HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-02 - Orange Coast Pilot22 2 2 2 .. ORANGE CDAIT YOUR HOMETOWN UllY PAPIR SUNDAY A UGUST I 1 '~H1 ORANGE COUNTY. CALIFORNIA • SO Cf NT ~ Chances increase for controller strike WASHINGTON IAP> The prospect of a nationwide air traffic controllers strike in- creased Saturday as talks dead · locked and the Reagan ad· ministration called the union's demands "nothing s hort of out· rageous " . The two s ides broke off their talks alter meeting only about 30 minutes but were to res ume negotiations today ··we·re still miles apart and there hasn't been much bargain- ing," federal mediator Kenneth Moffett told reporters. "I'm not very hopeful right now." White House spokesman David R. Gergen said President Reagan, who was monitoring the developments while at Camp David, Md .. "very much wants to avoid a strike." "He wants to do everything possible to avoid a strike, within the context of a rair setllEm enl." said Gergen, the president's as- s istant for communications . "We'll be fair, but we'll also be firm," Gergen said. ··We are hope,(ul the con· trollers will ful!ill their obliga- tions," he said. "A strike would be illegal. The government has contingency plans in the event of a strike. JC there Is a strike. the e mphas is or this administration will be on safety." Trans po rtation Secretar y Drew Lewis called the union's demands .. excessive" and said the union package would cost the government $681 mi111on a year a nd amount to nearly $39,000 in wages and benefits for each controller "These demands .. are nothing short or outrageous." Lewis declared "We cannot yield to, or even entertain. s uch demands." lie called the union proposal "an arrront to the American public " The govl•rnment 's wage offer amounts to $40 million a year and Lewis said he was not budg ing from that figure. lie said military cont rollers and supervisory workers were pre pared to direct the nation's air Coast Guard chopper at left landed 011 Newport strand because of mecha.nica.l problem. See story on A2. Mobile homes caught in sqUeeze By JODI CADENHEAD Of, ... o.llJ Pll91 Staff For years they have stood like hidden rtowers m a garden rich with increasin g resources. Developers building homes on the beachfront proµerty nearby seemed to barely notice, the ti ny clusters of weathered tin and wood mobile homes. But lhe days of moving a mobile home onto a rhoin• p1e t'l' of C'Oastal prop crty in Hunt· mgton HC'ach may bC' fad- 1 n g fa!-.l as c ity officials begin ,. on s 1dcr1ng a mobile horn(' c 0 n v er s I 0 n CAOENHEAO ordinance. Monday night. the City Council will examine a 23· page report on mobile home con- versions that was requested after lh<' council ordered a four- month han on the conversions in June T he intent of the ordinance would not be to prevent mobile home conversions. but to require owners to provide t e n - ants with adt:"quate notification and certain relocation costs. ac· cording to Hal Simmons. assist· SUNDAY SPECIAL ant city planner and author or the report ··With or wi thout the ordi- nance there are going to be more requests for conversions." said Simmons "I think the city 1s really going lo have to allow the conversions ·· The stormy controversy s ur· rounding conversions came to a head last May when 44 tenants li ving in Hintington s hores Mobile homes were told they have until Nov. I , 1982 to get off the coastal property al Pacific Coast lhghway and llunt1ngton Street. At the time. Brian Lake. vice president and general manager for Seacliff Corp., said the com-. pany had no intention or pa~ing relocation costs. Lake has since said that moving costs will be decided on an individua l basis. There are 19 m obile home parks in Huntington Beach. Five a re localed along the inland side of Pacific Coast Hi ghway When the city established a special mobile home zoning dis- trict 1n 1970 all five were ex· eluded from the zoning, leaving a total of seven parks in the city 8th hunger striker sinks toward death BELFAST. Northern Ireland 1AP) Police said they used Lear gas for the firs t time in nearly a decade to flus h out sus- pected Irish nationalist gunmen Saturday. Meanwhile, jailed guerrilla Kieran Doherty was reported to have gone blind on the 72nd day of h is hunger s trike. T h e R o y ·a I U I s t e r Constabulary said that tear gas was uswn Northern Ireland for the Cir~ time since 1972 to forestall "a possible violent ex· c hance with arm ed persons" durine a major Jiearch operation in the RDman Catholic area of west a.tast . An R UC statement said the search operation was set up because police believed gunmen were preparing an ambush. It a dded: "During the search force was used to gain entry . In order • to avoid a possible violerit ex· c hange with arm ed persons . tear gas was used at one loca· lion." The RUC said tbere were no clashes and no arrests but S1M Fe;n, t he Iris Republican ' Army's political front. said at least three people were seized. Sinn Fein said Doherty was blind a nd semiconscious . .and surrounded by his family in the hospital wing of Maze prison near Belfast, hours after the death of hunger striker Kevin Ly nch sparked riots in this British-ruled province. Doherty, a 25-year-old convict· ed gunman and member or the outlawed J RA. was serving a 22-year sentence for possessing weapons and explosives. He was elected a deputy or the nelghb,or· ing Irish Republic's parliament J une 11. His death was expected to provoke more violence. Lynch. 25, was the seventh prison~r to die in the hunger strike, which began March l \0 rc>rce the British to give hun· dreds of jailed nationalists privileges that a m oun t to prisoner of war status. Britain refuses. "Kevin Lynch was a soldier of Ireland," said Sinn Fein, which ls fighting to unite Northern Ireland with the predominantly Catholic lrlih Republlc. .. zoned fo,r other res idential and commercial uses. The city-owned Driftwood and the stute-owned Ca brillo wer e among those not required to coml:' und<'r the mobile home lOning. "I don't know why they zoned some MH and left others non- conforming." said Simmons. "It seems like strange coincidence that the ones not M H a re along the beach. · "I trunk the city at one ti me did want to J?et rid or Driftwood But that's be to m e s uch a sensitive isl>ut' I don't think the city would do anything now ... Beccw.w;c those parks are already zoned for other res1den· tial or commercial use 1t may be nearly 1mpossibl<' to enforce an.> ordinance 1n lhu!>e areas, said Simmons From lhl' cit.>'!> and the mobile home park owners' point of view the issue or mobile home con· versions comes down lo the most (Sf'e MOBILE , Page AJ) ............... Ted Tennies. a tenont at the cUy of lluntinr1ton Beach '• Driftwood mobile home park. feet; ccmwrsion ordinance would bt fair to owners and rtnt~rs. ' traffic 1f the controlll'rs walk orr their Jobs Robert E Poll. president of the Profei:.s1onal Air Traffic Con- trollers Organiz11t1on , wa:. asked Sa turd a\' what thl• union's estimate ·or the cost 10 the gov ern1nent would be if its demands w t' re g r a n t c d 11 l• d i d no l answer Lewis ha:. said the un ions estimate 1s $490 million A strike by tht' controllers could ground half or lhl' nation's air traffic particularly flights of less than 500 mill·~ play havol' with air travelers and cost lhc l'c·onomy t e n s of rn1lhon!-. of dollars a da) Almo!-.t all of the fli ghts from Orangl• County's John Wa yne A1rµort are h.•s!> than 500 miles Som(' travl'lt•r!> were booking flights rlurmg the weekend in at- ll•mpts to get where they want to gn hefore a strike Car rental agcnc1t•:-.. bus lines. and Amtrak "l.'rl' pn•panng for a rush of !St•c STRIKE. Page i\2) Panama's chief killed in crash PA NAMA C ITY , P anama <A P > Gen Omar TorrtJOS llerrera, the pol1l1cal strongman who won Panamanian control of tht.• Panama Canal in a pact with the United States. has been killed in a plant• crash. the na- t1<ma l guard n•1>or tcd Saturday A national guard !>pokesman said six oth<'rs 1n the light plane alM> peris hed when 1t crashed Fnday in a remote Jungle area 60 mlll'l> W('!>t or lht• t.•apl tal • They Wl'rl' ltst<.-d as two pilots . a ~ . . . 'M'l1<.''tb't'~""·'~-ml"t"l'rartt.c.:_~~-" · ' · '""''"' ,• bodyguards Thl' "n•ckagt:' \.\as ~ found S<iturda\ and the bodl<.'l> ~ hav e bt•en i·1.·tO\ t•red, th<' spokesman said fhl' 52 ) ear old TornJe>s, a robust . pistol packing figure ~ "ho ont·t• deo;;cnbt•d himself a!> a ,,. "dictator with a hl·art.· \.\a!-. ~ P anama'!-. m1ltlan and pollt1cal rulc:r for 13 yc:ar'> · ~ ' II "The gua rd leadership has ._. met with President Arisledcs Ro yo a n d Vice President 'l\,,Ll.U-:/Jt\CH\S// Richardo de la Espriella to {)mor /'1irr11'1~ make a rrangements for a !>late funeral." a statement released by the national guard said. The statement said Torrijos· hod\' will he In Slate ror 24 hours starting Tuesda) morning. and the funeral will be hc•ld ~n the Don Bo!-.co Church A tclcv1s1on announC't'ment b\ MaJ. Domin1=:0 OTalagan said TorrtJO!>' planl' disappeared after taking uff for the s hort fl1gh1 hl•t\\l'en tht• c1t1es of Pc•monome and Coclesito and the "n•ckag(' was spotted by the pilot of a st'a rch plane early Sa tu rd a) The national guard, which 'l'f\'l'!-. i.l!-. Panama's army. said forrtJo-. had been making a routinl' check or m1lttary out· posts in his rnpal'.1ty as guard ('ommancfrr lie maintained a n .. -.1dC'nt'l' in the peasant com· mumt) or Col'IL•s 1to A hch<'<>Pll'r rtew to the crash :-.1te to transport the hodies of the sc•ven '1c1im!-. lo Panama City. tht' natmnal guard said All that glitters • may be in .space NEW YOHK tAJ>1 The plunets Uranus and N<•µtune are not t•overed with frozen am monia and ml•lhant' as some scientists say. hut they might be covered "ith another kind of gltllenng ice diamonds 1 T hat 's the.· condusion or a phys1c1st \.\ho says that the ex· tremely high ll•mpt•ralures and pressurc•s on the two planets might have converted carbon to diamonds The l::itcst thl'orv sa~·s the planets are made or"ruck)· cores surrounded b) a la) u of ice. am monia and methane !natural ~asl. and an outer layer of hydrogen a nd helium But Dr Marvin Ross of the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory 1n California says the methane has separated into the carbon and hydrogen atoms that form it. and that the carbon atoms have been squeezed into a layer of diamonds, or metallic carbon. His report appears in the cur- ON THE INSIDE DARE ONE HOPE? -Soar· i n g interes t rates . Soaring prices Poor sales Slow con- struction. These descriptions fit the current s tate of the U.S. housing industry. Yet there is reason to hope for a rebound. and that's demographics. See Page 88. ~RTFUL DETECTOR -If there ls an art object that you a b solu tely must have. an Energy Dispers ive X·fBY F luorescence Spectrometer machine can tell you If the piece is real or phony. See Page AS. PAINF U L PLAY - "Runaways" is this summer's muslcaJ at Orange Coast College and It Is a compelling ex· a ml nation of broken fam ilies and youths without hope. See Page 01. . ~ . . .. . ..... n·nt 1:.-.Ul' or lhe Urit1sh sc1en- t1f1c· Journa l :'li<iture Ho!>!-. compared a current dc•!-.cnpt1on of L'ranus and Nep- tune: w1lh Livermon• Laboratory .,, ud1e!> of how methane behaves at high tt•mpc.•rature!-. and press- !>urcs W1ll1am H ubbard, a n a-.tronomer at the L"nivers1tv or Arizona 1n Tucson. says tern· peralurcs 1n the 1ntcrmed1ate ice layer on each of the planets "ould range from 3.000 to 12,000 clt'grC'c:-. F'ahn•nhe1t Pn•!-.:-.ure!-. \\OUld van from 200.000 lime!-. the pressure or lhe Earths atmosphere to 6 million times Earth"s atmos phere Ros!> has calculated that the methanl' would break up into hydrogen and carbon above 3.000 d1'gret·~ and 200.000 al· mos phc·rcs. The carbon atoms would be squeered together to rorm diamonds, JUSt as carbon on Earth was compressed over <See URANUS, Page A2 ) BUSINESS IS PLEASURE - Richard S. Stevens of Corona del Mar believes in mixing business with pleasure. Stevens has made a reputation ~s the executive who turned a floundering Balboa Bay Club into one of the most elaborate private clubs In the nation. SeePage Cl INDEX ........ CM r .. --. ..., ClaelltW c"''~ .... C14 DM ........ ... ,. c..._.. ... ...,. 11"4 DN•--.. Ct ,.....,. C1-t ,,...,...r ... •••11 ,,. ..... Al . ......... a .. ...... AJ DAILY PILOT HCTIOMS c.i.r C-'«1 ra......,....., TVW.- ----------------------------------------'"'."""------...---------·-------- ' • I I l Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT /Sunday, August 2. 1981 If you were taking the Royal Boneymoon, where would you like to go? By JEFF PARKER Of ................ Terri Smlttt of COIU M ... , fltg"t •ttend•nt: "Hewall. I've heard nothing but good things about the people and history of the Islands and I think It would be a great plac e for a Royal Honeymoon." Deanna Hotter of Costa Mesa, bt11nk teller: "I'd go to Ne w Zealand. You can't beat it for pretty a nd the people are good too. It would be a good place to get to know each other ." Eric Bergstrom of Costa Mesa, dry cleaner: "The Caribbean Islands would be my choice. For the water and the scene ry. Is land hopping In a sailboat would be the bes t honeymoon and after that I'd head for Canada with !!){I bride to cool off a bit." Amt11nl MusQfil of Costa Mesa, student: "For m y honeymoon I'd travel the whole world. I think I'd spend a lot of time in Europe though, especially Fra nce. I've been the re and it's very r omantic. It's ve ry peaceful too. I'd also want to spend some time in Switzerland because it's so quiet and relaxing." .,.. v·Jin·Ho~'llf'Cofla·'M~~-"' .......... ,,,,..._...,.,_~..,,,, .. ,.. ..... student: "I 'd take a Caribbean honeymoon. God , it's so bea utiful there and I'd have plenty of time to get to know the prince." Charles Koski of Huntington Beac", mt11intenance: "I think I'd take Spain. It's different, som e thing offbeat. It seems like a real private place and tha t would be Important for a honeym oon, especially a royal one." Nancy Chilmbertain of Costa Mesa, milnt11ger: "I'd do wha t Charles and Diana a re doing. First Gibraltar, then c ruise the Greek Isles in the royal yacht. What else could you ask for? What more could you possibly wa nt?" Terry Finnegan of Costil Mesa, manager: "I'd wa nt to go to Ireland, but If I we re Prince Charles, maybe I wouldn't be too we lcome there. After that, I'd try an Island paradise, maybe in Polynesia. Then I'd cap it off with a trip to Monte Carlo. That would be perfect ." Tube baby ~begins' NOR 1''0LK , Va . IAP) -Tbe nation's first in vitro fertlliza. lion c linic, unsuccessful for more than a year in Its efforts to start life outside the womb, Saturday announced a second "test·tube" pregnancy. The first pregnancy was an· nounced May 11, and Norfolk General Hospital s pokesman Vern Jones said it "seems to be progressing normally." No information has been re· leased about either woman or the expected birth dates. Since its opening in March 1980, the clinic housed a t Norfolk G eneral a n d o perated by E aste rn Virgi nia Medical School, has tried to shield its pa- tients, saying stress could upset the delicate hormona l balance crucial to achi eving and main· ta ining pregnancy. If the babies are born, they will be the first ones so con· ceived in the United States. "Test-tube" babies have been born in England and Australia. Helicopter lands on NB strand A Coas t Guard helicopter landed on NewpQrt Heacb ear- ly Saturday evening after the pilot discovered mec hanical pro- blems. There were no injuries in Delly ............. .,.'--..... The lives of Jim and Ve/ Straub of Huntington Beach revolve around the ktds to whom they have been foster parents for the past 13 years. Here. Vel bounces little Shauna on her knee Their arms are open Couple have been foster parents for many kids the incident. Friends wonde r aloud why more than 30 youngsters, who .. It's a v~ry , ve ry, very hard Lt. Robert Van?:a}ldt qf I.he Jim and Vet Straub_ of H~nt-stayed anywhere from a few thing to do. You have lo do it ,..., .. ~·s Rescue ··c oordin'afiow-.... m&~.Q.~~a.cil.,:~t.ij_I_ calling -~a~~. to 10 years. Y• ""'"-! : .. ,.. ~-'~ti Y.R~ .. P(~~q.~,~'Wl-~-!.1.Lw ~-Cent~g Beach said the ba bysitters, picking u~ TOU have l&-Ttr9e cruld.ren eanailu ~I n a IOl 0 lears. . pilot discovered a hydraulic leak to¥s. ocr the living room fl~r and You have to. see th~ be!le~!t or . A favorite dres~ or t?Y 1s while flying over the ocean 30 m1xu~g baby formulas at? in the th~ work you ve put into 1t, she packed away in ~ httle swtcase miles frorr shore morrung. After 26 years of mar-said. a long wi th a shm scrapbook. 1 • riage and r aising t wo grown But anyone looking at Vet's The Straubs a lso try to en- VanZandt said repair crews children. it's time to get out s potless early American home, courage adopting parents lo first from Long Beach were looking from under the diapers, they the toys neatly piled in plastic spend some time with the child at the helicopter Saturday night say. bins and the lap she describes as at their home . They also plan and would try to fix it, but that Vel just laughs, bounces little .. big enough for two" knows it outings t h a t inc lude bot h the da,rkness might postpone re· Shauna on her leg and cradles takes a lot more than that. fa milies pairs until today. He said a the month-old infant sleeping in "Oh sure. we can't just all pile "We transfer to the child the guard would be posted at the her a rm s a nd says, "It's in the car and go somewhere," security that says we feel good landing site overnight if the because we love children." she beams. "It takes a little Or· a bout your being here," ex· heli copter could not be flown In the last 13 years the Straubs ganiring." plai ned Vet "Then they don't out. have been foster parents to The Straubs entered the world feel they're being disloyal to Hopes for saving Star paper recede WASHINGTON <AP > -An ef- fort in Congress to keep the Washington Star alive by giving a big tax break to a new owner has collapsed, and the paper ap· pears doomed to close next Fri· day. Time Inc., the owner of the Star. said there were no "sub· stantivc offers" for the paper, althought it was reported Satur· day that the owner of Atlantic Monthly magazine was consider- ing buying the Star. Sens. Charles McC. Mathias, · R-Md .. and John Warner R-Va., said they explored the possibili· ty of introducing a tax a mend· ment to let a new owner recover up to 96 percent of its business losses for the next three years. instead of the 46 percent re· covery available under existing la w. Chris-Craft Industries. Inc. of New York, had said his fi rm would be interested in buying the Star 1f such a cushioning tax arrangement could be approved When the senators gave up. Siegel indicated that he , too, was • dropping cons1derat1on of a last· ditch effort to rescue the paper. which has been oper ating at a daily loss of S55.000. Said Siegel· "We fell that it was important for the capital in the greatest country in the world to have more than one daily newspaper in ord er to insure di versity or opinion. All the sena- tors and staff we encountered were sympathetic and construc- tive. and several of them made a remarkable l lth·hour effort to rescue the Star." of foster care on a quirk. Their love the new family." son Chu ck was 12 a nd their Surely the re are awful hectic daughter Renee was 9 when Vel days when three children are decided to return to work. The crying for attention at once and trouble came when she tried to you want lo just give up? hnd a babysitter. Vel laughs On those days J im A friend suggested that she JUSt comes through the door and Just take in a couple of foster picks up a baby bottle or quickly children. She's been changing changes a couple of diapers. she diapers ever since. expl ains. In the beginning there was a Raising their own children in great demand for foster famHies a home with 30 others. meant \.\-llling to take infants and not more than a few sacrifices. said just those born perfectly. Vel Child ren wi th physical and "Maybe my kids didn't have menta l handicaps have found the best dress or the best pair of loving arms at the Straubs. shoes. but I wonder if their value When Jody came to live with systems would be as good as the family 10 years ago, Vet and they are loday." her husband were forced to stop Th e ir s o n wo rk s a s a accepting any more children for mechanic and their daughter is four years. Born with a severe attending college in Idaho. muscle disease. a rthrogryposis, There are 658 foster families he required constant attention in Orange County and 55 in Hunt- and frequent visits to the doctor. i ngton Beach. Wi th Albert Sit· But the Straubs see nothing ton home overcrowded. county special in raising a ha ndicapped foster home officials say the child as their own . need for more volunteers is Most of the child ren who come great. to the Huntington Beach home Single people can now become stay only a few months before fos ter pa rents a nd the rules they're adopted or returned to have been a mended lo allow their natur al parents . Pretty fos ter mothe rs to wor k. For blonde Shauna has been with the more information call 834-2168. .. But the senators said time ran out on the opportunity to tack s uc h a pl a n t o Pres ident Reagan's tax bill. The New York Times reported that Mortimer Zuckerman. the Boston real estate developer who owns Atlantic Monthly, said he was considering buying the Star. family 15 months, though. Foster parents are paid S218 a • ·'The longer she sta ys the month for children six and UD· harder il's going to be to give der. $280 for children 7-12 and her up," said Vet, predicting the $393 for those 13 to 20. From Page A1 TRIKE THREAT • • • l business if air .traffic is inter- rupted. doubtful a strike will be avoided. "The outlook right now isn't good," Poli told repQrters as he left the talks at the Federal Mediation and Conciliation Service headquarters. Poli said he was still awaiting .,..,. a counter proposal from the gov- ernme nt , but he a lso was arent OK law stayed ST. PAUL. Minn. CAP) -A federal judge Friday temporari· The Federa l Aviation Ad· ministration for months has been working on a contingency plan in case of a strike. Initially, airlines would reduce fU ghts at 23 of the country's biggest airports. but once the controller work force was cut by 50 percent a more drastic emergency plan would go into effect. y blocked a new state law that ould h ave requi red that arents be notified before abor- ions could be performed on un-Under the plan, fli ghts or more than 500 miles wou.ld be given priority and short-haul rupts couJd be drastically reduced. Over all, lhe FAA says, as many as half or the commercial reg- ularly scheduled flights could be grounded. e<t minora. • The ruling automatically ac· ivated a reserve portion of the aw r e qui r i n g a jud ge 's per mission for such abortions ii the parental notice cla~e were struck down. ORANGE COAST Dally Pilat Thomas P. Haley PUOI--Cll"°' h eculiv• OlllC'lf Robert N Weed "--• Michael P Hal'lley ~ .... 0...CIOf L Kay Schultz ~OIO!lefal- Kenneth N Goddard Jr. 0.C..t>C'I Ootec:IO< Thomas A Murphine [Cl•tor Bemerd Scnulm1n ~ Cher ... H LOOI _......,.,_ Co.iol A. Moore ~l .... Claa1lfl9d ectnrtt.ing 714/1142·H78 All ottl•r depertment1 142·4321 MAIN OFFICE lJO Wnl e • ., SI . (Mt• M•W. CA Mell •ddrH \ Bo• 0601 (Mt• MtH , CA~ COPY•'9111 •• , O<t<IOI (MM PuOllt111"9 Como.<>r NO "''"'' \tor1e,, Utu~t,auon1, f'Cl1tor1•I m4'tt•' or 4d "''''''~"'' f\f'rtin m•Y b• r1oroctuc~ ..w1t,,out •Df'< Ill "'"'"'k>nOI topyrl911t 0,.,.., $t<Ol\CI "'"' ,,..,,_ IH•d •t CO\t• M -Calllorn•• IUPS l••~l S"""r1p11on llV urr1tr U 00 r'l!Clllllliy lly meol U '° motllllly molll••• dt\llMhOI\\ \• 00 mOftlllly Tlw Of .. C:.OH I OallJ Piiot, •1111 •111<11 I\<-- llot Ht W\ Pr-I• pul>ll\Md lly lllt 0ra"91 CN\I PllOlo~lllfl<J C~, !leCNte lP •Clll'°"' ar• PIA!i•\/>tf M•nrtn l""°"IJll Friday for CO\le M .. ,. Ntw-1 h <Kll H .... lo"91011 _,, '°°""'"'" V"'lt\' ,,,,,.. l."""" 3:;:" ~'" coe,1 A ,.,. ... ·~· "'''*' ~:.~~: ... 111.~~"'ui ~~!~'i ... :t :'~"'::~ 1\60 Cot&aM4M C•l•f0<noa•1'?t VOL. 74, NO. 214 . 4 "This particular lifeline is not going to work," Mathias said. Her bert J . Siegel, chairman of From Page A1 URANUS • • • millions of years to form coal and ultimately diamonds. "Al higher temperatures, the atoms would be squeezed closer together and the carbon would become a metal," Ross said. The diamonds, if they exist, could be in the form of small {Jakes drifting through the dense lower atmosphere of the two p lanets. Or the diamonds could fall to the planet's surface, en- crusting the rocky core, Ross said. The hydrogen a toms from lbe decotn posed m ethane · m ight combine with the diamonds, or t hey mig ht Corm a metal themselves. "It's not immediately clear, in a soup like this, what the hydrogen might be doing," Ross said. Hubbard has esUmated that the two giant planets -each nearly four times lbe slie ol the Earth -are about one·filth carbon, so the quantities of diamonds on the planets could be enormous. ll's not likely, however, that thos~ diamonds will be harvest· ed any Ume soon. ' Uranus and Neptune are the seventh and el&hth planet. from the sun, respectively. Uranus 11 never less than about 2 billion mUet from earth, and Neptune Is always at least 2"' billion mllea away. I inevitable. -811 Jodi Cadenhead NOWIN STOCK LACOSTE® FOR BOYS sbn 10.20 20 colors to choose from in aollds. !Sir.et. 4-7 solids Newport store only) ......... 22~4 ... ..... ' ~7114 -t:oo.t:OO Ny 9:30 •"""" pm Sun· TI'lura tit I pm frt I 8 11 ....... tlUll. I " Shft2 2101/aW.WAn. . .......... '7J..7126 I 0:00-9:00 Delly - •· .... ;.;.1~,:r.T • .,.y,. ... ~'7 r,r.-•· ~.-:.••r ~. I .. Deity ................. Newport Beach's fi rst poet loureale T !>hows lus pla.qtu• proc/a1rning ham thus. Duncan Stt'uv1rt. Newport's poet: from f lld to verse T Duncan Stewart was spending has second day as Newport Beach's first official poet laureate doing one of the things that hl' docs best reading poetry. His poetry "Ah. here w(• go ... he says, pulling a yellowed sheet of paper from a large box of poetry he'd lugged into the patio of his oceanv1ew home in Corona del Mar "You'll gel a bang out of this one." he explains, nudg mg h1~ glasse~ higher on has nose "I wrote this one when I hl•ard lhl'y Wl're putting fake grass an at cit~ hall " lit· clears his throat and starts : To think that I might live to see A stooying polyvinyl tree Where happ1l11 the feathered nester "-111 raise her brood on polyester Thl' 75·year old Stewart laughs. slaps his knee and 1m mt.•d1ately s tart!> rummaging in the box again There's no o.;topp1ng him now · 1 got hundrt.•ds of them thousands is probably mon• I,\~; 4t_,;\...h.~ • .\l.l.\.)Ct1.,,,°K~h1~ne.~.Abt k:dM\-.GGl'enn--dt't ~hrf' ,.; .. "" ~landing up. ht• ;,tart!> reading again /1 shows w1thou1 looking that nor much 1s cooking Our place as too calm for a mobster .,. And when MP sans serve dish upon dish off ned f ish Cnrona de/ Mor 1s fiavmy lobster Stt>wart. a builder who s pec1ahzes Ln solar energy pro JN'b. ~a) s he "as s urprised but dehgh~d at being named Nt•wport 's pol'l laurc ale-~ ·~~ stuff'~ doggerel mostl~ ... he explains in a mo m <:'nl of self c nt1(·1sm. ''l'vt' only written a couple of sl'riou~ poems Most of them are funny. A few are ob· S l'l'Ol' '. Wh1h• mos t of hi!'! rhymes are aimed at things. places and persons in Nt.•wport. Stewart says it all began in Kan:-.as C1t\' "I was· in third grade and I had a teac her named Miss Best I hated her ;rnd s aid as much in this poem." he says. reciting from m emory : My g rade 1s third. this year's the first My teacher 's ,\fiss.(!est and she's the u•orst "Roy I got "hupped for that one." he says. adding. "that was m) first taste of poetic JUStH·e. Smee coming lo Newport som e 40 years ago. Stewart has u~cd his poetic license to comment on a range of things from g runion to a controversial dog ordinance to s ubdiv1d mg properly Puns are a fa\'orite with Stewart After listening to Jaz7 mu~1cian Da,·c Rrubeck <tl a music festival. he ob SE'l'\.'l'd Those wlw threw their beer cans Can'I ha vt• tf1eir Brubeck 'When I was young," he recalls. "I never really gave mul·h thought to verse I just hgured e\'eryone "rote it " Stewart says he's made a grand total o f SS off his pot•tf) That cam<' for a poem that "as used in a magazine ad in the early 1950s "I'd Just · lost my butt on a sportfishing venture and was rt•ally down on m y luck." he says. "I get this SS and I starkd to think there might be a future in writing verse ·· Hut that "as the last dollar his poetr) brought him so he turnl'd to bu1ld1ng homes instead I le became an award wanning builder. was appointed lo the county's energy commission and was the Newport Harhor Area Chamber of Commerce's Man of the Year in 1980 I le says he s tarted carrying index cards and pencils cvl'ry" here he went Just in case He says he would JOl down lines at construction s ites. during bicycle rides or on placC'mats al restaurants. One Balboa Island restaurant. after the waiter found somt' of Stewart's discarded lines on a placemat, printed thl' poem on the front of its m enu lie says his g reatest pQellc accomplishment came tn 1960 "hen a news paper editor asked him to wnle a Christmas poem using names of prominent Newport persons He says everyt1me he was close to finishing the poem. th<' editor would call up with more names Stewart labored on the poem for two months and ended up using 198 names _ · ll was a lot o r fun." he says "Poetry. you s ee. is like alcohol H becomes a habit and pretty soon your mind gets warpcd " • ire pulls out a poem tilled "From Fear to Paternity" lo prove his point. The poem deals with grunion· The grunion leads a sordid life A furtive. chased. d&Storted hje Hurled shoreward lo attain hui ends He's welcome. but net by fnends "Everything·s grist for your mill." he observes, "there isn't a nything you can't write about." Stewart's next poetic project. he says. will concern the 11,ft Newp0rt Bay bridge He says the possibilities are lf'Fli\less on that one "I've had a love a ffair with this town and that's why I enjoy .writing about it," he says. "Anyway, I suspect poetry has kept me from the senility I'm entitled to." lie la ughs and starts d igging through his box again. Or,mqo Cort!>I DAILY Pll01 /Sunuay, August 2, 1981 Pane I agrees on tax cut hill ..... Kennedy seeks to scale back oil industry reductions; Senate action delayed WASJl l N(; l'ON 1A1'1 A Senate llous1: l'on1111illl'l' on Saturduy <'lt•un ·d .1 t•o111pro1111M· version of Pn·~l llt.•nt Hca.:an·s tax c ul h111 for r1 nal con gres ... 111nal 1u ·11m1 llfll'r \H>rking an t•nlll l' n1~ht to cl1•<.·1 dt• on Lax 1·uts (111 till' oil 1111lu'llt ~ St.•riall• plan:-. to t 11k1• 1111 tlw nw .1:-.ur 1• Saturda~ 111ght V.l'l'l' put 11(( until Mo11dj) o.tCtl•r Sen Ed"Hrd '\t l\<•flnl·d~. [) Muss . ... aid ht• would tn lo h a\ l' tht• bill sent IM<'k 111 tht• t•onft.·rent'l' l'Om 1111tlt•l' to ll'\\lllt' tht.• 1111 p1 11 '1 ... 1on" K1•111a·ch . \\hn wa:o. bat.'k 1n M .1 ... ...,11·h1;:0.1•1 t... a s I he St•nale .,., J'> fllt'l'llllg f111 55 m1null':-. ~jtur da\ mght Jnd "ho carhe1 thr1.·at1•111.:d ,1 ll11hu-.tt.•r on lht• 1s "H', 1:0...,1wtl ;1 ;,l;•lt·rrwnt plt-d~1ng .Sen Boh l>olt•. R Kan , manager of tht.• bill Approvul b.~ the Senate and lhl'n bv thl' llouse wht!n it meets T u l' ..., ~I ;1 ' w o u I d s e n d t he m t•a;,un· to Reagan for his :-.1gnatur1• :rnd produce the laq~l'S I tux rut in history Mercury Savin g s to acqui re W estda l e lo tlo all I 1·a11 to uppost• the i.:11.:antit n111ltll11ll1 on dollur J.!l\l'.l" ,t\ tu lht• 1111 1ndu..,lr) that h.1 -. 1u-.t lll'l'll 11wlu1lt·<I 111 lhl· ta' hill lh 1 t1'1om ,in\ 'l·n ... tm s rt• q111•..,I for dc•l a~ 1111 ;i hill in1pm t .1111 tu turn I hal lit' t•;wnut hl' p1 t·..,t•nt lo d1.•l1at1• 1s honort•d l'X 1·1·pt Ill .111 t'rllt'I ).!I'll('\ With ('11ngro·" Irvin~ to ... tart a (1'1.t' \\ t•t•k rt.'l'I''' JIHI .I 'trlkl' h\ .111 11.df1l· l'nnlrnllt·r.., thll·atl·nt·d fur '\1 onda' h.1•11 n1•rl \ s a hst•nc·t• p111vokc:c1 t Ill' .ini.:1·1 of :-.orrw {'Of 11•,tj!llt'' a bout $750 billion through 1986. The lull 1s the only thing ~tancl111i.: het"een Con~ress and a fin· "''t•k recess I nl'ludcd in thl' bill are a thn•t• )l'ur, 25 pertent, across· thl' board l'UI 1n pl•rsonal lax r a t l' s . s t ;.i r l 1 n g o n 0 ct. l . ;1ulomat1t• a nnual tax cuts start 111~ 111 l!IB5 to help oHsel infla t 11>n a Ot'" 1kduct1on for work- ing l'O upl1·s who now pay a lax pe nal!) for be ing married, vannuo.; llll'l'OliVl'S for savings. and Sl511 h1lhon worth of busi· Ill's:-. ta>. rc•duct1ons O\'l'r the six· 't•,1r 1wnod Mercury Savings & Loan As soc1allon has rl'ached an agree mcnt 111 principle to acquire all s tock of Wesldale S avings & Loan and merge the associations into a single 01wrat1ng entity with a ssets in cxcl'sS o f SI billion Leonard Shane. l'ha1rman and managing offlc(•r of Mercury Savings, reporl<'d an agreement has been reac hed with D K Ludwig. prinl'IJ>al owner of Wt.•:-.tdale. for Mcrl'ury lo a<· quire the 15-offl(·c assoc1at1on baM·d in Los An!!t.•lt•s "It must be t•mphas1zed th;.it (i n a I d d 1n1 t 1 \'I' t 1• rm s . r <' gulator) a ppr o\ als ;.ind s l ot•kho ld{"r act111n are still net•tkd · Shant• .... 1111 "Wt• ha\<· n•at•ht•cl <in agn·l' mt'nl of the gent·ral terms and m l•lhod of aequ1;,1t1on. and follO\\IOg the rnrnplclion of th,· "Pl'l'lfll' dO<'Umt•nls lhust' ll'rms From Page A1 MOBI LE • • • pr" 11 t J Ii h · u.., 1 • 11 r 1 tw 11 11111 Pt· rt It'' S.11d \\;111\ <;f\1tt•nhu1:-.. m\111·1 of th1• l'l:l -.p.11·1· H:Jnl'hn 1111111 1ni.:l1111 ;1!11111.( Hr 11okhur ... 1 \\'1·1H1t• \\'hat 1t l'l·alh hmh do" 11 to In I lunt 111gl11n B 0 l'<tl'h ..... lhal 1 m11l11lt· hom1·-. .1n· not a \'lahll' 11:-.t· "f th1· land an' lonj!t•r · · All hough he t1.1 ' 1w inlenlfon nf :.ell1n1o: his park. c; l'fllt•nhUis sa~ .... ht• l'XPl'l'b lo st•1• mun· OIA lll'I'' o.;t.•ll111g an the futun· !'ht• land \ ;ilu1· 1:-. going up and lhC'se peoplt• ha\ 1.• to changt· 1A1th the times," hi· said Mos t mobile home dwellers are t•lderly pcopl<• 11\'IAg on fixed I0('001t'S A SUf\l') of 1:1 parks Ill l!J7H found that lhl' ..1 ,·eragt• ;.ig1· "a:. fl2 ..i nd tht• rnt•than incomt• "as SIU.!1.-1 1. or ha lf thl· c1ty-w1dt· ll1l'd1'Jll lllt'O mt.• With a \'acaul'\ r c1tc of onl~ I t fH'rn•nt 1n llunt111gton lk:.tl'h. t'\ ll'lt•d lt.•nanls 1Aould be forced Io look as far ;rn a' a:-. R i \'ers1ck fnr a Ol'V. spat'!'. Ul't:ording to I ht• nt \ rt·port If th1· c·1l\ dt'l'Hks to sc•ll Oriftwood. tenant Tt•d Tt•nn1t--. sav' ht• clt1l'Sll l kn1m exa{'tl\ ,,tiat ht• II do . r h {' () I' cl I n " ll l' l' \\ I I I s ln•ngt ht•n the ll'nants post 11011.' ~;11d fennH''-· v. ho p.11d S l ~.noo for hr... moh1il' honH' follow 1ng Ill ' rl'l1rt•mt•nt m 19711 I think 1t s fa ir to hoth sides Ht•;,1<ll•nts II\ 1ng 1n thl' stat1• CJ IAnt.•d Cahril lo P;irk along l 'at·1f1e Coa:-.1 l11 ghv. a\' and ~t• .... land are v.c•ll aware that lht•.) t an h<• turncd out at an~ llml' \ ... 1gn al tht.• 1•ntranC'e to the park rl'ads .. Puhht· ~ut1ce An~ f)l'rson romm en<'ing tl•nancy in lhl'M' premisC's aft1.•r 5 13·63 will not l>e• ehgihlr for n•l11cat1on as s1;,la0l'l' paymt•nl:-. a:-. provtdl.•d 1 n gO\ to<lc · Wht•n 'late offit•tab tacked up the now fading sign in front of the st•as1de mobile home park. no onl' paid mud1 attention. Rumors lhal the• S acramento l,1ndov.ner \\as J(111ng to St'll 5cemt.•d lo riSl' a nd t•bb lak e th<' licit•' ncar the tenants' front doors In faC'l. the· 1dt•a of the state s t.·llinJ.! the land !'>l'l'med so re molt· that Larn Nc•dckrman and his wife Denise hou~ht a S22.000 eouch 1n the park three years ago But evC'n 1f t hl' s t alt• was forced by law to pay re1ocatlon c os ts, Nedderman s ays he doubts his 11 year old coach would be mo,·able. "Who would want to buy a trailer on land that 1s going lo demolished?" he asked. "If they evicted us I'd just have to declare bankruptcy.'' and c·ond1t11 1n;, "ill b,· r1•lt•awd Spt•l·1f11· dorumt:nh and ap pl1cat1on ... to rc·~ulalor) aulhont1t·s "111 be pn•pared within :m dav:-.. ;.ind l'ver v effort to 1·01npl1•t;. the tran~a c tao n within liO dJys "ill lw ma dt• b> all parlll'~ ' Shani• sau1 I h11p1· 11 ' c·on' l'n11·11t fllr h1n1 to ht• 111•11· \l1111ila\ r1·m.1rl-.t•d Front brings storms Minnesota. Wisconsin lashed ( .'oa ,'\I a I fort'''"·" I Ov~r OUlt"t '-U•\l.fl w•t.r\ from Po1n1 (OIUf"Pl ')n 'O s ..... ,,..,.., •• \ 1,1•nd n0tth•t""\t .,. n~\ H.1 to ti knot\ w•tri ' to b foot ~·' thrO\.lgf'I lod4t 1:: 1\.-w~tf', 111.Jhf "'.t' •dOlt ""''nO\ n•OM etnd morn•no h<k.I'' Oft• dm•n\il wr\I "' ,,,uthwe\l to tu,., ti not\ chu•no •ftrr noon\ Wtnd """""'"\ • f~t XJUO' to \.;Nth..,.Mt \1111,.11\ •Ill 4 l~t """''" 4 ff'w orrct•tr\ tc.. • ,,.,., "" -.oul" '• 1n9 b .. •rhf'S 'ow , IOU~·"P\\ but o•ttly \uMr Our1r•C) <1ftrf~\ v .. '-;. ·"""'Ill a ry lllfP'lt(n d.dtn..tQll'O ltf'f'\ n M1nnf'\ot• 1ncJ W1\C0tl\'" .tf"d or 1UC>Pd nit•.-t '01n\ 10 tow• S~1t\ 'llllf'tf' p.ctfll, IOuOy ''°' Nf"w IO En9tand and •lono "''" A11ant1< (.h•Y•nnrr Co•\t wt111tt tf' .. rtr w tt't QP!Wt •lly t•u (n1c ~ ..,r 1H hl!-r 1n '"'• r1•\I 01 tnr na,1on C inc inn.th A ttto •9• gtrt N t\ lulll"d oy 1toh1 C '"""'"no n1no •\ vw •t\O rn·r p4,-W1h '' •d to Coh..1mous fl,~ 4 lhuf"l()tr\IO•m ct· ltwy w tll.f'Cj 0•• fl ~U 1n • l1e1a 1n f H(lf'f1 Nrt. Oft.< •di\ Otnvf'r \atO ~•ron ~prnmflt ·•O t t ..,.\ Of'\ Motrw!' k ulf'd 1ntt41ntll" b'r lht" hQf'tninQ Oull 0 .. 1,1.>~t Mrt ~rrnh ..,t,,. no11n1ure<:1 Du•ulf\ Th~ Natlon•I Wl'•lht:r St-rY+lt" Dffl f~Ht.•1tnl~'\ di< lt O tnu;tOf'r .now,.r\ 100tty 10, •••flf(I(() mutn ot lht f".&\ltrn 4'"0 \OUll\Pfn Mtltt\4 portion'\ ot uw tounlt'f Honotul\i Hou\ ton fndn.,.1\ J•( 111.VlWJlf' Junt•u NAflON 1<.•ns City SI l 1•V-> ... Lim• Roo A jb•"'t' " AltluQUt' .. Am•r•llo 0 .. Lou1,v11lt Ancnoragio '° 16 Mlmplll\ AJhfYtllf 61 ~ Mi•m. A•l•r"ta II ol M 1lw.u•H At111nlt Ch •• •• M OI\ SIP Baltimot,,. 94 "' N•\""'I .. &1rrn1ng.hm •• .. NP# 0flfl'itn 81\m•rclll H •• Ntw Y0t ~ BolH •• >' Nor•~• Boslon u ... Oki• C>tt Brown'\v tlt" •I It Om.tna Outr••o 8• ., Or••noo C'11r1.i" SC ~· ,. Ph11•0e>n1a Cn.rl\tnW\I H \I p "04"'1UI It •• Ml 81 II bl o\ 9) \I •' I' •Y " <n "' 9' •• ~· !M> TS •• •O II 9t H' 81 •Y 81 ,. ~· 81 II •• •1 •• .. !9 10 '°' '• 90 •• II ., •o 11 •• ., " 11 ,. .. u .. •• ,, 81 .. 8' •I ~' /) 8Y /I 'II II II ... 10' as S.lwr .. y't T ... o • S.tw,..•y 1 s.1w .. ,. LO<•Uon t-tunltngton Bluff\ Huntir"tQton P1ff S•nta Ana Alwf' .JllUV 40111 Sr NtwOO• I 12no SI N• .. porl BalDoa W•clqo Roe ltf:l<I• L•vun• Sltf'Pl Hollo- T h•H• 8r~4.. 41tl.O~•'" Sall Cl'f'elt Oo'1My 8••t'1 P0<nt Capo B••<" 'Holt in t,._. ~,,,c.,.J San C.ltmfnl,. P1rr Tr•f•IQ&t If Slrttll Cotton~ Potnt ,,,, .. ~ S•n °"°''" lODAY S TIDES Sou1nwn1 A•l/Mola Pr ... l<tl•u Sii- '' \ame poor 1 1 s•nw poor 4 . dKre•\P f•tr • t> dt<rtAH t•lr :.I de<: re•~ '•" \ f, decrf'•~ I air t 4 ''"'' QQOIO .. ' '\·~ , • ., OOOo 1 c \4if"f'ae fair ) • '-•m• fair . ...mt" OOoO t ' \ame le1r pioor • • urne '''' •• I 6 ,.,,,. Qood good To .... •• 6S •• ., ., •• .. .. .. .. 0 M 61 • • o+crH.. 9oo0 0 ' ti dee r-t•M 0000 •S .1 \ oeut•M ••1r •s H101i U U o m le>• S 21 p m !>-II dlr•tllon Soul~ REPORT ING AGENCIES Oouv rranlOfTl, Joftn 8ar111, Gord°" Rttd. An Oy Altton '>coll Tr•llor L .. van l'lrlt SI••• Berrttl, Mike Broussard, Jell by strong winds • i..c.--• • P1m1>uron II " Prt•no Mt NS ~ PUdncJ Ort-•• ~ ~dP•d (Hy 91 •' Fhno .. 0 A1cnmono liS " !:>•11 L• .. ~ 98 .. \f•lt t , S' ~I l OU1\ •• 6) '>IP hm1><1 Y1 II SI ~If ,.,.,,,.,, ... " ~ Spo•anf' II H rul\• •• ,, tN1l\P'l•fM)tn IS .. CALl,.OANIA 8•1Jrr\l1~d •• .s B•'''°""' ICM n 1:1••""'°"'• •• S4 81Jl'IOP •• s.. 81yl0.~ 111 .. C•llhN ,. ~ EurO• loO Sl Fr•\nO .. Ml l •nc•\tt r '1 u lon9 ~ .. ,. as u LO\ AnQPltt •• 0 M•f '(\VttlP .. H Monrowt• 'IS S4 MOlll-110 .. SI M onttrty ., S4 Mt Wll'°" IO Ml NrPOltt 101 ., ~fwpor\ 8••<1'1 IS oS 0••·-toJ s. Ont.,•o ,, loO P•lm !>l><•nv' 111 10 Pa•-.a .. II Pn o ROC>itt " It R•d Stull " ., R•dWOOO C1t~ 10 s.. S•c r •nvnto 8• SI S•hna\ OS S' S•n 8.,-rwrd1no •• II S•n C..br'lll ~.n Frt1n<1W.O S•nl• Alw ~nl•S¥-• S..nt• M.tn • Sallie Mon•C• Slockton hhOeV1lloy Th•rmat fOf"t•n<.e v ... m. C••o•ry Eomonton Montr~•t 011-· ReQ1n.a V•nc~v..,­ W•"n•Pl'Q CANADA " '1 u j2 n ., n j] n u n '6 .. ~ n Xl ICM ., IO 5' ICI' 12 n .. 1) .. ·" •1 • 5' ., ,, 1) H II •I PANAMfRICAN S""'fi ..,.,...., c~'--..... -'""""1' s· Bor!Mdo\ .. 11 8f'f~ .. Ill Bogol• •s fl Cur•<ttO n Ill G1,,1•0•••1•r• 13 ff Gu•O.louPt .. It H•v.,,. 91 ,. "•"0''°" " " Mont"90 B•y .. II M•t•tlr.an 91 • M •nO• 0 IS M•••<O(tly ,. Ml Mont•rnv •s " '-'•\WU 91 71 S•n Ju.,,, P G .. II SI lt;tl1$ .. l'9 hQu<•9'1lp,J 1' .. T rin•a.d 90 " Vtr• Cn..1 90 ,. ·"""~ 1110011. t id Ps TDOAY F1,..l IO• S II'• m ·O' Fir.a high t1))1m ••• S.tond •-•Op m I I S.cOf\Olllgh 10 '1 pm • 2 Otily f'l4ot Oe4h _, 1.Go.. ....... ~"CUY F ,,,,..,, ' yo1, "r "4Jlf "4V• f(AJf P~· o"' ~ 30' "" t. •II bPVf r ('m •M'f'uu' 1 '" 'f M !I 04" 0.lt"""'flO S.tu,-O•• iana ~vn04 t , yQt., 00 "°' , .... ,,. you• coc. .. I . "' cMI 0it•0t• tO a "" '""' ,, u' P) -II bf oe.,.,,_.ec C~T~ Wi\I ()rant Couf"lfy Atf'A\ '4:J:4)JI N<)f1nNMI yn~•,.,,9ton Bl"i'-" .irid w.,,~.,,\'P' S•IJJ:• lliQuf'll N1Qvfll ••MM9 We1re Listening ••• Wh.1l do \OU l1kt• about the Daily Pilot? \\'h,11 don t }IHI hl..t• •Call the number belo" and \11111 nw;,.;agt• "'II be recorded. transcribed a nd cl1·ll\ l'rt•tl 111 thC' appropriate editor f'h1· :-..1 mt· 24 hour <tnswenng ser\'lce may ht• ll"<'d to rl'<·ord ll'ltc·r:-. lo the editor on any top11· 1\tatlhox t:onlributors must include their 11.1m1· and tl'lephont• number for \'erihcallon No 1·111 ulat111n n 1lb . pll'a!W I 1•11 11-. "hat ~on ~our mind. 642•6086 Drue II; tr ------------------------• Between July 27th and September 7th, you can get two of our delicious cheese balls or logs for just $5.95. -For every one you buy, we11 contribute 25¢ to the Muscular Dystrophy Association. Offer good at participating Hickory Farms stores. Ame rica's Leading Cheese Stores · Of OH IO IN &oath -Coast ?tu• ""' Orange Coast DAIL 'Y PILOT/Sund1y, August 2. 1981 Huntington Beach semi-mall gets ml~ed reviews 'Sense of pride,' fund 'waste' cited By PATRICK KENNEDY Ot ... o.ily ...... llaft Although critics say it was a waste of tax dollars lo c hange tbe downtown Huntington Beach shopping area into a semi-mall with angled parking and one· wa y traffic , so m e local merchant s c laim th e tr ansformation has helped busi· ness. Officials of the city's Chamber of Commerce and Caty Coun· c ilma n Ron Pattinson are critical of the $321,000 expen· dilure of federal redevelopment funds for the improvements. in· eluding park benches. textured street and sidewalk ~urfaces. planter boxes. trees. bicycle racks and new s treet li ghting. They complain the changes. completed in April. are cosmetic and don't address future re· development needs in the old shopping area ·· 1 think it was a waste of time and money when you consider that most of the buildings have be e n co ndemn ed a nd are scheduled for demolition next February or March, .. said Ball T erry. vice president of the Chamber of Commerce. lot conBolidatlons and construe lion of buildings of up to s'ix stories downtown. "The present Main Street will be too narrow when this area is redeve loped and all those cos- meti c c han ges will be destroyed,.. Terry said "Thal money s hould have been s pent planning long-range r edevelop- ment." But the City Council majority fe lt differentl y and l oc al merchants interviewed appear glad the run-down area has been revitalized . Lea Bottc h e r . assistant manager of the Second Glance clothing s to r <'. and David H ollan. co -ow ner o f the Merchant art gallery. agreed that the diagonal parking and one-way street toward the coast created more parking spaces and a safe r environment for pedestrians. .. It's helping business because it 's a lot easier for shoppers to park and ·cross the street," Ms Rollcher said. "These changt:'s have ans tilled a sense of pride in business owners down here.·· says Bill Dinnae m. manager of the. Chuck Dent Surf Center. - Most of tht> brick s hops on Main Street by the municipal pier were built in the 1920s and 1930s Fiftv-one of those build· ings don"t "meet city earthquake standards and the owners have been given until next sprang to bring their shops up to safety codes or to tear them down. "A lot of them are fixing up or painting their store fronts since the semi-mall was creat ed There's a Jot more foot traffic and families down here now because it's safer with one-way traffic ... he said Downtown l/u11fingto11 Beach transformed into semi-mall wi th angled parking arzd 011e-wa.11 traffic Dally ...... , .. " ....... 1s thl' mos t important business factor ··1t doesn't mutter what you do w ith the sadl'V. a lk!-t or the strec·ts. it's tht• weather that counts in a resort town, .. Mase s aid Ri chard Rauman, owm•rofthe th1· hea\'1ly traVl'll•cl downtown ·t t "s lu·lµl'd IH1s1 nt·o.,:. and Wild Oats l eather and ac hl·al'han•a looks n1e1., .. said St·oll H<imll·luo., t•essonc!'> shop. sa\:. he bl•lle\'C!'> And 1:ven somt• of thost· who of c;eorg1· s Surf C°l•ntl•r But at o.,uµport lhl• Sl'ml m<ill con<:ept ll·a ... t t v.1t·c• J dJ\" :.oml•om· v. ho thC' l'lt} should h<ive spent the and claim 11 ·:. hl•lping bu:.ines~ husn"t h<·<·n ar;1und ht·n·. for fl'dC'r:.il grunt on improved street sa~ tht· concept still ha!'> a fev. a''h11l-drl\1·s dov.11 thl· v.rong Terry also s aid the city"s Local Coastal Plan encourages Ron Mase, owne r of the Sunshine Suit Co bikini shop, s ays weather. not the semi-mall ..,.,., N•µ1n g anrl maintenance in bugs . . bJd1:.~{ ~t:i~1i.~~ .,_...,, ,,, _, ..... ___ ~...,.,,.....--.;..:....;;::;..;.;...;.;.;.;.... _____ ...;;;;;;:>...;;::..::="-".----''_~·-""'_ .. _ .. ,._''_........._...;;::o~--··_-~.;..::::------'-------...__ ..-.-.......,...._. . ....,,,,. ............_ ""'--.''""------. ......_____..-. -. """.# ~ ,, ....... ~/',,.,,_.A. '• -""""'• /¥"> •• v. • • . ..... -' OTHER WORLDLY? -This appears to be a hulking. snail-li ke c reature crawling on the crater -pocked surface of a world far away. but it"s actually a microscopic impurity in an ad \.;anccd allo~ under inves tigation at tht' .......... General Electric Rcsl'arch ;md Oe\·elopment Center in Schl•n(•ctad~'. '.'J. Y Scanning clt>c tron mic roscope mugnified pi c tur:l, 3.000 time~ Leukeinia victilll improves TIJUANA, Mexico <AP> -a treras is director of Centro had failed Z.year-old who is undergoing a Medico del Mar. where tradi -·· l"ve heard those rumors. dontroversial Laetrile treatment tional chemotherapy treatment Accardi said "They sound like f".or leukemia here after her is offered along with enzymes, we were desp<'rately seeking Qarents forcibly removed her vitamins a nd Laetrile, a sub-help and that we could hardly rtom a Los Angeles hospital is stance derived from apricot pits . wait to take off.·· ~h awi ng "marked i mprove Amanda Acca rdi's father. He said Amanda had "taken a ment," her physician said. Michael. disputed reports that sharp upturn this morning. She"s : "She's more than conscious. attempts had been made to re-playing with he r s ister. s miling She's playing around ," Dr. turn the c hild lo tt)e Uhited and happy. She has s hown no _E_rn_e_s_t_o_C_o_n_t_r_e_ra_s_S_r_sa_a_· d_. _C_o_n_· __ S_t_a_t..:.e_s_b_e_c_a_u_se __ l h_e-'.A'--r_e_a_t_m_e_n_t __ b"-a;.;..d_sE_irats. · · I l • • ' I I • Ebel n1hapea your hours. Styl~ttlng watch dealgn contra1t1 l 4k yellow gold with 1atfn·flnl1h 1tafnle•• steel. Quartz movement.I accurate to 30 .econds a year. 100~ Swt..·made. Lady'•: $875. Man'•: $975. Bailey Banks& Biddle World RenowmYi /t"lr1l'lers Sinn• 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA. COSTA MESA Fl,..t lt!Uf!I, Bulloclti wing. (714) 751·5640 Uw -COfllll'IWftl (~ p.IDM • Alf M4}« """" C'Old9 Sadat-Reagan talks crucial to Mideast peace process WASlllNGTON (AP > Prest· dent Anwar Sadat of Egypt will visit Washington this week for talks with Pre!-irde nt Reagan that will be cruc ial fo r keeping the Camp David peace process with Is rael alive Sadat "s first v1s1t ~i n ce Reagan became president oc c urs against a background of Arab-Israeli 1.!Jrmoil that has pushed the ~gy ptian leader furthe r out on a lamb in isolation from mos t other Arab <:ounlries The Egyptian president will arrive Tuesdav and hold has first meeting with· Reagan on Wed nesdi.ly Sadi.lt a lso plans a pri valt• mee ting with former President Carll'r an Pla ins. Ga . next Salurda' Sadat and ·Reagan a re expect- ed to explore ways to resume meaningful d1 scuss1ons ~tween Egypt and Israel on autonomy for Palestinians in the Is raeli· occuprl'd West Rank and Gaza Strip. "Wh <it Sadat probably rs look ang for as a clear-cut commit· ment from us that we do want lo get the autonomy process going again and that we give it high praonly." :.aid a State Oepart menl offac1al ··lie wi ll get that ·· ·"Th ts 1s the key and essential ne xt step to keeping the process going." o.,aad the ofCtcial. Before an) dec1s1ons can be reached. howevc•r. Israeli Prime Minis ter Menactwm Begin must also bl• l'Onsultc•d He will come to Washington for has first of· f1c1al meeting with Reagan in Septem~r . Sadat rs expected to make the point that he hopes Reagan "'111 press Begin to 'be forthcoming .. on the autonomy issue. the of- f1 r 1al said ··He 1s probably uncertain what the new Israeli government policy will be."" he added. The Reagan administration s hares that uncertainty. especially in the wak<' of the strains that have developt•d in the t: S.-lsrneh re· lat1onsh1p over Is rael's recent actions an the Maddie East The official said he thinks Begin "wants very much to re· sume talks. It's a question or wh1:ther t•\ l'rybod~ rs talking about th(• -.amc kind of talks Pall''ol1n1i.ln autonom~ talks are pro\ 1d(.•d for 1n the Camp Dand pc<H't' al'l'Ords bl'tv.cen bri.lel and Eg~ pt, which were negot1atl•d v.1th Carter·:. help an 1979 But thl' talks ha\f' been !>tailed srncl.' last fall C S offrc1als don t rule• out th .. Rt•agan. Sad.it and Hegrn may agret· to hold a 1oint d1s- cuss1on on the autonom~ issue at a later dale Another possabihty 1s for Rc•agan to name a full· tame sµcc1a l Madt•ast negotiator ~1 m1lar to the pos1t1on held b~ Sol L1now1l1. and Hnl)ert Strauss 1n the Carter admrn1stral1on Sadat h<is said that a maJOr purpose of h1~ tnp rs simply lo get to knnv. Reagan Both na· Irons ob\"louslv v. ant to establis h lh<' same· g1;o d v.orkang rela- t1onsh1p that Sadat has enjoyed with othc•r L' S 1>res1dents Sadat surd 1n Cairo last week that hC' wall lell Reagan he rs dis turbed at C S ·pass1v1ly .. toward aggres:-.1\'e So\let be havior in the Middle East. Lorraine Sutherland at Newport Beach &"' Summer Clearance % to % off ,.f i Be9inni~ ~onday, Au9~s~ 3~d~ 9~~o • 6:00 ~ WM' -Dresses for all Occasions -- t Coats. pants. blous_es. sportswear. I IAYSIDE DRIVE at JAMIOREE ROAD, NEWPORT IEACH -760·0911 D•ffy t :JO-S:JO -Opet! 5-d9y1 11 :00-4:00 -AM Hile It••• fro• o.r ,....._rchftdln . .50% OFF Sat. ·& Sun., August I & 2 ~· AtlCM"Md ,,_. ..... of trees• 11 .... c•" 24 .. boxH or 30" boxe1, ..... .,...,..., ........ .... Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 2. 1981 Machine finds fakes A rt analysis can save curators from bogus buys GREENVILLE, Del. (AP) - The tarnished aword bore Pet.er Stuyvesant's coat of arms and In Latin the inscription: "lt'a Bet· ter to Truat In God, Than to . Trust In Man."· Tbe menage was prophetic, but the sword looked so real. The collector just had to have It. So swayed, he paid a handsome sum. Alas, he should have stuck with God. The sword was fake. Forgery of art objects &lau, ceramlca, paper and palnUnas. wlth a typewriter readout in leaa than \0 minutes. It's had a look al the Liberty Bell and the Statue of Liberty (both legit), reunited two price- 1 es s 15th century bronte statuettes that had been separat- ed for more than a century, and once saved Christie's an embar- rassing moment by determining on the eve of an auction that a soup tureen purportedly made in 1780 for Catherine the Great was It can, within minutes, de- termine an object's origin and authenticity without sampling or altering it in any way. flouris hes, but detection is becoming simpler thanks lo Vic- tor Hanson, a sometimes mis- c hievous, always bow-tied, forever inquisitive, 77-year-old scientist who hunts down art forgeries with his Energy Dis- spers i ve X-ray Fluorescence Spectrometer machine. a modem replica. Bidding was to have started at $300,000. To the uninitiated, Hanson's machine is a bewildering array of dials and gauges and knobs hooked to a printer and an OS· cilloscope -a fluor escent screen whlch turns into a forest of wiggly green lines when analyzing an object. urnount.s of elements present In an llem. The breakdown also ia dlaplayed on the printer. History holds the key to the machine's s uccess, since art ob· jects from different periods have distinct compositional features The absence of gold impurities In silver, for Instance, is a strong indication lhat the piece is modern because early re- fineries before about 1880 were unable to recover all the gold. Or the absence o( silver is a pos itive Indication of modern brass . Or the presence of ab- normaJly high amounts of cop· per and zjnc as an indication of silver solder, telltale of repairs or alterations. "It's so versatile," Hanson says. "The remarkable thing Is you get so much information in s uch a short time," he says. "Running that machine is like eating peanuts -you never get enough of them." No one has kept count of how many art objects his machine has anaJyzed, but they number in the tens of thousands. ............ It is housed at the Henry Fran· cis du Pont Winterthur Museum, where Hanson is coordinating scientist. It can, within minutes, determine an object's origin and authenticity without sampling or altering it in any way. To curators around the world, it's known as "The Dream Machlne." It works like this: The object is placed in a box several inches from a radiation source -a man-made isotope like cadmium 109. X-rays pass through the ob- ject, then through a beryllium window to a lithium-doped silicon detector which converts them into electricaJ pulses. Henry du Pont. who died in 1969, was an avid collector of the blue cobalt glass from Sandwich, Mass., and at his death had accumul ated about 45 pieces. Or so he thought. Victor Hanson's "Dream Machine•· can save art collectors a bundle by determznmg whether a piece of art is the real McCoy It is a computerized X-ray fluorescence spectrometer and can identify up to 15 elements in metals and up to 30 elements in non-metallic objects s uch as These are then stored in com- puter memory banks and dis- played on the oscilloscope -the length of the wiggly lines in· di cating the proportional .. Actually, it turns out that about 3 of the 45 were made in New Jersey in the 1930s, and not in Sandwich in the early 1830s," says Hanson, whose lab is filled with forged art objects exposed by his machine. "We found that the lead content of the fake glass was lower and that it didn't con· tain titanium, found in Sandwich sand." One or the machine's most ex· citing discoveries s panned an ocean arAIW.ransformed a pagan into a saint. A curator at the Louvre in Paris was visiting the National Gallery an Washington when he came across the Gallery's "The Boy w ith A B al l " -a Renaissance bronze. He took special note of a tenon extending from the chlld 's rump, ind1 cat· ing he once had been supported by another object. Back in the Louvre was a standing bronze figure with out· stretched arms and a hole in one hand. It was listed as "Atlas." The two pieces, which did in fact fit together. were brought to Winterthur to be scrutinized by Hanson's machine The verified results showed the figures had identical compositional pat- terns, were cast from the same melt and thus born or the 1ame artist And so the Louvre s "Atlas·· and the Gallery's "The Boy with A Ball " became "S t Christopher Car rying t he Christ Child, .. reunited after a separa· taon or more than 100 years .~-t--.\-~ewMV·Stat-e·"·eo un~NI'~~. faces tough c a se s SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -The revamped California Supreme Court, bearing the stamp of Gov. Edmund Brown Jr. and a recent history of in· ner and outer turmoil, makes its public debut Mon- day The first day of oral arguments heard by Justices Otto Kaus and Allen Broussard as part or the seven-member court will include two impor- tant and touchy cases, on secret police fiJes and adults-only apartments. which had deadlocked the Ever 11ia1g You've Ever --anted old court. • .Only two me mbers of the current court, Mathew Tobriner and Stanley Mosk, were on it as recenUy as 1973, and Tobriner has said he plans to retire soon. Mosk says he will remain at least through 1987. The court still bears scars from the un· precedented state investigation of 1979, which failed to prove that sensitive decisions were being withheld for political purposes but which stripped away the majestic outer image to disclose a maze or persona! feuds and mistrust. Now under constant attack from law enforce· ment groups, and almost daily criticism from Al· torney General George Deukmejian, the court also faces a potentially serious confrontation with the Legislature over authority to order money spent. The appointments of Kaus~d Broussard, con- firmed two weeks ago after so e ideological prob· ing by Deukmejian. gave Bro appointees a ma- jority on the seven-member co rt. They succeed Wiley Manuel, who died of cancer in January, and William Clark, who re· signed in March to become deputy secretary of state in the Reagan administration. The appointments will let opponents of the Democratic governor blame unpopular rulings on the ''Brown Court.'' But it may be several years before anyone can assess the impact of the court's new members, including the successor to Tobriner once he retires. "Anybody who attempts to predict the entire judicial phlJosophy of new appointees lo any high court is bound to be wrong about hall the time." said California's most prominent legal writer, Bernard F. Wilkin. Even Deukmejian 's relentless questioning, criticized by Chief Justice Rose Bird and much of the legal community as unduly political, provided little insight into the views of Kaus and Broussard, who declined to discuss past controversial state court decisions. Their positions in the two major cases in the first day or arguments in a speciaJly scheduled August session should yield some clues to how they stand on such issues as government secrecy and property rights. In one case, the American Civil Liberties Union is swng to force disclosure of file cards kept by Deukmejian's office for a nationwide police in· telligence group. . Deukmejian contends the files concern orily or- ganized crime figures and that making the in- formation public would hurt criminal investiga- tions; the ACLU says past disclosures have found some political dossiers In the files. 1981 Dodge Colt Nicely equipped with bucket seats, 4 spd transmission, 140000 engine, body side moldings, radio, steel belted radials, wheel trim rings. #00433 S5281 in a Furniture Sale. SAVEl0-50% hcn1hin14' hl'f\ ,t,ll' lr.1d111onJI <~•nll'rlll"•rJn (lm·111.1I \h.llkrn < 11111\ln llith < l'llllln I lit'.llll hl'r\ nanll' Anlf thn rt'. Aml·n,,1, linl''I flJl..n lll'llrl'U1l11 l>rt·Ad lkrn.11o:< l htima,,illl· (-t'.llllll'\ ...,ht·rrilt l lJ1r tt•U 11.1111l' 11 . 11·, 1111 -.ill' h t'.n '<llJ I H'n thn&njo( room h l·n hc.-<lnM•m hl'n d1~1r I ll'n uhll' 1-ll·n dlantkhl'i I ll'n h1\l''C.'JI I 1cn l.lrpl'I 1 Hn l'l:l!o(t:rc Ell·n \\Jll 11m1 I ll'n rnl ra11111n1o: l H·n hd.l.t·r, rJll.. I ll'n J•l•"'""'" Ah.,.1l111d1 l'\l'n1hini.t Allll 1nir ..:1k f)nll'' 111d11dl· c.kllH·n ....... up .ml.I Jll lhl· -cnllt Jilli inll')trll\ 11111 hJ1~ 1C1 l'Clml' Iii l''fX't I fr11111 ( h.1nllkr', And llll'rt• h m11rt· ( h.inllkr' ,1,11l of 1lrllll'"11111.1l 1111c:rior dt''ll(lll'"'-j, 1m hand 111 hdp 1011 ... ·lt"t:l tht' prill'' .111d dl"•itn thl· rc"111'-' lh.11 .1r1· njdll kif' ~\111 lor the.· w;.11 1uu \\';lfll 111 Ii\\. < 111114:' in 11>JJ\ .inJ "-'t' lht: ~c.-.t flllN irrlpn"'''H ili'{lb\ ol l>t.'1111UIW llomc: hinwJ111lfC' 111 I lr.t~c.· C ,111111\ .u1ll .._.._ tu 't't' CMlc.' of our Jc."1)Ux·r. < >r 1( }UU prdcr c. ~II :ind h.tll' J llc."•!ot1lt'r l 1111ll' II> \Out h< 1mt'. fur :i l~ 111"1h.111nn l'\'l'll hd• 1n· "'II cnmt'. io nnl' nl our '1orl'' And. •1l 1.1111N.' < h:tndkr• i111ni11r dti-i1411 ... ·nin· '' frl·t· ol t haq.:t'. m C:hJndkr' ui-1111t1l'r' 1111.· homc.· 11111r n111'1 imponan1 lml''llllt'.111 '111t·rt'\ 11t'\ l'r hc:m a heller 111111.· 111 kl < h.mJln·, hdp \1111 t•nlunH· 1h.11 111\l''llTlt'lll 1h.1n no\\ d11nn,.: Chandler', 't1mml·r "Jll· 11, t'\l·n1l11n1o: 11111 \l' c.'\l'r \\Jntt·<.I ind fum1111r1· '.1k SANTAANA Mlin Street 111 Pih Strttt Phone 7141~1 4~1 lAGl 'NA HIU.S Alicia ~')' at 0. fwy Phooc 714/951 7101 • Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Auguat 2. 1981 Abalone aquaculture a hard row to hoe MONTEREY (AP) -The dream1 ol most flabermen here died 35 year~ a10 wben the urclioet dJaappeared from the bay aJont what John Steinbeck called lhls "five thou1&nd feet of unreliable memorle• and muailcal vlslona. '' 8ut a dream remains for Georae Lockwood. It.a name la Prime beef 'rare' Best grade money can buy AMARILLO, Texas (AP> - The "Amarillo" top sirloin &r· rives at tableside charred and tender, wallowing In a pool ot It.a own juice. grace. Eating expensive meat laced with fat ia perhaps too pre· tenuous, too much like walling In a 1as line with a Cadillac. It la, quite simply, the best 1rade of beef money can buy - USDA "Prime" marbled with flecks of fat. And It's fast becoming an endangered species. "Back in the old days," says Amarillo restaurateur Bob Lee, "steak was somet.blng special. U you wanted to celebrate. you would go out ancf gel a ·big steak'." "U seems Uke people feel gull· ty about eating it," Lee says. One place they don't feel a bit 1ullly about slicing through a thick cut of prime beef ls in the Texas Panhandle, where 70 per· cent o/ the nation's bet>f cattJe are fed and butchered. Lee's restaurant, The Big Texan, serves 5,500 pounds of prime beef every week, from ham· burgers to top sirloin. But steak -particularly the prime grade -has fallen from .. People here care about their beef," Lee says. 1981 Dodge Challengers 5 to choose from- All Cars SubjBCt to Prior Sale SOUTH COAST DODGE , ,.'1, · 1 l.1•11"r Hl"I ! '"' • \11·'.1 • -,411 (I l '.ll You can help your newspaper carrier coll ec l at times convenient to you by having your money ready so the carrier won t have 10 call back Because this young person 1s 1n business for h 1mself or herself. please be ready -and watch that big SIT'1le wh1ct1 says "Thank you .. Daily Pilat CHICKEN SPECIAL ' only $2.39 thru Aug. 29 ' aba!ooe: wh.lte, sweet meat in shell• or pearly reds, blues and creen1 rrom the Pacific. Lockwood sees a fortune lo them. but the fortune has proved elusive. From the corrugated Iron bulldinl al 300 Cannery Row, where the stench of sardines once rose to the azure skies ubove Monterey Bay, Lockwood farms the ear-shaped marine s na ii at Monterey Abalone Farm. In the 1960s, the natural sup- ply of abalone began decllnlng. At the same time, he says, the demand for all kinds or pre· mium shellfish increased. "We asked a very basic quea· tion," says Lockwood. "Can you grow abalone like you grow chickens, under high-intensity culturing operations? •'All the research seemed to indicate that, yes, this waa an attractive venture." It is not as simple as throwing little abalone Into vats of seawater, watching them grow and then harvesting them, sav- ing some as breeding stock. They are. In fact, very finicky creatures. The water tem- perature must be cold and con- stant The flow must be just to. And at dllferent stages of thelr lives, they must have dlfferent kinds of algae and seaweed to eat. ranging from near· microscopic to Ion&. sinuous strands of kelp as they reach aduUhood. "We borrowed very heavily from the technology of growing chickens," says Lockwood, an engineer turned aquacultural entrepreneur. Lockwood and his colleagues started their work in 1972. But their problems didn't end whe11, in 1979, they felt they were ready to start full-scale production. Evidence, in the form of framed permits, is posted on the wall above the shelves where sit cans of abalone and discarded shells, their mother-of-pearl lin· ings gleaming. • ·'There are 45 agencies of gov- ernment we must deal with re· gularly and frequently, impos· ing regulations on us largely ........ 1.v,.,. ...,.,4,..-..,.,....,, l'lifblDTED.S ' lm ;:.!MJ 1. 78 1-lb ·Bag Fun Size Candy Bars ~nack on your favorite candy bi:lr treat ( hoose Snickers • Milky Way • 3 MusketPers • -... designed for others." he says ln disgust. The list starts with the water they use and then dtscharge, treated, Into the ocean. '· Jt is illegal for abalone t.o go to the bathroom in the water nowadays without federal, re· gional and local permits . And we have t.o go through the same permit request procedures as a city sewage plant would even lhouah we are putting water back into the ocean of better quality than we're taking out." One water permit alone took more than six months to get. ''We produce food so we come under lbe juris diction or the s tale Health Department, the county and the Food and Drug Administration. ··Most medications are ap· proved only for specific species. So when you 're pioneering a new field like abalone culturing, it's very difficult lo get these medicines without getting permits from the FDA on a case- by-case basis. It takes a great deal of time and effort." Lockwood says dealing with government agencies takes up about haJf his lime. Meanwhile, the abalone munch on seaweed in speciaJJy constructed tanks. They clinl tp plastic grids as seawater puJ.aes over them. They are c:onstanUy monitored. Already, Monterey Abalone Farm is selling small abaJooe for restocking the oceans to dj vers and to the state Fish and Game Department. These lYJ· inch abalone will grow to their normal adult size, th en be harvested by divers witb crowbars to pry them off their rocky homes. It taXes about two years t.o grow abalone to marketable size for eating. Lockwood hopes that some of the abalone now in bis 1tanks wUI be ready for harvest sometime this year. But, he says. "We live in fear here. ··A number of government agencies, if they wanted to, could come in and shut us down, for whatever reason. If they shut us down, it will kill all our animals." Kmart• Sale Price 10.97 -3.00 Less Factory Rebate gge Each 9.88 Your Net Cost Alter Factory Rebate 7.97 Wake 'n Warn 11 • I ,,.. ar d r,moke detector Come~ w11r. 9 •• 11 o;i11Pry elec.troruc horn UL listed Roomy Storage Chests 30 Gallon Metal Trash Can C.hoosP e11he1 all-purpose or underbed c..torage chest of sturdy fiberboard S;we on sturdy 30 gallon me1;i1 trar,h can with wheets tor por!ab1hty 6.66 25• Fluorescent Bright Stik • Complete unit needs no fix· lure Has 6' cord. on/off o;,w1tch and low ~alt lamp 7.44 s5 Hancty Trevel Alarm Clock Folds away into its own travel case. hand wind Easy· to see. h 1m1nous hands 2.17 5.97 Big 11-0t., 7-0z. Corn Pot Ideal tor soups, stews and SPAghetll. 100 Easy IO·Clean porcela1nware finish 2.37 Case t MART CAFETERIA SPECIAL ... 6 .. •t>•'.. '• '. .. .... t •• "' 4-........ ., • ~ • ""' ••• &.c. 2-3, 1111 1.79 Meatball• In Muahroom Gravy W11t1 wh1pp<><1 potalOP~ ano gravy ··~"'"'"., •Pgelat>le rcill .lnO bullet 11.97 Our Chicken Special makes chicken ... ~~ Three Chicken Planks.' carved from the breast of the chicken. fresh coleslaw. golden fryes. and two crunchy hushpuppies! Now the best place for chicken isn't a chicken place 2.44 . ·22Ritle Sh 22-cai. LR •II~ 1h Oak Whiakey Barrel These sturdy oat< barrel halves make handsome plant· ers for dwarf trees 1-Gillon Liquid Fertillzer L1qu1d organic hsh base planl food Fast ac11ng. easy to use llse on house plants 2-G1llon Pool Chemic.la Choice ol L1qu1d acid or chlo· rine No deposit, no return Steam-..nd-Dry Iron Permanent-press settings. Durever(i) cord. 25 vents ... it's our place! - Great with an i~. col~ ~~·Cola. :llfi ~---.~..,~~4 . ~~~ 7.:::"~~~Q~ ._..,,. ·"~ .. "·~"" , ~ ""-' • '"-..I ,,,..._ ~'jdm~. SEAFOOD SID'PES lltl ....... ..,,.... Co• Mele JUlt South of San Diego Fwy, ~ from FedoO \ ll.lft.TMIU tmfteaA.YM.AM I ---........................ .,,.. ....... ammo 100 .• hrgh·speed box cartridges Per 19.88 ,,.. ............. F'or many US. cert Ackhtlonal ptir1t Ot WV>Cet •1t ~ ---- ·~~~ Diii 2 ..... lelll•-·-...... , 0.0...--Clll "'9HllQI 9.8i -· Ollll ... ,, .... .... ., ...... , ......... POj)Yltlr llttl tor mtl'ly u S end IOt· 111gn Ur• 1 3/ t$• t>uts. ~ 36.88 .. ..... .....,, T OP-Ot ~ t•rm111a1 ~tylta F'or mef\y (;&II SIW ,, & Jlf Nicaragua battles economic woes L abor disputes, lack of investments t ear struggli ng nati9n MANAGUA. Nlcaraeua CAP > -Two years after ouatmg the Somoza dyn••ty, Nlcaraaua's popuUat leaders are slrUI· gllns for control of an economy atlll dominated by conservative busi· nessmen but increasingly bled by labor disorders and declining investment. T he governing junta, supervised by nine former guerrilla commanders of the SJUldiniata Liberation Front, has proposed taking over Idle or "insum- ciently worked" farms, businesses from which owners have rt'moved funds or capital goods and the property of anyone who has abandoned the country ror political reasons. At the same lime, it h~s moved lo protect productive private enterprise and rein In agitation for a Marxist takeover by banning strikes, worker seizures of farms and factories, and other acts of "indiscipline." This is "to overcome the adolescence of our revolu· lion and control the anarchistic tenden- cies or a market economy that still sub· jects us to a thousand invisible strings." Interior Minister Tomas Borge told a July 19 rally marking the Sandinistas' second anniversary in power. With the ousted President Anastasio Somoza dead for 10 months, the celebra· lion was used to attack the guerrillas' Crest · Toothpaste Fto,mstan • 11elps protect teeth Choose regular or ni•nt fl::ivor 6 4 oz · tube ,....,....,, -- 3.94 , Durable lift-Top Waate Bin Top hits oll easy accPS4' to flash 42· qr capacity Choice ol colors Save s5 OurReg 6.90 one-time anU·Somou •Illes -lbe OP· posltloo pre11, democratic parties aod .bualneaa iroups tbal now reaial one- party Sund!nlsta rul~. · But the rhet.oric bas been tempered with pragmaUc steps by the nine San· di01sta commanders who share a Marx· isl, pro-worker ideology. but who must confront an economic crisis affecting heavily all of Nicaragua's 2.7 million people. The government ended a recent slrlke by threatening lo send troops to the 44.000-acre San Antonio sucar planta- tion and refinery, the country's lar1esl private business. The army has OC· cupied four of the lS banana plantaUona to hall feuding between the Sandinista Workers Federation and a rival union a struggle expected to cost $3 million in lost banana exports. After counting more than 400 land in· vasions by peasants, the government has proposed turning over three million acres or idle or under-used farms to about 90,000 families -a fourth of the rural population. Many will get titles to worj{ the land as private property, of- ric1als said. "The Sandinistas' highly strident rhetoric has produced their own utlle Frankenstein," said a diplomat who I ,.~ ,.,0 Su~oN>< I I (with Single Time Zero Filmf 28.97 One Step"" Camera Sale Po1aru1d • Ttlnp lero ... 1ns1::int camera t& • r1c;y 1, uc; ... Nn b::itterie~ nepded F11m watched their rise to power. "Now they are trylna to keep the revoluUoo from 1etlin& out of hand." He asked to re· main anonymous because of his posltJon here. The emphuis on productJoo has not led to wh.at buslness leaders caJI a sta· ble investment climate. The powerful Superior Council of Private Enterprise announced a state of "panic" over the economJc decrees and called for legal guarantees against their abuse. The business community, which con- trols 60 percent or the economy, is angered by action taken, without judicial hearing, against 14 busi- nessmen accused of "decapitaJizing" their middle·sized businesses. The gov- ernment called it "exemplary punish- ment." The government says Nicaraguans who have take n an e11timated $60 million out of the country are sabotag- ing its postwar recovery effort. Critics point to other factors, such as low coffee prices and a cosUy arms buildup prompted by fears or an in- vasion. The half-billion-dollar wartime loss has been doubled by credits that have flowed from Mexico, Venezuela, Libya and 12 other lenders. 12"x75' Aluminum Foil The con11pn1ent way to store leftovers Carton features metal cutting edge 1.68 64-0unce• Final Touch • Concentrated fabric c;ofrener with blurng 'F1 o.r ••••• f.·#, :7 •.• \ ..... ; '~. : . 11.44 . , . . . ...... " ' 3.97 Quality Cookware With Silverstone• Interior P. almond color s;iute fry pan With ·1 1fl·S!tCk rnte11or 10'/t·lncll Grtddi. ................................................. 4.97 I 11xeictne I s94 sgg Convertible . Sleeping Bag 11 ,. .t<, a ~lt't>PtH(j r. 1 J 1r ~' c -.mfoth•t ~ mh J cottur t c '! , oltl' tnuc.tlf'(J ' I,,( ••no.i Sizea SIM, MT /T Women•• Beaded MoccHina Black or tan vinyl beaded moccasrns on eva sole 12'' Oiag. MeH. Black/White TV AC10C operatton tOO'o Solid· Slrtte chassis DC car cord included Ev•por•tive Window Cooler En1oy coot comfort for very low cost Three-speed opera- Miaaea' P•nti-Altf• Panty and hose 1n one. Com· lortable colfon panel. Save. Sale Price 5.96 Men'• Sporty 9hort-alffvt Golfing Shirt c 1ass1cally styled 1n cotton/Polyest· Pr Chest pocket wllh ftap Solid cOioK SA11e now Special IP?urchase ·8.9& Chllllenger WHtem-atfte JeenaForMen Twtll ieans ol cot 1nn1 potyester W ttt'I authenltc wri;tern styling f3sy care Save Our Reg 7.96 5.88 Shott·a'"v• Feahlon Topa In Mla ... '81aea • The latest looks 1nctud1ng thi s '>!riped top Vari· Ply ot h10rrcs tn fatl roiori; Orange Coast oXlLV PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 Throw Out T 1111io11 anti Flntl Your l11111r Power to Ch1n11 Thln11 Voo've heard greet things about the Voga Center since 1970 r these busy pressured oays don't yoo owe yourself one ntght a weett to learn how to relax and v1taltze your body at will! AISo, yoo can enable your mind to experience yoor inner Superconsc1ous Self with its wisdom end power to change things! YM •'T UYI Tl TUYa IW WAY l•I Tll W11U Tl Fiii I USTU II lurTl11M All _. AWllllllS. TIUl'l Ml 11 MSTI lfll. Vou'M be taught the hlQnet Yogaa by one ol the lew mastefs 1n the world today RamaTwst1na Ananda1• 11 internatt0nalty known as 1 masllf not only ot Voge but also ol Metaphys1c1> and My11tclsm A piactleal. unl)fetent1ou•. humorous. Wesiem· t>Orn Guru. he transmits enhghtenmg consciousness as well as marvel<>us concepts and techn•QUff COME TO THE FREE OEMONSTRA TION Tata and Maclhava #II dem<>nltrete the natural 1nc:t eaay exerCIM& ol Hathe Yoga tlllo<Nll-alty ,_..., ......... - Guow ot Y~ -.iyttlC'""' -"'et• pn,_a and lhOW you hoW 20 mlnutn a day can Yltllllt your heart, turigt end btaln. lloW down rhe aging process, tone and trtm yOAJr bOdy, Ind 9nlble you to malntaln 1 wonderful aenM ot wtl·beiflg. Tuition la rHsooabie and the benel111 are prk:elesS Also you wit! leern the Full ~reath -can add years 10 yoor Ule FREE DEMONSTRATION TOMORROW MONDAY, All. 3, 7:30 P.M. at the YOGA CENTER OF CALIFORNIA J...!., not!· fN0/11 ~l<OflM foundarKNI J 446 E. 17~ STREET. COITA MESA ..... 646 -1281 {l#IWHn Tustin1fldlrW11St111ts/ Local. county, state. national and international events come to your doorstep oa·11y p·1101~ in the bright, light and lively :lectronically eliminates flying and crawling pest ONE SINGLE PURCHASE CONQUERS YOUR PEST PROB LE M WITHOUT CHEMICALS! PROVEN EFFECTIVE AGA INST • Fleas • Spiders • Ants • Bees/ Wasps • Roaches • Mosquitos • Rots • Crickets • Flies • Moths •Mice • Water Bugs • EFFECTIVE. SAFE, SILENT ULTRASONIC WAVES • SAFE TO HUMANS AND ms • PESTS Ell MIHA TED IN 2 TO 6 WEEICS • USES OHL Y 4 WATTS OF P(>WE:R • COVERS 1500 SQ. FT. MO SPECIAL INST ALLAT10H 30-DAY $99.50 MONEY BACK GUARANTEE tF PESTFREE DOES NOT SOLVE YOU PEST PROBLEM• USA EPA tst No 44862-IL-02 D1mens1ons 6:t... 1n x ~·· 1n x 2'4 1n • MAIL TO: • YIC'Tott SALIS, 14114 COAST HWY. •DAMA POINT ,,._SW, M• ....... ~ ...... ' ................ ~i::.~,m. I , ..... " .. ,. ,,, .. .,,, •• .c",... •J"',.....,. • I ,..._SW. M•·· •••••••• , .................. l.T. C•t D-. 1., •1.-_ .. ,... '>" ,....,. • -...... I 1Na!™' . . . · · · •· •·· ·· • Address . . . . . • • · · • I l~:~~~;~;~~;d ·N~.. .~:P E.xp .. : : : . :a I Signature . • • • · · I .. _____________ .. ....._.. . --- Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/8Und1y, Augu1t 2. 1981 Bee/eaters guard the croum jewels in the Tower of London where important Londoners Lost their heads. Visitors are still shown the sharpened ax kept on hand at razor's edge. Ravens have been here hundreds of years ... it 1s said that if they leave. Britain will fall. London 's a sight to behold From Mey 25th through September 17 the Maxim Hotel and Casino In Las Vegas Is dealing you a winning hand; ell rooms, single or double for only $32.00. The Maxim Is the "Toast Of The Town" with c hampagne elegance at an affordable • sweetest deal In las Vegas. Make your plans price, and with our $32.00 room rate It's the nn By STAN DELAPLANE side the Athenaeum Club, the Duke of Wellington now to visit the Maxim Hotel and Casino, you'll LONDON -When the summer rains tall, the installed a mounting block to help board his horse. have a marvelous tlme .. .lt's In the cards. ·n""\ ~ Vlfil streets along PiccadilJy Circus blossom with black <The Iron Duke was a great general but not a John Olal Direct Ol'V"\.a'l A al\0'.'7 . ''""'""·""""""'"",...·"""""'""'·''·.,,,il~,L..Uw..6.. "' ,,N,. .... • mushrooms of umbr.ellas. ~os on his pedestal in W~yne). , . , · ~\', '.',v-M'._·.__""""',,..T<>tt-'F+t)~~.,ut10r""""""'v.\~. ~OTEL·CASINO·LAS vEGAs ~,.... ......... , ....... ,~~-CJ.R.C~,4 .. we,~ '°"~~: . ., .............. \··.v,w ... -."'"".w.w.--.v...-vA\.,.,•:~ti"!Wem\'~'ircf''tli~ve put a plaque LODdOD's a sight to see wUb statues at every on It &o memorialize the hero of Waterloo. corner. A story to go with eub. The only statue of Queen E'lizabeth carved in Says a friend : "The statue was given to Lon-her lifetime is up in a niche in a church in Fleet don by the Earl of Shaftesbury. They wanted to put Street. So is a marble of Mary Queen of Scots. a plaque on the monument but he was a modest "And the church is dedicated to American man. So you can see Eros is shooting an arrow into journalists," said the London newsman taking me the ground. 'Shafts bury' -do you see the point?" to lunch nearby. Such things interest the man of London. I had dinner at Mr. Kai of Mayfair. It's Peking Chinese. The food is splendid. But top hats off to the fellow who wrote the menu. A sampling of offerings: "The Transmutation of Ling." (Sweet and sour pork). "The Vengeance of Tung Fe." <Peking duck. It's bung in a south wind which is the gentlest breeze). "The Amaze- ment of Toasted Shrimp." (To your amazement, that's what it is). There's a duh called "Confes8ion of Kai Lung." I didn't order it like a fool. I should find out what Mr Kai confesses to. Literary malpractice? Mr. Kai is in South AudJey Street, just behind the elegant Dorchester and the Hilton. Conrad Hilton was the first to put a skyscraper hotel in London. It has a glassed rooftop restaurant. (Martinis • at $3.90 a smash are watery. Since the place is jammed, the bartender has no time to throw out the melted ice when he makes a new one.) The Hilton restaurant looked down into the garden at Buckingham Palace where the Queen sat to breakfast. In deep leather chairs in antique men's clubs, members· muttered, "Shocking!" But irreverent chaps said: "The Queen can now go in the bedroom, pull up a stool and stand peeping out the window. And she can see every- body who's having dinner at the Hilton." London thrives on pomp and circumstance. History is immortalized in stone. On PaJI Mall out· Custom Tailored fj?JQ~~y~~~ collar 'n cwff Or.-W-$-1 t~ ~t Colfo M OM 642-1711 cars*bikes• *skateboards* trucks*baby carriages* tea carts*tr ikes rol lerskates • walkers*toys *wagons•••• scooters* hot rods*coupes• trailers*hard tops*convert- ibles*motor homes*lawn The Duke of York is remembered on a pedestal in Waterloo Place. It was paid for by tak· ing one day's pay from every officer and man in the British Army. (They recalled it by saying the Duke needed 124 feet of pedestal to escape his creditors.) Qest known to all tourists is the lady driving her chariot horses at Hyde Park Comer. If you say it's Queen Boadicea who fought Caesar's invading Romans, you're right. But a thousand Englishmen in America will write you angrily that the REAL Boadicea is al Westminster Bridge . They're right on too. The one at the Comer i3 a giamorized version. (You can stop off your critics by telling them the ~en at We1tminlter Brid{/e i1 driving her horua Without rtina. lt'a a fact). "The gr~atest sight in London is the Queen's Life Guard riding down the path in Hyde Park. Scarlet tunics. White plumes in their helmets. Blaek horses though the Trumpeter rides a gray." That's from the newsman who bought me a lunch in Fleet Street. Journalists aren't usually given to emotional applauding. It gets to him. And I'll buy the lunch if it doesn't get to you. It's a splendid night. BF.ST lN THE CITY: Dinner at Langan's Brasserie. (Just off Piccadilly behind the Mayfair Hotel>. Food is tops. The martinis are the best in Britain. David Hockney's lithos on the walls. .Priced reasonably. Londoners think well of it too. PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK mowers*limos *corporate headquarters *garden carts M odel A's*••• *typingtables wheelbarrows• @ If It's got wheels, you'll move It faster in a Dally Pilot classified ad.call 642-S678 and a frlendly ad· vlserwl ll help you turn your wheels Into cash. .,. ( . . Is completing the flnal phase of Magnolia Court In the beautfful Mauaoleum of th• Pacific. We stlll have chofce locations available and offer a monthly savings plan. Discounts range from $205 to $680. Talk to us now about the advantages of purchasing before the need arises. .... ~ PACIFIC ,VIEW MEMORIAL PARK 3500 Paclftc V\ew Ortve Newport Beoch. CollfomkJ (7'4) 644-2700 EASY.· TO-INSTALL CERAMIC WALL TILE Bullt·ln 1pecor1 give precision Ill. The tough glezod llnl1h real1t1 1teln1 end screlchtt. c1o;;.t11lly. ftOW 99 c NICE 119 OIH.Y ae.n. ....... , ........... ... VEASATIL~J. ECONOMICAL FLouATILE . The prectlcol consumer wlll en)oy tho verutlllty of this Ille. It cen be Uffd In pleyrooms, dens, kitchens. and bethroom1. IH. 23 c ROW 173/4C PllCf OILY '°·"· 1r1tr,....,....·-•• ELEGANT L DECORATIVE QUAHAY TILE The tough glued 1urtece mekes clt1n-up • brHH. Ideal for walls, floors end counter tops. Imported Europ .. n de1lgn1. ,rcf 1•• m99c w 1n.•111rr•11 ..... ,__ a \. R (fl!U)!J why sleep through the Baseball Strike? INDOOR/OUTDOOR RED QUARRY TILE The unglezod llnl1h glve1 e neturel look to eny home. ldeel for UH In entry hells, dens end petlo1. 1£8. 39c NICE r1r111r ::. 29~ NO-WAX, EASY-CARE FLOOR TILE Solarahlne~ tlle eHmptlllH quality. The no· wax 1ur1ece 11 e11y and cc-nvenlont to clt1n. ln1tells quickly with 1ell-1tlck beck. HI. &a• ROW 55c 1r ~~c!..... 1...,. ,_!lY 11. n. WEA THEA FIGHTER ACRYLIC HOUSE PAINT Covera moat 1urfece1 In Just one-coat. Durable flat finish, quick drying, end cleans up with water. ltOW 0111.Y 119! SANTA ANA 2U1 SI. lrtstll St WESTMINSTER SANTA ANA COSTA MESA 1s111 1ac11 322 w. 11.. ml Hnr '"9erllp:•-StJ l11l1M Stnet l11l1m '"9erw.e.J . 557·1324 •3311 547·7181 645-112& , . ,. ,. --T .-~ ---... --· ~ .. ---. _..._.. .... ._ ._..,,,. --· ... ,,,. ,... ......... _.._ ..... __ _.. ........... ~ ......... !9'11r-!:~"""""~-r"!'W"'""~~'!!lll!"'-'!~~~~""rt"~"~~""~!"!!'!!!'!'."'".~"~~~ .,., .... ,-..,., ... .. ,.•.;•... ..... ......... .... . Chinese feudal ~elic' He might have been emperor had Japan won war EDITOR'S NOTE. Tiu MClllC®' ~'' tht La.ti ampenal dJl"OllJI fn Chino, r~grung nearl11 300 yeara and Into IM 20th centurJI Aak P\I Jte anything about 1t Younger brother of Eml>f!TOr 11"'411 Tung, Pu Jae ii the left Manchu. PEKING <AP> The crowds have deserted the imperial Forbidden City. leaving Its splendor to the swallows. the setting sun and the man wbo rod~ his bicycle on i~ marble lanes 60 years ago. S light. gray .haired and dressed in gray, he stands alone in a vast courtyard where courtiers stood in rigid orders of rank and paid homage to the emperor The man peers through his spectacles and points to the crimson and gold Palace of Perfect Harmony. "Once upon a time." he says. "I used to be up there. I am the last Manchu." He says it matter-of-factly. as a man who has made his peace with history. There is no trace of longing or bitterness that fortune had not taken another turn and made him emperor of China. The gentle visitor lo his old imperial haunts is Pu J1e. the 75 year.old brother of China's last emperor. who died of cancer in 1967. Today Pu Jie lives graciously and anonymously in a simple courtyard not far from the palace. He does historical re- search on the Qing dynasty whi ch ruled China from 1644 lo 1911 as the Manchu clan. '"In the past I was a drop of foul water," sa~·s Pu Jie. "Now I am submerged in the ocean of one billion people . Before I cared only about myself and the restoration of the Qing dynasty. After the Japanese were de· f uted in 194.S, Pu VI and Pu Jie lrled to fit.-e China, but they wer~ arrested by the Jlusslan army and sent lo a Soviet prison. After the Communist victory In China, Pu Yi and Pu Jle "ere handed over to the Chinese Com· munists ln 1950. Pu Jie says he felt sure the Communists would execute them. Instead, wheo they were handed over. a Chinese guard said to thefn, "Welcome back to the motherland ... Although they were in a prison camp with other officials of the Japanese puppet state. they were treated well. Knowins the last Manchus would serve important prop· aganda purposes. the C~m ­ munists look them to see the changes in modern China. Pu Jie was released in 1960 and taken under the wing of China's late premier Chou En· •~,............ lai. Pu Jie recalls that he was THE LAST MANCHU terrified when he first met Chou Pu Jie. 75 but soon was disarmed by hls warmth and concern. saw the light .. He asked me what I wanted His elder brother Pu Yi was to do with the rest of my life." the last emperor, Hsuan Tung. Pu Jie says. The old nobleman He was only 7 years old when he laughs and· recalls that he only was deposed in the 1911 revolu· read Communist i;>ropaganda tion. about workers and soldiers. "I Still. they lived in a dream knew nothang else," he says. '"so world of luxury and s plendid I told Premier Chou I wanted to isolation . carrying on with the be a worker or a soldier." imperial past. although the re· Chou laughed and told him publicans ruled China there was no need lo pretend, In the 1930s. the J apanese that Chjna needed many talents. placed Pu Yi on the throne of He granted Pu Jie's request to Manchukuo. the Japanese pup· do historical research. pet stale in northeast China. Pu Today Pu Jie lives rent-free in Jie had been trained sn Japan his family's old courtyard home. and became a courtier loyal to lie works two mornings a week the Japanese. dubious or China's and earns Sll5 a month. He ability to surnve without foreign practices his calligraphy, works Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. August 2. 1981 ~ CHILDRENS SHOEGRAM DATE: AUG.2 THRU AUG. 6 DELIVER TO: VALUE MINDED CUSTOMERS STOP. CHILDREN'S SHOE SALE NOW IN PROGRESS STOP. SHOES 1 /2 OFF AND MORE . STO P. REG . $39.00 NOW $6.90 TO $16 .90 . STOP . THIS IS LAST 4 DAYS . STOP . CAPEZIO BUSTER BROWN ADIDAS FAMOLARE LAZY BONE AND MANY ATHLETIC SHOES . SOME STYLES MAY NOT BE AVAILABLE IN ALL SIZES #30 FASHION ISLAND 644-2464 t MON,THURS & FRI.TIL 9 TUE S , WED, SAT . 10-6 SUN 12-5 Save 25% to 30% ' . AB ··Now my goal is to do what I ,._,1;~~ ... ~ .... ~""""""".vM°'M"'- support. in his garden, plays with his ·~~1waH~ftiv-t·a.-us.-·tul'd11the--'·'·''.aa4&w.-;1""" "--·w1-· •tWwN>~,w-.··1 ..................... .. Qing dynasty... Pu Jie says '"I have not forgotten t~e . lf the Japanese had won World War 11 . Pu Jie could have become the emperor or China. After rive years in a Soviet prison. another 10 years of Chinese prison and re-education, Pu Jie has become patriotic. He is treated with care and support· ed by the Communists who re- gard him as a feudal relic who ruefully. "'Chana would be like a pas t... he says. ··To be qwte colony of Japan." hones t I know J would have been The J apanesc even arranged a ~etler !lff materially. But in the marriage for Pu Jie with Hiro imperial pas t I always was Saga. a cousin of the emperor of separated from people and I Japan. Hirohito. The Japanese never went among ordinary peo- changed the rules of s uccession pie to permit Pu Jie to succeed his .. Now I reel l a m part of brother society." OOODOOODOOQOODOOOOODOOOODDOOOO 8 MEI I LE CREEK 8 8 SALE 8 0 • KIHG SIZE IEDSPRIEADS REG . to $500. § 8 $79.'5 $99.'5 $139.'5 0 ____ ___.o • DECORATOR THROW PILLOWS B § 50% off 8 cars*bikes• *skateboards· trucks*baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • walker~ toys •wagons•••• saooters•hot rods: coupes• trailers*hard tops* convert· ibles•motor homes*lawn mowers*limos •corporate headquarters *garden carts Model A's•••• *typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles•golf carts•moctel trains•bikes *pianos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• If it'sgot wheels, you'll move It fas,er In a Daity Piiot classified ad.call 642-5678 and a friendly ad- viser will help you turn your wheels Into cash. o ChooM frolft o•er JOO 111 1toclt. O 8 • SPECIAL ORDER DECORATING 8 o 20°/o off o 8 : ~~~~=S • .O:-.rJ.~E~ D~~·.:::~~~E1S 8 g Plus B o FANCY SHOWER CURTAINS .... ••o .................. '19. 9 5 0 B COMFORTERS, ALL SIUS ..... '75-'100 .................. 1 39.95 8 O DECORATOR FAIRIC ·VARIOUS LENGTHS •• s I. 95 YAID 0 B El'ELETIEDSPREADAHDSHAM SETS ...... IJ$ .... 159.95 B o AV A~TI DECORATOR TOWELS o B IATH, .... •20 ........ 5 I 0.99 HAHD ..... 'IS .......... 17.99 B 0 WASH, .... •1 ......... :5 3.99 TIPS,1~ •1 .............. 53.99 0 8 BEDTIME SHOPPE 8 0 RALMS HOME FURHISHIMGS MALL 0 0 t£! •• a:.cud at s .. DleCJO """w°X -0 C 'c::':J~l S ... ~.'~: f! L 0 [JLJLJ(J[JULJllOOOO DDODOODDrJC1nrJDOOOOD Yes,you. Please helps~ I I , Custom draperies, top treatments and custom bedspreads. Choose from over 1 00 patterns reduced for this sale. Includes antiQue satins. sheers. open weaves. damask. textures and prints. You save on fabric and labor. Installation at no additional charge Sale prices effective through Sat., August 29. 30% off these decorator window coverings. Most any window problem can be solved by our selection of decorator window coverings. Choose from 1" blinds. vertical blinds and woven wood bllnds. All practical and very attractive. Selected lines at 30% off. Enhance your decor end save! Sile prices on 1 '' blinds effective through -Saturd1y, September 5. Wo~en woods through S1turd1y, August 29, vertle1I bllnds through S1turd1y, Auguat 22. COi,. . .. . ' ., ............ ., . ··-· .. -· .. ,.. . . -... • • • ~·· Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday. Al.lgu1t 2. 1981 Firms seek solutions to housing shortage Just one mort> e xample of the exorbitantly expe nsive nature of Orange County housjng can be found in a recent announcement by Fluor Corp. Vice President Jay Reed. Speaking at a Building In· dustry Association meeting. Reed said t h at the Irvine-based multinationa l corporation intends to purchase 60 condominium un· its for corporation executives The units a re being built in the Irv ine Industrial Complex near J ohn Wayne Airport. The plan comes at a time when more and more top ex· ecutives are publicly decrying the serious effects or high hous- ing prices on their e ffo rts to recruit and keep highly skilled employees. Recognizing this fact, the corporation a lready has leased 50 El Toro condominiums for cor· poration executives and main- tains a real estate office to dfrect e mployees to good housing buys in Orange County. The som ew hat rhetorical question arises: Ir highly skilled. well·paid employ~es for the Fluor Corp. are having trouble buying homes in Orange County. what «hances does the average person have? Fluor Corp. has embarked on the aggressive housing program because it e mploys a high percentage of technical experts who could easily find jobs elsewhere ir their work or living conditions were distasteful. Certainly. Fluor is not a lone in this. Hundreds or companies in the Irvine Industrial Complex a lone must find themselves in the s ame boat. T he Greate r Irvine In· dustrial League has been giving major attention to the problem .. Governm e nt officials have for some time known that the hous ing s itu ation in Orange County was working to the disad· vantage or people looking for af. fordable housing. A new realization now is set· ting in that. the very economic future of big business in Orange County is being put· in jeopardy by the housing problem . An arrogant threat Each day, more than 800,000 salaries. a reduced work week Casey maneuver backfired WASHINGTON Sudden realization baroque s ide Last November, he ··or ration aimed at Libya 's Moammer that CIA Director William J . Casey. dered" the secretary of the Senate to Khadafy but rt'jected by the House in Ronald Reagan's friend and campaign fire tl\ree Republican committee staf· lelltgence committee may haH• been manager . could be run out of his job by Ners who were a s ked to ser ve on leaked from the CIA . not on Capitol th e pers on al spite or a n agin g 'Reagan 's C IA tr a n s ition team . Hill That leak was clearly designed to Republican patriot and lingering "old Goldwater was laking the advice of his damage Bill Casey. even though it was boy•· animus al the Central Intelligence hand -picked comm1ltee aide. E arl the ousted Hugel who secreHy _ _1~s~.~' -.Ag.e.ac-y ... ~ate4b' . ..spvn:ed.4.he-...Reagan---·~n~:--wtco 'inc"<'Jf't~t'tlt tol<rltl"R'I" lr""''"":tb<>llt' the-~rat\ on to mMtOUS'e 'com travelers rely on commercial a n d improved retire ment ,,,__,.,..,,. ~~!·™t tQ meeJ_JntU: . .l.~~rli\~, .......... Ae.J)...ef.i.ts. ..... We.·,~ .a.y.mpa~y.-.\for.·.._ --t'iorf 'neeas~AsTfie weel< closed. the fact controHers work under .