortunate thing the make sure you get the makeup two weeks. of the Dellr Piiot Stitt c:amera does, &teman said, is to into the hairline, he said. • rises Edwards said noise levels h h d 1 . h put about 10 pounds on the And ·r h d · bald recorded by PSA's DC-9 Super It's .toug enoug, ea 1~g wit 1 your ea lS , cover 80 jets are comparable with those specific ~~ns. zo~mg 0~1nances average person. s urface, Bate.man sug~ests • of Super 80s operated by other and conditional use pemuts. He said. persons can work . to wiping the?" discreetly ~Ith a d h I carriers at the airport. But Hunungton Heach City m~ke their faces . appear thin. the head with a hght dusting of DIX e y p ann ers "It looks like they are now Council meetings soon will be however, _by suckm~ in cheeks the makeup to cul glare. ____ ~:-:-~~ · t~ pack~~ ~d ~~-.on ~"~~~~.e!Y'.!Hl~col.9Jl!2&· J1~~J:.~· -He~~ .. i;..-vmen to carry ,· ~ -. 'Sa16. ~ ·"' -· · -tefeVisTon. An there WllJbe new ~ .m . ~'CffiS"~ vn~h'ff 'Ilnd the makeup down beneath the Plans to build a 12-st.ory hotel heights from 30 to 85 feet south ~SA att~1buted the excessive problems fo r the coun ci I minimtzes the )BW. neckline of the dress or suit. and three high-rise offices south of the freeway. noise to htgher than e~cted members. to face, focusing mainly' Sweat is another problem. of the-San-E>iego Freeway-along Ttre trigh-rts'e-proJect-mrs -passenge~tc>::lds on 1ts range on how toloo1< good on TV. · But &teman says it will help "A partiaJ makeup pb can be Bristol Street in C.OSta Mesa will received mixed reaction from County flights and hot weather worse than no makeup at all," he gototheCityCouncilaftertheir nearby homeowners. in August.The added passenger (Portions of this stor y if ('Ouncil membersapply afilmy warns "You'll look as H you rejection by the Planning When new plans for the South weight, coupl~d with the inadvertently were left out in layer of makeup to help close have a mask on, badly applied. Commission. Coast Corporate Center were weathef, required greater Wednesday's edition.) pores and reduce the amount of and it will look like a d eath The commission d e ni ed California Pacific Properties' proposal to construct a 500-room hotel, three seven -story offices and two single story buildings on 13.6. acres formerly occupied by Montgomery Ward and Co. P ublicized last month Les takeoff thrust. officials said~ visible perspiration. mask." John Bateman. executive Thompson, preside nt of the PSA said in its letter to Riley director or the Publi'c Cable If a few sweat beads should d d b B k H h · h d r f ' d · I h r· Bateman also says vivi re near y roo view omeowners t at 1t a already started to deal Telev1· .. 1·on AuChori'ty, has made ore m~er an w1p ng t e anger 1 . k d 1. 1 h ld . be . . 'd h I ased . h h 1 b ,. . h dk h. f w· . h ipsuc an ip g oss s ou n t Assoc1at1on sa1 e was p e wit t e prob em efore the available to each council member wit a an ere 1e . 1pmg t e worn with the project. supervisor raised the issue. a 17 -page memo of d o's and brow with a finger will make one However, two other residents "PSA is testing various takeoff don't.s. look thoughtful. h e said. f r om t h e co n d o m i n i u m procedures to ensure that even p "Finis h your lips with a dusting powder and make sure you have applied and blotted enough layers of lipstick to last throughout the meeting," he . said. The development company, with ties to C.J. Segerstrom & Sons, builders of South Coast Plaza and Town Center, indicated they will take their proposal to the City Council Oct. 4, said Mike Robinson, senior city planner. community spoke against the whe n public demand and He said in the memo h e Batemanalsoadvocatestheuse high-me development Monday . temperatures are great, PSA is reached back .into his 30 years of of pa ncake makeup before Also, Roy Andreen, president able to remain within the experience in television to come council meetings. o f t h e M e s a d e l M a r county's noise· guidellnes," PSA up with the advice. If your hairline is receding. Homeowners Association, said president Paul Bardley said In a many of the residents living in letter to Riley. those 850 homes southwest of Riley, in a letter of his own, the project strongly oppose any expressed "deepdt appreciation" Robinson said that the -plan calling for the 124-foot hotel, was rejected Monday because it failed to meet the standards of the Bristol S'treet S pecific Plan adopted in May that hiked high-rise. for PSA's "positive. response" to .Earlier this month James and reduce takeoff noise levels. Andrew Gianulias, l)wners of Under policies for the county four acres between the closed government-owned airport, an Montgomery Ward and Co. store airline can lose operating rights and the freeway won ~pproval to a~ the airport if noise levelB-are. build two five·story buildings. exceeded. Coasta l -CIOudy wl1h light rllln Of drlZ:Ve More sho-wers? Sc111ered 1nundera1orm1 were _____________________ .,. roreca,1 over 1he Gull Coea1 region. HS1ern Tues 1nd the ~ Mississippi V1tley Hight In the SOs end 60s _.e predicted from the northern P1¥!s 10 New Eng~. In 1118 60s end 70s In 1he Plcihc Nor1h-I end from the Great Basin to 1"8 notlhern Rodlles. In the 90s lrom the eouthem All111tlc Coast slltes through the Southwest. except Ille Texu Panhandle. end In the 80s elsewhere throughout the d1y Rein to con1lnue wllh 1 chence of 1hunder•"-• lete 1hl• 11ternoon 1hrough Frldey. Hight today 66 •o 72. Overnight lows 110 to 118 ----------~·;~on Frldeywtth hlg~ of 70 {,a/if ornia Elaewhere . from P oi nt Conception to the Muk:an border A high 1em'*1ture ot only 89 end out 60 mflee. Light verleble nu Ml a record • io.o.e.t l>tgll w i nd• becomi ng ioulh to for Sept tS. underculllng the 1outhw11t 12 to 20 kno11 thl1 · matk of 72 181 In 19118. a• money. 1tternoon end evening with 2 to 3 misty weather 1>41g1n II• MGOnd Front• ColO ...,. Wa<m .,... f oot w i nd wevea Soulh 10 week t oday In Southern _________ ,._--~~~~--~~-=--t toUlhWHI IWell 2 io 4 f"t with CatlfOfnll Allan11 90 117 .ckan s 93 72 ~~~~h~~e~~e~• ,~ne1·~~~h;~1~1~9 ~! ~~e~~~n:~. '!:~~~o~'.~ ~::!~~c Cty ;: :! .02 ~:,~~~:~ :g ~~ Friday. Occaalonll ahoweta todey ~ 11/T\Og Blltl 114 118 Knoxvllle 88 117 wtth 1 chence ol thuoderlh-. 11 •t•rted cooh~. 011 on 1119. more 411 412 Lii Vegu 87 118 on Frldey 8th ol the month. Nellon• :~11m 9 t 7t Little~ 74 sa .05 Wellher Service 1pec111111 "-'V loutsvllll 85 &4 Frenkl1 Shaw H id 'There's I ::n:ck ~ ;~ Lubbock 711 112 U. . Summa ry ~re l'fllem 1n 1111 upper Bolton 73 58 Memphlt 119 72 n 11~. end 1t'1 IOC:lted now 8rownav11e 97 74 Mleml 119 79 OWlt Nor1hern C1hl0fnla The flow 70 sa Mllwauk" 87 49 01 Showere were ac11terld from nonnem Nevede . to tout'-81em Idaho end ""°'' 1now 1141 over the nOl't"-tem c«ner of Wyoming. Treveler• 1dvl1or1e1 wera lllUICI tor the Yl41owstone and Te1on PMtc ., ... of WyominO Ugl'lt rlln lingered ICfOM the C*'llral lllgll Plaint 10 the T- P1 nh1n die ind Into w111ern Okllhoml Thunderatotmt -e tcall....S lllong the Texu Gull Coett encl .crou the western and middle 11Ctlon1 Of the Tenne-Velley. Orlnte w11 reported from northe<n New Engl1nd through the 1-Greet Lall" region T1mper1tur11 were un1e11onably cool over the nort"-n Rock .. •. with mt001y rMdlngl Wldneedey moelly In 1M 401 eero11 Monten1 end Wyoming. Great F•. Mont • Old Ill r-d IOw tor the dele at 29 dlgr-. fhl high preuure 1y1tem rllPOfltlble fot the COOi reading• llto 19feed unMuonably oool •Ir Into IM .outhlrn Ptlln1 and mid MININ191>1 Velley, with mlddey temperet11,1e1 onlv In the 501 eorOM !M"T-Plllhlndll. Ahead of tha coot 11r , lll'nP8'1tlK• -e In Ille low IOI lrom T1u1• coutel plaln to WMlern TenMllM. Over the At11ntlc, Hurrlcene !>Ibby moved clOMr to lermudL Temper11uret around th• netlOn ••noon~ r~ from • lo• or 3• degree• •t Y.._Oftt., W'tO , to 1 hlgfl of N ti MoAllen, fe111a: Oullport, M191 .. lfld t4. M&xwll NI 'or°' arOUftd Ihle 10w·pr1UUre 1y11em =•on 71 60 .Sii Mpl..St p 92 49 .03 II giving Calll0<nl1 eome mOllt 1lr Ce•,_ 52 35 .O 1 Nelhvllle 88 71 r::..~nd d"~nlng-the marine Ch;i;1n SC 85 12 = ~;:ena 91 73 Sile Hid the cool condition Ch1111tn WV 115 117 04 Norfoltt • a ~~ :: enould pen111 through Frldey Chllltt• NC ~ :: Ot No. Piette '-> "'112 52 "with ponl blllllea of 1oma ~ 118 417 Okla Ci1Y'" 89 83 ICllllfed lhundlf~I " ..,..""'-¥"' Omaha 68 50 The hight In downlo•n LOI CIClncmbllMll 8Ctl M ll4 Orlando 90 73 AngeM9 on Frid.., lhould be kl 87 89 .31 ,_"_ .. ...,.,_ thl IOw 70. with a cou111 high Columb\lt 82 69 ..... ...,..,... i~ ~~ ·°' renglng from 118 to 75 Dal-Ft Wtll ~ !'s .o~ Pfloenlx 82 113 The we•thlr aervlce ~edlcta 01yton """ " Pllllb\.lrgh Oltlvet 85 48 Ptllnd, Me 87 52 .02 cloudy lklet throughout llltfn ol 114 50 Ptlend, Or• 75 47 C1llfornl1 ind I 110 percent Dee M net Provldenol 81 81 chance ol ,.,,, ~h Frldey. ~r:.' :: 1~ J~ Rall4gh 90 89 EJ Puo 92 87 33 Reno 47 377J ~! Temperatures HATIOtt Alblny Albuqul AmartllO ~Ill ...... l'eO 88 55 00 711 55 e6 55 1141 83 F•DO 67 4 t Salt Lalc1 l ... FtegttaK ee • 1 San An1on1o 9 t &9 .oa Great Fiii• eo 40 02 s..1111 70 50 Hartfotd 8 t 12 04 SM-1 t3 71 H4Mna 64 34 Sioux Fllltl 50 47 Honolulu 88 71 SI LOUii 741 55 HOUiton ff 76 .01 St P·Tlf'llPI to 741 1ndnap111 83 57 81 8te Mene 40 42 .oe· Spokene 117 "3 SyrllCUM 70 55 .21 TQHke 84 St T UClllOn 89 11 t Tu... 71 M w11111no1,( 84 11 Wichita M 511 SURF RIPDRT L.