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1981-05-31 - Orange Coast Pilot
Y• 11111111 llllY PIPll r, ; , .'\ , f\," ,·. • 1, OH/\N C.E (OUNI Y < ALHOHNIA ,11( I NI <, Letter writers ht BJ .JODI CADENHEAD ,. .. ..., ......... Bruce and Cbriatlne Baron can alt In tbelr Irvlne home today, secure ln the tbouabt that secret police will not come In the middle of the ni1ht and dra1 them without trial to a waltin1 prllon cell. At the Hme Um, they know that hundred.a of people iD more than 110 na· tiona will "disappear" with~t trace thla yttar. But thanlta to Amneaty In· ternatlonal, they will not be forgotten. Bruce, who teaches Social CADl•MllAD Studies at Irvine Ht1h School, be1an the only Oran1e County chapter of Amneaty Intern•· tlonal two yean a10. Irvine officials have declared thla "Human Ritbta Week" and preaented the Barona with a pro· clamat.lon honortnt the 20th an· nivenary of the London-baled, Nobel Prize wtnnin1 or1anlu- tion. The Irvine couple came throu&b the anU-war movement and t.lie women's movement and survived the 'Me Decade' of the '70s with enough idealism left to pour into this non-partisan 1roup. WhUe their two sons played outaide they talked about their experiences with Amnesty. claiming neither credit for their chapter's succesa nor for the release of a Tuntalan prisoner they adopted. PROJICT l'WO-TMIRDI co....ETI -Seven lanes of the new Pacific Coast Highway bridge arch over Newp0rt Bay as unusually light traffic makes some of the 25,000 daily SUN DAY SPECIAL There are more than 2,500 Am· nesty International 1roups around the world with 200,000 members workln1 constantly to help free "prlaonen of cons- cience" Ol' people who are locked up for their political, ideoloelcal or relilioua beliefa. Because the rroup stron1ly ad· vocatea non·vlolence, it will not work for the release of penooa whp bave committed terrorist· acta. Researchers In the London headquarters carefully check the back1round and history of all prisoners by ualng a network or sympathizers and informants Uv- ing in the prisoner's country. Every chapter "adopts" two prisoners whose release they fiaht for by waatna a carefuUy orchestrated letter campaian to the prisoner, covernment of. ficiala and companies who do business there. The Irvine group has never re· ceived a reply from Oon Slew Tian wbo was arrested ln 1972 and sent to Gajah Detention Camp u a suspected threat to M alaysla 's security. For a year and a half the 25 members wrote letters to the camp. But last winter they re- ceived word from Information sources connected with Amnesty that Tian would be in danger l! . ...., ............ ..., ....... trlJ>• over present span. Kasler Corp. is contractor for the $8.9 mllllon, is.month job expected to be completed by late November. Dover Drive intersects at upper left. Bangladesh president murdered Missiles stay: Syria NEW DELIU, India <AP> - Troop1 led by a major 1eneral aasauinated Banlladeab Preti· dent Zlaur Rahman ID the port of Cblttqonl on Saturday and announced they bad taken over the 1ovemment, broken rela· tiona wtth India and had navy support. But official• ln Dacca said they were ln char1e. They declared a state of emer1ency and curfew aod told the rebell to surrender. The United News of India re· ported that two aide• and six bodyruardl were killed with the Banrladeab president, that then were heavy claahea between loyalist and rebel troops In tbe Chltt..-c. area, and lbat Indian border poUc?t were on alert on the Trlpura state frontier Oft the eut alde ol Banlladeth to pre· vent a po11lbl• lnnux of re· fu1eee. ON THE INSIDE IOaAL IWIJIT -WW NI· b1tben be ••••·formal tbll summer? AD abbnvtated black 8ad Rite tuMdo bJ 0.Car • la a.ta Md ndfted, rneallDC de- alpl bJ 8lll 111 .. an •IDODI IWlmwur pre .. ed OD Pill au. Israeli fighters again buzz weapon sites CHTAURA, Lebanon (AP) - Syria vowed Saturday lta •ur· face-to-air miMUea will stay in Lebanon to protect the Palest!· niana from wbat could be "maaaive a1erenion" by the Israelis. Israeli jet·fi1bters a1ain cracked the sound barrier over the SAM altea, Syrian spot· tera said. Syrian Prime Mlnilter Abdul Raouf al Ka.am claimed the month·lon& crisis over Syria's tn iaailes in Lebanon waa fabricated by Israel aa a forerwmer to "liquidation" of PaleaUniana ln the aouthem part of Lebanon. He mad• .hl• re· marks ln a speech iD Damucua broadcut by the state-run radio. Syria baa publicly arlMd that the anti-aircraft mil10et were deployed in ."aelf .defeue" Aprtl 21 after l1rael downed two ol •ta bellcoptera. Israel claimed UM '1NNOCKNT UU.Ba -Paul Re11ett1 lhed tbrouah a nJ1btman ol reality. AccUled ol murderiat bla wife and two cblldrn, Ile enntually COii• flHM to tire crtmee. Later, IMi waa treed. after uatw mu admitted the kllll•••· Tbe "Wh)'I" an llW lilllillltiltl. p ... At. helicopters were attacking Zahle, a city JO miles east ol Beirut Inhabited by Jarael's Christian militia allies. But Kum charaed the mis· sllea must remain to protect the Paleatinians, whose Libyan- armed ruerrilla camps in the south came under deadly Israeli attacks Thursday, the day after U.S. envoy Philip C. Habib left for consultations at the White House. Habib Is expected to re- sume hia Mideast peace miuion thJ1 week. Thunday's raids were "a de· liberate provocation and escala· tton of Lebanon tenaiona th•t may be a prelude for mautve a11re11ion, • • Kaam said. ''Without Syria and it1. firm lland the Pale1tlnla.n cause would be aubjeet to liquidation aa• Lebanon lo collapse or partlUOD, • • be said. · Tramit lineM keep closbig· Syrian miaaile crew• here held their flre Saturday momin1 as fighter planes screamed hi1h over the SAM-6 batteries and sonic booms shook the moun· lain-walled Bekaa Valley. Four hours later, two planes Syrian officers said were Israeli roared in from Ute Mediterra- nean coast, streaked over the snow-covered Sannine Moun- tains, circled Zahle and peeled off seaward. of Silence more letters came. So imtead the group beaan c6r· responding with American com- panies who do business with Malaysia, politely informing them of the situation. Bruce is careful not to say anyt.hina that could endanger a prisoner. Explicit instructions are sent each month from Am· nesty headquarters advising members exactly how to address letters, what to say and where to write. At the same time the group is diligently carrying on a cor· respondence with Malaysian of· flcials in hopes that some good will come. "All we're doing is trying to keep that name in front of them,·' said Christine. "So that people know that someone cares about them." Prisoners of conaclenee who have been released have contact· ed Amnesty members to Jet them know their efforts helped eue their conditions, if not wln their freedom. But many times the ltttten COD· linue day after day. And no word ever comes. "That's what makes It so dla· couraging," said Christine. "You just have to hang in there." A happier endin1 came lut year when the 1roup'1 first adoptee, Slab Amanl, 28, wu released from a Tunisian pri· son where he had been held for several years after publishinC a trade union newspaper. When the group received In· · formaUon that Amanl's family · needed clothes they sent letters <See AMNESTY, Pase Al) Votes for tax cut lined up? · WASJUNGTON <AP> -Presi- dent Reagan has the votes to begin a modest income tax cut later th.is year and double it in each of the next two years even if the Democratic leadership in Congress fights him all the way. White House officials said Satur- day. The president would still like a compromise with congressional Democrats. But there were in· dicalions Saturday his lieute- nants were trying to split the Democratic leadership, hoping to win over House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Dan Rostenkowski. The Illinois Democrat only re- cently took over the post that, by tradition, makes him the most influential writer f)f tax leliala- tion. " Several senior White House aides, speakin& on condition they not be named but all livine similar accounts, said the ad· ministration is ready to settle oo a three-year, 25-percent cut beginning Oct. 1 and containinl several "Christmas tree" itema Reagan would prefer weren't there. One of those items would pare the so-called "marriage tax" un- der which two-p aycheck families are phtced ln a higher bracket and therefore taxed at a higher rate than individuail or unmarried couples who are al- lowed to me separate returns. Jn an effort to pressure House Democrats to Join the ad· ministration, one senior official said : ·'The window is closing very rapidly," .and Democratic leaders don't have much time left if they want to help shape a compromise tax bill. That official termed Reaean's scheduled meeting on Monday morning with House. Speaker <See TAX, Pase .U> Two divers killed in Coast accidents Two separate diving accidents within minutes of each other ended in tragedy Saturday. Roger Lovejoy, of Long Beach, died in a vain attempt to reach a diving spear and .a 20- pound weight belt that had sunk in 25 feet of water off Abalone Point, juat south of El Morro Beach, in Laguna. Lovejoy and a friend were div- ine without equipment from an inflatable raft wben the unlucky diver decided to tTy retrieving the sunken equipment, accord· . ing to llferuards. The unidentified friend told of· ficiaia Lovejoy dove into the water twice, before falling to surface aeain. Laiuna Beach lifeguard Peter M ortoo said the call for help came about 2:30. But when be and another lifeguard, Mike Conlimo, arrived in the area, they were unable to locate the raft. A Sheriff's Harbor Patrol boat arrived and located the Zodiac craft, which failed to aitnal of· ficials. Morton and Contimo took turns diving into the water until Mor ton found the diver 25 minutes later. Efforts to revive Lovejoy failed and he was pro-. nounced dead at Hoa1 Memorial Hospital. At 2:45 p.m . lifefuards In Newport Beach were alerted to a similar diving accident about 150 yards off Corona del Mar Beach. Ivan Kowalchuk, 20, of El Toro, was scuba divtn1 with two rrfends when be began bavln1 trouble with his equipment, ac· cording to officials. Lifeguards Bill Pritchard and Ed White pulled the diver to shore, where paramedic.t began administering first aid. Kowalchuk was dead on arrival at Hoag Memorial Hospital. • • .. •• """ fl Orang• Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 What TV commercial do you consider to be most annoying? J HueltUv~ Huntl-It, student: "The one •bout Candy's Shoe• - they show this bedroom Ind have theseglrlspranclngeroundandklck· Ing their shoes off. It's really dumb •nd the music Is noisy and In poor taste. You h•ve to SH It to •P- prec let1 It." Carotyn Domhoff Cost. Mna, student: "CalVln Kleln Jeans. They're dumb commerclals. They're grou . Brookt Shields Is gross too. That'• about all." Mark Ludes Cost. Meu, assistant manager: "I hate the one where they ask you If you need a pain rtllevtr that rHlly works, as If r.ou would want ont that really doesn t work. I think It's Anac ln1 but It might be Butterln. It's rea II y aumb." Gl1nW..ct Anaheim, Plumber: "There are two I can't stand. TM first one Is Mr. Whipple and his Charmin. The other Is the National lumber cartoon commercial. The re- ason I can't stand the Charmin com- m ercial is M r. Whipple . I see enough to1 let paper in this bus I ness anyway.'· Duin Reick Huntington a.ach, student: "I think the one where tl'Mt kid needs flourlde for her teeth bUt wants a gel toothpaste for her breath. Stupid. Then the Sefeway commercial where a spinning penny turns Into the Safeway sign. That re-- ally gets m e down. Those soap com- mercials get me down too -that junk Is all the same -the com- mercials are gay, weird." Pat Vllteps Cosq Mew, clerlul helper: "I don't watch much TV because of the commercials. I hate the ones that try to make you feel like you have to be part of something -the Pepsi generation -like that. Especially I hate ones that say America is doing this or that, as If commercialism has to do with patriotism . There's nothing wrong with commercials that give you the facts but when they play on your emotions, It's bad for younger people." Brett Hublnger Laguna Beach, construction worker: "Do you have a while? There's so many. The one I hate most Is the one at the country club where a voice comes on the loudspeaker and asks the owner of the blue MefCedes to move It or something. Everyone at the country club empties Into the parking lot except one guy who starts talking about owning a Volvo. Beth Harold Cosq Mew, student: "I hate the one for Stauffer's, where the grandmother type says that Stauffer's has stolen her recipe for stuffing. She looks like a prune." Ken Daniels Huntington hach, student: "That Dr. Pepper commercial wt'tere all the people are dancing away. Just the repetition of It drives me crazy." ......... Fountain Valley, ,....._.: "I hate the Tough and Rffdy peper towels commerc:lal. ~who's president telling you how Tough and Re.cty ,,_per towet1 .,... I don't llke that •t ell,'' Thomel P. H•ley ....... """' RObertN.W.. ,.,.,,..,. Saturday's crowd at Huntington Beach looked like a Pair held in hostage standoff Two 1unmcn. holdln" a man und womnn ho11to1e In a pizza realiaurant 1urre ndcred to La llobra poltca curly Saturday a rtor thrl'C'I tanu h our• or naaotlatlons. Michael Sroll Binion. 18, or Yorba Linda, and an unldcn· tit! d 17 year-old Juvenile wcr<' arrcttl'<i on 11uisplclon of kidnap· pln1 and armed robbery follow· Ing tht' confrontation at the f'lna llut rc11tnuranl , 1380 S. llurbor Blvd An Orungo County SWA T ll'um and police from Laa Habra, Costa Mesa, An1hclm, Fullerton nnd Breu usal11tcd. Shortly ofter mldnlRht the two 11unmcn wnlkcd Into the rc11laurunt and demanded money, police said. Since the sur<' hud just been closed the pair ordered both employees to empty their pockets. The gunmen were attempting to exit the restaurant with one or the employees when police ar- rived at 12:23 a.m. At that point, the gunmen re- turned to the buildin& and told police they would hold Teresa Nerowski, 22, and Reza De- jbaksh, 19. hostage until they were guaranteed 11are passage. For nearly three hours police surrounding the building tried to convince the pair to surrender. Binlon's 18·year -old girlfriend · was called to the scene, but failed to talk hlm into giving up. At 2:04, police said the 17· year.old gunman crawled out a back door and was followed by Mi ss Nerowski, who ran to safety. Al 3:08, police persuaded Binion to surrender, minutes a rter the second hostage had escaped. Binion is being held at La Habra Jail In lieu of $25,000 ball. The 17·year·old was transported to Orange County Juvenile Hall. MIA search promised Vietnam to turn over remains of 3 Americans llANOI, Vlelnum (AP> Vietnam haa promised to con· tlnue searching for the remains ol Amcrlcaan11 ml111ln1 In action after announcing the bodies ot three more Gls will be returned io the United Statea . "We are pretty damn happy, .. said the leader of the U.S delegation tha t 1ot the news. ''The Vietnamese office for 1eeklna mlHln(l persons has In· HBmanheld in stabbing A Huntington Beach man was In custody Saturday following a parking lot brawl Friday night that ended in the sta bblnt or another Huntington Beach man, police said. Jose Urias, 30, was arrested on suspicion ot assault with a deadly weapon following the stabblnt at S.52~ Commercial Drive. Raymond Elliott was stabbed t)Vice In the chest. He was treat- ed and released from Fountain Valley Community Ho1pltal. formed the U.S. side that three sets or remains have been found. and the two parties will discuss a date for their return," Vu Hoang, head of the Vietnamese search team. said. "The Viel· namese government, prompted by good will and humanitarian spirit. will continue the sear ch process." Hoang described the latest negotiations as having been held In a "very favorable" climate. He also said the recovery of American remains has been a s low process because of the hostility some Vietnamese still reel toward the United States. He said some of this hostility stemmed from U.S. "approval" of China's month·long invasion ot Vietnam in 1979. Hoang said the attack had drawn resources away from other projects in· eluding the search for U.S. MIAs. Hoang's promises to continue the search were made shortJy before the three-man delegation ended Its visit to Hanoi and n ew to Bangkok Saturday. "We are pretty damn happy, .. sai($ Lt. Col. Joseph Harvey, head or the deleeation and com· mander of the Defense Depart· menl's Joint Casualty Resolu· lions Center in Hawaii. Harvey and two officials from the U S. Embassy in Bangkok. Lt. Col. Paul Mather and James Tully, flew lo the Thai capitaJ to begin arrang ing for the remains lo be flown out or Vietnam From Page A1 TAX. • • Thomas P. "Tip" O'Neill Jr. and other key Democrats as a "final check" with the opposi· lion party before the administra- tion goes ahead with a com- promise already largely worked o u t with conse rv ative Democrats in the House and the Republican majority in the Senate. Asked if anyone 'in the ad· ministration was still pushing Reagan's original three-year, 30-percent proposal that wu part o f his comprehensive economic recovery package, one White House source said , "Nobody except the president." CANlOUCALL YOUR TENNIS CWB AND SAY ••• 'Tuesday. I want a tough singles match for my lunch hour at 11:30. Thursday noon reserve the conference room for me and have lunch set up for ten. Later, at 4 :30, I'd llke a good men's doubles match. SUnday my wtre and I wlll be over for social tennis, and at 2:00 we are expecting guesta. But hi• wife doesn't play, ao please 'lll'Tange for another partner to play mixed doubles with us." ''lbmorrow, I want to playh mixed doubles at 6 p.m . Thursday at 1 9:30 a.m., I'd llke women's doubles, and algn 1 me up for bridge that night. Saturday at 1:00, Brfan and I want mixed doubtea, and sign SUaan up for the Juniors' Clinic •nd rtzza P•rty afterward. On Monday, .et up singles atl 9:00 a.m., then you'd better get me • maange I for 10130 mnd • cut end blow dry et noon. THEN HANGUP I think I'll need ltl" AND SHOW UPl11 Molt clubs clalm to have match arranging, but It takes more than one hoeteU to provide It. ft'• toup. We 1hould know. Meet our KYM full·tlme 1taff · who do the Jobi . Ditty NII lllft """' Ellen Travolta, left. was the star of "Anything Goes," but the appearance of her brother John of "Urban Cowboy" and "Saturday Night Fever" fame surpri8ed and delighted Friday night playgoer~.at South Coa.<rt Repertory Theater. Travoltas steal show John , sister Ellen , hit at South Coast Repertory By SANOll-: JO\' 01 llle Dally "Oot ~UH While tht· 0H1<:1al allwn \\as on the stagt'. mun· than ... fe\.\ guest:-. at South Coast Rt•pcrtor) Theall'r ~·rada~ 1111-:ht ('raned their nl'tks lo i!l'l .I ghmµ~e Of the st..ir s hrothl'I her 110~ fnend and h1 !-> fm·nd an the: audience When the .,tiJ r s hroth<.'r was seall'd momt•nts lwforc the fi rst l'Urlain. a murn1111 ~H·nl throuJ(h the s tanding room onl.> cruwd as thl'y \\h1s pt•rt•cl things hkl'. "Then• h(• b " • I h · got a short haircut" and · I '>houlcl e;1JI my clauJ;?htc>r " Tht• <'Cllll'r of all th<.' fuss was ··Urhan Cowhoy · .lnhn Travolta, w h o along with Jtl other Travoltall and f1"il'nd .., utt('ndl'd the F irst N1ghtt·1 s 111•rformance of "Anything Got•s," starring his older sister. Elll'n Travolla Also recc1vinl( more than a passing glance from other mem- bers of th!! aud1<.·m·c: were Jack Bannon •JOd l!ohe rt Walden. both of TV s "Lou Grant Show." Bannon, who as Ms Travolta's boyfriend. pla) s Ed Asner's as- s 1st ant l' 1 t \ t• d 1tu1 on the telC'v1 s10n s;rH's and Walden plJys reporter Frank Hoss1 Bannon and Ms T r avolta will b<'gin shooting ~·nctay for an ephode ,,f TV s Love Boat .. m which thl') will pht) husband and wifr Mean\\htle, tht• c>nergetic ac- tress will continue performing l'\ enmgs as Reno Sweeney m the SC R production of Cole Porter 's mus a cal comedy, "Anything Goes." wh1<.'h opened last week on the Costa Mesa stage Once the initial shock of being among stars wore off, the au daence settled down to view a fast-paced. high-kicking produc- tion in which Ms Travolta \.\owed them with her energy and stamina in her song and dance routint-s. particul arly the "Blow. Gabriel. Blow" number. During intermiss ion : a number of OVl'r-30 women raved about the actress· dance skills and vowed lo sign up for the next 4.1vailable dan<.'ing classes. At the end of the show, Ms . Travolta and cast received a st:rnding ovation from the en· thusiastic audience. who then gat hered in the theater's lobby for a reception hosted by SCR's Costa Mesa Guild . .Bannon. Walden and members of the Travolta family. including M s Travolta 's d aughte r Molly.celebrating her 13th birth da). and her 16·) ear -old son Tom my. mingled easily and chatted with othe r SCR ·First Nighters. Waldon and Bannon posed for photographers w 1tb D o n Smallwood. president of SCR's board or trustees. who also had brought his famil y t o the theater Smallwood. in opening re- marks before the first curtain. had introduced as special guests his sisters, Betty and Jean, and brother Steve, noting they were together for the first time in 20 vears . Then. at the far end of the lob· by. John Travolta emer ged from SCR's executive offices with his sister. Ellen. P hotographe rs immediately clustered a r o und th e m . fla!.hbulbs popped and guests <·rowded In as politely as they could as the Travolta brother and sister smiled and posed. The far end of the lobby was as far as .John Travolta was to get during the evening . After the photographers had done their work, girls -both big and little lined up to get his autograph, and he politely ob- li ged them . One wom an ha d called her daughter during intermission and told her to get over to the theater and. while Travolta was signing autographs, thrust her for ward to have her photograph taken with the supe rstar Arter signin g a fe w dozen autographs , Travolta retreated lo the more calm atm osphere of the SCR offices where he re- m ained for most or the reception with his family befo re driving o ff with the m in a s hiny limousine Rain deluges, Michigan Temperatures in Southwest deserts soar over 100 Wasta[ .f orPt'a.'il l •olll ... ,,.bit w1nas lltrou9n 1on19ht UCllOI WHt 10 \OUll't• .. I •Incl' 10 lo 11 knoh tn •ll•r,_ 1 10 l fool westerly twott c..-v In n1011t and lftOf'ft•l\Q hOur\ Mo\Uy '""ny •n •lt•rnoon Nalioual FIHll f-••l<he• w•re PO .. ed Saturd•V In Ille •oulhern Pla•n• w hllt 1out11w•1tern Mlcn•v•n mopped up •H•r 1orr.,•t••I ••In' lk'ocled beM"*1h •ncl rolcls, tOI lei>wd ..... ,., twlaoes •nd <•u~ • rnark•t roof to uvt In durino • uorm tllal dump.a UI> lo 11 ... 1ncl\e' of ••In Tllul\dl~' l\lt pari. ol 1 UH, .... Ten--onto v•ll•Y•· •nd Ille Appaloel\IM11 and Grea1 I.Ake. on Saturday, wllll• •few •torms bull! up 01rer Florid• Sunshtri. prtv•il•d lrom lht Soult>w~•I lo 11\e north end rnld·Rockles, norin Pl•ln• •nd -•ttrn GrHI 1.Ak~. Tl\t SovtllH •I alto.,HWf\ny "lo serious lnjuri.s ,..,, rtPOrted lrom FrkMy ntQht's storm Wl\lch Gar rtltd elong Mlclllo•n's Mulhern ller .. r, •utllOrllltt l•ld, Five llOfTIU wart 1erfo.it1v d•m•otd In "lllH T-nu.lr,, -• • _.uon of .,,. rOOf at Hara ngJ Market collac>std lr-lfM Mt "\' reins, Mid Offlor o.., W•U11t.,,... No •ClllltloMI rein WH fOtK .. l IOt' MM rtt lOflowr tl\e'#ffll- 1nund•r-rs from EHi Tero• to 11\t LO-MIHIHlppl Vt llty, T•"' nuu• V•lfev end cent ral AP-palecllt•ns, u ,,..,. as Ille mid· All•nllc 11e1os. Sunshine was prtdlc1ta In t11t WHt, central Pl•lns. Hllern Grttt l •k•' •nd Fle rlda, wllh 1•m H r•tures -ring o\1r 100 df9t'Hs In IJ\e MIUlhWKl•m dtMrtl. Temper•t-•round ti.e ne11on at mldclty Setur ... 'f r tft91(1 from• low of 49 ~ In Mar1111t11e, Nlk ll., to • llloh of 101 cltgr-ln 81ytht, C.111. Udifomia Inland velleys can ••peel 111011s to- d•y In Ille Ulfl»r 10I, In the IOs. Mon· day. low1 In the tos. Mountaln1 wlll ,,.,,.. lllOflt In Ille 10I, lows In tht 40I. Norther'll dtMrtJ wlll llovo winch IS to 30 mptl efter,,_ and ev•nlnt lloUrt. Hl9"s t3 to 101, IOW• 60 to 10. Sowtllern CllMrts wlll ,....,. 1119111 lrom • 1010$, IOwt67 to7S. Nort...,.n lftd Cenlrel Ctlllornl• wlll II• fair lhtO"fh Nlonclay. A CllorK• of •lier,_ crows -•eo111-ec1 thw_.,_., _, tllt Sl«r• Nev.O. 11 r-.t this.,..,__.. even I,,.. Werme< ci.ys. Tll• S..1141ty fore<a 1t cell.a lor more Sl0'1nt In Ult unlfel ltoolot .... "°"" PlalM. With ~· •nd Soulllem Ctllfornl• wlll lie fair tlirough -•r eacept for low <tovclt nlgM -mOf'n4nt _, In .,....----------il~oHtel OrtH Ofltrts Wiii !\tire Nmwnal temps AlllMy Al~ Arnctrlllo AllC'ller ... A-vii,. AlttnlAI Allenlc Cty 14 6J 10 sa .. ,. r HIY •lier-• Temperatures t'-~W«m. I HIOftl In Or ..... County t.0.y encl Mollllty wltl raftgf Into Ult .0.•t 11\o lleOCllOI, 10t lnl- .. u as u " 1t ,. .. '.Southern CaU/omia ~report ... .... ... loMll Alrtl Mtll ~-Zurnct t 4 14 '•"'• Moni(t t ' u Hew_, l I 1$ Sen 01'9t~i' J 1 U Out ..... Mlfodty: Litti. d\elltt. .... ... .... A,.. Ml• 04r 1 t SW I t IW t ' w J 4 w u tl ., 74 7l 41 " !O ... u .. 11 10 s• '° 12 ... 51 .. 40 M S4 ,. u " I1 14 ., ,, 5' 1S 4' 11 u .. '° '2 u ,. 56 IS 66 75 .. .. 14 .. 14 " .. 9S 6' SS 49 12 H .. .. .... llO .. '° 14 SS '1 ., 51 N .. ., 76 1$ " 17 " ,, 63 7t " ts ., u '2 .. 71 1S S1 n u 11 "' n u A 4' .. " ., " 67 $1 11 61 .... SJ .. ,. " 75 .. 11 .. t1 .. t7 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 3 From Page Al AMNESTY ••. to them, but received no &Mwer. Then they sent letters to an Amnesty group In France In hopes that a French pos tmark would be better received by the Tunisians. When that failed, they sent cor respondence lhrou1h American Express. Finally, tney contacted a Tunisian bank that agreed to de· liver a money order to the faml· ly. But still no response came. Christine brushes a s trand of long brown hair J rom he r blue eyt!S Unged with a dot of m ysterious gold. "It's like work- ing in a vacuum. You jus t keep trying Wltil something works .·• Her husband adds, "Tbe ques· lion ls, was he released by the Tunisia n government because they got let~ers Crom America? Or was it j ust an accident that he was released with 20 others. We'll never know." Now the Irvine group is work· ing for the release of Ndolandola, a Zai re man who le ft the central African nation foll ow- ing a rebellion in 1964 and was ar- rested in 1980 shortly after re· turning. Amnesty officials in London ar e still investigating his case to m a k e ce rt a in h e n eve r pa rticipated in any terrorist ac- tivities. One of the most ambitious and far-reaching campaigns ever un- de rtaken by Amnesty lnterna- t i o n a I recentl y bega n in Guatemala. Between J anuary a nd Nov- ember 1980 Amnesty sources estimate at least J,000 people described by the governm ent as "subversives" and "criminals" were killed. E very month the London head- quarters issues a list of those who have disappeared. includ- ing dates, occupations and the city where they were last seen. Every Amnesty cha pter has been given the names of three A me r i can co mpa n ies i n Guatemala to inform them or the atrocities. • "It's very depressing to· read this stuff," said Christine. as she le afed through a list of names. "If you read 3,000 it's a statistic. But one person is a tr agedy." Many of the people who have joined the Irvine Amnesty group a re educators. stude nts. and business people . Their ages range from 17 lo 70. "The most tedious thing is staying on top of everything," said Bruce. "The people in this group are ver y well informed." The toughest problem facing them is the high rate or burn-out. At o ne time the organ ization numbered 50 enthusiastic mem be rs. Despite long and some-times unre warded hours the gr oup continues to attract a core of de- d icated workers. Bruce refuses to attach any political or ideological beliefs lo the group. They are people from the right and the left. religious a nd non-religious , men and women, old and young who came together. "We all see common bonds between human be ings," he said . .; Mankind has a responsibility. There has to be a voice against oppression. The gr eatest crime is silence." Accident fatal A 26-year-old Hawthorne man was killed whe n his sports car s pun out of control and sla mmed into a concrete wall in Fountain Valley, according to police. George Craig Moreno was pro- nounced de ad at t he scene following the 11 p.m. Friday ac- cide nt at the corner of Euclid and Blue Allium a ve nues, police said. Bruce and Christine Baron of Irvine battle "m a vacuum· fnr the r elease of prisoners of conscience. Global survey shows violation of rights Jn its most recent annual re· port Amnesty International de- tailed the condition of human rights in 130 countries in 1980 ETHIOPIA -There were ex tensive violations of h uman rights. Large-scale polillcal im prisonments, tort ure and killings were carried out. Fighting con· tin ued between government forces a nd opposit ion move ments. Many refugees rted ARGENTINA There were a bout 1,900 politi cal prisoners in the country that r emains under a s tate of s iege for a seventh year More tha n 1.000 prisoners were held by presidential decree and Am n est y ll}ternalional has adopted about 300. INDIA -There were serious cases of pol ice brutality resulting in some dea ths. In February 1980 Amnesty international protested new preventive deteotlon laws that allowed those accused of crim es to be detained three months before trial. RUSSIA -Amnesty lnterna tional was involved in about 350 a doptions involving people im· prisoned for their political or re- li gious beliefs. Since 1975 the or· ganization has learned of the im- prisonment or 500 new people subJcc-ted to chr11n 1l· h11ni:1·1 in adequatt• mcdll'.il c·•H"t• .ind h.trr! labor FRAN<'E .\mrll'st\ l11t1 111.1 t1onal ohwc·tc·d 111 lh · 111 pn~'"' ment of :10 c·11n-.c·1c. 1111 111 1 ti "' tors who r t• I u .., t' d 11 111 • 11•, serv1<.'t• EG Y l"f The i.:111111 111> I• 1 I 1·d to tht· arn·st of h1111 11, d· ••I pri~on<.•rs for ml·111 l11 i 1111• 11 c1lht•1· the 1-:g~ pita II ( 1111111111111,• party or an t•,tn·1111 • 11·lq,.:io111 group IS RAEL i\m nc•"I!' fn11111.• lional \.\Orkl'ci 011 lll'h ill 11! ">' prisoners who \\1·rt· 1r111111 111wcl for members l11p 111 di•"·" 01 hostile orgam1.at 1rn1., ! l11t "' th•· 51, 27 were con\'t<·lccl ·ind :10 ,,,., ,. freed Tht• organ11.t11011 ; 1~ .. worked on bl•half ot t h11~•· 11 h• were detained for up to 1; 111011111 before trial UNITED STATES ,\1111w~I\ lnternatronal. group-. 1111 ts1d" America c·ont1nut· to \\111 k for Lh• abolition of th(• dt••1tl1 ..... 1111•1111· The group a bo p1·1ot•"·d t·d tlh treatment of JJrts11nl·1 ... in l\\11 m s tanccs Anyone want mg mon• inlorma lion about J\mncst\ lntl'rnataonal c <.1 n call Rruee-• "111 t 'hr 1:-t 1111 Bar on at 552-0fi72 Crash kills six BEAU MONT <AP > -A m edical helicopter rus hing a pre maturely born infant lo a hospital crashed in hea vy fog early Saturday, killing all six people aboard, atftbotities said The fog and darkness prevent- ed searchers from finding the wreckage for more tha n nine hours after the midnight crash , the Riverside County She riff's office said. It wai; not known whe ther the victims had died on impact or in the hours following the crash. Besides the infant , the victims inc l uded t\.\O d oc·t 111 r esp irator) th<'r<1p1 -.1. ;111 .111 medic and Lhc pilot T h e h el 1 coptt• r . O \\ 11 l'd II\ Lom a Linda Unn·ers1l\ \l l'dtt:.il Center. was being usi·ct h\ lht• San Bernardino Count\ \k1lt e<1I Center to transµort t h.l h.1h~ Lo the San Bcrnard1110 fac·1ht \ horn San Gorgonio Pass JI0',,)1t ti 111 Bannm~. about 20 m ale~ a\\ .1, ··Th<' bahv \\JS hu111 ht•n· about 7 22 pm f'nd .1~ ~;ml M rs Elaine B urns spok es w om u n r or t h t' s .. n Gorgonio I' ass llosp1t ;ii CARPET SPECIALS DRAPERIES SJ99 -s1~,~ &UARAMTEllD IMSTALL•·TIOM R81ktential •Commercial• Contract I , Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 1'.:ameras were banned in the Poston, Ariz., interment center for Japanese--Americana, but MO$ Mori of .Los Angeles took this picture on the sly. AU of these women but one were reunited in Santo Ana. They 'kre Aki, Yasuda Mormhita, Umeko Kawai Ikeda (who mi.tsed the reunion), Shiz Hirose, Fumi lucnago ~izuno, Koko YO$Uda Endow, Hua Ninomiya Nitta (/irat child, atanding), Bobby Kono (boy in mother's ¢tms).Kimi Hosaka Oda, Mimi Kono Popovita (girl, standing).and Rose Kono. Theae former prUor&era in.a "relocotion center" for Japane•e-AmericaM during World War II recently reunited for the /ir.t time. Thefl.are (back row, left) MOI Mori,. a Los Angele• photogTapher who uCTet- ly took picturea of camp life; Terry. Kurihara, Lor Angel.ea ; Keiko Aramakie, Westmimter; Hideo "In- dian" Amwki, top chef.at Dimeyland.and (front row, left) KeUy.Kirihara, Loa Angelea; Mimi Popovit1, Orange.and R.oae Kono . ~aughing eyes replace the tears of Block 46 .y MICHAEL DOUGAN ,,. .... Dlllly ~ ... $tat! Hideo ''Indian" Armaki stood ln the lobby or the Kona Hawaii nightclub In Santa Ana and smiled benignly as he greeted his friends of 40 years ago. Their hair was graying and }leir faces were lined with age. ut tbeir eyes laughed and they ihouted with pleasure as they fell into each others' arms. It could have been a high school l'eunion. This was a rt'union or another sort. Ninety-six or these folks shared bonds formed beneath a blazing sun in a desert displace- ment camp Many had. in fact, been slu· dents wh~n the Japanese born bed Pearl II arbor on Dec. 7. 1941. Others wt-re JUSt beginning careers throughout the Western United States. • Months later, because they shared race -but not allegiance with the enemy. the~ were forced to abandon their live- lihoods and possessions . They were herded onto cattle trains A~llllt Tropiul Fish • Fresh• Mirine Aqu1rium Supplies with a common destination - the Colorado River Relocation Center, in the middle of an Arizona Indian reservation. They lived in Poston, a town or makeshift barracks that is still on the map. T he cam p was divided into blocks. each with its own men's and women's latrine, laundry room, mess hall and recreation hall. Block 46 consist- ed of 15 barracks with several families in each. It was the people of Block 46, along with 90 spouses, children and guests, who gathered at the Kona last week. And while they told stories of searing heat, in- adequate medical supplies and killer dust storms. they told them with s miles in sort, forgiv- ing tones. . ··Oh. it brings back great memon es." said Ken Monsh1ta or Eagle Rock. "Times were bad, but there were some great memories " "We still hear in the far dis- tance the soothing music of Glenn Miller. Bing Crosby's 'White Christmas' and other for I om songs of the war years." wrote Henry Mori in the eve- ning's program. To the camp children, he added · "Y9ur make-believe cowboys and Indians games around the crowded barracks are very vivid in our faint mind " Glenn Miller? Cowboys and Indians? They sounded like a bunch or Americans. Which. oF course, they were - the first and only g roup or citizens of this country to be im- prisoned en masse without ever being accused or a crime, without any form of due process. And, as hi story h as proved, without reason. Rose Kono, former owner or the Kona Hawaii and a Block 46 resident, remembered the time "m y son came to say goodbye." He was jn the Army, being shipped overseas to fight for the country that had locked up his family Mrs. Kono said m any camp people had sons, brothers and husbands in military service and quite a few or the men in the camp volunteered . One from Block 46 died in action. "They felt that they should fight for their country," she ex- plained. "They wanted to go." Other s were less magnanimous . "A Jot of people refu sed to be drafted ," recalled Armaki, executive chef at Dis- neyland. "They were fined a pe nny or something -the federal government never did lose out.'' Lindy Koga, now with the U.S. State Department in Washington D . C., said c-a mp residents worked hard to make their "home" habitable. "We would get waler from the <nearby) Colorado River," he said. "We replanted cactus and willow trees. I "The comment (visitors). always made," said Mrs. Kono, "was why were we so well- dressed in camp? The reason is that we were never idle. "They planted lawns and they went to the river and cut cot- tonwood trees to build arbors. We were almost self-sustaining in camp." Still, conditions were hard - -· particularly at first. ·'They brought in these semi trucks and they dropped bales or h ay for m attr esses,'' said Armakl. "And my wife. she had hay fever. Then, later on, they brought us GI mattresses." Armaki said temperatures sometimes reached 130 degrees and dust storms rolling over the desert forced people to run into the barracks and cover their heads with wet sheets in order to breathe. '·At first, we had a lot of pro- blems with medical supplies,•· he added. "But we were not gon· na cry about it." These memories were related with a lack of rancor that would s u rprise modern, civil-rights conscious Americans. Perhaps that is because the speakers had applied their camp work-ethic in later life and won their share or the American dream. The reunion was populated by attorneys, judges, physicians, government administrators and successful business people. "You can take a bitter attitude about a lot of things," explained one. "But what good is it going to do you?" "Look at all the kids and what we have accomplished," said Morishita . "It's great." And. while they spoke of the hardships to reporters, the former prisoners talked among themselves of mess ball romances, Saturday night dances and softball games that drew 2.000 spectators. When the evenjng ended, most or the guests crowded onto the Kona's large stage for a group photograph by Mas Mori of Los Angeles. Mori's pictures of life on Block 46 -taken 40 years ago with a smuggled camera -had documented the dismal bar· racks life and the raging dust storms. But it was clearly this recent photo -or aging Americans with smiles on their faces and lumps in their throats, of camp babies grown into healthy young adults -that would be the more treasured souvenir. Special May 27, 1981 -June 2, 1981 Are y,ou healthy? Labeo blcolor: 2.89 A native of Thailand, I am well known for my gorgeous jet black body and maqnificent red tail. I am better known as "Red Tailed Black Shark" See me at Aquatic Tropicals where I am OA sale for only 2.89 1510 W. Baker• Costa Mesa -c;Q 549-1391 •Corner Harbor & Baker iiiii Wehandcut our fish fillets even!cf ay_ ... dip them in batter made fresh every hour and serve them with plenty of golden (ryes. ~ISh&Fqes •2.4g - ~~~. SEAfO(l) Sl«ffES 1"1 ..... -..:.·c.. ..... -"'It 9outfl of Sin Dtljo fifN, Acrall ftOIR PedOO ·J ..... ~--·' • We have the killer diseases · heart disease. cancer. diabetes : heart disease alone kills one million people a year In this country Why, when we 're on such a "good diet" do we have all these diseases? If we dropped dead suddenly fr.om heart disease without any warning that might not be so bad . But In the last 20 years of our life we slowly lose our functions: hearing. sight , joints stiffen. blood pressure rises. and the side effects of medication make life less enjoyable . • There Is a myth about life expectancy In the United States. Because of our lower In· Ian! mortality rate . people mistakenly !~Ink we're healthier; but the fact Is that we rank low 1n the world in Ille expectancy. For example, In Bolivia, a 40 year old man can expect to live to 73 years , without any medical assistance. In this country, a 40 year old man can expect to live to only 71 years . 2 years less! And that Is with all our medical technology. • There are probably 800 million people in the world on the Prllikln Better Health Pro· gram type of diet. (i.e. Bolivia). In these countries. with people on this kind of pro· gram. they find there Is practically no heart disease at all. • In 25 populations examined In which the people had low fat and low cnolesterol diets. no example of a high Incidence of heart disease was found . drop blood pressure 10% In 1 O days. The Prttikin Bener Health Program ongoing membership helps people with high blood pressure to gain continued Improvements. NATHAN PRITIKtN. Foonder • The University of Kentucky Medical Center has been using the Prilikin Better Health Program type diet for the past live years now. and has the most successful diabetes treatment program in the nation. At the Senate nutritional hearings . a conservative en· docrinologlst said that ii every diabetic in the country would go on this high complex carbohydrate , low fat diet. his personal estimate was that 62% of the adult onset diabetics could be off their Insulin and other drugs. and back to normal In a very short period. • The Pima Indian tribe living near Phoenix , eats more fat per person than most other people In our country. And what are the ··rewards·· of eating all this lat? These Indians have more arthritis, gallstones. and diabetes than anyone in the country . Yet their blood relatives, the Tarahumara Indians, who follow a healthy low fat diet program Identical to ours are free of these degenerative diseases. In addition, they have demonstrated great endurance abilities. running nonstop tor 48 hours. a distance of 175 miles! • By contrast, one out of every third adult In this country Is suffering from car- diovascular disease . • Maybe like many people, you don't have the endurance capabilities of the • Heart disease Is gradual. The average closure of the 20 year old's coronary Tarahumara 's: and possibly you 're not as healthy and energetic as you'd like to be. arteries Is about 20"1e, Some 20 year olds may have 1 oo•~ closure In one of their This Is most likely due to the fact that you· re following a high fat. high cholesterol diet. three coronary arteries. The average closure of a 35 year old Is about 50%. When • Did you know that cheddar cheese and peanut butter are both over 71% of their you are 45 years of age. you may ~a'Je a 90% to 95% closure and now you 'II have calories derived from fat? Margarine and corn oil are close to 100% fat, sirloin steak Is your first symptoms: angina (chest pains). 77% fat. The average Amencan consumes a lot of greasy hidden fats. along with many • The tragedy Is that most pe0ple with so-called ··average·· cholesterol levels ~ 160 processed sugars that tum Into fats. This causes your blood stream to be clogged with to 320, have hardenlog (narrowing) of the arteries. The Prltlkln Better Health Pro· fats as you eat. resulting In poor circulation. gram can help you to bring your cholesterol level down to safer levels. Some doc· • In contrast, the Prttikin Better Health Program will improve your circulation because it tors have noted that diet could reverse coronary artery disease In 90% of the pa· Includes healthy low fat foods. satisfying pastas, tasty sauces, hearty soups, savory tients II we got everyone's cholesterol below 150 mg. ro. breads, rice, bananas, even potatoes: along with meats, non·fat cheese, lobster, fish • In the U.S., following heart disease, cancer is the second major cause of death. and chicken used In smaller portions like a condiment as flavoring. The Program not Recent research has shown that some cancers may be preventable. Scientists on~ meets. but surpasses the U.S. RDA's for vitamins, minerals, and nutrients. have stated that by changing the Western diet, diets high In refined oarbohy· • Results of members have been impressive. Rita Fefshaw . "Without the Prttlkln Better drates, cholesterol, and fat, that If ttwty were brought down to safe levels, the three Health Program, 1 wouldn't be h8f8 at all. My cholesterol went frool 345 to 190. I have main Qntn In our country could dtsaef>ear • prostate cancer, colon cancer a~ no mDf8 angina. No men pain, no more medlcatlOns and I've lost 68 pounds." June breast cancer Breast.cancer IS the N\lfttbtr 1 killer of women 3~ to &5 years old. Troller • "I feel men energetic and the nutritional know~ge 1 have gained Is lrt October, 1979, the first offlclll dllWy recommendations tor cancel' preventlOn prlceless." Oavtd s. Rosson • "I have lost 26 pounds, brought rrrt blood prwure . weri Issued from the National Cancer lnatftute. They Included. reductions of all ldded down and am feeling better. I had a complete physical during the sixth week of the fats (Including po1yunsaturat11) and increases In foods which constitute the basis Prttlkln mem~hlp and !TI'f doctor told me I now hlV9 the blOOd chemistry of a of the Prltlkln diet. teenager. yet Im 40 years old."" • • High blood pressure affects 1 out Of 4 adults. Some have thought It was ~nary • Investigate the ''new" memcershlp. It may be exactly what you 've been looking tor to ·a slr~ss disease. But studies have shown that reducing the percentage Of fat In lmpnMI appennc:e, feel younger, and IOse weight. Which FREE LECTURE would you the diet. not even changing tht amount of salt or number of calories consumed will Nke to attend? Mn your calendar. This week only In ~areas: PftfTIKIN BETTER HEALTH PROGRAM• COSTA r.1SA Hbtlday Inn Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 Al Outdoor advertising sheltered Commercial slogans on bus stop benches given modem twist By GLENN 8COTI' ...... ..., .......... Amooc the subtle differenca aeparat· tn1 Loe An1elea and Oranae countlea la a cbaracteriltlc often overlooked by travelen aouth of the mutual border. n•a overlooked because in Oran1e County, it often lan't there. It la the outdboor billboard, that two. and sometimes three-dlmemkmal mar· quee to motoriata that ln ah worda or leas l)orifiea It.a product-of-the-week, be it a woman's chic ciaarette, a man'a Kentucky bourbon or a tourist'• d.la· count airline fare. Blllboards along the San Die10 Freeway in Los Aneeles County are a commuter's visual meat and potatoea. Oranee County driven are, by com- parison, on a lean diet of storefront and · road sip. make audl public service -.reementl aa tbeln more attractive to elected leaden, • "We're a new medium," 1a1cl 111. Williama. "We're arowin1 alowly." Smith aaid a sinale tempend IJua shelter COits about te.~ to build and more than h.000 per year to mllntaln. Each abeltet baa two S-by·4·foot poaten on separate faclnp. Ula com· pany charaes about $200 per panel per month to dlaplay the ada, Smith aaid. He added that hla company primarily is interested in reachlnl the Oran1e County market because there are few outdoor ads with wtiich to compete. American Bus Shelter bu 130 shelters in the county, be aaid, with cootractl to add another 400 next year. Kmt ol the contract.a are for inland cities. Ma. Williams, whose office la acroe1 Pendl«on Avenue in Santa Ana from Smlth'a, said her firm bu 14 abeltera in Aoahetm, 20 in Santa Ana and ii com· petlq for a contract involvlnl more than 1,000 abelten in Loe An1el•. llllpe, the Irvine planner, said city of. ftclall tentatively bave aereed to accept up to 10 abelten, but with no ada for tobacco and alcohol. If Convenience and Sat ety landa the Loe Ana el es account, it mi1ht collect a laree enoueh advertla· ina cllentele to avoid rwmlnl such ada, be Hid. Huntington Beach officlalJ are work· ina on an a1reement with Smith's American Bua Shelter that also would ban alcohol and tobacco ads or others that club with the community, said traffic engineer Ralph Leyva. SPOkeamen for both Laguna Beach and Newport Beach said city or· dinancea ban outdoor advertising. This situation, altbou1b leas than gratlfytn1 for billboard owaen, baa made the county all the more lucrative aa a locale for other tlnda of outdoor ad- vertising. The newest meana for reachlne the traveUn1 public la the covered bua shelter -an expanalon on the old prac· lice of slapping commercial slogans on bus stop benches. Carriers: Big targets or vital to .defense? At least two new companies are busy these days trying to gain approvals to construct covered bus shelters in Orange County. The see-through sbelt~rs display on a sidewall two ad· vertisements aimed at passing motorists. Officials for both companies say their proposals are merited because in ex- change for displaying their ads, they will build and maintain shelters at no cost to local taxpayers. Local cities, in fact, eenerally are of. fered about 10 percent of the com· mission, or about $12,000 a year. In Huntington Beach and Irvine, de· liberations have been slow as officials weigh benefits of public safety aeainst aesthetics. Irvine planner Jock Milne said negotiations there to install shelters uJ. timately boiled down to a single fact: "We weren't dealing with bus shelters; we were dealing with advertising pro· grams." However, the commercial represent· atives say they are willing to invest time selling their ideas. They claim that federal and local budget-cutting will WASHINGTON <AP > -Sen. William Proxmire said Saturday Navy figures indicate it would cost more than $30 billion to build and operate a nuclear aircraft carrier task force he says would be "a large floating target for ad· vanced Soviet missiles." · The Wisconsin Democrat said the figures came from a cost breakdown that he requested as a member of the defense appropriations subcommittee. "Official Navy statistics indicated that a new nuclear aircra.ft carrier task force, as currently proposed by the ad· ministration, will cost over $30 billion to purchase and operate over its normal lifetime," he said. ··And what do we get? A large fioat· ing target for advanced Soviet mis- siles." he said. Included in the $30 billion estimate are costs of the carriers, supplementary vessels such as destroyers and cruisers, and manpower over 20 years, Proxmire said. Cmdr. Peter Litrenta of the Navy Of· flee of Information declined comment on the estimate Saturday, saying the Navy had not had time to study the figures . Litrenta said Navy Secretary John Lehman stands by his previous state- ment.a on the need for carrier battle groups, including a May 16 speech in Dallas in which he said, ''The future calls not for fewer larger carriers but for more of them." "No ship currently commissioned ex· cept the large carrier has the huge mass and structural strength to withstand repeated hits by modem Sov· iet cruise missiles," Lehman said in the speech. Lehman has proposed three addi· tlonal aircraft carrier battle groups by 1989 as part or a 600·ship Navy designed in part to help deter the Soviet Union Crom attacking Western Europe. The budget for fiscal 1982 includes $658 million to l~gin work on the first of the carriers. D~ense Secretary Caspar Weinberger bas said he will ask for the balance of the money for that ship next year. Proxmire said, "If we want a 600-ship Navy, we have to build more ships of smaller size and maneuverability. Con- centrating on carrier task forces will consume funds desperately needed for a larger Navy." Save 25% to 30% FULLY ASSUMAILI IMTHIST ONLY .2nd TRUST •EDS OWHEl /MONOwta OCCUPIED Call Wilham B. Mitchell Call today tor quote • No obtlga1ton trons nolloool l\Jnding (-714) 975-1128 ~=~~. THE MEDICAL CARE CDml HMS: Every by • 9 A.M. ti 11 P .M. EVINlt•as WllKENDS HOLIDAYS FREE! ILOOD PRESSURE CHECK IWITH ADt •Fully Ouallfied Physician On Duty For Treatment Of Illnesses, Injuries And Routine Check-Ups. • X·Ray&Laboratory Facilities • Reasonable Medical Office Fees At Large Savings Over Emergency Fees. The ANSWER 11 at COSTA MESA ... IAl HOSPITAL, a two week ............. ,.. .. , ....... ,. QJtl'mamAL .......... ....., this 1 #1 Niia.TH PlomlM cal NOW. ·a FRESH ·ST ART todayl I ~ on draperies, llnlngs and more! S.ve now on cu11om dnlpenes and top !reel· ments ~ febric. lining and 1eOor Chooee from OVfJI 1 oo penems lrQIOtng ll'lbque Slllna, "-8, open WNVH, texlufea. damuk and prlnta. lnatdatlon at no lddltionel cheroe Sa'(e 30% on all our 1 '' Horizon bllnds, vertlcal llumlnum bllnds and our westsn collectlon of woven woods • 25 % off custom •h•d••· Fllnlt 'f04I ~In ...... :~ PlllllfNd or ICCenl9d IClld oob etytae. Save gas .. ._ siive· tlm-. C.H few• frM lft-!home aj)polmmentl Deity~,.....,...,...._ WATCH YOUR MANNERS -Attention all weekend visitors who only see the beaches crowded with people. Here is what the strand near MacFadden Square in Newport Beach looks like on a weekday morn- ing. Seagulls mimic the behavior patterns -wading, splashing, strut- ting and preening -they observed while flying over you on Saturdays and Sundays. Anthony's remarkable guarantee: We'll build your pool in 28 days-or pay you S5() for each day over! ,,. First 200 poola aold In June quellfy. Put America's No. 1 pool in your backyard and enjoy pool fun this summer-guaranteed! Anthony, the world's largest pool builder, has built and backed over 144,000 pools nationwide. Because of our vast resources. there are no delays waiting for pool equipment. And our skilled crews get the job done right. Only Anthony manufactures a full line of pool equipment. accessories and pool care products. So you can rely on a single source tor all your pool needs. Present and future. Afford•ble financing is available now. Don't put It eff aAd take a chance on higher prices. Call Anthony today- get your family into the swim-fast! Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, M1y 31, 1981 Power cutback rule would "benefit everyone It may well be that the~ ens or failure In accomplisbin1 noise reductions io nel1hborhood.s near John Wayne Airport will reet with the Federal A viatloo Admlnlstration. It is up to that a1ency to make a crucial decl1lon on whether pilots or commercial jet aircraft may initiate noise- reductna power cutbacks at an altitude or either 500 reet or 1,000 feet after takeoff. The existing rule requires no cutback be made lower than 1,000 feet. The airlines and Orange County government of· ficials want it lowered to 500 feet. For good reason. U it isn't lowered, noise exposure will not be substantially diminished and the county will be forced to meet its current noise reductioo objec- tives by reducing the number of permitted daily departures at the airport. Forty-one departures are now permitted. That figure would drop to 31 -perhaps even lower -lf the power cutback rule ii not chanied. Such a possibility ii net- tlesome to the alrllnea, which want the number of ntpts in· creaaed -not decre8"d -and to the county, which 11 com- mitted to both reducing noise and Improving airport service. What the FAA will decide is anybody's guess. T.wo years ago, · under pressure from a pilots' or- 1ant.zation and others, the FAA banned u.se of a 500-f oot power cutback at John Wayne Airport. It sai<I it did so for safety, reasons. The fact remains that the 500-foot power cutback is ap- proved at many other airports in the nation. There seems to be no reason why its use at John Wayne Airport should not be restored. Residents would benefit because noise would be reduced. And the airlines would benefit in that service to the high-demand Orange County market could in- crease. Plan prime territory Orange County government and the Irvine Company wresUed long and bard before reacbibg a mutually agreeable plan for de- veloping the valuable and handsome coastal property between Corona del Mar and Laguna Beach. As one of the last and most attractive pieces of unbuilt land in California, it deserved the at- tention received from those two agencies -and from the always- sensitive Coastal Commission. That first plan -technically the Irvine Local Coastal Plan - was turned down in 1979 by the regional commission. So it's a re· vised and scaled down version that goes before state com- missioners Wednesday in San Francisco. The current version proposes that as much 'as 'f4 percent of the area be left in open space, includ- ing the 2,400·acre Crystal Cove State Park that was purchased from the Irvine Company last year. Other features include--two visitor-serving commercial sites inland of Coast Highway. Located off the proposed Sand Canyon Avenue and the pro- posed Pelican Hill Road, both centers would include hotels, restaurants, offices and tourist shops. The Irvine plan also proposes a maximum of 2,000 dwelling un - its adjacent to Corona del Mar and on the frontal slopes of Wishbone Hill and the upper reaches of Muddy Canyon. While the plan has many good points, some major issues have raised concern. For one thing, the plan pro- poses that Sand Canyon Avenue would be a four-lane primary roadway, with a fifth passing lane. The coastal commission staff suggests Sand Canyon be a two-lane road designed primarily to serve park user$. A major artery would be a blight in the new park, the staff contends. A second concern is proposed u s es for the two tourist- commercial sites. The one adja- cent to Pelican Hill Road in- cludes ~.000 square feet of of - fice space and hotels to a height of 10 stories. At the Sand Canyon A venue site, four-story buildings are proposed. High-rise buildings are not compatible with a state park, it is contended.· State .coastal commissioners will only bear public testimony on tbe local coastal plan Wednes- day in San Francisco -not vote on it. More public testimony will be heard in mid-June in Los Angeles, at which time the com- mission is expected to take ac- tion. For Orange Coast residents interested in commenting on the proposed coastal plan, the Los Angeles meeting will provide an opportunity t-0 voice concerns. The exact location and date of that bearing bas not been de- termined. Certainly by then the pros and cons of this potentially great piece of real estate should have been refined equitably for both the public interest and the local participants who have a stake in its past and future. Good old days approaching A couple of gem-like quotes ·crept into the press this week in observances of public people who, while getting older, continue to do battle with Father Time. • From Richard Petty who, at afe 43, proved he's still at the top o the stock car racing heap after he won the Daytona 500 mile race and somebody asked when he'd -.. t•re: "No one wants t-0 quit when he's losing and no one wants to quit when he's winning." And from long-time bandleader Phil Harris, who at age 74, still moves around on the golf course: "If I'd known I was going to live this longi I would have taken better care 01 myself.'' Enough said. • Opinions exprffSed In the 5P«• •Dove •r• l1'oSe of the Dally Piiot. Other vl•ws ex- pressed on this page are those of'thelr •uthon •ncl •rtlsts. Re.cler comment Is lnvlt· ed. Address The Dally Piiot, P.O. Box 1560, COSta MeM, CA 92626. Phone (714) .... 2·4321 . . L.M. &yd/ Jail trickery The world'• IDOlt renowned Meape artltt, Harr)' Houdlnl, once DUIW ott a •pedftc ttlck Uult cnated' IO much coa&nnw•J tbe Yarioal Alllllmttlel wut.d to lbu& .,_ .., ::": about It. lie IMaped ....... tame Jail cel1 bl • .......,._, D.C .• u.at had coaftDld a.art• I. Gutt.au. tbe ,ua11ID of, PrHldeDt lamH Garftekl. ftat worried tbe Jallen tome. Biil ftat wwrted U... ena _._. ,... u. tact ttaat 1ae 11t an u.. odMr' ....... -.............. baem •••--eel&I. ORANGE COAST Illy l'illl . ............ ~--.---.... = -..c...----·· • .... a-.-.CA- Thole raearchen wbo cboole to delve into lnUmate matters report that MY• out ot every 100 widows IOOD• • lat. ,...um• tome active pbJtte91 r"OlllMN. Q. ADJ rea1on tor tbe oddball claim that heavy •moktn1 caUHI wrtnkltl around tbe .,.1 A. Nlc:otiM II blowD to ecmtrtct,. tbe c.,wan,.. lo It ntl -... tllil clre....._, .'pn1maabl7. Tia.at tllllil lellcllto~lallllla ....... debate. u,1ey ;r .............. Edltot· Look who's scrapping plans Every rew days the world is discon- certed to hear a high administration of· ficial tell us for the nth time that· we must arm ourselves against Russian power. America ls no tonier numero uno, the brutes from Moscow are poised to make a smuhing blow into, perhaps Iran, maybe Pakistan or, assuredly, West Germany. POTS OF STATISTICS are dumped over the head of any skeptics about how many warships the·Russkls have, their great superiority in tanks and other lethal whatnots. To listen to the dis· cussion it sounds less like a sane and safe assessment of the wa.rpower of these two societies than a comparison of the inventories of two hardware stores. Never do we get any evaluation of the quality of the soldiers who are going to drive those tan.ks and shoot the can- nons. Judging from the exhibition of Russian military might in Afghanistan, it appears the Kremlin's power in fact is far less potent than it is in Al Haig's speechifying. . The failure of l.be Russians lo conquer the Afgbani.stanis is explained in some Washington circles by calling what's happenl.ng there "another Vietnam." THERE IS NO comparison between the two wan. We were fighting 10,000 miles from home against a large army equipped with the latest weapons. The Russians have invaded a small country on their own borders defended by tribesmen whose only weapons are handmade artifacts which they pay for oul of the proceeds of last year's wool shearing. The only possible conclusion you can come to is that the Russian army is un- able to prevail because it won't or can't fight. The situation in Afghanistan in 1981 ls similar to Finland in 1940, another small nation on its border the Russians invaded but couldn't conquer. A year later, wben Hitler sent his panzers toward Moscow, that same army did find the fighting spirit needed to save Holy Mother Russia. Apparently communists can get the ordinary Russian to fight a defensive war but not an offensive one. BUT BY EVERY outward sian the Russian situation is far more perilous ~ __ (~1 RI llffllll ~ than that. The Soviets rule over a troubled and disintegraliug society. The question Isn't are they going to conquer the world but is Russian communism going to survive till 1990? The food shortages, the failures of the Civilian economy to provide a standard of living anywhere near that of the non· communist, technologically advanced nations is documented and reaffirmed every day. The Gulag Archipelago, that nation or concentration camp internees within the Russian nation, is well enough known lo us, but often we don't thinlr through wbat we know about Russia. We haven't, for example, conaidered what it-means that their greatest scienUsta, musicjana, dan- cers, writers and academicians either are exiled or. more often. flee. F&OM CUBA WE'VE seen the bol- tom of Castro's communist society scram out of there. In Russia they can't even keep the lop people, the ones who do have the cars, the country house~, the consumer goods and as mucb freedom as you're going to get in a state established by Nicholai Lenin. What would you say about the slate of affairs in America if people like Dr. Michael de Bakey, the great heart specialist, Robert Redford, Beverly Sills, Leonard Bernstein and Ralph Nader exiled l.bemselves abroad and applied for citizeruship in another land? We would say l.be country is falling apart. Likewise the evidence before our eyes is that Russia is falling apart. Let's slop scaring ourselves about bow omnipotent they are. If l.bey're as clever as Alexander Haig or Richard Allen, l.be national security adviser, say they are, why didn't l.bey send their cosmonauts to the moon? Why did they let us score t.b.ia 1reat propaganda coup? Why have they done nothing in space for years? THE ONLY LOGICAL answer, particularly given the fuss they make over space riding, is that they don't have the equipment and the organiza- tion to send a man to plant the Soviet flag on terra 1una. Why haven't they invaded Poland? Hardly because they think it would be immoral or because l.bey welcome the emancipation of that unhappy country. Tbe Russians aren't occupyln1 Warsaw because they doubt their strenllh. because they have every re- ason to think the Poles would fttbt and the Poles would win and that by tbe end of three weeks of flghtint most of their Wars aw Pact allies would have turned on them. If Brezhnev is able to s e e the true power relationships between our na- tion and bis, surely the State Department hysterics can stop running aroun4 s queaking, Eeeek! Eeeek! With a smidgen of patience the game will be ours. Will last frontier have room service? We're getting into space none too soon. There's just no doubt about it, we're running short of everything here on earth and we need some of that room In outer apace. No one knows bow big out- er apace is, of course, or, if It ends, what's beyond it. WREN JOHN YOUNG arrived back on earth after that first space-sbutUe lllY lllllY ' mission, be Hid that lntentellar travel w11 not far off. I certainly hope ao, because one of the thina• we're ln me>1t desperate need of I• aome new place to go on vacation . We'N all lookinlJ for aome pie~ to 10 that everyone elae ~11n't already been ~1 and they're 1etUn1 1carce here on eann. There'• a mountain behind a cotta11 we have on • lake lD northern New York •late and it Uled to be a areat adventure to climb it. We never went up Of' down the H&ne way twice and we were often Iott and tometlmea •cared for abort pertoda dw1n1 the climb, but It wu never dull. Now tMr. are four well-mulled tralll with color-coded •lcn• pol•t1Dt tb• way. Wbm JOU reacb tbe &op. tbe rocb at t.lae summit are Uttered wit.la oruse P"lr 8t1Nfoem CUP9 and dileanted IOft clrtDSCUI. 1 close the 1ates u lt 1t wu a rock mu.ale reatlvat. I remember when it wu chic for Americana wlth money to IJO to the ma1niftcent crescent-abaped beach at Acapulco and return brautna about tbl• wonderful place they'd found in Mexico. Today you can hardly flnd the beach for the hotels If you 10 to Acapulco. 'r'BDS ilB T&A VBL apnta wbo will book )'OU a trip down the Amuon throulb the wtJdl ol Soutb America, but the 1•e Lodi• •t IQwtot. hnl, pro. vlclel IDOlt of the civilised com.fort.Iola ffolidQ I•. I haven't been up tbere, but I wouldn't be lurpriHd to ft8d u ltloo Rllton at the North Pole. A few yean a10 ........ a qilalntl tbtdl-rooled eotlal9 cm Gah•aJ 11eJ ror a ..-and all our DltObor'I bi 841Htllt eoua,.. wen, M ft .... Allierfcu tioUrlN. We na ,.a tbe word .......... .. away witb "lllAOD•t" bMaUM ua.N llD't llD9eb ol k left. Tbe trip ........ Color9do Ill a rubber nft II Nie..._.. .. be .... .., • " ........ ..,. • ..,, • ... Olleent ""'" ...... Toftttbe ...... "tbia.W. .. .,_ ~~~~~ venture," a trip ought \o have an ele: ment of danger or uncertainty and there aren 'l many places lo &'O that have either. All we can hope la that the 1pacesbip Columbia la tbe covered ._asoa of the future and that it wtu open the way fot loq weekend.I and summer vacaUoGI ln the unexplored wildl of outer space. where pref ab plcnlc tabla have not yet been provided. Democrats counting on tight '82 election 87 D&.CHA&LF.86. BELL Chorw1 G. B1U il.o prof1uqr of pc>Mlkol ldnce.at Cal State FMllnton. The recent attempt by A11embly Democrats to cet rid of Calllornla '1 Peace ft Fr"®m Party tells U1 how bard pressed they feel about next year'• elections. Ostensibly a minor technical chance in the state's elecUona code, AB 2131 in· troduced by Assemblyman Richard CALIFORNIA COMMENTS · Lehman, D·Clovi.I, would increue the re•istratioo minimum for any political party from 1/15tb or one percent to one· half of one percent. • Since P&F hu only .4 percent of the re1iatered voters in California, AB 2131 would elimiute them from the ballot in 1982. And that would eliminate at leut one problem facing Democrats next year. wUl not bave to defend their left nank •&aimt or1an1zed liberal attack. Kore imPortantly, in an electTon where neither Democrats nor Republicans field very attractive can· dldates, voters often ca.st a ballot for some unknown third party candidate out of sheer fruatratioo. ln 1978, when neither Democrats nor Republicans ran very attractive can· didates ln some of the statewide races, the P&F candidates won 2'7 ,000 votes in the electioo for controller and 272,000 votes in the secretary of atate'a elec- tion. In 1980, P&F U.S. Senate can· didate David Wald got 196,000 votes. In contrast -Jerry Brown waa elect· ed governor ln 1974 with a 179,000 vote margin; Gerald Ford won California in 1976 by 140,000 votes ; and S.I. Hayakawa beat incumbent U.S. Senator John Tunney that same year by 2",000 votes. In a tilht election, 200,000 votes could make the difference. And Democrats have every right to expect 1982 to be tight election year. Or1nge Coast OAJL Y PILOT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 AT OF ClOtJaSE, lllNOR parties lend to hurt both Democrats and Republicans at the polls. Lut year, Libertarians and American Independent Party can· dldatea cost the GOP five Assembly and one state Senate seal -letlin1 a Democrat win with less than a majority in each of those slx elections. Peace & Freedom bas hurt Democrats too. In 1978 Rene H. En&el, the P&F candidate for assembly in the San Fernando Valley's 39tb district 1ot 2,589 votes tippinc the election to Republican Robert Hayes who woo with only 48.9 percent of the vote. ·Higher education isn't a birthright Ironically, two years later, in 1980, Democrat Richard Katz defeated Hayes ln the same district thanks to third par· ty candidates Lily Woods (AIP> and Bob Blnsley (Lib.> who got 3,903 votes combined. Katz defeated Hayes by 3,581 votes! WHY DO DEMOCRATS fear P&F candidates? There were-only 11 P&F •Assembly candidates lut year and they averaged less than 5,000 votes apiece. At one time, to be sure, P&F was a fair· ly strong third party in California. Spawned in opposition to tbe Vietnam War, P&F got 27,707 votes in the 1988 presidential election and 93,000 votes in that year's U.S. Senate race. But even in that year of protest, it ran only 17 candidates for the assembly. ' Two years later, in 1970, P&F ran on· ly nine uaembly candldaleL .and Lt.a candidate for 1overnor received 1U1bUy less than 66,000 votes. In the 1972 elec- tions, P&F's presidential candidate, baby doctor Benjamin Spock, got only 55,000 votes wblle its 16 assembly can- didates averaged about -4,000 votea each. But in one stale Senate race. P&F candidate Ben Rerrick 1ot 5,450 votes, enough to keep Democrat Catherine O'Neill from defealin1 incumbent Republican Robert Stevem. HOWEVER, ASIDE FROIJ that one 1tate Sen~te seal in 1972 and the &a· aembly seat Joas in 1978, ·Democrats have not been dama1ed much by P&F. Certainly, Democrats have not been hurt as mubh by third party candidalel aa bave the Republicans who lo.l aix le1ialative seats in 1980 because of Libertarian and AJP vote•. And now, with the PlcF in decline, "hy should Democrats be so worried that they would try to eliminate lt? The answer appean to be that public 1upport for the Democratic Party ii rapidly eroding. Several recent public opinion poll.a as well as reptratioo and election fliures all point to the aame conclusion -the Democratic Party baa lo1t much of its traditional appeal. Every vote will count in 1912 and by eliminating the left-liberal P&F u a politic.al party, Democrats hope to force the some 42,000 regi.ltered PftF mem· bera back into Democratic Party ranb. In addition, without P&F can- didates on the ballot in Ul82, Democrata To the F.ditor: Re: Dr. Charles G. Bell's May 25 col· umn, "Taxation losin& it.a threat":· Proposition 13 was conceived and im- plemented on the promise that "A Man's Home ia His Cutle," and. be shall not be-forced from it by an tm.holy and prohibitive property tax. The lanpa1e of the law requirint a two-thirds vote of both legislative houses to increase the tax, wu included to insure reasonable protection to the home owner. But, now, isn't it interestinc to ob- serve the liberal spenders, crawlin1 out from their respective rock.a to, once more, suggest ways in which to circum· vent Propoeitioo 13, and initiate more aubUe tax encroachments in the gulH of such dramatic issues a.s police protec· lion, etc.? Dr. Bell is no doubt correct, that 1ince 1978 and the enactment ol Propoeltion 13, Califomla baa been llviDC on Its 1av· in1s. However. that only tra1ically point.a out that our state and local cov· ernmenta have not followed the \Ooten mandate and made the neeeuary cuts to insure a ft.acally sound state ec:ooomy and •till have adequate police protec· lion and the other amenities ol properly . MAILBOX adminialered governments. There ia so much evidence to the contrary that daily smacks WI in the face. A TYPICAL "for example" comes from the sacrosanct institution of education of which Dr. Bell is a member. Since when bu hleher (col- lege level) education become the birth· rilht of every higb school IJ"aduate? Our stale subsidised c0Ue1es ID the put 10 years have been rilled to overflow- ing, detracting sublta.ntial.ly from ·the quality ol education formerly offered also necessitating the addiUOP of more educaton of Dr. Bell'• Umlted insi1bt, which, of course, reaulta ID more dire and costly cona~uences. I personally receive, each year, 15-20 (brochure type) pieces of literature from Coastline Community and Golden West colleges Caddreued1.o re· sidenl) offering a variety of classes from "Modern Dance" to "Knit One, Purl Two." The state subsidy to thla type of nonessential adult educaUon is baaed and prorated on the number enrolling, hence, the continuing voluminous mail· ings which are, in and of itself, a hor- rendous and wasteful expenditure of taxpayer funds. Stay alert, Californians, and don't be deceived. DON A. MONTGOMERY Support school music On the editorial page of Tuesday, May 26, I appreciate the editorial "School Music Fading.'' It's all too aad and all toO true and I think it's a service to the schools and to the children that you are bringing this to the awareness of the public. Thank you for running this and for supportin1 music in the schools. JUDY GLICK lmensitivity's limited To the Editor: The World Health OrcaniuUoo re· cenlly adopted a reaoluUoo urline the under-developed natloa. of the world to voluntarily implement stricter controls Time to retire Gohlen Years Chain Dum-da-dum-dum! Monday, May 18. I am working the day watch out of the bunco detail. My partner is Sergeant Warren Su1arman. My name's Friday. 2:13 p.m. We receive a citizen's com· plaint Crom Miss Rowena Harmsworthy, 61. She said abe bad been swindled. "Tell us about it, ma'am," I said. "l joined this benevolent or1anb:ation in 1935," she said. "Each week, i con· tributed part of my paycheck. They pro- mised they would take care of me in my old age. Now they want to give me only $264 a month. I can't live on that. And they l°'*ed so honest, too.·· ''YES, MA'AM," l sald. "Molt con- .fidence men do." 3 :05 p.m . Sergeant Su1arman checked tbe file. Thia waa the l0,365,438th cltisen's complalnt we had received in the put el1bt days. We de· clded to crack the rinJ. 4: 12 p.m. Ser1eant Sugarman and I surrounded the rinl'• beadqu&JWn, an lmposinl. ellht-atory, aranite bulldln1. He picked up a bullhorn. "Toa out your folders, spindler• and mutilators and come out with your bands up," be aald., "We have you trapped." "You'll never take me alive, cop· 4 pers," cried a voice from inside. ''I'll throw myself in the collator first." "If you don't surrender," I said, "we'll cut off the Federal Retirement System benefits for everyone in there.~· "WAIT!" said the suspect. "There are innocent taxpayers in here." 5: 17 p .m . After an hour's lenae negotiations, the suspect agreed to re· lease the taxpayers. They filed out. All were shabbily dressed. All but one. 1 grabbed him. "Well," I said, "if it isn't -llT-H-IP-PI ___ ,, I our old friend, Albert J . Pomi, the world's areatest confidence mm." "How'd you spot me, copper?" the suspect asked. "By your Gucci briefcase, Pomi. No honest taxpayer can afford a Gucci brief cue. Open it up, pleue." lnaicle we found the tnc.rtminaUnc evidence we needed: a U1t ol tT,283,412 names and a form letter. Tbe letter said: ' "Dear Friend: You have been select· ed to be part of our Golden Years Chain. All you need do is s~ us $1,975 each year and when you reaCh the age of 82, you need never work again for we will provide for you handsomely for the rest of your life. DO NOT BREAK THIS CHAlN!" ' SER<iEANT SUGARMAN nodded. "A typical pyramid scheme," be said to Ponzi. "You simply paid off the people who reached the top with the money you took from the poor workers on the bot· tom. But you got too greedy, Mr. Ponzi. Those on the bottom now realh:e they'll never get pald off." "Well, copper," be said, "it worked for close to 50 years." I snapped on the cuff1. "Yeah, Ponzi," l said. "You can fool some ol the people all of the time and all of the people some of the time. But you can't fool all of the people for more than half a cen· tury." Dum-da-dum-dum-DAH ! On Augut lf ift ,,.. U.S. Diltnct Court, Albert J. Pontd um gion hU cltokt of JO v«I" .at 1latd labor <>r t""'9 to Uw on QH ca month. Ht ti nmo worldrlQ in U.. jute mm cat tht Federal P.mtnltcl'll m Lcowmoorlh, 1Ccan1e11. over the sale and use of infant food formulas marketed in their countries.: The United States, at the direction ot the Reagan administration, cut the lone "No" vole. The vote, 118 "Yes" and the U.S.· "No," waa prompted by the dismayina statistic that approximately one million infants die each year because of the im· proper use of these products. Millions more are doomed to developmental dis: abilities because the infant formulas sold in these countries are improperly used by ·mothers unable to read direc· lions or fulfull the requirements as to sterilization and refrigeration. THE REASONING employed by Mr. Reagan in ordering the "No" vote was that the resolution ran counter to the American principle of "free en- terprise''! I suggest that his invoking the "free enterprise" cliche is more than a little hypocritical in light of his recent role ln reducing the importation of Japanese automobiles. We suoest that his willingness to. place millions of ln!ants in Third World countries in jeoparCiy of death or malnutrition is also more than a little' hypocritical in light of his pro-life, pro: family rhetoric. We can only hope the peoples of the world will conclude 'that the "No" vote reflects the ins ensiti vily to human needs of only Mr. Reagan and hia "in~ ner circle" and is not representative o~ the human and ethical standards of the American people. MR. & MRS. TOM WERT JJlhy not best for oou? To the F.ditor: It is inconceivable that those youn1 men who fought in the Vietnam conflict should have to beg for proper care and attention. They are not some foreigners whO .. have come into our country legaUy or il· legally who often end up lilte some f•l cats ~ ; They are our own boys! Why do they have to have less than the very best we can give them? Tbe President must pay attention l9 tbla. He cannot slough ofrtheir requests! They did their jobs -DOW il'a Ume we . take on our job-their care and welfare. MARJORIE CHATHAM • Rerun of 'Ho:w Budget.Was Won' reveals-new lobbying tactics WASHINGTON -New pr.sdeadal lobbytq metbodl belna perfected bJ tbe RNpn White House wen ccmceD· trated oa Rep. Butler Derrick, a moderat•IJ conHnatlve Democrat from 8outb Carolina, two weeb blfore tbe INdpt vcu. "Denick .. lllll aqulahy.'' laid ..... ternal Wldte Bouie memo. but aact9d: " ... we'Dl«IWD laUMeadbec ... 11ot ot t.M locel bll·....., people .,. after ....... Wll.U..r N aot ltlf. baeu were rHpouJble, U.e WM Beul• call ,,..,. ........ i o.nttlt ....... die PrMt••• Nofst1er•1 operation reprneata a dra1Uc d•partur• from Prealdent ElMnbower'• quiet etrorta a ,_...uaa qo tJ'1iq to coax Democratic Yotel oat of Speaker Rayburn. Now, RH1an are some casea of bow the budcet wu won: -Rep. Roon.le Flippo wu retarded by Jllolsipr'a otftce u UM "touCbelt" Alabama Democrat befon pr.>Jlequ DemocnUc Gov. Fob lamea came to th• reecue. Tbe coveraor'I omce ln· formed the White HOUM "lam• bu 'penueded' nippo to .-. for t.M PIWI· deat." "Whitten will vote wit.b UI only lt w · agree to h1I timetable on ,\ppropria- tlons Committee lecislaUon." The White House labeled those demudt "outrqeoua," and Wbltteo wu tbe on.11 member ol bia state'• dele1at1on to op, (>C?ae tbe Reaean budget. v -~. BUI Ne~ of Flonda, a~ servat1ve ~ voted a1a.tntt Reapn ~t aide Ibo ....,.. CommlU... •111 eel bJ Nofliaer-'1 mt.D on tbelr aide loQ befon t.be lla11 wte: "Nelloa caved iD after W'I applied tbe ~ .•.• Nel.loG can't take pre11UN, we abould keep Wa tn mtDd ID future." ... .. ... -,., .... ,.. . . ... '" -...... ~· Penalty was njghtmare Come up to the Topi Loss of family stuns fat her into fake confession 87 STliT DOUTllAT SOUTH CHARLESTON, W. Va. (AP) -Paul Re11etta bu a reeurrtn1 fantuy. He wanta to climb at.op a tall buildlnl and scream at th• people below. "People tell me to for1et what happened. Tbe7 want to for1et what happened to ID)' wUe ud kkla. But, if I bad my way I'd aWl climb up on a b.alld· ins and scream; •My wlf• and lllda were murdered. Why'?" A tall, thln, shy man, Re11ett1 peera out at the world tbrou1b thick lenses. What he'a seen durinl the lut two of bis S'1 years makes him shudder. For, llke Dante, Paul Renetta bas descended lnto the depths of heU and baa returned to tell about it. "I sWl lh1nlt about It almost all the time," he says, puffin& bis plpe as he sits ln a busy restaurant Whal be tblnks about is a lon&·nmniAI p "UL RE,..,..ETTZ horror ShoW that began n UV the momlna of Dec. 13, 1979. He returned from work that day and found the bodies of hia wUe, hil 4-year-old dau1hter and bis 7-year-old aon ln the family's small, frame house ln nearby St. Alban.a. "WE BAD PLANNED .& 10 Cb.riatmu abop- plng." be recalls, squlntin1 as if t.o lff the paat more clearly. "My wife, Vanessa, and dau1hter, Bernadette, were supposed t.o meet me beside the highwll)'. My son, Paul Jr., was supposed t.o be in school." When bis wife and dau1hter were not at the appointed meeting place, Reggettl went home to look for them. "The front door was locked so I went lo the back door," be says. "The first lhinl I aaw when I went in was my wife's bare legs, 1Ucklng out ot the bedroom door." He recalls running wildly toward the front door, to seek help. "Just as l reached the front door I caught a &llmpse of my daughter, through the comer of my eye. She was hanging from a door, with a rope around her neck." HE RAN TO A NEARBY bot dog stand and thrust a dollar bill at a stranger, saying: "Mlster, my family's been murdered; call the police!" With that, he ran back to the house. "I kept thinking, 'What am I going lo tell Paul Jr.'