HomeMy WebLinkAbout1981-08-07 - Orange Coast Pilot.. BIG STAR ADRIFT Li nda Evans of •otnasty' visiting 'Love Boat' See Pi lot TV Log DRANlil COAST BIG TOP TRIVIA Circus historian recalls fantasy job See Weekender BIG NAME &ATILES County amphitheaters winning some star wars See V\ * * * * * • YOUR HIMfTDll UllY PAPIR ti r FRIDAY. AUGUST 7. 1981 · ORANGE COUNTY . CALIFORNIA Controllers needed Reagan to hire 12,000 replacements WASHJNGTON (AP > The Reagan administration. saying it considers the air tramc con- trollers strike over, is looking for replacem e nts ror th e thousands or controll ers who continued picketing for a fifth day today. · T he Fede r a l Aviation Ad· ministration, which reported 75 percent of all regularl y scheduled air traffic fl ying, con- * * * Thousands apply as c ontrollers OKLAHOMA CITY <AP> Striking air controllers say they're underpaid, understaffed and overworked But thousands or people around the country are interested in giving the job a try anyway. CIRCUS COMES TO TOWN <'Im~ n elm·" 1 ug gling aC't whtlt' ll'ad1ng l'll'phanh Thur..,ch.t\ from Santa Ana train station to thl' r\naht•1m Convt.-ntion Cl·nll'r. ~•le of tht• l t lth l'ci1t1on nl RinJ!ling Bro..., and Barnum .ind Hail1 •\ o.lly ............. .., ~ .... ('trl'U~ Animal ":ilk '" lrad1t1on of thl' Greall':-.l Sh<)\'-on Earth. which opt>nt•d Thursda~· night Tht·n· ~.ll'l' 21 n'maining matint't? and l'\l'ning :-ho\\'> during thl· Anaht•1m run \\hJch t•rlfl~ .\ug 17 The government has started printing 100,000 flyers outlining qualifications for air traffic con- trollers. Thousands of people are asking for applications. And the federal training center here is gearing up for an unprecedented fl ow of new students, now that pink slips have begun going out to 13,000 controllers on an illegal strike. Officials at a Federal Aviation Administration training center here said they are prepared to triple the nation's yearly output of civilian air traffic controllers. The center has been turning out about 1,800 controllers a year . Ne wport pair guilty in fraud ca se A Newport Beacn psychiatnst and his wife have been found guilty 1n Orange County Superior Court of grand theft and Med1Cal fraud charges in· volving the filing of false biJhng statements to the state Sentencing proceedings for Dr. Leonard Lesser and his wife. May, will be Sept. 3 in Judge Frank Domenichini ·s Santa Ana courtroom. The couple were convicted Thursday m a non-jury trial of e ig ht counts of filing fa ls<' MediCal claims and one count of grand theft. Each charge car· ries a penally of up to three years in state prison. Charges against the Lessers included aJlegations that they fi led false billings and canceled psychiatric appointments and also filed billings for one-hour psychotherapy sessions b) Lesser for patients not actually seen b y h im or a noth e r psychiatrist. It was alleged they collected about $139,000 in false billings. The Lessers' Los Angeles at· torney, Kenneth Klein, sub· milted the case to Domenichini on the basis of the preliminary hearing transcript from Harbor Municipal Court. Prosecuting the couple was D eputy Attorne y Gener al Frederick Mill ar of the state's MediCal fraud unit. The Newport Beach cou ple were allowed to remain without bail pending sentencing proceed- ings next month. Workers g iven luxury y acht BRIGHTON, England <APl As a token of his appreciaUon, Anthony Antoniades gave bis lSO employees a luxury yacht on Thursday and announced that he l5 also going to buy them a villa on a Greek island. Antonlades cracked a botUe of champagne over the bow of the $108,000 yacht Passionelle at its launchina and made Ila title over to the employees of his firm Eurollnk Computer Services, which solves computer problems for lta subscribers. l Washington Star bids sad goodbye The application process - from filling out the first form to arriving at the training center normally takes two months to a year. But that can, and probably will, be reduced to a month, said Mark Weaver, a Federal Avia· tion Adminis tration spokesman at the training center. WASH INGTON <API The legend under the nameplate on th<' front pag e of today's Washington Star s aid "129th ) <'ar. No . 219 .. There will be no No 220 The Star said goodbye to its readers in an 80-page edition full of reminis cence about the glorious days when it dominated Journalism m Washington It 1s going out of business. le<iving The Washington Post as Two bandits get $11,000 in Newpor t Two well dressed a rmed ban- dits escaped with $11 ,000 in cash and Jewelry after tying up four employees of a Newport Beach antique shop and making them lie face-down on the floor Police said nobody was in jurcd in the episode Thursday at the King and I. an antique furniture and jewelry shop at 1727 Wes tel iff Ori ve One of the crooks, offi cers were told. entered the shop at about 10 a .m , grabbed the female manager by the arm and shoved a gun in her back. She told police that she was handcuffed and pushed to the floor. She said the gunman re- moved a bracelel from her wrist The second bandit, police said. entered the .s hop through a rear door where he waited and grabbed other e mployees as t,Aey showed up for work. Police said a second pair of h andcuffs was used on one employee and that nylon cord was used to tie up the remaining two employees. With the shop worters secured and face·down on the noor, the bandits ransacked the store, finally leaving with $10,000 worth of jewelry and St,000 l.n cash. The employees. who managed to free themselves and call police, saJd one of the crooks bad a beard and was wearing a tweed coat. The second bandit, they reported, was dre!!ed in a blue suit. the on l} daily newspaper here and making Washington the big· gest one-newspaper city in Amt•nca As tht' firwl edition hit the s trel'L'i, pt'ople gathered as many as IOOdeep at newsstands. buying up to 10 and 20 issues each at prices that ranged from the paper's usual 20-cent cost to over a dollar Other souvenir· hunters ran down city streets to buy the Star from delivery truck~ before they could be un- loaded Tim<· Inc .. the Star 's owner of the last 31 2 of its 128·year his· tory. says that in the last two weeks it talked to 60 potential buyers -<ind met with 11 of them in an attempt to sell the newspaper. But Time insisted that a buyer commit itself to spending at least S20 million and lo keep the Star going at least a year , spokesman Donald M. Wilson said "We didn't want someone to come in and dispose of the paper's assets in three months CSee F1 NAL, Page A2l Branches or the federal Office o f Personnel Managemen t around the country have been flooded with job inquiries since the first controllers got dis - missal notices Wednesday, the agency said Thursday. In New York City, for exam· pie. 1,760 people -including in· surance salesmen, teachers and dancers filled out applications in a five hour period. Most regional personnel of- fices are getting about 400 telephone inquiries a day, ac· cording to Bill Farris , chief of the special examining unit at the FAA training center. The process formally begins when the Federal Register an- nounces openings for applicants, from Aug. 17 lo 28. At that time, more than 100,000 announce· ments about qualifications will be distributed to people interest· ed in a controller's job, said training center director Tony Hoppers. Not re&.lly funny Neighbors laugh as firehouse burns INDIANAPOLIS 1AP1 While firefighters dashed out on a report of a burning office building, their own fire sta - tion became engul{ed in a blaze triggered by a pan of grease left atop a stove by a firefi ghter making lunch. The firefighter. in his haste to get on the firetruck. ap· parently turned up the stove burner instead or turning it off. offi cials said . And the office building call turned out to be a false alarm. The grease fire went unreported until the 10-member crew got back. fire authorities reported. and neighbors stood on their porches and laughed as the firefighters re- l u rned to the s m a ll station to find smoke pouring from it. "There were a lot of people laughing at the fire who could have reported it," said Capt. David Mc Peak of firehouse No . 14 . who wM lhe first to call In Thursday's fire. ··we could huve been helped quicker. If their house was on fire. I'm s ure they would have reported it." The blaze was confined to the kitchen and caused an estimated S.15.000 damage. tinued the huge task of sending out dismissal notices to the strikers. Letters eventually will be sent to about 12,000 con- trollers. none of whom will work again for the government as long as President Reagan is in office, officials said. "We see this as the first day in our effort to rebuild the traffic controller system in the coun· tr y," Transportation Secretary ~ Drew Lewis s aid Thursdlfy n i g h t . T h e j o b . .~~ acknowledged. might take t.sio to three years. and plans are be· ing made to handle reduced ~ traffic for a year or more. He said he cons iders the strike, which began at 7 a.m. POT Monday, over. although be acknowledged that striking coo- t ro 11 e rs p icketed at many (See FIRING, Page AZ> Reactions sought Where would you go if there were a n accident at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station? Before two ne w S3.3 billion units at San Onofre can be licensed. Southern California Edison Co must co n vi n ce th e Nuclear R egulatory Co mmi ss ion that emergency response plans ar e adequate. Hearings on the matter before the Atomic Safely and Licensing Board begin Aug. 25 al Anaheim's Mar n ott Hotel. Daily Pilot reporter Da vid Kulzmann in · terviewed civic planners, state and federal officials, Edison Co rep r esen· tatives, plant critics and e m ergf>llbout 'evacuation planning for Orange Coast communities. His three-part series begins Sunday m the Daily Pilot. --' ... ~ .. I AirCal officials say operation safe AirCal off icials stressed Thursday that airline operations are as sale as ever. Two of the Orange County based airline's captains met with the press at John Wayne Airport to counter what offi cials said are rumors that the na- tional air traffic controllers' strike has created unsafe takeoff and landing procedures. "We 're not going to je<>pardize our lives," said a blunt Bob Ca ssin, pilot from Mission Viejo. "I want to retire, and we're fly- infi!." Jim DeWitt or Garden Grove, a first officer, said control tower operations a re normal "and in some cases. even a little more pro fessiona l," bec ause no trainees are involved , as t hey would be normalJy. AirCal has reported about a 25 percent drop in average daily Israel jets fire at unit on bridge BEIRUT, Lebanon (AP) - Israeli warplanes, flying at tree- top level, swooped down today on a delegation of Lebanese Cabinet ministers and reporters inspecting a war.damaged bridge in southern Lebanon, wit- nesses said. Lebanese reporter Edmond Chedld said the planes staled what appeared to be a "mock air raid" on the dele1ation near tbe Qasmiyeh Bridge nortl' ol the port of Tyre, 12 miles north or the Israeli border. Lebanon'• finance miniater, AU Khalil, and pubUc works minister, Ellas Hrawt. accom· panted by a half ·doun re· port«s, traveled ln a motorcade to Southern Lebanon to lDlpect war·dama1ed brld&H a nd for mulate plana tq rebuild thtm. The flyover by tbt Iaraell plane1 trt11ered panic. ' passengers sin ce the strilt~ began Monday. The !sos las been particularly hard felt sin~e August. in the middle of tourist season. 1s normally one of tbe airline's busiest months. "We want to reaffirm tha~ s afety is of paramount irp· portance.' · explained Ma{k Peterson, AirCal communica- tions director. who was on band at Thursday's press conference. Peterson said the airline had been receiving queries about .ii incident Wednesday involvinc la jet on flight 671 from Las Vegar. He said the a ltitude of t h' descending jet and the altit~ given for clearance by the ~ trol tower differed, but the dii- crepancy was not serious. ; He said the Federal AviaUotl Administration has undertake; an internal investigation, b~ claimed it was so minor an inct- denl that the flight crew report ed the landing as uneventful. : i. .DRINGI CUil 1111111 Night and morning low clouds and otherwise some high clouds through Satur- day. Highs 75 to 89. Lows tonight 60 to 70. INSIDITOUY South Coo.st R.ep.rtorJ I.a puUing 35 tllcotrfcol M,,.f* through 0 ri(l01"0UI t~ program. See Wuklnd.,-, P~l. illll t t , , I 6 sue over Navy base They UXJnt. alleged nuclear arms removed from Seal Beac h EASY RIDER \111-.t• l't•IT\ "a'n t th'm '?''''' a~ing Ill' laid hat'!-. n °d111 g 'l ~ It• hut ~tt·hm~ .1 t·;.1t 1wp lll'fnrt> taking lus mount. l'1rcu1t Breaker into the arena at the Ken· tu t'k\' Fair and £:\positio n Cent er in Louisville ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ The way Seal Be.ch Police Chltif Stacy Plcaacla '"' It, "It's • Navy weapon• 1taUon IO we have lo aa1umt they have aome weapooa stored there. But we have to have enou1h faith that the Department or Defente has adequate 1aft1uard1." Six local rttldentl are 1ulna tbe U.S. Navy and Defenae Secretary Caspar Welnberser. They want explotlve1 and al· leaed nuclear arm• removed from the Seal Btacb Naval Weapons station, an ocunalde base 1ltuat.ed ln1lde the com· munity of 23,000. Tbelr cue, rued Thursday ln U.S. District Court here, ...!ays the weapona pose ''a new and unprecedented threat and danger to the surrounding com· munity." Plaintiffs George and Janice Laine. James and Frances Goodwin and Robert and Mary Lou Brophy concede they have no proof nuclear weapons are stored at the base. But they say tight military security, weapons handling procedures and their own research indicate the arms are there. "It's really irresponsible of the U.S. Navy. knowing what It knows about what goes on, to al· low the people in Seal Beach lo sit there without knowledge or E uropean ~ontrollers to aid U.S. strikers? LONDON tAPl -European a ir tra Cf1 c controllers are threatening to close their airports to U S planes in sup· port of their striking American colleagues. The executive board of the 60·nalton International Federa t1on of Air Trame Controller As· soc1alions called on unions in member nations Thursday to * * * .. consider refusing air traffic l'.On trol services to U.S. reg· istered airplanes ... That would mean, ror exam- ple . that the pilot of an American night from New York to London would be told before takeoff that British controllers would not· handle its arrival in London. aviation sources said. The same message would be * * * g1 ven to pilots before takeoff from London to New York. However, lhe IFATCA recom· mendation to member unions is a recommendation, not an in· struclion. said Ted Bradshaw. one of the five members of the organization's executive board. rt is up to the individual un· ions to decide what action to take, according to their constitu· * * * lions, Bradshaw said. Some already have decided to send messages or condemnation Jo President Reagan. while others .lre pushing for an all-out strike against U.S. carriers, he added. Bradshaw said it would take several days to see what would happen. He noted that the or ganization's executive board was required to take a unan· imous decision. * * * Pilot admi ts 'fib ' about landing abort Controllers denied food stamps BOSTON I AP l -The pilot of a tWA jumbo jet admits he lied to passeng ers when he told them he suddenly had to abort a land . ing because another plane was blocking the runway. WASHINGTON (APJ -Strik· mg air controllers will not get a ny government food stamps to help reed their families. the Agriculture Department's No 2 official said today. * * * From Page A1 "It is inconceivable to me that the Department of Agriculture would provide food stamps lo air traffi c control officers. who are federal employees, and who re· fuse to do their work, and have * * * walked off the job in violation of the law." Deputy Secretary Richard E. Lyng said in a stale· ment. "We don 't intend to provide them with food stamps." Roy Conaway. 59. said Thurs- day tpat he didn't want to go into & detailed explanation about the condition of the wmd. which was the reat reason the aircraft had to. pull up abruptly as it ap· proached Logan International Airport Wednesday evening. · FIRING OF CONTROLLERS The department's Food and Nutrition Service said that un· der current regulations strikers can qualify for food stamps if they meet the criteria for finan· cial assets and income that ap· ply to all prospective recipients. After the plane landed safely. one passenger said she thought the plane had nearly crashed. David Ve n z. a TWA spokesman in New York. said St.(ch incidents are not unusual, aod he denied that 1t had uqything lo do with the strike by Jlir traffic controllers. .Conaway said the 747 was landing in a rainstorm when the w(nd suddenly shifted from a niadwind to a tailwind. This '.pwshed the plane forward. and lConaway said they were moving rtdo fast to land on the wet rllnway. William Colman. avia· tton dire c t o r of the '.'l\tassachusetts Port Authority, 'wftich operates the airport. said .ht wtinessed the landing and 'cGnfirmed Conaway·s latest ,v;rsion of the story I ; .. : ;._· 1 told the passengers that a P~~e wa~ on . the runway to il~o1d going into this other 6tllff," Conaway said. "It was a b4d choice of words " • I ' ~he plane landed about 5 p.m ~OT Wednesday on a flight /'?m Frankfurt and London. I • ~rush fire que lle d ... : · Mis'sion Viejo 1 ; Fire burned about an acre of l'b(ushland in the vicinity of Vin· ~lge an<t Summerwood ways in ~ission Viejo between 10 a.m. ;atid 11 a.m. Thursday. ~ . ~ ~range County Fire Depart· ~nt information officer Chuck rphy said there was no mage lo homes in the area ~alJd no injuries. Five engines ~re called to the scene. i~ airports and control centers around the country. Deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes said Reagan was "very encouraged by our ability to operate the system and the level ·at which we can operate ... Speakes said the White House also considers the confrontation with the controllers over and added that he knows ·'of no possibility there could be any change in our position." FAA Administrator Lynn Helms said 75 percent of reg- ularly scheduled commercial CONTROLLERS STRIKE -AIDS REAGAN IMAGE-BS flights were operating, and he s aid he is freezing that level of operations until Sept. 8. After that, a six -month flight schedule will be put in place aimed at increasing flights lo 80 percent or 90 percent of normal toward the end of the year, he said. But the controllers show no signs of capitulating. "We are more firm in our con- victions and more determined in our resolve than. we were when the strike started.'' union presi· dent Robert E. Poli declared as he visited a controller who had been jailed in nearby. Virginia because or the strike. ''They can put our people in shackles and put them in jail. We will not go back to work," Poli said. Administration officials re· pealed that there will be no am· nesty and, as of 8 a.m. PDT Thursday, all striking con· trollers were considered subject to dismissal with no opportunity to return. The air tratric system con· tlnued lo be handled by about one-third or the 17 ,ooo con· ·trolJers who normally operate CIHllfled lldVertl91ng 7'.-!f42·&17t All other dep•rtment1 .,.2·4321 Thomas P Haley ~ -Gr...l htcut• .. ()Ill( .. Robert N Weed ,.,_, Thomas A Murph1ne tcloto< iMlehael P Harvey ~o- L. l(ay Schultz OINeloi .. oi.- ~~~Odderd Jr ltd Schulman ~ Qwl•H Loos .............. (Ootot C.ol A. Moore ..,...,..... MAIN OfFIC! UO Wtll etr $1 , C•l• Mfu, CA M•tl td<St•H 8ea IMO, CMI• Mtla CA •>•,. .---------C111>Y•'9lll "II 0< ..... CN\I 1'11 .. ••ll•llt C...,,...,.y Ho llOW\ \16r"'\ lllWtlr•flOfl\ H lfOrl•I m .. ltr .. •Cl ¥Prt1\~ftWtfth ... ,.,,.. "'•• .. t•or-M\l(H ···~· •II<'< •ti O.'"'"""" et «>P••10lll ~,.,.., \ttono ciao llO•I-P••• •• CO•I• Mow. CaltlOf''"' IUP\ IU.tllOI \IA>\Ctlf>l•O" ty ,.,,,., ,. 00 l!'OMlllf .,, -·• "'° mon1111v M••••••r ,...,.,,..,,..., ••oo "'•"'"'' ,,.;o.-.,,;:c;;;o .. IY 1'11\ll, wllll wlli;f\ I\(;;;;;;;;; tho How~ ,._"' I\ Mlt\IM>d by ,.,. O••,,.. Cot\! P119!1\llt1W1 C-y ~ .. ••I• ._.,..,., ••t -•\IM>e MOfl,,., '""°"°" ~ .... , '°' c~·· AMw H....,_, lie.ell. Hunli"910ft .. Kii ,_lt•ll V•t .. y l,.IM ~IOuna eHch ~Ill (O.ll A \11\fle ltOIOMI "11111611 I\ lllOllt ....... llllGfY\ -S<H\fti'\ Ttw P"iN IN I 11\1811\111"' "'""' I\ ti )JO WoV lo ~''"' P 0 fto• IS.0 Co•t.t,,,,,.... Ct lth••1H• '"" VOL~ 74, NO. 211 the centers and airport towers a round the country. Union members charged that the reduced staff -supervisors non·striking controllers and s ome military controllers - threatened safety. The union claimed many were working ex· cessive hours. Lewis denied that the airways were unsafe and accused the un· ion of using scare tactics. While some controllers were working up to 58 hours a week, none was working more than 10 straight hours. Helms said. In other words, a family that might not qualify for stamps at the beginning or a strike might qualify later as its resources are used ·up. But a budget reconciliation bill now waiting on President Reagan's signature would bar rood stamps for strikers in any case. Officials said it is not clear. however, w}lat the status of the striking controllers would be once they are fired from their jobs. They then would be un· employed, not on strike. Bani-Sadr backers occupy envoy post WASHJNGTON CAP> -Sup· porters of deposed Iranian President Abolhassan Bani·Sadr occupied Iran's only diplomatic outpost here today an.d held several people hostage for less than an hour. The Secret Service said one person had been shot and 15 to 20 arrested. The FBI , however , said four persons had been shot two hostages and two captors -apparently before authorities arrived. Secret Service spokesman Jim Boyle said one person sustained a broken knee. City police spokesman Bill Jepsen said one had been shot and two others in: jured. The District of Columbia Fire Department said the injured were taken to Geo)'getown University Medial Center, where officials later said two persons were being treated. Aa thoee arrested were led off. shouts rang out or "Long live the people" and "Death to the Kho- meini regime!" But from others gathered along police lines came cries of •'Lona Ll ve Khoemelnl ! ·' A city police Ueutenant said r.ollce had taken several penon1 nto custody, but were having dlfftculty aortin1 out the hostages from the captors. "We haven't been able to separate them yet," said Lt. fflram Bre~on. City police said 2S to 30 oeoole bad been taken hosta1e, and the f BI said at leasl 10 were held. FBI spoJcesman Ron De.rvilh uid a pro·Bani-Sadr croup known as the "Mu/ah adeen ltbalq " h ad c ai m e d responalbility for the take-om. wallets found bloc on""tb• 1roun~ read "Death to K!M>- \ mein1 s regime. Long live freedom." Brewton said t h e dem· onstralors apparently cor· · nered several employees in the offices of the Iranian interests section, located in an office building in northwest Washington, about 5 :30 a.m. PDT . Brewton said the protesters locked themselves and the hostages in a room and '·several shots rang out. We don't know wh o fired the shots -the hostages or the people who were holding them ... Someone fired at least two or three shots." Police officer Gar y W. Hankins said the shots were fired as police were entering the roolJI and laking its occupants out lbrough a narrow hallwa>:. . Brewton said the protesters had unlocked the room for police, who, he added, dld not fire any shots. Hankins said that, to his knowledge, the protesten· only demand was that ·'they wanted to speak to t he American press." Police aald they bad secured the building by 6 :30 a .m . PDT. Earlier, a man who l<lenUfled h imself as a member of the "People's Majority" bad called The Associated Presa and aald be and others of the aroup were oc· cupytna the Iranian otncee. The interests s'cUon lJ main· tained ln lieu of a fwl·fiedctd em bassy. The Unlt~d States broke diplomatic relat.1.0N wllb Tehran, foll~ the ttormint of ••Y there ln ember 1171, and ordered all but. token diplomaUa penonMI out ol the country la AprU ~· 'f ~--=--....,---· -~~--... -__ . --- what'• 1oln1 on beyond the Ienco line," Laine uya. The Navy refu.ed comment on the nuclear weapon aueaatloos. "The Navy neither confirms nor denies the absence or pres· ence of nuclear weapona on any ablp, ttatlon or aircraft," EnalJn Tom Miller aald In Wa1hlneton D.C. Tbe 1u1t says Defense Depart· ment reaulatlons limit the amount of cxplosl ves . at the bue'a wharf to 55,000 pounds, wlt.h a resulting danaer zone ex· tendlnc from dockside to the base perimeter. However, legal waivers have increased the wharf limit to as much as 250,000 pounds, the 1ult charges. Thal "expands the potential explosive hazard zone to include approximately 98 acres of com· munity property ... an acci dent while handling that quanti· ty or explosives, according to the Comptroller General's report on wharf activities in 1975, ·would have a severe impact on the sur· rounding community'." Spokesman John 1-·ry says tne base hasn't sought a waiver for dockside explosive limits m rour years. He had no figures on ex· plosives stored at the base itself. The suit also feeks an environ- mental impact statement which could reveal the amount of weaponry. Plaintitl1 · attorney Leonard Weln1laas uld the statement ''would require con· sultution with th" community and a hearing. Ir an environ· mental body would say it's okay to store nuclear weapon1 there, okay. But I hardly believe they would say that.'' Weinglass said he doubts any government defense or national security would stand. citin& a July 1980 legal precedent which involved efforts to block Navy nuclear weapons storage near a Hawaiian wildlife sanctuary. The 9th Circuit Court of Ap- peals ruled the Navy had lo re· veal the base's nuclear weapon storage capacity. though not whether weapons were present. Laine s aid plaintiffs were alerted to the alleged nuclear threat by a former Marine sta- tioned at the base in 1978. Weapon handling procedures such as armed guards sur- rounding moving trucks and trains -are those called for by Defense regulations governing nuclear weaponry, he notes. Weinglass said he's not seek· ing a preliminary injunction lo stop weapons hartdling because the suit could prompt reduced activity before the Navy's 60· day deadline for a legal response. Pentagon asks $1.6 trillion ~-for defense A STAR IS UNBORN Today 's final edition From Page A1 FINAL. • • and leave its employees high and dry" without the severance pay and pensions they wiU col · lecl from Time, he said. None of the potential buyers would make that commitment, he said. The Star's final press run of 425,000 copies, 100,000 above the normal press run. began at 3 a.m. EDT. Above the masthead letters 1 :y, inc hes deep pro· claimed "Final Edition." Below was a letter from President Reagan. ·'There is a great silence to· day in Washington," Reagan's letter said. ·•A line newspaper is gone and a noble tradition ended. . . IL is a setback for the cause of diversity in the press and for that precious but always fragile freedom -the right to print and publish freely. All or us are losing a strong, re· liable friend." Inside the paper, readers filled four pages with letters be· moaning the Star's demise. An advertising.public relations firm took out a full·page ad showing a front page blank except for the Star's masthead, the legend with a No. 220, and an ad· monition : "Silence is not golden." "We hope the press concept nourished by the Star for 128 years of responsibility for change and growth of the na· tion's capital will never end," Editor Murray J . Gart wrote in a final editorial. "Above all, we hope our journalistic successors will be fair. Farewell." In a story about art imitating death as well as life, the Star quoted Gene Reynolds, ex · ec u tive p r oducer of t h e television series "Lou Grant," as saying the final days of the Star will be the model for the fin al show in the series about newspapering when its ratings wane. "It's a tough thing, all of these lives being reversed," Reynolds said. "It will make a bell or a last show for us." WASHINGTON <AP> -The Pentagon, in a record fi ve.year budget plan, wants to spend $4 a day for every man. woman and child in the country to maintain military security. The $1.6 trillion total sought for fiscal years 1983 through 1987 works out to $876 million per day, or $608,500 per minute. Stretching the Reagan ad· ministration's push to "re-arm America" to include another year, the plan represents a $200 billion increase for the Reagan ad ministration's 1982-86 pro· gram as ouUinl!d to Congress last March. The huge boosts are being driven by costly administration aims to develop and produce a neel ~advanced startegic bomb- ers , mcrease the s ize of the Navy by 150 ships. install a new intercontinental missile system and add about 200,000 more men and women to the uniformed forces. The services have submitted the proposals in line with top- level Pentagon instructions to stay within the administration's i,Oal of 7 percent annual spend· ing growth after allowing for in- flation. Senior Pentagon officials are about lo start detailed reviews of these proposals . with particular emphasis on the de- tailed fi scal 1983 budget which will go lo Congress in January, along with a new five-year pro- jection. If the Reagan admlnistralion accepted all the proposals sub· milted by the armed services in recent week s. the defense budget would climb from $222.2 billion requested for next year to $412.1 billion in 1987. Quake noted in Tennessee WASHJNGTON (AP> -The U.S. _Geological Survey reported a mmor earthquake today in western Tennessee, about 75 miles northeast or Memphis. IL said there were no reports of damage or Injury from the 4:45 a.m. PDT quake. The survey's Earthquake In· formation Center in Golden Colo., assigned the quake a pre'. liminary magnitude or 4.1 on the Richter ~caJe . The survey said the quake was fell in many parts of western Tennessee. 8170,000 blaze LOS ANGELES (A P> -A mid·day fire at an unoccupied three.story downtown ollic~ building sent thick black smoke billowing into the sky Thursday. caused more t han $170,000 damage and prompted evacua- tion o( a l2·story tiJili rise next door. . We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Daily PUot? What don't you like? Call the number below and your message will be recordeCI, tran1cribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The same 24·hour answerinc service m•J be used to record letters to the editor on anr t0pic. Mailbox contrlbuton must lndud• tMir name and telephone number for veriftcaUon. No clrcuJ aUon callt, pleue. Tell us what's on your mlnd. ·' Orange Coast DAIL V PILOT/Friday, Auguat 7, 1981 ·clinic still operating NB dr ug center open despite me thadone cutoff By STEVE MARBLE Of~__, ........... The methadone proa.ram la Iona 1one and 10 are the dozens of hardcore heroin addlcll who would show up dally at the cramped Newport Beach offices to receive their dose of the syn· thetic drug. But the county-operated drug abuse center Is still there and is still in buainess, although workers at the center wonder whether the general public reallies it. "There was so much publicity when the methadone went that lots or people probably think we're gone," explains Rosa Meeks, service coordinator at the 1441 Superior Ave. center near Hoag Memorial Hospital. "Most dope fiends always know where the clinics are," she says, "but it's their parents we wonder about. They also have to know where to turn." She says the center still serves about 150 persons trying to kick the dope habit. provides counsel· ing for others and offers evening r lasses for parents of addicts. 1ut elimination of the methadone program did bring some changes to the center. When the methadone went, so did two counselors and one social worker. Heroin addicts having trouble getting straight now are re- ferred to one or two private clinics in the county that still of- f er the methadone treatment. At its peak, the Newport center was provided with enough money and methadone to now is its so-called "drug-free" handle SO heroin addicts on an service. This is tailored for out-patient basis. ln all, the persons hooked on drugs other county Cunded 450 slots for dru1 than heroin or ex-heroin UBers users in the proaram. who are trying to put thelr lives Mra. Meeks says the private back together. clinics have been able to pick up Mrs. Meeks estimates 150 300 persons. That leaves 150 persons take part in this pro- persons unaccounted for, she gram, coming in at least once a says. week Cor private or group Although county supervisor• sessions. Individuals remain in cut the program as a cost savina the program for dlHerent measure, methadone, a syn. lengths up to one year. thetic opiate designed lo help ad-A medical doctor comes in on· diets through the pains or heroin ce a week to give examinations withdrawal, has been con· because, as Mrs. Meeks says, troversiaJ. "most drug users are in bad shape, in poor health." In the early 1970s, police and city Cathers in Newport com-Although it's been computed plained that the methadone pro· that the average age in Orange gram would lure dope addicts in-County for an addict' is 27, she to Newport Beach. says dope users come in all ages But Mrs. Meeks, a nine-year and sizes. veteran at the center, claims "We 've had calls from Newport has plenty or drug ad-elementary schools where a stu· diets. dent has a drug problem. One .. People just assume that ad· kid was 11 years old ," she re· diets can't live in Newport, .. she calls says, "But you'd be surprised. For the most part, a Lite of We've had some that say they crime goes hand-in-hand with sleep under the piers at night." hard drugs. Female users, she She agrees that the methadone generalizes, often turn out to be program was controversial but. prostitutes and men, burglars. she claims, it was a success "It's very dirricult to support a while it lasted. $200-a-day habit on a regular "My opinion is that with drug salary," she says. "They always addicts you should use every· try to tell us they pay for their thing from your bag of tricks," drugs by working or out of their she says. "It's hard to measure savings but we know better. success with addicts because it 's She says success at the center o.t1, ...... ,....~Lft" . not popular to run around and usually is measured by whether ON EDGE IN NEWPORT On a warm. sunny started out in his Hobie Cat along the Sou~ ~~~i~r~~yone that you're an ex · ~~eit~~r:e~!0~ j~~tl!~~ ::J~s~ afternoon there is nothing like a re laxing sail Lido Channel. A warning though -don't The center's largest p~r~o~g~ra~m!!!...~~fa~m~il~y~l~if~e~b~a~c~k~t~o~g~e~th~e~r~·~~~~~o~n~th~e.:......:b~a~y'.._.,:a~s:.....::t~h~is:.....::s~a~i~lo~r---h~a~d.......:..:in..:.__:m~in~d=-a~s:.._h_e:__~P~U~l-l_t_h_e_w~ro_n_g:.:_r_o~p-e~~~~~~~~~~~ Robinsons COTTONS AND CORD! NEW FOR JWR JR'S. It's the hottest new team this side of the Seine The crisp, classic feel of cottontpolyester woven shirts. now newly touched with a dash of ruffles And the great look of cord-in 1eans and pants as only Sasson can do them All, in sensational 1ewel· tone colors the perfect beginning to a fall filled with softness and At bottom Purple/amethyst blouse by Simeon Shirts S·M·l. $36. Taupe or violet cotton p1nwale cord pant 35·42 MS. At right Vicuna brown/green plaid shirt by Simeon Shirts S·M·L $36. Loden or taupe wide-wale cotton cord jean 35-43 $43. JWR JR 'S, 179. To order. call toll-free 1·800·523·7600. SHOP FRIDAY 10-9. SATURDAY 1o.t. ROBINSON'S NEWPORT FASHION ISLAND • (714) 944-2800 • ROlfNSON'S WESTMINSTER MALL • (714) *-4331 . , ' s Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7. 1981 .S.-Canada .tie under stress rudeau pushing to make his country's energy #1 industry less American • OTTAWA (AP) -Prlme lnlattr Pier re Elllott udeau'a bold plan to make nada '• ener1y lnduatry more nadian and less American hu t Canadian producers on a col· aion course wt th U.S. buslneas 'and eovemment. The quiet 1trug1le involves bJlllon1 in future profits and uJd shake the foundations of nad.lan-American friendlhip. The U.S. Congress may take w steps toward a showdown in ptember, u legialatlve com- mittees consider re taliatory jJ\oves againat the Canadians. And the Canadian Parliament is expected to approve the final provis ions of the National Energy Pro1ram soon thereafter. Both aldes seem easer to de· fuse the confrontation. But even the Americana concede private- ly the Trudeau government la unlikely to budge. "U.S. firms ... must learn Canada is not the Slat state," the New York consultlnf firm Multinational Strategies advised American businessmen ln a re· cent report. The NEP uses financlaJ lncen- ti vea and other means to en- courage greater Canadian ownership or the oil and 1u ln- dustry here. Before the program was announced last Ocotober, foreign firms. mostly American, controlled 70 percent or the ln· duatry. Since October, CanMlian private and government cor· poratlons have eone on a buyln1 spree, 1pendin1 M bJlUon to take over U.S. and European energy subsidiaries, lowerint the level ot forel1n control to 86 ~rcent. Trudeau's aoal i1 ~ percent Canad.Ian ownership by 1980. Finance M lnister Allan MacEachen asked Canadian banks JuJy 29 to cul back on the money they were lendina to finance Canadian takeovens of U.S.-owned firms. Some perceived thls as a COO· cession to American complaints about the aggressive Canadians. but one U.S. offlcial involved in and California hot an Joaquin , Sacramento valleys expect highs near 110 U .. S. summary T-rstonns rolled acrou Ille c•ntral ltoclllH -C.ntr•I Pl•lna T.ll11rM1•y, wldely •<•lltred • NII Ill IN l!Ht 9nd MlllllY / -va11 .. "' ttw w..t. .< )IL ....... -r-1fd el0119 t11t WHt CMtt. A -... llOllleCI llW1fl fll o.lflar1. Teat&. Tllunlley -nwne. And "'""°'"'°"". "'" c--., KM., ~eel wlndl 11p .... .._. A'-•-•'"'" , .. 10 ttw I Ill tllt ...,_, -trOllnd IOD tllt Sllulflwwft, wlttl IM NortlMm ........ Gre.C LtMl ........ '" ttw _ ... .............. ar-ttle Mlloft et mlddey Tllur.oay r e119'<1 from SJ ....,_ In Aruta, Cati! , to 10. In ~.CMlf. CALlllT8M" App4• Vtllty l•kenfleld ...... ···-Bio .... ""'op llylht C11twrC11Y , ..... ,,._ Lake,.,........., Lenc- L~ INc:ll Lo.A191ea ,__.,.,,,,111o """"""" Mo ...... lo ~,. Nll.Wll- NMdlft IOS 102 110 10. .. IOS "' " M 107 " ,., .. .. 10. t7 '2 u " 114 ., n ., u 47 SA " u SI u S7 M .. .. ~ u ., SI .. .. u ., qcetterH tll11110.r11orms were fCll"ee-tor l'rldey In the Ent '"" tUMy tlllfl were upecleel In lhe ':' ~-•tvm will '""" -to\ In '"tll• Hor111wut, 100 In tnle ftd Temperatures St Ste Merle Sc>okMW 77 JO tl H .. 14 ,. 71 tS .. OKI ... Ont•NI Petm5'1ri19 PeMClllN PnoltClllll .. IUveokllt n IOD I .. tO lo.I " ... " M '61Honlle, the Gf'Wt BHln '"" m11<h ' of ttw South-II, •ncl t 10 In 111o '•~ de•rtt H19M Wiii ... \1111..,.. toa In llW South, with 70s In the ;,~· o.J;: • ._talifornia , ,T...,.. wlll be nloht end monil119 ':i c-end too ... , the coe1t, ,,, rwlM Southet'n C•tlloml• will De !. r wltll -verleble lll9h clOud!I • ....... Sotul"day. The-. Wiii ... • st'9flt cr..nc:e of.,,.,..,_ or.,... 111119 ~term In -taint eftd Oettrb. Oreneit Couftty hilltll• will ·-from tllt -to mlddle 709 at Ille lloeac,_. IO tlW IOI Int-. L~ M lo ;~,~"~ vtlteys un e..-ct h'9N In I"' tG1a.....,..,. S.Curdey, to.n In ttw ..... I ~'lllllounMlinl Wiii ,,.,.. flilltm frOt"n 14 i5' lows SO. to mid 60I , .,_.. de...U wilt hew hlohl ' to 110, lows from mid 60I to ,_ ~:. SowlMrft Cluertt <en espect i~ rp-trom 101 lo 114, tows 71 to• NOf1hem eftd C9"trtl Cetllornl• •"Ill c....U-ein-.mety "°' lflland tl\rougll Seilwdey "''' tlllff .. cecic ,_<-end too •'°"II Cotll nltfllt ~-momfnet. T-•hwes 100 to '115 lft C..trel V•lley Al bony Al.,.,._ Am.rttlo An<-'llf A.,_vltlt AllMI• 4ttentc Cl)' B•IUmare Blrmlnghm 81tm.n:ll Boil• Bott an 8rownsvllo Butt•lo CllOrlstan SC CllartstnWV c11o.,..,. Clltceeo ClllClllNlll Clew~ Columbus D•l·l't-0.nwr 0.• Molftt• 0.trolt °"'""' F•lr- HertlDrd Hel- Honoh<lu Houltoft '"""""'' JackllWll• J-KefttClly L••v..-s Llttle !tock L°"'""'" Mt ..... Miami Mllw..-.. Ml>l•it. p "'""'"" ----------...... ~i..n. ~PMotDe4het"'f I lf~..too4 Moftdey·Frtdty ti you oo no! ,,_ 'f04K IMIPO' by ~ 30 D m Ctll Clelo<'e 7 pm and yout COC>y '#'Ill be d•hvetld Stturdey 1no Svndt v II vo1. do nor 1:-:,r::., c:n"J Y~~. ~c:ym..,11C::: c1t11vered N .. vcr11 Norfolk Ollle City OrnellO Orl...ilo Plllledllflle PhMN• p lltloburgll p ti tftCI, ,,,. Pllond,Ore Rap4d City Reno Rlcllmond Sall L.tlt• S.•111• SI. L°"I' SIP·T- T11tw a •Z WeV>lft91n ~ :: Wlcllit• RH Bluff II..,_.,., Cl IV " ,,. u 55 ., 62 il 11 67 tO ,. ., .. 72 67 '4 75 7t St t'2 " II .. ,, 17 II ~ t2 Ill 79 .. 76 55 ., ., 14 71 7t u 75 ., 102 1' 7t ., t7 .. Ill ... 74 .. 10 • as u .. sa u 74 ., Ill .. 71 t5 71 a 51 1' .. '" 76 " n • 71 " Ill 16 II Ill ... 7t 6J M 17 " 74 tO .. 7t .. " 74 IS 10 .. 74 .... 107 • " ... 74 u " 61 Ill " " ., 7t .. " 51 '2 " .. 11 tl 76 OLOeALTEM'°" Ams-m Attlena e-.. ... Beirut •••o•-Ber11n Bniuelt B'A lres C•lro Ceracn C~n Oublln Frenllfurt G•nev• Htlt!MI H-Kong Jeru.,.tom Jo'llurg Kiev Lima LI ....... L- Madrtcl Mllftlle 11\oK- N-Del Ill Nkoala II ti • .. .. .. ., St .. " 77 71 .. .. 72 • .. " n I I ,, .. " M SS n ... " SA M " 5' rt u J7 S7 J7 u u ... 7' 5' " n "'-S.Cr-o 5ailMI San hm«dlno 5an<>ewlet Son~ San Frencbco 5an.'- 5ant•Ane 5ant•Bar1»re SantoCrw Sllftt• Mitri• Santa Monice Stockton r.11oe v.11.,. TlltrlNI Torrence Yuma 11 • 102 71 102 '2 ., 6S .. IP 71 75 73 70 105 " 107 7t I .. CANADIAN TEMl'S C•tt>trY rt Ed-It #tonlf'WI n O!Ww• n Regine a Toronto 7' v~ n Wlnnl11t9 7' u il 6S u 70 JO J7 .. SI S6 sa 61 u ., 74 u as JO SJ " " JO SS J7 u Olio p.,,, Rio S7 7S .. .. .. ti .. 1S tO 100 70 tO tO t7 7t ti ,, ~Su~ moon, tides "'-S..P- SI~• Stockllolrn s,._, Telpo4 Tel AVIV Tot!Yo Vleftne M '2 • n ., " n '7 11 .. • n 10 n ., TOOAY First lllgfl l .n e.m. >.> First tow t e.m. J. t Se<-hltfl4:0.pm. 4.6 Second lllOll 4 :at p,m. 4.• Sun Mb 7 .4' p.m IOCley, rltn 6:• • m. l'rlclty -wts 11.s. p.m. todey, rltn I 11 p,m. Frldey. SURf RIPORT ..... aNdl .,.. z-2 S.n\a Nlonlca 2 N...,_, J San Ole9D COUl\ty , ~ tor Sat"""y; Little <Mfteit . ""' ... 12 12 IJ IJ ............. • .. -· Dir 1 2 SW I 1 SW I 1 SW J J SW the behind·lhe-scenea diplomacy malnta.iJU tho Canadians "did what they did for their own reasons.'' . Those rea1on1 Involve Canada's economic health -by exchanging Canadian dollars for American to buy the U.S. aaaetl, businessmen here were turther undermlnint the already weak Canadian currency. Canadian otficials say the pace ot takeovera may slow, but the goal of "Canadlanlzinl" the energy Industry remains In place. Trudeau's pro1ram Is de· signed to enable Canadians "to sebe control of their own energy future through security of sup- ply" and to make them energy self-sufficient by 1990. ,.,. ......... As of last year, 17 of the big· gest 25 oil and gas companies In this country were foreign- controlled ARGENTINIAN GIG Frank Sinatra gestures as he talks to Argentine singer-producer Palito Ortega prior to the first o f Sinatra's s ix scheduled s ingi ng appearances in Buenos Aires. Peter Towe, Canada's 'am- bassador to Washington, called this ··a degree of foreign participation that would unlikely be accepted -indeed, simply not tolerated -by most oil· producing nations, including, I suspect, the United States." Survivor quizzed Under the NEP, the greater the Canadian ownership of a petroleum firm , the greater the government subsidies available to it for exploration and develop- ment. • ID refugee deaths Members of Congress were angered not only by the energy program but also by recent Canadian attempts to talte over firms in the United States. They sought to retaliate by restricting Ca nadian in vestment op· portwtlties south of the border. But Trudeau is expected to re· main firm because there is more at slake in the NEP than U.S.· Canadian relations. In many ways, the future of the Canadian confederation will be shaped by his energy plan. SEATTLE I AP ) Researchers investigating the nighttime dea ths of 26 In dochinese refugees are hoping a Seattle man -the only known survivor or the mysterious sleep- ing disorder can provide answers. Ge XJong, a healthy, 35-year · old Hmong refugee Crom the Laotian Highlands. slipped into unconsciousness the night t>f Dec. 7 His wife. Chue Lee, sum · mo oed help whe n she was awak ened by h is cho king sounds. Xiong is one of more than two dozen young or middle-aged In· dochinese refugees. mos t or them male and mosl of them Hmongs, who suddenly passed Facility planned for chemical waste GREENSBORO , N.C. (AP) -hazardous and toxic wastes A California·based chemical from textile mills and furniture waste-handling company is plan· factories, among others. or. ning to open the first such facili· ficiaJs said some wastes would ty in Greensboro by next spring, be cleaned and disposed of officials for the company say. lhrough the city's sewer system, Leonard M. Tinnan, corporate while so-called non-treatable development director for wastes would be shipped to one Chemical Waste Management of CWM 's treatment facilities Inc. or Long Beach, Calif., made There the wastes would be the announcement Tuesday. burned. buried or chemically The firm has not acquired the transformed into something property for the plant or for a more easily disposable. proposed landfill site to be local· Tinnan said it may take three ed in Lee, Moore or Chatham years to open a landfill in North counties. T he company must Carolina because of the time re· also obtain permits from city quired to obtain a suitable tract waler and sewer officials and of land and to satisfy regulatory state environmental authorities requirements . before the plant can be con-Greens boro City Manager structed. Tom Osborne said he doesn't ex· The Greensboro facility, if ap· pect the facility to cause any into unconsciousness in the mid- dle of the night. All except Xiong died within minutes. ··tr this country was like my country I would have no life, I think. In my country they have no emergency help." Xiong was quoted as saying in a copyright story published Monday in the Seattle Times. So far. doctors have no idea what causes the victims' hearts to fail suddenly. ·'The striking thing is that all lhe young men who die show nothing on autopsy. We've faHed lo come up with any clues," said Dr Roy Baron, of the national Centers for Disease Control in Atlanta. Baron, who is leading an in· quiry into the deaths, says Xiong may be the ·•person who can give us the best details of what he was doing at the time of t.be episode." So far , Xiong can recall nothing about his experience before he regained conscious· ness in the hospital five days later It was two more days before he recognized his wife. The pattern of s udden death "as identified when Dr. Larry Lewman, a Portland medical ex· am1ner . was s truck by two deaths of young Hmong men three days apart early this year. He and other medical ex· aminers compiled a list of 20 s imilar deaths among tbe Hmong and six among other In· dochinese. All but one were men, all were 25 to 50 years old and all seemed lo be in good health p r o v e d , w o u I d p r o c e s s pro.blems. . ~~~~~~~~~~-c~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~~~-'-~~~~~~"- Theories have been proposed that the deaths are related to nerve gas from Indochinese wars. that the victims may have s uffered nightmares so horrible that they were scared to death or that inbreeding created a pre· disposition for the attacks. I . " THE MEDICAL CARE CENTER HOURS: Monday through Saturday 1:30 a.m.·10:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m.~:00 p.m. EVENlNG~WEEK-END5-4tOLIOA YS POTTERY SALE Now thru August 31st AMLING 'S Antique Show/Sale Today thru Sun .. Aug. 9 at the Huntington Center Mall. Outstanding collection from 50 dealers. Al90 free Fully Qualified Physician On Duty For Treatment of Illnesses, Injuries and Routine Check-ups X-Ray & Laboratory Facilities Reasonable Medical Office Fees At Large Savings Over Emergency Fees FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK 17672 Beach Blvd., Suite A, H.B. <Between Slater & Talbert) Newport Nursery and Garden Center 1500 east coast highway• newport beach. california (714) 644-9510 ,, L evaluation clinic. 405 Fwy and Beach BIVd. H.B. 848-MOO ONE NIGHT PAY ONE NIGHT NO PAY Check In Friday or s.runtay nlsht •our ttplar rate. ~ the nein nfsbt &ffl Slnafe $68. Double $78. It's a great minl·vacatlon with all d <>ratw= County~ attractloM Just minutes~ Oisneyland . . 20 minutes Knoll's Berry P.um .. ZS mloutn Anahd111 Sc.adlum ... 15 minutes ~ get a luxurious Rqp!Cry room, apatt01,. ~le-sited pool. rrec '* "Wf n13tlt-ll(ltitcd fcnnls COUl'U plU1 -tun, surf and llhops '~ bcautlful NewpcJn Beach. Join us soon In our c~ •"• ldlaltonl For btoChure call 800-412-4417 THEREOISfRYHOTEL . 1'9QO MacArthur Bhd~ln1•, CA 9271' (714 )7,l-8777 Ac.-11\"",ll*'W.,• ,,,,..,,._, N""'" (09l!r~ID......,) (next to irvine coast country club and newport center) •~.-:·~ ~;!~:~. . ~ All Pottery In Our Nursery 20% OFF lndudee Redwood ~ ..... a-. 8nd All Potting Sol Open MOn, lhfu Set l .»5:SO Sunday 9:00-5·30 Personal Charge Accountl -Vfaa -Master Charge -Free Delivery AMUNO -a name In cetlfomla t1ortleultur9 alnct 1920 Orange Co st DAIL y PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 MARRIED -Actress Jaclyn S mith. 32. has married ci n ematog r apher Tony Ri c hmond . 39. in Los Angeles . They will depart this weekend for a honey· moon in London. Woman to lead . llinlalaya trek SAN FRANCISCO (AP l -Ten months of ups and downs await Arlene Blum. You are welcome to Join her .. The 3S-year·old biochemist will be leading the first cross· H imalayan trek. a 2,000-mile, three-country Journey across glaciers, snow-capped peaka and tropical forests. ''As long as I'm in a position of not having a job, I thought this was as good a time as any to walk across the Himalau'aS," she said in a telephone interview from her Berkeley home. "It will be the ultimate walk." Miss Blum is no rank amateur. She led the first all -woman expedition up Ann apurna, o n e of the range's toughest peaks , in 1978, and has •LUM climbed seven other Himalayan peaks. She is the author of "An· napurna : A Woman's Place." Some of the concerns are more pedestrian. "I'm really used to eating a lot of fresh fruit and vegetables," Mi11 Blum said. "The local food is mainly rice and lentils. There are times when you'd 1ive anythlng ror a green salad." Permits a re also ndeded. A coveted one to Bhutan, the easternmost country in the trek, was granted Monday. Few Westerners are allowed in the Buddhist country, she said, let alone permitted to hike across it. Swift is In Nepal trying to wo r k out border-c r ossing permits between Nepal and In- dia because the trekkers plan to cross the borders at out-of-the· way points. L.L. Bean. a store in Maine, is s upplying all the clothing equip· ment for Miss Blum and Swift. she said. Some Bean executives made the offer after they heard her lecture. "We've been joking about how we're going to be the first prep- py trekkers ever," she said. "They've been very generous." - • I Judge charged in pros titution "This has always been my greatest ambition," Miss Blum said of the trek, which is to begin in October. ··1 bad always dreamed or doing this ... The rest of the expenses will be covered by the other hikers· fees, she said. Wrongful life A .. W~ her car She was soon s urrounded bv a OO'tk an for a feast · '}. ..... PIGEON DROP Mr~ Mary Gallagher paused to feed a pigeon or two along a Los Angeles s treet recently while nn her way lo ~...:.__~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--• " .. ' SAN DIEGO CAP> -Eight counts of soliciting prostitution have b een filed against Municipal Judge Lewis Wenzell, who is charged with having sex with five prostitutes in the past year. The dream started to become reality a few months ago when she met Hugh Swift, author of the soon-to-be-published "Trek· kers Guide to the Hjmalaya and Karakoram " He agreed to be co-leader suit goes to high court Judge rules mail ballot valid •' Only Miss Blum and Swift plan to go the whole route. They have split the trip into ~ix seg. m ents and will lead groups of 10 through each. SAN FRANCISCO <AP > -The question or whether a "wrongful l ife" damage s uit can be brought by parents who say their deaf child should never have been conceived will be de· c 1ded by the s tate Supreme Court. SD election opens door to similar votin g n ationwid~ fc S AN DIEGO (AP ) San The district attorney's office filed the charges a day after a grand jury transcript was un· sealed. District Attorney Ed Miller said the judge dismissed or acquitted .. almost all sex cases which came before him" but the investigation turned up no evidence of official corrup· lion. The segments range from two to four weeks and up lo 250 miles. she said . The cost is Sl.300 to $2,100. plus air fare, and Mountain Travel of Albany, Calif .. is handling reservations. A few places are left. she said. Mountain-climbing experience is not necessary, s he said, as no major peaks will be attempted. James and Wrenn Turpin sued Dr. Adam Sortini of Fresno Community Hospit al, alleging he gave them advice that led to the-Qirth two years ago of a deaf c hild, their second child to be so a fflicted. Diego's e xperimental mail ballot election. which gamed na t1onw1de attention last spnng, was constitutional and valid. a Superior Court judge has ruled The ruling by Judge Jack Levitt this week opens the door to the possibility of more voting· by-mail elections nationwide, where other election officials have awaited the outcome of the laws uit filed April 23 by San Diego businessman Robert 0 . Peterson. One prostitute told the grand jury she had sex with Wenzell 20 to 25 times in the past three years. "We're looking for people who have had experience backpack· ing or hiking, .. she said .. Mostly it's walking on trails." Both the Fresno County Superior Court and Court of Ap- peal dismissed the suit. Miller said the grand jury in· vestigation began in April when Judge Wenzell's name appeared in the customer records in a business believed to be a front for widespread prostitution Although not as rough as a mountain conquest, the journey presents some stiff challenges. not all or them geographic. ·'It's a s mooth line on the map. but it can get incredibly rugged. walking up 5 ,000 feet, down 5.000 feet." she said. The Turpins claim Sortini told them their fi rst child, Hope, now 4, bad normal hearing when the child actually was "stone deaf by virtue or hereditary ab· normality " ·'I'm going to right it wherever I have to go," Peterson said "I think it's a terribly important thing. The mail ballot could go a long ways to destroy our present elective system " Ventura senator raps DA _decision SANTA ANA (AP> -Slate Sen. Omer Rains has criticized Los Angeles County Oistrict At· torney John Van de Kamp's efforts to have murder cha rges against Hillside Str angler sus pect Angelo Buono dropped as "the greatest abuse of prosecutorial discretion in recent history ... "I was incensed by what Van de Kamp's office did," said Rains, D-Ventura, during a vist to Orange County Thursday. Both Van de Kamp and R ains have been mentioned as possible Democratic candidates for California attorney general. Rains also questioned the district attorney's de- cision' to allow Kenneth Bianchi, who has con· fessed to participation in 10 of the Hills ide Strangler murders. lo plead guilty to only five counts of murder . Van de Kamp's news secretary, Al Albergate. said Rains was "dead wrong" in his criticism. "The decision to seek dismissal was made by two civil servants with many years of experience and who carefully reviewed the case over a long period," Albergate said. "Mr. Rains. who is a politician from another county. is in no position to make the same kind of analysis." The move for dismissal of the charges against Buono was made by Deputy District Attorney Roger Kelly three weeks ago, after a bizarre pre· trial hearing in which Bianchi, the chief prosecu· lion witness, first recanted his accusations about Buono, and then recanted his recantation. But Kelly did not make his motion for dis· missal until after discussing it with Van de Kamp. who had the final authority. When Superior Court Judge Ronald George re· fused to grant the prosecution's request to dismiss the charges, the state attorney seneral's office was called in to review and possibly take over the case. On the basis of Sortini's ad· vice, they decided to have another child, and Joy was born with the same abnormality. Citv Attornev John Witt did not s hare Peterson 's concern. saying ... , thou~ht 1l was a HOUSE OF TAILORING AL TERA TIONS fOR MEN & WOMEN so com PLAZA 540 8491 Antique Show Huntington Center Mall today thru Aug 9 "Our 24th year" ~ 1' Auto & Homeown~rs ·~ ;;,. • Quotes By Phone FAIMEIS INSURANCE caour 541-5554 Of' ll5-J07 1914~-Cotto MHO To Place your "Fast Result" Ser vice Directory ad .. Call Now 642-5678 Id. 322 Republic 1s growing to serve you better We've just added single-plane service to Minneapolis/St. Paul from Orange County No more plane-changing No more 1og· g1ng through crowded concourses for connecting flights. We just keep getting better With top· flight service to more of America . Our new service to the Twin Cities gives you added service to Las Vegas, where Republic 1s number one. And now you can Smart Stop'" to the Twin Cities of Minneapohs/ St. Paul for just $135, one way. Seating 1s limited, so plan early. Join Republic to Las Vegas. or direct on to Minneapolis/St. Paul. Calf your travel agenr and say you want to fly Republic. Or Cdll us any time at (714) 54().2060 in Orange County. COMI• SOOll 10 NEWPORT BEACH (213) 772-S 1 oo in Los Angeles, (71 '4) qgs.asas m Ontario, (213) 247-8333 m Buroanlc. OranCJe County's Complete Video Store • VIDEO MOVIE RENT i4lS • F.C.A . LOCATION • ~MENT RENTALS * SONY • VI RKORDERS • M.G.A . • VIDEO cmERAS • MAGNAVOX • VIDEO ACCESSORIES • PANASONIC • INffiEVISION • HITACHI • COMPUTERS * SANYO perfel'tly h•g1t1mate way of con· duC'ting an t•lection in the first placE.' .. PE.'t e r son alleg es ballot secrcC'~ was jeopardized from the time the vote was cast through handling during count· mg But Levitt ruled the voting was similar to absentee ballot processes and voters had tbe op· t1on or de positing their mail ballots in locked boxes at the count) voters registrar's office rather than putting them rn a mailbox. Elt>ction officials nat1onw1de monitored the election as a cost· cutting measure which also ap· parently generated increased voter turnouts. City Clerk Charles Abdelnour s aid the mall election saved the city S278.000 and set a special ,.. election turnout record with 61}'.8 percent of registered voters ~o- 1ng to the polls last May~a record for a special elecUen. Voters were asked to decide"j f the city should sell $246 milfion in bonds to finance conslruc(\on of a downtown conventi•n center. The issue was defeated wit,h 56.6 percent or more than 260,fOO voters voting against t~e measure. Sickout e nds \ ..,. SONORA CAP> -Tuolu~e County sheriff's deputies w4!1:e back on the job after a one-dly sickout On Wednesday, all 14 of t\ie deputies scheduled for the m~· ing shift called in sick. said Sheriff Wall y Berry. " To Minneapolis/St. Paul Lv 7 40 am.• Ar 4 4S pm 11 20 a m • 6 SS p m NEW 11 4S a.m. · S SS p.m 1 SS pm • 9 10p m From Minneapolis/St. Paul Lv 8 00 am • Ar 12 S 1 pm NEW 82Sam. 10SSam 11 50 a m • 3 49 p m 1 00 p m • 5 29 p m 5 25 pm 8 46 pm '(ont!KI 'IQ-· ~E~"vo 1&, 1 .. 1 • BLANK TAPES • ZENITH Joining more of Ameriui thin 1ny other airline. • PRE·RK ROED TAPES , .. r ~-...---~----~----.---------------------------................................ 111919 ...................... ... \6 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 employees to stage policy protest F.L PA 0 , Texas <A P) 1'~mploytws of lhl' U S lmmlaira· lion und N•luralliallon Service .-.nptoy will hold a national 1lny or prole.lil Aug. 21 a1alnst Pre ldcnt Jh•aeian's approach to tmmlgrut on. u reder~l union or- ftc r hws uid. INC mployets also will pro t«"!'ll I • funding shortages and Reaiian's failure to appoint a na- t iom1l director or the aeiency, \1 Ike Har pold, president or the ,\merknn fl'edcruUon of Govern- 111ent F:mployees· INS Council, said "Thia will be our flrat na· tlonwlde thin&. but It may not be our last ," said Harpold, who truveled from San Francisco to 1-;l Paso lo organize the dem onstratlon. He said the demonfi truUon will not be a strike, but employees will set up informational picket lines Harpold s aid the 9,400 INS employees in the union are con· t:erned a lack of leadershjp and proper policy will lead to lnade· Y ou're under arrest Town 'jails' discourteous visitors Wll.1.<H '<:tlBY . Ohio tA P 1 The offict•r spotted the '=t'\\ York plalt·s lie tailed tht.• ear as it cnused lhrou~h town. Sl•emg thl' cr iml', he tnll'reeptcd the s tation wagon and ur rt•sted the offending family . ThL· char gl' '.':ot sa~·ing hello to lhtt people of this Lake Erw \'11luge Thi:-. 1s fantastit lt's a gre,1t wa' lo end a v;H·atron. ·· -.aul .Jatnl'S Coward of On·hard Park. NY . after hl'. h"' '' 1h-. Bonnie. and their two daughters \H•re hault•d in. lmokt•tl h' '.\luniripal Judgt' Elaine Crane anct put hehrnd h.1r-. fw a ft•\\ monwnts quate &PP{'Utton of lmmlgra· tlon laws. "Thesu arn Important people tunct.Jons that, lf done wron1. would be 11 real black m .. on the United States," he said 'Tm not maklna a threat. I'm simply stating a reality that lf things go further, the country runs a real risk of having mis- treatment, abuse or ri&ht.s and lntemal corrupUon. That ls why we are acttna now.•· Reagan's proposed plan for changin& lmml1raUon policies, especially toward Mexico. ls a matter for extreme concern. Harpold sald. "The pl'esident is touting his proposed policy as a commit· ment to enforcing the border," he said. "But there has been a railure to go forward with any real immigration policy. Some or the programs will create prob· le ms in the areas where they are s upposed lo be solving them." Harpold called Reagan's rec- ommendations to allow illegal aliens to become citizens if they have lived in the country for 10 yea r s an ··admi ni str ative nightmare " tr y tor apeclflc Jobi .. ··The admlnl1tl'ftion would like to have a 1011 ot a cheap lubor pool in the United Statet," he sald. "But the administration Is havlna dllticulty squaring that with what the Select Com - mission recommended." The union favors the recom mendaUona made by the Select Commlulon on Immigration and Refueee Policy. whi ch urged stronger border enforce· ment. more funding for the INS and adoption or sanctions against people who employ ii legal aliens LA. edges Milwaukee as beer king LOS ANGELES (APJ -For nearly 100 years Milwaukee. in the Land of Sky Blue Waters. was known as the wo rld's number one brewer. but no longer According to the U .$. Brewers Association, Los Angeles has edged out Milwaukee for the ti· tie of brewing capita l of the world. l'ht•rr ; nthdl'meunor· also brought them a fn•l' lunth ,rnd .i ...,ho\\t'r of gifts Satur;da~ \\as Willoughb~ Lions Club .\rn·st Ila.' . .111 l'\ t•nt held nrw day a reur for tht• p ust ;m 't•;u·s in '' lut'h lht• t'Ops look for out·uf-stale dnvt•rs to pull 11\ 1·r ,ind ..;IHl\\ nff thl' town ·s st•nse of humor ··we·re not prepared to accept something that's not going to work." he said "What we'll have is people who are here ii· legally thumbing their noses at people who try to do it right." A,.W...,.... ·1 couldn "t unclt>rstancl ''h.'· he pullt•d us 11\l'I'. Mr:-.. < 'o" ;ird ...,aul Before you buy any make of car, call me. I'll save you time & money. Harpold s aid the union also disagrees with Reagan 's "guest worker" proposal to allow Mex· ican workers to enter the coun- Milwaukee forfeited the title whe n Schlitz closed its 6.8 mill ion·barrel facility. Schlitz's slogan has long been "The beer that made Milwaukee famous " UGLIEST? F ;,rnn II . \l'<.ff old t'hrnt·~l' Shar-P e1. dcstrihed as looking ··11kl~ un unmudt' bed. · took top prizes al thl• Pctalum<i l'~I ~ Dog c·ontt•st Tht> dogs a re bred for the loos<.• s kin t•ffl•c·t Tht· judge \'OlC'd Fawn ·the ugliest h~· a ny stanclurcls Benef 11 from my buyrng clout I buy office l ow overhead No salesmen. or lease cars m contract lots of I to no commissions Get prrces from us. I Ill() for corpora te fleets We can ob-any make of car Then compaie for I lrlin substantial savings for Qual1-yourself IAnd tell your f11~ndsl 11Pd ind1v1duals We do the price For information call Robt Hixson It Basket· Sale On Thro Aug .13 ' <.hopping & haggling Ours 1s a busy lqu1pment Co. 714 64&-4800 ectron1cally eliminates flying and crawling pests. ONE SINGLE PURCHASE CONQUERS YO UR PEST PROBLEM WITHOUT CHEMICALS! PROVEN EFFECTIVE AGAINST • Fleas • Spiders • Ant s • Bees/ Wasps • Roaches • Mosquitos • Rots • Crickets • EFFECTIVE, SAFE. SILENT ULTRASOHIC WAVES • Fl ies • Moths •Mice • Water Bugs • SAFE TO HUMANS AHD PETS • PESTS ELI MINA TED IN 2 TO 6 WESS • USES OHL Y 4 WATTS OF POWEil • COVERS 1500 sq. FT. • HO SPECIAL IHSTALLAT10H HOW '6950 ! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF 3 O•DA y PEST FREE DOES NOT SOLVE YOU PEST PROBLEM' USA EPA tst No 4.a62·1L-02 01mens1ons 6~ 1n x 5~ in x 2\4 1n - • • • ~RRla*JE TSA W tN '(OU A 711t. tfc/<£R Of_A Fl!JME SCl.JD 6MSS~ RrALGlASS bY.z II DIA. !.12 '1211 TAU-REG-22 'fP $/9.M FMMED GMPHICS SE/11-NWE. FR-A.MEO PRWTS BY LED JANSEN. 18X 2411 RE6 2-4 95 $/b. 68 Cfl. Z FOR f29.88 ~RU5t1 KIT :350)ff!()M . ff. G/<fAT FOR TCU:H U~ Md>f~~.c FIGURINES ETC. SINJU- ACTX)N EXTERNAL M~ REG-26 95 $18.88 ME GU4MNTE E If WE1Rf. oor Of THE t: SIU YOU NEE0.1. PICI< A fMMt. Of EOLJAL G-Rft1TER VAL~ It-Iv NE1LL G-IVE 'ft)() THt SAME 00Ut9R OtSCOOfYT AS Trft:. A!JfE!fTtSED FR'fMl ~i~i~~~~~~~~~ 1¢ 8uket Sale -flnaJ Da,., Anal Phue If you've been thinking about buying bunches of baskets and sav· Ing a bundle, you'd better huny on over to Aaron Brothers. Yes, MAIL TO; YICTOl 1~11. 14114 co•IT NWY. • DAMA '°'"' ...... SW,Me •• , ................... , •••••• , ••• r.et .... , ... ••1n1tort11 et •n • eeclt,.. •r ,.... & ....... ,.._SW, Me •••••••••.••.••••••••••••••• 1.T. c.t Deere M •1t • Melt .... OJ•,. ..... & ...... Nan. .•. ''. . ..•.......•..........................•.. I Oty ......... · ..... • ................ Zip .......... .. I ' .,,,,..,, __ ... .. .. -·~_.____ ... __ our 1¢ Basket Sale Is scheduled to end'in just a few days. But we've still got bushels of baskets that are bound to bedazzle you. And remember, when you buy one bMket at the NtUIM price, a MCODd beeket that coea the Mme or leu I• youn for ).wt a penny! HUNTINGTON BEACH 1470 Edll'f" •·•Open Mon.·frt.10-1, ~-10-e COSTA MESA 1714 Newport ltvd •• °"" Mon.·Frt. M, SM. a Sun. 1cf.e- EL TORO 24350 Sw.tz Or.• Open Mon..frt. 10·1, s.t. 10-t. I Sun. 11·8 I I ~ • I• ... ~ .-. ~ .. I . .. . . -. . ...... Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday, Auguet 7, 1981 ~,., Cloee fritodl and polltJcal 111oclate1 of former DemocraUc Party Cbalrman aot.ert 8tra••• have launched a campal1n to en· coura1e the Texan to throw hi• bat into the ltM pretldeo· tlal rin&. a DalJu newapaper haa reported. Byrne big spender Chicago mayor pays $1.6 million Puerto Rican.a to aee Nureyev Dancer Racloll N•reyev 1s in Puerto Rico preparln1 to perrorm with the San Juan Ballet. Nureyev ls scheduled to dance three shows with the ballet this weekend. The performances will be held at the Fine Arts Center In San Juan. The Arts and Culture Development Administra- tion, which is sponsoring the performances , said all available tickets have been sold. .,. ......... "A number of 1ood people have called me and come to 1ee me and aaid, ·Bob, you ou1ht to consider this,' " Strausa told lbe Dallu Morn· ln1 News. ''But the truth of the matter la that lt'a not a do·able deal for me and, besides, I don't have that thirst for ll." Friends told lbe newspaper that Strausa' private con· veraations Indicate that the 82-year-old Dallas lawyer is at least considering the possibility or a presidential bid. CHICAGO (AP ) -Mayor Jane Byrne 1pent Sl.8 mlllloo in campaip fundt In the put year -lncludln1 $101,000 that went to her Immediate family -tbouih she faced no political challeoier. her spendln1 report says. According to the report, the mayor, who will not face re- election until 1983, spent 48 times u much campal1n money from July 1, 1980, throup Jame 30 as the late Mayor Richard J . Daley spent In uns, lbe year before his death. She paid her husband, Jay McMullen, $74,000 for polltic&l advice. This is more than the mayor's salary or $60,000 a year and the governor's pay of $58,000. A woman whose 19·year- old son was killed while try. ing to stop three white youths from beating a black man has received a letter from P resldea& Beagan praising her son's heroism. Entertainer Olivia Newton-John mea.rures the size of her star dedicated this week on the 11oUywood Walk of Fame. It waa the 1. 735th star to be placed on the walk. "Strau8s. himself, Is am· bivalent. He's sort of the re- luctant dragon at this point. But he hasn't said no," one supporter said. Strauss, who held several top positions in llmmy Carter'• administration but never has sou1bt elective of· rice, acknowledged that he bas discussed his possible candidacy with two groups or eight to 10 people. the newspaper said. The mayor also spent $106,000 on travel, including more than $50,000 for a two-week trip to Europe last August and Sep· tember ~Y Mrs. Byrne, her fami· ly and a 30-member entourage or top city aides and legislators and their spouses. Kathy Doherty of Boston said she cried when she got the letter Wednesday. Her only son, Michael, a white, tried to help a black man who was attacked on the Columbia Station subway platform in March 1980. The attackers turned on Doherty, who ran onto the Southeast Expressway and was hit and killed by a speeding vehicle. Doherty 's body lay un- discovered on the median strip for two days. The driver of the vehicle that hit him has never come forward. The three juveniles were put on probation for a year and ordered to work in a community program. "ln our lifetime, very few of us are ever called upon to stand up for the rights and sa fety of others," Reagan wrote in the one-page letter. •·Michael has left a legac:v •TIME SHARE A YACHT* LUXURIOUS UMIFUTI YACHr '9c*4 Iii M.I., Ce. My·~ ......... cniililNJ cw ..... c ... • 5 weeks use P4Jr year • Professionally managed & maintained • $8,500 ownership cost YACHTS UMUMITID, IMC. '7MZJI 646·9400 I••· Gr.cl o,..mg We SAN MIGUEL BEER OHL Y $2.49 SIX PACK at Trader JM md Prowto San Miguel the world· Please visit our newest Famous beer brewed an Trader Joe's al the in· the Philippines. usua~ly t.ersection of J7th Streel1 sells for $4.50 per six· Newport Boulevard ano pack. We're selling it for Superior Avenue <next to only $2.49. Both Light Denny's and Ba rclay's and Dark are on sale Bank >. NOWIM COSTA MESA Gr.cl o,..mg We SA VE AN EXTRA I 00/o on WHOLE WHEELS OF CHEESE at Trader JM & Prowto Most whole wheels of weighs more than 10 cheese weigh 5 to 10 pounds. This is a simple pounds. When you buy a way to beat lnnation- wbole wheel of cheese and cheese always tastes from us. we give you a better rrom a whole 10% discount from the wheel ! Please visit our single pound price on newest Trader Joe's at almost every cheese. If a the intersection of nth whole wheel weighs more S l r e e t , N e w P o r t than 15 pounds, you don't Boulevard and Superior have to buy it all . We'll Avenue (next lo Denny's live 'you a 10% discount and Barclay's Bank). 1f you buy a chunk which NOW IN COSTA MESA (aaa1•W~ Presents CALL fOll ncaT INPO 549-1512 ... ~..,. At.,., 1 ........... . SANTA MA that ls a shining example t.O all men. His noble and courageous act or heroism will always be remem· bered.'' Mrs. Doherty said she plans to frame the letter and hang it along with other con· dolences she has received, including messages from Mayor Kevin White and Gov. Edward Kini. "I'm running out of wall space," she said. New York investment banker Fell• Bobatya, a longtime Democratic backer, told the News in a telephone interview that he has en· couraged Strauss to try for the presidency. She gave away $109,147 of her campaign money to charity. The details of the mayor's campaign spending were re· vealed in a report made public this week by the Cook County clerk's office. Stale law requires candidates to file periodic dis· closure reports of their cam- paign spending. The recent report and others filed by the mayor showed that Mrs. Byrne, who spent only Good news for concerned travelers ••• • lS • • United will continue most of its service. That means to the best of our ability we 11 honor any reservations you 've already made or are planning to make. Chances are good your fiight will be operating. There may be some delayoo flights and some cancellations, but chances are gcxxl your flight will be operating. Just call United to reconfirm your reservation on the day you 're schoouloo to take off. If you can't reach us, come out to the airport-because your flight will probably be operating. If your flight is cancelloo, Unitoo will help you reserve a seat on the next po5.5ible flight. So don't let the news alx>ut the air traffic controllers' strike SJX>il your travel plans. United Airlines is determinoo to make your vac;ation or business trip go as smoothly as po5.5ible. Now that's gcxxl news. For resetvations or infonnation, call your Travel Agent or United. t OUTSPENDS DALEY Mayor Ja.M Byrne $125,000 to win her February 1979 primary upset over then- M ayor Michael Bilandic, has run through more than S3 million in campaign money since she took omce. Mrs. Byrne paid her daughter, Kathy, Sll,784 for "salary" and "ou~ide services" performed for the campaign committee, the report said. She also gave her sister, Carol Sexton of suburban Wilmette, a $15,000 salary for political work. , . • . ·. . . .... ft •' ·~ I ~· Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday. August 7. 1981 .Four roses receive All-America honors There are four roses that have been 'selected as the 1982 All-America rose selection award wlMers. They are Brandy, French Lace, Mon Cheri and Shreveport. Rose enthusiasts or even be&inning gardeners who have been longing to plant that special rose should look in- to these four winners. Brandy is a crossing of First Prize with Golden Wave. Its bloom starts Gardener's checklist • Dichondra should be fertilized re· gularly. Liquid or organic fertilizer s hould be used. • August is the perfect month to plant dwarf or full-sized citrus They love the heat and these warm days really get them off to a good start. • Late summer-fall color can be had from tuberous begonias planted now. • Continued pinching and feeding of fuchsias will insure a prolonged bloom and vigorous full plants. • You can get some good fall color from daylilies planted in August. Check with your nurseryman. .. out as a rich. golden brandy that ages to an attractive, creamy apricot color. In addition to Its attractive and unusual coloring, it Is also blessed with an easily Identifiable but mild tea fragrance. Its flowers are large -4 to 41h inches in diameter with Its bloom cycle repeating regularly and rapidly with many quality flowers available from early spring to late fall. A new floribunda is French Lace which has anywhere from one to eight blossoms on a 6 to 10-inch stem. often giving you an attractive bou· quet of roses on a single cane. It is generally ivory white in color but has the intriguing habit of often showing the softest or pink hues in its blossoms during the early stages of development. This pink shading adds tremendous ly to the beauty of French Lace The blooms finish up their attractive display in pure white, wide open flowers, some 4 to 5 inches across. Mon Cheri 1s the new hybrid tea winner and its flowers will vary de- pending on the age of the blossoms. temperature and light conditions. Named for a Louisiana city of roses, Shreveport is a grandiflora with medium size blooms varying in shades of orange, salmon and coral. It is a robust and bushy plant. that is constantly loaded with blossoms. National fuchsia group will llleet The National Fuchsia Society. Laguna Beach Branch, meets Wednesday, Aug. 12, at 7:30 p.m. at 325 N. Diamond St. in Laguna Beach. National Fuchsia Society will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m. in Columbia Savings and Loan, corner of Harbor and Wilson, Costa Mesa The guest speaker is Jean Natter. who will s peak on .. Pests in .Your Garden ... Organizing this meeting is refres hment chairman Mary Warwick . with help from Hermann Schlueter. Helen Wilks and Linda Weems. For more information call 548-8207. THE COSTA MESA-BAV Cities Branch of the Antique Show Huntington Center Mall today thru Aug 9 PUILIC NOTICE MS 7-71 "ICTITIOUS I USIMISS NAMR STATIMIMT The tollowlno persona •r• dolno butlMU•t• MIRACLE MAZDA, IOS Bahr Slr•I. c .. te Mow. CA '2•1' A.H. ~I C-nlH, In<, ll&.,.., H«1h l •rc-t ll•d., Ste "A". lot Ange.... CA toOIM. A C•llfomla CMPof•Uon. Thi~ ~ It C-led b\' • cor PM•tlan A.N C .......... ! '-'11et,ln< Aler N. Campllell Chelrman of lhe lloard Thi"' IWlle.._t was fllecl with the County Cler• ol Orar19e Counly an Ao;o. l. ltll ,.,.,611 PubU-Oranoo CaHI Dally Piiot, Ao;o I, 14, 21, 1'. ltll U»tl PUIUC NOTICE N•m16 MOTICI TO C•IOITO•S 01" 8Ul• T•ANS,RR ANO 0' IMTRMTIOl'I TO TRAMS,.RR ALCOHO LIC ••v•••o• LICRMSl(SI I S.Cl. "" .. "' u.c.c. -_, ......... , GREENHOUSE Ll9UIDA TION SALE • / ..... , ' . ~ • # 2 DAYS ONLY SAT. and SUN. II August 8-9 10 A.M.-5 P .M. $50,000 in becmtiful house plants 411 POTS 611 POTS 811 POTS -LAICM Y AlllTY OF PLANTS AND SIZES 64S.JJt2 20362 Southwest Birch St. t66-0l42 ............. , .... WwH11 MeM A••· .ct lri1tol St. NOTICE IS HEREIY GIVEN lo llw Credltort 6' FAEAE JACQUES RESTAURANT COMPANY. INC .• ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Fed. l.D. No. fS.l14'51t, Trantlerer and Lken-. w'-bld!MU -h 4500 C......,. ~Ive, S..lte JJO, In lhe City of N-part Beecll, Covnty of o ..... SI.lit• of C•tllomla 92660, IN! a bVtlL tten.,.r 11 •bOut to be m-by PAP.it.GAYO, ...... California cor_.. llaft, 5adal s.turlty No. •Plllled for, Tr....,.,_ and lnlended Transfer•. whoM lliUtif)Mt -es• Is 401t w .... ,. ly, Sl;lte !OS, In Ille City ol N-pan Bee<ll, County of Oranee, Stal• ol C•llfomia nwo. TM -1Y It dHctl-In fetWr•I •t: AH stock In tr-. lh11Uret, equlcl- m ent •nd oood wlll 01 • cerl•ln rotaurant llUllMU _,_n •I CASA DI POMPEI and lcKfttd •I Is.! Adenlt In IM Clly of Co.I• INM. C_,.y of Ora1t99, Slate of C•lllornla, and lr•nsfe r lh• lollawln11 •l<ohollc t>ever ... llcenM lor llcenw•I : On Sale -o-.t'al, N-r •7-t70Ht, ,_ IUllN IO ontnlMS IOC•lad al 15'5 Aclems lot IN pnm~ looNll al 15'.S Ad•m• In llw Clly of Cost. Mew, County of or.,., St•• of C•llloml•. TM! the -t of purclleM price or c,~•tloft In c-11aft wltll H id lr•r11ler of u ld license (or Ileen .. > and Mid """-· no lft-to r y ll•ln11 told I• Ille sum of U00,000.00. wlllch con•lsta of Ille lollowl"111: S'9111 Or•ll. IS0,000.00; 0.!Nlld No4t, IU0,.000.00; Prom'"9ry ..... to .. peld o .......... (7) ........ ........ All -bld!NH ,..mes •nd ... dro-....., lly IN Transi.ror wlttlln lllroo ..,.....,_.pelt .ol•r ••IL-• Ille T,.,...,_ .,., S Ceu di Pomp9I rHl•Uf'&fllt IOc•led 11711 Venh1t• 81Yd., IE~lno, CA; uo So. Sl•I• Col.... .,,,._, 8roe. CA 11111; '"'"' SI. CMrll ... CA; JI .. M•WVlotrne 81"4., T.,.,_, CA; LA Vie en .__, i•s.. .... ~•1"4 •• 1 .... c •. TMl It lie&~ ..... wtween Mid lk-eM ll'IMftlllNI ,,.,,...,... •• , ... ...... .., lac. Ml7• .. Ille ......... oM ll't ....... ,. Ce*, IMI tlle <- .._.. .... fw 11\e tt~ of Mid w.1- -... lnlNfltr of Mitt lk-I• .. .. '91d Ollly ofWr Mid lre11•r llOI Men...,,._.., .. OeNr11'11enl .. A._....._ ... ColltNI. ,.... ...... ~OMI•...,__ of .,_ ...,..... "9CIL In ,,.,., na- 1-.~OMl l9od wlll of NINI ~wlll --m.MM ..... tlle cOMlllltrMIM ._.... ...... , w• -~..._.fw .. IY ....... _ ....,._.. .. .,......._ .. 1ic-cer lk-1 It"• .,... .., or.,.., u. 11111 -., .......... ..... at .. .. "•• •~··•-111 ef •u••ow UC_,., .. _. .... ,_.,._, "' .. °" ., .......... c.wM't ., o.-........ ~ ........... tllot iM 0..-rt-t ef Alctf191k ._... c.Mf'ol .. ...,,._ .... .,......, ...... ,~. Tiie ... -.., , ...... <IOllM" _, ,,....., .... -------... .... .. •• ,.. ••1 ... "''· wtlkll .. .............. .., ......... ~ _......"' ............. ..... OAT'ID""Y a.""· ~ ..... ""--~ & lecty. JIMIC.0 ........ 1, ,.,..... ,.........~C-Oelly ...... "4-'·"" l!Mf.el \ .\·u r"Pr)" .tiitpP<'ial / GARDENIA PLANTS "MYSTHY" GARDENIA Shiny. evergreen foliage. Corsag~slze blooms. "YBTCHll" 8ARDEMIA More compact growth. Sllghny smaller blooms. Legendary Fragrance f 'loriJCt SpPt·ial PIEfftNIACHIA Handaome. relloble f ollage plant. RAnnrtfYUVM Glossy green leaves. Whit• ~ooms. 1 Gal. Reg. 3.98 2.47 EACH 6" Pots Reg. 9.95 3.99 Since 1948 Hallis}es Nursery· Florist 21•0 Ho(bor llv.d .• Costa MHa Ad good ttrolgll Aug.11 ... , .......... ,. ) \ -l Carnations make spicy bouquet Flowers that carry a fragrance are a de· f ll1hLlul addition to any home garden. But the spicy fragrance that comes from the carnation Is • gardenimi must. Nothln1 surpasHI Its pure tan· taliz:ing aroma and gives more endurine satisfac· tion tban this flower. Carnations offer you a wide selection of colors to choose from Many varieties have charming frlneed petals with the bloom color coming in delicate two color combinations. Otherwise. you r can grow them in white, pink or red shades and even orange, purple and yellow. There are two main types of carnations <Dian- thus caryophyllus ). The border carnations are bushier and compact growing to only 12 to 14 in· ches high. The florist carnations will reach four feet with their flowers three inches wide. As far as care goes, you should stake your carnations at an early age to insure straight stems. •ens°' PUMTS ATWHOUSALI 9UALITT-llCAUSI WIMOW,..... ""..._. CLOSID 1 •AL ....,.,. •••AL ....,°"_ TUISDA'f aeom Property leirMJ Sold NURSERY Liquidation Sale All Specials S.iect to Supply on Hand SAVE UP TO 70°/o LLOl'o•s . ~. -T r _ l .... garden shop Sale Prices Exp.re 8-12 411 Spectracide (pint) , Impatiens ~ . Controls ants ~· fleas. and r.ci. 1.09 lawn moths SALE r~. 7.99 SALE 69¢ -=------S6.59 Pony-Pak Vine a "99-$1.0t SALE 58¢ GROM ULCH OUTDOOR PLANTING MIX Gromulch is premixed and re- ady to use. Finest planting mix available for trees. shrubs. roses and exotic plants. wffd free will not bun KellOCJg's Fertilizers ALL POITERY 20% OFF Does not Include pl1nted wire b11kel1 or Pott•~ ALL WIRE BASKETS 20% OFF MOlf ,....,,,.. HoUAT , .. IUN ••ao LLOYDS NWSBY AMD LAMDSCAPIM• CO., IMC • 2028 NEWPORT BOULEVARO (AT BAY ST.) I COSTA MESA. CA 92627 ,' (714) 646·7441 ,...J ; People al I along 11411111 .._,, · the Orange Coast rely on the ~J. rlllll 142-'321 QUEENIE ,~~\ ~<\'"~ Trip deductible DEAR PAT DUNN: I own rental proper· ty in another state and once in a while I take a trip there to inspect the property and make any necessary repa1rA, Can I deduct the cost of the trip from my fe"lferal income tax? G.K .. Costa Mesa You may deduct the expense Jr It was necessary ror the management, conservation or maintenance or property held for the pro· ducllon or income, according to the Internal Revenue Service. However. if your. trip was pri marlly personal, you may not deduct any travel ex· penses, even U you had some business actlvi· ty at your destination. Publication 463, "Travel, Entertainment and Gift Expenses," available free at any IRS omce, supplies ad· dltlonal Informa tion. No use tax exemption DEAR PAT DUNN: I heard that you don't have lo pay use tax when you buy a used car from a relative. I bought my sister's car and wonder if I can avoid paying this tax. Will you find out about this for me? C.S .. Costa Mesa Sorry, but buying a car from a sister, brother, uncle, aunt or cousin doesn't qualify for the use tax exemption. Although use tu Is collected by the Department of Motor Vehicles for tbe state Board of EqaaUzatlon tor most car sales, the tax Is not payable If a person buys a vehicle only from a parent, grandparent, child or spouse, and If he or she Is not in the business of selUnC vehJcles. Although this does not apply In your caae, persons who bought and operated a vehicle outside CaUfornJa for more than M days before bringing It into the state also are exempt from this state's sales tax. Order unfilled DEAR PAT DUNN : I ordered a box of six seasonings from ··Tools For Living·· last Jan. 30. My $13.95 check was cashed. but all I've received are two notices of delayed de· livery. I'd appreciate any help you can give me at this point. Needless to say. I've placed m y last mail order. D.L .. Laguna Niguel Linda Beckworth, orrlce manager of Tools For Living, is sending a refund check to you immediately. She apologised for the delay and admitted the firm has been ex· periencing some difficulty in the past few months with filling orders. She added that she Is straightening out consumer complaints as soon as they are brought to her personal .attentloo. Tax benefit halted DEAR READERS: If you're comblJ1inc a little business with pleasure this summer, beware Of croups advertising a lH deduction for a cruise ship vacation. Taxpayers seeking a tax benefit should consider recent legislative action regarding business or academic seminars held on board a cruise ship before signing up for Utese "noatlng seminars." Effective Jan. 1, 1181, the Internal Revenue Code stales tbal no tH deductions will be allowed for seminars held aboard cruise shJps. "Deduc&lons that were available In prevtous yeara for expenses incurred by a taxpayer whUe altendinl a seminar on a cralse sbJp are ao longer allowable," Hid WUUam H. Couett, director of tlae Internal Revenue Service In Soutbem CaUl'ornJa. U arrangemenll for the cralse were aub· stantlaUy made before Dec. 31, IMO, then the expenses will be couldered deducUble pro· vhled they qaallfy aader tlae law ln effect prior to the end or ll80. · "We waat to avoid bavlac to Hclit aad dl1allow dedactiona claimed by tupayen wllo ~ave been misinformed by erroaeoa1 ad· vertlllag," said Collnet&. "By pabllclalag re· ceat ~ban1es in tbe tu law, we hope tax· payers planning to take trlpa tllu 1ammer for ba•IDea and eemtaar parpoen wlll nrtfy tbe dedactlbillty of their expenses before tlley rue their tax retantl .ext year... k aald. Orange Cont DAILY PILOT/Friday. August 7, 1981 Reagan air act plan stirs debate WASHINGTON <AP> The Rea1an ad· mlnlatration la proml1ln1 thaat its propoula to loosen the Clean Air Act could save aa much aa $100 on the price of a new car. Environmental Protection Administrator Anne M . Gorsuch Introduced the admlni1tratlon'1 "broad proposals" for amending the 1978 law thl11 week, acknowled4in1 the plan contained few specifics. Environmentalists called the proposals vaeue and dangerous, and business groups said they would cut unnecessary restrict.tons but still main· tain health standards. The Democratic chairman of the House sub· committee that wlll consider the proposals de· nounced them. while bis Republican counterpart in the Senate said the plan's vagueness was a "shrewd political move." The administration had been expected to sub· mlt its proposals by June, and their lateness raised speculation that Congress could not com· plele reauthorization of the law as called for this year. But Mrs. Gorsuch said the work still could be done before Jan. 1. Prt:sident Reagan and his Cabinet approved the proposals Tuesday. "The air will continue to improve under the broad principles that we have adopted," Mrs. Gorsuch said. But when asked if improvement would be slowed , s he replied: ··At a more reasoned pace. yes." The most definite proposal called for looseninjl air pollution 1tandard1 for aut.omoblles. Mrl . Gorsuch said the admlnlatratlon would probably recommend ralsln1 standards for autos from 3.4 to 7 grams per mUe of carbon monoxide and from 1 to 2 arams per mile of nitroaen oxlde:s. Such a move, ahe said. could save consumera $100 on each new car. The proposals also could do away with clean air deadlines in some places, glve states more say In setting standards and remove strict restrictions from clean·air areas outside national parks . The proposals call for retaining the health· based standards in the act -as envlronmentallsts had insisted -rather than lettina co•l·benerit analysis play some part in setting standards. But that did not stop environmentaJists from opposing the plan. Amon1 the croups to criticize were lhe National Audubon Society, the Isaak Walton League, the Sierra Club, Ralph Nader's Public Citizen, the Natural Resources Defense Council and the Clean Air Coalil\on, a groupin& of environmental and civic groups. On lhe other side, praise came from the Na· tional Association of manufacturers, the Business Roundtable, the National Coal Association and General Motors Corp. The only business group with major criticism was the Manufacturers of Emission Controls, whose members supply the auto industry with anti·pollution devices. Rep. Henry Waxman, D·Calif., chairman of the House Energy health and environment sub· committee, said the proposal advocates .. a danaerous retreat from pro1rame needed t.o pro· tect the health of the American people.'' Sen. Robert Stafford, R·Vt .. chairman of the Senate Environment Committee. aald the ad· ministration made a "shrewd political move" by avoiding details and pushing general principles that are "pretty hard to criticize." Zoo begin$ 'koala house' LOS ANGELES <AP> -A campaign to "koala.fy" the city has been kicked off by Mayor Tom Bradley who attended a groundbreaking ceremony for the Ahmanson Koala House. The $1.2 million s tructure should be ready by spring 1982 In time to receive six furry koalas -a s mall animal which resembles a teddy bear. said Nancy Carnes, spokesperson for the Greater Los Angeles Zoo. The two males and four females are a Bicentennial gift to Los Angeles from Australia's Melbourne Zoo. The only other koalas held in captivity outside of Australia are a dozen such marsupials which now reside at lhe San Diego Zoo. Ms . Carnes said the gioundbreaking ceremony this week began a citywide fund·raising campaign "to koala-fy Los Angeles." Now thru Sept. • Rock Solill Gibraltar pays ANNUALIZED YIELD Gibraltar offers a new way to step up to the new tax-free savings account available soon. We'll open a Personal Rock Solid Investment for you now with only $500 or more. Your interest of 17% will be compounded daily for an annualized yietd of 18.8%. Start your Investment Fund now, or at any time up to Sept. 30. This is not a c;avtnxs acc<1unt m dt•pllSit, nor tnl>urt.J by the• FSLIC.. HowC'Vl'r, your funds arl' fully St'Curl.J by U.S. Gllvemml'nt Sl'curit1c..,. ANNUAL RATE Starting Oct. I, we'll automatically transfer your funds to T his new Gibraltar account allows the first $2,000 in interest earned per couple on a joint return to be exempt from Federal income taxes ($1,000 on an individual return). T he chart at r ight is based on probable tax brackets for the incomes indicated. Use it to calculate your own equivalent interest ra tes for taxable earnings. This could be the highest return ever for your savings. Fully insured to Sl00,000 by FSLIC. IA\111\ l°'l,(.l)\11 sso.ooo '35.000 S25,000 S21),000 l'KOll;\1111 lA \llllAC. l<.I I 50~ •. 40''.· JO% 25~~, NOil' Appro\lmatl' f1~url'S on the chart Ml' b.isc.·,I on JOSI t,1' tabll"t lntc.•n.-st r.1IC<o rC111nc.k'll to thr nt'orrst 10th. lntt'rcst paiu on IMc·frc.'l' .1rcount to b<· 70% of 01vt•r,1~l' mwstmcnt yit'ld of 52·wt-ek U.S. Tn·.l~ury bolls ,1t monthly .111rtion 'Rillt' hascc.I Cln T·holl ,1uct1on of Ju ly o TA\Al•ll "lllU'I KAii IQll\All" In '\O:-.: IA\Allll 10~ 21.s·· .. 18.2·,. '15 o•).. 14 .5''.· Come into your local Gibralt,u branch or call toll-free (800) 252-0396 and ask for our Tax-Free Savings Counselor. .I Fu.Datoru 255 W. OrangethorpeAve./(213) 930-1970 (714) 871~101 •Huntington Buch: 7777 Edinger Ave., #91 Huntington Ctr.)l714} 898-9666 • Lapna Hllh: 24260 El Toro Rd./(714) 951--8454 • Newport Bwlu 2700 W. Coast Highway/(714) 631-1.611 s.n Juan Caplltrano: 3181'7 Del Obispo St./(714) 493-5011 • Santa Ana: 3925 S. Bristol St./(714} 979.!7580 Santa Ana: #4 Sa.nta Ana Fashion' Square/(714) 834-0717 ... 10 Orange Coaat DAILY PI LOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 Toll roach possible highw a y cost answer As Orange County officials struggle over plans to finance a nd bulld new free ways, one sug. gestion continues to pop up. It is lo build toll roads so construction of new roads would be paid by the people who use them. Gr anted. the syste m seems attractive to those who would like to provide better roads without increasing laxes. But proponents admit they'll have to campaign ha rd to erase the negative reac· tion Californians h ave toward seeing toll booths on public highways The idea was first raised in Orange County by state Sen. P a ul Carpenter. and since then it has been embraced by business leaders who say they'd rather pay a nominal fee to move their goods faster and decrease their labor costs than pay drivers to sit in trafric jams. The idea is ln its Political in fancy in California a nd many politicians still approach the is· sue with caution. Caltrans Dlrec · tor Adriana Gianturco. durin g visits to Or ange County, has not hidden her distrust of toll roads. This apprehensive attitude is curious in light of the widespread use of the system in the Midwes t and East. Rarely does a motorist travel along the East Coast or near a major c ity without shell· ing out at least once to use a toll road. The big ques tion in Orange County shouldn 't be whether toll roads are justified but whether or not one could be built at a price its users could afford. Once that 1s decided. Orange County resi· dents can decide if they've got a better solution Vote-w inning tactic California legislalors. along with lawmakers in other stales . \\ere t h e unexpected beneficiaries of a multi-million dollar tax shelter popped into the Reagan tax cut plan as a last· minute vote winner. The break enables them to take a full tax deduction for ex- pense allowances collected dur- ing le~islative sessions without documentation that they actually incurred out-of-dis trict expenses. The Inte rna l Revenue Service had been tr~·ing to tax the al- lowance as regular income In the case of the California lawmakers. this m eans a full ex· emption for about $10.000 a year. based on their expense allowance of 550 a day during sessions. When Rep Robert Matsui. D· Sncramento, int roduced a measure seeking the exemption . 1t was denoun ced bv the ad · m inistration as a "tota ll v unwar r anted" g1veawa~ to a· special· interest group. But with state legislatures about to reapportion con · grcssional districts for the next 10 years. ther e 's an inclin ation in the House to keep on good terms with the state lawmakers . However. even the Ho use Ways and Means Committee, on which Matsui serves. agreed to a ccept his measure for only two years . with the provision that it be reviewed b y Congress in 1983. Matsui agreed this was m the public interest. But the ad minis trat ion jumped the gun and m ade t he ex· emption part of its own tax c ut bill without the two-year limita · ti on. Matsui himself said he was "surprised " that adm inistration policy could shift so rapidly and remarked. ··11 brings into ques· lion the credibility of what's go· mg on in the White House." Needless to sav. state legislators are not about to look this gift horse in t he mouth For the working s tiff. even contemplating the little tax break he's likely to get over the next three years under the Reagan tax cut bill. the idea of elect· ed officials getting hom e free with a $10.000 annual tax exemp· tion is more likely to set the teeth on edge. L e tte rs carry w eight Citizens who would like to s hare their views on current issues with their repres e ntatives in Was hington stand a good chance of being heard 1f they follow the a d v 1 c e t o · · w r i l e ,. o u r Congressman .. · A survey of 123 congressional staff members on the relative ef fectiveness of var ious forms of communication with me mbers has rated contacts with constituents by mail, phone or in personal vis its as having the most inOuence And, it was noted. individua ll v composed letters carry more weight than so-called "orchestral· ed mail" in which thousands of let· ters and cards repeat the same message. Staff members wer e in· terviewed in the study s mce most • congressmen r e ly heavily on their staffs for background inlormalion a nd guidance on issues coming up for debate. Rated after constituent con· tacts on the scale of influence were d aily press coverage -news stories a nd editorials in both na· tional and local pape rs -followed by information gleaned from such governme nt sour ces as the Congressional Research Service, which is available to members. and the Congressional Record. Television news trailed behind as an effective source of informa· lion for congressional stares. So if you feel inclined to give Congress a piece of your mind. or some friendly advice, don 't hesitate to take pen -or phone in hand. They'll get the message. Op1 n1on ... e11pn• ...... ecl 1n the <:.pace above are tho ... e ol the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex pre-;sed on 1n1'> P<lqe are 1nose ot lhe1r authors and artists. Reader comment 1s inv11 ed Address Tn1· i::>a11 y Pilot. PO Box tS60 Costa Mesa. CA 92626. Phone 17141 b4J J321 • L.M. Boyd I Vegas egg trick A Las Vegas chef reportedly serves on advance order hen's eggs that look like dice. Pretty tricky. He hardboils and s hells them , decorates them carefully with peppercorns to create the s pots, packs them gently into a special square-segmented ice cube tray, and fast-freezes them. They fa ncy up his salads in a dandy manner. I'm told. In the local law books of Fountain Inn. S.C .. is a regulation that re- quires horses to wear pants at all times. A potato, too. get!I s unburned, and turns not red but green. The renowned Mona Lisa is painted on wood . Q. Most clerks who sell underwear are wom en. Mosl clerks who aell s hoes are men. Why this dJfference? ORAN,-;E COAST Daily Pilat I A. Underwear sales clerks are salaried. Shoe sales clerks work on commission. Usually, usually. Sales people or ability can make more money on commission. The able men are willing lo take those jobs. So the able women cannot always get them. It's one more valid complaint or the Equal Rightists. Q. What's "Siberian Coca·Cola"? A. A drink called kumiss It's mare's milk. fermented Fix that: Yo ur candles won't drip. if you soak them in a UtUe water laced with two tablespooM of salt for each candle. You'd have to swim underwater for about hall a mUt without comlnt up for air to equal the performance of the river otter. TIHHMS P. Hal91 Publisher ~=-·~ Bllrt.raKrelllklt ·Edltorl•! P-ee Editor I ... Br \. ) ASA~ rT YtOlDBE ~f'OR 1. MEb UN tlf (W:K ON ~ ~ PAeri It was the people's decision W ASH(NGTON ·'One thing is surely settled: 'the Presidency is no feeble or. fi ce." The New York Times editorialized after the latest and largest of President Reagan's victories. congression al ap. provaJ or his massive tax-cutting and re· arranging program. ··Let a shrewd presi· dent single-mindedly pursue a policy broadly grounded in his election mandate and he can putit across.·· The "feeble" presidency, 1r you recall . s ucceeded the "imperial" presidency - as surely as Jimmy Carter came after Richard Nixdn Those terms were all part of political analysis that focused on the "veto power" of a powerful Congress and. now, the helplessness of a "feeble" Congress. WHAT THOSE contradictory explana· tions or the past few years should tell us is that there is more to the governing of the United States than t actics and strong and weak presidents, or even than institu· tionally strong and weak presidencies and Congresses. The wonde rful little secret 1s . Democracy works! · There was. in a phrase used this week by Ben J. Wattenberg of the American Enterprise Institute. "a change in the temperoCthe people ." People, a majority or them. decided that government had gone far enough in trying to make lives better and life more equitable -and that it might even be making thin~s worse and less fair. Certainly that is wha t I have heard traveling around the country. And I heard it from friends and relatives and people I just happened to meet before I heard it fro m many i.>ol1t1c1ani. Elected represen tal1\•es. part1culC1rl y Democrats, but also many Repubhean:.. only began s aying ___ I!;} RICHARD RllVIS 1i -,. that and voling that way -after enough people out there finally got through to them in the past couple of years. WIT HOUT DEMEA NING Ronald Reagan's 1mpress1ve leadership s kills. he did not lead the American people to the point or pushing government into lhts checking of itself. Reagan, C1fler all. has been saying many of the same things for years with just as much charm and television presence. but he was never able Lo get anywhe re near a majority of a ny political body in the country. includ m gthebodypolillc . tofollowhsm Only four years ago. another president. J immy Carter, was saying many of the same things and almost no one followed him . Maybe he was a bit reeble. but the much more important fact was that the American people had not yet come lo an unstoppable consensus The question was still open three years ago when many Republican candidates refused to en dorse the party's official position inf avor of large tax cuts including. incidental ly. many oflhe Republicans who are now the mos t fervent disciples of Reagan and supply-side economics . In fact, o nly a year or so ago, Reagan himself orten seemed to be backing away from e arlier commitments to drastic economic tinkering The consensus was !>l1ll building The people didn't really make up their minds that ··something had --' to be done" until quite recently -and, I -, suspect. thut had more to do with the state ·· of 'their own lives than with the presi dent's fabled powers of persuasion. What • was much more persuasive was that a fter wives and daughters went to work. and after the house was refinanced. and after ~aster Charge l>a1d the card was over the limit. most of the people were in trnuble most or lhe time THEY-WE, the people-were ready to try almost anything including ideas that Reagan and many others had been trying to sell for a long time without a great deal of success. As pre · sident. Reagan sk1llfully mobilized and challenged that national willingness to experiment. But he didn't wm the day by inviting a few De mocrats in for drinks. The Democr ats were willing, even eager. to stop by, because they had rinally figured out that the folks back home were ready to move and Democratic leaders and thinke rs didn't have any idea of whichway togo Last week·s lax-cutting vote. like much of the national rise or Ronald Reagan. has been both thrilling and scary. He m ay have been m the right place at the n ght time. he 1s the spokes m an for an idea "hen the people needed and wanted an idea But, whether 1t works well or not, 1t was the people.,.. ho de<'ided to go with this thing More power to them Found: A real cure for a workaholic There's a n ew book out called Workaholics. Living With Them, Working With Them. I don't know why. I wrote the definitive treatise on the subject years ago: Workaholism It CAN Be Cured. Excerpts follow. FOR ALL TOO LONG, society has viewed workaholism as evidence of some hidden character defect and has scorned workaholics as weak-willed in· dividuals lacking the gumption to curb their anti-social behavior. Recent scien· tific research, however, has shown that workaholism is a disease and its vie· tims a re m ore to be pitied tha n shunned. Like any disease, workaholis m CAN be cured. The first hurdle is forcing the patient to admit he is a workaholic For, in all too many cases he will say. "Oh I can quit working any time I want'' or "I can ta ke it or leave it alone ." So if you are worried about a loved one. have him take this sjmple test: (1) Are you a solitary worker who actually enJOYS working m s ecret? 121 Do you ever he to your family about whether you have been working and how mu<'h" ( 31 Do you ever work to escape from the --i ' ART HDPPI 'S • hard realities of hfe., And, most 1mpor· tant. <4 1 Do you ever allnw work to in· terfere with your drinking" IF THE ANSWER TO any of these questions is yes . you are dealing. at best. with an incipient workaholic Such was m y n c i ~hbor , Homer <name withheld> Mr. Withheld <not his real name) was a typical workaholic An accountant. he outraged his co workers by ir responsibly working until all hours of the night: he mortified his children by breaking his promises to take the m to the aquarium : and he constantly em- Some bureaucrats are okay Now, som e good words about bureaucrats. Yes. I know, the Rea1an Way is to abandon us to private greed with a prayer Mr. Big Bucks will be klnd. loyal, patriotic, pure, honest and noble. 1111811111 It soundl ao 1ood. I am temp~ to buy ll except that ll 1ln't true, boys ind 8irls. Ron Hill of Rockford, lWnoll, b a fireman and government bureaucrat, wbo bad a can of mual\rooma expJode 00 biln. UllbW't , bul eu•plcloua, b tailed anolber bun!aucral, • rood lnlpeclor. Within lbne boun, he aeized lbe can1 ol muahroonu Crom t.he local store and shipped umplet to the Food and Drut Administration (FDA ). Bureaucrats there confirmed the cans had the most deadly of food poisons , Botulism Type B. A nationwide alert of bureaucrats swept the deadly cans off the shelves of over 100,000 stores in 30 states wllhJn seven weeks. Other FDA bureaucrats are trying lo sei1e 800 SS-gallon drums in San An· t.onlo, texas, rtlled with watered and doctor ed orange Juice concentrate . That's so people don't buy the stuff thlnkln& It is pure orange JulC?e. Other bureauc rats are pus hlna Hook.er Chemical In Florida, lo atop putUnc s ulphuric acid Into the air. RecenUy, they stopped Hooker frorn f ouUn.a the 1Jr with phosphates. Yes. thls la the same ador able Hooker Chemical Company that brou1bt the ~ople of Nla1er1 Falls lbe Infamous Love Canal. And, on ll JOU 11 my President and youn lurM America over to lbe rape, ruin and run boya. I prefer aome dedicated bureaucrat.a. l>arrassed his wife at cocktail parties by ret1 ring to a corner with a pocket ca lculator. Mrs Withheld took to hiding his brief· case and his calculator batteries on Fn· day evening. but lo no avail "Well, I'm off for a round of golf." he would say cheerily on Saturday morning -only to return well pas t midnight with red eyes. ink-stained fingers and some cock-a nd· bull story about a lost ball in the rough on the 14th SHE FINALLY pers uaded him to go on the wagon for three weeks to show he could do it. But on the third day of their cam ping trip, s he found him by a s tream m a cold sweat, mutte ring: "Subtract line 42f from 42b and enter the results on line llld on page . . " She realized he would need outside help She p~rsuadcd him to try the Six· Day Miracle Cure a t t he Daffodil Dell Home for the Ser ene. But on the third night, he burst out or his straight jacket and broke into Accounts Receivable where he went on a 12-hour binge. He joined Workaholics Anonymous. When he felt the urge to work he'd call a fri end. who would say· "Just lake one day off at a lime. Homer." But he couldn't hack even that. At last . he came to me. "FACE FACTS, HOMEll," I said "lf you don't quit cold turkey. you will wind up as a Wall Street derelict without family or friends, working yourself into a' stupor night arte r night." "But what can I do?" he whimpered. ''I'll save you." I said. And I did. l got him a job as 3 newspaper columnist. He· has n 't done an honest day's work s ince. llllll• The out.sland.ln.a double p1., comblna- Uon of tbll era la DOLLARS to PLAYERS to BANKS. r .x. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 All Air strikes. old story Controllers quit in Europe .but firings never imposed LONDON <AP) -The disruption that air travelers and fteilbt ln the United Statet are expetiencln1 11 an oJd st.ory to Europ e . It s alr traffic controllers slrike tr~uenUy. or stase s lo wdo wns U their coun\ry's laws prohibit 1trikln1. Controllers, alont with other government e mployees, are prohibited from s trik in& in France, West Germany, Denmark and Spain. Their strikes ar e legal in Britain, Italy, Belgium, the Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Greece. None of the European controllers have ever been told -as President Reagan has ordered U.S. controllers -to end a strike or be fired. West Germany did take action against leaders of a sick-in eight years ago. But other job actions, both legal and illegal, have ended in negotiated settlements that returned the controllers to their work. Pay scales for Europe's air traffic controllers vary widely, from $7,000 a year in Greece to • an average of $36,000 in Denmark . But like t he ir American counterparts. whose salary range is $20,500 to $49,200, European controllers complain of stress, low pay and gross understaffing. The most recent strike was in Britain, where controllers earn between $12,600 and $27,000 a year. More than 2,500 controllers halted work sporadically at airports up a nd down the country u part ot a 21-week Job action by 1overnment employees demandlns more money. Hundredl or nt1ht1 were grounded, and BrlU.h Airways said lt lost $74 million from can- ceUaUona. The dlapute wa1 set- tled last week. French controllers, with maximum pay or about 13>,000 a year and covered by a law prohibiting all civil servants from "ceasing to work," stated a six-week slowdown late in 1979 that resulted in reduction of the European con- trollers complain of stress, low fXlY and gross un- derstaf Jing complain frequently about their p11y and workln1 cond1tlona, and two months ago they struck ror 24 hours , paralyzing the airports. Spain's controll ers, as government employees, are bound by a no-strike pledge. They got around that with a nationwide slowdown for three days in January, costina the airlines an estimated $7 mllllon. The controllers say their number should be nearly doubled, The most recent strike in Belgium, where such actions are legal, was last September. not over pay but to support charees or unfair promotion policies. It was settled a fter severe disruption. Danish controllers, Europe's best paid, may not strike, but they reinforce their complaints by refusing to work overtime and calling in sick as well as work week from 36 to 32 hours. s lowing down. Go-slow action Pr esident Francois Mitterrand's just before Easter cost the new Socialist regime bas Scandinavian airline, SAS, about .......... LONE WORKER -White House Chief of Staff James Baker peruses paper work on the steps outside the Oval Office. getting the job done during ceremonies ins ide for Egyptian President Anwar D. Sadat. promised to reinstate the right $200,000 a day. The slowdown to s trike for governme nt e nded when the government Webster , report1'ng pre11·ou·nary employees agreed to s tudy extra WASHINGTON CAP> -Forty- . compensation for weekend and two law enforcement officers statistics. s aid that fi rearms 42 law officers killed Although Italian controllers night work. were murdered in the United were the most common weapons are permHted to strike, the law States during the first six used in the killings. Forty of the requires that they maintain Salaries for contr ollers in months of 1981. down from 50 42 officers were slain with essential services. such as Greece are among the worst in killed in the line of duty during firearms, including 32 murdered flights between the Italian Europe S7 ,000 a year the same period in 1980, the FBI with handguns, seven rifles and mainland and the islands of including overtime and extr a has said. one with a shotgun. One officer Sicily and Sardinia. Making only pay for night work. Controllers was killed with a knife and Heart implant probed HOUSTON <AP) -Tbe US Food and Drug Admtnlat.ratJon has said Dr. Denton A. Cooley s hould have aoua ht its permission before Implanting an experimental artlJiclaJ heart in a critically ill heart patient. However, FDA spokesman Bill Rados said Thursday lbe remark wu not a "criticism nor a reprimand " or Cooley, who placed the plastic device In Wlllebrordus A. Meuffela, of The Netherlands, on July 23. Meulfels, a retired tour bus driver, lived 54 hours with the artificial heart until a human organ was transplanted. He died last Sunday of a massive lnfec· Uon. "The FDA is still in t he information-gathering stage of this matter. It was never our intention to make this into a big controversy . . . and this letter is neither a criticism nor a reprimand," Rados said. In the letter sent to Cooley, Victor Zafra, acting director of the FDA's Bureau of Medical Devices , said he "fully appr eciat es the emergency confronting Dr. Cooley and we have no reason to question the circumstances surrounding the implantation .. " Cooley has maintained he used the artificial heart because bis patient "deserved a second * * * * $7,200 to $8,400 a year, they get one day off in five. FBI Director William H . another was killed by a vehicle . • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~__::_:_~~_.:....::....:...::_:_~..:...:..;;..:..=::..:_...;;.;...~_,...:;.;.;.::..:.;..;.;;..;__~......;....~~-=-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * chance at life ." Controllers · 'tra:f:fic COJJS' I WASHINGTON (AP> -The nation's 17,000 air IN 11-IE 'lWENTIES, NEWPORT BEACH REFLECTED controllers are the traffic cops of the sky, using radar, radio and computers to protect planes and passengers from the moment they leave the load- ing gate until engine shutdown at their destination. From 21 regional control centers and hundreds of airports, they handled 5.4 million commercial flights last year, plus several million military and general aviation aircraft. Despite the heavy traf- fic. there has not been a fatal accident involving a commercial airliner in this country for more than two years. The controller best known to the public is the chief in the airport tower who clears planes for takeoff or landing. He is the local controller, one link in an elaborate system. When a plane is loaded, its crew calls a scheduler in the tower to file a flight plan. A second controller directs the craft as it taxis into pos ition on the runway. Takeoff begins on clearance from the local controller , who assigns it a ~pot among other incoming and outgoing planes. As the aircraft takes off , responsibility for it is passed to the airport's radar room, where the plane is tracked on a scope to make certain it stays on its assigned path and keeps proper dis- tance from other traffic. About 30 miles out. the radar room gives the pi\ot a radio frequency and tells him to contact a particular controller at the regional center into whose zone his plane is passing. One of the 21 regional centers is at Leesburg, Va., near Washington. It is responsible for air traf- 1 fie over a 140,000-square-mile area from South Carolina to Delaware. Four giant radar antennas located throughout that area sweep the air every 10 seconds. Their signals feed into computers that break the zone into smaller sectors for display on a controllers' screen. I The Leesburg center has 36 of those sectors. each the responsibility of a team of two con- trollers. They sit before rows of radar screens in a large darkened room and on a given day may han- dle nearly 6,000 aircraft exchanges_ As many as 30 planes might be in their sector at one time, flying at different altitudes and directions. T r ansponders, used on all comme rcial airliners, allow precise tracking and identification of planes. When radar impulses strike a plane, the transponder transmits the craft's identification code, altitude and position. A computer uses this inform ation to construct a data block of numbers -flight identification, altitude, assigned altitude a nd speed -which It displays beside the plane's image on the screen. Controller radio instructions are delivered in terse, standardized phrases. A pilot might be told to change course to avoid bad weather or to raise or lower his altitude to maintain proper separation from another plane. As a plane leaves a sector or passes from one regional center to another, the pilot is told to con- tact tbe controller working the adjacent sector_ This continues until the craft reaches its destina- tion airport's airspace, and the takeoff procedure is reversed. Prison space delay given MONTGOMERY, Ala. <AP) -A federal judge who last month freed m inmates to eue over- crowding ln Alabama's penal system has granted the state at leaat eight more months to solve its prison problems. The order Thursday by U.S. District' Judie Robert Varner app.,-ently means there wlll be no more 6rders for mass releue of Inmates for the next several months_ Varner previously said he would releue hun- dreds more convicts to reduce jailbouse over- crowding. The Judge has ruled that Jampacked condiUon1 amount to "cruel and unuaual punl•b· men\" of many inmates. He bad liven the state a Sept. 1 deadlloe to provide new space tor tome 1,500 tnmata, but to-- day he said Alabama had ..,iit monlba "to pro-- due. a mucer plan . . . which will provide ror llM full compllMH wltb tbl• court's orden •• rapidly aa Is poulble.'' Ill order did not aay wby be chanted the timetabl•. In a nallnf lut October, V.,,..,. bad elven tbe state unW Sept. 1 to move all state ha· Sven .nu. tile rele.,. ol m ' lllmat.et lut month, about \,500 1tat,e In.mat.I remain In county 1odn1Pt beca-... the m alD prtlOQll lack apace. THE .E OF SUCCESS. SOME _lI-IINGS NEVER CHANGE. 