-tlefl HunllllQIOfl 81uf11 Huntlf\QIOI' Pier ~tt Ant Al.,_ Jllty ""'" St Newpor1 221\d St. Newpot1 8aloo. Wedge Aocllplle, Leountl ,._ ... CMIORNIA ~ Tides < ,! TOOAY ~low S:t2pm lecond high I' It p m ,.,., T7 M 11 81 1.0 1.4 SCAVENGERS SEARCH TRASH . • e From Page A1 will be getting rid of things sooner." Some scavengers show up ~ the same supermarket so often that they begin to look at it as their private domain. "The regulars keep everyone else away," Madden said. 'Tve had them come up to me and complain this guy's trying to get into my trash bin. 'My' trash bin they call it." One woman, known only as Martha, shows up so oft.en that she even bakes apple pies for the store employees using garbage castofCs. Esther Cramer, vice president CHP to add ·headlights for community relations of the Alpha Beta supermarket chain. S'atd that trash digging Is trespassing.r adding that merchants worry about insurance problems should someone get sick or injured while picking through \h~ discards. "I wouldn't want to feed my family anything found in the garbage," Cramer said. Such concerns apparently don't worry scroungers, who are happy to get by on the junked food. To combat the problem of unwanted trash pickers. some store chains are sending slightly South Orange County patrol cars soon will be equipped with flashing headlamps to alert motorists to the presence of an emergency vehicle, the California Highway Patrol has stale goods to food banks or charities. Joni Valadez. man.ager of the Orange County Food Bank, estimates that 80 percent or the 50,000-60,000 pounds of food d1Stnbuted monthly to non-profit agencies comes from Safeway and Alpha Beta stores. "It's good food," said Valadez: "We get bread. deli and ~il;Y _ things that are getting near their expiration date." _ Other st.ores are discouraging dumpster looting by putting fences around trash bins or installing trash compactors tha' turn rubbish to dust. announced. Capt. Chuck Chase of the highway patrol's San Juan Capistrano office said the devices will p e rmit h ig h -beam headlamps to flash alternately. FIND OF THE WEEK! SEIKO . Introducing the Adventurer, Seiko's new stoinleu steel bracelet watch created especially for the bold, active spirit. Water tested to 300 feet, the watch olso features on olorm chronograph, doy ond dote, ond hourly time algnols. Anolog face with luminoua m¢rkers and digital display show the time in three zones. $215. • SLAVICK·s ,.-.... In MoltttOit•JI, AIL "°' todty ec:atter9d .._. •nd t1111noerahowere were ___. eoro. "'8 Or..t ....... •nd from Hew Jereey end P enn1ylvanle 111ro119ll 'he north«n All1111tlo Coaet 1t•t" =:::: T_,. 88 ea 70 10 10 70 70 .. H .. Flr1Mo• HO am O 4 Flflt hlOfl 1C>-Oe a m II.I ""' ....... Sft9 ltll • > llfl Clement• '* 'rr•lllolr CT ·l'tr1e11 3·S QOOd .. TOMOl\l\OW: High Tl<N ·10,00 e.m. Low Tide 3:1111 p.m ..... , Olrecoon South, 8ecOflO 101W I M p.m O 8 leclOftd 1111'1 10 0 I p m. t. t tvn Mt• today •• • .. H p m., 11ttt,rtcH1r1tl:Uem Moon l1Mll todey et & 311 • 111., Mttttl:ll p.m '"""" .... (?t'J ...... ., • ......, llKtl Alie Grtllllr YI ...... • left °"'9• YI .... NO 8ETTDl TIML'NO ll1TIR PLAC!.: I . c Orange OoHt OAILV PILOT/Thuraday, September 18, 1082 New cloud threatens welcoine teacbe pact - For the first time ln U) years the Newport-Metia Unifi<.'<i School District started the school year with a teacher {'o ntract s igned, sealed and delivered. The teachers had accepted the 3 pe rcent pay increase offered by trustees. Looking back to the acrimonious disputes that too often have marked nt'gotiations - which last year dragged on until February w hen a 6 percent pay raise was agreed upon -that had to be good news. T his year it a ppear ed that reason had prevailed . encouraged, n o doubt, by the fact that the Legislature failed to come up with more money for the schools. Unfortunately, ther e was a rather dark cloud in the sky. The contract approved by trustees and accepte d by member s oC the teachers' union was negotiated by the 335-m ember Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers, an AFL- C IO affiliate. which. h as represented the teachers since 1979. H owever. the validity of the agreement was shadowed w hen a nother teachers' union. the N ew p o r t-M t;-sa Edu ca ti on Association, a California Teachers Association affiliate, filed a decertification petition seeking to represe n t the district's 800 . tPachers as it hod prior to 1979• w hen thl' teach<'rs vot<.'<i to chungc their represcntutaon. Association President Pat Stephan says the 2:)0 members o: that group were dissatisfied with the 3 per,-cnl pay increase. F ederation President M uya Decker said h er group was not happy with the 3 percent either , but felt it was all the district <.'Ould offer until the state t'Omes up with more m on''Y. The approved l'O n tra'ct includ es a provision to f'(}open negotiations i C the Legislature man ages to fmd additional school financing. As things sta nd now . district officials.will have to wait until the state Public Empl oyment • Relation s Board reviews the de<:ertification petition signatures and decides if a new union election must be held. This 1s an unfortunate development in what appeared to be, for a change. a harmon1umfend to the pay negotiation s . Bitter labor disputes, strik es and threats of strikes, have had an adxerse effect on many school districts in the pa s t. I( was 'pleasa nt , temporaril y, to think that Newport-Mesa would for once be spared this sort of thing. ~aw change unfair Costa Mesa City Coun cil members have now sidestepped a new challenge to the city's eight- y ear -old sign contr ol l aw, apparently on grounds that they want to keep the debate out of the political ar~na. By delaying a decision until after the Nov. 2 council electiol), however, the council m e mbers pr-obably did precisely the opposite. They dumped the issue directly into the election campaign. There is consider a ble background to the Costa Mesa sign· issue. Prior to 1974. Costa Mesa business s treets had become a clashing cacophony of huge pole signs. moving or rotating placards, billboards, neon signs and business markers of every size, shape and description. It was o bvious that if the community intended to, clean up the image it presented to the outside world, some sign reforms would have to be adopted into law. . The campaign for reform was a long and difficult struggle. The plain fact is that few business people want to modify the sign out front that identifies their place. Why should they opt for a smaller sign? Or eliminate an expen5ive rotating sign? IC they had wanted a smaller sign or a stationary sign, they would have installed that kind in the first place. So to develop a new sign law that would contain reforms, there was long deba'te. s truggle and compromise. The new rules were adopted in 19 74. Grea t er restr ictions were placed on the size a nd kinds of business signs. In fairness to business people who in 1974 had signs that fa iled to meet th e new standards, they were given one e ntire decade, until 1984 , to replace old signs with n ew o nes tha t conformed with the 1974 reforms. New businesses would have to meet the 1974 standards immediately. Abruptly at a recent council session, Councilman Donn Hall proposed a radical modification of the eight-year-old sign reform rules. H e said t h at the cit y government should allow all signs to remam if they were leg(!l under the o ld rules, prior to the 1974 reforms. This is an incredible proposal, comi n g eight years after the reforms were initiated. It would be pate ntl y unfair to every business enterprise that had t.'Ome into the c ity sin ce 1974 and conformed to the new rules. It would be equally unfair to all those within the mercanttle community who. in conscientious efforts for civic improvement, have already t.'Onverted their signs to conform to the n ew standards . Hall's modification, if adopted into law. would simply be telling all the business people who came into the city over the past eight years and older me rchants who conformed that they had been suckers. Those merchants with non- conforming signs who continued to stubbornly hang on to their old placards would be rewarded. After a eouple of agonizing sessions in mulling Ha ll's so-called gran dfather escape clause. the counc i 1 decided to put off a decision until after the Nov. 2 e lection . That m ean s the sign ordinance could become a central lSSUe of electioneering for the two incumbents seeking re-eleetion and the four challe ngers. In fa irness to all, this n ever should h ave happened . The grandfathered escape clause s h ould h ave been d e f eated forthwith by the council majority and laid to rest. Fifty years of service Congratulations are extended to members and officers, past and present, of the Newport Harbor Cha pter of the Busin ess and Professional Women 's Club, upon cel ebratio n of its g olden anniversary. Since its founding in 1932 with pioneer Balboan Marguerite • Way as first president, the club has supported scholarships, youth training pr.ograms and campaigns for the betterment o f the role of ·women i n the Harbor Area business community. The BPW has provided 50 years of \rue pub~c service. Opinions expressed In the space above are thOse of the Dailv Piiot. Other views e>e· prtuecl on this page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment Is lnvlt· ed. Addres.s The Dallv Pilot, P.o, Bo" 1S60, Cos ta Me~. CA 92U6. Phone (7 14> 642·432t. . ORANGE COAST . Daily Pilot '°"'"'",... fWry .. , OI llW ,,.., •I Ut W•'4 ••¥ ~· c;.,, .... A<td• .. , , .. , ....... "< ...... I MO (O\ll l!NU (A t1t1t Thomot P. Hal.y Pvbl·lh., Thomot A. Murphln• (d 1or Jane AmCHI ' (all(.lllt•e (d1IOt ..,.....K...