! I still didn't know about him." After re-entering the house, Reggettz recalls picking up bis wile's body and placing it on the bed. He took bis daughter down from the door and then was struck by the feeling that somebody elae was in the house. "I was sitting there waiting for the police when I suddenly felt whoever did it might still be in the house. So, I started going from room to room. I found Paul's body when I rot to the bathroom. He was face down ln the bathtub." REGGE'M'Z' EYES BEGIN to water. He grimaces and puffs bis pipe, sending up clouda of aromatic smoke-that temporarily screen his f•ce. When the smoke clears, his composure la back. But during the hours immediately followin1 bis grisly discovery, he was to lose any semblance of control. "I was over at Company B headquarters," be continues, gesturing toward the West Virginia State Police detachment just across from the restaurant. "For a long time I thought I was help· ing with the lnvestigation." He recalls that the state troopers lnllially were friendly and sympathetic but began acting dif. fer ently as the day wore on. WHAT HE DIDN'T KNOW at the time was that the troopers had gotten a medical examlner's report indicating bis family bad been kllled before he went to work. Although the report wa1 later challenged by other pathologists, ll apparently convinced his interrogators that they had the klller. "The troopers came and went," says Ree· gettz. They kept asking me to tell them what bad happened the night before, asking me to tell them again and again. "Then, they'd get me ln a crossfire and one would jump up and yell, 'That's not what you told us the last time'." By midnight he bad been ln the basement of the state pollce detachment for 12 hours. He aaya be didn't ask for an attorney because be didn't think be needed one. Also, be says be wu not permitted t.o make any phone calla, nor were members of bis famlly allowed to see him. Regaettz conlenda one of the troopen "hauled off and knocked me out of my chair and I landed on the noor, chair and all. Then, be reached behlnd bis back and I beard his piltol cock. A second later I felt the barrel ln my cheat.•' Trooper H.F. "Woody" Woodyard conducted the interrogation. He denies that Re11etts was beaten or threatened and aaya no lawyer was sum- moned because "be didn't uk for one." After 14 hours of queationins, several packs of ci1arettes and countleaa cu119 of coffee, Re11etU broke.• "TWO OF THEM troopen came to the door of the room where J waa belnl queltioned. They told the trooper who wa1 queadonlq me to leue and 'let ua have him.' He told me, 'OK, I'm IODD• stve you five more minutes and after tbat J won't be respoaaible few what happens'." Regetta aaya be beld out few another minute or 10 before aayiq: "OK, whatever you want.'' "'?bey'd broke me down,'' be aaya wlD~ b1I 11uaes wltb a paper napkin. "I admit lf, I wu afraid. Allo, I hadn't bad aDJ aleep for two d•JS. Aad, JOU know, J felt like M11MfMn1 lmlde me bad died. I felt aD emptinese come lMldt me." rive boun later be wu taken back to the bouae, when be "re-enacted" tbe c:rime. "It WM tbe way I'd•-U.., mate m0¥MI," be aa11t ... Yoked tinpd wttlt a&reMm •• .,,.., dlnd4ld me Md I did wbel t1MJ told me to do.'' A8SD •• D COULD N-en• .. aucb a•· ror. he ~rs tbe quntlan fGr a 1D01Btnt. t1111ii 1a71: ''Well, I WU afraid tbeJ wald beat ..... at tlaat s*Dt DOl ..... Memed to ........ ..,.., ... ................................. .... _......,Ida ............. ..,. o1.-. ,...... 8ewutotpendtMMldUm...,la.- S.....UCGml7 Jail, ...... ..w . • .,.., •• lh't .... ~·· llil•li•lll .. ~ ......... ~ ....... ., ;..-: .......... _ ................. .. •1'111iJ WCMlid•~ lit lal• nt ea NII•,. ,-.• -I! . even tbc:lqb tbt7 bad kDown from tbt MCODd week that tail bfoocl didn't match the atalu they found lD the bOUM uad even ·~qh t.be Nlultl from the Ue detector t..t tbe atate poUc. 1av1 hlm were ln· concl\lllv.." ON YOUR FM RADIO DIAL lleanwhlle,bll wUe and cb114rea wen burled. "I wun't allowed to IO to the tuneral " be aaya, ltarinl lnto lbe cottM cup. "But J probably. wouldn't have 1one anyway because they had my wUe 'a famlly IO worked \lP that they would have killed me lf they could havtlotten to mt," 88 90 92 94 96 98 100 102 1 04 106 1 0 8 Tbe months puaed an Re11ett1 aat ln JaU, readlq the Blbl• and talklnt with tbt other prlaonen. 'mu~~m~~mumm~H~~~mm~m~~~~~~ Kw v E "I HA va TO SAY that I waa treated well wbUe 1 wu ln Jail." be aays. "l madt aome 1ood frlenda. More than onct I'd bt talkln1 to somebody and he'd tell me, 'You know Paul, 1 don 't thlnk you dld lt'." The .slate finally reacbtd that aame con· clusion, after a youn1 man wbo formerly llved near the Re11etl1 famlly conlMaed to th• ldllln11. Kanawha County Pr011ecutor James Roark says Reuetta' rl1ht1 were preaervtd and that the 21 hours lt toot aulborltiea lo brtn1 cbar•ea were not unreuonable. ''The important thln1 t1 that we continued our lnvesU1aUon," be aaya. 1'1 can'l ex· plain why be confeaaed, but the ultimate result l1 (See FAmEa·s, •••• At) SAVE 20 YEARS OF THE NATION'S MOST POPULAR MUSIC ... ... ARRANGED FOR THE SELECTIVE LISTENER 3.47 ~ch ~TH Mix With Lemon 32-oz. • cannister of cool, tiltly iced tea. Natural lemon flavor, sugar added. HMVJ-duty Aluminum FoH Save on Kmart ® 18"x25' roll of broiler foll. Many kitchen uses. Shop and save. ~ Color "'"' Nm Your choice of 126/20. 110/20 Of 135/ 20 Focal• Color Print Fiim. ASA100. ---- ·.c.- 'NM ... 1.79 .. ked 'I• Chicken Served with whipped poratoea and gravy, IHtoned vegetable. roll end butt« 6.96 lnftateblePool Cotorlul 1ntlat1ble pool lor small children Provides houra of cool clean tun 182·50 s99 ~ Tri-mode SteNO Sptem AM I FM radio, B·track tape player, 2 speed automatic record changer plus twin speakers. M270. 14.97 au.rtzAlerm Clock HCOnd 2.86 24-0z. • Ortho Kleenup AMdy to UM weed end grass killer Handy spot treatment spray bottle. '" ...... s199 1.21 Cu. Ft. Fr .. zer Deaigtlad to 18"9 apace, -gy and money. Hee• capeclty ol 182· pounda raquir• 2••x2•• of tlOOf 1111111911lillllllll~~-......... 6 .84 30 G•llon G•rbage C•n Deep corrugations, lock seams, end ralaed botlom tor strength end durablllly Model ST 303. 2 For S.vel Kippered Snack• 3\4-oz • lll1tt1 of herring ·-wt 2.44 : , ........ , ,,.... Oii,.., Spin-on type "'* dealOl*S for "19"Y Anwtle#Hneda oen. I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 A9 Strengthen relations U•CLAIMED IOODS PUBLIC AUCTION 0 F AUTHENTIC HANDMADE ORIENTAL RUGS UCI prof says U.S.-Mexico trade policy key issue . . BJ JEFF PAUEa °' ................ CenturiM of mlaundentandin1 and 1 rapidly cbanlinl future are loomln1 over current rel1Uo111 between the U.S. and Mexico, 1ccordin1 to UC Irvine Associate Professor of HlJtory, Dr. Jaime Rodripe1. Dr. Rodrl1ue1 , whose lat.eat book, "The Forging of the Colmlc Race: A Relnterpreta· lion of Colonial Mex- ico,'' received the Her· ring Memorial Award for outstanding work on Latin American studies, started obeerv· ing U.S.-Mexico rela- tions aa a student al the University of T~aa. •'There l a long history of nfllcta between the two coun- tries in which Mnlco .has felt aliahted by the DR. RODRIGUEZ 1J.S.," beaald. "After the Mexicans achieved independence, the U.S. aovernment waited to recognize the new Mexican governm~t while they bargained for Florida. During the revolution of 1910, American soldiers occupied Veracru% for nearly a year and a half. "In 1917 the U.S. Cavalry followed Villa down into Mexico. Until 19", Americana thouaht always of using force to get what they wanted in Mexico - not that we always sent troops in -but it was often a ready consideration," he aald. .According to Rodri1uez, the long history of in· tervention led the Mexican people lo believe that the United Stales held them in little respect. "Mexican people felt aa if they were being slighted, as if the U.S. dldn 't take them seriously. In 1938, the Mexican government nationalized the petroleum industry, which was viewed by Mex· icans as an act of independence. Here, it was viewed quite differently by American oil com· panies -they wanted to invade. "The Mexican government paid U.S. com- panies for certain boldin1s in Mexico, but the com· panies never believed they'd been paid a fair amount. The oil iaaue became, and still is today, a very emotional one," said Rodrigue%. "The same lbing eoea for the issue of natural gas, which Mexico found itself to be leas reliant upon after discovering huge oll reserves in their country. "President (Jose Lopez) Portlllo look a political risk in offering that gas for sale to the U.S., and when (James) Schlesinger slapped the Mexicans for charging us too much for it, the Mex- icans were angry. "That was a case in which an American of- ficial treated a sovereign stale aa ii it were part of the U.S. or something. <President Jimmy) Carter made the whole thing worse by golne down there and trying lo joke about 'Montezuma'• reven1e.' " he said. According to Rodriguez, on-r"'' I disputes over where the U.S.·Mexican border Ilea alone the shifting Rio Grande, and the use of Colorado River water needed by northern Mexico, remain secon- dary 10 the bottat issue of today_ -trade rela.:_ lions. "The Mexicans feel they should have Favored Nat.ion Status with regard to trade with the U.S .. " Rodriguez said. "That would allow Mexico to trade with the U.S. with preferred status. "They want our markets lo be open to them as it is for other countries but as it is now, Mexican trade is restricted. They have much more to offer than the U.S. wlll open their markell to." Rodriguez believes the number of un- documented Mexican workers now living in this country is actually far less than most observers re- port. •'Lots of reports say there are nearly 8 million undocumepted workers in the U.S. now and most of them are Me"ican. There are really only about 100,000 who stay permanently according to the most thoroueh studies I've seen. The others stay only a short time -slx months to two years. "Good data indicates there are perhaps a million undocumented worken in the U.S. now," he said. "Most studies I have seen abow these people work for lower waees and that they pay their tax- es. At least 80 percent pay Social Security, income tax and property tax throueb rent. "And of course they don't draw from the Social Security reserves or the welfare funds. They're really not the drain people think they are." Considering that Mexico la the moat stable FATHER'S HORROR ( FN• Pa1e A.I) we have some indication that the system really does work." For thole who claim bla release proves that the system works, Re11etll aaya: "I 0011 aee our system of Jt11tice u a railroad. The 1tata police de· tacbmeat, the JaU and the covtrooml are jut stopt on a Une that leads to the penitentiary." SINCE IDS aELEABB be baa neo9tiled witb moat of hi.I in-laws and 1otten a Job u a Janitor. He's atW tryiq to put bl bla lite back tasether, trytn1 to ftpn out wbat happened. "Y•,'' be HYS. flriDI up UM plpe a•alD. "My outlook on Iii• bM tbaaled a lot. Tbe daJ they put me ln Jail I Ud a job and a home. Now, I've 1ot nothlnl-. • 'Tbe ~ tb1nl that makes MGM to me tbMe da71 la .Jeilul auut. At IUlt tbree times I almOlt save \Ip and Jult u I'd reach bott.Olll, to UM point wbere I'd deeide bow I wu tof.111 to do It, tbe Lord would IDOft CID m)' .lileart ••. ud u Ume wnt on ff• 1•v• me U.. wUJ to live qua." country ln Latin America (it bu enjoyed smooth transfers ol power since 1920), the third laraeat country in the Western Hemisphere, 12th hl&Mat country in terms of national industrial out· put ~n the world and the lOtb bl11•t country in world population, Rodri1uez predlcta that better ~e· latlons with the U.S. will benefit both countries. "Mexico baa had a huee population explosion ln the last 40 years. In UMO, the population there was about 20 million -now the population is close to 70 million. And half the population today ls un- der 15 years of ace. "By the tum of the century, Mexico will have a population of 100 million. They've also had one of the highest rates of economic growth, but It doesn't show because the growtng population bas consumed so much. "The fact is that the U.S. and Mexico are tied together geographically and have to work together since both are great countries. Mexico Is culturally rich as well as rich in resources and manpo'fer - it's only logical the two countries work together. Mexico's problems are solvable; it may lake a generation, but they can be solved . "I'd like to see the U.S. and Mexico be mote like France and Germany are now," be said. "They fought for many years, but now they're very cooperative with eact) other. They're a lot richer for it too." · 1~88 Pkg Ll~IDATING ENTIRE INVENTORY of accumulated unclaimed gooda, plus othera from OUR STORAGE WAREHOUSE In Los Angeles Various rugs and carpets of fine quality from Iran. Pakistan. India, Afghanistan. Turkey, Romainla. Russia and China. Wide variety of sizes and colors. A certificate of Authenticity will be Issued for each purchase. FOR YOUR CONVENIENCE, THE AUCTION WILL TAKE PLACE: SUNDAY. MAY 31 AT2 PM HOLIDAY INN 25205 LA PAZ RO AD LAGUNA HILLS l• ... Wlllw: lllJI 709.0026 T-: C• .. /Cliecli A. A & A ORIENTAL RUGS, INC. K-AOYUTIHO IHllCKANDlll 'OLICY a.. ... ,.... ........... ... ........ t/ll ... 9'1W ..... fll"I ......... _._ ............ ,,,,, ............. .,_. ............ ~-.................... 0-0. .. ....... .. .. ~ ..... ---~ .,......,....,....., .............. ... .... """"'..........., ........... .. .......... -~ ....... ..... -~"'"° -Chfnet ® PicnlcPtat.Chofce YOJr choloe of 50, 8"'°" plain plates or 35, 10~· compenmented platn. Save -8ave-oft.-11-oz. PltlatJc Cup• Large-elze, tra~t plUllc ~ 18 1n I pac:lulge. Big s>Jvir1gl 11 l<mart now. Men'• Banlo • Shirt• Fcx comfort and good IOOl<s Placke! fr()(ll 1n 8$SO<ltd COlorS • 81t1erOll A<lq TM Novelty-ptlnl pantln. POlyMtet In white ex pastels I ·.FOCAL COlOP Pll1 NT flll\lt 12 U"'5111U Color Prtht Fiim 110/ 12 0t 128/ 12. ASA 100 2.10 ~~· Women'• lclcle1 MOided eopp<>l1 underneath-shank, berrel heel. ankle wrap. 31.97 97! Kitchen T•rTJ towel• Cotton jecquatd tow.I Ill Prints At Time of developing, plus regular developlng charge! S1andard 'Hll end Hera' Piiiow• Polyester fill couon tlcktng 3 Pkg!.1 -·-- Y9CUum Cleener Beg1 I( mene brand. Olepoeable ( Ale Orange Coast DAILY PIL.OTfSunday, Mav 31 , 1981 Bicycling Stow at a slow pace By SCO'JT STUDEBAKER ........ D161y ...... EDITOR'S NOTE · Thia la the firit in a 1erfu of article• from couple touring Europe on bic11clei. 15th Century old wool weavers cottages in Bi bury, England. STOW IN THE WOLD, ENGLAND -100 miles west of London, is the perfect town to set up headquarters for a tour or the villa1es of the Cotswold hills . Stow itself is small but not tiny ; a visitor here can find plenty o( shops to browse around in. Stow grew up in the 15th century as a commercial and trading center for the s urrounding farmin1 area. supported ceilings and doorways, stone fireplaces, and stone floors, worn uneven lhrou1h centuries of foot tramc. The average Englishman takes his beer drinking more seriously than his American counterpart, not surprisingly. considering the literally hundreds of different brands and types or beer available tn England. ••S••S••S••S••S••S••Sit : All YOU PAYIMG : • TOO MUCH FOi : :HEALTHIMSUIAMCE?• • $1 ,000,000 : : GROUP OR INDIVIDUAL e :c.11ForQttote 640-607 5 .S••S••S••S••S••S••S .. COMPUTER PROGRAMMING INSTRUCTION SO SIMPLE, CHILDREN CA· MASTER. MOST ARE SERVED only in the region of the THE BUILDINGS around the central square brewery. If you order .. Half o' pint or beer" here, 1-~~'ll'"'i--r---,. date back to the lSOOs. All but a few served as you will get a glass of bitter, a darker, st ronger, lnns and drinking places for the sheep merchants and more bitter tasting beer than our American who would drive their herds into town for sale. Lage r. Englis h beer. or biller, has more Later Stow became a well-known coach stop. character and flavor than our beers, and there are Today one can see the large wooden gales and great differences from brand to brand. cobblestone passageways where the horses and coaches were led orf the main square for the eve· 1 ---- ning, while the passengers lodged at the Inns. Today Stow offers visitors a quiet and peaceful stay, mach needed after a few days touring Lon· don's busy streets. ONE CAN DRIVE here from London in a few hours, and then make sidetrips to some of the most beautiful villages in the Cotswolds : some say the most beautiful in all of England. These pictures- que villages are remarkable for their 16th century cottages, countfy gardens, peaceful lus h green landscapes, and friendly people. Bourton-on-the-Water, Burford, Mourton-in· Marsh, Upper and Lower Slaughter , and Chipping Camden are all recommended stops: they are all close enough to Stow to be seen in one day. Bicycling through these towns. as we are. pro· vides the ideal pace at which to enjoy them. Scenery goes by in slow motion, the air is full of the scents or wild flowers and tree blossoms. and we can explore the back roads and country Janes easily. Bicycles can be rented for $2.50 per day at Stow. ~RAVEL LOG by Jan Freeman PUERTO VALLARTA SU R•· ... SUN ... PEACE. Long . laz} duy:. followed by beautiful sunsets and balmy evenings Puerto Vallarta 1s all of this and more Not too man} >ear~ ago 1t was JUSl a small and re· mote fishing village and now has grown to be a popular and delightful resort only a short 2"'1 hour fhght from Los Angeles. making it a lovely place close enough for a long weekend or, belter still, a long "eek This des11nat1on offers small, medium priced hotel s JUSl ore the beach or larger. deluxe accommodations right on the bcuch And 1f ,.,u·rl• in lhl• mood . f1!!hing and scuba diving an• l:J\oritt• ret·rc·atwns :l\u1lable ANOTHER BEAUTIFUL section or the Cotswolds not far from here, and certainly worth This b orw of th l.' nicest -iopts In all of Mexico ... we can arranl(<' a program for you alone that allows you exploring is the 30 miles or road along the Coln to dt>part lht• da) or \'Our choice> ... a hotel to flt your river, from Bi bury north through Ablington, Coln hudiiet ... and a i.avl ngs on the airfare. St. Dennis, Winson, and Coln Rogers. All of the --------------------------------------houses in these villal(es appeared to date back to the 15th century. We even found a few old grinding mills on the s mall river. Don'lexpect to see any other I St-nd lllt' 1·ur11ple1r lnlormallon about your tours Ill Mex1m tourists here. . One important tip: before setting out for these Nomi.' small villages or the Cotswolds, get a good map AddrH" which shows the small roads connecting these c oy towns. A scale of 1: 100,000 is good. These maps can be round in most English book stores. Many or the prettiest towns in this area won't even appear on the larger scale, all-of England maps. MatlTo '>lull' Ztp __ LIDO TRAVEL SERVICE 3-10.I \'la J.ido, ~""port Bearh, CA. 673·33 IO 5~9· 1111 628·3037 the country Pubs in the Cotswold hills. Many are .....,.... ... ,... ~~ One could spend an entire vacation exploring ,-~------------------------- in historic buildings, with original timber beam ~ ~ ~Ta.... ANTIQUES OF THE WORLD STEVEN-THOMAS ANTIQUES OVERSTOCKED SALE ON ALL MERCHANDISE OVER $1,000,000 IN STOCK SLASHED 28% 40% WE MUST MAKE ROOM FOR INCOMING MERCHANDISE i 3 DA¥S OllLY • • ~....., ... -• ~ ,. ,_ ,.!._ .. • • .._~ • ~ • ~ ~ • .. • .... • t;°• .. • !,•··~· r..,.,. c;,.," ., V't>uf Dn I tr~! S10re Nt!'.,ttl .. °"" A'••I co••• 11111.u641·1289 ,_...__ Mlll!Otl VtU049S..0401 -c.-c .......... lie• Dletll 'l'WY· ol Aw.,,,._,., I Teachers • Students · Adults • Computer Ownen Prepare your children, students and yourself for today's computerized world. We have attendees from a!Je 4 to 80 getting a headstart on the lnevltable future, and we are helping owners unlock the capabllltles of their Apple It, TRS-80, Tl 99 /4 and Pet computers 1·1 with a unique slmpllfled Instruction course. Afternoon and Saturdays. Call today for partlculars -or visit the Center. CREATIVE COMPUTER LEARNING CENTERS 17871 Santiago Blvd .. SUlte 201, VIiia Park, CA 92667 1714) 974-7841 THE BEST in reading enjoyment comes to your home , days a week in the Daily Pilot 642_4321 PRICE CUT ON RED QUARRY TILE Durable, natural unglazed red quarry tile adds rustic charm to your foyers, dens, patios and pool- sides. Built-in spacers insure easy do-it-yourself installation for a professional looking fit! SALE PRICE c &" x &" CERAMIC TILE SALE PRICE CUT ON EXTERIOR ACYRLIC OUR FINEST OAK PARQUET • 11*1Ul·•--.... Fa. PllC*O• fm •fACTllYf ....... ;;;,..47! Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 .411 Russia loses language, playwright loses all STORRS, Conn. (AP) -Anatoly Antobln'1 recent defectlon to the United Stat" from the Soviet Unloa reada like a aood spy story. The award·winninl playwrlpt wanted to see his novel, highly critical or communist Ure, published In the West. So on a trip to Italy Jut summer, be smug. tied lta coded pages tbrou1h Soviet Union customs In 16 packs of clearettes, stuffed In his pockets, waistband and socks. Alt.er 10 days in Rome with other Soviet Union writers, be appeared at the front eate or the United States Embassy late ooe evenlne. It wae closed and guarded by two Italian policemen. SAVE5&e BRUT 33 STICK DEODORANTS • AMTi..HsrtlWfT STU • Dl'.ODOUMT STICll YOUR 99c CHOICE 2.5 OL 1111 (A. SAVE 1 e e ILUE ICE LUNCH BOX PACK Keeps lunch boxes and insulated bags cold lor hours ..... 99c EKCO "PltCISION" CAN OPENER Leaves edges really smooth' 3.49 SPECIAL! YOUll CMOICI MCalOIMOCIUM MICROWAVE RACKS • UCCMl(lt\4 111%) • llOUT (11!4 11114) 3.99~ SAVE70e Ant.obln ultered one word In RUlllan. "They beard that," be •~d, "and lbey opened th• door." Antobln .... quick IUC• cession ol American diplomata. It IOOD beeame apparent that he would accompany b1a novel to the West, leavln1 bis ll·year-old son and h1I mother behind In the Soviet Union. Antohln, who ls divorced, does not jhink be will aee them again. Eleht months later, Ant.obln la settled at the University or Connecticut, where be la studying for a muter's degree In pbiJ010pby, teacbln1 beginning Russian, workln& on a new play and decodinl his book. But the St-year-old author or seven plays, SHAMPOO 1 79 12 oz. 12 u. • SIZE one or which won a ''Best Comedy Award" In the Soviet Union lut year, does not want to talk of bis personal life. "I am a curioua cue," he said, referrina to his defection clrcumatancea, "but J do not want to speak about me. I want to apeak about the problems that are the reasona of my act.Iona." Antohln says be can no longer write "In the Soviet lanauage." He will not call lt Russian - be says the Russian language of Tolstoy is ex· tlnct, u Latin ls extinct. He compared the Soviet languaae to ''Newspeak," a hiably stylized lanaua1e with a Umlted range or Ideas in Georee Orwell's book "1984." SAVE70 ¢ .. w:n•••••t"'Jt_,,,.,, --- ''The Soviet lan1ua1e," be said, "la only a mirror or a language. This new lanaua1e only exists on one level." Antoh.in says the languaae used in lbe Sov- iet Union and found In its newspapers aervu communist values and propa1anda, but leaves little room ror more abstract ideas. Antoh.ln said be planned to begin to write In Enelish, but not necessarily ln "lbe correct English." He would like to write a play, be aald, using "black English, what they speak in Harlem." . He is now writing a play baaed on the Book or Job. he said, which is not unlike his al~uaUon, ''where I lost all things in my life." SPECIAL! 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May 31, 1981 1601 (185569) 1682 (85&437) (053109) (011-456) (051822) (01-497'4) (018090) (028158) (028188) DESCRIPTION 1981 TOYOTA COROLLA Sedan. '4 speed tranamlHlon. FULLY FACTORY E9UIPPED 1981 TOYOTA COROLLA 3 speed automatic. power steering. AM-FM MPX. pin-stripes,~ well moldings. 2 DR. LIFTBACK DELUXE I 981 TOYOTA CELICA Air oond1tloning. power steering, trim rings & AM-FM MPX '4 ac>eaker stereo. ST 5 SPEED COUPE 1981 TOYOTA CELICA '4 speed automatic trana. with overdrive. leather pecilage and morel SUPRA -•rs LOADED! 1981 TOYOTA CELICA Equipped with '4 speed automatic overdrive. factory air oond., pwr. steering, AM-FM MPX stereo & undercoat. , ST SPORT COUPE I 981 TOYOTA PICKUP 4 apeed trans •• one touch tailgate panel and fully factory ~I~. STANDARD BED 1981 TOYOTA PICKUP 5 speed trans.. one touch tailgate panel and wl nctow pactc.age. STANDARD BED I 981 TOYOTA PICKUP '4 Sl)*led trans .. one toueh tailgate panel, chrome bumper & Ultra mirrors. >;,. TON LONGBED 1981 TOYOTA PICKUP AM-FM. one touch tailgate panel, chrome bumper and Ultra mirrors. , LONGBED 5 SPEED DELUXE 1981 TOYOTA PICKUP 4 apeed automatic trans. with overdrive. undercoat. Yt1ndow pkg., Ultra mirrors, step bumper & tailgate panel. LONGBED DB.UXE 1977 DATSUN 710 2 Door s.dan. 4 cyt. engine. 4 .-ed s3399 tran1ml11lon. air i:ondltlonlng, AM-FM lt9reo e trKk, ltMI ,_ tlr" & morel (311ZCX). , IKE'SPRICE 55319' -5684950 . * 57959r 512,86792 58330' 5644950 5698950 5752600 4 cyl.. 4 a peed trana.. fa.:tory s7 1unroof, AM-FM atereo caaaette. tinted Qlaaa & morel Collector'• Ii.mt 488NVS). Economical 4 cylinder engine. s2 IUtomatlc trantmi.lon. tint«! QI-. end AM-FM r.CSlo. (71500CJ). 15 cyt.. automatic tran1.. air oond .. pwr. 1teerlng-b111ke..wlndows, tinted 01 .... crulM control. AM-FM stereo Cllllette & ~rel (031WKR). Utt beck model with '4 cyt. engine. 15 1peed tran1.. air cond., AM-FM lt91'eo & morel (315nAS). Abelutlful t>uyatonty 4 cyt .. 4 epe9d tranemllllon. rlldlo. vtnyt Interior, wtiltewall tlree & morel Economlcel fun! ( 1 HI03). -··-··....._,._. .... --·-_., . .,..--.... -.................. -............... -· -. DICKMIUER . Daily PiJat SUNDAY, MAY 31, 1981 ENTERTAINMENT REAL ESTATE BS 87 Steve Scott fi'nished strong in the Jumbo Elliott mile. B3. 0 D The Rocking Chair All-star teaID owners of the Rocking Chair team are Hayw~ Sullivan and Buddy LeRoux, the wtUeu ya As a conUnuiqg public service to our readers, the Dally Pilot today announces its first Roberto Duran Memorial Rocklna Chair Award for pro- feHional baseball. It la DO honor to make our team, but the qualiftcatiana are ltrin1ent: the ball player must be receivinl lar1e sums of mooey for not playin1 or be recetvtn1 major leaiue pay for performin1 in the oblcurity ol the bush leques. No athlete ia more deffrVi.nC of having the award given In his name than Duran, the former li&htwel1ht champion of planet earth, who retired to his rocking chair in the eighth round of his fight with Suaar fl.ay Leonard. IT WILL COME u no 1urprile to readers who have villt.d Anaheim Stadium tbia aeuoo, but the Antell dominate our Rocklne Chair team, altboup tbe Dod&en made a valiant bid for recolDIUon by re- lea•lnl pitcher Don Stanboule and 1wallowin1 biJ $1. 7 million contract. But the Angels wip the team Utle on sheer numbers. How can you overlook a team that ii wtll1n1 to pay Jim Barr $U,OOO a year for the next 10 years and to swallow $150,000 of biJ 1111 salary? Bruce Kiaon hu yet to throw a pitch, but 1Wl la re- cei vlng biJ $160,000 salary, won tb.ree 1ame1 last seaaon aft.er receivin1 a $750,000 •ienlnl bonua and still has $800,000 comin1 in deferred payment.I. Kiaoo almost tot kicked off the tea111 for Call· log An1el1 general mana.rer Bu.uie Buul and tellin1 him he was willlnl to extend bis contract for one year at no pay since be wu injured for much of the season. THE ANGELS CINCHED the team title by sending pitchers John D' Acqulato ($300,000) and Chris Kanpp ($90,000) to Salt Lake City and paying them major league salaries. California also placed infielder Campy Cant- paneris ($192,000) on the team, althou1b be 1Ull b allowed to suit up and sit in the home team dugout John Jnglehart during hi.I playing daya at Golden West College ·when he wa8 throwing to Randy Vataha. Oumn Bondi Stanlwutt who run the Boston Red Sox. A. AUan~ owner T Turner once said, .. At my dumbest J wu never dumb as the Red Sox front office." But keep your eyes on the Ansell front offt~. Bavasi and Gene Autry are contendera. Tiie Cowboy spent $2.1 million for the francblle ID lie&, which included 25 players and the fee to Join t» American League. Since um Autry has spent $20 million to ai_. free agents and wbat does he have? A team that li not even playing .500 ball and fired J im Freg~i Thursday. every night at the Big A. Any player who has the same number of errors <four) as bits (four) in the eighth week of the season deserves to make th~ Rocking Chair team. HONORARY MANAGERS of the Rocldi• Chair team are Bob Lemon and Dick Howser, w'-0 both escaped from Yankee owner Geor1e Steia· brenner, taking their dignity and $125,000 and $100,000 paychecks. respectively, with them for scouting duties. Considering bis advanced age, 40, and job performance, Campy should be allowed to Install a Lazy Boy recliner in the dugout. A team is only as good as its leaders. The Every team must have a Most Valuable <See MILLER, Page 82> driven Dotson • IS c Chicago wheels into first with win over Angels b I CHICAGO <AP) -Richard Dotson likes throwing shutouts, but even better than that, he likes seeing the Chicago White Sox in first place in the American League West. 30, or better than that, Sep- tember 30." The triumph was the 10th in the last 12 games for the White Sox as they moved 10 percentage points ahead of the Oakland A's, who lost 6-5 in Toronto. Do(son, 5·3. a lso posted his third shutout of the season and with a single and. one out la~, first baseman Rod Carew booted Mike Squires' grounder for an e1- ror. Fisk singled to score Almqp and Luzinski walked. Wayne Nordhagen was safe on short.stop Rick Burleson's error as Squir('&S scored and Chet Lemon followf!f! with a two-run single . Dotson hurled a snappy three· hit shutout Saturday and Greg Luzinski slugged a two·run homer to lead the White Sox to a 9-0 victory over the Angels and into first place past Oakland. On TV today Tony Bernazard then strudk out and, when catcher Ed oti threw wild past third on a pickdff attempt, Nordhagen and Lemon both scored. channel 5 at 10:30 "SURE I LIKE shutouts, but I ·------------Luzinski hi t his ninth homer pf the season in the seventh inning following a walk Lo Squiru. like first pl ace better," said Dotson, a 22-year old righl- h an der with a tantalizing change-up. "And we can stay in first place If we keep playing like we have. We are getting good of- fense and great defense and we have some veteraM who provide le~dership. "Carlton Fisk knows this league so well that he knows what to do ln every situation,·' he said. · Fisk s aid Dots-on had three good pitches working for bim. "He had a good change and a good change Is only effective when you have a good fastball," said Fisk. ''He also threw more breaking balls than usual and got them in the strike ione.'' The victory was t he fourth for the Sox over the Angels this season, and 10th straight going back to last year. "THE ANGELS are a good club and can bust out of It any lime.'' said Fisk. "Let's hope they wait until Monday." Manager Tony LaRussa called Dotson's performance "a great piece of work. Any time you shut out the Angels on three hits you have to be great. First place Is fin e, but this is only May 30. I'd lik e to see us in first place August spoiled the manageri al debut of Gene Mauch with the Angj!ls. Mauch, who replactlt Jim Fregosi Thursday. saw his new club commit three errors in the third inning when the Sox scored six runs. five of the m unearned. CHICAGO WENT ahead in the first when Ron LeFlo9e doubled and scored on Fisk's single off loser Geoff Zahn, 5-6. BUI Almon opened the third Today, rookie Mike Wi tt (3--4) and Freddie Martinez (0-0), just called up last week from Salt Lake City of the Pacific Coast League, will take to the mound for the Angels in a double-header against the While Sox. Pitching for Chicago will be Britt Bu rns <S-2) and eith,r Francisco Barrtcis (1·2 ) or Jin Lamp 0 ·1 ). _ ' Pastore gets presen for his fat her' s day It's a boy and win over Dodgers LOS ANGELES <AP) -Cin- cinnati right -ha nder Frank Pastor e , pitching u nde r enormous emotional pressure , posted his first victory in more than a month Saturday. helping Cincinnati defeat Los Angeles. 9-l. "The game was se~ondary to me today," said Past.Ore. whose newborn son. Frank Giavanj, is in the intensive care unit of a West Covina hospital after de- veloping lung problems . first loss of the year. He w tagged for five runs on eight in five innings. Tbe Reds scored twice in firs t inning on run·scori singles by Dave Concepcion a Foster. The Dodgers got one run ba in th~ second on singles by C and Pedro Guerrero. a walk Mike Scioscia and a sacrifice by Pepe Frias. His turnaround was fortunate "MY ATl'IT\JDE was, this is a job, my family is at stake,'' Pastore said. His wife, Gina, gave birth to their first child Frrday, but when the baby developed pro· blems, Pastore s tayed at the hospital overnight with his wife and the child and slept little. IN THE REDS' fourth, R Knight struck out to lead off inning, but reached first sat on' a wild pitch. Joe Nolan, w collected thrtt of Cincinnati's hits, singled him to third and scored on the first of Oeste sacrifice rues. I From second to first string, Golden West's Ingle hart became a leader Orange Coast -and they didn't even know I existed. They didn't even look at me." A lot of schools didn't look at Inglehart -although that quickly changed during his two years as a Rustler. Of course it helped, too. that lntlehart was flanked by a wide receiver named Randy Vataha for two years. It was Vataha, if you'll remember, who went on to greater fame at Stanford, where he was teamed with another quarterback of note -Jim Plunkett, and later roH to pro· mlnence aeain as a member of the New En1land Patriots, where be wu joined with Plunkett once more. For two 1eaaon1, thou1h, Vataba cau1ht the rollout passes of In•lehart, and both UXJKJNG IUCK Cincinnati Manager John McNamara ·spoke with Pastore befor.e Saturday's nalionally- t e 1 e v i8 e d g·a m e, s a yin g , "whatever he wanted to do was fine. He felt he would rather pitch. "He's pitched decently tbls season, but not llke he did today. This was bis beat outing. He tired in the seventh, and I'm sure that emotionally he was drained as well." "Pitching made me retax," Pastore said of bis decision to make his scheduled start. Geor1e Foster drove in three runs, two of them wlth biJ 11th bom er of the ••••on, and Paatore earned tu. nnt victory In more than a month. Cincinnati went ahead 4-1 the fifth when Concepci doubled and cam e home Frias' two-out error. Cinclnn added another unearned run the sixth and put the game aw wtth two more in the ei1hth Bobby Castillo when Kni doubled , Nolan tripled a Oester followed with bis a run-scoring fly ball. Fost r homered in the ninth. Owner Klein • recovering Al'WI ..... Rellef,oorp1 wln1 It for YankMI Rookie rl•ht·h1nd1r o ... Nelloa .. comblntd with Ron D1vl1 and atoll 001111• on 1 thrte·hltter 1.1 th• New York V1nkH1 ldt•d Cleveland, 1.0, Saturday 11ndtn1 the lndl1n1 to their third 1tral1ht der11t . . , tn other American L111u1 10Uon, Dn1 lt1pl1toa11 10th·lnntn1 1tn1t1 1cort d Jlm Rice and llrted Bolton to 1 clram1Uc 7·8 win O\I r relier 1c1 Route r ta11n and Mll waukto. The Red Sox tied tht •core, 8·6. with five runs ln tha ninth ... Jack Morru allowed six hits and notched his Rixth consecutive victory while pitching Detroit to a •·1 decision over Baltimore . . J ohn Maybe rry clubbed a three-run homer, his second o ( the game. and Lloyd ~ Mo11t•by followed with a solo r.onaye -.hot. as Toronto rallled for four nmi. Ill the eighth inning and beat Oakland, 6·5 Cllnt Hurdle, JUSt off the disabled list and playing his Carst game since Aprtl 19, hit a tie brcuklng ninth Inning homer and Jim Wrlgbt anct form~r Costu Mt>Ru High and Orange Coast Colleg<.• slundoul Dan Quisenberry pitched five st'or~lt•l'>s 111nin~s of relU'f as Kansas City edged M l1Hlt''ota, «·5 Doc Mt'dkh continued his muiitt>I') of St>altle with n four hit shutout and P at Putnam cfron• m th1• rirl'>t run with a bloop sm gle. lt'udin1o: Tt'·rns to o fl O \'1t'tory over the Marlnl'ri. Quote of the day "With -.i!\ plu) crs h~re from Pitt. you feel hkl• )ou'r1• 111 your own college locker room aAalll. ·· ~u1d l>a v~ Trout al the Pit tsbu1 ~h Slt•l'lt•r rooki e m1111·cump. British soccer fans not in SwitZttland. Puhl's hit wins wi Id one for Astros Players and officials blast British fans Terr) l'uhl 's t\\O out litnf(le in t he iii 14th 111ninM -.n.1µpc,>tl a t 1e tmd i;zave llou:.ton a wile! <!I hit. 9 II \ll'tory over San Frant'IM'O Suturda\ Thl• Gumts' runl! \\t're .111 un('arned, the first fi ve after two of thrt>t' errors by shortstop Craig Reynolds. In all there w(•re 32 hits in the game and nine er- ron. In uther l(amcs around the National League. Dick RuthHn scattered nine hits and From AP dispatches LONDON' -British soccer m players and officials blasted the behavior of English fans during the Di ck Davis drove in fi ve runs. two with his first Na- t 1ona l L('ague homer, as Philadelphia trounc ed St. Louis, 10 2 Outfielder Dave Parker belted a two- run double to cap a three-run third inning and right-hander Rick Rhoden pushed his re- cord to 6·0 as Pitts burgh nipped Montreal, 3-2 . Wo rld Cup q u ali f ying m atc h against Switzerland in Basel Saturday night A number of English fans reportedly were arrested before the match and there was fight· ing in the, stands during the fi rst half of the con test. which Switzerland won 2·1 "I am asha med of these people, .. said forme r Eng land World Cup star Bobby Charlton, who was commentating on the game for the British Broadcasting Corporation ··All the trouble was from the English fans It only started when the Swiss scored .. Puhl S t e v e M u r a s c a t t er c d 11 Atlanta hits and drilled a two-run single as Sitn Diego ended a four·gamc-losing streak with an 11 ·I pounding of the Braves . J erry Morales drove m three runs with a double and a sin gh~ and Tim Blackwell connected for a two- run triple a::. the Chicago Cubs sent 12 men to the plate in a ~even run fourth inning and went on to beat the Ne\\ York Mets. 10·3. Lawrie McMene my. manager of English First Division club Southampton. said he was "sickened" by the violence. "It is hard to talk about the soccer when you h ave watched scenes li ke that ." McMenemy said in a television interview. From Pa ge Bl INGLEHART backfield coach and offensive coordinator of the varsity foot· ball ~am al Rio Mes11 High in - Oxnard (where he also teaches Math). Tl.e Spartans. a 2-A school, have won four of s ix cha m · p ionships since Ingleha rt joined the varsity staff, a nd have re· a che d the CIF playoffs fi ve limes -getting as far as the semifinals twice. "Almost 75 percent of my philosophy comes from Golden West." said lnglehart, who has been married for 10 years and bas a 22-month-old son. I "We (as a s taff a t Rio Mesa) get aJong as friends and we try l o relate that to the players. ,P lus , eve r yone h as a fair ~hake." Inglehart is especially proud ipf the fact every senior he has ~oached (quarterbacks and run· lning backs) has made the all - -county team . I "Coach Shackleford always ~esigned his offense a nd techni· W: ues around what he had and hat his.players could do best - nd that's what we do.·· said nglehart. "We instill in our Wlayers to belie ve In what we ! believe -confidence, reputa· lion, hard work and play as a tea m . "We also have something I in· iliated called the KISS system. fwhich stands for : Keep It Sim· 1ple Stupid. "I was the type of athlete where whatever the coach said goes. If he told m e to run through a door I'd probably do it." And, for lhat reason, Inglebart feels he owes Shackleford a debt of raUtude. Steve Moyers Appeal sought in Unser case I NDI ANAPOLIS <A P J Roger Pen!>ke. seeking to have Bobby Unser reinstated as win ne r of the Indianapolis 500, says having two former U.S. Auto Club presidents on a three· member panel hearing the dis· puled finish of the race "would not be in our best interests." "To make this a complete and impartial appeal board, three outs ide people should be in- volved," said Penske, t he owner of Unser's race car. For mer USAC presidents Charlie Brockman and Reynold MacDonald were named Friday to the appea l board, along with Edwin Render, a law professor at the University of Louisville. The hea ring will begin next Thursday afternoon at the USAC office . Green-led T e a Me n beat Surf ~ Alan Gree n, returning to the lineup for the first time since s uffering an injury May 1, scor ed with 15:46 remaining Saturday night to give the Jacksonville Tea Men a 2-1 vie tory over the California Surf at Anaheim Stadium. A crowd of 7,825 saw the Surf < 5 7 > score fi r st o n Steve Moyers' goal at 7:38 of the fi rst p e riod Cha r lie Cooke and Carlos Alberto were credited with assists on the play. Bob Newton tied the score for the Tea Men, connecting al 30: 11 of the fi rst period. Pat Ercoli was credited with an assist. The· Surf, which was outshot, 26 16, played the final 52:57 one man short because Jan Van Der Veen was ejected al 37:03 for re- ceiving two yellow cards, both for dissent. "We outclassed them in the first 20 minutes a nd should have put them away," Surf Coach Laurie Calloway said. "We had a lot of oppo rtunities but we weren't decisive enough In front of the goal. P lus, when we fell a man short. we had to make a m ajor adjustment. which hurt." Surf goal-keeper Alan Mayer was credited with 10 saves while Jacksonville's Arnie Mausser had six. Green's goal, his third of the season. came on a pass from Ringo Cantillo. Moyers' goal was a lso his thir d of the season. The Surf has now lost four s traight games sin ce hiring Calloway to replace Peter Wall. r------------------, ADVERTISING • ''''°rrM ~ product'd ond ploced • rhor elCp!Oln$ enhQ"!el'\) end ~I~ • r~ P!JI\ ~ prOdUCI or loe!VICe '" ~ • ~ pc»>1bfe lqhr • !hots r~ed doreoly 10 mt-~ oudlf't'lee • us';ng m. ''9f'\t rMd•O v.t-oi~ rhOy f'T'Of be pnnr ei.oronic bllbo«di ~ ~ o0 po.I'll Qt ~ -MnQly·a 11'1 oomo.l'IO!IC)l'I • ~I CQn 0e offO'dfO l>tt A SMALL BUSINESS ~tmOll~rWd~ ~ C>CMnlSI~ at on atr~ l)l'lc. • CCl'l I hOlp V(>.JI 5li'ICll ~ G#4 mt O a:i1J a"C1 WS SM Norurooy lhef•' no Obl•goriOI'.\ (714) ~2·9ro2 Baseball today On th11 datt ln b11tb1ll In INC: Run·•corlnt hlt1 b)' Dal Crandall and J11u1 Alou aav• the San Francl1co Olant• and "'• al·lnnln1 vloU>ry over the New York Mttl at 8h11Stadtum,a11mt timid at 11v1n houn, aa mlnut11. n completed a lO·hour, 18·mlnute doubleh11d1r ln wl\Jcb the Glant.1 won the tlr1t ••me, &·3. On this date ln 1937: The Brooklyn Dodaers defeated the N~w York Giants to snap Carl Hubbell's 24 game winning streak. On thls date in 1927 · Detroit fi rst baseman Johnny Neun pulled oU an unass isted triple play In the Tigers' 1-0 victory over Cleveland. Today's Birthday: Baltimore Orioles pitcher Tippy Martinez is 31. Stad ler takes lead in Kemper Open Craig Stadler, a runnerup an the n Kemper Open last year, used three consecutive birdJes to take a two-shot lead Into today's final round of the tournament 1n Bethes da. Md Stadler pla yed th e Congressional Country Club course in four· under-par 66 Saturday to hold the lead over John Cook and Tom Weiskopf who are in at 204 for the first three rounds . . Cathy Reynolds, battling excitement and an upset stomach. shot a n even-par 72 for a 213 total and a two-stroke lead after three rounds of an LPGA tournament in G reenw1ch , Conn Sally Little 1s second with four Other playc-rs tied for third including JoAnne ('am e r, B~tsy King, Amy Alcott and Marlene Floyd ... Ro n Commons of USC cam(• from ::.1x strokl·s behind to pass defending cham pion Jay Don Blake and win the NC l\A in d1 vidual crown al Stanford Australian Greg Norman took a three·strokl• lead with a cours(• record tving Gfi in t he Dunlop Ma::.ters tournument in Woburn, F<:ngland Mears to undergo burn surgery Rick Mears, winner of lhe 1979 Indianapolis 500 auto rate "hn suf fered third degree hums 111 this year's event. will undl•rgo surgny at thl' Sherman Oaks Burn Cenll'r MondilY WB A heavyweight c hampion Mikf' Weaver must sign to f1J.!ht Jame& Tillis of Chicago b~ June 30 or be stripped of his ao"n Brazil's ~elson Pi· que t and the llrahham tN1m won a gll m ble to regain thl• t•ritical pole position for the 39th Monaco Grand Prix . Ma rio Andretti was hampered with geurbox problems and will start 12th Rod Milburn, 1972 Olympic high hurdles champion, ancl Craig Virgin, two·tsme world cross country C'hamp1on. head ct U.S team of 24 runners who '"II compt'le in England Wednesday . Norway's Grf'te Waitz won a mini marathon in l\P\\ York for the third straight year . beatini: a field of about 5.000 in the women's-only ra<·e through Central Park . John Paul, Jr. whc<'lcd a Porsche Turbo 935 to the pole position for an IMSA racl' at Le-c mgton, Ohio wllh a top lap of 96 894 mph From Page 81 MILLER'S COLUMN Player a~d the Duron tHm h11 Bobby Bondi, tht former An11t who11 motl recent dt1Unction w11 belnt tradld by thrtt team1 In one year and 1Ull wtndlnl up wltb 1 rtve.y11r 1u1ranteed contract that paya h.lm '450,000 a aeuon. Bonds batted .203 with 5 home runt and 24 RBI last season for St. Louis Thal eomes to $90,000 per home run and $18,750 per rWl batted in. Bonds WH paid S5,232.S6 per game laRt season, maktne him the unanimous choice for most overpaid player. The Cardinals are still paying vagabond Bob· by $450,000 this summer. and unUl recently wu working for Texas' Wichita farm club. IT'S A Ll'M'LE T HIN sn the infield, but has good pitching depth and 1s deep in the bullpen, so here's the Daily Pilot's rn81 Rocking Chair All·slar team· Catcher. Duffy Oyer, released by the Mets and drawing a $125.000 salary Infield Campaneris lat't1ve djv1sion), Jerry Terrell and Ted Cox Kans as City released Terrell but is still obligated for his $100,000 plus salary'. Cox. once hailed as a polt.•nlial super star, 1s being paid $60,000 by Seattle lo try to get his act together al Spokane Outfield. Bonds. Thad Bosley <another former Angel l and Rudy Law Hosley c Milwaukee's Van couver farm club> and I.aw (the Dodgers' Albu· querquc club) are both making about $50,000 and will have to be dropped from tht• team when they hve up to their potential Bullpen Iron Mik(• Marshall and Stanhouse. The Twins, who usually throw nickels around Like manhole covers . would rather pay Iron Mike $300.000 this summer th.rn watch him clutter up the1 r bullpen STANHOUSE IS a living, breathing example of fiscal foolishness If the price of hot dogs goes up at Dodger Stadium blame Al Campanis and Stunhouse Al $340,000 a sea:.on Ito say nothing of hi s $400.000 s1gnsng bonus) Stanhouse's seven saves last year came to $48,571 43 per rescue And the Dodgers still have to pay the pitcher $340 ,000 a year through 1984 Ouch. Starl.Jnl( Pitchers Barr, Kison. Knapp and IJ A<"qu1sto of the An~wh Uon Gullet 1 released $35-0.000 > of the Yankees Adriao Devine ($125.000 and a $25.000 mO\'ing allowance) after being sent to Wit'hita by the Rangc•rs, and Mark (The Bird 1 Fldrych. toiling for Sl25,000 £or Detroit's Evansville Triplets In t·ase you wen· wond~ring , the Dodgers are pa) ing Fernando \'alen1Uda $40.000 this season The least Stanhouse t'ould do 1s earn Fernan· do's bags on the road · T e nnf"SSf"f" up~~t~ Bruinr; AUSTl"i. Texa::. '\P1 Tt'nnessee·s Lad) Vols. pacPct by Dell'>a \\ Jllon " anchor leg. outlast ed heavily favored l Cl.A in the t.OOO·meter rela) in collc-giale rttcord tamt· Saturda) to capture their first AIAW 01vis1on 1 tr ar·k and field cham p1onsh1p Leadang by JUSl .i point. rennessee upset UCLA. which was seeking 11:. third AlAW title. in the final relay event on the program Arizona State crushes T exas R ecord crowd watches Mis sissippi State also win From AP dispatches The loss drops Texa to 58-10 l OMAHA Stan llolmes had fi ve hits and Arizona State will pla v ~ti::. ... 1ssipp1 State in a winners· bracket gamt· on Tuesda) Te-<as faces M 1chigan in a losers · br;H kl'l game on ~onday . drove in six runs as Arizona Stale bashed 19 hits to c rush Texas 11 ·2 before a record opening crowd in the first round of the College World Series Satur· day Mississippi State 4, Michiga n O Attendance for first-day action in the col· legiate baseball championship tournament was 14 ,115. Mark Gillaspie's thret' run homer pO\\ ered Mississippi State past ,\I 1ch1gan 4·0 in the first baseball game of the 198 1 College World Senes Saturday Holmes tied a CWS record with hjs five hits as the No. 1-ranked Sun Devils, now 51-12. chased five Texas pitchers. including previously unbeaten Tony Arnold. Don Mundje scatten•d '>I'< hits 1n shutting out the 41 · 19 Wolverines \l1t'h1gan mounted on'e threat, loading the base·~ "'th one out in the fifth inning, but Mundie Pll'kt>d off one runner and Gerry Hool flew out to en'I Lhe threat Arizona State reached Arnold, now 17 1, for fi ve runs on eight hits in 2~ innings Gillaspie. a Bulldo~ st•mor and a native of Omaha. wns'perforrninJ! before his hometov.n f2 nS for the first time since hi gh ~chool Sun Devil freshmen Kendall Carter and Kevtn Dukes combined for a five·hitter as Carter picked up his 18th win against a single loss. He walked three tinw o, and rifled his first p1tt'h in the fifth inning wc-11 ovN tht• 370·foot sign m rtJ?ht field for the winnin)! runs Holmes collected three singles. a two-run homer in the fifth and an RBJ doublt in the ninth in bet'oming only the seventh player in the 35-year· old series to collect five hits in a single game M1ssiss1pp1 State. nm' 46· 15. also collected one insurance run in the St'' enth on a two-out double by Brad Winkler and a singlt• b} Bruce Castoria . Teammate Alvin Davis added four hits und Lennie Miller, Mike Soders, and Kevin Romine added two each, Miller hit a solo homer in the fourth and Soders tripled m the third Michigan plays a It .,er s bracket game Mon dny Baseball sta nding s AM ERICAN LE AGUE West Dlvlslon W L Pct. GB Chicago 25 16 .610 Oakland 30 20 .600 Texas 26 18 .591 1 Angels 22 26 .458 7 KansusCity 15 24 .385 912 Seattle 16 30 .348 12 Minnesota 13 32 .289 14'".I East Division Baltimore 28 15 .651 Milwaukee 26 19 .578 3 New York 25 19 .568 31~ Cleveland 22 17 .564 4 Boston 25 20 .55fi 4 Detroit 22 24 .478 71~ Toronto 16 31 .340 14 ...... .,..k_ C:lll<•• .. ~· ltttoll 1, MhwMM• llOlr•11119tl , ... .,,.. .. Oell!Mf' HH• Ytltll I, Clew!-0 0.1 ............ _,.., , ............ . IC•llMIOIV'.i,~--MCt J T-'(1--.. . ........ CWI« ><I 4111d ,. .... ,,.,.., Ml ti Clll( ... 19Wllt H Mt lwnot l.J '4' LA,._ M) Otllltllf (UMtrW .. 11 l•O ti Tert 11lt C..19Clll41112-41 .. u Delrett !Wik .. S.il ti .. ltllMff C•Oretitt MllWtllllH IVllc -evltll S·tl ...... .,. ccr--..w1 a.i ) Nt'lf Yn IMll' .WI M (lt....,IM C..,_, IC•-Clll' C'--,.. Ml et MIMIMY Clt .... l'fl•SI INtllt!Allerta.o •IT•-c.-.i•.a1,11 NATIONAL LEAGUE West Dh•illion W L Pct. GB Dodgers 32 15 681 Cincinnati 27 19 .587 412 Houston 24 23 .511 8 Atlanta 22 22 .500 812 San Francisco 24 25 .490 9 San Diego 18 29 .383 14 East Division St Louis 23 16 .590 Philadelphia 26 19 578 Montreal 25 19 .568 ·~ Pittsburgh 20 19 513 3 New York 14 27 .341 10 Chicago 10 32 238 141'2 ~r·'""· Cln<l11ne1l t, ~ PllUll\wGll 3 -rffl 2 C:hl<IOO IO,..._ Yotll l HtvllOll•t!St" l'rlllCIKOI Cl4 IMlll9)1 l'lllltdtlPNl 10, St. Loult J San oi.vo 11, Allll>W 1 hifill''l9-Cfncl!INll CSo••JI ti~ ClllMIU4>11 Jllllteowr. C,.... t.tl t i_., .. , lltoetN W I SI LIMI I (I, Mtf11Mr HI 11 Pllll-llWI (C:.rllOI! 1~1 Chl<ttD (A_.,,.1HI11 NI• Ywll IJoNIH I Allt~lt ( .... M l 111111 OltvO (£khellltf'l9' H I HWtlOll Clty111 4 ti II S... l'rencltce COl1M11 a.ll WWW •• ---·~• ....... • • •-•-. • • ••• ·-·· .. •• ·-• • -• ,. .......... TO TtE POINT -Umpire Larry Barnett gets right to the point with Milwaukee's Charlie Moore over a disputed call. Moore tried to steal second but was called out by Barnett to start the rhubarb. Today's television, radio An gels, Kem per Open golf highligh t schedule By HOWARD L. HANDY Of Ille Deity ...... Stilfl Followi"9 are the top sports events on TV today. Ratings are: 1111excellent;1'' worth watching;' fair; l forgetit. llJ 10:30 •.m., Channel 5 I I I ANGELS BASEBALL: Angels at Chicago .• Announcers: Don Drysdale, Bob Starr and Ron Fairly. The Angels are expected to send Mike Mitt (3·4! against Britt Burns (5-2) in the first game of today's double-header. In the nightcap, It will probably be Freddie Martinez (0--0) for the Angels against either Francisco Barrios (1-2) or Jim Lamp (1-1) for the White Sox. Chicago spoiled Manager Gene Mauch's debut as skipper Saturday wltb.a 9-0 shelJacklng of the Angels. <f> 1 p.m., Ch•nnel 2 I I GOLF: Kemper Open .. Announcers: Pat Summerall, Jack Whitaker, Frank Glieber, Ben Wright and Ken Venturi. Craig Stadler has a two-shot·iead and all the con- fidence In the world going into today's final round of the Kemper Open In Bethesda, Md. He fired a four- under-par 66 Saturday with three birdies to finish the round. Tom Weiskopf and John Cook are tied for second at 20-4. Weiskopf holed a 60-foot putt on the final hole to gain the tie. OTHER TE LEVISION 10 a .m. (50) -SPORTS AMERICA -The na- tion's outstandl"9 collegiate tennis champions com- pete In the Milwaukee tennis classic. 11 a .m . (2) -SPORTS SUNDAY -Mike Rossman (4'0-6-3) takes on Dwight Braxton Ct3+1) in a 10-round light heavyweight bout telecast live from Atlantic City. Also: Four-time U.S. Open champion Vo lleyb a ll tourney to b e h eld Marina High is the s ite for the Orange County Open Invitational volleyball tournament on June 20, a tourney open to men and women teams from high schools throughout Southern California. The day-long event concludes with the women's finals at 7 p.m . and the men's finals at 9. Tickets for the AU -State Volleyball Association sponsored event can be obtained by writing to 7291 Garden Grove Blvd., "A". Garden Grove 92641. Tickets are $2.50 each or $10 for' family groups of six. AUTOMOTIVE RESTORATIONS AND R•AIRS COMPUTE AUTO MAIMTINAMCI ~ CADILL;i.C & CORYEm --~·~~~~L IUIO • TM-IPS • EllClSI. mTtM ••• Mdl&-llPlllf ll nm. Me6'-'kb!MeC...-l .W~Wwtil ft\' 1111YCMl'U.~1.-cMNlllA flliw .-lwec:t n1 I . 17 .. ST., CISTA llSA 171411Uft32 Tihis Weeks Special Steve Mizerak Is among the players in an eight-ball compet1t1on, part ot the World's Greatest Pool Players series and rescheduled from an earlier date: The men's world team surfing championships, taped at Ehukai Beach in Hawaii. 11 a .m. (50) -SOCCER MADE IN GERMAN Y. Noon (11) -THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL. 2 p.m. (7) -GRE ATEST SPORTS LEGENDS. 2:30p.m. (7)-AMERICANSPORTSMAN -Ac- tress Sally Kellerman visits the underwater habitat of the dolphin off the coast of Maul, Hawaii. Also: Actor Dan Haggerty investigates the status of birds of prey In a U.S. and Dodger fi r st baseman Steve Garvey with wife Cyndy track ruffed grouse in Minnesota. Curt Gowdy is host. (22) ~SOCCER. 3:30p.m. (4) -SPORTSAFIELD -Thehabitsof Wyomi"9'S bighorn sheep and a look at antique fis- hing lures. Also: The story of an outward bound sur- vival class for women. (7) -WIDE mORLD OF SPORTS -Formula One drivers race through the streets of the Mediterranean principality of Monaco in same-<tay coverage of the Grand Prix de Monaco. Also: The world invitational high diving cham- pionship, taped at San Diego. Commentators include: Biii Flemml"9, Jackie Stewart, Al Michaels and Sam Posey. 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -From San Remo, Italy: Johnny Bumphus (7--0) vs. Arsenea Green ( 11-4) in a scheduled eight-round junior welterweight bout and Davey Moore (S-0) vs. Josef Nsubugea C 1S-2l In a scheduled eight-round welterweight fight. Also: Coverage of the Jumbo Elliott Invitational track meet, taped at Villanova, Pa. 7 p.m. (28) -TENN IS FOR THE FUTURE - Coach v1c Braden shows how to make your strokes work for you during singles matches. RADIO Baseball -Angels at Chicago (double-header), 10: 30 a.m., KMPC ( 710); Cincinnati at Dodgers, 1 p.m ., KABC (790). (The ~ily Piiot Is not responsible for late cha nges.) Berman leads cat fi e ld DAYTONA BEACH -Phil Berman of Dana Point led a field of 36 qualifiers Saturday for the first World Championship regatta for the Hobie 18 class. The championship will be decided in a three· race regatta today. The top ten qualHiers: 1. Phil Berman, Dana Point, 61/• points; 2. Dean Froome, Kailua, Hawaii, 9~; 3. Carlton Tucker, Fort Walton Beach, Florida, 11~; 4. Ian Bashford, Australia, 11;.:.; S. Brett Dry land, Australia, 11 ~; 6. Hobie Alter. Jr.. Capistrano Beach, 17~; 7. Klaus Peters, Brazil. 19; 8. Bob Seaman, Los Angeles, 23; 9. Myles Wood, Oxnard. 24; 10. Tom Marner, Canada. 29. GROUP g ~IF, LESSONS STARTS JUNE 16th ··a WEBCS .... s2s00 Reg19tr8tlon etMta June 1et ONI HO•. WialtY . IMCUllll .. . GOLF BAU.S & INSllUCTIONS Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 Records fall at meet Five standards set in state community college track By CURT SEEDEN 04tll9Dlltw ......... NORWALK -The state's top community col- lege track and field specialists got together at Cer· ritos Colle!Je Saturday evening, and by the end of the night, five national records had new owners. Most impressive was Alameda College's Milton Cooke who leapt!d 7.5~ in the high jump, erasing a mark set earlier in the year by Long Beach CC's Brian Stanton and Modesto's Tyke Peacock. Competitors also fo und their way into the re- Scott wins Inile in close race PHILADELPHIA CAP> Steve Scott. America's premier miler. took the lead with 30 yards to go and beat Villanova's Sydney Maree to the tape by a yard in the Jumbo Elliott Track Meet Saturday. ,. Scott, representing the Sub· Four Track Club of California, and a former UC Irvine student. ran the mile in 3 minutes. 52.26 seconds. whil e Maree finished at 3:52.44 New Zealand's former world record holder. John ~alker. was third at 3.55.89 and Craig Masback of the New York Piont'ers fourth at 3:55.95 in the field of nine SCOTI', HOWEVER, had to sha re meet honors with James Robinson of the Inter-City' Athletic Club of Los Angeles, who won the 800 meters in 1.44.63, the fastest in the world this year Another highlight was Edwin Moses· 6l st con· secut1ve victory in the 400-meter intermediate hurdles Moses. who st arted his streak in 1977. ran a 48.65 over J ame!-> Walker of Athletic Allie. who ran a 50.46. rn the mile, Scott ran in the back of the pack until making his bid on lhe ba kstretch of the third lap. Ba monn Coghn, a former Vill anova student from Ireland, took the le ad on the backstretch of the third lap with Maree in close pursuit But as the fi t-Id began the gun lap . Georgetown's John Grcgorek edged in front with M arce a close second. followed by Coglin and Scott. As the fi eld came out of the backstretch. Maree was in front. but Scott had m oved into second. He ran down Maree in the stretch to win the featured even in the meet held in honor of El· liott, the internallonally famed Villanova track coach who died in March. SCOTr'S SPLITS WERE 60.4 for the first quarter, 60.3 on t he second lap, 58.i on the three· quarter leg a nd a strong finis hing 52 9 "I think th at's the fastest final lap I've ever run," said Scott. of Tempe. Ariz "Sydney re all) s urprised me. but he s houldn't have . he ran an except.ional race. and he had a lot to run for, JulT)·. bo a nd running in front of mostly Villanova peo· pie ." Jn wo men 's events. Jan Merrill edged Francie Larrieu in the 3,000·m eter run 19:03.71 >: Kim Gallagher or Upper Dublin. Pa .. won the women's mile <4:43.781: Beverly Kearny won the 200 meters in 23.99; Alice J ackson of DC International won the 400-m eter dash <43 SS > cord book with new marks in the men's 4.00 relay, women's 100 hurdles, women's 200 and women's l ,600 rela.v. SANTA MONICA'S RENE FELTON broke her own record with a 13. 72 in the 100 meter hurdles, while Loni Beach CC's Valerie Briscoe clocked a 23.49 in the 200, bettering the old record of 23.S6. I Cerritos' 1,600 women's relay team ran a. blistering 3:46.30, breaking the old mark of 3:49.7~ he ld since 1979 by San Jose. Pasadena's men's t ,600 relay team, likewise, raced to a national record with a 39.56 clocklng, which bettered a mark set last year by Long Beach CC <39.771. The few bright spots from the Oranse Coasti area , meanwhile, were provided by Saddleback'a weights specialist Jim Doehring who won both th& discus and shot put. Doehring, with the best qualifying mark of any or the 12 finis hers ( 57-111.Aa >. tossed the shot put ai healthy 58·8'·•. easily outdistancing second-placei Andy Gilliam of Santa Rosa (54-0). : ' I THE SAODLEBACK SOPHOMORE then tool( care of the discus with a 172-10 heave, topping second·place Ke n Mills. also of Saddleback, wh~ recorded a 169·11. Orange Coast 's lone winner was John Gerhardt. the sophomore from Costa Mesa High, who won the 5,000 with a 14:21.94 c locking, better· mg second-place Mark Ruelas of Citrus by nearly eight seconds. A bi g surprise was the inability of OCC's 10,000 specialist Mike Lansdon to finish among the top six in the final event of the evening. Lansdon raced to the Southern California champions hip a week ago, but be couldn't better the s ixth-place time Saturday recorded by San Joaquin Delta's Ted Franse of 31 :15.57 , and wasn't close to winner Willie Ayyad of Grossmont who re· corded a 30:35.Sl. Like wise, Golden West's one lone hope -Mike Scarlett was not among the state's top six in the jCt velin after the final throw had been made. Santa Ana's Jason Bender took the event with a 224·0 ef- fort. The only other OCC m en's finisher was Brian. Harold who settled for fifth place in the same event his teamm ate, Gerhardt, won -the 5,000. Harold finished with a 14 : 40.80 reading. LONG BEACH CC WON the me n 's team champions hip with 59 points , followe d by Pas adena with 54 and Mt. San Antonio with SO. Saddleback was seventh with 28 points. Speedy Fabian Whymns propelled Long Beach CC with victories in both the 100 < 10.40) and 200 120 82). The Vikin gs· Bernie Holloway also was victorious in the 400 hurdles with a 50:28 reading. In the wome n's competition, OCC, which finished third as a team last week in the Southern Cal finals. settled for ninth in the state. and it look a trio or thlrd·place Pirate finishers to get some' points on the board. Vanessa Denniston managed a 12.29 in the 100, slightly off the effort of Santa Monica's Ada Hay who set a state record with a 11.83 clocking. Dale Sprink also finished third in her special- ty, the 800, with a 2: 13.57, nearly two second s be~ ler than her qualifying m ark. OCC's Lee Anna .Delgado took fourth in the 400 hurdles with a 1:02.Zt · c1ock:ing, while teammate Lisa Gonzales added the other OCC point with a sixth-place finish in the 1.500 with a 4:39.71 read- ing MICHELIN COSTLESST YO.UTHINK. Price a set today. MICHELIN 'X' RADIALS ... For American cars For Imports For Pickups, Vans and RV's Whatever you dr i ve, performance-proven Michelin 'X' radials ore competitively fri:ed. And they're surprisingly affordable. Compare quality, value, price and performance. If yoo price Michelin ... yoo'll ciive Michelin! MICHELIN We put America on raclals. SAYE 30% 185x14 195x1' 195x15 205x15 22Sx15 230x15 235x1s ''·'' 72.tO 71.tO 7t.t0 It.to "·" 114. FET 2.24 2.51 2.S3 2Bl. 321 u l38 pc I I ) 5 522 sea :s a a .. IM a a 3 so '" 40: = . . 4 • Orange Cout OAU.:.Y Pilaf/Sunday, .May 31 19"1 ..------------------------------.--~------------------~------------------------------ ~ . ' . . . " AMERICAN LUQUE White Soa I , Angela O CALU'O•Ut1A CMI~ a W •ta W Lal'"IOf'e If 4 1 1 0 c-1• aurl-M Del'll'rdrl .. ''°""' Otte Hetrla 1f HerleWct 011<11211 ......... I 0 0 0 KllllU cf 1 0 0 0 J O O O lqulrn 111 I 2 1 0 I 0 0 0 erla«c I 1 2 1 ! : : : Lll.llllM • U 1 J 2 0 1 0 Nr ...... rt 4 1 1 1 •• 0 0 l.MMftef l ' ' J 2 t I 0 ael,_t rt 0 0 0 0 JOIO ilerftmlla 4000 ~.1 ... a 400 0 Al-... J 110 Tolela t7 0 J 0 Tet-4a J2 t I 1 ._..., ....... C.llfonll• 000 ... ooo-t Cllk... '°' .. toll-' I -c.r-.• ..,.._,,Ott. DP-C.llfwllle 1, ClllY911 ~ 1.oe -~lltoml• J, Clllc ... s. H -Lal'"IOr•. Hit .l. L.641Mll;I It). H - LMl'IM, s.;lrH. S -Squl""-C...... IP M "alt aa IO 1 1 1 I %eM IL.HJ 2" J .unlMi m > J 2 2 • s.Mller I~ 0 0 0 J 1 CMuea OolMll cw. J.ll ' , 0 0 J 4 T-J:aA-1',Tn. Y...._t,1-f ! Ntw V-100 000 000-l f 0 f Cle'<lelend 000 OIO 000-0 I 0 Hehol'I, oovls 01. Ooaweo !II of141 co,_; s.iu,., -..._.,. w-... 1,., CJ.II. L-SIMll,., (1-1). ~ cm. •-24,311. ....... 1 .... -.. Mllwouu. 000 OJ1 101 ~ 10 1 ...... 000 000 105 1-1 10 1 Heea, EdMly 111, Flf9" llOI Md Volt; T OMM, RolNY Ct>, Cleor C 101 end GedfnW\. W-Cloor C1.0I. L-P:l1191ra CMI. Hlt- Mllwou-. Romero (ti, 11...oo CJI; Bolton, Vost CU, Ev-cm ....... u,nt. IMwJeya .. A'tt Ooklend 002 002 J>l~5 I I T-IO MO -0.a .... 5 I Horrla end ...,._; ..,._.,, IAol Ill. McUUlfllln Ct). W-uol c•J>. L-orrls (1.J ). 5-MC.....,lllln CJ). Hiia-Toronto, Mey-ry 2 (ti. Motob'( (S). A-21,o.6. Tie9ft4,0rlelHt 0.1 rol I 110 000 002--4 4 0 Baltlmore 000 010 000-1 • I Morris -F-t. Pelmor, Stewort Iii end ~. w-Mcwrla c1.11. L-Polm.r CJ.JI HR-8alllmore, L._nsteln 00). A-SI.-, 111-..n•.~· S.attle 000 oeo 000-0 C I Teus 000 -lb .... IO 0 Perron. O.y (I), Galost0 (I) end He,.,..; Medlcll -~ •. W-Moclkll l•ll. L-Porrott (HI. A-20,SJD. ...., ..... .,....., KaltMlt City .. 005 Oii.... I t Ml--. OlO JOO ~S t 0 G ur e, W1'1t111i m, Qui..,.., ry ltl ... Wellltn, Gt-. ltl; Wlllltnla. Joa-(6), ..,.,.__ (t), CMtlitlt Ct> -wv....-. W-Wrltlll (1.01. L-CW!Ntl (t.21. S- '\ Qul_lle,,., (1). HRa-Ml-soU. Goodwtft m ; K-CllY. HunlM m. ,._,.n. NATIONAL LEAGUE Rede t, Dodgera 1 Cl,.Cl'""'TI •r•., s' '0 0000 4 0 1 0 4, 2 1 ' ' 2' 4000 4 2 I 0 st J ' t 0 1 J JOOO 0000 l.OSA .... Ull •rllW TlletllM» 2 o 0 O J ..... Rltrl 4. 0 0 aMarlf 4010 Gorwy 111 4 O I O C.,.Jll CI 7 0 Gu.nerd 4 0 2 O lclM<lec J o o o P:rlHH J 0 0 I .._ .. p 2000 Goltrp 0 0 0 0 ..... ,,.. '0 '. (.etllll011 0 0 0 0 Tolt11 J6 t 11 I T .. ol1 JI 1 1 I ._...,. ...... CIMllWWltl ilo 111 m-t Loa...,.._ OM -0.-1 E -GWn'Ot'O. Jef!Mt-. Coft(ap(...._ .. ,..... 01" -OOK ....... I a. Loa -OnclMMI 1, Lee .,.....1. 29 -onftrt. ~ --• .JCnlllll. .......... -'""'"'-"" -Foster C11>.U -Co4llflt,.S-... .._.~Sl""-· O..tor 2, FrlOI. CIK.._.. Postoro(W,MJ Hume LM ....... IP 1~ '~ M • •• 88 IO ' I I t t ' 0 0 0 • ......,. IL. 7-11 J I J J t 4 Golb , 0 0 0 0 • COIUllO 2 J 4 4 2 1 WP--on. P9-Sclot<le2. T-2: ... A -4.JC. PW .... I, a .... a Pitta-ti\ to) 000 a.-> 1 0 Montreal 000 110 ~2 1 O "'**' olld l'lt"8; Oullldr.-. RNl'-ltl •IMI R.amos. W-111\oden 14-01. L- Gulllc--(2·Sl. A-Jl,Mt. C-.tt.-• Cllk... 000 7t0 ._,O 14 0 H-Vor11 100 D 002-J IO 0 Kr11kow, Tldrow Ill •M •l•O••ll. Herr1a, Lynell C•l. Millot (4). HOUsrtlM <n. Fok-(I) ..... Ho411K, Tr.,IM (t), W- Krllkow Ck ). L-Horrl1 IM), A.-11,"7. ............. ~, • St. Louil 000 000 om-2 t 0 Plllt•de~ 00t UC 00.-tt 14 1 5«•1t-. Syket (4), °'*' C.I .,,. .,_ mer· ltutllven and •-· w-1t11tll...,. 11·21'. L~ (U). Hit-Piii ........ • Devis C I). 4---'5,AIM. ............. .._..,. ••••11.-.21 s left l'"tM - -•t .. ~ II 4 J. N ...... UCertl Ctl, D. Smith (10), S.mlllllt (12), AMiii• !tJ), Rllllle C\41 _. Atttlly; R.._y, .... lend (4), Ml"'°" (I), Levolle CIO), C>JJ 8relfll"' (14) Md....._ W-AIMlllJW. L.-e..Clll"'I (M). S-R....._ 111. HR-1111 Fr-i.c. (Mey), A-4 ..... ....,..,, .,_1 Alltftte tili -...._ 1 11 J '-' D.... - -alll-11 It 1 "-• Hr.....,,y !II, Metule Ctl, Mlft. lltfweo m. 8'...W 111. Oeme• ce1 _, ~ ........... Cll l Mw• Mf IC- ,..,. ~· (l-11. ~ !l•U. ff"'-AllMI ... ~ m. A-tUJS. CoM9ge Wortd lertea c...-.• .......... ...... le_ Ari-M* II, Ta ... J Mital .... t&*4. Mk.NeMt ~,. . ._ Olll.-U. C•U>..., ...... C:-IM 166-IJ) Miami !tN> .... ~ 112·121 ........,, . ._ Ml<llieM C41·1'1 on. T .. H U•t0-11 0111 • ....,. SUle-s.u.11 C:...OllM ._ .... MIOMl·Me!N ~ ,....,.,._ MlallUllllll SU.. 146-UI •L Ari-SC- 01-12) • p ..... ._ O•tolltl'N M-.leutll Carollfte •'-va.Mlam~wl,_r Hlatl acttool CiJi 1.A l'lMI ltlo Melt It, TOl\kl'lepl 2 LMAl•illn •uv•OAY'S ••tuLft , .. ,,, ............... ~ fllnl tWC10 _..._It .. C:-I~,, ••.11.-.ua, "-'••dltc,...._,,..., ... , • .., ..... (Al'Mt......,, ....... -e<tel~ ....... ... IK9N ,_ -OM ,_._ I'..,_, SIM, te.a. UO; .,.._., TiliW (~, SM, IA;._.., .... U'r-...1., JM, Tillrdr--....... C-y CT-.., tt.•. PA, PM: TrtiN ~ IC41r'*U), •.•• J.•; ,....._. tllllllCllMlll, '-•· ... ,...,,.. rea -"'wttv ..... 1er ....... 1. t ,001 6,H , 4.U ; ClleM••111e Hefti (NCUNMVll. t .40, 7.00; Dface leltf 1ear-.1, ..... u eucte (7 .. 1 Nld t11.•. •1ttll race -VIH GelNlt OrHM !Crt ..... l, 1M, s .... J.•; 8tlel\I Hwr (ANH'), ..... ut; a..r Tree. (CIOrl ... 1. .... li•lll ,_ -,.OMlftt C:-t IAUtl, 11.-. ua. ,,., ...._ ._ ca.n.-1. ..... a.»; a-r lt!tettl .... ((M;INa), ""· '2 elMICte ()-ti NW ilfif .... ltwe11tll race -Oerll Lovellll•H ,,,......,.,,"Al. 1.a, s.a; w .. c:...1 c.ur.. ty !CM*UI, llM, 7M; My Miiie ( .. I.._. C01t1.1.a. uoucte '"'" ..wi•11uo. •ltMltr--l'llMyvltle !Peu11Nl1 ,.,., ~ ... ;om TIMe ,_.,..._ .... ,,a.a t.•; ..... OllOll (~al.JM. U Plclr. SI• l>M·2·NI Nld mMt with two •IMllla ik:ll9tl (flw •->. U l'kll SI• ,.,....._NW f1nM wttfl • .......... lklLttl ci.w .... 1. Nll•lll ract -$el. l"ep119r '••two IClffl ... ), t.40, l.40, t.tO; LIUM CMey o.c:k INk.._), Lii, JM; i..ta De ti T• II IM1tc11e111, t.a. u •llkte u•s> ,... ttMC. TOlllll tea -14-llo ouetv IC>OletftM), IO,•, •••• ~; Goodie New s.-t (Wanll), 1 .... t .•; C>M Rotlr.et Cl"rydjly), SA. AIM,.._._ UMJ. Hotl~P•rk IATV• Y'I • HUL Tl c .... ...., .... , .. ......, 1'"1,.1 r--VeMMIM ~ (-ley), I.AO, UI, JM; Ki"9 T~ Cl"!Moy>, UO, ut;#w.Grb(~>.•·•· S.C9M tllCe -Prlncolllfl IM<Cerr .. ), IS.to. s.•. J.•; H-e11 ...... Cl'lnuf) IM, IM; e....,..r JelWI 11.lpf\em), 7.ll0.12 Nlly .... IHI Nkl $11.to. T1'1N r--Kollll /IN/tt-IMcHe1'9W), t .... a.a, a.•; Ooolllle Tov (Plncay), MO, ._.; ,. .... l'w la.lta&otl, 1.00 • .s euca Cl•tl ....... . P:OUtUI r--OWMtnk t..adY !Mee.tr•>. 4M, tM, ut; .,_ 1.11.-(~........,>. , ..... 1.•; 1rW1 O'.,.... cc.....-1. 2.•. u alUIC\t CW I paid '2f.OO. 1'"11., r.-1•1n Mlfl CFln•-> n .to, •·•· 4 ... ; Prl-Alva !Ollvarnl. 4,20, 1•; Petlta ~ (Glllllafl), •·•· .S o..c:le IS-1> pol01'UO. SI.ti! rece -Tiie Cepleln CPlncay), J •• , 1.00, 2.•; ""'*""'le (Valoflruelel, 1.60, UO;Gr .... C.._...,),UO. Se voAlll race -Proudeat aoe ISllM-), I.JO, 4..40, i..•; Lt Platola IVolOftDIMal,UO,l..40; ....... LNy IC- _,. S ••• $5 eucte IM I 1111141 $k00. U Pk.II Ila C1-1·2+'M) 1111141 P0.116.40wfttl eleMw ...... tkuts(sla-tnl.12PkkSI• <OllMl•tltft ,.,. am.10 with 405 wlMlllg llcll.U (five.__). e1111111 ~ -8olcl TrGPI< CS...makef'I, •··· JAO, JM; TI-. a.rt (H-IOyl, 4 ••• 3.00; A*Nft(l"lfttey),UO. Nllltll rte• -41 Your Pleaaur• IVa...,,._.., 4A, J ••• UO; lt ... 1 S..,, IRlvtr•>e 1'.to, 6.20; D•acllulu lVeNlv .... 1, ..... U•UC1t (2-41 polCI $tOAO. A ....... -».-. \ F,.ndi Open IM".nil ......................... •1or11 ..,.. llllf . ...W ArllltlM Terra, "2. "'· "2; """"" """*' *f. Jeol\·lfr-.ola C. ..... , W , M, W ; Vlcter l'lt«l *f. 0.. 1My9r, M, J.1 ...... t; -...U T-IY *f. .. ,....,_, ..... S-2 d9feult; ............. .......... ~ .... 2, ... 1,U ,W; Gutll.,_ Vl&el def. Rkerdo C-, "'· .. ,, 6·0; Joao·Luls Clerc det. Al•J•ndro ~. M. .. 2. M ; V8MIO -... Ja1t NorMCk, M . J-6, 4·1, 4·4; Petar McNe,,..,o •· 8'11y MerUn, M , 6-2, .. 1; W.Jtitll ..-.. ... 14ar-lllNll, u ... ,, .,.,, "I; Mii ~I .... edlllo DHIM. M, , .......... l.W. ...... T1lllN ............. It.th.-ltlMldl def. ~ "'°""'°'"· w, M ; Cllrll .. ,,.,.. ~ cltl. I,,. l'feff, W, .. ,; MM!lne Newell~• cltf. Nin Wllllf', "'· .. I; NIM ............ Iv-~. 2 .. , 6-4, W ; CMl>y Reynoldt def. Kellly Jerdon, '"" 7-S, "'2; .....,.. Ma"lkovo clef. M9ry I.All .......... ,._ M , 1·S. Adootlon Guild toumH1ent IM~._.T ..... Cll*) ........... ...-.-OIU MltlilNleb ~"'"'; ·~: ........ SlmOll·Curt Coftdorl. 6-J, 7 .. ; Jerry ..,., Ll"90-TW11 '--"' def. Arltofly l!mor_. TlmP ...... t.W,M. ......... Gell ~Suun War11elCI def. o.r- lrlall-Ttne MKlll~'*I, u , 1·S, M ; Ellen aryant·Hoten Wolner def. Jiii JollnslCW>- Franc11 a. ... w, "'· ...... 0.-0 ....... .__,., clef. Moclll1'*l-MMtln Ero, ... 1 ... W ; HllMY "'-·Oow ~ -def. JeMa-.Mill• Gtec:lt, w .... ,. Mlll'•A Dkll 0..-Demlt Rl ..... 1 def. Oove H9f· tern-aruceMuntr,2 .. ,M, ... 1; •111110-· St•ve ~-.def. Irv GOldller•·Oklt Mett-,M.W ;. .......... p_, -...,..,... Oanlloft clef. •-o Kii ............ .,,, ...,.. .. 6-1, 6-1, 1-J ; Jiii OwattMy-ec.tltr C-a -· SN,.,. •· Cltlt.J_. Wtlls, W. 7.._ ....... Atka --.Cllft Ylelf'e dllf. l'ltt Wed--o.,,. ~ W, 14;•W.11•9fuc• 11.wr( clef.°" ........... c:.n.tl, .... 14, w . .......... ltlfte l.AfMtn·Ed ICllUllltr clef • .__..,,, Ll110ere-J1111 P1t1ll, •·•. •-J; Geor" Verdl..,..Jlflll ,..._ Oef. llff ..,.,. •.• 111 "-·"'·"" ............ ,. .. ~-a••• .... •· .._., SlraUN-Hel SlrettCM'I, .,.,, ._2; Merit"' SfrH W-Olc1l ow ...... leMy Elllolt-He"" Alll_, .. t,M . , ... ,..le ..... tt II·"'· -WeMtft't C)Mn (Ol•MI'• Werf..WW.~I. I 1H •·"'· -Mell'• Optl'I (Mlltor· "K~"" v ... Uftll.'--"11. 4:M '·"'· -Ml...-°"" !01•••· '--nl W.Jltal .... ••). Martin's choice of targets poor 'I've never been hit harder' -ump TORONTO (AP> -Oakland A'• Manager Bllly Martin may have picked on the wrong man In umpire Terry Cooney. Cooney tossed Martin out of Friday ni1bt's game a1alnst the Toronto Blue Jays for arauJ.ng about balJ and strike calla. The Oaldand manager then charged Cooney and slammed Into him. Martin kicked dirt on Cooney's shoes and when the umpire turne d his b ack , the A's manager scooped up two handfuls of dirt and tossed them on bis back. MARTIN WAS s uspended Saturday morning for an in· definite period by Lee MacPhail, p.resldent of the Ameri can Lea1ue. "I played college football and worked six years in a state prison wrestling convicts and fighting them, and I don 't think I've ever been hit any harder than l was by Billy Martin last nJght," Cooney said. ··Everybody has a different boiling point, and I think I'm a very calm person myself " Cooney said. "Had that ~n done on the street, or in any other !find of situation, l know I wouldn't have turned m y back oo him. I would have nattened him right there." Cooney said he called Mac- Phall Saturday morning. "I'll file a written report," Cooney said. "The suspensions and punishments are entirely up to him (MacPhail)." Cooney felt the immediate sus- pension was warranted. "I was hoping the suspension would happen,'' he said. "In the 12 years that I've been umpir· Ing, I've never seen a player or a manager run into an umpire Chacon may quit for good LAS VEGAS (AP ) C~r n e liu s Boza· Edwarfts s topped challenger Bobby Chacon Saturday in the 14th round to keep his World Boxing Council super-featherweight ti· tle Saturday and at the same time convinced Chacon to hang up his gloves. "I'm the one that stopped it," a beaten and bloody Chacon said following the bout, which ended after the 13th round. Under Nevada rules, lhe fight ended in the 14th round . CHACON, ASKED if he would fight again, replied : "I don't think so. I proved it lo myself. I don't need to go on anymore ... My health and family are more important to me." If Chacon sticks by his de- cision to end bis boxing career it would be the third time be bas retired. The first two t.imes be hung up the gloves, Chacon did so at the request of his wife. But each lime, he has said previous- ly . be persuaded her to allow him to resume his career. Boza-Edwards said he thought he had the fight won in the 12th round when he had Chacon on the ropes and unable to block any punches. ''I knew be had run out of gas," Bola-Edwards said. "He's a tousb fighter . . . I was sur· prised he didn't go down." It was the first defense of the title for the Uganda-born Boza- Edwards, and after the first six rounds It all became easy. C hacon, a former WBC f eatberwelght champion, scored well in the first six rou~ds but then becan tiring, and the n,bt belon&ed to Boza-Edwards from then on. THE FINAL THREE rounds of the fight appeared to be alm0tt in slow motion, u the ch1mplon put the weary Chacon on the ropes and battered him wltb doiens of abort, crisp punches to the bead and body. The tactic, obviously Intended to wear down Chacon. worked well. Spencer goes 6-Sl/4 WICHITA, ICan. (AP) - Slenct.r Pam Spencer 1111 lbe felt like ·'a Bolin• 7•7'' wblle aetUn1 a national h1lb jlamp,. eord for women SatllrdaJ In the Traell ud Field A1toclatloll~ USA outdenr dlamplolllhlP1. "It WM ,....t," tbe Ja.7ur-old Gnat Falll, Moot., native said att.r tbe Jump. "I wu at i..t ·~ • ...,. .... lllebel .,.. utl lt .. clliim all &M .,.,:• ,,... ' tomliiettat ,_ tlM Lit Aqelet M"attlrtte Traek Cl•b··J..-...S ... 1..!"=-' the M~ ,_.....,. -~ terlallalbi ... _~ tempt at tM 1-1 .wtd Nelri. ~mllced. any harder than he ran into me last nlgbt. "I don't know why he threw the dirt. When I ejected him from the dugout and he ran out there it took me completely by surprise. I ejected hlm again, and (umpire Bill) Kunkle said to me, 'You must have ejected BU· ly Martin lbe manager the first time and Billy Marlin the general manager the second time.' "Billy Martin's bag bas always been kicking dirt on um- pires, that's bis trademark. When I wa!Xed away from him he hit me in the back with the dirt in what I thoueht was a cheap shot and gutless thing to do. '•How does he know that at any given moment I'd have turned around and got the ruu force of the dirt and lime ln my face and possibly injured my eyesight for life.'• * * * The Major League Umpires Association said Saturday that it was considering legal action over the bumping incident. "I have been advised by several objecUve onlookers that it was the most violent act they had ever seen a manager perpetrate against an umpire." Richie Phillips, the association's executive director. said in an in· lerview with ABC Radio Sports. Rinaldi pulls upset • mtourney PARIS <AP ) -Kathy Rinaldi, a 14-year-old Florida schoolgirl, upstaged the super· stars in the French Open tennis tournament Saturday by upset· ting No . 8 -seed Dianne Fromholtz 6·3, 7 -5 and moving into the final 16 . Meanwhile, Bjorn Borg and Jimmy Connors battered French opponents Saturday and con· tinued their rival bids for the men's title . Chris Evert Lloy d and Martina Navratilova, main con· tenders for lbe women's crown, won with ease. But Rinaldi, who previously had played in only six events on the circuit and accepts only ex- penses, was the star of the day at Roland Garros stadium . She had six set points against her In the second set, but kept the rallies going on the slow clay surface and waited for her ex- perienced Australian opponent to make the mistakes. The daugbtel' of a Stuart, Fla., dentist, Rinaldi said she decided to play in Paris beca use the stars would be here and it would be good experience. •'I also thought it would be fun. I must say it is," she added: Next month she plans to play Wimbledon, "though I have never seen a grass court in my life," she said. Borg, favored to win the title for the sixth time, hit his top spinners with machine-like effi- ciency to demolish Paul Andre Torre 6-2, 6·1, 6·2. Connors, the No . 2 seed , crushed Jean-Francois CatijoJle 6-0, 6-2, 6-0. Caujolle said he hurt his ankle after three games Saturday and should have quit, but continued because No. 4-seed Gene Mayer pulled out of a match with a wrist injury. "I felt I had to go on playing because the crowd had already had one disappointment," Cau· Jolie said. Tennis tourney fmalstoday Jerry Van Llnge and Tom Leonard wUI be 1unning for their flftb straight champlonahlp ln the men'• open dlvtJion when finals ln the 20th annual A.._ tlon Guild tennis toumament 11 held at the NeWl>Ort Beach Teo· nls Club today. Van Uni• of Newport Beacb, and Leonard of Pasadena, cM• feated hllh school tlart Anton1 Emel'IGD GI Corou del Mar and Tim Pawut ol J'oolblll (Tultla) la Saturday's aemlftnal round, 1-J,M. In today'• final.I at l :JO V• Lin~ and Leonard will face Dlck~&Jer and Bob Hoebl&d no pulled an.,... wta °"' ""9 Slmoe and Oat Condoa Saturday, 1-1, 7 ... ID otbu dhltl0!~.1_.<!•U GlufOW...SS..W~ ... .... to tadaJ'• ....... tM •o••'• ~opem idlYlatia --. tMJ'U aielt\•• .,,_ 1111 a.-N11D1r1t--. la .-...,_, OIMIOW .. IAaaird ....... ....., ... ad .,.,. Ma .. "i& ·•:• ... a.Ille. '1 I ··--............. -............ ·---· ... ·-·· --.· ------------------·--- Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 •• Victor Borge 's musical life far from average ~1.~~·y~::..raELL NEW YORK -"J 1uea1 If I bad bad a normal life lD music,"' Victor Bor1e aay1, "I probably would have eventually wound up u a conductor." Bor1e hasn't bad an averace mualcal career, u everyone knows who bu lau,hed after be sat down at a piano. But conducUn1 is one of the places be bas wound up, anyway. He iuest-conducta at money·rai.sinl con· carts. And he still gives concerti of mirth and music from the piano bench. AT A aECENT BENEFIT concert for the American PhiJbarmonic Orchestra, at Carnelie Hall, he started with Smetana'• "The Dance of the Comedlarus," in a profeulonal way. He stopped the orchestra, said, "Start •lain at bar 81 ; make a litUe more crescendo in tbe tb1rd bar." After a bit more of that ltlnd of thlna, Borae asked for a volunteer "to play where he's not supposed to." Violinist.a in the back row called out that Sam wants to do it. The orchestra pl1tyed until a rest, then Borge told tbe dl1nlfied·looltln1 Sam, '•Riehl after that, you will continue alone. Sam aald, "Doing what'!" and Borge replied, "Playin1 the violin, I guess. It is very funny. Your family will love it." The music was repeated but Sam couldn't brlna himself to play into a reat. Another violinist volunteered and char1ed conftdenUy into the rest, his solo sound dwindllni only when Borce pointed bis baton and bellowed, "Out!" FBLINI CITY Of 'M)NfN 2:0CM:30 7:00.9:30 THE DECLINE .. _..._. 12:00.2:00-4:00 l :G0-1:00.10:00 TOO RUO£ ••• TOO UWD .•• TOO CRUDE ••• AND NOW ... THEY'RI TWO FOR THE PRKf Of ONU THE BLUES BROTHERS ~--A UNIVE~ PICruRE 01•1~0'TYST\JDIOS fC lliE S>C..A OF 1W RIVALS WHO Q.A,gi AS ENEMJESANDTRIUMPH AS HEROES IASID ON A TIUI STOIY. Tbe offender bowed ht• beld and eslted, to the lau1hter ol the rett of the Ol"Cbestra. MUSICIANS Aa& ALWAYS bll beat au· dJence, Bor1e says, beeaUM t.beJ 1et all the musical jokes. Recently, be ·~· aympbooy concert.a be cooducted aold out ln Dallu and Vancouver. "The orchestra makes money and ~ au· dJence 1eta flrat.rate muaic lntroclueed to them in a warm and friendJy and perbape at Umea hllarioua way. Some of the audience may be new to the aympbony ball. So everybody 11 hap- py. What more can you want?" Two yean 110, Borte conducted bb first opera, Mozart's "Tbe Ma1lc Flute," lo Cleveland, without any ltJddlnc around at all. He says, "Music conductl itlelt lf you have the feel for it. I don't want to make a Joke, but you conduct yourself accordlnt to lnlpiratioo and feel. I've bad many encoura'1ol proof• of my ability. 