1 Sundays on the Pacific. Sunsets on the bay. Tennis. Golf. Moonlit strolls. This is Newport Beach. A city as casual as it is cosmopolitan. A city for a select few. Where styles change, but style doesn't. Where there's no such thing as second best. A city that personifies the good life. ' __ .... • ......l---. --------- HOIDS/LOTSIO&MU (i] HARBOR RIDGE Irvine Pacific Prestigious guarded oommwlity with ocean and fli&ht-light views. Custom homt site5 and proks.sionally deconated models cu~tly available. Place name on waiting list for final ~Harbor Rqt> Estates homes. Harbor Ridse Estates- Harbor~ Custoo1 Lou From $79~.ooo to s 1.2 ~.ooo Sales Office/MocleJs open weelcend.~. Duriog week, call for appointment: (7141640-6776 ~HARBOR Hill OJSTOM LOTS lrv1nt Plcific From S33~.000 to $625.000 Call onislt . (714) n9-I I 36 .l. SEA ISLAND" Luxury condominiums by Mclain Development Co. Scheduled to open Summer 1981 For information ca1J ( 714) 6 73-04 74 llUAIJK BOKU Call ~Irvine Realty in Corona Del Mar at (7 l4)644.Q200or in Ntwport Beach at (7141642-823~. A LEGACY OF . STYLE. APAll'IIONn Jl'Oll amr ;:'C PROMONTORY POINT V1llAS ror infonnation call I 714 I 6 7 'H!OOO ,£BA YWOOD APART~ ror infonnauonall (7 14)644-"i~"i"i COIOIDCLU LllASING OPl'011'111N11DS omc:.i-ms ~NEWPORT CENTER OFflCE SPACE ror leasing 1ntonn.il1011 on eiistiOA JP1Ct call (714)644·349~ (M·F) '.:J MacARTHUR COURT Compkrioo SulM'll!f 1981 lEJ QVlC PLAZA -NC'WpOf'I Center ~.ion Winter 1981 ro.. leasina information on fle9,' space call (7 14)644=355~ (M-Fl se.~ee.u......_ {21 NEWPORT HnJ..S SHOPPING CENTER 00 EASTBLUFF VlllAGE SHOPPING CENTER ro.. Jeasifl3 lnfonnation can 17141644-349~ (M·Fl I Al2 t 0 4 u a s a : a a e c $ e s e a s a a a a as . . .. .. . . . . . . Orange Const OAIL y PILOI Friday AUQU'tt I IUHl MEW 1981 PLYMOUTH RELIANT COUPE ATLAS PRI CE $6495 CASH REBA TE -5500 YOUR PRICE 55995 E:Q • t1en: 1nn1udP.5 4 cylinder engine 4 :,1 ~ 'o trcJri .m1~s1on max. cooling. bench ',Pat l •t ;-Pmote mirror body side moldings 'A'llt• s1ap,·1all rac11a1 tires and more' 14'-/JdT 1971 PONTIAC GTO COUPE Equipment include'! an automdt•c transmission powe< ">ll•e>rinq oowt-r brakes .ind mo , 95qHl>B '>o •d h,inst.orl 1t•On for only s199 5 .41..L HEW CHAMPS, HORIZOHS & TC·l'S, 1977 REMA ULT SEDAM Economical 4 cyhnner eno1ne 4 speed transmission r 1d1("1 and heater I 7V0l) Price:i right at vnly MEW 1981 PL YMOtlTH RELi AMT SEDAM ATLAS PRICE $6895 CASH REBATE -5500 YOUR PR ICE 56395 [ ~ rn.•nt lu h:'" 4 l.\ l•PJr·r enq1ne. 1~11• r d't• Ir 11 ,1111:-;<;1011 ma>: Ut•ltng tinted t ., 1~"1 11 rnol•• rn1rror r ric1 'eat deluxe wt1 el cov•"rs. body s1oe moldings white srdPwrill racl1al terps and more' ( 164328) !USED CAR SPECIALS 0Pfn daif If Uttf ii 9:30 P.M. ittclud;,.9 suno1 r . IT'S THE TURNAROUND CELEBRATION CLEARANCE · MEW 1981 PLYMOUTH RELIANT WAGON ATLAS PR ICE $6895 CASH REBA TE -5500 YOUR PRICE 56395 Eou1pmE>nt 1ncluW·!> 4 cvllno(->r eng1n 1~ 4 speed transm1s~10'1 met;< coc lenq power brakes body 1 J• f""" rJ1nos bP'lCh seat upper dO<Jr lram' & t1P1t molc11ng5 radial !lfPS and mr_,rr I 1 7299<) ALL NEW IMPE RIALS ~:....---..- 1976 TOYO•TA COROMA W A.GOM G..i~ sav1nri 4 cyl 1•ncJ11H• 5 ,pp..,d tr.i11s iir 1.orid1t1uni \CJ AM F~1, J a t•I'• ra ~ & f1'\0fP ;>'"'8( 1978 FORD RESTA SEDAM 4 cylindpr t-nq1n1 ·4 sreed tran;.m•'>. n AM F M r ad•o w • tl Ira ;. tare and n rr I. t<Vd~ 0111 ta11u1nq valuf' .. 52995 1978 CHRYSLER CORDOBA COUPE lOiided inc auto trano; owr split seat •,teer no brakes windows I c~s .iir cone AM FM 8 trJck tilt cruise & more• (4 17UCT I • 1980 BUICK REG.AL COUPE 6 cvl auto Iran-; a•r cond pwr slPenno 8 braltp,, cru1!>(! control AM ~ M !'.lt>rPo wirf' wheel covN... w~w I irPS & mo"» 8H1ZlM FOR FLEET SALES & LE.ASE IMFORMATIOH. CALL GENE RlAHKO NEED CASH?'.?? SERVICE HOURS: 546-1934 I We pay top dollar lor good, clean lat model cars See Curt Davis or Dick PenroH today We allo-w top dollar lor your trado·ln Seo us to dayltl Monday thru FT-iday 7:30 a.m. to 5:30 p.m. Saturday 8:00 o.m. to 5:00 p.m. SEE OUR SERVICE DEPARTMEHT ABOUT REHTIHG A '81 CHRYSLER OR PLYMOUTH. •Figures are for companson only as actual mileage may vary NI vehicles are sub1ect ot pnor sale All prices are plus tax. ltcense. documentary and (used vehicles) smog lees, and are valid unhl 10 pm Sunday. August 9. 1981 Daily Pilat FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1981 FEATURES COMICS BUSINESS Vacancies scarce Lighthouse vacation turns back time POINT RICHMOND <AP> East Brother Light Station doesn't appeal to everyone. It doesn't have waler s lides, video games or tennis courts. All 1t of- fers 1s an unparalleled view of San Francisco Bay. charming Victorian ambiance and people Lo wait on you hancl and foot. ··People come here lo gel away, to do something d1f ferent ," s ays Pat J ackson. keeper or the inn and lighthouse .. You and vour friends have rented an island for the night " The tiny island. lopped by a 19th century om ate Ii ghlhouse. appears anachronistic when seen from the industrial works that blight this community north of Oakland. But when visitors sail back in lime to lhe island, Ms. Jackson s ays they don't want to leave. Two couples are housed on the lighthouse's second floor and s hare living and dining quarters. Bedrooms. res plendent with brai.s beds. ginger jar lamps and lace curtai n s . an d bathrooms, arc separate. Day or overnight visitors can fi sh from the pier, watch the b1 rds on ne1ghbor1 ng West 4' • t As keeper of the refurbished San F'ranczsco Bay landmark. Pat . Jackson handles Jwwwkeep111q chores Brother. read up on the history of the island or play chess. But it's easier lo find a seal on the terrace. soak in the s un and al· mosphere and watch gulls and boats sail by T he isl a nd r etr eat is so popular that reservations, al $125 per couple a night. are booked through November. Ms . Jackson says day visitors s hould have an easier lime gel ling reservations. That the lighthouse. one of the last of its kind, is still in mint condJlJon 1s the result or efforts by a devoted group of Bay Area preservationists. In 1969, the Coas t Guard decided to automate the station. Without permanent residents, the build· 1ng would have deteriorated or been replaced by a tower of steel and concrete But the Contra Costa Shoreline Committee and other interested people had the island nominated lo the National Register of His· loric Places. Thal move prevented destruc· lion. but the buildings were left to fall apart until 1979, when East Brother Light Slatton, Inc., was formed. With a grant from the fed eral government and matching contributions of time and money. the committee restored the light station to its former glory. Built in 1873-74. the station has been a working lighthouse for more than 100 years. under a uspices or various government agencies. It was regarded as a prize ass ignment. si nce the island is sheltered Crom winds and storms. One hghtkeeper and his ramily assigned to the island raised a vegetable garden, chickens and even grazed a goal on West Brother necessary occupa- tions. for provisions were a long row away. Today, the station has de- veloped self.sufficient systems, including a water collection facility, wood-burning stoves a nd self-composting toilets Electricity is supplied by an un- derground ca ble fr om the mainland. Although the cost may appear high, Ms. Jackson says the island is barely breaking even due lo such high costs as the $6,000 annual insurance bill. The. non·profil corporation has plans for improvements. she says. in· el uding additional s leeping quarters . Contri bu lions or reservations may be made by writing East Brother Li ght Station, Inc .. 117 P ar k Place. Point Richmond, CA 94801. 82 84 BS 4 e a e o 0 $ 4 5 Wonders of chemistry provide the solution to Rubik's Cube ... B5 As a child Walter F anning played on the station Now he helps mamta111 11 -, ' ' . '- For $125 a couple can spend a night in this room . View from perch near diaphone fogsignal shows light station with lighthouse, San Franci3co Bay and Mann County shoreline in the background. -t. 4 ,, J ' 0 ~ o · .. ... .. .... . . . . . . . . . ' .. . .. . . . ... ID Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7. 1981 She's drawn to younger man D EA R ANN LANDERS : Never ln my life have I felt the need to write to you, but here I am w1t.h a problem I never lm- aalned could touch me. I am 1 m arried woman, 38 year11· old, with three 1reat kl<U My husband a nd 1 share an ex· lremely 1ati1ra ctory r el•· tions hJp, a.nd l love him more lo· day than when we mar ried. So. what is the problem' Simply put, I fi nd myself 1reaUy a&ttracted to a young man, near- ly 20 years my JunJor. He is an 11cquainlance of my leen·a1e daughter and he visits quite lllLDllll often. He has alwoys been very respectluJ to both my husband and me and has no Idea that f am smjtten with him. I have never had a sexual re· lationshlp with anyone except my husband and before this never even considered it But now my mind turns lo thoughts or seduction. Ann, I know lt It wrona. but l need t.o know If these fantasies are norm al Am I sick, or morully corrupt? I um sure my raamlly would never understand my feelings If they know. In (uct, Ir thls young man hud uny ldt:a of the things I h1ave been ima1lning, he would probably run for his life. Please answer quickly. Every day that passes I reel more and more out or control. I cannot give m y address or name, and I'm asking that you don't even use the name or the state where this is being mailed from. - CRADLE ROBBE R IN THOUGHT IF NOT IN ACTION Dear C.R.: I don't believe you are 1lc k or morally c•rr•pt. Robert Loul1 Stneasoa oace wro&e, "We aJI bave t111oa1bt1 &bat would shame bell." People cannot control their futulet. but they CAN control tbelr beb•vtor -and thl1 you MUST do. Be cordial when tbe )'OUlll man 1 bow1 up but abaeat youraelf promptly. If your fan· tu les get translated lato action and you ~nd up tettlns your w ow-powe r on this kid, you could d1s1race yourself In the eyes of your family and me11 up your We. ~ ~v ASHLEIGH] [!l 0 C!l # BRlLLIANTI --------- Rich foods won't aggravate ulcer .. ~ .......... Visitors to Sea World manne park m San Diego get a close view of a 512·/oot great wl'11te shark that was apparently thnvmg durinq lts third day m captw1t y 1 DON'T ALW'AYS NEED EVERYTHI G EXPLAINED, By JOHN D. ROSEN, M.D. DEAR DR ROSEN · My wife was born in Mexico and cooks what is probably the greatest Mexican food around. We eat it often and she prepares it very hot and s picy . I just found out the t I have an ulcer I love her cooking and would hate lo think I have to give 1t up altogether. Would it hurt to have an oc· casional chili pepper -J .S., SANTA ANA cers . to be choo8y about w'bat kind of food the patient ·eats. Your ulcer won't heal any fu t.er on the traditional bland boring diet tha t It will on a steady la· ta ke of the food you love. (By the way. U you think Mexican food Is hot , try s ome Indian dishes . . . they'll bum your socks off ! I Sea World shark • • • excites sc1ent1sts SAN DIEGO (AP> With the ror marine scientists was at hand with the s hark on display. BUT DO NEED. DESPERATELY, TO BELIEVE THERE IS SOMEWHERE AN EXPLANATIOtJ. ANSWE R : I have never felt It important in the treatment of ul· ASK THE DOCTOR latest great white shark to s ur · yive capture apparently thriving in captivity, exper ts say they're eager to learn things for ex· ample why such sharks attack humans but "just won't eat us." "E very time they bite us, they spit us out." said San Fran· c isco's Steinhart Aquarium director J ohn McClosker Ro~enblall said he disagrees with those who say it's all right "if the shark is hauled out of the net. hit over the head and then butchered for market but a bad thing 1f you try to kt!cp it alive in an aquarium " Gemini: Follow your hunch The ulcer is caused by the add m anulactured by and In your stomach . This acid is mud stronger than that found in food. Very a cidic foods are quite mUa compare d to the a c id that's already the re. The s tomach's own a cid is what e ats a hole through the lining. This hole Is called an "ulce r." The sharks' ability to detect faint electrical fi elds is what in ter ests Dr . Frank Carey, a physiologist at the Woods Hole Ocea nogr aph ic Institution in Massach usetts. lo a telephone interview, Carey said a great white shark "can detect all· kinds of elec· t rical signals that we're totally unaware of, such as the Earth's magnet ic field, geomagnetic potentials from ocean currents." A huge, 300-pound great white shark was released at Steinhart Aquarium last year after start· ing to bang its head on the glass wall of the tank after an ex· tr e mely slight amount of elec tricity leaked fro m a light socket. "If you took a flashlight bat· ter y with long wires on the end or it and put one wire in the harbor in Miami and the other in the harbor in New York. you'd ha ve a gradient of about a hun· dredlh or a m icrovolt per cen· timeter," Carey said. "And the shark can detect that kind of gradient." Richard Rosenblatt, curator of fi s h collection s at Scripps Ins titut ion of Oceanography, agreed that a rare opportunity And. said McClosker of the s 1 :z·foot. 100 pound male caught Monday off San Diego: "There it is. swimming in a germ-free environment. being fed on a dai· ly basis." According to records, the species has attacked humans 33 times in California. causing four deaths. The only great white shark in captivity swam past his 72nd hour m captivity at noon Thurs· day m the big tank at Sea World marine park and by noon today will have passed the previous, 96-hour record for a great white s hark m capll v1ty. This is the third and largest caught by commercial fish· ermen off Southern California an tht.' last two weeks. The first died after three days at Sea Wo rld . which released the second after she s tarted banging her head on the tank. A spokeswoman at Sea World, which paid Sl ,000 for each. said of the latest one: ·"There are nothing but positive signs but we're cautious we've had dis· appointments ." No one knows why they don't s urvive in l'aptivity. Car ey s aid they may suffer respiratory dif· ficult1es cau:.ed by the confining life. or hormonal upsets anL s tress RUFFELL1S UPHOLSTERY I SHADOW BOXES Sne .,_., -OCJDill Saturday, August 8, 1981 By SYDNE Y OMARR ARIES: (March 21-April 19): Mystery is solved and you get profession al acco unting . Spotlight on money. invest· ments. Joint efforts. partnership proposals. Key is to know when to "let go." Leo, Sagittarius and another Aries figure prominent· ly. TAURUS <April 20-May 20): You're pullec! in two directions simultaneously. Key is to clarify meanings, define terms and streamline techniques. Those w ho make sensational claims are due to be exposed. Hold off on contract signing -play wail· ing game for best res ults and of fers. GEMINI <May 21-June 20> Follow lhr9ugh on hunch; intui· tion is s harply h o ned. You perceive potential in accurate manner Writing. advertising, publishing claim major part of scenario. Basic issues will be re· solved Keep diet-health resolu- tions! CANCER (J une 21-July 22) · Popularity increases. numerous changes occur and you become more aware of travel and com· mun ication . Gemin i, Virgo, Sagittar ius natives figure in l~ 0mn~ "~ _ .~UITO# FUMtl!IG · 1 I Spedalztng In 1803 Newport Blvd. c:9$taMesa r 1922Hill<>W ILVD. ,., ~11 ~~ COSTA MISA -S4a. I I 56 The ROUND-UP RESTAURANT And LOUNGE 843 W. 19th, Costa ~lesa • Get Rid of Cellulite • Lo5e Unwanted Pounds • Herbal Energy T abl els • Skin and Hair Herbal Care 100°/o Money-Back Guarantee! Call Enzo 963-4634 Seven Days -24 Hours Phon_. for R«-N"rt'adon• 646-0804 Now Ope11 For LUNCH • DINNER Daily Lunch Specials Complete Dinner Menu Featufing The 14 oz. Round-Up Porterhouse ()~_ ........ , s 795 '"' ,, . ..-~ r~u·r c\ .Still· ~" · Re&t. Houn Mon .-TI1urs. 10:30 A.M.-9 :30 P.M. Friday 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Sat. 4 :30P.M.-11 P.M. HOROSCOPE :.;cenario. Member of opposite sex declares intentions. but you may not be .. ready " LEO !July 23-Aug. 221 Focus on details, building materials. restrictions, need to break free from those dominated by pre· conceived notions Emphas is also on shelter. property, deal· ings with older individuals whose views may be outmoded VIRGO c Aug 23-Sept 22 J Emphasis on variety. short trips, calls. messages. directions and artistic endeavors. Gemini. Saggitarius and another Virgo figure prominently. Member of opposite sex presents format. written material and outlines travel scenario. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0ct 22 >: Ma· jor domes tic adJustment 1s featured Family member dis· plays "hidden talents." includ· ing unusual sense of drama and "singing voice " Focus on art obJects. purchase of luxury items, money and income poten· ti al. CORPIO <Oct 23-Nov 21> What seems a "sure lhing" may be deceptive and lack substance. Get promises in writing, separate reality from wishful thinking. You m ake valuable new contact. It could be the start of somethine big! Watch Pisces. SAGl'ITARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 21 l: Apparent setback rebounds in your favor Someone on the "inside" passes valuable in· for mation lo you. Individual you aided in recent past 1s now ready to return favor. Watch Capricorn! C APRICORN c Dec. 22-Jan 19 >: Past obligations surge to forefront. You get job done if creative. daring and willing to appeal to more than an '"inner circle " Widen horizons -your message can be put across in graphic. dramatic fashion. AQUARIUS (Jan 20-Feb. 18>. Professional superior offers op· portunity which would result in greater independence. chance to be original and creative. Accept challenge, realize promotion is on horizon and help is on the way Keep eye on Leo! PISCES C Feb. 19 March 20> Sense of purpose, direction 1s re· gained. Missing link is located. Bits and pieces fall into place - you are capable now of viewing pi cture as a whole. Cancer, Ca pr icorn. Aquarius persons figure prominently. There are many blood vessels In the wall of the stomach. If tbe ulcer eats through a vessel, you get bleeding. If the bole eats all the way thro ug h the wall It is aa emergency requiring Immediate s urgery. Tre atme n t o f the ulcer requires the use of antiacids. These medications turn the add i nt o w a t e r . A r ecently discovered drug, Tagamet, is ofte n used because it actually cuts down the a mount ol acid manufactured by the st.omacb. Although you m ay eat any food you wi s h , the r e are three s ub stan ces th a t mus t b e avoide d . The r e must be oQ intake of caffeine, <coffee, tea, or c hocolate), alcohol, or pain relie vers which cootain aspirin. Tylenol is okay. Dr John D Rosen. a practitioner in Newport Beach. welcomes your quesll011$ Mail request1 to Ask the DoctOT, P 0 Box 156Q. Costa Mesa. 92626 Grand OpeMlg We WHY PAY $7.49? TIME-RELEASE VrT AMIN 1-100 Only $3.75 at Trader Joe & f'r•to The Finest In Resort Wear Now In South Coast Plaza Trader Darwin 's Balanced B·IOO offers eleven kinds of B vitamins And its time release formula will pro· v1de a continual supply of B·complex vit amins throughout the day A leading health food chain sells this item for S7.49-but we sell a bottle of 50 tablets for only $3.75. Please \'1s1t our newest Trader Joe's al the intersection of 17th Street . Newport Boulevard and Superior Avenue !next lo Uennv·~ and Barcia~·:. Rank > · HOW IN COST A MESA Waltah Clarke's South Coast Plaza In The Mall By The C.arousel 75 1-7500 From now llwu Auo 3111 lar _., OiEESE BALL or CHEESE LOO Soto. Hlc:llMy FerlM OI Oh~ """ contl'lbul• 2&' 10 ,,,. ~tcuflr Cly91rc>o"y At· - FASHION WES TC LIFF :REAL VALUES • . . . on items from applesauce to zippers . . 11.lly p·1lal are advertised every day an the ISLAND PLAZA .._, llMdl '40«JilO 11111 • ._ Heooon ...,,, M>Ol11 OPIH 7 DAYS FROM Fash ion Island ·Newport Beacb • STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBOR : ' • ' L • •• 4 0 0 4 4 0 0 0 0 $ c s c c a s a s Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday. Auguet 7, 1981 Namath in 'Damn Yankees By MARILYN AND HY GARDNER Personal Poetcard to Those Readers Who Wanted to Know What Joe Namath Ia Ooln1 These Daya: Would you believe sinalna and danclna on 1ta1e? Namath 11 appearina at the • outdoor Jones Beach Theater In Wanta1h. Lon& Island In a revival o( the Broadway hit "Damn Yankees." "Variety's'' critic aave the former superstar of the N. Y. J eta a little bad news and good news. 1 First the bad news: "Broadway Joe, as he is arrectlonately known to his rans, should I 'GLAD vou ASKm THAT' I receive as much credit for couraee here. as on the foolbaJI field, for attempting the miracle of being able to sing and even dance a little. He is untalented in both departments." Now the good news: "What Namath does bring to the assignment. however. is a winning personality that overshadows t he professional flaws. assuring him of positive audience support." Q: Actress Glenda Jackson has been called a contemporary Sarah Bernhardt a nd I'm curious about whether she has any movie idols of her own? -S. JOHNSON, Pl'ITSBURGH A: Yes. And it's Bette Davis. "I've long since outgrown the crushes I had on film stars as a child," says Miss Jackson. "But Davis is sti ll impressive. even more so as a human buln11. The more I meet and chut with her, the more remarkable she becomes on the $Cteen. When you think of 11ome of the rubbish she actually managed lo Invest with style and Intelligence, it's amazing " Q; My husband Is a bag ran of Pittsburgh Slt!eler Lynn Swann. And being a football nut, he wants to encourage our seven-year-old son lo start playing the game. I reel he's still too young and l wondered Ir Swann has any thoughts on the subject that I could pass along to my husband? MRS JACK J ., P ITTSBURGH. A: The football great. who himself began playing at a very early age, is glad to tackle the question. "I think that possibly seven, eight, nine years old could be loo young to a child to be out playing football," says Swann. "Especially 1r he has a coach that is emphasizing only the winning and the toughness ... to be a good football player. But I don't think you can stop a young child's competitive attitude ... And I think an the little league football, that com· petitive attitude and that desire to win can be channeled in the right direction." Q: I recently heard something about an all· inmate TV station broadcast from a prison somewhere. And I wondered If you could tell me a little about it and where it's located?-JACK R . SEATTLE A From what we understand, the broadcast is lo be at Washington Stale Penitentiary With the call letters, KWSP <or GLENDA JACKSON . Outgroum crush channel 7 on your dial if you're unlucky enough to be able to lune it in >. the broadcast will run 12 hours a day. In addition to some rehabilitation programs, there will be inmate-acted skits. or "sit-cons," the prison announced Talk :il)out a captive audience! JOE NAMATH Send your questions to Hy Cordner. '"Clad You Asked That," care of thia newapo~r. P 0 Boz 19620, lrinne. Calif 92714. Marilyn and Hy Gordner will answer as many queatwns as they can in their col· umn. but the volume of moil makes ~raonal repliea 1mposS1ble ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ PUBLIC NOTICE .. ICTITIOUS •USINIEU NAMI STATEMENT T ht loll owing per1on1 ••• doln9 bu1lneu 11· STELLA"S LUNCH HAVEN, UJ0 Newport Blvd , Newport &e..:11, CA t2W CHI YUAN CHANG, 2407S Allkera Str•I, Minion Viejo, CA.,.., h CHIA·YU TENG. 24015 Anker• '51rMt. Mlulon Viejo, CA mtt. BIRDIE NI HWANG, l407S ,\nk•r• SlrMI, Min ion Viejo. CA ., ... I Thlt buslneu I• Conducted by •n in· tyvldu•IBlrdl• M Hw- ,, Tllh stet-I we\ 111.S wllh Ille 'ount, Clttk ol Or•no-County on July 'h .1"1 'l ,, ... ,. , Publlshtcl OrAn9f Coa1l Oelly Piiot, .iuly 24, lt, Aug. I, 14, 1981 331WI' PUBLIC NOTICE "lCTITIOUS •USINESS J NAME STATEMENT TIM IOOOWi"9 person IS doing Dull· •u •• ,WESTLAKE SERVICE, 16 Soutll S.nO, lrv1 ... CA 9171' Jamu Wiii>. 600 Belbo• Ave . B•lbOa Ill-. C,A 91 .. J. • Thl1 buslntu IS Conduclecl by en on dlvlduel JetnH Wiii> Tiii• 1tetemen1 was 111.S with ,,,. Count' Clerk ol Orano-County on July PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •USINEU NAME STATEMENT Th• fOll-1"9 person i• doing bull· ntUH. CROWN AUTOMOBILE LEASING. 17)01 Buch Blvd • 13, Hunllngton Buth, CA 91'47 Susen Sltwarl Peyton. 1010 E C•brlllo Pen. Orlw, ~nl• Ane, CA 91701 T1111 buSlneu os conouci.o by en In· dlvldu•I SuMln SI-Mt Peyton Thll llel-1 WAl llltcl Witll Ille County Cieri< of Or-County on July n . , .. , .. 1 .. ,. PubllShtd Orenoe Coest Oeoly PtlOI. July 14, JI. Auv 7, U . 1 .. 1 31.S .. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS •VSINIESS NAME STATEMENT The tollow1no pe"ons 1r1 do1n9 bUtlntU<ll AMERICAN BANOSTANO. 1172 North M•tn SI , Sarti• An•, CA Amer1c1n 81nos11no. tnc • • Ceh lornle torporat1on. l7l2 Norlll Mein St • Santa An•, CA M•rlo Cennevo. 19 Sl••Dur\I Ct Ntwpor1 8NCll. CA Tllll _,,.,., os conouct•d by •t or p0ret1on Atnffl(M BMchtand. Inc MArto CanMvo V lte PrH1dtl'I ~~· '"' Thi\ ll•t-1 .... lileO With 11'4 County Cltrk of Or•RQe County on July IS. 1911 "1"117 .. 1 .. J:Jt P11bllllled Orenoe Co.Ht Oelly Piiot. PuDll>htcl Or•RQe Coa\I Oa1ly Ptlol, July 24, ll, Aug. 7, t4, 1 .. 1 J2.,_.1 July 11, 24, lt. Aug 1. '"' )112 11 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •USINIESS "ICTITIOUS •USINUS NAME STATEMENT NAME STATEMENT ' Tr.. lollowtnv Pt,_, 11 OOlng bUi.. Th• lollOWtnt perton I• OOing bull· MH It ,,.,, IS , ANTIQUE HAVEN OF OANA MACHINE SPECIALTIES >OU PQINT, 20.. Oel Pr-. Oane Point. Medel•• Avenue CO•I• Mfl~ CA t. A n•n nu• ' ' 'Roneld Alf..., Heven1. l4M 0.1 c"HARLESJ TROM lOSJ M-lr• Predo, 0-Pol"'. CA '2•29 Avenue, Coll•~. CA 09262' This -Ines• I• tondUclecl by •n In· This buslnts• Is tonduc:led by •n In dlvlClu•I. dlvldUAI Ronald Allrtcl Hewns CllMtfl J. Trom Tllh llel-1 w•s flied with the Thi• tl•l-t w•s ftlOO •Ith Ille ~ounty ci.n. ol Or•RQe County on July County c1en. o1 Or-County on July n, '"'· '•· , .. , """" ,., .... Publlllwd Or-(OHi 0 .11, PllOI, PublliNO Or-Coa1t O•oly Piiot July 14. JI. Au!! '· 14• 1"1 mHt July 24. JI. Aull. 1. u. ,,., lltwi PUBLIC NOTICE I I "ICTITIOUS •USINISS ~ NAME STATEMENT (Tiit lollowl"Q person 11 dol"9 bull "".' r J ACKSON A KIRIC, 1120 Roo.e .... lt ay, COiie MH•, CA 91•2'. VER N ON E KIRK , J120 iCoosevell Wey, Cost• Mesa, CA tt•:i.. 1Thls .,.,,,,,.,., i• conducttcl by en In· vldu•I. VtmonE kiri< Thlt •let-I Wet 111.S wltll "" ~nty Ci.r1< OI Or41n99 County on July ... , 1'1 .. 794 ubll"'9d Or-Co.st Oally Piiot, y 24, )1, Aug 7, 14, "" -ll•7 .. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE P UBLIC NOTICE "ICTIT10US aUSINIEU NAME STATEMENT The lollow1n9 persons •re doing bU'ln•n es. HST PROPERTIES ... W t•ltl SI. NtwPorl 8Nch, CA 92143. Irene C. Turner Tru'lt. Cl•r•n<• J Turner Tnisl, ... w 16th St., NewPon B .. cll, CA 91143. Am•nde Saller Trusl, Ellzebelh $alter Trust, ... W t•ltl SI . NtwPorl Beec11. CA 91143 Mer~ Herri-. Tru•I. L•nde H•r· rl!IOfl Trust. Chet H•rrl!IOfl Trust. Mn Herrlson Trust. M6 W 16111 St • Newport 8"<11, CA '*3. Thl1 buSlnHt 15 conoucttd by • gener•l Pll'tntrlllip. Cterenc.eJ Turner Tru~t• Thlt Sleltmenl w•l filed with Ille NOTICE 0.. County CltMI OI Or-County on July ltoet·•Ell'ONSl•tLITY 22, '"' NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN lhel ,.1 .. "I t IH\dtnl$Md Wiii not be r._...... Publl$111td Or-Co.est Oelly Piiot, eny dtllts or llebllllles conlretltd July 24, lt, Auv. I. 14, 1 .. 1 21~1 eny-otlwr 11\en mytelf, on or - 'i;~,::~:.t;;... cs., o1 Juiy, ,..,_ PUBLIC NOTICE JNnCr..,,., PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT The following per1on• .,. doing bUtlllUIH R E LOGAN Al R CON OITIONING REFRIGERATION CO , 1 Ill/ St1nl1lau1 S1r .. 1, Founleln V•lley, CA OONALO A MELLINGER. 11311 Sle nhlaus Slrttt, FountAll<I V•lley, CA 9110I NANCY C MELLINGER. llJll Sle nl\l..,s Str•I, Fountain Velley, CA tJIOI R E LOGAN. 14111 Eta lne Avenue. Norwelk, CA '°'50 Thf\ bus,1ne'' i\ condutled by 1 gener•l per!Mr.,,lp N •11<' C Mell Inger This 1tet-t "'" llled •1111 tlle County Cieri< c>I Or Miga County on July 29, .... ,.,.,w Publl•Ncl 0r•"99 co .. 1 Dally Piiot, JUiy 31, August I. u .11. , .. , ))14" PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT T ht toltowlng per\on\ are doing bu11neu •-' OEE LIGHTFUL GRAPHICS, IOIU Peblll• Cl . Fountain V•llltY. C• '170I Ounn• L. SHto Leu, 1aa.2 P•bC>I• Cl • Fountain Vello,, Ca. 9170I Cllrtord L•u. 10'42 Ptbl>lt Ct . Fount1ln V•lloy, C• t270I Tiii• buslneu Is condutlod by • generel l)MtntflNp. Oe.,,... L SHlo·L•u Tllli 11•1-I •H llltcl with Ille County CltMI ol <><-County on July 2', 1MI l'IUJ>I Publl""'° Or-co .. t Oally Piiot July Jt, AUO 7. u . 21 .... , lllt-11 P UBLIC NOTICE SU .. IRIOlt COU•TO" CALll'OltNIA, COUNTY O"ORANGI ORDE•TOSMOWCAUH l'OR CHANG IE 0" NAME CAH NU•M•ER A-1- ln lllt -tt•r ol me Appliutlon ol ATANACIO PEREZ PETERSON, for Chenge ol N•me ATANACIO PEREZ PETERSON ,,., llltcl • pelltlOn 1n thl• c oun tor 1n order •11-IRQ pelllloner lo tl\anv-hh n•mt trom ATANACIO PEREZ PETERSON lo OO NA LO ATHANASIUS PETEI. iON II .. ,,.,.oy ordt<ed 11\al •II pu-.s lnlortlled in Ille malttt efor..,.kl ep. pur belore tl'f > coun 1n OwpenrTMnt No l ., 700 (IVlt Cent•• °''"" Wut, S.nl• Ane, Cehlornle, on Seottmber l. '"'· •t 10 lO o"clock • m., •nO lllen •nd there snow cause. If •ny they hen, why "'d petition for cl\ange of name lhOuld not be grant tel. It It lunller Gr"dtrtcl thel • COl>Y of 1111> order to w.ow t auw bf publlllltd In lhe O•llY Piiot. a ntW>peper ol gener•I tlrtu••llon, publillle<I In 11111 county •I INst ono • -lor tour conucul1ve -Ill prior to Che C141y ol U ld lle.,IRQ Oettd July 2:2, "'' Rone•d H Pre,,,.er J..oge of the 5-ior coun SHE .. PtU•o a o.G•AW, AUwc..._etleft 11WW•~A ..... ,._...,,Yell..,, C:.. t27• (714)U..l- Publl•htcl Or-(OHi O•lly Pilot, July u, Jt. Auv. 1. 14, '"t ms .. • PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •USINESS NAME STATEMENT fl•• followtng persons ere doing i :~~~~: NS.-7tt61 buslneu es Publllhld ar.,. Coatt Oelly Piiot ly JI, Aug. 1, 7, 1 .. 1 J07-tt PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS •USINIESS BUCKHORN SHOPPING CENTER, NAME STATEMENT P 0 Bo•_,.,, ~Birch SI , NtWPot1 The lollowl1>9 persons lrt dOln9 B .. ch. CA 91..0 bu1lneUe\ N•llon•I Reserve L•ft ll'Sutanu THE MOTORCYCLE INOUSTRY Comp•ny. 41' Wot 19111 Street, BUSINESS JOURNAL, 11762 Vie T-~•. IC- Verone, lrvlne. CA 917lS Mt•dow Acres. Inc , • Kens.• cor· N$-1Mn H A N C 0 C K • B R 0 W N por•tlon, 41' West 29th Street. T-k•, NOTICE 0" SALE CORPORATION, e Cellfoml• co.,..,.. K•nHS M •EAL l'~UtTY tlon, 117'2 Vie Veron•. 1 rvlne, CA Alison OevelOIWT*ll Co.. P 0 Bo• AT l'ttlYATE SALE 91715 1040, UU Birth Street, Newport IN TMa su ... •1~ cou•T Thi• Dllt.intll Is Condueltcl by. tor· B••th, CA tlttO. OP nta STATE 0" P<>r•llon, Tllll bullneu IS conducted by • CALl .. O•NIA P'Ott HANCOCK-BROWN CORP generel Pll-llllp. TM a COUNTY OP' O•ANOE Don J. Brown. ALISON DEVELOPMENT NO. A·111UI Prtildtnt R..O Bevmen, Pres la tll• Metlw el tllt aitete •I Thlt tt.-nt WM llled with ,,,. Tiiis ilel-t w•s moo with Ille A y w A • D DA y ID o AT c M, County Cl-ol Or-County on July County CleMI ol Orenge County on July .:~~~ IS HEREaY GIVEN ll>el 20, 1''1. "1MMI ?2, 1 " 1 .. ,..,_ .,,,.....,..,.., .in NII •I Prln l• Publlllleel Or-eo.st Oelly PllOI, Publl.twc:t Orenoa co .. t O.lly Pllol, It, to IN llllfWSI Md .... 111~. July 14, JI, ""'0. 7, 14. 1'11 l21MI July 24, JI, Auv. 7, 14, 1'11 »21 .. 1 lllt tl to conllrm1llon ol H id tor C-t. Oft or .. ,., ,,. 11"1 dey Piil.iC ll11C( PlllJC 1111( A11evtl, 1"1, et tNoffk •of OAVI01 _______________________ _ ARREN 84 WARREN & aEltOER, •·1114 7U MKl"tl"" llYd .• Suitt >O. SYNOl'SIS o" THIE ANNUAL STATaM .. tT lllM, C-.y of Orefl .. , Stale ol HIOMLANDS UNDERW•ITaRI INSURANCE COMl'ANY l'ornl• n1u. •II IN rlJll(. 1111• Md .. JE .... aRSON ST•••T, ltOVITOft, TEXAS ntn llf'Hl ol -·--.,IN time ol YNr ....... DK ......... J,, 1 .. cleelll afld all tN rltM, tlll• llftd In · Tote I edmltttcl euet1 . . . . . . . . . . . . , .••.....•..•... , ....... •11,4tl,9'S lwetl 11191 tN nta• ol 1Mld .. dKN_. Totel llebllltltt .......•.....•..... , • , .•. , ....................... , . 1, .. 1,057 Ml ''""'" llY --Oii few Of" ~Itel ~.....,0-eflty ea.llel/Slellllory °""911 ........ 1,000.eoo =·~=-~ : :.:_ :':': Grost Htct>ln and conlrlbultd w~lus .. • • . • . • •........... 2,600,000 e1111 In ..., tit ell ~certain rMI ,,... Unaul$1Wd ll#ICll ltwPhlSI .•....•.......•.•............••. •·•·• perty ...._.., In II• Nltt c:-.ly ., Sllrplut es reean11 Poll<yllolcltrt . . . • • • • .. •• • . .......... 10,00.,• Ora ........ If Gii .... 11Mtklllaf· IM-lor 1119 YMr ................ •. • • .. . . . . .• • . •...... "4,747. lytfeK.._ .. ,.............. OIMlur-m.IWt!Wyter .....•...••••.•....•.........•.•..•.••• 1'.A1 LM 1• 11 frat-. ,.., i11 t11e Cl· We ~ certify ""' IM ii.ow ii-en 111 acconlell<• wltll 1111 ~ ly II M .......... 9Mdl. • ,,._ tfl t Stet-for llllt .,.., -Oect ..... r Jl, 19.....,. to Ille INlll'eMt CM\. '"•' '"'"'°' rec.,....j 111 ... us, mlul-ol fllt Staw o1 catl!Wllla, .,.._ti•-............. 51 Ml_ll_ J.A. Terry, PrHldHll ...,. --*ti ..,.·Or ... C:-y Ptlll D. He rrlSon, TrM-er '""; ,.,,.m9111~ llnew11 II: uei Publlllled 0r*'9f Coest O.lly Pllet A .... J, 4, s, •· 1, "" 1.elltfll Drl .... _,..,.._ e.HI\, CA. ..... T-• ti .... ~ l11 l9Wflll -y .. IN Ulll .. SUtel., c .. llmiat .... .. Hit, •• , •• 1 , .... •11• ....... (. ••l•e11ct d •Y 11a11 secwr•• •Y Min .... " ,,.,.. o.w"' tM ..,..,. ly M ....._ Ttll '9f'CM II ..,_. M4I ............... ttl ... .,. " """ ..... '" Wfllll!e -wtll .. ,.... ............. ~ •• ...., .... ...., ... ""' ....... Nill i.cr ............... . c':t'=A"t.:It ':MIC .,.~L.----"* ......... . .___., ....... . ...... Dec.-. 9&Yt ...... . WA .......... . .,..._ .... .... ....... ,,.._,CA•• ~ ~ .... C.tl Olllly ...... My It, .... I, 7, ltll ,..._., ..1111 IYNOl'$1S 0" TME ANNUAL STAT•MENT 01' MIOMU.NDS INIU•AttC• Cll>Ml'ANY .., ..... IE.ION &TR•IT, MOUITOlt, TIXAI nm y-..... ~"·'-T .. •I Mimi""'-· .... , . . . . . . . . . . .. . . .. . . . . . . . . . .................... ,., , .. TOlll lia.illll8 ................. , . . .. , ..... , ............. lllil.DS,HS c...tl•l ........,~11\ty CW!tal/Sltl......, °""911. .. • ...... . Gr•J ~II""' f.tfl4•1tllllatt ~wt • • • • • • • • • ••••• , , , , ... M1AIS u ............... __. ... , .. , . .... . . .............. ,>1.M.• swp1.,."' ....,. 11t1k,,.....1 ...... , ............................. 112.~1 IM:..,_.fer.,_,._,. ··············•"• •• • ••••••••••••·••••·•••••• , .... ,., 04.-W ........ fwrtlle.,.., .................................... ltl,lCI, .. We..,..., unity~ .. ,...,. I""" M WI at~ wtlll tM "-! .. ... '"""' ...... .,.., ....... Oec'"'*9f .,. , ... meet .... I-c:--,,.,..._ti IM lwt. ef c.tlNnl~.~--• J,A, ftfTY, "'"*"' !'NI 0, Mtrrit.t, Tr_., ...... I ... Orllflll '-' °'"' l'llot Me. l .. s •• , 1, ,.., The Taipei collection. New twist on an old Oriental idea. The willow and the oak. It is a classical saying in the East that the willow is wiser than the oak. For the willow knows how to bend with the wind. But the oak fights against every storm, and o ne day will be broken. This wisdom of the willow is the reason for the remarkable durability and rnmfon of our exclusive new line of Taipei cane furniture. Dress-up rattan. Because supple rattan sur· vives monsoon winds.jungle rot and clawing tigers. there was once a tendencv IO relegate rattan furniture to the porch or backyard. Now. however, rattan has come indoors. Today's high style rattan belong!> in elegant rooms amidst crystal temware. art nouveau ir.ci<lf"11tals •rn<l Persian carpets. Such is the case wnh our new Taipei cane collection. The main members of ea(h piece are finished in a honey brown and bound with blond peel rattan. Cane seats and backs are almost w heaty in color. There is a pecial quality to all these pieces that makes them at once rem.irkable in themselves and friendly within room arrangements. Treasures from an unlikely place. Taipei, interestingly enough, has never been known for rat- tan. We failed to call on 1he maker of this furniture for two years. b<:cause we didn't believe COSTA MESA 2710 H9'tM>r Blvd. • 540-1337 c.ofitt t.abk $49.99 II ;I~,~ tQld ••'1''" ;1rl\) 01111111( ll&blt-$159.99 C( .&...\• W .. ll ~1M.rot1f'h) (.h.11. $79.99 ~ .. Am1Chai1 $89.99 1he rumors of fantd!tlic 4ualll\ and beau1iful de~ign . Fottu· ri.ttelv. he finallv cornered us in K.whsiung at the other end of ahe i~land o f Taiwan. Inst.inti\, we fell in Im e with ha.) bedUll· fulh uafted work. and had to admit that treasure 1 where \OU hnd it. As far as we know'. we are the univ importers to lm11g ·1 aipei tane home to Amerita. We invite vuu to StoJJ ll\ and !.hare our delight in thi~ tll'\\ rctltan that \OU \\(Jll't wa111 w lea'e uu1 on the ponh. lhenew • collections .. Our mum policy. 11.t'cp \llUf r~t'lpl If for"°' rcuun 1ou·~ no1 h.ipp' "llh "h.it wu bu,. rcturn 11 "11hin ttn d.iu for " tull rcfund Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 THE fAMILl' c1acr1 BIG GEORGE by Virgil Partch (VIP) \\Daddy doesn't need a life jacket 'cause the captain has to go down with the ship." "On MCOnd thought, mlllt It I double!' ""R"..\Dl'KE by Brad Anderso.n .ll'DGE PARKER WHAT WA!) f)EN50N'!'> REACTION WHEN YOU ~AID YOU DIDN'T WANT HIM TO 00 AHEAO WITH Ml!> OIVORCf. M155 WE~!)TER? ~:\Rt'lt:LD WMA'f PO VOO WANT TO UO TONl()HT, GARFIELP? VO YOO . WANT TO GO JOG(,ING?GOTOA M<ME? Pt.AV MIN&ATORE GOLF EH 'Bein· a big shot around here 1s easy. Joey long as the stale bread holds out." I 'TOLD HIM I THOUGHT WE flHOULO f>TOP 5EEINC:I EACH OTHER S:OR 51)( MONTH5' by Harold le Doux MEANWHILE 5AM. l'M VLAD YOU CALLEO! MAOOI 101..D ME OOMETHIN(:) YE5TEROAY THAT I THINK YOU !>HOULO KNOW' JAOON C:1AMeEL.L WAe> THE PEROON WHO (:)A\lf MEit TH£ &EEPINu CAP5UlE5 ANO AMF'l-iETAMINE!'.>.' ~ ........... by Jim Davis by Ferd & Tom Johnson ...... ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~ ..... -.·-··--... ON HOT[>.AV5 ® ACROSS 46 Toil 49 Lowtrlng I Unction 53 PrOblte S Castro-land 5' Express IWt 9 Tin Pan Altey 55 Bifd Ofg. 56 Eroded 14 Tune 57 Indigo plant 15 Colleettons 58 Cont"t 18 Narrow: Pref. 59 Keen 111mpetuout so eur ... 18 Ctlelt &1 SJw•y cloudl 19 Of the sun 200Nnl 22 Ruth 23 Arrrry VIPs 24 HUrtlng 25 Ont«lo city 28 SchOOI twm 32 Chetrllil 33 1-. Of Wigtll r..ort 3'Chol9r 35 8oflemltn 3f .. J7 Pig food Jel)rMnglrtt 3t Ceml'lted 40 PtOMllfl .,....,.,., ~--­.. Inc-. .. , .. ~ THURIDAY'I ll'UZZl.l IOl YID MlflilllWt......... '/"'\ 1~ I 2 3 4 ,, IT SURE' ~YS TO <;,ET LJP CARLY ,ARoUND HE/<E. 3 . . . . t. :. e .Z.!fi. .. £..CZ. I JCS!!S&&SJ J&td • PUNIJT8 l'M AFMIC7 fJRUCE 15 ~REP Wl1H L-IFE:: A6'A1~1 ~ANS~ o-~• ..... .._.• 8 -1 HOW MAN¥11Me5 I eotrA 1l!U-'1t>O -r sitw~W~1 S-ONKIN' MULt:! by Charles M. Sctiulzl ~e·s PROeASlY ee1H6 J 514.CASTIC BUT TMEN A6AIN, Mii8f. SME~ RCAU.Y DISCOVEREP SOMETHIN6 .. by Tom K. Ryan (I by Jeff MacNelly rt -----~~~~~~--~----~~""'"'"llr---,1 OUR GARDEN DIED DURING THE DRY SPELL WHILE WE WERE AWAY--- -"""' ~ PAR:r OF 'TM£ &/IJ/IE, Cl)liAf'AOfl.l?f ~~AT '{()ljfle LI~ ' ...iOtlMAL "'--------------- P!!:OPI.£, 'OJ'VF:oor ~ ~eM~/ e-1 Ft:NK l' "INKER BEAN ot<Jl.J, NOCAl -n.e A6KT' 50t-'6 IS Pl.NJEO EACH 1\ME 1ME 1EAM 5C.ORE5 A lbUC.HDOWN ! 50 I'VE GCVEN ~OF 'JOCJ A (J)f'(J Of IT ... ~ "I'~·· "lw\ "" . ' LA-t ••• . . ~., • • • d i~ j .. by Gus Arriola 11 by Tom Bat1uk .. , by Kevin Fagan IN ncf, 110 IH'f~~IJIE~ ~'"' ~~~\.f, &1.11' 11M lO"E.~1N& 'f~f. Hl1S6£E ~~@~T . ~ by George Lemont Ir's ONt,,Y iHOSe l...AR.GeR. HOSPl"T"AL-S 'THA'T"' CAN AFFOR.P e1..ecn~1c PAC'C'i...es, KIPPO.' ..._ ... ---~---~--"""!"9• ................................ ..-..-...... .-....................... s•t .. 5•5 ... !Z•Z•l•l•l•t•&•ZD•L .. 2~ emistry provides ubik's Cube solution SAN FRANCISCO CAP) -W.C. Field.a would ve said It to Mae West with a nasal drawl: bemistry. my dear. Simple cbembtry.' · Simple chemistry gave Mae West ber allure. It ve James Nourse the know-bow to solve the villshly difficult plastic punle popping up all er the country -Rubik's Cube. Nourse, 33, a resear~h associate at Stanford niversity's chemistry department, picked up the ulticolored puzzle cube someone had left in bls emJstry lab in December and began to twist it. The cube, designed by Hungarian architect oo Rubik, has six aides, each with three rows of ree smaller cubes made in six colors. AU the cube's planes c411 be twisted in relation o the others. The object, after twisting the cube so he colors are scrambled, is to restore the cube to ~ original state -a solid color on each of its six es. The cube has an almost unbelievable 43 quin- lion possible combinations. That's 43 followed 18 zeros. 1 It also has only one solution. Ideal Toy Corp., which has the rights to make e cube in the United Stales, Canada and the arlbbean, has sold more than 10 million or the ~zzles since February 1980. "It is in a different league Crom virtually any ~e that is available popularly," Nourse said In recent interview. '·People don't realize that right way." ' But Nourse, who lives in Menlo Park south of ere, is a quick study. In December, he solved •bilt's Cube in 4 ~ hours. Now it takes him less n a minu\e to reassemble the puzzle. He stimated that only about 1 percent of the 10 ilUoo people who have tried to crack the puzzle ave succeeded. The key to Nourse's rapid comprehension lies ot in any extraordinary genius. It lies, instead, in hemistry. Nourse writes computer programs that help hemists determine the structure of molecules. lt ccWTed to him as he struggled with the cube on Is first attempt that finding a solution to the uzzle was similar to tasks be encountered as a re- archer. "The type or work I do involves mathematical ethods that essentially are the same as those at solve the cube," he said. Nourse found himself thinking or the cube as a olecule and envisioned the smaller colored locks that comprise the cube as atoms. "l decided what the basic problem was and at this is exactly the sort of thing I do." be said. A ........... James Nourse . 33 , a research assOCUJte at Stan- ford University's chemistry department. holds a pair of Rubik's cubes for which be has derived a 8peedy solution he has publis_,..fn a highly suc- cessful book titled: "The Simp~ Solution to the Rubik's Cube." "Then it was a matter of pride to be able to solve it ... But solution was not enough for Nourse. In partnership with a friend, graduate student Paul Weinberg, Nourse published typewritten instruc- tions for deciphering the puzzle. When requests for the instructions begln pour- ing in, Weinberg approached Bantam Books about publication. Some 200,000 copies were released June 10. Eight days later, 250,000 more came off the presses. To date, 1,650,000 copies have been print- ed, and the book has made it to the New York Times Best Seller List. It's called "The Simple Solution to the Rubik's Cube. Nourse said his book is the simplest solution available to Rubik's Cube. Once a group or colors is arranged on one side of the cube, his step-by- step solution for the balance of the puzzle causes only minor disruption of the completed side. COUECTOAS CORNEA Gr .... 0,.0 .. gW. Rare C:O.na & Slampa GOLD a SILVER 1-4-11 a.. ............ ( ....... ... ... .... ,. .. ..,. .... ..,, .. .......... .... ,. .....,. Sllwr .... ---70% Bank Financing IRA & Keou!h (n4) $541 H!) South eo..t Ptau Vlll99e .......... _ .. IAc __ ._e--.,.,.1 Unsalted! PURE DRY ROAST PEANUTS at Trader J .. & PrOllfo There's a big shortage of peanuts-at any price. But we have tons or un· salted dry roasted peanuts for onl~ Sl .69 per pound. Compare at $2.39 elsewhere. Please visit our newest Trader Joe's at the intersection or 17th Street , Newport Boulevard and Superior Avenue (next to Denny's and Barclay's Bank). NOW IN COST A MESA the no hassle second 'Why complicate a simple idea. At Warmington Financial we don't . Quick funding on the equity in your home with pay bock terms to meet your needs. Call and ask for the no hassle second at ... WARMINGTON FINANCIAL CORPORATION 1781S2 COWAN STREET, SUITE 200, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 540-2635 Orang Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 •• Strike boon to Reagan i · 1 WASHINGTON <AP> -Before the 1trike by air lra!Cic controllere erupted into the toughest labor confrontation or ltonald Reaaan's ad· ministration, many blue-collar worker• were un- heippy with the president they helped elect. Now, lronlcally, the air controllers' strike could help Reagan re1ain some popularity amon1 this tradiUonaUy Democratlc 1roup and among Americans generally, a possibility some union leaders view with foreboding. Douglas Fraser. president of the United Auto Workers and among the most liberal American labor leaders, warned this week that "thla (air controllers strike) could do massive damage to the labor movement" and that the ma.in winner would be Reagan. The reason is simple. The public generally op· poses strikes by the government workers responsi- ble for public safety. Thus, the air controllers have provided Reagan with the natlonal equivalent of an unpopular strike by policemen or firefighters. And the air controllers picked quite a time to call the first national strike by federal workers in U.S. history -the moment that Reagan is riding the crest or public dissatisfaction with the costly federal government. The walkout began just u public oplnioD ~ indicated that union and blue-collar votert w,ra drifting back, at least temporarily, toward 'be Democratic camp that hu been their home alnce the New Deal. Dunne the campaien. Reaaan atrate1t.t1 ct. cided the Republican candidate'• economic pe,1- Uons could appeal to the blue-collar workers ·who have helped give the Democratic party Ill put electoral successes. Reagan's advisers were riabt. On Election Day last year, blue-collar work~rt split their votes, with Reagan getting '8 percent and Carter •s percent, an astonlshinaly 1ood •bow- ing for a GOP candidate. Reagan didn't do quite u well among those from union households, loelD1. their votes to Carter by a 42-50 margin, accordtq to the AP-NBC News poll of more than 11,000 voters on Nov. 4. Since ta.king office, Rea1an's support amonc blue-collar and union voters baa eroded somewhat, the most recent AP-NBC poll showed. For example. only 45 percent of the blue-collar workers gave Reagan good or eiu:ellent mark.I for his work, according to the latest AP-NBC Newa poll. That's a full 10 percentage points below th• rating given him by the public as a whole in the survey, taken July 13-14. On top or that, while many federal programs are being slashed, the controllers want a big pay raise lo boost their average salary of $33,000 a niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil year -far above the average taxpayers' annual income. The strike also is illegal. Ross moor's • earnings up Rossmoor Corp. has reported net income of $492,000 or 15 cents a share for the third quarter ended June 30, 1981, as compared with a loss or $128,000 or 4 cents for the third quarter of 1980. Revenues were $7.3 million vs. Sl million. For the nine months ended June 30 net income was $1.5 million on 47 cents a share, on revenues of $19.4 million, as compared with year-earlier re- s ults of $274.000 or 8 cents on revenues of $6.6 million. Approximately $6.2 million or revenues and Sl.5 million in pre-tax income resulted from the sale of the properties totaling 163 acres in Rancho Mirage during the third quarter. This more than offset a loss from residential development and re- lated opera lions; no residential units at Leisure World were delivered during the third quarter. The company is nearing completion or the con· struction of the last llO units to be offered. One un- it was delivered in July and the remainder are ex- pected to be delivered through next spring. Shareholders at a special meeting June 17 vot· ed approval of a plan or liquidation under which the company will dispose or its assets over the next 12 months and dissolve. CONSTRUCilON MONEY AVAILABLE AT HERITAGE BANK. • Residential • Commercial Buildinp: Takeout Commitment required alOl\I with leaea. • Land Loans up to one year 50% appniaal. CONTACT: •Jeff Johnson- 1.rvine Office (714)851-4050 TI-iE UNCONVENTIONAL BANK. IT E Herit~e Bank Mrmbe. FDIC '(:t UMM-L.aNOalt 'Mlle the WOfld otters a ll\Jltt- phcrty of often seductM! ya-d- 1 sticks by which to meaSU'e a car's worth. there is only ooe acid test its resale value when used A cnteron ldeaRy suited to the I BMW3201 I For according to the January 1981 NADA U~ Gutde. whle the value of othef cafS dwin- dled ~ as rruch as 50%. the I <M!<age BMW 3201 manufactl.red over the past 4 years retained a phenomenal 95 2% ol its ong1nal p.xchase pnce But as remarkable as this feat of conservatlO<l 1s. 1t is nvaled ~ the BMW 32(>1 s a~kty to con~ yo.x luet With 5-speed stardard trcr-is-I I rn1SSK>n (automatic IS available). 1t delvers an 1mpresSNe EPA est1- mated ;25 mpg. ard 36 estimated mpg on the highway (Naturally our fuel efficiency f1g1Xes are for companson only Yoi..r actual mileage rr>at Y?¥y. de- ~on speed, trip length ard weattier. 'tb.Jr actual highway mile- age wiN most likely be lower.) Of cwse. to dfllle the BMW 320t IS to expenence CW'I extllara- tlOf'I that can't be calculated in flg- 1.J'eS. An emotoo hnted at by the edlto<i>Ubltsher of Ca-ard Dn-.-er magazine when he wrote. "The BMW 320c IS the sort of cw that ent~Slasts tltn into legend." If the notlOO of ownc~ such a car intrigues you. 'Ne ~ you c:ontact yo.x near· & est BMW dealer to M-~ a thorough test drr.<e at yo.x COl'M!nenCe ...... -....ta. L(l YOUR LOCAL BMW DEAL(RS ARRANGE A THOROUGH TEST PRIVE "A Southern CalNomk:I f"oamlly Heepllig Southern~ ALHAMBRA CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON ~RK LONG BEACH NORTH RIVERSIOE mtWY--ULD _ _,._ .. ..._ ._ .... _ HOLLYWOOO 1811 West Main Street 7050Topanga Canyon 91111 3670 Cf1trry Avenue ~ ... ._ (213) 570·8444 Boulevard 6000 Pacific (213).427-5494 _.., AZUSA (213) 346·3144 Bouleval'd (714) 636-5790 4270 Lankersh1m --.-. GLENDALE (2l3)583·190l LOS ANGELES 81'.'d 791 EastArrowHwy ---LA HABRA l'fll ... .._ (2l3)761-6133 (213) 967-5331 816 Sooth Brand ~ 3443 Wtst 43rd St NOR\YALK BEVERLY HILLS ~~) 246·6543 850 North Beach (213) 299.J270 ==one Blvd ~.,. Bou~d MISSION VIE.JO (213) 868-3233 9022 W""'-re81'.'d ~~~ (213)691-6701 ~.wl (714)636-6775 (213) 273·3980 2901 Paa1tC CQ1$t (714) 522·5333 =:iuente PALM SPRINGS CAMARILLO Hlghwll)' LANCASTI:R Pkwy. Ul ... CM:lft __ ...,. c213)J76..0935 ~ (714)831·2040 4095ustPalm ~~~f.'8:18 45201 NorthSiert• ~~~H fft.l)'U~':s,5 ~213) 889 2312 (8H~i~8 6004 1540 JambofM Rd • (714) 640-6444 EWS rom all over California Is rounded up each day In the..., .... (t w-7850 Indiana lwe. (714) 785·4444 SANTAANA mNI ...... 208 West First Street (714)835·3171 SANTA MONICA ----1820 Santa Moolca 8oulev¥d (213) 929.3535 ~NNUYS _ ... _ 5230 Van Nvts Boutev.rd (213) 788·1791 , • Ji . . . • • - ' • la .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, ~ugu1t 7, 1981 -.: ~-------------:---------------~--------------...---------------------------------------------------------------------------- NOllC• 0 1' PU.I.JC HaAltlNO ... ,o ... THI •o••o 01' 'U""\flt(>H 01' THI COUNTY Ott O "ANOI TO CONl!Oalt fHt O •ANT I H O 01' A c ••L • Tl\,IVlllON l'"AHCHIH ._,T1ca 11 Hlltl•Y OIVIN lflel "'~ "'" ., """""'·· '"'·t i IM "9W tf t • t '<ltO t .tft., tfW IMrf .. """" Wiii htftl t "*I< M .. I .. II Hell tf A*911111tlttl191\, IO Clvk t Of Pltit, itnlt AM, Ct lllOrftle, It U._tlftr I"• 9rtnllnl ti e Ctltlt 1e1,vi.1tn lt-lllM lo hi~• .. ,.._.n C .. lftfllilt , 11\t All 1,,.ertttH .,.,_. .,.. l11vlltf It tltel\CI -tit lle4'd. 0*41Nt 14411••Y ol Jwtr. '"' •Y OltOEll 01' THe IOAllO 01' SUl'IRVl$0"S O" 01tA'4GI COUNTY, CAI.I l'ORNIA. tS&tll..1 JUNIALEXANOElt Clttt.Ol Ille ... , .. of ,.,,.rv1_.. .. O• ..... C-1y, e,. .. 11or111e '°'*...._. O.•nt11 CMtl Delly Pllol, A..,.. .. ,, 1'tl ,....,., PUBLIC NOTICE "CTI Tl OU& •ultNlll ltAMI ITATIMINT Tll• follo•l1111 per•Oftt ,,. oolng ...... ,.. ..... Al-WAY SANDWICH SHOPPE )IOf Alrw_, A .. , Suitt '"· CMlt Moat, Ct , t2U. •l'rH J. Smllll. 21012 Amllerwlek Lii, H1111tl11Qlon ltt<ll. Cl t2Mt Pr1ac1111 K Smllh, 11072 AM IM,..10 I.II , H\lfttll\OIOll 8H Ch, Ce ., ... T'hlt llu•lntu I• conducted bt t O•Mrll --tnlP. Prnclllt It SmHh Tlll• lltl-1 ... lllH wHll Ille c-•~ Cttf1< oi 0renoe c-•Y on J111y 2'.1"'· ""'*'' Pullll"'9d 0r9'10t co .. 1 oa11v Pllol J11tr >1, A119 '· u, 11, "'' ,,,,, .. , PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI I UllNIU NAMI STATIMINT The follo•l119 P•"o"' '" doing lllltlneuu; NORTH DltUG INC., 1110 Bekor St., Co•t.e MtM, Ct. 1'1'26 North Orwo IM , 1110 a.11 .. SI., Cotta -·Ct. nut This lluslnKl I• COl\dveltd llY t COf· pottllOft. NORTH DRUG INC Allclrty Te ylOf Sterettry· T rtawrer Tiii• llllt,.,.nt "''" 111.0 •Ill• Ille Couftly Clerll ol Or.,ge County on July 2', I"'· ,.,.,m l'ulllllwd Or-Coetl Dt lly Piiot Jlllr )I, A~ f , 14, JI, IMI J41J .. I PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINISS NAME STATllo\llNT "" lollowlno paraon• •tt doing DualMU.S MARSHA t..EE APTS., 1211 So Lotti StrHI, Aft-Im, CA CARL F MARllN, HUI La Htfmow . Lt9Unl Nlg.,.I, CA tU77 DONALD VAN AnA, llH 89'1 CS°'\ T trUinil, CA thh buStlltU It (01\dUCltd by e oener•l -"'trtlllp. C Mar1l<1 llli• '""''"""' "'" Ille<! wllll '"' c-" Cltrto o1 Or-Couniy on July -Puauc NOTICE PVBUC NOTICE 111CT1'1CM11 •u11•ua ..cmca YO c••••to•• ........ HAHMe•T 01' •UUC T•Alltfl•a Tl•• ltfl .. lfte _.,_ t•• lftll'I lteo. •tM .. t., U.C.(.I ._,,,,.. .. M NtllU h llttttf l lHft It Ille c ' M MI It c ... N 0 I I. <rMlln " ""ANCll J. OU""' .... UNLIMlllD, lla:t W..IWllMi. A"'9 •• MA•J04tla O. 01 .. IH, Trtl'tlt rtn, WntmlNltt, ~..-WllHt tutll\tH ••• , ... ,, ..... Ill• Mtrie T ... lt. lttl Trtlll, It ........ (tty ti ''"*111. C-y ti Wt1\/'lllNIH, CA ftla OtMtf, Mtllt M c.111 .. ftlt 11111 t tulll C~ MMlt T'wtllt, ltlJ tr .. , l,.Mler It"'*" It 1119 ""* lit J Ai C Wtttm~.CAetla CHOI tl'f MYUHO J . CHOI, Tiii• ll•11IMU It onlluclff ty • TrtNl'-t, .._ Ml--"*MA .. ,..,., ,_~ It 1"'1 Ul'NlllM Cite It, t O. Clly tf I Mt Mttlt Tt11ellt MUii""""' e.tc1I. C-ty If ~tn ... Tlll1 ttal-1 •M 111• Wlltl IM ittle "GllllM'ftlt CDUlllY c.-flf 0. .... C_,ty"' Jiiiy The -"Y It lie lr-lerntll b ••• '"' IHCrlilecl '" .. ,,.,., ... All 119'11 In PUllU lrNt, llMhW .. , •ctUlpmtnl -.... ,.,11111-Or-CtH I o.lly PlltC •Ill tf 11\M llMtlneu ._ ti "SlrA Jwly )I, A14-I,,., JI, 1•1 ,. .. , KINO'i KOltNalt" -IOCtlff .. ,. .. P UBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUI IU51NIU NAMI $TATIM8NT Th• 10110...1111 Ptttoft 1, cloll\9 """ n••• ., l •I THl CAR COHNICTIOff 11111 ltV AHO BOAT CONNECTIOH (Cl VACATIOH Tllo\E·SHAllE CONNIC TION IOI 1 1!.ACH F•OHT RENTAL CO NNE C llDN (e l TEt..EMARKETEERS, »•t Ml(hletn A ... , Cotlt Mew, CalllOflll• t2'2' EIUftO< ""'''"''It• Rtld Trovll, JUI MIClllO•ll A .... Cotta Mo•. Calltorftlt nt'6 Tl'tll lluJIMu I• cond11<lfll ov t i\ In di.td1111 El-M R Trouu Tllit ,,....,._, "'" llltO wllh Ille COUftlY CltNI of Oran(llt CCKlf\tv Oii Jwly 14, "'' I Ptclllc Cotti Hl9'1wty, Clly of C·O<-Del M.t.t. C-IY Of OrMtt, 5tt l• flf Ctllltrnlt. Tiit 1111111 tr..W.r Wiii .. ,.,._.,.. nltled on tr tllet Ille Utll dty Of A11111tl, lttl al IO ;OO A¥ t i waSTlltN MUTUAL ISCltO~ COllP AlTN : M AltlLYN WESTMOllElANO, •llOM lldclirffl II ltOll It y-$1 ~·· IOI, fwallft, Cttllomlt '2MO T!\411 Ille IMI dtle ltf llllnt cl•lm• lft tl>t u crow tol•rt•ll lo l>trt lft I• Aw~ 24, "" So l ar •• It tt.ftOwft l o tllt TrentJertH, •II lloiMl\tU _, - aOOreun ""' Illy ll'O Trtnaltrou tor Ille Pttl '"'" YHrt tre •-· Dt lell. Jtlly JI, net JAE C CHOI ''" UNG J CHOI lrDfttltr"' Pullll.,..., Ortl\90 Cotll Delly Piiot, Awg. I, 1'11 )$07 .. 1 1'1--------- PuOM•IWO Orange Coe" Dtlly Pllol. P UBLIC NOTICE J\lly 11, H. )I, AU9 I,'"' 3204•1 PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUllNISS NAME STATIMIENT The tollowlng H•MHls ere ooln9 f'ICTITIOUS IU&INllS OU>lftUl es NAMI STATIMINT MOUNTAIN PACIFIC FR-ING Tne IOllO•lftll PtrlOnl .,. dolno co. 1000 w P..clfl< Cotti Hwy . Sull• bu•lntu H ' 11, NtWPOrt S.tch, CA 91..0. ORANGE A IDES, lllS Port SCOll STEPHEN OE VlllES, Weybrlote Pl•<•. Ntwp0rt Bu ell. 114' ice,.. A-. 8i9 lear Clly, CA Ct lllornlt t2MO '1)14 J eftel -ltd Jte-, ltU Port MIKE K E ... TON, 172 Sttnlord Weylllrldto Place. H••POrl Bu ch. Way, 819 a..r Clly, CA l'lJU, p 0. Callfor<1lt t:IMO Boa 1•1~. Bl9 BHr LAko,CA '2JU Mer119tV R. VOQt, • Ceder Ridge, Tiii> IMnl"ff> Is c-v<IH by 9n 1111· lrvlftt, Ctlllorftl• 121U lftCorp0ult0 , as.cltllOI\ olhtt ll\tll 1 Thh OUtlneu h COll011Cled by • parlMrtllip O•Mral perll\trSlllp. S<Oll S Dor Vrl" Margiery R \1091 Tiii\ \Ult,.,.nl wll lllH w1t11 '"" Thi• >lalo,.,,..,t .,., llled wllh lht County Clerk of o,..,. Couftly Oft J vly County Cltn of Or-Counly Oft July n. '"' Jt. '"' Fl .. 1U f'IUnt Pulllll>hed Ore119t Coeil Dally Pilot, Pullll>hed Or-Cotsl Otlly Pilot, July 24, JI, AllQ. 7, 14, 1"1 UtS-11 July 31, AllQ 1, 14, 11, IMI >•·II PUBLIC NOTICE l'tCTITIOUS IUSINIS.S NAMI STATIMINT Tllo lollo•lftO por>oft• ere doing OUllnen" ADVANCED VI D!:O COM PONENlS, 1370 LOO-ft Aven .... "F" Costa Meu, Ctlll"""• •»» TLF C~tllon, • Ctlllornia cor porellon, 1310 1..-Ann.,., "F", Collt MHO, Ctlllo..nle t2'1t Thi• llld""'H I• Cond\ICl•d by • cor pOre llon. TLl-'CorporellDft n.on...1.. .. FllClltt, Jr , PrKIOtllt Tnl1 st-4e"""I •tt llltO wllll lllt County Clertt. of 0r"'9t CouftlV on J11h Jt, "'' l'UTut PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINUS NAME nATIMENT Th~ 1o11ow1119 lie''°" I\ dolnt ""'"' ,..,,., CAl..IFO RN I A t..EGAl..MAN•GEMEN T, •tO Mewporl Ctnlor Drlvt, s.ii1t !UO, Newport Bo•<"· Ct lll0tnl• ,,..., Denltl l(lllQ '"°""'--·.IOU PeMO oo V09e, lr.iM. Ct lllornia t111S Tni> l>llSIM\S is conduclltd Oy tn in dMdual O.nloi I( ThOmP\OI\ Tlllt >ltlo,.,,..,I w•s llltO wllll llW County Cler' of 0r•"9' County Oii Jul'( IS,'"' Fl .. DJ PvDllllWd Ot•n<ie Coest Oally Pilot, July 11, J•. 11, Auo 1, ltll n1»1 Jt, '"I f'HIUI Pullllillod 0r-oe (OHi Delly Piiot, Pul>lltlltd Ortl\Ot (OHi Delly Pllol. July JI, AllQ 7, ''· ,,, lttl , ..... , PUBLIC NOTICE J11ly JI, AllQ. 7, U, JI, 1911 JJl•·•I PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUSINIU NAMll STATIMINT Tiie lollowlllt penon IS dolftll llull _ .. K ... THLEEN'S llHElllOllS, Jllll Poiton LAM, Huntington 8ttch, Ct . .,, .. K1 thlffft Gr .. r, 11111 Potion Wint, H""li"910ft BN<h, Ct l'l-Tlllt .,.,..,,. .. ,, COl\ducl•ll lly t n Ill dl•lclv•I. K•ll>I"" Grffr Tlll• ..... ,,,_. ... 111.0 •IOI ,,,. c-•• CIH1l of Or-County on Jiiiy PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS IUSINalS NI.Ml STATIMllNT T"o 1011°"""' ""''°" 11 c:lolno bv1i nen .. GREGG ENTEllPRISE, UOO EO Inger, Munllnglon ll!tkll, C•lllornle .,,., J amtt II. Gre911, ~00 Edlnoer, Hunllftgt.., 8Mcll, C•lllornlt t2'47 TlllS llU\IMU I• COll<NC-Illy en Ill lll•IOUll J-R.Greoo TlllS , .. ,_, ... rlltd Wit,, Ille Couftly Clerk ti Or11119t COUl\ly on July Jt. "" f'lUW tt, 1 .. 1. 1'111Jn Pwlllll-Orenge Coest Delly PllOI, P111111w cs Or-eo.11 Diiiy Piiot J11ly )I, Aut I, 14. 21, 1 .. 1 J)t2" Jyly JI) ...... 7, u , JI, 1MI , .. ti CP,,_S IMl'OaTANT NOTICll IF YOUR PRO PERTY IS I N FOllECLOSUllE llECAUSE YOU ARE 8EH I N O I N YOUR PAYMENTS, IT MAY BE SOl..D WITHOUT ANY COUii T ACTION, tnel you may llt,_. IM "091 r'9hl lo brll\9 your tccOUnt In good uanofno Illy pev· 1111 t ll oi ,..... -I -IMIY"""U plut permltltd <Olll tftd txpel\Ht within tllr .. ....tm lrom tllt CS.la tlll• Notke o4 Deltull wes tteor*d. Tlllt _, 11 M,170.11 "' of Jvly JI, "'' -wlll lnU'HM Utllil your te-count llec-currwnt. You may not "'"' to pey II• entire unpeld portion of ,_. tee....,,., even lllougll f1111 pay. ,,,.,., .,ti_, l>Vl Y"" mini pay ,,,. •-I Siii.ci ·-· Aller """ ~lllS ""'" lhe dtl• "' rtcorclellon of lhl' Oo<umtnl (Whkh dtlt Of rKordtllon tPPH" lle,...,,,I, unlns the oblloellon m int torecl- llPOll penn11s • '-' p.,lod, you haw Oftly tne log•I right to llOP Ill• lo•ecloa11re by pt ylno '"' trlllre amount dtmefldtd tty your c •ltdllor. To lll\CI oul Ille _, yov musl pay. or to l rTfn99 lor P•YIMlll IO""" Ille lort<~t. or II your property It In lort<IOWrt tor tny 01,,., '""°"• COllltct: , AMElllCAN SAVINGS AMO t..OAN ASSOCIATION. 1571) E Wlllllltr Blvd . WNttltt, CalllOrl\lt *07, PH 11"1 n>-1113 If YOll ht •lt •ny QUtlllOft>. YOll SllOlllCI COl\ltel e lawyer Of' lhe QIOW<,,_ me111 eoen<Y -1<11 mt Y ha•• lftiv...O yowr lotn lltrMmller. YOU MAY t..OSE t..EGAI.. RIGHTS IF YOU DO NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTION. REFERENCE NUMBER 81·20177• - Yocum NOTICI Of' Oll'AULT ANO ILIC· PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS •USINllS llAMll STATUilllNT Th• fouowlno ""°"' ••• dolnt buslneuH Ill lllRT H I N G ll OO M CONCEPTS OF AMEltlCA, UI lltC AME RICA, lW Wllllller A.,.., Solltt A 11, COit.i MHt, Ca. '1'11 Johft Mtltl"9t' W-ry, 4il04 Rl .. r A,,., N-1 8H<ll, Ct . n .. 1 Jellrey R S!rono. 116 Melody t..•nt , Cotlt Mtse, Ct. tl~77 This IMISIMU Is COl\dvcled Illy • llMlled pertntr•Np lhornts 0 WOOIMlwry Tiii\ 11ete ...... 1 ... llltO "'"" '"' COUl\ly Cltrk ol 0.-County On Jyly lt, '"I. FIUJU Pwbll•-Orenoe COtSI Dally Piiot J111y )I, AllQ. I, U , JI, l"I l)t;MI PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS •USINIU NAME STATIMINT l ho lollowlng ~r.011\ ere doing busln•"•' N EWPOllT MONOGRAM, t>O Ea•I 11111 Slttol, Cosl• Meu, Ct lllorni1 '201 Vlekl Key H•rrl\, 9'3 Denver Drlv•. Coll• Mttt, Ct lllorl'lil n•i. Marlly" J L""9, 11' Oolpl\ift, Seel B .. ch, Ctlltornl• ~740 Tllll Slel-1 w~ llltd wlln 1M COU,,IY Cit•-ol Ortnoe Ceovnly Oft Ju. ly IS, 1 .. 1 '1 .. lJI P11blls1WO OrA<19e Coell 0.lly Piiot, Jwly 17, l•. )I, AllQ. 7. 1911 J2U .. I --------- PUBLIC NOTICE TICHI TO Sill UNOl'1 oa10 Of' 115-7"91 T•Ust SUl'l'110lt a>uaT Of' TMI STATa NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: T"°I O'° CALll'OllNIA "lltST C HARTER FINANCIAL l'O•TMaa>uNTYO,.lllVllt&IO• CORPORATION, e cotPOtlllOll, ll .... .._."""' •rv•lee Ufldff •Deed o1 Ttus1 ltlta P.O .... _,, J11ly •. 1'71 •tl,fCl/led llY ltOIE RT E. •twHti.t, CA fUlt Y'OCUM ANO MARG•ETHE It Pl..AINTl,,F: LAltltY SillNOERS YO~UM. HUSBAND ANO WIFE, tt JOHNSON a nd CHARLOTTE fruttor, t.o _,,,. <•"t in obll .. 1 ..... ELIZA8IETH JO+INSOH I" fe•O< of AMERICAN SAVINGS OEFINl».HT \TE~IN I.. l..UC"5; ANO LOAH ASSOCIATION, t c~• VIOLET ANN LUC.AS •ftCI DOES I llon, " .... flcltry, rec,,.._ Jwly u, tllfouQll XX, 11\Ckltlw. 1'17 In a-lznl, Peo-1'45 ol Of. SUMMC*I flcltl Recoros 111 '"" Office of Ille CA5tl NUMa•• 1..,. Recorder ,, Ort111e COlll\h', NOTICll Y• ............ Tiie Cttlfemte, u fft1lr111Mnt H•. 1 .. 7S <twt Ml'f <IK.._ ...... 'PW ..... M id tll4l911t1ons ln<lllde • "''"'k-. ,_. Mllll ~ -,,.. ,.._.... note for th• ptlnclpel '"m of •••i. • *"' "NII .. ..,..,,,.._ tl .. ,000,00; TN1 1 llfN<ll OI, t!llS ......... f~lt Ill, Ille ebllO-lloM tor w1'kll MKll II ye;; wllll 10 -the *""<t .. lift OtM i. -wrltt' ,.., occllr,.... 1" "'81 •llO<MY In 1111• mtnlf,.,... _... • pey-,...notlletnm_ .. , •• ,,omplly H tllel yevr •flt1•11 Tiie llltllll-ol prlft(lpel -Ill> rHponM, 11 lny, mtY lilt llltll Oii tlfM. 1....-..... klt11tctmed"9J-1S, l .. ll AVllOI U-M ......... , .... -,. ... ENW THes '°' '"' .,... •• .,..._. ,... lllMMlr UMrt1 u•. ltlCMI ,,..,.,_ •11-t, tnll t ll ... ..--....-.-u&. ....... ........... ~ wtlkll --..................... ......... due tr.rt.i•. ln<lwllnt "'Y ltl• , ... ~ .... . CIMl'9f' Of lltMf ...,,,. DeYtlllt "'*' SI U1lef .._ Mlll<IW ti <.._It .. t1M ttf'IN of MIG NOie or Detl of Y11 ...... .,. fftt •-·· tltterle Tunl. lltcetlt lmmtdltltmtlllt , •t ut1 Tlltt ty retMft tllertof, "" .,,.. m-•, w r..-tt -rite. II IMIY ......... pt""1t lltMfl<lt,.., U11M t le-e,..,.. _ ,..._.,_ e 11-. l'ICTITIOUS IUSINEU NAME STATIMINT Tho following penon Is do"'9 bvtl· ,.,.,, ., DIRECT ONE HOUR PHOT'O, Newport Pltu, 1000 8tl•tol SI No Svj le I, H-1 S.1<11, CA t1MO Cameron L I( •'9. c;.ntrtl P9"1\et, 11 No Lt s.ncs., So. ~. c.i. t2tn. This D11ilMu I\ conduc:lell by • llmlled -'"'""'P Ctmtf'Oft t.. K1r9 Tiii> •IAlme,.,,..,I WU tlltd wllll llle cour11y Cltr1< of Oranoe County on J111v n. 1911 .. ,..,.. Publl>IW<I Or-CoASI 0.lly PllO(, July 1', ]1, Aug I, 14, l•I U22 .. I PUBLIC NOTICE "'CTITIOUS IUSINEIS NAME $TATEMINT The IOllOWing .,.,_, Is doing l>u•I· nttitt RICH PRESTIA DATA SYSTEMS CONSUi.TANT, n•u \II• Santi-. MIUIOll Vltio, Ctlllorl\lt l'lttl RICllanl ChA rlu Prullt , 2ttU Vlt Safttlt90. MIU IOll VitlD, Calllornl• tUtl llllt lluWneu is cOfteluetOd by an '"' dlvlllllll RlchArO C PrMlle , Thlt •t.ll-1 WG 111.0 wllh lht County Clttt of O<anot '°""'Y,,., July 15, 1 .. 1 ,, .. m Publ""'9CI OttllOt Coast Otlly Pllol, July 17, 1', JI, Aut I,"" Jl•Wt. PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICIOI' T'1USTll'S SALE .... tttlttn·2 T •. S..-.•IC»-1 BENEFICIAL SERVICE CO tt OU- ly •POOlnltCI Trv•ttt ...-, ll>t loll-· Ing dUCrlbtd dHll ol trust Wit.I.. SELL AT PVBl..IC AUCTIOH TO THE NIGHEST BIDOEll FOR CAS14 I P•Y•l»I• •I time of Ult In law1ul money of Ille Uftlltd Slatesl tll tlOlll, 1111• 11\11 lntorHt con.eyed lo tnd ftOW Mid Illy II under WICI Offd ol Trull In ,,,. pr-rty t.erell\alter delCrl-. TltUSTOR. 8RAOFOllO A SMITH, a Slft(lltmtft 8ENE,,ICIA•Y STATE MUTUAi.. SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, a co•-•llon Recorded Merell 14, ltlO as Instr. No. , .... In -llW P99t ISi of Of· llclt l "•corcK 1n Ille otllce ol tllt Rocordtr ol Or-.oe County, w k! -ol truSI Oo1trlbt1 Ille 1011owl119 pr• perty t..ol~ 1016 -1017 o4 Trtcl to7, City ol Ntwpoo1 8Mch, 111 IM G-IY of Ora110•. Sttl• of Ctllfornle, 11 per map recorded In -n, pegiu U to• ol MIS(lfl-s Mtclt, 111 the onlu of tM c OUlllY reconlltr of w lCI county, 200 Vie ltfc-. _,_,IN<". Ctlllorftle. "C II • strwt -•u Of' cammo11 de· s111ntllon Is "'°-•illOY•, no warrtnlY la 111ven • i. Its c-ltlMU °" cor· tKlllHll " Tiit -lcltrY llllOor 1110 0..0 of Tr11•I. t>y ,. .. _ ol • lltee<:ll Of ltflllllt '" tht ol>lltallons ttcwrtcl ll>tret>v. 111;e10lore •-Ill.CS Mid dtll.,.rtd 10 !tit .,_.,.,,.., t wrllltll Ot<lttttlon 9' o.1•1111 -~ tor '9lt tlld wrllltft nollc•of llftttll encl ei.ctlOfl to Ctlltt Ille unclertlvnef lt'Mll ttkl Pl'• Ptf1Y IO MllSly "Id aClllOtll9fts, tntl '"'"'"'~Ille_, __ , • .,... .. 14 Mik e .. ~II tn0 tf tledlOfl .. lilt rtcor-•" 14, '"' n '"'"· N•. It iU In \look I.Ott peoe .... OI Mid Of. tkltl lt9'0t'cb. StMt .... Wiii iie mtdl, llut •II'-\ co"'9fletlll tr -rtftly, ea:Pf'ffl Of Ifft. plltf, ...... 1111•, _.... .... ., IWIC..,..lllr-. 10 IMY lltt reMalnlne llflMlptl """°' tltt lllltt(tl M<Urtd..., Mil 0.-ti Tr.al, wl1" 1111-1 et Ill .elf ,,. .. llf't¥MtM. ~_,. It any, PUBUC NOTIC£ fllC'TITlOUl IMlll•UI MAMalTAftMa•T '"' ... , .... , ... •""'"'' ., •••• n, WtlnHt• lt l 'UNG .. OWTH PINANCIAL I, Ill) IUNOltOWTH Yll1 IJM P11;1fl< Cent Hl .. ty, H11nll11t1011 IHch, c.i11.,,,.._. L.lwt_. 0 l<Nty, Mt1 Ht~ Ct, Clteh , l41111ll11tten IHCll, Ctllftnllt ""9 O•e nn L. O•ttlltrt. tun ... ww111y t..lle, Hullll.....,. ... 11. Ct lll•rlllt ..,_ flllt WtlMU le '~<ltd ty t l1Mrtl -1Mnlti,, ~tO.S<llley O'-L. °"'NI" fllh ~ •• tlltll wllft -c -y c ...... ., 0r .... c-.ty "'Jlllr )t, 1 .. 1 ,.,..,.. Pwltll.,..., Or ..... CO.&I Delly f'llOI, Jwly II, A .... I, U, ll, 1 .. 1 ..._.., PUBLIC NOTICE N .. 1'SM f'IC'TITIOUS IUllNaU NAM•&TAT•MlllT Tiit IOllowtno ...,._ I• 001111 llllal· ,,.,, .. VOGUE MA .. O WAlt l PltOOUCl$, 1•1•1 t4•1• A•eft11t, ,,...,,,,.,GA t2714 DOUGLAS WONG, 11 Eetlt Polnl, lrltlM, C.At2714 Tiiis lluliMU It 'onOllCtecl Oy aft In alvldllt l Douolt•Wono '"" fLll-t ... '"'° •llh lht County Cltf1< Cil o.-. County on July 20, I"' ........ P11Cltl.,_ Or-Coe" O.lly Piiot, July 14, JI, """O I, u, 1•1 ))!4 e1 PUBLIC NOTICE •ncX.UTION NO. 047.a NEWPORT·M ESA UNIFIED ~CHOOL OISTlllCT DECLARING THE INTENT TO t..EASE TO THE CITY OF CO$TA MESA THE ltEA SCHOOi.., WHEllEAS llw llEA SCHOOi.. In Ille oe>lnlOll ol lhi' Botrd Is not ftMdtd lor Sc:11e>o1 Olstrkt pur-•. -· WHEREAS the CITY ol COSlA MESA ,_ lncll<ttad IU dtlire lo 1 .. w wkl Sc:llool for • perloCI ol II•• UI y1e rt; NO W THEREFO R E BE CT RE SOI.VE 0 th al P11rtua n1 to Provl•IOn <JI E-.itlOlt C-S«llon 1'SOO 1111°"91' )t50I, II I• IN l11111u o1 ll>t 8oenl of Eclucellon ot NEWPORT MESA UNIFIED SCHOOi.. DISTRICT lo IUH lht RIA SCHOOL 10 11>« CITY ot COSTA MESA ..,_, Ille lolio..1"11 term• tft<I cancllUons. I Tiie ....... -II be IOt a fl•tt UI yur ~rlod commenc,ine 5tp1em11er 1, , .. ,. 1 fllf CITY ol COSTA MESA "'911 pay lo DISTRICT I.ht wm o4 -"'"' Oreo t nd ten lllouund dollt r> "110,0001 per Yttr •• rtnl 3. T"" CITY •Niii mal,,.aln uld pte mlw • durl"ll ,,.. period ol 1ald 1.. .... •ftd 111•11 malnlt ln llUIMk lltblllly In. wr•ftC• on ltlO pr-r1y BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED INI l\Ollct ot tho propoM(J t..e•w lie t l••n Oy publlsllln{j • copy of n ol 1tlO t..Hw with Ille CITY o1 COSTA MESA. ADOPTED, SIQnOO a l\CI e1>9rO•tO lhll UlllO.y of Jiiiy, "" 80ARD OF EOUCATIOH NEWPORT M ESA UNIFIED SCHOOi.. DISTRICT PvOlllhtd 0r'"9t Coal! Ot lly Pilot, July 14, JI, AllQ 1, 1''1 ))JI-ti PUBLJC NOTICE MUNICIPAi.. COOltT 0 1' SOUTH O"ANOI COONTY Jt1qc..-v.11e, "•"'••• ..._N'-l,CAnW P1eln1111 INSURAHCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA Oelenoant. CORENE CAMPBELi.. and DOES 11111°"91' 10, 11\Clwil•e C..N~IMl'I SUMMONS NOTICll Yeti ... .,. -_,., Tiit ,..," mey -.1• eeMMI ,.. wh'-'4 .... , ...... -........ ,_,...,.... wltlll•» .. y~lt-... IM...,..U. .. ,_, II 1ou wtlll llO ... k l('t tO•lc• ol tn tllornoy II\ tlllt m•ll•r. you slloulll 00 \O promptly 10 11141 yovr written roponn, II tny, mey be fllad on 11,,,. AYISOI U-r.t aHle -....... a t lrl._. _.. ...... c-• Ulll. '"' ttNl~lt a --Uo&. ,_. It "91n It » die~ LN le ,....,._. clH-..... SI UllH-IGll<lttr el COllMIO de u" ·~ .., ute t wnlo clebtt l• II•<•• 10 1nmtdl•1tmeftte de "'' m •ntr• w •tPVffl• u crll• '' ,..., 11011,,t pueCle Mr •e<ilslrl40 • lltmpo, I TO THE DEFENDANT A cl•ll compltlftl hM -flltO t>y '"' pl1ln· 1111 egaln•I .,.., II you •lill to Otttnll lhl1 ''"'"'"· you muit w1t11111 JO Otyt •lier lhll ~s Is wrvtel Oft you, Ille with 1111• cour1 t written ·- 10 tllt complelnl Ul\IHS '°" • IO, YIW' O.ltult wlll lie enltrt<I Oft •P pllc allon of t1't Pl•lnllll And 11111 court m•y tnlor • l~I •oeln•I you tor Ille rttltf dem tndtd 111 t,,. compltlnt •llkh (OUlcl r•wll In e-"''"'"""' of Wl(lff, t•lfl9 of t••OllOV ~ ll'-1Y Of ollltr rellet rtQ.,.Sltd '" the com pl1lnl. DtltO Jtlly 1', IMO , J-I . H•rrl•, Citr-o. D Mwlmec:"°r, o.ciutY COOOltNO, 8UllUM 'MOOOY A Pret...i-1 '--"*" ,,o ...... , 1MJ Se. CMst Or., SWte I" C~tMeM,~n .. Tel. 11141 -.11t P11011.-Ortnoe C:0.11 Delly Piiot, J11ly 11, 2', JI, Aug. 7, 1 .. 1 )212-tl PUBLIC NOTICE ~IC'TITIOUI •UllNIH NAMI STATEMINT Tiie tollowlttt peraons ••• 101no ... l lMuat: T AHOE CONSUi.. TiNG, Intl Pal· leraon l.tM •I, Huntl"lllOI\ S..Cll, CA t:l64'. ThOmM F D"-"• lptl Pett.non Ltne • t, HullllllQlOfl lffch, CA.,._, E ..... DI-. \DI Pelltnon l.tne •I, HumlftQI.., 8Neh, CA m.. Thi• builntn Is CO<lllUCIH Illy • ga ... rt l ~ntnltlp. "-•f'.Ol- Tlll• Jttl-1 wei 111.0 wllh the Ctunty Clor11 of <><•not GouftlY Oii JwlyJJ.1 .. 1 .. ,..,,. P11llll.,,.. Ortl\Olt CGt•I Otll'I Pllol, Jwly H , at, Alll. 7, IC, 1•1 ~I PUBLIC NOTICE ~lc:TlTIOUI •UllNHS NAMaHATIMNT TM follOWl"ll Ptttoni trt 41011\I lloislnesi "' HARllOR LIOVOR, lt27 Htreot 1 1¥0., Unll ..... , CM It MtH, CA '2tJ6, 14AI HOUYaH, •4'1 Angwllla A,,.""'• c,,._, CA .... THUY 00, UU """'"'• A"'911.,., Cypren,CA-.ao. Tllh _,,.... It condu<tH Illy tn 1 ... llM IWll . HAI NO\IYIEH Tiiie sttf-1 wtt 1111111 •1111 1M c_,, c.-"'0r-. c-1y °" Jiiiy U,1 .. 1 ~ ...... P\IOll ..... Ort1111 Clittl Otlly Plitt. Jiii,. 2•, 11.-. '· 14, 1'11 **"'ti _II .... , !IA tllt<lllH -.... ,,.,.,. t. TO TH& OEl"ENO.....T: A Clvll lt .aill TNIMe t ""'"'°' Otcltrlt*' Ctfllpltlftl !let twn flltf ..., 11111 flltl.._ 9' o.fMllt tM Ditmend t0< Sett, tftll 1111 ... IMI .,.... II .,... w4tfl "' Rftfltl ,_.. _..._, wltfl tt141 Trvtl .. -II ~1111 i.ww11., ...... ""*• wltNfl • ...,, .... Mii 1111 ..__ •~lftt • erttr 11111 -t. Ml'WCI .,. yw, fleet'-IKwM Ult,...,, tnll lltl Ille wltll tlllt t*W1 t wrllttll r ....... R<.I ..... n ... ..,..., dtcltre tll 11 Ille ~tiflt, V111e9 yW flt to, • .,,... tNlll'tCI ltltrtl'Y tmll'tffltltlY Ytll' ..,.,., will llt tfltWM "' • ..,. .,.,, ..., .... "" "'" "« .. -1111uu ... ".,. ~"·..,. ""' C-1 .... ...,.,.,, tlt<t • ~ t1M trwt mtY t nw 1 ~ ...._."".., UllOlr ,,. ....,.. of.-. OMll .. '""'· IHS, CIMl.t .. t tftd flDefl~I ti Ille TN~ltt Md Of Ille ll\llh Cl'fftell lllY ulf Ottel of Tr1111. Sele Mlt wlll lilt 1-------------- ~ ......... Mtllf'r ti. .. -""" ..._...."' ""~·"" l ...... 1KWW"'9fWy0 Wlll<ll t...id I-'\ In..,,.......,.. M NlllllllCAN SAYINGI AND wttet, lllllll'le tf _,tr ".-rl'f' tr ~NAHOC:IATION tlller ttlllf ,..,. .... 111 ..._ ,_ Vlt'llMll llo\. SllUW, .. lllftl. MhUMVltt,......... DATIOJ_,o U, ttl'. >-o. T..wr. DtMl4I o. w11n11. MtltllM ....,...,., Cltn 0.. Jiiiy 1-. •• , a. s.tcMt. Tiie ........ , f/l IM ...... "' NMtce WWllty ~ .... ........ ..,_.. ... .1111'(a.1t111f1 P-,M I .. ,~ ... "" .iftC.t "" .. °""" ~ .. , .... ......,, ..... ~C1911Y, -..... --.u.,. ... ~ .,,q...,. ,_,..Or .... (MU o.tty ~ ......... Or .... c.... o.llf ...... M19.1, M, 1' ... 1'11 UIH1 J.iy It, .... r, IC, ti, ttl1 ,..._., Mkl "' Frllty, AllCIWSI I•, 1•1 .ti J;OO p.m. ti 11• Cl\t-11 AHllllt tn· V tllCt, t• IM (lvk C9nW •llllflflt. - JOO ... , ~ "-· 111"" City PUBUC NOTIC~ fll(;T1'10UI .u ...... of Or-. Glllflel'lllt • Al Ille llmt of lltt lnllltl ,.,..l<lllloll Of 1111• lllltlet, lfW 191el _. tf ""' wn,eld IMlt llU ti Ille ttll .. tlefl tte11rtf-,1Mt11e11t_ri._..-.. .. lfwtl aftf ~ '9Mi, ttr~a. •11• .. _, •• ... 1,-1.n . ro •· ltrntlllt .. """'"' llld, YOU "''Y <4141 ,,,.,.,, ...... Dt•: .My lt. ltl' ........ tllr*9C.. ,,. .... ,,.... IW T.O. ....... Clrlll9mr ..... u.~~......,, ---·· -=-=-: ..... 11 .... ......,....,_.._ p.,..~ ...... 0r .... Oreel Dllllr ......_MJ.._.,,.-.1."" JllM1 NAMatTATaM9NT Tiit ftlltwlll9 ,.,_, •re .... ,,. Ml-•· 0 ANO IC INTW•••t.i&O, tM Alo * .. ,.,~•.ca-. ..... J. °" .......... ,.4 to. -A,,.• A~,CAt,_, ... llUMll I... H......n. 11r1f VIN't'I A"" .c....-..ca--.. .... M. Dal-.-,. . .., .... ._A .... ~CA.,.._ Htl-.. I.~ t'"9 YI.,..., Aw .. c;,,11-.CA""1. Tltll ..,_,_, h UHIKIM CW ~&..~ "'" ........... _, ......... ~~°"""°' .... ~-~ .. ., ....... ..... ,....... or-. om-o.tiT ~ , .. , ... "· -.1. , __ ,., ~ 'Charity' tax plan told Contributions could be doubled at no extra cost Bl JOHN Cl1NN111 •· A ...... .....,,.. NEW YOJ\K You may for the m oment have had your fill about taxes, but could you spare anothtir few minutes to conaider an Ingenious sug- gestJon from the president of thtt University of Rochester" There's a rea&on it m ay be worth your time: lt cot.Id almost double your charitable contributions -to arts, education, medicine. religion -without cosUna you an extra penny. At. a university president, Robert L. Sproull observed that most people who give to his institu- tion are also corporal" shareholders. He reasoned: If these shareholders could tell their com panies to donate some of their dividends to chari ty, instead of accepting the dividends and then making the contributions. the university would gain enormously. It works this way: -Corporations can donate money to charitable causes and institutions before calculating profits Wha tever a corporation gives, up to 5 percent is free of federal income taxes. Money that a corporation cuN111"" sends to shareholders as dividends is taxed. That is. the dividends to the shareholders are paid after the corporation allows for taxes. And the corporate tax rate is 46 percent. H the s hareholde r decided lo forego dividends. telling the company instead to donate the equivalent to charity, that contribution would go to the charity untaxed. The charily would get $185 instead of $100. Assuming that the shareholder would have given $100 anyway. he or she is no worse off finan· cially. The corporation also 1s no worse off either. And the recipient has received an 85 percent in- c rease in support. By now. it is obvious that there is a loser: the Internal Revenue Service. But from most ap· pearances. little has been done to violate the tax code. either in the letter or the spirit thereof 1l is timely too. Government has cul back sup· port of many non-profit cultural and educational activities, so a gap has to be filled. And some foun- dations are not as able as they were to contribute funds. Furthermore, as a vehicle or tax-free contribu· OVER THE COUNTER NASO LISTINGS NoCarGs NoEIWO ' Nw!N~ NwtlPS No~ell =::;::ry, ~:.<!: Oii Ferro OlltrlP PCA Int P11>$t8 PcGa R ~:~::g Ptff'MI P.,..Eftl P.,.tMr PeopE:JIP Pettit t PoltlllOll PllilaHat Pltf~SS Plftll'1n PlonHIB PIUUl\t Pouls PrelGM Prast.rm Pr_,. PDS•HC Pur18en Pull>Gtp OutllrCJ. ltt99nPr llayctwn 11.,.._ 11" ... lloadb R-y ·-"-1111.stoY Stdlltt S.feco SIHelGd SIPtwl S<rlpptt llon11. corporaUon11 have a long way to 10 bero~ meeting the maximum allowable contribuUon11. Few companies gl vc more than 1 percel\l, {1lthough la.st year, ror the first time, corporatloni gave more to chur1ties than did foundations . Well . what holds up lmplementallon of the plan? Thl!re seems to be some question amo~ l awyers and accountants about whether ~1 · dividend that shareholders did NOT receive mig •• be taxable t.o them a!I tr they had received It, und the obscure doctrine of Constructive Receipt. 1 ~'~: For these purposes, the less said about ~ ·; doctrine the better. Its mere existence, howev'_!llJ · makes Sproull anxious for an IRS ruling and ajijf; ious also for a congressional bill to clear the • ~ a nd encourage corporations to institute the pl~j , Sen. Daniel Moynihan, D·N Y .• and Rep. BarNr· (;o nable, R·N Y . are now working on ttuU particular angle. ~: Sproull remains mystified why 1t hadn 't q. propOSed before, and reasons that the idea have come to him because of his many roles. ~:,-....... He is a physicist who sees beauty in efficien~1,i a donor who seeks the most rrom contribulions;i. a president who must always seek funds and a c,oY., porate director who appreciates turning Sl i~ St 85. r .. ITI earnings uP'.:: lnternat1onal Telephone and Telegraph Corp:la net income for lhe 1981 second quarter rose i1'l percent over the similar penod last year ~ Sales were at the same level as the 1980 secon~ quarter. The company said that the sharp incre~ 1n second quarter net income can be directly ~ tnbuted to a significantly lower foreign curre~.t loss in the 1981 quarter than in the compar~\e period last year However, higher inte rest a'.nd matenal costs caused operating eammgs for ~' s~cond quarter and first half to be below l!ftjp levels •· Consolidated net mcome for the three mon\"5 e nded June 30 amounted to S136 million. or 92 CeJ}ts a share, on sales and revenues of $5.8 billion. Th~ compares with net income in the 1980 secontt quarter of $64 million. or 44 cents a share. a.ad sales and revenues of $5 9 billion NASDAQ SUMMARY NEW YOllK CAP) .,_, IM O...r Tiit tol-1"1 llti '"' c-·· atoct1 -•• ,,., .. 11w1 .,.,,. ....,. yp Ille ....i ---MOii -°" • r:•c~ OI ,,...,. •-dleu ot ...,...,. • O< ~-,. No _..,..t " 1reo1~ a.-$2 .,, '"'" lldtd --.......... ( ... ,.... ., ... dlffe,..,.t ~ the pr'eYloliS C!Otl6e• bid price -Thull.'> 1MI bid prla .. UPS Pc~ ....... lttl .''N. I Tomi() WI ,,,, Up ) ACiy iil "'" ..... Up Jt..1. J GtW...V 17 . "" Up .. ,. • C-EIUI . ... . I Up :it· 5 8remP o' t'll . ·~ Up • J•Ytrtt 1 . "' Up Ill ' I N$tvf\CO IS • N Up .. • C-RO't 11 1 Up 1M--• EMPI .... . ... U11 IM 10 ·-..... . I'll Up ta.a II TomlO un ""' . '"' Up ~ 1J IAlllcOfl , .... • S-1' Up IJ -MSy ·-1"' Up ~ " ,,,._ ,_ "' Up ILi• u °""°'" ~ • 114 Up ~ ,. l.t•aGeo . .,,. .. Up IM-11 °"'....., II IV> Up II.I-II TtyRftl t t V> '"' Up "" .. lnlpNM '"' ... UP Wk 20 TomtOll ,., . ~ Up ... JI """~. .... . "" up IU n c~.., t i': • ... Up IU ,, c 8" .... • )Yt Up 11.0· 1• s..tttE" l''• "' Up 11.0'< u t..txkn un mo • 250 Up 1111 009INS -....... Pct. - UPS AND DOWNS c% ,,.,,, pl SY> Ott JU , Tl""' Uw1 ) -.,, Oft ~..,, Deltlm ,.,, --Oft U.O· • H~ 11'"' , ... Oft IU s llrtll:lw , .... I Ott ::j • STSC ·~ 1\lo Ott 7 CNntT"" 2 .,. Oft U"\ • FrtCll t 1 .... Ott ..... • .,.._ 1 '.4 Ott 11.1 1 10 ACM.AT . .,, I Ott 11-S> II ti!~-JI;\ ... Ott IQ,f ., .... Yt Oft :li-IJ '"' .... Ott 14 e.rz.. ·~ 1t.r. Oft 10.( IS 4'h ..... ()ft .... ,. ;:c9 2'• "" Ott ~ 17 •SI. '" ... Oft " SWOEtY 1-. 14 Ott It Ped<.S.,, SY> Yt Oft 20 EteHucl ""' -1 Oft ll Dor-14llo ,.,, Oft 21 UAmEn .., ] II, Ott I-u c-· JI"' -14 Ott I. ~ 24 MovttSy J\.\ ... Ott 1S NAP!ow< J\.\ y, Oft '': · .. ~ \ .. MUTUAL FUND ... I • ... l 'l Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, A"gust 7. 1981 s Some time ln this decide, our lives and our possessions ln our homes almost cert.alnly will be protected by a two·way cable TV ayatem monitored by a ceotraJ computer But "ln Lhis decade" is not Aug. 7, l981, and rl1ht now, burglaries, fires and other threats to our safety are soaring. Neither firemen nor police can respond rapidly enough to save us In most cases, for an utoundln1 9$ percent of our homes 1UU are without adequate seeuri t y 0 protection - and this . despite the fact ~ ,c that we s pend ·· more lh an $1 .&-..-~..._. • ._ ______ _ ~~l:i_o:e:u ~ff; IYlVIA PDITll devices. Most of that Sl billion, though, goes for locks or locking devices. says Ronald Davis of Davis Marketing Group Inc .. an alarm industry consultant -and these can be easily forced or circumvented even by unskilled burglars. As for fires, most of us rely on our noses, not smoke detectors. Worse, we may be being robbed or burned by our faulty selection of security systems. improper installation or just defective devices. By the end of the 1980s, we may be spending close to $2.5 billion on home protection <in addition to taxes> with about one-third of these outlays going for alarm systems. says Predicasts. a Cleveland company which has researched the private security market. To spend these billions wisely, you must make basic decisions on buying. You have three choices. 1 > Buy an alarm-only system. the least expensive even if you buy the most elaborate system. But it m ay not be cheapest in the long run. If you make this choice. tell your insurance agent. for many insurers will cut your premiums by about 2 percent if your system meets their standards. 2) Buy an ala rm system tied to local police and fire departments. Check your police and fire officials as well as your insurance agent here. Proper devices. correctly installed and this usually means by a professional, not a do-it-yourself job'-often qualify you for a 10 percent insurance premium reduction <as against 2 percent on the alarm-only >. 3 > Buy an alarm system monitored by a professional organization. When your alarm goes off, the professionals don't show up themselves. They call the police or fire station, after they have called you to make s ure you didn't trip the system yourself. If you are away, they also notify you. or some responsible person you have designated. This is the most costly system of all, but it should earn you an insurance premium reduc tion of 15 percent o r more . Before you buy, check your insurance agent, safety offi cials and others who have this type of service. No matter which protection level you need or can afford, consider the following points -before contacting any insurance or official sources. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES Hl!W YOllU((AP) Fl...,~·~ ~·'· ""'°' • » '"" ~IO ~~1 .. ~ ~-~ JO Tn1 a.rs 412.116 402.50 •.ti• 1 • IS VII 109.47 llO.G la.tl 109M+ 0.1' 65 sni Jn. IS PJ.n »t.02 m..». o.s. ...... J,t1J,l'W Trtn • . .... .. . • 1,ll0,100 utllt • . . l,JIS, .. .S Sitt . • • • •.71l.• WHAT STOCKS DID Hl!W YOl'K (APl Aue. 6 "'"w. AMERICAN LEADERS T-y ';{, """'-111' OKllN41 ~ MS ~ CIS en ''" 1"7 ..... llltflt JO JO ............ J3 " WHAT AMODIO HIEW YORI( IAPI A"9. t ""'"· Todey .. J, AdwM<ed -Oe<llNd m HJ ~. J09 1GI ,.. n• ..... 111111• n ,. _ ..... 14 14 METALS "'--' c....,--.., ... o • ....-. u s. -.i-........ YM G~e_..,, lltK -~cents e pound, dell.,.r ... Tltl U.Ml7 Metelt W-c-ite 1a. ,_..,.._.. , .... <etlb e ,..._, N. Y ...._., ......... , .... ~._,...lt"Oyor .. N.Y. SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS ., .,,.. __.._ ~ S.i.dMMrto .... ,,~. Tl\WllM;: ......_; -......•l•lfttt.ltS ... •GAIL ........ , ....,_fl•l ... Pft.IS, ._..._ Pwta: -""-fl•lftt ..... 7', ..,w.,11 . .......... : .,._.,, .. '*'''· z.rtcll; , ... flwl"' "'1.•. •ti.•, PK.• ...... Metlly & Me.-: tonly delly -'ti ""-IS ... to.AS. 1......,.1 (..,., Nlly ..-1 t.M.IS, .. to.ti. ,......,.,., ,., .... , ..-1 ·~ ............ 1'. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 '5107 '99 '5603 '99 '5 702 '5701 '99 55800 1981DATSUN510s 1981 DATSUN TRUCKS uu MODEL INV~~~ST '9.US l'llCI IJMG CAI 366 Thla onehaaa&_..,,,._,'°" f Qulp,,.,.nl 1ncludU t 5 apeed '99 '6 & 10 lully IOCIOIY llC1Jlooe<I (02t0811 tanamlaa1on and a pro1ac11on '6'11>7 18111 8871 ~ (21371141 ISth 608) MODEL DEAi.Eii 4 DOOi HATCHIACK INVOICE COST '9.US 'M81 '99 STAT10H WAGO" SHOIT HD ,6 388 Eou•oman1 1nc1uoe1 a 6 •P•.0 '99 :~~'=in'S,~ :,:, I00'1 PICkaQe EGuipmanl 1nc1uoea • • tPtt<I =•i:~;1~"::S:..; oraon 56289 4 DOOi HATCHIACI LO"GllO fQulpma nl 1ncludH 6 •P••O '6609 :-:-"'~": !,.-::.0~-:' ~ ,6780 ~ ... ·~-'*"-'6510 '4J9 mote•(00851•l SttdMl1 '4J9 4 DOOi HATCHIACK Kl"G CAI GL &-" ,,.__ _..,,,._.1 57 Eciu-1 ,,,.,.._a -ira,,. ..o DOcly -mcldtngt (2211121) ,.a.iu::• MM» '66 undatcoal 6 mo101no P•<"•O• '6862 MM» l!llli 70&) ~ "77 ro1e111 CSlh !1eD -77 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVINGS! Bring your best deal 1n wnting & see what we'll do lor~· Ad , applies to vehicles in stock Cars subtect to pnor sale. All prices plus tax. license. doc fee. dealer installed options & finance fees. Ad must be presented at time of purchase. Sale ends _ Monday. August 10. 1981 at close of business LOI =#2 FACTORY AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR ALFA ROMEOeMASERATl•SAAB•PEUGEO THE FINEST USED CARS AVAILABLE •TRIU MPH•B ENTLEY•FIAT •VOLVO•AU DI •PORSCHE 848 DOVE ST. NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 Tbe Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU THE ISUZU DIESELS ED E!!! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! EPA CITY EPA HWY. These figures are for comparison only. your mileage will vary .•. ,, .... fl',........ B .......... ,. .. ,..,.,,,,,,.. lllg('ar.S nwll('ur -aue~~ .... ,t ... d, tmr Trad .. •! Jsu...,u· • ~ . COSTA MESA . ) ,,, .......... ,.,. 2925 HARBOR BLVD . '-.._ .-/ ···-···~•Nl•N'"11 Upton 7 I>»)• A 11' ,.,.a. -:t RIOC'k.. South or thr SHn Oi,.110 f'r""" ,., 9 7 9 -2 5 0 0 411 •f'flilw&-,.._ 10 tw.._ • 1.2.0 .....__._.,..,, ,_ \4••"-4 r,_ .. .._ .,.. _,_.. -. ..... ,.,...,....., .. ,,,.. 'II'•""' ..,.,_.I•,,....... .. tr Angels vs. Reds tonight y EDZINTEL ar-OeltJ ........... Major league baseball returns lt Anaheim Stadium tonight as t~e Angels host the Cincinnati ~eds in the first or two post· strike exhibition games. Game ttme is set for 7: 30. These two exhibition contests ~ill be the only live tuneups the ~ngels will have before the re- start or the 1981 season Monday · Seattle. BEFORE THE season was in· tfrrupted on June 12 for a 50-day Slrike negotiation period, the ~ngels trailed the first-place gakland A's in the Western Di vision of the American League by six games and were iO fourth place. >The Reds, on the other hand. ¥tere in the midst or a hot streak Ptior to the strike and trailed the Uodgers by just a half game. The Angels had a record or 31·29 (~·4 under man ager Gene rfauch>. The Reds were 35-21. Ma uch plans to send pitcher ~en Forsch (9·3> to the mound tonight. although, he points out, e\,eryone on the current Angel rt>ster should see action before tile weekend is over. THAT MEANS that players like second baseman Bobby Grich <injured hand >. Fred Lynn (ca If > , Bruce Ki son (elbow ) a nd Bill Travers (shoulder ) will have the op- pprtunity to test themselves s'nce their injuries occurred before the strike . • 0 • 0 0 Daily Pilat FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1981 LEGALS CS CLASSI Fl ED C6 ANOTHER WAY TO END A RACE A year ago Larry Job of Las Vega~ ~<rn his chances for victory end like this at Riverside International Racewa~· 1n JOHN SEVANO 5 5 0 P4 -$j •. Pele is back, kicking. again, but there's. a slight twist ... C3 . the off-road c hampionships The dirt bo~ s go at II again this wet>kencl For the stor~·. see C2. At least Grich and Lynn are reported to be nearly 100 percent healthy tha nks to the long layoff While both Kison and Travers are ques tionable ,After the r eassignment or 4Jis Sanchez to Sall Lake City op Wednesday, the Angels were left with 23 on the active list. meaning that two spots were open on the 25-man roster. Thus, K iso n 's and Travers' performances will be closely Watched. Like being stuck (Rut)Iedge • m .a . ROD CAREW, the Angels' on- ly starter in Sunday's AU-star game. will see limited action While Forsch, who was named to the All-star teal"n Wednesday, will pitch only tonight. Cincinnati pitcher Tom Seaver ( 7·1 >. also selected to the All · star team, is due to start tonight. The R eds have All -s tar starters in shortstop Dave Con· c~pcion and outfielder George Foster. :Tickets are still available for b;pth tonight's and Saturday night's games and are priced at $4 for box level seats and S2 for all others . For a good majority of the past two seasons, Jeff Rutledge has walJced the sideUnes with a clipboard in his hands. During Rams games it was Rutledge's duty as the third string quarterback to chart plays. In this way the club Celt he would gain experience as to the team's terminology and their offensive scheme. Today, the Alabama graduate -pre· sumably with knowledge in hand - finds himself as the team's No 2 man behind Pat Haden. 1 n all honesty. Rutledge is fortunate to be in his current position. It took Vince Ferragamo's departure to Montreal and Bob Lee's ailing right elbow to thrust Rutledge into his lofty status. Not that he wouldn't have at- tained the No. 2 s pot on his own even· tually. Even a healthy Lee would have been hard-pressed to supplant Jeff, as he was quickly earning the favor of Ram coaches in training camp. Murphy surprised He shoots 66 to take PGA lead DULUTH, Ga. CAP) -Bob Murphy has sensed that winning attitude was rebuilding, but he didn't expect it to blossom this week in the 63rd PG A national championship. Certainly not after he had been forced out or the Canadian Open last week following a Creak accident. MURPHY WAS s urprisingly st)ocked when he shot an open· ing 66 -four-under par over the Les ting Atlanta Athletic Club course for a one-stroke lead over non-winners Mark Lye and Bob Eastwood. "I can't say I was mentally prepared ror this, but I was re· ~ed," he said Thursday, refer· g to a week at home nursing a umb injury. 1 '•I 've bee n playing well eoough to win," said the 38-year· old veLeran. winless sin~ his fcturth Tour victory in 1975. "I f•lt it coming for the last three or four mortths. And it's a good feeling when you do it under the sun. too.·· The fourth and last or this ar's major championships ned in unusual, If not bizarre, hion. Consider: -DEFENDING CHAMPION ck Nicklaus went four-over in his first el1ht holes In a for a record alxth PGA and major proleuional Utle. He en fired three straight birdies Iler a SS.minute weather delay or a menacin1 71. -Lee Tre'rino for1ot to alp 1 acorecard for the fint time hit loaf, 1occe1sful career, adln1 to his d!lquallflcaUon • 74. -Of Murphy'• five cl01eat punuen, only Andy North owns ~ a Tour victory. And North, lied for fourth with non-wonners Vance Heafn e r a nd Rex Caldwell at 68, hasn't won since the 1978 U.S. Open. -None or this year's previous winners of major tournaments I can't say I was mentally prepared for this. but I was re- laxed. -Bob Murphy shot better than the 72 by British Open king Bill Rogers . Masters champion Tom Watson, No. 1 on the 1981 money list, and U.S. Open winner David Graham matched 755. -A SECOND storm wiped out the finis h of the round just before darkness swept over this course northeast of Allanta. Fif. teen players were forced to com· plete their first 18 boles today. And this $400,000 tournament faced the prospect or more weather problems today and Saturday. The forecast called for 60 percent chance or thun· deratorms. Besides Nicklaus, some of the s port's illustrious names were in challengint position going ir\to the second round today. Lon Hinkle, Roser Maltbie, Charles. Coody and Ron Streck, all previous Tour victors, shared seventh place at 69, makinJ a total of Just 10 players who IOlved par In the field of H8 professionals, Among those at par-70 were Bruce Lletake. Fuuy Zoeller, Lanny W adklna, J .C . Snead, Dave Stockton and veteran Don January. I " Still . the job has virtually fallen into his lap and, with Haden's history of in· juries the past three years. lhe Rams' No. 2 quarterback slot takes on more importance than other No. 2s around the NFL. Rutledge has the credentials. He led Banks High in Birmingham, Ala. to two state titles and a playoff berth another season. At 'Barna, under Coach Bear Bryant, the 6-2. 202-pound signal-caller directed the Crimson Tide to the Na- tional title in 1979; a Sugar Bowl loss lo Notre Dame in '78; and a Liberty Bowl walloping or UCLA in '77. Why. then, for the most part. have you never heard of Jeff Rutledge. the same QB that broke all of Joe Namath's passing records? "That's because when you think of Alabama now you think of the Wishbone a nd the fa c t that Alabama 's quarterbacks can't throw," explains Rutledge, in his easy-going Southern ' -- drawl "The last five or six years it's been that way.·' Rutledge was selected by the Rams in the ninth round of the '79 NFL draft. He started one game when Haden and Ferragamo were sidelined with injuries "This year I was hoping to be No. 2 I feel I can do the job 1f called upon. If I didn't think I could play I wouldn 't be here right now." against Chicago, losing 27·23. and was involved in parts of two others against San Diego and Seattle. Last year, he made only one brief ap- pearance <against Green Bay) before mononucleosis struck him after week No. 7, sidelining him for the remainder of the season Rutledge 1s not what you would call a big-name quarterback If something were to happen lo Haden and Rutledge was to inherit the No. 1 spot. many peo· pie would probably be saying, .. Jeff who?" ··1 can't worry about what other peo· pie lhink," says Rull edge. "I can onl y worry about what the coaches think. In two NFL seasons, Rutledge's num- bers read · 14 of 36 passing for 151 yards. one touchdown and four intercep- tions. Granted , the figures aren't im· pressive, but they're enough to give Rutledge the confidence he needs. "If something does happen, I'll be re ady. This organization has always won which is something I've been ac- customed to "When I first got here all I was shoot· 1ng for was to be the No. 3 guy." says Rutledge. "I was just trying to make the team and that's the only goal I had. ·'This team has great talent and that's what makes it exciting ·· What also makes it exc1t1ng 1s Rutledge's enthusiasm If the chance to <See SEVANO, Page C4> Baseball's season Owners adopt split format CHICAGO <AP > The grand old game will be showing a new wrinkle when play resumes Mon- day following a 21·3 vote by major league baseball owners to en- dorse as pli t season. ··Because of the strike, we were dealing with a unique situation. We needed a unique solution," Commissioner Bowie Kuhn said after Thursday's meetings. dur· ing which the National League ap- proved the pl an by a 9·3 margin and lhe American League by a 12-0vote. TWO AL TEAMS -the Chicago White Sox and Baltimore Oriole!; -did not vote. NL teams voting against the plan were the Cincin- n a li Reds , the Philadelphia Phillies and the St. Louis Cardinals. "It was close," NL President Chub Feeney said or the National League vote, which needed a three-fourths approval or its 12 members. "We had a long dis· cussion, and it was in doubt. But we only voted once." ''The system adopted has the advantage of being clean-cut-t.o me that has some appeal," said Kuhn.• 'Considering the problems of the last seven weeks, the teams will be startin~ with a fresh slate. My instincts tell rile t hat's right." UNDER THE system -wh!rh was speUed out ln the agreement. with the players' aasoclatlon - wams ln first place In their respective divlalona when the strike began will meet the Win· ners oC the second haJI of the t•l seuon. If a first·balr winner alao wlna the serond hall, that team will meet the division contender wtth the 1econd·blahe1t percenta1e during both halves of the season. Both presidents. Feeney and Lee Mc Phail of the American League, insisted the split-season plan is for the 1981 season only. "Normall y. I wouldn't be for it," Mac Phail said. "but this is a Because of the s trike , we were dealing with a unique situation . We need a unique solution. -Bowle Kuhn one·shot deal. and only because of the strike problems and the un· balanced season." FEENEY SAID the National League owners "wouldn't want to see a peculiar result where the t eam with the best record, win· ning both halves or the season, somehow didn't win its division title." Kuhn said the league presi- dents, who will attend the All-star game Sunday In Cleveland, would announce during tt)e weekend how the pre-championsh i p playoffs would be structured and which teams would get the home fi eld advantage in the best-of ·five series. ••• Ted Simmons, three times an All-star In the National League with the St. Louis Cardinals, has been named to his first American League All-star squad, Mana1er Jim Frey bas announced. ON '111UUDAY, Frey named 12 reeerve players t.o hla squad to supplement the contib1ent ot All· atan elected ln fan ballotin1. <SM llt\SEB~LL. Pait C4> . , , I t ..... • 4 • • • It Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 . ..---------------------~· Trevino helps out with helluva story t'rom AP diJpatcbes • DULUTH, Ga. -Lee Trevino !I was disqualified Thursday from the 63rd PGA championship for falling to sign his card after shooting a first· round 74, and he refused to blame anyone but himself. "It was nobody 's fault but mine," said Trevino. "It was my fault. No big deal but I eave you guys a helluva story ... ~ "I don't mind not signing my card but my wife is going to give me a whipping I'm not going to forget," quipped Trevino, o n e of golf 's superstars, who said it was the first time he had ever been disqualified for failing to sign a scorecard. Trevino said he found out about the error when playing Trevino partner Tom Weiskopf called him aside about an hour after their round and told him. ''Tom feels worse than I do but I didn't sign m y card. There was a lot of confusion in the tent and what happened was that Tom actually signed all three cards <Lanny Watkins was the third member of the threesome). I looked at my card and saw two signatures. Unfortunately one was not mine. It's my fault," said Trevino. Quote of the day "That's an asinine remark.'' -Pit· tsburgh pitcher Rick llboden, responding to Philadelphia Manager Dallas Green'• comment that Rhoden was a "victim of numbers" in being left off the National League All-star roster. Jurors nowhere near verdict LOS ANGELES -The jurors in the landmark anti-trust trial of the Oakland Raiders versus the National Football League indicated Thursday they have been unable to reach agreement on any of the complex issues so far, but agreed to continue deliberating. ' The panelists. in their eighth day of closed- door talks. returned glum-faced to the courtoom of U.S. District Judge Harry Pregerson to re- port that they were nowhere near a verdict. In fact. jury forewoman Carole Slaten said in a note to the judge, "We haven't even dis- cussed issues two and three." She said the Jurists felt that the same problems plaguing them in deciding the first is· sue -whether there was an anti-trust violation by the NFL -would be stumbling blocks in the remaining two issues. Albuquerque puts up Its Dukes . LOS ANGELES Three minor Iii leaaue pltchcn llmlted Loa An1eles to two hit.a and Don Crow drove ln the only run with a fltth-lnnlnt ucrutce fly Thurad~y nltht ais the Paclflc Coast Leaaue Albuquerque Dukes dereated the National Leacue West flrat·hall champion Dodaera 1--0 ln an exhJblUon baseball aame. A crowd estimated at 4~,000 watched the! game at 56,012·seat Dodger Stadium. It was the only ex- hi bltlon conteist the Dodaers will play before they return to regular-season action agaJnat the Cincinnati Reds Monday night. Admission was rree and the game was also televised locally. The Dukes, a Los Angeles rarm club, scored Maldonado their run orr Burt Hooton, who was 7.3 when the players' strike began June 12 and is one of the nine NL pitchers 11elected for Sunday night's All-star game. Candy Maldonado and Gary Weiss started the fifth with singles and moved up on a wild pitch. After Wayne Caughey struck out, Crow hit his sacrifice fly to deep left field. Albuquerque starter Brian Holten pitched three innings and retired all nine batters he faced. Ricky Wright set down the first five bat· ters he faced before Pedro Guerrero beat out a high-bouncer behind second base for the first Los Angel~s hit. Wright allowed only one other baserunner in b..is four innings of work. a waij< to Hooton in the sixth, and struck out four. 35,000 watch Houston edge Texas Enticed by free admission, free Iii parking and the first organized baseball in Arlington. ,.Texas since June 9, a crowd estimated in excess of 35,000 fans crammed into Arlington Stadium Thursday to watch Houston beat Texas. 2· 1, in 10 innings in an exhjbition game ... In other action, CecU Cooper's double ore the center field wall ignited a three·run seventh-inning rally that gave Milwaukee a 5·4 victory over Atlanta in a ratn· delayed contest. The game attracted 9, 112 fans to the 53,192-seat County Stadium in Milwaukee . . . Catcher Bob Boone, a key figure in the re· cent baseball negotiations, drove in two runs as Philadelphia beat Baltimore, 4-3. in a seven· inning game before 8,422 fans in Philadelphia . . . Toby Harrah's eighth-inning double off Enrique Romo scored Pat Kelly to lead Cleveland to a 3-2 victory over Pittsburgh. A crowd of 6, 729 paid regular season prices to watch the game in Cleveland, the site or this year's All·star game ... San Diego and Oakland played to a 3·3 tie in a game that was called after nine innings to meet an Oakland travel commitment. Saints sign place-kicker VERO BEACH Placekicker Seamus Smyth of Delta State has been signed by the New Orleans Saints, a learn spokesman said Thursday. Smyth. a soccer-style kicker waived by the Miami Dolphins last week, joined Saints kickers Benny Ricardo and David Posey. Posey was signed last week to put some pressure on Ricardo, said Coach Bum Philhps. Myers, Ramsay race Area drivers in off-road event $ s 0 0 s a. .. . . . Baseball today On this date In baseball In 1907· Washington rookie Walter Johnson plckt>d up the flr11t of hill 414 career vie· tories. btlatlnac Cleveland. 7 2 Today's blrthduy · fo'ormer New York Yankee pitcher Don Larsen, who In 1956 hurled the first and on ly perfect game in World Serles history. is 52. Frey announces AL lineup KANSAS CITY, Mo. -Dave Winfield of the New York Yankees will bat cleanup for the American League All -stars Sunday night. Manaier Jim Frey said in an interview Thursday. Frey. manager or the Kansas City Royals, will pilot the American League All-stars against the National League stars. He announced his batting order in an interview Thursday. Frey said Rod Carew or the Angels will lead ore followed by Willie Randolph, New York Yankees, second base, and George Breu. Kansas City Royals, third base. Frey said outfielder Ken Singleton of Baltimore will hit fifth behind Winfield followed by Reggie Jackson, Yankees. outfielder; Carlton Fisk. Chicago White Sox. catcher : and Bucky Dent. Yankees. shortstop. Frey said he would announce his starting pitcher on Saturday but added it probably will be Mike Norris of Oakland. Jack Morris of Detroit or Ken Forsch of the Angels Oilers upend Eagles. 13-10 HOUSTON The Hous ton [i] Oilers, a team with a new coach and 4. t a new quarterback. relied on two old hands Earl Campbell and Toni Fritsch -to defeat the Philadelphia Eagles 13·10 Thursday night in a National Football League exhibition game. Campbell. who had 45 yards on 12 carries. gave Houston a 7-0 lead with a four-yard run on the Oilers' first possession of the game and Fritsch booted a 41 -yard field goal in the third quarter to break a 10-10 tie and put Houston in the lead to stay. George Rogers Sr. is arrested The 1.atber of Heisman Trophy winner C"eorge Rogers was charged Thursday with two counts of vehicular homicide. said a Gwinnett County police investigator. George Rogers Sr. was charged in connection with a car crash last Fri· day in Georgia which claimed the lives of a Lawrenceville man and his 16 -year-old daughter. The investigator said blood tests in- dicated the elder Rogers was intoxicated at the time of the crash .. Landon Turner, the In diana University basketball player injured in an auto accident late last month. remains in serious but stable condition at a local hospital in Indianapolis while doctors attempt to correct has lung problems . Television, radio TV: No events scheduled. RADIO: Baseball Cincmnat1 vs Angels. 7:30 p.m .. KMPC <710). Rebroadcast. First game of the 1964 World Series between the New York Yankees and SL Louis Cardinals. after the Angel game, KMPC (710). $¢$£$ • • I I Naber se"es as ambassado . Rekindling swim interest By EDZINTEL Ot the Daily Piiot Staff f<'IVe years ago and several thousand swhri'· ming pools lo the north, John Naber beca Amenca's foremost sports hero, at the time, ~ first and last Olympic swim knight of the reei, wh1k and blue. since Mark Spitz io 1972. Natwr. an All American in every sense or the word at USC'. won four gold medals in Montreal to prove that God . country and wholesomeness wasn't just for John Boy Walton. Today. Naber, wto calls himself swim- ming's ambassador lo the world. still holfs true those morals 'c preached in bet ween world records in July. 1976. As a member of the board of directors for the 1984 0 I y mp l·c Games in Los Angeles. Naber is on a na · tionwide c rusade. re· kindling the interest Hl s wimming the United States once had. but seemed to lose, with the boycott of the 1980 \'nhn Games AMONG HIS OTHER PROJ ECTS, Naber is currently working as an adviser to the National Ag1: Croup Jumor Olympic Swimming Cham- pionships. The nationals will take place Aug. 20·1?3 at the Marguerite Swim Complex in Mission Viejo Naber. who got his stert in age group swim ming. thinks that the event is vitally important to lhl' future of United States swimming. .. Perhaps in 1984 and certainly in 1988, we'll look back at this com petition and say. ·hey. I re· member seeing so and so get their start at the Junior Olympics.' " Naber said recently. "The 1984 Games are exactly three years from now People arc already getting prepared for it. So we ha vc lo take the .I uni or Olympics progra111 very St'flOUSly " KJOS ARE WHERE it's at in Naber's eyes. ··Jogging and soccer have taken away from tht• !>\\immmg populace.'' Naber says. "I'm not putting down those two sports. I'm just here to pro mole swimming Any sport is important. "The key is not to make America a champion in t.•vcryth1ng but it's the competition that counts Personal development and organization of time around trainin~ are the real points to stress." Yet awards and glory are. or course. not looked down upon by the Junior Olympics pro gram Ac•cord1ng to Naber. 18 percent of the 19SO Olympic swimming team were graduates of the Junior 01) mpic program and that 18 percent pro duced 70 percent or the medals won in the na· tion:.tb Some former Jumor Olympic athletes in elude former UCLA and Mission Viejo Nadadores standout Brian Goodell. Mission Viejo diver Greg Louganis, Spitz and gymnast Kurt Thomas. Prices good """ 8-NJ By HOWARD L. HANDY Of .. DellJ ...... tuft RIVERSIDE -It's a spectator spectacular when the off-road racing vehicles take to the track at turn six at Riverside International Raceway this weekend in the Bridgestone- SCORE world championships. ·'This way we have the ability to participate in a sport we like and also to promote our business. ' at the knowledgable, friendly parts pe0ple Two Orange Coast area drivers will be there to seek fame and perhaps ultimately fortune. in the Class 7 division for mini-trucks. Gary Myers of Newport Beach and his business partner Dave Ramsay, will be competing although only Gary will drive this weekend. "WE USUALLY drive two separate trucks," Ramsay says. "But we have Bob Rodine driving one of the vehjcles this weekend so I will just ride with each of them ... Myers gained the edge when he beat Ramsay to the finish line last year at Riverside. But both are look· ing forward to having one of the top off-road racing drivers in their other truck. "Our truck that Bob will drive should be right up there at the finish," Ramsay says. "The trucks are pretty evenly matched and If the driver is good, he'll get through the traffic to take the lead. Bob is that kind or driver ... Myers and Ramsay own a Toyota dealership in Escondido and are comparative neophytes in the ofC· road raclng field. Myers -is 43 and Ramsay 44 and have been in business together for three years. Their rac· tng started two years ago. .. WE RACE as a hobby and to pro- mote our dealership," Ramsay says. "We sell a lot of four-wheel drive vehicles and 25 to 30 percent of our s ales are trucks." The duo has had its problems in AUTO RACING. other off-road races this year although they were third at Mexicali a year ago and placed fourth and fifth this year. "It has been our own fault more than that or the truck that we haven't been able to finish some of the races." Ramsay admits. "WE'LL BE RUNNING in the Ba· ja 1,000 in November in our next race after Riverside." Ramsay has had some experience in racing motorcycles in enduros and desert competition but this is Myers' first experience in competition. Ramsay goes to Escondido every day. a distance of about 40 miles from his Capistrano Beach home. He'll be driving a little farther to Riverside thJs Saturday and Sunday for the ninth showing of the off.road world championships that will feature some 300 competitors ln 22 classes for a total purse of over $300,000. But Ramsay doesn't mind. "I drive to Escondido every day and don't have to flabt the traffic," he says. "I turn to the race track to fight the traffic. It's much better that way." HB pair remain hot By ALMONLOCKABEV ..., .............. LONG BEACH -Randy Smyth and Jay Gluer continued to run away and hide from the rest of the Tornado Class lo the Pre-Olympic regatta, winnlna back to back races Thursday to main· tain tbelr perfect record. . At the end of the first race Thursday the Huntincton Beach team were so far abead that the second place boat wu barely ln sifht. Smyth was the only skipper ln the alx Olympic cla11e1 compeUna here to malntain a perfect score -even after calculaUnc th• aeon wt th a th.row out race. BW Buchan of Seattle, Wuh. In \be Star a ... po1ted rul1ahes Of •ecoad ud tblnl to live him 8. 7 penalt,y polN In the beat live ot six races. fft aUU ludltbecl-. bowever. -Jolm Low9'1a> ot Great Britain allo fell otf tbe pace In the 410 Cius with 2 •••• , ... ·ne a a •• as a 0 on flnishea or fourth and second. By throwina out the fourth place -b1J worst race -he aUll leadl the clua wlth six penalty points. Normal wind• returned fu the coun1 W ed.nesday wt th 10 knot.a recorded la the tint race, whi1tlln1 up to 20 by &be start of the second race. The •nc:re•ld wind was particularly welcome to &be Tornado catamaran cla11 u It Hiil crews nat out on trape1• to kHP the boata uprltht. There WH at leut one ca1>9tAnc. The race commlttet1 on Mtll coW'HI abo had t.belr probl1me wtUI wlodlllllla u the br .... cbu1ed bOdl velocity and dlreeUon. 8blftl o1 • de1re. fCM'ftd tbe relocation ol martll OD a ooupleof occulOlll. Tbe ftnt raee1 wu. po1tlMIMd tor over a balf.laout becau. af.Upt fol andablfty winds. ' a·nanoanoaaes· r/I~ ~CHAMPION t,a#'~ . save gas, get better performance Spark Plugs No's N6Y. N1Y, NIY 7 gc 119Y, N10Y, N10Y4, LITY, WY, LIBA. . . . . . . . ea. "'9'1 NS, JI, llY, FJO JIOY, FJ J Y, JJ J Y, 9 7C #Ur. JJZY, #JZY, 'il.ur. JJJY. FJ4Y, JHY, JJIY, llO, 110. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . H. IJJOY, lflJY, II! J2l llUZ-', llJJ2Y, lleaistw ey,. "'9't llLIY, IF9Y, 11#9Y, $114 l#JZY, llUJY, II# 4Y l#J4Y, llJSY, llUSY4, llU7Y, llU~n. ............. . ~ ... "_. • ...,...re ftACtlltG M ft• "'°J'DR Oil U I· •·+ Viscosity Racing s105 Oil "· ' Td Sctswdriver 'Check your [SI] tool box * to make sure -$265 ... •• Fan Belts "Always carry a spare" #1360, 1445, 1450, #1460, 1480, 1490, #1541, 8448 Flat Fixer TR·3 Resin Glaze Brings back original car luster • Inflates & seals instantly $1 95 Easy 1-step s 395 application pt. The three-way a4Justable shock that's ~ ~:::~=ut~ltun&ed 90 ,,.,, Striders! 11. COSTA MESA • S11a Cast Alta SUiPJ NEWPORT BEACH • · Ulited Ailtl Pllti • W. llUr It lristll • 556-2• • 2902 W. Coast HiPYfay • &4&D3 0 - ft ,... -a a ,e +"l l. •• -·-•• '+ • 0 ••< paq $ • ' -a : a a a.a ·Film boosts 1• :U.S. soccer , , . Aztecs hand out posters .. •By CURT SEEDEN .Of Ille o.My l"li.t Scaff ._ The Los Angeles Aztecs will band out "Vic· Lqrv" movie Posters to the first 7,500 soccer fans , who file through the LA Coliseum turnstiles ~at- 1wday nii(ht when the California Surf arrives. , , ··victory." of course, is the latest Paramount J?ictures movie about a group of aUied prisoners in ,,a .German POW camp which is forced lo play the German National Team in a Nazi propaganda scheme 1• The film has the Potential to give soccer a 1 eJant boost in this rountry, thanks mainly to the ,,, SOCCER " "presence of Pele who has been voted •·Athlete of f-he Century" in one poll of worldwide periodicals. 1 Sylvester Stallone plays Hatch the American f al keeper, although he might as well play Rocky e American goalkeeper. Pele, meanwhile. plays " POW from Trinidad (not Brazil). '' Actually, Stallone isn't quite the clod he's be· lng made out to be m Rockys I through XIV. But fie does have to keep asking his coach (Michael Caine>. "Where do I stand for a comerkick?" If you·re a soccer fan. you will no doubt like this movie And if you're a fan of the genre CThe Great Escape. Stalag 17 ), you'll find it doubly ap- 'l)ealing • There 's plenty of POW lingo like scrounger and goons, going over or going under. Stallone, in •f-act , finds himself in the same situation Steve McQueen faced in Great Escape. That is, after he escapes the camp (with relative ease >. he must turn himself back in to pass along imPortant in· lormation from the underground. •. The ending is highly predictable, with the • POWs playing the German National Squad before some 50.000 fans m Paris, including a large as- semblage of Nazi brass. .