- that service appear ed dangerous- ly close to being s ubstantially curtailed. Once again. a ir traffic con- trollers were threatening to go on strike. which apart fro m being il- legal, would cost the nation's economy $100 million per day and create incalculable hardships for those who rely on a ir transporta- tion. Such a strike. if called. must be dealt with firmly. The federal. law t hat makes such public service strikes illegal should be in voked to the fullest. Any con· troller who strikes should be held accountable for his actions. as should any union representative who aids or abets his decision to walk out. And while s uc h culpability must ultimately be decided m a court of law. there should be no hesitance on the part or the federal government to see that the cases are vigorously pursued We take this position regard less of the merits or the con· trollers' demands for hig her stressful conditions and should be compensated accordingly. Six weeks ago, the natiOf'\ was threatened with its first con- trollers' strike . lt was averted hours after negotiators came up with a tentative contract offer. T he package was presented to the 15.000 controllers represented by the Professional Air Traffic Controllers Organization. and promptly rejected. The lack of dis p a tch dis· played by both s ide s last week m returning to the negotiating table after the rejection became ap- parent is disturbing . For the second time in less tha n two mon ths , traveler s a re being forced to worry. But that is not as disturbing as the arrogant, the public-and- 1 aw· bc-Ja mned attitude of a · · professiona I " organizatio n whose me mbers seemingly have chosen to i g n o r e t he legal respons ibilities that accompany being a public se r vant -and whic h they unde rstood when they accepted the job. It's summer again! As Eddie Einhorn. co owner of the Chicago White Sox voiced j ust moments after the announce- m ent that the 50-day baseball strike had ended F r iday. "I love it. Sanity has fi nally re turned to base ball." Yes indeed a nd hip. hip hooray ~ Let's play ball ~ This was the moment we had a ll waited for since June 12. fans. so let 's bask in our happiness. It wasn't the players or the owne rs or the negotiators who finally won this war but us -the peanuts a nd Cracke r Jack buyers. As an yone knows. it was us, John Q. Public. who suffered . But no more. Al last we can return to our routines and stop trying to think of excuses for not doing our chores a round the home and all those other mundane tasks we. as baseball fans. would rather not t hink about Ah. baseball. Who cares what the strike was a ll about. Who even knows what it was all about. We have our s ummer back. Just take me out to the ballgame! Snafu of the week E ven a body as stately as the Orange County Grand Jury is not free from the glitches that often strike -and embarrass those of us in the printing industry. Last week, word got out that an unknown number of copies of the final 547-page report of the 1980-81 j ury were mis bound. • Pages were upsid e down and backward. No one , inc luding personnel al lhe county print s hop and tbe bindery that produced the volumes. is a ble to explain how the snafu occurred. Perhaps the j ury s hould launch an investigation. Opinions expressed 1n the space above are those of the Da ily Pilot. Otner views ex· pressed on tn1 s page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment ls lnv1t· ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box ISbO, Costa Mesa, CA 92b2b. Phone ()U) 642-4321. L.M. Boyd I Job hazard Q. Is it true. as I've read, that dental cavit ies are covered by workman's compensation? A. Suspect you refer to the candy case in Japa n. Tasters in a confec· tionery company there fil ed to have tooth decay lis ted a mong occupational diseases. They won approval Sally Bunn of Chicago, tll., is a can· ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat t didale for The Proper Job Clu b, because she's a bake r. Not too many other occupa tions would qualify her for such membership: Heaviest of the metals is osmium. It is not used to make baseballs, but l/ lt we re, one Mmlum baseball would weigh as mu~h as 40 ordinary baseballs. Thomas P. H-aley Publisher ThorMs A~ Murphlne Editor BartNr• Krelbich Edtlorlal Pege Editor posse to stop t he lynching. mittee. Not the burden of evidence but overt oppos ition from Se,n. Barry Goldwater atld covert sabotage from the gang at Langley had energized the Washington mob to string up Casey. A July 24 phone 'VAIS / IOVAI call to the White House from Sena te I Majority Leader Howard Baker that things had gone far enough finally brought pleas or r estraint from the frr:. ----~ president. NO SENATE COLLEAGU E dare ac· cuse Goldwater , 72-year-old chairman or the Senate intelligence committee and one of the nation's most beloved pa rtisan warriors Nevertheless. lhe fact is that Goldwater's startling press conrerence J uly 23, ostensibly called to show support for Casey, started the de· mands for his resignation. Taking the lead. "Goldwater invited De mocr ats to step up to the plate and knock the stuffings out of Bill Casey. He also pr epa red Reagan's first major political emb-.rrassment and set back the Cl A ·s painful effo rts lo rehabilitate itself. Goldwater 's performance was rooted in his personal feeling that he knows more about the CIA than Casey will ever know. That feeling grew when Casey's choice of an inexperienced Max Hugel to run the agency·s cloak·and· dagger operations blew up in Casey·s race. It has been buttressed by frequent and expert testimony before the in· telligence committee by Adm. 8-0bby Inman. deputy CIA director. contrast· ing favorably with Casey . Goldwater wants Inman to replace Casey. Goldwater's ac tivities on the in- telligence committee have been on the was unconstitutional for legislative aides to work on a transition team A re w days later all three aides were re instated in their jobs. and Eisenhower was ousted In an equa lly c urious dec1s1o n , Goldwater told Republican committee members there was no money to hire a special counsel to handle the Casey af fair. They talked him out of 11 . Fred Thompson, Repubhcan counsel lo the Senate Watergate committee and the Haig confirmation hearing, was quickly hired. I NSIDE THE badly wounded CIA. Casey's free-whee ling operation - especiaUy hiring Huae l as spy master had agitated the ''old boy" network. His efforts to breathe new life lnLo the agency, while applauded by many old hands, rubbed others the wrong way. Casey has introduced what one m lelligence expert calls "the merest whiff of com petition " into C IA's analysis and assessments or worldwide intelligence. Even one ··whiff " of out- side competition is too much for some Langley vetera ns. They prefer to limit the vital estimates game lo the agency itself without consulting outside experts as then-C IA Director George Bush did with the famed "Team B" in 1976. Congressional insiders claim that word of a far-out "dirty tricks" ope· WHEN THE authoritalive voice or Barry Goldwater r ang out to demand Casey's res ignation, the Wtute House was stunned. It took senior aides until the weekend Lo com plete a fuJI check of Casey's alleged financial problems. whic h turned up nothing new. ln the in ter1m , without proof of any kind, Sen Ted Stevens of Alaska, the Republican whip, imperiously declared 1t to be his ··1udgment" that Casey s hould take Goldwater's advice. Republican Sen W1llt am Roth. seeking re-election in De laware. echoed Stevens. That was followed by Democratic Seni. Joe Riden or Dela"' are and Patrick Leah~ of Vermont. both com· m1ttec members. charging that the mert' existence or allegations against Casey was demoralizing the CIA ··I hopt' hc·s not on the Job Monday.·· B1d e n piously t old The New York Times Bel ated!~ aware that a Case~ strikeout on foul balls was a real possib1 hty, Reagan finally counlerat· tacked in public early. Also needed is private word to Goldwater that Reagan will not aJlow any senator, however re· vered. lo seize power over dismissal and appointme nt of the director of the CIA. That is the least the president owes Bill Casey and his country rThu week. after heonng /we hourJ of cloJed-door testimony. Sen. Goldwaler on· nounced that tM Senate lntelhgtT1Ce Com- mittee of winch he u chairman. hod con. eluded in o unanimous vote that Co.st}/ W(l$ not unfit to serve os director of the CIA Editor J Reagan 'figurehead' tales misleading WASHING TON -As one Ustens to the stories around the White House press room it is obvious that reporters are getting ready to unload their "Reagan is j ust a figurehead" stories. "He's just a puppet -it's really true," said a correspondent for an im- portant newspaper. "They just wind him up and be comes out and does the 'Aw, shucks' number while they make the decisions." "THEY " -A STAPLE of Washington dialogue these days -are "the staff," parttc\llarly Edwin Meese, \James Baker and Michael Deaver. Some of that talk does seem to be true, but it ·is, al the s ame time, inac· curate and irrevelant. Reagan, by the standards of recent presidents, doesn't work very hard. His staff and friends do the heavy tifllng -the research, the planning, the marshaling of informa· lion, the listing of options and, blunUy, a lot of the thinking. Which m eans, I think, that Ronald Reagan is sane -at least when bis casual leadership is compared with the manic activism of Lyndon Jobnsoo, Richard Nlxoo and Jimmy Carter 1 try· Ing to solve all the problems or tbe world before lunch. The staff bas. ln fact, belUD to try to cut off the fiprehead stories, and to ••· sure the nation tbat tbe president hu recovered from hll 1wubot wounds, by settln1 up other stories deslped to 1how bow bard Re11an wora. But be doesa't. A nan ArrtCLE ln U.S. ~ and World Report •u kind <rt f\any. "Nine Koun lna1de the Oval Oftlce" - the 111a1uine•s headline -•bowed a pretldtnt who doesn't Uke to pu&b blmsell too llard and W'bo, MH!a he does, lira easily and be&las to acrew up. Tbe macal.ine baa 1Jwa11 bad • rep. utatlon of taklnt it ea11 oa coo· ae"atiff9. It seemed toueb ...,.. to me UU. UYM, NPol'tiftl: "Reaaan11 lteCUc 1cbeduJe on JUM J3 J was designed by aides to show that his recovery is now complete. But as a re· suit of this grueling day. he appeared tired the following morning . "Unlike mos t presidents. Reagan is --~ RICHllD RIEVES 1'i • not usually an early risff . . . • • Attbou&h he s pends most of his day in meetinls, he seldom joins in the de· bate and rarely asks questions , . . . "REAGAN OCCASIONALLY yawns during long meetings. Re doodles with paper and pencil, chews on his rigbt in· dex finger or plays with his Classes. Because be ls sUghtJy hard of hearin1 on one side, he cups his ear with bis hand when be cannot hear the conversa- tion." "Gruelin1" was the White House's word. It aeemed lib a fairly rouUne nine·hour d~ to me, but the president ke pt complafnina and 1aylng it wu the ''busiest," the "wont" day ot bis nve- month tenure. Fine. He's luy. But be ls not an hour· ly e mployee. We're-faying him for his Jud1ment. What wtl really count are stories that evaluate the president ln three ueH: the eeonomy, forei1n )olltJ and the conHrvaUvee' social a1enda. How ts he doina oo those thJqsT At thls •t.ai•. 1tlll earty. it's easla to tell bow many houn be'a workina tban how effectively. Tbe answers, good or bad, on the ~ic plOfrem Re.,-an ts rrontlnl for won't ,.•UY belf,n to come in untl[ later tn the year. Tbe forel1n pollc1 wu described lut week by one ot "lbem." c.e of tbe Nftior itatf -be turned on • tele•lllon to watch !Kretary ot 8taW Alexander Hatc1 and 11 the IC!'ffD eame alive wtt.h runy ' lines, he said : "Gee, what a clear pie tu re of our foreign policy." THE SOCIAL AGENDA of Reagan's friends. however , is very clear. It is probably best summarized in the Fami· ly Protection Act introduced two weeks ago by Sen. Roger J epsen of Iowa a nd Sen. Paul Laxall of Nevada. "To pre· serve the integrity of the American family" the bill begins, but then tries to outlaw everything from school busing to "sex-intermingling in sports and other school activities ." Reagan did not conceive or any of these things -o f trickle-down economks, of Red-bailing diplomacy, of government-as-parent -but they are the simple solutions he has been preaching about all these years. He's not a worker , he 's a talker -a good one and an important one. Others do the detail work. But that doesn't mean Re agan isn't in control. He is. I don't get the Impression that ··they" are doing anything he doesn't want done. And that will still be true if Reagan has his way and takes the five or six weeks of vacation he is planning in California this August and Sep- tember. 111111111 President Rea1an. astute leader that be ls, will surely aend Bush, Stockman and Re1an to Enctand to study the pouible behavior of those not "t.ru1y needy" ln certain phases of Rea•anomlc pco- grams. J.s .. c. • ' t• .. .. --'' '-' • ••• • • ., ; •• -. '• • •• .,. """• • •r '\• Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 All GOP Senate seat dilemma Information freedom act opens the records By CYNTIUA FORO indeed the very cornerston of our de mocratic process. By CHARLES G. BELL Claar~1 G. &ll ii o pro/HIOf' o/ pol1ticol ICWMV at Col Stall l"Wi.rton. Are CaJirornla'a Republlcana aetUna ready to Jive the r ll.S. Senate seat to t-be Democrat.a next year? Senator ial candidate for 1982? The ans wer, simply put, is that m emories of pauit elections haunt them. In particular, Hayaka wa'a U.S. ''dump•• Senator Hayakawa, nominate a atron1 candidate in his pJace, aod the n defeat the Democratic candidate 1n November in 1982? An a ll .o ut Republican primary fliht next June be tween Hayaka wa, Goldwater and McClosky ror example would leave the t:ve ntual w inner exhaus ted In re· sources; with ll host or enemies within the GOP ; and tacing a tough right with the Democratic nominee. The Congress of the United States has opened its first set of hearings s in ce 1974 to hear Crom lhe users of the Freedom of lntor mallon Act. We ll known individuals such as syttdicated columnist J ack Anderson appeared before a House Co mmittee to express their views on s uch an access law. The purpose of the hearings were to assess how well the Freedom of Informa tion Act is working and accomplishing its o bjectives. It was just on July 4. 1981 that people of t he United States commemorated the 15th a nniversary of the Freedom of In· forma tion Act. It was for this occasion that more than 146 national organiza- tions endor sed a public statement pay· ing lribute to the value of such a law. A broad cross-section of interests ranging from the National Audubon Society lO t he United Auto Wo rkers joined in cele bration. In the cuse of i overnmenl, the right of the lndivlduul to know wb11 t hi.a aov- ernment iJ dom1 to have facts from which to draw j udgment •nd opinion - is the underpinning to freedom of s peech. Recognition of the people's rt1ht to know what their aovernmenl is doing by access to government information cttn be traced back to the early day1 o( our nation. For example, in a letter written by J a mes Madisuo in 1822 the following ofte n-cited expression can be found: .. A Popular Government without popular information. or the means of acquirin1 it, is but a Prologue to a Farce or a Tragedy; or perhaps both. Knowledge will forever govern ignorance : And the people who mean to be their own Gov-t ernors. must ar m themselves with the The incumbent, S. I. Hayakawa, la in deep tro uble and GOP ltadera are seriously conalderln1 dumDlna him for someone eln. In a recent telephone In· torvlew, wealthy Republican king· make-r, Henry Salvatori, 1t1t.ed: "Es· aenUaJJy we're tivlni hJm (Hayakawa> tour, five or slJC months. U he's strong in I.be polla, we'll 1tty wllb him." Hayakawa'a problem Is, basically, that he's not stron1 in the poll!I now, ha~ been steadily declin.tnc in tbe poll& for many months, and ii quJte Wllikely to become strong in the polls ln the future. Convinced of Hayakawa's weakness, ... t.wo Republican conaressmen, Barry Gold water Jr. (Woodland Hills) and Pete McClosky (Menlo Park) have been bus y campaJgning up and down the s tate. Senate seat appears ''Jinxed" -no one has been able to win re-election to lt since 1952' In almost every cue. the key factor has bee n a bitter contest in the ln cumbent's own party primary. Hayakawu, hl maelf, took advantage in 1976 of ·a primary fight between Incum- bent Democ r a t John Tunney and challenier Tom Hayden. Twmey won renomination In the pnmary election but was so badly weakened that he lost to Hayak awa in the 1976 general elec· lions. SIMILARLY, Tunney had taken ad- vantage in 1970 ol a bitter primary fight between incumbent Republican George Murphy and c hallenger Norton Simon. Murphy won re-nom ination in the primary election but was so weakened that he lost to Tunney in the 1970 generaJ e lections. TH US, REPUBLICANS ar e now seriously talkine a bout some White House appointment for Hayakawa. But Hayakawa has made It clear that be'd rather be re-elected to a second term in the U.S. Senate. Fortunately for the GOP, Democrats a re be coming in creasingly d ivide d within lhe1r own camp over the U.S. Senate nomination. At one time Gov. Brown could have won it with ease. But his declining popularity among both Democr atic party leaders and voters has encouraged open opposition to his Senatorial candidacy. And in fact, a re- cent California Poll shows that be would ha ve to work ha rd even to win re- nomination in lhe 1982 governor 's race. oower, which knowledge gives." As government has expa nded in size , j urisdiction, com plexity and sophislica· THE U.S. FREEDOM of Informa tion lion, so has the need to evolve and pass Act, unique in the laws of all nations, laws that ens ure the government re. put an end to the routine secrecy tha t m a ins aligned to se rve its people. tra ditionally surrounded the operational RECOGNIZING T HE expanding role records of our government. With few of government, yet keeping to the basic e xception,s, it esta blished a presumption concept or an in fo rmed cit ize nry of favoring any citizen's r ight to obtain pa rticipa ti ng with governme nt, access to the records or federal agen Cong r ess. i n 19 46 attempte d to cies and departments that administer formulate a general statutory plan to the laws of lhe United States. aid in free access to government in- Through its power to open the records formation Soon aft er the 1946 enact· of government for public ins peclion. lhe ment, it became appa rent that. in s pite Freedom of Information Act has helped of the clear intent of the Congress to l h_e _Amer ican pe ople expose a nd promote disclosure. some of the law's AT PRESENT, GOLDWATER is cle~rly ln the lead. According to a re- cent California Poll (April 1981 >, Hayakawa was a weak third with 16 percent s upport from RepubUcan voters behind Mcclosky with 20 percent and Goldwater with 35 percent. Hayaka wa • c andidly admits that he's in trouble at home -he sees "the sharks circling." If Hayakawa is so weak, why bave Republican leaders been so unwilling to look elsewhere for a s trong U.S. e l1 minate w~sleful a nd corrupt govern-provis ions were vague It contained dis· ment pr actices It has enabl_ed the a b l in ~. l <?_.0~9J,(t§ ... ~,Jti~Jl .. ffi..~~11,th.~ ... · ..... -w.- ... .At•·JJl~V;:!.S.a~~~~.P~~u}9 .. fcQ.RJ.i l.9 ..«>r,,,,.. .:.~nne-. 'tn effect. a b aSlsTo'r w1ttihofCJ. ,..,......~ ... 1leln~t:1 ves_ me Kina or in ~rmat1on an ing information. eifctorate m a representative form of In the early 1960s . m e mbe r s of govern.m ent '!lus t_ have to _make Congress began in earnest to draft responsible choices 1n leadershi p and guidelines for pubhc availa bility of the Policy. . . r ecords of feder al depar tments a nd In the years since its enactment, the a gencies. The right of the people to Fre edom of fnform at ion Act has know through access to government in· becom e one of the most important fo rmation was guaranteed by the enact· m eans of ensuring that the Amen can ment of t he Freedom of Information Act people can hold their government or 1966. publicly accountttble for the it ctions it The Freedom of Information Act was la kes in their n~m~. For a nation a me nded in 1974 in order to strengthen founded o_n the pr ~nc1ple that govern-com pliance by agencies of the federal m ents derive their JUSt powers from the government with the 1966 law consent of the governed. the value of In 1981 the Freedom of Information s uc h a law as a pub lic safeguard Act r ema ins a workable means of against hidden abuses of a uthority 1s in-securing the right of the people to know calculable so t ha t the exercise of freedom of THE FIRST AMENDMENT to the Constitution commands that Congress s ha ll make no law '"abridging t he freedom of s peech · · The free exercise . ?f :·eli~on, speech and of the press a re s peech can occur by an informed citizenry. Cynthia Ford 1s associate director of the :vational Comm1ssmn on Law Enforcement & SocUJl Justice. a public rnterest or goniz.a . hon headquartered in Wa.shrngton. D.C. Insects from space?.) By HELEN CRAIG Helen Craig 1s a resident of l/untmgton Beach. Other examples of the disastrous ef- fects of a hard primary contest can be seen in the defeat of Democratic incum- bent Lt. Gov Mervyn Dymally in 1978; and the defeat of U.S. Sen . Tom Kuchel in 1968. In the last instance, GOP voters rej ected Kuchel in their own primary that year , s electing instead Max Raffer· ty . Rafferty, in turn, was defeated by Al an Cranston in the fall. ll is this kind of scenario that haunts Re publican leade rs . How can they Quite often in politics, the candidate who wins the general election is the one who has made the fewest enemies while winning the prim ary. The 1982 U.S. Sena te r ace may be a case in point - the winner will be whoever gets through the primaries with the fewest scars. Beware of little critte rs 1n your fl our. the food expert on lhe r adio warned me this morning. Considering the kind of wa rning I expect momentarily from the m edia . I a m getting off easy. This one is just another front opening tn the war be t ween man and in1>ect, escalating as them are industrio usly pouring through ever y window sill and light s witch. The poison we use for ants 1s so ominous we don 't spray it for fear of pe rmanent con· lam ination We a pply it outside the hous e with a paintbrush and afterward wash our hands like demented Lady Macbeths. Our ants disappear , for two weeks. School hiring tactics stir doubts The invaders have us surrounded. Wee vils prolifer ate in the cupboard. ants on the drainboard , fl eas on t he cats. And on everyone else. .. A real fashion plate got in the elevator with me at Saks," my Bev~rly f-lills cont act told me. "She was wearing nea colla rs on her ankles ... T his phone call came from a part of town considered to be a civilized high rent district. I Ii ve at the beach in Ora nge County, where fleas are normal- ly part of the ambiance. Last year they got out of hand and paw. Flea exorcism form.uJas were exchanged like prize re· cipes. THE BIGGEST FAD was plll- popping. All of us, including furious. sharp-clawed cats. Ingested vitamins that were supposed to make us smell bad to the fleas . "Man survived in weaponless P.rehlsto ric days, .. the local pusher ponbficated, ''because his odor was s o unattractive to other animals that predators snubbed him." It was quickly demonstrated that in· sects have dlflerent prefere nces. If the fleas noticed the vitamin additive, their taste buds took it as a delightful new flavoring. Fleas reacted to the pUI In- take with the gourmet enthualasm of r ree'dy mosquitoes aotpg after hlken smeared with mosquito lot.Ion. Meanwwhlle another batUe r.,ed In our vegetable patch. My husband eo· tered., waving the shreds or a 14uuh plant "They got It, root and branch." he said. We tried every SPta.Y wboH label promised to apare tht famUy while -.suns Ole enemy. The momi.na after, sreeo worms H t up on tbt cab- ba1e leav•. t>e,1tn1 for more. So much for tbemJc•I warlue! Now we have ants. Not all uta hivol away lbdr Ume II pimica. Most of M \' THEORY IS that all insects come from anot her plet net. The covers of som e old sci-fi magazines I fo und while cleaning the garage ma ke this obvious Every cover showed in garish color a lightly clad huma n fe male menaced by a six foot tall bug. The a rtists a nd wr iters who created these m onsters we re the respected pioneers of sci-fi. Unlike the producers of the current epic bores, they were not on philosophical head trips . They were the kind ol people who had probably met real Martians and from their own close encounters knew that Martians look like insects because they are i nsects. Earth's specimens are puny because they are pre-shrunk to m by the trllUons Into s patia l troop ships which dePoSit them here regularly on scheduled flight.a. It is certainly more logical (or Insects lo come out ot space ships than to blame Noah for transporting them to us on the ark. Noah was s mart enough to s t ay afloat whil e everyone e lse drowned. He had to be too smart to In- clude cockroaches, mosquJtoes, and the rest of the insect nuisances on the passenger lis t of his overcrowded vessel. Those who don't think we are now ln real t.roubJe may have missed the re· port from Florida. A new termite wu discovered there which eat.I throull\ every known termlt• lox.Jn and probably chomps on metal for dessert. Any mo· ment aU t.hoee FJortda ccindomlnhamt will coJla~ lnto tbe oeean. The "" breed ol tennites wlll mam from ... to 1h.Wnc sea, epearbeadln1 th• I.meet horde wttb ante.Mu clenched oe laiell. Their victory cup wtU tM a dtUclciul blend ol the chemical lDMd kW .. wttll which manklnd bJ that UnM will Ila•• totalJy ellmlnated hJmHlf fl'oCD lbil planet. To the Editor: I've observed my s ister, who is very we ll qualified in her field , applying for jobs in the school system -in com· munity colleges, state universities. etc. On the s urface, everything seems to be done very "fairly." and I'm sure in some cases the screening is done to prop· erly select t.he one most qualified. I've noticed, however, how many positions are filled by promotion of those already on the premises. Ir t.h06e people happen to be the most qualified, that, of course, is rine. Qualified workers should aJways have opportunities ror promotion when there are openings . HOWEVER, on several occasions , when she knew there were not many ap- plic ants and that she qualified very highly in skills, experience, personaJ appearance, past performance on jobs, e tc., she was not even called for an in· lerview. lt she bad been interviewed, and the interviewer happened to believe one of the others was better suited, she would not resent it. But she was not even given the opportunity to meet the prospective boss. It is understandable that a supervisor who knows John or Mary In the or- ganization well enough lo feel sate in hiring him or her, would rather do that as to gamble on an unknown personali- ty. However, it is beginnint to look s trange that someone who la so ex· tremdy weU qualified is conlinously paaaedup. Perhaps "hi&her ups" in the syatem should look into this s1tuaUon. We learned of one caae wbere the supervisor bad already "prom lted" the job to a co-worker, but had lo "10 lbrouah the motions" of cbOOli.na a few ror Interview and prelendinl to screen others. Thls oot odJy eost.s taxpayers, but It la unfair and may not 1lwaya place Ute mosl qualified appllcant ·in the Job, anol.ber COit co taxpayers. MRS. L. GJlAHAll A.irport1ernaniict To Ute Editor: I ,..911 with cutomary aatonlsbment tbe latest r,mark by Murry Cable <AlrlkM't lfanapr) CC)GNl"llbal lbe re· cent offielal report 9a the nolao °'rfonMDOe GI tbe mads ba1b'booed be~t 8afilr' • at Jobn Wayne A.lrport. nat npart nt.taatiated .... fad U..t U>e DC_.. & at lust 50 perHnt DDbier t h a n o r igina lly projected in the ~ounty's Environmental Impact Report • (El R> for the expansion of the racilihes al John Wayne AirPort. Mr. Cable's rlippant response to this sta rtling disclosure was, "It's no big MAILBOX thing." And it isn't a big thing, unless of course yo u ar e one of the tens of thous ands of human beings living under the rlight pattern of John Wayne AirPort and your vir tual life and we ll-being dangles precarious ly at the whim of the Orange County Board of Supervisors ir- rational opera tion of this airport. The county 's entire justification for approving the much flawed EIR and master plan for the eight-fold expansion of the facilities at this airpart was that by introducing the DC-9-80 as the muinstay of this expansion plan, our liv es wo uld s o m e how b e c o m e ucous ticaJly livable again because this new jet would be al least 50 percent less noisy than other jet aircraft currently In service. Now that the county's erroneous noise reduction projections have been oroved wronlt bv a factor of 50 percent will the county Board of Supervisors scr ap their expansion plans for John Wayne Airport? This would seem to be the only logical course of action since the approval of the master plan was predicated almost exclusively on the pre mise that by introduc ing Ute OC-9·80 the Jet noise would be greatly reduced and thJs would enable the county to come into compliance with the state noise law by 1985. or course we aJJ know the supervisors wilt not scrap thelr airport expansion plans ; they will merely do wha&. they a lways do when their plans to expand John Wayne Airport lnto a regional type airport seem to be thwarted -they will •Imply change the rules, tbis Ume by conveniently reviajna the EIR. Jn the meanttmc U>e county will ao about lLs business u uaual, decelvlot lbe publJc on the l.saue or Jet "°'" at :,l.hia airport with word aame MmutJca. ~~ latest ln Wa s leight of band trick • L4•1"•1P9'ft~, .. ·~-llie t•l.o~ ... '9'' ,. Ill -· flf •~""'NM llNI I\,_,... ~' ef .. weN\ 9' let wOI .. ·-~...._ NI~~ !fl c ,,,_ • ..,..,_ •M lftall ... --M -!MY _. •. , ...... ti\,...,..., ii _", .... , .. _ .. ~-..,...,, ..... --...... ..,,. '-tit.rt,, .. , ................. ... Ht--,,,_. _,,., ef IM <Mltl .... ,,,.,._ .. ·-191 ...... ,"''""~ sem a nt ic shell game came from Mr Kozak IAir port Plans and Progr am Of. fi cer 1 whe n he stated that the DC·9·80 was three to fi ve decibels quieter than other jet aircraft. Mr. Kozak then very cleverly qualified that claim by stating that on a ·•comPosite basis" (which 1s not how the human ear perceives noise> the DC-9-80 is 55 percent quieter than othe r Jet aircraft currently in use. The sha m or course lies in the fact lhat the C'OmPositc basis ror noise has nolhing w ha tsoeve r to do with the noise people hear on a single event fly-by of a jet air cr aft The fact of lhe matter 1s. the DC·9·80 has proved .to be only about three dec- ibels less noisy than the Boeing 737s and the OC-9-30s cur1ently being used at this airPorl. TOM WILLIAMS Coordinator Di rector. Airport Coalition Pe ts unwelcome To the Editor : 1 read Carolyn Fisher 's July 12 article on her pet's passing a nd I was im- pressed. J too am an animal lover and all m y pets have been orphans lhat no one wa nted or car ed about My thoughts have always been that God put lhe animals on earth lo teach us about love a nd understanding. But recently I feel people are not listening and learning. When I moved into this apartrment I ha d just put my loyal dog to sleep bec ause of illness. After 14 years it ~as one of the hardest things I have ever had to do. ~ut I s till had another friend, a 7-year-old cat who is strictly an indoor house cat and weigh! 17 pounds to prove ltl The manager of our apartment buUd- lng had a Jove and compassion IQr Pt<>- ple and animals so when the ownera ola dot which had been lrnled very ba~y •bandoned him, somewhere betwttn the manager and a ne.llhbof. I ended up with S.year-old Shadow. Very s uddenJy our manaJer puaed away and now the new manaier •llYI S hadow ls botherini some ol the ten.snta and I hav• co move unlna I aet rl:l of the do1. J CU\ keep the e,aL So, despite belnt on dlublUty and ' wtth a Umlled Income, I am mcmq -. it there 11 anyone In Colla 11 .. •bo will 1ccep1. me wttb a tMndly, 1e.at1e do1 and a lovablt-old ut PATSY VARNAY . •. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/S4nday, Augu1t 2. 1981 .S. says Japan 'undermanned' SE•IOR CITIZE•S Island nation unable to repel attack from Soviet Union? s 1.00 Heming Tests Set for Santa Ana TOKYO (AP> -The wide 1ap In U.S. •nd Japanese views on how m uch )apan should spend on lta military forces will be the "most lrrHaUna, moal aerlous" issue between the two aJUes for the next few years, acocordln1 to well Informed Japanese sources.· T he Reagan administration consldera J apan's present and planned defense force inadequate to m eet even a minimum threat from the Soviet Union ll is pushing hard to get the Japanese to beef up their forces and sharply In· crease defense spendlna. But while Japaneae ortlclal1 a1rt- that they must improve their military, they say they are already Spt'ndln1 11 50 CAPSULES SAVE40~ BOXOF40 69Cu. TAMPAX TAMPONS ltECUW, SUND£1t REC., SUPERS Olt SUPER PLUS. 225u. SPECIAL! GILLETTE DAISY LADIES' SHAVERS Disposable twin blade shavers SAVE30c NABISCO • CHIPS AHOY! CHOCOLATE CHIP COOKIES SAVE eoc much Ml poulble, 01peclally since Prime Mlnill r Zenko Suzu.ki '1 1overn· mtinl ls maklnt& serious etrorta to cut back on overatll public spending. Lt. Gen. Wlllh•m Ginn of the U.S. A1r Force, commander of U.S. Forces In J upan, claimed at a news conference reccnur thol Japan's military la unable to re1><-Invaders. Embassy official, who aaked not to be ldentllied. "Their reserves of ammunJ- lion are variously estimated al from 11 minutes to S·lO days. "Their bases and radar sites have no protecUon. They're very vulnerable,'' he added. ''The Self Defense Forcea have a lot of things to do -It wUI be very expensive to improve them." ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS IMll be given the month o f August Monday thru Friday 9.00 A M. to 5:00 PM. at American Hearing Aid Center State Llcen1ed Hearing Aid Speclahat will perform the te1ts Anyone wtto hat trouble hearing or underetandlng 11 welcome e~ should have a teat once a year. especially if It 11 dlfllcult to llear clearly. Even people wearing a hearing aid or tho•• who have been told nothing could be done for them should have a hearing teat and find out about the latest methOds of hearing correction Also, you will aee the I T E . a hearing aid ao tiny, It fits totally in the ear The Americana also maintain that un- til recently there were no plans for coo1H~ralion with U.S. forces ln case of attuck, that Japanese forces are badly undermanned and their supplies and l'qulpment are inadequate. J apan has the world's 8th lar1est mllllary force, but defense speodln1 is limited by a 1976 Cabinet decision lo less than 1 percent of 1ross national product, compared to s percent ror the United States, about 3 percent for NA TO nations and 12 per ce.nt for the Soviet Union. AMERICAN H!AltltiNi AID CEHTEI "Only three out of SO or 60 ships bave untlulrcraft missiles," said one U.S. "flOf\I ........ PION" I c.e ,_ ,.,. Af• ........ I I 07 Wtffll S.... AM lhrd. 547·4 I 71 aa1. • -PUIG mPTD • MM TESTS Pma£" ,, .. , .......... " fll llllr cam SPECIAL! BUY 2 •SAVE 39c S ·AVE •1.10 'PEPSODENT TOOTHPA$T£ AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUNDAY. AUGUST 2nd THRU TUESDAY. AUGUST 4th. TRANSFER YOUR PRESCRIPTION BY TELEPHONE! We can easily transfer your prescription to Sav-on. All you have to do is brin g in your prescrtp· lion. prescription bottle. or call us. and we will arrange the transfer KODAK COLORBURST 50 INSTANT CAMERA Aim-and-shoot instant camera with auto· mat•C mo1omed prinl e1ect1on 22.95 MAGIC MARKERS WIL·HOLD SHOE BOX Liquid Crayon• Fine line 6-PAK BOX OF 150 SHEETS u . 12 oz. CANS 1.2 Master Card I • PERMA PLASTICS STYROFOAM ICE CHEST · 32 QT. SIZEl 9 9 a)07 • SINGLE HIBACHI BAR-8-CUE ) For beach or picnics 3 .9 9 10" '10" • l "" RIOPAN or RIOPAN PLUS ANTACID SUSPENSION PENNZOIL MOTOR OIL with Z-7 20 30. or 40 WT QT.age -_.. ,, ... ai.oroR 01L I . ) , __ WEAR •EVER SPECIAL I 101· CHEF FRY PAN or SPECIAL! AJAX CLEANSER DOVE DISHWASHING LIQUID LPaves hands leeling sol! and smoolh SAVE soc SHOWER ro SHOWER DEODORANT BODY POWDER ~ SJ!otOfJ' ~~~~ulas 149 -~~ 8 oz. SIZE • u . SPECIAL! SKINNY HAVEN SKINNY MUNCHIES Assorted Flavors BARGAJN ggc UC Of 20 . See·thru piastre for easy viewing Comes with ass t color hds 99~ ..._~0~_~AR_Ej ____ Ji ___ !r_u. --.___~AK_~ 5_~_$_1 __ SAVE •1.10 CHLOR-TRIMETON LONG ACTING ALLERGY SPECIAL! _... ·II'' "" BAN ROLL-ON PHOTO SPECIAL! Custom Quality 4x&"• 8llP!RPRl~T8 SPECIAL! HI .• c DRINK MIX FRUIT PUNCH MIX TABLETS Up to 12 hours continuous reltet 8 mg P-? ·ban ,;ffOU : ANTl-PERSPtRANT Regular. Unscented or Fresh 011 Develop ano Print oroers lrom 110 or 135 site toto1 pr1n1 him IC41 COIT1D.tht)lel " 24'• 1.99 ' .~,,_...,, '101111rvt' c=i 1.su.saE9 9£ ·•-r J~ ..... ~~ ''0 ~~ SAVE ~:,,;_~-J 30°/o SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK! 9:00 AM TO 9 :30 PM MONDA V Tt\RU SATURDAY I 9 :00 AM TO 7:00 PM SUNDAY Daily Pilat SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1981 .. ENTERTAINMENT BS FASHION ·87 If ., 0 Costa Mesa youth D has bright future in tennis. 84. ... Players' hoard ratifies plan Adoption recommended to others CHICAGO <AP> -The ex· ecuUve committee of the Major League Players Association vol· ed unanimous ly Saturday to ratify the agreement reached by negotiator s that ended baseball's 50-day strike. Representatives from all 26 major league clu bs attended the three-hour meeting, which was conducted by Marvin Miller. ex- ecutive director or the union. "THE VOTE BY the executive board was unanimous and we re· commended adoption of the agreement," said Miller. The player representatives ' now will r eturn to their in· di vldual clubs for a vote by rank-and-file members of the as- sociation. While the m eeting went on, teams held their first formal workouts since the settlement was reached early Friday morn· mg. With only a week in which lo get anto shape. the workouts resembled a speeded-up spring trainin g . Th e se a son 1s scheduled lo resume next Sun· day. Aug . 9 with the All-star Game in Cleveland, followed on Monday. Aug. 10, by the resump- tion of lhe regular season. ries my recommendation and that of the executive board." However, Miller admitted there will be players who are not totally satisfi ed with the agree- ment "I think there a r e many players who feel compensation is unjustified in any s hape or form," he said. "If some players vote against ratification, I can understand 1t. "I don't expect it to be unan· 1mous I'm just happy to see baseball back on the field," he continued. "This meeting was mostly des igned to have a better understanding of the agreement There were no dissente rs here." CATC HER TIM Blackwell , players rep fo r the Chicago Cubs. concurred. .. Everylhing's real clean as far as I'm concerned." he said. "I don't think we'll have any trou- ble selling it to the players." On another matter, Miller said .the player representatives dis· cussed the possibility of a split season. adding, ··Those condi· lions are in the memorandum. I have no idea what will happen. That's up lo the owners ... The topic of a split season will There could be a logistics problem mvolve(l there because ~-oS +-thttatefie·d" alr't ralfic'Ctm-~Qf the.~~f> .diSCJ1$~,~ - Tuesday's scheduled meeting in ·c hicago of t he major league owners. .,..., ...... ,.... ., .... ~ trollers strike. Federal mediator Ken Moffett, who was involved in the baseball talks, was work- ing on the ATC problem Satur- day. But the players concerned themselves only with the pro· visions of the settlement. "There's nothing we can do about that now ," said Mark Belanger of the Baltimore Orioles. "That was part of the setUement allowing owners to make the determination on how to complete the season. It was worked out al the last minute id the Rams' Bob Lee get injured on this play when San Diego's John Lee hit him in Saturday's scrimmage? "WE HAO A LONG discussion as you well know, .. said Miller "The memoranda of the meeting runs between 17 and l8 pages. Everybody wanted lo know all of the deta ils in volved. The in d1vidual clubs will have to ratify the agreement by Tuesday or Wednesday." "This meeting was to explain the agreement. It's all part of the ratification process," he added ·'There was a lot of dis· cuss1on, but no dissension It's been a long summer." Rams backed striking players While telling reporters he never expects any ratification to be a formal procedure, Miller said. "tr you want me to guess . I'll say they'll rallfy it It car THE SETILEM ENT provided for a free agent compensation plan provided through a pool concept. full s ervice c redit for the players and a one-year ex- <See PLAYE RS, Page 82> They hope to avoid strike, but they'd follow baseball players' example Lee has painful doubts about year By JOHN SEVANO Of t.,. Deity ~lel Sta" Now that the baseball strike has ended, it will be interesting to see how the Na tional Football League conducts itself in the weeks and months to come. July 15 is the tar get date next year. That's when the N f'L's bargaining agree ment between the owners and players ex- pires. Free a~ency and TV revenue will be the principal iss ues during talks. The NFL Players Association. tearing a page from the Baseball Players Union, says it will strike unless its demands are m et. or course. it has made similar threats in the past and fallen flat .on its face. THE RAM PLAYE RS are hoping this time will be different, though. They're hoping other playl'rs in the NFL have taken a close and long look at what the baseball players accomplished with a little solidarity "I'm happy the strike ended," said Pat ~aden . "I think it should make our players union more adament. I'm not too sure whether that's good or not. I JUSt hope we can learn from it and avoid the bad publicity baseball received." "I thought baseball players showed great unity among themselves," added linebacker George Andrews . "If anything like that is going to happen in football it's going to have lo come from among the players." The major concern among most players polled is that the football players· union won't have the same togetherness as baseball. Two strikes have been tried in the past and both have failed. "THAT'S BECAUSE we don't have some real bright players in the NFL," said one Ram veteran. "One minute they'll say they're for the strike and a week or two later, after they miss a paycheck, they'll turn around and say let's get this thing set· tied." Football makes· more money than any other SPort, but the average salary is I think our union leaders should contact baseball's un- ion leaders and compare notes. -f'red Dryer, Rama $78,000. Baseball is about $150,000 and bas ketball $180,000. With NFL owners s tanding to make a bundle with the emergence or cable television, the players are naturally looking for a bigger slice or the pie, too. .. I looked at it like the baseball players were in control," said Fred Dryer of the strike. "If they're happy, then they'r.e sue· cessful. "I thjnk it's encouragi ng to us. l think our union leaders s hould contact baseball's union leaders and compare notes." Can football players sustain a long strike? "l don't see why not," added Dryer. "Everyone playing football is physically able t-0 go to work and support themselves. If they can't do that, then they don't de- serve one damn thing." "EITHER WE ARE a union or we're not." s aid Jack Youngblood . "The baseball players stuc k together and therefore they came to an agreement both sides could live with. That's what we have to do. "If they (the baseball players) had given in. lost or fallen apart, our union wouldn't have had a chance. We might as well have told the owners, ·Just present us a contract and show us where to sign·.·· Most players feel both sides should begin negotiations now rather than wait until the season is over. The owners. however, are balking. "What they (baseball players) did was set an example of what you can get." s aid Doug France, the Rams' player represen- tative. "The more people 'you can band together and strike, the better deal you'll be able to come up with. I hope both the (NFL> players and owners learned from this." France is convinced the owners will test the players' unity. "l'M.SURE THEY will test us." he said. "They're going to wait before we sign a new contract." "United we stand, divided we fall, .. warned Rich Saul. "The key is getting everyone together and I don't know if we can do that. I've been through a couple of other strikes and it didn't tum out too well. "I don't know what's going to happen." For the first time in years. the Rams' quarterback situation was without doubt. Coach Ray Malavasi m ade it clear that Pal Haden was No. 1 There would be no other competition. There was a battle, however, for No. 2 be t wee n 13-year veteran Bob Lee and three-year backup J err Rutledge. Malavasi was non-committal between the two. content on letting Lee and Rutledge provide the answer themselves. WeU, that answer may have already been formulated but by default. During a full-contact scrim- mage with the San Diego Chargers at Cal State Fullerton Saturday, Lee may have thrown his last p~ss for awhile . LEE, FOLLOWING his fi rst series of offensive plays, walked to the sidelines in dire pain Saturday, cradling his right elbow in the process. No official diagnosis on the ex- tent or the injury will be made until Monday when Dr. Clarence Shields, the team's associate physician, examines Lee, but the red-haired sidewinder thinks he already knows the verdkt "ll 's a form of tendonitis," said Lee from the sidelines . a bag of ice strapped to his elbow. "I guess 1l could be serious," but I hope not." The injury is actually nothing new to Lee. He first incurred the problem in 1972 after receiving ·'a number of blows lo the uJnar nerve " The injur y caused him at one point to miss three weeks of the '79 campaign and then it didn't bother him again unµI he strained it with the Rams last year. Lee, who will be 35 in less than a week, nursed the arm during the offseason and gingerly went through workouts this week at Cal State Fullerton. Against San Diego, he had completed 2 of 4 passes when he felt a "twinge" in his arm on the • firth. On the very next play he tried to throw a go-pattern to Jeff Moore in the end zone, but the ball landed woefully short of its intended receiver. AJI the while Lee was clutching his arm (See LEE. Page 8 2> BUD TUCKER For Jim Yo~gblood, fun is a good 'stick' ll was some years ago that a television thing entitled, "The Violent World of Sam Huff" brought a measure of &Jamor to a heretofore unsung ele· ment of society known as linebackers. Linebackers had previously been grouped with the other clods who played · defense in professional football. They were pictured as creatures with long arms and low foreheads who spoke only In three-letter words. The beautiful people were the quarterbacks and running back• and wide receivers. Authorities who were around at the tlme say lhal Sam Huff Of the New YoTk Otants was a mediocre linebacker, bot that is neither here nor there at the moment. The stgnlfi~ant thing la that the TV special dealing wtth Sam'• dally function brought the linebackers out of the shadows and gave them a new Im· age. No smaU part of that image wu that l\nebackers were klJlers. They were de- picted as reasonably intelli1ent but that they took extreme delight in the rava1e oC human bodJes on the other aide of the line of' scrimmage. particularly those with footballs under thelr arms . "I think t h ah aort of thine Is somewhat overdone," aays Jim Younablood, a linebacker of modern times. "I like tc> 'stick' people but I cer· tainJy wouldn't want to hurt them." · Youngblood la employed by UM Loi Angeles Rama In the poaitioG menUoatd above. He la an lnte1U1ent and handsome man who would oome urou well tn a three-piece auJt belalnd a delk at a stock brokeraae . . ,, But for all his normal and'law-abiding a ppeara n ee and impr essions , Yowigblood plays this Insane game with considerable pleasure. As a matter of fact, he says It Is fun. Fun? "Sure," be says. "I have been playtn1 in the National Football Lea1ue for years and I still have fun on Sunday. The day I don't have fun, ta the day I'll quit." That day would aeem to be three or four yean away for Youncblood wbo it 31, an All-Pro and the Rama' llVP u named by every or1anllatlon present· Int such an annual award. While Yomatblood m1almba tM mad dOI imate I• llnebHbrt, bl doe. not tout bll Job M a eu)' OM. "M a matter of fact,'' be .H , "it gets tougher all the time because the guys I have to deal with -the ball car· riers -get better all the time. There isn't a team in the league that doesn't throw at least once great one at you." Obviously, this leads to the question as to which team throws the 1reateat one at you. "There ate· two kinds of runners," Younablood says, "the power type and the elusive ones. Walter Payton of Chicago ls both of these. U he can't fool you with his moves, be has the power to run over you. "Mark van Ee1hen may be the best 11tral&ht ahead runner. Chuck Foreman wu really someth.lni In b1I prime. You never knew where be wu IOiAI to be. Of course, O.J. Simpson wu ln a clau by bimaelf." Youngblood is asked which is the most "fun," putting the stick to a power runner or an elusive one. ··It is easier to 1et a good stick on the power guy because be ls comin1 ri1ht at you," he replies. "But any stick ia fun and whenever you aet a chance to make one, you better take it because these runners are awfully good." Some of the them are more than 1ood. "The trouble is," says the 6-3, 230 pound Youngblood, "is that today a lot of them are bigger than I am. They talk about linebackers dealing out punbll~ M(!nt w~u. you bit a bil runner comtn1 straight at you with four yards to pick up ateam. You figure out who 1eta tbe punbl\ment. ·• StlU, Youn1blood HY' thll ll fua. Tbe ima1e says lt la 1tamoroua. It is a Ulou&ht we leavt wtt.b you. 1 i . . . .. .. ' Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sund1y, Augu1t 2. 1981 Kroc's apology: free Padre seats From AP dispatches la SAN DIEGO -Calling it a first In baseball and an official apology to the fans, San Diego Padres owner Ray Kroc announced Saturday that all seats will be free for the club's reopener Aug. 10 against AUanta. . Kroc. the 78·year·old fast·~ood king, said t,he open house is "our way of telling the fans we re sorry" for the SO.day-old strike. All 50,000 seals at San Diego Jack Murphy Stadium will be given away on game day on a first-come, Cirsl·serve basis. team president Ballard Smith said. A full house would mean the Padres Jose an estimated $250,000 in ticket revenu~ for the night. Padres officials said the "total open house" is unprecedented for a major league baseball gamtoc founder of the McDonald's fasl·food empire, said he hopes the gesture will lessen fan animosity toward the players and owners. "Maybe we can let ··m know we're sorry. We want to open the floodgates," said Kroc. who became a local hero in .1974 when he grabbed the microphone during the season opener and publicly criticized the Padres' poor ~Q. I His announcement came during the Padres first workout since the strike was tentatively settled. Twenty-two or the 25 team members were on hand as Manager Frank Howard conducted a two-hour session. All -star shortstop Ozzie Smigh had angry words for the owners and said the bitterness of the strike won't disappear ovemjghl. "It won't be forgotten," said Smith. "The strike was unfortunate, but it had to happen.·· Rutherford on pole In Miiwaukee Oet ndlnl oattonal thamplon • .J•b••J' a1tllerford l d a trio or drivers who broke the wl1con1ln Stal Fair Park track record Saturday. urnln1 the pole po11ltJon for today's Tony BettenhauHb ClaKslc Indy cur ruce. Rulhtirford posted a l:JS.890 miles per hour lap with Bobby Vnaer and Tom Sneva beside him on the front row "l'he French Renaults turbopowtrcd their wo onto the rront row or the grid ror the German Grand Prix today. see kin• reveru1e for their hum1Uatln1 defeat at the ltritlsh race two weeks 110. Alalo Proat bumped his tei.rnmate •~oe Arnoux oft the pole poslUon with a t41.16·mph lap to take the pole Graemt Cro by of New Zealand, who has yet to wln a Orand Prix. maintained pole position tor toda)''• 8ritl1h SOOcc motorcycl~ grund prlx at Siiverstone, England. Barry 8b~ent' was 1tcond fastest qualifier with reignlna world champion KenA)' Roberta or the U11ited Stales thlrd . Mark Martin held otr a la8t lap charge by Joe llul· tman and Tim Tkhrnond to win a 200 mile stock car race ut Alabama lnternattonnl Motor Speedwpy. Quote of the day "If I can't play, l can't play. ll's a small sacrifice for what's aolng to happtn lo Celeste." Gresory Cumpbell, n high school athlete from Garden City N V., who gave up a potential Ivy League fool· ball career to give one of h.is k1dneya to his ailing 14-year-old sister during a transplant operation. Redskins to put Hardeman on waivers Wa~hington Redskins' running [i] back Buddy Hardeman will soon be 4 • placed on waivers, coach Joe Gibbs s aid Saturday. Hardeman did not play ln the Redskin scrimmage against the Baltimore Coils which was won the the Colts, 26·23 . . Kansas Cily Ch.iefs backup quarterback BUI Keoaey hit Carlos Carson on a 65-yard touchdown pass play, highlighting a two·hour scrimmage against the St. Louis Cardinals ... Heisman Trophy winner George Rogers didn't have a memorable professional debut as the New Orleans Saints defeated t he Miami Dolphins, 12·6 in a scrimmage at Vero Beach. Rogers rushed for 14 yards in seven carries. Astros· Richard may pitch this week J. R. lltcbard, the hard·throwln1 •• rlahthund r who 1urr~red a stroke Ju11t ovtr o. yeur ago, m1y pitch In an cxhlb!llon a:unt-uii11 Inst the Texas Ronacen thht week, Houston Astroa Manager 8111 Vlrdon said Saturday "He's aolntc to tbrow battlnl( practice Monday nl&hl and a decision wall be mudc.-after that," Vlrdon Hid . . A team-by team check has disclosed that 712 ma· ~J ., .. --I • " -"' ~ Jor leaaue bnseball aames were can celed by .the playora' atrlke . . . Pete lote ln.slata he won't use the rec nUy aetUed allike as an excus tr he faUs to catch Ty Cobb a1 tht top hJt prOducer in the hl1tory or baseball. Rose bu 3,630 hlt1 and Is tied with Stu Molal tor the Na· llonal Lea1ue rf!cord lie ls Richard still Rhort of Cobb'11 mark or ~181 hill ... A.n economic consultant for the \,;hamber of Commerct' of Greater Cincinnati estimated the clty'1 economy suffered o S.21 mllllon loea dut1 to the 1trtkc ... The Atlanh• Braves returned to Atlanta·l"Ulton County Stadium for a rainy-day practice but accordln1 to the funs downtown, the team needn't have bothered ·' 1 don 'l know why they even bothtr to come back." 1uild one fan. "h.'1 Falcon football 11eason now The! way I flauro lt, the bateball sea110n's ulway11 b~l·n too lon1, a11ybow " Abdul-Jabbar seek a trade LOS ANGEi.ES Kareem Ab· duJ.Jabbar or lh~ l,os Anr1elet1 Laketl wlll meet with Jerry Uuu. owner of Baseball today On thl date an baaeball ln 1978: New York Yank catcher and captain Thurman Munson wa1 killed in the craah or hts private pla,,e In Akron, Obie>. On this dale ia UMO: Player Manaaier Joe Cronln hit for the cyrle a11 b I d the Boston Red Sox to a 12·9 victory over the Detroit Tlaers On thus dale In l906: The "Hitless Wonders'' Chlcaao White Sox started a 19·11ame winning streak ... an Amerlc3n League record later Lied by the 11M'1 New York Yankees. Today's Birthday: Boston Red Sox pitcher Tom Burgmeler )8 38. Spahn, Feller are honorary captains NEW YORK -H&Jl of Fame la pitche rs Warren Spahn and Bob f<'cllt•r have been named honorary t•upta1ns for the 1981 All·Slar Game scheduled for Sunday night in Cleveland. Spahn, the wlnnjngest left.hander in major lcuguc hJstory with 363 carffr victories over 21 ycoris. pitched an seven AJl·1tar games aod was credltf'd with the National League victory ln l9S3. Feller. who pitched three no-hllters and finished his career with 2,581 strikeouts two rewer than Spahn. appeared in five Ali.star games and won the 1946 contest for the American u •ague . Massey wins British Women's Open Debbie Massey shot a two.under;· • par 72 in the final r ound to retain her Arillsh Women's Open golr cham· paonship by four strokes over Scottish a mateur Bt>llt RobertAOn Scott Erickson of Villa Park look an early three·stroke lead and never looked back as he defeated Malt Mccarley 4. and·3 in the champions hip match of the 34th U.S. Golf Association junior championship in f'resno Jockey Karen Rogers was ad· milted to Saratoga Hos pital after suffering a dislocated right shoulder and a slight brain con· cussion in a spill in the second race at the Saratoga Race course. She was injured when rolling clear of her mount ... The United Stales was the overall winner as the 10-day World Games for the Deaf ended in Cologne. West Germany. The Americans won a total of 46 gold, 30 silver and 35 bronze medals. -r<1:e~y.-Stup~tw,~Watio11-~w-~ .... { Former UCI baseball standout had bad karma follow him in the minors By JOHN SEV ANO OI .. D.ity ,.._. lleff For years, the biggest rap against the Angels was that talent was never produced within the organization. In order for the Angels to be a success. Owner Gene Autry had to go out and buy their ruture. Well, sometimes money can't buy happiness -as the Angels have found out. And, as for their minor league system, players like Jerriy Remy, Carney Lansford. Brian Doyle, Mark Clear. Keo Landreaux. Jim An· derson and Willie Aikens are · nothing to sneeze at. OBVIOUSLY. THE talent has always been there. It just hasn't been properly utilized. Take Terry Stupy, for in· stance. A sixth round draft pick in January of 1975, the former UC Irvine standout was assigned to Salinas where he finished the year as the club's MVP. Thal was the good news. From there, a string of unfortunate breaks and bad luck followed the From Page 81 calc~er throughout his minor le ague career until his eventual dismissal from the game in the spring of 1980. Today. Stupy is the manager of the Nautilus Plus club in Orange. It's a job he enjoys, but he certainly would rather catch major league fastballs for a Liv· ing instead. "Yeah, it's over with," said Stupy reluctantly of his career. "I'm 27 years old now and 412 LOOKING BACK years is really enough to show what you've got ... although I s till th.ink I could be catching in the big leagues." BAD BREAKS are one th.ing. but what happened to Stupy dur· ing his minor league career re ads more like a horror story· Following his MVP season of '75, Stupy was told he'd start '76 in Salinas <A ball > but would be brought up to El Paso <AA > LEE H AS DOUB T S . • • in pain. "IT'S LIKE having a knife pushed into your elbow," Lee said of the pain. "It's frustrating to stand here on the sidelines and not be able to throw." Lee admitted to getting shots last year to help the pain, which is actually to the flexor muscle near the ulnar nerve. Lee's in· jury is very similar, to some ex· tent, to the one suffered by the Angels ' Bruce Kison. which eventually required surgery. tee, understandably, cannot afford an operation at this point -and stul plan on staying in the NFL. Lee, acquired by the Rams in 1979 as insurance in case Vince Ferragamo was felled by an in· jury (Pal Haden was already sidelined), figured lo provide stability and experience to the Rams' quarterback corps this t season. Now, until the extent of the in· jury is known, everything is up in the air. "It's depressing because I fell 1 l had a good opportunity to help hlhis team . . . and now this," ~. said Lee. "I just hope it's a two· • day thing and not three wee~." * • • Actually, the entire Rams • , squad looked in pain Saturday ·as the Chargers -led by f second-string qul\rterback Ed Luther -overpowered Malavasl's troops before ap· proximately 6,000 visitors at Cal State FulJerton. Luther, a fourth round draft plck in 1880, threw for 2A3 yards J and three touchdowns on 15 of 29 ll PHHI. r. Luther, from San Dleao State, hit U,ht end Enc Sievers six Umea for 115 yards and two touebdowa and be coanected wWl .. otber U,tlt end, rookie ht. l:IOlobu ~ NotN Dame, &wlce IOt 41 yatdt and one TD. The Rams didn't look nearly as good. Combined, the quarterback crew was 11 of 30 for 173 yards and no TDs. Haden was 2 or 5 for 27 yards; Lee was 2 or 6 for 20; Rutledge was 5 of 13 for 77 ; and rookie Jack Ke mp was 2 of 6 for 49. The Rams' deepest, and only, penetration came on their first series as a pair of pass in· terference calls left them in a firsl·and-goal s ituation at the one. But Wendell Tyler was stopped for no gain and a six· yard loss on the first two plays and Haden threw two in· completes lo end the threat. Only one wide receiver (Jeff Moore with two> bad more than one reception. . One player who did look good was runn!ng back Robert Alex· ander, a 10th round pick out of West Virginia. Alexander car· ried for 38 yards on five carries. ln all, the Rams ran 60 of· fensive plays to the ·Chargers· SO. Luther went all the way for the Chargers while Haden went 10 plays, Lee 10, Rutledge 30 and· Kemp 10. MALA VASI USED hls starters on only the first 10 plays of· fensively and defensively. San Diego didn't use any starters. The only c hanges on the R a ms ' offensive first string found Doug Smith at center for Rich Saul and Victor Hicks at tight end for Henry Childs. ChUci., dido 't play becauae he was nursing a pulled hamatrinf. On defense the only chan1es were Reggie Doss for .lack Youngblood al end a'1d Carl Ekern for the departed Jack Reynolds (San Franclecp) at middle llnebacker. * * .. I 4'he acrimm•ae helped to • ralM more than s1a.ooo for Ute csr a1b.letic department. -ay JolUISewuo • Terry Stupy shortly. nfortunately. the sign ing of a $125.000 draftee named Danny Goodwin prevented Stupy from b e in g promoted a s scheduJed. It wasn't \mtil the final two months of the year. when Terry Dona hue broke his hand, that Stupy was upgraded. In 1977. Harry Dalton, then the Angels' general manager. told Stupy after a particular game that he liked what he saw and the righl·hander would be called up to Sa lt Lake City as a backup catcher the following af. lernoon. Dalton told St.upy to re· port to the field early the next day to discuss his new contract. The problem came 24 hours late r when Manager Bobby Knoop told St1.1py that the Angels had changed their mind. In the spring of 1979, Stupy had appeared to s ecure a spot on the Angels' AAA club when he blew out his knee. sidelining h.im for a year and a half. -ln 1980, Stupy's last bona ride shot. he tried out for lhE Seattle Mariners and and ap· peared to make the AAA roster. He was released on the final cut. however, because two catchers from the parent club were being sent down. Al the lime of his re· lease, Slupy was hitting .500. Frustrating would seem a Vassallo wins m e dley r~ce CITY OF INDUSTRY (AP> - Jesse Vassallo of Mlssion Viejo. the world record-holder1 in the 400-meter individual medley, won his specialty Saturday night in the Industry Hills Swimming World Invitationa l m eet at the Industr y Hills s ·wimming Complex. VaasalJo was c locked i n 4: 32.00, well off hi• world record clock.ln1 of 4: 20.05. Flnl1hing second Saturday nlgbt waa Lln· coln Ojug of Santa Clara. ln 4:37,SJ. WilYlel"I or other m~·· e¥UU were Arne BorgsU'drft of lliutoh Viejo, who caputured lbe 400- meter freestyle in 4:01 .34; Tony Meler or Ladera Oaks, who won the 100-meter butterly ln 56.40 aeconds, and Mike Ml•o or the City of lndustry, who won the 200·meter freestyle In 1:55.07. mild description for what he had lo endure. "IT SEEMED like the bad karma of the Angels followed m&all over," admitted Stupy. "I certainly have no good !eelings toward the Angels "There arc some teams that a re noted for their class like the Dodgers They have some loy ally towa rd the ir players. They have pr ide in their minor le ague system and they pay them well ·· or course. not all was dismal for Stupy. I le played three years ( 1972-74 ) al UCI when the Ant· eate rs compiled a combined 124 -40·1 won·loss record with two NCAA D i v is i o n II c ha m · pionships. In his Junior year. the Ank eaters were 48·8. including an .. incredible 32 0 stretch. Stupy hit 364 with 82 hits <21 doubles I and 58 RBI in '74 In the UCl record books he's th a rd in runs ( 124 ). lied for sixth in hits <192 l. second in doubles (45 ), fifth in home runs (12), third in runs balled in ( 1371 and fifth in career batting average ( .336). Slupy signed with the Angels for a $10,000 bonus and $12,500 a year (hi s final fig ure at El Paso ). ln between. there was a lot of s uffering, turmoil and mental anguish. ..In a sense, I really blew it," he said. "Jn my last year (al El Paso>. I caught well, but hit lousy ( .275). I lost some of my killer instinct al the plate and I lost my confidence. "I ALWA VS HAD the rap that I was all offense and no defense. so I worked on my defense th.ink· ing the hitting would take care of itself. It didn't. "At UCI, with Gary Adams. that was when baseball was fun. But that was the last of al. Once you gel out of school and gel paid for it . . . " he recalled. "You don't make any money in the minors. You just hope somebody r lees. It's a rough life. Still, m / greatest thrill was in 1977 (.~., average, 12 HRs) when I hit fourth in the order behind Ken Landreaux and in front of Carney Lansford. "One lhjng I've learned is that to make it you have lo be cocky, be the next Babe Ruth, and believe tt." Even with Slupy 's luck . ihough. that wouldn't have been enough. Rothchild takes seco n d MARINA DEL REV -J erry Bums ol Orange drove his 30· foot triple outboard Scarab, Sea Claw, across the finish line at just the right time to capture top honors in the Marathon Boal Racers Fun Run No. 1 off the coast here Saturday. Actually, Peter Rothchild of Newport Beach in his 44·foot aluminum racer Tbunderballs was the fint boat lo ~•ch the finish area, one hour and 3& l'n:blUtel after the tart. BuL be • ~ssed th line Just outlld one of the boys. PAINFUL WORK -San Diego's Rupert Jones does n't appear too sure of his catch during a workout in the border city Jones. along with all other major leaguers. went back to work Saturd ay to prepare for the reopening of the season. Aug. 10 From Page 81 PLAYERS BOARD • • • tension of the basic agreement through Dec. 31 , 1984. The owners also got the split season option as part of the agreement. "It (the owners ' decision) can't make everybody happy. My gut feeling?" concluded Belanger. "They'll go for a split s eason because it '11 be more at· tractive and ere.ate more in· terest.. But I really don't know." Miller also was questioned about reports of his retirement. "Not yet," he said. "But I tlon't think I'll be around when the next basic agreement comes up." Some players began working out Friday only hours after the settlement was announced in New York. By Saturday, many more had s hown up for formal workouts, cleaning out lbe rust accumulated by seven weeks on the sidelines . Man.v teams planned mini· sprini trai.n.inj camps for the week wft.b workouts in the mom· Jng and Intra-squad games in the ·artemooo. . THE RCONTREAL Expoe pre· pared for the 1econcl seaJOO by reopenin1 U.elr 1prin1 traioln1 headquarters In West Palm Beach. Fla. Other teams like Oakland. Seattle and Cincinnati found their home stadiums oc· cupied and set workouts at nearby college fields. Some clubs have scheduled ex· hibition series for next Friday and Saturday. Among those already set are the New York Mets·Toronlo. California· Ci n cin nati , Baltimore · Philadelphia, Cleveland· Pittsburgh, Boston-Montreal, Atlanta·MUwaukee and Kansas Cily·St. Louis. Other clubs planned games against their minor league farm teams. On the minds of many club ex· ecutives was the reaction of the fans to the seven-week strike. Many fan troups have promised boycotts of their own in response to the players' walkout. Mana1e· ment people hoped excitin1 races would help wl~ out the bad taste created by lbe strike and lure the tans back to baseball. But Jim Rychlicki,• St. Paul~ •Minn., cab driver, Look a hara Une S*itlon. • • 1 th.ink ttie I ana •bould Co on atrlke for the rut ol Uiliit )'t&r," he said. "Who nffda 'em?'' , • I . ' . ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. August 2. 1981 •1 It's calm before storm Golf only live event today be/ ore next week's onslaught 8Y llOWAal) l.. HANDY -................ It's the ·calm before the storm with today'• lone live t.elecut lnvolvint the CanadJan Open golf tournament on Channel 2 at 11 tbla momln1. Wltb tbe baseball strike tetUed and pro foot· baU reartnc ita head on the borilQD, sporu buffs will have a full slate of event.I on the tube belin· nine aext weekend with MFL exbiblUon tames and the All-Star baseball 1ame from Cleveland. Today's menu also includes some live and taped covera1e of the Ta1Jade1a 500 NASCAR stock car race on Channel 2 at 1; taped coverage ol the National Sports Festival on Channel 7 at 3; the finab of the Wells Far10 women's tennis tourna· ment from San Diego and other events. Following are the to11 sorts events on TV today. Retinas are: l ./././excellent; ./././worth watchlno; ./ ./ farr; ./ forget It. <I) 11 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ GOLi': Canadian Open. Announcers: Pat Summerall, Ben Wright, Frank Glleber, Gary Bender and Ken Venturi. Leonard Thompson, despite firing a round of n. 11 strokes over his spectacular 62 on Friday, holds a one-stroke lead going Into today's final round. Thompson leads Mark Haves by the slnole shot with a th,...round total of 207. Hayes lost the leed when he suffered • dOubte bogey on the flnal hole after put· ting a three-wood shot In the watw hazard. OTHER TELEVISION lO:•S a.m. C~) -FUTBOL. 1 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SUNDAY -Live and taped coverage of the Talladega SOO stock car race lrom TalladtQa. Ala, Also: Brent Mumuroer re-ports from New York with speclal features and sports updates. ~ p,m. (7) -NATIONAL SPORTS FESTIVAL - Taped coveraoe of the National Sports Festival from Syracuse, NY. (9) -WOMEN'S TENNIS -The final look of the Wells Faroo Open from San Diego. ~:~ p.m. C•> -SPORTS AFIELD -Features: A hunt for wild turkey with a bow and arrow and a look at primitive fresh water fishes. • p.m. <•> -SPORTSWORLD -Part two of the world military boxing championships, taped at Camp Lejeune, NC. Also : Taped coverage of the AIAW national women's collegiate gymnastics championships from Salt Lake City . 7 p.m. (28) -TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE- Coach Vic Braden demonstrates the proper way to go to the net and avoid "eating a tun sandwich." RADIO Baseball -Salt Lake City at Phoenix, 7 :~ p.m .. KMPC C710); Rebroadcast of the seventh game of Jhe 1962 World Series between the New York Yankees and San Francisco Giants, Noon, KMPC ( 710). (The Dally Pilot Is not responsible for late changes,) . A slimmed-down Dodger pitcher Fernando Valenzuela works out at Dodger Stadium Saturday. Valenzuela unsure of hOW he'll pitch LOS ANGELES (AP) - Fernando Valenzuela remains a modest yo~g man of few words, and most ~hose few are in Spanish. So a wasn't surprising that he didn ave much to say when asked w he felt about the return o seball and how tae' 11 fare. ·'Ten days e probably not enough to get ack to where I was before. I think I'll be all right," said the 20-year-old Los Angeles left-hander, whose team faces the Cincinnati Reds at Dodger Stadium on Aug. 10 in its first game since the strike began on June 12. "I'm just hoping I'll be able to pitch well and have my control, but that remajns to be seen." Valenzuela made bis com- ments in Spanish on Friday at a reception where he was honored by Para Los Ninos, a children's center located in the Los Angeles skid row district. More than $13,000 was raised for the center by the auctioning off of a limited number of front- page copies of the San Fernando Valley's DailJ News, with the I name "San Fernando ' Valenzuela Daily News" sub- 1 , stituted in1the masthead. Buyers r paid ~ minimum o/ SSO. I Valenzuela seemed a litUe un- comfortable with all the atten- tion he received. Tony DeMarco, his manager. and Los Angeles scout Mike Brito, who dis- covered him for the Dodgers, seldom left his side. Despite the fact that there's been no big league baseball since early June. Fernando- mania still is in Cull force. The youngsters on hand mobbed their hero for autographs and he spoke to a number of them as be toured the center. Valenzuela had five shutouts among his first eight starts as be equalled the accomplishment of Dave "Boo" Ferris, who won his first eight big league starts for the Boston Red Sox in 1945. It is believed that a rookie never has· started faster. Valenzuela had a 9-4 record with a 2.45 earned run average when the season came to a halt. He is tied for the National League lead in wins with Steve Carlton , leads the NL 'n shutouts. innings pitched ut>, complete games 8 and strikeouts 103. Valenzuela said he stayed in shape during the strike by work- ing out every day al his home in the Mexican state of Sonora. He said he didn't know much about the strike except '"I had no alternative but to go along." "I felt like the strike might hurt baseball," he said . "I'm happy it's over. I have no goals except. for the Dodgers to win the championship. I'm just go- ing to try to win as many games as I can." After his 8-0 start, Valenzuela went 1-4 and his earned run average soared from an in- human 0.50 to an excellent 2.45. Clearly, he struggled at limes. but said Friday that "l was feel- ing fine and in good shape, things don't work out every lime for you.·· Surf gives Sollnders lots of room, lose By EDZINTEL .................. What's tht old saying? He helps those who help themselves or something lilte that? WeU , either the guys who play soccer for the California Surf never heard of that saying or they collectively enjoy a good challenge. After placing themselves in that mystical category of the flf. teen teams in the NASL with the best records and'tbus, a spot in the year-end playoffs if they could hold It, the Surf reverted to their old ways Saturday night in a 5-2 loss to the San Diego Sockers at Anaheim Stadium. ACl'UA.LL Y, THE score could have been much more lopsided bad the Soclters laked advan- tage of the wide-opert spaces granted courtesy of a sa11ing California defense. But the Sockers, winnen of their lut seven games were con· tent on just 1ainlng a victory and increasing their We.tern Division lead over the Los · Angeles· Aztecs, losers Saturday night. The Surf, on the other hand, • dropped. to the No. 15 poeitlon with 110 point.I as Portland over- took the No. 14 spot with a 1-0 wln over Tulsa Saturday night, ••vtna tbe Ttmbera lll polata. 1 And •• tDe preuure ls on the Surf moN &ban ever u they face ., tbelr final farer 1amea of the 1 stUOG -all lntt ... divlalon COD· ., leltl. " "I •till bne a firm belief that • we can make the playotfs," 8'a1 Coach Laurie Calloway Hid l· after tlle 1ame. "And until t 1omeone pro••• me •roQf, we'n ...., to ft ... t and claw to ,,, set tbere." Saturday nt1bt, lt •a• tbe Soclten wbo sot tile betttr ol lbe ""'--- __ _.._. Surf in a hard-rought, rough game. THE SURF HAD their chances as evidenced by their 20 shots on goal as compared to the Sockers' 16. But time and again, the Surf either hurried their shots or did not set up the way they should have. Some of the shots were just poorly placed. The Surf got on the board first. although by the back door, so to speak. A deflection off the head of San Diego's Martin DoMelly following a Paulo Cesar pass in- to the middle skipped into the Sockers goal at 11: 45 of the first hall. But Kaz Denya tied it for the Sockers at 34: 20 on a perfect corner pass from Jean Willrich. The rest was all San Diego as Gert Wieczorkowski scored two goals for the Sockers while Mieke ~tojanovic and Denya added one. THE FINAL SURF goal came with eight minutes left by Charlie Cooke on assist.I from Cesar and Craig Allen. ·'The first 15 minutes of the second ball were the turning point," said CalJoway. "We tried to play Denya liJ,bter. He's their playmaker and I fell we were aJ. lowina him too much space in the box .. "When lt looked like It WU getting out of band, I tried le> get the players to recognise that what we needed were points, Even ll the came became a joke -wh.lcb It almOlt did -we wanted to 1et polntl." Calloway aaid t.hat he felt the game wu IOlt at midfield. ' A crowd or •.m. the larteet home crowd Wt "ar exeept for the Beach Boys eoGcert nilbt on May 15, watched Saturday -nlpt'a fame. Angels set free drill ·at stadiunt From AP dispatches The Angels began preparing for the reopening of the baseball seas on with a three-hour workout on Saturday at Fullerton College. Manager Gene Mauch and his coaching staff led 21 players through their paces as the Angels were reunited after 50 days of a strike over the issue free agent compensation. Anaheim S&iadium was booked for soccer games all day Satur· day and wasn't available for the· team's workout. . . ALL OF THE Angels showed up with the exception of player representative Don Baylor and American League alternate player representative Steve Renko, who were attending a meeting in Cbica10 of the ex- ecutive council ol the players' union. and a quartet of players who had been waiting out the strike at their out-of state homes -BiU Travers, Jesse Jefferson, and Latin Americans Juan Beni· quez and Luis Sanchez. Morm "Red" Badgro, George Blanda , Willie Davis and Jim Ringo at Holl oj F'arrte induction -Blanda, three others, inducted The Angels spent the workout on fundamentals and batting practice, a routine Mauch ex· peeled to repeat today when drills will shift to Anaheim_ Stadium. A 1 p.m . workout will be open to the public, with free admission and parking. Several or the Angels showed up in far better shape than they were when play stopped oo June 12. Outfielder Fred Lynn has overcome a sprained knee, second baseman Bobby Grich had the cast removed two weeks ago from the hand be fractured five days before the strike, and pitcher Bruce Kison, who hasn't pitched in over a year after un- dergoing elbow s argery, ap- peared ready to contribute. MAUCH, WHO succeeded Jim Fregosi as the Angels' manager two weeks before the players walked out, concentrated on bis pitchers. With. only nine days to prepare for the season's second start, getting pitchers back into game condition is the bigiest task for most teams. "I was amazed by the number of strikes I saw," said Mauch. •'I dido 't know what to expect. I've never been through this before. "Geoff Zahn, Ken Forsch and CANTON, Ohio CAP) -Al Davis called George Blanda the greatest clutch player In the history of the game Saturday when the Oakland Raiders' ageless won~r was inducted into the Football Hall of Fame. "Blanda inspired a whole nation. He had a God-given killer instinct to make it happen when . everything was on the line.': said the Raiders ' manager general partner who presented Blanda for indU<:tion. Also joining Blanda in the 1981 enshrinee class were two members of the great Green Bay Packer teams of the 1960s, defensive end Willie Davis and center Jim Ringo, and oldtimer Morris "Red" Badgro, at 78, the oldest member of the sport's shrine. Following the enshrinement, the Cleveland Browns and the Atlanta Falcons met in adjoining Fawcett Stadium in the first edibition game of this sea.son. _,- Davis ticked off the remarkable heroics of Blanda in 1970, when his throwing or kicking helped Oakland ra.lly for six straight victories in the closing moments. Blanda, who became~ hero of the geriatric set by playing weU past his 48th birthday. received a standing ovation from the crowd surrounding the steps of the Hall of Fame . Blanda moved to the microphone after his in· troduction by Davis and paused dramatically. "I'm not nervous," he told the crowd. "I'm wail· ing for the clock to run down to two seconds so I .McDonald sparks Cleveland victory probably Dave Frost could go CANTON. Ohio CAP) -Second-string five or six innings in a couple of Cleveland quarterback Paul McDonald rifled two days. Reliever Don Aase has no second-half touchdown passes to Ricky Feacher problem whatsoever." Saturday, leading the Browns to a 24· 10 victory Mauch has proposed that each over the Atlanta Falcons in the opening exhibition team be allowed to carry a COU· game of the National Football Leaiue season. can score again." Blanda ranks as professional football 's alJ. time scorer with 2,002 points and completed more than 4,000 passes in his 26-year career. the longest ever. He holds 21 championship game records and played with the Chicago Bears and the Houston Oilers of the old American Football League before Davis picked him off the scrap heap as a 39-year· old. "Without Davis, the Raiders and their winning spirit, I wouldn't be here today. There is one word how I feel pride." he said. Grambling College Coach Eddie Robinson. in presenting Willie Davis for enshrinement, said the Packers' great was the complete defensive end. "For 10 years. Willie was the standard of ex· ceUence by which defensive ends were judged," Robinson said of the first Grambling product to reach the shrine that now numbers 110 players "Today, I'm very gratified and very proud at this momentous occasion," said Davis. who played in six National Football League title games and was all pro five of six seasons in the 1960s, when the late Vince Lombardi was building the Green Bay dynasty. -.Us high school line coach, Willard Davis Rinehart, remembers converting Ringo from a fullback to a center. ''He had two left feet. He couldn't run. but he liked to block. He had an in- nate desire. Jimmy always wanted to be the best," sa1d Ringo's presenter. "I feel I was created," he told the audience. "l wasn't a very good athlete. Without my teachers of the past, I would not be here today." Badgro, who had to wait an unprecedented 45 years to be enshrined. said, "this is absolutely the greatest thrill in my life. There is no way I can ex· press my reeling ... Badgro, a three-sport star at the University of Southern California. played professional baseball with the St. Louis Browns and football with the New York Yanlcees. the New York Giants and the Brooklyn Dodgers. Mel Hein, a charter member of the Hall of Fame and a Giants' teammate of Badgro. present- ed his longtime friend. "He was a very strong 60-minute football player," Hein said of the two- way end. pie O~ 4:Xlra pitchers to prevent McDonald, a left-bander from USC, passed 29 arm UlJuries. The matter might · and 37 yards to Feacber to lead Cleveland to its .--------------------- be discussed when team t>wnen • first victory in 12 years in the annual Hall of Fame meet next week. game. . "We ~on't be ready to 1,0 Cleveland's victory came before a record rune innings after only a weeks Fawcett Stadium crowd of 23 921 and millions work," said Frost. "Arms won't more on naUonaJ televlaloo. It.,; .. only the fourth be in that kind of shape, but triumph for the American Football Conference in everyone will be ln the same the ll-year rivalry witb the National FootbalJ Coo- boat." ference in the fame. "A week will be enough for the The NFC bu won six games w1tb one contest guys who've been worlt:ln1 out," end.inc ln a tie. ' said ~e rilht·hander Mike 'lbe Browns and Falcona, defendln1 divisional Witt. • I U be ready. Guys who champions, used lbelr veteran penonneJ in the haven t worked out will be ln first ball, with Brian Si and Steve Bartkowaltl ~~~le. That goes for bitten qua.rterbackinJ the squar. respectively. With bis team of veteran heavy bitten, Mauch wu Wl· concerned a bout the batlint pbue of the mini·t.rainin1. ·'Guys who can bit ~ cet read,y In el1ht or nine da71. And we've got plenty wbo can," aa1• Mauch. I D•llY Piiot • ctanltleds • '42·5611 wortc for for quick • you. c.n ·.e c•llt sates. 213'463-1101 (Alllfwl•• .. • 71~752•0 1981 Ram 50 Mini P/U Equipped with 4 spd transmission, low mount left & right mirrors, rear step bumper, & morel #01809 $5981 I Orange Ooa1t DAIL. Y PILOT/Sunday. Augu1t 2, 1981 o.t Mer &ATUaOAY't a8tULft , ...... , ... __...._.... PlatT !UICI.• fw'-t- All Nell H..O (OIMI 6.00 UO UO Atom EYM IMcCMrc.11 UD UO hater Glow (Valeftc,.. .. I UO Aho rectd · lrllllalll let1t11, 1melllllt1-r, Secret Ore<•, ,,., .. "9ltl Walktf, let ... •. 0-OeM Time· l.IJ l/S. Hp!*O aACa. OM mlle ... ._....tyPMrl (Del_.,., ... uo ,.,. 8ad a.d Luo IMcCMranl UD >.AO Joy-L998CY ( T0tol JM Alto r..:td Alp Off S..ker. S.C:ret Trysts. ~~Fleet, ¥1..._.t, lily H-• .._. tyNedne TllN. I Jll/S tJ DAILY oouua CH) paid Pt IO. THlaO aACI. I Iii. mll .. Al-s..mtner C T0tol t • .O 4 . .0 UO Ion• IPlnc•r> •.JD >.JO 80Cd Ack (Llpfteml t 20 Al'O rec•d: M<i)esllc Court, Yak ., .. M<lll, AMI Boldly, Mll .. e JUClllH, Monn, Umetkce. llulldo9 Pr..,lke. Time; I il 4/S U aXACTA t 10.J) !Miid 110l.DO. 1'04l•TM •Ac• .• lvf'lonos. Fl"I Gal,,... IValeft1,..lel U .40 1.40 S.40 Ftbul-Oad (WlntOlldl UD JM T1nc:011 KlllOlll IOllvernl It.DO "110 reced. Bold Tall•, llab41r-, FClf'te OC A-. Hewllelrt, o .. uc -· S.m's Pride, Ooc Ward. Tlrlw; 1.10)/S. l'll'TM UICI.• furlongs. St .. lln.:llve 10.f-.,SM.,.) J.ell 2.IO 1.20 SllerpHOofer IHe•fey) 4.40 UO Cllleroscuro (~ak .. > J.10 Also raced So .. i!Ro, Splnoia, Sem's c-. ,,.._,"'Star, E•ctustve Joy. Time I Ot J/S U IXACTA C•JI !Miid W DO SI l( TM • AC• •• tur •onos E1tpla.lve Twist (Cesta...0-1 •DO >.• J.40 5pHO 8-c,.1ncay1 •JO J.DO Cesseierla (~) J.IO At'O reced Public Speaker, T.-1 COUlllr. Cemolar, Aal .. tM Ttmpo, PIMA Prll\C.f Time t 10 4/S SIVINTN a AC I . 1\lt turt-on turf. Cell Ille Mister l~Ak .. I 4 JO J.IO 1.40 L'OIStl-IMcCMrcnl J.00 2.IO ()cltlmlsm (Wl11t-I S.DO Al'O re<ed; Klllllfll of Gold, ¥ulll98fl Slew, Sir ~u. Ktr19 GOftlO, J-ws. Prl11Ce Bucuo.-r Time. 1301/S U l!XACTA IS.-10) !Miid '31 00. U .. ICIC SIX l•IO·:M+Sl !Miid '7,°'1.AO •IOI II •111111119 llCUIS Csll llClf'SH). '2 l'lck SI• ccnlOlatlon peld 111.ao wllh 32' wlllfllftg ticket~ ctive horses). '2 Pick SI• K r•lltb COllSOIAllOll paid 192.IO wllh Jft wlnnlne llcktts !lour hew-, -KrtlClll. I ICMITH llACa. •furl~. SYllC-lt !Oel-..ue.,.I 14.ell UO ).OO Aeb's Golclitll "I• I H•wley) J.40 2 . ., To B Of' NOi ICatlOIMtdal J.40 Also rec.cs P•"'"· Pan«, I'm S..-111. Tl .... 1Ol3' NINTH llACI. ON mile on turf ParlOUI ( TMol 1 40 J.IO E UO Ault Ille llMrtet Clll<Ce<rcn) J • 3.10 TIOt•J-.10.tllhoUua.,.I s• AllO rectd Ht'I 0.WOll, GrHI Gr-. E•rty Tomarou, Ooml11eev, Frle11dly SwO<'d,Gr~ U IXACTA (S,.•1 peld loSt SO. At .. llOAnce U ,111 LOI Alemlto• S.\TUaOAY'S •HULn ,,., .. " ... _...... ........... , l'IHT llACI. llO yardS hulOlli< IWitt'dl JUO 10.JO S.10 Ktuttlff ~y ICM!toul I .JO UO Cor-•l•Jel CCre8"'rl UO "''° rectd: Heie Kolek, Comic ICld, Go for WI-. OercSOlls 11111, Tratln. Time. tl.07. U IXACTA 1 .. 41 paid '1Q.eD. SICONO a AC I . JSO yar~. Tiie FesUv•I t 8levl1111 tJ.• 2'.40 ,,40 Kluocl>lc I BrOOksl 10.00 S.40 G•es (Mair) 3.00 "I'° rectd: Ftther ThompJOll, SCIMd on Sc>e•d, llle<k Sequin, Mldntglll Polley, Thllll< A ¥11•. Time for Tow11, Oontu Just Lwll. Time; 11.11. TNlaO aACI. UO yardl. Mlly Roon CHertl UO UO J.00 AetetlalDI' (Mllcheltl 1UO 5.AO Pvrrsey CBrooksl SM "''° reced: Ftrey Comet, Jeu 0 ~ E e u Awerds, Sorrels Go1111e1etem, L ellOfl'll l•o. TllN: , .. ., 1'04laTM aACI. >SO yard._ Sporting Gwtllt IAdetrl 11.JO 1UO I.JO Olale Sb (Hert) .... UO Wl11 torTllly lFrydeyl 'All Atso rectd. GM tM Ge!cl, S.r•wlltf'rt C:. cue, ,...._ Polley, Pay the HMt, Mlto Atll,~ett TllN.11.15. U l!XACTA (1·SI paid ~.40. l'll'TH llACI!. JSO y ... ds. h elel (H.tr1) 3.JO ).JO U0 MIH Trlpall Cfrydey) t.IO 4.JD St a1ec1t IMltchelll uo Also rececl Aoy•I J UA11, Eety Aocut. Olfl L• F-. NII Alge ...... o ... Grove Lt ... Time; 11.1' ...... Ml .... Ml 11.,..,,. llACe. ttt .,.,._ ...,.._..., .... , u• ,,. ._. W.111 ..... l..,_IW9") t.• )M J-'t ... ,~,..,.,, ... Al• r1KM1 OH .... 11....-a, Otf•llw """""' .. ...., "''-..,..1,, c-y r....,. Wlllll, Miu Ptrm, ""''""•· OH-O. .... lwf-111. """: ... ,., U 8XACTA INI Hlf 171.00. llMT'M aACL >• ,., ... HllMlllll•<Af<llrl 1,40 •.40 UO T8y.....,.. (TtM_..I • •• 40 •M Ki.tp ltlllt llnellal 4 IO Al• ~ ...... lwnt ~. o-, 1111\Un U-. ,._ o.i-Jet. Tl-: 11."4. U "'°' llX IH 1 .. Ml .... ~NMO wllll --Int llOtl Itta...,._,, U""" SI• <aNIM4IMI 11118141 .. ,,40 wtttl 11 WllW"I tkkn Cftw herwtl .. ,'"" uce. aoo y., .. Ml .. T,.._.. Olel (C8HNel JI.JO J • > 40 0.nlM H ~s tHk Mtftlwel J 40 J JD Keeft°""9(.._el 640 AllO reced. My Old 0 •1 NM(y, .,_ l'lece w Mllll, Tl,,.. 19 Sllu, WIM"'t c...,, Selwltllo"'• ••••I ltlllotw•. L'-• A Tl"yTri.. Tl-: lt.tt. '1 eXACTA IM I OAld ut.40 TeMTM ·~·· JlO .,-. Ollkk l<l"etfl l'l'Y*fl • JO uo uo ¥U0Sti1 IC:. ...... l >.• J.10 Mftlk Te IMllthelll •• AIM tlad: Dntn llecket, T .. Je.,. ~. ~lmt .... ~kY, Wllel A 11.,,.,114.,, Ml .. a!IY C"8,..,, ..._..,., "-· TllN: 1U1. U •XACTA (M l petd SU.40, At~-1 ... Jt. Surf atatlatlca Sanlly~ s... Diego 1 4-5 CttllorrM 1 1-4 Sc °""" -1. Calltoml•. o..w..11, ( s.n oteoo-eoei>.11:0 ; 2. s... 0 .. 90. ~ 1Wlllr1<1\l. >4:20; J. -~I (S.. l_.,kl, »:Jt; •. SotoJ.,..,,lc Cunaulsltd), 61.4'; s. Oty11• IWtllrlcll), 11.IJ; • Celltomle. Come (Allffl~). a: IJ; 1 Sell OlegD, W~-.&I (o.,M), .. ;111. 5'*> -Sell Dltgo 1 .. Celllonllt JO, s.--SM Dleeo (Gnu) 4, CeHl...,le (""8yw) S; Fouls -Sell 01t90 II, CMltomle IJ; Of. 1114" -Sell Dltgo I, Call tomle 2; GarNr lllclls -Sen 0"90 ), Cttltomla I. Att-.C.-1,321 NASL W&STl•N DIVISIOtt W LOP OA ap Ptt Sell Otego 11 10 SJ ., .. 1• Los A19tes 1S 11 41 .. 11 11S lwf 11 11 SJ " ... 110 S.11 ,,.. ' 11 ,. .. ,. • NO.TNWEST DIVISION y.,._. 11 10 st J7 St 1S1 Seattle 14 1J SJ 4' • 127 Celoart U IJ 41 44 G U4 ,.~ 1) 15 "° ... .,, 111 E~ 10 11 Sl "5 0 t0J aASTllllN DIVIS!Off 21 s 71 • " llO 14 13 SS .. • 130 11 ...... 40 I°' ,,,,, .. ,,., SOUTMl•N DIVISION AllMte It 10 SS 0 0 141 T~S.y 1J 1' W 61 47121 Fort i....owoa.. 1S 11 U ,. J> 11S JK~ll.. 1) 13 J7 40 '1 lJO CINTaAL OIVISIOfil Chlcego 1t 7 t)~ " 161 Ml....-1' 11 S2 u D 117 Tvlse 14 14 51 U 45 121 Dalles s n 1:1 se D S1 SI• llOl11ts are •werdecl for• ,.... .. Ulll or overt-Vlclor( Four 110111ts for a --victory. OM bOnu~ pollll for every toal SCClf'td wltfl • me1dmum OC lllr• per ,..._ No bonus POillt I• awarded for overtime Of lllootout eoats ; ~Y'tk­ S.11Otegos,..,.2 ~I J, VOtKouwr 1 r.,,... S.y 2, Los A11991et I Ml,,,__ 2, Edmonton 0 SHtoe 1, Tutse 0 PortlMCI 2, Sell J-1 Browne 24, Felcona 10 lart.., O.rtln Alllflta Ct ........ Cl.., -FG C«kroO 20 All -FG L.udtllurst l> 0 , 1 ~10 3 1 1 1-a• Clew -Wllltt 1""' (Cockrell kkkl C"" -FMtller 2t peu tr°"' Mcl>aMN (JIK ... kldt) Alt -F11199r•ld > rUft 11.MCIOWnl klcll) Cltv -l'ekller 11 -tr°"' Mc°"'8N IJOC-11.klil.l A -23,'21 ........... '--' llUSHINO -All•11I•, Ftlqtre .. 4-14, Fence 2-13, Moroul J..12, Cl•""'-· C.. ""'llw, 11 ... , 0. Hell S-S4, WN .... z:z. PASSING -Alle111a, aarlkow1lll 10.M-1'9, ~I 1-20-H). CleWIOlld, S.. 13-15-2-lAO, Mcl>oneld t-U·1·1J:J. 11£CEIVIHG -Alleftl8, llo\t111tfTY J..IS, SIAftl ).17, Fltqerekl J.29, Je<"-,. .. Cltvll .. F-11ef', 4-tt. ~ 4-41, O. Prutu •l4. ...._ >-n. CanHlenO&Mn <M .,..,. ... o.61,..1 I '--Wll ,,..,._. ,,...,.,,...., ...... ,..._ 1141 ........ T-IC~ ~n...._.. 4Nly IWtfl 1'1**-21' ,_ l'WU,w 11./Hf-41• JacllNlcl!I-~ .._,.,.~, .....,.n-4IO .""' U.Uke 71.7 .. 10o-411 0.¥1• ~...... 1 .. n .. J0-411 Jim n... ... n .11-iu TMIMy V.,.,,.I,. ,,.......,._,,, 0.11hw.t-1"71<11-211 lcett Hoell "*11-a11 J.C. SNed 7Nt-~14 Mike"""-1"1w.-.214 v-. HNt-70·1"1>-414 Lff Trl'llillO 14·70.Jl-JU aHI ICrllUllF1 7N1·11-2U L.a"Y Ne!Mfl 71*1t-aU 1..on NI'*'' ... , .. n-11s ... &eM--0 ... ,..1 ..... 21t TWll W81M11 1!·13-11-216 Ge«1t Al't her 10-1s-11-a1t Artie McHk kle 1J..11-7J-ait Joe H91W J0.1•7J-21' Jtuy Pttt ·19,74.12-t•• 0811"""" ,..,..,J-2,. Merrit Hetal ... y 7HW~ Mika M1r1.., 12·1...._211 o-.. .,,,_ 11-1w ..... 111 u ... .-...,,. ... n.n-n1 GA(y ........ , 1 .. 11~M Gary 111..,., 15·7>-70-111 '""' Oltvllll 71.JWl~Jll hmmyAMllrl 11·1•1~11 ... Offcltf 11-12-l~tll ewussu.,.. 10.1 .. n-211 11111 Callat 74·1J..71-21t ~WMllJM , .. ,..,2-llt '"" si,.,...,. 12·1•1>-11' J-y Miii• n-1•1~1t •• SllNr• n .11.1s-a1t LY" l..ott 1 .. n.11-uo Tim -•11 1S-1J..7>-tt0 ,,.., ... McCumllef 12-75-7~ Gii ~ 1 .. 11-1>--DO DAN Qulgl.., 1 .. 1 ).7J-2:JD Mk ll Soll 7 MS-1._220 C"8rl• CMdy 7S-1H4--220 J-""6IW , .. 72-74--220 Idelle l"Mra 7S-7H4-220 PNI HencOCIL ... 7M~Z20 J-C..... 7Hlo7~%10 Ktllll f'ef'IUS 1Ml-1._220 Lou OnfMm 7H•14-221 Solt~ n-1•1~221 Don Paotey ... 1 .. 1 ..... 221 Jim Helfen! 1• .. t.~1 LH Elcltf 71·11-14-m Bot> ~ 12·1 .. 14-m Roel lilucJltl 11 1 s-11-1 ~m Jim Oltnl 1HJ.n-.ttl Dalt Dllligf-12·1 .. 1J-.m WDNY 8'oclil.llum 1•·1•1~221 Eel Dougherty 12·1S-1._m 11111 S-r ... 1 .. 11-m Lon Nlellell 14-1._1._224 w • .,... Lt¥i 12·1).,_22• cur111 S11fon1 1'-1S-n-m Mike lletd ... ,..~ Jey "-1'·1•n..-216 Rey Floyd 7 .. 111-WO Scott Wtt.k"-1S-11·n.oG LPGA tourn•ment lal&M8wr1,.,._,) 00.-Clipoftl •• .. .. -J8'1 ~ 72 .... ,..... J~Camer ~1~1 ...-. ,.,_ 72·11·~11 IM*a hi,,_ n .11.11-n• leby Klftl 1S*1'0-41t Kaltly v..... 7f.41-n -2u Pet ardey ,......_214 C8toll"\ Hiii 12·1 ........ %U Allee Ill'-7._..14--alt Catlly Sher11 7S*72-21' Seftclr• H81111e 14-7°'12~· ,_ •1ttot11 n-1•1~ Hollls Slecy 75-11·~• PatlYSllwfwl n-JW6-41• Canl ~ ff.7).76-21• KyleO'arllrl 7J.*~117 Vl<kl Tallor 1t·1•11-4f1 Pet_.,..,.. 1U .. 7$-t11 Mufflfl SC-.Ctr·0.¥1"' 72·7>1>-111 '""'"' Rule U*n-111 Myr• v .. "-12-11·1~211 M.J. Sml.. 13-7J.7>-411 Selldr• Poll 7•·72-72--411 Carole Jo c.etn-. n-11-1~111 11-ie ~' 1'·1S-11-21t Gell Hlreta 12·1+.f>-21t -l-Floyd 72·7•7'-ZJO Clflcly Hiit 17·12·11-220 • O.llO!e ""'91111 74·7J.7J..-t20 01 ...... ..., 11>4"1)-120 SUsle -.-.Jllster n-r>-76-221 Jerll'rft llr1tz 74-71·76-221 llartMra Mlaehte 71-1).7~221 Ketlty McMwilefl J>.1•1~1 ,,..,,., Okll:tf'Mll 74-7*'7~1 ,_., Jolia 7S.7•1>-12t Je,_I Gal• 7•12·71-ZJI Petty Hat"H 74-7H._m Kellly Whl'-tl! 7HJ.7~m lntarn•tlon1I tournament lalN .... C-y,MHI 0-ltfftlMI S4llllle9 Jose·Ws C .. rc def. Eddie Oltlbl, 14, .. 1; tu n Ltlldl dtf. Herold Solomon. W , W ; 011llltm10 VIias dtf. Pew• $1o1ll, ....... . .. 2; Ellol Teltschtr clef. Jost H .... as, ... . .. 1. Pro tournement Cet ..... Or..,.,NJI ...,,,.. ......... Old1 SlocltlOft clet. Nick Selri-... ,, W.: Slllomo GlkbtMft def. ~I Or-, W , .. 1. --·· 5-Hlltal ~ VI ........ aud(I def. ,,__ R-1, M , M , .. I; K...., KorvMll dwf. a.. ""'1M, M ,W. Enabtl tournement , .. ,.___, ....... , ............. llutlW MoclrWll dt{. l'r-lll<MlllMI, H , 1 ... Women'• tournament letS-06etit> ~ ....... Trecy Alollllfl clef. ltatfly Jtrd8n, .,,, .. t; p.,,., SN!..., def. K•le L.tlflam, .. 1, '"2. ~ ' • I ' • • Indy car• tetMllw ...... > The 11-for .... ,., TINly htt- Clesslc 1,,.,., tar race, wlltl f'fP9 of <• - qyellfylftg--' 111 mtift· 1 •·JOllll"Y llull\erford, Cllaperrel· c .. ..-. 115.9'0 2. •·Bollllr u11ur, P•11•0 Cosworll'I, UU7'. J, •·Tom Sneve, Merch·C•-rtl'I, IM,272 •· Rick Ille ... ,, ,...,...,.eo.wor111, 1:M.51t. S. Al IJNer, l..onQhOrn<oawortll, l:M, 1 ... t . Oordoll Joflncocll, WlldUl.COlwortl'I. ,,,, .. ,, 1, SltYe Krhltotl, Wlld<el·COSWOf'lh, 1)1.110. I . ¥111.a Mo$1..,, Eagt•<hevrolet, 131 7'1 t. 11111 Alaup, Pensh·CIKworlh, 1>0 ltS. 10 Kt¥111 C•oa11, Phoe11l1·Cosw0ttl\, 1>0."4. 11. PancllO Cerler, Ptllllle·COtWOf'lh, U0.1"- U . &ob LetlOI, "-nsllt·Cosworlh, IJt "' IJ, Joule Garia, Pt111ke Cosworll'I, IJt.106. U . Gery llelleft"8u .. 11, WllCl<et<.otwortll. 121.622 IS Larrr OtCkson, Pe11tk•·Cot•Clf'lh, 121.m u . To11y Belhllh•UUll, McLarefl c .. -. .,, .. , 11. Tom lllgelo•. Pe11111e Clltvrolet, 111.oa 11. Dick Simon, Wetso11·0lle11"8uMr, 12'.AOI. It. JOIWI 111\tl'ller, Penske Olle11...., .. ,., Ill.~ JD 8111 Tempero, M<U •t11·C,..vrolel, Ill ..... 21 . Steve ChHHJ, £egl•·Cllevroltl, t1U01 n. Jwry !Carl, Karl.0.vrOCet, US JD. JJ. AO(ler ttaoer, Wlld<Al·Cllevrolel, 12U11, 14. Siiiy Enott"8rl, M<Le..,..CO.wortll, U).JIJ. JS, Herm JOMIOn, Ll(lht11"9-c11evro1e1, 1r.uas. 2'. ROIS D••lt, Wlldc•l·Olfe11"81>ser, 11•.:tt7. 11-8,..,.... treo .,.i11ytr19 ..cord of •:M.m mph, WC Aug. 1', ft11 bJ 0..,.,y 011981t. <. > • Hlah school U.LA. Ol!Vf'L.of'Ma .. T LIACWI! ._ .. ,"Or-.. c_, • LHCllng S<O<er• Wayne c .. 1anc1w U, Jell Owl-14 (Or-C-J). K-V Otdelo 24 ISoutrl a.yJ WOMIM l'•-De ..... -u.e .... ,.._.1 •. °" .... c~" L eedlfl(I sew en J eek le v.,, Cit r Poet It !Inland); S11e-s1 .. eeon "·Robin Hol1NS IS I Orange C-.ty) Ne•I e•me: Or•11oe Ceu11ly YI s... Fenwtdo '°' Ullrd ptoce, > p,m. 1oc1..,, CM Stele Laa Anoittes. Wllll•m JonH Cup (MT ... l,Tal-) Pl'llllPC>lnes It, Talwa11 lllwe Te-u C Plllll&llll"" 11111111 llnO Swedtfl , .. , u .s . 100 cswec1e11 ll11h1wt tt<oftd) Hew Zee.-1S, South Korte., Misc. Pro bowllnl SAllAIOTA 0" N ..,.... ...... ~ 1. O....•-Y , .... 