1berefore, I'm not afraJd of it. J can handle It and love to do It. "ONE OF THE aEASONS, of coune, for my desire for orchestra or opera work 11 I'm 10 much alone, travelln1 all over tbe world, perfonninC 200 or 250 time• a year." And he practices the plano a lot. He owns five. "Well,"' Borge says, with a aurpriaed look, "I have 10 fin1en." The planoa are in bou.aea lD Greenwich, Conn., and St. Croix. He rent.a ooe when in bit house lD Portugal and toes out on bia boat without any. "Music is the basis of my life. I always HE COMEDY SENSATION I 11A WONDERFULLY FUNNY COMEDY •bout pomru• tathert •nd youthful Mductlon.1 -Nencylooft.ll'EXAMIHQ A B&;n?-r=. ~ ·:::ON[ WILD MOMENT -.. 4o.....-.... " •• .A aprawll119 ..... , -0-IMltt. TOO.Y '"OW FRENCH MOYIE RATE>(R) NOW PLAYING WlST COAST N(MllRl lNGAGlMlNT NOW SHOWING • 010nge CINIDOMI Cotta Melo CINIM.A CINTll 6M-21U .,....... Dall\I 100 ,... Dair 700 • 1000 ,... Jal_.., I 00 • A.JO • 100 PM Sal.a.. 100 • 400 • H!O • l0t90 l'M ............... ......-~PACIFIC'S~· ~--v-~ .... MOt Oallw 12:30 • ,,. • 700 • 10. 16 ""4 -------lt·•MI I ncAm011M1-WMOAYIOllllWOArt1•1n ·-• .............. [XJI DDlaY..,..., r THE UNTOLD STORY OF THE MAN BEHIND THE MASK AND THE LEGEND BEHIND THE MAN. LomCllAll-' ........ "-................. ~ LIGINDOfTRI Wffl IAllOD" ..,..l.IMOll.._ w-wo;m"""° ..iMD.._.,_.,._tllMllT ................ -................ _ ............ Wl&.&Mll-.. .....------........ IOllllM.w ..,_.,....,...IAl&OllOIG.UC .......... cm.a. ....... Wl.IMllA.flMll __.,...._....._.-...._ ... _ C"~·===='=' fll ..... ~ , • .==:..r: ._l. I .t ~ ' '• I wanted u a cblld to be a conduct«," aald Bor1e, 72. "lily father played for tbe Royal Opera in Copenba1en. "I experienced IO much ol that, rebeanala, concerti and cOD1tanUy chamber mU1le at home. I wu born rilbt Into it. It bu alwaya been putlcularly opera J wanted.'' aoaGE •ADE MOVO:S, compoeed, wrote, dJrected, played piano and made Jok .. , aome mak.lnt tun ol tbe Nam. When Germany ln· vaded Denmark, be wu t.ow1.nt, ln Stockholm. He and hll wife departed Europe and landed in Flortda ln AulUlt 1NO. Bor1e apoke aeveral lan1ua1ea, but not Entllsb. He attended moviea like a clusroom. An introduction to Rudy Vallee led to Vallee'• bavtn1 Bor1e warm up bb radio au· dJence. Bini Croeby's rad.lo apomon beard It and Borae wu hired for a iuett appearance oo Croaby's Kraft Mualc Hall lo December lMl. ··After my fint appearance on radio, tbe commentaton cboae me unanJJDOWll)' u the comedy find of the year -which didn't hurt me," he says. Borae wu on that radJo abow for 58 weeks, went on to others, fUma, TV, t.ow1.n1. He dJd a Brbadway run three years 110. He says, "I think music and humor are much more serious than eertouaneaa ltlelf. Humor looks at tblnas both aerloualy and humorously. Seriousness bu no other aide. It is just serious. "I'm often asked lf cluslcal mutlclans don't bate me for what I'm doin1. No. They recognize every word, movement and chapter. A MAl'l1N 11£011AN l'N4uttlon '"THE fOUI SEASONS,. ALAN ALDA• CAIOL BlJINEn • UN CAllOU SANDY DF.NNIS • lrrA MOUNO • JACI WESTON BESS AIMSTIONC • Written and Directed by ALAN AWA Executive Producer LOUIS A. STROLLER Produced by MARTIN BREGMAN •A UNIVERSAL PIC1'URE ·==:=--=--= ,;·~ 1·, ' ' 4 .. • L.... -- ~ '·-: ·, lw -·-. c:r·.+: ..... ·- . .......... : "IMds•a. ... ===-· _._,. ...... .... - .... , .......... : .. ,,.,. ,. ,,.,. ... ==~ ............ .......... -=-· ·-·-- VICTOR BORGE ... Finally a conductor They know I'm not making fun of music; I'm bavin1 fwl with them. "A lot of musical performances have at least a spec:k of humor in them. What I'm doing is picking it up and reflecting it. Jf lt weren't true, people wouldn't accept it and lau1h at it ." ."Tll.1.• .. -----· ·--"DEATH HUNT'' If!) ·-·-·-·1>11·••·11 11 . _ .. .. ___ _... -nw1'0-. "TA«IE THll JOI ANO 9"0VI IT .. f '°l ••·111•·-·-·- HIGH •uu (RI _.,.., ... , ... ,.------ --NL'ft.J•N.Mf.-"Tll.tM .. _______ .. _ THIEL.a~Of THIE LONE ...,._,. (P'G) -IM)N)IEJW .. (PG) .. • -·· 0 0. 14 Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 Burdon still turm them on AUDITION "THE BOYS IN THE IAMD" ForW. ....... Coll JERRY STUART 17141493-1141 By lllCHAll:L DOUGAN °'" ....... ~ ..... Eric Burdon. you old Anlm1l, where'y1 been? We h1ven't aHn you around thHe put.a ln six years, befo,.. 1ou dKl&td to J\llt move ln· to the C1llforru1 dttert with your wlle and forget about music. And there you were, 111 ol • 1'«1den, back at the Golden Bear. lt mutt have felt funny, alnce that Huntlnston Buch mualc ball waa where you played your lut 111 before retreatlnt from the rock world. And you looked kind of nervoua, too -a little unaure of yoursell. But you needn't b1ve worried, Eric. I mean, did you hear how they screamed when you launched Into "House of the Rlaln1 Sun?" They loved you, that's for aure. "'Outland' ls what most p9opl• mean wt.n they talk about good escapist enterta inment. A movie of unexpected pleasures." -Vlnctnc Conby. Hew Yotk Times "First rote thriller. Best new movie of the spring-summer season." -Jeffrey Lyons, CDS kodlo FELLINI CITY OF WOVEN STMRING MARCEUO MASTROIANNI ""'"" ETTORE MANNI ANNA PRUCNAL BERNICE STEGERS OONATEUA DAMIANI -·· WIS BACAlO'I A 0...-..01-~ , ...... .._C>1911 The Privet• Momenta '1'9•ELY•IPOI 1:30 3:40 8:00 1:10 10:20 John Boormen'a DICAL••IRI SHOWIAT 1 :00 4:00 7:00 1:45 I c.rol allfMtt Alen Aide nte fOUll-.W('<JI • 1:30 3:46 8:00 1:1510:20 I Antho~Oulnn ur,&flt~~ f:OO 41f !:00 H#l'Y •llTMDAY TO• CR) Exclusive Showing! 1 :00 3: 10 5:20 7:301:40 Nell Olemond .MU-"''°' 1:00 3:111:30 TODAY -S2.00 -tit 3:00 p.m. Dally Mlltlneea 2:00-4:30-7:00-1:30 7:46 10:00 ;a;uec au s c a s a And why not? You haven't lo.t your touch, even tboutb you dld just tum .0. Of course, and nothing personal, but you never could really alrta all that well, could you? Lel's face It, Eric, you couldn't carry a ballad In a basket. That'IS why you aound beat when they tum on the echo macblne. But, Lord, you do have style, kid. You've eot blues In your soul, no question about It. When you growl and scream and emote Uke a son·Of·•·eun, It's even better than slnilni. We like the name of your new group, too. The Animals and War were nice, catchy titles, but The Eric Burdon Band really says lt all. And they're not bad, especially that eultar player. The way he makes thoae no~ea stretch Why would four guys risk their lives for a weekend in Colombia? We can give you 5,000,000 reasons - all in cash! ... _.,.. "COA&.-.. OAUaMTIR" 0 JC! :us d !Si 43$ 3 21123! and soar la really 1omethln1. Keep him, Eric. He makes the band. Aa for the keyboard men . . . well, we can see why you need two. We hear you're going on a two-week Weal Coast tour to teat the wat,en for a comeback. We're sure they'll like you, Eric, eapeclally lf you stick to the old 1tuff. Nobody alnga "Boom Boom" or "I'm Cryine" or "Don't Let Me Be Misunderstood" like you do. guy. By the way, tell Ellen Mcilwaine, that bll girl with the blg voice who did your warm-up, hello for us il you see her aealn. We thought ahe was terrific. Reminded us of Jania, she did. That iat's eot a future. And so do you, lf you play your cards rl1ht. So long, Eric -you rock and roll survivor. The oomedy Ser everyone'~ who's had it up to here ... ,....~ ...... ,... ~•Katia· mu.ra 0 • ALANM.OA .. THI FOUR I llAIONI" . , .. , ·::~ AUi 'Ol.LU II ..~~--.... , ........ ....,, .... .. "TAK! THll JO• AND IHOVI IT" "' ~ .... ~ ......... "CA VDfA#"...., ....... _,..-.,~ .. -·-·--····· ··--· --0 ••• ----~---~-""!""~--........ --f-+ *'4f"W...-'l'FJ + v #¢1 G U#W U sq e f •Ci fifWP4if4..__.. ....... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 . 1981 Re"bate off er encourages Cleveland home sales CLEVELAND <AP) -With three weeks of the promotion behind them, bankers and local home builders say they are ecstatic over consumer response to their offers of $2.000 rebates and re· duced mortgage Interest rates to encourage new home aales. "That demand Is really there, and It's stronger than I hoped ll would be," said Jim Chlswell, executive vice president of the Building Industry Association. The citywide Industry group says 60 new homes have been sold and financed so far with one week left In the four.week promotion -admittedly copied from rebate ofters used by the ailing automobile Industry to boost sales. Home building In Industrial northeast Ohio bas ~n In a slump for two years. Nearly two-thirds fewer new houses were started in 1980 than 1979, industry officials have said. "(( we bad just sold 50 homes, I'd still have been pleased," Chlswell said. "Let's face it. we're talking about keeping aome people (builders) alive." Under the promotion, purchasers of certain new homes are eligible (or interest rates between 11th per~nt and 12~ percent at four lending in· stltutions In addition to the $2,000 rebate. That compares with conventional mortgage rates of as much as 15 percent or 16 percent in some parts of the country. The rebate program was launched during the week of April 26 with a series of three home-buyer seminars attended by about 1,500 people. "There's nothing magical lo what we've done." said Chiswell. "We're fighting people's perceptions.·• ChisweU said fluctuating interest rates and skyrocketing properly values have convinced many potential home buyers they can't afford a house. Joseph Burgoon. executive vice president of -The Best Buys in Newport Beach 12~3 Luxury Townhomes From$146,450 (714) 646-9618 •1311.% APR PIClftc C4aSI H 12~3 Luxury Condominiums From $169,500 (714) 673-3271 '"13·1/4% APR l Bullden of a Better LUe @ Cardinal Federal Savinss Association, said hia In· stituUon wrote more than $500,000 In mortcages during the first week of lbe program. He. said many more loans are beina processed. "We have been absolutely super·pleased," Burgoon said. "Our reaction bas been very. very favorable from the consumer view." "What thiJ program is doing is allowina peo· pie to realize that buylns a home is JlOt the Im· possible feat they thought It was," he said. Single Family Homes in Huntington Beach from $157,990 • Builder pays non-recurring closing costs (limited offer) • 10°/o Down • SpeclaJ financing available • Fee simple title • No monthly association fees • Immediate move-in Detached Single Family Homes. Only 35 magnificent 2 and 3-bedroom homes across the street from scenic Lake Park, only a short walk to the beach. Creative ex terior designs are In perfect harmony with the ambiance of the ocean Lavish interiors offer an abundance of open space and feature sumptuous master suites. Hand·set ceramic tile counter-tops highlight the fully equipped kitchens Massive hand.made wood·burning fireplaces with attached two and J.car garages. A warm village atmosphere, plus the convenience of a central location in the charming old tree section of Huntington Beach. r~~~~,..~~~o~~:a~0~~~~~~~~~~J EDINGER AVE "lt't: (4()$) 0 Over 3/.-Sold! cL!-a~arkJ HEIL AVE ... ~ ... IJl ... WARNER AVE ~ ~ II) i: () < ... m ©.stat~ Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 536-1459 =fNi See salesperson tor financing details. ELLIS AVE AOAMSAVE PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS 8USINIESS l'ICTITIOUS 8USINUS NAM8 STAT«M8NT NAME STATEMI NT Tll• 1o11-1ne persons ar• dol1>9 Tll• loll-1"9 persons u e dolno IMlslnHs as: 1M11IMU n : DEL MAR PARTNERS, LTD., llALllOA ISLAND HERITAGE, ~ C.11• Avl-. Suite C, San J..an 201 IH1 1141y Front, 8•1...,. lll•nd, C•pl1tr-. CA '2675. Calltorni. 92642 H U N T I! R E N E R G V 0 •11 Vlnfe Smit/>, l04 Dlemond CORPORATION,eC.llfornle corpor• Aven11•, ll•llloe lslend, Cellfornl• Ion, JJOft C.llo Avi.dor, Suite C, San t2"2 llM C .. str-. CA '2675. Wllllam A. Allen, 201 EHi Bey RALPH I . PHELAN, JR., JJOft l"ront, lhlbN llYftd, Celltornle 9*2 •II• Avl...,, 51111• C, Sen J11en This business 11 cond11c1ed l>y • Ce911tr-, CA '2615. gonorel -1t1en~ Tiiis _,,.. .. II <~I.., by • Wllllem A. All9" llmlted pertn..-aNp. Tiiis 1........,t wn flied wlU1 1119 Relpll I!. Pneten. Jr. Counly C .. rk ol Or-County on Mey HUN T E R E N E R G Y 11, 1'11. • CORPORATION (Jl .. 1' Relpll E. Pnelen, Jr., P11l>llshed Or91191 Coesl Delly P iiot, l'Tnldent MeyJl,J..,.7,14.21,1'11 2441 .. 1 Tiiis st.i-t •H flied •1111 I.lie ----------ounty Oor1L ol Orenge County on Mey . ""· 800TM, MITCM8L, STaAN08 & ITM, .... ,. .. u. • "'· .,__,, s ... ._ ........ .,. ........... PUBUC NOTICE (JICTITIOUS 8USINllSS NAME STAT8M8NT Tll• foll-1"9 persons er e dol"9 IMlllMSI OS: Mte MeM, CA ft6Jl ARTHUR ROYCE & A S · (Jl"'27 SOCIATES, llJll Nant11Ck•I Court. Publl-Orengt CO.SI Oelly Piiot, Cypress, CA '°'30. Y JI, JIA'le 1, 14. 21, 1'11 247 .. 1 RICHARD PAUL MA$AK, 1039S PUBUC NOTICE Elk RI,,... c:-1, Fountain Velley, CA '2709. STEPHEN MICHAEL DeLEON. 1°"5 Ell< RI,,... Rlwr C-1, Founleln l'ICTITIOUS 8USIM8lS Velloy, CA '21'0I. NAMa STAT8M8NT Tllla IMlslneu la CDndu<led by • The lollolwlne _..,., Is dolne IMlll· gonorel ~p. Mii as: Rkhwd P. Meaol< DEHTALSALESCONSULTANTS, Tllla _.....,I JIM flied •1111 1119 U~ Che~ Road, S11lte 210. T11slln, County C .. rlt o1 Or ..... County on M•Y CA '2'80. 2t, 1911. FRANK MAGPOCCO, 42 (Jl .. 1' L•koallore, lrvl1111, CA '2714. P11bll.-0r-. Coast Delly Piiot, Tiii• 111111 ..... Is condll<ted by ... ,,.. Mey JI, JIA'le 1. 14, 21, '"' 2414-11 lv1611el. Frenk Moellocco Thia ~ WM filed wllll ltw ounty Oer1L ol Orenge Cowlly on Moy PUBLIC NOTICE 'I.I. '1UIU --,-,CT-IT-10U-S8_U_S-INl!SS P11btllllld Or ... Coast Dolly Piiot, NAMESTAT8M8NT MeyJl,J""97, 14, 11.1•1 2.w2•1 TMlollOWlngpenonladOlnebllllMU H : PUBUC NOTICE NEWP ORT llEA C H REST AURANT MANAGEMENT SERVICE, 2411 Slerre Viste, Newpart; l•a<llt2660 "CTITIOUS IUSIMESS 8yrCWI KOUQll, 2411 Slerre Vista, NAM8 ITATIM8NT Newpartlloodl,C.1110f'lll•f21MO TM folio.!119 ... ,_ Is dolft9 111111· Tiiis bullnffa Is c-.cted by .,. .... NII as: vfd1611•1. HOYTS IXTE,.IORS, Mil Perk llyronKougfl Ceftlw Orlw, • UM. Sant. AM, CA Tlllt ttotomenl wn lllocl •Ill> U. f210S. County Clerk ol OrMOe County Oii May MI04AIL HOVTS, n'9 Lon..,,.,,, 21 1911. C.ta MeM. CA t'Ma. ' '162''7 ™• """"'" la conOll<ted by aft .... P11bH!lhe4 OrOflllll Coe.al Delly Piiot. dl\llduol. MoyU,IO,J .... 6,1',1'11 ·~"'· Mien.I Hoytt Tiii• .........,. -fltod wttfl Ille c:-My Cler1I fl/I 0r-. c:-.ty on Moy PVBUC NOTICE .,,.,, . ---------~ ,.,.... flfCTlnGUS ........ ,_...,_Or-. CMst Delly ~let. lllMIWSTATaM9NT Moy Jl,J-7,14,t1,ttllll ,_., Tllefol ....... __ ._ ..... _,_ ·--.-U-B_U_C_N_OT __ IC_C' __ .. : IMTl,.NATIONAL T,.AO. Al- p IOCIAT8$, "'1 W-a1-. C ... O. ----------1 8011 HUI H11nllntlon 8oe(I\, ITATIM9MT Oft AIAMOOMMUT cetlf•""' ftM1 --.... -Deryl ......... ,.... i..n, Mwl4· -.... ...... i..-.9-11.Cellfwnlo .... ,.IUITIOW8Ull ... lllAMI Tiiis ........ ls~IM.., .. 111-TM ........... ,.,w lies .... ,_. 111.-... / __ ., .. fld..._....,.__: Oeryl-- VILl.AOI llllVUTMaNTS, ,_ Tiiie ............. , ..... h o~ Aw, 1M111c.-1 9Mcll. c..eya..•0r ... ~"'Me't CA':'f:LI .. H. McNAMIE, 1•1 l4.l"I P1lltM OWfleNI ... -. ............... , .......... 0r .... c:.... ~ ...... CA ............. H,....,_ Meyt6,•a.>-'-1t1'1 •.a.HI. ni. ......,_. -rit.11 w11t1 .. • .... WI' NOTIC• C.-tyC..ofOr .... (-.tyOllMlty .., ... ._ 1111 .. , .... I ._ __________________ -=----------_,_~ __ ..._ _______ ......, ______ .,._ ______ ~~~l l .. • .. m~ill[ ~ ~UillU~ Study those contracts By ROBERT J. B&USS · DEU 808: I rea• ... ti &MM ... It.,_,..., ~kl aboMIMw .... u ............... .. ea&ate .... I&-••• M: ... U.. nytqa are tlloa ... ti Miian. I ~• •1 -.. aad bad pudl ... .ner fer .. all rea4y, like &M book aaJd. 0De of &lae ftl"lt a.Men WU a ,... •U &bMit %5. HeaaldMWaMff .. MJ&lrie ...... Mt61a't lave macll caalt. I aald Ulat wu all rtlM u I real· r,. doa't aeed ea.M. So M fUW la&-.. il..U ta&-.. purchue offer, lllaed It, ud IH• •e • "·"' de· JOSlt elaet'k. Foollably. laatead or tUlq ... , a.tract to my lawyer, I slped It &Mn. New ... t I read It REAL ESTATE MAILBAG closely I see tbe buyer Is to live me a Mt,• prem· issory note payable at M• per .... taet.uaa ~ percent Interest for ZS yeara.. 8"' It 1a11 _..,,., •bout a mortga1e to seeue &lae M&e. •Y lawyer says I'm stuck ud maat complete Ute sale. Wlaat should I do? -AlaaH. DEAR ALAN : Get a second opinion from another attorney to see if be can find a loophole in lhat dangerous contract. If you bad used a realty agent, the agent would have bad a lent dutv to point out the unsecured promissory note. · In the absence of evidence ol fraud or dureu, you may have a difficult time tettinl out of that contract. No person without real estate experience should risk selling his own property. Buyera and sellers always need advice from a competent third party, such as a real estate broiler or an attorney to avoid mistakes like you made. I wish I had a magic way to get out of your sale but I don't. However, other readers can benefit so they don't make the same mistake of selling alone without professional help. REAL ESTATE QUESTIONS/COMMENT By RANDALL R. McCARDLE Q: Is real estate for me? I am a middle-age woman. My k.lda are grown. I bave lived lD some area of Newport Beach for 18 years. I Dow have Uae Ume, tbe Inclination aad am brt1bt ellH&ll to develop the nece11ary skills. Bow woald yoa evaluate the chancea of a mldd1e·a1e female HC· ceedlng In sales? I would appreciate yoar oplaloa. • -:-T.M., Newport Beach A: Being middle age is GOOD. Today nearly 40 percent of our population is 45 years or older. And by 1989 more than SO percent of the population will be in that age group. ln the last decade middle a,e has gained in acceptability, especially for women. Men have always bad an advantaae over women in "growing older." • Leading the middle·age·way for women ·are Angie Dickinson, Sophia Loren, Lauren Bacall, Jane. Fonda and Mary Tyler Moore, who are· all past 40 -some well past -and still golna strooa. As far as beina a woman, women are In. U there ever was a time to be a woman . . . now is tije time! Women are not only more accepted but are appreciated 'in all fields of endeavor from laO<>rer to the professional. · There are several effects to watch for. First there is a tremendous pressure on women to perform in an outstandina manner in various rbles. Women must be more careful of their health than in the past. More are getting ulcers, hitb blood pressure, heart attacks. ·.. So my suggestion would be to proceed with en· th,\&siasm but remember to keep balance of in· t~rests in your life. • Q : Which .bas greater appeal wile• a bayer ls sbopplng for a home -tile exteraal or lntenal ap· pearance? -E.B., Coata Mesa • A: The external appearance of your house has far more impact on potential buyers than you may realize. You will never get a prospect interested uriJess he stops to look. The interior cannot be re· lJ~ upon to sell your house because a prospect m}ly never see it. So take a look at the exterior '{ltb a critical eye. ' Give the house a fresh coat of paint if It needs lt .. Replace any broken or cracked windows. Fix the felce. Keep the lawn mowed and the abruba t.rfmmed to give your house that ''well·carec:l for" liok. Make sure your door is invitlnl with a fresh OOjlt of paint or varniah. It is not uncommon for a hundred dollars \firth of Improvements to increase the value of a nwne over a thou5and dollars. :-r Put yourself in the buyer's shoea. He ia looldn1 fat charm, comfort, location and a bargain. Give ttbn the best show for the money. _. --Randall R. McCarclle u prelidnt of THE REAL ttTATERS; he u aUo an author, lcdur.,-and lft. tor. Send 11our commml• and qwltton. to Raftdr ardle, clo the DoU11 Pilot, Pott Ollie• Boz JNO, o Meta, Calif. 92828. ~thel.8w ~ =chance?~ _)o, 1 second career in law. yes. Many ol our .cudeno •re ~llthcrt, busincM pcop&e, profellionalt and tradespeople · who haw decided that law ofe"' them a better opportu• · nlty. They are ptelt)' sure they will be aood lawycn beCIDK they've 1lrudy PfO\'Cd they aM ac:hleven. With • instruction ~ jqn. af\orneya and IJw pn>feaeon with yean one11I eiiperlence. we·~ pRMd they're riaht. PulJ. 'time and put-time-cla•• bcain Auautt 27. 1981 . l~~---------1• I I • ...,......, .... c...-..,..,....._.,........ I ... ~.,. .. ..._...._., ..... _,~ I I ! ~T~~-::n=r.=a-a ·1 I : (114)1»-.... (7M)W I : ; Pleate tend me the WSU bulletin. I I:.._ I 11~~~;..,,.;.....;....~"--..,.....~~----=-------- 1 1 .,...........-~_:;,;_-----.,,,,....-~--...;...__;~~-~ -------...... ----------~--~.J How builders offer speci.al. rat.es DEAR BOB: I've llOdeed aeveral adl for uw llomee betal aold wt< •ortaa1ea a& latent& rates below tlaose oa FHA, VA aad coaveDtloaal· mort1a1e1. Aa a real eata&e a1eat, I'm latereated t. bow bome kllders set u.Ja elaeap mouy a1 I'd like &o ft8d aome for my cUenu. -Jamea W. DEAR JAMES: Rome builders use "buy downs." That means the builder pays the lender points (one point equals 1 percent of the loan balance> to get the lender to reduce the mort1a1e interest ra.te. Each point paid usually reduces tbe intereat rate about one·eigbth percent. Another way home builders get cbeaf. mortgage money Is they joint their pro · ects with savings and loan usociations. When the houses are completed, the lender then makes mortgage loans to buyers at below-market interest rates. 'As iii' realty sal.es probl,ems DEAR BOB: What doea It meaa wbeD a houe la sold "aa la!" We wanted &o offer &o bay a boaae. Tile realty agen& wrote ap tile offer aad pat la the coDtract "Tbls boue to be aold •as ls' wttb DO war· rantles." -MargeeT. DEAR MARGEE: In many communities homes are customarily sold "as la." Thia means lbe home is sold in its present condition with no warranties or representations by the seller or agent to the buyer. But in most states the seller and agent are now obligated to disclose to the buyer any known de· fects in the property, even if the buyer doesn't ask. See your attorney for further details. Special report offer The new special report "How the New Install· ment Sales Law Can Increase Your Realty Profits" is now available. To obtain your copy send a $2 check payable to "Newspaperbooks" for; Report 80109 to the Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 259, Norwood, N.J. 07648. - Near Huntington Harbour · from $88,990! • Exceptional opportunity for first time buyer! •Extremely easy qualifying •10°/oDown • 12~a0/o Interest • I mmedlate Mqve-ln • Covered garage with each unit •Special financing available for Investors Luxury Condominiums adjoining Huntington Harbour. Beautiful 1. 2 and 3·bedroom condos amidst a picturesque setting of waterfalls. ponds and streams. near the ex c lu· sive community of Huntington Harbour. An architectural triumph highlighted by red tile roofs and extensive use of exterior wood treatments. Impressive interior appoint· ments include vauhed ceilings. woodburning fireplaces and gourmet kitchens. Spacious private patio or deck. -Elevators lead to upper units and penthouse models. Swimming pool and therapy spas. with all amenities and grounds professionally maintained. O ver 3/4 S old! Open Daily · 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 846-5557 See a1lesperaon for assoc. dues and financing det1lls. u i U EOINGER AVE • "'"P NOT 10 SCALE w > <( ... "' w WARNER AVE i: z w 0 .j 0 C) _._......._.....,..-~T••-. •••••• ••• By JOHN CUNNIFF NEW YORK (AP) -Not everyone will acree with hla latest observations about real estate! but that won't bother Michael Hirachteld, who built hi.a retaU·space brokerage firm by defyint many of the around rules. To explain: A few years ago he entered the bualneaa by purchasing a small brokeraae company for next to nothint and declaring he intended to serve retail tenants when all the competition was dealing only . with,.landlords. At 29, he now heads the nation's largest firm devoted solely to retail·space brokerage, Garrick-Aug As· sociates Store Leasing Inc. c:uNN.,, Hirschfeld startles. His latest controversial ·declaration is that many of the big, smart, busy suburban shopping malls will be ghost towns in 20 years, dead as so mamy old school buildings and gasoline stations . But, you muse, the day of the suburban shop· ping mall seems to have just begun. You see the cars in the lots and the throngs in the aisles and you think Hirschfeld, in spite of his record, has to be wrong. He accepts the challenge. He repeats his claim: ''They'll either be recycled as something else or be the 21st century's ghost towns." The evidence is already building, he says. "In their place will be urban malls -huge multilevel • 11' covered pedestrian spacff," such u in Bolton's Faneull "'8ll market or Baltimore'• barborfront redevelopment. Some of the beat suburban ahoppin& center de· velopera, such • Rouse Co., are already into the new market, and others, such u Monumental Properties Trust, have sold off suburban holdings throughout the South. But why? Flnt. we must explain the makeup of the "auburban mall, said Hirschfeld. Generally, he said, they consist of large department store chains at either end, with about 100 satellite shops in between. During the 1974 recession the department' stores decided to foresake their leas profitable de· , partments and shrink operations in order to re· duce inventories and overhead, and to make quicker profits, be said. In doing so, Hirschfeld continued, they went into competition with the satellite stores, which soon grew more reluctant to park themselves next to the giants. Satellite store marketing strategy began to change. This also was the time of the oil shortage trauma and, understandably, people were less in· clined to drive to the suburban center tor social shopping, a phrase used to describe the browsing that often preceded an impulse purchase. Trips often were limited to necessity shopping. Retailers couldn't ignore this phenomenon, said Hirschfeld, who describes a suburban shop· ping center as one that requires 90 percent of shop· pers to use an automobile, and which derives 65 Cyprus Cove. A private, walled, gated and guarded residential community. On the ocean blufh in San Clemente. With a pri- vate Swifu and Racquet Club for residents and guests only. A limited number of homesites now available. Most with °'ver .. to·be·oliitrUCted sweeping Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 .. percent of its trade from customers who have to travel at least five miles. Other problems developed simultaneously, ac· cording to HJrscbfeld. Families postponed having children. Growing numbers of women left home each day for the office or plant. And cities were re· discovered. Technology will be the coup de 1nce, if Hirschfeld is correct. People may shop via home computers for standard items, such as television sets, refrigerators, washing machines and a varie· ty of products that don't Involve impulse or fashion or face-to-face contact with a clerk. According to Hirschfeld, busy men and women, many of whom come to the city each day anyway, will find the latter Items more easily available in pedestrian mans now appearing in downtowns everywhere. In larger cities, he ob- serves, many of these malls have direct transit links. Won't city crime deter shoppers? You prob· ably have more holdups in suburban stores, says Hirschfeld. Seldom, he says, do you hear of a holdup at a busy downtown store. Could Hirschfeld, despite his swift rise, be too oriented to urban space? "I consult alJ over the country and represent tenants who used to be shopping mall oriented," he replies. Not everyone will agree with Hirschfeld, and this won't bother him. His success to date can be traced to analyzing markets and methods on his own rather than depending on conventional think- ing and research. s. ~~~~ Move-ins scheduled Move-ins are being scheduled for th1J summer at La Cfft&a by tM Sea, a new Homes by Ayres community about a half mile from the surf in Huntington Beach. A good selection remains available in the first phase of 58 townhomes currently for sale. Priced from $149,990, the development of 114 townhomes ls on fee-simple land to which buyers receive a grant. Take the San Diego Freeway to Beach Boulevard exit, drive south on Beach to Atlanta Avenue, tum right on Atlanta, then right on the first street into the development. • • • Sandcastle, the new condominium com- munity in Newport Beach, is one·half sold out, leaving 20 units still available. A 12~ percent interest rate is being offered by developers, Butler Housing Corp. Take the San Diego Freeway to MacArthur Boulevard, proceed toward the ocean to Pacific Coast Highway, then right one abort block to Avocado and left to the development. • ~~~----· ··--· -- ••• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 7 scholarships awarded By MAllY JANE SCA&CBLLO °' .. ....,,.... ..... Seven is tbe lucky number for UCI •t'ldenta next year. That's 'how many undercraduatea received acholarahlpa from UCl's Town and, .Gown this year. Winners were honored at a luncheon held at the Balboa Bay Club; where Scbol1r1hip Chairman Mary Mothy presented checks. Town and Gown lntetviewed appllcanta for the scholarships and narrowed the Uat with dlf · flculty. · "They were an so deservinl that It wu very hard to choose," said Helen Roatoker, president of , thegroup. The $31000 ln achoJarahips came from bridle sames, an tours and general membership she said, adding that $8,000 in contributions also went to the new University Center, women's tennis and lo the mUJlc department on campus. Scholars recelvl°' the dollars included Cyn- thia Garlich, Nanette Rilpb, Randy Shores, Frances Kenastoo, KeM~ Barker, Victoria Sepulveda and Roslyn NehJa. T HE WOMEN'S Division of Orange County United Jewish Well.re Fund will host the Yoav Chamber Ensemble at the final fund- raiserofthe year. Music for a Summer's EveninJ( will tune up • at 7:!IO p.m. Monday ln Santa Aila to benefit Jewlah aoclal and bumanltarlao causes in Oran1e County and overseas. Aaalstln1 with the evenlni wtll be Trudy Poat and Nancy Wise of Irvine and Greta Rosenblum and Ulllan Godell While of Newport Beach. Ticket lnformaUon Is available by calling ~·6838. A mona the volunteers receivln_g speciol certlncatee were Coast Volunteers of the Hunt- ington Deitch Senior Outreach Prosram and Marie Schne~der of the Fountain Valley Chamber of Coitlmerce. T HE VOLUNTARY Action Center of West Orange County honored National Volunteer Week with it.a sixth annual Carnation Silver Bowl Luncheon. Orange County Supervisor Harriett Wieder pnsented Paul Revere silver bowls to outstand- ing volunteers includlnl Norma Brandel Gibbs of Seal Beach who founded Interval House for battered women and chlldren and to the UCI Medical Center Auxiliary, Inc. for raising more then $800,000 for hospital project.a during the past llOyears. Starting mower was mistake When the call is heard in a few weeks, "Ladies .. ·. start your engines," 85 million women will wheel their lawn mowers out of the garage, tum on their motors and be lost until October in a cloud of blue exhaust . There is no such thing as a unisex lawn - either the husband cuts il or the woman cuts it - but whoever starts it is committed lo it for life. We bought our firs t lawn mower the first sum· mer we built the house. I said, "It's cute, but what does it do?" "It cuts grass," s aid my husband. "We don't have any grass." "I'm going to fix that," he said, and proceeded lo plant grass seed. I yelled after him, "Hey, don't do this for me. I can keep busy washing, ironing, cooking, flushing, dusting, marketing, waxing, scouring and trying to keep awake." When the grass started to grow, be made a speech to the kids. "Look, this is your mother's mower and I don't want to catch any of you trying to start it. Do you hear? Your mot.her is the only one allowed to cul the grass." Somehow that speech was funnier when Tom Sawyer first used it. My friends tried to persuade me to hold out. They said, "If you start that mot.or you will cul 1111 lllllCI ur• grass the rest of your life." The grass grew around the base of the trees and over the sidewalk. It grew beyond the shrub- bery and tickled the nag on the mailbox. The house was dark even on days when the sun shone. He was faking me out. Finally. one morning, I started the mower and cut the grass. I found a sled. a Pinto and three pre·schoolers. It also marked my enslavement lo that lousy lawn mower. I wouldn't get it cul before he'd be out planting more seeds lo make it thicker. fertiliz· ing It to make It grow taller, and rolling It to make it look like a green carpet. I had broken my first rule of marriage . . . if you can't do it sitting down, wail until you can af- ford to hire someone lo do It. One day, my daughter brought me a glass of water as I walked and sweated guiding my mower through the tall grass like a horse at a plo\f. "Just think," I said, "one day all of this will be yours." I never saw her again. Pisces: Your intuition pays off Monday, lane 1, 1981 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21-April 19): Stick to planned pro· cedures, despite possible complaints, suggestions from relatives. Finish what you start; look beyond the immediate. TAVllVSJ April 20-May 20): New start results in money fro'm '!surprise source. Leo, Aries. Sagit- HOROSCOPE larius natives figure prominently. Avoid lifting heavy objects. GEMJNl (May 21 -June 20): Moon in your sign represents high cycle -judgment, timing are on beam. Intuition is sharply honed. You'll know what lo do and when to do it. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Diversify, enlarge horizons, accept acclaim with aplomb. Previous source of fear and doubt Is eliminated. LEO (July 23·Aug. 22): Wish is fulfilled if willing to revise, review and rebuild on a more stable ing in community. Be ready for change, travel op· portunity and a variety of excltlng experiences. LIBRA (Sept. 23·0ct. 22): Avoid direct encoun- ters. Take ring roads. Family member makes ma- jor concession. Be a "gracious winner." Difcussions center on remodeling home or a change of residence. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Aura of glamour, mystery dominates exciting scenario. Dig deep, perceive potential and get financial accounting. SAGITl'ARIVS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Imprint style, avoid decisions based on superficial information. Older individual is wllling to share benefit of ex· perience. If receptive, you make slplficant gains. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-J an. 19): Avoid action! based on premature decisions. Become familiar with basic services, procedures. Those who share interests will step forth to become valuable allies. AQUA RIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): t;mpbaais on emotional responses, expression of ldeaa, new con- tacts and success through creative endeavors. PISC~ (Feb. 19·March 20): Intuitive intellect aids in resolving dilemma. Accent on property, basic issues, home environment. One who aided in Randy Shores f from left J. Roslyn Nehls, Cynthia Gorlich. France1 Kena.ston and Mary Moahy, chairman T he Assistance League of Huntington Beach honored its new provisional members with a luncheon al the Seacliff Country Club. The provisionals, who enjoyed a program of entertainment provided by the members, in· elude Sarah J a ne Ounavan, Sara Edman. Phyllis Herrel, Boni Hust.on, Eloise Jenkins. Lee Risse, Harriet Yard and lone ZOntine . Palmist, sucker hand-in-hand DEAR ANN LANDERS: I am a 28·year-old woman, in good health, and have a darling 3·year· old daughter. Recently I read a story in a magazine about palmistry. It had pictures of cer- tain lines on the palms and explained what they meant. After I read the article I examined my husband's palms. His life lines were very short. We have been planning to have a second child, but now I wonder if it's a good Idea. If my husband is going to die young, I don't want lo be left with two little children. It would be hard enough with one. When I mentioned this to him he said it was silly -that nobody can tell from looking at the lines in another person's hands how long he will live. Will you please check this out with your ex· perts and tell me if palmistry is a lot of baloney - as my husband says? -OOTZY IN HICKSVILLE r----------- . INN LANDIRS Dear Ootzy: Palmistry ls neither a aclence nor an art. It can, however. be a falrly &ood source of income for convlodng talkers who need to make a few doUars. As Barnum sald, "Tbere'a a aacker born every minute" . . . and two to take blm. A OO-non.fm&e approach to hQw to deal with life'• most diflicUll and most rewording arrangement. Ann Landers' booklet. "Mam age -What to Erpect," will prepare you for better or for worse. Send 11our requelt to Ann Landers. P.O. Box 11995, Chicago, Ill. 606JJ , enclo•· ing SO cents and a Long, stamped, self-Oddreued en- velope. I r--~ TN:;•::.. F;;c7Aa~---1 • k • k S I I FUN WAY ·To FITNESS I 1r patr1c a es 1 _ ,.. New 1Av~e 1 DISCOUNT SWIM & BEACHWEAR SAVE 33~ to 10% 01 IOST IWOR BRANDS OPE:H 7 DAYS AWH« 19527 Beach Blvd., tlrltilgton Beach (BMdl encl Y Of11 town) 714 960-6755 : J MZ ·er ·C1se ~ •. : f CENTER 1 I OPENING JUNE 1 f I · 17815-A Sky Park Circle, lrvtne I I MDIII• CWI H EVE CWIH I I Monday • hlday Monday -Thursday I I 9:15.to 10 •·"'· 5:30 to 8:15 p.m. I I • C d Supwvl1lon • 8:30 to 7:15 p.m. I I 111 per ..,. ... for 1 1 2cl11111perwllk 1 I Rtt11111 111 das • fol11 111yt1111. I I Saturd1y 1110fnl1111 end ollltr du• I I avlilablt aoon. I I Wiich for Jazz"cJ .. every Tilundey ~ 011 P.M. Mao. I I --.,_ Coll 540-8039 I --~ 'P'" or Mona 49._..219 ~---~~---------------~ 'RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY S.••fr-a. ...... ltJZ HAHOlt ILVD. California's Largest Selection of Bridal Fashions COSTA MISA-541·1 IH past is due to make reappearance. structure. VIRGO (Aug. 23·Sept. 22): Accent on career, .--------------------·'-----------l fulfillment of ambitions, prestige, honor and stand- . Daughte r s honored at club luncheon Day for ··our Daughters" was the theme of a PJ Beta Phl Mother's Club luncheon at the Big Ca- nyon home of Sydney Gibbs. More than 50 sorority members and their mothers saw a tasblon abow from Lanz of California with Pl Phis modeline the clothes. Carla Hllsten organized the show, and .Weis l'ncluded Kim Auaf, Patty Finley, Stacy Clreve, Jill Jacobs, Katie K.lft1, Llndeo Kou, • ~rol Relnbelmer, Jill Stock:aUU, Kathy Tanaka fld Kim Thompson. STORE Cc:llfomla'• Largelf , ... c1lon Of lltdal fOlhlOnl l404 W•I Weslml'\Slef Avenue Sonto Ano Collf()ll'1'() 92703 (714) 531 1871 Santo Ano • o.nver '---t......,-----Member National Bridal Service----------' co FUR STORAGE Now is time to prot~t your f ur investmen from heat and moths. Let us prot our beaut iful furs· in our cool an spacious fu r vau It. Fur cleaning and,repairs. Restyle your furs at off-season rate s. 3 Generat ions of Master Craftsme n 131-1951 ------....,.-..,,......,....,-"---··------. ---· Orange Co11t OAIL. Y PIL.OT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 ••• t The maillot in bandau, surplice wrap or one-shoulder ... reations still tops the popularity polls in swimwear st y les. These models wore suits from The Broadway. Swimsuits. • • Getting inlo the swim of things By SANDI E J OY Of ... .,...., .......... Ooe sure way to mark the beginning of a new season for sun- ning and swimming is to see what the swimsuit designers have come up with. More and more high fashion designers are getting into swimwear, according to Shelley Kaufman, fashion director for Saks Fifth Avenue's South Coast Plaza store. For example, she noted that Oscar de la Renta has created strong black and white swimsuits. One especially exciting de la Renta creation she noted is a tux- edo bow swimsuit that has a black maillot body with a white bow at the top. "It's like a band and has a little tuxedo bow in the center," she explained. The suit also comes in red with white and "Is just dynamite," Ms. Kaufman said. Another designer who has gone Into swimwear is Bill Blass. ·''He does it just like his gowns,·· the fashion director said, ''ad· ding ruffies to it." Blass swimsuits are "very slinky. very body revealing," she added, "usually in one color like a black swimsuit with a matctpng skirt. They're the epitome of elegance in swimwear." Still another high-fashion designer who has gone into swimwear is Georgio St. Angelo. His look "is very fluid," Ms. Kaufman said. "The suits just seem to float' on the body." St. Angelo's swimsuits are produced in extremely light, soft fabrics. giving the appearance of ultra femininity. Monica Tilley, who designs the Elan swimwear which has ... been showing up in all the top fashion magazines, sees the latest season in gold. · "She has used gold trim and even added a belt to swimwear," Ms. Kaufman explained, "which ls a new treatment." Gottex and Cole both are showing jungle print.a. Gottex also is seeing gold. "There are a lot of gold threads," the fashion director noted, "with gold threading into a print or a pattern of a suit and lots of gold trim." Gottex' fabric is very metallic, she added, and goes all the way to a pure, shiny gold. Blass swimsuits are ·very slinky. very body reveal- ing, usually in one color like a black swimsuit with a matching skirt. They're the epitomy of elegance in swimwear.' The gold suits look best when combined with black, she suggested, but also are used quite a bit ':Vith brights. For overall trends this summer, Ms. Kaufman noted lots of jungle prints, sleek geometric patterns and ev.en ruffles . The ruffles add in places where you need it, she explained. As for materials, there's lots of spandex and some fun suits with all-over puckering or smocking, open-weave designs for the daring and flat knits that give the appearance of the cotton knit. The tropical influence is extremely strong with the jungle prints selling well, Ms. Kaufman noted. The maillot in bandeau, surplice wrap or one-shoulder styles still tops the popularity polls in style, but ruffles and fringe and ap· pliques offer new fashion treatment.a. said Kay Haverfield of the DuPont Company's marketing communications staff. Surface interest fabrics with the stretch and recovery of spandex take on fresh looks in striking textures, colors and com· binations, she added. The textured fabri c trend that began in a small way last year has taken hold with many new variations, Ms . Haverfield said. Raised ribs and failles, swiss dots, sheer seersucker stripes, zigzags and souffles and puckers give the solid color maillots a subtle dimensional change from the familiar smooth, satiny sur- face IOC!k of nylon and spandex. When it comes to color, she added, tropical brights vie witb hues of purples. plums and blues. Whites with opacity for body coverage or as a ground for ex- otic prints in the abstract will highlight many a beautiful tan. Wh ite also pairs with black in color geometrics for dramatic ef· Cect. Stripings and color splicings, often diagonally placed, offer one · way to give the figure a slimming look, according lo Ml!. Haverfield. Although engineer ed prints of fl orals from the tropical hibiscus to anemone and orchid or not-so.tropical pansy pre· dominate, she said, primitive jungle looks are beginning to emerge as a new print direction. Swimsuit accessories, especially skirts, sari wraps or sweater cover-ups and robes also are increasingly popular this season. And, while some young women, particularly teen-agers. con- tinue to select bikinis, Ms. Kaufman noted, "One-piece still is the number one seller. It just continues on and on." . • .. .812 1 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 Presenting the new Audi "Coupe." A high performance machine d~1gned using the t~hnology de1,.clopeJ fur thl· Audi 4000 and 5000 series automoh1le,-takcn one step further Thc ~rvhnl( ., an aerodvnam1c tour Jl· foru:. Its ride•~ anv1gor,1t1nl(, wuh out,candmg ag1l11y ;inJ trad.ang. Even Man<l1ng ~111l 1c look~ fo~t. And, with m 5 l ~ linda engine l ouplcJ w a 5 speed cransm1~s1cm, 11 ''·Yet, wnh all rh1~ t'xh1larar1ng perfmmame comes t'Xlt'llcnt fuel e1.:onomy The new Audi Coupe. Come hy and ellpcricnlC It today. INCLUDES ALL STANDARD FACTORY OPTIONS. GET READY FOR SUMMER FUN! OTHER SPECIALLY MARKED VEHICLES IN STOCKI Sale end1 Sunday. May 31, 1981. All prlcea plus tax, llcense. documentary fH & deeter instetted options 90 day delivery, ord« bula only. Offer subjeci to factory price increese One only. •·• I I·,•,• . . ' ' ' ' I ~ I ! lailJPillt SUNOAV,~V31, 19'1 STOCKS CLASSIFIED C3-4 C7-12 A four-letter word meaning direction- turn to Page C6 ... Art of revival, business style Seminars now a $350 million indu~try '1.J!&'.£.A!.,ENllEAD They've become the bull· nes1man'1 church. From tbelr walls be leaves with words ol wl1dom, lnlplraUoo and conaulta· tlon. Miracles have been known to occur there. A 1eemlngly bu.med out executive bu been known to be ·tranaofrmed into an en· thualuUc employee, with only onevlllt. But un.llke church on Sunday, the walls of this pulpit change every day u the evangelist mov- es from one city to the next. Many people may not conalder the aelDbw' bullneu to be too tel'· ribly exdtlnc. It's gone lar1ely unnoticed while lt bas muabroomecl into a '350 millloo lndustrJ in U., accordlni=: re-cent study published in a on the subject called "The Seminar Market." Don Schrello, author of "Tbe Seminar Market," estimates that .nearly 1 millloo execuUves will attend aemlnan thla year at an expe111eof$500 milllon. "Seminars didn't really catch on 'tll the '809," said Schrello. •'They were an unusual thins re- served fottop man••ement. "But near the end of the ... thine• beeap to really take off nest lut January and bolted b1I flrlt aemin¥ t.bll month at the Anaheim Mlniott. Said the execuUV-. ad· mlniatrator ()f Financial Succea Seminar, "We're w'eltblnl the pros and CODI before decidlq wbetberto1000." Jumpln1 onto the seminar bandwa1on now, Murphy bas learned what otben knew months a10. ln bis word.I, "The seminar business la on the way out. It bu reached a plateau.'' Murphy blames the demlle on the public's renewed faith in the economy since the election of Ronald Reagan. Even Howat;d Ruff, considered to be the kine of aemlnan, con· ceded in a recent interview that Investment lectures are losint 1round. Schrello offered another view, saying that during the '80s small seminar companies wlll be bou&ht by lar1er companies or be forced to join non-profit oreanha· lions to get a break on poetal rates. ' "Seminar firms that survive the next 10 yean wtll be tbOle that are abletoerow," 1aidScbrello. •'The smaller firms will have a more difficult time surviving because there's 1olng to be IO many giants through mer gen." WCAL SEMINARS Orange Count11 hoa a huge omowat of 1emftlort Coking place etief'JI month. A 1ompling for June o~on below. "Creative Fblucla1" -How to create f unda in ~any kind ol market. June 3-5, Anaheim Marriott Hotel. $195. (213) 739-8200. "JeiM Vntartaa la Beal £Rate" -Opportuiiities, problems and advantage. ol joint venturin1 real estate pro- jects with both general and limited partners. June 6, 9:80 a .m.-4:30 p.m., room 142, phy1lcal 1clencea, UCI. $80. 833-5414. ••a.to W•hl rp" -~I the type of manac• ment, renters, understanding the financial, statement, etc. June 8, 8:30 a.m.·3 p.m., Sheraton Anaheim Hotel. $15-$35. 631·3092. "lavndag la Trut Deeda" -Hilb intereat potential in trust deed investments. June 9, 5 p.m. and 7 p.m., Newport Equity Funds headquarters tn Newport Center. Free. 718·60a>. .. Wllo &o Hire ud Wlaea &o Fl.re" -Small-business seminar. June 30, 3-5 p.m., Santa Ana Public Library. Free. 836-2709. "Workers' Compen1atlo• aad Employmea& Tax" - June 16, 8 a.m .·2 p.m ., Fullerton Holiday Inn. $22.50. 871-3100. .. Ueeues Le1al ud Jaaruee'' -For the amall· buslneuman. 'June 23, 3-5 p.m., Santa Ana Public Library. Free. ~2709. .,. ........ Isolation turns • into commerce Cities rely on each other EL PASO, Texu (AP) -To oulllden, Juar;es atill evokes tbougbtl of quick dlvorcea 1ambllng, drinking and scanUly clad women at wild nightclubs. But to people in neilbbortnl J:I Paso, Juares la a partner in economic stabWty - the source of pesos that are welcome north of the border. With no other major cities for be_,.ly JOO miles, El Puo and Cludad Juarez, Mexico have learned to depend on each other for commereef · creating an economic climate that la virtually oblivious to chanees ln the rest of the United States and Mexico. "We're pretty isolated here," said Mark Mllea, director of the El Puo Chamber of Com· merce. ·'The nearest city la too far for much trade to go on. There is relatively UtUe monetary connection between Juarez and Mexico. Very llt· lle comes into Juarez from the balance of Mex· ico." The cities, with a combined popu.laUoa of about 1.5 million, form the second lar1est metropolitan area along the border. Juarn ii larger, with nearly 1 million realdenll, and botb cities are 1rowin1 rapidly. "We're really one big community separated by a stretch of water and some bridges," said Don Shuffstall of State National Bank, referrlnl to lhe Rio Grande. ''There are 70 million to IO million bodies crossing the brtd•es here every year. More than 70 percent of the bualnelHI ln El Paso accept pesos. It's bie business here." A survey by bualneas conaultanll Tbomu F. Lee and Associates indicated Juarez resldenll spent nearly $90 million in El Puo In lt71. The survey said the average Juarez family made lea than $270 a month then, and spent an avera1e of nearly $30 in El Paso every week. The retail Industry get.a most of thole peso- dollara. Signs and moat salesclerks are billn1ual, and many pricetaga are in botb dollan and pesoa. While downtown areu ln other ciUes are decaying. El PaaobusUes at all boun. Sid Rosen, president of the Downtown Development Association Inc. and owner of two men's stores, said about 70 percent of the downtown customers are from Juares. "Our salvation certainly has been the border," be added. SpanW..~ ~.and throngl of pedeltnmu morlc doLOntoum El P.CllO, Te%· oa. In a period when many downtown areaa are dying, El Pcuo'1 central bunneis dis· tnctuthrlvtngbecauieofbuaine11fromnearbJICtudad,Tuaru,MerU:o. "Some of it baa to do with price," said Juarez business leader Guillermo Ochoa. "Some or it has to do with availability and some of it bu to do wllh variety.'' To a lesser deeree, dollars allo now into Juarez from El Paso. A Chamber of Commerce survey tbll Jar showed more than 35 percent of EJ Puo Nii· dents visit Juarez regularly, spencllna a median amount of $17 per vlllt, m01tly on fOod and ll· quor. "Juarez has pretty well always been a net profit to El Paso," Miles said. "It's tended to be a bedroom community. They do their bullnffl ln El Paso and live and sleep in Juares ... " For U.S. citizens, crossing the border 11 generally merely a matter of waving at customs agents. Mexicans officially need documenll to allow entry into Texas, but tbou.lanct. crou il· legally every day. ..., .... _ _,1'111 ........ Retailers monitor government policies to keep the traffic and money fiowlng. ROHn said he and others fought for retention of temporary bridge crossing permit.a, which the eovernment planned to discontinue. They convinced officials to keep issuing the permit.a, prot.ectin1 El Puo'1 cheap labor pool. Tourism once was the main bualnns ln CSee ISOLATION, Pa1e CZ> There. are no other major citV• within nearly 300 miles of El Poao and JtJarez. Do your homework before you invest Comparing franchise opportunities can result in a savings of thousands B)'PATDVNN ................. Thinking about buyin1 a franchise or bullnes1 opportuni- ty? It'• an appeallng idea lf you want to be your own boa and have limited capital and bualneu experience. But It'• Important to find out U a particular franchise or bull· Dell opportunity la ript for you. Without experience, it'• euy to make IOIDe bl1 miltakes. Now there'• a law tbat make1 sbopJJlnl fot a francblle or bull· neat ODDOl'tUDlty mucb eul•. ,....-l'raaehlM aad ..... • .. Opport.-U. ...... ...... .., ment can be canceled. Always ull: for the di1cl01ure document since It la valuable lD reaearchln1 the business and compa.riq lt with othen. JI you aren't liven a dlacle>1ure docu· ment, ull why. Certain companies are not re· quired to provide a discloeure document. For example, the aale of 1u ataUon and auto dealership franchilel are nempt. If a seller tella you bis or ber coq1pany ls exempt, check with the FTC, an attorney OI' other bualneu ad· vlter to be 1ure. II aa1 reputable businesses ebooM to dlltrtbute tbe ~- .. CONSUME.~. CLOSE-UP tM Pedlral Trede Com•'"'ce lll It'll, recam-auell ...,... to ""'*. dlle--. dotummt at ·lent 10 buda111 da1I before,_ ,., ..., _, or lepllJ -· mil ,......., to purehMe a ._. • .... dent of Documents, U.S. Govern· ment Printing Office , Washtncton. D.C. 20402. Talk to current owners. 1be dl1cle>1ure document will list their names and add.resaes. These people are a vital Worma· tlon source you can't afford to ii· nore. Try to call a minimum of 10 ownen to find out what la &ood and not ao good about the com· pany. AJk If the lnformatloa in bearing on your own aucceu ol failure. The FTC warns prcMpectlve buyen that once you purcbue the Oullneu, you'll be com'*1al with other people who ban already staked their claim in tbe market you plan to enter. Listen to the sales preMDta· lion. Some sales tacUe1 lboulcl ral1e red na11. If you're ~: "Sign today because prlffl ww JO up tomorrow," or "Aaad9er The disclosure document will list names and addresses of people who currently own and operate franchises or business opportunity ventures. These people are a vital source of information. ----------·- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 supermarkets Trends reveal diverse alternatives .e> 81 MilftN SLOANE What may our supermarketa be like ln the ruture? I got some pogalble answers to that question at the recent Dallu convention of the Food Marketing Institute. First I spoke with Frank Gleeson, vice president of Lund 's , a chain of six supermarkets in the Mlnneapolll area. · • Establishina and maintainln1 the Lund's image· ls one of our moet important objectives," said Gleeson. "We do it by otrer- in& the hiahest quality and a wide variety or all available roods. We provide the customer with a pleuant and relaxed atmoephere ln whlcb to shop, and we ualat the customer with courteous and quallried employees." Each of the Lund's stores la spacloua and handsomely decorated with displays and fix- tures that would look more at home J.n a de- partment store than a s upermarket. Each store carries about 16,000 items, a thlrd more than the average supermarket. In the produce department, the trend is toward displaying everythinl ln bulk to allow the shopper to pick and choose each plum and pear. The extensive meat displays are well stocked, but customers are urged to uk for help with special cuts or individual portions. Fresh fish is flown in from both coasts dally, and shoppers can select live lobsters and trout from holding tanks. Employees are readily available to help pick the right pineapple or the proper sauce pot. Hostesses help answer questions, rind Items and plan menus. Samples of products are frequently of· fered. Comfortable seatin1 areas allow shop- pers to rest and enjoy a free cup of cofree. Lund's also bullds it.a image by un- derwriting performances of operas and classic plays on public television. Otberwlse, the chain does little advertlaln1. The lack of advertising iJ one of the few things that Lund's has in common with the 10 H ea rtland warehouse stores ln Massachusetts, Connecticut and Maine. But Heartland is wprking equally hard to build ita own image. "We appeal lo consumers who want quality perishables, choice meats, fresh (lab and national-brand grocery Items but want them at the lowest possible price," said Leo Kahn, president of Purity Supreme, the com· pany that operates the Heartland stores. The image that Heartland seeks to create results from the eUmination of amenities and services : The stores stock only 3,000 grocery items, a third of the number found in conventional supermarkets. Items are displayed in opened cases slacked in warehouse-type rack.s. Clerks and cashiers don't wear uniforms. There are no loss leaders or speclaJs. The stores do little advertising of any kind. There is no check cashing. Customen supply their own bags and pack their purchases themselves. Lund's and Heartland represent trends that are important for shoppers to recol(nlze. REFUND OF THE DAY Write to the following address to obtain the form required by this offer of a cookbook and $1.70 in coupons from Swift Brown 'n' Serve: "Fix It Fast" Cookbook, P.O. Box 809, Lake Forest, Ill. 60045. This offer expires Sept. 1. 1981. INSPECTION -A workman inspects huge generator-alternator stators for 3,600-horse power di esel-electric locomotives under construction al General Electric's Erie, Pa. transportation equipment plant. GE is the leading domestic supplier of main line freight locomotives, switch engines, min- ing locomotives and other items. -------------------------------------· CLIP 'N' FILE REFUNDS From Page C1 COMP ARE SIMILAR FRANCHISES Get the seller's promises in writing. Any important promises from a salesperson shouJd be written into the contract. If the salesperson says one thing but the contract says otherwise yo ur contract 1s what counts. less you've had considerable dollars you spend on professional business experience, get a assistance and phone calls could lawyer. accountant or other busi· save you thousands. A few days ness adviser to help you. Tbe cost spent checking a business could of securing legal advice -while prevent the loss of lifetime sav- 1t may seem high now -is a ings. small price to pay if It saves you If you decide to go ahead and from a bad deal. purchase a franchise, get all the help you can as a new business ~.~r~,:i: Clip out lftk fll• ..i ~ It wllll almller c.aal>-oft COlll"Ofll -IM"ere .. refllftd offera wltll la.ver ... COllPOIU, IOr ........... Si.-1 collectl119 u. ........ proof• of P11r<'-w111i. 1oMl119 for ll• r .. 111rec1 rel\nl IOrma at Ille -f'MC. In .....,..,.,.. 8"d lftllllllftft. -~ tredlne wtVI frlenoh. Offfrt may not be evel~ In ell .,._ of IN ~try. All-10 --. to recelw .. ell refund. TN ............... en_. e ..... el S .. '7. TMa ...... ~~ltt.'21e_..._. ....... C\.OltOX. R-..lw a pee ..... of Clor•. SeflCI h ,.. 411lr11C1 rel\nl form and Ult f""" -If.....,.• Mlf ...... of Ll4ukl Ooroa. EIQlirff Oct. I, 1•1. COMn owe..,.. ,_......._ Rec•I"• • 90-<ent ,..._or teur 2kafll ~ 5efld llW r-lred ,..,_form --,,.,.....,.. •IM-t from any alu ~ 0..-. (TM Ila....,,. 11 -Oft IN owrwr911 of llW __,,, llKMCl ... J IEJCPlnt Jiii' U, 1•1. OLAD l'rM Wllem·O Frl11Me Offer. Receive e Wllarn.() Fri-.. Send lN req11lrecl r....,.. IOrm - lllr" Uni-M l Producl ~ 1ymbol1, -Mell from any sire Gtecl Traah a.ea. Glad Sandwich .... aftd Glad Lar,. Klkhen O.rtleet •-· EJtplrH Jiiiy JI, 1•1. LIQUID-l"l.UMa Fr• ~rt Offer. R-w e -1 of Llq11kl•Plumt. Send llle r-lrllCI refllftll fOt'rn -Ille Ml·weltfll tt...,_,.I f""" W• -rt 119ftlft « ,....., --lion llottle and -~bottle of UqoM-Plwnr • .._for llW IOrm °" tlW 1.-C. Eapl,..Dec. JI, lta. KOTTTOWSU Frn Offer. Recel .. e li•<lotl> R ... IM<mekl FoM 1(-r llowl SeftCI IN._.,,....,........ form, lout ....... of -lily .. from ScofT-• aftd O c..,b for ........ ..i Mndllne. Eapltff 5eflt. '°· ne1. STAI-WAY Otter. Rec.Ive a $1 ~. SeflCI Ille raq11lred refllncl IOrm end ow Ml·-leM lte-b from 1-St.91,..Awey C-1. EJltlirff J .... JO, 1"2. T•XIU Ftlnb*-1 Offer. Receive Ille "l'llnU- F"" a rid Game lo*." Send Ille rqul rad refllftll fOt'rn anll Ille ovnca II-from ..,, three of tlle follOW\nl: Wh atever the excuses. if a seller balks al putting verbal pro- mises in writing, that should alert you to potential problems You might want to look for another business. A lawyer or business adviser owner. Your ,banker can un- will go over the disclosure docu-tangle confusing financial mat- ment and proposed contract to ters and a variety of workshops, protect you and to see you get the seminars and community col· DYNAMO~ Offft. RecelW fOllt 90-<onl '-" Spray 'n Well\, Fentastlk, GlitU Plvl, 0.-"-lie!, S.nd tlle requjrwd refllnd lorrn end two ..._,, ...,.. Pine P-°' -Phil. For 5'1f'•' 'n Wetfl --'· llon1 from ilw 1•11 of J-llO c-.1 °' Fernll, write Ille '°* """'lier from Ille bottom tll Ult ,.,. Oft e Cl:it-ounce) Oynelno Llclllkl lAllftdrt o.t.fvtnl. EJ1p4191 •IN••I• ~of -lnsl9acJ of encio.ino.,. ounce o.c. J1. ,.,. ,,.,...,..,t. l!IQll,... Jvty JI, 1•1. bestdealpossible. lege classes are available -~-----------------------------------J Get professional advice Un- From Page C1 The FTC reports the few locally. r~ ~~~~_:_~~~~~~~~~.--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-................................... .. IRS.RULES' IN YOUR FAVDR! ISOLATION. • • Juarez. and visitors could buy cheap liquor, gamble, go to nightclubs or get a quick divorce. In an effort to change that image, Mexico banned rapid d1vorces and cleaned up much of the other acti v1ty Now, Juarez and El Paso jointly vie for con· ve nlion trade and the new tourism pours millions ur dollars into the area, said Bob Knight of the El Paso Convention Bureau. He said tourism in El Paso was up 19 percent last year. Many U.S. companies have discovered labor intensive work can be done as cheaply in Mexico as in Hong Kong or Taiwan, and in the past several years, 112 American companies have located plants in Juarez. The plants have had a big impact on Juarez' economy, Ochoa said. Miles agreed, saying, "Before we had those plants. their best income was in the tourist busi- ness. They wiped out quickie divorces about the time they opened those manufacturing plants." ·' ln dollars, S2. 7 million Is dumped into the economy of Juarez each week via payroll," Ochoa said. "It's been estimated that 40 to 50 per- cent of that is going to the El Paso side for the purchase of goods and services. That's a million a week." Shuffstall said the minimum wage In Mexico is about S8 a day, making it much cheaper to pro· duce items like electronic parts south of the border And U.S. companies can take raw materials and goods in and out of Mexico duty- rree. Robert Head, execuUve director of the El Paso Industrial Development Corp., said El Paso also is favored because of Its Sun Belt loca· tion and large workforce. He agrees Juarez also is important. "You can't be this close together without it having some effect." he said. "The more jobs there are in Juarez, the more pesos are put into El Paso:· Anything that increaaes the attractive· ness of either city will help both aides." Pilot Logbook -D ·1 p·laf Candid com~ta~es II J I exclusively m the These one-stop, neighborhood convenience center• provide 1 P<>ll ottlce alternative and a broad r9<1ge or other Hrvlces needed by bueinHMI and 1ndlvldual1 In your com"lllnlty For further Information regarding lndlvldu1t ano erea frtnchlMt. pittH conlAlct· Tony O.Sio, Executive Vice President 71190 El Cemlllo AMI. SUl!e 20ll. C#lfba(J. CA t200I (71') 7s:M7113 TAX SHELTER SEMINAR MARRIOTTHOTEL(FMhlonlelMd}, H!WPORTBEACH 1: 30 PM to 4: 30 PM Thuredey, June 4, 1181 Gain valU9ble knowledge from prominent C.P.A.'a, Attorneys, Bro!(ers, and General Partners about Tax Sheltered Investment-. How to Identity worthwhile ahettera • Tax Considerations • Leoal Pitfalla • Rllkl/Rewarda • Investment Timing • Economic Merl ta • end mOfe ... Oeligned for beginning end experienced Investors who went to preserve and increue capital. REGISTRATION FEE : $75-SPACE LIMITED 8poneored by the Institute fof ButlMM lducMton ( IBE), e Cellfomle Nonprofit Public BenefltCofponitlon. RESERVATIONS/MORE INFORMATION CALL (714) 851·9063 . ,, ........................... . Ad••rt·~ S LOOK S 700°/o RETURNS Tna1 s wnal you could neve made buying one soy • Dean con1rac1 1n M•y 1980 and selling 11 in Dec • • 1980 You could 11ave made an a<td•llonal 700• • Dy • • eell1ng 1no1ne1 conl!acl 1n Dec 1980 1nd buying 11 • Daci.. "'Feb 1981. Tna1 s •lghl In c;ommoo111es tn111 11 no aucn 1n1ng as a bad ma•ket SuDslanlral 011ns or loues can Ile made as procea move up or down Bui did you • • know lhere are ways of lim111no your •ltkl Dul '1£1 • • your profit polenhal? • Aie you su•le<I tor commoo1ly •~culltoon? You , owe 11 10 yourself 10 1nvea11gal• 11111 1nve11men1 • • a11ernal1ve Send now tor a 1!tt boolllat or call our • • 1oll·free number l·I00-221·2917 • JUSTLEE MANAGEMENT • 90 Well Streec Sulle 1906 New Yori< NY 10006 212 227 ~208 Send me your FREE bOOklol Prtni Name Addre11 : City Sta ta • Pllone Ret I • Bust Ju1tlM MOfTlt ti I • fe<Mtlllt t~1tl•f.O • commo:;:J,=d~ • 0001~110< • Zip • t"Ou•t••• without or.one "'Vmbett cennot c. OfOC.I_... • . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . COll.ECTORS CORNER R•r• Cofne • 8tampe GOLD a SfLV.ER 0.te 5-af-11 ··~····· NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING Nl W HE-AL FSTAH· INVESTM ENT OPPOHTUNITY Gelol c .... ..,._.. .... Cl. ttt.11 .., ... Kn1:i::,...,. ""1.• ..._. ~~ ........ . JOI"•-..... OJ.• '"Ill-.... -::.. ~ ,, _ _,__ __ c:.. ... -..... (114) llMMO Soutft Cont .-.au VII .. • ............... , .. __ .._c:.. ...... IHCREASI SALES WITH TOLL FREE 8 0 0 NUMBEIS lffectf•• for s.r.1ce e • ., • h• .. • Combine with edvertJtlnG tor quick rwponM • Maximum effectlwnesa nallonwldl •Salee tr•lned ~ ..c:man. • Aound the etodt MMc:e • Aeaonable ratea CALL TOOAYI ••• For stetal'-d '"'°''"-''°" 7 14 / 135-7777 IOOl4»12ST m. 141 a .......... COMM~ Con1l1taof 75 lhope, and2 offlcebulldlng1 on Newport Bay In Newport Beech. Alao Include• 80 boet 1111>9 and a 4·atory PllY parking 1tructure. Conalsta of 280 unit• In 32 bUlldlng1 on • 9.5 acre site. Include• 2 1wfmmlng PQO!s. i.cu.ul, recfutlon room and lounge. MfNtMUM INVESTMENT 12,000 -(2 Unite) The Partnerahlp la offering 18,C>e4 unlla of limited partnerahlp lnterut purauint to en Offering Clreular 4&1ed March 24, 1881. lnvHtOfl In the Partnership mutt ha\19 a mlnlm<nn Oroea Income of S20,000 and e net worth of 120,000 ora net worth of 175,000 (eicclua!Y9 of Def'IOl'lel realdence. lurnlthlnga and automObllet). VOU ARE CORDIAUY INVITED TO ATTEND A MEETING: ~EXECUTIVE SUIT~S JADE MANAGEMENT 881 Dover Dr., Suite 14 NEWPORT BEACH 714 -631-3651 $50,000 to $500,000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS • Inter••• o nlv pevwaen• • lnco•• • Co•••rclal • Reeldentlal • w .. 1a1v co••ll•enl• • Montld11 f•n41"9• • 6 aontlH to S ~· • So•them C.llfora&r ( •'11,t• f Uf loen lnfo,.atlon ecrvlcc I " , 1ur f1nt1nc m~ n•1\·d' (714) 759·1515 AMEIUCAN HOME MORTGAGE 230 Newoort Cenler Onve Design P1ua Newport Beach. Cahlorn•a 92&60 RADIO PAGER '6.1 PER MONTH For services only UDJlmUed pages and pur· cbaee yov recondHloaed pa- 1er for only SI• with 3t days paranceed pans alid labor. Be pa1ed In • fQllr county area, Lot An1ele1, 0rtn1e1 San Benardlno and River· sWe Coan&les. . l ? . . ~ 1 . : l ! .. . . t : ~ . :- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 1981 NY E COMPO ITE TRAN ACTIONS OU Of ATIO-t lllClUOI TU OU o• , ....... YOH. MIOWIU. ,.(.,IC., ••. IOnON, 01 f IOIT 4110 (tM(tlflfAYI UO<• I ll(HAllOU AllO Hl'OUIO IY THf 11.00 AllO llllTlllU , . $,oln Htl ..... ~ ..... , c ... T AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE OllOUTIOlllJ INCi.VOi T••O&IOlt flll ••• TO••· AIUOWUf, P4Cl,I(, P•• •onoe.. o•notf ••II' ClllClllN&fl noc-U(NAMOH ANO aooano IT'"'"'"' HO ••• ,, .... a a I .,. , ... .... I '' I 'I • t • II. I ... ..... l "'.I . I ..... lo. • .., ·-:~ ~ ,,,., "" r.,. J Do-it-yourself used to apply to fixing up the house . Now it involves your self. Self-help market booms How to succeed: Write book on how to succeed By DAVE GOLDBERG NEW YORK (AP) -America, help thyself. Get the answer, the word, the solution for your troubles. You're as good as you think you can be. You can attain anything. You can find inner peace, be rich, powerful, tranquil, slim, healthy, just plain happy. You can succeed at work, at play, in love. All you have to do is think positively. wear the right clothes, convert your money to gold, jog, diet and kiss your spouse. And read a self-help book. MAKING THE MOST OF oneself runs deep in the American temperament. Self-help publishlng goes back to Benjamin Franklin ("Poor Richard's Almanack") through Dale Carn91ie ("How to Win Friends and Influence People") and Norman Vincent Peale ("The Power of Positive Thinking.") But neve r has self-help writing been so lucrative, estimated by publishing sources at more than a billion-dollar-a-year business. Two· thirds of 1980's 15 top hard-cover best sellers fell into the broad category of self-help, a ratio be- ing maintained in 1981. Bluest seller of all was Douglas R. Casey's "Crisis Investing: Opportunities and Profits in the Coming Great Depression," one of a spate of financial treatises on the market. It's sold mOf'e than S00,000 copies and earned Casey al-.reported advance of $850,000 from Simon & SCbuster for what's described as a sequel with a psychological twist. BESIDES BEING LUCRATIVE, "Crisis In- vesting" does what all successful self-help books do. It plays on a deep contemporary anx· iety -financial insecurity -and provides a way to do something about it. "You can't really sell these books unless you provoke anxiety," says Michael Korda, editor-in-chief of Simon & Schuster and a best- selling self-help author himself ("Power!" "Success!".) "How are you going to sell a money book without scaring people that they'll lose every- thing? How are you going to sell a book on cancer without playing on people's fear of cancer? How are you going to sell a book on success except by saying you're a failure?" Ur. Leon Le vy, a psychologist at the University of Maryland's Baltimore campus, suggests: "MONEY BOOKS REPRESENT a very fundamental insecurity about the future and about our existence. I think It eoes beyond money, but money provides a convenient rhetoric and a convenient way of thinking about the insecurities we feel about our future." ''We're a refiectlon of what people are in- terested lo and what they.'re dolne," says Dan Green of Simon & Schuster, dispenser of Casey's bil bucks. "We can promote books, bot you can't Invent interest. We can only promote a book that the country lJ interested In.·· Sell-help authors usually help themselves first, often faillnc several times before makine it Then they offer what worked for them to others. bably will lose everything in the coming depression," reads one for "Crisis Investing." THE "MYSELF FIRST" philosophy is also prevalent in simpler, how to succeed books. In "Success," Korda advises readers: "It's OK lo be greedy. "It's OK lo be ambitloua. "It's OK to look out for Number One. "It's OK to have a good time. "It's OK to be Machiavellian ii you can get away with it." "It's OK to recognize that honesty is not always the best policy provided you don't go around saying so. "It's OK to be a winner . "And it's always OK to be rich." BUT THERE ARE THOSE who think not. Like Dr. Theodore Isaac Rubin who writes in "Reconciliations: Inner Peace in an Age of Anxiety: ••Most of us consciously and unconsciously suffer because we feel we ought to have or must attain all the qualJtJes and acbievementa society tells us we s hould. And since the Ideal of suc- cess is impoealble to attalo -let alone to sus- tain -and success Is never enough . . . self. hate and misery inevitably ensue." The reuon for the contradiction between Korda and Rubin is simply the variety of the self-help market. Someone seeking inner peace is unlikely lo read a book on power. There are markets for men and women; for heterosexuals and homosexuals ; for homemakers, joagers, dieters, gardeners, tax dodgers and pet fanciers. "WE DIVIDE READING into two levels," says Green. "One is for pleasure, the other is to get healthier, wealthier or wiser. Self-help books are to get healthier, wealthier and wiser, but there isn't one self-help market. There are incredible numbers ol markets." Even within markets there are differences. Albert J . Lowry's real estate investment guide won't find much readership among disciples of Douglas Casey. The women's market runa from one of this year's best sellers, Dr. Irene Kaasorla's "Nice Girls Do," which counsels women to shed sex- ual inhibitions, to a beat-selling series of homemaking books by Mary Ellen Pinkham, a Minneapolis housewife. SU~ OR FAILURE for self-help books is often a matter or markettne. And promotion- wise writers and publishers spend a lot of time with the title. Self-help titles eenerally fall lnto one of three cateeorles: -Short and clear, often with an exclama- tion point for emphasis. Korda'a "Power!" and "Success!"; Dyer's "No Erroneous Zones" and "The Sky's The Limit"; John T. Malloy'• "Dress for Success." -A Utle staUng a simple formula: Jerome F. Smith's "The Comln1 Currency Collapse and What to do About It"; Lowry's "How to Become Financially Independent Tbrouth Inveatine in Real Estate," or Howard Ruff's "How to Survive The Comin1 Bad Yean." -ComblnaUona, short and catehy with ex- planatory subtiUe. Cuey'a "Crtalt lnvestin1: Opportunities and Proflta ln the Comiq Great Depression;" Dr. Ka1aorla'1 "Nice Glrla Do - and Now You Can Too!" uyov RA VB TO LOOK at what the book prom lies and what It deliven," ••JS Green. That's Rutr secret. He promltel 'I am lolnl to scare you' and tben aay1, 'U you're aeared, this ii what you do.' And be delivers on tbat, ao the book'• a success." Publllben believe men people approaeb tbe boob catually than baq oa e'fel'7 word. Tbey don't can u ._, u the bayen keep phmkinc down tbeir '12.•. And .... crlUC9 take a cuual apprMeb. "II)' pertOUJ f•Unc 11 tbat wldle U..y may not do JOU a lot ol tood, U..,.'re not Utety to do a bell ol a lot ol ~m .... " ••11 IAYJ. ltonla aclmow...,_ tbat 1161 boOb CGetalD conakllrUle parodJ. "I'm out ol tbat .,.,..... DOW," m ..,., Buth• ............ ... helpful far ...... wbo dollil't ...._bow llow to 10 about ....... wbat be.....-.. ,,_. •• a~ cl .. ol ...... wbo 10 to Yal• • llanard or Pn.eteail er IOIDewMt ......... u tlMnof wbo lllltlaeti"1J no. .......................... .. daen'• ............. .,_.,,.... ... .... , .. , ...... . .... ID iii& to o.,tGa. OMO m 11811 10M Ir/ ........... -~ .. ~ ........... ·-=-'~~,-:::.;.:u• .. .... * . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 'POi II# .cond Nnte In CHANDLl!lrS bl6tory a .,No Finance Charges» oJ(er llJlll. Idell-off opening days of .our "SUMmw SALE.' .• Jba COii /JflrclJase as much jilrnlt'llre llS you wish-' talte one jUll year to pay-wltb absobdft)t nojftrance charges~ Becau.se of today) blgb lnlerest rates, Iba ,,,_,ns etJetS greater 6'Wlngsfor you at CllANDLBR-S S""'111W SALE ~Ing. ~turday, May 3~ and Sunday, May 31. ' . Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Su"day, May 31, 1981 Major networks feeling CNN's pinch ATLANTA CAP) -Whlle mllUMe ~ the cudboard·ud·tr•uepalnt emotscm ol TV'• "Geoval K=tal'' late laat Marcb, Hb· 1crtben to C Ne.,. Network bad &Get row nall for l'Ml·Uf• court.room drama, u adrell Carol ..,.... clefended ber r.putatJaa ID a Ubel 1"1t ..... tM Natiooal Enquirer. CNN, wtth naarly 1lx m.l1lloD aublcrtben nationwide, reported Un a developtna 1tory that would attract oftly pualn1 notice OD tbe major networu' evenln1 newacdta, and Jutt a bit more attention when the verdict wu an· nounced. ·'We've been lated on every aort of elualc televlsloo 1tory -the election, tbe bolta1•' re· lease, a 1boot.lna at the pNlldent, the apace 1buttle -we've puaed them all.'' 1ayw Reese Sc?!~nf.eld, CNN'9 president. ''We're two or three years ahead or ached"1e N far u overall quallty," aaya B .E. "Ted" Turner, the namboyut owner of the Atlanta Brava bueball team who created CNN and whole money -and enthU11um -fuel the one-ol·a-klnd opel'ation. "I couldn't be prouder. "We anticipate aeetn1 a little black lnk ln October-November," says Tdrner, who expect- ed to lose about $25 mllllon ln the lint year. "We'll go back in the red around the fint of next year, and then In the black for good ln March or April." CNN has used its capability to cover as they happen stories the networks must bold ror the evening news -like the Bu.melt trial or the court hearing on the teaching of evolution in Calif om.la. "I WANT TO BREAK two stories every day that no one else has," Schonfeld says. And toward that end, he says be would like to add to the CNN staff, which baa increased by about 100 from lta original 300. .. THE BUaNE'IT STO&Y wu somethln1 that interested me," 1ays Schoateld, momen· tartly relaxed ln bis office above CNN'• atate-of· tbe-art newsroom. ·•we can do thole ,lhints because we bave the time, and we bave tlie nex· ibillty." CNN, a year old June 1, hd by moat stand· ards eatabliabed ltlelf Joumallstically, provid· lng a mix of news and features for an audience that hu arown steadily trom leu than two mllUoo at the starl. And there ls some indica- tion now that the commercial netwo.ru bave begun to feel the competitive pinch. Cable Newt /Vdwork crealor Ted Turner claima to be two ueari aMod of ached.We. Schonfeld also would like to open bureaus by the end of the year ln Detroit and Miami as well as Tokyo -1ivlng the network seven in this country and four overseas. and We1al practices" in the poolln1 of TV cov- era1e ln WuhinltOn. There ls an unmistakable air of confidence at CNN, and not without reuon: CNN has, on occasion, stumbled over ill own feet -as when the network broadcast a psychic's claim, later disproved, that she bad predicted the assassination attempt. Though not the first to broadcast the report, Schonfeld says CNN was the first to correct the mistake. A week or so alter the attempted aasualna· Uon ol President Rea1an, ABC Newt complalnecl that CNN bad used videotape of the 1bootin1 to whichltwasnotentitled. -Losses, an anticipated $2 million a month at the beginning and probably creater than that, now are reported to be less than •1 million monthly, with " a little black ink" forecut for late fall. -1be audience, 1.8 milllon subscribers at the s tart, ls lncreasine. at a rate of 300,000-350,000 a month approaching a projected 8.8 milllon-10 million by the end of 1981. "We're on the air 24 boun every day," he says, ''and for that reason alone, we've got to be more careful than anyone else." DESPITE THE OPTIMISTIC projections for audience and income, money continues to be an overriding concern at CNN. "I think there's concern," Schonfeld reflects, "that we're a lot better than what they thought we'd be." EARLY IN MAY, CNN went to court against the three major networks and the White House to break up what it called "predatory -Advertisers, fewer than two dozen on June 1, now number about 100, with rates rang- ing from $150 to $800 for a 30-second spot, de- pendina on time and projected audience. •·we did get into a little trouble with our financing plan," Turner concedes. "It's cost us $500,000-$600,000 more a month than we an· ticipated, and we expected to start with three million homes, but that was a guess, too." PUBUC NOTICE uua l'UllT "ACll'IC U.I( MOTIQI ~.UL.It TIUUdl'a• 11KL•ttt•wu.c..c..1 TO WHOM IT MAY CONCaltN: Notice la ,,.,••Y t i••" I• Ille Cr•••w• of O .. TICAL l'ASHIOH, INC .. e Celllorftlo cerpor•lleft, Tr-,_(a), _ ...., _ _..,_ II .. 17 Vie U.0, ........... 9Hcll, CA ~. S.-0 Ho. 12, c-Ry .. cw ..... SUt• .. c.llfwftl•, -......... ..-... I• ....,. .... mMt IO zeLIO MOO. NICK, Tr....,•(t), -lilWIMll ...,_ I• 1111 .. _,.,. SttWI. CewllY of LM ~ M.t•of c:..tlfwftle. Tllo ~ .... tr.-.,,_ It locoteti et .. 17 Vie Lh•, ..__, BH<ll, CA~ of 0r-.., SCaW ef Col lforftla. S.lct ~ l1c1Mcr1 ... In..,_,., ot: All 111.:11 In If-. lhrNf'M, ...... ment -eeed wlll, c:.o-t Ml lo compett, LHMllOlct lm.-owomenh end L•--~·· tllal ..-.1u1 ••••• llUllMll kftOWll •• Opll<•I F left, lftC., o C.111. C«9. end loc.ol· I 1411 'Ifie Udo, -.CWI hocll, ~ Spec• Ho. 12, c:-ty .. °""' S.... Of c:..tlfornlo. Tiie Wk .,....,., wlll lie con_,,. mot• on w...., tM ll'tl\ 0.y Of J-. ltll, -,.._ mey ....... et l'lnt .. Miik 9-111, EKrow 0.-rt-I, Ito: lac,_ .... MTA. ... N. C- Or., k-'Y H11i., CA "211, c-.ty of LM ............. Of c:..tllwftlo. AU C ....... nlUM .. r.cel-ot 11111 ....,.. ..... -.., .. J-. 1"1, .............. .,....., .... lflcl .... -.,...,,. ......... I._, lft wMc:ll ~.off <Ill_,,_. lie r..:ol-Pf'ler lo UW Mio on Mlkll tM I.._, llc- 11 tr .......... "" .... ~·., Atcoflolk .._ ... C-rol. lo,., .. .._ ...... .,_....._,,,, oll litull-._, _ ..., __ .... TrMINnlr(•I for .. uw.. ,...,.. .... ....,., ......... ,,_ .......... , oro: -N. CMftllfft Or., ..... rly Hiits, CA.; '*5S. ~Aw.., -DIN. LO~ ........ LM ........ CA.All 1111.M ........ Do!M: M9y ti, ltll Zollt Modlolck .. lllNlllwd Or ..... Cont o.lly .. llet, MeyJl,ltl'I ....., PUBUC NOTICE l'lc:TITIOUI au101•• llAM& ITATIM8MT Tllo , .. ._.... ...,_ It dolnt llull· _ .. , (ol THe C.I'. GltOUI', (Ill l'llCaS, J11J ll'lorco •-. C014A1 ....... CA--. CAltL l'<Htl.STlllU, JllJ l'lorco ·-· c.toMoso,f;A .... Tiiis .....,.._ Is COftcluCWll 11Y on lft. ... ....,. CAltL l'°"aSTlalll Tiiis .....,_ -tllell wtll1 Ille c-ty Oor'IL .. Or ..... ~ ... a..y 21. 1"1. ....... .......... Or .... GMtl Dolly ....... .. .,,,_.,_,,, •• 11.1t11 t-.1 Neptune Society c•IMATtGel •u•IAL "'HA 646-7431 y __ ... .....,. .......... _ ..................... ~ .... , ""--~~ Coll IW lrw ,...;.i1o M llrt. CeM./ Mlf, McCOIMICll MOITUAllH Laguna Beacll <19<1·9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cap1st1ano 495·1776 ~ LAW~MT. OUYI Monuary • C.mettty Cremetol)' 1625 G111er Ave Cost• Mesa S40-SSS<I IM.ft ...... INrlMAnrn.L ~CMAllL •27 E 1 711'1 St Cotl•M ... e4e-931t NC FICfWW .......... • r:::n -V.Drt'9 HI=~=-a Chalknge squared off Japanese class set A class in basic con- versational Japanese will begin June 3 at the Japan Cultural Associa· lion building, 1615 North Bush St. in Santa Ana. Puzzle solvers follow editor's clues word for word By PHIL 11IOllAS ,. .......... NEW YORK -Like tbouaandl of other fans, Eucene T. Malesta enjoys aolvinl the crossword pu.ule in his dally newspaper -even though he's al.ready solved it. Maleska let.I that early shot at tbe puule beciuse he ls the crossword pusde editor of The New York Times. As such, be selects the puzzles that are published. "I EDIT THE PUZZLES three months before they appear ln the paper," Maleski says with a smile. "And when they do appear I work them again because enough time baa paued so that they are like new puzzles to me." Maleska cbatl about puzzles and puzde- mating in bis new boot, "A Pleasure ln Words," an engaeingly informal ramble through the world ol worda and lanpaae. The 15-year-old llalesta says bla llleloag love affair with worda ls "partly beredlta.ry, I think. lly mother loved poetry and my earliest memories are ol sittinl ln her lap and ll1ta.1D1 to her recite tboee lovely words. "AND llY J'ATBE& wu a neoloJlat. He loved to make up word.I. I remember be came home once and said, 'I j..t met some yum- mies.' We thought be bad met someone nice, but be explained it wu hil way of aayin1 •young dummies.'" A crack speller -"I won all the 1pellln1 bees in school" -and "booked on etymolo1y," Maletta studied Latin and Enclbh literature in colle1e. He says a mild early interest ln crossword puzzles grew when be met a firl ln his Latin class wbo loved aolvinl crossword.I. At ftnt, be says, "I wooed her with poetry. But then I decided to mate up a croaaword for her. In that puule, the fint clue Wd 'The moat beauWul lirl on campus.' 