-.ach fdilOflal '09• tO•l•Jr T'*"-Mcc.nn Mll""9'"9 (cHOI .. © INFL~TiON /~ . .1l&J&:.1 'llUNK 11US ~1'11' A l.Dr PRJ.:111ER. Letters ·to the editor Legislature mus t • • • ~et pr1or1t1es To the Editor: I noted with interest your Sept. 5 editorial, "Procrastination Costly." The editorial appropriately pointed out that chaos reigns during the closing days of a legislative session and that the Legislature cannot deliberate to the best of its ability in the midst of hundreds of bills and a rapidly approaching deadline. As you pointed out, the Legislature failed to send to the governor its pay raise bill. If we look at the overall scope of the legislative session. we find several reasons why our failure to do so was justified. First, I should clarify that there are many hard-working legislators who are not adequately compensated for the time they devote to their full-time positions. The most effective legislators are the m ost conscientio u s, putting in workweeks which extend to six days and sometimes seven. THIS WAS a year, however, when the Legislature should have grasped a golden opportunity to establish priorities and to reduce or eliminate state spending in superfluous areas. It didn't happen. Education ts suffering greatly because priorities were not established. We still face the possibilltY. of deficits -because we borrowoo from this year's revenues to balance the past fiscaJ year's budget. Worse yet, we allowed special interest bills to get through to benefit specific legislators at the expense of the overall state budget. Until the Legislature is willing to reprioritize, it is inappropriate for us to grant ourselves pay raises in the face of the cuts we have asked others to absorb. I believe· this will not happen until we see a change in the composition of the Legislature -but it must happen. The fact that a legislative pay raise this year was not approved does not cloud the fact that certain legislators are desetving of pay increases. It's just that as a body, we should take care of the state's most important business before even considering it. MARIAN BERGESON Assemblywoman, 74th District Rule or represent? To the Editor: Now the mayor of Newport Beach and her followers on the council are suing her constituents? For disagreeing with her? Or, doesn't she remember? It seems a taste of power leads to a thirst for power, and eventually to downright tyranny ln the hearts of our small-time politicos. And all of this, right from the steps of City Hall! We can only observe that It has become as perilous for the citizen to exercise his political freedoms~ it is tO be a good Samaritan. In both ClllleS, one must now face the intimidation of being sued. And In this instance, by those who would rule us. rather than represent us. REBA WILLIAMS R ep eal sig n law To the Editor: The Costa Mesa Council could best serve the laudable causes of civic beautification and t;uumony by repealing the controversial sign ordinance. Such unpopular bu.t courageous deciaiven~ would remove tile growing potential of -costly, divisive litlgatlon by all sldes against the city. Actually, lt would be taxpayer against taxpayer, whereby we all IOM! A repeal would eliminate the current dlecrlmlnallon against legal, but non- confonnl"8 sllfN. Furthermore, a repeal would avola any dlacrlmlnatlon or unfa lrn eu that might be fe lt by confor"ft'\1na atgn holden if the council enacts a questionable, propoaed modification ln November. CONCURRENT wtlh repeaJ1 It would be mandatory upon th• councU to provide •tnma, sincere luderahip (or etfectJw, voluntary methoda of alt.rrina or eliminating u ndealrable sl1ns aa MAILBOX d e t e rmine d by a ·balanced C1ViC Committee. Their approach could entail constructive persuasion, legal boycotts, n o n -paa onizing , and media identification of "offending" sign holders. · The .present policy to compel basic uniformity by ordinant-e has been found wanting. -It as foreign to our successful American way of individual freedoms. communication. cooperation and public consideration. · Let's be fair and realistic. Costa Mesa has been _blessed by a responsive. responsible business community, an indispensable contributor to our having attractive educational, social and low-tax advantages. Small businesses have a right and a need to advertise properly, and duty toward beautification. Yet, why should the council punish everyone especially in these trying economic times for the bad manners of a few? CHRISTOPHER MAGEE STEEL Police expertise To the Editor: Members of the Sea View Board of Directors joi_n m e an offering congratulations to the Nt!wport Beach Police Department fo r the expertise shown an handling the recent armed robbery/hostage situation within our community . Prompt action by patrol officers. SWAT members, helic6pter pilots and all other personnel during the several hours of involvement provided the ~rfect solution to a tense situation . Great restraint was shown by the officers not hnng their weapons during the suspect chase. The community of Sea View thanks the entire Newport Beach Police Department for the calm, peaceful ending. All citizens of Newport Beach are lucky to have the protection of this fine department. JOANN M. BROCK President SeaV1ew Homrowners Association • W ha t 'village'? To the Editor. Huntington Beach again faces the prospect of highrise buildings and their resulting problems in the downtown area. The City Council has approved a general plan which would allow structures of 12 stories. A similar but larger plan was overwhelmingly rejected by the public in 1976. Many of the same objections have been voiced by both residents in the proposed redevelopment area and ciuz.ens from other parts of the city. The plan emphasizes commercial and office structures that would serve an area limited In ac:cess (no freeways) and limite d In surrounding financial possibillties. Wo uld or could the downtown compete even modestly with Huntington Center, Westminster Center, or South Coast Plaz.a? If not, would these buildings become condominiums resultina ln a severe economic draln on the cityfWould any cltlz.ens be wUllna to fight the traffic to patronize downtown? The area is already congested. To add more traffic even with the planned street modiflcatlons and closings would not solve the problem but ,exacerbate It. IF THERE were full implementation ol the plan, what would be the result for the downtown area? Alew blocks inland alone one or two street.ti would be high· rise and more medium to high -rise bulldinp alqng Pacific Coast ffighway from Beacfl to Golden West, thus dwarfing the aurroundlng tesldencea. Would anyone, even the approvln1 councH members, rezone \heir own nclg,hborhoodl wtth a plan like this one? What of the people who In aood faith buy thne bulldJnp which ml1ht not CuJfiU economlc projections? Wtll we .. have a situation such as the one on 19th Street in Costa Mesa? There sits one lone high-rise dominating Its neighbors, totally misplaced. Most o f our ci u zens favor the redevelopment of downtown using "the village concept" as-Laguna and Seal Beach have done. These cities have wonderful low-rise commercial uses which are aesthically pleasing with patios, walkways, and open spaces. These businesses are financial suc:cesses and in keeping with the surrounding residences. This concept could revitalize our downtown. We want those who develop our city to make a fair profit and those who buy into our community to prosper. We want visitors to return. A village plan would help. Those backing the high·rise plan contend that theirs is a "village concept." I have traveled in 32 fo reign countries on four continents, and I never saw a village with 12-story buildings. JOANNE C. STEVENS L e t church g row To the Editor: As a senior at Harbor High and a 15-year re:J>ident, I would like to make known my complete and unwavering support for the ,building plans presented by $t. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. My father has always told me that if a person or organization is not willing to change it will never gro -change and growth go hand in hand. At St. Andrew's we have a tremendous potential to grow. There are many people in the community we can reach out to and 'support. However. we need a building that will provide us w ith the space and ·resources necessary ,to reach these people. We have presented a building program that will allow us to reach new peopl~ and support them. A church is lik~ a support group for the surrounding community. St. Andrew's supports and aids some 3,000 local residents who attend the church. I would.like to see our support of the community and our outreach to people increase. Yes, we are asking for a change. A change that wiU enable us to grow as people and to grow as a church. We all must be very careful never-to deny the people of this comm un ity the opportunity to grow. . MELISSA MITCHELL L ife at 83 To the Editor: Not satisfied with the $10 per month taken by SuppJemental Security Income (SSI) because people who never went to school learned what little they do know Crom computers, now, besides the pound of flesh they want my blood. Today my Social Security anct SSI checkll combined amount to about $449. And now that my rent h as skyr-ocketed again to $460, where do I get any money to buy a piece of new rope? WHO DO I thank for this meM? I could start with Reagan; then Jarvis and all the hunka that voted for Proposition 13. By the way, wasn't It Proposition 13 that did away wlth the state surplus? i Now that I am nqt permitted to put anythi!.'8 into the bank except my ~ and S~l, who pays the $11 balance on my ren.t? Who pays my $35-plus utility bills? Who buys my clothes? Of counei moat of my clothes have come from th .. trash bin -and I think there's ~ ext.ra food out there in the t.rash. Me? I'm just an old 83 years. Time fod me to die anyhow! i W.J . ARMSTRONC1 1 i Inate.O of U'}'inR to add more national hoUda)'11 (Martin Luther KJna Da!:J Elvlt Presley Day, etc.) tQ the calendar why don't we n.-duc. the number 11ve IOf'M Uvee on \he hilhwa~? I ANTl·DRUNK DIUVD .......... ~--· ......... ·~--· -~s:.:;c'--.. --,,.,.,, ... ,_ ........ ....Oell"f...... . • Strike talks go on LOS ANGELES (AP) - NegQl1a tors were back at the bargaining table today trying to ge t buses back on the road again while frazzled commuters face anot h er day of bumper-to- bumper tramc in the second day of the city's bus strike'. A marathon bargaining session broke off at 2:30 a .m . and spokesmen for the Southern California Rapid Transit District and United T ransportation Union said in a joint statement that "6ubstantial progress" was made. But RTD s p okesman Jim Smart a nd UTU spok:esman Goldy Norton honored a news blackout and would not elaborate on the oul<.'Ome of more than five hours of discussions. except to say the sides would meet again this afternoon at the behest of a state conciliator. • THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 16 1'18:.0 J llWPllT llm I HUI lllCU ORANGE COUNT'( C ALIFORNIA 25 CENTS Oallr Piiot Photo br Patrick O'O-nell ·Beek: Move ,. • airport By STEVE MARBLE 0( the Dally f'tlot ltllff A Newport Beach City Council candidate has asked the city to lead a push to re locat e J ohn W ayne A irpori t o Santiago Canyon in northern Orange- County. Council hopeful A::.llan Beek, appearing al a candidates' forum Wednesday in Balboa, said a coalition of cities, industrial firms and major air carriers must team to force the relocation. Beek accused the Orange County Board of Supervisors of failing to follow through on its committee's recommendation that a regional airport be located at Santiago Canyon. -He said pressure from a coalition is the onJy way to end the supervisors' "paralysis." During an ea rly-morning break, UTU General Chairman Earl Clark told The Associated Press that "Things are going fine. We're still here and it's a good atmosphere." Bulldozers build up sand barrier to stave oCf high waves in Councilwoman Evelyn Hart, Beek's oppon(!nt, said she ~ little merit in Beek's suggesuon but agreed that the supervisors "are being verflax about finding a new airport site." Beek, a former city plann'ing c.'omrnissioner, also said Newport Beach should move quickly to annex the unincorporated county area of Santa Ana Heights and protect it as a resid e ntial ''Right now we've got som e things we're looking at and it's difficult to say whether they're going to be acceptable or not. We'r e trying," he said in a telephone interview. Tuesday. Clark accepted binding arbitration at least on the central issue in the strike the district's demand that it be allowed to double the number of part-time drivers io 20 percent - but RTD President Mike Lewis rejected it. Supervisor .Ed .Edelman urged RTD directors to r econsider accepting the arbitration in a closed-door meeting Wednesday, but Lewis declined to say what the board decided afterward. . How ever. the Los Angeles Times ·said ·today that the board voted 8-to-3 to submit the issue to binding arbitration. w hich means both sides would agree to abide by the findings o f a[) impartial arbitrator. , Takeoff Surfside as the beach colony prepares for more punishing tides tonight. Dozers shore up By BOB BARKER Of the Dallr Piiot Stan The U.S . Navy and the federal governme nt came under cnucism from a number o f Surfside Colony residents as bulldozers worked late in to t-h e night and today protectmg the homes from flooding. Al l resideqces i n the endangered northern part of the community made it through the night unscathed after bulldozer crews Crom Orange County put up a 10-12 foot high sand barrier by the time a 6.5-foot high tide .,_hit at 8:Sl p.m .. Wednesday. Only 2 !I': feet of sa nd separated the sandbagged homes from high water earlier In the day when city officials put out an emergency call to the county. The bulldozers, working in single file and with lights on, widened the barrier to about 15 feet. They were back on the job at 6:30 a.m. today getting ready for another high tide of 6.4 Ceet at 9; 19 tonight that officials fear may combine with hurricane Norman to bring more woes. Resident Al GolgarCsays the "government screwed the whole thing up" by putting in a rock jetty at Anaheim &y during the early 1940s. The jetty, Seal Beach officials say, causes waves to carom to the area of the Surfside homes and . sand • ID Surfside carry sand to Huntiniton Beach and Newport Beach . "Th e Navy should fix it," Golgart said. "They're supposed to be protecting our shorelme." Twelve-year resident Herb Tyranauer. an industrial design professor al Cal Sta(e Long Beach, said he sees a persistent flooding threat-because of the jetty. H e said h e believes the governme nt should construct a perpendicular jetty as the best way to protect homes. Seal Beach City Councilma n Victor Grgas said today he holds the Navy responsible for creating the erosion problems. He added that Seabecs a nd the Army Corps of Bngineers "should <.'Ome in and help us out." O ther residents said they believed the Navy has been going too slow in efforts to ease/the situation. City Manager Allen P arker said earlier he expected Navy Seabees to a~sist in sa nd replenishment but t h at they changed their minds when they realiz.ed that the area was a civilian a nd not a Navy beach. Pafker also disclosed earlier that the city of Seal Beach 1s preparing a lpwsuit against the fed eral government to collect about $750.000 in city costs. "One g•y drives up every day at 6:55 a .m . I've been told he's loaded." neighborhood. . Santa Ana Heights is located d irectly under t he takeoff pattern at John Wayne Airport a nd is the scene of a battle between forces that want to preserve the area and others who favor replacing homes with office buildings. Beek accused his council opponent -Hart -of being on the side that favors turning the •residential community into a commercial center . · "Her rationale is that the homes must go," said Beek. "My think.Ing is that the noise must go." Hart said Beek's assertion is false and that sbe has never' favored converting Santa Ana Heights. to commercial zoning. CSee AIRPORT, Page A2) • • noises TraSh-diggers clean up d ·ecrease Takeoff noise l evels attributable to Pacific Southwest Airlines have dropped "significantly" in two weeks - the apparent result of pressure placed on the carrier by Orange County Supervisor Thomas Riley. Riley took the San Diego- based carrier to the woodshed recently after learning that PSA, which operates four flights daily from O range County, had exceeded allowable takeoff noise levels. The amount of added noise, however, was considered min or and could not be detected by the human ear, according to county officials. Nonetheless, PSA told Riley in a Sept. 10 letter that it was intent on being a "good neighbor" and would alter takeoff procedures to reduce noise exposure over c l ose -in airport area neighborhoods. The carrier apparently had been successful. Chris Edwards, a n airport noise abate me nt official, said PSA 's average takeoff noise (See NOISE, Page AZ) 0.., ..... ,..... .., Gery AMllt- An unidentified scavenger searches through refuse in Newport Beach. Sometimes they "strike gold" in other people's discards. By JODI CADENHEAD Ofltle Delly Piiot ltelf The baJding man stepped out of h is late model Oldsmobile. His wife. waited in the car while he rummaged through the trash bin behind the Ne wport Beac h supermarket, pulling out a couple of nice siz.ed black rubber mats. A less experienced scavenger might have overlooked the pair or mats, but the trash digger. hkc other regulars, knew what he . was dolng. L ike the man before him who had fished a box of macaroni out of the supermarke t dumpster filled with empty boxes, wilted lettuce and a carton of sma ll plums, he refUsed to talk about the r eclamation h abit