2. IMnftell Hatman 1,»t ). IC_., Hell 1.,IS7 4, 0.V.Fr-l,JIO S. Tam L.atll-1,»1 W-.kend.lr•nHctlona aAHSA&.L HEW YOllK Mns -A<lfvel..S Tim LHry, pll<Jler, •M H1iOMC1 lllm 110 N Tlde••ter Tides of Ill• t11ter11e11ontl u .... He's got what it takes to make it big Costa Mesa's Mich'1el .Briggs has all the tools to stay a tennis star By Ed Zlntf>l Of •• Delly "'"' Sten You might say that at age 12, Michael Briggs or Costa Mesa has it all. He's got a great attitude. He's got a great talent. And he's got a great backing from his family. .. Mike is such a good ten.nls player t.b.al all be has to do is decide to dedicate bil future to te~s and he'U stay on top," says Kirk Orahood, a teaching pro at Mesa Ve!"de Country Club and Brtgp' toac time coach. Briggs is cWTently' on tour in the louth with his father. He competed iJl the recent- ly completed National Hardcourt Cham- pionships betd al Texas Christian University. The unfortunate thing about tbat for Briggs was that be wu required to com· pete ln the 14-and-under age category. He won't turn 13 until Sept. 6. "Moel kids can't handle that, being on top one year, then droppln1 down t.b.e next when they move into another aie IJ'O'Q>,' • said Orahood. "Bui Mike's done very well." Last year, Brlgcs won the 12·and-under national UUe. Now, 'he's working bia way up the ladder in tbe 141. After a few more national tourna· men~111 wt.II Joun»•1 to Allltr&Ua for •01 makbte qalDlt Auatralian ace IJ'OUP "81en. HI'• OD• of CIDlY tour 1D ha. 11e dMsi°" to mak• t.b.e trip from tbe ··- United States. Coaches for the U.S. team will be Tony Roche and John Newcombe. "His strengths are his ground strokes and his consistency," says Orahood. .. He needs to improve his serve but that de- velops lat.er anyway. The next couple or years are very critical to his tennis future.'' * * * Team Tennis just completed ill three· week and re-introduction session and TENNIS California Oranges owner Dick Bennett was pleased with the inaugural chapter. "it was more than ·( thoulht it would be," Bennett said. "A lot of people an· ticlpated it to be unoreanb.ed Ute U uaed to be but J.lJ iJl all, I've beard favorable N · actions." The Oran1es wlU move to thelr old bome, the Anaheim ConvenUon Ce.Iller next ye.ar, leavlng behind lbe '1lrf at Loi Caballeroa Racquet and Sportl Club. "Believe lt or not, it's cbe•Pll" tor .. to play at the Conveation c.oa.r than It la at Los CabaU9rOI," Hid leo.n.et. • • 1 enjoyed tbe CNtdoon atmotpbert bul we had too men1 p,roblem• with lbe artJ.lidaJ turf aurf ace. ' Four more teama wut be added to tbe four-team make·UP next year wtt.b the Oranges, who finished last, receivin& the first draft pick. "We will definitely have a big star on the team next year." Bennett said. "Seven of the top 10 women In the world currently have shown interest in the league. I'm op· timistic we can get a Tracy Austin or Chris Evert Lloyd next year." . .. . The 2J>lh ann'W ttunungton Beach Open will be held Aug. 29.30 and Sept. 5-7 at the Pacific Sanda Tennis Club. Competition will be sta1ed in men's and women's sin1le1, doubles and mixed doubles in Open, B, C and D dlvialoos. Cash prizes of $100 for fint, $50 (Q!, second and $25 for third will be awarded iD the open divisions. Entry deadline is Aug. 9. For more In· formation, call 960-1812. • * • The Southern California sectional tournament o( the seventh Family Tennla Challente will be held at the Warner Center Racquet Club in Woodland Hilla, Aua. t-2. Ameo1 tbe compeUt.ors wlll be the buaband·wlfe team of Richard and Barwa Robbins of Colla Mesa. Tbt palr b.u proven to be a11res1lve playen lD pre· vtou1 famJly JOurnamneta ud an the favorites to win tbe buaba.nd·wif• MCUonal UUe. ~ wlmlen wUI com~ lD the national cbamp6onabh> plaJOlf• at the U.S. Open iJl Fhaah.laa M 1aclow1, N. Y., SeJ)l ... lJ. .. . ... ""'. .... . ... .. . -..... -.. , ~ ... - --··-----.... -.....-.... ~-......................... ... C<,inadian Open leader Leonard Thompson waves to crowd Thompson hangs on Bogey ambushes Hayes lead OAKVILLE, Ontario !AP) - Mark Hayes lost the lead when he was ambushed by a double bogey on the final hole and Leonard Thompson emerged with a one-stroke advantage Saturday in the third round of the Canadian Open Golf Cham· pionship. Thompson, who had taken a four-s hot lead with a spec- tacular. nine-under-pa r 62 in Friday's second round, went 11 shots higher to a 73. But, when Hayes' watery woes were com - pleted. Thompson still had the top spot in this national cham- pionship going into Sunday's final round. "NO EXCUSES." Thompson said. "Just your basic lousy round of golf. I just hit a lot of bad shots.'' 1 Ha yes . a s oft -spoken Oklahoman who hasn't won in four long years. hit only one bad shot, but that one cost him dearly. With Thompson backing orr Little League sectional play starts Sectional playoff action in Ma- jor Liltle League All-s tars (11 ·12-year-olds) division gets underway Monday with Irvine North set to battle Northeast Santa Ana in Little League Sec· lion 5 at Mission Viejo Youth AthletiC' Park al 5:30 p.m. In the Section 4 tournament, Seaview or Huntington Beach will take on West Downey Tues· day at 5:45 al Robinwood Field in Huntington Beach, located near Marina High. The sectionais are four-team, double elimination formats with the championship games set for Friday in Section 5 and Saturday in Section 4. Winners will advance to the divisional tournament, Aug. 10·13 at Mission Viejo. To get to the sectionals. Irvine North defeated Mission Viejo South, 8-4 for the District 55 championship while Seaview de- feated Robinwood, 6-5 in seven Innings for the District 62 tiUe. Tbe Seaview All-stars include these players: Mike Angelovtc, Norm Bergdahl, Danny Campbell. Matt Campbell, Bernie Colac- chio. Robby Colclough, Sean Kelly, Kurt Lundberg, Jon MarUn, Steve McKowen, Joe Mollica, Kevin O'Connor, Rob· ble Snyders and Brian Varner. The manager tor Seavlew is Joe Molllca. ' North Irvine is comprised of these pJIU'ers : Mike B'1samo, Ores Cipolla, Jeff Cova, Keith Hamilton, 5(ott Joslyn, ~rge Koutures, Gary Renteria, Andy Roschmann, Brad Snoddy, Miile Sorensen, Mike Stewart, David TownHDd and San Welch. The manager for North Irvine is Ra~ RoschmaM. . . , ... ,. ..... ~._..-...... from the lead, the steady Hayes had crept in front moments after the national television cameras had completed their coverage ror the day. But, from a marginal lie. Hayes went for the green with a tbree-wood second shot on the par-5 18th. And be put it in the water. "With the Lie I had. it was a test or nerves and mine didn't stand up," Hayes said. ··1 made a mistake J just hit a bad shot. hit It lhin:· It led to a double bogey-seven that fini shed orr a 69 that left him at 208, five strokes under par Thompson completed three trips over lhe 7,060-yard Glen Abbey Golf Club course in 207, six under and still leading. BUT, INSTEAD or the four. shot advantage he had at the start of the warm. sunny sum· mer da y, the margin had dwindled to a single shot and he'd opened the door to a host of challengers, including Tom Kite and Jack Nicklaus. Kite, who has compiled an en· viable record this season that in- cludes finishes of seventh or bet· ter in nine or bis last 10 starts. had a three-under·par 68 that put him at 209, only two shots back. Nicklaus , who designed the Glen Abbey layout in suburban Toronto as a permanent site for tbe Canadian Open, rallied with three consecutive birdies in a row on the back and posted a third consecutive round of 70. "Not much different from what 1·ve been doing," said NickJaus, who has been second four times in this event but has yet to win. Caponi holds LPGA lead DANVERS, Mass. (AP> Donna Ca poni , chasing mtillonaire status in her 16th year on the Ladies PGA Golf Tour, broke away from the pack with • third consecutive sub-par round Saturday and took a com· manding lead in the Bolton Five Classic. Capon.I. tied wall C&rol Mann at 91 after tbe flnl NQDd and then with Kathy Yount at 131 al the halfway mark of the '72·bole test, fired a four-under·par ea for a 54·hole total of 205 al F e rncroft Country Club'• 6,008-yard courn. The 36-year-old two-time U.S. Open cbampton lleld a thrw- stroke lead over playi.llf ,.,U... Jan Stepbeftlon, wbo equaled the women's COW"lt retord ot • Friday, but shot a 10 for a after three rwndl. Youna, winle11 tn three yeva OD the tour and pWped wWI CaPOnl and StepheDIOD, fadld • with a ftve-over·par 11 for 114. loAnne Carner, J•t ._ 1by ot jolnlna KaUay Wllltwonll H a St mlllloe wlMer • tM LPOA rub, mo.ed bllo Udrd place, with a Ralina • for 211. ahr strokes back. 1 I . .. " .... ,,. ....... .,..,. ·-........... -...... "' ....... Coffee time Heading back to school By MARY JANE SCARCELLO o1 ................ ". s chool's out and the beaches are fuU, but some local parents are getting or· ganazed ror tau and those appealing school bells. Nancy Jones opened her Corona del Mar home for a mid-morning corree honoring Sherry Loofbourrow, who recently announced her can· dldacy for the Newport-Mesa school board seat ln Trustee Area Four. HAPPENINGS Guests sipped coffee and enjoyed pastries while hearing Mrs. Loofbourrow talk about her views concerning the future of the school dis· tr; ct. A mother of four teen-agers, she baa been active in PTA, the local Zone Community Ad· visory Council and recently resigned from the Newport-Mesa Schools Foundation (a local fund-raising group working to supplement school program cutbacks> in order to be a can· didate. Karen Hochadel will be Mrs. Loofbourrow's campajgn chairman, and the committee will in· elude Mrs. Jones, Holly Wilkinson and Libby Keating. Among the guests at the coffee were Dotti Stillwell, Lois Tingler. Elizabeth Stahr, Fran Sloper, Mary Anna Jeppe, Claire Wesner. Ann Duncan. Peggy Darnell. Rhea Dorn and Mary Shackleton. Libra: Your input needed Monday, August 3 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES (March 21 -April 19): Be aware of routine, basic necessities, medical-dental require- ments . Accent persistence, patience and de· termination to finish what you start. HOROSCOPE TAURUS (April 20-May 20 ): Emphasis on greater freedom of thought, action. You'll imprint s tyle. make a mark and morale will soar as m ember of opposite sex talks of love. GEMINI (May 21-June 20): You accomplish more by working in familiar surroundings. Means don't stray too Tar from home base. Family re· union may be on agenda -domestic harmony can be restored. Feeling of confinement is temporary. CANCER (June 21-July 22): Leave fine points, details for another time. Right now, grasp pictures as a whole. Short trips involve relatives, inven- tions. ideas and contacts with those who could pro· vide legal aid. Pisces, Scorpio and another Cancer figure prominently. LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Thls can be your power-play day. Accent on emotional commit· ments, profitable investments, added responsibili· ty and chance for greater rewards. Gain indicated through writteno word. VIRGO <Aug. 23-Sept. 22>: Let go of past; events occur which enable you to make fresh start. Accent on independence. originality, correct de· cisions at crucial moments. Initiate correspon- dence with one whose work you admire. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22>: Special organiza- tion, group or committee seeks your input; be direct, express views in independent, confident manner. You now can have plenty to say about policies and procedures. SCORPIO (Oct. 23 -Nov. 21 ): Focus on pers uasion, friends, hopes, aspirations and in- tuitive flash which provides valid answers. Cancer. Capricorn, Aquarius persons play impor- tant roles. One who aided you in past will return, but expects you to be capable of helping yourself! SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21 >: Your in· quiries receive prompt attention and you'll have clear outline of potenUal. Focus on versatility. career, prestige, honor bestowed by professional group. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19): Some delays actually work in your favor. Know it, look beyond the immediate Focus on journeys, "higher mind" and ability to revise, review and cotne up with a complete. useful product. Keep eye on Aquarius! AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18): Study available material related to corporations, taxes and possi· ble association with one who specializes in "fund· ing." Gemini. Libra and another Aquarian play key roles. One who relies upon you may be expect- ing too much of a "good thing." PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20): Highlight diplomacy. wiJlingness to hear various versions and receptiveness to one who is sincere and wants to prove loyalty . Accent on legalities, partnerships, publicity and re-establishment of domestic policy. SENIOR • CITIZENS Our Research Team is studyin1 the uses ol medications for both MEMORY LOSS and DEPRESSION and ls looking for volunteers who are experiencing these symptoms. If you are feelln1 forgeUul, confused, dJaorlented -OR -ii you are feelln1 sad or blue for any reason, you may, quallly for participation in one of our research programs. Volunteers wiJJ receive, free ol cbar1e, a brief physical examinaUoo, EKG, lab terta and visits wllb a professional. pWoM cOll: (714) 752-8401 Monday t.hru Friday bet. 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. - Orange Coaat DAILY PILOTJSunday, Auguat 2, 1981 •• J ........... At dinner /or Center /or Creative AUmsatlw1 (/rom left) Mic~l Scher, director' Wayne Cra/ord. ho1t; and Ray Stewart, /und-raiaer chairman. Nancy Jones r Left J pours co/lee for Sherry Loo/· bourrow. school board candidate. T h e staff. board members and friends of the Center for Creative Alternatives gathered for a sum· mertime buffet dinner. Lilian and Wayne Crawford (he's president of the center's board of directors) hosted the gathering in the flower-filled backyard of their Costa Mesa home. The center, which is a Uruted Way agency, offers individual, group and family counseHng as well as youth services. drug and alcohol abuse prevention, community education, senior citizen outreach and teacher traming. Plans for a fall fund-raiser to benefit the center are in the works. according to Ray Stewart, the board's ways and means chairman. An October art auction haa been scheduled, he said, with exact date and location to be an· nounced. Guests enjoyed cold meats and cheeses, fresh raw vegetables with dip, baked beans and pastries for dessert at the early evening party. Among supporters at the party was Costa Mesa Councilwoman Norma Hertzog (the city also supports the Center's work ) and Michael Scher. the center's executive directors. Others at the gathering were Stephanie and Chris Watton, George Fickeissen, Patricia and Bill Wood, Joe Duquesne! and his fiancee, Dwight Thomas, Barbara Wilson, Patricia Foster, Chris Olson. Connie Sell, Cheryl Mosely, Ina Gregory and John Prange. .. H and-delivered scrolls invited mem- bers and prospective members of the Spyglass Hill Garden Club to a Northern Italian lake party. Joan and William Brady's home was the s etting for the party. where guests enjoyed viewing the exotic gardens and pool as well as entertainment by a strolling musician. Cocktails were followed by an authentic Italian dinner catered by Nina and featuring s uch dishes as Bagna Cauda. Pesto alla Genovese, Ragu Bolognese, frogs legs and com· pleted with a dessert of Zabaglione. Chairmen for the party were Mmes. J .J. Knickerbocker, James Hodge and Richard Tester. ave a "During August, choose any sofa or chair style that's on sale. Then select any of our fabrics. We'll custom upholster it for you at a comfortable savings!' - Liii ilt' t td.C'lf. 1~.11·1 ttlil I' 1'11 (' Pri•\ft/1•111 Cannell & Chaffin's August Custom Up olstery Sate. Now you can buy upholstered furniture that 's exclusively ours and make it exclusively yours at a comfortable savings. During August you may choose from the Cannell & Chaffin Collection of chairs and sofas on sale , and have them custom upholstered in any one of our fabrics. You'll save 20% off the total price. And that's something you can be comfortable with. Cannell & Chaffin Preferred Customer Account, American Express. VISA or Master Charge Accepted. Mon .-Fri. 9-5:30. Sat. 10-5. Los Angeles, 3000 Wilshire Blvd. Newpon Beach, Design Plaza, 230 Newport Cen\er Dr. •La Jolla. 7741 Fay Avenue '-. elUfll'I' ........,.RI.It"" I I . • SM moves in, then comes hi8 who/,e family DEA~ ANN LAHOERS: 1 met W1 man la1t aummer when I c1m1 to St. Louil to work. Qeorte had been separated from hi• wife for over a year. We retl ln love, and he want.a to marry me H eoon as he l• free .. When Ceor1e asked me to move ln with him, l agreed. Things are 110 expensive now and we were together every night anyway. It made aenn. A few weeks ago Geor1e told me bl• wlfe wants to move to this city because hl• two ldda miss him, and she can't raise them alone. Well, they arrived and had no place to stay, so Geor1e Invited them to move In with ua. I know be doesn't care for t\.is wife anymore 111 lllllll and •he doesn't seem particularly lntereated In blm, but he hun't done one lhlnl about 1etUn1 a divorce. What's more, he ls uain1 part of my paycheck to buy them 1roceriea and clothine. I re· allze be has an oblltatlon to h1a ramUy, but I feel an1ry and foolish. Any advice? -STUMPED JN KENTUCKY. Dear ADsry •ad Foollllla: Move oal of &bat aparlmeol al oace, even II It meaaa renUa1 a broom cloee& over a bowlla1 alle1. And 1lve Geoffe the deep 1.b. On a acale of OH lo tt, lae la aero. ~ < 4) We tried It once, and It didn't work out. ( 5) 1l costs loo much. . (6) That's not our responsibility. (7 ) ll won't work. DEAR ANN LANDERS: I saw tbls over a counter In a small bustness laat week and copied it down because l thou1ht It be~onged in your col· It! umn. DELAWARE READER Dear Del : Glad you weal lo Lbe &rouble. I Ulle is : Sorry I can't tell you who wrote, it, but here It SEVEN STEPS TO STAGNATION (1) We've never done it that way. (2) We're not ready for that, yet. (3) We're doing all right without it. Are your parents too atnct? Hord to reach? Ann Lander•' booklet, "Bugged 811 Parenti? How to Ott More Freedom," could help JIOU bridge the ~ration gap. Send 50 cent• with JIOVT reque1t and o long, atamped, aelf-addrtHed tnvrlope to Ann Landtrt, P.O. Boz 11995, CtUcago, JU. 60611. Not all winners are heroes ... RUFFELL'S UftHOLSTHY ROR LD Ironically, the two events happened within a day of one another. On the first Saturday of last month, a 22-year- old U.S. tennis player hoisted a silver bowl over bis head at Centre Court at Wimbledon. On the day before, five blind mountain climb· ers, one man with an artificial leg, an epileptic and two deaf adventurers stood atop the snow· capped summit of Mount Rainier. H was a noisy victory for the tennis player who shared il with 14,000 fans, some of whom had slept on the sidewalks outside the club for six nights waiting for standing-room-only tickets. ll was a quiet victory for the climbers who led their own cheering, punctuated by a shout from one of them that echoed on the winds, "There's one for the epileptics ." Two wouldn't have heard the cheering had there been aJfy. The controversy that surrounded the tennis player's frequent outbursts of temper was justified by pressure. "It's not easy when It's a one-on-one situation. You have to prove yourself." There was a man who climbed the mountain who took 20 minutes to tie his own shoe. There was a lot of rhetoric exchanged at Wimbledon regarding "bad calls." Al Mount Rainier they learned to Uve with life's "bad call s" a long time ago. The first man to reach lhe mountaintop tore up t\.is artificial leg lo get there Somehow, in all of this I see a parallel that alt Americans are going to have to come to grips with. In our search for heroes and heroines, we "~ orten lose our perspective. We applaud beauty pageant winners; we ig- nore lhe woman without limbs who paints pictures with a brush in her teeth. We extol the courage of a man who will sail over 10 cars on a motorcycle. We give no thought (or. parking place) to the man Fash ions for school From down-filled vests to prairie skirts, the latest in back-to·school fashions will be modeled Aug. 22 through Sept. 4 by local boys and girls dur· ing "West Coast Kids" fashion shows at Broadway Stores Co. Children -~iris' s izes 3·6x and 7·14 and boy's sizes 4.7 are invited to audition as models for the rash1on shows in the children's department of the closest participating store beginning Aug. 10. Auditions will continue through Aug. 24 . Models will be selected on lbe basis of poise, personality and performance. Each model will re- ceive a Broadway gift certificate in the amount of ._? $5 as well as a small prize to commemorate his or he r runway appearance. Auditions at The Broadway's Huntington Beach store will be held from 3 to 6 p.m. Aug. 16. Auditions will be held at the store in Orange from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m . Aug. 18 and at the Anaheim store from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Aug. 17. Breas~ prosthesis . Nearly Me is a totall different breast pros· thesis. Created in 1976 by Ruth Handler, it Is the only ready-to-wear breast prosthesis available in 80 sizes, in two s tyles, with right or left contoured fit. It will fit with most types of surgery. whether radical. modified or simple. Ms . Handler will personally assist and con· suit with customers at Robinson's Fashlon Island August 7 and 8 from 10·5 in Fashion Foundations located on tbe second level. Recognized as one of tbe 75 most important women in lhe country, Ms. Handler herself was a mastectomy patient, and was fitted with three custom-made breast prostheses. Not one fitted right, felt right, or looked good enough for her. So she began manufacturing and marketing Nearly Me. She wanted the ideal device -one that wouldn't show over the brassiere, one tbat would match the natural breast perfecUy, and most Im· portantly, one that would fil a woman's chest wall, no matter how radical her s urpry. Ms. Handler has a tireless and intense personal involvement in Nearly Me. With lhe ex- ception of two women, she has hired only those who have themselves undergone a mastectomy. Her sates personnel are specifically trained lo fit customers properly, regardless of the Ume and ef· fort it takes. • 11••• •port• ............ , Let ll~ I remuue · our · Ykitchen! ~ Cellut notf, tor•~ with your kitchen remodeling plant. Let us show you how to '>eautlfy and modemii•. II II.II" Pfilingly low co.I '° yoW IARKER .:Ca:s 2960 Aandolf Ave. Costa Mesa 754-0370 v, ti11c W of enatol at Bakec who threada hia way through life In a world or darkness and $Uence. The care and feedine ol heroes is solely in the hands uf the public. Not all winners are heroes. Not all handicapped people are heroes. "Hero" is a term that shouJd be awarded lo those who, given a set of circumstances, react with couraae, dignl· ty. decency and compassion. People who make us feel better for having seen or touched them. S.••fr-• ......... 1tJ2 ..... 0 1 nvu. .COSTA MISA -=-14~..:.1 lij Largest Credit Mirror Company You MNcl Yoo <8><t DI.YOO A<c.., ...... a Chir0jl'OC11C x.,.,, ilN«•OOt~ 770.5251 AU. CMQIT OK'D Mu.RD&.aU CW PAaT CMDIT NO llOI_., DOWN 1 think the crowds went to the wrong summit and cheered the wrong champion. °"" E\IU I WIUlNOS n111 l.MI IOllUT Olll\lf L IDO DRUGS FREE DOOR MIRROR WITH EVERY CUSTOM MIRROR INSTALLATION MIRROR - DESIGNS # FORANYROOM • Fifec>leC* • C.tMdral Celllng1 . • Bar Minors •Bathroom •Celling• •Stalre&N Fat1rl19 l flll 111111 ,, Ctltn I Style •li.=Uque •Ar •B ks •Bronze •Gotd Vein • Mirror & Wood • Beveled Strips SHOP AT HOME SERVICE -NO OBLIGATION (714) 548-3312. (714) &41-3389 --3445 via Udo • newport beach •phone 675-0150 3011 W. WARIER AVE., SOTA AIA ale OPEN: M.-F. 8 -5:30, SAT. 9-2 * -Co-Spo11sored by - Daily Pilai AMO ORANGE COAST COLLEGE .. FIRST FOUR SUNDAYS IN AUGUST .AUGUST 2 PROGRAM Introduction Acl Ill, "Lohengrin" ........................ R. Wagner Overture, "Orpheus In Underworld" ...................... J . Offenbiack "Matinees Musicales" ..................................... 8 . Britten . "Entertainer'' .................................... · · · · · · · · · · · S. J oplin "Emperor Waltz" ........................................ J . Strauss, Jr. "Rus~lan Sailors Dance" ...................... 1 ••••••••••••• R. Gliere "My Falr Lady," Scenes ..................................... F. Loewe "Thunder and Ughtnlng" Polka ........................ J . Strauss, Jr. "Sta rs and Stripes" ..................................... ·. J.P . Sousa SUNDAY EVENING AT 7:30 Bring your own blanket or fotdlng chair! I ..••... ,., • ...,.,,...,T"~' ..... ..,, -"'"-, .... , .,.. •. ?-Y --~-..-··1• ... - r Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 I Fabric_s high quality Fall fashions are truly expressive of Nipon philosophy BY SANDIE JOY ................. Soft, ample, easily adaptable daytime fashions and romantic, glamorous evening dresses created by Pearl Nipon, design direc· tor for Albert Nipon, were shown recently at Bullocks Wilshire's Fashion Island store in Newport Beach. The fall fashions. brought to the store by Carole Dixon of Albert Nipon, are truly ex· pressions or Nipon philosophy with emphasis on the importance or f ernininity along with use or quality fabrics and fastidious detailing. The day fabr ics are lightweight wools. silk crepe de chine, unique printed jacquards in late Victorian patterns and ~olors. beautiful paisleys a nd subtle stripes. ' ,• For fall's stepped-up sociaJ calendar, the Albert Nipon Collectibles include many festive short dresses in formal fabr ics such as velvet, silk jacquard, metallics, lace and taffeta. These feature slim tunics or fitted tops. many with full, lush skirts, sometimes with pantalet effects underneath. Some skirts are built out over organaza and lace pet· ticoats. The evening dresses are all romance and gla mour but with more emphasis on delecta· ble materials than on froufrou. The evening collection, Albert Nipon by Night. includes filigree French lace over pastei taffeta. bi llows of black velvet. deep colored taffeta and gold-shot chiffon. and chirfon with satin ribbon bands. Romantic black lace one-shoulder bow sparks this creation and sets off the face while the soaJloped. dance-length hem enhances the feeling of continuous movement Pack cOri-ectly for exotic f~reign lands . ; Others dream or caaUes in Spain. You might settJe down In one for tbe sum· , mer. Or it COUid be a cottage in tbe Collwolds, a beach house in Acapulco or Hawaii, a pled·a·lerT'e in Parts. Wherever your travels may take you, 1eUlng away from It all doesn't mean Jeavlq luxury or fashion behind. The trick ii savvy packing -with plenty of style. . Start out right with chic, soft, lightweight.. luggage. The less it weighs, the more~ou get to taJte. Then pack up versaWe clothes that give you lots or beautiful fashion mileage: floating tunics to blOUH or belt ov~ skirts and pan ta; atrappy aan· dais that can walk all day, dance all nltbl; soft, 1Uken acarves to cll'cl• your walal, aweep back your balr, ebaqe tbe look of an outtlt in an imtant. Save a corner of your auitcue foe local fashion ftndl that add extra dash -a soft shawl to toss around your ahouJden or WTap over a skirt, bri1ht and breny embroidered dress, unuaual handcrafted jewelry. Make room for some lavtab trasranee too, a very vital induJleMe at home or a"ay. Pact carey·aJon1 liMI ot tbe da11lln1 scent that aulu your own orl1ina1 atyle. l mported crepe de chine 1s worked in a I wo· piece dress. Rich purple pin· striped split skirt is pCllred with matching ruffle-neck. relaxed puff-sleeve . banded top Palling leaves pla11 acrou a multi-colored plaid .WC • Jacquard bloaue and matching leaf-printed cal/·lenglh wool Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/8unday, Augu1t 2, 1981 ~~ill[ ~~UillTI~ Housing optimism seen ~mographics, social change expected to rescue market !'LJ~~!NIFF NEW YORK -With bOmeownera often Wl· alle to sell their properties for mootha and wlth b~ebuildinl ii\ the doldruma, why are real alat.e pttple so confident there exists a buae boualns dt· ntend? ~ ·~ If building and sales are slu1ailb -that ii. ii UW market is so poor -why should an Improve· nant be expected? One reason: Demo1rapblc1. An \UIS)recedented bulge In the number ot youn1 peo· p&ll of bomebuying age, 25 to 34, iS': expected in the 19801. As ny as 42 million people are e ected to enter that bracket. • Social change Is another. Oje-person households, and a t"'dency of would-be renters to ' bO instead, partly as a hedee apinst inflation, bolstered tbe ~rket in the 19705 and may to db:so in '80s. _ Adding to the feeling that cuNNIP" ttsare exists a tremendous unrealized demand is tll underbuildin& of recent years, which broken ~ieve bas left a pent-up need that eventuaJ1y raiast be realhed. But when anyone who has had a house on the rftirket three or four months bu learned that in some areas a market barely exists. And ii there iu 't a market, bow can it be said that demand ls stfone? U.S. Housing Marketa, a pubUcaUoo of Ad· vance Mortgage Corp .• whose fortunes depend on housing, concedes those asaurabces have not been e~mined thoroughly, and so it attempts lo do it. Its technique was mostly democrapblc -the A&C Properties makes appeal -. to coinpames With the advent of many millions of dollars worth of· new defense contracts awarded to numerous Southern California firms, A & C Properties is making a strong bid to sell its con· dominium residences to new employees arriving from out of state. Kathryn Thompson, president of A & C Properties, has directed open letters to Beckman Corp.. Fluor. J PL, Rockwell International, North American Northrop, and numerous other Southland corporation&, offering lo provide "af· fordable, comfortable homes" lo their employees. A & C Properties has gained a reputation as one of Southern California's most successful de· velopers of condominium conversion communities, totally refurbished residences offered at prices well below the median market price of new homes. In addition to the affordability factor, the re- sidences offer locations in prime areas. mature landscaping and recreational features that range from swimming pools to tennis courts. The homes are re-painted, carpeted and ap- pointed with new draperies, decorator fixtures and full complements of built-in kitchen appliances. Prices range from $61,00(), with finance terms that include as little as 10 percent down paymenta and mortgage interest rates of 13~ percent for re- sident owners. MacArthDI' VIJ1age, next door to South Coast Plaza, in Santa Ana, boasts an "in-town," cos· mopolitan location. One-and two.bedroom, one-and two-bath homes, established within a private com· munity of outstanding recreational features, are offered from $62,950. CabrUJo Park, at 1400 CabriUo Park Drive, in the Parkcenter neighborhood of Santa Ana, offers "Junior Executive" and one-and two-alory homes from $61,000. The atmosphere is accented by reflection pools and streams, land.acapin1. swim· ming pool, hot swirl spa, sun decks and barbecue ar~as. The lledwooch is a recreation and leisure· oriented community which is, as Cabrillo Parle, lo~ted in the exclusive Parkcenter area of Santa Ana. The Redwoods offers five Ooor plam, with prices starting al $71,400, and features two solar· hGted swtmmina pool!, a sand volleyball court, a fuDy equipped recreation building, and bot swirl spla. ~ AJ1 of the homes al The Redwood.a have cen- tral air conditioning and heatine. private patios or ba!coniea, and are presented in one-and two- bedroom pJans with up to 1,080-square feet of Uv· Ing space. Park Orleans, in Ofange, la a Gold Nugget· award winning A & C community which presents an "Old New Orleans" theme, and ls dealped around a flower-filled, F•ncb-atyled plaia. There al'4 private entries, lower leveJ paUoe and upper balconies, with accents of wrought iron, wood abut· tel'il, classic paneled doors, and ruaUc abineJe roofs. A pool and spa a re incJuded in the develop- ment, which offers homes from $71,500. Farther south is La Jolla Terrace, which 11 hJShligbted by a prime locaUon only 2~ miles from the beaches and covel ol the renowned La Jolla area. "Junior Executive" and one· and two-bedroom hOlllea ranging from 505-t.o-l,OU-square feet, In· c1Yidinc lar1e liviol rooms and dininc areas, are offered from $68,500. RecreaUonaJ facillUea provide the key lo the La Jolla Terrace lifestyle. The community features two aw1mmtn1 pools. bot swirl spu, wide sun decks, and a fully equipped recreation center. • Elaborate aurroundinp, a preaU1lou1 ad· drtaa. and outatandln1 security features are at· tracUni buyers lo OUH Tree, 'lD Puadena, where one· and two-bedroom retldences are offered from $89,000. Three floor. plan.a, ran,in1 from 640·lo 1,833-square feet, are pr•ented In a full·aecurlty. bJ1h riae buUdina. A 1wimmln1 pool. bot twirl pool, 11unu, and a clubroom are included 1n the recreational features. The development it located at • South Catalina, just south of Colorado Boulevard. Jn ber opeq letter to lbe defense and aeroepace firms, Ma. TbomptOn eneouraced newcomert to CaUlomia lo forsake rent, In favor ol oWDenblp, but '1e not 1•t ln over their beads ln huse mort1a1ea, wben A & C Properties offers re-1 IJdenca at a.fford~ble prt_cee. number ol people enterlng tbe• market -coupled with t.he attitudes ot owners and renters and the 1rowtb pattema of iadtvldual cltiea. It found: -"Demand wut indeed be very stron1 tbrousnout the 1980s and at leut lnto 1195, but whether tt wW be a record demand ls iffy." The llflneas related to whether the number of one-family household.a wlU level off. Advance Mortsac• declined lo forecut that. "U noo·famiJy households conUnue lo arow at their 1970s rate, then demand in this decade should averaee a record 2.7 million units a year, 10 per· cent above the avera1e of the 1970s," It said. But, "II growth in these mosUy one-person households levels off, the demand could averaee 2.3 million unlta, which would be onJy s percent lower than the boom demand of the 1970s. ·' -Some markets will fall to share in the 1ood news. it said. "Declines in the range of 15 to 25 per· cent from their 1970s demJnd are indicated for New York-Long Island, Detroit, San Francisco· Oakland, Pittsburgh and Cleveland. Waterfalls: reflection ponds and lush Landscaping provule the beautiful surroundings at raiTVlew Village. Smaller but "sliJJ significant" declines are projected for Columbus, Milwaukee, St. Louis, New Orleans, Portland and Sacramento. Big eatns, ranging from 15 percent to 30 per· cent, over the 1970s demand are projected for Min· neapolis·St. Paul, Tampa-St. Petersbur1. Las Vegas and Riverside-San Bernardino. Choice townho1nes still reniain Small increases are projected for Houston and Dallas-Fort Worth, but onJy becauae their 19705 de· mand was already so strong. Demand is expected to be the same as the 1970s to 10 percent higher for Boston, southern Florida, Southern California, Phoenix and Salt Lake City, according to the Advance 'Mortgage analysts. But in spite of the attempt lo estimate demand far into the future, higb interest rat.es could maJte it all fuWe. It is widely accepted by housing people that sales are· down because of high morteage costa. And nobody can say with any certainty that in· terest rates will be lower, or to what de1ree, in years to come. · The final opportunity to buy a Fairview Village home is being offered to south coast area homeseelcers now al outstanding vaJue-prices and with a variety of creative financing programs, ac- cording to Gretchen Garey of Donald M. Bird As· sociates, sales agent for the Costa Mesa townhomes by C. W. Howe Inc. While only a limited number of the sophisticat- ed, multilevel residences remain to be gold, these include many different plans and some of the com- munity's finest locations. Prices from $135,000 to $149,000 for the two- bedroom, two-bath lownhomes are below current replacement costs, Ms. Garey pointed out, and in· elude a long list of custom-quality amenities such as massive wood-burning fireplaces, plush carpel: ing, vaulted ceilings, skylights and an abundance of glass doors and oversized two-car garages with ••• because you demand the finest private entry to each residence. "The concept for Fairview Village is one of quality and disHnction." Ms . Garey said, "and for those with discriminating tastes, looking for 'something definitely ou~·of-the-ordinary ,' the community offers immediate appeal." An exciting first impression is afforded by the parklike, open grounds with their lush landscap- ing .. waterfalls and reflection ponds. Fairview Village is located midway between South Coast Plaza and the resort areas of Newport-Balboa -within minutes of shopping. employment, recreation of all kinds and easy freeway access. The townhomes are open daily, except Wed· nesday and Thursday, on Fairview Road. between Fair Drive and Loyola Road. just off Newport Boulevard in Costa Mesa. High on a hill in prestigious Lemon Heights, the homes of Tudor Hill are now ready for your inspection. Custom created, finely crafted and situated 4*'.>ehind a private entry gate; TJ.Jdor Hill offers just two unique homes. Both are over 4,000 square feet with four and five bedrooms, library, lavish master suites, generous dining and entertainment areas ... and magnificent countryside views. We invite your visit (or.en this Sunday}, or ca I for an appointment. Priced Under One M ii/ion Dollars From the Santa Ana Freeway (5) lake the Newport Avenue off·ramp and proteed north to foothill Boulevard. Turn right on Foothill, then right on Skyline Drive, right on lemon Heights Drive and right ag<iin on Gold Star lane then follow to Tudor Hill. Rick Alderette, Reahor 161 Fashion lane, Suite 106 Tustin, CA 92680 (n4) 731-4444 ;;) ~ ~ 17th SI t-a: ~ J l&I z LEMON HEIGHTS . / Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 No Jiniit to ni1mber of sale tax deferrals By &OB£aT J. BRUSS PEA• BOB: Aboaa& &bree yean a10 when we told ov bome and boa11tt our presea& one, we de· ferred payl•I our proll& tu. Now we are toDlider· tn1 be~ a lar1er bouff. T~ realty a1e•t aay1 we na a1ain poe&poae tile ta. oe botll oar deferred prom pl• the profit ba &be aaJe or oar carreat ho••· The a1ent alao &ells ua we don't have to reln· vn& all tile cash we; aet from our sale lato &.be new houae. 11 tbla true or la tbe agent ml1leadln1 us Jui& to make a sale? -Mrs. Sam L. DEAR MRS. SAM L.: Your realty agent is telling the truth . The re Is no limit to the number of times you use the ''residence replacement rule" of lnternaJ Revenue Code section 1034 to defer your home saJe profit tax. However , this tax break cannot be used more often than once every 18 months unless you or your REAL ESTATE MAILBAG spouse also quahfy for the moving expense tax de· duction (which requires a job site change). Your agent is also correct that you need not reinvest all the cash from your home sale into the r~placement principal residence. If you're smart 'you'll make a minimum cash down payment, take the maximum mortgage available, and use your cash for other investments. such as buying more real estate. Although realty agents s houldn't give tax or legal advice, your situation shows why realty agents s hould understand income lax law to alert their cli ents to tax breaks. Ask your tax adviser for further details Condi tion n o t guarante ed DEAR BOB: Last Mart'h we boughl a house and got a new, no down payment VA mortgage. Before we moved in, the VA appraiser Insisted that the seller repair lhe leaky roof. Now we find the leaky roof u used damage to the walls whkh have <'racked and bulged. We ulled lhe VA, but they refuse lo help p ay for lbe repairs. The selJer moved out of town and we don't know where to find her. What can we do? -Georgia E. DEAR GEORGIA: When a VA or FHA home mortgage is obtain~d to buy a home, that's no guar antee the home is in good condition. VA and FHA appraisers often insist on necessary repairs before they recommend loan approval, but no war· • ranty is thereby made as to the home's condition. Your damage claim would be against the seller and-0r the realty agent if either knowingly concealed the defect rrom you. Hang on to· o ld home DEAR BOB: We just moved lnto Oltr new home wblch we bought for not.bing down on a VA mortgage. Our proble m is tbal we haven'l been a ble to sell our old house. It bas been listed for sale almost four months with a top real estate agent. After the Ustlng expires, do you thlnlt we should rent our old hou.se and forget about selling it? Two monthly mortgage payments are more than we can afford . -JosieT. DEAR JOSIE : The more real estate you own the better off you'll be. Since you don't need the cash from selling your old home to buy your new one. keep your old house and rent it to tenants. Your for mer residence should bring in enough rent to pay the mortgage payment, property tax and maintenance costs. Since you probably have . an old low interest rate mortgage on it. you may even have a little positive cash flow. On your income tax retur ns. you can depreciate the rental house. Deprectalion is a non· cash bookkeeping tax deduction for estimated wear, tear a nd obsolescence. Your deprecia ble basis will be the lower of your adjusted cost basis or the home's market value on the day of conversion to rental status. Land value. however. is not depreciable. Ask your tax adviser to help set up your depreciation schedule. Consult a ttorney for advice DEAR BOB: I recall that several months ago you explained bow the new delayed "Starker " tax· deferred exchanges work. Slnce I bave·a buyer for my land, at a large prom, I don't want to lose blm. But I also ddn't want to pay profit tax. So I need to make a tax·deferred excbanae. Where can I get the legal forms for a Starker· type ext'hange so I won't lose my buyer before I fi nd a property to trade up to? -J uUe P. DEAR JULIE: Starker delayed tax-deferred Finance off er to run out More than 80 percent of Mira Vista's one-and two·bedroom condominium homes are sold, "and . large crowds of visitors continue to view the com- m unity," said Neil Sullivan, project manager. One realm for the res pons~ has been a 30-year lixed Interest r ate of 11.4 ~rcent. However , Sullivan noted, this financing is expected to be dis· continued "within a very short period of time." The program was made possible through a speciaJ bond issue of the city of La Habra . Mira Vis ta features large fenced garden patios, individual air conditionl ng, decorator draperies, waJl·to·wall carpeting and luminous kitchen ceilings. The homes encompass up lo near· ly 1,100-square feet of living space. Prices start at just $59,900, and the down pay· menl may be as low as 5 percent. Outdoor . r ecr eation facilities, ma,ntalned tbrougb a monthly Homeowner's Atsocialion fee, Include two swimmlng pools and a spa. Take tbe Orange Freeway C57) north to Lam· bert Road. Drive west on Lambert fol.tr miles to the project. T he sales office is open 10 a.m. to 6 p.m . daily. Further details are available at (213) 6N·*1 or 77M167. 642-5678 Put a few wor ds to work for you in the Diiiy Pftlt exchanges require the services of a real estate or tax attorney to drnw up the documents. There are no ahmdard forms The Important proviso of the documentation ls to k eep the buyer's money away from you. Depending on circumstances, the attorney may re- commtind use of a corporate lntstee to hold the funds to be used to acquire the property for you to complete the trade up. Starker exchanau are not u do·lt-yourself projt:cl. They require exper t legal advice. Further details on Starker exchanges are In my re~rt "How Tax-Deff!rred Exchanges Can Pyramid Your Wealth." To obtain your copy send a $2 check payable to "Newspaperbooks .. for Report *1106 to The Daily Pilot. P 0 Box 259, Norwood. N.J. 07648. Look for the 'magi~' words D EAR BOB: A year a go we bought 1ome com· mercial property on an installment sale at a high Interest rate. Now we can rellnaace at a lowe r ratf through a special redevelopment government loan plan. The problem is that our seUer, who financed our purchase, refuse• to allow u to pay off bJs mortgage. He claims this will throw him Into a very high Income ta x bracket. Don't we have a legal right to pay off our mongaie? ~Huge H. DEAR HUGO See your attorney If your mortgage note has the magic words "or more" Jfter thf' monthly payment amount. then it can be prepaid. However, there may be a prepayment penalty .. But 1f your mortgage lacks the words "or more ... unl ess your state has a I~ barring lock·in mortgages, your loan cannot *'prepaid early. Several years ago r l'ncountered 1uch a mortgage a t 6 percent interest. on an apartment house. When I asked the lender about prepaying, a prepayment penally was required. Because of the lender 's foolish loan rules. that 6 percent locked-in mortgage still hasn't been paid off . P.S. A trick. many borrowers use to get lenders to allow prepaym ent or to avoid prepayment penalties is -to stop ma king mortgage payments. thus forcing the lender lo start foreclosure. When the mortgage is in foreclosure, it can usually be prepaid without penalty. Ask your attorney to ex· plain the details. CASH REBATE* for August only QUALITY CONDOMINIUMS IN HUNTINGTON IJEACH NEAR HUNTINGTON HARBOUR Beautiful 2 and 3 bedrooms each with covered garage, amidst a picturesque setting of • waterf~lls, ponds, and streams. An architectural triumph highlighted by red tile roofs and extensive .~se of exterior w~ treatments. lmpressi~e interior appointments including vaulted ceilings and woodbuming fireplaces. Spacious private patio or deck. Elevators lead to up~r units an_d penthouse models. Swimming pool and therapy spas, with all grounds pro-fessionally maintained. Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 846-5557 ·Paid at the cioee of escrow See~ tor IS30Clallon oves and l1nanc1ng detaols. :-...-: ..... i.. --...· . from $109,990 Special Financing Available 'BEST IN THE WEST' HOMES FOR THE WEST'S BEST, YOUNG ' .... ~ .. .. (' .J ::\. i)'t'. ,¥ ~·· ..,.. .. .. . ' . • l •# J• "I ...,.,. Especiallr. for young, Orange County executives who know where they're headed, here are the "Gold Nugget • award·winning homes that fit your lifestyle and your image. Beautiful condominium residences, established within a 1pe6acular setting of running streams, plush foliage, waterfalls, and great reaeariooal attractions ... the perfect mind unwinder. The location, right in the heart of everythina, the best in Orange County. . . PENTRIDGE €0VE EXECUTIVES • .;~ .. : I U '! l 0 Wood·Buming F'areplace 0 Modem Ki tchen. with Pantry & Full Complement ri Appliances 0 Ceramic Countenopa 0 Luminous Ceilinp 0 Encloaed, Two-Car Garate with Automatic ''Ll'Ull~.~ Opener 0 Private Parioa 0t Balconies 0 Swill' •.: P ool & Whirlpool Spa . lnteresfRate 12~ % 13.010% APll 'rwo Bedroom, Two Bath fr~ $117,900 Baker at Randolph, Com Mesa (714) 557-2360 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 2. 1981 - .. ,. ......... Tony Lozano stands before one of several houses on his "used-house" lot near Stockton. In a housing rflarket that has become as tight as a pcm of designer 1eans. Lozano can deliver a house for less than 5,000. This Seller delivers And does he , for prices as low as $15,000 'SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -Behold the ul· timate in home delivery ; salvaging the house that J ack built and hiring Tony to move it. For less than $15,000. hardly enough for a down payment on the average California house, Tony Lozano will give you the pick of his used-house lot. He doesn't just bring the purchase to the door. He actually bririgs the door, aJong with Uie porch, a fireplace, three bedrooms and dte kitchen sink 7 every thing but the view. 1 • In a housing marfet as tight as a pair of , 1 designer-jeans, Lozano hois'ls houses on · wheels and rolls right past the soaring mortgage rates and real estate prices that are forcing many to abandon their hopes. As Lozano has discovered, one person's cast-of! can be another person's castle. "Peo· pie who have got $100,000 to buHd another home don 't stop to think that a number of people mighl want the home they already have," he said. Just now, Lozano has a list of 200 pros- pective buyers but only eight houses in his 17-acre lot near Stockton, about 75 miles east of here. Lozano might typically buy 'a used house for $800 from a couple who feel they can't sell it or who want to build a new home on thefr land -and who are ready to pay wreckers $1,200 for the privilege of flattening the place. He then sells it for $15,500 to a family itching for a home on their empty lot. TDDAT'S CllSSIDID PVZZLI If it's got wheels you'll move it faster in a I . ~ It , . Daily Pilot classified ·.,,, A~Oss ' • 4; 1 tiold ngn11y .<!i • 8 butter \~ 9C1uaru t 10 Heauti I ''\'. 'fe90r1S • 1• Molner Fr •·· ~ _ 19 "Three- .,. :. bagger" I t r ~ 20 Solar dllll , r r . 21 Accompa· I • • ftled by (l·f tt~'J)aont ~~: 34,Jtil)9MH • ¥"'... mile \ • :15'r1c---1oe , 1 • 2e Chesl sound "l'I Gratted· • • • Her 28 MuS>C1al cftrect 77 Rocky hill 78 Steamship Abbr 80 Reveries 83 Drudge 86 Old soldier 87 Norway s . neighbor 89 Split pulse 90 Wes1em Indian 92 Channel dee~ners 94 Al18tlC Vinti 96 Over· h8Jlglng 99 Put-In· Bay's lake 100 Shares 1~4 Brl11sh sailor 155 01 the moon 157 College cneer 159 Endure 160 Polish "'!91ght 161 Danger 163 Recent arrival 166 Nice summer 167 Chemical ending 168 Chess piece 169 Zola novel 171 PhlhPti>lne tree t72 Meadow· 1and on 31 Greek letter 33 Gym feat 3A Gypsy 36 Crew member 37 French pronoun 39 Unto 42 Result 44 French income • 46 Thin metal 48 Mt. Blanc 50 Fender mishaps 5 1 Wrlle (down) 53 Hebrew letter 55 Swiss warbler tor shor1 108 Glacial ridge 109 Florida"" 110 Utters 1 t3 Rat.gale 115 Water sprite 119 lndlan gateway t21Taxrate 124 White 125 Common place t27 Burma chief 128 Out of: Pref 130 Adjust 132 Wheel's edge t34 Affirmative l35 Marsb 137 "Lather· ad. ca11 642-5678 and a friendly ad-visor will help you turn your wheels into cash. Wind Rows sa les still brisk Sales at The Wllllam Lyon Co. '1 new 11.qle· family community, The Wind Rows, in El Toro, continue brisk despite eid1tin1 market con~tiolll. "It's been only a little over a month amce we lnlroduced the latest increment (39) ol The Wind Rows homes," reports Brian Norkaitis, Lyon com· pany regional manager, "and we have already sold 80 percent of them." The Wind Hows oilers four floor plans In one· and two-story elevattclftl. ~omes are avalla· ble with three or fo11r bedroom• with up \o 1.~ square feet. Prices ran1e from SUJ,91() to Sl.28,IOO. Four models are open tor touring dally, except Thursday, from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., at 26881 Park· mont Circle in El Toro. To reach The Wind Rows homes take the San Diego Freeway to tne El Toro exit, then drive north approximately four miles on El Toro Road to the model complex. Urban living at its finest. +I''• 133/40/o (141/s APR) First 2 years on a 30-year loan This intimate attached home community offers you the comfort and convenience of an urban lifestyle in University Town Center, plus an ell.cellent financing program to help you qualify for a loan With a sales pnce of S 102,000, your down payment 1s 520,400. with a loan amount of 581,600 Yourfir!.1 24 monthlypaymentsar!!S951 The rema1ning28 years are at market rate at cloo;e of l!i.crow. For example. at 17% (17l/e APR). 336 monthly paymentli> of Sl.164 All monthly payml.'nts include principal and interest. There Is no p~paymenl ~n,llty. ~k vuur bale~ reprnen1a1ive fnr J etaik Select a 1 ·or 2-bedroom design with raised-panel entry door, ce ramic ule entryway. wood-burning fireplace, interior laundry area, hardwood kitche n cabinetry and pnvate fenced courtyard or balcony Furnished models open 10 am to 6 p.m dally Call (714) 851-5868 for information From $1 0 2 ,000 Columbia Square 3iaMf lryC/kn '4.-p ...... "* • UNIVERSITY TOWN CENTER 1HE IRVINE CINFWN Big Jt"""'i .,.n,, A'""• wr1un m"n1hh Ire• rrwm\•in~ 1h• "lu.thl\ (" 'UfT'lmon l.t41l1111•, l1n1•'' .ar;J f1n.m1na rHnt1 ... .-J'lt ... ruMu•ht•n ~~.....,to P""' w ir .,,. ••r .. n .. r J.-.Jhn.-ni tht" f'dH_ .. -n 29 Butmese native 30 Had lunch ·SJ \ ~~s ·~ <>31~-~ Studen1 104 Bug's "snuggery" 105 Boot feature 107 Water vapors 111 --carte tt2 At no 11me 114 0octflne5 116 Plural ending 117 Arabian 17 4 Attending 175. Dlsjoms 177 Radiate 178 Hawaiian goose 179 Earns 181 Mud votcano 182 Satisfy t93 w inter vehicle 57 Take place 58 Hamelin ~SIS 59 In line 60 Weasel 61 Hush' 63 Arrowroot 65 Trap necks" 138 Calil.Q(__nJa rock fish 140 Pardoned condillon· ally t42 Guided missile 143 Small eggs 144 Decay Small Price. .. .- '38 ~ra.ssow .0 Wrlter AnalS measure t 18 Bequeathed t20 Potchilr 122 Masculine tllle 123 NewZea· land tort 125 Nursery resident - 126 Fall moolh 129 Olstant 131 Ory: Comb form 133 Alrocan expeditions 136 Ex11ne1 bird 137 Taxi Umer 139 Briel swim 14 1 Japanese coin 142 Boc:tyol Jewish law 145 Aulo shelters 1417 Gym pad 149 Nostrils 153 Warwick's river 184 Blackboard DOWN 1 Caviler 2 Cn1nese mole 3 Suitable 4 Lath 5 Snell nut 6 Family members 7 Nlpa palm 8 Informs 9 Slinks 10 Adds sugar 110o-1 12 Luzon native t3 Cold desser1 14 Untidy 15 Pok8f stake 16 Barnyard sou net 17 Verb form 18 Latest 19 Mine cars 23 Puts cargo 66 Bathe 67 Always 68 Hardens 71 Unusual 73 Smears 75 Ancient 78 Encio!Mld car 79 Serpent 81 Knock sharply 82 Sault - M8tleCanal ~ Poetry form 85 Prepares copy 88 Speck 91 Matri- culated 93 Goshi 95 Prying ber 97 Tree fruit 98 Youngster 100 -Alto, Cattt tO 1 Fish sauce 102 Catamaran 103 Slltch 106 Sheth Sense. SPSS 145 Needlellsh 146 Glossy fabrics t48 Brimless cap 150 Scottish ex porer 151 Landed properly 152 Let II stand JS4 Verb fOfm 156 a.at back 158 Tiiiers tfl 1 Golf scores 162 Tibetan monk 164 Movie, In Madrid 185 Fllmroll 168 Honey. Ph arm. 170 lnleCI egg · 173 "The Ahar" 176 It proceeds: Mus. 180 Neuter pronoun 77 SF 72 Unneeded items takini up place in your s pace? Sell it all and put cash in your pocket with the new Daily Pilot 8-Day Week. We can put you in touch with more buyers because our classifieds have an extra day to selJ every week. Get results with the ads that last longer. Get the 8-Day Week speciaJ classified rate. Call 642-5678 today! For an EXTRA day, call today . -flf 642·5678 .. Open 8 to 5:30 Mond•y-F.rtd•y, I to noon Saturd•Y. The new Daily Pilot 8·Day Week PLUS . 'DAY WEEK &Days 3 Lines '8 Dollars 8PKlal RM r•le for ... ._._.. ... .rr.rt.1 ••rdMAM~ .......... -..... c. ............... ~,.. ......... , . .................... -1 .... ' .. •. 2 7 a a on 7 2 ft •• tr 2 a p a • -r . . • !.Spacious country kitchens hiqhlight the homes at Choteau Country in Orange Hills. where The Baldwin ~Co. hos just released a new.phase of 12 homes for sale, priced from $215 ,000. :. . .. !Chatea11: Country offers ~ . ll 2 new homes for stile ~ The Baldwin Co. rePorts that 25 of the 27 ~ homes offered in the initial phase at Chateau ~ Coun.try in Orange Hills sold within one month of ~opening. ~ Consequently, 12 additional homes have been ~ released for sale. Buyers of the homes will be able ~ to enjoy the Christmas holidays in their new home ~ in the hilltop French country village. ~ Priced from $215,000 to $271 ,000, Chateau ~ Country homes are available m five floorplans of· ~ fering three, four and five bedrooms, with such ~ features as two-story living and dining rooms, ~skylights, fireplaces in both living and family ~ roC?m or master bedroom, second-floor game ::, room, den, split-level dining room. and walk in wet t:. bars, depending UPon the plan. · ~ The homeowner's association fee of $64.40 per t: month includes membership in the private :; Chateau Hills Tennis & Swim Club, with 25-meter ~ pool, spa, three night-lighted tennis courts and ;~ clubhouse. . e: To reach the new community, take Chapman i: Avenue east from the 55 Freeway lo Old Chapman 2; Road and turn right lo the Chateau Country securi- >! ty gate, then up the hill to the saJes office and ~ model homes. For more information, telephone •! 839-8670. t W . D I • "• armmgton eve opment's Potomac Landing ~ luxury view home community is opening this •• ~--------------------HOUSING BRIEFS ~weekend in Laguna Niguel. Four single-level and '.two-story floorplans and a variety of exterior · ::treatments in the Cape Cod style are available. ~ The initial increment of 23 homes is offered al •• pri~s from $235,000 to $315,000. When complete, $the ommunity will encompass a total of 151 :•home . First occupancy is set for January 1982. :!Homes range in size from 1,564 to 2,502 square ::feet. ~ Models are open daily from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. •Take the Crown Valley Parkway exit west from •:the San Diego Freeway and continue to Del Avion, ~approximately one-half mile east of Pacific Co~t ~Highway and tum left. Drive approximately one :: mile, then follow the signs and go up the hill to the : model home site . . · • .. :-Lumar Development pl ans to build four :; custom homes at the Hunt Club, three of which ' will be a joint venture with M & R Development. ~The first home, by Lumar Development, consists ~of a five-bedroom, seven-bathroom residence total- ' ing 5,850·square feet. :.; Upon completion, the half.acre homesite will ~be fully landscaped and will include an automatic ·:wrought iron fence that gives access to a S standard two-car garage, an oversized recrea· ~ tional vehicle garage, and a garden/workshop P area. A preview showing wiU soon be available. ~For further information, phone Lumar Develop-t ment Co. in San Juan Capistrano at 661-3313. E • ~ Casltas del Moote rePorts that its luxurious c.two-bedroom, two-bath timeshare condominiums t'are 80 percent sold. An average of 200 people are ;. visiting Casitas del Monte each week, according to Cone official. ):' Units are 1,600-square foot condominiums, ~completely furnished right down to two color TV ~sets. There is space enough to accommodate six ~persons comfortably. In addition, Casitas del .-Monte is located near all the main attractions of ~Palm Springs, including shops, restaurants, golf ~·courses and tennis courts. And there ls a huge ~swimming pool, spa and barbecue facilities right 1:on the premises. ~ Those interested are advised to call 320-4108 ~collect and make an appo.intment. I Conclusive evidence of the accelerating de- mand for attached housing is being provided-at .BarraU Vida PacJllca. a new development of two- and three-bedroom townbomes three minutes from the beach in Encinitas. Twelve sales have been re· ported from tbe hilltop site since June 15, 1981, an extremely fast sales pace considering tbe overall s lump in residential real estate sales. Priced from $96,000, 1.3~ percent fmancing coollnues to be of· fered. Take the San Diego Freeway and the En· cinltas cut-off to El Camino Real. Proceed left on El Camino, then right on Mountain Vista Drive. ,;: The sales office and profes&looally decorated r. model homes are open from ll a .m. to 7 p.m . For I I: more informatJon call Sally Oswalt at 942-0564. Prices among the ~owest In the dealrable lrvine area, from $127 ,950 to $146,950 -and tbe price includes amenities -have conlribuled to tbe 1ale1 succeu at SlleffleN Muor, a townhome de· velopment in tbe Irvine VWa1e of Northwood wbere a sales clOM-out procram ii now under way. A vailabJe for immediate occupancy, fixed rate 30.year loana with interest rates a11ow u JJ"' per· cent are available on tbe 10 townhomes remainint ' for sale in lhe development. Also available on selected units are a variety of buyer incentives in- cluding draperies and rear yard patios. Models. decorated by Back Street lnteriors of NewpQrt Beach, are open daily from 11 a.m. to dusk. Take the Santa Ana Freeway to the Culver Drive exit. Go north on Culver to Irvine Boulevard and turn right. Turn right on Yale Avenue, another right on Northwood and a right again at Savannah. Turn left on Chesapeake to the Sheffield Manor model homes. Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 2, 1981 Single FamilY · Homes in Hu·ntington B.each from $149,990 ·- Special Bonus: $1,000.00 Decorator Allowance Builder pays Non-Recurring Closing Costs Magnifl"cent 2 and 3-bedroom homes across the street from scenic Lake Park. only a short walk to the beach. \ Creative exterior designs are in perfect harmony with the ambiance of the ocean. Lavish interiors offer an abundance of open space and feature sumptuous master suites Massive hand-made wood-burning fireplaces, private fenced yards with large patios and attached 2 and 3-car garages. Fee simple title and no monthly association fees. A warm village atmosphere, plus the convenience of a central lq::ation tn the charming old tree section of Huntington Beach. 100; 0 Do~n · .. Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 536-1459 See saleSpersOn for flnMCing delalts Special New Financing ., j UP FOR SALE -The .John Wayne Tenms Club in Newport Bt'at'h. a 15 court farilit) ope!'led by the latt• .John \\';"Ill' and Ken Willing in 1975. 1s .·for :-.11l' ~11 ~•:-k111g prin• ha!> been for mall) anno11m·t•d :1 lt hough soun·t':-report the tag to ht' "l'l :11 S:I -I mdhon Tht• dub is one of the most mode rn in the nation with an ele('tron~c scoreboard and computer· matching of players based on ability Ex· l'<.'ut1v<.' sales agent for the club ·~ Rick \\'arn~r. prtnc1pal of Warner. Huston and Hutts of Sant<1 Ana. State construction dips The slugJ!ash t.'l:onom' and h1i:h mlert>SI rule:. continued lo'plal(lll' l 'ahfomaa cons1ruc11on dunng June as both honwbulld1n,.: and non-res1dent111l ac tivity declined. accordin)o! 10 Secunty Pacafi<· Na· lional Bank. California homebuilding dropped 16 percent in June in terms of the number of dwelling units authorized to a seasonally adjusted annual rate of 110,700 units. "Southern California was largely responsible for the slowdown since the region dominates the state's construction act1v1 t y." said Dr . Shirley A. Stephenson. v1ct' president and the bank's con- struction analyst The region posted a 28 percent monthly drop an June to annual rate of 70,500 units. Northern California registered a 3 percent monthly decrease in the rate of units authorized for construction during June, while the compara- ble increase was 17 percent in the Central Valley. California parallelled the United States during June as housing permits in the nation dipped below 1 mHhon ror the first time in more than a year and posted a 16 percent drop. Unlike the state's sluggish activity. the nation posted an 11 percent increase in homebuilding for the first s ix months of 1981 o\ cr 1980 Mortgage rates for loans closed an California again broke new highs at more than 15 percent Dr. Stephenson said. New loans are oow quoted between 1.5 percent and 18 percent. Dr. Stephenson said she expecLc; the mortgage market to be in a state of disarrn) until the new adjustable·rate ' mortgage instruments are firmly in place later this year llomc prices a lso reached a new peak na· tionally al $77,500, up from $71 ,600 in May. llO'wH'ver, California's prices slipped slightly in June to $119,200 from $120,400 the previous month_ Annual appreciation rates for home prices also slowed in California to 9.8 percent during the first six months of 1981. San Francisco registered the largest escalation. 16.4 percent., Prices io the Los Angeles area increased 7 percent. This compares to a 17.5 percent statewide increase during 1980. "Contrary to seasonal patterns, non- residential building declined in June as valuations dropped 11 pe r cent to $707 million," Dr. Stephenson said. "However , unlike housing. non- res~ential construction posted a 24 percent annual mere se during the first six months of 1981 over 1980 " 'he sector accounted for about 46 percent of the state's total construction valuations. During June. commercial construction con- tinued to dominate the non-residential sector although valuations fell 13 percent, following two months of strong activity. Industrial building dropped 25 percent while both institutional con- struction and remodeling decreased about 1 per· cent Reg1onally. non-residential valuations in Southern California posted a 16 percent decline. Northern California fell 9 percent and the Central Valle) registered a 16 percent mcrease in June from May ... MODEL HOME ·poit fiLE All those special touches ... wall coverings, draperies, air conditioning, landscaping ... are yours to be found in the Garland model home, a three-bedroom design with format dining and living rooms as well as a family room. Atop a gently sloping plateau overlooking a beau~iful 150 acre park with a 43-acre lake, the Garland and other model homes are your last opportunity to share in the joys o f a home and private recreation "-'• ........ at LakePark in Laguna Niguel. From $173,000. • N 24351 Cimarron Court. Laguna Niguel, CA 92677 (714) 830-5050 Office hours: 1 pm to 5 pm Laguna Niguel Realty Prief!S effec11't' tor df'lldh,...1,f lh" put,,,, o1t1<~ Momeownl"f' "~"''iSITit'f'I' Ava1lablr .ot ':>di••\ <Jttoce ~ ~ ~'tJarlf ~ 0"001""11• 'AVCO Community Oeveloper1, Inc. EARN AND L A Deliv~r the Daily Pilat Boys and girls 10 or older - Call 642-4321 and apply today.· Daily Pilaf Finally a Sensibly Priced Boatslip-$695,000 In a worlJ where more and more huys less anJ less, we're pleased to announce SC'l me· thing as rea onable as Sea ide Poinre -rhc last new \\aterfront homes on the 1~lanJ!I of Huntington Harbour. · Designed for those whose residence is a statement of achievement as well as an investment in living; each ho me is sump- tuously appointed, coml>letely landscaped, · and includes a 35 foot boaulip. I( you muse pa y two m chree million dollars for your waterfront home, pleo c go to Newport Harbour. Sea ide Pointe is for che ' r " .. (H0111e Included] frugal rich wh'o still seek to economiie on essential luxuries. If you wish td build your own home near your boat dock we have waterfront home• sites from $5 28,000. Seaside Pointe is not for everyone and is not shown to everyone. For an appoint· ment please call (714) 846·064 1 or (213) 592-2816. . • 3 year, 5 yeer and 30 year financ .. ing plans start at u .. 7 /8% (annual _..,.__._ ~~· percentage rate). Cooperation to brokers. , H11nllngton H~bour \ IN HUNTINGTON HARBOU R .. Ave DailJ Piiat SUNDAY, AUGUST 2, 1911 STOCKS TELEVISION E NTERTAINM ENT CLASSIFIED C4-S C6 C7-8 C9-12 -M arket Analys1s- Dow Jones ~------------------------------------30 Indu strials July 2 7 J 11" 15. 60 Closed 952.34 . 950-New business feature I I spotlights local 940~ I • stocks . . . See below 930MTWTF . Richard Stevens turned the Balboa Bay Club in Newport Beach into one of the ~tion 's most exclusive and elaborate private clubs. ;For Stevens, pleas11re • his business By JEFF PARKER Of ... o.i1, ~ ... s-.11 Even among people known for mixing busi· ness and pleasure. Richard S. Stevens of Corona del Mar stands out as mixing more than most. His business i! pleasure other people's -and a synopsis of his current activities as vice president of the Wrather Corp. and president of Wrather Corp. Properties and Wrather Hotels includes management of Disneyland Hotel, the $80 million Marina City Club, the Queen Mary, the Spruce Goose and the Inn at the Park Hotel. Stevens, 51, made his reputation as a far· sighted executive with that quintessential busi· EXECUTIVE PROFILE ness1pleas ure establishment, the Balboa Bay Club. which he turned from a fl oundering beach club to one of the most elaborate private clubs in the country. Jl was in the fall of 1962 when Stevens first got the idea for building luxury condominiums at the Balboa Bay Club. He was attending a meeting there. and as he waited for it to start, the stunning September afternoon convinced him the place was ripe for development. He learned the owner of the club was Jack Wrather of Beverly Hills, and de- cided to take his idea right to the top. Six months went by before he could arrange a meeting with the rapidJy moving Wrather. Stevens found out e nough about the man to get his adrenalin flowing as the meeting approached - Wrather had a reputation for making up his mind i{Tim ediately and never changing it. and for know- ing his numbers "like a hawk." When the meeting was finaJly set. Stevens had fou r days to gel his plans ready. On a Thursday he called an architect lo do proposal drawings. on Friday they went together to the BBC for m easurements and over the weekend Stevens rounded up an artist to render the sketches. He walked into Wralher's office Mon· day with the drawings and cost figures and 20 minutes later he had the deal. Wralher gave him the go-ahead and cut the young executive in for 20 percent of the profits. T hree months later Stevens was in charge of running the club, r aising money and building m embership "none of which I knew anything about." The apartments eventually went up, mem· bers hip soared from 800 to 3.000 and the Balboa Bay Club, once a money-losing little resort in Newport Beach. became the prestigious club il is today. Wrather no longer has an interest in the club, but he and Sle'lens bave remained in busi· ness together off and on -since those early club days. It is a partners hip that has changed the face of the Southern California coast. "My bus iness philosophy has basically descended from Jack Wrather's," Stevens said. "We 're only interested in properties that are either unJque or proprietary. such as the Spruce Goose or the Dis neyland Hotel they're one of a kind. The second part of our philosophy is we awant lo have fun doing things that other people can't. The Queen Mary is fun. If you know what you're looking at, It's not all that foolhardy." Stevens' work day starts at 8 a .m. when he gets in rus chauffeur-driven limousine and rolls out of the driveway of bis Corona del Mar home. He is bound for one of three offices he keeps in Beverly Hills, the Disneyland Hotel and the Marina City Budget cutbacks force consumer consolidation By PAT DUNN Of .. Delly ...... SUff , Top-level members of federal and state con· sumer agencies say the consumer movement is coming of age in America. Angry demonstrators and overpowering regulatory agencies are being replaced by sophisticated consumer organizations and consolidated government agencies favoring deregulation and self-help administrative policies. Private and corporate consumer represen- tatives attending the recent Marketplace Forum in Santa Ana heard district directors of the Consumer Product Safety Commission <CPSC), Food and Dru~ Administration (FDA> and Federal Trade Coinrri1ssion (FTC>. as well as the con· sumer liaison officer for the state Department of Consumer Affairs comment on what program changes and budget reductions might mean to con· sumers and to businesses during the next year. Ronald Melendez, director of the Orange County Office of Consumer Affairs, also attended the forum, sponsored by Consumer Advisers of California, an Irvine-based services information group serving Orange County. • I Melendez said that although 100 percent of the consumer offi ce's funding comes from the county CONSUMER CLOSE-UP general fund, some mandated programs with federaJ funding have had budget cuts. "This may have a long-range effect on us, but it's dlfricuJt to tell at this time," he said. •'Our office Is still referring licen.s• violation complaints to the appropriate boards and bureaus on the state level. but wtf?iandJe rerutatory com· plaints that fall within our complaint assistance jurisdiction." The county Office of Consumer Affairs and the Veterans Service Office a.re C0050lidatina as a re- sult of recent budget hearings by the Board of Supervisors. Melendez says he does not anticipate any cutback in services provided by either egency • and some reduction in clerlclJ help is expected to be absorbed by volunteers. "Although no officlal from the Clvll Aeronautics Board attended this meeting, that federal agency la undergoln1 'sunsetting,' " Melendez said. "It's 1otng out of buslneas with financial aupport for COMUmer problem tolvtns beln1 phased out Thia may in.crease our work, but we don't f()(esee an bverload unless all the Los AD1elea offiees of lbe federal rovemment re1· platory a1encles also are eliminated." Lee Baxter, district director ol the Con1umer Product Safety Comml111on. said the CPSC ha• bad a 30 percent bud1et cut with a scheduled 1Wf reducilon from m to 650 few the next fiscal year. Pmcltng appointment of a permutDt dlairmu, Baxter ~aid, "We don't know what our •xact dlrec· .. tion will be. but I anticipate working with volun tary safety standards first before going into man- datory ..Wes. Concern with consumer education also will be stressed and we hope to use state and local programs to implement better cooperation between business and the individual when it comes to safely issues." Robert Enders, district director of the Federal Trade Commission, said that although there was an effort to transfer the antitrust division of the FTC to the Department of Justice and eliminate all 10 regional offices. small business interests rallied and the final budget proposal dropped the anti-trust division move . The elimination of re- gional·ofrices remains an open question. however. "We don't know what our direction will be, but the House Appropriations Subcommittee believes the FTC should continue to have a viable regional office system to work with businesses and •con- s umers in addition to antitrust duties." Enders said. "We offset a large portion of our $13 million allpual operating cost with $100 million per year in cons umer r edress," h e added. "Our staff, bowever. wilJ be cut to less than 200 for the fiscal year beginning Oct. 1." Noting that the FTC "steps on everyone's toes," Enders mentioned skirmishes with the American Medical Association concerning restraint of trade by its no advertising policy, as well as a natlonaI investigation of residential real estate brokerage practices." It'!J fair to say there will be more scrutiny of FTC proposals, more at· tentlon paid to their Impact on the economy and a greater emphasis on voluntary cooperation and de· regulation. Trials or adjudication probably will be utilized more than rule-making In the future," he said. "The. Food and Drug Admlnilt.ration fared well with only a 5 percent bud1et cut," said Abraham Kleks, FDA district director. ''The move toward flexibility started with the Carter ad- toward OexibiUty started with the Carter Ad· ministration. I see a continuation of examlnin1 the .. economic impact in relation to public protection." KJelts said a sodJum content food labellnC in· itiallve ls planned by tbe FDA u well as examin- ing ways to expedite safe approval of new pre· scrlptJoo druaa. "Health l1 still our top concern, but wo have to prioritlse our efforts. Tbe lan are tltt!re, but we don't have t.be retOUnlel to enforce all of them. We must rely more on public educa- tion and cooperation.'• Jo.nne McNabb, couumer Uaiaon offlcer for the state Department of Consumer Aff aln, said, "We are dellthted to bave our full buqet re- tained, but we see retrenchment of 1ovemment funds for consumer protrama and cutbacu ln fundlna to county CON\lmtr lleDCla ln thil Ila .... "I'm often uked ll t.be «>n1umer movement la dyln1," lb. McNabb said. "I don't think 10: It'• <8ee00N8U•Ea, Pase CZ> Richard S. Stevens pr ivate club in Marina dd Rey He's got three briefcases in tow and two telephones in the car . The bulk of Stevens' workday isn't spent in of· fices. Most is spent shuttling between Wrather Corp. holdings, headin e where the action is heaviest. He's usually in the limo three or four hour s a day, the car affording him a privacy "you can't get in any office.·· He spends that time work· ing, reading the voluminous mail that floods his three offices daily. and returning some of the 150 calls that come in each day A team of assistants using telex machines, telephones and a courier system keeps h im abreast of incoming information and relays his de· cisions to associates. Stevens ' chauffeur makes the rounds between the Disneyland Hotel, the Marina City Club and the Beverly Hills office. collecting the mail that arrives while his boss is in con- ferem·e Stevens goes through the fresh mail on his way to the next meeting. ··My personal policy 1s to keep no one v:aiting more than 24 hours for a decision," he says. "I believe in an informal style of management, but J belit!ve in making decisions quickly and fluidly. It's another skill I've learned from J ack. My favorite communication form is a scribbled note." Stevens arrives home by 8 p m . where he has an office for tying up the day's 1oose ends . On a re· cent afternoon he returned early for an·inlerview at 4 p.m .. but business calls kept him occupied for half an hour before he could relax in his living room, pour an iced tea and answer questions. He lives with his second wife, Joan. her two children. and one of his sons The Stevens are crystal enthusiasts -25 pieces sit on the large Ii vi ng room coffee table alone, and more are displ ayed along the living· room wall and in the dining room Development of the 45 land acres and 240 water acres owned by Wrather Corp in Long Beach Harbor is foremost on his mind. The Queen Mary and Sprtsce Goose are "by products" of the larger plans he has for the coveted Long Beach re- al estate "Several in terests bid on the Queen Mary and the attendant land offer ed along with it." Stevens said .. The Hyatt people. fo r instance, saw the Mary as a hotel, restaurant and tax sheller, but we looked at the project 10 an entirely different way. "We saw it as a sort or admission to the barbot <SeeSTEVENS. PageC2) LOCAL STOCKS SPOTLIGHT Orange County isn't becoming an importarl;t center of industry -it already is one. Beginning today. and continuing every Sun - day, the Daily Pilot will follow a selection of the county's top stocks, with a special focus on those companies operat ing along the Orange Coast. ~ NET MvauD a.DIE Cl.CSE FIRll HOO. AC'TlVJTY , ....... , DCM. l/26 7/S1 CHANGE Fluor lrvlne Eno/Const. $4,826.3 NYSE 32\18 36~ +3~ Baker Intl. Orange Oil products '(sc1~• NYSE 431;.. 4SV. + l7/1 Smith Intl. Newport Sch. Oil products 74 .1 NYSE S4 SJ~ -~ Beckman Inst. Fullerton Instruments SC9.3 • NYSE 3411• 33112 ·\le Wynn's Intl. Fullerton Auto products 173.7 NYSE 1W. 171/a +lo/• . 1.0.9 AMEX + 1¥ .. DowneyS&L Costa Mesa S&L s~ 6'1e ' 132.4 -1/ .. Presley Cos. Newport Sch. Home bulldlno NYSE 13~ 131/e Gen. Autm. Anaheim Cmp. products 12S.8 OTC 10~ 11 1/a +V2 St.-Paclfic Costa Mesa Home bul!dlno 121.7 NYSE 131.4 13 .•; .. 1st. Amer. Fin. Santa Ana Title Insurance 121.0 OTC 171/2 17 ·V2 WTC Inc. Newport Sch. Fgt. forewarder 116.9 AMEX 6¥. 61h ·'le Varco Intl. Orange 011 products 108.6 NYSE 27~ 28~ +~• F /Wst. Fn. Cp. Newport Bch. S&L 89.4 NYSE 1 :w. 13 ·'le Nat'I Ed. Newport Sch. Voe. training 89.3 NYSE 1S:V.. 15\18 ·Va RB lndust. lrvlne Furniture 85.4 NYSE He 7~ -v .. G.W.Homes Santa Ana Mobile homes IM.1 AMEX 141;, 16 +21h Cmp.Autm. Irvine Cmp. products 81.2 OTC U o/• 13o/ .. ·1 Am. Pac. Newport Bch. Home building 76.7 PSE 6~ 61h + 11/e MercuryS&L Huntington Bch. S&L 74.9 OTC SI/• 61/ .. +1 Pac. Scientific Anaheim Control Inst. 62.a NYSE 25 24'12 -'h Fluorocarbon Laguna Niguel Plastics 62.6 OTC 11 1~. ·IA COv.ng. Tech. Irvine Home bulldlnQ S7.6 OTC 1Ya 1 'h NC Sllvercrest Ind. Buena Park Mobltetiomes 55.9 AMEX Slh sv. +IA Bentl•Y. Lab. Irvine Med. products 52.1 OTC 38Vt 38~ + •t.. MSl Data Costa Mesa Cmp. products 45.4 NYSE ,.~ 19114 +lh EECO Santa Ana Elect. products 42.6 AMEX 10\.\ 11m +1/A Brgford Fds. Anaheim Food process. .0.7 OTC 4~ 4~ NC Altec Anaheim Sound 1ystems .ol AMEX 15/16 -1/16 Comp.Care Newport Bch. Healthcare 39.2 OTC 171/2 19Yt +1~ Prlntronlcs ·Irvine Cmp. printers 37.0 OTC 25'h 24\4 • 1 '14 For Bet. Liv. Laguna Nlguel Concrete prod. •.o OTC s s NC Ramp.Gen. Irvine Flreplitces t7.6 OTC 1 '14 1\4 NC Swedlow Garden Grove Acrylic Shtg. 26.3 OTC 14 13V. .14 VTN Irvine • R.E. Mrvlces ll.1 OTC 1~ 1~ NC Stang Hy. San Clemente Dewater equip 23.3 OTC 9\CI '"' NC Wfft. Olgt. Newport Bch. Elect. crrc\llts 20..S OTC '" 9VA -~ . OTC 6~ 1\4 .~ Fkst Newport NewportBch Howls& R.E. 18.l =,............,_.._ ... ,_...ftK.11.r:;. ,,,__<\flt< __ COTO ~-tllel!lll ...... Mdl . Oue•uuc_..,.....,.. akMw, H •tc:Nr* '"'".....,.,. "'9dl.. • a • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 Organization members benefit from exchanges 8y MARTIN SLOANE DEAR SVPERMAR&ET SROPPER For mwe Ulan a year U.e memben ol my bo•I· lJl_g leaiue llave e:scbaa1ed coapoa. aad reftllld forms. WecollecttbemchartqUaeweekudes· change them on Satarday evealap u we bowl. BetJeve I& or aot., my bowUas avera1e bat come up eight pla• 11Dce we l&arted e:scllaa ... 1 coupons. ) -JlU from l •t&owa, P 1. DEAR JILL -1 hope other readers will re· m ember your bowling league when their fall activities resume and suggest a coupon ex· change box or coupon trading to the members of their groups or organizations. ll's a great way to combine a LiUJe business with pleasure. DEAR SUPERMARK ET SHOPPER -A friend ~d me U.at you receaUy mea&loaecl a poe&ry coa&est for aapermanet shoppers ID your cohimn. I would eQjoy u opporhlalty to put some of m y sbopplng uperleacea lato verse. I hope th.at lt lln't toolatetoea&er: -A Bard from Baton Rouge, La. DEAR BA RD -IC you can quickly muster your creative energies, you can still enter the First Annual Supermarket Shopper Poetry Com petition. Entries should be sent to me in c· a re or this n e ws'pape r and s hould be poatmarked no later than mldni&hl Aue. 31, 1981. . The fltet prize is $100, the second prise la $50 and the thlf'd prize Is $25. All works must be original and mu.st not have been published pre· viously. Interest In the competition has been even gre ater than I expected. I look forward to publishing the top poem late In October. Good tuck! SMART SHOPPING TIP Tillie F itzpatrick of East Detroit used to have problem s with cashiers who missed counting som e of he r coupons . ··Now when I hand the casb.ier my coupons, I tell her exactly bow m any 1 have," she says. ''This way she knows that I am keepmg track of them and she handles them more carefully." Ms. Fitzpatrick and other readers whose smart shopping tips a ppear in this column re· ceive my "1981 Guide To Coupons and Refunds.'' Send your suggestions and ex- perie nces to me at this newspaper. -REFUND OF THE DAV Write to the following address to obtain the form required by this refund offer: Free PaJr of Com fort Stride Offer. P.O. Box NN·l, Burl· ington , N.C. 27220. This· offer expires Dec. 31, 1981. ~-------------------------------------, CLJP 'N ' FI LE R EFUNDS I KMl•~to l"ll•ll·Al MU•tN• • ..,.. ,...,,,.,,.'-Otter. Rocalve • I (llpout!Nslll•-lr."pllwlllUlmllar~~I 7S.cat1l~.s.MUW._..,...rlf_lwm..,h...., I -... ~..--'"""° oti.ra •1111 .,.,,.,_ c-. for••· loP from-~*'_..,. ...... ,..,,......_ E,...... ample Sl•l<ollocllno111e-P1'ool1ol~-wNI• o.<.Jl,1'11. I 1001r.1no tor ttw ,_1rac1 '"""" tonns at IM _,,._.I. I '" ..... _. -..._,1 ..... - -lrlldlno wltll ... O.IYN.,.. ..... II 50-Caftl -~-s.... .,,. .... :~~·~~:C::=:1=~·=~~·-o1uw~-:=:...ni:::.':."'..:".~;'.!..1~~:=·= I TN f ........ ..._ are ........... .,, tl.U.. Tilh v-S.Way ....... t -°'•· ow1 ... • ..... Or-. I .,..,.,,...._ce-tal•J&•l•-efl-EllJllrHO.C..Jl,1111. .f ALLI al ST sco ... Spoctat. ••col"" a iuo ...i-. 5'lftd SUH x Rftlllftlf Offw. ••••"" U 111 <......,.. StftCI ttw r• I U1t roq.,lrtd rlfynd larm, Unl,,.n.1 "'-t Coat,,.... Qlllred lorM ... llw f,_ -•I or -Is wlltl-• <- bOts from UW 119<1<.1 o1 ... , two AlltrHI Pl'ooMd -~. 1 ... 1 lrom -,...._, SIM• -Ugo or -NI""°""'• I U1t 1HOOI ol _t .... saol ltlt stort 199<lal -daltdc.M! SIM•~·~Ncw.1, 1 .. 1. rogltltf rKtlllb wllh u. .. pure-cltcltd. Expires I 0<1 ll, '"' TYL•NOL Fr• T--1• Ollar. Rocalv• • S--• I t-o1 "'°°'"'t•-""' to iuo. s..... .. ,_,.,....,... Cl PACOL 6al~oom Cup Olltr Atolve .... _ h.tnd form, ..... 1 ... c..t .. of ....... s_......,. T~ I c .. p .. 1. StftCI llw •-lrtd rlfulld form. ltlt UnivtrWI Ttbllh or""*"" (ta<-' tllt 12·l*tt ala l -• PrOduCI Codt ''"'bot lrom -bock I-or U.,..., .. _. reolll• f'Kellll( wlltl UW Tyl-purc.llaM clrt!M. E•· I 1., P<ool" "'°"'-le.,.I from -Ctp«ol batUt -• plru OCt. Jl, 1"1. I rtUlllt< rtet lPI •1111 the Ctoacol P<l<t tlr<ltd.. EICPll"H Otc ll "" 80ft111I T1111ftlfer...,.'l.._troefo"" I coaTAfD Rtiuno Ofter. Raco I"" a liO-c .. 1 ntllNI. s...o SIL.141N 91..U• ii Rtfloftd Off•. P.O. 8o• He ..... El I Ille rtQulrtd rtfuna larm -Ille'"""' "eon.id" tram tl'a PMO, Te ... 7'977. Stnd the front I-I or -' from .. , Iron! p-1 ol anypoclUlgeol tortaldcroem, lotlonorolr\t· ll·OWlce llotlleof Set1U11 &l .. -111e casll,....st..-recalPI I ---=~~~·~~~~---------~~~~_:r'~~~~~~~~~---~ From Page C1 r From Page C1 STEVEN'S' BUSINESS IS PLEASURE • • • lund und lht• wutcr around It t.ona Beach Is an cnht(htcned <'lty and lhtiy .know the vulue of the harbor an terms of dt>vt1lopment What we project there are a l,OOO·sllp marina, 3,000 hotel rooms in four locat1ons, an expansion or the London Town Shopping Village. rt·stuurants. a nd a number or prlvuk sailing clubs The overall Wrather com· m1tment is approximately $1 billion. We expect to have the marlnus und flnt hotel completed In 3 to 5 years. and the total development completed In • 15·20 year11. The Spruce Goose will be open as an attl"action next summer ." Not far north of the Long Beach Harbor is the Marina City Club of Ma rina del Rey, an $80 million private club built by Hug~s interests and opened by Stevens In 1974. It is patterned after the Balboa Bay Club but on a much larger scale. Marina City boasts 670 apartments to the Bay Club's 120 Stevens temporarily left the Wrather Corp. in 1974 to open and manage Marina City. When he re· turned to Wrather five years later it was with an option to purchase the club. Stevens said the optior. expires m March, and that the Wrather Corp. "probably" will decide to buy .. We've already got plans, .. he ~aid Although Stevens has long been identifi ed as a pro-development rorce. he says that the .. best possible usage" or coastal areas is more i mpor· tant to him than .. the maximum money to be made with a given piece or land ... .. Even though I've always been a developer. I'm very protective of the coastlines. J think there are three categories of coastline -the ones highly committed to commercial use. like Los Angeles : those lands used mainly for low·density residential housing s uch as Laguna Beach, and then the really raw, pr istine coaslat l<inds such as Big Sur. All three have their uses and all three are necessary. ·'What I have violent disagreement with are coastal commissions using restrictions for 'social engineering.' ln Marina del Rey, for instance, ther e was an art.>a zoned for hotels, but the com- mission said the hotel and restaurant in it had to offer ·underprivileged rates· and keep the food prices down when they detlne that. They keep changing It. II l want to build in a retldcntlaJ zone here In Newport Beach for instance, the Coast.aJ Commission says l have lo set aside 25 per cent ol the units to be sold at an affordable price I think it's an absolute joke to approach it so literally. They define affordable as $70,000? Right, a rising young executive might a fford that. but how many other people could? In· te lligent land planning Is asking what Is the best use of the land. Not th«; highest economic use. "One of the reasons why Newport Beach is such a nice city is because It got the benefit of evolution. What we have here is an interesting mixture of s hipyards, high-density building, com · mer cial, residential and recreational. This city wouldn't bave turned out so well if someone had sat down 50 years ago and said, 'Let's malte the mosl money we can.' That's what happened in Marina del Rey. The county put the land up for bid and the people with the biggest income projections won the lease. That stifled creativity. It's basically a bori~g place to be," he said. "I think San Diego County has done the best job of managing their coast. Mission Bay is a great example of massive public access with very little commerc1allsm, but other areas not far away have encouraged, even subsidized commercial de- velopment. They're smart. As a consequence, San Diego is a beautiful place to visit. Look at Newport Dunes. H's a disaster because the county won't take a stand," Stevens said. It has been nearly 18 months since his triple by-pass heart surgery, but Stevens admits his pace hasn't slowed. ··1 haven't s lowed down as much as I should, I guess, but the operation really made me ap· preciative of a lot of things . I'm a little calmer . I love my wife very muc h and I treasure our time together. Heart disease is just one of lhose hereditary conditions you can't do much about. I don't see any reason to change my life because of it. 1 ·11 dje of heart disease. I know that. Unless someone runs over me in a car or s hoots me.·· "We've got coastal commissions set up to keep .-------------------- local governments from handing over t he coast to rapist developers and I can certainly appreciate the motive behind that. but what's evolved is a s1mphst1c attitude toward the coast. Wh at busines~ does a commission have telling a man who runs a hotel that he's got to have prov1s1ons to bring Watts children there .. .. The hottest program now 1s 'affordable hou· 1ng · and they've used some very broad language $50,000 to $500,000 INCOM E PROPERTY SECONDS 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you in the Daily Pilai RADIO PAGER S6.65 PER MONTH CONSU MER GROU P S CONSOLIDATE • • • For services only def1n1lely here to st ay. but we're entering a new phase Cons umerism began in the 1960s with t he · search for economic identity on the direct confron- tation level Ralph Nader added respect ability with his research projects. We saw institutionalization of consumer interests in the '70s on the local, state and federal levels Now the consumer movement faces dere~ulallon, cutbacks and criticism. .. Today's consumer e fforts resemble guerrilla warfare ... McNabb quipped. "We're ever ywhere a nd nowhen• present in almost every organiza- tion PubliC' members now hold majority me m- , AUTHENTIC FRENCH PROVINCIAL CHATEAU ON MALIBU RIVIERA WANTED: $2,000,000 and costs for 9 monffl1 for Investment .PUR.haH Terms Negotiable with participation possible ai.tew du lols -lr..d Hw --flf • kW. J ec,.. Mt. -,... lib Mttiftq wlffl 500 ~ okf ....... Opportunity to double your investment CALL 17141 494-5704 or171 41 759-0396 J ~ bersh1p on ever y policy-making licensing board in California These· public members are directly recruited and disclosure of information to the public has increased substantially ... · Ms. McNabb said she has seen consumer or · ganizations become sophisticated as well as ded· icated ... They have 'friends' on the inside , outside and everywhere else. Supporters are in small busi· ness. labor uruons. senior citizen clubs and minori· ty g roups to name a few Today's consumer ac· tivisl tactics utilize government procedure and due process of law They are demanding that statutory com mitments be made . They are growing up ... 1981 Dodge Challengers 5 to choose from- Automatics, 5 speeds ... Your choice of colors. Hurry! • lnler••I only p11ymenl • lncoon• • Co•••rcl•I • A•aidential COLLECTORS CORNER R8re Cofn1 • Stemp1 GOLJ?.f;.f,LVER -a...... 111 ..... Cl. aJa ..., Sell llnlgtrr-1 Mil.PS MD.II Mtple LN11 Mii.ii 1411..11 IOOC.-1 '*-• .,., .. JO,.._ Mt1M ....... _,.,. Slfvw 8-... ~ ~ 70% Bank Financing IRA & Keough (7141 556-N~ South Coalt Pleza Vlll•o• _ ...... ... ,,,.,_ ,,_ -c ...... "-'•l B.P. 1322 -Papeete -Tahit i PUMAAUIA -This district is the • 'Kahala of Tahiti ... Tahitian style home, but construction is cement block and redwood -four separate buildings make up the home which fo rms a "U" and faces ocean . Tiled courtyard with swimming pool as cente r piece. Over 15,000 sq. rt. landscaped with low maintenance in mind. Property filled to the top of a retaining wall, rive steps down to beac h a t top or ,beautiful cove. $690 ,000, furnished. Fee simple title in hand. • • • IEAUTIFUL -over water restaurant ror sale ; 1 n the million dollar range. * • • HUA .. HE _-acreage for sale or lease; on the beach. * * * PAPE.ARI -S acres, waterfront.· Choice property. Large river is one property line; the other side is tree lined ~ and a natural spring runs down the middle . 35 minute drive from International Airport. ~.ooo. F fS title in hand. '* * * • Frec1v._911 _ehoH "Wf..., .................. . x ~•w ........ , ..... ,... z.. .. 1 ~ CALL 74424 , ............. ,.,.. ... ••trlCt ........... "" ...... .,. • Weekly co••lt••nt• • Monlhly h1ndln9• • 6 •o ntha to 3 years • So•them Callfornu l f t t II IO•n lnfo rm•tion service I 1 J • t (714) 759·1515 AMERICAN HOME MORTGAGE J"\C: NewO<'' C~n't' Ottve' o .. ,.11" Ptua '"ewooo Beat." Cai.tofn1a 91660 Unlimited pages a nd pur· 1 chase your reconditioned pa· ger ror onJy SIOO with 30 days guaran~ed parts and labor. Be paged in a four county area. Los Angeles. Orange. San Bernardino and River· side Counties. 401 S. SANT A FE SANTA ANA CALL 714/835-3305 ORANGE COUNTY RADIO TELEPHONE SERVICE warmington homes - a great place to f1ang your hat Warmington Financial - a great place to invest your money I To find out more about Investment opportunities at Warmington Financial c~ll Undo at . . . ~ WARMINGTON FINANCIAL CORPORATION >.'1 ·'\~\i S' "1 T SI 11T[ • rl(1 IR\tlf'Jf Cf\ r ORNI/\ ,. ? ~ 1 t1 "A Southern Collfomla F-omlly Helping Southem Collfomlons" (7 14) 540· 2635 , 1 om Interested In Trust Deeds with Wormington Flnonclol: Pefsonolly IRA·KEOGH Pension/Profit Shoring Nome ----------------------~ Address --~-.,.....--·__, .... w._• ... •...._ _____ -::::::-:----Zlp ---<~> ... , ... ~·~· (Cly) Phone Home -----------W~ 0 , .. I t , • 16.06% • Annual Yield 14.90% Annual Rate 2% Year Term t The rate shown 1s in effect throuqll August 3 198 t I Now Bank of America 1s paying the highest bank rate ever on 21';.-YearT1me Deposits•• All it takes 1s a minimum investment of $1000. and you can lock up todays high rate for the next two and a half years PWS LIQUIDITY Now you can open the door to high rates without closing the door on the use of your money Because if you need to use your funds. we have loans available which can be secured by your Time Deposit. ... 'Annual yield is based on daily compoond1ng ol Interest when deposits and Interest are not withdrawn fora year ··substantial interest penalty for early withdrawal Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 I Pws · SAFETY If you re looking for safety in add1t1on to high interest look no further Your Time Deposit is backed by the safety of California s largest bank And insured by the Federal government up to s 100 000 With security like that you not only won I lose your money-you won t have to lose any sleep worrying about 11 PWS COMBINED CE SERVICE .. . With this service. the money in your Time Deposit can help you get checking, even Interest Checking. free of monthly charges. Put it all together and you'll see that our 2~-Year Time Deposit adds up to a unique investment opportunity that may be just nght for you. BANK OF AMrRICA NT &SA • M MBER f()IC ca • , l(lt • ., NY E COMPOSITE TRANSACrfON ~ OUOT•UIOll\ UtC~UOl f UOt' 011 flU NIW •O•~ ... o.ut P•C"lt ,.. IOHO• OIUOlf &110 (IN(INOT• uoo tll(M~llOU•lllOlll'OIT~OI• TNI OtOANOINlT•Hlf -......... ... ..... , --·--·- ,.... .. .. P f M .~ L-I.All ( ... "' 1" .. .. • I. • '• ., ,,, \) ,,, t a ea .,. a o c s a c c a c a 'Orange Coast DAIL Y PILOT/Sunday, Au gust 2. 1981 AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE QUOU flO"\l"(lUOl IUOl\ON fMI NfW 'l'OU lol10 Wl\I ,.t.(1,1( l'IW 10\TON Ol UOll ANO CIN(llllo"l\10<• I X(14ANOU •NO 1111'01110 IY IM( M.t.$0 llNO INU"•lf T 3 cs ,. ..... . . .. .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. August 2. 1981 -~--1:00• VOYAMTOTHI! eoTTOM Of TI4E SEA a.. .... I =TOPHEA a..OM\W t;OO 9 MU8tC AND THE IPOKENWORO ' 8 DAYBMAK L.A. D YOU'Tli AND THE l88UE.8 .. What Goea Wtth The School Board?'" Host John A Stearns Gvett Ri1aWal1ars 8) 818U! ANSWERS g) AOMPE.A ROOM ~VOYAGE SETTING SAIL David J anssen und Beverly Ross portray John Jacob Asto r and his young wife in the three·hour e pic "S .O.S. Titanic" tonight at 8 on Channel 7. (J) TI4E 8AXTEAS 9 THE WAR AGAINST TI4E POOA Edwin N-man moo.,e1es a panel dlSCUISIOn by Southern Baptist leaders on the affect of the Reagan admtn111rat1on s budget cuts on Ille poor CS)MOVIE Don't MISS Tne BoAI D Cl) ORAL ROBERTS ti) THE KING 18 COMING fJll SE.SAME isTREET (R) i> AMEAICAN OOVEANMEHT ®) IT 18 WRITTEN 9:30 II (() FACE THE NATIOH 0 13 MEET THE PRESS U IT l i308 MAASHALLEFAOH'S SUNDAY SCHOOL (R) 0 THATSCAT Carl Weihe•• co-star ol 'Rocky.