1be correct answer to 1 Acrou was •Jean.' Her name. Sbe loved It . She became my wile not 1001 after." RE SAYS THAT when be found out tbat money was paid by various outlets for crosswords he beean conatructlnt and 1ubm1t· tin.g them. "My first 40 puzzle. were rejected," be recalls. "But No. 41 waa accepted. I tot $5. I was overjoyed." While crouwordl occupy a special niche In Maleak.a'a heart, his ca.reer wu centered in the public achool system, moatly in New Yo.rt Cit)'. "l taught Latin and hSHth," be recalla. ''Then I moved into adminiatration. lly tut post wu that of community auperintendent. After I retind -at ase 55 -they named a 1cbool after me. I wu the mly pel1IOll ln New York City eve.r to have a new school named alter bim wbile still alive." llALE&&A, WHO UVES ln lluaacbusetta near Cape Cod, says be began bis new career aa crouword puule editor four years 110. "What I do, to put lt 1lmply, ls accept or re· Ject," be says. "l separate the aubmlulona -I get about 20 a week and aceept about ball of them -into 1ood and bad. "Bad puaslea are thole witb two·letter words in abundance or that contain a plethora of forelpor etoteric worda. ·~OP TB& 80NUID ol the Job ll belp. ln1 Lbole wbo 1ubmlt poor ~ but 1boW promile. I live them bi.nta oa bow to CC1Dttruct a pualle and after awhile tome ol diem betome ex- cellent CCJllltructon. '' Maleaka poiDU out that bnaklne into the Cl'09Sword puule field la dlftkalt ..... ''i• pl1 far outDumMrl demand. ID lDJ eue, I etll'· rtntlv ba" taOUP pull• oa Mad to lut aDdl Ull.r. . Wblin not edWq puul9 .. ~ ~ril .nae told. inho.rneMJl,ea them -be can comtruct a normal-size puzzle In hall an hour "ii I hurry" -be wort. on a new book project. "I'm writing a book about my career aa a public school teacher, bow I began, what ex- periences I bad, bow I ended. It'• goine to be called 'P.S., ILoved You'." "A Pl.eaaure in Word&" is published by Simon & Schuster. The class will meet on Thursdays from 7 :30 to 9 : 30 p.m . Enrollment will ~ limited to 15 stu- dents per class. For more information call 547-7733. TDDAT'S CIDlllDID PVIZLI ACROSS 67 Becomes 140 Dlsmanlle 37 Actor Ger nn.n 144 Provided Pac1no 102 Blbhcal 1 Felines 70 One tl'lal 38 Lolus lower 5 Spanish 72 Breakfast t 4 6 CllOtr voice Poetic 10• Roman rolid pine tr ea I 147 SuttlGe 39 World 106 Mild oarh 10 Clog's 73 Oolted Wtlh 148 In rH«Ve Hindu myth 107 Loung1og cousin figures 2word• 4 1 ExciamallOn garment 15 FabulOUs 74 Abandons 153 Aloma11e 42 lrosll eacla-108 Hebr- btrds 76 Break hydro-maltOn le Iler 19 A11ialor wddenly carbon 43 Froth Fr 110 Troloo 20 Owelhng 78 Furnace 154 Clotlle 44 Elhptocar 112 Super 21 Pans school lender 156 Tatk mod 45 Electrocal 2 wO<dS 22 Growing OUI S 1 Cotlecllon s1yte un11 113 Byron poem 24 Make 82 Nurse 5"ark 157 Hebr-46Wa1er lt4 Old amends 84 Overac15 letter barrier 115 Broad 25 Free(oll 88 Sullan s 158 City on Utah •8 Knee Lal 117 Naltve of 26 Gypsy O<der 159 Yugoslav 50 June VIP Sullo< village 89 Columbian monev 51 Western 119 Jacobs son 28 Indian Ind tan 160 Furoous s1ete 121 S1len1 cymbals 91 Hawauan 162 Se1voeable 52 BflStle greetings 29 Lover. old goose 164 Sllort 53 Anclenl 122 Sonol style 93 Winged 1acke1s country Scot 30 Alpine 94Small 165 Disltgures 55 Family 124 Some sound candles 166 Cllallenged member hunlers 31 Exists 96 Eucalyptus 167 Pos1u1a1e 56 Cobbler's 126 Waste 32 Walking ''" 168 Sunnite concern allowance sticks 98 Ska11ng Moslems 57 Without Fr 127 Matrlcu1a1. 34 Can . USA. surlace DOWN 60 Animal body ed elc. 99 Blots out 1 Quickly 61 Corn meal 128 Equal 35 Mountain 101 Ritual 2 Ancoenl 83 Herd Poet 129 Pardons ridge 103 Showed esta1e 66 Unwelcome con- 36 Spanish an-3 Pitch mark d1tlonall)I arllcle 105 Explolls 4 01 tlleslars 67 Household 131 Suffice 38 Of Ille side 106 HISloroc 5 Cllyot god• 133 Appear 40 Wtleel 11ack period LighlS 68 Work unll 2words 42 From the 109 Soog 6 Sacred bird 89 Postures 134 Buddha mouth t 11 Sallslies 7 Siient 71 MHoean 136 Glossy 46 Peace 112 Super greeting menunems 138 Aclleu - symbOI SPO<IS 8 Alleged 73 Passover Claire 47 Keyed up 113 Statute tore• meal 139 Crave 49 Jellyfish 116 Musket ball 9 Deny 7 4 lndooesian 140 Downcast S4 Ranhng one India 10AI-1111nd 141 P1une 55 Mideul 118 N-alar 11 Curren! 75 Sp111teo 142 Cat1rornoa bread 120 Plu1al 12 Kind OI fly hO<M rock II sh 56 Ouenchel eodlng 13 Pelfl Buck 77 Vaulters 143 Old lrlSh 58 Office 121 Famed hetolne need a germent stamp Coward 14 Oflluue 7S Suitable 146 Roman 59 01 grand· 122WtMmen 15 Akin 79 A Ge<ahwln market parent• 123 EnGourages 16 utraord•· 80 l<noci! 147 Famed 80 H H 125 Setllel nary peraon ah1rply surreall$1 Munro·a 128 Skating 17 Amveo· &3 One 0< any 149 Observe: P9fl name plllCe f8 Otflce copy. X Malle lllCe Ult. 81 IM.'s neigh-129 Peeled IOI' shofl Vichy 150 Operatic bor 130 Pro1ec1 19 Remunerate avmmet prince 82 Biblical 132 Sea bird 23Compasa 87 HIS. Fr 151 Hypocrisy gt an ta 133 Give up pt. 90 Alllrmat111e 152 Absl1act 64 Facts 134 Froot 27 Chemical 92 or-out being 85 NOl'M 135 Charged aufthc 96 Ove<Whetm 155 Plkellke fish goddess particle 32 European 97 A GabOI' 167 It ls: Poetic 8tl Walleyed 131 Withdraws juniper 98 Singer Burl 161 -0eum pltl• 139 Heart 33 H9<olc tale 100 Donkey. 163 •• ,., .. Robots new workhorses PITl'SBURGH <AP) -The)' paint can, command milllnl machines, weld automobUe pJrta, holat turbine blades, and, ln an e:iperl· nient in Australia, they are sbeart.n1 sheep. w FW1.bermore, they never call in aick, 10 oo strike, come to work with a baa,over or plcl& a fight with the boaa. And they'll wort a double shift without a squawk, never file an lnaurance claim or take a vacation. They are robots, and they're no looter com- ing. They're here. An estimated 3,200 to 4,000 are In the Amer- ican marketplace and more than double that - posaibly triple -in productlvity-consclous Japan. AND INDlJSTaY LEADE&S say that's just the beeinnin1. The lnduatry bu been climblns a dizzying 35 percent a year but that pace la ex· peeled to be eclipsed as the world moves into what is beina caUed the robot revolution. The proepectl are electrifying -a tb.ree· day work week, a whole new definition of the work ethic, a robotized home. And yea, it will do windows. One robot expert says that in 1~ yean there will be no more coal miners, only robots. Robot.a wlll be in other hostile environments as well, robots underseas repalrinc cables, robots ln space repairing satellites. There'll be robots ln · the factory ordering new parta. ORGANIZED LABOR 1.8 keeping a .wary eye on robots. "Robots themselves are not the only prob· lem," says the AFL-CIO's Dennis Cbamot. "We're in the midst of a revolution of bow work is defined. Tbe entire workplace. blue collar and white, is being transformed by microelec· tronics, automation, the robots." Harley Sbaiken, a former slciJled macblniat in Detroit and now a research fellow at MIT, says the tecbnoloay may have outpaced the ability to deal with its social implications. While conceding that robotics will create jobs, Shaiken is skeptical of the auto industry's contention that a worker displaced by a robot is free to pursue more creative work. "He's free lo stand in an unemployment line," says Shaiken. "If you defer the social costs you won't avoid it, you'll just make it more difficult later." BUT ANYONE WHO TOOK "Star Wars" and R202 too seriously need not fear a robot takeover. The mortals that program them and try to improve them say they are indeed dumb. At Carnegie-Mellon Univenlty's Robotics Institute in Pittsburgh, the largest of the academic research centers, students and.f acul· ty are working hard to implant "artificial in- telligence." In one experime nt in these basement laboratories, an arm-like robot is booked up to a television camera and then to a smaller pre- cision robot that looks like a sewtn1 machine and normally is used i.n assembling small parts of a watch. Researchers are trying to program the computer so the arm-like robot can "see" what it's pickina up and give It to the smaller robot for insertion into the preciae electronic circuit board. IN ANOTHER ROOM, one of the larger robots, Cincinnati Milacron's Tl, is booted into a milling machine which its computer operates . Researchen are trying to program this bit gold and blue robot to be able to sense what it.a "hands" pick up. And another eroup of students is workine with a robot that will perform at the sound of the human voice far more complicated tasks than from keyboard input. The robots with ••artificial intelligence'' will be able to see and feel and then evaluate to make decisions from a number of programmed options. THE ROBOTIC INSTITlJTE'S Dr. Robert Ayres remarks that he has often beard It said · that robots are about as 1nterestlng as a grasshopper. "I don't know ii I'd go that far," says Ayres. "I've seen grasshoppers do '°me pretty interesting things." There ls nothing "human-like" about moat robots. Some look like arms or clawa, otben re· semble an armored tank, or a dinosaur with a snakelike neck, and even a mosquito. Loots don't count. What counts Is the "reprolfamma· ble, multifunctional" part of the deflnlUon that separates it from automation, long a staple ln the American factory. A robot can be programmed within minute. to do another job, for instance, but remember the old job when It's time to do that acain. The robot that looks like the litUe oil pump is UnlmaUon's PUMA and it can be used to pack chocolates and sbea.r sheep. THE MATl'ER OP JAPAN'S robot.a - whether they have twice or three Uftlet tbe number than the United States -hinlet OD the defln1Uon. The J apaneae tend to use a lOOHr one, and some of the devices they call robots would be called Just plain automation ln this country. Joe Engelberter. the ever bow·tied pres!· dent of the lar1est robot manufacturln1 COlft· pany ln the world, UnJmaUoG Inc. ln Danbury, Conn., says "Everybody want.a to aaraadlse the tblnp. I'd put th4t Japanese ftiure at about 5,000 and I'd 1ay there are •11PU1 lea than 3,000 robotl ln the United States." Enaelberaer founded UQimatJoa, a 1ub- 1ldlary ol Condec Inc.. ia 11111. and the ftnt Unimate wu pJaced in 1181. But It wun't uatll 1W75 that Unlmatloa 1ta.rtecl lbowlftC a proftt. NOW rrs PaOJBCl'ING ..... "' \lP to 1'71 mUlloa by 1182. Cloee behlnd UnlmatJoD ii ClD· clnnaU Milacron, which ..umated J.m ..i. at up to '80 mlllloa. The tftenescent En1.iberpr bl bMa out t.here about1nl for robota tor a .., tllM. Bii staff manqed to aet btm on tM lobDa1 C...... 1bow u earb u i.. for a pl~ look at tldl HW ~. AmOD.I otaa.' ila!DP.1 tbe robot be brOUlbt wtila btm dlreet.d tbt DUG. Jn lbat i• appearuce, Canoa uked Ea,.. .... bow ... , .... tbeJ .......... mootb. "( told blm •· TbM WM trM, llal Jmt , ....... IDOD&la. Tbe DUt ......... ,,.. -- dowa to IGur." Now.._. II a mGDtla .. rolJllll • ... M· MmMJ UM, all, &MW-=, ......... ~ .. •• -. llGt l'OllGU.,.... ~--· p.t .... . ,.... .............. .... s...., ... ol emt.•n .... ...,... ~ .,., ..... -..hz:-.......... .. ........ -..... .. ...... ? ••• ......,.._ ( I • • I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. May 31, 1981 AllllUllUIOOS. POSllALS& LIST &Fl•I ... The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 74% of people buying rtal e&tate hilve read cla&llfitd adl in the poat ~ek. a national study indicatet . ...... ..,. Wt ...... ..,. w. ....... ..,. We ....... ..,. w. ....... hr We r ················· an ····•···••·•··········· •·•··•·····•····•••·•·· •••·•••··••············ ······················· ···••••••··•······••··· Del.tu .::.:. • .. :·. ::: lllOIS: .. Mitten •••r.. 1002 lwr.. llOJ ,, .. ,.. 1002 a ... ,.. 1002 l1Mrtll 1002 ~':: ... :· ... :.:: :·: = ..... Ca.cit ......................................... , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~=· : ·. . ·::: ..., w1 ,..,... .,.. IUILD ~---..... ""f";l::l• . ma ron 1 ... .....,.. n. 3 MOllUNITS ~ ~1''""6 \'i ..i • ..... ..rm DAILY Pl.OT•• •n While you live in a '1 :~,.:.ie., ·~·· :_:_:.:. · : ·:! iw.11ty fw .... first beautiful 4 Bdrm 2 bath, M 1101 •...•....•.•••. ,,.. h•co'rr•ct l•Hrflo• country cott•ae on a ~!.,. ·. ·: ::~ dynamic R-2, 13,ooo OPEN THIS wrrvrun l S P""""'.. . . . .. ... . "• Ollly. sq.ft. lot. Lds o( privacy """"""' • ront... . . . .. 11110 and a develorrs dream. 4• 1 Vt ST.... SUllTI. Ext l ::r:'t1t• .. · ... . :: --------1 Owner wll llnance. • ~ reme Y popular "°'" r111 Hom. $169,000. Hurry, this one Plan "X" in lovely setting. 3 bdrm, =y .................. :.:JI •••••• ~.~~........ won't la1t. S46-231S -f&am /kit, formal dining room, 2 frplcs, :f::f.°::pi; · ··:·: · · ·:!: G....,... 10o2 great wrap around patio. Offered at THE R E A L ESTAT ERS Votbwaa•• . . . tnt • • • • • • • • ••••••• • •• • • • • • $'l28, 000. Voho • mJ llG FAMILY c-.-.i A¥TIS, MEW .., 2 GIANT G«M•a1 ~ts, USEI .. s Bd;,~~t.!~ huge ~S. :.: family rooms. dining CadllUc •• • •u rooms, fireplaces, mam- Caaaro •11 moth rear yards and ~=-.. : more extras. Private =._, ... : tree lined cul de sac, cencti. -large essumeble loans, WATEIFRONT CONDOS HUNTINGTON HRBR Purchase with S% down on fantastic terms. Brand new..1.. cpt'd & draped. uN THE ARST TIME llJME BUYERS SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM Flnt Time Home Buyers e Ari opportunity to get • •tart et the MCurlty of hOme own•ehlp HOWi • MALP the down end H.U! the mthly. pymts Sponsors • Th• Htlafectlon of helping otherl to help them•IYes. • Lucretive flnenciel end lex l>etlefits. CoMM.tlJOMS .. 6Jl-0771 for FUI lltOCHURE SELLERS! ~ .. ':" ~o:.":-. .• WATER. Guarded gate ----------------· ~~ 1GJ creative finan ci ng ~ : avelleble. Call Betty or l:':' = PhylJl.a. 546-2313 ll•v.nr~ INT ...... ,1 . •• • ••• .. =c::t.. . . = ~::....u.. . ...... :: THE REAL ESTATERS entry, views, 2 car gar. Pool and tennis 2 & 3 BR 'S AVAIL IMMED. From $299,000. Call 714 /556-9600 YOU GET MOU FROMT .. STORE helat . . -Tiiw>derbord • • • ISIO v.,. . . . . . . . . . . . "'' .......... Mo •10 ··-llALTOIS DONT MISS T .. S! EXECUTIVE HOME -= ~:.~.~~ ........... . -'* - tllO ti.a tlJll ... . tUI tl• ""' ... - 11$10 -- P•l1!wr'1 Notice: All real estate ad· vertl sed 1n this newspaper is subject to the Federal Fafr Hous-ing Act or 1968 which makes it illegal to ad· vertise "any prererence, limitation, or d is· cr imination based on race. color. religion, sex, or national origin. or an intention to make any such preference, limitation , or dis · crimmatioo " A Sale You can make even in thes_e times. The largest "1650 sq. ft." Condo for sale in area. Cement drives, air conditioning, micro-wave ovens, trash compactors, pools, parkside & all shopping locations. Owner will coosider local exchanges. Mesa Verde West. 4 Bdrm & pool. Xlnt financing. $205,000. LIDO SANOS Country French. 3 Bdrm 2 ba. Xlnt terms. Steps to beach. $179,950 NEWPORT SHOUS Two excellent homes available. Both are 3 Bdrm 2 ba. Terms. $159,900 & $179,900. NEAR LAKE- Gated community for total privacy. 2 Bdrms plus den. Pool and tennis. Good loan. A steal at $180,000 . INVESTMENT IUYlll 2 year old townhome in Woodbridge. Priced to sell. 3 Bdrm -2112 bath doll house. Take subject to existing loan at 10347< annual interest rate. Or buy with 10"/c down. ---~10 ···--WILSON PARK CONDOMINIUMS OCEAN VIEW COHDO 2 Bdrm 2 ba. Rent. lease or sale. $149,950. This newspaper will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in viola· tion of the law . 310 w. WMso. CoateM...,CA 714/'31-5055 2000 Wnt lalboa 11\'d. N•wpCN't l•och '7 5-177 I MACNAB IRVINE REALTY PRIMI IAYFROMT LOCATIOH "Casual elegance'' personifies this magnificent 5 BR, 8 bath residence w/close-up view of boating activity from nearly every room. Lovely formal living rm, family rm w/expansive fully equipped wet bar, rustic game rm. Pier & float will accomodate 3 70' boats. Appt only $4,250,000 includes land. Joann Akerman/Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (K35 ) LI MOA ISLI • TURNING IASIN VtlW The "Boat Parade': is everyday. 70' pier bead line w I "U dpck" for your yachts. Cozy family room with fireplace, formal dining w/dramatic 2-story window. 5 BR, 51h bath home on 24 hour security Island for your comfort. $2,100,000. To show call Dona Chichester 642-8235. (K36 > ... USH MOl.MAMDY ISTATI One of the finest custom homes on the golf course w/night light views. 5 BR (each w/bath), family rm, study, mstr suite w/fplc & wet bar. Gourmet kitchen w/bandpainted cabinets & imported tiles, separate maids rm, butlers pantry, wine & billiard rm. 4 fplc, sauna & spa are some of the many amenities. Craftsmanship & detail are found in the leaded glass windows , moldings & paneling. Security system. 3-car aarage. $2,000,000 Lynne Valentine 8"-6200 (K37) MIWPOIT"S NIWIST IAYPIOMT COMMUNITY With dockin1 for lg. craft a.lone its H7' of bayfroot, this clean·llne contemporary bome celebrates the watenlde life! Beyond ill akylit 2-atory entry ia a step.down llvini rm w/fireplace • wet bar, dininl It brldat rma w /bay views• a library w/bath whlcb converts to a rueet rm. Up1t.aln, an enUre win1 mfolde the master eulte w/aepera&e 1itUn1 rm • fplc, and another wine boldl 2 more Bill • baths. MaJd'1 qtn ba1 private lllb'ance. fl,500,000. Larry Dy• ea-ms <X31) . HARIOR RIDCiE "JOOILLI" MODEL. 1st offering! This professionally decorated 3 BR home is a sparkling jewel which has been professionally decorated in elegant style. Found throughout are custom wall & window coverings, oak floors & cabinets + a unique stained glass ceiling in the kitchen. Spectacular views from family rm, kitchen & breakfast rm + used brick wine cellar, expanded family rm, air· conditioning & private security system. $1,175,000. Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (K39) ' IUUTIFUL IAYF~OHTI 3800 sq. ft. of perfection on the bay at Promontory. Gourmet country kitchen, spacious master suite w /fplc and beautifully appointed living & family roolll.5. Large slip and space for 2 side ties. $1 ,145,000 incl. land. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (K40) OUTSTANDIMCi IAYFROMT OFFlllMCil Dramatic 4BR home w/pier and slh> featuring mezzanine study, separate family rm plus formal living and dining rms. A quality r esidence throughout. $1,100,000 incl. land. Sandie Fix 644-6200 (K'1) SPICTACULAR OCEAMFlOHTI Cliffs & crashing surf, Catalina sunsets & a 4 BR home w/family rm & 2 fplcs. $895,000 Barbara Aune 642-8235 (K42) OPEN HOUSE 132 McKnight, Laguna, Sun Only 2·5 srt•LASS -Ocean and night light view. Lovely 4 BR + Den with pool & spa. Spacious court yard patios. Great for entertaining. $729,000 Maril~ Kershner 642-8235. OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5. •9 Montecit.o, Corona del Mar. CK-43) lUMMll PUM • WIMTll IMCOMI A wonderful duplex on the oceanfront in Newport Beach. Your choice to use the lg 3 '\R or the 2BR ri1ht oo the sand. A great investment w I good income Potential. f725,000 Coby Ward 642.&285 (K'4) TUITtl IOCI .. STIWAIT' WITH YllW Beautiful 5 BR home w/pool, 1pa "view! Excellent loeaUOa on cial-de-tac. Great. usumable loan. 1499,000 Derlene Herman 152.·1414 (K41> HAAIOI VIEW tlLLS Desirable cul-de-sac location near park in Harbor View Hills. Popular 5 bedroom Hillsborough Model on fee land. Large family room and master suite. An ideal family home· with all the amenities for entertaining. Secluded yard with pool. L. Valentine 644-6200 (K46) TURTLI ROCK PRESIDINT. Prestigious home w/4 BR, 2"'2 bath, powder rm, family rm w/fplc , brkfst nook, formal dining, lg living rm w/fplc plus 3-car garage. $410,000 Lee Henkel. 752-1414 (K47) NEAR SOUTH IA Y NOHTI Balboa Island . delightful 3 BR, 2 bath English cottage w/many custom features. Full-size lot, $375,000 incl. land. Submit offer. Dick Halderman. OPEN HOUSE 1:30 · 4:30 . 118 C.Ollins Ave. Balboa bland. 642-8235 (K48 ) HAllOR VIEW HIUS Best Value -Great home in marvelous neighborhood · Handsome exterior · 4 spacious bedrooms · large private lot with spa -three car garage on quiet street. Fireplace and family room. $299,500 Leasehold. Call Barbara Aune 642-8235 {K49) RID TILi ROOF Specious 4 Brs home on comer lot w/mountain view. Huge bonus rm, wet bar, .brick patio for entertaining & · CHARMER IN OLD ILUFfS Highly upgraded Franciscan model · 3 BR, 21h bath in the most desirable section of Old Blufrs in beautiful expansive greenbelt. Featuring imported porcelain fixtures throughout, Mexican tile in entry & kitchen, quality plush cptg. custom shutters, designer wall coverings & drapes, marble flooring in bathrooms. The ultimate condominium style 1i ving. Washer. dryer & refrigerator included. $239,500 Young Piirk 551-8700 (K53) LOVELY "LINDA•• PLAN First offering ! Single level condo w/3 Brs, 2 bath in the Newer Bluffs . Greenbelt view, wrap-around patio, many extras. $225,000 leasehold. Dick Halderman 642-8235 (K54) NEW ON THE MARKET • JUST USTEO! Highly upgraded 2BR & den, 21h bath University Park Peters townhome ·Plan B w/private spa. Good loan available to new qualified buyer at favorable rate. $189,000. Can be purchased furnished also. Sandie Fix 644 -6200 (KS5) .. TllllFIC llG CANYOH COHDO-THIACE PRICE This lovely, light upper unit needs a new occupant immediately. You'll love all the prestige and lush Big Canyon facilities in this comfortable 2 BR home. Perfect for a bachelor or couple. Excellent assumable loan. Susie Weiss 551-8700 (K56) low maintenance yard. Quick possession FOi THI YOUM• FAMILY Beautiful 3 BR possible. $299,500 Joyce Edlund, Paula home with family kitchen-upgraded Balley 642-8235 (K50) carpets and drapes . custom shutters · lovely covered patio. qose to parks, schools, and shopping. $137 ,500. Mark Hanson 551-8700 (K57) MISA VBDI ·SI JJ.IOOI Bright & cheering• BR remodeled home in move-in condition! 1 Assumable financing. Ready " waiti.n1 for its new family! Paµla Balley 642-8235 (K58) · SIAWIMD Harbor View Home located in Pbaae III w/ single story, 3 BR, 2 bath & near comm tennis & pool. Security protected. $259,500 land incl. Jennifer Sucbomel 644-6200 {KSl) MIAT IUY IM THI ILU"S Beautiful • BRS, 3 bath home on lg 1reen.belt location. Hl1b beam ceilings, parquet noon " ebutten tbrouachout. Additional 1toraae rm la 1~r~. Close to 1hoppln1 • eehool•. sm leaaebolcl. Donna Godlhall 8'4-GOO <XII> CHAMPA ... TASTI at a price you can af· ford. Channing 3 BR home in quiet, well maintained nei1hborbood. Subtle earthtone cpt • paint, set~ w /crisp wbite·ahuttered windows" doon. New kitchen appliancea • room. Space for RV. Sl28,000 Betty BerbhlreNZ-8235 (1<59) a Dr. Theodore Maiman hold& original l<uer, 21 yeara after he f'rat 1aw the light. Maiman's bright idea Innovator insisted laser's glimmer could succeed By JOHN BA&BOUa LOS ANGELES (AP) -The day didn't Impress him. It wu either cloudy or bri1ht, before lunch or alter. He doesn't re- member or was too excited to care. Whenever it was, those 21 years a10, one can lma1ine Dr. Ted Maiman praying, "Let There Be Coherent Light," and throwing a switch, and, lo, there was coherent light. So was the laser born, only a whisper of what It would be, but born nonetheless. a glowin1 ruby crystal, a bet against the odds, an invention that bas transformed our lives and will for decades to come. NO ONE COULD foresee bow many ways the laser would change the order of thin1s. not even Theodore Harold Maiman, so high on the moment he for1ot when the moment occurred. It would be useful, he knew, in the laboratory and would have foreseeable uses In biolo1y. medicine, communlcatioM. But who could guess then that it would measure tire tread, re- cord video pictures on a disc, cut diamonds and metal with super- preclslon, repair tom retinas, erase birthmarks , speed telephone conversations, aim artillery, make computers more efficient and unify in a few plastic cords that maze of wlrlnl under the dashboard of your car? What Maiman bad wrou1bt that May day in 1960 was inven- tion. Putting the laser to work in useful ways was innovation, a neat distinction In this modem world. HE FOUNDED and later AOld a company which produced in- dustrial lasers and improved on laser performance, made lasers that were used for chemical and gas analysis. produced the luer that was the first to send a 111.ht signal that echoed back to earth from the moon. Now at 53, he 1uides TRW en- terprises that use lasers to send lllht communication si1nals throu1h fiben' replacin1 acres of copper from California to New York to London. And be toys with the Idea of laser TV, which would produce perfect color and perfect resolu- tion in life-size pictures that could han1 on your wall not much thicker than a framed oil painting. But the ne1atlvism that stymies the inventor sometimes bloeb the innovator u well. So when Maiman moved to lnnova- tion, he knew hi• enemy. The pursuit of the laser bad in- troduced them. ... WM RACING in a leasue wttb the top aclentllll of tbe world," be rememben now. ·Everyone wu work1D1 oo mak· ln1 a luer -IBM, Prtneetoa, MIT. RCA, Bell, Columbia, the top labs lo Europe." A lot of people tbou1bt it would just not work. Even some of the people be worked for. Maiman labored in "the only machine shop In the world with parquet noon," part of a 're- search and think palace tucked discretely Into the hiU. above Malibu by the Howard Huattes oreanlutlon. But all wu not well lo tb1.a Camelot setttne. There waa pressure on him not to throw the switch, because no one llkea failure. There was preasure withln the corporation to phase out hia project, because it was ulna up valuable research and develop- ment funds. THEY GAVE him aometbinl like $55,000 and nine montba, make or break. "They tboueht I wu bealinl a dead borae." Alter all, they reasoned, preaUCioua acientllll workinl on other luer deaips bad atualed the ruby crystal and found it wanttnc. For1et the ruby, tbey said. It won't work. · "I had the feelln1 I waa IOOll to pull It off. Whetb4!r it wu daydreamin1 or whatever, there w aa a tremendous emotional load. I wu excited." EVEN AFrEa IT worked, a number of 1clentl1t1 said it wouldn't work, a aclentllic Journal turned down a paper on It. Mahnan wu crttlclled for re- portlnc lt tO the preN. To be IUH, about half of bJa crltlCI tot on tbe bandwa1on and ac- elalm.S htl 1ucte11. But tbe' penllt.Dt ne1at1vlatl be1an to call It trivial. Some said it was an accident. Maiman wu too happy to be an1ry. In the perspective he had now, be likes to quote another scientist whose discovery was called an accident. "I always have these acci- dents when I'm workltie bard In the lab," the scientist used to say. It was nonetheless 1raWyln1 and a litUe mystifyin1 u well, the performance of Maiman's invention. The president of the American Meat Packen Assn. wondered lf the laser wouldn't be a 1ood, merciful way to d11patcb bop in bll alaupter bouae. Someone from the Ice Capades wanted to use it for 1potll1bt1. Reporters im- mediately went to the "death ray" angle. AcnJAILY, THE luer bu some weapooa applications. It la used to tulde mi11Uea, to de· termine the ran1e for artlllery, and can even replace copper wirea in military vehiclea, or any veblclee for that matter. But only in space, ao far at least, where there ia no at- mosphere to impede the Uibt rays, would the luer meet Its moat likely death ray environ- ment. So the innovator la somewhat 1uarded ln bh lorecaata. But who would have SUeued the day that Ted Maiman threw tbe awtteb that the luer would be rlftned to 1Uch preclllon it could, without barmtn1 human Ulaue, evaporat. lnk below tbe 1kln'1 1urface and erue tattdol. It can ad doel. - au s s "":'-·· -~,...._ ___ ------ TRY THESE CLASSIFIED INFLATION FIGHTERS I GJVow Thu Can Sell More ... with Daily Pilot PENNY PINCHER ADS Only $3 3 lines for 2 days only $1.50 a day Advertise one or more Items valued up to $100. Each addltlonal line Is only 66c for the two days. Sorry, no commercial ads allowed. Charge Your Penny Pincher Ad or use your BankAmerlcard or Master Card §VoW...§VeW... More value for your DIMES -In the famoua Dally Pilot DIMES-A-LINE ADS Advertl•• llem1 up to 150 In velue In DlmH·A.Une Ida every S1turd1y In th• Delly Piiot. Bring your •d whh cHh to eny of our three convenient onlce1 or mill your copy with • cti.dr or money order for the correct •mount. 20c per tine, S1.00 minimum. Sorry, no llveatock, produce or plent1 end no commerdel Ida ere eltowed. Eech Item muat be priced with no 11•m ove1 150. Dlme•A·llne 1d1 mey be pieced et the Coate Me11 onlu unlll 3 p.m. Fridey, untll noon Frldey et the Legune Beech or Huntington Beech onlce1. THE BIGGEST GARAGE SALE ON THE ORANGE COAST IS IN THE DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIEDS ....... for s. ..... ",... s. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,.. 1002 ....... 1002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• II~ MIWPOltT llACH ALMOST 'I> ACIL Mini -Estat~ located on quiet , secluded, cul-de-sac. Used brick spa. R. V. access, productive fruit trees and hybrid tea roses make it most appea l i n g . Immediate occupancy-owner was transferred. Price adjusted for quick sale to $245,000 -Call Martie Keepers - MACNAB-IRVINE RF..ALTY (714 ) 855-4343 (K60 l EXCLUSIVE ILUFFS umHG -Well located single level, popular floor plan. The expanded dining area also adds to the panoramic view from this end unit with 3 hrs., 2 baths. ins ide laundry, two patios and just a short walk lo community pool area. Call now to see this well priced home al $225,000. Kathleen Kelley MA CNAB·IRVJ NE REALTY (7 14 )855-4343 (K61 J !OUL UifiXl. IO!.&l. IA!'llNOl'la L&OUJU. JIIL.UI Al101A Dmoe Park 26201 Pueo de AllolA "'106 i.a,uo& HWs, CA 92663 155-043 Little Miss Muffet sat on a Tuffet, along came a spider and read In the Daily Pilot Cl11ss1Cied section about Miss Muf· fet 's Tuff et and bought it for $9 .95 You can sell your turret and lots or other things through Daily Pslol Classified Ads Ca.!.!_642·~\_ OPPottTUHITT knocks often when you use result-getting Dally Pilot Classified Ads to reach the Orange Cout market. Phone 642-5678 Pete Barrett Real presents JASMIMI CIEIJC Beautifully decorated Plan 2, newly landscaped with spa, new skylights, custo m fixtures thruoul, new carpets and cabinets. See Today! #5 Morfthne. CdM Oplll S. 1·5 VACAMT AMD ASSUMAIU View windows open to private garden and patio. 3 Bdrm home has a "peek" ocean view from upstairs. Well localed on quiet cul de sac, just 4 years old. $150,000. 1019 Gletl Cr C.M. O,... S. 1-1 VIEW-VIEW-VIEW Seldom available view property in Broadmoor. Harbor View Hills . 4 Bdrm. 2 1h baths, excellent condition in quiet area. C.Ommunity pool. Excellent assumable finan c ing! $429,000. THMS-TEIMS-THMS Owner will help fin ance this fine 3 Bdrm contemporary home. In excel len t location on Balboa Peninsula Point. Call for all details! 502 "I" St. lolboa. Oplll S-2-4 IALIOA ISLAMD DUPLEX Best fina nc ing ! Just steps to South bayfront. 3 Bdrms and 2 baths, plus 2 Bdrms. fireplace and mini bay view. A m ost excellent buy -call for details and appt. to see. MIW ORLEAMS COMDO One story, 2 Bdrm a nd 2 bath with extra large yard . In super conditio n ! Nea r 17th Street shopping. EASY T O QUALIFY FOR THIS LOW PRICED HOME. Call Liz Beazley for details. DOVEi SHORIS-ftllMI LOCAT10H $50,000 price reduction! Marvelous 3 Bdrm he me with fantastic grounds. Large formal dining room, custom patio with barbecue. firepit and s pa . Excellent financin1 available ! $425.000. IALIOA COVIS-aAYFROHT Pier and slip for 45' boat. Plus, sandy beach, plus n ice bayside patio. Enjoy casual living·in this 3 Bdrm home. $550,000 incl. the land. WATllNOMT OM IAUOA ISLAMO 35' on the waler with pier and slip. Comfortable 2 Bdrm cottage with 2 bdrm guest/income unit over 2 car garage. Seller financing available! f795,000. Call Max >.clrlan to see. ""MOITH•A Tl .. IN MISA NOllM See this 4 Bdrm, comfortable f amtly home in move.ill coodlUon. Near Fairview and Paularlno - convenient to shopping. call Jim Villera to see. $127 ,000. HOWAID RUPP nrt HIOlo.AWAY 2 Bdrm charmer, surrounded by_-. ac:ree of mature Oran1e trees In tllil rolllng country1lde. 90 mlnut• from the beach and only •175,0CI». Call Linda Oeth today. I ............. S. HMMt ,_. S. ............ S-. HoutH For Sdt HOtitt For Sdt Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..._.. IOOJ ., .. ,.. 1002 hw• 1002 ~.. 1002 !:~~~!'! .......... ~~~ ~!.~~ ........ ~!!!.~.~ ...... , ~!!:.~.~ ....... ~:.~~ ....... . 41 •• ••••••••• ••••••••••• •••• ••• • • • • •••••••• •••• ••••• ••• ••• ••••••••• •• • • • • •• • • • • ••••••••• •• 1i .. 1002 • • _. 1 ooz· OIC..-"'TOI -••r · G1 .. r.e IOOJ 100% -wr. c OMDOSa ''.too Mo DOWN saca.uot0 ••••••••• •.... ••• • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• •• • • • • •• • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • ••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• Windln•1rMObekale_ad PAYMENT IAStstol C,1' , .... In MEWPORT • to brl1bt •lnate ator1 Pay cloaln1 t'06ta only! Reduced! Huae 4 Bdrm 1, 0 l!WDOI'/ RG IM condo. Exqullil•b' dt· Buy your own home! c:,i:,-u:oo..Jo.:~;:·:~ln~ " r -Pactu!~ue t!ck bay 3 Da lebout co rated wJth cuatom Spaclo\.11 4 Bdrm, quiet, king alied bdmu, hu&e Bdrm 2 bath, pr de of wallpaper and eabtnttry prtme locatJon! tr you "'t .. ~ ""In h thruout. Formal dtnJna can afford Sl,21.S mon· country .. Coen. r anc RE •LTORS owntirablp homt' wll a room too! Owner will Udy payment, but don't ~u'm~by:a~t L;j.(fe .~'d .A ~y~~~~. r~f~11pr7:~f: Bay & Beach cooperate with flnanc· have the down pay-owner will helf with 47s-5511 yard. Bargain priced al ln1r Won't tut at lhl• me n l d 111 c 0 v er rest. Don't wal . Cull , OPEN HOUSI I ·5 Sl68.~00 Call to He! pr1ce,1ocaUnow. T .J.C.K.E .T . HOME 6316990 "'"" 7171 I E t t THE ~EAL ESTATE~S PURCHASE PLAN. Call . '"" Rea s a e ffi tt:n~y o'~~r':':t 1f{fl,~: (+\ 423 Lugottla NIW,OltT SHORES; .,._.. 3 ~ 983-6767 ~ ........ 2 ba hotH. Optft ..... c. ........ , REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 SEA COVE PROPERTIES THE :REAL ESTATERS SEA COVE ace"• to oct• btach. clubhouM with '"' PROPERTIES TEHMtS & pool. Juat SllS.000 lMIL Ope 714-631-6990 714-631 -6990 MES.A VERDE -PRIME LOCATION Charming remodeled 3 bdr. home, featuring big fam. rm. w/used brick fireplace. Lg. assumable loan -asking $159,000. Jackie Handleman. TRIPLEX -SANT A AMA Two 3bdr., one 2bdr. units each w/encl. 2 car gar. Near South Coast Plaza. 21h yrs new. Asking $189.000. Jackie Handleman. ' CHEERFUL ~y IRIGHT 4bdr .. one sto ry home w/pool & spa located near regional park in Mesa Verde. Price reduced to $185,000 sellers motivated! Jackie Handleman • NEWP<>n CREST Spacious 3bdr. overlooking pool & tennis courts. 2 patios, wet bar, neat & clean. One of lowest priced condos in Newport Beach -$185,000 J ackie Handlem an. FOUR ILUFF CONDOS FOR SALE 2 story 3bdr cathedral ceilings $219,000. I level executive with s pa $337.500 FEE Exclusive listings below -principles only please Large 4br fm. rm. $290,000 FEE Beautiful 3br some back bay view $247 ,500. For appt call Pete J ohnson on Monday 631-1266 IDEAL LOCA TIOH Immaculate 3br, 2ba pooJ home, located minutes from Mesa Verde GOLF COURSE. Call Anne Mcca sland 631-1266 $159,500. MESA VBDI VALUE Sharp 2 bedroom condo in Mesa Verde. Priced to sell at $98,500. Call Anne McCasland 63 1-1266. UCELLl:NT AMAHCING AV AIL 3br, 21h ba condo + bonus room in Fountain Valley. New carpet, ceramic tile a nd loads of s tained g lass $112.000. Call Anne Mccasland 631-1266. CAMEO SHOR.ES :&br, 31h ba, lrg family rm, dining rm., 180 view, private beaches, pool & Best Cameo buy at $724,000 FEE. Great financing Bob & Dovie Koop OUHGE & AVOCA.DO RAMCH 78 ac. sub. div. m a p complete, 4 sep parcels: sell all or part, heavy producing. Bob & Dovie Koop WA TERRtOHT 30' DOCIC Bachelor pad, very private, master suite w /view & spa. Lrg sit down wet bar, grt sun decks, price $525,000. Excell terms Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1266 W .ATIRNOHT EXCLUS.VE 4br, 4ba + m aids qtr .. ~ ... \\master wuite, room for 2 lrg'boats, t~ \\ s, low down. Price $1,000,000 Bob & IJ ~ ~ p "3" HEW,OIT CUST CONDOS 4br, 3ba family room, wet bar, din. rm., ocean view, tennis, Pool. "3" to c hoose from, starting $197 ,000 to $210,000. Bob & Dovie Koop SPYCiL.US .. u. LIASI Sbr, 4ba faml{ £ A""W'al ·dining. Balcony off ~~er bdrm. .) E ano Bob & Dovie DOVll SHOllS ROMT ROW 4br, 4ba formal dining, family rm. pool, s uper view ocean, back bay, steal this total fixer. Seller carry 1st T . D. Asking $480,000 Bob & Dovie Koop ... CANYON LIASI • 3br, 3ba formal dining. Large master suite, very sharp, pool, view, hot tub. $2000/mo Security auard 1ate .. Bob & Dovie Koop llY•LASS t&L LMSI 3br, formal dln1n1, family room. 2 fireplaces, lrg. yrd. '1600/mo Bob & Dovie Koop MllA -MAI 5br, 3ba, larae yard, cov. paUo, new carpet, paint, noor covertn1, paper. oven. best buy at $162,000. Low down. Bob fr Dom Koop HM Sun 1·5. 702 Manauerltt. OLD COM: Cu,,.a.9 '~·· wa• to btachtt. ....._ eo.Mstt of OM J ldnft, Oftt 2 lchll .tts. OM wltll fi,..,-t. Optn Sun 1-5. Alldng $279,500 COLE OF MEWPORT REAi.TORS 2515 E. Coa.t Hwy., Cof"OllCI det M. 675-551 I You've Arrived at ... BIG CANYON Custom I lffl Fairway Newly li sted 6 bedroorm <4 in the main House), 41,.4,z baths, family room. billiard room. large breakfast room and a very private pool. Completely separate guest/· teen or in-law quarters with 2 bedrooms. full bath and it's own liv- ing room . (plum bed for a full kitchen ). Exclusive with Cote Real- ty at $1.7 Million. BIG CANYON Miiiionaire's Row The entire cul-de-sac boulevard (7 custom homes> nestles the first fairway in Uig Canyon. California's most prestigious country club comm unity . This Tudor estate offers the ultimate in prestige, site. location, view. value, appreciation and financing. $1.1 Million in assumable loans a nd owner will carry substantial paper. Exclusive with Cote Realty at $2.3 Million. BIG CANYON CntOM Cioff C:O... Architectural award winning home with golf course view!! 4500 + square feet. Designed with ent ertainment in mind. Well equipped gourmet kitchen. Large billiard room wired for stereo. Owner will carry comp lete financing with 25o/t down. Exclusive at $1.8 Million. BIG CANYON Customized DNU¥11e This highly upgraded 3 bdrm, 3 ba home has it all. 3450 sq ft including custom pool, spa and sauna. View of the golf course a nd all new carpet com p Ii ment the many refinements. A huge kitchen. family room and formal dining room complete the amenities. Couple the above with excel. assumable financing and you can move in before summer starts. Exclusive at $875,000. llCJ C•yott SpKWlst I Ha•t hytn for lro~or and D ... ....,.. 2075 San Joaquin Hiiia Rd. Acro11 from BIG CANYON Newport Beach 640-5777 Selling anythlng wlU1 a Have. somethin g you Daily Pilot Classified Ad want to sell? Classlrled ls a simple matter . . . ads do it well -Call just call642·5678. NOW, ~8. THtMKIHG TOWNHOME7 Call the spec1ulilll11 41t the l'ondomlnium 111 formation cenler Touchslone Realty 003-~ CITY LIGHTS IARGAIM Populur hidden 2 story Covered entry. prl"ate ln·lng Huge ramily room. fireplace. country ktlchen Formal dm1ng room, 4 Bdrms 3 balhi.. full deck in rear o r home for u beautlrul view Many extras Only 1225,000. Call 546 2313 THE REAL ESTAT:&:RS 2 UMITS $94,900 Super investment! Two 2 Bdrm units, one with fireplace! Current In come $740 mo. Flnanc ing! One yeur home pro· te c tlon plan inl•lcl Hurry, this won't last ' 646-7171 THE R:S:AL ESTATERS SUMDECK HAS CHAMMEL VIEW Only $209,900! C:harmm~ Newport Beach 4 Bdrm. realures wood bummit n replace Hul(e over· sized lot with rear CO\' ered polio Owner 1s mo11vated and willing to help finance! Just listed . _Call now. 673-8.'>50 THE :REAL ESTAT:&:RS GREAT TERMS Cha r m ing Ea11ts1de home with vuullcd woo<l beam ceilings and la rge brick rireµluc:e 3 Bdrms. 2 Ba. comer lot. covered patio und much more . Owner will finance at a low Interest rate with 20'7e down Full price $149.SOO TR.\DITIO\,\L RL\l.TY 631 ·7 370 DECORATOR MEEOED IN (;AMEO S HORl':S. bring painl, carpel, and ideas for this hulr u mlllton fixer. It's the lowest pritc ree simple on the market b y $125,000 Be clever, lhcn enjoy your profit:.' Great assumable lsl TD Cull loduy before it's ROid. 673·8550 THE REAL ESTATERS OCEAHRtOHT 2 Bdrms, 2 ba. unrum Nttw. S8SO yrly. l.AYRtOHT 3 Bdrm. 1 ba, unrurn Mint cond. aB50 yrl.y. CHAHHB. FtlOHT 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, unrum. S750yrly. associated 911<1• ! SJ'. "r 11, TOllS '• • l.J\ f1 1 It I ' ~ h l $10,500 OPIH SUMDA Y I ·5 I COME WITH -us-... TO WESTCLIFI'. FOUR I 1 1 BEDROOMS .. COUNTRY KITCHEN OAK CABINETS .. NEW •APPLIANCES. BUTCHER BLOCK NEW CARPETS 1 THROUGHOUT . CUSTOM DRAPES AND WALLPAPER .DOUBLE FIREPLACE SEE JANE FRAZEE 1 1112 NOTTHINGHAM •••••••••••• REDUCED TO $299,500 I COME WITH US •.• TO DOVER SHORES WATERFRONT. DRAMATIC DISPLAY OF IMPECCIBLE TASTE IN REMODELING AN ALREADY BEAUTIFUL llOME \'AULTIW CEILING LI VING ROOM .T HRE E BEDHOOMS D I NING AND FAM ILY ROOMS .. EXCITING BAY VIEW AND NIGHT LIGHTS PIER AND SLIP .. SEE SUSAN FROST 1036 POL.ARIS DRIVE .................. ,, .......... $995,000 COME WITH US ••• TO NEWPORT ISLAND WATERFROMT. W ATER ON FRONT ANO S IDJo:S 116 FEET OF WATERFRONT .. THREE l:H..:OHOOMS .TWO BATHS .. TWO CAR GARAGE .. YOU OWN THE LAND .. YOUR OWN PIER AND FLOAT F'OR LARGE BOAT .. SEF: VIRGINIA SWAN. 308 38th STREET ••.••.•..•............•..•..•••••••• S 525,000 COME WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES. ENCHANTING THREE BEDROOM HOME .. SPACIOUS FAMILY ANO DINING ROOMS THE REAR YARD IS AN ABSOLUTE DREAM WITH OVERSIZE POOL, EXTENSIVE DECKING AND LUXURIANT rLANTINGS SEE DOTTIE AUSTERO OR JANE FRAZEE. 1363 GALAXY DRIVE .............................. $495,000 COME WITH US ... TO HARIOR RIDGE. EXC IT I NGLY UPGRADED THREE BEDROOM llUME MIRRORED WALLS IN LIBRARY ANO F .WILY ROOM FREN C H DOORS. AJR CONDITIONING SECt.fiHTY SY~TEM vn;w OF MOUNTAINS AND CITY LIGHTS .. SEE RONNIE MARAVICll #II SALZIURG, N.I. ................................ $495,000 COME WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES. FO U R BEDROOMS DINING ROOM AND DEN POOL SIZE YARD FRUIT TREES .. PROBATE SALE .. EXECUTOR MOTIVATED. WILL HELP WITH FINANCING. SEE ELAINESVJo;oJo:EN 1441 GALAXY DRIVE .............................. $420,000 COME WITH US ..• TO CORONA DEL MAR. JUST FOUR HOUSES FROM OCEAN BLVD .. THREE BEDROOMS .DINING ROOM ANO DEN. VIEW .. SEEROGERBARlJUIST()R.JIM MELBON 2 I 5 IRIS A VENUE .•.••••••.••.•.••••..•.••••••••••• $ 315,000 COME WITH US •.• TO WESTCUFF. CONVENll!:NTLY LOCATED YET VERY QUIET STREl:.I .CATHEl>RAL CEILINGS IN LIVING AND DINING ROOMS .. THREE SPACIOUS BEDROOMS .. POOL SI ZE .YARD PROPERTY IN TOP CONDITION .SEE HARRIET PER RY. 1528 CORNWALL LAME •.••••.••••• REDUCED TO S229,500 COME WITH US .•• TO OLD NEWPORT. NEW TWO BEDROOM CONDO .. CONVENI ENT TO 8AY. Lll>O HOAG llOSPITAL AND RESTAURANTS .. ASK FOR !RF.NE LOUDON 215 NEWPORT ILVD .............................. $169,900 AV AILAILE IY APPOIMTMEMT COME WITH US •.• TO SPYGLASS. TOU C H O F NE W ENGLAND .. FIVE BEDROOMS FORMAL DINING ROOM. CUSTOM CABINETRY THROUGHOUT GOURMET KIT<;HEN. JACUZZI TUB IN MASTF.R BATH FOUR FlREPLACES TWO WET BARS FOUR CAR GARAGE. • ASK FOR DOTTIE AUST'BlO •••••.....•.•••.••.••• SI ,400,000 COME WITH US .•• TO DOVER SHOP\· FOUR BEDROOM HOME ON THE WATER WITH 20x40 ~ \.. i.>O<;K llUGE LIVING ROOM .DINING ROOM AND ~· \) 1 WO CAR GARAGE. PLUS SEPARATE TWO CAR WORKSH01""') ASK FOR NORMA FARMER ........................ $795,000 COME WITH US •.• TO DOVER SHOl:-S. ALL ROOMS RADIATE FROM CEN TER GALLERY . \) IOING S KYLIGHT ROOF .. STIMULATING BAY \If\.\. .LARGE WET BAR I N ATRIUM .. POOL AND SPA. FLE~~ 'l. FINANCING ASK FOR RONNIE MARAVICH .••••••••••••••••.•• $725,000 COME WtTH US ••• TO DOVER SHORES. ELEGANT FIVE BEDROOM .. liPPER BAY VIEW FROM MOST OF THE HOME .FORMAL DINING AND FAMILY ROOMS .. SPARKLING POOL FEF: LAND -NOT LEASEHOLD. ASK FOR RONNIE MARAVICH ••••• , •••.•.••..••.. $665,000 COME WITH US ••• TO DOVER SHORES. PRESTIGIOUS FOUR BEDROOM HOME. FABULOUS VIEW OF UPPER BAY AND FASHION ISLAND .. THE CENTER GALLERY IS A GREAT STEP SAVER TO ALL PARTS OF THE HOME. ALL ROOMS ARE SPACIOUS INCLUDING DINING AND FAMILY ROOMS .. LOVELY POOL AND SPA. ASK FOR RONNIE MARAVICH .................... $559,000 COME WITH US .•• TO HARIOR HIGHLANDS. NEAT THREE BEDROOM ANO CONVERTIBLE HOME .. THE MASTER SUITE IS QUITE SPACIOUS .. LUXURIANT REAR YARD WITH PLAYHOUSE. ASK FOR SUSAN FROST .......................... $270,000 Costa R~~~er al 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE 631-7300 a bargain ! Large Cathedral C·ellinded Hv ~ -----------------.c • 9 ·=-::" ~.._.... mg room, country style ~1!~h3~ ~veJ~t~h1~f~~ HORSENOPERTY ~ ........... bdrma, l 'li baths. re · Lots of wood. stained modeled and upgraded g l ass and country thruo ul . Ownttr will charm describe the at· carry $90,000 AITO, mosphere of lhis Santa $1100 ~r mo. A rare op-Ano Hgts a Bdrm 2 Ba portunlty, call$46-23L3 home. The owner will carry large 2nd and you can Hsume the lst. FuU price 1183,900. THE :REAL ESTATERS llEAKEVIM Houae + 2 unit.I. owner Clrunclna 1119,000. Norm le Ke sey MdUnlty. Pl·ml. SUMSIT WATCMING IS AFFORDABLE In Cameo K11hlana1 MQ\A Jaanaioa II priad to NII It 1111.ooO. Hute H · 1umablt llt. a owner wW uny ... ...,. 2nd TD SJ*'l,ac:Ur ocean e-@ Dll't • r l1Nmt FtMAMCIMCi MO PROIUM Our owners are prepared to carry more at lower rates with no loan fees and no tough quallfying! ! lncluding many oceanfronts at recenUy reduced prices. LIDO SOUD A gorgeous 5 Bdrm + family rm country french home on an extra wide lot Many, blt·ins, custom tile & courtyard fount&ln etc. Assume big loan at only 10% Interest. Asking $765,000. 828 Via Lido Soud. COIOMA D& MAI OCIAM•UllP HOMISITI Overlooklnl the NEWPORT HARBOR ENTRANCE. Catalina Island and popular Bll Corona' beach. Coaatal approved to build • un~•· family rea1dence 1tretchlna over 13'l' wtde (2 lots). Can you Imagine the flnilbfd Pf_~uct? Aaklna. $1,295,000-owner 11111 Can')' 6 AUbGrdinaM to ~1 loan. -----·~r JAGOBS REALTY 611-6611 Cle Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Mey 31 . 1981 Ho.es'°" S4lle Ho.Ms For S. Ho.es for S-. Ho.s" for S. ...._..,..,. s. ......_for s-. Ho.M1 for s• .._..,.... s. ..._..for 54* .•.....•..............•.•.•.................. : .............••••.•.••........................ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• C9e•r.. 1002 G....._, IOOZ G ... ral 1002 Ge.er.. 1002 G1•r.. IOOJ fl1MNI 1002 G...,... 1002 •••r.il IOOZ •••rlll 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• DWLIX 3 bdrm , 2 bath eacb unit Flrepl•ce, bullt·lna F.x cellent rental area Near beach 6: bay $285,000 642·22$3 eves, associated ou' I .. l IJ ~. f\ , ' ,. ·, CASA DEL RIO CONDOS Only 3 M\ Xlnl tu rns Builder will rebute to 13~ for 3 yean Ol't;N SAT/SUN 12 5 13121 Jo:dingcr t;u t or Harbor Blvd 64 t 1991 ; 631 4361 I.I gt. -----,. , h I, r I'' a( F'tnd what you wunt '" ~~~~~~~-!?111ly Pilot Class1C1~ls. 615-3411 C.D.M. Owner Hnancln& on tl\11 .a Bd 6 yr old family en terta1ner'1 delltt . P\'l 11wtmmlnR 11nd lcnnl• Onl~ S2G9.000. A11111ma ble loan Norm & Kuey McKinley 63H 2166 R&'M~ H f>>\I TCIHS UNIVERSITY PARK - 3 Bdrm + bonus room, highly upgraded with s k ylight . green belt location. $165,000. IUCH HOUSE. SI 57,500 Newport Bea ch 3 Bdrm A-fram e wit h a $74.000 assumable low, low interest. Supe r buy. WHITEWATER VIEW Outs ta nding 4 Bdrm home on t he ocean s ide of Coast Highway in Nor th Laguna . Split le ve l, spacious rooms . high ceilings, a la rge Jot for expa nsion. Steps from the beac h. $685,000. TURTLEROCK HIGHLANDS Natural beam ed wood ceilings, paneling. warm earthtones . Lovely view, t his 4 Bdrm Edinborough ha s everything . E xcell ent fi nancing. S389.000. CORONA DEL MAR WATHFRONT Fantas tic jelly view. One of Maika i's love lies t 2 Bdrm 2 bath condos. Lge lanai w detailed lattice trim. The superb conte mparary fu rnish ings m ay be purchased . E xcept ional property. S549.500 TURTLEROCK HIGHLANDS -2 s tor y. 4 Bdrm 3 bath Mac Gregor, built by Lusk. Step down living room. large dining room. bay windowed breakfast nook wi th s unny s it-do wn vie w . Exquisite in every detail. Ui5.000. OWNER WILL TRADE -20 acres near Rancho California. Owner wants condo in Nwpt , Irvine, Costa Mes a. Can be divided into 4 to 5 a c re pa rcels for s mall equity or $140,000 t a kes a ll. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX -One of the few duplexes w /a pool. Desira ble street w J hi income. comfort 3 Bdrm owne rs unit. $320,000. JASMINE CREEK Comfort.able 3 Bdrm hom e with pla ntation s hutters . parquet floors, lush carpeting, tas teful decorating_. Within the s e c u rit y g ates of J asmine C ree k. 9 14 '7r assumable loan. $335.000. TURTLEROCK HIGHLANDS -A s tunning achievement by P ollock Interiors . Exquisite decorating thruout this 4 Bdrm, 1 i;ty home with sepa rate dinin~ room a nd large master suite. A ne w and exciting offering $312.000. A lllbsidlary of John D. Lusk & Son 2515 East Coast Hi9hway Corotta del Mar S 12,900 DOWN Fantas tic financing available on this charming home in Huntington Beach. With this low. low down payment. take over loans at an incredible low effective inte r est rate of only 12!¥..% ! ! This spacious fou r bedroom, two bath floor plan has a dramatic fireplace for those cold evenings plll;S pool and s pa for those hot su mme r days. 714/556·7035 S6,600DOWN Perf eel sta rter for budget conscious couple or investor . 714 /556·7035 A TIEHTION GOLFaS! Why worry about reservations dur ing the Bob Hope Clas~i c? Stay at your own times hare condo the 3rd week in January. Priced right. 714/556-7035 BEST IN BLUFFS LARGIST I LIVll. 11.AUTY. End unit. 1900 sq. rt . Paula Plan. 3 bdrm. 2 bath, large master bdrm s uite with sitting room. Finest upgrades including A/C. Private patios . Kitchen/tam. room. $325,000 including the land. Excelle nt te rms. OPIH 1-5 436 ONDA IOff Vista OrnodaJ \ END UNIT E PLAN. Lovely park . mounta in view 3 bdrm , 2Yll bath , kitche n w /large breakfast room, fam. r m . w /blt·ins $255,000. 2200 sq. ft. OPEN SAT I ·5 540 VISTA GRANDE ONE YEAR HEW. 3 bdrm, 2 ba th. ne utra l upg r ad es. Spacious liv. & din . rooms. You own the land. $325,000. OPEN 1-5 1912 VISTA CAUDAL ONE YEAR NEW. Be autiful 2 bdrm. 2 bath, cathedra l beam ceilings . You own the la nd. $305,000. * EASTILUFf * JUST LISTED. Beautiful 1 level 4 bdrm. fam room Lusk Home. Luxurious new neutral car pe ts & drapes. Lovely la rge ya r d . $339,500. You own the land . OPEN SUH 1-5 2212 ARAL.IA HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR, IMC. 644-0134 List & luy With 1M &p.rts OCEANFRONT ESTATE "Roc:ldedqe ly..fhe.S.O" Supe r view of tfie ocean and famo us t•oas l line at MOSS POINT. Laguna Beach. P r ivate st airway lo beach - -. .. ailed a nd gated beautiful garden wi t h jacuzzi pool and koi pand. 48 ·lB hom e + 2B 2B guest house. $7 Million. Brochure on request Ca role T atum . Realtor 494·0029 or 494·1681 * * * * * * Heritage Collection OWMEI FtHAMCED Large 4 Bdrm 2 bath home, beautiful wallpapers lhruout. Cul de sac street. Owner will c arry AITD for 7 years at 13.5<'.4 interest. Fo r an appointment to s ee. call 540·1151 ASSUME LOAM, MO 9lfAl.IFYIMG Freshly p ainted. sharp 4 Bdrm 2 bath, large yard , new driveway . Brick f irc plat'e. 5 ye ars ne w . Owne r anxious. Move in condition. Asking $129.HOO. F or a n a ppaintme nt to see, c all 540-1151 11°/o VA ASSUMABLE LOAN Sha rp 3 Bdrm starter home. Nicely l a ndsca ped , new patio cover , no qualifying . Priced at $95,000. For an a ppointment to see, call 540·1151 ERITAGE OPEN TODAY 1-5 UNIQUE IH WEST NEWPORT Hu rry , this w a t e rfron t home has t hree bedroom s . s pa , s kylight s, pier and slip. plus a n income unit, $750,000 F ee. See Ka thie S hields at 4000 River. UNIQUE IN IA YCREST -C us tom decorated a nd landscaped, 4 bedroom and family r oom , pool, spa. good finan c)ng at $375,000. See Pal Merry at 2315 Windward Lane. UNIQUE IN OLD CO~ONA DEL MAI - Country kitchen sophisticated master suite. two fi re pla ces. three patios . bay v ie w . two b e drooms. 2 1h b a ths $324,000. See Binnie Dixon at 502 Acacia . UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL MAR - Duplex with 2 bedroom.5 in each unit, skylights and bay views. $450,000. call Lariane S ha w at 675·6000. UNIQUE IN COST A MESA -Charm ing 2 bdrm .. 1 bath on large lot with lush landscaping . Assu ma ble Isl.. $149.000. See S haron Corzine at 213 Magnoli a . UNIQUE IN HARIOR VIEW HILLS Beautifully remodeled home on lar ge corner lot with some ocean view. 3 bedr oo m 2 1 2 bath, Teak kitc he n cabinets . planta tion shutte rs. neutral tones a nd m any decor ator touches. Al l this for $355.000 F ee. See Mary Ann Anderson at 11 32 White Sails. UHIQUE IH SEA VIEW -Beautiful 3 bedroom H a m pton Model. Cul-de·sac location. community pool. s pa and t e nn i s . U nb e lievably priced a t $395.000. See Ba rbara Hutchings at 1900 Yacht Ma ria . UNIQUE IN WESTCLIFF -Hurry . priced under a ppra isal. Four bedroom three bath. c us t o m home . $250.000. ~ee Ka tie Rober ts at 1601 Cornwall Lane. I J,...lfJtJm=: ti()M~\ REALTORS. 675·6000 2443 I •~• ( 0 •'9 H1gh .. •11. ( orona d .. I M .. , WI llN./I 47 or TI fl Hl.~I AGl.NT'> IN l ()VJ Colesworthy f_,? Co. .. 2545 EASTBLUFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640-0020 BLUFFS-JUST LISTED 3 Be droom one level on the greenbelt End unit. fire place . t wo enclosed patios, c usto m s hutters. Excellen t cond ition. $185,000. Oen Sunday 1·5. 196 1 San Bruno. We always ha•e the best Listln9s at the best prfcn! •EXECUTIVE SWEET• Sensationa l 2 s tory executive home featuring 4 large brs, 3 baths, formal dining, family rm & bonus rm. Located at end of quiet cul·de·sac. Only $187,000 w/assumable financing. 759-1501 or 752·7373 11 1/•% -10% LOAN * HARIOR VIEW HOMES • Sensation a lly de corated Carmel Model in move·in co ndition ! Featuring 3 BR's, immaculate yard & FEE land. Priced to sell a t $262,000. For private showing call 795·1501 or 752-7373. DIRTY DAW<i!!!! Bring paint b rus h & broom and save $$$ on 2 br fixer. R·2 zoning . OWC first T D! Only $100.000. 759·1501 or 752·7373 SI 1,200 DOWN! This Huntin gt on Beach pool home is an excellent buy for an investor or a super starter home . Take over $89,000 in loans al an effective interest r a le of only 12.23. Home is va-cant and seller is very m otivated. Subm it all offe rs . 714/556·7035 MEET SYLVIA ~S SUMMB SPECIAL Would you enjoy relaxing in the spa a~er a hard d ay? T his s uper clean home a ffords you tha t option . Ext ra large master bedroom. 714/545·9491 $2J, 900 DOWH! Very crea tive fina ncing available on this popular Bo is a Landmark. A spacious ho me for the discrlminatlng buyer with stained glass. Italian Ule and marble flooring. C.omglete wit h custom pool, spa & decking. Priced to s ell at $239,900. 114/~7035 * JAsa.IMI CU.• I Z~ IMTmST AV AIL! An extre mely pleaunt & hard to find Plan 4. "Featuring 3 brs & an expanded ramll.y rm, iounnet klt.c hen & every lmaatnable up1rade1 lacludlng A/C & c uslom ffreplt. $419,000. ,_.._.,1 or 752-7373 Sytv1a is a win,,., of n"'111t'OU9 awards at ~Iker and LH. During ,.,.,. )'N'S with the company, Sylvia ha• olf9tl M>f1 the S.I•• Agent of the Month and tor nat Mlec In the Hunttngton Buch area, and ha on strl#tJ occasions Hm•d tl'I• Molt Monty &11*1 Awtrd lot commi•slona In exc.se d' $5,000 In Q1e monthl A ta#fatlve, friendly f'N/dw'lt of Huntlngfon Beach, Sylvia J. 1 ~pro capable of handllnQ all d )'Cl&' rMI .. ,.,. l'tHd1. For the bHt poulbl•. ,.,, ,.,.,. ..vie•, QI.,. hflf I CIN at ~1005, 10 UMITS 10 2·br condos belna sold a.a built ••le with very creative flnancln1. 10~ down & low, low ne1ative! Only 171,950 per unlt! ! '7&9·1501 or ?SZ.78'13. WOULD YOU l&llVI 'r/o You r e ad it righ t ! Seller is ext rem e ly motivated. New interior/exterior pa int. Make payments on existing VA loan, $245 P .I.T.l. 714/545·9491 SUP• SHAltPl If you 're looklng for a good buy, with gr eat loan that is in terrific sbape -LOOK NO FURTHER t This is the one for you . Call now! I 714/545-9491 LIKI TO IMTBTA.IM1 It wbuld be our pleasure to show you this 4 bedroom, Mesa Verde beauty. New carpet is blabli&bted by lovely tile fiooriDI in spacious fa room, dintnt room le ldtcben areas. n• 37 ASSUMABLE LOAN No Quolifyi ng , s mall d o wn pay me ntis, low interest rates, no loan points . 2. 3 & 4 BDRM Houses & To wn homes In good areas of Orang~ County . REAL ESTATE INVESTOR Always wanted to invest in Real Estate but don 't think you c an? Let Golden West Healtors show you how to invest with Jillie cash & n o '·Tenant Problems" Call now fo r more details. WANT A HOME?· But don 't t t\in k you can afford it. Golden Wes( Realtor s has des igned a program that h as allowed many people lo e njoy home ownership tha t neve r thought they could . Call now for mor e details ~GOLDEnEST ~ REALTORS '9t"'L1~ ~ASSOCIATES 848-8588 13% FINANCING $50K BELOW APPRAISAL HUGE NEWPORT BEACH FAMILY OOME With .ipprox1me1le l> 30', down owner wi ll carry l>alJnce at 13', interci.l Motivate 0"111.•r offers mag n1f1renl Ney. port Beach fam1I)' residence on FEE simple land 3200 inrludes luxurious MASTEH SUIT!o: Y.tlh ... eparate sitting room & JACUZZI !>pa in ma:.ler hath 3 add1ltonal bedrooms. h u~l' BONL:S ROOM + panelled fam ily r oom 1·omple t e this l>p o t l e5s 11rof(':o.'IH1nall) 1h•1·orull•d lt111nt· Priced way below appraisal at $399,500 FOR SALE--aY OWNER 9 2 0 NottlrtC)ham Rd. Newport leach 631-0479 OPEM HOUSE SAT-SUN. 1-5 Town and Country Realtors Invite you to the follo•ng * OPEN HOUSES IN IRYINE * Al with A11u~ Loans UNIVERSITY PARK 2 Bdrms. 2 bath & loft. Ca rdiff mode l. $148.500 5 Cher ry N, off Mi ch elson & Jorda n. Open Sunday 1·5. UNIVERSITY PARK 3 Bd r m , 2 bath , Dover Model. $152,900. 17386 S anda lwood . off M ic he l s o n an d J o rd a n . Op e n Sunday 1·5. UNIVERSITY PARK 2 Bdrms. 2 ba th. fa mily rm. Walden Plan. $189,900 -4951 He mloC'k off Michelson a nd Royce. Open Sat & Sunday 1·5. TURTLEROCIC 4 Bdrm 3 bath. family rm. Heather Mode l. $259.000 37 C.OOlbrook off Turtle Rock D r . a nd Sycamore Creek . Open Sat & Sunday 1-5. DEERFIELD 4 Bdrm . 2 12 ba ths . fam ily rm. Aspen m o d e l . $155,000 7 P o inse tti a . o ff C u lver a nd Deerfie ld. Ope n Sunday 1·5. NORTHWOOD 4 Bdrm 2=11.t bath. f amity rm. Plan 324 $218.000. #6 Cintilar, off Irvine Blvd a nd Palo Lad o. Open Sal/Sun 1·5. Tfjo (6 Country REALTOR ·' 552-1800 STAR. GAZ.EK*'" ~=.:.:;..:.:..,.--... CLAY I. l'OU.l\N--...---- M ,_ o..11 -1 o.ldo k y ....... , ... ~. ..... v To dev41l111> meuoge tor M0<'\4oy rfOd -.ft -fttPO"d"'O !O ......,.,. of yout ZodOot bttltl "9f\. ........ F.r w. .............. w. ....... for w. ...... ,_ s. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 Cll •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ........ IOOJ •IMrel IOOJ IOOJ &e•r.• IOOJ ....... F.rW. HcMtsffllor$Glt "-'"forW. ..... for5* He.MaFwW. ... , ...................•.••••..•••.......•...•.••.•••.•..•.••.......•...•.............•.••.• _. ....... ~·············· ················'······ •.....•...............• ·············•·•····•·· ................• ~ ... . ~ UMDA ISi.i !~::'! .......... !!!~ ~~!'! .......... !~~! ~~~ .......... !~~ ~~: ......... !~~ ~~:'! .......... !~~ Wlde channel view from spectacular ANXIOUS SIUa ~ ............ LINGO ANNOUtl:ES A COMPANY WIDE lllME TOOR Today from 2-5PM Lingo Real Estate will open the doors to selected homes from Newport Beach lo San Clemente. If you would be interested in previewing any of these select residences call your nearest Lingo Representative. HEWPOIT HACH 644-7020 LAG UHA HIGiUEL 495-1720 LAGUHA IEACH 497-333 1 DAMA ro1MT 493-8112 SOUTH LAGUNA 499.4551 SAM CLEMENTE 491-4950 Lingo •• u ..... On the Southern Orange Coast - Look to Lingo First! ! HARBOR REALTY HOMES HARIOR VIEW HOMES Open for your inspection t his Sunday in popular Harbor View Homes. A terrific family home on an extra large lot overlooking the nature park . Really a great location, close to everything. The home is an upgraded 5 bdrm. Somerset Plan which has the big family rm. complete with its own brick fireplace, wet bar and bookshelves. A great home for kids to grow up in at a below market price of $329. 750. Open Sunday l to 5. See 1816 Newport Hills Drive, N.B. CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX On a private corner lot with lots of trees not far from the youlh center. 2 .large units with fireplaces, private porches, bit ins, carpets and drapes. 3 bdrms. and 2 bdrms. only 6 years old priced to sell at $320,000 only $70,000 down with a 30 year AJTD due in 10 years. IAYCREST An active family will love this spacious 4 bdrm. home on a large pie shaped lot in exclusive Baycrest. Wait till you see the game rm. -it's huge! There's a stand up wet bar, pool table & Pxpensive bit in cabinets. There's a formal dining rm. (of course), a neat family paneled rm. with used brick fireplace, an outside office or hobby rm. and a lovely sparkling pool. Best part of all is the $449,500 price! 1730 Marlin Way, N.B. will be open Sat & Sun l to 5. Seeing is believing. INVESTMENTS 194 UNITS In th e new energy capitol Denver. Colorado. 194 one and two bdrm. units rented in the popular p r ice range and 97 'k occupied. Walking distance to recreation, shopping and transportation. Reduced to $4,000,000 with very attractive financing. IALIOA ISLAND .. Just listed! 1007r occupied 2 story commer&ial bldg on Marine Ave. lst fl oor leased to successful resta urant tenant, 2nd fioor has 3 apartments. 1st time offered for sale and priced to move at $498,000. Owner will carry 1st T.D. LAND SAM JUAM CAPISTUMO Spectacular home site on s.s sec lu~e d acres overlooking Capistrano Va lley. The view is something else! Priced sell below comparable pr operty at $650,000 and the owner will Can')' 1st T.D. Horses OK. Don't pass this one, it's a terrific buy . llVllSIDI 95 + acres in navels and valenciu near Tyle r Mall and ripe for a "mlnt grove" d evelopment. At $10,000 per acre, bow can you ao wron1? Call for descrlptlve broclrure. ~rchitectural designed 4 bdrm, 5 bath, • Over aooo sq ft of Uvln1 POOi home. Sllp ror 2 large boats. for o nly •109,900 s HARBOR RIDGE ESTATE . $1,495,000. Sum mer occupancy. Bed rooma. Assum~ LIDO rsu HOMES. 110111 1··111s "D loan CnUnowll79·5370 MAGNIFICENT Featured on Homes Tour lhls lovely 11 U ' A LL$.,." .,.E <>PIN TODAY 1·5 traditional s pacious, custom 3 bdrm, 3 OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE I,.. I ' . # 3 MONACO b~ ho~y· newly decorated. Priced to REAL TORS ·Truly outstanding. The award winning se quac Y at $475,000. Must see. ''Jodelle" Estate Home situated on Newly rem~eled 3 bdrm, 2 bath plus lge recreation room & 2 patios. Beam cejlin_gs. Great for entertaining. $420,000. Best price for the money. PENINSULA POINT llACHROMT Panoramic bay & ocean view at wedge, from prime large lot, 4 bdrm, 3 bath c ustom home. 3700 sq. rt. featuring marine room. $1,385,000. HEWrORT CREST COHDO 2 bdrm , den , spacious Plan 8, immaculate. Low priced at$215,000. BILL GRUNDY , REALTOR Il l K<1 y ... i. (), ,, ~-I\ t>/'> t>lb l EMERALD IAY Clau•c TUed roof, s,_.lsh home. Oce•slde &Mt dd lay, featuri"9 oceanvlew, .._ dwood floors, opett ceHllMJ. 3 Ir, 3 la. Fafft . rm, Formal dlnlluJ. $605,000. SPECTACULAR WHITEWATER VIEWS For the dlacrffftlftatiftg ..,_.we hne just lilted a custoM latt. & plaster open beam home o•eriookJtNJ the co••• of Ho. Laguna leach. Thia 3 per old family home offers every con•enlence , a 9reat entertainment area, pool, locaffoft and ... obstructed •lews. Offered at SI ,000,000 wtth possJble Miier fift•clftcJ. IEST IUY-OCEAMFRONT 3 bedroom 2 bath hw, t...ay "°°"'• profeaslonally dK°""9d, new ldtci..n, lanJe deck wtth ;ocu11J, rl9ht on the amd. Just listed for $575,000. JASMINE CREB Lo•ely 3 1*-21/i .... cOlldD located In privet• erea of Corona del Mar. 24 hour pcrded got., ' ....... c:owta. l pooh and 1pa1. Great ..a with IOIM ocean view. Two patios, lovely laftdacapiftc) .ct lllfMost priYecy. Offered at $395,000. OWNER ANXIOUS SUIMIT ALL OFflRS HlcJhly upcJradtd 4 I*'" 2 la ColHje Parta ltome locat.d IR lnlne. Custa"' bric• patio w/jecunl and bullt-ln 119. Mlllt ... to ....,..c1at.. J .. t 1st.cl at SI 55,000. Opn S.. 1 ·4 1531 Almond, lrYltte. ASSUME, ASSUME 3 ~ 2 lath MOMCO ..... In Heritor View oreo. ....._ I st T.D. af SI ZS,000, 1.lld T.D. of $11,000 In a MOit prestigious ,..gWlorttood la Newport IHch. TNs wtl not last! sno.ooo. LAGUNA MIGUEL Lovely 4 I*--... o•ertooldilg 8 M'4JMel Co.try C .. ~ l'ffllg at th best, spa c.d Hrrouftded by brick pa o, up9raded carpets, wh1dow coverl•g• o•d wallpepers. OH.red at $231,tOO. IAYCREST IEAUTY SI 00,000 down and owa • bee•tlf•I e.o•H I• HeWMrl IMch. At._.. the I at at t l/2%. owe ........... 12o;. for Syn.. Offered .. $321,000. 0,. s.. I ·I, I HO '"lM. GllAT STAITM C:.•MeM J .......... kept 1peclo111 yard a HW ~. M.ft•.ted ...... °"'Y St1.ooo. INVISTMIMT/l&ffAL 01 HOMI C:-. ..... ..._. 2 .._ I 1/• lo, 1tep1 to ltoocla _... • ~·-···· ............... :.. I.:•.-::::-~~ ;J ::: Offw" .. I I ti.HO. 2752 IAYSHOH DIUVE OPE ...... ·HOUSE IAYSHORIS " breathtaking ocean, coast & city orEH SUM 1•5 SUM. l ·SPM lights view lot. An extremely spacious 40' Bayfront , Private Pier And ~:~ ~ed8d~.S~4·~r townhome of quality & distinction, 3 Dock I n Security Gated Gar .. Fam. Rm, Form. db~~ms plus family room, formal Com munity . Quie t Location. Oin .. Spa,Cent.Air,wet ming room, exquisite patio areas, Spectacular View Of Is lands , bar. 2200+sq ft. 8 yrs lofty trestle ceiling & gorgeous decor. Channels. Private Beach. May Be ~U8 •9 ~0~wAnaxsi~~:' Presented at $885,000. See Bim From 4 To 6 Bedrooms . Two S ubm it Orter. 1822 Hastings . Fireplaces. Elegant Two-Room Tan agt'r Drive, Mesa Verde, C.M C l yde Master Suite With Balcony & View. Johns on Re a 1 t u r . See To Appreciate This Value. 549·2644. Owner Wants This Ho~ Sold Now ! Price Reduced $550,000 To $1.100,JOO. I 428 KEEL DRIVE HARIOR VIEW HILLS Just Listed In Much Sought After Harbor View Hills. Three Bedrooms + Family Room On A Corner Lot. Beautifully Maintained. Owners Are Being Transferred. Good Financing. Price $325,000. 542 VISTA GRAHDE I LUFFS orEH SUH 1-5 Expanded "E " Plan. Lovely Turf Courtyard Entrance. End Unit. Three Bedrooms Plus Large Family Room. Eating Area In Kitchen. Master Suite With Extra C lo se t s . Thr ee Pati os For Indoor-Outdoor Living. Storage Galore. Great Financing. Large Assumable Loan. New Price. $249,500. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. 405 VISTA SUERTE ILUFFS orEH SUH 1-5 Located On Wide Tree Shaded Lush Greenbelt. Close To Pool & Clubhouse. High Ceilings In Li ving Room & Master Bedroom. Two Fully Assumable Loans. Fee Land. Open For Ins pection. $259,900. 250 rRosrECT HEWrORT SHORES OPEH SUM 1-5 Just Listed. Three Bedroom, Two Bath Sharp Home. Walk To Beach. Community Pool & Tennis Court. Assumable First Trus t Deed. Owner Will Carry Paper. Priced At $139.500. I 07 PIHOH TREE LA.HE COSTA MESA orEH SUH 1·5 Just What You've Been Looking For. Three Bedroom, Plus Two Bath, Condo. Near South Coast Plaza Shopping. Spacious Feeling With Skylights, Decked Patios. End Unit. Large Utility Room . Assumable First Trust Deed. Priced At $134,000. 1800 PORT CARLOW HARIOR VIEW HOMES orEH SUH 1-5 Desirable Corner Location In Phase lI Harbor View Homes. Popular Montego On Fee Land. Secluded Yard With Spa. View Of Fashion Island & Big Canyon. One Block From Community Pool, Park & Bike Trails. Owner Very Motivated. $295,000. "LUCKY YOU" "And It Has A High Assumable Loan. Too !'· Th is Incredibly Beautiful Contemporary Home ln Costa Mesa's Best Area Can Now Be Yours. Features Include Five Large bedrooms, Two Impressive Fireplaces. Gorgeous Living Room & Family Room, Skylights, Wall Coverings, Wet Bar -Fantastic! Price, $229,500. Call Now To See. OUTST AHDIHG IA YFRONT' HOMI Lovely Custom-Built Home On Promontory Bay. Living Room, Formal Dining Room, Den/Library. Spacious Master Bedr oom Overlooking Bay Has Fireplace & Luxuriously Appointed Bath. Three Other Bedroom s & Maid's Room & Bath. Pier & Slip For Large Yacht. $1,850,000. llG CANYOM CUSTOU IUILT HOMI Overlooking 18th F a irway. Epitome Of Understat ed Elegance. In The Family Wlng There Are Four Large Bedrooms, Each With A Bath ; Master Has A Fireplace, Two large Walk-In Closets, French Doors Openin g To A Brick Ter race. Formal Dining. Gourmet Kitchen Bonus Room With Bath , Plus Mai d 's Q ua rte r s . Call F o r Appointment. 12,200.000. I I WANT TOUI YOUN• .... I A Rare Three Bedroom Linda Pla n In T h e Blurts With An exqulalte SeUini . J Am All On One 'Level & I n Tlp·Top Shape. My Pretent Owne r Hu JUlt Reduced My Price By $12.SOO. Pleue Doa't Make lie Wait. LOWDOWN Per-fKt Starter Unbelievable. spacious 3 Bdrm home. huge yard Only St0,650 down, take over S79,250 loan at 14''' No qualifying OCCered al $811.900 Owner will help finance. 963·6767 THE REAL ESTATERS I st Tl"" luyer or IMVESTORS 100/o DP. Mo~ Cute 2 BR house & 1 Bdrm unit on large lot in Orange Seller will finance at 131 I for 3t ~ years 641 1991 . 631·4361 a!!_ PANORAMIC OCEAN VIEW 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, formal dining area. Large pool, on large corner lot. Can convert to a larger home. SELLER WILL CA RRY 1st T .D. F /P $.550,000. Open House Sunday 1·5. 2516 Harbor View Drive, HVH. ~ 7 14-673-1600 R I E 1907 WM. l. DOUD & CO~...C. ea tors. st. 2115 l. CoHt Hwy .• Mtt 207 \JI 4) 7 59-0422 Cor-del Mw, CA '2'21 gooJ of;/e South Oran.r Count'! • Tres Vistas of Mission Vieio Finished to the RMst Detail Classic European in style, this fantastic new 3 bdrm 3112 bath, pool & spa home in the most exclusive area of Mission Viejo. 3 custom frplcs, lots of etched glass 3 car garage. Listed at $795,000. ' 5 ldrm Custom wtth Gueat H~ae This classic beauty is in a private. gated community. Many outstanding extras, central air, intercom, prof. landscaping, sep. guest house with a bath. Room for pool. Offered at $479.900. E"9-f TNS Vidas Co ....... o This roomy 3000 sq ft, 3 bdrm, 3 bath custom is designed for year-round entertainment. Easy.care living -relax & enjoy. Listed at $450,000. Mission RickJe F•taatlc View r-.spa HOIN This fantastic 4 bdrm, 3000 sq ft home is all on one level. See the city lights from the beautiful back yard. Priced at $364,000. Exclusive CaHfontla Luxury Over 3200 sq ft, 1 story. This 4 bdrm. J t,,-:i bath home has a .po?I & a spa. Sitting on a great view lot, this home is withm walking distance to the Mission Viejo Country Club. Priced at $425,000. Splendor°" the RJdC)e Lo~ated i!l .one of Mission Viejo's finest neighborhoods. Thts lernf1c 4 bdrm pool & spa home has a fantastic backyard view. Priced to sell at $349,900. Mission Vieio Super Homes Customized 640 Ma*fd -SH For.Yer L.ocaffon This 3 bdrm, 212 bath pool & spa home has a stunnin g ~ew of the Mission Viejo Valley. Upgraded throughout . Listed at $251,000. J ... lor Eualffve Estate Magnificent 5 bdrm, 3 bath home has approx, 3000 sq ft. Up~raded carpet & tile. Close to shopping & recreation centers. Wall< to Mission Viejo Lake. Listed at $244,900. On the Mlaaloft Vlefo Gotf Course This exquisitely customized 671 Madrid Fore is located on. o~e of . ~ission Viejo's finest nag lots overlooking M1ss1on V1eJo Golf Course. This 4 bdrm, 3 bath home also has a fantastic pool & spa. Priced at $349,900. LCICJWICI Ni9uel F-antasttc View of B Miguel Golf Course This 3 bdrm custom home sits at the end of a cul-de-sac on a forever-view lot. Cool ocean breezes keep life easy. 3 miles from ocean. Listed at $327 ,000. Capistrano Beach 011 the lluffs Overiooldtt9 the Oce• This Custom-built Clampitt home has 4 bdrms, 3Yz baths. 2 wet bars, 3 frplcs & a sauna . This classic home is listed for $770,000. Hew r.-• Cape Cod Look Another fantastic custom home built by Gary Clampitt. This 3 bdrm home has many exclusive features. A true · one-of-a-kind. Walking distance to the beach. Listed at $245,000. Son Juan Capistrano c ........... %oMd for Hones Situated on 1 acr e, this new 4 bclrm home has a lge formal din. rm. & a special loft. Many custom features. Will consider a tr ade. Listed at $575,000. N .. Gall Ranch c .... ....., ............... Best lot in Nellie Gail -fantaatlc view. Thia new s bdrm, '2 story bas over 4700 sq rt. Great area for fa m ily living. Listed a t $625,000. •'"'••u•*'-ArMC..._H ... An Incredible '800 sq ft -this 4 bdrm, 4 bath home ii located on a 180 de1ree view Jot. Quiet c~l·de·sac. Mu1t ·eee thtl beauty. Liated at 635,000. O'IM IM COIOMA DB. Mil arming duplex with spacious 3 BR. 2 BA . owners unit + 2 BR. l BA. & bachelor income units. $295,000. See Rita . Quiggle At 617 MARGUERITE 0'81 IN OLD COIOMA DIL Mil ou've admired the outside. Now see this landmark on the inside! 2 BR. charmer + a 2 BR. rental. $319,000. See Nancy Simmons At 620 ORCIUD OPIM IM HAUOI VllW HILLS Dramatic ocean view. Newly customized & elegant 3 BJi. + Fam. Rm. POOL $485,000. See Carole McMahon At 1100 WHITE SAILS <>PIM IM llVIMI TllUCI 3 BR. +large F .R . on huge lot near park. $387,SOO Fee. See Lucy Rose at 2001 SEADRIFT. O'IH IN llVIMI TIRUCE Custom 3 BR. Ocean view. Spa. $598,500 Fee. See Paula Erd At 1023 BONNIE DOONE O'IH OH IAUOA ISL.A.MD 4 BR. Hansel & Gretel home. 2 fireplaces, steps to the beach. $450,000. See Barbara Ballman At 118 APOLENA OPIN IN THI ILUFfS Dramatic 2 BR. end unit condo overlooking delightful greenbelt. Bachelor perfect. $147 ,000. See Elaine Fournier At 2311 VISTA HUERTA _ ~,.. _ 0,.. IM THI ILUFfS Inviting 3 BR. ·'Tree lined street. Great price. Cozy & warm 2 story condo. $157,500. See Betty Richard At 2205 VISTA HUERTA 0'94 IH WISTCLIFf 4 BR. Pool & spa. OWC $200 at 14% & may carry 2nd. $438,000 Fee. See Frank SeMes At 1242 SOM ERSE:J' OPIEH IN DOVB SHOUS -''IA YNOMT" Dynamic remodeled 5 BR. Bayfront. Large pier & slip. Owner will carry all financing. $1 ,750,000. See Brenda Peterson At 314 MORNINGSTAR OP .. IN UDO SAHDS New listing! Enlarged & remodeled 3 BR. home 21h blocks to beach. $225,000. See Marcia Working At 5201 BRUCE CRESCENT OPIH OH UDO ISU Completely remodeled 3 BR. custom. Large assumable loan, an absolutely gorgeous home. $525,000. See Edie Olson At 510 VIA LIDO SOUD 0,.. OH UDO ISU Smashing 3 BR. + Den. Atrium POOL. Entertainer's delight. $595,500. See Nancy Nichols At 204 VIA EBOLJ OPIEH IN TUITU IOCIC GUN 3 BR. 2 bath. Formal din'g Rm. + library. Owner will assist in financing. $268,500. See Jane Mitchler At 1 SYCAMORE tREEK O'IEH IN TUITI.aOCIC -llOADMOOI 111 Striking 4 or 5 BR. on the park. Many architectural extras. Large wide lot. $239,500 Fe~. See Ginny Anderson At34 MOUNTAIN VIEW WHAT COIOMA D& MAit IS ALL AIOUT! Charming So. of the hwy, cottage framed by leafy trees & an abundance of color. Swmy dining room with french windows & hardwood floors. The brick patio with redwood hot tub is irresistible! Presented at $399,000. LUIUaY uv...- ln the 601 Lido Park Tower. Gorgeous 2 BR. corner unit on the 7th floor. Breathtaking views of the bay & ocean. Safe and secure with the finest security system. Pool, spa, billiard & card rooms + your own sauna. $775,000. JASMINI Clla Quality and security -It's all here with 24 ht. guard gate, tennis, pools & magnificent greenbelts. 3 BR. + Fam. Rm. with handsome wood floors, French doors and pfivate gardens. $343,500. LOCATIOM -LOCATION On Balboa Island. Excellent street within steps or So. Bayfront Beach. Five BR. DUPLEX with one BR. re ntal. Private patio with built in Bar-B-Q. $450,000. HOUI PIOPllTY In beautif uJ Back Bay area. 2 BR. Study & overnite loft. Formal dining area. Gourmet kitchen. All redecotated. Great country/city living. $335,000. llAUJY IN MYCllST Extra large lot with hilbly maintained 4 BR. 4 BA . I van Wells home. Original ownen. Dining + Family Rms. Large well planned kitchen. Excellent floor plan. 1385,000. AMI UW. OM UDO Ill.I Beautif~llY.,1decorated. Extra Jarae rooms & 1arden aun deck. 5 Deelrooma, 4 BA. Den & dining rooms. Lrg. 46 ' lot. .... 500. • • • µ HMMtfwW. ....... FwW.. ...•.•................. .•...........•....••••• , HMNt...-Wt Ho•nfwW. ... ,.., 1002 .._..... IOOJ ., •..•.................................••..••.•••......•.•......•..•.........•.............. • ,.,.. IOOJ ...... 1002 ___________ ._ __ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OCIAMflllOMT SZtf,000 This is it! The least expensive oceanfront residence in Newport Beach. A 3 Bdrm 2 Ba condominium with plenty of room and tasteful decoration. Security parklng. Low Interest assumable loan. Owner will assist with financing. A great buy that won't last. LIVI IM LA MANCHA Located in one of the finest areas of Mission Viejo, this rare 3·story town home offers many fine features including 2 Bdrms, loft and wet bar. Steps to community pool and the nearby Mission Viejo Country Club . Seller will assist with financing. Priced to sell at.$141,500. Opn Hse Sun 12-5. 26532 Cardenio. LIDO ISU Spanish elegance at its best ... 4 years new at the peaceful west end of Lido Isle . . . community beach at eacti end o( the street, 4 bedrooms, 334 "baths, _gourmet kitchen. walled patio with fountain. Super family-entertainment home. Owner creative -submit. Open Sat, Sun 1·5. 115 Via Waziers $625,000 SUNSETS, SEASCArE. SPYGLASS & MOU await you in this magnificent Southport. This tastefully decorated 6 bedroom. 41h bath view home has so many options available you'll believe you're in a custom built home. The many tiers of used brick both front and rear add total dimens ion to the lush gardens. Offered at '699,500. IH THE ILUFFS Lovely, large "E" plan with country kitchen . Recently remodeled. Privacy plus on a quiet cul-de·sac. Early Bluffs location - large loan available. Price just reduced to $298,SOO. . 523 A venida Campo -Open Sat·Sun 1·5. OWHER WILL HELP FIMAHCE Beautiful 3 Bdrm Newport. Beach home with large lot, spa, french doors, oak cabinetry, and lovely landscaping. All this custom work makes this Westcliff home a true value at just $269,500. IAHCHO SAM JOAQUIN Adorable, affordable 1 bedroom and loft condo in the Villas. This bright, cheery home is perfect for the small family or single. $153,900. Open Sunday 12-5. #17 Morena (Irvine). OIUGIMAL ILUfPS 2 bedroom H plan with partial view of the back bay -lovely upgrades, delightful deck for viewing sunsets. Large patio on lush greenbelt. pool and putting green. Excellent financing. $230,000. 1964 Vista Caudal -Open Sat·Sun 12 5. OCIAM VllW This lovely 3 Bdrm home in original Harbor View Hills has been completely re modeled for your most discriminating taste. With ocean view, pool, and professionally landscaped yard, this will be a Joy for your summer entertaining plans. Well priced at $345,000. I.All MISSION VllJO A splendid French Country home in the gated community of Tree Vistas on the shore of Lake Mission VleJo with 4 bedrooms, 31Ai baths, family room, formal dining room, Uvina room and pool if you like. 'lbll custom home is built with the finest attention to detail and at~re ~ to 90% f inanclng to q fled buyer. 27582 ·E1cuna -Open Saturday. Sunday 12·5. '745,000. OWMll NIAICa' See this beauutul 4 Bdrm 3 Ba home in one of Newport Bucb'• moat quality area1 . Tb• profes1ionally landtcaped .,,.... feature • vel'J private poor• ape. 11un'1., Ulla woa't 'If' 0...-WW earn !!,.bt TD. _. . ._. Ollila ........ , lit. Tnilwblil <fiiitdft area>. '.'. I I i . ·. '11AYLOl\ CO. I ' I ·, I I I 1 I ; '' : I '' ' I ' I 11 i OH 116 CAHYOM ~ COUISI SNCTACULAI ...aSAILLIS" Largest lot of all the Big Cyn Deane Homes! What a spacious & beautiful yard for entertaining! Prof. landscaped with mature trees & shrubs surrounding lovely pool & spa plus a darling gazebo (with even a chandelier>. Gated front court.yd with fountain. Dramatic foyer w/huge crystal chandelier, 2·story ceiling in living rm, formal dining rm, paneled den w /parquet floor, 4 bedrooms including glamorous master suite with marble bath. $895,000 GIOltGIAM COLOMA&. MANSION OM llG CANYON GOLF COUISI A creation of elegance & top quality workmanship by Newport's finest builder and situated on the choice view lot of Big Canyon Country Club. Private courtyard entrance. breath· ta.king_ ch~rm in the approach to the stately 2·story Colonial colunms accenting the inviting doorway. Imported white marble foyer . impressive circular stairway, central air-cond ., import ed crystal chandeliers & sconces. 3 wet bars & 6112 baths. Beaut. master suite plus 4 additional bedrms with private baths, banquet size dining rm, richly paneled f am1ly rm + paneled billiard rm, refrigerated wine rm. By appt . $2,150,000 IAUOA ISLAND DUPUX 4 Bedrooms upstairs and 3 bedrooms downstairs with patio and deck. Covered garage and laundry room. Excellent for summer·winter rental. Just steps to the sand from the door of this excellent tax shelter plus potentially appreciating property. Call now for this new listing. $450,000 FASHIOMAILE IA YCUST You will feel right at home in t his 4 bedroom beauty with the greatest kitchen.family room you have ever seen. Light, bright, friendly. Perfect for entertaining with lots of landscaped yard for summe r barbeques. New . modern kitchen appliances. Private master bedroom suite separate from other bedrooms. See today! $395,000. 1315 AllfftM w_., OfllH SUM 1·5 A CilEAT IUY -SllJ,000 Compare these features with any other home in the area. Beautifully landscaped, over.sized lot. Great workshop·hobby room as extension to 2-car garage. 2 Bedrooms, 2 baths, large living room with wood·burning fireplace and cozy den. So much for so little. $183,000. Call now. 2°STOIY DUPLEX~ IUCH STIPS TO THI llACH-OWNlll AHA.MCI Call today to see this fine duplex. Live in one unit & rent the other . 4 Bedrms & 2 baths in upper; 2 bedrms & 1 bath in lower. Fireplace in each. Some view of ocean. owe 1st T.D. & note of $247,000, interest only. No loan fee. $299,SOO· ML AllOWHIAD-VU TO CATALINA , Unimpeded view 25 ft across to see the world. 