• Among them is POW camp commandant Max Von Sydow. who is believable as a former German &occer player himself who allows the SPort to in- terfere with his Political convictions. • 1 Pele, meanwhile , isn't the greatest actor in the world. but he makes up for it by being the gr eatest ccer player in the world. After suffering some unspecified internal in- JUry (probably broken ribs>. he returns to the field in splendid fashion. despite always clutching his chest. His bicycle kick is quite pleasing to watch. The movie is fine summer entertainment. and Ir Stallone has any sa y in it, there's always the chance of Victory II . • • • More on .. Victory": The movie will be a hit in 1ust about every country. thanks to a fine coll ec- tion of soccer pros, like the Cosmos' Werner Roth. England's Bobby Moore, Hallver Thorensen of orway and Kevin O'CaJloghan of Ire land, to me a fe w. • * * The last time the Toronto Blizzard was in town play the Aztecs, they stayed at a hotel in glewood. not far from the Forum. When they in- ired where they might find a grassy field nearby r a little practice. they were told to go up the reet and hang a right. They found themselves at Inglewood Park meta ry "Hey, we're not dead yet ," said one of the zzards, who are in last place in the NASL's astern Division with just five victories and 62 in ts ycles vie tonight Dubb Ferrell will be out to make it two in a ow tonight at the weekly speedway motorcycle aces at the Orange County Fairgrounds in Costa esa Ferrell swept both the scratch and handicap ain events last Friday night to become the first ider this year to accomplish this feat. With many top riders having their problems eeping upright this season including six-time hampion Mike Bast and last year's sensation Ian Christian, Ferrell and others have been win· ing many of the races. .. Dubb has an exciting, hair-raising style that akes it appear that he's on the verge of disaster t all times," says promoter Harry Oxley. "He'll obably either win again this week or go straight rough the wall trying." . Gates open at 6: 30 with the first heat race at Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Auguat 7, 1981 3 Network must take a hack seat Hambletonian's unique format forces ABC to change its policy for Saturday's venue "Some people ure Mlway1 compl•inlng 1bout the influence of television on aporu. But It ever there wu an example or television not belna able to control an event. this is it," mused ABC's Jim Spence as he contemplated his network's plans for covering Saturday's Hambletonlan. The format of the harness racing classic, to be staged for the rirst time at the Mudowlands in SPORTS ON TJ' Ill East Rutherford, N .J ., in the shadow of the New York skyline presentes unique problems for television coverage. Networks like to schedule major events as late as possible in their anthology s hows, so as to let the excitement -and presumably the audience - build. But ABC's Wide World or Sports will go on the air at 5 p.m. Saturday. and the Hambletonian could be all over by S: 12. * * * Saturday's TV, radio TELEVISION 11 a .m. (5) -WCT INVITATIONAL -Bill Scanlon vs. Eddie Dibbs. taped in March at Salisbury. Md. 11:20 a.m . t4l -NBC SPORTS' SUMMER SEASON -PKA karate super-lightweight cham· pion Cliff Thomas defends his title against Paul Vizzio, taped in Atlantic City, NJ. Also: The German Grand Prix auto race; the British track and field championships; the Royal horse show; and James Green vs. Dario DeAza in a six-round junior middleweight bout. 11.30 p .m . <13 ) -NASL SOCCER HI Glll.J GHTS. Noon (7) -PGA CHAMPIONSHIP -Third Cook Illa king a Illark LOS ANGELES <AP> Betty Cook has reached an age where she should be taking it easy. But at 58, the 5-4. 115-pound bundle of energy is one of the top offshore powerboat racers in the world and has no thoughts of re· tirement Cook 1s the only woman involved in the top class of offshorel powerboat racing, and believes she is the oldest driver in competition . But those facts haven't s topped h er fr om becoming one of the best at her sport. Cook, of Newport Beach, along with throt- tleman John Connor and n avigator Bill Vogel, will compete in the Coral Gables Challenge Cup at Saugatuck . Mich., this weekend. It will be the seventh in a series of nine races that determines the national championship in her sport. The top three boats in point standings from each competing country at the end of the year qualify f()r the world championsh ip race . Cook said her team. which has recorded two victories and two second-place finishes in 1981 , has a lead of about 550 points in the stand- ings. Cook took up her SPorl in 1974, moved up to the top class in 1976 and shocked her competitors by winning the world championship in 1977 and national titles in 1978 and 1979. How much longer does Cook, who says she's in the best physical condi· lion of her life. plan to compete in a SPort in which she controls a 10.000-pound craft t hat flies through the ocean at speeds of 90 mph? ANH ---Oet.ct0<. 1n..._ "9nol ..,_j , __ ....,..,wv ••CJ3 2677 fOlt06 ,,......,.. 196().19761''4 170-200) round play In the final major tournament of the season from Duluth, Ca. 1:30p.m (lll THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL. 2 p.m . t2) WOMEN'S TENNIS The women's singles final In the U.S. Clay Court cham- pionships, taped at lndlanaPolls. 14) -WF.~TF.RN OUTDOORS -Segments: A visit lo 1 wild horse roundup in the Idaho Sand Basin and a dis· cussion or the Atlantic salmon. 3 p.m. <7> -GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS A tribute to John Havlicek, one of only four players in NBA history to score more than 25,000 points. 3:30 p.m. (2) -CBS SPORTS SATURDAY - Arent Musburger updates the sports scene and previews Sunday's comeback attempt by former W BC welte rweight champion Roberto Duran. Also: A Scheduled 10-round bout. (7) -ll80 BIG TEN WGHLJGHTS -Highlights or the 1980 Big Ten football season Including the clash between the Ohio State Buckeyes and the Michigan Wolverines. (34) FUTBOL Tottenham vs. Manchester. 5 p.m. (7> -WIDE WORLD OF SPORTS - The Hambletonian, trotting's most prestigious event. taped at the Meadowlands race track ln East Rutherford. NJ. Also: International gym· nasties competition and the U.S. weightlifting championships. <28 > -SOCCER. 6:30 p.m . (50 ) TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE Coach Vic Braden explains the basics of ball rotation. 8 p .m <50 > -SOCCER MADE I N GERMANY. 9 p .m . (50) S PORTS AME RICA - Highlights of the 1981 Pacific invitational tennis tournament RADIO Baseball Cincinnati at Angels, 7 p.m ., KM PC (710). Rebroadcast: The 1965 World Series first gamt> between the Los Angeles Dod~ers and Minnesota Twins, 1 pm , KMPC (710). Football - Atlanta at Oakland. 6 p m , KNX < 1070). Sunday's TV, radio TELEVISION 10:45 a .m <34 > FUTBOL. 11 a.m . <2 > -TENNIS The men·s singles final in the U.S. Clay Court championships Crom Indianapolis Noon (7) GOLF -The national long driving c hampionships, taped al Atlanta Athletic Club in Ouluth, Ga. 12:30 pm. (7) -PGA CHAMPIONSHIP - Final round play from Duluth, Ga. 1:30 p.m. <2> CBS SPORTS SUNDAY - Roberto Duran (72-2> talces on Nino Gonzalez <24-1 > in a scheduled lO·round Junior middlewe1ghl bout at Cleveland. 3:30 p.m. (4> -SPORTS AFIELD -Angling for bonefish in the Florida Keys with Jerry Chiap- petta . 4 p.m t4l -SPORTSWORLD -Renaldo Snipes <21·0 > vs. Gerri Coetzee (24·21 in a scheduled lO·round heavyweight bout, taped at the New Westchester Theater in Tarrytown, NY. 5 p.m (4 l BASEBALL The Amen can League vs. the Nallonal League all·slars as baseball returns to the airwaves The game is be- ing played in Cleveland. 7 p.m <28> -TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE - Coach Vic Braden explains the basics of ball rota· lion RADIO Baseball All star game from Cleveland. 5·25 p.m., KNX (10701. Rebroadcast: First game or the 1968 World Series between Detroit and St. Louis, 1 p.m .. KMPC !710 1 <The Dally Pilot Is not respon sible ror late changes.) SUN VISOR -~ --WINDOW nNT One •'•P 1eolon1. c.t.ons • .n.ne,, 'eol1 all '" one Eo1y oppl•cotton 199 --Diiiilli~' 179 '°' OVIO Wtndo .. glo .. 118P2S 6•• KfllEY · Hondy pon lo< d•oon "'9 0ol I J _., q1 <Dpo<•ty •UP28 S GARIER • SH thrv lold owoy ••IO< H•lp1 10 redU<e glore & ey. fo1ig.,. O.p1 on •CVIOl M CAL CUSTOM• An•• I Glore trontporent point Help• prolect I ;;~~~ 129 FlVt-A-UTE -12'" Cont.ohdby "-mottot. lmp<O¥e> Petfonnonce. MO<. efficient. • 10 SPEAKERS S'ARKOMATIC 4"•10" o" 1u1pen110<1 woof••• 20 01 mogne•• ~··ally rnovn•ed 2·· IWH•en ~to frt lo•••• model <on •SK4120C CASSITTI OR 8-TRACI< Pl.A YER (~!.l?M rlii!~~J .. ALTUS · AM/FMJMPX, FF ALTUS · l»A/fMlMPX and erect bu1on, P'•C•llon •lereo rodlO. Ad•on<ed IC Ii.ad oftgn,,,.nt1 high condructlon; complele 1n ..,,.,,,.,,.., 0763 dblh d .. 19n 113767 YOUR 5197 CHOICE 99~ TURTlf WAX · RettO<fl color & dvne IO your cars lin1 ii> 16 Ol I f270 3!' ''ftXTURA'' 1WINMATS REAR 645716293 5~? I UllfR OUUN -Un•••nol cor mot wi"11nmmoble 1 FRONT 879 edg••· olloW>ng 10< ••0<1 11 61"2 'AIR for 011 riondord & 1ntermecl101• "" <0<1 TOP & REAR DICK CARRIER ~ ........... ~·~""""'. compact cofl S2" St••' <honnel •S7J .:::· 13~,. MARTIN . '*°' d..c:k come<'" lv111ou~ chrom• plol•d fin11li, 3o··.1a·· ••90 CHEV•Ol.ET 6 C~.-. 19SS 1976 730 73S.7501lccept 197.5 1976 ...... 250 £"9-1 CHMOl.O I C~ 195$ l 961 26.5 7tJ.J01.327 iE• .. P' Hi·,erformonc•I fOllO 6 Cylonder 1960 197• 170100 15~CH fOllD I C,.e..o.r 196'.11969 721-760 219 302 I DOOOE-rt.YMOVT~6C,......,.. 19601971 • 'Ot4llAC 8 CyliNlef 1963 1961-""""-TC 1-holo DODGE rt.YMOVTHICrl!i..S.'196'.1 i\--~~~~~~~~-,-~~~~~~~~~-- "I don't really know," she said with a laugh. "I hope I'm smart e nough, that when I can't be fair to my team I'll bang up my helmet. whenever that is." CHllYSU• V .. 1963· 19161360 361 383~) CHttYSlfa v.a 1967· 19761273.311-326·3"°1 OlDSMOtllf V·I 196S-1976133().J50-400-42S-4SS) IUICK v .. 1~~7-1976 l«>0-43CM$.5 -1917173.3, •• :M().360 1 o•• DODGE l'\YMOUTHtCp\onck< 1951 1971 l.50-:161 JU 400-'40 lXCH • ~·'Wit• n... , • .,.,.. ... •Ovf ()oot fC .. $9• ..._,ftf Yo..; .V••• cosu•uM1·1219 .... ..._._ •llllOM ~ts-CM01 -~~­It•• Olotoo'-M A"'t ....... I RAMS SEASON TICKETS u.Hed CWce Seats 213-463-1101 I This weeks Special 1980 COUPE DEVILLE D'ELEGANCE Dual comfort seats. Cabriolet top & Cadillac wire wheel covers. ( 350137 >. 112,995 DD TWAT WT ... nn.111• WITll ........... Aftl. CHf'\llOtO v I 196S.1976 ~27~-'-'l ~Vl19SS.1976 (26S.2tJ..l07·327-3!I0.4001 3 19 SlT Anaheim 1280 N. Eudld (S. of Hwy. 91 ) n2-tl40 lueno ,ark .s2'6 hactl aw. of Mot¥.m ocrou from K·Mort (714)9"-1320 .,.,..., 141 l. lmp«iol (71 4) 7Jl..6t71 - ·Anaheim 2340 W. Uncoln Av•. "9-1612 CottOM.IG 1739 S1.11)41rlor Ave. 642-3314 •Fountain Volley 9880 Womer Ave. (714) 964-6427 • fuhrton 2978 Yotbci Undo (714) """4710 Auto Supply HILIHNG YOU DO n RIGHI CHMO\fl I C,.tincle< 1969 1979 12•• 762 261 307 )77 .350 & «>Cl -7 Ill C.~ton ---~" I l'OllD I C.,tWief 1961 1971 88 332·3.52·390-406-421 14 ~~:,~ 1970 loM 197t r.x~ I • LoMlrodo 15081 lm~riol (213) 947-5641 Ora~ 1100 N. Tustin Acrou from Post Office n1.3000 258 -- •• Miteion Vlelo 24510 Alklo p\wy. 951-9175 • 1t1venicM 10403 McJilnolio Ave (714) 359..3041 ·Santo AM 1302 e. 17th St. tsl~l -l ~· ~ ~..-~-..... ------~~----_..4 .... ~•""="'•..--.... -----.... -----~· ....... --.... ...._--... ~:--.... •• ........ ,,.. ........... ,..,.."'!'9 ........ ~,... ... ~ ................. """' ................ "4.$~4 ... #llllllll0¢11114 ..... 1111$.1111¢0~¥ .. 9!1101111~ ...... ,llll~0 .. 1!111 .. lllll!lll .. ,.;;;~ -,._--"!( l I \ :1 .. .. . I I . .. ~ . . . , ' . • Orange Coeat DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 ----------------------------.... ~ ...... .;.. ______________________________________________ ~-------------------------------------.. Del Mer TMUlllJDA'l''l llelULTI (W.o14oMleylMi t" .. _.., PlllllT lllAC•. One Mlle Sf>e•1 A 0 .. IC..1-l '1.JO 11.40 UO NH r SC. CMeu> s.• J.00 Morry Meftdy CMcH.,_l J.40 Al• •Keel. Secret Greu, 11\ldy H' Jvttr, lmollltfolllMy, WlllClmlU¥, F-•Glrl. Tl-I Jt1/S t•ClOMO •Ace.• fwrlong6 ClltOll-... (Sllotmour> ••.60 1.40 00 Mldnlte l! .. le CWlnlendl 1.40 f.40 Soy 11.., co.+.-~•·• uo Aleo 'ecect: Crrlt•I Coctietoo. 1uw1•1 Bend, 11111e·1 Ruler, Ill• 01 Cy•-. lledlll' lt•11191, E..-Clelly You"· ..... 1.,1 Wen-lor. S..llly, sw,.,,., H-. Time I IJ 1/S U DAILY OOUllLI CM I !Nld Wl.JO THlllO Ill Ac• •• furtono•. Molt OljMomellc IWlfll•ncll 13 00 4.00 4.00 Mr. Grll• l,..,u) •·• •.40 Treffk Plllt•rn IH•WleJ) J.IO Al•o reced Scolly Mc Ph•rton. Im· prutl•• Hotl, Honor John, 0 Oewltt. s1,_..,, Son. Time I IOJ/S. U IXACTA CJ.SI ~Id UOl 00. '0UlllTH llAC•. 41.,r1~ Cerrle'I Ten csr-meker) t 00 •.JD 1M Ste<y Jo IWlftlMldl 6.00 i.OO l'Cep CMl:CerrOftl JM Aleo receo .Jf>tKNy Alleed, Jel Plre1'. llroedweyP._1. Time I 1J llS """ llACE.OMmlleOl'l l\lrf oeunnoi, tM<CMrOftl J.40 1.IO 2.40 Noon SNdow IMcHe111U9I J ... l.00 Feetll« Rewenl IL~m) >AO Al•,., S»w FIN, So..,..• SultregMM, Joyt\11 HOllJ Time 1 111/S. U EXACTA IJ.SI ~Id U..00. llXTM llAC•. 6 lurlongS. Turning Derk IM<H.,_1 10.IO •.IO 4.IO Hetlw Fettlnl CWlnlenCll S.40 4.40 Englllll 111..-1 (GrebowMll '-211 Al• r... Apple Pkn, H_,.._, Soler lllrcl, Trl&I•• Ledy, Anotller Terreuo, Morry". L ...... SI slef\t LH. Tl,,... I ID/S. HV•NTH llACE. 41\lflonQS. Vlckle'1 GAi tsr-mebrl 1 .IO J.40 S.JO Kellh A""'9w IMcCMtOft) J.40 l.00 Wlngret CllemlrH I 4.20 Al90 ten Coun4 YO\lr C.,dt, Felle Fiii, Zenu.·1 01.-. Llnle MIU Ecllo. RI•• 01¥ Time I 11 1/S $S EXACTA 1~11 Nici u1.so. U PICK SIX 1 ... 1·?·).Hl PtlCI 11',7115.20 wltll -wlflnlng lkut Ill• 11«1e1>. U Pkk SI• ConJoletlOft ~ICI Sl'j '° wllll 14 WIMlftg ll<keb Cllw lloritsl EI Off TH llAC•. One mile Ol'I '""· Afty Time Pel (H-ley) 1.00 .... 4.00 0.11" G~ IOIH I 9 ... 6,40 Petite Meld (Trotltchl UM AllO ren· Hell To Boldllelt, Co-r L\111.,, Recllel Re<llel, Miu Per .. •l•n. C•rtft Clerk, RMI Wltdom. Mett•r Of Feet. T lme 1 )'2/S. From Page C1 lo• Alemftoe TMUHDAY't Ila.UL.ft ,, ...... ._. ue l ...... ,,.. ......... -.-i PtllST llACa. •Yerw. leftdr• tMI CHM!> 11 • S.flO 4A1 Tel..,...,..,...,. .,,.,..,, •• ... a.lll'(Mlly lll'lllr. ....... ) 17• Al• rececl Tidy WI,., Mid •t11.. -Mowr, Melli"' MtrNrlta. °"'*'Ill T,_ ll40, 511 ... , lAWl't TI ..... "-=··· . ti •XACTA , .. ,, ~ U1 ... HCO.O lllACI. 4IO ,.,._ Swift~ CU.•r> i.• t • t.flO Clllcti1 ~ CHertl i.flO a.et Lewl't LAI,_.,. IArrM ...... ) I.II Aleo tee.eel: Ste To SH, .._._,. WIN, Lo•l"I """'· Flrat Pvell<•llM, Olrwd l'oOcy,Scrlew Tlme:•.60. TMllllO •AC•. )JO yerelt. Vo4e IAdelr) 4.00 ... t.• O It 1 lcfl CHert.J UI l.40 Jene•• .i.1 1T,...,..,., >.JD Aleo •-: Dusty ltkll L.edy, l!lllortlell, Oea R..._ Cluo v~. Tl-: 11.U. rouaTM 11.ii.c•. a ,.n1 •. Ke, Ceo Deb (f'rydeyJ 11.00 uo .... btorll cc,.....rJ 1.• MO MIN .i.t ~ ITt.....,..l i.JD Aleo ,.,, Tr'-41 Uldy, ... "°' Mon, '9•"""8 0-, ~. Trlplo ""'9, Mo9M My Doer, MIN Levo I.Arlt. Time: JD.it. U IXACTA l~Jl ,.+cl 512.IO. f'lrTH llAC•. 110 , .... Eternal Oler•• lllr-•l Jt.00 11.• ~IO Koneque IT,_rel •.40 ,_. Steem A/ltd Cllervt I P'loretl SM Aleo reco4: NHIWlll• ""...... 01-0.llCer, $all Liii. Arrlllll"9MI"', ,__.,.. G-. Time·.._ .. llXTM llACe. )50 •-· Smooth Line IAdelrl U.IO JD.40 "'° Hect• Rocket ICllew•I S.40 t aa ..... Our lllr'OOllll ... AllO ,.,.: A·SeolH• Hobie, A•MIU Piii, Sll•ae Foill, OotlM eodl•. Jeti. ..,._, llot>I .. ~. Ml• cw. seo..r. ~. TkN: -.OS, U IXACTA CM ) N ici WUI. HVUfTM IUIC&. "° yerds. Crl,.._ Codlll• !Hen) 9.40 I.• LIO Top Oenllll ITrMM1rel J.00 I.JD lllg L...,. O...Cw l.Adelrl t.• Aleo ,.,, Miu Sllftr L.ec:es, Lii 5-d'I Six, KllA c.er. v ..... 11 •• Henll T-Olkll, l'eu Em Twice. Tl-: 11.1 .. U llJlACT A I 2-71 Nici f.26.40. •10ttTM llAC•. UO'ter& Cl•berette Go tTr....,re) 11.00 s.• ,.. Repld RoC> 1Her1l 1.40 UD TUI..,.. IFrydey) l.40 AIM> ren: Jet Dene•. Mr Doty e.ra. St.,....ty Siil ClllCk, FIJ"'t P.-, Mella ,.Ollcy, Easy __ ,,., Tl-: 17.ll. U •XACTA IWI peld '54.00. ti ,.,CIC SIX 11.S.l·H -Sl Nici MO..lldD wltfl -wfml"ll lk:llet 111 ... ,__,, SJ Pk-Six Comoletlon Nld S12.• wf1'1 16' wlnnl"I tk-•tt lfo\lr wl.....,-sJ. IUlfTH RACI. UO yerds. C•l1erll0 IOWwzl '·· UI UI ... UMl!lut ( He,,I JA U0 sir .......... (llerdl uo A._,_, 111-s 01111 Oii. Wllll Prelud!Q, Ill-R .... r. Se•• llrecllet, ..,.., MMty MoOft, Oerlll'I 01 ....... , Limited Copy. Tl"'9: 11.04. U •XACTA C~Jl pelcl •14.00. Aft~-1.tU WAT&RPOLO ""'*"' Netlon.I Olrmotc• WIWI k 1--.leCI ................... C-•Mer....-Uta.~· C--*4 MM -1119: 0.¥141,..,,,... 1, T ... T.,,.. a, P9' ~ I, f'Mw Sc ....... ' .191111..,.,.... 1. AAU WOl'Mft'o toum•m•nt ,.,.,..... ..... , ................... AN!lltlm Hiiie 6, 1........., Hiiia • I; 09!\e A411etk• tt, ........,_a. ve11.., ~ t, (_.,., t; .....,.,, $, llllMltl•ltM ..... l; AMMlnl Hlllt , .. ~ J; I...,., Hiiie I 1a, T\leMllft Hlllt I : Velie¥ ~ It. .... ,.,, I , CoMOrcl •. llln' llloed l , AMMllll Hlllt 11, T.,.l.Cln Hiiie t ; Oefl.e Aev«kl 7, llldvtlrJ Hiiia e O; Vell.., Aewelln •. Ill••• 111••11 I, Modt11•· ltenltleld .. ~ I; A ...... llft Mith t,, 0.lle Al!WMkl t ; SIMMrcl t, T1111l9'l11 Hlllt 4; v...., ..... k ... MMHi ........ ~ •: ,....,.,, 1, 111 .. r RoOd 2; 0.11" "'l\ltl!ICI. 10, Tllelellft Hiiia J; l ..... lf'Y Hiiia 0 7, MMlw&I J; .............. *'. 10, lllwor ..... '· ..__,•,CMKerclJ. 0,... ........ , Grow A -1--, Hltlt A. VellOv "4u9tkt, OtllA AellMka. ....... lllelftllllwl; G'*4I • -C--<e, An•ll•IM Hlllt, Newporl, Moel••••· Sleftlll-Oii llldlltlry Hllll e. Pt..Olymplc r•g•tt• l•t l.elll 9Mclll """ ,, ... p., ....... STA• FIFTH llACE -I. Vln<.efll 9,.,,., U.S .. J. Cerl Oucllen, S.elllo; l . Jeme1 S<- moker, U.\.; •. GUftter Heeck, U S.; s. Htftry 5Pt .... u.s. TOllNADO "FTH RACE -1. Relldy Sln'flll, U.S.; 2. G.oltnty ,.,,..,, c.n.cs.; J II•• s.11 ..... .... w Z..lend. 4. Jollrt .......... ~. s lrleft l'wt, Hew Z.•1-. SIXTH lllACE -I. ltencly Smytll, U.S.; l Gor.,. Men1'om, 5-ft; 1. Rtt. Miiie, Greet llrlt.,,.; •. Rot19rt Wlllle, Greet lk-1· teln; S. RH Sell•"· Mew lHlend. .,. FIFTH RACE -I. Yewyukl Hellomorl, J epen, J. Cllrlstop11er Dlcho,., H•• ZMlencl; J. 5CeYe lon)emln, U.S ; 4. Henll " ... OellC. --; s. Se-• 5"11. J ...... SIXTH llAC& -1. MurreJ -'-· New LMlel'ld, J. s ..... llonJemlfl, U.S.; l. -• ... °""· HOii-; 4, Al ... Adler, Orezll, s. Merc111 Soer•. Orezll. ....... FIFTH RACE -1. Metllll PeltlOft, Sw-; l. Tim I.Aw, Greet l rlteln; l. l..O\lle H•d'f. U.S.; •. Mor11 NHlemM, HOllMCI; s Etke llecMr-... Fl"I-. SIXTH llACE -'· Elko R•cllercn, Finl-. J. Merli N•~rnen. Hollend; J R\IU SllWOllrl, U.S.; •. Tllomes OlejelUftd. Sw-.. S. Lellll Armlt, Hew Z.•l•lld. SOLINO RACE FIVE -1. L..lmero Glenc .. 1e. ltely, t . Erll1 T11orse11, s_..,; J. Jeme• Mecllty, U.S . 4. 11111 -'-t Jr .• C•n-. s. OWi& L••. Greet 9t(1"1n. SllC"TH RACE -1. Torlltn G'MI, llradl. l . Cllrlt Lew, Greet 8rllelft; '· Le....,. Gfencllle, llely, 4. 11111 A-II Jr .• ,....,., s. Jtft ..,,,..._, s-... f'L YING OUTCHMAN RACE FIVE -I. Eric Volltbre91, Hell-; l. Greg Teweslltjtrtle, C-; l Mlc"-1 l.oetl, U.S.; 4. John Lo .. de'I', Ore.I llrtte111; s. O.•lcl Mec:uv, ,. .. z.e1-. SIXTW RACE -ll<ye11 Tretee.,.,, ....... ZMlencl, J. Jofln Loweley, Greet llrlteln. J Mk: ..... LoeO. U.S.; 4. Oevld Mecuy, ...... ltel .... ; S. How-Hemlln, U.S. ....,...,-.eiflwoettl•r- • FINN -I. Tim Lew, Grell lrltt lfl, l0.4, 2. 111111 Sll•ut,I, U.S., 21.1; 3. Eike Recllerdl, ""lend, •2.0, 4. T.,,, Helt11111 c.,....., 4J.4; s Mertln PelHOll, s-..... 4. • ,. I ..... Wi.mlfl, U.I , IU, J Mere .. ...,._, 9tull, tu, J Clw'I...,._, 0"11-. .... i. ....... "' , • 4. -.... Otfll, Holl11W1, •• 4, 1. L•wro WtllNr, ., •• u. •.o. '""' -l 1111 lwclltfl, IJ.I ., 1.1; 2 , ...... ~.-.,, "''" .. •: .. ,,.,. .... L ........... u s . » •. 4 Merli II•~ U $ .• M.1, I l.At'V WIW"'I•. V I , 61 t TOllNAOO -t, 111-y SMY'll. V I ., t.O, 2 OK.., M«"llr-. S_.I\, 2'.t; J I.Ar,.., w..-, c-ec1 •. n 1, 4, 1t•1tM11 ,..,,,, C•MCWI, a 1, S Mlh Zln•1', US , o • P'L VINO OVTCHMAN -1 ~" LOwMy, Or•ot lflleln. •.O, J Erl~ VOllMteft, Holl-. ••. t. Mlc,..tl ~. u '·· •I; • c; ... , .......... ,iw. c-.... 42.4, '· .. , ... T rt lee_., New z .. 19114, 4S. I 50LINO I 1111 ~II Jr , c:....i., •• 1, t. l.Al'f\¥0 Oi.11e .. 1e, lloty, 21.A; i. T~-Gr .... Orull, lS •. •. J.,..., ~y. V I • 1L1; S. Cllrla Lew, G•HI lflt.eln, SO 1 Cler court chemplonohlpt Cetl• , 1111 , .... .._. ....... Mel l'wc9!1 def Gellflel Urpl, ..,, .. 1. M CUrpl wllft*-bew\IW Of lnt..,..,I; 1¥.,. L..i def. SNorne GllO•Wlft, •·J. .. 1; -. L\111 DIMl.,1 clltl. Me H....,et, M , M , Giii• MlrwtWI def H-Gll•-llW , M . 1 ... llkereo c-.... Me;ll I!-. 4-1, ,_., M , Gulll•r"" VllH def. H- Sl"'-1, M , .. ,, J-Lwh C~rc def.~ drt•O....•. , ........ Cl Ol*'*ollll.....,...,..._....._. Mor9tlan clltl T-Slnlcl, .. J, M ; ...,,,. AIH-• ... Ille .... ,. ..... l ... 2. WOMell c 1nst1• .......... JMTMrcl.._. S.. llerUr clol. "-i. Tom-ve, M , .. ,. M ; H-lt•echotlo¥• •· hltt ~an. J .. , , .. , .. I; lllf91M Me"MIO¥e def, Vklll Htl-. ... , ... ,. SllMn Metetrll\ Ott. --llwuell.1·S, 1·S. 0..-.IMI lltl$Mt ... ,.,... J ...... def .............. 1 •.. ,; Mime -'-""< clol MN Stnltll. ... • I, 1·S; Vl'91nl1 Rlalcl def. ~erln, .. I. 04. 1·S; --.Ilion def. SCrlld>orlo•e ... J ... 1. Men'o tournement let ca-City, Olllol _..... ........... Ori.., Teec:Nr clef. Jollrt Llo't'I, .. ,, W, M ; JofWI Aolt11n clllt. hrnle MlttOl'I; -P11,._ def. Tom ~llllWI, M , M , 4-l. s.c....111-0..... VIier Amrlt••I·,,.,.._ AmrMre1 def ... Luu-sc .. Sml1", M. M .•. ,. Men'• tournament , ................. 'I'.) Tlllrcl•-~ Crllw sc..,., def. _,_ .... ,.,..rt. .. ,. M, Jere,.,,., ~ def. Oelwlel Mell•. M . w. AllCl'f Nrtlr-s clef J-Aoet9, ... J. W NFL EXHIBITION Olten 13, E•gleo 10 k_...,0-,.. Pllll-plll• l 1 0 0-10 Houllon 1 l J 0-U HGU -CemclOell J '"" (f'rl!Kh 1110 ) Piii -FG Frenltlln n Hou -FG C:.....pece JS Pl>! -Hoollt 10 P•U from J•-•nl CFr-.ln kk lll Hou -FG FrllCll 41 A -ol.S,424 , ... .,,,... LetllMn RUSHING -PNl-lotlle. ~llO'N'Y •·11, Cempflelcl 1·U , tierrlnglOft 2•U, J ewonlll l·U . Ollnr S·U . Ho\ltlOfl. Cemlillell IJ-ol.S, T. Wll11111 4-11, ~ .... Tloomuel11 .. 2J, ................. "· PASSING -Plllledefpllle, Je-skl .. ,,.1-a, Plwrclk J.1~, Hertel ,_..,. H~ Nlol.,. l~~IS., llN"°' J.S4.17. llECEIVIHG -PNI-....,._, C.,M~I M4, Slnllll H , ..._, J..>.1, 5Petnol• H2, Pe,,.., 1·16. Cemplltld 2·1l. Hou~ton • ._ fro J·JI, C•m~•ll •·S, 811rro11gll J•U , HolJIOn 1-30, ll«Wr M l, C-to< HI, Sftlltll 1·2'.~•1-11 STAN CHAMBERS' PGA chemploneNp , .. ~ .... ...~ ~---Mertl Ll't ,,.,._., ... ._._. ,.., .... , ... ,..,_,II ,.~ Ven<.e .....,_ ,.~ llt•~I ~ LMHIMle ,....... .. ...,Mel-. ~ ~ ........ ~ ,....... lllenltnck ,.._.... Lerry HelWI -.al-It Toml'wtz« ~ 0 ... """"" .,....,. ·~ LleYlr.e ,....._,. '1WY l9tler aw7-10 OoftJ_,.., ~ M1rt1H4ty91 ~ i..-, .. _,"' ~ Gii ""°'-,.,._,. w .... Levi J1.J)-..10 MI II• Sulll¥efl J7-»-10 J .C.SIWd ~ Oew Sllc111on ,.,._,. H \llltn Or9'ft •llS-11 He~ltWlll )4.J7-JI lle y FIOyd »-,._11 Miiie, ..,_ ·-11 Tom Wltllll. U ·i.-11 S<on ~ iwt-11 Oevlcl l!clw•t'Cll ~n Lo.. Gr...... ,, _ _,._,, Jim Thorpe •»-11 J•rrv P• M-Jl-11 s.... ... ....,..,. >>,._11 Jeck Hklr.'-~I Tom l(IW i.w.--11 0..,. T .... I ~11 0 . A. w.llwlng J>»-71 Merit O'Mewe 1'-»-1? Pllll HeMOO Jl-»--1? J im eoit.,, JS,J1-n Jofln c-».»-n Creft 5tedlef ~n •111 11.,..n ,...,._n ••• ,,, J-llel u..s7-n seen Ko<:ll l>Jl-11 Terr, Oi.t.i M-»--n orec1 lr\t.,. »-»-n D•vlcl Glenl ~Jl-n Mllle-ley •:i.-n De nny eow-U·»--n AIOelbwgff 1~7J Grtt _...., Jt..ll5-7J c""'' scr.,. -~ Jim si-»-11-n ,...., w-1,,. »-»--n Lloflel....,, -~,, Tam Jenllklt J7.,._,, Geor .. Ar<Nr V ·»-13 Ed ,!Ml 16-11-13 J\lmllo Oulll •J1-n Joe l-•11-n JoH-•l7-n ~ t I .,, " Exhibition 0....1,0-.,. .... Al~ 000 010 CIOl)-1 ~ 0 LOS AllQltl.. 000 000 ~ 2 0 Holltft, W•i9"1 l•J. "-"" Cl) end Clt>W. Reuu, tioolon (SI. Hlectenluu Cll •llO ScloUI•. Yu11 .. CS) w Wrloht L- Hooton S-Ptne A S,000 ~.s ........ 4 Atlante 000 210 IC»-4 11 0 Mllw ... k• 101 000 30•-S 7 J P Hle1tro Melller 01. HrebO&lly Cll - ...... 11c1. H•h•rOdl\Y. Ill . V\l<kO•lcn, Cloelend UI. EH<trly 111, f'l"llfr& Ill. l(ee10ft ltl. W-EHlerly L-Meh~r. $-- l(ee10f\. Hll'-Mu ..... 11 ... Howell AlleM•, Ctlembllu . """"1>1\Y A-•,111 A• ... 1.•...-01 HOllllOft 000 000 010 1-J • J Tu•• ooo 001 ooo 0-1 • o S\lttOl'I, IC-(31, RJ•n ISi, 0 5"'1111 111. SMl'ICN1o Ill, uCo<1• C•l ... o AIN>J, Pu· Iola Cll : °'""''"· K••" w. H ...... (41. J Jo""'°" It ) •nd Suftdlll\lrll w -ueorre L-J JohntOrl A-U ,176 ........ "' ... 11'11,..,..,. 000 t• 001-J t I Clew!Mlf 001 000 Obi II t ....... ....,. 111. $c11NI' , ••• "-(I) ellli Nkoele, ... M Ill, llylewn, ... w l•I, 0.llfly ltl .... ,.,.,. (I), Meftee ct> .... HetWt, OIN (ti W-li.n•. L-111-1- Mtll.. Hiii Cle¥tlencl, 0 Alt1e..-.r, A.-..m. PM11 ... •.0r ..... a ........... , OIJ 000 0-J t I Pllll ... lpflle no IOO 0-. ' I O. MA1'1lne1, lllel'l ... l'I l•I. P'orcl "'· Ltll*' 11> -Orellel'ft, Oem-y W I ClltltleftlOft, 111111.ll•tft W , MCOrew 1t1 .... ltone, Morele"cl U I W-llwl11¥tll L- ,..,.. ... ,. S McGrew Hll ltlll,,..,e, M\ltrrt A ,d 2 A'tJ, P.WWI o .... _ 001 ooo JOO-a s • kl'I o._ 001 100 l~J " ' NOl'fll, L..lf'IO!orcl m. Vl'ldor•-C•>. J. JOIWI 111. 0..Cllll'llio Cl), Hen«IO ctl Md tiHIJ\, Htwmetl II); Ek N lber .. r, "'4Ke 01. u,, .. en. LIKe.t It) •1111 K•~ tilt Oekl_, _ _, A-1',IU LITTLE LEAGUE Mejor 111-12-yHr-olda) llCTIONAL '9NAU lecU.S CM Ml•*' Viele Y-11 Perlll I rVlftt lfOrtll 1, Ltltl "9'ftlt l Tt••r'•O•,,.. I •vine Nor1h ¥\ L_.flngwell, S JO p m lt<t ... . Cetlll ..... _1 Tecler'tO..... ~••I-n . No""'•lk Ctnlr•I, i op m 13-yeer-otds <•t ......... OM*lltl le•Mft •. "-teln Velley N0'111 l IF....,,. t•I" Velley Horth ellmlMlecll Thuroday'o lranaecttono llASICITeALL -'-'~ NATIONAL LEAGUE -Ow11er1 •t>· P•O¥ecl IN WI• "' .,_ Clllc-Cllbl to IN Clllugo Tri.._ Co PHll.AOELPHIA PHILLIES -~ M•rly llyttrom, pO«wr. ID R•ecll"' Ill ow E .. ,.,,.~ ..._...~ KANSAS CITY ROYALS -Celled "" Mike ~. pHt...,, from Om•ll• ol U. Amerlcen Auocletloft . S.m K•" ,.,.,s-, 11 .. 1-,.,....,toOMM.. llASKeTllALL --.. ........ 11 ........ , ... DETROIT PISTONS -Welved Honnen ....... -d. MILWAUl(l!E BUCKS -Sfgfted Men S"'ltll, fontioerd. l'OOTllAU ~,....nu..,. TORONTO ARGONAUTS -H•m•o lltlpll Sulo prn._,t atler he ,..,...., es ••c_..i-eno oe--r•I ,.,._, of .,. Hemllt..t "9ff<et1. _,, ..... I ~ DENVER •ROHCOS -Sig"'° llrl9oft M•-. ~ ... beek, to a -let of -yeert -rec:IJ. MIAMI DOLPHINS -Sl11ned Pe\11 P l\lrOw&kl, llNWO:er. Wel••d Geor .. Ooeflle, lllWbeOer NEW ORLEANS SAINTS SIQfted ~emus 5'nY!h, P1ec.ell10~r HEW YORI( JETS Welvtd 110111 HelltMn,wfMY HOC«EY -i.-i --., ~ LOS ANGELES IC.IHGS -Slonod 1110 Chert raw eno Lerr y Goodeno.,011, de len...._; -c;.ry Bromley, QO<ll-. MONTREAL CANAOIENS -He ...... Jee:· q\ltS ~rTlere l\llHlme AUl&lenl ~ Slonod Glllltn 0.IOo',,.., Clltfensefnt" HEW YORK ISL.ANOE RS -$i9fWd o..,;. L_.rn., clefen......,. 10 • mulU·yeer ._.. 1'•ct TORO..TO MAPLE LEAFS -Slgrwd Jim l ennl"CI. ••-m..,, lo • m\llll·Y•et .... lrecl OOLL•G• CAL POL y POMONA -Hemeo Or How....i .-...,.. •INetk direc:lor SEVANO'S COLUMN. • • ~THE SPA EXPERIENCE ~IS WAITING FOR YOU! be No. 1 comes his way, he'll take the Ram by the horns. • • • RUTLEDGE WILL PROBABLY split the New England game Monday night at An aheim Stadium with Haden. Haden will probably go the first half with Rutledge the second. As for Rutledge's strengths and weaknesses: a) his arm is stronger than Haden's but not as strong as Ferragamo·s <who's is?>: b l he lacks experience. c > h e's a n excellent scrambler. more than Haden, especially since the latter likes to slay in the pocket now; d ) he doesn't rattle easily and has a good head on his shoulders • IF LEE DECIDES he can't COO· linue this season because the pain in his right elbow won't subside, the Rams would probably go outside for a third string quarterback rather than retain the services or rookie Jack Kemp The Rams have a list or seven quarterbacks from which t.o choose. They are: Cliff Olander. recently cut by the New York Giants; Mike Lloyd, St. Louis; Pete Woods . Miami; Mike Kirkland, Washington; Larry Fortner, Atlanta; Bobby Scott, New Orleans, Ken Stabler, Houston; and Pat Ryan. (? ). * • * FINAL ADD RUTLEDGE: Asked if he would go to Alabama if Irvine North stays alive Pitcher Andy Renteria went S~ in· nings before getting relief help in the sixth and contributed two doubles, a single, two runs scored and two RBI as Irvine North handed Leffingwell of Whittier a 7 -3 setback in Little League Majors < ll-12·year-olda) Sec- tion s aclJon at Mission Viejo Youth Athletic Park Thursday. Renteria, who cruised into the final frame with a 7-1 advantage, was touched for two rwu in the 11.xtb before Scott Josttn caine on to quiet Leffingwell' s rally. Irvine North staked Renteria to an early lead as second banman Andy Roschman belted a three-run homer to center in the first lnnin1. Irvine North added a pair of runa in the third and fllth frames to extend their margin. Renteria, who picked up tbe wtn, scattered three hit.a. walked two a nd struck out flve. The vtctory by Irvine North Ht.I up today's ch1mplon1bip abowdown c5:JO p.m.) between the same two club~. Lemn1wel1 bad knocked ll'ViM Nort.b l.nto lhe ....... br.Uet earlier witb a J..2 wln . •• he could do it all over again, Rutledge replied : "If you want to win and play for a great coach, then Alabama is the place to go. "If you're just out for yourself, and you want to go someplace where they pass all the time, then I'd sug. gest that person find somewhere else to go. "Personally, winning, for me, is the name of the game. Plus, you're only as good as the other guys around you. There's no doubt in my mind I'd go back to Alabama." From Page C1 BASEBALL ••• Along with Si mmons, n ow of Milwaukee, Frey named Bo Diaz of the host Cleveland Indians as the backup for catcher Carlton Fisk of the Chicago While Sox, who will start for the AL. It will be Diaz's first time on an All·star team. Frey also named six outfielders to back up starters Ken Sinileton of Baltimore and Reggie Jackson and Dave Winfield of the New York Yankees. They were Gorman Thomas of the Milwaukee Brewers, who leads the major leagues with 15 home runs ; Boston's Dwight Evans, the lea1ue's leading hitter with a .341 avera1e: Fred Lynn of the Angels ( .274); Tony Armas of Oakland ( .289); Tom Paciorek of Seattle (.328), and Al Oliver of Texas ( .322). The infield reserve• were first baseman Eddie Murray of Baltimore < .259), second baseman Frank White of Kansas City ( .271 >, short.at.op Rick Burleson of the An1els < .299) and third baseman Buddy Bell of Texu (.293). CdM polo win8 WINSTON-SALEM, NC -David tmeem.lno scored sevec aoaLI to lead the Corona del Mar Aquatics Club team to a 13·2 lint round vlttory over Cblca•o in the junior naUonal Olympics beln1 helcf hen t.brou1b Sunday. lmsemlno'• aeort.nc •sne and a ti1ht defense save tbe Cdll te.m aa easy victory ln ftNt round aeUon that lnvolv• ao teams. CclM is lffmld. seeded to a Northern Callfomla All- star lqU9d ln the toumamtDt. Tom Temple acorecl ~o~ tbe victors wblle Pat , Peter Sc:buUer and Jobn llorrow each had one. Goelie J09 Rob bed aalJ two Nftl durtnl the •dioa Find out what hot water relaxation Is all about at the SPA SPECTACULAR & HOME HEAL TH EXPO Deal direct with major manufacturers- Jacuu1. C81ifom1a Cooperage. Encon Portable Spas. Genco. Hydro Spa, Olympus I-tot Tubs. BMS Grecuan, San Juen Pools. Polynesian. Hotsprings. Sundance. The Spa Store. Majestic. Marlin. Buba Hot Tubs. Q.irt1s. Advanced Spa Design. and many, many more If you already own a spa, see how you can upgrade your total system by accessorlzlng for greater enjoyment - Solar Equipment. Gazebos. Bar Accessories, Enclosures. Equip- ment Packages, Covers, Lights, Water Treatment Chemlcals, Remote Controls. Games. Fragrancea. Mlneral Additives, HNlth Equipment, Hammocks, Patio Furniture, and much More .... LET IT ALL SOAK IN .... Consumer Information Seminara Produced By The International Spa and Tub Institute. Semi~ Throughout The Show Covering • Spa EQulpment Maintenance • I nstallatlon • Proper Chemical Treatment Get the real story from reepected Industry pro- feaionals. SAT. and SUN. 2 p.m.·5 p .m. AND HOME HEAL TH EXPO. You may get yourself into hot water just by bei~g there .... The SPA SPECTACULAR AND HOME HEAL TH EXPO wllt be giving everyone the opportunity to enjoy the ultimate In home rela.xatlon. • Friday. August 7. win a Gt!rlco Spa and Equipment Package• • Saturday. August 8. win a complere hot cub system from Callfornla Coo~rage• • Sunday. August 9. win an Encon for· table Spa. Just take 1t home. flll ll with water and plug It tn. 'DOt'\ nol 1ncw 1r1\C.1ll.Hl<Jf1 LONG BEACH CONVENTION ~ENTER Aug. 7, J pm-10 pm• Aug. 8, I 1 am-to pm• Aug. 9, 12 noon·7·pm • PICTlnOUtwtt•IM MAIM IT ATUl .. 1111' rii.,..._......_,, ..... ....._ -·· LAllllY 'f'OllTY AOVlllTIStl!tO, :::.••-~ •• ~ e..c11, CA 1.•tt' lltl' Yerty, JIU "'-~ , KIH\tlf\tMll 9Mcll. CA ..... TMI .,._. la c1Nwc1" .-, M Ill Olvl ...... LMry II. Ycw1f Tllla MMe,,_ -fli. wltll -C-lf Cltt1! el Or ..... C..Cy M Jwly li, "" Pl l'\lllllt!IM or.,.. CMtt Delly Ptllll. Pl.,_ J11lf 11, U, JI, Aul· 1, ltll J1'1 .. I ~or-. c....i 1>e11y ...... ue 1, "·ti,•· ••1 u~ Wl .. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS 8\ISINU& ..... ITATWMllMT Tll• laflll#l"I ...,._ 11 ....... i...i-MU H ! l'ICTITIOUI auStN•U ltAL80 ENGINEEltlNG, UOJ .. ~ ....... ~ ..... Ce. '2104 ~ MAMISTATWMeMT The lllllowlfte penon 11 OCllftt llusi- u &1. AOUA WET TROPICAL FISH, ~ HMtlcN' 91...S •. Coate Me ... CA Itel-" J-G-. 10541 ""9fl Ave., l'-taln Velley, Ce. ftl'OI Tllll ~ It C.OftCNcleel tly M Ill· dl•lchlel. ltalpll J . G- • Cllhoft Wllllem Dye, 1"7 Meote tw., C.U. Mew, CA ttu. t Tlll1 ..... NU It eondlKted .,, •n In· M duel. flll1 lle..._t ... Hied wlltl 11W County C .. ,,. ol Or~ C~ Oft Jiiiy 2t, '"'· .. ,.,. Cltt'°" W o.,. Plltl11""4 Or ..... Coetl Delly l"llllt flllJ J16'ement WM llled w ltll tlw ounly Cl.rk of Or•nee County Oii A119. 5, ltll. I .. ,.,. Jlllf )I, A .... 1 •... 21. lfll ., .. , PUBLIC NOTICE : P..otl-OrMOt CoHI Oeilf Pllo4, "ICTITIOUS aUSINESI NAME STATU1WNT 119. '· 14. 21, •• "" UCllMI T ... lollowl"9 penon Is dol1>9 111111. ~----------neUH GREG llENSEN WALL COVERINGS, 1~0 Adllms A-. Cost• Mew, Calllornl• m» "1CTITIOU$ aUllNIU Greo Benter1. ll20 P-fff"'llMt. • 1 NAME STAT•MeNT Newpor1 9Mcll, Celllomla t21MO ~TM lollowl"9 pertof'll ere dol"11 Thia ~It Condll<led lly.., lft· JI-es· dlwldual JESCO,MlC-....., Or . H-G"OllenMfl J:.., 9Mc11. Ce t2M4 Tllll 1.-1 •M llled wllll !tie a..-e A. Sc,,,.,,.., Ml Col..,_ C-ly Clerk ol OrMOlt County Oft Jiiiy Or. H....ungeon 9Htll, Ce ~ I 5. 1'tl t Bernice Werd111t. 21'14 We111, 1'1.UU ray, C.,... P-, Ce. t1»1 PMllll!ltwd Or-Coert o.11.,. Pilot, Tiiis 1MislnK1 h ,_..,ct.., ey • J111r 11, ?4, Jl,AMO 7, 1'11 Jin.ti. ...... __ rv.lt> •er-• A Sc."n'611 1 '"" ._.._ ... fl-wllt> -~011nty Cl•r11 of Or•nee c-1, °" tugon• 5, ltll ... .,. DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 542-5878 I PutillsNd Or-CO.JI Delly Piiot .... 1, 14, JI, •• "" )50$-41 NOTICa TO IL.ICT'OtlSO" OATI ""•R Wt!ICM NOA~MTI flOA OA AOAINIT CITY ......UAll MAY a11uaM1neDTOTMI • CITY Q.IAK i NOTICE 15 HUIEllY GIVEN ht., .iec:tloll It le 11ie ,_kl In t11it OIY of rwlne °" Nowmtler J, 1tt1, •I wl'll<ll ""'9 wtn lie "*"lttied to .,. ..-." ... flectors OI Uld City,,. tollowlno City,.....,,..: !>"all -ordlrwnu esUIOllSl\11>9 • SIOO -k llMltet.., Oft ,..,.,... ... c.on1r111v11ons. •ulllect • .,, .. ._ per the C-Prlu lndea, lilt -.oted? YES NO YES NO YES NO , tHOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN tMt __. te Attki. 4, ~ J 1.i.. •of .. Electl.,1 Cede of ... Stet. el c.et ........... ~ft .....; .. 1e1oey.or.,.,......,..,or~.....,..-lnd.,_11~ w Y lftdlv._I -01 -.a llOe H_i.I ... of<"'-. er My~ el II ...-n --lellonl, mer Iii. e wrlfteft .....-, N I .. •llC---~ lfl ~. IOror ... IMI e City ,..._.. t NOTICE IS FUltTHEll GIVEN -....... -.. , ..... ,._,..y •'-Y to,.,.....,. -prl11t ... ............u--..-............... . , tM City Cler11 llH llaed S:OOC>'elocllp.m . .,.....,.... 14, 1tll, 11t•.--prior to tuell el«ti.. en.r w11k11 ,,. ......,._, 1W w ........ e Oty llWre ,...., liie "'llmltted 10 Hid City Cl-lw prhtllfll -fltlr11111t ... .. wttert .. Pf"'llded In lllld Artie .. 4 . .,.,..._. -II .. ......, ........ City fehrk .. llW off le• M IM Cllf Ci.rll In IM City Hell of .... City, M lrat ~ " II-. Irvine. Ce1Hornle. At...,._• mey lie< .......... w -"'" llfttll lftclwine s.id dete ••-l>'I ,,. City C1"11 °' mey 11ie w""*-., ,._ or to prlr>1l119. ABOVE NOTICE GIVEN lly,... 1111t 1'ttl dey of Jiiiy, 1•1. I ll Nency c. llowt-t CITY CL.ERK 01' THE Ct TY OF lltVIHE 1 P\ltltl"*' Or-Coest Delly PlloC A.,.m 1, 1'11 i PIU Illa I f NOTICe 0" ILeCTtOM NOTICE IS MERE8Y GIVEN -e Scleclel Mwlk.-i Etectlell Wiii lie d 111 ... City M lrvlne Of\ T-y, IN Jn! dey of~. '"'·fer .. I -W.0"-rff· Sllell IN orCllNnLe MU.1111111"'9 e '100 i..k llm"-'... YES °" ,.......,. contrlbvUoM. -lee• • ed........,. ,., lheC-Prk•l-•.lle....,, No· SMH .. Ot'Cllnence esllllllltlll1>9 e UJll laMlc 1""11.et... YES ,on ,.......,. <Alfltrll>lll..,.t, -..Ct • .,......,_ ,., J,,.C_ Prke 1-ll. lie._...? NO JADVllOtlY VOT• C*LY: Should the City et lrvlN <-YES t 1INC1 • ...., ,,..,..,'1 Clvk Cen•r to Pf'OV'* _.. fer Cl-; 1, ..,.,. .. .._, NO ~ I poll.lwlll lle-betweenllle-tof 7:00 e.M. -•:•p.m TED .-..m S, 1•1. It.I NMCf C. R-lend CITY CLERK 01' THE CITY OF t"VINE ._1....,<>renet COHI Delly PllOCA ....... 1, 1"1 PIHCll90THHS Satellite SMn'MS' MOITUAIY 627 Main St of India Hunt10gton Beach 536-6539 ,ACllAC YllW burns out MIMO•IAL,AIK NEW DELHI, India Cemetery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory (AP) -India's first ex- 3500 Pac1l1c View Drive perimental space Newport Beach satelllte has burned out 644·2700 after completing a year in apace and fulfilling its CoaMICIC MOlTUAl•S mission. the Indian Laguna Beach Space 'Research Center 4!M·!M15 Organization bas an· Laguna Hills nouncect. 768-0933 In a atatemeot at ita San Juan Cap1s1rano headquarters in 495-1776 Bangalore, South IndJa, the organizaUoo said the LAWN-MT. OUYI 77 -pound techaical Mortuary • Cemetery ~ayload entered tbe Crematory arth's atm~ere Ju· 1625 Gisler Ave • ly 24 and distnte1rated. Costa Mesa 5~555-4 EATH NOTICES. PtaCIMOf ... S _,_MOADWAY EDWAaDS MOITUAH H. ELIZABETH 110 Bfoactway !:DWAROS, palled aw: on CosUIMtA! A'UJWlt 4, 1981. Survlv by 64?·9150 her alatere Helen Leslie ot Peola, Kanau and Evallne IALn .. MIOM Conway of Paola, Kan.sat and brcthtr John Edwardt IMTM&nm&L of Loomit, Ca. In lieu or WISTCLW CMAf'll Oowen the family reqlltatl 417 E 17th 81 donaUom be mad41 to lilt Cos&aMeM Am1rit1n CaaHr Society, • e.t&9371 Arr~ ~ I.be Nep. t_. wt bu.rtal at ••a . .. . \ l'ICTtT'IOUS aUstMIU MAMelTATIMllMT T ............. .._ .. etlftt ....... -.. , DAM 'S OIVINO ANO lll'ICIALTIH, .UI Myrlle Or., HWll• , ...... IMcll. Ce .,.., DeNet II~ """· .,,, My,,.. Or.,...,.., .... , IMCfl, Ca. f'M, Tlltt ....._. 11 e...WCIM llY M lfto fMC11611. Olwl II. Hwff fll .. .....,_. -flled wltll .. C-'Y Ct.rll Of Or•-C-lf .,. ..... I .... NOTICI! OF DEATH Of' AIRAHAM ZLOTNICK AND Of' PETITION TO ADMINISTER ESTATE NO. A10IS21 To all he irs , beneficiaries, creditors and contingent creditors of Abraham Zlotnick and persons who may be otherwise interested In the will and/or estate: A petition has been filed by Jeanne Zlotnick and "'*,_er-.. CM•• o.i~'= Howard A . Zlotnick in the A.,., 1. "· tt, •. ••1 uo. .. 1 Superior Coort of Orange County requesting that -----------Jeanne Zlotnick and PUBLIC NOTICE Howard A. Zlotnick be ap- po Int e d a s personal "ICTlTloutMIMMIU representatives to ad· ...,...n•Tp1111n minister the estate o f r iw 1o11...,,. --•• ....,.. 11u11. Abraham Zlotnick (under 11eu "' t h e I n depend en t A d . cosi':.!!:~~~1,.1 "9ll<eft,.. • ministration of Estates ,...,. A. w....,, tto Pelle.., ..... Act>. The petition Is set for Coet•Meu,c..ma .hearing In Dept. No. 3 at d1!1:111~ It e"""'<'" 11' M 11" 700 Civic Center Drive, P..,A.w•~ West, in the City of Santa Tiii• .a.i.n-1 •• m.o wlt11 tti. Ana, California on Sept. 2 c-tyC19'11ol0r~C-lyOft,hllY 1981at9:30 A.M . • 22• ""· ... ..,.. IF YOU OBJECT to the ""4111.,,.., 0r..,.. CoHt 01111, Piiot granting of the petition, j.,1, >1. A ... '· 14, u, "" u1w1 you should either appear "ICTITIOUI aUllMIU ...... ITATl ... MT TIM ...._.,,. --II 41Difl9 ...V. ..... . : SHVTIERaRITE, 1 ... '-<'lar, c.u,.... CA. t2U1 H#W'f E. Nl«d. Mtl W""'- c;,., c:-. -... ea. ,,.. TMI --II e--llf M lft.. dlwlduel. _,E...,lard TlllJ --•• flied wllll .. c_,, '"'" ,.. 0r..,.. c-•v ... A....,.5,ltll at the hearing and state your object ions or file written objections w ith the court before the hearing. Your appearance may be in person or by your at· torney. IFYOlTAREA CREDITOR or a cont- ingent creditor of the de· ceased, yoo must file yoor claim with the court or present it to the personal representative appointed by the coort within four "141tll months fr om the date of "'*'"'" 0r.,.. c:oest 0911' PlloC first issuance of letters as A .... 1. 14, JI, a . 1•1 lMll .. 1 provided in Section 700 of the Probate Code of PUBLIC NOTICE California. The time for ----filing claims w ill not ex- l'ICT1nou1 au11N•U pi re prior to foor months ,.... ITAT .. dNT from the date of the hear- Th• 1111ow11>1 penon '' dolnt -•· Ing noticed above. ""'~:ET CENTUt. 1tm •••ell YOU MAY EXAMINE a1vd., H..,u,..on '"'"'· c.. ftMI the file kept by the court. Ke1111"" oner, 111u Potton If you are interested i n the LllM. HlnlnlltOft llMcll. ~·· flW t t f' T1111 _.._. ,, e<lftduclff 11y.,. "'· es a e, you may 1le a re- dlvlo..e1. quest with the court to re- Tiil• !::.::,°!:: n•• """' .,.. celve special notice of the c-1, Cler1l at 0r..,.. c-y.,. Jiiiy inventory of estate assets n. '"'· and of the petitions, •aC· P..tMl""4 0r.,.. Coell Diii~·~= c o u ~ t s a n d r ~ po r t s JYIJJI, A.,..'· t4, 21. "" JaJ .. 1 described In S~ct1on 1200 of the California Probate NOTICE Of' PUaUc H•AA IMO ••f'CMtE THI CITY COUNCIL Of' TM• CITY 0" POUMTAIM VAU.•Y NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tllet on T ....... y. ""9u1t 11, 1"1, .. I:• p.m. In IN C-11 O..,...r, 10. Sleter Anfl11e, FoMfllel" Vell•Y. Cllllfomla, .. City C-.Cl1 wlll llilld • Plllllk -~ Oii .... loll-1"9: Code. HOWilrd A. Zlotnick Attorney 11t Lilw 4059 A~ms Ave. San Diego, Calif. 92116 (714) 280-7670 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot, Aug. 6, 7, 13, 1981 3532·81 ZOflE CHANGE N(' Jff -p,_ ... ------------to Hllllllllfl mol>H• ,...,... e11d a.1 11"91• l.,,..y resld9nce tonl"11 Oft Ille ulst11111 "'*'• llome perll •t tno T elllef1 A...,,,_ Md 111'4 B"'llenl Street. T"9le "'*'•II-perlla.,. c11rre11tlp 1oned A·I Oe,,•r•I Ar1c111u111 Olllrkl. Tllh metier h llelnt proceued 1111r-.t ID IM 1'1-1"9 I.Awa M the SIMe ol C.lllomle IGov'I Code Secll., .S,000 .. -· .,d the F-111111 Velley Zonlno Ordlnence. Tiie Zonlno Ordl,.nc•. Z8"'"9 ~ encl Ulllllll.I .,.. on H .. In .. Pl-1"9 Oecltrt-end llA evell*• lor puOtlc 1n,_11 .. -.......... Ion. T-dltll""9 to tfftlly In ••-w In -911Clll lo INS pr-I Wiii 11ie OIVIH'I WI °""°''"""' IC> do IO. 11 lvrlller lllfOfT'l'letlOf\ It dfflrH. '°" ,,,., <onlKI ll'oe Ptennlflg 0.0.rl· ........ City c-11., .. ·c11y .. .._....Yelley . .....,,.~ CllyOHtl PlltlllsNd Or W19t Coe ti Delly Pllo(. A ..... 1. 1"1 J4'J .. I. NOTICE OF DEATH OF ROBERT B. MABEY, AKA DR. ROBERT B. MABEY, aka ROBERT BURNS MABEY ANO OF PETITION TO AD· MINISTER ESTATE NO. A·109l14. To all he irs, beneficiaries, creditors and contingent c reditors of Robert B. Mabey, aka Dr. Robert B. Mabey, aka Robert Burns Mabey and person s who may be otherwise interested in the will and/or estate: A petition has been filed by Jane C . Mabey in the Superior Court of Orange county requesting that Jane C. Mabey be appoint· ed as personal represen- tative to administer the estate of Robert B. Mabey, aka Or. Robert B. Mabey, aka Robert Burns Mabey (under the Independent Administration of Estates Act). The petition is set for hearing In Dept. No. 3 at 700 Civic Center Drive, West, In the City of Santa Ana, California on Sep- tember 2, 1981 at 9 : 30 a.m. IF YOU OBJECT to the granting of the petition, you should either appear at the hearing and state your objections or file written objections with the court before the heari09. Your appearance may be in person or by your at· torney. IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a c ont- ingent creditor of the de- ceased, you must file your claim with the court or present It to the personal representative appointed by the court within four months from the date Of first Issuance of letters as provided In Section 700 of the Probate Code of California. The time for flllng claims will not ex· plre prior to four months from the date of tt)e hear- ing notlc9d above. YOU MAY EXAMINE the file kept by the court. If you are Interested In the estate, you m.v file a ,... qunt with the court to r• celve special no11ce of the Inventory of estate assets and of tM petitions, ac· ~ .. INDEX ''Pix•,., A( can 642-5678 1111$($ FOi SAU O<'M11I t:::: ~:."! ••• l'11)1nt11111 lk1th Cor-dll 1111 f11M1 lln1 ~~Ill tl Tora r-oo•\•11•) ~,:«-'911 "''' ~ ......... 11r .. ~ Ut"""H~b ...,_,, .... 1 11 ...... \ .. jO ~~ .. ·~:ft S... Jwa• t •pt1ri•r11nu Softt• 4 .. s .. , ... ~ ~~1.. ..... . .. Ml ....... .. ....... -...... IWESTATE Atft-.1• ... "" A1Jii111nM,Jw "9W ..... ,,"""11 8-tMU ,.t.t1' l 9-fhtlf'h (Al-.' H""' l OflUIWUl•l flro,.n• t ......... Atli'"' "•k OwfM•,,. l ""' , .... ._. ........... . llW"OlnfPr..,...h tndvM,,.I PtOPtrt\ Uh ,., '-.1t ll•lt """ 1 '" ~ .. MOtitM11 °''"" k'""' u ... ,,.to l"rti1$1 ~ °' ~'Zt~~:~w R•-.tN-. ••"'" t.roH' .... t:., .. , •• , "•"••· Mui t .. l.t• ._,,"M RENTALS •*'~' r1i;1 ''"ti-.4 Hw.M"'olf'lhHtu\hf'd tka.i~«" ..,.,,""' l "'' c ondun11,.1wm11o. t vtf\ t onckUYUNYf'tl'\.' nf T~ l\huu\4"' t vtn To.,Mw_,~ l Af l>uplt\~ t Ytn '""° .. '""' •. A&il' t\trn Apt, l "'"'"' ~..-.. t1'tn ut I ,., 11 ...... 11-.•11 .... d ttaatl,\flll•I' (,w"'4 '""""" 'aittn..wr M•ftt•I• \..,. .. ""' Hf'M•I" ."" .... '""'•' .. e...., ••• , t')t fh'f'lt Otlwf' M•M•t I ~~.".::!;~. I ";:~·~~-..... "•"" krM.J, IUSlMESS. INVEST· M£NT, FIMANCE ~.,..., .... ,...,, ~,...,....,\l .Mf'tt lft\f-.tmt-M 1JIP$MI '"'N~M-•f.a~ "'""'''"'"'•" \I~' ••Mrd \fwtf•tf" 111 • AllNOUNCf MENTS . rHSONALS & LOST & FOUND Ahnl-.in• rn ... ,,., ~•I Y•l'lll l.fl•I ''"'" .... IAM• t'•11ti1nd t'tt"'.,,.1, "'llJI ••• t lu.,,, ,,., .. 1 sm1ccs EMrtOYM£NT & nmmtoN ~~Juh lft~lrwt1ttlfl J\11()"•"' .. '' , .. , ....... «! '" t MEKNANllSE AM,.._ o\...,+t•"-'- 4.tMlhllft "",, ....- tiM!khftl "•'""•' ' ,.,.,. 6 • _,.,,.,,,.,. "' •·h ...... t1 ... 1u\'W ~"'"''¥'" t1.r4141• 'wit 11 ........ llicMa\ottlo-kl '•'"°" Jraf'lt, u~nt""~ \IM'h.ftrh )hw-f'H•"'""'' M1"f'll•llif'\N ... 'A.n11..ff ""'" •' '"'°''""" "4 .. (lft.r~ t'"'"' t~\tlt• ..... ~=~·.~c~,:.~ "'it>ott11¥ c,ood .. !"C°" k ..... IM.lt•M ... , ~lf:.tt(t 111•·, ""''"'' BOATS & MAllNE EQUlrMENT tiHWf"•I ""'4it\ )l•+n' Vf\H t' Mi>•h "•"" .. t '4~1·1 lo.t ... t'v-rr "1--'" MtM t "•rh1 ...... ...,, BQ.b\11pi. Uoth ...... ~~~. ht"""" .... THMSPOIUTION A1nr•n ' •"'Prl'' "'''" tt .. 1'11 tJtoctrH t .,._. ~or f,ifi.. \.rfJllAf' Mater Um .. '-'• M•nl Tr•t'""' lt•HI Tt.1 ... h' libt\ .\_,.u'°ft'"'' ftttt' UTllMOlll~ .._.., AN-.vir' \ '•'~14' M" t••ltwe \ • ft1t ''"" ................ .a\l ...... 1U.1H" ''"'"' \- A\lh1lA•.t•4• ""'°""W41ntf'ft MITDS, IMPORTED lfr1W'f•I AM• Mu,,_u \ ... , Alfflll'l lh•f.-1 lllllO f.:r.' V..b~H ··"···· t"t•' 1 ..... 1. J•llllii•r Jt'fk .. n K•f M.itnni., .. ,.. M411fl.; lllvr'"' .. '" tknt ll\; 11\:1 lJlwl l'•nt .... ttf"\M!t~ ........... MH •wtl M.uft,HuHt' .... , ... kttlt lillb..N r., •• rr1~tn9f\ \ulb••Cfft \illl\u C1•"1Wft1t AITOS. fSEJ counu and reports MOnCI Orange Coast OAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 ca IWI '"°' lllOl IOI• 110 llllA Illa lllJJ 111)1 , .. ! I~ .... .... IOW iUll 11111 I'll> t07111 lat , .... "* , ... '" IM/ ,.., ID/ '"" llW '""' I , ... llOI ..... JIW laJJ , .... '"'' ,~ ... l'»I """ 11W Thia newspaper will not ltnowln41)' accept any 1dvert11ln1 for real estate which ii In viola· Uoaollbelaw. .. OIS: .. .,..,.. ............... Mr•=· ,.,.. , .~, n. DAILYP&OT•11•11 ....., fw .. flnt l•correct i.Hrtlo• ...,. ::: HMMtfwW. ••••••••••••••••••••••• THE REAL ESTATE RS c HAUOlllMI Award wlnnlna "Jodelle" estate home. lit resale olferina on this eaqw.itely appoint· ed townbome with ma11ite view of bay, ocean, coaatline fl night uabu. Now reduced lo '1311 000 1!1.: : 111: \ l' 11 •!;1.11:.11 f.:11 I •• ,41 1" 11 ,\ : •• ~I ',,. f .o lt1lo,!1 I·»'' fli<1 o ••• ,... 1002 ~~ • ••• • • •••••••••• • •••••• DIJP'l.D !!:, , _______ , $94,900 IU.\ IHI a... c.,... lnveators deU&hl ! Two 2 :: Full time real estate Bdrm. Units. Current in· w.• sales auoclate who re· come · fl.O Mo. 1 year .:;',:: quires substantial in· home protection plan in· _, come 11 desperately tluded. Call to see! :,:; need e d by Ion g •mt ~.~: eal.1bl1ahld local broker. .. ~. Outstandlna earnings :~: 1va1I on a generous 1u1 comm 111ion split A :~· marveloua opportunity :t~: for the eaaer pro· •\~• fes11ooal. Call Mr. Hast· :::~; In&• at (714~5$60. '"' ••I ~"' ,,,., '11ht1 'll\ .... ...... "'* .... .,., _,,,, .... TIY IJO/o $26,000 DWH! Republic bomes ' 4 hu&e bdrms. 2 baths, family room. bnclt fireplace, country kitchen Owner an1lou1. may ca rry AITD al 13%. Price oo.ly $1211,500. Act now ' ~·2313 THE REAL ESTATERS IHCMroMCo.clo $24~! S SUr lw111ry beachlront condo. Air conditioned Dally maid service. Kitchen. Pool-side bar. Continental restaurant. Fu II price 16950 or urma ! $135/48 mos. CaU Bob Burdick, Time share A&ent today' " RVMJ.X Ht '\I Ti'"' UICunYI SU7,000 Almost new 2 sl ory beauty . Sun filled kitchen, fonnai dining room, wark ind coiy family room too! 2nd story hosts secluded master aulte with crack lin& briclt. fireplace. 3 mott queen sized bdnns too! Don't missoutcaU SEA COVE PROPERTIES 714-631 -6990 MO THE REAL ESTATERS ••• •.w.•••d 871-B W Wilson Cost.a Mesa You are lbe winner of TWO FREE PASSES <Sl7valuel RlNGUNGBR~ BARNUM~ BAILEY c•cus An1heim CoovenlJOn Center Aua. 6-17 Lon& Beach Arena Aug. lt-23 To claim passes. call 642-5678. ext. 272. Puses m111t be excban&ed for reserved seats at boll office pri o r to performance. ••• YOUI IST IETS!! 10 UNITS: Aaumable · $172,000 in loans S3llO,OOO. <>ranee. 8 NEW CONDOS· From Sl25.000 to 1137,000 Cotta Mesa DUPLEX: 1 Yr old. As-- sumaule SU0.000 loan. 1215.000. Orange. 6 UNITS: Brand new. 1168,000 loan S25S,OOO. San Bernardino. LOT IN DANA POCNT 29% down -will ubordiMt.e 11'5,000. SO.CAUF.IW.n 546-5605 WHATAYA&.UI lt you've waited for an excepOon.al buy-this is It! A charming. COM· fortable 3 Bdrm home locsted on a quiet cu.l·de- sac st. Al only Sll0,000 this is the best priced home in this area. 151·3191 Looking I OT a great buy m a television? See today's listings, classification 8098. Dalebout Bay&Beach Real Estate REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 COMI WITH US . • . TO WISTCUPf. ELEGANT FOUR BEDROOM. nfREE BATH HOME LOVELY COUNTRY FRENCH KITCHEN AND FAMILY ROOM WITH TRENADA FLOORS .CUSTOM CARPETS. WALLPAPER AND DRAPES 1liROUGHOUT. .PRICE REDUCED l4S.OOO NOW ONLY szas.ooo 1617 WISTCLIH DI, M~ Ul·7l00 REALTORS 671-1111 LOOIUMG FOi A CillH IN HAL ISTA117 C... i. -4 ..C.. .,.. Mwe .... .. We offw '" ..... CH Id .. K111.._L ProfffMoHI .., t• ce. Alw9JI ....... MMtofflcel COU OF MEWPOIT llALTOIS 2515 E. Coest Hwy., C.... .. W.- 675-5511 IU:tHS W AMTID We CID help you find your dream house Call our Costa Mesi Newport Beach Raiden ual Spetiabst, Delores Gelber1 TSL PROPERTIES 642-1603 ~ 7 ... 1111 IALIOA PIMMSUl.A Sl,,,tOO Charmin& 2 BR cottage with fireiQce, walk to Pav1hon. ferry, bay or beach Owner w ill finance be creauve. 75'-1616 ........... ~ Assume 81o11% loan or 90% fin1ncin& avallable 1t only ui,;,%. A lot ot house. S Bdrm 2 Ba. On· ly 1109.900. Call now 888·5370 ALLSTATE REALTORS WOODSIDE VILLAGE •3 Bdrm. 2story, 111.000 down. SlOUOO •3 Bdrm. 2swry. IU.500 dovm. 1114.1100 • 3 Bdrm. 1 Ba. lll500 down.IN.llOO. MESAVEIDE Sl2t.950 Whit 1 barpln! With a "sizeable down!" owner may carry lit. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, family room. brick fireplace. walk to sbop. Pllll· Call now, 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS GIAMTFIX8 S Bdrms, 3 Ba. pool, RV acceaa. 2 frplca, and 1rut financina. Call now for more informa- tion Full price 1164.llOO. GIGANTIC 51EDIOOM needs decoralin1 ! Private cowtya.rd entrJ leads to huae Newport Beacb Estate . Enormous family room with bl.uinl fireplace ! Sunny. &OllJ1!Mt lt.hcbeo. Larae. h11h 1round1. Just listed and priced lo sell. Only 1218.SOO. C•ll today,l7H550 THE REAL ESTATERS TH ..... TOWMHOMl7 Ca II the a pecialilu 1t the condominium in· f onn 1 tioo cent.er ToucbstaDe Realty .,.., ~· DOWM! »>• Mu.st qualify for pay. ~· menu, 5~ needed for ~j coat Colle1t Park 3 ..,. Bdrm, 2 bath, family ._..,, room, double fl.replace, •3 Bdrm. l story. -.00 down.93.SOO AIMOl.'4 "ol ,. •2 Bdrm. 1 story, aoc> " Can you fmd a property down. 97.llOO. four doors from lbe So. •2 Bdrm, 1 story. •.ooo COIALCAY Bayfront with 1 '5dS' down. •.llOO . cul de uc street. A v;.1 baraain at 1134,900. ~~ 541-2313 lot on Balboa Island All have pools, spa, where lbe owner will sauna available. Wa~ lo consider anytbin& of South Coul sboppinc value-1tocb. cuh, land, Call for more dttails. units, you name It and S.-Ull 4 and 5 Bdrm new waterfront homes, S200.000 down, bWlder will ftnance balaoce. No qual ifyln1. Gated community. From wro.ooo to ll50.ooo. 'fl .. 1711 'Iii) "''' 'f;/N ,r."'1 w:'-> 'f1li fiJlt •lJi '(;~ lfi.M •1111 »iU li.11 ,,; .. Ji&. ,;ii, Wi)1 'f;lol 'fl.lo 'I:), ... , 'l1tJ WM ,'7.'; ir.;.-f;;, - THE REAL ESTATERS IBMICa the owner will trade. Includes plans for a new duplex. Alkift& tls.50,000. ........... .., 67).1700 C barmlna wood ·-------• shina&ed townhome. Sun filled lt.itchen overloolt1 OCIAI ROMr t i 3 I SELL&R WILL HELP coay pa o. ar&e FlNANCE AT 131/11_. bdrm1 pit• aewln& room "' too. Only $100,000, call Choice corner duplex. 3 @ bdrm, 3 bah up. 2 bdrm, 2 bath daft. CID eon· vert to a lUpr bome. 1715,000! .... ~....,. ..... SEA COVE PROPERTIES 714-631-6990 •675-7161• LIQUIDATION SALE BAYFRONT ii -·-··-·· ... m1m 1211 .... -··-·· ..., ... . .... ,.,.., .... .. -~-· ,. .... _ THE REAL ESTATERS SELL Idle Items with a Daily Piiot Classified Ad. 642·5618· llE 110111 1L1111 ca. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE •DAT YllW NOMI New Listing · Finl Time On Market. Exceptional Location And View Of The Back Bay . Lush Landlcapine, Huge Wrap·Around Patio, End Urut, Pl~ Second Front Patio And La.rte Viewing Deck Off Master Suite . Immaculate Three Bedroom , 2~ Bath. Offered Al $325,000. COSTA MISA IULD Juat Listed Tbil Lovely Dupla In Eutalde Costa Me11. F.ach Vnit Hu Two Bedrooms . One Hu Patio, lbe Other UaJt Haa Prl•lte Yard. BoUa Unit.I ReeentlJ Carpeted ' PaiaWd. $119,500. descr'lbtd In S.Ctlon 1200.s of the Callfornla Probate c~ a w.tlllM. At-= °J!' :ftJ C:: tertt•Y at L•w, HS I . •• ,,.. ......... ......... k Lal ......... 1 .. ...,., Os • Cll ...... .. &IQ, ~1=7~; ht. CIU) ::::=r~ ~~~~.:~c..~.:::iu=~~~==:::::====::::JL::::::;::;:::::::~::::::::;;:::;::::::;:::;:;~~l!l::::::=::::::::~==:::== I .. OrangeCoatt DAILY PILOT/Jtlday, Augu1t 7. 1981 Ho.MtPwWt .._...,_Wt HMMt Pw W. ~·~Of'~ ... ~!!.~.~~ ........ ~~.~.~ ........ ••••• • ••• •••••••••••••• •••••••••• • •••••••••••• ••••• ••••••••••••••••• •• ••••' • •••• •••• ' 1----. •----a.. I 041 HMttt p.., Wt HMttt F.r Wt Hone•,., W. HMtta p.., We tHMnl IOOl •••rtl 1002 c.,_. .. Ms 1022 Cott. MIM 1024 H_.1i!t9tOl!I -..---••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ............ 1042 ••••••••••••••••••••••• G...,.tl 1002 CitMutl 1002 GtMt'tl 1002 GfMt'tl 1002 2 Bedroom HOUH ltt'lth MewP.OtfW...ArN ....................... AllTOF ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ....................... new 3 Bedroom Un11 4 Bran(! new--J-••1 neAt TIWnhSt 1780 sq ,, 2Hr HIAYBf rar l•rlllt. l•r&• lot quality eondo' 3 liR, 211 2 •t 8 •. I u 11 rd 11 11 t I.' Spukllna 3 Bdrm hom~ LINDA ISLE 1';xc1tana opportunity 1 Wide channel view from spertarular architectural des11tn<.•d 4 bdrm. 5 bath. pool home Slip for 2 large boats $1.495,000 Summl'r Ot·<·up1.1r1<•y LIDO ISLE HOMES F(•utured on Jlornl•s Tours this lovely tn11lit1onal ~pa{'ious. t'Ustom 3 bdrm. 3 bath home. ru.•wlv l'l'dC<·o1·uted Pnrcd to sell qui ckly at $475,000 Must see. Nl'wly n•rnodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath plu~ lge r<'cn•ution room & 2 patios Ueam te1 lings . Grl·at tor t•ntNlaining s.120.000 Bt'sl pl'll'l' lor lhl' montiy PEMINSULA PQINT BEACHFROMT Panorumit· bav & Ol'ean \'IC\\ at wedge. from pnrrw lu rge lot . 4 hdrm. 3 buth <'Ustom hornl· 37UO sq ft ft·atur· mg ma rm<.• room Sl.38.'>.000 NEWPORT CREST CONDO 2 bdrm. den , s11a<.·1ous Plan 8. 1m· matulatl' Lo\\ pm·etl ut S2 15.000 BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Boy\od•· 011vt· N B b7S blbl MESA YERDE-REPllUC tlJME 4 Bdrm. 1&34 Bat h. Excellent condition. Lovely gardens. three patios. many producing fruit trees. Adult occupied . HARBOR RIDGE ESTATE "Serious~ For Sale" REDUCED PRICI .. ow $739,000 Magnificent & truly outstanding. Or\4! of a selel'l f (lw. the <·rlebruted .. Jodelle" Estate Home situated on breathtaking oc·eun. {'Oast & city li~hts vitiw lot An 4!X lremely spacious 1 level townhotne of quulity & d1~linellon, 3 bdrms plus family room, formal dining room. exquisite patio area~. lofty trestle ceiling & gorgeous decor. Old CorollCI Dph Just listed pre:m1um qua fay with two 3 Brun its, beam:.. flrcplaceb. shade tree. ti vn. nl'"'· seller will t'Xchanl(e or be creat1Vt' with yuur terms Ofrert:d al $.147 ,500. RCTaylorCo 6.10 C)C)Qo OCEAHAOHTS Six to be exact rrom SS0,000 down & as low as 12'. 1nteres1 on the balunce Call ror details .ind tht' super locut1uns JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 A;:4 .. OCEANFRONTS ORAHGE / 201\. down 8750$'2 ba ~'antastkhnanrtn& t·umm • ownl.'r "111 o n be1utlfull y Urolltt Call now for deta111 f1n1n rt> o~nr •iat l1nd1c1ped comer lot 4l 411GOMA 75911499 '242,!IOO m4 i W7~90 Soothlna 1p1. wood £1taant l'lfW 4 Br Vlr l"IM I 044 deck in& and rovercd t o r 11n perllil , u , ••••••••••••••••••••••• p1110 Oceanv1ew.11luw 111& parquet noon. plush ownr /contractor Ju•I TH .. ING carptts, gourmet completlll( 1675,000 TOWHHOMI? kltrhen Lowe t priee 10 CDM ILUFfS 4 II POOl HOME C11ll the apemh~ts at the area. 1249,500 •y OW....-Exo llenl Collt11e Put thr <'ondom1n1um 1n HEW CUSTOM COMSTIUCTION Lovely Old Cd M corner location, South or the highway. Luxurloui; master bedroom with retreat urea, four bedrooms In a ll with four and a •11 buths. several fireplaces. and quality m every detail. $.575.000. U~IVUf tif)Mf~ REALTORS. 675-6000 2'43 ual Cout Hl9hw1y, Coron• dcl Mar WE HAVE •S OF THE BEST AGENTS IN TOWN ,_ uta llas Sllo.IXXI 1.61. o~ r above be11ch. rull IK'"'" orm11t1on center • ¥Umc lit 14'. Sl46,000 T hsl R It & Jetty vu frorn rv"ry our ont ca Y I 8 I I l II + poof + tpa ~IWl'I rm 3 rt1 r , rii iv rm "+ llarbor & Ualrnr area. k11.2.,.,B1.2111y.ilbrtl'k Sl•6.uoo owne1 "'11 ASSUMAILEVA I frpl<:s, 2 di•ekll, ~lll'h rarry ut·lJ'; with $40,000 Take over high bola nee occess, l\"m' pvt rnad down VA Joan on tht!o almost Sl,250,000 p P Appt or1 4 IR WESTSIDE new 3 Bdrm 2 lla on ly . 7141673 ~ l:1r"l' lot N1re uporadcs, P AlllNYSHIP DUPLEX s 16 0,000 ptf' ..... SI 10,000 1-:xC'ellent ,. " nt>ll(hborhood NreJ!o rrntral air, lrg covered new loan Owner muM patio Call for details ~r II (' 11 II l>;l\'lrl e-fL'\NCH Ht ALTY ~!J 1 2000 The pcrfert Jual ownership property w11h 2 almost equal 2 Bdrm. 2 Ha units w1lh ma~ter l•-------•l a.o. l.a.d I 006 suites. st.one frplc and CORONA DB. MAR ••••••••••••••••••••••• wood ~amed ceihnl(s 1--111111111~111111111~~~·1 ow NE R Turtle Rock. Sha rp & s pac io us NOCASll all on an ovenuied lot 1 liH're~l>et.upl(rad~br duplex Pnv1le romer TD OK for down Cute 3 with pnvite pattvs Jnd 59 c3 + den I 2ba rorm din. location wtth lots or BR 2 Ba cottage, trade derks W>.000. IO« ml tile entr} & dtnurn 3 I r e e s 3 + d e n OK Desperate $:1!.S,000 r1.11inc•nl( pm yds. xtras ~r pk & downsta1rsand 2bdrms Ownrla&!_.1~10693 Ca1How644-7211 2 BDRM UNITS pool Askin.: S23~K upstairs Ven atlrar . -ti41807024hr.. t1\'e creauve imani:mi.: SAU IY OWHElt gm double garage for t'.1d1 $.120,000 327 Coral unit Forc·ed air hrat I ht 673-0l88 ~' · 3.32 al'rt'l> l'nmt' ('1,.,tu ,\ lli1 !MOil 01 ll.1rhur 1111 .. ,lml'nt Cn $9,000DOWH Take over lart:e 10 S'. loan on beaullful South Coast Villa Townhom e A~kinJ: S89,500 963·S671 _ Mesa area Pnnr 0111~ Capl1trcmo hoch IO 11 Ask for Betty. 645·!1161 ••••••••••••••••••••••• --DJ+...~ REH TORS CAPOIEACH CUSTOMJUD IEAUTY I OPEN HOUSE ,. REAlTY ·Z ' F.ASTSI01': GOOOI~.:· Lge FR. LR. w fpk, dbl gar w opener great ~ond Quiet nbrhtl Bkr 646 4380 *•REDUCED! Super l'Orner lorat1un i:1ve!o i:reat pnval'y to th1~ lo\ t'l) barkyard, htghlJghted by an nlml>!>t new hot tub' Thl' owners art• anx1t>W> and nex1llll' term~ an· ava1lt1hlt· I Bdrm~. 2 Ba and only SJ63,400 \V\\Od htldgc tkal1y 55 1 :moo •~!II"~"'"'. 1'~ .... 1r .. n~ MAKE OFFER! l '.'£1 I :<;tZ:• If :t;) 3 bedroom homl' 1s a1· cented with stained glass & earthtone deror Jacuu1 m master bath, large lot Will lea\e up lion SIS7 .500 Charming, m1Jdem 3 AH 2 Ba house Buillin kitchen. trash nJmpd~ tor Great outdoor h\ O"'ner lea\ inK area I R t;Al. E.'>'TATE TRY LE'SS TH.AH don osen r•·.ilt(1r~ 499 N. COAST HWY LAGUNA BEACH 497·4848 Ni:w Modular Type Jlometi, leased land. Oceanfront Pk . 3 pvt brhs, 24 security, fuhing pier from $34 ,900 499 3816 Roddtc19t l yn.Sto Walled and gated e>«an rront estate with rabulous view P\'t steJ>l> to the i.and Call for brochure CAROL TATUM. RLTR 494 0029 A umque & beaut1ru1 vie~ home Ste~ from Woods CO\'e Beach Creat1\'t' rmaocmg Pnnr1pals on I> please SBS0,000 U a rt Real Estate_, 4~ 164S ALot for A Little I ucre T-bldg site, gent ly sloping parcel short tl1stan1•e rrom tennts & beach Ownr has 111 rluded plans for custom \·11la Sl7S,OOO Spel' tal'ular views ' MISSION REALTY 494-0731 JN V ESTOR Needed s12.soo total in1stmt S200 neR bu}s 11 home 499 S889 CITY LIGHTS 6 to be exart rrom I \'er) clean 3 bdrm $..50.000 down & as lo"' dll fa mil) rm, frplr · IJ?e SI 1.000 DOWN I -~~~~=~~~~~~~~~~·I 12r; interest on thl· fent·ed yard Fruit tree:. Take oHr 9', loan on ~ ~ balance. Call for deldlb SI 19.900 :.uper Sl 12.000 huml' 100/o DOWH Coastline \1ew 3 bedroom ln level rondo Ver.;at1hty or terms un SPYGLASS HOME 0Uered for )OU l'~ elusively A ~elect ~c"' ~rord features 4 Hr 4 Ba. ram1I) room anlf rormal dining EA tens I\ c upicrude~ and king i.11ed )Jrd m.1ke~ this home J truh unique rind orrer~ at $.')89 000 With .tltr<ll'll\ l• ll"' lll't rinancinl( ava1IJhle D.M. ManW Rltr 1nl( PJllO. big HHQ mUlll llell 3 bdrm 2' ~ "' ra1~ed detklfll! l.111J1 1 bath to"'TI.hoU.'t' \Ian~ "' J a cu 1 z 1 Au t 11 upgrJdl.'l> mrl Jlf cond ,pnnlo.leri. prt>l>ltt.!lllU'> tl>Aner will hl'lp fmJ~te I ,, rea Onh SH'I 11110 Le:.~ than 12' • mt \(,T b\ ntght rantast1c ocean \'teWS b) day E\ repllonal 3 Br 2 Ba home on pvt lot tn e>. tellent nbhd Featunnj! s k y l1ght ed bri c k J!OUrmel k1tch + det guest house W rp & wet bar Owner "'111 help w rinancmg 1365.<XK> _ 1 and lhe super loclottlOOS MAURY STAUFfEI 96J S671 ' JACOBS 1u1yy su LION REALTY \ITI> A.it b1111· S.SI J.ljj 213 463~11148 \\ 0 0 0 H R I U 1; E 2-STORY DUPLEX·HEwPOIT IEACH STEPS TO IEACH-OWNEI F4HAHCE See this fine duplex today~ Live in one unit & rent the other. 4 Bdrms. deck & 2 baths in upper : 2 Bdrms & 1 bath in lower. Fireplace in each. Some view of ocean. OWC 1st T.D. & note of $247 ,000. mt. only. $52.500. dmm pmt. No loan fee. $299.500. WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 2 I I I S-Jooqulft His Rood NEWPORT CENTER. H.I. 644-49 I 0 ••WATERFRONT** I 20/o IHTEREST Owner is willing to carry 1st trust deed on this detached 3 bdrm in move-in condition ~ Located on canal within walking dlstance of ocean & beach!' Private tennis & pool. Priced for immediate sale at $230.000. WATERFRONT LUXURY Sensational 3 Bdrm. townhome feat uring used brick. plank floors. French doors. ceramic til e & a multitude o f in terior upgrades. Priced at $319.950 with assumable loan . u WATERFRONT HOME •• HO PA YMEHTS ••. ror 1 year~! Charming 3 Br home located smal·k on the white sand beach with a private stairway. Features fi replace. 200' deep lot in R·2 zoning ONLY $695.'*· Owner will carry 1st T.D. at 13'k OWNER WILL CARRY ... 1st T.D. ·on 3 Bdrm. home with family room, in prime area of Costa Mesa. /\ rare offering at $110.000. PRIME fOUll·PLEX All 2 br units featuring fireplace & family rooms. All 1 story with assumable financing. Super price at $205,000. 10>/•% FtHAHCIHG AVAIL Assume existing tsl T.D. on this 4 bdrm ho m e in NEWPO RT Riviera payable at $668 per month !! Featuring French doors, fireplace. 2 1 ~ baths. raised wooden deck. & new carpets & paint. Only $141.900 SI 14 PER MONTH. •. when you take over exjsting low interest FHA loan ! ! ! This is a superb starter home for a young family. Lol'> of pott>ntial & priced to sell at $89,500. NtW,ORT HACH OfftCE 2'70 S. M'9wf DriYI l714175'-1501 17141752-7373 Walker&lee 1111 Estate U\L 67)..5354 l '.'ri I '.UJ'Jl:'t lff] _675-6670 i------~ mat<'hed. dssumablt' 760.083§ rinanrmg Great buy Co ta Mesa 1024 :--111 ll~b duplt'~ J llr '.! 11.1 t """' :! Br I u~ r 1·rm~ AITD or ton lo"'nhou.\t' 3 Rr 1 '-· BJ $96.000 12'• , ht T l> 5132.~ ()l\Tir &H 9030. ~9 4i211 RESIOENflAI Rf Al es TAIE SERVIC(S OHTHEIAY Best view of Newport Harbor from this outstanding home w 5 BR Libran' & all the amenitaes for gracio.us family living in Bayshores. La rge pier & slip. Priced to sell NOW! $1.100.000 LH. IN NEWPOR·T CENTER 644-9060 VILLA BALBOA-IOU:ED! l'rohssiOMAly decorated 2 bed. 2 bo. W. a security buildlltCJ with 111MniM1. Great price of SI 78,SOO! OWMf' wilt help fiftmtce! LINDA ISLE--tUROPEAN STYLE Dk ffnglliWd custOfll ... ~. W. tM WATER wittl drwtotic 2-story e..try. Soorl11q ce11i•q• with b e uu bt.tif.. coftector ataiMd I leact.d CJlau wittdowa thrum. s.c-d floor bakOftJ /~ on rtooka tht .._ of CJtMrOU• Main roo•tn. fonMI li•lttcJ '°°"" • ..,.....,. pe-bor ..... ,.... ""-fontMll difl.nn. + lanJf C*fdoor patio Giid koi pottd. S.,Oroh apockM mnhr suite with WATER YUs + 4 fainity btdroonu. Doc k for 2 yachh. $2,600,000. l11eludt1 ICllld. 631-1400. BEACHFRONT CAPE COD CorMr coftac)9 on pritM ~~Oftt. Rectntly rH1odt lt d 2 ~OOIR for fftior-11t llOW of a M1-.port ......... with SI 00,000 dowfl oWMr wt• cwry. $499,500. 631 -1400. WATERFRONT HOMES.INC RFAL l TATE '\M"t R#ru "' Pu~·,,.,. M-"'·"'1'""t 243/1 w l1..i,1 II"'\ ~"' .. 11» ... h Hl·l400 JI' M mn1 A-.• ~ .. 1.i.111C1 '7Ut00 '::~~~, S©~~~-"£trs· ::: -----~4 ~y ClAT I l'OUAll 0 ,_""'90 ......... ~ 1..-.. IC'O"'blod -· bo-""" IO lorr• ,.,.,. ....... -ck I LUMOA l I r I I Nu J 0 T RF.AL F.5TATE Sl99.000 , •• !••••••••••••••••••• 831-8440 trat·t '275.()•• t>-15 i~•-• 6HOMES On '2 acre Pnme loca t1vn. new roofs and paint Seller "''" l1n ·1nce $300,0110 at Cof"CNtCI dtf Mer I 022 MOVE tH <l>Anr WOODBRIDGE ••••••••••••••••••••••• COHDmOM BY OWNER 81 owner 4 llr Assum TRIPLEX Sharp J Eldrm. 5 ~··ar!> lhdrm zha 1,11.,1 J.it fin 01.'lal'lwd home on Three units with new.largeopcnkitl'ht>n ~tr~adt•l\1.trart•J qu1t'l 1·ul dt' '.11 fireplaces. on a 45' lovel) atnum.earthtont• Sh;oooo 5.'>lii'.!'i l Sl83,900 Appt,SSI SSll 13'•'• 96J.S671 Corona del Mar lot, for carpets Askml{ Sl34.900 * * CREEISIOE l ' fl""t I .......... the price or a duplex Call !>40 I ~I 18:<;Jl .':i-.:;:-J Favorable assumable $80 000 AIJO :i lltlrm Pnpfar mill one Rt;ALESTATE tst loan, sellt'r "'"carry I ,J 30 of Woodbnd1tc':. mo't 2nd Pnred al 112!1.500 2 Vo-~ desirabll' rlonrplani. S 16,000 DOWH Take over 12•,,.; loan S890 per month A real charmer with c·uL) r1replact' and double enc·lo:.ed i:arage $89 .soo 96.J.S67 I down payment S82.000 h1rmal dminii. atrium. By Owner1Bkr "'" Charming 1 h,•lfroum t'On\l'rSJllOn pit <'tt •31 I rn·~h Ill'"' p.11nt th ,. II r d I " 1 t1fdlt1r tuu• h cooperate 67,,. 4 SI O,OOO DOW... I ... a or 1•ta1 ~ CAMEO SHORES Easts1de Costa Mr~a throui:hout ll1·J11t1tul [Uj'u' ldhrlduc IXECUTIYEHOME Townhou'e 2 Br I', rrnnt l.r"n pool .,111• ~~ "' ~ Harbor and ocean\ iew baths p\t }ard. '.! l'ar bat k ) ard lh ""0t'r Really D ramat ic pool & gar. \aulte<l t•eilini:~ La't "'l·ekrndlwlurt· "'' ··i woo l ','!t' I :<ry? : .. ''.!!'t landscape 3 BR 41, ba pool and !ol>J $1U!J.5oo h~t SIJ!>.OOJ 114\l ~ .... n 11 ·~:~ · It nr __ EJ. __ :::! ~ _ -~::::# S850 000 ' OWC: i.tra1gh1 notr tia1:o \t~.i l>t'I \!Jr ".!11 arra"r~ '" " REALESTATE .461S l:AMIJ~N R&ll ln\'l75221!fi I li5t91ll0,~6Wt TopofSpyqlcns OPE);~oAv i 5 I OWHERFtHAHCEO u:~t'~o~T owe saso.ooo I L IV Y M.IV o~ Large 4 Rdrm 2 bath I FUUPRJCE Gorgeous custom estate. 1 REAL CSTAH 644·6397 home . beaut 1f,,u1 l Rllrm home on l.m?t' ocean & harbor views, I wallpapers thruout Cul lot 111 East l'l)!.IJ ~h·'·' ultimate design & de· OW HER .ANXIOUS de ~ac strt't't O"'ner "111 91 ,,, a:.sumahle loan I corat111g. 4 Bdrm J•, Ba. 1 • carry /\ITU fur 7 }ear:. rorma1 din1.11g. Red uced 3 bdrms 2 2 ba. ht1 a~ at 13 S': intrr~t For an O"'ner ~•11 c·arr) ~mdll lo $1.J9S,OOO sum able Isl at 11 1 • appointment 10 see. l'all 2nd Hurr~ E~ropean flavor Vt-ry 540 1151 C /2 I Newport Cntr , private S410,000 640-5357 760.6767 1 548-1904 Select Townhome SPYGLASS HIU This neat <'ondomir11um Lovely execultve home 1~ rt'ad) lO mow into 1111 for enterta1n1nJ: ~:nter .i quiet l'?reenhell lll':JI thru custom stained By Ow ner Two 2bdrm ~hopping i1ncl .I r glass doorways. larl(e hou~es on I lot SJ:.),000 l'ollegi• 2 Hdrm 2 12 Ba living, ram1ly & formal Assumable 11 , Isl T D roz~ frplc. :! t·ar l!Jrai:r dining rooms 3 BR 2 Ba OW(' 2nd 641~ 74&1 A l!vod in' t'~I mt•nt al JUST REDUCED Specla<'ular sunst-ts & ..... STSIDE SlOi,000 7Sl 3191 mght lights Vil'w rrom s;,.. Nearly new 4 Bd 23 • Ba. family rm, Great lerms' S208.m Call for details Ownr Agt Rick Keeler 631 0213 dys , S46·6i06 ocean to Catalina to tht• S7 ,500 DH! C::.SHECT ~PROPERTIE~ eves mountain s Pror Sw1mmm11 Pool -t pool lndsepd You must see lo house 3 bdrm 2 ba + appreciate the value den on \er) Ii: lot. beau Call for appt Ferf:w.On rul de-sa<' Great loan Et Toro 1032 Realtors, 714 7SI 020S Sl1S.OOO Agent Chrbttna • ••• ••••••••••• •••• •••• STAR GAZEKfl~ ss1 smor~i 2783 TERMS, TERMS HARIOR POIMTE Spotlcbs lri: 4 B<l. ,h1>"':0 ------a.u a. COHOOS hke a modPI \,wm1· 2 spaciou.~ m~tr suite:. 9' • Uni\ $161 101 11r or 2•~ stor) "'•th lorted lease op1ion PJtr11•k H ,_ Ooifto _.., c;.,.,i, ~ ..,. ~ ..... s... To....,_.....,. ... Sot......,, ....s_.. .... _.og IO ......... <1'.,...,Zodooat .... ... ,.,... ... •t-·-...... Dl'W .. _,... .. ,. ·-... ·-·-·-.,_ ·-·-·-.,_ .... ,._,. ==-·~::r 0... "" .. _ ...... ,. ... ·-·-llOll ·-.. ,._ :~ := := ... ·-,._ ... •IA .,., ,,_ .. -ll'f-·-·-. .,. ·-........ .... .... ..,., .. ... ·-·-·-·-·-...... ·-.. ·-... ·--...... ·-·:c. ·-·-·. GOlol ®""-f) ....... mstr bdnn Both mdls Tenore 631 121'6 have attJchetJ 2 <'a r garaf:t' w opener Open dall) II SPM. "'knds 10·6PM ~ArncadoSI , 631 3405 USTSIDE 3 BR 2 Ba. 2 rar garage. (ireplace, CO\'ered patlO Owner anx1ou.~. Call for mro, a_&l 6.'11·5661 S25,000 down 2 houses Easts1de k>l. Xlnt ren· tals Assum<' low in· teresl loans Owner will carry balance, ll0.500 f 1P, 7S4·1648 I ZJ/40/o AMAHCIHG Mesa Verde exer home. Sl!o.000 down Pool. spa & solar Xanadu Real Estate, 957 1.568 159 Pnncet.on CM WM~ REALTORS Large 2 br. 2 ba t•ondo desirable end unit ~ .soo 646-85112 BLOW 1/• MILLION the nght way' MnH to beautiful El Toro !Ind • get a lrg 5 Bdm ('Slatl:' w pool. spa & Vil'"' 1 not a matc hbox 1 Great terms. Assume 91 2', m leresl. Call P11tr1 ck Tenore 631·1266 IS LOCATION IMPORTANT? You bet 1t i:. • So ~ettle I vour famil) intn Cam po~ \'1t>w 3 bdrm. 2 ba formJI d111 rm Close tn ~hop1Hn g anlf rccrca 11on Vrn a1tra1·l1\e term~ tn help \ou purrhai>t' $175.fMX> \\ oodbr1dgt' ~:stJtl'~ I.\ J~h1n1ttn n molfel 3bdrm -t den, 2200i.tf rt Assume Sl IS.000 1st 0} O>Aner Sl89,<XK> ~9 Si78 BY OWNER ~e"' on the mrkt Com fortable J br 2 bJ ~•nJ:le ram11\ home 1.11 Turtlr Ro r k Ou1et neighborhood Walk to park & pool A<;:.um fman('tn&_ 752 1324 WOOOIRIDGE LAKEfROMT Dramal1<' rloor plan. s pe<'tarular Vll'W 3 Bdrm. 21, ba . hhrar) $.119.<XK> A.~k for Lynn Noah TOWN & COUNTllY RLTRS 5S2 1800 LOCJIMCI Yilaqt R.E. 497-17J~ - OCEANFRONT FIXERUrnl 3 br, 2 ba 1n cho11·e loc:a lion nr Ah:.o BeaC'b park Price include~ TOPO GO & planr- Shown b) appt onl~ SlliS,000 4~ 11700 AB_t IJ1 \or re Fon't's Sa le Lower 3 o\r c h Ba~ G real ocean 11e"' p\I area 4bdrm beach house 499-3144 Open House Sat & Sun 1-5 263S Solana Wa) Laguna ~ach 3 Br 212 R.t Custom home •1th ~mashrng 180 degret' ocean \'le"' oHered al $42S.OOO Nora Higgins LOCJllH YllorJt R.E. • 497-17,1 OC~YIEW A lovel} 2 bdrm <'ondo dose to pool Scnsa uonal 180 degree \1c"'s & ROrReous Catalina sunsets 2 story "'II h rirepla1·e & det•k $245.000 YICTORl,A IEACH Oramat1r ocean 11ews from this superhl~ con \lructed older home Wrll located near beach stairs. includes 3 bdrm:.. 3 baths & den A \er~ mm rortable home S64S.OOO HIGUR SHORES The youngsters can"' alk to school rrom this mft~ 3 bdrm 2 1> bath townhouse 1n a gate guraded prt\•ate <'om mun1t\ PRI C E REDL'.CED TO SISi.000 OPEHSUH2-5 423 .... 'lq,..r ;\~lllCi•'-~ 17141494-1177 It's a BREEZE l'lass1r1t.'d Ads 642·5678 ,,..... 1044 ···~··················· SlflC. llNlf REP\ITAILEPERSONS G L PM A O·A W XE l ADY LEK I l 0 A y " His N 0 slR E Pl ~ T x B l E )4 0 R L U 0 G T T R E S N S R E P T C 0 Q I P G " 0 A l Y l E K I L E R G U W W K R T E E N T E R E V 0 R A 0 T 0 O 0 C E R K C S E S E X W S E 0 A R L M L Q R 0 G T 1 T Z l A 0 E 0 8 A H S A L 0 S S E G P N M l N H E J L l 0 0 N E Z I T I C E L 8 A T C E P S E R N U F 0 0 H L U 0 D G F N l M V 0 E S C I T 0 D G T T Z R 0 E T A C J [ W l E A U 0 " I S I A T L 0 X U D D G E 0 ~ TOJ A RT T LLGEGOOTOJUS GTO GlA AOY OEOT OSGOC E A S ECRSWA LMGS "AM L EG R Sl.20.000 0..P!n H~Toda1 ' MESAVEltDE OPEN HOUSE Fri I 0-2 Sat 12-4 2823TABAC0PL Newonmkt! 38r.28a hm w /fam rm. w1w cp(J 1creenfd cabana. 2 poof Hwdlacjtw hoch I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ON EXCLUSIVE HUN TINGTON SEACllf'f'S GO L F COU RS~~· 3bdrm, pool, Xlra lrg lot Many xtras S395.000 Broker 633 6GU. ELEGANCE AHO LUXURY This Beautiful Montet·1to. 1s offered with landstap1n1?. patio. draperies & <'xCl'pt 1onally good terms~ 4 OH & fom . rm l'I pool size l"t. S375 .000 ~ladeline Crawford 752·1414 (Vll) Aize. tush backyards CIA to schls &shopping $1511,00 Oon Tyler As.we. Inc 640-8770 EASTSIDE. 2 adorable houses on I lot. Prime location. 3115 tiowrr St A11umable loan. Spa, red lfood dee k. et r Yin • Co. 6'2 6368 Jwtl..heH! I Ulllh, CM. MptH..,_Arte IJ~.000 titale Sate Call for dill.Ill ~tury 21. Gold ODut R.ta.lton. ao.ua 631-6266. .I. S.'IS,000 Down, 2 slory •• 4 Br , lam rm. bonus rm, 3 Ba . Near beac h . ms ooo. ~r. 842· 14 l,,8 By Owner. 3 Br 2 Ba S & S bu lit t67 .000 1st As sumt at 9.5' ~ $153.000. C1ll a£t\'r 6PM. 002·7677 •: X Jr. C U f I V L SHOWPLACE· Hugt 4 bedroom dream Nearly 3000 sq Cttt. Separate dl n1n1 room . f;imlly room. hrtpl1ce. Top~I off with a sparkhnC sw1mmin11 POOL and tuy cart yarda SZ40,000 TARBf.LL. REALTOR.S. mza - GOL.f ~OURSl VIEW F:~pecially lovely upgraded Rancho San Joaquin condo with ouLf.anding vi<'w . Air t ond . & secur it y system. <.:r ettti ve financin~ avuilable $187 ,500 Jackie Wiley •Ml·8700 tV12) tnt1ll Clw!\oul~Oltqr • ..._YllJaOc.n...r ll"MI CA •'II& IMnoo, CA 91714 111•1• 1~4 1'!1•1• 1TOO .. .. \ .. ,, I .. -0 r.. a s. a ; ill a: t s t,2 J ts ~ ~.~.~ ......... ,~~.~~ .. : ..... ~~!.~.~ ........ ~.~.~ ....... ~~~~~ ...... ~.".': .. ~~...... Orangeeo .. t DAILY PILOT/Frlday.Augu117, 1981 C7 ~~ ..... !~~,~.~ ..... !!~ ... ~~ ... !~! ~~~ ... !~! ~!.'.!!!!? .. ~ ~~ ..... ~!~ ~.~~.~~.~~ .... ~.~~~~ .... C'f.!•h::d J400 ~~.:.1.•.~.~~~~~ .. • • M.l. IMt.AIM ff'M Mo. Wllller. J Bt, l C.... Mlle H24 Ntw"" .._. JHt ....................... Ntw_...... J7H I> OW* 111.000 down, Ilk• 38r, Ba, ~ompltl~)' furn •••••••u•n••••••••••• ....................... l bdrm h&1wioua Pool, •••• i.111 ............ .. llSIDIMCI WITH IMCOMI Whitewater oceun views. walk to beach & v1lhtgt!, lhis Ire duplex, upper 2 Br 2 Rll + study, lower 3 Br has Sl97,000 assumable financing at 11'~. Owner will carry. $367,000. Fred, Agt. Nolan R.E 661 1161. 661·5791. _._ H• I 050 Newport.._. 106' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 20KDOWH No quahfy1n11 l.ong lt1rm f111:1ncin11 on th11i 2 bdrm, 2 ba patio home m L<Aguna Hill! C'ommuni ty pool, spa etc 3 years _ new Owner's niot1vdt ed SlOS,000. Call now e--H/\NCH Hll\LTY !.>~1 2000 INV ~STORS, thl!I IS It low vacancy. low m111n tcnance, 2 yra new, all apphant'ea. OWNER WILL ll~LP 1''1NANCE won't !list ' Call for appt JohnMa~all 631 1266 WM* R t:Al.l l>RS ANXIOUS 2~8a twme. ~ blk lo Chalet lot. JJI Diamond 3 br, 3 ba condo, au aar .. HARBOR IUOOE Ocean Jae' om. Jn Vernlllet Wl4t.er, ~ bUI ~an. J br. Will help finance •II un bcb, owntir will llnaore. .fl.UW,541Me1T pool 1$'15, ut, tut fr tee View Lux. J Br 3 Ba. Call_ISJl ___ -2 ba. Sell' 12-June 5 der '135,IXXI, S to cl'IOOl4e ~.ooo. W...,. llHT AL Near OCC SS7 ·1071, t..ae M ut.tr aultt, den. Leue/O.,t_lan beaut. furn f!OO/mo. ffs.5!!2_ from Won'tlut Callror SUMSITl.L 9/l'-8/H. a br, 1~ ba, Ml-H!L wet ban, r.p., tennis, adlt condo 3 BR 2 Ba. Ocunfront Penllllula, 2 appl UJ..UOI /mo.11J.2* 2 Br t .1lde, enclo11d pool, Jae .. 11900/mo 11000 mo !Sale !\:Ice Br. Z Ba Wanter ~ntal JobnM•llhall --saraie. adulu avail 175-U47,54f.9Cm_.__ 114$,$00 unf.) 111 /Mo )<6828 &3HJlll ..... p I ' I •• ) I 07 now. k5o lat 'dut. S200 2 Br mobile home on negotiate furn 1745 V I 2 B l8a HOUSI + UMIT •••• ••• ................ cleanin 5216 1 1\iltin 118, ownr •ft., ear Y r Id Sberp 2 Br. house • ON nu: BEACH Xlnl . w al~ r I q II e'' n ° 842·222$· d 648-!12M carport . .so Mo Int' • separate tnc:ome unit loc. Winter Rental Avall 4BR, vacant. No pets ltlda /oets l550 561114 -utlls Avllll Sept $ 1019 Mu•t Ht!! Anxious Sept U 7 Br. 2 Ba MnaVcrdearu Ji'ri>k, NewCondoNwpt H1hLl 3 C~W-3425 W~a vt 673-1674 Owner, iubmlt Appl'•· _,mo. Inquire New paint 1775 mo All Br 2.,., Ba. 1500 sq. rt. U. w .w.d 1%6 E Ocunfront, Jul,y 5'11·tl68. __ _ Drive by 292 Palmer ....................... ~ •t411ctc1.,,00,000 Hl·Zl4l talh. Au1. 21at. or call s Bdrm I Ba, crpt1 UA. S800 Mo No peu, CONDOS FOR RENT. U• I H " 111~ 875-5890 drapes, 1 car &arage no children Call Cotta Me111 8r1nd new.••••••••••••••••••••••• In Dover Shorn. 5&00 Se fenced rront/back 752·"99 S e e W e 11 t bay G __. JIOZ sq.fl of lop qqu.uallty con 12 1 "' Id c Wint.er Rem.I ept. 12th • Townhomes ad, sect1on lM.-.i struction Th.ls 5 Bdrm un ta, .... s e osta lhna June J.2t.h, Clean, 2 $625/mo 87~5'719 evea Newport Shores 4 Br 3 3824. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Medlt. style mldence is __ ::.ado:sfit !:·~ dbr, P~ e:aaed4daun MS·~ Ba Can;:J'!!!'! NEW Be lat tenenl APTMTS FOi llHT the best ol locatloos 11nd ~ t d 0 / A 1 ry. -...,. + epo11t 8uutlful new X mdl, de -· Unuaual ltdult complex H.B., N.B .• Costa Mesa has the best of financing dft\ ~1:u11_'_· _w_nr & Adult.a. fl5·35'11. corated & landscaped HARBOR VlEW HOMl':S w aate & pool Near SomeLhlni ror Everyone available OWC S950.000 'WI C~ Somerset C1l1home Surr 48r, 3Ba. close Lo S.C Plaza. Secluded Bach. to 4 Br. Unrum :U9l1'1-int Fullpn~1n· CIR 4-Plt ..... hy N 1 d l d .. 1811ker/BearSt> 3 Br 3 pr ' pool. Just re "Omer u.rut 1 BR. dlll Apt.a Ceruln location) eluding the land l .6X..._! cw Y ecora e ·" Ba . 2 car &lir S8SO decorated $1Z15/mo 111· ' orrer Pool , s pa , Sl.450.000 CaU Uan Ribb ••"4""'' lo super rental area ~!~: !c, b:hlld~~~ ~ Resp parties only cld.11rdnr 844-<M72. ~t5+~1~{e~5-~· r1replace. laun. room. rorappt NICCNldoStl.000 Positive caah flow pell. Sept 1 to June t. 842·9663tvma · Dt!luxe3Br3baduplexln eves. week ends No beamed reilings , ROGY'S UA.Ln Lowest priced orrerina w 122% dwn Asaume 175·1475 O.. PoW 322' exclusive Blutrs. Beaut ""l.S &araaea. alt built·ins '71t -000 lo •· IU JZ • -----Garden & Townhoust· r2l I I m tlegant secure com _,, an• ownu w 1 _ .. _ _._ 31 1 •••••••••••n•••••u••• greenbelt view w /pools ~~11!!!!!!!11!!1!!~!11!!1!!11111!!11!!1!!•1 munity CaU Bill or Ltn· car r 'I Fu I I Pr l c e ........... -4 Charmine sml homt, spa, Avail for 1 yr beginning IUUTIFUL HOUSlS-design. NO FEE -5-,-.0-00-00--WN-da 631 0884 ___ $195,000 Call Bob L~·;:~·~·;~·;;;~·~; deck,oceanvu. $8:10 Sept. 1 $11 50 /mo. COMDOS TSL M_QMT 642-1603 Verso1lles 2Br, 2Ba pen 2500 SO FT !!°1:4'21l7t: "8\. 97i-53'10 or Maln Beach S86Cl per mo ~ 844·5137. Apt ' Newporj Beach -hlboo l.a.d ll06 lhse, ocn view $137,000. ~ 1 '"" " '\JIS/15~78116 ~ Yllly 3234 BIG CANYON 'IWNHSE Costa Mesa. Call us, we ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------Assume Sl.28.000 ur S&L Nice 3 bdnn, ba. Hark 1111 ....__ •••••••••••n•••••••••• Golf course view, 2Br, manage 600 units on or Vtarly l650 Avail 9-1 OCE NFRONT 0 I Bay area. Cherry Lake "uu-..... _ port•~'-3169 t ti"'' & p DI 8 k -A up ex 8 it OWC t d ,_w -HOME FOR RENT 2Ba, pvl 1ar. pool, ten· near wa er JU u x 2 r garage par & T · p loans at 17"', $1828 mo s1d" Pym•· Sl!ISOimo un s, • ra e C II O I G lbe LOCJUIMI MlcJltt I 052 ri lex Xlnt loc 0 r c 7 30 227 0. II m P 1' $189.~00 631 5476, Owner desperate agt ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 Bdrm. 16'15. Fenced nls, immac cond. Sl.~ TSaL MeGoMresT e 642rgl603 111g. Adults only 675-:.>63 ••••••••••••••••••••••• PP 673·7677,67J.7813 ~·2682 6427744 646-1544 l....etM"-'h yard & aarage. Kids &r mo.&40·812111or497-S471. ---. or_6_7_9-_9667~----- 0PEH HOUSE BARGAIN FIXER RE s 1 1 home , f u 11 y (urn pets welcome. 545-2000 ORANG ETREE CONDO lolboo p-.. 3107 SUN 10.4evebyappl Npt Hgts best location i---------I THEILUFfS inv:setsmiw:'tt~ lt e:~ w/grdnr, ~bdrm. 4 ba. A eot noree. ffARBORVfEW 1 BR+ loft. Super loca · ..................... .. 2Br. 28a, den. comer Cute as a button on the LIDC>-fllHCH PRIME \lew t'OndO 3 changes Xlnl oppty ror ramily room, dining H t'-t.leocla 3240 4 bdrm. 2..., ba, 2 storn lion Adults 8 Tennis S275 nice Bachelor. r~p lot, many upgrades inside, needs TLC on Bdrms front row Fee n&bt -rson. lOO'k rom-room, lg pool. lg yard • =i with family rm1 rormit Cts 2 Pools Avail 1m-adlts, util pd. 00 pets 106 S •• 900 F I d HOIMA.MDY I and Low down m···i·o""n available Con· Lse for 12,IXX> per mo. •8•u•d•••••••3•••b••••3••b•• dii,lng, v~~, b g yard, med. k25. Mo. 559,4426_ E. Bay Ave A 9 l .... , oxg O\e M I outside Lrg assumable 8 d C t ... a ., •• ,,., • ., (t6 PM rao new r, a privacy •111UU mo. mLakePk.24:112C1mar· loan Only S198.000 F;:n~h 4n~ o~nd~~ cCe/a~i;·~manci~gC..tr ftdential interview .,_ . ......,a --houseforducrimina\Jng --HrSoC.tPlau Bayrront 2 Bdrm Apt ron Ct. Won '1 last Clill Joyce with 4 baths. Stained ~ · • ~5880, V1Dce. ram1ly. 2 blks to beach wlt~~~~J;:. ~~~~~mic 3 bdrm rondo, drapes S7SO mo yearly. sl!p is 8319949 arL6PM Ov.nr Wallie 631-1.266 glass &special wood ex· 640.5357 760.,76? Mo.toil, o~~. Ho.ff U~ Tot a I ly upgraded view condo. Adull5. Pool and cpllng Overlooks available. Michael Rul By Ow .... ER .--YT ••••••••••••••••••••••• G a rd en er 1 n c I and spa. Sl.500/mo lse Greenbelt Pool, r>pa, Estate. 67J..681M>_ " terlor You have lo S.C..._.. 1076 ltlOrl 2400 •----1-1.-....1 3206 A · h h rry with hnanc111g l ._ -S1200/mo. m.0145 -clbhse avail Sec Gale 2BR. spaClOUS nr Ba)• & llrart1ve ome on u a ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ...... bil hom OCEAN~ONT u"'Mo 1 N1guelGolfCourse Ap-13'i '1 & owner Will S"'CRIFICE &.t'lllllTY Beaut.decorZBrduplex ~60Mo e e111lov 2Bdrm,lots woodand """"' ·...,...,...,1 ocean Yrly $4.SO me prox 2400sq rt s:E2.000 carry2ndT D. "' •T->•' e I y ad u I l park shutters, ir_eplace, '"~-util. Mature adults No Assum ab I e I u u n -----$20K UNDER MARKI:."!' PAan.aSHtr y[1{;~J~t~~L~~ Clubhouse. pool , jac mature aduhs Rl75/mo • 2 br, 1 ba, securll). ~75·4172 __ 831-2437 --PARTY IN t·oldLodup~~~ o~um OfRllD 673-4062 etc. $500/mo Avail Sept Waterfront Homes. lnr child ok, no pets SC Coroao .. Mer 3122 ~ oans. Wuuwu C Catbedral CanyonCoun· --1st. Nr. Broolthurst & 6111•1400 Plaza Area S4SO ••••••••••••••••••••••• HARBOR VIEW 963·8848. 968.?705 try Club 2Bdrm, 2Ba Bayfront. Yearly. 3BR, Adams. Min age 35 ~ _833·16:>31~6844 art 6 ROOM f'OR A TENNIS COURT'' That's right'' This 4 bedroom, 3 bath El Niguel Heights home has enough room m the back)ard for 2 1enn1s1 courts' W11h the ' purchase of this hne re· s1dence. you'll enJo) o<·ean & canyon views 2 fireplaces. a wel ba r, and wonderful assuma· ble fmancini: · 5339.00o 495·1720 8btngo 775-0123, 751·9916 completely rum. CON· 2BA, rrpk, Ira pallo, 968-0820. 3 BR 21, Ba. new cpts. PEMTHOUSI Smashing family room 1-~~!ll!!l!!!ll'!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!""'s-ta AllCI I 010 DO. S9,500 buys If• 1n-avail Sept 15. $1400 mo. Spacious 3 Br/3 Ba, Ir& Blurr's. 3 BR or 2 + den paint, Nwpl Terrace 2 Bdrm. Iba. beam ce1l w 1 l h wet bar Un 1 ________ -i....................... terest. Contact Owner 67$-7009, 675-84«) __ F.R . 2800 sq ft , 3 car 2•,i, BA. rplc, patio, pool • 1 1 S e a m 1 s 1 1ngs, fireplace, pool. believably beautiful en· VERSAILLES IY OWNER \714)974·8962 Corou dtlM9r l222 gar, l~ mi lo beach 1875. 7608384, 675-59:Ml 714·738·4526 1690 per Adlts. no pets. S625 Mo tenainer's pauo 5 Bdrm C Pl ~ Coety 1 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1850/mo. 962·8118 3 Br 2 83 House with mo 640-1208'2.&Seaward S<lmmel'St't on fee land 2 Br 2 Ba l'Ondo Sl99.500 ~I~.~ do:;s~br. ~~~. Prop.t'ty 2500! Yearly S48S. Avail. g. L 2 Sharp condo. 2 br, 2 ba, sw1mm111g pool + 2 ad -EAST BLUFFS Fantastic ocean & city Absolutely 1mmarulate 67~1771 corner lot. RV prkg. ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• Br. Outside pet OK with frplc, pool, spa. gar. 1 dillonal utility Br . ram New, lux 2 br. 2 ba, light view rrom every move ·1n rond1l1on S00,000 aS!umable first F...,._bhlh deposit 675·3063 or child OK. Nope~ Mam rm . trplc, nicely v1ew,hlghwoodbeamed room l Br S600Mo Call ;:a~~a~\~ e rin an r 1 n g St~ ... ooo 751·!.047 _ Exquisite J100 sq n hill 679-9667. --& Ga rheld 968·0787 landscaped. SJ ISO Mo ceilings. spa. Adults on· Anth~~Y .. ~~~!.!1488892'5757· top home on 10 gentle 3 8d 2 Ba, 2 car gar, opn eves ----64-0-1327, 5S8-6188. orrice ly Xlnl Joe No pets e~ • ~ ~- • RED CARPET I T1t1tiit I 090 plantable acres. Pool. beam ceilings S750 mo NR BEACH Jbdrm ~-__ __ ~s 12 o o 1m0 or r 1 c e Nice & bnte 2 Br l Ba •••• • •••••••••••••••••• J D · · -S nd""k patio "arpon _7-5..4.:1202._ guest house, View lo Im 8VIS 759-1221 Al<L. 2~ba. ram rm, rncd yrd CONDO E Bluff Super 644-4684 ; res 640.8862 _ u ... . . ~ IH FORECLOSURE ocean Probable spill 2 Bdrm, 3 ba, spa. dble gar, w1d hltups, gdnr in' 4br. ram rm. pool, rprl RntoOlt•leocll No children pets ti80 HU 3 ID CONDO Price reduced with ~5.000 garage. Nr Fashion cl $895.SJS.OO'll SI ~_{J!!O ~ilOO!_ 760·171L _ A beaut" with frplr, OCEANFRONT S34.WO dwn payment, I TIIE JOHNSON LAND I I d d l d THE COVE B d This 2BR. beauty New lJnonue 2 Br 1 Ba vie"" , s an · re ecora e Lovel y house only 1 > aysi e carpets AdullO<'cupted .., pauo & spa Try SI0.20K By owner Best Balboa take overloanor St62,000 CO $745 per mo. 2 yr lease $600/mo• Jbdrm. 1, ,ba Dr Exec Condo, pool, con d 0 . Ava 11 now deck, beam ceilings. dov.n, assume 11 11·~ or loc Lgepnreredud1on al l3'< andmo~e1nlh1s1 714/728-4412. (213) 991-0687 or 12131 beaut decor Crpted spa & pnvate beach, 1 Sauna. tennis. dis· garage & carport No lease opt. Won't last 4_ 2br d21X 640-7900 1:1a~\~~:o~:, ~o~~ CM of c....;---:550 782-3382_ --lhruout with lrg yrd Br. den. I' 2 Ba . 2 story. hwasher. rerngerator. & ~ts kids. $62.5 645 1682 Patrick Tenore631 1266 ranch home w RV ac· Property & Costa MHO 3224 Stove & dryer incl Must r r PI c $995 I ease security S600 mo No 2Br, 2Ba garage apt S7SO PRICE REDUCED cess. Approx market ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• see to appreciate 759-1092. __ ~ts-2!.ease' A $48-1168 mo Limited Time Otrer 118 lue over SZl0.000 Horse property, 3 acres. OLX CONDO 2 Br + lrg 17141962·77*>. ask for El Beaut 3 br. 2 b:i m Upper View condo, City lights, 673-3!!!_ 2113 Miramar Reduced Great buy. Pnn only 3bdrm house, 1 ba , Ion Br 2"1 Ba. rrpk, hQ!!_ Bay Pool w is er v ; ocean 2 BR 2 Ba. loft. 2 Convenient 2 BR 1 Ba S<l lof1rmpnceofS419.500 DownpaymaybeOexi ownerwiUcarryall5% gar, a/c, new . S745 Fof'l..tO,..IKe gardener SllOO mo decks, luxury ' Lse or Hwy, pool. S64 5 RS'M* Rf:At.TORS until Sept I W , rmanl' ble Call Les. Ownr Agt S139,000 San Bernad1110 673 5565 or963-8377 Saf.S. fl.2 PM 545-351£ __ _ Sl ,OOO. 964-J466 752·506S, 646-3176 mg at 12' • Pnn(·1pals ~9 9400orS.SS..1!7~ area. 465-0056. * * * 19162 •-La Jas Crk . Jbr, 2~-,ba, sec 2 br. l''I ba. frpk. pool. THEILUFf only SSO·ml,642·0346. Carlsbad waterfront J •...u......'-__,,... gale. teruus, pool. Jae A.-rt.etlhF.Nshtd deck. W D hook up ' 1055 -------lakt Forl'St ••••••••••••••••••••••• I OFA.KIMD 4 bdrm home on the waterfalls 1n Lake f orest By ov. ner $181,500 8»5503 Hewpori IHcll I 069 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ILUFfSCOHDO Immaculate 3 Brirm condo. close to pool Encl wi11 Sl91.IXX>. C /21 Newport Cntr. '640.5357 760.6767 BEST VALUE IN EASTBl.UFF 3 Bdrm 2 bath. Im maculate! Owner anx IOUS. S2<l>,000 Roy Mee.-.. Rltr. 548-7729 HottNwV~w Move 1n condillon. 3 bdrm, 2 ba home 1n Harbor View High as· sumable loans Highly upgraded throughout Shows l!ke model Must sell fast Ask111g $239.500 inrl land Come for ln- spect1on Sal, Sun I ti 1860 Port Wheeler or call 160·9596 Ow.!t~r ~ VILLA. IA.LIOA. 1 Br condo View or Catalina Ov.•ner ~111 help finance. Submit or fer l!C*tr, ·~J.8112 Pl.AH "X" 1----11111111111111111!1-~lli Oth.r Real Estah Come home to a retreat' ~:St• 3 Bdr, fp, nu cpt.s /drps Gr n b It 11 w 0 y s .. ~•••••••••••••••••• adults. nu pets. SS80 3 bdrm. din rm , hv EA.STILUFf ....................... Spacious 2 Bdrm, 2 full Costa Mesa Nr schls~~~ S750 752·60'l0, ev!!_J59 l'.!?(> _ loltoa lslmd 3706 lease 4348 Shorecrest rm . ram. rm . r P, 2'• 4 bdrm . ram rm. rplcs. Mobia.HOMtS Ba , gorgeous view Youarelhewinneror New Exec Home. pre-••••••••••••••••••••••• l.ane. Open 113 Sal ba. '<lra large porrelam Xlnl r1nanc1ng Im Fof'S• 1100 Sll0,000. Lowdwn. 'IWO FREE P~E.S l"iM 3244 s11g1ous area Orean S'IOO Mo Yearly Beaut 968-0600 __ tubw ceram1ct1lewalls mediate occupanry ••••••••••••••••••••••• R&Hlnv't 752·2197 (Sl7value) ••••••••••••••••••••••• view, pool, spa, tennis. Furn Charming, CostaMno 3124 & floor 4 rovered patio poss 1 b I e S28~ .ooo Bayfront Cabana $75,000 CA.Ill.SIAD RING U NG BROS. ORAMGmEE security gale. Sl495 per private 2 Br with sun· ••••••••••••••••••••••• areas Pnce S2l>.OOO. 5'' 642 •151 '""81,.,. h 7"'"9·....., ,,.., 77•• d k 306 .. ES E E "' ,_.._v• cas A REAL SLEEPER' BARNUM, BAILEY 2Bd. l Ba,2cargarage, .!!IO ~~!_Q_r ...... ..:......, ec over garage m AV RD home al down. assume S40,000 tsl 57c °'""' Co I A Do ot d h & di -~ Sl00,000. 30 yr, 10~ CllCUS adult comm Tennis OC"'"..-~ ra ve n is· mosp ere 2 3 x apu trust deed al 1•, .. , Xlnt _,_""' 1 b l Sho b N land lease SB.SJ 00 per DOVEi SHORES l Br Trailer. I mile from guaranteed loan + as· Anahe1mConventJon pool. gym. sauna Avail 4 bdrms. den. 3 ba, rum ur enants wn Y ~ls S4&1~ _ year Can't change until One or largest lots. with beach. S6!MX>. sum S.22.0006'7,, first. Lrg Center Aug 6-17 Aug I '5*>1mo. 1st. last or unfum Best Pen. loc a · onl · 213,557.J.:>35-"-MEWLY DECOR.. year 2003 14., lilt only bt-aut1ful grounds sur _548--4190 58R, JBA high view Long Beach Arena & cleaning deposit Sl500_!!!!>,t~rl 67$-8562 lolboo p.-. 3707 B pd 1 2nd trusl deed due rounding 1h1s custom 3 .-::_ __ .. P.,_... ll50 ~omemfinestarea.Ask ·I Aug 19-23 WamerC&IT.S.SS.9400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• di r hgas poolenArdg~lr 1986.87 Call uwner ror Bdrm home Lois or =-~ • .".:'::::!........ 111g S280,000. By appt on 1 To claim passes. call USTllUFf Bachelor Apt Ullls rncld I ~.2w~!3er. u s used brick, elegant S ~D..hr ly Leonaagt.729-4630or 642·5678,ext.'!72.Passes ThreeBdnn.21.-Jba.end Yearly rental SJ25 Call ""·JV• ~f1~\ 7U~ner 5 pm t•arpet111g and wall t·ov Ore~~I~ d~ to home, 722·2277 must be exchanged for untt Good cond1uon and art 6. 67$-~ 2 Ir. I la Apt enngs and spa $425.000 be .. ch Car Is bad O.t of s.. reserved seats at box location. $850 per mo 12 br-2ba 1 blk lo bearh, Newly decor C:as pd WESTCUFF 4 ID Spacious. open & airy, beaut ~ 8d w12 patios Assume 10.95"\ int. A re· al value Patrick Tenore 631-1266 WM~ RF.AL TOR~ OCUMFIOH'f $450.000 This orrenng 1s an estatt.· sale One or Newpor1 Beach ·s fmest views 3 bdrm home with guest apl or 2 units Realonom1cs _675-6700 VILLA. IA.LIOA. 10• 2": loan. 30 yr I bdrm den. view, rplr, micro. upgracl. cpt. Uno. tile. etc For 1nro 61J.2607 or HSllJ-4303 642·5200 S 2 ;, 5 . 0 0 0 p a u I l'ropet'fy 2600 o r r i c e pr i o r lo ~eek days 759-41~ S625 yrly n Alvarado encl gar . pool. dshwr Wopschall. realtor. ••••••••••••••••••••••• performance Woodbridge, 3 br. 11, ba Seav1ew 4 Br3Ba. family Pl 675·6670Conme Adults M?·~3,_ j PETE J BARRETT ... REALTY <7l•>•~-l73:S. BJ Owner __ _.! * * condo. 562.5/mo. avail rm, dining nn. ocean &1 -----l lrToiitlllhcMIN 3 Br 2 Ba College Park. immed 640-7690 _ night llfht views Pool &I Costa Mno 3724 •-1---....... 1400 Nev. ly decor gas pd . --u llOfMiif Three bdrm country bit-ins. DIW. frplc. Turtle Rock , 4 bdrms, tennis lllOOpr mo ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• encl gar . pool. dswhr ••••••••••••••••••••••• home on Washington's Available. S700. Ask for family rm, din rm, Liv CASA DE ORO CORONADELMAR beautiful Olympir Pete.751·31.91 room & k1lch, 2l'I ba, Waterfrontlease.4Br4 ALLUT.IUTIESPAIO Adults.G42J073 4 stores in prime area Peninsula withs acres of CON DOS FOR RENT llOO mo Avail Sept 1 Ba, family rm, top con MEWPOIT Large assumable loan 1 d d 300 rt .... 4136 rt 4 PM dillon. dock for 40· boat c b r "I' "~S Trust Sale F.stateSale and OMC 71.,_457 2813 an an on Brand new SeeWestbay __ ,,_,,. a er __ S2200 om pare I' ore )'ou "' -·~• . Wilfinance ----famous Sol Due Raver Townhomes ad, Sttlion ldeolF.ifv~ rent Custom design 2 2Bdrm. I · I Bdrm . C~ial Terms negot.lable 3824 ba. a7c features Pool BBQ, From S270 mo + ullls Panora m ir v 1 ~ w s Properly l600 <~> 374-6148 · 3 br. 2 ba, a c. gar dr 4 Br 4 Ba. clean & sharp. cov 'rd garage, sur· No children. no pets, no beckon you lo this 6 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1-~ ..,_--SECLUDED 1 Br very opener, fish pond, pool. next to tennis & beach rounded with plush walerbeds bdrm home wit~:; baths. RARE C·l H Newport me-a.,.__, private. qwet & woodsy tennis courts. avail. Sl500 mo Bob or Dovie landscaplllg Adult IH 2450Newport Blvd family ~m. library. 2 Beach Property so· Gro .. 1 2700 Adults, no pets New Sept l $825 mo 759.122=1 __ . ingatitsbesl Nopeta Costa Mesa m~emized kitrhens, of frontage tn pnme loca ....................... carpets, drapes. range. :;sz.i714 (Jean) Pvt park. 3 Br 217 Ba I Br rum. from $445 ri ce elev a.tor· 4 car lion Owner will finance. li.tblrd RClllCll Utils paid. lsl. + securi · ORANG ETREE-2 Bdrm W ID, refr1g. S725 mo ~~ Wilsoo, 642-1971_ g~rage. 60 bayfront. Ext'lusive Principals 140 acres nr Fallbroolc ly. SS25 Mo. 642..ig)5 or l Ba, 2 car gar Adult KidsOK.nopet.s p1erw 3sllps only. Ask ror Irene adjacent to Nat Forest 646-M23 community. Tennis. John Marshall New decor tbr dplx. sep Lod Agl.6314247or 3000 avos, 120 NEW2Br.IBaQuiet& pool. gym , sauna 63H2Jll6 by gar Quiel empld Additional <ISx 100· bav u on. · Macadam1as, approx SO cool, buill·rns. rerrige. $580 1 mo. lst & last adult over 3:>. no pets \le~ parcel ~1th apt 631 7:MIO· more plantable acres. 3 Adults, no pets. Ullls +ser. depo61l. 559·9400. $350. ~8·l02l -- over 3 rar guage Coftdo111iei ... 1/Tow1t-wells , year round paid. Isl + security Wamer. Sol.405.000 ltollfft for.. 1700 stream Elegant ranch $650 Mo. 642 0835 or T11telns.&Trust ••••••••••••••••••••••• house, bunk house . 646·6423 DHrfiltdc.do Dan ~e~.J213>6l1,:7371 Leisure World 1 BR. Farm v eh 1c1 es . ~M-=-o'""D""'E'-R-N_W_ESTS __ l_D_E_ 3 Bdrm. 3 ba, gar, du· Slll&le story, end unit. at-machinery. Sl,375.000 3 Br. 2...,. Ba. Townhouse, hwaaher. Close to poof !ached garage. Air. fplc, TiiE JOHNSON LAND and rec center Avail bl 1 patio, deck. frplc A tS SSS.SB Steps to beach. 2 br, 2 car gar. frpl, yrd_ S650 yrly 968 8263 SUS CASITAS F'um. 1 br. apt S325 & up Encl gar Adults. no pets. 2110 Newport Bl. ~·4968btwn8&5PM 1 BR, furn, all ulll pd IMMID OCCUPANCY! 2 Br. 1 Ba Apt Beam re1hngs. laundry rm. pool Adults only. nu pets TSL MGMT 642 !!(13 meatiB.AU TOWNHOMES CONDOS FOR RENT as 5 um a e 0 3 n CO. Perfect for kids. $775 ..:..;.;u;;a..:=..:· o=..==---- 837 ·3264; 493-7126 714mM412. Mo. 645· 7226. Cirtt'*" Hw Trade Luxury Newport --------• home on 12 acre for In· llG CAMYOH Harbor View Homes-very private. l adlt only beaut. Exec. 4bdrm. ~ 641-8967 _ 2 Br + Den, 21'2 Ba IMO 2 Br. 2.,._ Ba S620 come Units or ~ Equity Custom 18th Fairway $280.000 Act now ' Luxun plus A truly de· Broker Co·Op. Agent l1ghtrul famdy home 631-~ with guest quarters 1:.&.STILUFF Everything designet! '""" with convenience 1n Unusual I level 5 br or 4 mind A formal d111ing br + poss. office w sep room with a view, two entrance Huge Country ramily room~ and a Kit . Lge Playroom "' large billiard room wet bar & pool table, 3 Newly carpeted. Perfecl bath. Xlnt financing for the executive' Im med occ. 1267.500. Owner will help finance. Ownerta&!._~0564. _ Exclusive at $1 7 BLUFFS CONOO·SUlgle million story, 3Br. 2Ba. Linda Plan. New appl!as, tile. etc. Assumable loan, ownertagt $230.000. 855·2013 t ,,. Cote Realty & Investment 64().5777 • lecCMM Property JOOO Dix new 3 Br 2 Ba duplex. 4 bdrm, 3 ba. fireplace, ••••••••••••••••••••••• FA.WIOOI( formal dirung, dbl gar gar. dishwasher Avail 0~ · Trade Luxury Newport 30 acres prime avocado w/opener, adults, no _Se~_l ._1 ~55&-~5369-----i R E ._LT 0 RS home on ,., acre for In· land. 12 acres ol 10 year pets $650. 642-7456 R A N C H O S A N come Units or ' EQ.uity Haas trees 3 ,..,,,a.se efec JOAQUIN_._ the golf STfPSTOIUCH S280 ,000. Act now ! trical&boOs;;pump~ 2MSTRIR"S course 38R2'.,..ba.SOOO IH IA.YSHOR.E Broker Co-Op Agent properly. Low down. PLUS DEN, 2~ BA , mo. AvailSept.1, This 4 Br 4 Ba family 631-4516. owner will carry. Call TENNIS COURT, SPA, Barrett RJt 642-5200 homehasoneorthebesl FOISAU Bill Merrell, Agt, REFRIG , 2 CAR locations in this gate IY ~ 673-T:MIO. GARAGE W/OPENER. LAIROMT guarded rommunity. "'",_ S750LEASE,NOPETS. LIA.SI Amenities include heavy 1"1 Acre w/4 homes. As· J ohn Marshall Luxurious living. Exel\· wood beam ceilings, sumable lsl TD at 9"'1%. 631·1286 ing views. Large 2 BR. paned windows. shult 37 6 Victor I a• CM· den in private gated ters, sunny brick patio 640-7464orS49-3232. Woodbridge communl· and 2 private beaches p I 0 p E I T y Ly. $1100/mo. Ask for 3"1ba , sep, mother·m· t BR, adlts only, no pets. law or maids quarters. S225 t31 Flower Jovely grounds. alarm 646-7883 system, tease $1400/mo 759-0279. Newport IMc.lt 3769 --------...................... . Newpon. Heights old 2 Br 1 Ba. house, large yard. 2i., car garage. Adults, no pets. lBt. & last +S200 deposit. $695 Mo. 461 Santa Ana. 548-50'1alt6 JI' DOCK 3 Br. 2\'i Ba. Nicely de· co rated Condo. A vall. 8-12. 87S-6T75. THE "GOOD LIFE" OwnerwilJaidinrinanc M" .... "~ CUSTOM•"~... LynnMiller.Owner/agt ~_.,, ~ 552 1.800 Ocea nfront, on beach, ing or consider ex We manage 1000 Units In Lovely home w/4!100 ft · spectacular new 2 br, YEAIMQJHO FUM· Soc111 Acl1v1hes 01 rectot • Fre~ Sun<l<ly 8runcll • eeo s • Perhes • Pl111 More changes. ~9·500· Costa Mesa -Newport .. _,·aned 'or entertain 3 BR 1 Ba. Federal Aye., • -lftdl 32 ram. rm. 2 sty t..,.,,hse, D.M. Mlnt..l llr Beach. For professional b\;. 4 yn1 oAd, prof d~ new cpts, drpeL~mt, ::7.':':............... $2000/mo. Call675--W . MEWPORTCWT 3 Bdrm condo Close to p00l and tennis Excel. financing Pnced to sell. '189:500 76().0tlS management of )'Ollr in· coratdd ' lndspcd. fncd yd, grdnr. ltit)ll mo Beach ~ntala from $&50 SANTIAGO DRIVE- Jll••••••••••I come prnrwrty please apac1'ou1 matr sul'e Family onlY Children mo. Adltsonly. 11 h . vr-• OK r•rs Avail 1115 ·-311 space, e t. privacy call us. We can give you w/paooramk view of • ~ · · _. 16. from street. 4 BR 3 Ba. personal urvice. the valley, pool, tennis Reply to Ad No. 931· Dai· Lovely 2 Br home for avail now. SLP mo. lse. GAUT MCAUTION· Teonos • Free lessons (p•o & pro snop> • 2 ' Heallh Cl\ibs •Sauna • Hyoromasuge • Swimming • Goll 011vtng Range 6~~~ts;·-r.~1 OCLUROMT MEWIYOWMH 3 RR le den. a95.000. 3711 Seashore Ownerw~~ 1°"-DOWM Sh•rp. clean double unit mobile home. All new applJances. new carpet· ins, fll"tpla« 4r large prh'att patio Owne,r wlll urry part financ• inf. K, 1 :~ii! o~.p f.'.1 · ilr\ I , I 1 IUUT1M CIMTH coumAtD Highlights this Lido Island 4 BR home on one and a half lots! French doors . beam ceilings, hardwood noors, 3·car garage. $525,000 Including land. Jan Young or Nancy lmbernino 642-8235 CV13l !OW. mm.tor.AL W'JlllODll. TSL MGMT 642-1603 court • separate guest ly Pilot, PO Box ~. rent, Laguna Beach, 6'2·5200 /..... home. 14 acres of bear-C06ta Mesa, CA92Q6 partial ocean view, walk • ()Mc. t. In& avocados. Aaklog Mesa Verde 3 Br. den, 2 to beach. Avail. Sept. DO v E R SH O R Es C-9Prefed IH5,000. A&t. (714) Ba. 2 frplca, No pets. Call847·11ZZ. BAYFRONT-pler and 19,600 sq. rt. -14Unlts re-544-9513 l8SO lease. •2'53. Monartb Bay T. 4 Br. s slip 3 BR. S.Omo yrly. ~~s!~i0%';:an~ lett...... 3187rth' Z~al, Weslf ~red, a~~ Ba. D~n. fam. 4r lndry Barrett Rlty1 &t.2·5200 lo available. Colton, bc.t..p 2100 • rv. n~-.. Y ' ..,,., rm Kula OK. $1000 Mo. BLUFFS 3 bdrm. 3 bath, ad, MO 4r l-15 freeways, 0 ••••• .. 0 •••••••••••• mo. 842'2213• <213 > Ul·806Uc8754074. fam. rm. Ne.Val, Im· aurroundtd by new com· Exchan&e or trade for 443-112$2 Spec. ocean vw. 3br, maculat.. Near POOi. m'I , office develop· ouanfront or Income Eut Side Condo·3Br. frplc, brdwd floors, OOOmo. IM..0114. ment.S885,0000wn/Bkr rfoperty, S condos 2Ba. frpk, II patio, '850 deck, nr lown/bch. S.C.._.. J27' 4M·Z784 or-...at sai~:'~t Spriopie:. mo •. •om $USO.~. • .................... .. 4 flUXIS · • 1 •· 00 • · SpaCloua 3 Br. + Den. ...... ..... UI P'anora"lt ocean view 4 Covlneton 4 plea nr. So. 7141540-4752 , La~~~ o ~up. ...................... br, 2 ba, qldet cuJ.dt Coaat Plau. S28'7,SOO. .......... J:;5 s.v.,.WiJderc!· JBr. 2 81. Garden Home, Hc, 1undetks1 fenced IUUTIFUl Al'TS: Singles I & 2 8eel rooms • Furn1slltel & Ut1!um5hed • Adull L•v•no • No Peu • Modth Open Ot•ly 910 6 01kwood 0.Hn ApeftfMfttl ~IMchN, 800 lf~1(WI ••I 1~1M (71 4) 6-4S-1104 ~IMctlS. 1700 16tll SI •Oo•e• ti 161h! (7t 4)&42.SHJ Call torterma. W_... 2900 l7$·m · Nlcuet Shores. pnvate yard, &•rdener. 1975 ....................... · comll_l~J· pool, heath. c.JT2I _ 4 ·l8DRMS.Nr.Clvlc l"Ht'll ..... 2Br.l8a.F~rear l!0 .. 19ft.•l-U . Wfrb'.. J2'1M altt thou aood Ctr in Santa Ana. Oldtrll~llldlor yard, lar1t IJ'ont yard, ... .,......... H ....................... household II.ems ,ou'tt 1140,000. Owner wllJ Walftftoet ~1· To d l • b w a a be r , ......... --.. •••• HOMEFORRENT not ualna avaltablt lo finance PQ~hattlorJolnt.11dit· •asbtt/drJ'er book·i&p, Newport Island Home a Mrm. l5n. Fennd someO\.herfamibbyMI ~ RkMtt1 velop. I wUf pr"O'fdt mcW ........ leo. lit 4br, Iba, priyaey, 1\tpt yaN 6 ..,.,.. IOdlll 6: ftrtlsln• lhtm I~ aa1t ltAmoc. IOK ,.._.,, CMrln l lut. 0trMer &ncld. to oco/t.ay, IJJD0/110, pm wt"-. 5tSaDO. 11 Cla11Hltd Call a14tlt Per!J.•un I& m.a:m aofte. ...,. I Xtra lrg 1350sq. ft > t Br. xtra Ira 1.\1~ 19 BRANO NEW. rull s11e townbomes. double garages, pnvate yards fireplaces No pets Located 2 blocks rrom downtown shopping. !I m111. to beach Open daily 12·6 Weekend,, 10.6 666W 18th St .. C.M ~· 1721& or 642-49<l> _ TiiE VICTORIAN New· ly decor 2Br. wtgar. adlts, crpts, drps, bit ins. Fncd yrd w/patlo, water pd. ~120 call 1 ·5. 667 V_Lctorla. $450-'-- 2 Huie Bedr~oms in super location F'ully carpeted. built-ins. ground noor Over $0 Adults only No pets S350 Mo. 568 W Wilson Apt A. 64M477 SPACIOUS 2 BR. Adult, open beamed celhna. lots of wood. servinc bar S.to. No pets 2256 Maple. 548 1356, 673·8803. ----- CHOtCI WT SIOI Sharp I Br In am dlx complu w/POOI Cpt.s, drpt, rrpic. blliu ranae /oven. dahwstlr. tdt\a, no pee.a, IUO mo atRamltton Uict the thuly Pilot ''F1~ Rtsult" 11erv1t'f cWtrto0. Vnur ~llOUr .,....,,, c.11 la .,. eat m \ .. I' •••••••-• 111 .. HJb l C.!t h ca.a.c.. ....... HM 1..... ........ ~~~ .............. ~ ............. .. ,._.,. ... ••••••• .. ••••••••••• •••• •••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••-•••n•••'• •••••••••••H•H••••••• ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• '"•••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••u•••••••••• The p H Prof BALBOA ROOf1NG CO ~ N!tDHELPT•CA.LL Remodtl kit tabln.U SJ I tO/WK CLIAJl.UPSILAWN DUMPJOU OON'TB£EMPTY. •A-IMOYM• -!M ~pe0eco":~~· uil Thtonlyroolinaco tor SPEaM. "The Account.at')I". bt· pa\101.' ~klbeht1 : Kot lllnc~ C.M Chris· lfaln--.1..adtcp &m1UMovlqJobl THIRSTY OR LONELY Top qu1llty Special P'~ett ~:e 1~1 ' thecoaat m.rru __ kp& • actta, PU fl del. a II d In 1 w 1 n do w a. n chool Free C II MIX l»l cant l.n handlln& 2S yra h -WlLBER ROOF1NG Inc Sl &1 Pw... 1...-!Ji146_ ft1'=, door hani1J11. Crl ........ ,.. :"11""~ Haulai•DumpJobl. ~~~w-i:~.~--;·la~:! ·~ upoveocr:m.:el~tea. ·~~:ef:~r·~.,,.:~1 r!r1~ All ty~s. new coMtr' • Th;t'1ALL1C1JPIY lrtlWS.....-. C-•--.1-.... .. -;;-.~................. 7 •.:....1111110V111~ar11 A• for Randy. .131 M V ~,.~ l U I..,, 111:11»0'1~ re-roo 1n1,.91nsF. bondedt. ror a ••• n••••••nn•••••••• ..,.. _,,_ CONSTRUcrtON ---'~ • th .._._, -• --lie. 3221 ree ta ~day ed Dt.4'1GNER. naUonaUy· ....................... Add/rtmodel ~cme YARD C.U!AN·UPS, lrM RAUUNG udtnt ha.1 I •In..... For yo11r belt move yet, P.,.,.H .... 9 ~1121-:.:...:(Wlll=l~---- ln l"-' known, W\U cU1tomlze Shampoo • llleam clean r •• , Sil.Go an. & work, lrrl&aUoo • re· ll• truck. l.owtll rate ••0 •••0 •• .. •••••••••• hi vtta:...~J.329 ~ Ytt exp F'rec est HORIZON ROOFINU DAILY your weddln1 .J:na. Color brt&htenera, wbt --g•lr, Maintenance. Prompt. Call751-l9'18 =~~CC:. ,....... Labora1rotU1up, Low summer prirta on N.OT :Ate:;, etc. Btv yer Hr:.~~ 1i': . .=:n ~·~tt: C~l~~~m p:.~~~~· :!ik~: re:i"m~lt Landscape, TllW John. p I u ta . I 0 t I u t ....................... all wall J!"/~1we b1t1I roofl n 11 Ca II now . Sll¥tel ava rm suo; couchllO: Drtvea. Cove,., 1*u. JAPA.NISEOll'dmer C.._U,Y_.Act l.aodauPna. lrct aur· &xt/lnt r,a1.ntln1. cab r~ it P pe 1..::548-=3IJ09=·----DlllCTOIY chr as. Guar ellm. pet Carporta, • Fences. lhlnlf'oance Cltu·Up G1r11", ~baulina. ltrY. aprtnklera. Lie. fin /1ta n. Pror. Ranbl BOOKS bl'OIJChl lO yuur wlilt/Allw ..._ OOITNOW! ....................... odor Crptrepeir.15yn ~ 8 l'reetlt.I ' tu-2"8 11.oftttuck. .&3 • 993 #C27·asal47,MS-05M Freeeat.SteveS47·428I home For appt call ...................... . Alll,_'-*e AVALOHCOMStt up Do work myself. HERITAGE PAINTING . TREE/SlfRUBTRJM Tree Trimm Ina. re· Fine patnlillJ by Richard Robert.I Dec.538>~ C1tm Oresa Mallin a Your Dally Pilot Bulldlna• !Wmodelln& Rers Ul-0101 'REFURBJ.SHINO CO. ••••••I Garaae ' yard clean· moval, malnt. 30 yrs Sinor. Lie, w . 13 yra of -alteratlo~s1 Repa1rs Service Directory 24Yr&·U~lna 8'1-7320 WeCareCrptCleanen Reaid, or comm.~ Yl'I WAMl9 upe. ft!ftfl.55?.11111 up. Farmer, have happy N.8. cust.omera "-LtllW Consultation 1n your Reprat11taUve HOME IMPROVEMENT Steam clea.n" uphola . CIR. Uc.~ 97·2020 Mowtna. tdlinl. ruin a. WE HAUL IT ALL! equip. Xlnl ref. 541-8318 Thank !OU. e:U-4410 ONE·r·REt .. 1:£s'soN·~ home 760-8370 -- '41·5'71. td )J2 AdditJONl/~modellng Truck mount unit Dec....... I W e e PI n I · •• t et DemoUUoo, yard clean· K&D LANDSCAPE' 08 I PAINTING New Approach 1 Enjoy SprfMltn Guaranteed. Mi.tm Work uar MS-3716 ....................... t1tlmate1. '4e·OM4 or up. Dum truck. boi)(at. MAINTENANCE lntlut. Neat. reliable, 1 e a r n 1 n 1 , 8 0 b ••••••••••••••••••••••• A pl ,..,... ROOMADDITIOMS NoSttam/NoSha;p;;-Dlr~ct from manurac· ~$737 8 bror .~ Apts , condos, and .. rera. Dave84S-0389evs Beardalex.M&-48.\9. SPRINKLERS &SOO :!:~~.~.............. & RIMOOllJMC9 Stain Specialist. FHt turer-decor. pillows, Sam Fukumoto YARD churches. rttid. Int & RALPH'S PAINTING ,..._,.__.--Trtt Removal DIG IT GUAR. USED REFR's Klt"h'"'nl, bitha. ex dry. Freeesl. 8»-1582 ~read1 , etc. Bev MAlNT. & Clean·up1 .... ~ __ ....._.__ txl Ken & Deana. Ext/Int, reu, prompt ......-Land.sea 646-7070. "' "" -... 1 T t im . ll ~......_, s.&-2'89 Ll F 6il:! ... C:IU!j) ••••••••••••••••••••••• SAL~&SERVICE pa111ioas, Prenchdoors, ROBERTS CARPET a r ree r . mtng, ima •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ----__L. reeest............. Neatpatchellrtedures Trwes.r.b Coodcond k2-TI54 windows. skylichu. oak REPAIR. Restmch. re· Dryw.. landts~&.665-~ Wanl. R,£ALLY CL£AN -AGAPEFORCI!: """'· ").14lt ...................... . ...,.... inter .. oak atairway1. lay.Allrepain. .. ..................... H•IJ•• HOUSE . Call Gln1ham M•MllJ PAINTINGCOMPANY JAYI TlllCAU ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• Plans. L.ic 301007 Free 67U490 _ OrywaUSpedalist ....................... Girl. fffi1tlt.645-$1Z3 n'Rici(°woRK~"s;:ii 3Generationsol PLASTER PATCHING Toppio1. prunln1. re· Driveways, parklnl lot est. Reas 30 yn;. Allen C.._ ACCM9fk Qual. & prod. New & re-REASONABLE ROBIN'S CLEANING Jobs Newport Costa Painting Excellence N lnt/e~ ~~:.?iwr1 moval,. apra)'iftg. lOyrs repairs. sealcoatine. E Johnson fW0.5656 or .._..., mod 13111844 532-M49 PROMPT FREEEST Servlce-athorou&hly . • R r 83&-$&1 ealwo • exp. Local rers. Fret' St:S Asphalt 631-4199 840.4124eves •••A•••••,•.••ee••ill•••:•••••• ALL. T,., .. ,,.,:.mES& ALMah'EVERY cleanbo111e. S4o.lml !!!•3a7• Irvine. • 5 Restuccoe ·Textures es_l Lie OCIJ.!i66.~9308 Uc'd. ----· COU$ ic n.s + 1"""'c1'"'" de REPAIR NEEDED Ii •-.,,,,. 1 5 Quality Ptg. Lowest rates Int /ext Patchwork GEIWICK&SON custom handtexturing Drywal. ean& pen· CHET~57 · Qua tyliow«..anin& BRICK: Walls, Walks, In OC. Neat prompt freeut. ~8258 TREE DESIGNS ASPHALT REPAIRING Bullders Since 1947 Ad· Uc. 3119944 532-s.549 dable. ReM.631·~ w1lh PenonalTouch p I 1n l ers, pa ti 05 • Serv. 848-5684,636-7149 Pnmine. Sculpturing Seal~atinc &Stnping d1t ioos. remodeling, c....t/Cwrett DIYW ALL •AIR JACK OF ALL TRADES Free eat. 8eth556-0156 V e n e er a . e t c . Starving House Painters Pt blat Top, Thin. Removals. Comm /resid Freeest. plans. Free est. Reas ........................ TbeC.F.Group 7s.-1.S38 Plumbio1.el«.beatin1 WANTED' Houseclean· Blockwork, Concrete OualityWork Reas •••;•C0 0uR•M•A .. c'ic' Clean·u &;!1·2513 Lic.1397362 &U-818! Lk310&t2.~2170 Pool Decks and Patios, Tape, Texture.Acoustic Oddjobs. 6Jl.40llB ins.up'd, reliable, Lk.Ref's.646-1597 Freeest. 548-0230Do.J:!& M PLUMB'G WladowCll .. J ............ c.,...... -CoMasonrt.srLSpo37~Te:: Ceilings. Freeest Reae. Roofing , masonry, honeat.831-712S art4PM Frplcs. Patios, Planters QUALITY PAINTING REPAIR&REMODEL ••••••••••~•••••••••••• ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• u . c. . • Kevin675-91118/6'13-U03 carpentry, home im· •Houattleanin1• for a job done nght. State he.~. 16 yrs Stoppages. Reas. rates Orig1nalW1ndowWasher VOfJ(SWAGl:H All Types Remodeling & &S1·1966,M'1·70'18 provements " repairs Proresalonal·Thorough Larry75()..902Beva. _ Oran eCo.8»1886 Lie l2943'78. 67s.9194 Avg3brhome,S35 S"PICIAUST Repairs, top quality, 17 DRIVEWAYCLEANING Btctric.. 63l ·S406 XlntLocalRe('a CUSTOM MA.SONRY THEC.f.HOUf' , __ ;., __ a,•-..a-__ 631·7698 Herb's Garage 1995 yrs in area. Licensed Improve your home!••••••••••••••••••••••• HOMEIMPROVEMENT Charliel31«XW Bricl1 , Block, Slone, RES /COMM.EXT _ _... -..-· "Let lheSunshmtdn" Harbor Bl Costa Mesa Mr. Palombo, 962-8314 Remove ugly oil & rust ELECTRICIAN-priced Plum bin&. clean· ups, Reliable. Great work ! lOO'a or local rer·s. PROMPT UC'D c••0•m••p•l•e•1•:•;:;~·1~~··;;• Call Sunshine Windo" ~ Custom -built lxl2 stain.Forest.,891-4888 rldbt, free estimate on odd jobs 28 yrs exp Steady job Refs. Call 645-8512 7.,..,15~ "' _Cleantng,Ud.548·118$3 "' • 979-2216$ ~ ~.., pairs, & solar mslJIU. So ~ wooden shelves for TKOMPSON'S laraeorsmalljobs after1PM.S.'ml EXPERTBRICK& Cal. Pool Service CAUJUUO'S ••••••••••••••••••••••• 5torage, d1spl.ay & <;ONCRETEOONSTR. Lie. #396621 673-~ H.dwooclAoon Give a Gil\! Scrub-a·Dub Masonry. Small jobs & l~dt~r::ta~t~gPC~~ 642·11663 For all your house & Babysitting. my home. 1 garage Our price ts Lie. 393383 642·8'82 RESID /COMM'L ••••••••••••••••••••••• pror. hou1eclean1ng repalra. Frpk racings. resslonals, xlnl rers, no w1J1dowcln .64.5·5689 year and up Nr Vic lowest. ~5930 CONCRETECONSTR Hi1hly iualified. No job HARDWOOD FLOORS service. Reas, reliable. Refs. SSI~. 76().70'1_4 charge est. Day or eve. Uu lht Dally Pilot toria, CM 642-8482 Cabinets & counler lops. :1undat1011s, ,:1a ba, toosmal . 631-2345 Cleaned & Waxed refs. Jean, 631-5016 Mo•iilt Ml-0228. "Past Result" service T!e0s~ ~1~tleJ ~~'n r~a~I~ I.ck Room additions & finish r veways, wa ~a.ys, Electrkian-qual. work. Anytime, 832·4881 S.A. TII E ORGANIZERS ....................... Ext house pamltng only directory Your work Freeest 754-4420 bloclkl waLlls. reltam1rng reae. rates. No job too ~ Wecansetyoo(ree Moving ~ The Starving Wedo •'--jobn·ghl' thousands" otMr peo. ••••••••••••••••••••••• •-r>. O re s II d • ._..., ......, u"' service 1s our I · t1us area who are •DIAL-A-IANO• \bet7 ... 9am,~L wa s oca . sma !M&-9803 ays. ....................... s..,._, ColleaeStudents Monng LEE_Painlin .846-~ pe Ill ROUGH OR FINISH 9U825S Any Electrical Work Haul cleanup concrete Reliable Coople does ren· Co. has grown. lnaured. specially. reg u I a r use rs of <7l4l 739-l~ Doors. CencUlg, etc. Sell things fast wtlh Daily Lge or small. Free esl. removal. Du~ptruck. I lal & yard clean.ups. Lie. ITl.24-436. 641·8427 find what you want m Call 642·5678 ut 322 Classiried. Call our t1d Want Ads Call 642-5678 Chris 840-4-043 Pilot Want Ads. Work guar. (213l4:ll· 1027 Quick serv. 64,2. 7631 1 hauling, etc. 642·43SS Walch us grow' Daily P11« Classifieds. taller at 642-5678 _._ 1 ,.h u.twa. .,_ ....... ....,..,., h u.twa. ..,_ ,........... .,. .... r.a11a.d ..... to~ 4Joo Office..... u Offic.1.... 4400 ..-trW ....., noo ~o s .._.. 5005 .......-...... ••• •••• •• ••••• •••••••• •• •••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OP u.~ I,, d JtOO •• ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••••• •••• ••• •••••••••••• •••• "'°' ~ • • • • •• • • • • • • ••••• • •• •• • • ••• ••• • • -W bit N B W t • • • • • •• • • •• • • ••••••• • • • eo1teMftCI 1124 10...row 31261"• 1144 twwpottlMdl l16t •5···E···~··w·····1··~··0•• .._.,...er.st 1:l~an~r!f ~t · 70005~ .._. btcWM l.ooo s Q "wore & • *. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••2• •••B••••••p•••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• " " $3$0!Mo . ...., utils. lit. floor. A ent M1·5032. 1186 sq ft. at Hunttngton com sta. OIH dr Incl. 0...-r..-* 2 Br. 1 Ba Nr s. Cst Spacious. attract1ve 2 r 1clur esque * * * VILLAGE Proles1ion.al remale to --ExeculivePark Pickup elec.1275 67~~ l62Lningtonl.n Plata SA Adults S500 bdrm. I ~ ba , gar Orangetree Condo, by St."--Share condo wilh all MEWPOITWCH good remainmg lease M No ts.Sti-3232. ' · washer&dryer.493-°'67 stream. t.eoru.s & swim 205S2Piervie-w New 1"2 bdrm luxury amenities, Jacuni.Pool Full service exec. or. Call640.67l2or7517S60. l•lltesa/lln"'/ You~::::e~~er or Sparklln1dean2 Br I'• Sptttacular ocean view ming. Avail Sept lsl Huntin"'"""Beach aBddult ~pts ~~I:' 1 avail~ble .. Laundry rice~. Crom $397 "Onl -Ptifte --,,._. TWO FREE PASSES dplx . 2 br 2 ba. ~.67S.9Z!9. --•-·. rm rom · rm machines 1n condo Ciall exec.olficesfrom ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba .. 147o. Fen«d. utils downstairs. 152S. Sun· lrvinecondo The Lakes. 1 You are the WU1ner ol Crom ~. Townhouse Won't lut. available im· S105. lnclds. secretarial. m7 value) p aid . Refr1g decks newdecor llllll BR loh. SS25 mo TWOFREEPASSES fromS6lO+pools,ten· mediately . phone ans., word pro-MewDCWtleocllLoc ._..II RINGUNGBROS. 