some merchants cynically refer to as "second jobs." Once considered the purv1ew of the poor, trash digging has become more popular with the mlddJe class and even the rich during the current recession. "We have our regular people who go through the trash every day," said Frank Madde n , manager of Smith's Food King in Newport Beach. "One guy drives up every day at 6:55 a.m. It's like a job for him. I've been told he's loaded." Most scroungers rise early, making a round o f the local supermarket dumpsters before other scavengers, fltes and the actual refuse collectors arrive. Produce past its prime, torn boxes of food and stale bread are the most commonly sought a fter items by trash hunters. Before moving from Palm Spnngs to Smith's Food King in * * * Sometimes, The lovely and seemingly brand-ne w russet Cur jacket discovered tn a supermarket trash bin in Costa Mesa proved to be a lucky and unusual find during a sean:-h for discards. The d yed rabbit jacket was lymg on top of a R,!le of rubbish, untouched a nd o"vlooked by another scavenger who had been peering into the bin seconds before. But the jacket turned out to be a rare treasure. Like the pnncess who had to kiss a lot of toads. trash ditger s have lo look through many garbage cans before hitting gold. A three-hour search of trash bins in Costa Mesa and Newport Beach turned up little e lse of Costa Mesa. store manager Rich Owings said he frequently saw scroungers m the desert resort town. I "It happens much more in the a ffluent a reas," ..J&ald Owings. "They realize that people will be much more finicky and the stores (See SCAVENGERS,_Page AZ ) *** a treasure value and little that was edible. Stores in better neighborhoods have less blemlshed fruit -a carton of plums and some slightly wilted lettuce were among the top offerings. Most trash diggers start at 6 a .m. and have finished coll:?Cting by 8 a.m. Lettuce and tomatoes that can look almost appealing in the early morning dampness turn putrid when surrounded by rues In the hot afternoon sun. Food and produce sUll in bag$ or cartons seem to be the most popular finds. Stor e managers said that otherwise gOOd food is tossed out If the box has been opened or If the expiration date has passed. ..-----· IJIDEi . Work starts soon on Crystal CQ _ve Park Working three shifts a day without coffee breaks, robots will outpace humans. They performing now at Wescon. Page A3. Al Your Service 'A4 Ann Landcns Erma Bombeck A7 Movies Business 86-7 Mutual Funds ar A7 C7 B6 Cavalcade I A7 Public Nol{~ C4-~,D3-4 Classlfled 04-8 Sporta Cl ·& Cornlea D2 Or. Stelncrohn A7 Croasword D2 Stock Marketa B7 Death Notices 03 Televi.slon C8 Stan Delaplane • A7 Theaters C7 • F.dltorlal A6 Weather A2 EntttUllrunent C7 World New• A3 Intennisa.lon C7 Uevelo pme nt of p1lrk~"1!( facilities, trails and campaltes at Crystal Cove State Park, the 8,000-acrc stretch of coastal terrain eouth of Corona del Mar, Ls echedulcd to begin early next year. State park officials, charged with grooming the park for the public. this week were allocated $5 million for the development chores. The money la to be apenl carvin• out eeveral park.lna Iota. a network of trail• ancJ day camp1ltea -Improvement• detl,,ned 10 inaeue public ~ tc the thrtoe-year-old park. The one-time alioca\lon Is provided through a btU authored by Asaemblywoman Marian , Bergeson, R-N~wport Beach. The blU was aianed \his week by Oov. .Edmund Aro~ Jr. • Lack of rarktn1. said 1tate park oftlcia Les McCatao. has made acceu to the park a dHTlcuh and aometlmea dangeroua wk. The Improvements, ht said, likely will be In place by the t'nd of 1983. The park la a collection of canyons, rtdpt and more than three mllH of beach, which ... stretches from Corona del Mar to Abalone Point. The park's Interior takes In Moro>Canyon. The state purchased most of the land ln 1979 from the lrvtne Company for $32.6 mllllon. While the st.ate hes rcslatcd oponln, the Interior to the public untJI It can afford to hire more ransera. the beach property has bHn drawing thouunda of vllitort during sul1\mf'r months. The park haa only one full· Ume rancer. Llfesu-rd te-rvk'e II provided by ~na Beech and eecurlty by the Oranp County Sheriff'• depanment Thett .. no .. ' ' lifeguard service. during winter months. State park officials est imate that once the improvements are In place Cryatal Cove may attract up to 15,000 guetta on peak daya. McCargo said the plan ls to COntlMJC\ rouahly 1,800 perk!~ apaCf'I, lncludlnt ~O behind El Morro El~ntary School to be u~ aa a at.aging area for hiken. While \M ts million .UOC.Uon should go far ln ,etuna the park ready for the public, McCarao .. ld mon money will be needed to OOn,J»lett the •ta'-park. N Or•no• Collt OAILV PILOT/Thur1d1y. S.ptemb•r, • 1082 New cloud threatens welcome teacher pact For the firsl t1me in l 0 ycan1 the Newport-MCRa Unified School District started the sch ool year with a teacher con tract signed, sealed and deliver~. The teacht.1r11 had accepted lhe 3 percent pay increase offered by trustees. Looking b ac k to th e acrimon ious disputes tha t too often have marked negotiations - which last year dragged on until February when a 6 percent pay raise was agreed upon -that had to be good n ews. This year. it appeared that reason had prevailed, encouraged. no d oubt, b y the fact that the Legislature failed to com e up with more money for the schools. Unfortunate ly, t here was a rather dark cloud"'\n the sk y. The contract approved by trustees and accepted by m embers o f the teachers' union was negotiated by the 335-member Newport-Mesa Federation of Teachers, an AFL- C IO affiliate, which has represented the teachers since 1979. However, the validity of the agreement was -shado~ed when another teach e rs' union , the Newport -M esa E duca tion Association, a California Teachers Association a ffili a t e , filed a decertification petition seeking to represent the district 's 800 tencht'rs us it had prior \.0 l 979 when the tt-achers voted to cbunge thdr representation . Associution President Pa l S tPphan says the 250 members of that group w ere dissatisfied with the 3 percent pay tnc.·rease. F ederation Prc~idcnt Mayu Decker said her group was not happy w ith the 3 percent either, but felt it was a ll the district could o ffer until the sUllc comes up with more money. The ji pproved contrac t includes a provision to reopen negotiations i( the L egislature manages to find additional sch ool financing. As things st.and now, district o fficials will have to wait until the s tate Public Employment Relations Board reviews the decertification petition signatures and decides 1f a new union election must be h eld . This is a n unfo rtunat e d evelopment m what appeared to be, for a ch ange, a harm onious end to the pay negotiations. Bitte r labor disputes. strikes and threats of strikes. have had an adverse effect on many school districts in the pas t. It was pleasant , t emporar ily , t o think t h at Newport-Mesa would for once be spared this sort of thing. -Bed tax benefits all Following the example of the Irvine City Council, Newport Beach coun cil m embers a r e preparing to sid estep the voters and take action themselves on the issue of increasing the city's hotel and motel bed tax from 6 to 8 percent. Irvine had planned to put a similar increase proposal on the November ballot, but a recent Supreme Court ruling opened the way for local governments to take action on general tax incre ases, such as bed taxes , witho u t consultin g the voters. The Proposition 13 requirement for a two-thirds voter approval s till applies to taxes earmarked for specific purposes. B ed tax reve nues simply go into the general fund. So the Irvine council also is considering increasing that city's bed tax to 8 percent, as Laguna did much earlier. But the Newport Beach case Is somewhat differe n t. The bed tax inc rease already has been presented to Ne wport voters on two ballots. and both ·times w on majority approval but failed to achieve the two -thirds margin w hich was though~ to be required. N ewport leaders point out that the higher tax will yield about $500,000 in additional city revenue, while adding only a small amount to visitors' bills. And, it is noted. the bed tax is paid only by tourists, while the city can use the revenue for such needed expenditures as s treet repairs and beach cleaning operations which benefit the whole community. Hotel a nd m otel operators, h owever, have vigorously opposed the incr ease, claiming it would drive potential customers to other cities, like Costa Mesa, where the bed tax is 6 percent. Given Newport's renown as a beach resort, tnis would seem rath e r unlikely. However, there d oubtless will be some debate wh e n t h e co unc il formally considers the bed tax , issue Sept. 27. And, taking into conside ration the interests of the community as a whole , the counc il should approve the increase. Neighborhood Watch helps Some leading citizens of the Balboa Island community have expressed deep concern because three sexual assaults have been reported on the island within the last two weeks and information on the crimes was not immediately av..ailable. Many BaJboa Island residents consider their neighborhood an almost closed