3 Bedrooms. Western red cedar inside and out. Architect's award design. See it, then live in it. A great value. Asking $96,500. WISUY N. TA YLOI CO.. UAL TOIS 2111 S-J ............. MIW,OIT cacra.. tU. . .. ... , I 0 VILLAGE WALK COleO IMVESTOl'S DBJGHI' High assumable loan. This 3 B.R. 1112 Bath condo highly upgraded in a great area. Call for details. $99,900. tHE TIME IS tlJW! Newport B each 's exclusive Penilllula Point offers a 4 Bdrm, 4 ba, New En1land style residence, built to ~rfectlon. An ele1anUy appointed livina room opena onto a baytront 1win1 terrace and boat dock, to enjoy another private view ~ Newport'• mapllftC8't bay and blue Pactflc. Owner 11 motinted. Terms available. Flexible ftnalicin1 . fl,U0,000 lncludJn& the land or ll..-,000 CID lwebold. ~WA~IM m•••••._. ~ ~~Rr.\LT~ 1 t 41 a NEW HAIBOR RIDCE-STAlELY 110 VU OP~ Oc .. • llllllt ..... . u •• ,.... , ........ ... IMt 5700 14'-ft. ,..... I m -.... .. MIKt y..-•wa -... fw *' ....._. .......... 4 ...... .., ...... .... ra., l••t•M f-. ra .... -·II - ..... r Mtlte wlttl fh lllllH, 1• ··~ .-. & .,.. 1..,.....1ve _. m.e-for .. ~c.._ llo•1oww, Ill .. Mtt ......... of tMt l.elllt XIV W--..._. Sl ,t00,000. 611·1400. CLASSIC ELEGANCE ON WATER L.ln Athley ,_,.rt & -~ ,._ · 1M91lflu11t utl ... 1 & ch"9L two Story wltt. priH .............. , • ..... .-Mty .e.o .............. 4 a.c. ..... ..,. .......... wltt. ...... ,.. of wood leodtd ..... s.,..... ....... ..,_ .......... pctffo + dock ..... SOft ...... Sl.400,000 fee. 611·1400. OwHr 1oy1 11tb•lt-prlce & hr•• ..... , LINDA ISLE CORNER-lOYn Y! A Ntideftce of' gr...t fl'D•a""-• ,,..ff9ovt Llftcla ltle. Ww tllra ...... .,....., over brick wall ._., & dip pool/.,. to tot.I 1le1•ce. Two ....., ho...e with wllMllMJ oak ...... ., • .try fo1ttttol1t. For••I ll•lltCJ ro.. wltit apoc"*t t..ity roolR .... , ..... 11111kH bar. For•ol dl•lltCJ ML + C)OUl"IMt ldtchett. Lu_._ _.... .... + 4 peat bt.-0•-· L..'CJf Ollllldoor patio ... boat dock & ..., .... 3 booh. SI ,395,000. 63I·1400. BAYFRONT EXCELLBl:E--UDO lreathtakltMJ VIEW°" .. WATH from tWs fabulcMts 2-story ......... be.,. tloMly decoroted wttt. _....... llifOll'wa• ty ...,..... the UvllMJ "°°"' wttll Frwcll doon, ....t»le fW1pl1ce & ....... CJlnL s.,.,. ...... wltt. .................. .ct bcr. elevated dlllhMJ rooa ,,..Y ... •• tenor llHI· Fin-total .,..._ t.cw. 2 large Matter aultH & all co•fort WftlffH. Exterior reh .. 1&11 -wMMJ OYll' patio + nparat. cockWI ~ leodlttq to pier attd tip fw 2 boats. SopW1Hcoted security 1ya.._ sa.oww lty . odv111ce appt. to q11allfled btlyer1. $2,400,000 .... UDO ISLE (SUBMIT LEASE/OPT) lriC)ht attd cheerful 2 story °" 45' lot. Mew polttt, wallpaper .......... 4 ...... dlttl•CJ rM., 2 frplc1, 111a11y patio. $475,000. u I· 1400. OUTSTANDING OCEANFRONT ,..,._, architectural -....,a.c. • corMr. Hew wood & C)loN. cato. oak calHMts & IMffcltlollt ...,. & decor i. tMs 2 .. tory ....... wltt. ...... 1dtc19111 & tpMtMld MGster lllffe. T.mtlc VU of ... & wrf froll'I tltis 2 bed. 1-.""' .._. ..... 2 bed. r..W •ft. Y• C....W ..... ..... 0 tiftgle ..... ty ........ $975,000. LIDO ISLE CORtB-W OfferittcJ the Hclte.....t & c•W••t of Lido lifestyle -....... c,..llHM,· bkyc"'-9 & friettely ,..., .e.o ltlfoy tOCJCJllMJ the Ille. 2 .. tory. l ............. fo11t. rM., forMal dltt. ""' with all .... .me •. leduced to $665,000. CANALFRONT-OPEN SPACE YU Lo•ely redecorated 4 bed ..... Z..tory with chonit, leaded glOM. MnJc.. tie, ..... ll•ltt4 roOM with paHo & ....... becl. deck.. w. to pool, ..... & beach. -..C.d to $255,000. OwMe-......_ Selbftlltl 6 73°6900. OCEAN VIEW--tlWPORT Two Mly fw1Nlhed .._... Ill • H• ulettt locoffoet, 120 .... to .... oc ... froM. GNat oween 2bcL a... fr.t ...... ...... Cl 2bd., ,.... ,.... ....... OwMr wil cwry I st. SJSS,000. 50 ft. to SAND-URGE YU IHutfful cu1tCM1t .,a.x Olly I p.-. old. OM block to S_.. Alli Jetty. L-. owner'• •It wltt. 4 ......_., pltcW ....... 1ta1Md ..... ,,.,...... ..... . ,_.... VU of ..,,.(. L-.. l t.4. ........ -. It. be..,.. fhtmtclftt. $675,000. ~~T.~A~~;!O~. i..... pool -c:lecll ....... MCIU ••d ltocla yord lllf't'ffadH lty ,,. .... ,.,. 0..-...... ,.... ..... ...., ,. ..... :1111 Wice.... Two be.-Oo• + .. ...., C..W be Jrd bedro ..... s 111,000 .... (2072) (076429) ~E $"89~ PRICE ' @J ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BRAND NEW1981 V.W. JETTA (Ser . 292864) (2347) FACTORY ·s· 595 STICKER DISCOUNT '1400 ~~~$"19~ PRICE ' @J 4 Door. Lots of equipment including 5 speed trans., stereo prep. & much more ! ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BRAND NEW 1981 V.W. DASHER.WAGON .. (2349) (910045) FACTORY •10 555 STICKER . ' DISCOUNT '1260 Air conditioning, stereo prep. and much more! ~~ •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BRAND NEW 1981 V.W . RABBIT CONVERTIBLE (2321) (013836) ~~~i~:v '10,290 DISCOUNT '1295 OUR LOW PRICE 4 cyl., fuel injection, 5 speed trans., pwr. assist brakes, tinted glass, sport steering wheel, leatherette, cut pile carpeting, factory undercoat, AM /FM stereo cassette & wsw tires . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BRAND NEW 1981 V.W. WESTFALIA (2203) (067766) ~ .... 0 FACTORY '14 960 STICKER ' DISCOUNT '1965 ~:CIAL s 12 99 'f: PRICE . ' @J P27 model camper ... ' , .. HOUSES F.OR SALi I ... OOM 92SAvalon , La1una Beach 752·1700 $110,000 Sun 1·5 I ll ,a. FAM ltM • D .. 17 Morena , Irvine 644·9990 $153,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 Z llDROOM 119 Via Yella , Lido. Newport Bch 673-0697 $484,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 502 Acacia, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $324,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 26532 Cardenio, Mission Viejo 673-8700 Sun 12·5 12 Maritime, Jas mine Creek, CdM 675-5930 $339,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 123 Via Zurich, Lido, Npt Bch 631-1400 $299 ,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1228 Rutland Rd #6, NB 631· 24,500 Sun 1·5 1 ist a Caudal, Npt Beach 644-9990 $230,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 119 Via Ye ll a ,'Lido Is le, NB 673-0697 $484.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2.'Ul Vista Hue rta,bluffs 644-9060 $147 ,000 Sun 1·5 213 Magnolia <Eastside >CM 675·6000 $149,000 Sun 1·5 25261 Glorie tta. Mission Viejo 837-8460 $110,000 Sun 1·5 675 Lombardy Lane, Laguna Beac h 494-8057 Sl78.50Q Sun 1·5 Z IR plus FAM IM «' DEH 5212 Sisson , Huntington Beach 846-3278 $116.500 Sat,Sun 4951 Hem loc k, Univ. Prk. Irvine 552·1800 $189,900 Sat Sun 1-5 5 Ch erry No, Un ivers ity Prk, lrv. 552·1800 $148,500 Sun 1·5 227 Via Orvieto, Lido Isle. N.B. 673·7300 $365,000 Sun 1·4 868 Hillc r est. Laguna Beach 631·7300 $289,000 Sat Sun 1 5 IO Sandba r (J as mn Ck > CdM 675-3411 $335.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2502 Crestvie w <Bayshores l NB 645-4419 $265,000 Sun 1·5 1409 Dolphin Ter race. CdM 644-6200 $895.000 Sun 1·5 #5 Ma ritime (J asmine Ck > CdM 642·5200 $375,000 Sun 1·5 3 BEDROOM , ••6408 Oceanfront, NB 642-3215 $598,000 Daily 11·5 18311 T a mmy L a ne. Huntington Bch 848·9378 $119,900 Sat Sun 5315 Bruce Crescent. Lido Sands. NB 645-1771 $179,950 Sun 1·5 400 Vista Q ui nta. Bluffs, NB 760-6028 $239,500 Sat Sun 1·5 4821 Cor tlan d, Corona del Ma r 631-1266 $395,000-Fee Sat /Sun 1·5 408 loth St.. Huntington Beach 546-9533 Sat /Sun 1·5 •2516 Harbor View Dr., NB 673-1600 $550,000 Sun 1·5 99 Lakeshor e, Woods ide, Irvine 730-0760 $214,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 •250 P rospect CNpt Shrs> NB 759·9100 $139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 17386Sandalwood , Univ. Prk, Irv. 552·1800 $152.900 Sun 1·5 #17 Odyssey Crt.. Newport Bch 675·6670 Sat 1S11n 1 .~ 505 Seaward Corona High lands CdM ' 851 -9522 Sun 1·5 14 Ma llard . Irvine 551·3000 $220.000 Sat /Sun 1·5 2716 Shell. Corona d e l Mar 631·7600 $795,000 Sat1Sun 2·5:30 409 Columbus Circle, CdM 644·7003 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1023 Bonnie Doone, Irv. Terrace 644·9060 $598,500 Sat/Sun l ·5 113 Via Ravenna. Lido, Newport Bch 631·1400 $355,000 Sun 1·5 3024 Ocean Blvd., Corona del Mar 631-1400 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1723 Plaza de l Sur. Balboa Penin 631-1400 $295,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 ••1010·12·14·16 E . Balboa Blvd. Penins ula 642·8235 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 •1518 Sylvia Lane, Newport Bch 631·1400 $185,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 232 Via Sa n Remo, Lido Is le, NB 631 ·1400 $665.000 Sat /Sun 1·5 17685 Loy ola <Culverda le> Irv. 675·3411 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 •6322 Am y, Gard e n Gro ve 963-6767 $134,900 Sa 1·5/Su 3·6 2205 Vista Huerta , Bluffs 644-9060 $157,500 Sun 1·5 1830 Irvine, Ne wport Beach 644-7020 $325.000 Sun 1·5 1901 Yacht Maria, Seaview, NB 752·1920 $355,000 Sun 1·5 5 Denver , Heritage Park, Irvine 559·7201 $138,900 Sun 1·5 2511 Sunflower # E2, Costa Mesa 540-3666 Sun 1·5 2063 President P l., Costa Mesa 751·3191 $100,000 Sun 1·5 •682 Ca pitol, Costa Mesa 751-3191 $129,500 Sun 1·5 ~ Racing Wind, Irvin e 551-3000 $160,000 Sun 1·5 ll&ColUns Ave., Balboa Island 642.8235 $375,000 SUn 1: 3().4 : 30 2521 Port Whitby, HrbrVlew Homes, Phase JU 6"·6200 $259,500 Sun 1·5 29'll Jacaranda <Mesa Verde ) CM 645-0303 '134,900 Sun 1·4 23()2 S. Diamond, Sanl4 Ana Mlr0303 '88,000 Sun 1·4 fltl CA>tt.a Meta CEHUide) CM &al.-,0 $172.$00 SUn 1·5 • Cbeyenne, Com II•• .-2113 Sl35.400 Sun 12-4 2M1Taba10 <Meta Verde> CM MS-2901 $183,900 &in 1·5 410 Sbady Dr., ~l\a Meu Mt-2813 $117 .000 Sun 2~5 8'Siran1 (lltMVenle>CM 141-2111 '114,800 Sun 1·4 . _ .. __ •• DI.RECTORY •• ., .......... 4"dwy ..... ,.. .......... y.. .............. All Mle ......... ··""' ....... -~-.,...._ ... ll)y _,.,.,..., .. .._. .. ...,.,DAILY P1LOT WANT ADS.,....._, ...... .,.. ............. -,.... ............. -· ................. , ..... _ .. ,........, ... ,....,, 417 No. Cooper. Santa Ana 540-62!13 $131.500 Sun 12·5 2512 Duke Pla<·e. Clg Park. C.M. 759· 1877 $126.000 Sun 1 5 #7 Peppergrass. Irvine 640·9900 Sl4Y.OOO Sun 1-5 2812 Dra ke,\ ve .. Costa Mesa 751·3Hll $13UJOO Sun 1·5 1721 Kmgs Rd. !Clfhvn > NB 642·5000X2Hi $(i!"l5,<XXl Sun 1·5 3124 Roosevelt Wu~. Mesa No .. CM 979·l050 Sl~2.5tl0 Sun 1·4 1089Glt•n(.'r 1\\'t'!-.ls1de>CM 642 5200 SJ.)0,000 Sun 1·5 502 "I ·St Balbou. Nwpt Bch 642 ~:;:w $495.000 Sun 2-4 •1915 Tr:1dt•wtnds. Npt Beach f,.H :mo $315.ooo Sun 1·5 12'!3 Dl·lµhm Terrace. Cd M 642-82:15 $690.000·L.H. Sun 1·5 1721 IO\\.a, :\tesa Verde.CM 631 1266 Sl5H.OOO S un 1·5 :323H Ncbrusk<.1 CMcs a Verde> CM 546·2313 $135,900 Sun 1·4 2596 Tcmplt-Ilills Or .. Lag. Bch. Ei40·!1900 $299,000 Sun 1·5 232Goldenrod. Coronadel Ma r 673 849·1 S595.000 Sat Sun 1·5 •By J\ppl Only. Corona del Mar fl45·2811i $450,000 Sat Sun •1905 Yachl Camilla Seaview. NB 499 1645 $465.000 Sat, Sun all day 11232 Bellflower. Fo untain Valley 775·2092 $199,500 Sal/Sun 1·5 43Seafar ing (Jas m n Ck> CdM 759·1616 $3 15.000 Sat 1·5 3175 Bur muda Drive. O>sta Mesa 545·3462 $130,275 Sat/Sun 12-4 408 16th Street. Hu ntington Bch 960-6500 $225.000 Sat /Sun 1·5 1428 Keel Dr . ( lfrbr Vu ffis) NB 759·9100 $325,000 Sat ,Sun 1·5 336 Prinl'eton, College Park. CM !213 >373·4787 $127,<XX> Sat1Sun 1-4 •32201 E. Nine Dr . Lag Niguel 8.11·9165 $375,000 Sat1Sun 1·5 343 Emerald Bay, Laguna Beach 4!M·9825 S750.000 Sat 1Sun 1·5 275 E. 16th St . Nwpt Hghts. CM 673·5354 $165,000 Sat Sun 1·5 1132 White Sails c HVHls) Cd M 675-6000 S355.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1900Yaeht Maria <Seavu> NB 675-6000 5395,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••38 Balboa Coves, Nwpt Bch 673-7060 $525.000 Sun 1·5 30 Rustling Wind, Irvine 752·1414 $295,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 •204 Via Eboli. Lido Isle 644·9060 $595.500 Sun 1·5 510 Via Lado Soud. Lido Isle 644-!>060 S525.000 Sat Sun 1·5 532 Cancha . Bluffs. NY.'j)t. Beac h G31 ·7300 $194,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 421 San Be rna rdin o. Nwpt Hghts, N B 63 1-7300 $330.000 Sat /Sun 1·5 ••1036 Polaris Or, DoverShrs,N B 631 ·7300 $995,000 Sun 1-5 * •308 38th St . Nwpt Island, NB 631 ·7300 SS25.000 Sun 1-5 • 1363 Galaxy. Dover Shores, N B 631·7300 $495,000 Sun 1·5 #18 Salzburg, llrb r Ridge, NB 631-7300 $495.000 Sun 1·5 305 Columbia, Newport Beach 631 -1400 $270.000 Sun 1·5 2451 Marino Dr . Bays hores. NB 644-9060 S365 ,000 Sun 2·5 • 1100 White Sails Way, HWI, CdM 644-9060 $485,000 Sun 1·5 2CXH Seadr ift , I r v. Terr., CdM 1 644-9060 $387,500·Fee Sun 1·5 806 Aleppo C Eastbluffl CdM 642-6368 $315,000 Sat Sun 1·5 2113 Miramar. Balboa Pe nin ., NB 631·1400 S444,500 Sat /Sun 1-5 15 15 Cumberla nd . Westcliff.. NB 631·5150 $239,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •8 Monter ey Cir., Corona del Ma r 644-9990 $459.500 Sat /Sun 1·5 215 Iris, Corona del Mar 631-7300 $385,000 Sun 1·5 2298 Red lands Dr., Newport Bc h 63 1-1400 $265,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2544 Carnegie Ave .. Clg Park, CM 549·4865 $132,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 438 Ri verside, Newport Beach 631·1266 $380,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 1912 Sumba, Mesa Verde. C.M. 968·8182 $184,900 Sun 1·4 4 HOltOOM •1873 Rhod es, Mesa Ve rde W., CM · 675-1771 $205,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #6 Warms pring, Woodbridge, Irv. 645·9850 Open Sat/Sun 12·5 *204 Via S a n Re m o. Lido, Npt Bh 640·5777 Sat/Sun 1·4 683 Senate St .• Costa Mesa 548·1731 $ll5,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 1800 P rt Carlow <Hrbr Vu Hms) NB 759·9100 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 118 Apolena, Balboa Island 644·9060 $450,000 Sun 1·5 ••503 Ed&ewater , Newport.Beach 631.1400 ~.ooo Sun 1·5 ••1313 E. Balboa Blvd., NB 673-6210 $895,000 Sat /$\Jt\ 1·$ 16243Sa n Jacinto, Fountain Vly 839.0730 1127 ,500 SlltJSUn 10 1032Cone?Ord , ~ata Mea 541-DJ.J 1134.900 sat1&un 14 1801 O.rawall <W•tctift) NB f7M000 :.~"'41;JOO ~l-5 •1 Almon6; lfi¥lite 8"-7020 $155.000 Sun 1-6 •111191ylirk, NdpOll llAcb •¥c• IU0,000 .. •1194 Atlanta Way, Costa Mesa 546·23 13 $125.500 Sun 1·5 4 F ortuna , Irvine 752·1700 $212,000 Sun 1·5 3120 Lin coln. Costa Mesa 751 -9392 $149,900 Sun 12·4 4 IR plus FAM RM or DEH 2070 Port Bris tol Cr . HVH. NB 644·9644 $279.000-fee Sun 1·5 •2315 Windward Ln <Baycrst >NB 675-6000 $375,000 Sun 1·5 2'l08 Port Durness. Newport Beach 640-9900 $479.000 Sun 1·5 •3054 Count ry Club <Mesa Ve rdel CM 640·9900 $269.900 Sun 1·4:30 53 Betha ny , Irvine 640·9900 $212,000 Sun 1·5 •2104 Yacht Grayling. NB 640·9900 $379,500 Sun 1·5 3771 Hend rix, Ir vine 640·9900 $176.950 Sun 1·5 1863 Boa Vista Cir .. Costa Mesa 751·3191 $224 ,000 Sun 1·5 28621 Springfield Dr .. Lag Niguel (213)434·0908 Open Sun 1-5 2638 Vis ta Ornada. Bluffs. NB 644-6200 $239,500 Sun 1·5 21 Ced arspring, Irvine 551-8700 $239,000 Sun 1·5 2727 Is land View. Cornna del Mar 644-6200 $459,000 Sun 1·5 2321 Aralia, Eastbluff 644-6200 $315.000 Sun l ·S • •132 McKnig ht . Laguna 642·8235 $895,000 Sun 2·5 1909 Yacht Hesolute. l rvine- 752-1414 S525,000 Sun 1·5 •49 Montecito, Corona del Mar 642·8235 $729.000 Sun 1·5 1822 Ta n a~er Or., Mesa Ve rde. CM 549-2644 $228,900 Sun 1·5 •2725 Gan net Dr .. Mesa Verde. CM 631·1266 $185,000 Sun 1·5 1712 Highlands <Westcliff) NB 631 ·6990 $329,000 Sun 1·5 1815 T a nager <Mesa Verde) CM 546·2313 $257.750 Sun 1·4 2733 Cana r y !Mesa Verde J CM 546-2313 $225,000 Sun 1·6 • •2274 Cha nnel Rd .• Balboa Penin. 675·231 l $1,695,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1127 Som erset. Westcliff Dover. NB 646-7213 $545.000 Sat /Sun 1·5 3394 Carme l Drive, Costa Mesa 540-1720 $205,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 1315 Antig ua Way, Baycrest. N B 644·4910 $395 ,000 Sun 1·5 14171 Klee, T he Colony, Irvine 559-7404 S161.000 SatrSun 1·5 230 Goldenrod, Cor on a del Mar 673-8494 $595.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2720 Ganne t Dr. <Mesa Verde ), CM 979·5099 $190,000 Sat,Sun 1·5 920 Notting ham Rd ., Newport Sch 631·0479 $399,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2078 Pha larope, Costa Mesa 957-1568 Sat/Sun 1·5 'J7 Coolbrook, Turtlerock, Irv. 552·1800 $259.000 Sat /Sun 1·5 7 Poinsettia, Deerfie ld, Irvine 552-1800 $155,000 Sun 1·5 #6 Cintilar, Nor thwood, Irv. 552-1800 $218,000 Sat/Sun l ·5 118 Via Ithaca. Lido Is le, NB 673·7300 Sat/Sun 12-6 1955 Port Ra msgate, NB 640-0664 $230.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••3889 Mis tra l Dr., Hunt. Harbor 840-5588 $630.000 Sat/Sun 1984 Korna t. Mesa Verde, CM 646·5096 Sat/Sun 1·5 2731 Pebble O r .. HVH, CdM 640·5560 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •1730 Ma rlin Way, Baycr est , NB 673-4400 $449,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1242 Somerset, Westc liff. NB 644·9060 $438,000-fee Sun 1·5 2012 Santiago Dr, Dover Shores, NB 631-7300 $350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4000 Inlet Isle, Cor ona del Mar 644·9060 $355,000 Sun 2·6 1112 Notting ha m , Westellff. NB 631-7300 $315,000 Sun 1·5 115 Via Wa ziers (Lido> NB 644-9990 $625,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 27582 Es cuna, Miss. Viejo 644-9990 $745,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 4191 Williwaw, Racquet Club, Irv. 552-6940 $166,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 30942 Colonial, No. L aguna 631·1400 $389,900 Sun 1-5 ••8 Collins Island. NeWPOrt Bch 631·1400 $1 ,200,000 Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Dr ., Dover Shores, NB 631-7300 $420,000 Sun 1·5 1801 SanUago, Baycrest 642-8235 $398,000 Sat/Sun l ·S 3202 Delaware Place, Mesa Verde, CM 979-5370 S139,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 Rimrock (TrtJrk Hin) Irv. 675·3411 1312,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 13 Rl mrock CTrtlrk Hln) Irv. 675-3411 $389,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 18112 Dewberry CUnlv. Vlg ) Irv. 675·3411 $155,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 15 Cedar Ridge <Trtlrk Inn) Irv. 675-3411 $885,000 Sat/Sun 1-~ •l'734Sant1a10 CDoverShrs) NB 611-..0 $750,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 S IR plus FAM lM ar DB4 10042 Cynthia Or., So. Hunt. Bch 962·5409 $169,000 Sun 1·5 2752 Bayshorc Or . <ayshrs l NB 759·9100 Sl ,100 ,000 Sun 1 5 1412 Antiaua <Oovt!r. hr'Wstclfl NB . G42·5200 S~~.000 Sun 1·5 7 Royal St. George, Big C~·n. N n f'144 6200 $1,050.000 Sun J-5 2215 Altu Vista, E Dluff. NB 642 ti235 $329,500 Sun 1·5 2735 Cibola. l\tcsa rl l•I \lar 631 7370 176,000 Sun l 4 1706 Pt. Abb<>y, HVll. Npt Bch 754· 1202 $325,000 Sun l 5 2825 Zt!ll . Lagun a Beach 497-5494 $800.000 S;S 12 :30 ..t :3o 1300 Marian Ln., N('wport Beach 673·7300 $389.500 Sat1Sun I 5 G Malibu Cirele. Spyglass. CdM 644·9060 S595.000 Sun 1·5 1816 Newport Hi ll Dr. 11 \'ll, N B 673·441)() S329. 750 Sun l 5 1533 Miramar. Ba lboa Pemn Pt 673·7761 $459.500 Sun 1·4 4521 Dorc hester <Ca meo IDn l CdM 673 7751 $359,000 Sun 1 4 1835 Port Shefrit>lcl <llYJ lms >Nil 673-7751 $329.900 Sun J 4 7621 Wes tern. Buena Park 97~·5370 $109,000 Sun 1·5 5 Deerwood , Big Canyon. N. B. ()44 -6200 $2 .000.000 Sal/Sun 1·5 6 BR plus FAM RM or DEN • 1524 Keel I lfrbr Vu Ills 1 NB H40 5·H 6 S43~.900 Sal Sun l ·5 1:1 Hoyul St Georg(•, :'\B 64Hi200 S7 15,IJIJU Sun I 5 2:314 Wcstmins kr c 1•:ai,ls1de J CM li45 030~j $2 15,1100 Sun I ·I CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE STUDIO FURHISHB> Vl'rsaillcs 101 Sl'hol1 Plaza. J'cnlhouse 27 75U· 10H2 $120.0IJO Sun l ·l 2 BEDROOM 1628 B lm-\<1 . Co!-.la Mc!-ta 54CH720 ~lEl.5lJO Sal Sun I 5 002 llollowbrook. Costa ~lc!-.a 55fi 5388 $125.0UO Sun 12 5 •435 Gloucester Dr . Costa i\lesc.s 642 47!19 $13tl ,OOO Sut Sun 12 :30 5 2424 Santa Ana, E !-.HIL·, C ~1 673·90ti0 $108,500 Sun I 5 16 Encore Court. Nl'\\J)(lrt Beal'h 540·36fi6 Sat Sun I 5 8427 Leeward. llun trn~ton Rcaeh 000-6646 $110.500 S<tl Su11 12 2000 Mcver Plate. t'u!-.tCJ Mesa 64 1 ·19~11 . 63l·tl:Jnl Sat Sun 12·5 12132 Edinger . Sunta Ana 641 1!191 ; 631 ·43" I Sat Sun 12 5 • • 1235 Bays1dt. '1 :\\\1>l Beach 675·341 l $549,.,110 Sat Sun 1 5 113 Glouct'ster Dr . Costa Mesa (i75-5200 $125.UOO Sat Sun 1 4 311 2 BR plus FAM RM or Di:H ••6:!3 Lido Park Dr. F 2. NB 631 7300 $635,ooo Sat Sun l 5 215 Ne" port Hh cl Nt.'\\1><>rt Bead1 Kil 7300 SlG!J.HOll Sun l 5 l BEDROOM 2410 Niagra , Cuslc.s Mesi:l 67:3·1282 SHS.500 S;it Sun I 5 •405 Vi s ta Sucrte <Bluffs> NB 759 !.1100 $259.~0o Sal Sun 1·5 • 107 Pinon Tree Ln I Lrl Pt> CM 759·9100 $1 34.000 Sal Sun I 5 43 Glcnhurst. lr\'inc 551.:woo $117 .9!-JO Sat Sun 1·5 it li Odyssey Crt . Npl H('h 675-6670 Sun l 5 630Skyview. Costu Mesa 540·1720 $134 .750 Sun l 5 15 Creck\\.ood. Irv an t• 551 3000 $154 .000 Sun 1·5 1741 Tustin ~17C. Coslu Mesa 546·2313 $136,900 Sun 1-5 l BR plus FAM RM or DEH 366 Genoa Ln .. Nwpt Hi vicr a. NB 646-2670 $129.900 Sun 1 ·4 431 Vista Suerte. Blufl s. N. B. 640-5560 $228 .000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #3 Monaco. Hrbr Ridge. N.B. f>40·5560 $885,000 Sat Sun l ·5 4 BR phis FAM RM ar DEN #5 12 Ve ntaja, Bluffs, NB 642-8235 $208,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2 -2 IEDROOM 4601 Seashor e Dr .. Newport Bch 631·1400 $975,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2001 Kings Road, Newport Beach 631 ·1400 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 620-6201f.l Or c hid. Corona del Mar 644·9060 $319,000 Sun 1·5 Z IR & 2 IR 2516·2518 Bays ide Dr .• CdM 675-6000 Sun 1-5 3 IR plus I IR 1510 Abalone Place, Newport Bch 631·1400 $637,000 Sun 1·5 lll,...sZIR .. 4000 Rlver <Wes( Nwpt ) NB 675·6000 $750,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1000 W. Balboa Blvd., N.B. 673·7300 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 421 Femleaf. Corona del Mar 642·823S $349,SOO Sat/Sun 1-S J llt,Z l l,,... 4MJIST GZ7 Margue rite, Corona del Mar 844·9060 $295,000 Sun 1·6 . ••...........•.......• 1002 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ON co1.. .. ·counst: SANT I\ ANA l'O CLU IJ IU:AUTlf'Ul.3 lmllM Owner ~() 5010 IAYRtOMT OPEN SUHDA Y I .5 38 Bolboo Co•H IWA1' St.JI' Si\N UY n I'. \ l' II • hir~u :J b<lrrn & t!t•n, 2 huth hl)m~ &: mu1 h mun•' ~2~.ooo· (hqwr \lo(l'lll H7:1 ll lH7 HA IR STYLING SHOP I'll tSTl(;JOl S !\llUf' l\t'Jr 0 l' \I ltPOHT .. :x1·.·lknl 1!1'1J1'' f)IU~ Im l'Ollll' Ir om l\uh lt'.IMc• ul u1J11l:11rs 11t1tl \Ul11n Four ~lttl 11111., 'tl'IJUl"a lt• .., h ,1 111 p o o r o 11 m I 11 u n J.! I' • 14 a I l 1 II II & 'tur;1••l· Bt-.1u11ru1 n•dJr ll1•n11 S27 '.00' Jndurlt•:o. lull' 1·11u1p1M:d 'h"ll llllJll 1111•1111·11h & lt·.1 ... t•. (',1 I I h1•li•• Sm 11 h filll K(t;1ll Balboa Bay Prop. R~alton •675-7060• Thou Shalt Hot st~al llul tlwn•.., J httl1· 1lt·111 Ill ;,rll ol U .. ("all IOI Ill l11111 1al11111 1111 our 11wn1•1 nuarw1·cl 111111... l"nr 1•'( :. rn p I 1·. "1 1111· or II\\ 11\'l '>hll\ llnt lo( flc-11 tlplx It ... ,1 ... 1 ... d at '>I Ii -.oo r I) l I II !'> T 0 '\ f- lt~. \l.n !lfl:I lJl4jj EMERALD BAY (IC"l'.111 \'11'11 rrnm lhr ... ''" 1•h l.aJ,!UOa Bt•<J('h hu1111-:1 lh :l hJ I a rn 1 m 1;,,,, ti ....... "' t hhH'h. l1•11111s 'l"t'llJ II\ l'J1 ul ·1.1tu111 lll".tllor I'll IJO'.!!I TASTEFULLY DONE .I 11" I rd UI l11,h1•1I. l h .... J,!l l'Otl I Bdrm hllllll' "II h 1·w 11M l1wa1111111" Ill'" •m I ti" 111,11 kt>I ,ct I~ I i:lO .J u-.1 :! hlk" to \I t••,;1 \ 1•nll· i.:1111 c uur ..,,. ( a II lur J µpt ;;,1 :11•11 C::. SEH:C T ...,..., PROµE: Al IE~ Golf Coune Vie w Just Reduce d Sh.11 p I ll1 , 2 11 l\;1 humt' 1111 l••·t h ''" \h-,,1 \0t•rd<· f ,.tlf ,-.Olll'>t', )11 ll"t;'d lll wll ''1th lull hn;1m·rng at 111'.i K' 1111 11uotlrl ~ rni.: Op1•1t t lu' "1•t•k1·nd .11 )111!~ h,11111,11 ('\I John BurridcJ~ 646-5096 JUST LISTED OCEANFRONT lllr 111.1 hom1 0"111·1 "'II lu·lp l111J1111· 14 :m do" 11 '\K'l.-1.0\lll O pl'll S.11 Sun I ;11;73 :!72K OC EANFRONT !(lb0.000. :J llr, 2 11 .r h .. who•l•ir OWi' BE ACH HOUSE lil•I •• )!l•llll' ol 2 Ill J I 11t>1td" lc>J.:l'lh1•1 ;rn<I hu~ th1' c-uti: IJt."H'h huu't' lur mth Sl75,()(KI COSTA MESA CONDO ;JUr . 2Ba and all lor only SI 26.H50 H7:l :J72'1 IO'.\I S IH \I I\ "l I I 1·H~ Bui Ide rs /Decorators FIXERS & LAND HI C'd~1 S285.000 RI lot BUJLI 52!1,()()() fCl Pc11111. 1'01111 Fix1•r S295.000 ll 1 Lido l!>lt• fo'iM•r $200,000 R2 Penrn Point Vu f'rxer $3.15,000 1!2 Oeeunfront fo'1xer S650.000 R2 Oceanlnmt rrxer 9;7:;,000 H2 \'u hM·r )t)t 'alue f.:1119,500 Prim(' C't1mm'I. nea r rrw} MS,000 n 1 navfrunt remnedel 9)95.000 - WATERFRONT HOMC.S REAL ESTATE 631-1400 LOCATION •• Coast Hwy-HDt. l clt. 1000 fl bid ti ~nd h 12 year lt'aae Prime w\ndow on Coast Hwy. Groot park· i.na Owner will finance. '$160,000. WAT1:.RFROl'ff HOMES REALESTAll! 631-1400 SUPaOUNl Beautiful, Immaculate, nlcely landacoptd • bdrm ltoua on nice cul· dt·tal' SptelOWI rootn•. View or pit roune from ptoptttf 0Yt<nt r will help on r1n1ncln,. Olll.Y SUl,SOO. Cal now rrt#JO ~L£StA TiE am+w I & ............ s. "-"'-S. .... " ..... s. H111MPwS. ....... ...,.,. Orange Coest DAILY PILOT/Sunday. May 31. 1981 •a ..................................................................... •·••·••···············• ...................... . ~:~!~ .... -.. !~~ !:::::'! .......... ~~ ...... ~ ..... !~ ~~-~~-.. !~.~ ~~:~~~ ....... !~.~~ ~.~.~ ....... ~.~.~ ...... ~~!!.':':..':'!'!. ....... ~.~.~ ..•...• Tal'UX 4br, l~ba , h.rdwoud CoataM... IOJ4 Co1taM... 102 H_..,._ltedl t040 lnlN 1044 U01Balbo•()penl·5 Three uni t& wi th rt oor11 . new pMant , •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• WAnA .. OMT-WILL TIADI Luxurious French Normandy 5 Bdrm S Bath estate wlth slip for 50' boat. Will trade for smaller home or income property or sell for 203 down and carry balance at 12%. Priced at $1,675,000. ULTIMATI RIG~I If you appreciate fine things you must see this outstanding Eng. Tudor estate high atop Harbor Ridge. Ocean. harbor & nite views. 7500 sq ft of superior custom design. 5 Bdrms, 5~ Ba, pool, spa, your own tennis courts. $2,900,000. Call for appointment. TOP OF SPYMASS owe s110,ooo Gorgeous custom estate, ocean & harbor views, ultimate design & decorating. 4 Bdrm, 3tr.a Ba, formal dining. $1 ,495,000. 714 / 76 0 -9333 S,,~clacula, BAY, OCEAN & LIGHTS VIEW 4 IDRM, CORNER LOT $495,000 OPEN TODAY I ·5 2731 P E BBLE DR .. HARBOR VIEW HILLS. 1 of only a handful fo truly "Premium " ba y & ocean view homesites available. A very generous lot with ample space for expansion of existing home plus room for pool on this exquisite location. WE'LL TAKE IT! On lease or lse opt. Nwpt Bch or No Tustin. 1 s tory 3 or 4 bdrm. fam rm w /frplc, jac & yard View, sunken baths , maid's qrtrs o ptional Specific properties only 759·1600 THEILUFfS Finest original area. Superb greenbelt setting ofre r in g "Massive" view. Spacious 3 bdr m end unit, totally re- decorated townhome at $265,000. Agt, 640-5.56-0. BY OWNER Heritage Park 3 Br . 2'':1 ba townhome. Assuma· ble loan. 9 5%. Open hou se Sun 1·5 a t 5 Den ver. $138,900. t:all 559·7201 Heritor Ve.w Home Charming "Montego" 4 Bdrm 2 ba. ram rm. din rm, plantation shutters, le velors, plank floors. Many upgrades. 1:279.000 fee. Open Swida~ 1 5 at 2070 Port Bristol Cr. NB .... \'i111.~ ... 1k ( -R,,;if11 • Waterfront Condo CARLSBAD 2 Br 2 Ba, pool. front row on fresh water lagoon w /ocean vu. $150,000 F P. w trinan w 1$38.000 dwn on HY~ AlTD all due in 24 mos. Must sell. Owner 673-7924 lalboa ldmld 1006 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHARM ING 2Story Cape Cod, 3 Bdrm, 2 ba, 1 bdrm unit + guest with bath. lawid rm, 2 car gar. Lge fixed assuma · bte + owe. $.575.ooo. 673·0188 Pt.:ARL AV~NUE. l sty home & 2 BR apt over dbl gar. Ownr ma y carry part. Bill Harde &· ty. R ltr. 67S.2866 lSLAND CHARM. Updat· ed 3 Bdrm 2 ba with Ion. frplc, 2 car gar , laundry rm. View & steps to the bay Lge fixed assuma- ble + owe S475.ooo Call 673·0188 WILL BUILD TO SUIT, lge apt w/pe rmanent bay view. Plus 750 sq.ft comme r c ial. Bi ll Hardesty, Rltr. 675-2866 ....... ......, 41rMtery .. ,. ........ .. ,. ............................. ....., ..... ... ,....,.,, .. tr-"r .... .., ............. ....... a. *'-f't DA&.Y PILOT "WAMf.ADS. ....._ ......... ~ .......... .,,..._ ~ ..... _.~ ........ c ...... ......., ......... ,...,. TOWNHOUSES FOR SAtl J llOIOOM 1.Ml Mitchell, Tustin Villa, Tustin 832-02114 185,000 Sat/Sun z•••AMIM• ... t9 Perch, WoodbridJe, livllie 551·9'1N 1115,000 Sat/Sun 11·5 1512 Au1uat Ln., Coat.a Mesa 631-1300 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 MOllLI HO~ POI SAii Jll .... ,AMINw ... 1•10.nrey Rd. #11, lrv. 518.aau 1$2,500 Sun 1·5 ATTIACllVI rt replaces, on • 45' carpet drapea plumb-lOK buy1 ,., lntert!11t In • llST INVESTMENT OPIH SUH 1-5 Onn1e Tree Condo, Plan J STOltY Corooa Ml Mar lc>l, ror ina siis ooo ~er will Rr , •inalc famUy hou11e A 11 um<' s74 , oou 3 t 208'7t Hwiter r~ane 5. 2 br l ba Sl<XJ.500, Call + modemapt the price of• duplu h•IP wlth financlna Good loratlon CM 10'•' Down patyml'nt So H 8 Atlanta / $5t-7M2afler7pm. nr bays all xtra la 2 Br P1vor1ble usumable Open hoult! Sa&"Sun W/25K l'qulty. Ownt'r $35,000 OWl1l'r c11rm·• 8rookhurat. 5 Bdrm. frplc. l~. 1pt lncom~ ~~ lo~n .. _!~Uer wturry 10-8PM. 1183 Senate St pays oil bllb Will :ipHt Znd 3 Hdrm, 21, bacon 21,ba t frml dinlna.t-•1•,.••.·.-•,•r·----a•v- $41>5 mo. Fabu.loua U · · rh.-.. ut 1322,000, BY OWNER 548-1731 or tux wntc-otr and 1H0Cll do Dbl gar Run Suy. ram rm. le P8llO Al RV ..-- sumabi. financlni. Save iown0 paymenBtk seo.00011.1 83l·98'18 a flu t2mo 847 6515. Agt 979·5370. l'vcs <·:ill «oncrete pad, bk y1d ac T_..ock thousands SSS. Y wner/ r w 646 6Hi7 548 1801 t·eu Lo rn•lnt ,yrd Rt:aullfully up11raded llMI ••.un cooperate. 6'7S·314 l Ownl.'r flnunclns Only home with atrium 6 spa -Dana PoW I 026 S16U,OOO View or the city U•ht.a & 1113MJ4-0tOI CDM GllA T ASSUMAILE ••••• •••••••••••••••••• 962 5400 Ruy .M1lll.'r lot& of brick work. 4 1~~~~~~~~~~12 yr new Cape Cod home, 3Rr Condo aitl,500 Own t' r w 11 1 "arr y bdrm . 2•~ bat hi . A11 2 blks rrom water. F an Open l ·5 873 12112 A11t bouulltul uce1rn hur1Jo1• ASSUMt: 1.0AN sum able Loan. ioi»oa ,,.,. I 007 3 B 11\ b I I ••••••••••••••••••••••• laatlc rlnanclna . GrMb Condo for sale Sl~.ooo. \ 1ew home wl3br, 2'• r • u , g ot 96).1112 SUPBAllA Great inve1t m entl 2 newer custom units on comer lot. 1-a block to ocean, l block to bay. Each w /2 car gar, 2 br, 2 ba, balconies w/ocn & b11y views, patios . $395,000 firm. Lge as· s um. 1s t at 14 Y.'1 . 815 ·815"2 E. Balboa Blvd . Do not disturb te na nls. Ownr. 640.4424 or 759·1064. Capi1tr.o hoch I 011 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 48r, 3 full Ba, crpts, drps, frplc, bltns, lo down. $123.950. Owner 549·2042 Corotta del Mar I 0%2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SELLER-S IH THERED Here's your chance to make a good Investment on a 4 Br COM home 1st is 12".4: at $140,000. Try 30% dwn. Try quick escrow. Call now. Diana 631-1266. Agt. the phone this instant. 28r. 28u. Gd tlnanchl" ba, spa. etc $4:J<J.SOO Sl 19,900 Cleun Open Tim Rhone63 . "' •100·3728 house Sat/Sun 18311 avail. 902 llollowbrook. T Lu 9 CM 556·5318. El Toro I 032 am my_ ne 848 378 ••••••••••••••••••••••• TERMS OPEHHOUSE SAT/SUH 5212 Sl1to11 COM IARGAIN 10% 1st, l blk from water, 2 Bd 2 Ha pai-t1al vu Act quick on this bargain. Call today Tim Rhone 63H266 OPEH SatjSwt 1-5 275 E. 16th St, C.M. 3 bdrm. famlly room. re· modeled on large R 2 lot. Assumable lowu. Ownt>r w ill help rin 11nce MESA VERDE Open Sat /Sun I· 5 2720 Gannet Dr Lg 4Br + den tn l\•vcl homl', corner lc1t. lg patio $190.000 A~t 979 50!l!I S1><>lless 4 llr 1-'ernwOOtl home. Only Sl tlt,000 Patrick Tenore 631 1266 tNr Bolsa Chica & t:d· -~~~!!!!~~~~ DIStRE EXCHANGE Top or Spyg l ass maenlrlcenl ocean view Nantucket mdl, 5 Br. 3 Ba. Prefer trade for smaller on Spyglass Ownr I A Gt. 644·5922 FOR SALE IY OWNER Outs t anding CdM Chormer . Perfect ocnd So. or Hwy. Lge 45' level lot 2br, lbu, detac hed lge 2 cur gar, elet' dr opener, cement ror 2 car $165.000. . MAURY STAUFFER SEA LION REALTY 673-5354 MESA VERDE Euetiltin Home 3 bdrm. 2 bath, 1 story executive home on quiet cul·de·sac street 1 lge bdrm could be converted to make 4th bdrm Hoom ror RV access or pool OPEHSUN 1-4 1912SUMIA 963-8182 Op•nHouse Sat 1·4 620 Shotta LGM. Re u ut I rut Bro1)k \ 11·w Condo J Br 2 bu Shuw., hkl' a model OWl' 2m.1 <.: 2 l Bl'rg <.i lor1u 557 8320 SI 0,000 RedlKtfon MESA VERDE 3 Bdrm 2 ba, 1 i.ton llWl Rhode:. Sl~.ooo · owe 2nd or 3rd. <..:121 Berg Gloria 557 8320 COLLEGE PARK RVM~ J<I-·\l Tc 1f(S Foamtoln Valey I 034 ••••••••••••••••••••••• :mr, 21.Ru, bonus room, lg lot. gd fin Sl9H.500 Oµen house Sat Sun <.'all WGI 851·3851 l/4 ACRf>.POOL 1'..xer 2Storv, .a Br 212 Ba 3 (irepla(·e:, Financ 1ng o pen Uroker 842 1411~ or 962-6365. $45,000 m1sumes ~1 >', VA l o an 2nd . l mm11c 4bdrm. 2ba home Quirk escrow. n o qual $127 ,500 83!!.Cn:JO inger> 2 B<lnn, convert den. 1 ~. bu New forced air heating, kitchen, baths und «arpetin~ L.ge assumable lo11n at 11 12',. Owner must sell by 6 16 Aakm& Sl 16,500 C:all 840·-1790or846·32711 3 ILOCICS to ICH Cha rm mg old town 3 Bdrm 2 ba Low dn lo mt Opt.'n Sat/Sun at -108 10th St Agt 546 9533 Bike lo beach t'ondo 2 + 2, take O\ er loani. N 1C Sir Agt Aft 6963 0562 I RAHDHEW TOWNHOUSE 3 Br 21 ~ Ba Upgraded WOOOllUD6E t.:nd Unit Condo 3 Br. 2h Ba. 1601 sq . n. Danbury Model. Aaaumable low mterest loan Attached garage. mcely decorat· ed & lu n dscaped $166.950 Condo 3 Br. 211 Ba 1446 sq rt Air cond. Assum a· ble loan. Ma ny com mun i t y privileges $149,500 Call752·L282 TURTUROCIC Detached 4 Br. 21fa Ba. 2000 sq rt Formal Din· ing area, den, fire place, much m ore. $140,000 in assumable fina ncing . Open House Sun. ~-31 ·81. l ·SPM. $289,990. Call 752 1282. S200Kat 121/JOfo FIHAHCIHG s additional. Reul br ick ~~~~~~~~ frplc. beamed t'eiling, asking price $330.000. Open house Sunday 9am·4pm. 640 8733 or AREA $126,900 Su1wr nit•e hom e on 1•ul de !>a<· street J llr+fum rm . F HE SHLY PAIN'ft.:D 111 & o ut T"o beaut1ru1 rircµlut·ci.. pa nt•ling Mot1 \ ated seller TllUROH CONDO End unit. as:-.ume $179 pa\'mentsor less down & pay SH37 Mo 3br. 2'i ba. 2sl~. gar opener. asking SllS,000 H.19-3211 Frank i\GT 10·4 Saturda) onl) <213143.'i 7001 SundJ~ carpets. draper iei. & patio Located at Lac uesta Tract Plan 10 Hl'ach Bl vd /Atlant a . S l 6~.ooo By Owner 536 0979or2131726·4027 TURTUROCI< Garde n Home by Bren. 3Br .. library, family rm. formal d ining rm. 2 frplcs, over 2500 sq . rt. Assumable loan at 9 11sr~ or new loan at 12''.. •5 S1lverfem. 851·9009 Open House Sal /Sun 10 6 CDMCOnAGE PLUS INCOME 675·9821 or 3 Br 2 ba hoine with iso l ated ma s ter -------~ bdr m /parent retreat or in-law quarters + 2 br cotta~e. Any way you describe it · it's charm ing, up to dale and beautifully decorated Priced at S280.000 with very speciaUinancmg CALL FOR DETAILS 644-7211 ~Nl[1£L l'll\ltfY & 1\550(11\T [5 P~~~~!~s~1e~~u. s1so.ooo lst. owe 2nd. 3 Bd 2 Ba + spa. Call rast, CUSTOM DUPLEX 4 bdrm. ramily rm. 2 r1replaces. plus 3 bdrm rear unit with fireplace & beam ceihng Close to beach Good financing potential, $495.000. MAURY STAUFFER SEA LION REAL TY 673-5354 won't last. Tim Rhone Co1ta Meta I 024 63t·l266 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sale, option or trade. Best buy 1n Spyglas s . Outstanding 3 Br 2 Ba + sep. ln·law qtrs. Pool, spa, mtn vu. Assumable loan. creative financing by Owner 759-0069 IRVINE TERRACE OWC·Custom Home 3br, POOL&SPA Lrg 5 bedroom 3 bath, pr ofessional decor & air /cond. Loads or con· crele decking w /space ror boat storage Asking $232 ,500. Creative finan cing available Glen Hellwarth. ~·9400 pool. s.team room , many ---------1 extras! 645-2816 /0wner Bkr. SPYGLASS Beautiful night li ghts and ocean view. 5 Bdrm home. $75,000 down and owe s.574,ooo AITD at 12~. 'lr int. 964· 7522 or 760-8158 NEW LISTING l2Y•% loan. ocean vu. 4 Br, ram rm, pool! Open F riday 10·2. Marcia Redick. 631-1266. JASMIHI CREllC 3 Bdrm, 21"2 ba. PLAN 6 View property $450.000. ~<}/MtZ-~ RUL ESTATE 644·6397 HA RBOR VIE..'W HIL LS 3100+ sq ft, pool +m any xtras. Owner will finan. Ownr/Agt. 640.5446 Spectacular La ke Ar· rowhead No. Shore. 88' lakefront. Posh 4Br 3ba, ram rm. 1975.000 with $225, 000 dn. ~~~ llUl ESTAH 644·6397 Beaut. 3Br 28 a house w /ocean & C anyoo views. Lg &Hum rln. 1345,000. Open ho use Sat/Sun 1·5644-7003. Quigley & Miller Rlty (213)92Ml04 6 PLU,lliSTSIDE RED. to $325,000 With $152,000 in assuma· ble loans ranging from 9~. ,.,, to 11 r4 $27 ,450 gross Income annually Well kept single story units with 4 garages PLUS off.street parking On 60'x300' lot. 644-7211 ~NIC1ll 111\IUY & l\S~Ulll\TES SB.LER DESPERATE EASTSIDE Inc redible price in this 3 Br adult condo one level. Move-in nghl away and keep your payments al $769 pr mo. Selle r will assist w /financing and give decorat ing a l· lowance Call Diana 631 ·1266. Agt. 2 br twnhae, $115,000. Dbl car gar .. frplc, cov'd patio & more. Owner will fin. w /5% down. 646·2142 or 642·3613 NO OUAUFYIHG New 2 'BR condo, seller wm finance al 13% for 3 years. 841-1991; 631·4361 agt. 2 Br condo (Monticello) 191,500. Webb Rily . 493-0761 $5000DOWH 3 Bdrm condo. 534/mo. moves you In. No qual. Prine only. All/545-1081 EASTBLUFF. Just listed. By Own'"'r. ""--2 Bdrm Be ft.rat lo see this 3 8R " •wv 1"9 ba Lmk borne On houaea on l k>t. SlJ0,000. '" land. Premium ca. ANurnable 11~ t•t T.D. oyon &ocatloG. 1315.000. ~WC2nd.~7484 ~6~ Dev1 n Ir Co c ............. 1022 SPY.LASS . llOIMla MOD& CUSTOMIUD 1 BR, INCLUDING 2 Rm. Mother-in -l aw suite . aeparalt study w /view, den, couttf ard entry pool aeparat.e Jacuzz off atr. bdrm. Spectacufar ocean It nlPt ftte Ylew. f795 ,000. Opn Sat/SIM 1-4:30 41 3 Gloucelt.r Dr. t;ASTSIDE Condo, off TUlitin Ave. 2 story end unit in au t complex. Obi ga r , lge patio , pool . clubhouse. putting green. Owner will hel1> finance. Sl2S,OOO GIB WALKER RealtI_6l5:_5200 GOLDEN TOUCH CONDOMINIUMS Xlnl terms . bu1lder will rebate to 13•·; (01 3 years. 2 Bdrm, large aslro turf det·k. OP~N SAT /SUN 12·5 2000MEYER PLACE 641-1991; 631-4361, agt VA TERMS Cr eam puff collage. t.:astside Cost a Mesa Designer owned. Up· j!raded thruout. Charm· mg 2 BR. Walled garclen and s unny patio Only $125,000! Hurry . Call 645·02303 COLDWeu BANl(eRO -l.~-- Beautiful ne w condo, 3 Bdrm. 1500 sq ft.. 212 baths. Double c ar garage w ietec opener Draped . never be~n lived i n Seller w /finance at L3'~ for 3 years. 641-1991; 631 4361 Chesh1n• Re.ill) 75!1 lli77 s 1.175 pr mo mon.•i. you into th1:. J Bd 2 l:!a hon11:.• neur So C:oai.t Pluta O" m•r c·a rr1cs Ownr \J:I 631·1266 or 546-6700 R~M~ IH 1\1.l'ORS 1\LMOST Bi\l'K IM Y OP!-;NSAT I 4 2030 Paloma D t $17!!,000 Agent 646 74111 $85,000 DOWN CAHIUYTHIS E X Q U IS IT 1-; M f.; S ,\ \' E R D E 1-: x e c u l 1 \ l' ho mt• l.ot.s of ouk La 11.te ma s ter :.u1tt· and k1khen. Solar heatin1.t Pool & juc Assumahlt· 101111 4 Bdrm with all I ht• extras Rroker!IS7 15fl8 NEWPORT GUM Beaulirul TownhomL' 2Ur + den. 212llJ . 2 cJ1 gar. palw area. uµ grades, re" fal' Asi.um loon Selle• will coni.1dt'r 2nd 'fD $129.000 75 1 0865 •OPl!.N llOL:Sfo. I 5• S J S ,0 00 do"n 11n SPACIOUS 4 ll1 Al.l. N f;W carµeti., di JPt''· mic ro Ne111 i.t·houli.. freeway & shopping $123.900 Owner Aj(enl 3151 Canudian 67.'i 2~.'i agt. •-------------EXCB'TIOHAL FINANCING SI 0,000 DOWH £asts1de CM $129.500 by 3 owner. 3br R·2644·6089 br. 3 ba condo \\ 1th g rt•ut p\'l patio Easts1de loc $15!!,000 80': finanrmi: avail EXQUISITE MESA VERDE EXECUTIVE HOME Lots of oak . L a r ge maste r & kitchen. Solar heating Pool & jac. As sumable loan. 4 Bdrm with a ll the extras Broker 957-1568 MESA VERDE IESTVALUE Sharp2 St.ory,4 Br 3 Ra new carpet. redwood s pa, easy care yard $165,000 D. Bou rke Rea I tor 54&9950. E /Side CM duplex 2 cute 1 BR . S\09,500 . Ownr /agt 640 7814 . 963-7600 LEASEOPTIOM Beautiful new condo Brookview condo 3 hr. 21, ba end unit w11h wrap around pal1oi. & decks $149,500 Terry Hunes or Tom \I li nson, Agts 64.2 8235 $35 000 ON 1'.asts1d~3 Adnn 2 bath. larfe yard Spa Owner w1 I help finance 10', assu mable, $127 .!JOO 645·9161 • OPEN HOUSE REAL TY /' 1talian Lile. doub l e1--~~~~--~~~ garage 6 41 -1991 ;I _631·4361 agt. 3Br 2'11 Ba Twnhse, Frplc. l ge pat io, dbl gu r , Owner will Clnance. $115,000. Ruth Laurie. Bkr. 646-4380 WOODLAND SCHOOL Beautiful 3Br 2Ba + F .R .. lg tiv rm w /frplc. Dbl gar w/elect opener. New paint quiet St. 1149,500. Broker 6'6-438-0 or642·4447 Open H o use-College Park. 3bdrm, 1 "b•, double-sided rrptc. As· s umable 10~3 . Open Sat/Sun, 1·4pm. P rine. Only. 336 Princeton. C.M. <213)373-4787. MESA VERDE 4 BR 2 8 20 S h antur exceptionally homey e nd roomy. f;xtru large fem /rm, 2 rircplaces Special buy! $165.000 494.7551 • H. McConnack R.E. HIDEAWAY COHDO $139,000 One s tory 2 Dr 2 bo. oVe rlookl n g lu sh landscaped ground. Parking access in rear. Adult complex w /patio & pool. Open Sat/Sun 12 : 30 to Spm at 435 Gloucester Dr torr Tustin. btwo 21 tlsl Sl. Jo• Ll•tfr, ltealtor 641-479' 2 STORY CONDO 3 B<lrm 211 ba. lgl' lto11u~ rm. 2 (·ar gar !I Ii :1 111.i 7 M • 1\ g l R o b nw ... la HuntingtOft leach I 040 •.••.••.••.•.•.•....... NEWIN HUNT. HARBOUR ,\~s um e Sll8.000 al 9 50', Only $1003 pr mo Just 11:.ted Lo"e~l l'rll'l'd :1 Bdrm fam1l} home on Trin idad 1:.land, Won't last. Call Diana. 631·1266. Agt HO DOWN 1-;ig ht new homes. 4 hloc ks from oi•ean F rom $225.000 OP fo:N SAT 'SCN I 5 4 08 16lh St rl'el. H II Wknds. 714-960 6500 Wkdays. 714-846-5573 "Jo: LL Y SNOW ASSOC MARINER'S COVE $22,000DWN 2 Or I' 2 Ra, 2·sl\ rondo " all garage Assume bl TD al 10', and 2nd T D with Lotal µay - m ents or SI 190. Onl) Sll0.500 Wendy Siiier 759 1221 R~M~ R fo:l\l.TflRS TERMS TE.:RMS TF;RMS NO QUAJ.lf'YING $175,000 Near beach lrj( 4 Br w 13 Ba. 10', down OWC on AITD ut 13', m terest only 962 1227 or 963·6682 S9,000 DOWN !!! Ueaut Jbdrm, 2bu ram1 I~ home, close to ever )thin..-t HWT}, won'1 lust lo ng ' /\gt 646 5271. 631·2336 LAKE PARIC, H.I . ·Dou hie lot al 938 l llh For sale b} owner <213)431·!>183. "BEACH COTTAGE" Charming, well kept 3 Bdrm, frP.k . <•orner lot. Owner will finance. Ask for Chris, Agl. !160·960!J HunthuJtOft HorbOw 1042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• HHARIEST LarcjeAuwwaWe 9:\-•', loan and priced un· der market for quick sale Spadous 4 Bdrm. 212 ba. 2 story m The Colony. 1, blk from pool . t ennis c ourts & club ho use Asking $16 1.000, by owner Open house Sat/Sun 1·5. 14171 Klee 559-740<& WOOOIRJDGE Must sell br a nd new Peters 112 Plan. 4Br, 3Ba6ctoseto lake . pen Sat/Sun 12·5 #6 Wannsprlng $245.500 645·9850 dys, 675·91157 eves ~~~~~ 3Hr. 2Ba. 2 sty Hunt t--------- ington Riviera <.:undo Pool, s pa & tennis crt ,\skini: s111.ooo. owe 5~ rs w '2SK dwn. Call Jo An 17 l<t >846-9012 E OG EWATER HLTY (21314344481 WATERFRONT 13' boat slip. lon11 water \lew. on Humbo ldt Island 3000!>qft,4br,3 ba. set' ftale, too munr amm{·n1t1es t o li:.l ~ Dfu1 ~ OPEM SAT /SUH 1-5 99a..lhore bcelent Exceltttt Ll'a\•1ng o n "o rl~ c ruise must i.ell $200,000 down & tuk PRIME AREA O\ er asi.um loan Ful F"'-cilMJ Highly "P9"oc»d• lo•· ely 3 .._ 21/2 bo Wood1lct. end unit. Prof•ulonally de· corated and land1caped with 1pa. $162,000 in loan1 a•allable. :Jnr . 2ba. frplr. 12 13' • price S630,000 Op& f1nanc1ng Sat Sun 840-55811 / 111':LOW \i\l.lJ I-: • Sl 16,0UO Ir-vine I 044 l.l·t's Deal. (2131530-5159 ••••••••••••••••••••••• AskhtcJ $214,900. 0 t ' I•: A N V I E W SACRlf"IC E I 1 J hlk!i tu heh, i«orious \ iew. new 2100 sq rt home, all bltns, jaruizi .\ :.teal at $250,000. As · :.umable loan. Must sell hv 6·1·81 960-3211 or 12131592 2845 MARINERSl'OVt: 2BR.2Ba Pool.Jae. SN ' $124.900 644 · l 004 SPAHISH HACIENDA 4 bdrm. pool home. So. 11.B comer lot. Owner will sell AfTD or COO· tract. Great investment S ubm it on t erms $159,500. Redh111 ¢~Rt'.1lty ,;-;-:: -;-:wo MODEL PERFECT Gorgeous Univ Park Call 551·0153 or 730-0760 Elite townhome. 2 Br 2 Ba I~~~~~~~~~ +hideaway loft. centr air. hrdwd rtoors, cov ered ut10 All the extras + assumable fmanC'mg. Hurry! e H/\Nl.H HI l\l ! Y '.J~) 1 !000 The Terrace CardlH Model 2 Bdrm. 2 Ba Assumable Is l Owner will carry 2nd $138,000 551·5930 WOODBRIDGE LANDING PETERS -PLAN 5 Drl•e by .ct taU a THINKING look at HU cftanftlna TOWHHOME7 Call the specialists at hoffte and you wi lhe condominium in w..+ to come lft to lff rormallon center the ,..,t~t. Touchstone Realty 3 Br .. Family Rm .. Den. 963-0867 Game Rm .. 3 Ba Danmg Rm 3 car garage. 2 UNIV. PARK fireplaces Professional· Largest 4 Bdrm 2'a Ba l y dec orated a nd townhomc In tx>autirul beautifully landscaped. Uni\'. Park. Backs to Lots of olde used brick, pool and greenblelt A gazebo. lace draperies. great buy with assuma· m u ch w a 11 pa p e r , hll' nnnncing. Cull ror French windows. securi· o-n S~S• 11 -3 details. ty system and m any ..--m o r e d e 11 g bl ( u I 2 I 28 ~Lane amenities. $359,000. 12 Near Beach <Hamilton 11, ~ ass um ab I e . 8 to Newland, No. to St Sun r I v er . Own e r .. Augustine). This clean· 551-1534. clean 3 bdrm, frplc, bonus rm horne only R..,cedto $1661< $134 ,900. Lovely 4br, spa. Try 20'4 Ccntury21 Gold Const CULVERDALE dn, owe. aU orrers cons. RealtC>rs Just listed! Large 4 Agt, 552-6940. 5411· 1168 833.906() Bdrm. ramlly room. 212 LUXU.Y LIVIMG 3 Level Gardetl Hfft. baths. Xlnt flnant!ing. Secluded :/c* In pre - s l l d $158,500 ep up · s ep own, D"VtDD.C"'aLSft.o..I stigious oodbrid &e. house l!OC$ both ways! 2 "" ""' "" North Lake 1rea. 1 blk min to beach, assume ltEALTOll, IJJ.tZtl rrom lake. 2 br +den, 2 large existl.ne 12<1-loan ba lwnhme. Pvt. spa ln rorSSOfee Priv.swlm & Woocluidmls .... 1 a trium, 2 car 1ar tennis. Mov1ng out now, Washington ~di 4 Br 2l\lo '165,000. Assumable needs f11t sale. Hurry ba, 2200 sq fl Assume $75 000 l at. Open Call Agl. Daoe963-S029 $115,000 lit. By owner Sat /Sun, u.s, 19 Percb. 3 8 .._.. h $189,000. Ph. 558-5778 S51·9'1M MISANoantfi... r, nr uo:ac . assuma-...;..._.;.-------1 • .;;.;;.:~,;:.:,..----- Beeul. IBr + Bonus rm. ble loan. OWC 2nd . Xln\ loutlon. Low In· Aat /Ow or. Belo w lore t 1.Jl TD, Price re· market 963-1970 --- GOLDIMWIST ISTATIS Bu utlful SM 4 bedroom ex,cutlve home. ele~ant w \bar, bulll..-ln 88 Ln. 1lde 6 men.y ol e r amtnlUet '"chtdln1 a b&&&e >'•rel th•l backs to • beeutlhal park. 1\111\ 3 )'Uri Okt. t6MllJ ........ Two llreplaca lnvlte you to sit ln comfort tn tbia beautllully decorated tlnale atoey. 3 8.R. 2 bath Deerfield 1ardea Mate. Only 11•.fOO· Hllrry It call. .... .. ...... ._ .... __ ~ 4 • O a 4 !!!JSJJ sg; • o a "1 l !f Ot!ll$l! Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 . 1981 Hua" Pier W. ......._,_.WI ..._.. ,_. W. H111" Per We ~......_ Pw We .. . .................................................................... ·•··········•·•••······ ...................•... ~\r!!:!.~.~ ........ ~.~.~ ....... =-~.5!1! ....... ~~~ ....... ~~~ ... !~~! ~~=-: ... !!!! ......... ~ ... !!!! ~~~-.. !~.! .. ~~~ ... !~! ,,..... 1044 ..... 1141 ..... • ..... ......... 106t Vl::RSAIU..~ 2BR ocn ••• ••••••••••••••••• ••• • •• •••••••••-•••••••••"• ••••r.~;.;.--•••••••••• I w l d ' U • " YOO CAN Al'FORO v e , ow wn, no q11a . A REAL lbla OCHn ""custom llACHHOUSIS fylnfo •1s.tX 730-2270 VALUE ln an executive are1. Newport Sborell hu •P· ore. .Zhom.e At a time WMn aood Laree vlew ~·eh· prox. ~ alft11it family buy• ll"e few and fir beautlhaJ bome. 3 Br'"' homH. Walk to the s•IBnD I t>.twHn. we ert proud ___ .. ,..,,_.. b•. dfln. Only 3U,OC> buch, community p00la Ul'"UlD • te present tbla Im· CAPISTIAMO L..-.V..,. .. 1 Ir tennll. Prtcea rao1e ~ Bdrmk entertalner'a maeulate, uparaded 4 COMOO 4f7·176t from $130,000 ror 1ln11e deUf:ht. :iie.Uer wlll lltten bdrm. 2~ t>.. Plan 4 ln Opportunky to lnvnt 10 atory to 1.129.950 for a ree to a l creative flnancln1 Northwood Place Fan de•irable San Juan ALMOSTllADYI 1lmple canal front. propoaala. Sommeraet tattle assumable loan. Capiatnno for UNDER BeautlfulneweU11om Some wtlb land. 90m• mod•loofeelaod. Call today ror further de· $100,000. 2 bedroorn COO· home In tltclual\'e area. leasehold. . fltEO CARPEl' tails. domlnlum In qllict aread Qual11y trbouahout. Ex· We have teveral Utt· l U t • • Bd tn11. All of them have 754-1202 o···n··'· Y.!....Y r • · o ce en Vtews. .. rm, term1 lncludinC poaalble -!~~!!!!!!!!~~~ 189 _., 21.<J ba, 2 frplc1. MZS,000, trad" up or down. If you ~ ID~~~~~~ 1ettt7~ LI ::a~t. t:e l::::y ~ 8t:: IUCH IARGAIM Beautiful view of li1bts • lo help yo11. and hllla from this C lose • unob1t1 ble We're bodln1 Open 1racioua ramllY home. 4 Bch /Vila views. Spa, House on Sat. at 223 bdrm, 3 bath, ramily solar. 6 db. M95, PP Lu1onJ~ a sharp 3 Br. 2 FtXa This 5000 Sq. Ft; Home sits on Linda Isle. A 'private guarded O>mmunity in the heart of New_port Beach. Boat slips for (3) 55'-70' Yachts. For Sale or Trade. room with wet bar and 4.94-7831 ; 498<9561 Sty A·name. $17J1~ it523 CA#USJ>a:l~lffl tireplace. 3 car aara&e. and S\Ul. 1·5 at 326 l)Zlld. Dramallc vaulted cell· OPEN SUNDAY l·I St. a 3 br. canal front Beal buy In W. Npt. Ste pa lo beach, 3 Br 2-sty home on ree land. lat or 198,500 at t.50%. owe. Prin only. Not ln mlllti· pie, furchaae now " rent It out thla 1ummer. Diana 631-1266. Agt. We are developers so submit land or other Real Estate to owner Jim 1bompson. W~CrHk Condo, choice location. Near pools, tennis and 1hoppin~. 2 Bdrm home or nice mvestment prv· perty. 1107,SOO. 642-5200 A PETE BARRETI .. REALTY ••REDUCED! I'\ I most new 3 Bdrm 21 ~ deta c hed h ome an mj9rious Woodbridge. •t priced on market. • $160.000 Call for details. !~bridge Reail11 551·3000 ~ PkW),lrYI~ f . . COLOR YOUR LIFE! JASMINE ... Rappiness & security in ixclusive guarded gate ~ommurtlty of Jasmine J:'reek. Spacious 2 Bd. around level, Baymist flan II 1 on greenbelt. 'SUPJ..;R OWNt.:R f l NANCING" with re· e onable down pay· ent. An outstanding aUle and opportunity oday! $318.~. Ask for Wanter 559-9400 L..-a leoch I 048 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CHECK THE VIEW from this historic artist's home overlook· mg Victoria Beach. Free slandin g used bt'lck Jrplc Barrel wood ceil· 10gs . 2 full units . 1249.500. MOTIVATED OWNH Contemporary s plit leve I design, beautiful sec l uded area o r Laguna. Hot tub As sum able loan. S275.000 lll-1440 ln11. 1kylltes, earthlone 675 L..,...dyLA. $239,000. carpets, peg n' 1roove L .... leec1' Drop by we are two pro- Clo or In e thru-out Tblt 2 ctdrm home ls re11lonal1 and orrer ..... $234.soo. loaded with charm. ls In twice the service. **LIDO ISLE** Lovely 2 Br 3 ba home. BeauUflllly remodeled 2 yra ago. M84 ,000 with xlnt flnaocln1. Open house Sat/Sun 1·5 at 119 Via Vella. Own /Agt 673·0697 17141121-1210 121Jt Stl-IJ6J OCIAMROMT a "walk to" location and HIRfa J.,.lt O'lriee Next t.o San Clemente's it's owner wUI help with CralQ O'll'Mtt 11001 JSJ..J7 I 0 Casa Pacifica, Cotton the flnancln1. $178.~. 642-1150 Point and Trettle's Surf. 494-t057 John Coombe Bkr ing is this alx bedroom, seven bath. one year old estate. Baths h ave handmade tiles: ex- ercise room with steam s hower: mahogony library with fireplace•---------• and space ror over 1200 Lot-a H• I 050 books. The home over· ••••••••••••••••••••••• looks 'r!i!en Cypress •Lel...-.Wottd• trees g1vmg a reel or c h 0 I c e 0 rr e r i n g ! Monterey ...... $2,275,000. Beautiful 2 bdrm, 2 bath 4ft-ll20 HI.oil co!'dO on fairway within $15,000DM Condo with view In Villa Balboa. Aaaume loans. $137 .~. Rae Rodgera. 631-1.266 $25,000 DOWN Exclusive Eaatbluff Townhouse. 4 8.r. 3 Ba. $275,000. Owner anxious. Make offer. Owner· Pr i nc i pals only . 978-04.23. OC~OMT O..P••••Po1nt 1895 000 THE FIHEST IN THE VERSAILLES Double views of harbor and ocean. Spacious 3 Bedroom, 2 baths with gracious fireplace, two separate patios -balconies. Large assumable. A mus t see at $399,000 . For appointment call : ___ ..., short jaunt lo hobby -~ shops & pools al 111i...1py HGTS Clubhouse 4. Asking " OPEN HOUSE 1·5 1706 E. OCEANFRONT Owner I Agent 675·8676 or675-8444 UNmD IROl<DS REALTORS ELUE IULL 759-0120 OPEHHOUSE Sll7.~. SAT /SUH 2 5 Charles Wolf Realty 2012 r-R • Taj Mahal Bldg, Ste312 -eMO 768-9111 Lovely ocean 4' hiU1ide --------- views are featured in LCICJIMCI HlcJ-I 1052 this 3 bdrm. 2 bath ••••••••••••••••••••••• home. Large lot. Sellers Fox glove model In Lake may help with rinanc-Park. 2 br1• den. 2 ba, ing. $.195,000. vaulted ceiling. French OPEN HOUSE doors. Assume at 1oa-. SUH 1•5 $154,900 Owner. 545 Wlltdfor 831 -7634. 759-2465 Live in the 1rand man· 5Br. 3Ba, view. lO'Ao down ner. Sweeping white 123• ... , 1248,000. OWC water view & Catalina 673-2493 s unsets r ro m this custom built executive PaltOf'afftic Vus home in lhe prestigious Pool & jac., 3 Brdm. 2 Nor l h End . Very Ba. formal dining rm. spacious for elegant en· $215,000. 540.3666 ler;;ti~i:J1:5c~zv Whelan A 3 bdrm house with ocean view plus l bdrm fll!al Estate income unit. Located in the North ~. Spic & --------- span with fresh paint &l-•28••62•1•s•p•ri•n•gfl•1e•1•d•D•r•. • new carpets with a charming kitchen. Walk lltE&~~~l .... G to the beach. Seller A'"'"'"" financing. $260,000. FABULOUS '--r-·r ASSUMABLE · • ..., -~ FINANCING ·~~~w:i•4.~ 2 sty over 3.000 sq fl. •• • · Save thousands in int. f714f 494·1177 $295,000. Nearly rinished comm pool & other amenities. lnq. RENEE REALTY 121 lJ 04-090I • ... Qlip lriwNty for builder or owner 3 Br roronly Sl.94.~ __ A_D_U-LT_C_OH_D_O __ VIEW, VIEW Court appraisal In on Beautiful quiet home this excellent property. close to ocean Move in Great opportunity at cond. $149,500. Call for $267 500 details on financing. RAE RODGERS Ho•s Wood,, R.altor 631-1266 I 675-8676 675--1444 IV E R S A I L L E S rENTHOUSE . 2 CAMEO SHORES OCEAN VIEWS 182.5,000& $469,000. $115 ,000 '1 Br. Quiet loc. in Adult community. Pool & rec. racility. Owner nexible on financing. Sandy Alexander Broker 673·2749 llGCAHYON Magnif icent "Deauville" Fairway home. 4br, 3ba. $800,000. 760·1198 SEA VIEW HOME 3br. 2h ba + family room Spectacular View· Secluded Jot. Clubhse w /pools & tennis · many extras. Owner w ill carry. Mklng S46S.OOO. Ha rriet Hart Rltr. 499· 1645 or 640-6159 By ownr. Choice Npt. loc. 3br, 2ba $189,000. Prin only owe 548-9739. STARNE.SCOMPANY TWO LONGS 673·7761 ; 700.1397 NEWEMGLAHD TRADmOHAL "SOMERSET LANE" DISTRESS SALE TWO LIDO OFHRINGS The great possibilities await you in the floor plan of this 2 sty. Lido l!!le home. 3 br. den & ram. rm could suit ever yone's needs. 5445,000 Quaint & charml.rrg 'Z'b Lido h ome . High beamed ceilings . used brick walls. sunny patio. $415,000. Terry Hanes or Tom Al· llnson. Agts. 642-8235 IAYSHORES $60,000 price reduction Lge 2 BR + ramily rm, xlnt cond .. S265.000 Owner anxious. OPEN SUNDAY 1·5, agt. 645·4419; 642·1517 VIEWRXER CAMEO HIGHLANDS $359,000. fee land STARNES COMPANY TWO LONGS 673· 7761 ; 76().1397 This lge 4 bdrm, 3 ba Ne wport Co nd o . builder's custom home Desperate owner must is oHered for the lst sell thia week. Far below time . Truly unique. market. $102,000. All as· nestled in one of the s um able. 634 ·1655, most desirable locations 937·11« uk forTed. In W estclirr I Dover ---------·--~-----•I Shore area on fee land. 3 br1 tam • 125.000 under VHSAIWS Light & cheerful ! 2 BR upper comer overlook· ing garden courtyard. Security + all amenities + part. rum. $154,000. Xlnt terms . Agt. 760-8617 ; 644.0322 IESTIUY Don't miss this, By mkt. Cell for racts. Prime 3br. den. 3 ba. trl owner, 646-7213, 644-51311. _S1_77....;._ooo_. _P_P"-. 645-__ 14_96 __ 1 level Hrdwd nrs. fresh 1--------•I ILUFfS COHDO paint in tr. OWC AITD or *IA YROMT * PRICED TO saL ~ln9g,500~w~hnl~~: ~~: LINDA 1:M· NWPT ASSUME $100,000 WalK to beach /pool. Noihlng down and as· htat 101/4°/o Tom Gollier, Bkr. sum our position 00 tbi& Large end unit condo in 646·9200 prestigious 58r. sea 3 prestigious area on l•-------- EMERAU> IA Y H A R I O It V I E W s lip home In Newport greenbelt Wtth beautiful A HEW LOOIC Ocean & canyon view. Misaloe Vl.fo 1067 Beach. Moel desireable wrar·around patio. Choice l.ocallon and va 3br +den. Hjgh open ••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMES area.We areloolungfor Mil\ mum down re· cant. Newly decorated beam ceilings. $750,000. 2 Br. lowest priced house Two Somersets and a a high income owner quired. Owner will carry custom 5 Bdrm, 3 bath, 0 St •· S 15 in '"I Dorado track Opo Monte~o whoneedsataxwriteorr large 2nd. or AITD. lar"e ramUy room with pen a .,. un .. pm. ic. • STARN""'C M.PANY 0 Sat/S 1 5 400 " 494-9825or547-9451. Sun 1·5. 25261Gloriella. .,..., for the best deal on the pen un · · soarinbg beamed cell TWOLONGS bay. We are owners, not Vista Quint.a. By Owner inl(s and rirepluce EMERAU>IAY Never orrered befor ... A OPEN HOUSE dramatic wood & glass Fabulous new 5 fldrm on view home, with owner the lake. Mmt ~e to ap- finaoclng.1675,000. preciale. $1.350,000. ROBERT LEEDOM, Owner will carr y BROKER. 494.9329 S000.000. 27641 Chapala ____ _..:.. _ _...:... __ , Open Sat/Sun 1·5 Trl-Plex. Panoramic Ocean View. Walk to beach. OWC. G rea' term1. $295.000. Prin· clpa Is only. 499· 1S26. 673-7761; 76().1397 brokers. Call Darlene 760-6028. Gourmet kitchen with (714)828·1.280 direct or H R breakraat room-and SUftER IUY collect. Office open 9.5 A IOR RIDGE much more Owner walr. Spacious 2 Bdrm, den. Mon-Fri. 2 Choice Ot'rerings mg to help with financ 2''2 ba tri·level. OWC ~~~~~~~~~ •3Ebrc1ondoT .dE-Zterms. Ing! $389,000. financing al 15% down & r:: * ng . u or c ustom OPEN SUHDA y I ·5 13"N int. Comm pool. ten· NEWPORT ISLAND home. owe lge 1st TD. 1412 AMI-Way nis. $176.~. Bkr. Tom $115,000. OWC Agt, Steve, 752·1920 ._- GottierS46·9200 $190,000at 100/o Deluxe oce~ntront dplx. 642·5200 Pen ..... Point Fee simple, 3 bdr, den, 2 2·3BR. 2 Ba, rplc, patio, 5 BR. $459,000 ba, patio deck. 30 x 95 4603 Seashore. 675-0884 5 ..a... G-...a v•-lot. Single story. By appt PY...-.!1 ..._... ~w 714·675·3971 WESTCLIFF. really big A PETE BARRETI 1635.000 house 5 BR. 311\ ba. Plus! CUSTOM STARNESCOMPANY 2Br28acondo,2 cargar, owner.646-8ll8 LAGUHAISTATE TWOLONGS low Interest rate, aa- . REALTY Magnificeol4 Bdrm con· 714 760•9333 673•7761: 700.l397 sumable loan. Prin. on· ILUER•IOH tempora!'l' home wltb --------DUPLEXo..WATll ly . 714 /523·1391 eves, S~i&• brealhTlakm1 coastline Newporth9ch 1069 DockforlO'loat 714/760-3675 GOLFCOUltSE NrTIACKIAY GolCco urse view-from this spacious 3 Bdrm home. Extra wide 85' frontage that charac· l e r r. z e 1 r I n e neighborhoods. Some lucky buyer can have this beauty for just Sl90,000 and 13% financ· Ing available with only 20% d wn. 556-2660 LIDO ISLE 204VlaS-leMO O~Sat/S-1-4 Th111 home has it all beauty, charm. location It value! Rece ntly chosen for Lido Isle home tour. 4 Bdrms with their own baths. Lucious pool and spa area. Super financing . Quick possession. CaU for de· tall•. '"~ _ view. ucked away on ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 •-Bdrm r 1 2 c L 'd And do we have a prize private road, offering • 2 s, 2 rp cs, otta1es. nr 1 o winner here! LOCATED complete seclusion. GREAT IUY decks and patio. Village. 25% down. owe ONTHEWATER.WlTH Sparkllna gourmet Sharp2Br+den.frplc. C /21MewportC.tr balance. Bill Hardesty, DOCK RIGHTS, at Lake kitchen, sun dr~nched patio & spa. Try 10.ao"it 64~5357 Rltr. 675·2866 Forest 11; you'll rind breakra&t room, 4 decks dwn. Assume low In· --------- 1 m posing 2 story and much more. Truly a teresl rates. Patrick OCIAl'ROMT C•tOMPoolHOIM architecture w/detailed Laguna paradise. Tenore.631·12186 $450,000 With Jae on lr1 Cul-de· exterior of cedar shakes 1695,000. Thia rtrst lime ofrerin1 •a c lot. Feature• "extensive u.w or glass, ta an eatate sale. One or gourmet Klt (overlook· in contemporarr,dealan. Newport Beaci..•, l•'nes• ing pool area "yrdf'+ £BDRM." DEN <OR 4 1 ·~ • fam rm +den/ore + BO RM ) floor plan. v ew•. 3 bdrm• home 4Br. 3~Ba-1Br auilable aenlced by 3 baths, wlthgueataptor2 untta. for Motber·ln-hw realure1; FORM. DINE. LAGUNA BEACH • I Re.alooomlct 8'15-6700 retreat. Many Custom RM . at liv. rm. w/bigh 4.9'7-4848 ~IMdl 1041 W features Incl 3 earl __ ................... .... c:=.',I I ( ' ---t-"' I 11 J1 I 11 I ' I ' ' *Cote Realty & Investment 640-ST17 Trust . . . Estate Sale 1707 .... ..., AT- C las s I c 4 sto ry El Greco Mediterranean. 6 bdrms, 6'h baths, family room, 2 patios for outdoor livine. Spectacular bay & ocean view. 3 boat shos. 506 .......... Bay view. l bdrm, 2 bath apt over 3 car garage. 45xll0' lot. 2C•r...._ on lot 30X{9 Suggested sales price $4,405,000 TITLE INSURAHCI & 'nUST CO. 953-2020, Ext. 7371 (213) 61•·7371 Dan Lewis PROFESSIONALLY DECORATED with custom decor throughout. Plan 2, 2 Bdrm, 2 ba in desirable Jasmine Creek. $339,500. Open Sal & Sun 1-5 at 12 Maritime. LIAM Beautifully furnished Lido Isle 4 bdrm. home for lease. $2000/mo. l~trT9Y•., un'~5=Hwy -~~~a4 Corw del Mir HARBOR RIDGE Beaut. decorated up· graded & expanded Lautremont mdl Ul the estates w /full oceun & city Ughts view. Seller will assist w /financing ror qualiried buyer. Wm . Michaels Co. Rltr 831·3126 SIO,OOODOWH NO 9UAUFYING I Bdrm condo. Lovely upgraded, view of garden and rountatn Pool. spa, gym. Adults only . Versailles $139.000. Owner 645·0230 HARBOR VU For sale by owner, well maintained Harbor View 4Br. 2Ba home. Pvt yrd, nr park & pool. Gd assum. loan, Open Sat fSun, Pri only $230.000. 640.0664 Westclff $2391C Warm family home 3 br, 2 ba. rm rm Close to schools. Agt 631·5150 BY OWNER Brand new 2 bdrm. 21 2 ba condo Dbl gar .. frpk' built-ins. n20.ooo· 13.75"1-financing due in 4 yrs plus Pnce $150,000. ---------Own /agt, 645-3986 '~CREATM PORTfOl.10 PROPERTIES, INC. •LIDO ISLE• Lovely 2 Br, 38a home, beaut. remodelled 2 yrs ago. $484,000 w /xlnt tin. Open house Sat /Sun 1·5 119 Via Vella, Owner Agt 673-0697 Corw HICJN-ds lat Open house on this BAY CR fo;ST BEAUTY. 5 prime location home. Br. Family Rm. $200,000 CdM charmer w /tine aesumable lst Owner reatures. Bring rmanc· may carry $100,000 2nd. 1Dg offers. S<LS Seaward. 1 year. $435,000. Call Open Sun 1·5 Hedda Marosi Agent CREATIVESB.LlltS Will work with' sincere buyers for this 2 bdrm condo in private com· . munity with large as· sumable In Pri vate showing. $83.~ HARIORVIEW Palermo with expansive view Prime location with n ew carpets. Sl4001mo. Call Jo Ann Doran 851-9522 646·1044. To1ee&sell! VERSAILLES Luxurious J Br. 2 Ba. Upgraded thru-out. end unit. 2 patios. walk in closets. partial ocean view. 1212'°} rmancang avail. $330,000 For details call Sandy Alexander Broker 673-2749 ------ VERSAIUES 2 Br 2 Ba Penthouse. end unit. new carpet & ~~!!~~~~~~I draµes. Guarded gate. Adult comm unit y . Beaut. Rec facilities. $118.000. Sandy Alex- ander Broker673·2749. HOME PLUS 2 Br home with mother in htw qrtrs. Npt Hts. Very private w /alley ac- cess. 29 fn.tit trees 631-2242 Lrg low interest,assuma· ble 1st 11. 75'7r. ocean vie w Npt con d o . 1245.000. 540.3666 Whelan Real Estate BACKIAY •CREATIVE• *FINANCING* IAYVIEW OCEAN VIEW O..t of Flaht rath This lovely 1 BR J ba home has lge paneled fam rm, w/ fplc & wel· bar, ideal for entertain· log. $655. A rare op· port.Unity. Open for inspection Swlday 1·5 orreredby· BAYFRONT PROPERTIE;S 642·5000X216; 642-SOO'l SP01lESS ! Newport~ St. vaulted ceiling, masaive ____ ........;__;_ ___ ••••••••••••••••••••••• HITIW ATa YllW fln~hed 1ar 6 extra pkC ••RUW11.10USI" support Umbers & doors 90' lo beach, 10% uaum tor boat etc. An excep· r-IR""•n whlchopentoextenslve loan. May lake note on llonal home ! Ruth Completelyfumilbedin· 2-sty, 3 Bdr 3 Ba condo, frplc In Uvina rm, faml· ly rm, 2 lenn.IS crts, pool, sp1 etc. Don't ml11 It! ~~~~!!~~~~I Terms I! Call now for -:;; Lila. 631·1* Owner traneterred, priced lo ~II. 3 large bdrms, 2 ba, family rm & formal dining rm. Relax around your sparkling 20x40' pool. Large covered patio. 1197,000. REDWOOD DECKJNG ~ your prop. aadown . 4 BR Laurie rltr 648-4380 ; eluding TV, Stereo. le SPA. Mstr. suite has 1 ,,_,,-2 Ba, re~entl,Y u.paraded, 642-4447 Uoens. Pols, dlahet el(. b th h lk I w /posalble m-law qtn. •---------Just brfng your clothet. =et! a~ ~VfSTAN~ Under $290,000 lncld1 Owner financlna. Beaut. ~nchanll n g decor. DING vu;w OF THI!: land.Mlllutl7~119 Harbor view home. You'U love this. Great LAKE ts HILLS. Prlv. m-n--•t Carmel model. 3br, 2ba terms . Fabulous vlde• beach, tennis. 6 patios. Low malnt.. $120,000 clubhouse • recru· ~ yard, close to ever-FarreJUsCo. HARBOR RIDGE Estate home. Ocean & light view. Xlnt financing. 831-0655, Broker RVM~ I~ ~ \I l I 'l ... 2Mlfrldiw Aaaume loan, owner wlll help finance. Submit of· community assoc. pro 111!!!~!!!;;;;;;;;;1 I:".... ~ loads of brick, planten clubhouae " pool . tlonalfaclUtles. -~ ~ ythioc. Only •n.ooo~~~!!7 ~1~~~~I We believe lhil on takea ........ .., down. Open for lMpec-r: ..:..:..:.....;;;.:..;. ______ 11iiliiiliiiiiliiiiii "nRST PRIZE" whlle ,.., .... Oc... UOll &al/Sun 12·5. Call VIEW·AXB Lar&e lot on Kin1s Road with duplex. Reduced lo almoet lot v1lue. Submit terms. s.wuoo. WATERFRONT Cllferedatonly: LINGO SPRING HOME TOUR 2nn• waTr•flMIT Owner·Rltr 762-1830: 121$,000F\.JLLPRICE UW IUI un MO-Slt7 ' See Today I y --~ GooeTomorrowt • •• •-I.mW te VIEW H•E 1 yeaf new Blutfl CCllldo. MliSIONREALTY ~ _, ,, We Ai'ii End 1.1nll, "G" plan. NIS.CttRwy.Lal\IM ...... -l•tley, w.,·-111t o.......... abdrm • .Fee land. in ,.._4t4-17JI ......., ...... ...,.. ef 2·11'M. MIWl'OITISL+J4D vu~. JO )'ear nn.nctn1. ' • An exclttna. 1wm)' open detl1n • an view home. 4+ bdrm'-~' NC rm, bar. dln ... nn, hut• paaoramle deck\ P901 itt., ttdm bNcbl-aock • puttn1 ..-.. walk to OHao.i.Yoa ril owa the Ind•_.., &eaaUtl.ll toad . Owaer •Ill naaaee .. .-.ooo. By oner, .,,. __ C/B. .. tJlul\IM 0.oer I All: 11N111e . OCIAMllOMT ,,...~ ... By Owner. a Br. Room for addltloa. owe. Sltt,000. '40I Ocean· tront, Weal Ne•port leach. Duplexe1, 0«anrront, b .. utlfal ocean vlew. Perfect locaUoa. New eoaclkiao. AIL 171-.,_ Exquillte holale located OD 0De of ti.a molt IOUlllt after bu&an& lats. CaDtlvaUD1 vMlw at-::mata tumtn1 bum rrom nmt every room. Thia home bu 61 feet o( bay r.rcmta1e with apace for 4 tars• yacht.. Unusual features lnclUde poo) Ii 1pa in private courtyard and ele1ant decor tJarouabout. 5 bedroam1 • s.,_, bllthl. 8bowa by appolatment dnl1. ··-··· HOMES AEALESTATE 63M400 ~.~~ ............ ~.~~ ...... ~~~~ ...... ~~.~~...... Orange Coaat DAILY PllgTISundax, Max 31 1 1981 81 =~~.~!:!! ..... !~?.~C••••:cW ._,.,...,.rf1! J Ul"'•o...rt. .._...,.,,. '* • H1•"U• 'h• 1t111e1Uafw ·•r• J"•••"U.fw ·•rd .,.,_..,_,..._4:. ''""'det,, o I ,,..,.., 16to ••••••••• .. ••-••••••• ..... 2400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••-•••••-•• •••••••••••-•••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,_, Jtio oceu P-&noHm c .... • •••••••••••• •••••• 0 ••••••••••••••••••• .. C..t.i M... 1224 Cetle MM · JU4 .._.. JZ4 Vl&. .ooo. <>Pen 1111 NEWPllT ••CH ,....... ....................... ••••••••••••••• ....,.,..._.. sz'' coat• M... .11z• 28·30, 1·'1. 21~ s. La VACANT Diii LAKEFRONT ________ __:_•~••• •• •••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••~•••••••••••••••• ~:::r•n11 . 1·498·~538 62~X292~ ioned for of· Prim Don't miu thlt cMncc! ......_Wl£.'A.U...M4Jl4..~ 3 Bdrm, a bath. clole to ,._ .. SllT1MG CASADIOIO · fie• bulJdinJl. ll00,000. I Pnmrties Lee latetront home ln MESA wmnr beach. tuOOmo. Twnhte, quiet end unlt ALL UTlLJTl tS PAID OM THE llACH Roy Mce..lt 1Jtr TRIPLEXFJ'in CdM. Fawnakln, the No, Shore HAUi. 4'7-4080 °" huce pvt park. 3 br Primefrontrowlocatlon 141-771; • Ocean •Id• of hwy. ofBi1Bear.Heaut.c1tm Outltaodin12B.r2ba,pvt w/blcmut.erbr.Z~ba{ ~:omt.P•crue1tboemforde•1ylo~nu lncy~r .... s .. -~.P-'vate ThreetochooMtrom deel1nh9rnt{over1700'. rar. It carport. J>V -,.,." 11 Vaulted ce llna11 oak totranct, parkina. patio. M75/mo. Dys features: Pool, BB , beac • parkJ tennia IDEAL RETAIL SPACE' DUPLEX!'S on Balboa cabinet.a, rock frpic, tie ~ Acroas from Hettler M0-3326; ev1644·9514. cov'rd 1araae, aur· courll, pool " spa in wooden decka, blt·ln ap. t• ti Park. Sit down white rounde with pluah 1uarcltd·1at.e comm. 3 Plua Newport. lOOO ~h~f~~· Two to pliancH, Ip&, & much 't/C" I.II water view . SUO. Ocean vu hme, w/l& pool landacaping. Adult liv Br. w /aep Ba. BeauUtul Bristol St. N., Ste. 20, at _ morel A prime loc. that 18()..9061 or 752-1.SO, 9 to " paUoa. 4 BR 2~ ba, 2 in1 •l Its best. No pcu. lnsicld50ut. Jamboree. 1078 aq rt la ture not to last at 5. fl\k, ph.ash new decor. Bach furnished $370 •1.20 1q ft. BeautlfullY ~U:~~d:k~ water '298,000.Formoreinfo MV's finest, immaculate home ln l u July 2Brfurni.shedS500 Al10 in Cyprus Shore decorated. W to W Town&ShoreProp. Costa Mes 18 p · Ni hbo hood ....,_..,... 321 va 1.5. si750 mo. 36SW. Wilson,642-1971 whitewatervlew.3Br.3 carpet. Immed. OC· 84' 1795 .. d 8 renuer eg r ·. ••••••••••••••••••••••• )'rly. ts.e. Adlts w/xlnt -------'-Ba. Form Oln Rm. cupancy. 851 .5188, FOURPLEX in Foun· ·l·866--·w~~ or Large 4br, 2ba, frplc, den with bar, Leaae 2 Br condo, all rtt1onty.l...wl·l166 $USCASfTAS Family Rm. Gourmet 833·3998 taln Valley. new paint, e lectric garage door & amenlU•, pvt yrd, enc. Upper Dup.leit with ocean Furn. 1 br apt. 1325 & Kitchen. 3-car 1ar. Priv. 1 --Land lo June Lake area, private natio with jacuzzi of'f mas''"'r 1ar. 551·0255evea. view 3 Br. 2 Ba . .,50 per up. Ent'!. gar. Adults. no ct yd. Man~, amenit1'es. SAN CLEMENTE A I large auumable 1 le 0 j int t " \;lg •• peta 2110 N"W""rl 81 ThomsenRlty 49'l-2967 Landmark. 1200 sq ft loana . All ownera ' za dr 0 ven ure. suite. 2400'. Ultra quiet sale street -~.._. J25 _m_o_.64_2-8850 __ A-='~en~t~·--548·4968btwne&5PM l t S II 2 B motivated. For detailed one for ~ condos. almost no traffic' Xlnt Publi /Pri te •••••••9e9h.9••••••••~ ·--------·1---------S-J res auran . ·ma r into call Xlnt view, l mi. from ski · c va c.:'tr.o l071 ~ou:i"' Ocean view. C /2 l Mew-rtCMr. area . Call owner, Schools, & Parks nearby. Bike 3 miles L~!1~b;,!':~.'\sO::e~e,; UICPINTHOUSE ~~.~~.??.~~ •••• ;r~•••••••••••••••• AtSoshdecor. $198,000. 640.5117 '7604767 714/645·9314 tobeachviaRiverTrail. kitchen l ncludi n1 Versallles,RarelBR+ H.l .'1FIMEST 'I; ACRE ocean• moun· 40 x 100 parking SI 200/MO 14A2626 microwave & bar·b· den, 2 ba, Security, aU lain views. Secluded 4 lot. $102,000. Offered by Maanlflcent 3Yr old 6Br. • v-q u e 1ran 1 e . Rec amenities, SllOO/mo lse Spanish Estate Living! Br. mones. owe. Great owner. Prine. only. Ask M .,..KE.,.. ... OFFER' 3Ba Big Bear Lk Cust. facilltlet avall. No pet.a. or mo to mo. Agt. Beautiful park·like sur terms. 5349,900. Broker for Robt. 492.0520 "' "'" • home. 3200 sq fl, 3 car ~ '90()/mo. Avail July lat. 760-8617 ; ~0322 roundlngs. Terraced 499 1.,..., gar. Beat Eagle Point C . . S40 ""00 d .,..., 978 pool. Sunken gas bbq, ·-.v. Airportlocation198x300 5 Income Properties loc. 3 bib from anow OrolMldelMar l222Easta1de 38R1 Ba,2car eve~°"twknd!~s, .....,. 4 sparkling fountains. s..ta AIMI I 080 ft. Potential ofc bid&/ East.aide Costa Mesa. s ummit. 16rma in all. ••••••••••••••••••••••• gar .. lge yard, drive by Sp a c Io us rooms ••••••••••••••••••••••• condosslte. 645-1103 .r 20% down. Owner will Furn or unfurn. To 4 Bdrm, bon1.11 rm w/pool 201 Monte Vlata. $585, M.wDOrt.._. J269 110 OCEAH VU! Separate dining area By0wner.OWCat13%.J carry.Pricedtosell! many extras to list. tble, lg bkyard w/pool 1st,laat&$1.S0.645·7000 ••••T•••••••••••••••••• Versaill~ prime front Walk ·in c losets . Br, H4 Ba .. frplc, dbl l"'LI0"'11u .a.uo • $350,000 Assum lo Int. $1A4k00f peGr mo. 631-4888. 3 Bdr 1 Ba Eslde house Bluffs. Up1raded 3 Br roBRw.2 BAd t, sedcurity. 21 homelike kitchen & gar. New paint& carpet. "' "' -" $180,000in loans. Will ac· s or reg · · "E" Plan. Prime Loca· a, new ecor. Al cabinet.a. Walk to Hunt· 751·8045 COMMBCIAL cept combination of ~Olmo. Rae. Agt. lion. Love?: Greenbelt. amenities.~ mo. Lse. ington Center. Marine Avenue Com· Caah &tradeoraUtrade Spacious 2 Br Bayfront 631-12186 Lg Family Room . Att.760·8617;644-0322 lBedroom·furn,$440 OML Y 2 LEFT! mercial with terrific foot ' f 1 On Secluded Cul·De·Sac fo•tallt Valty 3234 $1400 /Month. Broker 2 Bedroom.furn, $510 * 13010 * traffic. Large building ~; ~1~oty. <714>642·l08l: With BOAT SUP . Spec· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 759-9100, 644"°'96. Harbor View Palermo 4 Adults. no pets. 11 with 3 units for retail or 714/641 ""63 · t a c u t a r V I e w . b Utilities Free! Custom homes : 3 ?$525,000fee. -v• 4 r,Jbaexec.tri-level, SPYGLAS.5LEASE Br. Prime location, Bdrms. Large fam rm .. -2925 College Ave o.tof C~ $1750/Month. Agent, fam. rm, 2 frplcs, encl. 3 Bd, formaJdlnln", fam vie w . new c pt s . LA QUINTA HERMOSA l ~ ba, frplcs, w /w cpts, WATt HI HONl Costa Mesa, CA Property 2550 759·9100 patio. Gardener Incl. 1 rm lr1 ard 2 I $1400/mo. Jo Ann Doran, 16211 Parkst'de Ln, 1 bl'" cstm drapes, built in ttOM10,1M . •••••••••••••••••••••••co1taMMO 3224 yr lease. No pets. SleOo/m/Bob•~~~~ Rltr.851·9522 W.ofBeach,3blksS.of rang e I o v en, dis . REAL ESTATE C~OWS MEST ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~25./mo. 963-3344 aft. Koop. All. 631·1.2J66 Edinger. hwb~aher. Lots of beaut. 17MIOO Prime four·plex in CM . Beautiful ultra custom MEW JU W /FtlPLC 6.30, 962·750ldys. WOW!! 847·5441 ca mets.3cargar,fncd creative/motivated lfe 3 BR 3 Ba hme, Built·lna Aau1ts no H...tM--'-leach 3240 Bayfront, Pier & Slip. 3 J t Ii t d f t · ---------yard, landscpd. 1775 s /f owner. Will co-0p with s1t~ated on 3 ACRES. pets 642.~ '850/Mo •••••• ;'::;. •••••••••••• Br,31;li Ba.NewKitchen. of:E HA~F' Min asgc Hewporta.ach 3769 ofliving space.Mustsee Coftdo11thtl....,/Towft• brokers.494-3616 Sui table for avos. · · · 5br 21,iba famrm 2sty Com P I et e I Y DOLLAR PLUSL~~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• for other fine features. ho ... for sale 1700 Breathtaking views ! 3 Br. 1 Ba. House, new $8501mo.' ' ' Refurbl.shed. Carpeting, for only Sl.950/mo. 4 Br. All this only $131,500. ••••••••••••••••••••••• BREAK EVEM $245,000. Village Realty. paint inside & out ocean 846-2901 Drapes. Off Street Park· xtra lrg yard, •Owner will subsidize House+ 2 units, owner 1·745·5252;489-0400 view yard. Adul~ only. in1 . Year Lease. OpnSundayl·5 forlyratl3%. IAYFIOHT finan cing. $11 9,000. I IO+acret $650 + utils. 645·3000, • • • 4 Br. 2 Ba. frplc, $350-0 /Month. Broker, 502KlngsRd,NU v ••• •Lu u..--,'-"n C: S 4 0 1 ~os ..... C~day I 2 1 - 5 5.... CG-OP N o r m & K a s e Y consisting of 31 lots. 548-9849. peblkts.fe1n98ce11. Bgausrahgaerd. NSto. 759·9100 John Carey, Bkr. 7 H1 "' Sweeping View from ffi.1McK•inri~le . •63~~1266! •. 1. T.D Properties 0-6293 Rise 2br, 2ba, Co-Op. As· _,_, ·---Prime Area · ready for 3bd 2ba frpl fam rm, din $725/mo + $725 S.D. 3 Br. 21;li Ba. Condo. sum able financing. Full developm~nt. $800,000. rm , Ii v r m. gardner 642·7743. Ocean view. $800/mo. SotlthLCMJMllCI 1016 security.$425,000. Termsavailable. furn . Fenced yd nr AskforRon.'152·5111. ••••••••••••••••••••••• D S*rlft Edlttl W . Hettick schools & boys club 5725 Ad ult Condominium. Spectacular ocean view. •NMR_......__ 9 ldor 556·1737 aft 4pm or Mariner's Cove. This 2 SA.MTIA&ODI. 4 Br. Private area, ten· 64 :--- 4511 18051466-0500 wkends. Br l "!l ba beauty securi· Beautiful house avail nis . Just reduced "" 48units',CM.Pricedto j tysystem,sauna,pool& now in ele~nt area. 4 $50,000. $549,000. Bkr. 30! 0 edllw. Un.nOdWerClObXaGlarn.ce. o.t of State Beautiful Exec home nr tennis. Avail immed. LBr._ 3 BRa. lning Rm, 499·1526. °T.1••~ '' Pro,.rty 2600 So Cst Plaza, pool $725/mo. No pets. Agt tvtng m. & Family Prin. only. Kevin Agt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• W/J'acuz .. • nnnl servi·ce 548 1168 Rm. New wallpaper, Tustin I 090 ftltt ale 1800 760-9333 .... ..-• · cozy kitchen & many ••••••••••••••••••••••• •-•••••••••••••••••••• Waterfront rroperty on gardener 5bd 3ba 3 car many xtras. Children & Woodby Is and. Cstm garg $2000 mo S56·1737 3br, 2ba, fenced, nice pet.I OK . 758-8974. IM FORECLOSURE HEAR THE SAHD ASSUME l l °'o home. Seller will do a alt 4pm or wkends. cond, else schools/1hpg, PRICE REDUCED lalboaP-. .,..... /C trade or straight sale. $675 /mo. lst/last/dep. HARBOR RIDGE Ocean With $10,000 cash . take Seconds to the water. Price $Z7S,000. Super 3 ldnft 2 la 968-3495 View . Lux. 3 Br. 3 Ba. over vacant home and Excellent 3 BR owner's 1st JO buy and location. Diana F/p, D/w, Yd, Blt·ins, N T Lge Master suite, den, encumbrances. $190,500. "home·like .. unit & 2 631·1266. Agt. Adlts, No Pets. 642-0835. ew ownhouse 3 Br. 2112 wet bars f p tenni·s A k t I BR 2 b t I ·t 16 UNITS Fullerton Ba, tennis, l blk bch. · · ·· • pprox. mare va ue . a, ren a unt . 0 Real Est-.. $700permo.. pool 1·ac $190-0 /mo $209,000 for Tustin area Ideal for home & in· wner will carry large vnr Atlanta /Beach Blvd. • ·• · pool home. Call Les, come. Close to Newport 2nd and 3rd. Creative Exc"-gt 2100 East Side Duplex. 2Br, $750 /mo. 536-0979 or 675·4008· 549·9009· Owner /Agt. 559·9400 or pier and shops. $289,950. terms. Call for details. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lBa frplc, lg yrd, gar 2131726·4027. OH GOLF COURSE 559-0769 . .Prine.only. WHley H. Taylor Co. *Cote Realty SS75/mo673-2077 311 HOUSE 5625 View 3 Br. 3 Ba.+Den & Realton 644-49 I 0 & Investme nt ~~C:..":!:a.:!!h Quiet Eastside 3 br, 1 ba, . 963-1970 ~~i1lJ.lOO. 645-7605 or lftcoSM Property 2000 640-5777 3 Kon a f>ropertles, wood burning frplc, ••••••••••••••••••••••• water front & views, garage, refrig. S62S mo. 4 Br. 3 Ba, many up-BIG CANYON LEASE $585K. Principles only. Wayne, Agt,646-8816· g r a d es • 8 0 1 5 a 3 Bdr 3 Ba, formal din· La ndmark , $975 . IALIOA PIMIH. Call Newell or Gill. MESA VERDE. lmmac. 751·0612, 831·8487 ing, pool, hot tub, vu, Great investment! 2 Xtra lge Uv rm for enter· very sharp. $2000/mo. newer custom units on taining, family rm, H_..gfoft Bob & Dovie Koop. Agt. comer lot. lf.i block to large Cenced yard, play Hart.Ow 3242 _63_1·_1.266 ______ _ S8500DOWN RCTaylo rCo RIEALTOAI Ml-7414 2 MSTRlt•s 21,; Ba condos '850/mo. 3 Bdrm 2"'2 Ba $675. John Marshall 631·1266 > laycrest31r~ett Remodeled and re· decorated like new. Ter· rlfic patio w /gorgeous pool, spa, BBQ and fire ring. $1500/mo. THE "GOOD LIFE" YEAR·ROUNO FUN: Social Activities 01· rector • Free Sunday Brunch • BBO's • Parties • Plua more GREAT RECREATION: Tennis• Free Lessons (pro & pro ehop) • 2 Health Clubs• Saune • Hydromaasage • Swimming • Goll Or111lng Range llEAUTIRIL APTS: Singles, t & 2 Bed· rooms • Furnlahed & Unfumlahed • Adult Laving • No Pets • Models Open Daily 9 lo 6 Oakwood Garden Apertment1 Newport Beech N. 880 Irvine tat 16th) (714) 645·1104 Newport 8eech s. t700 t6th St (Dover al 18th) (714) 642·5113 Twnhm 2Br, 2Ba. $50,000 first at 121h%. owe bal. 1881 Mitchell #82. 832·0264 Open Sat/Sun. 47 DLXUNITS Lesa than 1 year old. In· co m e $221,500 . Owner /builder will _________ 1 carry! ocean, 1 block to bay. house, gardner incl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ---------Each w/2car gar, 2 br, 2 ~~~~~~~~~ Quiet cul-Oe·sac. Lease. Huntin1ton Hrbr 2 story THE BLUFFS 2 Bdr, den, 1 Ba + guest Dec or ator furnis hecl ba, balconies w/ocn & :: $790. 979-8727 Townhouse. Exclusive 3 Bdrm condo w/vlew. rm w /view. $950 /mo. Townhouses. S895 • t bay views, patios . Resort property ex· . location nr water. 3Br Remodeled, like new Rae.631-12J66.Agt. 760-9117 IALIOA OPEH SUHDA Y I .4 14121 lrae ..... Rd. TUSTIN MEADOWS PrfceR.-ect 6 townhouaes, Balboa Peninsula. 2 Br H~ Ba, 8 yrs new, 8 carports. Seasonal rental can dou· ble income. $395,000 firm. Lge as· changes Don, Century 4 Br New paJDt, ca~t & 2~ ba, 2 frplcs. Unique with gourmet kitchen. 1 8s1u 5 m 8 . 51,~t ~t 8u'r:41.b%. 21 , Mammoth Lakes drapes . Garden in~ m1o de r n des I g n 7Y.,r~J7e8ase. $1000 /mo. S-CaJ~1,,___ 3278 OC~AMFROMf · 1 n "'· a oa (714,934_....,H service. $750/mo. w ,reenhouse windows. "'"""' · ,.. ~ Furnished 3 B 2 8 • Blvd. Do not disturb le· ----~-----1 546-9950. Ad ct to tennis crts. ---------••••••••••••••••••••••• · · . r. 11' Large assumable V.A loan. 3 Bdrm, ·new paint, cptf drapes. $135,500. Cal Sandy. 631-2242. •· o 640-.. .,~ 1 •. BLUFFS 3 Bdrm, 3 ba, 3 br 2 ba a /c no pet w1.th office. 2 car garag~ nan .... wnr. .._..or Our 4br near Newport poo ,spa,sauna.gym. f • . · · 5 • w i th auto opener • 759·1064. Backbay for your 3 ~r. College Park. $975/mo. +assoc.dues. si~rm,f~aldinrm, pool prtv. $600. June 1. Washer & Dryer incld DW'LEX Deluxe tri·plex C.M. nr park, owe priced right: $200,000 + So. County Kids /Dogs OK. '675/~o. Avail June 1.5. Call Eliot ___ ._m_o_. __ 2300 __ . __ 586-7216aft.5. Avail.now. Weekly. home or Condo. 831.0611 1st. last + deposit. 714 /962-7768 or David Nwpt Shore 4 br, 3 ba, 3Br, 2Ba, Pool·Spa ac-TSL MGMT. 642·1603 Don 'l wait. BKR 979·4383 or 496·8882 S56·6Sl6. _84_6_·8_55_9______ canaltront, nwlY decor, ceas. New crpta. ac $700. pool, tennis, 2 blks ocean 496·9268; 494-8208 Versailles Bach. Condo. $750/mo. 963-9373 Leave ~Sunho'' Hl'alh Prime Eastside Costa Mesa location. Only $115,000, low down pay. ment, submit. 20 units Orange '650.000 4A~RE~, approved for18 EASTSIOE 3~S/~bo~cI3~~1a.rm, 11 ~%down, OWC break units. tn FLAGSTAFF, 2 BR 1 Ba, yard & patio. AGT. 846-1371 even, prin only BKR ARIZONA. Tall pines, $525, 1st & last. 631·5661, $1,100. 962-8683. ---------1 s.ta AINI 40'10A.TSUP 3br, 21;liba CONDO. beautifully decorated, $1200 /mo. yearly . 3280 _m_e_ss_a~g_e_. ____ _ Ofhtr RHI Estate ••••••••••••••••••••••• We have openings in our investment division for experienced sales personnel . 979·4383 sloping land, au utilities. 548·0817 '"-3244 C.M. E /Side 4·plex, posi ~ale ~ rBet r ahd e f or New 2 bdrm condo, dbl ••••••••••••••••••••••• ewpo . ac proper-gar gar .. elec opener, 2br 2ba The Terrace cash flow, S325 ,000. ty. Heritage Realty ssoo. 2000 Meyer Place cls'e to Pool 4'shopping'. 675-6775 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Bdrm, 2 bath. family rm, fireplace, good loca· tion S6SO mo pet or child okay. lmmed. occup. 530-5900 after 5 546·5967 A~rtmenh u .. fwNshed ••••••••••••••••••••••• GeMral 3802 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MoblleHomn For Sale 1100 RCTc1ylo rCo 27. 7% do. owe bal. at 6 o 2 I 5 2 6 · 4 8 1 1 o r 631-4361 · 641-1991 agt. ""'""'/mo "'"'l· ...,.,, fto...I THEW "'TfA 13%. 13.9 X gr. Prin. on· 602/526·4936 ' ' _llfl<WV;....._ __ ·..;.~;....._-...:.....___ "'" "' Great view ot boats & CowcloM....._ APTMTS FOR RENT ly. 640·099'7 (Jim) Santa Ana Heights 3 Br. University Parlt. For lse bay. Brick fplc, family U..fwwl•d 3425 H B N e Costa Mes Costa Mesa 1 Br trlr WIU. TRADE dbl garage, large yard. $850/m o. Cul·de-sac, room. Available immed. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Somethi~gror Everyo:e home w/cabana, l5x30. New condo in Palm Clean. $600, lat & last+ Green belt, frp lc, f 9 lha Onl '99 Bach. to 4 Br. Unfum. ,,,}1) !'''