2 small duld OK No Col : 6l1-4Q 752.1983 d . s59_9581 <S17 value) nls, wat.erfa~ls. ponds ! '42-4•tl cessina. Telex. qwip. I NT t R S EC TI 0 N Opp a rt.tty SOOS BARNUM' BAILEY pets.1960Wallace. egio. · ys, RINGUNGBROS. GuCorcook.in&&heat TIIEHEADQUARTERS MACA RTH UR AND ....................... C•CUS M0.9626or642-4905. Large b1cbelor. Dana ~ -----BARNUM&iBAJLEV ing paid. From San Roommate Female, COMPANlES JAMBOREE 2400 sq ft. BlKERENTAJ..BUSl AnaheimCooventX>n lrih C'--n...i..... Point. Paricing, laundry, Orangetree. I br ~do. C•CUS Diego Frwy drive North nonsmoker wanted 9/1 7141861.0681 Ful I service garden In Laguna Beach for Cenur Aug. 6-17 • _.,..._.... S29S.498-031B loft. a t e. amenities, AnabeimCooventioo on Beach t.o McFadden forH.B.2bnn.condow / stylebulldmg moreinfo,caU~3304-'--J..ongBeachArena Bach.orlBr apt w11h H-It leocllll40 avail i mm S4H CenterAug.6-17 lhenWeston.McFadden swimming pool, free PLUSH OFFIC ES, (2t3J820-8851 ----Augl.9-23 bal cony or pati o. •I-..• 833·0618 Lo Be hAren S . d Viii 1 d Split rent " 500 ·6000 sq (t. 1801 -----Newport Beach 1 T 1 11 cathedral ceiling, pool & ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• .-.------. • ng ac a to eawtn age. aun ry. Newport Blvd. C M Ph Nwpt Bch. small omce. O""ralor beauty salon. o c aim passes, ca spa. lush landscaping. THI WHIFA.ITaH TH E LA K ES . ~ua.19-23 (714)893-.51.91. util. Call1164-71S7 646-9t95 8x8. 18Z7 Westclirr Dr.. fu. 9/}'rs. established 642·5678. ext 272 Passe) Adults. no pets. $385 & Luxury Adult units at af· waterfront rondo. l ~~ To claim puses, call IOCNM 4000 Shr tux borne MV/CM. 2 N.B. Sl50/rno 631-0900_ business Low rent, must be exchanged for up S49·2447 fordable livin1 1 2 & 3 lort. frplc, central a1 642·54178, ext. m . Passes ....................... (rpl, 2 pto, micro. srt b20 HIEWPOIT Proreu1onal Ofhces to S3501mo 111cl ut1I. Owner reserved seau al box or · · . Br. Well de~o;ated cond .. $52S Mo. 12131 must be exchanged for Furnished room 10 C M W/D.~3'28.S2165 PBIMSULA 4000sq rt. Remodeled to ( 1 c e Pr 1 0 r l u 2 Br. 2 Ba garage.~aun Olympic sir.e pool bght· S92·2178· reser:vedseat.s~lbox Condo. Near O.C. Spacious executive of· your spec1f1ca t1ons moving 10 Lake Ar-performance ~{~~t::r!: 425 · ed tennis court. J~cuui. L.oCJ-a INCll 3141 ° rr 1 c e Pr 1 0 r t ° College. $200 Mo ~/3i~in&Mpl~ :-~ i: fices iacrou from Caty Birch St nr Airport Call towhead 57s-134_7 - ---~-- ' . park like landscaping. ....................... performance. 979-9621. N.B. S2S0675-l0'1 Mike Hall. All services availa· 644·7722_ _ _ JANITORJALACC'TS PRINT SHOP 2 Br. Upper, balcony., Most beautiful bldg. m lbdrm. new. lrg deck. * * * Sleeping room . kltrh. ble. 'optional'. From 225 N E W p 0 R T Nwpt Bch. 1642 mo. ask· Thnv111g bustneSS, CM . enclsd gar, d/w. Adlts. H.B. No rth end. Close lo 3 BR, 2 ba, yrly. 1720 mo. . ·1 NB s2•0 Seeking yooog lady 2G-30 sq.ft. up at reasonable PENlN"'rLA Ul 4.X. 646-6146 low ove ...... -ad Call for No n.ts S425 548-9084 or prlVI eges, · ~ · " .. arA 3 BR 2 BA duplAw. ;,u L O E V E R A "~ .. ~ . . from .846-0619 beach SS25 494-7079 Frplc. bltns, peUo, gar. 640·5987 Employed ~I· bl:,.k rrom Newpo"rt re!'tals. No lease re· 2 premium air cond'd A . details. f6S.OOO Craig 540-544&. ~o Ocean view, walk to Uke new. 129 ~ St. male -quired,call673-3002 oks avail Facing on PRODUCTS Nat I farm 6311266 Lite.Bnle.BrandNew,2 H~llEA~.2101M beacbNoend.2bdrm.2 Oon'tdisturboccupants. Em ... ~yed vou:na lady, 63Bel·al~~ $325 + Utll ao•TSLIP Npt Bh•d.876&928sqft. need area center . Br . 2 Ba Co ndo. Crpts. drpg, blt-w . al· ba fireplace. ga r, Day1-G111,21J..3Sl-9904 pr{';ate ~d & bath.I -" Open beam ceil 'gs-. manager for Orange Waterfalls " streams, tcbd&ar S575.S36-<821. lower rront unit Charmine area East Nonsmolter.M/F.Ntw2 _......._ .. ,....._. skyllle hdwd firs new Coast Area Tremendous (rplc, mi cro, 2 car DELAWARE PINES (d uplex I. s850 mo E11lblurr 3 Br. 2 Ba. 54M077• I bdrm. 2 ba CM condo ,,... ye.dlooM ow cpts parklllg St~ per returns upon in vest · garage wtopener. No APTS Barbara Riggs. 494-98l9, Townho1.11e AJQ. 2 car Newport. · W/f . Eves,646-1~ ..... 3000 lo 4000 sq)t Mark.673-6606 men l In r o Mr pets. f750. Mo ~3115. FSpalc1ous lt&2 Bdrd s ~HOOO ------1ara1e. H644-10102. 2 b F~!!'~ b':. a::iai1~:~~ Female roommate want· S... Ft. oftlcts. Cal Ideal for Archit;ct-;;; Mell ren. (7141599-6SSS Stunning, large 1 Br. rp c, s O\'e. I . Spartan lBR 2blks to Nrh.ag ~P· ity, r, S:ZOO/mo646-50l6 edloshare4bdnnhse s.itlm'75-16'2. Des1gner.60().l200 :1q fl I...__.& Garden Apt. Pool & rec hwasber. garbage d15• lkh. ut1l 111cl. avail now 1...., ba, din. rm, lndry · Hunl. Bch. S'Z25 mo Lin· Skypark area. lmmed Codal L.-cp area. S3&S Mo. 710 W. posal, pooL laundry (ac. through Dec. $200 /mo hoolt·up, $500. 642-6629 f'.REE rm w/pvt phc;loe. da Da 848-2225, Eves HEWPOltT CBfTll occu anc" 1S1·2332. I In cenlral Cali( Coast 18th St Small, qwet complex. N di .... _ ba an excb for dearun1 .... ,.,_. 1 Cull ~ · . . Adults only Pets con· days 97S·4017 eves ew .x ...... l&JJ upper. CostaM~ 751·~ . .....,.,,.,,,, PrutJ1ous. serv1ce Exec.orficewilhviewfor Cat y. Sl.000.000 an. l br, clean, pvt. crpt.s, sidered 1 ei k50tmo. 2 8Sl·l34S or Lido. trplc, deck, · 2 BR 2 Ba. spac, attract. EXEC offices. lnclds lease. Nwpt Bch. shr gross. 8 yrs old. Ong drps Convenient toe. Br. 1550 1 ~0. 19221 l..aMJ-o M6gm4 ll52 MSO, adults.631-02:56 Holell....... 4100 apt. NB. Pvt beach ai rcpt. sec. xerox, under· services w other pro· owner, new ~yr lse 0r. Gas , water . S300. Delaware ~ (So or •••••••••••••••••••••••Spacious 2 BR /2 BA , ••••••••••••••••••••••• pool. D. Johnson. fround pk'g, telex & an· fessionals.548-1166 rered. AM . loc .. pnnc 646-!M29 Garfield I 842-8807. or-3 Br. 2 Ba. Condo. On golf wate~i;orrt.apt. l.:08ds of SULA.Ill MOT&. 760-l966or675-6000 tique decor cont rm. only full pnce $475.000 Eastside Bachelor Stove fi ce hrs. Tues· Thurs course, washer/dryer. amerut1~ 1J1Cluding pyt Wkly rentall now avail. Need roommate t.o shr 644·7189· ............ 4450 Call Sm1lh ·Meyer. & refrig. Ulil pd. Very arter ~ 30PM, Fn·Mon. rerrige incld. S600 sunbathinl beac~. Slip S126 & up. Color TV rum. condo nr be1ch CdM Delwce Suites. AC. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 714-64().S357or548-7813 quiel646-:M20 9-SPM. 492·6700 available. No children. Phones in room. 2274 $200. 960-&U6 ampl pkg. utlJ pd. 28SS For store & office space Soup. salad, undwach Eastside 2 bdrm. 1 ba un. ·1 2 B I B ---t no pets. 78(M819 Newport BI v d C M Pro( r•ma•-. non·smoker. E. Cst Hwy. 6'1s-&900 al reasonable rates. restaurant eqwpped for r Ava1 . now. r. a. twwport leedl 116 . /3 BR l Ba 646-74-45 .. Jll< 500 to 4000 Sea Ft. G I stairs, no pets. no bquid u ps ta 1 rs, ds h ws h. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ndewpo1 rt Hgts hoots' bch• To share prestigous Prime orricupace in new MESA VERDE bR bakery real poten111 rum. $425 refrige, w/d. balcony. l I UN1P91J up ex, nr sc • · Sm Ir..... 4200 Turtlerodt home. Frplc, bldg. Dana Pt. ()('ean & PLAZA for working owner Xlnt 631-61.M childOK.nopetsplease PAI ..... sbop11 lS2Slle.631·21.22 ....................... pool,3BR.2BA.t.otalup-mln views. Avail 9/81. 152SMesaVerdeE.C.M location For appl c....._.s.n._ SwilmlilgPoof So Orange co.st Area No exp nee. Will tram f~.000 cash down. Plus approx S7000 ror equip needed. Call Mon·f ri 9-6 PM 3867..0111 Ll9UOISTOU SJ.S0,000 Super location Laguna Hills Mall Call r or in ro S4Q.3666 Lovable lBR upstairs s.,..'!.s .. 545-2000 Agt. no APlll'lllnlTr EASTBLUFF, spacious 1 UDO lSLE charming 3 ~atsd.e<!:.~anmoy X~rass.:_N~ ~~~~:~~~ leasing 545-4 I Z3 SSJ.6963_ encl gar. Adults. No .... IUUllll.lthl bdrm. Pool. quiet area bdrm, 2 bath, playroom .... .,_, • ,..,,,. Well established Real ------- pets. Fridge & elec Deluxe poolside xtra Sgle adlt. No pets S500 Just rer:node.led. Moo· utll. 752-2!135. IAYFIONT OMCl Offlce S..U. Estate office. All Equip-MoMy lo Lo. 5025 Whelan RealEstate range. SJZ;mo.642·~ large 2br, 2ba. bltns. COUMTIY CLUI mo644-4767 thly renlal. Bill Grundy. lor 2 Prof. Males to share 500 sq ft Parking, Npt Beach menl & Franchise m· ..................... .. Deluxe new 2 Br. 2 Ba. d.swhr Ji,., miles beach. LIYIMCi IM Versailles Bachelor Pen· 675-6161. luxury 2700 aq ft home janit.orial,etc. 76().9440. Small execUlave orfice, eluded 111 sale Appeal WIDOW has money ror (rplc. patio. d.swsr. gar Adlts, no pets. S4SO mo. .._.~ lhouse. balcony ocean NEWPORT OCEAN· So. Cat PLua area. _.11,,.._ ....... xlnt address, S696/Mo. ing price. All replies 2nd T.D 's $10,000 4i up' Idea I for orrice or ~·8362 ns:Y"""'" view . Talte occupancy FRONT Lux. 2-4 Br. Wk· C.M. with owner absent ,_ "'" AAKA Terril114J7S2-1194 confidential •7:.>. C 0 E·Z CREDIT' No polty · I ~·75 7S9 1914 IEACH 8•17. Pit 1141157.• .. •3. ly.673-SURF,67~76'1'7. S days per week. Rent Furnished o r u n · Daily Pilot. PO Box 1560. _Call~leen673-731l sang es .... · · · 2 Br. 2 Ba. Condo on lhe ...... -b C 11 N' k furnished. La. window NewportModemSlore ,.__ u C .....,..., 494 .....,., u dall N rt • Br 1 house ne1otia le. a 1c . • ••t" .,...;ta mesa A.._.... _ .... LO S --. sand. pool, saima, gym, 6.»7:30Pa y. ewpo .. · Executive Sultes in or ok nr post ore. _,., ' 2-AH Easlside 2 Br, l Ba. up. hot,. tub, all stture. S750 An adult community 00 rrom ocean, parkin1. 545-7790. Irvine. Wal.king dlstan 548 s tr. 213/477 · 700 I 9 on, o r v a I u e I 3 o sta irs, no pets. Nr Mo. 213/333·3846 or the Back Bay. Spec· Reta'~P}·cout1•P~.'::s" unit.s Avail.Al.ll\!l675-6'175. W/F over 40 lo share toairport. Jerry MOMAHDPOP y r s s100,ooo Pvt schools & shops $t2S. 714/96().9193. tacular Spa, 1 swim· ·~ 100' .,.OM s•,... motel apt. Pool, sauna. .. _.,. • Newport Beach 15 x 50, Cozy money maker care. mooey . 998-~ Manny 63 SS O ming pools, 8 lighted ten· Newport Beach. 2 Bdrm "" ~ $50 + share cook ' ,..__ W I rr ·l-61 . 2 BED R O M nls courts. bike trails. cotta&e +yd+ cic + NewpoprtBeach clean.SlimW/M,53.Ex· 01CUT1¥ESUfTE5 SMO.l~WestclifCDr Adjacent estc 1 • IUSIMISSI Cltolce ~ TO WNHOM E. Pool, putting green . aalary.Quietbldg.R1ck lBdrm, S300/Wk. ec.Nostringa.645-4MO. 2tmMlchebonlt212 751-5525An,ytlme_ Newport Beach. New IMDIYIDUA&.LOAHS 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. bll·ins. park, near t>ea ch Bachelors. 1 and 2 al (213)7UINOSorseod 28drm S3'75/Wk. Evea&Wknd's. 2021Businesaetra213 PllM£LIM'IJIQN higb·risenearTakeout Avail.foran)'purpose (rplc. enclosed yard, 963·5191 bedrooms apartments. resume to: 12427 Ven· Newly decor/sharp Owner baa 3 bdnn, 2 ba 714-75%-02)4 """ :t.~les. kS.OOO Agt. 150 c 11 1arage 1700/mo Call MARIMRS W AU and townhouses from tura Blvd., Studio City, (714)197-0m,675-8127 home, £/side C.M. Will Costa Mesa, 704 sq rt. 1941 Htwport lhd. ~~~ .. \~y, 7~~ a Century 21Swf. 979-l<X>O l, 2 & 3 Br. Townhouse 1510.00 per month Ca. 91804 lBr l bllt t.o bay ' bcb, sbr w /l or 2 resp. & con· Medlcal/~al office, COIN Mtse 3 br, 2 ba. centrally local· Apts. Crom Sm. Patiol. On J11nboree At Spac. 2 br, sundeck. l~ $400 m.o. Jrly. 2Br, yrly fenlal youni ladies. ground floor, prv patio. New freestanding8,000 ed. Immaculate. Adults. single & double car San Joaquin Hiile Road bib lO beach. 9SZS/mo. $150 mo. Jonea Rlty W /mo.6'2-85118 S5U/mo 771 -33SO, sq.rt.retail bldg.or? no pets. Near OCC . gara1es. near Hunt. (714)644-l.900 yrly.813-2130lvy 67M210 Rmmte wanted, Male to 494-4797 w/largeparklnglot. 54().~. Harbour. Children OK. Oceanfront for Winter Npt Hta. 2 bdrms, Balboa Pen. Weekly, shr2bdrmapt,,S200/mo. Costa Mesa, ~O sq rt Aircond.NNN.Wsq.ft. 1 Br. carpets. drapes, 846-6807. Rentals. Furnished " fireplace, $575. Days comp. rum. 1 block lO Please calf George suite. S175/mo. Utlls in· 714/~ 548-SS18 pool. Adults, quiet at· 3bdrm, 2ba, Uv rm, din uofum. Broter.67~12. 752·1111 IRicbl Evea Octan.541-978 "2Glalllam. cld. 779 W. 19th. Sl. C A N N E R Y moaphere. Bu.1iness & rm • 2 ca r I• r . NO FEE! Apt. Ii Condo 7S2«i91 v...._ ..... 4JIO F'emale/ ma.le to thte 3 m-33.10. VILLAG~ sq. n. of· professional tenants. washer/dryer hookuJll, rentals. V1Ua Rentals. Near ffoac H011p. Beaut. ....................... bdr bo41M-IMI yard Eaat Office/Store/Business rice or mall shop space 731-6829 Agenl. nice yrd. 1195 + S300 sec. 67~12 Broker newly decorated 2 story Lake Anvwbead home, 3 tide Cll. pio, eu.im. 14\AIX40. :.>19-A Harbor avail. immed S475/mo BEAUTIFUL 2Br.2 Ba. 7781 Cypress St. Call LIDOVIEW2br,2ba.2 apt. 3 Br. 2 Ba. rrplc, br,2ba,alpet,nrlake. Rmmtet.oahr3bdrmbse Blvd, Costa Mesa, -.:67:.:..:3:..:~===-·----- Mesa Verde. uoo sq. rt. after 5:30: 963-81M2. terr .. frplc, prime, adlll. dahwr, 1ndry rm, aar. beach dub Jl'iv, AvaJl 47at N 8 ~Ut rrom acrou from Fed co. IET AL SPACE fplc , lndry. patio, dis-Spac. 2 br apt, kids OK, S1,000mo.675-63SI Adults. DO pell. Sits. wk1Jorwtmd.54Ni&ll Sch: 64&..,U, imme. OC· Avail. now ! 141S, ast. Harbor Blvd. 770 aq. n. hwshr. encl gar. Adlts, patio. carage. ll95, 1St& BEACH YRLY REN· 541-0230. 0ct1ofront Penlnlula, 2 cpcy. 549-1366 Newport Blvd. 5000 sq. DO pels. S550. last. 847·0422 T~ lBr & bachelor. <>c... Yltw~ Br, 2 Ba, ..,/wk. AU& Ii Buainesamtn will Sh'1'e Office space, 21.S7 1q fl. ft. Avail. now. Call 3I0'1 lhce S4o.4400 MUI THI llACH Joaes Rlty S7M210 New 2 bdrm, 2 be rrom Sept. '1Saa. film 281, 28A apt nr SA sublease. under mrkt. Realoaomlca 675-6700 Bachelor, newly decoral· 2Br. 2Ba, bltns, patio, dk Bluffs. 2 BR 2~ BA. Enc $850 . Aleo Newport ....... a.. 4JOO Country Club. 30.45 rurn. /unrum. Adj. to c.-.. Mii' ed. private patio, skyliles, gar, adlta. no aar . Pool. U7S. Beacbrtnl.Ul.swnnier, ••••••••••• ............ Pool. patio. v\ew. $225 C}'llY Horse Rest .. 4200aq.ft.Oroundfloor. Eutslde location No pell. S47S mo. 4tZ2 Ed· 640-SZll,S.'lW. winter, year·round. llovln1? Avoid deposits mo. Do•. 754·1974. BrookbollowGarden Of-CoaatHi&hway pets.$350.548-09C9 inger.846&19 87S.9Ul. & cul Uvma ttpenlff! Eves1wknda,55MM7 rice Parle. 80t /sq rt Realonofftica 675-6700 Bachelor. 1245. lnclds Nr. new lbdrm. 2~ba. VACNff S..C...... J17 Profeulon1ll1 alnu y1 co1aple look lnc for Kathy,641-0244. utlll, garqe ' refrige. frpk. dbl encl aar. patio. 3 bd r m. 2 bath. ....................... 1111. TIS roommate to ahr 3 br. Furn or unfum orrice, c;-.:.:.rdll 4475 *=2m5,S..S7a. S600/mo. Ask ror fireplace bk·lna newly 2Br, l~Ba, frpk. IMtry. H~ 2~ ba condo, pool, jac, AC, utll pd, parkln1. • --e 2 Br. 1 Ba. NewJv Rosemarv G.: 8'8-2212 ..'.....I Yrt ' ftCI\ -•c. new"-""'lnL No .._..,. N 8 u" -Coast H...., NB 1425 •••••••••••u ......... . ....... • ., refurbil-. yat ...... ru • ........... -• ·--evs ""' · · RETAJLSHOJ>S.OFC decouted. 120 "8 " or964-4633. mo. J!C!.'450mo.e271o r .a+.Cleea,reap,Stu· M/f'tollwtllrienew mo.MS-7500. E/SIDE.C.M. Sballmar.$421.846-21813. Near new, xtu dlx S..Jlm dent~. S140 mo. + Irvine houe lmmed. t7TMSTl8T 5*1249 NEW BREEDA"b tBo:.r~ic.a~ii.~~ !Z\: Cif' tw ll71 utJI, B.•He•a, with~ fll'OIC~I ' ..... ~ COSTA..U Cout Hwy ff'ontqe. Ap- BACH. up. ak"U~htt. vaulted ....................... Mtrtoahr.roomlohty. m1i.:am-Vo.Ca .,_ 2Ql'3rocnoftlce1uitt1. Pf'" 500aq. I\ &round Frplt, m room. pool. , Otan l Br. l .Ba. CaaiW bou1e. All amenJUn. M2>4GO. Avail. qow. Call noor· So La~•· S500 Jac11ul, 1aa ' water ctilin,s, bl 1ttch aar, de AJlpu. Pool. "'50. IZZS + uWt. •1181 (ff) Realoeom!cs 67W700 .. 0 . · Tu.rner Anoe. p11d. Adultt, no pets. 393 many xtnis. ~. Call 8.fTOO •a.a. • M2·MI (W) '* ror ·• 11 wu-4'4·11U. Hamilton. CM. t4S-441l 54$-3804 YIAILY ,_..._ lfltcb G.R.C. ftcarulleContact ·--·-'----- oraHUO. • D95 2 Br. 2 Bl. Pool. \AIBLltTOOCEAN Rapoulble fem wanted Service. 11 • ?PM. IJtt~P'f'. llTALWACI PINEBWFfAPTS. J>&tlo. KidsOK. llS0-7484. Jbr.lbe,..,/mo. NEW CONDO near S.C. to ahlre Oc V..,, Su (JlJ>at-IMA. ldll lfadl vd. Btwn Wtaft.tport SquareSt. ~'!I 2 Br. 2 Ba. Olild OK, oo ~· 2 br, 1 be, MO/mo. Plau. Small tc1u1t com· Clem. bome -11liJ in· 2 fr1171. CMc Center aq, 381 E. 17th . """' pe11.Pado.view,f11>lc, Super 2 8r. l~ Ba. 2 o..r.m.5110 plex. SHIDd corner cl. llarty or Liu .. ,._..,. Sllopp6D1Center.Prtme mtt ~59.!__ tncl 11r .• pa atove, 1tory coftdo. rrpic. VEltSAll.l.Dapec:.2br, uaiL Ull+atru.• ..,... 4JM loutlon. t'1t-lllt or Inf ttW ...... 4100 l560. 4107Pll dlwtr, trllhcomp1ctor. 2 .... MC. rate. Clbllae., utlJ.nJ.mtftl, Eater ...,.. rtld ......... _ .. _ ......... UIO. .. ................... .. as.2UOAM en p1Uo. r ..... · Conunty ocnn new, ldub, IIO s.A•-Cla111HM ..... ,, .. , ... Ill 2 p ra .... ,,....., .. tM1 .,., ,. -lq ft willl NCePt. La rt• l bdna. ...,., pool ttnnlaii MOO. l!l!t. mo, 9'f·W! , ..... =:?::" ... -. d 11• If TH "• y • •I-. iii ll' llO M. JOU to aell Lb8t !*~It enc otrlte.. 2 rur over t.riplel, NMr So. Cwt 562'00 ~. 18r .... ,.,.,..,an. ................. ,. Balboelllarilt. ltlrta JOU ----Jllll ............. pert· , ...... G..-.. Adub. Make JOUr 1bop9I•.! ':t~·~~~a:.'MJ dlKL--~ u..,......... ... L ~--adurtlH It 11 lh iq.Q161&Clll-. • . -•· AJl. euler'JmtMU.Dal.,. ~da ..... l!!P!l!!lr.cadt9A ft4nl:1N:•· at!!11114ICllMH!J!. I» eJlolCllailid.. ~-· ~· - Use ,,,,.,, At/service whe n placi ng your ad ... a Dail y Pilot ad number will appear in your classified ad ... we take your messages 24 hours a day •.. you call in at your convenience during offi ce hours and get th e responses to your ad ... this service is only 57 .so week. For more Informa- tion and to pt1ce your ad call 642-5678. .. ---~---~&.---~--_ _._ __ ' ' l ....., .. ...._ Hll ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUllMIU LOAMS IS00,000/15 '" '"" ......... > s ....... ~c.. All types ol rtal alate 1nvt11mergu1ntt 194.9 s~• r. Mn>s • 642·2 1_71_54 °'" 9K buys 12K TD szr4- yield. 75'-X LTV. • • 14.SK buys l6K 20"1.. TO ~ 71'il LTV 27 tK buys 211.9K ~ TD • , 9K 8'l lst. l8K buys 20K 21'~ TD Gltndora view. Chm Shaw 7»6aSO __ _ Sl0,000 3rd T 0 Due an 4 ·1 mos Will yield 457.. 548-5832 Investor wanted $20,000. llyr . 24%. secured by '' 70'k T 0. on home Broker: 661-6143. , '-o•cu 11 ft/ Peru••/ Lott&FOllld ·, .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Heppy Adi 5 t ZO ....................... .. AKE SOMEONE HAl'PY lllAICI IOMfONE llllllU Place a HAPPY AD in Lhis column for only SJ.25. Call 642-5678 Happy 17TH Too.-... pt LOUISE ROM Mem Dad Lott&Fomd 5300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOlllJ ADS ARE FREE Cai I 642·5671 LOST : Parrot, gr n w/yellow bead. Laguna 1128. Reward. 4!M-0340 ~.~.~ ..... ~~.~ .................. ~?.~! ~!!!~ ..... ?!~ ~~e.~ ..... !!.~! ~!.~~ ..... ?!~ Or1nge Cout DAIL y PILOT/Frld1y. August 7, 1981 t't Lo11 Ptllte 1ulpoln1 AEROB IC tnitrutlor AUTOMOTlVE IAIMAJD HetpW..... 7tOOtW.WlllMd 7100H•Wlllhd 7100 Ht19Wmhd 7100 8la m c1t C11 1 wllb • POXYLADY * Hperoftly Newport 8eb M~ Clltldl ••••••• ................ ~~•l .... , ................ •r ...................... r••••••••••••••••••• (rooktdtalJ Vk.8alboa OUTCAU.Of'LY Uf'I. 51-1'sa _ l'!xlltftt~ onb' oeed ~:~~~~::i~•meraon, CAIHmCL81 DIMTALUC9'T. Houst~MPtr Wknd'son Mtdlul F'rl)nl Otrirr ~~:I• '100 Reward VISA MC AIDE to usltt tldtrly apDbi MUlt halve own ~rt·tlm C.M ~~ 1:)1perltnttd, bondablt Otnce ••P· rtq. Dental ly •or elderJ) lady Urolo 'i GI', lfntral ore i • • t72° I Ill • lady· approx. I hrt AM, too h . App rt n 11 c e -petton w\lb rererencea exp. prtl. Wed Sat. Top Rtllable matulf woman aklllJ, pe~bot1rd, ""P • Lott: Pit Bull, hm,.1 yr Nw t Bch •1•art 6 atrvlct wrlttt, lllnl op Beaullclao ror Ranch Markt.I Wiii ulaty lot quallH~d lo Uvt·lo, Drive, <·i~ ~q Ml Ull old, Bolaa/Sprlncdale fUr Ahrlll•• ,..._ por&Ulllty Exp body " 1.......__=L..a. proceu daily ulea, J!!t'IOn. S.,U-311» Rtf miulred 1144 2l20 Med1r11I N ~1$t11nt. bark ~l'JOOj. ~ ftndtr mectuoi( - -b10lt:ln1 t an1werln11 STS.2991 otrlrt "anted OROYN REW ARD: Lott fem Es C 0 R T S ' Vtry tine •lore in Barwlrk Mot ora luew pbones. 1).3$/hr work DRIVEi Housekeepers wanted oflirr Very bu.~y F.1 lrlah Stlter, Wood · MODELING. ~~~~:~~n~~: ~'!1'~ 493·3375, 831-1375. A•k H•~.t weelt:. Muell be! avalluble W/economy car to work S.aclltCMutel, prri<'n<'f' pn•ftorrrd brldJe.Jtulu .. ~tsl!. US..tLtt uperlen~ ~rklnl on for 1Rudy Crus Im Prerer.~bly 1w1 Ub folklolw-for weekend work Call FIT, Moo.-Frl diy1. •9'9'717 ~ ~ UWAID! COEDS would love to tine clotbln1 Top em~ ~uaa;11oo,o n ~~d' 'rC: c•~o~;: foraRP'tQ-~70 ~l!_on.-Fri . .._MZ·~· Hounkuper hvt' an, MEDICAL ASS.ST. Lott female calico cal, partywllhyou Call Sue salary $day wk. No a ysttc:r or 13 mo5 Sat 842·0092 uk for CLlllCAL IAIM$1000WICP/T $/d1y1, apprc:ci1t1vt' net>dt'd for busy nutall,vlc2Znd,Santa or Kathy anytime ntchts. MATTHEWS , alrl,MeiiaVcrdearea Call 963120$. usk for family Oceanfront New Po r I 0 II Ana Ave. 84$-3396 , 953.'""'!I ..M!t Hube~75&-1291 151.3294 Joyce Tustin are. loterna· J oanna or 1•11ul, I 4 Rcl's.64~l:l&I thalmvlo111bt '~ off1l·f' H o uooal professional oftlce .. 1 "'7 979-MSl -Ambitious emrloyct' IAIYsma BEAUTICIAN wanted rtqul~• ~rat OHace wkdJ.1__ HOUSht'epc:r. m-.1n y F.xp prerrrrrd 646 ~ I Found FemaledotHun· YOUNGLADIESAvalla couplu111n110 to Nwpt Hgts tlemmtary 8u.sy Coata Mesa shop penonW1lhgoodlyPU111 babysltllnginexchangt' -Ak<h1)~onl> tln1ton Harbour Area blelorCuuatrun Dawn mana1e 1maU bWI P!f schoolarea.114.5-Ull2 needs a Hllrstyllat. skllll.P~lerTelexe1p.. bK.Secl'tflry for pvt Jbdnn house MtdlrulrrontoH11·1· Part 811. ResemblttWhlppet. 7 u cxu -M1:3838__ Bobyslller for BaTbou Guar11ntc:t• + com· I but wilt lnin Sultable ~J',°J':S''ve Npt. Bch Perr opp'ty for 4-ouple t1ml' T)·p1n~ & in A rox l yr old 114!1-l~ EXECUTIVE AP'.f. t1••9ff blind. lmmed Mon mlasion for recent high school tna ro:r:i ~=e~J\ =-~. OJ sio~e llldy 646-&426 i.uranre 114! !ISO Pound: Maltese milt. Vic R•"irtd -uple, w U Fri. ln(anl Re C's 6!1187~ grad Congenial •l male or fem . ··"'h '"X· Housekeeper live in or ol Y * ~nr * "'' '"' ,,,. -.. _ ' '---fl•· 1 .... "' out 3 srhool children. orktown le Newland MI(, Newpor1 Stach. 2 Bdrm 67~... IUUTY SA.LOH moep .... re ..... .., "" n tensive adm1n1strallve JIB. 963-2767 24 Hout ESCORTS colta&e t yd + olc + BABYSITTER parHi;;;e, Lookln" ror hair stvlists rlude rree racquet ball abilities in addition lo ~~~~•=· Begm Sept ~REWARDlor infoon salary.Quietblda Rick may make work into & ma~icurlst tllgh health club mem lhe m andatory retum ol Blllf & Gold tsl-llU_MC.J'.Ylte at 12131 763-!MOS or nnd full-tlme, Woodla.nd Sehl be 0 e flt 5 Con 1 act bership Hours 11 7 .ecretanal &lulls Tius HOUSE MANAGEI Macaw taken from 1!001 SOOTHING M~AGE resume to l24Z7 Vtn· ana. C.M.IM.5-l020 with some overtime. person wall report Mature woman wanted Samoa Dr .. H o on Aug Fordasrnm111at111g men lura Blvd .. Studio <.:ity, -S37·~l60 Call Marcl'. a\ 973 <XI!!_ directly to the President to manage. bousekt•ep, 4th. He was 1 very Im· ___£!!.!P~er,494-4871 ~l&Q.4__ ___ IAIYsm& IUUTYSUPPU Clerical oftheco.64G-1333 babysit 2 yr old 3 111 t portant family pet, son Are you a gentlemen Assistant Manager to needed Cor 2wtelts start SALIS Mature. typing. aood DEC. SECY days week 9 4 PM asrrilicaUy1Ulnhosp1tal alone 1n your 60's, tall. w 0 r k d 1 rec t I y lng Sept I.st thl'\I Sen1 Inside, experienced. phone manner, math needed Good frin ge C11415S18967 & this bas put one more interested in physr1al w/manager entry level h "' mature. benefits, p111d 11kill1, hhoa fringe .. _ r· Houseperson live 111 or burden on lhe family. r1t~ess. conceru, plays, poslsilon w /possible 14t · 81m·5pm. Mon· Fri holidays. Regal Beauty benerlts. Llnwiko Lab ""'ne 111' life insurance out. Sal11ry nt.'~ol1al>ll'. Call anytime 962-7073, bridge. travel? 1f so growth. Solid relall ex ~)u~i~l\a:~/Oo&wa~ Supply, 2163 E. 17th St . 832·9700~Call betwween :~:~ton~es~~r/:~~-~·~2 558·1304,900-9749. please contact a lady per at least 2 yrs FAO transportation & ref's G.M. 8AM·9.30AM tor~ mensurate to skills HOUSEWARES FOUND · Male blk Lab/· counterpart Call Schwan7M-lS61,.M.&r._ Woodbridge area. BoatOperator 546-~ full-lime retail l>a le~ m 1 x • m a I e w h l Answer Ad S24, 00!-4:ll0, Assistance ne«led Saks Irv 1ne. Call G inn1e Shore Boal Operator. c• --.... nerson for 0 ourmet dept S d 1 Old 24 hrs Co G ..__,_ Exp Ortho asst RDA full ,--" Eamo1~e . ma e --"-or Irvine Haircutting. S52·°'161.a!Ler5::K>pm. ast uardL!cense To A better position uwaits time. Xlnl solary & 1n hardware stori• n & 1 s h. rem a I e !J~·5S9:8.1S3, Leonard operate Shore Boat in you at Victor. Tum your .. _ fi •· ,, .. 14,.. 67~6704 German shorthair. RamsSeasooTickeU Avalon Bay, Catalina ""'ne~....-"" liver wht 6443656_ _ forsale.2tort600 Au'tlooMrn~r 213 510-~ John Jen experience llllO mone) FOODSBVICE lnterior,ICllltCo Le d g Ora l Bankmg followmg needed With h r FIOHT OfffCf NEW PORT JH;Ant ORGYN . ht•ai) tl'lephone, experient'ed onl> Call Answer Ad 11525, rl42 4.'0l, 24 hN GEMERAL OFRCE Typing r1lln11 . bU)) phone:.. >alJr)f l'Om men~urall' w1 h ex perumt·l' Cont11t1. Lee Starre, 7~l 578.'.l Medical f ashion Ii.land OHit·e needs But•k Office Girl to do 1-:KG 's. 1n travenou.' Punrtures & lnJectlons 1-2 du)S per week Call 644 0381 Found Small, Male 752·0960 1213>463-1101 8 in nge wi Y MEW ACc--s m~.1csaf1~PM..:. orwithoutshorthand WOUEIS t::h~ipeciannm~th0~S<~!1 German Shorthair l'!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!l!!!!!!!!!ll-•I AdvertisingAgent'yism """' Boat Operator SECRETARI ES Sn ack bar. Orang\' " ~ Medil'ul r~mter. Vic or Bnstvl, Fortotalstress reducllon be!do o: ka~ :s~i~tarnt IEl'RESIMTATIVE Shore Boat Operator. TYPISTS Coast College P111me mo 64-231m Chiropr;icti~· As st .,.,tween Balter & Npt & relaxation massage Responsibililleti mrlude ~~~~Ro::~o; ~o~ Coast Guard l.Jcense To Call Today 20. 24 & 30 hrs week JAHITORtAl ~:s~l'~1t/(11~~!>\~~d~~ J!lvd.957·!m0_ __ ~teve lll·~2817 AR. AIP and billing S & operate Shore Boat in Work Tomorrow Bener1ts. Request ap floor man. "'a\1•r h h ex per., avmgs Loan Q B u . 1 1 C C f pearantl'. ealt ) . l'n LOST: Gold Seiko watch. Peno.al Stn-ic" 5360 This is an entry riition Pref. d. Typing 40 ueensw11y ay n1arma, Never a Fee ' p 1rat on: oast om time. top pay Ir\ 111\' thusiasuc-. kno" ledi:e of vie. 171S6 Edgewater, • with grou·•t OP · 4• d 1 Long 8 each. mun lly Colle0 es. 1370 area EKprr onl.1 bll •~. d •••••••••••••••••••••• w ,,wpm, g Ora com 2 3 37 c..ol n • d " In!> I IOI(, Pl'I!-uuJr H.B. Aug. 5• 81• 6PM COUHSl:UNG portumties.Salaryrom mun1cat1on skills & 1 14 . ...,:1.,... A ams Ave · Costa 979·3923 romputl'r 1er) helpful REWARD.842>6§!1_ family , Business. mensurale with ex· spelling req'd Localed Boat parts counter.stork Mesa. 92626 5S6S947 &, ________ Great rilrt't'r poti-nlldl Reward . lostremale cal. Marital. Weight Loss. penence. Please call m Newport Beach and in1entory. Valid subm~t ~Y ti:.f ,~71~ JANITOR p /T Ca ll 631 5664 black. white & brown Licensed & guaranlred. Jllil 833·ll60 Calif. Lil'. nee Hamson ' :... · Im med openint.: for n m a rk ings. 67~-~368 &67~6932 SERVICEStallonAtlen TBJ.B lloatCtrSAs.&27211 NB 556-8520 Full time Warehou!>e Jani tor to "ork j·\1t'd1t11l Monrov1a1V1ctoriaarea. dant Exp'd. Davi. & Current op"'y """'Ilion Boal rigger mech. Mere truck driver Good pa) SJturdays & Sund.i)' 11 B \llergl\t nel'di. C M , "' .,.,., H Equal Opp Empty M f Ask for Bob ""7 """" I k rr ~ t t 646·6876 eves full & p1l1me. Ap-for 6 mos. to 1 yr exp'd exp nee arnson Boat ---"" """"' only 2PM llP~I shirt ldl" u !c:, ~'"!> dn found: Blue gray young &.olo~& ply Shell Station. 17th& Teller. Will <'Ons1der Clr:..S·-i:~7211_ FULL Time. PiT1me f or interv1e-A . r:tll Tuei. & ~n ~.,.., IJ,td fl II · ,,..l,..-IOll I . NB h · h Ans ser T " 'd S ~ o t t W h" n It• r Uut "ill train <all cat wt ea co ar v1c 200 ....................... _r_v1ne, _._._ s arp person wit l·l'w v ypin,. req , "' blk 0 leCM548-9260 _ Jobs WCllhd, 7075 yrs cashlertnl? bark Bookkeeping CLEltlnfttST No exp nee Call btwn II 714 975 0700 or roml' 111 530 5690 l\()und Pomeranian with •••••••••••••••••••••••Automotive ground Typing 25 -A1th growth co Gd & 4 JOPM, Mon Fri Advanrt'd llt.'ulth \tgrneededtorunhnarlo. tatloo. Lhasa mix, Dobie Will babysit In my home' p[p BOYS ~pm & gd figure ap 1 phone personalit y. 631 0140 EOE Center, l:nl Rnstol SI har at Tenn1., Club Cjll mix Pup, Shellie. Irish only. MontF'riSpm-7am l1tude req'd 1 40wpm typing. Varied General North . Suite 100, \p1 ~Ion Fn , 112 ~2 5G8J Setler . Australian SattSun all day CM M-.y,Mot Interested part1es 1 duties Non-smoker Twogirlstoworkfamily Bch EOEM F MNGMHTPOSITIOH Shepherd, Chihuahua 645·1802 -mid Jodi please contact j Cont al' l An 1 la . owned commercial laun -1111!11111111-----F'abm rhdlO c· M &. mix. Samo~ed. Poddl4 -Johnlaun 714 975 0864. 9 to s dry Gd trammg. exp L ... IT~uHICl .. N , ~ H ..... W........... 7100 ..... sr·· ·£.RS• wkd A ~ A \nahl'llTI .\'.lnl oppl ) mix, also cals & kittens I ... .,. _..... "" ~ 714·6754500 ys helpful 1077 W Baker. Mixes & te,ts rubl>1•r I C:en 646 41»11 Irvine Animal Care ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOU SUPPlY lHE L.A. RDBAL ~.M. Cal!~7680 formulations Cond111't\ ~nter, 754·373L _ ACCOUNTS SIUU.S, WE'LL SAVINGS Cleri&-Typist GENERAL OFftCE daily & monthl} quuht1 MODELS/ESCORTS Persottah 5350 PAYAIUCUIUC SUl'PL.YlHE E.O.E. M/F Now acrtptmg apphca plus general orr1ce Experienced f time control l'hl'l'k ,, \11 Top [)ulfa,..,'l531ml ••••••••••••••••••••••• Organized 1nd1v1dual CARS! lions for Bookkeeplnl( dutJes 7 hr work da) Bfnefits A-01\ Servire propnate bark1:round in \lodl'h nl't'dl'd All w1lh busy AtP dept Lite Take advantage of this Position Apply daily• plus fringe benefits Nr Center, C.M MB·93.51 sr1ences rt'QU1red b. r> Pl'' \h-n \\'omt'n & Gffff C0111p91Y Escorts typing, gd benefits. opportunity to join one or BANKING 2406 Newport Blvd. N B OC Airport m the (.'1t) u( C'ellent work ml? 1nv1r1111 Children 'io t'XIX'rll'n(·(· Newport Beach area. the nations leadin11 auto Irvine GENERAL OFftCE ment & bt'nt'fits mrhHl netl',,Jr) ~ 7ili2 640-8950. parts retailers We are TELLERS IUS IOY 133-9614 OHic·e girl for part) ren mg 4 da) "ork IHt·k ~looeb nl'l-dt'd \ll llpe~ ACCOUNTS currently seeking a full lime expenenred COCKTAIL Waitresi.. 3 lal store Typing & fit Please i.en<l rt-~ume a' ~I I' n \\ 0 1111• n & person lo install tires. bus boy for day shift. Ap-mies per week Apply m mg Start at $4 75•hr ~oon as poblllhle Lo ~1k1 Childn•n :-.,11 0 ,11 nt•t· 24 Hrs 641·0180 Cn./Ci.ckt AM EXP/MC/Visa 'AYAIUCLEll batteries and other ur· lfull&parttWI ply in person BEAC'll person Newport Beach A&ORenlals &l2·1186. Smith. fluororarhon 548 iiG:! forRanchMarket.Need t'essories on our HOUSE INN 619Sleepy Tennis Club. 2601 GENERALOFftCE Ree~e 5 Huli hl't sharp, dependable ex· customersrars GREAT WE STERN Hollow Ln Laguna EastbluHDr .NB D11ts1on. 415 \1rn1t.1 * * * perieoced person to pro-We offer an excellent SAVINGS AND LOA:"/ Bearh 4 Lite lypin11 filinl(. Piro San Clementl' l'J TMJtrOIMOIMM cess vendors invoices slarling salary and a has 1mmediateopenmgs COOK Housekeeper answer phone 6hr day. 92672 p 1 Mu st have numerical benerilspackagethatm for TELLERS on a CASHIER Part time ar Live in Can manage Sr ~day wk. Apply blwn l6691 ea e Ln. aptitude & know tO.key eludes : medical and hre FULL and PART-TIME ternoons & wknds Apply adult home for 6 S650 9AM & Noon Charlie's -------- Huntington Beach by touch. Opp'ly for ad ins., paid varat1ons. basis in our NEWPORT The Earl's Plumbing. per mo wtlh 1 wk pd Ch1h , 3001 Redhill, Bldg LAMDSGAPING Youarelhewtnnerof l'anrement Call for bonuses. """cions and branrh 2 8 9 2 2 Cam 1 n o vacation 6»2100 •2,Ste•~CM flELDSL'PER\'ISOH TWO FREE PASSES 't o.,.,9570 ,.._..., Capistrano. MlSsion Vie We are seekm" a rl'ha ($17 value! a .,,.... · more! We invite you to COOk "' Pre · . r ~ I JO 714 495-0401 _ G I ble land~rape main RINGLING BROS. app~EinPBrsoOnayl.s VIOUS man.ia In CASHIER Immediate O""nln" for enera Stl.lut1on e pen·en ~ ,. TL....,_..__ a-. CL.a.. tenant'e !>U""r.·1sor v.1th BARNUM&BAILEY ACCOUNTS x ce or an exper1enred •---, -~ rash handling ex .,. t' 1 1... Jl least J )ear-. l'A CIRCUS RBOIT CUU 120 E. e_t St. r lime pos1 IOO ava1 a cook general helper al a • llOW hir9cJ: pe ie r n" 1 Anaheim Convention Entry level pos Must m penent'e preferred, bul ble. Top slartmg salary desirable Irvine lora • pa~r. np:s~ ~t~~1'.'~~1~ Center Aug. 6-17 know 10.key by touch. S..to.._ Co. will tram Public rontart including overtime pay lion. We provide meals. CodatailWoitrfts: care. tree prun1n1? &. Long Beat'h Arena Call. Sandi. 642-7702 Equal Opportunity backgroWld IS helpfol Ex p. desirable. if you uniforms & orre r a I f IT O"""ing t'urrentl)' Aug 1".23 j·~~~!!!!~!!!!!!!~·~l!!!!!!!~E~m~plo~y;er~M~/F' ... ~I Knowledge or 10 key and 8 re industrious and Ube 1 .....__fi ..-·· crew supervision Somt "'" light t ypi ng i sl ra ~oc:1tvacat1on available Some ex I !.pamshishel·""ul To claim passes, call Active woman to care for want a JObwilh a future package Conta1·1 us at I penence preferred, but CREW SVP[R\'ISOH I "•2·S678 ext ...,., Pass~ necessary Metro Car Wash. ~ t71411~2 4110 h h I I & .,.. "' ~" our 19 mo daughltr 5 If you've never plat'ed a -., · -a 1g energy e\e TRAINEE must be ext'hanged for days a week . Possible Class1r1ed ad, you're m You'll rind that GREAT Harbor Blvd., C.M COOK Needed 1mmed outgoing personality are To learn c·ommert·1ui I reserved seats at box evenings or wknd 's. Our the minority! Try it once WESTERN orfers com CASHIER for retirement r e more important flex1 ma1nlenunc·e nurSl'rl I o f r ire Pr 1 or to home Light housekeep-and see how qwckly )OU petitive wages. allrar HOUSEWARE SALES s1dence 494·~ hie schedule is a must work pest ronlrol 1r * * * 760-0152 __ _ 642-5678 cellenl working condi Crown Hardware. 1024 catering c M area PIX Open.tor. Spanish helpful Con Mottl Dtsk C~ fa per prt>f &12 :.J:lo :-.;t'v.)>pdJll'r Dt'111 en L A T1ml-s to homt'' 10 Wesl 'it'"Jl"lrt 3 :.i.1m ba m S65<J mo >Ill K-111 ()r&l6 1113 NURSERY SPECIAUST (j reenhouse a"1i.t.int needed lo fill full time pos at publlr Rardl!n an Corona del ~tar Mu!>t ha\e ('\pt-r '"orkinR v.1th planl!> mcludtnR a kn o'" led~e 11( >Oil~ rert1h zer::. & µropJg:t lion Call Alrx. \1 1111 F'n. I! 30·\~ 41'\1 nnh 6i3 2268 Nl'RSl:"IG performance. mg. Salary, Sl20 week get r esults Phone tivr benefits and ex t'ull or P llml'. Apply COOKS Helper, airline I ngal1on repair Somt lions lrv1ne 1WestclifO~B Over 18 w valid Calif. Wew1lltraln Requires a ta c l CommerC'1al ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• dril'er 's lie Call pleasant voice& varied 1 Landscape Sen1rc~ • Please apply m person C ll'W(RS Man·m Davis. IOAM lo hours 9S7·8388 before I lam UH 3-11 :30 PM Sml pm ron' hosp Im maculatc gd :.talf1ng 20362 Santa Ana 1\\ e Santa Ana llc1ghh 549 3061 • ltl IWf1I !PM 646·l004 • 8 DAY WEEK SPECIAL • ~Ar COUNTERHELP Pis call for appt ". • • L;IUV UTUTEM FIT. p T Gary's Dell. 9.J0..5PM.M·f 645·7~ 8 0 3 LI 8 Doll CdM. 675-2193 blwn 9 & • ays • net • ars • GRUTWESTERN llAM for~. SAVINGS e It's easy to place your 8-Day Week Classified by mail. and it e 450Mewport MARKETS CREllT e costs just $8 -that's only a dollar a day! T o qualify for this e Ctftht-Or. 5fa0~~:~~~.~~'~ AssastCredit Mgr , e s pecial offer. you m ust be a non-commercial user offering e Htwportleoch we prom(l(e 10 manage ~;:ii 1e~~::'5~~~r ~ merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the price must AAtEOE1M1F ~1~~~~supervisionfrom Publishing co w1good , : be in your ad. T he cost stays the same whether your ad •.1-.... !!111111111111111-.... -WANTACAREER? ~~P:r~f ~:ie~:~~ir~~- needs eight days selling time or just one. 511c;s1~~naSt Salary to S9so Ph. ~ • • The Blc&ett ~ 631 9600 54! 4834 GllMGO CHAW E'S New restaurant Mexican1Amer1can food Accepting apphca lions for wa1trt'sses. t'orktail waitresses. hostesses. Must be 18 years old Exp pre ferred not neressary Apply m person IOam noon , 4pm 6pm ·. e Use o ne word in each box. About 4 words make one e on the <>rqeCoast • c lassified line of type. Minimum ad is 3 lines. Please print e DAILY PILOT Laguna Beach 494.9233 Delivery men over 18 for Formerly Charlie Don'!> e plainly.. e CLASSIFIED er-----------------------------, e ADS • • • • •• • : s 1.00 : • 10.60 • : 13.20 : • 15.80 • • Add $2.60 for each add"lonal Une for 8 times • • • • • e Publish my ad for 8 days starting e • Classification • You Con Sell II, fnl II, f rodt It With • Wont Ad [642-5678) lluntmgt.on Bfarh 962·91 t6 Personnel Dept ~.484() L.A Times to homes in reslaurant. C!iO'l2 Cape C . M 3 a m · 6 a m Dr . Lagwia Niguel Economy car required. --II!.•_•_•_--~~~~ no collec ting . k 00-$450/mo. + bonus. 646-0637 or 64S-S844 DIMTA&.ASST Experienced. Parttime position In Mission Viejo office. 8»4lll. DENTALRF.cEPT front & back ofr exper req. F'ull·time, NB area. 548-5504~--- D...tal Offke Fronl deslt. dental eJ<per required. 4 days a week Jn a nice Newpor1 Beach office.~7580 Dental ,U.,ist.ant. ROA. X-ray license. Xlnl benefits. Call Mon-Fri. 633-1382 Dent ust/Ortho Npl Bch. 4 day. M-m . or AM only If pref. RDA req. 642-2626 Hang Glider Mfg. needs someone with the ability to perform muluple jobs from metal shop to sh1p- p 1 n g & rece1v1ng -~hone . 547~. HARDWAH full·llme retail sales person , gourmel housewares depl 675·61QL__ HWlHCWI Atlendent. Mon.-Fn 10am·4pm. 644·4664 J.!Q:2J..: - HOT&.DHK cua Musi have expenent'e. Apply to Mr. McNeil or Mrs Baltazar between llam-4pm. Hotel Laguna, $11.Sl. 425 So. Coast Hwy. Laguna Bea(h. Live In Houst>keeper & Cook . Must be ex penenct>d & ha1 e r!' ferences (hoTI mom & bath on beach Lill 499 1972 M atur~.-::rr':tart 1nl! husband wtrl' team for busy self 5lorage far1 ii ty 1 bdrm apt + ut1l on premises. hRht main tenance. bookkeepml? Should haw i:ood 'a le' and puhhl' relatwn' s kills Salan anti benefit packa gl' + bonuse<; ~ du1 "ork 11.eek Pf'rm P<>s1t1on Sorry no 1· h 1 Id r l' n Link letter PrllJlf'rt H'!o 957-8191 MAMAGEI ll allmark Gifts & Cosmetic.'!> Exp pn· rerred ~ 7373 Manicurist -A anted for busy MeM shop Contart Jenifer, 645·2972 Mature remalt' rompa mon or senior r1t1ten wanted lo ll\C m Room board SlOO week Com fortable home Laguna Niguel lmmed1 J te need Call after J P~t 497.2347 Mechanic, cxpcr rl'rt , foreign. domestic rurs. w tools start 1mmf'd 661~1 ?liursing STAffDEV. DIRECTOR 1..V:"I with ab1llt~ to lt>at'h & super.·1se t;'l p desired Ca ll \d m1n1strator. :"Jev.part Con\al Center, 646 7764 NURSING t•er11f1ed or exper aides. 7 3 ~h1fl Call 646 7i&I <>ffirc e\p needed Wnrk with pubbc Fiiing, JO ke) phones Work un Saturda)s Appl) Tues da) through Thursda \ 124 C'ontHt Mr We1nrr Jewf'I ~ b' Joseph 54~9066 · OfFICt: Person \'aneiy ur dullei. includ1nj! bkpg . hte typing. ans bus) phones '°Ible to work under pressure & ma1nta1n a pleasing personality F'ull lime Call for appt art IOI\~ 979 0747 PAl:'iTlR MAINTEN ANCt; MA~ Expenrnct> neress:H) rull t1mt' 642 1603 Part time sale~ F.xp Ladies spec shop 1-·11~h Is E1es. some Sat Sun flex hrs Call M1M1 759·995t Part t1mt' sales 1t1rl needed at Fotomat. Mon Thurs. da1 shift SELL idle items with a Apply 1n person ~18 Daily P1lol Classified PCH . South Laguna A!L _ _ 499 36.50 • Name • • • e Address e • City Zip Phone • Applicants rtlUSt have' experience In breakfast and egg cookery, arill and broiler cooking and general ~d preparallon ~aily Pilat ·· ................ \ ~aily Pilat ................... , : Check or M.0 . enclosed D : e Chatge my ad t~: e : 0 # Exp. : : D. # Exp. , : • L---------------------------------• • w.11• C1111tfltdMnvt11•1 • •. D ·1 p·1 ~ JJOW ...,st • • II J 111 c.-M....cl.tz6li • • • ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• . . • Top pey • C.O•puy paW lasuran~e •tdka.l•ute • Paid •aeaUou • Prolk t11art11 ptan • Merit wace review• Appllcanls must be 18 and above and havt experltnce. Apply in person ZPM to& PM 1'5 E. l7Ut St., Cos4a Mesi ®~!'!!~~m~o~~; rreld Sales Sup)rvisor l,im1ted OJ)t!nings &\"11ilable m the Oran11e l'oHt IH't'a, for selr·moti1·uted, rarrer orlt'nted ind1\ lduul who run wort with field Sales People Truln, mO(l\ulr und itet results. Stallon wagon or \'On necessary. E1ceplion11l eurniogs. pl115 job rt•latl'd benefits nailablt• ror lhe n11ht ~pie rr you can produ(e results. not • . ~~at talk .ibout it, c11ll : IHI0-0694 ror ' 'terview. Ask ror Mr Chltkt. . • . .. . ···········•···············•··•·········· .. . . , General Assignnlf1t Secretary to Executive Office Immediate ope.ning for 'verut1le 1n div1dual Mw I be capablt' of hllndl 1ni rast·pa«'d, \'aried and mtt'rest ma duties for newsp;1pcr ext>1·ut1\·e " J>trsonl'lel admm1sltator Call 642 4321. Ext. m for nppt °'"-ttCoest o-., Piiot 330 W. Uay St reel Costa Mesa. CA f.qual Opportunity Employer I I I ~I r ... ll Oran91 Co11l DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 Sell it all and put in your pocket! I I H.la,W..W 7100 J .~t'T\/••··············· PART Time Ans. serv No Kp nee Call btwn 8 & 4-.30PM, Mon-Fri '":tm_EOE __ _ DAY WEEK 8Days 3 Lines 8 Dollars Special flat rate for non-commercial users offering merchan- dise priced in the ad for $800 or less. Cost is the same for 8 days or one. Minimum three lines . Extra lines just $2.60 for 8 days. For an EXTRA day, call today 6'2·5678 TM MW Dally Piiot 8·Day Week It's a Classified PLUS ~.~~ ..... !!~~~.~Ir.~~ ..... !!~~~!.~~ ..... !!~~~~.~ ..... ?!.~~~~~ ..... !!~~~!.~~ ..... !!.~~~· .......... !?.~~,~ ............ !~.~~ ... ~.~~~ ....... !?.~~ l1t"LIST"T1t 1ltl"-/1tiu-tv Restaurant-Need outgo-Sales Secretarv S /~t ~-------~ Gooded hdo2me d~tfpeulrntelt> ~ "' " 5'.oA"• ~ 1 tn rsonalit for food . ' KY ----ne e · wunue ru:. LOAH 'A.CKAGH lmmedl•tr opening pr~.isandwic~ maluna GRUTHOUIS '"· SECUTARY Proaresslve eal Estate Alexander Forster Presents homelm . due to death Nteded tor comml'rcusl Pleasant s>h<w vo1ce & meal sltcang cash rt-· t ... u _M Org11nl1t!d, loyal, part tnve•tmenl Co IS loolung S. CJe t.' S--or owner Before 5 P\t developer, Orange Co appea.rance Good typ Iller 8.4 'Mon Fri ,..,..."' llmemonun .549-~ for a skilled, pro •• ~ 12131!M71719 based Must have work mg skills & knowledaeor ~/h Also need A or SECRETARY Plirt time re1s1onal persoo to fill a ~It Collector' Sltow It S. t'ree to very gd home ~ time newspaper ing expenenre with len general office work Call st tlir. 7.3, at ~~~,h~ 4PM-trM Work ln const ore Will c/lallenging Secretanal ...... 7, I , t AKC Gl'nnan ~hepherd early Saturday ders & real estate loan 9am ·l 2 noon, Mr& 646.8883 train Afastleamerw1ll p o s I t Ion .._.._1010rw .s-. ..... to6 long hair. 3'2 )rs old, ·~ ·and-Sunday mornings. p 3C' k ag i ng Work Weave.r. (7141540-8180 ---Join the Los Angeles move up to full time All R~s poosibi lilies a re Dealers from II different states. Grandma·s ma 1 e S4 5 2 4 S 2 0 r I ::-.~~.·:~~ar:re sp~~~~np w 1 t h o u t t' I o s e ftectlpficMist Restaurant Times circulatJon team raceta or bwliness Some varied, includmg heavy trifles to the rinest 11nd elej!1mt 18th, 19th 2Dth 645 8641 supervision. Reply Box Kitchen men needed, & adapt your work typing. bkpg., filing rootact with d 1ents, Century t:ollectton To be held at the \truck Good driving re· 80811, Newport Beach Leading micro rom Newport Beach Ancient H he du le t o your Hrs lOAM·lPM 645.53113 There is room for career nit. C.....,. IHiah SdMMlf Gpil fowftiturt 8050 'cord necessary Work 92660 puter distributor has Im· Mariner, 646-020_1 _ lifestyle Work 5/hrs. a 5-EC•atT ••y l!Nwth in lh111 pleasant fo'reew11v llS & P1l'O exit e11!>l San Clementi• ••••••••••••••••••••••• consists or dehvenng RUL ESTATE mediate operungs for an RETAJLSALES day in a Times Circula· -·-working environment DAILY $100 .,...,._ Danish modem teak wood 'I bundles to Daily Pilot S ex per receptioni s t Gourmet houseware!> t10n sales orflt·e near needed 1mmed1ately South Coast Plaza Area FIHhrti-.,foe4w,,..-.. dining table with 6 new • newspaper carrier AW Front office appearant•e sales person. full -lime your home & have more Responsible postt1on Salary commensurale Tiiis od .._,h 1 or MOrW SUS... ma l ch 1 n g l' an e d ~eoodgul:~·z~~~t:~h Th1s~our~h yea~sell a mus t Con fident SiS-670!.__ tam e for your family. working with the pre!>! wi th experience ~~ c hairs $275 00 Bent ing 1ne out ern personality for heavy ~tu dies or lel:iurtdy dent & controller Must Benefits+ bonuses Call glas!> oak china l'abmet creases Cal1 rorn1a hom es phones Light typing per1ocls We pay hourly ha\I! good typing skills. 549-3185 for an in * * • Appliaiteft 1010 <antique reproduc Cal~J>lo~~.,'2hla1Am!'..s• oarl Perha.Jll> your ~ould en Xlnt Co-paid benefits. •atT ••L w11ae & romm1ss1oni. shonhand & some ac le r v I e w Ai. k for J-.._ C ••••••••••••••••••••••• lion I $295 00 King sized 642'......, ""'""' • JOY JOtninga 1rm acllve h 1.d j _,,.., 1·nunting knowledge Kathrvn Uftll rvtt maple headboud with • after 2PMda1ly in luxuo residential 0 1 ays, vacat on Parttimeclerks LOSANGF.l,~TIM ES (.'all 9 12noon. Mrs :..J 1780 Placent1a 13 1·ub1r ft upright drawers turned spools '< !!~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~' areas such a~ Bag Ca salary STOPH'GO 1375 Sunflower f\ve , Wea ver 1714 1540.8180 Ser vice Station Night Costa Mesa freezer. almust ni-w PART Time. Ans serv nyon. Spyglass 11111, M.AllETS t M ' . Mgr 40.48 hrs pr wk Youarethewinner of $150 962-1.975 Beautyre~t mattre~s dt Alt & . lrnne Terrace. Linda WovbentCorp SfCRfTAIY/fYf'tST Benefits Ne111 ap TWO FREE PASSES springs S250 00 Call No ~z;:'p00~ c:~ebti;~s8 Isle, etc 13911 t nterprise Dr 4555 Cod Hwy., ~<OOI oc Airport urea Part pearance. must he over tSl7 value ) ~1~~~o~n~0 ~~('~1~" Lik~ 971-73.~2 after5_.P.m & 4:30PM . Mon Fri tr you are presently at· GardenGrove CA92643 Mewpartltoch t.:qual(.)ppurtun1ty tame, mo~g or after 2Nl yrs ortraBgleCMAp111y2590 RINGLING BROS new S200 <:all eves * * I BUY** 892-1~2 E~ live in real estate sales _il!il_~-452Q_ Emj!loyet noon Laruer word pro· ew.PQ L BARNUM & BAILEY 1131 6192 ~ood used Furniture & do you have immediate RKepffoRisf Cessor experience de Sew Modi Optn CIRCUS Sale Electm· drver \'W Appliances OR I "ill P/TIMEEVe.IHGS & unlimited acress to Exel'utive suite in R.H.. SALES sired. but will train F.xperienced. qualll) Anaheim Convention mag rims. \'W seal ('Cl\ sellorSELLforYou Ca-1'nn the president or >our h 2 t 3 d 7 3 30 pu 3 Small non smoking of work. Costa Mesa Center Aug S..17 M '"STE.JI"' "UCTIOu ....., company. oris he hidden Irvine, eavy telephone, o ays . . .., or Now acreptmg applica rice Kuj'., 979 3797 ,, • ., ...,<., ers, like new 962.SJJti " ~"' " 'Y""-C.-rien light typing. front oCC.ce. to 4 days 3 to 11:30 PM t1ons for full & p time .....,""""" Long Beach Arena White Whirlpool Wal>hN 646-1616, 8 33-9625 \ Ad~ts with outstanding away m an ivory 10"er pr 0 res s 1on11 I a p Sml pnv conv hosp Im sales statr Expenenced SEC UT ARY Sto k & Deli Aug 19·23 s K atlr,arllve pe™>nahues, removed from the scene pea ranee. ex pet nee: maculate Gd StaHing m marro romputer pro-I Partt1me with good typ c •ery To claim passes, ca ll 175 en more cop I 8UY FURNITURE 1 w)ao enjoy working with Our president IS 8\aila 851·0744 1 20362 Santa Ana Ave gram ming or u.5e very 1 mg skil ls. One person or. ~xn~;.~e~~~: ~=~1~ 642 5678, ext 'll2 Passe.) rle7~t~~7e 7~) er elet· Les 957 8133 · 10·1$ year old youths ble Do )'OU need addi Sa nta Ana Heights helpful. Surcessrul ap. flee So Coast Plaza must be exchanged for 20SOFAS.ne" S91l ea evenings 69PM Call llonal tra1JUng to help RECEPT/TYPIST 549·3061 plicanlswtllhaveback area Lrnda RaJ?le advanrement ApplyS1n reservedseatsatbox . Wh1rlpool "asher \\ork:. 15LoH•seat.o..S75ea 642•4321 . ext 343. youtncrease)oure<Jrn Law offices. OC SALES1ADVERTISING ground in sales & 546 7268 r~son 49SF: 17th t . o rr 1re prior t u greatSJOO 95757~or ~4180 between 2PM t.o 5P M,, mg s? 1 Airport area SBOO mo Growing O.C. Publlca-po:.illve attitude Call / performance 548 2454. after 5PM askforLon. 1 Experienced or inex 1 Call8J3::9124 lion looking for exp'd Lev ,714154().1.5~ SECRITARY Store man11ger. l'ash1er * * * Mi crow ine. Norell'O. PBX Ans Serv F ·T & penenced you may well RECEPTIONIST pros top commission GIRLFIJDAY clerk Full-lime. Sl25 Trash comp. Gar p T Exp. helpful CM profit rro~1 our l'Olor for dr's offire Must be naid ... 8~·969283.S-~9 S11les wanted for company _S..S-7863 fus & SattlH, Sll5 M PM v1de~tapelisttng&sales "' -Newport Yacht Ex · starting up Expenence WESTMINSTER 6311743 540·1777 IOA _:!_ -training program "h1ch enth usiastic, motivated Sales change has opening for '" bubines6 ofrtce re SUP&VISOR ABBEY PLASTICSCo takingap· we feel as the finest & t y pe well Exp .._DVERTISl ..... G sales person, exper qui red Well oraaniz.ed Pt time Exp m demo ANTIQUEMALL P~lJons for 2nd & 3rd I bl helpful, but not nee "' " he r I L do v·11 .. field Wag~ + l'Omm Daily 10.6, Fri 10.9 avai a e l).t2.4532 Adv consultant firm Ip u At 1 1 age and conscaenllous Sub C l'pr1ght freeLer fo"r1g1da1re 17 cu rt. frostfree S65 556 1633 Shi ts Working with w ~" r h 57< "'"'' a r n e c S4 I 01111 Closed T"--'a• e are'"" a ranc 1se. ~ needs sales rep for So (7141 .rwuu_ m1t resume and salar) ~ , • '"' & vacuum form· bran"h or su .... ·1d1arv 12131877 ll35 11751 Westminster A\le e\l!s • "" J RECEPTIONISTTyptSt, Orange Co Comm S•sParifft requirements to ·fn~ Exper helpful but ~~sthheadquarters ' ~·Ith d1ctaphone & Potential unlimited EvenmgsinourEIToro Mu rph y & Bro:sd GardenGrove ~6103 llcyc~J 8020 wi . train Only respons1 n e a\e operunjits .or a s"1trhboard exp pref'd Creallve Solutions.N B S Publishing Co . 425 30th Switchbocrd ()pH'. ---••••••••••••••••••••••• ble & dependable people few highly mot I\ <1ted Front orr Tues.Sat Pvt 833 1611 tore S4 75 per hour St . Suite 8, Newport Na tes F t' me W a II M....,, Go llowMf Racing 12 i.pd, T1tan1um n.eed apply Must speak persons who h11\e a de Contact Beach, 92663 Lrain 642..:})13 -· · 1 frame fork!>. full l'am King mall sprgs, SHXI Oak desk c•ha1r. S75 Stereo <.'ab , $50 644 2119 Bunk beds. S-Olid maple. excellent rondltmn S20o 494 6632 nuenl English SAM to sire to be more sue country club. fi44·5404 SALES Chester Hipple Hone pagnola, I mo old S!iOO 3 30 PM S h I PACIFlcSTEREO Sltl"m••y TE ... CHER Divorce forces sale of : c u tz cessful f or an an Anexc1llllgnewconcept 5'V ""' A Eve645·5432 Cur111 cabinet S375 Plashcs,642-10?6 terv1ew appointment RECEPTIONISJS related t.o the interior (7 141951 1355 If you are looking for a Cert. & exper Pref ex rare an I I q u e · Regulator ,..10 ... k .• .,,,. MOVINGS.ALE Stereo cab SSS. lo\ e :.eat S!OO resin top tble $1511 king "ater bed SR.'> Ii dra "' er t hest S1~11 Aquariums SIOO !>l''4 marh $75645-6561 . -· h fr toddl 2' handcarved Stander 10 spd bike. hke ne" ' ' """' Practical Nurse with the sole owner & design industry IS ex Sales position l at o ers per. in er care , Unt1eRaSlOO Trun k S45 Oriental for elderly couple. Lin• founder. roll Wesley N Register today for local panding to the Orange PAIMT variety, set in a pro yr olds 5 days 9 1 N k Moving. must sell lh1i. 67511243 \ ase. S45 :.!ed desk in Cook , drive. light Taylor temporary assignments County Area Appll ca· f ress1onal atmosphere. Susan, 64().8&() week ..,. 631 .. .,,,9 557 MJC Exp pre erred. Must be ·11 .,,, l ed tli(l')f963·3731 Schwinn Beal·h <:ru1)t-r ..,.., ""'' hsewk , ref. 67S.~ _ W ulty M. Tovtor Co. ""'"'1 t1ons now being accept able lo work Sat & Sun you ~ in erest in TEACHER Pre Sl·hool King me bed $l7S Pltime, 7 days, 2 hrs dai REALTc.fRS ed for consultants who Other hrs 10 be ar lhts secretarial pos1t1on Full lime, permanent. A.HT19l1ES gd rond ~· 10< k & l'ham -'h ly Am delivery LA 21 11San Joaquin lhll\ r-n..•Lfn':._ are profess ionally ranged Wages based on we have a\a1lable no,. liberal beneftls Also Antique sextant. dr) RIO 6460911. 661-0249 .., Times SIOO per week ~ewport Bearh U \ oriented and highly exper Apply UI person The ind1v1dual ""e seek Al DES Call Maril) n r ard compass dt\l'r' CGltleras & Must Sal' z ... eek~ old II\ .l _La una Beach_494·8496 644-4910 llMl'OAAPY Pl~NH st!MCIS motivated A complete Kerm Rima Hardware. ""111 have good 1> ping 847 5284 sh<X's, IOOI bras:. "'la EqtlipMftlf 8030 rm din nn. game !>el -training program is pro-2666 Harbor ~I., CM sdkl 1lls.hlhe ab&1bty tokhao T....:. c-....._............ lion al rash register ••••••••••••••••••••••• I amp~ Bebt offer Partnerneededforgrow· l7231irdtStn.t \'tded H1ghcommiss1on -e Pones wor in ....... --I anllquedoctot"chair.-'fl Pentl'\35m1I Xlntcond 8511825 ing business Call Lynn Real btate S*J Mtwporf leoch plan. with no income de P endent I > s4 75 hourly 9 mo anllqueb:irbers pole Almost ne" Jame3 121 Cubhaon oa, enu 1·826-4291,l<Hipm ForTop t .OE hmit 546-37118 SALESPERSON Automotive leasing ! school yur pos1t1un 714998-8488 6i50138 tslpri.makesqueenbed p T s e c ret a r y Prof. Office HICKORY FARMS background helpful, but 30 hrs weekl) Bat•k s150 0 80 42 square rerepl1orust Pleasant N rt Be h L d or RECEPTJONIST Opportunity to sell not necessary We orrer ground in Recreation I ~Yff. D09s 8040 plain gla~ all mirror 1 h ewpo ac J 0 SALES gourmet foods & girts. I a starting salary c·om Edueataon or Ph)stral Large Crystal beaded •••••••••••••••••••••••1 - 714 ,957·8507 Ask for gressive agenlb "ho Co Goodfrontofflceap Ttredof sellinghouses7 train.Westcliff.642-0972 qualif1cat1ons . Kint 4~·2.630 Hollywood Mans ion t'hamp sire M f Pet & Dbl & single box spnn11 ~eas~~ ;l~~1c~a:k~~I~ fic:eneedsl.'reattve.ag RealEstatelnvestment COMMERCIA.LR.E. Flexible hours . Will i men su rat e "1th Education preferred Chandelier from 1920 b Kl-~t:SHONUPups AK t' rorreetbl$150968 305. Sam. :r:11d~oa 1map~11~~~1 ~~ r,:r~~c;· ::~~ 1!~1;~· days a week~ We need benefit program & op Telephone Sohc1tors S375 100 yr old Solid Oak I ~l~ ~!l~ l~a~t 61 .P~ l) eS40a eBaook~;:ea~~:ta~~ one 'icenseetoleamthe porlun1ty for self de WE 'REEXPANDING Grandfather Rockl'r n/TIMETUCHEI HIGH COMMISSIONS' New P 0 rt Be a ch skills to manage. broker velopmenl For app"t s T A R T 1 M S400 Golden Retne.,.er litter I S25 SJO ~m95 •r .. ernoons 3 6 5 Ca11Walt.67J.7300 5492988 1 Sales 1 1 r ... ..,. L k u • ~ •· · · -1·ommerc1al rea estate contart Lend Leru.e Auto M EDIATEL y 642-97M ma e e t. 8 ~ .... A"" 1 e ne~ urn 8l'1 ge ctJ. /wk NB Susan,"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!'!!!!!!~ Reep Sec partume 2 Income from mgmt PEPBOYS D1v1s1on. 2172 Dupont Salan· +lucrative Gibson freezer.whiteup 1 Shot§S2SONB6422003 stnped lo\esea1 &rha1r •• ~/TIMI DEMO rrftsat S4/hr. Car nee. • • ~ 18 2131877-11~ ••• 9UAIJTY .... -:_ .. A.SSUl.AHCE 6 1. ' • MA.MAGEi j): ~· Plrtr. co. in electrical • components needs top tlldt exper'd QA Mgr 3 yrt~ min exp as a QA Supervisor or QA Mgr ' Mission Viejo area Ex· cell benefits, growth . patenl1al Sampling pro- cedures. mechanical in· s p ect1on. m1 c ro- inspect1on. M~t be able to analyze problems & re com mend solutions. Realiabil1ty trend analysis exper ii1 1mpar· tant . Onl y thos e q~lt}1fied please call Mp . Pier1 c k at 7~1·3830for an appt. .. RULISTATE PROJICT MGR. RECEP'T10HIST days per week 8-5 Npt Vt'h1le you lea rn. Super Manny,MoeandJack Dr . Ste 15. lr\lne . boo~ nght Good rond $175 IAKC Silk) Terrier~ Sl25 6i3 llf>I Im med opening for Ya cht Brokerage benef1ls.1ireinsurance, •S.6.• E~ <7 14)833-9231 8311132 556-9806 adorable . shedle:.s W \TE RB t-: D ~ 8 mature ind1v1dual 1n General slulls required health insurance & den ~ -shots. ~I S2:2!i. f S300 dra ~er~ books helf busy auto repair center CJ!l.LSbaron,67J.8Sll tal plan. Contact Ken, PEOPLE• *Te...._* A..+iqwS'-ow/Sale SSI 2348 hdbrd $350 645 6072 . in C M D1vers1f1ed Receptionist positions 675·6700. WE ARELOOllMG •SECRITARY * Soli-:rc."'----:-~ Free admLi;s1on Today 848 2820 I g FOR THE IEST! ..._.. thru Aug. 9 Huntington p e d I g re e Go Iden r~pon. inc answenn available. Part & full Excellent oppt) for Are you tared of work mg Center Mall 405 fw) & Retne\ er l>upp1es. 1250 Sofa bed 8'. 11n~ I i.ofa 8 P odnes. wnt1n1F re~air lime With established Take advantage or this sharpgaltowork infast rulltimeforparttime Beach_Blvd.,HB Mark or Miki" 979-5197 xlnt cont! s1 00 ea or er s . co ectin g executive F'irm in NB Sales opportumtytojoinoneor paced Newpor1 Beach MORty 7 · · afl4 645 1609 5ol8ml moneys. secunng parts Contact Rita Paulson, r11N TOP rrrt California's leading comm 'I real estale ore Oriental Vases S4~ Sehl I S7 r & car delivery Must be ~l:.l~l Lft ~ 1tuloparts retailers. We Excellent typing & dic Why not try working clock $00, Pilcher wash Basset pupr>. AKl'. 6 wks. Toshiba rop1er. 00 G t aggressive. accurate & PAIT /TIME offer a rane starting la phone skills required part lime for full time basin S75, Curio Cbnt gporgeous colors S:WO sMtorage1 Cdb1nel S~ able to fol low pro Restaurant salary and a benefits Challengmg position for money Work 20 lo24hrs $375 Plexi glass S25 vt_part> 119'l-~1en. 'alnua t}l:)('"fller ..,., cedures Mon Fri , Food Prep & sandwich S I h E package that incl udes nghtgal Call per wk in plush ne~ or 631 ·5979 Shellie puppy, Al\C all Al \er~ IMOd rond 8 5 30 Xlnt salary & maker II you are fn°nd u n 1 g t n e r g y med1~a1, -'--tal, and •·re Laila, 0""2900 rice 1 n 1 he San 1 a shot~. good d1spos1llon 673 2282 d I " Systems IS now expand ~ ucn u _,. Ana Costa Mesa area Alnran Mahog Roll Top SI"< <31 .,,.,., working con App> ly, consc1ent1ous. & de· mg o c operations & ins . bonuses. paid \'aca Desk. beaut rood S3000 "' ,, ~ Round gounnet choppml? 8 12 30 at Aamco Tr~ns , pendable we want you has immediate openings lions. and more' ~r "ell ~tab:i5~CC: ~ Call 548-~,_642·4TIO Lhai.a Apsu Al\l'. 7 "ks blnck $20(> <>ame as ne~ 7 6 6 2 SI ate r . H B Now hiring for full time for For all the details apply Secretary .:r~i~gbas:~ 1~o~m ~ Antique pump piano or M F. S3roSJ50 ~h~~~ ~:~~~~l ~~nJ( 847-~ pos1t1on, 85, Mon·Fn •PhoneApptSeUers• inpersonat ADMIM.ASSIST. bonus Call8J5·888Jfor gan Original finis h 4944193 RECEPT(TB.OPR. Exper pref Apply an cexperiencedonly) PEP BOYS Professional needed for !!>Pl Good C'Ond. Thier)' or1--------19 FT La~ ••T' (iold H you like to wt-lcome person. Stonemlll Ter •PhoneSurveyTakers• 1201.RntSt. a long tenn temparary Milwaukee.840.7619 LHASA.USO w1thmat('hingcha1r vtSilors. operate a cord race. 2915 Redhill Costa •Field Survey Takers• S a ss I g nm en t Ty Pe TIU MAM 5 Months old, shots up to S!50 645 ~3 I "t hbo d & h Mesa. Knstllle, 979-0722 ...... Co. 70wpm ' shorthand or I TIFFANY GUSS I ' rm f11m1ture •. ac ess sw1 c ar ave Equaln...Port n'it F1t1me. exp preferred IOWL date Male ,\Kl' ·" "' " I ' k'll r H R tau rant Cater' a "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I VI' u y speedwr1l1ng OK. In · l Id , .... "" ypmg s 1 so ..... wpm, es in., r: E l M/F Will tri11n the right papers SIOO 646-0941 ce~s )ffl .cos .......,., we need you to work for fi rm has opening for Sales mp oyer t•e r ra ce w 1th I o p person. Apply Newport I Georgeous' lrrulesl'ent must i.ell Sl!OO or oHer du! H. h o· b I h I To> Poodle, female. ~lk. us during Aug & Sept respon. a t to operate 1g Eamings. lS· management. Tire Center, 64-t-8022. I u e w 1 t p u r P e ( 752 1483 This te mporary assign Hobart auto. slicer & tributors wanted for pro Sales I I h lg h Ii g his 4 11 1 n r h AKC registered SIS<l 0 Bea ullful 1tla.ss inlaid cor menl IS Mon Fn, Sam learn portion control duel comsumed daily SHOWROOM SA.LIS VICKI HESTON nriST/RECIEl'T. diameter W1ll sacr1f1 ce fer 640-7849 fee & end thl S450 5pm & could possibly Exp.pref.butwilltrain Dynamic marketing Parllime or fulllime. -• Attractive So Laguna at S475 Call e\·es at MINISCH1"AL'ZER 6734743 become a permanent 9.30AM lo 6PM Mon plan New to area Call Must be able to work &ASSOCIATES location 4 da y week 1714183.S-6392 Pp AK C REGISTERED , . pas1t1on Call for app'l thru Thur. 6AM lo IPM Kim ~1339. Mon & with intenordesigners & Spec1ahsls m possible Please rall Chinese Antiques ap S200 842 7159 \ artue lblt>. 36 " 46 70 Paul D~aer A..,,,,..~ Sun. 979-0747 for appt Fri 9.•. Tues , Wed , answer phones. Hours Tempa,.,.rvClencal 499·2283 d AKC •. bed Lh S80, 6 fiber gla~s ch:s1rs ..,.. ,...,,,.... .. ·-, praised w orumenls. "' pure r _ asa S20 ra. 960-1320 art 7 or Redhill Ave . C M Lon's Kitchen Thurs~·ll~m_. __ flexible. Variety of Personnel V ET E R I N A R Y nower vase. S15 . teapot. Ap o. 4 puppies. 1 "ks week ends Must be knowledgable m 556-7075 work The Accessory 540.0400 HOSPITAL needs full 1225, ige 24" tugh vase. old, Sl50 080 7511317 Sor h all phases o( real estate ---P. a1·1y P1·101 ...... -....... ' ..... ·· .. :. House, Irvine, 966-162Z. 18004 Skypar1c Blvd. lime cleaner' kennel $.500. 85S.6.S48__ Creal Pyrenees purpaes. 6S' 150a &s· mSoartac lsn11t75c hGa1dr development. Self Lose something va lua. S"LES.,.••11..1& Sulte235 lrvllle person, incl wknds App Antique Dresser S300 AKC S!S0-$275 3 1 starter Hotel chain de· ble? Place an ad m our Yng"' e'""""t e ... ________ ! ly Mon·Fri. 8·12. 1333 lfe,;ale Aft5 '64~~4~s. C'ond1t1on $484ll ~ velopina new concept. Lost and f ound col . m n, s e r 01• Avoca do NB IN pt Drop Leaf table w·2 Orange floral much, s•., Orange Co. based. Rep· umns That's wherr peo· Sales speakers. transporation * • SEc:ltlT ARIES•* Center behind theatre> ~halrs 5400. 64S. 7~. 4 reg Lhasa Apso pups, 8 ft Sl50 Rebound pool ta ly: Box 11(81, Newport pie look when they've Tra1'nee provided Call : 546-7~ Cust.Serv/SA$1S,600 wks. M & f , adorable bie. $125 Wooden ftle Bettcb,CA92660 ~dan1~orvalue__ Sales SHllO/Mortgagdl8,000 Waff.r/Waffnss Applottcn 8010 S200ea 5:i6:_72'11 cabinet. twenty 8 inch · W t d · ht T8S /Dlct/Fash1Sl6.800 Appl}' btwn 9AM & ••••••••••••••••••••••• .,, F D• ' M an e overwe1g '"-to Y• 8045 4rav.ersL~. M2 :1189 - . • .. .. • " KIDS aSUMMER JOBS. ' - Earn $30-$60 per week. Trips & Priies. C4ll .... a.c ... t6M6f4. ' . Or lstnct a~ ,_,pie in' t.e-•ed m' 1os SH90/RE/NeatCo$18,000 Noon . Charlie's Chrh, I IUY Am.IAHCES -••6"' ,...v '""' · •.•••••••••••••••••••••• Mo,·ing ' Roll top desk. This highly successful local newspaper Ing weight & gaining Exp Consultant Ours 3001 Redhill, Bldg 112, Les 957-8133 f ree to lo\•tng home St2S 3 tables. $150 Book bas an opening for a trainee in the money Fool proof. Call Lli RelndersAgy, lnc Ste. !1226, CM HARBOR AREA adorable 6 wk old pup· cue. S50 Bench. $45 circulation department. Basic skills Will Dolly: SST-2234 or Kay 4020 BirchEit'&4EOE WA IT RESS W a 1 t er APPLIANCE SERVICE 2!._es Call 894·~ S46 9147 Must stt' entall supervit1on of 10 to 14 year old boy 851·1910. Newport/ll3J.8ll0/Free wtcar for wicker basket BUY.SELlrREPAIR F It I ed kt S--.••y lunch serv. 9.»I 30PM . 549-3071 ree mu i-co_ or 1 NEVER USED glass top and girl home delivery carriers. Areas of ~-·-tens. llger-stnped grey, dinette, S290 Qn Bdrm supervision will be deh\lery, collections Full or part time. M·F. Earn nso.sm wk· Brand new 30" sell clean white. orange & blark ss.o Sora bed SliO and sales. Expanding Npt. Bch. SICllTAIYIXEc:. ly . Must be neat . elect rangew/matching CallS48·6219aft.4 m. Bunks $200. Mattihox Selerted applicant will receive liberal CPA fl h Personnel/Advertising personable & energetic fan hood szoo. 548·6253 rm aa an open· · 979.0747 aft lOAM fo r Cute grey & while kit sprngs. twn S7S, full S8S • starting salary. regularly scheduled lng for an employee with Dept. has opening per Refrig, frost free. clean, t e n 5 . G r e a t q n s 125 Mo R 1-: ! 1 raises, bonus opportunities and many rr. statistical typing skills. expansion. Npt. Bch. a t. works good. S200 personalities. 8 weeks 770·0901 Inge benefits such as company paid den· Word p.........,•lng exp i• financial services firm. .. ... oc13 ........... < ......... 336 .. ,.,,,,,,., · ~ Gd •-h .. '"d u--L.-~-....,...., or............., ~ 2 chairs, s-v•I ..,.,.ke-. Lal and heaJlh plan. 11roup Ille insurance. desirable. 640-1333 . lypuag, s 1 u1 .. exp . ......,.,._ W 1 k -· " "'" ... vacation and sick leave. req'd. NoiHmkr C•ll · ••• .. •••••••••••••••••• asher, c ean. wor s Free. Cute Male Black earth tones. $50 ea Company vehicle 1s rurm.shed during &40-0123btwn u~2 ......... 1005 good SSS. 548-8513 or Lab. 4 mo. Zenith CONOie oolor TV. working hours. Secretarial •• .. •••••• .. ••••••••••• 548·«85 _ 964-3703 work~ S.SO _Sd-2332 __ Applicants must be over 18. have a good ST840CUll 5.,..•'"' Ornate oickel·and-brass Steal! Gaffers & Sattler FREE KITTENS lo good Six p1eu· Thomt1\•1lle drivina record and be neat appearing. ~·' Won Corsair helmet. 1 elec wall oven W I home t White. 1 White bedroom furniture. oH Hours are oenerally 11 AM to 9PM, Mon· $1,,....to$1,"""MO Security pmoni or re-m.Hterpiett of artlatry rolls $95 Xlnt cond wloran•e s""'•. 1 White whltt, new $1200 ••kin• • ,,_ _,, tired pol ceman. Ell· b -··'""-ol rln " .,..,_ -.... day thru Friday. Some overtime ls avail•· petlenced. P/Ume. Flex. worn Y ,,_, .... · P ce IMS-3874 _!/black. 546-Sl67 S600 6l!~N.8. ble. Environment.al Agency hrs . Country club, ol&lglumln l..840,apec. Refrig erator S225 ADORABLE KJ'M'ENS Couches. g\"ttn Herculon U you art qualified and interested 1n Is seeking appllcanta Lagun• Nlauel. Ph. tacular, with glass dis· Wu her & Dryer s12s 1~ Himalayan, 6 wks comer group. Incl end learning the circulation business, contact with the ability to type 491•57nrorlntenolew. . play. case, $1400: lovely each. Dishwasher $100. 751•5376 t~~lea, Sl85 752.1324 • the Daily Pilot at 330 W. Bay, Costa Meu SOnwpm, Ll.lteaborthand ltllJan 14th Century &46·5848 .- before 10:30 AM or after 2 PM dtlly. at 80w pm '-l '1 r. SNy./Mlr c • 111 4 r a p h y o n · Free 30+ ft ·palm tree. 8 ft bel11t couch with :l Ask for~ WU.liams or Ken OOddard. secretarial_ ex per. to Small rnortaate bank· 1Jieepsk1n, beautifully 2 l cu ft db I d 00 r Must be removfd. Days pillow back '50 0....,.C..t '330 Ma~re« Costa Mesa, CA ~. Equal Opportunity Employer ,: ........................................... · ~rt In our r.nctneerinl l~ firm In lrvlne. framed, 1595, large re Ir i 1 If r ee te r • 641-9011 E\'t5494.:..0395 tm.2071 Oiv. Ex··'I. "-JU. in· •-t...-J· ...... ..a.--handcarved J• horu, w/lumall.tr frost tree H1'. I'm Ca-ar I'm lt" Kl"'G l"'NERSrRING elude a .. a d';;""~°kAd. ty~ ':cs~~: '2200. P/p. Call 17141 xlnt cond. S4007»~7 tra ~ l~d uf: t~ EXTRA1FtRM rn•ttrus every other wtc. Apply : kttplna. Comfortable 8'5-21 . Dryer, lu. clean, worn U~w1thani~famllyso Ht. never ~. worth Peraoooel Otnct, 10M4 1utro111neDt. Real FOR SALE U30's lood 75. 54H513 or r ctn ttU ~ It any 1530, ucr '248 det. Elll1 A•t • rouotala r..taw kllOWledl' pre. kitchenware. RAN Hall 548~ stranltr'I are arou!'ld Never ~ qUMtl •t. V aUo, Ca. 12708. renblt , Coalad Mra. and Finta Over 300 Stove, older. ()'Keefe ' I've had all my shot.a,' worth m . ca!lh only 714-M>-... IOEM/P Adam.IOll at ••n <t ..-.a. 81af ooe or all Merritt, clean, 175. , I'm llvin1 at Sberles Silt del UwalJy home Allto4) MMm. S4MS1!15tM415 Poocllea.s.• 154.1350_ ,, • IOIO Pwh IOl7 IMh.PMfllf t040 Oran Coaat DAILY PILOT/Fr1d1 . A uat 7, 1981 eeetttletttteeeettttltt t•••tt•tteeett•t6tetett ttltt•tt••ttttttt•tt•tt I w HONZB G.t: Dtctrtc lbeaw, 81 • IDAd u Claulr Southcoaat U Motorcwdlt/ Tniclat H60 ~ W-.4 tHt ...... ,$. Or1u verf 1ood trl CochUel. tame albino CrW.tr. 1tlnl ccmd. Fully Sceohn ti 10 ••••••• ................ , ....... ••••••• .. ••••••• _ ... ,..,. G.B. Wublr u 11 m. '80. Cock•'°°· U~bnlla equipped. Good 1llp ••••••••••••••u••••n• 1971 CHIVIOllT Wltm) ~•~•-••"• S.Sl·•ll 1150 avail To the bltt ranbl 78 Hood• XL 350, alnl y4 TOM ptCIUPt YOUI gone . .,. Sp"dtr COll'f':' nK ----olf 13\C12 CODdltlon a100 total ,. I " ~ Tl!NNll llUMBER· Scarl1t m1c1w, 1 mot __!L._ --mllu'750980-?23S Auto.ltana.,pwr.stetr &llmtHCAIS orll owner. Ptf'fetl SHJP· lJqdhora 1'fflnll old,tamtdUalU.C111 ·n SklpJack. a. n . re. -· · -101. etc tlu wort cond. 11000/0BO. ci ........ boot ofler !>!!! " .... TWln vor .... v.., .... ,, Hood• CB:llO, ...... lmkl (001111). I ~-m *nu ~ · N ude CoauR11Panot equipped w11ood In· rw11aoocUZ50orbeatof· OMLY $4995 W t1 PIP buyiu US silver• w/~1ca,e.S140 !!!~me7ntallon 18·750 fer.f13-W HOWAIDC...1.... .. ................ . .... ..---~ Motorcycle Swap Meet Oovetn. •• 11 .... A d 1 s 1otd t"oln1 . H11beat --.. -1, _ ..-. .;,y. '79 u prictt p1kl f15-75Q aall Blue·crowned Conure lcMlh. Stl 9060 ~!:~··. C!~~~.::r,::~ NEWPORT BEACH Blaupuokt • forT , Parrot w/wrouaht Iron •••••••••••n•••••••••• Space available. Fri J ll-0115 3JOOW.CoutHwy. metallic= Orta Revere W1re, ts 9 150. allm711'. 11 nSallbolt. Au1. 14. Or. Cty Fair· i$ Toyota SR.5 trlt, ahon Newport Beach ml. f!OOO. · pea., olce, lell by Fn. as ,._.1 ,.,:_ lotO .. !'!1::·= $ 1roo.oda, 2A hr lnlonn.. bed, reg 111. am/fm SC.Mm IMW t11 I aet SllO. 5M--~ _._.. r tlon 7W•9Zl6 cau, pop top, m1p, GT TOP $ DC>\.LARS 0 ••••••0 ••••••• .. ••!,9 . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 12· Kite w/trlr Good radials, cab high shell, ForeteanU1ed 761.-JOOl DOG~E. Bab{ Cr1nd, blfl dk cond. 98001080 '1~1l~o~~·w c. ~o ~:: Hl Jackers. uuo. Can•Tnacu Dynamite iunN>of. -• wa nut m1bo11ny ~ 8»4727 aft' Mission Wepaycubonthespot! Automatic w/alr . I R~~::. ~~·~~ ~uKt!~: Sl:~~. cc:~ei ¥~~1!i~. Si~:ms~ ls ar:':!i~ good 1'1)4831 =~~~cood. pp 12' llonohule w/sall 6 :i.:~~.·~~~~t: ..Y!! o --1 CootactbU)'er1t Muoon/Black. Sbrpl dryer 11as) Kenmore. 2 Lim"", Cl, .... _ & Mue K I · 20692 Ramac...~""clt*'• mut complete. 1200 MS-9035 '74 Ford Couner. !hel. C21S1YBYl d " .,.q """°" evUJ ane,H.B. --..111 ., .. 2 Yrl new, Whitney by OBQ••...,.. 1m/fm runs oood •R-H a, etc. 229 Del Mar Sat. 8th Swt 9th Off E fornle,Uor ... 00 Kl b 11 ~ .. b J .... J._ Just Marned·must aac. ' " · _,.,.,. ' CM "-... • ... ,._. S .... • •• m a u.,... t, • nl, *"'>nn. 847_·9637, 847-7~. JIM....... ..".: ----__ 16th . St on 1$93 RV~:.:_.~~OfS 752·0lle0 (213)~1101 .63Ui12751-t'740 JO'T.... '77 7SO Honda, 5800 mi, .,:e.vv -· 111---I Aug. 8l.h. ~5. Appl, TV, Red.lands Pl t M .. ~' ln9"W W .. H--"-, ~ s• -abowroom rood. ~y '119 " ton Chev w/ Clb YOLISW f ,, b S I . lor T V uoa aww BBl. 7 t. uJNtt over camper. Xtn. 12700 1...,11 .......... -...::::. \. a rd ware. lampg, 1 SAT & SUN I~ 646-630'l Y van11 co . COO· Typewriter, SCM Elec· comp! refln. Xlnt tone. Ofc..dl extraa-whls, exh1u1t, 080 o• -~ Silkluf, Irv. Ml 375_1 -145 Cecil Pl . C M. 11ole, upholsteredd chairs· trlc Portable w/cue & 11s..mo. Tilt tnller. beauuful chrome. . 87).4068 131lsa~te49t,500 14J.2w. ..-'.:. • Gat1ceS•. Sat/Sun s.s Qorn~~ecH~Eldrn ~:~::.a~~e:lu~~bl~~i coverf75.$58-9014 T Steinway 5'1 wilnut condition, nee re1dy, '78Hood.amillc400 ~~ n.w.tbclllil Baby furn .. clothes, l2'x5'Wrought lronGnte handed, BMW wheels Metil detector w/head 1rand,bltin1M8,better very competitive Xlntcond.$1000 v_. 9570 WANTED! ,_.Ofy_. fum.,dinettesel,lotsor 4'x4i;,'solidtoptables, Ind caps (530i) rue phonea,arutforbeacb . thin new cond. Ham· Prlv1le party (714 ) 146-!Mm ••••••••••••••••••••••• I w· . Or m1sc USKnoxSL,CM Colding lees. 4" & 6" lO'xl5', rechner chair, S250 /0BO. 645·1609, mond Or&an" Plano, 9118-84118 '77 HONDAEXPR~ CLASSIC! M rwc •• ESTATISAU PUC pipe to' lengths workbench,manymisc 548·6390 CdM."4-18.11 Lido 14 with tr1iler 2690miles,S175. CHMVAH I.HM~· 2403 N Oaltmount, San· b940 Cont.mental A \t' • Hems Saturday and Hvy. Duty bench grinder, S.wlllt Mect'1 11 lotZ GrHl cood $1200. C1U 87s..<r2t7 N e w Pa int New McLw IMW!! ta Ana. 8:30AM to JPM, 8.4~m.64S.52'16 Sat Sun Sunday 8 & 9. 1731 Pina new 1110. VW 8" Wb. ....................... 875-5679 MotorHwt. s.~ Goodyear Steel belted l"J Ora.- Aug. 10, 11,12. Ant rum , -QelSur, Balboa, Ca Spollea w/tlres 150. SINGER Nun ln solid 16' 'lob'1e Cit wt'th •-Uer l..-A/$'--160 Radiils. tAll·WeatherJ JO"OJ• "OL"O 110..,,_...., Amer O k t Good ..... .,.,. w In t 3 d d k ' .... _.. ._ _,,. Snow chains. Great ' .... • ( 14) 1• marble top tables & a an qs Lawnmower & edger, ,,_.,...., a u rawer es Sl.SOO ••••••••••••••nu••••• ttu ~ 1,.4 ....,.. etagere, Vic . couch cond Plants, misc._ Sat freezer, stove, misc. 144 Baby t1bblt IS. Sbdlng 546-1435 l'Js.41362 WE CAM SB.L traveling, run for trips. c .. 1...... 771 .. _ 1_ w/matching chairs, pat l!:.5· l9~un0Qwer Irvine Cecil Pl CM Sal only g.5 &Ian door complete S.W. LASER t'150 YOUR R.V Beautl·rest bed. Lots or ""•O·UO>eruo.to1 "'" ~ tern cla!IS R.S. Genn. Garage Sale. SaL ~3 G~arage Sale Sat & Sun. After 3 PM. M&-2836 SpottllHJGoock 1094 Xlnt cond, exlru. • ~oM~ ·F ~e~ 1c: ~~e0t. OyDlmlte automatic ~'~\e~t s~a~t~ol~~nesi -~C:r:o~~:~t~~ W1&her. Dryer, ~efng., *BALLOONS R~·:;;:;;.O~k;~·;;:1i~ 17SO. 1164-~ For Sal~~Traller Cassette. 6 doors. Win· Tip Ollar ~~IB~>Very clean! bedspreads, Oriental GARAGE SALE·Bicycle ~~l~ia;~h~l~~t~':_!5· Unlquepenonalized&itt Prlv1le puty. C1ll c.alnla~~rd27 .• n!:!~i!~~c. Couches. Approx 34·, & ~~~l:t~e;';,~3$1~Q18'6 Pid $7,HS rugs,lotsmore. for 2, 5 spd girls bike. -·-· ---· forbirthday,weddinp, J1nette, 213-788·&802, .. ""'" ~~ ~ .,._ Approx J>'. Furnished JIMMADfC> HELEHMOLAHO childs 2 wheeler. ski & W.t.d:Lt'IJO• anniv Callnow64$-&445 D 1 Y s . Barr Y. &oodcond,hauled2m08-631·3105•646-0147. 759·02'7_! -ForYourCar1 VOLXSWAalM M 0 v 1 NC s a 1 e camping gear. porta 675·6144 BaUoonsOfNew 213-990-74118,eves. ago Sl4,SOOtenns. 1975ChevyVln,excell JOHMSOM&SOH lS7llBeacb8lTd Ref rig er at or. poll}. baJ\)o. gwtar, 12 Sat, ~3pm. 23Z1·2324 La Chuter family mem· Colt.AR·lS "shorty", .223 ~.573-lllSM G~~Ws: condillon$;B)OloHer Lille~ 142-ZOOI Wash/Dry, bdrm set, place china setting, Linda, N.B. Twin beds, bership, John Wayne caliber. Colt scope, am· 16' Hobie Cal, no trlr, OVERSTOCK 675-6406_ 2626HarborBlvd" -, _ _:...::..=::.=..-- couch & loveseal. coffee hsehold misc Sat 10.5 115 Lugg1ge, totes, Tennis Club. h.ighest bid-mo. taooobo. 5'8-9981 good cond. Sac 11200 for Portables/ altematoMll 1.972 VW Van S3200or best Costa M~ _54().5630 SA.DDLaACI IMW •-dtbls d-.. k 1330 Hamn.:L·re Circle t I •-1• d l k ., •• ..,...., fastule.~9UIO___ offer m"·'sell '7620020 (_i., truck. dinette set, patio ~-B. 548-8975~ Ceiling fan-Caubella, re-HiA, Shrto IOtl SELL lNTERFST. W1U pvt. pty Call eves or 673-4275_ --'77 630 CSi silver .. en , """'·pie up ,...m • oo s, games "' m.,,c. er a es.,.._ TV, Redlo. elect. parts. Must sell, • """ -range -~ rum Jdanyothersm Giant Garaqe Sale GarageSale,SattSun~5. venewoodbh•des,light ....................... seU~mteresttnCal20 wknds.64&-6463 '79GMCwindowvan.2 low mi xlnt c · '· items. 9 to 5, Sat & Sun. Furn .. rcrords. lot!. of Tables, chairs. ca r included. Wu $239 take Beautiful Color TV, 2 yr 5 a i I b 0 at I 0 ad e d T........1'--,Tnrt-.1 bench seats. 45,000 mi. (5621.SP> ~ ~ Aug. 8 & 9 3781 Clare misc 2120 Parson St. £11rls. 300 E.5ther, C.M 00. Jud 730-0llll6 wrnty Free delivery w/everythlng for S2S()O ~ .. 9170 IDOOorofC![ 644-4077 '7 9 3 2 0 i Io a d~~- moot St . Irvine CM OH Vu:tor1a. I blk Moving Sale, Sat. 9·5. INTERESTED JN $148.646-1786 BPorl1mtesNto.Br1.gMeann~oa'~oa: ;,:·Aw·o·.··~~.··;;;,itr-;d; '65FordVan'495 yse~loow:~~-CIX:~ .. (Culverdale)_ E_ or Harbor Fri Slit . b H E s ""' N A _ ..... "4 Pm all macb & bumper A L T H A N D ylvania Stereo. TV con· lion 67$·9111. Cor 6x 10 flatbed. ewer engine 131 .~040 -R .-4, Move-in Sale. all kinds or r pool Harbor View Hills, NUTRITION? Have Ion sol. 4 ft 21 in. $100/080 67~ --646-007!_ -6 • ..,,...,., stuff. Sat1Su.n. 2Z1 1811> Hucr At.y S•! .J730 Blue K..!..t....640-579Q_ Generators tor sale, cost 613-6253 Ae':t ~~I~ ::~ i ~7!i I :~I~ 17 · self -contilned •73 '74 Ford Ecooobne 100, 6 Sl.H.B.99>-7310. --Sport1ni: goods. anti· Yard Sale, 1 day only. + 10%-overstocll. 9-12 (3) B1riilay free stand· aboird, $73,500. S»5723 Field and Stream cyl, 70,000 mi . good Sat M . 32 Cool Brook. ques, clotJu.ng, etc 500 Sat. H . Lots of stuff. 184 Mon· Fri (714) 543-1784. Ing wall units for stereo, pp trailer. $1650. Sleeps 6. <l.Ond. $2300/ofr. 846·2269 Turtlerock, Irv Fum , blk 17lh St. HB Sat·Sun E 20th St C.M &-9Mon·ThunM2-6224 desk. etc $34$/all I Mint condition See to '78 Ford Van E-1504 spd VW·PORSCHE-AUDI 445 E. Coast Hi way at Bayside Dnve N .!!'.JIOr1 Beach 673-0009 2000CS: 2002 engine, rac t-0p, nu dri chain. $.1500. 759-0209 & 645-Q32. appl, & misc _ __ ~PM_ Sat 8.8-8~gger Bike B !t ENT Mod e I J 548-0397 I 16' .._.Cat a ppr e c i ate Ca 11 stk w /overdrive. PS, GIANT GARAGE SALE Open Sat Sun 9.5 2458 Trailer, Freet.er. Roll· Kick wheel. Great shape, GIGANTIC COLOR TV Used 4 times. XJnt rond. 646-1188 PB, A/C. SUOO 673-2180. Premium pnces Furniture, lots or Misc Santa Ana Ave CM Away Bed. MISC Comer excellent Potlerswheel SALE·2.S" RCA. Zerulh, Trlr $3000080 Allto SH'Yic.e P... 495-1938 __ paid for any used car For The Best BuyorLeueDeal In Orange Coult1 Come See Us Today! f 606 Ha mi hon l rear I 92627 646-1031 See to Clay San Bernardino, S200. 964-4256 portables & consoles. 96().!iCHJ Eves & Acuuori.s 9400 ·73 Dodge van, stick shirt. (foreign or domestic) C.M.10-S J ...!J!Pr_. _ _ __ -1~.B. ProfessaonaJSonar Drum Sl.28& up. All must go by ao.ts, Slpa/ ••••••••••••••••••••••• $2000 '77 Dodge Car· ingS:S~ . ' 642-5678 Sel w/cases S6SO. Pet Sund1y.2yr wmty,free Docb 9070 4 Mag. Wheels, 070 x 14, ryvan , S4000 1595 f.f! .. !IJll .. !l!l"l!PJ~I Soake,raref10.S49-2875 delivery.646-1786. .. ..................... olf of vw Bug l80 lhe Newport Blvd, C M ..Ill SPC twnbdrmset,trailer loah&...-NEWPORT Slip Avail. set. Eves & wknds ~-2050 _ hitch to pull boat. Pwr Ecpll....... Tom 645-ooz:?eves S4.5-00'l2. '65 Ford Camper Van. mower & edger. lounge ••••••••••••••••••••••• 67~3329 2 Center Lme Rims Sl30 2 xlnt cond. • 010 chair, antique floor Ge.ral 9010 50' DOCK for rent or 1se Brand new Tim 112.S. 2 MZ-13S3_ 1050 Miscd• 1-I ,,.,, '""'! M I h I H . . . SADOLBA.CI IMW 28402 Marguerite Pkwy . am ,.....,.,..,. ••••••••••••••••••••••• a n c anoe unt Shocks .SS1687. _ '73 Dodge Van, 16K m1 on ••••••••••··~··•••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Goll clubs Mac Gregor Tax Deduct.Ion Donation Harbour (714)846-6707 · (5) Terrain Tires (I) new, reblt eng. First $2400 .c!lll8 llJ11J111 lllld Decorator pieces from In xlnt t'Ond , nutch1t1g * * * Tourneys, Tommy Boats-Cars-Planes (213)592·22:5 all on wheels 15·10 takes.~Gre -l11,1a \h·,.i>1110:1.JU Mission Viejo AVERY PKWY. (EXIT5FWY.) u 1-2040 4'Mt4t Closed SundlYI Cha~dlers Gold .rose sofa $350, arm chair Robert leMoe Armour models. Woods 213/654-2341 NEED 28' Slip for beaut. ch e v r 0 I et B 131 er motif wrought iron $195, coffl* table SIO.'i, 1580Caraway 1·4, 693's laminated, Se · DANA POINT lamp, $70. Large scones. side table Bl. lamp $60. Costa Mesa S3SO. lro~ 2·9, 945 Sliver 0-B. motor, 3.5 hp, Sl75. 1r1y LO _l150/al1Ml-3617 Alltot WClllMd 9590 $75. 128X45.> Gold wood or S78 5 ALL Beth YouaretheWUU1eror Scotts, S350 Xlnt rood Sm. & lge Aquasee bait or Newport. Call. Glyn. -nooRJACK ••••••••••••••••••••••• frame mirror. S60 540-1872_.aft ~!17J IW06 TWOFREEPASSES 548-7419 tank.s, S3S. New l2" 49'1-0Uevesor9'13-0307_ Ukenew CostS348,sell WEPAYTOPDOU.AR (26XH J Cold wood ---($17valuel B&WTV1l75.540-0l53 Ba201~Sldelsl.aTrcte· ~r .645-932.S for top used cars· earved frame, $45 HomeltoldGooch8065 RINGLING BR~ Aluminum pitio roof, loah.M•I •c•/ ...,..1.IW\ io Landcruiser motor & foreign, domestics or (28X34) Conversatwn ••••••••••••••••••••••• BARNUM & BAlLEV oew, wrute, 8' by 16'· s.r.ke f020 "'"'""" tr1ns, 1150. '70 VW Bus. clus1cs. lf your car is pitte picture, S40 Gold ?5 sq yds carpeting CIRCUS !'.,~~~.90· sell for t95. ••••••••••••••••••••••• wrecked, $200 all, or extra clean. see us rose carved boudoir camel shade Used only · '""......, MariaeElect.riciao Tr• pul11Uw1 parts. 6-42·2434. Eves FIRST' chair w /light blue seat & .i!!}o SS sq~!J!!l-9375 Anaheim ConventJon Airline ticket, 1 w1y. Design/install/repair ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645-_,.., l h. k . L I Ce nterAug.6-17 LAX Phil d I b' / ~:...:~="'--·---ma c ing ing sue ~e .ummou.s scasca.pe. LongBeachAnma to a e P 1a, QuaLwor1t.549-2S20evs. C•p1rt.S. Uaed 900x2D Truck lire s~read, S.50. Other small 3 x4 approx . asking Aug. ~23 must use before Aug. 15, ao.h. W.-•• 9120 575. Pair or 15 .. lmple· pieces. 641·8685 after 6 _!750, tenns 559-891.!6_eys To claim passes. call S~. :.~ discount, E ••P ••• fOlO ....................... meol tires on 10" wide PM --Drapes, wide. be1~e gold 642-5678,ext.272 Passes ••••••••••••••••••••••• 76YWCA.MPB VW rims, pair 140. King site walerbed, incl fler k. clean, bke new 7 must be exchanged for SCIHI I n'r 8'2" Bimini top, like new, Dyna mile Westra Ii a 642.3379 all,$400.Brunswickpool ~a1r1 S2007SO.ll!4. reservedseatsatbox ~I'll $250. pop-lop. Automatic table. Windsor model. Carpet. drk bro\lon o ff ice prior to AllSWEIS ~ Veryclean!(068969) A..lltosforS. $400.Ml-4315._ S!'ulptured pattern, performance Johnson 3 H.P. outboard S5H5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• MustSell cl1tan. hke new l2Xl3, • * * Marmot-Qualm -........ ~ IMPORTANT --Junto Flaloo mlT $200. Xlntcond. JIM~ Mahogany DBL bed w SIOO iSO.l:&i Lonl•aw rLOoRIT 536-610Uf\5 P.M. YOLISWAGEH N<YnCETO mattress. Night stand Jewelry 8070 Helium Bouquets de· My next door neighbor '80 5\o!H.P. SEA GULL 18711 Beacb Blvd. READERS AND a~d dresser to match ••••••••••••••••••••••• livered Perfect for drives so r1St. He's Motor, forward & re 142-2000 ADVERTISERS Like n~w Must see to Pvt ply w1Shes lo buy ror ~very oc~. 673-4419 named the amber Ughl verse, low hours SS25. The price or items ~p~e~lt~:ily S800 cash 12 CT 3 CT solitare Airline Tickets. value between a green light 642-7056 10"' Cimper Four Star idvertised by vehicle ana . eves_. -diamond wedding ring $508 00 Selling for and a red Ii g ht '79 7'AIHP Suzuki Out ;/refrigerator Ii stove. dealers in the vehicle 4dwrmet.filecab.S25,4 No dealers please ' $375.00960-6013 "FLOORIT.'' board. like new $425 ort ·a~ty . ~I clusified advertising ant oak chrs. S12S. 17 c:u 557 3534 Los Caballeros Health ut..-11••-613-2.303 SBlutane, ln siz.e II . columns does not in-~ refrig ruo. stoneware 14K YGtadi~ opal ring. Cl b M be h S250 ~ --s-eeps S. exce ent elude any applicable dmner set, $25. 642-1359 S 'W 10 full cut diamond u em rs ip, WCMhd 1011 '77 Mercury 20 hp out· condition. $1250_ Call tues, license. tunsrer or offer CaJI AnswerAd ••••••••••••••••••••••• board. looks & runs like between 101m-5pm. fees. finance charges. B<t;rm set. xlnt cond 2 mele~ 7J!91795AM 1154.2~·UXl,24hrs_ O L D S T Y L E new, low hours, $495 631·7657 feesforairpoUutioncon· nite stands. dresser, I ct. Marquise. VVS2 JoM Ww T...K TURNTABLE-with flip 559-5010, 644-0'Tl8 '76 Dix overtlead camper t.rol device certlfications chest of dr.awers . rlarity. r Color.facetrd Club Me~b;rship A needletoplayold78re-Anchor chain. Lewmar for import truck, xlnt or dealer documentary modem. clean lines $200 girdle GIA RATED bargain price. Art 6pm cords. m21699~~ 1!8 winches. wind vane. c:ood. 548-1476 preparallai charges un· aft 4·30 PM 64«224 Marie (714) 759-9282 1213) 991·3486 wknds Guns wanted all types. jib furlinggeu. Camper sbeU, fits Toyota less otlle~ specified Pallc~ furn SOOO. desk & While io1d w;ddin-g din 640-0924 cash 548-0928 & Courier longbeds, by lbe adverta.su. chair SlOO, dble bed $150, ner nng. appraised Ill M-AYTAG gas dryer S200 __ill4)640-71122 JI d d I &.a&wa/ ste r eo SJSO Misc S10SO.SellS6SO 496-7720 ao.ts,Poww 9040 pine e ' new ua -!.~~ 759-0988 -"'-----Kmg sz bed new S350 All M.Ncal ••••••••••••••••••••••• sptra, folding full bed , Cletk:s 952 Unusual custom made Machinery 8078 excelt. 645--<MlS. ht1tr-wt1 1011 Cabin Cruiser, good live· ~ cab .. over. storage. ••••••••••••••••••••••• anlq. wht roffee table •••.•••• •••••••••••••••• 8'x3' Pine shelving. S25 ••••••••••••••••••••••• aboard. Located in boot. · 962-7035 PRETTIEST 5175 493-l4S7 S l 1 d 1 n g tab I e r or ea or bestotrer 6/pc Rogers Orum Set, Fra nee. 26' diesel. Small 8' camper, cle1n, '57 T-llRD C · yrd N Rockwell Unisaw, near 67~6198 black. no cymbals, just $15,000. 979-2890 stove, Ice box +exll"IS. IM TOWN! ::::~·~~~ QUAL~;~r JL!iew .SJ>.5~ 3 hanging lamps, 2 red ~r!n ht:· !~0~~ P......,W9hd &s/OB0.~3540 IESTOFfBU Grey blue $696 Less MisceMOMOUS 8080 velvet w/ crystals,1 Slev Op · 197tP-Y• ..... '69 ~ too Chev w/ cab cmuKZ tbanwbolesale.645-7430 ••••••••••••••••••••••• black. wrought iron ~· Sportflsber Sl.S4 mo overc1mper.Xtrs.S2'100 < > W b d k' t Couch $115 Chr $40 Kil ~/blue glass IJ\Sets, $45 Sacrifice must sell. 24'SearaySD S130mo 080 a1t1er ~I ' ting, ~us tbl & chrs S5IJ Kenmore Xlnt cond 646-8501 Eve Walnut Baby Grand ""''SltlpJ1ck ... l mo ~ se , co1 mat., mirror. · -· Pi XI t d ""' •" bl l $SOOIOBO wshr&elecdryr S75ea File cabinet. 4/drawer, aoo. 0 con · SUprentslncluded Moloriled .... 9140 ~1.~; 5 ' 559·8840 _ _ tlocank •• S80he1vh!.3ku.geDsatnee 15 . lb, 4~e3:~ Pearl drum set. Plusequitydn119ym't ••••••••••••••••••••••• Simmons hide-a·bed SlOO Big Sa I e on Pat 1 o ~ 017»6620ev55'7·932'1 Simmons sgl bed, com· Furniture, Fiberglass Teak wood. It. brown, Good cond. l400 OBO. P ... CIRC ... 41 Table & 4 chairs. Reg modem executive. black -=S4.5-~2::;.:1:.::;;68=-------i .-.-pl, 175. 64S-7sa7, 64S-6S21 $39f.....,.. SI I lh h 5150 LlkeNewonly30hrs 5 or «;;;N. + Big a e ea er c a 1 r · · 120 ltn1 A~ use. SACRIFICE David White spindle lullabye crib & mattress, $95 Wood spindle cradle, SSO. Other items. Call 61S. 7440 lfter 3 PM on All merchandise, ta 833-1619 ____ _ $9S 6'2·3379 ble. chairs. sofas. etc King-0 · Lawn 3.0 Hp Fr1Ser (714)67).5252 2nd Chance Antiques & Edger S75. Lindell Var Keyboard: Elke string Fish 1 n g boat 2 7 · U s e d Furn 1 t u re HP s Both S200 ensemble. ScMmds Xlnt. Tolly craft witb outrig-631·31~ t~-2025 150. , . Must see to ipprec gers, radio, depth ---Thomu 8'2-29CM. finder, reblt eng. & ....... -------------------..... l GUITilS trans. Will trade S4000 615-8243 equity for car or ? Mini-Bikes: Honda SO, Suzuki J RSO, Jllijet SO. Lille new. Re1J0111ble offer. 77o.80S3. CIAO, Moped. Low mi. Helmet. Lock, Baskets. $200. "76 RM 370. Xhll cond. Many Xtru. $700 . Ms..S0'18, ~l. Mille. THEODORE ROBINS FORD 2060 HARBOR SlVO COSTA MESA M2 0010 'llFOID Custo m 4 door in origin1l sharp cond. Run s & drives . (570LMY) S2H5 JIMMA.llHO VOLISWAGIH 111711 Beach Blvd. 142-2000 FIND YOUR NAME WIN TICKETS WORTH $17 ,....~ F & T .O. P. on balance. '78 Batavus Moped, Runs ~• _.,._• SS&-$480orm8940. gd. looks gd, 1300. ElflllF •• IOIS g• fiberglass Dinghy & 541-1461 '29 Model A Town Sedan, .. •••••••••• .. ••••••••• acca. Elec. motor, bat· Grycnr moped, cost l800 4 dr. restored. Ideal for Beaut. mabo&l.llY exec. tery. Lib new. OUer. new ooly 28 mi. $500 ~tudent SlQ.500. ALSO desk, xlnt cood. $500. 77()..IOff OB0.49'·2680 41 Ford Woodie, Secy'I desk, xlnt cood. · '79PuchSpUlKll, lomi, restored. $13 ,$00. Sl7S. Conlere.nce tbl & 6 SHOGUM xlnt cond, 1550or best of· _,67:..:.:H=..=l.:,,Sl,__ ____ 1 ch1ln $500. Hi back ex· '77 Fiberglass 41 ft fer '4H•l8Jeff My darling Triumph tt.chalr.'75.Steeldesk. Gnndbanlls. Skipper ',f17HONDA'""'-Herald, all white wired older type. $100, Secy'I m1lnt1ined. Call eves R .......4 '::;',,c int. Convt. Xlnt cond. WE PAY TOP DOLLAR FOR USED CARS ALAMMAGHOH POMTIAC/SUIA.IU 2480Harbor Blvd. COSJ'A MFSA 549-4300 549-1457 PORSCHES WANTED Allow us the opportunity to consider the purcha.se or trade-in o( your clean Porsche. Check with Us Tod1y1 13631 Helbot 91.., Galcle<\ GIOft "' .... nn WEIUY CLEAMCARS AHDTRUCKS COHHEll CHEVROLET ·.o IL1rlw11 l\,. o1 ' ' " l \ ,, ~ ' \ S46-1200 chair, near new, SM. only Ulll avuu • .......,. Sl!OOO. 675-1347. Kitchen type dining rm 613-mauUorLee 847-ta7:147·7eevs HIGHIUYll tbl • .. _ •--t hcrfftta... I , .. Cun, IUUUD new, '79 24, WeJJcraf\ Ainlot w.e.rcr:-/ Y.WC... tSJO Top do Ian for Sports I ""'~Ira. ~~~ ,..... ., ""* n11 a~ PU ANAHElM CONVEN'110N CENTER AUG. •·17 LONG BEAal .UENA AUG. lt·23 fl2S. 559-~or 833-INO. 1/0 220 HP. dble axle Sc•s1-f 150 Can. Bua, Campers, -•••••••••••••0 •••••••• 914' A dJ-r: Very phuh lar1e ex-trailer, cutty cabin, ....................... '77 CJ7 Jeep. "Reoiaade 1· 11 1 ecutJve desk • chair. $131500. 95$-2591 '74 Honda Motorcycle ltK options" Low mi. Never A:':~~~R Muataee. $!00.8$1·&31M. 2t ft llberllH• Nny rDilea. Perfect cond. ab11aed. Clean. 4 '!Wbl dr. - s+mlddledrawe.rmeta.I Whale boat. Diesel fl000.54t-!fS8. v.a, 3 1pd. Hrd top. VOLUWAW desk w/cbrome trim, rc>:red. Good cond. '78 Yamaha OTO Ea-All/Fii cauettuttreo. 117UBeacbBlvd. 30"d0" wood top Sl05. ~· M2·7CM dwo, clun, new tires, f17S..-HUNTINGTON BEACH 11$1-0343 17' Whaler, ceater coo,~ !00. 9'.S-18 (P1ul) 14..::.:.;W....~=--Drtw.---,-H-O ____ 14""'!.2'-"'-"oM;.;:..;:;.. __ USED F.A.U Gaffer • HP0trlr__, MUSTSELLorTRADE ....................... TOPDOLLAR Statler btr. 11,000BTU. Da75a·2*,EvM543U '7flt1AOO,falrlq'800 'IO Jttp CJ·$, U.5xU puftw fl50.IM«l4' •a'&oltonWhaler 11!4l!DJ!ll. *-1112 tlru, spoke •hit, l'UllJrvl' L ar 1 • meta I d uk a trailer, '•l·H bp T7H.Uy •. lllnlcandi· c111tom lrilllsburnper,f &OOD I CLIAM w/typewritrlbeJISUO. lvian.-.' f\llltOYtr,ac· no.. •or belt otter. cyl, I~ ml. 55C·4a4T, USmCAISI OM 4rawr mttaJ Die *'• M150. ...i . 1_142=:fl22-="'------- cablafUJO, m7 BuntJq Searay lm\toftr. VHF. UOec '11 Yamaba 74-WMOM CllHT·• • iDi ,.... V-t tm. Si*lal. &... a 1oob ffNYJdutytlld6Snow Pth t•7 . • . put, Tim, ~ ltata, Air ....... , ............... W' Qlaaptrloll, •H.P. JL110 ., .. Coed. ~a.rial, m i ril r.le nia zda T • .,._ • .._ t OMI, I Jf aid AICC male llercery o.a '°'· to¥· ma ...... IJnl TI I t .... e I • L 0" •, alam~ _. home.d .,, tnher. $.Mlt. Call ..S, lt mL Oil Nii14. olf Mil='•· fatO'. Call am . •II mou .... 1 .......... OIO lll·J:I!!· C4liiilii ..... MM711 m-!4pMU '11 Sia a., w.-1 S r, •lll 'It b4 AMC la1le ...... , ..... ,, wr. ca ...... 111111 • u • '-· -. ...... t..dld. 11.-uu. .. ...-..-• w•..-t111 tak, U'lr 6 ~,... al. •Ill ilcrtf, VffJl'I 111111. -or belt of. Dall1 PUot ClwUltd ~ ---~ ......... ,.I..... M WllUY '80 320 l. Snrf, All/1'11 USEDCARS&TRUCKS cassette All options COME IN OR Blk /Camel interior. CALL FOR ~54().:..:.::...;88=.!.:11~---~ FRIE AmA..ISA.L FOR SALE OR AS.WK£ Cormier·DeL1llo LEASE. 'Ml 240 D. Low CHEVROLET mi Many xtru. Utt 1.8211 BEACH BLVD new 644-Cli&S, 631-7100 HUNTlNGTON BEACH i8 320 I. Very clean. Low 147-'017 or miles Extras. 54t-l33 I 644--Gm Highest ~hror good '79 320i. compl ~'., S51·112BS Afttr6.49'-D · • """ _ cars & vans 111 ,000 or off"·~ ~·.~~ ............ ~ ... ~~..... . True ks, Vans & 4X4s We re your Ram Tough Tri.Ck !:enter' '71 DODGE 71 DOOGI V AM CONVERSIOM 414 PICKUP '""",. '6991 '79 PLYMOUTH ILDUSTH WA~O '77 DODGE YAN COMVHSIO llllUJ'll "72 CHEVY '1CKUP ~ 'I 981 '71CHn MONZA 11 ... l) '3591 71PONT'IAC •UMDPlfJ li4li9t '4591 nous Cun.ASS ~ 14591 13911 l:t:.t • Ordnuo Coasl DAILY PILOTIFruJay. August 7 1981 A.tot. ..... rttct ........ ,orttd .......... rttct ...... ..,....... Mtot. ,..,.,_, Mtot •• .., ....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ..,..., '"''orttd Avto., IMpor+td ..,.,,, t11porttct ..,..., llllfl•ritd .._. 9727 ...,_. tno .._.,..., "" ,lf"lde '7IO V•••..-9770 v.,.,, t77J ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• IMW '712 IMW '71% D..._ 97%0 D.tMR '720 YISfTYOUI '74 J11u1r XJ6L. dark 01.ANGf 70POISCHI ·eo.·as VW len ' n1ht #I YOLVODUUI ......................................................... "9 .................................. OaANGICOAST brown.111ddk< Int '7000 COUtfTY'S ·1· ryl. Near mint door, '73 ltll door s.sc> INORANGE<:OUNTY ' For 'rtwlhl•lll"ll oaA.NGICOUHTY'S lUSIAJIOU Hl"\aJD 6«~ d•Y•· 7$2 ~99 Red I b I a r " u rh Westem atylt whl Jtuy Or IA''''' lk'.il "'" A rvn EXCWSIYE l'BIZARR£'l rlma for Suptr Ucetlt SALIS, SBYICE h1<>ran.i1•t'uunl> Ol.DIST ~:::! HEADQUAITHS l.,..;Gtlle tU4 MASERATI $10,000 S20u $41.17.. AN(HliSING cnmt>&..-t s tod.i)' ~ + uo &>1111 1u ror 48 TODAY!!! ~.-..................... DEALaSH• JIMMAIUMO ·11 u.tr ovERS~filmvtRv & \I mos u 1':L OAC AdJ UHIYEISITT 74 Karm1M Gill•. &ood We'll dtllvtr anywhere YOUSWA6.. DllS& rapSl4,fl&, R ~. SALt:S&s1rnv1n: eond AM IFM 1>ttrco. lntheworld' 187lt8tach81vd Oynamlteru.ttom2door IAaUllCE Sall•) St·mcti l.elb1na ,tart up 12356 llO • )our OLDSMOllU $JSOO/bestO(r 900 MA9 IEACH IWOITS 142-2000 w11un roof Orlainal SAODl.HACIC IMW Roy Car¥er,lnc. pymt Offer t•xp1rl' HOHDA Lohlt t737 1410oveStr'ed ·ae 912 Ponehe red xlnt be lee VHy sharp' 1966~e'b!~hd ltulh kcl\n· 11\t\\ I! 15 81 Or<k'r NOW' •••••••• .. •,••••••...... 752-0900 rond $6200/0BO Dfbl 118108471 IS40J.1mlio1t•t• 1-:,.rlt'lkt'i. GMCTIUClS '74 Lotu~ Elite. •mlfm IN911arbor81vd C:?l31431l 156 7 , S6tt5 COSTAMESA 284112 M 11r1:~·rttl' l'k ~ \ M ISSIOll \' ll'JO Ave r} I' k 1; > !'' 11 ( '1 ~'wvi ~t'IOJl•>rttk•arh l>lllf>HI 'l'ltANSl'OHTATION ~ll;irborBlvd lltereo AC, elec Win ' l·fl70 (WJ"""""""" JIMMAllMO 64'·930}540.9467 (.'ONSULTAN'l'S '1!1 2t!OZX . urn fnl ~ll'rl'O, t:~'TA M~A dow1 5 •lld Dual Weber ----'" ~ YOUSWAGIH '45-4218 Gory a l'. Juto. brown l'Olur. S40.t640 cub~. Kreal gas mllag~ Mtrctdtt... '740 '74914. 18 Blue: excellent 18111 Bearh Blvd 76 VOLVO 264GL Capri 9715 131-2040 495-4949 l'loxt~I Sunc.la)' $1,000 000 lnventtry OFMEWIMW'S ples and l.t•J\111~ JI <'Ompet11111' p1 11·1·' E\ l't'llent :.t'rv11·1• Jnd parh dept Good st>lect111n of 111 1 VIOUSI) 0'4 O('cJ II \I\\ &. other (ine l'ar' Ill l'\ cellent l'Ond111011 We .ilso hJ1t' .1 h-.1w comp.in~ lhJI 1t .. 1_.. ... other mJk•·, 111 .11111" trucks and\ .ir1~ ~ "' J1I dltional u1forma11m1 un leastni? plt'a.\!• 1 .111 114 912 IZill 111 t.111 'Hill for a good dt?al .i111l 1!1••I llfltr sale:. :.en 1t t' wl' 0 CREVIER ....•......•..........• 11 1'11pn (;h1u ""'· am (111 'kreo. ,1ir, hpd, Ill'" paint S34!1 S 1>14 !l'.J6~ Dat11M 9720 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 770ATSUN l>vn.1m1te lllO lu\un 't'dan Low Olill'!> :rnlu 'lt't'llllj! Jlr & 'lt'lt'(I 1 'IJ•JO, 'hHt'p, llrtjltn,11 •.C!:!\ /I.'' $3995 JIM MARINO VOLK SW .AGa. 1117 11 llt•;i1•h llh d 842·2000 lllt•r 111\Ull'I' l>Jle llU\\ 1111' St'l' uur ad un tc>da \ ·' ~uu r Dl•aln lmpo1t "·•Ill' fur deta1b • NEWPORT DATSUN Hl!ll l>uvt' Stn•el \ ~:\\' l'llltT UE/\t'll 833-1300 $7800 49'J 4754. it!l'J 4764. ·111 Prelude, blul' with 31.000 ml En11 & paint'" ....................... cond. Call Mike, days 142·2000 :t~~~o .s ts~~r;~:r t~~ 73 DATSUN 2401 628 6194 bt!1ge int S1>pd, 9M flnal stages of restor11 I , ~5·1M6. ~v~,_S73"~6!n 007SAN Uynamlle ·z· !'Oupe 4 '11 ~40Z salOO or lw:it of 18200 645 &ill lion Will be finiahed In 3 SELLINO YOUR MB· '58 Cla.ss1c 356A Cabriolet '79 VW ltabblt De1sel 4dr. miles ( 1 i.pt'ed. air. maj(s,st11rt'o h·r i.:nimw. budy, llrt'~ wks Sold new for WIPAY conv 4spd, 39K ml. xlnt cond $4995 lt\clt•an'(2JMINl.t !!dt·ond '1!1 11ondaAccordl,.X.5 S38.000, will ~t'll for TOP~SS 832-.WS best offer77~4629 JIMMARINO SJ995 t141:iS!l<Yl :f:a7~9:5oo.:;r, xlnt S12 .ooo o eo <7 141 ca1tJ1ck8aron lloltbyce 9756 75VWlabbit VOLKSWAGEN JIM MAllMO 77 2t!OZ. 2t 2. hiu; t•\er .7~ 8 ' cJ 11 d 639·4731 JIM SLIMOMS ....................... Dynamite r ust 20 • 4 1871 t Beach Blvd VOLICSWAGa. yth1njl.ownmn ~:uropc (.' 1 v i~au~V~l'C . J~na Mndo 9731 IMPOITS #1 DEALER IN U.S.A. speed R&H Or1g1nal & 842·2000 lll71 I fwat•h Hlvd Make urrer 760 OIS!I damatit·. t.opcond lo mi. I'""·············· .. ·· 197c~~MrESBIAvd sharp' 1665PCf') '66 Voh•o 4 door !tedan 142-2000 '71 Uabun 240Z. perf 52800 rash. S48-62J.1. 1980 MAZDA 626 631 l.Z'ls•..., 0 _, ~ IOY S2, 195 Runs, in good 1•ond1t1on 19.0 D•TSU""' t•nnc.I Nt•1; Pillnl , lll'IO J 9 4 Door L1m1tal Ed1t1on • ......,,,_ CARVER JIM MAI.IMO SllOOOB0642-6236 "' " tires real )puke r1111s, CICJUClr 710 d RO S ROYCl W G....., 200SX LIFTIACIC •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• 5 spee tran11 . air rood . l l . YOLKS A a"I 7 l VOL VO \utomatu· trun, ,ur ~.000 orig m1 Mu!>I ~l'l' JAGUAR AM F'M stereo. alloy CASH TODAY iweu11111Wtt 18711 Bearh Blvd 164E Sedan Automauc rnnd . p1;1 <;lt•t'rin1: tu appo•t• ss.ioo wheels It only 17.000 Wew11lrometoyou • :::1' .. '" 142-2000 steering, air Maroon .\!\I f !\1 'tl'rt'o t·ru1M· .;~U8J71161,un •n • ,. b d OWNERS milei.O~ALYc~9>95 MllClDIS aostoSVNoAvs '58Van Rebwlt t600eng finish cJ21Gs.51 ront rol , IJIO r nurrur~ 0 ~ "" i: ~ J • g We need }our 6 rylinder " , ,,.-W ANTID Body & elec:tnral need S2. 995 rear ~'IX'' & J J<•1q•I' cunds Jm fm radw. lo 1976 1981 Jaguar..' Top MlltACLCMAU>A Call for1mmed1ate Soab 9760 work S800 675-l222 JIM MAllMO l u•J\'."RI rn 1 J i Oll t>JI 43!12 d II d f ,1 21 .. "HarborBlud ap""'"tm6 nt .... .• !1'3!1 oar p11 or gooy "" • , ...... " •••••• .. •••••••••••••.. 7IYWIUS VOLKSWAGa. ONLY $7495 t~lt. 2 t·ar:.• COSTA M ~A Ask for 1978 Saab GLE 40.000 m1 18711 Beacli Blvd MIRACLEMAU>.A 71 :!40Z. nr1; l'nl! tlm BAUER MOTORS 645-5700 I MarkSarhs Buyer xlnt $6200 ~i?t:r:a7.~ l! :ve~:e~d 1~2-2000 2150llarborRhd 1•111 Jmfml·a" 1;e 292S llarborBhd 19790·7 831 1746 495-l700 F l!149!1-l240 air Veq i.harµ ,79VOLV02.64GL l'OSTAM l-:.SA q11.ili1l•r. mJ111 \tr.is COSTA M ~A Lease& or buy Copper MISSIOHVIEJO s.bani 9762 (001VQEJ Lomi Xlnt cond 64S.S700 mml rund ~Ilk> OHO 979-2500 5 spd. stereo. AC, ma~ IMPOIYS ••••••••••••••••••••••• S5,995 ~ -~6886 5~5 lil:!i> wheels, $466 +take <Mr '80 JOO TD Wgn, Sunrf. WANTED· To buy used JIM MAIUMO 110 ~IK~X Looki. & run' Rot 9725 MAGMIFtCENT lease of S221 mo wuh a Iv o r y / t 11 n 1 n tr SUBARU BRAT. VOLl(SWAGa. .:real )h~t ,di Sac· 5 ••••••••••••••••••••••• CLASSIC '76 XJ12L t·ontract balanee of Showroom new S23,SOO 642·J37.9 IS71l Bearh Blvd ,ll<I ~ :>!l-lu r.11 11!111 71 Fial lc!lH'l>l'. xlnt 111 & <WM. S12,<XX> 640.271!l S7200 Lease Ill 3 83 7141642-7407714/568-6848 Toyoto 9765 l4Z·ZOOO Ceorgl' hut. nc~ p;unt l1H·~. ·72 Jaguar XKE 2t2. 6759111 '79~Dsnrf:Ttiir.allex •••••••tt•••••••••••••• Autos, Used ••••••••••••••••••••••• GtMral 9901 SALES-SEAVICE-UASIN<, 208 W 1 SI SANT A ANA 71 4/835-3171 ClO~EO SUNIJAY I t • I •·• •t> 000 I cl '80 ttX7 GS S r ..... 71 TOYOT '64 VW ··am""r bu~. f11r •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• ;7 0210 llall'hbai·k auto 1· utt• 1, Jll••I '<I . .:0000 ~ , m1 . X nt rnn • nr . air. lras, 1mmar ....,,900 A • "' ·' '79DATSUN ,\:\I F':\I . \Int rnnd !l601JOl!I $9,500 OBO Call Lortt· ~lereo Low Mc Xlnl 64().62~966-1779 DynamiteCehca 5speed ~unroof. tent, nl'w enl( * * * Piclc;'&, s:!,!l511 642 9-12!1e,('i. ·76 Ftal 1:11 . "ood t•onil. !1570501 days. 9535389 c·oncl Hl'd 752 11127 .• 81 aOOD 7400 mi liftback Air eond Xlnt orig l'Ond $2250 DoloresMtranlo 6FT B ,. e\l' f1•e 080 631 lr.!57 1555 Mesa Verde Dr [ · '7!12!10ZX 50,000 m1. a 1-. !.trreu ~ • b Sunroof White/fawn Beige/beige. It's clean' Costa Mesa t 'lll'l'd 1\llh lari:t• Ii ri ~511 52600 641i72'll! lf ~ou 'rt>luok1n)!fur;ib1•1 '79 MazdaRX 7GS.Sspd. int S2S,000,67H142J. (602VQBI 71YWCAMPER Youarethewmnerof '77 11\1\\'!1:~~ 111·•1 :; 'I'd ;i1 r 2 lont•. r1at 1976.124Sp.idt•rl'un l1•1 Job, vuu 1;on't ~ant ~nrf. xlnl t·onc.I 3.\,000 '74 4SO SE Ivory Air $4995 Lew m1le11ge spirit con TWO PREEPASSP.S ijeblt t'n)! \lr11,11.11,.. SADDLEIACI< BMW ~6titi I IH.H tH5 2!Hi~. \ t•rl Ht>d. ~Int ('IHHI tu 1111s~ lht• l'llllJlnyml·nt mi Man) x~ras Sll.200 AM lfM stereo. Very JIM MAI.IMO version Sun roof Mal!~ tSl7 value • $87()() 1ii~1 1:~11 831-2040 495.4949 i52 lltilli ~1.300 (IH(J 714 l!i-1 lill!!I c·olurnnl> 111 l'li1s!-1f1ed 526 6757 or64.2 5951 l'lean Afler6 759.9555 VOUSWAGa. Its sharp' (049WVI 1 HINGLING BROS. ~.~~·.~.".~ ....... !~~~ ~~~~~·.~.e.~ ••••••• !~.~~ 1~~·.~~ .. ~.e.~ ••••••• !~.~~ ~~~~·.~:.~ ....... !~.~~,~~~'.~.~.~ ....... !~.~~I~.~~·.~.~.~ ....... !~~~ ·~~:r ~~xR~~l~e~; 187~14~~~vd JIM~~MO BARN~l:~:;11.EY cass. 26.~ m1, d1t red. 79 Cehca LB. 5 spd. VOLKSWAGa. Anahe1mCofl\enuon 1981 VOLVO 2 DOOR SEDAN Equ1pmen1 includes an automatic transm1ss1on. power stef'nng power brakes pin s111pe wheel well moldings and morP ' (204126) 59622 This one has a 1onq whpelbase automallc: transmission shell rad•o w11h an 8 track tape stnpes and whitewall tne' (1Ht06'91 53899 1969 MERCEDES IEHI 220 DIESEL Equ1pmtnl include~ ;rn •,on111110111t1Q 4 speed 1ransm1ss1on AM FM -.1e1110 1un!I & drcYeS hke NEW I (07851!1) 55999 a ss saa·snsss 1981 TOYOTA PICKUP 1981 VOLVO 2 DOOR TURIO Equipment includes • speed overdrive transmission power steering. power brakes. air cond . alloy wheels , pm stripe and more• (199391 ) 1974 VOLKSWAC'ia. IUS Eqytpment mcludes ~ cyl engine. 4 speed transm1ss1on. air cond1honmg, AM-FM stereo & complete custom Interior (851SYO) 1979 HOHDA CIVIC 4 cyl engine. 4 speed trans , 11r oond , bUC:ktt seats. radio. pin s111~$. body 11de moldings & 1n excellent cond111on1 (932XIR) s ta a 1981 VOLVO 2 DOOi SEDAN Equipment includes an au1omat1c 1ransm1ss1on, power steering, l)OW9f brakes, pinstripe, wheel well moldings and morel (195177). 1979 YOUSWA&84 IMIESa llAlllT 4 cyl engine. 4 speed trans .. air condrt1on1ng. power disc brakes. AM-fM stereo. vinyl 1nterl0f, tinted glass. wMe s1deWall redial tires & morel (322WKQ) $ 5899 , a pvt pty SZ7.000 Call silver /black. '82 tags 18711 Beach 81\>d Center Aw: 6 17 answer ad 1226., 642-430Q_ Xlnt. $4.475 OBO Aft 6 30 142-2000 Long Beach Arena '10 220 4·dr. 4-C'yl, RIH. auto, tape dttk. radials, xlnl cond1t1on ' S4400 P P S"8 3036 aft 6PM wkdys Sat/Sun all day PML Chri.s,~-2«;6 vw eng 1650 no1; ('cl'u Aug LS.23 · • •"' To da1m passes rail · 8 o T e r c e I S R 5 rods. t') I !'am l'arb. 642 5678 ext Tl' Passes hatchback, extras. must crank DJ m1. k50 57 · ~ sell,_ best offer 1·528-_0l:t5 VW \Sn panel ne1; IO'" I must be exchanged for dow' S200 ~ 9~ resen ed M>alS at box ·s1 Celica Supra L2.000 0 r ( 1 c e p r 1 o r 1 n '81 380SL Save S6000 Private party mui.t sacrifice lhJS week Sun yellow Dn ven onl) 900 M1 536 0332 m1 New cond Sn rl'. all 1970\.W Bl'S performance Xtras...:83~L_930 Ne1; engine 11rt·~ *fr* brakes. shock~ clock 79TOYOT.A CBJCAU and tarpelinfil Uun·1 Cadll•oc 9915 mis lh1~ one S2600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Co nvert '67 250S E Sacrifll'e, S20.000 Call 5 speed. silver black. excellent condition $4350 646-7227 Harry,~ 7541 MG 9742 '76 Corona wgn. autu. a c roof rack S3t00 or •••• •••••••••••• •••••• • be ,· rr .. ., ,;._,,, 1976 MG S2 SOOor best o( 5 _o ~r."""......,.. fer Good ~d Call aftr '72 Corolla, dependable. 6.001Jm 646-5839. economical transp, Sl600 MGI 9744 firm 675-~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '11Corolla_34,<kJOOnl? m1, Mll!!..I OWNERS owner. 4 spd, new tires. W ~~-' 1mmac. like new Sl99!'i e n~ your 1976-1979 642·8717 MGBs 1 Top dollar paid T~ for good cars' • ._..... 9767 0 8 0 Also 1970 Bus eng1nr 1600. single port. S2SO S86 ».II or 951 88ll '63 VW Dual Cab Pl· Reblt en.:. run• great 857 8000 '78 Bui( Coil\ Set' to a11 prec1ate Ab~ulutrl) must sell th1i. week ' Sacrifice S64SO 673 71~ '60 VW Ruru. l?ooc.I Need~ paml. ragwp Sl:IOO t·ai.h 548 5373 after 5 PM ·11 Bui? Rblt enl? Xln1 orig t•ond SUl50 642 8il7 IAUER MOTORS ••••••••••••••••••••••• TRIUMPH '60 Bug Ne«is IOOrk $700 2925 Harbor Blvd OBO COSTA MESA OWNERS b4S 9(>16 979-2500 We need your 1977 1980 '5i \'\Ii t'on\ert \'en 77 M51 1 TR7s or Spitfires' Top I orig 'Int hod\ nl'IO 0 t 'B' R d t I dollar paid for good paint Bt',I u ffH ynam1 e oa s er rars, 673 2750 in British rac111g green I .a.UER MOTORS I Very dun & sharp ' "' 76S1herSe1ro<·ro 1 (696RTH 1 2925 Harbor Blvd S3,(,(W) Sl,695 COSTA MESA I 644 9187 aft 5 :.>PM JIM MAllMO 979-2500 ·11 Kar Ghia ron\ert VOLl(SWAGEN Yolt---9770 runs great. ne1; paint IWOCJN \ er> c I ea n S 3 i 5 o 18711 Beach Blvd •••••••••••••••••••••••' 638 7623 ·74 GT. overdnve Excel rond Make offer 76().Ql70 1u.2000 79 • .. ••rr I · . -.. . 62 VW m•1; radial~. MGB '64. runs well. orig owner. Besl ofrer P.P 960-4066 Opel 9746 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '72 Opel Wagon Xlnt cond & m1 SllXXI obo 6« 5345 '~· 9741 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·s1 Peug eo t S ta llonwagon Good buy S600 NHds work 631-5429 'one it. 9750 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 11,oascHt924 Dynamite s unroof 4 speed w1air Clean ' UBOA783 l 4 speed, fuel mJert1on. needlt eng & bod) '4nrk ex c e 11 e n I con d 1 S700 best ofr 546 0403 l1on.<276XWH1 SAOOLBACJC IMW Ul-2040 4_9~4949 toVWUlllT Dynamite custom 2 door automatic w air It"s sharp' (7502261 $4995 JIMMAl.INO VOUSWAGEN 18711 Beach Bhd 142-2000 '71 YW Deluxe 2 door automatic Clean & sharp' (7684.S4) t'VeS '78 VW \'3n. bed ~nrf. am fm . xlnt cond S6300 549 8751 . 770 1272 '79 Sc1rot'<'O Looks i.aml' as '81 "S Model' 4 i.pd air. cass. fog llllhts. gr ey Very rlean $6700 080 642 5284 '68 Bug Snrl' rblt enii. Ne1; paint. brh 1·ltrh . starter 548-13411 ·14 Superbeetle Ot11? owner Snrl' ch rm ~his. 1mmat· rond S3.350 493 4846. arter 6 ·73 Ghia lo mile~. AC good cond SJ()()() best ofr 673 6996 13.8% A.P.R. That's right • Through the end of August we ran f1nanrt' )OUr new Cad1llat· p1urhase ~•th GMAC at an aMual rate of onl) 13 8'. On a ~8 month purchase con tral'l ~1th an unpaid balancr of SI0.000 that tr<1nslall'!I 111Lo a mon lhl~ Sa\ mgs of Sl9 99-0r J total sa\lngs o( ~ 52 If> our unpaid b<1lance 1s higher ~our~a,mgs ~111 bt• l'\ en )?realer· And "hat s more all our ne1; Cad1llat'l> are d1:. «oun led during our \ugu ~.t ~e•ir end r lea ra nc·t' ,\ ~per lar ular i.ale on all Eldorados. Coupe de \'1llell. Sedan de \'11les. Flel't10ood Brougham Sedans and Coupes m lllork Choose from our tremendous selection of O\er 2 00 ne1; au(omob1les and take Jdvantaiie of the most l1Ubstan11al sanngs this \'ear Tremendous dis l'Ounts on all diesels. \' 6s. \'8 &4ll rn colors \OU 1; ant and with the option~ )OU desire All ready for 1mmed1ate de- I 11 en' Whether \OU wish · 11, bu) or lease. :-/OW 1~ the ume' But suppl) 1s def1n1tel~ limited "SO be sure to hurr) in earl) for the best :.election S7H5 JIMMAllNO YOUSWAGIN 18711 Beach Blvd 142-2000 SIH5 JIMMAl.IMO VOLKSWAGa. 18711 Beach Blvd -_14_2-2000 ·79 Beetle Convertible Classic white on white. less than ml mi. $8700 firm. 675-9669 '77 VW Rabbit. /\M FM cass. 4SK m1. xlnt rond S34SO 642 3MS '73 Poptop camper, nt'IO '74 en1t. new rad1ali.. xlnt cond inside & out '4700 645·5074 l'eople 1; ho an> i.eek1ng dll Jpanmenl look rir~t 1n Cla.s.!>1f1rd Will \our ad be then•~ To plat'<' )Our ad. rall6.i2 5678 A.Mfoa, Mtw 9100 A.Mfo1, Mtw 9100 Autos, Htw 9100 Allto1, H~w 9100 ••••....••••......•••.......•.................................••••... , ....•••••.............. DEMONSTRATOR Sale · OEMONSlRATOR GrHt htectton Including GRAND PAIXt TRANSAMt PHOENIX• T1000. 80NNEVIUE1 and others a ma,on aontiac \ 2• "* lht, It F*. Cata Mm ... Sale -...s.-.... ... 1 a J 4 DOOlta IUTa ST A TIOH WM<>Mt ...... a. ma~non subaru 2418 HDr Bild., at fli, Cesta Mesa §49.1451 -., Aa.tea, u .. ct • .. •• u .. ct ..,..,, u .. ct AMtot. U-' AMtot, u .. ct · Alto•. u .. ct •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• AMC ff ff Wik ff I 0 C.-.C ff I 5 CMelec tt I & Ctw•rol.t tUO Font tt40 Aaltoa, Uaed ................................................................ , ...•••...•••....•••••...•••..••....•.................•.•••••••........•.••••••......•........••• lt'17 l'arer. retlrtd arhool t '7t IUICK COMTN\ATIMG '70 4 dr, 11lnl conct. ~ver mo Nova '. lo ma. xlnl '71 Torlno Waaon· 3:11 OW.Oii• tfH lurh~r a. 24.000 ml IMAL &.TO. 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SIJ95/bst ICND853 63t·~ El CM41MO EYn/wbd'L gray black dlx 1nt. oCtJS4-10'18 _ ·79 COl'P!-: DE VILLE Con q u 1 s I a w 1th C-r 9t3l digital clock, Ult whl. 1973 Ply 'Cuda' 4 spd. Fully loaded 58500 automallc trans. air •• :;;.••••••••••••••••• a ir, am trm cass Xlnt cond. S1800 firm 835.6684 cond .. pwr 11teerin11. 2 ,73 C Xl7 C loaded ! Only S4350 PP. 527-0535 days 968·5713 '74 Eldu. i.howrm beauty thruoul all opts, onl)' 1 hke It, $2450. 646·7274 ELDORADO '7!1 Silver. red i.1r1ppmg am fm !>lereo Auto, Cul· ly equip. xlnt cond Sll.800 1714, 499 47~. 499 4764. 628·619.t ·79 diesel. Eldorado ex· tended range lank, loaded. mmt rood Sl.000 under Blue Book 752-8321 tone paint. radio. till 0.,... • on•. 642·2538 ntjhts wheel. rallye wheels. XW coed. Lo • Al '69 Mustang 351 Fast p....-LI 9965 r1berglass shell & only ......N....s. $6,000 010 b· k t AC XI U11J10C 11000 I (lX84:110 l ...,.,_,,. ac , au o. nt ••••••••••••••••••••••• , ONLY Sl995 494·5203 cond Orig owner '76 Fire bird Formula Ford 9940 644 S9t37 to 9 PM Creme w tan int, 1m- MIRACL.E MAZDA ••••••••••••••••••••••• 66 MUST-Cl...A$1C mac! All pwr. cruise, 2150 Harbor Blvd VS. auto, air. pony int ale,. am1rm w/boostcr, COSTA ME.SA '73 Rane hero~ cng Nt'w PS. restored S3450 new radials orig own. 6".5-570~ tires. gem top Xlnl l'Ond 1 535 ~ (213)592 1481 S S FIR 979·7698 2+2 '65 Mustang. 4 spd, '73 F1reb1rd. fm cai.s. EE U ST! •79 Granada Xlnt c·ond orig .. compl. restored! good tire~. runs good. We have 8 good selection Loaded ~ new eng, traru., hx·k111g $1495 494 11168 o f N E W & USED (7°14) 675 1993 dtff. Will """•1der trade Chevrolets' -~~.., rtMrd 9970 '70 LTD good trani. . runi. SS«lOO &45 7~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• well.~. Afters Oldsmobile 9955 '61 T-BIRD good drive COHMRL CHEVROLET _ ~:1118 , ••••••••••••••••••••••• train, needs body work . Trade )'our old i.tuH for 15 Granada 4 dr. all AC. ·77 Cutlass Braughm Good ltres $750 OHO. ne~ ~uud1e:. w11h a PS. P~f PW, good cond White Tan Landau 642-4557 2103 Federal, .-'12!1 llJrl••r Hl 1 d 11 i:o.J\\1~:-0\ l'lai.:.1r1ed ad ~2-5678 _ !1950. 1>40:,0187 lpaded. SJi300. 7!'>9·8!J03 C M. 546-1200 ----- Alltos, Mtw tlOO Autos, Ntw 9800 Autos, Mtw 9800 Autos. New 9100 Alltos, Mtw 9100 Allto1, Mew tlOO Aldos. Hew •••.......•.•••......•..................................................•..•..............•.....•......................•......................................... 81 ARllS IC 2DRSIDAN ........ ...., .. .................. _.,......,.,. $7290 -tsoo $6790 1911 ARIES IC 4DR :.:.:=:.= ,, ........ .-:at , ..... ~ lf&WM ,. ..... ~ ·-.... ~· ....... ............ __ ... ........ ._ ..... $2195 1976 LUY PICK·UP .._ -c...... ......... $2495 ,. ... ., .. ...... . ......, .. ....__ .......... -. ..... .-. .......... ._ '!I."' Y&ll --... _.._ .............. __ .......... c.....-... -·-$4995 1911 YW YA•AH• -·--.. -OMr ·-..... -.uc ....... 1982 s9900 EXP's g~~ NEW 1981 GRANADAS EPA l J CITY )) HW Y NEW 1981 MUSTANGS NEW 1981 FAIRMONTS EPA 2J CITY JJ HWY. 1981 COURIERS AS LOW AS 56188 f I" : ; I < ~ ,• ' AS LOW AS 55898 AS LOW AS 55949 / AS LOW AS S5688 (Stk. #T0034) (503222) DELIVERS ANY MEW OR USED VEHICLE IN STOCK • NEW IN CALIF.? • LITTLE OR MO CIEDIT7 • SHORTOH DOWN,. YMEHT? • MEW OH YOUR JOI? • MILITARY? • SLOW CREOrT HISTORY? 1977 BUICK 1210 COUPE REGAL COUPE 5103MOM11t 53495 ••llOl ... .....,ll_•tllllt• ..... l 114IO L-"""'-.C Ir.,.. .. , COnd .... not ,._ & IS7 00 --.... ...--lltftoo --·-· •ot •••'"9 "'MM ~ ,..,_ pnceo--1i11111131 A p A -11 f01Mt etu1•t COf'ltro1 wlft.,t loe> !•It ·~1 & '"o't~ llfll"llltll Ntl2) 11Clt'1•1CS11t P'1tt1 1979 DODGE OMNI024 53895 l c.onoftlttc11 • c,hnfft 1n91"4 1u10..-1t•c .,_............. -.... , .. 0 AM'fM •ICho --llW~C:-•Olts-. 1'41331 1971 DATSUN 200SX 1978 FORD THUNDERBIRD 5114MOM11t ono Ito 10< °"" 41 -·~n 1199 00-• .,.._ l1a4 f0 IU • le1 00 h(t "H OO•ft ~Ile .,,,.._btsOO 0.0.IWCI °""' ....--ll01ttt ,._, 11 -20,,.. 111s111usci. "•"1• ·--------~ I . ---··----.------- August 7, 1981 1r ll I\ l 1 l\11 111 11 r .I II ll I! l 1 ll ·'. \\J ,I 1 r 1.\'"'I 111' ! l\'-,j( l'\"1 Delly ..... ,.... .., •ldlwe ll.-. Actors' training is · unique at SCR Acting is easy. You just walk out on stage and pretend to be somebody else, right? Not according to the folks over at South Coast Repertory, where 35 people with theatrical a mbitions are going through a rigorous eight-week training program to learn some of the basics of a demanding craft. Now in its 11th year, the SCR Summer Acting Conservatory teaches skills both prac- tical and esoteric, ranging from sword fight- ing to manifesting poetic images, script analysis to body expressiveness, voice de- velr pmenl to characterization . SEE PAGE 2 The SCR program is unique in Southern California, according to publicist Michael Bigelow Dixon, because some students become a part of the award-wi nning theater company when the class ends. ··A number of the actors who go through the summer course then participate In SCR as apprentice actors· in the fall." Di xon ex- plained. In addition, he said, the SCR ·s education company, which takes theater iJ1to the schools , is comprised of former con- servatory students. Those who have played in such SCR pro- ductions as "Screwball." "A Christmas Circus historian seeks the past beneath the big top SEE PAGE 3 Carol" and "Merchant of Venice" got their equity cards through the roles. Di xon added. "It's a way to get into the system," he sa id,· .. I believe that's one of the major draws:" · This year more than 100 potential stu- dents auditioned for the program. Sixty-five didn't make it. "We look for some inherent talent and some experience," said Dixon. Of those selected , most are in their early 20s, he noted. The ages range from 18 to the 40s. · See Ac&ors, Page 5 ·Wolf en' may be a new"horror classic SEE PAGE 18 ---=- I - I :star wars: who gets the top acts? ~ . ~Exclusionary clauses bar many big name entertainers from appearing on Orange Coast "' "O \: By JEFF PARKER U.. 011 ... Dlolly ,. .. _. Slilff ~ ~ A battle is brewing in Orange County over big· c name entertainment. ~ On one side are the county entertainment ~ venues who want to bring stars to local stages, and ~ on the other are the Los Angeles housea who want 0 lo keep the top acts in L.A. rather than share lhe market. The prize? The nearly two million couotians who many people believe are ready, wiWng and able to pay good money to see the big names. The competition for name acts has actually a been going on for years, but it's been lopsided and frustrating one for entertainment-hungry Orange Countians. Star performers play local stages oc- casionally -mosUy Anaheim Conventioh Center and Stadium but for the most part wben people in Orange Cowity want to see an act on tour, tbey can look forward to an L.A. drive and L.A. traf(ic. But the battle is escalating quickly with the building of the soon-lo-be-completed Irvine r.teadows Amphitheater adjacent to Lion Country Safari, and the proposed amphitheater on the county fairgrounds ln Costa Mesa. Both venues are large < 10,000 ~d 15,000 seats, respectively) and both are planrung lo bring the biggest names in en· tertainment to their stages. Primary ammunition in entertainment 1 warfare is the exclusivity clause, written into the contracts that nearly aU major venues orfer their acts. The clause varies contract lo contract, but in essence it ser ves one purpose: it keeps other venues from offeriog the same star at the same lime to the same audience. Two factors are inevitably included in the clauses -time and geographical area. A standard clause might prohibit a performer from playing a similar stage within a 50-mile radius any time within' 60 days of the concert. The clauses help stimulate business for the offering venue, and they give concert houses a chance lo book acts well in advance, knowing that their next-door neighbor isn't working to promote the same show. 