enclave. But it is as subject to c rime as any o ther section of Newport Beach. Some island residents felt that the police were at fault in n ot fully informing the neighborhood o f the sex attack s and thus aggravating the rumor mill. It should be noted, however, that the police department fully eopperates with citi?.ens who want to establish Neighborhood Watch progra m s . The Neighborhood Watch is an excellent means of assuring two-way communication between law enforcement and the citizenry. This may be precisely what is needed for Balboa Island. Fifty years of service I Congratulations are extended to members and officers, past and present, of the Newport Harbor Chapter o f the Business and Professional Women's Club, upon cel e bratio n of its g o ld e n anniversary. Since its founding in 1932 With pioneer Balboan Marguerite Way as first president, the club has supported scholarships, youth training programs and campaigns for the betterment of the role of women in the Harbor Area business communHy. The BPW has provided 50 years of true public service.' L.M. Boyd/ Ret~rement No. 56 on that llst of do's and don'ts for those contemplaUng retirement: "If you want to go, go someplace whe re they don 't know your nlckn'ame." No. 31 is: "Count your drlnk:a and dollara, but never count your days." No. 23 is: "Don't plan as far ahead as you did when you had your daughter vacci!}8t.ed ln a place you thouaht would never show.' ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat . Do ,you buy the claim of somf psychologists that certain women can enlarge their bust measurement. w ith tclf-hypnosts? Neither do I. Q. Who lnvented ICiseol"I? A. Same genius who Invented thl' Army tank. Leonardo da Vi.nd. Braiiliana like avocedoa for breakfast Thomo• P. HaS.y Pubfi1/11W Thomat A. Murphlne rd•IQ< Jan• Amari t el(l,llo>• (d•!Of ..,_. KNle.kh fd<!O'tOI 'oo-(d~O. ,.,..,,_, McConn Monoo1110 tct.•CM " ... .. © INFL~Tiot\ /~ ..TMERE. l TMINK THIS MAAE5 11' A LOT mr.111ER. Letters to · the ediior Legislature must • • • • set pr1or1t1es To the F.dltor: I noted with interest your Sept. 5 editorial, "Procrastination Costly." The editorial appropriately pointed out that chaos reigns during the closing days of a le gislative session and that the Legislature cannot deliberate to the best of its ability in the midst of hundreds of bills and a rapidly approaching deadline. AF. you pointed out, the Legislature failed to seqd to the governor its pay raise bill. U we look at the overall scope of the legislative session, we find several reasons why our failure to do so was justified. First, I should clarify that there are many hard-working legislators who are not adequately compensated for the time they devote to their full-time posjtions. The most effective legislators are the most consci e ntious , putti ng in workweeks which extend to six days and sometimes seven. THIS WAS a year, however, when the L egislature should have grasped a golden opportunity to establish pnorities and to reduce or eliminate state spending in superfluous areas. It didn't happen. Education is suffering greatly because priorities were not established. We still face the possibility of deficits -because we borrowed from this year's revenues to balance the past fiscal year's budget. Worse yet, we allowed special interest bills to get through to benefit specific legislators at tlte e)j:pense of the overall state budget. Until tlle Legislature 1s willing to ~prioritlz.e, It ts Inappropriate for us to grant ourselves pay raises in the face of the cuts we have asked others to abeorb. I believe this will not happen until we see a change in the composition of the Legislature -but It must happen. The fact that a legislative pay raiae this year was-not approved does not cloud the fact \hat certain legislators are deserving of pay Increases. It's just that as a body, we should take care of the state's most important business before even considering it. MARIAN BERGESON A,s.,emblywoman, 74th District Rule or represent? To the Editor: Now the mayor of Newport Beach and her followers on the council are suing her constituents? For disagreeing with her? Or, doesn't she remember? It seems a taste of power leads to a thirst for power, and eventually to downright tyranny ln the hearts of our small-time poliUcos.. And all of this, right from the steps of City Hall' We can only observe that it has become as perilous for the citizen to exercise his political freedoms as It ls to be a good Samaritan. ln both cases, one must now face the intimidation of being sued. And In this instance, by those who would rule us, rather than represent us. REBA WILLIAMS Repeal sign law To the Editor: The Costa Mesa Council could best serve the laudable causes of civic beautlticatlon and harmony by repealing the controversial sign ordinance. Such unpopular but courageous dl!C'lsiveness would remove the growing pot.cntial ot costly, divisive litigation by all sides against the city. Actually, It would be taxpayer aaalrut taxpayer. whereby we an loae! A ~peal would C)llmlnate the current dltcrhl'lln-_\lon aaatnat leaal, but non.· conform nr •lgna. Furthermore, a repeal would avoid any dl1crlmination or un(alrneu tha-t mlaht be felt by confonnm, ti.an holden U the council enecu a queutonablo, propoeed modJflcaUon In.November. CONCURRENT wU.h Ntpeal, It would be mandatory upon &he council to provlde 1tron1, llncere lf*derahlp for effecUve, volunw-y methods of alterlnc or ellmfnatlng undetirable 111n1 •• MAILBOX determined by a balanced Civic Committee. Their approach could entail constructive persuasion, legal boycotts, non -p a tro nizi ng , a nd media id e ntification of ''offe nding" sign holders. The present policy to compel basic uniformity by ordinance has been found wanting. It is foreign to our successful American way of individual freedoms. communication. cooperation and public consideration. Let's be fair and realistic. Costa Mesa has been blessed by a respo.nsive, responsible business community, an indispensable contributor to our having attractive educational, social and low-tax advantages. Small busine8ses have a right and a need to advertise properly, and duty toward beautification. Yet, why should the council punish everyone especially in these trying economic times for the bad manners of a few? .CHRISTOPHER MAGEE STEEL:; ~ Police exp ertise .. . To the F.d1tor: Memtlers of the SeaView Board of Direc t ors join me in o ffering congratulations to the Newport Beach Police Department for the expertise shown in handling the recent armed robbery/hostage situation within our community. · Prompt action by patrol officers, SWAT members, helicopter pilots and all other personneLduring the several hoW'S of involvement provided the perfect solution to a ten se situation. Great restraint was shown by the officers not firing their weapons during the suspect chase. The community of SeaView thanks the -e ntire Newport Beach Police Department for the calm, peaceful ending. All citizens of Newport Beach are lucky to have the protection of this fine department. JOANN M. BROCK President SeaV1ew Homeowners Association What 'village'? To the F.ditor: Huntington Beach again f~es the prospect of highrtse builclings and their resulting problems in the downtown area. The City Council has approved a ge neral plan which would allow structures of 12 stories. A similar but larger plan was overwheJ.minsly rejected by the public in 1976. Many of the same objections have been voiced by both residents in the proposed redevelopment area and citizens from other parts ol the dty. The plan emphasJ:r.es commercial and office structures that would serve an area limited in access (no freeways) and limited in s urro unding financial possi bilities. Would or could the downtown compete even modestly with Huntington <:enter, Westminster Center, or South Coast Plaza! If not, would these building• become condom iniums resultJ~ in a severe economic drain on the city. Would any ciU.iens be willing to fight the traffic to patronize downtown? The area la already congested. To add more traffic even with the planned street modifications and closlnp would not solve the problem but e>eacerbate it. ~ IF THE RE were fuU implementation of the plan, whAt would be the result for the downtown area? A few block.a inland alona one or two atreett would be high· rise and more medium to higb-ria.e bUlldlngs alona Pecilic Coast Htahway from Beuh to Golden Weit. thua dwarfing the 1urrou.ndln1 re1ldence1. Would enyone, even the approving councll membera, rezone their own ne1&hborhoodl wlth a plan Uke thte one? Whet of the peopl• who in aocxt faJ\h buy theae bulldlnp which ml1ht not fulfill economic projecUona? Will we l.tllt•\ II ... , .... ,, •rt WtlCtl'lle fM tltf'I\ I• ,..,..flW i.t !tit 1• Ill ..... ., •llf'lllM .. II ... r• ,_,..._ L.t~t flf • •II•\ .. lftt wlf' .. 11-tr•llt-t All ..._,, -' Ill ClllW ...,....,.. •1111 "'41ll•flt -·" w -· -· .. ···-·-"' ·-·· ,, Wlh(19ftl ..... fl ., _ ... , "'9\(Y •Ill 1101 .. .,_.,~. Lfll .. t mar ............ M ...... "'"'' '"" ,._.. _, .. ltle C4'11•1h .. _.. .. II""' l•r •• ,,, ... ,,411\ .... -• have a siwation such as the one on 19th Street in Costa Mesa? There sits one lone high-rise d ominating its neighbors, totally misplaced. Most of our ci tlze ns favor the redevelopment of downtown using "the village concept" as Laguna and Seal Beach have d one. These cities have wonderful low-r ise commercial uses which are aesthically pleasing with patios, walkways, at'ld open spaces. These businesses are Cinancial successes and in keeping with the surrounding residences. This concept could revitalii.e our downtown. We want those who develop our city to make a fa1r profit and those who buy into our corruflunity to prosper. We want visitors to return. A village plan would ·help. Those backing the high-rise plan contend that theirs is a "village concept." I have traveled in 32 forelgn countries on four continents, and I never saw a village with 12-story buildings. JOANNE C. STEVENS Let church srow To the F.ditor: As a senior at Harbor High and a 15-year resident, I would like to make known my complete and unwavering support for the building plans presented by St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church. My father has always told me that if a person or organization is not willing to change it will never grow -change and growth go h a nd i n hand. At St. Andrew 's we h ave a tremendo us potential to grow. The re are man y people in the ~ommunily we can .reach out to and support. However, we need a building· that will provide us with the space and resources n ecessary to reach these people. W e have presented a building program that will allow us to reach new people and support them. A church is like a support group for the surrounding community. St. Andrew's supports ana aids some 3,000 local residents who attend the chureh. I would like to see our support of the community and our outreach to people incr'ease. Yes, we are asking for a change. A change that will enable us to 'grow as people and to grow as a church. We all must be very careful never to deny the people of this communit y the opportunity to grow. MELISSA MITCHELL Life at 83 To the &:titor: Not saUsfied with the $10 per month taken by Supplemental Security lncome (SSI) because people who never went to school learned what little they do know from computers, now, besides the pound of flesh they want my blood. Today my Social Security anct SSI checks combined amount to about $449. And now that my rent has skyrocketed again to $460, where do I get any money to buy a piece of new rope? WHO DO I thank for this mess? I could start with Reagan: then Jarvis and all the hunks that voted for Proptlon 13. By the way, wasn't it Proposition 13 thet did away with the state surplus? Now that I am not permitted to put anything in~the bank except m't SS and SSI, who pays the •t 1 balanCe on. my ~~t? Who ~~y $35-plua utility bills?\ Who ~ my othes? Of coune, most of my clothes ha come from the tn.Sh bin -and I think there's IOme extra rood out there ln t he trash.. Me? I'm just an old 83 yean. Time for me to die anyhow! W.J . ARMSTRONG I lllllY• TnatffCr ol uyTu,r W> add more national, holidays -(Martin Luther Kini Day~ Elvis Prwley Dl)r, etc.) to the c:aJenclai-,• why don't we teduc.'9 the num~ Mve eome l1V8 on tbie hlibways! AN'I1~DRl1NK ._ .... ~-.................... . _ _...,,................. . ... ... ....... ......., ....... , ....... ·----------------------- •• ~I"' Mel kl"' Nol ~In Hot !><et•• pqt ~IM "' ( "°' Ctow '"' " • '"'' (low c,,. ,. ' -c..... '"' ,. I -(lolM '"' II' t ~ ''°"' c.,.. t1>1a 1•11tt»1• a••, I' HeO.W ,, .. • JJ 1-v• L11t1111• n t IJ t4oo h l'~L.. IV l 16 1 '°' If • -~··,·~· t F. 10 .,. ft""' '-• M f'e<l llffl .. IJ "' Ith. llllA 'I . ~ I.. . . t I • " .... =~~':. 1, 6l ":',' 1~. ~ MllU>MI It 11 tt~fl !!~ ..... ll'ecl'w t 't t Ill !f" "'r."'11 ,,. I '°1 ~ •• I'll Win Nol r~ .. iO tU~ 1:+. ~: e11J• I• I 1J1 ~; \: ~t 't Ii I Jl~ ~ ~~~rPI ~II 1t ij~' M~-' t t ll~k: t ~ l'C-1\0\ (IOW ( ... -J 10 4 tit .:~I I ... t fl J•I• M :gr ~II 'h ~-~:fik i:' 1t.\ U~• ~ ·E'=t~ u::: ~ =~:~ , :: .: ,~!; m.:. \,. t.J t 1f m ljt ~. ~=..:.r:r J 1· JH 1l1o.. .. 'tu~ ji11 .,, ,~. ~ ,:.;t I:!. '1? u~: 11w• I ti. I " . 1-. &w11tT,; "10 I ll tJ • C:loo ,:: : ~i I •a M: .... :~~.I t ~ 1 lr. n:' :: ~&(,.:.p ·,_it ,.1 :. • ~ ,."~Alli i:4. ~ 41 "". "' lltli 1 ~ I ll U". ~ 811•.. c c.. ''' • 1. •er 10 a ., n~. ~. H•••no, \~ '' ._ u l "" 5 <r, 1 11 1ii .. ov.. \; ,.:MRH 2 '° • 1~ f • "" "Ci'-.,,, 40 • " ' "" \ol•• Nol llS , '° I JQ .,... I\• p,: .... t:: ,r: ~J~' .. ~·,,~· t ,,. II" .. e!f.' H .. 1t ,., .. l'ttl< •• t wt \ .. "' s. rn is 't • H1 : .... ~It In I~ I " "'•. .. •j," t M 10 WIO 'ti.. \. Harn"' '°,b· ,,. tl'I • -·"&I Ht •fO Ith ,,.. ,._ • t. 10 1t • :: '·io I '17 I ':If It... \'I "E "~" llOw (PIO " • tfl ... Ot••· .... , •• , 1"• ... 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HhOvA I IOI h ""h • Ill. llMtlO 1t tJ 1.. P VI-14t PlletpO JOI • • •tO JJ"-SIOllCI 2 «I /lit/ JI A!<.oStcl tOI I 1:16111•"• 1.CetlHw 11110 12• ll"-• .v, , ,.,. \• MoUyS I )/ 4)'4 lo. McPrffl llO 4 tlU lt\lo• ~ Pllll>tO .. I0301t JI\; ·~ S= 21D 111U •l ...... AteaAI nt ... I ttO JJ c •• , ... ,,. , J ,,... E•alUll 110 • S2 I) ..... HmeG j)fl to . ' I .... McDr"', JO 70 2tv.. . Pllll•Et , ll 1 '" U lf> \t s 2 60 • IM>l u~ ... AteXclr Ill ' 14t C.rlW U ' IOJ U'-EtkOO M 11 »tt • 11" • "° Hom\lk 40 » IOU lt\. Ill Mc Or pl 1..0 • 1 1'1'1 • . Pl\llE Pf l ID .,.10 i.11o "' SIPecCo 20 JI lt II~, .... Alltel> l.OI I 402 o"' \ot C•l<NG I 12 I " '"' EelOll 111 ' 301 JI • I Ho...,. ,,. • n JtV't ... WOnlo 110 11 U71 llll\ll. II. PllllE"' •JO . yl20 JI • 14, StMWiH tJ«i ' JU 1117v •• " A'9Q> pf2.16 s 1J'-c .. 11c11 401 41 •11 1... Eclllln it 11 lltO IS» Honwu l 60 I IW U 1111 McOftkl •I • I 11S7 PllllE. p4 • .0 y410 )t • '-itllllWk It t 11IO II\,,• •1, Algl11I t.«J • .. 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VI P"UEpll.tO vu.GM ,, Sl•llkp 11. iO 1 Al«:p pf .. ,. • JO M... ... Ceni.a u u ue ult~ ..... Et<or JO •• ..... • "' ~OlltFb 40 u , .. w?l • I MHtn .JJJ ll ltS ••'lit. "" PllllE pl 11S vtOO SOii> I Sl•rlot I .. ti t•U ,. .. AllCIN .101 .. , s... . ConSoW .... 1111J1111'•. "" ElttAS IS lJO '"' .. 011•lnl I u to tliOO 2)\,. h Medlr11 . ..i tl ion 40\lo .... PllllSub 1.20 ·1 .. !Oh \'I SllvnJ t.10 • .. ts~. .... Allcl$ef 1.10 I •s ,. ""CtnHllO l ... J Ill '°" ..... EOS ... 70 40t .,,..,. V1 HO Int fill uo J 34'-.... Melleln 2 2• • "' SS'/•. ~ PllllMt , "° 10 fJIJ ,,.... ... StwW•. t .. 14 ,. 1•Vl l'I AIOT.... t , tU t1V't ..... CenllL.t ....... • s• lt'-o ... El-Mo .. ..,. HOlnl fill• Jj • Jllo -Mii• J.G4 11 ltl U \· .... ""'""" .st" Ill u11+.. I SlokVC I .. 1 ,., "". v. Alll.0. . Ill ... ""CnlL.1 pf l .61. rlOO 19 v1 EMM pf t . t .,,_, .. ~Olllnd 7 '.· 6 .. 99 201't I• Mer<il 2 • '1 .,,, .... • Jt~ Phlll11 o1 I 30 ul1 , 14. SlllVC Pf t 1100 '"° • V. AlltCll plS.•. 23 ,.,, . Ce11llPS t ... 7 ,,.. u 1. .. Elgln 160 s II tt\o. "' ouNG t 70 s 157 30 ... \'lo MerTu 1.12 s ;ms 10... .. P1111"-I uo ••• , 29h ..... s1-w 1.0. 1 .. ,. IV. Alel!Pr " IS C•MPw l.IO 1 ti ......... Em•tEI , 112619 Sl\> ... HOllOA 1 ,.. . ,. t9 \'t Mer<k 2.IO IS ••1 ao;v. "' PllltVH liO • t1 u~ ..... Slone' liO 10 '°' II"' Vt Al<N 1.eo14 2632 ,. ....... C:nSoy• .14 u lllt Ith \', ERtO' ,., .. ,,.. .. Howell .0 J 19 I ..... 1• -•clllh '·'° I • ., Pllclllvt 'it '16ll ll. .. SlopSl\p I .. t llO ., \, llmlSllg J , )t7 6l • t CVIPS n 2.12 s 109 tn.. . EmryA .so" '168 "'"' .... HO\Jlf P\ 40 It • 13 ....... MerrL.y I.JI to t10J JH• \f) PleNG 1. I 0 -111'1 1. StorTK I "'" .. ~. \'I IVl'\t• ,JO 1428 12v. '(> C•nlrOt 79J 14• ... emiwn 7.40 s Ill lt'n .... Hubbrd 1 I ,. '•I" -.. pt 20 • .,.., u pl., I I 17 4h ..... Storer .n 19 Jlt. J5w ... Amo pf l . . 4 ,_ .... , '> CnlryTI 1• , UI 1"-Empl>l I $2 1 Je 11.... HllCIM II 101 to t7V.. " MeMR 2.1Je . Ul lJV> v. p tll>ry l . .a I ..O u~ + "° Sir Id Alt 1,,. 10 1:14 1130\.,, I llmr<e t.:17 11 IS l8".. . tenvlll 4 s .o ''" Emp pl <J" rf.00 ,..., HllffY .0 ti 101 11\t. • •1 MeMb .UI • ~ t . . Pio.-r 1 ' lt2 11~. v. Eev$h .JO J U tOV. v. Amrc"' l.'° I ~\ •• \., Crt·141d ,. ll... Efflplnc . .o· • ,.. , ..... .: Hugh Tl 14 • Mii llV> " Mesia • Jh . Pion El .. ,,. II l9 11+. \' 111>PrG I'°° • l9 ,," ... AmHK 1.10 u 1 .. s 23~ -c .. ,Alr 40 10 1)9 II l j EnglCp .Jt 10 loOJ ,, .... \', ~~~!"J2 ~It tlS JH. v, Melrm s • , .. 111•1 • 11 P11ny8 t.60 • 1'1 Jlh •• ..: ... ,, ... , • . ,... • • "' AH9s pt l .SO 3 !OJ . . CllMrln <Ill JI llDI "'" ••• Ennis& IO ' IS ,,,,. 1. HunlCh ~ ,. tJ tt•· MtE PIHl.31 • ••SG SC)I{>" Plln8 pl, 11 ,.. .Mio •• ,., 11n8k\ • ..., ltYO ... •mAor .OSI 190 1~ C"m "'t 20 ti ti... 1. en .. rth t 60 t .. tH. I -~ 121• "' Me•Fcl 14' J • Vo Plltsln '° • Ut IJ•· nCll ..... :l10 tt>!o AmAI"• 6117 ,.;; , .. 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S..n\t.el M 10 J" A8"'"' 1.61 . , ... ~.. , ..... pti..1s I SI Eo11lrnt. 39 ••• :. ~. I NA In , ., J ] U'n. 1. Mlclllo. 1.40 • ,, u • ~ Pndro. so 10 1ll 20.. .. S..prVt s. IJ 2U ,,,. A8dtlt 1.llO I -~·· .. CIWM 1)17 liO ,,, SI!,,. 11. EQMk Pfl JI l " IU lnl t u ' ISi t)lo Ao Mll ... w I.SO. I -n . Po9T•t ·., t) .. IJ\, ... S..0•011 20 12 .,OS 30V. ••• A8IOM t • • u,.~. • 'II Che .. Pl, JS Jn • Eq1Gfl t so s 20 U<. ... lcl•lloP , • 1 " ,... • "" Mlll&ro l.lO 10 "101 n~ "' Po<IK IO I t2 to• I SvpmkG t 1 .., ,,.. • .,. A8inPO .Jt I 0 uU\. • ~ C"41M pl? U. 93J S1 "" EQIL.I ·'°I» IOS U'O "• ldHIB t 19 ?lt t• • ''-MlttR' .Jl I t2 tJV, "• Porlr pt S IO 1ll0 .. , • • ..; SllPWO U 70,., All!CM l tO It 113 ~ ... c ....... IOI> S tlt '"' \, Elm*'l< t M I 110 ~ • th'lllPowr 1 .. 