· talk& at><>.it hr• cnlldnood days dvr ong "who Is II?". ''do you know?" presents the hlsto ry of lhe pencil U LEAVE IT TO BEAi/ER U PEOPLE7 Host Anna ChaYez D DAVE'f AND OOUATI4 G) ASWESEEIT {!) VOYAGE ()) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARN I NO IC)CRO$S8AR A determined athlete refvMI 10 let htS handicap or 01r.. P*Ql>le's pre1v· dice. stand 1n 11\8 way of his becoming an OlymPIC Champion D DAY Of DISCOllERY G) TI4E WOf'ILD TOMORROW II) JERRY FALWELL e'i) AMERICAN GO\/ERNMENT @) l<ENNETH COPEL.ANO 'S' THE WACKY W~LD Of JONATHAN WINTERS Host OrlOfl Welles 10:00 II NEWSMAKERS D ATONE 7:00 II TOOAY'S RELIGION D SEAEHDIPITY Guest JaGkte Cooper 0 MOlllE * * * "Sailor Bewere U ~T SCHULLER U IT 18 WRITTEH D KENNETH COP£LAMD 8) DAY Of DISCOVERY ti) MIGHTY MOUSE ti) YOGA FOR HEALTH e'i) VOYAGE Cl) LET TI4ERE BE LIGHT 9 DtA£CTlON8 Amnesty 1n1erna1Jona1 s wor'ldWlde efforts lo free poltttcat prisoners are e•a- mlned (R) 9 SUNDAY MASS ( 1952) Dean Marlin. J'l!rry Lewis Ladies learn 10 t>a on tne IOOkOUt when a madcap pair of romance- minded sailors go on leave 0 CAMP WILDERNESS 0 HERALD OF TRUTH G) REJCHUMBARO tli) SESAME STREET (R) ~ AMERICAN STORY (() THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL 7:30 f) FAITHWAYS Qt MEWSCE.NTER WEB<LY Host St>e<ry Landrum 0 WHITNE'f AND THE A080T U OIU.IGAN'S ISLAND U CAMPUS PROflLE ., JIMMY SWAGGAA't S) MISTER ROGERS (A} e'i) VOYAGE ' Cl) INTERNA TlONAL ~ 11)) PUBLIC PULSE Hosl BobMllls QI THE WORLD TOMORROW Cl) THE WACKY WOf'ILD Of JONATHAN WINTERS Host Ouon WelleS C MOVIE * * '• The Drowning POOi ( t975) Paul New man. Joanne Woodward A private 1nv1lsl1gator is nirttd by a wealthy Southern 011 heoress 10 dlscpver the Identify of the au1110< ol an 1ncr1m1na11ng letter 1:00 f) SUNDAY MORNING D ~RISTOPHER Cl06EUP S.)MOVIE "Honeysuckle Rose" ( 19801 Wlllte Nelson, Dyan Cannon Whtie on tour a Texas country-western singer t>ecomes Involved w.lh fhe seouc11ve daugh 1er ot h11 Stdektck even 1hoogh he still loves his stay·et·llOmtl wife 'PG' 10:30 i) INTERFACE U @l KIOSARE P£0PL£TOO U POPEYE AND, FRIENDS 8 PERSONAL DIMEHSIONS Hott Ma<y Oo<r 0 UOYOOOILVIE ti) CUFfWOODAVENUE Kl08 .. Tops 1n Cops· ihe 1<1ds find themselves involved Wllh coonterl111le<s Sl ELECTRIC COMPANY (A) {!) AMEAICAN GOVERNMENT @) JERRY FALWELL (8 REX HUMBARD (C)MOVIE "A F0<ce 01 One" 11979) Chuck Norris, Jennifer O'N•ll A maste< of thf! mar11al art• embarks on a reveno--motlvated '!41erch for the killers of his \dopl- ed ton 'PG (S)MOVIE .~ "Bon \/oyage. Chetlle Btown" c 1979) Ammeted ();rKted by Bill M411endez Snoopy and Woodstock follow ••change studenls Cherlle Brown, Peppermint Patty. Lihus and Marcie on an 8dventvra-fllled tour ol Engleod and Franc. 'G Guests Jell Conaway Kurt Thomas Teddy Pen· dergrass. cat therapist Carole Wiibourn (RI 0 RO&EAT SCHULLER Q) JERRY FALWELL ti) CALVARY CHAPEL {!) AMERICAN STOf'IY Cl) OREATESTSPORTS LEG ENOS Qt AOAICUL TURE U.S.A. 11:00 i) Cl) CANADIAN OPEN Ltve coverage ol the final round ol play 1n this golf tournament (trom the Glen Abbey Goll Club tn Oak· ville Ontario) D ONCA.MPUS Host George Fenneman iople Hl11011c past and present. Chapman Col· leg• D TERRY COLE- WHITTAKER ti) CHU~INTHE HOME f.ll) MASTERPIECE THEATRE FESTIVAL Of FAllORITES {!) AMERICAN STOR'Y Q)MOVIE 8:30 D TI418 18 THE LIFE 8 TODAY'S BLACK WOMAN • • "Legend 01 Cougar Cenyoo ( 197•) Two young t>oys trapped 1n a hidden cave come lace-10-1ace· with a deadty 001.19ar Hott: Frec:f• Payne. IJ MEETINOTIMEAT CALVARY I F'AEOEAla( K. PR1CIE SHOW MY PEOPl£ El.ECTRIC COMPANY ; AMERICAN GOV£ANMEHT (I) DAY OF OISCOllERY QI KNOW YOUR BIBLE 11:30 0 AORICUL TURE U.S.A. "Unusual Agrlbualneu vocaflons' U ANIMALS ANIMA~ ANIMALS "The Gralth01>911f .. (R) G) MOVIE t:OO D OOYSSE'f • • .. Tile Way Watt" (1~7) Klt'k Oooglu. Rob· art Mitchum. In 1&'43. a waoon trern of ~· t>ound tor Oregon encounteH l\ostlle Indiana a bunlllO stampede and a severe watar thortege alOng the treK f. CD AMERICAN STORY (ti SPECTAUM -AFTERNOON- Hoeta Frank Kwan Keith Berwick. Lew Ayr•• Guut1 Lucie Capec;· chlone, art therapltt. oplatn• how a pereon111 fournal may be uM<I to explore one'• Inna< being, Laurel LM dncribee 1he '"9-end-death ••perteneeS of '* lit., ll'lt«nttlonally- known aplrltv•I lleeler Frends Macnutt dete:rlbe• tt:OO D FM MINUT'E8 TO the healing step of l;>elng , , "eleln In the eplrlt": S'Mileh Muutl9r of Iha HaMltl- Jerrelll Sufi Order ~ the ltfemlC c;oo· CfC)tl of ~ end "Holy w~." • WJ.A A1.IOM ('IQ CHANNEL ~LISTINGS LM Hott: Bobby Troup. e I.Oil IN IPACti Wanting the RobOt tot their IMdtw, tiny IMChanl- cal men II aa. !Ill voloa aad Ptrtonalll)' for Smith'• 8 9 IMUUAHO AN8WRM 'i l(NXT 1CBSI LO$ Angeles l<NBC tNBCl Los Angel r. • l(fLA 1(nCJ I Los Angeles KABC TV (ABCI Lo AnQeh~5 l(f'MB tCBSI San Dingo KHJ· fV 1 tnd l Los Anqeln KCST 1ABC1 San Diego I l<Tl'V 1 Ind I Los Angele .. 11.COP TV (Ina I Los Ang~lf!!t t<CET TV 1 PBSI Los Ang1>1cs 4D KOCE N 1P8S1 Hvn1tnQ1on Bt>ncn • • 0 SEARCH P1ych1CS And Prophett. ti) MARCUS WELBY. M.D D< Welby 11 named 1n e malpracuc;e r.ull end Janot feels she Is retpons1ble fJll l'LAM8AROS "Chrtsllna Alter arriving •I F'lambards to 11111! "'''h h8f uncle and two coo>1ns Ct>rrsttna learns to 11Cle hO<!let>BCk IPlltl l)(R)l) {!) APPLIED SKETCHING 'Re!l&orCh In Sketc:hong C 'CROS8BAR A delorm1nee1 athlete rt1tvses to let his handicap, or Olher pciople s pre1v- doee. stand 1n the way ot his t>eeomlng an Otymprc Champion <SI HOLD MEI Paul Dooley 11 teatvred In this 1wo-11e1 play by Jules Farrier deprcllng the inst• blhty of urban 11111 Z MOVIE Rough Cut ( t980) Burt Reynolds, Lesley-Anne Down A BrltlSh SOCIBlile lures an .n1ernat1onal 1-el thl8f out ot rellrement 10 help he< s1eol ll0,000 000 1n diamonds PG t2:30 0 THE WAR AGAINST THE POOR Edwin Newman moder111es a panel d11cuss1on by Southem Baptist leaders on the elfecl of the Rea1>9n adm1n1strahon s budge! cots on the poor 0 DIRECTIONS 0 WILD. WILD WORLD OF ANIMALS 'Return 01 The Falcon" Once laced with ex11nct1on t>ecause of Ille use of DDT lhe laleon •S now making a comet>aci. {!) APPLIED SKETCHING ··s 11e1ch1no Hands' @) MEWSMAKERS '8 t Host John Beeny 1:00 i) {I) SPORTS SUNDAY Lt1te and taped coverage ot tr>e 131h runn•ng Ol lhe T al ladaga 500 (from tne 1n1ernat1onal Motor Speedway tn Talladoga. Ala) 0 THE MUNSTERS Two gangsters try to use Herman to swindle onsvr- anoe companies 0 MOVIE * * '• F'ear No Evil ( 1969) LOUIS Jourdan. Lyn de Day Gaorge A man's dat k soul is rellecled rn an anliqve m"ror which his llancee uses to cornmvnl cate w.th him al18f he dies 1n an accident 0 MOVIE • * * "Sherlock Holm85 And The Peart Ot Oeatn' 11944) Basil Rathbone Nigel Bruce S11erlock Holmes and Watson set out to 1nvest1Q•te the mys- lflfY surrounding a stolen gem W MRETTA Barella sets ovt to nail a ' • dtug dealer who has bv•lt up a cllentele among pte- tean Ch1l<lren tli) MURDER MOST £HOUSH "The Nine T1111ors" At a wedding tn 1914. one of the guests finds himself involved 1n a peculiar macabre crime (Pert 11 {!) APPUED SKETCHING Sketching Hands ®)MOVIE * * * "Jumping Jacks ( 1952) Dean Martin. Jerry Lawis Two men sign up !Of paralrQOPer 1ra11\lng and seem to wreak havoc whet-11\ey go Qt SPOATSW~LD AIAW National Women ' Collegllllll Gvmnas11cs Championship tfrom Saft Lake Clly Ulah). Mllltary Bolling Championships (from Camp Le.teune N C ); Svn11val 01 The Ftt- tut 1:30 D FREE-4-ALL Mode11tor Frank K.,.an 9 F·TAOOP F-Troop 11 gl,..., an evlC· tlon notice by a carpet- bagg« who has t>ouQht the town e'i) APPU£0 8KETCKINO "Sketching Drapery And Wrlnklot" 1 :40 {%) N&WS: 30 YEARS AGO THta WllK 2:00 D 8UNOAY Holl Pat Saj&lt. 9 CMU,IOAH'8 l8lANO Gi41tgen -gas trom an unexplored cave with • oat bit• on hi• neck. tD MOVIE * * i.. "S~ow 01 The Thin Mw1" (104 1) WIHiAll' Powiall, Myrna Loy Aft« a IOCICay 1t1 found dead, a r&ctt,,.ok 1cand1I 11 unco~.o. • MOVll • • • "8a.nd• 01 IWO Jlma" (11149) ~ WrtM. JOfln Aott The tough lralnlng \hat.vs Mar+nt -IJM'lt oi-'* rebtlN-out taotUllS ,_,cit In lhe ~Ult Of two Jtmt • ,,_ T<* QOTTLI IHOW ' "Potlfalt 0t A &lrgaon" Ot Nct\WO 9aller of Y ... ~ ....... SdlOOI lalkW abolll 11111 ~ encl ~..,.n· ..... llUfoeMI· • MIMIO! UNHll • lt }WOVll "Kiii 0< Be Ktli.cl (19IOI Jot4tj>h Ryan Cll8110tte MICh•ll• Two HV•O• llQU80t Of 81118 karafe c;han1p1on1 olath lot 11tv11t•oe•nd ••JtVt•ll ·PG <8lMOVla • • • • ra111« Ol '"" OrlOe" I tl!IO) 011*"<* fte cy. EMH0811t Taylor A lathe< ••o.t~ all ol tll41 IOya and headache• lnvol•ec:f With th• ptepar•· 11one le>t hit d1uohl•r'1 u omtng wedding MOVltl Bon lloy•g• Chatlt• Bf own ( 1978) Antmat.a Oit41C18d by 0111 MelenO.,, Snoopy and WOO<lttock IOllOW IXOh8f\O* 11\l<J.nla Cha/Ii. Brown l!ep~rn1n1 Pany, Luiu11 and Mercae on an edventu•e fl~ 1001 of Engletld and France G' ( Zl THE 8HAOOW OF THE EAGLE '011 Tt\8 Spot" (Chapter 8J •2.30 D GILUBAN'8 ISLAMO The ProlHllOf -• an opportunity to Cl* reacued when h8 lln<11 • t>ommo P.oe<>n 0 WILD, WfLO WOALO OF ANIMALS Shlllkt" lhu0 ~ll~tlon being given to a/lark1 11 OUI ol ell P'OPOrllon 10 '""'" real danger ml SPOLETO 'l1 Happy Birthday G11rn Carlo Two perlormera trom lhe We&1mlnstt1r Chorr encl Ille Spoleto Ftlli· flv111 Orchestra are IOI· low<Kl lrom 10h4!a11ale to• 'oncert c:elebratlng festival founde< Oran CarlO Menol II I 10th btrlhdly {!) PROJECT UNIVERSE "E•lrateaestrllll Commu f11cahons" ~ALL IN THIE FAMILY Archie keeps • srck Edith so busy cook•no t0t hos brg St Patrick 1 Day party that She doesn I get the chanu 10 tell him mat work 1s hazardous lo her he111th .. i_l MOVIE Somewhere In l 1me f 19801 Cn11stopher Aeeve, Jane Seymour Obse"8<1 with the P<Ytralt ol a 19th· century actress a modern day N-York playwrignt v&es hypnos11 to travel back 1n time eno meet he• 'PG 3:00 ft 2 WITH YOU D MO\/fE • • • •, Monkey BvSJ ness· f 19531 Cary Grant G•nger Roger• A quiet at>oont-m1nded researon chemist discovers a "youth formula 0 NATIONAL SPORTS FESTIVAL Lrve and taped coverage 01 1 ne conc1u11on or compel!, tion held this week. tn Syracuse. Now York among over 2600 amateur athle1es 1n 33 aports. 1nclvd1ng most of those wlltCh are In the Wllll .. and Svmm11r Olympic Games and the Pan Ameri- can Games 0 (;HI TENNIS "Wells F'orgo Open" El) OPENMIMD Nat><>nal News Council' Guests N0tman Isaacs AH Rasktn {!) PROJECT UNIVERSE "Galules (]) STAR TREK The Entlll'prrse almost col- lides with a strenge space- crall rn outer IOllC• @) NATIONAL SPORTS FESTIVAL Coverege ol the conclv- s1on ol compehllon held 1h1s week 1n Syracuse. New York among over 2600 amaleur athletes 1n 33 sports 1nclvd1ng moll of those which are to the Win- ier and Summer Olympic Games and me Pan Amen- c;11n Games IHIMO\/IE Midway' 11976) Charlton Heston. Henry Fond• Jap. anese and AmerlC8n mill I ary torces square off fO< a naval and aettal baltle can· tered around a Pac111e island dunno World War 11 PG' S: 15 0 MOlllE "The Gteat A1v1era Bank Robt>ery I t979) Ian McSh&ne. Warren c1an.e Fascist radtcal• and p<O· tessronal crlmlnals join forces to puli off the "per. lect" crime ~f) MOVIE * * • '\ "Tha Sons Of Katl8 Elder (11165) JOhn Wayne. Dean Maritn Foor brothers avenge Iha deaths of their parents and the loss of their ranch 0 SPORTS AFIELD Q) MOVIE • • • · Kharloom· ( 1966) Ct>arllon H .. ton, Lavrencl8 011,,.... General Charles Gordon d41fend1 19th-cen- tury Sudan from the tanall- cal reflgloos leader, the Mahdi fJi) THE LAWMAKERS Corrnpondenta Linde Wertheimer and Cokle Rober1s 1oln Paul Duke for an vp·to-the-mlnute sum- mary of Congre11lon1I llCllVltiet m PAOJECT UNIVERSE "The Expaodlng Universe" t"CJ FILM FUTURE 4:00 0 SPOMSWORLD AIAW National Womart'• Colleglate GymnHtlC• Ch•mplonalllp (lrom Silt Lake City. Ut.flfl): MW11ary 9o•lng Champ1on111lpt (from Camp LeJeun•. N C), Sutvlval 01 The flt· 1 .. 1 ··UPl~ 8UP£RITAA Na1111tor. Tom Botley. The ~ ol Superman ltOl'll aomlc boo« to the t~ alOn tcfMn .. lhoWn with appaatanou by guaau from Iha t......,tlon ~. SI WAU ITMET WUK "Option Stratagl••" Oueat. Kennelh F Dolan, 00110n• ~t. ShMt· llOf'ILO.O~ G~UNM:W "0\1-•' (I) WONOIP' WOMAN Wonder WO!Mn gOtt 10 Tax.u whet• ena le con- ~on1ec1 by • dMgarOua ring of plttOI-~ """ tiara. MCMI "A FOtCe Ot ON" (111'1 C>ucll MOl'tit. JeMI,., O'Nalfl. A~ of Wt m.n.at .,,, ~· °" • ,..._..MOllN._. ...,_ > a .. TUBE TOPPERS NBC C!J 7 00 .. Disney's Won dt•rrut Worlcl Folio" Me Roys .. !'art one of u hlor~ about a Mn~11l-town ~rout rn 1tsll!r KHJ f) 7: :JO .. 1-'<H'U~ on Rrit:11n." A look at l rl'land and u trip to Bl'lfa~l to talk to lnlih pt>ople KTLA 0 8:00 "Nat mnal <iL'O graµhtl' Spc('aal " A look al 'bird:-of l'VCry slZl' and dcseriµtion. KCl';T Jf 8 00 and KOCE ~ 9 uo £vcning i.JI lht• Poµ~ ... The on·hc·~tra 1:-- 1oint•d b~ ~oµra110 LL•o nlynl' Pru:l' lot the killer• of hll adopt &cl son 'PG $l MOlllE Honey1uclde Roaa· ( 19801 Wrtue N .. llOll 0y.,., Cannon Whl .. nn tour. • Texas counlry-western srnger becomN Involved with tile Hductlve daugh- ter of h11 Sidekick even 11\ouOh he '"" IOves hb aley-at~tiom. wile PO' •: 16 I ZJ PIH£MA.9COAE 4:30 fD WASHINGTON WEEK INREVllW ~ THE VICTORY GARDEN Bob Thompson oiler• odv;ce on ~ phase of g&rden•no 0' MOVIE The tncred1t>I• \/oyage Of Stingray ( 19801 Anllmlt ad Captain Troy Tempett and hll !>and of aqvaneuta nave a run 1n w1lh Titan the ev11 rvlt!t ol a 181(141 vnd8fwater city Z MOVIE 'A Pain In The A-" (19751 Lino Venlvr •, Jacques Brei 5:00 0 BIOHIC WOMAN The son ot a de<anged sc1- enhat demands Jaime. Oscat and Or Wells H ransom for a -•pon his robOts nave p1aceo 1n 0<b1t (Part 2) 0 A8CHEWS D IN 8EAACH Of A LOST WORLD The ruins of Mexico ana South Am1111c a are explored 1n th•s study into the vaGt c1v111ia11ons that were built before techn<>lo- Ql exrsla<I W FlRINOUHE •()o. We Need A F0<eogn Polq Ooctnne? Guest GeorgeW Bell {!) THIS OLD HOUSE Bob Vllo oflers some sotv 11ons when wotk on the house uncovers vnfore _, p<ot>tems trom lhe rool to file plumbing (RI:; (]) M •A•S•H RllClar s sudden p<omotron 10 hevtenanl stuns every· one but Hawkeye ond B J whO -re respons<ble ®)MEWS ~ HIU STREET BLUES @MOVIE Return From Witch Mountem" 119771 Bene Davis. Christopher Lee A power-mad 011stocr1tl and his greedy female cohort enempt to explOlt lht' supernatural abrlltres of two children lrom ooler space tor th8'r own evil purposes 'G 6:30 D NBC MEWS 0 NEWS {!) HERE'S TO YOOR HEALTH 'Growing Up The Adoles cent Years tRI O (() WELCOME BACK. KOTTER E.p1te1n pe1n1s • nude mural for art cla1s and uses Julie· 1 I oce t1§) ABC NEWS C"~ A determined alhlete refuses to let hrs handicap, or othet people s pre1v· dice. stand rn the way 01 his t>ecom•ng an Olympic Champion IH) THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The soil-tock group which bt1ngs beck happy memo- ''" of th• ·eos performs classic hlta lnc:lvdlng "B1r- bar a Ann.' "Suttin' US A : .. Lillie Deuce Coupe" and Good lllt>r•· llonJ.' ~~­ &:00 I) (I) C88 NEWS D MEWS 9 MOVIE ••• "How To Marry A M11tlona1re f 1953) Lauren Bacall. Marffyn Monroe Three actr..,.. vae an e•penSlve eportment a• ball tor rleh hu1band1 G 1100,000 NAME THAT TUNE D AHOASEMAH RIOINOBi .. t91' Cell To Arms" The Great War hits the \/a.lley and WUI Oodsall I• \he flrsf ma.n to be called up. (Pa.rt 8) G) AU. IN THI FAMILY Edllh le confronted with fl rapbt end a llt•threateo· Ing 1reu1ne on the ave ol her aurprlae blr1hO•y pat· t.I:_(Patt 11 t11 aATNllTA" ~ AOCUMd of muc'darlng a •hlpmata, Starbuck ~ the Galtetlee 8ftd lend• on • ew•rn1>1 P*"I' held by Cylans. e Al.lCMATUNa GNAT AHO IMAU. I 'rA o,lng 8.-d" Sleglfltd and ~ dleGoYer that Klanoa Ma llUla conttol 9"" .. and death. (Patl 22) ID rv-.GAT 8YMPHONY l %1MOlllE "Aough Cut ( 19801 Butt Reynolds Lealay·Anne Down A Br1t1Jh •octa111e lures an lntarn111ona1 1-el thief 001 ol retirement lo help lier &IHI $30.000,000 In dl8m0fldl 'PG' 1:30 §(I) Qt NEWS NEWS CONFERENCE MAT~GAME M MOVIE ·eon Voyage. Charlle Brown" ( 1979) Animated Snoopy and Woodstock follow exchange ttvdent6 ChDthe Brown Peppetmlnl Patty Linus and Marcre on an adventvre·f1ll&<1 lour ot England and France G 1$,MOVIE Bon lloyege, Charlie B1own" ( 19791 Animated Olrac:ted by Biii Metende1 Snoopy and Woodstock lotlow eachanga Slvelenls Charll8 Brown. Pepperrrvnt Petty. Ltnvt end Marcre on en edventvra-f1lled tour ot Eno1and and !'ranee G 7:00 f) Cl) 80 MINUTES 0 Qt Dt8MEY'8 WONOE.RFUL WOALO FoUO'* Me Boys A lrav ahng .a•ophone player semes 1n • small town and sell out to w•n tha neari of a lady by tJeeom1n9 a tcoulmuter jPllrl tl(RICJ U ®) THOSE AMAZING ANIMAl.S Fea1u<e<1 a t>Omb·ret•oe•· •ng wl'lal11 truths ano myths at>ovt p0rsonous snakes, an ettort to save fhe wtld !)vrrOS on Ille Grand Canyon IAI D THE 8AXTERS The ttovsehOld s no pet rule 1s ove<tvrned when Susan bring• home • ,11ay dog but f.OOn f}V!'lyone wants a pel m M0"1"E CARLO SHOW Guests Juhet Prowse. Shields and Yarnell Sacha Otstel. the Bog1nos tli) VIC BRADEN'S TEHNIS FOR THE FUTURE The Volley Vic Braden helps viewers overcome the tear ol g<>lng to the net avrrno 8 volley and dem- onstrales whal 10 Clo once yoo get there (RI ... {!) ARINOUHE Do We N!!ed A F0tergn P<>ltcy Ooctnne?" Guest GeorgeW Ball 'C' MOVIE Kill Or Be 1<1ned ( 1980) Joseph Ryan Charlotte M1cne11e Two savagl! squads ot e1t1e karate champions c1as11 for revenge and survival PG' 0 MOVIE The 81ves Brothers' ( 1980) JOhn Betv$1\1, Oan Ayltroyd Two blues s1no· e<S muSI contend with t~ Ch1eago poliCe lhe CIA neo-Nazts and lhe US Army to pvt togethet a 1>enel11 concert 10 raise money IO< lhelr pansh 'R 0 PAESTO ~NGO. rr&MAOICI Mntet 1llusionts11 gather for a dtspley of myatlly•ng 1a1anls and mlracvlovs feats which vrrlvally defy expfanallon 7:30 0 FOCUS ON 8RfT AIN Northern Ireland The Other Side.. Holl Keltt> Se<wick 1ravet1 to Belfast to see fhe troubled prov- ince ol Ulster and meets OlymptC gold medalllt Mary Peters and Sir Phillip Foreman end talk• 10 local people In the pubs end plants of the dty fJll AVENUE 28 Hos1 Nancy Becker Ken- nedy Featured • lhe Inno- vators." "Matters Of Con· i;ern," "Something Sttovl<I BeOon• .. 8~ fJ (J) ARCHIE 8UNKE.R'S Pl.ACE Murray o••• lec:f up Wtlll Archie and threalena lo walk oot. (R) 0 a:!CHIP8 A man whOM son wu killed by a drunken drive< IOfms a vlgllante group whose action• toOn turn vlelous and reckleU (R) 0 NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL "Winged World" Descend· ad from dinoaaura birds of -V llH end deac:rlption Inhabit every corl\84' 01 the world a o MOVIE * * V. "S 0 S Titanic" ( 1979) David J1n11en. .c1otl1 Leachman 0 IT 18 WNTTEH .. MOVIE •..; "SuMWI" (197&) P•t>IO F.,rel, H"OC) Sllglllz W"8n a cttart.,ec:f plane carrying •6 mem~ of a rugby • team crelhet In the 11\0W· COV9fed Andes, the 16 IUt· ""'°" turn to cannlbelfsm to obtain food • HDHAW Ouaatt. Paul Anle1, Sy!Yfe. Aalpll OHt Danc;ere. Chubby WIN -~AT'°" JOhn Wllllamt and tllt loeton Pope are IOIMd by -~ aoprano leon!yne filtlet IOt a P«• lorl'lltlnCa ol ~· "Ufl Oft DI Vedramo" from Madam• lutltrlly and Hlaelllon• fforn ll•dl'• "lmarlll " ...... TITUU ... •S .. C•• TMIATM~M. Ol1 MWWTm "Upd ... DowitAllrl. The ..,.. ~ lftd ...... .,. 1111/Md '° • ,.. hunt arid Ao. arid ldWw• - •• s o a 5 Miii along to tlke cat• OI them (P_,, 3)(A) <HJMO'lll 'fame" c tHOJ trer"le c..,,, O•rry MIMe< S.ver•I gltted 1tvoent1 111 • ~ York high IChOol fOf the per· IOI lfllfll) lltl 8&P81'181\C8 vlltlOUt MIDaekl and IUC· 4'411-OI t>olh pe<tOnal end p<OleulOn•f nature• •PQ' ($)MOVIE ·w"-" t ,,,,. lian Out · ( 11180) Paul N-man Wll ltam Holoen A tove trlan- g.. o.ve!OC>• on • ·~Y opened 11land resort th•Ntaned by en active vOlcano 'PG· @MOV1E "Brvbak8<" ( 11180) Robert Rec:ffO<d. V~t Kotto A retorm-m1nded warden uncove<• widespread cor- rvptton wt\Wl he enlats his n-ly aulgned pnson pos- ing as an 1nma1e R r%)MOVIE ·somewhere ht Trm• · ( 1980) Chrlttopher Raeve. Jane 5-ymour Obseued w1111 the portrait OI • 19th· century actr••• a moO&rn· day N-Y0tk pleyw11ght uses hypno1111 lo travel t>ack tn time •r>d moet he• 'PG' 1:30 I) ClJ OHE DAY AT A TIME Ann a mothef • recent widow. goes 001 on a date with Scflnelder (RI D THEWORLD T~ROW e:oo e Cl) AUC£ ll•••'s long-lost Aunt Age· th• rides into Ph011"1• on a mOIO<Cycle and lllM to convince v.,a 10 1p111 with her to oraene< putvras (R) 0 (,fj MOVIE. * * •, ''St Ives f t9761 Chatle5 Bronson. J8'-Qve- hne Bisset A lormer 1our- n1hst •S ""od by a -allhy ltlm 1anc1et to recover a set ot 1nc:11m1naflng ledgers • in e•change IOI S 100 000 (R) U WILD KIMOOOM In Searctt Ol A Porpoise 0 WILD, WILD W~LO OFANIMAL.8 The Social Cat The '1ng of t>eests 1t11es a ttghlly atructvre<I social pattetn ti) DOLLY Guest Karan Btac~ Eli) MASTERPIECE THEATRE FESTillAL Of FA VOf'llTIES Upstairs ()ownsta1ts The BOlter" Jam~ and Hazet ere invited 10 a foa 11unt and Rose and Edw&td ere sent along 10 take care of them (Pa•1 3) fRI {!) EVEHINO AT POPS Jonn W•lhams ~nd tM Bo5ton Pop~ are 10tn&<1 oy world-renowned soprano Leontyne Price lor a per· tormanGe of Pucc1n1 s Un Del 0. Vedramo lrom Madame Butter fly and selecttons lrom \/erd1·s Ernarn1 C MOVIE • * ', The Drowning Pool' (19751 Paul New· men Joanna Wooowatd A p<1vale 1nves1rga10< is h1ted by a weallfly Soo11\ern Otl llf'tress to drSGOver lhe 1cien111y of 11\e au1h0< ol an 1ncr1m1natong letter 9:30 tJ Cf) THE JEFFERSONS Pe1enn1a1 rivals George and Tom challenge each other Into running a 26- mite marathon 1R1 0 WORLDOF SURVTVAL Ducks Out Of Water" Host John Forsythe meets some s1t11ng ducks and gathe<s down tor thf! long wtnters in leeland 0 BREA TH OF LIFE "The Grit Ot A Long Ltfe H05t Charles 0 BrOOl<s Gvest Or S OeShay ti) NASHVILLE MUSIC Guest• Jotlnny Russell Susie Allanton Freddie Hat1. Bud<ly SP<Ct>e< O)MOVJE "Am.wrcan GigOfo" 119801 RIChard Gere. Levren Hvt• ton A Beverly Hiits gigolo t>ecomea the p11me svs· pect 1n a murdet 1nvn11ga. hon 'R' 1:'46 CZl CINEMA.SCORE 10:00 f) (I) TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. A ha•dbolle<I ••-1t11p- 1easer (Rita Morano) falls 1n love with a handicapped doctor (Herold Russell) (RI em NEWS =~LEY NETWORK MEWS fJl) FREE TO ~008E .. Who Protects The Con· sumer?" D< Mitton Fried- man IOOkl el how the con- sumer ptotectloo mo ... mant of the PHI 20 )'981'1 has actveny hurl the con- suroer ( R) O {!)EXCHANGE "ihe Third Coast" l he 1tyte of Ille in Ta••• and the effects of r ap•d growth oo Hoostoo. the 1tate's largest city, are ••Plored 00MOV1E * * * • "TM GOdfathar" ( tll72) M.,IOn Brando. Al Pac1no Directed by Fran- cis Ford Coppola Based "" the novel by Meno Puzo An aging Malloeo -the barriers bet- hi• l<lylltc !amity fife and the herah rHMtlee ol hi• bullnMt break down u hi• son• bllcom8 lnclr"eu· lngly lnvotv.d In the vlolent worklnos of organlnd (;(fme MOVIE "The Tin On.Im" I t979J David Bennett, An~tl• Wltllllat. A 81'1\tll bOy With unueual ~· ol .,_,a.p- llOn tataoi• polltloa, hlJmM ~andt-..n t0u1tll00d •no ~ about hi• country during the tumu11uou1 .....,, ot the Nul raglma, rutlnely btnglf\9 a tOy drum 'R' 10: 11 00 ..ov-"~~ .. ( 19711 thwtlon Httion. H8f)IY roncta Jt1>- anaee an0 ~ m*- tary tof'C8a loQU8(8 °" ftlW • navll and aerlll battle-.. l«ed atound a PllGfflc ~ ~ WOfld War II. 'PQ' 1 --1~~ aalf MMICWWT !"-~!...:: HOii. A'.9¥ Oonaalt9 • a a 0 • o a rt rt . . . " Wt\J), wtU> WOM.O Of'ANIMALI Man't Cloeell Kiii How CIOttly dOtt fft811 I totatnbla lh• llh•n19? ID INIAIC f'MVllWI Rog« EMrl and 0... Srtk .. llOtl .,, 1111otrnauw look at what't ,_ ti the tn(W ... GD 1lff: OAIQIH.&Lt: THI WNTV' IH AMEIUCA "Pttrllled Man" Eudora Welty r..Ot lrorn ont of her .nor1 ator~(lil) <Cl MOVIE Th& UI• Of Bttan" ( 1979) Gfaham Ch•om•n, JOhn C'-In the tint century, a t>unglet 11 lllMly pro- cle1me0 • ~•llh end becomea the leade< or • great religious mo-..ment ~alntrt n1s wianu R 11·16a oas~a 0MOVIE • • • • .., A1tan11r ( 1972) Jack Lemmon • .kiliet Miiis A cMservauve t>v11nen- man !Alls 1n love with the allghtly ecce<Wtc daughter of 1111 dead 1a1her '1 m1s- 1rns 11 SO II SPORTS AHAL Hott JlmHill 0 700CLU8 U ABCNEW8 0 WILO, WILD W~LD OfAMtMAL8 Too Many E1apnanta Tl'lrs expl0<es Iha poatlble a.1tt1nctt0n ol the eiepr.ant Q) MOVIE * * * "Khartoum 11968) Charllon Heston Laurence Ollvrer Gen&t al Charles Gordon defends 19th-cen- tvry Sudan from the lanatt· C:al rell(l'OUS le808f the Mahdi W POPI GOES THE COUNTRY Gvosts Jimmy Deen Bob· t>y Bate fn LOS ANGELES WEEK tNRIEVIEW Host Ctete AO'-ll ('[) TELEPUl.SE (\Jj MOVIE * • ·~ "The Court Jes1er" (1956) Danny l<aye G1yn1$ Johns A crrcvs clown meets aoven111te when he t0tns up wrlh oullawa trying to overthrow a 1yrant k•no ~MOVIE • • • 'Undercover With The KKK ( 19791 Don Mer- edltn James Watnwrtglll 0 MOVIE • • • • The Goafath4tf 1197:11 Marlon Btanao Al Pac•no Dr•ected by fran-et' F0<d COPpol• BU&d on the novel by Mario Pv10 An ao•no Mafioso r.ees the bart1ar• t>et_,, nos odyllt<: family ~le and 1ne 11arsh rea1111es 01 his bu5'"8$S break down as h<s son' t>eGoma 1nc:reas- 1ngly 1nv<>lved 1n Iha vo()lent workings ot organized crimt:!: 11:46 i) THE ROCKFOf'ID FILES D MOVIE * * ', Und8<COYer Wllll The KKI(. t 19791 Don Met· edllh. James We1nwrt(lllt 0 MOVIE • * " • 'Fal C•ty' ( 19721 Stacy Keach Jell Bridge$ Orrec!ed by Jonn Huston Based on IM novel by Leonard Gardner -Ml>flGKT- t2'00 ti) ROOKIES t2:30 (H CONS£HTIHG ADULTS llattous types of relation· Ships lhat dely 11\e trad1· ttonal s1andllfdS set t>y modern SOC•aly are eu- m1ne<1 z,MOVIE A Pain In Th<t A-( 19751 Ltno Ventura JacQve5 Brei 12:45 f) MOVIE • * ·~ "8-are 01 The Watchdog.. 119 7 11 Robe'! Steck. SvS811 Saint James A magazine reporter 1n-. trgates threals against a coosumet advocate s ~le 1'00tl) NEWS ¢MOVIE 'The Orpt>an A youog bOy re1rea11 Into en Inner world of madneas and sin- ister v1s1on1 alte< the tr agre deaths of h•• patanll 'R $MOVIE The Work! Is Full 01 Met- rred Men' A VOU"O model discovers the road to fame and lortvne 11 paved with tun 'R' 1:30QtMEW8 1:400MOVIE 'Brvl>M., .. 11980) Roc>ert R41dlor0, Yaphat KOllO A reform-minded warden uncovers Wldespteed cor- ruption wtlen he ante<s Ills newly autoned ptlson POS· •no .. an tnma.I• 'R' 1·46 0 ATONI Guest· ector Richard Ct>am~n @) A8CNEWS 2:00 rz l MOVIE .. Rough Cut" ( 1980) Burt Raynolds, Luley-Anne Down A British IOCial1te Iv.-.. an lnt.,netlOnal jew9I thrf}f ool ot rellr_,t to 1\91p her •teel $30.000.000 In diamond• 'PO' 2:181 ..wl 2:30 TOOAY'I AEUQK)N )MOVtE "A Force Of One" (1979) Chuck • Norri•. Jennifer O'Neill A matt., ol the mafllal ar1t eMbria on • reveng4t·mottvated MetCh IOf 11'18 kHler1 of hill adopt- ed 10n 'PG' 2:41 D HEW8 1:00. 'AITHWAYI CS) THE W/ltO(V WOM.O ~JONATHAN~ Host: o.-eon W .... S:IO 8 NIWIMAKIM .. Cll Oo\VIO IH&HAH'I SHOWrlMEIN HOUVWOOO David Sllttf\an Int.,..,_. Burt Aeynold9 and L.Jnd• Blllr 4:00 ! ==A.Ctl "TM Ute Ot 8rl•n" ( 1t78) Orllllatn OMpman, John C-... In the t1rat oanr~. • ~ Ill llllMly Pf~ ~ • meeeiafl and becofN8 ... ....,. of • .,... rtllglowa ~·· Cfr.::WW!tt '"' "lofM..,..• In -n.." (1M0)~""8W. J8118~ ~ ~ !tie Portrwt of • ""'" «*'M"Y•-. ·~ Clay Hew v-.-........ .,... ~ ,. _..,.. bao1t W. flMa ..S ,,._ 1W ·..a· •. ' I I • ,. 'Rrinaways' at OCC Musical is brilliant and painfully relevant BJ MICllAELOOVGAN °' ................ •• Runaw6i ya, ··this summer'& musical at Oran1e CoHt CoUege, Is an absorbing, dlaturblnC play that hlls you ln the race with Ill brutal honesty. Atten· dance should be mandatory ror pacent.s of teen· agers. A complex and compeliln1 eumlnaUoo of t_tle reasons why children leave home, "Runaways" ls all the more unsettling because It ls so well done. Director William Purkiss has assembled a cracker· jack cast of young people who bring the sincerity of conviction to their performances. This ian 't Just act· lng for them; they seem to be speaking from ex· perience. •·My parent1 can hear what 1 can't and I~ blame me for that." "Runaways" is a compendium of communica- tion breakdowns, an anthology of aching hearts. If your parents aren 'ton your side, who ls? The charac· ters in this drama see themselves as rejects in a sense those of us who bad normal upbringings can on-· ly imagine. Theirs is the pain of abandonment. "Oh m11 Cod! Do they know I 'm awake? Ii that wh11 they 're /ightmg?" To take a theme like this and make it into a musical is almost perverse. That it works so well is attributable to Elizabeth Swados, who wrote the words and tunes. There are 41 songs in " Runaways," and you won't go home humming any one or them. You won't sing them in the shower. You will want to forget them, but you won 't be able to. They are too important. No "60 Minutes" episode could tell i.ts as much about runaways as these musical interludes do. The brilliant "Song of a ChiJd Prostitute" makes us want to kill a pimp. "We Have to Die?" underscores the absolute desperation of th eir IJves. "To the Dead of z-T1IMt Gay ... (PG) }:10 ,,10 10:10 tye oft,,• Neeell• (R) 12:00 •·OO I 00 Bo Der•k TAAZANTt« AN MAN (R) 1:00 3 :20 S:•o 1 :00 10:20 1 1 In 70mm & Do~ 1 moldlieloll Artl 1:30 2.00 4.30 ·30 N·o Economy Seating I Brook• Sh••lds EM>LESS LOVE IRI 12:30 2:50 5:10 7:30 9:50 •wo Y'tlOrtMV •ne • Sound 11 Ori .. •n &.tow Vo"' AM car r~io 11 VOUf -kOf II no AM car radtO with •1n1hon ~V pot111on, br1 your own AM por1MM 1ltE Eli9'tRE STRIKES BACK IPGI Plus! Co·H1t AL I E N (RI I Disney•, THE FOX .. THE HOUND IC ) Th~ Black Hole (PGI Olld\A'Ca I WOLFEN IRI ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK IRI c=:===:=:::> 8 111 Murray STRIPES IR> Plus Wholly MosM (PGI OM~ I LL PDl'OUl&Kll WIBOATS 11 J·M • • I 00 Piii * ~~TIMI AUi I 11 I Piii• 0..., Ml I • NO l'OfOllMAllCf:S ....,,AUii a• 10 SAIUR .. YI 11111 AM•. 3.)llrM •I l'tt SUllOATS 11 I :IO Piii & I Piii • SAVl U ot Oii «IDS UNDO 12 AT STMUD rlllRlllMAllCES \ the Family Wan" ls •scalpel that dluecll parent. child relationships with Uf\errina ruthlessness. And another song aay1 it aU : "Ju.st let me be young before I get old," stn1a the company. '•Let me be a kid." ' · • MJI /atlwr ptelu mt up ond he throwa me on t"-Jloor and he get1 tau Joct reoll11 cloN to miM and tlw Uquor nnetu liU love on hu lffeoth." There Is no plot to "Runaways," no Individual <See 'RUNAWAYS,' Pace C8) Tu love a ~ tSeasy. To kill a lcM!r is not. a s 3 - Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 NON IS THE TIME Fal HEROES. Ip( ---~ IONMllR A PARAMOUNT l'tr.ru1u; ~-.... --• ..-....... ;.;;iii;I ........ ~--................. _<.._ .. IA····· _....,... . ....__ .· . . ' ,_ : NOW PLAYING ' Alie DllA#Gl MAll O<•not 637-03•0 lDWAROI ICIUTM COAi I Cos!• ~·'" ~9 )J~l UA CIH Clll(MA 0-•"QI r,:µ 39•. lDWAllOS MV•HllOIOll TWiii """~'"'Jll·"' ""• ,, A•8 nJu fDWAllDI HDDlllACA DllAllClt Dlllff.111 OIJl'Of' '>e8 I'll~ Ml·WAT >I ORlfl·lll W"fmtf'l•,lt• ~' tll'O £ ro<o ~· ~o 0AILYl:a,t:46 &:1 ....... _ DAJl.'f1:tt.- l ._,l: ... 1f'• I TMS '""-' COMTWUU . ~ ··)~ • _,,.. ... t i *' DAIU 11:11, 1:• ... ., .. I_ OALYl•,1111 •:•·-·'-"ESCAPE FROM NEW YORK'' <R> DNl'fl-4:a,t:;46 ~ ..... -p. "BLOW ~ OUT., ·-..::"'a. _,,~ .. .,..,, .. ,. \ -Renard Scl1ickel TIME MAGAZINE oflh• Losr 1:;1,f<. ""'"'°''Ill( 1UfllNUN IWAHtlloW1 •lM, AU:I 11~1 "" 'U f (l"*U\lfllll" -• ..()iN Ml.IA/.f.i ... 1<1\l I IA 0 W•• 'A/J.h .µ, -.. lMt4t t-(J AASJNt '}(Al • A •" • • :.. f.MA•, _,ffiN' Witl'I. -· It"'• I~ .. .. r .... -cxi-~~· .......... ~. , PG---.;t ·-.. . NOW PLAYING • IOWAllOI IOUTM COAST MAH lllU r LUA f C.t.i\11111 Mf!..., lllj ;J• f4 ,, •, • .q \J)r. lOWAROI uoouuca • CMltDOMl f ' • ·~ '>60' rAClflC'S SOllTll COAST l ffl1,1".t (W.,-1'-""' • , .. . lllfCOl• Ofllfl-1• . ' . ·~~~!".~~.c::,a,~~m llO rusu ACUrn1 fllll TIMS EllUQIMm JOHN TRAVOLTA IN BRIAN OePALMA'S "BLOW OUT" DAil. Y 1 11, tt•. 1: ........ 11:11 OAIU ,,_,-.I.. DAILY 11:119, - 7:9e, l:W. 1e:M ~ ..... l:W. L~ l- -TNl--UCA---111 cinu.,. ••~ CotmM\IU BO~ oon:u~ ~e! CHRISTOPHER REEVE GENE HA CIC MAN IN "SUPERMAN II" ~be DAILTI ..... Nt.•• DAILY l:JI, 1M (!J ............... =--nc,_ ~.u, ,..CIWT\lllt"l 10 • pttlt,S -"ESCAPE 1,AOM NE VOAK" R) _,.,._, ... .. -•-ALMA .. "BLOW OUT"'"' DAIL'•-l!lil .... -..... , .... brvoke •hl•lcb martin hewltt ~ ·1 I . .. • . ' ' ' I I I I l I t • ' I I • f • • I . . ..._ ____ ___._. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Aug uet 2. 1981 'Runaways' Fn•Pa1ecr charaet r development, no con!Uct and resolution. tt I.I almpJy a aeriet of monolo1uea lnttrspened with music. fn the end the characters. almoet 40 ln all, 6 ii ... -,. • brooke shields ma11in hewitt endless love 1curry acroea the staae. over the walla and fences f! and lntothedark.neu of the city. Then lhey areaone. R That'athelratory · PolyGtem PicturH A Un1~er)al Rele11:.e 1n a sense, these kids are lntercbanceable. Their ~~~~~~-•.,ti!-'.~~-~··~·~··~··~·: .. ~·~··~ .. ~·:··~·~ .. ~ .. :.:·.:.·~·~··:··~·'.:.·:_: ... ~ . .,~(~"~· .. : ... ~:::__j histories are all variations on a common theme, and •coan MllA C:OITA Miil UR.DIM GROH ORANGE clarlfyin1thatthemel1theplay'sobjecUve. Brtstol HarbOr Westbrook UA C•tv C11•em.r .. At 3:.SS Morada11 evening m11 /atlutr hit m11 motMr · 540·T444 631 3~01 !>30·4401 bJ4 JQ11 ocroH thl /oce. I'm 1eared and thol'• C1'rrnf *"''· L ... -. °""! •• -· ·--1 'IDl!i::a!!iJ "Runaways" not only examines famlly ---------------------....J breakdowns under a microscope, but it also Il- luminates the lives children find waitina for them when they leave home. "Wh11 doe& frudom '"4ke ua nnpt11. 1cored and ~mo~t?" "Runaways .. is so relevant to Oranae County families that It's frlghtenlne. Ol'vorce here la more commonthantbe cold ; the family unit la collapalnai into a black hole. "I chose "Runaways " not simply because lt la one of the finest new musicals, not for lla wonderful dramatic values, not even for its excltlna Uvely group of kids who entertain. touch with paln, and absolutely captivate.·· writes director Purkiss in the program notes. "I chose to do "Runaways" be-cause it Is imperative -unavoidable at this Ume. I must do this piece for alJ of our children.·· "Runaways " plays next Thunday, Friday and Saturday in the OCC Auditorium. It's recommended for everyone. \\f 61 A ~! ~ ~·:. ---~. -'~ '" t *.' ·: okceqjpo~ ~us~ lll&NflM am COSTA MlSA Brookhurs t UA Movies UA Cinema 772·6446 990·40?2 540 0594 ·ORANG£ OUN6l NOW PL~YINGI ll TORO SaddlelJac~ 581 5880 WlSIMINSHR oum Orange Mall Stadium Or In UA C11y C•nema UA C.nemJ 893 0546 637 0340 '639 87 70 634 3911 • IMI 10• ""0 IHI HQvNO ON<• THIS SUMMER'S EPIC! ACTION SPECTACULAR FLY TO IT a. ..... ,., ........ Hlt»I - LA MIRADA DRIVE IN 1·5-• l•"I• fe 5cw1,.._ 52$-'31! ~ molt ~tu UJ()(T)CY"1cJ0..1 tmcz n ttlll mo1t erotic co.Rrt~ cJ di tme _".;-:t. m fllH llWill IWlfnW~ Ill N{ ~ Jlt1 l\llF lM ~rn HI! .• w·IMf 1t1IDWE ~1111 ooim lli~~rnnR~ w · -It\. T .,,;,.-Amata R tltCITMC-... :: ...,.. • -.!..!':"..:.:<::.-NOW PLAYING AllAMllM ll TORO lllYIMl OllAllGl .<\nane1m Oi 1ve In Saoo1eoa~ ~ woooo110Qe • neno.,1e 879 qaso ~81 :iaso ~~1 06~~ 1 tJ • i COSTA MlSA FOUllTAlll uun LAGUllA llACM WlSTMlllSH ll ScN1n Co.isl Fount• n Vi •v 'iov'" Co.l\t H• Way l9 O"'~ • ~46 7111 839 I~ 4q4 I IJ 11'11 )6qJ I 1111 -s ACClPflD Riil 1111$ BllMl-J[Mallne .. Oal~oe'""~ -The-.-,,-.,~· I '-' ''l loveZorro!'' #;••••••lit, f'•tl•T •••w, N•C·f'V ~ ...... II ....... , ~~ ~~t t.lf1111MI ~ "WELCOME, 'ARTHUR' I WHAT TOOK YOU SO LONG! ••• Laugh for laugh. the highest octane Vl!lt that we've had on a Kreen for decades." -s11.i10 1en1cin. LA. Tim•• "HILARIOUS I A terrifically engaging high.spirited Krewball comedy." -Vincent (onby. N.Y. Time• ARTHUR'S I RUllWIY HITI 2 o =c n c n a • n -. ., ALAN ALDA CAROL BURNETT MEDLEY'S RESTArRANT 11n .. lreokhYrst, feuntaln Valley llSY SOlfl Of TU ..S flWT OI JIOOllHST BOBBY HATFIELD AUG. 2HD, 3AD, 30, 31ST (f•Mr lit'1ttn lulller) PAT PAULSON AUG. 5TH, ITH C.D. BUCHANAN AUG. 21TH, 27TH ~ THE PACKERS ' AUGt SOUTM COAST IWS WOllllS . IAllO FtYEIS IOI IUUY . mDATAll 111 IAI ........ CUY CtlllSTOPHEll . . . . . . AUG. 4Tit THE CHANTAYS AUG.10 AU0.17 AUG. 11 AUG. 23 • ... .AUG. 24 ....... AUG. 25 ' """'d Att1tt1 C&tuica I "ZORRO, THE GAY BLADE" (PG) II "FOX AND THE HOUND" (PG) "ONCE UPON A MOUSE" 111 ''POPEYE" (PG) "THE GR~AT MUPPET CAPER" (PG) •BARGAIN M~TINEES * Monday thru Saturday All Performances before S.00 P M (Except Spec111 Engagements and HohdaysJ LA MIRADA MAU o Muooo o t Roaec•Of"lt LA MIRADA WALIC·IN 994·2400 .,.. ..., "'*., ... ,(Ml.,, "ARTHUR",._ ... , ......... , .. llOOIM&·~e~ "TARZAN THE APE MAN" 1111 1,. I a .1•.l 1'-tt• ........,..fllOM ·a..AM• ........ "RAIDERS OF TitE ~91.I.t.R..~:~~. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN MMMIOtt llOltO • ....... ~ ... "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK" IPG) --.....mllioo ,,. , ............ . r..,..•MOOl"'WM "WOLFEN" ,., t •.a-.a..a=• ..... ,~. LAICEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAllC·IN Focunv Al De< 11.tnO 213/634·9281 IYlrtlfl"tl~ .. "VICTORY" IPGI ., ...... ._ .. ,J ,.- "UNDER THE RAINBOW" (PGI U 41l4t t&al .. 141 1 ... "'9 AO'w'W:.wn.. COWT ..... "SUPERMAN II" IN! tJM,I K 1•,IM ,,. focu•~ 01 Conoie wooo '-2_1_3_1s_3_1·_9_s_a _o -' TMI Alrtt llfT\IM COll11MJlff 'SUAE!._J:t~" (PG) ., ......... ,,. NJi.M ALO• • C.AAOl. MMNr'rt "THE FOUR SEASONS" 1"' ,,. ,. , .....• H~Ol ......._R* .. 'ZORRO, THE BAY BLADE"jPG) ., .. , ......... .. --~- l 'fl ft.I f'l.1111 11 AUONI IN "VICTORY" IPGI U M .tlJ,1:4&.LJ te-t{ etU....,. ...... "STRIPES" (RI ,. J11 •• ·-, ... LAGUNA so. COAST WALK·IN Sou1n Coo&t H1woy 0 1 t1ooowo r 494-1514 ·-·--"TARZAN THE APE MAN" (R~ .-. ....... , 1 ..... ~~ . ...,. ........... "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK" tPG) ... .,. .... ,. PACIFIC TH(ATllU OlllV(·IN SWA, Ml£lS it•t"(1111 •Out IU(•t 1't tt0 tt1t C.•• tl: HARIOll I LVO OIUY( IN' ORANG( OlllY(.IM I a• tO) "• l •lulO&t 6 iU•D•' flllH , ••• ltlf. 1U•O•YS ., ....... ru• J,l&Otu• .. 1 JO • , 1s _, .,,. • • • llmilB IMPORTAIH NOTICE' CHIL DREN UNDER 12 fRU• M•••~ 1no W1•n.et #ti\ ,,_," ,,, 6 JO • \;I Sv,_ "•' & 00 ,, .. Cllif.~• SOU•D • •OI>• '" till AAOCl •S fOU" S"lM(~ ~ "° '" CAii llAOlfl W'T" IGN~ ICCfSSOll• llOSIT100t -"""'.,. l'Qlllall.I ••<IU C"'f.11 (ljllyf...S IJO °" 4111 - AHAHllM ANAHEIM DRIVE-IN J•e••Oy 91 ol l •1"0l'I St 179·9150 eo Ol"M& • IMCMAAO ....._ .. "TARZAN THE AP'i._!AN" (R) CAVEMAN' f PG) •! I \00"0 -· ........ ·---... -,.-...,.,.. ........ --.: "CANNONBALL RUN" "UNDER THE RAINBOW" ...... .... .. 'ARTHUR" fPG) l (PG) ·BRONCO BILLY IPOI ___ c_•_t_' SOV• --_ C•,.1 f \il)UlllJ1J _ BU(NA PAllk BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN \MCOW't ~-· ..... ,, Of Cf\on 121·4070 FOUNl41N ....,.k MAM11U. • •u • on.~ 'THE EMPIRE STRIKES BACK" (POI .... .. ALIEN (RI ---·~ "SUPERMAN It" (PG) FOUNTAIN VAllEY DRIVE·IN ....... so~ O.ego ,,..... o• .. oo••••"' ISO 1"ANY WHICH WAY YOU c bf· (PO) 962·2411 t1•1 ' \()UllO WISIMINSTHI Hl·WAY 39 DRIVE IN 111o<n 1 .. o So., ~te3tn Gfon Jttf'WOt 891·3693 IY\.ftl'TWJl eT~ • VICTORY" ll"O) ...... "THE LAST CHASE" (POI Cillt rt SOUND ....,. IS"f'..,.._ • •AIHll.,.. IA'MSn 'TH£ CANNONBALL RUN" (PG) ...... "ARTHUR" (PO) CINl JI SOUND LA MA911A LA HABRA DRIVf·IN l"'Of11Ql'bffw A hocf' ll'ft • "°'OOI •her 171-1162 fl, I "'4.A. PAQt LINCOLN DRIVf ·IN t1ncolfl ••• w .. 1 or '"°" 121·4070 l "'A..,, .1 -·--'WOU't:N" (R) "'-.. "THE HOWLING" !RI ·-·--TAAZAN THE AP£ MAN" (II) -"CAVE MAN" (PO) CINI I I SOUfoD eGMM:•·~ ...... 'TARZAN THE AP£ MAN" (RI -"CAV,EMAN" (POI ........... *AAA«•~· "RAIDERS Of' THE LOST ARK" ·,, !POI " ... "HANGAR 11" (PG) ORANGE DRIVf ·IN Sol'\tO ~flOfl"W\' • l101a C~oaq. 551·1022 __ ,.., __ "vtc~· '"°' "THI Ult ct4All" (..01 ,.. I .. ~ • 0, 4,Jrw MISSION DRIVE IN . . ---,·-~-­"ltlOW OUT'' (R) -"DAEHID TO KILL" (R) CNIW-·--···-"UNOIR n. :::-OW" (l'O) D "•RONCO a1LLY" ll'OI Ne .. 0< I~ MOl -'Cl-... 77 1 "Mil CAMINOI TltNa LA.,_ ., '· l4 ,., .. WARNER [HJl\ft 'N •• ,,,., "" • .,, _. ... e111""' MJ. f1 ____ ..... _ "UNOUUOTa -llllAMCMA" CON ."OILA ... MIA" c a • a a c a o o 6 c a a Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. August 2, 1981 Otlll Tlll1 ltM-1 ... lllecl wllh 1"9 C-ly Cleft! ot Otengt Coun1y on JUiy ''· ""· .. , .... Pv•llallN Qr.,,_ Cutt Dally Piiot, Juir "· 2". Aue t, t , "" n21•1. PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE l'IC'TITIOUI aUtlN•ll MAMll HAT•M9WT T ... lolllWlfle .,.,..,, It Clol ... IMIMMH ••: INTlllNATIOH.t\L PAINTINCJ, 1'" JMaf-A-, C.-1• ~. CA .,,,. ll'AIOJ E VUl(AOINOV, "'' JK••-A-, C..I• ~ CA f2t.lt TMt """'"' It CINlwel .. •Y M 111· ei • ._. s.-.. v ........ Pll8l.J(' NOTICE l'ICTITlout aUllNHI .._.ITAUMlltf Tiie IOllowlfto ..,_ It Oolfl9 IMIMMU ... AAO.t.MS oaHTAI.. u cn111CT10N CINTIA, llOO ~ atvd., C..ta 111e ... CA9M» 011. AL.VIN $ MULNE, .01 '-"" l'att. Ott.,.,~ ... h. CA ftw.J Tlllt ~ It C-.CNll •Y an !ft ........ 1 Alvlll Mulne Tiii• alet-111 wea 111..i •1111 ,,,. COl>llly Clen OI Or ..... COl>nly on JUiy .. "" Tillt tl•l-111 ••• 1119'1 "'"" ,,,. c;...,.1y o..110I0r.,,.. c;_.y on Jiily '1WJI l't"117 Pu11111-Otanoo ~' Dally ""°'· .. , .... Pt.*lltMcl Or .... C.O.tl 0.lly Piiot, J\ll'I' U, It, U, A119 2. 1 .. 1 1111•1 J11ly 12, "· 1', A ... 2, ... I ~· PtJBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS auatNISS NIIMI STATIMINT l'ICTJTIOUS •UllllflH Tll• 101 ... 1119 1)9tt.Ollt are dolno NAM•STAT•MINT llUM-•t ,,.!:-loll-119 -ton It dol119 bull· HOASISHOE CANYON CON .::LL COHSULTIN" ICMll SI I OOMINIUMS. ,., Newport lllvd ' "'• • ., ~lief N-1 .. eel\ CA '2663 A•e1111•, • 101, Fou11 .. 1n V•ll ey, EDwlN HUME 11'1 U07 Ha..., Callfornlat210I Place ~ .. a<,. U. '2663 l'ICTITIOUSau11•11S O•nnl t I( H•ll, 1041J Sl•ler c'1cERO JOSEPH JAY JJ41 NAMC ITATINMT A•e1111•, • 101, Fo11nte1n Va ley Pu•o Hel<on, Sell Cl•me,.t'e, CA T,,. 101tow4119 ,.,...,,, It ... ,.. lollsl· C.ll0tn1a.,1oe ,,.12 "'"'~;II S EN • S II V II 0 p .. AN Thia butinHs h <on<lu<llKI by en In-Tllli i.u.t,,.u 1, <allfu<Hd ., a .. dlvldual. eenerel ,,...tne""IP TAILO.ING A ALTellATIONS, ,... CMnnhK Hell N••POrt 8011levard, CHI• Me••. Thi• ll•t.menl ... lllecl "'"" llwt E-n H\lfT>e II I Calllornlatai» Coun11 Cl•na ol Otanoe Counly on July This Slel.,.,_I ••• 11190 "1111 ,,. Arun o111eur, H llA Eld•n 1', ttl1 Ce11111tyCl•'1l ol O.anve Coun1yonJ\lly Awnv.. Cata Meta, Calllornla tMV l'IMllt JO, 1"1 ,.167ut Tlllt INlllWI& 11 Gonclue.ttd •Yan In· Publl.-Oranoe Coest Delly Pilot, PuDll"-<1 Oranve Coast Delly Pllol, dlvld1MI. ,.,_, GUIHer July It, u . AllQ 2. t , 19'1 '11'1-11 Au9. ' •. U, 12, "" ~ Tlllt IWtefNftl was 111.0 with Ille C-ty Cler1l OI Ot.,.. cM4-on JUiy "· .... 1'1'6»1 l'ublllNcl Or-. C.0.11 Dally Pllol, July It, 2', AllQ 2, t . ltll JllS-11 PUBLIC NOTICF. PUBLIC NOTICE STATIMINT 01' N~I-· AaAHOOHMIHT 0, l'ICTITIOUS IUSINl:U UH 01' l'ICTITIOUS ......... STATIMl:NT aUSINl:H NAMe T,,_ loll0Wlf19 -WWI I• 00!"9 1>UU T,,. loOo'""' person"•• •O.nclone<I neu •'· SLOW ROLLER -"Souttlet)utt" is n't using this wheel screwed into his shell to speed· his naturally slow gait. One of his legs was broken in' a n automobile accident sever al months ago, and the Anjmal Foundation installed the ............. wheel i n Eugene, Ore\, to help him get around. Scuttlebutt. a 12·pound desert tortoise, may have the wheel removed in several weeks. PUBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUI aUMNllS NIIMI STATaMaNT Tiie follo•ln9 pertont are 0011111 t>ullneu .. : · tne uM o1 the li<llllO<I• bustneu name WESVENCO, ««) Von Kerman, BOL·WEST ANIMAL HOSPITAL wile no, Ne--1 B .. c ... CalllOrnl• '10 BolH Avenu•. WU lmtn•l•r: '2~ C:all torllla fM3 Rober I E woo lier, H40 Von TM Flcttllout Bu,S)MU N•me rt-K1rman, Sulle JlO, N••Pol1 a..c11, lerrad lo -. we• lllecl In Orange Calllornla ft~ County on JUM :it, 1'73 R-n E. Woolley DEA TH NOTICES PILDi\S SCHEERLINCK EMMA LOU P ILOAS, C Y R E L A resident of Seal Beach, Ca SCH E ERL I NCK . p a ssed Passed a way on July 30, a way on July 30, 1981 She ts 1981. She is survived by her s urvived by her daughters hus ba nd Dr. George Pildas,. Gay Wilson of Santa Ana, s on s A ve. Davi d a n d Ca and Irene Hatton and Ric ha rd Pildas. brother Sol s o n A I be r t , a I s o I 4 Swartz, sis ters Ida Kla rr and g r a n d c h i I d re n a n d Ann Williams. Ser vices will n u m e r o u s g r e a t - be held on Friday, July 31, grandchildren and great· 1981 at 2: OOP M al the Harbor g r e at gr a n d ch 1 Id r e n . Lawn Mount Olive Memorial Ser vices w ill be he ld on Chapel wit h 1n te r men t'Monday, August 3, 1981 at se r v ices i m med iatel y l.OO P'M at Ha r bor Lawn follo wing. Ser vices under Me mo n aJ P ark wtlh Rev t he d1rect1on o f Ha rbor Aa ron BeutiJer of the Har bor Lawn·Mounl Olive Mortuary Trinity Church of Costa of Costa Mesa 540-5554. Mesa 0Cficiat1ng Services FACCOlJ unde r t he di rectio n o f HARLAN N. FACCOU, Ha r bor Lawn.Mount Olive r es ident o f Irv in e, Ca. Mor tuary of Costa Mesa. Passed away on July 30, 540-5554. 1981. He i.s survived by his MORAN wife Lois E. Faccou, son OR. EDWIN TERRANCE Rarl a n N Faccou. Jr .-MO RAN, retired dentist . res- d aughter Gayle M ichele ide nt of Newpor t Be ach , Parr and 3 grandchildren Ca. Passed awav on J uly 31 Services will be private. 1981 He was a· residen t oi\ Pac 1f1c View Mortu ary Newport Beach. Ca. for the directors past 14 years afte r having -------------.m oved here fr o m Los l.ALTIIHGHOH SMITH & TUTHILL WlSTCLIFJ CHA,EL 427 E 171h St Cosla Mesa 6 46·9371 f"IHCI HOTHBS SMm4S' MOITUARY 627 Main SI HunltnQton &ach 536·6539 ,ACIFfC YlfW MIMOllAL 'All( Ceme•erv Morluarv Chapel-Crema1orv 3500 Pac1f1c View Drive Newp0rt Beach 644 2700 ._CO.MIQ( MOITUAllES LDQuna Beach 494-9415 LaQvna Hills 768·0933 San Juan Cap1s1rano 495 1776 HAll<>a LAW~MT. OLIVE Mortuarv •Cemetery Crema1orv 1625 Gosier Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 '1RCf llOTHHS HU. llOADWA Y MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Costa Mesa 642·9 150 E Angeles. He graduated from the U.S.C. School oJ Den- tistry. He is survived by his wife Ann or Newport Beach, Ca .. sons Te rrance Moran, M.D of Newport Beac h, Ca. Dennis R Moran of Costa Mesa. Ca . a nd J o hn P. Moran of Porter ville. Ca. He is also su r vi ved b y 12 g randchildren and 1 great- grandson. Rec1tat1on o( th e Rosary will be held on Sun· day . August 2. 1981 at 7 · 00 PM at the Harbor Lawn Memonal Chapel. Mass of Christian Buria l will be held on Monday, August 3. 1981 a t l O:OOAM at St. J oachim 's Catholic Church. Interment services will be held at Holy Cross Ce m e t e r y, L os Angeles. Ca Services under the d1rect1o n of Harbor Lawn-Mount Oliv& Mo rtuary of Costa Mesa S40·5S54 Bias nixed SAN FRANC ISCO <AP> -For the second time, a federal judge re· jected charges that the San Jose Unified School District ran a segregat- ed school sys tem in violations of Hispanics ' rights. As he did in 1976, Chief U.S. District Court Judge Rob e rt F . P eckham ruled that e ven though mos t schools in the district are racially imbalanced, nothing s upports finding segregative intent. • NEPTUNE SOCIETY CREMATION a BURIAL AT SEA ...,,,.. ... " 2AOO WEST COAST HWY. Sultet Newport Beech, CA. JOMpfl v B•n l•r, 0 v M • '2• This st••-· .... 111«1 "'"" ,,. Boise A-, WntmoMler, Calllornl• County Clen ol Ot-County on July ""3 1,1911 Officials plan talks on global economy HANRATTY A ETTEL.SON AS· SOCIA TES, 2'60 Soul II Oalml •r A V•llW. s.nta ,.,._, CA ft70j. PATRICK J. HAHllATTY, Pll.0., 1796 Orlol• 0r1.,., C•la Maw , CA '2•2' CATHllYN M ETTELSON, 20 Flreblrd, lrvN , CA mu. BRIAN J HANRATTY, 17t4 Oriol• Or'lw, c.ta Meta, CA nu.. Thh buM .... I II <-U<tad •Y a ........ ~. H4NllATTY & ETTEUOH ASSOCIATES Palrk• J Hantatty, l..!t~fta~lneM Wal <-..Clad by •r ~ v Bantey, o v M Thlt lla'-1 ••• 111«1 ••lh ttw County C....., ot Otanoe C-1y on July 16.19'1. Law ottkee ef ~ II. T-W7S Via ~ ...... -ue. -. ... ""'•· !Mw-'-..C.c.tlfenla,nw.J 1'1M.J1 Publl-0r.,. CoeSI Dally Pilot July tt, 1•. Auo 1, •. ltll 3:2:20-81· l'lleNe.l't .... u..-u.. Slt.._...,~Or.SJS .._, ..... ,C:..ftMI Pvl>li"-<I Or-Coa•I Dally Pltoe AllO , 1, I, H, 22, 1"1 ,..._., P UBLIC NOTICE "CTITIOUS I USINISS NAME SToUIMINT CANCUN , Me x i co (AP ) - Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. a nd 21 other foreign ministers opened a two-day meeting Saturday to plan the first summit conference of de veloping and in- dustrialized nations to tackle the problem of reducing proverty jo the world. • "The lime has come. finally, to launch a great crusade to defeat fear and death, hunger and injustice, and to establish a r eign of equity and hope," Jorge Castaneda, Mexico's representative, told his colleagues in a welcoming speech. During a break in the talks , Austrian Foreign Minister Willibald Pahr told reporters the ministers had agreed in their first session that the summit would concentrate on four is· sues: Food production, world trade, energy supplies and monetary re· form. He added: •'These good intentions do not mean that the problems and opposing interests between one group of countries and the other will disap- pellr." The conference in this Caribbean resort marks the Reagan administra- tion's de but in the long-running North-South dicussioo with Third World leaders who want a ''new in· ternalional economic order " that would r ed istr i bute the world's wealth. Although the United States opposes radical changes in world economic institutions and trade patterps. President Reagan joined six other western leaders in Ottawa last month in agreeitig "a m utually acceptable process of global negotiations" on economic issues should continue. Representatives of eight in- dustrialized and 14 developing na· lions are attending the closed·door planning sessions for the summit Oct. 22 and 23, also in Cancun. Presi· dent Reagan and 21 other presidents and prime ministers have agreed to participate. S o vie t Preside nt Leoni9-J. Brezhnev did not respond to an in- vitation to attend. In Moscow, the of· ficial Soviet news agency Tass ac· cused the United States and other leading industrial nations Saturday of refusing to meet the "just de· mands" of the world's developing na·"' tioos. Haig told a Senate hearing Thurs· day, the day before his arrival in Cancun, that the United States "seeks helpfuJ and constructive rela- tions with the developing nations." He said the planning session and the actual s ummit probably would not produce substantive agreements, but the other nations attending would be looking to determine the Reagan ad ministration 's willingness to negotiate elsewhere, such as in the United Nations. Since oil prices quadrupled in 1973-74 , developing nations have c alled a s eries of s pecial U.N. negotiating sessions for stable com- modity prices, greater food aid , debt relief, a bigger say in worldwide lending agencies' policies, and ac· cess to rich countries' technology and to markets for their manufactured products. Ph.D. C.lllrtn M. Ettel_,, Brian J. HMtatty Tiii' ............... lllecl •1111 .... COllnty Clertl ol Orange Ce111111y on JUiy .. '"'· STaADLINO, YOCCA, CAaLION & •AUTH 'l'llOl'IMtOIULCIOll~ATION ATTOaNITS AT LAW ...... u ........ -... .. '" .. ~ c.-r Drlw .... C>Mce .. 7 .. P UBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSI NUS NIIMI: STATl:MINT JS CONSULTANTS, «!1 Oove Str .. 1, Suite .:zoo, N-IJOl'I Beach, Calllornlt t2MO JOHPh P•l•r Pelmtu, I H'1 T0«louv Cr , '"'1ne.Calltorn1t t2114 Sally Lou JOfv>-., 11'1 Eut Flrlt SlrHI, T1Alln. Celllornlt tllolO ThP loll-1"11 petWWI Is '*""'9 i.ut1. neuat. llUENA PARK HOMETEL A.5-SOCIATE§. l TO , U«I llllft Ka,,..e11, wit• JJO, Newpor1 BHCll, (alllornle t2MO Robert E Woolle,, U40 vor1 Karm«1. s..ile JlO N,,.1por1 Thi~ buMMU IS <Ollduel9'1 •Y en In dlv1ci.u1 ~rl E WOOllrt .. ._...._,CA_ Thh i.us•neu •• <on<1uct..i by a "'~ venera1 partnenhtp PlllMI-Ot-Coa~ Delly Pilot, J owpll P Pa1,,....e1S.11y L Jonnson This ~--1 ., .. !lied wltll ,,_ County o .... ol Or-Coullt'f on July , ,.., U.-L-8" M--1C..-t.r0r US ~-.ca.n ... ......... "16'$Mt PuottlliW<I Or-Coast O~ly Pltoe, ~lllY U, It, 2', Aue. 2, 1 .. 1 l l:l2.f1 Thlt ttal-1 w•t Ille<! •Hh .,,_ PUBLIC NOTICE ~nly Cl«ti ot Or-County July "· I ,,, .. m AUO I. I, IS, 21, 1'111 )~ l'ICTITIOUI •ul•••ss •llMa ITATIMINT Tlae loll-"'9 per-er• dol119 l>usl· ....... , L8 MANAGEMENT, ¥J7 '9111 St-. Newpor1 lh«ll, CA '2'61. STEVEN ALAN OEAN, ll07 1'I Str .. t. H-1 llMch, CA '1...,. LESLte ANNI! DEAN. 401 ltl Street. '"-1 -..0., CA .,...,, TMs -It """"'<'*' •Y .., !ft dlwto\lal LHlleO.... Tiiis slat-• •H 111..i """ Ille '-'' o.n. al Ot.,,.. Cowrty on JUiy t,.1"1.. , .. "' PIA>ll.nao Otenat Coast Dally Pilot_, July U, It. 16. Aue. 2, '"' >04f.tl PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS austNISS NIIMI ITATIMaNT TIM toll"""1119 per.w. It dol119 bust- "'"' at: CEILING'S THE LIMIT, nor '•lrvlew P.201, C...la MHa '2t2'; P.t 80.l llMl,C.IAMaw.Calllor'nlefttJt J immy L•e ee11<1 •r, 1l00 Fal rwl••. P 201, Co ste Mesa, Calllomla 916» Tiiis 11Ullnet1 h <ondu<lecl by an tn-dlvldual Jimmy L Beucler Tfllt ltal.,.,_I WM lllad Wllh the County Cl-ol Oranoe C:O-ty Jtily "· 1911. "'~ Publlthed Or-Coatl Dally Piiot, Julf It, 2', AllO 2,t, 1•1 Jlfl•I. PubllUWc! Orange eo.,t D•lly Piiot, JUly 1', 1t, Auo. 1, t, 19'1 Jteo-.t1 PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS aUllNllS NAMI: STATIMINT Tiie fOllowl .. ,,..-_, II dol"9 !lull· -·: CHEii~ CONSTRUCTION, t •t Aul• 0i1 ... Ca\a MHa, CA '26a l'ATlllCIC M. C,HERF, Mt Al.a .... CCIII a Mew, CA 9162' "''' ...... _, I• <on<luc1..:I "' ... ;,,. div....,. ,..., Id! M. Qett Tiiis stet-Wat lllad wlltl , .. c_,iy ~ o1 Ot-C-nty 011 Jtily 70, 19111. 1'1'74SJ Pueo-0r.,,.. Coast Dally P iiot, A119.1, t, 1'. lJ, 19'1 1*"8l PUBLIC NOTICE ... ,,.. PUBLIC NO.TICE J'ICTITIOUS aUSINl:U NAME STATIMINT T,,. lollowlno ,,.,._. •t• 001119 O..tlllfflat POWEll09 1CS, 117' ~-yre, •101, ........... &eacll, CAfH.51. GAllY ~ MONaOE, l7S 0......, Cour1 .............. .ch, CA m51. TE"AY MONROE, ns 0.0000 C...,r1, ~ .. ach, CA '1.SI. LEE SOLOW. 7H Ot9QOd c-1, L._ llMcll, CA '26.SI This !Mnlnftt " <-<lM •Y e llmllecl ,,.,_.,..P QryS - Tllls "-"*" -tit .. wllll .,.. Counly Oen al Ora1191 Co;Mty en July JO. "" 1"161417 PllOll-()>.,,._Coast Dally l'llot. A119 I, I, U, n , "11 J411141 P UBLIC NOTICE "~~C::!::::::s NOTICE OF DEATH OF TM 1011-1"9 persons er• 001n9 R 0 B E R T F L 0 Y D 1>us1,.sut . NELSON, AKA ROBERT IMPER IAL REPU llLIC, '"" F. NELSON, AKA BOB HaleA-, lrvlne,CA.,1U. wtL.UAM w. r11vL011. m -""" N E L S O N A N D o F Str-. He-1 Beach, CA '1MJ P E T I T I 0 N T 0 A D -11111~':!~~.!,;..,\C::C~~~~ -MINISTER ESTATE NO. Tiiis i.ut1ness It conduc ted by • A-109753. oenere1 pertnerslllp. T o a I I h e I r s , :':e".'~~ bene fi c iaries, creditors Condor plan detailed T1111 __ , ... ,..., with .,,. and contingent creditors of County o .,,. al Oranoe County on July Robert Floyd Ne lson , aka PUBLIC NOTICE H. '911 mnu Robert F. Nelson, aka Bob -----1>u11111Nc10ranoe eoesi oit11y P11o1. Nelson a nd persons who "1CT1nou1 au11H111 AU9. J, 10. "· 24, 19'1 ,.,..., may be otherwise interes t- MAMa STATIMa•r e d in t he w ill a nd/o r .,._!~~~"''"' ,_....,, ••• •o1nv P UBLIC NOTICE estate : HAll&Ott llOOY WORKS, INC-, A petition has bee n filed 201•P1-1a,C.1.tMaw.CAmv. l'ICTmou1aus1Nus by Debra Clare Le ach in Deal permits breeding of birds LOS ANGELES CAP> -A com- promis e plan apparently has smoothed the feathers of federal and state officials in th~ir efforts to save the California condor from extinc- tion. The agreement would allow the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service to trap some of the birds for radio tracking a nd breeding in captivity, but not as many as officials had requested, the Los Angeles Times reported Satur· day. The compromise reportedly was worked out in a series of meelin,es Friday in the offi ce of slate Fish and Game Director Ch arles Fullerton following a s tale Fish and Game Commission hearing Tuesday. At that time, the condor research plan appeared doomed because federal of- ficials reru.sed to accept any state- requested restrictions. The dispute centered on bow many birds could be trapped and bow mucft handling and testing would be permitted. According to the agreement, Fish and Wildlife, which works in conjunc- tion with National Audubon Society researchers on condor study. would be aUowed to attach radio monJton to two of the birds, whose total popu,lalion Is estimated at fewer than • 30. Fish and WUdUfe bad wanted to radio-monitor six in the first year of the plan. By tracking the birds, re- searchers hope to find clues. to what is causlhg the population to die oft.· Under the •1reement. the re· searchers could ask for permission to . ... radio-tag more birds if the initial two surrer no ill effects. In addition, the newspaper said the state will allow capture of three birds for breeding in captivity, one of them to mat.e with a condor already in the Los Angeles Zoo. The compromise still must be ap- proved by the state Fish and Game Commission at its meeting th.is week. The initial Fis h a nd Wildlife Service proposal bad drawn fire from environmental groups who said more emphasis should be placed on habitat protection, and' charged that the gov- ernment was plunging ahead with an overambitious program at the risk of speeding the condor's decUne. Second Brilab verdict in "1.MEllOH NEWMAN JONES, a ~ ITAT•Ma•T h 5 · C..llfOrftlacorporatton, 4'17 Ironwood, ,.,,. 1011-1119 perton,S are doln9 t e upe rior C ourt of s.a1 BM01, CAt0uo. 1111.i,_... Orange County reques ting SAllAH KAY JONES, 017 STUFT SUAFEll, 101 -ISlll that Debra Clare Leac h be lroft__,, Seal &Mdl, CA «>7llO. Sirwet, If-' 9Mcll, CA '26'l. · t d Tlll1buslnKsltc~leclb'1'•<0r· JACK OEE LINSCOTT, JOO E. a ppotn e a ~ pe rsonal porattan. C-•t Hl9'1W•Y. • JOt, Newport e .. a.. rep r es e n la t 1 v e to a d - H.,,....11octy Worllt, 1 nc:. CA9*0. minist e r the estate of Al""""'N.Jonn. MELBA M. LINSCOTT, JOO E. Robert F loyd Nelson aka Tll~~ ••• 111«1 with ,,. ~::.:~•y, •JOI, N--· lleacll, Ro bert F. Nelson, a ka Bob c-yC1er11 a10r.,... c-n1y on July "''• bullllft1 ltconduc:1..i Dy.,, .... Ne lson (under the In- 70· 1t11. di••-•. dependent Adminis tration 1'161411 Mellle M ~lfllC.Oll . "'*'-<> .... Coatl Dally Piiot, 1'1>11 .-.~ -m .. wllll tlle of E states Act). The pett-A"IUll'2. t. 1', 22, 1"1 f,..41 C-y 0-d Or-Covnty on July ti On iS set for hearing in P UBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI Mst•lll NAM9nATUUINT TM lollowl"tl llll"On It dolntl bus!· ,,.SSH: LOS JAllOINH Cl9 SANTA ANA, C..TO., "162 INecll 9ouleVttrd, H11t1I· lnttlll ._,., C.llfoml• .... , Hector MartKll, 161'7 lle•cll •••ll••er41, H1111lln1to11 eeacll, Gellfwlll• _., Tlll1 MMllnt 16 <Oftducted llY a ''"'''"~ Hector MMMcll Tlll1~ ••lllM wltll \lie c-1., Oen e10r..,.. c-1y.,, Juiy "· "''· JO, 19111. ept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Puel""9d 0r.,.. coest oa11:1~.: Cente r Drive, West, in the ....... 1. '· "· 22. '"' >•1s.11 C i t y of S a n t a A n a , --California on August 12, PUBLIC NOTICE 1981at9;30 A.M. --------~ IF YOU OUJECT to the N OTI ca o" D 1 AT" o, granting of the petition , w1N•,.••D o\'tcnu cu11Ttu, you s hould either appear AICA WINll'a•D DYIUTaA t t.__ he i d t t cu.-T111, AtcA ••NIP••D D. a ,,... ar 1)9 an s a e cu•T••AMoOP ,. • .,"'°" To.ao-your objec tions or file MINllT•• anAn MO.A·lftft&. written objections with the To ell Min. 11e,.11c1 ...... <,..ton court before the hearing ond COflll"""4 crMllon er Wltwfnld • Dy•w. a.tin. .. wi111fnd ~ Your appearance may be CIWllM .... wt1111,... o. cwtln _, in pereon or by yOllr a t- ,..,_-.. ,,..Y 11e OCllHWI• In-tor ney. 1a ... ew111 .. wt1teNJIW"'••: I F Y 0 U AR E A ••tlllon Ms """ m .. .., CnKlrer A PvtMl.,..0r-.ews10.U:': Nati-I...,,_, tucc-1a untt!MI CREDITOR ol' a c ont - Jiily 1,, "-AMI-2, t, 19111 12,,..,,, Stat• Nottl9MI ._ ., Sell DI• 111 lngent c reditor of the de-~~ 1~c~oct.~=~ cea.sed, you must flle your • .,., 111tn•-•• Unttld ,.. .. .._. claim with the court or 11one1 ...-tf s.n DI•·•...,..,,. ... present It tq the personal NEW ORLEANS (AP) -Jurors in the BrUab triaJ of reputed Mafia boss Carlos Marcello and three other peo- ple returned a second sealed verdict ' Saturday and recessed for the rest of the weekend. PUBUC NOTICE .-.c:T1nous.u11M111 •• ,..._, rtPl'Hefltauve •o •• representative appointed .... ,., • .,. ... NT ""1"'"1" t11• ut••• 01 wt11efreo by the court w ithin four Tiie IWlleWllll' .-r-t •rt •tnt 0y-_1tra OlttlU.. ..... Wlftllred Orlltn th f th d t f llWIMM•: eun-. .... Wlfll""" o. cwti .. c-mon s rom e a e o Tbe jury, which must reach a separate 'lerdlcl on each defendant, sent Its first sealed verdict to U.S . District Judge Morey Sear on Friday night, after three houra of delibera· lions. Tbe second envelope wu banded in after aix hours ol discusaloo Saturday. The Judie then told the pa.Ml to return Monday morruna. covNnv 111..u ••o. atto .., .. 1u1••-. Mmtlllstreo .. ., first issuance of letters as H.,...aM.,c.1a-...CA--. u-..c. Aco. t11e "'"..., ••"'..,. provided In Section 700 Of "-~°"~~=---""'·=:-~~~.:_·~:;-.. ~t h e Probate Code of HAITfllAH,tallM• .... ,.,cwta AM,c..11ferftMI .. ....,...,,.,.,. Callfornla. The time tor MIM,CAtllla. •:JOA.M. filing· dalms wlll not ex- "'"...._. It c.....-lly.,. In-1' YOU c.Jec:r t. t11t lll'ellttlll 111 pi re nrlor to four mont-dl•IWel. .... ~le.\ ................ ....., ' ... tQ MVAH l'HAM •• .,. ...,1111 ..,. .... -•Jae from the date of the he•r· Tllll .......... -.... wllll .... _ .. , .. Wf.ltft~tlflflewttflltlt lngnotlcedabove. C.-.0wtie10r.,,..c-ityt11.hlly covrt .. ._ , .. .._,,._ v-.. YOU MAY EXAMINE Jt, ""· PW .. =_.,lie hi...,_• ll'f y-the flle ke t by tht Court. ~Ct .... C..tl Deity Pt._ IJ' YOU Aal A CHOtTOll ff a If you are rnterested In the ~l.t1 t6,ll,"" ..,..., ce111...,.... w•• tf 111t 41KM..._ estate you may file a ,. • ---~ ~.,...,.,,...,....,.wttfltllllCllWt ' 'II F; re he .. 0 ;ne a•,,.,.rded ___ ru __ .. _u_c_N_on __ c_1:_..... Pvauc N~cE :.r::-e ~ .... ~~~ ~~18:~ ~1~~ ~~~ ~r ~ SAN FRANCISCO CAP> -A woman wbo UYed in a home for t.be mentallJ retarded lor lt yeara · bu been awarded t.b• fire ct.part.meat'• merit award f« berolam. ._ • ' ., ,....,.... r Ptcnnwt.::=r ,._ ,,.... ,,._ ... ._..et lint '--lnventi>ry of estete as..U P11t1rn•11US1.... UMUTA ;::-;:i::::=:-c:=: and of the petitions, K • n.....=:!.."::':... .... ,.....,....... __ .. ..,.. ........ n.._ ... ..,...,..._.,.,,.. •. counts 1nd reports __ , •: ,.... ..,.., 1t ..... --. ,,_ ....... described In Stctlon 1•s ltlBIAltCMIO BUllNIU LAMa .... Two. I.TO ................ lllMll9............ of ·-'-'lforna. __ .._ ' NTI ...... -l,,,....CAll'V. YOU •'FllCAMIMl .... 1 .. .,_ u• -r.•-• ...,,;;,..CA~ ..... t~~-·· OO&HM u UMlllOla, • CMIM. " -_.. " ... '" .,.........-r;; Code. • JOMMR.~.-.... ,.. ,,,,...,CA.,M. ........... ,.., .... ,......... Ral.,.. M. Myen, ''· Flre QUef Andrew Cuper aave tile award to Maureen llcDev1lt1• aaytq tbe .. ,.., ... woman belped M"'8 the UHi of fin ..... ti Ud a MalllllcllMr.la • lllaJ 4 fire. ~.~CA-. T••0•-•_......,.""'""'9 ... '-'" "-""'.,...,•a., Law Cor~wetl•• n.. ...... ---.. .. ,....... .. ._...., " ............. " --, ...... .. .............. .. ...... -~ .... ~ JoM ... • ....... . .... ._. --~ ......... tKlt• , .......... NewpWt c..eet .V'l••L .,.. •• , _ .......... t• "" •• _ ,....,. • c.i...,..~c.a S111te 1111 New C....°""•~c-tlY•Mr ~C1M•O...o.re11J., .•~,,-........, .. '-•-8eac" CA•1tlt6t• ..... """' ~~ .............. ~ . ....... _°"" .... := ...... ~QcllDllly"= ==Or-cwto.tty~--~Or .. (.lletl ~~ A"-the fire broke out, 1(1. MeDeYIU .-e the others and IU!ded lb.em to aaf"1 while tb• housemother called fw help. . ' hltt•l.11. .. -.a,,... ..... .,, .. " ... -..r..., ....... ~ .. J •• ,,. ....... a..,.,, .... ,. ~ f • ' r · ' I I ~-----~-----------------~--------~----------··~·-·----·-·--··~·~·~·-··~;~~·~·-···--··~·~·~·,· •• Oranp Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday, Augutt 2. 1981 Troubled -young emerge Increase in numbers of mentally ill cuts chance for care WASHINGTON (AP> l>oc tors .. re bcl(innlnai lo see the em ergence or u muJor new sub g roup of vounu. mt•ntully 111 pa tients ut a llmf• wh~n there :in• few 11crv1cN. to uad them, says the Ame rican Psych1atr1(' As socialion. These young patie nts, bet wPen the ages of 18 und 35, ar l!' tht' product of the Post World Wur II "baby boom" and are rcuchinl( the age when mt'nlal d1Hicult1t•s begin to munifo11t themselves, the APA :mad A ~t.·rit•!i of articltis in the July l!\!\Ul' or 110 ... patul & Community P sychiatry. an APA Journal, documents tht• dra mu tac in· C'reast: an the numbers or thhl chron1callv mentally ill group The arlit'lt•s say that "de· inst it uta onulizalion" the trend of rt>lurning the mentally ill to the C'Clmmun1ty se\-erely re duces chance~ or new patients .............. BUMPER STICKER Jeff Limberg of Artesia displays "I Brake for Arlcsi ans" sticker on his car. The Artesia, N .M . disc jockey is promoting the city's name ..link to beer com- mercials featuring artesian watl'r Cop car lightbars becoming _,bsolete? SACRAMENTO 1A P 1 Tht• California High\\ay P alrol pl;,ins to test flashing headlig hts as an e mergenr~ s ignal to replac·r rooftop lightbars on patrol t'ars The flashing hc·aclhghts. ust'd 1n conjunC'tion with a rC'd s potlight. will be tes ted day and night m Mann. Fresno and Con tra Costa cou nt ies f o r si x months starting August I. CllP Commissioner Glen Craig said The C ll P is pha sing out h ghtl}ars bc·c·ausc tht' incrN1sc•d air drag hoosts operating c·osts by 1 to 11:i Cl'nts per mi le because it c uts the gasohnt' mileage. and rrclurl'!\ top spcl•d by about 10 pcrcl'nt The Cll P want.., to determine 1f th<' flashing headlights add to lhl' nsib1lat~ or the patrol vehi dt• If so, tht'Y might serve as a substilutt• fnr lightbars. ·· said Craig 1\ b o u l 4 U IH' re· c n l o f the p..atrol "s 2.000 ca rs ha ve l1g hthars mo!\tl y in urban Thl'~ are being n •lired when the \'eh1des reat'h to p mileage ;rn<l an' hrought in for exchange Thr patrol s~11d removal of all light bars will save• estimated S9HH.OOO a y(•a r an fuel rosts Hesale of lht' bar.., will net about St95.000 the p<1trol l'stimated ge tting the long-term care they nerd. Dr. John Tulbotl or New York (;lty. l'<.litor of tht> Journal, said In Ml editorial that the baby boom children "have already begun to age into the decades where they are most likely to de· velop schizophre nia ;and other t•hronic psychotic conditions . "This trend is occurring con- comitantly with new moves to abolish state mental hospitals." he conlinued. Community menta l health pro grams are ne~ed to care for those outside o f institutions, he said, but many do not have the m oney, staff and facilities to do the job. T albott said planners and gov· ernment officials cannot pro· ceed with closing institutions ··in the absence or adequate com· munity programs at the very lime when new, young chronic patients are emer g ing in un· preced ented number s." In a study of the new genera· lion of patients, Or. Bert Pepper and colleagues at the commun1- t y mental health center an Rockland County. N. Y , said they have severe difficulty in social functioning and have a te ndency for irregular use or m ental health services. Pe pper said schizophrenia is the most comm only diagnosed problem with this group. but these people also have a variel} o r ot h er p syc h oses and pe rsonality disorders . Sr hizo phre nia includes a g roup of d1 sordl'rS sometimes characterized by misinterpreta· l ion or r eality, ambi valence. perception disturbances. depression. and withdrawn or bizarre behavior. The study of 294 of these pa tients seen at the center during the summer of 1980 found that 192, or nearly two-thirds, wer e diagnosed as having major men- tal illness. Doctors found these patients. on the whole. to be a rootless. unemployed class who heavily used alcohol and other drugs and strongly resisted he lp. Drug use. the strugg le to con- form to peer pressure. a lenden· cy toward agress1on and fre· quenl hostility lo mental health \\-Orkers made them particularly difficult lo treat. the studv said ( Although these patients are be· mg seen in increasing numbers at h ospital cm ergenry rooms and mental health centers, they gener ally o nly appear during c ri s e s and di sappea r ar te rwards This makes the m dif· f1 cult to treat on a long-term basis, doctors said ··w e estimate that for. every dysfunctional young adult we see," the study said. '"there are two to 10 in the community who never arrive <it our doors tep but are functional in fa milies or in Ja ti s. or wander unnoticed in our city streets .. Who's real Rainwater? Singer wants to exchange letters with Idaho cook ATLANTA 1AP 1 Countr~ and western !-.1 nger Ma r vin Rainwater says h<''d like lo ex· change letters with a 65·year-old Idaho cook who claim s to be Rainwater. to ··sec what"s on his mind." ··Well. docs he !\1ng better than I d o'! l hope he docs." :.aid Ramwater. 56, an Atlanta for a s inging engagt•mrnl at a local club. Questions about Rainwater's whe reabouts were raised a fter the South Idaho Press in Burle;.. Idaho. pu~hshed a s tory based on an interview with Michael McGeehee. who said he was the Ra inwater who m ade it to the top of record cha rts in the 1950s with hits like "Blue Eyes Crying In The Rain, .... Running Bear." a nd "Gonna Fi nd Me A Bluebird." M cGeehee told the newspaper that he dropped the Rainwater nam e when he s topped perform ing. He said he had m oved to Heyburn, Ida ho, on May 9 rrom near Vancouver. Was h., because tais wife, F lo. f\ad trouble breathing after the Mount St Helens volcanic eruption. Mike Feiler. South Ida ho Press managing editor . said. "We did everything and then som e that was reasonable" to check McGeehee's story before publication, including poring over old record lables and rock'n'roll trivia books. An Associated Press s tory based on the newspaper's ac· count was published in many newspapers across the country. ll appeared in the Daily Pilot on July 13, The AP story a nd a photo of McGeehee were seen by Rainwater's 8."i-year-old rather, C.O. Rainwater. in Jacksonville. Ala. "Jl's not my son." he told The AP by telophone "It's nothing' like him." Meanwhile, the hus band of lncer Br nde Lee also saw a collY of the South Idaho Press atoty and wrote Feiler that McGeehee's clafm was untrue. "That was th~ thln1 that real- ly set ilolf," FeU~r Hid. "TMre ' .. t ~ 11 MAR 'V1 n I ta•••· - ON STAGE Marvin Rainwater were som e people that had said they didn't think the guy here could sing a nd play that well. but he himself had said he was too o ld to be an ente rtainer , so that really didn't mean very muc h in Itself." Fe iler tracked Rai nwater's an swering service In Minnesota, an d the singer returned his call from .Nash ville. Tenn., where he was working on an album. Rainwater said it was ap- parent that McGeehee knew a lot about bis life and career. .. lr he's serious about this thing, l wouldn't mh"d cor· respondlnc with him and see what's on his mind, but l 'd like to know what hJs purpott la and I'd Ill(• to know "bat bis plans 9fe, I the l"lef Qfd . ~ M clieehee. told of Feiler's in· terview with the singer. slood behind his earlier a ccount. Was there anything misleading or un· truthful in it? .. Not in m y books. no ," M cG eehee said. "But if they· re getting upset there in Nashville and everything like that to say something else. they've got anothe r Marvin Rainwater up there and that's fine with me .. Feiler said of McGeehee: ··He doesn 't bat an eyelash. He has an answer for every question you throw at him ... Extension of DST backed WASHINGTON CAP> -A bill to provide an earlier start for daylight-saying time was ap- proved by a House Energy and Comme rce s ubcommittee. The legislation, approved by a voice vst.e, wa~ sent t o the full committee fol' consider ation. IC passed by Congress and signed by the pres ident, the legislation would sta rt daylight· saving lime on the first Sunday in March instead or the last Sun- day In April. Daylight-saving lime runs until the last Sunday In October. Soviets send Cubans frigate WASHINGTON <AP > A modern 2,300·ton Soviet-built frigate flying the Cuban nag bas been sighted under low in the Mediteranean, Indicating lh•t the Soviet. Un.Ion Is suppl)'lDI Cuba with its new«tJl and blaeat warship, defense sources said. The Koni·clau frtsate ta con.-1 ldere bly 1m1ller tbH the newer classe1 of· U.S. Navy destroyers and fri1ate1, but n · peru aaid ita,adcUUon lo ~ Castro's n.t m~a a majol' iln· provement. in Cuba'& anal for~. ,/ 1! 6 rn[ill~~~ ~oorn I ~I I - .. ,..,....,..... Thurstan Cooper I right J, partner Bill Ifill house in front of lumber company billboard I 4 2 • 5 6 7 8 Sign brillgs D sunshine Highway po~t 's homilies keep drivers happy E:AST Rl.iTll ERFORD. NJ t AP> Some t·c.111 him "The• Burel of Route 17 ."' Others rrfer to ham as ··The llighway Poet .. But New Jc·rsey tum bcrman Thurston Cooper is the first to admit that he hasn't had an original thought an his lire Maybe one \\hen he decided to use his b-by 16 foot billboard marquee for morP than just ad verllsing "2-by 4s for 42-cents a fool ·· Instead. hE' decided to use the sign to display ph1losoph1cal thoughts and s aymgs which have pro\'ed a s urefire "ay to captun• the attention or thousands of motorists who daily pass Cooper Lumber Co on Route 17 an this s ubur ban Bergen County com mun1t) llow can a pa..,s1ng motorist help but ponder phra!\es like ·· Ernnomy 1s the poor man s mint,·· ""Chara('ter is "'hal ~ou are an lht· dark." or ";\l oney is somet1ml'S too expens1n• Cooper. who has used the flood lat billboard that wa~· for a dl'C'ade. said the response has been a n endless stn•am of lt'lters and phone calls from P<'Oplr whose rt'a('tions r ange from t•urioslty.to de li ght to anger ··These peo ple take my sign \"ery serious!):· he said with a c huckle . ··A week doesn 't go b' when we don'l hear from someone b~ telephon~ c>r letter asking about that dumb sign .. lie recalled has first encounter with Sister Marguer ite. a nun m the Newark Arc hdiocese. who complained a bout a sign that read ··Po\'erl) as hali laziness.·· She de manded that it be taken down immt-daatl'lv. ·-rm fn:,h."" Cooper said . imitating the irate !\1stt•r. "'and "e \\er<.• poor but \\(' ''ere not l1:1z v 1 " · '"She gan me hell' .. Cooper reml•mbered. s haking his ht'ad What did he do~ · · r took it do\\ n of course. but I told her that I need ed something <.•lse to put in Its place." He sard ht• has been rere1\"ang a list of sayinf.!!' from Sister ~I a rguerite evl'r~ mont h since that da,v an 1978 ;\lost or the philosophies are .. borrowed ... Cooper conced ed. pulling a manila en \·etope stuffed with scrap pa pe r from bis de!>k dra \\ er '"Some are ·stolen' paper placemats. some are 1>a ges ripped from different books, but most of them a re sent in by people who want to see their favorite phrasl'!s up in lights . ·"The only one I ever made up on my o~·n was. No·one ever drowned from his own sweat," the 47 -year-old lumberma n quipped. ··1 really should have been a philosopher instead of an the lumber business. ""Some friends think rm crazy. some thank rm !'i mart." he a dded with a s hrug '"But our philosophy is that we don't car e what an~·bod~ says about us as Ion~ a s they keep talking ·· • And they do A friend who told ham the s ign was ··the dumb· e~t thing" he's ever d of.le was in church one Sun day when a priest began by saying. ·-rd likoe h start my sermon with a quote from the Cooper Lumber board." ··Now you can't get a better advertisement than that ... Cooper s aid. But not all the talk is positive Al a Chicago • lumber con vention. a man who learned where Cooper was from asked, "Hey, do you know that nut with the bihboard?" F eignmg deep thought. Cooper replied , "Oh yeah . I heard of him . he owns a furniture ~mpany o r s omethine." "I wasn ·t about to own up lo that one." Cooper whi s pered. The fourth-gener a ti&..· lumberman, wh ose ~real-great grandfather started the small com · pany in 1885 and who runs the business with hi s cousin. Bill Hillhouse, s aid he's often am azed at the reactioR to the sign .. People just don't have a heck or a lot else to do,·· he s urmised . · Besides the "uplifting" lhou1hts. Cooper ad· vertises (Or community events Uke a local blood drive, the J aycees'' Christmas tree sale, and a n eigllborhood street carnival -a ll for free. "One wom an once· offered us SlOO lo put ·'Hap· py Birthday, Bill," on the sign, but we wouldn't do it, .. he said. "That's not what it's for." Coop~r doesn't hesitate, however. when it comes to welcor1\lng businesses lo the a rea, like he did when a newly renovated Irish put> across the highway reopened last year. ln blazing letters, the board r e ad: "We lcome l>l ck O 'Leary's." A neighborly gesture? "Actually," Cooper said with a wide grin. "he bought all his lumber from us and ( just want to make sure he can pay the btll." A I L y .C L A s s I F I E D 6 4 2 •• 5 6 7 642-4321 Direct or coU«i, to nb9critJe to ~r laomrCown poper-, Lit« • , .... 8 INDEX To rtx1 YH1 Ad, can 642-5678 HOUSES fOI SALE lt"'t.iJ twl"'-'• ,,,.,,_. "41hi .. l-" .. '41~ .... 1. t •pt\ll•htt ... •t ~ t ""'"'" fhil ''•' . , ..... "''"• IJ41n4 l••Mnl •11or1+ ··~•lti\ .. th UuNlf.-t•lf• h. .. -' if,,,,. ... ,w ....... ,.. lctrW'l•tf \..,,.N,1w"' "llo'\l'lflft\•1 , ..... ..,,.., ...... l'I. '-tu• h A•"'' ~nJu111t1t .. .,..,, ... 11·1 "'~' .\U• '-•I ht,., t\ ""-'th I ouu .. ~r1ol1h1(1,11r \l•itHlt H111ti. '•Ii UAL ESTATE ... "••t ...... .. 4._,.,,,. ... '" ~., ~ .. "''''"''"''' ........... h , .. , .. trm-hl ••• I t1o1I t .,,,,,,. ............ ~oe,,. ~ •..0.n •A'"'"1" '•h l~t•h\1 I ••I ""• • 1.,1\f·t·• 111 I• \I•• I lll':•·n .. ,.,.,,,. ,,1 ll•lv1oH1otl h111•1t 1,14. lt'4 '•h \l1ol~h 11 .. • I ••t I'• ''-"'"'' ... 111 k+. '"•"6.' I I, •. , tV ''"'"' 1'1 I ••; • """"'' 11 1 .... ,,., ••,.. I, til•• I "" t, '"' w • ., t ._.,,,. RENTllS """' • t .,ii .••• lltoll, I '1•h I• •I It••·•-· • w1• •• I I .,.,l •••,•11•1 t 11 .1.1 .. 1· 1'4h ''• I••••• t I•"' •I • "' ~ I , .... i'' •• \ti' t I '1" •• ·' ,, ... , h •.fl. *'•'.\I ti ...... ,, ... '· II II ,, • ...,,., .... ti 11 .. \,-•'"'I I• I. ~' •!• 4/ 1 • ·f Ii .... , ... ,, ,, I'"' ••• ''' 11.o 1111 I• ti• •••t.• ... """ .. ' •· \ BUSINESS. INVEST MENT FINANCE ,,..., I ,,. ,_. "·· ,.. " .. !•1 11 .. !l•t•I'" It. ' ...... jl \1'1U I •• \1.,h• ~I "'' \I''•• I'• ANNOUNCEMENTS PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND I' '"'I " l•1 •'' 1,, I ' t , .. ... SERVICES OlrtOYMCNT & PREPARATION • • "· •"' I '•I MERCHANDISE \• j \1•1 ,, ,, ' ,, . "I o \ 4 I ,,. .... l•··. ..... I I "· ,.,., \I ' •• I \f o I '' ,- I '\I ·, " •I I " t. •• •,. ""' . \~ .. 'i· ••• .,, I .. .... I H •' It I BOATS & MARINE EOUIPMCNT '"' •' I •• I'°•' I' '" ' "'-•' ... ..... ... ,. . .,.... .... .. TRANSPORTATION ,, ·' I•" ........ I ... ,, " \l+fl•lll I • 11 " tlt1+ \li . .t ll" ,,, I·· •••+•t ,, ... , 1r .... 11 ,, \I "" i; AUTOMOBILE lo•lfl \1ot . , tc .... \ 'I• f 'I • l'A I t ' .. , .... \ •I• 1 11 \ ., .. .... .. 11 ~ • AUTOS. IMPORTED \ J ~ ''" \ol • \kl •l: .. ,. .. .. .. "' ,, . I • II·•·' J .. "·'' fr11 .. u "•I IU•t111•1Ht 1 \f11t.. \f+' I I lk 11 \l1. ...... ,.,. . , ... , .. f·, I I' •uf" H1•ito • I ""'I ' M·o w .. , •• "-•" ...... h.,ti. ... , ..... l1m1U11h \,ti.,•• ..... II \uhu .......... ,,,, • .# "'' ""'" ,,..t.o ... \ .tm•I" l~\t1tl11 ""'' '"' t 11/fkl ~ Ut I' ti I \ou .. 11 , ......... tu• t ·~ .... ,.,, 1.1•hfl II ... \t ... ' \t•n H AUTOS, HEW AUTOS. um '9"'"'"" 1h,ihf'1•11l11h t°IOhl 111\MlKMh t';lttth•\ 1nvu•t• 1h11 t ,,, It 1111. f1U .... h .... ••••••••••••••••••••••• EQUAL . HOUSING OPPO~TUNITY I... Ptlbhat.r't HaiHc.: All real estate ad ''"' ' r r t 1 s e d 1 n t h 1 s ,, , newspaper ts subject to 1•• the Federal f'a1r Hous :::' 111g Art or 1968 wh1rh ... " , .. ... .... I ' , .. '·'' ,. .. '. makes 1t tllegal t.o ad \"ertise .. any preference, l1m1tat1on, o r dis rnmmat1on based on rare. rotor. religion. sex, or nallOl\al or1g111. or an Ultention to make any such preferenct'. llm1\at1on . or dis · rnmmauoo " This nt'wspapcr will nol knowingly arcepl an) adverl1s1n1: for real estalt' wtu<·h L'i in '1ola t~~n or the lav. ERRORS: Ad¥tmwn should cMdl ttwir odt dolly Md repott .,... roN --diGttly. Tiit DAIL T Pl.OT as_, iobilty for ... fint incorrect iftstrtio11 Ottfy . • • Homff fOf Sdt -•...................... GtMrol 1002 . .........•••.•.•.•••.. UPPBl IACklAY! t:Jtecut1ve parad1~t'' 4 Bdrm, 2' • bath!>. 1(1on ur ram•I> room. dmml! room. hu1o:e re;,r )ard Close lo ~olr rourst> Onwnt-r v.,rnb oul · Tr~ AITO. t·onlrat1 or trade Onl) S239.SOO Call S46 2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS EXECUTIVE S2Z7,000 Almoi.1 ntw 2 i.1ur' bt'a ut \ Sun filled kltrht>n formal dunnj! room v. ark ;;nd t"Ol~ ram1h ruom too' 2nd ~tor» ho~l' !>l'rluded master ~ull e v.11h trat·k l1n11 br1l"k rireplare J more queen ~•tl'<I bdrms too' Oun l m1i.i.outrc1ll : · 1 .. @ SEA COVE PROPERTIES ,. •. ' .... •I I . " . . •I . " ... ~ 1.1..: •••u .. ,,, . ' 714-631 -6990 Belly Kerr Realty ltd btty & bnt Tenu ill CoroM dtf Mar Comt' St'e for ~oul't'lf $340.000 mrl land Open Sal Sun 12 5 1407 Santanella 673-1181 cars•bikes · ·skateboards· trucks·baby carriages · tea carts•trikes rollerskates • walkers·toys recreational vehicles •golf carts·model trains•bikes ·pianos•ca rs refriger~rs ·skates ·· • • Model A's•··· • typingtables wheelbarrows· recreational vehicles •golf carts•model trains•bikes •pianos•cars ref rigerators ·skates······ If it's got wheels, you'll move USITHI DAILY PILOT • .,AST it fa ster in a Dally Pilot classified ad.Call ~2-5678 and a f rlendly ad- viser will help you turn.YQUr wheetslnto Clsh. llSULT" SHVICI DlllCTOIY For Result Service Call '42·1671 ' "'-t hr W. .... Wt H.M1 ,.._ W. HeeM1 ,_ w. "-" ...... "'-"lier We Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/SUndly, Auguet 2. 1981 Cl I .........•............. ••..................... .•••••••.....••........ ....................... ....................... ........................ ......___ __ ..__---......... -.,.,.. 1002 19'""til IOOJ .... ,.. 1002 •• ,.. 1002 t•NI tMJ 11•1• 1002 ...._. Pw Ut .._.,fer W. ..._..lier Wt ,_. ..._. -....................... ·····•·······•······••· ••••....•..•......•••...........•••........... ······•················ .....•...••..•.................•..........•.•.•••.......•.....•.....•............••••••.....•.•••••••........•..... I.UC• Cbarmlnt wood 1A1a11td ~.Sun lll'9d ldtebee overk>ob to1y pallo 3 l1r11 bdnn1 Ph• MWl.nl room too. Only su.,.•, call @ SEA COVE PROPERTIES 714·631-6990 IACICIAY $14,000DWM Giant 4 Bdrm garden home In Newport Riviera! Specious tivlng r oom. beautiful fireplace. Fonnal dln· ill&. SweepinJ stairway to private muter suite Easy terms! Only $137,500. Hurry, call f1US50 THE REAL ESTATERS Make your shoppin& easier by us~ the Daily Pilot Claajfi Ads. OP .. IAT/SUM 111w.o ... _. OCIAlllOMf 67"4161 Sln1'9 larnlJ, l"elldeftce, • bdrm, 2 bath, com· pletel:y remodeltd. El· cellent loeaUon. Ntar Newport Harbor Yacht Club. Pr\ced at 1'150,•. associated 8~1 P• f 51, Wt 1' ' 'J •, 4 ' ft j, r I ~ ~ ··"·· fh• ... 123 aMual percentage rate, Exqwsile l~ year new executive home. Formal plus ramily Uv· Ing, 2 fireplaces, up.. at.airs study. aensat.ionttl maste r s uite Proress1onal landscap.. Ing. Community pool, plus RV storage. $243 ,000 Call now. 645-03>3 CE llDBll ILllKS ca. OVER 57 YEARS.OF SERVICE 2069 YIST A DB. OIO ILUffS OPEH SUM 1-5 $ Million $ View $ -Lovely Courtyard Entrance -Tile Galore -Plus Huge Bay View Patio - Potted Plants -Flowing Fountains -Indoor/Outdoor Living -This Two Bedroom, Two Bath Condo Shows Better Than A Model. Open · For Your Viewing. A ''Joy 0£ Newport'' Listing. 207 VIA MEKTOHE LIDO ISi.AMO OPEH SUM 1-5 Move Into This Bright Four Bedroom Lido Island Home With Only 20% Down . Assume The Large First Trust Deed At 12% & Owner Will Carry A Second At 12%. A Fabulous Opportunity To Own Property In One Of Newport Beach 's Mo s t Picturesque Communities. An Excellent Buy. $475,000. 43 IAIMIOW RIDGE TUltTLEIOCK RIDGE OPEH SUM 1-5 Fabulous View . Select Location. Two Bedrooms, Two Baths, Plus A Study. Many Upgrades Including Plantation Shutters, Parquet Entry & Carpeting. Great Financing. Large Assumable Loan. Priced At $175,000. Submit. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. 405 YIST A suan ILUffS OPEH SUM 1-5 U:>cated On Wide Tree Shaded Lush Greenbelt. Close To Pool & Clubhouse. High Ceilings In Living Room & Master Bedroom. Two Fully Assumable Loans. Fee Land. Open For Inspection. Reduced To $235,000. PltOMOMTORY IAY Four Year Old Home On FEE Land . Elegant Decor. Three Bedrooms, Convertible Den. 3Y.a Baths. Huge Family Room With Wet Bar. Separate Dining Room. Breakfast Room. Study. Sauna. Tbree·Car Garage. Large Deck Overlooks Water & Dock For Large Boat. Hurry To See! $1,600,CXX>. GltEA T VIEW HOM! New Listing -First Time On Market. Exceptional U:>cation And View Of The Back Bay. Lush Landscaping, Huge Wrap-Around Patio, End Unit, Plus Second Front Patio And La rge Viewing Deck Off Master Suite. Immaculate. Three Bedrooms. 21h Baths. Offered At $325,000. HAllOR VIEW tlU.S Owners Are Leaving The State And Must Sell. Secluded Home In Move-In Co ndition . Three Bedrooms Plus Family Room. Excellent Financing. Give Us An Offer. I LUFFS Great Investment Or Starter Unit With Excellent Financing. Sharp Two Bedroom End Unit With Deck Overlooking Lovely Greenbelt. Walle To Shops, Park & Pool. Owner Is Motivated & Will Carry AITD At 13.5%. Price, $139,900. COST A MISA'S llST Al.IA , Beautiful Contemporary Home In Costa Mesa's Mesa Verde Area. Featur~s Include Five Large Bedrooms, Two Impressive Fir~laces, Gorgeous Li$g Room & Family Room.i. Skylialts, Wall Coverings, Wet tsar -l'antastic ! . Priced At $229,500. I.AUi& POINT. COSTA MBA 'lbree Bedroom Two Bath Condo. Near South Coast Shopping. ~clous Feeling With Skylights. ti.cf uilt. Auumable f1nt Tnat Deed. Priced At Sll4,000. 1-le/Optiaa At $139,ca ~ 759;91• ~· tzcw,..•fllili ~ Mia,..Jt~ llACH W•AIM OMLY 1209,tOO Walk to HDd l Hua• Newport 8tadl 4 Bdrm Wood bum.lol rtr.place. Eatra lartt lot . .()wnu II motivated and wUlina lo belp llna~! Call oow, 1'1NS$0 THE REAL. ESTATE RS lOMlN. TO BEACH! BLK TO CLUBHOUSE! Lovely Meu Verde Country Club Villa . 3 Bdrm. 3 bath overlooll· lng pool , ~abana . &ardens. Adults. Owner carries lSt loan. orrered at $179,500. Ownr/agt. 549-1366 .... , 4 II, 21/2IA Spaclo\11 Z-tty. Opt0 Uv· lol room w/ba7 Window, 1tep4own famly room with fireplace . Down1taln 1uut Bdrm Ii 81. Nearly new Ul.5,000. Ownr!Aat. R. Keeler S4S·l708 or 111.om 121/t'/o $11,000DWM Vacant and owner want.a out! Hu&e 2 Bdrm ~ th coodo wtth larae family Uvinl area. At.· tached &araae. su~.900 total price. Call no•. 5411.2313 THE REAL ESTATERS FAMILY tt<>ME VILLAGE OF TURTLBOCI ~...,-........ ~ occ.ftt ttal1 4 ,.,.. 2 lo .... wfftl ,,. .... yard. Good flHICilg .... _, llC ...... ~ .... tlllh a-.o..st~i.c ...., pooh. porb .. tct.ooll ... dolt to beach, •"""1 Clftd h ... wt. Ho.. tMt 11 o i.o.. for tt. fmly ... t..g .. Off9"d .. $2'9,500. COSTA MESA 3•tott.l1fn.w, ..... ed. .ct cM..-y ...._ -"" ldtcJtn & bath: lrg ysd. $109,500. HUNTINGTON HAUOUR SEAGATE Water locotlo• 01 109001, W......,.y llOCW, wood 9ld 9-• .xtertor. al ........... l .... 21/2 lo, foMlly roo111, fonMI clllllg "°°"" MAIM CHAMN& HUNTINGTON HAllOUR IWldyow.._cato....._• tllis fWW lot loccrtH CMI Duuc~ ...... wltt. 100' -...... net Ll1Md ot $950,000. Wt111it ...... IN 'THE ILUffS ShoWI lib MW, htllfy .. ~--*cf...,_ 4 ...... ;.:E'IC" ...... wtct.. 2 eedoMd ..... ,. to pool & WGlkillg 1to.c• to schools, .... pieQ .cl pcri. Olly S 191,50~. i.4f7Yl1to ......... PRIVATE IEACH Jmt ...... fOS ytry OWi pri•• beach wltt. 40' bo.t dodl. 2 ...... 2 ... toty ...... 5 ............ pool. apo. bolll.tball cowt. UMl«i)UE WA TERFIOMT' PROPEITY IN NPT 1CH To ... Is to e-foy. 200' ol yom-ow" baytroat, nch1dH largt ,,..... boat dodt pin ,._ fOr "'°"• extra IONJe pri•• ,.tlo cnos .. Oii tt.e boy. Two.._., "°"'9 wttt. apace ,...,.., ••try rOCMll wttll. boy ..... 110 ...... •lew fro111 t•• ll•l•g · roo. - p•otMC cMck. Mo .. itc• .. or ,...... fOf' yow partiaillr ...._ AH ... OWMr~-..... °" yow ..,.__ NEWPORT HEIGHrS EXPANSION POTBmM. TM1 3 ldr1ll 2 lo M. It 1oc.e.c1 dote to partr OllMf Newport Hdor. " ....... oc .. -..., Yitw -offers ••«IMt ,..... for txpottllOtl Gld ,.. ... d .... Add 2ad ..... -add to .. .-. Stier fittmcilMJ ••• , ....... OHtnd sz10.ooo. s• ,....,... cost co.· fit...... . for illfot IMffoft Oii ...... mid othw ...._ properties c• _. R ......... Depot If 644-7020 ~ STARTING A NEW BUSINESS? Accordng to Callfc)nq lutlMll and Profffllon• Code (Sec. 17900 to 17930) '111 · pereona dolnt butlfttll under • flctltlout · ntme ""* fh • etattment With tht C0tintJ C*tl lftd hlYt It publlahtd four ttmtt '" • ntWtptplf ..mnt tM .... 1" wNcfl tht butlntM It ioulff. TM Ulltmt"' la '"'*" "1 lew end ft.,.. .. ry !ft ptoM1lftl your bualneta .,,.... MOit .......... proof " """' .. .,... 0011 •• ,., KCCMnl. nte DAILY "LOT P1•'1•1 .... """' .... pullkltlcHt ......... I"" .... MeetMIJ ..,.. - ...... I dilly --et .. 0.-.. • Co-~ ..... ;:s-................. .. L.IM. ..... !i ... .................... \\ I '. i ! '1 \ TAYLOR CO. Iii \I I (II\'-, '11111 1~1-lti ... c•HYOM COUMTIY cu• •tlAT 60LF .COUISI VllW Magnificent location o·looklng 8th green of golf course. CaU today for ~pt to see this luxurious Georgian Colonial custom by owner/builder. 5 B<irrns lge formal dining rm, family rm, billlard rm, refri,erated wine rm & 6~ baths. Lots o marble, finest wood paneling & custom molding, great storage. 2 stairways, air·cond., bit-in vacuum system + many other custom features. $2,1.50,CXX>. &IGAMT "VHSAILUS" -IXCLUSIYI OM llG CANYON CM>U-COURSI Spectacular Deane Homes "Versailles" !oca}ed on largest lot of all Deane Homes. Beutirul golf cou rse view! Profession· ally lan&caped yard w/mature tsiees in a privat~ park·like setting incl~ing a lovely large pool and huge spa + an attractive gazebo. Gated fr1>nt courtyard entry with fountain. Marble floor in foyer with glitt.erinf chan· delier. 4 Bdrms, den, forma dining room & 4 Y.a baths. Call for appt. $895,000. VACANT -VIEW -ANXIOUS Panoramic view of bay, ocea.n & sparkling lights. 4 Bdrm;. Lge family rm. Formal din . rm. 21h Baths $395,000. Submit off er. 1251 SUltFllME WA Y-44AUOI VIEW OPEH HOUSE Sat & S. 1·5 PM Mil & MltS ... HHCT10H $135,000 HEATED J(IDMEY·SHAl'ED POOL ltOOM FOil PADDLE T&fMIS Immaculate picturebook 3 bedroom home nestled in flowers and shrubs. Large grassy back yard for the children, pets or guest house. Beautiful pool with large deck area. 90' wide frontage. Zoned for income. A wise investment for young or not so young. Call 644·4910 to see any time. • 2-STOltY DUPLEX_..EWPOIT HACH STEPS TO IEACH-OWMR F04AMCE See this fine duplex today! Live in one unit & rent the other. 4 Bdr~. deck & 2 baths in upper; 2 Bdrms & l bath in lower. Fireplace in each. Some view or ocean. owe 1st T.D. & note of $247 ,000. int. only, $.52,500 down pmt. No loan fee. $299.500. IALIOA DUPLEX-'450,000 4 Bedrooms upstairs & 3 bedrooms downstairs wiJh patio and deck . Cov· ered garage + laundry room. Ex· cellent for summer-winter rental. Just steps to the bay & beach from the door of this excellent tax shelter + pot.en· tially appreciating property. Mil ARROWHEAD-YU TO CAT ALIMA Unobstructed view 25 ft across to see the world. 3 Bedrooms. Western red cedar inside and out. Architect's award design. See it, then Jive in it. A great value hide.away. Ask $96,500. WISUY M. TAYLOR CO.. UALTOltS 2111 S..J~ ... llood NEWPORT CEMTU, M.I. 644-49 I 0 OCEANRONT OCEAHYIEW OPEN TODAY I ·5 UNl(i>UE IN lltVINE TERRACE - Beautifully remodeled and completely decorated three bedroom plus home. Pool, spa, privacy, and a terrific loca· lion. You'll want to move right in! $395,000 Fee. See Rosemary Farrar at. 1315 Santanella Terrace. UH19UE IM HARIOlt VIEW ... us -Fan· tast1c view, four bedroom.5, super pool and patio. two fireplaces, new carpets and drapes, really clean and lovely. $449,500. See Natalie Fogarty at 3801 Topside. UHt(i>UE IM llG CANYON -Everything is beautiful about this four bedroom Broadmoor. Pool, spa, guard gates. and too many extras to mention. Priced to sell fast at $68.5,CXX>. See Bon· nie Barrington at 6 Winged Foot. UNIQUE IM OLD CDM Quality con· struction, comer lot, cedar ceilings, a two bedroom and a three bedroom un · it in this new duP.lex. Skylights, tex· tured walls. terrific at $449,CXX>. See Barbara Riggs at 700 Marguerite. UMl(i>UE IM HARIOR VIEW HILLS - Private courtyard, four bedrooms , vaulted wood ceilings, two fireplaces. master bedroom has separate dress- ing area. Excellent owner financing . $435.000 Fee. See Manan Reedy at 1225 Keel Dr. UMtQUE OM THE IA Y Two large bedrooms and den. plus a wonderful bay view. Excellent financing and the luxury of living at the Cove make this a very Interesting property. $595,000 . Fee. See Susan Harder at 973 Bayside Cove West. UNIQUE IN HARIOR Y1EW HOMES - Compare and save. This lovely ·Carmel model, three bedroom. two bath. fireplace home can be yours for only $229,500. Excellent financin~. See Donna Schroeder at 2016 Port Bnstol. UNIQUE IM OLD COROHA DB. MAR - Country kitchen. sophisticated mast.er suite. two fireplaces, three patios, bay view. two bedrooms, 2112 baths. $324,000. See J acqueline Pearson at 502 Acacia. U~IVUI: ti()Mt:S REALTORS,675-6000 2443 Eut C-t Hlthwey. Coron• del Mer WI HA YI 41Of1MI lllST .Aeetn .. TOWN 5 Bdrm 2 Ba. Terrifi~ value & localion on lhe sand. Only $499,500. Call now. 979-5Z70 MO DOWN WANTNPTHElGHTS! ALLSTATE REALTORS To place your message before the reading public. D~PiJot Classified, 64.2-5678 $129,500 REPUIUC HOME! Rare Harbor View Hills Need 2 or 3 bdrm, 2 ba. opportunity! Owners are "pretty" house for very an:x.iow and will clients who must leave help ftnanre. Excittng their home soon "225.000 new program! Buyers to S30o.ooo range Call must quali fy. Spec-Cleo, United Brokers. tacular ocean view! Realtors 548-2739 or Secluded pool. Only message 645-5000 ext $359,900. Hurry, call ~S29......_. ______ 1111!!!!!!1!!m_!!!!!!!m ___ •I 67HS50 ~ -------1 ------.... Very popular 2 story Republic home. Close to So. Coast Pl12.1. 4 Bdrm 2 baths. bUJe ramily THEREAL ESTATERS OPIHSUH lllc6oaC0Yt1 45'10ATSUP F or sale $595 .000 ! room. fll'epla~. country -------PU.CH .. ora ~-.. Includes sandy beach · ---• '"" deck & patio + lar1t New Fant.utlc 3 Br. 3 quality 3 bdrm + den. 2 kitchen. Owner llquidat· in&, call now. 546-2313 • Ba. Condo, $2SOO moves bath home. Fireplace, you in, $1000 per month. brick BBQ + extra park· (Whypayrent).Nextto ing . Owner /Agt ., all sboppln&. I.heaters & 673-91$! or875-7060 THE REAL ESTATERS ClASSIFIED INDEX park, just minutes to !!!!!!!!!!~E!!!!!. !!!!!!!!!!D!!!!!!!!!!!I beaches. Sell with EASE! Ward Manaaement Co. It's a BREEZE 714/631·~ Cla11llieclAdaffW678 The~~ °" tht er.,. COllt DAILY PllDT I CLASSIFIED ADS You Con Sell II, f'tnd It, Trodt It Wrtll o Won! Ad 1002 •HOUSH• UDO UVIHG -FAMILY RIH S~acious 4 bdrm on an extra wtde lot with a lush green patio. Priced for quick sale. Perfect for family living & entertaining. Owner wiU carry paper at 13%. LIDO ISLE KING SIU WGAIH $115,000 PRICE REDUCTION on this 4 bdrm. newly finished dream home. Owner very motivated. Submit ofrer now. Hurry! UDO IAYFltONI' Custom country French 6 bdrm, 6 bath. Pier and slip. Brick terrace view. Elegant charm. 4500 sq. ft. Call now ror appt. LIDO ISLE Buy or lease 4 bdrm, 3 bath, 3 car. 40 ft. lot. Sunny so. patio. New kitchen, bath. Ready for 2nd story add. Just listed. Only $475,000. UCEl'TIOMAL VALUE ON LIDO This 3 bdrm home on an extra wide lot features a completely furnished game room-sunny patio. Spacious mast.er bdrm. STEPS TO SAMDY IEACHH Remodeled 2 story on lge lot. 3 bdrm ' + den. Lge mas ter suite with fireplace and Roman tub: $325K. ASSUME LOAH SI 39,000 Newport Beach Condo 3 bdrm plus retreat. Wet bar & mirrored wardrobes. Has 2 patios. Walle to beach, pool, and tenms. Great terms. IALIOA OCEA>RONT Great view at harbor entrance. Prime large Jot , 3,700 sq. ft. 4 bdrm. 3 bath custom home. Call for private showing $1 ,385,000. *CONDOS• COltMER COM)() 2 bdrm , 2~ bath, completely refurbished. View of ocean from balcony. $143,000. MESA WEST COMDOS We have 6 brand new 2 bdrm condos left. From $139.000 to $187,000. Call now. * INVESTMBfTS • WA THRO MT OFRCI ILOG Prestigious location in Newport Beach. All this plus a 60' boat slip. Owner will exchange. Prin. only. Call Bill Merrell. Agt. 673-7Dl A TTINTIOM DEVll.OPBS Laguna· Beach 10.697 acres -utilities to property. $300,000 & up homes in area. have partial ocean view. Price $630,000. Will take large boat as partial down payment. 673-7300 3377 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH o,.. Sat/S. 1.5 275Cllrw.Ormp Very clean 3 bdrm. ramily rm . frplc. lge fenced yani. Fruit lrees. 1119,900. MAUIY ST AUffll SUUOMllWn 673-5354 FIX UPIEACH HOUS&-YIEW! Incredible bargaln·"'1 blk to ocean. Quaint white picket fence & dutch door entry. Spiral stairway to ocean view. mslr Bdrm. 2 Bdrms .,. loft. atrium &i rrench doors! Take advantaae· you paint, flx&aave $$$! Only $189.900. Call Bob Burdick. Ownr/Agt 75&·1221 lt PlaT•M,~· 642-5671 aaoas . .............. ,. ·-· .... .., ... ,.,.,, .,,.,. ...... n.t4U N.OT_....., .................. ............ LIQUIDATION SALE BAYFRONT OWNEI .. MUST Sill THIS HOME NOW. NEWPOll BUarS EXCLUSIYE PEllNSULA POINT. I-AND NEW 4 -4 IATH IAYFllllT WITH BOAT DOCK. OPEN m •Y 12·5 P .M., UllTl SOLi 2%74 C1W111 nu . ::".·YOUR . TERMS DR CASH DISCOUNT ~RJ _ ~· ·-·~·~·-_.,·.....,.·~=~· .... ·~·,....··· ....... o~·--··~·~•""•~•~a ............ ~, .. LQ ......... ,.a~u ... a~u~u .. a~s~c .. s~a .... a .. s•&~t .. a•e•51115 ..... ~il!"S•t .. ll•tllill•lllllllllllllll tll OrtnQ! Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 2, 1981 HouttJ ,_,Wt "°""' F..-W. Hovaet For We Ho.tut For Wt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~~~ ........ ~:.~~~ ....... ~~.~~~ ..... "-"•'-S.. ~~:~ .......... !~! !~~~ .......... !~~! ~~~ .......... !~.~! ~= .......... !~.~~ hllfrel 1001 G9Mt'w IOOJ ~.. ";.;;;~*"••••••••ioo·i UN IL':.' CAL I' SHOWPUCI ltAltH()ll RI~:\ l.JT\. ••••••••••••••••••to••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• O SUND•NCE Comet 2 ................... C-DU .. EVES •• ~··••••••••••••••• M D + •UIST n • 5--..... .-~ ........._. YOUI 9tty9m1.1. ~A.RTas.St4.tOO ~!:~!~::,~kc':~~ ;.~~ ~!:~r!1wr:,t~~e ~=~~,3~~8Rc~~:,,:,.u FAMILY HOME IARGAJM A big. beautiful. traditional :.lyle home in exclusive Uayrresl Loral· ed in a quiet neighborhood. ideal to raise ~our fa mi ly . Custom built home with many quality features 4 bdrms .• office. family rm .• formal d1mni: I'm .. hu~(' upstairs play rm .• pool irnd even a ~t·w1 ng rm. A lot of home for only $399.500 O~n Sal and Sun 1 to 5 hurd to find. but worth it. 1730 Mal'lir1 Way, N.H off Sh1pway Lune Dalebout Ll m~m•tt'1 /it~~lin~ alr,uparoded "'witgell quires 1ub•t11otial in· Mumablt.>loan Sl65,000 10 UNITS As.~um11blt' em 3 Y ~ w l:s 0 S168 SOO eume ts dnptratch Sl'72,000 In lnanll ·'PICe"&lus Seporat~ m3Hl817$.1MI nttdtd by Iona l'eninsul11 11 block to S..000 Oran&t' Gut t or Mothe11 UJ law ~ -est11bbahed lcx·al broker l>cu('h 2 BR eut·h unit B &-B h 11uurtcrr. 8ewl yet' HARIOllUDGI Ouhtandin~ earninu •·urn fur ~um ay eac II NtW CON~ from Owner will ~Ip fin1ml'l' Aw a rd w 1nn1 n II avall on a aenerou rllt'r \\1nter n•nlJls 112S,UOO tu Sl37,0oo Hurry' C'ull ~3 7oio "Joddle" estate homt< cumm1ss1on !!pltt A S230,000 Co~t• Me:;11. ~ e ~ ldt Y ,\\ 0 r I d bl r~ule utfl!rln11 on mu rvelou:s op1>t111unlt)' Real Estate uc 111 e this exquisitely appomt tor the eagH pro DUPLEX I Yr old Ajj ed lownhomt' with (euiunal (;all Mr !Inst i,umault• S00,000 loun IUYERS W AHTEO massive view ot huy. uigs at (714)640-5560. Lar£t' A Frame· • 1m & l.1111•helor w loft Btwn bay & ocean beadlt'!! 1111 Perunsula '310.~ lt>UM' hold REAL ESTATE EXCEJ.L~NCE SINCE 1949 OPEN TODAY 1-5 1 COME WITH US •.• TO DOVEi SHORES. MAGNIFICENT COUNTRY FltENC'll t'ln: BEDROOMS PI.lJS SEPARATE ~ MAI D'S QL'AllTF.RS. EIGHT f'001' SOL ID CO Rt; ooons LIBHAHY Oil OEN WITH flnEPLACE ANO BAR MASTER BEOIWOM WITll flltEl'LACE SITTING ALl'O\'E. SEPAR1\ r£ DIU:SSINt: ttOOM l'lllLDl?EN'S WING SEJo: HONNIE MAH1\\'lnl OH D<Yl'Tli'; AL'STEHO SOI l!VEHIMG STAR UHE .......... FEE UMD $950,000 COME WITH US ... TO DOVER SHOHS WATEIFROMT. CARVED ENTHY DOORS CA THEDRAL CEILINGS THRE•: s p A c I 0 L' s a ": D H 0 0 Ms s E p A R A T E (.' H I L 0 n E N . s WING IMPORTED ITALIA.~ AND MEXICAN TILE TllROL'GHOllT THE HOME MW PATIOS LA\'ISH FA~llLY HOOM WITH SIT DOWN W ET B A fl L' N 0 BS T R lJ CT i'; D \' I E W 0 F B A Y A N 0 MOUNTAINS LAllGE PIEll AND SLIP LIBi.:RAL FIN·\NCING AVAILABLI-: SEE DORIS BROW~ OH Sl:SAN tnOST I 036 P~URIS DRIVE •••.••.•..•• ,, ........•.•.•• SI , 125,000 COME W ITH US .•• TO WESTCLlfF. JMP1lt:ssrv1-: rn11 ~ BEDROOM . OlNING AND FAMI LY ROOM HOME CUSTOM CABIN E:rs REAMED CEILINGS IN LIVING AND DI NING ROOMS FOUR SECLUDED PARKING SPACES-<:REAT FOR BOAT OR TRAILER OWNER WILL FINANCE St:E JANf; FRAZEE OH VIRG INIA SWAN 1111 SOMERSET LA .................. FEE UMD $495,000 COME WITH US ... TO AYCREST. QUALITY AND PRIDE CH' OWNERSHIP IS 1n;FLE<.'1'E: THROUGHOL'T THIS Cl'STOM Fin: BEDROO \I H0:.1 t: Bt;,\:.I -n;1u:-.GS IN Ll\'ING ROOM AND FAM ILY ROOM FOl<MAL DINING ROOM Hl'l;t; YARD WITll PADDLE TENNIS COl'HT Bl:ll.T I:'\ llRQ Sf;f; ESTHER BROWN 1818 GLENWOOD LAME .......................... $495,000 COME WITH US ... TO IAYCREST. f.U:GANT THREt: B E 0 R 0 0 M II O ~I E T II H E F. B A T II S C A T II E D R A I. CEILI NG~ Sl\YLIGllT£1> UHEAl\rAST ROOM OVERLOOKl.N(i PATIO AND GAHDEN SF:E c:AYLE AM . .\TO OR ALLAN )llNOR. 2039 SHIPWA Y LAME ...••...........•..•.•.•.•.. $285,000 COME WITH US ... TO HARIOR VIEW HOMES. IMMACL'LATt: THREE Rt:DROO\I 110\H: CAR)IEL )10DEL t'ORMAL DINING ROOM ANDf . .\~llLYROO:.I FF.ELAND s~:F.Jl)!MELBON 1930 PORT BRISTOL CIRCU ••••.•.••..•••......•• $268,500 COME WITH US ... TO DOVER SHORES . FOL'H B E 0 R 0 0 ~I S I'' .\ ~I I L. \' R () 0 M I M P E l' (' A B L t: CO NOJTIO'.'I llELIGllnTL. L'PPER BA\' \'JEW FR .\1\1 Fn R\' ORNAME'W\L THt:t.S O\~~ER \\ILL CARRY FIRST TRL'ST WITH Si5.00ll DOWN Sf:E F.L.\I~ ~: S\'EDF:EN 2130 SANTIAGO DRIVE .......................... S237 ,000 COME WITH US ... TO THE BLUFFS. l'OPL'LAH "X' PLAN CONDO END l'NIT THREE llEDROOM~ TWO Br\Tll~ NEW CA RPET o \\ '\ I': R \ .. : RY ~I OT I\' r\ TED PH ESE NT ,\ N 't REASONABLE OFFF.H SEt: JOA'.'/ BIRDSALL OR Mll'Hj:LLE DAVY. 532 CAMCHA .........•.......•...•..••..•......• S 194,500 COME WITH US ... TO COSTA MESA -CHERRY LAKE AREA. ATTRACT I\' t: 1'11 ll F. t: HEDR OOM 110 )IE F' ENC F.D CO RN t:R LOT .. AM PLF. ROCDI FOR POOL. Pl.CS R E<.'R EAT ION AL VEHICLE OWNER MOTIVATED Sf:E BRIAN SCHOFFMAN 302VISTA UY.A ................................ $174,500 COME WITH. US ... TO WESTCLIFF. COMPLETELY REn.JRBISHED ONE BEDR00~1 . ONE BATH CONDO NEW OAK CABINETS IN KITCHEN ALL NEW APPLIANCES NEW CARPETS ANO DR APES .. Sf:E VIHG INIA SW1\:'\ 1716WESTCLIFFDRIVE#8 -..••.••.•..•..•..•.•.... $95,000 IY UPotMTMEMT OMLY COME WITH US ..• TO NEWPORT HACH. TWO NEW DUPLEXJ::S ONE ON WFSI' BALROA BOL'LEVARD WITll THREE ANO TWO BEDHOOMS THE ITTHER IN ;>;ORTH ~EWPORT JL'ST nYO BLOCKS FROM TllE OCF..\N ASK FOR SUSAN FROST .................. $425,000 EACH COME WITH US ..• TO MESA VERDE. HIGHLY L'PGRADED EXECUTIVE HOME FOL'R Bl::DROOMS. FORMAL DINING ROOM .TEMPERATURE CONTROL WlNE ROOM HUG E FAMILY HOOM POOL SIZE YARD . ' ASIC FOR GAYLE AMATO OR Al.UH MINOR •••• $250,000 COME WITH US ... TO THE ILUFFS. LARGE CAR MELITA MODEL. FOliR BEDROOM CONDO .. DINING ROOM BONUS ROOM OFF GARAGE TASTEFL'LLY DECORATED ASIC FOR ROGER URQUIST ...................... $239,000 COME WITH US .•• TO HARIOR HIGHLANDS. THREE BEDROOMS TWO B1\TllS HUGE FAMILY ROOM WITH BRICK Fl REPLACE .. CORN ER U1f ON AEAUTIFUL TREE LINED STREET ASK FOR SUSAN FROST ........................ $189,000 COME WITH US ••. TO COSTA MESA, USTSIDE. T HR EE BEDROOM CONDO DOUBLE DETACHED GARAG E .HOME ·LIKE ATMOSPHERE PRl\'ATE SJ\C'K YARD OWNER WILL CARRY BALANCE ASK FOR DORIS BROWN ........................ $135.000 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE ................ 631 -7300 ~~ WATERFRONT CONDOS HUNTINGTON HRB R Purchase With 5', down on rantast1c terms Brand new, cpt'd and draped ON THE •WATER. Guarded gate .entry, views. 2 tar garage Pool and tennis 2 & 3'8R'S AVAIL. IM· MED. ' FROM 5299.000 CALL 714 556-9600 10°/o DOWN ASSUMAIU LOAM SI 30,000, By Owner I yr. new condo. 2br. den, 211ba, wetbar. frpl r. Upgrad~ & prof. decor Across rrom S A Country Club Short e~rrow. owner bought new home DESPERATE 1512 August Ln .. S.A. Hts. 556-5434 or 770·041 I Open llouse. Sat Sun, UH. IM:EANFRONT FIXER--3UllTS ................. btatfwfll.-.t ~ ... , .... 0w.r.~11n.o. _,I Z%Wwttt.U 15,000.Hf·l 400 OPEN OH UDO SUM 1·4 119 Via Mentone Contemporary4 br. high ceihngs ~.<KX>. 221 V"ta Hhoco Near new traditional 3 br. skyl\ghts & spa As· sum. loan. S6ll.OOO. 116 V1o TIWstt Earl California J br on 52' lot w /spa $695.000. 124Viotke Conlem porary elegance. Wood noors. 2 story llv rm 2 sunde<'ks. assum. nnandng S78S.<KX> I JO/o WOWll Spectacular home with covered entry. Huge llv· ina room, fireplace, counlt}' kitchen. family area. M1pillcenl bonus room. Comer lot, RV IC· c:eu. Owner m1y c1r~y AJTD al 133 . Price, '134.U O. Act now , 54S-21U THE :REAL ESTATERS SF s21s,ooo Orange W ocean, coastllne & night _ _ ~ l' can hl·lp }ou find IJghts Now reduced lo ' 6 UNITS Brand ni·w your drearn hm.ll>l' Call S7 our Costa M e~a ; St6a.OOO lolln S2.'>S.OOO Newport Beach fles1den S11n lJemardlOO Ital Speclah.st, Delore~ Ge Iberg LOT JN OANA POINT TSL PROPERTIES ig •, dowu \\Ill ubord1nat1•S1~.ooo &GUIO:l_ SO. CAUF. lUl. TY 54'95605 Shirtdress Takes Fresh Turn i!1.1•,lll\ll'• ,\ \.! (l. 1.;t'.dltl! !I R.nq •)40 '>SbfJ Anyt1m11 £.1.,t!Jlut• p,,,, lllr~I ll( SIOlNllAl Rf Al CSIAlf SERlllCfS THIHIUNG TOWMHOME? Call lhe sperialM~ al the conduminionl 1n formation c·enter Touchstont' Reall) 96J.0!67 Colfw~ BURR WHITE REALTOR . INC. 67S.4630 IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 DECORATOR'S HOME Just h~tcd and ll'uly spccta<.'ular! Locall'd 111 Harbor View Hills on a bt•aut1full~ hindscaped lot 3 bdrms. and family rm with beam ce1hng. bu tit in bal' \\ ith le;1dcd glass door. mtt~!)I\ t• stfJtle f1replat·e and French door~ opening onto custom spa and waterfoll !luge master !)Uite with ·ftrepla('t' and \\alk·tn closet Cen· tral sct'unty systt'm. S465.000 A !)huwp(a('e. BAYFROMT CONDO PRINTED PATTERN M14 2 OPEN HOUSE 1-5 1\ll lhl' t•a!)c of t•ondo It\ ing. yet with 44 feet on lite bay . Onl y minute~ lrom the J<.'tl~ on the East ('hannel \\1th a ll'rnf 1t· \'ll'\\A large bdrms. and 2 full baths. ~'!replace. m''' C'arpt·ting. wicle ba~side ter· ratl' .\11 l':-.n•llenl havfront invest· SIZES 8·18 /~ I Th1i. nel4 :.1de •IORll' 11n tht.> t1mt•less sh1rtdrcs~ 1i. totally frel.h. appeal in~ for fall Siet'H' top~ .1 r e p u f red . w a n.i t•laSlll'11Cd and lhc skirt has a nt('(> ~\\mg For trl'pe. kmts Pnntt•d l'attern '\1142 hv l'uradt' rnmes 1n M iMe~ Sizes II IU, 12. 14. 16. 18 Size 12 tbust 341 takl'~ 3 5 II \3rd~45 mrhfahm· !;end S:! 5o for 1h1~ Print t•d Patlt·rn tu DAILY PILOT. Box 59. Old Chelsea Sta .. Ne14 York. N Y 10113 Add 50c for poslaRl' and special . handhn11 Prml Name \dd re~~, Z1 p. Sty It• Number andS11c l>es1R ner fashllln . ., at f,ff from dc~1gner pnc·es" Send ror exr1tm.: NEW 108 I PROM I E:--11 l>l::SIGNER PATTER;\' CATALOG With over 6.~ fabulous designs from the top name. All thr newest sort. romantic looks in Jackets, blouse~. sk tr ls pants. dresst>s Plus ~Oc BO,'iU!' COUPON fur an) p:Jl tern or your rho1re Send St for_Boo~~llO\\'. OPEM OH SPYGLASS tlU D1 st1 ngu1shed c u s tom Mediterranean Villa . Commandi ng ocean view $2,400,000. See Hillary Thamer At 17 MUIR BEA CH CIRCLE OPEN IH UY SHORES Spac10us & gracious 3 BR. + Fam. room & s pa. Gated on water tommunity $359.500. See Ellie Bowie At 2515 CRESTVIEW OPEM OM LIDO ISU Smashin g 3 BR. + Den. Atrium POOL Entertainer's delight $.595,500. See Edie Olson Al 204 lA EBOLI OPEN OH BALIOA ISL.AHO 5 BR. Duplex with I BR. rental. $450.000. Sec Cy nthia Rumsfeld At 112SA PPHIHI:: OPEM IH IAYCREST • Reduced for qut<:k sale Elegant 3 BR . Tr ad itional. $325.000 See Barbara Ballmann. At 1907 TRAD EWIN OS OPEM IM llG CAHYOH Elegan t 4 BH Versailles overlooking 10th fairway. $650.000. See Lucy Rose At 5 RUE Dv PARC OPEM IM DOVER SHORES Dynami c 5 BR. Bay~ront. Large P.ter & shp. Owner will carry all linant•ing. $1.750.000. See Brenda Peterson At 134 MORNINGSTAR OPEN OM IA YSIDE DRIVE Newly decorated 4 BR. \\ith private dock. $1,950.000. See Melind a Marston At 1617 HA YSID E OR. OPEN IM WESTCUFf Spanish Hat'ienda complete w tiled noors & heavv beams 5 BR. + ram. Hm . & 0POOL. $495.000. See Bill Bents Al 1437 ANTIG A WAY HOP, SKIP AMO A Jump lo the water! This "woodsy" 2 BH . cott a ge could wi n a personality ('Ontest with its used brick, hardwood floors. french windows . cozy fireplaC'e & redwood hot tub $399.000. HANSEL & GRETIL Would have felt at home with this COM 2 BR. chaqner. They would love the used brick fireplaces. beamed ceilings, custom built-ins & even the "plate -rai l" Charm + a separate 2 BR. rental. $.119.000. $814 PER MONTH ••••.• ,... when you take over existing low interest FHA loan!!! This is a superb starter home for a young family. Lots of poten- tia l & priced to sell at $89,500. 759·1501 or 752· 7373. $9,000 DOWN Takeover large assumable loan at 10.5~/ on this beautiful South Coast Villa Townhome. Adult section. Asking $89,500. 963-5671. OPEM IH THE ILUFfS 3 BH. 21 2 BA "V" plan tn mint rond1t1on. Great assumable loan al $17~000. See. Li sa Wh ite At 410 VIS 1 A ROMA OPEN OM PROMONTORY IA Y Custom Bay front 4 BR Library w1anl1que bar Pier & slip Sl.750.000 See Evan Corkctl Al f,06 HARBOR ISLA~D OHIVE OPEN IM IRVIHE TERRACE Custom 3 BR Ocean \'lew Spa $.598.500 Fee. See Nancy Simmons At 1023 BONNIE DOONE Of'EM IH NEWPORT CREST A Best Buv~ Walk lo beaches lrom thts 3 Bll 2 1 1 BA Bc.•aut1ful condominium for $185.!JOO S<.·e N<1ncy NH•hols Al 200 COLL')1BIA OPEN OM PEMIMSUU POfHT Pride of own l•rship 3 BH 2 HA Owner \\Ill tarr~ financ1ni:: $349.500 See Kay Parker Al 2023 MI RA~I AR . OPEN IM H.ARIOR VIEW HIUS Head-on ocean vie\\ 4 BR 212 BA Oen & Sparkltng pool $35..5.000 Se(' Wendy Beam Al !>66 SANDCASTLE OPEM IM MORTHV.000 Marvelously upgraded Pepperm11l Run execut1,·e home E<:xcellent financing on this 4 BR + Fam. Rm. $235,000 See Maggie Guth at #46 MONTICELLO llG CAMYOM-DUME DUUVILU A superb loealton O\'erlooking the 18th fairway, this dramatic 3 BR + f amilv room town home has 1l all Luxurious vet hvahle for a famth or a cou ple. lluge master suite + storage. Glass enrlosed patio for outdoor lh·ing' S750.000. DELIGHTFUL DUPLEX-COM Basic charmer that 1s waiting fo1 your loving tou r h Lovely neighborhood for rentals .or primary residence. $298.500 Submit all offers · UYSHORES COTTAGE A re<il <'harmer with ~real potent ial. Beamed ceilings Cozy fireplace. 3 + AR. Fam. Rm Wood & brick unique . Patio~ invite outdoor entertaining. $325.000 IAYSHORES Spacious home for acli\'e family 3 bedrooms. den & 3 baths + extra large patio fo r ping pon g & entertaining. Could have bay view Gated community. $349,500. nwnt :ti $575.000. · CORONA DEL MAR DUPLEX The be~t duplex buy in the area~ 'I\\ o I <i r g e u n 11 s \\ 1 l h 3 and 2 h<lrm::. . beam tt'tltngs. fireplaces and p11' al'Y ,\ ternfit lo<:ation at lhl• l'lld of Ja~m1ne A\'e. !)Urrounded l.>) tl'l'l'~ and 110Jy a short walk to lht· parh 0\\ ner i::. mo,·ing east and mu'>l ~ell qu1rkly A!>ktng only SJ2o.ooo "1th Sio.ooo down . Open Sun 2 l11 :l • nu Jasmine A\e .. Cd :\t WESTCLIFF • S 129,500 \'011 rt·ad 11 right' lf you thought '.';1•\\po1 t lka<·h was beyond your hudgd rnml' -.cc thb neat 2 bdrm <'Ondo ,1 t 1704 \\'c~tcltff Dme =16. 01x..n Sun I to 5 A super n1lue tn a ve1 ~ ntl'c de\ t•lopment. Com enient lnl'at1on. \\ alk 1n g dl!>lance to rt•!dauranb . s hopping a nd transportation Sorr~, adu(L'i only INVESTMENTS S.5 ACRES WITH VIEW Lo1·att.•d in thl' ('11' of San Juan Capblrano JUsL minute!> from the Dana Point Ya<'hl Harbor Ride and ::.atl '. Ideal l'State site private <1nd ~l·l'lude<1 S5!15.000 ~uhm1t on terms COSTA MESA SHOPPIMG CENTH 100', ocC'upil'd on a prime corner on WesL ltlth St :\loll\ ated 0\\11er says "Sell'·· ,\sking S47i .000 leasehold. BALBOA ISLAND 'l\\o s tor~ tommerc1al bwlding on :\Jann<• 1\' e Ft rst floor leased to a popular rest<1urant. Second floor has 3 apartments and ts 100'' OC· eupied S275.000 full pn('e leasehold . FN• ean h<: pureha::.cd. ( 714) 6 73-4400 f 2 1 3 I 628·2828 The Harbor Arro's LongHt Estoblishttl Rtol Esh* Cofllpany 111\lllJ()ll S 16,000 DOWH SPECIAL omR Takeo"er 12 1 i', loan payable S890 per month this upgraded townhome has been recently redecorated. Has cozy fireplace and double enclosed garage. $89.500 963·56il REAL ESTATE LICENSING SCtllOL ••CONDO COHVER5'0H** · OCUNFROMT WEEt< NIGHT'S Oil WHt<EHDS These s1xt) units are just waiting lo be con,·erted Choi ce Bakersfield location with very low vaca ncy factor. Three as!>umable loa ns Owner askrng $1.990.000 or w111 consider trade for mobile home park 714 556-7035 IUMGALOW Private lockable gate onto white sand. Charming Laguna collage is perfect weekend hideaway or rental. $695,000 7141963 5671 • • WATERFRONT HOME u NO PAYMENTS •••••• for 1 year !!! Charming 3 Br home local· ed smack on the white sand beach with a private stairway. Features fireplac~ 200' deep lot in R-2 zoning. ONLY $695,000. Owner will carry 1st T.D. at 13%. 759·1501 or 752·7373. SI f ,000 DOWN Takeover great assumable 9~ loan on this super starter home. Asking $112,000. 963-5671 OWHEI WILL CADY •••• lSt T.O. on 3 Bdrm. home with f~mily room, in prime area of C.Osta Mesa. A • rare offering at $110,000. 759-1501 or 752.7373, a s3900 For more informa tion Costa Melo Jodi Rou 54S.9491 963-5671 75'-1501 WATHNOMT UIXUIY • Sensational 3 Bd rm. townhome featuring used brick1 plank floors, F'N!nch doors, ceramic tlle & a multitude of interio.· upgrades. Priced at $31_9.J9SO with assumable loan. 759·1501or7:>1.·7373. _, •• ·-d •a • • I 01/4% FIHAMCIHG AVAIL Assume existing 1st T.O. on this 4 bdrm home in NEWPORT Riviera payable at $668 per month !! Featuring French doors, fireplace, 21• baths. raised wooaen deck, & new carpets & paint. On· ly $141 .900. 759·1501or 752-7373. REST AURA.MT -IT ALI.AM Pizza and sandwiches. beer and wrne license. Great luncheon business. $33.000 includes furniture. fixtures. inventory and large pizza oven. Owner Wlll help finance. 714 /963-5671 PRIME FOUUUX All 2 br units featuring rireplaces & f amil_y rooms. All 1 stOI')' with assuma· ble financing. Super pnce at $205,000. 759-1501or752-737~. PllCl HDUCTIOM 2 bedroom H plan m tM original bluffs with partial view of the back bay · love ly upgrades, newly painted. new dishwa sher. delightful deck . Large patio on lush greenbelt. pool and putting green. Submit on lease option $220,000. Open Sat and Sun l·S. 1964 Vista Caudel. TllllftC ASSUMAIU HMAHCIMG 3 br, family room, Bluffs Tennis Villas. Large assumable finant'ing at old interest rates. Immediate occupancy for buyer wanting a condo in mint cond ition . new paint, carpet. appliances $245.000 Opt>n Sun 1·5. 2716 Vista Umbrosa. FAMILY ORIENTED This 4 bedroom 3 bath house m Bayc rest is pe rfect for family entertaining . La rge country kitchen. form al dming room. pool and spa m very private grounds, beautifully landscaped. Own t1r will finance. $315,000. Open Sun 1·5. 1915 Trade winds OWNER flMAMCIHG IM U YSHORES No need to worq · about rising interest rates th e owner of this tasteful 3 br-3ba tount ry rrench home will prov ide c xc ellent financing. You will love the 2 sunny brick patios, private master suite with balcon v. and the warm atmos ph e r e of thi s g ated communjty $349.000. Open Sun 1·5 2651 Crestview. PRIVACY AIOUMDS Sw eepin g. panoramic views of ocean. bay and ci ty lights are yours when you enter this ele~ant four bedroom home localed m one of Newport 's finest areas. This enchanting and highly soplusticated executive home can be yours for $4 50.000. Ope n Sun I ·5 250 1 Lighthouse Lane. 15% DOWN Make your move to Spyglass Hill today! Never before have you been able to assum e Joans with such a low down payment 3 br. 2 ba. pool. spa, professionally deC'orated and landscaped. Seller wants action NOW!! $475.000. snrs TO IEACH IN UYSHORE This 4 br, 4 ba famil y home has one of the best loc ations in this gate -guarded communit y . Amenit ies include: heavy wood beam ceilings. paned windows. shutters, sunn y brick patio and 2 private beaches. Owner will aid in financing or consider exc hanges $.)49,500. SUPER LOCATI~ Lido Isle . . west end of island Community beach al each end of street. 4br. 31~ ba. gourmet kitchen. walled patio. Community tennis. yacht club. Submit all offers . . purchase . . lease ... trade ... owner creative and anxious . . will help finance. $550,000. ANOTHER CUSTOMIZED SPYGLASS HOME ... is offered for you exclusi vely. A select New Bedford features 4 br. 4 ba, family room and formal dinjng. Extensive upgrades and king-siled Yard makes this home a truly uruque find. Offered at $589,000 with attra cti ve owne r finan cing available. SPACIOUS FAMILY UVIMG 7 br. 41'2 ba, Spyglass home . with spacious. thoughtfully designed floorplan that gives you room to live. Luxurious features such as hardwood floors, custom shutters, separate maid's quarters, fully equipped kitchen with additional J e nn·Aire ran ge , cus tom oak bookcases. large fam ily room and bonus room are but a few of the outstanding features of this beautiful Southport model. $650,000. WE MISSION VIEJO A splendid French Country home in the gated community of Tres Vistas on the shore of Lake Mission Viejo with 4 br, 31,; ba, family room, formal dining room. living room and pool if you like. This custom home is built with' the finest attention to detail and atmospher~. EXCELLENT FINANCING AVAILABLE TO QUALIFIED BUYER. $745,000. MAGMIFtClHT SPYGWS HOMl This beautiful 6 .bedroom home is decorated in a traditional style with charming wallpapers. custom window coverings, top quality carpet, and elegant wood floors. The home offers a play room with built·in cabinets and extra storage, fa mily room, formal dining room 4~ ba, kitchen eating area, poof and a magnificent view of the oceal\. and lights of Newport. S925.000. Open Sun 1·5. 55 Go_leta Point. IM THI ILUFff Lovely large ''E" flan with country kitchen. ltecen ly· remodeled. Privacy plus on a quiet cul·de·sac. Early Bluffs location · large loan available. Reduced to $298,500. You 've Arrived at ... HARBOR RIDGE CUSTll ESTATE (New Listing) Not just a gracious home -a way of lire. An authentic Williamsburg Colonial manse overlooking the Newport Harbor & Pacific. This beautiful white home with col umns lS situated dn· a ~ acre cuJ-de-sac lot & is in complete compliance with lhe Williamsburg Historical Society Board of Authenticit~. Among the amenities included m this beauty are many handmade brass & pewter fixtures & sconces. Also crown moldings, Wainscoting, hardwood rloors & the very finest m wall & floor coverin~s . 6 bedrooms1 .1 1~ baths & 6000 sq. rt. of Wlequaleo quality. Much accent on detail lhroughoul. Offered at $2.35 mjllion. Exclusive with William Cote. By Appointment. ' LIDO ISLE Is location important? Tilis one is ideal. A luxurious home with just a touch of Spanish influence. Good financi ng and quick possession. Much accent on detail throughout . \\ith openness. greenery and lots of qu ality. 4 bedrooms, 4 1h baths. Close to beach. Call for details and appointment. Open Saturday /Sunday 1·5 204 Via San Remo BIG CANYON Custombed Decm6 Love a spectacular view? Here, overlooking the fairways. you 'll find a gracious home with 3450 sq ft . roomy kitchen & formal dining room. Also included are a pool, spa and sauna. This 3 bedroom, 3 bath home is newl y carpeted. Immediate occupancy and great fi nancing. Exclus ive with Co te Realty. $87!>.000. 816 CANYON TMClorE1tate A magnifi cent residence designed for the most selective customer. Located on one of the choice view lots in Big Canyon, it has charm galore. An English Tudor with 5 bedrooms. 41h baths. formal dining room and huge game room. A great family home, close to schools and parks. Owner will carry paper. Exclusive at Cote Realty. $2 .3 mjllion. 816 CANYON Custom GoH C:O.W This architectural masterpiece is designed for the ~ood life. Lots of space for entertaining -and the perfect kitc)len for it too. A huge bar oveRooks the seventh green and the complete music system is an added l?lus. The very best part is the financing ' Owner will carry for approved buyer Exclusive at Sl.8 million. 816 CANYON CatOlll I lttl Fairway Luxury plus . A truly delightful family home with guest quarters. Ever y thing d es igned with co nv enience in mind. A formal dining room.with a view. two family rooms and a large billiard room. Newly carpeted. Perfect for the executi ve! Owner will help finance. Exclusive at $1.7 million. NEWPO~T CREST First time buyer and retiree; step right up and make us an ofrer. A two bedroom condo with lots of character Vaulted ceilings and wet bar are just some of the ameruties. Too good to last ! $165.000. MESA VERll Best buy in town . . . a 3 bedroom c harmer located on a huge cul-de-sac lot. This is a former model home filled with extras. Close to everything. Offered at $144,900. Assumable loan of $98.500. Hurry on this one! 2075 San Joaquin Hiiia Rd. Acro11 from BIG CANYQN Newport Beach 640-Sm Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 DI ••••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• ~!::~ .......... !~~ !~::~!'! .......... !!.~~ H.Ht hr Wt ....... For Ut ....... For Wt Ho.Mt,., Wt •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ANANCING AVAILABLE MOO& HOML Spacious 3 Br in park hke setting_. Community pool & rec. area : good loan avail $199,500. IALIOA ISLAt4D 'S lowest priced duplex. Probate sale on 30x85' lot. Bldr's opportunity low. low $289.500. IACk IAY AIU. Owners will finance this attractive 4 Br, 3 Ba home. Large family rm. overlooks covered patio & rose garden. Motivated 5ellers Only $210,000. UDO'S HST IUY. Large lot w/spacious 3 Br home , formal din. rm .. sunny So. piitio, handsome arch1le<:ture $425,000. D A V I D S 0 N R £ A L T l l N C. 31 :o ri ..... p., • ti.. • •, ~ 673· 9060 C,t c .i \ ~ - REALTORS 675-5511 SO. OF HIGHWAY -T~ .... 1. 2 b&odl1 frotft beoclL nn. P9' old ,..., .ft, l ldnM l la. Ft-Oftf lllH oWet-W .We• wfth l ldnM. hit WH of GU COM. Of. fend Gt $391,500. MEWPOIT SHORES: OWNER Will RMAMCE. hit INiy M one l .... 2 W. home. Opu bea1Hd ctllla91, co1y fll 1pl1tt, ~ pcrffo ..... $139,500. COLE OF MEWPOIT WLTOIS 2515 E. Coast Hwy •• CorOMdtl Mar 675-5511 presents MESA VBDE-«UDY NOW Spacious & gracious, good for children. safe neighborhood. 4 B<irrns & large family rm. easy maintenance yard. Ready to move in. $179,900. 216ZTabop,CM 0,.S.1-4 'MfWrORT WITH 5 GAUGES ~uper wo~k space & rrore parking m low maintenance rear. Attractive 3 Bdrm, den. 2~ bath home with many custom features. $179,500. 1106 ..,.,. la.. Ml 0,.. S. 1 ·5 IOOMY IA YCHST , Total family acti vities from 3 car garage & RV area, to hyge family room to eat·in gourmet kitchen - not to mention 5 Bdl'ms, 4 baths, formal dining room enclosed yard. 1500 HicJM•d. ... 0,. s. 1·5 OH THE IAY-IAllOA COVIS Sandy beach in front, pier and slip t.D the side. Large terrace and grassy side yard with spa. So much to offer! Immacul ate 3 Bdrm. or 2 and den. home with new kitchen, fireplaces , beautifully detailed! Room to add an upstairs. Owners leaving area, call to see. JASMINE CIEH~UM 2 Take the time to call for an appointment to see this elegant 2 Bdrm 2 bath, 2 fireplace home. Tastefully decorated with custom wall coverings, cabinets and carpeting plus delightful patio with spa. $365,000. Great financing. MESA D& MAI AllA Marvelous 3 Bdrm residence featuring custom family room with va ulted ceiling. Excellent traffic now. Close to schools park and fwy. Assumable financing $13.5,000. · CLASSIC COMTEMPOUIY Extra large lot with additional boat storage. 3 Bdrms. family room and formal dining room. Steps to bay and beach. Bring in your offers - owners leaving area. $495,000. MESA MOITH_..OVl IH COHDfllOM Gracious 4 Bdrm home with fireolace in steo-down living room. Fen?ed back yard. Convenient location near shopping and schools. $127 ,000. Call for appointment. VIEW-VtlW-YIEW Super location and financing in Corona del Mar. Quiet area with communit)' pool. 4 Bdrms, 2~ bath, formal dmmg room and family room. $429,000. IAUOA PIMMSULA roeM'r Unusual architecture -dormer windows gables and cozy fireplace remodeled kitchen, 3 batbs, 4 Bdrm,, & den. The place for your antiques I Call for appt to see. DQya SHOllS -'I> ACll l n p e r fe c tll m a o l c u r e d surroundings. ovely custom 3 Bdrm home. Built with all the conveniences . i ncluding entertainment center with spa , fireptt and BBQ. "25,000. G...,.. I 002 a ... ret I 001 afMt'• I 002 C._... I 001 ·····················~· ·~·····················1······················· •.•••••......•......... ~ U~AISLE rmest location o~ ~11 Linda ._ 76' or waterfront. rm for up to 85' _Yacht. 6~r. 7ba formal dining, Bayside pool & spa. Game room , [rg sit dn . bar, wm~ cellar. outstandinl! finan cing avail. Priced at 4 Million Bob & Dovie Koop 631 1266 HARIOI RIDGE CUSTOM English Tudor 4br. 5ba , fam. rm., den. with lrJ? oak bar. In! master swte w/bay view. 1:i of acre , rm. for pool, lrg. 1st T.D. avail. Asking $1,tiOU.OUU. 1:•or pnvate snowing ca ll Hot> & Uov1e Koop 631·1266 CAMEO SHORES The finest ocean & coast vie". to S:>\..~ -0 '> Cameo ha s ever offered. 4br. 3ba, f am. rm .. with rc._· O _.,urt vard w 'pool & room lo entertain 100 guests Pn be.;, Ju :it steps away. Steal at $650,000. L.H. Bob & Dovie. WATERfROMT 30' DOCk Newport 's besl water buy $.525,000 gets yo u a 3br. 3ba. huge master suite w/spa. Sun decks w/grt vu. Sit. On. bar. Excell terms Trip for 2 Air & hotel Bonus to Hawaii. Hob & Dovie Koop ~ "3" NEWPORT CIEST COMDOS Ocean vu. all 4br. 3ba. fam. rm wet bar, dm . rm . pool. tennis. ··3" to choose from . $197.000 to $210,000. Submit all offers to Bob & Dovie Koop llG CAMYOM Prof. decor Dover 2br. 2ba . fam . rm .. lrg yard. room for pool. Guarded gate. Must sell. Submit any offer or terms . Ass um existing $300.000. Price $450,000 Bob & Dovie Koop CAMEO SHORES 4br, 3112ba, fam. rm .. din . rm., lrg yard w/pool. Pri bches, Grt financing, $724 .000 FEE Bob & Dovie Koop 631-1266 LIDO ISLE 4br. 4ba, lrn lot. steps to beach'& tennis. Asking $460,000. Submit any terms or price. Must sell. Bob & Dovie Koop 631·1266 TRIPLEX -·SAMTA AMA Two 3bdr., on e 2bdr unit each w/encl 2 car garage. Near So. Plaza. 2•,2 yrs new. $189.000. JACKIE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 MIGHT UGHT VIEW View the city lights from this prime Mesa Verde home Large ram. rm. w/wet bar, close to golf course + prime location . JACKIE HANDL£MAN 631·1266 A TOUCH OF HEAVEN You'll think you're in heaven in this 4bd , 2ba beaut y. Step dn . L.R .. lg formal din., lg. country kit with loads of cupboards and more. $269.900. Call Kasey or Norm 631 lL'66 MUST SEU Unbelievable ocean view, 3br. 2ba . super location plus spa & 3 private beaches . 20"~ down wtll do 1t. Don't wait Call now Kasey or Norm McKinley 631-1266 IOMUS TIME IN COST A MESA This lovely home has 4 bedrooms and a den. with options galore for any family. CaM to discuss the exciting possibilities this home offers for only $133,500. Anne Mccasland 631·1266 MESA VERDE VALUE Sharp 2 bedroom condo tn Mesa Verde. Priced to sell at $98.500. Call Anne Mccasland 631 ·1266 MOT FOR EVEIYOME Motivated widow seeking fast esc row offers exceptional seller financing , including trade. This charming bayfront home. located at 2600 Bayshore Dr. will beopenforpreviewSunday, Aug. 2from1-Sor call Dick Drexler 759-1221 for details. · l IDRM-POOL-GUEST HOME IEDUCB> S 1 g,000 Large tastefully decorated executive home. Circular drive to lovely 3 Bdrm 2 Bath ranch style home. Compli mented by giant sparkling pool & guest house ! Excellent financing available. Just reduced $15.000 - hurry, there is only one! Call Adrienne 759-1221. TUlnBOCK COUNTRY CHARMER Enjoy the countr y life! Highly upgraded 2 Bdrm & den home. Expansive park view. Country kitchen with butcher block island. Fireplace in living room & family room. Atrium ! Spacious master bedroom has private garden spa. Artistically landscaped with mature trees, stone patios, plant.er walls and automatic sprinklers. Hurry on this one! Excellent financing . Call Adrienne 759-1221 FOREYll VIEW - llEST IUY OH SPYGLASS Possibly the best buy on Spyglass Hill. 4 Bdrm single story Capehorn has views of the ocean, bay & Catalina from the family room, living room and master Bdrm. Priced to sell at $600,000. Opn Hse Sun 1·6PM . Bruce Blomgren 759-1221 OLD COM DUPLU PLUS FtHAMCIMG Take over $250,000 AITD at W'lr! ! 1800 sq ft. Owner's unit has 4 Bdrm, 2~ Ba & is move·in ready. Also a 1 Bdrm rental unit or perfect in -law quarters. $325,000. Bruce Blomgren 759-1221 HOT TUI ~EVU Walk to So. Coast Plaza from this highly upgraded emotional home. A redwood hot tub steps from the master bedroom will make your evenings something to look forward to! Excellent financing makes this 4 Bdrril two-story EAZV to purchase and no balloon. ~ayments ! Only $149,500. Bruce Blomgren 759-1221 MIWPOIT SHORES WALi TO IUCH ,J.ust 4 blocks to the sandy beach this home offers much more than the • prjc~ suggests ! Two-story, 4 Bdrm, 21,A, Ba, lrg lot + comrpunity pool & tenrus ! Make yout "Uve At The Beach" dream. co~ true. Only .1194,900. Bruce Blomgren 759-11.21 .,...-~ . . RVMtlC· ... •=;on oo s s so a t as a as a a saussaszaasz 635£23!£2!2£3 23-- DI Ofanpt Cout OAtL Y PILOT /Suno1y, August 2. 1981 Heettt hr W. Ho.Mt F« Wt HcMtMt kr Wt "-'•• ~ U. Hon.a..., W. .._..,for W. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• .._..,,_,We HMM1PwW. H.tttkr:Wt He.MthrU. G""'9l 1002 CHeerel l002 Ci...... 1001 ~91 1002 G...,.el IOOJ 6tMf'd 1002 ···••··········•······· ....................... ··•··••······•········· ······················· ·•·········••·•·····•·· ········•••············ .........• , •..•....•... •···•••········•······· ····•·······•··•······• •.•.••.........•••.•... .._,.. IOOZ .._... IOOJ c;....,..i, 1002 ........ 1002 • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• '!i SllM DW BEST IN BLUFFS Colesworthy (~Co. 2S4S EASTBLUFF OR NEWPORT BEACH. CA 640-0020 With some pa1nl nod TLC.: this Peninsula rt. duplex .would be a cute :-lttllttler r~~idence/im.•ome v.roperty ldc111ly l<>rstt•d nnd loacJl'd with poten llul A-.kin~ onl~ $299,500 CUSTOM IAYFROMT. Spel'larul<ll \'IC\\ 250() Mj. fl 3 hllrm. ram rm, 31 J hath.., i.;xpm1dt•cl & luxunou!t t•ountry Frcn(·h dceor Beaullful $-IV5,000 COMMERCIAL SAN ClEJIN1( . 11,000 sq.ft. SI 1.400 Plolwchd i.e.... SH0,000. OWWMr wUI cwry .ttll SI S0,000 do-. For WOMMtiOll cal. BLUFFS SINGLE LEYD. REDUCED $14,IDJ Charming 3 Br on greenbelt, now $,171 .0~0. Seller will Msist. Good financmg. Two enclosed patios. Near new carpets & flooring, fireplat·e. Hurry! i-oaTOflNO WITH i-oOl Plus g uest hou1:>t' wtth hath $3.50,000 01H•n Sun l " VIEW HXfR CAMEO HIGHLANDS 4521 Don·he~ll'r s:l35,!XMI I ljll'I) Sat l 5 l'IHINSUU POIHT SPANISH CASA 15-13 Miramur $459.000 OPEH l·S 2147 VISTA&ITRAOA LARGfST I LEVEL IEAUTY. End unit 1900 sq ft. Puula Plan. 3 bdrm. 2 bath. larRe master bdrm !tulle wtlh silting room finest upgrade!. including A 1C l'nvutt• pt1 l10s Kitthen 'fam roo111 ~1s.ooo 11wlull1ng thl· land Tl'rm-, JUST LISTED. Lovely l level, 3 bdrm, 2 bath Bonita Owner will carry lst ~5.ooo RUCKER REALTY 642-47! RCTaylorCo 640-9900 POPULAR SPLIT LEVEL 2 Br + den ovt.>rlooking 5 arres of greenbelt. Right end unit , delightful patio, 41ourmct kitchen. Reduced no" S249,500 & OWC al 1312'. Submit lease-opt ion terms. REOUCiO SI 0,000! SOMERSET INCOME PROPHTIES ' TIP TOE ova OPEN 1-S 2216 FfESTA 5 BR 3 Ba 18~7 Port 'I llllll $339,500 Opt>n Sun I " 2285 & 89 Sunta Ana t\Vt> ~7 llt1m11ton $265,000 $175,000 S190.000 $375,1100 HELEN B. DOWD Don't tell a soul or they will beat you out. Imagine 4 BR .. Fam. Rm. & Pool Just redu<:cd to n>5.000 with lo\\ down and mterest ! CAMEO SHORES .J15 llam1lton 1:ms & !l!l Bukt·r· St 644-0134 REALTOR. INC. W• Qlwoys hon ttw best listiltcJs of Ht. bnt pricH! OCEAM & JETTY VIEW One stnel rrom \\all'r 1nt beaches. $92:>.ooo Oµf;'n Sun I 5 COMMEICIA&. 3 Lots <!3rd & Newpor1 S275.ooo Ust & luy Witfl The bperil JESSE JAMES You can steal this s harp 2 BR & den townhome with pool. spa. sauna. SPYGLASS FOREVER VIEW RESIDENTIAL 20:iu Monro\'1a Low lo\\ down only $130.000. 3 BR 2 Ha. formal d1mng. lanulv rm. 2 lpl<"s New lux l'plS. lit; signer detor S635.000 $ ~5.000 LIMDA ISLE ~xc1ting opportunity Wide channel view from spectacular arch1tertural designed 4 bdrm. ·5 bath. pool homl' Slip for 2 largt' boats Sl.495.000 SAILOR'S DELIGHT 61 ft. bayfronl on Linda Isle. 5 Br .. 6 bath~. pool & ~pa. double dork for 4 YCJthts. Owner will carry 1st T.D. $2.100,000 ~ ff)ro©fitr.~~· MEW LISTIMG IN CAMEO SHOR.ES $695.000 fel'. Ont• of C~1meo Shores finest Vil'\\ S . Pool 0\\ Ol'I' w ftnante 20!, do'' n THE HEISSER COMPANY INC. 714/ 641-0763 LIDO ISLE HOMES WAKE UP TWO IAYSHOOS 4 BR 4 Ba spacious single level home on extra large \\aterfront lot New ltsting Open Sunda} 1-5. 2658 Bayshore Dr .. NB --.. ONGS 760.J397 I o· ..... ,.. ... , ·····j · (/(/ rt\r 1i 120 VIA QUITO Of'f:N SUN I ·5 Featured on llomt:':-Tour this lo\'elv trau1t1onal spal·1ous. tustom 3 bdrm. ·3 hath home. ncwlv decorated. Pritecl lO!>l'll qu1tkly at $.t75,(KJO Mu~t ~ee W l' ha\ l' t h l' i.I n s we r t o v our dn:i.I m:-' I Br ~ .i Baths ·with ""et'pmf! nile Ille \ iew Upgrades ('\l'l'Y" hl•re !::ager seller Now only ~50.0()(1 GEUT & ClllUITA 673°7761 STARNES COMPANY 214 VIA ITHACA Of'f:N SUN 1-5 :'\ewl) n•rnodeled 3 hdrm. 2 bath pfw, lge reneal1on room & 2 patios Beam te1 hn g~ Grt•at for cnterla1n1ng S420.000 lk!>t pl'ltl' for the mone~ Fil.ER DUPLEX <;rl'at 1><11l'nl1al 111 eonvement Costa \lc:-.a an·a St>ller \\ill help only Slli.500 llurr~ • .. , I 1T1T1 i (~L1 601 ofulo 9.965°0 ASSUMABLE Lo\'ely. pri\'ale 2 BR + den co nd o with tathcdral ceilings and lots of dcekmg. Security gated ,\rhor Lake Wood· bridge. s11s.ooo owe 2nrl TD Submit~ IAUOA PEMIMSULA, $199,900 Charming 2 BR t·ottagc \\oith firepl<1cc . walk Lo Pa\'ilion. ferry. bay or beach. Owner Unobstructed ht1 rbor & otean view'. Spacious 2 bedroom. 21 ~ bath condominium. tustom de signed & decorated from floor to t'eil1 n g throughout. Superb seturitv & amenities. . $895,000 I RISOAL /1 .11·111~ ~~~ I P R £ G 1 P Young 1ady graauate tri • I' j j j I her Dad We I t t1n1shea · · law scMol to please you I N U G F l 1 and Mom Now I'm goong lo PENIMSULA POINT IEACHFROMT Panoramic· bav & ocean view at wedge , from pri.ml' large lot 4 bdrm 3 bath CU!'itOm home 3700 sq ft featuring marine room Sl.385.000 WIFE RUMMIMG ilOUMO lookmg for the pt>rfert 4 Br & Fam. Hoom on tul de !.CIC' \\1th pool s1ie 101'1 Dry her tear~. and call us now! L'nl>t'l1c,·ablc at $215.000 IOTTOMS UP Sip good \\int• a nd watrh the hn·alhlakmg Ol'l'an & city light 'tt•\\!'i. Then Ji.ll'ULzi next to yo ur pri\'ate master ~u1le. A. bonus rm 1nC'ludes 5 more BR Hrs & Fam. Hoom. llurr~. 11 ·:-JUSt S795.000 mil fmance be• r reali\C. MOllLE HOMES We have 3 lo\'elv mobile homes for sale in t ho1.ce Irvine area. Priced from $38,000 lo $.52.500. 759-1616 RED TILE ROOF Spacious 4 BR home on corner lot w/mountain view. Huge bonus rmf wet bar. brick patio. $299.500 J oyce Ed und 642-8235 < U48) IAYFROHT & TAX SHELTER. Commanding. incomparable view of Newport Ha rbor . Spacious side-by-s ide duplex on 1 ''2 lots with pier . Owner will consider long term financing/reasonable interest/trade . $2~00,000 Ma r y Lewis 642-8235 (U34 ) OP r..N HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5. 200-202 So. Bay Front Balboa Island. H.ARIOR RIDGE'S FOUST The ultimate custom resid ence in Newport's most desirable private community! 5 BR, 512 BA , fam. rm. library, formal din. & pool. All with bay, ocean & city views. Full security. $2,500.000 Fee Martha Macnab 642-8235 < U35) 45' OH LIDO l.AYFROMT Mediterra nean gracious Ii v ing. Distinctive architectural details, 4 BR, fam rm, marble, custom tiles. Master s uite w/2 full baths, & sky light dressing r m . Dock for large boat. $2,300,000 Dona Chichester 642-8235 (U36) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5. 219 Via Lido Soud -Lido Isle. ENGLISH NORM.ANDY EST.ATE Custom home on Big Canyon golf course. 5 BR (each w/bath>. family rm, study, mstr suite w /(plc & wet bar. Separate maids rm. butlers pantry, wine & billiard rm .. sauna and s pa. Immediate occupancy $ill 900,000 Ly nne Valentine. 644-6200 ( 37) CALIFORMIA S,ANISH ESTATE Lido Is land captures the two essences of sophis ticated living. This 16 room home on 3 lots (7 BR-6BA> opens to expansive landscaped courtyard &, large pool. Exc e llent financing. $1 .250,000. Tom Allinson & Terry Hanes 642-8235. (U38) # COUMTIY ESTATE. 2.2 a c res with approximately 5500 s q. ft. on Newport Back Bay. Elegant & s_pacious 5 BR, his & hers master suite. Spectacular views from family, Ii viog & dining rms . f:xquisite garden grounds. with pool. ~tsoo.ooo. Lynne Valell' tine, 644-6200. (u39) 1--.....-.....;..,..-.--.--j be what I wanted since ' I I I i I' seco.~d qrace ii .... NEWPORT CREST COMDO IY APPOIMTMfNT 19 ESCAPADE CT. OP&t SAT/SUH 1-5 2 bdrm. dt.•n. spa('IOU."1 Plan R. rm mal·ulate f:\tellent l1nanr1ng r....,..,..H ..,.E_R ...... r,...,.A~_s ,.--jl 0 -r • • ••• • • • Q.,;.; l"I I'' I I '· · · ... · · · .,. --. . " " 1.... . "'"" ,.,, ·. .._ "' 0" ner \\1 II l' CJ rry S215.0lJO ' 6 :;;: .. r I' I' I' r 14 I' r r r0 r 1 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR RCTaylorCo '1. .. ~~J I I I • I I I I I I I 341 Boy\odP Or ,,,.. N B b7S -6161 SCRAM-lm Amw•n ill Clossificatioe SI 00 . MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A SlBSOARY OF THE RVINE COfJPANY OPPORTUNITY FOR A GREAT INVESTMENT One of the finest locations in Newport Beach -soothing sounds of gentle waves on the beach below. Harbor lights & sunsets from most every rm. $1.500,000 Term s available· Jennifer Suc-homel 644-6200 (U40 l PRIVATE COMMUNITY. A deli ~htful Harbor Ridge 4 BR home. Spac ious & exp a nded Lautremont Model o ffers Jamily room , formal li ving & dining rms. Large mas ter s uite, gourmet kitchen a ll with views or opening to patio or deck. Security. near poof & s pa $770,000 . Lynne Valentine. 644-6200. (U41) IRVIHE COVE! 4 BR, 4 bath home w /lighted paddle te nnis court, pool, spa and sauna for active\family living. Some ocean and white water views within a s ecurity gated· co mmunity w /pvt beaches. $1.150.000 Fee. Donna Godsha ll 644-6200 (U42l IAYFROHT-OPPORTUHITY AWAITS Your ch an ce to owl'\,. this new custom Vi ctorian design home!~ BR & Jg Ca m rm. Scenio & quiet location. SLip for 35' boat. Under one milli9n incl. land. Jane Paquin 642,,8235 (U43) 2211 WATUFROHT -COIOHA DEL M.AR Old CdM charm combines w /the comfort afforded by a ne w kitch en, remodeled baths, & .a new Instr suite w /bay views. Formal ''garden dining." library, & guest qtrs above garage . $625,000 Fee . Martha Macnab 642-8235 (U44) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12-4. 2211 Wate rfront · Corona d~l Mer. JmWPOirr QACB .. PRESID~HT HOME WITH VIEW Newlv remodeled Turtle Rock home wit h Fre nch doors, plush new carpets. 4 BR fam . rm formal dinin g. Attractive tmancmg $44~.ooo Madeline Crawford 752-1414 <U45) • HARBOR RIDGE_.EAUTIFUU Y appointed view co nd ominium. 2 BR + conversation a r ea. kitchen with nook + formal dining One level. Assumable loans. Owner wi II assist in financing. $419.000 Lorraine Rennie 752-1414 (U46 ) EASTBLUFF Five Be drooms. 180 degree view. Lusk built home totally remodeled . Quick escrow . Good finan cing. Pool size yard. $329,500 Leaseh old. Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes 642·8235 (047) O PEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1·5. 2215 Alta Vista -Eastbluff. 4 BR SAM MIGUEL $164.000 Spacious Irvine Ranch home priced below m arket for fast sale. Owner a nxious. Paula Bailey 642-8235. (U32l FAIULOUS .ASSUMAILE FtN.ANCIHG In the neighborhood of Turtle Rock. enjoy this s pacious 3 BR 2 BA Vista home with custom deck a nd s pa adiacent to the master s uite . Assume both 1st and 2nd Trust Deeds. $299,000 Fee. J ennifer Suchomel 644-6200 (U49) LAIGI FAMILY HOME Bluffs Z plan with 4 large BR, fam. rm. & bonus rm with bath & wet bar. Air conditioned $298,500 Nancy lmbe rnino 642-8235 (USO) IAVIBll 6 40-9900 BLUFfS -3 BR. ~J ove-in cond. Low assn . dues. lsehld. 1\1 a ny amenities. $162 ,000. Nancy lmb<.•rnino 642-8235 <U33J . VIEW COLORFUL SUHSETS Cour tyard leads to tile e ntry. Cathedral ceilings dining rm .. Livin~ rm & mslr suite . 3 BR + den. 2 baths. ~arden side breakfast rm kitchen Fam rm adjoins 2 private BRS. High ass umable plus owne r financing S279.500 P al Terry 551-8700 !V51 > LISTING IH CAMEO HIGHIL.AHDS Three or ·four bedrooms single story reside nce in prest1,gious community. Neat & clean. Three private beac.·hes & close to schools & s hoppmg_$l:$5,000 LeaseholCI u o nna Gods hall 644 -6200 < u52 l E.ASTBLUFF B.ARGAIH Enjoy a great family area a t a trulv sensible price. 3 BR & fam . rm. Lusk built residence. Excellent Opportunity . S2 10.000 Coby Ward 642-8235 <U53) BEAUTIFUL IRENTwo'oo Assume high' balance loan on this lovely Woodbridge TWN HM. Spacious 2BR+Den. 2"'2BA, 2-Car garage. wet bar. private beach alon g w/pool & lake privileges. $192.500 Myrna Boom 551-8700 (U54) SPACIOUS UNIVERSITY ,ARK HOME - Free standing 5 BR home near a ll recreational facilities. s hopping & schools. Very private master BR s uiteJ courtya rd & cover ed patio. Gooa assumable financ ing & owner will carry. Susie Weiss $169,900 551-8700 (U55) ADJOIHIHG DUPLEXES Available toge.&.her or separately. 2 units each on 52 x 135 foot lots. Each unit has 2 BR & 1 BA & the own e rs will help with financing at under m a rket rates. $157.500 & $159,650. Larry Dyer 642-8235 (056) 901 Dover Drive Ha.rbQr View Center C&mpus V8JJ.ey Center WOOdbrtdge Village Center Newport ;Bee.oh, CA 92003 Newport Be&o~ CA 92660 ('714) 642-8236 ('714) 644·6200 Irvine, C4 92716 Irv1ne, CA 92714 ('714) 762-1414 (714) 661-8700 • l ... •+·;;.....;.+.•,.. •.•• ··-.... HOUSIS FOR SALi I 18aOOM By app't, So Coast Plaza Area 979·0775 $89,200 Sal/Sun l l•IOOM U9 Via Vella, Lido Isle. NB 873·089'7 S439.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •43 Rainbow Ridge (Trtlrk Rdg) Irv 759-9100 Sl75,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 3314 Oceanfront, Newport Beach 631-1400 $499,500 Sun 1·5 21<M5 Miramar, Newport Beach 631-1400 $318,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 214 Via Dijon, Lido Isle, NB 963-8182 $.135,000 Sat/Sun l·S •2069 Vista Del Oro (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 Sun l·S 2162 Maple St., Costa Mesa 546·2313 $112.500 Sun 1-4 :30 2 II ..... FAM IM or D8f 3300 California. Costa Mesa 979.2390 $142,500 Sun 1 5 1515 August Ln., Santa Ana Hgts 640-9900 $ij_O,OOO Sun 1·5 502 Acacia, Corona del Mar 675-6000 $324,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 24242 Santa Clara #33, Dana Pt. 675-6000 $150,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 By appointment, Balboa Island · 494-4524; $329,500 Sat/Sun 350 Avocado, Costa Mesa 631-3405 $115,900 Sat/Sun 10·5 l llDIOOM 1860 Port Wheeler (HVffm.5) NB 760-9596 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 292#1A Palmer <NwptHgt)CM 759-6499 Sat/Sun 1·5 1964 Vista Caudal, Npt Bch 644·9990 $220,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2641 Waverly Dr. (Bayshores) NB 642-9401 $400,000 Sun 1·5 •405 Vista Suerte (Bluffs) NB 759-9100 $235,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1521 Kings Rd., Newport Beach 548-4554 $695,000 Sat/Sun 2-5:30 ••1010·14·16 E. Balboa Blvd. Peninsula 642-8235 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 559 Vista Flora, Newport Beach 631-1400 $248,880 Sun 1·5 801 Cliff Ori ve, Newport Beach 631-1400 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 661 Virginia Park Dr .. Lag. Beach 631-1400 $304,000 Sun 1·5 SOS Seaward, Corona del Mar 851·9622 Sun 1·5 566 Park, Costa Mesa 963-5671 $112.000 Sun 1·5 m Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-4562 $630,000 Sun 1·4 124 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle. N.B. 675-4S62 $785,000 Sun 1·4 72 Briarwood, Irvine 551-9744 $129,500 Sun 12·5 38 W. Yale Loop, Irvine 752-1700 $173,900 Sun 1·5 116 Via Trieste. Lido Isle, NB 675-4562 · $695,000 Sun 1·4 406 Inlet Isle, Newport Beach 675-3411 $299.500 Sun 1·5 2944 Perla. Bluffs. N.B. 642·8235 $325,000· Fee Sun 2·5 2716 Shell. Corona del Mar 631-7600 $795,000 Sun 2-5:30 1522 W. Seacrest, Santa Ana 645-0303 $91.000 Sun 1·4 470Shady Dr., Costa Mesa 546-2313 $164,000 Sun 12·5 63.5 Whitney, Costa Mesa 631-1266 $139,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 l It pM ~AM ltM • DIN 2023 Miramar, Penin. Pt. Balboa 644·9060 $349,500 Sun 1·5 •265 Rose Ln. (Back Bay) CM 893-1351 Sun 1·5 16784 Bayview. Sunset Beach (714 )994-5960 (213 )92()..8332 Sun l ·5 !lSNy~s Pl., Laguna Beach 497-~l $389,000 Sun 1·5 2686 Redlands, Costa Mesa 759·1221 $195,900 Sun 1·5 2651 Crestview, Newport Bch 644·9990 $349,500 Sun 1-5 1915 Tradewinds. Npt Beach 644-9990 $.'H5,000 Sun 1·5 2716 Vista Umbrosa. Nit Beach 644-9990 $245,000 Sun 1·5 ••38 Balboa Coves. Nwpt Beach 673-7060 $.595,000 SI.In l ·5 22M Port Lerwick (Seawind ) NB 675·6000 $359,000 Sun 1·5 2016 Port Bristol (HVHms) NB 675-6000 $229,500 Sun 1·5 16 Redwood Tree Ln, Univ. Pk, Irv 759-1501 $162,000 Sun l·S 506 Marguerite Ave., CdM 642-7404 $295,000 Sun 1·4 2596 Temple Hills Dr., LagWla Bch 640..9900 $299,000 Sun 2·6 245 La Jolla (Nwpt Hgts) NB &SS..oat3 $379,000 Sun 1-4 281% Orate Ave., Costa Mesa 751·8191 $128,900 , Sun 1·5 2953Country Club Dr., C.M. $197 .soo Sun 12·5 2149Anniversary Ln .• Nit Bch 751-3191 $180,000 Sun 1·5 •219Cedar, Newport Shores, NB 646-4719 $170,000 Sun 1·4 1096 Daniel, Naia del Sol, CM 64S-0303 $243,000 Sun l_. llOOSandpiper, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $359,900 Sun l·S 332 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar m.8550 *498,000 Sun 3-6 Z7SS. Citnis, Orange 673-53N $119,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 23BaCoUece Drive, C.M. rft.t674 $134,500 Sat/Sun 1·.C •l3USanLanella <JrvTerr>CdM 175-tOOO JM,000 Saf/Sun l·S •176J Port Manlei1h Cir., H.B. ....as-.,900 Sal/Sun 10-7 ~tal (ffbr IDnds) NB ~•1t.5GO Sil/Sun 1-5 DIRECTORY • .., ... ...,......, ................. ,.. .. b_,, ................... ._.. .,.. ....,._,~ ......... ..,•at' , ....._. \i ....,.. IA&T PILOT WANT AH.,._ ••lilt.,. ...... fw .. ., ..... -.,.. .... -· .... • ................. ...,. ~s..,. IJ2 Blackstone. Irvine 551·3000 $120,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 #14 Mallard, Irvine 551·3000 $220,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 610 W. Bay, Costa Mesa 642-7404 $113,900 Sat/Sun 1 4 1642 Baker. Costa Mesa 642-7404 $130.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 2921 Jacaranda (Mesa Verde) CM ~5-0303 $134.900 Sat/Sun 1·4 #6 Redwood Tree (Univ Pk) Irv 64~-0303 $165,000-L/H Sat/Sun 1·5 1921 Tradewinds Ln, Baycrest, NB 631-7300 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1528 Cornwall Ln. Westcliff, NB 631-7300 $229,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••1036 Polaris Dr. DoverShrs, NB 631-7300 Sl.125,00Q Sun 1·5 1907 Tradewinds, Baycrest. N.B. 644-9060 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2039Shipway Ln, Baycrest.N.B. 631 -7300 $285.000 Sun 1·5 302 Vista Baya, Cherry Lake, C.M. 631-7300 $174,500 Sun 1·5 1930 Port Bristol Cir .. HVH, NB 631-7300 $268.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 2515Crestview, Bayshores, N.B. 644·9060 $359,500 Sun 2-5 •204 Via Eboli, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $595,000 Sun 1·5 1907 Tradewinds. Baycrest. N. B. 644-9060 $325.000 Sun 1 5 1915 Beryl Ln , Hrbr Hinds, N.B. 631-7300 $197,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 120 Via Quito. Lido Is le, N.B. 675-6161 $475,000 Sun 1·5 4511 Camden (Cameo Shrs ) CdM 673-7761 $925.000-fee Sun 1-5 JO'l4 Ocean Ave .. Newport Beach 631-1400 Sl.350,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1912 Sumba, Mesa Verde. C.M. 963-8182 $184,900 Sun 1·5 2133 Cassia, Newport Beach 631-1400 $349.000 Sun 1·5 214 Via Ithaca. Lido Jsle, N.B. 675-6161 $420.oOo Sun 1·5 4627 Cortland, Corona del Mar 673-8550 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2635Solana Way, Laguna Beach 497-1761 $425,000 Sun 1·5 • •3711 Seashore, Newport Bch 673-6578 $895,000 Sat/Sun 10..4 •1729Terrapin Way (Baycrest ) NB 631-1476 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 4 llOIOOM • •1706 E Ocean Front, Balboa 675-8676 $850,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 2Q7 Via Mentone (Lido) N.B. 759-9100 $475.000 Sun 1·5 24546 Los Serra nos, Lag. Niguel 497-3511 $159.500 Sat 1·5 •209 W. Juniper, So. Santa Ana 751-9022 $.152,500 Sun 12·5 119 Via Mentone. Lido Isle. NB 675-4562 $455,000 Sun 1·4 233.5 Cynthia, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $205,000 Sun 12·4 2476 Rue Cannes. Costa Mesa 673-8550 $137 .500 Sun 1 ·5 223 Via Quito. Lido Isle, N. B. 673-7300 Sat/Sun 1-5 **827 Via Lido Soud. Lido II. NB 673-7300 $1,500.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 118 Via Ithaca. Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 Sat2·5/Sun 12·6 1776 Pitcairn (Mesa Verdel CM 645-0303 $196.500 Sat/Sun 1·4 • •818 W. Oceanfront. Balboa 673-3663 $750,000 Sat/Sun l ·4 •1194 Atlanta, Costa Mesa • 546-2313 $125.500 Sat/Sun 1-4:30 4 IR pa. FAM ltM or DIH 23 Half Moon Bay, CdM 759-9221 $600,000 Sun 1·6 31769 Aguacate, San Juan Cap 493-8812 $625.000 Sun 2-5 2501 Lighthouse, Corona del Mar 644-9990 $450,000 Sun 1·5 •2001 Beaumont. Huntington Bch 979.2390 $240,000 Sun 1·5 868 Laird Place, Costa Mesa 979-2390 $204,900 Sun 1·5 •1776 Panay Cr., Costa Mesa 979.2390 $350,000 Sun 1·5 ~Port Durness, Npt Bch 640-9900 $450,000 Sun 1-5 952 Denver, Costa Mesa 979.2390 $148,500 Sun l·S 2.862Tabago (Mesa Verde) CM 642·5200 $179,900 Sunl·4 3.1 Goleta Pt., Spyglass, CdM 760-9333 $869,500 Sun 1·5 •1 Muir Beach, Newport Beach 76().9383 $1,495,000 Sun 1·5 •3801 Topside <HVHms) NB 675-6000 $449,500 Sun 1·5 •6 Winged Foot (Big Cyn) NB 67~ S685,000 Sun 1·5 ~ Vla San Remo, Lido, Nit Bcb 640-Sm Sat/SUD H ll20W. Oceanfront, Npt Bch 675-6670 $895,000 Sat/SUn 1·5 1251 Surfline Way, Hrbr Vu, CdM 844-4910 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1.S •32l3Nebraska Pl., Costa M•a ~-3191 $149,950 Sun 1-5 W Banyan, Colg Pk, Irvine . 552-4477 $189,500 Sun 1.S 105 San Remo, Lido lale, N.B. 873-1300 . Saa l-1 •1730Marlin Way, Baycrest,N.B. 673-4400 $.199,500 Sat/Sun l·S *1069TuJare, Costa Mesa 979-2390 $195,000 Sat/Sun l·S • 1 Jade Cove, Spyglass Hill, CdM 855-0600 $665 '000 Sat/Sun 12·5 363NewportGlen Court, N.B. 760-9333 $365,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1712 Highland, Newport Beach 760-9333 $379,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #2 Delantera, Irvine 551-3000 $188,000 Sat/Sun l·S' 21301 Fleet Ln .. Hunt. Beach 979-5370 $165,000 Sat/Sun l·S 2001 Baltra (Mesa Verde) CM 645-0303 $230,000 Sa 11-4/Su 1·4 2720Gannet Dr. <Mesa Verde) CM 979.5099 $190,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 5 Deerwood, Big Canyon, NB 644-6200 Sl ,900,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 2727 Island View, Corona del Mar 644 -6200 $459,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1127 Somerset, Westcliff, NB 644-6200 $.555,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5Deerwood, Big Canyon, N.B. 644·6200 $1 ,900,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 #5 Rue du Pare, Big Cyn, N.B. 644-9060 $650.000 Sun 1·5 1617 Bayside Dr., Coronadel Mar 644-9060 $1,950,000 Sun 1·5 •966 Sandcastle Dr, HVH. CdM 1521 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $.529,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1533 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $.529,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 ~2 Sable, Huntington Beach 536·2403 $146,900 Sat/Sun 12·5 255 Camellia <Back Bay) CM 839-1351 Sun 1·5 ••2274 Channel Rd. (Penin Pt) NB 675-2311 $1,650,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 3394 Carmel, Costa Mesa 979.2390 $205,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 644-9060 $355,000 Sun 1·5 2130Santiago Dr. DoverShrs, NB 631-7300 $237,000 Sun 1-5 1118 Somerset Ln , Westcliff, NB 631-7300 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2121 Yacht Yankee (Seavu) NB 675-3411 $.183,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••124Grand Canal, Newport Bch 631-1400 $885,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •1724 Port Sheffield (HVHms) NB 673-7761 $350,000 Sun l ·S ••8Collins Island, N.B. 631-1400 $1 ,200,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••503 Edgewater, Newport Beach 631·1400 $950,000 Sun 1·5 *2321 Aralia, Eastbluff 644-6200 $315,000 Sun 1·5 2030 Flamingo, Costa Mesa 751-3191 $228,900 Sun 1·5 3158 Kerry Ln .. Costa Mesa 675-3411 $134,900 Sun 1·5 • 1509 Highland, Newport Bch 631-7600 $339,900 Sun 12-4 • • 132 McKnight, Laguna Beach 642-8235 $895,000 Sun 1·5 50 Ridgeline. Hrbr Rdg, N.B. 644-6200 $770,000 Sun 1·5 3322 Maryland Ci r. (MV>. Costa Mesa 556-7947 Sun 12·6 SO Ridge line, Harbor Ridge 644 -6200 $770,000 Sun 1·5 2211 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 642-8235 $625,000' Sun 12·4 219 Via Lido Soud. Lido Isle 642·8235 $2,250,000 Sun l·S •1862 Bayport Way, NewportBch 546-2313 $315,000 Sun 1-4 1856 lowa St., Costa Mesa 546-2313 $137 ,500 Sun 1·4 21872 Kaneohe, Huntington Bch 546-2313 $172,000 Sun 1-5 5 IR pa. FAM RM or DIN •2 Mission Bay, Spyglass, CdM 760-1410 $.S35,000 Sun 12·4 2.215 Alta Vista, Eastbluff 642-8235 $3~,500-LH Sun 1·5 1909 Lanai (Mesa Verde) CM 963-6767 $345,000 Sun 1·5 16 Rippling Stream, Twtlerock, Irv 644-6125 $349,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 14m Santanella, Corona del Mar 673-1181 $340,000 Sat/Sun 12·5 1500 Highland (Westcliff) NB 642.5200 $439,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 UOO Warwick, Westcllff, N.B. 673-7300 $349,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 77 Montecito, Spyglass. CdM 760-9333 $635,000 Sat/Sun l ·S 2921 Catalpa (E/Bluff) NB 646-3255 $250,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 112 Sapphire, Balboa Island 64-4·9060 $450,000 Sal/Sun l·S 27~ Cibola (Mesa del Mar) CM 631·7670 $176,000 Sat/Sun l ·S ~EveningStar Ln, Dover Sh.rs, NB 631-7300 $950,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1818 Glenwood Ln, Baycn!St, NB Ql-7300 "95.000 SUn 1·5 17 Muir Beach. SpyglassBda, CdM 644-9080 $2,400,000 Sun 2·8 ••314 Momlnc Star. Doftr Sbn, NB 6"-9080-Fee SUn 1·5 •17 Muir Beach Circle, 01ll 6"-9090 12.400,000 &m 1·5 111'1 Port Tiffin (llVHtm) NB fD.TJll •.aoo S..1·5 •lrn Hummintblrd (Mesa Verde) CM 631-1.266 6 llDIOOM 2000 Bayshores, Npt Beach 759-1221 $1,400,000 Sun 1·5 6 11 ..... f.AM IM .. DIN • 55 Goleta Pt., Corona del Mar 6'4·9990 $925,000 Sun 1·5 I I• ..... 'AM IM flt DfN • •200-202 So. Bay Front Balboa Island 642-8235 $2 ,500. 000 Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE I IR ..... FAM RM or OfH 1716 Westcliff Dr #8, Westclt, NB 631-7300 $95,000 Sun 1·5 2 llDROOM ?Z11 Pacific Ave. (Mesa West) CM 673-7300 $137 ,000 Sun 1·5 2511 W. Sunflower, Santa Ana 546-2313 $87 ,900 Sat/Sun 12·5 ••3.110Tempe, Hunt. Harbour 963-6767 $310,000 Sat /Sun 1·5 •SO Navarre, Rancho San Joaquin Villa, Irv. 551-6890 $169.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1704 Westcliff Dr #16, Westclf. NB 673-4400 $129,500 Sun 1·5 •SOOCagney Ln., Penthse 17, N.B. 673-7300 $143,000 Sun 1·4 2160 Kristin Ln .. Costa Mesa 675-1771 $120,000 Sun 1·5 145430val Rd . (WalnuLSq) lrvine 640-6259 $102,500 Sun 1·5 2 II pe.t FAM lM or DEH /'n3 Bayside Cove W. <Coves> NB 675-6000 $.595,000 Sun 1·5 1512 August Ln .. Santa Ana Hts. 556-5434 $130,000 Sat/Sun 10·4 2157 Pacific Ave .. Costa Mesa 548-9572 $159,000 Sat/Sun 11·6 19 Escapade Ct, Nwpt Crest, N.B. 675-6161 $215,000 Sun 1·5 l llOltOOM #10 Phoenix, Hertg Pk. Irvine $137 ,500 Sun 2·6 ~Columbia, Nwpt Crst. N.B. 644-9060 $185,900 Sun 1·5 390 Sunrise Cr .. Costa Mesa 645-0303 $164.500 Sun 1·5 l ti pin FAM llM or DIH 915 Van Ness, t:osta Mesa 551-8700 $155,000 Sun 1·5 532 <.:ancha, Bluffs, N. B. 631-7300 $194,500 Sun 1·5 4 IR pin FAM llM or DEH 457 Vista True ha, The Bluffs. NB 771-5650 $275,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE I IR ..... FAM IM or DEH 9766 Verde Mar Dr., Hunt. Beach 963-8341 Sat/Sun 1·5 l IEDIOOM *56Sea Island, Newport Beach 6'0-4518 Assume $200.000S/Sn1·4 2 II pin FAM IM or DEH •25 Canyon Island Dr. Big Cyn, NB 675-5200 $275,000 Sun l·S MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE · 2 HDROOM •700 Lido Park Dr., #22. NB 631-1400 $62,500 Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2-2 llDltOOM 717 Narcissus, Corona del Mar 675-2311 $299,500 Sat/Sun 12·5 l ta ,... I II 1512 Abalone Pl., Newport Bch .631-1400 $637,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l .. ,... J • 700 Marguerite (Old CdM) CdM 675-6000 1449,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 720-7201h Jasmine Ave., CdM -673-4400 $.120,000 Sun 2·5 4 II ..... I • 116 Marine Ave., NewPort Bch 631·1400 $495,000 Sat/Sun l·S ••8 Grand Canal, Nwpt Bch 631-1400 t81S,000 Sat/Sun l·S ,.,.... .. 112·112~ Sapphire, Balboa lsl. "4~9080 SU0,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 l NEW EXCLUmt FIRST TIME OfftlfD •• PENTlltUSE GARDEN UYING Ctl ...................... uMtt ~ COMfndloa. FMtf ~ -salHta, ...... , WW• ttteloMd ........ MC.tty •ys ..... etc. _, .... ,..., ..... ................ , w /bey ' .... i.. . HARBOR HIGHLANDS -POOL .,. ....., ............. . ....... pool md dee• .... ilt • MCWt4 bac .. lard 1urro•dtd lty 9"'91Mfl· 0,.. IY'-g rocM11 WI .. NWfy rHIOdeled ldk-. Two Ndr-ooM + .,. W c..W b. lrd ltedrooM. s 115,000 "-· GRAND CANAL ON WATER &..."9f I loYffy 2·t~4 beci ilomt Oii q11ltt Llttlt It. Ea oy yeor 'roHd rKl'HHOll. Alto I ,....... Mllff. Tit fol' 2 boats. $675,000. 673-6900. CANALFRONT -NICE & NEW Two paffot to tt1r,>y tt. Ollltdoor1 .... • "lllD•H & tl•t • cCHtCIHiolt iii tMt l story. 4 bdnn hoMt with l fnploctt. Steps to pool, ltuch aitd lu11ls. $245,000. 631·1 400 .. 50 FT. TO SAND -LMGE VU IHutfM cntom dllplex Oflf _I _'(HI'!> oW. 0... Wock to s .. t. .... Jetty. L..,, Owtttr'I .... with 4 ~ pitcJ.td btalnt, 1toMed glo11 & lpOllets dlcor. s..,..r VU of swf. largt 3 beci ,....... .. t. Excelltttf fiftoechtc} lltdMctd to $595,000. PANORAMIC VU -OWtlR AMAN. ltoutlhl decor & coordlHttd ~ 50 you CClft lftOYt riCjllit a IMc)t r'OOfft Included ill tWs VU .._ with 3 btd, fClflL nn .. dill.,. +....,. ra MpWoh •-o: prl•cde 1fM1o _.. t. bolcHy. OWNER Will CAltlY. $975,000. 631·I400. COUNTRY ELEGAJCE OWMt' wil 6.ow/optloll .._ b.•:-J ~ ,. :::irty witt. SS0,000 doww .ct $400. per _... iw tot.I price of $650,000. CharM, ~ & eYtry CHYHitftCt + .... COntff' locotioft. htc~ 3 bed lloMt & I bed l'tfttal + molcb wiit. 6734900 BAY AVE. CONTEMPORARY ThrM ytor old cudOM .... wttll YU. Wood, C)lots & skyliC)llts. _, kJtcM, ....,...tirMJ 3 btd. + shldy. 0..... wil '°"'Y FtNt T.D. $375,000. HARBOR RIDGE -FRDl:H MANOR llOoVU OF lay. Oc.-& rilf/ll liC)llh Mocpificm ..-+y & detail llw .;ta a ut this 5700 141-ft. ,...1dtect. Stil .... to Mltct yow ow" dtcor for IWs forM ..... with 4 be-ct, library, ...._ ..., f'WL. ........... fOM. ,,... .ct -•rarom 11M11t.r suite with fire-.. s.deci ._. & .,.. 1.,,..11i•e ... ~ fw ~· holMOWMt", Ir! flw Ntt tr of this lHls XIV MGftOf' ho.M Sl.995,000. 631-1400. UDO ISLE BEACH RETREAT UDO ISLE -LOWEST PRICE 9'ift ttMf of lslt o. c.., • ......_ l ...... 2 bo. pcrtio. lriftq offtr . ......, ,.. & carpet. Sl 15,000. 61Ut00 ELEGANT CONDO -VIEW ProftuloHlly dtcorot.d by l~r ltioMas, loCJHo ltoch. "°" S I• Newport c,..st w/lbd. lftd._..,.Mlftt, larqt fOfldly rift. & pOMt _.c VU. 9dty & elecJaRc• lhro.ghcMI. Oww wfl C.-TJ All~. $270,000. 631·1 400. PENINSULA POINT AXER 0.. tt. 9""" witt. tht pri•ocy of a -. ytt ••to lay or leach 3 bed. l liottis for tt. bWWtr or dtcorator. ltst prictd fol' quidi salt. $295,000. Ul-140b. . BAYSHORES BAYFRONT -YU Mtw °" tht Mrtltt i. o ......_ ~ ..... mobttnlchd vu of • ..,.,.... odMty. Ytnetffle ocWt -ftlllly 1i1o-. wtttt .. tt. ci.on.. & Cl'Mlffy of Newport. · 0,... & s•ottily flowhtCJ to. ,._ wttti Mth pltc'9td bt• ctillft9s. he*~ .ct pri•oh brick IRt.rior tllUbo. 0.. ......... s . f.u.. + dtck witt. ....... °" .... a.y. s 1,310.000. 6l 1-140l. OCEANFRONT --IENINSIU PT. Triplt1 °" o•tniw lot. 6000 14' ft. OW.--ff•.e.d .cl wMI c•fdtr _, rHtH rHIOHblt offtf' -trade-. ncllHCJH, ttrM•, etc. Pride of Olll"ittt.W,.S2.200,000.6l1·1400. LINDA ISLE CORNER-UJYB. Y! A M•..ct of .,..... ........ • ............ Uitcla ..... ..., ... ... ,..... OYtr bric• w• ~ Ii 4ip ,_, .. to toW ....... Two ...., ......... ~ .... .., ..... ......... ,.,. .. , ...... ,... ..... •flCi... f9lly '"" IMt t I ..... ................ ,. .... ... ...... Lam INs ...t.r .... + 4 .... ................... ,... .... 4ect ..... l ...... ll,lU,000. Ul-1490. WATERFRONT HOMES.IN( ~ l.STAlt • ' ...... ""' ht••'*~ ,... .. ~f'! ... , .. 11, 14.Jfl IN < '""' ~ ~'" lllP.itl ., ...• ' .. ~ • * ...... fl • • • • IM . Or•!lQ! Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Auguat2, 1981 ...... ,.,. Wt He.Mt,.,. Wt HMM•,., We Ho.nta,., We ....... ,., w. ....... ,... Wt • ~ ..... Wt ~~ .... s. ........... s. ..... ,.,. s. t .................................................................................................... ~···········,.·· ....................... 1 ~ UO:.:••••uttO••H ••••••••••H••---•• .. t o•••Uoooo••tooon ttto• oou•uoueot••onouoo ... hi.ii 1006 c.r.e.ww. 102J c ........ Mir 1022 c.......... 1014 c:.......... 1024 .,.,... • .. . ..... 1002 , •• ,.. 1001 ~ ll02. d •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• , ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• -.....ill.._ ••r• I 002 • •• ............. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• •••••••••••••• ,.,. ~., OwMir ........ ---------------............_ ............_ --~ ~ ............ ~ ..-. -----• . ~...s>..a>....LWLL>.£-..., '" ......... ~ ~<.al4na.na<dtli,.?v..ev·1" Newly rtmi*lfd 3 Br 'ALM COUIT TOWMHOMl7 ****JUST LIS .... --'!"1 ~ CUSTOMlllD "AllOI llDGI eft"?'::ect~~;11r UY£ ON WY Stml In the Newport Heights area ln Cosu c111 111e •peclallsu at. '...,,. * * * Lovely ~ Bdrn:t ,_.autremont . '!'ode I laundry rm. 2 (U rp.~: So carefree you. can Just lock it up & M ~ s a · s r 1 n es t. qua Ii t y n ew ~he (ondo~~~iuirt0 New On The Market and Newly with 400 addition. Formal dmm g 3 Hu1e fixed wwn1i:11 travel. Cool, quiet & classy 2 bdrtn. con~omlni um pro1ect. We will be 0~0a~~~tone Rully ltemodeled . This Fantastic 3Bdrm. + Balhti. $869,500. Owner will carry 11 'ft + owe 2n d. den, 2 b1th, well built & cared for. holding Open House Sat/Sun l·S. Be ..::!~=-=::.:.--- • ~:riei i!?1~1Pr~:t~f~" .. ~:e~~~~t~ 5600i~T VIEW IH SPYGLASS 67 a. 0181 NOCA.91 !~~:~~~ti~oo~~rj~i~ 1~~~k ~~~~ ~~[:n~o~~g ~net~'it ::: ~=k~f~r~~~~ TUIT\BlOCI area of Newport Will Be Ope/Sat. & Beaut.Hui s Bdrm South'J)ort, ~~~K9~or~wn. c~~d~ Inspiration Poi nt. get inspJred call us new home. At the comer of Palmer ~:!in.•.J:ll51{,!-~,,~a: Sun., 1·~. 1729 Terrapin Way, Newp0rt customized throughout, profess,onally OK. Otspenate.'~.ooo ~y ! $375,000. and Santa Ana. 752·~ t~ parti. oak tiardwood Beach. decorated, formal dining, bonus room, Ownrla . 1416l--0593 • (£) _J _ J ~~ . m lW -floors. custom ll&htin1 & 4~Baths. $949 500. 0 ,B4HOUSE f9lJUma ORA, vnai, ' l~' mir rors. rt:modcltd MUST Sii.,. MUST SIU. , SUN IM :lO _(JA,,.,~,,,~ ~J-81J91/ • • l ,. • :1!cr~~:11 k":c'e~~ec:~ Owrwr//uft offw111g IUILDIR'S CLOSEOUT llSOMYX v '"7W/1 t.lf t n nandng avai111ble. INCHDllU ~lllgt Two lovely large customized homes in . First Umeotrered, 3 Br 1 S275.000. Pam 159-1218. Cherry Lake Estates. 3 & 4 Bdrm Ba home, a car garage, 3641 I. Coast Hwy., CGrOllO det M• rrt!eport rWlds. in(. UtS,000 family room, formal dining. excellent' Ir" living rm w/frp1lc, -----Coata M--102• ~--"-'-y.a.... 103• A Real E.1tateCo. • .a.nax.-.Aa.Aa.-~~-..., -~ ~rv.mt• ..... , ~ 63I·1476 or 64 .. • t 01 terms or. try lease option. Asking clo&e to No. Bayfront. ... •••••••••••••••••••• ....................... WOODBRIDG E ~6 $33.5 Owner will r111ance. Ask IRAtil> M£W 0 U T S T A N D I N G ~-----.............. ~ .OOO and S365.ooo. forCathy.'349,000 IY OWNa CodoMtse 1024 2 bdrm l'ondo. spiral BJee7Ynerp.ai~~:~. ":Pt VALUE .• * * * * * Heritage Collection. VA ,OOL HOME Lovely ~ Bdrm home featurin~ master bdrm with open beamed ceilings and Ben Franklin fireplace, den, and library study off master bdrm. . Elegant formal di ning room overlook· mg pool and patio. Assumable Cinanc· ing also available. Asking SJ.65,000. Fo r an appointme nt to see. call ~0-1151. ASSUMAILE LOAM, MO OUALIFYIMG Freshly painted, sharp 4 Bdrm 2 bath. NEWPORT BflCH PRIME RESIDENTll 1NCOME Iara vance realtor m m2 MEW IEST constru(lion. location & f111ancing. -4 &, 4 Ba, 3 frplc. sgl ramlly ,Pome. F u lly assumable Cuatom 4 yr old home 3 ••••••••tt••tt••••••••• staircase. fireplace, tile S96,CX»-l2~'1 d graded, 3 Br, 21'1 Ba TD 8 rm, 2h ba. Xlnt FOURPLEX galore. microwaH . home Lrg ya rd Xlnt ASSUMABLE lst financing $410,000 w: S s ecurity system , Joe Clo•atoschools& 2 sty, 3 BR 111 ba. d C B uper Costa Mesa area, "" UI/ t Ind n. ourtesy to rb OWC lrd Ne ver a pa9oramic ocean & pa"°ks Only St29,500 u s orage nn, ry 846·0!*, 548-liOC night light views From rm. beautiful lndscpoJ. Vacancy. Call Marcia SL~.000. Tenns OPEN 11.g 7998 Redwood deck patio lEOUCB> S70,000 SUBMIT ALL OFFERS 4 bdrms. pool, 1p11. ocean view Vacaol Voaue Real Estate, Barbara. agt. 77().9898, 85.$..o&OO. 6311.266 SAT/SUN 11·6 2157 OPEHSUH l·S Mahbu lights, palioco\· Pacific Ave. 673-6776 G R E E N B R O O K er. plant.er boxes, etc MESA VERDE, under SPACEMAKER 1 St32.500 FlexiblefU1anc- S120,ooo. Assume 10.2 in 4 br. 21.i ba, parquet ing Owner. 6«·9030 : terest rate. 3 BR. xlnt floors. 11X40 screened & 5.59-4720 ____ _ value, call agt J_or de-covered patio. 14X33 --------tails ~S.4419 _ bonus room R&'M~ IH \I T1 111s blO. 000 1.st TD, ~ yrs !!'.!!I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' ONLY S 15,000 DH owe on contract. 3 Bdrm. pool & spa Only St29,500 Opn Hse Sun USTSIDE S7,500DM! With .Pool Tables 8683 FRAZER RIVER CIRCLE S214,500 TURTLE IOCk LOW DOWN -owe 2nd Mo"'ec1to w/view AIC . 2 b'llrm , atrium . den 'bdrm. ram. nn & hv rm w/frplcs, oak noors & shutters. Tile iac outs1dl' of master suite. stone patJos. lash lan dHaping. Kil w /butcher blk island. Owner transferred - must sell. Just reduced. Call fo r appl , dys 979·9164: evs 956-07..S. 13'1. no points. owe -------· 2nd. Shown by appt. on· ly 205 Garnet. Call 673·2230 SS&S,IXXI. Gerry Springston Realtor _ ONE OF A. KIND day l·S. 682Capatal Swimming Pool + poul house. 3 bdrm, 2.ba + den on very lg lot. beau cul·de·sac. Great loan S!75.000 Agent Chrn1tma ChorwiiNJ CottOCJt bdrm w/1 bdrm guest house on standard lot. S329.500. Owner __ ...,:4~ Family home in old · Cd l\1 , completely re novated & prof decorat ed, separate mstr suite wtsundeck & pvt sitting rm Open Hse Sun 1 4 r.!95,000. 642-7404 Ask for R°" Low• _!5HHJor557.:2783 MESAVEltDE OPEN SAT/SUN 1·5 2720GANNETDR. 3 HOUSES Lg 4Br + den tri·le\'el home, corner lot. lg ON 1 LOT pul10 SJ90.000 Agt DON TYLER & ASSOC INC ~8770 OPEHHOUSE Pool 18689 Moronl(o, '• Arre. 4 Br Loans St58,000 Only S220.000 Broker 842· l~ 18 H..tiitcJt-ltocJI t 040 1 large yard. new driveway. Brick fireplace. 5 years new. Owner anx- ious. Move in conditio n. Asking $127 ,500. For an appointment to see. call 540-1151. 3 Triplexes in a row on oceanside of PCH in Corona del Mar. · c::&:. N E W PORT "~,.HORIZONS ~R EA LT Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• !179 5099 Eostsi. MESA oa MAR I AUMDOHED JM Pet.n co. If you've waited for a on I 2STRY+flOOL Wooclwidgt~ C·2 LOT ~igh traffic count 62.5~ lot . .Exist· mg house on property. F1exible uses. Ow~er will consider carrying lst TD. 2 Duplexes ~ l Triplex m a row on Balboa Peninsula l lot from sand and surf. Near 19th St. dream t'ome true, lhll> 1s Sl 79 00 SU,900 Lastavallabe plan 5 1t' A louchof magic has ' Immediate posses1on S28S.OOO made th11 the mo~l Rent 1111 yours llere 11 4 Bdrms + boous. 3ba btau11ful home w no <.:all~9161 1s• Big 2 story TH 3cargarfortnfocall OCEAH&IAY equal m I~ area Ex w frml hvmg, gourmet 551-1105~8 __ ·As king $199,500. Call for more in· formation. 540·1151. 1 Duplex on the water with dock for 30' boat. I IALIOA ISUMD GRAtil>CAHAL Owner wtlJ finance on this charming Cape Cod 3 Bdrm. den. 2 bath \'US from this 3 8d China Cove remodt'I F r drs 1w1 ndows. s pa Lease lease opt sale $795,000 Opn Sun 2 5 30 27l6Sbell amine 3 Bdrm 2 Ba kuchen. coctta1I patio -------• beauty ror its fla~ less. and large master suite 1nno,•a11,·e design and All 1us1 m111utes to miles WHAT A DEAL! ERITAGE All Large Assumable Loans at 1212%. Owner's motivated! H.t&Associates 631·7600 appt'arance At St28.900 or pound111g surf + lo~ and VA terms 1t won't down payment No last 751 3191 -~~~~~--1 quatarymit Hurry c&ll SHAR P 2 BR2 Ba condo In Walnut Sq SUl2.500 OPEN SUNDAY l·S 14S43 Oval Road. Irv ~ Cettfwy 21 /Newport Center 640.SJS7 home with spacious l Bdrm I bath apt. Dock for two 18' boats. You'll love il ! S699.000. CostaMno 1024 ••••••••••••••••••••••• C::. C,fl f( T ~PllOPEHT 1t<, SIJMMER FUN. Sparkl 111g POOL makes th1!> a cool retreat' Span1)h styled 4 bedroom giant' 963· 7010 Realty World Beachs1de ON EXCLUSIV·E llUN TINGTON SF.A<.:LIPF'S G O LF COU R S E ' 3bdrm. pool, xtra lrg lot Many xtras S39S,000 Broker 63J 6633. 6376~ / _/Mi-2/JJI REA~TY 615-3411 WALNUT SQUARE -SW& llVIMI LOCATION! 2 Bdrm condo in xlnt condition. Perfect starter or in vestment. Owner will finance at 13.5r.c . On· ly $102.500. OCUH VIEW AND THE SOUND OF THE SU - Outstandin£ 4 Bdrm custom home with extra large street to street lot, merely steps from the beach. $685.000. WATUFRONT DUPLEX -2 Bdrm pl us bachelor. both units with brick fireplaces. Pier and float. with room for two boats. $450,000. HUMTIHGTOH HARIOUR -Davenport Island, custom 3 Bdrm home with 62' of bayfront, boat dock , sauna· and spa, exquisitely ap~inted , shutters. parquet flooring, panelin~, rich tone thruout. Owner w I carry at 14% with $175,000 cash. It's s mashin g! Slm.000. OWNER WILL TRADE -20 acres near Rancho California. Owner wants condo in Nwpt, Irvine, Costa Mesa. Can be divided into 4 to 5 acre parcels for small equity or $140,000 takes all. IA YSHORES-ARCHITECTS SH THIS OHE-Top location, a coupl e of doors from the private beach in the exclusive guarded communjty of Bayshores. Easy to remodel 3 Bdrm. 21}.z bath home. S375,000. TURTLOOCIC HIGHLAHDS -Natural beamed wood ceilings, paneling, warm eartbtones. Lovely view this 4 Bdrm Edinborough has everything. €xcell ent financing. $405,000. SEAVIEW -4 Bdrm, 1 story, view home. Prof. mdscpd . New carpet. Enclosed brick atrium. Lge master suite. Light & airy. Beautiful night li&ht view. Gµa rded gC\te. $383,000. I NEW IH HARIOR VllW MLLS -Watch the changin g of the colors ~ Jhis smashing 4 season garden. flanned for year tound blooms. Every detail o the 3 Bdrm hQJne shows pride of ownershjp. New neutral carpets, immaculately maintained thruout. Owner will assist in fin ancing. $299.500. COSTA MISA -Air conditioned and air filtered 4 Bdrm Hall Of Fame borne witb remodeled kitchen. Excellent comer Jot location. Near schools from kindergarten thru Orange Coast . College. Try you r VA for a low dowft. $134,900. CotAI.. CAY -4 and 5 Bdrm new .waterfront homes. $200,000 down. builder wi ll fi nance balance. No qualtfying. Gated community. From $670,000 to $950,000. POOl TIME BY OWNER·Lg assuma Approx 2500 square ble Isl al l2.25t, on lhL' reel Formal d1n1n" Beautiful pool & spa . JB d 21 H 2 " 4 IR.fAMIL Y covered patio w bmk r. stu Y. , a, i.ly. room, se parate fam1l~ HOME 131 ,r;; ! BBQ. also comes w13Rr i.pa, S245<000 !>.57 3314 room . ft replace Any or UNIQUEHOME.5 Rita & Tom Boland 675-«lOO Comfortable large 4 Coro11ode1Mcr 1022 & a family nn SIJJ.900 SIO,OOODOWM fer heard St 95.000 Bdrm family home. ••••••••••••••••00••••• OpenSat 'SWl 1·4 6JOW Eastsidl' Costa Mesa T A R B E L L · H •ctEIJD.t. Brick frplc . Spac1.ous SpyCJlasS Custom Bay Townhouse. 2 Br. 1 •~ REi~bTORS, !n9-~ "' m "' enclosed patio. Pnme of(ers the ultimate In baths. pvt yard, 2 car Across From PaR OH THE IUCH So. Coast Pla~a ar~a. perfection w/6 Brs OWHElt gar, vaulted ceihngi.. Highly upgraded 5 Bdr Sl25,000 GREAT fnma financing f 1 d f ~ ' WILL"""""' ...... CE pool and spa s109c"" Dramatic tu"'-•-at 13~,,.;. INTEREST1 orma 111, am. f m, 3 """"'" · · . .NU Buccola home 1n Mesa ...,away m Full price just Sl17.000, fplcg. gourmet kit .. 4 car Lg yd, fruit trees. & a OWC straight nok Verde Secluded pool, 2 P''I community with Call Bob Burdjck now ' gar + vus 1.2 million. covered patio 38 r R&H ln\''1752-2197 wet bars and large fa mi pool and spa. sauna. Jen Hunt family rm. 2 frplc~ l.v room A ven. ~pec1al grm · P''t bearh & 759·1221 H-t & ..... --L..t.....s CO<'kla1I pallos overlook _. ~IUR' Sl:.>.000. Open Sat Sun 50/0 DOWN! emotional home' Upn 631 7600 1-4 1642 Balter Roomy 3 bdrm 2 ba Sat S un t 30 J 30 pounding surf &>:.t )et • 642-7404 home on an R2 lot with Jackie Handelman assume lo~· 111terest Tll'LEX .t..L forR Lo 63l·l2166 loan S566 mo Hurr). Three unit s with "'.. °" we plansfor~urut Great call714 M'?-'100 - fireplaces. on a 45 · eastside location and Real~\l{or~ac~~e ,.._ a great financing Onl) PERFECT SPOT! F o r family with children No thru Lralf1c on street and this 3 bdrm home is close to parks. schoo ls Features in- d ude 2 car garage kitchen family room, freshly pa111ted inside and exterior trim Owner oHenng generous terms to help you purchase .... rona. del Mar lot. for ~ NEWPORT s152.soo New dlx 3 Br ~'Tlhou.se. IHYESTOltS the pnce or a duplex ~ walk to beach. fully de 'I D .. •Nonegauvecashflow Favorable assumable HORIZONS ,_.~72 1 1 .. SSUMEV;-LO...... doco~~n'~ .... ~IXXI +mm ~~~l:.s;,_ •No vacancy. 1st loan. selJer w carry 1 .. · REAL T Y "' "' "'" w """""""" '1~. ~ •No maintenance 2nd Priced at S329,500 Ill!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!' W-lk 1 B h B r I .( ... d ......, at 8•1•, $64,000 bal a o eac 4 r. am r, •Notenantpn>blems own payment ....:.000. r tl b St•& 900 B 0 /Bkr ·11 I S ll!l....--:1" Sunshme home. fenced m · ' a , · 8'.l.2. 8600 •An interest In rut pro-Y wner -w1 .,...~ . S36 2403 ~ perty cooper_!~67S.3141 Highly upgrade 4br By Owner Two Zbdrm rront and rear Onl y -· -~ •Tax Benefits. 2 •Bedroom House with home on lge lot. Clse to hollM!s on l lot SlJ:l.000. Sll0.000 BKR.646-4l!O I BY OWNER. No Hnlg ...Mvtll!,.L For informatlOl'I call Bob new 3 Bedroom Uml 4 everything. must Stt to Assumable 11'' Isl T D EASTS I DE-GOOD! E: Bch. 3 BR P. ba. R\' ac IJ523 CAM""Dl·IRVINE Newe ll, Lido OHice. car garage. large l~l appreciat~. Name your OWC 2nd.~7464 Lge FR. LR. "'fplc. dbl cess Comer lot Up Redhill Realty,673-7:.Kl. 2o r; down. 675·0562 t~rms! A1tdllow down 1--------gar w opener I( re at ' graded Owner flexible. ~r..a.y *** C.Pylt 426 Princeton Or. Costa Mesa You a re the winner or TWO FREE PASSE.5 ($17 value) RLNGUNG BROS. BARNUM & BAILEY c•cus Anaheim ConvenlJon Center Aug. 6·17 Long Beach Arena Aug. 19--23 To claim pisses, c.11 W ·5678. ext. 272. Passes must be exchanged for reserved seat.sat box offi ce pr io r to performance. *** lfST K-.r SICIU IMSO.C~A Privately owned land within lhe Cleveland Na· lional Forest. 25 miles East of San Jua n Capi!trano. Unique op. porlunily for creative person lo complete a c us t o m des ign e d Geodesic Dome. Highest qua lity mate r ials throughout this S,000 sq.ft home On 2 acres, Broker. high assumable. rail for WOODSTRUM'S cond Quiet nbrhd Bkr submll terms 775·716S, "~ -~3• 11U!.......,f.t. Wn~rl/,~A"' se_e 957·2819 besl end unit. \'ac.anl & 646·4380 89t·46)1 @41 as a pin, clean & coiy. 3 .... .,_"'""' -=i• waiting for you. See 345 T-o-~-;-n h ~~~. o wnl' r NO QUAUFYING Br 2 Ba w rourtyard en Elegant new 4 Br Vic-DES PERAT E! Near University N t 3 bdrm. w finance W 15'~ dn 3 XLNTTERMS try Near new carpets torian pa rtial vu, fo reclosure, 3Br. 2Ba. 3 car 11nrage. lots of BR . fplc, dbl ga r S!65.000 Nr heh Lrl( 4Br a nd micro"·ave in· ownr/contractor just s2o.ooo dwn. S1l8,500 wood & mirrors. patio, SllO,OOQ. Ruth Laurie. w I 3 8 a 1 o •; d n cluded Close to schools completing. SS7S,000. Agt. LaDoris645·91.61 fireplace. pool Sl42.500. bkr. 646_·4l!O ---OWC12a.~ llllerest and shopping Call for -s b 962· 1227 963-6682 details. CdM SACRIFICE MESA VBtDE u m11 yourterms OWNER MUST Buccola Home b) 59 PRICE/~SHED SB.I.I. owner. choice lac 38r. MA.STEltS CIRCLE Owner ready to deal ''2 2B f I din Just off lhe golf course. m1 to beach ~ lmmac Beautiful duplex on de· a, orma 1t1g rm . S 2 BDRM UNITS d lg ram rm. ~·et bar. anta Ana Country Club, u p g r a e d 1 b r . sirable street. $265,000 beautifully lndscpd. 2 story family home. double garage for each den bdrm · I & $• ba Only 10% dwn! Lrg BS· r . roomy 3 bdrm. 3 bath. F' ...... Pools. Ja(uzrl. tennis. - sumable loan at 13'1. ~·~;ees. Pnn only large family room. spa ~·ac~~""p8~~':~0s~ clubhouse. wet bar, * •Lm:ATION Owne r will finance ___. ..... ·~---& RV pad Owetcul·de· Mesa area Prine. onl\• frplc Perr ror cpl balance. Hurry! Prin. MESA VlltDf sa l' st reel, great for Ask for Betty, 64.>9161 · Needs financing 10 exist Super localioo for t.hJs onJy. Call Jim Davis , ...... T y.t.•UE children. 1221.000 111g 7 9" lo o s 1 luge 3 bdnn detached ~ -' an pen a home 1n the heart or 759·1Z21 Sharp2Story.4Br.3Ba. u 1 '-' H & Sun. 15, 9766 Verde Woodbridge Steps to new carpet. redwood f l(>Uma d« v nai Mar. ~t600 or!J63.834t. spa, easy care yard As .... Ql ni-All ~~' J!kr. ~o-0n beach. lake. sailing eel SPYGUSS N•hdlttM«*I s Br. 3 ba + boous rm. Lge comer lot w/pool & jacuzzi. garden & play area. $535,000. Open hse Sun 12-4. 2 Mission Bay Dr. Agt. 7~1410. C:dMDUPllX 4 BR 2~ ba, plm 1 BR rental. $25,000 down & owe balance al 10~ int., ownr/agl. 78().(W'T sume 9~'< loan 10'' :Yl.7--~""-" ""-On quiet cul-de·sac. As-ASSUME S73.000. 11 '•,.r. sumable f111anc111g CaU clown lo qualified buyer ~J-8~9~ owe 1mmac 4B ~ f Sl6S,OOO. D Bourke Vf• to tx-'h. cul~sa~'. ;P~'. ~.ooode ta1ls Asking R ,._ u" ,,_,. 3141 E. C:O.lt Hwy., CdM 111111!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!' _, ea....,r -~ -------• gaiebo, custm lnc:bcp & ME.SA VERDE 4 Br 2 I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 411 POOLHOME "1· 1154!900·""""J --[~i}"'""'b~dte Ba. with pool. beautiful· 3 + den with bar, E 11 1 c lie p .. By owner, 2 story. 4BR ly landscaped & easy skylites, gateboJa<·um. a:e~~ J~s~.J~st.a:s~ nr Bch, $148.500 gd RHlfl care yard. Owner will new carpet. drapes. sumeat 14.;; s146.900 terms. no Ait.<I pl&a~e SS1·30M consider V.A. $134.900. S28 .000 In upgrades 311 +pool + spo 964·7382 _ lttolbrranra Pk•~·'"'""' D. Bourke Realtor S197,500. Open Sun .. 12-5. H·_.,__ "'" O<KA Allt 2953 r -t Cl b Harbor & Baker area. ...,~ .,..,.,,_,, Dr · wUO ry u $146,900. Owner will Hort.Hr 1042 MAKE OfNI ---carry at IN with S40.ooo ...................... . DELUXE 4 br. nr. achls. LOY& Y! do)"n. Twnhse 1760 sq rt. 2Br. shops & lrwys. Sl24,500. ColleQt P.tl HCMM 4 IR WESTSIDE 2 ·~ Ba . gu ard gate Open wknds 2·5. 3151 fl34,SOO sno.ooo. Excellent comm • owner will Carr1dian,f1S.23&.S 3 bdrm, 2ba & ram xm. neighborhood. Needs fi nance 0-.vnr /agt. * * NOITHWOID BeautHul'almost new 4 with 'View & trees Build -------• •-------•I you r own est ate. PllYATlllACH Cinde rella Model. As-new loan, Owner must '242,SOQ. (714)9!f·~ _ sumable financing All sell. Call David lnM I 044 Bdrm executJve home in fabulous Woodside. This home has it all and is new on Jhe market C1U for detads. 1675,000. OWC/Trade. Charmine 3 Br, family Courtesy to brokers. hom e . X l nt cond . Jerry. (714) 8Tl ·IM6; Beautifull)t landscaped. 611-3373. Anxious ~lier. Offering 1006 USTSl»IJ ... ASSUM ARE SUt,tOO '75!1771 ~~de5::.b~~":m~~: 400l17" I RI!\ si.i4:950.wDiiG ~~. 10!C:1o:~~~= CJI. 4 &f'.. ~~.... L.ovely 3 Br ranch RE agent Open Sat/Sun ~--kitchen. close to pool, 1 4 c 11 · park & lakes Good mts:4 Michael Cox, "!!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~ finandng available. Call S223.000 fo r show1na . Suzee ··;:::·~·~ ... ::..::.... NtclbDUCB> LOCATION . MillerSS&-9.oo, ,.....-Hm -Bnt buy ID Me.a Verde. Near SCP Z.sty rondo. Spectacular atory Cape '~ CREAlM Be1uttru.I h ty home. as· 1139,9000. Four yrs old 3 fina ncing. Sbown by 1ppt. Jo.AM Doran. 851·91522 UECHOMI ransrer forttS salt 0( this beaullful Northwood home. ~ sq I\ of IUll· ury living. Huge family room + bonus rt>om. Private spe. Owner will help finantt. ()pn SUn 1·5 4.SSlSalada. Cod. 3 Bdrm, Iba + 111 • sumable In. No qualify. Bdrm, 3 Ba. Move 111 bdrm unit . Separate PORTFOUO 1n1. owe 2nd. SeUeri condition. Don't miss It! f uest rm wflaundry a. ~ES INC. 3 BR, pool, fam rm. 265 motivated. Moved out o( Call now U la Duarte __ ..._ ____ _ bath. Lee fl.itd asawna.-' Rose tn. ()pm Sun. l·S area. CaU Lln·Z today. $3H2&6 ble at 12% + owe 2nd. aBb. 893-lZl 556-1 TUITLaOCK 673-0118 I!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! • BR, fam r m, 255 -------• Hl11 hl1nds Garden MIW US,_S Camellia. ·Ln .• Open MBA VllDI Home ATTIACTIYI Five dupleut In ddM. Hou1e Sun. l·S Bk r. Beautl(ully upgraded a JSTOaY E•cellent ttaanchta. aa.1a1 lllC.HOMI br home, lee muter br C II •• J b H Owner w111 t:afrYIS0,000 w. frptc. spar. ram. rm. + MODI RN A.f'J'. a aaen... o n or EXICUJIVI OME at 15' on this S bdrm, 2 ,._.. V4llty 1014 z"' ba, utll. rm. lae 1-.C•t Pa6~~NS'A=t·S EJlra Ir& mall' Bdrm a. bath 1 levtlcbarmerOR .......... , ............ yard. Assumable loen. AllA'SmTIUY TIT N~ 81 aulte •l'l wafk ·ln wlll ht-., fin.ante on new DIYOMWOOD Muat ue. '349,900. Nr bays, aU xtn 1& 2Br. tlolN, frtMh doon to loan. 1184,900. m . OW .. Mlll • frplc, 1'-Ba. apt laame f?>llll l'O..rtd ..UO, detl.thed OP941UM 1-i Ootoft.he lar.-tlamll)t ..... h ts m o. USS.Oto. CAM£0 HIGHLAN DS· otfle9an44carpreJe. ltlU.... homeuvallablet.oday.5 WSllOPTIOM CAllY F1bulou1 •NumO le 4Br, ri m rm. rrplc. Move·ja ~ 0.,., Bdrm. BOMI .Rm. 3 car Sbclnn i\a Twtltroc.lt '8t1Utihll2iirift 2\t la nnaoei.1.s..,.-. view. pick ,..... tmu. Hat Sunday 1.s. ZIN HJ.llU 1ar11e oe a bup lot IN 000· do'"-On tri l frpltt, JM yard w.i ~ · l~llA&.n Down paymnta from RecJlaldt, C11 C.11 JLm with a pool 6 •Pl 6 •1''144>1 aft •wa. 0WC bala• at 'I' •9419. m,ooe to ••. PQ-Dl•ia•llll sepcrate play yarcl. WOODn R 0 '0• l"'!!!!l!!!!!!!l!i!!!"'!m!l!!!!!!I .el.I from...,mo. tG btautlf1Jt1 dibtaltd • u I r. I y r: "~!" "' •. °"8tr la"41u ped !'lltncln• o..., r. 4 lrd. AaMe. r. wtu ca-aid ..wtr avaii.wt. •• Pi m ' t • "" o o r .. ,. a.ia ••A1......,"011 a q1*( aD tr 0.-/... ,...._ ...... t . m.4t •. I a1 A ... W.00 it ( t • • • • • • • • '. • • •• • t 2 ZS 2 ,., .. ..,,. ~:.~~ ........ ~:.~.~ HMMt,_W. .._.,,._,w. .._..,_,,.. ......_,.,.. 1 OrannaCoastDAILYPILOTJSunday Auguet2 1ne1 DI ,,...... 104 L.et-t OfOOUt fUUU OOUUOOUUUU OU ot•UOOU Oot•H OHOO IOHO•OUOOOO•HOOIOU Of00000000 0000f00f0fOV0 r o I " •• , .......................... ~ 1041 ~.._.. 1041 ~.....-IOIJ ....,...,..,_. IOI .... ..,. ..... 1069 ..._..,_Wt .._..,_Wt -........-........._ ---.-... ,,.... . .................................................................................... :-.~~~.. .... ..,.,..,.............. ,.,.....,.. ... •v"TLll()CI ' ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Seller rlowlnl 9r take SICWO. fOllC&.OSUll MIWPOITCUST Mtw'9filld I06f S..Nm c ...... 1-/Te,... .._,,_,,.., HOG 0~•r tlUllll\a nnancts of LA•UMA IST. Tl tMt •• .,. Two or a bdnn + dt'n. ..... .................. Ccpkt w I 071 ...... ... .. 1700 ...................... . IJlproit 1111,&00 on thl~ Sptcltcular 4 Bdrm 1100,000 cuh buya 4 Br QDrU HOUSE TIIJI ~ .. b•. lULo:_ down OW)B •••••••• .. •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• JOISA&.I loVtb btry 48dr home CllJtom tOnltmporary panor1mlc Otttn view rt.ft n~r w IUJID~ II .&UV10U5 TliDIOISALI G .... o=. with tormai dlnana rm home, on ovtr ~t acrt of home. Private com SUNo•y 2 t 6 PM oomlllal lnlemt rate "'""' . IY ow• fmly room 2..._ bt 3 car romple1t" oclualon munlty, outatandtna ft 0 Broker, Tom Oottier Wiii help ~all un· 267 At'm, m 'Cl n HAHOI Vt Acre w/4 hoUtes. AJ- aar Plua l~l(f' bonUs rm Ureathtakln11 oetan 11>d fininrina Sacrifice &41·9200 der llSS.~. 3 to choou h~me, barn, corr1l1, CONDOS aumable lit TD aUW:l WlhcrooSttopoolind c1nyon view, ~rloua soe .ooo Broker H.WYlew from Wootl11l CaUfor view o( entJre valley, 2 bdrm, 2~ be , muter 378 Vlctorl1, CM prltd Vltw ol halla, fmt 'on~ aparilllllnlL NOi.it 499>1$2lS U1 4' , ...... Crt, Jlr ...... 1171,000 Move in condition, 3 i ppt.JoboMal\hall ~:,n;.~:YOv:n'~jf~J· ,•u.ltet, •~beds 2t/Scar l40-U7.s.tl or~SZ32 • • n r tar A I k In II Im I c • & u n I JU) I ·--&.---!' l .. •••110 bdrm 2 bl homt ln (71•) .... ,...,.. raae. v~n I Wl 1 D ta 4ro11 income S2e1 .SOO 0Ptn Sil' Sun, drum home 17~.000. --**' ' • .... • .. ., • 0 Hubo~ View. Kiah U · 63HB . " •• .,...,,. U~S. 3SO Avorado CM 12',2:80, 1225,000 cuh ~~·& Stop bi~ Saem IREATMTAICtieG U OJJ ........ J r • • ........ 1137,500 iumable loana Hlably '60,000 down. v. t1cre. 4 631·3405 642·1334 days, 8Sl·9889 Siena or <'all owner VIEWS Ztltl S.. lrfao, 41r .......... llH,500 uparaded tbrouahout. Br. O<:fllD & moWlllin o.ltita/ ..:e.;.;ve:.::•;..· ----- • tnl 97~Q3 Dana Point co-<>p apt l1SZ4 W"t MIM, Ztr .......... llU,750 Show• Uke model. Muat view. Assume Ut. TD. O.lh S. 1100 W Rancho San Jo•quin Oceanfront bluffs, over· lllJl Cryte.t Smch. Zit ...... ll",100 1ellfaat. Aakinl $238,SOO OWC 2nd. Trust Deed •••••••••••••••••n ••" OllATHOMI Villa, Portola Modt•I, looklng h•rbor Larae 2 l otOJ ColoNtil Pl. 41r ••••• , .. 1350,000 lncl land. Come for in A N D W A V E Newpe>rt Shores, l blk Office + older 2 Br. many upgrades Mu)t 4L99ANG.UNCOAASTBEIAICHWY Bdrm, 2b1t, flr&place 2'53 1 SttMne Ca•t, llr ... • $141 .000 apectlon Sat, Sun 1-6. OWC latT.D. yp ~AYRM,.!_NOOOTSB I sk· T ocean 2·2 Br 2 Ba. hoM use1 E~deC·I. Costad see' Open lf ou s ~ Ownerfinancln1. 1880PortWheelerorcall New on market. 4 "' · .._., · ro er SZJS,OOO.Call~l90 ea• 11 "' 1 • pave Sat /Sun 1·5. 50 Nuvarre 4~_'848___ '315,000 760-95880wner/A t Br/Frm 3 Ba, areal pool 489·l~. parUn& Owner fmanc Sl69 •"" ul"""" Nt>w Modular Tvpe T d L N w/thermo ""Ver, n· eu• Lue assumable at 8~~. OWMYWl.LCAllY Ing with 18% down ='!::IV·"!!.....,.,.,, ,, • I ra e uxury cwport w .. /'.,.. F·IRSTT.D. SlS0,000 Full price nomes. leued land. 2 DRM co.op.. CALL 1114440 home on\.; acre ror In carpel & appliances & -.soo. 2 Br, rural a~u. UlllH nJtyPwti Oceanfront Pk, 3 pvt North end Laguna for Mort hifOI...._ come Unit& or ? Equlty paint. 1339,900. Call Vee palio. air, adjacent to Super sharp 48drm, Agent 556.&16. .............. brhs. 24 S('('utlty, h.'lhing Sl50.000 S280,000. Act now ! Stinson. Opn Sun/Wed park w/pool, bike to 2Ba. &. 3Bdrm. 2Ba. OCEAN VIEW ··The e t e g a rat p1u rrom 134.900 ... Broker Co·Op. Aient 12-4.1.SOOHighland. beich.A .661-1161 completely rurni.shed. FROMSUNDECK townhomt'.. 499 311!! Hor< ... & Hot.. L E. 1131-4516. Open Houst Hunt & Assoelates S-. A• I 010 Steps to cnan. 1270,000 Lux. •·plex 18 sold) & 2 •2story. 2200SQ f't 908Glenneyre Sat/Sun. 36S £ 22nd ~-7600 ....................... AGT <213>~3548 more avaat Approx. 7500 •3bdrm,21aba "OUTOF SIGHT 4f4-t511 ~hocti 1041 Mewportlecid. 10.t St/TuatlnAve. Vll.W• EASTSIDISL98 sqrtbldgs.Owner'sunit •famroom,wetbar.frpl OUTOFM .... D" "••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~•5-.11Ff ·l t y&Oc.-V• 3 Bdrm ·~•-Co.dove! ""'ndo. ""•O M b •Masterbdnn. frplr '" ~ ,...., Open 2.5 :ll. Wl Kings ..,, .., w 2 Units on l lot 2 double approx "" ar le •profdec. hght, :ury That's how our out of PAMOIAMIC FIHA.HCIMGt Unusual 1 level S bror 4 Rd. Remodeled Cape lO'A. dwn moves you in garages. Xlnt 1st. Trust ent. & frplcs, 3x6 tale •prime loc:, ample prkng state owner reels 11bout Retmng to Laguna" MOlll COAST Assume h t on this br + poss. otfice w/sep. Cod·2 Br sts + suest $109,900. ~31l86 Deed Loan Call Century Rom1n tubs, sunken liv •2 shadedpnvatepallos this PRIME DANA Perfect for you a NEWPORT HEIGHTS entrance Huge Country qtrsgourmel klthch .3 Whelan' 21, Gold Coast Realtors. rm, wet bar, alarm Sl87.""". FEE POINT DUPLEX local· spacious. bnghl 2 Br 2 WHITl!WATa h "· ' I rr~lcs enormou, lot 543-1168orm_,. syst , intercom, trash -ed •~ & IS c um er. Brand oew rut. . .,ae P ayroom w ,_, h d OPEHHOUSE on a romer ""JUSl a Ba Condo w excellent LAND VIEWS lastln& at 1234.950. Call wet bar &c pool table, 3 0 C lrg AJTD $695,000 McOMe Property 2000 comp , was er/ ryer S ... 1·5 short distance from the <X'eao views Chff Or at 3 Bdrm , f1mlly rm. 2°"' Rae Rod•·ers. "'"1·'_.. bath Xlnt f1nanc1ng Fee Ownr/Agt. 548-4SS4 Real Estate ea unit Approx income "" Dana Manna Hetsler Pk.~.<m ba S2'75.0<X> • ai..J J..GUU or631·7600 · ••••••••••••••••••••••• $3500/mo Creauve fln. O~.,!!~bkr, 5S2 S384 Owner occupy the 2 L Yi1o1JR R l. 84$Kalella lmmed occ. l267,500. TWO JOI OHE Low as 15'l dn. w/l~ EASY bdrm, I bath upper unit OCJlllMI ,.17,1 • Lrg assumable loan Owner/agt, 75&-056f:' -TWO bolMtonone lot tn f111. on credit approval v. BEAMED CEILING , 497-1 7 L -to 4'7< interest BLUFFS CONOO.Sing1e L 0 C A T I 0 N OPEH$SUNDAY 1·5 very desirable area Model now open. S032 ••• FIREPLACE. DINING OPEHSUtU·5 675.s:mwlt_dyb story, 3Br, 2Ba, Linda LOCATIOH . IJ,500 Owner will carry first, Dunbar Dr , H.B Financing ll'rm~ AREA & ENCLOSED 63 1 8-ftaVhto 7~-~wknd/evl!!_ Plan New appiJas. tile. LOCATIOtol 921 SO.KLSOH no qualifying 2 bdnns 1146-9501 Sharp 3 year old dl' PATIO & use the lower ptD'IV IN etc. Assumable loan, EASTBLUFF' FIXER 542 5J73; 54S..27l7 each Only $J.S9 900 Call ~""'"""""'------- tac:hed pa tao home unit rental 111rome to :r~~:Ye ~r~~ae.V ~!:~ MEEDS WORK Mii ow ner/agl S230,000 s BDRM BARGAIN ! • loday979·S370 ' P I 0 P E R T Y Popular lrarl Onlv Hi':DU CE COST OF rour.d an this unique 3 HARDnD Ylnlf MS-2013 2921 Catalpa. Potential blrr. A MAMAGIMEMT Sl2S,OOO W1llsellfast.so OWNERSHIP Or, rent bdrm. 3 bath & family A! you would expect al DUK tn GREATOCEANVIEW galore Needs new ££$.,."TE WemanagelOOOUnilsin r all 645 ·7221 now ! the upper Wlil and use room home. Seller may this price. Rambling 2 Smasblng family room Spacious 3 bdrm pen financing Can you So.tttL.,.. 1016 _ 1'1 Costa Mesa · Newport Wes!~hrr Real~rs t h e J 0 we r a s a help with financing bdrm, 2 ba No. LagWla with wet bar. Un· lhouse, security build qualify? 5 BR, 3 Ba, ap-••••••••••••••••••••••• REALTORS Bl!ach. For profess~! OWNER-Turtle Rock, up. "weekender" whlle en· $495.ooo. home on l&e ocean view believably beautiful en-lnfl. Xlnl financing . New prox 2900 sq.ft . Best or C~Y management or your tn· graded 'JaC're? Del. 4br JU y 1 n11 the beach & OCEAN VIEWS lot. Expansive deck. ~rt iner's patio. 5 Bdrm price S360,000. A11ent. schools, churches. shop-ELEGAMCE Oceanfront in fin 70'"l-come property please !3 + den l 2ba , for dr, mar• nl a! We be lie ve Th.as stunrun· g hom" ~an hf1'arerdwlaoodc ~r:· wH/~hd soml elrslel Ion fee lal nd. 759-0120. [mg, Lennis and pools 5 Br. 3 Ba. 3600 sq. fl. loan San Diego No Cly call us. WI e can give you t•ententry &atrium,3 vou 'I agree it's an · '' P einucn. 1g uey mmacuate """.000 \J.,, Bk personaservice ' be used as a J bdrm or a b I lo d · · BOAT SUP <JI/ Country kitchen, formal 7 -19K r 97~ 1120 TS pravyds,xtras.Nrpk& "OUT OF SIG HT" 2bdrm witha2bdrm aance, wan!Alrestas· move-an con 1t1on. ** OPENSAT/SUNl-5 dining room. white _L MGMT 642-1603 pool S23SKorbest<·ash VALUE AT St52,500 quest apt. Walk to sumable loan. li49,950. Creative rinancing Up to 45' slip available water view, large -1..&-L.ohforS. 2200 641·807024 hrs FULL PRICE~ TERMS be h Lo I Boal Canyon Realty. available. /th h 2/d 400l1,,.~ tM •IT woodAd lot 2 b'--ks l p,.,.. of ••••••••••••••••••••••• AVAILABLE. ar , ve y gardens 494·6503 8 w as uge en Qr 3 1 · 1 nni ALL ~ • ""' o Ownershl LOCJlmMlltoch 1048 MISS IONREALTY withK01pond&.spaplus REOCARPE'f Br condo with water CM uw the beach. 1119,000. At. P Morro Bay, fabulous ••••••••••••••••••••••• ooc eo-cst H '·ag derks.Sll.5.000. 75-4·1202 views from both hvang ·A!.\.··::' sumable U11% rinanc· 20 uniu. Es1de tM 7 ocean view lots, lo, lo A llT OF ~., wy,.:. una MIGUB. SHOIES L~ Hils I 050 room and master sulte • •====-ui • A ent ~-47:ll yrs old Overall rmanc prices. EZ terms, walk P"°!'e 4'4-!>7l_I -The youngsters can walk ....................... NEWPORT Gorgeous neutral decor SmNt leodt I 011 ang llr.: Owner motavat ...!:9 beach. 00·7452 Agt HEAVEN to srhQOl(romthisn1fly •--dda•. fORSll,450'. andthebestftnancangat ed Hurry 'CaUKevan R·l lot, 29 'x125 ' 813 Sparkling 3 Bdrm home North Laguna Beach. 180 ""....,___ t'--be h c l1 f ••••••••••••••••••••••• o n b e a u l If u I I > deg view or water. this 3 bdrm . 2 ,, b al hi Move right Ul to this Catch a view! l Br l Ba I .uc acl .. a or your luytr's McwUf Will Ctny at I O'o/o OAlabama, H B. S75,000 landscaped comer lot property v.111 be going to townhouse in a gate v. sp;.rkling pool and condo 1134,500. Rae I persona anspectaon Buy now , wan later Beautalul SWlSet Beach w n er 1Ag 1: < Z l 3 1 decking and C'O"e red for order 111Stn1rt1ng ex muolly. Sl99,000 By owner St60,500 """" " pa1nt, carpet, cer-.im1c la vrm. Cam rm. loft "'"'e"'"v""'es"". _____ _ Sooth'"' "'· wood roort Aog 6. , P<hhoo gmdod '""" •~m· '" '''"' m•m•bl•. Rodgm63J.m (~· ir·•brldg.. Super family home. new home 3 bdrm, 2 ba, lg 923-11'786; 1714 > 962-S~ patio Ocean view, glow ; ecutor to sell real pro 'f~r'l'=r Prine onl · Sfil.:5~ Reill~ ule. xlra lrg yrd Great w wet bar. 2 fplc:s 2:5'~ ing parquet floors. plush perty has been hied. I '~\.