'People in Los Angeles see the Dodgers and people in Orange County see the Angels. Obviously, there are enough people tQ go around ... ' The clauses are also, ln the words of Irvine Meadows attorney Mike Hennigan, "unreasona- ble." On behalf of Irvine Meadows, Hennigan has filed Suit against Nederlander West, which owns a nd books acts into the Greek and Pantages theaters in Los Angeles. The suit claims that the exclusivity clause governing acts at the Greek -a clause that restricts performers from playing a nother venue in a 100-mile radius of the Greek ror 90 days prior and 60 days after a concert there - is a violation of antitrust law. "We've got 4.8 million people in. a 30-mUe radius of the Irvine Meadows Amphitheater," he said. "The 100 mile radius extending from the Greek Theater covers some 12 million people. Our contention is that Orange County ls a separate market, distinct from Los Angeles, and therefore it's unreasonable to close Orange County for the sake or the L.A. market." Accordine to Hennigan, there are a "Umlted number" or acts whicb will both rm tbe 10,000 seat Irvine Meadows venue and be consistent with the tr,pe or music the owners want performed there. • We're talking about middJe ot the road acta. not hard rock, heavy mtlal. Tbeff acts. for the most part, are the same ooes that aign •t the Grttk or Univeral Amphitheater. Our contention Is that several acts lh•t we would Ute lo bave book~ have refused beuuse they've sl&ned the Grttk . cpt • O.llJ PIMl ..... Illy lllklleN K....W The Irvine Meadows Amphitheater operis this month and producers the-re are going to court to prove Orange County is a separate entertamme?1I market. Hennigan and Irvine Meadows are asking $500,000 actual damages Ct.he amount would be tripled should they win the lawsuJt, in accordance with antitrust violations) and an injunction against enforcement of the clause as it relates to Irvine Meadows. If they don't win in court, Hennigan says that Orange County may see "some dark nights" at the new amphitheater. The first hearing was held Aug. 5 and Hennigan is hoping that their motion for a preliminary injunction will be upheld. "Orange County now has a chance to establish itseU as a separate market," says Mark Kogan, executive director of Irvine Meadows Concerts. "People here are tired of working in the tentacles of the L.A. entertainment power brokers. Will Orange County get starved out? That's the ques·· tion." Kogan cites demographic studies which show that Orange Countians now number nearly two million, they spend more money per capita on en- tertainment than their coWlterparts in Los Angeles County and he believes they're hungry lo spend more. • "Orange County used to be con&idered more scenery than substance as far as t.be entertain. ment marketplace was concerned. Well, it's not true anymore. Orange County has grown up. Orange Couo\y is its own market and performers can play here without damage either to themselves or to houses in Los Angeles." Kogan knows it, music fans know it and Nederlander West knows it too. Their 15,000 -seat amphitheater wUl soon be un- der construct.ion at the Orange County Fair· grounds. Should the court uphold the legality of Nederlander clauses at the Greek, stifling business at Irvine Meadows, acts formerly barred from Orange County will be able to scoot into the fair· groW'ldS under the Nederlander umbrella. The question now beginning to rumble in a lot or minds is not whether Orange County la ready for a consistent, big-name venue, but whether lt's r eady for two or them. Nede rl ander West attorney Rick Witte declined to comment on the suit. Exclusivity clauses have cramped business at the Golden Bear nightclub In Huntington Beach (or years, according to Debbie Meister who is ln charge of booking for the club. Meister's problem Isn't ooe or exclusionary perlormance!l -mo.st ol the acts lafini the Bur L.A. aimultaneous "Sure, we can get most of lhe acts we want, bul we can't tell anyone about 1t, ·· she said "The Roxy has stncl rules which prevent us from ad· vertising an act that's playing around the same time it plays there." Vengeance against Bear advertising is swift and sure : when Meister advertised an ailing act not long ago, the group's agent called to cancel the date. "It's extremely frustrating," s he said. "When you've got a hot act and you want people to know about it. it's real hard to sit back and watch the Roxy gel all the advert ising rights. Their market isn't our market, as I look at it There's enough to go around, and this kind or clause is hard on Orange County and on performers too. They'd lik(' to fill as many s hows as possible. It's ridiculous to say they couldn't fi ll the Roxy because lbe Bear took all the people away Crom L.A." Other Orange County venues, The Crazy Horse Steak House, The Cowboy, Knoll's Berry Farm, Disneyland and Anaheim Convention Center and Stadium, s uffer under exclusivity clauses to lesser degrees. "Theoretically. I think that when It comes. to free enterprise. entertainment should be hke anything else. no res trictions," said Fred Reiser . vice president of the Crazy Horse. Reiser's club is in the enviable position of be- ing small enough to slip through most exclusivity clauses prohibiting shows in "like venues" but be- ing a popular enough venue to bring out some rather large name entertainment. "We're not really like anybody else, so like venue clauses don't affect us. l 've been denied acts two or three limes because of those clauses, but re- ally it hasn't been a problem," he said. Tom LiegJer, general manager of Anaheim Stadium and Convention Center, takes a slighUy philosophic view of the exclusivity clauses, which he admits do affect the shows he's able to book at his two large venues. Concerts aren't high priority booking at either the stadium or the convention center, but they are good money-makers. "I feel in a general way that exclusionary clauses are not in context with America's basic principles. We also feel that Orange County and Los Angeles are separate, self-sufficient markets People an Los Angeles see the Dodgers and people in Orange County see the Angels. Obviously. there are enough people to go around," he said. Venue owners and industry watchers agree that the next few months will be crucial ones in either establishing Orange County as a separate market for big·name entertainment or letting it stay in the subservient position it now occupies. Eyes will be turned to the Nederlander am- phitheater in Costa Mesa lo see if they will ofrer countians the same acts as their Greek Theater. lJ they do, opponents of exclusionary clauses are bound to use the situation as evidence that the county can support s tar talent concurrent with Los Angeles. Vengeance against Bear ad- vertising is swift and sure.: wHen Meister advertised an ailing act the group's agent called to cancel the date. Eyes will also be trained on Irvine Meadows Amphitheater -both their lawsuit and their box office receipts -In trying to determine tbt tole they'IJ play in bringing big names south. Their opcn!ng act I Kenny Rogers and Crystal Gayle) sold out lmmedjateJy at $23.50 an~ Sl6 a pop and they now N'port 6risk t&tket sales for other August shows. Orange CounUans do appeat eager to see big name ~rrormert close to home, and they've got I.he money to pay for it. . or course, you can't pay lbe fiddltr ir he can't . Big top buff seeks circus history By JOEL C. DON Of Ille o.Hr Pil .. luH When the circus came to town, Charles ''Chap· pie" Fox was one of the first of the starry-eyed lads to rush to the big top. So enamored was he with the clowns. the wild animals and the scent of fresh sawdust that he'd oft.en tote a 4-by-5 Speed Graphic camera to capture everything he saw. He turned his lifelong love and hobby into a full-time job in 1960, when he co-founded and became the first director of the Circus World Museum in Baraboo, Wis. And more than a half-century after he de· veloped his intense infatuation with traveling variety shows, Chappie finally, so to speak, ran away to the circus. Nine years ago, Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus hired the former railroad man away from his museum job to head the show's research department. He spends part of his time now on the road as an advance man for the circus, which opened at the Anaheim Convention Center Thurs- day night and continues through Aug. 17. ··Railroading and circuses are ways of lire that are loaded with romance and mystery." Chappie said, in a recent interview. "J went from one to another.·· His knowledge of the folklore and facts of circus life and history come rolling off his lips like the patter of a side-show barker. At 66. Chap- pie has lost little of his boyhood enthusiasm for a three-ring extravaganza. His blue eyes sparkle as he tells the story of the way the circus was during its pre-television heyday. "One of the most fascinating things is the in· fluence the circus had in the growth of America,'' he said, chomping on a cigar. "As fast as America grew West. the circus was right behind it." Circusgoers were intrigued by the side-show freaks, the exotic beasts from Africa and the Orient. the clowns and acrobats performing death· defying acts. But they also were treated to 50-piece orchestras and a major play-like spectacle with themes such as the Rise and Fall of Rome, Joan of Arc and Cinderella. The multi-act productions were done in pantomime and featured lavishly dressed performers. "It was the greatest stage production you've ever seen and it wasn't in New York City -it was in your home town," he said. "That 's why I believe circus day was a holiday. Circus day was such a big day that people came from miles around. "For people in small towns, that's the only way they could get this entertainment. The circus was certainly a variety; there was something for everybody. Other than some stage theatrical units or a traveling troupe of a dozen people, there wasn't any entertainment. So the circus is what brought real entertainment to the hinterlands." Radio and then television changed all that. As variety entertainment was pumped into the na- tion's living rooms via the airwaves, many circuses faded out of the public spotlight. There were perhaps 40 or 50 major touring cir•:uses at the turn of the century. Now the country can sup- port only about five of the bjg top shows, plus some s maller, regional circuses, Chappie said. When circuses began to wane, Chappie joined a group of hi storians to establish the Circus World Museum. As museum director, he combed the world for artifacts, documents and other circus memorabilia. Most of the bandwagons, parade wagons and other equipment were rotting and in need of major restoration. As a repository of circus artifacts, the museum has been a source for researchers as well as a public exhibition. Last year, Pageant of the Masters officials visited the museum to research circus posters used in the Laguna Beach presenta- tion. If you dip into Chappie's keen memory for circus trivia, you'll undoubtedly stumble across his stories about the quintessential circus man, P.T. Barnum. Make no mistake about it, he was one of the best promoters in the business, Chappie said. But other stories of Barnum's life are less than crystal clear. "Barnum has been quoted as saying 'There's a s ucker born every minute,· " Chappie said. "Nobody can find anywhere in any book or any newspaper article that it's down In black and white that he said that. "l can tell you what he did say: 'The American public likes to be fooled.· IC you stop and think about it, it's insulting. "But it's a modern way of looking at Las Vegas people who are going over there and gamb- ling. They like to be fooled." · 1 have a fantasy job.· says circus historian Chari.es .. Chappie' Fox. Chappie once applied for a job with the circ1a. and received a lette r from Henry Ring.liag te1lillg him. in so many words, "Don't write us, we'U write you." In 1972, the circus hired tum to establish a permanent park in Florida to presene materials from what's billed as The Greatest Sllow on Earth. Chappie's credits also include 12 pict.oral lllis- tories of circus life garnered from thous•pds ol photographs in his personal collection aad t.be archives of the Circus World Museum. "It was kind of unbelievable for me," be said, of h.is job with Ringling. "It was a whole new chalJenge; a whole new feeling of pride. "I have a fantasy job," be said, with a smile. "Can you imagine getting paid to talk aoo.t t.be ci rcus? That's me." Pick of pix Mark Lewis and Margie Walker toot first place in Newport Harbor High School's a--1 photo contest with these entries. Lewis, a freshman, won in the candid dirism for beginners with his photograph of aa eldert.J gent on a sidewalk bench at left. · Miss Walker, a senior, came in first for lier' ad- vanced candid category picture of two ,.,...p1en al play, below. Both won $10 prizes. The contest, ~ b)' the school newspaper, was judged by tbe ..-0 staff of the Daily Pilot. :! 0 -~ : ~ • :J a. • ., ,. ., a. • ~ > c tD c • -:" -: - ' Music Listening to a genius Ray Charles changes his tunes , but not his style By MICHAE L DOUGAN or .... o.11, ,., ... si.11 Ray Charles strode into Santa Ana's Crazy Horse Saloon and the crowd exhibited the kind of enthusiasm you would expect fro m 300 people who had paid $25 apiece for a one·hour show. He waded through them towards lhe stage, led by his son, and he smiled and he waved and. honest to God. he looked at them. Ray Charles knows hnw to connect. He's been doing it for years through !tis music -it was fans. nol publicists. who first tagged him "The Genius" and, m Monday's appearance. he did it in an m· l1mate. personal sort of way. He became access•· ble; he was our friend. Jazz underpinnings There wa:. scarcely a black face to be found m Monday's early show audience <even the band was al least half caucasian). nor were there many peo· pie under 30 Today. Ray Charles fans wear al- 1 igators on their shirts and drive Porsches. In other parts ol the country. they don stetsons and drive pick·ups. Charles, almost religiously eclectic. has even developed a country wes tern following Ironically, during his appearance al the Crazy Hors e. a fine c&w nightclub, the only cow boy hats m evidence were worn by employees. Ray Charles at the Crazy Horse Saloon It was a different sort of crowd than when I first saw Cha rles perform 19 years ago Then the fans were uniformly black -we were about the only white people m the auditorium --and the music was unadulturated rhythm and blues with Charles' music may have changed -he's moved from "What I Say" to "Some Enchanted Evening" but Charles has not. He is . first and foremost, a st yli st and each number bears the dis· t1nct1vc Charles imprimatur. That's good. "Some Enchanted Evening," for example, 1s a See Ra). Page 5 _____ ..,-..n LYON RECORDING -STUDIO "on the water" 2212 Newport Boulevad ~ !leoch. Cot.focnta 92663 summer Special RATES FOR DEMOS 2-24 TRACK CALL 7 I 4-6 75-4790 -_____ ...,. _________ ,.. No"70ur Fanious Pritne Rib Has SoDle Real CoDlpetition. Pac ific Northwes t Salmon T eriyaki Chic ken Shrimp Stuffed with Crab Gourmet Game Hen Baked Trout Almondine Teriyaki Beef Kebob Sole Stuffed with Crab Before, you had t~ loo~ hard to find anything to challenge our famous Prime Rib. Now, all you have to do is see our new expanded dinner menu. C omple t e Dinners fro m $6. 95~ These delicious dinners come with soup or unlimited salad bar, rice pilaf or potato plus bas ket of bread. C hildre n'• Dinnen from $1. 95~ That's cheaper than a sitter! With c hoices like Teriyaki Chicken, tas ty Pizza Pie and much more. So. now that our great Prime Rib has some real competition, the next thing is for you and the family to drop in and enjoy it. It 's one competition where everyone wins. Victoria Station The beat Prime Rib. And now a whole lot more. "Pnces m11y vary at the Umwrsal C11y loca11on Reservauons and Maior Credi! Cards welcome Non-smolung section available Newport Beach , MacArthur and Jamboree, 752-0240 .. ••• Ray Charles f'rom Page '1 p1le·driver infused with vocal mflect1oni. that its author couldn't have envisioned Perha ps most surprising of the selections was "Guess Who l Saw Today." sung wi~h his vocal backup group The Raylettes. It's got upper·middle class lyrics about commuter trains and martinis and he sang it with as much understanding as he shows for the blues. Charles threw in some of his old stuff "Hit the Road, Jack." "What I Say," ··Busted" and a bit of yodeling a la Hank Williams just to keep the crowd on its toes. Charles ' genius lies not only in hCs incredible vocal abilities and intricate piano technique but also in his talent for assembling a complete show package. The Ray Charles Orchestra, led by Herbert Solomon. has got to be one of the best bag bands anywhere. Imagine the Glenn Miller Orchestra on amphetemines and you get the picture. The Raylettes. brought on halfway through the concert, are five young women whose splendid voices are matched by their carefully-groomed beauty. Charles , too, is a joy to watch. He is a kinetic madman behind the keyboards. his feet stomping, his knees opening and closing erratically. his bead bobbing from side to side. his shoulders popping up and down and his lips perpetually drawn back into a big·as-his·face-God-isn't-it-great grin. Throughout. he maintained an affectionate rapport with the audience. Even when a group of rudies forced him to cut off a song in the tenth bar by stomping their feet to an entirely different rhythm. Charles handled them with s miling, pa· tient grace. Still, he brought the show to a quick, anti· climactic ending and we may have lhem to thank. Not that anyone felt cheated. Some people only hear mus ic like this once in a Lifetime. The m an is a miracle. ... Aaors THE MATAIS POLYNESIAN SPECTACUlAR Come enjoy this excitlnv Polynesian Revue with all the romance and excitement of the Islands! AUG. 11 · AUG. 30 MAKE YOUR RESERVATIONS EARLY! (714) 775-7727 SUSHI BAR NOW OPEN! TEAHOUSE & TEPPAN·YAKI OPEN EVE.RY NIGHl AT 5 00 PM LUNCHEON•MONDAY ·FRIDAY 11 30 A M.·2'30 P M VISIT OUR EAST·WEST LOUNGE ENTERTAINMENT a DANCING 'J(eno ~~w.~H • 1.,. (.("''I • H ""'r. ·~ 1: ,, 1: ~h' I I I r ,' ~.;Jr • ( r: ~ I t. "~ r. Real Cantonese Food Ht htrt or telct horn. Mary Jane Roberta Award-Winning STAG CHINESE CASINO MATCH POINT /DEAD HEAT 8:00 P.M. I I I 21st PL. Newport IHCJI OIJole l·tHO ._._ to MldloiiCJht Dolty-WH6iffldl U1ttil I :00 •·"" O,_MftA.11 .. -AmA OPENING ~ August 12 Laguna Beach We have everything In Produce and Flowers. Raspberries Blue Berries Strawberries Seedless Watermelon Honey Dews Crensha ws Grapes, red, white & blue Summer or Zucchini Squash JI ca ma Fresh Beans Tossed Salads Fresh Squeezed Orange Juice And Much Morel TICKETS: $8 Daughts~ Darling A ConHtdy by David Marlow OPEN 'TIL 6 P.M. SUNDAY I WE ACCEPT VISA I ANO MASTERCHARGE s .: 6 ~Classical Music .... ~==================================~====================================================:=== iAs cellos go,. eight wasn't enough ~ LL Sy llOllUT FISHER ~ ....... -.......... ~ Last Friday evening's third of four concerts in ~ u.e Laguna Beach Summer Music Festival series -" popped, fizzled and swirled but saw very little i: dt.ampacne coming out of the bottle. ~ flgbt cellos all in a row -it was an unusuaJ 0 pr....,.,,a•ion with an interesting formal. Anytime eigbl ol any instrument play together. all or· a. ehestral, chamber music and solo playing skills mmt be fanel y intertwined. Delicacy, thunder and dlipg ol sound can, with sixteen ears, fashfon Yases from Bach and Villa-Lobos-ian e arth murmurs. But it didn't work. Opening piece "Bachianas Brasik!iras No. l " by Villa-Lobos embodjes a daatt. love song and fugue. Untuned cello playing tripped the dancers and put a cramp in the lover's t.oacae. The fugue was as nervous as a lost little dog. 'lb.at very unsettled, untuned playing was to rd.um later in the Bach Prelude and Fugue; the aenous little dog, too. The evening's guest cello soloist was Christine Walenk.a, a beautiful and temperamental interna- -=-------------~ '][./.Jr ·Chinese Cuisine ·1 )/-"'' O RIENTAL COCKTAIL LOUNGE 1,, J BAMaocf "'"""• Tropk •• onnt. I I .Jti TERR~CE I . ' -mli 1" 'rt '4 so .r;r.-=., · • I ~ rm· "-!U ... 8-.. ~~l!!'rr Ege Roi. I I . p-""'-ed ~ • Won TOii ao.,. • I I • : E--0.... Sllca. ......,_ EDt foo I . I~ ·~~=0.0.Metn ·F~~:·T•& I I f()f .J °' ,,,.,... ldd s..-... I I -·~~ . b. •• f 1Hot~0nur5l>IMOvtl f ~ ~AS"r 171lf, CO~TA MµiA · • ~S-~ ---------------SIEAI & ILASKAI lllG CUB LEGS LionaJ talent. (I must digress a moment and say the gown Miss Walevska wore was special -a pale green vertical s ide on stage left, and a mauve purple to stage right. I 'll swear it was the Queen of Hearts before us). Miss Walevska can charm the cello even if she played somewhat impatiently and seemed al limes T he applause was half for what we heard and half for what could have been. carelessly not waiting for the spell of her lovely carved phrases to settle. And though this cernst pushed and pulled some musical moments into rather odd shapes, the remarkable fact is that she can gel away with it. Like George Washington and hi s chopped down cherry tree, her musicianship is so great, it cannot lie. J had anticipated someWng CHICKEN SPECIAL only $2.39 thru A ug. 29 ~'Jdm~e SEAFOOD SHOPPES JOtS H..._ llwd.. Co• Meta Juat South of San Olego Fwy. Across from Fedoo DllV~TMIU ~AYAILAIU different. though This happens quite frequently: Into a sm all theater comes an international star with the au- dience so s truck by a presence that we fall all over ourselves just to be there. I don't like to see this happen because somewhere along the line the real invited guest the music becomes a hand ser · vant. Some special surpr ising moments of finely composed sounds came from a score by Radie Bri- tain, an Ama rillo, Texas-born composer. Her "Barcarola" should be heard more often. Those concert-goers who have never been in the Laguna Beach High Sehool Auditorium, known as the Artists T heater, should be aware it is a good sounding little hall. And for those who don't know what it reels like to walk inside an egg. try step- ping from the first rows or seats up lo the exit. You almost need towlines. This concert's intentions were good. The a p- plause was ha ir for what we heard and half for what could have been. Perfect for summer, this tempting new barbecue style dinner features a delicious rrio of Boneless Breasl of Chicken. Tender Pork Back Ribs and a Pnme Rib Bone. plus country fucin s that include a Cobbette of Com. French Fned Potatoes. yow choice ofOam Chow· der, Soup of the Day or a M1Xed Green Salad and a half·loaf of Warm Bread & Butler' 1'oll!J :ft~ ...... Balboa ,...., • 203 Marine Avenue LUe htftt · 0«15 at Lake f'orut ~ 22873 Lake Forest Dnw C... Mca • Harbor Shopping ~nter 2300 Harbor BIW lnt.e • Newport meway at East ~r Rd 1721 East Dytr Rd Pops at OCC An informal pleasure By MARV J ANE SCARCELLO Of th.,..., ...... "''" During a short tuning break between numbers , a two-year·old boy walk~d to the edge of the stage and held an earnest conversation with the prin- cipal cellist. Anyone could tell 1t wasn't one of those stuffy. formaJ concerts. The Cree outdoor pops concert given Sunday evening al Orange Coast College was in the grand old summer tradition of hot dogs, lemonade and trails blazed by the late Arthur FiedJer. A cas ual crowd brought folding chairs and blankets Lo gel comfortable on the green in front of the college's auditorium where a portable stage and band shell had been assembled. Joseph Pearlman conducted the 60-piece American Home Symphony Pops in a program of lively, Hstenable music which at various times had the audience humming, tapping toes or clapping along. If the program had a slow point, il was with Benjamin Britten's "Matinees Musicales," which was less familiar lo the audience and seemed tedious The following piece, Scott J opHn's "The Enter· lainer," was played with a slow tempo and a heavy feel, but the rest of the program was de· lightluJ. Bits of Wagner and Offenbach mixed with a Strauss waltz, his "Thunder and Lightning Polka," a "Russian Sailors Dance" and themes from "My Fair Lady." Principal players in several sections contribut· ed good solo work, but it was in the finale, "Stars and Stripes Forever," that the piccolo players earned their money. The enthusiastic audience of several thousand shouted for an encore, and three are planned. The 7:30 p.m. concerts wiU be held Aug. 9, 16 and 23, with a different program of symphonic pops music at each, and the audience is invited to arrive early for picnics on the green. ----.. fiawaiian Rainbow ~~ S nac £ S /wp " OW'Md Ir o,..t.d ty JoMlr 0 9NM ..... ... S-'wicMI • ..... 1..-cMt DrWss • Sfltne Ice • Ice C..... -,....,...., .... ,,.... ..... "-,_. • rope .. • ..._ .._. • - - - - - -•COUPON• - - - - --• : FREE SOFT DRINK : 1 wfthany 1 1 PLATE LUNCH 1 I YOUR CHOICI: ~ I : e!-fBC' +O s310: : /ltC= !:'!.,.9f,,.._IO v-. 11.55 •• Nied & rlce. • • ~ l-U-lt ·----------------· VIDEO GAMES -f Spac• ln~•d•n 1 a 2, Moon Create, Spac• Flreblfd, Uni .... ,., Fl•ld Goel ~ 370 IE. 17th St. Coeta MMe '" ,,.. ,.....,. . .....,... c..... '.l o.-..-...... -4:9 Now we're cooking! ALISIO's announces the "Duke" is now serving Italian-American cuisine "The Best!" Very reasonable prices Lunches -Mon.-Fr i . Dinners -Nightly except Monday Book a delicious banquet with us at 1670 Hewport llYd. A Family Shopping/Dining & Entertainment Center Costa a.so 642-8293 Albertson's • Bank of America • Bilbo Bagglns • Coco's/Reuben's • Command Performance Dolphin Hair Fashions • Edwards Cinema • Fash'n Splash • Hamburger Hamlet • Ice Capades Mesa Verd~ Florist • Mesa Verde Travel • Mlone's • Music Market • Photography by Jeffrey Southern California Optical • Spa Lady • Swensen's •Vicki's Sunshine Factory ~-_. ... _ _, 2701 Harbor BIVd. • (Harbor & Adams) Costa Mesa, CA · • I 7 ""CJ 0 - 8 ~Currently Hantint ~ ~ ~ at ~ il 940-80: The gang's all here ·~ ~ ~By KATHV BRYANT ~ S..Clel le Mtr '11M ~ Viewing ·'South ern California Artists: ~ 1940-1980" is like going to a summer party and see- 41 ing old friends and acquaintances. And, unlike the ~ current, controversial show a l the Los Angeles 0 County Museum of Art, women and minorities :: have been invited. '1. This exhibition. now at the Laguna Beach Museum of Art, comfortably skims 40 years of Southern California art history. from Peter Krasnow's wooden construction done around 1940 lo Martha Alf's delicate, pastel-on-paper "Pear 5" done in 1981. All .these artists have lived and worked in Southern California (many in Orange ... County), and have national, and, in some cases, in- ternational credits. The works show the di versily of art found in Cahforn1a. As Curator Maudette Ball states in her catalogue essay, "California artists were in- fluenced by both European and New York art ideas, as well as the California light, climate, space and the nearness of the oriental culture." The earliest works tn this exhibition are by European emigr es who settled in California: Krasnow's sculpture. Knud Merrild's "Flux Flower, 1947" and Eugene Berman's "Unfinished Music, 1944 " There are a rt pieces that show the influence of the 1950s Abstract Expressionism , assemblage works made from found objects, hard-edge abstract paintings, and figurative works -some beautiful, some jarring The whole gang's here the group from the f'~erus Gallery. some of the "fi nish fetishists,·· Op. Po p. Minima l, and stages in between. Like changing hl'mlines. what was s hocking once seems quite ta me today Some works a re particularly interesting from .. a historical point of view. There's an early ( 1962). fi gurative Richard D1ebenkorn painting tilled "Ashtray and Doors." there's Judy Chicago's acrylic work done in 1969 before her highly fe mintl>t art piece. an early Ron Davis work Claire Falkerislem·s Ava1111. 1975 made of polyester resin, and, looking forward, there's a ne w Larry Bell painting showing that although he 's no longer doing glass works. he's still interested 1n light and illusion. The list could go on and on. This is the kind of show where everyone has a favorite, and most will find a pleasant s urprise. What most of these works have in common is beauty and craftsmanship. Curator Maudette Ball has left out works that would be too rough or un- settling. ("The Ode or Kathy Fiscus, or a Box ror Kathy" is surely one of Edward Kienboli's softer pieces>. Mos.I. works exhibit an intelJectuaJ coolness . Certainly if one were to historically judge-the last 40 years by what these Southern California artists reflected. the decades were happy, peaceful, with only a few unpleasant moments. Thls is a good show for an intimate samptin~ of art works by our more famous artists. Now that the idea of progress in art, in the avant-garde sense, has largely died out, today's artists are free to explore any m eans of expression. Curator f\all stayed within the lraditionaJ media for this show. but there was and is performance art, video art, earthworks. and conceptual art of many kinds. With the new modern art museum in Los Angeles bringing in new artists and fresh ideas, we m av be on the brink of 40 art years that are even bett .. .- than the past. In conjunction with this exhibitions 011 Aust 20 a panel discussion moderated by Ja.:k Glenn, will explore "The Future of the Art World In Southern California," and on Sept. 10 lhe Laguna Beach Museum's director William Olton will discuss the development of 20th century art. This exhibition will run through Sept. 13 al 307 Cliff Drive, Laguna Beach. The museum is open daily except Tuesdays from 11 :30 a.m. to 4:30 p .m . "JOURNEY TO the Surface of the Earth" by Mark Boyle and Joan Hills continues at the NewpoPt-ffetober-Itri-~ wltb ¥ete1 Be rg's "Bram s Very Own Fault.'' The muset•m ts at 850 San Cle mente Drive, Newport Beach Through Sept. 6. 759-1122. "GENERATIONS IN CLAY. Pueblo Pottery of the American Southwest" continues at the Bowers Museum of Santa Ana, 2002 North Main Street, through Sept 30. 972-1900. .. THE FIGURE by Three" featuring works by Dick Oden, lnez Owings and Mitzi Trachtenberg will remain at Mills House Visual Arts Complex, 12732 Main Street, Garden Grove, until Aug. 16. 638-6707. ELLA FITZGERAl,D will sing at the Irvine Bowl on Friday, Sept. 11 at 8:30 p.m. for the benefit of the Litguna Beach Museum of Art. Call 494-65.Jl for more information. w,._._....., ..... , .... D.c-.& UCJM Sllew .... 2 A.M. Lool fw .._TOP HAT!! ,.-·-~-HZ W_ A.,. .. Stt.110, .._,....._ 111 4114'·77" •~n11 NOW APPEARING IN THE LOUNGE HEADWAY Aug. 7 & 8 AUG. I I CHRIS GAFFNEY AUG. 12· I 5 r.tGHTY Fl YERS CALABASH LANDING & DISTILLERY RESTAURANT (714) 64z.9ass '-<* '""" ... °"""' ll 10 tjl 11tl. '?UtS•rMt (MU ...... (A92Q"7 ~ ~t0)04'if , • ...., tft IN! \llof\ I C•rit•t ""' tlth and Mnoo-Qt-flifHl,_ ., .... ~ .... OASSIC ITALIAN CUISINE ~~ET l>AAl<tNG -2325 f. c-t Hwy, C:.-.. Me-c..i tor lnen..._ •1w.zu TtlE CANNERY HARBOR CRUISE & SUNDAY BRUNCH ENJOY A CHAMPAGNE GOURMET BRUNCH Whlle Cruising Beautiful NEWPORT HARBOR INDIVIDUAL AND GROUP TICKETS . AVAILABLE BY ADVANCE RESERVATION CALL 714 675-7522 MON._.:R1. t:OO • 5:00 SUNDAY CRUISE SCHEDULE MORNING 10:00 AM TO 12:00 NOON AFTERNOON 12:45 PM TO 2:4S PM Departures From Cannery Dock 642-5678 Put a few words to work for you in the Daily Pilat .. . . Records A fresh Squeezed disc: Bunnymen back East Side &ory Squeeze A&M Records Alter six years together as a group and tour a lbums to their credit. the British pop-rock band Squeeze has developed one of the freshest. most enticing pop-rock sounds around. The five-member band prides itself on versatility, and on their latest release, "East Side Stor y," it shows. We hear strains of E lvis Costello's caustic popness (he co-produced the album ), John Lennon 's pretty edginess, McCartney's melodies and even American country and western shadings coming together in these A VERY SPECIAL JAPANESE RESTAURANT Award winning traditional Japanese cuisine and superb western-style special ties. Your favorite seafood, chicken, and steak. Delicate soups and delightful salads. Impeccable service in a most beautiful setting. Discover Yamato ... a very special dining expenence. uBJDato 60 Fashion Island Newport Beach I 644-4811 Century Plaza Hotel 277-1840 songs. There is a Cine line between influence and im· itation, and Squ eeze has managed to take s undry influences and freshen them: they're masters or innovative eclecticism. Side two, for in· stance, opens with .. Is That Love," a jumpy tune that harkens back musically to "Beatles '65." But the lyrics have a wry. contemporary distance from the early Lennon-McCartney tearjerkers : they of· fer a bemused look at a riled lover who's getting the short end of a relationship in which his wi fe. lover seems to "Leave my ring beside the soap. Now is that love?" In a time of punk loathing and pop innocuous· /'"'_olden ~~;:~ __, ·~~ SJ:;;ra9on ·--- GENUINE CHINESE MANDARIN DISHES Specializing In Chinese A Lo Corte Dishes . Lunch. Dinner Da•.l)i • Food To Take Out 4715 C ..... •~I 2021 H...._. ll•cl 0750-7171 • 7~5098 COSTA MlSA ness, Squeeze manages to tell heartfelt s tories without being maudlin. "Someone E lse's Heart" is a crisp, incisive number that begins "J got nosy and read her letters ... " and goes on to tell the story of two lovers who pry into each other's pasts only to find '·a love reaJ enough to last.·· The song is followed by "Tempted," a darker, grittier tune exploring the loneliness of a man who leaves a good relationship "tempted by the fruit of anot her ." Squeeze catalogues the .Pain of heartbreak , flashing quick scenes before us. rather than telling us how much it hurts. The stories stand unencumbered with sentiment, and See Echo, Page to Edward Mui hare ..r ...... ,...... 642-71,2. 631·9'1 I (The Ghost of _!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!!!!!JI "The Ghost& Mrs. Mwr" Prime Rib au jus & fame.J STARRING IN IRA LEVIN'S "DEATH I RAP" The hilariously terrifying comedy-thriller. Now in it's 4th year on Broadway. "Anlfl..,..._ofl .... _..,...., .. -Jack Kroll. 11ewn18* "A.a .................................. .. -Witter Kerr ..... Yortl ThMI Dl1t1t•r 1-'rom FIH p.m. E11•rydoy Sunday Brunrll F.I"""" -Foirr FOR YOUR DINING & ENTERTAINMENT PLEASURE. MAURICE GLENN & LEWIS LEE LARGE Sun. & Mon. GARRISON & BAKER Tue.-Sat. DANCING 3'4 FOR£ST AVE. LAOO ... IEACH lift , ... L-..,er<lt Amplo Free Parlunp 494·Mt1 752·8558 ~{~NT FIRE WATER Tues ., thru Sat. DENNIS AND RONALD GUZIK Sun. & Mon. DANCING NIGHTLY . ·o~rlookinp Seoutlflll l.Alt~·Forf!~I· l'wllftttt ~,. 1 Deys -. Wffli(4 !O .1 P·~· ~IS. 23311 MUHtLANOS AT RIDGll'. ROUTS IL TORO ~ RAYMOND JOHNSON Tues.-Sat. LAMBERT ROHNER Sun.·Mon. 32I02 COAST HWY. LAOO ... NIOUEL !At C-v...., ,_,. 499·.2626, ,491-577 ..., 9 ,, ~ ~ C1I C1I ~ C1I ~ ~ C1I ~ -n ~ ~ QI '< )> c IC c Ill -,~ -'° Cl> - 10 ~Theater ~~======================================================================================================== :> ;A fine time for 'tJ ~'Man of La Mancha' ·~ 'tJ c ~ By MICHAEL DOUGAN ~ Of UMt Delly l"llet MaH ~ .. 0 ··Man or La Mancha'' is an endea-).. ~ ing and enduring musicfll drama that deserves revisiting as ·we enter the '80s. After all , do we not find an amiable Don Quixote in the White House, a genUeman knight who would return us to a time of clear values and sim· pie solutions, much as Cervantes' character sought to re-establish chivalry in a troubled world? Did he not march into Washington. with "Sancho" Haig at his side, singing "The Impossible Dream?" And have the masses not been captivated by that dream, much as the play's hero infects those around rum with his un- bending idealism? As the world quietly crumbles. Don Quixote looks better every day. Our sanity having failed us. we are ready to accept madness as a virtue. His delusions make an appealing reality: we clutch them to our breasts and reel better for it. "Man of La Mancha" has it all - s picy humor, stark drama, won- derful music and a story line that has endured for 350 years. So it's not surprising that Franklin J . Wyka, director of operations at Sebastian's Dinner Playhouse in Anaheim's Grand Hotel, found au- diences clapped loudest for "Man of La Mancha" when he queried them on their favorite plays. As a result, "Man of La Mancha" opened there last week, to run night- ly except Mondays until Oct. 4. It's a satisfying production. The genius in this play is that it not only tells of the wonderfully crazed Don Quixote. but it does so through tfae eyes of his creator, Miguel de Cervantes, whose own life of frustra- tion and failure is re flected in the novel that made him famous. Don Quixote and Cervantes were one and the same in the eyes of playwright Dale Wasserman. and that's how they are presented. It's a good theatrical gimmick. Few complaints can be r aised about Sebastian's edition of this play. The acting is uniformly good. Stephen G. Arlen , in the lead role, plays both Cervantes and Don Quix- ote with an informed sensitivity. Cervantes' wit and good wi ll and Don Quixote's persistent belief in his vis- ion come throu'gh clearly in his performance. Arlen has a good sing- ing voice, though it's not as powerful as it should be on demandfog num- bers like "The Impossible Dream." Somehow, we wish he would dream a little louder. Chrisopher Callan, who is cast as Aldonza, was not present on the night we saw the show. Subbing for Miss Callan was Juli Burkhart, a woman of classic beauty and considerable acting skills. Again, though. her voice lacked projection and con- fidence. The show-stealer at Sebastian's is Vince Trani, who portrays Sancho Panza, Don Quixote's loyal, bemused ser vant, with irresistible energy Trani's comic performance lightens what could , at times , be a burdensome play . Hi s eyes dart about in confusion at the events that befaJJ his master. he kinetically scur- ries through the sets in a perpetual effort to suppart and protect Don Quixote and when the false knight ex- periences victory, Trani radiates pride and pleas ure. What's more. Trani can sing. His clear. strong voice fills the room. The supporting cast is important in this play and there are no weak links. Only in one scene -a Tbree Stooges battle in which Don Qubtote takes on the motley patrons of a roadhouse -does the action seem a little amateurish. On the other hand, 1 stylistic rape . Stephen G. Arlen rDon QuiioteJ by Chnsopher Callan 1 AldonzaJ and Vmce TranitSaru:hoJ scene in which those same rowdies assault Don Quixote's "lady in wait- ing." is handled with admirable ta&te, nicely choreographed and well- performed. The function~J set, designed by Wayne Madison, Sebastian's resident stage manager, is realistic and con· tributes to the effectiveness or the play's many transitions. in which actors aJtem ate between characters. "Man of La Mancha" is presented Tuesdays through Sundays at vary- ing curtain times. Tickets range widely in price, depending upon the day and level of service. For in- formation or reservations, phone 772·7710 . • • • Echo and the Bunnymen aren't imitators From Paget • they're powerful because of it. Heaven Up HeN and quickly rose in popularity via appearances at There are 14 songs on "East S~de Story," and Ecbo and lbe 8'8anymen Liverpool and London clubs. Their first album, they're concise, well-boned numbers. Squeeze isn't Sire Reeordl "Crocodiles," wu released Jast year with re- a masterful group of musicians -the album is vlewera labellna the disk "psychedelic." marked by a grainy, spontaneous sound that fits There's alwJys a danger in comparing a new the mood or the songs wonderfully. They've done group's sound to that or one of tbe most venerable away with the stock gui~ar solo that marks most of bands ha r~k llistory. Nobo4Y li*u to be caJJed pop songs, often runnin& from verse to chorus to a simple hattau_.. verse and back out again three minutes later. 1'te British group Echo Mid the BllnDYm•n leaving us wanting to hear more. has a mystical sound reminiscent of the Doors . There are urgency and condensation here: you But the comparison is a compliment. The Bun· get the feeling that they'd have put 24 songs on nymen has an eerie presence that the Doors might "East Side Story" if they bad the room. have had had they survived to the '809. "Heaven Op Here," their second U.S. release, continues in the so-called psychedeUc tradition, wllb Its riveting melodies, penetrating vocals and the lllOOdy lnstn.amentals that challenge one's perceptions of normality. The album has 1n almost hypnotic quality, with tonal repetitions broken by the group's obvious dabbling into the mind-jarring style of its new wave contem· poraries. The production on this LP is bass-heavy and the vocals don't surface clearly: it has the sound of Specifically, the comparison largely lies with Morrison was praised for the passion behind Costello's "Trust" so maybe that's the sound lead singer Ian McCulloh, whose guttural voice hJs vocals; McCulloh many imbue Jess of an erotic Costello was after when he produced this album. has the Clery power or the late Jim Morrison. atmosphere but has his own sense of the singer as There's ·a flat, metallic sound to the upper· The Bunnymen was formed in October 1978 a source of power. range guitars, a twangy, inexpensive tonality that befits the modest songs. You get the feeling on Mc<.;uuoh hasn't appreciated the comparison "East Side Story" that you've walked into a re-642-5678 to the musicaJ genre of the '60s. l!iverybody bkes to hearsaJ: there's an anti-dramatic feel to the pro-have their own sound. duction. Put a few words to work for you The Bunnymen, though, has enough of its own It adds up to a clean, unpretentious work in 1 • , to fear little rrom the connections that'll no doubt which the spirit or the music and the reallly of the in the 1111 P1•111 be drawn by American audiences. There's enough producUon are harmonious. The album is a tie· or their own stuff to prevent us from calling the Ught. __ _ -hi# ~-~-llllli---~_,._.,..,._c&..._~s-------"'-..i'"r..;.ou a clever masquerade. l n Films 'Napoleon' A vintage masterpiece By STEVE TRIPOLI Of t• o.lly Pllet Staff F'or a regular but not avid movie-goer like myself who has never before reviewed a film. Abel Gance's "Napoleon" is a tough first assignment. This is, after all. no run-of-the-mill new re- lease. It's a 1927 silent film rescued from an en- tirely undeserved obscurity by Francis Ford Cop· pola (director of "The Godfather" a nd ··Apocalypse Now··) and pieced together from the best reels or copies tracked down all over the world "Napoleon" is marvelous a thrilling ex- perience that honestly ranks as one of the movie- going experiences of a lifetime. It does things on film I've never seen before. an achievement cons idering its age that is enough alone to make viewers love ll. But "Napoleon" doesn't stop there . Here is a film that is al times powerful, mov- ing. humorous , romantic and loaded with adven- ture. On top of that. it features fine acting and a brand-new musical score by Coppola's father Carmine that fits like a glove. The theme that marches through the film is Napoleon's destiny of greatness. symbolized for the eye by the eagle which appears al auspicious limes and for the ear by a piece of Coppola's score which becomes unmistakably lied to the main character. The first segment of the four-hour film shows the young Napoleon, played with impressive power for a youth by Vladimir Roudenko, isolated from his peers al the Brienne military school because See NAPOLEON, Page 18 ECONOMY SEAT.ING 1 2.50 'til 3:00 P.M. EXCEPT WMERE NOTED • Beyond the future ... ....., ..... (R) Sllowt lit 1 I :30 I : I S 3 :00 4 :45 l :lO 1 :30 IO:ts Eytefdl9 .... (R) Zorro, The Gay Blade (PG) Eye: 1 2 :00 4 :GO I :00 .Zorro1 2 1101:1010:10 70MM • In Dolby ~tllfecJ s..-•ll(PG) i~S1N51J;d8 1:59 No~ E.conomys.*'t Brooke Shields Martin Hewitt &ilmU.(R) Shows •I 12:30 2 :50 !1·10 1 :30 l :SO Revolutionary CINE-Fl SOUND at Orivt·in Wow Vo"' AM C11 Aedoo ,. yout ~., If no AM .. , redlO with ..,.11ion accttstory Po.,llOn. brn>e vow own AM f"orl•ble Beyond the future ... HEAVY llETAL (R) Plus American Pop (R) There is no defense. WOLFY (R) Plus Escape From New York (R) TllEEMRE lfRllES IACI (PG) Plus Battte Beyond The Stln (PG). roo e 11 s Martin Hewitt E•OlESS LOVE (R) Plys fgxp (Q' ZORRO. THE liAY llAOE (PG) Plus Lon At Fint Bite (PG) 8111 Mu.,ay in SJRftS(R) Plus! Wholly Mosts (PG) ____ .. "BLOW OUT'' •1fE ~·~m MIL1'1:11. ... ., 1- "ON ANY SUNDAY 11" ... ...... .,, .. ...,, .. , ......... -..... -.,.,,. "STUDENT BODIES" (R) _,,., .. ,,, .. - JOHN TRAYOLTA IN MIAH 0.'ALMA'I "BLOW OUT" ..... ,, 1111. -· -.-. Ml11 CHRISTOPHER REEVE GENE HACKMAN IN "SUPERMAN II" <PGl .,..._,,,.,...,. ...... ,,.,_ ~-..... ,,, __ -.-.... ,- .. ,, c - )> c IC c Vt -.... ~ It ... , -,....· Intermission · ... 411 :I 0 :I ~ > IV 'O ·;;: u. Laguna students to put on show ~ GI -0 c GI ~ GI GI ~ ... 0 ii: By TOM TITUS Of -Diiiy ~ , .... When school dislrict officials cut back lhe drama program at Laguna Beach High School. the students weren't about to taJce it lying down. After all, theater is an institution se<:ond only to art in Laguna -the local Community Players group, now operating at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, is almost 60 years old . But budgetary cutbacks, a familiar bugaboo al schools up and down the Orange Coast, dictated that drama or at least a portion thereof -was expendable. Students and other LBHS supporters didn't see it lhat way. What could they do about it? As one of them must have said in true Mickey Rooney tradition, "Let's put on a show." And that's just what they'll do beginning next Friday· when the hit musical "Cabaret" hits the stage of lhe Artists Theater, 625 Park Avenue in Laguna. All proceeds will go toward financing lhe Laguna High drama program and rehiring instruc- tor Richard Kelley, whose job fell to the budget cut ax. KeUey is directing "Cabaret," while Steve Josephson has drawn double duty of playing the Oscar-wiMing role of the master of ceremonies All&NUM Brookhurst 772·64•6 NOW PLAYING I em com 111cu u TORO UA Movies UA Cinema Saddleback 9904022 540·0594 581 S880 WESTMINSHR UA Cinema 893 0546 brooke shields martin hewitt oum Oranae Mall 637·0340 le~lovendlessberldle st and choreographing the show. Jeff Foster is musical director. Lending their talents to the cast in the roles of Herr Schultz aod Fraulein Schneider will be David and Betsy Paul, both of whom have been involved with Laguna theater for the past 46 years. Their children were products or the LBHS drama pro- gram. Playing the leading roles or Sally Bowles and Clirr Bradshaw will be Gretchen Almond and Lyle All pfoceeds go toward financing the Laguna High drama program and rehir- ing instructor Richard Kelley ... Brooks. Joan Ray and Michael Finch will be featured as Fraulein Kost and Ernst Ludwig in the musical set in Berlin as Hitler is coming to power. Rounding out the cast in chorus roles will be Kalherine Steadman, Laurel Boyd, Patricia Lynn. Rika Creed, Bonnie Hamilton, Robin McGeough, Richard Moore and Timothy Dey. Performances of "Cabaret" will be given Fridays through Sundays in the high school "I love~rro!" O••••••llt, r•4•T••··· N•C·r~ theater. Curtain 1s 8 p.m and lJckets are priced al $10 and $8. For reservations and information. call the bOx orfice at 497·2146. It 's a worthy cause indeed. * TWO STUDENT actors at Saddleback College. David Mears or San Juan Capistrano and Steve Thatcher of Mission Viejo, have been awarded scholarships by the Theater Guild of Leisure World. The pair, who have been involved in communi- ty theater and the Saddleback Company Theater summer stock program, were selected on the basis of taJent and dedication by Grayce Durgin, l.he guild's scholars hip chairwoman , and Brian Donoghue. SCT's artistic director. The Theater Guild was established in 1968 to provide theatrical outlets for its 450 members. The group produced three plays a year in addition to conducting classes in drama and play reading. Both Mears and Thatcher have participated an Saddleback College and Company Theater produc· lions over the past three years. Mears played the leading role of Eugene O'Neill in "My Genius, My Child" while Thatcher was featured in "The Little Foxes" and .. On Golden Pond." "Two hours of non-stop thrills." -Fee ReOO ~RR> ~NAU.EN i:w.t Fl£~ FUW.0 IJaY J)fHH!S !WtS ll"'°M Ul f]l l ~ MLWJS CICRl UCAS IOtMl WAIOA>I 1.Nfft«l KASJAH aml UCAS MIP ~MAN FlW« l.W&ALl STMN ~Lil~ CD-.-1 •-lMr<'~j,;M,.) !Pq[ ..... Wl~~l r.~J [!!!!:: ..................... ~1 ...:.... NOW PLAYING •UllAMI Milli COUT .... lllU P'lAU PAClflC'l IOWlll COAIT t Cos11 Meu !149 l3~1 Bre.1 s~ ~39 L'9•"' Buth 494 1 ~" ..... , ... auca •c..... UC'Ol.•n·• u r.,. !181-5880 '°''"" ~ h\) ....,. ,.,~ v1 0010 • ..,...~ ... t .,.....wna,.Jm=•=mm ..,,,.,... .. ,~ • t ,.,.._..._,._., ••• _,.. 13 Diversions ~ ====================================================================================::::::::::::::::=:::::=:::::=:i "' -PLAYS------ "THe COUNTRY GIRL," a revival of Clifford Odet's drama about an alcoholic actor's Broadway comeback, opens tonight In the Irvine Community Theater at Turtle Rock Community Park, Sunnyhill Road at Turtle Rock Drive, Irvine. Performances are Fridays and Saturdays at 8 p.m ., Sundays at 2 p.m . through Aug. 23 with tickets available at the door. "THE MIRACLE WORKER," a drama based on the childhood of Helen Keller, opens tonight at the Newport Harbor Actors' Theater, 390 Monte Vista St., Costa Mesa. Performances will be given tonight, Saturday and Aug. 11·1S at 8 p.m ., this Sunday and next at 2:30 p.m . Reservations at 631-5110. "MUCH ADO ABOUT NOTHING" will be of· f er ed as a theater tour by Coastline Communi- t y College Thursday, Aug. 13, at the Old Globe Theater in San Diego. Buses depart at 6 p.m. from location s in Fountai n V a lley and Westminster . T icket s ar e $2 0 in cl uding transportation and admission. For information cal l 963·081 1. "A MIDSUMMER NIGHT'S DREAM" and "AS YOU LIKE IT" ar e playing in repert ory In the new Festival Amphitheatre, 128S2 Main St., Garde n Grov e. For i nforma t ion , ph one 636·7213. "MAN OF LA MANCHA" is on the boards at Sebast ian's Dinner Playhouse in the Grand Hotel in Anaheim. Per formances nightly w ith Saturday and Sunday brunch shows. curtain times vary. Call 772-7710. "BRIGADOON" plays tonight through Sunday at the First Presbyterian Church, 614 N. Main St., Santa Ana. For reservations, call 973-8881 today. "GREASE" runs through Sunday at 8 p.m ., with a matinee Saturday at 2:30, In Fullerton College's Studio Theatre. Phone 871-8101 from 9 a.m . to 6 p.m . today. "MATCH POINT" and "DEAD HEAT," two original one-act plays, are on stage at the Laguna Moulton Playhouse, 606 Laguna Can· yon Road, Laguna Beach, tonight and tomor- row . Reser vations at 494-07'3. "DEATHTRAP,"· a new mystery drama, is ap· pearlng at Sebastian's West Dinner Playhouse, u o Ave. Pico, San Clemente, with Edward Mulhar e heading the cast . The show runs n ightly except Mondays at varying curtain tim es t hroug h Sept. 13. Reservations at 492-9950. "GREEN GROW THE LILACS," the non· musical version of "Oklahoma,'' continues for t w o weekends at the Westminster Community T h ea t er , 7272 M aple St., Westminst er . Per formances ar e Fr idays and Saturdays at 8: 30 p.m . through Aug. 8 with t ickets available at 995-4113. "GUYS AND DOLLS," the popular musical by Frank Loesser, continu es a t E liza b eth Howards' Curtain Call Dinner Theater , 690 El ~ Camino Real, Tustin. Curtain times vary. Call &. 838·1S40. ~ ,, "MAGIC THEATRE," a children's musical ~. staged as a series of sketches that deal with a ~ child's world, c ontinues I n Saddleback < College's 100-seat Company Theatre. For ~ tickets, call 831 ·46S6 or OS-2790 Monday~ through Friday from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. c Cll "RUNAWAYS," the Orange County premiere; of a new musical about young people on their - own, plays this weekend at Orange Coast Ci College in Costa Mesa. Curtain is 8 p.m. tonight - and Saturday. For information, call SS6·5527. -CLASSICAL MUSIC--- A ROMANTICIST TRIO of Bruch, Bax and Brahms will be featured in concert as part of the Laguna Beach ~ummer Music Festival Sunday at 4:30 p.m ., in the Laguna Beach Museum of Art, .307 Cliff Drive. Tickets are $7 for adults. $6 for seniors and $3.50 for children under 17. For ticket information, call 494-7112 (days) or 494·3624 (after 5 p.m .). THE SYMPHONY POPS FESTIVAL at Or ange Coast College continues this Sunday at 7: 30 p.m. on the green In fr ont of t he campus auditor ium. Adm ission is fr ee and the public is invited to arr ive early and bring a picnic sup- per . For information call SS6·S880. SOLO PIANIST Albert D om ingu ez w i ll perform a free concert Wednes day, Aug. 12, at See Di ve rsions, Page 14 ------------''BO AND TARZAN ARE-- Bet yau need some color in . jaur life. Huh? When Jife gets a little drab. why not spruce it up with a little color. These next com- ing weeks are filled with twelve exciting and unique performances of Godspe/I. Unique because we've brought it into the 80's. And it's good. Very good. But just as import.ant. the price is good too. Adult tickets are only four dollars, children under twelve only three. Come to Maranatha Village in Sant.a Ana to pick up your tickets or call 771-0967 to order yours by phone. So. if you want to be part of a col- orful audience-come! Performance Dates: August 7th, 8th & 9th, 14th, 15th & 16th. Fnday and Saturday showings al 8:00 p.m.; Sundays, either matinees at 2:30 p.m. or evemng.s at 7:30 p.m. All performances held at the Servile Theater, 1952 West La Palma Avenue, Anaheim, California. Maraoatha Village: 2400Sunnower Avenue.Santa Ana, CA. (7 14) 556-7620 Produced by: Search of Orange County/S.O.C., Inc. Post Offtee Box 1274 Carden GroYe. California 92640 A COUPLE OF JUNGLE SWltlERS! .•. UAMllM Anall••m O<lve·ln 879'9850 COITI llUA Sootl't r.oast s.46-2711 Gene Shaltl NBC· TV Today 5now NOW PLAYING OUllGI C1nedome 634·2553 WlllMHISTH Hl·Way 39 011ve·ln 891·3693 , __ _..,. ___ I IM·-0.11, ., ...... , , ........ ~ • I r -"' ... ~Diversions ~======================================================================== ~ and Laguna Beach resident, will autograph his new book, "Timescape," on Sunday from 3 to 5 p.m . in Fahrenheit 451 Bookstore, 509 South Coast Highway, Laguna Beach. g' From Page 13 < > 8 p.m. in the Seal Beach library, 707 Electric "' Ave., Seal Beach. ,, . ;£-ETC.--------... cu ,, c A GEM AND MINERAL SHOW featuring a _: special gold exhibit is on this weekend at the cu Anaheim Convention Center, 800 W. Katella ~ Ave. Features a rock swap area, demonstra· -tions and various displays by collectors and de· 0 alers. Admission $4 adults, $2.SO Juniors (12·18) o.. and free to kids under 12. THE RINGLING BROTHERS and Barnum and Balley Circus is appearing at the Anaheim Convention Center. For prices and showtimes call ·419-3152. "THE SKY IS GRAY" will be screened in the Newport Beach Public Library Mariners Branch, 2005 Dover Drive, at 2:30 p.m. Satur- day. A free family film. Call 640-21'1 for in- formation. THE BELLAMY BROTHERS will appear tonight and tomorrow at Knoll's Berry Farm. Phone 827-1776 for showtimes. QUESTET, a group that plays experimental jazz through analogy and questions, appears at 6 Sunday evening rn the outdoor amphitheater at Golden West Colleoe. A free performance. MICKEY GILLEY and Johnny Lee and the Urban Cowboy Band appear Saturday at Six Flags Magic Mountain. Call (805) 255-4819 for details. PHIL EVERLY, former Everly Brother, goes on stage this weekend at the San Diego Wild Animal Park at 3:30 and 7:30 p.m. both days. "THE GYPSY BARON" will be presented by the Gem Opera Puppet Theater in Golden West College's Health Science 131 at 3 and 7:30 p.m. Saturday. Seating, at $1 per person, is limited. Call 894·9885. NISEI WEEK will be held through Aug. 16 at the New Otani Hotel and Garden in Los Angeles. For details on activities, phone (213) 629-1200. THE CALIFORNIA COAST GRAND PRIX, a competition for open j umper riders (that's on horses), will be held at 2 p.m . Sunday at the Orange County Fairgrounds. Tickets, at $2.SO, will be available at the gate. Call 851 -8171 or 675-3451 . GREGORY BENFORD, science fiction writer A BOLIVIAN FOLK DANCE troupe will ap- pear on the Community Stage at Disneyland Hotel's Seaports of the Pacific at 7 p.m . Satur- day and Sunday. Held in conjunction w ith a Bolivian trade show and artists exhibition. KEITH WILLIAMS BIG BAND will play at 7:30 p.m . Monday, Aug. 10, In the Woodbridge Village Center on Barranca Parkway just across from North Woodbridge Lake, Irvine. BILLY "CRASH" CRADDOCK and Les Elgart and his Orchestra begin stints at Disneyland Aug. 10. Craddock will be on the River Stage through Aug. U , Elgart at the Main Street Plaza Gardens through Aug. 16. -IN VEGAS----- ALADDIN: Donny and Marie Osmond and Johnny Dark until Aug. 19. 8 p.m . and mid- night. (702) 736-0240. CAESARS PALACE: Sammy Davis Jr. until Aug. 12. Tom Jones Aug. 13 through Aug. 26. 9 p.m . and 12:30 a.m. (702) 731·7333. DESERT INN: "Annie" with the Broadway cast. Indefinite run. 8 p.m. and midnight Fri- See Diversions, Page 15 THIS SUMMER'S EPIC! ACTION SPECTACULAR FLY TO IT w..u.11UJ1M11·am1111111 Wlllllr llUl1 ·JIOl1119 ·UIRJ.S •IE·JllfWllUl·IJll!ml·-lll H.llh liHn 11"'-· Mlldl• • llDl Siii -... ig:.,::,c • '*-.... Ml .. c.••~GI• ... ._..,, flttwG-.e.. 1M1W11 ~.MPMa. llm M • IM.UU •••'-'"a .... ,.. 911._~1111 US111 ~aux.1.m a'- _, -- lDWHDI ClllMl Cll•TlR lftlMI UllllllACl Ml&llOll 11Ufl.t9 llll•Hll llHft·ll Costa Mesa 979·4141 El Toro 581·~ San Juan Clpl11rano Anaheim 879·9850 awaw -l•T• TW II CITI cmllA 493.4545 Hunlinglon lluctl Ma-0388 Orange 834-3911 Follow your team in the lli'Y Pillt Diversions From Page 14 day and Saturday, 9: 30 p.m . Tuesday through Thursday. Dark Monday. (702) 733-7444. FLAMINGO: Razzle Dazzle on Ice. 8 p.m. and midnight. (702) 734-0240. FRONTIER: Roy Clark until Aug. 19. 8 p.m. and midnight. (702) 734-0240. HILTON: Neil Sedaka and Doug Henning until Aug. 17. 8 p.m. and midnight. (702) 734-7777. MGM GRANO: Mac Davis until Aug. 11. Rich little and Debbie Reynolds Aug. 12 until Sept. 2. "Jubilee" runs indeflniteely In the Ziegfeld Room. (702) 739·4567. RIVIERA: Loretta Lynn until Aug. 19 . 8 p.m . and midnight. (702) 737·1755. SAHARA: George Carlin and Cathy Carlson until Aug. 20. 8 p.m . and midnight. (702) 735-4242. SANOS: Under e-onstruction. STARDUST: lido de Paris. 7 p.m . and 11 p.m . Sunday through Friday. 6:15 p.m ., 9:15 p.m . and 12:15 p.m . Saturday. (702) 732·6325. TROPICANA: Folies Bergere '81. 8 p.m . and midnight. (702) 386·2411 . UNION PLAZA: Continuous Broadway enter· tainment. 8 p.m . and 11 :45 p.m . Dark Mon- days. (702) 386-2444. -CLUBS----- OASIS SENIOR CITIZENS Center presents a Tea Dance Sunday in the center, 800 Marg11erite Ave., Corona del Mar, from 2 to 4:30 p.m . Admission Is $2. For more informa- tion call 759·9471 . • • ftlAY 112:•• 11 .. * ._II-. AR. ·17 FOR INFORMATION CALL: FOfl GftOUP RATES CALL: (71C) 991.ftOO (213) 271·2800 -T.1f&:W:'i\~1 ·drN!!?.oN ~IL:1.,,of:?u·P Ml~:l~3 (213) 436-3661 (213) 278-2800 ...,_UlfCll All WUICDAYS II 2:30 • I 1:00 ""* RESSEAERTVSED NO l'EllFOAMAHCES lilfllllly, AUG. 10 SATUllDAYS 1111:00 AM•, 3:30 PM I 1:00 PM U.00 SUNDAYS It 1:30 Pt1 I 1:00 PM M.00 *SAVE 12.00 ON CHILDREN UNDER 12 tf,00 AT STARR D PEAFOAMANCES ... IO TICIETS IOTll IOJ OfFICE LOCATIOltS • SILE: ~-=·~~TICkmOll LOCATIClllS 1--. CHARGE TICKETS BY PHONE! fOA AHAHEIM CALL (714) 535-3151 .. OMY fm FOR LONI IEACH CALL: (213) 43Wll1 1111 • MONDAY llwv IATUltOAY · 10:00 AM lo UO N llAS1ll Ull .... _ .. _ ........................ ...--....... ... ... .. "" •• CAlllt a.. .......... .l.. ..................... . ...... : ........ CllClll ..... 11 ....................... ... ...-.... -l ..... C.......Cllltrtllll.11.•• ..... •:.i...~· CA Mm. IAlll IMCN~ Le.I._.. Miit ....... _,_.__,.Le.I .. Swift, atreamllned piece of entertainment. an ezpert thriller ... conatanUy •urprlsing plot ... •• · -Kea Tunm. New Weet To love a stranger is e.asy. To kill a lover is not. A KinRS Hmd l'n~loc~iun ·I l11oald Sutt.1ii11•I ·"ah· 1'i~li}t.111 Kw 1f ti.> ~'t~ll• ·Lin H1tnrlt'l1·111ri;;11~il-t1·Ca1A1w111• S! t\,111,,j;\\ 1(1' Slall~'.1 ~Lu111· K1~,l 1MI 1111• 111~1~ I~ l\o•111-i~k1 I ~111:\k· II,\· Mikki:; ll1r1.-;a · l'11~h11·11l II;\ Sl11~1111 F1 it,ltm11 lli11,11~11~ f(id~ml ~L11qm1wl ·T1,·h11K,ili.- R , •••!-'!" ·~ T Uarted Artists lf•tU""91I ~,.._ • ,..., .... t...... ~·~~~,....... ,.,,_,,..,~ NOW PLAYING COSTA MESA ORANGE WESTMINSTER Cinema Center C1nedome Cinema West 979·4141 634-2553 891 ·3~93_5 __ ~ , .. INIO_,._~ [M•ll-OallyatlllMtThe•~ The Casual S1de of Rugby. 100% cotton rugby shorts and pants. available 1n colors of red. whtte. khaki. sky blue. navy. and gold Also. lhe classic bar s1r1pe rugby shirt . 1n a poly/cotton blend •'It wlff have you cheering!'' IS. THE ~TIME FOR - HEROES. LORJMAA PRESENTS 11 FRfDOIE f'IELOS PROOUCTION II JOHN HUSTON FllM SYLVESTER STllUONE MJOIAa CAINE MAX VON SYDOW PEU -VICTORY" Music by BIU. CONTI Olreclor ol Ph<>IOIT•Phy GERRY ASHER. BS.C Scnienpl1y by EVAN j()NES ond YABO YllBl.DNSKY S1ory by YllllO YABLONSKY and OfORDfE MIUCEVIC A JEFF MllGUUU: Produced by nuDOIE FIELDS Oir«led by JOHN HUSTON ,_. II PARAMOUNT PICTURE IA ] ~ a.!...._iit'.flWf• G.,• ...... ""'-""'-•U .. : • ( PG) . --· ... _ -............ ~-, . •H....-U .......... .~ : NOW PLAYING -. AMC OIWIGl MAU lllWAM&' YIUO TIM 0rill{lt 637·0340 M•HIOll V'll!O 830-6990 UIWUDI IOWTtl COAST CIMU&A C•MTla Co$11 Mesa ~9-3352 WHlmlNIM ltl·Jt:ll ua cm '*llA Orl/IQt 1134-3911 AL'S GARAGE OUml lllllW-.. Orl"91 !188· 10?2 ----Tift~ 56 FASHION ISLAND NEWPORT BEACH (714) 644-7030 15 :2 0 - 16 ~Li•e Gigs ~============~=========================================================================--========================= OI ~ EDITOR'S NOTE. Lwe Gigs 1s a complete list .;. mg of Orange Coast nightclubs offenng l1t'e enter ia tamnumt ~ 'i:: AIRPORTt:R INN U.. 111700 MaeArthur Uhu ~ Irvine 833 2770 ~ Dandng N1ghth ~ ALISIO'S t 1670 Newport Bhd QI l'osta Mesa &12 8293 ~ Dancing Nighll) o ANCIENT MARINER 2607 W Coast II\\) ~ Newport Beach &16-0201 "NITE LIFE" Tues -Sat. ...... ~ ........ ._,_. S...-.OA.HS To-& Coumy ond O.Zor>e Svfboad~ (U\lom• Avo.loble ~ Fin\, WellUlll Vtl~-25 <etY\ U-1 boor~-0.•• ptiCn :\llDDl.E t-:Asn:H~ :\l l 'Slt' & II EL LY DAN<' F.RS BAXTt:R STRF.ET 1647 MacArthur Blvd Newport BC'ach :>40 2475 .. THE BAXTER STRE ET SllO W" BA \'SHORE HOt:St,; 2331 I Mu1rlands E l Toro 770·3222 "FIRE WATER" Oancing BEACH BALL 2116 Ocean Front *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Pertorm•nces before 5:00 PM (Except Special Engagements and Holidays) LA MIRADA MAll LA MIRADA WALK·IN ----CM-"AfffHUR" .,.. •&a.u1.--.eca.o:a,- o M11odo ot Ro1ec101" 994·2400 --IT-· "VICTORY" IPGl ·--Ul, 1'41( *ii -----C:O.W-·--···-"TARZAN THE APE MAN" 1111 ......... -. ...... _ --·--· "RAIDERS OF THE ~2!1'-~.::JtW LAKEWOOD CENTER WALk·IN --·--· "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK~;,J.tG> __ ..... ____ _ -·--"WOLFEN"1111 ·----..... - LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALi< IN focUly At Oel Amo 213/6l4·9211 n\WD_ft __ _ "VICTORY" IPGl ._ ..... _ ...... ,, 1AGlllllA so. COAST WALK ·IN -----"TARZAN THE APE MAN" (A) ........ ,., ..... "UNDER THE RAINBOW" IPQI ...... ~.--.-.-----"SUPERMAN II".,._ ·----··· focully ot Condlewood 213/531·9510 ... -.-- "SUPERMAN II" (PG) --t:t:91 ........ •:11.11• "ON ANY SUNDAY II" IPGI ·---------· "ZORRO, THE BAY BLADE" IPC) ,.,.~~···...t.·.a .... ..u.--.. •• "STRIPES" (Rl ........... -. ..• Soull'I C:oo11 Hlwoy 01 .. 00dWO'/ 494-1514 --·--· "AAJOEAI OF THE LO!J:~~·~PQ) ~t·\\µ011 Bl•a(•h 1173 !>1191 STA~ ORI.OW !-.llOW' Bt:N RROW~S 31 IOti l'oast I hgh\\ a' Lagun;.i Beach l!l!I 4!663 UJOl'IO~ Nighll\' BOB BlR~S 37 Fashion blund !"l•wport Beach 64-1 2030 M USI(.' Nig htly BILBO HAGGINS :\I e<,a \'<>rde Shopp mg Center l'osta Mesa 545 1718 1.1' c l'ontemporur~ Ro1·k BLACK ANGUS 17920 Brookhurst Fountain \'alle~ 638-9981 1>.1nt1n.: \11:hth 81.l t: I' \KKOT !\11ut h l'o;.i,,t l'IJ1'1 llull•I ('11-.1 a :\h•'a ~I0-25CKI l>am·mg :'\:1,.:hth BUOTU:c;<; fo:Ks 18528 &•adl Ul\d 11 Utll m~ton lkuc·h 962 9010 Dancin~ ~1ghtlv lo l'ounl 1' CALABASll 1.ANDING 17th & Orange Sts Cosla Mesa 6-t2 9855 "llEADWA \" Wed Sat Aug 12 "PEARSON & LEARNED" CROW~ IK)l'SE 3~2 Coa.~t lfi~hwu~ ._. -.. ...... , ,,,.. 7:30 h t \..-7:1$ \ ... , \j,,,. A ... u IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHllDAEN UNDER 12 FREE! ""'"•Of w,._ ... T11tv f11 •:lO • Stl S•• Hots •:OO PM ONf.fl SOllllO • 'IOllll AM CM llAOIO IS YOUll ~ 1• NO AM CM -WITll OtlTION ACa:SSOll'I llO$ITOO -lllllG AM ~ 1•AU CM.fl ~ m Oii Ml MlllD •NAHflll.4 ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN ,,. • ...,.,ti 01 l•""on SI 179-9150 --·--"TARZAN TitE ~MAH" <"l l'lUS "CAVEMAN'' (PO) Ctlif II SOUND 9Vfl•• P•P• BUENA PARK DRIVE IN IMcoln ..... W••I Of l[noH 121·4070 fOUN l •,N FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE·IN "YOU'"E NEft" TOO YOUNG TO L.EAl'IN THE ICORE" "THE NIGHT THE UGHTI WENT OUT IN~GIA" (.-0) "ROAD OMES" (l'O) CA!tl " 50Utt0 I u u.n iiii wiiw.>t~------.. "fTUDfNT 800tES" 1"1 ~"CAMPUS COfll"SE9" (.-01 CINI 11 MIUNO --.. . -.i.•---"THE EWtN STRIKES ::_er<" (.-0) "STAR TREK" (G) _ _.__ ··StJn"~ 1r· 1.-01 Son 1>1990 liwy 01 ttoo.i1un t (So ) "AHY WHICt4 WAY YOU CAN'' (l'O) 962•2411 CIH( II SDllllO ... ,. ~;;~~;;~ J "OH ANY "':J:AY 11" (l'O) "LOOK DOWN ANO DIE" l"l ---·-.-n '°TMI CANHO=LL "UN" (l'O) "AAT'HU"" (PO) Clllf JI souNO • H.Aft"A LA HABRA DRIVE IN -... -·-~-·""' ... -171-1162 ftl·f~.A "'""' LINCOLN ORIVE·IN l•n<:otn Ave W•" of lftott 121·4070 .'11•1'<G! "THE NIGHT THE UOHTS WINT OUT IN OEOAOlA" (l'O) -"ROAD GAMES" (f'G) ;111( H 101*0 -..... _-___ _ "TAIUAN TH!.,.AN MAN" l"l "CAVE MAN" (l'O) Clllf II fOllllO - "OH ANY S'='4Y II" (l'O) "LOOK DOWN AH0 0 DIE" l"l ___ .._ __ "~OE.RS OF THE LOST MK" (POI -"HANOA" 11" (P'O) ORANGE DRIVE·IN .S01"1tO Ano ·~ • Sl<)t• Co11•11• ·551·7022 "OH ANY ~y 11" (il'O) "VlCfOfllY" (POI ,.,. ... ~ "'' ' ....... MISSION DRIVE·IN >-4 l .... t41 ~. ., flit.. ~ WARNER ORIVE ·IN WO•ft•• •v• •••• Of ••oC" ... o -----'"TIJUANA CAUUCTE" -"CUftZ DI A.MOfl" L.M. Boyd in~~r~; Daily Pilllf 1 llmma:li ... ii'a·llil"mar.:mm ... moom"a'iCAa ... OiAOliD~ l.ai.:111111 '\li.!tll'I l!l'I :!li:!li \lu~11 '\11:h1h ('\l.\R\!'\111."IJI:\(, 17!1 1-: 17th !'ii 1'11~la \k~a fil:! !1><;,;, 1'11p l<cu·k ('\LI HIR:\I.\ !-ii '\ l~J70 \t.11.rnult.1 "' llunl rni.:ton H1•,1d1 !11;:1 2071! ('( ll' "JTH Y flO('K l>anc•irtj! C\P\''S soo:-.; TO n•. JOSE ~l'RPll\'S 11 1 ~h'Fadrt<'n Pl,11·1· '1:1°\\ port Ht•ad1 fii:> lll'JI \lu,1t· '1:1J?hlh l 'AS:\t:R\' JOlll LJfoH•lll' \t•\\ JHH 1 f,7 > ,,j77 \lu,11 '\11.:lith ( lt\\HO\ Ii:! I S \1.1111 h1•,1o•1 \nah1•110 !l:'lfi 1112 1.1\'E ('fll :'\Tin '\llillTI \&'-ti '\In\ U.11111111.: Thi u \111.: 11 II H II 'l:l'C J l'Hi\1.\. llOKSE 1;,110 llrcM1lo.h11llo\\ SJnt .1 .\nJ :.111 I il2 \l <a ST 111 W.\1 l'.\1.1. <\. nn: (;l.,\SEI! IUW l'llEH!'> ('ROSS ROAOS HIO~I Bru1khu1 '' F1111ntam \'.1111·\ 96.1 •i71 I ee Uve Gigs, Page l7 You're never too young to learn the score. Lo Mlroda o.M·ln --· .... ·-,,..,.. 1t<o1U>•>• a-.------~'--~~~~--1.-------..;· Live Gigs MAX WEI.I.lo\ Jl7 l'oai.l I h l!h'' "' 11 unl lllj.!lrn1 Bt•arh 53ti 25!>5 Fountum \'ulle\' 9fi3 236" l>tnini,: and Sho\.\CaM: Entt'rlwnml•nl 7 nights a "eel>'. 17 =========---============================================ 1>.11ll'llll! '•l!hlh /\UR 7 "CHANT A VS \ug H IH:NNIS COLT Aul! 9 BF.TTY POSTER From Page 16 l>11nrmi.t N1gh1h l'R \'STi\L S,\l.(H)~ liOOO Plal'l'Ol1.1 l'o,ta Me ... :i t;.u; 7571 lhincmg N11:hl1' In ('ountr) C'l ('KOO'S SK"\T 1711 Placentia t'o:-.ta Mt>i.<i &15 o:mo "'<'" WaH' l'unk Re1u~ae DEJA Vl' 2285 Newport HI l'd l'o:-.ta Mt.>i.a 883·1100 Roc·k Oanc111u :-./1J!hll~ OISS F.\'1 .. -\NO llOTF.I. Anaht'tm \\'1de \'anet\ 1.1\e Enll'rtainmcnl & O;incrng :.ho"s N1ghll) ELI G REEN'S S \l.CH>N 3110 Newport BIHi :'\l'\\port Rt'<tl'h 675 2ttil Lt' t' 1\111:.tt' ;"1;1)!htl) Fl \' E CKO\\ ~S REST..\l KA NT :1801 E Co;.i~I 11,,' l'oronu lid ~I ar 1i;o.03:11 SI IOWC:\SE Sl~G EfiS SL' N DA\' & ~IO:'\ "HOOELY ENTERTAINING!" ·'..:"'\, --0«>• """' '°' •~""""• NBC,~I· IH(>M }y{A~l) M ~T: ISAAC STERN IN C HINA Wednesday, Aug. 19th only Ruby Keeler In "42nd STREET" "HILARIOUS! A TERRIFICALLY ENGAGING HIGH-SPIRITED SCREWBALL COMEDY." " ... LAUGH FOR LAUGH, THE HIGHEST OCTANE WIT THAT WE'VE HAD ON A SCREEN IN DECADES." "ONE OF THE FUNNIEST FILMS OF THE SEASON!" -Rona Barrell, Tocuy ShOw/NBC·TV A Aolhn1 Jolle ·Morra· Brezner ProOucloon Dueller Uza John MooN Mlnnelll Gielgud "Arthur" ~--(...: ....... ~ ~ .. Burt Bacharach Charles H Joffe Robert Greenhut ... _,..°',.....,Steve Gordon ~'-'Gt .................. ..c-.. ... , ~ •• O);it;O."f "" ...... -·" PG,..,a~-.. ,..,. • ....,,. •• ~o ·· .. ----c_...... .. ,0..,...,..., ~.~ ....... Afow ..... ~I \ R \" l.OL O'TOOI r: rlf-:l'llHl S\I FOX lll'~Tt:R 179:!i :.1ac\rthu1 llhd In 111\• 5-19 87211 l>Jm·111g N1ghlh \ Jr•d' GOL()EN BEA K 306 t'oa:-.t ll1g h" J\ llunlinglon R\·~1l·h 536 9(i0() CALL Jo"'OH INFO '\\Mr: ENTERTAIN~! 1-::\ T · l\'V llOUSt: 38-1 Forest A \'l' Laguna Beach IS.I 94!H Danr 111,:: Ni~htl~ n ;RUUAllS STt:AKllOl St-: 8901 \\ .1rnl'r I lunl 111i:ton Bl' a th 8 18 26ti2 \I U'll' 'l:tj!hlh JP ~1A{S JOH2 \dam~ \\'l' I lunt IOl!lon l:St-arh 9G3 782!:1 l'ounl 1' llot'k "li1.:htl' l..\t'F STOP 2122 Bn1-lol Sant;.i A11a 751 7867 ('OM EO\' STARS NIC llTL\' ~kCO!li \IL\ \'S i25 \\ lfakt·1 ( '11,l a ~ll''il 5 IU 54Mil ll.111l'lnl! '1;1i,:htl\ 'lc('OR~U('KS I.\~()"'' 3180 \ll"J\ :\l'" purl lkad1 5<16 ~ISHO Hod, n Holl 1>.111uni: .... lj!hlh 80 88\' ~tdiU::-1 353 Coa..,l I l1ghv. a\ '.\t•\.\ port Bl•ad1 li73 s:U!l1 !};Jfll'llll! :'l/1ghth 1\1 t:DU~\'S 18774 llronkhuri.I \ug lU SOL I'll !'OASl' l.HlASS WORKS \ug 11, 12. 13 BH EF:ZF. llfW fll ERS \I001'RAKER 1115-t:! MJci\rlhur Bhd lrnnt' 83:1961111 Lt\ t• \tu~1l '•ghth U I. D FH IE:\[)~ )> c 1 op IO ID c '1R. STOX 1105 E Katl'lla Anaht'1m 634 299-1 "'SOL'1'US Of BHASS . l.tH· Dancing N1~hll} See Uve Gigs, Page 19 "' - ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT EVER HAPPENED IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN AGAIN. I l 1 > . ' ~~----------------------------------.....-18 ~films .... -Ill :::> ! Horror lives ID ~in Wolfen' GI "C ~ By MJCHAEL DOUGAN .¥ o<u. Delly ...... $8" GI Coming, as it does, on the heels of "The Howl-~ ing," "Wotren '' could be dismissed without seeing _ it as a bandwagon werewolf movie. ll isn't. ,g Producers Alan King and Rupert Hitzig and o.. director Michael Wadleigh have taken a basically corny concept (reminiscent, in fact, of television's "Kolchak : The Night Stalker") and. through their unique treatment, elevated it to the status of a modem horror classic. This was done through a combination of in- novative technology and an awareness that terror is a psychological phenomenon. "Wotren" works on you inside your head. The film opens with the mutilation murders of a prominent New York developer, his wife and his bodyguard. Because of the unusual viciousness of the killings, the apparent lack of motive and the international prominence of the victims, crack de- tective Dewey Wilson, played by Albert Finney, is put on the case. Finney is a hotshot cop who has fallen Crom grace within the department. He is an aJcoholic, a man who has seen too much and been driven by his visions into a state of existential bewilderment. But it is his near-madness that ultimately allows Finney to make the intuitive leaps that resolve the case. At first it's assumed that the murders were acts of political terrorism, so criminal psychologist Rebecca Neff, portrayed by Diane Venora, is called in as a consultant. An expert in revolutionary organizations, it is her job to pin- point the group responsible. Thal theory falls apart, however, when a wino in the South Bronx is murdered in the same fashion. Tales such as this are' traditionally set in the deep woods, but "Wollen" occurs in the wilderness of the inner-city, transforming a simple monster story into a metaphor for urban alienation. The primary setting is in the rubble of slums burned to the ground during New York's last blackout. Beasts, victims and heroes scramble over the ruins of a civilization that has collapsed beyond re- pair, and that civilization is our own. In the midst of this decay stands the wolfens' lair, a burned out church that seems far more foreboding than any Transylvanian castle. This ominous edifice is actually the creation or produc- tion designer Paul Sylbert and is reportedly the largest set ever built for a New York film. It's not until late in the movie that we learn what the wolfen are or what they look like. But we Albert Finney. left, and Gregory Hines try to decipher the meaning of a violent series of killings in ·Wolf en .· are immediately aware that they possess superior intelligence and extraordinary sense-perception. This point is made through one of the movie's finest gimmicks. We see what the beasts see and we hear what they bear. Their eyes perceive variations in heat, their ears pick up the sound of blinking eyelids. In this environment, God knows what they smell. The effect is created through a process of solarization combined with infra-red fool.age, ex- otic film stock and electronic imaging. The res ults are fascinating. New York becomes an alien landscape rendered in fluid, shifting colors. "Wollen" couJd stand on its own as a purely visual work of art. But it is in the realm of nightmares, primarily Finney's, that the film works best. Long haunted by his own psychic devils, Finney finally has real monsters to strike out against. He quickly becomes obsessed by the challenge of deciphering their nature. When he is told "they might be gods,'' he suspects it's true . ln his pursuit, Finney follows some of tbe s lop- piest police procedures imaginable. In fact. "Wolfen" bas as many logical holes as the ruins or that church. But logic is not what this movie is about. Jn the end, "Wollen" becomes a story of ecology gone mad under the onslaught of man. The climax is at once exciting, s uspenseful and metaphysically satisfying. Finney plays his role with the proper amount of understatement, though Miss Venora could have brought a little more passion to her performance. Gregory Hines Conce of Hines, Hines and Dad> is excellent as the jive-talking morgue technician who becomes Finney's aJJy. And Edward James Olmos gives an outstanding portrayal of a citified Indian who Finney thinks may know the answers. "Wollen," made by Orion Pictures. is rated R for its innocuous nuditv (all-male. for a switch>. brief glimpses of gore. and, presumably, the sub· liminal nature of the horrors it reveals. . . . 'Napoleon' a masterpiece of early film art Frtm Page 11 he is somehow different. Roudenko's burning eyes and commanding cool as be leads an overmatcbed group of schoolmates to victory in a snowball fight mark him as different Indeed. The final frames of the segment, when the pet eagle released by Napoleon's vengeful peers alights atop the cannon near which the isolated youth lay crying, draws the first or many rounds or long and spontaneous applause from the viewer&. As the young adult Napoleon's fortunes rise and faU with personal luck and the madness of the French Revolution we are treated to more fine act- ing by Albert Dieudonne as the adult Napoleon and many others. including Gance himself. Gance, who directed the film and is the driv- ing genius behind it, plays Louis Saint.Just, one of two companions of Robespierre on the feared Com- mittee o( Public Safety that sent 300 people ad~ to the guillotine at the height of Tbe Terror foUow· Ing the revolution. "" 11•1 The film is mostly in plain black and while, though sizeable segments are in brown tone and blue tone. These apparenUy were taken from some copies and inserted because they were the only ones found, or perhaps the best quality of those un- covered. The film quality is very good for the most part. and even the few minutes of slightly snowy mm al the beginnJng does not interfere with view- ing. Despite the extreme length of the film (there was an intermission after two hours) no one in the audience al the Shrine Civic Auditorium in Los Angeles was observed leaving early. It's a good thing, too, for the last 40 minutes of the film feature the only surviving sequences of Gance's famed triptych triple-screen filming, and they are inspiring. When the two curtains flanking the main screen rise without warning for those sequences the audience leans forward as one, and when the first bones of the scene in pro1resa gallop across the screens, moving from one to another with near-perfect timing, loud •·aahs" followed by ap- plause erupt from the viewers. Perhaps the greatest tragedy of "Napoleon" is that triptych sequences from three earlier parts of the film are missing. The program notes that Gance says he destroyed some or them in a fit of despair, when he realized the system would not be adopted. "Napoleon" is a victim of history, its mastery all but ignored just six months after its release because of public awe with a new toy -talking pictures. This was one development that led Gance to despair. If "Napoleon" ever 1s produced for mass con- s umption with a pre-recorded soundtrack it won't be as eood. but it will only suffer a little. lu local run is over now but it it ever appears again, in whatever form, see it. Not only will you be amazed at what Abel Gance was doing way back In 1927. but you'll wit- ness one of the finest things ever committed to rum. Live Gits Balboa 675 7760 Li ve Jazz Nightly T .C. PEPPERCORNS Newport aeach 673-4700 "POP ROCK GROUPS .. July .. ROSEWOOD" ::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::=:::::::::::::::::::::::::=:=:=:=:=:::::::::::::::::::=:=:::::::::::::=:::::=::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::!::::::: 8052Stark Huntington Beach WHITE llOUSE From Page 17 MUSTANG RANCH 428 . 11th s~ Costa Mesa 631 ·2331 Oancing Nightly Country Hock NEW PORTER INN 1107 Jamboree Road N l'" v<>rt Beach 644 · J 700 l>unc111g N1ghU) \'Ol':>\G, COLE & P \l 'Gll 01.D \\ORI.I> 7561 ('p11tcr Huntington Beach 897·1470 Live Entertainment Nigh tly SUMMERFEST Sunduv:. with Ucrmun Sund • OVERLAND STAGE 1835 S Harbor Anaheim .. JOHNNY STEWART SHOW" Tue.>!> Sat Ql'l t;T WOl\IA~ 696 S <.'oa~I I ll~hwa' t.u1wna Hl•.irh 19·H >16:? FOLK HOl'K CHOL' PS <.'all for lnform:..twn Somewhere, REGISTR Y HOTEL 18800 MacArthur Blvd lrvlnt• 752-8777 Dancinl{ Nightly Top 40 R ED ONION N06 Ne\\ Port Blvd -.;cwvort Beach 675-<!244 Hol·k. Rcgtcue. Vuril·t~ t'ull fo1 S<·hedull• REI> ONION "PllYNX Aug 7. 8 R t:l'tU•:N K l.t:E 151 r: t'oa~I lhJ;th\\UY Nl'\1 µorl Bl•uch 675·5811 Under The Rainbow, way down low - Chevy Chase, Carrie Fisher and 150 midgets are fighting valiantly to save our country against all Ozl A GIANT co1necly -doa't aell It .. ~ INNOVISIONS/ECA "'->11 CHEVY OIASE "UNDER THE RAINBOW" CARRIE FISHER EVE ARDEN ADAM ARKIN BILL V BARTY ROBERT OONNER CORK HUBBERT JOSEPH MAHER MAKO PAT McCORMICK Mut1c 11y JOE RENZE111 a--o1 ""'*9..,t.y FRANK STANLEV,A s c ~ i.y PAT McCORMICK - HARRV HURWITZ & MARTIN SMITH w PAT BRADLEY -FRED BAUER s....y 11y FRED BAUER...,. PAT BRADLEY~~ EDWARD H. COHEN P1oM9C1 bv FRED BAUER o......i i.,, STEVE RASH ,._ ""T1tch111co1oi• IPCI 11 • All OieiiO.'"'f ~TUMS ,..,.... __,....rM.awuu•m• CNliiliiil1 TMI WAllNER ll'IOS 0 A·-COl'llflWftlallofw c......, ~--·-·-----OF-~--1911 Al..,,....._ Entertainment Nightly and Sunday 842·5535 "TOUVELLE" Pop Trio 340 S. C-Oast lllghway Laguna aeach 494 8088 RONSTADTS 719 W. 19th St WAREHOl'S f: Costa Mesa li42-2973 Li ve Country Rock Nightly :!4!>0 v iu Uporto NAME ENTERTAINMENT ROCK. JAZZ. R&B SOt:TH COAST PLAZA SHOPPINC MAl.L 642-5678 .J t' \\ 1'11 ('our1 I l'<I ll.trl<"IO l' S1111d.1• I 30 1 Ill UL"\ I lAl.Ff-:HT\' Put a few words to work for you CO :"\1110 th1 u !-)pptt•m lwr 6 in the Daily Pilat STUDIO C'AFE 100 Marn Stn•1•t "The greatest thing to happen to motorcycle movies in 10 years ... No, make that 11 ! " -CHARLfS MOREY CYCLE NEWS .......... " ltOGell '1IDOIL.LJOCMI lttollMIClll " ... Ml the lft9recll1nt1 tor IUCOlll~' -DAILY VARIETY .,_. 'r Ull llOla, llOOD lllOOIU., I.AMT~ -ID POMYTff .,.._.. 'f ID rotillYTff -OOll IHOmMllll•.__. ,,__. IMl¥90 .. WMMM -.wt L CAYWUOM -'r Au.Ml A&.Nlt •llCaJIUI 4 WAY llOTOa• Dall. me.a -· = ...._. 'r llftMAnoeu&. PIUI., WI .... IMC. t!¥!UaJ• NOW SHOWING o;ange Olive In 551-7022 UA aty·aneme, Or•nee 134-3111 Or•nge Mell, Orange 137.0340 Hlwey 31 Drive In, Weetmlnstef 191·3893 UA OnetM, Coate ..... 540-0584 19 .,, 0 -~ • ~ ~ ~ ~ ::> Q. ~ .. .,, .. Q. QI ~ > c IC c Ill -..... . -"° CD -... • ,,, IO ... I! I ... • ,...' -Ill :;, Cit :;, ~ ,: "' ,, ·~ LL. ~ GI ,, c QI .¥ t ~ -.!! it ....... • -~~ HMC U)HC~TS {:{ AM~l?ICA~ ti()M~ '~M ~~ ' *· <:"I -Co·S,..tond lty -~ Illy Pill( AND OIAN•I COAST COLI.KE • * Orange Coast <:ollege Quad -·Fairview Road between Adams & Merrimac Bring the family and a picnic dinner! Ice cream & popcorn vendors will add to the fun! Featuring the 60-piece professional American Home Syn~ l>nct8d by Joseph Perlman FIRST FOUR SUNDA VS IN ·AUGUST AUGUST 9 PROGRAM Overture, .. La Vie Parlsfenne" ............................ J. Offenbach "Swan Lake", Excerpts .............................. P. Tschalkovsky Suite, "Porgy and Bess" .................................. G. Gershwin Slavonic Dance No. 8 ........................................ A. Dvorak "South American", Suite ..... ·' ........................... Traditional Three Dances-Gayne Ballet ..................... , . . . . A. Khachaturian ''Sound of Music" .................. : ......................... R. Rogers "Stars and Stripes" ........................................ J.P. Sousa SUNDAY EVENING AT 7:30 Bring your own bl•nket or folding ch91rt ... . . ~----------------------........................ .... Charlotte Rae of 'The Facts of Life.' See Page 2 A close look at rating system Televlews, Page 2 Buddy E b$en making new movie for TV lnslc;te. TV, Page 8 Robin stays with · 'One Life to Live' I Daytime Drama, Page 29 ' - • I ~Index ~!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ml!!!!!! Ill :::J Cl :::i Telt>t tt•rvs <t_ On tlu• Cm'er ~ l/1gllllgl1ts l'uge 2 l'ayt' 2 Payt• :1 t>ogt> x Page X PngP x ~ /11s1de TV Lo u. Cl 0 ..J > .... 0 I.elf t'rs \.ford c;mnc 'l''l 1'11zzle Du ti !J C ;rids l'r1Tne 1'111re l>ctwls Tuhe T11µpt•r-; Cohlt· :-)uhscr1pt11111 Dayt11ne Drama Spo rts .. Movie Giude ' I -t>nyc H Pczge IO />aytl JO /'age 10 ('agt> IX Page 29 Page 28 Page 32 Program information is provided by the tietwor ks and stat ions and is subject to change with.otll notice Channel Ust1n95 8 KNXT (CBS> 6121 W. Sunset Blvd ., Los Angeles. Ca. IJ KN BC (NBC) 3000 W. Alameda Ave., Burbank, Ca. II KTLA (Ind.) 5800 W . Sunset Blvd., Los Ange les. Ca. G KABC (ABC) 4151 Prospect Ave .. Los Angeles. Ca. CS> KFMB <CBS> 7677 Engineer Rd .. San Diego, Ca 0 KHJ-TV (Ind.) 5515 Meti:ose Ave., Los Angeles. Ca. ( 10) KCST <ABC> 8330 Engineer Rd .. San Diego, Ca . a» KTTV (Ind.> 5746 W. Sunset Blvd .. Los Angeles, Ca. m KCOP-TV Clnd.) 915 N. La Brea Ave .. Los Angeles, Ca Jfl K CET 1 PBS t ~40 1 SunsN Bl\ cl . Los :\ngck s . C:1 9 KOCE CPBS1 15744 Golden West St., Huntington Beach <m On-TV 1139 Grand Centra l Ave .. Glendale, Ca. (%) Z-TV 2939 Nebraska Ave., Santa Monica, Ca. CID HBO Time-Life Bid., Rockareller Cente r, N.Y., N.Y. (t) Cinemax) • Time-Lile Bldg., Rockefeller Center,N. Y .. N. Y 1J <WOR> N.Y .N.Y. 01J (WTBS> Atlanta, Ga (() <ESPNl Cll (Showtime) black IS> Sputlight 8 (Cable Ne ws Network > lailJPilal MAIN OFFICE 330 West Bay St., Costa Mesa, ca. Mall address: Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Ce. 92626 Telephone: ~2-•321 ' Televiews Workings of .TV rating system Ry MICHAEL DOUGAN Of Ille Diiiy f'I ... SU.ff l was once a Nielson family. The little booklet a ppear ed unexpectedly in the ma il al the Midwestern home that l shared with a schoolmarm. Two quarters were attached. a fine enticeme nt to coopera tion We wer e requested to log each television show we watched and return the booklet at the end of the week This was our op· portunity lo make a solid impact on the future of television. Other than the 5:30 p.m. "Star T rek" reruns, we didn't watch much TV that week. We went to dinner, went to movies. went to visit friends and relatives. Al week's end. we dutifully recorded viewing all the PBS programs which we liked but. in fact, had not seen. We might have, though, had we been home and we figured public television could use the help. Then we placed the booklet ·on a table, buried it under household rtotsam and forgot about it. For all I know, it's still there . We kept the 50 cents. Thusly, did we waste our chance to be a frac- tion of a ra ting. a chunk of a share. Undoubtedly, the blow was fell at PBS and I apologize . Still, who understands what these things mean, anyway? When you see that your favorite s how is burdened wit h a low HUT number and is pulling in a lousy 20 share, what does that te ll you? In fact, the rating system comprises a rather a rcane body of knowledge and most s tations employ their own ratings experts to figure things out. They are like shamans. interpreting tossed chicken bones in secret rituals and making pro· nouncements that affect us all. These rites a re pe rformed at the altars of A.C. Nielson. the monopolistic outfit that sent us our booklet. When Nielson s peaks. e verybody listens. He re's what it says: Nielson rates progra ms in two ways. One is an arbitrary number that te lls stations approximately how many television sets were tuned to their cha nnel at a given lime. The other is a percentage r ating. indicating the proJ)ortion of viewers that station earned . The fi rst number is called HUT for "hous eholds using television." In Los Angeles, one rating point is assigned to every 43.000 homes with tubes. If a show receives a ratink of two. then, we know that some 86,000 sets were tuned in. A three rating tells us 129.000 homes received lhe pro- gr a m. And so on. Nationally, one rating point is worth 799.000 house s with televisions . So when CBS netted a HUT number of 6.9Hor its late-night program- ming in a recent week, execs there knew that 5,529,080 homes bad chosen to watch their network. Got that? Good. Now we turn to shares. On the cower A share IS a percentage or the HUT In other words. if there are one million set!; turned on when your program airs. and 300,000 of them are tuned to it. you get a 30 s hare And . if your show is r un· ning on a com mercial network during prime time. you would li~e lo do better <These figures a re for example only No network prim e lime show would get a 30 share with less than a mil hon viewers. 1 And how does Nielson arrive at these magic numbers? First. there are the booklets . H our own experience as a Nielson family is any indication. a certain percentage or people will 11e a bOut t heir viewing habits. logging shows they e njoy but didn't watch, or attempting to a ppea r high-brow by refusing to admit lhey love "Charlie's Angels" reruns. Nie lson also likes to plant boxes in the te levision sets of "demographically represen tativc" homes for a more elaborate breakdown These devices indicate what channel was being watched on a minute-by·minute basis. The exact number of homes blessed with boxes in the Los Angeles viewing a re a is a "very gua rded secret." arcording to an industry insider . However, there are believed to be around 12.000 of these gadgets in place nationwide. While network e xecutives examine the latest rating reports. their hands s hakily grasping for the Va lium bottle. they might pause and give som e th ought to a statistic that is not included -the number of people who aren't watchmg television at all. Gene F. J a nkowski, president of the CBS Broadcast Group, recently did that in a speech before the Geor gia Association of Broadcasters. His remarks lend an enlightened perspective to the ratings race. "Here we come up against an ironic situa lion:· said Jankowski "We are the victims of our own s uccess. ··So vast is the attention paid to commercial te levision. that we have come to identify th~ view· ing audience with the universe. as though every breathing human being who can reach a dial is watching television "Well, extraordinary as 'Dall as' may be. even at the peak of the year. nearly 40 percent of the nation's television sets a re not even being used while ··Dallas" is on the air. And. in the periods before a nd a fter prime lime, as we all know, anywhere from 50 to 80 percent of the nation's te levision sets a re not in use." So perha ps, in a strange sort of way. it was more honest or us lo not return that Nielson booklet. A half-doll ar won't buy much these days, anyway. ------~------------- Charlotte Rae knows the facts Charlotte Rae is no stranger to TV these days. Continuing in her Mrs. Edna Garrell role from NBC's "Dlff'rent Strokes," she plays the m adcap, s ha rp-minded housemother for a group or board- iOl'·SChool girls in "The Facts of Life." The show begins its lhird season with Miss Rae always at the ready to counsel her girls on the right.s and wrongs of Ille . Miss Rae grew up in Wiscorusin. the second of three sisters. "I fell alone, very separate and •part from e ve ryone else ," she said. "First and foremost my parents were wonderful l(\ me. They gave me Iota or supp0rt and understunclfng during some difficult years." Northwestern University, and lear ned from such classmates as Cloris Leachman and Paul Lynde. Alt.er college, she shared a New \-ork apart· ment wtlh Miss Leachman and became t student of acting coach Ma ry Tarcai and studied singing with Robert Kors t. While making her home in New York, Miss Rae's kceo comic style landed her in some or the top clubs including the Village Vanguard and the Blue Angel. Her Broadway roles included the crea- tion or the charater of Mammy Yokum in lhe musical "Li'I Abner·· She appeared In a Joseph Papp production of ··Romeo and Juliet" and the Theater d'J.ys production or "The Three·Penny Opera." A resident or Brentwood. Miss Rae has re- ce ived two Tony award nominations -for "Pickwick" and "Morning, Noon and Night" - and an Obie nomination for "Whiskey . She was nominated for an Emmy for her sup· porting role in the TV feature "Queen of the Stardust Ballroom."' Her film credits Include . . .. _ .. ~ ~ -'· ~~ , , • She attended dra ~~·~•-;,.·:·VMl""""~·-...•:dlt~oV..!iJl-.A..,.tjd,v.~IAMA'A11i.-l~~ ... .:.u··~w.··-'ljl'·--,. .-.-~-· ·• -. • - "tlalr:· • -:-----------~----------------.............. ......_ 3 Highlights for the Weell 2. ~ < r 0 IC FRIDAY'S SPECIALS AUGUST 7. 19111 EVENING 7 30 H KAMIKAZE MISSION OF DEATH Tht< f<J<:tors '' J"Pd""~ 1ff!t wh,C:h fM<J numcrou' ('tlP1" I .J comn1 t ·' IC•Hn uf ·.utl •dt• lhey con~1dPred hnnu tlite ·li;r•ng World Wftr II Hi' t'xam1nf'd S THE NEW MAIO f-ru y•l1.n9 Jnf'l" M.·u ' mcuR than fht; o~w ma10 sh" ~ ,, new aml ntleded lroend 9·30 0 A CELE.BRA TION Some or the biggest stars ol pop country music per form ltH~lf greatest hits "' The Forum 1n l os Angeles 1ncluOed arP Miureen McGovern 1 T 1ie Mom1no Alttir 'I Krts KrlSIOllerson ( Bobby Magee"1 Rocky Burnolle ( Tear It Up··1 Glen Campbell c Rhine· Slone co .. l>Oy I and Tanya TockPr (00l ay Ba<:k In Thf' Arms 01 Love··1 10:00 S DAVID SHEEHAN'S SHOWTIMEIN HOUYWOOO David Sheehan 1nterv1ews some ol Hollywoods big· gest stars . 11:00 <S BIZARRE V John Byne< Shows you 11i1nos stranoer than lruth. larger than hie. nnd zanier than anything you've ever seen 1n these special enco<• presentahons from Iha Show11ma Bizarre library 11:30 8 C88 REPORTS "The Defense Of The Unit· ed Stales" In a 1.,,.part --·Dan Rather, Walter Cronklle 81\d other corre- spondents ••amine lhe United S111es· Chances of defense 81\d aurvlval In the event of • nuclMt wer (Perl S)(RI 1:"'5 CID THE BEACH BOYS IN CONCERT The soft-roek group which brings bacit happy memo- ries of the '601 performs clesalc hits including "Bar- bar a Ann." "Surf1n' U S A . .. "Llltle Deuce Coupe and · Good V1bra· lion• .. 3:30 ( S) BIZARRE v John Byner allows you things slrang« than lruth A SUPER CHALLENGE The Kr~·pton Factor.' an all nt•w. unique ch<illl•ngl' to thl' intclle<:tual prowess and physic;.il a~iltty of four !-oUper rnmpetitor!'>. ;.ind hosted b' DiC'k Cl ark. will pn•mil'rc tonight on ,\AC 1 Ch 71 at 8·30 p.m. The home audience gets in- \'Olvcd in the exdtemL•nt as Clark 1 upper larger lhan hie, and ,.,_ then anything you've ....., seen In lhese special encote presen1111oos from the Showtime Bizarre library SATURDAY'S SPECIALS AUGUST 8, 1M 1 EV£HlNO 7:00 fJ SILENT CRISIS Hott Carot Lewrenc:e Gunts Dick Van Panen Maureen M cGovern. Diahann Carroll 7:30 ($) LAR'-A-THOH A comedian holl ana four comic coo1estan11 who compete against one another ere lealured in this unc;ensored comedy game snow. 8:00 0 (I) THE ROOTS OF AOa< 'H' ROLL "Rociun The Boat" Host Rod Stewarl Guest• The Fiith Dlmenslon. Sly Stone, Petet, Peul & Mary, Aretha Franklin. Marvin Gaye. right 1 set~ lht• courst· for the competitor!'. c upper lt•ft and lower foreground 1 with in genious quiaes and exhausting physical tests as all four !-olrive to amass the highest Kr~·pton Factor for a $25.000 prize and a chance to compete in the finals for S250.000. · Ringo Starr. Ari Garlunkel, Bobby Genlry.(Part 4) D AUG00'8 CHILOAEH Hott Dale EY&M all THE 8'l.ENT 8PNNG OF RACHEL CARSON In a program first aired In 1963. Ractlei Carson and Eric Sevaretd e•plore the exlenl 10 which pes1icldes may endanger man and his enytronmenl; an update Is included. t:OO D AFRICA'S WEE.PIHO, 8'/TNOOHF8 USTIENNG Hotl Carol Lawrenc. e:30 tD THEY AUN FOA THEJRLIV£S Johnny Mann nauetes the ploglll of Ethiopian refu- 0-In Somalia 10:00 0 LOVE PLUS ONE Host Ari Llnklettet 11:00 IJ THE UNOEAOAOUHD CONHECTIOH This documen1ary chron>- cies the poslttorl Of Cnn.- 1111111 living In comrnuntat- conlrolled nallons. Ari Llnkletter and Mra Alek- sandr Solzh«>lllyn are leatuied fJ OUR FORGOTTEN FAMILY Host Dale Fvens 'Tl .... J!n~~= ~~r,w '" g 1n1no~ '<trnnoe• th••• trutt• < largt!' thar1 life Jnd '"'""v )> than an11hing yuv 'Iii•~ • vt--t C ~ IO 1 45 H ST ANDING AOOM C ONLY· HALLELWAH ~ HOLLYWOOD From tne MGM Gr ir•ct _. HOlttl Ill I at v..g .. ~ Gt-n Kelly t>o~•~ a y111tPro1-q l" \l('Q:'l'!J rf vu8 whtCh alut1..c tho golden "'" ,f moviemokong 1n song a .. a danc.e SUNDAY'S SPECIALS AUGUST 8, 19111 AFTERNOON 3:30 Eifl R&YE'S SYNDROME· THE CHILO KILLER Host Bob Ryan IOOks at the symplon"S. causes ar>d trf!41tmonts ot Rave t Syn· drome and tho! currttnt movement to inlorm par- ent• and doctors aboul the ser.ou-.s ot the illness 4:30C11 REMEMBEI' .. 'HEN: lrLL NEVER F\. Y The determ1nat1on ol Amencan Inventors, whose concec>lf and Ideas even· tualty changed the lace of the enllr• natt0n, Is exa- mined by Dick Cavett CO) RA8CAl DAZZLE wry LewiS nanales th<S look et /ltfalfa. Spanky. Buckwheat and Darla. the Little Rucala. and remem- bef• the days wt.en -•nd they-•young EVENINO 1:00 0 MISS llAQ< AMERICA PAGEANT Roger Mosely. Madge S1nc;lalr end Rosallnd Cash guest llar in lhe 14th annual pagunl (Q) VIETNAM: THE nN THOU8AHO DAY WAA "F"trep<>wer" u.s opet8• 110fll and tacllc•. lncl\ldlno lhe moal concentrated air bombardment In history ere eumlned f Plrl SI e:ao 9 SP£CTAUM: 8P£QAl EDfTION Hotl Fred Norfleet Showa hlghllghls of Iha Unlled See JnghUgbls, Page 4 '° CJ) WPLAYIN • RAGING BULL • TESS • SIMON • CALIFORNIA SUITE • ELEPHANT MAN • WANDERERS • HEART BEAT • THE GREAT SANTINI • • INCREDIBLE SHRINKING WOMAN • PL.A Y MISTY FOR ME YI .. Cassette R1ntal1 1884-1 HARIOR ILV • - WM' COSTA MESA. 6~6-8928 • • GALAXINA ~~-----------------........................ ........ ~High-lights for the Week Ill :> g' From Paie 3 ~ Negro College Fund , Tei.thon. >-7:00 0 A CB..EllRATlOH ~ Some of the biggeat .. .,.. ·c or pop-country mua1c P«· LL fOfm their grMl•t hits at g ...J > I- Q.. The Forum In Los Afl09les, Included are Maureen McGovern l"The Morning Allet"), K"• Kns1otteraon ("Bobby Magee"), Roc;j(y Burnette ("Tear II Up"), Glen Campbell 1··Rlline- atone Cowt>oy") and T1nya Tucket ("lay Back In The Arms Ot Love") &.'00 0 NA T10NAL GEOORAPHIC SP£CtAL "Tile Mys1ery Of Animal Behavior" Germen natur- alist photographef Heinz Sielmann hH spent n1s 11111 rec0<dlng entmals In thefr natural habi1a11 t 1:45 U ENTEATAIHER OF THE YEAR AWARDS Mike Douglas hOsla a ater- studded extr•vaganza lrom C-.ra Palace In Laa Vegas Perlormers appeanng inCluOe Rooney Oangerfleld, Carol Burnett, An.n Miiier. Dolly P1rton, I.he 0.11 Ridge Soya •nd manyothefa 12:00 ($)HOUSTON BIO LAFF Off Bttly Crys1al hOstt 1h1$ stand-up comedy compel•· lion taped •I Rockeletler's 1n Houston. 3:30 Cl) WOALO AOUEA DISCO CHAMPIONSHIP T e1 Babllonl• llnd R8/\0y Gardner join h<>SI Skip Stephenson u ten couples from aroul\d the W0<1d compete lor the lllle ol world rOller dllCO champi- on. MONDAY'S SPECIALS AUGUST 10, 1•1 EVINNG t:ao (B) THAH TAlE8 DA.AK NfD OANOEAOU8 Three atorles ln11olvlng intrlglHI llnO blz•rr• tent•· sy ere µ<-tea "SllYer Blue." starring Christo- pher Plummet .. Sherloel< HOimes; "The Ugly Boy," with Barry MorM, end "Rociling Hone Winner," leelurlng Kenneth More CS) WOALO AOU.ER DISCO CHAMPION8HIP T e1 B•t>tlorlle and Randy Gard.-join h<>St Slop St~ as ten cOIJl)les from •round the world compete for the lille ot world rOller disco champt- on 8:00 (S) WHAT'& UP AMENCA1 Visit the Unaflus Socoety - belleve<s Walling for UFO. to l•l\d; • beacfl r11C41 In San F rancitco, lelO-t>eclc living on the Coloreoo Riv- .... a wortd-<tlCOfd blcycie reoe 10:00 8 (() CBI NEWS 8PECIA1. "The Cowboy. The Crafts- men And The B.,_lne" Mor19y SeJ... watches u cowboy Bob Oouglu. New England t>oa1 builder Bud Mclmosh, end prime bel- lerln• N•talla Mllkarove peN on their akllla end tel- en1s to younger gener• tk>n• '1i) CL.AES Ol.DEN8UA0'8 CRUSOE UMIAEUA A profile of Cl... Olden· burg. one of the •-mod· em aculptora whD h• ~ .-ful In erutlng a.roe outdoor aculpture. Is ~ted.IRI 10:ao• a.A& OUlENMJA0'8 CAU80E UllBFE• LA A profile of Cl-Olden- burQ. one of the t-mOO· ... n Kl>lptora who has ~~tut in creating l&rge outdoor llOUlpture, it prMentea IRJ t2:00 (ffi CON8E.NT1NO ADULTS Various types or relation· ships that defy the trad1- t10nal standard• set t>y mooern socMlty ere e••· mined TUESDAY'S SPECIALS AUGUST tt, 1Nt EVEHIHO 7:00 (!) COCKT AIL.8 WfTH ™ECOMJC STORYTEU.ERS America's tunnymen Jae!>. c.rter. Jan Murrey, Mat1y Allen and PNt Foatet Wiii leave you In stitches. &.'00 CID KAMIKAZE: MISSION Of'OEATM The !actors of Japanese Ille which led nume<ous pilots to commit • form ot tuicicle they consodered honorable during World Wat II are examined lllZAAAIE XXll John Byner shows you things stranger than truth larger than lore. end zan~ than anything you· 11e ever _,, 1:30 CS) l.Af'F.A-THON A comedian hOll Ind lour comic contestants who compete agalnat one another ere teaturllCI In thla oneensorlld oomee1y pne al!OW. NO (I) THE W/ltX'f WOALO CW JONATHAN WINTER8 Hoet. OrlOfl WellM 10:«>. 9 aAMARA WALTEM SUMMER 8P£CIAL Barbllte Walters lnteNiewa Paul Newman, Burt Rey- notda end Katharine Hep· burn t0:30 '11) HITCHCOCK Clltt Robertaon revH!wa the cat-ot Alfred Hltchcocll lhtough setecled him Cltps trom aome ol the grfft Hollywood dlrectof'a mo&"I lamous rl'IOVlea and recOl- lectoons by the stars WhO worked for horl'I 2:30 (S) SPECTACULAR LONOON Suzanne Somers takes U5 on • dazzling tour of Lon· don 10 see the aighll end sounds ot Soho, Pk:adotly Gorcua end t1141 Tower or London 3:ac} ($) OOOIOE GOES TO THE H06PfT AL Coottte finds 11141 hospital a scary place bul gets by wtth the help of her friends 4:00 (SJ CHEA n:RS Peogy c ... la featured on thtS eomeay u two aW1ng- 1ng coupi.s cheat on one another with eech 0111er s spouM WEDNESDAY'S SPECIALS AUGUST 12, 1981 EVEHIHO 7:30 (S) COOKIE GOES TO THE HOSPITAL Cookie llnda the haepltal I 8C8'Y ~ bu1 gets by with the help ol her lrlend• ~-NATIONAL GEOORAPHC 8PECIAl. "living Treaaur•• 0 1 Japan" Nine JapaneM 1111W-and !*forming ••ll•t• who kHP the '-'lbeel ol .,., ancient culture pulsing through • contemporary eoclely at• l)foliled (Al QI JAME.aPAUl MCCARTHEY AND WINOS Paul, hie wile LIMl• and the group take viewers through the Engllth coun tryaicle wl\TI muSIC and dance e:OO a> WITH ARMS OF LOVE Thia doeumentary report takes a IOoll •1 lhe people and work ol World Con cam I CRIST A lnternallOn al fD HITCHCOCte CMtt Rob«laon reviews tho career of Alfred H•tchcock through Mlected film chps hom some of the great HOiiywood director'• moll tarnous mov-and recot tecuons by the atars wno worlced lor hom. (R) THURSDAY'S SPECIALS AUGUST 13, 1N 1 MOANING EVENlHO f JOO ($) HOLD MEI Paul Dooley is fealured on Thi• documentwy tocu.. on thrM young Aalan Amerlc1n mualclena lrnembera ot the group H1roah1ma) who blend rOCll, jazz end Latin music with tredltlon•I Aal•n lnatrum«1ta to e1tprus lheil multi-cultU<al Identity t:oo • MARTHA ClAAl<E. UQHT AHO DAN< An unutual IOoll IS talcen onto lhe ~ ot a talented dancer I choraogr1phef 1111 11t1e 1>eg1na to deYekx> he< own poeces 9-.30 0 JUOY OARLAHO One or H041yw00d 1nd Btoadwey·s 0<•a1es1 leg enos 111ng' Chicago 1 L011e You," When You're Alone and It's That Old Devol Moon Ind IS jO!neel t>y Voe Damone lor several mu SIC al numbers on I hos CIUSK 1964 apeciet t0:30 0 AOO STEWART Roc1t muaic·a 1e1gn1no male se• ayml>OI s1a1s tn. lhtS cone«!, lei>ed hve 1111 the Forum In Los Angetes slnglnQ many ol his htt Son gles a& well as cuts trom some of his albums 12:30 (S)SPECTACULAA LOHOOH Suzanne Somers tal>.es us on a dl.UllnQ IOU• of Lon- don to i;ee the s.ghts end sounds ol Soho. PICadolly C11cus •nd lhe Tower ot London 3:30 f$J RASCAL OAZZU The little RascaJs oet on and oul ol the d111ndast HOUble thla two-act play t>y Juln -~---------­ Feitter depicting the tnSI&· t>lllty ol urban Ille 7:30 (H) THE WORLD'S GREATEST ESCAP£8 Tony Curlis lnlroduces ae.th-dety1ng atunll pet torrl'led by 1op escape llr1 Isla at Knotts Berry Farm In ~ Pant, Cellfornta 8!00 SJ CRU4SIN' J TOWN fo pl.HI' ~Our Jd In lhh l't1lumn rall fi4 l-5678 The San Fernando Yalley'1#1 Audio Centre Comes To Orange Countyl OUR BEST BUY FOUR STAR RECOMMENDATIONS**** The Fabulous Pyramid Metronome 7 Satellites coupled with the Adcom GFW-1 subwoofer in addition. Performance never realized af this price we give four stars . •••• Ca e' la,,...._ Hows: M-..f'ri. 11:00-7:00 -- DCM Time Window -Listen through it not to it! DCM TIME WINDOvV KEF 103.2 Loudspeaker - The new reference series at its best! Hi Performance in a compact elegant package. **** s90000 ' • -=-----------------------................. ......_ TAPE DECK WEEK Al AILAllllCI 111 Ii • SAXTON TAPE HEAD CLEANER Model CH-134 51.18 4 MAXELL UD-90 alld TAPE DECK CARE KIT 514.59 withc~lllllit2 Valid thruAucJlst21 ~350 e n,., r n The new K·350 stereo cassette deck is the result of a massive design push by Yamaha aimed at putting the most up-to-<late technology and 1nnovat1ve features into practice. A high-quality Sendust head and redesigned electronics provide superior reproduction accuracy and allow you to take advantage of the new metal tapes appearing on the market. Direct tape loading, a striking change from trad1t;onal cassette compartments, make• this deck the most convenient yet. Special attention to the stab1hty of the transPort system gives the K-350 performance beyond anythmg else in its price range. •Introducing Dolby C: elfectlvely doubles the noise reduction and extends the freQUenc1es at which noise 1s reduced •Digital Linear Counter of playing time, for the most precise index of tape location available. Count remains accurate even in fast-forward and rewind •Automatic Music Sensor locates. plays, and repeats a selection at your command up to nine times •Optional remote control (AM-50) and wireless remote control (AM-80) permit operation from Your easy chair •Fast, 1&:se:9ment LED peak program meters. with Double Indication peak hold, for precise readings of recording levels DEMON DR-330 The new Denon model. DR-330. 1noorporates Tape Tension Servo Sensor. three heads 'With adjustable bias control. solenoid controls and Automatic Program Search System. The three peak reading LED's work with the VU meters to warn you of patent1al tape saturation and its resulting distortion. Its metal tape capable. of course. and an optional remote control allows you to enjoy line sounds anywhere 1n your room T AMBERT TCD-440A Tandberg has long been known for the craftsmanship and innovative exoetlence of its tape recordefs. fhe TC0-4"0A carries on this tradition with a full lreQuency range of ~20.000Hz (+3d8 ) and features hke 3 separate heads. logic operated tape transport, and Tandberg's exclusive Dyneg Actilinear recording system The three motor dual capstan drive assures steady tape speed and ad1ustable bias allows the fine tuning of the TCD·440A to your favorite tape. MAXELL OI SCOTCH METAL C-46 SJ.39 TDK CASSETTE HEAPooPit,4AG 516.50 ALL CASSETTE DECKS IN OUR STOCK SALE PRICED CASSETTE DECK CLEARANCE. SALE MM.UST ~. f;i!o~fh-~-1rne:~.s: ........................... '490" TAMDIEIG TCDJ20-dua1 , " aipstan. three motors ....... .. ....................... 650 llC T·l-three head1. f'tyo 1 " speed, wide band electron1ca •....................•.•.. 529 5329 5424 5269 ATLANrlC MUSIC VALUES YOUR SATISFAcnON, NOT JUST YOUR MONEY ff you've never v1s1ted Atlanttc. this may sound like a rather unusual attitude or even just another empty clalm. Since most of our business comes from referrals by satisfied cuatomera. weve actually found it to be a very 1ucce11ful method of conducting our business. If you 1hould decide to visit us, vou'll discover a low pres.ure atmosphere. l<nowled~ble Audio Consultants who wUI answer your Questions without any attempC1 at a t~nioal snow Job and the l•est models of Quality stereo components ready for your audition. You may not buy anything, bUt we're certain that we will have made another VllU8ble friend. 5 ,, 0 - & ........................................................................... . i ... ~ .... -Ill :I Q :I < ,: IV "O '\:: u..-----------g .J ~ -0 ll. AMC-JEEP COSTA MESA AMC-JEEP-RENAULT 2524 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -549-8023 BOB McLARENS BMW At Beach Blvd. & Whittier La Habra -522-5333 CREVIER MOTORS 208 W. 1st St. Santa Ana -835-3171 ROY CARVER BMW 1540 Jamboree Road Newport Beach -640.6444 SADDLEBACK BMW 28402 Marguerite Parkway Mission Viejo 831-2040 -495-4949 CADILLAC NABERS CADILLAC 2600 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540-9100 CHEVROLET CONNELL CHEVROLET 2800 Harbor B1vd. Costa Mesa -546-1200 CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 'ATLAS CHRYSLER-PLYMOUTH 2929 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -546-1934 DATSUN NEWPORT DATSUN 888 Dove Street Newport Beach -833-1300 UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.9640 LINCOLN-MERCURY JOHNSON & SON LINCOLN-MERCURY 2626 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -540.5630 MAZDA MIRACLE MAZDA 2150 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -645-5700 OLDSMOBILE UNIVERSITY OLDSMOBILE 2850 Harbor Blvd. Q>sta Mesa -540.9640 PEUGEOT BEACH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752·0900 PORSCHE-AUDI CHICK IVERSON. IMC. • 445 E. Coast Hwy. Newport Beach -6 73-0900 BILL VAN PORSCHE-AUDI 13631 Harbor Blvd. Garden Grove 636-2333 SAAB BEACH IMPORTS •· 848 Dove Street Newport Beach -752-0900 TOYOTA EARLE IKE TOYOTA 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 MAXEY TOYOTA 18881 Beach Blvd. Huntington Beach 847-8555 VOLKSWAGEN JIM MARINO VOLKSWAGEN 18711 Beach Blvd .. Huntington Beach 842-2000 VOLVO . EARLE IKE VOLVO 1966 Harbor Blvd. Costa Mesa -646-9303 ' ~---------------------............... ......- ~orts Highlights 1 =RI DAY'S ~PORTS AU008T7, 1N 1 EVENING ':00 (0 ) NOMEAO UHO Hotl Bud Greenspan lakes an In-depth IOok al Mau· rtee Ricnetd ol C111111d1 :3089 PGA CHAMPtONSHtf> Hlghllghla ol IOdey'• action In this lamed got! tourn-1 .ATURDAY'S 1PORTS AUGUSTl, 1111 MON•tO :IO. THE 8AIDAU 9'JNQ4 Hoet. Jollnoy Benett :001 QI UIRAU TODAY WCTTINNll "$200,000 Maryland lnvl- tetlon81" Eddie Oibbs vs Biii Scanlon =-•a N9C 8PORT'I ••WVIEAIOH Btlti.tl Trad! And A9ld ~(MlmLon· don. England); MNdowlefk Lemon end the Buc:ket-• 111 perlorrn-ence: the o.rman Granes Prix (from Hoc:Nlnhelm, 0."'811y) AFrlANOON ••O NA ~·-· Uye _.. of the third round ot pley in Ihle golf '°"'"*'*''(from the Att.-letk: Club In Atl#lta, Ga.). ":ID. w: IMDBtl TBNI P'CM THE ll'VTUM "The Volltey" Vic: Btllden .....,. ........ -~ the leer of goll1g to the net during • volley end <fern· onatret• what to do ~ you get there, (A) Q :00 8 U.8. ClAY COURT TBNI CH.\MPIOI• IP8 The -·· fln8la In Ihle c:hemplonalllp meet, IMtutlng eome ol Ille WOtld'• top pl9yer•. will be telec:Ht llve lrom the Sports Center in lndi8naip- olle, lndl-. D watl* OUTDOMMAN Jofln Feblw'I vlalta 8oeqcle Ott Apec:he Netlonel wllel- Nfe refuOe In New Mulc:o; West C-t Almon l•Slling. "A<IOpt A Horse" program (]) U.S. Cl.AV COURT TtHNl8 QtAMP!OfeHIPS The-·· final& In llli• c:llemp1onalllp meet, IHturong some of the world'• top playwa. MM be telec:esl lrom Ille Sport• Center In lndlanapotla. lndi.na 3:00 8 GAEATEIT 8POAT8 U!GEN08 "Jofln Halvic:ell" l."30 • (]) 8'0RTI SATURDAY 8 NCAA FOOT8ALl MVEW "Big tO" 5:008~ ADVIHTURE "Grand Canyon I ShootJng The A8')idl Of the Color•· do AMw" A gtoup of lldvent1Kera gaU-for • to.day, 280-mlle rafting Irie> from Lee's Ferry, Ari· ~ona to Lake MNd, Nev•· da.. 8 WIDI WOfll.O ~ 8PORT'I ~. o1 Ille tll81 HembletonlM, trotting'• moat prestigious l'tof'N r-. ll'om the Me8clowo- lends ~ Tram In New JerMy; International Gym· naatlc:a ~ In per· fcwmenc:e (ll'om Montroee. Swl~lend); U.S. Weight· llltlng Chemplon111tp1 (trom Sen Frenc:lac:o, C8111.). • 800CIA Menc:hMter United vs. W•t Btomwic:h Albion lWNNG t:OO 9 NA. l'OOTMLL S.... Ollgo Chargmra vs St LOIMa c.dlnab e:ao. W: MAIJIN'S T8NI '°"THE AJT\JM "A.pproec:fl Sflol, Spin And Service Return" Vic: Bf•· den defN>natret•• the bMlc:a of bell rotation. (A) 7:00 <.m Nl-..AO UNO Hoel Bud~, ... an In-depth IOok at T 8lho of JapM. ,_. IOOC8' MADE IN atBIMAH'( Ellgland va. Spain ... ONl.YntE9AUWAI WHITE Paul Winlleld narrates 1 doeumenlwy loG4I •t .,... bell'• Negro 1eague1, wlllc:h llourlahed P'lor to Jadlle Aobineon'• t>reu· LOOKING AHEAD -Undefeated Renaldo Snipes <left) and Gerry Coetzee, a pair of heavyweights with proven knockout power . are eyeing the world title further down the· Ing the major IMglM c:olOr berrier in 19". • IPORT'S Nil/EllltCA "Pec:iflc: Invitational T ennla Toum-t" 11:30. CAT "A Women WllO Fought Bac:k" ~ Warrenbrand doc:umenta Ille CV-of I young P'ofealonal -box•. C.thy "c.t" Oevta. 0 ~ l'OOT8AU. San Diego Charger• vs. St Louil Cardlnala SUNDAY'S SPO~T-S AUGUST I, tte t MOANN) 11:00 8 (]) UA. ClAY COURT T8NI CH.\MPIOI ...... The men•• llNll• In this c:hemplonalllp meet. f•turlng eome of the WOt1d .• lop play9rs. will be telecast llv• lrom the Sport• Center In lndlen8'>- ollt, lndilinL J#lQNOOl:,I 12:00 8 9 NATIONAL lONG ~~ Golf'• long drNe ~­ late vie lor $25.000 In purM money In the llNila ot this _,," annual Costa Mesa's Only Complete Funeral Facilities road as they square off against each other Sunday on N BC's 'SprotsWorld.' T he 10· rounder can be seen on Channel 4 at 4 p.m .' _,, (from IM AtNetlc: Club In Atlanta, Ga.~ 1t:a0. 9 NA ~·-· I.Ne --oe of the llnel rOUtld of peey In tllla golf tOW1\81Mnt (tn>fn the AU.. letlc: 'Club In Atlanta, Ge.). 1:00 QI UOATIWOALD Boxlng -tC>-<ound heavy· weight bout between Renlldo snip. and Gerrie coea. (""'9); SuMv1ll of the Fltt•t. 1:IO • ()) SPORT'S IUNDo\Y Boxlng -10-<ound junior m lddlewelght bout be'-! Roberto Dulan end Nino OonUlez ..... from~. Ohlol. a:ao 9 "'°"18 AFIELD A vlelt to the c;tylllel dew "'8lowa of the FIOfida Keyl to ""' lor bonellafl. •:OO. 8'0RTIWORLD Boxlng -tCkound heevy· weight bout between Aeneldo Snlpee end Gerrie Coetzee: Survlv81 of the Rtteet EYINNa 7:00. w: llMDEN'I T8NI f'Ofl THE FUTUAE "Approec:ll Shot. Spin Md ~ Return'' Vic: ~ den detnonatratH the baelc:a of bell rotation (A) See Sports, Page 28 . llarbor Lawn· Mount Olive Men1orial P.Jrlt · Mortuaf)' · Mausoleums CREMATION PLANS AVAILABLE 1625 Glaler Ave. Coata Me•• Pti.540-5554 1- 7 I ~ • -0 I 0 -~ < r 8 ..,, ~ Q. GI "< . JI> c IQ c "" -......, . -~ - ·~~--------------------._. ...................... r ........ 8 -~Inside TV -"' & i Ebsen, Howard co-star 'i: u. gi ..J > l-o RI 1DDY EBSE.\' . A new TV movie Letters By J EFF PARKER Of_ Dltt, ~ ..... Buddy Ebsen and Ron Howard wrtJ star in "Fire on the Mountain," an NBC Television movie now in production in the Angeles National Forest The movie is based on Edward Abbey's novei about an aging New Mexico rancher who fights local and federal authorities who want to turn his ranch in~ a missile site. Ebsen and Howard play adversanes; Donald Wrye will direct and John Sacret Young wrote the teleplay ... . ~.teve B~der, who won an Emmy for produc- tn~ The First Barry Manilow Special" in 1977, will produce and direct the 33rd aMuaJ Emmy Awards ceremonies to be broadcast from Pasadena Sept. 13. . . "Good Evening, Captain," a variety special salute to "Captain Kangaroo," will be broadcast Aug. 21. Among. the guests are Jean Stapleton, whose daughter ts a longtime Captain Kangaroo fan. Mike P"arrell and Barbara Mandrell ... Robert Conrad will star in the lead role in "Will, G. Gordon Liddy," a two-hour NBC Television movie based on the best-selling auto- biography of the convicted Watergate conspirator. Joining Conrad will be New York actors Peter Ratray, F.J . O'Neil, Gary Bayer and Jim Rebhom ... Judy B. Rosener of Newport Beach has been elec~ed to serve as chairperson of the Community Advisory Board of KXET. Community Television of Southern California. Dr. Rosener is on the facul- ty of the Graduate School of Management at UCI... Spielberg directed television, too Did Steven Spielberg ever direct a TV show other lhan "Duel"? I remember a tum lhal starred Sandy Denni& and &be kid from "Family Artair." ll was a horror movie. Spielberg directed a number of TV shows in· eluding episodes or "Marcus Welby, M.D.," "The Name of the Game," "The Psychiatrist," that starred Joan Crawford. He also made three TV· movies -"Duel," "Savage,'' with Martin Landau and Barbara Bain and "Something Evil," starring ~and~ Denn.i~: Johnnie Whitaker (Jody on Family Affair > and Darren McGavtn as a fami· ly trapped in a haunted house. Spielberg went on to direcl films for the big screen, including such blockbusters as ''Jaws,'' "Close Encounters of the Third Kind" and •·Raiders of the Lost Ark.'" uzzle I'm a new "Incredible Hulk" fan and want lo know exactly bow David Banner became the jolly green giant. David Banner (played by Bill Bixby in the CBS series) was experimer:iting with the effects of stress on physkal strength. Due to an accident in his laboratory. he was exposed to a large dosage of radiati~n. Ever since, whenever he gets angry. he turns mto the Incredible Hulk (played by Lou Ferrigno). The series, which premiered in March 1978, is based on the Marvel comic book character. . r Send your letters 10 Pepper O'Brien. United Feature Syndicate. 200 Park Avenue, Room 602, New York. N. Y 10166 J ACROSS 1,7 Shown. stars on Soap 13 Comedian Hardy 14 Star of Masada 15 U.S. soldier 16 McGowan of Another world 17 Steiger or Stewart 18 Music.I note 19 All About - 21 Cousteau's milieu 23 Act01 Mineo 24 --Tin-Tin 25 Hankering 26 Donkey's cousin 27 Wade on GOOd Times 30 Singer Perry 32 Mr. Aheme·a lnsigne 33 Hirt or Paclno 34 R..>le on Taxi 36 Howland on Allee 39 PGA or NFL type 40 A Reiner 43 Actor Holbrook 45 Fall mo. .a - -801!00d .a Historic time 49 Mr. Hamilton's lnltlals 50 Comedian Hope 51 Public vehicle 53 Miss Ryan's handbag ID 5' Actress Tyson 56 Rolle on Good Times 56 Actor Charlton_ 59 Mathia on Search for Tomorrow DOWN in TV movie . La~ry Bryggman, who plays the dastardly O Dixon m "As the World Turns." doesn't see U good_ doctor as a one-sided character. "I think pe pie find Dr. Dixon more of a mystery than a total bad chara~ter," he said. In regards to playing u long-standing role. Bryggman said "l totally a cept the melodramatic form of serials. Just so rr character makes sense ..... ~anel Elliot, the popular daytime actress wl received the 1980-81 Emmy Award for Outstandi1 ~upporting Actress, has joined the cast of "Gui ing Ll_ght," the long-running CBS daytime dram She ~·!• play the role of Car~e Todd, an iJlustrat• who JOtns the staff of Spaulding Enterprises .. The half-hour comedy "Rise and Shine" w be shown on CBS Sept. 1, starring Christophe Barnes. Jayne Meadows. Joey Green and A1 ~ etra.no. The story. set in a co-ed boarding scboc involves a young boy who is reluctantly put up r?mance when his friends find out he's never be1 kissed. . , William Windom stars as the recently d• ceased detective T.C. Cooper who returns to mal sure his son. Elliot, is behaving himself on ti half-hour CBS comed)l "Quick and Quiet" set to I broadcast Tuesday. Aug 18, at 8:30 p.m. T.C. a pears and disappears -in attempts to get h son. a ne_'er·do·well, to walk the straight and na-r r'?w· As 1t turns out, TC. was no better on ear himself, but he's determined to carry out ti heavenly mandate. The son is played by Ri< See Ebsen, Page 30 FILL I~ 1l4E MISSING LETTEJ?S ltJ IHE ''IV WORDS" BCLOW. 181 IUI I I INI I IGIHITI ~I IEI I IOITIC~I ITI Ftl IGI M ITl I IPIE I 1• t1t5 '~t~ I IRIAINI I I~ pJJ:~ ~ ~€ ARfNJG€ T~E. ...,..~ Af,J, 1lfl'-'S-L.Ei'f~S You FILLED ttJ G~· i"o ~ll THE IJAM€ a= A MDAf(.. -' AC1'1£«: ~-11 I I I I I I I ·s01a11tts ~ -03':2~ ·~ ·~~~ll'l:il~S :~ 3 Mr. Ives' initials ' A Gabor 5 Begin -oaln 6 O'Neill on As the World Tums 7 Erin on Happy Days 8 like - -ot bricks 9 Sign of ~ment 10 Muaro.l f'Ote 1 t Jot 01\ 8oeom Budd lea 12 Actrt9 Patricia and nameMkes 20 The -o' the Affair 22 MIT grad 23 Goldwyn or Levenson 28 Mr.V~ 29 Don AOlrns role 30 V.nlele fOf 34 Across 31 Grand -Opry 34 Rote tor O'Connor 35 Studto ,.., "tat• 37 Chico and -Man 38 -Vllllly 38 R<* fOf Etlrada .0 Actreea Blythe 44 Llnvllle on The Jeffersons '6 Napoleon of U.N.C.LE 47 She plays Eudora on Flamingo Road 50 Las Vegas action 52 Sault -Marie 55' Miss Stevens· sign-off 57 60 mlns . SOLUTION 1 I I ~ , ~ I I .. 