>ti ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adults , xlnt $6900, APPLE VALLEY MOllLIHMPK Desert forsportfisheror $200 cleaning deposit. skylight, air cond. 4Br, or mon · Y 5 2 STORYPENTH<XlSE Apts. Certai.n locations 673·3826 Near n ew 4. P lex, 2 $525,000 traw341er.3036 548·4497. all appliances Incl. No ~~·E REAL ESTATERS ~~~n~!:i m~ ccitoyc ~~\~; o ((er : Po o I . s pa , 2 BR. 2 BA. Mobile al the bdrm, 2 bath each unit 45 Spaces on 18 Acres l · O· l ,346·7726 pets, 1 teenager OK. Im· 673-8550 view. 2 Br. 2 Ba. en"". fireplace, laun. room. beach with 18 year lease. with fireplace, enclosed Expandable to 100 Sp. 5 units at beach, Long Nice E /Side 2 .br, 2 ba, peccable house. 759·0800 be a m e d c e i J in ~ s .' Expansive ocean view patio, double garage. TradesConsldered Beach, to trade for f!l5ro·.f!f8l·~lva1I. June 1. _m_o_m_ln....;g::;_s_. _____ , IAYSHOllES frplc. Never lived in. garages, all built·ms. $165,000. Bill Grundy. 642-6153 -""' ,...., Charmln1 2 Bdrm 1 ba New! $lOOO. Garden & Townhouse $68,000. 714·990·3005 Rent It NiceE/Side3br,2ba,dbl 2'hba, $775/mo. l.at/laat, ouae w rpc. and lge city lights view. From TSLMGMT from large wood deck. Rltr, 675~161. . ~ house. 892-8162 Bkr. Woodbridle Condo 3br, h /f 1 Also 2 Br. 2 Ba. ocean & design. NO FEE. days, 714·998-4808eves. IMVESTOR'S ••••~•••••••••••••••••• '7~/m~.v~diune 1. frplc, a/c,644-4646eves -~-r_1c_~_7_~_~_rsso_o_. _M_o_to_m_o_. ~75-9113&675·9132. lolboa 11~ 64~~6= Mobile home w/cabana, DELIGHT/ 100/o DP •u.•u. w CM .. ..,.. Hotlt•• FwllitMd "Woodbridte" 3br + Lido Sands yearly lease 1 _______ ..:___1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• nr shopping center , Two new condos on Jot , .... , nun 1..YmM••• ·-·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4br, lge yard, open house den, 3ba, atrium, must bllt from Bch $1000 mo. Beaut tri-level abr. Zba, 2 BR apt, furn. or unf. yr adults,reas.645-5489 Uveinone,rentorsell H_..gfoftleach3140 Sat. 637 Wilson W. see: Rec rac. no .pet.I 2Br +Den2BaFamrm pool,spa,dblgar,xlnt lylse.AvailJune l.Util ESTATESALE the other. Seller will ••••••••••••••••••••••• 675·4568t675/mo $825.642-4164,966-0696 DR covered patio S.A. loc. nr. S.C. Plaza pd. Cina nee for 3 years at FOURNX 4bdrm, 3ba, mile from E 'd 2 B I f d w I j a c u z z I M an Y $650 lat /last + sec. 673·a727 1966 Majestic located in 13%. 10% DOWN . -oooDwn OWC Sub· ocean. summer ren· astst e r, ge ence WILLOWS 4 Br. 2 Ba. 551·2960eves Laguna Beach Park. 641-1991 ; 631-4361 agt. ~i. 54().........,· · tal$850. 968·7148. yard, gar, avail lmmed. Patio Rm .. fenced yard, features, near park. Call ---------3 Br. 1 ba. ·~ gar, sun neu ocean. Week days .-$535 + $350 sec. dep. dbl 1ara1e. $650/mo. forappnl642·3125 WOODBRIDGE availim· deck. Yrly $650 /mo. 759·4175 FOUi.ft.EX Whelan 1"1111• 3144 645·8369 644·14801ca»5050ext81. THi .. •-s ,med1. 2sty, 2br, l t,;ba, 1st/la st. s ec. dep BY OWNER •••••••••~••••••••••••• ~ rp c, a /c, mirrored 615.9951. ASSUMIPYMMTS Xlnt Financing! Real Estate Panoramic Turtlerock 3 Br, 1 ba, Jg enc yd. $585 Woodbridge Creek1ide !i-:Sarmn. •~.2eabar~tha,1esuapeser. wardrobes, $625/mo. ---------Beautiful repossessed $.1lO 000 view 2 br + den, com· lease. 376 E. 18th St. (in Aspen. 3 Br, 2 ba, up-T 857·0155 lalaoa P..-.. 3107 mobile home. Double 675·0073, <7i4,345.4123 plete\y rum. Large 2 car rear) Drive by then call 1raded, pool, walk to ~.mo. Alt, 3-5354. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1978 Washington . IAchn'= fiar .. w/opener, fplc, 673·0884 tennis, s h oppin1 . Why buy when you can Lge2br,lbanrS.C.Plaza Single, yearly, $175. ($G3340). Low down, p ghted tennl.s crts, pool, $750/mo -.-$525/mo&elec. Single Adults only No low int. 0 C EA Hf R 0 HT ro 2100 1pas, W/conaider short $500 mo. 2 br, 1 ba, lg. ss1 Soc»/5512245 rent a ....,,ooo home ln S56·0238aft5PM pets . 6 7 5 . 4 is 6 . DISCOUNT DUPLEC ••••••••••••••••••••••• lse . $1200 mo. Agt. yard, pets /kids ok. · · Newport Beach for (213)790-5428. MOBILE HOMES Beautiful 4 Br. 2 Ba. LAGUHAllACH 752·5668 631·22A6 Woodbridge lease. Built $1200/mo. 3br, 2ba Crplc, 2br, 2ba N.B. Penthouse 636-0880 Upstairs: 3 Br. 2 Ba. Canyon induatrial bld1 b y Peters. Three patios brick work etc. Condo. Adults only·sec BEACHFRO!fiunit,2Br downstaln. Fireplaces, near town• art festival M.wportleedl 3!69 3 BR, 2 ba, Jg. backyd. bedrooms, two batha. Some tum avail It nee. 1uard, pool. sauna, 2 Ba. avail 7/1. Coast YA IUYERS 1ara1e, laundry room. grounds. 9600sq. f\. fully ••••••••••••••••••••••• Frplc. Cul-de-sac. Avl. Sln1le atory home In Near Scbooll Newport gym, S750/mo. 645-0230 Prop. 673-5410 Callustodayforfastand Xlnlloc. leased. Gron annual in· WESTCLIFF, 3 Bdrm, now.'72Smo.631-7089 Woodbrid1e. UOO ~nter Shoppln1. Quick easy fin. oo VA loans. TSL INVSTMT 642-1603 come $54,000. neutral tones, avail July Tri·level townhouae In month. Owner can 11ve occupancy, call owner Cof'Ofta def Mar 3122 MJ's'lf~~ES l•------•-•l·-=R.:.:e::•::IO::n.:.:O::rm:::'::ca~_:67.:.:5-~67::.:::00 l.SllSOmo.CallLlz.agt. areal area of So. Santa threeyearleue. 151·1110or840-W7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 838-0880 RIJNS 6U·S200 Ana. 3 Br 2 Ba, dbl 1a.r, Includes refri&erator, Harbor Vu Home 4 Br 2 ON ST°'R~ · H .. " Uwfwwl""41 W fr T paid. '850/mo. wuber, dryer ana Ba. Mooteco. No pets. PAMILYPIT'IC Industrial condoa for ••••••••••••••••••••••• Bruce Blom1ren . recreation factlltlea. Gardener. $1075/mo.•--------------- Low 1pace rent, local Specialilt in ule. 1000 to 3000 sq. ft. ltilbot: hllllld JZ06 760·0Z9'1. ~:~=~Jot••nt, Avail. 8-20 . .s7-4C*. -------- •re a, • tn' I e wt d e lncome J>ropertles Huntlntton Beach fc ••••••••••••••••••••••• w J I a r I e expand o . Fouotafn Valley. Call 2 BR. y~J,eue. ~vall 4 Br tam l ~-.a THl-....S (Ex~ ..... ) P l J U ' rm, a r "vuu, E a. Br • 8 . ....,., IALIOAISLI au 545-Q7,All. une 1. •pa o 1ar. f750 /mo. Call Sharon xec. · • a. Near DISCOUNT 0..UX l'TJ.0'727 C/21Sa...t:.1-rMCMMO pool. Hl,iblY uperaded. 1 MOBILE HOMES ~,... · level. '1015Cfm0. Vacant. 838-Cl&O Nearly new 10 Unit In· 3bdrm, 2ba, home, 1Jn1te Woodbrid,., 4br, many SIAVllW ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~--....._ .. ....._ IZOO ~.i~~!t°!u~mae~~ duatrlal Bldl tn Cotta 1ar, contact Mr. Apollo, upiradett,nopet.a, Family Newport Glen Twnhme _._..,,....,.._ w'n••rr:_.al. Meta. 15,000 sq fl. 25~ (714)8U ·980f moo. MOIUHOMI -111o.~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ... ma. d ....... _L. •• ;tll mom -own. ~ W1 carry · Newer 2 Br. J Ba. Clole ACRISOF°"" MIWPOITICH lat TD at 13% lotere.t ..... , • h JZ07 to beach. Adultt, no 19CTALS CJ:~~t'a:.iW~ IMft.ll for3)'Hn.Phil8u1Uvan ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• pet•. SNO/mo. IDclds lb.r2ba lhrth""'Oount)'. f.;x . Realtorl6l10I. BAYrRONT Lre Zbr, uUll. lat +$1CJO movu p erlen.ced owner Fumlfbed aBt. 28a un· LehferS. 2100 Iba, CONDO. S.C. tild1. ~u In. 8'75·T10f or !'/t pearbead the pro· lb. 1 blocll from Beach. •••••••••••• ........... •1100/mo. yearly • ...:..._ ..... ___ ...;.1_. ------• Jtel. ~celleot 111mmer la •·I wtawwa1 Y• . AdW&a. '1HT75 M•a Verde Jovel)' a Br 1 H.__..Vtrlly wmltrrentat or .. 1t1m11,1uborcl. CeNH .. W. HU Ba, quiet•·· "50/mo. i.~c· .. = ·=·:!~ c.n .. -a com lete 7141•..0,MS-1711 .......................... lJ.l,8'79-1'71 couatry 1tmo1phtre. wltttlooofllatbtpfrom Caplttreno Bfach R·J 1fr•upperdpb.tbr,lba, •11 .. a Verde tp a br, 2 llll'l'Ounded by rellloa 4 C.O • -.. W• hue Oc•an "*' lol. ,....., rplc, ''°"· retrt1;,P'*l ba, X·ll• HY. rm w. hUJa ol ~·••do '"'"'"• t.c> ftl •111 In· pennlta aDlll'O"ll. lome p_auo. ao peta, JO. frplc, dlD. rm. fec:ild yd, ~•JI. -_a: • Aall ... lo,r v..ton ..-.. In ma111 c.onltractroe 11.,ted. AJ·J.411 -.1.-o177 ....., W.. .,. locadona •prk'e .....,... '181.oet.•la7l i••• I llA .. ••• •• •• ..;.:,:,J. ....... u....._ ___ - : R&"Mf'X ! l , I ep1 lo <>Han. Mott dtarmln1 Md.Ion of old CoroH. 2 Br. 2 Ba .. frple. COYmlCl imp. ONlft ¥ .... from dtn tTH. Call A.ntltOay WHkda1a IU·5TST, ............... OCCAM llDl:Or HWY Mlr8d ..... ,... ...... ...._ Ca.Sh in on 7or11~. _ ... ,. ....... w,.kHOf•nteCOUftltrtldveftfMre- There are two waya to win with a Dally Piiot High Roller Ad Run 7 days for $7.77 11 daya for $11.11-3 llnes Items totaling $500.00 or less Call 642-5678 Daily Pilat Private Parties only -no commercial bu11nesses please. Any classlflcatlon. No cancellation Rebate . .,,_ t .. •t• u.tww. .,.. '*"''' u.tw.., Apa lw•h u.tw.. · loomt 4000 Vee..._._.. 4250 ....... to SNr-. 4300 Office • ....., 4400 ....._......, ...... 4J OO Aw•~/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Peraortll//a/ CoroH .. Mar 312 Costo Mna )124 -f..tllltt-IHch ll40 Laauna Beach Motor Inn, M•lure M /F w ahr 2bdr COM MER CE 1675 .• Approx. 2265' In Lost & Foe1.d •••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• 985 No. Puclrk Co11t SAIMCL-..ltCTI d I Kl h . Cl d ua l /OHicl' 18101 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hwy, La1un11 Ueach OC....,._OMT up ex. tc en priv. 0 PLAZA Redondo Cr ''T" tlunt ~c.etnltlh SIOO OldCd•1.2blbtobch,2 llrTow..tlo•• ~alrto.,.bea1ch.2B1rlbii Dally, Weekly, Kltchfn Dramatic e RR, fll· ~l Pkl l2SO utll Incl. Bch.842·2834 ••••••••••••••••••••••• bt, 2 bn, din rm , Nl'wly dc.'C<lr. 1111~ pd.. px .rll)c.~caar, avall1ble Low winter 1 1 td ,. CM S.U-50&8 ..... AKES l1repl1ee, a1m1at· Gre1H encl 11i.r , pool, d!fwhr. prvt paUo/laW\dry rm. 5294 c us ve -a e "ypreas · ,... THE ADVBTISIMG Adulta 6'U·:I0'73. N l S47S 536-G-418 rates. 494. . Shores. Pool, tcnnla. ..._.EWPORT MESA CO ... SULT•u.-5 ocean view Avail 6.21 __ ope a. _ ·-_ LAKf.:FOREST Breathtaking view. Rmmate to shr lrg 3 Br ..,. ,... ~"' '900/mo 675"8370 21r. l.laA.t Nice 2Br. l laBu, pool, All privileges incl club& S1crlf1ce now at $2500. house. CM. 1225. Reap. BEACH INDUSTRIAL ~:erft~'!/~i"ah~:t ~~c Newly decor·. ffaf. pd gar, loundry. p11tlo utll. $260 lat &c laal. '8000mo.aummer. Bkr. Fem. Plenty of privacy. PARK vertlsing for your com CostoMeso 3124 encl gar .. pool, dshwr $495/mo. 960-5043; 586.4038 (714)499-1320. 760·0991,549·0626Kelly. AFFORDABLE ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ad 1 .,,., .,....3 7 .. A 0439 r.•ny! Let The Advfrtla· MF.:SA Vfo;ROEo.: home at u lS."'"''""' .,... Furn rooms. 1ood Gon14H 711 W .17thSt. ng Consultants set up mosphere 2 &3dlxapts l"IM ll44 neighborhood. West Lake Arrowhead, nr lk tor•• 4lSO 475tol3'0Sq.Ft. your own in·house ad- Nopets 546-1034 VILLACOIU>OIA ••••••••••••••••••••••• C M. Call 548·6892 art w/view. Delux 38r, 28a ••••••••••••••••••••••• * J•ftorial~lce& CostoMesa.Colf. vertasingagency Please Spacious Jo; side apts Beautiful 3 Br 1arden 6PM A Crame. Cum w/bch SINGLE CAR aarage, 642-4461 call Mr. Croeson for in Spacious 3 Br Duplex ~25 Pool & laundry fuc• Jo.nrlgar.pallo,dshwshr home. comm. pool, ten· ------club priv. Sip• 10. CM, storage only. ~O Utiltiethtdllded formation. & 11tove. Most ulll Cree. ms Call Biii Wedmore. Christion home, beach, $475/wk 97~0492 per mo. MS-7214 art 6PM * Adfoc.tto Alf?Ort 1980 •q fl Unit av111I. 759-0652 ~9s:xl ' Nopets LlngoRK644·7020 M, straiqht, free long - ------&Res._._.Row M11y l 1t Ca rpets. 2 BDRM $165 --- ---dist. phone. kit priv. KAUAI Lux 2/2 on Polpu Offlu R...tol 4400 * AcceH to l mat-r drupes wet bar. •336·34• HEWLY DECOR. 1 BDRM $395 Oranaetr~ 2 Br, 1 bu. Air $250 & utll. 499·2286 ech. Sips 6 Pvt pool/ten ••••••••••••••••••••••• r-sq. rt. •Leaaing ofrice 1 Br. gas pd, encl l(ur 2323 l-~lden l\V(' CM cond. On stream, uC n I s S 5 9 5 / w k . 1617 Weslclirr. N.B. Want fwya. hrs. Mon thn.t Fri 8·4. SCRAM-LETS ANSWERS d washer. pool Adults 642·7605 stall"S. Adults only. Su 2 lovely connecting rooms 1710673-9479 Cinancial inst. 70005.f. 8 3 3-881 J Sat 10·2 642 5073 Sh ~" 13 d 2 AR 2 mil on pets SS95. Mary w /balcony. Pvt bulh, lal . floor. Agenl54l·S032. --- 2 br. 1•2 bo. no C'hlldren. e:~~vt ~t~.egar. U\Bll 64-4·7211 - ---kllch 1mvll Ut1I pd KAILUA lakerront.4uol1 INDUSTRIAL small dog OK, $425 610 now $475 mo. Call LCICJWMI leach 3141 $300/mo. Isl/last + $75 ty furnished 4 Udrm •DELUXEOfflCES• MAIL CENTER SPACE lnruse Becalm Pestle Misfit Melody Jovial JoannSt642-'1344 S4G·S880,askCorPumor ••••••••••••••••••••••• c lean dep 645·6499, home . Pool. TV6' 1Room&2Room No ----Larry Very Charming Studio 675·5533 ---screen. Wahr, dryr, ~!~~ fu~~dj\~~~~~; uN10Ul FOR LEASE POLITICIANS Lrg 2 Br l Ba, great -cottage w/gur & appl. Mesa Verde sleeping rm micro-wave 2 rerrig. 5 Hotel. 833-3223. 9·12 "OFFICE" SPACE COSTA MESA E.side location, $475/mo 2 Br. 1 ba, adults, 1425. 1st lblk from ocean. N. Pvt entrance & bath. min lo Lanakai beach. 642-4461 yrly ~e. No pets. Call & la,st. $l50dcp 11ur. ldry Lafuna. $425/mo lse + ReCrig, no cookinl( or Mln. resv. 3 mo. S3.000 CdM Deluxe Suites, i\C, SO • 0 n e 2 7 8 O sq r l I think I've Cinally Clgured out what the big problem with our gov ernment iB It's really simp le. We have machines that answer to us and POLITICIANS who don't LI d 67 W tl:M · 548-5861 uli . 497·1986; 497·5159 s mo k Ing $17 5 / m 0 mo. Use or car incl. avail um pl pk&. util pd. 2855 ••om •7 • "••Mo warehouse avail for 1m .....!!J • ~---SCPlza 2Br2ba Palso. artG ____ S-49·3612 6/15645·9420 E.Cst flwy675-6900 med occupaney. •Two lteaut1ful 2 Br. Adult <.:on pool, Jae. ~. 833 2462. Hewport leach 3169 Room needed for sum WAIKIKI eo~a bdrm. ..'::"'..;::;::.":':::. ::'. 1600 sq ft units, orrice & do SC Plaza 56S0 1mo 6317278 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.25 Sq. Ft on "" __ .... o..... warehouse space avail 646 0686 mer only, rem. student 2 bu, newly decorated June 1 •32<·J3r per sq. SPAC I BR ADULT p•RK NEWPORT Call M uurreen coll View or Ala Wai Harbor P;c~ ... --,.-· rt. •Leasing omce hrs 8l'autiful Townhouse Open beam ceilings, ft 800/544 9200 3 mo min resv. $1500 mo NEWPORT co1•-...... ,,.,. Mon lhru Fri 8 4. Sat S525 2 Hr. I '~ Ha servingbar,lotxofwtMHI 1p1RTM£NTS , , orS2500iCcarincluded 10·2. Fireplaee Savage Wilde thruout, newly rcdec " " Room in lgehouse,CM; ~ Avail6/15645·9420 HARBOR OHllCICCMllY'S le Co 675·6005 5345 2260 M 1 S pref, I m1 from OCC , ----StorC14Je 4550 imo, ape.t S210/mo957·39S5 lwAIKIKICumluxury -1 ? LAllClllrtllVATl ••••••••••••••••••••••• I med. 0 548·7356. 673-8803 COUNTRY CLUB - -I HIUOI SDVICl m ccup.. UnCum nn. pvt ent & bdrm. comer apt Cen .,.... 1ooos-tlodc-•-· 5120 2 Br I Ba Apt Beam Large 3 BR 2 Ba. upper. LIVING IN patio, quiet Mor F', non-tral air. Roortop pool & ceahng. lndry rm, pool nr So. Coo~l Plaza. no NEWPORT smoker, 1225 ~3227 sauna 3 blks to ocean 3 3035 Sq. Ft. '• Adults only, no pell> No pets 1470.641·8657 a~•CH - -mo min resv $1500 mo last Mo rent SJ60.S36~ ~ TSLMGMT 6421603 Donal'olnt 1126 Hoteh,Mohh 4100 with car Avail G 15 Pt.h()ff(ces layVl9ws Prh·•Potios Lots of Windows Parking GCll"04)e 4600 2 bdrm 1 ha attached l•ncl s:uroue. nu pot. 1-rpt.5, drps. ad Its only, no pt•l.11 279 W Walson $•125 645 1819 ••••••••••••••••••••••• l.111ht. u11·y I bdrm, hit' hakony. gar Small pet OK $.150, Lst. last. clean ml( dep. 661 ~12 One Bdrm, one Ha 1\li 2 Cl R. encl gar. pat 111, Ull I pd $360. 0 W. lndry rm, acllts, no 1131·1873 pets. u veil July 4 $t00 mo. 548 90W or 540 544ti EASTSIDE Avail now. 2 bdrm, Iba, 1 story. shag, drupes, patio. frplc. d 1w, beam cei lln11s. gar. udulti. $450/mo TSl. MGMT 642 IG03 2br Iba Utib pd. cpt:., drp&. reCrige, stove, pool Quiet adult11 . no pets, next to K·Murt '425/mo 548-7689 1.ite bright airy & bnind new 2br, 2ba. m1C'ro. dbl 11ar . pool . jac. waterfalls. $700979 3376 Shorp t:astside 1 BR apt pvt entry, all bltns, gar. $415. mo Call 546 5880, a11k for Pam or Larry !bdrm, Iba, encl gar, w 'refrig. $33S. Al'lo 2br, lbo, w refrig, encl gar, '400 631-2374, 846-0006 2Br. erpts. drps, bltns. aar. adults only, no pets. Victor ia /Canyon nrc>u S430t mo. 631 ·68 12 ult _!Pm 2 IR. 2 IA. Pool, crpt.s, drps Ideal tor c:o uple + Adult Roommate or Mother ln·Law. No pets. Aaenl 731 6829, 548-~74 2 br. I ba. pvt on UaC'k Lge studio. prkg & lndry, 5300/mo. Oyi. 768·6261 , l'V!I 498·0318. 2 Bdrm. 2 ba, dishwHher & stove 1475 & SSOO. l Udrm . stove. dis hwasher. ~5 661-1192 SI 00 FREE RENT 2 Br 1 Ba. private patio & 11 a rage. lAIJI o( l(russ. $475. 33552 Blue Lantern. 496-9230 or 496·3354 or 498·591Y7 Huntington leoch ll40 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ,~,> ADULT ,..;J ~. Ll\llNC. • I & 2 8A Pat.o Apll • D11~wnllll\ & BllO' • Poo• & At< Aoo111 • C'•Ofn l 'nO\ClPlllQ • Joq 10 8t«~ & Snoos • Ste I I G11n SEA ENVIRONMEN T <1fl IJ HAM'l l if4 tt H If .•• 1-.1. THE WHtFFU TIH Luxury Adult uniU at al· fordable living. l.2 & 3 Br Well decorated Olympic jjlU pool. light· ed tennis court, Jacuzzi. park like landscaping. Most beautiful bldg. 1n 11.U. fo'rom $395 846·00111 Bay, pool, 1430/mo No 2 Br I Ba. dllhwshr, nr dog11 646-81~ beaeh. upper $475. E /S1de spacious 2 Br 2 Ba Gan1en Apt Po()I , encl garage Adult.s. no pell. Water & gas paid ~25. 645-5780. Vuy large 2 Story, 3 Br 21'2 811. Mesa dtil Mur area, enclsd garnice ~25/mo. Call 751·9905. Iv ~e111ag.! S36 8312 2 br, 2 sty, l 1t bo condo, cleun. nr Hunt Harbour, ~75 642·5400 DELA WARE PIHES Al'TS. Sp11c1ous l & 2 Br. /\pl. f'rpk. pool ai lndry rac. From $450. Adulll only, no pets 19221 Delaware 125(). lbdnn opt, 1 udult St. !!_u_nt_. _Och 842·8807. Non-1mQker, reC'1 req Unfurn. 2 Br. AplS. 968 W . 11\h. 548·2830. Adults only. No pets. 960-2675. Lac 2 br. 1 bu E/Slde. downstairs. no pets , 3br, 2'tba, walk·lll closet, $400/mo. 631·615S _ lndry rm, den. dl11hw1hri .._..,._.._.. 3140 c pt I d rapes. e n c ..... •• •••••••••••••••• patlo/1ar. l600842·8032 Kennebunkport? -Oidn t he win the _flf!noco 9_ro~ Prix in '7'n ~ro~ ir tp./rt not $4lrt woo (or Whit) Kef'lnybe.lnkport was. don't feel blO-~·rt not alone KennytJunkport ts one of 14 disdnctivtly Otffettnt •rtm9nt ftoorplans It Selwtnd VIMage In HuntingtO!\ 811ch. SQwlnd VIiiage Is I relUll of totally pmoNllzed P~IMional pltnnlng. Ttw kind of ltttntlon ~ o.r... A perfltt b6ll1d of nltUrt Mid ltvlng- ~ In I ror. with bM!tlllng brOCIN and QUiit. ..,,.... molld llY lllMll OClln i:na... Add to tNt ttnnll couru. twknm•ng poo11. •JINUt and I COfWll lltl'll ~ Mal' ttloppnG and ~mtnt and ,oy'.a 00t I Pa qonl would proudty cal "°""'· (!wn ~) One and IWO bldf'OOm, one n two blttl .. 41PM'\l1W1ID from ..-oo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645·9420 ---An adult community on the Back Bay Spec· SEA I IDK Rentals to Shere 000 tacular Spa. 7 swim· LM •••••••••••••lot•••••••• ming pools. 8 hghted ten M I '> A "d d nis courts, bike trails. MOJEl ov ng · vol eposats p u t l I n g g r e e n . & cul living expcmies' Bachelors. 1 and 2 •Weekly rentals now Professionally since bedrooms apartments. avail. • ID81tnd up 1971 and townhouses from •Color TV. •Phones In HOUSEMATES $510 00 per month rooms 832-4134 On Jamboreei\t 2274 Newport Blvd C.M. f'or the business man Who wanlJI to make a good lmpres:non W011'tlat. ColTodayl 1714)675-8662 San Joaquin llllls Hoad 646-7445 •Shored LMng• 17141644·1900 _ Summer R...tah 4200 Counselors to personully NEWPORT HACH Oceanfront for Winter ••••••••••••••••••••••• select your compatible Convenient Peninsula rmmle to suit your location acl'08S from Ci· Rentals. 'Furnished & LIDO ISLE charming 3 lifestyle. Shared-Living ty Hall. Executive style unrum Broker 67~·4912 bdrm, 2 bath, playroom. 833 Dover Or Suitt' 31 NB ornces w/full services NO Ffo;-t;, ;:-& C d Just remodeled. Mon 631-1801 avail. From 215 sq.Ct , · pt. on ° thly rental. BUI Grundy, and up. No lease re· rentals. VIila Rentals. 675-6161 1----------i qui·red CallG?J·3002. 675-4912 Broker ----- ----•NWPT OCEANFRONT Newport Shores 3 Br. 2 & Lido Isle bayCront sm c~-·,9d~l•tc·· Bayrront omce space ror Ba Frplc. $'725. i\d_ults, boala & dock . Wkly ••11 ~ tease, I/mo Cree rent. no pets. Avall lmrned. 673.SURF ff"'f • •'lflcr11_t 646·4419. Savage Wilde & Co. ------ 675·9006. eves &c wknds Newport Beach . Sum· 675·6600 mer Renwls. t 4 Bdrms OCE~FROMT A~e~lJudy.559·9400 - 3 Br. 2 Ba . Duplex-: 2 car Bi:·ACl~FRONT 4 Br. 2 garage with auto Ba. Completely furn. opener. Yearly. Must home . Firepla ce, seetoappredate! washer /dryer. dis - TSL MGMT 642·16'E hwaaher, 2 car garage. No pell. Avail. May 31 thru June 30 l900 per week . 644 ·9582 or Exclusive Bach. Pen· thou1oe. total security, vacant $400. 978-0423 VILLA IALIOA Brand nfw 2 Br. 2 Ba. + Oen Condo. Ocean view. sky lights, xtra lrg patio, washer /dryer hook-up. Wont last lon2! S950/mo. TSL MGMT 642·1603 213 /827-5100. Oldest & largest agency in So. Calif. since 1971 Credits: ABC.NBC.CBS. Cosmo. Phil Donahue •1'2oH• lo u II who need a pluce. Newport Beach, 641· 1899 Serving all the S. Coast Garden Grove, 895·3482 Spectacular Panoramic View Apt. Xlnt Newport Beach location. 645-9096 EXECUTIVE SUITES Dover Or Nwpt Beach 714 ·631·3651 wkdys iPECT ACULAJ; HARBOR VIEWS 440 to 4000 Sq. Ft. ,,..s .. , ..... LocaHow. 'bc).Gcracp V•ry Ft. .... T•nns. ly Appolnt11•nt Only. 1714)675-8662 1"~~~~!~~~~1 141 &HI --- ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 or 5 Bdrm house to lease 1 year. Prefer No Laguna. 2 Adults. 3 ch ildren 14 18 7141529·007 lninHs jlnYfft I Fin once • •••••••••••••••••••••• Small I man omce In ex lusineH 1--' ecullve suite mo· mo ren Opport.Mty 5005 tul Laguna Hill ~••••~•••••••••••••••••• $225 /mo. 951·6001 Service Station, Orange Corporate ''°JG 850' 3 ofraces w /reception. ocean view 759-1550 L.B. prcsliglo\,15 ofc suite xlnt dwnlwn loe. A/C, 870' + 494-8335 OELUXF; Of'FICf; SUlTfoS, with oce11n /mounta1n views Newport Center Barrell Rily, 642·5840 -----.......... Rental 445( County $112.000 net. net, net <Documented l Great loc·over 2<> /gal prort. Back room·high profit margin. Ask Cor Steve 831·7540 Executive s u ites & seerelurial service Cur sale. Established bus a ness Xlnt location, • ~ mile 0 C. Airport Call '714 l962·83ll or write PRT Associates, 18988 Ml Demeter. Fountain Valley, 927«JJ. ....................... , ________ _ For store &c office space at reasonable rates. 500 to 2700 Sa Ft. MESAVEROEbR PLAZA 1525 Mean Verde f!.:, C.M 545-4123 SACRIFICE Pet grooming parlor. great Costa Mesa loco t1on & parking! Moving to Hawaii. No reasona ble orrer refused. Est 19 years, asking Sl.5,000. <&<>U>na ~ vUa!i ~ MAU IOMIONI HA~Y MAllf IOflllONf Uilllf Plaee a HAPPY AO in this t.'Olumn ror only S3 25 Call 642-5678 Congratulations Lori NOW YOU CAN "IA"IUSIHESS PER SOM AS WELL ASA SUPH MICE OHEI GOODLUCKI TAMI & BILL Happy Birthday Dad We Love you. Love Wayne. Larry. Mom WATBFltOMT Three bedrooms. Two and one half baths. Prime time stlll avalla· ble. SlOOO per week. Ca ll Berta Farr, Agt ., 760.0189 or631-7300. Sharing "" Better Living COAST HOUSIMATES Convenient roommate personal profile service. Dnay 494.1294 _ OR's ore. an Dwntwn HB. 2,000sq.n. $1200 lse Red Carpet, 893-l~l PRIME RETAIL LOCATION 1750 Sq. Ft. • 673-8~9~ 2431 E. Cont Hwy., CdM Lost & FOWMt 5300 OCIM4FROHT 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, dbl gar. Npt Bch pier area, 2 Br 11 3 Ba, sips 8 . ..., blk to Prime l"llte Office Sf»!IC• 1~~~~~~~~~~1 •••••••••••••••••• ••••• ~~O/~~~pet. yearly beach. Avail. 6/27·7/ll. J "COIS RR•LTY S3SO pr wk. 8/29-9/12 $400 "" -pr wk. Families only. '7M6!~--Dys 957 -0534, eves l BR. $29S. 1 Adult. no 675·4947 Fem. rmmte to 11hr 3 Br condo nr So. Coast Plaza. $175/mo. 546·3746 pell 543-26&2 OCE;ANFRONT home 2 Quiet Havfn, N 8 . for ----• bdrm + den, sleeps 6. empl healthy, non-llmkr lutlnHsC...terDr. 2675 sq ft . Wiii divide. Full service. Sl.10 per rt 213 /393· 7276. PL..UA EXECUTIVI SUITES CorMt' Locatloft o..est_..str.et -sidel ...... y. MeCJOtlclbl9Tffftts. Call 675-8662 SAMDllGO I NOR'ni COUNTY ) Liquor Store for sale. SSOOK sales, good net & lease. Call Art (714) 436·0865 fordetall.s Lincoln Rlty Assoc. Versa i Ilea Luxury 2 Avail. Aug &c Sept. Agt. Bus/Prof man. Prlv Ba. MARSHALL'S bdrm, 2 ba. Country 675·8170. aur am room 12SO + 12 hlYHtwt...t c 1 u b 11v1 n g . ssoo . ---------utll. 644·0389eve"wkod "There la adlrrerence" SHOPPIHGCINTER Opport.lty 5015 (213)479·8091, 1213) July 15th thru 30th. Prime store apace ••••••••••••••••••••••• 453·2158 evet:'-Be a u t Ir u 11 Y furn . M to 11hr beaut. 2br, 2ba 714-75~0234 Beoch Blvd. Huntington l ,666 shares of Herlt11ge -------• Newport 2+ bdrms with hae, Jrv. Nonsmoker. 2082 Michelson #212 Beach. 8kr. Bank Stock·UO per Wanted : resp. couple lo pool " JacuuL Peaceful Spa, pool, tennis. $375 + (213)393-7276 share . Call Fr~n : rent newly dee. beach view or hill.a. l'500 per wk utlli. SS9·«JJ48 AllPOIT AIU 833·3622. apt. f100/mo. lat, last + or $800for2wka. 640-66218 Furn Is hed or un · RETAIL or s 700 ---------ref's. 642.fl217 Prlv 2nds n Uv rm, br, ba. rurnilhed Executive c pace. ----eves. I j •· S I in I in , .. , sq rt. WeatclHl area. FORECLOSURE R ti d R d w t urr poo, sauna, ac, tenn... u lea rv e, wa .. ng ND.751Msso u an °0 • es c Balboa Peninlula furn. 2 CM nr 40S. Everything distance to Airport. All ---------Ownera In forecloeurf on ~~~mFy poo/mr: ~~k''l'~ Br. Apt w/parklna. 1 blk rumilhed. $295751·5525 service& avail. 2082 Mini Mill now taking ren-large duplex tract, nr from be•"h .,..,../week Michelson, Suite 212. tal appll"atl-· •0 1 e h •· t L shopping center. Call , -· ..-· Mature F share w /same. 714.752-0234 " v .... ,, r itm c • race r a c,., 675'6646or833·3622 313 F;, Bay Ave. 675·8120. Newport ff1tt• fumlahed bu1lnes1es. 22 nr spaces Delmar. Foreclosure .. -av a II at low rat es. eminent -wlll consider lbdrm. lba, close lo Npt Bch apt, S450wklalpa townhouse Jl$0646>7SSS ltlllw.... Downtown Cotta Meu. absolutely ANY OF· beach, $4~. Property 8, 3 Br 2 &. l bk to 11 Profn"-als For appt. call John FJ::RI Call today for Ho111e,IG-~,SU.1010. water. 5110 ~fptune, Roommate, nonamo er, Sp a c e av a 11 In Caaulu 957-1611 or rurtherlnro ------"----i lower unit. Alt/Ownr shr Jbr. 2be beach apt, cooper•Uve real ntate Bachelor unit, cloee to cu 1 • 2 u /986 · 171 t N.B. '210/mo. 845,9189 exec u . 1 t e . pr Im e 642·9908 THE JD.LEY CO. beach. $300. Property Famlllea pretened. Woodbridl• near Lake. Airport location. Many GALLERY with akyU1ht Real Ettate Brokeriae FOUND ADS ARE FREE Cal~ 64~5'71 FOUND: Fem German Shorthair. v ie . Bushard /Adams 962-6323 FOUND: Mini Dike vie. Back bay 644-9622 Lost : Blk cal w/whl bib, vk. Corona HJghland11. $100 Reward. 760·0830 Answers to "Sylvia". $250. REWARD For info. leading lo re- covery of 2 BMX 20" bikes 1tolen May 19th from 3415 Seaahore Or. Nwpt Bch873-lS28 Houae, 842-3850, 842-1010. Ne w 4 8 r . p / M . amenlll•. 752,$111 itudlo. Pratlaf Coast VILLAUALBOA Lido J1le 2 Bdrm, rum. aea1ooabl e ren t. OFFlC"' HwylocaUon.497-2288 1 .7cc~i!1J Lott: ahorthalredoran1e June1 July ft Aua. "' iN"VU male Cat, "Fr.d''. 2 Br. 2 Ba. rww condo tor llOOO/mo.. 873-8'717 112·la32eYdlr wknda 525 aq rt. Carpet, P•nel-Costa Meaa, 4860sq. tl. on 494. 4195, 494. 7171, rent. Nice amenltlH. V'fl m~hanlc 21 ... ldn& ins. parklna. Newport Ir 17th St. ln b~y 1hoppln1 y,.t 4t4·Ul42. 1700. 8and1 tu.el4t. . s,.ct~cular whitewater hH or apt to shr. Bay Shop Center. 2ICl52 c e 0 t e r . e 4 2. a 5 1 t , Dffdi IOJI -------- Nt:W PORT HEIGHTS. l ~~1C0!'.:1~~~:~t~ ~ Newport Blvd. CM '31·3332. ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOST: rem Doberman Br .• aaraat.yard.Slt5. Laauna 2 Br apt w/loft, Rm ml e wanted ~Ulorl4+2Z21. llTAl.WACI S.tffer~C:.. ~a:h~ict!n':..ii.a. ~~: 84G-'1114. deck, yaftl fs petlo. J\alt v111tarlan, non·tmkr 22S iq rt + atora1e uae" 770 IQ.. f\, on Harbor All typea ol real utate REWARD.eeo.7115 IA y & ()CIAM YllWl 1t.tpt to lamOUI beach. .. h 1 L common aru. NB But Blvd. In C.M. Only 8St lnveatmentui:ice 1949. 2br,2ba P~untt. Compt. rum with anti· ~~/m!~_:1297•auna. area.152-5111111 aq.ft.OreattxJIOIUNt. s,.a I .:9la 1'ound roun1 malt un· ••veru1b.,0 • SJIO/mo. quet, Un-. planU. "100 Two offlc• ,._15 •• 1 RealonomJct 875-8700 ZMTDt cropped Dobtt. Vic U BYCO au.mi wffk.-....i M/F 21+ to 1hr H.B. 11e • ~ • -, ... 2171 , ... A61 I Fwy at MacArthur. IS olc. llxJI + furn. rKtP-C1••1...W "'-"'-ee1-N31 Venall&ealbrpantbouM, v ............ 4211 :'».:tir2~!'[..~j :.~. tlonarea.Grutlocalloo 11... 4471 Want tnvtttor for Npt ~~------near~.-...,,,._ •••••• .... ••••••••••••• d)' .. 41 ... 00 daya or nr RedhUl/OC. Airport, ••••••••• .. •• .. •••••••• ba1ftOftt home Olvt l'OtJND : Au1trallan uon.-.-·UI O..antf'Olltetado. Polpu MCMIUwknd Carpet,peoeltnalcpark· RETAIL SPACE 2348 ••ll Hew.IS lat'or 2nd SMpberdmht,LabNew· IATl;'l!! e .. tll. KaML 1 Br. '61• tac. AvaU now at U7 aq aq.ft. on tut mh la T 0 All,87Ml8l loundland mtx. Cotur New Dpla Ila ....... llt.•.•1111. l'tm rmmt.t want.d to ft or le11 for entire Cotta Meaa. AIL · · ' mix , Chlhuat"u· I a ·Vii llid abr 2br, 2b1 apt H.B. tpa~. 711Mn19 t41·a40 WIPAY1'HIMOST khna.,.r mlx. Vlllla rfp1e~aLioo.;1'tli"4J i : Lu•ufl oountroat -+ '' GUI. •1517 IW J'ot yourT.D.'1 •NOC.a mix, Pitbull, alto caa. 6 Ber. fH/fH·Mlt 1»r &a o r•• ldl. eondoln Anna M POITllACH ................ 4llO at Dnalaon Auoe. klUena. lnlnt Animal IU1'91~ ....... ivaU 'Ill --...... _ _.. ...... ··-run aervtoe HK. of ....................... , ITl-'7111 ea .... c-.,......,,. lol/I D ~at rW'ID ....... _ ·-·-flctt from ..,, "On WiiCl1 ° 117 » ' .,. • apt la HB. 1 blk ,.,,... CaU" ew . .-rrom .TM 141· ft, ollic. + WIDOW b11 moMY for FOUND: r..n Doblnnaa '!'I.;;;.;....,..,,.~,.-~-~-. ,M .-.-.m7 IHI. IMldl.lttNWial. ==~~lee.:· T.Dtt,' Ile.GOO upl NO • moa oldT Yh . M::.PO.::..lllt.i! = Prol. 1111' to .... Lido --= T.ii. ~ pro. CaU ..... cw't..t~ CIUtDIT I. No poitJ. Hell tl:dwmh 1111/11 --------'I 1Ml. .... 17MTTI r.a., t w, I M, ........ ;;; lfliiiiiJt;!li;u lla..t C.0. ..,.. NoJ•. Call ...... 111-1111 _ .. ...._ .... _......_ ___ _ ~~..;...o;.-----~ dtlb bM, • meL llllla cOilPANJll ...,,.., Mr. Coop In· .....-..... L.oektal rar a ..... ii ftl ,..._ *" 111 &Ille .... .,,...,. m•1.a •tted. Ila 11 IDGlllM rill """ ,... ownT Y•'Q ,... Glillailllil.18r.llla, !~...:JA ... ~.''!!' New,ort atll. fllO. A,,.... t••· 41.b nr, A&rpott lileaU.. IA.,. ~to.I .... ,._ •UJ ............... ,. V.Hr U11t. 1111 ... ~-nt. Cd •V' 11a1 .. r.m.1ar.11e ... ..,,._-.Na. DIM bliMINI .,."· rw •Ml 1!' ... 1a for 11le •a..... --·· ....... Pool...... ....... ............. DaQrPtlllClll 1'11i .... "_..,. __ ..., ___ .......... _____ _ I • ; Oranqe Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, May 31. 1981 07 • ·~ , .. ~...; ~ ,S '" ., ·' J .~. ,, ' ~ "" ·~ ., .... a. _1 .. "'1......,·~._'._"' ... ...._.t-' ·~1~1• .~~· • ,. .. .r' ~. I f .,. \ I T _ I :-~ I J ~~ I I~ I ~ --~' 1 ... 1 • ~ ~ :I~: .. ~ 0 ~ " ,,. -• ~ -~ • .:~~~~~~==•=•l~t.:1:r1 C......t/C:W..... •ctrlc., G•~ H11Ait Mo•lllt P'-h, l•hrior S.CNtorW Senlcn ~111111r11 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••'• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• .-P D. & D.l•t1n Found1tlons, Retalnln& t;LECTRIClAN priced Clean· Ups, llaulio11 . TREE/SHRUB TRIM ABC MOVING. F.xpu Interior plant de.Ian " Skilled Sti1rr for iall Sec· SRNll Dealaners Custom WQU1, Hillside Re1noru riabt, rree estimate on Trimmln&, Mowlna. Caraa• • yard clean· pror low rates quick mialntenance for home tr'l/WP jobs The fle11d· J"UllN. homes. 1't yn exp Fin lion, Slab1, Patlo1, laraeorsmalljobs. Edging, Sweeplnc ups Preent..5.'51.a2'71. t'aretulservice.552.ouo or orr1ce Plant It ' quarters Compa n1~:1 nn IMIJ 898-3141Al(114)96H433 642-83117eves~OS39 HMHC....-g Mwt•t Senlc.n i ll 67 L. Illa a vall Charles ('T 14) BIOt'k £i Bnck. Uc'd, Lie 1396621 673-0359 Chuck~ 5Sl·ZlllM 8Sl·0681 h;t's ALI.you pay &ca••"-TREES ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plas .. r/R.,alr Sprinkle" ror • D.R. ICAllt Pool Decks and Patlus, ·o·u··M••P••••••••••••••••• Topped /removed. clean Want a REALLY CL~AN Tired Of Hlah Prices ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••S•P••lt•l•N•KL•••;.·RS·~:·s:•O•l•)•• llOlnday ad ll.wlllft CCMlllP•Y Masonry, Sport Court.11, true k , • k I P upa lawn renov 751 U78 HOUSt:? Call G Ina ham t'or Nurses Aidca? Neat patches & textut~li .,. • the 0,,;;:r""investoralowners Tennis Courts. Lie loader , bac k -hoe • _ Cirl.Freent 64~&123 TryMe. Mon·Fri. Freeest. 893-1439 Tree removal. DIG IT OAJLY lnve.1tment,design,con· 374067.851-1966,847-7078 ::2~~~es Aft 5PM , !:~~!'!'!~~!•••••• ROBlN'SCLt:ANLNG XlntRer•a 64H222 ED'SPLAST~RJNG Landscape,64a7~0 -or structlon manafement, Stock,_ .. __ ..-.. --Ho ME R p Service thorou1h1Y All Types lnt/t.:xt ~ laYICI ondlcatlon 0 ; joint Concrete Ratworil Forlftlca/Tflt . t; A 1 H ~. clean house.540-0857 '•IRtlRg/PaperincJ 645·82Sll t'R~t.; i::S1' ...................... . DlllCTOlt venture, ltd & gen' I Driveways, patios, pool ••••••••••••••••••••••• RemodeLi, Building, E.x. ••••••••••••••••••••••• - -Stocks, money market. OO ITNOWr ~11rtnershlp on custom decks, service walks. llormlcaCOuntcrtoPli p'd~ Reliable. 494'3781 SHIPTOSHOR~ •STf;VENSPAJNTING PLASTEHPATCHlNG tux s helters. SteH om et, condos, & com. foundations Installed. Custom built & Installed, RICH ---Boat & House Cleanlna Int/ext. Free itemized Int/ext. 30 yni exp J()hnstun, ~:~= m'I deve~p~e;,ts Lie. #1800334 f'1-ee est latest colort & designs. HOftdy"'m Rellable-Exp.-Bonded est. Neat, quality work Neut work Paul 54~·2977 M-4·2442 __ Service Dlrectory l· KC Pacific Corp. Free eal 646·41171 ---••••••••••••••••••••••• Est. 646-2342, 545-9789 832·3208, S46·4.S61 -PhMttblft Tiie Representative c...,...ter <714>634-4741 Ftoor Co•erincJ R ou fin g' plumb 1 n g ' ~ -Y~ ~ rantastic Fine painting by Richurd ••••••••~•••••••••••••• ••• •••• •••••••••••••••• 642·5671.ed322 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ca rpentry, pointing , housekeeper with xlnt Sinor. Lic,ins.13 yrsor PLUMBING new con TIL!';lNSTAJ.J.ED ~~~~~~~~~!"!All Around Carpenter. Ceramic Tile CRPT-LJNO.WOOD ~~!~st~~~,~r!':i~~I rers? Call673.asoo happy N.B. customers. structlon. remodeling, All kinds. guaranteed, "'cc-. fh.. ~~~~sJ~h~ 7=· Free ....................... Installed/repaired Lie. ------Thank you. 631·4410 repairs. rest a uro n l. reri. John:...893-1_667 _ ,.. -..., 11369260 Greg499 5142 REPAIR/R1'.:M0Dl!;L Hone1fttlft,g ----e lectronic leak detet· •;;~·~~~PG•••;~~~·l~~· All Types Remode!ing & LAMIEltT TILE G D O All types or repairs, free ••••••••••••••••••••••• COLLt.:G t.: STUO(o;NT · t1on Top Hut Plumbing !!!.'~,.~:::.'~:.•••••••• Repairs top q alt 17 Kl't chens, bathroom~. arGCJ• oor petters est. work guar 631.1137 Newport Business exec exp. iht/ex, any job for 636·2030 AllTaxea-Coeta Mesa . • . ~ 1 y, ., ••••••••••••••••••••••• U h It I N t I 1 Al 85 937 PROF TYPING C1U 8'6-l!i96/645-9MO yrs in area. Lied. entries. Lic'd 978-0320 SPRINGSIHAROWAR t.: aft 5· ~~gun~~a ~Int ;e'fs· ~-~3l ex l · I. Holleman Plumbing On IBM Sde<:trk. die Mr Palombo. 962·8314 Auto Openel'ti·new doors Jack of Al Trodes -Call Paul 760-7024 Sales·Serv1ce Repairs t.iphone, i.tuust1cal, re- A.Mwerfltt s.t"tlc• C-~~-1--ChildC Lie Bob's 546-3667 c llJ k PAPERHANGING t'reeest1mate1> 5527183 porti.,etc 979 4155 ••••••••••••••••••••• •• • ...... __...Ki«I' are ---a ac '675-3014 DON .T er-; t.:M PTY. - Prof I I s rr Co . ••••••• •••••••••••••••• ••• • •••••••••• ••• •• •••• Garde111ftCJ 25 yrs exp. Free est. It fiftl hi-.. Pro re b s 1 on a I I Y P 1 n ~ put!:' :~:1ste!ia Syste: Shampoo & steam clean Child Care-CdM Summer ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hardwood Roon THIRSTY OR LONELY Fast, neat, reliable •~••••~•~•••••••••••• sen ice for those xtra The Headquarters Com· Color brighteners, wht J u n e 15th on 3 5 <.:L1'.:AN·UPS LAWN ••••••••••••••••••••••• :e ~~:.o~~~t~ P~~:!st.s SB/roll & up. 645·~ J L>. llom Hefimshm.: work load:. t'a~t & de· panies 851-0881 crpts 10 mln. bleach days twk 8AM·5 · 30PM Molntenance-Lndscp HARDWOOD FLOORS 631.7!)87 DAV t.:'S PAlNTING Antiques. kit cab111et1> pendabll' Lynn ~5·0le)J . . Hall, hv.-Oin. rms Sl5; ror 1 child need car, wlk Free est. 642·9907 Cleaned & Waxed ---Serv satisfied cust 9 Fine pamt1nl( &15 OOGI ApplMCea.pair avgrmS7.SO;couchS10; to bch. good wage. --Anytime.832-4881SA. WindowCleaninc) ••••••••••••••••••••••• chr $5. Guar. elim. pet 673·4565, 759-9570 Gurdenmg. landscaping. HaullftCJ -Masonry ~rs . ~uaJ.·integrit} RoofhtCJ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Guar.Usedrefrig. odor Crptrepa1r. l5 yrs tree trimming & re ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• _i:_as,ms, c.760-7301_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Ll't'fhl'SWlshmc ln" Coodcond.Sales& exp. Do work myself Co11tractor movul, ma)Or clean-up. Haul,cleanup,concrete BRI C KWORK : Small IN.'.J'/EXTPAJNTING QUAL11'YIHXH"ING l'allSunsl11ne W111dow Service. 84.2·7754 Refs. 531:0101 ••••••••••••••••••••••• free est 752 1349 _ removal. Dump truck. Jobs. Newport, Costa Lo rates Prompt, neat All types, free est L"leanmg, Ltcl 54118853 As.J.-M We Care Carpet Cleaners Construclion·Alllypos Prof Japanese Gardener Quickserv.642-7638 Mesa . Irvine. Refs. Free est 848·5684 V1su , MC. 541·5!130 ,......., 20yrsexp fo'reel•st 675-3175 --------HARBOR ROOFIN(; •••• ... ••••••••••••••••• Steam clean & uphols. Lie. 11334589_' 645 5973 Lawn cutting. tree trim· DUMP JOBS AGAPE FOR<.;t.: --- Driveways, parking lot Work g u ar. Tru ck ----ming,weeding.5411-8375 SmallMovingJobs BRICKAflTISTRY PAINTINGCOMPANY HORIIOH repairs, sealcoatlng. !!lo~nt unit. 645·3716 -Carpentry. Addition~ & GARD fo~N MAINT -Call MIK1'.:646·i 391 Pool & s pa copings, 3 Generations of ROOftt'tG CO. S&S Asphalt. 63 1-4199 N s N Sh Small jobs-25 yrs exp. bn<:k nuvings, block & Painting Excellence For roofing ut 1ti. b .. •:.t Llc'd o team/ o ampoo Lie. 309152 548 2?lll Yd Clean.up Tree trim II r & D J b ,. L #J8942S 5411 JG09 . Stain Specialist. Fast ----mmg. 5-111,8709, 4·8pm. au ~~f for ~:rfcty~ s. brick walls. 960-7421 -__ 839·5851 - -ic. -. AlltomoHn dry. Free est. 839·1582 Home I mprovem cnt ---641·8427 Brick· Block Stone R i'.:NTALSPAJNT!'.;0 Sandblas"--••••••••••••••••••••••• • · di EXPt.:RTLAWN CARE '""l J 's STL'AM CL"'AN Construction & es gn Very re as Lie. bonded I n t I ext . Pro m pt . ••••• ••••••••••••••••• • Alan's Luxury Motor Car .,. "' · f Monthly service Trees HAULING s d h Care.Waxing.polishing, 2rmsSl2.S0/5rmsS29.95 save in m lallonary & cleanups Mik e tu cnt a& Bob548·2753/536·9906 Seaside Painting. Grei:. LOCAL SAN DBl./\STl'.ll int. Home/ofc. 538,4151 <.:arpet dying. 974.6228 times. Call chc'd bonded ~li.2049 large tru .. •k Lowest 536 4806 Lie, 111s. rl'as. No Joh UH> _ --14 yrsdes1gn &t·onstrut· rate. prompt 759 1976 Movl119 ----b1g 1small IW0-790'J lobytftffftg Celhg, Acoustic tion ex pr 18Sl 3130 MOW & fo~DG 1-.: 10';. dis-Thank you. John. ••••••••••••••••••••••• RAIMIOW PAINTING ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• D H rount ' 1>n ce wmter I ---Moving? The Starving t.:xts lnts, custom rvwa . 2 c•-a-Y--"'ct •• II St d t .. Free L·~t. 642-9614 Girl 15 would like sum· Acoustic <.:e11ings + .::.~•••••••••••••••••• rates 955 1328 1 ec •• -r -"' "o ege u en s ... ovmg ""' mer sitting job or other. custom hand texturing We clean out garages 1 Co has grown, Insured --- NB /CM. 645-7037 Lie. 389944 532.5549 Drywall Spe<·1alll>l CALI I'' Gt\HDl-;N ton truck. S25. 5'18·4769 b a me good service WALLPAPERING SandblasllllR Ht'~. t·om •m·1 & industrial Dust free, safe fast llul ~6 5745 ------Qual. & prod New & re Trel•lnm,l'lean ups.ce ------#T l24 436 Lice n se Prof inst.ailed. first roll Want Ad Reslllta 642-5678 Want Ads Call642·5678 mod #389944 S.'12 5549 ment work 6-16-<16.ss Classified Ads 642-5678 641 ·8427 hung free.1~1429 Want Ad Help" 642 5678 Going Into Business? A• required by l•w. new bu•lne••e• using a Flctltloua Bu•lneH Neme must register that neme with the County Clerk. Cell lhe DAILY PILOT LEGAL DEPARTMENT for form• •nd further lnformetlon. 642-4321 Ext. 332 Lost & Fomd 5300 Persottah 5350 Jobs Wanted, 7075 .... W•ted 7100 Help Wanhd 7100 Help Wanhd 7100 tWp Wmftd 7 I 00 Help W...ted 7100 Help WCN1t~ 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND: Cocker Spaniel Dependable Englts h lad) ASSEMILER Babysitter, full time, Banking mix, male. Vic Bock SWEETHEARTS would like lo clean your Accounting Accounting to work with chassis wir· summer. perr. for l'OI-Formerly new 11 Ullt Uankini: Bay,N.8.67S.3S90 •ESCORTS• h o us e Hr wage i. A/PCLERK SEMIORA/R ing, P.C boards.&pro-legestudent.Neededim-ington Savmgs is now ••• 24HOURS negotiable Call Lynn Rapidly growing tn CLERK tolypes. Must speak & m e d . 6 -t -t 8 O 7 1 accepting applications SECRET AR Y II Found: Yng Kltten, Ing Visa /MC 529·1927 after 5 PM 646-8786 tern at1onal co. seeks Challenging position ror read english 2 yrs cxpr. eves /wknds. for Teller nn..itions. Cull hair blk/wht, vie. CM. ----n:~pons 1ble individual a responsible md1vidual minimum. S<a SO to $6 hr. ----842.8600 ""'~ 631·5966 LIV~IN for our AcCoWlls Paya to perform all Accts. Su u th San I a An a . Babysitter wanted in my SHE A\·ailable July Aug ble De pt. General Receivablefunct1ons r1.> 549-0623 home,CostaMesa area ---------· Part time rest of year knowledge or bookkeep· lating to our Apt. pro· 645·6681 Banking C O R T S & Xlnt refs. ing & some A/P ex per. jects, Cable TV co .. & ASSEMIL Y ----- Found: Male silver & If you would enjo) work mg in plush surround IORS al our Newport C:enter offit·e und can mt-el our requ1rl·menls, why nol jlll'e us a cull? grey mixed malamute. E s 5/27. VlcCMS48-9120 MODELING 731-2648. 7AM best req 'd . Sulary com publishing firm. Ma/'or t:;xi:>andlng manufactur-BABYSITTJ:.:R 135-9199 -mensurate wilh ab11lt)" responsibilities lnvo ve ing ·nrin has immediate For 2 yr old girl. F' rr. ltEWAltD •----------European Lady w tgd re Outstandmg benefits m general ledller entries. opening. No experience 631 ·1137 aft. 5 Lost small male black commendations wanb a pleasant working en· ret•onciliation or ac· necessary t'ull t ime. dog, part lab, has cancer THE to hve in & care for one v1ronment. <.:ontact : Pal counts. billing handhnK. Good wages & benefits 640-5357 (Gary) older s ing le person Mills etc. lO·key by touch & Located in San Juan Girlfriends < 2 13 > 7 9 9 o 3 5 7 o r AMF CRT Terminal is desira Capistrano. Call Judy IAIYSITIER CdM School area. F 1T 673-8370 Found : money, Laguna Beach, Feb. 5, 1981, con- tact Lag. Bch Police, case no. 81·00684. *ESCORTS* (714 )673·158!!.._ _ _ ScientificDrilfinCJ bit>. Submjt application 1714)831·9640. to : KO.E Help Want.ct 7100 l11tematio..at Ho .... /Offlc.e /Hotel •• • •• •• ••••••••••••••• • 18011 Mitchell South * 7 59-1216 * A C C 0 UN T I N G 1_.•r.vi•n•e.•5.5•711!!·905~1~, t.:!·o~i-;~· ~ Found: M mixed Shep, 24Hrs. Now Hiring CLERK 1 beige&white, cnrS.A. & Male/Female Escort T y pis t·lea rn bkkpg l•--------- Howard Derman 644-6796 Palmer, C.M. 645-4381 MC VlSA machine. P '1'24 hrs/wk Accounting ~~~~~~~~~~ Wed. Fri. Sat Country ST"'r.r 1061 Camelback St. Newport Beach. 92660 Equal Opp l!;mplyr Fo und : prescription I· Club in c M 54!1·0377 IVT glaases, gray frame, nr Preventative & Stress Mrs Myer ACCOUNTANT U .C . Bank. CdM Reducing Massage by Dynamic growth has 76().1834 Doris. "Intro" Special! 1---------•1 created this responsible Administrative 548·0407 ACCOUNTANT F/C pos1t1on in our Property SECRETARIAL Found: Mini white poodle Newport Beach property Mgmt Finance Oept MarlcetiftgjDlsplay "Pierre ... Laguna 1----------1 mgmt. rirm.Careeropp The s u ccessful c an· Positions must be filfed. Niguel. On Aliso GreatContpany ty.rorbrightmd1v with d1datc will assist in SlOOO /mo. to start Parkway.495-C7724 Esc:orh prior F1C exper Call rinancial reporting & +benefits . No ex Pe--• 5350 24 Hrs. 641-0180 640.0l23 perform on going ac-perlence needed. Suin· ,.,_ l~~~~~~~~~-1 counting runct1ons as mer or career! Must Cash/Checks they relate to our Com· AM EXP/MC/Visa mercial retail shopping have transportation & be centers. A business /ae-well groomed. Call ••••••••••••••••••••••• FIRST LADY Escort. Models , _____ _ ACCOUMTAMT counting deg. is dcsira 10am-3pm weekdays Rapidly expanding ble & related exper. Is a 847-2422 Newport/Irvine invest definite plus. We offer a Adv Consultant '•rty o.c.n. • 972-1345 * MC " VJSA Accepted COVER GIRL * OUTCALL• 953·0778 MCNISA •FANTASY •STUDIO* le.tfful Pri•ateRooms ment firm has an open competitive salary with mg for an entry level ac· an excellent benefits S countant. Degreed or package Submit UP· soon to be degreed m ac plication to: • PEOPLE counting is req ·d. Pos. will entail a wide scope ID.llHEIFMNECIMFW« NEEDED or accounting functions W IMMEOI "'TELY Co. orfers excell fringe Howa·rd Derman "' --------benefits & advancement 644-6796 UP TO S5.89 ~R. The Beach area's closest opportunity Pis call : 06 c lb k Guys or gals, full or P tr. * FOXY LADY * • most evot1·c read1"ng 1 1 ame ac OUT,.. .. , •ONLY "' " Personnel. 752-0070 N rt Be h 92660 1'-mpanywtlltrain Call ~ studio. 8125 Bolsa A\'. t.:OE ewpo ac ' Mrs. Collins at 75j.8()()8 VISA MC Midway City (2 blocks 1~~~~~~~~~l·~E~·q~u~a~I Op~p~E~·m~p~ly~r~ after 12_ • '7Z·l Ill* E. of Beach behind u.1: -:: -----------------•! quor store>. Open lOarq· ~!!~'i:e~ ~~r~r~~ •-3a~m~da~~,~~;_x~;2~:1~sun~. ~I ACCOUNTANT e••••• ~ DlilJ Pilat Love, Man'iage, Health, I= ., Character • Business. ... Anaheim .• Adverti·s· .• Cater to Parties, Card & SPIRi;rtJAL Ing Tea Leaf Readlnp. Ir READINGS An outstanding OP· • • • cann ot solve Life lOam·lOpm. Flllly Lic·d. portunity Is available in Production Artist • Problems on your own, the Accounting Deport· • conault 111 for Intor & ap· 492·7296 or 492-9004 1815 mentor a leading fman· • The Art Department or the Daily Pilot has a na i ( 1 )S3l5S88 S. Camino Real. San cia l organl iallon . Immediate o~ening for a .full-time,• po nt. 7 4 . Clem Responsibilities will In· • permanent artist position. One year ore SOOTHlNG MASSAGE 1 h 11 t elude analysis and pre· • production art preferred. Good basic. forD'-crimlnallnemen 1 t ere a warm, 5 m, 8 · ·paration of monthly knowledge ln preparing adve.rtlaln,,shop an'"' call P~ter. 494-4871 tractive lady out there financial s tate ments: • spec layouta. Some ability in iUust';aUon and• who w1nt.s to be loved & preparation or branch e type epeclflcatlon. Must have the ability toe Lonely but secure, at-needed • is willing to profitabillty statements • ha.ndle basic neat production lncludinl mapee tractive aln&le male, 39. Slve the same in return a nd dally cash Clow and charta. Show potential in 1raphlc a nd seek• alnj.le woman of with a 1ood looking, 6', s~atements; partlclpa· .dealgn rlelde. Portfolio necessary. Please • financial Independence l701b. secme 50 yr old lion In preparation of .send resume to: • in her 309 who Lt atlr&C• with all of his hair. If so financial profit plan and Orange Coast Daily Pilot • tlve, s hort (under 5. plun call BIJI at profit planning process: • m Bay Street 7•o 1211 aft 8PM or P I u • o t h e r e Co •· M c .....,.. e feet·S> w1ltl nice n1ure. ~ re1 onalbllJtles needed e.. esa, a . -lnt•Ullent. liberal-_a_n .... yt_l_m_e_w_e_~ll_ends __ . __ 1 to fn.ure control or M · • • :-~~~ <~~':~~: ~:~~'!.~.~.!?.~~ }ir~·~~~p~~r!.!,~~ • Advertisin1 Sales • nit. 101() • without "'MW"'Y,.ODUCT$ to the Accountln g .Experienced newspaper dllpla,y aaJetpenon • children. Prefer so· "" "' . Su~_ryisor. Knowled1e e to handle key accounts ln major departmenl. m.oae in Lapna Beach.. ll.tltY, f 66-5'46 of 8'cL accountin1 pro-, 11.ore or food and druc cateeortes. Salary + • IOUtll cout.,... wbo has cedure1 and fam1Har1ty •commission and excellent henefita. Excellent platy of Ume 1.o share ln .._..,..a with fRLBB and State e 1towU1 opportuntUes. Call ror appointment. e lat• arteraoon, early ,,.,........ ref ulatlona are re· .CaU MHJ21, ext. m for ..,.,olntmenl for . •••"'"' tennlt. btacb ... •••••••••••••••••••• qu red. Tbl• 1rowth ln\erview walb, .cc. No pros or kM•ll a J)Ollltlon '9 enhanced by e · e Dboftles. Pleett wrtt.e t.o .... rHllA 7005 an excellent benellu I P.O. Boa-. CIO Dall1 ....................... paclca1e. competitive e Secretary ._ ta-. p 0 Bo s imm'-i •---· R..... 1tartln1 11i.ry, and an e IU p -. . • 1540. w UI -·· cu ideal won tnvlronment. E • • co.ta._. Ca.-cnaa C.rt. Bu to inter. For conflclentlal con-• 1 .... .-, Office ' Pvt• ll'OllP· Mommy '-'""'u' • ~· --·-lie. 8' .rul I, f'oun· tlderation, pleaH call • Jm01edlate o-in1 tor versaUle lncUvidual , •-v 1 ' 11 •· -., Pat Connen, Pnton.Hl • M ..... ""Nb ·• •·FTRMOOH ta .. •~>'home.,..... Dlru tor at ('714) utt ""' c~a le of h1ndlln1 faf\.p11eed, "" 1,.m. __ 111_o_a_ft_j1pm ___ • ___ 1 111.1101 ui 28 • varted and ter•t1n1 duti. ror newapapw: * DIU&HTS * i .w.i W..... 7071 ' . . .. eeutl•• penonnel admkll.tntor; 1ood ..._JOM-,...... , ....................... Collinibia •:i11n1 • tyP1n• t111enua1. Ca.JI : '4t-4111, * 12'-4611 *~ I ~I\·~ bota=~.,..~ :::e . %11 for appt. • iu1n. ,.....,... :r..tau:-Sa••• ,'e ;ac-.. e MC 'VIM --, ... Lelil J1c8 D ... I he ........ CebOI ......... • • ..,. w. av___... Pnoam ... ......_. noa. • a' " -1 --~ 111111 p':n ;r. """" .. '""· ~ca-. I CO.ta Maa. CA :....~=-= ~ _ .r~,I r:,.-:i•~• al:lll.~°""71,. , Equal Oppartuntty•Dnplioyn-'eJ'llP .~l ,_,..,; -----~-------t ,,.. ......... -. ••liiiil ._ . --" -:zs-- I ,, ASSEMILER/ ELECTRONICS Immediate openings with growmg company l\techonlcal assembly, wmng, soldering. Small company atmosphere. good benefits. 6mos ex pe rience prefe rred 645-3632. ASSEMIUltS Loe. Mission Viejo co. needs Assemblers w /2 yrs. exp. Candidates must have gd manual dexter ity, gd. eyesi,ht, neat in appearance & de pendable. Work Is in life support medical elec-tronics , Gd. benefits. On l y res pon s ible persons seeking perma- nent emplymt. need ap· ply Call: Mrs. Parelli. S81·3830 Assembly ILUE JEAH JOIS ./W ARB40USE ./FACTORY ./ ASSEMILERS Long & short term es slrnments . AVA LABLt.:NOW ! Call or come by: 2102 Business Center Dr ., lf208, Irvine, 833·1441 <Nr. MacArthur Bl. & 406 Frwy) or 27957 Cabot Rd ., Laguna Niguel, 831-0542 <C rown Valley Pkwy. exit) or 16152 Beach Bl., #230E, Huntlngt.on Beach IELL~~- $.lll V•Cl!S E.0 .E. M/F/H ASSIM•MS 3 openln&• avail. ror Mechanical " Elec· lronlc Auemblers ror lasel"I mfp-. Duties In · elude PC Board U · sembUe11, cable " h&r· ne11 aasembUe1. circuit into chuall uaembUes. Mutt be abl• to *Ork with proto-t.ype/Hmple. Accuracy a must. Laakmann Electro· Opt.IC!J lnc. &.O.E. San Juan \;&po. n~ ASS 'T C<lllTROU.ER Dynemlc Newport Beach real •tat. lnv•t.- Mtftt • aoan broes.rac• cornpany has openln1 for ua 'l col\\ roller W/IUdlt • taa ex· perlenH In pubUc or privet• Lndu1tr) .. tHI Banking SEHIOR TBJ.Elt Dana Point office seeks exp·d teller. Some knowledge or IRA Keogh preferred Call Maureen at 496-6133 Provident Federal Savings. EOEM/F 1H ·- BANKING SAVINGS REPS Part Time The Newport Beach of- fices of a leading sav· ings a nd loan has permanent part time positions available . Previous cashiering or cash handling ex · perience is required. and a Teller background would be a plus. Satur· da)" hours will be re- quired. Weoffer: • t.:xcellent salaries •Paid career apparel ' •Free park mg •Outstanding potential Plea se app l y o n THURSDAY. June 4, from 9:30 am to 3:30 pm at: FIDELITY FEDERAL s ...... L091ASM. 1515 Westcliff Drive (at Dover> Newport Beach An Equal Oppty Employer Banking TELLERS If you have teller ex· E: rienc:e an<t wouJc:l en- >' work.Ing with people plush surroundin1s. you a re the one for us ! We are a m~Savto1 lr Loin. who it 1eeldn1 tellien f« OW' l..aJUl'll HUit and Lal\S\& N11uel BHncha . We provide foll com· pany paid btntritt lf\, cludlnl dental, oPllcal and dependent cov. ere1e. Pleaee cont•ct the Pel'10Mel Depert· ment at TJA..aMDJ for en appolnlment. eatate emphaal1 pre., -SAV• • • •&11 ftrred . Salar7 L""" Sll,OOO·A0.000, Call ASJml'llMI ~ KeU.fwapJt ....... ! -..jl ... ll•h , .. , ••••&!:.: ua..0;~ ••>' ...... "=· -1 • ...,...,,.18 ""Cl17CM Adi. _, l JOB OPPORTUNITIES LAGUNA HILLS OFFICE *Staff Accowwtont We are currently in · ten 1ewmg candidates v.•1th a minimum of 6 m os pre \'1o u s secretanal t!xpcrience, excellent typrng skills C60 to 65 wpm I and the ab1hty to communicate effecti vely Knowledge of IBM M emor) Typewriter required •ICHtk R~conc:ilatloft •Teien 1-. x c e 11 en t st a 1 l 1 n g salary and benefits f or more 1nformallo n . please call t Full & Part T1mel TUSTIN OFFICE We orfer growth op portun1ties, l'Xcellent working condition1>, salary & benefits. Call· Carol Thuyns, 832-4204 Kevin T t:rry 7 14-640-9 321 5..,,(tR)m: WELLS FARGO BANK ELDORADO IAMK E.O.E. 660 Newport. Center Dr . Have something to sell? Newport Beach Equal Opp Empl m /f /h Classified ads do It well. I ' Banking You Should Be Here! CAI reloxed and p!of essionol style of bon~1nq hos been o favorite omonq Newport HCl'bo< aeo people since I 972 Not only ore we loo~tng fat expeoenced bon~ "'9 per'°"'*. but .... ollO tnCOLf09I ll\Jdenl'- firsl ·lime job seekers and those retlJ'ning to the work f0<ce to consider full °' Ae.11ible port time positions in the following oreos: • SECRETARY Expeiienced Full-Time • PROOF OPERATORS Expeiienced Full-Time • TELLERS Trainees 0t Exf)efienced Full and Port-Time • FACILITY A mNDANT Relioble Port-Time • CCWl'lm~ OPEAATOR &p.n.nced- 8criha locl11ownd Helpf\.4 Q.r lflfhusiostic itoff eni<>Y' on ~ JCJ,ory ord comprehensive benefits ~09' ~ Meckal. Dental, paid vocahon. retit*"*lt and more. -~ ' J I ~~ liNewpon ~. I ., ,.,. t -.. ' u a ,.._ ..aPw11...e-.; '7141 ,, .... Eqwal OppcM1unlty I,,.,_ ~ .,, .c .• -·---~- 1 l -ONl?p C:O... DAILY ptLOT/&unday. Mays1 .. 1111 ..... 71 IOOll I •IACCClllrAMr Exper ienced. llu1t be able to communicate w /client.. All pbuel of bookkeeplna and accountlna lncludln& preparaUon of F /S & tax return•. Local CPA firm, NB. Compa ny benefits. Please send reaume. Ad. #895, Dally Pilot, Box 1650, Coat.a Mesa, CA 926f6 ........... 71• W...... 71• Dll't• ••taM.OflRCI Offenl JAMITOllAL Ru1a11.rant 9.7--•-••••••••••• ••• •••••--••••••••• M•y•rllof'1, prlmar1 lQterior l.Mdlcap&na co. 1•11Jc-------. llMk • de.llvery penon. MM•MT'TIA*H OOOK 1uppller ol ~ tooda to ""41 penoa Lo do \)'P· YI 11 llSTOI 11m-4&>• INft. Swulay ASSdTAMT' Expertenc.O. s.. CIMI tbe Irvine c:orporete 1DI 6 adewer bue)' tbru T9'unday. Xlot TralnH opeoln1 offer• Jaek at Jrvlne Coaat c:ommunlt)' Utdt 1 pbooe1 flt, mon·fri wltl'I & A1Hcllle1 benellta. Apply ln 1ood atartln1 walfe, COi Co11ntry Club, MH550. re1poo1lbl• Ir nexJble co. buerttt. ~ SpecltlldnJ ln peraon, tU·'n.mt Llqu.or, health plan for you ' person to do food PNJI. TemponryClerlcal 495 E. 17th St. C.M. your family, paid Vllta· 0.. ef ... ........ CoMl baclM&p4t.llverlea. Kon• OENERALOFFICE Pet"IOC\MI lion Muat bt I.II yrs or ...... a~.... Plua. Short Order Fri, 8·3pm. Good drivlnl P rr 1·5pm. Mon·Frl. Lt l4CMMOO Kennel help needed. F ff. older. Contact Bob R\ld, Muatbell.Appl,y recordMdlllary.Starll t)'pln1. ant phonea Mon·Frt. June lit.June Mt·n·f.:d't Ptua 13771 ,.,_, It 311 Palm Balboa at SUS. Call Suale at NorthH.B.•tou --------• 14th. Part or F/Tdurlna Newhope Sl., Oarden •xp•+1 'I dine .. 1---------$57"'232. 4 ..,.-•• -ci General • u m m • t · Som t Grove orE':alol.~E 0312 ~.r .. H•• Ill ft-..-COSME'I1CIAN ... .....,. __ _....... ..... _, .... ._Cllllt weekenda. No ufi . _.._,,. Dry cleaner. t\aU·pltlme For amall companv, •--r A Jy n •· If J•• It••• E•per In akin care , It llOW........_ necH11ry pp cleric...& MC,..._.el. analyala, faclala 11 wn· co unter tlrl. v .. Typlna & bookkeepln1 --Y-per1on: \2S Men Or Newspaper dellv~ry -. lnl WW allo cover froot Cleaners, Brookhurat It lntere1tlng poelUon for C.M. 631-1•. peraon, 18 or ovu =:1 eMc. ex• detk. TbeHalrHandlers Adams, H.B. aeU.st•rter. 17932 L..._S,. aaau DrlvH'• license, In ~~~~!!~~!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~!!!!~~! , ...., .. ~ IW.2·14M Skypark Cir. Ste "A", AMI Ila I --1ur•nct!, economy car ,.. ... c .. efflce. 1---------Educatora lrv. 9'79-921.2. f' /I', P/I'. Momina• SICllTAIY Npt Bch·lrv-COlta M~u BANKlNO C ··--COi off•" ••cell. COUMTIAHILP sma'S UHi.TD. GEN""RAL OL'f'lCE w 4sevenin11 Probate e1tperlenct1. area. 7 dys pr wk Mon w--.•-"-Mftti, ..................... or Wanted p/t for food dell Teachers • education "" " · e Permanent part·llm~. Fri. 2·-sPM. Sat /Sun 631-2004 --..._ _.., call ... _tw .... n 9AM·llAM majors Sltter's Unlimlt· need 3 enthuslastlc peo-Fro.t.__ .. Clfft& N t B h 4 7 30AM A TWB TRAINEES ---------• ......_ el I "" """ ed So. Ca. most sue· pie with gd. phone --ewpor eac area. · : · ppro• · Carpet ............ ••MR•· 752·5401 C"'ssful h"'• .. e •-child alt· "'"'rsonaUties to explain Exper. preferred. 673·7120. S500t mo. Call 540-3007 JOIN ai...10 FEES "" ..,... • ..-Fri, Sat, 11PM·9AM -----bet 11AM·SP M. Ask fot A WINNING TEAM n COUHTIR PB SON Un1 service-staffed by our services & set appts.. LI,.._.. Lff or Bob · PAIT TIMI ....... , Total Care, a leader in Co-In & To write contracts ln educators need s for our sales staff. Work Please call for apft Newport Ounes try outs .. ..,.. tool rental counter. Muat qualified sitters for day, out or our Co6ta Mesa 645. 7 358. Mon.Fr • May 30, Sam. 644·ml NIGHT AUDITOR / Carpet Cleanlna field is ·~~~ay• work wllenda. Benefits. evening, weekend part ofc. Salary S800 mo + 9:30-SPM FRONT DESK CLERK L•Foretl now aeekina licensees. • Will train, ApplY 22600 time auignment1 . comm. Call : Linda ~~!!!!~~!!~!!~! LIFI GUAIDS For sma ll Laauna Vehicle/Equip + train· l l ll, Lambert-1203, El Toro. _542_·_6680 ________ 64_1·_88_1_5 ______ ,= ARC Cert. Al5o trainees Beach hotel. Full or Ina included . Net S..#D-2 GIRLRIOAY for summer ~itions. P IT E th $3 · 5. O O O mo . Ca ll COU...--Hiu a * FACTORY A.Eo...1E• .a. 1 OFFICE """' xper1ence w1 Columbia Savina• bas 96&-96S9. COIN Mete ... ,_ 5W" ....... w " -Local manufacturln& 968-0311. NCR 250 prererred 1 mm e d I ate op ··---------714--ISMOZZ Flexible hours, day or """"NH * PA.RTTIME business needs girl frl· Hotel San Maarten. portunitlea ln its C ~..__. ... , l.OI. night. P /T, between 4day-40/hr.week. Mln . 3 hrs. daily , ap-day. Duties varied, exp Lk11NM"Clert!P/'T 494.9436. beautiful Anaheim and •· rw" w • · 30-40/bra. per week. Ap· Call Marie 979-7660 prox. 11·2PM. Recep· mandatory, salary com· 15~ Mesa Verde Dr. --------Lake Forestsavin1sof-Helper needed. Willi~~!!!!~!!~~~ p I y a t Der t io n ist typis t f o r mensurate with ex· MUISISA.IDE fices. Selected appll-train· Miu lo!' Vldiejo 1.._________ Wienerschnitzel, 2SO S. Female RftB in exchanee law /real estate offices In perlence. Please apply MAID W AMTll> Aaalst •chool nu"""' •. k h area. 18 yrs • o er. 1• t 4 h d ' I nln° & 1.922 Pl ti D Qui ot M t I 0 ........ cants will wor ZS ours 831.9070, leave name 4s Clerical Bristol, C.M. Ask for or r ay c ea • Mesa Verde area. C.M m person. acen a on x e o e handle general duties. 3 per week lncludin 1 phone no .. will return all Rick. cooking 6 day wk. Non Must e njoy meeting C.M. 2100NewportBl.CM to 3 ~ hrs. per day. every other Saturday. ca lla •CREDIT * smoking non drinkln&. pubUc, have J.d. basic GIRL FRIDAY in com-M•41CJ1t'T.-.. EquivalenttoH.S. Grad. Li&ht typing and cash1---·------CLERK COU ..... TIR&PH,........E aft 4pm o r wkend1 orc.skUls&g .spelling fortable LagWla Beach &S•P~ &l/yr clerlcalexp.Must tµndllng ex~rience are Carrtera " ..,... 556-1737 aptitude. Student OK. ..._ able tot & "U J'f i d h 0 I S •uscL .. ., b & atmosphere flexible """LL •·PART IME "" >type .. a 1 > r~qu re · ese P 11 • Register Newspaper has "' ~" 9S7·1414 twn 11 5. · "u • for standard Red Cros~ t1on1 offer an e~cep-lmmed. openlnss for af· Must have aptitude for Full time, 8 to s, Mon· FULL Time , p /lime hrs, pay commensurate Lookln& for an exciting first aid certificate tlonal work environ· le ut . · analytical and clerical Fri. Neat appearance. Min. typing req'd. Ans. GIMERAL OFFICE with exper. Call Chet career in the retail s a I a r y r ange . m e nt competitive moon a 0 camera m work Good typin& skills See Brian at Master serv. No exp. nee. Call: Looking for a very &n· 494 ·4604. clothin& field? This ss.03.16 141br 10 5 an salary ' and ollUtanding ~~eun1a ::a~bt! Laguni: required. Previous ex· Blueprint, 234 Fischer, 631-0140 EOE teresting part time Job rapidly expanding retail nual steps Apply b> benefi~s Including den· gue · ldus& hover periencepreferr~d. C.M.540.9373 ~cE in pleaaanl ort1ce ? --•l'!..-1·~--·---•I clothing chain is looking June 2, Westminster tal, vision and company years ~ ave an ~~!!!!!!~!!!!~ GENERAL~ Clerical, for mature • --for bright motJvated re-School Di s t , 14121 paid career apparel. economical car. Work Sala ry commensurate = Jewels by Joseph look· person. Location P.C.H , CIEMTIRLUS liable, people to fill the c e d a r w 0 0 d Please contact the office 3:30-5:30pm weekdays, with experience plus ex· Delicatessan help, P tr. Ing for reliable person to N pl. Bch. Ex per a Top wages, beneflt1. posit ion of Manager Westmmster of your choice for an in· 5-7am weekends. Eam c e 11 en t company includes Sal & Sun. Will handle variou1 office must. Accurate typing, overtime for exper'd. trainee le Sales. Full or E.0 .E. M /F terviewappointment. $.W0-'600 monthly. Call benefits. Please con· train. See Te rry or duties.540.9066. no shorthand. 20 hr. operator. Must be able P art T ime Xlnt --- Mr. Ensley9Sl-7U3. ta cl : Eva Ta Y l or, Pegey, Hi·Time Liquor, l;.-.-.-.-•• -•• -•• -mmmmmm.;' week includes Sat &Sun. to set up for close •m ployee ben in cl NURSE 'S Al OJ::, It LAKE FOREST Na ncy Fuentes 77~9065 1c--a-s_h_i_e_r _/h=-o-a-te_s_s_,_P_/_T 1 Employee Relations 495 E. 17th St, C.M. General Call: 646-7431 tolerance work CM merchandise discounts hskpg. hve in or out. nc Dept. (714) 540-1111 ---------If Y-·->re l'!..OOO Deltronic, S4S-0413 Apply al smoke. N B 642·3481 eves. Apply in person. DOUGLAS OIL Delivery men over 18 for uw .., MILLEIS OUTPOST Two Guys From Italy. co~•..ay OF L.A. Times to homes In Yota're KB.LY GEMYAL OFFICE So Coa.st Plaza OFFICE MAHAGB Sm consulting firm, Newport Ctr Ad m1n1 s trat1\e & AHAHBM Marlys Coats 776·7101, ext 15 2267FalrviewRd,CM. _.._, c M 3 6a 1r v1'ne r1·rm h 1'm l'!..u••os CAUFOtlMIA · · a m m ' as . .., -3333 Bnstol,CM C •SHlaWA.HTED ll60AirwayAve. economy car required, mediate opening for Full & part trme All EO.E Columbia Savin9s Clftdloai A.1sodatlon Equa10ppty Employer M /F BANKING * TfilERS Part Time Excellent part time op-portunities are available m the Irvine office of a growing ~avlngs ~nd loan. We re seelung TeUera with previous ex· perience as a teller or in cashiering/cash handl· ing. Saturdays will be required. "' no co 11 e c t Ing •CLIAKS bright, self-st arter areaa Urulorms fum'd F IT call Barbara for Costa Mesa, Ca 92626 MOO-M50/mo. + bonus. •TYP'ISTS person to perform a Agea 21 or over. retired appt. 540.3280 Afflrmatlve co.. variety of office duties welcome. No ex.-r. nee Action Employer 646·0637 or 646-......... •SECRET ARJES ,.... SHIER Including xeroxing, m App I y . Un 1ver1 a I CA DELIVERY •RECB'TIOHISTS ter·ofrice delivery. r11 Protection Service. 1226 Part time. Apply ; The •--------•WOID Ing, etc. Contact: Bever· W 5th St., Santa Ana Earl's Plumbin1. 1526 FIT time for local de· 1 Ne.wport Ave., Costa CLERK liveries. Xlnt driving re-PROCESSORS Y • 641-8820. Interview hn: 9-12 & 1·4. Mesa. 7141641-1289. Plessey Semiconductors cord req. Phone for Mon·_F_n_·. ____ _ is looklne for an Ac-Appt. 557·9212 Ask ror GENllAL OFFICE GUY FRIDA y CASHIERS UTDTEM MARKETS For 2nd & 3rd Shifts We promote to manage· ment & supervision from within. WANT A CAREER'? Costa Mesa 111 Del Mar 631-9421 Lagwia Beach 494-9233 Huntineton Beach 962-9ll.6 countinir Clerk to handle Mr. Emmons. Newport Kelly Services can offer Are you in earnest? Can " i I s St t' I you 1' m med exciting Consc ientious person comm1ss ons, sa e a 1oners nc. ·· . · you think? Are you as j I h ecel.pts ---------temporary positions needed for a ve r y ourna . cas r sertive? Are you a tin " Accts when & where YOU diversified position with poa Aas u 80mtse h Id. DE...,..•1 •55... want perfectionist? Are you advancement potential Rec. PP can s ou "'-"' ' · car eer oriented? Are h ti. g Need sharp RDA w/X IELC~• in a smaU. friendly It ave some accoun n · , . ,..._.. you mature? Can you bkg d Ol ecessarily ray lie. for Nf: Ctr G.P ...,., proges11ve nu.tnt1onal rn ·• n n t0 ke over an engr0 mfg · th M t • dys wk ~easant at .. .. office Call Dr Henr). an ese areas. us ., • · se""v•ce:s ore whereyourwork re 6415917 operate 10.key adding mosr.here xp. essen-ally matters". Really ? ---h b tou h •-t t1·a salary open 2102 Business Center mac · Y c • ype · · Well then, J would like to Hardware Sales, F time 35-40wpm. Excell. start· ~ha:~aret 76().6024 Mon-~:144: f ~:. ·M~;~~h~~ talk to you. Pis. send pos 1n retail hardwar• iog salary & benefits tour resume to Tom store See M1 ... e Jo .. ----. k ge Apply in!~~~~~~~~~ 81. & 405 Frwy) or 27957 " m....,.,, pa c a . 1: Ca bot Rd., Laguna ompson, P.O. Box 2951, H W Wright Co . 126 person~LESSEY DENTAL Ni1uel. 831·0042 <Crown _N_p:_.l_._B_c_h·..;..•_921663____ Rochester.C.M. SEMICONDUCTORS ASSISTANT Valley Pkwy. exit) or 1--------1641 Kaiaer Ave., Irv. Modern progressive 16152 Beach Bl., U30E. GeneralOffice HARDWARE SALES practice seeks ex · HuntingtonBeach Ne wport Beac h in· Management poteoual perienced chairside as-s ura n ce co. has the Apply m peF5011 : Crown C....._..,-ut sistant. Mean lngrul ~~E~.O~·~E~-~!!~~M~/~F~/H~ Hardware, 31171 E. Coast •r-rollowing pos1t1ons H c ... ~ houn nex pt. 759-1021 career opportunity for available: wy · u.. lAak for Stan Norman) an individual who is --------• BILLING CLERX HOSPfTAL ADMJM. T looking for personal re· General T · -... lS ..-........... "' CLEIUlTYPIS cognition and excep· ypm1 --....... ... ~r Nffded for 96 ~ ...,'J f' General office duties. tlonal financial rewards. S~W~? hr. Exper. belp(ul faclht y Mmt ~ de· These are permanent positions orrerln1 topl~!!!!!!~!!~~~ salaries. paid career ap· 1---------parel, free parking, and a beautiful work en- vironment. Please apply durln& banklng hours at: FIDELITY FEDERAL s ...... Loe.AU& -l482 Barranca Parkway lrvme 714-~7007 An Equal Oppty Employer HAUY'ICIAM To run small shop. The Hayr Sam. 600 W. 19th St. C.M. 646-8480646-1145 Beautician laltoa lay cw, lt•whlrilMJ Req. equivalent to H.S. we are team oriented .......... _.... CLERKTYPIST d1cated to good patient Cubier Grad. & eeneral office and caring offering Variety of temporary as· Typing 35wpm, 1eneral car• Str"Ong ~adenb.ip CA.SHU exp. Type 45wpm. Most many fringe benefits In· signments avail Work of c. duties . Exper» quaht1es Xlnt benefits FullTime jobs3to3Vt hrs.perday eluding medical in· when youwant,toppay. helpful. Hrs 8AM Apply 1~5 Superior . f th' durln1 school year. surance and percentage no fee. Weneed: 4:1SPM . M.60per hr NB Take advanta8e 0 15 $4.74-$5.79/hr. In 5 an· or production. 4 da>:: Stenos Typists Call for interview appt. ,.._ _______ _ opportunitytojolnoneof nualateps.Apply JuneS, week. Sl200 a month 1f DataEntOpp Factory btwn 8:30 & l1:30AM .1•Hotel the natlona leadlnf auto Westminster School qualified . Fountain FileClerk.s Assemblers W -8-450 parta retallen. I you Dist., 14121 Cedarwood, Valley 963-6702 Labonirs Whae Wkrs COMMERCIAL NIWPoaT llACH enjoy meetin& the public Westminster. --"-------BANKERS u Ft-; MA.Ilion HOT& andservlnetheiWrneedsff • E.O.E.M/F DEMTALRICEPT. 1401DoveSt .. St•S50 •BREAKFAS'TCOOK this is for you! eo er ---------1 F II t i osit'on •HOST HOSTESS good Pay and a benefits CL-~., STf u me P 1 Newport Beach . 5"" a v a i I a b I e i n KO.E M 1-~ •CATERING SEC'Y packa1e that lncludea IEC OHIS Westminster dental of· •ROOMSERVICE discounts, paid vaca-Electronic parts dist., r i c e . R e q u I res •PM HOUSEKEEPERS lio~, bonuset, medical Fountain Valley, has knowl_edaeoffront office Npl Bch 558-8520 General Office •LJNEN ROOM and ufe lna., pension and openings for individual procedures, some dental Equal Opp Emplyr M /F A TTENDENT more! with food t yping & exper. preferred, 4 dy SUMMER'S •KITCHENtrrlLITY A~ij~Wo! genera office akllla. Key wk. Good salary. xlnl •PM FOODSl'ATION Apply in person at: punch & some account· benefits. Apply Contract l•--------•I ATTENDENT PEP BOYS 120 East I 1t St. Santa Ana, Ca. Equal Opportunity Employer M IF in& experience helpful. Staffing Of Amer ica . GENERAL HERE! •RESTAURANT Contact Jan for app't. 17601 E. 17th St, Tustin CASHIER 979-0433. or caU 714f838..8000. EOE QfACE Exciting, established hotel has immed. full & DENT AL NHT OFC *•Typhh part time opportunities Goocl typr.g md fllll9 c:tfftu av all. for qualified ap· akl• md • mW..-• s.c:r.t.Wa phcants . f I lft -MNI We are seekln1 people· 0 Y..-'IF oriented persons who HELP !! Hflin~t Preferably w/followine.1•--------Xlnt working cond.1• CLllUC TYPIST Ener1et1c person with &ood typin& needed for busy managing general aaen cy . N o exp . nece11ary, but ability to learn a must. Attractive salary & aU company U you have experience In insurance, ooUections & stron& phone com-munication abiUly, we offlc• wort&. he..... Earn extra money have a sincere interest tc11lary ..cl ....,eoy.. for college or that in a future with Marriott beffflta. special vacation. Corp. Please call Tues-Sat. Cashier 64.2·0092. Alk for Joyce Bookkeeper, exp'd. A/P, P /R, 0 /L, parttime, nonsmoker. Irvine. 751·7020 IOOB_.. Full charae. ereat opp- ty. with b1&1y Laauna Beach contractor. Must have construction exper. 494-6525 OFFICE CASHIER benefits. Call Linda at 5'9·8161. need you. 631-1420. E n joy working In , S lavlck 'a Jewe[ers. DENTAL OFFICE Duties include verifying COM MERCIALS', films, M AN AGER , e n · sales balances, doing model•. extras. SCAS th~laatic, efficient & or- daily bankln.e tranaac· o e e d 1 new fa c ea . 1an1zed w /bkkpg exp. 4 lions, dllburaln1 h&nda 4s 957·0282 day wk, paid vacation & other related duties. Ex· COMPAN10N/NlJRSE holiday1. Send resume, c ell. Co. benefits will contact. Box 742, packaae. Contact: Mr. Live In, for elderly Dally Pilot, P .O. Box M c 0 e r m o t t • woman. Need1 car. 1560, COila Mesa, Ca. 714-644-1380. Pleasant 1WTOW\dln11. 921826 SLA VICK'S Laeuna Beach. 494.4457 ---· ~----- Fashion llland DINT AL A.SST ~g=~'a Forc!:~P=. 3·4 Npt. Bch. law firm bas hrs /w k . 642·2740 •COMPUTER• OPERATOR ........ SMft Orthodontic office In Laguna Beach looklna for exferienced RDA . Debo e, 642 ·8656 , 497·2~. Imm ed. open ln 1 for _a;.;..;m_..;..!983-__ 4_1115-..:.p_m __ _ qua 1 'd . bookkeeper Clerical/Gen. Office C«A A.Helo Chons 213-546-7360 NATIONAL EDUCATION 4400 Ca:uc:r· Newport h Equal Opportunity Emp&oyer M/F We o rrer excell. co. Call or come by for benefits including a free an interview & let us meal per shift. Apply In Put you to work. person 9AM-Noon, Mon· Fri. Personnel iv1c11 HESToNI ~~~~~c!!~~. & AslocJetn Newport Beach SpeclallzinB in Equal Opp Emplyr M /F Temporary Clerical Personnel 540-0400 HOUSECUAMIMG Lite la:Mndry. Weekly. Small residence. COM a rea. Ref req. Day • l1•11y p•11at =~:~3eepers wanted. •·····., Sea cliff Motel. 1661 S. • Coast Hwy, Laguna Sch. • al..-494.9717 e field SallS ~ • Housekeeper/Companion .Umlted openiq1 avaUr ln the Oran1ee Llvelnorout. •Co.ast area, for Hlf-motlvated, career. 833-20C». oriented Individual who can wort wttb Field M~T..-.. secretarial duties Start· P ff SALES mg S13,500 Call· Mr C:a reer opportWl1lies for '-.C.iaiiirtiiieiiir ,iii7iii59-iiiliii356iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii manager trainees with 1• ooe of the fastest grow· 1ng cloth ing retail chains. Xlnt oppty. for the hi,hly motivated. goa I-oriented mdividual. Retail or managemeot exp helpful ptt morning sales positions also availab l e Xlnl employee benefits. app- ly at Miller's Outpost Meu Cent.er 211 t. 17th Costa Mesa or S.C Plaza 3333 Bnstol Costa Mesa Office Wt Hn• TM Jobi lfYoe1Hon TM~! •SECRf.'TAR IE.S •I-;XECIJl'IVESEC'YS •STATlSflCAL TYPlSTS •R ECEPTIO~ISTS •ALSO PARTTnu.: Always free to apph cants Call now. ask ror Jud y or She rree . 540.60SS. Coas~l Person nel Ag y . 2790 Harbor Bl .CM £.0 E MATURE PERSON ~~~~~~ Interviewing. phones & bte t)'pang. ~S. Sun. thru Thu rs N pt lkh lo<' W tll tram. 642-91965 MATUUPBSOH needed to help operate a tea garden in CdM. Sat Sun anl) , 9 : 30A..'1 to JP M Apply ID person. Sat .tr Sun.. 1GAM·2PM, Shuma.o G•rdeos. 2647 E Coast Hwy . CdM OIGAt41ST For smaU church 3-4 hrs wk 642 ·2740 am 963·41.95pm PART TIME To deh\er Dari) Pilot auto route m Newport Beach HOU RS. Mon thru Fn approx 3 .30pm t o 5:30pm HOU RS . Sat & Sun -. .a. 1 "'~ 5am·7am. McD~ ;a Earnings approx $350 of S• Cll ... ate per month. {Under New O..'nersh1p> Call 642-4321 for Bryan 1s now accepting ap· Ho lland or Sheldon plications for day & Harte Equal Oppor nieht posiUons Please Employer apply 1n person between.--------- 9-lam & 2-5pm wkdys at PAITTIME M c D o n a 1 d · s . 6 so FLEX. HOUIS Avenida Pico, San Clem. PIT employees needed for general pest control Medical work in South L.A & FIOMT OFFICE Orange Co. Will train. Mature, experienced in M u s t ha v e o w n 0 B . G Y N , he a v y trans portation. Phone telephones. Send re·1_::<2:..:l.:..3>:..:;9..:..78:...·8269.:...;__· ___ _ sumes to Box #762 CIO Da ily Pilot P.O. BOX PART-TIME 1560, Costa Mesa CA SUMMB DOLLARS 92626 A.MD FUN MEDICAL CLAIMS Pacific Cast ing is an · PIOCESSOlt terviewing for all types Must be experienced. for extras in major mo- F IT , ask for Beth : tion picture. Also clean cul M /F. 21·30 with good (714)540-17ll. s mile for commercial MEDIC "'L audition. Der;>endabillly "" & transportation a must. RECORDS 558-8608 for app'l, Mon- TRANSCRllER sat, 12-&pm. Requires 60wpm typin1. ,...._ knowled1e of dlctaphone Full time posiUon. Full & medical tenninoloJY· comi)any benefits. Ex· OrganlzaUon1• attention per or w Jtrain. Apply lo detail & fouow up are PENNEYSAVER 1660 very important. We of· Placentia Ave. C.M. fer excellent environ· 1·--------- ment. Capistrano by the Sea hosp. 496-5702. MEDICAL FRONT OF- FICE, F I T . N .B . lmmed. opening. Ex· perlenced. 644-8722. MEDICAL It Insurance Secretar y. Exper 'd. B u sy Npt . Ctr . Oph thalmologist. Gd. ref's. a must. Excell. benefits. Computer knowledee helpful. Salary open. 7st-1921 St•rtlng Salary to: $1168/mo. w/1ome_le1al back· M1&1t be aood W/nUm· around. 1')1linl " word bfn. P&euant office en· processln& exp. an a•· vlronment. No typln1. Mt. Potential to bfcome offlce m1na1er. Call: Call (714) m_.750 Beth,552.-0S DENTAL Aulatant, We have an imm~late p /llme Proareaalve, opeoln1 for a computer new oic. in La1una operator. Nlauel. X·ray Uc. req'd. PoeltJon requires a min. Mlchelle, 71M95-6322 __ _..;......._ _____ , of 2 ye an e.xperienct D £NT AL Hy a I en l 1 t and ablllty Lo operate Governmental aeency is seekln1 sharp penon to proceu computerized payroll le aaalst In bus~ personnel office. Payro duties take about 70% o your time. Requires typ- ln& at 45wpm It 1 year payroll/bookkeeping ex· pe'rience. NI-time p<>al· lion with excellent MIDICAL benefit.a which includes •5__.. • .__ a s da)' wM!lend e very es.tea People. Train, motivate and 1et• HOUSE Manaeer-Exec. t"llull.I St.aUon wa1on or van neceuary • CdM home. Mon·Frl. I•--------• =ttonal u rnln11, pl~ Job related. Gener al housecleanlna. • ll available for the rtiJll people. U YOU errands, 1upervilina re· BOO K KEEP I N G P /tim e . Apply at : Crown Hardware, lO:U Y!'ne (Weatcliff Plan.), CLERIC •L 10.key by touch. NCR neededThun.•Fn .. nr. A u d bank experience de· So. Coast Plua. 545..s5a Varted 1enotcdutie. ln· •l ble cl 1upport tor p'"ldtnt " · Donut •hop. Early AM of leadlna •le* mrar in We offer an excellent 1hl~. no exper nee. App· Irv l n e area . Typ e 1 a la r )' a nd c 0 m . ly : Dlpplt)' Donut&. 1154 5 O w p m I r o m pre ht naive benefit• Newport tSlvd. C.M. •--------• tr1 n 1c r lber , I d .pac k ••• l n c ludtn1 ~"".-. secretarial tJCpoaure • lhdlul, Deatal, pald i--------• ACC~ 1 r o w t b o P P o r . vacation, r etlrem1nt DllVmt Ra p idly u pandl n l (714)SH411J, and more. Mmt baft ad. drMnt 1wct ~/lavett. NeOl'd. Local plc:k·UPI 6 meal firm 1M1 an open. Clerical F or lmmed la \e con-dtUirtne. eome btavy l D a Io r a Bo ok · .... suu~ JOIS... llderatioe ,...._ call: 1tltla1 requlred-wlll u.Der/Attomdlnl Clk. .. -,. Pt raoaMI l>tpt. (114') al10 bt trained ta 10-ke, br_toue.ta, l te!ty fltoup. ~uy ,___ mechanlul u 1embl1 ADJ <CRT eap. a pl• , .... /tlr. Lo•t.art I .. .,;al( ~ .... -...-.. o1 A!P, TypleWOwlllD·•.Ja+ IV"" _. •• dt po1lt.a Is NeOOellla· 'l•Olll OF Only t lloat 1Hk ln1 UoU ~~ •••· I!!~~!!'!!!'!!!'!!!!~ permaHlll empto11n.e '*· 1 c ~ ....... MIWP.ORT .,... apply. ~per. : '""Ill ' ••-·•'=-'-M/r '1IMll•. &.O.&. ....-. ,:::: ......,. •V•caUoM fl boltd111 COGll ~ hropeH ...... .,..,, -r:~~alWiDI = ... """ u.. • ....... ..... r .. · call: .... ... .... k..U.. •can produce r .. ulll, not Jlllt t&1k about It,. pairs, llt.e cooklna. ln· call: M0-°"4 for interview. Aak for Mr. dependent worker. Must eCbanc.. e have own trana. Call: • • _7_59_·8064 _____ _ • ,.. ... • HOUll&IOOM e WUb new1paper •:r:~art .J4me, •. The t!J!:=.i Ln • • t'~~a::,:ay ~ J'ar appt. :r. Lat . Bch. baa lit • Znd ~. ~•U l4l-m1, aa.. m. . • .tllft, fullfcp/Umeopen· • • IDJI . Ca ll : tie . M cC u llo u 1 h . : Slcr1tlly : Houeek ....... 491-4477 iTyplDI 10 wpm, 1laortballd/Cllct.apbone •• --,•M•M•.-,MC-•1-• pltuant pt.oa t .olce. Work ror two. Uncl-rl# rib com· new1paper txewuir ... ltxHUent btntflta ••.,. ud tnvlr'onment. ~r QPOIDtmut ud. m'l. auLo H~ience. 11Mrv'9w. call 141..Qll, u:t. m. .. • IOwpmiJ:~ey. 1ome r1Un1. °'911· EX· • ..u. Woddq coadltloftl. • ~C.... N•• ofc., movla1 to • • I .... ~ lrirl1e la A u1ut . "' ._. •"'" • other wffk. Al'll»ly : Oran&• Co. mtg. ro. baa P1r1onnaf0fflcel an lmmed. need for an 10844 Ellla Ave. NA/LVN Lo a11llt ln the Fount. Valley, Ca. 92708 P•nonnel ofc. Will bf l7H>M0-2910 rHponalbl• for Finl· 1:.0 .E. M/F AJd , ·~ insurance "i---------wor kmeo 1 compenaa· PA YIOU. CL.Ill Uoe. CandJdate 1bould The Joll)' Roe"' Inc .. an havt a min. ol 1·2 yrs. ettabllabed reatauru t u per. Qu•llfled can· cl'laln, l\al an opcninf dldate1 are Invited to tor a n exper lencea coot•ct: pa)'l"Ol.I cleft Lo wort ln M ..... ~ a 4 penon delJt, Ability lMIXoari>vla,C.M. to handle exlen1lve Ml·1417 KOE II /F /H phone commanlcatlom and 10.Uy by touc!ll • m u t . S•luy c om·· men nute wltb ti· perleace. Apply In ~Oft betwMn aam• at: J: JOLLY ROGS R INC. e ' uo w. 1 Binet •·"!!-....!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I ca.ta 11..., CA •= -..;......~--~..;....._ Equal~~ .... ,....,.. ftrm MlW· ._. ... ..,.. ,.,.. om.ue ""· '"· (TH)ltlml PAftOLL~ a.a...,. ,. ..., Kn.. ....... lllllata ..... htte. LI 11 1 1111 •'tied Lo calLM1411l \ N.A..ar: ........ U.A'9:,C.tl. ---~ ~ . f . ~!~ ..... ?!!C! ..... !!~ ..... ?!.~ ..... ~~ .... "?!.!!!~!!~ ..... ?!~ ~.!!~ ..... ?!.~ Orange Coast OAJLY PILOT/Sunday, May 31, 1981 · • •. SICllTAIY-UGAL HelpW..W 7100 lpW9ftd 710iMelitW_... 110G H.lpW~ 1111 Peet ¢0ntrol t.tchnJclan llC..WONIST 0 .... -.-c 2 orient d """'i ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• •y•••••••u••••u••••• ••~T ..... -............ ••••••••• .. ••••••. •••••• needed. Eapn. pro· Orowlnai S.A. Co. has airu..~ career e ,..... • · SECURITY terr e d but p 0 t openln1 for re«pUonl&t SALES Uo111open1n Irvine. 2·5 '"' ... °"' wooowomr• oeceuary. Call Ml-9339. with p leaunt phone )'rs. leaial experien~e. ~ PERSOf'.lNEL OPaATottS l!:xpertenced. C•ll Tom ptreonalllty. 1').'.pln& REPRESENTATIVES Xlnt benefits" workana •SICllTAllllS• I' IT or Ptr, nite1hlfton· A1ttworln1 Service, at 642-8183. PUTCONTIOL • k 111 t s $ w p M . condltlons. CaJI Fran Ple11e 1ee our ad In ly . Call or apply, In vurioua ahlfts, full It --------- Peraon·salary open. ReaJ)OnalbiUtlea Include 83a·362:2 today'• cla.ulfled under person, Hotel Sa n Ptr. 362 3rd St, #"C", WIUYaS 641-6830 · typlna or ord4trt with Mechanics Choice {Fortune 500 Div.) SICllTAltY ··eankln1". Maarten, La&u'fl a L•Mun•Bellch. ~xper In compoalna PICTURE FRAMER tome Ute correapon •a leading dlstrlbutor o( industrial Jl'or CPA firm by OC ELDORADO IAMK Be1tcb, 494·H36. T•a.= S.. ulH aeminan, com· dence etc Competitive Al 0 1 d E.O.E. U ... 1 mercl•l• or related Gallery aalea. Ftr poet. entry level aalary with maintenance and automotive Items rport. r,aan ze , • SIC'Y ADMIH. • ,Mhe> rtt:lds. Payon•huroux tlon for enersetl<:, periodic reviews For for almost a hall-centurv, has plea1ant,typma.addi!'11 ASSISTANT l!;xpd,lhone saleer.c! pectedGOM Callforappt creative penon. Some pe...onal interview con· embarked 00 8 ffi8J.Ot marketln~ and CmallcThinCI ex~r req d. For lnhtnuatlonal Mkt. l'le ne~ 4ld for mJr. .C. 10-12 Is 2'4 on Mon & exper. pref. Art/deslan tact Cy Slmp11on at a er ,833-3396 ore . In N.B. Typin& s .ummer cumpul11n. Tucs.675'90U bkgd helpful. Lag. Nig. 558·2603 sales pt·ogram. To keee pace wit our SECRETAltY Secretary 60wpm, word proce881na l!;arn sal1;ry + comm 831·5983; no.2897eves. Receptionist with ac-growth, we'l'c seek mg dynamic, t.e.iut. Xlnt •kllli . One SECRETARY exfn. or computer exrr· ~~~~~re a:;;cron~«):ot:i , •• ,S........... curate typing skills & experienced sales professionals who man office. Salary ne1. ~ur Pro~rty Mgmt. M nhn\lm 3/yr1 exp. n eves. 15 hr wk. Bealn 6·11 XUY.,.SON Pu aon exp'd In xray techniques with some lub know how or wllllntt· neaa to learn needed for busy m~lcal practice. Cu 11 997 ·3830 ask for Suianne 5 _,... are ready to take the big step into the Nwpt Bch.613·9201. in•nclaJ Dept U'Clka 8 executJveoCflcoenv\ron· c ull·. 9 .. 7 ..... ,.., Eitp'd for AB Dick 360. good with figures. Nwpt re1pon1lbleindivlduaJ to menl. Comtnon senae, .. .,, ~ 770.6355 or888·5249 Och ore. f tr Startlng big leagues in the Pasadena·Orange SICRff AltY perform Secretarlul. willing to work long hrs. P /llm:.~.., room salury $000 + Ben. Call County area. general office function!!. Xlnt growth potential. Amy forappt615-5262 PllblcR.Wlou Job reaponslblUties in· Please contact Mr. TIRE MAH No ex p erience necessury. Newport Tire Center, 3000 C-01111t Hwy, CdM . 644·8022. helper. Mon 3PM to ap· i----------1 prox 8PM Tue, 2PM to approx 7PM. No exper necessary. Apply Pen· neySaver 1660 Placentia RICB'TIONIST SECRffARY Ave.C.M. Fast growin& Npt. Sch. ad agy. seek.!l lndlv. with t o p ty ping s kills . Prlntina Telephones plus a varie- Offs.+ PNS~NCMI ty or responsibilities & E x p e r • d . 