~~~i·L~ NEW Lge. luxury home 551·3000 assumable r1nanc1ng dn owe balance al IDYUWLD r arpets, gourm e t Case No At~3 Ai> 1n Leas ure World Owner's will carry IO'i Viewacro&SFosterLake kitchen. Lov.·est pnce an praised I 27 81 $340,000 Owner. 644-6023 &mBarranra Pk'"'·1"1"" S2:59,900 Call Kasey or Optt1 S.S• 1-S & to Palomar' The best! lhearea $249.500 522 Alh1ew. Laguna •IQl"eo.o~ LC1CJ19M1M... 1052 Norm today 63J.1266or 167141artiew, l(>()'>HJ 17 lots, 1,'J to 1 acre. Bea c h Required uo.re_c.,_, .. ••••••••••••••••••••• THEILUFf MEWPOITCIEST 548·6492 Owner1A LouGWR Trade Luxury NewPort water, electric & plans amount or lsl o~erb1d Pl.AH '"X" 3 Bdrm condo. Close to c 7 14 ) 994 . 5960 0 r home on i., acre for In· available 1595,000 don osen rt•altor" S 2 9 !l . 7 50 Co n l H l 171 4) 494· 1177 HU lHTillNG 3 bd din Ii pool and leMlS Excel Rtdtlctd SlOO,OOO <213)920-8332 come Unrt.s or ~ Equity f"m ancing available 642·9038eves_ --------r,m. · rmF" v financing. Pnced to sell. In Dover S'----. 5600 S280 ,000 Act now ' (~ dd.Ai~ .... 0 C SH W FABULOUS rm. am . nn.. IP, 2•., Sl89 500 ""'~ B k , , a'" 499N COAST HWY LAGUNA BEACH 497.4848 Catalana SW\Sel. Lower 3 " A. DO M ba, Xlra large porcelain . . r r ,. Ottwr Ital Estate ro er Co·Op Agent 'l(/1'1110 rr ArC'h Bay Pvt area Grt S500,000 AT 11% ~~~~~~J tuh w/ceramic tile walls C/21 Newport Cfllr. :~ru~t~on~~: ~l~~~ ....................... 631·4516 Open House tfA.~J.~.lieJ orean \'U. 4br, beach OACT or $60,000 2 sty, over 3,000 sq ft & floor 4 covered patio 640.5157 760-67'7 Med1t style residence is Mobllt HOlllH Sat/Sun, 365 E 22nd .,..._, "'!~ hse 4!19·3!!4 CASH DISCOUNT Save thousands in int areas. PrireS230,000, 5"c CdM ftl-rv the best ot localiol\5 and For Sall I I 00 St/Twshn Ave .. NewPort 673-1:/199 •llml••••••llil•••••••• s down, assumeS40,000 Lsl .,_.-w;A h lh '--t f n · Beach Xlnt investment & tax 295,000. Nearly finished 4 BR 2\oa ba, plus 1 BR as e """ o 111anc111g ••••••••••••••••••••••• -==:;______ *' l . Co11t lfwr., CdM UHIBJEVAILE FIMANCIMG IM LAGUNA IEACH Contemporary 3 Bdrm 3 Bath. wood & glass home located just a short walk from famous Victoria Beach. Enjoy ocean views. th e spa. stained glass and $290,000 in assumable, financing . $390,000. $240,000 al 1234 ··; interest for 3 years! Wood and glass 3 Bdrm 3 Bath home ocean view. 3 fireplaces. atrium and stained glass windows . Walk to the beach. $395.000. Newly listed Three Arch Bay spectacular with 5 Bdrms, 4 Baths, 3 levels. lots of deck, S(>a . dumb-watter, gourmet kitchen and much more . $367 .000 of good assumable financing and the owner will carry! $775.000. Call Jtldy l lon om for fwitwr «Mtaila 499-4551 . for iftformati0tt Oft fflew and othtr fiM properties cal ow Reltdetdial Departlftlftt 644-7020 LOCJ1mN1 Hils I 050 L.acJutta Hils I 050 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• LUXURIOUS UMDA ISLE Otol THE IAY .SIDE "A home for all seasons". Extensive use of specially woven rugs and drapes along with the exquisite oak paneling accentuate the recently completed interior designs by Cannell & Chaffin. This 7 Br. 7 bath home boasts an Italian mar· ble entry, winding staircase. 4 marble fireplaces. spectacular brass lighting fixtures, elevator, and much more. The master su1te overlooks the three boat .slips. Existing low interest as· sumable loan with the owner will· in~ to assist l,n financing by car· ryanJ a substantial loan. Un · duplicable at cu'rrent price of $2,906,000 Leasehold. For appt. contact Barbara Lomma 8M~4343 WW.--lOtAl.ammotm. LMVUm.r. AlJda 00. "" aeaOl PUeo dt AJJai& , 10IS i.acu-ma.. Bl lil8l9e3 (TM)-6141 shelter 4br. Sba estate comm pool, amenities trust deed at 7°"2'k. Xlnt rental. 125,000 down & available. OWC $1950,000 ·73 l2x40 Mobile. Loe In 1--------• I'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! incl massive master REHEIWTY land lease S&s3.00 per owe balance at w: at 9•,,t;t int. Fu.II price in· nice park in Palm Spr· AMAH8M ~ suite. lrg Uv, ram. din l21ll04-0908 year Can't change until int., ownr/al(t. 760-0297 rl u d Ing l he I and mgs. Very good cond Owner wall trade this Mo9t•. Detert. rooms + sawia, idea rm year 2003. 14"k int only St.450,000, Call Dan Babb Must sell due to sick comer property and as lttorf 2400 for maid. office. sewmg. 2nd trust deed due OCEAMFIONT forappt. ness 6216-5n4. 946-5159. s1st with financing ••••••••••••••••••••••• ? Panoramic white OP94HOUSE 1986·87. Call owner for MEW IY OWMEI IOGEl'SUALTY _:62::.4:..·7,_,,009~·-----I Reduced to s210.ooo SUNRISE COUNTRY waler. city. is lands SUNHHevebyappt. appt.dailyafter5pm 3 BR&cden,S895,000 675-2311 '78 SO MERSET 2 br, Submuoffers CL UB RANCHO \'aews from most rooms 28r, 2Ba. den. comer (714)760-842:5 J7l1Seasbore +sunporrh an one of -MIRAGE I Br. ii,, Ba. + from pool spu area lot. many upgrades Owner w/carry 673-6578 Qceanside·s better adlt WATER.FRONT Completely fu rn. on 0 w n er, M. S. 9 5 SIS4,900 Fox1:love Mdl EXCLUSIVE EXCITING p a r k s . s 3 2 . so o HOMlS greebelt, family section 768-0421 an Lake Pk 24:112 C1mar· MPT HGTS Uste-a PEHIMSULA POIHT PIOPaTllE:S 714-433·8329 REAL ESTATE Owner very anxious. Great or ean \1e w, ron Ct • ......, Newlyremodeled 3br,3 Balboalsle By Owner brand new 2 631·1400 Bestbuyava1lable. 3B B r ,_ 831-~9aftJ_PM Ow"!_ 3 Br with pool. Owner ba home, s under k 13ayfront R C Taylor Co custom, r 2 a rpn:, will finance S235 000 . A bl Br. 2 Ba. 24 x 52, up-114 ~4679 hrdwd Or. ~It. patios. OCEAHllEEll R Rod . 63. 1 '~ w view ssuma e Park Lido Condo grades. on golf rourse. • Otfka/ ...... Nr town/beach owe Clean a ir. mountain ae gers ·uuu. r111ancing o( S2:50.000 al Balboa Pt Oceanfront I walk lo Huntington c .. ~ Ask rorLoreua 131•'i. ~ \01ew. trees. 3bdrm, 12'1. Owner will carry Biyfront Condo Beach Cal1714164U276 f • ·~· &l'MMTY some paper. Xlnt lora Hollis Wood, Realtor 19,600 sq t 14 un1t.s re· •TW" • • A unique & beautiful view 2 , , b a . s pa c I o u s lion s..34 900 Must sell our beach home ady for salt. lease or P AlnasHIP home. Steps from Woods townhome. Sl24,000 by · · 556 .. J900. 575.&676.675-8444 2Br. low down. assume lease-oplaon tin f1nanc· OfRRB) Cove Beach. Creat1\le owner 5J:l.7700 wkdays , Gt2·034&. OCEAHFIOHT In S 2 l , 00 0 0 pen 111g a vallable. Colton. Cathedral Canyon CoUJi. rmaocing. Principals on· ~5·6585 eveslwkend.s. OCEANFRONT S450,000 Sat/Sun. ~3527 adj 1·10 & f.15 frttlQys, try Club 28drm. 2Ba ly please $850,000. Hart S 15,000 DOWN By owner. Best loc: in Thas offenng 15 an estate Bayfront Cabana S7S.OOO surrounded by new com completely furn. CON· Real Estate, 499-l64S -FOXIOIO ASHLEY. Nice 3 Bd 2 Ba end unit. Balboa. Lge pnce reduc· sale. One of Newport cash. m ·i & office develop DO S9,500 buys 1• 111 LEASEOl'TIOH Wade view · Now near So. Coast Plaia. lion. 4 & 2br dplx Beach's rmesl views. 3 675-8423 ment S885,0000wn/Bkr lerest. Contact Owner S P .... n C II 640 7990 bd ho h I 494·Z764orC94·4631 (714)97~ ....... Prestigious home, 359,500. Low down. &I approx..,...,. a · rm me wit guest A forSdt 1200 ---· ""'""' private commty, owe St900tmo.644-SS98 now. Jeanne Saller OpenHo.e 1·5 aptor2unit.s •• ~~••••••••••••••• o.tofStalt o.tofS'* PANORAMIC OCEAN 631-1266 Spectacularviewon BIG Realonomics 675-6700 NO DOWN. St600mo, 8.5 Property 2600 Pro,.rty 2600 VU . XI n t terms CANYON Goll Coun;e. LIQUIDATION SALE acres prime Fallbrook ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• S695,000 Broker Mewportleoch 1069 Fantast ic 2Bdrm + IAYFIOHT Avocado land Xlnt 499·1526. ••••••••••••••••••••••• study + 28a townhouse. Owner/builder must sell view St68.000. 91.'·,; COLDWeLL BANl(C!RC Wo•tothtbeoct. Sell sacrificing at only now Exclusive PP.714-4!M·7HM From any of S2:57,500. 32 Sea ls land Peninsula Po1nt home, e.och Proplf'ty 1350 thesebargams OCEANFRONT Duplex N B. By Owner for brand new 4 BR 4 Ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 Br 2 Ba. 2frplcs, 2 car & Tri-Plex. Xlnl lor. further infor call Jim w/boal dock Your Exquisite Mandalay gar+ den. St:s.500 P P 673"7677. 673·7873 Lee951-~ terms or cash discount. home plus 60 fl boat .. .....,., ..... ,n wrn .... is Lowest priced 111 NPS Dan Babb. agt. 67>2311: dock, completely re MOMARCH IAY canal front 3 Br, 2 Ba, 2 •LOVB.Y UDO• DW'l..D 640-7665 do n e · an x i o us 5 BR. 3 ba exclusive sty, dw, frplc. new Just completed lbrflD seller-S325.000 Xlnt privatecommunity ra rpet Price JUSI beautiful courtyard en· Slt4,500 .& p E .a. C H y terms. CallSorany, BKR. ocean view, pvt beach, SLASHEDtoS220.000. try Large 2 bdrm. 3 "' "' 805-985-4576 clubhouse. spa and ten· Just listed 4 Br. 3 Ba. balh home with rmest '75-1 n I Dw.!! nis. Only S36S.OOO ram rm. swideck, dw, appointments. Xlnl as· Loads or fruit trees + ...... Pi opetty 1400 ir:uir:•.o.• "'l•Y frplc . lrg 1rrg lot. sum1ble loans. Owner RV ••••••••••••••••••••••• l:;f't.._ "" St89 900 ·11 h I fi access Lovely 2 Br CORONA DEL MAR Large assumable loan. · · w1 e P 111ance Ap-collage + bachelor unit. White water view 3 BR. 3 With land 3 Br, + den, 3 praised at S475,000. only Anxious selltr wall con· 4 stores in prime area Ba, sunlit atmosphere, full ba, 2 frplcs On the '439,000. Open Sat/SWl sider all offers. Sl60,000. Large assumable loan pvt back yard. Only water 1329,950 1·5 119 Via Ve lla. Ul-2242 andOMC.71H57-2813 kZS,000. Fixer, bring a paint Owner/Agt.67J.-0697 Co-erciat THREE ARCH IA y brush. 2 sty, 3 Br. A Property 1600 S't ed 3 r Frame 1163.950 IARGA.JHFIXEI NEWPORT BEACH ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 uat on ocean ront 4 Br. 3 Ba, canal front Npl Hgts best loc:atao' n. 999 500 lots I I nlio 1 RARE C·l·H Newport w poo • gree ~e Xlnt cond thru·out Cute as a button on the Luxury bach condo-best & maid·s quarters S I A bl n Beach Property. 50' El g 1 t Z19,000. inside. needs TLC oil oc. ssuma e mane· frontage in prime loc:a· e an con emporary Good assumable & s"ller outside. Lr• assumable ing. Agt. 673-5410. BLUFFS tio 0 ill fi ho.me. Breathtaking r· , 1 ~ " n. wnerw mance . .. ,·ew from every rm. inancmg on a I! loan. Only Sl98,000. ILU-3 ID•u Exclusive. Principals • .... 1....o1 & C o Wo 't 16 •• C 11 J rr• WUot Single story Linda Plan . Gou rmet k i l ch en " ... o ra6cJ 'lrittl n """'· a oyce SUP--.. ... ...,. ..... #!. only. Ask for Irene L. b 6 BR 1, 840·8208 642-~ Waltie631·1.266 ""'~'"• 3 Bdrm, 2 Ba, with all Loudon, Agt, 631-4247 qr IE 110111 ILlllS ca. OVER 5 7 YEARS OF SERVICE PRIME UMD Ideal Planned Community Site. On- ly 10 Miles From Fresno. 691 Acre Cattle Ranch. Located At The Foot Of Kings Canyon National Park. Boating , Fishing, Skiing, Etc. In Process Of Being Zoned Into 17 For- ty Acre Sections. Projected In· crease Of Fresno Is ~ In Next 10 Xears. $387,720 Down. Price, $2.197,380. 759-9100 #2 COl?Gf .. t Pine M...,.;tC....,. b~th~.~.~.:.:.$3.950,<XXI. .., 1_-.::.:Jo~h:.::n..:.Coo=m:.::be~B~k~r.'--Bkr. 955-U>O new bright Interior and 631-7300. IAYSHOllES s pa. 140,000 down,~=-=:::..::.:.. ____ ••••••••••••••• 4ff·U201ll·Oll6-WestclffC111tom 4 BRZBa,fimlLyrm, s222 ,soo. sos Vista -------1 ,_ __ _ -"- 415 Br + famrm. +hob-1285,000. OWC.6Sl·M96 Grande. Owner · Agent CO•STHIGHWAY by rm. huge pool 640-8456. MEWPOITIEACH w/decking, 3 frplcs. WESTCLffCOHDO PARK LIDO CON DO· Great location. lOOOsq n s .. tt.---SH Craft S395.000. Jeri Hunt. IA YROMT 2 Br 2 Ba, frplc. pool. 2Br. 2ea, 2 car garage, bt~1 and 11 year lease. Every day is like a H.t & Auoclaht $125,000. Ca11631·56'86 pool, adlt community, Prime window on Colst voyage.from this airy, __ ___;:6:.:3:.,:l...:·7:...:6:.::00~--CQ.OP y111 .o. ••• •o• by owner. St35,000 Hwy. Great parking. n B d Sweepln°YaewrromHI· .,......_ "" O ·11 f' easy ow 3 R, eo. re· I h---..a.. • 18~% loan. 30 yr. 1 -~-·_'199______ wner wa aoance. aldence on a seemingJ,y P , •ac -;_T-' ~'rri 5Bf ! ~i> 't3~ bdrm den, view, fpk, Cbumin& JBr, 3Ba home GoocHorfastfoods, club. private knoll near JR o111t 3 Br , .. er. only FI Cl micro, u-d. cpt, Uno, w/jacunl. in "Uarded office, elc. 1190,000. HI. Entertain with pride $2:50,000. Owner will help NAN N 0 . Fu 11 . .... -I ·o -.a~kt ., A flnance.Oelii. Securlty."2S,OOO. Ule, etc. For info comm .• 40 ,000. WATERFRONT on your""" ana1. S· S7wt0'7or1-883-4»3 _MZ_·N0~ .... 1 _____ u.nuES sume $205,000 al fivrt 12% list 1298.SOO. I~ CAMYOM MIW USTIMG SH TO laJm REAL ESTAtt TOvntfOUSI Beautiful Wood Stream 3 Br. larae aundttll with 631-1400 HARDSH•SAU M.crO..Mm'M 3500 sq.ft. executive home for only 1215,000. Assume 1115,000 at U af· ftttlve rate and owner wllluslst. SpUt·level (Grttnbriar) Condo. 3br +loft, 2\-iba. w1ter view. Steps to '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 2 Br. 2 Ba. &udy a~a. Skyllte fr new carpel beach. pool &c J1cuul. c .. c1e .. 1 .. /Towa- 305._,. To letd Flre~lace, 2 f>atio1, make it move-in cond. OptnSatlSim.1·5.300E. fllHMtter.. 00 Waler view, lncludet Secunly, Pool, Tennis. View of atnam. 1131,000. Co as l H wy . • s 2 . ••••••••• ......... , ••• land. lO~ auumible ASSUMABLE LOAN. Seller wlll &Ive you S7H1St,956-004. PALMw ... PricereducedtoS200,000 terms. M5 University, ,_...HOUSI .,_, · lo1n, 4 bdrm. 2 b1, for quick u le. Open IL·• Open House vw-.... Deep Canyon Tennis w I pou t ble I uesl HoUN. Sal/$1.1> 1-4. · 12 : li:S. Viv Riley: SAT•SUN J.SPM ~I~~· Lovely 3br, 2ba lmll 1H ...... A.Al " quarters. Call now for H SM......, &31-Sffl 4$7 Vilt1 Trvcha A. Plan. Great Grttn· ~ ._ details. 7».. · 12'15,000. 4 br, 2 be, llOO bell Loe. S5000 down. •rttJte..11••• 0 ....... IV""LIMG Newport Shorea fineat, 3 sq ct. Bluffs condo. owe IU~,ooo at in. ---- VacanU BR Mbacon· ~ -fr den,2bl 1reatt.erma, Owner anxtou1. No BKR.~12Z. do. witb elau, in 11ted UAL.Toa walk to be1cb. A1t. Qutllfylftt, Dwb. pymt. Patio Home. Exclu$lve community nea r INVaTORs.low vacan· 6-..111 .... m.m.rm. mftYabl!.Til·WAI!. aru. Security 1aia • Monar~b Bay. Ocean cy, low ~. z !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I •CANYON Tranaftmd. '30,000 WI· Like. 3 Br. fam rm. ;::1 :::.~t~l:.r! ~nw"N·fs"fl~Tt -------OPIMMte t!.I :er mtt. a br, f1m rm. Plub t UP&raded . :!.. ~1ncin1. Prlud FINANCl-1'0D't laatl IESJ VU I 0011~..,......,~ Ir. tts;:,~0· Prla only ~f!=. .r::_:: ~:: NV,WV below marllet Catl fon PP'. ranmmr .. ord"Bd. t·levtl IY ~,.. 1167-tm,ai.alll vallit. A leniftc rental. JohlllaralaaU UN1..-r to•nbomt • t• 101f vn·-·----IZD,000. Ul·ml a .. ,. J bath, ll'll· coar. .... ..... .... tWAWOf'GL.m .._..., ... 4f .. nll macalatitl Oner-IU· ail, MH rit1. An119D. Solar PoOI. Jae. ... <'Or> Mr Soulia o.t Plaaa! ...... lol~ClldT.D.Alk· Mtlot.l ..... ,.m.rm, decorator 1hrpl .., ~ ~ -.. i.a • cUI. rm a 11eu.. av lartbloee. 1 '*"'eon-~•--· ••WALm P•• owe 11e aad . •. poo1,spachltm. If ...,. .. ,..,.,.. = .. -..... OWIMf fMnS OMIACll WATllFIOMT ISTA11!! Located on Henry Island in the beautiful San Juan Islands off the coast or Washington State this one acre waterfront lot offers a clear building site and private beach. Accessi ble only by boat and surrounded by just a few summer cottages and eleeant homes Henry Island offers seclusion, privacy and luxury. This fabulous boating area near the SeattJe Yacht Club and Roche Harbor Resort, abounds with salmon crab and oysters. A true v1C1bon paradise for only. $19,500 ••••••ea u: :seas e so ossusos ocssccac a: sos 05250550&£ 05555533232J!Q .. OrangeCoutOAILY PILOT/Sund1y.Augu1t2, 1981 CH••ttrm1 .4n•t•lhu.fn. .1.-twtfaUlfn. .1.-t••tlu.fwa. ~l+at...+tu.fwa. ..... 4200 ---IL& .. &......A T ...,._ ...,.... teoeeou••Ute••• ttUtUtUtttttetetttto ~·-a...a.......:. ,...____~ wva-J421 ....................... ....................... ....................... ...... LIDO ISLE charming 3 --~u.tw .. *d "-"UlfwJ1h• MwnUttfwwt•d ....................... •...&.-....a..&-.& 1106 Cet .. MfM ll24 H .. la9toallecll Ja Mlw__. .... SHf bdrm "'"~t .. P•"l'OOm ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... ...._. P"'9"'• • •t.M n, 1 O.ef I!...._ ••••••0 ••••u••••••••• •••h•n••••n•u•n••• Ne• OCtlD v eoodoa 2 n••••••••••u•••••••n •••••••••n•n••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jut I rt. modeltd. Mon --~!!! c.thi...... nu H .......... JJ4G ......... ..... JJH bdrm. 2 biltl + den. UUI• l•land, 11~ I bt, 1 Bdrm, So C.l Plan, 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo OJI Ow YWL y lhly rental BUJ Grvndy ... ,. JllO .................. " .. ' .............................................. Prom "'°· l'J$.flU or =ii• ...t tooo l>lx l br, r:J alr -fri·a. ........ 1 •aod ~ ia·-· 1~m , e• "TOOC,..£~ .... llJ ...................... DL" co m..tt!l N"'"' ,.,.. I I ... ..-• I • -· I ,.. -C.N'I ..:•.:.=•r:.=:.;._ __ _ s.. A NOO 2 Br t Ir& Oorat0us :s Bt, dtl'I, fir Newport Shoml • Br :s ---. .ll!:_t41<1 mo l•led romm hot tu • au l«U~ 50 a bt, J ba, MIO/mo. Newport Be.di Sum 1 ,.,.. loft Br 2"' Bl r11>tc, Mlle to bch llOOfmo Bl Canal,.,,.,, CONDOS FOR RENT ..._ ,...._. 1107 C•ll Jo Annt $4$0148 Mo 2131333-3846 or 2 br J ba SS..W/mo. mtr Rtn!Mls I 4 Bdrm.s ,..:,~:i:C-·~::.~~ :1a: . ·~~.::;, n4S _!kr. MS-llU403 _ • Cotta Maa. Brand new' ••••••••••• .... •••••••• W ·llll_ 1141960-9193 ~ne~m~5110 A ent &ad • ~- Gtntlt rolltna lond ~ . -38r.2Ra.Orullocdll8S ffAftBORVl~llOM~ see w e• t b 1ylbdrm1pec~ u.nlt w/ Sludloapt,sepameunlt 2 8 i:: DR O 0 M l.ovely 3 Br 2'-' Ba In NEWPORT OCt:AN paved road, utlUlles in' LIASIOPTIOH Mo. lncld aardtner No Super 48r, 30., clote to Town.homes •d, aectlon 11ara1e I bk>ck from S2'l) + u&1I Conv Loe TOWN HOME Pool. Newport Creal 18116 Mo FRONT Lux z.. Br Reallstiully Prlte4 at Why pay rwt'? .. !•! pet1 Call *4f.IS'7l or erk ' pool Ju1t re 3824 8e11cb' alao &y yur 142-8821 Art S park. 110 r bu ch lat 'last+ s100 securl· w ll I Y aa s u R r , SIU,00000 Terms New,fanta1tlc.weUloc1 84&·4211.M Gan& dtcoratedS1275/mo.an OceanV1ewNewCondo ly SUO mo. t:vu, SparkUn&tlun28t ll• 9835191 ty Evu & wknd• 87S.lf77. Slrnllar sm1ll pare,trl led 3 Br., 3 Ra new Con· l1iwllM tld rdnr 644-04_.!!_ 2 bdrm, a...., bi. Dou.ble !.1Hl2-8l0t -Ba '470.k75 1t•tMt'tl, Lge 2Hdrm. 28a 845·~ OC-""-=E;..:.AN.:.=F-R·-ONT-.-:Se~pt-. ' also available Rull do.S800prrmo,nextto ThrH bdrm, 2 b1, I Dehu1e3BrSbaduplexln 1ara1e. Ref req. ll50 eoro..delM. lt2Z ut1lsf1ld Refrig prettiaJOUS&q~itt, . W ee kl y renlll rroperty lnvt'.lltmenb.I llll ahoppll'!I.. 831·50.\5. atory condo In the tlltlUJlve Blwfa 'Beaut mo. 846-5I00,84.S-2SllZ ....................... 2 1m1I chlld OK. No lovely panoramic vu OCIAHVIEW '5()0.S700 A~nt 851·1Ml llU S Main St , *** Gablu Lola of ireenbtltvleww/pooll Newport Be ach 2Brl~ba.2stry,frplc, ptt..lMOWallace NrlluntHarbour Lll28rfurnoroot IONe rt avail S/2Zto t' llbook tll4l 7211 Allll I PMlhtw. amenitiu Gated comm Avail ror 1 yr beainnlnt OC'nliunsC!l view, l8r +' pool, deck, adult, no pet 540 9S26J>r~OOS 960 4370 __ 84().~0 steps to u nd Patio 91~i attpa to beach, 3 HONt' Pl'Opt'rty, 3 acre~. IOOOMacArthur S7SO 346-1371 R Sept. l. $12$0/mo den/bdrm, prime 1oc in SS90luaeL6'13-0473 I br bachelor apt v.i I Isl....... Vear-a 1u·ound al S7SO br ew paint in/out. 127 3bdrm hOUit', l bu, lrvll'IC Brandnewde1Wlc2 , -~Cl~ Villa Balboa, pool.spa, PIHlHOUSE kitchenette, S350tmo Pool,Adlts,nopet.s.kOO mo ht-+ sec. dep 34t~ St 857 .0867 , owner will carry Ill is~; You are the winner of Ba. Condo. LS2A iq. fl. £. Hluff CONDO beaut under ieround 11ara1e, 2 Bdrm I bo beam rell '!tlls tncl. 556-9096 nfU isnd up. 200 121.b St. & 219 ~w ne rt bk r 848-4557 873-5410 ----- 1139,000 Snn Bemadlno T'WO~'REEPASSES Micro, 2 car aara e, 3br,2~ba,poolb/mo sec. 2Smo.84.S-231S 10g11 flrepiacc pool. I Br unfurn $375 lSthSt • --N;wport 3 Br 1 house 11rea. 465-0256. <Sl7 valut) pool It SPll, super IOc. 848 311&Suzi, 64().8449_ llVIMECOMDO Adlli, no ~· 1625 Mo Bachelorfum or unfurn Lg~ 1 br front unit lrl· 2 Br 111a Ba. Townhouse from ocean,· parking FaHbrool&l.ch RINCUNC 8R~. ~-· S4t7M2. ____ Attractive 2 br, l \li ba 3 bdrm, 1\li ba. xlnt toe, 640-l2084211~w·~_,_ s:m. 1"l Mo + security Pl ex. nr Bear h & ;1y~e A_dult.s, no pets. Avail. Au l&Sl. 675-6775 UI acn Prime land ror IJARNUM & BAILt:V 2 Br. House,~, mile from condo, w/many up· pool $S9SMo. 2 Br. 1\14 bll, 6 mos old S200requ~. 548-0~ Talbert, S37!> incl eas & 39 · 548 82 , 5 ..,_, maximum future lip c•cus beach, extras Call 1ra.dea Incl btautiful 644·8325,SSS~ View deck. S1SO/mo CHOICEWTSIDE water 8917490 CV~ or Oce11nfronl. yearly. I Br 10: .Fl~lk h precl•tion Healthy pro Anahe1mConvtntion S36~. ~at10 Walk to bt111·h. lyrnew.iBfl,2BACondo 97S-0363 work, 7602566 Shurp IBr m 6 m dbc wknd ~pt~ernllwoodpd, !, ~t~s JBdr~wpo ~/Wk duclng Avocado & cltru.~ Center Aua. 6 17 in 3244 Ca II days 75 l 4642 · In Bluff Decorated In res _ _ complex w 1poot Cpts. Nr beach, 3Rdrm, Wu. seoo_ t_mo. 675-~3 ,,~ 2Rd • S3'75/W~ groves for income & lax Long Beach mnu ':.~•••••• .. ••••••••• eves/w~nd!MZ-4641 Xlnt style. Spa. 2 adullll 2 Br 2 Bii. 2nd storydplx d r p ~. Cr PI c. bl l n s bu1lt-tns. encl RJ1r, i>mall --N~':,ly derorlsharp shelter Lovely 11iew To nlaA1mugpla~~3e•, nail OR""~me Newportffeiptaold!Br only No pets. Refs nee With lrplc & sundcck ranaeiovt'n, c1~hwshr. child OK . no pets Ver111lles, l br, view of '71<0997-0432 home & recreatwn area ' ...., • ' A"9 I 811. house. large yard. Sl200 mo 6-12 mo lease S67S Mo Call Greg adlts. no peb S4JO mo $550, mo. 9U862S o c e a n . be a u l .l.! • wtrilihing pond S67S,OOO 642·5678, ext Z12 Passes 2 Bd, I Ba. 2 car gara~e. 21.1 car garage. Adulb, Ofhce,e44 .4614_ Res. 213 1sso.2559 wkdy:., 381 llam~lton Bach up~ QU!et adult. no clubhouse. SS50 64.2 6149 Balboa Island · Chcuce Mac Gregor Keall) must be exchanged for adult comm Tennis, no pel.5. lat & last + 640-88S2 213 1451 3295 eHs & 5340 1 BR, pool, 1 adult, 1275 Isl & 1 t Sand lot 3 Br Furn Augl.ISL 726 3410 Eves 728-1.278 reserved seats at box pool. aym, sauna. Avail S200deposit ~Mo 461 ------wknd.J 325 J I ?th p 1 an• r.:Sblks w\eal'h ;::1) OPEN SAT.SUN 11 5 901 $350/wk 118 Diamond . 1i att~ Paso Roblei. off Ice p rl or to Aug. 1 ~/mo. I.al last Santa Ana 548-SO.I aft New Be ISl tenent Enjoy summer llvlllg all 646)1_37 aft_llAM [urn. 960-5583 W Balboa Ocean v'u. 2 675-4W, ~:::::...:d::.:l:o.:.7 __ _ Cstm ranch house.com performance & cleaning deposit b Um.lSu~I ~uh fm:lex year. Walk to Cd M Quiet I Br l Ba Ne~ 28drm.2balhs.uµ11tu1rs, BR. I\' bll, g.r, lndry, WoodsCOH! ~anv1ew. plete separate guest hse • • • Warner Carr 5»94C>O BIG CAN VON 1WNHSE Sc gaP~aza ~e~lu~=~ beach. I & 2 Br. frplr. Ir.: crpts & drps Good Grove Circle. gar. I adlts S6SO 631 Jl!l8 2 Br home S.00/week spa, barn. walnut or MESA VSlDEHOME Golf course View , 2Br. comer urut I BR, din deck, encl prtcg 1475 & Ea~b1de luc MalUrt-l·h1Jd , no pel~ S425 2 sl), 4 hr, 2'• ba, Im med occupancy chard. irngated pasturt-3 BR 2 8 A N r G 01 r 28a, pvt gar, pool, ten· 1ng, patio. cent air. S@l_Mo __ A~a1I 67) 8589 Adults onf) $345 147 ~ Sierra Mgmt Co. S8SO mo yrly Steps to 494·4~7.._30~- & renred & <'ross renr('d Course. Buut Park ms, ~":.,~.a! rond. ~7250 k 95 + ~ Ulll 775.2580 Jo'1tnt.uL1c ~an & cuy 18th St 114, C M ~HJ24 be a£!!_ 6!>fil~ I Br I bile t.o bayB& ~r- lO'"I assumable hnanc $9Z5mo Agt mo. -~"97_:_ L l!_Vts No~ U&ht view from every 2 Br H' & 'fow11homc, SUPS WATERFRONT UpJH!r kOO mo yrly. 2 r. yr>' mg Name your termi. 6410377ori17_}tQ72_ On the water 2 br. 2 ba, New 3 bdrm 2 ba Jn•1.11e room. I Br S&X>Mo Call enclsd gar, pl'\ p11t10 unit. 2 bdrm, I bu S7SO mo Jones Rhy 5245 ·000 Owner a11.t lbdrm, 2ba, icar, nr U2~~vt~i\~~!rk~~~· frplc, beamed ceiling. condo Acrossfrompool Anthony days 84.2S7S7 Adults, no pets k SO ;~~r~~'~Bt!c,~nu~~I~~ Newport Island Yearly 673-62=l0"'------ 760-l86G,96ll3l1J schools,cprt·drps,fned S800Nopels. ~ Doc k avail f700mo857·9181 evl.'s&wknds644-11889 548-4660 _ pets.S450moSll2 "D" rental S6 50 mo Vocaffott._.. 4250 Rtol Est• yrd avail about Sept 552-0579 0 )':m:6:.v:~13 :.ug~1;5 IUUTIM HOUSES. Ch;;:;;;-1.11g -;;lder-2Br, tl:l:a J Br 2 Ba. New pa1.111, Elhs. 963-6.SSJ 67~ 19Jl6_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• bc"-gt 210 Isl 's100 mo 919-8899 Woodbridge, 3 br. 114 ba apt w I pvt garage. carpel, dr~iies Quiet Lge Bachelor'~ Apt Ulil Stud 10 across from Orea n front Newport ••••••••••••'"••••••••• ~ --· ---d $625/ ii 67§·0669 COHOOS »tove/refng, aviul Aug area Upstairs. 2 Adullb. ind Stove Refr Crest bea<'h. Pool. g1m1ge Beach. 2 & 3Bdrms. Palm Sprinl!S how.e wtlh SECLUDED I Br very f!~~d. 64().7~0• ava In desirable Buyrresl Apt., Newport Beach · 31 S565 mo ( 213 ) $SOD-Isl & last. No JJe" Ave S3SS& la:.t. !16().5179 210 Cedar 7 Yearly $345 av a I I. weekly. Ca II pool, Sl39,500 S5J,IHHJ pmate. qwet & woodsy area, avail. Aug. 5, 3 br, Costa Mesa. Call us, we 1·1195 bfr7PM onl,r College Park area Close ---mo. 640-5078 ~·0614/838-3232 equity. Will exrhanl(<' Adults, no pets New W 0 0 D B R I D G E 2 ba, den, formal dm manage 600 units on o -,--toshonnin11 fU6.49~. HOW VACANT! ----Lake Arrowhead home, 3 Newport Bllach area 1·11r~1~. drapes. range WATERFRONT: Lrg 3 Spar li11. rm w/dual near water. f750 & up e bnle 2 Br. 1 l:la cz.r a. --This 2 Br 11'2 Ba. Condo AparfRMtlh ~ br, 2 ba, sips 9. nr take. (714JJ2'7-J!28. Ullls paid Isl t-securi Br., ram. rm Luxury in stone frpk. pvt pallo, Call DeloresGelberg undeck, patio, Cllrport L&rgl' 2 Br I Ba. over beauty, adult S60ll Mo or Uftfuniitlled 3900 beach club priv. Avail. --· · -ly 552.S Mo. 642·<&5 or side & out. Swim. fish. beautiful comer. tr11d. TSL MGMT 642-1603 t;I~ $5!!0. 760-l7ll erage, patio. laundry Aot. 548·111_i8_ ••••••••••••••••••••••• kl knd 559 8418 · 7 Unit Rivenude Sl67.uoo. 646 6423 ·1 l · S9SO M d / tit Nice 2 BR I Ba. close to 25 M SJ75 deposit '"' -S E A W I .__J D -~ ... .l.l'.J>r.:L_:__· ~-Equity S57 .000. Will , -sat· ennis. 0· ecor w extensive e ToWlllto-. be h 1 Ind r 1 ° 2 Bdrm 1 Ba. ~so. Isl & f"lll Tahoe incline new 3Br trade lo Costa Mesa N~\\ 2 Br 1 Ba Quiel~ 85S-32'73or~--floors. Xlnt cond. Call U .......... d )52 A11a~.1· Tug tY s~~~ 2000.Ml!j>leSt WJ-51161 last dep 77!M Newman VILLAGE ~ frplc. ('~mpletely house, Property, <:uld or i·uol. bu1lt-1ns. :err:gc Lrg 3 Br. 3 Ba. ram rm. 640-6716, or collect •••··~··•••••••••••••• 752·5065 646-3176 t: S d 2 b t b H B 646·~ N &2 bd l rurn. lake view, S85 2nd TD 6452075 or Adults. no pets Ul1ls d1n1ng rm AC 1·445-4630 Shown by Huntintiton Harbour '-"'==-l '· r, ~.11ar . ew I rm uxury '!!ih.t SSOOwk.549.0012 S48·5763 paid Isl + security. w gardener 1895 mo a onl . elegant aBdnn. 21'tBa. Costa Mtsa 3124 pvt )ard. pool. SO N11 HlllttiRCJfoft adult apts 1.11 14 plans l , ---S650 Mo. 6420835 .or $44·~--frplc , deck. iiar . ••••••••••••••••••••••• pets 673·ln3l . HorbOw 3842 Bdrmfromk6s,2bdrm W11ltradeuptoJwksm HEMET 646·6423 R A N C 1.1 0 s A N HARBOR VIEW S?2S/mo. Open SatlSun MESA VERDE home at Large 2br. 2ba lmmar 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Crom 1535. Townhow.e my luxury 4 bdrm Lake R S bd 21 ba 2 213 653 2200 from $610 + pools. ten Arrowhead !Arrowhead IOarres ·I. 250.000 East.side Condo 2 Br 1'2 JOAQUIN. 00 I.he golf 4 rm . '2 , stor~ p M 16iSSAlgonqulllSl mosphere 2&3dlxapu ca r .:ar Bay view Condo 3 Br 2 nis. waterlalls. ponds' Woods ) cabin home for Comm 'I mmer. Sl6S,OOO Ba Prplc, gar S6so Mo t"ourse 3 BR 2•, ba. S900 d~~n~~~~~ '1lgro;!"~. .i2131427·Z2SI No !>!!Ls S46-1034 -Alice 7141673-2507 ttenl Ba pool, Leruus & spa Gas for cooklllg & heal 1·2 wks in home or con· Personal notes f'or am Call548·3S61 mo Avail Sept. I Agl privacy SUM11mo .,.EWLY DECOI. 2 BR l'i ba. Cplc, p\t f795. Agent851-16Sl mg paid f'rom San do within walkmg dis· proved free & clear R E I CITY LIGHTS Oc EAN 642-5200 co' RN~2 BORU I Br. gas pd, encl gar patio. pool, 2 car gar . lrviH 3844 Diego F"'""' dnve North lance to beach. 686-9100. a'!l'where l-6S2 ~ , b 1 ff "' adlls S550 213 2411-7008 · -, -...:...= VIEW 3 BR 21 1 a.Bu Turtle Roek V1Sta condo. with 2 ba Panorarnir d/washer. pool. Adults aft 6 447 Glourester ••••••••••••••••••••••• on Beach to McFadden ltfttals to sai... 4300 R [ EJCHAHGQRSI I condo Spa. de ck -, P\'l end wut: fantasl.lr view condo.Adults Pool Coroao .. Mcr 3722 642-S<n3. O~nSun _l2.:_! •2 bdrm. 1 bath rondo then West on McFadden ••••••••••••••••••••••• • sk> light . all 1n \'iew,2br+den bdrm. andspa S~•molse ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11 lr.tlo~ Adults, on lake, tennlS. to Seaw1nd Village Movmg? Avoid deposits INVESTMENT earthlones S&OO 3 ba, lge sep. dlll rm. OCEANFrONT COZY, s mall, furn 6 2 Bdrm. l't Ba. adults, ,eouls.SS45 64().~ _ c710893-5198 ,_ ~ut lJv•na ex"""""•' ••,_as 964 ~ ... ,., r offlu 3 studio pool U111 pd Newly decor as pd sml dog OK S425 mo "' ' -... .....~ "..,_ ......., am rm L, patios. 2 Bdrm, lot! p wood and :r ' I dsh 2 Br P 1 cl u re s q u e ROOtM 4000 Profess1onally sin re OPPOITUHrTY! Townhouse. I year old. 3 pro£ decor., sec syst shutters. flr_epla re. ~~~~~·me:':~~ fe~~I~. encl gar· poo ' wr Call aft SPM.: ~2· 7344 Orangetree Condo. by ••••••••••••••••••••••• l97I PrimeOfficespa~wllh Br 2 Ba skylighti.. Nr pool & tennis matureadult.s.$8'75fmo. Adults.&42·5073. Lite,lrtt.,Airy stream, teruus & swim Re sponsible younl( HOUS&tATES well known Exrhangor Crplr, master Br suite. Sl200_1!!Q,~ Waterfront Homes, lnr 640·4999 3 lrTo.._. J Br apt Wlt.h balmn~ mmg A11a1l Sept Isl Cemale wanted Allrac 832-4134 Services Sect'I, ans c-ommty pool $690_ Call LCICJUMltodl 3241 631•1400 CostoMtsa 372 Newly decor gas pd . or patio. cathedral l'ell SS25 675-9229_ tive, bright, large room 1 ________ _ s e r v , co p 1 l' r 642 2134 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• encl gar. pool, dswhr ing, pool & spa. lush LOCJIMO leach 3848 with frpk. p\'1 entrance S200-S3001mo Im med. DELUXE<! BDRM Great vu 3 br. 2 ba. frplc. CASA DE ORO ~dul~. 642 S<n3 landscapuig Adults. no ••••••••••••••••••••••• and wet bar Avail 1m occupancy Near OC Nr schls. & shops. S800 patio deck. nr beach & VlllAIAl.IOA ALL UT£LIT1&5PAID EASTSIDE pets S460&u_p.549·24~ tbdrm. new. Jrg derk. med. S300, lsl & last Airport CeneTr1bolel mo + ~r<' ~o pets tow~.L.S~S9.4!H~30 2 Bdrm Ocean & Bay Avail. now 2 bdrm. Iba. 2 llr 2 Ba 11.arnge. laun Norlh enc1 Close to Call646 3375eves _il2·7655 675·2345 Beach rentals from S4 view Comp upgraded Compare before you i story, shag. drapes, dry No pets S425 beach SS??. 49-i 7(179 Room near OCC Pool. Rtol&t• E Side 3Bdrm. IBa, mo Adltsonly S800 mo 1·883·4:k>.'l wk rent. Custom design patio. frplr. d w. beam 1!318005 Small p1ney woods non -smkr. male St80 W.t.ct 2900 w a s h e r d r y e r , 499-Jll6. ~flii .. 671_·6007 eves --features : Pool. BBQ. <'etlings. gar. adults lit. lrit Irv studio. $375 Mo Beam mo _$4~2510 Aft~ PM Oldest & largest agen<') ••••••••••••••••••••••• slo~;"~efng, adults on· 4Br. :.!Ba. patio. frplr . Bluff's. 3 BR or 2 +den cov'rdd dgaratghe. 1surh· 5475 mo. 1 Br a~t :Ui\a1cony reiling, wood nr. walk Lovely p\'t n)()m, patio. in So. Calif. since 1971 RHidtfttiot leoch I)•..,,"' mo SIUl-27~-Tow .. avail Sepl t 21, BA, £pie, pal10, pool rou n e w1 d P u1s ~L MQ_MT 642 1603 or patio. c~lhedral ,.1,11 to beach. tst. last & refng, no kit 1 J blk w Credits ABC.NBC.CBS. $795 Mes<i del Mar beau-S82S mo. Ref. Isl & last ~5. 7808Jl4_.£5-59~ landscaping. A ult iv-PINE BLUFF APTS ino . pool & sua, lu)>h brrunly depo~ll Im ocean $250 mo St' pt Cosmo. Phil Donahue w~~::r~~~epr::,1peal~ych~~ ty 1113 Prrs1d10 Or 3 +~~<'_.l/O ts4!H·TIOI _ LIDOISLE 1ngal1tsbesl.Nopets. 2 Br 2 83 Adults. no la~dscapanR Adults, no mediate lll'('UJ)an l5J~nelS675-5710 loaUw~~~"aplare bdrm. 2 ba, lg cov patio. 1 Br furn. from S445 ts P tK> ie Crplt pet.s S460& up 549·24'17 <'L4~·SZ74 Jim Rm for rent. nr ~h. S;M)(I ·~ ~~r~:as1&w~l1Jo~r~~~dee lands<'sped, fplc. incls E~rs2h ~~~~.~~~m2 ~;dr~~ i;Bga.&l'l~:it~ :165W _Wj_ls.i>Q ..... 6!2.:1~71 ~cl g:r .' ~a:·stO\~: 3 bdrm )d pool Quiet Ocean \'1ew. walk lo mo util incl Ton) "lewport Beach,641-189CJ IOO't finanr1n11 Charle~ gardner. ref req'd, no Walk to beach, shops rluhhouse, bay, beach. Ne~ decor Jbr dplx. sep SSSO. pref NO Pl:.'TS Water beach :-lo end. 2 bdrm. 2 631 -5314 aft 5PM Sernng all theS Coast Perr 956-12111 petsJ_557--lln!lvail9·1 S7S0_.2~_J18-3119. & tennis. Agt \'1rgu11a by gar Quiet empld SPr.!£..._ ___ 63l6J07 .... 1 k.i5mo5491240 ~ ba Fireplace. gar Prefer Female:KI+ :"lon "' W""'.TSIDE ·~ adult over JS. no pets t!" Io we r r ro n t u n 11 MODr..RN r~ LOCJ191GH• 3250 _O'Brie.n673-1323 Sl50 548.1021_ MEWPOIT LJ: 3 bdrm. 2•, ba , 2 t duplex l. $850 mo Drinker I Br share GardenGrove.8953482 3 Br. 2•, Ba. Townhouse, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Un usu a I pro pert)' .............. ~. slor<. \'a lenl"la Sc bath & kitchen S200 Mo t d k r l • lltiMy ft....-'d ""'"'llU"""a"'I' ~ , Ba r b a r a R 1 g gs . ft Refltols ••••••••••••••••••••••• pa 10 · er · rp c HOMEFORRENT SparK>us 4 bdrm. 2 12 to ~ 2 2Bdrm 1 I Bdrm Carport 2cluldren $55(1 642-4688a 7 H P r l r k ""· S775 · d 4~_9819. 67_~_ _ __ ousn FunikMd rr er or 1"" 3 Bdrm S625 Fenced bath5. 2350 sq Ct Lg 2 bdrm executive con o, rrom 5270 mo + ut1ls Sierra MRmt Co -~ f'um rm. p\'t home. p\1 Open Sat too' 1~5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mo 645-72216_ yard anc1 garage Kuts & closets. pnme location ocean view S950 ~children, no pets. no 641 1324 IHewport ~ 3869 bath. m1dd~-aged work I'-!!!!..!!!..!!!..!!..!!!.!'~~~~~ lolboa I.a.ct 3106 Colle.:e Park. lovely 3 br, pets welcome 545-2000 Gd l' on d . waler . 631-6735, 962-6945 I walerbeds Spa<'lOu" dean 2br. frplt ••••••••••••••••••••••• l!IJI man ... Sl85 ~13 Shanng = Better Living ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2 ba. lge fenred )d. 2314 A~nt. no fee. gardener Ulcl ~~76 SUS CASrT AS 2450NeWJl(>rl Bhd lge patio. beamed reil PARK NEWPORT Ch r 1s11 an work 1 n g COAST '1~. ~oom~l:::i/ ~r~nl ::,itleles~~~P~,m~I~ Miss;;-Yitjo-3267 J S' DOCK -Furn. 1 br ait. S325 & ~ta Mesa ings. S.SSO mo 675-4166 woman I Br clean with HOUS&tATES Choice toe 116 Diamond l 673-263! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br 21., Ba Nicely de-up Encl. gar. Adults, no 2 Br l Ba. 571 W. JoAnn SHARP 3 BR 2 Ba upper APARTMENTS all house \ ~19'7_ Convenient roommate 4917 °®· HOME FOR RENT corated Condo Sl 200 pets. 2110 NeWJl(>rt Bl. Max l duld ~o pets new cpts. bhns. gar. 2 working adults flu.:e personal profile service 675'4~ 540-Easts1de 3 Bdrm. 2 ba 3 Bdrm. $625. Fenced Mo Avail 11-12. 675-6775 548.4968 btwn8& SPM. S37S Sierra Mi: mt adlls only No pels S.WO COUMTRY CLUI pool home, across Santa On~494 1294 ___ _ WllMrRetltal hse, lg ydS6S067S.231l. yard & garage Kuis & -----1 8R. furn. all util pd 64!-1324. __ mo CallS46S880. IVl..u!.l1o..1 Ana CC Nr 0 C Newport Bch S27S 9114 6 14 3 Bdrm. p , 646·8225_Pa.h{D -pets welcome. 545-2000. •~a~~~:!e~ori~~54~: very private 1 adltonly 28 r, 2Ba l wn home. • Heritage Realtor.:; L "9 " Airport S27S & S295 mo Mature f"em Nice 2 Br ba S72Smo 673-3915 I bdrm hse. pnv yd, Cplc. ~ent,nofee.__ __ .Agl 673•7761 ?6().l:lJ"T S400.64l-896i beautifully lndsrpd Liii' 2 UR 1 Ba. 4-ple>., NEWPORT 545~!~§.PM t Ba,_f_ool 631·5489_ lalboop-1-.... • ..t.. 3107 new rpts. sgle adll. no Mewportleach 3269 -' · 3769 frpk, gar. lndry room. newl) derorated. lndr). BEACH Laguna Beach. pvt enl Male Femloshr2brhse ~ pe•• SJSO UUI ·Ulnl Bluffs 3 Br, family rm, 11..l-wport leacll t •·so Adil . 8 ( '"" ;,.~Z190~ ••••••••••••. •••••••.•••• "E" plan, SJ200/m<> . ._ e c ... mo s no patio, carport 720 & ba. cooking, pre CdM Avail Aug 1st ••••• ••• ••••••••••••••• ~ Ii •••••••• ••••••••••••••• ts. 5-46 ___ ·4016 Sh 1· •· 3 ON THE BEACH Xlnt -BayCront. Pier & Sp. 3 Also Bluffs 2 Br 2 Ba. Winter, V,bl.kocean.lbr, a 1ma! .. _2.5_646~1 An adult community on em pl man . S2 57 Y_far!Y:..~ Slol'. Win2ler ReBntal/vsail C~~:ncfpa~~tg!~1:e~h gr 3121 ~aj Nef K~~c~=~ view. S900/mo 760-9678 2 ba. Sept. 12-June 5. IMMB> D•o PoW 3826 ~~~ul~:r~~:.a)7 ss:1~ 494.4459 fem to sbr N.B. condo. ept I 7 r a. om p eeyreur IS · Ag_t !700t mo.67S.S710 OCCUPANCY! ••••••••••••••••••••••• mi'ng poos. 8 lighted Mission Vie10 area rully Cum S230 + 'J Appl's S900 mo lnquire pnt. udulLs pref no pets Carpeting, Drapes. Off· --. Ba Be o l 2 B I Ba Close S2S01mo SIOO security _uul _J~n-Don, 631·~15 t26 E. Oceanfront. July $475/mo. avail R 5 street Parking. Year 3 B_r. 2 Ba. House with 3 Br,orean vu,new.2rar 2 Br. I ·Apt. am up ex r tennis courts. bike -· 18th Aug 21st. or call ~3-..Q.Z:!!.. Lease $3500 Month. swimming_ pool + 2 ad-pkg. Avail 9/1 to 6115 ceilings. laundry rm. lo ocean S390 Mo. Aft trails. putting green ne ~t1ab!_e 831-6905 M F to shr. oceanfront 675.5990 Dix new 3 Br 2 Ba duplex. Broker7S9-9100 dihonal utility Br . .-ram S950. Bkr.673-9060. pool Adults only, no 6rMtwknds.661·6?,71 Bachelors. 1 and 2 Room for rent SSO ~k prof S375 mo Must be --__.-rm , frplc. nicely pets. Spacious. attractne 2 bedrooms apartments. serious student pre· responsible Avl nowor • Winter K~ntal. Sept 12th formal dining, dbl gar H~RBOR RIDGE ~ean landscaped. SlJSO Mo _TSL M.Q~ 642-1603 bdrm . J '2 ba. gar and townhouses from ~r.red. 646-~ will bold l.ll 9 I Call lhru June 12th Clean, 2 w opener, adults. no View. Lux. 3 Br 3 Ba. 640..1327. 559-61.88, office I Br. Garden Apt Stove & wash_!r & dr er_ "9J.0467 SSI0.00 per mooth Room & apt near Hunt· Answer Ad • 2 IO . br. patio. garage & laun ~ S6SO. 00.7456 --Lge Mast.er suite, den, 1S9-659'1 refrige. Adults. no pets Specta<'ular ocean view On Jamboree Al 1ngton Center S200 642·4300, Z4..-.....hrs'-'--. --- dry SSOO Mo +deposit Lease1Qpt1on. desirable wpoe0t1.baJ.rsa; .. '·P1·1·900le~mnios. 4 Br 4 Ba. clea. n & sharp, S3JS. 548-1.377 d pl x 2 b r 2 b a San Joaquin Hills Road 842·829~ 1--------· Adulls _675-JS71 Mesa Verde area. 4 Br 3 ' d .,..., S 1714)""1900 LIBERALG R C -675.4241,549-saJ!I. nut to tennis & beach ownsta1rs. ~ un· "'""'__ Male or Female. n1<'e Hewportleoch 3169 Ba. pool. lmmac. co~-Cod U.nfum hed 3 B SUOO Koop 631-1266 ~any dl!cks, new decor 3:1111 Oceanfront for Winter surroundings. fenced Room m ale Contact ••••••••••••••••••••••• h~nSllOO mo 1-522-0 n o. IS . r A&!.:.. me... ,.. go~o 631.:..49<8 Rentals furnished & back yard s200 mo Sernce ll 7PM \'ACANT!&Side.qu1et3 W Bark Bay Water · TOWMHOMES Hmt ............ leoct.3140 unrurn Brok e r Costa M~,_645-897l _ 2136»3'40 lea..ttMF.Nlv home , Cu ll y furn w grdnr. 5 bdrm. 4 ba, ram1ly room . d1n1ng room . lg pool, lg yard Lse for s2.ooo per mo br. 2 ba. frpl. D'W. ldy, View Refrig, Freezer, WaterfrofttH-.! O DOS FOR RENT ....,..... 675.4!12_. _ ___ jl!!l!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!~ gar S695 mo 353 W a s he rs. Dr Y ':tir 2 story c~tom home, 4 =;=e~'. 2 ~r.N+ Den. 2'2 Ba $64() •-.;•E•V;H••l:;:;n~·· NO FEE! Apt & Condo P~~ ':fm r.r~1e ~n~r:~~~ M f' 2 bdrm apt in Park ~oodland, 67~3600 Included. l(X)()IMon bdrm. formal dining and rec10< •Fr~ 51/ooay 2 Br. 2'1 Ba. 1620 ~ rentals Villa Rentals k 1 t r hen u t 1 l, S 6 5 Npt. S330 mo 1.11cl util Broker 7!'19-9100 b re a kn o ok 3 ca r Brunch • BBO' • <Xlra lrg 13SOsq. fl I Luxury Adult units at af-675-4912 Broker 545-371_0_ ~II Paul 640-8937 l Ir. l...e OpticMI garage, lg closets, pan· Parties • Plus more I Br. xtra lrg SStS fordable liYlllg. 1.2 & 3 Cash helpful not re· Why • ....., Mow! try, 3 fireplaces. lg deck GRE.AT RECAEATION: 19 BRAND NEW 1 Cull Br Well decorated LfDO VIEW 2 br. 2 ba. 2 _ _642.0346 afl § PM quired North Costa •Low or 00 down pay. Boatdockavailate1tra TeM«S•FreeLessons size townhomes. dOuble Olymp1csiz:epool,l.lght· terr , frplc, prime. Mesa Full price ~harge For'--se only • 2 edtenniscourt,Jacuzz1, adlts •SI ,OOO mo menl required. ' . ie. ' (PIO 0 pro Shop)• rarages, private yards. ""' Hot1Ml UllfwWsMd Sl23,000. A ent 556-6516. Call Peggy Patterson Heallh etubs •Sauna 1 1 N 1 park hke landsraping ~5-6359 _ ....................... "Lower monthly pay· (714l9SS·2473wkdys8·5 • Hydromassage • ~a':e~c;sbloc~ ~~~ Most beautiful bldg in lolboa l.a.d 3206 2 MSTR IR'S menls. W lit( 3 b Swimming • Golf H B * * • V0e•;;I;~ •;•~.;;••;-b;~ ~t~~1Jl ~~lJR2T~ S~t : ~~;ilr u't':~ri::y. F~~=~~~p ~J~ lge yar~ ~;~~g:PTS: ~~.nl~i:ichoopping, S F~m $:11$. ll46-06l9 !s°6i::r den. (pt, large pallo. No REF RIG. 2 CAR . ,.Tax Benefits. w/gardener, sec sysl. Singles. I & 2 Bea· Open daily 12·6 MARINERS WALK Costa Mesa children $850 mo Ref GARAGE W/OPENER. For information rail Bob SlOOO/mo.833-1290__ rooms •Furnished Weekends 10-6 2 & 3 Br. Townhouse You are the winner of lst. Jul. security S700LEASE,NOPETS. Newell. Lido Otfice. CONDO E. Bluff. Super &Untumished •Mutt 666W lBl.h.Sl..C.M. Apts. fromk!IS. Patios. TWO FREE PASSES , 7G0·906l, 67S.:.>24___ John Marshall Redhill Realty. 673-7300. 4br, tam rm, pool, (prl. LIVlng • No Peu • 84S· 1726or642-4906 single & double car tSJ7 value) · 43\.12566 Sl,250/mo.6'15-0604 Models Ope11 Dally Newly decor 2Br. wtgar, garages, near Hunt RINGLlNG BROO 38drm, 2Ba family home. f 9 10 6 bl ff bo o.,.. _,.,, 2 Story Bayfr~nl or 4 Br. family room home. adlts, rrpts, drps, l· _ar ur"". ""''"""""~~·'----I BARNUM & BAILEY ~l~~im~ i c ro · gar· lease. Spa & paliO. S1600 Ocean vtew. Beautiful Oakwood ins. Fncd yrd w/pallo. IMS TANT IH C•CUS fTS.1!362 Mo. Dock avail for 40' pool & spa. Walk lo O.clen Apettmenta water pd 636-4120 call 3 Br 2 Ba. Apt. with 2 Anaheim Convention boat.Ag:ent851·165L beach. Call Marcia New ...... a..ctlN. 1·5. 661 Victoria. S450. CenlerA11a.a.11 C ..1.-.1 .. ..11_ 1••• ·-,....., l"Sa A A car attached garage. ...., OrottO _.. ,_.. 6&6 2 Br mobile home on 631-1286. 880 lrvln11111 i&1M 2619 .. nta na ve WI D hook-up, patio. Long Beach Arena ••••••••••••••••••••••• D .. PoL..& 3116 . l 171 ~)S.CS-l104 •••• A""· 1n23 -.... water , q u 1 e • no "' _......,'"'""~·-----frplc Small pet/child ..,. ;r CAMEO Highlands 4 br, ....................... uds/petsS650. 96Mil64 '"""°" 8eectl S. 2 Huge Bedrooms in ok. Nr Hll'lt Harbour To claim passes, call ' sunny patio, pvt beach Ocean view, 2bdrm, ff b 3 t700161nS110o•er111&1~1 super location. Fully Ont SS9S 642-5678, ext. 272 • Sl.350 mo incl frpk, $600. Also 2bdrm NewCondoNwpt g ts {114)&42-5113 carpeted, built-ins. tslMGMT '42·l603 Pass" must be ex· ardener A"' 67J.~ I h Br. 21,; Ba. 1500 sq. fl d "~ 0 SO -""'=-:;"""""''-"'-----~""-'-1 h d f d o.:.____ w pallo. S500. Both ave Drive by 292 Palmer 1roun 11uur. ver c ange or reser\'e • Costa w... 3224 t e n n I s • P o o I . lllA. S800 Mo, No pets, S. C...... Jl76 '>\ block to beach 2 Br. I Adults only .. No pets. MW llACH, 2~ seats at box •'•••••••••••••••••••••••washer/dryer Agt: no ftb .tldren Call Ba. •••stvearty', utils S3SOMo.BW.Wllson Crpts,drpe.blt· .at· office prior to ~ . · .. •• .. n••••••••• •••••• -., Apt A 641-4471 t hd I r . 1575 536-0921 rl , 3 Br 2 Ba COiiege Park, 496-5980 7SU499. . 2 BR 2 Ba twnhme. pools, paid. 8*-3567 . . ca · · · pe onn~. * ' bJl-ins, D/W, frplc. Charmingsml home. spa, Waterfront lease, 4 Br 4 Preaidentia.I Hgts, $550. SPACIOUS 2 BR. Adult, DELAWARE PINES Available. S'IOO. Ask for deck. ocean vu. S850. Ba, family nn, top roti· W-5048 aftlPM open beamed celling, APTS. 3 BR. 2 ba, yrly. f72Al mo Pete. 751·3191 493-0tll7 dition. dock for«> boat. 3 8 r . 2 81. Condo. lot1 of wood. servinc Spacious U12 Bdrm. F11>Jc. bltns, patio, gar. !asts1de 2 8r garage, 1..y..-... 3-.~ .. s22oo B b & Dovie ••••••••••••••••••••••• bar klO. No peta. 2256 Frplc , s t ove. d is· Like new. 12B 3Sth St. ~.Av1ilnow.S$SO+ ,.. ... _, 6 -• ° Flrepla~.Ne1tMarin1 , ... ,.. 3802 Maple sd-7356, hwaaher, aarbage dis· Don'l disturb Ol'CU· ... ~un'ly. Kids OK ........................ S3l•l3118Aat. le Fr1'Y· f100 Mo. No 67).8803. potah pool, la1.11dry rac. pant•. Days Cus, ~"' · UOM~FORRENT ~ ~ •••••• u••••••••••••• Sm1 l 0 • '73-6607 3' 4 Bcinns. S600. S7ZS. MllD A LIASI 1 ;i~~: Bl t~eoo ArTMn FOi llMT L~·a~!:e.;~D A~~h!r~: A~~~ :;:.~t P:~p ~: 213-l31-99tM • CON DOS FOR ft ENT. Fen c • d ya rd A & Spoclallalnl lb Newport sq f\, partial oceao V\I,. H.B , N .8.. Cotti Mua Mo. Adulta, no -*•. aldered. 1 Br. kSO/mo. 2 \EAALSCH18Yr ~~ ~!;i:r· : 8r1ndnew.StieWestbay 11ar1ges. Kids le pets Beach, Corona deJ Mar .S16418 SomelhlnaforEveryone t=::?·~d&ilY.545-d-:-Br. ,USO/mo. 19221 • < Townllomes ad, section welcome. 50·2000. "Turtlerock attu Call Bach. to 4 Br. Unfurn. ~ -Delaware St. (So. of Jonta Rlty67U210 3824, A1ent. noree. Carole Garber 17S:9023, S.... M9 JJIO Apt.a. Ct'rtllo locations !/Side 2 br, l be. up. Garfield) 8G8807. Of· 1-------~ 18drm. 2Ba, lovel}' Mon-H_.larl•leedtl240 A1tofEliteAllocl1la ........................ otfu : Pool. s pa, staln nopeU.no Uquld fice hrs ~ Tuea·Thurs VAC"'6 U II CON PO gar ,.. · Historic 2 Br. Victorian fireplace, laun. room, ~ m . · U1 after s:~PM, Fri· Mon. a b d rm , 2 b a th , C re 0 • ' •••••••••••••••••••••.. Hoae tn Cea&ral Santa b e 1 m e d c• I ltn fi 1, • .. Br. I •-. Nr S. ""l ""~pu_ I. SGS.• Ls 2br. 1~, f1m rm, Newpe>rt Island Home b u 11 11 .. .. ' IMI \,II •-'~::......:...:: .. ::.:.------fireplace, bJl.ins, M1ily m /mo. 3 Bdrm 2 Ba, den. lndry, w1d hook·up, 4br, 2bi, ..... vac1. alepa An 1 • u t 11 1 aarasea, au bllilt· ns. ei.u. S.A. Adultl. lSOO. AYall. now. 2 Br. 1 Ba. refurbished. Vrly •• f :i2r.1~':'~ ~·:.~: ~~~~ $750. ~~baY: Sl2PO/mo. ~~m=-· t~~-nN~P~;nhouae l.':°r':t\~~Upper. ~J;:,1~,cl. :::c:;.hi S7SOmo. ptts. Avail 8115. Act. • bdrm. lmmac new EXEetmVEHOME Cu .. 1,1. ;A HH TSL GMT. SU.1'0a Encbd 11r11e. $3'5. chUdOK,nopftlpleue. 558'6221,~ kltch, nt eclll$11 Wmstr DOVIRWISl'CLJFY •fu .I.I• --Sp11l1-.t pt al I& Mesa delManru Call .... S4$.llOO. Ast. no associated : M 11.M?S 4 Ir. s la. Getfd front .................. _ .. IAJnJy 2 Bdrm. ~ .IV.._1lvrl*la&e. ,_..fM...__.......;;;.... ___ _ HOM I FOR RENT coart 1ml 6 rur ..U0. ¥1.LAIAllOA tul·dt•tae, Nicet1 You doa'l Miid 111111 t.o Dtl1n poolalde 1tra t• • -• • • - i Bdrm a . Fnoed dbl fl'Plt. i.e. opllol I .. Oct.a 6 817 l&odH•PllL .....,.. No "*" f111t1' wblD 1" tar1e 2br, Jba. bllu, y1"9 • ..,..,._ IUdl • poul"bte. llJtl laeld """· Cotnp. lMrlilJf pelt. 1-.Sfmo. 110 Dllet a .. ti u. n.111 ••"'· l"t ldll llleHIL Adlta, •8 pN. .~· Jla ........ »•. G~:;,ner. No ,.u -•. , .. •k 8-at Lw, Aewlm. Pilot .... ~· eau ~ .. -.. •. Hlf °''· -mo • ..... # • ...!QM... ..... •-!OW. Ul· -.. . Furnished room m C M Prof workmg F. non· Condo Near O C smoker. 2S·40. lo shr Co llege S200 Mo spar. Irvine home 979-9621 w prof M, pool. tenrus. Room for rent to non· ut!ls incl. no pet.s, S300. smoker. in T~lln. S200 _Mike Ml·IJG lus utilities. 731·Z16S <d_ass1fied Ads 642-5678 Use ,,,,.,,,.#service when placing your-ad ... a Daily Pilot ad number will appear In your classified ad . we take your messages 24 hours a day ... you call In at your convenience during office hours and get the responses to·your ad ... this service is only $7.SO week . For more informa- tion and to place your ad call 642-5678. ( " Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 2, 1981 ------f .... Stf'"riat C.,.tSenke CWWC.. h•nr.1 H... ........... Mo•lilt ,.....,.,..,... flltt ~~ ··············1········ .........•••••.•••.........•••••••......•..........••••••••.........•••••..•.......••••••••.•••••......•.........•.......• , •••.•..•.........•.•••••.•.••••......•...................•••. Dl'.SIGNER l{llionally CUSTOM CARl'F.NTRY $)I 90/WK CLEAN·UPS/LAWN HAULING ~udtnt bu D-ONT BE EMPTY. Movln•• Th~ Starvln1 -QUALITY PA.lNTINC BALBOA ROOn:NO CO SPECIAL known, wih cwitomlzt Patio coven. dl'cka . Hot lunch CM Chn.s-Mal:nttnanco Lndlcp l&e truck Lowest rate 'nURSTV OR LONELY Colltae Student.s Mov1n1 State Uc 334lli50 18 yr1 1be only roollnJ m. ror $1 &1._ n.. your wrddlnl •ownt. tOOf'll addltlon.•.1148-Wl tlan Prt!chool. W.)423 t:rtt .. i. &tz.9907 Prompt CaJI '158-t9TS Co. has arown. lntured. Orin e Co. 1Jll!L_ the eo11t. !!U743 "' IN' ICCHI., etc Bev Thayer PINlSH CARPENTRY --s F k molo YARD Think John. "Security Plus" will alt I.le •Tl2H311. 8418427 ...... , c I! A .•A.1• w IL B Ell ROOJo'ING , Th •, ig·OM7 eo.tr.ctor •m u u --your houae, plant. & _l¥1tch~ row! '" .r.--lNC . . alaALLyou y ......... Robby,64.20838 •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• MAINT. 6 Clean·UPI Ca.-U,YowAd ABC MOVING Exper RES /COMM EXT Alltypn newoonstr• .,'::;ltd \%4 hr a werin 114'~ CONSTRUCTION Tlarnedesct•n~m. lAJ, small Garues. Ute bauJlng Mature Couple wtll house prof, low rate~. quick PROMPT UC'O reroofina'. ancs, hooded. In the ....................... CusLont work Patio rov Addtremodel,t'Oflcrete . .,, ~ l topttuck.@5.~·1993 alt AUJ 9 for l to 3 wits. carerulservice 552.0410 __ 754-153' lie 322-179 Free eat JIHCOCOHST. l1r11.cablneta,wallwi1u Preet'al 581·Ul0aft.~ Mow1n1S10.l!W2S TREE/SHRUBTRlM Nocbartc Rtf631·11'11 -------q?-0881 DUY Additions RtmodeUng Ref'llod & rrpair Cuttom Brick, Block. H1ulln1/Movln1SZ Garaie 6 ard clean· -----•A-I MOVIHG• Pe,...H~ =;.-=:,;.__ ____ _ Pl.OT &Customllomes Uc Ml! 7701 Tile Patios Walks 754.9904/~Marll u FreuJ M7-82'7l L..chc•,.. Top quality. Spcclul 25 yra exp. l'rtt e5t. S.wilcJ/Ahulffll• S•YICI U993ll_ 675-fMM4 C tS i--Drlvell Cove~ ~k¥• ~ . ••••••••n••••••••••••• 1·arc in handling 25 )'r'll LaborS8/roll&up, •••••••••••o•••••u••• Dlllll"POIY arpt .,.....,. ' · ' JAPANE;EGardener WEHAULITALL! BrotheraCooatruclol'I C I · l lO-A off Cs tm Dreu Makin& -·· AV ALOH COWSTl. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ca~ porh, ' Fenco. Ma intenance. Clean-Up Demolitloo, yard clean· 1660Sanllt Ami Av. CM ~':fove~.:' ~el~" • all era ttons/ Repairs. DO IT NOW' Bu1ldm&& Remodelin& Shampoo & steam clean Lie d Ooy_&t&-m61 -Freeestlmate 9U~ up. Dum~lNdt. bobcat PI an ta . Int / ext ---·---~II wallpaper 11 we hang Consult1lio11 1n your Asl!For'-*e 24 rs·bc.ins 8'H320 Color bnghtet'lt'r.1, wht O.Corett.g GtMrols.r.tcts Bthror~.~ Landscaping, tree sur P.Wag/Paptriltg it home7so.&370 Your Dally Pilot HOME IMPRO"EMENT crptii 10 min bh•ar h. •••••••••• .. ••o••••••• u-~--a....-.i.... "ery sprinklers Lie ••••••••••••••••••••••• BOOKS brou1ht to your -Service Directory • Hall liv .din rms $15 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~__, • • · Ext/ t t g c b home For appt call S,,....,. Repmenl.IUve Additions/Remodelina avg ~m s7 50, couch S10'. ~~::~ ~:~r m1&1~~:~ Let me help Y~ sell your ................ ~ ...... '™2.847, 646-~ rln/~~arn~ P~r· ~n~~ Roberts Dec. 5.11-~ -...................... . '4J..l.7I It ]J1 Guaranleed. jt2-1323 chr SS Gu:ir ell m pet d P U • wrttina Call Un !tt Ter Wanta REALLY CLEAN rree Trimming. re· Free est SltveS47-42lll SPRINKLERS•SOD •• ROOM ADDmOHS odor Crpt repair 15 yrs ~C r e 8 S:1~ c e v r;ana at 963-2297 I af. HOUSE! Cllll Gingham mo val. maint JO yr11 F' . ·in b R' h d Paper'-9 Tree Removal. DIG IT &IEMOOBJMG exp Do work myself a}!r ---J!>rdablerates) Girl.Freeest.~5123 exp. fo'armer, ha ve ~nepaint g Y ic arr ....................... Landscape,646-7070. Kitchens, baths. ex Refs 531-0101 _ Drywall H..ctr•• ROBIN'SCLEANING ~ Xlntrel 548-8318 h~:;Y L~cB ~u!:o~~r~ The Paper Hanger. Prof Tit GUAR . USED RF:FR's SALF.S&SERVICE ~!!!!...-642-7754 pans1ons. French doors. We Care Crpt Cleaners ••••••••••j5••••••••••• ••.••••••••••••••••••••• Servace--a thoroughly Lo.ts Thank10~. 631-4410 · install Deroralor qwal •••••••••••••••••••••n windows. skylights. oak Steam clean& uphol~ u~?:•I ~:~is~ re-D!s.rounts to sen ior clean house . 540-lm7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --DB's PAINTING -fi:.~e est. Steve547-4281 CERAMIC/MaiAJC int , oak stairways Truck mount unit ~od · 1~ 532 5549 eit!iens.FAJI types ocr re1·1 Expertise Housekeeping MORTGAGEMONt;Y lntltxt Neat reliable "We gals should hang ALSO ORICK WORK Plans Lie :.!1007 Free Workguar. 645-3716 -'---·--pat rs ree est. 3 Dependable. refs. AVAll.ABLE refs Dave~evs · together" SlOt roll Free est. Cnu &161-~ t R Jl All N S /N 'h -ALL TEXTURES & An 5 we r ad lf 4 5 3' Supplies furn 641-670 $20 OOOlOS250 000 ------U~ol walls 839 O'lll T S 1-...................... es eas yrs en ° team .os ampoo Drywall Clean&depen· 642·4300, or 631 ·1137. · . -· ' Need a painter' Want a --·----,... '"- Driveways, parking lot E Jl>hnson fMO.S656 or Starn Speeiahst Fast. c.l11ble. Reas. 631·2345 After 5 Q.u~hty Ho~leamng I No,.._ Par-ts pro job, but not a pro ~ster/Repolr ••••••••••••••••••••••• repairs. seakoating ~0.47~tV.!!S dr1.Freeest. 8391582 ---· -----w1thPersonalTouch Upto lS/yrstorepay ~rice'Randy,SS2-800I ....................... JAYETIRCAll S~ Asphalt 6314199 GEIWICl<&SOH R-OBERTS-CA RPET DIYWAURIPAll JACKOFAU..TRADES Fr_eeest. Beth~_QlS6 PRIMEFlNANCIAL RENT~LSours c1alit-Neat patches&textures Topping, prwnns. re· 1_1c'd_. _ __ Builders S111c-e 1947 Ad REPAIR R~tretch. rt--The l:.t' Gro~7M-JS~ &l~~lllg,el«.~~ ~ANTED,' Hous~clean 52sE7.Rv31c4~77 int/ext. Seasuf: Pami' Fr.. ttt. ltJ.109 moval &spraying. lO yrs ASPHALTREPAIRING dtttons, remodeling. lay All repairs. Btdri I -__.!:. --1ng.up d, relta'ble, _ • ing Prompt 5:1;.4Sa1 PLASTE RPATCHING u p. Local refs. Free Seakoating&Striping plans. Free est Rea~ 673-8490 ••••••~•~•••••••••••••• REASONABLE l!<>n!Sl 0-712Saft_4PM_ Moso.ry lO"c DISCOUNT Int ext ~yrs exp est Lie oat566.~ID Comm restd Free est ~1r 310942. 54.9 2170 Cellitt9, Acoustic ELECTRICIAN prttl'd PROM PT, FREE EST • House<'lean111g• ••••••••••••••••••••••• D&D Custom Pamtmg ~eat w_grk_ P~ul 545-2977 TREE DESIGNS Lie. 1397362 645-8181 Corpewter ••••••••••••••••••••••• right, free estimate on ALMlliT EVERY ProfessionaJ-Tilorough BR ICKWORK Sma II Int/ext. Guar. !J83.32SJ "'-biMj Pruning,Sculpturln1. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Acoustic Ceilings+ large or ~malljo~ REPAIR NEEDED Xlnt ~11 Ref's Jobs Newl?'>rt· Costa RALPH ·s PAJNTING ••••••••••••••••••••••• Top, Thin, Removals. AMfomoff.. All Types Remodeling & customhand textunog Lie ii3!166?..1_._61J.~ CHET00.47S7 ~rlie831-6054__ Mesa, Irvine. Refs Ext Ill\, reas. prompt M c co RM A c K Clean·up.631·2513 ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• Repa irs. top quality, 17 Lie 389944 S32SS49 RESID COMM'!. Reltable. Great work ' 675·3175 -Lie ~~eest 964-s.566 PLUMB'G Wiltdow~ VOL.SW "'GtE.llo..t yrs 1n area L1loensed Cemnt/Collc,.._ Highly qualified No job Hardwood Roon Steady job. Refs Call BRICK : Walls, Wal~. REPAIR & REMODEL ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" IR"" Mr Palombo 962 8314 l II 631 .,,,,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• r PM ,,."7228 p I I p . AGAPE FORCE SL g Reas rates 0 I W'-......... ·W .. _ SPECIALIST '---.' _..:_ •••••••••••••••••··~··· oosma -~" HARDWOODf'LOORS ~r4 _ . ....,.._ --an ers. altos . PAINTINGCOMPANY oppa es. ngrna u...,,.. asnc:r He rb's Garage 1995 Custom -built Ix 12 Pool Decks and Patios. t::lectric111n -qual work. Cleaned&Waxed Mature couple orrenng Veneer s. e t <' 3Generationsor Llc.:...•%94378. 675-9194 Avg3brho~.S3S. Harbor Bl Costa Me:. a wooden s he I \'es lo r Masonry. Spon & Tenn ii. re as rates No JOb too Anytune .... 832-~I S.A qua lily housecleaning Block work. Concrl'te Pam ting Excellenet' Pool Stnlce, Repairs -"'63=1.--76911="----~ storage. display & Courts Lie. 374001 Bob, small! ~9802days H-··11... wlpersonal care. Relia· Lie ReJ.'s.646·1592 8:1).5851 ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Let the Sunshine In" ----=--.-garage. Our pm:e is 8511966.,847-7078 ------9 ble,r~!!._.reas 960-4553 Frplcs. Pall06, Planters -Complete service re Call Sun.shine Window '-els lowest ~S9:M> DR-IV t::W A Y CLEANING Gardenlftq ....................... Give a.Gift • Scrub-a-Dub For a JOb donl' nghl Quality Ptg U>west rates pairs. & solar inst.all So Cleaning, Ltd. 548-88$3 •••••••••••••••••••••••Cabinets & rount;r to~ lmpro\e your home!••••••••••••••••••••••• Haul.cleanup,roncrete prof housecleanin g l..J!.i:n_7SO~e_ves __ •n OC Neat prompt Cal Pool Ser vice Wmdow Cleaoin 6 All •DIA~A-IAHD• Room additions & f1111sh Remove ugly 011 & rust TREES removal Dump truck service. Reas, rellable, CUSTOM MASONRY 5Serv~~H·S684.....!PJ6·71149 642.8663 Screens. Reliabfe. fair. t7W7lJ.l3'2 work Freee!!t.754-4420 slatn Forest.,1!_914888 Topped removed.dean Q_uickserv.642-76JJ refs Je~631·~16_. Brick, Block, Slone. larvin_g ouse anters RHM>CMI&•......&. Ca ll Chris or J ohn. ·--LL ---tbet 7&9am s&IOnm J TJ'OMPSON'S . I ""00\ 7•1 ··16 DUMP JO~ oo· ( I I ,. OualityWork Reas .... ,.... .. ,, """'3 CIC'7-__ ,,pMcJ , '.L!: , u~._,awn •. ~--" "'!_ IFYOU 1 s o ora re s F l ~-02300o ....................... '""'""" ,...,,._ •••••••••••••••••••••••Remodel. kit cabinets CONC RETE CONSTR YARD CL F.AN-UPS.lree Small MovU1g Jobs h2veaservicetoorferor ~-~_12 reees _____ ug GeneralServices.no.)Ob SEAV1EW All books Set-up: writt>-patios .. bookshe lves, Lt<' 393383 • 642-~2 work , 1mgal10n & re--Call MLKE646-llU ~oodstosell,plaee an ad EXPERTORICK & S&F PAJNTING too s mall. Free est . up. Financial state-sl 1d1ng window!>, SELL idle items \\llh a pair, Maintenanre Haullng&DwnpJobs 10 the Daily Pilot. Masonry Small jobs & Rt's1d comm No JOb Reas Call AnswerAd W1J1dowwash64Z-WASH ments & taxes 498-4549 fram es. door hanging Dall> Pilot Classified Greenbelt Landscape Ask for Randy Clusilaed Section repairs f'rplc racings too small Free est 0:453, 642-UXJ.or631-1137 Ftnd what you want in 9-noon 646-722t_ M 642·0!Q2 64l·M2'1 PboneMZ-5678. Re_~-_551·~~7(174 549 ~ _ !f!.J Daily PilotClas$10ed5, R..tols to Shen 000 Offlct Rtntal 4400 Office Rf'f'ltat 4400 Office Rtllfal 4400 llldntrW R...., 4500 ....._, Lost• fomd Lost & Fo.d 5100 Lott & Fo.d 5350 ·······················;·······················:······················· ····················~·· ••••••••••••••••••••••• ()~ 5005 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Nice i'OOm tn tr1-lev~e o..lftAIPOIT •r.•cH Low cost orr1 re space ........................ 1--------·1 FOUND Irish Setter, FIRST I ·DY house Nr beach H B nm;ln . -r w 1t h s h o P are a BIKE RENTAL DUSI. LOST M Shellie dog. in ~ Privil~ es S250960.2272 Ful service exec.,. o 9UALITY O*terhead rear door , In Laguna Beach For FOUND ADS Irvine, reward ofrered Wht poodle mix, Blk Escort. Models --~~~-rice~. from s397 On FULL SERVICE EXECUTIVE SUITE ample partnn&. quiet m more inro. cau 4lM:_.3304. ~ 7~2.L.83J.llJl Shaggy dog. Austra1tan p~ ...____ M/F pror. 3 br. pool. s C Call exec offices from dustrial area or Cost.a ARE FREE Shephe rd. Lab mix. ~ Plaza. $200 mo.+ S200 StOS lnclds seerelar111I. IM .. Mesa m8533. Woven Wood Basket LOST Parrot, grn Britta ny Spaniel. & * 9 2 .. 1345 * sec. After6PM. 549-Jl26 phone ans .. word pro NEWPORT C&n'ER -· --. Bus., material included w yellow head, Laguna more Also cats & kll MC & VISA Ac.~pted a. M F 3 8d 2 Ba. House ~essU1g. Te~x. qwip E Espec1all) 1Jc~1gned Orfice Rental for The In I ~~esql:~· i! or:~~:ea~ $1500 Call: 7 28 Reward_4_?4·0340 tens I r\'me Animal East C.M. Near shop-HEADQUARn:RS • dependent Business Per~on . ent. S325. 675-6is_!__ -S4B-271M 645-57~ 64~5671 Found Parakeet. Jul} f.'!re Center.~~ Ill Ctr. blOMZ-1323_ COMPANlr:x-•Corporate Regional Sales Manage r lr."'UTY S ... 1 .-. 27th. South llunt. Brh Found . Small male. r...:> R fl' Sto 4550 !!;A -"""" Owner mus t ident rould be Lhasa Apso \'IC Resp person to share 4 7141851 0081 •Fin a nci a I . Ma nageme nl. r~. rOCJt Lge elegant c M salon '"'!!!!!~!I!'!!!!!~~~~-962.353_1 bdrm h.se w/pool, fl)(, ---· Consultant ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl9,SOO. or trade for~ i-Atlanta & Mag HB nr South Coast Plata, •Developers, Architects. etc. Storogt ~ 644-1616 ~~ $225 mo.S4G-7363 ~=:i· Prt-i.tig1ou~ Newport Center Location C.~ area 3178 Would you like to keep * $200 REWARD * 1:1~. p~~l~~:r~::'gd!l~r Fem rmmle shr lwr 2br Beau11fully appointed office complete with full Rntals Wmhd 4600 your present job7 Or 897.8100~ a p t n r S C Spacious executH·e or time receptionist phone & matl sen•1ce. large ••••••••••••••••••••••• would you like t.o retire No questions asked . Lost GIANT p I a z.a / College. A 11 fices acrus from City ronference room & 2 rerephon areas Execull \•e Wanted garage lO rent m in l·S yrs. 966-6401 J OSE CUR VO, 35 · PtnoftClls a m e n 5 5 6 _ 4 7 7 6 Ha II A 11 sen· ices ~enetanal sen• 1ct's with complete word pro-North LagWla. 494-4621 ••••••••••••••••••••••• wknds/eves. ava ilable. 'optional' ce..:.mg equ1pmrnt a\'111lable Cml'lud1~ !RM or 498-8747 MoMy to Lo. 5025 .BOTTLE Male Sl60/mo Costa From 225 sq ft up at re Mt'mOI') 100 & 01ctaphnne Computerit Word ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mesa Ne ar O C C asonable rentals. No Pr1>1't'l>smg 1 lualfttu/IR•tlf/ WIDOW has money for C.ollect $200 c ash finders from Wash•r-d ryer. di·. lease required, rail Fill•c• 2nd T.D.'s Sl0.000 & up' Tortilla F1als Restaurant, 1740 S. "' ' 673 3002 EnJo~ 1h1s tut;il offlre e1w1ronment. combmm11 E z CREDIT' No pnlty r~ l H L 8 h CA hwasher. 548-849S · ~pact'. ""U•pm~nl & service personnel undt'r one ••••••••••••••••••••••• · · ""'as wy.. aguna eac • · 5350 COVER GIRL • OUfCAU • 9~8 MC/VISA E S SHE C 0 RT S MODELJ.NG US..9199 ••• TOryt !pow.ad '¥1f4 Cocut.oo Fount.am Valley You are the winner of TWO FREE PASSES \$17 value) RINGLING BRai. BARNUM" BAILEY c•cus Anaheim Convention BOAT SLIP . ., a.iHls Call A t Eileen67l-7311 See Mr . Amando Sanchez or Mr. HR~~~i~tA~~~~?i roof o,,.,,lulty 5005 IUSNSS & Javier Sosa, use or home and pool a•allablt I• your AT A FRACTION OF' THE . ••••••••••••••••••••••• INDIVIDUAL LOANS • FOXY LADY • Center Aug. 4>-17 .Family atmosphere I tau wlttn you COST YOU WOULD EXPECT! • * • Avail for any purpose 494-6581 • SJOO I mo includes choou our deluu Mary TM mp•• St,000 to S50.000 Call or Mr. Earl Watson. utilities. In Newport 3000 to 4000 S~ Ft. Come m & compare 402 Vista Suerte Mr. Bailey, 760-8108 Beach. 759-07~ offices. Call Snit The Encutin Office Newport Beach Mo~ Trwt 524-6965 home Prof. F lo shr condo, ZaM_67s.166L 110 Newport Ctftlft' Orin You are the winner or D"4fi 5035 ocean view. 2 br. 3 ba. THE RIGHT Suite 200 TWO FREE PAS.5ES ••••••••••••••••••••••• (2131 726-2100 office Nwpt Crest. $350 mo + ($17 value) Want invest.or for Npl •, utils, 1mmed. 642-46~! SPACE (7141 644-4492 RINGUNG BROS. bayrront home Give OUTCALL ONLY Long Beach Arena VISA MC Aug. l&-23 • 97~1 Ill • To claim passes. calf ~-'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ 642-5678 ext. m . Puses COEDS -w0uld love to party with you Call Sue or Kathy anytime 9SJ.~1 __ must be exchanged for reserved seats alt bo:1 orr1ce pri or t o performance. ••• THE RIGHT BARNUM & BAILEY ured d N~~: .. ~~c~c,~l~~I PRICE c•cus T~~-~e~ 67>6~~1or 2n ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• inc all HB 536 8090. Office Space on Pac1ftc Co .... rclCll Anahe1mConvtntaon • • 960·9630 GUAR.4.MTHD! Coast Hwy. near Balboa Rflltala 4475 Center Aug 6-17 WE PAY 1HE MOS"{ 300to6000Sq.Ft.Pnme Bay Club. 342 sq rt......................... LongBeachArena ForyourT.D.'s &Notes.. 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL • -M /F to shr Nwpt Bch 3 br house. nr beach. own rm. S275 mo. 673-5191. 642-~7 As]! for Ser 10. Roommate to shr apt w 40 yr old f em Nr Beach Warner. 118 Art. 6PM . 847-64ll. $240 F 25.35 to shr 2 br. 2 ba twnhse, E/Side C M $260 + ..... '!l!ls-631·9150 r Shr condo nr So Coast Plaza. own br & ba, gar No smokers S300 545-477~ --- Roommate: Female. Waterfront orri ces 1n S370 per mo. Also 212 sq RETAlL..SHOPS·OFC Aug. 19-23 al Denison Assoc • • • Newport Harbor with rt . ~ per mo. Call E SIDE, c .M To claim passes. rail 673-7311 boat sltps 3\'a1lable JohnS49-2ll7 S48-TZ49 642 -5678. ,.xt. 212 . Sattt.rMh).Co.. • 8 Days • 3 Lines • 8 Dollars • Plus a long list or SXlrl office space. Coast Hwy frontage. Ap-Pa sses must be ex-All ty""s or real estate ~~~ir~a::;"~~~ ~~ desk. 3 line telephone. prox soo sq. 1t ground changed ror reserved i.nvest;ent.s since 1949 • It's easy to plac e your 8-Day Week Class1f1ed by matl. and it • available Call Today ' SlSO permo. Dr Ruus floor. So Laguna ssoo se,ats, .atboxprt r LO SpecL••"'-Jil • costs J0USt $8 -that's only a dolla r a day! To Qualify for this • __ 675-_1698 mo. Turner Assoc. 0 1 c e o 17141 675-8662 494.1177 performance ZadTI>a e s pecial o ffe r. you must be a non-commercial user offering • loat SI A•cUWM! DELUXEOfflCES RETAILSPACE. 1.oso --*-* • 642•2171 S45-06ll e merchandise for sale up to $800 p er ad. and the price must • EWPOITC&n'EI Three suites (2.775 and s q ft at 75< s q.rt New growing womens Discounted Trust Deeds N 2.07S sq.rt. I S67 Sar. Westport Square 369 exercise & health spa available for Investors. • be iA yo ur ad. The cost stays the same whether your ad • ~'i~t~~;c~I s.e;~!~~ Nicholas , Newport E. l?th SL Great potential $2.50,000. Xlnt yield. For details needs eight days Selling time or just one. rcpt. sec. x.erox. under ~at::~ll Rily, 642 5840 _ Barrett !!lty, 642-5840 Terms 770-063.1 Bkr. 960-1957 Broker. • • gltqrouuenddeptro·gr. tecolenxf&rman PRINT SHOP 5t1~~y1~~ni~s • Use one w o rd in each box . Abo ut 4 words make one • -Ofhce/StoretBusiness Th · · g b · •ss 644·7189 14'"lX40. J>19-A Harbor c.~'.~'t~w 0~!~~;ad '. ~ifi. '~!:em~rr~~~ e c lassified line o f type. Minimum ad is 3 lines . Please print e CdM Deluxe Suites, AC. Blvd, Costa Mesa. Call for details $65,000. 67l-l6J3, t.>me 644.9000. • plainly • ampl pltg, uuJ pd ~ at'ross from Fed co. Crai . 631-1266 office. E.CstHwy.675-6900 _ Avail. now! $475. agt. • r:-----------------------------,. Prime orrice space tn ~9·1366 ------F011UT1.~-.-9K buys l2K TD 32~ -new bldg. Dana Pl lusiffss Rttltaf 4450 FOILWE yield. 7s3 LTV. • 1 I • Resp. Roommate. lbdrm Ocean & mln views ••••••••••••••••••••••• / 14.SK buys 16K 2(n TD • I • nonsmoker wanted 911 ror H.B 2 brm. condo wl swimming pool, rree laundry. Split rent &' ulll. Call 964-7167 C.M .. pool,etc Sm+ Avail 9 181 Pr e· Forstore &offit'espace MEDICAL PROF. 71%LTV. I • a,; util. 646--0076 6-10 PM. comp let ion le a sing at reasonable rates llDG Stained glass shop. By 2'1.9K buys 29.9K 20'~ • I I • any\ime wknds. bonus. 661.J3.'51 SOO to 4000 Sq Ft. San Clemente. 1,000 owner Newport Bch. TD 9K 6'k I.st I I Roomm ate needed. nic:t' l"'YEB_,,O~CE MF.sAVERDE 1'R. sq rt. ~750 per mo. Lo ng establish ed Gl8IK dbuys 2D~ 21"'c'bTD • I. apt. in CdM. Avail im-"" "'"'"' m PLAZA Ocean view, r:*Y access, 67s.s780Cal lO.SPM. en ora view. r1s • II I • med. S96-lmO ext 466 8 SS s q rt . Parkin g, 1525 Mesa Verde E. ample parking. Turn Shaw7~ to s Janitorial, ele. 766-9440. c M key condition. Avail im· MA TURAL FOOD 28 months left on 2nd • 10 IO -=-=--------I ou· 2 w/ wet med Call John Tucker. Prime. Prime location T D s s 000 "'"' o· I . I • #!.-tee. rooms . ___ 5_4~s.4_12_]___ r h I ( d .. l . at •• ,.m. IS· -•• bar. 232 sq rt. CM area 834·9393 or t is natura 00 counted to yield 20~. • t • for•tttf 050 S200 Mo . Util pd. IETALSrACE l!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!~!!!!!il!!!!!!!!!!!!I rhe1.s5ttaourr1~,,nt.BaLoclboataedlninn 960-1957Broker. • 13.20 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• H bo "' Balboa Isl, 2 garages. 646·1684. 770 sq. rt. on ar r t.dltltrW......, 4500 'complex, thls new list· 2nd. Trmt Deed availa· 15 80 mo/mo,Sl.50prmoea ••PHOTO•• GBlvd In C.M. Ssoo. ••••••oo•••••••••••::u ingwon't lastatllS,000. ble,3years -SlS.OOOat . • • Balboa/Marine. Starts * STUDfOS • real exposure. Rent M.G. 600 sq ft. ~40 Call &?3-2.slO 15%. Dist"Olrtted to yield • Sept.t.Marilyn752-0202 Avail. to s hr 2 lge Realonomics 675-6700 ~~-~t~~la n<tolph , SEAPIOPllTIES ~~~~[~klr~ AddS2.60foreachaddltlonalllneforltlmea • wlldys 8:»S:Jl. a!Mios with lights, etc Office s..lN LlV • • S6 ll -S75 /mo xlnt Npt8e'ach 7,500Sa.Ft. • ~/ ' Office...... 1adlitles & loc. 556-2904 Small executive office, Xlnt loc. 6,00o sq It CliltMlcal 5tr'f.. '•,,,_,,./ • • ............... •••••••• Furni s he d 0 r u n . xlnt address, 1696/Mo. fenced Jid space + Sw~ Pool Lott & ro.d • p bl' h d f 8 d t rf 1:1~.~~!f~s~·~C,:~~ furn1Sbed 2 room suite. ""T;...::e;.:.rr::..::i_.t.;.;11::..::4"")7""sz."""'"11J4......_ __ ~:'~s~t~iso[~~: ~ ~;n,:~ ~:: •••••••••••••••••••••.. • U IS my a or ays S a ing •• lat. floo r . A aen t r:~~:!~ ~:~~~depr~~: IETAL SPACE day So. Santa Ana. For •1s,ooo cub down. Plus •w•ca:••• 5100 Classification 541·5032. bldg. Near orange eo ~fv~.5~i ~~r?i:. ~;~~ tnfo646-7su ~ :!t":d.~I f:00~:f .... SC .. ·~·~;·;~·· ... •. Name ----------------------•. Prl .. lrYllle Of. Airpo rt on Birc h exposure. ,JSOO mo. Costa Mesaomcoe&work ....,PM . .,.._,.Olli ~hl flct s~ 9'Jt...IS33. lmmed.~\lPY area totalin& 4,225' at --· IUNr8f ....... c* Dr. Office for rent. Balboa Realonomics 67s-6700 !W per sq. ft. AvaU. Oct,_______ NNllr.M • Address • 1100 aq I\, Will divide. Ptnlnsula, oceanfront, Newport Modem Store 1st. 642'29211 Bam-4 PllYAft Flltlly -Ot'eklt -• • f'uU service. suo per 1200 sq n. «7~40 or ore nr post ofc. USO. l1dli4hW S..C. t4VISMA110t45 Sailor -Grippe -City Zip Phone fl. n3/5).7276. "-·ta Men. 704 sq ft. S48 s Ir 2131477 · 7001 Zoned C·Z. suilable for In1ull -Afrah -• ------l • ~ Jerry eo11l11ctor, automotive Eitlbllabtd Clnn with 14 FIRE FIGHTER Check or M 0 enclosed 0 I -------•I MedlcalfOentral orfice. ,.--_~ ........ .._._ or warebowe. 912.8 aq I\ yea,. track record Yom111 ~ and1.11te to • . . • .... ~ rroad Ooor. prv patio. ~--•-.,_ ........ -'"ol need• mausement her Dael : "Well, I • "h d '• "snr-v1u lsU/mo. 771-33$0, 42001qft.GroundOoor. 1ahalvb11 .. 1 ""'·r~sqn •ra•--•or---'-th'-finlabed law school to " arge my a to: I C-...-a...m . . . Co • s t HI • h.,, a Y . w c a o "''"' apace. • """"' ,, vun."C '" ,. d ,,;:.¢: CottaMen, 250 sq ft Rulonoml;a Corp. ~iL'r= ~~ :~ad~~ 'r°~~lc~ ~!!~.:,ou,0'!:1 : 0':f • n # • 1• &..... suite. l l7$1mo. Ulll! ln· S75-fl00 eel .in c.a Mesa. c.u furnlahed ph11 equal what l want~ al.Ac• • ~ Exp. I. I window offim av1ll1· cld. 719 W. 19th. Sl. fordetaU.. 1b1re or~ Cash MCOOd Sr.de -a nRF: • bit in Fvll Service _!17..!.llL!··=·=------requited. SU.500. FIQHTER." o· * E p . ,. IA11I Sub In Newport AllPOIT ARIA Partlelly aecuud. ,,._. 53". 1T' X • I Center. Avlll. Now! Furnlah•d or "A· Dutle• are PR, dli· ........................ L ~ '" • Plt.cblin&~' ----...----------------------------~-""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I 'u.milhed. L&. window co.trot. lndl•lhal FOUND: (J) Doll .. ~.. ..... .. a ,,. ... .44'.•*1h1 '= £ucutlve Suites In Mltc:ted wtlJ bl tnlned Doberman American ..v,..... "' frvlne. W1lkln1 41•· for licelM. ror IMNI· leba111 Tt&a, Pni t.an~e to airport. Uoul lnforlllatloa, lrilUeg«MMIU DIC.~•--pltoae (714) 951·2115, Lost 1ellte M•lpolat vn•• ..,.,_ -------at. at. at wrb P.1., l•ameu C•t wl\ll -Midltteoft 1212 ... UtJ, Aa1hlm UHk .. tell Vic mia-...arnu -.. ...... NI •· flll 71 .. 71MZM lmd-11$1Ut. 4400 , TH& G irlfiiends ;t lSCOITS• ..... /Offkt/H•I .,, 972-9772 * Male/Female Escort MC VISA DIA~M.IE "\Y.E LIE FOR YOU!" Co,.nvlnc1n1ly, pro· fe111onall\·. conf1den ti a Uy or Just for fun' 760-7la6. Good look.mg, romantic, suu,essful Newport ex· ec 49 seeks discreet, fun -loving lady for daytime a. weekend dates. Pos,,lble travel to Australia. Tony 966-0419 YOUNG LADl&S Availa ble for Casual fun. Dawn 761·9031 EXECUTIVE * SUITE* 24 Hour &5CORTS ti~ 1122 MC/VIH Seekin1 refined man up to SS. M~s Sweetly CIO G~eral Del. Laguna Bch. PfftOHI 5wYicH 5360 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pla.nning a Party. need Help? We furnish Party Pel'JOnnel. Waitresses. Walters, Bartenders, · cooks a. clean up Hospitality Resources 631 ·0SlO or 5.W-43>9 ... ~ ... ,,.,.,.atioR ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• European Lady aide housekeeper, drive, to lM-Cle man or lady. 642-1682 Jobs W Gllted, 7075 ... , .................. . Babysitting my home on- ly , Mon/Fri 6pm-7am. Sat/Sun all day. CM ~·1802 --_..._ --_,,.. --·-·--· .... ·~·----.......... ~·-·--·-"•"'!'•-••""'•.,..•-•-=""•.,.•-•""ll•~""·"""+-•--•• ... • .... ,.,. .... ,.,..,,... .... , .... ,.., .. , .............. ,.,6141,lllllllS•U~tllllZlllUllllC•51115•5115111011110"b51111£&11111 .. llSlllllS .. £•£ .. £•tl Orange Oout OAILY PILOT/Sundar, Aupu•t 2, 1981 ~~~ ..... ?!.~ ~~~ ..... ?!.~ ~'t.~~ ..... ?!~ ~!.~ ..... ?!.~! ~.~~~ ..... ?!.~ ~.~~~ ..... ?!.~o W..,W..eM 1100 W..W 11to tw, W..W 1100 .. ------•1·-------1cASHIER Part time af· C"'I. counter penoo for t.001 • equip rental Co M1.11t enjoy worklnf with peo pie Cd 11 , benefit pac1ta1e Apply In person 11130 Ntwport ••••••••••••••••••••••• •• •••••• •• ... •••••••• •••• ... ••••••••• • ...... Blatllll S.ntla1 temoon1 'wkndl. Apply n --mll! ... -•-1-------iaabyelUtr for Balboa $$$ $S._!~$N$'$ll MIW ACenl• The Eul'• Plumbln&. Lie. ~~v~:',l neer. ActOUaU., ASSIB•LO lllud. lmmtel Mon· _...___ Prtvloue btllkioltxPtr 2 at 2 2 C a m I no II.a.Ma.I ai• f'rl. hfana Ref '• BOMIJS ftr Ml( ~·-CapiatraDQ. Ml11ion Vl•· OH111ner, Ora tsmao l 1n ct ELEC"BO.IU!CH n UI' Uft up'd ln land dcv & " • a llMC)' ftHdl •1 ,· I I -MONTH s•u•y! of ~~ta•_ A71414~0.01. public wort Architectural fll'tn &eek mi highly motivated ad. bJ1Un1 c ...... M111t ic. u ron co co n BAIYSl'M'E.R pert-time ,...,. ......, " have bli:PC. bact1rounct. lAIWl• Bead! netdl an may make work lnto An.ne Peavey, w ~11 CASHB cLaK 1714>5.S7·~1 81~.M._ -- Counler penon ui print ahop Heavy public con lMCl Vanny of dutle~ Will tr11n ln•uranc:~ .Phll!.J' a II wkd 898 ~ be verutlle1 accw-att, E/M auembler wlth full-time, Woodland Sch! E.O.E M/F/V/H Experienced, bondable fin Ible • detail 10lderln1 • E/M II· a a C M 145'°20 LA•UMAHl.LS pel"IOn with rderences CLllJCAL STIUCTUIAL EM4MMB Minded. lG-kty by touch aembly exptr. Require• -OfftCIS for Ranch Mll.l'ket Will SenlOr Dtp't clerk 'ftd typlo11kll11req'd. Id manual d•xterlty ,..________ _ ________ , ~roceu diuly sales, W I 11 h 8 VI.' 8 d and MECHANICAL EMGIM• W I tral.n oo NCR 55, AbJlity to uae bulc ttll B1nllln1 F.•PtrlencedOnly Beautician m1nlstrat1vt cler1c11I Excell. bcntflt1 Call· equlpmt. auch u power UICUT1YI ..... =... P~!~:.e ~:i:,~~wr;~~~ respon11b1llttes includ Mn_ Brtclte, 7$2.Cl71 meten would be a bil ·ac-... •y * v .. T..... h llOW WHlc. Muat be av1Uabl~ '"" bkkpa' pu.rch111.ng Pl.:.. • -·-fo'or M1rinc lab R .. -· Local Newport Beach H~t for weekMd work. (.'al ' quires minimum 2 yrs CREINT Au1st Crecht Mar Crt'd1t collt'ctions, typ- ing " central work. Publishing co w/good company benefits Ex per pref, but will tr111n S11lury to S9SO Ph 549-4834. with ~ +yrs UJX'r ACCOUNTS PAYABLE CLERK We offer tac:cll. pay " 11vlna1 6 loan l11tttkln1 * StMor Ttltr Pn:reubly w h follow· fo_L!fil &'11·9570. related exp & 11,·curatc benelltaph.isi • ae If· mot I u ted 1n1. Excell work1ng 1·-------• typing skills Sumr •DAYWOIU(W• Secrtt1rywlthSTRONG Forln~rvlcw,call conds PL~. coll Tuell ,. science: background de:· C ~• f aecretarlal akllla, CorolThuyns,8»8800 Sat 642·0092 11sk for CASHIER sireable. Please cull o. 1• ~ nu rom Coaat thorouehneu " con· 11.DOllADO IAHIC Joyce PAllCJNG Hwy. a. 8 ml. from 405 & fienlal manner to work o 0 E C ... SH... y a r :i L e w I n SFrwys. ic.. • • "' ,_ (714)675·2159 E O.E. or President. Salary !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!I Beauty Super :I full lime or 2 M/F/H _ Please caU for appt. commensurate with ea Desiree, J!:un.>pean body pa rt tim e j obs in Personnel Dept. per· Full lnsurancr wrap salon. Has open Newport C'1nter parkmg CLBllCAL DATA EMTIY Call Michelle, Thr Marshall Group Person· • 4 net Ser vice. lnc . P O. Box A·I. Ocean & Lin colo, Carmel, CA 93921, 4<Ml·625·5700 "Free to Applicants" TELONIC BERKELEY ~nents It paid caretir Banklnc 111gs for (It 11111n11ger & structure Take cash Tus tin area Intern a OPllATOI Crow I e y Mari time appatfll. Pleue call · full-p/t1me technlcluns, from cust.omen & other t1onal professional offict: t.-'-' SWft Corporation, I.he world's 1111!!71!!!!!!4!!!!!!-4!!!!!!9'!!!!!!·!!!!!!940!!!!!!!l !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!E!!!!!!.!!!!!!O!!!!!!. E!!.I Ms. Denny Parisia JOB will train Located H111r mlSc hie chmcal duties ~quires General Office lle:ilth c"'a~gmt ro 111 EXEC. SECUTAIY Npt Bc h s tol'k broke rage/investment firm has opening for ser r e t a r y 1 ad m111istrauve assislanl to 1>1•ork for President & Gen Mgr Excell com mun1callons & orgaruza· llonal skills req 'd Word process ing but no s h ort hand Salaq comm wrth exper Call Personnel. 752-0070, EOE laraest tui and barge 1~ 71~ Hunters S 11 Ion on Great for reltrees, stu person with good typing Irvine has an immed company, ii lookln& ror Assiatance needed l"acts MEWPOITIALIOA OPPORTUNITIES Fesb1on Island Call dents & others looking skills. PreferTelexexp., opening for a Data En a n e a Peri e n c e d Of Irvine Haircutting, SAVINGS & LOAH 7S0.1909 for part tune Call but will train. Su rt able try Operator to work payables clerk to work 714·SS9~lg Leonard 1100 lrvlneAve . N8 LAGUNAHIUS Boating Suzanne for recent high srhool 3 11 JOPM shift Must in our Lona Beach of· · f "'0 ° Wa t d IC' d 644-3196 grad Congenial al have a min or 1 '-'r ex Assist manager or a:. .ic.. OFRCES n e . .-.xperience . , fice We need men's 5po rls wear .1~-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'I licensed H lesman to as 11'!1HE IRVINE CI»ARIWV mosphere & benefits 111 per on CRT Succ:-essful flt1me , wltends Ba y TRAINEE sume pos or Mgr W elude free racquet ball cand1datewillbeaqu1ck •l year accounts Dept Store, 303 Main St. BANKING POSITIONS Sailboat Sales United he a I l h c I u b me m learner. det.1ul-0nented payableexpenence Balboa. Mr. Hawthorne Yacht Bkrs, Nwpt Bch. I061 Camelback Sl, bership Hours. 11 7 & able to worlt with no • 10 Key by t.ouch •L1aht typing •Fam1harwith EDP accounluli systems Included in our orfer is an excellent benefits package that includes lire. medical/dental and vision care coverage, paid vacation. stock pro· grams and competitive salary To apply, please call, Kathy L'arkin. Person· nel Manaaer 121 ll 435-3521 , bt.266 CROWLEY MARITIME CORPORATION Equal opportunity employer M/F ADMIM. ~SIST Professional needed for a long term temporary a ssi gnment. Ty pe 70wpm , shorthand or speedw riling OK, in· terrace with top management. iv1cx1 ·HESTON I 673-5650. Apply Mon-fri. * 1714)631·3133 Newport Beach. 92660 With SO ml' overtime supervision Must al o TfilER •Mes'"91f' 10 ... TS EqualoppEmply Ca_l1 Marc_yat973i.ll2 have above average AM.me MN>ID Career Sales Opportunl ty, S30,000 + arttr 2 years. Earn S18.000 to $25,000 first year S300 per week guarantee to start. Salary plus semi· a nnual performance bonus _ Unlimited growth potential with 20 year old national AA· AA ·l cor poration : leader in growth in· dustry. Very responsible position. Personal assets req u i r ed : hi ghly energetic; sales ex perience; adequate education College degree a plus. Local ter· ritory; excellent frmge benefits. thorough tram· in g . merit advance· ment Call_ Mr. Walker. 602 -897 -8643 o r I 602·897-8S68, Mon or Tues , 8·5 o r send Resume in conr1dence to: Bob Walker: 1S09 W Ileso Cir., Mesa. AZ 85202 A leading savmas and loan has an excellent growth opportunity available in its beautiful Newport Beach o((ice We're seek111g a full time Teller with experience in a commercial bank or S&L We offer a top st a rting salary and great benefits includ-ing· •Paid medical/dental •Profit shanng •Free rareer apparel •free park111g Please apply on MON· DAY. August 3. from 9.:.l am to3.:.l pm at FIDELITY FEDERAL Sa•Mgsaitd lo.AMIL 1515 Weslcliff Drive <at Dover) Newport Beach An Equal Opportunity Employer SERVICE Stallon i\tlen-~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! danl. Exp'd. Days & eves. full & p/Ume Ap. ·a-•k ______ , ply: Shell Station. 17th & an ing Irvine, N.B. Attractive remale to work part or full time on cruise promotion. Call John 714167>5020. lOAM to 12PM. MAKING TODAY COUMTFOR TOMORROW Careen at Secwity Pacific lft do e•el"- ~but ~stil. ff yoti'd IU to IM ~ CJNHIH abCMlt yow "' keyboard sPl'ed & be ac •Rece,._.t Gel-coal repair Exp'd Clrtrical l'urate Cd salary & fr MacGregor Yachts. 1631 c•ru1ERS Ma lure. typing, good mge benefits packJge ~ •Teien Full Time Must have of· rice, rash handling or publir contat'l ex perience W c ofrer growth op portun1ties, excellent working conditions , salary & benefits Call· Carol Thuyns, 83().8800 PJ.!centil!.._G.,M_' IWl1 phone manner, math f'or 1nterv1ew r ail becuti•~ s.u.tory IOOt<KIEIPEI skills, riling rringe sh II r 0 n Ras In i.. John Wayne Tennis FULLOIARGE UTIJTEM benefits Linwilco Lab 714-641 ·1616,EOEM F C lub , needed 1m· Malnla111 all JOUmals & 1132 9700. Call betwween --1111111111m----mediately Must h1i1ve general ledger Prepare 8AM·9::.>A.M for a~ DELIVERY l'Xperience, rers, x nt 1yp1ng speed, English. adjusting entries & MARKETii Ori ver needed 1m s pelling & grammar rmancial statements For2nd&3rd Shifts CLflU( mediately Fullt1me Call Mon-Fn. aft 9AM. Supervise payables & re Starting $4 uptoS4 50. llLIHGUAJ: Good driving rto<"ord. 640-8830for1!£lll~ - ceivables Firm 111 Costa We promote to mamigt> Permanent, part lime 2431 W Coast II w Y • Female 11\e·in com pa Mesa Non smoker Call & . · r · Fl 'bl h New•v•rt Beach. · Carole, 754.1040_ ment ~upcrv1s1on rom opening. ex1 e rs = nion for 71 yr old lady on -within within 8AM·5PM Help D"...,T ... , REC..... a walker. Must have own BOOKKEEPER Const WANTACAR EER" h . t rd .,.... ,_., """'· a.DOB ... ~ I....... . Wit vane y 0 ulles in orr n... I ca r $550 mo Eves ~ "'" & com put.er exp pret'd. Costa Mesa lhe Personnel Dept ice exp req . ..,.,nla 833-0379 ____ _ E.O.E. Smith Bros. Co .. CM 517 W Wilson St Spanish req'd Ty pin~ exp prer Wed-Sat Top 548·554__!_ 631·9600 50wpm Gd with num salary for.,,.~uallried GENERAL OfftCE bers Terminal Data En ~rson 542"""""' Ex perience helpful, Banking IOOtCICIEIPBl LaoWla 0 -a .. h try exper. hel""ul Call DEHT ... L HYGl ......... IST good typmg ability. pro-...,EW ... CC"'........, Partt1me. for growing " ~ ' ..., "' ii;n " "' ~I JI 494-9233 PersoMel L' 11 t p I hcienc y With r1gures . lt ..... IESENT ... TIVE I business. Newport c.xce en 3). m 0 V" "' Beach. Call 640-079l , Ed S44·013> med 1 ate 0 pen 1 n g 10 key b)' touch p- lmmed opemn_g for Newt or Jeff. lluntington Beach II'! 879 2000 port Unit) ror advance Aerts Rep. with 6 mos -=-""-=c:..:......_____ 962-9ll6 W 1HE IRll1N€ CI'MAW'( Dental AssLStanl RDA ment Excellent com- e S & Lo 100.,.,_ ,F/C pan" benefits Informal xper . avtngs an ""._..._, X ra y h<'ense Xlnt orh;e C M Call Millie prer'd . Typing 40· Ne wport Buch Real Personnel Dept Agriculture D1\' benenu, Call Mon Fn 4Swpm, gd. oral com· Estate lnveitmenl 4i 5JH840 EE 0 6J3.l3ll2 ar1er9am i!.L~5800 mun1cat1on skills & De velopment Firm j•~llllllllml!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!!~ '!!~~~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~! GEHERALOfftCE spelling req'd Located Must have m111 3 )rs DENTAL/ASSIST Inter ior Planning & 111/'Jewport Beach. ex per Pref real estate Condom 1111um Manager RD A C II A I RS I U E Design office requires a TB.I.Bl Current oppty. position for 6mos.to1 yr. exp'd Teller Will consider related. lh11.1 r111anc1al Orange Co Properly Short hrs, xlnt bener1ts person wllh good typing statements Xlnl "-Ork CLASSJAEO '.'t1anagement Co needs for ex penenced. eager skills & pleasant phont> ing rnnd Start S1500 per •OVERTISING condominium manager ~rson ~947~ personality Good or mo " lo handle So California gan1zat1onal skills & sharp person with 1·1'-z Call Sharon. 714 752!14&1 yrs. cashiering back· Howard. Howard & ground. Typing 25 -___ Bamard SALES projects Applicant --------ability t.o work under :.hould have proper!)' DRAFTERS ,Pressu!:_e_ <;a.!L~..:lW_ management exper & Duties inrlude drafting good admin1stra11ve mechanical d~1gn, w1r :.!wpm & gd. figure ap· BUS PERSONS Ex utude req'd. per1enced only Lunch & Interested partie s dinner shills av:11I App please contact : ly daily· 10 am 111 2 pm John Laun The Barn Restaurant & 714-075-4500 Sa loon. 14982 Redhill L.A. FEDaAl Ave Tusll!.' SAYINGS CAB INETMAKER E.0.l. M/F FRENCH POLISll ER skills . Above average r n g d 1 a g r a m s . salar} Contact Bcttv srhem<1t1cs and product ~4-3531 -d11s1gn changes Re· COOK Housekeeper quires mm1mum I year l.1ve In Can manage Sr experienre rn de~1gn adult home for 6 S650 drafting and layout ol per mo with I wk pd ele<'tronic eqwpment 1n va_c~~Jl-~·~00 Jdd111on to the ab1ht) to COOK P/TIME work independently General The lalboa lcry C hlb is now hirinCJ PIXODft"GforF/T Hrs A~ & PM Shift t'lex1b11Jty a must Pis call ror appl 9 :.l-5PM . M·f' 645-7358 AUTO MECHANIC Must be exp. Foreign & domestic cars. Good location. 503 comm. Call Bill Mc Ka y 831-2311, 83J.7540eves. Mun, ro-c•look--... ._ ....... 1 forward to ,.wards Banking and recognition In Is Banking A Career Hwse i1M1ediott 0.-. On Your Horizon? Need 5 yrs ex per restor mg. dating & appraLS1ng English antiques plus French po1Jsh111g. lac quenng & goldlearing S7.50 hr Take ad to 3n) The Class1hed Ot'pt or the Daily Pilot ha~ an opening on une or our telephone sales desks The person we seek should el\)Oy telephone s;iles. be able to type 45 wpm and ha\e a pleasant personality Classified or telephone sales experience would be hclprul We orrer ex celle nl compa n} bene(1l:s 1nc:lud1ng medical, dental. life in s uranre. etc Salary commensurate with ex perience PLUS ~real comm1ss100 program Ir you are ambitious and I want to be paid for }Our efforts. plea~ call for IOAM-2PM Pvt School We orrer a generous Garden G~ye 6420411 bener11s package that in rludes paid holidays and Christmas week shut down Please apply in person '.'ttonday through Wed nesda) 9 11 AM or 1·3PM ~ .... Ofc. & ltdlpr- Through lrlal balance '.'tfature person Typing 10 ke} Weekdayds, 8·5 545-1~~--- A• all•• s~nice Pft'SOA iRcp: *Hew Acco.h lep QMlifled apple.ts sho•ld possess a n1hlh•ut111 of I year cpneral bmk. SOY""fs & Loon, or 6 natftts .. ntw accCMMb. Ir you are looking for state employment ofrice more than Just another! 1n Orange Co DOT JOb, consider a career 660.280-010 i\d pd for by with us. We are 1n -, employer lerview1ng ror the _________ , follow111g positions Carpentry TB.I.ER Expenenced Full & Part Time FINISH CARP£HTB Look 1ng for a career with Orange Counl'les interview Personnel Dept 642 4321, Ext zn ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT 330W BaySt The BlcPs1 Marbt~• on the Or.,.. Coast DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS Y°" Con Set It, hnd II Trod~ It With o Wont Ad 1 642-5678 ~ Costa Mesa Ont Cal S..v1ct large~! city bwlder~ Our EOEIMF fo•t tttdrt Ajip<ovol Buildmg Sen•1ces Dept ~--v·-v~ ._ ______ ,,, PBX OPERA TOR Will train mature in· dividual with pleasant phone personality. 1s growing & this growth ----· SECRETARY has created a pos1t1on for a F111ish Carpenter Should ha ve approx 3·4 yrs. exper. Ill all phases or f inis h Carpentry Plumbing & el11ctrical exper a plus' ~X<'ell benefits Apply to SuzaMe Heise 644-3196 Challenging position for motivated individual with strong secretarial skills and loan documen- tation background ror our expanding Business Banking Group. CJ 1HE IRVINE CI»ARIWV Our success m the m-· dustry allows us to pro- vide highly compelllive salaries and benefits in· eluding Medical, Dental. PAID vacation, retire· ment and more_ For immediate con s1deration please call. Personnel De pt 7l4· 760-600>. ~ ~Bank ~of ... Newport 1061 CamelbackSt, Newport Beach. 92660 EqualoppEmply CASHIER F /tlme - p/lime. bngbt, dependa· ble, good with figures Will train Car Wash. 16061 Beach Blvd, H.B. CASHIEI Stock brokerage firm has immed. opening. At' curate typing req'd .. telephone & brokerage exper. pref'd. Hrs. 8::.l to 5. Contact: Helen McGinley for appt 644-2292 Trade your old stuff for EqualOpptyEmplM/F new goodies with a Clauiried ad, 642-5618 Applicants must have experience 1n breakfast and egg cookery. grill and broiler coo king and general food preparation • Top pay • Company paid insurance Medical It Ule • Paid vacations • Profit sbartn1 plan • Merit wage reviews Applicanli must be 18 and above and have experience. Apply in person 2 PM to 6 PM 105 E. 17th St., Costa Mesa ®~!~'!~:~m~o~~; EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. I nd 1151.11 a I Controls D1Yis1on 3300 S Standard St Santa Ana. CA 9Zi02 equal oppty employer m r h GOODPEOPU I WAHTI:D The Brass Balloon a ruu ser\'ice restaurant open 1ng soon 1n LaRuna S1guel 1s looking for good people All pos1 lions are d\ a1lable rn d uding food servers. busers. hOSteSSt'S. rooks. salad makers, barten drrs . coc kta il waitresses dis Drartmg hwashers Please appl~ ORAFTSl'BlSOH in person al The Brass Our dynamic Property Balloon 30100 Towne St'rvices Dept ~eeks an Cente r Dr Lagun a innoi·all\'e, creall\e Niguel See Steve or Draftsperson to opernte Paul 495 3102 w1th1n our Desig n -G-rand Services Section The 0 • successrul cand1tlatt• ~lftQ "''Ill haq• exper & Sales Mg'tBe1erl)H1lls knowledge ot com Corpoperungupofricem merc1al spal-e plann111R OC 17 mo produces electrical & rerleclec S7.000.000 sales Ground ce1hng plans & details rloor opportunity Call 1>1al l sections . & Mr Daniels C714 1 mechanical system ~ 97J-N~9.!oJ lhea1111g. A C. vent1ng1 GROOM ER & Kennel An Architect Drartint person. exp'd SJ 50hr & Degree would be a plus up ?._S9· l~IJ .. ~5ll Submit appltcat1on w1tt I•-------• salary h1Story to Howard Ot'rman 644-6796 c 1l£ IR\IWE CDIPliHf 1061 CamelbarkSt Newport Beach. 92660 ·Equal Opp Employer -DRIVER, deliver pro dure. your van or ours Mu s t be O\'er 25 "Retired ok" 6·12am Mr.Ca_!!lp·~ DllVfl'HEIOED lluntington Be3ch area .L~JS36·~ URH SIOOO WIC P /T Call 963·1206, ask for Joanna or Paul, 8 4 wkdys GUARD Two positions available one full time ¥.ith ,·ar1ed hours and one part time on rail Requires ex perience in an ind11Str1al or manuracturmg en- Y1ronment. Please apply 1n person Mond ay through Wednesday, 9-11 AM or 1·3PM EMERSON ELECTRIC CO. Industrial Controls Division 3300 S Standard St Santa Ana. CA 92702 equaloppty tm ployer m1r h ~!~ ..... ?!.~ ~l!~ ...... 1 •• 1.00 •• ....,Wlllh4 71 00 HtlpWllM 7100 .... W.W 7t00 tw.W_.. 7100 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 2, 1981 ....................... ·•··•·····•·•···•·•···· ........•.............. ·~~}' ....•.•••.........• Ou1rd1 y --LA-MMC-• ... ---.-• MHeMMTrotmOM PARTTIME REAL P.STATE ~OC llC.,.JnNT ttet,W..W 71 ~WllM 71oo'H .. W1MM 7100 NftMI -~ P1brl" ,. ... ,n c M ' Bttlld YOW' own bl&llnCH OPfftln• Xlnt lrllnln1 1·~1a M-· om-r '""' ...................... • ............................................ . •W PIELDSUPtaVISOR .. ..... ' In 'lo.ur apart time c:rutlvt nn. avail. Cali "W .. _ ........... Stturlt" IVfi . We l rt Mt111t11 a rtU1 Anihelm. Xlnt oppt'y £stab d plan future• Divers tied Re.ell £ttat. typin1, buit bookkHp-Rest11.ttant Need out10-Sa-. 1'!1-----~·~- liou , ~ ,., ""' bit loodmpt main· Otn ,..._ I& 1n .. me """'''''"' 11 • ll 1 . 1n1. ,.murnadl. Diie. Ina PtlWIOty for food .4DV111151M$ SALESPEllSOI< Set~ \ , , •rt now avallabt. ltnance aupervllor wllh MODIU/ISCOITS cl'll tu tholter e ar • DI or •PP t. INl8 ~ <1--4pm, Mon prep, 11ndw1ch maklna. Adv. conaultant Orm HICIOlYFilM.S s.tsolldt ;' •n ae1aa1on Viejo It So. at le.at 3 yen• n · Jo Oollan ~& 3 lena1ve travel, uM>c1: UJ.OJOO Tb11rtJ mut allclna. cuh re needs 18~ "'P for So Opportunlly to aell 0 Stl,IM , ~1, 1 ~~du~·.-~r mature Pfrftncelolrriaatlonre· Modela needed All tionwithlJOftltinpeopl" RECEPT I ON I ST~ al1ter. 8·4 Mun .. f r1. Orana e co. cumm &ourmet foodt It 11tb. New law o lfl ,1 e., u.ulviduata. No pair, peat control. l1wn lnanenjoyoblcenv1ron lt.a ..... s.t w/aeneral secretary 14/hr AlaorM!t'llexp.Aa· Potential unlimited Pleuble houn. Will eatlbliabed timl , prior u perlenc. 15 care, tr~ prunlnl( 6: Tyl>" Men, Wom"n & ment Call Mr Junf'• ,_J:t. skills, for sm N.B. law st Mar. 7·3, at $4.$0/hr. Creative SolUUona. Ne train WutcUtt.642>0872 akHls + word neceuary Muat hive rrew aupervitlon Sorne Children. No experience M B 1' M It 1 g ' ,,.f, firm Llsa~ma IMl·Pll _ 833-1811 lna Yur end ovw n Phone ' c .r Spanlsfl la btlpl\ll n~an._541~· 714·$SM822. 6 to 8PM !WtaW'ant -~-- elerana bl1n1 002\4 CRF.WSUP£RVISOR MotelDttkC-. wltdyll If you a"' a produdn1 Good opportunity for Saiet -------•! p11d personal d P1nkerlon'1, 2'701·8 S TRAINEE a~ent, you si.>ukl look HCnc>MST Bartender tft Hostes:. •lllDAL SHOP• SICUTilY other ex~I. ..__..,. .. Malo, SA Ito rvtr or To learn commur111l ~'=.._ gu.~ P1rt time. Sa.lea It tdkt Into our Nt:W com· SICIETAIY Pk!aseullforar. Ask Support account Adva11ternent o Radio Shack store I m11ntenanc~. nura-" MH•HT CHlf tng "'"'good money mba100 proan.m lbllt 1& Fast 1rowinl Npt Bch for H "rb or 150.. Part It full Umt!, wdJ ~/1 noonel fo.nct'°'1$ Call Marjorie S u1 ""'20 Eq I o "" ~ ..-._ IM2--3232 the ~sl in town. Our of d .... _... "' " ....., .. ...... 540 500 l, Snelti ~ .,, ua pp()' work ""SI control. 1r &:.ApC!nl'nrtd onl)', Con a •llY attu uiuiv with ...... "7ll. tratn Pref exp 111 ~tail va. ~Y • 'ro'""' "'-plov ,... fitt boMoftheold"•t 1 ........., t It u 55 Sntlllng of Nt• "'"' ,er r11auoa repair Somt t1nental Restaurant Part Time "" top lyp n& skill• ----rloth1ngsales CM oppor un y. m n. GUAIDS Full It pan time. All areas. Uniforms rum'd, Alff :u or uver, ret.in.>d welcome. No exper. nee. App l y · Univer sal Protttllon Service. 1226 W 5th St. Santa Ana . Interview hrs· 9-12 & 1-4, M~fr1 Spanish helpful Con Putntr'• Dutro, tstabllthed In Newport TelefhonesplLL'lavarle RISTAUIANT ~·9333_ ~1821 wpm, 10 key by touch. Beat h Are;:& tut Commerclal Laguna Beat h 4914 .. 1 'ACIACSTaEO .Beach with a very pre· ty o rupoos1b1Uues & tmmedlateollfnin&S for Newport Center loca Campua Or., Landscape Services. (:ontact Rick or Cul is lookln& for energC"tic •ll1lout location. Call opportun1t1es . Call 1 •ervln1 penoos & rook --------i lion. Good salary &l;::::::1r= 9S7·83118 befon: llam. peopl~ to work 11an llml' Walt fur 11n appoint· Dorothy, 64+76" Excellent benefits App. SALES bend its. Call Arlene.I• MUllsatY ulcsatour~Toroluc11 ment.673-7:rl0. ly In peuon : J1>lly COMMMCIM.1.£. 6'0-51ll. Secretary HAllSmlST To 65'1 With cbentele Beautiful, friendly salon. Fashion Island. Newp o rt Beac h <714Jl60-~160. --- S'ICIAUST lion. Salary slana et Roger, 2300 Harbor Tired of sellmg houses 1 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I SICUTAIY Legal Greenhouse alli.ist11nt $3.75 per hr. Upon com· 11.AllSTATI a.c.,.....t ,Blvd,C.M._ days a week' We need SICllTARY l'ARTTIMI LUltH llGAL needed to fill full lime plet1on of two wk lra111. SALIS Restaurant one lice~ Lo team the We have two Law fir m will tr11de pos al public garden in In& ~nod. ulary will be Tht5 is our 36t.h year sell Lp:t:~~nJtrt::~roha~oi:: Kitchen men needed, skills lo manage, broker M8MCAI. part lime o1lftid you're good typ11111 skills Corona del Mar Mu~t k .75 per hr., 2B hl'll per in g fine Soul he r n Newport Bea h A. 1 commercial real ei.tale llft.ING OfFICE ou r Pro-rtyy ....... 11 & pleasant phone hav .. ex""r workino wk Interviews will be med1ate operungsforan c ncien ln"ome from " t Over JO ..,.,er .......... non ,... ~i·th,plan':: 1.11cwl•·"·no ~ h•ldat. Cal1fornlo homes Marwer,~03>1 ' m,.m .,. .... ~. headquarters G4. personality for training w '° uw • .. ~ p h Id uper receptlonut while you team Super smoker Type 60 WPM ing. teleft'-~a t 1nlhelawf1eld Pl~hof knowledge of soil~. PocHic Stwno er aps YOU wou en· f'rontomceappea'rance RFestaurant benefits; lire insurance. accurately Perm. full ques, wo.r:::::...-ftll f 1 r e6 & ex re 11 r n t fertthzers & propa~ia 24280Swaru Rd joy JOtntng a firm active a mus l. Con f idenl ood Prep & sandwich health insurance & den lime Call Answer ad ll people a~"":.16m1o15t bene~ts 549-9820__ lion Call. A.lex, Mon El Toro in lux uryh resiBdentC1al Jl('rsonalily for heavy ml alter. IC you are friend· Lal plan. ConLact Ken. ~. 642 4~~ hrs_ posit ion II Mo" LIQUOR CLER Fri, 8 JOAM·4PM only Tues . Au" 4th, IOAM areas sue as ig •· phones Light typing y, consctenlK>us, & de· 675-6700. Wednesday, "'-""·y, K, exper, 673-2268 EOE nyon, Spyglass Hill. Xlnt Co.paid benefits. pendable ~e want you. •1!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!1!!!!!!!!!111!!!!!m1•I SECHTAIY r• .... 40 hr wk Must be over ~---· · · Irvine Terrore, Linda holidays. vaC'ation Now hiring for full time Small. active sales dept. thtotheris8-l2. M 2l Also Stock Clerk. MURSESAJOES ------l/Jle,etc salary position. 8-S, Mon·Frl Sales Informal offi ce Ex· thru Friday part·lime or ruu time EXPERIENCED People needed to earn lf you are presently ac-Ex per. pref Apply in JOIN A SUCCESSFlJI., perienC'e necessary Submit applJtallOfttlt~' HA.I RSTVLIST'Cutter needed immed F'ull time. Busy shop. Work w/kids & a.!!