1 2 JUMBO RATES INVESTMENT CERTIF·ICATE 18 0/ ANNUAL /0 RATE 30 TO 90 DAYS '20,000 MINIMUM INVESTMENT INTEREST PAID MONTHLY lP MONTH .. INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE INTEREST COMPOUNDED DAILY $2,500 MINIMUM INVESTMENT INTEREST PAID MONTHLY 3 4 6 MONTH MONEY MARKET CERTIFICATE 17.18% 5•e ba1~on 16.32% =- IFffCTIYll/4/11 -1/10/11 'I 0,000 MINIMUM INVESTMENT INTEREST PAID MONTHLY 90 DAY INVESTMENT CERTIFICATE 16.18% 15.50% lfflCTIYll/4/11 -1/10/11 '1,000 MINIMUM INVESTMENT INTEREST PAID MONTHLY LIMITED OFFER -PENAL TY FOR EARLY WITHDR AWL LIMITED OFFER -PENAL TY FOR EARLY WITHDAAWL ' South Coast Thrift - and Loan Association ' 1421 West MacArthur Blvd. Santa Ana, CA 92704 97S:-7081 AVAILABLE TO CALIFORNIA RESIDENTS ONLY 9 ... tO i - -0 ~ Friday Gdd ~ KNXT IJ Lee-.- 1: MOOling News .. s: C.,tain K~~oo .. 9: The JeftefSons Alice .. 10: The Price fsR~t .. 11: OneDly At A Time Young And The Restless KNXT PM IJ Lee ..... 12: .. AsThe World 1: Twm SewctiFor Tomorrow 2: Golding Light .. .. 3: l:;::"Y .. 4: Birney Miller ,..... .. 5: News .. 6: News .. 1: CBS News 20nThe Town s: The lncn1dlble Hull .. 9: The Dulles OIHmwd .. 10: Dallas " 11: News The Oetense Of The 12: United StatesPt.5 CBSM<Me .. KNBC KTlA D u la-.-la ..... Todar, 700 Club .. .. .. .. .. Another .. Ute .. Lea.,.tt .. To Beaver La Vegas Rldlard GMlt>l1 Simmons BloQ-Richard bull«1 Simmons WheelOI Big Fortune Vllley Password " .... Plus .. C.,d Bonanza Shirts .. The " Ooc1cn .. KNBC KTLA D u Lee ..... Lee ..... OaysOI Twlllght Our Ulla Zone .. Twilight .. Zone Another How World ~ .. .. .. T .. John .. Oevidsol'I .. .. .. .. Donahue .. " .. " Hollywood .. Squires Mery1r-Sp«:e: Moore 1999 Bob .. Newllll1 .. News Striy " & Huldl .. " .. .. News Kung .. Fu .. .. .. .. NBC News ·111P9YOeys .. Again Femily Sha Ne Na Feud .. Harper M<Me. VllleyPTA "Wiii NBCM<Me: uma "The Ditti" Sllpptr .. AndThe .. RoM" .. .. .. .. News .... .. .. .. .. .. .. News SIM .. Trek T~t .. .. .. M<Me· .. "~ SCTV Of The Networ1t 90 Cobra'' SC 244 c KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET u 0 D (0 m a> m Lee---...... la ... ....... Lee ..... Lee ..... Lee ..... Good Morning The Todar, Bugsllunny Feb Yoga FOf Mo<nlng News FrOOlles & Friends The Cat Heelth America .. Thete ts .. $plCe Mighty Mister .. .. A Way .. Coater Mouse Rooert .. Sunup Jim .. Atc>Per .. Look .. San~ Bakker .. .. At Me ., .. " Gentle Enret.'f"'Y VIia .. .. .. .. Ben AllOr• A.M. The .. Donahue IL.ove Romper Seslme I.OS JttlerlORS .. .. Lucy Room Street Angeles Alice .. .. 8ewttched Spec:ial .. .. .. .. .. People .. Three's The Price Mldmomjng WheelOI IOreamOI Uttlest E.xcl\ange Company IS~t L.A. FOftune Jeannie Hobo Three's .. PISSWOfd Mike Littlest .. Company .. .. Plus Douglas Hobo .. Family Young And " card .. McMr. Electtlc Feud The Restless .. Shlnta " "Tt1CJ1e Compeny Ryln's .. Movie: ToT .. News Trouble" .kllil Hope .. ''Retum The Truth .. .. Child KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KOOP KCET u 0 0 (0 .m a> • Lee ..... ....... Lee ..... ....... Lee ..... Lee ..... Lee .... AHMy ltlws OIThe Daya Of Mcwle: Mootle: Oidt Children .. Texan" Our LIYel "In "Thunder CMt1 .. AaThe .. .. Nllll8 In The °* .. WOfld .. .. Only" Easf' Easy Onel.Jlt Tums News Another .. .. NatlOnll To l.Mt .. .. World .. .. Glographlc .. SewchFor Wild, " .. " Spec:ial .. Tomorrow Wid .. .. .. .. Gentrll Guiding Wes1 Texas Let's T1tun Flllout: HQIPtll Light .. .. Rap .. lmplttOn .. .. Ironside .. The .. AgriculllJre .. .. .. .. Jetsons .. EdgtOI Jolin .. Movie . The Terry-Foollteps Night Davidson .. "l.Mt Flintstones toons A.M.ln .. Movie: A Little. Tom And .. W11 Against TheP.M. .. "Don't love A 1.1eny .. lnftetion News .. Push, Llllle" Rippet Kartoon Vllla .. .. r• .. .. Kamlvll Alegre .. MA.S.H. Chatge .. Gentle " Mitter .. .. When .. Ben .. Rootrs '-' .. News Reidy'' Donahue Bewitched Fred Sesame .. .. .. Fllntstone Street .. .. Whll's .. IDnllmOI Wiil 'Tll .. .. H H-*111 .. Mnnie VOi Father .. News CBS'*-TicTIC NBCNIWS MAS.H. Good 8ICtric .. .. ~ .. .. Tines COfl'C*1Y .. News Jell ... News Al In The Benny News .. .. Wild .. Family .. .. ABCNews TlcTIC Bu~ .. M.A.S.H. Strtets ()Yer .. Dough .. .. OfSan Easy Teietone PM Fece The Family M in The Francl8co MICNell .. MlalZlne Music Feud Family .. Lehrer BenSOl'I The Moot\e;: HllJ* PM ~: LA.Week .. Incredible "Sun-VllleyPTA Magazine "()yjjt. ri ReYtew The l<JYPl<>n Hulk llowtr" NBCM<Me: Top lords Of Washington Fector .. .. "The SlOIY TheUFO" w .... ABCM&M: TheOul!• " Sllpptr Merv .. WllStreet "ThePoe-OIHmard .. AndThe Grillin .. Week MSlioll .. .. RoM" .. .. Hidden Of .loll .. .. .. .. .. Plat ~ .. Dalaa News .. .. News Masterpiece .. .. .. .. .. Thelt,. .. .. .. .. News INN News "Upstairs, .. .. .. .. .. .. Oownstllrs" News News Newtywed News MIMlx Benoy Oicll .. .. Game .. .. Hiii Cavett PGA Wonder let's Make T~I .. Stanley Captioned Cl\Mlp$ Women A Deal .. I Sl!lol!I ABCNews. ABCNews .. Gunsmoke .. McMr. Bllett• Nigh~ .. .. .. "MarCU$-.. CBSMovie .. SCTV Neltorl .. McMr. "Katherine" .. Netwotll90 Murden" .. INTRODUCING ~aK.~1 NATIONALLY KNOWN, AWARD WINNING JEWELRY DESIGNER Bringing lo Corona Ji! Mar & Nnvport Btarh "C ret1tive Elegt1 nee in Fine J ercel ry .. omGINAL. DESIGNING • CUSTOM RESn'UNG & AESETTINO A OEStOHEA CXX..LECTION OF OOLO I PlATINUM JEWEL AV • DIAMOHD6 • PEARLS • FINE COlOREO GEMSTONES Open TueadaythroughSaturd1y {7i4} 760-6766 2610 E. PA~ OOAST ~WY. •CORONA ~EL MAR, CA., 92625 ... KOCE ~ II II • ...: Mac Neil Lellrer Ovtt Easy Body Buddies Gulen Tao StuOio See • Electric IComi>enY Vina Alegre Yoga With Madeiloe Human Benavlor Wrtting FOf AReason KOCE ~ It <I ..... Project UnMne Health ISlues Introducing Biology American Go.emment Olfdl And Man v~ Huml'1ltles u °* Easy MacHeil l*er Ap!ece OIDrNms .. .. ~ Eleclrit COfl'C*1Y Studio See MacNeil Lehrer Business E.xchlnae w• Street W• Wllllqton Week Voter's ~ The Tom CottteShow Fr•To CllOOll .. ..... Sneak Previews Captioned ABCNews = Fridays Details --------- AUGU8T7, 1111 EVENNG 7:00 9 HAPPY DAYS AGAJH Potw paniCs wNt> he IMlel lhe trele<nlly ltll1i.- oon '°' being pinned 10 • IOf Otlty gif1 • w·A·a·H Aner the mall comes. T rappel' melc• plW\I lo deMrt end Frank r-· rengee 1111 Moc:lt por1follo • 8TIIEET8 M IAN FlWQ8CO Ston. awpecl• lhet a perole olficer 11 rMj)Onsl· ble '°' 1rying 10 mue crlmlnalt oul of refOt....cl conviCI .. • OVIREAIY G~I. Polly Bergen (Al c;J a ....v~ Gueell Aobett SNeldt. Wlllrk:I H~WNte, Of Bernerd Stwr, Of Marcel· laWelrl8f. (C)MOVIE ***I+ "Brig adoon·· ( 1U54) Getl8 Kelly. Cyd CherllM. (%)MOYIE "Fallo" ( 1980) Dom O.LulM. Anne e.nc:ron 7:tel 8 2 ON THE TOWN ~11 s1-Edwer<11 end Melody Rogers laltc wllh -¥OluntMr Nlltlonel Guard1man, then lhey exPor• lhe wonc:t of model ptenea. and -Mil with Big mama ThOrton In ,....._ of lhe hlslory of local jazz • IHANANA Guee11: Mertha Ree.... end TN \lendellea. • ALL .. THE FAYL Y Atchle tries to patch thlngt up be'-Edith and her 111111. (PIWI 2) Cl) P.M. MAGAZINE A tewi-ege -··body· building dlamp: IN AllM- 11 Networ11. •program ttlel ~ peciple ....... Md knowledge. CID KAIMCUE: a.teMION MOEATH The 11e1on of J~ Mle Which led ,,.__ ~ to comm11 • torm o4 euiclde they oontld«ed l\onoflbll during World W• 11.,. exemlned. Cl) THI NEW MAIO For yc>ung Joey, Merle It m«e lhan IN ,_ maid - .... a ,_ and Meded friend. e:Ot. Cl) THI INCMll9l.f HUU( Devld II befl ieoded by • dwetl ~ pencften1 '°' telling ,.. t.... tancl• Oe\lld In trouble wfth IN mob.(AI •a ~vAU.EY PTA s1 ... It th<own on lh• echOol carnival commtUM '°' allegedly c:.trylng Ofl wfth the meyor (A) • MOYIE * * * "Walt Until o.rtl" ( 1967) Aud,.., Hepburn, Alen Atttln 8 <11 IEN90N E Yerything lumt into a See Friday's, Paie 11 .......--,.._...._._·----··· _._ l • ~ I I I I Hammond Organ and Piano Center MOVING SALE Hammond Organ and Piano Center. located at 2854 East Coast Highway in Corona del Mar for the past 20 years. is moving September 1st. The new and larger headquarters will be at 270 E. 17th Street in H i llgren Square , Costa Mesa. A ll merchandise new and used will be on sale with discounts. UPTo40% during the remainder of July and August. Sale ends August 29th. Off No reasonable offer refused (7 14) 6#8930 Butcher Bou l'leats FRESH SHARK FRESH SWORDFISH DAILY SIDE OF BEEF s1.39L& Cut, Wrapped, Frozen and Delivered Tube Toppers KTLA 0 8:00 -"Wait Until Dark ... Audrey Hepburn and Alan Arkin star in a movie about a blind woman held cap- tive by a psychotic. NBC EJ 8:30 .. The Slipper and the Rose." Richard Chamberlain stars in a bright musical version of Cinderella . ABC fJ 8:30 "The Krypton Fac- tor. "~our people compete against each other as Dick Clark hosts. KOCE 9 9:30 "The Tom Cottle Show." A Yale doctor talks about his ex- periences as a s•1rgeon. Fridays Details- From Page 10 liuco dutlng 1 lormet reception tor a corporate btgwlO (RI G MOVIE • • "Sunflower'" ( 1970) SophMI Loren, Marcello Mu1ro<annl 8) P.M. MAGAZINE A t_..ege women t body· butldlng champ, Iha Allan· 11 Nelworll • program Iha! helps people share skills and knowtedge. Judy Jer- nudd wllh bargain lravell· Ing hinll, Capl Carrol on Ice as a cure tor IOOlhachel QJ MOVIE • * "'Ov«lor<la Of The UFO" 11en1 Oocumenta· ry. fl} LOS ANGELES WEEK IH REVIEW Hoat: Clele Rober1• 6i) WAU. ITREET WEEK "'Ananclat Planning Thal Works" Guee1 Larry BWll, e•acutl,.. v1ee prMiden1. Bailtat<I. Blehl & KllMr. Inc. ®MOW ""The Fltll Deadly Sin" (1980) Franll Sinatra. Faye Dunaway (S)MOVIE "No Oeposlt, No ~1u1n" ( 1978) O.vid Niven. Darren Mc:GaYln. CI MOVIE "l!Wing S.cSd ..... (1974) CINvon Ullle. 0-Wiid· er. Olrecled by Mel Brooltl. 1:ao D C9 MOVIE * * * "'The SUP!* And The Rote" ( 1978) Rlchatd Chamberlain. Gemma Cr•· wn. 8 @ THE KRYPTON FACTO.. Four Amerlcen• drawn from Ill wWlca ol llM pit their men I el and plly9lcal proweaa agalnat aech other; 01ctt Cllf'k ~ta . • TOP STOAY Hoata: Jim Thom•. Mary uar- "Fam•" ( 1910) Eddi• Barth, .,_Cera. t.00 8 Cl) THE DlMEI OF HAZZMD Uncle JeaM call• on his IOng-Mglectad gambling elcllls 10 help a friend wtn back hla Hie aavtngt-(R) 8 9 MOYIE **'A "The P--'<>11 Of Joel Delaney" I 1972) StW. ~ Mecl.elne. P«fV 1<1119. • .-.VGNFAN ~ta: Robert 8hlekta, Wlffrid Hyde-Whit•, Ot Bemard Stan , Or. M~cel­ la W41111er, '-l!laMMIYl9 sinoar . • WAU. tTMEf WIBC '"f'.lnanclel ~ That Wor11a" ou.t: LMfy lllehl, •xecutM w. Pfteiclaftl, Balllatd. 9leN l ~. lne. ~lllCMI .. ao fl:) HIOOEN PlACE.8: WHERE HISTORY LIVES Hoa• Phlflp Abbott YlaJll the Canyonlands Wiider· neu of Utah and Huaco Tanke in western Te.u .. two soas wh«e Indian rock art has en<ltl<ed tor centuries 6i) THE TOM COTTLE SHOW Porlfall 0 1 A Surgeon" Or Rlehard S~er of Yale University Mec:lleal SchOOI talks about his emotional an<I psycho<ogk:al e1par1- enc.a as • surgeon 0 A CELE.BAA TION Some of the blgges1 111111 of pop.<ounlry mus.c pet. form lheor greatest hill al The Forum m Loa Angelel: 1nc;luded ere Maureen '4cGovern ("The Morning Aller"), Krta Krlatolleraon ("Bobby Magee"), Rociky Burnette ("Taar 11 Up"), Glen Campbell ("Ahl~ atone Cowbo)'"l end Tanya T uci<er ("'Lay BKk In The Arma Of LC>Ye··~ 10:00 .. Cl) OAU.A8 J R 'a conniving alfec:ls tha u,,.. of Bobby. Pam. Clllf. Donna anc1 Ray. and Sue Ellen takes matter• Into her own hand• 10 find out WhO la followlng hit. (RI • MA8T'EFIPtECE THEATN! FUTIVAl. ~ FAVONTU .. Upatawa, 0own11a1r1: The 8oltet.. J-and Hazel ere lnYlted to a 1011 hunt and RoM and Edward .,. ..nl along to 1aka care of them IPert 3) (R) ID FA& TO CH008E 'WhO Protects The Con- llUIMt?" Of. MMton Fried- man ioc.1 et hOw Iha con- IU"* proi.ctlon move- ment ol the put 20 years llM actually hurt 1he oon- ..,...., • (R) O ®MOVIE "'The Awakening"' ( 1980) Charlton HM!on, Suean- ~h Yor11 (JD MOVIE "E_.,, WhiCh Wey But L-" (1971) Clint Eaa1· wood, Sondra Loci<•. (I) DAW> IH&>Wtl IHOWTWllN HOUVWOOO OeYld Sheehan lntervlewt -of Hollywood1 big- i t atara. to:ao MIO STNMf 11:00 8TMTMK The Ent8fl)riaa aimo.t COl- lidea wttll a al1'9nQ1 ~ a att In outer ..,_ • MANNIX '"Penny FOf A P"f) ShOw .. • ...,,HU IMnny h .. f\ln wl1h the UM of peoroctv on a,,,....._ IOtlO In a IOve4y Old Englletl ~CAVETT ~ Of Ohtr 8aclla. (P*1 hU)(A) .WK,,...... IHfoa~or OR.-____ _ Sotwdoy, retww °" , ...... MoMay f Mo.day ....,. Tim idcry HIMChds of fillM ill stock Otter good only with this eoupon thru Aug 17 JUST AlllVID! ................ H.wb•A-. ... , M.fvta .... How.rd tt't My y.,. ............ ~~ ...,..,... ~, ... ....,w_ TES •• ......_. a..t ,...,. GMd .,.. i.r.m co.Mg ~. C••I•~• 'AUCJ 12• ......... M• AM atHce ~· c~ ·Fer~ ,.,.,. ...... Plot C0411 Miiier's Of Dr. r. M-i. Du -ht ..... The Video Station l 201 Martin. #103. lrvlne 8ehlnd ...... try Holel neat to Hora Hiit .... i-ani . Acao ss N OM JOHH WAY .. AllPOIT THE LOFT ANTIQUES * SPECIALIZING IN : • Professional Appraisals • Repair, Restore your f umiture • Estates Bought and Sold • Management of Estate Sales on Commission • Liquidation 3371 Eo.at C006t Highway Corona dtl Mor, CA 921625 ( 714) 615-6911 Wor~hot.&u Location 23192 Verdugo Dnw "C' Laguna Hilll, 92llW The Art Gallery "We seU the best-we restore the rest" • Fine Arts • Portraits • Restoration • Art Lessons • Authentic Indian Jewelry LARGE SELECTION IND/AN JEWELRY From the Reaervotlon$ lndWn Trader wiU be in the gallery August IS between 11 a.m.·3 p.m . Drop by and meet Betty and The Artists 3426 Via Lido Newport Beach, CA 714 . 673-~ •. ,...., Tiit 1'ttl" l1MO) ~ ,...,, Adn.- Klng. ..... f.bert -'*" ...... ,..,... • 1 ...., °""" 'f!~~~~=~~=:::::~!fJll2fS5 "Tsr.., !°tie Ape Mlft,.. (C "O 0 - cg - ,.._' -Ill ::> Ol ::> < > IO 'C 'i:: u. OI 0 _J > ~ -0 0.. KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE ~ a Q u u 0 D m> m m m '1!) ........... Lee ..... ... .,.... Loi ..... ... Dlete L .. ~ Lee ..... Loi ..... ........... .... ~ ........... .... 1: Dusty's The Pacesetters Sup«-TV8 Looks Hot The Teen Romper Yoga For Of Ellrtn Treel!Ouse Alntstooes " lrlends At Learning Fudge Flintstones Scene Room Health And Man Marto .. Big Blue .. Kldsworld Gigglesn0f1 " U9And Infinity Vegeeable OI Earth " " Matble ' " Hotel Com1119 Fac:IOfY Soup And Man s: Tom And Godzilla The Tllund•r The Tom And MOYie Godl.iUa Movte Rebop Rebop Writing f Of •ry " RJfleman Barbltlan Jerry ''Blodt-"Lei .. AReuon Bugs Batman Ral Heattlthll Bugs heads'' Batman No Man Gettln l.Jte Wrrttng fOf Bunny AndThe Patrol & 0.ngbal Bulvly .. And The WnleMy Over Around Us AReason 9: Road Super Voyage Happy Days Road .. Super Ep1tapll" ~ePasa. Nova Writing For Runner 5eYen To The Gang Runner .. 5eYen SA ? .. A Reuon .. Daffy Bottom Of Richie .. Laurel Dally .. Calend11 " Wntlng For Duc:lt The Sea Alen And Hardy Duc:lt " A Reaotl 10: Popeye The Ozzie & Scooby p~ Laurel The Hogan's Movie V1lungs1 Volet's .. Jelsons Harrtel Doo And Hat<ly Jelsons Hetoes "Five P1pel1ne .. Hong Kong Amereca's Thondarr The Movie. Hong Kong 8a$eball Golden Gatden1ng Health .. Phooey Top Ten Barbarian "Who Phooey Bunch Dfegons" Issues 11: Lorie Base. Today WCT Weal( end Lorie Done fl?'" Base Today Car <Ate " Ju ha Health Ranger NBC Sports Tenrns Speoal Ranger NOC Sports C«ltrll Child Issues Tarzan Summer People Tarzan Summe< Soul Soaer" Romaonoit'S Healtll Season 1 SYson Tr11n HIQhllg!llS Table Issues KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE PM tJ D u 0 m D m> m m m GD lMMfelaa LAllMtelle LoeMtelle Lot .,..._ IM0"9o L"Mteile 18110"9o LoeMflM Loa~ LMMteile ........... ..... 12: Fal Alber\ Lost In PGA Fal Alben Wild .. Marcus Sltm Heallh .. Space Chlfl\P4oo-W•d .. Welby Cuisine Issues Oral\ Pack .. .. ship Drak Pack West " MISSlon .. Vtc Braden's Health .. .. .. " .. .. lml>O$Slbre TeMIS Issues 1: Siar .. The Siar Movie MOOM °" Introducing Con!IMnd Munsters .. Command "Big Hell Painting Biology 30 MIOl.ltes F-Troop 30 M1nv1es Gundown Tills Week lsFOf The Gammas Hen<y .. In Baseball Heroes Are C01T11ng1 Moore 2: Tenms West em G1t1t9an's A.mefic:an Tennis Rhoda Mysteries Hablamos US. Clay Outdoorsman Island Bands land US. Clay .. .. OITl\e EspaoOI .. Court Talk About GUltgan's .. Court .. Bob Great .. Que Pasa National C11amp1on Ptciures Island Champion· Newhart Pyramids USA ? Geogfaphlc 3: stups Agncutture Movie Sports ships MOYie Mary Tyte< MOYie MoYM! Old Frteods Spec;aJ USA '"W1Ckl8S1 Legends "H!!fcules Moore "AG"1 'She NewFnends Sports E~e Wagon NCAA Sporls An In The Namea Mundo Human Saturday .. Train" Football Salurday Family Sooner Real BehaYIOt 4: .. .. .. HOlocavst .. ·" Movte .. Presente Human ,. " .. 00Encoun1er .. " .. 8ehavt0r .. " .. .. With The .. The New Human Ullknown Voce BehaviOI 5: Amencan Free 8'oolc Wtde MASH MOYl8 MOVte MOYie A#-5111 Human Advenwre U H Woman WOfldOI "Hercules .. ·u1ue lnvtla-Soccet Benaoor Last Ot News .. Sports Wek;otne Unchained" .. Women" 1100 To A .. Julia The Wild .. .. .. Back, Kotter .. .. .. Gunhghter" .. Child 6: CBS News NBCNews Movie. .. CBS News NBC News .. OnceUpon OnceUpon "Sands .. .. . A Classic A Classic News Mary Tyler Of The News News .. News " Tomorrows Vtc Braderl's Moote Kalahart Famdit!$ Tennis 7: In Search Comedy .. Pot1rait 01 The Stleot l.awreoce lawienoe Solt<! Aust111 Business 01 Shop A Legend Muppels CrtSl5 Welk Welh Gold C11y Excnaooe The Family .. HoOywOOd In Search " .. .. .. Llmils ()ji Muppe1s Feud .. Squares 01 .. .. Painting s: CBS Movte Barbara Roots Of Elghl Is Roots All Barbata Mer. Movie The Sltenl Soccet "'Rende:-Mandrell Roek 'N Enough Of ROdt Goers Mandrell Grrlfin "Suddefl Spong Of Made In vous & Mandrell ROil .. 'N Roll Children & Mandrefj TetrOf" Rachel Germany Hotel"' Sis1ers .. .. StSters .. Carson .. 9: .. Steve Rook Love Wetcome Africa's Steve .. .. The Ball Sports Allen ehow Boat Back. Kotter Wee~ng Al ten .. I Was While Amenca CBS Movie Comedy ROC:k CBS Movie Comedy They Ron " Viki"!lsl .. 'NunzJO" Hour snow "Nunno" Hour For Their .. 10: .. Games News Fantasy .. Love Games Lives INNNews Mys1ery Austin People .. Island .. Plus People Cty .. Play .. .. Orte Play News News .. L11111ts .. .. .. " .. " .. .. .. " 11 : N~ News Underground News News Our News Movie: Dance Up S~stage .. .. Coonectlon " .. Forgotten .. "Little FeYef Pompeii Batnaby Saturday h ABC News Movie Family Saturday Womeo" Soltd Cat .. Jones Night L...e .. Mo\'le "Scorpio" Night llYe Gold .. .. 12: .. Movie "The .. Movie· .. .. .. Movte .. "W11 MldWoman .. "Hammer-.. .. .. "The Movie Gods Of Of Challtot" " smith " " Let's Etuslve "Portrau·· .. Thi Deep" .. .. ts Out" .. .. Rock Pimpernel" EUROPE JU St minutes away SO UMl9UE SHOPS OFFB A VA.IJITY OF FINI IMPORTID ITIMS Exit Beach Blvd. RESTAURANT Ir Coan' AIL LOUMGI * RATHSIEU.11 • WEIMSTUIE LIVE ENTERTAINMENT• LODGING •CHURCH• KIDDIE RIDES 405 F1eewey 7561 Center AY9 .. Huntington Beach Mt .. To HIC)lwfse '714) 897-147 0 C714, lfl·Ol 12 ALPINE FEST Ffttl• .. Hll •. •"'Y S•daJ wfAG .. ••a..d .. F •Ir •Het SJ.71 ..... 12 $2.75 FUE AcW.._ s.t. A 5-, Dmc ... & tf11k.• tlle Slrffh . ~, - -------~----.. ~ --------- Satwdays Details AUOUST a, 1ae1 EVEHINO 7:008 IHSEARCH OF ... "Casile Of Secrets D PORTIWT OF A l.EGEHO "Smoltey RotMnaon a 8ILE.NT CAl8'8 HOit Ce rot L•wrence Guests Dlek Van Patten, Maureen McGovern Oleheon CerrOll at OJ LAWRENCE W£U< Femoua Femme SC>nQ 0trd1' II) 80UO GOLD HOii Dionne Warwick Coho st Mickey Gmey G.-11 Stepnen B11nop The Oak R•dQe Boys The Who, RobtMe Dupree Ral r; Biiiey The Go Go 1 ft) AUSTIN CllV LIMITS · Cnaney Pride And Rauy ea.11ey .. (I) THE MUPPETS GUMI a..ddy RlCh {C)MOVIE ••• M an I" The Iron Mask ( 1939) LOUIS Hay ward, Joan Bennell 7:30 f) THE MUPPETS Gues1 Wally Boag '1l) MAGIC METHOD OF Oil PAINTING Spring~ IHSEAACHOF. Hindenburg Sabotage (ti MOVIE ··No Deposit No Return 111176101Md Niven. D11r1en McG1vln COl MOVIE 8rooco Billy jt9801 Chnl EutwOOO Sondra Loelle ( Sl LAff-A· lltOH A comedian host and four comic con1est•nll who compete against one another are featured 1n this uncenSO<ed comedy geme ""°"" 7:S5 (ZJLA FIESTA OE SANTA 8AA8AAA l.'008 MOVIE • "Rendelvous Ho1e1 (19791 BUI Dally, Jell J Redford U (H BAR&AAA MAH0A£U. ANO THE MAHOAa.L 8l8T£AS Gueals Bobby Goldsboro. lne a.Hamy 8rothe<"s IR) D (I) THE AOOTS OF AOOK 'N'AOU. "'Rocklll The Boat'" Hosl Rod St-arl Gueals The Filth Otmension. Sly Stone Peter Paul & Mwy Ate1na Frenklln, Marvin Geye. Ringo Sl9rr. Art Garlu,,llel. 8obby Gentry. (Pert 4) 0 EIGHT IS ENOUGH 0.VMI' I eonstNCllOtl com- pany 18 hll9d 10 renovate en old tlleltre I.hat J-t'a I-fifm Ilea'-> retained to h•.,. tom down jR) O G ALL000'8 CHIU>MN HOit Dele Elllllls at MERV OAIFF1H a ....... Genie Francia Kathy Smltn. C11hy Gulawlte, Heether M8CRH, Llllbel Stern, Jeennlne Burnief See S1lurday's, Page 13 CARNIVAL A119-Zl·U..JJ 10 ............ o Red Ca:: Jtr Fair I I Spec...._. IJdn ._ ..... o ...... ,.~ , MUsiiii' '5" '6" • .......... .,._ arr a.- Tube Toppers: KCOP ti) 8:00 "Sudden Terror .. A prankis h youngs ter witnesses a murder in a movie starring Mark Lester and Susan George. KCET @ 8:00 .. The Silent Spring of Rachel Carson . · A 1963 program about pesticides and the environment 1s updated. NBC S 9:00 "Steve Allen Com edy Hour.·· Ste ve Lawrence a nd Larr) Wilcox guest in an hour of humor. KTTV m 11 : 00 .. Lallie Women . June All vson and Peter Lawford star in Louisa May Akott 's C'lassic story Satunlay~ Details Cl) MOVIE • • 'Suaaen T&rror (1970) Mark Lestw. Susan G80f~ EliJ THE SILENT SPRING OF RACHEL CAMON In a ptogram lirsl aJrad in 1963. Aacllel Carson a11d Eroc Sevateld explore 1he ex1em 10 which pea1tcldes may endanger man and hiS envltonmtint, an update IS Included (SJ MOVIE "The Blues Broth&rs" ( t980) Jahn Belushi Oen Ayl(royd 0 MOVIE ··o~ l1ughlng • I 19801 Aobby Benson, Ch11rtet Durning 0 [DJ FANTASY 181.AHO A deaf dancer s t>eaung is leml)O<artly restO<ed end a compulsive gambler crOSfeS f ant Ui4H wtlh a social worker (Al O 0 L0\1£ PlUS ONE Host Art Unkle1ter EliJ MYSTERY The Aaong Game Track dOWn RacehMse owne< JeClc Beater esks Std Hal ley ana Chtco Barnes 10 fond OUI why, wllh Ille e•cepllon of his promt•ln!J New Year Led. all hla hO•S· es a1a tos1ng (R)Q 8: 16 (ZJ MOVIE ~~~~~~~~~==~~~~~~~~~~~ "Fame" (1980) Eddie Barth. Ir-Cara ~ AUSTlN CITY LIMITS Tit M11hel otters a unique syn111ea1s of Amencan end fhlfd World music, Dan Def Sar110 9Wlngs from country 10 jazz. (A) 0MOVIE "&ut>aker" ( 1980) ~t A(!df0<d Y aphet Kono THIMIW YAMAHA K-960 ONLY 5495°0 Superb Audio Systems. Coni(>onenta Expert Repairs. Custom lnsfallatlons 2116 I. Co ... Hlgllway c,,. "'., 17141 640-1233 e:oo a a STEVE Au.E.N OOMEDYHOUR GuHll' Larry Wilcox, Steve Lawrence (A) D AOCK8HOW Host. Nett Sedake. Guest• Telkl"Q Heads Visage Sune Oua1ro, CHft Alch· ard. Todd Aungtan G O LOV£80AT Gophet'a aunt m .. 11 a new man. • er-member abandon• hla child In ttwi cept111n·1 quartara. end two fun..loYlng beehelor'I c0<npete 10< the alfecllona ofewornan.(AIO 8 AFflllCA.'8 WEEPING, 8UTNOONE'8 U8TEHINO Hoat: C.rol lawrence (C)MOVIE . • • ~ "The Drowning Poo(' ( 1975) Paul New- mat1, Joanne Woodward t:30 8 (J) MOVIE ••'It "Nunz10" ( 1978) 01vld Proval. J1mH Andronlca. D AOCKS..OW Host Nell Sedekl GUMll XTC, Donny Iris, The Pr .. lender•, Palrloa ~ AodStewwt • T-..v AUN FOR TWEJftLNU Johnny Mann narrates Ille plight of Ethiopian rlJlu-· ~ "Hllfan Wu Here" The controwrsy *"1'0Uf'dlllQ the mysteriou1 Ru1 lrlbe II Hemln«I (A)Q CB)MOYIE "Coal Miner's Oeugf'tt•" (1N0) Sl9ay 8peclell, TO<n· ;~-· "The Bluet Brothert" (1080) Jolln Belulllll. Oen ~royd. tO:OO. CIJ OAME8 PEOfl\.a ~., Feetur9d: • CUl1etd pie ltlrowlng conteet; • ~­.., .__ lteelworilert anct ,_, .... « I wMel• CtM* eltlltQ. (R) 10'.30 (S) SPECT ACUlAA LOHOOH 10-.35 (2) MOVIE "Fatao" ( t980) Dom OelUIM. Anne B811CrOl1 11:00 D THE UNOEAOAOUNO COUtlECTIOH This documentary c;hronl· cles the posiOon of Cht1S- tleos living In c0<nmunl•I· controlled nations Art Ltnklettet and Mrs. Alelc· aandr Solzhenlllyn are 1 .. 1ured 8 OUR FOAOOTTEH FAMILY H<Mt. Dale Evans. 8) MOVIE • • • "Little Women" ( 1949) June Allyson, Pe1or lawlO<d a> DANCE FEV£A Celebrity judgM Vtekl Lawrence. Skip Stephen- son, Bo Svenson Guest• The JonM Girts fJD UP POMPEII Frankie Howard take• ua on a ribald tour of P0<npell l*ore Its 1i.-1ated Int deya (Pen 5) CID 80UND8TAGE "Chick Corea A nd Frlefldt" Chlcll Corea and Al Jarreau perform "Spain." "Hot New• 81uM," "My Ofle And Only Love" end Otl-ell-time ISYOrit ... (R)Q (CJ~ • • ~ "The Macklntoth Man" (1913) Paul H9w· men. Dominique Sande CSJ 8IZAIN JOOI JoM ""* lflOwe you tNngl Slflln08I' than truth. lerger then .... end nnl« then anyltllng you'lle -- DAILY PH.OT CLASSIPIED ADS Cell M.t-M7t. Put a t•w "'d' to work tor rou. NEED IT? RENT IT? T fltn lllNTALS "Your Complete Rental Center" TICE'S TICE'S RENTAL RENTAL LAfiUMA COSTA MESA HACH I flO ..wP<>IT 1705 S. COAST ILVD. HWY. RENTAL CITY aroao 22600 l.A)ii9BT su1n 120J 642-5660 497-2212 837-0854 What to do this weekend? fJ PilotWeekender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New look! New slzel Every Friday! ... .... 13 ,, 0 -... < r-8 'T1 ~. ~ QI < 'f Cl c: Ill -:-i -~ M -0 0.. KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC ~ • D • • .......... LM ...... LAIMll'M ......... 1: TOdly's Ser~ Robett It II FWgioll Schuller Written FllltlWlys Whitney& Glllgln's Viewpoint ThtRobot ltlllld NUttttion a: Sunday The Popeye Personll Mor~ ChnstOl)herS AndHia Dimenllons Tiiis ts Friends Todly'a .. Thtllfe .. Blk. WOllllll 9: .. Odyssey .. Vile .. Alegre FICIThl Meet The .. 11 Nttlon Prea .. .. 10: ,...,_ers At One Mo-. Clmp .. ''W-*lesl Wiiderness Interface .. WlgOll Kida Are .. " Train In P9CJC)le 11: Tennis On ThlWest" Too U.S. Cwnplis .. .. Clly AGentle .. Anlmlls Cour1 Way To .. Anlmlls KNXT KNBC KTLA KA8C Pi\{ • • • • ......... LM ..... ........ ............ 12: ~ Ole Lost In OrMng ttlipe .. Specl8 Ctllrnpl. " Movie: .. PGA .. "Thi " ~ 1: .. lAdy In The -Question" ........ .. Sports .. FTroop .. Sooday .. .. .. 2: .. Sunday Gllgln's .. .. lslltld .. .. " Glmpl's .. .. " lsllnd " 3: 2With .. Movie: .. You .. "Thi .. Mo¥le: $ports ~ .. .. "On Afield .. 4: A Clelr Sports World " Issues& Dey You .. .. Answers ClnSee " .. Direc:tlonl FOfe'lef" .. .. .. 5: -.. Bionic To Be .. .. woman Annwlcecl .. N8CNews .. News .. .. .. .. 6: CBSNews News Morie: Name .. "Mustang That Tune News News eooo.!'Y" Match .. Conference Glm8 1: 60 Mlnu1es Ollney's .. Tho9e Wonder'f\A .. Amazing World .. Animals .. .. .. .. s: Archie Pre-Glme Nltlonll ASCMovle. Bunll• 8ueball ~ "The OneOey All.Star Bible ... AIA rwne Game •" In The 9: Allee .. Wiid ~ .. K#lgdom fling" Thi .. WorldOI Jeffer1ons .. SuMval .. 10: T~ .. News .. John, .. .. .. M.D. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: Ntws News PIOeSetlers News C8SNews .. .. .. Spts. Anll .. 700 ABCNews Rocltlonl News C...b Enl-111ner 12: File$ .. .. Oflhe NBCMovk .. Veer .. Awards NlmeOfGllN .. .. r--------------------, I l na1Tl8 ...................................... , ......... . I I eoc1ress .... .. . . . . . . .• • ..........•..•.••........•.. I I city .......•••........•.•....... ICllte .... zip ••...... I I phone ............................................ .. I IMTHMATIOMAl. llSOltT StUM•e I Cen*PC>4na. 1. Sul• 210 I 1'712MacArthw Boulevard am,,., Ca11tomi. 12715 (71• 52-1 121 KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV • • • • .. .,. LM ...... ... '*" ......... lei l'llele Kennetfl Sunday OeyOI Bellglll Copeland Mus OleccMry Int•-.. The WOl'ld ~ llllionll .. Tomorrow Hour Lloyd Rn .. .. ClglMe Humblfd .. OeyOI Meeting Know Your E¥tr OisccMry Time 8ib6e lnCreesing Onl Onl .. Flith Robetts Robettl .. .. FICI The OeyOI Melt The WOl'ld Nation Obcowry Prea Tomorrow Sports ...., Nlwlclenter Rex Legends OI Truth w~ Hll'llblfd ThilWeel! Robett Agrlalltln Jeny In Ba9eball Schuler U.S.A. Flllwell Tennis .. MoYil' .. U.S. .. "Trlil .. Clly T.-ryCol&-OfTht McMe: Cour1 Whittllt• Wiid" "Thi KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV • • • • ..'*" ......... .. .,.... ......... ~ s-ct'I .. Three tNpe .. .. Mueltetess" .. Wlld WOl'ld .. .. .. OI An1m11a .. .. .. Movie: SportsWOl'ld .. .. "Shoriodc .. .. Sports Hc*liea .. .. ISwlday Feces .. .. " Dellll'' .. Movie: .. .. .. "AOey .. McMe: McMe: AIThe .. "The "Pony Rices'' Star Aocurled" Soklief'' " Trek .. .. .. .. .. " .. .. .. .. .. Wonder Movie: MoYle. MoYle: WOllllll "How To "Sink "A Gift .. Conwnht The Nlmed .. Mtrri-'' Bismln:lc'' Sooner'' M.A.S.H. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. Welcome .. .. .. Bid!. Kotter .. .. .. CBSNews Miu NBCNews MoYle. .. Bleck .. "Fol' News Amertca News Pete's .. Plollnt .. Slit•" 60 Minutes .. Disney's .. .. .. Wonderful " .. Focus On World .. .. Britain .. .. Atthie It" Pre-Game MoYie: Bunker Written ea-.. "Little OneDey The World Al-SIM Women" AIA Time Tomorrow Game .. Alice WldWorld .. .. ,. OI Anim11s .. .. The Bteeltl .. .. JelllQOllS Of Ute .. .. Trlj)9ef Emls1 .. News John, ~ .. .. MD .. Jerry .. .. .. Fllwell News WildWorld News .. .. Of Anlmlls .. .. Figh1 WldWOl'ld News M<Me: Bid! Of Animals .. "AGirl American N9CMoYle: Named Heritage "Thi Sooner" Ad\llntures .. OI Huclci. " KCOP KCET • • .......... LM ..... Mighty Drum Mouse Cof'PI .. IOll'I .. Anl'Mr· Cllflwood Wf A¥t. t<IOt Chamolon- ShowMy sNpt Ptople The King .. llComino .. Jeny .. Fllwel .. .. .. .. .. Cllvwy .. Clllpel .. Church M ..... lnThe Theetfe Home "Upstlirl, .. Oownttlir1" KCOP KCET • • ......... ......... Mereus ~dS Wf/b/ .. ,. .. .. .. Bnt1a M!Kder .. Moel .. E~ .. Mo¥le: The Tom "0. CottleShow !Wt" 69o1eto " '81 .. TheOpeil .. Mind .. ,. .. .. Svioome M<Me: WtlStreet "Town Weel! Without Wahington Pll'I' WM .. Aring .. Line .. .. .. .. Mo¥le: All ''Wtt Cl'•lures OIThe G(eat & Wiidcats" Small .. VIC Braden's .. Tennis .. A¥tl1Ut! .. 28 .. E¥8ring HIW Al Pops .. .. .. Doly Masterpiece Ptl1on Theatre Nashville "Upslelrs, Music Downstairs" INNNews Free To .. Choose I ~ .. .. .. Sneak .. PrMlws Pop!Goes l'TheTom The Country Cottle Show The LA. Weeil Rookles In Review .. .. KOCE ID H. ..... v~ v~ Americln Government American Government American ~I Amel1cln Gowmment Amlricln Story American Stort Arnericln Story American Story KOCE • ... .... ApeJllld Sketcl*lg ~ ApeJllld Sketctq ~ Project lkMrll Projlc:t VnNerM Project l.W¥tlw Project Unlwrle OnceUpon AClalic Victory Garden Tiiis Old Houte Here's To Hellth EwningAI S~thy .. F'rinQ Line .. .. Masterpiece Theatre "Upstlir1, Oo'#nstllrs" Ewnlng Al~ .. &~ .. .. The Originlls S.gwtay• Details AUGUSTt, 1t11 EVIHN1 1:00 e a oatEY'a WOMmlFUl. WON.a "Follow Me Boys" A ChilO-.... ICOUt,,,..,., end .. ...... edopl a str--- bOy and raiM Nm to beGome • doclor (Pan 2) (R)Q_ • 111 n40IE AMAZINQ ~ Featured the uae of ~ In modern ,,.... cine, Wiid coyotee .lnvllding l<lbutt>el> ~ _,_ ltlllklng members of a ceribou herd (R) • ANNBUNE "The f'llohl Of The Demo- cratle Party" au.t: s.n.. tor Alan Creaeton (0- Cellf ) CC)UOlllE • • ~ "Black Magic" (19411) °"°" w ..... Akim Twnltoff (D)UOlllE "The Hun!•" ( 111n1 si- ~. EJi W.-.ctl eAcaEMATION Some of "" blgoe9I ..... of pop-countty rnuelc per- form their ~ hlt9 .. The Fofwn In Loe Angeia: Included ere Maureen MQOcwern (''The Mor'*'O A'*"~ Krle Krtllt~ ("lobby IMgM"). Rocky 8"'*141 ("T-II Up"). Glen Campbell (''Alli!-. ttone Cowboy'') end Tenya T ucaer (' 'l.Ay 8ec:lc Ill The AnM OfU-"1. 7:ICI. FOQJI ON eNTMN "Qlonouely M41d" ~ CNrW ~ the ,__ ' lltde of c:roeelng "" ,,_ .-. °'~a anct deecribee the Int haft of e foum9y round the wond from Horth to South M hoet l(eltfl 8er'Mc* ... 10 '51r Ranulph .,._, UJ»- dittol\ IMder. on boetd ._ ltllp In Loe Mgelea her. bout • AWNtJE21 Host Nancy Bedler Ken- Miity Fee1\wed: "The lnnO- v.tors, ' "Matten Of Con- cetn." "Something Should e. Oor'9 .. (Z)MOVtE "Felio" ( 111801 Dom DelulM, Anne 8encroft a.-oo • Cl) AACt4'IE IUNKER'8 Pt.ACE A youthful heallh lnepector ltwtl• Veronica oul on • date.(R) • NATIOMAl. GEOCIMPHC 8"CW. ''The Mysi.ry Of Anlmal ~" Germen MllK· eltlt photognipher Heirv Slelmann ha epent hit '"' -ding '""""' In theit natural l\allll•t&. 8 0 MOYIE *' * * "The 81ble . In Tlle a.ginning" (19M) 0-ge c. Soon. Peter O'Toole, Directed end ""' "*' by JoMHuston.. • MOYIE • • • "Llllle Women" See Sunday's, Page 15 OWN RESORT TIME SHARING IM HAWAII IAMY AM HAllOl llSOIT • LIHUe • KAUAI • HAWAII 2 Bedroom. Fully Furnished • Meld Sefvloe • Pool • Tannlt Court OMI TN NLL PUKMASI NCI 15,50~'7 ,000 ,... • Freeze your Hotel Vecetlon Colts lor the r•t of your llfe • Guaranteed Reservettons every YMt • Sa..y In tM Finest Resona In the World l ... raetl•HI Re1•rt Shrle. promlaea to preMnt Tlmeth81'· Ing to you In • very p ro- f-'onel, lnformetive, tow key "*"*· to give you all th9 I~ formation you nffd abOut the • Tr9Yel when and where you Mnt great world of Yeeetl•• • F0t • one tlrM Purchase Price o,.... ...,_ ~. w:n,~till\Q ~glb .. _lf'I'., 'I '811t-:-lYctt.,~'1 Or•nt~11 • ~ t .. llL .... Sir Speedy. Printing Center 1303 Avocado St., #185 Newport Beach, Ca 92680 Acquainted Offer (714) 640-4210 Black and White ::::::::==:==:= FLYERS Camera ready 7 Days -10-9 P.M. 673-1810 22J /ffarf~ •••••• l•latuf ........... l dwwd1 TH.tn l•Peclflc ,,_. , .............• I [ y~~ p~~~1yB~Jp Dv~~:Jl!D~~!~~~ I Electronic Hearing Test and even bring along I I your husband/Wife or friend to help with the I evaluation, because hearing is a family affair I Find out the latest methods of hearing I I correction. HEARING AIDS so tiny they lit totally within the ear. t I El.£CTIOllC $20.00 value · I !Diii Tl'STS S 1 0 0 with this coupon ~ I I COAST HEARING AID cana ~ I L J4ot L C-t Hwy .. c:-.. Mir 671-JU J ·············' Famous Bedroom Ensembles at 20°/o Savings Headboards -Bedspreads Draperies -Boudoir Chairs Complete Interior Decorating Services nettl€ CR€Ek SHOPS ...... ltlCh. 844 -Tu .. ln. 544-1550 n F••• ,,,..._ . I t J7tla ·~ •• ""'*" Fnry. I c... EIMlifttC... Tube Toppers KHJ 0 .. Focus on Britain." Prance Charles describes the dangers of cross· 1ng Antarctica. KTLA 0 ··Na tional Geographic Special." A naturalist photographer ex- amines the mystery of animal behavior ABC 0 ··The Bible ... In the . Beginning " Geor ge C Scott and Peter O'Toole star in a biblical movie directed and narrated by J ohn Huston KCET@ 8:00 and KOCE ~ 9:00 ··Eve ning a t the Pops .·· The Mills Brothers JOin in with an evening of harmony . Supdays Details From Page 14 ( 1949) June Ally9on. Peter L.awtotd • HEEHAW Gue••• Br end• Lee. Tlvuhet Brothers. Mi"IOn Ool1al Bend 8l) £Va.o AT POPS "Old Timefs· Night"" The lhrM Milltl Brothers jOon c:onductor JOhn Wiiiiama end the &o.ton Popa Oren.tr• for en .-,Ing ol tleertwermlno mutk: end~ hermony. (R) GD~ THEA TM n8TIVAl ~ FAVONTES "Up11elr1. Downatelra: The Olorloua Deed" Aller le81nlng ol her Hence"s dffth, Roee goes to a 1J>lr- Ouall11. (Perl 4)(A) (B)MOVIE ··noe BluH Brolhera .. ( 1980) JOhn Beluehl. Oen Aytcroyd. (S)MOVIE ··RlJnnlno" ( 1979) MICl\ffl OouglM. Susan Anapacll 0 MO~ "All Tl\81 Jtp"" ( 1979) Roy Scheider. Jessica L~ .. -*> 9 (I) ONE OA V AT A TIME Ann end Nick ' I btcit8tlfl0 oe•• out or !\end (Al 9:00 8 (I) ALICE The lou of a cioM friend prompt• M.i 10 ••k• • long. herd ~ II his own llf• end the w•y he ,, .... otfi«L(R) • Wll.D l(lNGOOM '"Lenci Of The OinQO:' 0 WIU), WM..O WON..D ~ANIMAl.8 "Betw .. n The TldH" The<• la •n end .... effort for surviver 11ong u1e allorellne e oouv OUMt; Lynn AnderllOn • MA8TEAPtKe THeATM F1:8T1VAL ~ 'AVONTU ""Upetllre, Oown11e1ra. The Glorlou1 Oe•d"' Aller IHminO of ,_ llenc:>e'• dMlh, AoM QOM lo. 8Plr· ltuelost (Pert 4) (R) G EVIHM AT PON "Old TlfMra" Night'" The lhrM Miiia Broin.a Jc*' CONSuclor John Wlltl•m• end the Boeton Popa Ota-tr• for en ~ ol ~twermlng mullc end,....._ herlTIC>ny (R) ~MOVll ""-'II On Prednc:t 13·· p978) Au•tln Stoker, 08l'Wlrl Joelon. (l))MOYll "How To BMt Tiie High Cott Of LMno" (1979) SulM Stint .,.,.._, .,._,. -~ t:11 Cl) MCM1 ••t W'M"""""" (Jtf~11.-a .._..,_.". .._., B (I) THE JEFnA80H8 George bHk• on Ill• llmeffgh• alt• MYlno • woman lrom • muwer unlll the thug~ and corn. loolung lor him (R) • WOAU>O# SURVIVAL ""The Gentr. Jaws" HOSI JOhn Fe>r9ythe lrec;itl elli· galon in Flolid• ·a Ewr· gledes and di.cover. 11\81 there are both lerOCIOua IWld Q8"11e jaws to be found. II BREATH <Y UR "The HM11" HOS1· Qlerles 0 . Brooka. Guftt· Or H8t• men Rlcltetta. • NA8HVllU MUSIC Guests: Lorett• Lynn. Ron· nle McDowell. R 0 Ban· non. Buddy SplcMr 10:00 fJ (I) TAAPPEA JOHN, M.O. A MW Intern hat tn. 1•1 ol the hOapllal 81•1f bolling with rage. (R) Ill FAU TO CHOOSE "Who Prolecta The Worlt- 8'7° Or Miiton Frledmen dlscuun hla belief lhel the bell proteetlOn Jor the wor1cer, and for IOciely, II the WOl'ker"a own freedom 10 cnooM. (R)O '1\> EXCHAHOE "Prornisu To Keep" A competlllw look hi ..... al the status of Chlldren wound the WOt1d O (l)MOVIE 'When Time Ren Out" ( 11180) PIUI Newmen. WK- llem HOid«\. 10:06 0 MOW "Touched By love·• Oel>oreh Rellln. Olene '--· 10: 16 CID MOVIE '"The Greet Santini" (1979) Robert Ouv111. Blyth• Denner. 10'.30 Ct) MOVIE "The Ritz" ( 1976) Jeck Weeton. Rite Mor9nO t1:00. PACESETTERS Hoel: L.llfry Mc:Cormlcll IJ WILD, WILD WOAU> ~ANMAU "'Uni!• To Man'• Put"" How do cflimpl get llk>ng with ..Ch Olller1 • 8"EN< PMV1IW8 Roger Eb«1 llnd 0- Siellel review "Blow Out," "Twun. The Ape Men," "Wolten" end OI ..... • ntl OfllCMNAU• THE WNT'alN~ "J•nel Flenner" JMet Fh1nft«, "o.ne." for Tiie New Yorller lot five dee· edee. commence on her Wfltlng encl pholCJOl'llPhl end dllcuMM ... ---an llftlat end a journelllt, ~MOVll "Ti,. Hiide totno" ( 1MO) 0on--. ....... "' .... ... MOW OPEN FOR PUBLIC PLAY ~~ · J'J(:r . )/ ,, SANT AMA AEROBIC CENTER 141LCOWt•• SAMJ A AMA. CA. 17141 540-0611 OPENINCi SPECIAL ONE FREE PLAY* oa AIROllC lllKIY ClASS Wl1M ntlS COWOM SANTANA AEROBIC CENTER 540-0611 Good Anytime Before Aug. 31-"81 Please C&ll For Reservations • 1 Hr. -One Penson Per Coupon SENIOR CITIZENS 5 1.00 Hecring Tests Set for Sat.ta Ana ELECTRONIC HEARING TESTS will be given the month of August Monday thru Friday 9:00 A.M. to 5:00 P.M. at American Hearing Aid Center. State Licensed Hear- ing Aid Specialist will perform the tests. Anyone who has trouble hearing or un- derstanding is welcome. Everyone should have a test once a year. especially if it is difficult to hear clearly. Even people wearing a hearing aid or those who have been told nothing could be done for them should have a hearing test and find out about the latest methods of hearing cor- rection. Also. you will see the l.T.E .. a hearing aid so tiny. It fits totally in the ear. AMERICAN "PIOPll H.,..._ PIOfU" HEARING AID CENTER fCa11 For Your ~lnl11aen~ -~ - f -~ -.2 Q. --- MondayGrid ~ KNXT KNBC KTLA KABC II D 0 u La ..... La ..... La ..... LM ..... 7: Morning Today 700 Good News Club Morning .. .. .. America " .. .. " s: Captain .. Another " ~00 Ute .. .. Leewlt .. .. .. ToBelYlr .. 9: The LasVl(llS Rldlwd A.M. Jeffenons Glmblt Simmons Los Alce lllodt-Flicfwd ~ .. busters Sinvnoos 10: ThePrice Wtleel Of Big Three's ls~t For1une v.ner. Company Pmwofd Three's .. Plus .. ComotnY 11: One Day Card Bonanzl Flft'Mly At A Time Shlrtls .. F9Jd Young And The " Ryan's The AesttlSt Doctors " Hope KNXT KNBC KTLA KA8C PM II D 0 u LM ..... La .... Lei ..... L.-Mflllll 12: " DlysOf Twilght AllMy Ourll'M l.ont Children As The " Twilight " World .. l.ont .. 1: Tums Another Hout One Lite World Magazine To Live Selrc:h FOf .. .. Tomorrow .. " .. 00 Guiding Texas Jolw1 General 230 Light .. .. DIWlsotl Hospital .. " .. .. " .. .. 3: Barnaby DonllM .. EclgeOt Jones .. .. Night .. Holly#ood TheWorld .. .. Squer6S Of People 4: Barney M#y Tyler Spece: News Miller Moore 1999 .. News Bob .. .. " Newtllrt .. .. 5: News News Starsky News .. .. & Hulen .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. s: ..... . News Kung News .. Fu .. .. .. .. .. .. " .. 7: CBSNews NBCNtws HappyOtys ABCNews .. .. Again .. 20n Fight Sl'laNaNa Match The Town Baek .. Game s: WKRPln Uttlt MoYte: Homeroom Clnc:lnnati Houle "T.mtory " TlmConwly OnThe Of Others" Blaeball Show Prelrlt .. .. 9: M.A.S.H. FWnilgo .. .. .. Aced .. .. Houle .. .. .. Calls .. .. .. 10: C8SNtws .. News .. Specill .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. .. 11: News News St• News .. Trek .. Quincy, The8es1 .. ABCNtws M.E. Of Cart0n .. Nlahllnl .. .. McMt; Fant11y .. .. "Singing llllnd 12: tWtyO · Tomorrow V~" .. .. .. .. Cooking School Schedule August KFMB KHJ 0 0 ... Dlilft LM ...... Morning The News Froozles " There Is .. A Way Sunup Jim Sin Diego Blkkw " .. .. The .. "'""'°"' .. Alict .. .. .. The Price Midmorning Is Right L.A. .. .. .. Young And .. The Restless " .. Mcwie: .. "Unelrthly KFMB KHJ 0 0 .. Dlilft l.81 ....... News Str~" .. AaThe " World .. Tuma News " .. Selrctt Fot Wld, Tomorrow Wld Gulcling WIS1 l.igllt .. " lfOMide " .. John .. Olvldlon .. .. MoYie: .. "A .. llfeethOI .. Scandal" M.A.S.H. .. .. .. News .. .. .. .. Whirs .. CBSNtws Tic:Ttc .. Dough News Joller'• " Wld Tic Tee Bullseye Dough PM FICIThe Mtgillne Mutlc WKAP ln MoYle; Cinc:lnnatl "Carry Welcome On Doctor" Ba.Kotter .. M.A.S.H .. .. " Houte .. Ciiis .. C8SNews News Special .. .. .. .. .. News Newlywed .. Game In Let'aMakt °""*' A Dell k~.o Gunsmolc• .. .. .. .. .. MONDAY 17 ..... "lltldo .. c ........ , .... a....~ ................ KCST KTlV KCOP ml m Cl) IMDl'f9 Lei ..... Loe ..... Todar, Bogs Bunny Felix & Frlen<ls TheCal .. Spece Mighty .. Coastw Mouse .. ~ .. .. .. .. .. Gentle EmM.~ .. Ben Donlhut I love Romper .. Lucy Room .. Bewitched Women's " .. Almlw\lc WtleelOf I OflllTI Of Trouble Fortune Jeannie MWcers Pesaword Flfnily .. Plus Anaif " Card Ghost& M#CUS SNns Mra. Muir Welby To Tel News The Trutti .. .. KCST KTlV KOOP ml .m Cl) a.D1"9 Lei ..... L.-Mflllll Days Of M<wlt: McMe: Our Li¥es "The "633 " Cu~ ~ .. .. Cettle Another ~ .. " World " " " " .. " " TexlS Mike T#nn .. ~ .. .. .. .. " .. MOYie Let's Terry- "Holldly Rap toons For Groovle .. Lowrs" Goolles .. .. TomAod Kllt1oon .. Jerry Kamlval .. The .. .. Flintstones .. Donahue Bewitched Fred .. .. Flntstone .. I OflllTI Ot Wiit 'Tl .. .... YOAX Father NBCNews M.A.S.H Good .. .. T1mes News Al In The Benny .. Femly Hill .. M.A.S.H. Streets ., " OISan Family Te>p Francisco F«id Story .. uni. Football MoYte: HOUM Los Angeles "Olrtt OnThe Rlnls At The Praint Va. Top Of Fi.Mlgo New The Stairs" Rold Engllnd .. .. Patriots" .. .. .. .. .. .. News " .. .. .. .. INtl News .. .. " News News flemy .. Hiii The Best Mannix =: OICaraon .. .. .. The .. .. Rookies Tomorrow Hogln's .. .. Ha-OIS .. TUESDAY WEDNESDAY 12 KCET KOCE m «!> La ..... lln.i -IE -· Voge FOf MlcHeil Health Lellrw Mister O¥er Roolrs Easy OnoeUpon Body Aa.sllc Buddies VII Guten Aleart Teg Seslnle Studio Strlll Set • .. Elle1ric .. ComDllW Convsutlon V-1111 .. Alegre ClnSIY8 Studio The e.ole See Electric FfelSlyle Company SIWn P91I Qiislne " KCET KOCE fl:) «!> La ..... II er a ..... Dick FIUQll Clvett Gourmet O¥er Health Easy lS9U1$ Nova Kathy's " Kitchen " l*an " Hellman Sleeping E\lllllng At 8ttuty Symphony " " " Foolsteps FfUGll .. Gounnet South-O¥er bound Easy VHla MacNeif Alegre Lehrw Mister flam balds Rogers .. Seume .. Stretl .. .. Oil .. Palntino Electrlt Electrlt Company Company News S1udio .. See °"" Mecffeil Easy Lehrer MICHejt Great Lehrer Performances TlleShake-"Mollere" IPMfe .. Playl Movie: .. ......,,. "SMtt For Rolle Mtaurt'' O'Gradf' .. .. .. .. Claes .. Oldenburg To Be Mastwplece Announced Theatre Diel! "Upstllr1. C.vett DowtlstllrS" Captioned Clptloned ABCNews ABCNews THURSDAY Mondays Details AUCMJ9T 10, 1M1 ~ 7:00. HAPPY MYS AGAIN Lori a.th en-the ~SUIMmod· • la< hw peper on the typ- ic.i rnlddle-c:IMa Amenc.n lemily • M•A•l•H Al Clvi9tmu11tne. Hewll· ~ WfltM a lett.. lo his tether deecribing what • doc1or'a NM IS ltke et the 4077111. • 8TAIEET8 OF 8AH fMHCl8CO When two llr-ere burned lo ONlh In • fire deliberately Mt by aome- on., Slon. MIS oul lo cai>· tute Iha eraonilt • OV9'EAl'Y Gu.I· ~Vic: Oemone. (RIO (D)MOVllE "Glorle" ( 1980) Gena Row· lends, Jonn Ad.,,_. (%}QWILS CfWotPlM TA&.Q WITH OEOAGE CUKOR 7:ao 8 2 ON THE TOWN Hoa11: Steve Edwerda, Melody Aoow•· A ~ al a J\Hnbo Jet c;r-.. llley prep.re for • lllght etound t"9world 8 AQHT Ma< WITH °"YID~ T oOica ligtll beer commer • cl•: poiaonoua plants ~Mope • IHANANA Gu.t Joe...,,,.th • Te>tt ITORY HcMIS. Jim Tllomu, Mery ~IOll. GD GREAT ~ "Mollere" Molle<a tnMIS Ill• aclrtH Madetarne 8ef8'1 and •bendon• his l8w carer. with the 8ejar1 lamlly and oCNra. the lllus- trioua TMelre Company Is formed (PW! 2) (R) Cl) ...... MAOAZJNE A for"* 11oww ctoild wt>e> la now a mllllonaite 1M tycoon; • trio of ... end bernstormeta (t)MOVllE "Space Movie" (1979) Ooc:umentaty Mu91C b'( Mltce Oldfield. 7:41 (%)MOYE **** "Grand Hotel" ( 1932) Grala Gerbo. John and Uonel Benymore ... Cl)-.. .. CN:INNATI A ~ 19'aphone call !tom Illa ea-wtte hU John. ny con¥lnc:e0 ,.,. •• P'I! to be fret of elmony pay-ment•'°'-· CRI a a unu HOUSE ON THIPMIM Perdvll'a prOUd and alub- bOm tether light• wttll Ille equally stubborn M,. ~ eon ewer the religion of Nellle'a unborn ctotld. (RI e MOYE ** "TerrHQfY Of Others" c 1970) Doc:utnentaty. GMOVW • • "Cettv On Doc10t" See MOIMlay'a, Page 17 FRIDAY SATURDAY 13 14 15 10-c..-....n 10_.,..., .. ,rv· -s..~ llnuo<h" ~·vi...· tO ""'"!MNffttt" e.tr.v Moult°" 2 ... "Cooldoot with t•r~• , .. ....., ...... N.,_ HulthC., ....... Nvta" i -Atla. Wo&. I~-...... ·~· Oorvchl/ r ,_. 20 21 22 , ...... ...,,,.Mll7~ l.O..,."Kldoueo.1" R .... VlliMr * "" 0.1• ll't 0... ,,.. .. ,. ...... 1 .... ·~-.... CWIM" <:--. TlllMlall" llriM'°f-9 TOIPMP__..'a 28 tO~J:!"" • TIRED OF IORING LUMC .. 57 We have over 30 deli and combo sandwich es to choose from. Catering for all occasions. GARY'S DELI 3309 E. Coast Hwy., Corana cW M• 675-2193 Piao de Cafe, 4811 lirdl St .. Mewport 752-540 I •Flooring •Shutters •Draperies •Wallpaper • Bedspreads •laminated Shades •Coordinated fabrics C11sto111 Sl111de 111111 D1·11pery S 1lLE 20% off on 1.. Draperies, bedspreads & Decorator Shades Compl1mertary Ill Homo Decorator Ass~tance 3535 E. CC>Cllt Hwy. CoroH .. ..._. 673-7130 Where to go this weekend? .!J PllotWeekender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New look! New amt! Every Frtday_r -------------~--- Tube Toppers KCOP ti) .. Dark at the Top of the Stairs." Robert Preston and Dorothy McGuire star in a movie version of the William Inge play. KCET @ 8 :00 "Measure fo r Measure." Kate Nelligan. Christopher Strauli and John Mc Enery star in one of Shakespeare's most controversial com· edies. ABC U 9 JO "The Comancheros." J ohn Wayne a nd Stuart Whitman track a g ang bringing firearms to the Indians. CBS fJ 10:00 "The Cowboy , the Cr aftsman and the Ballerina." Morley Safer report s on a cowboy. a boat builder and a ballet star. Mondays Details From Page 16 ( 1972) Frankie Howard, Kenneth Willtam.. • MOVIE * * * ··T,,. Datil Al The Top Of The St.Wa"' (1960) Roben PrMton. Oo<othy McGuire ti) THE StW<ESPEAAE PLAYS "M,..sure For Measure" ~I• NelUgan, Chrt.topher Strauli, Tim Pigoll·Smlth end John Mc:Enery atar In one o f Sh1keape1re·s most conlrC>Yeflial com. dlee(R) (H)MOVIE "Ott God! 800li II" ( 1980) Geo<ge Burns, Suzenne Pleshetle (S)WHAT8UP AMBICA? Visit the Uneriua Society - betleYers w9'tlng lor UFOs to land; 1 beKh r-In San Fr encltcO. t81d·back 1Mng on the Colorldo RI,.. er, • wotld·<ecOtd bicycle rl1C41. 0 MOVIE ··w e1e:ome To L A ·· ( 19771 Keith Cerradlne. Seuy l<ellennan t:.ao ml MOVIE • * • ··s weet Rosie O'Gu1dy.. ( IU3) Belly Grable, Roben Young (J) WE.COME BACK. KOTTE1' TIMI s-thoga are In the atete lln&la of 1 tat.flt con- test and Barbarino lllla In loYe. (Par1 Tl e:oo&(J) w·A·a·H · Hewkeye-111111 the alalf Into answwlng 1 parcel ol lettet• from a fourth grade cius In hit hO<Mtown. (RI a a F\.AMINOO AOAO Claude Weldon oflera F"ieldlng a dlYO<ce from Constance In 41l1Cl'lange lor 1 poll tic al lavor. end Lene'• put finally cat~ up wtlh her (R) D 9 HOM£AOOM A brothet and aiSlet slf\J9" Ole lhrough INNr liral W.- ln a,_ school (C)MOVIE "A OHterent SIQfY" (1978) Peny Klno, Meg Fo11et. ©) HAMMiR HOUIE Of HOMOA "'Wilehlng Time" The ltv .. of • young married couple Ilka a ShOClclng turn when a 171h·canlury witch begins 10 flaunt lhem (.S)MOVlE • * • "Forbidden P1anet" (19~) Wallet Pidgeon, Anne Francia. H O 8 Cl) HOUSE CALLI A playful petlenl puts Ann, Ora. MlchaN. w.athlrby and Sdomon. and the I .... fltn ...,.. Pllipl)a lnquer ............. (Rl charo1" ( 19811 John Wayne. Stuatl Whllman <IJj MOVIE * * "Thal Man Boll .. ( 1973) Fr9<1 Wlttllmaon, Tet_Gra,,_ tl:46 0 MOYIE "Bloodbrothers" ( 1978) Rlctt11d Gere, Tony Lo Bl1nco. (lJMOVIE "Fama.. ( 19801 Eddi• Barth, "-Cara 10:00 • Cl) C88 NEW8 SPEQAl "Ti.. Cowboy, ri.. eren .. man And TM Bellerinl"' Motley Safer Wltc:hM IS cowt>oy Bob Douglas. New England boll builder Bud Mclnto&ll. and prim• bll- lerln1 Natalia Makarove peas 0<1 I helt ll<llls and Ill· enla to yoonge< oen-• tlonl e ClAE.8 Ol.DEHBURG'S CRUSOE l'M9PEll A A profile ol Ci-Olden- burg, one 01 Ille lww mod· etn IQllptors wtlo hu ~ aucceaaful In cr1111ng large outdoor sculpture, i. pr_..ted (R) (JDMOVE "RalM TM Titanic" (1980) Juon AoOard&. Richard Jordan (O)MOYIE "Nijinsky"' ( 1979) Alan Bates. Geo<oe de la Pena. 1CUOID Cl.AO OU>eeJAG'8 CRUIOE UMIAE' I A A prorile of ci-Olden- bufg, one of tn. few mod· am acutptcn wt>O hU ' ~ IUCXlellful In CtNtlng large OUldoor seulptUfa, I .. Pf-lee! (R) m MAST£APtECE THEATRE FMTIVAL Of FAVOfVT'ES "Upal&lra. Oownstalra· The Glorloua Oaad.. All•• IMmlng ol her flancl'a death. RoM goes to a apir· llUaldt (Plr1 41(R) 11:00 8 8TAATAEk The u-of the Enterptlle ta c11pturec:I by 1 dyl'ng r- ol .iien. ""'1<> hope to r~llte th91r p11ne1. Cl) IEHNYHIU Benny IOOltt Ill the Ille OI an lmlglf\arY lamoua mull· a.an lrom boyhood 10 manhood SI DC< CAVETT Gue111· ftlm director Fedef1co Falllnt. actor Mat oe110 Mutrollnnl. (Perl 1 of 2)(R) (C)MOVl6 "A Force Of OM" (19781 Chucll NOJrl1, Jennlfet O'Neill Cl)MOYW • * • * "The Oodl91her" {1912') ..a.;.c; ltrlhdo.· .... ------.-_;: Hip Pain Can Be A WArni!'I: Sign Of Spinal Distortion! Your hi~ ae the foundation of your spine. so <Dn't ignore the warning signs. Insurance? Chiropractic service is covered under Workmens' Compensation, Medicare. Auto Insurances. group inturance and most private insurance plans. Call now for your complimentary 994nal 9Creen1ng. Be sale, not SOl'ry YARWOOD CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE 136 1roectw.,, COiia MeM (Since 1.948) SPECIAL OFFER witt.c_,.-, 25% OFF Suits -. Spertceats Slacb -Neckwear Sportslirts -Dress Shirts Many other items I -------------i I TMs CCM!pCM9 __...s bearer to 25% Off I I •y ,........, priced lte111 at Gor-doft & I I Co. fw--.. Off..-4JOoc1 Mu ate I / I 4. I I I -------------------' I n ,, 0 -~ ,, ~. Cl. QI < . 18 ::·SELLING Ill g YOUR : HOME? "' 'O ... ~ Cl 0 .J > ...... ...... 0 ! fJJ/iol~linJ I · ... ,· YOUR HOME THE TV STAR OF REAL ESTATE LISTINGS ... VIDEO LISTING SERVICE can provide you with faster, more efficient marketing of your home than ever before possible. VLS will professionally film the exterior and interior of your home, adding a descr iptive narration and selected background music, to capture its best features for the sales presentation. THROUGH the eyes or a realtor VLS otters the viewer a complete tour of your property Your home presentation will be added to our library of VIDEO LISTED HOMES for distribution to all VLS subscribing brokers and their buyers through an elaborate membership network. ~-¥ .•. SECUHJ!Y ~~·~·, ·: l1m1t1r. ... .111c • t •tOuQ~ ... , 11' nu1r1tt _,.. • t JdUtU~ 11 P f1f/l1-'l'\lrall -...::> ..... lou 01 ,,, .. • 11na1 prop orly Orn11 \<..rcened and ta•hthh"'' hu't .. , •, need ew1·t oe allowed pn"'''' JI ar ff·!t~ 11 you r1e1ty Vou1 ~ hrolilt-• 1$ p1ote1 l •'ft ol rhs c.om 10<1 ~"' u••ly Jn<l salPly 01 1our nome FOR THE VLS IROKER HEAREST YOU CALL 714-895-3666 YOUR PRIVACY .,, u dflll t'"OltlY Ult• 1 d v C•I t• JI t\\)(Y\C Nl11IA VLS btOk81\ "'" Sl'low1n11 vou1 properly e¥ery nay ol 11'18 week on TV OR CONTACT: N ewPorl Beach-Corona det Mar UHIQUI HOMES 714-675-6000 Huntington Beach CIEHTUlY 21 IMUY 714-14'-JJOI Cos1a Mesa S&lCT PlOPHTIES 714-751-1191 Yldeo Listin1 Service P .0. lox 2704 .............. CA 92647 Cable Subscrintion Ser•ice ~able Toppers Showt 1me 1S1 JOKES MY FOLKS NE\'EH l'Ol.D ME thouse Pet:. a<"t out bawd~ 1okes ;md :.kth Playho.' Bunnies an<! PL·n 1 IRO cl I J MI OWA Y Charlton Iles ton and I l<.·nn Fonda ro sta1 111 lh1s st on oft h1· grt•al World War II na\'al battle for lhL· island of Mu.Jway · ON·!'\' <O i HAMMER llOL:SE OF HORROH · fh~ Thirteenth Reunion 1:-lht.· stor~ of a young femah.• rournaltst "ho learns about s trange happenrngs at .111 l'~ penmental dan1t· 8 CNN ·CID HBO 0 Spotlight © Ci nemax CO). On/Select CI> Z Channel ([) ESPN CS) Showtime Cf) WOR < N Y . NY @ WTBS <Atlanta. Ga AUGUST 7, 1981 FRIDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 10:30 m I ••<rn.i11 H~por I ~()<Ill N•;,>d; I f'r•·~h· 1 un1gn1 © l.tovot fr.JH I tin LOOI d ~ •·f' I'• H•IX.1 II•"''' M.,. ,. ~./0..1 CID I ltM!l LOfll d ~l .. ,,,. r tnlr• lif11"f. lrll ll• I CID Mo••• Conl d K.11·11~dl• ~ .. I tit 11•~1 °' ddl1 !.t~ ~ WH I hr Awa••non~ (Q) Nuni,..ro Uuo l 11 B~ Annou"' "'' M11wu· r ,.,, W111tt1 w~1 CS) M.1w" °'"d'""' (1°nl d Mn'!f A11~n ' W1nl•I\ Lall A Ilk•'' g ~·t C:~•ld ~ltt' ll'4l1•1 $.IOJ n I c.i ... c.m.,t...u Pod SIO •ll CZ) ""'"' r •''" Mo, ... ''"'' ® fo Ile Announc I'd MJnflu Mo>if lh· ~.DJl•11• @ Ntw\ N'i<hl (;;II''' Mot•' Lui,• 1)1 lht lltmon Mo<;• AUGUST 8, 1981 SATURDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 m Nt•n Sporl\ Prt)~ Bo• f1w111n RtPllll\ Ne#) Sl ytp CC) Movie Conr d Mo•lf lhe Macl1nlO\h Mdn Mov1t M~n lo Iron Md'k CE) f OOllWI Monlrtll Al<M·llt\ V' W1nn1p.~ 81ut Spor II Ctn Irr A~ln R~11~ CID Mo•ot Con! d ,,.. •It' Ho l>tll(l'o•I ,.., Atlurn Mlhf Co•I II n,r D•11Rhl" (D) N.umrro Uno M.i•·• Bronco 111111 Mo•lf Tht Blirt• 8rolht1> CS) Mo••t Conr d M11vw All lhal lm Wti•I '> 1J11 Am•t•14' g Ml\1•t Conl d M<l"' °'' t ••Rh•nr JM..,,, Brub<!~., CZ) Mo••• (Ml d . Ii f •Ill Ji4'llw" ft11!1• Mr·,. ® Mu•"'W•ld NI fltll'lrl B'"''' linl R.K1nf l'<r.">llmr Mov1~ lh• lh111f @ foolb;lll Mtmt lh• I ShJPt'd Room AUGUST 9, 1981 SUNDAY EVENING 7:00 I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 I 9:30 10:00 10:30 m ,...,., ~pocl S..'·llf\\ Bf'\I 01 '"''I* ~\ Hf'I .. H " ~ Ml>Vlf' Clint d IM ''" lhr R1t1 Mo"• 190IJ CE) So<cn Conl d ~ll'l•h CPnl~r Prolrwnn4t l•am RodMI CID Mt!Ylt Con! d 1i1r1 ... I~ Blun llrothPI\ -M<>•tt (Q) Mo•.t lht H.inttr Mo'f'• llOw lo But !ht Hip Co\t Ot lmll( CS) Movlf Contd Mowll' Run111n& Mo•tt When !trot Ran <NI g Cleo CalJlpbfll Movit All T~I Jau Movte ,. 14)Uchtcl By lowt CZ) Mo•1tConl d I 1r1o .. , f}IJO' I Mcmt ··th!NIO'ttn (!) h111y S•llCla<I M_, ..._ Viv• 1111~111" • , al) In> C.tiblltin OpMUp .. •-., I Mo111: ··lCll!l Alll. lomo11ow" .. ~ _, ', __ '-t ,f •JJI ! I • ------.----~ @Q SS AUGUST 10, 1981 MONDAY EVENING 7:'bo I 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 I 10:30 8 f rttman R'por Is Sporh Ntwsd6l Wtsl Cc>nt Peoplt lomght CC) Mcmt Contd Movlf A F ll'Ct Of Ont Mo•lf Our l1mt ([) Summtr Pro ~~ltt~ Conl d Sports Ctrlltr Holsnllow Jumpont CID Mov•t Conl d MoVlt Oil God' Book It Mo•lf Raise l1tanll @ Mo"e Gloria Hammtr House Of Horror Movtt "Nt11n~~Y · ~ Roll'' Ot'>Co Conl d Whal s Up Ame11u' Mo••t for bidden Plant! 0 Movlf Conl d Movlf Wttcomt ro l A Mo•lf 8IOod 6rothtrs (%) Cllille<i C~4mpl1n I alls Mo•rt Grand Holet Mo•lf i.m,· (!) Movie Conl d Man nu Movlf Crrtn fort @ Ntws Nigh! GaHt11 Movie My Gtlsh.1 AUGUST 11, 1981 TUESDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 T 10:30 8 httman Rrporls Spoils NtwsdeU West Coast People I ontghl CC) Movit Conrd Movie 'larttls" Movit ··1he Olowmnc Pool" ([) PllA ruff ConlKf Karatt Contd Spoils Center HASI Wttkly ~mmer Pro ~sleC~" CID Movit Conl d Ptn~nt Kam1l.11e Movlf Int r 11st Deadly Sm T Ptnnanl @ Nume<o Uno lo 6t 4flfl()ijnctd Movie "Sla1t1ng Over ~ Movtt Contd S.ia11r XXI lalf A ThOn I Winlm Moot "Up Ille Aeildemf 0 Mo"e 'Bananas· Cont'd Mov1r "Btyond lvd" Movie "Shimmering Lighl" CZ) Movlf ··ratso Mo•it "Chinatown' (!) Am l1lestyle Nrne On NJ Man nu IUcrnc Psychic PlltllOll!fna I t1fr Of Riley @ ~ Hight Callery Movie Ont roof In Htntn AUGUST 12, 1981 WED~DAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 T 10:30 8 frttman RfllOrls Spoits Nt#5desk . West Coast People lontglll CC) Movtt Conl d Movre Adam's Woman T Movlf ([) Auto Racmc Cont'd Spoils Center Sport\ lalk PliA full Contact Karate CID Movie Contd Movlf "Midway rqn CoCCqrate eo .. 111 cm MoVlt No Deposit Ho Rtlurn Mo .. , Shoot ltlf Slrn Down ~ ComtC Slll'yfdltrs Binrrt UM l all A Tllon J Wlnltrs Movie ()ti Cod' Book • 0 Mo~ Wrich Mt · Cont'd Movie Falso Movtt Old<llla" CZ) la fttSla Mo .. e Gr and Hottf' Movie "rame (!) Ntwar• lahn N 'I Manni« "'°'" 'ltw Consp11ato1s @ Nt•s Nitht Gallt1y Movtt Olll 01 lhe PHI I"'°'" AUGUST 13, 1981 THURSDAY EVENING 7:00 7:30 8:00 8:30 9:00 9:30 10:00 10:30 . Ptoplt I onr&llt Movtt lllf Stunt llWI' Sports Cenltr Auto Racine Movtt Conl'o World's G1r1tesl hopes Movie "lht Bluu Brolhfn" Hamme1 Howst Of HolrOI MovMt .... ~ns Onfttr" Mo•tt htso 22 a Brings To You '1eleprompter's Galaxy Service is Out-of-This World Total Entertainment" SP~TS ~ MOVIES 24 Hr. NEWS ~ NEWPORT NOW (Local Programming) lns~latiln & Billar Semce 646-0Sll - -19 ,, 0 - )> c '° c Ill -...... -'° OD - !O TUelday Grid ,.: la 't> ·c u. OI 0 ...J > l-o KHXT ~ II LeeMfl'el 7: Morning News .. .. s: Clplain Kanoaioo ,, 9: The Jell81'$00S Allee " 10: The Price Is Right .. 11: Young And The Restless KHXT Prvi IJ Loe ..... 00 1230 AsThe World 1: Turns Search For Tomorrow 2: Guiding Ugh• .. .. 3: Bernaby Jones 4: Barney Miiier News " 5: News 6: New5 .. .. 7: CBS News 20n The Town s: Cfontote's Universe Two The Hird Way 9: CBS Movie "Torn Between Two lovt!fs" 10: " .. 11: News Cannon .. 00 .. 1230 " Tile Saint KNBC KTLA D " Loe ..... LoeMfl'el Todar, 700 Club " ,, .. .. " Anoth« " Ule .. Leave It " ToBeavet las Vegas Rictletd Gambit Simmons Bloek· Rlchetd bustll1 S#Mlons WlleelOI Big Fottlll8 Valley Password Plus " Card Bonanz.a Sharits .. The .. Dociors .. KNBC KTLA D " Loe ..... Loe ..... OiysOI Twilight Ourl.M!s Zone .. Twflighl .. Zone Anothef Hour W()(ld M~ .. .. " Teus John .. Davidson .. .. .. " Donahue .. .. .. .. Hollywood Squares Mary Tylet Space Moore 1999 Bob .. Newtlar1 News Slarsky .. & Huteh .. .. .. News Kung " Fu " .. .. " NBCNews Happy Days .. Again Family Sha Na Na Feud .. Lobo MOYie. .. "Trail Of .. TheWlld" " .. H1U .. Street .. Blues .. " .. N«o News Wolle .. .. .. .. " News Siar .. Trelc T~I .. " .. Movie: " "Commando" Tomorrow .. .. .. KABC KFMB KHJ IJ e 0 LMMfl'el IMIDllto Lal ..... Good Mornlng The Morning News Froozles America .. There ts .. A Way .. Sunup Jim " Sao Diego Bakker .. " .. AM The .. Los Jelfenons " Angeles Allee " .. .. Ttwee's The Price M!dmorntng Company Is Righi LA Three's " Company " " Family Young And " Feud The RestleSS Ryan's .. MOYie Hooe .. ".lnllnnv KABC KFMB KHJ IJ e 0 Loe ..... IMDllto Loe ..... All My News ~:· Chlldren .. As The " " WOl'ld .. One Lile Tutns News To Llve " Searell For Wild .. Tomorrow Wild Genetal Guiding West Hospital Light .. Ironside .. " .. EdgeOI John .. Night Davidson TheWotld MoYte Of People ''Somebody News " Loves Me" .. .. " MA SH .. .. News News .. " " .. .. What's Happenmg News CBS News He Tac " " Dough " News JOket's . " Wild ABC News TIC Tac Bullseye " Dough " Eye On PM Face The L A. Magavne MuSic Happy Cronlule's MoYte Days Unwerse "Dirty Laverne& Two The ~ .. Shirley Hard Way Three's CBS MO'l1t Company "Tom . TooClo9e Between .. For Comfort Two LOvefS" Barbara " •News Walters Summer .. Special .. News News Newlywed .. " Game ABC News lo Let's Mike Nlghlltoe OefenH AOeal ABCMovle The Gunsmoke "Shadow Of Saint .. The Hawll" .. .. .. .. KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE Tuesdays ml m ti) m m> Details ...... Loe ..... Loi ..... La ..... "-:.CT" AUGUST 11, 1•1 Tod•r. Bugs Bunny Felil Yoga For MacNetl EVENING & Friends The Cal Heallh Lehrer 7:00 0 HAPP\' DAYS AGAIN Space Mighty M1$ter Over Coaster Mouse Rogers Easy Joa.rue gei. ~• excll•· ,,,_I lhan she coun1ect on .. Flipper As We Body when Ille tneaks O<JI 10 a " .. Seel! Buddies Red Devils parly Gentle Emergency Villa Guteo ID w ·A·a·H Ben Alegre Tag The 40771h complica1es .'· Donahue I LCM! Rompet Sesame Studio lh• endeeyors ol lwd · " Lucy Room Street See. MC<e1 egents 1n11es1io-11ng .. Bewllched So Calif .. Electnc ucho1he< .. " luues Compaoy II) 8TAEET8 ~ 8AH ~ Wheel01 I Dream Qt Upln Empty VIiia The murder of a aocoely Fonune Jeannie Smolle Ark Alegre magulM ecs11or auspec:led Password Family " Japan Studio of ti.Ing a blKkmaller Plus Alf111r .. See IN<la po1oce to me hon'le ol Card Ghost-& Marcus Electnc Freeslyle a WMllhy Widow Shatks Mrs Mu1r Welby Company fll OYV' EASY GuHI act res& Nancy To Tell News Romagnoli'$ Pearls Walker (RIO ThATnllh .. " T»hlA .. ®J MERV OM'FIH KCST KTTV KCOP KCET Gues1s Ga•in McLeod. KOCE Teel Knoghl, R•y Pa1ker J1 ml .m ti) m m Mark Miller (SJ COOKT AILS WfTH 18110-.0 Loa ..... Loe ..... Loe,.,.... " ........ THE COMIC --STOAYT£U.£AS Days ()I Movie Movte l.lldt ~rugal Amet~·· lunnymen Jack Carter. Jan Ml.lfray. Marty Our Lives Little "So Caven Goull'nel Allen and PM Fosttw Wiii .. M1n1s1er· Btg" Ovet Healtri IHve yO<J '" 1111Ches .. .. Easy Issues (%)MOVIE Another A Place Kathy's "Falso · t 1980) Dom Wor1d Of Oleams Kitchen Deluise. Anne Banc:tofl .. .. Liiiian 7:30 IJ 2 ON THE TOWN .. " .. Hellman Hos I& Sieve Edwa•ds. Te.as Mike Tanan Ar Chives A Place MetO<ly Rogers A IOol! al a Douglas Ot Ebia To Be do-1l·y0U<&ell HOlly.ooc:t moY>e IO<JI and some of lhe more unuauat Los . . AnoeJes realau1en1a Movie· Let's Terry-Footsteps Frugal D SHAN.ANA 'A Rap toons Gout met Guest J11ekie 0.Shannon OiteW1lh GrOOlll8 South· Over D EYEONLA. Judy Goolies bound Easy Hosll Inez Pectrou. Paul " Moyer A look ., lhe Tom And Kartoon Villa Mac Neil art1siins and lhe straw .. Jerry Kamivat Alegre Lehrei matk•I ol Nassau. a prohte .. The .. Mister Mast«poeoe Of , .... &l>Oemaker who Flintstones Rogefs Tl!Nlre d1e11es Hollywood s Donahue Bewl1ched Fred Sesame ''Upstllfs lamou& leet, • report on " .. Fliotstooe Street Downstairs" vldeooamea .. I Dream OI W811 'Td Sbm ID All IN THE FAMILY JeaMte Your Fathef Cul$10e Brwnmiog Yllllh c:usiome<s NBC News MA.SH Good Elecinc Electnc Arc111e· a Piece is cleaning up on lhe Super Bowl .. .. Times Company Company wn.n lwo robber• decide News All In The Benny News Studio to Share Ille -.llh Famtty Hiil See Cl) P .M. MAOAZIHE .. MASH Streets Over MacNetl Nell M8<11n, San Diego pa1-.. Of San Easy Lehrer ent auorney. lour San Family All In The Francisco Mac Neil News Diego lrwentorll Feud Family .. Lellrer (C)MOVIE Lobo PM Movie Nova Mysteiy "UpR11191 ' .. Maganne "Despetale "MemorN!S ~ll(BL080 Lobo HIS up Birdie, Top Hours" From Eden" .. PellCheS and Br&ndy as Story .. .. ' country -lern linger"' 10 H1U Mero .. Mystety NOYa ~ •murder and crack a Streel Gnlfin Memories diamond smuggling <>P9f•· Blues , .. " From Eden' hon (A) " " " .. 0 MOVIE .. News Presente News • *'"' "Trail OI The Wiid . Nero ( 197<1) Oocu"*'t•ry Wolle D al HAPPYDAYS News INNNews Fast Hllc:hodl Willi. on • country vac. .. .. Foward " lion, Foniie 181ces a buUe1 News Football Benny ()!clc " 1n lhe pol18'10r end Polsle LOS Angele$ Hill Cavett .. IS tKCUMd Of being lhe TOlllQhl Alms Sllnley Cap boned Cap11011ed culp<11 (R) Vs SelQ8f ABCNews ABC News 8 MOVIE ...... "Dirty Money .. New The (1972) Richard Crenne, " England RookNIS Celh«IM Oeneuve Tomorrow Patnots .. .. .. See Tuesda)''s. Page 21 Sl•WALK SALE -IP TO 50% OFFI AUGUST 8 and 9 I 0-6 P.M. THIS SAT. AND SUNDAY ONLY! STOllFOI MIM AND WOMIM * * Palm leach Coat * Accessories for • * Jockey the well gr00111ed man • * Robert Ince ,..& __ w .... 01.-.MC11"""-.n ___ ___, * * C ....... • Stocks Mutual Ticket • Elvo DrHs Shlrh ACJlftCY I It& tHPWt : >· . ' SAtES Good Selection Volume Discounts SERVICE Convenient Service for Orange County commuters! 405 Fwy. & Western Ave. Call for your appointment. LEASE Bank Lease for ALL makes & models. Orange Co. Buyers & Service Customers Call Collect! 213-327-9142 Remember! ·--·-~ a -----------------------------------.. .. Tube Toppers KCO P (!) 8:00 "The Desperate Hours." Criminals hold a family hos tage in a thriller starring I lumphrey Bog ar·t and Fredric March KCET @ and KOCE ~ 9·oo ··Memories from Eden ·· The expanding roles of modern zoos are explored CBS f) 9:00 ··Torn Between Two Lovers ... Lee Re mick and George Pep- pard star in a modern love story. ABC fJ 10:00 "Barbara Walters Summer Special.·· Barbara Walters in - terviews Paul Newman. Burt Reynolds and Katharine Hepburn. Tuesdars Details t'rom Page 20 G) P.M. MAOAZIHE A form of baseball en1oy9d by blind players • wed- ding on • deperll'*'' st0<e calele11a. Steve Caney mak .. Ul•SU• doll•. Ceot c:.trot on spicy foods and the lungs, Linda Hams -Morocc.n 1eenery fl) MOVIE • • • ·~ ··rhe Oespe<ate Houra.. ( 1955) Humphrey 8oga11, Fredroc Maren SI NOVA .. Memories From Eden The expendlno rotes ond resp<>nllibllitles ol zoos are studied (R)O all MYSTEAY "The Racing Game Gam- bling Ledy .. Sid Halley and Chico Bernes ore called In lo lnveatlgate the dettlh ol a valuable racehorse In a road accident (R) Q (l'f) KAMIKAZE: MISSION ~DEATH The lacll>f• ol JapanoM hie wtlleh led numerous pilots to commit e form ol ~ICIOe they conslde<IKI honor•~ during World Wet II .,. examined CS) IMZAAAE XXll John Byner ShOWS you lhlngs strange. than truth 18fget than Ille, and z&nH!r t nan anyi h1ng you· ve ever -O MOlllE ··Beyonc:t Evil" Lynda Day <Hof_ilt, Jdnn Saxon 8:30 II CJ) TWO THE HARO WAY Two telev111ion wrtters ere told to W<lte en 11g1ng actor out ol the aoap OP*'• he nu appeared In tor t6 years U (ID) LAVERNE I SHIRLEY Laverne and Snlrtey sneak Into their t>osa'a olllce to relrlelle • nasty nole they wrote to him. (RIO ID TOPSTOAY Hosta· Jim Thom••. Mary ~ .. The First Deadly Sin" ( t980) Frank Slnalra. Faye Dunaway l.Af'F.A. THON A com9dlan hott and lour comic contutanta who <:ompata agalnat one another .,.. lutllf8d In this Ul\Centored Comedy 0- ahow 1:46 Cl) MOVIE • * * * "Chin atown" ( 19741 Jeck Nk:holaon, Faye ""'-•Y t;OO • Cll MOYll **141 "Torn ee1-Two l-s" (11179) LN Ram· Id!, G«Jtga PappllrO 8 8 HIU. ITNET aua A vlc9 eqyad COO i. lnY9atl· oai.ci ror wrni• ..,,,._,. to " hie '°""" '84e.., --··-~~ LaNil't dMlnO · Mdllll- gwa Belker·a Ille. (R) 8 9 THREE'S COMPANY Jack and Larry trade epertmentt, te•Ying Jeck out In the cold end Larry In • holler snuallon than he expec1ed. (R) O ID hlERV GAIFf'IN Guests Gavin Mcleod, Ted Knight, Ray Par1<er Jr . Mark Milter. Or Ir-Kas- sorta fn MYSTERY "The Racing Game. Gam- bling Lady" Sid Halley and Cnieo Barnes are called In 10 lnVHllgale Iha death of • valuable racehorse In e road eccldent IR) O all NOVA "Memories From Eden" The ekpandlng roles and responslbllltlM ol zooa are studied IRIO CC1MOVIE "Dear Inspector" ( 19781 Anme Girardot. Phlllppe Noiret (SJ THE WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WIHTEM Host Orson Welles 9-.30 U (!§) TOO Ct.OSE FOR COMFORT S11111h lakes 11 upon herself to help • COiiege friend graduate into menhOOd (R) SJ MOVlE ··Oh Oodl Book II ' ( 1980) George Borns. Suzanne Plahelte 9:46 0 MO\llE .. Shimmering Light" ( 1978) Beau Bridges. Victoria Shaw 10:'00 0 (HJ NERO WOLFE Nero. Archie end a report- er ere held capu... In Nero's nome by a briniant crlmtnat who has booby- lrapped the house (Rt U (ID) 8AA8ARA WALnRSSUMM~ SPEQAL Barbare Walters Interviews Paul 'Newman, Burt Rey- ndfc:ta and Katharine Hep- burn &i) PAESEHTE "A Cconveraatlon With Her· man Badllto .. Pueno Rican Congreuman Badillo discu-his cer_. and ~la for the future UVMOVIE "Starting 0ver·· (1979} Sort Reynolds. Jilt Clay- burgn 10:30 ti) FAST FOAWAN> .. L_a·· Some ol the UIOl1illllng poplbtlllles of '--gy range from blood .... mtct-.irgaty lo poltutton meaaurltfnent. from N lelll1e Image 1rans- mlulon to hologfaphy • • HITCHCOa( Clltf Aotlerlaon reYlew9 the cat-of Alfred Hit~ thf'ough Mlec1ed """ cllJ)9 ltom ~ of IM QtMI ==~ec:t~ ·=t"2~ --II!.!!~~ -------~ HEADACHES1 0 -The Cause Often Is Pinch ed Nerves. ~ Chiropractic Resto res Health Naturally. r ~ ~ YOU DESERVE TO FEEL GOOD Most Jnsurances Accepted FOR AN APPOINTMENT CALL 645-53 CompUmentary Consultation WESTCLIFF CHIROPRACTIC OFFICE Dr. Robert A. Badger 2043 WHtclff Dr., Wte IOI M•wportleodl 1-Coce't °" I 7tti ...t .,..,.., )> c '° c Ill -, ..... ... '° CD .... . J • ·-' f f l I I I ~ • • 11- , .. : -Ill ::> CJI :> < >. IV "C ·;: LL. g ...J ~ 'Wednelday Grid KNXT ~ II IM ......... 1: Morning News .. s: Cac>tam Kangatoo 9: The Jelfersoos .f.Jloe .. 10: ThePnce Is Rl\l~t .. 11: One Day Al .f. Time Young And The Restless KNXT PM II Lee ......... 12: .. AsThe World 1: Tl.mS .. Stlrch For Tomorrow 2: Guiding Ugh• .. .. 3: Barnaby Jones .. 4: Barney Miiiet News .. 5: News .. 6: News .. .. 1: CBSNews 2 On The Town s: The White Shadow .. 9: CBSMovle. "The Seeding Of Sarah 10: Borns" .. 11: News CBSMOV!t "Fear Is 12: The Key" .. KNBC KTLA D e u.-.... Lie ......... Today 700 Club .. .. .. .. .. Anothef .. Liie .. leave It .. To 8eavef Las Vegas Richard Gambit Simmons Blocl<-Richard busters Simmons Wheel OI Big Fortune Valier, PasswOfd ?kn .. Cwd Bonanza SllarXs The " DocfOfS .. KNBC KTLA D e Lee ......... IM ......... Days Of T'#lllghl Our I.Mis Zone .. Twiligh1 .. Zone Another Hour World ~ .. .. .. Texas John .. OaYidsOn .. .. .. .. Donahue .. .. .. .. Hollywood .. Squat es Maty Tyler Space· Moort 1999 Bob .. Newtl8tt .. News Starsl<y .. & Hutch .. .. .. .. News Kung .. Fu .. .. .. .. NBCNews Happy Days .. Agein Family Shi Na Na Feud .. Real Movie• People "Run To TheHtgh .. Country" Oilf'rent .. Strokes .. ThefactJ .. Of Life .. ~ News .. .. .. .. News Star .. Trek T~t .. .. .. Movie: .. "Run, Tomorrow Psycho .. . Run" AVAILABLE THIS FALL KABC u Lie ......... Good Morning America .. .. r .. .f.M. Los Angeles Ttwee's Company Three's Company family Feud Ryan's Hope KABC u IM.,._ AHMy Cllild<en .. .. One Ute To L.IYe .. .. General Hosc>ltll .. .. EdgtOI Night TheWOl1d Of People News .. .. .. News .. .. .. News .. .. .. ABCNews .. ~ C?lerlie's Angels .. v~ .. .. ~y .. .. News .. ABCNews Nlghtline LOYI Boat .. .. Prlvete, fenced. clubhouae, excellent for 20·25 Pr•SChool Children -Mond-v thtu Friday ln'9f'ISted pal'tl ... plee11 call few appointment. HAL.ICIEST "Th• Prlv1te Cllb" CoataMela S57·7ll4 KFMB KHJ KCST KTIV KCOP KCET KOCE Q " cm m ., m m .. Dllte Loe ......... ...Dllte Loe ......... LM ........ IM ........ '":-:·· Momlog The Today Bugs&my Feb Yoga For MacNe!I News froozles & Friends The Cat Health Lehret .. There Is .. Space Mighty Mist« Over . . A Way .. Coast• Moose Aoaefs Easy Suroc> Jim .. Atppet .. ReboC> BoOy San Diego Bakk81 .. .. " .. Buddies .. .. Gentle Emergency Villa Guten Ben .f.legre Tag The .. Donahue ll<MI Romper Sesame StlldlO Jetter sons .. Lucy Room Street See Allee " .. Bewitched Vox .. Electric .. " .. .. Popuh .. Company ThePnce Mldmom1ng WheelOI I Dream Of Spy FOUi Women, VIiia IS Right L.A Fortune Jeannie Chasers Four Choices Alegre " Password Famlly .. French StudlO .. Plus AlfaK .. FtmlllllS See Young And .. Card Ghost & MarQJS Elec1nc Freestyle The Restless Sharks Mrs.Muir Welby Company .. .. Movie To Teti News .. The Tom Pearts .. "Yog-The Truth .. .. Cottle Show .. KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE Q " cm m m m m S.DilfO Loe ......... .. Dllte Loi ..... i..-.,.... Lei ..... ........ 1111 ._ .. News Monster Days Of MoYle: MOYl8 Diel! Frugal .. From Our lives "The "The ~" Gounnet ASThe Space" .. Big~y" Mncte" OYer Health WOfld .. .. .. Easv Issues Tums News Aoother .. " Movie: Kathy's .. .. World " "The Kitchen Search For Wild, .. .. .. Octobet Lilfian Tomorrow Wild .. .. .. Man" Heitman Guiding West Texas Mike Tarzan .. E¥en1ng Light .. .. Douglas .. AtPoPS Ironside .. .. Con¥t!fsatl00 " .. .. .. .. .. .. .. John .. Movie: lefs Terry-Footsteps Frugal Davidson .. "Qeopatra' Rap toons .. Gourmet .. Movie . Pan 1 G<oovlt .. Sou111-OYer .. "Anything .. Gooffes .. bound Euy .. Can Happen" .. Tom And Kanoon Vlft1 MacNell .. .. .. Jerry Karn/VII Alegre Lehrer M.A.SH .. . .. The " Mister The Duchess .. .. .. Flintstones .. Rooers Of Duke News .. Donahue Bewitched Fred Sesame Street .. .. .. .. AlntSlone Street .. .. What's .. I Dream Of Wiit 'TW .. Oil .. Happe111ng .. Jeannie Your Father .. Painting CBSNews Tic TIC NBCNews M.A.S H Good Electric Electric .. Dough .. .. nmes Company Comp.ny News Jokw's News AH In The Benny News Studio .. Wild .. Family Hin .. See . Tlc Tac Bull~ .. M.A.S.H. Streets OYer MICNeil Dough .. OISln Elsy Lehr• PM Face The Fltnily All In The Franci1co MacNeil TheShak• Magazine Music Feud Family .. Lehrer speare TheWNte Movie' Reel PM Crisis National Plays Sll8dow "To People Magazine Alen Geographic "Measure .. CommltA .. Top .. Special FOi' Measure" .. Murder" .. StO!'f .. .. .. CBS Movie .. 0.lfrent Merv WlthAtms Hitctlcock .. "The ' . Strokes Griffin OILow .. .. Seeding .. The Facts .. .. .. .. Of Sarah .. 01 life .. .. .. .. Butns" News Oul"' .. News Movie. Aamba<ds .. .. .. .. "Secl'et .. .. .. News INNNews Agent" .. .. .. .. .. .. .. News Newlywed . News ManniJ Benny Diel! WOl1d .. Game .. Hill ~It Chromcte In Let's Make T~t .. Stanley Captioned ~tiooed Defense AOeal .. Seiael ABC News ABC News CBS Movte Guntmolle .. MISSlon Tiit "Few Is .. Impossible Rookies The Key" .. Tomorrow .. .. .. .. .. SPIRITUAL READINGS • Advice SUMMER SPECIAL • Counseling • Readings Reg. as.oo Now $15.00 -s De tat ls AUGUST 12. 1tl 1 EWMNO 7:00 Iii HAPPY DAYS AGAIN Al<:hi9. Polai. and Ralph hno detM 1n anoth« part Of lown bl.II tun onto lrou· ble wi-i lhelr dates· boy- friends 11\0W up • M·A·S·H Aa aoon u Fran!< •• "' charge, Hawkeye 1lup1 camp, runs 1 b~ade 10 Und Trapper and ...... Comet a,_ SUr~ (Par1 I) ti) STREETS Of SAN FR..+.HCl8CO A Y19dant1 gang tr-lo clean up • neoghbo<hOOCI ao that lhelr children wtll ha.,e • belier place 10 to~ fl) OVER EASY G.-i f\O\feljsl-playw11g111 ltw1n SNtw (A)Q (!I MEAVGAIFTIH Guests. Terry Greg0<y, Margarei Truman. Rob«t• Peters. Rldl Hall (t)MOVIE "MlldalN Rose" ( tll78) Simone ~ ... ~ Oeuc>lltn (,O)MOVIE "No Deposit, No Aelum" ( 11176) 0.lnd NI,,.,,, Derren Mc<l•Yin (l) LA FIE8TA OE 8AHT A SAMARA 7:20 (%) MOVIE * * * * "Grand Hotel" j 11132) Greta Garbo. JOlln and Lionel Barrymore 7:30 9 2 OH T'4E TOWN Hosts. Steve Edwarda. Melody ~· A beNnd· tM-_,. loolc 11 Ou4 magazine: 1 vtslt to Grand· ma Prisbrey and her 9f\dangefed bollle \f\llege. a cloM-up loolc at pinball fanatic:&. 9 SHANANA G~t· Trinl Lopez_ 8) AU. IN Tl4E FAMILY A.refile la l0<oed to tak1 a tong and painful look •• hlS future when Edrlll's feisty but loYeble elderly aunt GOmM lo< • vltit. but then hH no pl-to go . «!) THE SHAKESPEAAE P\.AYS "~For .,._, ... Kale Nelligan. Cht'lllOl)her Strtull. Tim Ptgott-Smllh and John McEnery star In one ot Snakespe1re·1 ,,_t conlroYefSlal aorne- cf"9a. (A) ()) P.M. MAGAZINE A men who bullda riou.. out of lrNh. a naturallSt who protectl bladl bears In P1nnayl.,1n11·s Poconos (11)UOW "Midway .. ( 11176) cnarllon He11on. Henry Fonda (I) COOtOE GOES TO TliE H08"'1' AL Cool<ie finds Ille hospl181 B Kary plaee but gets by wttn the llelp of her tr""1d• 1:00 II ()) Tl4E WHO'E IHAOOW Coecn AeevM and one 01 hla pla)'*f's team Ille nard way how • 119 can gel a See Wednesday's, Page 23 • Happy • Successf u I • 14 Years • Business Ody ~O a.M.·10 p.m. ~~-------------------------------... -~ \Vhat is The Botton1 Linc? Dear Readers The Bottom Line 1s your health. There are limes m our hves when we forget that and worry about lhmgs that aren't nearly as im- portant When you have your physical and mental health. you have the building blocks with which to face all the attendant problems of living a full. challenging and rewarding life. Please remember that every day and thank God for rt. We believed in this Idea so much that we started our owr1 business de· dicated to health and named it The Bottom Line The Bottom Lme 1s an exercise salon where each mdivtdual receives personalized atten- tion. Our goal 1s for each person to develop to their fullest potential mentally and physical- ly. Our aerobic exercise classes are conve- niently offered 6 times per day. and last for ohe hour. Our classes are designed to build strength. flexibility and endurance. We would like lo mv1te you to a compltmen· tary class to see what The Bottom Line real- · ty is 1550 Bayside Dr. • Corona Def Mar, CA 92625 Make Mine Ruffled! 50% off MonMI Retail Prices Create your own custom be<Jroom wrth. decorative fabncs at 50% olf normd1 retail pnces' (;()lne m now wt11~ the selection is good -ov~r 300 m stock ro choose from Fabrics Available For: • Dra~ries • Bedspreads • Upholstery Decorative Fabric House 18085 Euclid 1 •t tts> Furniture Row Fountain VaUey . (7H) 541-lttl (7H) NJ.sat Tube Toppers KOC:E SO 8 IJO · :\kaslll'l' lor ~kaslll'(• · Kall' \Jl'lltgan. <'hrt!.loplwr Straul1 uncl .lohn ~k Em·n ..,tar in a ('OIHrm t•r..,i <.il Shak1•..,p1·arc• <·c>mt•d\ Kil.I 0 H.011 To C:omm11 a M unlt·r · · Louis .Jourdan and St·nta Beq.!1..•1 star 111 a mo\ll' <1h11ut a playl>o.' \.\l'tll'I' Ill\ oh et! tn a plol t11 h.1d nap a French nu<:IL·a1· S('tl'nt1st KCET 281 8:00 NalttHl,il c;l'CI gn1phic SpL•t·wL .. J aµant'!'>l' art 1sans foll<m1nj.! the old'' a' s arl' proftlt'<I CBS f) !l 00 "Tht• Sl't'drng o( Sarah Burns ·· ,\ llH>\ l l' ahout ..i ~ut rogat<.• moth1•r \\ho ha!> M'('otHI thoughts about gt\ ing up ht•I' bab~ WednesdMS Details f'rom Page 22 person lnlo bog trouble !Al U ~REAL PEOPLE Featured aortball on the 1now. underweter hockey ma1e belly dancing a womao who keep5 a111ga- tors as pats (Al U MOVIE * * "FWn To The HOQh Country· ( 1974) E"k l••· sen fJ c.tNILIE'S ANGELS A crazed kodnappe. steats a btode. llfld lhe A~s are hlted to lind her (A) 11J MOVIE • • •;, "To C-Ommll A Mur· 09<' ( tlHO) Louoa Jourdan. Senta Berger 8) P.M. MAGAZINE A man whO bu•ldl hOU5e$ out of Iraan. a naturahst who P<Otocts blKk beets 1n Pennsylvania's Pocono&, Chef Tell P<e· pares .,..1 pomldofo, Dr Wasco on cardiac cathetet11111on, Cathie Mann vtll1t a tchool for commerc;oal aciors fZl> NATIONAL GEOGRAPHIC SPECIAL Living Treasure• 01 Japan" None Jep1nese artisans end !>l'lormlng artl1ls who keep the '-rtbeat of an ancient cullure pu1111ng through a c;ontemoorary soc:lety are 2!._0hled (R) (!JI) JAMUPAUL MCCARTH£Y AND WINGS Paul, his wtle Lind& and the O'OUP take VI-$ through ,,... Engh1h c;oon- 1 ryslde wot h mu soc and de nee I SJ MOVIE 'The Bh.185 Brothers ( 1980) Jonn Belushi. Dan ~kroyd OMOVIE ·Fatso · ( 19801 Dom Deluise, Anne Bancroft 9:30 «D TOP STORY Hosts Jom Th<>mal Mary Inger SOii t:OO IJ Cl) MOVIE • • "The Seeding 01 Sar- ah Burns ( 1979) Kay Lenz. Merlin Balsam Cl Q! DIFf'REHT 8TAOKE8 A new lr..,,d ot Arnold's, a C1echo1lovakl1n 1mmi- gr11nt. Is torn t>et_., hl1 fear of the po1oe41 end hi• ctet.re to help llf't unjultty lalled friend (R)O D ®l VEOAI A murderous procurer forces beautltul young women r-tty releaMd from prllOf'I to ~ 11 call girts to lute men Info e Ylclou$ ~mail ICMme @ • tl8fV QIW!lllN OUMta· TtNy Oregoty1 Mw~et Trwnan! ~~ Peters. Roch Hall, Collene Dowling m WITH ARMS OF LOVE This documentary report likes • look at lhe people .. nd wori. ol World Con· cern I CRIST A Internation- al fm HITCtlCOCI< Clott AoDertson reviews IM car-ot Allred HotCllCOc:I< through selectlld lolm chp5 trom some ol the great HOll)'wOOd director s most famous rnoVMtS end rec:ol· lectlona by the stors who worked for him (R) C'MOVIE • * Freeb>e And The Bean" (1974) James Caan. AlanArlun 0 MOVIE Shoat Tne Sun Down 11980) Chrrstophe< Walk- en. Mergol l<oddet t :151l MOVIE 'Fame' 11980) Eddie Barth. Irene Cara t-..30 U Q! THE FACTS~ UfE Blair, 100 t>usy with her boyfriend to write a poem for a class assignment, auDm•ts one w<•tten by e famous Po411 (R) t:46@MOVIE "The Satanic Altes DI Dr• Cull " (1973) Chnstophef Lee, Peter Cushing 10:00 Cl ~QUINCY Two brothers 0<gan1ze a vogtlente committee In en elforl to slop crime on their nelght>orhOOd (R) fJ ®) DYNASTY MICheel learns ol f'elton's secret deal with Cotby, and Claudia t>egons to suspect M•tthew·1 1nvotv•ment woth Krystle may be MOfe than She thought (A) fm MOVIE " "';, The ~et AQMI" ( 1936) John Gielgud Mede•e•ne Cerroll ml Fl.AMBAAOS Sino No Sed Songs . Chrostont. Dorothy and Wol- loam mourn Sandy's death. Christina end WllNem get mamed (Part 8l(A) CJ 10:30 ( ~) MOVIE "The Se• Mac~lne" ( 1978) 1t;OO U STAR TREK When an unidentllled spaceship laits to heed orders lo st()(>, Capt 1<1rk l>Ufl the USS Ent9fptose In pUr.ult m MAHHIX "A Chance Al The AOlet" MannlK takea on th• •lmOSI llopel-. ,.. of pro....ng Ille lnf1ocena. of a man ldentltltd by ~·-.. "-Ying lhot • l)Mrl'l'l8dat Out!rlO 1111 •1191'11pted l)old-up • • llNNVHIU. lle!wly ,_.on....,., • WOlll.D CfW)NIQ.I ·~ .. ·--·-. . ... .. 3! ®FLEAS?= 0 - DO IT YOURSELF PROFESSIONAL STRENTH INSECTICIDE OVER ft#91 YEARS BARDE N'S PEST CONTROL 69 6 RAMOOl.PH COSTA MESA 546-5570 LAGUHA eoao.u Dll. w.• I 4t4-706S I I 673.0210 I I ASIC ABOUT OUR IN tl>Nl SERVICE ••••••••••••••••••• • PUT $1000 TO WORK AND EARN e e $2000 IN 6 MONTHS e • We are establishing " pool of small monc) len • • ders lo assist u~ 1n Lhe final stage of romplclton of • our ehiJhn~ feature film .. The ttunltnR Se<tson · •• Wtth already 4200 PAY /CAHLE TV statmns • begging for films along with Network l..o<'al TV • • gobbling up mov1l'S so fast 1t has caused an • • almost /ranltc demand for pictures • So get on the bandwagon with a young and am • • bilious movie studio here 1n 0 C and enJOY some • handsome proftU. for yourself both now and in the • future. • e 714 I 957-4086 ••••••••••••••••••• Tht'1 why YOU want to train at SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA COLLEGE OF MEDICAL & DENT AL CARERS In seven months or less, you can make a R E AL DIFFERENCE WITH YOUR LIFE 1n one ol thes. much-needed careers • MEbiCAL ASSISTING ICMlll ~...,by "'"*lean ___ , • OEHT A&. ASSllTIHG (110111 ~-IJ'f C.111 8CMlf0 ol ·=~=~TOllY TEQHOWI • lt.EAOENCY MEOICAI. TECHHICIAH IEMT ·•"I ~by C.111 0.0. 01 HMllh) • MEDICAi. RECEPTIONIST • HOSPITA&. UNIT SECflllAAY • MlDICA£. , "°"' °"1CE • ~ IECIMTAAY A CAlfD Of CAIHIC ~tlllral•nct M'!.~~~ et!fJ !~M iMllt11t1on .. .,.., the DH lt ectucat•olltll ~ .. -.... .--. ._ -...- ,., "" •recfttre. call (11') us.3491 th, .. ._.. .... ~ . - ..... I l I . i 1 f I l t I l I ( I ' ..... i I_ -. ;- '' -~ ,...· -Ill ::> Cl ::> < > nl ,, ·~ u. Cl 0 ...J ~ -0 ~ KNXT KNBC KTLA AM 6 D " Loe~ Loe~ Loe~ 7: Morning Todar, 700 News ~b " " .. " " s: Captai11 " Anothef K~oo " Ute .. Leaveh .. .. To BeaYIW 9: The Las Vegas Richard JeffetSOOS Gambit Slmmol\s Alice Bloc:k· Rlctlatd " busters Simmons 10: ThePnce WheelOt Big ls~I fortune vaner, Password " Plus .. 11: One Day Card Bonanza Al A Time Slwwlts " Young And The " The Ae$tle$$ Doctors .. PM: KNXT tcNBC KTLA 6 D " Loe~ Loe~ Loe ..... 12: .. DaysOt Twilight OurlMIS lone AJThe " Twilight WOl1cl " lone 1: Tums Anoth8f Hour World M~ Seatch For " Tomorrow " " 2: GUlc1ing Texas Jolln light .. .. Oavldlon .. .. .. .. .. 3: Bamaby Donahue .. Jones .. .. ' " Hollywood " .. Squares 4: Barney Mary Tyler Space' Miller Moore 1999 News Bob .. .. Newtllft .. 5: News News Starsky " & Hutch .. .. .. .. .. 6: News News Kurig .. Fu .. .. .. " 7: CBSNews NBCNews Happy Days .. Again 20nThe TM Was Sha Na Na Town Amenca .. s: The NBC Movie: Waltons Mag~ne ''Legend OfCouow .. .. Canyon" 9: Magnum, NBCMCMI' .. P.1. "March .. Or Ole" " .. Part 1 .. 10: Knots .. Hews L.andtng .. .. " .. " .. ,, 11: News News Star .. Trek The T~t .. Jetlersons .. 12: Mad~an .. Movie. .. "Opera hon Tomorrow Werhead" .. .. .. MIMI BLINDS 50°/o Off ·01scoUNTS ON CAIPITIMG KA8C u ..... ~ Good Morning America " " " .. AM. Los Angeles Three's Company Three's Company Famil'f Feud Ayan"s Hope KABC • Loe ..... All My Children .. " One Lile To L.Mt " .. Genwal Hospital .. " Ed!1e Ot Night TheWotld Ot People News .. .. News .. " " News .. .. .. ABCNews .. Eye On LA MOl'k& Mindy Bo9om Buddies 8amey Miler Taxi " 20·20 .. .. .. News .. ABCNews Nlalrtline Char1le's A~.s .. KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KOOP 0 0 ml m m llllOleeo Loe ...... S-Oleeo Loe ...... Loe ...... Momng The Today Bugsl!oony Feb News frOOlles & Fnends The Cat " There Is .. Space Mighty .. A Way " Coaster Mouse &mop Jim .. Fllppef .. San Diego Bakkflf " " " " Genlle Emergency .. , . Ben The " Dorlahoe I Love Romper JellerSOl\s .. .. Lucy Room Ala " " Bewitched LA's The " .. .. .. Place ThePnce Mldmonwlg Wheel Ot IOreamOt Angels' Is Right LA Fonune Jeannie Alley .. Password Family " .. .. Plus A Hair " Young And " Card Ghost& Marcus The Restless .. Slllrtts Mrs. Muw Welby " Movie. To Tell News " "Trail The Truth " " KFMB KHJ KCST KTTV KCOP 0 0 ml m m ... Oleeo Loe ...... ....,.... Loe .... Loe ..... News Street" OaysOI " MO¥ie: .. " Our lrYes Mark "Critic's AsThe " .. Evans Choice" WOOd .. " .. " Turns News Another .. .. .. .. WOl1cl " .. Seatch For Wiid. " Eleven .. T ornotrow Wild " Klds Golding Wes1 Texas Mike Tarun Ught .. " ~s .. Ironside .. .. .. " .. .. " Joho .. Movie: Let's Twry· Davidson " "Cleopatra" Rap loons .. Movie: Pan 2 Groovies " " "She " Goolles .. " WOleA .. Tom And Kartoon .. Yellow .. Jerry Kamlval MA.SH Ribbon" .. The " .. .. .. Flinslones .. News .. Oonahye Bewitched Fred .. .. .. .. Fll1111tone .. What's .. I Dream Of Wait 'T1l Haooenino .. Jeannie Y OUf F athef CBsHewl r.c Tac NBCNews M.A.S.H Good " Dough " .. rimes News Joker's News AH In The Benny .. Wild .. Family Hill ncTac Bo~ .. M.A.S H. Streets Dough .. .. Of San PM Face The Family Al In The Francisco Maaazme MUSic Feud Family .. The MOVll: NBC PM MOYie: Waltons "Seeds Magazine Mlg&ZJlll "Ice .. Of Evil" Tap Pllece"' " .. " S1ory .. Magnum, " NBCMOVll· Merv " P.I. .. "March Griffin " .. .. Or Ole" .. .. .. .. Patt l " .. Knots News .. " News ~ .. .. .. .. .. News INNNews .. .. .. .. .. News Newlywed News Ma11nilt Benny " Game .. .. HI In let's Make T~~t .. Stanley Del~ AOeal .. Seigel Mad~an Gunsmolce ,, MissiOn The " " lmpos.slble Rookies .. .. Tomorrow .. " .. .. " .. .. ORANGE COUNTY'S NEWEST CHRISTIAN SCHOOL LIBERTY CHRISTIAN ACADEMY Kindergarten Through 6th Grade AnotheT minlAl'll Of - LIBERTY BAPTIST CHURCH 510I Bonlt• CHyoft Roed lrllfn•, CA 12715 JeAAV BUNCH, ... ~ncMr WAYNt~~ CALL 151-9144 KCET m Loe ...... Yoga for Health Mister Rooers Big Blue Matble Vila Alegle Sesame Street .. .. Nalional Geograi>/'llC Special .. " " Here's To Your Health KCET m Loe .... Dick Caveit °"" Easy ArchM!S Of Ebia " .. MXln Nevada .. .. Footsteps " South- bound Villa Alegre Mlstw Rogers Sesame Street .. .. 8ectric CompMy News .. OYer Easy MaeNeil Lehrer Cl'uisln' JTown Sneak Previews Martha C!Jrke .. .. us. Chronicle Face Ot Ch11\8 OIClc Cavett Captioned ABCNews KOCE ~ "-' ..... ..... MacHeil Lehrw Over Easy Body Boddll!S Goten Tag Sludlo See Electric Company VIiia Alegre SludlO See Freestyle .. Pearls " KOCE m " ........ .... Frugal Gourmet Heal1JI Issues Kathy's Kitcherl l.llllan Hdlman fanog lJne .. " Frugal ~ OYer Easy Mac Neil Latvw Nova .. .. .. "l<lthy's Klteh«l Elec:tric Company Studio See MacHeil l.ehrw News .. Oil P11nt1ng Jlllll Ollld Sn8lll PtMws Ulll8n liellnWI Nlws .. Vic~! The Tom Cottle Show Captioned ABCNews Thursday~ Details AUGUST 13. 1N t EWHMl 7:00 8 KAPPV DAY& AGAIH Fonzie hirM a recently dts- •l>ted mecl\alllC whO bOl- te<ly rajecit "'Y oHet or lr*'<llltip m U 0A0 8°H At soon as Fronk Is 1n c:harge, Hawtteya s1t1ps camp, runt 11 l>IOdlade to fine! Trappe< and ..... c:omee • new turgeon (Part 2) ., STREETS OF 8AH FMHa8CO A hand~ young bank •obi>« USM • 4().yew--Old woman taltet 10 obtain 111lorma1lon about Iha bank. el OVEREASY Guest SHige< Helen For- rMI (R)Q MERV ORIF'FlH Guest•. M0<gen F•rehllO, Elayne Booalar. Arthur Murrey Dane«•. Chip TOI· ber1 {Q) HAMME.A HOUSE OF ~ "The T""'-tth Reuni· uon'' A~ woman jour· nalhll lurM Of llrange ~ al an expel'\. m«ital dllllc ""'*' aha _.. eome limbless CO<~. (%)CHAN.El CHAMPLIN TAUCI WfTH GEORGE aJKOR 7!30 8 2 ON TlfE TOWN Hoau: Steve Edwetds. Melody Roger-a A VISi1 lo the Brltlllfl Colony of Hong l<ong and Iha ChtnM41 bor· de< 0 THl8 WAS AMENCA "'A Family Album"' A look at the strength and ~of the lamlly aa Iha ~llal M>Olal unit at Iha turn-ol·lhe-c:enlury 8 SHANANA o.-ts: The Kingston Trio D EYEONLA. Hosts. Inez Pedroza, Paul Moyet A look t>entnd the headlines Of the war In latMI: a look at ahatks. a Yleit with 1 man who COi· lect• old Clrl • AU IN ntl: FAMILY Edith la stloiOMd wlMNl she dllCOYWa the real reason behind the baf'gall\8 alle'I bMt'I e-ttlng at Iha butcher aho9-(I) p .M. MAGAZJHe Peopla who heve had "rHNll death" eitperlenca: a lir-·s competition In CapeCod CB) THE WOALD'8 ON!ATEST E8CAPES Tony Curtis Introduces dealh-<lefylng 11unt• per- IO<med by lop escape art· 1111 at l<noll• S.ry Farm In Buena Parll. Caltlornll 7~40 (%}MOVIE * * + "Oi11nM Al Eight .. ( I 933) John and Lionel Banrnore. Jean Harlow. aoo 11 (I} THE WALTONS Erin mMll • dlannlng and aliQlble young bachelot (R) Who to see this weekend? Pllot\Veekender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE t 1 t ' I THE VIDEO SERVICE CENTER A-uthorized video Warranty Service Station for AUi CE llTAC11 llRETl:S M l8YO MMNAYIX MCA IE,.._ PIMEI ICl SIM S8MY TIC.U TDSllll V... tai1t r....-S • C. c.ras • S., TY IO~ "9r"lllCNl'l"C I 5521 Co ...... L.m. ........ ~ .... ., .. 5733 REAL ESTATE LICENSING SCHOOLS • Fir Brokers and Salesmen * Nil!trt aid weekend classes (T~·a -· NiM-7-10 p.m) * Texts, Practice Exams • r.ollege Level Broker ()Jalification r.ourses ...... 7'1-9255 fer .,.c~ -prkn UOYD SHOEMAKER REAL ESTATE SCHOOL IMC. 1to1w-•....,... ,._.c.....,nu.11 1 -· ...._c. LE PETIT CAFE& BAKERY Tube Toppers NBC EJ 7 :30 "Thi s Wa s America." A look at the strong family unit at the turn of the century. KCOP Q) 8 :00 "lee ·Palace ... Richard Burton and Robert Ryan star in the movie version of Edna Ferber's nov- el about Alaska. NBC IJ 9:00 "March or Die." Gene Hackman and Max Von Sydow star in a movie about the Foreign Legion. KOCE 9 9:30 -''Lillian Hellman: A Profile." The writer talks about her long relationship with Dashiell Ham- mett. B lllMOVE 8 MOVIE • • .. Mardi Of Die" (Pet1 • • "leoend Of CouQar 1) ( 1977) Gene Heclunan. Canyon" (1974) Mu YOn Sydow 8 0 MOM AHO • 9 IWINEY .a&.ER ....OV Hllffla la lllaigned to Wf'he. MOt1l UMt'llblM Mlnct('1 producl9 end direct • por- ~ In their living room no ftlm fOt i-. In en offtdel (RI polce invMtigetlon (R)Q G MOYIE • timtV ONFFltt * • "S .. da Of Evil.. o.-t.: Morgan Felrc:Ntd. Ke1herine HIMiglllon, Joe EleyM a-Mt, Ar11'1ur o.lleMndro. Murrey Oencera, CNp Toi- • p .M. MAGAZJH( bel1, Biiiy Fellowa. People who l'lew l'led • MARTHA a.AME. •• ,_dNtl'I""~: UOH'TNIODAM tl'le ultlm•t• W.-end; An unulU9I looll la teiken Cl'lef Tell prepar• ltmllan Into Ille year of a talented P91IO ~; Judi MlaMtt dancer I Cl'lenoQt9Ph« u l'lel jan•cie91 for the IN beOlna to deY9lop ,,., b8Cll end 11ornach, Joyce own~ l(ultlawlk Ilea • variety of GD 8NeAK PMV1EW8 !Old-up tet>IM. Roger Ebert and Gene • MOVIE Sleltel ,...,.. "Victory," ••'Al "'lele Plllace .. (1e&0) '"Nobody"• Perlekt." Rlch.,d 8ur1on, Robet't "Under The Rainbow" and ;enC..U.., J TOWN HO eO TAXI This documentwy f~ Louie' 1 motl'ler llnelly on tl'lrM young Alien mo'tel out, leevtng tile American mualclan1 ledlerou. dllpetdler g6-. (rnember9 o1 tile group tuny p19nn1ng non-atop Hlro1l'llma) wl'lo blend r-wttl'I Elaine. (R)Q roc:ll. )azz end Latin mualc ID IJU.IAN HeU.MAN: A witl'I tredltlonel A•l•n PROALE Instrument• to e.... Ulllen Hellman reoolecta tllelr mul1J-<lU!turml Identity. ,,., tong ...iatlonlhlp wttl'I G MAGIC METHOD CW writer DMhlell Hammett. OIL PAINTl«i D ./AIC'/Y GAN.ANO "Deear1 Sunelt" One of Hollywood and CC>~ Broedwey'• grut•t leg· '"Blue Coller'' ( 10781 Rich-endl llnga "Clllcago." "I erd Pryor. Han.y Keitel. Love You," ··When vou·re (D)MOVE Alone" and "lt"1 Tllet Old * * * "High Plaln1 Dellll Moon" end 11 folned Drifter" (1973) Clint EMt· by Vic OMIOM tor _ _, wood, Verna Bloom muelcal ~ In tllla ()) MOVtl clelalc 1984 apeclal "Running" ( 1979) Mldlael 9:48 CZ) M0VtE Douglaa. Suean Anlpedl. "Fatao" ( 1910) Dom • MOVtl Oel.ulM. Anne Banc:r"oft.. "Bon Voyage. Cl'lar1i. 10:«> 8 Cll KNOTI LAND9G Brown" ( 1079) Animated. Karen'• tNlt In Sid begllle Olrec1ecl by Bill MelendeZ. to -wllen lie beglr'9 8:30. 0 90IC>M MJDOIH tpendlng long nlgtltl --- Kip -Into the tM1 Ing wltl'I en ettrectl\19 1-of life wlUI en old bud-employee, (R) dy ""'°'' ti.come • flam-• u ... CtWJMCU boyent ro<* ater. (RI ··su~lor Force" Jim e TOP 8TOfrt L.al'lrw repor1a on • polic» H<*•: Jim Thomae, Mery dog ebuM ceM In Superl- ~-°'· W*oneln, ftled by Ille • .-AK PfEWWI ACLU In betlatl of - Roger Ebert and Gene men who dalm they -e Slaltel relllew "Victory," unjultlflel)jy attaclled end "Nobody's P•rlekt." melmedbytl'ledogia. "'Under The Rainbow" and CC> MOVtE otl'lerl. '"The Stunt Men" (1NOI ID JUUA CHIU> ANO Petw O'Toole, St..,. Ralla- OOMPAMY back. "Dinner F0t The eoea·· (R) (D) titCMe (B)MOYIE "'The Outlaw Joeey w ...... "Tiie BluH Brotl'lert" (1978) CNnt Ea11wood, (1NO) JoM Beluehl, Dan Sondra Locke. Aytcroyd Cl) MOYIE t;OO 8 (I) MAGNUM, P.L "Luna" (1979) Jtll Clay- A cllenl With a mlaalng txlfoh, MattNw lerry 11ance and no m~ 10:tee TMI ~ f'Mm enter1 Magnum In a Of'CHIM merat~ runnlnO-tllklf'IO-·•OM H"'1dred ~ ~ ,_ to mak't ,,.... •• A trawlftO llOr'O- ~ and fllld .. "*' MMo trOMpt .. ........ Nutrition Deals with the C.tuse, Not the Symptom THE NEW WEIGH· A Dier proqc:wn )'(lli con live .,..,.._ A S)'llem ..-0..ddy ~ to~ your •leltyle. Spedallzing In: PERSONAUZED NUTRIENT DEFICIENCY end FOOD EVALUAT10N TESTING By ~ntment Only . 641-5977 I am interested in educating others, and I believe that it starts with people taking responsibility for their own health 1n no less fashion than they take care of the financial aspects of their lives. Plan for tomorrow's good health-TODAY! ,/a . lf_k.-l.c ~ 3625 W. MacARTHUR BL VO . SUITE 302-C •SANTA ~A. CA. 92704 rT MM lOC*S GOOD WllN IT'S OFA •State of Art 50 .. diagonal wuhebi. acreen. • Four element prevision ground ositlcal gleaa lena. • 18 function remote control let• you ecc:eSI up to 82 at.atlona. Select y..,.. ,.... DAVIMIOWM , ...... " ..... .. " ..... ., ... . ] 0 - r--::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::~.;:~~~)-------------------·--ll_ .. __ ._ ... __ lq;ou ___ .. __ IOC ____ ,.1•--------:=----------~--..0....;... .... ,;........, __ ..;.,;;,..a 1 I 1 I I I l I I t , t t6 .. ::"'" -' -~ t ,.: -Ill ::s Q ::s < ,;. "' "O 'i: u. OI 0 ..J > I--0 Cl lr • r • • • ~---.... I ' __ ._,~-·----_--.-~-. - 7: a: 9: 10: 11: 12: 1: 2: 3: 4: 5: KNXT KNBC KTLA tJ a " lol ....... Loe ..... Loe ..... Morning Today 700 News " Club Captaln Kanoaroo Giiiigan's Island Tiie las Vegas Big Jeff~ Gambit Vel"'t Alice Slook- busters The Price WheelOI ISpy ls~t Fortune .. Passwora Plus OneDay C1rd Richlrd Al A Tllne Sharks Simmons Seard! For The Chlttie Tomorrow Doctors RoseShow YpungAnd Days OI Donahue The Restless OurUYes .. As The Another How WOl1d WOl1d ~ Turns .. Guiding Texas John Ught .. Davidson Barney Match Millet Game eam.t>y Mery Tyler Hollywood Jones Moore .. MeryTyter Moore News Bob Newlllrt News News Bionic .. Womtn MIRROR SPECIAL Cleat Mirror 2 panels (36x100 tad!) ( T rimmtd-to yG1Jr c.iling l'lelOfll) oily $149~~alle4 KABC u lolMge!M Good Morning AITMlfica A.M. Los A~ Love Boal family Feud Ryan's H AllMy Children One Ute ToUve General Hospital News .. KFMB KHJ 0 D IMOleto Loe ....... Morning The Ntw$ Froozles There Is AW .. Sunup Jim San~ Blkk• Tiie Jelfersons Alice The Price Midmorning ts~~I LA. Young And The Restless Movie: "The News Seventh .. o.wn·· Search For P.,,2 Tomorrow AaThe News WOl1d Turns The FBI Guiding light .. Ironside John Otvld90ll Movie: "Swiss Family Robifl9on.' M.A.S.H. News Yng. People's .. Special What'• H MIRROR DOOR £ACH SPECIAL 1.IMITEO TO °"E PEit CU$TOME1t FREE DOOR MIRROR WITH EVERY CUSTOM MIRROR INST ALLA TIOH MIRROR / DESIGNS '/ FORANYROOM ·~ • Cathedrel Cellif9 . • Bar Mirrors •BaUwoom ·~ •S~ Ftlllrill A Fill I~ 1_f Ctlln I ltylt •Antique •ArchM •Blocks •Bronze •GoldVeln •Mirror & Wood •~Strips KCST m> IMOleto Toc:tar, Donahue WheelOI Fortune Password Plus Card Sllatks Mary Tyler Moore OlysOf Curl.Ml Another World Texas Hollywood Squares To Tell Tiie Tnrth . 'Weasel KTTV KCOP KCET KOCE m ti) m ~ Creek' Loe ..... Loe ..... lol ....... ......... ~" BugsBIJMy Yoga For MlcNell readied PorttyPlg Health Lehrer Spaoe Mighty Mist• OY8f HOLLYWOOD <AP> Coast et Mouse Mare Winningham and Tom And J ohn Hammond star in Jetry ··A Few Days al Weasel The p~ Flintstones e Creek, " a romantic ad· ventute for CBS. I LOY9 Romper Sesame OoceUpon UJcy Room Street A Classic Miss Winning ham Bewitched Celendar Electric plays a feisty girl who Com hitches a ride for herself I Dream Doris Edocatlollal EO\Jcatlollal and her house trailer 01.lelMle Day Prog~~ming Pr~~lng w i l h Hammond , Family Room portraying a run away Affair 222 farm youth. Colleen The Ghost Movie: Electric Dewhurst also s tars. & Mra. Mulr "The Man Company News From Foll< Dick Lowery is direct· .. Utlh" Gulla.-ing from a screenplay Movie: Movie: Dicll Educational by Durrell Royce Cray. ''TheMln "Youngblood CIYett p~~lng from the novel by Joan- Ft om Hawke" ()Yer na Brent. Colorado'' Educational LYNDA CA RTER Pr~~lng stars as a soc:.:.1 worker who uncovers an illegal baby-selJing ring in the Let's Rap One Stec> GutenTag, NBC movie "The Baby Beyond WleGeht'•? Brokers." My Three Supermen TheNew Sons Voice The movie also stars $50,000 Mighty You And The Harold Gould , Ed Pyramid Mouse The Law Lawmalun Nelson. Dean Stockwell, Mike P<>PflX' You And ()Yer Donna Wi lkes, Philip The Law Sterling. Lloyd Haynes Fred VIia MICHell and Joy Garrett. Alntstone Alegre Lehrer Bugs Mister Writing For Miss Carter is best Bunn s ARelson known as television· s TheBrldy c..toons Seume Project "Wonder Wom an." and Bunch .. Street Univer• starred last year in the 11.ove Scooby Human TV movie ''The Last L Doo B4lhavior Song.·· Y Und uy DUty SJrln9• at Tb. Welabt Place. Ou.r program. aN in· dMdully t8Jlond and nutriUoDAlly weU·balanced. No ebota, dru9-, atarva· Uoo dJelt « tut.i-meat.. Wei9bt Place client. evera9• a 1"i9ht le.. of ~ to l pound per day -and they dolt the intelligent, h.ealthy way. w.i;ht they wanted to and c ban;ed their eating habit• through tucc..,fu) behavior modification. You'll even teceiv• datly co1111.Mlln9 &om a nutri· tion tpec:iellit-and. r.ally learn bow to handle 1tr .. 11tuatiom. Thoueanda of our client.a have lOllt the Call The Wetght Place neareat you to acbedule your FREEcon.tultation. You'll t .. 1 better about younelf . 18316 Beach Blvd.1/le~Jltaa Huntington Beach 848-6008 .,,,, .. l ... ~ ~-- -----=------ Dattlme Drama Joey tells Kit he loves her By LYNDA HIRSCH ALL MY CHILDREN: Sean plans date with Daisy, but moons over photo or Nina. Sean tells Sybil the only way to break up Nina and cure is by threatening to give Bobby up for adop· lion unless Nina and Clirf divorce. Sybil u not certain she agrees with plan. Erica says yes to Brandon's ul- timatum that they wait ror the year-loog divorce pro- ceeding from Sara, while Sara hopes Brandon will change his mind during the separation. Vowing to sue for adultery if Brandon and Erica move in -an action which can ruin their careers -Sara makes cer- tain the couple does not ' share quarters. Sean scares Daisy by suggesting Palmer stole the gun himself and plans to klll her . Devon wonders if Betsy's the other woman in Wally's lire. Wally tells Devon he wants a divorce, but she pleads ror one more chance. As_ Joe and Ruth plan second honeymoon, Tad's real mother Opal and his sister Jenny plan trip to Pine Valley lo see Tad. To divert attention rrom ly, Betsy starts to date Rick Kincaid. ANOTHER WORLD: Jerry repa ys Kit 's thousand dollars for his hospital bill and for Blaine's bail and the sale of his mother's home. Joey tells Klt be loves her and she returns his feelings. In exchange for evidence about her connections, no charees are pressed against Melissa. Use Is ar- rested. With Cecllle's help. Sandy manages lo escape from sanitarium but is una- ble to free Jamie because Ilse's men nab rum. (The men don't know Ilse's been arrested.> Rachel confides to Ada she was totally wrong ln-her latest separa· lion from Mac and caused a ll or Jamie's problems. Jason is to be operating both clubs. Mac refuses to. tell flse's men which cap- tive Is Sandy, halting their plans to murder Sandy. AS THE WORLD TURNS: Margo tells Barbara she and James are lovers and that James wants a divorce. James manages to deflect Barbara's questions when he claims Margo is suffer-ing from unrequited love for hi~ John continues to live with Margo and tells Dee 1r she wants a divorce she wiJJ have to right for it. with Maggie informing Tom that Dee has n o grounds ror divorce . S tanley upset w h en Barbara's dress shop does not open on time, since this means bold-up on the smuuling . or jewels. As James and Connie have hotel·room meeting, Mario opens the door. James tell.a Brad he reallzes he has given him false projecUons on mine eroductlon and Brad will est.her be expoeed -.~m&a -..« ,t.u Allow f UNRAVELING A MYSTERY Dr. Althea Davis (Elizabeth Hubbard > prepares to re- move the bandages or a mysterious hit- and-run accident victim known only as Robin ( Jt?nny Wright>, and hopes to sh~d some li ght on her identity on NBCs contin- uing daytime drama. 'The Doctors · ·The Doctors' airs daily at 12·30 p.m . on Chan· nel 4. James to purchase the mine. DOCroRS: After the loss of her baby. Greta relurm; to work. Billy plans to make up ror any trouble he's caused Greta. Steve warns Natalie to keep a way from Jerry because he's untrustworthy. Althea's mysterious patient. Robin. regains consciousness but Is suffering from amnesia. Barney prepares for trip to Ireland In order to help Nola trace her roots. DAYS OF OUR LIVES: Alex regains consciousness but cannot remember who shot him David feels this means he'll go to jail for the attempted murder. Jake has fallen In love with Angel. a rather cheap· looking young barfly who's really Jessica's oth er personality. With news or Alex's imminent recovery, the my4lerloua attack.Ir In the black raincoat loads • gun aod considers trying to kill Alex again. Evan beina unsuccessful in trying to avoid Maagie. EDGE OF NIGHT: In or· der to P'll Sky's orders to murder Raven into action, Romeo has Raven's purse stolen. returns it to her, bu1 first takes out keys to tht house. Leavln1 town, Sk> say•. fOOdbte 10 bffn anc -_, - Romeo starts to enter tht house and carry out Ills or- ders to murder Raven Draper plans lo come home ro r a week. Mike thinks date of Dec. 28, 1979. on letter from vars rather is a clue. such as a phone number or bank account number. GENERAL HOSPITAL: Luke learns that Victor ·cassadine bas the fee Pr1n· cess formula in his wallet. Al the screening or the royal wedding of Charles a nd Diana , Scorpio manages lo pickpocket the formula. Victor believes Max and Luke, who is pos- ing as the steward Thcr. are the culprits When the yacht docks. Victor orders that all crew members stay on board and be searched. In order to escape. Scorpio. Luke and Laura mu.st swim to the deserted island. Joe teUs Heather be must put hi s job as an investigator before feelings for her. but they eventually patch things up. Anne warns Joe that Heather's using him. Despite herself. Rose Is beginnlnt to like Hutch and says she won't hold his past against him. Leslie and Rick plan to travel to W ashingt.on &.o uncover ttle spy ring which Luke and Laura seem lo be Involved in. GUI-~: r.e{IAlt• fathered her child, but later claims it was a married man. Floyd cannot un-derstand why Nola won't tell anybody about their love ror each other. When Andy tells Hope that Rita and Alan were lovers, Mike realizes Andy is the one who's been blackmailing everyone with Sara's files on their sexual hangups. Enlisting Katie and Ed. Mike plans to track Andy. Hope tells AJan his fling with her best friend Rita means an end lo the.Ir mar- riage. Kelly asks Morgan lo marry him. At first Jen- nifer reels they're too im- mature, but finally gives her consent. ONE LIFE TO LIV E: Just as Clint ia about to tell Bo about their mother's possibly beinl alive, a tele- gram arrives. It Is sup- posedly from Pat, warning him not lo tell Bo anything. The truth ia Asa sent the message. Sara, the race- car driver Asa sent to spy on Clint, strikes out with him. but Bo is interested. Bo believes Asa when be says grave-robbers took Olympia's comn and he goes on business trip with Sara. Oo the road to re· covery, Peter gets two un- welcome visitors: Dorian, who says that the annul- m enl from Melinda will make Melinda permanently insane; and Brad. who warns Pet.er lo call off !all wedding plans lo Jenny or ONE SINGLE PURCHASE CONQUERS YOUR PEST PROBLEM WITHOUT C>iEMICALS! raov .. U'ffClit'I MAIMST • Fleas • Roaches • Spiders • Mosquitos • Ants • Rats • Bees/ • Crickets \'!asps • 8 I ICTIVI. SAfl., SIUNr UL'RASOMIC WAVIS • Flies • Moths •Mice • Water Bugs • SAR TO HUMAMS Ate PITS • PISTS B.IMIMA TIO IM J TO' wms • USIS OML y 4 WATTS OF rowa • cova.s 1100 sq. FT. • MO SPICIAL IMST ALLATIOH NOW 30-DAY '6950 ! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF PESTFREE DOES NOT SOLVE YOU PEST PROBLEM! USA EPA Est. No. +t8e2-IL-02 Dimensions ~ in. x 5\4 In. x 2\4 In. Peter will regret it forever ...... ,...,..-•• ., ... .,,.111111! Fearing Brad will stop the wedding, Peter tells Jenny he wants to elope Ted secludes Vicki trom every-911-...-.~_.. .. ,. one by having her work out or her home and hiring Tin a as her secretary. Drugged by Ted. Vicki agr ees to marry him. Cassie's money is stolen rrom her hotel room, leav- ing her broke and without a job. I 1 I t I I .... - security you can count on, energy savings you can count --- 5 I OUTSIO( f Ill Ill I ONIH( """ :S CONIROllEO 1 •1 t ~ • O• Wl~OOWS u o ooo"s ~ Q 1 ;~~:i~t , lit i ;£ YOUR CHOICE OF CONTROLS !~:!Ii Dt .~!\.~I ~~ 1----I ~ • STRAP HANDCRANK ELECTRIC I ! ~ -ROLLADEN Is custom fitted to tne exterior Of 0 vour home providing security, enervv savings, weatner protection, and noise reduction. Other ~ benefits Of ROlLADEN are wind and dust control, a complete 11gnt control. federal and state ta. I credits, and European elegance. t Slnce1977 (714) 635-577 t ~ ~ ENVIRONMENTAL SEA t lli:h & SECURITY CO., INC. 2601 E. KATELLA AV. ANAHEIM, CA 928 l t • ' I • I ' AT HOME HYPNOSIS!! The COOPER LEWTER HYPNOSIS CENTER of Newport Beach realizes that many of you want to make changes 1n your negative thought patterns and bad habits. but are simply not inclined or do not have the time. to come into our center. For you . we have put several of our self-help programs taken from sessions at our center for your at-home use Following are two of the COOPER LEWTER SELF-IMPROVEMENT TAPES. based on the hypnotic phenomenon. that are currently availa- ble. WllGHT LOSS IY SELf IMAGI~ AND AfftltMA TIOH 14 ....... ..,.. tMd CJltlcM boolll ..•••... Slt.tl + $2.40 ... llMOYI HIGATIVIS A.MD If YOUl IUT II 1tweo hlpel ........................ SI 2. ti + .71• tax Send cneck to. COOPER LEWTER ENTERPRISES 1nF Riverside Or . Dept OP·1, Newport Beach, CA 92663 (Add $1 .50 per tape lor postage & handling) ---~· 1•111 ct*'119 & VOM...-pl.0 ~ Sqllllft • What to do this weekend? .IJ PUotWeekender ENTERTAINMENT MAGAZINE New lookJ New allef Every Frtd•yl • IT MAY SAVE YOUR LIFE! Sports Hithlights ·From Page 7 1..-00 D QJ M8E.8ALL ALL· ST AR GAME PREVIEW 8:15 D QJ BASEBALL AU.· STAR GAME The 5211<1 edition of lhls cl&lllc ,,,..ung bet- atar1 of lh41 National and Atn¥1can leagoM will be teiecut from lh41 Munlc;lpat Sledium N'I Ciewland 11:30 8 SPORTS F1NAl Host Jim HIN MONDAY'S SPORTS AUGUST 10, 1881 EV£NING 11:30 D 9 8ASEBAU Regional co,,.,.ao• of c1n. c10natl R41ds al Los A~ lei Dodger•. SI LOUIS Car· d1nal1 al Pt11faelelphfa Phlt· lies 8.-00 OJ NFL FOOTBAU. Loa Angelel Rama .a N- Eflgland Pa1tiot1 TUESDAY'S SPORTS AUGUST 11, 1811 EV£NINO 7:00 (0) NUMEAO UNO BLIZZARD BALL Sarah Purcell cheers her teammate:-. on during u softball game played in the snow in Durango. Colo . on N BC's · RPa l Pt•ople. · Werlnesday al fl p m on Ch;rnnel .t HOii Bud Gr-.span lakes an ln-<leC>lll looil at Gary Sober• of Barbados 7:30 CID RACE FOA THE PENNAHT Barry T omp111ns and Tim Mc<:Arv« recap divisional bateball at•ndlngs and lnterv-some ot lhe game'1 lop player• (Alter· nlle programming may be IGheduled due to players' strike.) Carew always an All-Star 10-.30 (8) RACE FOA THE P£HNANT Barry Tomp11ln1 and Tim Mccarver rec:llP dMslonel b ... ball ltandlng• and 1nt9f'llew some of the 0-'1 lop players. (Altar· nele progtamrnlng mey be ICheduMd due to ~· ltnke) 11:00 8) NFl FOOTBALL LOI Ange!M Rams YI N- England Patriots WEDNESDAY'S SPORTS AUGUST 12, 1911 AFTERNOON 5:00 (8) RACE FOA THE PINWIT Barrt Tompkin. end nm ~ rec:11P dMllonal bueball ltendlnga and 1n1erv+ew 1ome of Ille game'• top ptayen. (Alter- nate progtammlng may be ac:heduled due to ptayera· atrlke.) EVINNI Rod Carew will be the lone Angel in the start· ing line up for the American League in Sunday night's All-star gam e in Cleveland which will be telecast here oo Channel 4 begin· ning at 5 o'clock. Ca r e w will be participating in hi s 13th a ll -star game and since he st a rted his major league career in 1967 , he bas been selected to the t ea m 15 times. He didn't play in 1970 and was injured in 1979. The Angel outllelder· designated hiller has the highest lifetime batting average among active 'players at .333. He's a seven·lime American League batting cham· pion. fifth best on the all-time list. ROD CAREW . The lone Angel 10:00 <HJ 90lONG A donn dlf*enl weight dMa. .,. hlghllghted - 24 IOp Cllllegtele boHB bellle fOf u s amat- ttt• In last year's game, Carew had two basehits inclucting a double and his batting average for the all-star game over the years is al .212, well be low his lifetime regular-s eason mark. He also walked once and stole a base in last year's game. the fans was evident when he polled the largest number or votes (26,532,700 ) for aoy American League player for the 1980 game. "I've been lucky," Carew says of himself. "I always knew what I wanted to do. what I His popularity with wanted to be." • C. 5. Aft"OSO> DeYlce, wt• ACETOHI. ftotR tt.e leaden ill t1M 1.cr CJCK indJt v. TEMPOIAAILY .... attacker c•1"'4i ct.oil~ aad cou9t lenh19 HO HARMFUL AFTllt IJ.PICTS. flouesMoii de•lce ....._. • ....,.... It prohibited by law. , ......... Wf OOll CUC ..... of ClasL For de1 i cal P9tSONAL PltOTECTIOH SYSTEMS, INC. Ado LU.O. Atlt ._. ow I lw. free rope .... ...... ti~. ... . .4 • 64J.IJ64 ...... Y..., '64-ltJJ .... 145-1724 ...... =ti; IJl-1111 .,, • 17141414-6111... • C714t dt•l772 PHSONAL PllOTICnOH SYSTIMS. IHC • IJl-634 I I = g: Daytime Drama Robin. hasn't flown the coop By LYNDA IDRSCH Q: Several weeks ago I noticed t hat Robin Strasser was not on "One Life to Live" and a nother actress bad taken her place. T hey're not thinking of getting another actress for the p a r t of Dor ian, are th ey? V.L., BUF· FALO, N.Y. A : A bsolutely not. Robin Str asser was a bit under the weathe r with an infection. She was hos pitalized, treated and everything is just fine now. Robin's delighted lo be back on the show. Sh e truly adores the character of Dorian and she's also interested in forming a re pertory company featuring ac· tors who work lo soaps to go around the com· pany in various produc- tions. We th.ink it's an interesting idea and feel someone is likely to pick up on what could be a very successful theater venture. POSSIBLE HEIR Christophe r Rich µla~ s S<t nd y Al exander. lht> jllegllimate son of publis her Mac Cory on NBC's ·Anolh('r World .· The s how :.i irs daily on Channel I al 2 p.m. s toryline always wins out. Ask any doctor or nurse who tanes in to a soap opera. Q : As an ··Anothe r World" fan. 1 have been able to lake many or the recent departures from the show in stride. But I am aghas t t h a t the character Pat has been packed off to Europe. How and why could they do this? -W.L., SANTA CLARA, CALI F. R A : The wby is simple . Be ve r ly P e nbe rthy asked for a two-month leave or absence and the s how gave its OK. As far as we know, Beve rly as the character of Pat will be returning shortly. E.S.P. Model 2068 Q: Just love the new shade of Candy Earley's hair . Did she color it her se l f ? -L .V .• GREENSBURG, PA. plays Ted Clayton on , m edical equipment on "One Life to Live " looks soap ope ras, is it the familiar. Has be ever real thing or are they done anolher soapopera? pr o p s ? -L . M .. -G.M., PENSACOLA , GATHE RSBURGH. MD . FLA. A : Th a t me di c a I Some d ays it really pays to stay hom e. Just ask "Edge of Night 's" Allen Fawcett, who plays Kelly Since the character and the actor are very popular, Al · t e n's always glad to t ravel around the coun· try and do local talk s h ows . Recently hi s ne twork sent him to Boston to ch a t with .. Ed ge o f N ig ht " v i e we r s . Wh e n t he handsome Allen walked !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ through the door. the t a lk show's producers were delighted to see A : No. Candy, who plays Donna on "All My Childre n ," l a qaUe talented, but not when It comes to coloring her own hair. One of the col· orisls at the "All My Children•· s tudJo did it for her and, to quote Candy: A: Not every actor equipme nt is the real y ou r e'Cog niz e O D s tuff and it's r e nte d daytime has roots ln tbe from m e dical supply world of soap opera. houses. There are also Mark Goddard is rec· doctors on the set who o gnlzable because or advise the performers bis many prim e -time on bow lo act out theil' spots, lncludJng stints OD Ulnesses and producers "Lost in Space," "The on what does and does Detectives" and seve ral not go in certain iii· other prime -tim e ven· nesse s. However, as lures. This is Mark's we've noted be fore , r l r s t ve n t u r e i n to when there's a connJct daytime TV. between storyline and a s uch an attractive male, 1•1Jiliillilill .......... but confused as to whom A 1 le n was seems "Edge of Night" is not c arried in Boston. "I always thoug ht of myself as a blonde, but now I feel like a real blonde. I just love IL" Q : The actor who Q : Wh en you see true medJcal crisis, the B E V E RLE E McKINSEV (lri! on Ter· <l!) has decided not to r e n e w h e r c ontrac t when it ends in Nov· em ber. There are also ru m blings th a t Kin Shriner. who plays Je b, wants out. CONF-USED ABOUT HYPNOSIS?? Hypnotists are popping up all over. prom1smg cures for everything from Aslrophob1a lo Zits . and vou·re confused! To end the contusion surrounding hypnosis, the COOPER LEWTER MEDICAL + HYP- NOSIS CENTER OF NEWPORT BEACH is now offering a FREE ... INTROOUCTION TO HYPNOSIS session to help You understand that clinical hypnosis can be a tremendously effective weapon in the battle to overcome negative actions and bad habits. c• us.t740 ..t ......... , er tw..e t.r , ... NII •.• IMTRODUCTIOH TO HYflHOSIS ... -., COOPER LEWTER HYPNOSIS CEHTER 155 Ploc.ltffo A•-· Wte 205 Me~rtleocll,CA M.O. SUl*V•sed ., f I :u Dr. Wi Iii am L. Petersen is proud to announce the opening of his practice of OPTOMETRY 34127 Coast Hwy., Suite D in Dana Point (next to Bank of America) evening ~ntments available ---- -------------- Puppies. Birds. Supplies at Discount r---------------------' '1 00 OFF 1 I Purchase supplies over $1 0.00 I I 15°/o DISCOUNT I ~-====~}~u~'?~====-..d I Al<C COCKER SPANIEL ••••••.•••••.• s 199 I I •KC PBUNSESE .................... 52291 1 ••c MALTESE ••...•••••••••.•••••.. s229: I AKC sHaTIE ...................... s269I f · 12291 I Al<C GOLDEN RITRIEVER • • • • • • • • • • • • I ! SHEi.TiE MIX .··""· ............. ~49 r. I -----1nerU<T.s~----- exam end 9h0t ./ Rodent.a and Reptiles ./ Birds ./ Puppies ./ Pet Supplles .· .