2 n d opportunitieJ>. Call Bob, Presspenon. Goss com· 644·7644 ln·d epth training in a recession.proof industry, promotion and advertising support. starting expenses and d ~aw , and complete benefits are just a Cew reasons to ca ll Roger Noble Sunday Noon to 8 p.m. or Monday 8 a .m. -8 p.m. 714-946-42 34 muoitL 4 unit. Apply :~~~~~~~~ 1660 P acentia Ave .. CM Recepllonist/J'ypist front RETA IL Clerk, Costa PROPERTY MGMT-ofc Sun-Thur. Pvt coun-Mesa Stationers, 270 K SALES Catch this opportunity ~1100/day. Young am· bitious crew hus room for more. Training & transpo provide d : 540-7652 aft llAM LAKE try club. 644-5404 17th St., CM. F /time. ap· Superintendent. Resp. ply in person 10.12only! for overall mgmt. of hom eowner's a s soc. Dulles incl. CC&R en· forcement. contract supvsn., lake maint, & safety, laision to Lake Board. Salary neg. Lake Assoc., Lake Forest II, 951-4792 QC RECEIVING lnspec· tor Trainee. Must be self-starter & able to drive fork lift. 540·6300 RCPTIONIST JR.E Type 50 wpm, exp pref. Ask for Bill, Bkr /Owner 979-5370 .r Rea l Estate Receptionist Cal'fft' Start•r 100'/>f Free. Beaut. f'ash. Is . co. wlU train spunky you! Rapid advance- ment . Wardrobe furnished, public con- tact. It. typing, good bene. plus salary to $750. Ca ll : Kay Baz an, 540·5001. Snelling & Snellin& of Newport Beac h Agency, 4340 Campus Dr .. EOE t.c~ist RN, relief charge nurse. Upm·7am, Fri & Sat .. NOCS, 80 bed ECF, gd. salary & fringe benefits. Mesa Verde Conv . Hosp., 661 Center St., C.M. 5411·5585. -----·---- Sa ilmake r-Seamstress . Sales : Find out about lle l"balire 's excitin@ financial opportunity Work in your spare time Ms Herbert 964-3158 <Male or Female >. F rr. SALF;S, mature part timl Exp. pref.631·5950 Sun, Mon +, Sal + comm WICKER RAT· TAN DECOR. 839-7239 Sales Aulstant Manaqtr For Nautical Gift Store Full Time. Experience Preferred. Call Charlies Locker 675·6230 Sales Salesperson for planl store, P/J'. The Biza rrt- 8 a za a r , 645-3392, 10·6pm. I Sales Fast-paced, growin11 elude stal.l.atlcal ti ping, Green at United Jn Orange Co. Ai11>0rt area 10.key, phones & lite fll. duatrles. 0714)644·91100. firm seeks person with Ing. Typinti of SSwpm, ------- excellent secretarial & numbes oriented , &1--------- organliational skills. prior exper. are all de· SEC'Y /RECEPT. Light bookkeeping, slrable. We offer com-Pe rsonuble, mutur••, heavy typing required. petitive salary & excel!. b I~ h 1 y com pet e nt For immediate con· benefits package. Sub· sec y /recept. for fori:nal aideratlon call Jae· mitapplicalionto: Newport Center Office. quellne Schaar As· A E:<tenslve 1 to 1 rela· soclates, 540.2969. W -n'4E IAVINE rDJ#1Nlf tionship with principal. S!CRETARY Newport Beach area. To $1,400. You will be the top Secretary with th.is builder. Accurate typing & dictaphone skills for correspondence & bill· Ing . Fully s t ocke d kitc hen & excellent benefits i.ncluded. 557-6122, 731 -7711 100% Free to Applicant P-.tS..lct 4500Campus Dr., N.B. 14211 Yorba St. Tustin Open Monday Evenings By Appointment Only Need for Individual Horward Derman judgement & decision 644..8796 making. Shorthand & 1061 CamelbackSt. medical front otrice ex- Newport Beach, 92660 perience helpful but not EqualOppEmplyr essential. 8-5pm . 200 ~~~~~~~~~ Newport Center Or. :... Suite #~. N.B. Salary commensurate with ex· _________ , perience. For interview Secretary call 640·5353. Ad• ,ISKrdary !~~~~~~~ 100~ Free. Lucky you! Beaut. Fash. ls. co. Sec'y-Spagogue wants you to join them. PIT. Cosui Mesa area. Lots of benefits plus ad· Jud a i c b.k g d n e c . vancement! To 112,000 968·3652 DOE. Call : Mar·orie ------ Sullivan, M0.5001, ~nell· Service Statlo~ Attendant ing & Snelling of wanted full·llme, Garn· Newport Beach Agency, 2:30pm shift. Part·time 4340Campus Or., EOE eves & wkends . Xlnt SECRETARIES working conds . l::xper. req Mac 's T exaco Service. Beach & Ellis, 968-6505. --- TRAtHEE Leading local pest ton tro l compuny need!! Route Technician fo r steady job. Level entry position. We train · no expe rience necessary Call Tim, Mon. 9·12pm 979-00'll. YAIDMAM Tool rentals. Neat ap· yeurance, gd handwrit· ma. Benefits, wlll train. Career opport.unlty. AP· ply 1930 Newport Blvd, C .M. or 22600 Lam· bert-1203, El Toro. --- M•rchanclM TRAVEL AGENT fo r ••••••••••••••••••••••• busy Irvine agency. AntlqYits 8005 Minimum 2 yrs recent ••••••••••••••••••••••• exper. Computer ex per. WANTED TO IUY pref. Qualified only . 1 bu y o Id guns, 957·2700. diamonds, ivory, jade & TR '"'VB. '"'GRUT -collectibles. Call (714) ,,_ A a-. 972-4926 & ask for Dane. Looking for a change of --------- p u cc? ~xper ience dl•--------vacatlon agent is needed WESTMlNSTER for a large multi branch ABBEY agency in Irvine. Xlnt ANTIQUE MALL salary & ben. Opp. for Daily 10.6, Fri 10-9 advancement. Call Tom· Closed Tuesday mie 833-2977 11751 Westminster Ave. Garden Grove 554-6103 TYPIST ·~~~~~~~ Xlnt position for xlnt I typist. Lots of work in a busy office·lovely Irvine surroundings. Cu ll Barbara 857-1204 Es t ey Pump Organ , restored, $750/or best of· fer. Also Oak Ice Box, fitted for TV $300. 646-6935. If you're thinking of a possible change, cull me. I need an associate to assist management of a super ca.sh now busi· ness. SlOOK + annually for yo u . Call (714)739-778.1. Our Costa Mesa office has immediate opening for a receptionist at en- try level. Must be able to handle busy phones and enjoy people contact. Light typing. Xlnt com· pany benefits. And a congenial environment. 37"2 hr week. Mon-Fri. Ca ll Ann Mar,;hall, Audition for A •on Parttime career. Meet new people. Earn S6 or more per hour. 966·0522. -------- Tired of the routine? Our 1--------- com pany may be the •SECRETARY* answer. $25K + yearly I minimum. PR work, not . . sales. o.c. + I.a. area Qualifi ed candidat e open on I y . ca 11 s h ould . h11v~ proven (714 )739-7783. ~ecretar1al sk1Us mc.lud· Huntington Beach Union High School District has these openings for well organized individuals with typing and shorthand skills: SHIPPING DEPT. TRAINEE Excell. co. benefits. Stead~·.work. She must be gooa with numbers. CM. Deltronic,545·0413 . TYPIST. . Hu~d;~d-Mahogany Varied gen ofc duties. In· Fireplace Mantle 5' X 5° cl support for president $l000 df le~ding stereo mfgr in 645-9700 Irvi n e a rea . T yp e -- Sales * IRIDAL CONSULTANT • Sales I RealBs tate Wi ll train-part to THEBUCK COLDWeLL BANl(eRtl L ook ing fo1· an F t lime . Pref. retai l ST ... RTSHERE established R. E. with of clothing sales exp. C.M. "" 546·1821 556-9333 The Los Angeles Times f i c e . We of re r a n ,_1.°'-D!.MA&.TOM Ci rculation Dept. is look· established business re-SALES CLERK PT ing for well groomed, en· ady-made for you. SlOOK Restaurant 3 hrs . daily·S3.50/hr. thusiastic people to earn annually for the right Bartenders . bart en · Duties include typing. upto$40.S50perday for p e rs on , C a 11 d ere ss 's, c ook s. filing. asse mbling a few hours work as (714)739·n83. wa itresses, waiters. mailers & phone cov· part · tim e s a I e s 675·1094betweenl·6pm. erage Ca ll <..:a thy representatives. Hours RECEPTIONIST -Lester . 642.9410. are from 4pm·9pm, and Experience<! recpt. for ----------training will be pro· rapidil y expandin g RESTAURANT Sae.sDt•l•p. vided. Your earnings as Newport Beach law Part lime. Sales exper a Times Sales Represen· firm. Some typing : lite BOB'S dealing with businesses. tative will be based on clerical duties. Front of· Sal & comm. Position is guaranteed hourly wage fice appearance, good with Calif. la r gest of$3.50 + generouscom- diction, mature judge-BIG BOY Management consult. missions . Call now for ment required. Please rirm . Send resume to more information about s end r esume t o : 23771MarinerDr. l2·207, this great opportunity. Classified AD #91 l , NOW HIRING! Laguna Niguel92677 (714)957·2361,ext.1204. Dally Pilot, P.O. Box --- 1560, Costa Mesa 92626. Sales, experienced, part SALES lime. Ladies speciality Wife call 2'rahrs . pe r RECEPT/SEC'Y ChooH a location shop, Fashion Island. day , husband sells. I mmediate position most connni•nt to Flexible hrs. Call Mimi $.15·S.SOK per year. Call available in legal /acctg you! Ho ••-rience 759-9951. Mr . Car I , 7 · 9 pm : orrice for res ponsible r-(714)792·1637. self.starter. Front office necHsary, wt will Sae.s Engineer , appearance. Pleasant train. Pleas. apply Must have experience in Sandwich. Salesperson phone manner; o r · betwten2-4PM: settingupseminars.and Mon-Fri. 7am -lpm. g an i zed & b asic trall\ing personnel In Must have own trans. secretarial skills req. w AJTERS seminar presentation. RAC, C.M. 642·1900 Salary commensurate WAITRESSES Pay on shares, comm. 1 ________ _ with ex pc r i en c e CASHIERS expected 60M. Call fo1 Secretary N e w p 0 rt Be a c h ' 9842 Adams St. appt. 675·9042 lOam 12 & s "'LES sec·y 640·0080. $al Brookhurst 2-4 on Mon & Tues. A ------- -HUNTINGTON B~AC..:11 1ng accurate t yping, pleasant commun1ca lion skills and the ability to handle all duties con· sistent with the position of a secretary. We offer an excellent sa lar y and co m · prehensive benefits package including Medical. Dental. paid vacation, retirement and more. For immediate con- sideration please call: Personnel Dept. (714) 760-6000. BANK OF NEWPORT Equal Opp Emply M /F Secretary SECRETARY The Newport Be ach Marriott Hotel has im· med. opportunity for Secreta..Y in our Cater· ing Dept. Successful candidate should posseas excell. typing skills, pleasant phone manner, & have dicta phone ex per. -Ir EXECUTIVE SECRETARY SI 159-$1436/ monlhlt SECRETARY $972-$1205/ mowtttly HaUHaD 10251 Yorktown Ave. Huntington Beach, CA92646 equaloppty employer m /rth •SECRETARIES• CONSULTANT Expandin~ again! Exp. in profession. Also need Receptionist, type SO, our office. l.lz Reinders Agy. Inc. 4020 Birch Est '64 EOE Newport/833-8190/Free -_c::c:_ SOLDIER 5 0 w p m f r o m Ollk Roll top desk. $. t r a n s c r i be r , g d Curve, $1800 OBO. Good secretarial exposure & cond. PP. 957 ·0907; g r o w l h o P P o r . 962·0049 (714)556-6193. --------- Rigorous training. long h o ur s . good µay , benefits. cash bonus. money for t•ollege , physical and menta l challenges, teamwork and experience. These and more are offered if you qualify for the U .S Army. Call your Army Recruiter today: Costa Mesa 540.1026 Huntington Bch 962·8821 Laguna Hills 768·5251 Santa Ana 542-4763 TYPIST JRECPT F /T position avail with land developer firm in Irvine. Pleasant phonl! manner & good typing I grammar skills a must. Salary comm with exp Call Liz Hartzog 549·2691 --- TYPIST /RECEPT Advertising agency seeking Typist/Recep lionist. 50wpm, Ute book· k eeping . l''un a t mosp h er<'. Dan a ARMY. BE ALL T~:~:~.· Permanent. pl YOU CAN BE. /time. Sm. consultini: firm, Newport Ctr. Call: STATIONARY Mr. Carter, 759-1356 Store in CdM needs TYPIST ANTIQUES OF THE WORLD AND STEVEN-THOMAS ANTIQUES 20-40% OFF All Merchandite 3 Days Only FRl·SAT·SUN May 29th · 3lsl 10amto6pm 533 W. l9thSt.C.M 548·3339 or 548-0191 salesperson F/time. 5 Mature. Type Invoices, days Xlnt working con· figure aptitude, 10.key. ds. Especially fine clien· .io hrs. C.M. 979·8600 . tele. Phone 644·7482 for Solid oak l'<litor·s desk, app't. --------•I $150/0 BO. TYPIST 644-1033 T E A C H E R S & Accurate typing & gd. -. -. ---- EDUCATORS wanted rl!ception s kills fo r Co llector s item: 1901 PIT , to managesm busi· pleasa nt Executive Hoffman Water Heater, ne ss . Mr. Murray Suites . Hrs. 8:30AM to xlnt cond, $800 /080. 846-8559 5 PM . 4 or 5 days. 846-1124. TEACHER 714· 752·0234 Scottis_h_S-id_e_bo_a_r_d_ Experience !or paid P 11' Best offer church school position. I•--------494-5890 *RECEPTIONIST Small division of leading Ar c hitectural f i rm needs mature. dependu· ble ·Gal Frl~ay with sharp front omce a p· pear ance & pleasant phone personaltity for varied duties. Fast, ac curate typist. Excellent benefits. No smoking. ..... WAJTERS WAITRESSES COOK TRAINE~ Sales Prof. Solespeople Good typing & shorthand. pleasant on phone s. n ea t ap-pearance. All company paid benefitJi & pleasant surroundings. Call Lin- da Beck at Christy Food Service for appt. 751·5743, ~njo,v excellent co. _________ 1 benefits including a free meal per shin . Apply in person 9AM-Noon, Mon- Sundays onl y . C all Typists 499·3MS moms. Typists 50WPM Antique Show. St. Fran· ris C hurc h, Palos Ver de s Bl ~·d . P.V.E.June 2,3,4. llam. Admission $3. WrnLPerelra Associates MacArthur Blvd & Ford Newport Beach <714)644-0620 EOE RECEPTIONIST For F /T position in Chiropractor 's office. Must be dependable, ef- ficient & have good of· flee skills. Nqn·smoker preferred. Call831-~. CASHIERS 23952 Avenida de la Carlota at El Toro Rd. LAGUNA HILLS or 28502 M arguerile Pkwy. at Avery Pkwy. MISSION VI EJ 0 or 4501 Campus Dr at Verano IRVINE *** WAITE.:RS WAITRESSES COOK TRAJN EES 3355 S. Bristol Avenue at MacArthur SO. SANTA ANA ~ Marketing Reps. to sell a product that is wanted & needed by everyone. ~a ming potential: $40, 000. $50,000 • Co. Trainin~ • Qualified Leads • High Income Llquldy. Energy Systems Al : 754-~3.5. 545-6793 Sales IOPOSmOHs Open for motivated pco· pie , either in sales or de· livery. 951-2642. SECRffARY part lime, Clexlble hours, lite book.keeping. 751·3390 SECRETARY A Cront office secretary fo r s mall Newport Beach manufacturing firm. One person with l)'P,lng & secretarial skills to also perform bookkeeping, posting. Call 548·9818 for app't. RECll'T /TYPIST Equal Oppty Employer Real Estate investment __ _ SALES PERSON needed immed. Laguna Niguel retail outlet for fine in· terior rumishlngs. Hrs flexib le . Salary neg Must be bondable. Call: SECRffAIY company, attractive of· fice nr Redhill/Brl11tol. Some rinanclal back- ground desirable. Xlnl company benefits . Sala r y commensurate with experienc e . 540.1105. ' Restaurant. Catering firm has opening for Marcia, 831-0623, eve~ 661-9457 P tr. for manufacturer's representative. 557-5389 or649-0528 respon. adult to operate l•--------1--------- Hobart auto. slicer & Sales ••SECRITAllES•• learn portion contFol. ShtlOO/l'oVP$18,003 , Exp, pref. but wlll train. PEP BOYS Sh80/Paahlsll1.S,600 $4/$4.50 per hr. 9:30am TSS/OurOfcSl.01.800 to spm Mon. thru Thur. Manny, Moe PR1CRT1Anah$14,400 6•m to lpm Sun. 979.0747 ActgClktropJobh,1,400 for appt. Lori's Kitchen Expd. Consultant Ou"' a .... Jack Liz Reinders A&Y. Inc. 1111 ·4020 Birch Est '64 EOI!: WE'RE LOOKING Newport/833-8190/Free FOR THI IESTI , .. TllM ,.. .... OUr brokerage firm hu tripled If you are btlfht, am· bilious and Mii motlwat· 'ect, PEP ilOYI i1J your kind of place. We're pro- ud of our fPOW\h, atablU· ty and P"lf•._I tn· vlronment. If Jolninl t.bl1 wlnnla 1 ltaln •oundt intt ... 1Un1 to you, leia ret aequaintH. Apply In perton ot.; PEP BOYS 111 ... l•St. S-.Ai9.C& Fri. Personnel MARRIOTT HOTEL 900 Newport Center Dr. Newport Beach Equal Opp Emplyr M /F .. * * * SECRETARY II If you would enjoy work ing in plush surround· ings at our Newport Center orrice and can meet our requirements, . why not give us a call? We are currently in· tervlewina candidates with a minimum or 6 mo s . previou s secretarial experience, excellent typing skills 100 to 65 wpm) and the abllity to oommunlcate eCfecllvely. Knowledge Qf IBM Memor y Typewriter required. Excellent starting .11l1ry and benents. For more 1nror m1&t lon, pleaae call: ...... T "'Y 7 14 .. 640.9321 . 860 Newport Center DI'. Newport Btaeh Equal opp Empl m /f lb 11.u ln two yean due to rapjd e:llpanaion . We need Huoned qente to staff our Beach and Palm Sprlnp offices. We ott.r h..i1b comml•••on pay out and = 1peeiali.zed p~anw. Will er trainee• • If YoU bave ncceuful sales ex~. We •re a )'OUDI, ••,....ve :rtrJn. alferin1 PNltife Ila~ Md ,1 rewanllnl future. rar tmniidl•te 2Jalt8T .. M. • , ... ca; S£CIETllY tlon, p.._eall: rbaN~ek °"' .... ... ~---A a e a Secretary FLEX-TIME WORK TORT YOUR SCHEDULE *** We are now hiring Secretaries. Typists, Ac· counting Clerks. Recep- tion ls ts, File Clerks, Word Processors, CRT Operators, Dept. Clerks, OCflce Workers of a ll levels. *** You are Invited to join o u r FLt-;XIBLE EMPLOYMENT TEAM. You will have your choice of working full time, part time, a few days. a few weeks, a month or a year. whatever you decide. Our work locations are in Irvine. Costa Mesa, Santa Ana & Newport Beach. You're the boss & you will decide when you will woJ'lt1 for how long & what location. We offer competitive wages & gd. benefits. Contact our work assignment center : S44-tl92 The People Macttlne A Flexible Employment Co. TEACHER Kindergarten. ruu time, Dicta Sec'ys starling Sept. Creden- tialed. Benefits . P vt Exec Sec'ys school, Harbor area . Send resume to Box 669, ChalHJlncJ CarNr7 CostaMesa92627 Lookfora TECHHICAH-LAI Should be familiar with c-..1ftCJlncJ Oppom.Nty rubber testing, com-· bs pounding, molding, etc. Use temporary JO as Medical benefits, vaca· your shopping tool. We have long & short term tion, profit sharing. jobs a vailable In the Starting salary $360 /wk. o.c. Airport area. Week· Contact Don Davis , h 1 L'Garde, lnc. 645·4880. ly payc eeks, quarter Y bonus trips. Never a fee. Applanc.s 8 0 I 0 ••••••••••••••••••••••• WASHER&DRYER Xlnl cond. S2S-Oea. 644.0381 HARBOR AREA APPLIANCE SERVICE We buy used appliances ··we sell recond, guar. appliances. 549.3077 I IUY APf'UAHCIS Les 957·8133 Telephone Sales offi ce Call for appt. today : Dryer, gas, clean, worka needs experienced sales 557 n045 good, $75. 548-8513, help. Easily earn up to 'V • 5411-4485 $9 /hr. call497·4198. ,-n. L'n-u \• Ii -. Washer, clean. works Telephone .,.""'Nfl ... ~ good, $85. 548·8513, GREATSUMMIR n~rr .. ...,.. """'~ 548·4485 JOIS 3723 Birch Sh-fft •------- 5 Immediate openings M•w~·.ort.Eltoc', h Freezer, upright. clean-talklng onounelephone, works good. $100. deep voices preferred. I~~~~~~~~~ 548-8513, 548·4485 Mon-Fri, ~9pm. Come REFRIGERATOR by 1180 North Cout VETIRINARY 16.9 cu fl Frigidaire Hwy, Laguna Beach HOSPITAL w /lcemaker, $450. weekdays after 2pm. 1st Has positions in Irvine & 644·0381 come, lsthired. N.8 . permanent f /t In· --------- eluding wk:nds must like GE refrig, slde·by·side, TELEPHONE Surveyor bathing, brushing & 21"11 cu ft, avocado. 3 • Girl Friday. Earn up cleaning. Minimum a1e yrs. $400. 494-4881 to $7.50 per hr. Call: 18 yrs. Apply Mon·Thurs , • 675·6344 11·3. 1833 Avocado N.B. GE washer " dryer, 9 CN pt Cntr beh t n d mos old, white. warran- theatre) ty. $450 both. 49'-41181 ~a~Layout De•1gners w AllHOUSI 14 cu rt. uprt&bt cold1pot ,.SON freeter very ad cond. Experience ~referred. _195_._l46_.e_7_1A ____ _ Startln1 pay $4·'5/hr. Washer/Dryer 1ood cond Daya onl~. Mon·F'rl. $300, Relriaerator '200 Xlnt ben~(lu. Laauna 75EMMO Hoed Yadd SY81e•• la~., ••n.•etHt, ••uad:•.,, U. .. .._.,le.., la ..U· f•rU.e1 ... .... ••nf•ctere, reca-e .... .. _ ..... ,.,....Ilda, .... peek .... Prevlout txperltn« la 1par layout. yacbt ~ uid drafUnW" dealrablt. 1'bll fa • fUll·Umt year.round potlltoft wtth an eoudlnt rompany that ott .. \be rl,M iftdMd\ial• ••ctllent pay and btnetlU. ,, ........... Hilla. Call Bob: no.167S, 1-------- REFRIG, 19' Whirlpool WAmtOUSI _a. •lde·b1·116t. tro1ttre., Earn $50/d&Y. Call ~ *275.840..CJIMtey", 1LAMW0.1'85t ti.ctrtc ranie. 'Portabi. WA•IOUSI dl•l'lwather. Wuhe'r • Work local. Need lm· dryeram .. cb.NSMI mtdlattl}'. f'aCktl"t1 materlal bandlifn. Toa t71·9900 ._,. ____ . -• e c 0 $ ' . Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, M1y 31, 1981 ••• LEITRIKE Office ,.. .... & IOfflu , • ..._, & • Poww f040lto.h• Powt'f" t040 Motorcydn • ... ,... IOll ltilll~ IOIS ....................... ....................... Scoot.... tlSO Off1c. Pw•a• & Offlc• ,_ ... , & Mlacalr •-ING Mltcalr••-IOIO •••••••................. ....................... • .................... .. I d t IOll ..... ,..... 1015 ...................... , ....................... 1977 IAWASAKI •••• !.!•••••••••••••n• .. ;.1-;................. 1000 ln MINT condlllon ., ~of raceher BUZZ ELLS~RTH ' hH very LOw miles! PUBLIC AUCTI~ """ Opllont tncl• headen. A """ It Ntl'-9 llh z4• Jual rront diJc brakes, UNIVERSAL FtMAMCIM. ''Taiwan'' lul" Trawa.r ;ul)t'r bike bar. le mor.! Coll Mark at 6'5-2008 or lyOtodtr'Of~ PUBLIC AUCTION UMIVHSAL FtMAMCIM. Pehr'1L ..... 16400 '9clflc Coatt Hldlwar Wt. #21 t ...... ...,. ....... WelhF-.IWl6'CJ 660 Newport Cttthr Dr. Wt. #250 Newport IMclll Loads of extrai. Ulclude shlp to 11horl! & dl'l)lb rinder Lot.s or teak, sleeps 4, dual elecinc system Jn "Top Condition" shf is perfect fur bay cruising or Catalina weekends' Located in a beauMul sliv at Lido Anchora.ie. 631 7170 lf no answer, PLt:;ASt; kee~trylna. f"antasllc buy• '77 750 Hund11 , le:iS th11n 6K m1 l mmuc extras ONLY $14!15 Mw.1 see 673·4068 MONDAY JUNE ht, 1981 AT lPM Call Mary JGM Elslt. 675-0915 IHI llondu 750. Runs, nt•cd~ minor rcpu1r, Home sµ1uv µa1't11 alOO firm ti73 8133 day11, only bdorP51>m MOHD A Y JUNE I 1t, 1911 AT 6PM DESIRAILE IXECUTIVI FURNISHINGS INCLUDE: (5) Executive desks with matching Credensas. Executive and Secretarial Chairs, I BM Selectric II Typewriter, Santron Printing Calculators, Pitney Bowes Scales. Leather Sofa with Ma tching Loveseat. Beautiful Table Lamps. Side Chairs, Wa lnut File Cabinet, Paintings. Secretarial L- Shaped Desks. Coffee and End Tables. Office Supplies And Much More! Inspection will be 1 hour berore Sale (415) 820.2357 licycle1 8020 Fumltu,.. 8050 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• A NEW AGE OF TRANSPORTATION CALL FOR INFO & DEMO. 631-5661; 548-(117 fw1tttw. 1050 Garog• Salt 1055 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Dav enport -7 rL , 8 House & Patio plants 5 c ushions, beige, by gal Schefflera S5·Sl0 S loanes Sheppard Dracenu lcornstack > cast o r s . SI 15 cash . SS·SIO Ficus Benjamine 760-9147 $12. 948 lllh St. II B (al ley> Garage Sak 8055 H h Id Good 8065 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ou1e o 1 DHIRAILE EXECUTIVE FURNISHINGS INCLUDE: (5) Executive des ks with matching Cr.eti~nsas, Executive and Secretarial Chairs, IBM Selectric 11 Typewriter. Santron Printing Calculators, Pitney Bowes Scales. Leather Sofa with Matching Loveseat. Beautiful Table Lamps, Side Chairs, Walnut File Cabinet, Paintings, Secretarial L Shaped Desks, Coffee and End Tables. Office Supplies and Much More! Inspection will be I hour before i.ale 141 SJ 820.2357 F'r1 , Sat., Sun. Garal(e •••• ••• •••••••••••••••• Sale. Quality kitchen Wool blankelli, 2 down R di utensils, ladies clothes. quilts $10 ea King sz MiscallaMMt 8080 HIF,, s~ 8098 girls & sma ll kids custom, gold spread & ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• clothes, furn .. blinds, dust ru n e SlOO. 548 !1!192 University Athletic Cl uh shades, curtains, misc. J•w•lry 8070 Membersl1ipSSOO Schwinn Tandem 5 s1>d I IUY FURMITURIE 20091 Bayview. Sant a ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• 548-3289 ltl" <.:01.0H T V l'h1lco. $200. Alex. 552 m 1. ss 1 !137 t lnflatalMloat Model S 400 J\ von with 2!'> II P J uhns1m engine In excelll'11t l'\Ultllt ion! Cull Murk at 645 20:18 or 631 7170 Jr no answer. PL 1'.:AS I:: keep t ry1ng • 33' OWl-.NS BRIG S •f' w Newport Shp, new crusaders. tram, & pro p::. Radar, µ1h1t , hail tank, llalon hr~ :.}slem, $37. 500 t;44). 7246 •ZODIAC• PORT·A·MARIHE IHFLA T AILIE IOA TS 21125 College, Costa ~t e~a l714) S40-21n0 u;· l.apstakl'. 35 HI' 1-., mrude. trailer S6!iO 1'.147 5038 Mt 6PM 17' Jlum111um l'anoe with al'Cessone~ $350 9GO Jli87 7ti I ~1030 Jlj' South Cst Uay bout tl cyl ){rcy maruw. run~ l(ood, nct-'{)s resto1 allon Boat,, Sips/ Docks 9070 '7U llONl>A 750K, hkt.> • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • n t• w . I u w ni 1 I e s SLIP! Up to 111 ft un Bulhou lsliintJ Yearly lt•ui.t• $40 per month ('oil Ii?:! t13811 Side Tiei. for rent S8 SlO rt llurn ' l).IB-l·l l!I Sl!IOO 0B0968 52l0 'i!l Honda 110 ATC 3 wheeler. perrect Xtra's $1180 OHO Dan 675·9731 BM w. ns. 1!17fl, lOOOCC' l"ull l.ilring, l>harv $4200. 646 s:w.a SLl,S Motor Homn, Soa. I A vall. moftttt to mo R.nt /Ston1CJ9 f 160 Basis. Mox 30' o'lerall • • • ••• • ••••••••• ••• • ••• SIOperday. WE CAN SELL 675-7100 URRV YO •• 60'MOORIMG ~l~ lK ho.it. $1!1.!llHl firm 25· l'an• A1111w '78 Mw.t 1·a~h fi~H <12116 i.t'll (id l't11ld 96-' 5907. Newport Sip! 111 II r,..a5 crm l"u\t.'I c•I i.,;e wµmt i.11 p for pwr bl tu 3S' $ 00 111•r ti !)41! 555fi 531.; 3052 '73 Hoadhner, 20'. fully loaded " i.:en . nds some hod' w11rk $5000 ti31 4ii3U Boats, Speoed & lll'nl 23' Lux mtr home. Ski 9080 lully ~l'lf tont. $55/dy, •• •• •••••••••••• •• ••••• 500 fret! mi 548 0049 lG ' Ski Bocit. llC" Cit•l 1----------$275, Punch Moped, nds Les 957.11133 A~ Heights549·9743 PLAT 3 diamond wed· ---~- rpr $75, call 759·1195 an SAT/SUN, 9_4• furn., ding ring grade VVS2 Like New drapt's for Spm. W a In u l dresser t.oys , household wares, $l250appraisa1Sacririce sale linen 17'' + I' Ii' Panasomr T\'. I ) r old. S700 7 M li73 .Jz.12 r Nt.:W2J"Sentmel wtbookshel!. matching bike. etc. 10132 <.:ynthia $850759-1643 80"h1gh.675·~ remote control, SltiOO . , . l·ash i;4s.2456 II Y. l-lt\Lfo.H. t~·ix-Bnllsh Coal, uphol. hatll·r~. starter. t pt t30 llP Vulrn I 0 $2500 OHO ll t2115!JK RENTAL CONSIGNMENT 10speed $100 desk & chr Gd cond. Dr. (Nr. Bookhurst & In· 1 44 Ct RUB y A p Del Mar Turf Club 675-4174 675·7:J46 646 3895 ~i~~po~s2. Hf!. praised at $2900, will sell COLLE;CTORS ZENITll (.'hmmat'olor LI. 21 ·· sC'reen oak t·abml·t retail S!J()(I mu..,1 st•ll $.ISO 631 6233 ---------•I for $700. 640-11688 Colorful Scarf-Souvenir Schwinn Stingray b1kt!, 9 ft sofa for sale, needs GBardage Sfa~e-4d fham1hes. from "Opening .Day" $40, +bike parts.under some upholstering , e s.reng. IS es.etc Diamond nng, 223 els, July Jrd. 1937 /\ttrac SS. 644·5785 hardwood frame, gold Sat & Sun 15961 Carrie yellow gold Tiffany set ll\'ely framed. F'or den Rl'A 25' colo1 T\' AM FM phono. walnut console, nd., a little work SllO firm 751 306!1 Univega Gran Rall~ 12 suede cloth~-6 metal ~n. 1-1.~-ling, $6000 751 '!_293 I bar 646-4236 spd. Silver mist 21", bridge chairs. need re· GIANT gar sole l"urn. Machinery 80781 M cLAN1'.~IOWl-.H rl.dden twice $350, painting, SIS May be cars, games. clothes ••••••••••••••••••••••• .. 1 1 d Hi ree top. i;orK t·on . 642.60960r 645_7875 seen nights t1117 PM or lOyrs of treas urei. & AIR COMPRESSOR . 1100 orrer S45_1022 weekends Call 551·4435 trash. 536-9786. Portuble 220 & 4 hp, twn U~~~~~h':'.~;1~!'11~~. l•(•lr•v•in•e•J------·1 Goodies galore. Cash & cyl. 125PSI. like new Blaupunkt am fm tass ste reo. ~loch.•1 CH2000. 2 spkrs, i.l1ll m t•;.irtun. S185 !160·6.'J77 " Carry All Week long. S395. 645·9182 ~:~~~~w" Sl60 833-8309 Child's Fumishi-n-gs-:-bed 221 E 19th St Costa Misc:ellaMCMll 8080 ST AIMED GLASS Wmdows andSkylilei. Add Beauty Warmth to unit. bureau. lumv. etc.; Mesa. 642-1353. ••••••••••••••••••••••• home s F'ree ei.t 548·4491 Boats & MoriM Equipment luildilllg Materials 8025 outside cl.Imber dome. ••••••••••••••••••••••• T ball batting tee Redwood 2 by ti's, xlnl 497 2295 Clothes galore, all sizes. some designer. & misc 1234 Sand Key, CdM decking. 8 to 20· long New load ju.11t arnved Save a l 55' per ft 646·9885 anytime. Ccunen11& Equipment 8 0 30 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Nikon 35mm camera w 3 lenses incl. wide anr le & zoom + more, al for S350. 54().6472 Cab 8035 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Himalayan. rem ll/mo Beaut Seal Pl CFA, ex cept. for breeding. Must seU. 547.2375 DOCJI 8040 ...•................... K EESHONU Pups AK<.: Champ sire M F' Pet & s how P\t pl.} 213/697·1345 aft 6 pm --- dsk w1exec chr 51500: 2 Sat-Sun,9·5 gsl chrs S200 ea. file cab -------$400 Garage Sale, Sal./Sun Elegant modem din set. Wul tbl. 2 Ives. 6 off wht uphl chrs w/chrome legs. Lk new SS2·8530 D1n1ng room table /6 chairs Extend lo 82". F'ine qual, xlnl cond . 997 2233 HEYER USED: Bunk beds $200, dUlette $130, sofa & loveseat S315. sora bed sno. Qn bdrm $540. Mall box i.pnngs . twm S75. full $85, Qzn .125 MORIE !! 770-0001 9·4. Furniture & misc 13l8 Cambridge Ln, N B. Yard Sale Sun. only Twin beds, rocker. patio chair & chaise lounge. misc. items 7<MI W 20th St. Costa Mesa. GA RAG!!: SAL~ Sat Sunday 9AM-4PM 899 J oanne St. C.M Many itemscome~~ee! North to Alaska Not Just our trash, our treas ures too The y all go (714 )895-3304 Patio Furn. wicker chrs & sofa. Game tbl w /4 chrs. Lathe, misc 390 Santa Isabel, CM. GAM I:: SHOW PHIZI-;. S l LVl::R C I F'T CERTlfo'ICATfo,; worth $1000. WLll sell al $750 546·9215 Phone-Mate Telephone Answering M achine with warranty $79 With remote $149. 750-3791. All year Bubble Pool 1:-;ndosure. 30 x 55 Xlnt $750toffer 642·9666. Lo .. laloona llel1um Bouquets de Ii v e red P err cc I for every occw11on 673-4419 ......•................ Hoyal Dlllton & LLadro General 90 IO F'1gures. Hummel ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plates. very reasonahle. AVON LIFI'; HAFTS ~~·447~ _ 1.100 Cash 01i.count 5' Deli Produce Case, new W tDeliver 4!JIJ . .JK20 compressor $250, 6 11.P. Non.profit or~ nds your shredder $200646-6705 boat, plane, t·ar. etc IBM Elec Model 'D' Ion~ carnage, like new $.350, Antique Victorian W 1cker love seat $125 646·2041 Liberal tax deduttion ~dv!lnlal(e 213/651 2341 Two 15 · wooden do1} i. Xlnt cond SJOOeu 675·52Cll MINI REF'RIG Kayak, Tad. 4 2 metcr. 36'. high, walnut rm1sh. break down paddh· & perfect for bar or s){I encl s torage, $375 room. hke new, sacr. 673 1350 Everythilr Goes! 12751080· 49HH44 2 cyl . 12 hp Olympw Merger fof ces boat Atari video game w 5 diesel engine with II U manufacturer lo 11· cartridges & all paddles. Paragon trdnsm1~!>1on. quid ale Huge savings best over $100 645-5432 Walters R \' 20 \' dri' c. 2 on pneumatic h and blade prop , heat l'X tools. light machmery. Misc.tloMOUS changer. oil filter. under fiberglass, shop & office Wanted 8081 300 eng hn. Must i.cll equipment. furnitur e. ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2500or~l55215.'i0 ---------•142" White Dmelle table 4 yellow swivel cha1r.1 xlnt ('Ond $16-0960-9003 boat hardware. un WAMTED 2338 Minuteman Way, r1n1shed bay cruiser, l:Hu e short slee\'ed loats, Marine AAA HOME DOG TRAINING In your home-0bed1ence & problem solving 638-926.5 AKC Golden Retrvr pup· py. Male, 10 wks old. U25. 644-4-077 Rust sora & 2 matching chain $150. 5' Seascape 011 painting S75. 2 Tir- rany lamps $25 each. Of· fice desk & chair $75 Drafting chair $25 640-1968 Costa Mesa. I Monticello misc. item!>. Sat. MaL 30 security guard shirts Equipment 9030 Townhouses ). orr &Sun MnyJl Duffeld Size l5 tol5'2 medium. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vanguard. Appliances. C~aMc hts . 660 W 17 th, 15 1-1.P J ohnson '76. s.575 Washer, Rernge, sora. 646-9100 540·5400 loveseat, wood dining 6 rt redwood picnic table. Muilcal weekdays room set • d e I u x e Brand new. $75. 646·9885 Ins........., 808 3 '79 British Seagull idea I waterbed. plants. ever· anytime ••••••••••••••••••••••• for Avon $175 hur ry: ythiog. Co u c h s75 . Hond o VIOL1N(34) 673·2810an7,751·6789 Like new cond, S250 or -SUNDAYON.LYIH Acousticgu1t11rS65.Mat bestoHer.549·l040 Pair of 24 11.P clectrk Sll.HUSKYPUPS Din. set. frwtwood fin.. 603"'.!JasmtneAv. t1box springs. Sl5. Cull start Evenrude tong Beaut puppiC!I, mixed drop If, 6 chrs. good lo Corona del Mar (alley) 848 391~ 3~ violin/music stand. shaft outboards w /all w /Malamute. 3 wks. exc. $250.545-8951 Exit condition $100 controls & tanks Older looking for great homes -----Moving, must sell. 6' sofa REA RC AT Pol.ice Stan· 96-0-1060 a.fler 4pm. mode Is Look brand Mothe r Cully papered China Cabinet, maple. $75. Magnavox color TV ner good cond. best offer Check prices at pet $175 25" SlSO. Kitchen table & 631.5800 Office f..,.Jtun & new' 10 hrs fresh water stores. $75 831 ·8307 631·37\16. 6 chairs $100. 9 " Eqtll,._... 1085 use only. ~ for the Hurry! Craftsman table saw. Herculon curved green ••••••••••••••••••••••• pal! 645 0619, 645·9190 Dining rm set. s-o hd 12" Crartsmans band couch set. S80 Tifranys ADLER Electric 21C Ta acr1rice-MOl Marine Afghans, AKC. Crown. Birch. 6 chrs. 2 leaves, saw & belt & disc sander membership, S200. lh·f1 ble model. Excell. cond Diesel Shp, 1)5() Crest lines. must sell, burr et. good cond. S950 combo all for~ or will stand. S20 646·3388 Recent overhaul. $200 645-8746 SlOOeach MF' 557-1209 Solid maple antique sell separate. Sat & Sun 100 yds clean used shag Pis call.645-2842 hutch, $200. Birch kg sz 9 5 285 Broadway Costa WANT TO BUY BLACK LAB PUPS bkcase hdbd, S12S. 2 sngl ~t~sa. ' cpt green S2 yd. Twin 1 B M M o d e I ' C . ROWING DORY FourAKCReg Males hdbds $15 ea. Con-velour swl\el rockers TyperwriterS2SO 675.oJ49Keeptrying ____ 848-__ 0_168_ certone tape rcdr, orig Refrig, 2 dressers, bed. rust S75/ea. 675-2172 956-1827 E---toy-. 80 .. 5 ssoo. now S85. 76().0597 dryer. etc 6 l 2 B Chinook SM PU-Cam ..... ~ •.Jo• 8087 ob, Power 9040 rTWW vw , H a m 11 l on S l C M ""~ ,....... •• • • • • • •••••••• • • • •• • • ••··~····~··••••••••••• Soro, qn sa uide a bed, · Rickenbacker Bass Sell ••••••••••••••••••••••• Darling kittens. 6 weeks white naul(. Fine cond. 631-4613 -or trade. 548-<XJGJ Beau. French Lop Rabbit 24• ocean rishing boat. Oury w 12 II P Out board Like new smio 645 Otil!J, 645 !ll!iO 2!1 \'Illa \'el' t'ru1se1 Fl~ lmdl(l'. all inboard. hkc new, mu-.1 sell ( 2131592 285!1 ' II I I' I-, :o, \' \ '\ .I 3 S11tH tf1::.hl'r ~ho" demo t "'10 diesel S84 91111 l';Jll 213·5!12·28.">!l Boats, R~/ Charter 9050 ...•......•............ Vat· ht <.:RITt::RION 71' l'h:1ss1c \'awl ll<irborCotktail Cruis111~ l'atalma, Channl'I bit: Hawaii, Tah1t1 & Pal'iflt' I tome pon Nw1>t Bch (714) 631·5192 <213) 328·5627 l'owcr Boal Charter r1s h1n~ l'ru1sin){ Pat·1f1<· South l'oast l'hartt•rl> 548·06-H Transportation ..................•.... Cam~"· Sole/ Rent 9120 .....•.•............... 72VWCAMPER U\namllc We-.tr;d1.i p1iptop Frc::.h l•ng 11w \'1•n i.harp 1!1!17CI l' l $3995 JIMMARIHO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Ocach Blvd 842-2000 l!lli9 H\. 11111 ft l'Uffil)l'I' fol' I' l' t1 Ul'k Full\ t• I t' ~· & ' l' 11 t· o n I SIOOO h;,I Kii! lKl r1 ;tit <lpm JO'~ CamfM'I' 1-'uur Sl;u• w refr1){t>rat11r & !>love Port a potty /\II Butam•. qul•t·n :,11c heel It 1s 111 .iood cond1tmn & s leeµ;, Ii Sl500 ca ll bctwt•en IUam and 5pm 631 7657 *DALE'S RV• •'V our Late Mod•I Mini Wil Met $225/ Week for the Next 18 Weeks. •Dale's Hos Over $4.6 Milian In look· ings Mow •Iring In Your RV & W e'll Advance you ·*$500 Cash •Dale's Has Stood For Quality And Int•· grit.Y For Over I 0 Years C<ill ./TODAY loots. Sail 9060 'fill Font 3• T with lull raml)l•r lo m1 S2200 • •• • • • • • •••••• •• ••• • • • • 675·45GH *Dale's RV* '7!1 ~tonl){OIOl'I} 10· w sail~. motor, xlnt MotorbedBilces 9140 l'Ond ~t u.~t !.cll 1\skllli;? ••• •••• •••••••••••••••• Sl250. c;ill l'\l'S K32·!150t! ~IOP ED Ba\3\.U!. Ilea rt Rentals, Inc 15092 If Jn .1rd lr\'lne I l11b1l' l'al lra1Jc1. 1-1'. h kc ne"'. SZ700 l'OSt Sell SI ms t-,,es640-6681 attack demand!> ~ale M mt l'ond Blk } l'llu" Onl\ l!ll m1 $375. 760 !JIH t.lo)d 559-4446 \!>k For Mr LL'!sne1 w· Suilbual & ,\lo<H ini.: ·79 ~1olobc«anc M OI' 1-.U Trailers, Travel 9170 $20,000 OBO S100 ° •• 0 ••• •••••••••••••••• ijl!t 1498betoreJP~1 559-4769 'i7 /\ir.,tream Ar~os~ 24 ,\ (.' lulh self rnntained 91 SO Xlnl rnnd S5900 '75 CATALINA Sailboat. w bocit slip on Balhoa Island Fully equipped, 111 boa rd g;.i~ eng. SJl ,000 ti75·4456 Wrndrose 24. beautiful blue hull. lots of teak, w/truiler, 0 .8 , many extras. $.5!IOO, 548-1036 ------- HOB! 1-; 18' Ill colors. red· /drk blue. $3500 best of· fer $2950 w/l mo. moor- ing r~n~ 55_!·~- 25' Santana 525. Full~ race equipped. 8 sails. 0 1B, VllF', Npt Bch 'ilip. 213 438 5276 Sthotk Sabot. racing equipped. xlnt contJ. $350 673-0653, 675 146!1 -- MOORING to 50' Peninsula mooring with 26. fiberglass sailboat $15,000 646-1000 Motorcyc!H/ Scooten ........•.............. '74 550 GT Suzuki llCl'clS m111or repair $450 0110 Before !pm, aft ti 642 8325 Motorcycle hclml'l. I wk old S1mjl6on. mcllt· GI. size7·'• S125 759 !KOi. tm 7222 Must Sl!ll 71! Su111k1 5-18 m11.; l'J\HK Mod l'I '76 T1 avclcze cstm. xlnl to111l Tustm Park N1 !th PP"1 New 6' x II' s torage ~hed 55!1·5858. 1132-!145i ;\l in1 tn11ler t'Ompatt ('d i K1tt·h. awning, port· n poll.> Sl500, 5411-2497 GSolOO, w xtra t•n){ & '72 Ideal Trlr 22', a c, s µa fl' µa rh Su 1uk1 ~1H11l cond $3400 SK50 OUO \l'>O '79 002-0583 l.SlOOOL $2200 0110 .7 , (' Id "" I 23• 631 0.16711 llAM ti •O en .-a co~ . :.lpc; fl. awmng. fo. Z hfl, 'KO Su1uk1 GS 6.000rn1. 6 i.pd. i.:eur 1nd1cator, $1500 586-8154 5501', "<trus S40.8632aft 4 ~~~11t~I Trallen, Utilty 9180 j{ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·i;1 II 0 Panhead. good µamt. xlnt enl! & truns. belt dr1\'e, Ioli. or Encl trlr 4· X 1· very dean, $275/0BO !)6().5398 c·hroml• 641 0637 Auto Se"lc., Porh old, to good home. Have SlSO, 536·L275 Couch $75, love seat $25, Alexander Doi'-. mm' t. in w /cage lo good hom e S25 w /rtybrdg. Must sell ist s hots. ~8561 -----d i s h w a 5 he r s 5 o , .., or best orfer. 646-0367 Less lhan 150 hrs Call Lido 14 w trailer & ex· -------a· White sofa. xlnt cond. Washer/dryer, needs box. 4 C&Rdolls, dlscon-846·6745 or see al 36!12 tras, $1300. Ask for • BM w 500c 'I A"'SI'. & Acce11ories 9400 68 '(' c ' .;.,._ \. .••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl40010r trade 1or V W SS,..VIESAVES 631-4794 "' Beau long halretl kittens Looks new. Was $900. some work, misc Items tinued. 536-l.587 __ Burmese Python $150/bsl Montego Dr, HB David. 645-8765eves. 1 "dh o rr . Red tall Boa --------o., ome will sell for S350, New 673-7476 F'or Sale : Oak d ivider. S"'' RAY S d 9040 loot P 9040 646-roln be ood d t d d $100/bst. About lt,A, yrs. 260 r.A un ancer lo~ Po...-s, o...-aut w an ea e F Pl met a I s h e I v l n g. II '79 I h l WITH USED PARTS Imported car parts Free kltteM, 2 whites, 1 grey. Male It female 12 wk$. 545-8735 Urn Art a nts etc ........ -• w /s p, o rs. nu o •••• •••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••• •••• glass, sora back or entry • • • · fireplace, butcher block. Vo«.""""'" t I table. 60ltl.6", was $475, Sat /Sun lOam·? 19802 pilot . alcoho e ec stove, now $250, RCA 17" port West Winds Ln ti. 8 . counter lop. 494.3337 Pianos & ()rps 8090 re frig, dock side pwr & cir TV & stand $175, 968-6187 H o T In I · 8' ••••••••••••••••••••••• charger , falhometer flsh · · ra ayout 5 x WURLITZER, spinette finder. ape I co radio Adorable kittens Lotus hanging light fix-LOTSAJUNK complete and ready lo model 4410. two 44·note telephone. radio dlrec· 7weeksold ture.833·1737 &goodthings,too! demonstrat e . l n c l. keyboards, 13 pedal lion finder, full canvas, FREE846-2659 M e n f , I n e s • t w 1 n notes, auto tone control, ----------•New cotton Sora & love 822SantlogoRll,C. . transfo rme r . bldgs. earphonejack.solld mo· 641·825lor964·3518 P'REE Cat beaut allver seat Earth t.ooes. ! ! ! 1.st 1 d ...,.,...,.0-~a· ..... _7_1 Garage Sale, 3 antique an scape, etc, must pie w /matching bench. 26' NOVA '75 twin 188's, Tllbby, l yr. neutered ....,.,.,.. ,,_ • ,,_ .,., seats. S45/ea. Couch. se.. $400 cash or S450 de Vil F . stereo, depth _m_a_le_. _89_S_·:BOZ _____ All wood '1 pc kine bdrm S75. King bedspread, 5'9-1484 livered. MM84S finder, out rtggen1, li ve rree M ale Golden set, antique tM!lge, $500. $10. St.ereoconsole.1150. 6• REDWOOD Picnic Ta· Wa lnu t Burl gr and, bait tank. etc. lmmac. Retrelver. Greatfamlly 6'2·1034, 1"'5-5432 Match Ing r eco rd ble w /benches brand G/con. CUJ80, Germany con d . $18,500 JOB 0 doa. )St.cec» cabiJlet, SlSO. 1ox12 aold new • S3900 0 0 pp 851-lSBl or760-8119 --"--------7' Ruat couch ft loveseat, rui . $25. Pots, pans, .......... -· B . . 957·0907; ,_,,,.,., 1050 xlnt cond .. lmmed. sale. m isc. 317 Nassau Rd, ..... ..._.__, 962·00t9 Glastron V216, ever- ...................... , Call5$1-412S C.fll. 545·2250. Sturdy lumber rack W/4 S.o.......... 1094 ywtahllkoagrofuonrdr.lschalnbfn·'.ul21 SOfAI . 1 ,..0 tool box attachment. •i••••••••••••••••••••• 9 ft. Cl'fffftl lhape anti Mllc•l•n• ••• •11111• -Sl75645·S74t5PM-10PM oa...acMTY ?.~·lwraller '12·500 que sold velvet. Ell· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• COLLICTOltAMA ,,_. ...,.. cellent condli1on ! & I I Aprl14th,5tb9-5pm. 119$.0Q. Alto. two dark Buv . StU . Trade ~~~r..:. ~l'~:w':ln~ 'f''t1Cia. Featurtnsweapooaorau each. Call mo 971-1352. eru. Sw~, coins. war IO UVtDlra, India n **I BUY•* Good l.IMd Fl.nlt11te la AppU1"'9--0R r "m H U°" laL for You MAl'lllS AUCTION 646 1616, UM6JI l' HH:llfa-• .JntMit. Uke ... ,-... ,Alea .......... NVELOPES AND LEtTERHEAD a ruracu. anli(luet " lhoutanda of c:oU.cUble ltems too numeroua lo m ention. OC Fair· 1rouad11. CM. •nt.r 1ate , &A, off ArilnttonSt. "~n.... 1091 ••••••••••••••••••••••• M1Utlhtl Color TV 2 yr •raty. Ffff del1very 1141.W.llll. 45 Witt ~ lltNO l'tttlVU • a•pllfltr, 1tatchln1 JI" PhaHllntar speaker1 ! Almoet new BIO ciullt)' 1ouad. f'H. Alu, •·•1.•1•11 260Se1ray Sundancer With slip. '19, to hrs, auto pilot: •.lcohol/elec. 1lv, rtlr, CJOC.Ulde Po•er le charier, Falhomt1'r flab finder, Apelco Hdlo tele, radio dlr. llnder. hall canvts. &U..a251 '71 18' Glast.ron Tri-Hull, '70hp OB Johnaoa w /traller. Xtra flnt cond, woo. 1157 -0211 eves/wkendl. WAMT9 11• Boston Whaler •SCll. P.175-B IMPORT AUTOSUPPLY 101 N Manchester Anaheim 776-9900 New P1rellls 5.50.13 $40 Dual Zenith manifold and linkage. SlOO 645·4796 'S9CH!!;VY PU less bed, S300 96().3687 827~170 DATSUNPU&510 Partlnaout 1968·13 ~1587 4 Porsche Alloys w. new tires. must sell. $800 080 645-5374, 642·6189 Small P.U. Shell wllh 11pkn , door & PoP·Off back $100/090 548-0194 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IM PORTANT NOI1CETO READERS AND ADVJl:RTIS f."RS The price o f Item s adverd•ed by vehicle d••lera In the vebJcle cla111fled advertblnl col11cnn1 don not Ml· ctud• any applleabl• ta-.ll ...... t.r ....... ~~!9" ,..,.,... ~=== °'=:=:=~ r::-.... IJllalN b ...... ~. H w Vw fl70 A.lot W..-4 tHO Autot, l.,orled AMfo1, hnporled 9120 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. May 31, 1981 Bil •••••••••• •• •••• ••••• •• '73 DOOC.t:; Trad man rRITTIIST 200 camper $peclal ! •5 7 T .. IRD many ttxtrlli, p ~. p /b, IM TOWMl =~~$ S25oor firm 646·5900 IESTOFFERt <OOSUKZ> THEODORE ROBINS FORD ~')(>II ltAllllOA Ill II Cl (O'>IA Mt'>A 04'1 0010 ·29 Model A Town Sfodan, 4 dr. restored Ideal for •ludent . $10,SOO. ALSO '46 Ford Woodie, restored. $13,500. '71 GMC Van 11T new ene /trans, eamper Lop, 6 cyl $1800 673·2367 or 642 5330 CHEVY '72 1 Ton, Cr1.111n11r 350, loaded, sips 4, towing, cyc.-Je ruck . all 1·ecord.'I $2000 499·4841 '68<.:hc\')' van350V-8, FM tape. TV, plush int., $1275 /080 84().7614 '64 T '78 B 200 Dodge Van. ·llrd Many xtras. Must see to Orielnal owner. 88,500 appreciate. $79!15 or best ml. l mmac $3,200 (7141 otrer. 848.3865 551·6681 Evestwkends. '64 Cadillac Convertible Xlnt cond. Navy New while top Beautiful. 673·2181, 631·0133 '71 Dodge vun, facl. bub· ble top camper, xlnt cood, new eng. 13500 498 8808 Top Dollar Paid 1''or Your Car! JOHMSOH & SOH Llftc~ 2626 Harbor Blvd': Costa .Mesa 540.5630 WePoy OVER .... look For Your Good vw, Ponsche or Audi . . . ' . ~ ~. \ VW·PORSCHE·AUOI 445 E:. Coast H1way at Bayside Drive NewPorl Beach 673·0900 Premium prices paid for any used-Ltr (foreign or domestic> 1n good condition. See Us First! IMW 9712 Dot... '720 Allto1, l•pcwted Auto• l•porled • Auto I•__._. A11to l -1-d •••• • • • • • • •• •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • •• r-· .,__ •• .,.. . . ........................................................................................... . 76 IMW 2002 '!10 210 Hatchback. 5 spd, Mere.des letll 9740 MG 9742 Porsche 9750 Tri.-ph '7'7 ls~ed Verydeanlocil xlnt cond $4,700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• ... '!• c11r <123RKL> 645-1718 1979 MG MIDGET • * ·73 1114 Xlilt body, SAVE $5845 ~ apeed trans . AM F'M me c h Muny xtrab JIM MARIHO 240Z '71 ong own, only stereo cassetlt & ONLY ~.095 497 ~ VOLKSWAGIEH 77K mi, 4spd, a le , u1.ooom1lec!ll06ZBC> 'l97S9142llter.mustsell, $2500 18711 Beach Blvd. headers, many xtras. OMLY $4395 good cond1tton p M. 142-2000 mu.st see' $4200842·2062 MIRACLE MA2DA e\es 499 ~ The Most bcitiftcJ rerlOfYow IMW PW'Chose Or LeaHCollidle McLaren IMWI! luy Or L..aH ly Ow PhoM Pion! 1714) 522-5333 ORAM GE COUNTY'S OLDEST & Ferrari 9723 21so l larbor Blvd OM BRA.MD MfW ••••••••••••••••••••••• Al'THORIZEO c~r:5~~~A ·~~1!~!·. :.~·S:fJ, ~~~~~ 19101'17 '73 246GT COU PF;, MERCEDES BENZ 835-4333 1·30to7PM COHVERTllLIS Silver/Blkint..26K ml, DEALER MGI 9744 1$1500 discount & $1000 833·8()()5, 76().0527 ,831·1740 49~ l700 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 924 Porsche. Take factory rebate I Ttns Flat 9725 '77 1\IGR,oritc.owner O\Cr lse pymt:... O On. ;~~k thruSunday, May ••••••••••••••••••••••• •72 25oc perr. cond. 21.000ml l:all Gar~ at 676·5736 9 to 1975 FIAT XI ~ ~ooo 642·5334 5, 676·2912 al\ G1>m • 2 dr. sport coupe. Im r_~-.. -~~ ... 4 speed trans .. A 1/FM mac ulate. $8200 Tom '76 MG B, orig adult RoHs Royce 9756 ~ s tereo tape, mags & like 675-9797, 67J.6210 owner. 39000 mi. White, ••••••••••••••••••••••• NEW! <186NLY>. always gur must see #l DEALER IN U.S.A. •"!"'*~ OMLY $3995 "72 Mercedes250Sdn, wht $4,000 552.K087 l'.:v & MIR.ACLEMAZDA w/beige int. uutu, AC. Wkends AM /P'M , xlnt l'Ond 21~~~~~~d. $7000. 646·7093 d y~ 645-5700 964· 1836 evei, Peu9eot 9748 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ROY " CARVER ROU S·ROYCC U40J•m-H 2925 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 9 79-2500 \..__ __ _, =' Bmll '78 TR 7 --------Autos Wanted ••••••••••••••••••••••• . . ' SOUTH CO AST Sa les·Serv1ce·Leasing Roy Carver.Inc. '75 Fl.AT $1000 494.5890 78 300D, Icon gold, 1mmac,sunrl, PP 400..\344 LEASE DIRECT! --,-10-s-10-5-V-N-OA_Y_s _ _./.J T1 iumph, brown, in ex· cellent condition f.3800. 1961 S1h er Cloud. wh1tl'. Call I 684·9543 HUDSON '53CLASSIC BESTOFio'ER 645·1906ANYTIM~ '52 MG 'TO' replica \'W powered, new . red w /wht lop. Lan mt, $8500 1·492·5019 '59 PORSCHJ:; 356 'A' Cpe, must sell totally restored, show car black lacquer paint 17 14 ) 594·8258 wkdays aft flPM & weekends Recreational Vehicles 9530 •.....•..............•. '76 GM C t::lega01.a 26' motor home Loaded, lo mi . Pure Luxur) $28,500. PP 770-7730 -----4 Wh.elDrives 9550 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1979 SUBARU 4X4WAGOH 4 speed trans & roof rack (660\\'YM I ONLY $3995 MIRACLE MAZDA 2150 Harbor Bh·d COSTA ~H.:SA 645-5700 '74 BLAZt.:R -IX 4. xlnt cond w mun' extras. hard s oft t1;p S3600 631·0317 rrvcks 9560 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Special PurchaH!! LowMilea«je! 1980 4 spd. and 5 spd. Datst.11 Pick Up's Tremendous Savings!!! Make down and monthly pay~nts BARWICK DATSUN \a" Jue" C <>;>••tr C11>0 831 -3311 •CHEV. HU '81 I TON STAKE l2 ft. model with hrtgate. d uals, air cond . n D spnngs, pwr steering, aux. tank & more! Wor khorse complete! (396l ), I OHLY $12.498 HOW ARD Chevrolet Dove/Quail Sts . NE.:WPORTBEACll 833-0555 ---- '79 FORD F350. 400 cum. a uto, 28K mi, p is, tilt, cruise, am/fm stereo. CB. 4 X 4, $7800. 545 2250 '76 Datsun Pickup King Cab. 36,000 m1. AM FM cass. Xlnt cond 5it50. 642·2280 '77 Datsun pickup, kmi: cab. shell. rm radio. nl.'\\ tires. 36.000 m1. S3300 546·3375 '73 DATSUN P U 1 owner. runs good. $1495 645-7578 USE THE DAILY PILOT 11FAST RESULT11 SERVICI DIRECTORY For Result Service Call 642-5678 ht. J22 Wt.: PAY TOP DOLLAR for t op used c ars· lort'1gn domestics or dai.s1cs If ~our car is e:i.trJ clean . see us FIRST' #I I" Or~ C-'Y 2925 llarbor Bh d COSTA MESA 979-2500 WANTED!! Clean Imports Top Dollar Paid!! Call Jim Ho9an or Mike Lake Crevier Motors 835-3171 We'll Buy Or Sell Your Clean lmpori On Consiqnment! 1' Call Our Used Car Manager TODAY111 831-2040 495-4949 Soddlebac~ BMW Mission Viejo WE BUY CLEAN CARS AND TRUCKS COHHRL CHEVROLET ~ lt.1rl••r Ill' d I c I!" I \ \1 ~.~ \ 546-1200 HIGH BUYER Top dollars fo r Sµorts Ca rs. Bugs. Campers. 91-t ·:..A ud1 ·s i\s kforU C MGR JIM MARINO VOLKSW.AGEH 18711 Beach Blvd. HUNTINGTON BEACH 842-2000 TOP DOLLAR PAID FOR GOOD&CLEAN USED CARS! miracle mazda 2150H.,._ll•cl Cotht M.M 645-5700 WEHEEO YOUR EXOTIC & BRITISH CARS 3100 W. Coast Hw) Newport Beach 642-941li WANTED! Late model Toyotas and \'olvo s C all u s TODAY!!! , .. ,~•·& c: .......... rt.. 64'·9HJ., ue.uu 1 Dodge1 :!888 llarbor Rhd l o~t a .\h·sa !H() 0330 We buy CARS & TRUCKS TOP SSSSSS 559-5790 Rolls 'l\oyce BMW 1540Jamboree NewPort Beach 640.644.a '68 1600, good body IO ter1or. good mech needs httle minor work $2200 494· 1475 Capri 9715 .•..•••..........•..... '72 Cupn \'6 AM FM stereo $1000 759-11001 Autos, lmport.d Colt 9717 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Alfa Romeo 9705 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LEASE DIRECT! 1981 ALFA SPIDERS BEACH IMPORTS 8-18 Dove Street 1978DODGE COLT2DOOR Would you believe only 30.102 miles on this car? Like Nl:.:W! <919UJX>. !St k . 13271 Th is weekend ONLY $2799 NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove St rl.'et NEW PORT DATSUN 833-1300 ------- Honda 9727 ·77 300D, 1mmac rnnd ••••••••••••••••••••••• thruout, l\'Ory w pan•h VISIT YOUR ment mt . :JOMPG. PI' ORANGE COAST s13•500 !151 !1530 HONDA HEAD9UARTERS TODAY!!! UNIVERSITY SALt.:S &SERVICE OLDSMOllLE HONDA GMCTRUCKS 2850 Harbor Blvd. '77 3000. 1mmae rnnd thruout. l\Or) w pa1 t h ment int . 30~1 pc;. P P 95 l ·9530 SlJ.500 '72 250C. fl8K ml. >.l11t l.'Ond S7!100. 5SIJ 5542 '76 450 Sl.l ', <lark ml'talhc blue Alloys, full ~l'l'\'it'l' records S20,500 ti45 2:.175 675·8631! COSTA MESA 54~9640 '73 2KOC hcuut <·ontl. '79 Accord, 4 dr. auto, loaded, mu:;t :.ell am/tm, extra moldings: $7500/0BO like new. 760-0358 pp 752 2·t<>1 Accord,irnmac '59 Mt.>fl'l•des JOO S L 835_4410 73~0914 Rdstr wh1 .rd1nt xlnt _ _ _ cond. s.15.000!>-lK 6611 Karmann Ghia 9734 71 ~113 2!1a-\1'. m·w eng. I••••••••••••••••••••••• prof maant a1n fn1 . 198 I PEUGEOT TURBOs BEACH IMPORTS K.tK Dove Street NEWPORTBEACll 752-0900 74 PEUGEOT DIESB.! 50-I sunroof beauty All ~er\ l l't' rt'l'o rd ~ !0591.1-'f") $3995 JIMMARIHO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd . 842-2000 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 197 6 PORSCHE 914 COUPE good cond S21.500 Volkawacpn -9770 Owner 6-10 499!! •• ••• •• ••••••••. • •• •••• Saab 9760 ·75 VW BUS Blue White. ••••••••••••••••••••••• lo miles, qual tires. runs LEASE DIRECT! .1981 SAAB TURBOs BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove St reel N f~W POHT 13 E:Al'll 752-0900 perfect' 53800494 9572 '7ti VW BUG Only 41,000 m1. xlnt cond. orlg owner. must see $3800, 556 7974 'ill Convert. xlnt cond. M tl·h rad. dyno sound s) :.. Red·blk. Must sell. Sal· $7700 rirm. 497 ·5224 '68 VWBUCJ Xlnt rood 675·4529 ~9 SAAB 69 VW Bug, rblt eng. ~Int Dy namite GLE s unroof tond. $1.750. OBO. Must loaded with xi r:is Lo sell. 855-11462 miles Sharp 011.:m ul 19H7YS.\I l $6995 JIMMARIHO VOLKSWAGEN l!li 11 lkoH·h fih d '74 \'W 4112 Wgn. I owner, s1h er hlue, lo m1, Jm fm s tere o. S2500 U BO 545·8407 N 1'.:W PORT BEAl'll 752-0900 1'66 Ghia. ext. & int like auto . $750o OBO Datsun 9720 new Good running eng 1714 15-10 n .i3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Almost new r adials 5 s peed trans . A:\1 FM s tereo K track. mags. a s tron~ runner. one u wn e r & s p or ly ' tl24POR I Offer good thru 6 1 81 Toyota 842-2000 '!10 RAUBIT C:onvt better than new! Mars red, 9765 loaded' Sacr $9500 642·1004 '78 Al(a Sµ1der 20K m1. mint cond. ong owner $7500. 546-23.52 ·72 Spyder. ne" P1r<'lh ·i.. rbll eng, S.S200 OBO 6-12--1710. 646· 1715 9707 ....................... Audi 100 $500 673-1732 '72 Audi I 00 ssoo 673·1732 '79 5000S, silver grey w ' blue, like new, 11,000 mi, loaded . P IP. For quick sale. only $8990 714·548·8162 '74 Audi 100 LS. new cnl! • snrf. air Sl950 -19-t·4816 BMW ......................• For The Best Buy Or Lease Oeal In Orange County Come See Us Today 1 $ SADDLEBACK BMW 28402 Marguerite Pkw~· Mission Viejo Avery Pkwy. exit torr 5 Freeway) 831 -2040 495-4949 Closed Sundays CREVIER Q I Sl A llOAOWAY SAHfA AHA 835·3171 THl UlTIMAT( OJllYIHG MACKIN( •USEDBMWs• '76 2002 4spd (0003 > '79320i S R (5894 > '79 528i S R 11076 l '81 3201A (0115) Closed Sundays 1972 BMW Bavaria. xlnt cond. 4 spd. air. S3400 or besl offer 536·4822. 1978 DATSUN 280ZCOUPE 5 i.peed Irani. . air cond . AM t FM cassette & a 1 ow ner l ocal c ar (766WPll (Stk 14951 This weekend ONLY $7490 NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Do\'e Street N 1:.:W PORT B E:ACll 833-1300 78DATSUH 8210GX Very s hurp. Sunroof. <K32LG.M ) $3995 JIMMARIHO VOLKSWAGEM 18711 lkaeh Bl\'d 842-2000 78 DATSUN 2801 Dynamite gold coupe of speed Top t•o nd1t1on t839UDD> $6995 JIMMARIHO VOLkSWAGEH 18711 Beach Blvd 842-2000 1976DATSUH 12102 DOOR Coupe A local car with lo w , low mile s . (036PUVJ <Stk. 15001 This weekend ONLY $2945 NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street N l::WPORT BJ-.ACll 833-1300 1981 D.ATSUM 280ZXCOUPE 5 speed trans , AM /FM cassette. air cond .. custom paint & lots or extras! (253214). !Stk. '76 2002 lo mi. snrf. 1498 ). This weekend on am 1rm, phone ly, call ror 64<>-18l2 SPECIAL PRICE! ·-------'72 2002 4spd. ate. amtrm MEWPORTDATSUH cass, radials, xlnt thru· 888 Dove Street out $4ZOOG73-2750 NEWPORT BEACH 833-1300 '77 BMW 320 I, immac , cond .. Blk on blk. $8.000 78 8 210 Hatchback, 5spd, 0 80. S52·al83 a m /fn;l stereo cass. lo · ml, good MPG, 497·3865 SllOUR 'l•PAGEAD OM THE FOUR ~IALB IMPOllT P.AGllH TOOAY"S rArEll MIWrOIT 0.ATSUM 188 Dove Street N EWPORT BEACH UJ.UOO '78 PU w/camper •hell ll800 492·3&.'!I al\ 6PM Pri ce negot ia bl e '79 450SL Mapll' Yellow, hkl' ne\\. t<lll J lte1 61'.\I 9737 644 6173 962·564!1 Lotus ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'Kl 300SD Turbo 01esel 69 LOTUS M 1 d n 1 J.: ht BI u e. 1-.uropa coupe._ Near Palomino lth1 , s ort mint All sen1ce re· Brand llt'W S36,000 tords 12KG2461 759 1550 Pl' $5995 JIMMARIHO VOLKSWAGEN l8711 Beach Blvd. 842-2000 Maada 9738 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 RX-7, limited ed1t1on. Loaded. Sunroof 673-4743. 9740 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '62 190. new radia ls. brakes, etc. Xlnt cond SJ800. 6-10-7051 '70 280S. -IK on rblt eng . new s hocks tires. Kint cond. $5950963-6583 '68 MB 250SL Rdstr .ispd, a c. rblt eng. clean. ong IOI, Sl4K 12131427· 1590 MBZ '67 230 SL. ~u~t sell! ~uoo l).U 158'1 '78 M BZ 15U'iL. yellow. 1mm11c c·oml, s ki ruckl>. etc 51,000 mi. Pvt owner movinA f:ast S23.1150. C.:all 646 449-1. '79 3000 4 door. na'~ with blue 111· termr 36,000 mi $18,500 848 928-t MG 9742 .................•..... MUST SELL! 1969 classic 6 C)I MG C: (''CE!-:' J G T 2 +2 Coupe Only built for a limited time' ONLY $2995! Call 857 0901 or t95·0507 Alltos.H•w 9100 Avto1, M•w HOW ONLY $7477 TIMMONS VOLKSWAGEN 3!140Cherr) AH• LONG BEi\Cll IOPENSUNDAYSI (7141821-1301 75PORSCHE D)nam1te 5 s peed coupe with air Xtra s harp Heel Black <BSSNCJ l $6295 JIMMARIHO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Rivel 842-2000 '76 911 s 5 ~pd, A'l'. sterl.'o, al loys. Clifford a larm Perfect rnnd. 645·651Xl PORSCH 1-: '69 !:IL2. rblt COjt, am fm. alloys. S8600951·2700 ....................... ------- ·;9 l'eh ta GT l.1ftback '68 BaJa. xlnt' Too much Blk, r lean. loaded' to print Must sell fast ' SiH95 1131 7b3-I. i59 2465 $2195. -195 1193 ·77 SRS hrtbat•k a l', 5spd, ·;1 \'W SUNBUG. New R & II luggage rack eng, tires . paint SJ495 K51 1853 l'hl.'rry' Call 67J,.3603 'MU Cehl'a. 5 ~pd. am fm '79 Habbll Diesel S spd, ste reo, 22.000 m1. xlnt 1\t', AM FM rudio Only c·1md. S5500 &12 540!! 6500 n11 . orig owner. '73 Toyota Corona Crown Murk 2 Wugon uuto. un dcr 56,000 m1 PS. AC. RH. $1950, 494 2003 $6600. l0 all btwn 8·5. 645 1515 ·11 \'W Bug 61000 Miles On~1nal owner. Looks & ·79 Supra, Lk nu, 101.ided. runs nc~ Call 963·4881 LO mi. AC. am rm tape (eves). for ~PPointment t·ru1se. & rnurl' S795o. lo see and drive $2500. 831 9654 '66 VW Sundial Camper, '72 COROLLA. $500 net>d s work. $1350080. or be~I Come drl\e 646-~-_ ":'olell a Belle" 751 1453 ·111 Scirot·ro s E.:<Jillon, 4 Triumph 9767 ~pd . a c. xlnt cond. ••••• •••••••••••••••••• S.S900 080 644·1033 '80 Por:.l'he !124 Turbo. '80TR7 COO\ 6500m1. all '69 VW Bug rebuilt, Loaded. xlnt cond , extrus Spel' p;11nt. run Am F~l cassette Gd $19.500. Bob 1 625·1511 or rar. Sii50. i59 1336 t•ond S2200 4975277 213 918 IOO'i - ----·75 SPITFIH E ·73 Bug. xlnt cond 4 spd, Ha,•e somethmg to sell" Clas~1fted ads do it well. -------- Rebuilt e ngtne. n1re AM FM cassette. S2700. cond S2200 833-(}120 494 1475 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 ••..•..•................•.........••.•.......•....•...••............. .•••...••••.........•.• ..•...........•...•••.• YOU MAY BE PAYING · TOO MUC H! AUllNTOYOJA Ml.a10't0TA 'AIADINA TOYOfA OOWNIY TOYOTA U*IO TOTOf A YOltC TOYOfA Wl TOYOfA lotmTOYOfA uw--.ftmna NOUYWOOe '°""A ....... '°"". 1•11101m IOTOrA .-wnora ., .... '°'°'. ....... ftnOIA """""" 10TOIA CHECK YOUR CLOSEST DEALER LISJED HERE. GO THEIR PRICE IN WRITING. THIN COME SEE THE VOLUME DISCOUNT TOYOTA DEALER AlHAMIU TOYOTA CAM TOYOTA MAllNA '°"°'' MtOMUNO N TOYOTA TOYOTA CINTUl rtnWAY TOYOTA IUllMlTOYOTA WllT YALLIY TOYOTA CMION TOYOTA ...-TOYCnA .. ctnTO\'OfA N. NOUYWDOe TOYOfA NOIWAUl TOYOfA W. CCMNA MOTA Wiima TOYOfA mftfOTOrA I , ,_ . - • Cout OAllY PILOT/Sunday, May 31 , 1981 A.tot, UIH t Alllet, UIH ....._, UMd Alllet, UMd A.tot. UMd ••......••..........•.•..••.••••..........•... ·•••····••·······••···• ............•.....•.... ············-'········· ~'flip1rtld ...... l .. 1rtN .............. ......UMd C.-.C tf15CecMloc HllC...,.. ttl7Co".... HU Mutt°"' '912 ............................................................................................................................................................................................................... ......... t710 ........ '770 V•e t71Z•1•...a ttOI COHTIMPLATINa •nc.-..s... '70 Camaro &!rlineua, '68 T0Top 4273llO hp, 4 '7ZMAClll ·-•••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• CAN.UC? Dtvllle, A 1 condition, mint cond, loaded , apd,lowner.SS8',)0 Bl'IUtll'Ully R tored ·• VW, ft)ft'IJM, reatof'N, '60-'6$ VW i.tt &: ri&bt #I YOl.VODIALB lllADUY•TH We s~cialite ln leasca rully equlp $1900 black.~.5.'59-5828 673-3113$ S3000t080 962-6824 Porach• llOI Ir paint door. '73 left duor l.10 IN ORANGl::COUN'rY I 'II(), 1how car 'If/many for the btmneu ell. 846-1629 '67 c n tverythlna n w. Mint each Wsttm atyle whl -extras 7,000ml MutlHll ecutJvt&profess1on11I --amaro, xer upper CoUCJClr 9933 '70 Muslan& T·lop convl. cond Stoe to 1ppreoc. rim• ror su~r Bfftle SA.LiS.SllYICI below factory cosl. LoNps.ltcHoft C 9917 $425/offtr 842-7222. 9.5, ••••••••••••••••••••••• thla car has It all! Nl·._.l $20ea.~9'14' AMDl.IASING Owner 4971412 OfM.w l9ll •• ~=••••••••••••••• aaldorWall '68COUGAR Am/Fm 1tereo tal)e, -------OVl::RStASOf;UVf;RV •uc ttOS 1971 CHIVIOUT lowner,&oodcond a /c, p/1, p/b, lo ml. 7, YW SCllOCCO Diamond aUver bttaut)' 4 speed, air, sterf'o Superclean (1ll8XVVI """' Coc91aca CIM•rolet 9920 suoo 6'0.0217 541-8458 '80 Dleeel RABBIT, cstm, EXPERTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• .._. ._ 5.e......L1 9 21 C •u '"10 ------ 4dr, De1ertTan, 45MPG, 11 AMC PACH N~nowm .. ~~"'~ Aut:-matlc ~s, air ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dod4J-9935 OW.MOit.. ttss 18K m1. '6500642·11750 IAllLlllCI Station waaon. 6 c:yt • cond , pwr. wlndoWM, till SEE US FIRST! ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• --VOLVO 11uto, steenna, air cond. CA LL wheel. cruise control & We have a good selection '1968 Dart, 6 cyl ~ or 79 Dleael Cutlass Calais, $6495 JIMMAllHO VOUCSWAG .. 18711 Beach Blvd 141-2000 '71 BEJ::Tl.~ rare llke 1968 Harbor Bhd. lt'sc:lnnlt994RXP) J unde r 20,000 m fies ! of N E W & USE D orrer Ask for Rick day 16,000 ml, like new. Most new cond, must stt. lo COSTA Mf.:SA SZ695 lliOO 1;.11t1111 Hivit (60122). Chevroletal 493-1322 ~ve 661 9281 extras Assume lse for ml.4VMS97S2400 '46·'303540.9467 JIMu••eMO to~1c1Mo.-..1 ')40•>100 ONLY•1r995 Sl,000 or. buy for l6800. -----__ ._ _ _ '""""' .., '73DartSport,6cyl.uuto, 548 6646 64252CJO '78 VW Rnbbit. 2 door, 75 VOLVO VOLl(SWAGEN MllACUMAD>A a/c, xlnt mech. cond. . '-·---•liver. S/R, 70K ml. orig 18711 Beach Blvd. 2UOHarbor Blvd. n e w ti r u, 10 m 1 , '76 Olds Starfire, p/11, owner. Al cond. $3500, Dwaygnounm. !t5e.!!Jw4a.thdaoolrr. 142 2000 7' CADIUAC COSTA MESA $1500/080. 752·6992 pp p/b, till whl, am /fm 7' V'fl RAlllT 640 8862 " ~n• • COUPE DEVILLE 64S.5700 --cuss. new clutch. Sspd, 64 ,000 miles . It 's Fo d 99 .. 0 DllSB. absol utt>ly beauuru I. lulck 9910 DfES&. --r "' V6, 644·4594 535.7134 s apeed, AC, AM/FM '67 Karmann Ghia, xlnt (Ol220l) Cruise, wire whee l cov· 1979CHIVROLET '70EICamlno350eng,300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ' ater eo cau., steel overall cond, $3500/080 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ers, leather Int .. stereo. CA.MARO h/p, nda little work. '79 Fairmont 4·dr. sedan, Pinto 9957 radials, whltewaUs, Uni· 642·4710, 646-1715 $4995 '77 lulck Rtt)Cll Ult, air cond C008Y8D) Jo'ull power, AM /FM make offer. ~7353 8000 actual., mile11, AC, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ed i i ass, low miles .• -JIM MARINO 38,000 mi, 1 owner, xblt stereo &c a one owner car A M I FM r u d i o . '73 Squire wgn, auto. air Black w/black velour. 71 VW Convt Clean. VOLKSWAGEN condition $3,500, $9495 with ONLY 23,000mlles! '77 Caprice Classic. 4 dr, showroom perfect $5250. cond, very good cond, c5'4XJR) $4500 18711 aeachBlvcl (714)495·2547 031wfX). loaded , lo mi. pvt pty. 557·9978 $1500 545-4404 Only $6695 497·S8l9. 842·2000 '73 REGAL orrer &ood thru 611181 Best offer. 644-2242 '73 Torino Runs ereat '74 Pinto Rwtabout mags, @ln.....L 11-··~~.J '67 VW BUR, A·l cond. Xlnt<.'Ond, Sl350 NOW ONLY $5577 '78 Nova, low miles, air, $1000 Private Party 60 watt stereo, new \'inyl ~ff'""""' $1600ri rm OUHGECOUHTY ~8213 TIMMONS power. s ha rp cond . 497-1905 top, fuel pump, front voucswAGEN. INC 497·58111 VOL VO VOLICSW AGIEM $3395. 546-78a5. brakes, lo m1. mint cond . 534-4100 Vol•o 9772 Largest Volvo Dealer Codlhc 9915 3940Cherry Ave. . '66 Ford Convt met:h $1995/0 80960-1617 13731 Harbor In Orange County' ••••••••••••••••••••••• LONG BEACH 76 Malibu Classic wgn. eood, needs some body - • Garden Grove ••••••••••••••••••••••• BUY or LEAS~ '79 FLEE.'TWOOD COPE~SUNDAVS> loaded w/extras. lo mi. work , 17 MPG , S7 50 Plymouth 9960 --'79 265G L Wgn. Stereo, DIRECT Lo I d,.,. S OOOO (714)821-1301 $2500.640.0076 675·4357,6457632 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ..... i f k mi, 00 ~. 1 • ~~ · '79 <---79 VWDASHP u r . ~ rac • mags, Exckni•elyVol•o 675·7119,675-6778 ~ 831.aD> '70 Chevy Nova, 6 cyl. '73 Gran Torino Wgn .....,.,..... .... Hatchback automatic 2 metahc blue, blk lthr _....._ -----'73 Camaro. 51,000 orig xlnt cond S900orbestor. Loaded must see 5 i.pd. cust wheels. Z7 door Very c lean Int SS.900. 631-2825 an • '77 Seville, .Mint cond. mt, V8. auto, clean. fer.7so.ois9. Sl.3501080 ~1692 mg,xlnt rond. (903WRM> 6pm ~·,ri~[~*~!l!~I~ loaded. lo mt SS,900 080 '78 Seville Clean, low m1, szsoo 1obo 962·0781 -968-64:1!_ __ $4995 Volvo ;64i:; •74 auto uir ?e T. 960·1692 Well maintained, orig .73 Black C:i ro T -Co!Mt 9927 '73 MAVERICK Pontiac 9965 JIMMARIHO \M1fM ~st~int baby. '73C .a-V'lt... owner $8600.546-0696 LT I .ctma . ype ~··•••••••••••••••••••• $750/080 6427862 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 • • pe u.r 1.. -, x nt t'Ofl . Auto. u1r 63 Convt. new eng, & top, VOLKSWAGEN blu, burns reg, good 10120 Garden Grove Bl Fully t-qwpped. Silver & '77 Eldorado. all options, New tires, tape deck pb, 22M PG , $1400 '72 Galaxie, 351C eng, TRANS.~MS! 18711 Beach Bl vd. con d th r u ou t . GarClenGrove530-9190 black. 46,000 mi. Xlnt immaculate interior, ps, lo mileage. S2.87S 496-5526 new tires & ball , runi. Lnrj!e seleclton! Take 842-2000 $2500/080. 498-9739 Cond. 831·5232, 494-7803 $\995. 546·7944 545·0715, 646-6300 • ,>err S900 646·225l y~ur. c-ho1ce from '77 -----Continental 9930 _ .. -· -to Ill s «UWTEL> Some A.lllol, Mew 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 AMtoa. New 9100 Autos, Mew 9100 AMto1, Kew 9100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ma•erick 9947 hard to rind models at ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ••••••••••••• •••••• ••• • • •••••••••••• ••••••• •• • • •••••••••••• •••••••• ••• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••. '75 Lincoln Gold lux int.. ••• ••• • •••••••••• ••• • •• ba r~a1n pr1t'es. ALL BRAND NEW 1981 's RABBIT 7460 137800 $6055 $5399 S656 PICKUP 6968 104499 $7860 S6765 5 1095 PICKUP 6892 077131 S7870 S6646 '1224 RABBIT 6988 100847 S6750 S5919 s931 PICKUP 7069 126621 S7715 S6695 5 1020 RABBIT 6834 073409 S7400 S6466 5934 SCI ROCCO 7194 020835 S9265 S7884 '340 RABBIT 6716 056305 S7645 S6649 s996 PICKUP DIESEL 7373 086151 S8078 s7~93 '485 RABBIT DIESEL 7000 142738 S7635 S6998 '637 PICKUP DIESEL 7 435 128026 S8035 S7695 s 381 RABBIT DIESEL 6888 080048 S8360 S7686 '674 SCI ROCCO 7465 022692 S9780 S8577 s 203 RABBIT DIESEL 7002 144492 s7459 S6790 5669 SCI ROCCO 7309 020478 S9885 S8572 s 313 RABBIT DIESEL 7082 118693 S7695 S6977 5718 SCIROCCO "S" 7216 007677 s9535 S8237 s 298 RABBIT DIESEL 6886 079259 S8250 S7583 '667 VANAGON 7345 077637 Sll ,140 S9596 s 151 ITTA 2 DR. 7341 287534 S8480 SJ285 s 1195 DASHER DIESEL 7339 910293 SlQ,555 S9289 s 266 JETTA 2 DR. 7342 293660 S8545 s7442 '1103 DASHER DIESEL 7154 910912 SlQ,715 s9395 s 320 JETTA 2 DR. 7403 293597 S7622 s 1143 DASHER DIESEL 6910 901448 SlQ,610 s9459 s 544 ITTA 4 DR. 7430 313653 S8700 S7556 s 1144 VANAGON 7348 042578 Sll ,675SlQ,104 s 571 ETA 4 DR. 7131 322481 S8960 S7822 s 1138 YANAGON 7375 085774 Sll ,140 S9712 s 428 CONVERTIBLE 7412 011765 SlQ,395 $9064 s 1331 YANAGON 7350 057749 Sll,70()$10,144 s 556 CONVERTIBLE 7 493 013537 Sl0,290 S8976 s 1314 YINAGON "L" 7138 077379 Sll,70()$10,195 s 505 CONVERTIBLE 7 485 013778 SlQ,290 S8876 5 1414 YANAGON "L" 7350 057749 Sll,70()$10,283 s 417 CONV~RTIBLE 7 446 009341 SlQ,755 s944g 5 1307 VANAGON "L" 7361 077371 Sll 700SlQ,098 s 602 77 AUDI FOX 53275 '78 FORD MUST ANG 54975 '79 DODGE OMNI 54250 o ..... 4 ICl(I.. .a. ....... -· •-"'9 """ 20oor.•=·-... ~ ·---tr-. -,,,_ AM.f'M ,_ ON •.ooo ma,.. tH47IO! Only --.in. OV) -• .wy ""'°'P ·on Mle tt66VOMI '77 CHEV 1;,, TOH PU 77 MHCURY IOICAT 52475 '71 VW KARMEN GHIA 54450 v., -"-. tecto<y • ., t:on0ol"'""'9-55475 -.-ino··-· "" -Oual -a Door. • --. diec: .,, .... ,_, i-•...-.-,_ ll070MI _,,,_&_··-·-"'°"'""" _ ...... _(19t1Mo11 ....... (1F24039)(33M) 71 RAlllT s4775 •75 VW WESTPHALIA 55475 74 HONDA CIVIC 52575 INCIM .rnot! 1'01' TOI' CAMl'Efl 4 1p .. d·1lereo -.--·---'110ft~ ....... -............ -~ le -• P09 T09 t ... In • ......... CID«»41 ~-·tlOfl. (14~1 71 AUDI FOX WGH 52650 '77 HONDA ACCORD ·54475 '79 MG "I" CdNVT 55975 I aoMd, 111!/IM, drtw1t QfH I, ••ceflenl ····~ ~fflltlt .. ,...,_ 4 apd .. t1dlo, Oftl1 H ,000 "'Ilea, ,.,... -· °" MJe (elOWllCI ""9d\r to fOI Only 2t "'lleo (Q:IYT V) ..... lcNI. (711TM) 76 FORD MUST AHG 53450 '71 DATSUM 510 54499 '77 V.W. WESTFALIA 56375 ~ 6 fPMd, elf cond, AM.f'M •llnlQ, ~ t;:.' condition. 4 ape1 won M'#m a ~ • .,e. 91191 _ ... °"'i' eo.ooo -IOOI. CSUWMZJ c -. unit 3ITilll A,_, lllee-dientoftd plpt'6316 74 V.W. THIM~ 53475 71 MERCURY COUGAR XR7' · , '79 V.W. IUS 57450 =~ _, Oplton Only lt,000 -• ~4650 Aulo. emf1Y1, to m111., •u""'* 11-le ,..., • ... ,...~ _,..,, conditlcln .,.,_ .,. OOM l•l C$45XJ\/l HlnltollM. 71 DATSUH 200SX 54575 76CAPll11 53475 ·11wv 6 •IHI, IC, •lfl/f"' r•dlo e .. utllul aftd ~· ...... ~. llleo .,,._ -.. 1WlllQ -· Nte.Wlrilfl.....,,....,... "' w-.......... 4 ljld, c ... ---& ....... (1N4e7t01 s3775 '76 VW SClllOCCO 54550 7lVWIU5 71 TOY OT A Sl·S 4-.1 .......... A_ul ___ Aolle. -. Ml A --M .,-----"1tlflef "7•E01 ........ -Oft -llOll'IVl A.. -UMlecll. In aacelleftC ---• ...... ,.,..Y) 53975 ·eovw JmA 57350 1--.-...--A~WWI ~ oonclotlOft • -"'''" ~ 53975 71VWIUS . 7• V.W . RAlllT 53750 .. "' ...... ,, ...................... , :.=--re .. _ _....,._°"_ ............... ,,.CllClll) all pwr, elegant. $2300 '74Mav,air.stert'O.uuto. a. magnon 838·2747 611,000 m1 , xlnt con<l. Corntte 99 32 S2lOO. 968'3411 ~·•••••••••••••• .. •••••• Mercury 9950 75 STIHG RAY ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• pont1ac 549-4300 CORVmE ORANGE COUNTY ·s Auto. trans .. power win-FIHEST 2480 II arbor 81..at Fair Cpsta Mesa dows. sunroor. AM 1FM LINCOLN MERCUHY radio, leather int. lug. DEALERSH IP '73 Ventura hatchbal'k, gage rack. (313NDX > all ill'<: til.OOOm1 51300. You must see this fan· ~ ?1.etiJ.e 6-l·t-1841 f;\'es tasuc loolung car. a magnon ~~~~i;~~;~~:~~~: 1 IRVINE . 830.7000 SUMllRDS! Looking for a bargain" Re a I \ alue'> Come in and ~<.'<.' the bU\S we haH~' We'reoffer~ngthe lowest µrices ever on our entire 10\ entory! pont1ac 549-4300 Must•tcJ 9952 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2480 Harbor Bl·al Fair Costa Mesa * II NEWl981 CORVETTES THREE 4 SPEEDS TO CHOOSE FROM CORMIER-DeLILLO CHEVROLET CO. 1714) 847-6087 * 1965 FORD MUSTANG GT In good cond1t1on! Automatic trans. & d1Sl' brakes. Make orfer. Call 642·9924 ; if no answl•r', PLEASE keep trying ! 'GS Mustang VS auto. all' b/r, p/s, nu lires ruce in & out $2750. 646-1762 ---~ a .. magnon pontiac 549-4300 2480 llarbor81 ·al Fair Costa Mesa '78 TR.\NS AM ~00 l'nJ:, .i spd. Z7K mi. S6250 G40·0097 '78 Mustang, VS. auto. Thunderbird--9970 am/Cm. a/c, 27,000 m1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~._536-7681 '63 1' btrd Rblt eng, full .67 M P"r 51300. ustang, auto. 548-G6ll stylish, reliable trani.p - Clean New brake~. 1980 Thunderbird. beau ball., carb $2500 must i.ell. see to ap· 494-2136 prec1ate SS650 840-4853 \'~T .79 Wh' O' · Autos, Used Autos, Used 1te4 L,l int, ••••• ••• ••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• auto, loaded. mint. 14K mi, PP Sf2.000640.5816 '79 Con·e tte loaded' White 7K mi, assum lse. $.106/mo. +tax. 675·3961 '77 Vette. orig. ownr. xtra clean, T-top, stereo, er. control, Auto, Amer. mags, nu tires. slvr gry met. w /blk hand.painted pinstripes. $7295. 642·9379 A.dos, Uted ....................... NA~ CADILL.t\~ it I 980 CADIUAC COUPE DE VILLE <004ZBJ > s 11,995 1980 CADILLAC FLEETWOOD llOUGHAM (32SZ8W ) s12,995 1979 CADILLAC SEDANDEVIW C453WWZ) .s3795 I t7t CADILLAC COUPIDIVIW (380166) s9995 I t71 CADtl.&.AC COUPIDIYIW (7'3VAZ) s5995 tt7t~c SffU.1 .. (TUYBI>) s11,995 Trucks, Vans & 4X4s We're your Ram·Tough Truck ~ter! '79 DODGE ·79 CHEVY LUV RAMCHARGER 4X4 P /U. °"'Y tllOO ,..,,..1 (1 66$01 •11UU>I 56596 '79 PLYMOUTH ILDUSTER WAGO •79 CHEVY "SURHR"VAN , ... ..,._l(tMa141) '77 CHEVY PICKUP (7Wlt) ' 54997 '79 GMC JIMMY 4x4 (1"00) s7997 . , . ~TS!HOW CAN WE PLAV BASEBALL TOPAV IF IT'S 601N6 TO ~AIN? THE WORLD NEEDS RAIN NANCY auNDAY,MAYa1, "'1 H C"HI Debatt Today I THINK l'LL PLAY WlTH SOME OF MY OTHER TOYS NOW - THE WOf':LD NEEDS RAIN! THEN WH't' ARE 'r'OU CARRVIN6 THAT 8AS~8ALL 6LOVE? I'M AN ASTRONAUT WALKING ON THE MOON T~E WO~LD MAV NEED AAI NI BUT IT AL50 NEEDS BASEBALL 6AMES , NO, IT DOESN'T ... IT ONLY NEEDS RAIN •• By Ernie. 8.ushmiUer -..... NANCY-~LEAVE YOUR T0/5 OUTSIDE AND COME IN TO DINNER OKAY. AUNT FRITZ\ .. GAR.FIELDT~ AAR.9. WIU3QN t;AJD )OU WERC Cl.EA.NIN' OUT )OUf< ATTIC. REALIZING THAT MA001 15 QUITE DEFENSIVE WHEN HE QUE6TION6 HER ABOUT A PHONE. CALL F=ROM JASON, fJAM DECIDE5 HE HAD ~ETTER LEAVE -/f~,qOJ.P lf,#7?~~ - WHeN! )OU $CAAED M~! HEY, BAeY, WHAT'S I HAPPEN IN'? by Jim Davis ' HOW ABOUT A GOURMEI OINNE.R? YOO REALLY 5HOULt7N'T HAVE HAN& 'THE. EXPE.NSE. ONLY iHE 0E5T GAR0A8E. FOR YOU, MY OEAR. 1 WA9 AFRAID )OJ we RC ll-iROWI N' OUT YESTERDAY. By Hank Ketcham ~aJDGE PARKER JA60N WORKED FOR MY HUSBAND A5 THE A6516TANT 6 ALE6 MAN- AGER! JU6T BECAU6£ HE PHONED ME HERE DOESN'T MEAN I HAVE ANY PER60NAL INTEREST IN HIM, fJAM! THE TRUTH IS I HAVEN'T DATED ANYONE 61NCE BOB'S DEATH.' THERE CERT~INLY WOULDN'T BE ANY· THING WRONG WITH YOUR DATJN0, MA601! r'OU'RE A YOUN0 WOMAN AND ATTRACTlVE! YOtJ TfLL. HIM THAT . I'M LEAVIN(? TOMORROW,., WITH OR WITH0Ut Htf; Dl6CHARGE/ ~ AND t:IJ I GRADUA11 N& 5E.NIOR5 ... . . MOON MULLINS . . A5 400 lEAV£ HERE R>R 'lfiE FINAL 1TME ••. DOCTOR SMOCK -· ... ~ fHE MEMORI~ OF ~R. bTPl-r> H~ AT WE5TVIEW Hl6H 5C.HOOL WILL LIN&ER Qt-l I • HOWEVER I ((\l) DOGIDR. A55URE.5 ME THE. FL.A5HBACK6 ARE O~L<,l A ~POAARC.> 11-llNG ! . ' I'D LIKE 1C> l...EAV£ l,)O/J., -" DO~'i t.6ME BACK f W11H 1HE. FOLLOWING WORD5: by Ferd and Tom Johnson oH., -r~,AT WASN 1T AN ADMIRING <5LANC£, MY SWEET... 0~,M'I~ NO . ... WHc~E IT Coe.JN TS . By George Lemont 50 WHA.,- SHOUL-c::> 1= PO Wl,-H A SCAt..PeL-"f'HA..,-. FESL-t.. ON 'IHES Ft..OOR, <SANG? P'YA i""HfNK f?>l-OWIN" ON Ii"" WIL-l,.. 65..,- RI c::> OF i""He <SS:RMS? r--'!"!"~----------------------------~~..-------------------------m!!:=::===~-~-:"l::::=;:._==:---:----~~.~~ ..... ~--- ~·' Ml~ ~!u;;;;~~~~~""" • CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? ~are at leHt six differ· ences IA drawlnt details betwHn top and bottom panels. How tt41ld1ly can yeu find them? Check aMw•" with those below. 6u"''"" ,, ~ww•H • ~tHIW ,. ~Jn1 ,.d s IUIJI' 111> ., 1•114S • 1uaH111P •• l'°d t ,._, " ,. ... , ( , .... ., ... •1 UOA'I I U>ua.•11•0 TttAT'S THAT -ORISITT Ortglnally. this PoMf' of the llOOI contained two more "th.Ifs": INwtNtCuwttt.t ._, ht that tMt I NWW.llO, At first reading, It appNrS not to make any aense. lklt, with com~• .net certain emphesls. It -. WO· gest: INWtNtCuw. C NW THAT tNt I saw. I saw tNt THAT · lhatC saw was so. C saw that. thal THAT that I saw was 50 I saw that. that 'MOittt..-9'1.l • Oeomttrldrl Wl"*'t Mndlng or ~m, fOl'm 11• ontlnery tw"""'*• Into few of tqual size. How 11 It doMT lw6!'*' -~ •1ei1 .. .11#-PfW•JU ,,_.,,..,.,,,. • .. -If._· ..... "*If....-, e Rlddle·Me-Thl1! Wtty 11 W9¥ abOlle repta.ch? It's 1ucroM-1.1nd. Why Is It ewry m.tn'a rlgl\t to throw open the windows? To air i. hurMn. HON la go.sip sprHd In Venice? Via the gondol...,... THAT that that C saw HELD OVERI True or fal..-.ur Yount frhtftds abow are was so waving both arms? False. Draw lines to '" whirs up. r For Worse HOT STUFF! Add theM colon Matty to brtpten thfs ttmety ...,, . ta.n scene: l-Recl. 2-LI. blue. J.-Yellow. 4-LI. Brown. s-Ftesh. 6-Lt. tr""· 7-Dll. brown. 1-Dll. orHn. t -Pvtitte. . SPELLBINDER SCOlll 10 polnt1 for ualng all the i.tters In the word below to form two complete words: ~OWERFUL . . . . -.. - THEN tcore 2 pc>lnts each tor all words of tour letters or more found 4Mnong the letters Try to l<OA at .. Ht SO po1nt1. ""'911 "Uftd w•;&.v• "lll'to.d L nn Johnston ..-------------~ AAH .. ~ERE'S NOTHING L\KE. l LOVED lHE CtiOREOqRAF'MY. IRE COSTUMES,T+iE. , -iHEMENt wHfff s W\TH you? -I HAPPEN -io:= ADORE MEN lN T\GHTS! BALLETTO COMBINE MUS\C. AND DANCE. I W\IH sucH PERFECTION· ~ • you f'te.VER USED 10 \ALK L\KE lHRT !-you'vE BEEN CJ-\RNGED .BYRLLTH\S WOt-'\EN'S L\BERR\\ON BUS\NES5L 5 .. 3, SETS ... Gf\RBAGE.1 WOMEN ·HAVE ~ LCOKED AT MENl LOOKS LIKE MOSfLY JUNK MAIL AND BILLS, • I ., .. -BUT NOW WE'RE. ADMl1TING- rf 1 ~ • OH, HERE'S A LETTER. FROM MOTHER. _.... I I ' I· I ---.... , . . , .. I W'40 'AtJ ~ELP ME' f1NO AAISWER~ fOR 1l4£se QUE S1"'°N~? GORDO SHOE I 0~'4f t<~OU>. SOM£f1 MES ' oo~·r ~\J~N KNOW W~'/ t'M 1~ COL.t..E&f: ! .~£1.~0, OA01 ~A'/,~'/ AM I IN '0Ll£C:1E ~ WMAf 00 I "OPE 1b A'"'Evt'? WM~Rf AM l bel~. ~. WOU\..t' '/Ou MA~ £1'f'L.AIN. 1'"0 ME ttM'I t'M ~--~f.({f.°? B I MEAN, wMA1" bOOO AM \ Ac1VALL~ 00\.U, l-ttRf.1 W'-'A1" 00 ~-I E~ff '1" 1'0 AC~\EvE ~ WME.RE AM l 601Nb-1 w~o AM I '? © 198t United Feat\Jfe Syncltcate. Inc. Gus Arriola E/GflT/ \ by MacNelly May 31, 1981 Daily Pilat I ' ' '. Se!ld llll ~'°" • 1 ....... to All flll'lly -... ... Ut Lt)tft91G11 A11t lltw -~ N 't 10022 Wl'll NY U lot ~ Mil!Ofl~ Sel•y .... Clll I w ... Olhff\ FOR SENATOR HARRISON H. FOR THE •ASK" EOrTOR SCHMITT <R·N.M.). Subc:omdt• on It It true thet Out.du On..-•era· 5cWnu: Sp.cc •nd Technologv · ~ her latett huebend? What are 1i10Uf ._ oe the apam'oa -P.E., Fott Myers, Fla. of~.....-••...., eoun:e? • The stepdaughter of Jackie Onas· -G.S .• MMot. N.D. sis has not yet become a bride for the • Commercial nuclear power devel-fourth time. but her friends and kin opment has fallen vtcttm to the public acknowledge the fact that she Is very perception of nuclear energy as more much In love. Her latest beau Is Nickl / dangerous than other energy sources. Mavroleon. son of a Greek mllllon- The nuclear· reactors haven't failed: It ai'e. and. at 21 . Is 10 years Christina's has been the pipes and wires and junior. The young man, whose family operators that have fp!Jed . The is weU respected, hasn't caused the ft. trOYI v• to nudnr ~· Government should create a Nuclear Onassis clan to raise brows In surprise Chrllllna 0 .: WI/I the cradle rock? Power Administration by combining or dismay as It did with the shipping many of the function• of the Nuclear f!egulatOt'Y Commission and the Depart· hei'ess's prev\ous husbands (Joseph Bolker. a middle -aged American fUm ment of Energy to oversee operations. training and proficiency. Such an producer; Alexander Andreadis. and Sergei Kauzov. a Russian, whom she agency could move to rapidly build public and Investor confidence In nuclear married In 1978). The daughter of the late Aristotle Onassis has given Nickl a power. · minor job In her shipping empire. to teach him the business. FOR AJOrrH DOW, rtcOl'dlng .., r"J FOR RALPH BAKSHI, director of the animated feature. What prompt-'"°" to ft8rt a rilky career In aJnt1nt1 att..-[ ··,4 Am~rlcan Pop ~ had twned 40? -8.F., ~. Wyo. Why do you prtfer directlnt arumated ltm•? -P.G .• • It was the realization I had 10 good years left with my OdeMa, TUM voice and that If I wanted to succeed In something that • It goa back to when I was a kkl. One day I picked had long been my dream. I should not waste another up a pencil, started to draw. and I didn't want to put the minute. I had waited until my children were grown pencil down . When I got out of school. I got a job as an before going Into It senousJy. So I decided to take the artist. I also like movies. So my two likes made a good plunge In New York -where. If you'ra not good. It's "marriage." The best thing about Mdlrectlng" animated curtains. I'm happy as long as I can sing Sany Manllow. characters is that. thev can't hassle me. FOR SAM ROBARDS.~ of Off Broad"""Y'• Allum FOR JANCY CAMPBEU., executave director. Left. M the eon of......., Bee.al and ,'-on Robmdl, "'°" m• handeu International heve lftlt 10,....., ....,......, Who lmpl 1 ed ~ mmt? Which c:oUatr\I ha. the moet lcft·hand.t peop&.? -I.I., - G.f ., ~. N.Y. fltln, UI. •John Wayne becau. he was to huge. I shook his • No one knows. but we do know which ones have masalve hand, looked down at h1s feet and couldn't the fewest . In many Middle East countries, the left hand believe my eyes. They were tiny. I was around 12 at the Is a symbol of uncleanbness. and there Is a strong taboo time. and I wondered how such small fut could sup· against using it In publfc for any reason. This type of cul· pc•Uuch•lmgsbody. Thentherew..1.JrTeyb.lmet tural conditioning prevents many natural lefttes from her at an Oecarw night. How beautiful! doing their own thing • .,__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~--~~-~~ ~-FOR ntE •ASK• EDn'OR FOR ROBERT Kan.ER, M.O., tpWalitt tn cosmetic H• ~ ludd. whoM Int ._ It TM Dnl °"" Na turgery °"""· MMr hM ..._. .....,.? -H.8., Newark, Ohio What It the dMJerenct .,..,.,..,. cMtnlcal tkln peel aftd f • Only once. she told us -when. as a teen-ager. she c:oemttlc tw.-Y? -T.Q .. Moac•ev. Calf. Ang the Star-Spangled Ban Mr at New Yodc City's • The skin peel. also known u "nonsurgical face Mt." Shea Stadium. ("I panicked In f..-I'd forget thc chemJcollv removes the superficial outer layer of skin . words.") At 16, she preceded Frank Sinatra on hlt Las thuscraslng wrinkles and age spota. Vast Improvements Vegas show. She saw the capacity crowd and whJI· during the past few years permit patients to resume nor· ,..ct to Sinatra, before making her entrance, .. S.t you mal activity within a week. Cosmetic surgery corrects didn't think I'd dl'aw such a crowd. did you?" heavy jowls, sagging eyelids. misshapen nOM.t. etc. PRO AnD con Should Medicare Ek Partially Funded From Income Tax m.tead OJ From Sodal Secui'fty? ......................... _....,.,...Ca"•-.....,, .................. llY lllfl .•• ., ............ CON ~SW Gradl9on (R.-Ohlo). mem· bet. Social Security 1ubcommtnu No.1.Using Income-tax revenues for Madtc.N would mean either a t*.ll· ger. more lnflatlon•ry Federal dell· cit or an Increase In Income taxes Our goel should be to tailor Social Sta.arttv benefits to flt the taxes Im· pOMd by praent law -not to In· Cl'eall the cost of Social Security to the taJCpayer. In th• long Nn .• using Income-tax Nvenu• could ~ouf891 an uncontrol- lable b IO ... In benefta or INd to taking llWaY ttw .. ...,,. right" concllPC of beMfll peynwnll. Thil could wet change SodaJ Secwtty Into• meant-tat· edwd .. ~m . • Pr'M With so labels · • S2.96 with 26 labels • $4.95 with no labell (Only I tree ... °' drtnkfng Qlallel per houlehold ot group.) tbkll number CC Mtl Cf • d{1N:1nO 0-..orcs.r.cS ----- --....... wttb80 labM(Umn• I Ml) --• S1.96wtUI2&1abe11 eadl (no limit) -• $4 QS eac:t\. wttb DO la!>eil (noUmll). TOTAl.cotOLITI LAID.I Dfaoat>--. TO'fAl.AMOVWTDICtOAJ? ---- MaD c:hedt or mon., order payab&eto: MORRIS DRimlNG GLA$ES. llND10: llOnlS DmlDllQ GtAIDlonD. P.O. IOX 6USI. Din. r. llOUSICll, TUAI 77066 I I I I . I NAME I ADDRESS---------Al'f .... ----I CITY----------------------------·•' I I S?AT!------------Z1'--- 1 Ir ' !~=====--------~~ . . .. Warning· The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health vANT~Gf. ULTRA UGHlS -----=--. - Through the go/Mn door: a Viet· namae father and aon reunited. THE NEW 1mm1GRANTS la Thete Enough Opportunity to Go Atound? A round the world tens of millions of people share a common goaJ -to come to Amer1ca. a land where teen-age~ car· r1en earn more annually than half the human beings on this planet. But how many people can Amet1ca accept? Now. for the ftrst ttme In 68 years, Congre11 Is asking Itself that question and reviewing two yurt of Lmmlgra· tlon research from a national Wk foru headed by the Rev. Theodore Haburgh, praldent of Notre Dame Untvmtty. The answer wl8 come this year In the form of new lmmtwatlon laws. And this legislation "will reveal ind define what kind of nation we are and what kJnd of nation we w1ll become," says New Jeney Con· gmeman Pat.r Rodino. chairman of the powafuJ Houte Judiciary Com· mlttee, who has been attempting to do eomethAng about Amertea's <JIOW· Ing "people problem" for more than a ... Public concern about Immigration haa b.n biggmd In pert by the un· controllble · flood of 125,000 un· ecreened Cubans Into the United s.... last yar. ,,. lnunddon IPIWMd alrl'Olt a bOllon dollan rn GowmrMtrt cxpen ... lot the IBX· payen. crHted burHucratlc "lghtrMNI from F1ot1da to Wash· ~ .nd c.uMd riotl In Arkan... l1W Cut.nl, howewf, .. only I ...,,.. Piii ol the '*'°"" lmrn9don .... ~. thll country II ~ to ICCepl .. 