_ults. 964-6680 548·2112. 2944 W. Cst HI, 11.7 Conv hospt S2SOO/wkWY' Manage live in real estate sales Wowbfn ~ person. Ston~mlll Ter NATIONWIDE Ma ture Type60-70wpm Howard Derman ;pj~ ~·8-Beach area. Free mJr your ow.ales and do you have immediate 13911 tnterprise r race, 2915 Redhill Costa SAL~TEAl\1 Shorthand 90-IOOwpm 644-6791 !° ll9UOICLERJC medical, dental & life marketing within our & unlimited a<'cess to GardenGrove CA 3 Mesa Be one of over 600 in Excellent company "" ~ -f f ittme Mature, exp'd Only pos1t1ve attitude company CallSS7-~_11 Lhe president or your 17l•ISSH520_ R~-1;;ra~ dependent salei. 1111enls benefits Call Mi llie w lHE WCDI W . Hair Slyhst. expenenced, n~ed for Costa Mesa salon Ltase station or comm tSsion 631J7S4 HARDWA.IE full time retail sales person , gourmet house wares dept 675·67Q:C or will train Apply 6,42·~-i-----.---company,or ishebidden AccepuogAppllcatwns selling products or The afwr 9amat_~5800~ IOAM·2PM, e w l9th PBsoHNa away in an ivory tower RECEl"nOMtST COOi( Thos D Mwi>hy Co . 3 St CM See N NURSING E removed from I.he scene_ EXP'D Of<: MGL pioneer in spee1alty ad .;.J..:_ -Orm__ R.N or L\'N, director of mployment Ai:ency Our president is ava1la-f or growing general IUSIOY vert1s1ng sinC'e 1888 Live in hsekeeper non· staff development for 71 Consultant for Sarra ble Do you need add1 pra ct1ce in Newport Apply Moo.fn. 3-Spm, Through our sales forre. sm kr adult hsehld bed SNF Newpon Con Berk Agenc}. a frl.'t' lo tional traimn1i to help Beach Xlnt environ· at Reuben E Lee. 1511-: we provide im printed Cl~aningfl..nd_f}' 675-9672 valescent Ct_!._1>~·7764 appticanl servire · local you mnease your earn-ment 4,, davi. 6Jl·3'133 f<;:~e~j!fil1 Beach_ _ ca I e nda rs, spec1 a It y LYN 3-11 :.>PM ·-------• ed 10 the ht-art O Cs 111gs? .,, · ilems and exec olive fn<'I center at t8952 REC.,...,....IST REST •• ........ Sml priv conv hosp. Im· Nursing Ma cArthur, Irvine. Expericnl·ed or int'x· F d ,..,..of"n"'"M l4.UKAn1 gbifts lo thousands of maculate, gd staffing RM I W per1enrcd you may well or r s 1C'e ust be Bu.sperson needed. Part us1 nesses who ad 20362 Santa Ana Ave. "1.Jft ~~~re;:~e833·2847 or profit from our color enthusiastic, motivated time for volunteer vertisebyg1v111gginsto S11nla Ana Heights X·RAJ tft'US '-1111!11!~~!!1!~--~ "ide-Otapelisting&sales & t y pe well Exp operated lunrheon their customers This 1s 549-3061 Ju,n ,-----"fT:Jiningprogram which helpful, but not nee s erv1re at publ i<' yourbigopportunilyfor Maintenance For Apt RESPllAJORJ PharmaC'y Clerk, exp ft feel 1s the finest 64? 4532 gardens ui Corona del good commissions and Complex Ul Col.ta Mesa pref. Npt Bcharea. !\Ion available RECEPTIONIST Typist. Mar Thurs & Fndays, cont111ued income from SECRETARY /TYPIST OC Airport area Part time mommg or cifter j•!!!!l!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!m(ti noon Lanier word pro <'essor expenem•e de sired, but will train Small non·smokmg of· f1t•e. Ka1,__979!J791. SECRETARY Part time 10am-3pm Mon·fri Must have •.i: SiC&anY ~ .. Security person ~ ,... tired policeman. U · periem•ed. Plume. fllls. hrs. Count ry cl u~. Lwguna Niguel. ~ 496 5767 for lnten· good typing & SIH skilts.1-----~· Call M1:.sion Beeehcraft. SECtlllfY HIGH EARNINGS Oistribulors wanted for product consumed daily Dynamic marketing plan New 111 area No door to door No uwen- l or y Many alread> eam111g S~.OOO+mo We sha 11 prove S160 gets YOU in 851·91~ SS hr 5411-~ Exper TECHS Fri9·S-~ter64-0-~L We are not :.i franchise, with d1claphone & 12Noon to 2PM Call repeal orders tr you nee PHOTO 1 .. 1 branch or subsid1an switchboard exp prefd Mon·Frt, 8 JOAM·4PM want independence and -Just headquarters -Front otc T~..Sat Pvt only 673-22611 a selling career, con :t1aoagement YOU'IE Printing & misc lab WI! have openings for a rountr}'. club &44-~ __ ,.________ tact. John E Morrts~y. MGR TR.AIMEE IMVITf:D_ .. dut ies Will train re .. h1ghly·mollvated -·-R~TAURANT Phone 602·62!17S3S. 2SS1 l8741 N Ail'Port W:.i) ~-• Santa Ana~~-~ ~ • Our Security OeP'o • ________ , )eekmg outgotng ·~ SECRETARY oriented, part ti.;e _ International compan}' •ToJ0111lheJITeam F lime permanent persons who have a de· RECEl"nOHIST So Camtn0 El Greco. establtshmg South Bay •To Earn Dynamite Pay Mal u re person pre -;ire to be more suc-j Na rm co Materials ln·c.. Green Valley, AnJ.Ona & Orange Co. district of· •To Receive Super ferred Slart S4.2S1hr cessfu I F'or an 1n., leading manufacturer. W AITBS 85614 fices Complete training Bent?fits Non ·smoker. Apply terv1ew appo1ntmentl has an immediate open· WAnlESSES & liberal remuneration. •ToCreate 'c'ourOwn 10-Jpm at Onsite Photo with the sole owner & mg for a Receptionist. COOICTIAIME!S SALES If selecwd be prepared SC'hedule graphic. 3303 Harb1>r founder. call Wesley N. The sul·cessful can· CASHlaS Now accepting applica to start immediately : + Blvd .. Unit E·5 of Com Taylor d1date will h;m.• had ex· 28502 Marguerite Pkwy lions for full & p lime HOSTESS Mm. 3 yrs ex· 111g skills and pleasant weekend avaibblllty per1ence. Lunch & din· ner shifts avail Apply daily JO am Iii 2 pm. The Barn Restaurant & Sa loon, 14982 Redhill I Ave, Tustin. HOUSECLEA.Nas Prefer car or driver's liqense. SS/hour with ex. Call Mr Helbe r g mercePi!rlc,CcM._ WtsSeyM.TovtorCo. perience on a Pube nearAveryParkwa)' salesstaff Experien<'ed 847·6588, Mon. Tues. 3% Cm Bonus Pkint°"9 REALTd'RS Board. typtnj? skills of Miss1onVieJO m micro C'Omputer pro Wed.beforel_!!!n A variety of assign &Moinltnonc. ZlllNSanJoaqwnHilts ~;~~l~enJOy meeung w:,:.:.S ~~fp~ui1sguc~s%~":~ MA.HAGa meats Short & long Xlnt oppty ~resp m ewport Bearh Narmco offer.. a com -·~ plicants will have back to run establJ.shed realty Secur1t} Officer (6 firm m Corona del Mar patrol the Irvine ~ ' This is a one aecretar) apts, shopptng centeri I office and there 1:. commercial buil~ln : alway:. somet.lung t.o do Must be able to Muslhaveexcellenltyp s hift s per we per)onal1l) StarlinR quired Superjobfor ' salary S1;m per mo. Call lege student' Ex~. • Ma ry Ka y weekdays benefits Submit .,. 8.JOtoS 673-4400 phcafionlo· llW-"' rience. 960-37~66~-­ H o use keepers wanted Seacliff Motel. 494-9717 Housekeeper1Ch1ld Care PIT good pay Need 1m· med. 641·9323_ Housekeeper, llve.111 for mature couple. Ref"s please Call after Ham 833-2382. Hallm a rk Gifts & term, including So d1v1dual Own trans 644-,i?_!Q_ __ pehll\t' slartuig salar} WAITl_ESSES gro und in sales & Cos mtt1ts Exp pre· OrangeCounty Callfor_a~-'~o~ RECEl"nOHIST & rompreheos"e CA.SHtaS poS1t1\e attitude rall f!I_red ~737_3 Org Co Airport area Practical Nurse 1 m med opening for benefits package 4501 Cam!)l8 Drive Ltv <7141540-~ MANAGEMENT Am 7 14-760.1641 for elderly couple. lt\e mature individual m For 1mmed1ate con nearVerano Sales RegtStert.oday for local b1t1ous couple Part AnaheimArea m Cook. drive. light b s1derat1on please call Irvine hs k f • 0 ., usy aulo repair crnter Glo C • • • e wporl Yacht Ex temporar) assignments time High paying 714-7lt-S4H !W ,rL67,,.,,.,Ji 1n C M Dh·ers 1f1ed ria aton. !i411-1144· 557-0045 d · t 342 w ·-s rhange has openmg for secon income Call P time help for growm" respon m~I answer1·ng ex · -·-I 5493026 ,.. ' H••Ul"o w•,...-sr.r. sa es person. exper . VOLT business Call Lynn phones. writing repair --""~ ~ helpful. Al Lido V1l13j((' en Lln S~'Y/IEC9'T. • MARKETING t 826-429!.,J<!-§J?!!l __ orde rs. roller ting MohrWs, lltc. COOK TIAIMHS (714) 67S·IJIC!l_ • ":._ Want a challenge fAt4. Medic°' Senices PT/TIM .....,.. moneys, securing parts A Subsidiary of CASHtaS ...... E ''""'CHER & C'ar delivery. Musl be Celanese Corp 239S2Avenida Sales rOM011AiYl'lllSONNlHUMc1s room to grow" We'rt .,. MANAGEMENT Nursing ~::se·~~ooNn~ 35~s'an~ aggressive. accurate & 600W.VietoriaSt delaCarlola PA.IMT l72l litdiSlrfft ~~u::~:..rt::~a Suzanne Heise ... -SE-CR-ETAll_ES_ CJ lHEIMNE ~: TRAl~E R..., •v....c~ able to fo llow pro· Costa Mesa.Ca926Z7 nearEJToroRoad Exp preferred Must be MewpOrtleodl h ood k , ...,_y" 64-0-~0 ctdures Mon-Fri, _EOE. M._L _ Laguna Hills able to work Sat &Sun t .o. wn g sills. llo111ekeeper,t day week $1200 MO. 3-11 & 11·7rehef n\ 85 30 Xlnt salary & Recp forHBOptometnst ••• Other hrs to bear .O.E CceallllenStheg1lroawthor Po ul for North Laguna home. hospt with ex«ll re QUALITY working rond Appl} Part.tJme. afternoons ranged Wagei. based on a Non·smok1ng, ref's putat1on. Beach area ASSURANCE 8·12:.latAamroTrans. No e xper1 enre is exper Appl}uipen.on. 973-47Sl 497·~. F'ree mjr medical. den 7662 s I a ter: H B ---"-'96J.JOl) I Pie I Kerm Rima Hardware. .s~-·-Y• s~""1·--. HOUSEKEEPER, dining TO START tal & hfe Top salary MA.HAGER 847 3SSS ReC'pl for b~sy travel neressary ase app Y 2666 H bo Bl CM ~~·-~ • _ _.. • rm. attendant & rook. F'lex hrs.642-8044 Mfg co in electrical ----agency Reqwres basic at the locatlOfl most con· ar r ~ Excellent oppl} for Challenguig O~t" Nffded lmmed. for sm. components needs top RECEPTIONIST secretarial slulls. Salary venient for you between SA.LES RIPS shnp gal lo work 111 rasl with busy Lal\lll& retirement residence, 50 hit......._ opett-°!~~~e ~~:ll~l.ul~o~~ fl.lght exper'd. QA. Mgr 3 Do you love animals? negotiable. Call Sue. the hoursof2PM · 4PM Loe a I Cosmetic Co paced ,1Newpo1 1'1 1Beafch beLan:,1.0lSH~~·.,.!!P • • Lag. Bch. Fltime. rotat-iltcJS. Atl promotiofti key. phones Work on yrs mm exp. as a QA Work with dugs& cats as ~·0360 _ _ 808.8 BIG BOY Unltm ited 1oc oppt} l'omm · ~a esta 1' o <' -~· ,,.,.,....,_.. " 111 wknds. 494 ..... 0 .&......--..L.. ' rd Supervisor or QA M1ir a Veterinarian .Recen.. Rh c p w 11 h var 1 e d 642·6339. 9_to_6__ Excellent typing & die SEC'Y ~f < • ..4- -' """" rrvm w..._. Pr.stff)e Sa tu ays. Apply Tueb M v· 1 T ,. ~ is an equal opply ~ ta phone skills required ' ' '..-.. i HOUSEKEEPER want-position Neat op day through Thursday iss1on iejo area Ex t 1 on s t . Y PI n g & I rt!spons1b11ities Seeking emplyr m/f SA.LES Challenging position for We are lookmg fof': ed for wor1ting cpl. Mll.'!t peon.tee' & C• ,.;. 12 -4 Con lac l \1 r t•el l benefits. ~rowth phones Must be ex · persona I enthusiastic 1~~!!!1!!!1!!1!!!1!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!i Sales to $19,<m You 're right gal Call · sharp lady who cu .., love plants & animals. rred Weiner . J eweh. by ~~~~~:.' ~=z~~:ar~~ [le.!le.!!Ced _S4!!:9820._ I lype with professional RETAlLSALE'S expertise in custom Laila.8J3.2900 a m111 of SO--pm. Must drive & speak -· _· 847.0011 , ext. Jos~h ~9006 f111d what you wanl m altitude Medical Real Gourmet housewares prmling IS Ill demand mainly req's typ111,1 En°lisb Liberal fringe PARKING ATTE," spectio n . m irro Da1lvPil"'Cl0 ujfieds_ Estate F'1rmCall Vicky 1 This National Co is 111 terstocllent.sona " ·• inspection. Must be able ~-~---641 9203 sa es person, full·tlme h benefits. ideal job for Mature Lady with aide DANT.full-time, Laguna to analyza problems & _ ~Hl.~ _ _ need of an aggressl\·e processml' mac qualified person Call· exp who would like Beach t714>7J0.9566_ recommend solution~ Ustthe Daily Pilot RENTAL AGf.NT Bus} professional for So SECHTARY tram. no exp nee. S48·7l87 btwn. 11 & 5PM. permanent schedule of I•-------Rt!a Ila bi Ill> t rend ··rast Re<1ull' servict properly mgml ofc. Orange Co. territory 1 Newpart. Beach ~rea To ~;~;~~ .... ~~Br-. or497·2783 ----1 we~k esnds Sat 9PM PARKING Jnal)s1sexper.isimpor. director\ Ynur mu~t ha\e real estate llETA.JL Salary +expense ac Sl.400 Easy go111g spat SER -:.r HOUSEKEEPER SA 111 Un 9A M 5 PM t 3 n 1 o 0 I y th 0 s e It L B h •n• <!C"-" rount. ~9820,_ in well established firm. VICE STATION jld!' S4 .SO hr Capabl" of ser\'1rl' "our c _.!!_Luna c ...,...~ Part tune clerks S I Lots of room lo grow & tendant Pull ti ..... "~ L1Ye ·1n English· ~ qualified please call ST-..... ~~ aes ... , n speakm5ror couplewith handling collapsible ATTENDANT Mr s . Pierirk at Sptt1all> RentalOffi«Person for Vl'"nwv •· VIDEO youleamprocedures & ly ·Chevron.L2SI N. 1 chi I '1n Newport :i~!:tlyc~:Jyr ~~~ :011e~t~ 714·S81·3Ulforanappt. cau 642 ~78 .:xt 322 100 unit apt~. Cos ta ,.55M5 ~mH:Z.. Exciting products wnh a~sis~t'llh all ph11ses of Hwy. La.£ Bch __ __,, Beach.Sdayworkweek lmmediateopenlngfora Mesa Show&renlapts. " -mgmtopptymNB. le o ice F.asy typing Service Station AU .. Musthaverefs.760·0~7. inv:Hid.&ts..39S3 Parking Attendant al light bkktlg. 5 Mewportleoc 640-Greatbenefit.s. dant. experienn -j,, HOUSEKEEPER Medical Front Office our Lido office 9AM to days week $800 Mo. 5003 557-6122. 731-7711 nights. fullltme 'JaK- Prof. adults w/4 small Urology GP. gcneralofc lPM Mon.sat. No dr1v Live off premises Saleswomen men IOor; f reeloApptic-ant lime Apply· Mac's.,... dogs nff<I housekeeping. skills. pegboard. exp 111g required Excellent PLAZA/Secre.....:.J t'A ... j,.. ~2·_!991 wkd s UH.__ THE FB>-·--aco. 18502 Beach BlY!f, lnd ry. shopping , etc ~631·5301 benefits package 1n Ldt kl .lCI•~ RESID-MHGL R.M. -•a1 ~I II B ~ 12/hrs week. Salary Medical eluded. for 111terv1e~ The San c;~ente lnn is 2 to 3 days 7·3:JO PM or 3 GI~ sw....a.... H · 8 h 1 appo1nlmenl please ~"""ial1Zlflg in to 4 days 3 lo 11 JO PM ...,.,..., commensurate w refs untmgton eac A nall ·. ~ look111g for a dynamic. Sml priv conv hosp. Im l•c .. i..i... ...__ M"*l h " le g t ........ b k ffi .. 15 hmng professional re ,., .. _, -...., aveowncar .... rs r 15 n~ ac o ice PERSONN~1.DEPT E MES experienced tnd1v1dual maculate Gd Staff111g. ,..,_..s.r.;u phone9AMlo4PM Allen: 6#9264. TechnlClan p time, 714-7'o.6000 R s u for their res1denllnite 20362 Santa Ana Ave tail salespeople Call 4500Campus Dr . NB 960-1.463 HOUS EWARES Tues & Fn Sal3ry com-manager position Call Santa Ana · Heights Personnelforagre3lOp· ______ _. Full·lime -•n1·1 sales mensurate with exp TYPING Pele MitC'hell Tues·Sun u9.J061 portunity With our grow '""" C ll '" 111gco 14211Yorb..St,Tuslln SHI--person for gourmet dept. _!_~·5QIO"'-~ _!!>~. 492-6!~---mpany .--,-,... _. .... in hardware store. MEDICAL.ASSIST. ,;;:Bank CONSULTATION-PREPARATION RESPONSIBLE Person SALF.S /A.DVERTISING 213-72._5100 Open Monday Evenings TlA.IM8 67S·6704 nee ded for bu sy :i to clean & maintain Growing O.C. Publica· (C 11 ftyAppointmentOnly Eitcell. to ben~fifra. HSK PR. (Domestic) Exp N e w p 0 r l 0 p of COMPLETE SERVICE home M~t have refs. lion looking for exp'd a Mon·Fri,9-5) Steady work. She It Ref req'd. M~l speak thalmologist's orrice. I\.!~, 8:30am·l2.JOpm Mon· pros-top commission be good with awn Enelish & be able to Exp. preferred 646·2471 t 'lt"\'\'port FrLStartSSlhr.493-6480 paid,8JS.989'l8l).8559 s ta 1~c!M!.;De;.l~troni~·!c!. !!!i!il drive Pis. call 645-7358, wkdaysonly._ __' CHOICE OF STATIONllY ecre fV 1- __.:;9.:...;;A.:;;..;M;...-4:..:..:JO=..;;..P.;.;.:M'-----Medical front offi~e Part Equal Oppty Empl M F FOi Bank or Newpo,.i ~Hers STA.ff Insurance time Typing & in · COVEi &.mas challeng111g position to A.CC~AMf"l MEWPOIT surance.847-1150. 1--------• motivated ind1v1dual Experienced GIL CM&. IMSUIAHCE Messenger, 6 mom111gs f'A.RTS COl'YI.. with strong secretarial needed for anaJysii' • J ' Agency needs personal pr wk. Mon &AM.SAM. PERSON SPIRAL...... NEWPORT sklllsandloandocumen· 10umal entry ~· 1Jnes underwriler.2yrs Tues.Sat 6.30A M-IMMEDIATETURMAIOUHD talion back11round for lion Newport .._..... minimum exp required 8: JOA M. Must have SATURDA. y & EVIMMt HOUIS our expanding Bustness a re• Sa la ry .• inallphasesof personal Calif. license & excell. Experienced parts BEACH BankmgGroup. 640-8950 ~· t lines account servicing. driving record. Vehi<'le person needed Im· 1 Salary commensurate provided. Apply Pen· mediately for a mar111e 7 52 0234 with exp. 752-905§ nysaver 1660 Placentia facility in Cost.a Mesa. • Ave, CM. Must have attended the 2012 MICHELSOM IMtJ......SUm Zl 2 The fu test draw in the O t ·1 Di I AIU W WANTAl"'MON'. e ro1 ese son IRVl...,E, c• -115 est. . a Daily Pilot "" School and have ex " "'.,. ClassifiedM .642-5678. ClassifedAd.s&42:S678 ten s i v e pa r 1 s •----------------" knowledge. KIDS - . SUMMER JOBS. Earn $30-$60 per week. Trips & Prizes. ~ .... Qmc1•MN6M We offer a competitive salary a n d a medical/dental In surance package. Apply in person at 12354 Lakeland Road in Santa Fe Springs. 'Alfl1MI HCmAIY Please see our ad lo loday·~ cluaitled under ''Secretary". THl•'NCO. '/TIMIM•t•S c ..... . , .... Ctrnln Adults with 1Mtl1ndln11 1tlr1cllve PtrtOtl•lltlts, who enjoy worklnf wllh 10.15 year old youlha evenlnu f.9PM Call tO·U 21, nt. 3U , betwe.o ZPM to 5PM, ..-rorLori. M1cArthur Boulevard • 815#1 OitgO Frww.-y across from Orange Ceunty Airport • ....... Daily Pllld • • : ProdKtian Artist : • If you have al least ooe yeaN's ex en~ • • in print-oriented work, have ira11b.k • dtslgn and &palial sensiU y lnclua.tna • tfpetpecing. some tethnkal drawing • • ability1 and underst.and the basics ol rt-• tall ao duip and u t prtp1r1tioo ror e newspaper reproductJon, let'• talk. We're • • about 60«k-l1yout and product.Ion. ~ • concept/dalfll, lootln1 ror someone who • Is skilled tn 111 phaaet Ot product.IOft rn>m e CONCEPT to FINISH, and able to inM • deadllnes. We'tt fHt·paced, but f\ln to • • work for, and have •n eicelltnt f'rtnse e benellt.a paclagt with Iott of opportunitj e for the ri&bt penon. To apply, Clll t.arrr e e Hall al (114) 6'2-4121 for n a..,.,mtment. •. • or:-1t=' • • 330 w:Ba1 Street • • Cost~ Mesa, CA • e Squal Opportunlty Eq>lojer f • • ••••••••••••••••• Stop n' Go is currently seekin g persons for : NIGHT MANAGE RS EVENING MANAGE RS PART TIM E CLERKS $4.50 Hr. $4.00 Hr. Stop n' Go offers strong salaries and ex cellent benefit£ Including: . • Paid Tralning • Paid Hospitalization and Life Insurance • Paid Vacation • Retirement PROGRAM • CoUege Tuition Program People._,+ are encoura1ed to apply. Apply in person : 4555 Coast ff wy., Newport Beach or call for inform1tion 7H·'l74·1Z11 •••••• For immediate ton· side ration pluse call: Pe r so nnel Dept 714. 760"°°° ·~ 1~nk Newport F.qal O,..y &npUC/f' --. .. -...... -.~_..--. ........ ~.~-P¥ ....... -~.~·---·~·~Alf"!!!!ll" .... ~Q~S ........... a~a•a..-u ..... a1191 .. z•s•a•a•c111&11 .. S•Z•& ... J ... Z.C .. S~S ... i .. Jlll .. lilill!ISllSIJIJllJ .......... Orang• Coatt DAIL y PILOT /Sunday. Auguat 2. 1981 &ell •t all and put in your pocket! DAY WEEK Bl>ays ·3 Lines Special flat rate fo r non-commercial users offering merchan- dise priced in the ad for $800 or less. Cost is the same for '8 days or one. Minimum three lines. Extra lines just $2 .60 for 8 days. For an EXTRA day, call today 6'2·5678 8 Dollars n. ..w Dally Pilot &·Doy Week tts a Classified PLUS ' • ~~~ ..... !!.~!~~~.~~ ..... !!.~ ~.• .......... !!~~ ~ ............. !!.~~ ~~ ......... '°.s.o ~ ~-_ -------.... •~l'Wa&• l\EESllONO r'llPll AKl' Ruut tr1dlt10nal love Milcel•1w 1080 Office ,....._. & , Powtr t040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ectti,....... IOIS •••••••••••••••••••• Complelf Stained Glass ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18' 6" South Coast -~ ~<.&-<4>~4..£..iW.!4> "'"''TV•" ('hamp II Mii" rt Ii Ant1qut' sextant dry · h ~,. l' suta w/tbls & lamps, d,I a o w v l p I y t att C' ' t card compoJ. v1.1u 2131891 1~ ft 6 rom orn .Y s o c Outfit including Cabinet Rc-awt mahoguny exec Runabout/inboa rd bay S200675·317S dHk, xlnt cond S500 boat S3,900. Udo Yacht WAMTID SOPH1STICA TID WY shoes. l!ICM bnu!\ "Na 1 _pm Coat U200. Sacrifice t1onal" "'sh retchHC'r. Two fc.'malci Doxie I'~· SISOO~ "l_s.-0363 111nt1quc ddctor ehiur, 4 7 week&. Pllp('l'li. A (. Orlentallinodem chest, 5 ----Secy'I desk, xlnl cond Brit 714~5-09l5 5 piece Dinette Set Sl75 Conference tbl & 6 Cabin Cruiser, good live fl antique b1rbera Pole lt\•d SI~ 963 «l'JI dwrs. SI00/080 Record 714 HM418 Paptred, 11un•s1>tH• el•y!!'..)10 499-5164 Brown XlntCond S80. rhairs ~. H1 back ex· aboard Located in 4J46.2jl6J art 7PM -ec chair S7S. Steel France 26 ' diesel r.e.rrSifih1c SpaMnisdh 1ca011eo1n desk, older type, SIOO sis,ooo. 97'9-2IJ90 ~ 1p o e n y Secy'I chair. near new, Must be responsible & attractive. $50,000 yearty possible -Draw. Job entails co ntacting ·the Legal Profession. Must have car. Call Jack Monday A.M. (714)557-6710 tYH-brindle Pit Bull, 11, yrs. does not tiaht w ulht'r l>inetlf Set ~. Chest or A.pploncft 10 I 0 du 11 ~ • n H d s "'u h· d r 11 w er s S2 5 S 3 5 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• owner , s 1 oo OH o Recliner $40, Uphol Chr I IUY APPUAMCES 644 3658 or nrt 6. S25,!lli·~- S8CJO! 640-8688_ $65 K11chen l)'J>(' dining Part.en W9ft4 2 Bikes S75 & ~.Console rm tbl, 4 rhrs. almost 1979 p ... Y• cletet TV w stereo SlOO MISC new, 1125 S!i9 5480 or Sportflaher Sl54 mo clothes & Furn SJ SIOO. 83J.894Q_ 24' Searay SO SI~ mo 646·6738. File cabinet, 4/drawer, 2S' Skip Jack Sill mo 1As 9S7·8133 557·3145 F.leaant sofa & loveseal, S800 new, sac S350 6 pc bdrm set.' S6SO new, sac S~ Euro pean glass dinetlt set. S350. 19" color port.utile, p o o I T a b 1 c . 7 · lock. heavy gauge steel, Slip rents included , .. 21 Cu fl tlble dr refrlg Min1aturt-Srhnuu1er treeier w 11'1' m:aker AKC Rt'g loo ~~ 642 JR 842-7~ ' ·~SCHOOi. W A R E H O U S E I 9 l' u rt U pr 1 g h I A K C m i n 1 a t u r t' ...... ., , ,·,TUCHY PEISOH S1gnalur(' •·rust Free Schnauiers chump '!At 'Wllnlin"'nn Beach Xlnl benehls Prefer Frener. Llke new S200 sire 4 males. 1 rem .. ~ 549·1994 Avail 8 21 S235 ~a ·j ol. Exper pre background in r1ne 1' ~!~d, over 18. 960-8788 wines & spirits. full HARBOR AREA 548·5633· ' t~ --lime & pay while tram APPLIANCE SERVICE Golden Retriever Utter, I I( * • * ·mg See Harold 495 E BUY SELL REPAJR male lert, 8 wks AKC t 17lh.Sl C M S6-:.J'7'! _ _ Shots. S2SO_NB. 642 2003 ·~ Xte )'OU tired or work mg -----rand new 30" S('lf clean AKC Golden Rctrie\•er 'Cu.II time for part lime M.n:e...dlw elert range w 'malchmg Pu ppy s S 17 5 Ca II :·•., ~ w-y? ....................... ran hood S2CXl 548-6253 838·5291,anytime --·v Y nol lry working ~s 8005 CL' IS I NA-RT Food Springer Sparuels AKC 8 rt lime for ruu rime •••••••••••••••••••• ••• Processor. rett1ved as wks. CH. lines. SIOO & ,. • ey. Work ~Ho 24 hrs Ornate nlckel·and·br11ss girt 1 never used SiOO ~1·0413__ _ !i trtk In pllL'ih new of· Lion Corsair helmet. J ~~· t ee In the Santa masterpiece of artistr) 642·2533 AKC Silky Terriers. ' •Ada /Costa Mesa area. worn by guards or Refrig. frost free . clean. adorable, shedless. t-"'o well established Co. prince or Belgium in works good S200 shots. M S22S, F S300 't iJlg potenllal or S220 1840. spectacular. with !48·8Sl3 or ~4485 ~1.:2348 __ _ ""-. ilt.base+comm+1 glass d isplay case,1Was her. clean. works Al(CShetHff ' us . Call ll:lS-8883 ror Sl400; lovely Italian I good SSS 548·8513 or 842-~ t. 14th Century calla ~·4485_ __ Frtt toy 8045 .. ,.. Ta ... OHE graph~ on sheepskin. Steal' Gaffers & Sattler •••••••••~•••••••••••• , SOUCfTOIS beautifully framed. elH wall o\en. W Free lo loving home ! 16.und .. opemngs to $59S. large handcarved rot1s S95. Xlnl cond adorable 6 wk old puJ>- rt le . Jade horse, $2200. P P 846·3874 c 11894 """'• • p asant evening Call t7l<I) 955-2l8J --.-------~ --~ _ Jr s, 3·9, Moo.Fri No · . Rerrigeralor $225 Adorable4•2mooldpup-~~ llint Hourly wage. FOR SALE 1930 s Washer & Dryer S125 PY female good w • llafter 1 : !166·0ISI. kitchen.ware Rare Hall each Dishwasher SIOO h·id r •c ~ ... 2 ~ and Fiesta. Over 300 646·5848 ~·~~ - I r" pk Part Time pieces. Buy one or all. Nf t r s1s0·-· 2 sweet kittens. need IO\I· , MOW 840-4068. 0 ros re ng ' gas 1 n g home to s l a y TOOA Y ---blt-Ln over. top & hood together M tF. 4 mo old * * * Sl50. color TVs icon Moving Must see to IMMB>IATB. Y Linda Cerny sole l 25 in, S225. 23 m love. 642:~ 968-6400 Need ~Ph. Operators 23 B kh S7 5 t needs) work l . 2 ---=.i...::.=.: --Call: Jetf-a:B-1133 15~est.~mst~:Sl sliding doors 6l1 rt 7 and Free mult..colored kit .,...E ............. You are the winner or 7l1 fl. SiO ea dble front ten.s, hger·stnped grey. . '"' _,... d 0 0 r . 7 rt x 6 r l white. orange & black. Fl.time, exp. pnire~red. TWO FREE PASSE.5 s25 642.4847 ~all 548·1!2.!!.an 4£i'.1. Will train the right RlN~~~~~~-a; s;a-;; Oi;-;asher & elec 11 mo M Gry Whl Cal · ~rsoo. Apply Newport BARNUM & BAILEY dryer, S yrs old. S275 Also 2 yr spay~d Fem. .. !f!CeDter,~22 C•CUS both. B&W portable TV. Gry. 631-4122 \-•, ttTICHHICIAH Anaheim Convention S50 960·3405_ _ German Shepherd. I yr :• Ex rienced Good a Center Aug. 6·17 Dryer. fas. clean, works old Fem , lo good hom(' b pe flt ·A 1 Py. Long BeachArena good 7S S48 8~13 or Dys 97S·0727 , t\•es ene-s. PP Y 10 · 759 9516 • ~: 573 W, 19th St. Aug. 19·23 548-4485__ ___ ----_ ~ To claim passes, call Stove. older. O'Keefe & Free to good. home Lo. v- --642 S678. ext 272 Merrill. clean, s75 ing comparuon dog 6 yr ••rw_x_or_a•A•'t•OR--1 Passes must be ex· ~.85131 ~4485__ old B!k Cocker. SJJ.9686. changed for reserved F VER Y c d Good typist for TWX seats at box llcyct.s 8020 ree to 00 machine Willtrain Ex-office pr io r lo ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ghome ~~ayedd fem · · F F t erman .,...,pher mix 4 cell, opport~y & com.· performance u11 mes I campania yrs old pure while color •b f l Cll troressional )2llbs an., ene 1 s. a · * • • Only people with no lit-556-U> 00 replacement value a !~ 675-21167 lie children_ 631-0261 W.(ITER/WAlTR~ES WESI:JNJ?ER LodiH Ccllfwioft ~u~ :r:> & Gw~it: ~11; f : ~~=r1e ~~~r ~~:J's ANTIQUE MALL JQ_s_.2.<!. S7S631·919S__ personalities. 8 weeks Dailyl~,.Frilt).9 Boys 10 Speed 20·· 848-S~ .. • avail. Apply daily 10 am · -•. til 2 pm. The Barn CJosedTuesday frame. xlntrond S75 Free adorable 41, mo 'ft S 11751 Westmmsler Ave 64+2263 old puppy, remale. Good ..l µj;~~ur~~~ I\~ 11 al~~: Garden Grove 554-6103 Bicycle for sale Boys ~th rhildren. 64~525L 1'11.1tm. 24" 10 speed Call Puppies. black & while ESTATESAU _ 842-~ _ needgoodhome WAl&fOUSE WORK& _Looking fo r mature. ~ ah!rt Individuals willing .-t le a rn & accept · tsonal responsibil(ty r work performed m establis hed Newport Beach firm. Supplier or rabrics to manurai:· turers or produets used m yachting. backpack· mg & skiwear. Secure ruture for right person. Fil Ii o g of or de rs & ~ral warehouse ~· Fulltime days, ~ lrour week. Ex · House full of lovely! luilclilHJ Mattrials8025 __ 979-~ - things, eltcepl1ona ••••••••••••••••••••••• "Caesar''. Loveable, values. Good prices REDWOOD 2 X 6'S housebroken watchdog. Fri, Sat. Sun. 15500 t to 20. long. fresh all shots Needs gd Tustin Village Wa y. truck load arriving home. 546-2.848. JL!li!.M,..!~in_. --weekly. Save al 55'/ft. 3~ yr M Oachsy. gentle DOLL SHOW PP call Jim 646·9885 & arreNiDnate wi'l~ Sat Sun. Aug I & 2. free .!!!Jl.!!!l_e__ children ~1·5188 __ admission Exh1b1t & CGIMros & FW"ftitwe 8050 sale. Huntington Center E--'wel 1030 ................ , •••••• Malt 405 Fwy & Beach ...-r-Blvd. H.B. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Danis h modem teakwood Canon 400mm, r 4·5 dining table with 6 new s w e d i s h C u p · wtr1 lter set, W 2x. $450. m a t c hi n g caned bo ard I Armoir, sol id Eves, 545-1304 cha i rs·S275.00. 8.enl oak. Circa .1850. Asking Durst Duomat super col glass oak china cabinet S7506i~l25S or. 0659, SOO or best (antique reproduc· Oak Claw-foot table 5 ofr. 673-1973 tioo)-S295.00. King.sized press back chairs . Cats ao3s maple headboard with Sl600 OB067U253 ••••••••••••••••••••••• drawers turned spools, • cellent company-paid beoeflts Pay increases 1 tr~ on ability Call ~ ,. ,f'S.1f6 Monday. SELL idle items with a Persian Kittens , reg · Dally Pilot Classified shots, Cameo & others, Ad. S150+ . 9965 Beautyrest mattress .& s'prinas-S250.00. Call 971-7352 alters p.m. **I BUY** ' ' ,,FND YOUR NAME WIN TICKETS WORTH $17 ~ ......... ...,.All ANAHEIM CONVEN'110N CEN'l'D AVG. f.17 LONG BEACH DENA AVG. lt-D Good used Furniture &. Appliances-OR I will sell or SELL for You MA.STEIS AUCTIOM 6 6-8686, 833-.9625 I IUY FUIMIT\Ml Les 957-81)3 20 SOFAS, new, $98 ea. 15 Loveseats, $75 ea. 957.57a1 or SM ... 180 Set'lion1I sofa '6S>, glass .top dinette $290. Qn bdrm $540, sofa ' IOV· eseat Sl.'!iO, bwlks S200. Mattresses/box spr· Inga: twin S7s, full MS. 9llffn S12S and MORE! 770-0001 1· Country f'rellt'h sofa- < pur c ha se d Ill Bulloclta), only $300. 7~ Co m p l e t e h o u se furnlehln&s, & hsehld Items. Uvina rm. din· ln& rm, stereo, TV's, m&tc. mu1helL 7!9-0988 <2) Matctuna Club Chrt Oris U SO/ea now S7S/ea. 111t CGnd. amall tbat $15 '45-Dt Sl55 Xlnl cond Dehver 549 9252 Boys Fire Engine Bunk Beds. Needs work S100. f'all_aJl_5 6'&2-J? Drexler Bdnn Set Anti que White 5 drav.cr chest. dressing tlb & t hr nltestun d s king hdboard. & spread S250 644·0345 --7 fl beige & brown sora 5 rt matching lovesca1 I Sl50 644-~-- China Cabinet, pale yellow antique finish. large storage & lighted glass shelf. S17S Swl\ el bar chairs, 135 each Chandeliers. S25 eal'h Rqom size red O\ al rug. Sts 760 106S Ev!!~. Wknd..'§_ _ Almost new sx21 , seal wood & tinted glass. ror ree table. Si50 Brass Lamp rluted shade. SIOO. Glass end table. SIOO. 644·~ Hard rock maple dining set wtcustom pads. $300 Dresser. bean bag, cherrywood coHee la· ble. end tables & other, all items under $800 154·6190 after~'!'._ Area Rug. 9X12'. SiOO. club chr. SJO. Oak end tbl. S45. lamps, SIS $50, 644··~- F ANT AST 1 C FURNITURE BUYS Sohd leak dll\ing table. 6 Bruer chairs. antique mahogany sideboard, custom.made modern sleeper sora. two oc I casional chairs.correc table. bm vinyl t'Qurhl and recliner. steel desk king size mattress set. girl's bike. plus much mor_e...,.J'hone ~-0963 Mahog n1le stand. dresser w mirror. twn burl hdboard & fool board, $400. 642:~9! _ 9' sora & loveseal. lnple dresser. hl·boy dresser, to spd bike Best orfer 661·8972 SJ_c_ __ King mall sprgs. SIOO Oak desk chair. S75 Stereo cal?.:.,_~. 644·2119 Small sofa. 2 corree tables. mirror. etc Best offers. N.]L~lJQ'.7 _ Brunswick. very good tan. S80 Desk. Danish Plus equity dn paym't c_ondit1on_,, Sl50. 892 ~9 Teak wood, It brown, Ou 7~ev 557·9327 modern executive. 26' MARSHALL Metal tool box for pick b h S lack leal er chair. Lifeguard resL'ue boat, up truck 75. wheel Sl50 979·~urter6nm Two (2)~-'3 18C I D chair S75. ook desk SSS -~· --~4610 __ Pets 8017 Chrysler eng 492·5101 Multi Family, 1376 Shan I SatlSun 9 5 Moturt•yrle, non Ln. <.: M torr foosball, sofa, a C'. etr College behind Fedro1 23901 S1lverbay Dr , El Sat1Sun9-5 Toro tRockrtl:ld f:I Newport Beach Athletic ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~x 243 ESTA.TE SAU House full or love!} things, exrept1onal values. Good prices Fri. Sat. Sun ISSOO Tustin Village Wa y. Unit 66._~lm LIDO ISLE WHOPPEI !! An liq ues. copper a nil pink luster. old pine chest . everything SAT SUN Aug Isl & 2nd from 9AM lo SPM 101 V111 Koron, Lado Isle. ~~l Bch GARAGE SALE Anti queh Oak Pump Or~an, English bidet & more Household goods, de coralor items & clothe~ 5c·S500 2680 Santa Ana ~ve~ CM_,. Sat & Sun 9.3 Moving Sale 3 Family Lge & small items. 5 hp 0 B, bikes. auto. boat loader Cnew l. etc. etr 21001 Hagerstown Cir cle. H B S?l & Sun 10.4 To10 I Club membership. SIOO UIASA APSO • 31 CAWOIMIAM ~r Oak & glass sho-.cas;, 61~1312 631·5058 5 months Shots up Lo ·1a. Tw. Perk. w·s. lg --~ -date Male AKC Rdr, 3KW, Avon, 1'usl Sl7S. free bu1ltm stove, na""rs S~ ""'--0944 P.A.RROTCAGE ~--~--hauled, looks great, coins. Jewelry. many sluHed animab. Avon W.L. iron, S1(!> __ 499 SI~ PicMos & Orgcm IMO OWC S66K al 10 S"'r. S8CJO bottles. pet c1uto water WHEELOIAJR. EH•rest ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo . shp Ownt dishes Jennings Traveler. hke Lowrey organ. new, Anx S89.SOO UNBELI EVABLE new S500.67:Hl7ll loaded incl rhythm. JS 'V IKING '80 , TW -~ --S2200 080 Cal's, Ld'd w/ele's, 2 classic car. duhes. anll BIRD CAGE Wrought gs7."""" art 5 bo Sl29 ooo que sha\ing i.land. lron3'X112 &sLand -~ ---atownr · · · dolls, boys & g1rll> s1s 10BO Wurhlter spinet piano, Bkr 67S·9007 dys, clothes. l.A'vis. i.1t down 646-9414 xlnl rond, $750 ~17_25 e~ h --548·5313 eves · 1 5 2 4 · S E A R A Y pong mac me. gram John WayTK' Tennll> Club --W L d H balance scale. truck Membership $125() Call Kawai Grand 6 Ft ee..en er. 300 P , rims . girls AMF 8518m <KC C3} 3 yrs old Mere radio, stereo.~ smaller bike. rotory --Beautirully polished hrs Trlr. Best orrer mower. Sterlin!( silver 2 Small Oriental rugs, Ebony Professionally Call Tom 642·8353 -- Jewelry. gold iewelr)·. S30 ea Lge wooden owned, high quality in IS ' Starlrle, 40 HP Sat Sun 2968 B1min1 Pl desk. ~ Brown vmyl strument Sarririce, Evmrude with trailer. Costa Mesa 13 bl W of loveseat. StOO Blue S7000 OBO. 8SMI061 good cond S750 Call II arbor ofr Rak er 1 schwinn Pixie. S35 920 497 27~ Nottingham Rd. Nwpl Everett Baby Grand. -· -----557'1915 Bch 642·5498 beautiful fintSh S2500 PA.CIRCA 41 MO\'ING SALE Cd Airline Ticket~. val u~ r1rm 848·3:116_e~~ Like New only 30 hrs sturr Furn, gd stuff G d b r1 dk CRlflCE O Sat sun 14532 Sweeten. SS08.00 Sellin!? for Baby ran . l use SA .~ avid s:ns oo 960-6013 w a In u t mahogany f~ t714)67J.52.g_ Cahf Ho~, In C EJL I S. G--F' • n finish. xlnt cond pp Weekend on Npt Ba>. 28 Everything Must Go u S520Q 640-8197 s al sun so• $500 + Casa be Ila. forward, re· --rt Luhrs. Twm screw 645· 1864 335 Bordeuux verse. vanable speed. S.wilMJ MochiMs 8092 Oymg bridge spotfisher Ln orr Monte \'15ta hghl mcl'd Was S239 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Vt' &hp S8SOO 67~3161. --Take S 100 Jud> . SING ER Futura in solid 675-IS46. __ Yard Sale Sun 112 81 730-0986 Walnut 3 drawer desk SKIPJACK 24 1973 J\t 1sc items. k1trhen $400 .,., 1435 Yard Sale. Sat Sun. all utensils. M C & parts Membership for lrg. --~-·---Oybridge. twin Volvo's day till l'\'i'rylh1ng 236 Cam11l1a Lan DI xlnt. rully equipped SportiftcJGoock 1094 J70's, 2 bait tanks. OU\· goes' Furn . applcl>. 645.3011 Gym 8 mo $85 00 ....................... ~rs_rlm 548-5357 rlothes. toys, hshld 646·9414 e\es. Coll AR-15 "short)"'. 223 ·81 33 Ft Penn Yan twin more 302° Fillmore. Huge Garage Sale. Sun -JUKE BOX caliber Coll scope. am· diesel s portflsher Cost. <;:.M.SS6-_2!J7 Only. 9·S 121 classic 1956Seeburg.xlntrond !!IO S600obl?_~2167 S103,000 Sale pr ice. Woodgrain Kitchen tbl . Model A Fords. rollec· S950 _ 64().121] TV, Radio, S79.900. 213-582·2859 w 4 vinyl rhrs, electric t1bles guns. rare items. Masculine canop) kg sz Hiff, Steno IOfl GALAX.IE IOATS air ~leaner , metal port·elams, bronzes. bed, backgammon rof •••••••J•••••••••••••oo shtlving, clothes. baby !ttlver & crystal 2500 ree table traffic hght Beauurul Color TV 2 )T * Tllis * llems. cuals. misc Chr[.Qr N.B. __ 1 1250 e~ 760 36s3· wrnly f'ree deti'very W.....,Ollltw! olher Augl 1·2 238 Moving Sale 759.6894 S148 646·1786 3 '81 Models21112 t1 Day Fairway C )1 3 blks s d· 2 s Wedn da. ------CruLSers. lBl H P. 110 west Npt Blvd on Del un aye. , I N Bes > Los Caballeros lleallh Beautiful Color TV_. 2 yr cust land. bumn1 top, l\1ar 2·S._225_ a12!._ Club Membership. S250 wrnly Free delivery """ O s boat cover AHTIOUES TREASUR....,GAL RE! or offer Call Answer;\d l ~-646·1786 _ S FRl·SAT.SUN 9,s Qua hly ~cor items. 11~~·4300 ..... ~ hrs _ Sony 19" Color Remote __ 17141182.9~'!s_L__S . furniture, kg bed. de· Control S5SO John ...,, Hoosiers, wash stands. signer rug, window a c. Johlt War-Ttftftk IOAM·12PM 67S-S020 'i8 23· PIERCE ARR OW dressers. desks. chests, hnens. kitchen. ladi~s· Club Membership A 1 -----cull) cabin sport hs· tables. chairs. !-mer c lothing. misc 481 bargain price. Aft 6pm Beautiful solid wood herman, 190 OMC. low oak. pine primlll\'e:.. Morning Canyon Rd 1213) 991·3486 wknds Bl\{zaly stereo cabinet hrs. xlnl cond, well 1827 Pine St , H B CdM SatSun95 , 64.Q-0924 ---!3QOJ.!!Qrooml846-~ equipped Trlr 960·4607__ ..,;~or Good;es ' Bdrm MAYTAG gas dryer $200 K EN W 0 0 D 9 6 0 0 E c o n o m 1 c a I 3 Family Garage Sale set, Magna\OX stereo J<mg s1 bed new S3SO Receiver 160 WPC w 2 SlO SOO 080 4961714 Sat1Sun 9-5 4326Senisa 2005 Calir Street HB. Allexcell ~~15 conceptCEMspkrsS900 2B';FBE RT RAM SF WaL Univ_JkL.l.!Y.:_ -960-1~ ___ BRONZE GE Electric OBO 642-8!94 L O A O ED F 0 R Yard Sale· Singer trea Dryer very good S7S SANS U I Re c e i' er· FISHING & IN XI.NT die sewing machine. old Hello Girls! Gelling re· G E. Washer as as S25 Technis spkrs Techms COND 128.SOO or best trunk Lots or rum ~1·2617 Direct Drive lurnlbl ofrer 968·4547 or ma0 e· See Oimes·A· ady for rollege & dean· ------Value over Sl.SOO Sale 213 .•92.4000 wknds " ing your clos0 "? If so 8'x3' Pine shelving. S25 " Lme AO 10 00 Mon & "'"' or trade for Color TV or 891·2-1 ..,..-... nd"" b r 1 n g l h e m t o ea or best orrer r 3 f -~ THue1s. 9lth B&hWalnul OIARLIE'S CLOSET & __ 67Hl9L _ ~~~ o r 6-4S 313 a l '77 Ranger 19' tn ·hull. ~n mg on c ·---turn them into dollars. 3 hangi·ng lamps. 2 red -~ ---Volvo Penta 0/0, Ford Bunk beds. solid maple. S I Stereo TV con ex ~ellenl condit1'on 5 .-aw.. 2052 Newport Blvd CM velvet w1 crystals I Y vama. ' · 302 xlnt S&SOO. 499-4841 • ·--1 .,. "•73 · sol 4 rt 21111 SlOO OBO ~· . s200.494.6632 Everything pn ced nghl ...,1.... black. wrought iron 673.6253 Wh aler·lype British 315E.16th stCM w/blue glass insets. k5 --dory. 13 ', 35 h p . MOYIHG SALE Xlnt rond. 646-850._!J:ve H•w Car Roclos wttrailer. $3!00 Art s. Stereo cab S85, love seal King·O·Lawn 3 o Hp al cost P.P .:642=-·::;318't~'------ SIOO, resin top lble St50. ~ger $75 Lindell Vac ~<4JIB__ 131,· f 15hmg Boat .._, 35 king waler bed S85, 6 3 HP s h s drawer chest Sl40. .S I.SO. Bol · 200 loots & MariM HP Johnson mot.or Aq uar iums S!OO, sew ~ IOSO Mhctl•10. IOI 631·2025 -----Eqw,..... 646-21SJ _ ma ch S75 ~1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• Couch Si l5 Chr S40 Kit ••••••••••••••••••••••• F is h 1 n g boa l 2 7 Curlo·c1binet, S37S. Dbl & single box spnng REDWOOD Z X 6'S tbl & chrs ISO. Kenmore GeMral fOIO Tollycrart with outrig Regulator clock. S2SO. S4o ea. & mattress $40 2'to20'1ong.Xlntdeck· wshr & clec dryr l7S ••••••••••••••••••••••• gers, r adio. depth Trunk, $45. Oriental ea. Bookrase bed st.and Ing. Fresh truck load ea. 559-8840 Tax Deduction Donation ri nder, rebll eng & vase, $45 Med desk . ~·S~ 543-0795 arriving weekly Save Windsurfer wanted Used Boats · Cars · Planes trans Will trade S4000 SSS 63J.~ Ratlall dinette set S200 at 5~rt PP call Jim car top earner. kx'ks. _ 213 ~~ equity tor ca r or ., Liv & Om. Rm. Furn. or. pa pa san c h r SSO. 646·9885 anytime S20. Eves. 673-1634 -loots, MuLaf1..a/ ~?~o~~:!:nce flee me & credenza Recliner SSO r hr/ot· * * * Mlsctl•10. Stniu 9020 -, --, · tables. Pvt. Pty 552. 7566 tom an $45. KJtchen set J..._ Trtibo6d W a.t.cl 1011 ....................... 12 Alum boat 7 ' Mot.or. SM 0 KE GLASS •8.• 195 Bar stool'! SIO ea. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Marine Electrician used twice SSOOOBO " Mower SiOO. Dishes S25. 17'52Waol Cr Design/install/repair •ft 5, 962-0915 Round TblChromeBase Garden tools, Much HuntingtonBeach WAMTID QI wk 5492520 w/4 chrs as is S80 Youarethewmneror Baby Bassinetle & ua or · LIYlfTUP! 962·8S96 misc. 552-4950 TWO FREE PASSES square cclfee lbl. Call evs on a 32' Grand Banks. 2 Good day beds w/ slip-Queen sofabed Herculon (Sl7 value) aft 5PM 642·9255 to.ts, M.W orig owner. many ex rovers bl ea. 2466 San· reversible cushions RJNGUNG BRai. 0 L D. s T y L E EqW,..... tOlO tras, Xlnt cond Sac taAnaC.M.642-0Q earth tones $200. 0 80 BARNlfM &BAJLEY T URNTAB L E-with ••••••••••••••••••••••• S39.950· 731-064_!___ C•CUS tllp needle to play old 78 YACHT OF.ALERS 644-SOOS King6~i.o~;175· Like new Brn/Beige Anabelm Conventlon records.979-21899,eves. Boarding ladders. 44"Tri Cabin-;-Marine' striped loveseat & chair Center Aug. 6·17 Man's use.<! Cruiser Blke. priced right. 64S·0222. Trader Trawler. Like Mll!t Sac. 2 week! old. SW. 673-1~1 Lona Beach Arena good condition, reasona· eves 673-3329 new Single diHel, full liv rm. din rm, game H4 It ld~I065 Aug.19-23 ble. Wood desk. 4·8 Sailboat masts , elec , full galley ind set, Lamps Best ofter. 41•• D To claim passes, call drawers, good condi". 4 "x6 ''I "X 18' . $150. micro-wave, trash com· 851~1825 ee•eeeeeeeeeetlllllllel 6 2 C678 t 272 3"~4 l.t.. •'x14' 175, . k · Remodeling sale. Aua.t 4 • ., , ex . · lion. "6·3&4S ,., ,. parlor. ice-ma er, 7 Twin bed comp) w l Passes must be ex-. 64S-95SS kilowatt een . etr. etc • · · 9.3, Oven, amps, ac~s. changed for reserved GuJtars, comole stereo, frame, SSO. Chest of cothlng. lD K~l Or seats at box s weepers, l am p , Licensed, competent Live aboard or cruise. dwrs. $2S. 2 wood end Cash only. CDM. o r r I c e P r i o r t o bookcase. sgle bed rail~. rooting contractor wiU fish or dive. Jt.1St hauled tables, $10 both. Tan 75 sq yds carpetlnf.· pe-'orma"""' aolf c111bt. tools & misc trade any type of roof & surveyed. $89,500. r11a. 10x12. good cond, camel shade. Used on Y " ~ ...... * 549'-1Z11 for (2) a· Zodiac type Wlll trade S.O.ooo equity $2S 960-Je " ub .. -'---l 'lh (2) fot fast, opm JI' boet or · 4 mo. $5 aq yd !161"9315 WANT T~ter with r .,..,r """' J WI Her KING lNNERSPRING 8070 LoH l•w script lettering or med horsepower outboards. :;.~~90~r t r on trade. SEeXt,TRneAv!'1r ~·~-~.a~rtshs ~:::~••••••••••••••• Holl um Bouquets df e· type. Good cond S25 ~.~~kd a y s 9. s: II' Flbtr•lass Dinghy •· "' u.xu wv Go '""' ... carved llvered. Perfect or 840-11130 " "' S$30, lll'f. S248 del. raeou.s u... "" ).4.419 ....-..-___,_=----· 10 PEDAL BOATS actes Eltt. motor. bat Never llled Queen II, amethyst perodanl. Only ever occasion. 67 M9lktll S275 each. 548·2704. tery ·Lite new . Offer worth S3119. cash only teool 6*86811 Int. doors w/hdwe, (2> ..... a h IMJ 548·6'47 or MS-5162 770.8083. $218 del. U•ually home. Diamond GIA· papers. f::21· $~io:i ::x~) ....................... S'l" Bimini lop, like new, '7 8 3 4 · D s L s E D 754.7350 VVS2-U2 n>ll'ld $1800. ea. • 120 BASS ACCORDIAN ~ TRAWLER loaded. (2) Cu•hlon Daveno Call nes.~ 93x30; '21 lld&; (2) 185 ~-mint, PP 175-0092 will l I t d nx•2. SIO ea. Gd cond. . MZ--3379 ....... (alpr),makes~ueeobed A very spec a cu.s e· ~"'5i9 · Co mplete 130 Volvo l adelu l av~L- $150/080. 42· square slcn aold le fmb wa\er Rama SeatonTicttU Ovation •coustic Guitar Motor. a· ·rilrUw. mt cuid. plain &Jass all minor pearl braoelel Call ror forplt,UortlOO. w/lllrdahell cue SM-IT11 MW"C .. ~shp. ~etlblS~.••1 appt LO lnlpect. 8'4-«123 '7A..oeeo.<N >413-UOO Perful cond. $275 . su,eoo.55~-- ll) Banlla~ '"" stand· eves. ----Mf.1711 Johnson 3 H.P out'c>ard Kln&•slat tm.Jprin& &: in1w11l11n1U for1~. uUCt.dl.amond•** 'T1 KJRBY Home Main· MUST SELL! Spinet mlr .$200 Xllltcond. SWIM maUrt u ,--. cone!, de11t1 etc. $341/all. VVS2·L roimd briWanl. tainance System, all at· piano. lood condlUon _MMlot •ft S P.M. 'tT rlbtr1l111 •t f\ flto . ..._.19 $41-0SJ $15,000. 842-1039 tacbmenta: Xln\ Cond. St• or ofter. a1..cm NEPTUNE Mlly·Mlte lo Or11dbanlts. Sltlpper ~if:" Mt and mlar IU Cubic ft ref~tor. JVt.lt ...,_to buy for A!ltin1 SJ.SO._.... · •a:-•oem Dnlm ~ ~1G :::m C= ~J~~y $l1t,SOO. cauo.M !~-.~~d~~ •m!scr~:.: ~:: .. ~=.! blar:·::l~r:=~·J:n z lank• I ru11 > •1•'. --...D~~-- blt. Ga.. ialaJ. •• No dulera pluHI 1ama. Ml-0* d1111 betwn f.Ulpm: 945-1111 Sta-net C1iiitftH Mi. JGWOM- ftH'JG. 55'1·P •amra 5'1Yt. S.Dldl!U• tt>tm •••1 $,_,,. IHh.P..., tMO w.t.rhHI ... tl40 Altt~t/ Vw '570 ~tWtllhct HtO ._,, .. ,..w ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C:litt11C.a flZO ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• C~ASSIC 23' SEDAN 'Tl Purb Xlnt tond ....................... lt7t VW IUS IMW t71J Atltoa, e...potftd Mltoa, lmpotted A.tot, IMporitd Allfoa. Mew 9100 CRUISER ldt1I tor 13\W P•ITTllST 1 P••~•natr modt'I wlllt TOPS DOlLARS ••••••••• ....................................... ,,., ............................................................. .. nmmer l winter Callrvt' 63!1TQl.4 '57T..allD uutomottt• trains • PorCIHn Usffi 761MW2002 • Atlt t7UMtrc:ect.t.._ t740Pt*JHt 9741 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/SUnday, Augast 2, 1981 DJ ~!f~r ,~'~o'!!~"'r~;~ Motorcydtt/ • IM TOWN! A~ .-M 1tr1tu tupe, c .... , Trurb l"ur unt>tatablt qwahty .................................................................... . nbin w1•-·1 .. -at-""'na Sc"'-" 9 I SO IEST ftril!l!A1, lllO loot' Plflll'll & O~L Y W •,,PC~)' t'llbh on the und tru valllt!, thl5 you '711 1'"1.it 12'1. hkc• br11nd '7$ '78 11 sla wan. td ""'""' .....-.. vrTER Ul,OOUmllC"a'UI ll• •po oni.rt uyt'rlt must Ut'' AM ~·M nrwumdr&oul k>mi s•:LLINC VOUR MB' ltan1.lorru,&OOC1 rond '3IO dt&1tt view wln ....................... t006UKZJ OMLY $7575 r11d10 . Sl"lt' str.:led ........ 114"141" Wf PAY $38$0 67~tvs dowa Bnaht varnish, '71 Honda XL tiO, xlnt ' .utJV "" " SS chrome trlm, ruu coven cond 9650 MIRACLE MAIDA whreb and iun roof HHdo 9727 T°' DOUAa Poncht 9750 6 1l1p In pre1t l1t 5*29S2 2l50 1larborHhd l260$ ....................... C'11llJack8at"On ..................... .. Newport Qc1cll Marina Sell or Ir• "19 Kawa COSTA M~A A. MAGMON JIM Sl.IMONS '6 I PORSCHE A•l11na on'1 ss.~ Call K.Z 400 X.lnt rond S900 645-5700 PONTIAC VISIT YOUR IMPOITS Supu 90 Clun. nu M•r1 JanOT3-9Dl Helmttrnr IM'J.4781 San Clenlenlf 549~)00 0 R A M G E 1970 Harbor Blvd rust' (~VIM4) ...... ••I ,4 Suzukl~Dh1 Strett cc~~~~ 831·0510 492-1500 'H 2002, 11lvl'r. alt, COAST 6~~~:;.,.~ U9H C...._, 9050 MIC Xltlt Cond ~ 'llFOID WA~ED! am fm, 63,000 nil, rnu HONDA JtMM.UJHO oor e ux1•, n<'ttr tioocl)t•11r St~I tx•lted '.. r • .,..,., " ""' '"A "" ....................... 114& 41183 2 d d I N t' w I> a 1 n' N <'.,, "' rym" must i.ell SMOO HE ..a.o~ ..a.•TERS ---YOLKS~ •G-.. •lMMAC 21' 34' BOATS '78 HAWK like new, ha11 0 r I¥ In a I sh II r p I Radl;il~ (All Wt'Ulhw I v~~ ~~~ Tcy:~i a:! trm 497 . ...,,0 TO A Y!!! CA.SH TODAY 18111 Jl([1cll 8lvd 6/12 mo. Pia"' prepaid rtctlpts oo all work. mot.MY) Snow t•httins G rt•t1 t TO y 1 JI '72 BMW 8avuru1 4 spd. Wr wiU rome to you 842-2000 from St89lmo. mcludlna AsklnJ SHso $48.82al S29tl tra\lellng, run for trip~. air, must 1.'ll S11rnr1t·1· UMIVERSITT MEICEOIS .75 Cllrrera Coupe, ~un s!!.2.)essona 7141964·S994 '79 KX2~0 KAWASA Kl JIM MARIHO R<-autl•tt'~t l>t'<I t.ots of S2700'bst ofr S36·41122 SALES &SERVICE W 4HT!D roor, a tc, many extras. loeh,S.. 9060 xlnt sbape,extras!STSO VOLKSWAGEN room N1•w <·urpct Coprl 9715 OLDSMOllU Callfor immedlate MM .955·1MS,971·0'7~ ....................... 752-3167 18711 Beach Blvd /\ 1\1 ... M st t• r (• 0 TOYOTA,YOLYO ....................... HONDA appo111tment JAN Ac 0 PO nsc ll E 13' BANSHEE w/trl('. 175 Honda CB3>0, clean, 842 2000 Ca:ssetll' tl doori> Win "" ""-"•' '77 Capri II Gh111, ~nrf, GMC TRUCKS Ask for AUDI •'l't'Cway close to Xlnt cond. $.\35 runs good, S350 or beRt --· dow, i.lc·p \Ian Ownrd C•11• 114"• am1fm stereo, a c. nl'w 2M() llarbor Ulvd Murk Sachs Buyer all areas. so,s rrt'('way al --~968-:::..::2263:::: ___ orrer.!!]~ '29 ModelATownSl.•dun, by Chr1st1an St777 ...... o .tJOJwHo.t07 ..ent,.4spdS36S0644!1'J61J l'OSTAM~/\ H311740 1951700 Flr«.11tlone Bt~d MUST SELL! 17' O'Day 4 dr, restored lde1tl for 080 75!10'!11 Dots·-9720 540.9640 MISSION VIEJO Norwalk A fow seler 79 YAM AHA Yamuhop-student s10,500 ALSO , Top Dollar -1 P"8TS Oaysailer, fair cond. per . Xlot cood SJOO '46 •'ord Woodtt.'. 1!175Cht'V)vun,exrt"ll Paid ....................... 19 Hondu CIVll' ·I ~pc!, M_"" ~~~o~;!w~~11 "~df~~ S2500or otrer.631-6356 Runs good Must see' restored S13.SOO rond1t1onS:Bl00Her '73DATSUH '<Int rond S.4<100 obo. '80 300 TD Wgn, Sunrr i.ell'l'lton and quoth 21' Reynolds Catamaran. Call Kurt 964~ 675-0161 675 &100 For Your Car' 2401 SS71l62 S.S7 7162. Sam 1 v or Y tan 1 n Lr Lookini: to ~II one• We '80. 2 boat owner. Must '74 Hondo Motorry<'lr '61 Auslm·Heale) Sprite 1971 GMC Van Loni.: JOHNSON Ir SON Oynamlle 4 speed with 122m or S 7 {lm Showroom new S2J,SOO buy and l' 0 n s 1 i: n seU.Sacl6SOO.S48·l638 19Km1les.Perfectcond Buge)e good l'ood Good rond1t1on. S2.2SO air, stereo & mag~ 76 C\'l'l' "llll. i.:oocl 714 6!.27407714 5f'>ll684S 714 6);6775,2138683233 Cla53ic wooddes1gn 14' S1000.54~;r7SIL _ f:.>Ocr Dall.WI RoadMer 8481132 ~~~~~ Sharp' (23SHNl.I <'Ond, m·v. rad1ub. rdilt '7!1 300SD snrf. lthr. ull 61 l'abnlolt:t blk"' blk Sunr1Sb. SIK>O/ofr MUST SE&. BMW ·74 eng1& $~ 891 6332 197:? V" \ .rn $3200 or Cosia M ~ -54~;;630 $4195 i•ng, $2190 !n4 1379 extras, immar S25.000 llhr ml ind rt•ar hdtop - 67~ 9005, w foin.ng, back & '57 Bentle} Fly1111t Spur best oHt>r, ml!!lt !>Cll JIM MARINO '78 llu11d.1 l'VCC .iUlu. 6""' 6215.1.. !lb6 1779 loh of x1ra~ Iota II) 14' SUNFISH lug rack. 24,000 m1, root 1 n <' n ta I S I 6U4Z7S We '!l. VOLKSWAGEN .iir roud. \tt•rro 41.000 '79 300SE ~nrf aux tank. re.,lorrd '<Int 1·111111 !3tl___64~0415 $2400961_1.862 -bt'aut1ru1 rond 2 tone OVER ' um1aearhBl\d 1111 lkd'4blk11llc•11or 26.SOOmt.BelkCr!>krt.·o SI~ SOii 75!1 1123. CHEOYLEE Offihore 31' Dsl rruSM ketch $44,900 .f. p { 2131 Jl5.al86 HOBIE 14, xlnt cond, 17 ~ Yamah.a. 6000 m1, pain I. $26,000 l>O'>!>tble Auto1 W eled 9590 842-2000 $3300 080 <'bS, dk red v. bamboo 499.57611 xlnl cond, crash bar... trade lse <8051 965 .W.!J ....................... llut loola 5S9 SliSK ml. S27 l000 673-JI~ . 66 912 Porsl'lli.' red xlnl luhg r ack. $800 Call Recreot~ WEPAYTOPDOLLAH vw~°r!'o~~~~udi 198020D0ASTSXUN JOC)Uor 9730 1975 •,MB 450SE. cond S6200UBO llt•bt C erie._~_aft 3 Vehicles 9530 !or top U!>t'd car~ ....................... metaU1c green. tan m 1 2 1 3 1 ~ 3 0 1 6 Ii 7 ' ·~ ,.,." , ~·-.. · 111' w p111 I ii ii . ~::I ·WANTS TO BE - YOUR. I #1 1 Volume Dealer in Orange Count Discount 1 ,,• on All Models-. Turbos Included -·- New "1981 " 210 2 Ooor Sl'dan 4 speed Iran\ and full) faotory l'QUlpped IU\135861 $4484 .:: used less lhan 10 times SJ 100 494-~ Tom or !>ave 16 Ft Sailboat. Trailer SIJoo 540-4:117. after 5 JUST MARRIED must ....................... fo reign, domes11"' or .,w :HICK Hatrhbatk rnodl'I .,,1th C'LA~SIC ·75 XJfil' terior Xlnl t'Ond Rl•st t7l4J!l60 1l>~ sacrir1ce '77 750 llonda. '72 f'OH D bubbll' top cla~sws Ir your t•ar ii. ~WRSON <i u tum at' c tr" II~ . llro'4n Hlk. i·m~ I lop, lo orrer 675-8436 56 Pnl'r h1· CO l I' E New "1981 " ~ onlyS800m1,sho'4 room campt>r van I Ion C).tra deun. <.cc u' VW·PORSCHE·Al:Dl l\~f FM ~tereo pwr Ill r • orr~ ov. 11 MB'76450SL looks&rw1:.1:rc<ll'Hbl1 l'Ond1t1qn Many ex· Cara1an ron\l'r Xlnt FIRST• 1 5 E Co f' sleering air rnnd • S!IOOO ODOti7S5761 k 0"1u•" 2 Door Se an 4 ast ~rW<i} ('rui:.e control. P" r 52m, brown. 2 lop:.. nl'v. eng, 70'. n·\tored a~ " ~~ :.~ar~m;h~e1~5. e6x~J.a~~~ c·ond Stereo. eabana IJ ill Bayside Dn\'t' mirrors. rear wiper & a Maida 9738 ~11ehel.Jn llrC3. I ov.n<·r ing $6600 003 7913 llatl·hbark Eq u1pment -·- -12' Kite wltrlr Good cond. $600/0BO -~~ 12' Monohule w sail & mast complete S200 OB0631·~ 14' Hobie w/trailer. new tramp & riggings. S900t0BO Jim: 642-9746 aj'ter Sp!!!.:.._ _ 14' Flying Jr w1trlr xlnt cond , me! spmnaker $150()97().~ AQUARIUS 23, lrlr, nell rond, many extras' ~ ---~t6:W -"" "'"' '3900 ~k Newnurt &-ach 67J.WOO 1 y R ....................... S23 750 (714) 9611 UIOJ 75 mcludes 4 speed trans & tx>rn()()n 64238-12 · r-Jl'We'(84J N' • · -RoffsRoyce 9 6 it ha!> metallic paint "· ... os, Im_........ ,,....._.LY $7495 1977 M.ll.DA Su \•e S5000. Ill SL ........................ ll'"3J3J '76 Yamaha OT400 . En 4 WL-el Dn·••s 9550 AVT ,.... ''"" """' " LCR N us A v• d 1 -....................... MIRACLE MAZDA RX J SP COUPE yl'llow, only 900m1. nu 1 OCA I . . $ 5137 , uro, c ean. new tires, ....................... I •··~i 9707 bo RI I l.1m1ll•li Produc11on Harris mob1k µhon<' ROY ' $600. fi45·1~1Paul) '74 JEEP WAGON , 111 '" Or0ft9t C-+y =:':' ................ -,.. 21{:°0~~~ r.{~~< ITHXM :, !>µt.'f'<l trun'. $39,000. 5ll·il332 fRR YAM VIRAGO 1300 miles Lo" mileagt> 2925 Harbor Blvd •76 F'OX WAGON . luw 645-5700 A~I FM l:ipc· & fol'lor} '70 280 SL <;la!>:.1c•' CARVER _, _ Sacririce My los~ your All extra:. COSTA MESA mi , xlnt rood. Sun rt. Jllo,· '4h11:I' 1ISOLKH1 Burgund) Tan Xlnt r A12,_LJL~m-RllOO••Y•CC gam. Save Hundreds 5571868 979-_1500 nu pt S:llOO p fl 17141 ONLY $3595 cond. Home. 673 ltl3:t ,... • Demo "1981" 28(){X Call G 46 4629 -'80 Toyota 4X I. 'Int 64S·0415 MIRACLE MA.IDA Orr.re, ~900! !•.:' •u<~ Grand luxury packlge. MUSTSELLorTRADE rond. ISK m1. ne1l'r BMW 9712 21so ll.irborlll\d ~IB '80XllJ03100n11.ru1 .i1nond 5speedlrans . 1;7d6 KZ400. ra1rsng $6002 bl' l' n 0 r r r u ad . ....................... COSTA MESA I y l' q u Ip. ., n r r ClOS(O SUNDAYS rNH shadl' ktl st4reo .!.!! ~urgery S.18·81!1 S82SO Ofr 675 5280, 64s..5700 stereo 1·a~s. $22.950 74'2 Stht'r Shlldo.,,, dk cas~ene & much m°""' '79 ll ONDA CB6SO. 4 ryl, 675·6150 $1 000 000 8-12·~237 blue .,, beige 1ordo1 an •2630331 1700 mi. xlnt·bke nev., ' , I 1976M.ll.DA ISi 3000 7400 ITII l.tnd.iU betj;(l' int '<Int s 12 888 dlways gar'd. ramng. SURPLUS JEEPS Inventory I COSMO COUPE !:.unroor White Fav.n S.5.000 !J'IJ.1629 helmet Sl69.5 548·8569 Cars & truck!> .i\atl OF NEW BMW'S I SJll•ed trans . p11 r int $25,_(~Xl, 67.>~ ,. ' Motor H-., S•/ ~Ian.\ sell underS2UU Sale:. and Leasing at ~1eurn1;t J1r l'Und . MG 9742 Toyoto 9765 1 -.. E \II pnn"' .,. tax 1cense. Rent/S~ 9160 Call 1312> 7421143 e't compellt11e pnces. x ,79 D•TSU... \\t F\I sll'rt'\1 laf>t' & .............................................. dut rl'I' &. dea·ler ...................... ,! ~726 for lllfo on hov. to cellenl service and p~" " fat toq allo\ wherls MUST SELL! '79 TOYOTA IO!>tJlled optioos S,Je Ericson 32, very clean. WE CAN SELL ~~~~ha:;r <O~n Sun parts dept <LCJ27i1 1969 C'lass1c 6 cyl \IGI' CEUCA GT , ... nd' HI hours aCl~r well equ1p'd Hinged YOUR RV . GOOd seleruon o( pre 6FT. I 0 ONLY $3595 < . CF: E .. > GT 2 .. 2 5 ~Pt>l'd 11"' m11t•.c11... publtcat11)0 l'arbSubject ma s t . S33,SOO PP 5S9-l304 • • --, tously owned BMW & t..Sd!K'ed wuh lari.:l· 6 It MIRACLE MAIDA. C'oupe Ont~ built ror a ) l' I I 11 v. 11 ~ " u 1 ' tu prior sale 5116-5(»11 --'76 TO) Ola Landcrwser. other rine rars in rx "" 2150 Harbor Bllrl limited lime' O'.':I. y 1131WRL1 HOBIE CAT 18' Trailtn, T~I 9170 ~9K mi, ong hJrd top & l'ellent condillon SAODLEIACK IMW <'OST\ \IESA 52995' Call 831 Sli7 & $4995 Xlnt cond, 10 mos old. ....................... t·ompl. soft top Exrcll 831·2040 49>4949 645-5700 a~k for P~-JIM MARINO newport dat sun 714 833 1300 .::- SSSOO mvested, sutr '76 TAURUS 17'1ft Self cond. w man~ l'Xlr;;:. We also ha1·e a leasu ·7 B2 h hb k G · XI VOL"'SW"Gb..J s corttained, sleeps 6 S4000 6}S.0:114 • 4 10 ate at· · Maseroti 9739 ~1 Midget 74 nt " A "'" ~· SiS. 251.L h WE PAY l'U mpany that leases am fm stereo cai.~. ....................... Cond, S2300 ORO 18711 Flea<'h Blvd 20' Tot"ftGdo S ower. twin Butane, '80 Jeep CJ S IZ 5xl5 other makes of autos. clean. gN"at mp.:, $2000 67~72 842-2000 very nice cond $2900 tires. spoke whJ, TOP DOLLAR trucks and vans For 552.9217 ORANGE by Salkraft 645·6240 custom gnll & bumper. . ---• coui...t'l'V•s \I c·c 6 cyl, auto. 1969 ofCCMada -FOR USED CARS additional information ·77 280Z F1rrball n•d, "'' Convert Ru:1dstt·r Trailers, Utility 9180 ~ l'Y~. SK mi 5.S6 ~347· u •G ... 0... on leasing please call... Bia u 3001 & V1~0111c EXCLUSIVE I \lust sell to besl oHer '74 Corolla. rcbll trans. good cund. >.Ira' S!R95 888 Dove St .:~ Newport Beach .. ~· • Tilt trailer, beautirut ....................... 642·8;22 ALAN~ " " 7141972-1270 7141661·9611 spkrs. Michelm XWX +-MASERATI c 11 s d 9729 lXl condition. race ready. Small enclosed trailer Trucks 9560 PONTIAC/SUBARU a an Y · or t · t e 80 1, bo 81 d mags, cstm ml S6666 DE "'LERSHIP I 213 Sl[~·0'742_ _ v er Y com pe 1 1" w/Jocking door & lights ....................... 24 ~ar r v For a iiood deal and 759 0988 "' Private party 1714) Somerust.$150.548-2167 1978CHEVROLET COSTAMESA .:oodartersslesserv1re ·_ -Wt''ll dcliveramwhrn• MGI 9744 998-8488 Avto Se"k e:Pam -l/4 TOH PICKUP! 549·4300 549-1457 sec ~7~t~~ts~~'~>t7, 1n the world' ' , ...................... . loots, Sips/ & Accestorits 9400 Auto trans. pv.r stef'r PORSCHES 0 12131592.3946 BEACH IMPORTS MGB OWNERS Doclls 9070 ....................... ing, ete f'me v.nrk W ·~ED . z 8'111 Dovl'Stn•t·t We net'd your 1976-1979 ....................... · lrurk' llK81717 l "'"' 77 Datsun 280 • 2+2. 752.0900 ~tGBs ' Top dollar paid NEWPORT Sbp Avail SERVICE DEPT. ONL y $499 5 ·\llo.,, us thl' opponumt~ SALES-SERVlCE~EASING absentee owner ~~l 196~ lfarbi>r Bhd for good ca~• Tom 64S-022'leves Open 6 D3ys A Week HOW ARD Chevrolet to con~1der thl• purrha~c 208 w u1 SANTAANA sell ~900'080644.a 631•7170 BAUER MOTORS 673-3329 Mon fTI 7 :.l-5 :.> or trade Ill or \llUr l'leJn 714/8~171 '80 Datsun 210 Htchbk 5 2925 Harbor Blvd 50. DOCK for rent or lse Satur-days 8 00.5:00 Dove QuaJI SI!-ror!>l'hc l'ht'<.k '41th t ·~ -3:.Q!eo SUNDAY _ Sp AM FM, a c.1m Merud~s Itta 9740 COSTA ~IESA Maio channel Hunt AHos Chrys.-Plv. :'\EWPORT BEACH TodJ~' '77 IMW 320i mac S4 ,85054811665 ....................... 979-2500 Harbour (714)846-6707. 2929 HarborBl\d 19883-0~FOR55~ •. m'1 11~ ,\utoinatic. air \'ery,.75Datsun610.4!>pd,AC "67 ~1F.RCl::UES2SI~ (213)592·2225 Costa ~tesa FIOOPl,. .. uUP I i..U r-~ sharp!t471SYH > lo m1. S2399bst ufr Enginerebu11t~ 1;1 MGBBGT. re!>tored loGh s__.. & 546-1934 """ $6915 I 846-9661__ 646-15TI bod}. rWlS v.ell $2500 Ski 1 .--9080 SSAVESAVES Eronomiral 6 nt ......... _ .. 0 Ii 0 " JIMMARIHO ,'79280ZX.am1rmslereo. '79 2400 4 spd. snrr. !71-1973 engine. 4 speed 01er (, ... ~".?~,'.!:;."'::,,;"m> I b I I n-1 9746 ....................... WITH USED PAm tlrl\·e trans. air l'tmd &. _ VOLKSW AGIE:H ate, auto. rown co or. )tereo ('J~' o nu, mint -.....-chrts·Ca--'-r, 1958 hull lmpo--' car parts h 1 d S7800 4!J9..4754. 499 4764 ~ond !Ila~'''' 111 Orange ...................... . 11 "" •'""' p w r s l e e r 1 11 g I W U 18711 Beac B " . · ' ' restored completely, 350 IM PORT t l\'161371 EI Y 842_2000 ~·6!94 Ct) Rest offer 645_ i512 '70 Opel New reblt en~ Chevy eng, S3500 bsl AUTO SUPPLY $ CLEAN CARS --Fiat 9725 ill ~1 B 300SD Turbo Parts bent frame will ofr 1-688·41!190. 101 N. Manchesler ONLY 6995 AND TRUCKS The Most &citinq ··~.................... <'l,"~ll' "hlle. " lthr sl'll all. 64!>-GJ?I_ flst ofr 846 6'J!2 Trade your old stuff for '78 Coron.i. s )pd Jtr n.ew goodies wtth a ~11.ch rad fog It!> . 11m Class1f1ed ad &U·5678· rm ca~~ :.JK m1 Xln1 $4,600 h!>t !J62 00.11\, I :!131 ~ 4020 P ~I '80 Corolla Srt5 Spt C11t· e\er' option lrm1tt'rl blk on blk. bc!>I orflor O\er $5900 7:K).~ ·74 Cellca. nev. gold paint tan tnt. 4 spd. a c. ca'~ .illo}~ e~ haust nH't' $2850 645~15 'i8 Corona ~ ag Lu:c Ed Ac. PS. PB .• rn n11 ca~sette 41K m1 L1k<•l nt'll S49SO 551 ~ Hult •••rf1 equfpm•nf t Anaheim _ 776·9900 MIRACLE MAIDA · Parl Of Your ·74 Fiat 128 Cpe. xlnl 10 & cll'l rnor, rllx stt•rro. '73 GT Orig owner • T,..tpo:tullow M Wheel D70 21SOHarbor Bhd IMW P·-L.......-Or out. new paint. t1rr~. JU'.\ tank. Cll' S221\ m1, Run~ great 54.200 m1 ISELL idle 1temi. 11ith J •••••••••• .. ••••• .. •••• 4 ag, s. x 14· COSTA ME'S\ _ .. ...._ I' p "' 11 r S2 "0 D 896 3330 D I PI ('I r d C I!-'-/ or! or VW Bug S8o the · ' Lease Coukl It clutch. 38MPG . S2UOO 1mmac· "' m or .~... ays . a1) 1 OI a~,1 1e '69 Corona run~ good. new ~hoc~ st.erc'Q S700 QBO Gn•Jl6465275 for Clmir~ Ad ACTIOS c.-.u "Aiu '1LOT AO·VISOI '42·5471 r.c"'-9120 set . Eves & wknds _64S.5?_00 McLaren BMW!! 9606013 '"·'31529,000 5,-.;6(.@6 e\'~S 546-64~ Ad ••••••••••••••••••••••• -M!·(_JQµ. '81 Datsun Longbed with I Or' -....... ... 9100 .a..-£ ... 9800 "·..£05 ... ,. 9100 A.·-£os New 9800 Autos, Mew 9100 '7 6 VW CAMPEI Dynamite automatic P-22 Low miles.' clean. original!(~) camper & sleeper kil. uy ~ase ,....,,os. ntw "••OS ...... 1w ",,",' ••• ·."·••••••••••••••• •• :~.:••••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••• 2 Center Line Rims SJ30 Snrf. am rm rass. CB 'Jo .. Ptton. Pion! ............................................. . SSHS JIMM.UIHO YOLKSW AGEN 18711 Beach Blvd ---'•o.....;42·2000 10''1 Camper Four Star w/refrigerator & stove Po rt ·a·potty All Butane. Queen size bed Sleeps 6. In excellent condition. Sl250 Call between 10am·5pm 631·7657 Motoriied Hits 9 140 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Puch, brand new moped 1 month ora. 200 m1 SS2sOBO 67J.:B54 an 6 Recovered Moped Ser !13505243. --~~9471 Moped I~ S..75 unused 47 MPG Call dter 6. 842·8264 Camper shell $175. Mini-Bikes: Hoocb SO. Suiuki JRSO, ltaljet 50. Like new. Reasonable offer. 77o-a3. 2 Brand new Tires $125. 1.§.hgcks S2S.:..536·t687._ mc L. S6400 974.4227 HIGH IUYEI ( 14) 522·53n '78 Toyota PU, long bed. BMW Alloy Wheels 14l Uke new. Onginally S560 now S3@/Q~Q 499 5165 (SI Terrain Tin•., t II new. all on wheeb IS·IO Che\lrolet Blazer SIS01all 5.Sl-2617 aulo. camper top. r.i1ho Top dollars ror Sport~ mrrror~. bumpt>r Car~. Buits. l'aml)(·r~. *·'SOO bst r un 7902 l!14'!>, Audi s .._ · o r ,,.,.., A:.k for lJ l' ~Hin 2 1978 GMC I Ton duab JIM MARINO w hea n dut' rarh 4S.I VOLKSW A.G&4 w full ·s peed manual 18711 Beach Rlvd I S5500 ea 1 FLOOR JACK Like new Cost S348, sell ror S200. 64.>932:5 17141 89Hl555 Hl N'flNGTON BEACH '79 FISO 6 ryl. 25K mi. 842-2000 good cond TOP DOUAR ~1 PAID FOR Autos forS. ••••••••••••••••••••••• IMPORTANT N<mCETO .69 ELCAMl~O & CLE• Clean. ··new·· engine GOOD !l;AN s2509_bestorr~r n_o.S396 USED CilS! READERS AND '78 Toyota truclc L B . S ADVERTISERS spd Stereo rass Perris The price of items \.'alley Camper Xlnl ad,•ertised by vehicle co n d $5300 0 B 0 dealers 111 the vehicle _96?·1~­ class1r1ed advertising '80 Chenolet '1T PU columns does not tn· a c. p s. p b. 6ryl. dual elude any applicable t a n k s , 3 OK m 1. taxes , license, transfer 12131882·8280 weekdays. rees, fi nance charges. (7141539·7398 weekends re es for a Ir pollullon -· ---- 9570 control device ctn1fica Vans lions o r dealer ...................... . documentary prepara· '74 Dodge, auto. PB. PS, lion c harges unless · AC, AM /FM CB 8 trk otherwise specified by stereo. cpts, good cond. the advertlser. S2800. 549-'""00'-'-12.....__ miracle mazda 21 50 Harbor ll•d. Costa MtM 645·5700 --- WE HEED YOUR EXOTIC & BRITISH CARS NEWPORT -IMPOR'[.S .!888 llarbur• Hhd • (' <"'' a \It·~ ;J S-10 0.1.-.i WllUY USED CARS & TRUCKS '761MW 2002 automatir. s1111roof & air Only 53,000 milrs A beaut~' C261YBY I $5995 JIM MARINO VOLKSWAG84 1871 t Beach Blvd 842·20<!0 - OUHGE-COUNTY'S OLDEST Sales·Serv1re Leas111g Roy c~~r.lnc. Rolls ~oyce BMW 1540 Jamboree N~rt_Bejl~h 640-644~ '77 IMW 320i Sunroor. automatic & air ' Immaculate! 1922'I'WXJ $7995 JIMMARJHO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd. 142'-ZOOO For The Best Buy or Lease ~I Jn Orange County Come See Us Today!! COMElNOR SADm..IMCK CAU. FQR IMW NH APNAtsAL 28402 Merl\ltrite,Pkwy. Connier.DeUJlo Mlaab\ VltJo CHMOLIT .. 1 18211 BEA.Ci BLVD. Aftry P.wy. Ht ($ Fwy ) HUNTlNGroN BEACH H l·Z040 , 4'Mt4t t47""'7or c __ .... 14'-.-.-...JJJ I '"" •• -... ~!!!!!m~s.~1pd!!l!., a-nrf-. Hlche1t cub tor 1ood au avail. Olltioal. Ike cars • v-. · H , blll •fumel lltt. 551..... 1 YOU MAY BE PAYING TOO MUCH! AaMAH tOfOfA Mlllll TO't'OfA PAS4otNA TOYOTA OOWNn' TOYOTA lOHOO TOYOfA YO.I( TOTOTA I.All TOTOTA IOOllS tOTOfA UW WCH'S TOTOTA MOU'tWOOO TOTOTA IHGUWOOO TOYOTA NIOtnOWH TOTOTA W1Mll TOYQTA IHftl04NTOYOTA NUTIOt TOTOTA WMITfUSfl' TOY OT A CHECK YOUR CLOSEST DEALER LISTED HERE. GET THEIR PRICE IN WRITING. THIN COME SEE THE VOLUME DISCOUNT TOYOTA DEALER '71 CHRYSLER '73 VW it-~•3111 ~-=·12795 '76 CAMARO '75 COROLLA ... • l 1!111 llfTIACI Sl5 ~-·31955-s '2195 '80 COROLLA '80 DATSUN ~UCl. m •5595 •1111 6191 l AlHAMIU TOYOTA CAN TOYOTA MMHU TOYOTA HIOtllAHD N TOYOTA TOYOfACOITW 1at1WAY TOYOTA IUllANll TOYOTA wm VAUIY tOYOTA WION TOTOTA ltAMMlt TOYOTA ~CITY tOYOTA N. HOllYWOOO TOYOTA NOIWAUC '°'OTA W. CCMMA tOY°'A MlmlU TOTOTA mu TOYOTA I' ., ! .. t I . , • + SS$ cos Dll OrangeCoaatOAILYPILOT/Sund y,August 2, 1981 ~··""~ j Alltoe,l•p•f'ttd AllhK,l•,.,.ttd Aattot,U1td Alltoi.UHd Auto1,UHd .... Htw tlOO, Avto•. Nt" t80014vto•, Mtw 9100 Wot, Mtw tlOO T;._;.;•••••••• .. ;;;7rv:.~:~··•••••;;;·~ V·~;• .. ••••••••;;10 ;.;;••••••••••••••;;·to ~;·••••••••••••;;4·0 ;;~· .. ••••••••••;;5·; ····················~·· ·····:················· ·······················'······················· ...•••.•........••••..•.............••.•...........•• :~: ••••...............•..•••........................................................ ---•· TRIUMPH 1971 VW '80 'SS VW klft & r111ht BUICK 70 ti11l11~} Hood c·oncl '7S l'ullo, loolt8 new. It $porty hatchback. front disc bf'al<es. I 6 111er engine reclining bucket soots IOld down rear teats 4 speed (2015 77) 94999 a. ma~non pont1ac \ 2480 Harbor Blvd .• at Fair, Costa Mesa 549-4300 SOMETHING DIFFERENT! Autos, New HlW 1911 4 WHEELDRJVE HATCHIA~K 4 speed transmission and body stripes (112640) '19" a. ma~non subaru 2480 Harbor Blvd., at Fair, Costa Mesa 549·1457 OWNERS Thll fuel -lnJHtfd door. '73 left dour s.w ow~ERs p ), air S75(J or bto•t or blu, $4K ml, auto,~ w Duhr li lonron t1thWHtem1tyle11rhJ " fer9G3SJ5() 8339008 r:1;ew {our 1'1,71880 0t0nomy and 1hort e>n rim• ror Super &-etle We ne~ your l971l 1983 72 HANCllERO w ttuld 7 2 R UN ABOUT . 1 dollar'" ~!~m Top price, lndudlna a aun S2g ta ~97'4 Reuls Top ~liar PJ•d r 1 m 6 , ~he 11, 3 5 I owner, 4 spd, R&H, new ran• pa or llOOd roof for lhole Jwnmtr •71 vw for lood t'8ra Cle\ e land qu1nchl'd brb & tires, runs Vrl'll, ilAUER MOTORS du)'I 984UJX • DB.UXI IUG IAUEtl MOT<?RS hr ads, lu· nll, "lnl gd s h11pe Sl . ISO ~ llurbor Blvd A. MAGMOH Looka and runs great 2925 ll11rbor Bhd shape S275tJ 67~ &106 844·'407 COSTA Mt"SA PONTIAC t 1211141 COSTA M~A U..coa.. tt45 '77 Pinto Runaboul ntw 979-2500 549-4100 Sttt5 979-2500 ~··•••••••••••••••••••• t'lllltne San> V olltwocpt1 f 770 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7t WllT 4 speed, fl.It'! ln~t·llon, exeellrnt co ndl lion (276XWll 1 SADDLBACK IMW ll 1 ·2040 495-4949 Parting out '69 VW fastback, rWUi good , oil or J>3rt 900-Sl:ll4 69 VW BAJA Nl•w 18~ rngine, new upholstry. nt'w brakes. not hntshed out, dnves fme St600 or offer 11o 10 engme 4!17 62:11_ '69 \'W Sunroof. nl'w l'lll! 'eats. rug:,, tire:.. brio. .. \hcwk~ am rm II trk more $19004976236 l'n1qul' 6!1 VW Jeep \Ll'M HOUY l. B 11o1dl· llrl'~ $2800 080 Ton\ 64~ Sl24 . SCIROCCO 79 Bronz met.alllr A C Olaup ~Ll'reo t•asi.. nu m1l'h L1rN. lo m1. xlnl ~Ont.I S6!l00 7 59 11511 ·54 \'W rnmpe!r bU3. fat .. unroof ll'nt. nt.>11o l'nl( Xlnt 1;r1i: 100<! $2250 OMO 631 O'l'.i7 •SUPER '70 t; rl'al t•ond 675-9643 '711 S1·1rol'C'O, S Ed1lmn. xlnt rond. $.');n) or offer 644· 1033 al\ 4 CASH FOil JIM MAatMO 1979 llicll 69 Linroln Murk 111. 'Int MS 11233 V,..1 "'SW "G..... mnd. s2000 Y0119 VW ,... v..A .-..,. RIVla"'" '74 Pinto llalrhback, -""' l8711 Be11ch Div·' DlA 67~ 4479 67S ~I Wt WILL Sal IT u Thi~ beauty l'Omeb with ' auto, a m fm stereo, FOlt YOU 842-2000 all optionb and rull Mercury 9950 new tires. mag whls, power (6684) ••••••••••••••••••••••• St9~0 or best ofrer l1t9 C~ lllC. VW C••ttiibltt S "DDLB •cw IMW ORAN G£ WUN1'Y'S s.i~ 7836 .l' 5 •.a BUGS, notchba ch, ._ ,_ " F~EST ---·-n squ11rcbacks, rastbacks, !ll·2040 495-4949 . """ . Plymouth 9960 '10 RAllrT Yllllll, pickups & ghias Convertible '7J CSTM LINtqLN ~ER( UllY ••••••••••••••••••••••• DIESa Over 20 tu choose from. Buick Show Com! All IH.ALUtSll 1 r '77 FU RY Wagon , full 'L' model 2 door 4 BUGCJTY.INC White 17 MPG . s27$0 '!I pwr&air.68Km1.cle11n speed with fal'Lory air, ~~ ~1214 ~ T~ StS-00 F'1rm. 646-7909 immaculate! (719ZSM) '75 VW lillrT '68 Buick FJectra. 2 door LINCOLN MERCURY 77 Volare Prem Wagon, SStt5 Dynamite rui.tom 2 hard top. $700 16 18 A010Cenll'r Or 47 K mi. ver y good JIM Ml door, 4 speed. radio & 080751 15Ctl SD ~·wy Lk For~l l'Xlt 1·ond · PS. P B. air, VOL11sw h v 1 , Sk JH\'IN•.· i.tereo . SJooo Dys " eater ery ('ran '77 yhawk. auto, 111r, r 82 L d 18711 Beacll , l66SPCF1 rm stereo ps S2SOO 830.7000 ~: 11~ • eves w .. o & 84~ Jl'MS~~~uo 673·1367, ~1780 '76 ~1 crrury Munan·h p ntl 9965 '80 VW ,.._,,.. Cadilac 9915 runi. good l'lt•an $2800 ° ac Yoa 11SW ,..G1t1o...1 OHO 75 I 15'11 • • •• •• ••••••••••••••••• • D)oamue cusLom 2 r '"" ._ '"" •••••0 •••••••••••••••• '78G•,..~PIJX ,,, t h f 18711 Beach Blvd couytu..1 .. "'TluG M t 9952 _,_ au..,mm 1c wit urlory " aow-~ " us ang l.u\ur) Ponllar with air' 1164JIBJ 142-2000 CADtlJ.AC? ••••••••••••••••••••••• "l'm1 formal landau top. $4995 '72 VW red bug, xlnt Wl' ~pcr1alue m lea~e' l96S ~lu\ldn.: 33k on.: \M fM rndlO. air, ult JIM MAllHO.. ron d S2600 D a> for the bu~lnl's!> ex mt . \ 11• Jlr Jm Im ..., ht•cl wh1tl' 11oa lls VOLKSWAGEN HJl ·4611 ni&ht 644 1628 erut1\•e & profesl>ion.il 'tl'rt'll auto Lr an' mJi.: 1 \ 1• F373 Bel.I Offer L e-L..-&:--\lo ht'l'b ptin\ 1nkriur 187118eat·h Bhd '73 Bug, xlnt concl ON)e~nvn '4SOO A.MAGHON 842·2000 AM 1-'M cai.sclte, sun Of Mtw 1981 !>436151 PONTIAC VW eng . L650, 11t'11o rase rods, C) I cam. rJrb rrank. nJ m1, '450 ·57 \'W van panel. ne11o wm do>A s, S200 64S !l:rl5 1970 \'W HlJS Ne11o cni.:1nt . tir1•i., brakes. ~horh. clr1 t•k and rarpctrnl! Don 'I miss Lht~ one $2600 080 Al'o 1!170 Uu~ engine 1600, single pon. S2.SO. SB!>·:nll or 951 88:11 roof ilest offer Call Cadillocs 549-4300 AnsVrer Ad ·~ 642 4JOO Now In Stock! 'i3 ~lu'L Grandt-JUlo 24 hn. NABER~ atr \ 10\ I top p ~ p b . a m f m l':t"' 1111 ·79 VW Bu~ "Convert1 ble' Silver um rm 1·ass. 11oh~t·I S235o or part itlnl ' S7950 !>59·9400 CA [)I LL1 \ : trnde 964 7:wi2 '73 vw Su""r Buu all I ""• 'llU (;h1a llJtthhlo. I wd "" " \; •• 11 , 1 turbu 12,1.100 m1 . At'. orig, rllSl>ISlereo. 69K \lolrt' 11ohb. hkt• m·w Wht ml, S2300 r1rm !163-5966 "add It• IOI Pl' 64(}6969 '79 Eldorado lm11J1•d' 734 1900 d:i) ~. 371 4359 t'\'l'~ .... kniJ, * * * '79 CONVERTllLE S11.ooo '66 MUSTANG New p•11nt . .,.tit'' ~a~ 6 r) I 3 :,pd St!llXJ 55.'l o:rns 1!173 Pont11.1c· Grand \'1lll'. l(ood runoini: cond111on. full) l'qu1pped. need~ paint $500 "1w.L sell' \I\)\ lfJg I !>57 2Ai)lj NEWl981 PHOENIXs w I' ha \l• a r;rntas111· S..•ll'l'l1on all <ii Bargain I' rl('t'~ 9800 Autos, Hew 9800 Autos, New. 9800 All white. Lo mt Mint. Lou , 760 -7014 Newport IHch ·72 CA DILLAC. froit>n eng, musl sell no11o HeM Oldsmobile 9955 A.MAGMOH rONTIAC 549-4300 orr er 968.()(179 •74 Eldorado. red w '77 OlDS '75 RABBIT while padded lop ~h<>..., 1 98 Regl'nr1 "llh Jll 1h1· Eng ine & budy i.:ood Cloor tund SJ500 xlrJ' Lu11o mill''· 1m c·ond, S2200 646-72211 IHO 1256 mJC'ulaL(;' 1 20..~f\ * * * ...••..•...••.••••..... '68 FIREllRD 150 ..., 15.000 m1 Holh c arb I'S l'B AT H<ill~ -.h1·1·I' Sl25(l 1>4~6561 '64 VW M1trobu.\ par1' ·77 Se\ die Pt>ath rnl11r. S3295 S210S200 1l'lour mtmor 11oin·, JIMMARINO HEY6FOOTEIS! ~ 1774 t>lr S7500 bt'l>I VOLKSWAGEN rhi-1• rnur IJ't np '81 Dix C:.'.obile 552-~~ l!lill &alh Uhl.I portun1L\ Luub1.'11n" full' '"r 1 ilr Then· "'111 b< pp 64().. t, 8:M 8986 79 El Dnrddo. Jl•t l.tli11·r.. 842·2000 1111 mrin· \e11o 1!1111 Bun '69 \'an 11o1th 26.IXXJ mile~ 11oilh moon rouf full' 6!1 9H Luxur1 'H'cl.111 1111 Ill'' <.real Selr< on rebuilt engine ne11o t'j!Uipped J3.00J mi :\Int Cood rondilum ·s.w.i Lum BJri:ain Prin'\l s I Sll.900 pa mt 2SOO 700 11161! ssa.~58 673-~ A. MAGNON '81 \!W PU 5000 m1 <:o"L .77 Eldorado. immat· . 'l!O C utlasi. Supn•mc· \ fi PONTIAC S8787 S7: ~ti a:.tro roor I o11oner T roof 1111. gaui:t>i. J ' 549-4300 SS300 964.:BJS •Gayle 1 r:.tm am fm i·a.... '>)'. ·71; F1rcb1rd Fnrmul.1 '63 \'W Dual Cub Pl: m1, Si98064Q.i829 Pl' l'n•me " Lan int. im Hebll l'ng, ruru: i:rt>al Comoro 9917 i9 D1t>~el CUii"" C.1la1... ma1 · All p11or 1 ru1:.t 1157 8000 •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• like ney, Wlclc•r l!I OIJO a l am fm ..., buo:.Lt'r '72 \'W Uug lookl> run.. St~~ CA~~R7r m1. u:.sume bt• for s5oo 01•Yo rad1iill> or11: 011o n greut' Lo m1 . s22001 6426~~ ~'tis~; $216 mo 11r hu) S6500 •21:115!121481 firm 642-2173 · 1 PP ~8 6646· &t2 5200 ~lint cond ·n (jrdnd Prix '73 SUPl!:R HEETU: '7S CAM ARO ~ R~lt '79 ~·ulluss Suprl.'mr 2dr. ~.1100 m1, t.111 landau. Clean. w1r1•s (·ar uni: eng. ne11o brake~ .. 11n... 231\ m1. \'A. a I'. 1.id melJlhr •n. 1·rul.!>e, Cull o11oner 770.$JJG I i·stm int T Top. San)o roof, S58(K) 700 liJi ""' r, sicrro '4.000 080 IJ1 Amp )lt'reu $51)(){1 " '76 Rabbit, ~unroof 556 1737 Pinto 9957 SJi ~I EH·~8821 ext m.ig~. lc111o m1k>' SJl()(I C .. -••••• •• ••••••••••••' • •• 2811 dd 9~01711 nc•ro&.f 9920 ·• · n.._ ... _rbird 9970 "•••••••••••••••••••.. 1~ ~la \\S?Jl 4 '"'I ,, ,. '"""_. '71 \'W Hu' Bt'JUI nt•11 lire:. !!nod 1·ond •••••••••11•••••••••••• CU\lom ml rerenl t•n.: 1980 CHEVROLET St:!l.IO ~1124.>1 ~lo 121h 1956 T·lird oHrhJul. lll''tlo brJkt'' I CfT.A TION 2 DR; I ;3 Pl\ TO run.' l!OcKI. 1 ~ ull) eqwp 2 top... auto llrts rw.t proofl•d 1111 II JI l h b J l' k \ 6 'Pd Ht•d 11oh1l1· , 1n\I I'S PB 20.000 m1 on rooler. gaul(l''> + murh .iul.omallt trail) p11or top I rt',torl'd eng SL2.500 more S3 2 51) p 1• ~leering air rond & Sl!l•I !ti 1 l"lk p I' 645 371ll s.519441 <"LY Ii 001.1 milt•' . ' ~ llll!l!i • Autos, Used Autos, Used 1981 TOYOTA PICKUP '71 Beetle lup n•nd. s2s oo ALSO .~!l Karmann Gh1.i lop sha..e_e 497 ~79 1970 Squareback. StS95 OBO Ru115 Rood 67J.S996 OMLY $5595 ······················'i ······••••••••••••••••• MIRACU Mil.DA 2150 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 645-5700 SEE US FfRST! SEE OUR NEW RAM WINDJAMMER II CUSTOM VAN CONVERSION Standard bed model Equipment includes 4 speed transm1ss1on . one·touch tailgate panel. power brakes & is fully factory equipped (014974) 1981 VOLVO . 2 DOOR SEDAN Equipment includes 4 speed overdrive transmission. power steenng, power brakes. pinstripe. wheel well moldings and morel (193741). This one has a long wheelbase, au1oma11c transm1ss1on. shell. radio w11h an 8 lrack lape. stripes and whllewall llres (1 H10649) 53899 1969 MERCEDES l8a 220 DIESEi. Equ1pmen1 includes air conditioning, 4 speed transrn1ss1on, AM·FM stereo. runs & drives hke "NEW"I (078515) 55999 1981 VOLVO 2 DOORTUUO Equipment includes 4 speed overdrive transm1ss1on. power steering, power brakes, air 1i~,t·5ii,3ii~ m .. ., 1974 VOLISWAGIN IUS Equipment includes 4 cyl engine. 4 speed transmission. air conditioning, AM-FM siereo & complete cuslom interior (851SYO) 1979 HONDA CIVIC 4 cyl. engine, 4 speed trans .. air cond , bucket aeats. radio. pin stripes, bOdy 1idt moldings & in excellent cond1tlonl (932XJR). 1981 VOLVO 2 DOOR SEDAM Equipment includes an au1 q mat1 c transmission. power steering. power bfekes. pinstripe, wheel well mpldlngs end morel (195177). 59327 1971 VOLVO 164 SEDAN Thid car fa m excellent cond1t10nl Equipment tncludes 4 speed 1ransm1ssion, AM-FM radio, air conditioning and it has metallic paint (~7JRO) 52699 1976 VOLVO 245WA .. ()ttt Economy wt th room ror the famllYI 4 cyl. engine, automatic trans.. radio, b\det Mat• and sleel r~lal tir ... (072213~ 541 M '69 Con\'ert1ble \ 'W Ill'" top. tire~. S2.400 OHO 548 48.JI '79 VW Rabbit Dt'1sel 4dr. 4spd. :lll\ mi. xlnt 1·ond best offer 770 4629 '58 Van llebu1l1 1600 <'01( Rodv & electrical net•d work Slloo 675 1222 Volvo 9772 •••...••••........••..• We ha\e a ~ood ~let• lion or N~·w & l'SED Che\•rolelli • CONMB.L CHEVIOLET 2'01 Harbor Hh d l'l~TA ~ESA 546-1200 '72 lmpala, \'.8. auto. 36.M 1 Xlnl rW1n111~ rood $950 p p 76(). 1287 #I VOLVO DEALSl IN ORANGE COUNTY ' 069 Chl'I') 11o ag :n; Besl o ffer Good rood 638T JC !WS-<li'Ol SALES, SERVICE AND LWtHG Corvette 9932 O\'ERS ~AS DELJVERY •••• .. ••••••••••••••••• EXPERTS ·77 Conette Wh1Ll' EARLllKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 646-9 l_Ol 5_4().9 46 7 '73 VOLVO t64E Automatic. air. loaded ' 7S.OOO miles• Shurp• !321GSS> $3995 JtM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Bench Blvd. 842-2000 Auto Loaded CleiVI XI nt rond SS OOO 536-3196 '73 'Velie. rully loaded. orig owner. xlnt cond. $7500 673-1429 ·79 'Velie . ..,lute. T-top. auto. am Im caH. cruise. a c. loaded. sha~ ... s12~_ ~·4i78 Cougar 9933 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '13 Cougar XR7 Cot1•. Xlnt cOftd. Lo mi. Al optloes. $6,000 010 .. .. 5203 '76 VOLVO Dodge 9935 264(1,L ••••••••••••••••••••••• S u n r o o r s e d a n '73 Dart 4 door. 6 cyl. AulOmaUc, power steer \'ery clean. Sl:ES mg, air, stereo. 46,000 Sll-2403 miles A/ beauty' 1091579> FOR SAU $4995 '72 Dodge Dart 49,000 JIM MMIHO miles, original owner VOLKSWAGEN Runs perfect. 20 M_P G. 18711 Buch Blvd 0 B 0 Ca 11 Denn 1 s l4Z·ZOOO 675-4233 or 67J.S796 ----'~ ........... ~-Ford 9'40 .._, UllCI ••••••••••••••••••,•••• ••••• : ..... •••••••••••• 12 Ranc:~ro 350. auto. ,.~,.. 9tOI AC, lo mt, 1 owner, ~ew --paU\t, new brb, mech ••••••••••••••••••••~•• xlnt Sl9001bst ofr. * • .• '84().3264 ~.... -=-=-==---- 701 w. ltriperial Hwy. There's an easy way for Llfl.llla HUis )'OU to sell that bicycle Y ... A you no longer use. Just ouare uoc:winner or ad verllse it in the TWO FREE p~~ Claulfied! Oall642·S6'18. (117 vatilel RlNGlJN<MIROS. BARNUM ai bAJLEY cacus Anaheim Convention Center Aue. &-17 Lona Beach Attn• AUC. lt.23 To clalm paaaea, call 142·$178, ext. 272. Pusea muat be U · cban.ed fbr rtservf4 MILi it bot orl lc e pri or to ptl'fonlauct.. *** USITHI DAILY PILOT HFAST llSULT .. -SHVICI DlllCTOIY For Result Service Call 642-1671 ... HI .ri1_ ,,111•·,• l, .... hH"I ~)J•nt -.,na;._k 'rdy :dtJ!.t r\ · l ,).i•f·, '-,(··,,t :1p11 t•P•; fltl (1i1f•r dtJtl..rr1al•\ 1ll 1' ( ,Jf ~ 1f•t' fl } ./~ ( I( )I' ~·:inti 1P1_J ,,n.1' L'~fiPT~ s9997 mags '62973 . True ks, Vans & 4X4s We're vour Ram TouRh lrtJCk Center' '78 DODGE '78 DODGE VAN CONVERSION 4x4 rlCKUP '11C7tl71 56991 ~'79 PLYMOUTH ~RAILDUSTER WAGO 55291 '77 DODGE VAN COHVERSIO lll lUltl 55991 '72 CHEVY '79 GMC PICK Ur JIMMY 414 [uco.111) 111100! s 1981 '7391 76 MHCUIY 'IO C .. YY ~ .. MOMU .. )(W) •1""1!) sz911 s4591 t?I 0 flOMTIAC' 71DOMI MAM»PlfX OMNI .... ·~ '4591 s3491 f 71 Ot.DS ?ICMIYY Cun.ASS CAMAIO ~ lllf'Nll 14591 '3991 I ?IH)lt ~· ·nvw IAlmTINlsa ' ""'"' '2991 '5991 ~ • 1¥ SHYICI ll'ICWJST •LIASM Al.1 MAHS • M KAILA llPAMOL Hours Salee 9 a m 111 9 p m Daily s.tv10. 7. a m 'Ill 5.30 p.m M-F 0 i1 DO '(OU KNOW MUCH ABOUT I LOVE, CHUCK? PROBABLY NOT Sl:fRE, Cl4UCK • .IN TI.IE MEANTIME, HERE'S ANOTHER ONE ••• SAV A PERSON HAS KIND · OF A 616 NOSE, AND ANOTHER PERSON CALLS HER t'BASEBALL NOSE,'' AND TELLS HER NOT TO 60-NEAR THE SALL PARK 'CAUSE SOMEONE M16HT AUT06RAP~ MER NOSE, SHOULD 51-tE 6E OFFENDED? NANCY BOY, ITS H.OT Tot>AY--- t'M DYING . OF THIRST SUNDAY, AUOUITI. ,., ... cunt WELL, IF A LIKE5 6, BUT B LIKES C WHO LIKES D AND E Wl40 BOTH LIKE A WHO DOESN'T EVEN KNOW THAT D EX15T5, SHOULD F TRY TO HAVE G TALK TO B SO E WILL KNOW ™AT C LIKES D AND E, AND THAT C WILL POUND H IF SME COMES AROUND AGAIN BUTTf N6 IN ? WHAT DO '(OU THINK, CHUCK? • 6 SHOULDNT 6ET INVOLVED, AND AN AUTOGRAPH ON A NOSE WOULD PROBABLY WASM OFF .. ~. I ARE YOU '5URE ---HAVE KIDDING '? 4 --J. A GLASS 15 IT REALLY FREE? OH1 IN THAT CASE-- • ... YOUR HDMITDIN DAllY PAPER '{OU DON'T KNOW ANVTHING ABOUT LOVE, CHUCK! By Ernie Bushmiller . UGH , . ••.•. . . Tooth or-ConseqUences l.IKE 1 6AID, (T M10HT WEL.1.. BE THAT HE WAS )0 U'LL THIN~ INVOl.VED WITH HE'R.' \ .. • .. Aw, rr'i:> JU9T A ~YIOOTH ! lT w1v; LOOSE AAYWAY! 6HE'e NOT tN THE ~AME CL.Aee WITH MA001 ! 6E5 1DE5, 1T'5 NOT Ao THOV0H MA061 AND eoe HAD BEEN .-~~. HAVIN6 TROUBLE: "'-.;. ~--~ ,f ... " • ... -! l1Ll MAV£ 1\(i eA'oN AAO C~ESE t»\ELff. ... ( t-b, 0UT l WAG HCPIN' J. M IGHT CA10i HER Off~O! J WMA-r DIO"l(:;\.J PUT UNOE:R 'THE PILLOW? t ' 0 0 0 FIR6 T, 1 WAN l 10 l\New l F 5 HE'5 ACQUAINTED WITH !)AM, YOU'RE ACTING Llt\E SOM EONE WHO THI NKO THAT LANA W E65TER WA6 R.EePON515L.f ALL. I CAN !)AY 15 H-IAl 1 PON'l FOR BOB BENSO N'~ DEATH.' ONEJA50N GAMBEL.L.! TH INK HE WA6 lN A NOR.MAL 6TATE OF MIND·WHEN HE • LEFT HE" AT THAT RE6TAUl':ANT, AL.EX.' THAT'e> WHAT MAOOI THOU6HT Ae, DID EVERY· ONE WHO l~NEW THEM ! WHAT HAPPEN~ TO MA0C>I tF WE FIND OUT THAT HER Hu6eAND AND LANA HAO 50METHIN6 601N0 7 W'4A1' tC1NO ~ C'4EeS& WOOLO ~ 1.1a OM -ntAf, ~'"'~ "'1£ MAVf; AMERICAN, '~~WAR OR r--::::::::...-....1 ~\IJ1~~- • i.>ooL t> '40U ~l K~ e.J1'flR Oft Jill~ OM 1"Af 1 (M tW'f "ON6Q.'I AN'IMOR£. l'M 60NNA {,() ~rr I~ 1"t4E 'AR. \\ . . ~ '2:.J . : , I . 1 I t 1 ' 'i ' i FUNKY WINKERBEAN SHOE ~ HeAR "T'HES /I.AA.YO Cl-INIC IS ee<SGIN<S HIM -ro vOIN "T'HelR S'f"A.FP:.' I WROTE DOWN A ~01<£ ON A PIEl.E OF PAPER ... PUr If IN 1Hl6 Bue.KET , AND NOW !'M ON ffV.J lJJP/.i ACR0551l>WN Wl1H Ii! HOW MA.NY Noeei-. PRI ZE:S HAve You WON , POC:T"OR ~ A.RS YA. PRIVING i-He .ME!RCE!P~S OR "T'He ROL-l-S i-oPA.Y, c::>oci-oR ~ ~!T~YOO ""-'lat ~T IN~? -. 0 - by Tom Batiuk PER60NALl.£J I I "THINK 1HAT'5 CA~Rc..>ING A JOKE mo .FAR ! 6y MacNellv OM.WE~IT INTO JUNK,fX.~. - -,~SIGH :­ A.N' "T'HA.1"' "T'A.KE!S -CA.Re O,_ "T'OPAY'S SHORT L-l'l-e<SO "T"~IP/ f I ·, f ,1 l .. MAQMAOUKE< ! W~cR~ DID )OLJ P ICK UP THESE= e.Ac:> HA~ITS? -.-----....., - ou-r, YOU MOOCHIN' ~,._ 1-0W-LIF'li J..USH! .. \~ il-IAI I Pf'RFER itiE tAF1Y-PLJNT- WllH-FLAI- ON-~ACK­ L.At\JDING-• WELL, IT LOOKS LI KE W C.'VfE. 6~EN UP HC.~E: ALL AF"TERNOON, 0UT · OUR LUCK HAS . SO J="A~ WE HAVEN"'"T S POTTED A SINGLE Fl~E F"INAl-LY RUN OWT f -,-0 COVER/ CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There •re •t 1 .. st six dl ... r· ences In drawing details between top and bottom panels. How quickly can you find ~hem? Check .nswers with those below. ... ~..a111P ,, •l•H • 6v1n11u ... ·~~ s ... ~ \! MllOIQ t llu1n 1w '' u~••? c llu•H1w '' qnp 110') t •adNC> '' ~:>oww•H 1 ... ,.....1110 hffirlle ® -------by Hal Kaufman------- e EGGED ONI "I'll t•lle •n ettpi.nt, •net •ny other produce t"-t wlll 90 well with brffkfHt/' l"'I w ... fHMd. "5'ire ttl lng," said the clerk, naming """ "bre•kfasty" produce Items. C.n you guess•"-' they were? , .. l!ll<l!'tod tM\j •H 11.e.ci .. n. 11114' \!(19• Hllftn '1101 .,.~ e Sum Fun! If II more than tw ice a number Is 18 9 less than three times the number, wha t Is the ber? Answer quickly. •t\ 41•1,.1 •1 .HC!Wflu itll1 • ports C.stl N•me the sf!(>rt with which Nch of these ftt'ms Is associated: 1. Bunt. 2. loteY. 3 .... ,,. lngbone. 4. Butterfly. s. Pelot•. 1•1• ••r { flu1ww1M\ • 6uu,\ t 110') t 11•qK119 I • Rlddle·Me·Thisl Which bird Is named for a hat? The fez·ant. What does nature do at college? Takes Its course. Why did the teacher moonlight a t banquets? VERSE TEST-Hewasanedu caterer. WHAT AM I? Try this verse-riddle: tn the Hrs of young •ndotd I repeat what I am told; And they hea.r me, old •nd young, Though I have no busy tongue. When• thunderclap •w•kesme, Not• touch Of sor· row t•kes me; Yetsotenderismy ur. T"-t the softest sound I fear. C.11 me not with bated breath, FOf" a whisper Is my death. Whal am I? 21. HOT SPOTI °U's • hot, sunny d•Y and all'1 well with our pal above, right? Connect dots to complete picture. YARD SALEt ~rpen c«»'orlng pencils or cr•yons. Appty them neatly to scene above : 1-Red. 2-Lt. blue. J-Yellow. 4-Lt. brown. S-Fltsh. •-Lt. grHn. 7-Dk. brown. a-Dk. blue. .. . SPELLBINDER SCORE 10 palnt1 for using all the letters In the word below to fo<m two complete words: CLOTHIER ---.. . -.. THEN score 2 points each for all words of four letters or more tound among the letters. Try to score •t leHt so points. ' '110) '••rH ·-..&.u• .. QltWd :-,r,' Lo " -' FOr Better or For Worse by Lynn Johnston \NCREDIBLE.. I uUST DON'T BELIEVE IHE J PRICES. JOHN~ \YOHN l PATIERSON. .... ----------------------------HE. LEN BINKS! I HAVEN,-'/AC'<.,YPC.K,'/PC.K SE.EN you IN AG-ES! WHO YOU CALLIN'? LOOK! IF THERE'S ANYT1-llNG iHAT NEEDS DOING-AROUND H~R~ l'LI. DO IT~ • • • TWO MONTf.15, PAY? • • • I ~ .. • . uow~· to ·iOse AdI0 \-"40 16S: in record Adiimine : . with ,:·Me4iear Science .. Discovery· that •. t. ... . . . . ' - Speed$ ... 1Jp · yOUr ·Fat Bu•ning ·Metabolism \ • t. Results ar.e sg · dramatic ••• heads w'll tum! . Mtrr 'Quick Lou .Fat Bum System' with natural lelildnr FOlrftUfa llMloped by East Coast Dodor is currently copsidtred. the fastest poisible way . to ufely lo1e .wiilhf. without gnawing hunger ~Y. Richard Dunn TheR\ moR thap one way to bum fat! This at.artlina discovery. mide by Medical ~ience. has muled that CheR is a slow way and fast way to bum fat dCJ>9Sits. A new • .. oUi~k Loss Fat Bum System," developed by pn f.ast Coast Doctor, allows people to take advanta~ of this faster fat bumina process. ~ •. • • • By takina the Quick Loss R~ucina Formula on Dr. Litten._ system, you can:speed up your fat burning metabolism and abo naturally control buqer aignalJ. This two way action allows yo~ to safely lose weight faster than yo• ever have bcfoR. while controlling hunacr. Dr. Litten•s system.can work for anyone. whether 10 lbs. ot 90 lbs. overweight. How much and how fast can you lose? Some people lost 8 lbs. in 3 days. Othen lost 10-13 lbs. the fmt week; and IS -20lbs. in]ust 14days. Total weipt loaea of 20, 30. 40 lbs. and moR were recorded. 1be number of pounds 1ou q uickly shed and keep off wifl dCpcnd on how much 9ou are. ove~ microwave oven as the faster Quick Loss Fat Burning process. Food must be left in a conventional oven much longer than in a microwave to cook properly. And fat remains in your body much longer with ordinary fat. burning. But my .. Quick Loss Fat Burn System" accelerates your fat burning metabolism and rapidly melts fat deposits so they can quickly be flushed out of your body. Dunn: You also mentioned controlling hunger. How does that come about? Dr. Utten: Controll ing hunger is the second result of taking the Quick Loss Reducing Formula on my system. When your fat burning metabolism speeds up. your body automatically beg.in~ to gene·rate Natural Appetite Suppressors. These suppressors will safely and naturally help cbntrol hunger signals. Because of this, patients on my system report no hunger. Of coune, less hunger means less calorie intake, and fast weight loss. Dunn: What is the Quick Loss Reducing Formula'? Dr. Utten~ It's a special formula designed to be used with my .. Quick Loss Fat Bum System ... Medical &udies show· that people taking the formula on my system actually evacuated as much fat as if they ate nothing at all! WHY DOES THE SYSTEM WORK? DuM:· You've told me how it works. But why is it any better than all the other weight loss methods on the market? Dr. Utten: Most other methods " have drawbacks, which doom :· ~'.·K:·./.:~:;.~ ... =~ . them to failuR from the start. '"~"= ,. "t:: ·"J~.~~" Starvation is sheer tortuR. It Dr .... u....1.,~11ew·111a-...LMaF8t ... I,.._.,,,..... takes superhuman willpower Jo .. ,.. ... ..., •c W.~1-._.::dtAfbl,2'to'8.._.8fter succeed. Strenuous exercise is ,.. · ........... Qlllcll U... ..... c ... Fohllllla • Dr. Litton'• work like and the results are ., ... .,,.., .... _..11•CHbelC••tw•..W,a.wwt,.._ slow. Fad diets can ruin your ..., ... ..,.....,, .... ..,....,,....._y_....._.......... health and in most cases. the e\"H•idl t.t ......... ...._. .......... wtJI\•• lf'J ..... Tftla _.. .. _,, ...... ,..CM....., ............ ,,.... weight quickly returns. ..._._,.....,...,_.......,4111 , ..... , .... , ,.,,..... Chemicals and diet pills make • . • • • - -you nervous lnd they eventually your ideal weipt. • lose their effectiveness. How is it pouible to saflly lose weight that fa st while controllina hungcr'l As • c;opywtf\er! that's what I wanted to know. So I flew into Pbi~elphia International Airport and set up an intervicw·with Dr. Litten. Here•a what I found out: ... HOW DOii THE IYSTEMWORK? 0-: How does your aystell) ~or~? ; Dr. IMt•: My system works by aJ~ckjna •yopr weiaht problem two !"IY•· Firit, yo'! .,.tuially ln4 aafety speed up your fat bu,.inrm$bolil11t ~nd aicoQd. you ftMllle Natu,.C APPfti1' Sup,,rtwo" to control bun1cr 1i1nal1. • • • · ~ . . 0-S How ii it• pcdbJc \a. ·~· up yout flJ 1Mnina .... bolilm7 · • · . Dr • ....._ 1111 key to my.,.._ ift~l nttural •betaw I .U Quick Loll leduc:illtFonnGla. Yo6 lab tbll formula ow a dly. A~ii•cly lA to: a -.Oun after 11kiq the r:"onnulli .. my ayacem. your fat bumiq mtaboMlai Ip.di \IP· Your body ii ptly conwned int_, a biP .,_, Fat itumin1 S,.aena. ~ 0-: Youttriahlaboutwhytbcyfail. Because J\le interviewed overwcipt people who tried them all But wby i1 your system different? Dr. Uttm: My system has none ohhesedrawbacks. There's no constant hunaer .,_np. TheR i~ no strenuous exe~ise. no weird fad dictina and no healtb ruinini diet pilla. But most important. there's no waitinl for results. You11 beain to lose the very fitstday. Patients a.ave lost 8 lbs. in ldays •. lllbs. in 7 days and as much as 20 lbs. in just 2 weeks. With these kind of results. dthcr than losina-hope and quittina. you1l be encou,.pd to ·continue and quickly lo,c moR. . . om: Whal hippem • ~ raCb ' your ideal --: ..... ? . ~ .... t - Dr. 1.-r MOit of my .patiaMI report dial they .auallJ craw food -. to lt'I.., to eat lea tJian befort .... keep·U. ......... HEADS WILL TURN after you've achieved spectacular reaulta in record time. The article below will explain how you can aafely·loH weight, the feateat way known to medical acience, without gnawinp hunger. Dunn: It sounds great. But do you have any case histories of successful users? Dr. Utten: Yes. l can gjve you their stories and even supp ly before and after photos. Dr. Litten suppl ied hundreds of case histories and before and after photos. Since space is limited , I've listed the stories of three of our most successful users. But before you read them, let me mention this: I did my own research and found that leading universities have conducted studies which verify the effectiveness of the key ingredient in the Quick Loss Formula for achieving rapid weight loss. BEFORE~ 167 lbs. 35" waist AFTER: 114 lbs. 26" waist t::'I""'~""'""'-"/ tXfWrltnct no hungtr from tht btglnning. /lost JJ lb1. -8 lb1. in tht Jim wttlc. Durin6 my 1at day1' I 1ltp1 mort than 11 hours a day. Soon afttr I btgan tht ~ysttm, I btcamt an tarly morning ristr -my tntrgy was abl'ltdanl." SbirltJ Watson Delran, New JtJMy BEFORE: 245 lbs. 43" wlilc . AFTER: 114 lbs. 35• waist "I how bttn on many otMf di~u. but noM of thtm worlc.td. Afttr stting tht succtss of my mothtr on Dr. l.ilttn i 1yS1tm. and how sM /ost 6() lbs. and lc.tpt It off. I dtciMd to try It. In a short tlmt, my wholt lift was chanitd. No mort bting tirtd or dtprtsstd. I hod tntrgy likt Mvtr btfore. I haw lost 61lbs .• 8 lnc:hts off my waist and can now buy all MW clotlw1, which I low ... MldaMI J. Wenott Montato-.., New JerMJ IEfOU: 163 ..... ,. ..... AFn:R: 121... 21• _.. • / wo.r io'1t,f Into "llzt II dttu wlwn I ll•t«I Dr. U11tn 'J 1y1ttm. I Ion ,,_,,,, w/Pt. 4J /In., 1ojl1m1omy1J ,,., ""' """'"'~., mt s ""11ptw1. h II Gii HIY t11td /tut "'°J' 10 lo# wtlgllt. ,,., "°' boriltf. ''"" 10 lb1. 1& /frll ewn w 1'41111t'lfftl ,,,. .,,.,., """"' P!f'tl•· .. ...., .... _, a,an, -New .... , WHAT CAN THE SYSTEM DO FOR YOU After you follow his system, you can ... • Speed up your fat burning metabolism to 'safely' lose weight faster than you ever have before. • Generate Natural Appetite 'Suppresson to control hunger signals. • Lose stubborn excess inches off your waist. hips. buttocks and thighs. • Increase your energy and vitality. • Reach your ideal we ight and stay there. Dr. linen's personal system is not available anywhere, except in the Philadelphia area. But if you would like to safely lose all the weight you want. faster than you ever have before. while controlling hunger, you can order his system direct by mail. HOW CAN YOU ORDER THE SYSTE,..1 If you wish to order Dr. Litten's '"Quick Loss Fat Bum System ... which includes a supply of Quick Loss Reducing Formula and an easy-to-understand instruction booklet. simply do this: Write .. Quick Loss Fat Bum System .. and your name and addrus on a piece of paper along with cash. check or money order in the followina amounts: Full 10 day supply .................. only S7.9S (plus SOc postage It handling) Full IS day supply .. ~ .••....•...... only Sl0.9S (plus 7Sc postage &: handling) Full 20 day wpply ................. only $12.95 (plus S 1.00 post.age .t handling) Full 30 day supply .••.••.•••••••••• only Sl7.9S (plus S 1.00 postage .t handling) (Make checks payable to Weight Loss Group.) If you have Master Charge or VISA, you may charge ypur purchase by sending the following information: A. name of your credit alrd 8. credit card number C. card expiration date. Mail your orders to WEIOHT LOSS GROUP. 2 Richelieu Plaza. Dept. T -79' Canton, .. Ohio447SO. Dr. Litten's system is backed witb a 1991 moncx back fU!rtntee. After foUowiD( bis system. YCM1 must safely lose weiJht futer than you cver have before, whi~ controllina hu~. If this doanl happen. or you're diuatiaflld inaayway,juaa tend it price beck -no suea INu:k. Youll receive •m nur,.,....... To makeaureyou;lt~ ~.why not order riaht now. so we can r1aih ~.,_...to you. t;y mum mail. et• • • • • .... August 2, 1981 llilJPilat s..i 11'11 QUtSllOfl • 1 ....-. 10 ··ASll f lfl!<iy Wtellly 641 l •UflQIOll Ai<e ..._ 'ltllk II v 10021 Wei O'f $~ lat ~ QueSltOllS Sony. wt CM! I lllS-Ollle<\ FOR SENATOB .ERNEST F. HOUJNGS (0.-S.C.) ....... 't ~be---to the eld.rty wbm ~· ,...,.. cutdnt the coet allhitaa ...... --Sodlll ~1 -E.W., BerMley, Ml.. • Ablolutely. But we must also con- skier wage-earning taxpayers who support the system. lat year, Social Security benefits increased 14 .3 per- cent but the Income of wage earners Increased only 8.4 percent. My pro. posal, which uses the lesser of the Needed: a }Ult /ormula Jor the ~ consumer price lndex and the average lnaease ln wages for c:alculating cost- of -living adjustments, simply puts retirees on an equaJ fooling with wage earners in these inflationary ttme.s. This restores ftnandal solvency to the Soda1 Secwtty ~at an average cost oi·only four dollars o month to cur- rent retirees. That's a small price to pay for such a useful program. FOR ISAAC HAYES, star of &cope from New York Would you rather be rich or famou.7 -C . .I., Ouv11k. Va. •Famous. My ego Is bigger than my social and economic needs. I'm a p1oduct of the ghetto, and I know what poverty Is aD about. In those days I told myself that one day I'd be rich. You think longingly about luxuries, but once you get them and taste them, theyiose a lot of their attraction. Material things wane and pall, but recognl11on does not. FOR USA CARROU.. recofdlng star-actress Wh8t do you pick out• dM ._thing you ewr cld? - E.W., Wllmangton, N.C. • I was at Paramount Pictures, screen·testing for a movie with Rock Hudson as the star, when a terribly handsome young man came by. I did not recogniZe him, nor his voice, when he took off his silk scarf and said, "Here, take this. It will go with your dress." That was the first and last time I met Elvis Presley and I didn't even speak. What was worse, I lost the scarf! FOR CASPAR WEINBERGER, Secretary bf Defense An adm'-'on 8tandard8 tougha for women who W8ftt to enlllt In the U.S. Army than they are lor men? II the Ar· my enllstlng enough WIOaMl'I to meet Its recndtlnt obfec· ttve? -B.R •• SallaM, Calif. • Enlistment standards are the same as those for men. The Army has been directed to achieve an active strength of 87 ,500 enlisted women by fiscal year 1986, but It has been unable to recruit the numbers of women required to meet this strength level. FROM DIE •ASK'" EDITOR • One of our readers addreSsed a ' quetdon to Sh.on Steele, author of the new sizzling Warner pape:rl>ack A / Dangm>ua Woman, and as we at-"' tempted to get the antwer, we learned It could not be done because Sharon Steele Is a pseudonym. The authors are Biii Mulvev and Dtdl Feht, two 60-year-dds in the promodon busi- ness, who hastened to aMUN us they weren't al that thriUed about becom· Ing oonpenons; their edttor ls respon-Dick and Bil: r.1tant nonpmons. sb&e. ..He thought a woman's name on the cover would be better, In terms of sales, than If there were two men's," sighed Mulvey. Added Fehr, 'The wrtter who argues with his publlsher Is a fool." So what was our reader's ques-- tion? .. How did Sharon feel about wrkers who change their names, the way some petfonnen do." FOR JANICE L VNDE. star of 1Vs Another World What do you do If your llnea ..... unnatural OC' uoUb eomed\lnt you'd uy la rwa1 Ille? -G.S., ~ m. •I stop short and say, "Wait a minute, this sounds In- consistent." The cameras stop rolling, and we sit down and discuss It. We have a lot of freedom to change. Just the way a dress may look great hanging on a peg and horrible when hanging on you, It's the same with . dialogue. On paper It seems so real, but when spoken, It has an art1ficia1 tinge. So we change it. FOR BOWIE KUHN. Commlssk>ner of Baseball If. ~ ... for tr..a:ment la • drug-rehliblfttadoo pro- gram. wdl tM be IUbject to dledpllnuy lldloft; ud why do .. but Houlton Md OUJand pbiyers .... dark deata? An they optloGa]? -L.M., Hobart, Ind. • Any player who voluntartly comes forward for treatment wlU not be subject to discipline. This will ap- ply no matter what form of drug problem an indlviduaJ may have. In regard to the dark cleats, the option Is left up to the clubs, as you ment:Soned. FROM 1HE •ASK'" EDrrOR • From Kld'8ltne Hepburn comes news ol the greatest therapy In the world, which, she claims, Is free because It's avallable wtthJn everyone's four .walls. She speaks &om experience, since she has been taking ad - vantage of it for years -It's scrubbing fJoors ... The bad press that showered Raquel Welch after she was c.anned from MGM's Cannery Row didn't stop Untted Artists from proposing a major prod~-staning deal to the actress. Other offers are flowing ln. PRO Dr. le.Iv L S.