- 50 -~ ,..: ~ -Ill ::J Cl ::> c( ~ IV ,, ·c ~ g ..J ~ -0 Cl 4 '· ~ - Personalities Linda Evans takes cruise on 'Love Boat' BY JERRY BUCK ~~T......._WriW LOS ANGELES -Do you realize that if Blake Carrington is convicted of murder, Krystle could end up back an the typing pool? Something to think about. Krystle J ennings Carrington, as played by Linda Evans on ABC's "Dynasty," does not belong in a typing pool. As Krystle Jennings, it was her blonde, blue.eyed Nordic beauty that drew Carrington's appreciative eye. As the season ended her husband, Blake, was on trial on a charge of killing his son's homosexual lover. "I don't know if I'll have to go back lo being a secretary." says Miss Evans. "They don't tell us anything. We gel the scr ipts in the morning and it's always a surprise at the things we have to do. It's probably just as well that they don't tell us." .. Dynasty," like .. Dallas," is a story of money, power, beauty and corruption. ll m ade its debut in January. Blake Carrington (John Forsythe> is a super-rich Denver oilman entangled in a web of con· flicts and shifting alliances. Krystle is his new bride, but she refuses to have the baby he so desperately de· sires and s he pawns her emerald necklace to bail out her old lover and Carrington's business rival. And on it goes, with overlapping and in- terwoven layers of conspiracy and aJ. legiance. Miss Evans' flaxen hair touches the shoulders of her red silk blouse. She wears matching linen pants. Highlights are refl ected from her ligpt blue eyes. ··Aaron sent me the script or 'Dynasty.' He'd been sending me scripts, but I'd never gone in to see him. I told him I hoped he wouldn't hold it against me." She says. "We shot 90 percent of the three-hour pilot with George Peppard playing Blake Carrington. But he was uncomfortable in the role and didn't want to do it for many years. So we got John Forsythe and every· body's happy.'' Forsythe, who has always been "Mr. Nice Guy." plays against t ype as the crafty Carrington. Miss Evans ,.. says. "It's so hard for .me to take what he does seriously because I know wh at a heart he has." One of her first acting jobs was at the age of 15 in "Bachelor Father," which starred Forsythe. Miss Evans is just back from Australia and the Fiji Is lands. where s he starred in an episode of "The Love Boat." and a sidetrip to Japan and Hong Kong. "I played a golddigger . which I adore." she says. "It's s uch a change from 'Dynasty.' I get to be mean and sneaky.·· The show will be the opening episode of "The Love Boat" in the f all. She says. "We filmed in Australia and the Fijis. It was won- derful. They were paying us to take a cruise." Miss Evans. 38, is the former wife of John Derek, who left her for Bo Derek of "LO" and "Tarzan" fame. She says, "Aaron Spelling ha d been wanting me to do something for him for years. I'd just finished 'Tom Horn' with Steve McQueen . I'd spent three months In Arizona, without makeup and wearine a gold tooth. You probably' never saw the tooth because the cinematographer hated it and tried not to show it. So I want· ed to do something glamorous. She married Derek when she was starring in "Big Va lley." She says, ''John didn't want me to work. le wanted me to quit 'Big Valley.' I went to the producer and asked to quit, but they wouldn't let me out. John kept hoping they'd cancel the show." LINDA EVANS ... Takes pause on ABC's ·Dyna.sty' set . Asked ii Derek worked with her as he's now doing with Bo Derek, she says: "I think John would rather all of us stayed home. Bo sort or got in· volved and it went from there. The image everyone has of him Is not like him at all. He's not a starmater. He wants to be with the woman he loves. Because he's so good much of his work has been published. "John adores photography. From the moment I met him he took thousands of pictures. I could be hav- ing lunch and he'd take pictures . "When I did the pilot for ·Big Va lley' he asked to s hoot some pie· tures. r said , why not, to finally see what he was Like. Little did I know." . . . Edsen and Howard co-star in TV movie From Page 8 Lohman ... An episode of ''WKRP in Cincinnati" broad- cast this winter is the recipient of a 1981 Humanitas Award for "its whim1ica1 yet penetral· ing portrayal of one man's response to the need of another ." The episode told the story of WKRP disc jockey Venus Flytrap and his efforts to counsel the unruly son of a station employee. Executive pro· ducer Hugh Wilson recved the $10,000 Humanitas Prize for his script. The Humanitas Prb:es are pre- sented annually by the Human FamUy Institute for programming that "enrich their audiences and most fully communicate enriching human values." Ray Bradbury, Helen Hayes and Cicely Tyson are on the board ol directors. . . Things haven't always been easy for Hal Linden, known to millions u Barney Miller. For years, Linden watched his schoolmates graduating to big time show business, but be never ventured on stage. After serving in Ute mWtary. Linden finally "decided to give actlna a try." During tbe lean years of tuing to make it, Unden was tempted more tban once to take .. eenre job and ralM'hJs family in a more conventional way. But with "Barney Miller," Linden is now rid· ing high. The s how is in Its fifth season. Whal does Linden have to say about success? "When you taste failure for as long as I did, success is all the more sweet. But it remains in proper perspec· live ... " George Burns will join BOb Hope, the Playboy Playmates, ltans Conried and Ann Margret in George Burns' Early, Early, Early Christmas Special set for this fall ... Emmy winner Louis Gossett Jr. will star in ''The Powers of David Star," a one-hour adven· lure series premiering this faU on NBC-TV ... NBC News Correspondent Tom Brokaw has signed a new contract with NBC News, joining Roger Mudd as co-anchorman of the "NBC Night· ly News ... " In another television journalis m m ove, veteran newsman Irwin Safchik will join KNXT Channel 2 News as producer of the "Channel 2 News at Six ... " Recent television business shuffling has seen Rick Bieber, James Brock and June Baldwin pro· moted to the NBC Business Affalrs Department: Jendfer Alward •ppolnted director ol late nlaltt progyam developm~nl for CBS: Rick Berter named associate program executive of comedy de· velopment for CBS ; and Lana Friestate named manager of comedy program development for CBS ... In other business moves, Laurence A. Caso has been named director or special program for CBS; and NBC, along with the Gillette Company, Nestle Company and the Kellogg Company, will sponsor the Miss America Pageant this fall ... Linda Oken has been appointed manager of NBC special presentations ... Emmy won fo r engineering HOLLYWOOD CAP) -The Rank Cintel Mark Ill Flying Spot Telecine, a machine process that simplifies the conversion of motion picture film to video, has earned an Emmy Award for outatand· ing achievement in engineerin1 development. The Rank Cintel was originally developed for use in Europe but ls much raster and economical than the lradiUonal U.S. conversion method. The award will be presented at the Emmy Awards Banquet Sept. 12, preceding the Sept. 13 Emmy telecast. ... 4 .I 9 • I I . , I I I I Detail. The measure of Excellence. - ,A\ -CDTWllD c.NllCAft • 111• tJsewotJd DEVELOPMENT, INC. Home builders and lmproyers Stith' 11111tr;11 tor., lll 1·11!'-1' 1111 ~lli'4H BEA SPORT! Come join us at the ; Newport Beach Tennis Club. ' The Newport Beoch1ennls Club Is the site ot such prestigious events as the 19n Davis Cup, the Annual Pacific Southwest Seniors Tournament, the Orange County Adoption Guild Tourna- ment and others. Members, however. seldom find themselves waiting for one of the 19 courts. The Club also boosts a Junior Olympic-size pool. jacuzzi. dining room, and bar. Members freQuentty take advantage of the attractive facilities for prt\/Ote parties. wedding receptions, etc. Other social activities Include bridge. back- gammon and scrabble. A limited number of Regular, Corpo- rate; Swim. Associate, and Junior Execu tive Memberships are now available; plus our new "ANNUAL MEMBERSHIP" and "JUNIOR MEMBERSHIP" (12-16 yrs.). For more information please call our Soles Director at 644-0050. I //f'~IJtb r_/J&td,(Y~ 'U 2601 EASTBLU'fF DRIVE, NEWPORT BEACH, CALIFORNIA 92660 t>c·tail., -011c• alh·r anotlwr arc-< on11>i11e·<l m<·li<'ulousl~ to ad1I'''«' tlw lorc-nlO<,I 111 quallt~'. .\< hh·\·it1J.{ lhis e·x<'dl<·m·,. lwJ.{i11-. wilh u-. u11ili11~ tile' tllr<·e· lllO'il ht1porla111 "IM'< laltl("_.... rc•qulwd to l>ulld your 1·ustom h111rn · or 11npro\'1· your prc·sc·111 hoow: ilr< hllt'e turc-. l11tnlnr de•-.I J.{11, C:\ll<I C OllSlrll< 11011. 1us1 lmagl11e-. It l>t'Ulns at the clr<1\\'i11~ 1e11>1t· '' 11<'11 'Olir a-.plrallo11s a11<1 m ·c-cls arc-1 oml>ilw<I "llh our an hite·c tur,11 <·x1x·rllsc.-. TIH' rc·!-.ult is <1 <1c ·-.i~11 rhar 1w·r.,rnmll~ wtlc·< ts ,·our llh•st\·lc· Hllcl ~ood tas te'. ,\tlcl lllC 'll. n1a11·ri;1(<, arc- ( ctrc·lull\' (·ho-.t·n a11<1 our .,kilh•d < r,111 ... nc ·11 I w~i11 l>u1lcli11j.( -l>ultcli11j.( your clrc-arn h11n1t'. Wh<'ll huil<lit1J.{ or in1pr11,·i11~ ~·our lmlllt' ~ ou •1tT<I Ille' ;urc·tllion o l a C'<llllpa11y c·-..tal>li<,lw<l 101Hc·c·1\our1wc·ds 111 tll<' 1nost c11111pt'lc·111 and pro1c·-.-..i1111al m;1111wr. You 1wc·d Hosc·wewKI. whew clt·lall-.. clo n1e·.i_....ure· up 111 e·xc C'llc ·111 e· For your ln•e• 1>rod1un-or trc ·c· c·-.thnote· ..;c·1ut u., ~·our coupon re wtay or< all us at 7l4/HTl-H4:..?0. r---~---------------------------1 I I I I I I I Narrn• Hose '\\'e 1< wt l)( •\'d11pmc ·111. Ill< 177 Hh·c·r-.1,lc· .\\'e'.. Suire· r: Nt'\\'JW lrl tka< h . L\ ~:i.?llfi:i I hn\'<' a rt•prc·sc·11talivt· t Hll 111 "'<'I up FREI: c ·~timntt· & t onsul1atio11 I -.c·rnt Ill<' a FHEt: l>r<K hurt' l'hrnw No. ------------------- t\<l<lrc·-.-. -------------------Clry ___________ Sl<tl<' ___ __.-.ip ___ _ s50...,_ ___ Ft __ R'Y_D_OLliiillliiLA_Rs ___ ..,. FACTORY DIRECT WATll llDMAIT WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME SOMEONE GAVE voufalf.TY BUCKS? et this great value below, or any bed in the store starting with vaJues from $249.00. and Wl'U .. VI YOU FtFTY IUCICS to spend on anything in the store. To Qualify, just bring us this ad. Mow ORiy s31900 RETAIL '500 .. All beds complete with mattress. heater. liner, and pedestal OAAWERS OPTIONAL. • OPEN TUES. THRU flt 4:JM P .M. SAT. 10.6 P.M • 19 16 Plac..eia A••·• Cost.Mesa ................ ,.., 50 )> c G c Ill -·""' ... ii ... - IL . ~Movie Guide for the Week '.::!!!!!i!!!!!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!i!i!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! VI ~FRIDAY 'S <MOVIES .... U. e:OO (}f) "Bon Voyage, Chatlkl g Btown" ( 1979) 4111ma1eo ~ Snoopy 111\d Wood91octc follow exchange 1luden11 ~ Charlkl Brown, Peppermlnl Pally, Unu1 and Marcie on an advenlure-hlled lour ol England and Fr anoe G -0 Q.. 8:30 U "Ultlmale Thrill" Bnll Eki.nd. Barry Brown 4 paranoid buslnenman becomes involved In a web ol murder and vlO!enee 'PG' 1:00 ct) • • • ''> ··engadoon" (195<1) G-Kelly, Cyd Char1ase Two friends slumble upon Br10ad00<o. a v1uaoe 1n 111e ScoltlSh high· i.nda. wtuch comee 10 hie IOt I smgle day evety 100 years [1) "Fatso" ( 1980) Dom OeLuhMI, Anne Bancroft. A l)Of11y compulllve Nier find• tllet no1hlng eat> Ownplft ..... deslte tor food unlll he lab In tow 'PG' e!OO D • • * "Wall UntU Oafk" ( 1967) Audrey Hep- burn, Alan Arkin A bllnd woman oul'wlt$ 1 1rto ol would-be heroin ,,,.._ Q••"Sunn- (1970) Sophi• Loren. Mat- cellO Mas1r0<ann1 A beeu- llful WC)tTlln IS hllunled b~ '"41mOtl88 of • tong-loll to... ., * * "0.....lotCS. Of Tl>e UFO" ( 1971) Documenta- ry. New phOtogfaphlc: ...,._ ~ 1epatalee flCt front mylh In the 1n .... 11gatlon ol "unldenrllled flying objectl .. CB) "The Anit ONdly Sin" (1980) Frink Sinatra. F1ye Dunaway. A vet«an New VOl'k City polQ detec~. whoee llWfl• .. Mllferlng "°"' a 98l'lous -.-. lrlee to ca1cn 1 bl\ltll klflw 1•- rorlzlng Mllnhattan. 'R' (()"No Oepoell, No Return" ( 1978) David ,..._,, °""'9n MGOavln. The ehlldt.., of neglecllw pat..,11 decide IO lt-0- IN!r own kid~ to Q!I tome ai1tenllon. 'G' • "81ailng Saddles" (1974) CINvon Little, o.r.. Wiider Olfecled by .... Brooll1. A railroad W0111er In the Old WllSI ..,,._, hel mor. ptObl8ml lhan he can hMCMe wt.11 he la appointed aherlft of Rocle Ridge, • lown pinpolnled tor ci.tructlon by • buti- -tycoon. 'R' UC> 8 8 * * * ''The Sllf>per And The RoM" (1978) Rlch1rd Chambarlaln, Gemma Craven A V91ient, charming pr1nce Mia out to locate 1 lovely. ell.telve young gl•I WllO dll&P- peared alter io.tng ,_ ~at a~ dance. (~ 1;'41 (ZJ "Fame" ( 1980) Eddie Barth, Ir-Cara Four t....,.ed student• tpend an ••Citing four yeara II the High School ol Per- klm\lng Arta. 'R' 9!00. Ill * * '~ "Tl>e Po. ...-,., OI Joel ~" ( 1972) Shirley MacL&llM, Pwl') IClflO, An affluent New VOf'll City dlvon>M i. ttlrMWMCI by lhe mytterl- out lr-1ormaflon "' her twott. Joel. Q (C} "F'r1day The 13th" (1tl0) BetlY Palmer, Adri- 4flll9 Ktno. Tht reopening °'. -c:amp, doMd 20 ~_.. .... tine ~. enrect9 a ...tndle>- tlwe kllMor who 11.nlfee U1W11P9Gtlng ~· ·111· tO;OO (lt} "The Awakening" ( 1980) Cha.non Hes Ion. Susannah Yo•k 4n erchaeologl11'1 daughte< t>ocomos posaessed by tha m1lev01en1 spotol ol an anc1en1 Egypllan queoo 'A' 10 ) '·Eve<y WhlCh Way Bui Loose" ( 1!178) Clint East- wood, Sond•a Locke. A lwo-hsttld lrucker and hla Ot&ngi.llan companoon lake OH In pufSUll o4 • prelty country-wealern singe• 'PG' 11:00 (CJ "Tl'le Happy Hooi<8f" • ( t975) Lynn Redgrave, Jean-Pie.re Aumonl The NI• ol N-Y0t'l\'1 lamoua call Q!rl. )(aV1&ra Hollander, os IOld 'R' ll ) * * * * "Chonalown" ( t!l74) Jack Nleholson, Faye Ourl8way During the 1930s. a pr1va1a delecttve 1nvesttgalM I c.H that r......is 1 1r111 01 corfVl)- llOn, incest and mlll'def t 1~ (S) "Up The Acad«ny" ( 1980) Ron Lalbman. Bar- bara B1ch Tha war· ~ commandant ol Weinberg Mlll1wy ~ my is no malcn '°' the lrOUbletome brlll &nt'Olled lhere. 'R' ct "The Newman Shame" A wealthy ex-cop and his gwttnend. who6e attemptlflO 10 IOlve • friend'• IUiclde. uncover an ••lortlon reck- et with coonecllona 10 underground pornographic: movlel. 'R' t t:46 CID "Bronco Billy" 1111801 Clint Eastwood, Sondra Locke. A former Shoe aaleeman lrom New J«aey r~ee Illa drewn o1 per- to<mlng In a Wiid Wee1 .now. 'PG' t2:00 • * • ~ "Cull Of Tht Cobra" (1955) Rlchatd Long. Fallh Oometgue. A mysterious lndlen curae brings brutal deeth to • Q!_CIUp of ----• ***~"TheMM~ ~ Mufd«a" (1973) Telly Savalaa, Marjoe Gortn«. When • black ghetto IMO-ager la pinned I« two blZarre murders he dlcln 't commll, • polloa cletecllw lrlee to llnd the r9al murderer. Cl)) "American OIOOIO" ( t980) Rlcnatd Gere. Lau- ren Hulloo. A Beverly Hiiia gigolo ~ ltle prime tuapecl "' • mutd« ·-tlgatlon. 'R' SATURDAY'S MOVIES AUGUST l,1tlt ~ 1:11 (Z) **** "Chlnetown" ! 1974) Jedi NIGtlohon, Fav-OuMway. 0uttno me tll30a, • privM• detctlv9 ..-W.tlga... a C&M ttlat reveal8 a trail of corrup- tion, incee1 and murdet. MO (t) ··up Rivet'' 4 young ~ McOtnee lnYOMd In 1 llf•anct~ttl atniggle with • gold-nungry land baron. 7:30 CC) * * * "Man In The Iron Maell" (11139) Lc.il9 Hayward, JoM S--1. B&Md on I novel by Alex- 1 nder Dum11. The lnfamoua Compte da Rochefort pl-l41.tla IUV'1 tMn bro4hef on the ,,enc.II ttwoM and ~ &onl tN .... """ In ltw e.c111a ..... "Blockhead•" (1938) Laurel and Hardy. T';wo bumbtan te!Uffl holM .. ltw tnd Of Worid W• I. •••• ··L.M No Man W'"9 My ....... (tlMIOI SMiiey ·win... lul1 ,_., A llood'I eon tnd "°"fe FOR THE LOVE OF A PRINCE Ri ch<.ird Cha mbl'rlain stars as lht• Prince and Gemma Craven is Ci nderella in a musical adaptatwn ol the fairy tale in ·The Slipper and the Rose.· to he broad<.'a-.t 1111 'NBC Friday Night al the Movies· on Channel~ ut 8 ·30 pm ettampt to survive 1her he 11 executed by Ille mob 9:30 CC) ••~"Adam's Wom- an" 111172) BNtJ Btldgel, Jahn Miiia. A wrongly lmprllOf*:t l&llor all«npll 10 wtn Illa ,..._ by mat· tying an influential woman 10:00. **'it "Flw Golden Dragon•" (1967) Robert Cummlnga, Margate! L ... An Amwk:an dllett1nle In Hong Kong gets ""91)1 up In the operattona of a sec:rel lnlematlonal net-'"'°"' ol llftUgglerS. (()"Dr_ .. ( 1979) Tim Matheeon, Suaan Bi.kely A young bowlef haa to OV«come many ObetaQ88 wtllle trying IO rMch for his ltfelong dr.-n. 'PG' 10-.JO. * '" "Who Done 11?" (1942) Bud Abbott, Lou eo.1111o The cOfnlc duo sotY9 a tny84ety 11 a radio atltlon 1':30 CC) * * t,.\ "The OrOWfling Pool" (1975) Paul N9w- man, Joanne Woodwatd. A priv•t• 1n .... 11g&1« .. liked by a WNllhy South«n Oii heir-. 10 dlaQover the IOenllty of the auth« ol In Incriminating latter. Af'JINIOON t:OO ••• "Big Oundown" (11168) L .. van Cleef, Thomaa Milan. At the urg- ing of a -'thy Texaa 11ndo•ner, a T•••• ~ 1'acll• down • Me•lc1n suspected of r~. • ***"Helt laF0t Haroea" ( 1982) Sieve M~. Bobby 0.ln. A equed of American Ole II ord«ed 10 hdd badl '"' GanNna at atTy c:oet. t :11 (%) ••• * "Oland Hotel" (1"2) Grell Gwbo. JOhn and Uonel Bartym0t9 A day In me INw OI the IMabllJlnla 01 Gennliny'• Ofand HOW brfnOa lhelt pathatogelMt. 1:11 (C) "Up Rlwt"A young ~ beCofl'9 lnvolwld In • Al-and-death llfUOOla """' • golcMiunory land won. t;GO@ * *'Ai "TM 81111111ng Moot!" (10N) Gteo«Y P9cli. IVe ..._..8111nt An Apache watrlor Mii OUI to ltep Ille man whO hu lak- en In hll '*"'t• wtte and half-,~lld d>lld CJ) e * * "The Olua Bot- tom Boal" ( 19'e) Dorla C»y, Rod Taylof. A~ cltl becof'r-. lnvohl.cl with I girt whO poeee .. a mer- maid pert-lime. 0 "Second Wind" ( 1980) llndaay Wagn«, J- Naughloo A man OMtlt>- u. to alienaM hil _... Ind IOtl by jogging alone to lhlnk llboul the ptoblema lhat ate deelroylng hls marriage. ·pa· S.1>0 8 * 8 "Wlldllesl WIQOO Train" ( 1978) 8ob Denver, Forree! Tueller A .agon. muter and his bumbling Hllstant ~ 1 perty of t1w actoes 1t1e w .. 1. D • • • "Herculee" ( 1959) SllV9 Ree¥ee. Sylva Koeclna The IOtl of Z-, __ '* lmmonallty tor the love of the Princeea OI JOICO. • * * * "A Girt Named Sooner'' (1975) L.91 Aem- lcll, Rlchatd Crenna A b<latfy blldlwoOdl (ltan6- mother loeee '* ,..,.._ old grlnddlUOfller to a young couple with no cnll- dten ol thllr own. • **'h "SM" (1985) Ur1Ul1 Andtffl. John RlchMdlOtl. A "'Y'terloua women convince • an Engllahmln tra,,.ilng in P .... tlna ltlat he la the re1ncatna1ion ol lier tanner io- (C) * *"" "AdMl'I Wom- an" (1972) Beau 8tldOM. John Mlll1. A wr°"91y lmprlaoned Miiot •11emc>ll to wifl hl9 relMM by - 'l!!lV 111'1 tnflueMlel -· (HJ "MMhway" (1978) Ch&tttoo Heaton, ~ Fonda. J1penHe end American rnllltary tore. equate oH toi a.,pen1 Ind •Miii bait,. cenlered eround a Pacific 1-.nd during WotldWar II. 'PG' UI (Z) "F .. 90" ( 1M0) Dom Dtlul ... Anne Bancfoft. A ponty ~ --llndl thal no"*'O can dampen 1111 .... lot food llfttM he f ... In loYe. 'PO' 11men11ry Narrated by Rod Serling Three difl«- ent supernatural lncl- deneal ate r...crNtad (1) * * * "Somebody Up There Ukee Ma" ( 1956) Peul Newman. Pllf Angell Rodty Graziano, a New V«k slum boy, ri-to ,_ ... chan'lpionahip boxer. 0 "M-oeeAndThe Lady" ( 1978) Sally K41118r- man. Tony Lo 8llrMlo A.n allr ec:llW famlle lri88 to breek Into lhe hlgHy coon- petltlve lrucillng Industry. arou.lng Iha wrath of one partlOUlar Yeleran In Iha ~·PO' 1.110 D • • * "Hertlulel Unchained" 1 t9e01 st- ~. Sy1v1 Koaclna. Herculee 1ltampt• 1 llbor of love when he Mii out 10 r-IN beeutllul wom- •n to whom he'1 betrothed • 8 * * "Ullte W_," (11149) June ANyton. Pele< Lawford BMed Oil the 1to- ry by Loulaa Mii)' Alcoll The lour Mardi alal«• l«ge ernotlonal tl88 ~ 10 be brolien during the h ... dlhie>-1\lted d9Ya of lhe Clvll War e • * * "lnvt1111on To A Gunfighter" ( t"4) Yul BtYN*. George s.gal A gunfighter la liked to klH an OU1C811 ra1UfnlllQ to his w .. tern town. CC) * * '..\ "The Mlldllfl.- loet'o Man" ( 11173) Paul Newman, Dominique San- da. Baaed on a novel by Desmond Bagley A Btltllh lnlelllgence agenl Ind hit 1«na1e COflor1 -loro&d lo cope with ~~ ag&nl• and lrlple-croleee Oil ttlelr mlMlon to c.pture a com- -rnunill spy (I)) "Hanl Brlnlcer" ( 1989) EIMnof Pllt'flat. RlchWd a...-t A young boy ... , .. the CWl&la ._d Amaterdam In an 1ttamc>1 to cOIWlnCa • ~ OOCtor to come 10 ""' aid ol hla llillng fattl«. 'G' HO (8) ''Otl Ood1 Book II" (IHO) Oeoroe Burn1. ~ PleaMtte. God return• to Eet1h and choo••• an Innocent 4M QI * •:Enoountflt With ,.,.~··ftt1'*4•-- meuage 111a1 He s1.11 8 .. lllS lhougll Shi\ IS 11>9 only per.an who can actu- ally -Hom 'PG 8:00 U • • • Sands DI ft>e Kalahari" ( 19651 Stuart Whotman, Slanoey Boker Si>: SUrYIYOtt OI 8 pl&rn! C•aato 1n a dangerous Alro- C811 d-1 llghl tor surv1v Ill ($) ··0taam8f ( 1979) Tom Matheson, Su58n Blakely A young boWlet has to OV«come many ObSISCltoS wNl8 trying lo reach fOf h•s lllelong d•eam PG 0 "WhOlty Mos.so· ( 19110) Dudley M oore Laraine Newman In b•bll- c&l Egypt a false pr0911e1 named Herschel eaves. drops on a divine conv11<- sall0fl With MOMS and decodeS he must b9 Iha one to lead his people out 01 SllYef)I ·po· (Zl • • • * 'Grand Holet ( 1932) Greta Garbo Jahn and LIOflef Ba•rymOte A dly on the hv.9 ol Ille 1nh1b1tan11 of Germ1ny's Gtand Holet ~ongs lhtllr palh• logethef 7gJ (C) • * * "Man In Th& lfon Mask" ( 11139) LOUIS Haywatd, Joen Bennett Bued on • novel by Alex- ander Dumaa Tha lnl1moua Compte da Rochefort pl-Lou" XIV'a t"'4n brolher Oil lhe French throne and lmptl- IOtll the reel king In Ille Bulille 1:30 CID "No 0epoet1, No Return" (1978) David Niven, OwT1n Mc01Yln The c;h+ldren of negligent patenlS dec;ide lo 11809 1halr own kidnapping 10 ~ some 11ten1ton 'G' cm "Btonco Biiiy" ( 1980) Clifll Eaatwood, Sondra Loeka A form« lh08 Mlelman lrom New ,i.,.-y re&llZee his drewn of per- forming In 1 Wiid Wesl show 'PG' .. .... ~Ho4el" (19711) Bill o.lly, Jeff J Redford. The OWfl8' 01 a r-t hole! In C&llfomta beoomea lnlanglad In • comedy of «rors while lrylng to ln\p(-1 !ravel QUlde columnial. (RI • • * "Sudden Terror" (1970) Matll L .. 1«. SuNn O.O•ge A young boy known tor having 1n overactive imagination CWl'I convince anyone tha1 he haa .it~ the mur- der of a promlnenl black man Cl) "The 9"-Broti..ra" ( 1980) Jofln Beluahl. Dan Aytc royd Two bluee 81ng- 8'1 muat comand W!lh the ChicaO<> polb, the CIA, neo-Nazla and the lJ S Army to pu1 togett..r • beneClt concert 10 ralle money lot lhllt patWI 'R' 0 "Ole Laughing" ( t980) Robby &enaon. Charlet OurnlflO. A aongwrltl!>g cab driver la aided by a amtlf'I ~key In proving h!mMll lnnoc.nt of a murd., cnwge 'PG' 1:18(%) "Fame" (1g80) Eddle 8ar1h , Irene C111.Four llltnted lluden1-~ In a11cltlng tour ~ 11 ti.. High School ol Per· IOf'll'llne 4rtt 'R' '*' (C) • * .... ''The Oro'#nlng POOi" (1975) PIUI New· man, Joanne WOOdwerd A ptl\late llwMtlg&IOf le hired by a ....nhy Souttlem oll ~ IO dllcO¥er Ille Identity of the IUlt\Or OI In lnOrlmlnatlng ... tlf ' ~ 1 I I t j I --= -6 :-,-:_ jjt~ ,arityS cl_ ...... --==-· -----. ,) =---__ <STORE-WIDE CL EARANCE SALE '--! ST ARTS SUNDAY, AUG. 16 10 A.M. -:f:_-- 1 r, ~ C' ( -·~__... Sunday, Aug. l6 through Saturday, Aug. 29 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. ' I ·=!:t -...:..-. -==-"'"' ---=-~ -~ -~ 3S6S Eut Co..a Hlgbway1~ Corona del Mu-I' 615-1850 SMILE! . . . . if you 've seen your d en tist la tely. If you're not smiling, don't feel alone. At least half the people in Orange County don't see their dentists regularly either. And that's a shame, because modern dentistry has become an integral and comfortable part of total health care. Not only does dentistry play a major role in one's self· esteem-how you look and feel -but a careful dental exam can often reveal early warning signals of serious problems elsewhere in the body. And it's a fact that dental disease is preventable, or at least controllable with regular dental care. Preventive dentistry. practiced in a teamwork manner by a caring dentist and a concerned patient. can result • in feeling better, looking better and staying better. So, if you 're one of the 50% in Orange County who hasn't seen a dentist lately and would like a free no-obligation referral to our kind of dentist, near where you work or live, call the Association for Dental Health {714} 730-9565 and, then. SMILE! -- OooclD•ne.INe ., .. _...._O ... 2522 Chamberl Rd. • Suite 210 • TU1tln, CA 92980 • 71'41730-9586 The uaocilltloo I• a dental lnfonNtloo burou and refenal ICTVka. Membel dentbts i:-y a mollthly .._ ___ fet to ~ DIC>datiofl KtlvldH. A nit of membft'a Is avail9bk Oll niquat.---_. _,__......_._.. ........ 4 ·-• --~ -• GOLDEN WEST FERTILIZER CO. For al yo..-sod and soil needs ~ . UY THE YARD & SAVE $ $ ~ QI :< REMEMIER: TMre _.. 27 c.Mblc fHt ill I c•lc yard! Co111pare > our bulk prlce1 to bagged 11ur1ery prices! Sa•lng1 are .& tretnCndout! ~ -r--------COUPON·--------. i I Golden Wes~ Compost R~ 1 o.oo ... $ 9. 0 0 ;~~~ I I · C I Planter Soil ·~ 1 ~.oo .... $ 9. 0 0 ;~~ I I I I Madtine Processed Top Soil 58. 0 0 ;~~ I 1 Blue~s.s Blend Sod 2 oc: s9uA11 I I •.. R~ 24'......... FOOT I .._ ______ EXPIRES AUGUST 31 , 1981 ------• Ho ct.lh•ery chcrc)t on soil loods of 6 Ctlbic yard• or more. Phone Orders Accepted Ycrd PicJl..Up «Job Dell•ery 855-3066 559-40 I I MISSION VIEJO IRVINE YARD YARD 848-7792 t«INTIMGTOM IEACH "SenilHJ Q uality Materials In O~ County Sinu 1957" Sen ·iny Ca/1 lornw Sinc e 1879 • J ./oo r (.,1ove1·ing.1 • :lJrap erieJ ~'\•Win dow Coveri ngj Cmtf nact • CommehcwQ CResidenfla~ ~ 1/tU4 751-2324 COSTA MESA 2927 SO. BRISTOL (One Block So. of Baker) C.I, Caftt. lllC, l111n ...... Ctllt. lllC. llG - I : ~ t I I I - ! Movie Gulde for the Week on • Nllle glf1 lo be hit 4N111hly Ullatant. 'PG' 5:16(%) .. ,_ •• (IMO) Eddie 88rth, lreM C818 Fout taiant8d •ludenll apend .,. eJlclting fOUt yut• •I the High School ot Per· lormlftO Arla "R' • 34-y••r-old divorced man dec:ides to try out u • mwathc>ner t0t IN U S ~pte Tum "PG" ,... ... --- - - ------------------------------------U "All Th•t Juz" ( t979) Roy Scheid... JHSIC• L.no-TM tumult--.• hie ol • profeNIOnal d8nC411 I• tallowed IYom WCCMI on ,,.,. •18119 10 personal erl- MS 'R' 411 & From Page 32 ~ ~ 8 (I) * • 'h "Nunzlo" ( 1SH8) David Prov•I. J-Andfonlca. A young man 111et 10 help hi• r•tllrded b<ouw -oe from "'8 own 111111uy WOftit lnlo lhe m•lnalfHm ot d•l- ly life. 8' _, > I--0 (8) "Coal Ml,..,'s D8UQh· I•" ( 1980) Sissy Spacelc. Tommy LM Jones. 88Md on LOtell• Lynn's 8UIO- biograptly. A young glt1 from • po0< tamlfy In N(al Kentucay merrlM • much oldet local boy """° 8ngi· ,_, her rlM lo atwdom In the mollc lnduatty. 'PG' cm "TM 8iu. Brothen" ( 1980) John Beluahl, Oen Ayltroyd. Two '*-einlt- 9'11 mu91 contend With lhe Chicago police, tne CIA, !*>-Naile llAd tne u s. Almy to put together • .,.,_.t ooncien to relM rnon.j I« lhelr peri811. 'R' 10:00. "llnlbaw" ( tNO) Robert Redford, Y41Pf* l<ollo. A reform-minded -den --~ • ..., conuptlon whirl he enter11 Illa .._.... Malgned prlaon poalno •• •n Inmate. 'R' 10"..M (%) "F•teo" (198()) Dom Oel.uiM. AnM Bancroft A pot11y ~ ... ., finds th8t nothing can dwnpen hie deSife '°' food untl he t• 1n k>Ye. 'PG' 11:00. * * * "Lltt18 Women" .. ( 11M9) ~ Allyeon, Pel., Lawt0td. 8liNld on th8 110- ry by LoolN M•y AICc>ll. TM IOUt March tl$t- l0tge emot10n81 ties ,_ to be b<Ollen during the haf dshio-lllled d9Y11 ot the CMIWw (C) * * •.t "The M8Ckln· toeh M8n" ( 1973) PW Newmlln, Oomlniqu8 s.n- da. 8eMd on • novel by o.moiid ~· A 8fltlM Int~ l04lnl llAd hie lem• cotlor1 -IOteed 10 cope wtth d0ubl8 eg8nt8 llnd ~Oii.-on their mlUlon to c:.pture • eom- munlst epy. 11::80 (I) •• 'h "ScOfllk>" (1973) Burt la-ter, Alain Delon An agent 18 mwti.d f0t exKUtlon by Sc«pio •• t811ow 8g«!I. 11:AI 8 * * 'h "The MeclWom· 81\ Of Challlot" ( 1989) K•thulne Hepburn, ChartM 8oyet. The conupt IMdets ot 81\ lnletnalioNI moN>POIY -lured to theW dMthe by .,, ecc.ntrlc old wom•n •nd h•r m•d ~. CID " ... Arid J111tlca For AM" ( 111711) Al Pecino, Jlld( Wwden An ldMlllltlc '-- Yf/f hat troul* coping with th8 ln8anity of tne Ameri- can judld919Y8'*'1 'R' cm ''The auuaw JOMy W.._" (1978) Clint E.Mt· wood, Sondr• loelc:e. A men t>ecolnM en outlllllf wNrl • ruth.... band ot UNon..,..,.~,oplllll SoutMm IMm llnd klle hie wlf9 end 800. 'PO' ~. * * "WW OoOs Of TM O..p" (11185) Vlnc•nt ~. Tel> Hunt•. An undetwet• dty'• Nier kl6- MPI two young womM. G **~"H-Wftlth .. Ovt" (1972) fllUNlll T.,W, Aldwd IUrton. Ill uctwnge tor nari.. • ~ "*'" .... "" .... -...... "'°"' ., ..... ...... 1M ..... ............. ,..,, Oewtd HMn .......... ~ Aft~~.·---...-.----''*""' arl1toet.., '" .................... , • '8 • ltaO (CJ "hrge19·· ( 11168) Bona 1<811off. Tlm O'K8fly An 8Gino hOtt()(..ft\0-llM lriln to reMOn wifh • mur- derous tniper 8t • drlv•-in movie theallet (8) "The Outlew Jo8ey w ...... ( 19711) Clinl Eut· wood, Sondr• Lock• A man becotnM .,, outl- Wflet\ 1 ruthleM bend ol Union aoldlera deat1oys his Southern lwm and kllls 1141 Wlf• llAd eon 'PG' 0 * * ~ "The Young W81tord" ( 11175) Olivet Toboaa, MIQIMI Gothard A young "98det unit• MY· .,.. tribee Into • llghllng unit to comb81 the SPons t:oO {t) "A-.rr On Pree.net 13'" ( 1976) Auatlfl Stoker Darwin Joston Policemen Ind conVIC11 818 l0tced lo '°"' together to prevent a teen·8Q41 g9n0 trom com- pletely occupytng • POl1C41 statiOtl A' (())"How To BMt The H•gh Coal Of Living" p979) Susan Saint James. JesslU Lang8 No !Ong« •ble to keep up with inft•· tton. thr•• Or•oon hOuMWi ... rum to lwceny to balance their ~ "PO' 9:111 CZ) e • • • ··cn.n.town" (1117 41 Jecll Nk:holM>n. F•ye 0unaw8Y. During ttw 1930s, • prlV8t• detective ~a * * * "Multlil'IQ Coun· ln-tJoat• • -that try'' {11178) Joel MoCrea, reveall • tr8il ol corrup-tion, lnCMt Md mu<det P•trldt WflfM. A IOfrner 10:'00 Cl) "When Time Ran 0ut·· rodeo c:twnp .. Joined by .,, 8Clventur-young f 1980) Paul Newmen, Wl- llwn Hokten. A low Men- IMfl In trytng 10 c.pture a Ql8 de""'°98 on • 1-'Y FALSE BELIEF -James Andronica Clefll and David Proval appear in ·Nunzio.' a drama of a man-child who believes he's Superman, in a special movie presentation Saturday at 9 p.m. on the CBS- Television Network <Ch. 2>. 1TW011iftc811t hotM wt*lt op•ned lal•nd tHOrl roeme ._Mon'-wMdllr-ttveatened by en ecttw -· \IOlc:W>o. 'PO' • **'Ii "FOf Pete'1 Salle " (t974) Barbr• 10:060"Toudled8ylove" Stre!Mnd. MiC:nMI s.r.. Deborah R•lfln. Ol•n• zln. A devoted wife ~. An emotlon811y dia- Eddie Byrne. A liendlMI\ madnwn MJde8 Scotlend Ywd wtMle conduCtlnO • grllly ~rn81\ CtUlade to ellminllM prosthutlon. SUNDAY'S MOVIES AUGU8Tt.1te1 MON•eG U0 CC) "T~" ( 11188) Botti l<at1off. Tim O'l<elly. An llOlf'O horror__,.... ,,., trlal to r-wlttl • mur- detOU8 ""'* et • ~ movie~. (I) "Don't MiM The Boat" 1:IO ~ •• AnimMI Al• 8-ltlNI People" ( 1975) Oocumen- twy. CrMI-of Atrican ....._ __ lnlt* n•1"'11 Mbllat. ·o· l:GO (I) '"No Oepoelt, No Return" ( 1978) D•vld Nlwn, Dwren McGavln The children ol neglectlve pwents 4lec:ld8 10 '1808 thelf O'#n kldnaipC>inQ to ~ -•llentlon. ·o· 10;00 • * * '"Wec:klMI W9g011 Train'" (1978) Bo«> Demler, Forr ... Tucker. A WllQOn· -·· end ,. bumbllnO ........ , guld8 • party ot fi-.. ICfON the W .. 1. (C) "Madame Roea" (1978) Simone Slgnoo'et. Claude 08Uphln. A wom· 81\ •• pet900llllty unclergoea .n extreme trllntformatlon when ..,. lnvolve8 h91'Mlt In • tOCNntk: .,,.,, whlcll bridge8 two wldlfy dlfler • ~ cultur81 ...._.. "R' CJ) "Oh Godl Book II" (1980) George Burns. ~ Plelhett•. WMn thlngl g0 wrong, OoO call8 on • little girt to be hit Mr1hly Mlltt111t. 'PO' u•a **"'"Tre110tn.. Wllcl" (tt74) Ooolionlntwy TM plgtlt ot lhe hl!lmO In ,. daily elf\19G18 to ~ lnlhelt-••• ...... ot t"-Norttlll~. u:ao. '* w * "TN nw. MMlll•t• ... , .... , L.-- Tumat, VIII.._.,,, Ill t1~ c1ntury ,ranee, tlW" ._.. ... ._.,.. - to ...... '°"' \AMI .. wfWI ~ IMm IMI l"9 ctalty Gteflo, Car~ ................ ~-......... ... SllMlll l tlM9) Or.an W ..... , Aldm Trleh VM Devere. JoMc>t1 lnvoe-heB8tl In -· hKbad leenll09 girt o.v.l- T8'"1roff. The mys\eriol» Col1en A ~ wedly ~ to r-. ops • lrtend8hlp with EMt ~ro II pr-ted triel to,_ from• ner-eome •xtr• money eo ttl8t Pr_..,, which c:hangel her from t•klno over •n ,,_ brMk~ •I her tat• her cab drhw huloand Ille ~ety. 'PG' emC)We. -•·• heme. whldl 19 can f1n11111119 ~tlon. 10: 11 CID "The Greet Santini" (I) "Whan nm. Ran Out" bMiegad by d8mona. 'PG' • * *'" "Ww Of The ( 11179) Robert Duv•ll. (1980) Paul "'-'narl. Wll-._. *""Thel>Mr ......... '" Wlldcata" (1943) John 8ly1lw Dennet. A rfNfit- liam Holden A loYe triao-(1957) lex Battler, Alt• Weyne. Maflhlt Sc:oft A MCkMdy Merine COflll Qle d8wlop8 on • 1-'Y Moreno. 8Med on the sto-pretty .ctioolt_,_ OU8t· oftlcet ,_ ctom.11c bet· opened lst•nd rHorl ry by ~ Fenlrncwe ed from • llNI town for tlee when he ,,._ to ttweetened by 811 actMI Cooper. A white tNn Is hltYinQ writMrl • COfll,_. lmpoM hie ml9tary ldMM volcano. 'PO' r81eed by lndl-In the .., book ~ the on hl8 lllmily. 'PG' (%) "Fateo" ( 1980) Dom frontier day• of earl,. object of romMtlc rivelry 10-.IO CC) "The Ritz" ( 111711) J&tl Oel.ul8a, ,.,_Bancroft. A Atn8rlca. .,._two~ oil Weaton, Alta Moreno. A pot11y oomputalve ...., (%) • • * "OIMar At man. bumblw unwtttlngly stum- 111\dt thet nothing can Elght" C 1933) John llAd (I) •·No Oepoelt, No b6M Into • 98Y bethhouM dMllC*I '* dellire IOf food Uonel Benymore, Jean Return·· f 11711) Dnld ...._ ..-ino refuge from untll hat ... In to¥e. 'PG' HwlOw. ~•tloM of Nlwn. 08nen McG•WI. his murd•r-mlnded 12:30 8 * * 'h "The Llldy In vwylng lnlenalty rlppte TM dlldren ot ~ b.-other-ln-lew 'R' ~ .. (t9401 Glenn --11•cm··rt1eNuo.8omb'' ,....._.., Al•· .. ---h. • through New YOf11 Oty'a parents ~ to stage I 1980) Don Ad-. Syhl\8 .-... v .., ·-•-• "' high 80Clety M the oi-1 their own k~ to Juror ~bl8 for • ll•t '°' an 1mpor1811t tod8I Cl« -•ttentlon 'O' l<rl8tet Sea•t ll08fll Max- girt'• llCqllltt81 alt~ to ~t 19 prepwwd. l:OO f1""I * * '-' "'818di M,........ wel Smwt i.-~ ,_. ,....,,._,.. lier whirl he ~ e • * * "On A Cle8I o.y u.u ..,... dmngaroua ~.In an 18 -~with jMlc>u8y. You Cen See Fot....,.. (11M9) Or80n w ..... Akim erch vtbln whO ~ to ,:00 G * * ""Sherlock HotmM I 19701 Barb<• StrellMd. TwnltOfl. The mysterioul ~ ~ "'81 will F-DMlh" ( 19'3) Bull Caglio8tro Is pr-ted disrob8 tne entire human R•ll'tbone, Niglll Brue.. =.::'.!:':!;,.A She~ from l•kln9 ov•r •n poc>Ul8llon. 'PG' HOlmM ~a du8I INK· ESP wtlil8 tr;lnO to curtJ ~~Hunt•" (19791 11:IO. * * • '"A Olr1 Named det •ti• "'-lnO .,. lier c:Nln-~ St-~. EN w• Sooner"' I t975) lM Rem- undetground crypt. 0 "Cendl88hoe0 ' ( 1971) lach Ralph "P11p9" Thor-!di. Rk:hMd Crenna. A 2:00• **'Ii "A Dey Al The Jocfil FOiier, David Niven. 800 leads 8 dang8roul life bristly badlWOOds grMd-~ .. (1937) Marll 8'oth-A tornboV from the •trMt8 .. • modem-d•y bounty mother '-lier 9 • ..,..... 9'11, Mauf'een O'SullivM of L08 Angelet Inherits • hunt• "R' old llfanddauohl• to • 0-llftO end chulng hOI tall...S 8tlt.18h Mtai.. '0 ' 'f'OU"ll a>upl8 with no chll- llp8 hlgflllght • vl8lt to the .._._ 8 •*'A "How To Com-1:IO CZ> "F•t.o" (1980) Dom ctfen ot their own. trllClt by Or Hacll:anbush mlt Marriage" (1989) Bob O.WM. Anne 8"'1C(Ol1. A 0 ••• "TheO.lec:llve" end other uni.. Hope, Jadlle ~-An portly QOtnPUl8lw Mt• ( 1"8} Frink 5'nalf8. LM e • • • "0.. Heart'· unm91rled couple give llnd8 that nothing can A8rnlc:k A detective llncl• (1"5) Glenn Ford. Ger81-rhelr beby up IOf 8doe>tlon, dempen his deslre l0t tood th•t the wrong man wu dlM Page. A eoon-to-~ end the girl'• dlvOtced !MW· unlM he ..... In IOve. 'PG' electtocuted I« the INK· murled HIHm•n ants decide to rear the a:oo 8 O • • • "The 811*... det ot • young homoMxu- ~ the object ot Child under• lek• name. In The a.ginning" (111661 81. •IMctlon for • """9tw ••• * "A Olrl Named 0-ge c. Scott. ......, Cl) "F-" (1980) Eddi8 poetmlltr-vlalllng New Sooner'" (1975) LM ~-O'TOOl8. Oir.c:ted ano nar-Barth, Ir-C•r•.Four York. IC:k, Richard Crenna. A r•ted by John Huston The tlllanted etudanll spend (C) • * • "Silk Sloelllngs" brltltly badlwooda gr9nd• 1tory ot men's creation, fall an ••dtlnO lour ..... ra •I (1951) Fred Allan, C)'d mother 10M1 her ........... end _,1"81 IUMY81 a the H19h SctiOOI ot Per- CharfMa. An AtMrtc.n film old orWlddaught• to • told In the Book of~ lo+'mlftO Arts. 'R' produc•r becomH )'OUtlG ~with no Chll· II dr81'1\allzed (R) 11:41 D * • "Hottao-" ( t943) ~ wMI a leinela dranotttlelrown. e ••• "lht .. W-" LulM Rainer, Arturo de ~ llGl'lt In Pllria. • • * • ''T-Vfn!IOUt ( 194t) JUM Allytlon, Pel• Co+'dov•. During Wo+'ld Cl)••'A "~AnyGlfl" Plt'f" f1M1) Kini OowgfM, Lawford.BasadOftlheato-Ww 11, -81rMmberaof ( 111H) SNr1ty Maclalne. E.G. ~ A Girman ry by LOl!Ma ...... Alcott. the ~Ktt tMlstanc8 - o.wt ~. JoO and ~ community b•com.. The tour M~ 91,,... tlkan hoStage by Mula in bancM!untlnO OQCupy the ob8MMd by • Pl9 ,..,. lofge emotlONf .. -rellilletlon for the dNth ol llme Gt a girt newty lfYIYed ~ imloMng U.S. Gia. to b8 bfolwn dutlnO the -Of their OOIT'l)atnot-. Ill .._ Yorti Cl'1 QI ww • ''Sir* the ,_~ deyt Of the 1HIO QI • * "the Actwntur .. l "Cod)I'' 8*Mrdl" f1M0) 1(.-tfl CMIWer. 01 HUCikl•b•try flnn" l:80 • * "The AcclitMd" Motl. Dine WyMet. the (II) "Tiie .,_ lrottlare" {1te I) Kun IA. ,_, (fMt) OonMd WOIM, Aob-1.,._ GetrilM tlee'*'llp (IND) Jofwl liluefll, Oen Tidier. Miik Twllln'a <*18- ert er-.... A COlolMI Ml • 18 .._ltd by .. ..,....,.. Aykroyd. 1-...._ t1n9-lie IOCOUnt ot tM - ......... ..._, tot ~ .,, and .. '°'°"· .. mUllt ___, -"" ... paClaa ot • ~ ,.,,,, .. ----'° .. ~"A'*NlllAr8...,.,. e»-. polo9, ... CA4. CloyllNtoid,f") lfttar•NUftiOl'I. fleopta" 111111 ~ ,_....... Met ttia u.a. (1:)"1t00"11tmAGMrt Ql••'A""°"YloldW' t.y. ~Of Mrtm.111 Nffllf IO .......... a o.Nro.0-..~ (1HI) T1f-POW9r. ..... .,. -In "'* ....... ~ 10 ,.._ lew9ntr ,_. Of "lllan Oell'ltOn Mite ...... A ............... 'G' ~---....-..·.-· IOGl•I and polltlcal .._......_....to.-Cl)•'CllO...._... Cl>"AliMNnt"C•1't ....... .,. -...,...,. .. ._.....,. ... .,.. (1MO) ~ 9utn•. ...._ ~ e..i ... .,. .. ._~ I ~ I l 1 I I I (J) "Jldl n......,.. 119M~ I -P•tl.,.&&A -tl:l•••....._ ........ ..... 2 ........ ...... ,........., ..... ~............... .. .......... ... al>''taalD r• .. ia:.:~~ ............... .,.. ..... .,_. .. ..__....__._...._111111 ..... illia..,..._.-l._. ................. ._~-------...... ....., ...... .._..,.,t • .. 1111 _· - TRUTH OR CONSEQUENCfS? Some.times the truth hurts! We have lost an occasional sale by not telling a customer what he wanted to hear. We might point out that a customer would be better off to pay a little more for our rubber padding than buy a cheaper, mushy pad that feels like you are walking on balloons. The "balloon" pad hurts the carpet backing. causes stretching, and ruins seams. Also this padding often flattens out after a while. Additionally, we might tell you that some carpet fibers are more practical than others. A fiber that works in one texture. might "bomb" in another. Feel free to call for advice. All of our sales people have had extensive experience in the service end of this business -and after all -the most important thing we can offer is consistently good service! 35 ,, 0 -~ r-.8 .,, ~. Q. QI -< ' ... I , I ' • I ' I . , I I I 1 ' .. •• , • ~Movie Guide for the Week -Ill ~ g' From Page 34 ~ -0 a: MONDAY'S MOVIES A.UOUST 10, tM1 MOAHtNO 6.-00 (S) "Bon Voyege. Charlie Brown" (1979) Animated C>Wecled by Bllt Melendez Snoopy enCI Woodatock follow HChenge &luOenll Charlie Brown. Peppermint P1t1y, Linus end Metcle on an lldventur•IHleel tour ol Englenel end Franc.. ·a · t;30 CC) "Heidi" (19711) A young glfl I• b<ouglll lrorn her grandlelher"1 Alpine hOme 10 llwe In the city. l:OO CC) "A f«ce Of One" ( 1979) Chudc Nome, Jen. ml• O"NelN A mes1er Of the martlel WU embellla on • revenge.motivateel -ell f« the killer& of hll adopted eon. ·PG· CS)*** ''l'I Cry T«n«· raw" ( 1955) Su-. Hey- ward, Rlch•rd Conte Acir-Llllierl Roth llrug· Olea with alc:oholl8m end • lading c:et- 9:30 CC) "Swim T~" Stephen Furst A patnpered group ot country clutlt>era ec;qulre • gorgeoua ,_ mamber who charges them up I« Ille c:nemplon. ahlp ·PG' 10:00 (I) •'II 'Troutlle Malcers" (1948) Bowery Soya. Leo Ooroey Alter w.lneulrlg a murder. the Boys have trouble locallrlg Ille deed l>Ody. CS)•*'"' "The Corsican Brolheta" (11141) Douglu Falrt>enks Jr . Ruth War- flcll Two Siamese twins MP&flted 11 birth fall In love wllh the same woman wtllle •~no the murdet ol lhelr parent• 11:30 0 •• o,; "Unearthly St,anger" ( 1964) Jafln Nevllle. Gabrlelle Ucudl A being from anolher ~t CllaguiMI herMlf u en Earthling In oreler to deltroy her ldentitt-llUl- blnd end his secret projecl. CC) "Out Time" I 1973) Pernele Sue Martin, Parker Staventon The PYM of 1wo young couple• enrOlleel al prov11e echools -Cl\enged wtlen one of I lie girls dilcover'I Ille la pr9gner1t 'PO' 12!00 ., • • "The Culpepper C1111e Co " ( 11172) G•ry Grimes. Luke A~-A teen-ager becomes a m1tuf8 cowboy during • lono. Cllttlcull callle drive to Colorado m • • "1133 Squlelron" ( 1984) CHll Robertaon, George Cll•llirla A Nav fue4 lac1ory 1n NOrwey la deetroyeel In a gallant eNM by an Ametleen 1:IO ~~ce OI One" ( 1879) Chuck Norris. Jen.. niter O'Neill A mut• ot IN martial 1r11 ernberh on• r~eo -Cfl lof !he k ..... ol hie edopi.d eon. 'PG' Cl) * * * "l"W Cry T-- row" ( tt55) Suaan Hey- ward. Alch1rd Conte. ~ LI*n Roth •ln9- -with elcotlollam and a fadlr18 car• ... * * ''Miea Annie Aoo-,...,.. (1942) 8'*'9)' Tem- pl9. Guy l<lbbee. A ~­ iy-atrlolten YOUftCI Oi'I '* In love wlttl • rid! boy end .,,. to Ollll'COll'l9 '* P«• .,..pt ... ------------------- '-'00 QI * * * "Holiday F« Lovers" ( 1959) Cllflon Webt>. Jene w~. Two young g!fls become yol.IJ>I) ladies while lravellng lhrough SQvlh Alnetlce wllh !heir pwenta (.C) ··~ Movie" ( 1979) Dooumentwy Mullc by Mike Oldfield. Atchlv81 film 1001809 dwonidee lhe tri- umphs of lhe U.S. apace program. fooualng on the drametlc Apollo t 1 moon tending. 'G' 3:30 II **''Ai "A Breelh Of Scandal" ( 1960) Sophie Loren, John Gavin Romence rMOH• wtlel1 '" Amer1een ~ 111 Vienna rMCUa a prw- after ahe la thrown from • llOfW. 4:00 0 "COii Miner' a o.ugn- ter" t 19601 SIMy ~. Tommy LM .ion.. Baaed on Loretta LY""'• euto- blogtec>hY. A yOIM'O glf1 ff om • poor lemlly In Nt81 Kenluelty metrlea e ll'tUdl Older locM boy """° .... ,_. her riM to ...,.Clam '1n the mut1C lnduetry. 'PG' 4!30 (CJ"~" (1979) A ~ng gll1 la b<ougnr from her grandfether"a Alpine~ 10 M In !he city. 5.:00 (!) "Bon Voyege. Chet1le &town" (1979) Anltneled. Dnc1ed by 8lll Metendu.. Snoopy end Wooda10dl follow exchange atudenta Ctw1le Brown, Peppermint Pally. Linus and Marcie on an adYentur•ftlteel toUt of England end Franoe 'G' aGO (CJ "Our Time" ( 1973) P.,.,,... Sue Martin, P etker SlevenlOI\. .T"'t 11,,_ Of two young couples entolled et pr!Yete Ktiools are chenged when one of the glt19 ~ .,,. .. pregNnt. 'PG" a1s g "Smokey And The Bandll U" ( ISMIO) Butt Aey- nolda, Jecllle G ... eon. Sheriff Bul«d T Justice calla In .. two le-*I brOlhera to llop • retired bootlegger. the Bandit. from trenspot1lng a beb)I elephenl. 'PG' 1:00(0)··01or1e"(1980)0- Rowlenda. John Ad-. A former gun moll ~ the protect« Of .,.. OfPh•ned 6-ye..old Puerto Aleen targeted by Ille underwo!1cl lot Ille lnlonnetlon he c:errlee In • betleted brlefc-. 'PG' 7:30 (CJ "$~ MOYie" ( 19711) Oocument11Y. Mullc by Mike Oldfield. Atcnlval lllm footage Chronicles the ltl· umpha ot lhe U.S. 11>ec:e program. locuSlng on the dramatic Apollo 11 moon landing 'G' 7:46 Cl) • • • • ··or and Hotel" ( 11132) Grete Gart>o. Johrl and Lionel Betrymore A day In the N-ol Ille lnhabltM,. of Germany's Grend HOtel b<lnge their petl\a IOQMher 8:00. * 1r "T«ril«Y Of Otll- ••" (•970) DocuNntwy. The ~ wffdtl'-of AIMric:e't ""' ~ regleln Allnlllna 19o4al~ trotll men'• lnt"'9klft. • * • "Ceny Ori ()oe.. IOf" (1t12) Fr ..... ~ •d. ~ WllllWna. A hoepitel'• ~ rOlrtlne II thrown lnlo ~ when • group of meocap ~ t••-• * * * "The Dllfil At The Top Of The St.W." (1H01 Aoti.rt Pr .. IOfl, Oorottly ~ ..., on IN play ~ Wllllem ~. Mem.,.,. Of M Old .. boma ..... ., ... )taOI atn .... Wiit! Ow ll'00191N NEW HORIZONS Kay Lenz and Martin Balsam portray palient and doctor in ·The Seeding of Sarah Burns.· a motion picture· ror-television about a human embryo transplant experiment. The movie will be broadcast Wednesday at 9 p.m. on Channel 2 on ·The CBS Wednesday Night ~ovies. · of ewt)'day life. <JI) "Oh God! Book II" ( 1980) George Burn1, s-ne Pteaneue. God return• to Earth enel bhooH• en Innocent young gWI to IClfMCI the meaeege thel He trill exl81•. 11\ough 9he i. ltMI only perlOn wtlo c:en ectu- eny -Him 'PG' • "Welcome To L.A." (t9n) Keith Clwtedlne. S.ily Ke119rmen. Verloue Southern Celllomle r..,_ o.n11 .,. b<OUQM togiether t>rleny In • _._ of romentlc M81aon• whidl molJtfy enCI up t*rlQ - ntghl atand9. 'R' ~. * • • "SWMt Rotle O'Grady" ( 19'3) Belly Grable. Aot>erl Y OUJ>O BrOOlclyn-born RcHlle go. 10 Europe where eh• ~a M on lhe Lon- don •t-oe and 18 engaged to• dulce t:00 Ct) "A Dlft«ent SIOfY" ( 1978) Perry King, Meg Fostet A men enel a wom- 1n mMI end are eltrected to one another, t>ut their reletlonahlp 18 complicated by the feel that they are both homoeexual 'A' CS)*•• "Forbidden Pllnet" ( 11158) Walter Pid- geon, Anne f'rencil. BeMCI on Slllk...,..,•'• "The T~t " An outer ..,_ mleeiofl .. ~ 10 locate • prof-wtlO N.I ~ IMng for • numb« of ~ on a dlltent plM* of the """'*· ..-• • • • "Thi c°"*'" ahero•" ( 19'1) John Wayne. &ti.Wt wtlltlNln. A , .... ~••out 10 ttop the Cllltrtbutlon OI oun-Ind flfwweter to tri. llOlll'lt ComencllM. @ * • "Tl\lt Men lo'I" (1973) Freel WilllllmtOf\, TefeN Gr-. A oourltr lll!lled In tM nwtltll lrt• " IMiO"td 10 -. M lltt8ICfle c:-. conl.llrllno l,OllP.OQO CIOllerl JtQll) HClfllf KAll'f t• .... loo~· t:.a. "Blooclbrothere" (11178) Rlchetd Gere, Tony Lo Blanco. A young man <Sar.-to brMlt family tf.0- ltlon tly WOflllng In • hoepl- • .. -d for ctlllelren rether then In lhe '-9vy conatNC· llon~.'R' (%) "Feme"' ( 1IMIO) Eddie Berti\. Ir-Ceta.faut talented ltuden,. spend "' .. dflng four ~ •t ~ High School ot Per- tormlng Arte. 'R' tO:OO CH> "RllM The Titanic" (19801 Jeaon Aob11d1. Rlcftard Jorelan. A Clllrlng 01-of -elCJ)IOtWa rec. .. egelnlt • Aulllen ·~ to rlCO\llr lhe veilulble content• of tfll IUN!en -Mnef In 1 rnlalon which lnvolvea Clanget both above end below the *Kf-.·PG' (Q} "N4jinaky" ( t979) Alan Bates. Geofge de I• Pane Tflumph end ''•gedy punctuate the etormy fel8· tlonShlp between lhe grHI Ruulen ballet star end hi• Swngall-llk• rnan1ger ·A' 11:00 (CJ "A F0<ce 01 One" (11179) Chuck Norm. Jen. nller O'NelM. A rnaater ol the mattJal art1 embark• on , • r~motiveled -ch ror the kUler• or 1118 edopted eon 'PG' {I) • • * • "The Goelf• ,,,., .. ( 1972) ~Ion B<- do, Al Pedno. Direc1ed t>y FrencJt Ford Coe>pola B..cs on the nowt ~ Metlo Puzo An aoino Melioeo .... ltle b1tr1er9 ~ Illa Idyllic family Ille MCI the h#'ltl reelltlea ol .. t>uw-btMk down at Ills so·na become ~ lrwolveCI In the ll'IO!ent WOl'ltlngt Of «g• nlzed Cflme. 11:15. • * * ..... AYentll" ( 1072) Jeck Lemmon, Ju114M MIM. A CONll'VlllVe ~, ... In~ w1111 the lfiontl'JI eccen111e d•utfller of hi• dead •F.'!Co•- DOn<I ( 1935) Gen• Autry. Ann RutherlOtd Captain Autry rescues a wagon trlln un<le< 8118Clc wtlh • young rUNw•v g1<t 1nllde (l · Fatso ( 1980) Dom DelulM . Anne BancfoN A portly cornpulf.lve eater fonds tha1 ooch1ng can dampen hts CS-re fa. IOOCI unhl he l8lls 1tt IOve PG' TUESDAY'S MOVIES AUOUIT 11, 1911 ~ 15~ (SJ "No Dec>o111, No Return" ( 1976) 01vld Niven, o.,ren McGavin The children or neglecllve parent• decide to liege their own kldnllP!>lng lo ve' IOme attention. 'G' 1:00 (C) "Up Ar.e<" A young ~ bee-lnvOlveel In I Nl•end·dHlh atruggle wtlh • QOICl·hungry l4llld baton. 7::11> CC) • * ·~ "The OfownH'IQ POOi" ( 1975) Paul New- rnen. Joenne Wooelvretd A prW•t• inv.uga1« 18 hired by • weellhy Soulhern oil heir... to csi.cov.r the lelenlity Of the euth« of .,.. lncnmlnetlng lell• till) (S) * • • "The GIUS Bot· tom Boat" ( 19M) DorlS Dey. Roel T eytor A ph)'ll- cllt ~ onvolveel with • gift wno C>OMS es • mer- rnalcl 1>#1·•-t:aO (C) • • ~ "The Madon· ta.11 Man" ( 11173) Paul Newman, Domln1<1ue S1n- Cla 8aMCI on • novel t>y Oe8mond Bagley A Brltlth tntelllgenca agenl and his temele cohort are forced to cope with double agent• end trlple-c;roSMI on their mlaalon to capture a com. munltt llP'll · 10:00 • • 'h "Up In Smoke" ( 1957) 8a-y Boys, Hunt• Hiit The Boy• get Into all tof1 I of trouble when I he ll!"'bllng bug bl1M {.SJ "'C>n Oodl BOOie II" ( 1980) George Burns. Suzanne Pleahetle When thongs go wrong, God calls on • hnle Qlfl 10 t>e Illa e.thly Mllatent 'PG' 11~ 0 **'Ai ""Joh""'JI Angel" (IMS) Geofge ReH, a.lfe Tr-A metchent metlne captain ""' ....... the ~ wy of his fetr.'• murder .. -. (t) .. Deel lnipect«" ( t978) A.Mle Gl<1rdot. Phi· tjppe Notret A female delectlve trlea 10 carry on • aomplk:ated romance end • t>allllrlg murele< 1nvee11get1on et the aeme time "PG' 12:00 at *"* • "Lltlle Mlnlatet" ( 1934) Katharine Hepburn, John Beal A Sconlah pes· 10< llnda romance fOf the first lime • * • * "Bo Big" ( 19631 Jene Wym1n, Sterling Ha)'Oen. A widow Is disep- pomted by he< only ton wno ... _ her to llnd hl.s own '*'Y CIMc>i•e her end· '*" ClevOtlon to him. 1;30 (C) "TMgetl" ( 1"8) 8of1I IC.atlofl, Tim O'Kelly An eolng horr«·rnovle •tar "'*' 10 teMC)n wtth a mul'· derous lnlper at • dffle.ln movie lhetl• (S) • • • "The GI ... Bot· tom eoer· ( 1918) Oor1e Dey, Rod Teylot A llh~· Gitt ~ lnYOllled with • Oi'I whO po.a .. • mer• rMlld !*Mime. t:OO. "Ho Oepoelt, No Return" (1978) 01vld Niven, Derren McGevltl. Tilt Cfllldfen of "9Qlettlve parent• decide to 11age their O'#fl ltlctn~ 10 . . . i!.' ..,. ••ttntton. ·o· l8Ull>. :14"AQlll !'f!.it Jlllty" ·~ J.w • El•nt>etn l eylOr A pair ot leerl-IQl<S with overaclove 1magtna11ons keep Hie<• lanvl-on lutrnool C "Up Rover" A young ~ oecornes KlvOIYeel In a hle·and·de•lh struggle woh • goto-nung•y tand I t>aton l 3:300 * *'• Somet>oay Loves Me" ( 19S2) Belly Hullon, Ralph M ..... e< A paw Of enlet1-• t>teak up and make up •n Ille ear· ty 20th century $ "No Oepot11 No Return ( 19761 David Niven, Oatren McGavin Tiie c:lllldren of negtecuve parentt decide 10 stage their own klelnappirlg 10 get some enenllon ·o· 4:18 0 • • • "McUnfockl" ( 1963) JOhn Wayne, Mau- reen O'Hara A catlle baron 1riea to hMClle a g<OUP of djtgrunlled lnC11· ens and cope w11h a rlety. detetmined wtte et lhe umeume &aO(B) "Bleclt Beauty" (19711 Mark Laa I er. Weller Stez.ell BaMCI on the ltOfY by Anne 5-.11 A proud enCI ~ beaullfut horse ~ undet the ownership Of rneny dlve<M people 'G' (SJ ··0on·t Miss The Boat EVENNO l:OO {CJ "Tetgeta' (1968) 80<11 Kattott. Tim ()"Kelly An eglng h«ror-movle ater ltlea lo reeson with 1 mur- derous anlper et e Cir,,,...,, movie lheet9' a."30"' "Banan.u·· ( 11171) Woody Allen, LoulH L.._ A product teatet. t>ore<I with "" eve<ydey routine, goes to a 1maH Latin Ametk:en country Md becomel • dictator during a polltk:el uphuvel 'PG" 7:00 CZ> "Fatso" ( 1980) Dom Deluise, Anne Bencroft A portly computllve eeter find• 11111 nothing can dampen his deelre I« IOOCI until he lllts., love 'PG" 7:30 {CJ ··uo R,,,., .. A young ~ becOtnM lrwOlveel In a Ut•enel-dMth alruggle Mlh a golel41ungry lenCI baron. 8:008 **'"'"Trell Of The Wild" ( 1974) Documentary The plight Of lhe Eaklmo In Ilia daity struggle to aurvtw 1n the lrozer> wNtelenela ot the Nonh 11 depicled 0 * * ·~ "Oorty MOM)I' ( 1972) Richard Crenne, Cetharlne Deneuve A t>eeutllul W«llen 11 torn be1-hat love f« a detective •nd her devotion to • wanton criminal "' •• * .,, "The Desi>«· ate Hours.. ( 1955) Hum- phrey Bogart. Fredric March A group or neaped convicts hotel • terrllleel I fem1ty captive In the« own home 0 "'Beyond e-.11' Lynele Day George, JOl\n Suon A yourlg newlywed com- m•ls e se<les of bizarre • muro.rs when evil l«CM on a tropteal laland tell• over her mind enCI I®!, 'R' a:ao O{) .. The Fir• 1 Oeaell'JI Sln .. ( 1980) Frenk Slnelra, Faye Dunaway A Yetetan Hew v en City po11c:e de1ec1tve. wfloM w.fe 18 autter tng lfom a -1ou• '"'-· tries 10 catch. brvlll lclller , ... roniing MllMlllM R" 8lA6 C%l • • • • "Chinatown" ( 1974) Jeck Nlchc>lton, Faye Ounew•y. Dunng the 1930a. e pr!Yete c1etec11ve ln,,_tlgetM a CMe lhat ,_.,. a 1reM ol corrup- llOfl. lnceet enCI murCler t:OO 9 ()) • • ·~ '"Tom Between Two Lover•" ( 1979) Lee Remk:ll, George ~d. A W«11an devol· eel to her llulbenel end ton beoome1 romentlcelly fl La Paloma 1911 LVA Rene' Mordini's Infinite Galley announces Alvar's latest and most exquisite sculpture -La Paloma. 8'h" x 10" x 41;," Signature of a Master ... As Distinctive as Wliere it can 6e fowul TH er Leading Distributor of fine Art To be featured Aug. 12th on Executive Report Channel 22 at 9: 30 a.m. Offices: 6934 S~h Avenue, Scottsdale, AZ 8S251/.U24 Vaa Oporto #7, NeWport Beach, (714) 67S.-..7 (above Lido Bookshop) SI ~ 0 -~ I 8 ,, ., ~ QI < ' )> c IQ c Ill -, ...... ... ~ ./ . 1 I : I I t 1 I t I • 1 I I I ' ,1 .. I I I I I I ...,.. I -,. I I I I t I I i I J r I I • l I t • i Movie Guide for the Week ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vi 5' F rom :I 1nvo ·~ w.th .1 r h .• tm•r• l ~l.lh·~t•C.dh•O .u(f11f0(.I th• C l•••H in~l'"'-ll>I < > !ti 't) ~ u. O'I 0 ..J > I- 0 ~ t llf/lh A''"•tJ f,1, 11lut Pt11 h r IJU "'I )If t I r\ ftintdlft dHh~tlvt' 1111• lt"t ''"'Y (;t• I \ tlrt"l~~H. thkJ f m .. rt( ... 1n,1 l.t Oillflhf'IQ murdt:-1 1nv1•• lHf 111 >• at ,,,d Sdrrte t1m .. Pc.. 11:30 S Oh 1,,,.11 lh"l• 11 t'HJOJ G{lloi Q._ Bui,,~ ul.Jrtnf· P!t•.,.nt-ths Wht!n thtOQ' flU WfC'f'l'J V1>d C.Jll\ on H littl+• 'l•d to bo hits uJr lhly H'-1Sl11n1 PG 11:45 0 Sn1mn11!11ng Lion• 119781 Be.au Hn<IQ<lb l/ir 101111 Sttaw A r.ullegu rtrop oul 9~< 1n •oarr11 of nw po•tect w11v11 in l•eu nf worl<ing 101 ru~ wlldllny t11her PC. 10.00 0 Star1mg Ovor ( 1?791 Bu11 Reynolds Jill Ct,;y- burqh Afle• monrns ol TV d1nne1~ ~nd blind dalM •I dtvoret.'<l m.ig.u.ne w11te1 lhmks hi' s loond t•uP love wh~n J ~··oot t~acnef OOW•s h•S 111" PG 111>0 C T ergt'" I f9681 Bous K&rlolf T 1m O l\e41y An .tg1ng hO,,O• mnvoe Sl .. r 1ues 10 'easuo w1tn • rnut. detous smper at a dt1ve m movie thealer H 1 Fame !'911011rene Ca•a Bdrry Mill!'• Seve,al gilled students al B Now VO<'k high 5C'100l IOI the pe1torm•ng ••ts o•penence var1ous se1backs and suc- ces:.es of bolh personal and proless1on.i1 nalures 'PG' ($)"Jokes My Folks Novel Told Me" Playboy Bunnies ond Pen1house PelS act out bawdy 1okes and skits 'R' ft ) "Fa!Tlll" ( 1980) Eddie Berth, Irene Cera Four ••tented lludenll spend an ••c1Ung lour yeera al the High Sehool OI Pm- lormlng Aris 'R 11:20 0 Bla211,g Saddles I 1974) Cleavon Little. G- Wlldet Oirecled by Mel Broolls A rellrO&d w«ker in the Oto Wesl 11mo11 has more problems then he can handle wtien Ile 1s appointed shclt11t of Rock Rid1>9. a town pmpotnltld IOf dellrUCllOn by 8 bvll· .... rycoon R 12:00 0 * * •;, Commando (lee.4) s1-1r1 Grange1, Oo<len Grey A captain l .. dl • daring commando raid lo ludnap an Algerian rebe4 M111d111 onty 10 dis- cover that he and h1s raid- ers have t>l!un t11cked 0 ®) •', Shadow or The H1wk" ( 1978) Jon- Mlclleet Vincent Marllyn Hasseu A young city dweller ll1>e• hie urban 1ur- round1ng1 Wtlh a preny reporter 10 dlscove< the roots of hlS tnd1t1n herl- !!98 (R) 101' Naked Came the Stranger ( 1978) Derby Lloyd Reins.. levr Rlehards A women dltcove<I het 1>1.11band •S cnea11ng on her end dec:1dM lo get revenge by Mlduc1ng hla ml1t19" 'R' WEDN E SDAY'S MOVIES AUGUST 12, 1911 MOAHINO 5!00 CZ> "Ftme ( 1980) Eddl8 Bar11\. Irene Cere Fo11r tll«lted l lvdenl• lpefld 1n ••citing lour years 11 ,,,. High "6chOOI of Per- l0<mlf1i1 Art• R' 1!00 (SJ "Mule F'eathef1" Rory CetllOun. 11olc:9 of Don Knoll• P1raon BHur• ga1d 81\elby own• an mc.•t1d1f\lt* mule nornP\J Nt• ~"" <w•tn whtM'u ~ 1!. 1lJ1.. lo c.ru111nur11C.ctlM ''"" .uoh "1t•t I 4i lttl•1l .1tt 'f P(, 6 30 C llu• r.mf' 110131 Pdmeta Su« Matlin """"" .re•t'f•son The 1 .. es ol twQ youn9 couple• l'r1t0lld<I at pnvale ~ChOOI• ''" r h.ingltd when ooe of 1r1e gtrl~ d1scove<s she •• p1agnan1 PG' 8 00 C Madame Rosa 1 l'l78) Simone S1gnortot Ctaudo Oauph1,, A wom "'' ~ personality undergoos .111 e.ir•me 1renalormi111on wll8'1 she lnvolv41S herself 1n a romantic e1t11r whtch bridges IWO Wldaly dlfle< 1ng cullural kl•als 'R S ••It "rwo Weeka In Anothe< Town· ( 1962) Kttk Douglas Edwatd G Rot>- 1nsoo A misguided 8CtOI ltnds happiness in an assuuant prodUGer·s JOb t01l0 (!) • • 'Spy Chasers t 19S5) Hunll Halt Leo Goroey Tl\e Bowe<y Boyl nelp a king to pro1ec:1 h11 powe< from enemy spies .. no wam to dell\rone rum C Heodt 11979) A young gtrl 1s 1><ough1 from her grandfather's Alptne hOme to hve 1n lhe city Sl Dfeamer·· (1979) Tim Matheson. Susan Blakely A young bow* his to OVl!f'Come many ObSlllCIM \ whlle trying 10 1e-.c;h for hlS lifelong dream 'PG' 11:30 C1J • '"' "Vog -· MonSler From Space" ( 1971) Akl<e Kubo, Atsullo Tekohuhl An lnterpl-tary monaler captures a variety ot vicious animals and e man 10 he~ In his qunt to domlnale Ear11\. 12:00 ID **'A "The Big Sky" (1952) Kiri! DouglH. Dewey Manin EJcplorer1 lrlYel up ttle MllSOUrl Rtll· ., 10 Bldtoot Indian leni- tory delpile the tl8Zard1 Q) * * '-" "The Mlrecte" ( 1959) Cerroll Beker. Rog- « Moore. A young Sf>anoah poatulln1 struggles be'-he< IOve for e men and her religion (C) * *~ "Adam'1Wom- an ' (1972) e..u Bridges. John Mlll1. A wronofY 1mptlsoned sailor attempts to wtn his r...._ by mer- rylng an lnfluenllal women 1:00 Eli) • • • ""The October Man" ( 1947) Jahn Miiis, Joan Greenwood Aller !earning or Ille murdt1t of e t>eeulilul young mo<lel, e mentally shaky cllemlst 11 no1 completely certain that he's nol lhe killer 1:30 (SJ • • • "Two Weel<s In Anothe< Town" ( 1962) Ktrk Oougtas. Edward G Rob- inson A misguided ac101 llnds h•pplness 1n tin 8.SSlStent prodUGet's JOb 2:00 (C) Our T1me" ( 1973) Pamela SU4l Martin, P1rker Stevenson The lives of two young couples en•otled at P1"1vate sci>0011 ore Changed wtlen one of lhe girls dtlCCMl<t 5tlO •• pregnant 'PG' 0 ··J'atao" ( 1980) Dom OeLulse, Anne Bancroft /4 portly compultlve utw finds 1ha1 notl\lng can dampen his desire for IOO<I unlit ht tall• In tove 'PG' ~ <B • • * "Cleopatra" (Patt 1) ( 1963) EMzabalh Ta~. Rw:l\erd Burton The love l lOfY of Jutlut c.esar and Cleopatra Is sot egalnst Ille apec1ec .. of ancH1111 Rome "'° 8 * * '4 "Anytl\lng Can Happen'• ( 11152) JOH Fetr• er. Kim Hun11tt A Rut•.lan ' UNSUSPECTING COUPLE Oli,·er Rl•(•<I <HHI Kare n Black :,tar a:-a c:ollege pro ft'ssor and his wire who rent an isolated mansion for the summer and t•ndure a season of sustained terror in ·Burnt Ofrt•r ings· on ·NBC Moncfuy ~ight al'lhc Mo\'it·-,· on Channel -I at!) p.m. lmmlgrent strugglH to edju•t lo American Ille end 1.-wll• CC) "Hekll" ( 1979) A young girt 11 broughl from ,.... grendllthe<'• Alpine hOme to llve In tti. city (I) "Mule l' .. lherl" Rory Calhoun, vooce ot Don Knoll• PlflOn ~ gard Shelby own1 en Incredible mule ne"'*' Nelaon wlll\ whom he II able 10 commun1c11e 11woug11 mental 191epa111y PO' 0 * It "Br8'1¥11ar'• Mii- llona" ( 194 5) Dennis O'Keel•. l1elen Wallier A young heir must apend • mllllon dollert In two "'°"lht or he loMa en • ln"8rlt atl(l8 worl h mucn more 5.-00 (C) * • * "Huckleberfy Finn" (1975) Ron Howard, JIClk Eltm Bued on the llotY by Mark Twllln A young boy end e run1way sl1w become lnvOlved In e aeries 01 adventures wl\lle llflf.ling down the MISSll.SIP· pl RIV81 on e rail 5:30 (HJ "NO Oepo•ll. No Return • f 1976) Dovld Niven Darren McG11v1n TM children of nogltgent parents decide 10 stege lhe<r own k1dnepptng 10 oc-1 llOme ellMtinn 'G' EVENING t.-00 0 'Return From Witch Mounlaln" ( 1917) Batte DIVIS. Chrl1lopher Lee A power-med lflllocret •nd hll gre.ly temalt cohort 1uempt to upion lhe 14Jpefnatural ab;tllles ol two children from oute< spam for their own evtl purpc>Mt G 7:00 (CJ "Madame ROM" (1978) Simone S•gnorec. Claude O....pllln A ....om. an'• pereonellty undergoes en ••It-tran110<,.,.tlon when the Involves ri.tffff In a 1omant1G affair whklh blldO-1wo wld<tly Cllller- lng c.1U11r•I 1-,,.,t 'A' (0) "No Oepotll, No Return" (1976) David Niven, Oetren McGevln, The children of neglecitve parent• decld41 10 stage 111e1t own kidnapping 10 i!_I some attention. 'G • 7:20 tzJ * * * * "Grind Hotel" (19321 Grate Gwbo, John and Lionel Berrymore A day In the 11"89 of 1he 1nh1bltent1 of G9rmany'1 Grand Holel brings their paths 1og~11her. 7:30 CB) "Mldw8y" ( 1976) Chartton Heslon. Henry Fond• J1pane1e end American m!lttary forces aquare off lor • nav.i and aerlll b•ltl• centered around e Pecifle islend <luting World Wet II 'PG' t:00 0 **··Run To The High Country" (1974) Erik Lar- sen. An ecology-~ young boy dadk:ateS"'tlls etforlS IOwatd Ille pr-- Yltlon of mountain w11<11ife C1J • • '-" "To Commit A Murder" ( 1970) Louil Jourdan. Senta Berger A war hero 1s given a ltcense to ~•II when he 1s assigned lo wateh a sc1en11s1 and prev.,,I hlS delec11on $) The Blues Brotner1" ( 1980) JoM Belushl, Oen Ayliroyd Two blues sing. en must conlend will\ the Chicago poltce. the CIA neo-Naz.1s and 1he U S Army lo put togethe< a benelil concert to •e•M money IOf lhelr parish R" 0 ' Fatso p980)0om Deluise Anne Bancrort A porlly compulSlw eater 1tnd1 that no11\lng can dampen h•s <lfltre lor food until he falls 1n IOve 'PG l-:00 IJ (() * * The Seeding 01 Sarah Burns" (1979) Kay l.etQ, Maritn Battam A woman ao•-to Plf'llCI· pate In a 1'11Y01ut1011ary human embryo 1ran~1 oper11t1on, unaware of the lmpect ri.r declst0n wlll haw on ,.., ijfe (R) 1¢) • * "Fruble And TM a.en ( t974) Jim•• c,on, Alen Ai kin Two~· 1ng SAn Francisco c.ops are CJf•QVt.td Dy um4iWfh' t (tf \ .tftd __.IU!)ol'llt' I ld .. •\ in lhtttt 10' ICJ'h'tl I jl t• 1t t•r(>fft~f 1hf' mdrt ltw~ 1•1l1tnrJ tQ lHtt\t 0 fin /)f 11 I ()G .... 111<80 P1, 0 15 l I 1rr1t• Barth , .. ,, .. t)l41f11f"(I h .... ,,h ,, ,)(Ii "'Allt1t'CJ .. "-" .,. I tt•\f' H1gn St h<.J I n• ' •• form•r•u Arll R • ~5 0 Tl"" SMl811tC A.1 .. , (" Or~ul.) I 1'17JI <;t·r• h DhfU l ... , Pt1:•••r Cv '"'''' Tht' un~1n•nblo ''''" , v H11tHl bloC>a UI ., I I &llt1m111• to <.:<>fllt<ll 1111 world, and 1\111 ftvtirytio1t~ 1n 11 by convor1tn9 w<1rl<1 to•dors 10 h•• cult c..t ri.•w11 worah1ppers R 10·00 m ••• Thtr Seer Pl Agenl ( 1936t JOhll G111I Qlld. M~deletnfl f.anoll Two SPIN pair oll "' mAn and wile •n order 10 11ac• c>own an enemy ~,,,,1 10-.30 S l he Se• Macn"'" l 1978) In ~37 A 0 K•ttn lists IOI•• In• Pn .. rgy problem by harnes~on11 lh" po-()I the human 1tb1do R 11.00 C • • 1 Adom sWom •n C 19721 Beau B11dges John Mills A wrongly 1mprrsoned 18Jlot allempls to win h•I 1etease by mar- rying en tnlluenllal women lOJ "The Blues Brolhers' ( 1980) John Beluslu. Dan Ayilroyd Two ~s 5tng· ers mt.1st contend wilh the Choc:ago polloe, the CIA, neo-Nazl• and 111e u S Army lo pul logether • benelit concer1 10 relae money for their p8fish 'R' 11: 15 fit "0~ Trlek Pony" (1980) Paul Simon. BlaJ1 Brown. A once-popular perlormer 11 preuured by everyone around him 10 drop Ills ttyle ot rrn;llc 1nd Wflle aongs lhll con bflng him ~Kie lo lhe top •O 'R' t 1:30 8 (() * * ''°' "Fear It The t<ey" I 1973) Barry N-- man. Suzy t<endall Three men hijack • belhy.phafe to -ell lor S 10 mltlion 111 bOOty from an 11rpl- thay l\aw snot down (R) (ffi "Bronco Bll!V" ( 1980) Clint EastWOOd, Sondra Loclie A former shoe lllMmen from New Jersey reel z" hit drNm ol per- lormlng In • Wiid West lhow 'PO' (,%) "l'ltlO" ( 1980) Dom OelutM . Anne 8ancron A portly computalw eate< llnd• 11111 nothing can dampen Ms desire f0< food unHI he t1t1t on love 'PG 12:00 0 • • "Run. P1y<;ho. Run" ( 1968) Gary Merrill. Etga Anderson On the 1nn1ver11ry of hta llrsl wlfa's dt!Oth I Wetlllhy B11H1h aristocrat ennounc:.s hit in1en11ons to wed a young g1r1 who Ille< dlecover• lhe circum- stanoes 1tir1oundtng hfl• pt'edecellOr'S dHlh \$ The Godlelri.t PIM 11 f 1974) Al Pecono Rob- er1 Duvall M1ch84'I Cori.- one 11uume1 h•~ l•te l1ther·s fh1one end power u Ile t>ecomaa 111e new head ol lhe Mttll• hnd1ng problemt ..,th nvi.1 fac- 11001 end Ille l•w tllrOUQh· oul his r910n R THURSDAY'S MOVI ES AUGUST 13, 1M I IEVENINO 1!00 g "Bronco Biiiy" ( 1980) Clint Eutwood. Sondra Loclce. A former lllOe Hletman from N8'111 Jersey , .. "~" 1111 dream of per• l!)1m1111i 111 ,, W1IO W~I i.how PC 6 30 C A I llCI! Of One l tQ" f J ' 1ti.. Noua~ ,.,u '"' .. ' 0 Nt! o A mastt•' r,t It f ,, • .,... -"'~ 0(1'\f ...... , ,, ' vonq~ moltv •l• O A ~ , .. ,, •"1..-... 1tl1•tS u' h• "G "'JAt 0 .. ,. ~H·•·O~ Of f vi• t(,tthtH'lftt ~·hH1CJHtuf1 H11 0.tl!t :o..Hl(1fr.1 (v1l t~ 1.J.s::.S.t:tl on tf • t ommunlly lhrt ''0" 01•.1 ; l,lnl!:. J mJd gA1 den-.::r t'..t Sf"'""" CE) ill • , IC:I' PBlll<I' 119601 R1charo Bull•in Aotwft Rfan Two '"'-"" wa'lt..: iJ •·t~loug batUe Ou• flQ lhe f ~ ~O)' h•Stor., t)I lhP A1 j 1o tn 1Cffll0'Y C k11,.-Ct)ll.u I t4 '81 •41c.t •'" P1yOf U'-tl"-' .. Y rr P lt'I fru ... ..,. fHnlrafed (;...1r,11t tUIO 13CIOf~ W(')f\t (!r-.; 1or11 10 r-"me brmg1ng tt'!Pm into mote , onfhct and p01en1oar danger lh.tn mey e•er counted Of\ R 0 • * * H19h Plain~ Dr•!ler' t 1973) Cknl East wooo Vema Bloom A nameless str9ngtlf rallies the cowor<lly ret.aents ol a Western 1own to cnallenge tile ruthless gang which hes been 1eaonzlng them Sl "Running" ( 1979) Michael Douglas, SuWln An59ac'1 Having failed al nearly everything in his tile, a 34-year-old divorced man decides 10 try ou1 as a marathoner '°' the U S Olympic Team 'PG 0 "Bon Voyage. Charlie Brown" (1979) Antmaled Duecled by 8111 Melendllli Snoopy end Woodstock follow eJ<c:hangtt S(U()enlS Cherhe Brown. Peppermint Pally. Umts end M•rc1e on en a<tvenlu•e-hlltld tour ol England end Frence G 1:30 'H' .. The Blues Brot'tlets I t980) .John Belultt• Din Aykroyd Two blue$ Sing- ers rrn;st contend with the Chicago police lhe CIA neo-Nazls and the U S Army to put 1oge1he< a t>enel1t concert to rBJsa money tor their paHSh R' t:OO 0 '3t • • 'March Or Die· (Part 1) ( 1977) Gena Hackman. "4a.. von Sydow Following World War I, a French to1e.gn lejjton troop led by a b11ter Amencan are asslgned lo protect Rn archaoologlcal e•pedllton e•ca"a11ng in Morocco 9:46 Z' Falso"(1980)0om OelU1M1, Anne Bancroll A po<Uy compulsive ea1er hnds lhal nothing can dampen his des1re to. food unM tMt tells 1n love ·PG' 10:00 C '·The Stunt Men ( 1980) Peler 0 Toore. Steve Ra~sbaci< Wanted by the POiice. a d1Slurbed Vietnam veteran finds an unsure l\allef> on I mo'"8 set wllere a WO<ld War I lj>IC .. betng ltlmed R' 0 · The Outlaw Josey W1tet" ( 1976) Clint E1n1- wood, Sondle Locke A men bee-an oullaw wller1 8 Nthleli hind o4 Union sotdterl ClaStroys 1111 Southern farm end 111111 hts ..,,..endson •PQ' SJ "Lun8 ~ 19711) Jiil Cley- burgh. Metlh-Berry Guilt spurs an Ame1ican Opet& 11"08f't ""°'1h0d01 ottrltl!Ort IO l\tt 181111 OQ8, heroin eodlct 9()tl 'A' A Congressional Bill was re~ent~y passed that allO'NS rebates for paying 1n cash. Merchants in the Newport Beach-Costa Mesa Area have taken advantage of th is, and are offering · you Rebates for · Paying in Cash. , ~ny day now, 5 ,000 Newport Beach-Costa Me&J residents wi II receive a National Cash Card Package in the mail ... • FREE~ This card entitles you to an Instant Rebate of Special C.Onsideration. Our Cash Cards cost you nothing in high interest rates. In fact, it saves you money , just for pay ing cash without a decrease in quality goods or services. Card holde~s, as wel I as the merchants benefit greatly from th is. Be looking for us throughout the United States. Local Participat ing Merchants: FLOlllST -.-2!1H -Cull6C.!l !Ill -- FOllllAl W£All (S*' I lleMJI) -·1Tu ..... l69E 111•51 5'1itl Ill ...-1 FllUITWmS ~ ~ 1t07 W W11"" tAJ f..,._) t5aola Mil ~IJJ1Yrll11oll-1&...,.,_«Sll'll !Ill tll·JIM FUIUllTUllE • Wlcltf·Alllalt-hlll Dat_,..,...,.19Stf-llO -Pl-Ill 55f.•t GWS --19111 -&.... _.,.,.,,1su-.1-IOll M..aJlt HEALTH FOOO STOllES • -~ol6-12'>f 171~51 U!.-~ !Ill Ut .. 74' JEWElEllS • • Tr--•107 11111151 ,_, llll 11).ltlt T--16JOS..M9111Dr ltll -· LAW. lfOWl:H lSalll I s.Mct) l t•i.-•~"- EogortiS-1-10...S.W./I-• tll Ml-1NS LOCKS · KEYS · ALAllllS l I --..-•JOE 111nS1 ito<tllltMi ltll U1·1UI MEll'S CLOTHIMQ -·1&FO 17:1'-M .,.,.._fH-1 f>.7ll .... 7U$ n.--noo-.-.o 1enu-1 AltU--Sloft''(-lloo-lololl•f-1 ..... ,, lllOl'S HAlllllYUMI ~ ........... ...,.._C-._lt1111SI ICArll>lltMI Ill Ml·f1U MOTOllCYCLES cir._c..r-·~-..., l'ltl•I-• ttll .... un MUFfLUS "Ftrtla1 I a-..tlc" _.....,,95fH¥MrM Orlolloy-· !Ill Ml-RU MUSIC STOflfS -·....,20·~-So tu.,.,,....,> nll ~ If Saving Money Sounds Appealing To You NUllSOY • llAllDE>I centfl lllm-1070.....,,..,91YO ~ ... -J1 ll'TOlllETllllT .............. -C-.-l .-.0.D tn ...... a.. .-1 I'll &'1-Nn ~NT-WAWAPEll .....,.,__JWC tl'tftSI 1''11 MM'Tlt "'SltOn . READ THIS! -.0W~1111 f t80 -IM DryfNl&MFtoo Ill Ml<Nn -.. --,.50~91YO t_) .. ltll """" PICAllllACY ---)~~'"""'°" ..... Mt llllt) ~~/~ llll -1111 P\.UMllNO SUfflllS 6 SEllVICE tt4Mnll • U. ML...-, I .-., 1$00 5"pol10t A.. ltll Mt41M PMOUCE 6 SEAfOOO .._ ...... -,,~-.. Al-'" -ltll llOWll SkATltll -------~&•1111 ~oft-"' .... ,,,, IOVICI STATIOlll ......... 46tSW C-._, "W_IOt __ ' 1.,,...1 I HOWPDOOH t l L-... CI ''"--'""° Ill ....... 1PM • HOT TUii • POOi. ....... -... ---'"'° -wtll UMIO TillU 1"t ... &MW 191•51 11'11 -II WATClltS I ... & ..,.., ---( 17'115' .... -,.,,~ '" -1 • WATRIUI • .... ...... -300$.......,.... ••. n.-. -·scl8TMll9 _ .... ,1)4 ........... °""119-f-., ..... ,. YMllCSI ....... , ........ , ........ ,"' ... ---( Silltll4 .. "' ....., .............. -..... ---· ............ ..., __ .. _/, 59 :Y. 0 -~ ....c. r-.8 .,., ., Q. QI :< > c ID c: Ill -, ...... ... "' CIC> - ......... I <. I I I I I I I I >- ... ~ l -~ ~ I I I ! I I I 1- -.. .al .... m °' .... . ..... -11'1 ~ g ct > "' ,, \: u. Cl 0 _, > I--~ Cl. En1oy A DELIC IOUS Week With U<. At Carvel SATURDAY THAU FRIDAY SAT. & SUN. DESIGN CAKEt $1 .000tf• I\ I\ x Y\/\ MON. FOUNTAIN SUNDAE SPECIAL! Buy One & Get Second at 1 /2 Price /\ /\ " }\ \ 'f. TUES. FLYING SAUCER.DAY!_ Buy One Package & Get$1.000ff Second Package, I\ I\ I\ /\ 2138 So. Bristol St., Santa Ana, CA Northwest Corner of Brlatol & Warner BetwMn Alph• Beta & Builders Emporium Phone: -711-4778 MINI SUNDAES * PARFAITS NUTTY ROYALES • TONIS OLD FASHIONED SUNDAES AND MORE Buy 1 Pkg. & Get $1 Off on 2nd Pkg. I FR I. L'lmS CAKES . PIES $1 .00 Off ·- CARVEL HOURS. (714t 646-8111 CARVEL/ORANGECO ...,__.:.: --------------- ----·· -·---r- BIG STAR ADRIFT Linda Evans of 'Dfnuty' vlsltl ng ·Love Boat' See Pl lot TV Log IUlll CUil . BIG TOP TRIVIA Circus historian recall~ fantasy job See Weekender BIG NAME BA TILES County amphitheaters winning some star wars See Weekender • • • * * YOUR HDMITDWlt UllY PAPIR FRIDAY. AUGUS T 7. 1981 OH ANGf COUN 1 Y 1 A l If OH NlA ?!> CENTS Controllers needed Reagan to hire 12 ,000 replacements BE A CLOWN -Nancy Schultz of Illinois de- buts this year as a clown with Ringling Bros. and Barnum & ·Bailey Circus, which opened Thursday night at Anaheim Convention Center. Holding salad sandwich, she is ready .... Nlt ....... a.tlll~ to feed elephants before performance of The Greatest Show on Earth. There are 21 re· maining matinee and evening shows in the Anaheim run, ending Aug. 17. • WASHINGTON <AP> -The Reagan administration, saying it considers the air traffic con· trollers strike over. is looking for replacements for the thousands of controllers who continued picketing for a fifth day today. The Federal Aviation Ad · ministration. which reported 75 percent o f all regularly scheduled air traffic flying, con· * * * Thousands apply as controllers OKLAHOMA CITY CAP> - Striking air controllers s ay they're underpaid, understaffed and overworked. But thousands of people around the country are interested in giving the job a try anyway. The government has started printing 100,000 flyers outlining qualifications for air traffic con· trollers. Thousands of people are asking for applications. And the feder-1 trai.(ling center here is gearina up for an unprecedented flow ot new students. now that pink slips have begun going out to 13,000 controllers on an illegal strike. Officials at a Federal Aviation Administration training center here said they are prepared to triple the nation's yearly output of civilian air traffic controllers. Tbe cent.er hu been turnin& out about 1,800 controllers a year. The application process - from filling out the first form to arriving at the training center - normally lakes l wo months to a year . But that can, and probably will, be reduced to a month, said Mark Weaver, a Federal Avia· lion Administration s pokesman at the training center. Branches of the federal Office of Personnel Management around the country have been flooded with job inquiries since the first controllers got dis· missal notices Wednesday, the agency said Thursday. In N~w York City, for exam- ple, 1,760 people -Including in- surance salesmen, teachers and dancers -filled out applications in a five hour period. Most regional personnel of· fices are getting about 400 telephone inquiries a day, ac· cording to Bill Farris, chief of the special examining unit at the FAA training center. The process formally begins when the Federal Register an- nounces openings for applicants, from Aug. 17 to 28. At that time, more than 100,000 announce- ments about qualifications will be distributed to people interest- ed in a controller's job, said training center director Tony Hoppers. Final Star edition recalls its glory 1 ·crowds gather. at newsstands. as Washington paper hits streets for last time WASJUNGTON (AP> ~ The 1 leeend under the nameplate on the front page of today's Washington Star 11ld "129th year, No. 219. '' There will be no No.ZIO. / The Star laid good~)'• to ita readera 1n an IO-pag' edition full of reminlacenc-e, about the Jlorioua days when it dominated Journalism ln Wulltqton. • It la going out of bulin811, leavtnc Tbe Wulllnstoa Post u the oaly daily Dewtpaper here and making w_.hlntt9ft the .,.g. geat one-new•paper clty in Amertc~. At the final edltlon bit the atreita, peop1• •a&IMHd u muy u100-..ai ......... ,buJ'iDI upto10:.na•--eM1aal prlca Utet raa1ed from tb• paper'• uaual JO.c_.t eoet to over a dolar. Ot.ber' IOUftldr- bu..._. rlD ~ dt1 ltnlU to buy tb• Stir from dellnry trucu before they could be un· loaded. Time Inc., the Star's owner of the Jut 31,o\ of it.a 128-year bla· tory, saya that in the Jut two and dry" without the teverance pay and penalona they will col- lect from Time, be said. None of the potential buyen 'There is . a great silence today in Washington. . . ' weeu it talked to eo potential buyen -and met wttb 11 ol them -ln an attempt to aell tbt newspaper, But nme tnalated that a buyer commit lt.aelf to apendlq at leut ., mUlloe and to keep tbl Star gotn1 at lH•t a 1 .. r, apobemua Donald ¥. Wtlaoa Hid. • ''Wt dktn1 want t0meone to come in and dltpoH of tbe paper't UMtl ID tlarM maatb1 aed len• emplo,... 1a1(ll would make that commitment, be11ld. Tbe Star'• final preH nm of W,000 copl•, 100,000 above the normal pn11 run, bt•an at J a.m. SM'. Above th• mutbead letten l~ laebtt deep pro· clalmld "rlaal SditJoe.'' Below wH a letter from Prnldnt ...... • .,,_. ii a treat 1U.C. to- da1 bl W~." ...... , lftts •aid. ''A fine newtJNIJ* ta •o•• ••Cl a noble tradJUoa ended ... , I ii a ~ for the cause of diversity lo the press and for that precioua but always fracue freedom -the rtcht to print and publish freely. All of UJ are losin& a 1tron1. re- lla ble friend.·· Inside the paper, readers filled four pages with letten be- moantna the Star'• demlae. An adverttalna·pubUc relaUona flrm took out a full-pace ad abowtna a front page blank except ror tbe Star'• maathead, the legend with a No. 230, and an ad• monition : "Silence ii not golden." "We hope tbe praa concept noartabed by tbe Star for 121 yeara of reaponalblllty for cb1D1• and '1'0wtb of the na· tloa'• cap6tal .in nnw end," l:dltor Murray J. Gart ..-. tn a ftual edlt.artal. '•Above all. we ..... oUr JoaraaUltH ....... ... will bl falr. r~w.11." tinued the huge task or sending out dismissal notices to the strikers. Letters eventuaJly will be sent to about 12,000 con· trollers, none of whom will work again for the government as long as President Reagan 1s in office, officials said. "We see this as the first day in our effort lo rebuild the traffic controller system in the coun· try," Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis said Thursday n ight . The job, he acknowledged, might take two to three years, and plans are be· ing made to handle reduced air traffic for a year or more. He said he considers the strike, which began at 7 a.m. PDT Monday. over, althou&h he acknowledged that striking con· trollers picketed at many <See f'IRING, Page A2) Reactions sought Where would you go if ·there were an accident at the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station? Before two new $3.3 billion units at San Onofre can be licensed. Southern California Edison Co. mu st co n v in ce th e Nuclear R eg ulatory Co mmi ssion that emergency response plans are adequate. Hearings on the matter before the At.omic Safety and Licensing Board begin Aug. 25 at Anaheim 's Mar· nott Hotel. Daily Pilot reporter Da vid Kutzmann in· terviewed civic planners. state and federal officials, Edison Co. represen· tatives. plant critics and e mergency planning about evacuation planning for Orange Coast com · munities. Hi s three·part series begins Sunday in the Daily Pilot. AirCal officials say operation safe AirCal offic i a ls stressed Thursday that airline operations are as safe as ever. Two of the Orange County based airline's captains met with the press at John Wa yne Airport to counter what officials said are rumors that the na· tional air traffic controllers' strike has created unsafe takeoff an_d landing procedures. "We're not going to jeopardize our lives," said a blunt Bob Cassin. pilot from Mission Viejo. "I want to retire, and we're fl y. in~.'' Jim DeWitt of Garden Grove, a first officer, said control tower operations are normal "and in some cases, even a little more professional ," because no trainees are involved, as they would be normally. AlrCal officials earlier report· ed a 25 percent drop in average dally passengers since the strike began on Monday. By Thursday. however, 2,025 passengers de- parted from John Wayne, which was about 10 percent less than normal. Officials said patronage has picked up since reservation agents began calling people oo fli&ht lists lo reconfirm that jets are running on schedule and that operations are normal. "We want to reaffirm that safety ls of paramount im- 'portance," explained Mark Peterson, AlrCal communica· tlon.s director, who was on band at 'tbunday'a pre11 conference. Peterson said the airline had been receiving queries about an incident Wednesday lnvolvtng a jet on ntght 871 from Laa Ve1u. He aald the altitude of the deacendlng Jet and the aJUtude · given f« clearance by the con- trol \Ower differed, but the dlJ. crepancy waa not aerioua. Mail atrike ende O'JTAWA (AP) -A ten\atlve agreement to end tb• 38-clay na· tlonal poatal atrlke w11 an- aouced Thura y ni1ht. He said the Federal Aviation Administration has undertaken an internal investigation, but claimed it was so minor an inci· dent that the flight crew report· ed the landing as un eventful. A striking air traffic controller monitoring the landing reported· ly claimed that the event was an example of unsafe conditions. Cassin, one of 255 AirCal pilots. said he called about 10 other pilots Thursday before atl tending the press conference. .. Everybody says the same thing . Things are going normal, .. he said. "The schedule is a normal schedule." Cassin said the AirCal pilots' s afety committee inspected operations of the coast approach radar sl.llion al El Toro on the first day of the strike. They said nothing had been compromised at the countywide operations center, he added. ORAIGI COAST llATHll Night and morning low clouds and otherwbe some high clouds through Satur· day. Highs 75 to 89. Lows tonight 60 to 70. INSIOI TODAY Sooth Coa1t ~rtOf'JI ii P"tttng SS tMotncal ~/11U through a ngoroua ~ program. See Week1nd1r, Pag~ 1. llDll l l .. . . -.. Reagan rejects Sadat's bid for PLO talks WAStuNGTON CAP> -~a.l dent Reagan, rejfftina a C"fCOm· mendaUon by E1ypt'1 prulde.nt. says U .S. talks wlth tht Palestine J4beratlon Oraanlu· tion are out of the qu t on W\tll the PLO cbanaes lt attitude toward Israel. Reagan's comm~nt.s, reill)..d to repo rters Thursday b)• Israeli jets buzz Lebanese Secretary of St ate Alexander N. Hala Jr .• came after E1ypUan Prealdent Anwar Sadat "ex· preased his strona view" In 1 m Una between the two preel· d nu Sadat told Reaaan that ht lhlnks lhe PLO should M ln· eluded in lhe dialo1ue for a Mid· die Eut peace. llalg said Reaaan explained lo Sadat tbat the United Statea won't have direct contact With the PLO because lt made a com· mltmtml to Israel that H would not negotiate with the ortanlia· tlon until ll recognizes Israel's right to exist and its right lo secure borders. .. BEIRUT. Lebanon lAP> Israeli warplanes, flying at tree· top level, swooped down today on a delegation of Lebanese Cabinet ministers and reporters inspecting a war-damaged bridge in southern Lebanon. wit· nesses said. Reagan also told Sadat lhat "American fidelity to all its <.'o mmitments, whether to Israel or Egypt, or to the other friendly nations in the region are fun· damental aspects in our hopes to achieve peace and stabifity in the area," Haig said. ,. Lebanese reporter Edmond Cherud said the planes staged what appeared to be a "mock air raid'' on the delegation near the Qasmiyeh Bridge north of the port of Tyre, 12 miles nQrth of the Israeli border. Lebanon's finance minister. Ali Khalil, and public works minister, Elias Hrawi, accom· panied by a ha lf-dozen re- porters, traveled in a motorcade to Southern Lebanon to inspect war-d a maged bridges a nd formulate plans to rebuild them. The flyover by the Isr aeli planes triggered panic. with the ministers jumping from their cars and seeking sheller. the witnesses said1 After the inci· dent, the delegation returned immediately to Beirut. The bridge was one of a half· dozen overpasses that were destroyed when Israel launched a 15-day offensive last month Pilot admits 'fi~' about He said Reagan voiced hjs response after Sadat ''expressed his strong view . . . ot the im· portance of dealing with the Palestinians and urged the Unit- ed States to establish contact with the PLO." After his mee t i ng with Reagan, the third in two days, Sadat appeared lo qualify slight· ly his own public statements here advocating a role for the PLO. Sadat also disclosed that he and Israeli Prime Minister Menachem Begin will meet in Alexandria, Egypt, sometime before Begin visits the United States. Begin's trip, scheduled for Sept. 9-10, has the same basic purposes as Sadat's; to get to know Reagan personally and to explore ways to resume the stalled Egyptian-Isr"aeli negotia· lions on autonomy for the 1.2 million Palestinians on the Israeli-occupied West Bank and Gaza Strip. Sadat has said he favors even· tual creat ion of a separate Palestinian state, which Israel adamantly opposes. , , landing abort I Speaking at a news conference al Blair House, Sadat repeated his view that the United States s hould build o n the current cease-fire in Lebanon by establisbin& a di¥01ue with the Palestinians. f BOSTON CAP> -The pilot of a TWA jumbo jet admits he lied to passengers when he told them he suddenl y had to abort a land· ing because another plane was blocking the runway. Roy Conaway. 59. said Thurs· day that he didn't want to go into a detailed explanation about the condition of the wind, which was the real reason the aircraft had to pull up abruptly as it ap· proached Logan International Airport Wednesday evening. After the plane landed safely. one passenger said she thought the plane had nearly crashed. Quake noted in Tennessee WASHINGTON <AP> -Tbt. U.S. Geological Survey reported a minor earthquake today in western Tennessee, about 75 miles northeast of Memphis. It said there were no reports of damage or injury from the 4: 45 a.m. PDT quake. David Venz , a TWA spokesman in New York, said ; · such incidents are not unusual. and he denied that it had anything to do with the strike by air traffic controllers. The survey's Earthquake In· formation Center in Golden, Colo., assigned the quake a pre- liminary magnitude of 4.1 on the Richter scaJe. The s urvey said the quake was felt in many parts of western Tennessee. .. ~ . •• • •· • • • . I • • I ) ~ • • ' i lt I Not really funny Neighbors laugh as firehouse burns INDIANAPOLIS <APl -While firefighters dashed out on a report of a burning office building. their own fire sta- tion became engulfed in a blaze triggered by a pan of grease left atop a stove by a firefighter making lunch. The firefighter, in hi s haste to get on the firetruck, ap· parently turned up the stove burner instead of t urning it off. officials said . And the office building call turned out to be a false alarm. The grease fire went unreported until the 10-member crew got back, fire authorities reported. and neighbors stood on their porches and laughed as the firefighters re- turned to the small station to find s moke pouring from it. "There were a lot of people laughing at the fire who could have reported it,.. said Capt. David Mc Peak of firehouse No. 14. who was the first to call in Thursday's fire. "We could have been helped quicker. I( their house was on fire. I'm sure they would have reported it."' The blaze was confined to the kitchen and caused an estimated $35.000 damage. ORA OE COAST Diiiy Pilat CIH9'fted llCl¥enletng 1141142·H71 • All other d9pertmem1 1424321 MAIN OfFtCE no wot•-. M • C••• Mew. (A Mell "°"" lo• Utt, C•la MhA, CA nta . . Bani-Sadr sUpporter in attack WASHINGTON (AP) -Sup porters o f deposed Iranian President Abolhaasan Bani-Sadr occupied Iran's only diplomaUc outpost here today and held several people hostage for leas than an hour. The Secret Service said one person had been shot" and 1.5 to 20 arrested. The FBI, however, s uld four persons had been shot two hostages and two captors apparently before authorities urrived. Secret Service spokesman Jim Boyle aaid one person sustained a broken knee. City police 11p<>keaman Bill Jepsen said one had ~en shot and two others in Jured The District of Columbia Fire Department said the iry.jured were taken to Georgetown University Medial Center. where officials later said two persons were being treated. EASY RlDER Mike Terrv wasn"t dem onstrating his laid-back ri.ding s tyle but catching a cat nap before taking hi s mount. A~--­Ci rCUlt Breaker. into the arena at the Ken· tucky Fair and Exposition Center in Louisville. As thole arrested were led otr, shouts rang out of "Long live the people" and "'Death to the Kho· meini regime!" But from others gathered along police lines came cries ot "Loni Uve Khoemeini!" A city police lieutenant said police had taken several persons into custody, bu{ were having difficulty sorting out the hostages from the captors. Europe controllers supportive ·'We haven't been able to separate them yet," said Lt. Hiram Brewton. Many countries restrict service on U.S . flights City police said 25 to 30 i>ec>ole had been taken hostage, and the FBI said at least 10 were held. LONDON (AP> -In a show of s upport for t heir st rikin g American colleagues, European air traffic.' controllers began scattered action against U.S.· bound flights Friday. FiMish controllers slopped as· s isting direct flights to the Unit· ed Stales and will withhold their services until the U.S. stri ke ends. s aid Tapio Moilanen, chairman of I.he Finnish union in Helsinki. Norwegian controllers staged a brief boycott of U.S. flights. then resumed service. But they will clear the U .S.-bound planes only as far as the American border , according to Bjarne Nilsen. an official of the 60· * * * From Page A1 nation International Federation of Air Traffic Controller As · sociations -IFATCA. The Italian controllers' union began a ··work-to-rule" action T hursday afternoon to '"un- derline their opposition to the EUROPE USED TO AIR STRIKES-A11 unjustifiable actions of the American government and their support of the right to strike." The Italian union said its con· trollers were following regula· lions strictly even if they slowed down the system. A slowdown at Milan's Malpensa airport today inc reased the delays on d e· * * * FIRING OF CONTROLLERS air ports a nd control centers around the country. Deputy White House press s ecretary Larry Speakes said Reagan was "very encouraged by our ability to operate the system and the level al which we can operate." Speakes said the White House also considers the confrontation with the controllers over and added that he knows "of no possibility there could be any change in our position." FAA Administrator Lynn Helms said 75 percent of reg- ularly scheduled com mercia l CONTROLLERS STRIKE AIDS REAGAN IMAGE-85 nights were oper ating, and he said he is freezing that level or operations until Sept. 8. After that, a six-month fli ght schedule will be put in place aimed at increasing flights to ~ percent or 90 percent of normal toward the end of the year. he said. But the controllers s how no signs of capitulating . "We are more firm in our con· victions and more determined in our resolve than we were when t he strike started." union presi- dent Robert E. Poli declared as he visited a controller who had been Jailed in nearby Virginia because of the strike. "They can put our people in shackles and put them in jail. We will not go back to work.'' Poli said. Administration officials r e - peated that there will be no am· nesty and, as of 8 a.m . PDT Thursday, a ll s triki ng con- trollers were considered subject to dismissal with no opportunity to retur.n. The air traffic syatem con· tinued to be handled by about one-third of the 17 .000 con· troUers who normally operate the centers and airport towers aro\Dld the country. Union members charged that the reduced starr -supervisors non-striking controllers and some military controllers - threatened safety. The union claimed many were working ex· cessive hours. ·Lewis denied that the airways were unsafe and accused the un- ion of using scare tactics. While some controllers were working up to 58 hours a week, none was working more than 10 straight hours, Helms said. But 'he said the hours would be red,uced lo no more than 48 hours a week beginning Satur- day out of a con cern that a longer work week eventually may cause fatigue. The l a bor movement , meanwhile, began to r a lly be hind t he Profes.sional Air Traffic Controllers Organilation but stopped short of agreeing to a PATCO plea that other union& honor their picket lines. AFL-C IO P resident Lane Kirkland said the 15-milllon· member federation supports the controllers but was leaving it lo individual unions wb~lher to honor the pickets . As part of the rebuilding ef· fort. the FAA will accelerate plans to close 58 to 61 s mall con· trol towers serving primarily generaJ aviation, Lewis said. Gold hits 8400 LONDON (AP> -The dollar held steady a)talnst moat major European currencies today, but slumped aaalnst the Japanese yen. Gold was tradinl around the $400 an ounce mark. Tax an '9utrag~' Woman owes dime, plus $28.5 penalty NEW YORK <AP) -Chan Wing underpaid her taxes by 10 cents. Now Uncle Sam wants that thin dime and a fat $28.15 ln penalties to boot. Mrs. Wing , a 59-year·old seamstress who speaks no En&lish, turned for help to her stepdaughter, Rose Wing, when she got a dunning letter from the Internal Revenue Service this week. Miss WinJ, an assistant bank manager ln Queens. took Thursday off to call on lhe IRS. "1 told them this was an outrage, owing such a huge penalty charge on such a small amount of unpaid tax:· she said. ''It cost them more to send out the form letter to my stepmother lhan the amount she really owes!•' The IRS declined to discuss the matter. citing its poUcy a1aimt dUclosi.na an individual's tax returns. MW Wlna conceded the fµtlUty of her effort: "You can't ftght the IRS any -.w-than you can City Kall, ao I gueaa we'll ~ up payir\I what we're told." f partures and arrivals or U.S. flights by 15 to 30 minutes, air officials said. The executive board of tbe 60-nation International Federa· lion of Air Traffic Controller As· sociations called on unions in member nations Thur sday to '"consider refusing air traffic control services to U.S. reg- istered airplanes." That would mean, for exam· pie. that the pilot of a n American flight from New York to London would be told before takeof"f that British controllers wouJd not handle its arrival in London. aviation sources said. The same message would be given to pilots before takeoff from London to New York. However, the IFATCA recom- mendation to member unions is a recommendation, not an in· struction, said Ted Bradshaw, one of the fi ve members of the organization's executive board. FBI spokesman Ron DerviAb s aid a j>ro-Bani-Sadr group known as the .. Mujabad een Khalq " ha d clai m ed responsibilitv for the take-over. Leaflets found lying on the g round read .. Death to Kho· m e1"nl s r egime. Long live freedom.·· Bre wton s aid the dem· onstralors apparently cor- nered several employees in the offices of the lranfan interests section, located in an office building in northwest Washington, about 5:30 a .m. PDT. Brewton said the protesters locked themselves and the hostages in a room and •·several shots rang out. We don't know who fired the s hots -the hostages or the people who were holding them ... Someone fired at least two or three shots." It is up to the individual un· ions to decide what action to take. according to their con.stitu-pentagon asks lions. Bradshaw said. Som e already have decided to send $1 6 .,, . messages of condemnation to • tn lOR President Reagan. while others are.pushing for ~n all-out strike ~or de·~enee agamsl U.S. carriers. be added. J ~ J 1 •"° Bradshaw said it would take several days lo see what would WASHINGTON (AP> _ The happen. He noted that the or· . ganization's executive board Pentagon. m a record five-year was required to take a unan-budget plan, wants to spend $4 a imous decision. dar r~r every man, wom"!l and chtld m the country to mamlain * * * Controllers will not get food stamps WASHINGTON <AP> -Strik· ing air controllers will not get any government food stamps to help feed their families, tbe Agriculture Department's No. 2 official said today. "ll is inconceivable to me that the Department of Agriculture would provide food stamps to air traffic control officers, who are federal employees, and who re- fuse to do their work, and have walked off the job in violation of the law," Deputy Secretary Richard E. Lyng said in a state- ment . "We don't intend to provide them with food stamps." The department's Food and Nutrition Service said that un- der current regulations strikers can qualify for food stamps if they meet the criteria for finan· cial asset.I and income that ap· ply to all prospective recipients. In otber words, a family that m ight not qualify for stamps at the beginning of a strike mi&ht qualify later as its resources are used up. But a budget reconciliation bill now waiUng on P~ldent Reaaan's signature would bar food stamps for slriken in any case. m llitary security. The $1.6 trillion totaJ sought for fiscal years 1983 through 1987 works out lo $876 million per day, or $608,500 per minute. Stretching the Reagan ad· ministration's push lo "re-arm America" to include another year, the plan represents a $200 billion increase for the Reagan a dministration's 1982-86 pro· gram as outlined to Congress last March. The huge boosts are being driven by cosUy administration aims to develop and produce a neet of advanced atartegic bomi,., ers. increase the size of tbe Navy by 150 ships, install a new intercontinental missile system and add about 200,000 more men and women lo the uniformed forces. The services have submitted the proposals in line with top- level Pentagon instructions to stay within the administration's t,oal of 7 per~ent annual spend· ing growth after aUoW\ng for in· nation. Senior Pentagon officials are about to start detailed reviews or these proposals. wltb p~rt.icular emphasis on the de· t&iled fiscal lm bud.let wbicll will go to Congress in January, along with a new five-year pro- jecttoo. Ir the Reagan administration ac(epted all the propoaala sub- mitted by the armed services in recent weeks. the defense budget ~d climb from 9222.2 blllloo requested for next year to $412.1 billion in 1987. I We're Listening ••• What do you like about \ht Dally Pilot! Whal don't you Uke? Call the number betow and your meuac~ wlll be recorded transcribed and delivered to the appropriate editor. The aame 24·hour anawtrinc 1ervlce \ftaJ be used to ~ letters to Ute editor •. JlllY topic. Mallbo• contribut.on must l~lude tlMlr name and telephcne number for vmflcaUon. No c\rculatian caJla, pleue. Tell '81 what's on YOU!' mlad. ·Na~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 A3 Clinic still operating NB drug center open despite methadone cutoff By STEVE MARBLE Ol .. Dmlt't ........... The methadone program is long gone and so are the dozens of hardcore heroin addicts who would show up daily at the cramped Newport Beach offices to receive their dose of the syn· lhetic drug. But the county-operated drug abuse center is still there and is still in business, although workers at the center wonder whether the gener a l public realizes it. "There was so much publicity when the methadone went that lots of people probably think we 're gone," explains Rosa Meeks, service coordinator at the 1441 Superior Ave. center near Hoag Memorial Hospital. '·Most dope fiends always know where the clinics are," she says, "but it's their parents we wonder about. They also have to know where to turn.'' She says the center still serves about 150 persons trying to kick the dope habit, provides counsel- ing for others and oUers evening r lasses for parents of addicts. "lut el imin ation of the methadone program did bring some changes to the center. When the methadone went, so did two counselo rs and one social worker. Heroin addicts havi ng trouble getting straight now are re- ferred to one of two private clinics in the county that still of· fer the methadone treatment. At its peak . the Newport cen te r was provided wi th enough money and methadone to now ls its so-called "drug-free" handle 50 heroin addicts on an service. This Is tailored for out-patient basis. In all, the persons hooked on drugs other county funded 450 slots for drug than heroin or ex-heroin users users in the program. who are trying to put their lives Mrs. Meeks says the private back together. clinics have been able to pack up Mrs. Meeks estimates 150 300 persons. That leaves 150 persons take part In thls pro- persons unaccounted for, she gram, coming In at least once a says. week for private or group Although county supervisoni sessions. Individuals remain in cul the program as a cost savin1 the program for different measure, methadone, a syn-lengths up to one year. thetic opiate de11l1ned to help ad· A medical doctor comes in on- dicts through the pains of heroin ce a week to give examinations withdrawa l, h as been con-because, as Mrs. Meeks says, lroversial. ·'most drug users are in bad In the early 1970s , police and shape, in poor health ... city fathers in Newport com-Although it's been computed plained that the methadone pro-that the average age in Orange gram would lure dope a ddicts in-County for an addict is Z7, she to Newport Beach. says dope users come in all ages But Mrs. Meeks, a nine-year and sizes. veteran at the center, claims "We've had calls from Ne wport has plenty of drug ad-elementary schools where a stu· diets. dent has a drug problem. One "People just assume that ad· kid was 11 years old ," she re- dicts can't live in Newport," she calls. says, "But you'd be surprised. For the most part, a Ufe of We've had some that say they crime goes hand-in-hand with sleep under the piers at night." hard drugs. Female users, she She agrees that the methadone generalizes, often turn out to be program was controversial but, prostitutes and men, burglars. she claims, it was a success "It's very difficult to support a while it lasted. $200-a-day habit on a regular "My opinion 1s that with drug salary," she says. "They always addicts you should use every-try to teU us they pay for their thing from your bag of tricks,'' drugs by working or out or their she says. "ll's hard to measure savings but we know better. success with addicts because it's She says success at the center o.ii, ,.. ... ~-. LM ,..,.. not popular lo run around and usually is measured by whether ON EDGE IN NEWPORT On a warm. sunnv started out in his Hobie Cat along the South tell everyone that you're an ex -the users stop getting arrested afternoon there is nothing like a relaxing sail Lido Channel. A warning t hough don •t addict." or if he gets a job and pulls his The center's largest~p~r~o4g~ra~mc:..:._~~ra~m~il~y~l~if~e~b~a~c~k~t~o~g~e~lh~e~r~.~~~~o-n~t-h_e~b-a~y~a-s~th_i_s~s-a_il_o_r_h~ad~i-n~m~in_d~a-s~h-e~_;,,p_u_l_l _th_e~w-r_o_n_g~ro~pc_·~~~~~~~~~~~ Robinsons COTTONS AND CORD! NEW FOR JWR JR'S. It's the hottest new team this side of the Seine The crisp, classic feel of cotton/polyester woven shirts, now newly touched with a dash of ruffles And the great look of cord-in ieans and pants as only Sasson can do them All. tn sensational 1ewel· tone colors the perfect begin ning to a fall filled with softness and At bottom Purple/amethyst blouse by Simeon Shirts S-M·L $36. Taupe or violet cotton pinwale cord pant 35·42. $48. At ri ght· Vicuna brown/green plaid shtrt by Simeon Shirts. S·M·L $36. Loden or taupe wtde-wale cotton cord 1ean 35·43 $43. JWA JR'S. 1 79 To order. call toll-free 1·800·523·7600. SHOP FRIDAY 10.1. SATURDAY p.o.e. ~ RO .. N~'S NEWPORT FASHION ~ND • (714) 144-2800 • ROBINSON'S WESTMINSTER MALL • (714) ~4331 - H/F Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Auguat 7, 1981 Nation's unemployment decreases to 7 percent WASHINGTON (AP> -A &arae 1ur1e ln Joba amoni adult men aent the nation'• unemploy· ment rate fallln1 to 7 percent ln July, the lowest level lo 15 I :d~)..the 1ovemment report· Despite mounting sl1na lhat the economy is weakening, the Jobless rate fell for a second I month in a row, defylna predic· lions of declining unemployment that bad been made by most economic forecasters. The Jobless rate, which stood at 7.6 percent in May, ebbed to 7.3 percent in June. Until July, unemployment had not been as low as 7 percent since April 1980, when the economy plunged into a deep downturn. The Labor Department Hld total employment In Jul)' roee 570,000, the lar1est monthly in· creue in more than three )'tan. Mo1t of tbe 1aln1 took place among adult men, particularly thoae between the ages of 20 through 24, the department aaid. The number of unemployed people declined by 282,000, to 7.5 mUlloo, in July. The jobless rate declined (Or all major groups of workers except adult women. Unemployment among this group rose from 6.5 percent In June to 6. 7 percent last month. Overall, 99 mllJion Americans held jobs in July out of a total civilian labor force of 106.5 million, the government re· oorted. • While lnllatJon has been drop· pin& trom the double·dlllt ranie in recent months , unemploy mont had remaloed stuck around 7.5 percent for more than a year and moat economiall ln and out of government expect the jobless rate to rlae becauae of the downturn that appears to have begun early thla year. A few economista expect the rate to rise as higb as 8 percent. July's figures, however, pro· vide no indication that those pre· dictions will come to pass. Deborah Klein. an economist at the Labor Department, said the latest figures should not necessarily be viewed as the start of a lasting decllne in un· employment, but so far, she Tornadoes hit Midwest , Twisters strike Iowa, Illinois ; no fatalities reported I ; Coa&tal forecast HteM -rMrNnw '-clOWJ ond ~hfwll9 -""" c '°"* tft""'91\ .. .., ..... PIP' c .. NI -60, lnl-70. COtilOI lllefl 11. lltlencl ... w ....... EINWMre, lltlll ¥erletHe wlrMh 1119111 Md mornl"I -" tllr°"9fl Seh1rdrf. Wt -111-st to west ., ... ellM to 16 kNlts S.tunley ... w-. ,._ IO ~,_ wind WO¥H. o.t.-IO MlloC ....-Sterly •-II. Hteflt and mornl"I low cloWI, ond 0111erwlM verloble 111011 clouds tflrCIUllfl s.t\lrcley. U.S. summary ~ -""'"*rstorms moved S-ly _, 1"-_, Gre•I lekH .1•••1111 lfle nottr.m Mlututc>c>I V•ll•Y '.t..S.y and ..,.. Kettered from Ille >• cenlret end IOlltlltm Allonll< cout c/11110 Ill• centrol end soutllern .,. ~ltockles. ' T°"'°*'" ---n In I-• ''' -llllnolS. llllt tr.re were no re-' "°'°" llf f-lllft. The N•llon•I WUlllor Service ,.,.ocesl tor lodty celled for sllOwe" , ·••nd lllunderslorms from Hew j .. Ene•-lo Ille GrH I lekH, Ille Olllo • 'V•ll•y, Ille Appeloclllont •nd ll'le .: • Tennos-V•ll•y encl ll'le Hstern Gull~t. :J,:·.,~~1::;:r.:.;::,: -. of tr. Allanll< -G<lll coosts from f'lorlde tllroo;oll 1ut1rn Tuu. Sl>owen wlll lie _,,. from -stern r:.1 TeaQ ttvougll .. stem CotorodO. T .,.,..,.,..,.. •round Ille netlon l'f:•r•fl9ed from • -of • In Lor-lo, , I Wyo. lo " In Blytlle, Colif .. u1Calif ornia l;n :'II LOS ANGELES IAP) -Southern ' Celllornle should MYI -nltM -momlftQ -c-..... foQ ... , ,.1.u. c-. wllfl 1119'> c-et Umes • dwrlnl Ille cloy 1,,,,.,.,, s.tu...S.y TM . •C--. and ~ wlll •Ito .. • ,.cloudy,'""'. lllQtlt d\aftc• of -*"'-°' durl,. Ille 101e etter- t' ... -._,.,,. '-'· ') :j ~~y WllMIS are ••-tod te bl-1S to U mpfl durlftCI Ille ofter· -· end -1nos tn 1r. Anletope Valley end Mol•ve Desert. L--~ temperotures -,-"'1'•1'91 from~'" tlle -tetn.. "-t41n 11'19¥01141Y\10 75-110 In IM-. ~ HIQM In t11e L-Boec:ll aret s or.,.. County metrooollton .... s SllOuld renoe lrom ll'le mid 70s et IN hlty .... o ... ..., I la a.. ... 1-4 Mono91·Frlday II YOU do no1 -~ -Dy S 30 p m tall oelo<e 1 om Incl you1 copy woll De oei._.., SelUfd•Y eno Suno•y 11 you oo no1 ;:.:,r,u:,. c~J y~r ~"~Ym .. 11~ oet.-eo ~ 100 •••• 111100 ~~==- "'······ Ste•••"•'• Out-.4e4 m:mm ---=== lleec:l'les lo -'° -••rmer ,,.. laftd. L.o.s "-Id lie from M to 10. TIM lmperlel·C~Mlte 8M -.r ColOr-Al.,., Vall8" wlll otso .,..,,. • sll9flt c-.. ot I .. • • ...._ -evenlrt11 ~-rs. with 11'911s frt>m 10Uo 116 ond tows trom 71 to• Hltfll and morlllftCI c-lneu In IM Sonc. a.rber• -Ventur• c ..... 1i.s c-181 encl S.nte Monie• .. Y orees slloo;ld cleor beck lo Ille lleoc-s.tvn:iey etttr,_. T1w ""' tel....-Volley encl MoJew Dlwrt ·-ld-~M11Uftd1Cleoncl tows oround 1S. Los An9elff wlll lleve h191K In !he_, IOS, Wiii! IOWS notr 70. Temperatures Al"'-AMerlllo Allon\e B•lllmore BlnnlnQllm 8olM "' Le ~ " .. fl 63 10 '° n .a 1J tO .01 .. 1• ., S1 Smog report. EL MONTE CAP) -The Air ~Il­ ly "'81.-ge"""" Ols1rkt forecast .,,.. ,,.."""" elr -'lly for ewrv-In uw ¥eltevs. the -Md lllfl\ deserts encl the Al.,.,tlde-Sen lht'NlrdlllO, Htnwl·ElllllOA, a.intno. 91t lfff Lek• -metrot!Ollton ··-tOO.y. Tl'le Alver.ldl-San ll«nercllno erM sho\lld lleve • ""'lutl«I St•,,...,... lndu rttl"I of 21'0, wt.lie Ille Sen Gowi.t Md......_ nlleys ·-••· pectod tD ...... e PSI of 265. Tiie S•n Forn•ndo ond S•nl• Clorlte v•lloyl "'°"Id llew •PSI ret· '"' of us. end ,,. .,,.,,_.lton .... •es forKett tore PSI of 215. A PSI of 210 It IHWdl<ttcl ,.,_ Ille Htnwt·Elllnoro orM. encl PSI 20S wH pnctkWcl for h 10W end llltfl desorts -Ille lleMl"I •nd a10 B .. , l.llk••reti.. Sensltlw -I• SllOutd find ...,.. lleelltlful •Ir q.,.llty In 1i. coeatet. PSI 1• -lnlond Oref'91 County orH,PSI 1U. Good •Ir -'11Y wu not .,,....k i.ct for°"" 5oulflt-OrMS lodey. AOMO rotl,.. ore brct.on -es lollOWI. good, 0 IO"; ....... olll'll\ot,.,. sensltln people, 100 to 1"; ,..,.. l!HlltlfUI tor • ...,.,_, 200 to 2't ond lleiorclous, JOO to JOO. Pt1-.0n " ., ...... .. S2 FORECAST Sell LMl• ., .. Sen Oteoo 11 11 SM Fran '5 JO SHttle .. .. SIP·T-•> ,. ~-u JI Tulu .. 70 .'2 WlcllltA tS .. 1.1J B•k-lelcl 102 • Blyll'le Ill t4 Eu,.U St u Fruno 107 15 LencnWr 103 71 Mon~ 6J s. PetoAO.-ft 104 St Aed Bluff 101 ,, A..iw-ICllY " S7 Aeno .. 0 s.<r-102 .. NOAA U a o.,. .. c.-..... u S.llnes ,, SJ Boston " Brt>wns•llo t7 Butt•lo 11 Clll<-12 Clncl-1 .. Otl·Ft-102 Oen.,., 7t Oelron • HonolUlu 16 Hou~ .... " lnclNPIS .. Jockst1Yll1 ,, K•nsetty 71 LHV9QM lot Lot Anuel.s 16 MernClflls .. Mleml .. Mllw-" IO Hullvlllo .. HewOrloonl " N-Y-'° Okie City .. Orl•ndo .. P-u IOI Plltsbur9fl ,. Sent• 8et'l)ere 71 S9 Mon""' le t7 ~ Ml Wllt0n " .. Onterlo 100 u PelmStirl-IOI 7t Pe-'° M Sen IMmArdlN 102 u S.n.JoM " n Sent• AN tl .. Seftl• CNI 7S l.6 T •"'-V elley t3 ~ ., 7' 63 ... 01 .. n ,. M .. . 03 IO Sun, moon, tides 70 7S u » TOOAY • .. Se<ond 1119" '"°' p"' •• S.Condl-11;2llp.m, I.I SATUADAY F lrs1 lllQll 12:3' •.m. l.1 Fl"llOW 10:03e.m. 2., ,. ·°' 11 .. .2• 10 7S .. Secondlll9'1 S:02 p.m '·' Sun Mb 7:• p"' lodey, rlws • ot •• 1.2' • "'· s.tur<Yy Moon MU 12 ,. • m Seturd•Y. rlMS 1: 1l p.m 11 u '° M SURI RIPORT T-Y"t A"9/Mu. 1.J 2-J .., 2 , 1-2 Flat 1·2 1·2 HOAISPONSE ,.., ,_, ·-...... Fair F•lr Fr-Good Fr-Good Poor Poor Poor Poor Poor .... , Poor ....... T~. •• M •• .. .. .. .. .. .. .. ., 67 •7 Hid, the employment market Is not beartna out indications of an economic downturn. "It looks ll.ke employers are not lettlna people ao," she said. "Either they don't feel the decline or they are waiting to see." Over the last year, total employment has Increased by 1.9 million, with all the rise ac· counted for by adult men and women. the aovernmeot said. Meanwhile, the number of peo. pie who have lost their jobs because of layoffs or permanent separations has declined by 640,000 since July 1980. Employment ln the construe· lion are11 remained at depressed levels in July. with 20,000 addi· t ional jobs lost during the month. Jn contrast , employment in manufacturin1 rose b y 110,000, the government said. Employment in mining and the service sector also rose. STRANGE HARVEST A farmer drives his combine near a plane that was forced to land in a Mequon, Wis .. wheat fi eld because of .~ ......... engine trouble. The pilot. Arthur Scholl, 49, of Rialto, Calif . a well-known air show flier. wasn 't injured Polish workers halt industry Government lashes 'suicidal strikes' over food crisis WARSAW, Poland <AP> - Nearl y a million workers paralyzed 2,000 coal mines, fac- tories and businesses during a four -hour strike today in Poland's vital Silesian industrial belt to protest the food crisis. The government accused the in· dependent Solidarity labor federation of mounting "su- icidal strikes." "The government ... has suf- ficient means lo protect its citizens and is determined to prevent the provocation of anarchy and the continuation of action which endanger the coun· try's stability," the government said in a statement carried by the Polish news agency PAP The government accused the independent union's national leaders of s h o wing "un precedented arrogance." In a reference to the coal strikes, it said the "actions halting export border on sabotage " A union s pokesman said Soviets snub U.S. over Afghan talks NEW YORK <AP -The So· viet Union recently rebuffed ef- forts by the Reagan Administra· tion to begin secret discussions aimed at reaching a political settlement of the fighting in Afghanistan. The New York Ti mes reported today. The Times quoted unnamed State Department officials as s aying the United States has shifted its strategy in an attempt to get the Soviets lo begin talk· ing. The officials reportedly tried to convince Soviet omcials that since they could not defeat the rebels in Afghanistan. they s hould go along with the American offer to provide "a face-saving diplomatic exit that would take Soviet interests into account.·· The Soviets, however. re- portedlv said they would not talk until the West recognized the re· gi me of Barbak Karmal, which they installed. and until there was a guarantee that guerrilla operations will not cross the border into Afghanistan. The Times said the Reagan adminis tration 1s trying to persuade the Soviets they will end up with a military standoff in Afghanistan. Officials are said to be trying to bring about some movement on the issue before September when Secretary of State Alex· andcr M. Haig Jr. and Soviet Foreign Minister Andrei A. Gromyko meet at the United Na· tions. State Department officials also told the Times that govern· menl officials are trying to build support for the administration's position in the United States as we ll. miners remained at the pitheads of at least 60 coal mines and re· fused lo go underground when the day shift started at 6 a.m. He said workers in most big rac· tories in the region joined the protest ·'In some fa ctories, local Solidarity officials had resolved not to strike, but had to buckle and give in under pressure from the wo rk e r s." s aid union spokei.man Ryszard Kuszleyko. ··People are positively an- gry," he said "Many have call ed for an immediate pro· longation of the stoppage." Union officials in Katowice, the center of the S1lesian region of south Poland, said between 800.000 and 900,000 of its J.5 million members took part in the strike, which they called a "protest against the deepening economic catastrophe" in Poland ··we cannot sit idly with folded arms and watch the coun· try sink deeper and deeper into economic chaos," Ku szleyko said. He blamed the government for "torpedoing social in· it1atives " In Moscow, meanwhile, the Soviet Communi s t Party newspaper Pravda attacked "union extremists" In a sharply worded article on Poland's latest round of labor unrest. The Solidarity officials in Katowice said they would ask the independent labor federa· lion's national leaders to set a deadline for a nationwide generaJ strike within seven days. They said they would call their own general strike if the leaders did not comply. ~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....-~~~~ Antique Show/Sale Today thru Sun .. Aug. 9 at the Huntington Center Mall. Outstanding collection from 50 dealers. Also free evaluation clinic. -405 Fwy and Beach Blvd. H.B THE MEDICAL CARE CENTER HOURS: Monday through Saturday 9:30 a .m.·10:00 p.m. Sunday 9:00 a.m.~:00 p.m. EVEN! NGS-WEEK-ENDs--+fOLIDA YS Fully Qualified Physician On Duty For Treatment of Illnesses, Injuries and Routine Check-ups X·Ray & Laboratory Facilities Reasonable Medical Office Fees At Large Savings Over Emergency Fees FREE BLOOD PRESSURE CHECK 17672 Beach Blvd., Suite A, H.B. (Between Slater & Talbert) 848-9600 ONE NIGHT PAY ONE NIGHT NO PAY Check In Friday or Saturday nlpt • OW' reaular nttt. Get lht next nlaht ftttl SlnaJt $68. Ooublt 178. Ifs a iveat minJ ·Ylk<allun Wilh aJI u(Onlngc County's atlr.K11~ ~lSC minulcs aw.iy. ' Disneyland . . . . . . . 20 minute& Knoct'I 8crry Rum . 2~ mlnuto Anaheim Stadium. I~ ntlnutt$ \'\Ju gc1 a luxwiOUJ Rcaiscry room. !patlJJllfJ olympk-s1zie<t pool, (rct: '* dour nlfd'lt·Ull'ltcd tcnnlS cowu plus rhe sun. s.irf and 5h<ll)S ul' bnutlft.11 ~8cach Join us A(J(lft In oor ctulll<k apllllll lnftackJl'll F<w bf'Ochurc an 800·-'22·'4-417 THE REGISfRYtmEL . !890() MacAnhur Blvd ,IMne, CA 92715 (714) 7~2·8'm' Ai1·•111.,fl'<1111Jollll''f1'11o' l~l•IUl'll) i\lll'lllft tear .-.a•........,• .·~-~~-~~-~~f: . • POTTERY SALE ~ -r j ~. Now thru August 31st \ \t\·~ -:, ~ A M L I N G ' S '\ l -· Newport Nursery and Garden Center 1500 east coast highway • newport beach, california {7 14) 644-9510 (next to 1rvine coast country club and newport center) •~·~· ~;!~:~ 'iiQ... All Pottery In Our Nursery • 20% OFF tndudes Redwood Conllllnera; Stnrw Balketa, and All Potting Soll Open Mon. tt\ru Sat .. 30·5 30 Sunday 9:00-.5:30 Personal Charge Accounts -VI• -Master Charge -FrH Oellvery AMLINO -a n1me In celtfomla hortlculture alnc• 1920 · ' t Pickets greet Reagan Controllers at Point Mugu when presidential jet lands SANTA BARBARA (AP> -A jovial President Reagan is back at his belove~ ranch for his longest vacation since the in- auguration after being greeted by more than 100 air traffic con- troller pickets at Point Mugu Naval Air Station. They only stayed five minutes, however, before being wshered out of the area by security peo· pie Thursday night. The pickets were stationed far away from where Reagan was to land. The Boeing 707 known as Air Force One when the president is aboard was guided through the flight, as usual, by civilian con· trollers at air traffic control cen- ters along the route. "The plane does have priority wherever it fiies, strike or no strike,·· deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes told reporters on the plane. The Wild Medfly found outside spray area LOS GATOS <AP) A wild Mediterranean fruit fly has been found in a Santa Clara farming town about 11 miles south of the aerial spray zone, worried of- ficials report. It was the southernmost dis· covery since infestation began in June 1980 and the second con· firmed outside the 267 -square· mile aerial pesticide spray zone in two days The find in a San Martin backyard citrus tree was an- n ounced Thurs day . A da y earLier, officials reported dis· covery of a fertile fl y near Coyote, north of San Martin and southeast of downtown San Jose. ·'This is a serious develop· ment," said Don Henry, the Medfl y er adication project's deputy director. "I am not going lo play that down.