270.000 quora~ ~· end 50,000 pollbl \'9• ,... ...... But In ...,. """' 'Jedi-......... ,.,,,.,. Soi.. .. niMI ................ Mr. the real numbct hat been more like 750.000 -and this doesn't lndudc several million Ulegal a.hens from Mex· loo and Central and South America who have poured ecrot1 the southern border In search of Jobi, welfare, free public education for their children and "the good life"of Amerlca. The upswing In Immigration stems from two major sources: • A steady flow of poUtk:al refugees from Communist and Southeast Asian nations. While America Is sup· posed to edmit 50.000 such refugees to the country annually. the President has the power to Increase that number as he sees flt. This hat been done for years with hundreds of thousands of v..tnamae. Cambodlant, Cubans and Rutlian and Eden'I European Jews. • Millions of economic refugees worldwide. such u thoee from Haiti and Mexico. who will risk everything Oncludlng becoming fugitives from the lew) to ftnd wodt here to support thcmtelva and their famllla. There are many who advocate keeping America'• .. golden door" open to these oppraeed and troubled people &om mound the world. In a ndOn of 230 mlllk>n people. say sup· pod.en of liberal lmm9atk>n laws, even • mlll&on newcomers a year will reprnent lal than one·half of l per· cent growth In population from out· side the country. Some econom•. such .. John t<.nneth ~of Harverd t.Jnlver. lily, maintain chat I ~ontinulng Influx of f°"'Sln workat wll Improve llbor ...,... end c:ontdNta lo the na· tlon't well-bllng. "We must ltOp r11llltlig 1 ~ w. cannot poeef>ly • lllm °' Nvtlll," o.lbrdh ...... 1 Shlrtr'8 ...... views .. growcn. prci c ••on Md lhippln In cSo.nt of .... we.o.; by C8MOtglt dlllnl to perform the )obs necessary to put food on the American dinner table at a reasonable cost. Spokesmen for Immigrants say that thae new Amerlcans are aeatlng new jobs and expanding our market for goods and services ... Anyone ex· pounding the notion that Hispanics are a drain on the ec:.onomy would only have to look to M.laml. where Hispanics have transformed Dade County Into a dynamic commercial center," says Mrs. Dorita deLamos Down . chairman of the Maryland Governor's Commission on Hispanic Affairs. Allied wtth the economists and spokesmen for various public agen· cles that serve Immigrant groups are numerous rehglous and humanitarian organizations. "We must admit that they [Immigrants) do have the 11ght to Uve free of fear of being separated from their famllia, the right to proper housing. education and '° on." argues 5Wer Adela Anoyo, director of Catholic Social Servicu for Im· migrants. 0 n the other side of the lssue stand labor leaders, who say lmm9ants are taking Jobi away from their cldzitn union memben and holding down wega, and public offldals. whOM constituents are blaming tax hikes ln part on eervlca provided to Im· m9af*. UnttJ recently, there WM general agreement that Amenca always would be big, rtch and produc:ttw enoUjjl to eblorb large nwnben of 1mm1gr1nt1 Into the economic mllnllrum. But accordlr)g to Of- genilld llbot ltacMn, ~ un· employment and I~ apend6ng Wu mmlllt .. fOldng c:lmtw to compete with nondttzens for jobs. ~It Is false to hold that American workers cannQt be found for all the jobs now being filled by undocu· mented (Illegal alien) workers." declares Giibert Klssllng. vice presl· dent of the Texas Afl·CIO. "Im· migrants do take jobs away from American workers." Aaron Bodin. chief of the U.S. Labor Department's agency that cer· tlfles Immigrants for jobs in this coun· by, Indicates that Government efforts to monitor the employment of alien workers are lea than eff ecttve. The present system Is C05tly. Inefficient and burdensome , Immigration re· searchers report. And las tl'i.an 5 per· cent of the Immigrants now In the United States have been certified for the jobs they hold . Another complaint Involves the demands by Immigrants for tax·sup· • ported aalsta~. lndudlng welfare. fra. medical care and food stamps. Fedaral cowu have held that Im· migrants cannot be denied many of the same benefits that are available to citizens. In San Antonio, hospital ad· mlnlstrator Warren Harding reportl ~ • that Bexar County Hospital provides about $10 mUJlon worth of medk:al MtVlces to people who cannot pay their bills. Abo:.it a third of that, he ,.Umata. II for treadng people who ) are In this country Illegally. In Miami, Or. Robert E. Laurie. ~ Dade County Publlc Health Depart-~ ment dJrector. echoes the complajnt of health, education and welfare of. bis In cities actOll the countJy: "The raourca that we have at hand an being overwhelmed t>ec:.UM of the numbers (of people) that are com· Ing ln at the praent tlme. W• Nally . need help In dotng this job." And "help" muns money from the Feder.I cruewy. Advocml of lower1ng the numW of lmmifpntl nae. tM! many of ltlOM ntecndv admtttied to thlt country haw t.n tJl-.qWpped to fundk>n In Amertcan IOciety. The new lmmig· rants, thele advocates My, .. -~ than former '""""'8nl!I to lam Englth Md md Into the ''°'*"*" NOW SAVE 25C . ON WISK American malntlrum. Jobi and m~-dollar costs of lmmjgralon to the taxpayers are only pmt of the crazy quilt of economic. todal. poldca1 and culturBl 111\Ja In· voMd In the total problem, says ArkantM Senator David Pryor. '1'he challenge now facing the Congress Is to maintain this naUon as a source of 1nspntion and hope for troubled peo· pie around the globe and at the same time be fair to our own dtlzens when It coma to taus and )ob opportunldes, welfare MrVk:es and the mammoth task of ~ educating our young people .• Whl)e alriictt everyone Involved 9ea Ame11ca's lmmlgJation policy must change, very few agree on ex· actfy what changes should be made. After holding publk: hearings throughout the country and enJisdng the advice of experts on every skle of the Immigration debate, the U.S. Select Commlssion on lmmlgnltton Polk:y has recommended locking Amertca's back door to Illegal Im· migrants by spending $60 million more a year to secure the 2.000·mlle southern border with Mexico, but allowing Illegal aliens already In this country to remain without fear of deportation. The commission also proposes to open the country's front door by up· ping the number of quota-based Im· migrants to lnaease from 270,000 a year to 350.000. and permitting an additional 100,000 to Immigrate an· nually for the next five years. T hese proposali have received mixed reaction In Congress. Congressman Romand L. Mazzoli of Kentucky. who heads the House Subcommittee on lmmlgnltlon. Refugees and lntema· tlonal Law. has promised "full and complete hearings" on the commls· lion's report. "The American people should not and will not stand by Idly while hundreds of thousands and perhaps millions of people vk>lat.e our nation's laws to the detriment of American citil.ens," stat.es MazzoU. He termed the commission recommen· datlons "a ftrst step" toward change. Congressman Rodino, perhaps the nation's foremost advocate of Im· migration law reform, supports com· mlssk>n recommendations to make It unlawful for Americari employers to knowingly hire Illegal Immigrants but does not see the commission recom· mendatk>nl as a lasting solution. "I strongly believe that we must have a fled>je Immigration policy so that this country can respond to rapidly chang· Ing nattonal and International events," he Nyt. Rodino also 11 a1Uc:al that the com· mllllon did not addras the problem of atabllshlng exactly where both legal and IUegaJ Immigrants are In the coun· try. He n... such a system can be dewloped that '\viii not vlolata the cMI llbatla of Amerieaos" and wll not re· qun ddiiens to Caty ddzen ldentlfica· tson en as some have "iggated. The jJ'Ut lrnml!J'ab\ debate of 1981 hal begun. Sdl to be he.Yd &om ar. hundreds of lmlrated cltlzirn SJ'OUPI who wl c.ontrb.ttll their sug· gallons for change', new laws and the poking of~·· borders. The ultimate Nsolutlon probably will be a new ndonal lmmllJllk>n nnllM1 that wtl not permit the "golden ~f. to cwr be shut compl111ty, but that wll pl9CI a ~ on )ult how far It can be op.rled. Nat &Met FMa.Y W!EXLV·c:on· am. ., sp«fol report on IM rww Im· ,,.. .... with 0 doll·up look°' ... IM ,,..obMm o/ &gal *"'· _., I• ......., Wl9CL\', .. 11, _, • J -~------.a Ftom the G1eat Southwest: T ex-mex Dishes For Summer Dining By ffiotllyn Hansen From the ramblihg boundary be· tween T eu.s and Mexico comes the culsble of a blended heritage. nowhere more evident than In the wonderlul flavors and texture of com, chili and spices In colorful mix· tures to delight both eye and palate. SANGRIA ROJA lpbBw.-o,, .... 2 ............. orene-. 9hced 2~.116ced 2U••.tlk.d 4 ~a CN• Ml9llf ac. alba 1 qt. ie.o.-1t111e IOda l. Fill three (2·quart size) pitchers 1/J full of Ice cubes. Place an equal amount of fruit slices In each pitcher. Sprinkle with an equal amount of sugar. 2 . Fiii pitchers about •/• full ol wine. With a wooden spoon, pound fruit sllca t0 that the Juices are blended thoroughly with the· wine and sugar Is diMolved. Ke.p refrigerated unlll •vlng dme. 3. Just before MrVlng, pre:u &ult sllcu agaln, add IOda and ltir Sangria before pour1ng. Malc111 about 36 •rvlngs AVOCADO UME SALAD. l ...... ripe MIOQdo ......... ptned aAd ~ . "4c-.• ....... I ''"'" n• Hime juke Dlilllaeelt ......... ~ ............ CNlltWld , ........ ch.W eomaeo-s.w.,..... ,......, ... 1. Mix toQetNr llYOC:.ldo. fNIYO"nolM,. lime juice and ._it. Cover and chill. 2. Add bacon jutt b.fore MfVfng Cut och tomato Into 5 °' 6 MdlOns. ~ to stem end. and tpNed .tightly aJ*t In pNI fashion. 3. Spoon •1t cup avoc..do ftlllng Into each tomato. Serve on salad greens. Gar· nlsh with parsley. Maku 1 'lz cups flJ/lng or 3 aervlngs NOTE: FUllng may also be served in avocado shells or served as spread or dip for crackers. PEP'RY CORNBREAD 3 pq.. (10 oa. uch) c:ornbreed mta 3egp 11.ll ~ mJlk % to 1 ICalpOOft TebMco .. -.cc l cup chopped red pepper 1. Preheat oven to 4000f. In large bowl. combine cornbread mix, eggs. mUk and 1 Tabasco sauce. 2. Beat unUI well blended: fold in pep· pers. Tum batter Into greased 9 x 13-lnch baking pan. Bake until golden brown. about 20 minutes. Cut Into squares. Molce.s 1211ervlnga CHW CON CARNE I,\ cup ~ ........ ol I a.,. chopped OftkMI 2 cupl ~ ...... pepper 5 ........ Mlfchld ..... 4 CMI (l •.• U oa. wb) 'o-•I*. ...... 7 CMI (1 lb. ach) ....S l!Jdney bHN, dr11111ed.Raerw ...... I t1•h1paOM chll ,.,.- 2 tai•h111aao• Nit 1 aa•l•palMI ~-.lft ....t (opdoftal) I• 1paOM Tellwo ..aacc ltUIPDOM ... I,\ cup corMt8rdJ ~cup cold • ..., Cfllp c:redMn ,......, dMlpped --Sour erw"' 1. Heat otl In large Nuccpot or kdle. S.ute onion and green peopper until titnda. about s minutes. I I. Add meat and cook until llghtty browntd. ltintng to brak mat Into.,, .. p~. Addtomatoa,be.nl~u~.ch* powder. Mk. cumin, TabeKo aauce and a., to mat mbltu.-. Stir w,•. Cook 9'owly 1 hour over low heat. . ' 3. Add kidney beans; stir lightly and contl.nue to cook 15 minutes longer. Combine cornstarch and coki water In small bowl. Stir Into chill mixture. Cook until chill bolls and thickens. about 10 minutes. Serve with c:racken. chopped onion• and sour cream. R.clpe may be fro•n. Mokn 24 ""'1lnf11 MARINATED SHRIMP IN AVOCADO HALVES lla. ....... O/I._ .............. ...... It •h1paw.-.. l 'A I IP 1 llM ...._ )\*1e 1,4 t 111 .. DIM! Mil ,. .. JJaH., ...... Few ..... ......, •ound bled,,. P9' I ......... ~tllced 1 dow .......... S tM1h111n•• cooldile oll 1 pk:liW cMll ~ ,..,.,, ...w. n..leedClllllB.eripe I ............... wl ptCt.cl 1 ...._ tometo. chopped 1. Thaw fro.n shrimp. In bowt. com- bine vinegar, lemon juice. salt. mustard and pepper: Mt aside. I. In medk.un-me ~.cook shrimp, half the onk>n tlk:ct and gartJc In hot oU over medium-high heat 4 or S mlnum or just till fhrtmp are done. stltrlng occa- U<>nally. Remow onion and garlic with slotted tp00n; discard. 3. Add shrimp and the remaining oU from tkfllet to Vinegar mixture In bowl along with remaining sliced onion and the )Uapeno. Cover .n<t chUI several hours or overnight, Slln1ng occaslonal1y. 4 . To scrv•. lift thrtmp. onion llica and jalapeno from marinade: spoon Into avo· cado halva. Sprinkle wtth chopped tomato; drlz:de some of the marinade over aJJ. MoJca 4aauinga FIESTA AMBROSIA l CM (14 oa.) u ••• ..t co-911111d .a(no«~) 1 (~)UMllP•plMi~ "" cup lemon .. I teupa OM ..... Ol'aftte rtnd 1 C8lt (IO om.) ......... chunb. ........ s ~,......and cut Into ... ...,. ~ lc:up ........ whlle~..aow. 1 c. (S'A oa.) lllMd cocoeut 'A c:up chopped pec..11 1. In a Wg. bowl. combine sweetened condensed ml", yogurt, lemon Juice and rind; mlX w.11. Stir In remaining lngre· cfients. Chlll 2 to 3 hours to blend flavors. If daind, gmnlth with additional orange or pecans. R~atie leftovers. TIP: Se&ad may be made a day ahead to allow tt. flavors to blend more lhorouWily. MGkn8to JOwrvln91 ENCHll.ADA CASSEROI.£ ..... <I~_ ....... .,. ~apc••H •• ..... , ........ ...... I'll .......... .... •cwuo .-.,.u,....,. 11 llJH .... ................ a .. c1~-.> .......... .. 1y, ... a ., ~ ••U•• ca CllJl8) I . Htll 2 lllWllP a OM com ol In tkllet owr medium heat. Add onion and garlic: saute untll lender but noc brown. Add beef, stirring frequendy; cook until brown. 2. Heat 2 cans enchUada sauce In medium-tile saucepan ovu low heat Stir In beef mixture and salt. Kffp mixture hot until ready to use. 3. Heat remaining com oil In skillet over medium heat. fry each tortilla only until IOftcned. about 2 seconds oo each side. Drain wen on absorbent paper. Place mUk and 4 cups cheese In saucepan over low heat. Heat until cheae melts. stln1ng oc· c:ask>nally. 4 . Heat remaining 2 cans 1rnchUada sauce In medlum·slz.e saucepan over low heat. °'P 6 tortilla$. on• at a time, in tauce; cover bottom of greased 4-quart CasMTOlc. • 5. Cover dipped tortillas wtth about 1 cup meat mixture and 1.h cup checse. Re· peat layering 3 more times. Pour melted cheese mixture on top. Bake In prlthat· ed 350'F. (moderate) oven 30 minutes or until thoroughly heated. Makel about 8 •n>lngs EMPANADAS (Mat·FW.d Ttu"DOftn) 2 talll11, D Dee com oU 1•.~bed 1.4 C1IP ~ oaloa 14 aip chofiped ...... ~ 1 e.. (6 oa.) tometo peete 'i4apr...._ 'i4 cup chopped panley I ..-,oi.w cho,ped ptm~ ... 'II ._upaanult "' IQIPOOft dried oregeno leaYt9 o..h ..,...cS black pepper 1 ,..... ,....,,, (Ndpe Wowl) 1 ........ .,..... 1. Heat com oil In m1rdlum·slze sk.illet over medium heat; add beef. onion, green pepper. Cook. stirring occasional- ly. until bee( l0tes ltt redness and vegctabla ate tendc. 2. Add tomato paste, raisins, panley. oUves, salt. oregano and pepper. Cook. stlrril')g constantly, until well mixed. Set aside. S. Prepa,. pas1ry. Roll one baU or pastry lnto a circle, about '!•-inch thick, between 2 thee~ or wued paper. Place about 3 tablespoons meat mixture In the center of pastry circle. Fold circle ln half and scal wen wtth tines of forl<. 4 . Repeat until aD pastry Is used. Place tumovcn on ungreaed cookie lheets. Brush .with •· Bake In 425'f. OYen 15 to 18 minutes or until golden brown. Serve hot or cold . Maka 12 ,...., s c..-....... ,.,.... .. l tlllfllR Mlt 1 , ............... ~a., can ol li'Jic:.p .... l. In medkim...i. bowl, tllr toglth. flow' Slit and bektng powcMr. In small bowl, with • f~. tdr IOlltMr corn oil ~ ....... Add '° 8our mlaCure .... one.. 5anmtl. eoft P-*Y forms. Divide '*"Y Into 12 ball. Maka 3 cupl pcmy ..,..._Y-.&.Y .... 11,91 e 1; THROUGH 123 FEET OF CLAY. GRANITE AND BOULDERS How My Wife And I Drilled A Well Robert Meckey UnfortUMtely for me. my home is located in an aree th.at I.I f1mou1 for difficult drillin1r. There are big aranlte boulders all over the place. You can imagine what It mutt be like deep in the srouncl. Th.at'• why mott c:ommet'Cial water well driUen won "t drill here. When I toW my friends I was 1oing to get 1 H.ydra·l>rill ind cry to drW a water well. they thoufht I wu crazy. "Look," they uid. "'what makn you think you can suc- ceed where com1114rrcial drillen won't even 1.ryr · But l"d reed that thousand11 of follu all over the world have drilled llydra·Drill wells. and I thought if they could do il, .a could I. ll Wall I bntnd new experience. I WHO 't aure how d..,, I'd hPe to drill « bow Ions it would take, but my wife got lnt.eTated In lhe project and volunteered to help me. We knew we'd be drilling a lot of rock, and we upect.ed it would go slowly. We alfeed to Uike it in ea11y ataga end follow lhe imtruct.ioo book et.ep by step. The bis question was whether the Hydra·Drill could handle 111 that rock. A• Lt turned out. ~had to drill tbrouah •ill bi1 boulders. At timea, our drillinc spe«S •lowed t.o 1 few in· chea pw hour. but belween the boulders we 1peeded up tNmendOU9ly. At time• we were drilUng 11 much H 1 fool p« minute. Not bad. not bad et all. When .. reeched a depth of 93 feet. I t.ook a mirror and reflected eunlipt down the hole. It wu 1 real t.hrW to'" t.hat we bad atruck wat.erl In thie .,... of Nevad1. it'• .ometbnee po11i!M to filld en undersround win of hot WICC. If you an ludty enough to fiDd OM. you caa uee the h« water to heat your home and never pay another heeUag bill. In hopes of findi.af hot. water OD our property, .. continued drilllnc to• depth of 123 feet. At that point we had 30 f•t of water •tand· ins in the ..U. We ~ the t.em· ,_.tura of the water, ud it wu 165 decrete. plenty hot for bome beetinc. We're now ulinc that wac.r-to bMt our eat.Ire borne. We p&.a on driWnc more W.U. on our property. We'N happy to haw I.he hot. wae«. Now " wanl some cold water few clriaki.ac and lniptiftC. The really ,....,..b .. part i9 &JU.: "Md abtoluc.ty no npwi.oc. ln weD drillif\I, end .,,. .,,.... drilh& in wry dif~lt coa· ditiona. We 1"ftt tbroup blue day, red c!Q. decompoeed sranit.e and boulder•. The H,dra·DrW plrformed j111L lf'Ml. ud we .. * • bundlit of money by drill.I.QI our own well. I can't lma(ine that there are many places where the drlWng 11 rougher Ulan what we have here. l cert.ainly can recom· mend tbe Hydra·DrW Lo 1nyone who needa a wai.r well and wantl to uve money. WEEKEND WELL DRll I fR IAVE HUNDRED8 OFDOLLARI For lffs than t 1 per ft you can driH a w.- well in your backyard next WMk•ndl ....,. aH the sx.ir•. frnh weter you went FREEi TM HYDRA· ORIUdrtllt . .., ..... !50 to 200 feet dHp Easy to C>P9f•t• H • pow9r lawn mowefl FOR FREE IROCHURE ON HOW TO ORIU A WIU CALL TDLL·llR•• ,.,. 821-2280 'c.41 ..,.._ ondUdlnt Suncl9yt ()fl Clift COUf'ON AM> MAa. TOQ4Yt -----------o • ...,..,. ..... eo. 1414 Andenon 9'oed Opelka, AL 3M02 ,.__..,_ ......... _ ............ .. -.1uM1t•eftd...,et1M..,._.,.. ,,. .......,. .... cat! > .. • The Hidden Sttesses of Changing Addresses Moving to a new town can mean aome heavy emotional baggage-anxiety before you go and lone· llnaa once you're there. But thla ~ advice can take the •ting from the tl"auma. By Jone French T he pradkal problems of mov- ing are bad enough -ammg- lng for a van. getting the chtna · packed and the books crated. remembering to notlfy yow friends and the post office of your new ad- dress. But even more stressful -and too often overlooked -are the hid· den psychologtcal effects of moving from one community to another. Thes.e can be more damaging to In· dlvlduals and families than misplaced boxes. broken china and ordinary moving mishaps. "A single move to a new communl· ty can be emoHonally dlfflcult for a faml)y." say Ors. Ronald Raymond Jr. and Stephen V. El1ot. "And the built-up stress of moving every few ,, years, as many corporate families do. can cause marital problems. emo· tlonal problems In chlklren and work- relaied problems for the tweadwlnner of the family. In one recent survey it was discovered that one and a half years after a mOYe. 50 percent of the transferees were doing poorly on the )ob because of tensions at home." These doctors should know. They are pamers In a firm called T ransiUon. Inc .. located In Wilton, Conn .. and are consultants to lndustzy on the emo· tk>nal and psychological aspects of tran•. Thetr recent book, Grow Your Roots Anywh~ Anytime (Peter H. Wyden, Inc.). coven every aspect of moving from how to ftnence a houte to how to allay a small child's fears al leavtng his friends and sc:hoolmates. The doctors' thesis !t that. frequent moving can be turned from anegattve ·~ Into a politlve one If the hidden probaems are twoaght out Into the open and deelt with. Too many huebands. they say, accept transfers without contlUklng their wlva. and thfl la bound to c:eute raentment. .. In my family," one wife com· pleined, "tM company coma ftnt . the chdchen come MCond, Iha dog coma third. I come last." Thia It apedaly true ~ the wife hal • job of her own . When tranefe 11 off-.d. the wife must be pert of lhe dedslon· making process. (Contrary to popular belief. In enlightened corporations to· day it is possible to rum down a transfer without risking your future .) Then. if the husband ·wtf e decision is "go," this gives the wife a chance to put together a resumi and start job hunting In the new area. And then there are the chUdren . Ors. Raymond and ~lot recommend that as soon as the decision to move Is made. you ho&d ll family conference and make the announcement that "Dad has a wonderfol new )ob In Houston. and we're moving In September. How do you kids feel about lt?" This is not. the doctors stress. ask- ing for a vote on whether or not you should go. but It does give the children an opportunity to express their feelings. positive or negative . abo\Jt the move and let off steam. rThe child who keeps his feelings to himself Is the chUd with problems later on.) It also clues parents in on the fears. anxieties. wants and needs of each particular chlld. so that they can assuage them. Most lmportandy, this kind of discussion gives chlldren the f eellng that they are part of the plan· nlng committee, not just excess bag- gage. T he follow-up is to do everything In your power to make the move seem like an exciting adventure. ~ 5oon as you know your address, aubscrlbe to the rocal paper and get copies of regional magazina and books from the btwary on the history of the city or area. You can even write to the Chamber of Commerce before you go for. promo- tional material. and If the city of yow dattnaHon II nor a tourist attractlOn. get a brochwe from a travel agent to pin on the f amlly bulletin board. It's a good Idea -and not very ex· · pmstve If you're c:hMng -to take the whole f am Uy along on the Initial house-hunting e><pedltlon . This makes ewryone feel UM a C*tidPant and famtllartza th• chddren wtth the new t.n'ltoty. helping to allay rhetr fca of the unknown. One of the moa dtff1cuh parts of movtng for a child ls leaving his or her friends. If you hear 8-year-old Dickie saying of his best friend. Allen . "I don't want to p~y with him anymore. he's dumb." don't believe it. This Is Dickie's way of hiding his true feel· lngs. Offer to give a fareweU party for your chUd's friends. although you shouldn't force the issue If the child truly doesn't want to do it. Point out to yow child that he or she can still write to his or her friends. and permit phone calls (within reason. of course). What about the child who is too young to wrtte? Buy a supply of post· cards In the new location and every week help your ch"d Mnd a message to a fnend. ''Our Lucy: Thi. Is a beach near where we live. Love, Bet- sy" will do, no matter who WTf1es or prints It. After a while Beuy will have found new friends, and the postcard routine will no k>nger be necaNry. In paddng up to move. Napect your children's potMilions. A bat· tered do8. a broken fire engine or pin·up of a mcwie star or ballplayer may 1eem IUce junk to you, but It's a treasured potMllk>n to your chlld. Give each child his own packing box and let him Rh It with his belongtnga. And even though you're planning to J r ~ ----------------------x tum the new house into a decorator's dream, let children decide what they want in their own rooms. For little ones. duplicate their old rooms as much as possible: waking up in a strange room can be frightening to a 3-year-old. Once the family Is installed In the new locaHon. the biggest psychol· oglcal hurdle will be finding a new support system. In the old communl· ty. you hod your friends. but now you need a new social group. "The biggest single problem we hear about the unhappy transferees." says Dr. Ray· mond. "ls loneliness. They miss their old frtends but they don't know how to make new ones." Even If the Idea Is strange to you. the doctors advise, be a joiner. Join a church or a synagogue. Join the local newcomer's club. Join volunteer groups. politlcal·actlon groups, hobby groups. Take a course In a continuing educatk>n program at a local college or Y.M.C.A. There Is, of course. no guarantee that you will im~lai.ly find close friends In any group you JOln, but maximum social exposure Is the Idea . Nobody ever made friends by sitting home and waiting for 11'11 the doori>ed to ring. IAJ MAIL FOR FREE CATALOG Half Sizes 14Y2 to 26Y2 and Women's Sizes 36 to 54 [ YES. Please send me my FREE Fall/Winter 1981 Great lmpressionsTM Catalog off ash ions exclusively for half sizes 14 V2 to 261/2 and women's sizes 36 to 54. AOORESS ____________ APT --- CITY __ STATE ____ ?IP __ _ < TELEPHONE NUMBE n, A .. , """ 1 ~ GREAT IMPRESSIONSIM P 0 Oox 600. O~pl 457, St Cloud. MN 56372 39'>42' Name (p&..priotl Addrea Apt. I 1 I Would you like a genuine Emerald, Ruby or Sapphire ring for SS? As pan of an advenising test we will give a genuine emerald, ruby or sapphire ring to every reader of this publication who reads and returns this printed notice before Midnight, June 30, for the surri of SS pJus SI shipping and hand- ling. There is no funher monetary requirement. [Each ring contains a genu- ine 12 pt emerald, ruby or sapphire and will be ac- companied by our Cenifi- cate of Authenticity to that effect.] This advenisina not.ice is being placed simultaneously in other publications. If you sec it in more than one publication, please let us know, as this information is helpful to us. Should you wish to re- turn your rintyou may do so at any time to the ad- dress below and receive a full refund. No more than ont of tach ring allowed per address (limit 3 rings). But if your request is made before June 22, you may request up to two of tach ring (limit 6 rinp, any combination). No request will be accepted past the dates noted above; your uncashed check will be re- turned if postmarked later than those dates. Pleaseen- close this original notice with your request; photo- copies will not be accepted. [S~cijj· ring sizt with ,,_ qwst. Availablt in SMALL (slzt 5). MEDIUM (sizt 6). URGE (sizt 7).] Send your name, address and rina size together with SS plus SI shipping and handlina for each ring to: CHRYSTI[ • SPR\'NGHE. LTD.. ~Rini Adnrtilln1 Test, Dept. 61~67: lox 1921, Creen- wlda, Connecdcut 16131. ~ •• , c......,.' s..,...,.. LIO CSl411) 3 Ate Slow Speakets Less Ttustwotthy? By John E. Gibson lRUE OR FALSE 1. You can judge a person's emotion- al state from a distance. 2. The a00nd o( your voice causes people to make judgments about the kind ol person you are. 3. The attractiveness of others doesn't affect the way we judge them. 4. The first Impression a woman makes Is likely to depend on whether or not she Is weU endowed. ANSWERS 1. True. University ol Ca&fomla stud- ies of the long-distance transmission of facial signals o( happiness, sadness, fear, anger, surprtle and disgust show that these emotions can be accurately ldentlfled by observers from a distance of 30 to 45 yards -depend1ng on . which emotion or mood 15 being radi- , ated by the person's fau. 2. True. Experiments at Columbia University provided dear evidence that listeners make ~rsonal attribu· tlont regarding the character of others from 'the sound of their voices. ft was found, for example, that speakers with high-pitct\ed voices were Judged Ins truthful, less emphatic and more nervous; that slow-talking speakers were also judged as less truthful, as well as. Ina fluent and las persuasive and were seen as more "paslive." 3. False. Studia at Wake Forest Unl- Wl'llly lho wed thlt the lltlradtYenal of others very definitely affects the evaluations we make about their work and ability, as well as other personahy characteristics. The Investigators found, however, that "highly at- tractive Individuals received the high - est evaluations from members ol the opposite sex, while individuals ol medium physical attractiveness received the highest evaluations from members of the same sex." And the findings suggest that physical attractiveness may be advantageous In developing relationships with the opposite sex but disadvantageous ln developing re.la- llonshlps with the same sex . While contact with highly attractive members of the opposite sex Invites favorab&e attributions, contact with a highly attractive member of the same sex does not. 4. True. Behavioral scientists at Wdesley College and Chaffey Col- lege had both men and women stu- dents rate color photographs of women who were made up to simu- late smaD, medium or large bust slzes. They were rated on factors which In- cluded lklng and personal appeal, competence, lnte!Ugence and mod~ ty. Andings: Subjects gave significant- ly more favorable ratings on liking and personal appeal to penons with medium @ther than small or large bu.st sizes. Those with smal bust sizes were evaluated as being most ln- telllgent, competent and IZJ modest. QUIPS & QUOTES . ARMOUR'S ARMOURY NAME GAME f o~n cant think of a name. Pahape of o longtlme friend Oro relatJue eucn. ~opa. And monv a minute I spend Dlggrag Into mv sore of nomea, Feeflng more and more Nice a dunce, nr I~ oak mv flll/a. Who coma up with the name at once. The way mv nwmory~ going, Few nama Qe'J1 toon wlll be known, And dw dav may not be jt, ol When I can~ remember my own. -Richard Armour Denomination•: The dollar ar- rogantly asked the dime, "Why are you so small?" ''f may ~ small." retorted the dime, "but at lemt I gel to church more often than you." -G.E. Children solve dlverstty with ease: It Is the adult who compleJ<a It.This dear happening was reported to me by Grandpa hJmself. He Is Christian, and his young granddaughter has a dear friend who Is Jewish. After Easter, he asked his pddaughter what her lit· tie fr1cnd had received. "Nothing," she advised. "because I'm Easter and she's Passover. She's Hanukkah and I'm Christmas." ReRecting a moment, she added enthuslasdcally. "but we're both Halloween ." a-.. -c;.o,g. ~·~""'" MALE CAU.: A young man lnufted his date to his apa1tment to ~• his 4famp collect1on , but the lady 1mlled and ahook h• head. "Philately. " she 1Gld, "wJll get you nowhere." -Lane Olfnghou• Advertise ent H~'s IM most v.uful pitte of furnitu~e you'll ftln own. And, it'• 6efnui/ul tool The Everything Table Only $24 99 TMIMMdfool~ ....... &.w. .. -.....,. ,..,, -"""' ..,! J-1111 -...... _.,,.,......,_ ................ ,.... .... ..., •-....ifofedHW ta ........ ~WW. I ~ ........... "«! ......... ...... -............... -'1tl. ,_,, -.. -.. f"ftY ..,. snumc 110t.W. o.,i.. AT~ _.,,. ......... ~llr. NY Mlll9 C ,,._ 1tM -,_ rtft)•lllnaTaWt .. .,..1y S!Utpl .. P .• c ~t'T: :-::;-144.• ,,...S) ....................... C SA\ll MOUi ~ lar Ollly »99'pNo17M,......_. c =:J-..• c CH.U.Cl I n-C-\-.... -....,,c· ...... a..p. CWd . Ea'*"----- N-------------AM<-------------- St-Z...-- CJUDf'f CA&D Cllft'Olftas e CALL 'l'OL&AUa. 1.-wa-la. It Now ... A Professional Pedicure In Your Own Home! Professional • 10ENAIL~ • Cut the Toughest N•ils - Easily •nd Quickly. • Pr«ision Instrument In Surgical Qu•lity Steel. Made In West Germ•ny. • Sure-Grip Comfortable Handles. • Extra-long Shank Gives You More Leverage. • Special Design T•~red Blade• for Perfect Control. UNCONDITIONAL t-YLU MONEY ·BACk GUAJlANTU NOW $399 ONLY Avoid Ingrown toemlls and trips to the doctor. Order ToUyf r----· M.i• ..n.t c...-.------.. STHLINC HOUSL Dept. TN-3081 Stulina Buildi~. C.rn•m•. NY 10923 YES! I'd llke to aiw mywtf • pn>inelon.11 &Jedku ... -41nd p,_Wl\t lftllrowtl ~ih. ~... wnd -thl• ~iAlly ....... Proftttional TOENAIL SCISSOllS. 0 1 for onll_ Sl.99 plus 70C P • H. SAVE, ORDER MORE TAAN ONE NOW! 0 Z for only 56.50 plus 95( P • H. 0 l fof only Sll.95 plut St.25 P • H. 0 Endowd it lint S ----- 0 CHARGE IT. OVtta OM111uChar11 C•rd • ----------£.po'"----------N·------------- AIMtna ----=------------ CtlY------------s .. 1~ Zip __ '--------------.l--------.-.-----------.1 Kings: 3 mg. "tar," 0.3 mg. nicotine av. per cigarette. FTC Report January 1980. lOO's: 5 mg. "tar." 0.6 m . n1coune av. per cigarette by FTC Method. Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. 'lisle. real w.te, in a really low tar and Chicago's taste of the town! Its taste tbatk made Kent DI ooe of Americas most popular low, low tars in Chicago, Experience Kent m - Advertiaem~ent-:---------------..... Shebo)'pn. Shreveport, Newport, New York. Yorktown. Youngstown, Allentown. · Jamestown, Tinseltown, Motown and yo' town. Ciome experience it! The taste of the town!'Y I I I 'I I ' .... -UI A .... I I I I • . i I I I I I I I I I ' I -.I ,,, .... po ... tul ..... ~,,., PULLS IN PARAWAY .... aple ........ •Sporta •••ahhepp1nlnge ........ ,.. .......... Nowt TOfllfher with rour dl9I '°""' Sllmlnch after Inch •.. and It keeps on slimming/ .... ..... .... ••dlea Get Organized fot Summetl Six Easy Steps By Lealy S.ger N ow that summer It here, you're probably ready ~.Jct tome &..ti U' lnlo }'OW' llf e .:.. both llteraly and ftguratlvely. h's the pe'fect time to get going on tofM of the projedl you've been thinking .bout but haven't had the time or energy to tac:kJe. In order to channel your rejuwnated molve, you've ftnt got to get orgllllzad. According to Stephanie Wlnllon, a New York Oy organtmg consukant and author of the bat-telling book a.~ Organad: The Easy ~ to PLd Your Ll/s ·In Order (Norton), many of ut have an Inaccurate con- c:epdof\ of what getting organized is all about. "MOit people equate org1n1za· don wtth neatnat," she says, 1>ut clutter might not mean dilorgantza- tlon. It's really a quadon of function: You should be at>le to find what you want when you want tt; get 1hls1gl done when you want to get tf:aem done~ and be surrounded by a physi- cal enwonrnent that works for you." U you've been unable t6"Dlf c!le1ga· nlred ~ the past, the following advice might help you put things In order. I. Iara to Set Goall. Ttme-man- agement experts qee that advance plenni"lg of priorttiel II a necaury ftnt Rep. "If you don't know the mOlt Important goal for the day, you can't know the most Important actiOns to be taken," say Alec MKKenZie and Key Cronkle Waldo In thetr new book About Tfme/ A '40mon ~ G&dde to nme Manage~t (McGraw Hiii). Begin matmg a daly list of things to do, ~ to five to 10 manageable Ullks, qgllll Stephanie Wln*>n. 'The mOll Important or strenuous of thele ac:llYtlW, she adds, shouJd be done In your own pmonal ~ time" of d.y tfor mOlt people, ... the morning). I. D1I~ llelpomW.. In a fMllly. llr 1111.~ both the .,..ms and the chldren - lhould be aapoelllbie for certain c:hora. MKf<erm. Md Cronkle Wlldo ...... you hold .... fln'8v ........ duma which talks ... dMcf. ed up. a ...... o1 Fnr11 ..... 0on-. alow lbe Jmpmtant .... you .... to be Mt Mlde as ~ cope wllh un- lr:Mdulld ............... ,,. problln; can be 9lp9dlly troublelome f you .. •. hommMMr or WOltc M home and .. accustomed to cir~ ~ to deal with ~ , •• phones, ~ who l9op ~ to chat and IO on. But 9Wf' fragmentadon " not In· .. ~ ........ ., .. , sunnountable. Winston maintains. h just requires the wlDpower to make yound .. unavailable" for one or two hours a day eo you 1 haw time to k · cou.,W. your mM\ tasks. Try to ignore oulrlde kWnupdor\I, even the phone. 4. Solw the p.,_ Problem. Most of UI .. con&om.d wMh an overload of maf, bis, noaca, etc. According to Wti..-,.1, ....... three things you can do w~ any piece of paper: throw It out; read. answer or react to It: file It for ref....nce. . -If-you have a wastebasket, you can take c:erc of the first alternative. But the od\ef two require some dedsion- malclng. Winston recommends that you ftnt tort the paper and pul It ln an ac:cael>lll locatSon. Then once a week you can Ill down and take care of It ... 5. Don't a. Ind....,,... bv Big TMll8. Take deaning doNts, for ex· ample ... MOit people puJI everything out al at once and dump It on the floor .... " Winston says. Unfortunate· ly, trying to organize the who&e opera- tion at once CM be~. In· stead, WNton uys, try ..alng a llmlbld, 11*6: work goal for younclf (aech 11 deaning the k>wer left shd of the c&c.t). When done, move on. Alk your'l!ff the NIM quatlons with each article of dothtng. fir?t. have I uted thlit In the put year? If the II*"' ii ya, you 1 probably want to tc..., •. If you antwered no. alk yourMI a recond quadon: Does It have penonal •• -.... moM· tary or ad'Mllc? If your ..,.,., ii ya, add • to your ~ of lhlngl to keep. But -raotve to -rid of evaythtng •Ire. ev.n lteme that •might come In hlfxly IOIM day." 6 ........ ~The mch- ntque al~ • ... lnlo lmhd ..,,,_, ... ca.n have applca- ~ fir mare lmportent d\ln ~ deaning. '1lne-qumten of the ..... people look at a talk • a whole and then cm't do tt." wn.on -.. "If they IMrned to dtvtde •• tt.ey•d ,. hew much more~." la.J Advertisement ,_ Natures Way to"Burn Up" . and "Wdsli Away" up to I 15PllDNBITHEllBl1WEB • Doctor ~edl •Nutritionally Sound!• No Drug~• No Hung~ Stay as tbtn as you ltkefor the rest of your life, without gWing up your favorite foods! • ......,,.. a IUf'eolh ~ ,.,._ JHOl'Mt wHlt no pl#I CK dn"1' ... no calorie counang ... no food..._..,,, ... llJd ag 11119t!tom,,_. m..rJGM,.,, Q#dll • .,....,,.. • dlef a ctttrwwtc you never once hfW9 to .., rew ~ con.- ~. "'.,..,,.,,., ~ uled, CK Mmott ~.,a diet on whldt you CM give row-11,_,,..,, to mdufll ,.-lddllt ,_ Jfl*f n flli&. JQM m llligtJ! ,,, flllal01Gt« ... aal *Ying Ir! • En#OJ pol ... PQPGDm, ptza,,.,., ... ~ c1J1111r,Mw. Sil GlWJ, mJlllilr wHlt IDllflld llldllr. Gmll GO U. ~ erttchM= cbA • • Clt9 •.. Mmolt .,.,, food,,,., turns you on! *you'll di lo. weight! • :mt GdfY PIQP9 wtJQ dllol-lall ~ on ,,,, dlttt .,.. tttoee who won1 give up dlltddnband arfft:IM .. t' N'fSl· upaA/lbol Judt ..... ad.,,.,, you...,,, ,,...,,....., .... IKlwtl oJIN~ ,_, OWfromltwbrNldltroufllt ~. you CM ett#OJ wine, belt,~. W wda, G 111/llall nfgf)U _,]. .....,.... fruit 1ft1YMft on ttte e.v.rty ... °'9t ••. helped Merryt R~l loee32~ I t all stJried with a bnk ~n lq! All her ~fe. Judy Mutl was a fatty! She .~rttd ~ diet pills at the ii' of 8. and tried every conceivablf weilht loa ptOVam from thyroid pills to luatiYeS and diltrftics. Vtt. as soon as she stopped. 1be would balloon ritbt bacll up to her old ~t and e'lltn hlsher! Tbe day !SS-pound. 5'-S" over-weight .llldy bro~berietskiil• ••die day thatcba~ her lift I With ood\111 to do In the hospital slit bqln to study llUfrilion and ltam how her body diaested food. She tlptrimented on herself, lost SO pounds and llept it off! Herbmktlvoutl> ctilcotitry camt when she learned that cemin delicious fruits can sul>PIY dll'$ti\le enzymes IO supplement those the body Itself makes. Tbtst eMYtnfS In fact. are so efficient that they "burn. fted and wllb • to rid )'OUr body ol fat that is alrudy there! The Be\lerty Hills Diet shows )IOU how to ust tbese lmUi1'IY effectM enzymes to beCln )'Ollr wellh• losa dlt wry Rnt dlyl O.y bY Day as )'OU' ~ loa concinllfS. dlis all nalural ditl COl!tinues lo "bum and wash" awq acess fat-and you 're ne¥er hungry a si11lf minute. W"1,.. can~• eat aJJ ..._ lee au•,... llllel "No food bJ ibtlf is fanemtit" e:xplllns dlt autbot ·111 only when )IOU' Mk )'Ollr body to cHaest die w,,,.. combination or foods all at once lha1 ""'Y· thine slows down. So i,.tead of 11Si11 just calories ll needs, JOUf body !Urns them 1..-0 fat instead or etimi111t111 them." So If )'OU ~ any particular food llkt let crum-eo ahead! Malle a meal of it-haw a pine tnd a half if )'OU lib! -----Th• Author An••r• Yc>Ur Ow•tlon•I---.. I loVe always knowu'lg What I will be eating II W()t1(s perfectly into my busy schedule • -Linet. Gray of "DellH " I went from a 36-inch waist to a 29. My tailor was unhappy. but I was dehghted. Now when I look in the mirror I feel proud to have had~ opportunity to roeet Judy Mazel -Engetbert Humperdjnck -Singer Sally Kellerman h8Pl)41y ale pasta. vege1ables. and bread and bulter. And. lost weight . ·rve gone on many diets. but J.JJJIY'..8. 14 Ill§ aGiGl... -S.lly KetlenMn-Actreu I earned tweflty extra pounds for twenty years. With Judy. I got rt off. New foods. new tas1ee. tt·a great.'' -Piii Henington of "One o.y M •Time" This diet really worits. I've neve< had sJch ~rgy. I can see a difference in my skm and my hair as well.' Mary Ann Mobley A prommflt1t doctor adds Former MU AnMfica I myself have been on Iha Beverly Hills Olet. as have many of my patients. As a phy11clan. I enthusiasllcalty recommend Judy's program. It 1s MJJJ/JJi. ~. amt t1nlllly IPP~ [Q 919tll &ti 'li11ll ~ Iha.I 1!4 unmatched ta lllY ~· Viet« BenlQr, M.D. Beverly Hiiis. Calltorni. Newnea 11,.. ewreet,,.. cu wuai..., ~r .aatallal II )'OU blow It and HI no-nos on m06t dltll. too bad! But the BMrly Hills Oltt has no blicklisttd loodl-lnsttad it shows you Ille simi>'e secret of lbod Combininc-so that you can eat What· mr )'OU wkb. E\len if )'OU deliberately miscombine some fl'fOrit& foocll-as )IOU miaht a.t Thlnks&ivina Oinnet1 b ihltante.-lhe Be\lerly Hills Diet Is so~ so effectlw. )IOU Clft comet fC)f il Silftply follow tht easy directions for usinc !host lnalically elfecti¥e food enzymes-and you're ricbt ba(k to losint any pounds you mifbt hlft addtd. What other diet llM you Mr beard of that ci'm you a second chance like that? Do J"IMl __.,.ta, cele..nttn ,.W clearly for u. leftrtJ HJllt Dtett By en}o)inc fruits Ii~ pinupplt.. ma.., stRwberrits and snpes-and ~nc plua. .potatott. pasta and other fa\IOrite foods. tlaey lost tbe weWil they walllled to q llicily and 11e11t it oft'I ,.,_ die stetet1 of IN idnDt:tlJ did tM! paid /NJAdfrds ol dollors for are ITl'M)ed In ~ JW. bruktb~ book. 1'¥o hundred lilly fascinati11 Pf1tS in hard CO¥et includi11 the complete diet. delldous reciprs !Of honest-to-p>dness dishes 1111.e pasta witJI real butteL and a c:ompletenulritional expW\llion or wily lhe diet worbl IJ!lr Jl1iil ~ yqg ~Jg,' . ,,......, ...,,.,. ,..,, .... ,.... ... ,,....... ,., ............. ........ ..-. ..................... . . ~ ..... ...,,..,_..,_.,.,., ........ H..,,.. ..... ....,. ... ,.... ,..,, .., .. .......... Ill ... ..._. . ...,.,..,,_.. .......... ,.. • "---bt,...,..,,..,, ..-.--........ ,,, . a.-.--.. .......... ,,,,... ...,...,....,..,....,.,.. • Got-.,._.,... ....... ...,,,.,... --.W,.., H 4PuMlt Attn't )'OU tired of fad diets you can't tiwe witll ... wilh fftdlealy lolinc. pl!Ut and lfUinc nowhere? Get tllis amuinc booll now °" 30 Day Money Bick Cuar· anittl Alf flltat te~ phone toll free todly! ~ CMDfT CAM ON>IM ACClftTl.O: CAU TOL.IA'MI M HOUM A DAY ~ POR ~Tl ~ DIM. 1 .... Ml Hat• Wn.vAMA 1.-..ea011a ~--------------------------, I Tlla'"""' ..... CMat..,... llM-t• .. "-.._..._.,.,,v...,,,..,.... I I PINN "*' ----.COCl'1(in} of Tho ~ ... Ooec ~Judy MIMI ., S10 96 pkit 11 25 Pl*oge and I I tllndling '* cqiv (~ d l'#o, MftCI U0.95 (MW $3 45). we oey OOttaot eno lllndlinO I If I'm not I ~I ~ !Wlum within 30 days fOf ful refund. (ue.,i P<*-00 !"" llendliinO) I -1 ""'°'*f .. IOM•t •ooon ea POSICl!e 1.mtneloeing tn oddlt.IONISU5to hoY9 rff'I copy Mnl by Int I I ~";:'Money Oldor enctoMd tor s I I CHARGE MY D \llSA D Me9'eteanl D Oin«I CM> I I Acc;ot.ft • MC tnWtlionll 'a I I Stpt Cwd E•pftt I I Prin(~ ($orTJ.ftOCOO-. ,,......,,..edd., ....... , ·1 I .--.. AflC ;_ 1 l c.1 s..-r._, I L. In Cenadl writ9 to. The~ Hiii Dist. 118 Sflortlng AOSCS. ~ Onterio MIS3M .J ------------------~-------. IHILOON 0-. 0epc. AC-71 incio.o 1t •--(N J. --..._ lUJ 500 Mani .. Street. "9tttl Amboy. N.J. ON82 CHAME MY 0 VISA 0 MASTlllCHAl'IOE P ..... RUSH me WORLD'S SMALLEST AIR ._,... •----Eap CONDITIONER lff'S1 0td«ed ~ ~ C-• Date --ubstK11on g'*9nteed 0t l'llOMY t>ICk . ,......._.,..,..,.,.. _. .,.,.., o • 111 c.-.. only •• plus 11 2S pstg , _, lldlQ. (TOQI $11.20) -----------0 IM IUI l'll lar ~ 117.W plus $2.00 pstg. & _,....., _________ _ I I o :i· Rr: S::lor 1us1 m.• p1ua S3 oo PstG cm 1 1 I l'ldlg (TOlll 32 95) t!AI[ Zl~'-----~------------------------------J $275,000 SMILE 23-year old man Wins Oil Lease in Goverment Lottery When Robert NU.on of New York wrote for information on the monthly lottery for Oil and Gu Leuea he never d.remMd he would win one 10 fut. And collect aucha Jar1e1umofmoney. 1275,000. caab! Plue ht alao b6ld.a royalty rights that could brin1 him another fortune from oU produced on hi1 New Mexico property. n. lucky 23·year old ac()()UJltant wu all amilea when told of bit sood fortune. SurpriainclY, ht'• not Plannins to retiN with bis windfall Since be didn't want bia employer to learn olbia sood fOrtune, we chanted bit name and hla face ln thia report. What about you? Why don't you enter the OU It Gas Leaae Lottery held by the Federal and State 1ovemmenta every month. A amall tax deductible entry fee could help end your money troubles. Phil Oonaldeon of Michican ia 1 three· time wtnner. Herbert Gloyd of Texu la atwodme~richerbyS201,.00.00 plua RoyaJt;ea. Your chances are juat u aood Join our winners circle by settinr official entry carda. FREE. Send your name and addreu to: Ea.SY Group ol AIMlb. Dept. fWM31 Empire Stat• Building, Sult• 3308 N"' York, ~.Y. Wl 18 80R8EOU8 ........... EllERALDS • SOLID 1• GOLD JEWELRYI 48·HOUR SALE! I I I I • i i I • m• _ _._LM ... ,_ _ _.._ .... ,_ __ ,. ..... ... ____ ,_ ! ........... __ _ ___ .... bltlfl __..1111111-. ------____ ._..,_ .... ... ITltt ---------1.M ... ,.,... ~~ ---.. ~ ______ ., .. _ __ , ......... . I.,,, relPOnding within 48 hourt to Poole'• Fifth A ... nue M Jew9tty Jubilee" ..... Enctoeed .,._ ... find • total numtler of ll•m• Ofdefed X 14.00 pfus poataoe and handling (adcU 1. for one Item; U . b' two: 13. for thtM ltama or more). Paymentln full en- dotld by 0 cftedl 0 moMY order. or~ to my 0 VISA 0 MMttfCard. Aclot. t Exp. date ___ _ I i.nderltMd that If I 11m not comotetelY deliilf'tted, I 1n9V ,.Nm my ~a) for NII refund of the money I have pejd ,.._ ~ Ind handling, of course). I N~ I I • I I Address lt I L.;····-·······--··-···--·-·····---·-···!~ ......... ~~--················l TH• BIG DAY STITCH RICH That old truam about g:trls Almost half of the choosing to be June brides eot.mtry's nurses feel that at turns out to be true after al. least 30 percent ol a.D opera- Of the 2.14 million marriages tions performed are unnec- performed In the U.S. last essary, reports a recent poO year. 11.3 percent occurttd of 12,500 nurses by RN In June, the most of any magazine. As weD . over 80 month. The next moct popu-percent of the nurses say It's lar times were August and -----------------------------aD right for a nurse to fill in a July; the~ popular, Janu· patient on alternative tre.at- ary. By the way, according to the Census Bureau, the average U.S. bride was 22.1 years old at the time of her first marriage; 9'00ms w~ 24.4. For comparison's sake, women In India, on the aver- .... 41MN9 age, many, at age 14.5; men at 20. reports Guinna. Book of \4.brld Recorda. Ire- land shows the opposite ex· treme: Women first many at 26.5; men noC until 31.4 SOllUllllQ TALa There are M many as 32 m.,n U.S. youf9*1 ltvlng In the frighbmlng, confusing world created when at least one parent ti an alcoholic. Author Cathlffn Brooks un· ~ thil. Both of her parents were alcoholics, and Brooks, 26, Is • recovered alcoholc hcrsef. Now she's written The S«:rd Eucryonc Knows, a book to ~== ol alcohom.n In tha ,.,.,.., ..., you ftnd ~WCJnY"'g M>out ~ .,.. enta' drtnkl1'9. thin .... It a problem.'' ••· platn1 Brooks. ..... ""' ceM, ""' parent• were ..,,_. ftghtlng , but I newr ad- iala.d thlt ~ w• .... '**-they drank -ftleh." 8rookl (a peeu· ......... to protect Mr ........ pitNcy) nae. thlt -~-. ......... 50 percent ol all alcoholk:s have at least one alcoholic parent and that your risk of alcoholism Is four times greater If your parents were alcoholics. Brooks adviles chlJdren of alcohollcs: "It's not your fauh, and you can't talk any- one out of drinking. Your parents have to wori< It out thermelves. The most lmpor· tant thing is ftnd1ng some- body -a teacher, friend or ~n -you can talk to who will undentand what you 're going through." Individual copies o f Brooks's book are available free from ()pmdlon Cork, a ·national alcohol-information program of the Kroc Foun- dation. Write: Operation Cork, 8939 Villa La Jolla Drive, Dept. FW. San Diego, Calif. 92037. llUTSTOYOUI I CAii DO IT How do you get a squirrel to water-sld? It's not realy al that hmd, NpOftl the owner of T wtggy. the llttJe aeature shown below betr'9 puled by a mk\lature powerl>oel. Charla Bat of Sanford, Fla., admits that Twazy was reludant at 8nt but that after a few dips, she took to It (Ike, well, a squlrTel takes to water: 'We just took ha' In the lake wtth us one day and later put her on a block ol Wl*Wllftd Styrofoam about the .a. ol an lce<hest q,. Then we .. whtttlng the ~ down W'tll I. was the 11r.e ol wMersldl." T wlggy has since learned to hang glide, reports Best. who adds that his next pro- )ect will be teachlng her to fly a helicopter. QOLDMllDAU l'ORQOLDU AQDS Those who claim that .. you're only as old as you feel," will have a chance to prove tt when the second an- nual Senior Olympic$, for those 55 ya.rs old and up, are held on the campus of Connecticut's Unlverstty of Bridgeport, Saturday, June 6. Featuring track and swim· ming events. dJvlng, racquet- ball, tennis, basketball and . ' even if it's just one lap or one length of the pool." Beginners are welcome; one competes only against those his own age and level of sldl. But things can get pretty fierce. 'We had to add ~ a new age category, • ' , r 70-74," says Berger, laughing, "because some participants In their upper 70's were com· plaining they had to compete against those ·'young 70-year-olds.'" STONEY DD? :'.) t. N -.,, dancing, a.t year's Oiymplcs <hw tome 200 pertic:lpants, some wd Into Iha 80's. 'We think this Is an Incen- tive for older persons to get up and get moving." says Senior Olympics COOt'dlnator Or. Wi¥red Berger. "Many elderfly .. lncMned to limply wa11ch TV or play bingo and Miah.Jonsli al day. We en· COUl9 ahem to try IOm8 walmg, 10me swtmmlng. • Relief may soon be In sight for the awesome pa1n of kidney stones. German scientists are experimenting with a procedure that pulver- iza the stones wtth shock waws. Arst the paaent gm Into a tub ol water and X-rays are used to determine the precise locatlon of the stones. An electromcchanJ.. cal device then targets under· water shock waves drecdy to the stones, redudng them to particles the size of a ~ of sand. They then can be pa.ed through the kidney and urinary tract naturally. ments If the doctot: won't. And nearly a quarter of those poDed say at least half of aD patients could be treated on an outpatient basis rather than being admitted to a hos- pital. -Eliot K..plM BIRTHDAYS (AD Gemini) s.nt.y Brooke Shields 16; Norman Vincent Peale 83; Cbnt East- wood 51; Joe Namath 38. Mond9y -Pat Boone 4 7; Andy Griffith 55. Tuaday - Johnny Weissmuller 77; Sal- ly Kellerman 43; Chudt Bar- ris 52; Stacy Keach 40. Wed- ~ -Tony Curtis 56; Pat BoOM, ~ww.r... Alen Ginsberg 55; Colleen Dewhurst 55. lb ....... - Dennis Weaver 56; Gene Barry 59. FrtMv -Robert Lansing 52. ~ - Bjorn Borg 25. ---------- By PoUb Dtonov m Olt women suffer only cnk\or dllcomfort wtlt'I the approach and onMt of tho monthly menmua1 periods, but for a llgnbnt number -per- haps • many as 20 percent ol aD women -menstruation can mean severe pain. And menstrual aamps are only pst of the problem. Many women ex- perience distressing premenstrual sympeoms, ranging &om abdominal bloMS\g, weight gU'I and .. bream to lrrttabtllty, depralion, fatigue, hcadacha and beckacha. Though women have detalJed thae problems for years, tha com- plaints have evoked little medical con- cern . About the onJy hope docton could offer women vtrtuaDy tnaipac:t- tated by menstrual aamps WM that they would probebjy abate .. after you've had a baby." The prevailing medical attitude toward premenlbual syndtome (PMS) was that "tt's al In your head." Fortunately for mllbons of women, thae notions ... fast giving way to recogntion that both cramps, known medically as dysmenonhea, and PMS aN real physical problems and that th«e aie new and better ways to treat them. Gyneco&ogilts .. now taking cty. menonhea very Ml'toully, and a medk:al ayrnpolium was heJd recently on the subfect. W.. ~ factors weren't dilcounted entlrefy, teven menmual cramp1 were ead>- uted In most C8lll to overproduction of the hormone promglandln, which trtmen the conlr8dlonl ht produce the pain. ' In her book From ~ to Woman (AINd A. Knopf), sr,NCOb- gllt Ludennc 1..-.on aplmr\t that thee .... two kinds ol dysmenonhea -prtnwy dylmenontw.a, which ulUollly aflllcta ...,....,. and young women In their 20'1, end llCOndlly dysmenorrhea, more common M'°"8. olcm womll'\ end ~ nc.ble to a tpeClftc pelytc ~m. In the i.a. c.e, once the undlrli)lng Pft)blem II corNded, the c:ramp1 IUb- lkle. To ddll'l!dne Ma ~ wommt troubled baJ _,,.. cmmpl ldU~ II ....... from pdmlly --thin llCOndlly ~ ...... thaloudl ~ ................. .,. compla1d. n.. ._ ....,,. .. ...,...,.. m., be Ill*"" or one ol the "°"1ft"" .. ~dnaalbcnmp1 ...... 1tthe ... tw1na1 d pMI. A.._. peel .. plld to the kMw 1111 domen or• lane. wmn ~ ctn llllO be IOGdq. A PNIQ'hd exerdM routine helps sometimes. And, for aduk females, many docton recommend an alco- hok drtnk, which may hq> by dilat- ing the pelvic blood vaeels, thus eas- ing the pain. Should al this fai, the next step may be a pracrtpdon patnldller, something stronger than over-the- oount« remed6a. 1be molt recent treatment for severe cua of dvsmen- orrha Involves drugs aach as Motrtn, AMprox and PC>nltel, which Inhibit the body's production of proltaglan- dln. Doctors aNn't sure whether they dtrec:tly IUppnlf the pU1ful contrac- tions or whether the contractions abate In raponM to the &ow.red pros- taglandln production. In dher Cate. the treatment Is considered eff ecttve 65 to 100 percent ol the Ume. SA VE HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS WITH MAGNI-VISION READING GLASSES ..... a..tJ ........ CeedJ ,...,.._ U...1 • Av ..... la s-117 StyW Mo4lelt • Attndtvt T ortolle-Slatl Look fl"UMI • Saft, Pndal, Ullllnr' dtle frwa Mii Laues Dtlipcd 10 111qnlf y I ypr lOO'!it IO priN ~ lar,r, lqll* and lft>eanlly in rocv1. Ma&nl· Vision COIMS ill r 1111 ilu r lllluon rramn or ~vmlul bl·foc.al clftlan •11111onoote ihcll rramn made or lliht wa,111 COftllruc· UOll.1'1116 ~1-Vbioft rr- ud lnlw:t ATC lltlbnUalllt! Oft. ly SMS. Al llw low prior J011 c:111 afford to order 1 pmlr. Ont '°' llw officr lllld -'°' llw llofN. Owdcr JOOln todily. Mii ti: 11011A 11B.RP DEPT. ATMF lt1 Aw. If tM Mlrtcla, New Ylft 10011 ,..... .... _ .. ,.,_._~,_ .._ ...... -.N•l~ ....... 1...,,..111111J-llt ---------- 1fUU,__ ~---------- =~tslldl •• 16...... ca, _____ , ___ Z.-- -llWIT ....... OM• 1150 ..... 111 Y STATE llDIDOITS ADO AMIOPMATE SAU$ TAX I_) .... "** • ....., ... ,.,... ---· .., .... a 1•1S ozwo a -so lMllm• •-- ·---- ,..,,.,...., SAT1SfACTIOll GUAIWITUO' c..tl ftNa (Slllln-5111 , ............. , .... _ -.. CCII.A I0'1\1 ClfMlll•). ..,,. I lo••••·••,..,...,..... I 0 Wit ............. ,............. AllllllEll .--------- 1 •. Y. -.................. ~ cm ITAft ,._ I • ) 1 2 rt ......... c.. .... (ltt)l1Hl11 , ....... L._Ji ... ...,:i::~ ....................... I I• ...,Tl:_W ... at •t•flll ......... M.l.Y.9" w I 1.1..:----------------~ THESE LOW VITAMIN PRICES! 7k mi>ut{oa~tk~ ?Mit~I One glance shOW& they bring you big savings [--~-~-~~~~~~=!~;! .... , MAIL ORDER COUPON 1 on potent vitamins and organic minerals! I VITAMIN E o so oAv -:=-c!. I But please act now while these low prices ._ u..• 88•: :?.!: '1 I M If t der 1 Ca~ulff O 1• tor 1a are n euect. s easy o or . . l.~~---:X:::~!.-----~-~;,~~~--J WB BBLIEYE MINK OIL'S MIRACLE CAN MAKE YOUR SKIN LOOK YOUNGER! ~&•.,,.. No other beauty treatment work.a like mink oil! The proof-mink ranch workers' handa remain eon., 1mooth and supple-you'W l.oolti1t11 even when the workers themeelves are in their late lixUes! Mink oil ... ma t.o penetrate the akin to work itll wonden ana give It an excillnt ~~=Nd a .uoaly olMINK OIL for Nutritioo lteildquarters cuat.omere. APPlY it. Experience lhe thrill of replenuhlfll natural oils, re1toring moistu~ balance, to leave beautifullf Jovcly akin you probably never dreamed ptmible! FREEi Check the boJC in the order blank and re- turn it with anorderforanyof'the iterN in tha ad and we will include wlt.houl charRe a 2.oz. boUJe of MINX OIL CREME. 1Ne °"" ..... June 21, 1•1 MINK OIL CREME 2 oz. ·---------·-------------------·--------, v1TA'MiNcDER~99¢ i WITM~HIPS O •torUI ~OS':.! N274 &pirM e.'22181 0 ,. tor .. .,. • :7...,J i!~e§-..-aiiii--- TH• 9IQ DAY STITCH RICH That old truism about gtrll Almost half of the choosmg to be June brida countJy's nuna feel that at turns out to be true altar al. least 30 percent of all opera- Of the 2.14 million INUriegls tionl pafonned are unnec- parformed il the U.S. last aury, reports a recent pol year, 11.3 percent occurred of 12,500 nurses by RN ln June, the matt of any magazine. As weP. over 80 month. The next molt popu-percent of the nurses say It's lat times were Augult and ..,_ ____________________________ _. aD right for a nurse to fUI In a July; the least popular, Janu-patient on alternative treat- a.ry. By the way, eccotdlng to 50 percent of all alcoholics the Census Bureau, the have at least one alcoholic average U.S. brtd• was 22.1 parent and that your rilk of years old at the time of her alcohohm Is fow times first marriage; wooms were grater If your pm-ents were 24.4. For comparilon's sake, alcohollca. women In India, on the aver-Brooks adv!Ms chJJdren of ,..,......,.. age, many, at age 14.5; men at 20, reportS Guinna. Book of \\brld Recon:U. Ire- land thows the oppodc ex- treme: Women ftnt marry at 26.5; men not until 31.4 SOlllllUllCI TAUi There .. M many as 32 mlion U.S. younglWI llmg In the frightening, c:onfusjng world created when at least one parent ii an akohollc. Author Cathleen Brooks un- dmtandt this. Both of her pmentl were alcohollc1, and Brooks, 26, II a rec:C>Ye'ed akohok heneW. Now she's ~ The &cm Euervone Know1, a book to Mb> youngsters suffering becau.. ol alcoholsm In U.f.mlla. '1f you find your.I wonytng about yo\a' per· ants' drinking, then thin 11 1 problem," ex- plain• Brooks. "In my CMC, my parents were 1tways flghttng, but I never ad- m-..cl that ewsythJng was wrong bec:auae ttMy dnnk too lftuc:h... 8roolcs (• .,... donym uted to proe.ct .. p1N1111' prtqcy) nee. ... ··~.-u ....... aJcohob: "It's not your fauJt, and you can't talk any- one out of drinking. Your parents have to work It out themtelva. The mo« Impor- tant thing II finding some- body -a teacher, friend or clergyman -you can talk to who wtO understand what you.,. going through ... Individual copies of Brooks's book are avallable free &om ()peTation Cork, a -national alcohol-Information program of the Kroc Foun- dation. Wrtte: Operation Cork, 8939 Villa La Jolla Drive, Dept. FW, San Diego, Calif. 92037. NUTSTOYOUI I CAii DO IT How do YoU get a 1qulrrcl to water-tk.I? It'• not realy al that hard, NPOl'1I the owner of T wtggy, the llnJe cruture lhowrl below being puled by a miru.tura ~. Ctwll. Sat of Sanford' Fla., 1dm1tt that TwWY Wit reluctant at ftnt but that aft. a few dips, the took to It )Ike, weU, 1 1qulrrel taka to water: 'We jult took her In the lake with us one day and later put her on a block ol Styrofoam about the .. of an tc.<helt top. 1lW\ we Mpt whltt'"9 tM SCyroloem down until I was tM • of ~ ...... Twiggy has since learned to hang glide, reports Best. who adds that his next pro- ject wt11 be teaching her to fly a hekopter. GOLDMDAU PORGOLDllN AQllRS ThOM who claim that Myou're only as old as you feel, .. wm have a chance to prove It when the second an- nual Senior Olympics, for those 55 year1 old and up, are held on the campus of Connecticut's Unlverstty of Bridgeport, Saturday, June 6. Featuring track and swim· ming events. diving. racquet- ball, tennis. basketball and dancing, last year's Olympics drew tome 200 partldpants, 10me wd Into thft SO's. 'We think thll Is an Incen- tive for older perwons to get up and get moving," says Senior Olympics coordinator Or. Wllfrtd Berger. "Many elderly .. ildned to limply watch 1V or play bingo and Meh-Jongg el day. We an· ~ ahem to cry tome walmg, 10me twlmmlng, even If It's just one lap or one length of the pool." Beginners are weJoome: one competes only agU\st those his own age and level of sklll. But things can get pretty fierce . "We had to add a new age category, 70-74.'' says Berger. laughing, "because some participants In their upper 70's were c.om- plainlng they had to compete against thoM 'young 70-year-olds.'" STOND llllDt Relief may soon be In sight for the awesome pain of kidney stones. German scientists are experimenting with a procedure that pulver- lza the stones wtth shock waves. Ant the paGmt gm Into a tub of water and X-rays are uled to determine the precise location of the stones. An electromecllanl- caJ devtcc then targeta under- water shock wava dWec:dy to the stones, reducing them to particles the sV.e of a SJaln of sand. They then can be .,__. through the kidney and urinary tract naturally. men ts If the doctot won't. And nearly a t:' of those polled say at half of au patients could be treated on an outpatient basis rather than being admitted to a hos· pilal. BIRTHDAYS (Al Gemini) Sund8y Brooke Shields 16; Norman Vincent Pule 83; Clint East- wood 51 ; Joe Namath 38. ~ -Pat Boone 47; Andy Griffith 55. 'lbada~ - Johnny Wftsmuler 77; Sal- ly Kellerman 43; Chuck Bar- ris 52; Stacy Keach 40. Wed- ~ -Tony Curtis 56; PatBooM, ~Kekaan Alen Ginsberg 55; Coleen Dewhunt 56. Tbundliv - Dennis Weaver 56; Gene Barry 59. ~ -Robert Lar.tng 52. SMurdey - Bjorn Borg 25. • I I .......... ~f;I ·==-.. ... -. 1•1• Tile ._.,.Of...., !!'J!l .... :J' g, 111 A11111•11tCilliDlllMl99 ... asoo U::~="'-' ·eaac1ae1· Pail• ., l tlO _.i.l.~.::J..~':!tr,~~_:: 1t'1nimaNdlhll Dlaf.O-wowlibcl *'ht· _ ...... ., .. ....._..,.....,._.,.__.._,,, thoalhtwthe b911 _...,an-...n. WlthOUI hellta· .. .,..,...._......_ tJon. dae eouthern ethlete drawled. "lf1 ol' Batch.I -1: .. ·---~lhllblllonil!lcGlcnd ..... ." r::-............ CMl'lltolhO.WML• .. Colonel" ln 1NO Americe WI "btplq )'OUI ':l_~..,..llMlllllDMIHllll•~•IM pllce." and even lhoulh Pllp dvew f ... bl& )'OU ._ ~ couldn't .... Jet alone liJI, hJI .... ,...., .... ln bueblll WM ~--.....IM~ol '....,_.•~·..-.-..--...-.......................... a...ic.,.,. 7 1 ,,,.. ,...._.to blclcwood pub end lld..how txhlbttlone · 11:ao ·--tn I• pclled city llldiuma. w , Mm 1 · Don't 1.o0• bk r.u.. Producdou' two-boui 11aoe<1>••~ ...... --·-..,..... ..a.IJm e1Malander oa ABC 11 WM.-~ e.ach'• •Mm 1 .......Ubly. c1MrUle _.., (M p&tcbecl from 19M to J :IO .......... ~A:~~ 1811) from Im bo)'haGd IO hla hlltorio entl'lnCle Into the 11:ooea• ..... ""'-~OodllttlllllCHoeeoC.c:.t major i....,.. In ...... Louil eo..ttt, Jr .• • tanner lliefllil'1' 1Jl:Nlll•lll--lrMa. ..m-pro hp 2 blll:.,., ..... u the bE11ball i.nct. e .... Cll '*™"' 1111111C:0...olfllWCT ........... Richard Coll~ dla IJm for lflDCUWw prohces-2:00•C1> e Tiil............. .._:.u __.. •-La--..1 I CNii ..... 0 t•11rt I Denny ~aiid priiiiUOlftltMa.,--Jliluny ftlttaAllllll ..... ~ Hawldnl. Tbll marb AmoJd'1 lnl clralDlltc ..Wlm a:aoe,.......,.,_ veatuN under bie 1'11Mcu Productlanl blnMr. a:oo•U"'Alllllwa..c In addition, &aecllel Pa.,. 11 featured 0n..camer1 i ....... ~....... for hta ~-"We want.ed to acquaint our audlaoe a:aoe<1>e ................ r. wtth wr.-......... ble.wll end~· ...... Amold. 4:00•1.•~a.-._..r........... "Since M Ir lndetid one o1-...1r. rew wtntna 1:00: u,.-:! =...... l.,.nda. .. would be lnaPIJl'Ol>riate not to f•tare hbn ln ...... > 111«1 ....._St Lou1a r.-..... a projec:UbOul hJe own llie.'' 1:30: w...,.. ""'., "'i;!: • 11 ,,.. · ---A dllllnaldlhtd poup of acton haedltne the Cllt Ill· ---------------• cludlq cr.ivon Little, Beverly Todd. John a.r.dtno, the late Jim Oavll, O.le Davia. Clifton O.vta, Bmle Bamea and Hal Williama. All are united ln their mutual reepect for Selehel PIJae-a man tb.y have ldollud atnce childhood. "Ftom t}\e time I wu three. Setch w11 alma.I a God·llke ftaure to me,'' Nlated Goelett. ''Yet when I Sot ln front Of lhe camera, I had to be carelul nol :o overdo II. I tried to portray S.tch u an lncredl~ gifted man-rather than the Jeaend which be tndy II.' Probably no one In the cut knows "the leaend'' beCt.-r than John Beradlno, etar of the lon1·runnlq daytime drama General HoepltoJ. The actor la a fonner .... baJJ •r who. In 1947, bamaonned with Setoh when tbe Bob Feller All·Stars toured the country with the Satchel Pai,. All-Stan. Then. when PalJt ftna1ly made hiltol'y by efgnlng a major '-8ue c:ontnd ln 11M8 and .D6tchlnl lhe Cleveland lndi.ru Into the World 8er$ee. tlw m.ul playtna MCOnd b8ae wu Johnny Benw:Uno. wiry, ary Satchel Pace. Don't Look Boele w11 filmed on location in Ha~ tJ•bwB. Mlllillippl and at Oodpr Stadlum-hocae of the National Le.sue Loe An1el11 Oodt,.... In Hat· tlelbur& the production unll aleo found 1 ~Ith of local actqn and bueball talent. ..... ~····: -...... -.-•• ;:-~ •••••.• ~ • .-•1·••••8••8• ••••••••8• ••••••• 8 ••••••@•• 112flt'·' 11r1u1n :: 1r;11I·1ra •IJ=:•n ''PPJ!J! . ---. .-~ ...:.-... ~ . . ~. - ... fl-, r.•1ra•1F. •1••1•19r.•8 •••8 •l8••••=11•••se ••11 ••··· . !f"lli ·1lijlH : filt~•tH! fill IHHl~'l11 1IJirZ. ift~f(P 1.1 If ' .. i ... ·. ~•.:Jl••ff Qlf rl;ii!f till i p ·;ri Uri~ 1ll!i r•i' d 11•: . ' : l b 1f1J I ~ f rd f ·.. . l I ii U f !1 f -rl. . f . --I . . f . I f f _... .-r . f u51 o: ••. •1111r.••!ffie8• . •••••@• ••1181•8 1••1 1n-···~·1··11 '.· a_ I i• · ;~ ·~·. -i i • i ~•ii i --:f 1~-i - 0 "" '1U .. · 11.1•!r:;~1·111;1r: 1. 11,•,f:, 1llj~H 1d,!1 ,~d!! ~f i ~··-----~~,q ,;!l·h! 11 1~ .:I, . II ll'f li' 1r I IZ1 , 1~.111.1fJ11 .~ nw.111 If" " 11 ~;-I 111· .,., ~ rr -e ! f. i f •i ~ j"< .......; ::,,~. r .... 1 •. :'~ ~~·,111 J ! sl , r{ ~. . ~ . · I f " i · iii t ; d f~ , . . . _. a .. f : . f I ;a ~ . 4 • -~ . • : o -f _ -~·=~ ..................... ............ "_ .. ... Rf t' ....... ..... ....... ., .. ....... tOIOO •!,?~ ........ l&.l.':::r",.,._ 1-~a.... ... ,_., ,.. ..... ~ 1 ~1"::'-.iu111n .......... r·.. ,,,,. ..... ,.. ... , ... ,; ••O..(e.c)• -tO:ao-............. . ,_, .. ·---.,.... ........... "..,1 I I ttlOO • Giie °" ... Tiiie :::.c..--• (1)1=,_,,.. (l)ftt ... ....... •1111 ...... .. 00.lltCOlll .,......,..,. e1111a..trtec:...., .............. -tt:»-......... ,...,.. •• Tiit.,..,. .(I) • ..,. ...... ....... :S..dlytllN..,... ...... :r.:=-,.,.. I D 1.-.J10011 I VIDEO 'CASSETTES FOR SALE OR RENT • , ... ,, .... t ... . :::::-· . .... .... h ..... ,w- ........ Mm :=.r .......... ............. .... , ... •a..-! .... PLUS 100. OF OTHER TITLES-ALL RATINGS HOME MOVIES & SLIDES OONYERT£D TO VIDEO TAPES ...... '· •111••11!9 : •r•• --1r1••1• 11•11s111r.• r.• 1 11 ·•t ~ I , ,ii 11 x' ll 8tl . 1 · D@ J ~ , _ \ I· 1 m!Jffi1f 1 111: -r•t!f I ":"r 1 ~· ~ r. • I , 1e1~' l,1f f 11·~f f r•r ;flr .. ~I ~ ~. ~ -, , . " 11!1nm1i: ; -·1Jif f;11; ;• 11:q•1 ;· .,.I Q s:! ·. · · ... ii . !fi•r,;!i1; rJ. f n J'• I~ 1111~~, ~111 fll"\ . ' ' ; ' . Ii -1 If •11 f~J i tli ! l:j M» . i-Utb!~ Rf f Iii [1ii hb~ Jj ~~'I~~--I • ··-·1!11· ···.·11tre ••111 a.1re••ftJIP1i~ 'i! ''"-r 8 Iii li@ ,,, sllPf(;'IJr~ 1;.~ IJ l .. •t•1 ,,,,,~, ,..-1• ,-n~-1 jiilf' !' !jlftrr d!f~ lt'f!r m. · I I t~ ~ 11~ I !1J1f 1 tlifi 1. 111 • ~·'8 •••••t•r•.8H •••••9• •1••• •11t111·ri i il:lf llilJ1f-!lf !1 11'111: I if! g fst. I f ... fd'1b flhrt-: bblf1'I "::• ifbf1np, ~ I U1='1r !ihf t; h ' r:a1 f 'f lf !H ~. . , ~ 1 ,!r, · 1 ; · l~ f u ~ ' BMW AMC-JEEP COSTA~ AMC_,..-DMAUl.T 2524 HarbOr Blvd. Costa Mesa -149-IOH CADILLAC NAlllS CADILLAC 2800 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -140.t I 00 CHRYSLER-PLY . ATLAS CHIYSUl.ft. YMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -146-1934 DATSUN NIWPOIT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach-HJ.UH OLDSMO~ILE UMVllSln OLDSMOllLI 2850. Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -14M~ LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHMSOM & SON UNCOLM-MHCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -140.MlO .. ~WOTOll 208 W. 1 •t St. Senta Ana -IJl-1171 . CHEVROLET COii I' l CHIYIOLll' 2800 Harbor Blvd. • Coeta Mela-146-12M G M C 4MYllSITY OLDSMOIU 2850 Harbor Blvd. ' Coeta M ... -14'""41 PEUGEOT POWSCHE-AUDI CHICI IYRSOM, IMC. ' 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -'7J.OtOO llU YAM POISCHa-AUIM 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove 636-2333 SAAB llACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street NewpOrt Siach -71Z.0900 • IOY CAIYll IMW 1540 JamborH Road Newport Beach -'4M444 · . IADDLllACI IMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway MIMlon Viejo 01·2040-4tMt4f MAZD A M•ACU MAIDA 2150 Harbor Blvd. Cotta Meu -641-1700 TO YOTA IAILI .. TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646·t•I VOLKSWAGEN JIM MAllMO VOUCSWA ... 18711 Beach Blvd .• Hunt. Beach -14Z·2000 MAii HOWAID .VOUCSWA ... 13731 Harbor Blvd. , Garden Grove 134-4100 VOL VO IAlllaVOLVO 1966 Harbor' Blvd. Costa Mesa ...:.. 646-tJOJ HARRY AND ROCKY'S SILENT WORLD "I put into my paintings all the thlnp I want bearina people to know about myself ... what .I'm reelina and thinkina." aays deaf anist Harry Williama. Brother Rocky, on the other hand, a motorcycle mechanic who Is also dear, hu plunged into a world or engines and noite-yet iJ rrua.- trated when he mialea the jokes, run and aeneral convena- tion or his coworkers. The Williams' are profiled thfa week on C,,oract,rs: A Jbrf,ty of Vl1fons. airina Wcdnetday at IOPM on KCET (Channel 21) and KOCE (Channel SO). The one-))our •t». cial Cllplores the deaf experience throuth the l\YCI of the two brothers, a11d ia 1i1ned (or the hearifta impaired. Rocky and Harry WiJjiams each cope with dearneu quite differently. Older brother Rocky works hard to com- municate and wOrtt in the hearina world-even thouab there are many frustrations with which he must contend. Rocky was, until recently, a motorcycle mechanic for K:i- wasaki's Motocrou racing team. He worked with Gayton MOlier who WU one or the country'• top tldcrs. I TUUDAY I .-1 ,.,..,,... ... ~ ........ Mmlll •. ...... ftr'"' MlllrlAllllCI, .. ... ..,. ........ MnmM0¥111 I TV WEEK, MAY 31, 19'1 llHID1118 .. lll 11111Dal811 lllaen11: 1161H88H ~ i ~ .. ·. : r11!11a~111 iii n 11111,~if ;t: 111111:; r! ;;1 f !i=n= · , I, · rFJr.-11~:1ml1nu: .!. 11-' fff-. r sf 1:1 'I • fi!' , · r 'l1!if !IJ 1 ~f(lip i I ., ~ .. -··Hr ;• f 8 I 111 r!.f ,1~ •pl. (!· f Prifti•,•t:r•,.:!, ~ { " I I I f ;J ' ' d fJi ~ff ""ifHlif1i1 l'D' • ·u 'I iri1~· •.. !i: ~ i!iflilli11~ii1 1!Q ;nnJ1~1!1:111~!i ~;a 1~11rr.J11r'· !FJ:111·nr11uijlr1u;s1!!P.!E ,.1H .. ~l-L1a! If ,1. IPil1n1 1sl wl":! t'fii. 1..111 • ~, ·f ') 9!hJH · Jr~H !i! iii;f ijn lj~!'' i'il"f 1!11:lf ii1 ' i' f'!jfl !1~f tf !l~fl~U,ili fl!} li~l!!!i~!fl eH ll!; hi\ ,!~ r ,rJtl u i'~i J r t11 r in ' Hu hft af1!1r 'ldrdi lie •••••••• e· ··1··1n~~u·,i· .,,,, 1!8 I i~il!! -I 'I I . n .. fs':8 r I •• II i·1~ d1:1p::: fi ~ ,.f 1'. t1fi11' . !II~ .. 1(11! .-·.JI " _, -·, f '·& i f 'llll ff 1•1 'f :f ·r!f 11 . _:r.IJ I ' I f l '''''" . f.,3 f·J I """"' • • • • l 1 lrdtUI; !II: ib il' :11• '''"1'1' •••• ·~· ..... .. •••• I i1·-11 I 1 •1 if··~ f, f Hf I 11: 11m ·n1•i8 I I . f lrJ. 11 (~ r=inH~i ~Pf'.· '1 f k 1-=i .. · I: .1r= 1 . ......... .... ~r 11,_, 1 1t11r!fr 1 11 ' 11 1 -"·.~ I:: '.! t'Jr1i.. I , 1·· I ~I i .-• , " i l1e . · fl•f r . : , If l~t Ii. J ( TV WEEK, MAY ~1. 1981 I TllURSD~Y I -f:30-llwown In 1111 town'•....,, ...... aulMd .. My, la ~ wlltl • "*' <Jl<1>0et1ew1 _...,..,....,Clll.1 Ind~ In .. rOOlll-flll roornmei. Kip, wtlo la .Tllt ..... •Wlld lo ~ II 1 atrvolllliftl YOUll9 ~1 out ol 1111 dleguiM .. Hll· ... . ...., .. wrt11r In MN '1blll City. dwgiWdl • s._... .. .,..,_,.J:r:· • .... .-r.-e De '9C IMw• Matazltl• ec.1111rMtt =-....,.. . .1111..., ...... ..°"*'......., ..... ,, ..... I"',.., .......... .,. ........... °"'"""" e (J) •al *"lllltdr(R) ec...•1tu•11t1••11 .......... ...... .,. ''Uoltl, .. MDIU(• Undl" lob* .......... . ........ """' .. .,.._ "' "*" wltll ..,...,... 7.00 lolndr lr'll6 • *'°"' ........., lor • llOO YOUlll ~ 11111 "' ltidM41t e (I) D KllOtt lMl4lllt ( R) 11:ao1."• Tlllttt&Mt.•TllM ···I:" lllllll .. .,...JIDO In ......... ( 21'11) Gery EwlrlO. • rllormed ~ tt "fWIL(*8) ...... (J)...., .,.... tlllt .. """". ,......, Illa hale wtlo 1111 i.llld lo ....... QMl.lJo,.., ·=---been llMlllclld loo. lllrd kftock1 ol ... cafl'I dell wllll tt:OO • -"DttMfw• (l)Tle .,..... e llo*: ·~ hfort I Dlt" --good .... llld ...... ... ...,.., .. , ·11-m~ ::::-.... (ft) ... (21n)-JoM Dertk. lk· on • wloltllt end 1111-detlnletl'ft 1:00 • ..,.. .. c:..y•· ""'I. .. W.. A ,oung U.S. CMlry ......, .... ~~-.....,Ftdl. .. , .... ..,. ,,..,,..,. ..... ~1111111 e Dal-....: .. ......,.,, .. 'llt ..... Jtlft-.. 0 M ... 'T\1111 =..lllet~h---1111111 ~) (21n)-Au*tt McAtdlt • 1:00 ........ Alllb" Colld. .1111 ... ., .. ,,_,_ l.Ult. Dan MllTIJ. The :t: .. ...., .... c....., ... .__,,..,.., ..... : -''Tiit TlllllMtd ..,., My GWllCI dYrillO ...... (acH) 'lt-flll IOO!lt. ·==i~l.. = .. (M) '57 (2tw1)-Aock ,.. -1 lliliggllng ....... ........ MllllDIH. "*" lllldl, Dorolly ..... '°"'* lollt •ollltdl..iclll0¥ie, l:IO e S "llr. ~ • lllclWl/L*lr ""°" one. A ,....,.,..w, lltiOr*I to "Thi Wll.Wd ol Oz ... ..... ""Or.-...... -7:30-CO'M' • blmlt0nllll11 llir cicul .... ~ (J)9al =---(C.C) ( OOlll > • .c.y Otw, Myme • t °" ... """ Mini en. lllco!Mt lnWMd In .. ' ) '1111 F1lld .. Clpl. ,.. =pl>oullM.~ (J)...,, °"' = .... of .. Wofld Wlr I ICI end .. * "°" • lllOnn ol oomlcel °'*IOI . wlllll • llll!lllr lfOfll 11.t':" .................. =:= In 1111 IQlllCI room Mlllhettlll ·~ to 11.iid • .......... .. lnltrnll atcwtty .. llOlllllfth .... ·=•LA e llt*: "Plrlttt of Tortlttl" ...... lllCM Ml'/ 111111 brtldl ol (I) ....... (*8) 'tt =-f<ln Scolt, RH .. ,... I .... , I ........... ......,,. =.-· • ..,., Otlllll 9"°'# ........ ,..., n.ttoW cllMy .. phlt • e I 1111111N1t "lacy J. Oelloll llld llOO Olf'A't'tt •HMVMorlM. COii Hunley" ( .... on KCllW ·==--....... =,,. ........... 81.IFM) IU.'=-•""' ...... = 11111 Mdlorld by ..... ,.,....... .1111 ....... /\AIN .... C...llld.=-lltlol--9:30- l~t.="""·. . ....... ~ blllolN,._ln e <J>oer.11 <A> "Oelllt ... n1fl e1111111111CtfOI ........ HGN'' tr1 I"°'°"' tllllly l'Ulioll ......... . 8IOO -l!ac>-wlllllJllll ................... ..... """ •(J)u.: ............ ......... '°' ........... •C:.-llfl .......... •<1>01111 ........... •• ~...., ,.., .... ..,..... "'*"'*'•ot todltyln 111 ·eo·., ........ 11 .. .., ...,..,.......,....,...,~ .............. "*"" ............ _, ..... • 1111 ..... C....., ..... , .. 1or ......... .. .......... HllWY ..... ·····~--...... -:~·.• 3"C ~w ---= JI !f:I' .1-.f' 1~11 'i' 111;1r1 1111111111 111111111 111 ••1••111••111•1• •tllffl 'f i~Ii~ 1 fif bfi J : f l[~:rr f'llf !!:,:. ~1',i1i~f'&: fiJ; (IHf 1 l!ji ,Jp . fi1'1.11~ f 1 I ~·· =· 1 ,~J =f ! ~ -•a.. f ! Jiluf::• 111·'· • 1:s • itf f J'ilif iJU 8 f 1 1 ¥; f' ~l!l f 1ifr !f iff f iii f fi1Jfli1r IHI~.• JilJJf 'i ~f '(i f~ f1 ! I f ~J ~-. ff 111·11 l ' ~ , _ !. 1 ;i f r ~ ? ~ i · · r Jh hf~, Jnr . l ijfl f11111111811181 1111101118181 11111118 •••••••• Q ~ ~ ~t~ : 'ff' if~!! 1!r!1f3~1 1;s:ti i111 1i:r1~11: l~f'fI': •;r~=r;: 11 iFJ!li;~r:i:t!l~I!-. -" f''"f f •Jrf .!. I !Jh~r ff,.... r" l ,1. J. !n:11r·-I ittf Jh riJUI nf i! JI It fi f iF r f i IQ HJ df ii;~ iio 111 iif'j!Ifi'Uf i~111 :'.JU~,- 111f! fil { { ! f . . -. !J1l1 Jf ~ if; i . • la: -! . io~. r -.• -s. ·~J iii~ f l llf-t•r• i'.Ut• •• IH!l:;J.•l11i r.:• =·· ffiJifJjl-••f;i~·. 'lf1 fi'ff if ''lii'iF'1·11nf I I 1-l• 11 1 • Hf.--1 8 a:r .. ur ~t"8 · i lf t •rn • -f l'.;;f • Si z;s-fli -; !! l~i! 1rf1 1 5l' Jri fl ~ ~1 !~~ I Jrf jf fi -I . I '•!f 1 f "I !F ~ -i 1~:nh ~:n Fa!;~ " 1 tsl~ Hif~~ r h~f,1 ni~ i.Jt !If!li•!L idii r H ;· fl.;jl j l lflf IJ5fi' l i ll 'i' .... ,. lllllllj! ....... II l"ff!Ulf!''f 'Ut'• u .J ~su ~f iif!!!h~S 1~11 .. J ! 1Jfl!iL 't'Hf!1~;1 lf3fi2i.. ,1 !f ;n1• 1ifl111?11 1·r~ ifR rf i i~ilfU-'f i if RI , .. I if!I Ii f iJ ~i~ ~ !!: l! rf ,u ! :• Hi t i ~f s: • flf~ · ! 1:11}p!· f I ff 11; f f t1 · -~ 111n;1~· !•11:~ : -a~ -.. I . f! . f ~ ~ ~ f < o • a. x t ff If f ~ t° ·= fJ-! ~ f! ~Jo il9; ~ I . ~~ f Is~~ st.I~ i .. ! . ~~--------------........... . Listen with Your Stomach Here's• quiz-ean you remember the music from eny of ~ favorite ~lion shows? Su-e, you can hum the theme from T1ne'• ~y. TM Low Boat end 0111-'--but how about the ecore, the mueic thet ebbs end flows tlv~ ~ ecene7 Probebly not. According to compoMr Jerrold Immel. who acor• 0... end I hott of others, if the W.W. remernbera the ecar.. it t.n't ~property written. "Alm in gener81 ien't lb • Btoedwey muaic:al where w. try to have the public whittle the tunee," aeya Immel. "Music on tei.-· Yielorl ilrl't ~ rMMt to be htwd, it'• meent to be felt.·· Seys Immel, ''I writ9 ttwne. for tpeclfic television ch#- acts9 then in1arWMW thoM themes when the at .... togtdw In 1 ec:.w. The muele la written to depict the co11te11ts of the m . It aholAd bypeu the w1 end go dnctlv to the vital orgens of the IMwer, instilling u for one ecene, joy for enother and romance in the next." With .. of the compoeers In Hollywood....:..many of them"*~. why haw only. f9W rilen-•· the cr..n they ••-to the top? In• word, it's Wl'Mtlity. 8-thown WM twvy end chmatic, Vivakl youtt1f\A end liltlng-bvt modem film compoeera need the kind of ltretch ttwt Immel clapleya, ranQing from the IOmber tatm of a.te. Broneon'a recent o..th Hunt felhn, to the Gr..i Anwk:an w.t 9YCked by hil ecor• for o.JW, TM Sd.m, end the fondly rernemb9red How thtt "*t ~Men. Immel'• Wf'Mtie projlcta-from the Amtri- f:Mtlof the ,...,.9town th9rne to the~ theme end eca9 of Abtw: TM Untold Srory-....... IOl9 to i. Ullent. • So, the nm time you .. w8tehing Vol' flWrite -.vi- lion rtO#-.,. vcu-lf • i.t to ... if you can f9n out wtwt'• ~to hlppln nm. ao.. ~av-and a.ten Ni the m&.llic. If J.A. 11 lbollt to knack on U. doer end yu1 cen t... •low blritone oboe l1rb • mord-it'a confron.. ..,., *'-... Ind. you,.,...~ flute lnter1udl. 9" ,._tar 1 ....-. Ellhlr ._..,, you gtt an lmmeclN due • to whit'• soon to hlpplr1 on .,..,_ ..... to ~· ... ,,..,.., ...... Jlnald Immel. I SATURDAY JUNEI TV WEEK. MAY 31. 1981 G LMll I Hiidy • Hotel!'• Hwott e lllowlt: <II> "Tiie Dirt, Glllt" ( ldv) 01&-Hetty Fondl e KNtl Oii Tr~' • Wleldlltton Wttll Ill ...... -10:30- •ID 18 HOlll Kotlt l'llooty e AIMflct't To, Tift • Cl> 0 QI TiluMltr -~·Coltelo ........ lullctl • Oltdlfllll9 fr• Ille Q(Ollfld Up • Yotln',....... 11:00 e <ll D Tiil ,_,.,1 How e ID 9 IPORTI: ........, The LA Dodglta II 1111 Qbgo CIGI OR •The ~ii Plillll 111111 Alllnta lrl"ftt. e ll'Ol'TI: World Cll .. I...., TtAllll Covtragt of the WCT Inv · lalicwlel. e w o QI w..11111C1 ''*''' (R) 0'TI!la1.00081" • c:. C.t Cetltrll • ltllly'• Ktecti. • Tiit ...... EKtlMte -11:30- • I]) 0 QI A1111rtc111 land· NM WWI llolt Dlc:ll CllR. .... ,.,... ........ eCoe11111111t..._ ..... ~ eCMrtM II. kWa .•• To..._ ......., I AFILUDOll I ....,-,,.,.-----~ n 1ili 1i iii ;iJn ~;u;, iiff i n: ir.'!i i-iiiiii~ ;;;Ft! ;rrn •1,urm, ·;, ff~ i1 I'§ if 1 J(j,.; ir:J~~ ilfjJ& f~lif§ I (#I itii I r''1J r~ fJ! R'::: .f fii~ " 1':'1_. ·I -~fr;_, !f f!rr 1~11;f Hfffji ff fff8 ; ~ i If I rf 11A 1 f ~ r . I ~ ( ' J'1 i! 11 !! ~! · t~ I ~ ! ' . i ~ f; . e1u1••@•11••8• •••••@•1•8•8• ., ••• ,.8 .,....... i i i • ; ; 'ff' if 13Hi' !1 1 .. 10i1n1UiPHli~ 13U1111~ i 1131r:1. 1 HUHilf iiPiiUr,!e1:1:n • 11 H.11 f :~if f h-!! r ' A nr 1 ff r 1; n:1!tJJrr1rjf :~i' ~"I J1I· oe I if f If f , 1f !1irf tt!ld ~1!h ,;; sil •r• ••••IJfif•!IJif!•rrr111~• •t•••tf1f(i~•f~1·1! ••p1iil' .. ''l ~l9IJll!lf''ffi!IJJ~ .. I• lffll -811 lp-llfi••!;1=f8 !!I •1~! ~-t.{4Bl1 I Iii J 1111•1111 • ~ II ·1~et Ll!11 .-!wo;a•w. u ~" " • ,. uh~-• -if·--:• J. ff . i ~c •~• i~ __ .,.1-nl • ·-- --~-1 f·-,1-;~ f&l 1-~;elf8 f i -f. f{f;;lf!~11 fJlfff · ~5~1-rl~ ~Iii l}aj•f~~ I r~ rt1~~1 l , • 111~· 1s 111·a~,,~i•1-·--: ,.U!!r mu~ Jhfi!r , !:n.)rdu r ;11f; ,u, :ldld!id:r:a. ' . 'l'J~'fsll.!Jf• Jfil •=efe!•Ji• •1• •• I ••••{8 ••••t~•••J: .. 1 .. 1111 ., .. 11~1111 '1-1id:~1·:'11;1 1i'1~U:~~~,!~~ !11& fi1i i# '1iil1 'illii!Gi;i~ f lfiifi~~a ;q,. ·1113 .11111· J lf~f :: Iii ,.f! ; i(I ur 1 f 1f ; I rf P~rf(if r J i I -· f.r -~ ~ ! !htr d J fi ihf ~ ~if If 11 l ~~ 1 , f I , i • I . . TY WllK, MAY at, ttlt BOB WHITE'S KA.RATE STUDIO Bob White, former state, national and interna- tional karate black belt champion, has recently opened a studio in Costa Mesa . Classes ar~ .now being taught. Every new student starts with 3 priyate lessons . This enables the student ~o get introduced to karate oefore joining a regular class . The invest· n1ent for all 3 private lessons is S19 .50. , ' Mr. White has tauaht thousands of students in - Orange County and his students rank as some of the finest in the county. Bob~ White:s karate studio has won the Cal~orni! .... ~~!t~ .~!' .. ~mpionships in almost all aae groups from children to senior me·~ and women. ~ ,. If you have been thinking about aiettina into aOod physical shape and/or being able to def end ~ourself, call Mr. White for more information. ' answer. ,• i'fii iii 1 lliio-=~1m1m JjiliJf1·uf ~1· ·mp,,CDI: •• ~m.... II! ;r 1 •,;i' i" ''ti~,'!1'!' .·11, .. ~~':''nDiI!l, .. 11ril'~I ·.,I . r ,, I. ·1i' ~ ! -. f I . H"f i! ,, I• . I , . ; . . , . -t -.,.__ -. ~~. =~ ... i .. ii ... i;!r:l89s::·:~r.fJrr~ , · · _i ....... -· ·-· t• • ·un· -·111111. rae111· .. 11 I JG • I! 11r.·1~r.11~·11n £•1011mn1·1:: 1111111 ~ r. n~ ... i1Hh!;.u!1hu1!~ :t~ I Ji.1;1il!:iil!liU di~~d !~i:~i!'.litt If~ !v.. ifi'-4 i,1•1aiiii ·iili~; :•1-.i:li' ., 1rt1!1'iI-~,;,~IJIJ-·!li_,··i.~il-'u:'t a·g•!i111·~ .. _~n1'J' ~11 ·~ I ·i •1' 1H-·1 •er 'ltf I.!! · 1 I! 1r&1 · .,,.,, I _ i ,-l -·u: I ff :Ii !'1 l~rl•~ itll~ 11. -·i a.ar ··••!!''' .. II ' -r: ,1·-J I -~i w fii ~m rr i!ib11!~ ·11Hi ·•111r-;nri!~r.i ~ i··r · i1-_ !tmi1 1i'•1 1·' i ~ • . f ; ... ~ I -I ~I ~.I r :I I~ ,~,, r '99.. , I !f I~ ! I 11 ' --~•H ! ,, -J,"---~ •'! l ~ r!h ~-I { .• !n !t1~f ' n I 'ltb hltd ·f11t .. '