-w., drector, Cration.SO. erlCS Raurch c.n.. PRO AnD con CON Dr.~ A.~ cxecu1tve dhctor, Na· Yes. Children should learn both tides of an lssUe tn the publk: IChools and not be brainwashed. Sdmce Interprets evidence. Stu· dents should know the ldmdftc evidences lnteapceted for C\'Oludon and agaJn• t, the ldenttftc: evt- denoa lnteapceted for Creation and ~· t . Students ahould be alow.d to make up the own minds, not forced to chooM on• view over another or be graded on the correctu ... of Crudon or eYOlutlon . The C-SRC publlsha tdence fllXtl wthout ba>llcal referenca dedng with the Creadon~utlon quadon. Should Both the Biblical and Sdentfllc Explanations ti Creation Be Taught fn the Public Schoola? I ,...... ...... .,, _... .. °""""" ......... ........ .-................... .,,.,_ . ....,..., . .. , ........ -. ..... .,.., u . ,..,, ...... 11 ..... ,..... tlonal Auodatior'I of 8'ok>gy Teachen No. The 8'ble ii an explanation of ufiy we cxllt, while sdmc:e ex· sfaWia how I could have hap- pened. For most rdgk>us people there ls no conDct between the two: God ls aatlng an CYOlvtng wodd . Humana have thus evolved to become the children of God. But puamg Adam and Eve. l'bab's flood and the six days of Creation Into ldenC8 clall8I as an equal aJtcmattve to evolution will jutt confuM children. L.tt's be honest with them by sav· Ing rdgk>n fa« our homes and churches or syna- 909\* and teaching only sdlnce tn biology dames . C> 1911 FAMILY W££KU'. All rtohtt ~ ' . 99% tar free: I MG TAIH1U!NTHOL Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. I AB Indy Jonea, hero of the new epic film, Raiders of the Lost Ark. actor Harrison Ford gives movie-goers a swashbuckling rogue who's in like Rynn and able as Gable. ust as Harrison Ford is good-naturedly explaining his frustration about being called, variously, the "new" Humphrey Bogart, Enol Flynn , and/or John Wayne, there Is a knock on the door: A tele· gram Is delivered. Ford, Just 40, leans back In his star·quallty trailer on the set of his next film, skims the cable and laughs out loud. The text con- gratulates Ford on his performance as lndlana Jones In RoJders of the Lost Ark -the performance that's inspired all of the comparisons -and It ends with this: 04You're the Gable of the SO's." Says Ford with a shrug, 04ft's always someone." For all the adulation Ford Is getting, the part of Indy Jones almost went to someone else. Producer George Lucas (who directed Ford In Star Wars) and director Steven Spielberg both wanted Tom Selleck of TV's v Magnum, P.1., but Selleck couldn't work It out wtth his schedule. FlnaUy Lucas and Spielberg saw what had always been under their noses. As soon as Ford was signed, he worked at making his character different from the Han Solo role he'd developed for Star Wars and The Empire Strikes &ck . .,!ndy Is not only more of a swashbuckler and rogue, he's also far more so· phlsticated and mu!ttfaceted. Off screen, Ford Is Just as much his own man as the character he plays. He drives a spiffy black Porsche and wears a black leather jacket, but that's about as hip-high style as he cares to get; the rest of his attire runs to T-shirts and beat·up, bagged-out jeans. "Brown hair, brown eyes, slx feet taD, American type," he deadpans, slightly bored wtth self-contemplation. He admits to being ~a great appreciator, but no expert -I like the best of Its kind In all categories," presumably wine, womel'I, song and life's other pleasures. This doesn't mean, though, that Ford Is a swashbuckling stud· about-town. Eschewing the Beverly Hills party circuit , he sdcks close to the Benedict Canyon home he shares with his girlfriend: 04We specialize in wtra~ HARRISON FORD High Adventure Returns to_ The ffiovles By Suaon Squire 4 • MMILYWEEKLY, Auouet 2, 1•1 we call 'meals In minutes,' simple food, mostly fish " And he spends as much time as possible with hls two sons. Ben~mln, 12 and WUlard , 14, who Uve "nearby" With their mother, Ford's ex-wife and coUege sweetheart. He Is a consummate professional who pays attention to minute details of character, wardrobe, environment In the roles he plays -the type of actor who wlll notice a piece of stray paper on the set and pick It up so It doesn't find Its way Into the shot; the type who is friendly with everyone on a set and enjoys the ensemble effort of making a film . For four years he studied English literature and philosophy at Ripon Col- lege In Wisconsin -his vocabulary and precision of expression make It obvi- (continued) Bottle ••• .. and other examples of the money-making collectibles market. Item Original Price Price Today ~ c.tt•nds ~ $20 It hu Increased more v.- than 300 timee In value! 30c $200 98c $85 ITEM: A young collector heloe two eidertY liltet'S dean out their ceftar-and ~ hundreds of doHarl worth of old boCltet like the one pk:bnd. Today, bottles like It.,. worth between $100 Md $200. ITEM: A IChooltNCtw buys a S8 WllllrColor et a ftM IMltcet. Monthl !liter It .. told tor $22,000. ITEM: A etnale picture butlon from the 19th Century ... for $190 In 1970. Men end more people are cbctNer#ng the Vllue of tangible thlngl. Collecting ha ftllys bHn good fun. Today, It's good busiMu. Wllh T .. ENcvcLoNDIA OF Cou.EcTaa, you C8l1 ~the clftllwa bltlW1n • t.IC9 Md• find. If you t\11\19 your own ud atoriel d collectibles that got away-the dtsc:arded comic book collection (now worth thousands) ... that "Ugly" Belleek um that you flnally gave to rummage-you know the problem. How can you know whet h8I value? 1tUllt TIE.lJFE BOOKS. LHm from 8ICperienced collectors. See prized eonections. Read what to look for with TIME·UFE BOOKS' ENCYCLOPEO&A ~ Cou.eCT~S. Lush oo6or photographs and detailed cae histories on ewrythfng from art glaaa to ad giWaway9 ... vintage cans to Old cartoons •.. campaign buttons to campaign chests ... war medaJs to ship models. Thol.llMda d ,,,__,. .. •tlaltlng for you. Know what to look for and where. At flea markets-snap up 1950s moYie star paper doMs. At yatd s81ee-old Gillette razors are a flnd. At auctions-klok for oak fumltu1'8. (Hint: It may be buried under layers d paint.) In )Q.11' own home old photographs such as daguen'eotypes and tintypes c.... be worth hundr8ds today. Use THE ENcvCl.OPEDIA OF Cou.ECTIBlES to inform, Inspire and direct you to a coUection hobby d your own. lncnd»le II lltaductory oner. Get started wtth e>Ur fabulous triple offer. 1) We'll send you Volume One d THE ENcvc:u>PEDtA OF Cou.ECTIBLES to examine for 10 days without ooet or obfigallon. 2) "lt>u'fl receN9 a FREE~ d The Colleclors Handbook. 3) If you decide to keep Volume One, you n get The OlflcJal Price Gulde to Antiques and Other Coltec1iblN aa a welcome gift wtth your purdiase. Mail the coupon today! Or write: TIME-LIFE BOOKS, Tlme & Life Building. c~ IL 60611 . Name'--------------------:a-n----------------------------W P&fi Addr•--------------------------------- 0~~---------------------------------------------- Statecor ~· T-sitor Poll8I C:00.1---.-i! Double Bonus! The OfftctM Price Guidi to AnCtquee end Oltwr Ccllec .... c-.. ......... •50 .,.. Molw "*' 20.000 US>-tl>-09le pncet ~ ...,...., ~ ndullYe colledible onc:lel! n.c~eamHMdbook c-.. ...... 11M1 ~~ ... ..0-S ~ "°"...,. lot glllll'9 '°"' rnoney·a A: WOftl. yerd .......... ~..,.,. "' -~-----~-----------------~~~ ,. ' t ' f t ' t I ~ I I I I I I ' I I ' . ' , _____ _ Advertiaement A"avert11ement . --~----- '' Deep down, mv friends were skeptical about my trving to diet again, but. . . Their $keptic.ism turned to amazement , when they saw me Lose 21 lbs. in just two weeks" CKI.RRY HILL. New '-1 -Lmda Evans'wholc life 11.H sucldmly cban.,c:t. since she lost an amazi111 21 11>$ in jUJI 14 days. Unda had been owrwcipt much of her adult lift and hid uied au the SO<allecl Wondcf Dieu. But nothi111 seemed to work. Then she dllCOvtred thc secret of lhe -wcipt Lou S)'l«m of Body Chemistry Conuo1- To put It in her ow.n wotd1: w1 ,_., teOflll'lf tr.inc Ill .. '*""' ..,,.,11o1121..._..rwo....ta.M1..._.ldlaa'l1MOftf•J ._._....,._,...i,,......,._l.lfMlao~..._ .... MlllO _ _...,_.,.IMll11llll ...._ Allll lowck•todlt 'S,.._ of 8o1J CIMtll6Mry Coecro&.' lt't .. Nit_.,..._ 6t l'vt "•.pw.M41trW ... d.Alllll .... 'lt.l--~..-.a.e • Giiis ...._ I Ktm11J 1194 -• -s7 dlut ene." Exactly what 11 the -wei&ht Lou S)"tcm of Body Cbanistf)' Control!"" h 11 a mnarublr wc;,ht 1ou breakthrouan th.It is considcnd the futut pou1bk w1y to safely lost weiahL It was dtwloped by Dr. Nril Lmen. 1 pronuncnt EU! Cout Ooc:lor. And 11 featura an amuill1 Natunl Rcducana formula. It works by ttmporerily eh&npna your body ellcmaacry to triacT 1 noti.siop fat bllrni111 ruaion 1n your body. And Lu1da 11not1hr only one 10 II.aw e11perienccd this Cat bllrruna ch.ltn ruC1ioa. O\'f~ht people all oYCr tht Chtny HiU aru haw aducwd the fu1cs1. me»t incredible "()i Dr u11rri i S~t#wt. / ltod "° sitM #f!rcu tRvJ moJtly Ioli of'~· .. """" MNf>' ,,_, I r•w lwd in ""Y /if,. (i,11in1 °" tlw -~ #V#T lflomU., is •JoJ'. lw km 1111>1. oNI />rt 1tlll losi"1· It;• piffsull llO,.. '10 buy C'lo1lw1In1m11117-9 lia1. ilutftld of IJ-16"' ,.,,,... It) 1lw O#llF tlitt rw _, bttn "" t"41 l lww ""'"fr/1 1-tlry, lrri1ablt"' rind, My"'"°" OUlloot Nu c/ttlfW'd-• IWI<' }ob. ,.,,.. c/o1lws. I tW muclL mwlr 1>#11" ~' o/ myH/f tJwn""' IH/o,.,," . Jilllb M_. -Mt. HoDJ, New Jftwy "New I can w. ... tile Lit.It ltJte•" "I ,...., 10"11 into • slrt 18 drtJs ,..,.,,, / 11.,ttd Dr. U11m :r 1y11mi. I loll trtOUflt MYlpl, 4J lbs .. to f11 l1110 ""Y 1J -old dacltl#r) sJu j dun/ftutu /1 iJ"" HSy MdftUI MW)' to loJt -i,1t1. It '.r rt<>I bori"I. I /ml IOl>s. 1lv fll'JJ "wit •rwl I didtt~fttl tlwusu.f ltwt1rr ,,.,..~-. 8eftJ ~ -Owry tull. N-'-r "My '-'sY ............... • 1, xprrlmctd no """'" /'°"' tlv brf'llt.ttbtf. JIOJ1 .SJ lbl. -I lbs. ilt 1/w flw ,..,.... Dw*"f my f.i •P' I Jlrpt _., ,,_ 11 ltn. • d.)' $ocHr #,{IH I "'rM llw 1y11mt, I~ •n t•rly monrinf rurr -"'y ""'fJ MG~/" Slllrte7 w ..... -o.n... ~ ,.,,,,, weichC lottc$ or thtlr mllrt llYCI. . Some pcofllr loft I Iba. 111 l da)'$. O!Ma Lost 10.13 llK. tlw fim wtek alld »-2' Ille. in jut( 14 dayi. Dcpcndina h~ o~illlt lMY were, peoplr JOit 20. lO. 40 lbs. and mon. And peoplt "po" th«y cstloycd thia kind o( f111 Wfllht loQ without 11oniiln1 h11111tt penp. As a writer. tpecialilina in lakb ncWJ. when I fint heard about Dr. l.itun\ Systcftl. I wanted 10 learn mo". So I tct 11p an iftlenirw with him. Hcre't what I found out: HOW THE IVITIM WORKS .· QUESTION: H-.... J111W ,,.._ --"' ANSWER: My syttcm wortta by 1empor1rily chal!JinJ your body chemiscry. Once th11 ls MlCOlllplished, 1wo cbln .. OCC'Ur 111tomatically. Fint, a non•top f 11 lurnina chain iuctlOll ii triamid in your body. And teCOnd, your body betlns 10 •ntrate Nature! Appetite Supp,.._, 10 eontrol bu111rr tipiah. QUESTION: lhw .. It ,...,. to dlMet ,_ .._, t I 1t ANSWU: AftN'olimetd) M-41 llovn alter you 11et111 taklfla w fl*ial Rapid Wfistlt L-FormuJa on my system. yOut nwiabolbm '"' 111 -1oe a •tiara! plOOHI lMt doaort cell a "UtQftAlc- raaiocl. TM °'MtOll'lie" dllin raaion i1 the tuust w,y kno'<O'll to MB otr r.1. It alloM die 1M1.i«liu111 a1110Unt of bod)I tat tO M bul'Md olf ia die tllon.t ~le tft. QUU110H1C..W,_ ........................... .., ....r . ANiWU1 0.. • ~· ~ I& acUVlled, )'OUf {11 ~ _..""""um t1111t11i'lls •lld cllW!le-. le .._...., •• aftd )'OU lllWI ...,itectj~, .• iaOtar lOCOllUaUll .ui-.-..op fat mcl11n1. My system ac:hit\U lh11 1oal 111tomatJCally. It fcaturu 1 special Rapid We1pt Lon formula 1h11 you take once 1 day. Al you follow my low ealo~ system. the tpecially dcsiancd Formula helps llMlintain the ncccuary balance of nutricnu. . that are cutn111l 10 keep your Fat Bu.mini Olain Reaction 1oifta. on • conhnuous, 24 hour ... day baSIS. QUF.STION: Wllal II die llapW ...... F__..! ANSWER: It\ 1 spmal Reducm1 Form11la that't made of pure and Mtural 1n1redicnts. And Medical St\ldift show 1ha1 ~pie 1ak1n1 the Fonnula on my l)'lttm were able 10 enjoy delicious prncribcd meals . and Jt1ll ac1ually bum away as mud! body (11 ., not eat1n1 II Ill QUESTION: v .. alilo •ullauf -o111ta~.How4o.t11M -lllNMIC! ANSWER: An added benefit of the 1111u111I •ktto~nic-procas it th.It your body aencrates Na111ul Appetite Suppmsors. ThcK Natural Appetite Supprestors safely quiet huqer. BtcaUK of this, p111icnu on my system "pon it is caucr 10 rt.duce caloric cofllvmption. wtuch is vital to hiah speed fat tiumma. • WHY THE SYSTEM WORKS QUESTION: YOll'w told -llow It •orb. ... ..., .. It .., lldt« tMft ............ , ...... tllle..rtiet! Tbn photo Is a dramatization of the fut. amazla& wdpt &oa Unda ETam experienced ••• one~ lbe leamed the ltCnC of .. Body c....._, Control." TIM article below explains bow you can aan Uada's lleeret and tlarlll to the most dramadc and noticeable w.tgbt ao. of your Ule. A.NSWEJl: MoSI 01her methods haw drawbaclta. which doo111•1hcm 10 failure from the 11an. Starvation i• 1t-r tonure It 1alce1 superhuman willpowtr 10 succ:ud. Sirenuous ucrcac is worklike and the results att slow. Fad diets can ruill your health and ia lllOit casa. the wci1h1 quickly recums. Cbtmte1b and diet pills make you lltf'VOU\ 1.nd lhcy ewntuaUy IOte thtir cfftt'lhTMU. . QUrsUON: v .. .,. ...... ar.o.t ""' .., ,... .._ I've ~ o .... ,....,..,.. ""° erw ..._ ._ ... ""' • ,_ .,.... ....... , ANSWER: My sys1cm has noM of that drawbackl. ThcR's no conswit llullfCf pa11p. TMn is QO wcn uous ua'C:ilt, QO -ud Cad dietin,and no health rum1111 dtct pdll.. lut mon unpona.nc. tbcnino waitina for mulU You11bq>1110lotc1hevuyr1M day. "*'-lshevc lost I lbs. in l daya, ll lb& in 7 days lftd u much u 21 IM. ID Jlat 2 WftU. With thctc kind of mulU. rathef than Ioli"& hope a.nd qui'Jllll. you11 be ,_,..,.,., 10 continue and quidtl)' loec ftlOft. QUESTION: W11M ...,,_ .... ,_ "9dl ,._ w.t ~ ANSWl.R: Me»t of my patitnu ~" that they ac:t .. lly craw food leas. so i1'J easy 10 u1 las than bcfon 1nd k~p the -ilh• otr. QUfSTION: II ,_ ,,..._ taft! ANS~R: h'1 completely .. re for anyone in nonna.I health. In fact I'm '° "'°ud of my 1yitm1. 1 rteommcnd you 1how 1110 yo11t family d0e1or. QUrsTION: II -4t ..... Hut __ , ,..,,.. lrW It! ANSWER: Ya. I Qin aJYC you th«ir complc1e ClllC hiJ&orie" Dr. UtlCJI supplied hundred• of l:ate hiitorics of his moa11UCICtlllul pacienta. Siru IJ*ll! ia limited, I've just included Uncta't.1lo111wuh thret oth«r Morici. But let mt men1io111h1a. I did my own retearch and found that leadina univel'Jiticl have conducted stvdiea which verify the tfltt'littncu of 1hl1 fat bllrnin1 method for achievina rapid wciabt lou. IMPORTANT Nones Dt. Liucn'1-wd1h1 Lo-. System°' lody ~m Mry Cotlcrol• 11 comidcred (he faatcst poni~ WIY to Mftly loec ~t. It is a safe Ind qwa way ror anyOM n nonMI lltthh to loll wiJht. But bel0tt bttiaMlll !hit or any wcwt11 loat prOlfllll. you sllCMtld cheek Willi yow ptlyuciln. lndMd111Js who haw han ind c:erdiovucvllr cotllliuoM. '1ro\c. hhwy diNuc, diabtlts, pt, hYP<1f1)cclll.ia, dlroalt inleaMlllS, 1ht wry ckkrly. 1rowifta dtildmi. adobcmCJ. or ••Yonl Uftdcr medical ea" f0tr aey oihtt eolld1tl0fl lt!Ollld dit-t CM11f u.kr dum medicals~ PftpaJM womm and •""'"9 IDOdwn Mould 00( be Oft Hy lllltlpt Iota PflltJUI· THE IYITIM CAN CHANGE YOUR. UFE By followin11hc •Wei1h1 Lon Syt1rm of Body Cht.mt1try Control,~ you can ... • TriaFf a Fat Bununa Chain ltcae11on 10 'Mftly' IO$C wellbt Cuter than you ewr have before • Gcncra.tc N11u111I Appetite Suppcu1on to con11ol hullltf s11111ls • Rapidly lose 11ubborn ucd1 inchn off your wai.t. b1ps. bunocb and thiati1 • lncrcuc your CDCflY and 'l'1tah1y _ • llcKll your ideal wtialu and stay chcff • Loo& pat Ut C..Jb-bk dothtl • Haw l1IOfC trlf~rtdmcc • Feel Cantu.tic about your llCW shm fiaurc Dr. Uun 't ptttOMI s)"lnn as n01ava1lablc111ywbc,re. eA«J)t 1n the New Jtnry ana, But ir you would like to 11fdy loic all the ~l )'OV want, faner Chan you CYCr II.Ive bdOR, wtulc controlllna hu"81'f. )'Oii can onkr his systcm dirttt by mail HOW TO ORDER WITHOUT RISK fr you wish to ordn Or. Uucn't "Wciiht Lott System ol Body Chemistry Control," which indudts a IVpply of Rapid Weiltlt tou • formula and an casy-to-vndeniand instr\ICtion booklet, aimply do this: Wlilf the wora.;."f>ict Sys1cm· and your name and address on• piec:c of paper. and mail it a Iona with cash. check or money order In th« followina amounts: Full 10 day supply ..••.. only S 7.9' plus '°' postap A handlln1 Full U day t11pp(y ••••••• only Slo.9S pl111 7S. potta• A handlina full 20 day •upply •••• only Sl2.9' plus Sl.00 poeta• A handlina Full lO day aupply •••• only 117.95 plu• Sl.00 pottaff a handll111 (Make cbcclcs payable to We 1tu Loa Group.) If you hive Master CharJC or VISA, )'Oii may Chartr YoUf pwcllate by •ndifll 1h« followirla infonnatlon: A. 111mc of your credit c:erd a. credit card a11mlicr C. card u .pualion datt. Mail your Olden 10 WEIGHT LOSSGltOUP. U lkMlicu rtiua. Dept. C-113, Ca!Moo, Ohio '4750. Dr. LitW11i s)'ltm it wted with a 190'&\ftCISWL--B• ~ ro11owt111 .... ,..... )'Oil -~,.... ""Tiiiief iliili )'Oii eft., haw Mfon. Wrllilc coatr011t111 ~. tr 1'• 4-'l hlppa. °' ,)'O\l\oe diaatilfllCI in uy ~)'.;-wad ic Mti~. Ml;-"' mp .... ~ ... ~-ae e_ .-~ 10 .-.,,. .. 6".littft\~ ....... ,,11.-.. -rilM .... to" cu rwll yow·~ 10 )'OU. by re.tD1'11 .UL ..... , J I f " .t: -.,., ~ dashingly acaplng from hot wafe1' In Raiders at the rate of 12 limia pa minute, Ford Is now bl«-dftp in aaiJJt offers. ous that he ls well and widely read - but he was thrown out three days shy of graduation because he flunked all his finals. "I didn't know What I was . pr~g m~~~~~ve my ested In," Fonfiays. "1 didn't want to be an actor untfl I reaBzed there was nothing else I wanted to do." If Rousseau and Kant failed to In· spire him, a stint In Wisconsin sum- mer stOck succeeded; at 21 , he moved to Calilomia from his Chicago home base to pursue acting. "My ambition was not to have to do anything else," Say. Ford:·"I don't want to atill be bouncing off walla at 45. • he says with the wry air of under· statement that makes him seem much more laJd-bacl< than he really Is. In Hollywood, he supplemented his $150 a week salary as a movie studio contract player with carpentry· work, a self-taught skill that ls still a favortte hobby. He appeared In doziens of televtslon shows -The F.B.I., Gun•moke, The Virgfnran - but It was the same type of part ("the guy who didn't do It") ageln and again, so he decided to quit acting for a while: .. , wanted to remove myself from the drec:k. If you think you're going nowhere and you stop, then you're not going nowhere anymore." Ford knew he'd reversed the trend when the cuttng da-«tor for Amerl· ~ can Grg//fll gave hl.m the part of hot· "' rodder Bob Falfa In thAt 1973 film . 1 Then there was a small but Intent« role In The Conversation -"and suddenly everyone forgot the TV stuff; now I was a aerious actor again." But Ford kept up the car· pentry·for-pay for at least four more Lucas ·taPped him tor-star-wan. Then, the necessity of supplement· Ing his income became a thing of the past. Though he1J play Han Solo a third time (In the upcoming Revenge of the Jedi) and Indiana Jones possibly as many (Railers 8 proving to be a blockbuster), Ford Is insistent that the characters evolve and change. "I need to see a ~wth In character; I don't want to still be bouncing off walls at 45, though action work ls as complex and demanding as straight drama.'' Ford, who calls himself a "p0wder puff' when It comes to athletics, ac· tually performed most of the grue.llng action sequences In Raiders himself. The Rim he's working on now, Blade Runner, will also featuN plenty of ac· tlon. It's a detective story set In the year 2900 and Is due out around the ftnt of next year. Though Ford ls a little wary of being confused with his characters -.. even the most .sophisticated people talk about the role you play and think they're talldng about you: -he does share one obvious quality with Indy Jones: a wry and cunning intelligence that he takes great pleasure In exerds· Ing. 'What reaJly keeps you excited In this businas," Ford says, "ls when you COm8 upon those moments In Nmtng wMn you don' know whet to do. One. producdon ltartS there are problems -and opportunities -you neve-dreamed of. You mu.a then make haphazard dec:lliona and play them through audaclously. r111 That's the challenge." .., Nowt Together with your diet you 'II Slim inch after inch ... and it keeps on slimming! SAVINGS '"°" OUR 'ACTOftY TO YOU/ M~INU.S.A. ~ ._ ItS new ItS beige. ~ ~ • News ftom the HOmeF1ont Sy Mormon loba.nz Th• Family: Holding Finn More than half a century ago, a book named Mlddletown presented a cUmlc study of family life In Amertca. Soon to be published Is a new survey of the same community -long since revealed to be Muncie , Ind. The book Is called Middletown Famlliu: 50 Years of Change and CondnuJtv, and according to Its chief author, sociologist Theodore Caplow, there has been far more continuity than change. Here are some of the new study's ftndlngs : • Families feel opttmlstk: about their personal future but pes11mlstic about ·the prospect of pollution, lnfla· tion and war. • While marrtage Is still seen as su · premely Important and rewarding (nine out of 10 couples say they are happy), divorce Is accepted wtthout atlcSm. tiQwever, the ~ di· voroe rate '1lM not rtsen dramalically." • Half of Middletown's wives work, but continue to be responsible for most of the housework and child care. • There seems to be no break· down In family ties. Couples spend more time with re!attves than friends. Patent ''8u1nout''? The phenomenon of "burnout" - the exhaustion that occurs when ma· jor demands are continually made on a person's energy and emotional re· sources -Is usually associated with worldng. But accQrdlng to educator Dr. Joseph Procaccini, you can also experience burnout In your role as a parent. The typical parent feels he or she must open every avenue of opportu· nlty and success for a chdd, Procaccini says, and this can lead to physic.al and emotional overload. Moreover, the educator points out, parents have bt· t1e or no control over outlkte Influ- ences on their children's lives -tele· vision , friends, school -yet feel total· ly responsible for what h~s to the younglters. ProcacdnJ notes ftve stages ~ par· ental burnout: Pbyeical -you feel drained ol energy and may develop phytk:al ail· ments. Social -.you grow Irritable and begin k> avoki beklg wlh other peop&e . lnteH••ual -you have. a hard ttme thinking, conoentrating,.maklng sensible deds&ons. · Emodona1 -you feel you always have to meet yout child's needs. This can lead to resentment, self-pity or a desire to be alone. lnlra.pec:dw -you question your own set of values. Many parents reach the first two stages early, but It may take years before they reach the others. To cope wtth burnout, Procac:dnl suggata set· ting (or re-evaluadng) the goals you have for your chlkiren and reanang· Ing priorities 10 you have time and energy left for your own needs ,_ and goals. ~ A summer shower needn •t dampen the fun . Not when good friends and Southern Comfort get together. For a deliciously different drink this summer, try a Con!fort Cooler: Fill a tall glass with ice, add 2 oz. Southern Comfort, the juice of ~ fresh lime, and fill to the top with grapefruit juice. Refreshing! Southern Comfort . ,MAY W&IW'; AUii* I. •1 • t 80-IOO Prool Uqueur. For 1 f,.. Southern Comfort rec:tpe book._... Southern Comfort ColpQillloii. St. l.cul&. Mo. 63132. O 1981. fbstmasters o America announces an historic collection of out-of-issue mint stamps honoring each of out SO states. Each stamp protectively mounted and combined with an original engmved illustmtion an a handsome Phi/olelic PresentoJWn. To he issued in strictly limited edition. Rn-just 1275 per issue. Collectors now have the opportunity to o~n a unique collection of out-of·issue United States stamps ... many issued almost half a century ago ... eech in perfect mint condition ... and all of them Ckvoted to a single important theme. The OJPdol Stale• of tla.t UnWn Hutonc Stomp Colkctlon. The complete collection ls being issued by Postmasters of America, the oommemorative ann of the National League of Postmasters and the National Aaociation of Postmuten of the United States. Jt Is available only by direci sub9cription and in a limited edlUon of ooly l~.ooo 1eb. St.apt from IO. 30, 40 yean ap and moN The collection con1lst1 of 50 out-of-issue atamps--ach wlected by Postmuten of America u the most distinctive postal la1ue honoring one of our 50 atates. lo eYery cue, the stamp will be a true historic Issue-many of them more than 40 yean out of issue. Each will be unblemished and In mint condition. Some of the stamps portny the natural KJ'Uldeur of the states-the Grand t&nyon of Arizona, the coutline of Maine, the vastness of Minnesota's lake country, and the mountain• of New Hampshire. <>then depict oftlclal seals of the st.tea and historic sltea of state government. And sttU others commemorate slgnlflcant anniversaries of lndlvldual states. AccompmLed .,,. orip.al ••pavinp Eech 1tamp wW be contained In a transparent sleeve and combined with an original engraving that portrays the most famous landmark or monument of the honored state. Together, the stamp and Its engraved p~sentation will form a most band.some philatelic Issue. lo addition, the reverse o( each lssut' will provide information about the stamp, the engra~ design and the history of~ state it. honors. Edition limit: 15,000 set.I The collection will be issued in strictly limited edition. The total edition will number jui.-t 15,000 1ets. This low numeric limit has been established bet.~use of the limited availability of the out-of-issue stamps required for this c..-olledion. All sub~riptioM will be accepted on a fint~me, fint-s.erved buls. On~ the 15,000 sets att issued, this collection can never be made available ag1tfo. To gJve yourself every opportunity of having your application accepted, it is Important to mail the attached form promptly-and directly to our philatelic a~nt: The Franklin Philatelic Society, Franklin Center, Pennsylvania 19091. r---SUaSCNITION APPUCATION --- TllE OFFICIA.L STATES Of' THE UNJON lllBTOIUC sr.ua OOILECTION Plea# mall by Augwt 31, 1981. ~of~ Cfo The FnnklJn PhlbteUr: Society Fnoldin <A:Dtier. Peumylwoia lll091 Pleue ._pt my awlialdan ~ 11w Officl.-1 SIOUI of,,.. u.uo .. illlforlc SIOJflp Collc<:c'cm, consbtio& of50 out-of.btue ttue l1Mlps. eech la a hmcbome Phllalellc Preleftbltioo. to be sent to me u the '* of thrN per month begiruiin& la ,Septeaihu. Tbe price u U.W Neb (8.25• plus t.15 baodlln1per ahipmeatofthree). Mycollec- mc'a album will be teat to mt! at ao additional charge. I need M!Dd no mooey aow. I will be billed In .dw.oce of each abipment. .,. ... .., "41f, ~ ..... Slpeture ___ __..__,..=----=---Mr. """"' .......... ...,.,,.... ,. .....,..,...,. Mn. MU.---~ ..... ~-~~--~~ .... ~-~~.----- ~.Ztp----------~ ,.._.,.el_lt _Jl9'eldw VS ..._,~ ._._ .. ~l'()O~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~----------------------:------..!l~_,: Behind. Baseball's . Hall of Fame Shame Sy Norm ffilller Somedme early this Sunday af- ternoon, In the tranquil setting of Cooperstown, N.Y., Johnny Ma, one of the major leagues' all-time home run hitters, will be for- maly inducted Into the basebal Hal of Fame, along with ex-Cardinal pitcher Bob Gi>son and the late Rube Foster, a founder of the old Nego league. If aD goes according to custom, Mtze's voice wUJ choke as he accepts his treasured plaque. The massive, tomato-faced former first baseman, now 68, wUJ tell of his happiness; he will note his indebtedness to baseball for having made his Bfe worthwhile: and he will thank the little-known major-le~ue Veterans Committee for having made this honor possible. If he bttterly digresses for just a mo- ment to skew the Baseball Writers Freelance •l'O'Uwrlter Norm M1ti.r. o HoJI of FMM act.or Jlncc 1958, alwoy1 U<Md /or Rmuco. ~ ond Slo"!lhtet. Association of America (BBWAA) for having made him wait 22 years for this highest of basebaD honors, It's understandable. Mize, some would say, has made It to the haBowed shrine through the back door, In con- trast to Gibson, who has been wel· corned through the front portal at the earliest p<>SSl'ble opportunity. There has always been controversy over the varied routes to Coopers- town. To understand why, you must know the somewhat convoluted rules for HWJ of Fame election. The rules require that a player be retired for five years before becoming eligible for election. Once eligible. he must receive the support of 75 per· cent of the 400-odd ellglble baseball writers who cast their votes each December and January. He can re· main on the writers' slate for 15 years before his name is dropped and he comes up for consideration five years later by the Veterans Commltee. a sort of court of last resort made up of 18 old-timers, including Stan Musial, Oe$plte 359 homers and a .312 batting aver· age ooer 15 sea· sons, slu~r Johnnv ("The Big Cal") Mize hod to enter the Holl of Fame through the boclc door. Joe Cronin and Roy Campanella. Of the 176 inductees at Coopers- town , 106 have been elected by the Veterans Committee and only 61 by the BBWAA (nine others were chosen by a special Negro league commit- tee, since disbanded). The writers cl.aim they are more selective than the vets and have charged the Veterans Committee with "crony\sm" for elect- ing men who had been rejected in as many as 15 ballots of the BBWAA. Some examples: outfielder Earl Averill, who got 35 total votes In six BBWAA elections, or Fred Li'ldstrom. former outflekfer-th!rd baseman who When ugly yellow or brown spots show up on yourbeautl- and green 8'lain. ORTHO Lfquid Lawn Dis - ease Control is quickly and ~applied with the . ful green lawn it may be fun- gus disease. You have to act fast. as these infected areas can spread and destroy your lawn. Ortho bas the answer. a broad spectrum ft.uudclde called Liquid Lawn Disease Control. Which kills the fungus and prevents its spreading. In a very short time your lawn will be healthy 0 0 SPRAY-E'M'r One quart treats up to 8000 sq. ft. Ask your ORTHO Dealer aboutit. · Avoid Accidents: For safety. read the entire label Including wamJngs. Use all chemicals only as directed. Ollr l'DDCiSD for ....... ... .,.,...,...,. drew a pakry 16 votes In four writers' elections. Yet Averill was voted Into the Shrine by the Veterans Committee in 1975 and Lindstrom in 1976. Not that the writers. too, haven't shown lnconsi.stency . favoritism and even pettiness through the years. In the very first Hall of Fame ballot. in 1936, for example , 11 writers did not vote for Babe Ruth or Honus Wagner and four declined to vote for Ty Cobb . Or try to figure out why in the 1979 election, 23 of the 423 writers dJd not select WUUe Mays (even though each selector can vote (continued) ~--__,_--------------~--------........... .. n.t'• ....-toeall Remember Icarus? In Greek myth, his fttght ol fancy ended when he flew too close to the sun ... and his wax wings melted. We've come a long Wl!fY from that !J'OUll(i-breaklng legend: With today's eolar-powaed eircralt, the hlgher you go, the better you fJy. Amt models, then a remote-control drone, and now bghtwetght planes able to cany a pilot and tiy sdely on electrictty from the sun! There's a downer though: The sunshine may be free, but the solar-electrtc cells cost a bundle. Matter d fact. ·cotit 11 the big problem with aolar energy as It striVes for a role 1n meeting Amer1c:a's energy needs. R11W of lltbt. The tun betha the earth each day wtth about 10,000 tima M much energy • ls burned dally In toed fuels. Super. But utflfdng mo~ than a tfn:y frocilott of thi. enervY won't be widely proctkal until at lemt the next dec:otk. For now, eolar enagy'1 btggat u.e •thermal-wanning Wlta to give you a hot time In the old aMmmlng pool 'Jbc "111'1 fliYS CM alee> http bat 9*rfMtNll.M, ~ mecht ... , ud ~and can aomctbna be ueed to -.plemmt c:oevatloul hallog ha homee. Hope fM dM t.t.r.. A big hoj>e Is that solar energy can be harnessed to generate elec:trk:lty at a Price ·c:ornpetttiw with other souroes. This means making more effldent use d photovoltak cells, which presendy can convert only about 10 to 12 pen:ent of the sunlight that strikes them directly into eledridty. The problem Is that today, solar-generated electrldty costs 10 times more than electndty produced by conventional means. We're not lnto solar airplanes. but Mobil ls woddng to bring down the cost of sow electridty-and give everyone a sunny day. Cuneat event. Our bright Adu? lnltud ol making phot<JYOkak: aUe by alttlngapa-.. lllk:on 1ngot91nto thin Wiiien-which wutee monthan half ol the eillcon--.. "growl' ultra-thin rtbbona ol eilk:on. Thac an .mppect Into MglJMl'lt.I, thm turned imoeolar~ celle. An mnv olthw cda on• small plant In Saudi Arabia .......... 8lflOUlh electrk:al cunat to power equtp- ...n dull ..... Alty Red Sa ...... lato ...et ............ Such oela .. aleo belDg UMd to .,... ..., pumpa In remoU placa. and to provide elec:trtdtyfor ~wt~ ........... By the a.a. part ol the --. -e.al9 C..W be ltW .. ..._.. rllld IMre • ae.. U.S., ,_.........,.._.__electrtc bllle. 1heee .. energedc~towetheaun. Bui for todev's cnOllDOUI...., ..... Amatcw mUll devejop ... the powu eourc:e. on hMd. 1blt meane oU, natural 11•. coal. nuclear. l)lnthetkfuel., and ~-And thlil'I the pMb to a tnaly brieht tomol IOW. - It'• a fKt: Mobil has committed mone than $30 m11llon to I06ar power NMareh. ·Moblr HALL OF FAmE for up to 10 candidates each year). Sometimes. the selection is nothing more than a popularity contest. Wit- ness pitchers Di2zy Dean and Sandy )<oufax, both of whose careers were ended pre.maturely by arm trouble. Dean won only 150 major-league games: Koufax 165. Along with Ad- dle Joss, their totals ar~ the lowest for any pitchers ln the Hall of Fame. Yet both were swept into Ccq>emown, Koufax in 1971, the very first year he became eliglble. (Aside from Koufax, Mays and Gib- son. eight others were enshrined in their first year of eligibility: Ted WUllams , Jackie Robinson. Bob Feller. Warren Spahn, ·Ernie Banks, ,Stan Musla.1, Mk:key Mantle and Al Kaline.) Yet, other highly qualified men hav~ had to wait long years for approval -and several are sttU waiting. Ralph Kiner. who hit 369 lifetime homers, made It In his ftnaJ year of BBWAA eligibility, and then by a margin of only two votes. But time has run out on Enos Slaughter In BBWAA voting. and supporters of the late GO Hodges have been campaign· Ing in vain for 13 years. The one-time Dodger first baseman and Mets manager has now received more votes (a total of 2.568) than anyone never elected. If he isn't elected dur· Ing the next two years, his case will shift to the Veterans Committee. Which brings up another peccadillo of ·the BBWAA: Its snobbery toward outstanding defensive Infielders. Not one good field/ no hit man has been elected to the Hall by the writers since Rabbit Maranville In 1954. Infielders like Cronin, Luke Appling, Lou Boudreau, Billy Herman and Ernie Banks have since been enshrined largely because of their bats. Among the infielders who have been shut out by the BBWM ••Phil Rizzuto, Pee Wee Ruse. Marty Marlon, Nellie Fox and ln recent years Luis Apartc:o, the shortstop supreme of the 60's. It wUJ be lnteresttng to see if this pattern Is broken when Brooks Robinson , the spectacular fielding third baseman of the Orioles, be- comes elJgible after the 1982 season. Prospective candidates can be re· jected for all kinds of oddball reasons. Take the case of Juan Marlchal, the Dominican righthander who won some 240 games for the Giants. Ac- tually, Marichal's statistics compare very favorably with Gibson's: in fact. his .631 won-lost percentage is top- ped by only a few pitchers already In the Hall. Yet Marlchal finished no bet~ ter than sixth in the latest BBWAA ballot, his 233 votes falling 104 short of Gibson's qualifying total. One can only specuJate why: 1.) Marichal never won a World Serles game (Gib- son had a 7-2 Series record). and 2.) MarlchaJ may have turned off many voters with his memorable bat- swinging assauh on Dodger catcher John Roseboro in 1965 for which he was fined $1 ,750 and suspended eight days. Despite the Hall's seemingly hap- hazard se~ction system, two out· fielders eligible for the first time - Hank Aaron and Frank Robinson - seem certain of landslide approval this year. and a third -Billy · Wiiiiams -has a 50-50 chance. Numerous players now tn the 014· jors should one day join the ranks of Cooperstown. Among the active hit- ters with excellent chances of eventual enshrinement are: Carl Y aStrzemskl. Pete Rose, Rod Carew. Jobnny · Bench and Willie Stargell, and given a few more productive seasons. Steve Garvey, Reggie Jackson, Mike Schmidt. George Brett, Dave Parker and George Foster. And these active pitchers have a solid shot: Gaylord Perry, Ferguson Jenkins, Steve Carlton, Tom Seaver and Jim Palmer. As well, Don Sut-1 ton, Jim Ka.at. Phil Nlekro and Nolan Ryan all have an outside chance. Needless to say, such talk provides ready fuel for debate and discussion. But that's 0 .K .• since argument re- mains. the national pastime of 11'111 basebaD bins. f ..., .. Cal -ifornia Millionaire Wants To Share The Wealth You think you've 101 problems? Wdl, I remcmba when a bank turned me down ror a S200 loan. Now I lend money to the bank - ~ficates of Ocpo5it II SI00,000 a crack. I remcmba lbc day a car dca1Cf aot a linle nervous bccauR I was 1 couple of months behind in my payments -and ~ my C&J. Now I own a Rolls Royce. I ii-id S..3,000 fcx it -cash. I rcmemba the day my wife phoned me. cryin1. because 1be landlord bad shown up 11 rhe house, danandina .hi.\ rem -and we didn't have the money 10 pay it. Now we own five homes. Two arc on tM oceanfront In C alifornia (I use one as my offttt). One is a lakefront "eabln" In Washington (that's •hett we spend the whok summer -loafina. fiJhina. swim- ming, and ili!inJ). Oae is a condo- minium on a sunny be8ch in Mu- ioo. And one is uiouled riaht on the be$t bucb of tbc best island in Hawaii -Maui. Jlight now J c:ouJd sell all thd PROOJ't Doa•t tab •Y wof'4I I• h. Tkle me ~ts from w- . Udes hi IH'W'lj>•pcn ••d -~-· n.t: Ht only works hair llx year 1n ht> 1111nnina offi« on Califom1a'1 Sun~ Beach, and ~en when he's lha'e he puu "' ihcK1 hovn In Qlhcr wonts, Joe Karbo. 41, b the PfOIOlypc for ..... The L.a.ry Man" Way 10 IUdles." S..Ur TllMt.: Is ll all ho~1 A man who hu done business wllh bim says Katbo's rq1111uion b ~me. and 111at ht lw manaacd 10 condlia mutlllllly bmtftcial dcal• with him ...Uh nodlina buc • handshakt Md "' oral llll'ftSDClll. • \~!lf'C 10 be nch7 l•kt my adv!« md folio-~ .......... ~~. The book tw ctn-. huodrtCJ ... : ltucn from proons wl>o have 'prof· iltd by it .. Lo9 A .... Hmikt-£.umlller: An uniwetenttOUJ milllonaltt. Joe JCarbo or Hwttil!Jton Harbor " a Vibnm. IMna 1ct1illlonlal 10 his in· 1dl«I val. PB1JM1 le conviction. f~ After bouncinc arowid >how btr, edWf1lsi111. and rftl cs1ate, lie mede Ida fonuM. • Last yar II 912) lie mad.t US0,000. MMrr MM.Illa o,,on•i.: Ma~ Jot Karllo lw Ille teer'ft, Don't YOll 1hlnk JOU o~ n ro yovrtdf 10 Ond 0111 wbal If b all about? .•• I j1m finbhed k -and I'm off on a •-t0n my.cir. Cl<\ rhcldcs1 ............ h•tl He' t P"OIJ'lftlwied Ille path lO ridlcs for 1he luy man. n.a-a,s..r. He pnnu ill4cmc111S Ute "~ ptOPlt .. 100 busy Clll'lllfll • IMq to mak'e 111r ~ •• Kc llltould hlivc 8ldded 1bet 100 IB&llY tMOPlf tbeiw dayJ att 100 buf)' cwnlna I livWl&todoeylk-llt. property. pey off the cnortpga, - and -wfltlout touduns any or my other in~ -walk away with ~ f7~.<XX> in cash. Bw I don't want IO sdl. ~I don't lhink of my homes &I "invesunenu ... I'~ ace other real CllatC -and stocJu, bonds, and ca.sh in the bank -for lhal. I retMmber whtn I lost my job. BccaUK I was bead over b«fs ih dct>c . my laW)'Cf told me 1hc only 1hina I could do wu declare banknlpccy. Kc wu wrona. I paid off every dime. Now, I have a million dollar line of credil; bu1 I still don't have a ;ob. Instead, I act up every week- day mornina and decide wbcU>er I wan1 to 10 to work or not. Someumcs I d.o -for ~ or 6 hours. Bui about half the time. I decide to read, 10 for a walk, sail my boat, swim. or ride my bike. I know what il's like 10 ~ broke. And I know what it's like to have cverythina you want. And l know that you -like me -can drc-id~ which one i1'5 1oi111 to ~­ h's really as easy as tha1. That's why I call it "The Lazy Man's Way 10 Riches.'. So I'm aoillj to ask you 10 send me somcthina f don't need: wi,,, _:i:,... ~~~-ynu•o pay attention. And I '1'faurc th11 if you'•e 101 SIO 111V'csted, you'U look over what I send you and decide wbelhcr co send it back ... or ltecp it. And I don't wont you 10 keep h unlcu you qree that h's worth at least a hun- dred times what you invtsted. la the material "wonb" SIO? No -if you think of it as papu and ink. Bui 1hat'1 not what I'm sell· ina. What I am selllna iJ inform•· lion. Mon information than 1 alvc when I'm paid SIOOO as a aucst speak~. Morr itlformatioo than 1 give in a one-hour consultllion for $)()(). But you're rcally DOI riskiq Ofl.)'thint. BecaUK I won't cuh your checlt or money order for 31 days ~t~ I've sent you my ~.;: .. rial. That's the dcaJ. Retum it in 31 .:_~; -and I'll sad !Mid: your cheek o; .;;~"'tY order -un- cuhed. How do you know :•Ji j<: it? Well, if you really want to ~ o,; the sal' c side,' J>O'C dale your chec It for I month from lociay -p/113 1 add/tlon41 wttks. That'll aJvc you plenty or time 10 rcecivc It, look it over. try it out. I know what you're 1h.inkin1: "He Sol ric~ tellina people how ro act rich." Thi truth is -and this is very imPortltlt -lM year before I sh&ffd "The Lazy Man•s Way to Riches," my income wu $216,646. And wtw I'll lend you 1dls ju.st how I made that ltlnd of money. , . worltiq a few houn a day ... abo111 8 mon1h1 out ol the year. It doesn't r«Quire "eduallk>n." I'm a hlah $Chool srtdu&te. h doclll't require "ca,pkal ... Remember I was crp to my neck ui debt When I started. II docu't ~ ''hid." I've had more than my dlln. But 1 'm noc pomblna rou rhat rou'll mau as mucb money t' I have. And rou may do bater. I penonally know one man "''ho used Chae principles, wcxked hard. and made II million dollars in 8 years But moocy isn't ~erythina. It doesn't require "talent.'' JUSl cnoush brains to ltnow what to look for. And l'U tell you that. It doesn't require "youih.'' One woman I worlted wirh is over 70. She's cravdled the world over, maklna aJI tM money she needs. do- ina ooly what I tauaht Mr. It doan't require "o.pc:ricnce." A widow In Cb.icqo 1w been avcrqina 12,,000 a year for the past 'years, usina my mahods. What does it require? ~lief. Enouah 10 take a chance. Enouah to ablorb what I'll Knd you. Enoup to put lbc principles inro «tion. If you do jUSl that - nothlna more. notl\lna teu -the raults will ~ hard 10 believe. llememba -J auaranttt it. You don'1 have to give up yow job. But you may soon be makina to much money tbll you'll be able co. Once qain -I soaiantee it. I know you're skeptical. Well, l\crc arc JOrnc c:ommeou frcxn other people. ((niuaJ.s have been used to ~ lM writer's privtcy. The ori1in.aJ.s arc in my files.) I'm sure that, llkc you, thclt people didn'I bli~"e~· ftlut~ that, since I wasn't aoina 10 deposit their checks for 11 least l 1 days, they hid nolhina ro lose. They were riaJ!t. And lwff's wltor 1Jwy 1oinld: •M1dt Sst.OM Jul fooU11 _.... "In February 1974 you tent me (for ten bucks) your Lazy Man's Way to Riches. Since then I have made approJcitnardy '° 1rand (SS0,000) jllSt foolina around on the basis or your advi«. You sec. I rca.lly am lazy -otherwise f c:ould have made '° million! Thank you!" Mr. R. MclC., Atlanta, CA 'SlA ...... 45 ..,,. " ••. received $24,000.00 in the mail the laa "' days. "Thanks qain." Mr.E .Ci.N.,Matewan, W.VA MMe .......... rtdn. 41 ··tr ii hadn't happened 10 me, I wouldn't have believed It •.. A few years aao. I had nochiaa to lose. I was unemployed and broke." .. ,,,:~. thanlts to you and the •Lazy r.i.::"'s' proaram. I have made mouah t.~cy (at qe 41) to retine in $1 yle. Let 1::!' o.s..~urc you that I have not 'come in•o' any money by inhcritan« or marriaa~ or by any other mean• tllccpt 1h1ouall the pn11:1icina of your prosT&m • • •• ll.A., Huntin,torl Beach, Calif. from S5t 10 $565 ,a-wftlt " ..• when l sent '°' your (Lazy Man's Way to Riches), I was detiv· ctinf the L.A. Tunes for S$0 P«f Wttk ••• Now ... I earn an 1ve:r110 of U6' pa-week, have S7 ,000 in the bent and a condominium 1h11'1 wonh SU,000 ..• " J .N. Culvt:r Clry, CA .,,..,. ...... ~ .. · "Since I've IOI your (1.&1;y Mu's Way to Riches) In July, I've siarud 4 companies. . there's no 110P9lna me and I'm so lllah I Med ehaiM 10 ketp me on the 1tound.'1 M.T. Poftland, OR 'Wow, lt Mes """111' "Oddly mouaJ!, I purchased Lazy Man's Way to Riches some six months aao. or so, read ii. -and really did oothlna about it. Then. about three weeks aao. when I was really 1e11in1 dctpttatc about my financial situation. I remembered It, re-read it, siudied it, and this time, put it to wcxk and WOW, it does '*Orlii ! Doesn't 1alcc much time. either .•. I aucn some or w just have 10 ~ at a severe Point of desperation ~fore we ovtfcomc the uhun.atc laziness, procrastina- tion.·• Mr. J.K •• Anaheim. CA M.-17t,MO "A $10,000 1hallks to you for writin.a Thr Lazy Man's Way lO llicbes. That's how much r·~ made ... "I use th.is Clltra Income for all of the aood thlnas in llre, exotic vaca- tions, classic automobiles. etc. Soon I hope lO make moush to quh my rcsular job and devoce full time to makina money tM easy way ... Mr. D.R .. NewPon Beach, CA S26t.IM la .... moadll "Two years aao. I mailed you ten dollars in sheer dcspuation for a •w1 bfi b1JhlY.-.-man c:alrca and offeted me a panncrship ... I arossed over S260,000 cash business In eleven months. You are a God sent mirade to me." 8 .F .• PIJCllOUl.a, Miss. 'SCeMll) ••wd ncr lftlCC' "I ordered Lazy Man's Way to R.icha In Juoe . _.by Sepcanber. my career w• launched end ha aooc 5ladil)' upward ever ma ... Mn. B.A .• Walnut Crttlt, CA f7.•i.n ... ..,. "last Monday I used what I learned on pate 13 to make S7 ,000. It took me alJ wttk to do it, but that's not b8d for five days' WOfk." M.D .. Topeka, Kansas What I'm sayioa is pcobably contrary to what you've heard from your friends. your family, your teacbtts. and maybe everyone else you know. I can only aslt you one question. How .man,y of them arc millionaires? So h's up 10 you. A month from today. you can be nothina more than JO days older - Of' you can ~on your way to act· tin1 rich. You decide. The wisest man l cvet ltnc"W 101<1 me sometbi111 l ncvcr forao1: "Mo5t people an 100 bwy camina a livina to malte any money.·• Don't take u Ions as I did to find OUI he WIS ri&bt. I'll~ It lO )'O\I, if you'll ~d in the CO\lpon lO my publi\hcr now. I'm not asltina you 10 "believe" me. Just try h. If I'm wrona. aJI you've lost i.t a c:oupk of minutes and a PoJlaae stamp. But whit if I'm ri1h1? SotM ltaw coll«/ ii a Miracle.. Somt Mw ca/ltd Ir Moxk. Yo11 '/I C'Oll Ir "Tiit S«rtt of the A1es. " As for IM. I tlwtk God tlttll bttfon I., d;«J Milllonain J~ Xor- bo It/I, for oil to s/tan, tlw ~I of "Tiit Uzt.y M1111 's Way 10 Riches. "T1tt abow story, whid1 is 111 his own words, is Ills 1ift ro you. · B«ausc of 1hc nature or 1h1~ ~pedal off~ni. we can guarantcir delivery only 10 the rcadcn of 1 hi~ newspaper who rcsrond to 1hii printed nolicr before midni!hl. Au9\Ul 1-'- Afitl' t.hat dale. Ofdcn will be n.u~ 2fl.!.:~rirll,$i1f,~/~ ~·· To or<n, write yow nll!M and ad· drCM on 1hc coupon and send ii v.uh your SIO coda)'. Remember, the onJy way 10 auar· an1ec prom!" delivery is 10 respond hcfOfC midnigh1. AugUSI 14. If you have any QUCSlions, you may l'llll us at (71-') 898-43'7 during normal business hour\. Male )'001 dl«k or money order payable IO Hnanaal Publisher<.. Sworn Statement: ''On the basiJ or my profes-wonal rdatiollSbip u bis ac- co11111ant, 1 ccn i fy llw Mr. ICarbo's net worth is more than ODC million dollars.'' Stuan A. Copn Bank ltefemice: BID.k of WClbllhuter ru l Waunintur A vmiae Waunin.lur, CA 92613 r----------------------------------------~ FinandaJ Publlsbm 17103 South Padflc:. Depc..2.1·' C\unsec Bnch, Callfornla 90'742 You may ::--full of beans, buc what ba~ I Sot to IOM! Smd me t.b• Lazy Man's Way ;~ IUches. 8Mt don't dtpostr my dt«k or mo"'' ord6 /or at lfat JI dll); !,fttr l1'1 l11 tltt Moil. tr l return yow matcriaJ -for auj' reason -within that time, return my uncuhcd c:hcdt or money order t<> me. On that bah, here's my tCfl dollars. ' '°' I I Sia. I I I I I • SORRY -NO COD'S ~----------------------------------------~ ! l ~~-------------------............. ---Advert i Mme n t Genuine emerald, ruby and sapphire jewelry only s3 until AUG. 31 (This Is not a misprint) If you respond to this adver- tising test notice before Aug. 31, you may choose any item of jewelry below for only SJ plus S l shipping and hand- ling per item. Every piece is genuine and will be ac~m­ panicd by a Ccnificate of and may be returned at any time to the address below for a full refund. There is no.limit on how many items you may request "'fort AUO. 31, but no request will be accepted a/ttr Aug. 31 . Your uncashed check will be returned if post- _._......_ ··..:...,... --·"" -.a___. Every item 1s fully guaranteed ---a..__... • . •"---_;,. ... ;a)\·-of that date. INDICA tt QUANTITY DESIRED NEXT TO EACH ITEM: _ ENnl4 Stlld Ewritlp: 1enuine emeralds. 14-arat total wt. $3 ISU960! _ 1-, Stld brrh1p: aenuine rubies, !'-c111t total wt .• $3 1583490! _ $1,,... Stud Eani111: eenuine sapphires, "6-arat totJI wt. S3 ISl3500! _ E..n1' ,,..,.t: pnuine 12 pt solitJ1re emerald, 18" chain, $3 IS841 IOI _ ltlbf ,...It: eenuine 12 pt solitlire ruby, 18" chain, $3 IS84120I _ $epp1Mn ,. ... aen11ne 12 l)C solitlire sapphire, 18" chain, $3 ($841301 Ell!M"llcl Rill. 1enuine 12 pt solitaire emtfald, Sl. specify sin below: _ Small (size 5) _ Medium (size 61 _ Larte (size 7) QTY 1$141~ QTY 1$141961 QTY. 1$141971 blly RiRc. ienu1ne 12 pt solitaire ruby, $l spteify silt bttow: _ Small (size 5} _ Medium {size 61 -L.up (size 7) QTY ISl420!it QTY 1$14206! QTY C$14207} :! 4 Slppltirt liflc. aenuine 12 pt solitaire S1pphire. $3, specify silt '*°9: ~ -Sman (slle 5l -Medium (sat 61 -l.lrp (Size n ~ QTY. 1$1421~ QTY. 1$1411$ QTY 1$84~171 :J • HOW TO ORDER: Send thil entire notice and your name and ad-i drcu (plcue print) plus SI shipping and handlin1 for each item to: 6 CHHml a 5PHNCH£. LTD .. Mllld Jewelry Ad•erdtiaa Test. Dept. ! IONI. loa 1'2t. Cfttewklt, Ca•1dlnle M&Jt. (SUllOl li \'.• Advertisement • .. Here's to Happy Daya And Waya with Fteah Sweet Coin By ffiottlyn Hona.n R oadside markets are bursting wtth ears, and supermarkets are amply supplied with great pyramids of the green ·husked golden grU\. Keep com cold after picking or buy· tng. The husks should be fresh4ook- lng and be a pale to medium green . Kernels should be plump, tender- looking and evenly spaced. Shuck just before cooking. One ear of com Is a good source of calcium, phosphorus, Iron. pot.as· slum. vitamins A , C and niacin; 70 calories. Fawrtte Com-C:ookbtg Theories 1. Steam. using only Yz"' of water In a large pot for 6 minutes. 2. Put ears in large pot, cover with cold water, bring to a boll and simmer for 5 minutes. 3. Drop ears into a large pot of boil.Ing water and simmer for 5 minutes. 4. Add sugar or milk to the water. 5. Do not salt the water. SKJLLET.fRIED CORN 2 tableip o om butter or mareartne 2 CUP9 CClf1I kft'Dds: 4 or 5 ..,.. ..,., ecraped, or 1 pq. (10 oa.) fralAln cut com or 1can(12or16 oa.) com an cup chopped ham or pepperoni 'ti cup chopped onion an cup chopped ...-,....,., 'ti MMpOOft Mk \4 taMPOOft fhahly tr<>Und black ~, S ..W.pDOM c:nam or mllk 1. Hut butter In medtum-slu sklllet until hot. but not smoking. Add com, ham, onk>n and green pepper. 2. Saute, stirring often until the onion and ween pepper are alsp·tender (5 minutes). 8. Stir In salt, pepper and crQm; warm just enough until heated throughout. Ma/cu 4 tervlngs FOIL-ROASTED CORN 6..,. com, hmlced Sak ,...., ....... D_water i t1•1pow buttwr or m....,tne l . Place one ear of com on smaD square ~ heavy-duty foU. Sprinkle wtth sah, >eppcr and 1 tablespoon water. Dot with l teaspoon butter. t. Wrap foil securely around CX>m, using louble fold. (UM double thlcknae of foll f ~e 11 very hot.) Continue with remain· ig «8'$ of com. 1. Piece foil·wnipped com on gr111, about · lncha &om hot coU. GrtD for about 25 > 30 minutes, tu.ming frequently. · .. s.rw hot With additional salt. p«ppcr net butter u datrcd. Maka 6 Mnltngt MEXICAN CORN-ZUCCHINI DISH 1 ....... lllCCbtnl ....... deed 4or5...,......,...,.con ~ aip IMltl ~ onlOn ~ cup chopped ...... ,....,., , ........... ...,. ...... ud coanely chopped 2 a.bh1pawu ...... oll 'i4 tn••ao• •uttar 1 1-.pooo Mk \4 t......,., .. eehly .-net black pep- per 1 ~ cupt diced It.ale br..ct ~ cap diced t.harp cheae l . Slice zucchini: cut kernels from cobs. You should have 21..7 to 3 cups corn. 2. In flameproof c:a5H7ole, comb4ne zuc· chinl, com, onion, green pepper, toma· toes, oU, sugar, sail and pepper. Cook, stlrrlng gently over medium heat for about 10 to 12 minutes or until zucchlnl and com are just cooked. 3. Sprinkle veg4rtables with bread and cheese cubes and bake In preheated 3500f. oven until cheese melts and brad Is aisp. Serve hot. Malen 6 servings ·I . CORN FRITTERS l v._.w. oll lor frylnt, ..... 1 ..., .. 1poon od 2 CUP9 com tur...11: 4 or 5 large an, tc:nqMld.. Of 1 pq. (10 088.) .. 4*ft cut eon or 1 c.. (U or 16 oa.) com, dretned 1 cup ....... aD·purpoM lour 'i4 cup m• 2 ... 1 • lfaon..W.·9Ct1Dt~,_.s., ~~Mk .. ~ or maple.bllncled -vrup 1. Pour vegetable oil Into electrtc skillet to 1/2-tnch depth. Heat oil to 400Clf. on dup-frytng thermometer . 2. Using fork, ldr together 1 tablapoon vegetable od, com, flour. milk, eggs. bek· Ing powder and salt In medium bowl. 3. Drop better by large tablapoonfuls In· to hot oU and fry for 3 to S minutes untJI golden brown . Tum each fritter once. 4. With slott«d spoon, remove fritters to paper towels. 5. Serve hot wtth syrup. Delicious, too, by themMlva or with frted chicken, crisp bacon or baked ham. Moira 6 /rftttrs Note: If a com gr9ter II not avellable, cut kemcll off wtth a knife. then tcrape knife over Mie h\llk to get .. th« lquid. I ""'911.Y WUl<l.Y. Augu9I 2. • 1 • 'I . Low-cost , highly effective protection against t>ur~lary and break-Ins. Attaches easily to any "Yindow or door in seconds. Takes two "AA" penlight batteries available anywhere. Alarm unit 1s 2'h" by 41h". heavy-gauge 6" steel chain. llOMy bee* " Mt •lltfdN. At Last You Can Own These tTPLINO HOUN, 0.,.. ~ , ................ ~.NY'09D I PIHw •u1n CHAIN au .. Gl.All AURM(I). I 0 0N£ tor juSt SA • P'UI .:IC Po91 ~ 0 IA'ltl two '°' "''t S899 l>lut S1 30 I P<>Stlh1nd~n9 I 0 SAVI MOM! TH~EE rcw iu11 S1l 50 ptui S 1 50 ooai lhandhn9 I tUw y°"r credit card1 on 0<0.r1 -r sa 991 O Mas••• Cl\arQe 0 V•w ho Date __ I Caro Numbe• -------- 1 N•-(Pnnl) -------- : ~°"'"'--------­ ' City---------- L.:Sllle Zio __ _ ___ ,.,.~ .......... ___ .. , •nu-~an eftJ(e ~rretrinS At Thia lncrediba. Low Price: • Charming "old world"' 1tvern 1eenes stand out rn bold rehef 1n<1 n1dd peinted bttlh1n1 colots • Colors are made e1ten bnghter by 1 thick ceramic glaze • Nauve wildflower patterns 1n relief ~rate the emtre 11e1n • Your dnnl\1w1ll11ay 1oe-eold longer 1n these h11vy eerthenware steins with pewter-tone hdi. e "Elaborately embossed pewter-lone lid and thumb rest • Each 11e1n 11 a /ull 7 '11 1nche5 tall. and holds e whole p1n1 • These Genuine Bavanan Style BM• Steins make 1 unique and 9')ec11I gift • These extraordinary collecttbles will edd 1 touch of "old wor10·· cherm 10 vour nome, Ind they're fun 10 dnn~ fromt O.oer ,,.. '~'• to4~ '"° vou 11 19"1,.. FREE 11111 Cll••l'l'l•nt n.tM ''"1"'ed •ol!CI -<l•aOl•Y "'4111 AIW ¥1>1111 SAVE a "'""''*"' •-.. n• on ti. ••f\9le "'"' pnee 100• ClllDIT CARD CUITOMHI ORDUUNO TWO OR MORI, CALL TOU·Fflll: 1-800·22t·202&EXT. 53 OR, MAIL COUl"ON TODAV..TO: r 'it9rsino 'H;,o.p.-8Ni2T----, I Sterlif'9 Bldg . Gerntrv1111. NY 10923 I I PIHM rush --e ....... n S1yte Bee• I I S111ns 11 only jS tt • 90C potllge end I hlndht19 H Ch I 0 Id hkt io SAVE. end 11•1 en. aoltd wood I I d1spl1y shelf FREEi Send the complete I I tollecuon of lour a1e1n1 for only I 11•'99 • 1300 P•H I C SAYE MOREi Two compte11 collections I I for only ne H .... 50 P•H I I Encloaed 11 • I I CHARGE IT on cwders of two st11n1 or more I c V IN c; Mute~rd I Card 11 I I Eico1111 I I Heme I I AddrtSS I UNCONOITtOlllA.1. I C t MONIY-MCK fWAAANTH I' I -------------------.L~·~·----.!•i ______ J r----------unsrACTlott IUWNTUD--MAIL COUPON TODAY!----------. OLD YILLAG! IHOP, Dept. Vll-3510,MO Popi• Street, HMcwer, , •. 1m1 Plt1St rush _ pr&. of tht Gtnulne Leath.r "Wins-Tip 8'01u•"(1) for the emazin1 low prlct of Just $19.88 pr. plus $2.90 post11t end hln· ...,1NT NAME dlina on full money<back par111tte. rf\ ----------- 0 IAVl MOil! Ordtr two pairs for 1u1t $38.00 ADDRESS plu& $5.00 postl(t and h111dlln1 on same ------------ monty-back ruer1nttt. CITY -firs. Black (M2719818) Sitt/Width------------- -f!rs. Brown (M2719998) Silt/Width-STATE -------ZIP ___ _ Cll.UU IT: 0 Amtrica11 Express 0 Diners' Club 0 Carte Blenche 0 VISA 0 Master Charge ;:J Cllte' lier• aA4 Miid * tor I ytar'I &UbtcrlP-tlOn to our full-color QUIOI of fine 1lfu. (VZ319165X) Wt ship wlthi11 4 houri. Atty cit· 111.1 notified promptly. Oeltl'tfl 1~r1nt11d wrtlllll eo dlys. . Acc't No. Exp. Date---- Enclosed is --------------------·O Otd vtlLlll .... 1•1------.... -------• • Arneric.an MD GENUINE LEATHER onty519.88 Save SI. 76Z 2 on. 838.00 ... • Cllllic Wing-Tip Stying .; ~Stenn Well • ~Molded Sde. Heel • Re~...., This husky. twmom. ~ newr loc8d blfter! The qu.iilllv and combt .,. builr in k>t yeer1 of~ wllllclng! Al• lw ._ tti.n ttw pttce ctwgld by fMlCy men'a lhopa! Just check all 0.. feeNres! The IPtured leMher upper Ilea loQlf foot Ike a glo\.oe ... pefl and llllng-llp dcNng mllM It a clwit. Strong. ftcldble molded~·-* and h8el allhlon ewry mp. H.1'1 r*1bted b aipport and durabllily. Ronn_,. adds .... protilelk>l1. Nylon !Ka ,_.. IOll. add. oil CoblMr crafted tn ttw U.S.A. 5Mp on it • . . don't mm out on dw shoe~ of the year~ ........ 7. 7\.a. 8. 8~. 9. 9~. 10. 10~. 11. 12 WWdle: c. 0. E. c.a..: Blkk °'Brown EllB Vllll:AEiE 5ffEP. ;..now,,, ... 11311 ,------------TW .._..S 11)$1' CMllTAa.f sam;s------------- LANA LO~ELL, Dept. LM·3511 , 340 Poplar St., H1nover, PA. 17331 1 w1n1 to ''"' 10•1•t11t of tnut f1ntut1r u win11 NOW' Pltut nno ·cn1,.Ht 1tnu1nt tutntr f1•h1011 snot u 1no1~ttd on full monty Dtck 111••••tte for tnt 1~1•n1 10 .. or•tt or 1u•t 19.N or ptu• ~2.80 po~:;,. ~O't'ltiw'8~~~-i' rcr 1un ,.._. "uu 100 $00 at•lllt Hct ~nor •1 111c1 •lll•••nct Ill t -' I Wt• Fm1• 1 .. ed llHI h••• V4· .... MO• M1nyt Shlt;: ColO< $ IH & W 01~1 •2JW•I Ito ~,.:_ ~:: to or S /fl ' W10tM 111707111 RtO llltJ07SSI ... ..., 1m:ma ,.,,, ...,....._ llH• 117101"1 _ __!!!c• CllAIU IT• 8 Amell<l ft ho1tu : t.lrtt ·~ll<Ot 0 Mutt• Cl\l•lt · ll•i.Alrlt11a1101v1u L. 01ott1 Chlo Ac('t = ------- C.o Oltt ------ [llCIOHG 111---- "91M -----------------,..--------------........... l..r•AI _____________________________ l10 __ 0 Chtc:ll a stlld 50c tor y .. rs subscrlotton to our 4a.Na• color t1taloa of -·• 115"10111 1nd Sllllff (M?8"'2X). Wt $hlp wittlift 41 hour11 Airy cttflJI flOtlfltd ~I)' Otllvey llllrtll1ted wltlt18 60 01)"&. ""'"--------•UTillACTIN ~· ..... , UtCa C LIM Ulllell, 1•1 ·------· NOW AVAllABLE IN 2 HEEL HEIGHTS! Easy-Walk 11/• "; New. fashion 2" LOOK AT All THE QUALITY FEATUIIS! Ill Rtinlorctd Toe Clp 121 Sup· pie Clove le.thtt Upper Il l SP•· ci1I Tophnt Trrm Prevents Wtir At Sum 14) Rtlnlorctd Httl :!•101 Shoe Rttaln Slllpt (51 Im· 111ct-~•or11111.1 1 V•·l nc:h Httl 161 COf!llllNu~ ~ •51 for Prooer Flt C7l Sitt! Sh1nk ;:); ~ 1111a·wt1rln1 Ovttoll Not $25 Not $29 only 9.! SA VE EVEN MOREi 2 Pairs Only $9.44 u. Here " a fuw ~ht~ lotlwr IMhtan ~. a claurc thlt'' --OUI of 11ylel It gtYH \IOUI' Ifft a gorsi-o'" i.lrm line. and pain perlectl)I with drnsn. pan11 ~skirt• all year "round' Rt· m41mber. you're g«tllng reel.....,, No m&ttt1' ..vh.t damu .,. fl\aCh ~ •vntlwtics. they can ll4tWf approach the comfon and dwabllhy of ..,,ulnc leather' Synthetic• make your f41<rt hot and 1wu111 In IUITllMr. cold and clammy In winter LutlMr let• your IHI breathe end conforms to the lhape of ,_ f004t Why pay npenslw cMp.rtment aton pncu f~ the - at!M? Onlcr now from ""and SA VE• Cot.OAS: IW.. .._., NMr . llZU: 1. IM."·~· 7. 7'6 ... '"· '· ·~· !;~II. WW>THI: .. C.D.!.EE.Hf- OUR IC DAY GUARANTEE TRY THEM Al C!J~ RISK! R1t111n W1t11rn l• 0.ys fOf Mo.~ !oe• ~-=-=---------------------.............. ..... Nlghtmates: Nothing to Lose ~~ Sleep Ovet ~~ By Jody GClylln It Is an experience that has hap- pened to everyone at some time or another: You wake up In a sweat , heart pounding madly, fear grip· ping your body. You have had a nlghf!nare Perhaps someone was chastng you and when you bied to strike him, your arms felt powerless - as though you were underwater. No one really knows what triggers a nightmare, although 10 percent of adults report suffering from them oc- casionaUy, and they occur frequently among young children. According to neurologist Daniel Wagner, cUnical coordinator of lhe Sleep-Wake Dis· orders Center at Monteflore Hospital and Medical Center In New York Ci- ty, anxJety or s1ress is most oken to blame . While the use of or withdrawal from certain drugs or alcohol can trig· ger nightmares, most people have bad dreams because something is troubling them. Even Sigmund Freud, the father of dream theory, was mystified by nightmares. Unlike dreams, they did not seem to fu.tfilJ any adaptive pur- pose. One of Freud's theories was that nightmares represented a faUure of the .. dre41ll mechanism." He be· lleved that dreams are ideas trans- formed into pictures and that they function to preserve sleep -by relieving the tensions of the day or by masking lntemiptions (for Instance, If your alarm clock is ringing, you dream you are listening to church bells). Nightmares occur when a strong Impulse such as anxiety. anger or guilt breaks through the dream. Most psychiatrist$ believe, as Freud did , that dreams always relate to something that happened In the past 24 houn and. at the same time, are symbolic of a much more basic con· oem or fear from yow past. If you want to figure out why you had a certain dream or nightmare, g0 over the events of the past day Let's say you have an extremely frustra- ting and upsetting dream that you are running and running toward a pier . You finally get there. ex- hausted, only lo see the ferry pulling away. Going back over your day, you may recall that you waited too long lo return a crucial call, and, by the time you did, the person you wanted to reach had gone for the day. Your nightmare was telling you that you "missed the boat.'' Jonathan Kellerman, a pediatric psychologist In Los Angeles and author of Helping the Fearful Child. (W.W. Norton), points out that, like adults, children take their wonies to bed with them. And because kids tend to blur the distinction between reality and fantasy. they have more nightmares. In fact, up to six nightmares a month may be perfectly normal In young children. Nonetheless, If your child suffers from perslstent or repetitive night- mares, says Kellerman, something Is obviously upsetting him. After a medical examination to rule out a physical cause. a parent should look for psychologla.11 factors. N lght terrors are completely distinct from nightmares . Common in young children but rare in adults. night terrors occur during the first few hours of sleep (during "deep " sleep). while nightmares occur during the latter half of the night (during "dream" or "REM" sleep). Victims of night terrors scream. thrash about, may get out of bed and wander around and are confused and dj.soriented. They are aroused with difficulty. In children, attacks can last up to 20 minutes; In adults, a minute or two, Someone who has had a nightmare can remember and describe his dream. says neurologist Wagner. However, the victim of night ·terror recalls absolutely nothing. Scientists believe that a sud· den Mousa) from deep sleep !riggers the terror but no one knows why II occurs (though according to one theory, It may resuh from anxiety). Whtie night tenors are partJcularly frightening to the people observing them. tn children they ore usually not a cause for alarm and go away with· out any tort of trQtment, says Dr. Kellerman. In adults. terr.ors '111 can be~by~ . ...., PHOTOORAPHS EN· l.AAGED TO SHOW FINE FACETIMJ OF PRECIOUS STONES ~-e QJ '."· A • ~~ .. ' ~ \ \ ~ ) __ ,.,,. AdvertiHm•nt DIAMONO JEWELRY ACCOMPANIED BY OUR CERTIFICATES OF AUTHEN'OCITY GENUINE 17-FACETED DIAMOND ANO 14 KARAT GOU>LAYERED EARRINGS ExQu1site matching genuine diamond earrings and gleam- ing 14 Karat gold-layered settings. The total diamond weight Is .50 pts GENUINE 17·FACETED DIAMOND AND 14 KARAT GOLD-LAYERED 7 INCH BRACELET. Lovely enough to grace any wrist' 14 Karat gold-layered chain measures a full 7 inches. The total dta· mond weight is 25 pts. GENUINE 17·FACETEO DIAMOND AND 14 KARAT GOLD-LAYERED 18 INCH NECKLACE. Three matching diamonds on a 18" 14 Karat gold-layered chain make this truly uniQue jewelry• Total diamond weight is . 75 pts. SALE PRICE §~ plus S1 00 postage and handling SALE PRICE @~ plus SI.DO oostaoe and handling SALE PRICE plus s1.oo PoStage and handling FOR THE NEXT 48 HOURS. readers of this publication are invited to participate 1n the most exciting genuine 17-faceted DIAMOND and 14 KARAT GOLD-LAY· ERED jewelry clearance In years! Take your choice of the beautiful matching diamond earrings. fit for a Queen! ... the handsome 7" bracelet. an acQuisition for even the most jaded collector of dia- monds ... or the magnifteent 18'' rope of 14 Karat gold-layered chain and three diamonds guaranteed to glorify the most expensive wardrobe! OR, to make a matching diamond en- semble hard to beat. take All THREE items. an $18.00 value. for just S1 2 00, plus S1 50 postage and handling. BUT- to take advantage of this unprecedented offer, you must act within 48 hours; don·t chance missing out on this SALE OF THE YEAR from famous Poole's Fifth Avenue. one of the world s largest im- porters of precious stones Each item is accompanied by our Certificate of Authenticity signed by a graduate gem- ologist Mall the coupon now! :····························································· : POOLE'S FIFTH AVENUE, 565FifthAvenue, New Yori(, N.Y.10017,0ept.OE~ : : I am resPonding within 48 hours Pleaae send me : : 0 MATCHING DIAMOND EARRINGS· M.00 plus$ I 00 p<>stage and handling : • 0 7 INCH DIAMOND BRACELET -••.oo plus$ l .00 Postage •nd handling • : 0 18 INCH DIAMOND NECKLACE -11.00 plus S 1.00 C>OSl.age and hllndllng : : C ALL THREE ITEMS. regularly S 18.00. only 112.00 plus $1.50 PoSlageand handling : : Enclosed find s payment in lull by 0 check 0 money order. Or charge : my 0 VISA 0 MASTERCARD Account If ------------- : Exp Date ------ : NAME------------------------• : ADDRESS ----------------------• : CITY _...... -.STATE ZIP ____ _ • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• I t I I I I Ral'LEX ACTION Ever wonder how fast you'd react In a driving emergency. Try this reflex test from The Vis/ling Flnman, the In-house magazine of Firemen's Fund Insurance Company. Touch the num- bers in numertcal order as fast as you can, and either time yourself or have someone do It for you. Six seconds ls av~; anything over 10 is not so hot. MR. NOV•LTY If you missed out on buy- ing Woodle Hall's mink cuff· links, giant foam rubber Kick Dice or Happy Edibles, don't wony -you're not alone. But these novelty Items, and some 120 others like them, enabled Hall, 67, to retire comforta~ eight years ago. Hall, a former business ex· ecutive and Army colonel, specializes in coming up wtth cute $5 knickknacks. He scored big with such winners as the Don't Bug Me game and fake credit cards like Socks Fifth Avenue and 11 e FAMltv WRKLY, AUii* 2, •1 HUOINPOR PAIN member of the Defense Ad· vlsory Committee on Wo- men In the Se:rvice and has just written Bring Me Men & Women, a book about the first female cadets at the Air Force Academy. ..The Idea of excluding women from combat ls absurd," she says. ''Whenever there Is a war women are kllled. They might as ~U have a chance ROOTS: THE SAGA CONTINUES Has new dirt been un· earthed about Alex Haley's Roota, the best-selling book and smash 1V miniseries? Portions of the book dealing with Haley's African lineage have been disputed before, but now research published In a small Southern history journal seems to cast doubt on much of the American section as well . University of Alabama professor Gary Mills and his genealogist wife , Elizabeth. spent four years studying census records and other public documents and. ac· cording to them, almost nothing of Haley's claimed Southern roots checks out. There are no records, for In· stance, of the characters Kiz. zy or Chicken George. "It's almost as If Haley took the f am Uy legends he had heard and tried to make the facts ftt them . And If the facts didn't, he either distorted them ar simply threw them out," says Miils, who told us he became curious when he used the . "Chfcbn George": Mythrca/? these records to provide an accurate 8C.COunt Is pure naivete. When it comes to black genealogy. weU -kept oral history Is without ques· tion the best source." -Eliot Kaplan BIRTHDAYS (All Leo) Sunday -Carroll O'Connor 57; Peter O'Toole 48: Myrna Loy 76. Monday -Tony Bennett 55; Martin Sheen 41. Wedneeday - John Huston 75; Lonl Ander· son 35; Nell Armstrong 51. Thunday -Lucille Ball 70: Robert Mitchum 64. Friday -B.J. ThomM 39. Saturday -Dustin Hoffman 44; Con- nie Stevens 43: Esther Willams 58. Den1a11dforMeritULTRA LIGHTS builds as tl1ousa11ds ojs111okers discover the Merit idea at 011(l '41ng tar. Merit ULTRA LIGHTS. A milder Merit thats setting a ~vl1ole 11ew taste standard for ultra low tar smoking. . , T Ultra Lights 0 ,..... Monie lac. IM 1 4 mg .. tar:' 0.4 mg nicoune Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Ci garene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Heal th. av. per cigareue by FTC method --------- ORDER House of Wesley's ••• CREEPING , , , at Amazingly LOW PRICES- p n S 12 for $2.SO 4 la t s1 00 8 for $1.75 for 24tor$475 ·481ors925 Plus Valuable Peon WHY A GROUND ·co VER 7 In meny ., .. and 1ltv.tlon1. ground c:oftrs .,. mont ~e end "*-..etsfedOfY t'-1 turf. They .. .,_ to grow end thrive In sun Ott at.le, and In pocw 10H. On • ...., ..,.. ..... mowing is tlffiaitt. ground cower Is much mont effective and much Ins 19borioua to nuttntain tt.t grass. Ground coven hold the 10H as well as twf and the texb.INS we f• more interHting. SrMll ••• of grua ere a comlnual chore to ~-mown and trl~ but ground coven require ... ._ ....... They .,. excellent protection and soil condi . They hold the talleft lea.es hom Wowing away. thus helping to Md annually to the humus content. One of Sedum'1 most v81Ullbte .... ti la Its full tllne beauty. Lush foliage betalnl In •8'1J spring, and star-shaped wine Nd now.rs delight tti. vle-r from late June through September. The attractive Mm!..evergreen foliage 1 .. ta -II Into wtnter, .-1.w.1ng its rtdt 9'"" and broue cotor ne8'1J all rear rovncl. Bnlclel being one of tti. lo.ellesl of tti. ground covers, Sedum also r8tH high on It. other ,..,1rernenta.. tt le hllrct,, grows well In l4H'I or partial shMe, In sandJ sofl, clay *'· Of good sofl. Its thktl toftage and root •Y.lent hold IM soil on slopes or banka. The neat 3-4" cover tonne a denM perennial fNl1 to bring green and wine Nd beauty to slopn, borders. rodtJ .,..., anywhere beeuty Ind durabUhJ .,. needed. E.ch pf•t will •adJ and qulcklJ aprHd to fill one 9q. tt. Sedum 1prelld1 evenly, !MlntlliM 1ta """°"" ...aolh beeuty at .,, ••-on of growth. unllk• IOfN RED SEDUM Now to cover those hard-to-fill bare spots with Blazing Color I Check these Special Features of the Perfect Ground Cover! CREEPING RED SEDUM Y' Grows In Any Soil Y' Thrives in Sun or Pllrtial Shllde v No Speci.I Care Needed ""' Extremely Hardy Y' Brilliant Color Y' Rich, long-luting Foliage v Neat, uniform Growth Y' Quick, but Disciplined Spreading v Guaranteed v Inexpensive Yoo will r'ce"iVe hardy northern nursery grown plants care'\'llY packaged to arrive in prime con- dition. An outstanding buy at less than 20c: per plant in lots of two dozen! other ground covers. Sedum, also c81ted "Drll90"'1 BloOd," 11ays where JOU .,.,t It -does not atr80llle out Into pf~• wt.re It doesn't belong. Sedum le almost lndeltnlCtlble, ..-during and persisting apinal heevy cllrNltlc and nutrMlonat oclda. SEND this Special Offer Coupon TODAY to receive your Red Sedum Now is a Good Time to Order REDSEDUMI Your young Sechlm pl8nta will estaMlah thetMehff i,.gin lo spNad a few •ya 8ftet planting. lw • month or so they will alreedy be M lnche9 In.._.,.,. 11ley m•y lose their folieg8 • the first....., progeeu• but will le•f out agam In MrtJ spring. During a long growing season they may reach 12" Wt ..... eter. •lw1y1 malnUlining tMlr Miit re•il•tetl sh~. • HOME OFFICE HOUSE Of W£SLEY, Nul'Hf'Y Dfvtalon, Bloomington, llllnol• 11701 and Peonies I 2 PEONIES 254 ("'YUM'• ·~-· With -..... ~,.. of SUI or ...,., Y«* can~ 2 lt9d '-ony"""'" (a ..... SUS value) fof only 2Sc. , ........... of .............. Oft ...... -•-..-cW wlttl tMs Yal11a 111c•'lll ..._offer. g ... ., I ... :s ,,. • ;;; • 0.. e ..! 0 c c .2 ] 'i l Just took at all these Wonderful buys by mail from Walter Drake 4135 DRAKE BUILDING, COLORADO SPRINGS, CO 80940 • l'AMILY WUIU.Y. Auoutl 2.. 1"1 DB.UXE lllSMIS r.ARDS Your name. address. company, etc. printed on fine card stock. Choose beige card with deep brown printin9 & twin· band border. or mist green with forest green. 5 lines. 36 letters and spaces each. No designs. Please print. P4048 200 Green Cards ... S2.98 P4049 200 Beige Cards ... S2.98 SELF411CK RETUR• ADDRESS WW Perfect to personalize your letters, identify valuable rltOfds, books, cam· eras, tools, etc. Self•stick1 they cling et 1 tooch. Yoor n1m1, adcnu and zip code, up to 4 lines, 22 letters & spaces per line. Printed in black on glossy white labels. 2" x }f'. PI030 250 White GIOU L•bel1 11 .98 RAJSEIM.mER STATIO•RY Your n1m1 end return address in elegant raised letters end a distinctive twin· stripe accent this handsome stationery. Choose deep blue on ~h blue or rust on iv~. 50 personalized sheets, 25 plain. 7%' K 10'', 50 envelopes. Gift·boJted. P1035 Pen. Blue Sl8tionefy ts.98 P103e Pen.. Ivory Sl8tlonefy $5.98 MTAMT Vim R8WR Make quick, professional-looking re- pairs on burns, rips, holes. Easy method lets you match color end grain on vinyl, plastic, Neughahyde. Repairs almost impossible to detect. Great for cer seets, luggage, furniture, etc. Generous supply for usy, inexpensive repairs. H1345 Vlnyt Aeo.lr ......... 15.99 1• RETUM ADDRESS lA8B.S $1 Quick and easy way to put yoor name and return address on letters. records. 1 books. etc. Any name. address end zip • code up to 4 lines beautifully printed in black on the finest white gummed label paper available. 1~" long. Free · decorative boK for purse 01 desk. 5717 Set of 1000 labefa ...•••.. S1 YOUR OWi POCIET PRllTER Print your name end address or any 3 lines (mH. 26 letters & "*'' per linel on stationery, books, etc. Dozens of uses every day. Print11 comes in compact self-inking case (not inkedl for pocket or pune -always handy! P4009 Poollet Printer ........ 11 .71 Any 2-13.29 Any 3 -M .lt SAnSFACTION QUARANTl!BD OR MONBY BACK (•= ] · . FAST •RVl«:m -CHARO• IT, UU YOUR ~!!!!! • • > 'i ca ., ·- 'O c ca -::s 0 Just look at all these buys by mail from ter 4134 DRAKE BUILDING COLORADO SPRINGS COLORADO 80940 OUR 34dt YWI DB.UXE IUSllESS CARDS Your name. address, company, etc p11nted on fine card stock. Choose beige card with deep brown prmtin9 & twin· band border, or mist green with forest green. 5 lines. 35 letters and spaces each. No designs. Please print. P4048 200 Green Cards ... 12.98 P4049 200 Belo-Cards ... 12.98 SELF.STICK RETURN ADDRESS WELS Perfect to personalize your letters, identify valuable records, books, cam· eras, tools, etc. Self-stick, they cling at a touch. Your name, address and zip code. up to 4 lines. 22 letters & spaces per line. Printed in black on glossy white labels. 2" x l," P6030 250 White Gloss Labels $1 .98 RAISED-lmER STATIOllERY Your name and return address in elegant raised letters and a distinctive twirt- stripe accent this handsome stationerv. Choose dett> blue on soft blue °' rust on ivo~. 50 personalized sheets, 25 plain, 1W • 10", 50 envelopes. Gift·boxed. P1035 Pers. Blue Stationery $5.98 P1036 Pers. IYOfY Slatk>Mfy 15.98 llSTMT Vim. RBUt Make quick. professional·looking re· pairs on burns, rips, holes. Easy method lets you match color and grain on vinyl, plastic, Naughahyde. Repairs almost impossible to detect. Great for car seats. luggage. furniture, etc. Generous supply for easy, inexpensive repairs. H1345 Vinyl Repair ......... $5.99 1000' RETURflt ADDR£SS lA8B.S $1 Quick and easy way to put your name and return address on letters. records. books, ere. Any name. address and zip code up to 4 lines beautifully printed in black on the finest white gummed label paper available. Hf' long. Free decorative box for purse or desk. S717 set ot 1000 L•bela .•...... s1 YOUR OWi POCKET PRlffTER Print your name and address or any 3 Imes (max 25 letters & spaces per line) on srationerv. books, etc. Dozens of uses ev8fy day. Prinrer comes in compaC1 self·inking case (not inkedl for pocket or purse -always handyl P4009 Pocket Printer ........ $1.79 Any 2-$3.29 Any 3-M.69 SATISFACTION GUARANTEED OR MONEY BACK-FAST SERVICE-CHARGE IT, USE YOUR~ l FAMILY WEEKl.Y, Augual 2. 1911 '----,. ' MME BIKE All IMDOOR W•ER It's a rernlic exerciser' Just attach the rear wheel of anv 28"·28"" l·spnd bike 10 ttus stand of heavy tubular steel. Raise or lower wheel 1g1inst rollers to get every1hing from tasy "on-tht-ll't'el" pedaltng to vigorous "up. hill" workouts. Bike tomes oll tor real 11d1ng. F6061 Bike Exerciser ...... 514.99 D 250 SELF-STiii RETURN ADDRESS LAIELI $1 S.H-stidt labels .,. the SIMlt, easy way ro personalize letten. books, etc. All¥ ne•. addrea ind zip code up to 4 lines beauti- fully printed in black on the finest white sett-stick libel pa- per 1v1i11bl1. 1 Jr' long. Boxed. P&a2 ZIG Wf.sddl LIWI S1 htlll!lille 'fW M .... Wt!tll Dmt It llNlt"'"d to 1141•11 OI '"1 llMlnrt W I ~----------------------............. ......- TEUPHOllE SOUMD AMPUFIER Now you an hear every word1 End the embar· rnsment of aslung tellers to repeat them- selves. hear over stiop, office or tiome noises Aneches easily to any sta~erd phone Fin· gert1p volume conuol l1ghtwe1ght, compact Uses 11, volt "N" battery, included Black. SS119 T ... phoM Ampllfler .. $16.99 Mn.P ... D . ....._ 2215.lWS..... w.,u ... • thrlt ~--- WP YOUR .. EY WE in the zli>- Pltftd money pcdet insult this hlllldtol!le blldl lnther beh. aioo. 1~" or r wide; 2 or 3 initials on silmy budllt. loolts like stylish dress btlt. Specify illitiels desired and site (28-3r. 32·36". 38-W' or 4(1..U"I. P7132 Pers.1 ~"' MOMY Befl '3.99 P4041 Pen. 2"' Money Belt S4.99 WAUER DRAKE 4134 DRAIE MIU. COLORADO IPlllllS. CO IOMO ~ --~-::: -·"~1JI': ' ' .,. ,..~ ... . ~~ .:i.1F1 ..... 27CC::= S115 Stftd eny size color pnnt or Polaroid • 141 to 8" 1 lCI'" -no nt0tl1¥1S or slides. pleue - rtc9iwe b .. 41tifully finished copies on quellry KODAK PIS*; onginal rtturned llllhemled. Fast~ SllVice -only 48 hollra ii) our labl Order by ittm lllllllbtr1 shown below!- "407927 Wllltl llhl*I 11.,·113 1 .. A1.16 fl«*> 15Wllleel,Onen10" •...• S1.15 NOl1 15 Wiim. Two S'xT ...• •UI P40l2 Two S'lT, One rll10" ..•.. S1.15 UFETIME SOCW. SECURITY Pl.ATE Yous name and Social Seculily numbe! perma· nently engraved on 11th-loolung solid brass plate. Virtually indestructible. can't wear or tear like paper cards Gives You PoS1llve life· time tdentification. Specify name and Social Sec no . hm1t 24 leners and saaces per li ne P4004 Social Security Plate .. $1.29 ADD YEARS TO SHAVER UfEI No need to buy a new sham °' sh11Ytng hud. With this precision device. you t1n sharpen your rotary shaver in 1ust one m1nu1e1 Makes old, worn heeds work hke new for a fast. comfortable shave every 11me Fast. safe and sure Guaranteed 10 worlt F11s all ro1111es F7027 Shiver Sttarpener .... S3.99 .. ..,. ..._.i~ ............ 111i• ~ ll 11" '!'lflif1•. Ifs I .... 4X---.. up 10 4b1111ltssizlt ........... yw111Ktt. $3062 Full Page Magnifier •211 CMI,.. llllliff ..... lfl ....... ... IO it Clll M i19l hi I bliok. Plntic with '6IJI i.ldn•••· FAMILY WEEKLY, A1191111 2., 1981 _ ..................... ---------------~~~- RAISEIM.ETTER NOTES ltatute your 1111111 1n lovely r11sed Wll>1. set off by 11m1n, slim boldtl'. look1 lik1 costly. 1no11v111Q Perfect tor thaoll·you's, quick notes. invitations. SSa" x 411" folded. S.t ot 60 ttisp white nota with eiwelopn The perfect 0111 Pnnt flame wanted P5074 50 lnforrNI Note1 ... U .99 3-YEAR APPOINTMENT GALEN DAR Keep track of events coming up in 1982 thru 1984! Put all your memos down in one place where you won't overlook them. Each 81 , .. x 11" sheet shows a lull month at a glance. with roo·my squares for daily notes 3 full years with each month tab indexed. leather· like cover. 5720 Thr.,.Yeu Calendar $240 E~Ylll•no YOU tiu¥ fro• Wille• 0. ah " -•nl1td IO oftata Ol -_, INlck' LOOSE Rl•S FIT lllSTMlnY Encl •MOYl"ll $1ippif1e of rings, atop dlflOll ot lou w1tfl thest taS'('tCHJM 1d1m111 Just snip clnr vinyl bind to flt Inside rinQ, and slip it in. Special daign lttya in plttt easily. Gives you custom fit Set of 5 bMds 10 fit 1ny nng SIYI costly jeweltl''s chtrgts. Fl190 5 Ring SI.re Adjustera '1.98 ·-. ·. ·. . --·. ~.- PERSONALIZED GOLFER'S TOWEL has his or htf name embrllldefed in bright red below a smiling ~II ~II encl tet dnlgn. Cot· ton 1e11y rowel 1s 1017" x 19"-big enouoh to be useful, smell enough to tuck into bag or hang from cert Really handy on those hot divs on the links. Print name wanted P7223 Pers. Goiters Towel .. S1.29 lt'a F--'at-&sy TO ORDER BY MAIL FROM WALTER DRAKE ~_g..,. "STAINED GLASS" WINDOW TRIM Imagine a rainbow ot jewel·colored light shining and shimmering through any window in your home I S.lf·Sl 1ck Y1nyl him looks lrke leaded stained glass Add color eccent, block unanracuve v11w, create prrvacy. Just press to apply. Roll 12 feet ~ 18 inches H70M .. Slllned Gi.u ·Trim .. 13.99 PROTECT YOUR BANK ACCOUNT! Pocht-5111 check protldor guerds 1911nsl possible elttfll!Q ot your checks. Simply dial in trnounl you went, 1t1mp check Rollers ere 1m111egn111d with a buill·in ink supply, good tor lhousands of 1mcw1ssions.. Dues 1nsten11'(. Great tor anyone who wrnes checks. r case 85051 Protect-A-Check ...... H .91 LIFETIME ADDRESS BOOK Always up to date, always elphabtttcel To make 1 change. 1us1 repfaee a loose-leaf card! Ends messy cross-outs-book 1s always neat! leathef·hke COYef, 1lphtbe11cat d1v1dt1s. Desk SlllS" JI 11.~ poc:bt s11t21,· • 5-Rehlluva11 S505G Pocket Size. 100 ce1ds . $2.99 S5058 Desk Size. 100 caids .. 55.99 AUTOMATll GARD SHUFFLER Put 1 to 3 dedcs of cerds into the tray, push a button end PRESTO! Your cards are shuttled quickly and thOfoughly evtfl time. Made of sturdy plastic. 5" x 5' x 6". Complete with 2 "O" batteries and instructions. Perfect gift for all card players -get yourself one, tool Silver Flatware Pattern Matching Service · We have your pattern! Sterling· and Silverplate J. 711 JHlltUlfl ;,, 011,. w111h1 tltr J•)' tlti1 IUI wos prrpared •Rrphlcr lolf o,. J•mogrd pirc" • Complrtr )'Oii,. 11onrr srt •Add srrvi1tg pircr1 We have more 1han 1.700 sterling and ACTIVE, silverplate pauems in our vauhs - INACTIVE, active. inactive and obsole1c. Many OBSOLETE cannot he bought in retail stores at any PATTERNS price. We sp«ialize in inactive and ------J obsole1e paucrns. and we have a huge selection of active patterns. 100. Most arc offered ot tremendous savings over retail prices. Just tell us your pattern name and manu· EASY TO facturer. (If you are nor sure of 1he ORDER panem name. ask for our free Paucm Jden1ification Booklel.I We wiU send you a list of 1he pieces in stock in your paucrn and 1he price for each. Then. you can order just what you want. We wiU put your name in our Silver Register so we can notify you as soon as we have additional pieces you migh1 wan1. No obligation. or course. 30-day re1um privilege on all silver you buy from Walter Drake Silver Exchange. We pay cash for all sterling and for WE BUY iilverplate in good condition. We are SILVER, also qualified buyers of gold. platinum TOO and diamonds. If you want to sell such ______ ,. i1ems quickly. safely and conveniently. write or send the cuupon today. We11 rush you a promp1 offer. We buy and sell silver every day. so our SEND THE inventory changes everyday. The sooner COUPON you send the coupon. 1he sooner you'll TODAY! get the pieces you wan1. First come. .._ _____ _. first served. We keep our prices as low as we can. but inflation affects 1he price of silver. too. 11 probably costs less to gel the silver you want now than ii ever will again. so don't delay. Send the coupon today. HUNDREDS Walter Dn1ke is the nation's largest silver MORE pa11ern·ma1ching service. If the pattern you wan1 is available anywhere. it will PATTERNS be at Waller Drake. Even if your pauem THAN is not shown or listed. send the coupon THOSE today. Waller Drake is the place to get SHOWN OR those hard·lt")-find pieces. 1hose unusual LISTED patterns-current patterns. too-most ._ _____ _.at big savings. a..,.e... ow m.tt ~ ..... ,,... , =--...::-=-== =i.... s~~ r.11111..., ...._r .. ,.._ -~ -...., ~ CMlltllr .,.. .... ow c..... ,.... ,..._. .. ........, ShlMq• ...... "' ........ CLIP AND MAIL THIS COUPON TODAY! Walter Drake Silver Exchange 5134 Drake Building. Colorado Springs. CO 80940 r--WALTER O'RAKE"SiLVER'ExCH°AN'Ge -,I 1. 513' Or•ke Bu11di119. Color9do SorinQI. CO 80940 'Your Name I I Md re I lctw s1a1 ZtP---1 I 1m lnterHt•d In 0 Buying 0 Selling n Slerllng U Bllverpletel ' Manufacturer 1 Nam•------------------~ I Pattem Na1n1t I L.. 0 PleH• "nd free Pattern ldentlll«llon Booklet J ---------- ., __ .J.,,, ;,.. TOILET TRAIN YOUR CATI svstem really works! Transfer car s 1ri- incts from hlter bot to toilet. No more ssv. upenstvc Inter Sc1ent1hc system uses ad1ustable plas11c form and special herbs to tram cal Aller 6 days, remove form -cal au1omn11cally uses 101le11 F5167 Tabby Toilet T111lner ... s.4.99 ·roENAIL SC&SSORS Thesn surgical-type scissors fea1u1e short, tapered blades especially designed for toenail clipping The long shank gives e.1111 leverage and maneuverability The sharp ~teel edges are designed for cutting tough. rh1cll 1oena1ls easily and quickly' 4 inches long F4091 Toenail Scissors ...... S3.99 The color of your st .. tione<y shows through these t~nsoar· ent labels. Your name and ad· dress (up to 4 lines. 22 lattefS and spaces •chi printed in black on Sff-thlough labels. P2031S•9'~50C~ uw.s1.• GIANT MEMO CALENDAR t,,;~lpiii;iiii~lw.iii-1 Forgerlu17 Have 1'1'"1'"1~C;.,..'t 11ouble remember· ing dares, cng1ge- ..,.__.-tr-ii'-~--.i ...... menrs ann1vers11· 1es' let 1h1s g11nt d111tv memo calen· dar keep voo straight ~·11r-tir-11 1n 82• Shows cur· l::i~~iji!:~~~ rent monlh plus two .,..,,.......--..i~r-1i..-. wec~s 01 tollowmo month on earh 141 ,· x 2P ." sheet E~rh datr 1n a laiqe square ha~ tors of room 101 da1tv oore s. memos. names 5704 Giant Memo Calendar .. s 1 49 NOW YOU CAN USE YOUR VISA TO ORDER FROM WAL TEA DRAKE! LOOI< SUM AND TRIM! Have a pot belly? Pu1 11 1n its place' Wa1s1 Bell slims you up rhe momcnr voo put 11 on lns1an1·g11p Velcro closure makes 11 easy 10· put on. take otl e· wide. ad1us1s tr om 28 10 50 E las11w ed cotton for easy wa~h n' ,.,.ear Helps 1eheve back ta119ue too' Fo1 men women N2044 Waist Bell ......... SS.99 CHEERY RETURN ADDRESS l.A8ElS H111e's the brrght eye-catching way to personal 11c tellers. boOks. ett Cheery deMgns 1n color lul orange, magenta. red. blue. green & vel· low·yreen accent your name & return address p11nted in blat~ on whrle gummed labels AJY<( 4 tines. 2& tlrs & spaces per hne 2" tong. boxed P1011 1000 Color ubela ... $1.79 t ',1ll1<1r·'l'liy Sry/,. AJJrt'ss f a61'/s YOUR NAME & RETURN ADDRESS m slrikmg cathgraph1c style p11ntiny will add a d1stmctive 1ouch to your lcncrs. paLkages. ere Graceful punt resemblH elegant hand tette11ng on a handsome scroll background Uf to 3 tines. 30 let1ers & spaces each Set o 250 Setf·sllck, they chng at a touch P4073 Calligraphy Labels .... S1 .98 ~!IK.'IMP ~·--~ ~ STA•-IP 11111• Your name pt'inted in flowing black tellers on 600 colorful memo sheets. Crystal clear cube measures 311i ' x 3'i ' x 31,4"; lets you pick out one sheet at a time Colorful layefS of pink, green and yellow notes. Please print name wanted. P1130 '1131 800 s...... 800 ,.,., . .. C-. IWills •4ee •311 ( AMAZING PROJECTOR Show wall·s11e 11111ges of photos. maps. stamps. m in 3111mensionat objects with this rugged 11101ector No film or negative needed. Just piece uem 1n pro1ector, turn on lamp (any 60-w. bulbl Great for entertainment, let· lures, etc. 12" • 412" x 8": 512·lt cord F5154 Amazing Protector ... '14'.99 11.l'ml Afll EAR HAii SAffiY! · Good grooming demlnds tlllt unsightly llllr in nostnls and.," be temoved-end now you can clip it out 11felyl Why risk infection by plucking, or by nicking with scissors? Tiny multi·bledt rotary sheer is safe, gentle, ellec· live. Finest surgical steinltSs steel. F411 Kllpette ............... S2.H .. ELECTRIC CAUUS ERASER Eraws ugly calluas, corns. dead skin-letvts feet smooth IS silk from hH I to toe l ight· weight, as easy to u11 IS an electric shaver Safe, gentle vibrating action smooths rough. scratchy skin thet tookS so unpleasant end sr111gs nylons. Tough whtta plas11c: S' 2 It cord NIM Eleclrlc C.llus e, ... , .. $5.99 PERS. llLL PAYING ENVELOPES Wt'f mamblt lot envelopts • bill paying time, or break up good stationery sets? Send you1 checks, ordefs, ttc. in these crisp. white 61 l. t11¥8lopes designed just for this 1obl Return en upper left eotner shows you1 name, addreu and zip code In rith black print. Peck of 75. P3003 75 Envelopes ••...•. S1.H RED • &REEN HOLIDAY LABELS Yow 3·11ne 1111T1e & 11turn address printed'" red Economy style has red & green holly de· sign and your choice of "Merry Clmstmas" or "Season·s Gree11ngs" Deluxe self·sttck style has red & green holly, says "Merry Christmas· X762 500 Economy Labels s 1.00 P6108 250 Deluxe Labels. . S2.98 FLORAL llEDLffCHIT COVERS Replece Mtn, ~ UMIS on CMirt, foot·· stools, -alld hht Ille beauty .. , .. , lllttl~ Witlloill ltie work attd troable of -it YoWStlf. La9 MIW9ll floral prillt -"" Ymir cllaice of blact. ., .... beige ......, ....... • to lttldl. 20" lqlllft, fits .... aim. Order color by''"" number. llf'IG71 .._. Cover •...•... ' l.H H07I ca.... Covet •.••.•..• ··" NOTS Beige eow.r ........ S t .H 4for ............... U3.H REMOVE UNWANTED HAIR safely & e&S1ly wilh "Touch of Velvei " dist. No mes· sy creams OI wues. No painful tweei1ng No nicks or scrapes. l 1ghlly rub specially treat· ed pumice disc over skin Unsightly hair 1s "erased" withou1 Irritation l eave.s lace. arms. legs soft & smooth In handy compact. N2053 Touch of Velvet Oise S2.99 VACUUM TAIES OUT BlACKltEADS Don't squeeze and 1n1u11 skin-let Vacutea removt blackheads gently Just put the Hp on the blackhead. press the little pump- blltckhead 1s gone' Gentle vacuum does the trick' This 1s the genu1~utex, not to be confused with 1m11arors l:'Uiiranreed F259 Vacule.a .............. $1.98 ... ~-~ -1?>?",....·.-<: ·~pr ' ~ SELF-STICK FOIL LABELS Yow cholH of gold or silver l0tl labels with any name and add1ess' up 10 4 lines Hand• some border, 11111ct1ve blaclt punting Chng to any clean. dry surface ideal for person· alwng books. cameras. IN'•efcases, elc P6128 250 Gold Foil Labels S 1.98 P6129 250 Sliver Foll Labels $1.98 12 ~llZD PIDS el• Here's a gift that's sutt to make Name helps prevent loss. Any first a hit with every young scholar on and last name you want. one name your list -quality Venus pencils 10 a set. Full size 7 .. " pencils with his or her own name imprint· with smooth-writing No. 2 lead and ed In gold! Kids love 'em! Great rubber erasers. Please print name. for home, offices and stores, too. SIM 12 Pera. Pndla .... SUI E""'"""9 '°" 1M 1rM Wtlltf Dial• 1t ....,t111t1d 10 011m" --n IM<kl y • 'AMl\.Y WEEKLY, Auguat 2. 1•1 LOOI IETTER INSTQTLYI Ft.I tiener, too. with Posture Br1. Comlcwt· Ible elastic blCli au~ getrtty holds your lhouldtfa, helps you 11ana straight•. ~ look slimmer, younger. White lee• on cotton cups. Elastic strips, side & bottom panels. Order by bf• sin: M1085 l34BJ lt1088 134CI 111091140CI tl108813881 lll089138CI 11109313801 M1087 13881 Nl090 138CI N1094 13801 Potture Bra. ............... 11.H SHOE ITRETCllER ll'lds iv-11m 11:tws end pelns. 11ses prnsure on coma end bun- ions! Moisten shoe from inside, Insert Ind llCl- jult wooden stretm., llM CMmiQht. An.a.. menu !incl.I wlan llUS whir• COIRS, bun- ions rub. Order wom'a: F208015-8~1. F2081 17-101; "*l's:f208217·1~ F2083II1·131. I 8ltwk:her lfits right l left shoej ... Sl.H _._ __ .._. """"'""• ........ ..,... ,.1•1 ..... ,.. , • .-...... . -~·"' -· ,. '•l"Cl'I \ • • SLEEP BETTER AT NIGHTI 11 YOUR STATE END MUSSED CLDTHJR fOf men comlocllblt s'"1>. get gentle ele· PROTECT HAIRDO AS YOU SLEEP RETURN ADDRESS LABELS H1noer Aids ketp IYtn ~no blcwMn varton from your ICIWlf back 10 too of yoU1 Wik• up beeutv shop-lrnJI when you wtllf Your home Slate silhouette. 11s n1ck111me end ~"· so glflll4llltsc.en't tatdl oc bunch up held with this loem sl1nt recliner . And tor this bonnet Ccmfor11bl1 bot hrm net ad1us11 your 1111111 1nd eddress p11nreo '" rich blue IQll!'SI tech othlr. Keep your clolha Ir~ even lllOlt 11laxa11on, try the htt11d model 10 any co1tfuie to kHp it frtSh. ne11 end h1ghhght these extra large 2lj' 1 r., .. wtute · loolung longer; uve on Ulll1ICtSSlfY pressing tor 1 ~entla. soothing feeling Zippered cov· uncrushtd-even ii you toss end tu1nl Vel· sell·slick lebels Up to 3 Imes. 28 let111s bills. 81ight golden finish. Fits any size rod. • tr 24 · 11 24" 1 91~ ". cro closu11 holds bonnet snugly. coml0t1ebly. end sp1c11 eech. All 50 stares available, shdts t1s1ly. Set of 8 holds 38 hangers. F2023 Foem Slant Recliner t 11.99 Help 11pen1ive sets las1 lo1l9e1 Wuhlblt plus O.C and Puerto Rico Ser ol 250 labels 1 Hs.45 H•~ Akta .......... U .49 F7225 ......_, Recliner.... 121.99 N5083 Slffp C.p ........... 12.99 P6197 Pers. St.lie Labels ... $2.99 REMOTE COltlTROL SWITCH hllnd your retch 15 feet ectOU·tht room. Stay 1n your cozy bed or comfy chair 10 turn oll TV, radio, lamp-1usr llick this switch! Plug appliances into this unit. unil in10 wall plug That's all th'81t is to 111 A luaury lot yourself. so n1ct toi the bedndden. UL listed H3321 Remote Control Switch S5.99 .r • "1'1' · 1 , j .,1·• ·• LUJUtlous comfort for you; pretty decorator look tor your bathroom. Werm, soh Sit CO¥erS lid, seet with velvety, washable plush. Fits stlfldetd units. Ordef col« by numbtf: Hnos Gold; H7106 Pink; H7107 Blue; H7108 While; H7109 Avocado; H1430 81own. 2·Pi.ce S..t 6 Lid S•L ...... H .99 r.------------------~ I Walter Drake MAIL ORDER FORM IJ I IATllFACTro• IUAIAITEED '136 Drell1 ...... Colorllllo $pri1191, Colo. 80940 '1' 01 YOUI MOIEY IACK I r1t--1 NAME -.. • •r: -. .. L I .. DDRESS ------------------------------------- ZIP-- '""" ..... _ .. ,...,,, ..... \11 t.tl0 Wo --fl --AITWEI _.,.,_loo <Ntgo OOOfft .... •I PUASI ADD Tiii fOUOWll8 lMOUIT fOll Sllt,.,.I AIOllAlllUll 11 ':::91.':.-Mll s .11 Col°'~~=~' add ... PPING AND HANDLING 111111 a 1,•-AM 11.41 • .... II lllM-&M II.II TOTAL OIClOSEO (dllct. _, ........ ............................ 1111_ ---- - - - -..J 0