1 H• n ... ' 1, MMM J JO t2 4'°1 ........ p.,,-1c;e I 14 S UI U t • \ Sw•nl< to IJ It "" \• ACyw. l.IJ ' lllS 30lfl . lCllmed nt ts tt 2I ,. ... , <. En11ir s .. 7 S "" llPow pt1 Jt 1100 tlh • \> Min PL. 1 JI 6 tit 21"", ~ poc; ol II SO llO .. • SJl>ron t 01 to JM ti , "' AOT l.M t I .. """ .... CllHY. , •• U7t J.Ol 1. t e .... c -I 11 ......... , •,:PoPow ~ l" rtOO 1110 I ,'", ~1,roCp AO s 10 .... Po<G pl J liO • 19 .. Syl>rn pll 40 , l9 .. A£1Pw ,,,. 7 1JI ,,... CllHV pfl II tU u 1 •• I Etltlnt .. 10 .0 lt\1 ... I ....... , 110 u -\1\111 •• IO 6 140 23'11• IY• PorG"' • .., ll JI» $Jnt .. ' t to 11 .. .,. ., AfflE~ 2.10 '1t10 •• "'CllNV ptltle ,. "' I . Elhr I so t II 11'-o •.... ITW IOI ' 20 n MP•<C l IO s J07 6th -I .... Pore; pl 417 Ml • ..; Svl<o. JI II 19 ,.., "" AFemll 60 9 4'111 11 + \o CllHY Pf S'1 St'!• Ely pl8 • 1• •Jl1 "> lfflplC.p ll 91•' i~ MoPSv I IJ J JI ll'•' "'° Potnch I .. to 11• Jt' • ~ -T-T AGftCp ?..20 t IO .. ... Cllo•V• t ... I It 111.. 111 ee.·.•nn~ ,"' 1 .. ,, 11.... ·,~c.~ ... , 101t ,!!!.. .?!: MoPS ptJ,4' . J II ~ PotfflEI I .. I .,. 16". "" l DK n t)I ,. 10 ,.~ AGIBd 2.tt. ll 111-1 .... CllftPl'I 11110 _.., >t .... '4 ,... 40 '' ~-,.. -~ "¥OPSpf•.t>. l ~ PotElpl 2 M 1 •1''1,... TECO 1• I ttot 11 AGftCv t.IOa 10. 2•1' ... CNW" 16 tliO Ill•• "'° EsC•IO I 60 I 113 ?t lnCllM ptJ IJ J IJl't' V. IRlttl • 1191 JO•n PolEI pl• Ml 1100 JJi\o> If> T II E I It ll 16 " Holst .itl t 106 '"" ClllMlw )9 .. H '-~xc1.-t.~ 6 110 m: • :.: ::::::::an 2, m: '-=~:.. l • ~ W• Pr•mrt 41 IJ t9S m, •ti.. l:: l: ' JJ4 me :: AMomt 2 20 1J J7li0 m. t: ~~~r 40 ioo ,: n• 1 , "'> F:; -l'_.F •:.. lnGIM Pfl ,, I tt \.' ~ Mo<ICOI tt J, ~'-. :~~:r -2: I~ :~ m;' ~ h ca!'t • 1 .J I~~ "'° ~$!' ·t l~ 1lli :~-i. ~~.i:ti· I : ~ ·~ .. !~; ~~ FMC"' ~:~ ,; ;r, ~~: t !Ettr ~ ~ • ~ l!:: ~ == .tO 1! m li~: E :~:~.: ,. :: 1~ m:. ~ rn::r: : IO I{: 1h: ... AN•IR n J s m J~ '" ~~~'.,."'1 40u us ui~1:2t! ~=~~ .n 11 rn m~ '> tnlmtc n tt 166 tS"-~. Mon~ll '° • •• 1"-• ~ ~:~~ •: :: ' 1tt "~ • !: hna, t• m• lO"' "' ASL.Fl• .. 10 .... GllrorN n Jl ll It Feot 16 2S 6h . lngerR ] it l 171 .,.. .. --.'3 6 llJ :ltll. ..... 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MorNor t.Sl 4 1020 31,,,,, v. PSvNM J.IO I .,., U~I lollG• WO s I~ Ameron 1 llO 4 1J 131/•+ ~ ClnMft .1J tO -lS , \o\ FlclOSt 7.10 9 U19 O~~ .. lnlAl11 .llO 10 • l1'1o. t "" Molrot• t,llO !ta.Gt 79.... 111 PSvEG l ,J4 I ""' 2111. .. v. lo_ Pl 1 t• 11 11 -~ AmesO .40 ' 9• 111•~• •IV. Clll<ri> t.12 S n37 Jl'lo.-"• F•rro I.JO 10 9• 11~ ~ IBM l 4<1 12 100ft I• ' "° MIF111I J.U 1 1t J2 •I PSEG Pfl.40 . 10 """ T .. .co J 4 OJI ,.,,__ .. Amelk I.JO 12 .. 79:io. .... ~"""' t.llO It Ul .. "-. v. FIOUnl l.IO • t9 1J . Int Fl•• I 00 u l7t 13.... .... M11nl•d ~ t IJ u" PSEG pf2 17 t t It ..... hABc nl... • ,,. 30\'t \'I AmlK t .. 11 2l ,~ ..... llSw wd •. tl ..... s ..... FIO<•I flS " JO\/+ ..... lnl H••Y . tll '"'· . Mnld"'. AO t ..... PSE~2.43 • II T .. cm t.10 t 1166 ll~H I ... AMPlll 1.40 It 476 Jllllt Ill. llylrno t.IO t f06 70"'-. \• Flogle ... s ltl 1'11.. v. lnlMr p4 • 100 .... + .... M11111n9 • 111 ' ••• PSE 12.ll. 110 " • \Ii T .. e .. 4.IO t ., •• • .... Ampco 1iO 11 tO u.. 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An<mp n .IJ 10 ,,,. ..... \lo CltVI* liO I n H . .... FllCl>k I JO , 1111 ..... " ITT PIO s 10 .. ~. NBO l OI • .., l•' ... "" PurllnF • 714 10\o>. loo T•OO.. 21tl1167 ,... .. AlllO~H ~ 11 20VI . \<'I Cloroll ·" • J010 11'. •• FllTU l.tO s 17t 10 ....... llllTT pl, u , il\1 H8t n J• tli ,. ...... P11roo I I Cit I JOI "". V't Ta Pac _JO II SI Jt11 .. V't .. All<llOr I» • 40 IS\/. . • Ct1111tP 14 I •U "" ... FtCfly . JO • .... lntTT"'. '° t 0 \. • "" NCH .n ,, 10 IH. .. Pyro • 110 • TuUtlt , 00 • 1011 iv.. \'I AnCley t.J2 s ., ,.... .. Clllll fill t IS u • •• I~ FllllA• , 14 s ,., lt •• tnlNrlh l IJ , 10l 1S\I .. NCNB • J ,... ,. • ,, QQeilO J • "" "~. t TuU In . 102 ~ ... AftllrG n .10 ' 91 I)\\, "1 Go.cllm 2• •II HI• FIMbs U 10 11' t\o+ '-1111'9<• I'° IJ .. t• .. t '' NC• 1.40 'tJOI ""' '• OutUO 10 I n • U ... lulron t.tO I 411 lt•• + ... A-'k 6011 J03 21••• 1, CMtilel 4012 lt7 11'•~ FH8os sl.9'2 4 l09 Uloo• llo. Int"' Pf S 1 $1 l\t NL. Ind I J IJ'2 ti Out,,._. .0 i 111 1\<'lo-\lo h•lr Pf l OI tl lt • 1\'\ A"""6 1 ... tO 1115 ,µ,, C•ll pl t 1' 1 lJ'>. i.., FHSIB 1.40 • " 1•~ t '-tnlPGP 1.0 ' U ll NL. T I to 10 2t01 •I... h -•-A -TPle<k J , ... Aftlatr .10 13 JJ1 toll>, \, Ct ll pl t tl • 1•~•. '• F\IP• " li. "'° lnta.i.r U M tOllO "" NVF .Olr lot I\) RBlftll 16 21 UJi '-"' • w TllrMEI IO .. I•'-"'° Allt• 11 .s. • ,, ""' lcoc:ec1 J • 11 •n1 40•,. F•tP• wt 1 '"'ue. .t..M ._ a. u•. N•*• 1 os • wo ""' • .,. ftCA t0 12 sm ""'" • .., T"••• 110 ·~ '" M>i.. .... Anthfty .444> t • t... '• Co .. N , .. tt 12 u.).J , FIUnRI t JO I 1l t~ 1. lnll'• pf 1 ft 1100 1'•> • trJ Hel<os I tl t• 110 1• V. •CA Pl 4 '11M\-'h , ... Tllma.t 1 IJ 13 • Ml +I~ """""' .2• • m 1o:io. Coleco 10 110 ""' FIV•BI< .. J us I ....... IOW•E• I n t .. 1-'· "" H v " p c 0 s ''• .... llCA"' , tJ 40111121• .... Tt.omt .. -IO II IJ\, Al'<"P un t. 90 10"• Ii. Colemn t 20 It 11 l"'° FIW11< l tO • • 1SI• 1-llG J lt , 211 3114• trJ \o\ '-..... "'° "'° '--\'t RCA Pf l .S • lt U\O Tllm-JOe t lt It'-.... ApPw pf.4.11 .. ~ 29 ... ColQPtt 110 11111 19 FIKhl> 1 , 4j lJ"' low•PS 1 • 1 11 Jl''t H•o4Fcl ... 11 d 20'h + w RL.C n .. I t>t t 't, \\ TlvlttJ IO I 1t• 14 ApplMQ .'31 t2 UI It\, "' COlfAJ-n e .._ 111t , •~ FISl\Fcl IO 1 IOI •lo \• low•ll• J ... I 10 1•_,, \, Nerco .. U SI 23-W 1 RTE 00 t JJ , ... • loo TIC•ro t 70 4 S It \,, Ar<llO...t4t> 11WW U""• "'ColnF• • ltl ti'. •• FllFln(; 2 Ji SI 11\o• .. tpcoCo JOU .. '"' ... .-ID " 10~ R•t•Pu• 71 ,,,,, , ....... T-•· to' 19~ ..... ~ ArlrPS l.Jl 1 1411 u-\'e Co4Plfl t 40 1116 u , ._ FlfflEn U Jt Ot 14.,,. In '"'OI~ l lt • t~ :It••• "I He IC-t 7 • ttlllt ii. Remecl JtO S\• Tl .. rln . l4S l lll "' ArlPpf J.51 •t• 14oh• "'° COlllns t.90 JitS 11"1" '• Flemng t.24 • ll ll '• lt•kCp JOI> llO 101,. '-HC.,.. pt t SO 1 11"• "" ••""" t 10 U ti 10 • _,, Tl-I ltt litl ~· \'\ Arlt8sl .llO . ll t:io. .... Cole;.. 716 S JOO >lh "" F .. •IV .IO It l7l n~. • '--J-.1 HCnvSI .ti U llS u11" • .. Ren<o .. I 30 12 Timi PIBt SI 30 U•, • t. Ark le 1 .tJ I t'l2I U'1o CSO pf oU 11 rno tOl'n 1 .... Fl••I Pf 1.61 2J 111. JWT t 44.. U 11'1-... NalOlsl J 10 I 1tO 21~ RaycM n 44 U 1t IO\i, "° Tlm.M 2 tJ 1•S 4'•, ArlllRI t '"" t .. JJ CSO p4 nu U rt~ IOil • • •, Fie.I fill 1.1S • U JI J,...•F 1 llO IJ 11 1• • l\'lo H011t prl IJ 1 It \IO Reymll J1 Ht ~, llfflkn J 40 I JJ •11·, Arm-43 IOV•• i,,. Com1>t11t10 1 llO. 11'•• \, Fll015f l 14 16 Jilt U+.-'< Jltlttr «I 9 IO 11¥1 V. HatEllll t J2I J tO It'-Reymcll I , •> II'•• ~' Toc1$11c! 111 , 611 Jl'-J Armco 1.20 to IUt IS~ .. CmbEn t ... Ml 29'> Floatbpn 10 1111 ""-• "' JAvr pl J «I , .. H•IFG 3 It s JI JI • .,,, R•Yllwl t 40 II lUl .,... ... Tollllm M I ,. 11\ff-It Atrnc: fill 2 tO ll 241;, l"J C-l 1• 11 40i 11•• • 1, Flt EC 10 1Ji 1M 11 V. Jemsw IJ I l3J 121.. "> NtlG'fll 1 .. U ,,. 11._ 1,o, R .. Cllll 10 4 1111 IS'-, le TotEdh l lt t 211 "~), \, Armr pf •.IS ttO )6 ti<> Coff\MU 44 t • ...... '• Fl•PL. ll• 6 Mt ,,... .... 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I -. ~ "" • It • '-' tul 1 I fl ;. 41& fa: • • ..._;_ t: ... • Dow Jones ·Final OFF 2.66 CLOSING 827.IO r rate SAN DIEGO (AP) Sun Diego Gas & Electric 1 C.omp:iny ts seeking permission lo raise gas rates by 30 percent b~ 9ctober but 8llys "they're not justified in today's nalm'al gas market." The petition asking for a rate lll(·rease totaling $57.5 million was fiJed Wednesday with the Public • Utilities Commission. A spokesman sa1d it aJJ would go to pay for higher wholesale prices charged by Southern California Gas Co. Don Felsinger, gas dtvlSion manager of SDG&E. told a news C.'Onference that "we're opposcd to these new increases and we're ftgh.ting tht'm;'' Care Corp. earnings increase _ . Compr.ehensive Care Corp. pf Newport Beach said first-quarter earnlngs of $2,740,000 for the period end~ Aug. 3~ w~re an increase of 58 percent over the previ<?us years fll'St quarter earnings of $1,736,000. First q_uarter revenues were $20 916 000 compared with $16,927,000 last year. ' • · ' Fully diluted earnings per share fot:-Ule first ll~ quarter were 28 cents, compared with 20 cents last • year. Times Mirror declares dividead The board of directors of the "rimes Mirror Co. declared a quarterly dividend of 50 cents per share on the company's outstanding shares of common stock. The dividend was declared payable Dec. 10 to shareholders of record at the close of business Nov. 27. R ealty se~inar set Dr. Albert J . Lowry , the self -made multimillionaire author of the best selling "How You C.an Become Financially independent by Investing in Real Estate," will present a seminar tonight at 8 at South Coast Plaza Hot.el ln Costa M---- STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT NEW YORK CAP/• hi", > p,m llf'IO -net <,,.llO' OI IM lllN.911 "'°'I Kt1w N•w Vo<ll Slocll E.•<"-"O-It-•· lr ... lngn.ol-llUlll'10f•I ..... , ....... 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