·· th e s late's ag ri c ultural heartland and bring ha voe to the s tate's S4 .7 billion-a-year pro· duce industry. Five new fertile fli es have been trapped in the past two davs within the three·county federal quarantine zone, includ· ing the two outside the aerial pesticid e spray target. Under the quarantine, only fumigated produce is allowed to leave Santa Clara. San Mateo and Alameda counties. Meanwhile, a hearing will be held today in federal court in Florida on whether that state's former embargo on California produce can be reinstated. Three Medflies wer e dis- covered this week on the edge of Florida's citrus belt, prompting Attorney General Jim Smith to file an emergency motion with U .S District Judge Willi am Stafford. jet costs $5 ,221 an hour to operate. The helicopter costs S840 an hour. Speakes said Reagan was "cracking jokes'' during hi s helicopter ride from the White House to Andrews Air Force Base and talking about riding horses and chopping wood -his two favorite activities at his 688-acre ranch overlooking the Pacific Ocean. Meanwhjle, striking air traffic controllers remaiMd convinced today that other labor organiza· lions will s upport the con- trollers' picketing of Califorrua airports, and that the airports can be shut down. Thursday, however, other un· ions continued to pass through picket lines set up by the Professional Air Traffic Con· trollers Organization, despite oral promises of support. The controllers are "not ask· ing fellow labor unions not to work," PATCO Vice President Domenic Torchia said at a Bu r- I 1 ngame news conference. "When the lime comes. we will not have to ask." T he Los Angeles County Federation of Labor scheduled a s pec ial session t o da y t o formulate a poli cy on the con trailers' strike. In addition, more than 100 con- troller trainees from Northern and Southern California were scheduled to report for duty to be sent to the controllers' train- ing academy in Oklahoma. Commercial airline operations continued to be smooth Thurs - day, the Federal Aviation Ad· ministration said. "It's so close to normal you can't really tell there's a strike going on," said Buck Jones, as- sistant mana~er at San Diego's Lindbergh Fif'ld. ·- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 H/F Ar WI ....... Tht' ('SS \'etr .fr1 w•ti" t/'4't'/t'I/ ll'1/l1 II''',,, 1l11/1•r •r11111 '' C'1Jo~1 I ;1wrrl l1n• h1mt 111 f.1111q /frm Ir The \\ or/rl \\'(Ir JI 111111/1•\/1111 •1·1/ '•e 11•111t1·rl 111 til1 • /,111111 l k111 l1 \tnrz/ SlitfJtJflrrl Veteran awaits ship's arrival Battleship USS New Jersey retu r ning to d uty A Buena Park man. Amos Brown, leaned over the railing at the naval shipyard . peering into the fog for a ~li mpse of an old fricod "I'll wail all day if l have lo." Brown said Thur:.day, as he stood with about 200 spectators. awaiting the arrival of the USS New J ersey. one of the largest battleships ever to sail the seas. commissioned a year after PC'arl Harbor She and her sister s hips. all larger than 42,000 tons, 870·fcct long. and only two feet shy of being able to scrape the sides of the Panama Canal. were the largest set of battleships ever built. outsid e of two Japanese models. The Japanese Yamato class ships were both s unk in World War II Tomahawk and Harpoon missile systems. updated communica- tions and electronic systems. landing facilities for helicopters, conversion of her engines to cheaper. distillate fuel, and re· arming of he r guns. On Monday. the New Jersey was towed out of the Puget Sound Nava l S hipya rd in Washington, and pulled down the Coast by three tugs, without any help from her own power plant. ' Medfly project director Jerry Scribner said he planned to have pesticide sprayed over a small region around San Martin within the next few days. He may de· cide today whether the zone s hould be sprayed on the ground or by helicopter. Aerial mal athion s praying around the Coyote find could prove more difficult because the r egion is hilly and near a reservoir. Smith said Florida wants a 16·day quarantine. an "eminent· ly reasonable time to take eradication measures and de- termine the extent of the infesta· tion." Laboratory experts in C.alifornia in spec ted the Medrues found in Florida. but said the bodies of the brown. blue-eyed pests were too badly decomposed to see if they were amon~ the millions of sterilized flies unleas hed a s part of California's eradication pro1ect. PATCO disputed the claims. "What they're not saying is that the military is not flying, general aviation 1s not fl ying.·· said PATCO spokesman Albert Stephens. "H ·ever ything is going so normal, how is it that airlines are losing money. that Braniff is laying' ocr e mployees?" he added. Brown, who served on the New J ersey during the Korean War, had lo wait a couple of hours. But eventually the New Jersey rounded the breakwater. pulled by six tugboats, and nestled into her new home for the next two years. . The USS New J er s ey , in mothballs for the last 12 years, is being prepared for her fourth commissioning, as part of the Navy's plan to refit older bat· tleships for use in modern warfare But the New J ersey fired her nine 16·inch guns in the South Pacific, supporting the invasion of the Mananas. the Philippines. and lwo J1ma She was decom- m1ss1oned in 1948. then returned to service in 1950 at the outbreak of the Korean War. She was decom m iss1oned again 1n 1957 , and brought back 11 years later for a short tour of duty in the Vietnam War. She was manned by a skeleton crew of sailors. who waved from the ship's railing to pleasure boaters in Long Beach Harbor, who sailed up to the 500-yard limit the Coast Guard set around the New Jersey as she pulled in· to the harbor Thursday. The Medfly can attack more tha n 200 pulpy fruits a nd vegetables Farmers fear the destructive pest could spread to He said that 1.849 western re- gion controllers remained on s trike Thursday. The USS New Jersey was first Note 'planted' in kidnapcase?I-__ _ HOUSE Of TAILORING ALTERATIONS f OR MEN & WOMEN SO COAST PLAZA 540 8491 SAN JOSE (AP> -Jeana Rodriguez planted evidence to show she was in the house of George Dailey, the burly sewage worker charged with kid· napping and sexually molesting the 12-year-old for flVe months, authorities say. Police, who described Jeana as exceptionally bright, said she scrawled a note, which she left un· der a carpet, that said, in effect. "I was here." She also memorized the suits of three playing cards she put under the rug, they said. 8 arreste d in raids LOS ANGELES <AP> -Eight youths were ar- rested and some 40 firearms recovered in a massive sweep of 30 South Los Angeles youth gang hangouts. police said. The raids, authorized by search warrants, were conducted on Thursday by some 150 police of- ficers 16 sheriff's deputies and members of the distri~t attorney's "hard core" unit, police Lt. Dan Cooke said. Names of those arrested were not im· mediately available. Chavez jai le d HOLLISTER (AP) -Cesar Chavez. president of the United Farm Workers uruon, says he'll stay in jail until he is allowed on to a farm the union is striking. Chavez. 54, and his son Paul, 23, were among 40 UFW members arrested Thursday at the Bertuccio Farms in San Benito County, according to Sheriff Julian Medina. Uruon spokesman Chris Hartmire said Chavez vowed to remain jailed until California laws are changed to allow striking un- ion members to enter property where they are on strike, or until the farm owner allows him on the property. r I Antique Show Huntington Center Mall today thru Aug 9 "Our 24th year · ~~Auto 5 Homeown~rs ·~ -~ .. Ouores By Phone f MMEIS INSURANCE GIOUP 541-5554 fK 135.3437 '" 4 H..t»or . Cotto MHO To Place your "Fast Result" Service Directory ad .... Call Now 642-5678 b t. J22 41 UfllllDI Afl. mTI& llWPOIT IUCI 548-U U (IMINI SOlll 10 :NEWPORT BEACH I Orange Co•ty's Complete Video Store ~ VIDEO MOVI E RENT .ALS • F.C.A . LOCATION * EQUIPMENT RENT AL.$ * SONY • VIDEO RECORDERS • M.G.A. • VIDEO CAMERAS • MAGNAVOX * VIDEO ACCESSORIES • PANASONIC * INTELEVISION • HITACHI * COMPUTERS • SANYO • BLANK TAPES • ZENITH • PRE-RECORDED TAPES ) Republic is growing to serve you better We've just added single-plane service to Minneapolis/St. Paul from Orange County. No more plane-changing No more Jog· g1ng through crowded concourses for connecting flights. We just keep getting better With top· flight service to more of America. Our new service to the Twin Cities gives you added service to Las Vegas. where Republic is number one. And now you can Smart Stop'" to the Twin Cities of Minneapolis/ St. Paul for just S 135, one way. Seating 1s limited, so plan early. Join Republic to Las Vegas. or direct on to Minneapolis/St. Paul. Call your travel agent and say you want to fly Republic. Or call us any tlfne at (114) 540-2060 m Orange County. (173) 172-5100 in Los Angeles, 1714) 988-8585 m Ontario. (2 13) 241-8333 m Buroank. During her stay at Long Beach, the Ne w Jersey will un- dergo a $326 million overhaul, which includes installation of The crew's' family members waved and displayed signs from the pier In the morning there had been 1.000 spectators, but as t he fog hung low over the harbor. the numbers dwindled. To Minneapolis/St. Paul Lv 7 40 a m • Ar 4 45 p.m 11 .20am • 655pm NEW 1 1 45 a m 5 55 p m 1 55 p m • ~ 10 p m From Minneapolis/St. Paul Lv 8 00 am • Ar 12 51 pm NEW 825am. 10.55am 11 50 a m • 3 49 pm 1 ()()pm• 5.29pm 5 25 pm 8 46 p.m ·con"«N'lQ~., ~EllecllWAUQ 1& 111111 \ .8 Orange Coaat DAIL v PILOT/Friday. August 7, 1981 IN employees to stage policy protest •:•. PASO. Tuu CAP> t-~mptoyl~!S or the u.s lmmlaru hon nnd Nuturallzallon Service Nnployeet wlll hold a national day or protest Aug 21 against President Reaaan'R approach to 1mmlarution. u federal union or- (1cer has said. INC e mployees a lso will pro· tt•gt lNS rundlng shortages and Ht:ugan's failure to appoint a na- tionul director or the agency, Make Harpold, president or the American Federation or Govern· r11t..nl Employees' INS Council, utd. ''This will be our first na· tlonwtd~ thing, but lt may not be our los t," said Harpold. who traveled from SJn Francisco to El PllSo lo ortanize the dern- on11tratJon. He sald the demonstration will not be a strike, but e mployees will set up informational p1cket lines. Harpold said the 9,400 INS employees in the union are con· c~rned a lack of leadership and proper policy will lead to inade· You're under arrest Town 'jails ' discourteous visitors WJLLOl'c;1rnv. Ohio <AP1 The officer spotted the "\<•v. York plate~ lie tailed the car as it cruised tnrough town St•t•ing the crime. he intercepted the station wagon and arn•stt•d lhc offending famil~-. The l'haq.((' ~ot saying hello to the people of t his Lake Ent· v 111 agt• ·This ,..., fantastic ll"s a great way lo end a vacation.·· :-,aid .Junlt'::. Coward of Orchard Park. N Y .. a fter he; his wife. Bonni<.•. ;me! their two daughters were hauled in. bookt·d h~· Mu111 c1pal Judt!e Elaine Cr ane and put behind hars for a few moments Thl'ir '"m ts clemt•anor" a lso brought the m a free lunch and a slwwl·r of j!1fts. Saturday was Willoughby Lions Club \rn·st Da~·. an l'\"Cn t held one d ay a year for the past 30 't•ar.., Ill whkh lht.• <"Ops look for out-of-stale drivers to pull m l'r a nd show off the town's sense of humor ·r eoukln 't unclNsland wh~· he pulled us over.·· Mr~ ('cm ard said quate application of lmmlara· lion haw». "'The e are Important people functions t.hat, Ir done wrona. would be a real black ma• on the Unll tid States," he said. ''I'm not making a threat. I'm simply staling a reality that lf things go further, the country runs a real risk of having mis· treatment. abuse of rights and internal corruption. That la why we are acting now.'' Reagan's proposed plan for chan1ing immigration policies. especially toward Mexico, is a matter for extreme concern. Harpold said. ·'The president Is touting his proposed policy as a commit· ment to enforcing the border." he said "But there has been a railure to go forward with any real immigration policy. Some of the programs will create prob· le ms in the areas where they are s upposed to be solving them." Harpold called Reagan's rec- ommendations to allow illegal aliens to become citizens if they have lived in the country for 10 year s an "administrative nightmare.'· ··w e're not prepared to accept something that's not going to work.·· he s aid. "What we'll have is people who are here ii· legally thumbing their noses at people who try to do it right." Harpold said the union also disagrees with Reagan's "guest worker" proposal to allow Mex- ican workers to enter the coun- try for specific Jobs. ·"Th~ administration would like to have a goal of a cheap labor pool In the United States." he said. "But the admlnl1tratlon is having difficulty 1quarin1 that with what the Select Com - mission recommended." The union favors the recom· mendaUons made by the Select Commission on Immigration and Refugee Polley. which urged stronger border enforce· ment, more funding for the INS and adoption of s anctioni; against people who empk>y ii· legal aliens. LA edges Milwaukee as beer king LOS ANGELES (AP) -For nearly 100 years Milwaukee, in the Land of Sky Blue Waters, was known a s the world's number one bre wer , but no longer. According to the U.S. Brewers Association, Los Angeles has edged out Milwaukee for the ti· tie of brewing capital of the world. Milwaukee forfeited the title when Schlitz closed its 6.8 million-barrel facility. Schlitz's slogan has long been "The beer that made Milwaukee famous ·· ·~-....... UGLIEST? F awn 11. n·.ir old Chtnt·~e Shar-Pei. described as looking "Ii kt· an unmudt• bed.·· took top prizes at the Petaluma L"gl~· Dog ronll'st The dogs ar e bred for the loose s km eff<.'t't Thl' 1u<igt.• 'otl•d F<tw n .. the ugliest b~· an~ standards · · Before you buy any make of car, call me. I'll save you time & money. emftt trom my buying clout I buy office Low overhead No salesmen or lease cars 1n contract lots of 1 to no comm1ss1ons Get poces from us HXl for corporate fleets We can ob-any make ol car Then compare for lain substanltal savings lor quah-yoorsell (And tell your frtLnds I t ed ind1v1duals We do the price For information call Robt Hixson It Basket Sale On Thru Aug .13 1 ~11opp1ng & haggling Ours 1s a busy Equipment Co, 714 64~4800. lectromcally eliminates flying and crawling pests ONE SINGLE PURCHASE CONQUERS YOUR PEST PROBLEM WITHOUT CHEMICALS! PROVEN EFFECTIVE AGAIHST • Fleas • Spiders • Ants • Bees/ Wa sps • Roaches • Mosquitos • Rat s • Crickets • EFFECTIVE, SAFE, SILENT ULTRASONIC WAVES • Flies • Moths •Mice • Water Bug s • SAFE TO HUMAHS AND PETS • PESTS ELIMIMA TEO IM 2 TO 6 WHKS •USES ONLY 4 WATIS Of POWH • COVEIS 1500 SQ. FT . • HO srECIAL INST ALLATIOH NOW 56950 ! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF 3 O•DA y PESTFREE DOES NOT SOLVE YOU PEST PROSLEMt USA EPA t.st No 448~2-IL-02 Dimensions 6~ in x 514 1n, x 21,(i 1n • • FFJjf Ga4/MNTff IF Wf1Rf. OJr Of THE f; SIU 'rtXJ NE!O.t Pict< A FR-1Mt Of EQUAL O TER l{.4LUE IWv We'll G-IVC YOU THl SAME ()OLJAR DISCOUNT AS 711! l'JJYEffTiSEI> FIMMl lt 8uket Sale -Flna1 D9Y9, FlnaJ Pbue If you've been thinking about buying bunches of baskets and sav- ing a bundle, you'd better huny on over to Aaron Brothers. Yes, -. .... ~ our IC Basket Sale is scheduled to end in just a few days. But we've stiD got bushels of baskets that are bound to bedazzle you. And remember, wbea JlOU buy one . bMbt at the ,...... prk:e, • eecond bMket that co.a the eame or leu I• yoma for Jut • penny! AMOf'fmtoc °' basktta may vary HUNTINGTON BEACH 7410 Edn1• ,,,,.. • ()pelt MDft.·Frt. 10-1, Sit. a Sun. 10.8 COSTA MESA 1714 Nftl1)0lt IMl. • Open Mon.·ffl M. SM. a Sun. 10·8 El TORO 24350 s..ta Dr. • Open Mon.·Ffl 1C).I, lee. 10-1. a Sun. 11·8 - I ,- - Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 A7 I ClOH friends and political 111oclat11 of former • OtmocraUc Party Chairman aobert 8tra••• have launched a campat1n to en- couraae the Texan to throw his hat into the 1984 presiden- tial rtn1, a Dallu newspaper baa reported. B yrne b ig spe nde r Chicago mayor pays $1.6 million Puerto Rican.a to aee Nureyev Dancer Rudolf Nareyev ls in Puerto Rico preparing to perform with the San Juan Ballet. Nureyev is scheduled to dance three shows with the ballet this weekend. The performances will be held at the Fine Arts Center In San Juan. The Arts and Culture Development Administra- tion, which is sponsoring the performances, said all available tickets have been sold. "A number of 1ood people have called me and come to see me and said, . Bob, rou ought to consider this, " Strauu told the Dallu Morn- ing News. "But the truth of the matter ii that lt's not a do-able deal (or me and, besides, I don't have that thirst for It.'' Frienda told the newspaper that Strauss' private con- versations indicate that the 62-year-old Dallas lawyer ls · at least considering the possibility of a presidential bid. - CHICAGO (AP ) -Mayor Jane Byrne spent •t.s million in campaign funda in the put yea~ -including $101,000 that went to her immediate family -tboutb she faced no political challenger, her spendlnt report says. According to the report, the mayor, wbo will not face re- election until 1983, spent 48 times as much campaign money from July l , 1980, tbroulb June 30 as the late Mayor Richard J. Daley spent In 1976, the year before his death. She paid her husband, Jay McMullen, $74,000 for political advice. This is more than the mayor's salary of $60,000 a year and the governor's pay ot $58,000. A woman whose 19-year- old son was killed while try- ing to stop three white youths from beating a black man bas received a letter from President Rea1an praising her son's heroism. .......... \E:nterlainer Olivia Newton-John mecuurea the size of her star ktedicatecl thi.3 week on the Hollywood Walk of Fame. It waa the f .73sth star to be placed on the walk. "Strauss, himself, Is am· bivalent. He's sort of the re· luctant dragon at this point. But he haso 't said no," one supporter said. Strauss, wbo held several top positions in Jimmy Carter'• administration but never bas sought elective of- fice, acknowledged that he bas discussed his possible candidacy with two groups of eight to 10 people, the newspaper said. The mayor also spent $106,000 on travel, including more than $50,000 for a two-week trip to Europe last August and Sep- tember by Mrs. Byrne, her fami- ly and a 31>-member entourage of top city aides and legislators and their spouses. Ka&.by Doherty of Boston said she cried when she got the letter Wednesday. iscovered on the median that is a shining example tO r ip for two days. The driver all men. His noble and 1 the vehicle that hit him courageous act of heroism R nevercome forward. will always be remem- She gave away $109,147 of her campaign money to charity. Her only son, Michael, a white, tried to help a black man who was attacked on the Columbia Station s ubway platform in March 1980. The attackers turned on Doherty, who ran onto the Southeast Expressway and was hit and killed by a speeding vehicle. he three juveniles were bered." on probation for a year Mrs. Doherty said she The details of the mayor's campaign spending were re- vealed in a report made public this week by the Cook County clerk's office. State law requires candidates to file periodic dis· closure reports of their cam- paign spending. Id o. rdered to wo. rk In a plans .t.o frame ~e letter and tnmunity program. hang it along with other. con· New York investment banker Fell:a Rollatya, a longtime Democratic backer, told the News in a telephone interview that he has en- couraged Strauss to try for the presidency. 'In our lifetime very few dolences she bas received, aus are ever call~ upon to including messages from Doherty's body lay un- ety of others," Reagan Edward Kln1. ~d up for the rights and Mayor Kevin WhJte and Gov. te lo the one-page letter. "I'm running out of wall icbael bas left a legacv space," she said. The recent report and others filed by the mayor showed that Mrs. Byrne, who spent only •TIME SHARE A YAC LUXUllOUS UHlfUTI YACffr loc.e.cl Ill H.1.~ • .., ••ipped fw ......, CN MMJ or\•• cOllde • 5 weeks use per year • Professionally managed & maintained • S8.500 ownership cost YACHTS UHUMITID, IMC. 675-1221 646· Graltd OpetlMr) W. \ SAN MIGUEL IEER1 OHL Y $2.49 SIX PAQ at Tr ader Joe Cllld Proato ?!in Miauel, the world· Please visl~ ~newest amous l>eer brewed in Trader Joe s the In· lhe Philippines, usually tersection of Street1 sells for $4.50 per six· Newport Boul rd ana pack. We're selling 1t for Superior AvenHnext to only $2 .49. Both Light Denny's and arclay's and Dark are on sale. Bank L NOWIN COSTA MESA I Graltd o,...m.g W. SAVE AN EXTRA I 00/o ol WHOLE WHEELS OF CHE5E at Trader Joe Ir Proato Most whole wheels of weighs more t~ 10 cheese weigh 5 to 10 pounds. This is ~pie pounds. When you buy a way to beat in on- whole wheel of cheese and cheese alway ates from us. we give you a beller from a ole 10% discount from the wheel ! Please v~· our single pound price on newest Trader J at almost every cheese. If a the intersection 17th whole wheel weighs more S l r e e t . N e o r t than 15 pounds. you don'l Boulevard and S rior have, to buy it all. We'll Avenue <next to ny's J_ive you a 10% discount and Barclay's Ban tf you buy a chunk which NOW IN COSTA MESA CALL POI ncm INfO 549-1512 • Good news for concerned travelers ••• • IS • • United will continue most of its service. That means to the best of our ability we 11 honor any reservations you've already made or are planning to make. Chances are good your flight will be operating. There may be some delayed flights and some cancellations, but chances are good your flight will be operating. Just call United to reconfirm your reservation on the day you're scheduled to take off. H you can't reach us, come out to the airport-because your flight will , probably be operating. If your flight is cancelled, United will help you reserve a seat on the next ~ble flight. So·don't let the news aoout the air traffic controllers, strike spoil your travel plans. United Airlines is determinoo to make your vacation or busin~ trip go as smoothly as ~ble. Now that's good news. For reservations or infonnation, call your Travel Agent or United. OUTSPENDS DALEY Mayor Jane Byrne $125,000 to win her February 1979 primary upset over then· Mayor Michael Bilandic, has run through more than $3 million in campaign money since she took office. Mrs. Byrne paid her daughter, Kathy, $11,784 for "salary" and "outside services" performed for the campaign committee, the report said. She also gave her sister, Carol Sexton of suburban Wilmette, a $15,000 salary for political work. r I HI fl Orange Cout DAIL V PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 Four roses receive All-America honors There are four roses that have been selected as the 1982 All· America rose selection award wlmtera. They are Brandy, French Lace, Mon Cheri and Shreveport. Rose enthusiasts or even beginning eardeners who have been longing to plant that special rose should look in· to these four winners. Brandy is a crossing of First Prize with Golden Wave. Its !;>loom starts Gardener's checklist • Oichondra should be fertilized re· gularly. Liquid or organic fertilizer should be used. · • August is the perfect month to plant dwarf or full-sized citrus. They love the heat and these warm days really get them off to a good start. • Late summer-fall color can be had from tuberous begonias planted now. ~ out as a rich, golden brandy that ages to an attractive, creamy apricot color. In addition to its attractive and unusual coloring, it Is also blessed with an easily Identifiable but mild tea fragrance. Its flowers are large -4 to 4'1'a inches in diameter with its bloom cycle repealing regularly and rapidly with many quality flowers available from early spring to late rail. A new floribunda is French Lace which has anywhere from one to eight blossoms on a 6 to 10-inch stem, often giving you an attractive bou· quet or roses on a single cane. It is generally ivory white In color but has the intriguing habit of often showing the softest or pink hues in its blossoms during the early stages of development. This pink s hading adds tremendously to t he beauty of French Lace. The blooms finish up their attractive display in pure white, wide open fl owers, some 4 to 5 inches across. Car ations make spic bouquet hat carry a fragrance are a de· n to any home garden. But the spicy t comes from the carnation is a t. Nothing surpasses its pure tan· a and gives more enduring satisfac· flower. s offer you a wide selection or colors m. Many varieties have char ming Is with • Continued pinching and reeding or fuchsias will insure a prolonged bloom and vigorous run plants. Mon Cheri is the new hybrid tea winner and Its flowers will vary de· pending on the age of the blossoms, temperature and light conditions . Named ror a Louisiana city of roses, Shreveport (s a grandiflora with medium size blooms varying in shades of orange, salmon and coral. It is a robust and bushy plant, that is constantly loaded with blossoms. French Lace 1s one of the All·Amenca rose selections for 191l2 This flonbun· da rose hcu large cutting quality blooms with from one to eight blossoms on a stem The flowers are wory white often showing the softest pmk hues as 1t buds roperty Being Sold NURSERY quidation Sale All Specials S.iect to Supply on Hand • You can get some good fall color from daylilies planted in August. Check with your nurseryman. National fuchsia group will Ineet The National Fuchsia Society, Laguna Beach Branch, meets Wednesday, Aug. 12, at 7:30 p.m. at 325 N. Diamond St. in Laguna Beach. National Fuchsia Society will meet Monday at 7:30 p.m in Columbia Savings and Loan, corner or Harbor and Wilson, Costa Mesa The guest speaker is Jean Natter. who will speak on "Pests in Your Garden." Organizing this meeting is r efreshment c hairman Mary Warwick , with help from Hermann Schlueter. Helen Wilks and Linda Weems. For more information call 548-8207. THE COSTA MESA·BAV Cities Branch of the Antique Show Huntington C..ntef Mall today thru Aug. 9 111"'11 "ICTITIOUS a u1111ass llAMa ST ATaMallT TM lollowlno persons •r• dolno buahwuas: MIRACLE MAZDA, U U 8ahr Str•I, Caeta Mew, CA '2U6 A.H. ~I Compenles, Inc., 1:161'> Hot'tll Larc.,,.,_t tllvcl., Ste" A", Los A ... les, CA !IOCllM. A Callfw'nla cor-•tlOfl Tiiis ~Is c-.c:..., by• cor poutlafl. A.,N.~I '-lH,lnc. AlexH.C ......... 11 C'*rtn1111 of Ille 8oard Tlllo _........,t was llleel wl\11 Ille C0<1nty Clerl ot 0r•"99 County °" A119 J, "" ""7611 PUOlllNd Or-Coest D•llY Piiot, A119 1, "· 11, 21, 1'11 NIUC 11~£ 11•7'TM llOTIC• TO c••OITOU 0 .. a ULK T•A ...... AllO 0" lllTallTIOtl TO T•AllS .. a• ALCOMOLIC ••v••AGR LICENS•<ll (S.ca. 61tl~W U.C.C. _.>SJ et -a& .. I GREENHOUSE Ll9UIDATION SALE • / j\',' , . ' . 2 DAYS ONLY SAT. and SUN. II August 8-9 10 A.M.-5 P.M. $50,000 in beautiful house plants 4" POTS 611 POTS 811 POTS LAIGI V AlllTY OF PLANTS AND 51%15 64S.JJt2 20362 Southwest Birch St. t66-0l42 · S..ta AINI tWCJht1 Wwaa• Mesa A••· aM lrlttol St. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN to Ille CrUltors of FRERE JACQUES RESTAURANT COMPANY, INC.,!--------------·------------------ Fed, l.D. Ho. fS.JUU1', Tr....,erw and Lk-, Wllote llUSIMSS acldrfts la ''°° '-Drlw, SUli. 220, In Ille City of H-port 8u cll, CCMHll't' of Or•,... Stat• of c.allfomla n..o. tllat • bl.Ilk tr-r II allOut to be m-b't' PAPAGAYO l·A,. Callfoml• corpor• llOfl, Soc~I Seuorlty Ho. ~!eel *• Tran ...... end Int-TrWISfwM, •-llullflHI ad0rft111 401' Wnt.r· ly, SulW 105, In tM City of H--1 tleacl'I, County ot Or.,,... Stole of c •lltomla ftWO. Tiie ~Is ~rl-'" ..... r .. as; All ••k lfl tr-. flab.Ires, equtp. m•nt and eood wlll of • certain restewrent MIMIS"-as CASA DI POMPEI end --at 15'$ A-..s In tM City of C0&ta -'°· C-r of Ora n ... Stal• ol Ce lllornla, end transfer Ille followln9 a lcollollc boer ... llGenw (Of llcenwsl : °" kle · General, Humber •7.0"'°"', ,_ 111uecl to premlsos located et U6S Aci.ms lot' Ille prwnlws loeotecl •t 15'J Adams In Ille City of Costa Meu, c--, Of Oronte. St-ot Collfonllo. Tlwlt tfle -t of purcllo• prl<e or C..iclefatlon In c-11 .... wlttl H id transfer Of w ld llcenM (or llcan-J -Mid blniflfta, "" In-to rr b•l110 SOid Is ,,,. IUlft OI uoo.000.00. Wfllr11 consist• of ,,,. l•llowlftl: SloM Drott, U0,000.ot; 0.mofld Holle, $UD,OOO.OO; p,...,..is-y ,,... '9 lie ..,.1c1 -.. .,... m re•n ...... . All ...... """""6 ,._ •nd -. •-1.-ed br 1119 Tr-r.r0t wltltlfl tN'M _, lftl post IO lor a1 k-.. U. T,....,..... are: SC-d i ~ resteuronb 1ou tect t7212 VM1turo alvd., lnc:lno, CA; UO So. Stot• Coll ... alwd., tlreo, CA 11171; 1""9 St. Ce1Tltfl, CA; 2UOt HowtllorM alv41~ T.,,.AllU, CA; LA Vie aft R-, 2• le. SU.~ a1w., aree, ca. TlwltltMI...,. ... -..._ ..... lk_ .... .....,.., ................ ... ,.... ~ lee. ,...,. Of .,. hmlMll •lld ............. Ce*, tl\at tfle c-............ tfle trOftllfwef .... ....... --~ ....... ~ .. .. lie jll9ld Mty ~ Mid .,......, .... ............. ~ .... ~ .. AIC-...c a.-op c.itt..I. TMl ..... trellllltr .......... l!Mflt ................ klftlr .... fl •• t-... ..................... 1 .. .... .._ .. 1.~ ..... .. (wlditi ...... ........, .... -... .. ~ ........... .,.....,.,. ...... , ........ ..,_14111-(W lk-> " .. lie ...., -., • ..., ... .. -" _.. ...... ""· .... .. "-""''"'et1t .. euit•ow HC_,.., 9' ...... T...-A.,..., Ill .. °" ....... Mio COoMty .. 0re11111 ....... Collfenlle, ~ tllet 9M ~~t ef Al<tfleltc 9-"• ('.llllf9f ................. .,.,,,,. ...... ~. ""' .... .., ........ ,,... .., .,,, ,,...., .......... MfM!f-- ...... "' ••• • ... II. ""· ..... " ........... .., ........ CM-_"' ... " ....... ..,.. 11-'lWDJWta. ftlt. ~~. ....... ~·~ ......... ..--... ar-.. CeMt O...y ~-. """ , • "" • 1111., I .\'ur.tfP')' .~pp,·ial J GARDENIA PLANTS "MYSTERY" GARDENIA Shiny. evergreen foliage. Corsage-size blooms. "VBTCHll" &ARDENIA More compact growth. Slightly smaller blooms. Legendary· Fragrance f "lori1't SpP,·ial ptlffl!IACHIA Handsome. rellable foliage plant. IPATHIPHXU.UM Glossy green leaves. White blooms . 1 Gal. Reg. 3.98 2.47 EACH 6" Pots Reg. 9.95 3 .99 18.95 EACH Large Selection of Indoor and Outdoor Plants 411 ~~~Impatiens rf'CJ. 1.09 SALE GROM ULCH OUTDOOR PLANTING MIX Gromulch is premi ady to use. Finest available for tre roses and exotic pla KellOCJ9 1s ALL PO 20% Ooet not Include planted SAVE UP TO 70°/o Sale Pnces ExP1re 8-1 2 Spectracide (prnt) Controls ants fleas and lawn moths re«J-7.99 SALE 56.59 ony-Pak Vine a ,...,. SI.Of SALE 58¢ and re- nting mix shrubs. MOH. THAUFl'I 110tlAT IUM MJO LLOYDS HUl•Y AHO LAM APIM• CO., IMC • 2028 NEWPORT BOULEVARD (AT BAY ST. COSTA MESA. CA 92627 ,' (714) 646·7441 People all along the Or:ange Coa 4 • -<. ( ,... ~ DlllJ Piiat FRIDAY, AUG . 7, 1981 FEATURES 62 HUITINGTDI llACH /fDUITAll VAlllY COMICS B4 BUSINESS BS FOR CONTORTIONISTS ONLY '.\1ost people use wall'r fount;.iin:-. for qut•nt'htng lht•ir thirst. but Chris' Grat,\. 9. and Dt•nni:-. I h1usnwnn. 8. both of Costa \te~a. have found a new o.llY l"li.e ...... i.y U. ~-.­ US t'. Stopping at till' founta111 on l h t• Corona del :\tar hluff .1top China Co\'t'. lknni:-. t Jkt•:--a foot b:.ith. \\ ushing off :-.und from tlw hearh Group joins airport plan suit in NB Jury out in arrow lllurder case in HB Mesa woman killed; hit by two cars A Newport Beach envi ronmen- tal group has taken legal steps toward joining a lawsuit that seeks to invalidate and overturn Orange County's master plan for John Wa yne Airport The 400 member group known as SPON !Stop Polluting Our Newport> riled a motion Thurs· day in Orange County Superior Court to intervene m the lawsuit filed by the City of Newport Beach. The lawsuit, filed last March by two private law firms for the city, challenges environmental data presented 1n the airport master plan Bobby Lovell. a S P ON spokeswoman. said her group agrees with the city's position. She said SPON will "round out the city 's s tance." Hugh Coffin, Newport's city attorney. s aid he agrees SPON s hould ·•strengthen our position and provide an attack from a different front." A court hearing has been set for Aug. 25 to determine whether the environmental group will be allowed to intervene in the-case. Attorneys for the county are ex· peeled to oppose such a move. Clemente Shute. an environ· mental attorney from San Fran· cisl'o retained by SPON. claims aut hors of the master plan "treated it as a hoop to jump through'' and made "blatant" environmenta) errors along the way An Orange County Superior Court jury began deli berating today in the Huntington Beach bow-and-arrow murder trial. The jury is to decide whether to convict de fend ants J oe Aguirre, 36, and James Robert Marvin, 24, of murder and con- spiracy charges in the July 18. 1980, slaying of fugitive drug dealer Stephen Ciccone, 31. Witnesses in the tr ial testified that Ciccone was lured to some Huntington Beach oil fields Valley transit • revamping p l an shelved An overhaul of the Fountain Valley School Dis trict's bus transportation program has been postponed for a year . The postponement was ap- proved Thurs day by district trustees in a 3·1 vote, with trustee Roger Belgen opposing. Boa rd Pres ident Bett y M1gnanelli was absent. The trustees were considering a series of changes that might have required som e students who now are eligible for busing to begin walking to school. Trustees decided to wait until a five-year master plan for the district is concluded before over· ha uling the transportation pro- gr am. believing he was going on a rab· bit hunt They said he was then s hot several times by arrows from a crossbow and hunting bows a nd the n repeatedly stabbed. Three of those key witnesses a ll egedly went on the "hunting" trip and participated in the slay· ing. Laurie Aguirre. 20. J oe's wife. J a mes Garwood, 24. and Brian Miller. 21, have pleaded guilty to lesser charges of voluntary manslaughter in exchange for testifying against the other two. Patrick Geary, deputy d1stnct attorney, is contending that Joe Aguirre and Mar vin were the ringleaders who planned Cic- l'O ne's execution because of his abrasive, violent personality. Ciccone was s taying at Aguirre's Gothard Street house in Huntington Beach prior to the killing. Geary said he was hid· 1ng from narcotics agents and former drug customers. Defense law yers James Beecher and Richa rd Karch have contended that the key wit- nesses are not credible. Aguirre testified that he had not joined the others during the rabbit hunt but had remained near their parked car. Geary tried to convince the Jury Thursday t hat even though the witnesses were tainted by t he ir in vol v em e nt , th ei r testimony was too similar not to be believed. Sylvia Kline. 68. of Costa Mesa. was killed Thursday night when she was hit by two cars while trying to cross Newport Boulevard at 19th Street, police said. Mrs. Kline was pronounced dead at the scene or the 9:30 p.m. accident. Police said Mrs. Kline was crossing the southbound lanes of Newport Boulevard at about 9:30 p.m. when she was hit by a car . Pohce said after a second car just avoided hitting the woman a third car ran over her. Police said all three dnvers claimed they had the green light at the intersection, which has a pedestrian crossing signal. There are no other witnesses and no one has been arrested. Police continue to investigate the accident Indian Day due Sunday Entertainers and craftsmen will be on view Sunday at the first Native American Indian Day to be held from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. at Seacliff Village, localed at Main Street and Yorktown A venue, Huntington Beach. The Hale Family dance troupe will perform at noon, 1 and 2 p. m. Representatives of the Children's Indian Craft Center will offer children the chance to try rock art. mural painting and clay coiling. r Wonders of chemistry provide the solution to Rubik's Cube ... B5 D 0 . - Newport mulls 'dismal future' II fl of Bolsa Chica By PIUL SNEIDERMAN °' .. Ditty ........... The Bolsa Chica marshland may be surrounded by the City of Huntington Beach, but Newport Beach residents also have a stake in its development, according to Ne wport Beach y a<:htsman and architect Bill Ficker. Ficker, who also is president of the Orange County Coast As- so·c i at ion, urged yachts men gathered at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club Wednesday to sup- port marina development at Bolsa Chica as a means of re· lieving the congestion caused by recreation seekers who crowd Newport Beach's oceanfront. Before Orange County's rapid growth, Newport Beach was easily able to accommodate the area's boating, fi shing and s wimming enthusiasts, the architect said. "Now, for selfish reasons. Newport Beach should press for development of other visito~· facilities," Ficker s aid. He said he is not opposed to preserving and enhancing a por· lion of the Bolsa Chica wetlands. "But if the Coastal Com · mission continues to pursue its goal or preserving all of the wetlan<ts, Newport Beach's future is going to be pretty dis· mal," Ficker said "We can no longer provide the ocean access for everyone in the county." The yachtsman says he sup- ports the development plan ap- proved in April by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. !The marsh area is in county territory. l This plan calls for 600 acres of preserved wetlands, an l ,lllO·slip boat ma rina, 530-foot-wide navigable channel connecting to adjacent Huntington Harbour. a linear park on the southern bluffs and 5,700 new homes. Ttus plan, which still requires Coastal Commission approval, has been criticized by environ· mentalists, who wish to preserve more wetlands. md landowner Signal Landmark Co., which would prefer to develop more waterfront homes on the site. "I see this as a super com- promise." observed Ficker. He satd the county desperately needs more boating recreation centers. Even the development of Dana Point has provided little relief for congested Newport Harbor, he contended. "I don't know 1f we'll ever be able to reduce this traffic," Ficker said. ··But it would be nice to keep it from growing at the same rate as the rest of the county.·· BOLSA CHICA MARSH Newport eyes future R eagan hom e b i d rejecte d ,. ; .. A Huntington Beach realtor'" offer to buy President Reagan'• Pacific Palisades home for hi full asking price -$1.9 million -has been rejected. Joe Peterson, marketing director for Coldwell Banker, which is handling the sale, 1aid the bid from realtor John W. Saunders was forwarded to Reagan's business managers. He said Saunders' bid wu re.. jected because the Reagan aa. visers did not approve of the financial terms proposed by Saunders . The 39-year-old realtor mail~ his offer to Coldwell Banker lat week after reading a newspaper account that stated the Rea1an home has been on the market since January but remainl un- sold. Saunders said he did not wa.ot to live in the Reagan home but wanted to see it used for com. munity services purposes. The Pacific Palisades home •' described as an 11-room res· idence with three bedroom.a. servants ' quarters . pool t redwood deck and a sweepinl view of the coastline. Bru sh fire q uelled Fire burned about an acre ol brushland in the vicinity ol Vin· tage and Summerwood ways In Mission Viejo between 10 a.m. and 11 a.m . Thursday. 'Bottle' recovered That inflatable 32-foot tall Jose Cuervo Especial tequila bottle that was stolen from a Laguna Beach restaurant July 26 has been recovered, but police say the man found in possession of the bottle won't be prosecuted. The distributor who owns the promotional bottle called police t hi s week to report an anonymous informant had re- vealed the bottle's whereabouts in Laguna Beach. Police arrived at the Bluebird Canyon Road address -a half dozen blocks from tbe restaurant -and found tbe deflated bottle and the 2l·year· old occupant of the bou.se. And while the man admitted to having possession of the bottle, he was not arrested, police aalct. because the distributor uked that there be no prosecution tn the case. The inflated bottle wu stolen from the roof of the Tort111• Flats restaurant while '" participants and spectaton ol a volleyball tournament celebrat- ed Inside. ''It's clear the county was bent on reachi ng a certain de· termination that would result in airport expansion," said Shute. "and its findings renect that." He said the city and SPON agree that the master plan should be set aside. Six sue o ver arms at Seal Beach station The master plan, among other things, calls for daily jet de· partures to be increased from 41 to 55 by 1995. Valley school budget O K'd Fountain Valley School Dis- trict trustees hav<-approved a $19.9 million budget for the 1981-82 school year. Meeting Thursday night. the trustees approved the document in a ' to o vote. Board President Betty MignaneUI was absent. The trustees also voted to restore funds for additional scoliosis testing and for more training days Cor school counselors. Acting Superintendent Jack M abnken said the bud1et con· t.alna minor cuts ln vartoua pro- grams, but no existing programs have been eliminated. " .. The way Seal Beach Police Chief Stacy Picascia sees it, "It's a Navy weapons station so we have to assume they have some weapons stored there. But we have to have enough ralth that the Department of Defense has adequate safeguards." Six local residents are suing the U.S. Navy and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. They want explosives and al· leged nuclear arms removed from the Seal Beach Naval Weapons Station. an oceanside base situated Inside the com- munity of 23.000. Their case, filed Thursday ln U .S . District Court in Loi Angeles. aaye the weapons pose ''a new and unprecedented threat and danaer to the sur- rounding community." t'talntllfa George and Janice Laine, James and Frances Goodwin and Robert and Mary 4u Brophy concede they have • no proof nuclear weapons are stored at the base. But they say tight military security, weapons handling procedures and their own research Indicate the arms are there. "It's really irresponsible of the U.S. Navy. knowing what it knows about what goes on, to al· low the people in Seal Beach to sit there without knowledge of what's going on beyond the fence line," Laine says. The Navy refused comment on the nuclear weapon allegations. ''The Navy neither confirms ner denies tbe absence or pres- ence oC nuclear weapons oo any ship, s tation or aircraft,'' Ensign Tom Miller said ln Wa.shiniton D.C. The euit saya Defense Depart· ment re1ulallon1 limit tbe amount or explo1lvea at tbe base's wharf to SS,000 pounds, wlth a reaultin1 danaer zone ex- •• NAVAL WEAPONS STATION R DMIY ... .._ <.:ENTER OF' STORM , Naool weapons station tend.lnc from dodtside l.O tbe base pertmeter. However, legal waivers have lncreaaed the • wharf limit to as much as 250,000 okay. But I hardly belie\Ce t.be)' pounds, the suit charges. would say tba(." • That ''expands the potenUal Weinglass said he doubta any explosive hazard zone to include government defense of national approximately 98 acres of com-security would stand, clt.lq a munity property ... an acci· July 1880 legal precedent wbtcll dent while hanciling that quanU-involved efforts to block Navj ty of explosives, accordinJ to the nuclear weapons 1tora1e near a Comptroller General's report on Hawaiian wildlife sanct uary. wharf activities in 1975, 'would Tbe 9th CircuJt Court ol Ap- have a severe impact on tbe aur-peala ruled the Navy bad to re· rounding community·.'• veal the bue's nuclear weapoll Spokesman John Fry HY• tbe 1tora1e capacity, tbou1b not base hasn't sought a waiver for whether weapom were praeat. dockside explosive lfmitl 1D rour Weapon bandllnc proeectur. years. He had no figur• on ex--8UCb aa armed cuardl tur• plosives stored at the base ltlelt. rounding movln1 trucks aad The suit also aeeta an mvinJD-tralna -are tboH called f« by mental lmpact statement wbicb Defenee replailont 1overn1D1 could reveal the amount of. nuelur weapoary, be noc.. weaponry. Pla1DUff1' attorney Weinllua aald be'• not M4*· Leonard Weinclan uid the ln1 a preliminary lAJunetioll to statement "would require con-·atop weapona ba.ndlln1 bee .... aultaUoo wttb the community I the tuit CIOllld prompt ,.._ and a bearln1. If an environ· acUvtty before tM NaVJ'• If'. meMal body would HY It'• okay day deadHne for a le1al to store nuclear weapons there, responM. •~H~'.1•r-~•r11*"*""•"•~c111110,..0111110,..e .. e111191c11111c1111U10 ......... ...,, ... __ ..,._..,..,._...,~--··-----.... --..---.. • ..-.... -.... ·-· ... ·-·-· ·--------~ ~ ....--._., .... -------·~ Orano• Co11t DAIL v PILOT/Friday, Augu•t 7. 1981 She's drawn to younger man DEAR ANN LANDERS : Never In my life have I felt the need to write to you, but here l am with a problem I oever Im· a1lned could touch me. I am a married woman, 38 yean old, with three areal ldda. My husband and J ahare an ex tremely eatlafactory rel•· tlonJhlp, and I love him more to- day than when we married. So. what Is the problem ~ Simply put, l find myself anatly attracted to a youna man, near· ly 20 years my Junior. He Is an acquaintance or my" teen·a1e daughter and he vlaltt quite 111 lUllll often. He has always been very respectful to both my huaband and me and has no idea that I am amitten with him. I have never had a sexual re· lationship with anyone except my husband and before this never even considered It. But now my mind turns lo thou1hts of seduction. Ann, I know lt l1 wronc. but J need to know If the1e fanta1le1 are normal. Am l 1lc1J, or morally corrupt? I am sure my family would never und rsland my feeUn11 If they knew. Jn fact, If thll youn1 man had any idea of the thine• I have been ima1inln1. he would probably run for his life. Please answer quickly. Every day that passes I feel more and more out of control. I cannot give my address or name, and I'm asking that you don't even use the name of the state where this is being malled from. - C RADLE ROBBER IN THOUGHT IF NOT IN ACI'ION Dear C.8.: I doa't beUe\'e yo.a are tick or morally corrupt. Roben Loult 8teveatoa once wrote, "We all bave tboutlllta tbat would 1Jaame bell." People ull.DOt coatJ'oJ tbelr faatuln, but tbey CAN control tbelr behavior -and tbl1 you MVST do. Be eordlal wbtn tbe youa1 man 1bow1 up but ab1ent younelf prompUy. If yoa.r fan· tasles get translated l.ato action and you end up teaUn1 your wow.power on this kid, you coatld disgrace youraelf ln the eyes ol your famlJy and meas up your Ute. ............. Visitors to Sea World marine park m San Diego get a close view of a 5'4.l-foot great white shark that was apparently thriving dunng its third day in captivity l DON'T ALWAYS NEED EVERYTHI G EXPl..AINED, Rich foods won't aggravate ulcer By JOHN D. ROSEN, M.D. DEAR DR. ROSEN: My wife was born in Mexico and cooks what is probably the greatest Mexican food around. We eat it often and she prepares it very hot and spicy. I just found out thet I have an ulcer. I love her cooking and would hate to think I have to give it up altogether. Would it hurt to have an oc· casionaJ chili pepper. J .S .. SANTA ANA .cers to be choosy about what kind of food the patient eat.a. Your ulcer won't heal any faster on the traditional bland boring diet that It will on a steady la· take of the food you love. <By the way. If you think Mexican food ls bot, try some Indian dishes . . . they'll bum your socks off!) Sea World shark • • • excites sc1ent1sts for marine scientists was at hand with the shark on display. BUT DO NEED. DESPERATELY, TO BELIEVE TME'RE tS SOMEWHERE AN EXPLANATIOtJ. ANSWER: I have ne\'er felt It lmponant in the treatment of ul· ASK THE DOCTOR SAN DIEGO <AP> -With the latest great white shark to sur· vive capture apparently thriving tn captivity, experts say they're eager to learn things -for ex- ample why such sharks attack humans but "just won't eat us." "Every time they bite us, they spit us out." said San Fran· cisco's Steinhart Aquarium director John McClosker. Rosenblatt said he disagrees with those who say it's all right "if the shark is hauled out of the net, hit over the head and then butchered for market but a bad thing if you try to keep it alive in an aqua rium." Gemini: Follow your hunch The ulcer ls caused by the acld man"'actured by and In your stomach. This acid ls mach slr<lClger than that food In food. Very acidic foods are quite mild compared to tbe acid that's already there. The stomach's own acid ls what eats a bole through the llnlng. This bole ls called an "ulcer." The sharks' ability to detect faint electrical fields is what in· terests Or. Frank Carey, a physiologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. In a telephone interview , Carey said a great white shark "can detect au kinds of elec· trical signals that we're totally unaware of. such as the Earth's magnetic field, geomagnetic potentials from ocean currents.·· A huge, 300-pound great white shark was released at Steinhart Aquarium last year after start· ing to bang its head on the glass wall of the tank after an ex- tremely slight amount of elec· tricity leaked from a light socket. "If you took a flashlight bat· tery with long wires on the end of it and put one wire in the harbor in Miami and the other in the harbor in New York. you'd have a gradient of about a hun- dredth of a microvolt per cen· timeter," Carey said. ''And lhe shark can detect that kind of gradient.'' Richard Rosenblatt, curator of fish collections at Scripps Institution of Oceanography, agreed that a rare opportunity And, said McClosker of the 51-.i·foot. 100-pound male caught Monday off San Diego· "There it is. swimming in a germ·free environment, being fed on a dai· ly basis." According to records. the species has attacked humans 33 times in California. causing four deaths. The only great white shark in captivity swam past his 72nd hour in captivity at noon Thurs- day in the big tank at Sea World marine park and by noon today will have passed the previous. 96·hour record for a great white shark in captivity. This is the third and largest caught by commer cial fish· ermen off Southern California in the last two weeks. The first died after three days at Sea World , whic h released the second after she started banging her head on the tank. A spokeswoman at Sea World. which paid Sl.000 for each, said of the latest one : "There are nothing but positive signs but we're cautious we've had dis- appointments ." No one knows why they don't survive in captivity Carey said they may suffe r respiratory dif- fi culties caused by tbe confining life. or hormonal upsets anL stress. RUFFELL'S I S ngln UPHOLSTERY s ... .._..-... Saturday, August 8, lt81 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES: (March 21-April 19): Mystery is solved and you get professional accounting . Spotlight on money. invest- ments, joint erforts. partnership proposals. Key is to know when to "let go." Leo, Sagittarius and another Aries figure prominent- ly. TAURUS (April 20·May 20 1: You're pulle<! in two directions simultaneously. Key is to clarify meanings, de fine terms and streamline techniques. Those who make sensational claims are due to be exposed . Hold off on contract signing -play wait· ing game for best res ults and of- fers . GEMINI (May 21-June 20 1: Follow through on hunch ; intui· lion is sharply honed. You perceive potential in accurate manner. Writing, advertising, publishing claim major part of scenario. Basic issues will be re· solved. Keep diet-health resolu· tions! CANCER (June 21-July 221 : Popularity increases. numerous changes occur and you become more aware of travel and com- munication. Gemin i. Virgo, Sagittarius natives figure in l""".sa~ ·1 SHADOW &OXES 1803 Newport Blvd. C9$\a Mesa I! IUlHAHOltlLVD. r: 511=!511 er..~ COSTAMISA-541-1156 The ROUND-UP RESTAURANT And LOUNGE 843 W. 19th, Costa Mesa • Get Rid of Cellulite • L09! Unwanted Pounds • Herbal Energy Tablets • Skin and Hair Herbal Care 100°/o Money-Back Guarantee! Call Enzo 963-4634 Seven Days -24 Hours Pltot1t-tor R~adott• 646-0804 Now Opett For LUNCH • DINNER Daily Lunch Specials Complete Dinner Menu Featuring The 14 oz. Round-Up Porterhouse L~:~f\l S795 £, f\ te r\l .Stil'· 'Ii" ' Rest. Hourt1 Mon .• Thurs. 10:30 A.M .• 9:30 P.M. Friday 10:30 A.M.·11 P.M. Sat. 4:30 P.M •• 11 P.M. HOROSCOPE :;cenario. Member of opposite sex declares intentions. but you may not be "ready." LEO (July 23·Aug. 22). Focus on details, building materials. restrictions. need to break free from those dominated by pre- conceived notions. Emphasis also on shelter, property, deal- ings with older individuals whose views may be outmoded. VIRGO <Aug. 23 ·Sept. 22l. Emphasis on variety, s hort trips, calls, messages. directions and artistic endeavors. Gemini. Saggitarius and another Virgo fi gure prominently. Member of opposite sex presents format, written material and outlines travel scenario. LIBRA !Sept. 23-0 ct. 22> Ma· JOr domestic adjustment is featured. F amily member dis- plays "hidden talents, .. includ· ing unusual sense of drama and "Singing voice... Focus on art objects, purchase of luxury items, money a nd income poten· ti al. SCORPIO <Oct. 23·Nov. 21>: What seems a "sure thing" may be deceptive and lack substance. Get prom ises in writing , separate reality from wishful thinking. You make valuable new contact. It could be the start of something big! Watch Pisces. SAGITrARIUS !Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Apparent setback rebounds in your favor. Someone on the "inside" passes valuable in· formation to you. Individual you aided in recent past as now ready to return favor. Watch Capricorn! CAPRICORN <Dec. 22·Jan 19): Past obligations s urge to forefront. You get job done if creative. daring and willing to appeal to more than an "inner circle." Widen horizons -your message can be put across in graphic, dramatic fashion. AQUARrus (Jan. 20-Feb. 18>: Professional superior offers op- portWtity which would result in greate r independence. chance to be original and creative. Accept challenge, realize promotion is on horizon and help is on the way. Keep eye on Leo! PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20>: Sense of purpose. direction is re- gained. Missing link is located. Bits and pieces fall into place you are capable now of viewing picture as a whole. Cancer. Capricorn. Aquarius persons figure prominently. There are many blood vessels in the wall of the st.om ach. If Ute ulcer eats through a vessel, you gel bleeding. If the bole eats all the way through the wall It 18 an emergency requiring lmmedla~ surgery. Treatment of the ulcer requires the use of antlaclds. These medications tum the add into wate r . A recently discovered drug, Tagamel, is often used because It actually cuts down the amount of acid man"'actured by the stomach. Although you may eat any food you wish. there are thret> s ubstances that must be avoided. There must be no intake of caffeine, <coffee, &ea, or cbocola~>. alcohol, or pain reUevers which contain asplrln. Tylenol ls okay. Dr. John D. Rosen. a pract1twn.er m Newport Beach, welcomes your questioM Mail requests to Ask the Doctor. P 0 Box 1560, Costa Mesa . 92626. Grelftd~W. WHY PAY $7.497 TIME-RELEASE VITAMIN 1-100 Only $3.75 at Troder Joe & Pr.to The Finest In Resort Wear Now In South Coast Plaza Trader Darwin 's Bala nced B-100 offers eleven kind s of B vitamins . And its t ime release formula will pro· vide a continual supplv of B-complex vitami n s throughout the day A leading health food chain sel ls this ite m for $7.49-but we sell a bottle or so tablets for only SJ. 75. Please v 1s1t our newest Trader Joe's at the 1ntersertion of 17th Street, N e wport Boulevard and Superior A\enue 1next to Denn\".s and Barcia~ ·s Bank > · HOW IH COST A MESA Waltah Clarke's South Coast Plaza In The Mall By The Carousel 751-7500 "'°"' -""" """' 3191 tor ~ CHEESE MLL o. CHEESE LOO Sold Hlcll.Wy For!M ol Otuo• •ff eotMbule 25° IO l"9 Mllecutor 0\19troo11v At· oodaliOll ~EAL VALUES . . on items from applesauce to zippers 111.IJ Pl.Ill are advertised every day in the FROM Fash ion Island Newport ~each STEREO. SOUNDS OF T~E HARBOR -' J ...... ) -- ·-· ··-·· ... ·-~---- Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 •• Strike .boon to Reagan? WASHINGTON <AP> -Before the strike by air traftlc controllers erupted lnto the tou1he1t labor confrontation or Ronald Rea11n's ad· mlnlstruUon, m any blue-collar workers were un· happy with the president they helped elect. 'Mte walkout began just aa public oplnlon poAll Indicated that union and blue·collar voters •#• drlftina back, at least temporarily. toward lbt DemocraUc camp that hu been their home slnce the New .Deal. Chemistry provides Rubik's Cube solution Now, ironically, the air controllers' strike could help Rea1an reaaJn aome popularity among this traditionally Democratic 1roup and amona Americans generally, a poqiblllty aome union leaders view with foreboding. Douglas Fraser, president of the United Auto Workers and among the most liberal American labor leaders, warned this week that "this <air controllers strike) could do maasive damage to the labor movement" and that the main winner would be Reagan. During the campalp, Reatan strate,i.ta de- cided the Republican candidate's ecoaomle pa1l· tlons could appeal to the blue-collar worken who l J have helped give the Democratic party lta past electoral succeases. SAN FRANCISCO (AP> -W.C. Fields would ave said It to Mae West with a naaaJ drawl: ''Chemlat.ry, my dear. Simple chemlttry. •• Simple chemistry cave Mae West her allure. Jt gave James Nourse the know·bow to solve the evillshly dilricuJt plastic punle poppint up all ver the country -Rubik's Cube. Nourse, 33, a research associate at Stanford niverslty's chemistry department, picked up the multicolored pw:zle cube someone bad left in bla cbemlatry lab in December and be1an to twist it. .. The reason is simple The public generally op- poses strikes by the government workers responsi- ble for public safety. Thus, the air controllers have provided Reagan with the national equivalent or an unpopular strike by policemen or firefighters. Reagan's advisers were right. On Election Day last year, blue-collar worlten split their votes, with Reaaan getting '8 pe~ent and Carter 45 percent, an astonlsbintlY 1ood 1bow· ing for a GOP candidate. Reacan didn't do quite u weU among those from union households, lOIJinl their votes to Carter by a 42.50 margin, accordiq lo lh.e AP-NBC News poll of more than 11,000 voters on Nov. 4. Since taking office, Reagan's support amona blue-collar and union voters hu eroded somewhat, the most recent AP-NBC poll showed. ' For example, only 45 percent of the blue-collar workers gave Reagan good or excellent marltt for The cube, designed by Hungarian architect mo Rubik, has six sides, each with three rows of ree smaller cubes made in six colors. . All the cube's planes can be twisted in relation to the others. Tbe object, after twisting the cube so the colors are scrambled, is to restor e the cube to its original state -a solid color on each of its six sides. And the air controllers picked quite a lime to call the first national strike by federal workers in U.S. history -the moment that Reagan is riding the crest of public dissatisfaction with the costly federal government. On top of that, while many federal programs are being slashed, the controllers want a big pay his work, according to the latest AP-NBC New1 poll. That's a full 10 percentage points below the rating given him by the public as a whole in the •, survey, taken July 13·14. raise to boost their average salary or $33,000 a 'Jjiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiil year -far above the average taxpayers' annual 11 income. The strike also is illegal. The cube bas an almost unbelievable 43 quin· tillion possible combinations. That's 43 followed by 18 zeros. It also bas only one solution. Ideal Toy Corp., which bas the rights to make the cube in the United States, Canada and the Caribbean, bas sold more than 10 million of the puzzles since February 1980. Ross moor's CONSTRUCI10N MONEY l AVAILABLE AT t "It is in a different league from virtually any puzzle that is available popularly," Nourse said in a rece•t interview. "People don't realize that right away." . ............ James Nourse, 33 , a research aasociate at Stan· ford University's chemistry department. holds a pair of Rubik's cubes for which he has derived a speedy solution he has published in a highly suc- cessful book titled: "The Simple Solution to the Rubik's Cube." • earnings up HERITAGE BANK. I •Residential But Nourse, who lives in Menlo Park south of here, is a quick study. In December, be solved Rubik's Cube in 4lAI hours. Now it takes bim less than a minute to reassemble the puule. He estimated that only about 1 percent of the 10 million people who have tried to crack the puzzle have succeeded. Ross moor Corp. has reported net income of $492,000 or 15 cents a share for the third quarter ended June JO, 1981, as compared with a loss of $128,000 or 4 cents for the third quarter of 1980. Revenues were $7.3 million vs. $1 million. • Comrn.erc:iaJ Buildings: Takeout Commitment required along with le.ales.. • Land Loans up to one year 509& apprai8al. The key to Nourse's rapid comprehension lies not in any extraordinary genius. It lies. instead, in chemistry. I Nourse writes computer programs that help 11 chemists determine the structure of molecules. It occurred to bim as he struggled with the cube on bis first attempt that finding a solution to the puzzle was similar to tasks he encountered as a re· searcher. "The type of work I do involves mathematical , methods that essentially are the same as those : that solve the cube," he said. : Nourse found himself thinking of the cube as a I molecule and envisioned the smaller colored •bloc.ks that comprise the cube as atoms. : "I decided what the basic problem was and I that this is exactly the sort of lhinit I do," he said. "Then it was a matter of pride to be able to solve it." But solution was not enough for Nourse. In partnership with a friend, graduate student Paul Weinberg, Nourse published typewritten instruc- tions for deciphering the puzzle. When requests for the instructions began pour· ing in, Weinberg approached Bantam Books about publication. Some 200,000 copies were released June 10. Eight days later , 250,000 more came off t he presses. To date, 1,650,000 copies have been print· ed , and the book has made it to the New York Times Best Seller List. It's called "The Simple Solution to the Rubik's Cube. Nourse said his book is the simplest solution available to Rubik's Cube. Once a group of colors is arranged on one side of the cube, his step-by· step solution for the balance of the puzzle causes only minor disruption of the completed side. COLLECTORS CORNEA Rare Coln• • Stampe GOLD & SILVER •·•·11 '"'-' opm.g We Unsatlecl! .... a.. .. .-.._CLaut .., ... I<~ .-.n M11.71 ~LNfa ....... ,, .. 1•c-.., .. •"-Mll.71 tlM-71 """'-.... ...... --70% Bank Financing IAA & '!::,'!Bh (1'14) 5 South Coaat Plaza VIiiage -...... . , ____ c:-...... , PURE DRY ROAST PEANUTS at Trader Joe & Pr.eo There's a big shortage or peanuts-at any price. But we have tons or un· salted dry r oasted peanuts for only $1 .69 per pound. Compare at $2.39 elsewhere. Please visit our newest Trader Joe's at the intersection or 17th S tr eet , Newport Boulevard and Superior Avenue <next to Denny's and Ba rclay's Bank>. HOW IH COSTA MESA the no hassle second \ For the nine months ended June 30 net income was $1.5 million on 47 cents a share. on revenues of $19.4 million, as compared with year-earlier re· suits of $274,000 or 8 cents on revenues of $6.6 million. Approximately $6.2 million of revenues and $1.5 million in pre-tax income resulted from the s ale of the properties totaling 163 acres in Rancho Mirage during the third quarter. This more than offset a loss from residential development and re· lated operations: no residential units at Leisure World were delivered during the third quarter. The company is nearing completion or the con· struction of the last 110 units to be offered. One un· it was delivered in July and the remainder are ex· peeled lo be delivered through next spring. Shareholders at a special meeting June 17 vot· ed approval of a plan of liquidation under which the company will dispose of its assets over the next 12 months and dissolve. CONTACT: •Jeff Johnaon- lrvine Office (714)851-4050 TI-IE UNCONVENTIONAL BANK. Herit~e Bank Mmtt.-FDIC ~ UUl-L•NO•R I Whle the wo'1d offers a rrult1-I phcity of often seductM! )'NO. sticks by wt.ch to ITIE!a5ll'e a car's ~h. there IS only one acid test its resale value when used A cntenon Ideally suited to the BMW3201 F0< acc0<d1ng to the ..l<nJa'y 1981 NADA Used-Car Guide, wtwle the value of other cars dwin- dled by as rroeh as 50%. the <M!fage BMW 3201 manutactrsed Olle< the past 4 years retained a I phenorrenal 95 2% of its ongrnal purchase pnce But as remarkable as ths feat of conservatoo IS, it is nvaled by the BMW 3201's abkty toconser-...el '~fuel With 5-speed stardard trans· mrssoo (automatic tS available). rt delivers an 1mpressM! EPA esti· mated 25 ~. ard 36 estimated mpg on the t-.ghway Why complicate a simple idea. At Wormington Financial we don't. Quick funding on the equity in your home with pay bock terms to meet your needs. Coll and ask fa the no hassle second at ... IT E (Nattnlly our fuel efficiency ftglXes are for comparison only Your actual mileage may v;xy, de· pe<'dlng on speed. tnp ~hare weather. You-actual hghwctf mtle· age Wiii most ~kely be lower) Of OOt.tSe. to d~ the BMW 3201 rs to expenence an exhlal'a- ttOn that can't be calculated 1n fig· ures An emotoo hnted at 11,i the edttor·pubhshef of Car ard CXM!f magazine when he wrote ... The BMW 320! is the sort of car that entl°lJslasts ttSO into legend .. If the notoo of owrnng such WARMINGTON ANANCIAL CORPORATION 17862 COWAN STREET, SUITE 200, IRVINE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (714) 540-2635 NEWS "A Southern ColfomkJ Fomitv Helpi ig Southem Cotlbnlana" from all over Callfornla Is rounded up each day In the .... Nill a ca 1ntngues you, we suggest you contact yos near· & est BMW dealer to at- ~ a thorough test ~ at y<:Jt¥ c:onYelllenCe. • ....,. •r!!!!!'LE! LET YOUR LOCAL BMW DEALERS ARRANGE A IHQROUGH TEsr DRIVE AlHAMBRA CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON PARK C8nllf ... SlllS _ _.._ ~Mii' •• 1811 West Main Street 7050Topanga Canyon ...n (213) 570-8444 Boulevard 6000 Pactfrc AZUSA (213) 346-3144 Boulevard a--.-. GLENDALE (213) 583·1901 791 East Arrow Hwy 19 UY-LA HABRA (213) 967·5331 818 SOuth Brend ~ BEVERLY HILLS ~~i-6543 850 North Beach !fl!! Blvd. &~~ ~~-6701 (213) 273·3980 2901 Pacific Coast /(714) 522·5333 CAMARILLO H11thway LANCASTER ___ __,, (213) 376-0935 --- •11 !Riiy Orwe __.ft ca<>S) 48? 8878 45201 North S..mi (213)889 2312 =8·6004 LONG BEACH ...IUIDl-3670 Cherry lwenue (213) 427-5494 (714) 636-5790 LOS ANGELES '"" ....... 3443 West 43rd St (213) 299..J270 MISSION VIE.JO ~':' ~~831-2040 NEWPOAT BEACH •unm,a 1540 Jamboree Rd (714) 640 6444 NORTH HOLLYWOOD ....... • 4270 Lankershtm Blvd (213) 761-6133 NORWALK MllMD-10840 Frrestooe B"'d (213) 868-3233 (714) 636-6775 PALM SPRINGS ua ... cmat. 4095 East Palm ~Or"'9 (714) 328-6525 RIVERSIDE uar .... _ 7850 lndlalla Ne (714) 795.4444 SANTAANA --~--208 West First Street (714) 835·3171 SANTA MONICA ICIMI..,_ 1820 Santa Monica Boulevard (213) 829-3535 VAN NUVS _ ...... 5230Vlll~ Boulevard (213) 788-1791 I t I, ' ·1 Ii 1: 11 I I 11 I' .. HI F Orange Coaat OAll. Y Pl I.OT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 .. lJBLIC NOTICE PICTtnous IUllMISS MAMI ITAT•M .. n • Th~ 1o11owln9 HttHI• are dolno M IMH•A: AlltWAY IAHDWIC:M SHOPPE, 1100 AlrwQ Ave • S<lll• t41, c .. 1e MHo,Ca.nu. fired J. $Mii/i, JIOn Ambetwlc' Lii., HW!tlft!llon IMCll, Ce ., ... ll'rhclll• K. Smllll, 11011 AM betwlO Lii., HunUnQton a .. ch, Ce t2W ' Thh IMl:lllMU I\ <Oftdll<lta 11'1' • gentt•l -tMrtfltp. Prltclll• I< Srnllll Tllb tlel-1 wes 111.0 "'"" Illa Coutlly Cltf1c Of Ot lflQiO County on J11ly n .1•1 ,.,.,." Publla/\ed Oren911 COltl Delly Piiot J"IY )I, A.,._ 1, 14, 21. 1''1 ))tO~l ruBLJC NO~ICE_ ltlCllT10UI IUllM•U MAMa STATIMaNT Tiie lollowlnQ P""•ona .,. dOlftO butlneUH' MO .. TH DRUG INC., 1110 18'"" st.. cosi. ,. .. , ea. t2u. North Drug In<., 11'0 B•'•r SI .. Coste Me .. , CA nu. Thh llutiMU II c-..Cltd t>y A Cot• porallon NORTH DRUG INC. ""°'.,. TeylOt SK•-1 Tr .. ..,r., Tiiis Itel-I wti llltcl wllh lllt CWftlY Ctert. ol OrlflQIO Counly 011 July Jt, '"' lt161SU P\A>lltl\td Orenoe co .. t Delly Piiot July 31, A119-1. U, JI, l"I J4U.ll PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS IUSIMEU MAME STATEMEMl Tiie lollowlng persons ere doing .,..,,,,.".'' MARSHA LEE APTS, U H So. LN r• Slretl, A..-lm, CA CARL F M"'RTIH, lOSI La HtttflOt.e, Laguna HIQ.,.I, CA '2611 OOHALO VAN ATTA, JJU Ben· -.Ter~.CA. Tlllt buslneu '' conducted by e 99Mret petl"'"1\lp C. Martin ThJs •l.tl-1 w•• tlltcl •1111 ll'lf C,oul'lty Cterll OI OU1'190 Counly on J uly -PllalJ PU.UC NOTICE •~1nouteut1••M NOTtC• Y•c••••N•• llMMITA't'tlMllfY WeuutH ........ "" , ...... 1111 ,., .. ,.. ... ...... ~ ."' .. ~ u.,c.u "'''"-"Mi Mttlct h lie rt II I "'" I• Ille C & M M8llCM •ND 11 a C,..... .. l'RAHCI M. Da"IN, .... UNl.IMITID, IUll ~-""" , MAlilJOltll 0 Da"IN. Tr-IWWa, Wetlf'lll,._,CAftlliD •lleN t 111l11eu •ffreu I• IUU atte Merle T•ellle, 1'11 lteJl, "~ City el ''"'"'· C-4' 9' WHlmllllllef, CA.,... DfMfl, ..... 9' CMllWllle llWI • 11111111 ~ Melle Twe!M, NU Trelll, lreMlw It....,, le lie -.. JAi C Wettf!llaeMw,c;AllNQ CMOI 111• MYUNO J C HOI, Tlllt .... tlllU• It Ull~CIH llY e Trel..,_\. ""-IMdoiMM ...,_ ""'''' ~ I• 1"'2 U-lltlfll Cite le, • D, City 9' •11• ........ T•elte M~ 9Hcll, C-lY el OtM .. , Tlllt Mel-•• fll .. trlWI IN •W• el c.lllWlll._ Cevftt' Cleft. "°'""" (_,, ... Jlllr Tiie ......... , •• "" trMM•,.,..d I• tt, ltll. .. llCrlllllll 11'1 .... , .. ett All tlKll: lfl ,."111 ., .. , llotw-. e_..i,_...1 11114 .... "'~'""' OtMtll CM" Deity 11'11'4 wlll el -W.lntu •-H "$1,1. J11ly 11, Aue 1, u .11, ue1 ,_ ... , ic1N0 '51t<>4'Na1t" ...-•Kelecl .. "" PUBLIC NOTICE ltlCllTIOUI IUltN•U NAM• ITAl•M8MT T,_. lotl0Wi"9 --It del119 buu· ....... tel THE CAR COHHECTIOH (Ill R\I AHO liOAT CONHI CllOH (cl VACA TIOH TIME·SHARE COHN EC· TIOH (d i BEACH ,lt0H1 llEHTAI. CO NNE C TION l •I TElEMJ.RKl!TEEltS, lU1 Ml<11t .. 11 Av•., C"'I• Mffe, CMUo.nle ~ El••ftOf M•r11U9rl19 Reid '""'"· JJ41 Ml<lllllft An,, Coll• MtU, Catllornle '1•3' Tiii\ butlMn •• Con4U<lllCI lly •n II\· dl•todu•I El-M.R '""'" Thi\ >1•1-t w .. llitcl wllh tht County Cltfl>. o4 Ot•noe C°""ly on Jiiiy 14, l"I .. , ... Pw1111"'9CI Or.nve eoeu O"'ty Piiot, July 11. 14. JI, AllQ 1, 1 .. 1 )204 ... 1 PUBLIC NOTICE •. ll'eclllc c .... Hltll•o, CllY OI cw-Del Mat, C-'' of Ore1191, llele tf CeOlerftle. Tiie llollll lrel'l.iet wlll toe UftWl'll melecl HI or ellet t,,. Ulll HY M Aw911ll. tUf el IO :OO A.M. al WISTflllN MUTUAL ISC lllOW COltll' ATTN MAllllLYH WEITMO .. IL.AHO, ..._ NdfK• It UOll $o. YOl'M SI. Suite IOI, T11ttlll, Cell!.,.,....,.., '"-IN ••• U I• '°' llllnt cl•lmt 111 Illa u trow relt,,td 10 "'"'"I\ •11911'1 u. ""· So tu at i. ""own 19 1111 T••MI•._ ell "'*"'" ...,.,., ""4 ·~·-""d by lllO Trt11.ieron ler Illa PMI llvw YNrJ •rt. leM•. 011.cl Jiiiy Ji, 1 .. 1, JAi! C.CHOI M' UNG J. CHOI Trt11.itrMt ll'ullll~ Orll'IQIO Coesl O•lly Piiot, "'llO I, 1'11 UOI II PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS llUllN•U MAMI SlAT•MIHT ----Tiie IOllowlr>Q Ptftoftt ... dOlftO ll'ICTITIOUS IUSIM•U buslMu .. MAMa UAT9M•Ml MOUNT-IN PACIFIC FRAMING Tll• lollowl119 peno111 •r• 001110 CO., 7000 w Pecllk COltl Hwv , Swlt• l>ullnett H . 11, HewOOtl llaecll, CA '2..0 OlllAHGE AIDES. U 1J Port SCOTT STEPHEN Of VRIES, Wollrld09 ll'l•<t. H•wport •••<II, •••• Hal'la ·-· Bl9 8"• City, CA c a111ort11a f2"° tlll4 Jenel "°'"'era JecoOs, ltU POii MIKE K. EATON. 2'2 Slenlord WerbrldQ• Piao, H••PD•I lta<ll, Way, Big 8Nt Clfy, CA .,, ... p 0 . Celllorllie .,_ Bo• .. 1$, 119 llNr Lekt, CA flJIS Mtt'll9'l' R lloVI. • Ceder RIOgo, Thi• IKAlllHl I> <~Itel by en..,,. lrvln•, C.lllornle •211s ln<orPoraled . -l•llon othtr 11\en a Tl•I• b<ltlneu 11 COl'lllucl•d by a partnertNp 11•neral iitrlMrtl\lp Scott S 0. ll•IH Men,lfH'' R VOlll Tiii• •tat-I '"" llltcl wllll IN Tiii• •tat-I ••• 111..S with IM County Clerk ol Orengo County on Jwly C°"'nty Clert. ol Otanot Cout1ty on July 11, 19'1. Jt, lttl .. ,..,., 111.,l;lt Publlv.G 0rll'IQIO CCN•I Dally Pilot, Pwbllll\Od Oren99 Cou1 Delly Piiot, July H. 31, Aug, 1, U, 19'1 l2'H1 July JI, Auo. 1, 14, JI, 1'11 J• ... 1 PUBLIC NOTICE ltlCTITIOCJS IUSIMEU NAMI ST•TIM•MT Tiit lollowlnQ P"lOlll ••• doing b<l•lntn H . ADVANC ED VI DEO COM POHENTS, IVO L-.,,....,., "F" C0tl e "'*'a. CAtllorfti e •»» TLF C0t-ellOl'I, • C•lllornle tOf'· poratlol'I, IJPO L-Avel'lue, "F". Cot la Mete, Ctllloml• t»U Tlllt bullntU •• C-..Cled by. cer Po••llOl'I. TLF Cor-allon Thomet Let FIK,_t, Jr .. Prftl-1 PUBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS tUSIN•U M-E STATEMIMT T l\t IOllowiftll Pt,,_, I• dolnQ Du\I· Mi• ••. C A LIFO RNIA L.EGALMANAGEMENT. •10 N-porl C•nl., Drive, Suitt U >O. HewPo•I Beach, CelllOf'nl• t1MO O•nlel King TllOme>!IO'I, SOIS Pateo dt \191111, '"''"'· Celllornle '171S T 1111 -.nK\ It <onclUCled by •n '"· d lvl..,•1 O.nlel K ThomPMHI r hi\ ''•t•menl was tiled with I/If CO<lnly Cler-ol Ora11911 County on July tS, 19'1 Tiii• •l•lt~I ,. .. llltcl with "" fla•m C0<1nty Clert. ol Oral'l(llt COwnly on July Pubhsl\ofO Orln9t Coasl Delly Piiot, H tte1 July 11, 24. ll, •uo 1, 1'11 u 1>-e1 ... .,m Zt, 1Mt. .. .. ,,u Publill\ed Orange CDl•I O•llY Pllol, P.,Pllwd Orell9e , ..... Delly Piiot, July ll, AllQ. '· 14, JI, , .. I >44 .. 11 PUBLIC NOTICE Jiiiy lt, Aug. 1, U, 11. ltll ll .. I I ------- PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS IUSIMIU M-E STATUllaMT The lollowt119 person It 001119 bull '"""· KATHLEEN'S INTERIORS, 211J2 PMIOll ........ HunllnelOl'I BH<h, Ce. ., ... K•lhlffft Gru r. ZllU Pollon ~ Hunllf191on 1-.Cll, Ce '2 ... T11(1 lllftlfwu 11 c~leo bY en In· di vim.el, IC•INMnGr"r TNt Me1-I we1 llltcl with Ille c......., o m of 0r..., c-1,, 011 Juty PUBLIC NOTICE ltlCTITIOUS I USIMEU M-• STAT•MIMT The toflowtno person It doing butl· nUS H GREGG EHTE,.PlttSE, UOO Ell ln11••. H""'llf'1910ft 8Hcll, Celllomt• ., .. , James R. Gtt9Q, UOO Edln99r, H11nll11gton 9Hch, Cellton.le tJMI Tllll llultMu I• conclucted by .,, In• ClhlOUel. J-... G.-.09 Thia llel..,_I ... llled with IN County Clt1'll. o4 Or-c-ty on J.,.y 2t, 1"1. ltlUW H,t"I. ltl.,W ll'ubllll\ed Or-CDltl Delly Pllol. ll'ubt1""41 °'-Coatl Delly Pllol July JI, A\IG. I, I•, 21, 1... >tt2'41 J.,.y_>•> •uo 1. 14, 11, 1"1 J-11 ·------------- Cll'.-..S IMll'OllTAMT NOTICI " '(OU" PROPERTY IS I N "0111ECLOSURE BECAUSE YOU "'RE BEH I N D I N 't'OUR l"AYMEHTS, IT MAY IE SOLO WITHOUT ANY COOlllT ACTION, •NI 'OU rney -1119 leQal t'911t IO btll'l9 y-~I 111 9000 stellCllne by PtY.. 11'19 ell of your .,.SI clue pey'"9ntl plus """""'" cosb end HPtf\MS wltllln lllrw ~ f.-i tl\9 clete tlllt Hotk e of Oef...it .... ,_....,_ Tiiis -11 $6..VO.JI H ol July 11, '"' end wlll lncr-unlll your a< count •-currenl You m•Y ll04 lltve to pay t,. tlltlre .._Id por11on f1f .,._ ecc-•• ..., lllo\lllf\ lull .,.y. ,.,.,., wes demanOeO, l>ul.,.... must IMIY Ille,,_ Jlal.O eOove Afttr -monl1\I lrom ll'lf cleta OI rKotdlrtlon ot tllh do<ument twl\lcll d•le o4 rkonletlon -••• llareonl, unless "'9 ot11'9allon blll119 tore<._ PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS llUSINISS N-•STAT•M•NT T ft t tollowln9 PtHOftt ere doing buslneun: Ill BIRTHING R OO M CONCEPTS OF AME,.ICA, UI IRC AMERICA. 1US WNlllet Aft , S..11• A·tl, CO.le "'9W, Ce. t2tt1 JOlll'I Httll119tt Wooclbur,, 4ll04 Riv., Ave., Newport lee<ll, c.a . .,,., Jellrey R SlrH19, 12' Mtlody L•ne, Coate MeM, c.a. '2•17 Tlllt bu1lne11 II COlldUCltd by a llmlltd P8rtMrsNp. ThOtne• 0 . WD<ldOutY Tlllt tlelttntnt "" 111.0 wllh -CO<lnly Clerti OI 0t11'191 Cout1IY on July Zt.1"1. .... ,, .. Publl1'wd Or1119e Coa1\ Delly Piiot J11ly )1, AllQ 1, U , 21, ttt l l ltl-tt PUBLIC NOTICE ll'ICTITIOUS IUSIMEH MMAESTAT•MEMT TIMI lo41owt119 pettol'I It 00!119 bull· MU aJ OIRECT ONE HOUR PHOTO, Htwpor1 Ptau, 1000 B•lltol St. Ho Swll• 1, ~ Bta<ll, CA nwo.. C•mtron '-K.,.11. ~·• Pen,..., 11 Ho. us.no.. So ~.CA n•n Tiii• b11tlMU It conducltd by a llmllad DOrtNnlllP c-onL l(•r9 Thlt Jlelmt"*" WH flltd wtlll Ille C°"'nly Cler1I Of Or1n91 County on July n ,1"'· ... ..,.. P .. 1111-Or-Coast 0.lly PllCIC, July 24, Jl, Aull. 1, u, "" m, ... , P UBLIC NOTICE "ICTITIOUS IUSINEH MAME STATIMEMT Tll• lotlowlftll """'°" It Oolr>Q bull "'" ., RICH PAES'TIA :: \TA SYSTEMS CONSULTANT, n•tS Ill• S.nueoo. Min ion vi.10. C.lllorl'll• .,.,1 AICN•d CllerlH Prfltl•, 22'1S Illa Sant1•110. MIUIOl'I lll•IO. C•lllornla .,.,. Tiii• .,.,......._. It conoucted by en In· dlvldll•I AkNrd C. Prt1tl1 Tllll ... .-1 .... llled Will\ Ult Counly Clan ol 0rlll'l99 Cooinly on J11ly "·'"'· .. ,....,. Publl•-Or•ngo Coasl Delly Piiot, July 11,)4, l 1, A"' T, 1"1 Jt.,_.t PUBLIC NOTICE NOTICl:Oll' TltUST•••s SA La .... ,.,.171-J T.S.Me.614»1 BENEFICIAL SE,.lllCE CO "du· -pennltt • loft9er pa rloCI, you "'"' only lllt l•Q•I rl9hl 10 llop Ille f'ICTITIOUS IUSI NIESS ly •pPOlllltcl TrlnlM ..,., lht follow· '°'"•CIOIUrt t>y peylno lh• t llll•• ernounl -lly your credllo• NAMI STATEMENT lllQ ducrl~ CIUd ol trutl WI LL The lollowln9 p.,\bnt ere doln9 SELL AT P\llLIC AUCTION TO THE 1>utln11u,1 HIGHEST l lOOER FOR CASH To llllCI DUI lht -n\ Y°"' mllSI PfY. °'lo •n '""Of lot P•Ymtnl 10 ''°" lfle tore<loMlre, "' II Y""' P•-r1r 11 In loncloMlre IOf' any ot!Mr reason. CO!lleCI. AME .. ICAH SAVINGS "'NO LOAN ASSOCIATION. nns E. Wlllttltr llvd., Wlllttl<>t, Callloml• t0e01. PH c1141 n ).7113 NEWPORT MONOGRAM, UO IP•Y•bl• et 11'"9 01 talt In lawhil E •ll 11111 St•e•t-. Co•I• Mtse. mono ol lht Unlltd Sl•lHI •II rl9"1. Ce lllorfti• 92•21 1111• and ll'lt-t convey.a lo end now llfclll ic:e y Herro1, to Ot11nr llald by I\ wndff "Id 0..0 of Tr1111 In Drive, Coote Mt .. , C•lllOtnla •ui. Ille pr-rty i.relnati.r ditKrlbed: Marllyn J . LonQ, t:J.4 Oolpl\ln, Seel T"USTOR: IRAOFORO A. SMITH, B .. cll. Calllornla 90740 • tln9le m.ft Thll •lel-1 wes llltd wllll t1W BENEFICIARY STATE MUTUAL If you llavt any QllHllOftt, you ,_,.., (;CW!lecl ..... .,.r °' the 00 ... , .... mt nl agency Wllk:ll may lie•• 1n111rtc1 your loan. lte,.,.mi.1. YOU M"'Y LOSE LEGAL .RIGHTS IF YOU 00 NOT TAICE PROMPT ACTION. REFERENCE HUMBER B1·l011,. - Yocwm Counly c1 .... 1r ol Oranot C-.nty 011 J11· SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, ty u. 19'1 • corpora1lon "uazi• Recordecl Marc11 14, '"° H ll'l1tr Publlt/lfG Or-COlll O•llY Piiot, Ho ,_In _.. tUU -ISi of 01· July 11, 2', lt, Aug 1. 1"1 Jll4'4t. 11cia1 Records ln ti. oOlct or ltw ----------RtGorci.r ol Orenoe Counly, "Id dittcl PUBLIC NOTICE of tru•I ditKrlbet Ille tollowlr>Q II"• NOTICI 01' Olf'AULT ANO •LIC· ' TICHI TO HLL UMOElll OEIO Of' MS-""1 TltUIT 5Ull'•lllOR COUlllT 01' THI UAT• NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN: Tllet Of' CALll"CHIMIA FIRST CHARTER F INANCI AL ll'OltTHICOUMTYOflltlYllllSIOI CORPO .. ATIOH, e corpotallon, ,, ... M•lllMl'Wt ~N111M undtf • o..o of Trust c1e1ec1 111'.0 . 1 .. m July .. 1'11 tllKUl*CI by 11109£ .. T E ltlon .... CA tUl1 YOCUM AHO MARGRETHE I(, PLAINTIFI' LA .... Y SANDERS YOCU"'-HUSBAND AHO WIFE,•• JOHNSON •nd CHARLOTTE Tr111tot, lo _II,. ceneln obllveti...1 ELIZABETH JOHHSOfl. In fev9f f1f AMERIC"'N SAVINGS OEFEHDANT SlEll'HEN L LUCAS; AHO LOAN ASSOCIAllON, •co.-• VIOLET AHN LUCAS tllf DOES I 11on. n IMMllctarw. rec~ Jwlr 14, t11rou91\ xx. l11<hnlve. lfn lft 9-IDll, P90t 16'5 of Of· SUMMONI 11<1•1 Record• '" llle Olfl<t of tl'lf CAta MUM••• ..... lt•<Otder of, Or•1111e Cou111,, NOTICll YtOI ... ,,,. .... ..._ '1le Collforllia, es lnstru'"9ftl Ho 1'471 ,_. ,,.., •d• ....... ,_,.,..... "14 OlltlealloN lnckldt • Pf'omluory , _ _.._ _.. _.....,...,...... not• tor Ill• prlnclpt l 1wm 01 •lllli. a.,.,_, It ........ __.... ,,.., •• oo; Tllet • 11rtac11 or. -.. ~. f9111t In, tflt o«i11oa11oft, ,., wllkll auch II you "'"" lo IHtl u. _.(t el Ml 0..0 ls teelll'llY Ml OC<wtreel Ill i-allorney In 1111• me(l.,, yeu "'°"" * 1141y--notbeellM-Of: IO ptompUy to lllel yo11r wrltta" TN lfwlell-ol ptln<IDOI -'"" rtlPOflN, II-· INy lie filed Oii 1'-. t....stwNdlM<---J-1$,1 .. 1; AYllOI u .... lie ........ ·ft elld -.i ~ TlllH tot Ille YMf at 111 ........... ..., < ..... U .. 1 ..... 1 ,...._ .. llnqwnl, -ell llo..,._..•-.-eU .. ........ ~ ll9'fMO!llt wllkll lie<-N ......... • ..... LH i. ...._ dw• 1119rtet•r. l11Clll4l11t •l'lr t1te c ... ,... ..... . <lier ... ., --DOYHI• ~ SI uai.ci ..... Mllcl\et .. <-I• .. Ille -of MINI NOtt ., °"' .. "" •llleedo ... T"• ·-·· .... 11. Tni11. llecerlo '"'"'"' ellllltftte, 0. uto Tllet •Y ..._ tllerwf. tlle Un> M-t•, W , ........ eterlt.e, 11 ...., •nltftM. ~ -"k••rv -•19"fle • ...,....., , ....... o llell\M, peny. Lott 101• -107' of Ttecl ~), Clly ol Newport 8Hcll, 111 Ille COwnl'I' ol Orano•. St•I• or C•lllo1nl•, 111 per map r--In boc* n. "99• n lo M of MIKall-~. In Ille office of Ille cou111y rKotCllr of "Id county: 200 ... ,. 1erce1-. ,. _ _, 8"<11, C•llfOrlll•. "Cll • SlrM-ltUOt COf'llmot\0.• tlQl'latlon •• I'-" above, no •••rttlly 11 9lva11 • lo lb <Otr\94tll'ltH or <Ot· rectMUl." Tht lltl'lefklar, uncle• ~Cl Deed ,,, Trull, llY rwt11111 ot • bt-llor*191111 In 1111 dbu .. 110111 te<ureo 111ere1>y, llartlolort uecl/ltcl and detlver.O to Ille wndtf'~ • -•n.ti O.Clarell°" of l>ela\111 -o.n..nct tor S.le, ~ wrlnen "°""of llfMCl'l end ei.ctlM to <ellH Ille .....,,IOl*I lo MU Mid 11"0- petl' to setlllly .. kl ..,leetloM. .,.. tMreelW IN 111\dtrll.-i cevMCI Mio llOllct of t:lrMCh aM of tlec:Uon 10 lie recorci.cl A41rll 14, '"' H IMlr. Ho, 1•1~ 111 ..... I.Ott -.... of Mid Of. lklel lt-9a. S.IO .... ·wiu lie 11'\aOe, wt wlltleut COYeMftl fll werr4'11ty, tllPfftlt ., 1..,.. pllff, ,...,tllftt 1111 •• ,,._ ••• ., eM11MOt-... w ll'Y IN ,_...llil'lt """1,., _.. ..... Mtlt(&I ~l#M.., .. .. DH11 of TMt. wilt! ln4t'"I H I" Nkl llOW -ldH, HY*"Cft, II e11y, _,Ille.,,._ of ..... ~ of Trwt. Itta, <Ml' .. t .... UflellMt Of Ille PUBUC NOTICE 'ICTI"°"' "'"••• ..... ITaTa .. MY T llt latlt•lllt l'tf'Nllt ere ftll'le hllllaN .. l l•I IUNOltOWlH ll'IHAHCIAI. I, llll tUMOllOWOt VII tta l"eclttc CHO Nl""'a,, Ml'llti111tM1 lffcll, Cellltrllla ... I.•--o. kll••·...,...,., ••1 c 1rc1e, Hol111111e1•11 ••ull, c.iu ...... ,... Glenn 1. O u '""'· run 1Hw9"1\y I.AN, ~I ......... 1\,. C•ll'9rllla,_. Tllla M INH la unW<IN •v t ...,.,.1,.,.,..,....., i.e-.b.klll., G'-L. OMl1len Tllb ~I •• Ill• wlltl -C-Unlf (IOR el Or .... C_, HI Jiiiy tt, ""· ,.,.,.. .. .... ,.,..Or ..... c-· o.11., ll'lle(. Jwly JI, Awe. 1, 14, JI, 1 .. 1 ,.,.., PU81JC NOTICE ,,. .. , .... PICTITIOUt IUSINaM MAMa naTE,M8MT Tfte tol-ne ,..,_It dolnt bull· ,., ..... I llOGUI HAlllOW "'JI E PRODUCTS. 1'711 Helt Avenue, lrVIM , CA '2111 OOUOL.AS WOHO, 11 ..... fl'olnl, Irvine, CA'2114 Tl\IS MlM!U 11 (-.,Cled by all lft dlvl-.al °""'91" Wong Tlllt II.ti-I w•• filed wllll Ille Counlv C._ OI 0r""9t ~ty on Jiii' lO, , .. , .. ...... P11t>lltlltd Ore,. Coast 0.lly PllOI, July t4, it,AUQ. 1, 14, 1"1 m ... 1 ---------- PUBLIC NOTICE ltHO~.UTIOH NO. --HE W PORT ·MESA U N I FIEO SCHOOL DISTRICT DECLARING THE INTENT TO LEASE TO THE CITY OF COSTA MESA THE "EA SCHOOi., WHl!REAS IN REA SCHOOL In lf\e OOllllOl'I ot thlt Board I> not -IOI S<llool Olllrlct --t. -· WHEREAS Ille CITY of COSTA MESA~ incllUl.cl II• dnlre to IHM Wld 5cllool IOI • Pttlod ol llvt UI , .. ,,. H O W THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED tll•I purtua 111 to Provl•IOl'I o4 Eduullon C:-SKllCWI J9500 tlltOVgfl 3"02. 11 It Ille ln .... t 01 Ille Board ol Eduutlol'IOI NEWPORT· MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT to ltatt 11111 REA SCHOOL lo lht CITY ot COST A MESA undet Ille lollowlflO term• end c-lllOM I The u •M tl\all be l0t • llv• l~I nar Ptrkxt commencing S.ptembtr t, , .. , 1 TIMI CITY o4 COSTA MESA \NII pey lo DISTRICT 1n. wm o1 OM lllln· dred ana ltn thouund dolla rt U ll0,0001 Pt• ytar H ,.,., l Tiie Cl TY 111111 melnlaln "Id prt· mhtt Ourlnq lllf perloa 01 UICI LtaM and sllell malnt•ln Pllbll< lleblllly 111-'"""Ct on wk! pr-r1y. BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED 11\el noll<t ol -prOp>Md L.taM bll 91..., br publlslllng. COPY OI n ol teld L .... with Ille CITV ot COSTA MESA AOOPTEO, SlllMCI •lid epptOVtO 1111114111 dey ol July,'"' BOARD OF EDUCATION H EWPORT ·M ESA U N IFIE D SCHOOL DISTRICT Publllhecl Or1n91 COltl Dally Piiot, July >•. JI, Aug 7, t .. I W1'41. PUBLIC NOTIC~ MUNIClltALCOUltT 011' SOUTMOlllANOl:COUMTY >ttU c,_ Y_, ll'ertiway L.--M ....... CA ms.J Plaln\111 INSURANCE COMPANY OF NORTH AMERICA Otl•l'lclel'll: CORENE CAMPBELL tnd DOES 1 lllrouofl to, 1nc1u,ive C..M""'9r1-I SUMMOM5 MOTICEI Y'• twwe llNll -· T1le , ... rt .... , acl• ........ -wtltleoot , ..... llellle _... ....... .,. ,...,,... wt•lfl • M JL ...... ,,,,__ ... _. ti you w\sll llO -k lllf advice ol en •llot'no In ltltt ....iter. yo.i Sllauld do \O p 1omplly 10 11\el yowr wrllltn re1pot1M, II eny, may bt llled on llmt. A\lllOI U-....... -•Mede, El lrl"-1 ,_.. •lflr c-• UL tlol •..._,la a - -UC., ...... NfefttN•a ... s.t..Mle l-.,... " ............ SI Usttcl dlttN Mllkltar el c-jo Ot Un ·~ ... HI• -•o clltbe•I• ll•<trlo lnmedlel•meftlt d• Hie m•ntt• w rtj)Ueste Hctlt• sl her ••oune PWdt Wt regist•ado e lie,.,... I TO THE DEFENDANT A clvll comptalnl llel -tllt0 11'1' 1119 pl•ln· 1111 e9al11tl yOU. If yo.i wlsll 10 del- thll lewsull, vou mur.I wltllln .i deyl alter tlllt ........_.. It MrVed on you, Ille wllll tlll• cour1 • written ,....,... 10 the c~•llll. Unl•H Yo.I do f>O, your a.r ... 11 wlll lie enltred °" ap. pllcallo,, ot IN plell'lllll -11\b court may •nltr • ,...,..,,._, e91lnt1 .,_ IOI Illa rell91 dt...-In lht <Of'llPl•lnt wlll<ll could rewlt In oem1s11,,,.,.1 of W•9", t•lno ol -y or ...-IY., olher rellet r-ltO 111 Ille com· pte l11t. DI led· JUIV H, '"°, J-I . Herrll, Clerk 0. 0. Hutmechtr, ~y COOOltNO, IUltllM & MOODY A,.,..,...._, c....,.._ l".0 .IHDl1 llfJ St, Coasl Dt., Slllle 1 .. C••• MeM, Cellfwlliem» Tai. (1141 U..t7tt P ut>lllhtd 0r11'191 Coa•I Dally Piiot, Julr 17,24,l l,Auo.1, '"' aiu-tt PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITtOUS IUSUllSS NAMa STATHYNT l'llt IOllOWl"9 pertont •re dOlftt !Ntlllfft .. , T AHO I! CONSULTING. IU.t Pal· ttrson i.-• 1, ttUl'ltlnQton .. ac:ll, CA n.... T"°"'n F DI-. tSM1 PMtonen Lene • I, Hwntlllf(On llaac:f\. CA.,.... Edne DI....,., 1U.t Petlet'tOll Lellt •I, H"ntlftlllCW! llHCll, CA.,.... Tllh butlne11 I• C011411Kled by • 1141"'"'~'· T--., 01- Thlt Itel-' we• lllt0 wltfl 11\e CO<llllY Clefll 01 Orar ... Counl1 °" J.,.Ytt.••1. .. ,..,,. Pvl>llthecl Or1n91 COHI Dolly Piiot, July 24, )I, ""'4· 1, 14, 1 .. t JN.ti PUBLIC NOTICE ltlCTITtOUI 8UMN81S NAMS ITATIMllltT Tiit IOllOWl"Q Ptr .. nl ere dOlllO llllllllffl•. HAllllOi. LIQUO,_, 1'2' Herllet 11,,d., Ullil "I ", CMla Mtta, CA .,,,.., HAI NGUYEN, ... l Allfllllla """-· CYP"9. CA .... . THUY 00 • ...i ,.,.,.Ila A-, Cypr•M. CA--. Tlllt """'*'It~--Illy 911 111> dlvlcfuel, HAI MOUYU4 Tlllt ...._ -!lief wit!\ ttle Go\HIW Cttr11 tf0r .. Oellnlv Oii Juiy 21, , .. , ,. .... Pvlllltflltd Clrat'lllt CM•• Delly l"lltt. JUiy It, >I ....... ,. 14, 1•1 mM1 ~II--....... "9C!Mdllflf•llver.. I, TO TME 01!1".HOAHTt A chtll 10 Mil T"""'9e • .,.".,, peci.retlon complolllt Mt """' fllH 11y IN ll'l•ln> Of O.tiMlll -Demand fer $ale. -1111 ... INC .,_,, If nw ............... .......... wttfl Mlf lf\l•t .. llKll 11111 11~ .,.. mwt, wttlllfl • .. .,. T""'" -fll tlW ll'Vlb u· .. i.o Irr Mid 0..0 of Trlftl. leff Nie Wiii lie 1------------- "" ...... ---.~-.... ,.., .... --.... ,,,_ Oii .,..., ''"''---,,,.,...,,, OnCI -Ille •1111 "'"_,a -'""' ,._._ di< ..... -._. ,_,...., eK'-1111 te Ille ~•t. UMM nw ..... Jllfftt _ _.. lllerMY llllfftHlafely your ..,..... "°'"' lie ""-" 911 • fw ... ,.., ....... Mt eMc ... -pllUtlM tf tflt JIOillllff, eM tMI c-. .... ......., olaC1 • c..-llW '"* mey e11'8f • I~ _.,.. .,.., lw Pl'...,,., .. be ...... utllf• Ula • Illa rellof ...__, Ill til9 t .......... t. 11te.-ilKJnll ... !WY. •lllCll _..,.....In .......... .. AMUllCAH IAVINGI AND •t9'H • ._ .... 9' _.,., .,...n,., L0AH ASSOCIATION otller rtll .. ,..,.UH 111 Ille c-· ... .....,... "" It~-. 111•1111. MlaWlt Vlu'l"Ntlleftl OA TEO J_., 1 ... 1'11. ,,_ 0. T..-. DMoW D. ww.--. ...,__~ aw. O .... ,,...'l'tt, t•t L IMcJla&. . °""""' ni..,....... of tfM ....._...UC. ..... , L .......... .... n..,..,,..,...,....,.,._,~ ~...._ ..... .._ .,._., .. c.witr "«°'*'., '*"· .......,.~ .... c.ttr. ._.._CAMI am n••ta• ....._.er..., C. .. Delly """"-hllll._ Or.,. C.-Dell!' "''-- Aue.. 7. ~ 11.-. Ht! at.aMt Jwlr 11. "-1, 14, 21. 1"1 1441..., llelel Oii ll'rlltey, AUIMll 14, t•t et l'tO '·"" •I 1119 CM!lmOl'I A•t ft ... •II· trellCe, t• IN (M c Ceftlotr lwlkllftl. - IOO 1111 °"""""A-. In Ille City PUBLIC NOTICE PIC'TtTiouteUlllllM ...,....,.,. .. "' ti Orefltit, c;.llfOrllle. Al tlle llme of IN 11110.i lllWIMlullM ef llllt l'lltke, IM iot.I -""'Of Ille llnpelf kle11u of Ill• Olllltttlen MCW,....., .,......., dn<rltM-.. el lrwl tllf • .._.... ~ .............. IMl4I ..,,_.. It MS.MJ,JJ, To .... 1"1111111 .. ..,.,,. llt4f, .,... ,,. • ., ull (11') ........ Ofte• My IS, I., ....... ..,.,..ee. AA .... ,..... ·~~ ....... .:...~. .:::;. ..... ---.c...-. llMl--,.,.,11 .... ....,.,, ".,.., ..... "'"',......., ..... or.,.c:.... Oellt "-""""'.,,Aul·'·..., lllMI T lie ftltowl.flt ,.,_ • .,.. Mlllt -·-••1 D AND H INTa ... ltlHI, t* Al· lee ltrwt. Mtlll4rll, CA-. ..... J, 0Mt I F I". ttt4 II. ftl Aw.,A~.u•-.. Wllll-1.. Hwltaf\. 11710 Vl.,..y Aw.,~CA"1tl. ...... M. °" ...... ,... llM ... ~ Aw.,A~CA,,_. """' •· """""" '"" v1.,.., ..... , c;e.-r1-. CA '9'M. '"'' ...i ..... It (tMtKt•• Illy WlltlMI L.....,. Tlllt ...,_._n ... w'l\tl .. C.-Y ~ti Os .. (iNlt'J °"Jolly ~ .......... Or .... c:..c OOlf't ...... J111,14,.tt,Me-1.u,1t11 ~ D, .. t . 'Charity' tax plan told Contributions could be doubled at no extra cost By JOHN C1JNNU'F .......... .....,.. NEW YORK You may ror the moment have had your fill about Laxes. but could you apare another few mlnutea to consider aP tnaenloua sua· gcatioo from thts president of the Univertlty or Rochester? There's a reason It may be worth your time: It couJd almost double your charitable contributions to arts, e<WcaUon, medicine, religion -without coalin& you an extra penny. AB a W\.lveralty president, Robert L. Sproull observed that moat people who give to his Institu- tion are also corporatP. shareholders. He reasoned: It these shareholders could tell their com panies to donate some of their dividends to chari· ty. Instead of accepting the dividends and then making the contributions, the university would gain enormoualy. It works this way: -Corporations c~m donate money to charitable causes and institutions before calculating profits. Whatever a corporation gives. Up to 5 percent Is rree of federal Income taxes. -Money that a t orporation cuNIUPP sends to shareholders as dividends I• taxed. That is, the dividends to the shareholders are paid after the corporation allows for taxes. And the corporate tax rate is 46 percent. -If the shareholder decided to forego dividends, telling the company instead to donate the equivalent to charity, that contribution would go to the charity untaxed. The charily would get $185 ins tead or $100. Assuming that the shareholder would have given SlOO anyway, he or she is no worse off finan· cially. The corporation also is no worse off either. And the recipient has received an 85 percent in· crease in support. By now, it is obvious that there is a loser: the Internal Revenue Service. But from most ap· pearances, little has been done to violate the tax code, either In the letter or the spirit thereor. It is timely too. Government has cut back s up- port of many non-profit cultural and educational activities, so a gap has to be filled. And some foun- dations are not as able as they were to contribute funds. Furthermore, as a vehicle of tax-free contribu llons. corporations have a Iona way to 10 befon meeting the maximum allowable contributloM Few companies 1ive more than l percen~ although last year, for the first Ume. corporations aavc more to charities than did foundations. Well. what holds up implementation or the plan? There 11eems to be some queation amone • lawyers and accountants about .,.hether the. dividend that shareholders did NOT receive might"; be taxable to them as If they had received it, under.:i the obscure doctrine or Constructive Receipt. '- For these purposes, the less said about thj'~, doNrinc the better rts mere existence, however1. ' makes Sproull anxious for an IRS ruling and anXVt ious also ror a congressional bill to clear the alt~~ und encourage corporations to institute the plarr.::" Sen Oaruel Moynihan, 0 -N Y ., and Rep. Barber',. Conable, R· N. Y , are now working on that. particular angle ~ •: Sproull remains mystified why it hadn't beef1!:; proposed berore, and reasons that the idea may ... have come to hjm because or rus many roles. • •• He is a physicist who sees beauty in efficiency,. a donor who seeks the most from contributions, ~ president who must always seek funds and a cor>v porate director who appreciates turning Sl into •' $1.8.5. ITI earnings up II . '. International Telephone and Telegraph Corp.·~ net income for the 1981 second quarter rose lll percent over the similar period last year. Sales were at the same level as the 1980 second quarter. The company said that the sharp increa~ in second quarter net income can be directly ai. Lributed to a s ignificantly lower foreign currenc.Y, loss in the 1981 quarter than in the comparabl'(' period last year. However, higher interest and material costs caused operating earnings for the second quarter and first half to be below 1986 levels . Consolidated net income for the three month& ended J une 30 amounted to $136 million, or 92 cent!: a share, on sales and revenues of S5.8 billion. This compares with net income in the 1980 second quarter of $64 million. or 44 cents a share, a nd. sales and revenues of $5 9 billion u,., Lest Cllu S\4 • 1'-llV> • • ... 11 ~ 4"" I 'YI .... J " 15 • N 1J • J .... . ... •v. • , ..... 11-. • t\lo I~ • ~" ·-• 1'-,_, " .... 114 41'> • ... " . ,.,,_, tY> ...... 41<i • "" r-. • .., 414 • YI . .,, . " »Vt • W> l "' • -1200 • uo N ... Pel. Ut 44.8 Up 291' Up JI.)' Up 20.1 '• Up MA '~ Up ll.1 t U• ZJ..A,O Up 1IO.t Up IU • UP IU" Up 11.S Up 11.l' U• 1._1>, Up t6.J•" Up 1'.I • Up i. t •• Up IU Up U.J Up 1U Up 11S • U p IU I• Up tU ' U p IU Up ll.O Up 1U fl'c1 • °" ,, .. Ofl lU ()fl 11.0 .... Ofl IU Off 11.l °" 11.J •. Ofl 11 I Off 11 I Off ti.I Off 10.s Off 10.S' OH 10.S Off 10.S Off I0.4 OH IOA Off .., Off 1.7 Off 1.7 ()fl .., ()fl 1.2 ' Off 1.1 ••• Off 7.7 7, ~ g: /t .... Ofl IA ' 1 .. ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------~~ .. MUTUAL FUND , ,, NEW Y04'1< (All'I Celvln llolllock' M.... 11.1• n . Inv SOI 20.~ n.... Fwncl UI •.11 FUNI LS> NLlsi ........ FUNlt I -Tiie lllllOwl"I qwc>-llllkk 1' '6 1121 Mlln Id •,OI NL Inv Sel •.JO •.11 Grwth S ... •.t:I tncom 11<( Hl Am INI J 90 Ht_ • lat...._ .._tlecl 11'1' Cotldl'I tl7 111'02 FIOtl It.a NL 11111 \let 10.11 1'... Hetlkl 1.14 l.IO Pru SI P 1120 f4 4t At-.. NL • Ille .......... -l-OMd ,·,. ,·21 Gvt Se< '·" NL Inv Reth s. ... S.tt Mwtuel,,, OnWIWL ""-F-. • ...... , 1 ll NL • ...... "' Se<urltlff HllllC 10:. 11.41 Hllnca 1.11 NL ISiet :D.14 NL Arner .... HL COfW u.u 14.4' 0c-1 °' NL ., ~ OHien, Inc., -Motllll l."4 t n HI Ylcl ••• H •v1 FO 'IO )I NL Grwtll s.• s.n 11'11 Eo 1 ... 11.0 Sleln ROI Feb· , ' '"' prk ....... 1c.. HI W5 t" 10'is LI -1.2' H JP Gnl\ 11.M IJ,41 lncorn 7.tt uo 0-0 UM\lell .. ,.. 20t7 NL • ~ ,_ 11«urltln T•ll',. .:to ,·., P11rllrl 11,41 H JP Ince •-" 1.4' h ,.,.. t.n 10.02 Grwth 11 a n .n C'9 0p 12·112 NL • <tulcl ...... ...,. Cnt SN "·" n:.. Tll•lfl •. ,. H J•-10 11 NL Miii SfW .... NL HI Yid 14.CM 1$.0t Slotll ltli NL Mid (N'4 ..... Cl\ol1 FO llD OI 21-" Tr-D.OI M Jofltl Hencotll HHUT 41.Q NL lllCom S . .S $.M Str&ll n" NL' • val .... ) or ......... Cllp Dir 10'29 NL F11111111tl .. Pro!!! 8ond lt.ZJ 1a.a H•I Avie 10.M NL lllwesl 1·· 10.IO StnT'Jr •u NL,, • Ivel"" lllwt MlM Clletlnul 11:90 '4L Dyne 7.a NL Grwth 1).$4 12.$4 !'Ill 11111 IUD NL Qptll 1 .tO IS.It Str•Ullv ._·,, ,,.,-I• cll•r .. 1 lliurldav. CO!oftlal ,........ llldust 4.U NL •• ,.,. LU l .•7 ... , StKlll'IU..: T•• Ea 1'.16 11.ot Sttet GTll 11.. NL I .. ... lft "°"' 10 ... tt .. Inc.om .. fl NL Tell £11 1.1' t .JO la!., t0.11 10.. Ill... 11.41 It.OJ SunGrtfl 1CI n 11 ... '\ Allie ts.a fiL Gl'Wtll .:11 IM .... ,,_.,.., lte\lffm l."4 NL 9-115 J.41 Vay.. 11.01 11.M ·· .• , •-. Acorn .. ts,'2 NL HI Yid • ,. 1 20 llld ,.. 14.09 IS. I t<•mtlW ,_: Dlvkl s.o U4 Rel.... U 7 I'll ~T .. ..,.,,.,,, 14.U 1i.n I• ~ 4011 14.tO NL lncom S.'2 .:41 OllClO I0.'1 llA4 lllCom 1.0> 7.41 Orwtlt 1.11 1.1S Rav.,.. 1.70 NL m,.Olb 22 ... 2A.I011<-Aflll11rt u.• NL o.... 10 7, 111• Orwtll t .St 10. or-tt.17 12.'4 ll'refll s." .... sar.co Secwr: TTmpt Gt 1.1' 1.s1,•11., Al~ l"W*· Tea 1 ' ' lllalM ... 1.1 HI Yid 1.ll I.• lllCom • IJ Ut EQVll 11.a.t NL mpt W tt.lJ 11,tO >' CvYlf tS.04 16#7 c..:'O:' J·~ '':( HM"• 1.61 l .Jf ll'llll"d 11.04 1J 16 • Stock UO 'IO at G.....,, 11.li NL TTrM C:... t ... 'IOJit , E 111'2 14.11 ' ()pt11 ._tO 1,44 Mwn I ._ti 7,U Tea EJ! 1.2' 1.1. ll'ICO 11.at NL Nit 111" 7.JI 1.2 ''" H~ ..., ..... ~::: ~g u: g~ TH (JI 7.ft •. " (>pin 11n •• " Felrfld • "10.11 SIP9111 111-: TT~~ Eq 1,•,·!! 12. • • ...... " ,,,,, NL c Id ·22 ... ... WIEq U2 10 • .0 S..mrn 20.01 21.n HELi ......... , c.i1 IUD IU1 ~ Fd ·-"'-·· A •111t1T ti.ft tl.11 c:::: H :·11 t0'1l ... W .. I 14 00 NL TKI\ IUO U. 10 EQllll 11. .... 62 Orwth IS.II i..10 ~wt< Gt 11.3' HI. 't •~ ,..,,....: c_.t 11:.,. NL """ Otll s.• s 1 w Tot~ 11u 14.M Grwt11 ... a 1u• s.-1 14.17 NL u't'~ ~ ',?-p, N!---·• • A... t..• t.11 C-11<111 Qenl• ,_..~: fteys_,., Melt: ln<om t,IS •.fl S<uddH I'"-: "' •· "!..,~,. Af'llql .... .... flllftd 1112 ,;. 12 Orwtll •.• NL Cut It 12.10 IU7 Rat Ell lt,"4 1U7 COf'll 51 14.01 NL UuSfA '"' t OS Nt...,,,• • Mwtl tUO IJ.71 IMem S.«J ..... lncorn IUS NL CUI ., ts.It 17.2' Tub us s t2 o....t ft.I) NL u"11AcCll s... Hl .. ~· Aft Gift 'n ..... 0 • Mlllel t 5' • .. Cin ... 7.112 1.61 ... __ ....... lncom 111.11 ML " ,..... tO.li NL ••• ..... ~--II ... c::t'l:' ,t., ,t;J $tlecl 22Jl NL Ccltt .. l(J, 1 ?! 11·!! EM9Y D.'2 . NL Intl Fd 11.u NL u~~ """""...... • -, ••• "" In• t.6t t..q (; ........ O to It NL "'atllllll'I ~: Ill .... ,., 0.....0 11.Q Hl MMI .... NL .., ·"«>I!• Grwtll 1112 , .. ,. COl'lftltu ...e..11 AOE l.• J.~ cc"'!! '•o'·•nl '1',·"n Llllly J.St NL SNcl fO JO NL c':"n.. ,~u. 1!·tt-~·H I~ t.n .... c I .... '" NL ·-1.112 .. ., ... -• . """"""' 42' NL T'11Fre .•• NL .... ... -,,..,.., CA .rJ 10.I> C:.,. c..p tA.°• U 7' OHTC 11.G lU7 C1tt M .,,. 1.11 !'-U.61 NL S.Clltltv "'°""'' ~Oii lllC Ill.a 11.1s,,..,,. M ,...,_ 1.Q I.ti 0.1 "--· ' Gl'Wlll 7.tl 1.M l11W'n4 U5 S.01 Sc'-1U1 NL 9-1,11 7.)1 IN U.12 11.27'41<>11 WWI Ml 7,,. ... r:::f' 'M_U"'i~... Utllt .. 4$ •M Meu IU7 1Ut Nowt O. Jt.llO NL • ......, 1,4 I.IS HI lllC II ... U.1~,..l' Arnet o-r .. · l)a... 2 1 ·-115 I " LaxlllltCWI ~; Htwt ll'IC .... NL '""""' t.a 1CI 14 lll(om MS 10.Sfp'?C C~ld ,... .... 0.::: 't" '.:~ us Gov s:. .:,. Co•~ 11._·"n 11,:.'4.L Hlcllele IU) NL Ultrl t.11 10'11 =· ?-.!; _?-!!lt<>C I 14.tl ..... Tll II s. .. 1,u t• t ,11 t.it )I.._ " --10 16 NL Seltnte ,._.,.., • -11of:• HI ._,. t.4 ~ ,.. ...., I s.• •OI G,,_ 1U4 NL Ho¥el'd 1 NL Alll tM 1.$? L \laftt tt.• 1SR,r~ flilWI e 14 ... IUI Dll "#. :1} 10.12 f1!:"111e: ltltfl 17.)t NI. .. y ....... t.:: It.IS e tr'· I =L VUlf """' S.~ NL.,,,. 11 It-, 14.17 ' " •• CM«.e t,JO NL T•l'OI 1.00 NL Hu-•.Jt NL lal : 01 .. LI,. H . !41""• C""'91 ff.Jl It.II ~1' 11 J-~ ~ '""'Tr j":ttll Lii• 111e 10.2' ti.IS OINM !l.74 NL Ir u. u.a ,._ H.• 11.1t,,.,. llK!I &ti NL Sl l"llel NI. L.l-1:1.41 NL 0... Mii 'li.D NL Nat I"" L t D lllC-1.JI 1°4.fr•t l'O 1i1t1 IO.• IU1 1l'C Nl OT he 11.1 NL '--11 .....,.,., w~ FO: U ~ I0.47 tf.1t Lev 0. 11.M ll.~1 '" Orew 11.-HI. Drtwtw l'. NL Oot. c. 1a.11 NL c._it 17.n .. L tO.lt 11.10 Ull lrK ti.JD tt• v,,. Sit 11.• 11 .... ,.n earW 1U1 1!64 A .W ,. .. NL OIE 165 ... HI. Miii IUJ NL r. kl 11.• 11.a Stt!UNI 0.-; •""' ~1 IY•IJ -1t:ts a:1J D,...,, S:11 11.• OIE SS 1.t i. Nt LOfdHI ·~ .. :.,. : ... 11C .. t.lt 1.tt ..... Ut MJ :~ J·! '!-!! "*l J..'7 4.. J4 1fM !Oc I , N .. ,_ ,.. ·-U.M ~M 9-S.tt Lit ".,.., - ---~ • o• 1 n a.aa •• NI. 111111 • •.14 • "a 21a s u.• ,,.. ' "·" .. "'""'" . ~= a:,,. ML ~ ':-ti N~t a~ , . ..,. o... °' '!-· ... ,.!! w;" •.•• , ~ .... ... F-•. t , i:'·' .... ~, ...... , "~ ... "'' s.u l'.4.·~ ·1· L. H•!'ftl ; r-., Jo "I"' 21 ... ~7 M.'2 NL """'"'"' • In..... ,.. .. • .. H • ,. l.""'91'111 lro: T • a 10 14 ,,., MAI JUI o-I • ML >u6 A lllVllll ltD =~ ~ t tt. I. Orwtll ..:ft ,f;.. F-tl.71 U.IO OTC"L .: .. 1t:11 ~; l•=f M. NL.~·~ A . .. ... Mt 1 f~ .. ,, Ml. =-1.» ~ 11'..-M\M , ... "-ft = •tri IJ.' ~I 11 :: :t~"''[ ~= ~ J:tf ::ri \7.!.t. ~ ~'.~ =t ~UI 0..1 tJI I.Cit ~wi!, t~ =~ = 11.~ tt:li ~ICll f 1~1.'41..~1~t AlllWtY . 1.a 1Af 0,.... :t.n' ~ t11J'4 ML ~·-t Pe..ii JZ, U9 Nt l'lwOir u,.a 11.M -...... ~.t ,. ,;. 11!1 ._._. Hw tt.• N IT II. .. II.• ~le 111.41 11.41 T II.ti tt,a y~ ~: ,..,. 111f e U m ~':' it t?'J it• HI : I .. t.t~ =:s 115 :::»1i ~· °':"' t . ~~ It~ =t ~.:tit W:tt =t~~t ii 11'. .,W-.. ~. ~~ J '4 ··: MCO I. Ut ~ ti 1t 3 ~ OHMA 7 .. 1 NI. ""i i..c IP. ....,. lt,l!t I ·• ~ a;lt ,: Ml'O 11. 11... &• ,:n ;09tt LtJ f I""' tU7 Ml •lkll LC flC It. ' 'nt Ill t.Jt 11. Ml'I ... 11,jl "' · °'9. Ito ... .. -.. li.Jt Ml. ~rv• Mc 1 ,,,. Ill -11 r... t I Iii 11 ,._._ 111-I 14 14 MvtfY 1.M I. ; "JL!!..,l at.L Jft '1~. ::::i. ifti" w ~I. ~ J:f.1 \~1. =! f ti :·" ~ ti t5 =: '::£ Su: l!~ar:.~ ~, "':'lo N I I J·" -,;.: LY'fldl: ~·--~~-.11 .-. tU1 11.W ~ [Ji IR ') ... I :-~ • ,,,. '" 1. it i-" :1:: I f.:a .. ~ I~ ,~1 •-; ~I, (j.= =t ~~5t ~ i-rr: It Ji~ ~ Fi ~I !fl'~ .~\.·~n.:ra 11· ~.t ~l~i c" ~ ~ .. t,::cr: ~l* ~lilt ~I it -I~--~ .'l ~ l I 11 IK = J:n l'9 ti. "'t ~ Ml. ... i .• ··~ t tO. "" 1 M IM t.14 •l• .. liL 11111 ' l'IL flOr• .... ~ I •a:> f.3 , e. I 11 ft;rll!J ~~~: -~" l~JtJ ~ I I I 1' JI I I . ' .. Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu11 7, 19~1 ;-----------------------------------------------------NYSE COMPO ITE TRANSACTIONS CWOtATIOWt ltt(\.4#01 t •ADUOlt fMI •IW YN•. MIDWIU, ,ACl,IC. , ••• IM>1lO• Dll801T &•O Cl•Clltlt&tl UO<AI llCllAM .. &•O"a11110•HOH l!Jll •&•OAllOllOT01U . >, . Some time in this decade, our lives and our possessions ln our homes almost cert.inly will be protected by a two.way cable TV system monitored by a central computer. But ''In this decade" is not Aug. 7, 1981. and n1ht now, bu~glaries, fires and other threats to our safety aresoanng. Neither firemen nor poUce can respond rapidly enough to save us in most.cues. for an astoundini 95 percent of. our homes still are without adequate ~r~~e~t[o~ t_: ~ and this, despite the (act ~ .- that we spend more than $1 .A----..•-. ______ _ ~~l:i.0~e~u~f~; IYlVIA PDRTIR devices. Most of ~al Sl billion, though, goes for locks or locking devices, says Ronald Davis of Davis Marketing Group Inc . an alarm industry consultant -and these can be easily forced or circumvented even by unskilled burglars. As for fires. most of us rely on our noses, not s moke detectors. Worse. we may be being robbed or .burned by ~ur faull.Y selection of security systems, improper mstallation or just defective devices. By th~ ~nd or the 1980s, we may be spending close to $2.5 b1lhon on home protection (in addition to taxes) with about one·Ullrd of these outlays going for alarm systems, says Predicasts. a Cleveland company which has researched the private security market. To spend these billions wisely, you must make basic decisions on buying. You have three choices. l} Buy an alarm-only system, the least expensive even if you buy the most elaborate system. But It mar not be chea~est in the long run. If you make this c~o1ce, tell your m&urance agent, for many insurers will cut your premiums by about 2 percent if your system meets their standards. 2) Buy an alarm system tied to local police and r1re departments. Check your police and fire officials as well as your insurance agent here. Proper devices, correctly installed -and this ~sually means by. a professional, not a do·it-yourself JOb ~ often qualify you for a 10 percent insurance premium reduction <as against 2 percent on the alarm-only). 3> Buy an alarm system monitored by a profession~l organization. When your alarm goes ofC, the professionals don't show up themselves. They call the police or fire station, after they have called you to make sure you didn't trip the system yourself. If you are away. they also notify you, or some responsible person you have designated. This is the most costly system of all. but it should earn you an insurance premium reduction of 15 percent or more. Before you buy. check your insurance agent, safety officials and others who have this type or service. No matter which protection level you need or can afford. consider the following points -before contacting any insurance or officiaJ sources. STOCKS IN THE SPOTLIGHT DOW JONES AVERAGES NEW YOIU((AP) FIMI 0.--'-" •"9'-~:¥"4•y, A<IQ, • AMERICAN LEADERS a.-...... '--a.. Ole llO Ind ffS.IO •r..n .,.7.JO ts2.t 0.47 JO r,.,, 0.11 ••2.06 Cl.JO ... ,. , ... u vu tot.a ncurr t&tt tot.•• o.19 tJ:: l11.u.~~:~.~m m.YfJ~= VIiia .. • ••• : : • . .. (iif.- .S Siii . . .. • • 6,712,000 WHAT STOCKS DID NEW YOlll( (AP> AuQ. 6 TodeY Nt>l...ced '" Decll-Ml ¥:.'r.:e.:. «IS 117t ==· JO » wt<AI -(JI DK) NEW YORK CAP) Auo 6 Adwan<eel r-.J. Decll-772 Vnchan99d 20t :::i~r: , .. 12 llt9w IOwt 14 SILVER GOLD QUOTATIONS .,n.e~..-. ....... lel«W-ld .... llWl<et ._,, ...... ";J, SU ., , .. , JO " """· ~ 243 21)1 n• .. 14 ......... ......,,.,,. flldlll ......... ~1S. L.eM9: """'-fl11l111 ut'7 .U ....... .. ~--: .....,._ ,. .................... .... ,.r.....,.1.-.oa,,.u.tL zwtc:a: ... 11•1111 ............ .,.. .. ....... M-.ty & K-: ("'ly MllY ..... I Qt7.2S.\IPl4At . ......... , (enly ..... ~· ..,.,.JS, .. ...... ........ : (81\ly M llY ....WI fMnc ... ..... 14,llP ..... 16. ·J ·I I, I I Ii .. . . Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Frid y, August 1, 1981 MOO EL DEALEA IN.I MOO EL 2 DOOR STAMDAID INYOICEOOST PLUS ...C:I 2 DOOi Im.AM 4 '"" tr1111 I fully r1cto•y s4 5 5 3 4 IPMO tr--. DOdy -=iT~ 8~1 cnoou ••om• ,~ '99 ;:~':'8ni~ or-oon '5107 '99 HATC .. ACK DILUXI 612 DOotl Eclul-" Ind.-6 -tr1111 S 5 1 6 3 ~n=-~ :::O:.o! ~~,. & u...,_I 15064 '99 moidlnga (IO~J(911dl81) 2 DOOR DILUXI •X COUPI 6 ~ ,...,_....,,, DOdy l•Oe <=-r:::,:pe . unoetcoat '5185 '52 8 4 ~...:.:..::..=::....: '99 (OOll2e3)(81k 11&) •xcowt HATC .. ACK DILUXE 6 ICIMd tra.-Mk>n DOdy tlcle ="f2~s737.~•t&:.1~l m e nt '5244 s5 3 4 3 ::=~=--.... "": '99 (0t 7148)(8tk 9QB) '5701 '99 55800 1981DATSUN510s 1981 DATSUN TRUCKS MODEL 0 £.-.LER MU MODEL IN~~ PLUS 4 DOOi HATCHIACIC INVOICEOOSl PLUS NICI ICIMG CAI £ou1pmen1 1nc1uc1e1 a 5 •PHd '6366 lhloone"41••6 -••--.-,.,,,m,111on and a pro1ec11on S61M.·7 ..-I .. fully llC10fY -.DCJed 1029081 ~ 12137841 !St• &0e1 1» -...,..., 1s a. een STAT10M WAGOM SHOIT HD ,6 388 Equ1oment 1nclucte1 a 5 toeed Eouloment 1n.ctude1 1 4 1oeea tren1mi111on Ind I wood 0<11n '6289 ~ (121100)(Sllc 139) '99 :~~,:~r·s.~ :,3· •PDn pec~•Q• 4 DOotl HATCHIACIC £qu1pment 1ncludu 5 •P••d trerern-•• prcledl()f1 peella09 '6510 '99 122a11t)(S1k wn 4 DOOi HATCHIACIC LOMG HD S 09 L-one 5 -.. cono "'" rcn DOdy -'"°"'"'Ill a mucn 66 more•(0085t4)(Stk ee11 ICIMG CAIGl '6780 '99 6 _.,tr•-· Jwo.IOoe °"'"' and DOdy aocle mcldongo \2218211 S.Lltctt Sito 106) ~ Equipment 1nc:tuc»1 6 aOMd lrent ..-'6657 unO••COll • molOong D•C••11• '6862 ..-._,..., t01e11 t)(Sto. 5eo -77 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM AT SIMILAR SAVl*iS! uu NICI Bnng your best deal in wnt1ng & see what we'll do for you. AtJ , applies to vehicles 1n stock. c~ subject to pnor sale All pnces plus tax. ltcense. doc. fee. dealer installed options & finance fees Ad must be presented at ttme of purchase. Sale ends Monday. August 10. 1981 at close of business. LOI =#2 ISNOW FACTORY AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR • ALFA ROMEOeMASERATleSAAB•PEUGEO THE FINEST USED CARS AVAILABLE •TRI U MPH•B ENTLEY•FI AT •VOL VO•AU DI •PORSCHE 848 DOVE ST. NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 Tire Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU -MC• ... to0.~001 """'°""'"'' • • THE ISUZU DIESELS ED E!!! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! EPA CITY These figures are for comparison only, your mileage will vary EPA HWY. "CTmoua •van••• •AM41 aTAT9M9~ JIM lel .. wlnt ,_,_, •r• Mint ~ ... THI 0411101NAL lllUaatUUN COMl'AHV, ,,. w. Wll-54., Cwu IMN,CA,_. .....,H H...._,MW.WM-St,, C..M9N, CA*» ....,_It. H--., MtW. WM- S!., CAM MeM, CA n.Jt Tllla Ml-I• con-.ttM •Y e oeMf .. M111~Mllp. s..w.._ Tll" ........ , ... flltcl •111\ "-ovnty Cle"' et 0t•"91 CWftty °" ... ,,1 .. 1. '"''" ~·-Or .... Coest Olllly Piiot. .... '· 14, 21, •. 1 .. 1 w ... , $QWWW PVBLIC NOTICE "CTtnouuu...... Nale "'1Cl NOTlce Ofll DEATH OF IUMStTA'fW••T AaRAHAM ZLOTNICK TIM,........_....-11--. ....,. ~noutavtt••.. AND Ofl ftllTITION TO ,..., .. , .,...tTAff••T ADMINISTER ESTATE OLM> ... o ......... o. Ht2 Tiie .......... ..,_ ,. ... ...... NO. A10IS21 ltt11dt"911. ..... "'1111. c .... ,.. -·· ••• "-GenM. 11M1 A/1911 o A " • a o 1 v 1 " 0 " N 0 T o a I I h e I r s , A••··,....., v .. 1..,,c .. .,,. al'•c•ALTIH . .., •~1e °'·· Hwit beneficiaries, creditors TM• -..... •• c-...c ... .., .,. "' '•• e..dl. c. . ...., •nd contingent creditors of •Mw.i. DINll .....,, HWI, mi ,,..,,.. Abraham Zlotnick and ._... J. 0-W Of ............. , 9Mtfl, Ca . ..,.., T111t ......,_. -111• w1111 tM TIW......_._,-......, ... ~ persons who may be c.-., a... at 0r-.. c-v.,. J..i, ......... otherwise Interested In the tt. •••· °"' "· HWt I I .. ,.,.. ""'....,_, _ 11._ .,., .. w I and/or estate: l'llMllllN 0r.,. cw .. o.11, ,.. ... c_,., cl9ftl " 0r.,.. c-ty .,. A petition has been filed J111,>1.a....1.u,11.1t11 uit1 .. 1 ...,..,,1..,. by Jeanne Zlotnick and q "1.,.. Howard A. Zlotnick In the PUBLIC NOTICE .....,. .... <> .... c...tt o.u, Pi1.c Superior Court of Orange ..... '·"·ti, •• 1•1 ,..., --------County requesting that "'CT1nous1u11 .. u Jeanne Zlotnick and MAM• STATWM9MT H r,.. 1ot1owt111 P9<'IOf\ 1• dell"' 1111••· PUBUC NOTICE oward A. Zlotnick be ap- rwu ••· pointed as personal o•EG llEHSIEN WALL -. representatives to ad· covE1t•HG$. 1s.o ......_A-.... PtCTtnoutau1t••• mlnl"'ter the estate of Cott• INN, Cellfornl• t26» MAM9 ITAff••T > Gf'99 ..._, 112111 PartiN-1. T,.. 1o1--.. ,.,._It -.......,. Abraham Zlotnick (under H••portBM<11,ca111omiu*O -••: the Independent Ad-r111•1M1-11,ondll<tec11»,an1n· INSTANTCALL.. ,,., "-11< ... """ ministration of Est•tes oMdual. Coal• MeM. ca. nw .. Gnt...,_, ,._.A. W•t.i, 1M1 "911c1111 ..... Act). The petition Is set for Thi• ilat-t •• ffled wllll IN c.et•Mnl.C:..'26» .hearing In Dept. No. 3 at coun1yc1«1i•<>r.-.c-tyon.>u1y Tlllt...,.....lac~•.,an 111• 700 Civic Center Drive u "" ......... ' · · .. ,..,., ,..,. ._ wei-West, In the City of Santa Pv1>11.-Otenga Coeil O.lly Piiot. Tiii• ... ..._.. -...... wltlt .. Ana, Callfomla on Sept. 2 Jiiiy 11.2•,J1.Aut. '· '"' J1n.e1. c~ya...ef0t.,..c-t?CH1JY1y 1981at9:30 A.M. , DAILY PILOT CLASSIFIED ADS 842-5878 22• "" ,.1..,. IF YOU OBJECT to the .... .,1...., 0r-. c..." o.i1y 1"11.c granting of the petition, Jiii' J1, "'4-'· u, 21, "" >41M1 you Should either appear PICTIT10US .UM•IM -...ITATIMIUrT at the hearing and state ltOTICI TO ILaC'TOltlOP MTW an1111 -•CM eeo A"41Nlfn l'Otl oa AOAl•IT CITY MllAIUa•t MAY I• SUeMITTllDTOTM• T"9 lelieWlfte --It Wlflt llonl--•: lttVTTIElllaltlTI!, *6 ~-. Ced.a Me--. C.. n.» "-? E. f'lllllMG, Mtl W""'-Ct .• ~ Mne. Ca . ._. your objections or file written objections with the court before the hearing. Your appearance may ~ In person or by your at· torney. I CtTVa.••• TilblllualNMlac~•YMlft.. dl•ld1191. tW\.n hu n1~ht4 Ho.~ l •lwtftl\"'" Houw-. hirAw l "' ('011-'onuNw.m" t'ur" c~ .... m,\nf To.nihow\h hir" , ......... , .. Dwpho•n ••'" Du,ff\f"\ l ftl .-,,. .. r.,. .\llt~lft.lvrn ~" r .. ,,.., t "' 11_,, M-.• 11<>.1• ...... ,,. .... Cwttt H°""' 'wilmnwrlC•ft4.•I• \lf'MIOft Mf'Mtli. Rt.-..t~ '"\It.it• CiM'eaft IQf •tilllj otf~f Mrflllel I ~\It•"'•' lnO\l'l.trttifetM•I I ~~·:i: •. Mfllf i\tt\t Mrnhli. Or•nge Coul DAILY PILOT/Prld•y, August 7, 1981 H /F Thia iinapaper will not knowhtf ly accept uy advert 1ln1 for real .Ute which ii In viola· Uoa ol the law. THE :REAL ESTATERS Looking /or a great buy in a television? See today's listings, classification 8098 . COMI WITH US • • • TO WISTCUH. ELEGANT FOUR BEDROOM. ntREE BATH HOME .. LOVELY COU NTRY FRENCH KITCHEN AND FAMILY ROOM WITH TRENADA FLOORS .. CUSTOM CARPETS. WALLPAPER AND DRAP~ nt.ROUGHOUT. .PRICE REDUCED 145,000 NOW ONLY :.: .. OU: .w. .. ....... :: ...... ~ .. .. HAUOlmMI Awatd w i nnln1 "JodeUe" .Ute bome. 1st retak offerin1 on th.ii uquilitely appoUlt· ed townhome with mauive view of bay. 1285.000. 1617 WIST CLIFF Dlt, M.I. '31·7JOO ;: .., .... ,..,... .... :: ,... 'nn I...,. n. 111111 DAILY Pl.OJ-. ~an, COlltline fr ni&ht !•--------------• ll1ht1. Now Nduced to llClll ...., .., ....... : lacorrtct 1 .. ertl01 '7• 000 ltW ...... nw _,. l)l/J 1~1 .. J:1,i\ .\ l ,I -l'IW -- Jlw -l.1W -)42$ -.i »z) 3)lj) -1lW --tlJIAj -411.<l lllil •llN Ulil l»J ·~ ·~,, Ult; ,.,.,, ·~ Mk>I - t ' \ I , \ ~ , , ' T ••••••••••••••••••••••• .... ,.. IOOJ ': 'l ' ,",, ,•''It I I ltd·'' •.. I 111, REALTORS '71-111' ••••••••••••••••••••••• D&l'LD $94,900 r~~i~~-=le ~:~~~C'~?n~ LOOKING fOI A CAllH IN llAL aalet auoclate wbo re-come . f140 Mo. 1 year ISTATl7 Co. iii -4 ..C.. ,_.,..... quires aubttantial In· home protect.loo plan In· .tli a We offer y• p-4 er ' dv come 11 desperately c111ded . Call lo see! ...... fllrofea.-.. r 11• ce . .,_.,. needed by Ione 846-7171 ................... _ ..... off1 ! established local broker. · -. "'-· ,_ n outstandln1 earnings COLI OF NEWPOIT llAl.TOIS avail. on a generous JSIS L Coest H C.-.. W. comminion split. A wy., marvelo~ opportunlty 6 75-5511 for the eager pro fesalonai Call Mr. Hut· inp at (714)641).s.560. MESAYllDE I NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN hi., "9ctMll It .. lie ... ._ lft ... OIY et ~"'I"' ., ->. 1'11, at wtllCll ltlwe wlll .. -.n... 19 tfl9 41*MIN rl•<ton tlll s.ld City the follOwl"ll City -: Heney E. "911Md Tith ......,_ •• H.-wl .... IF YOU ARE A CREDITOR or a cont· lngent creditor of the de· ceased, you must file your claim with the court or present It to the personal representative appointed by the court within four MINESS, INYEST· TIY IJO/o ••• G.M. ... W'd m .Bw. Wilson COit.a Mesa IUJMS W AHTID We can belp you find your dttam bouu. Call our Costa Mesa · Newport Beach Reaiden- tiaJ Specialist, Delores Gelber1 $129,950 Whal a ba.rpln! With 1 "aluable down!" owner may carry Isl. SBdrm. 2 balh, family room, brick rtrepla ce. wa1ll lo ahop- pin1. Call now. s.i-211J SNll IN onllrwnc• fflabll>IW"ll a s100 llWk 111'111181._. on <.,,...en c .. 1r111Y11on1, tllllJecl lo edl--Ille eon....-Pr!Q llldaa, .. -.iot911? SNll IN wdl-•IMllAN119 a $2'0 11Wk llrnlUI .... on umpWlft (OlttrllMlllons, •ubJKI to edJ .. --Ille C---""ka lnd9a. 119 adolltedt A._i.rtY•OMy: SNllllO the Cl!';lof IMMC'-lrYCI • -~I Clvl< Cent« to provide 9'NIC• lor 01';1 .., .. t1on1? YES NO YES HO VIES NO I NOTICE IS FUltTHER GIVEN ltwl ....,_t .. Ntk .. 4, ~ I. ):>1vlMan •of -Elecll .. a c-of IN SC.. at C..lterNe ....... llMIUw...., Pf wld City. cw eny INmtlar w ~ ~ .,..,._..., lllCll ....,, w pny lndlv~I ma< w boi'l8 Ilda .,_llrtlon at <Ith-,.,. •Y ~ • i""Cll ~ -auoclet..,.., mey file a wr1 ..... .,..,......, Ml llt ··--/#fWds In ..... II. fo.-w ~Intl a Clty-e. ti: NOTICE IS FUATHElll GIVEN tNI .... -.. lkN ~ •-V to,.,.....,. end print IM • .....,....... -_,.... Mttertt fw ~ "9c· on. h City Cle"' !las fixed S:OO•'<lock P,lft • .,. ....... 1•, 1"1, ate - E dete prior 10 """ .iec11on ener ....-Cll,..,......... fer.,......,..• City -. ,.,..., 119 "'btnllted lo Hid Oty 09ttl '9r Jtilltltle -.... ,....,..... .. 1:ot9"., provided In wld Artlcle • . .,..,._ .... I • ~ te .. City ll:IH-llC Ille offke of IN City Cle"' In the City Hall ef .. 111 City, .. 1,_ ~ ...... AoM, lrvl"'· Callfomla. Ar__......, e. ~ w ....., .... llllllt ..... lnctudltlt wlcl ...... ,._by the 01';1 Clerll •....., ......... _ .. y ...... prior lo prinU"ll-ABOVE HOT ICE GIVEN lrf me !Na 2'1t111rt et J""1, 1"1. r• /ti Heney c . •-•and CITY CLEltlC OP: THE CITY OP: lltVINE Publl-Ora1t9t Coett Delly Pllol-"""" 7, 1•1 f-------1 ,.,e 9ltl( ttOTIC• OP •LmCTM* t NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN tlte4 e S.-lel Molnk ... eled ... will lie ~kl In .. City of lrvlM °" T...,....,, 1M ,,_. M'I' .. ,._, 1"1, fw tfl9 901._lftt 11'1H141rff: _ NO AOY llCHIV YOTa ONLY:~ tlWCltyef 1"""9-YES ttNCI Civic Ct11ter to -Ida -,_Cl· ty ? NO t11e llOllt 111 tla -IM1--'*"" llf 7:• e.m. Md l:GO •. m OATEO...,S, 1•1. ' : II/ Hane., C. •ow-' CITY CLElllK OF THE CITY OP: llllVINE : l'llell_ Ot...,. Coeta o.11, Piiot A ... 7, 1•1 • fiEATH NOTICES- CONNER •HAROLD ARTH U R 'MOOSE" CONNER. res1· ~nt of Costa Mesa. Ca. ssed away on July 30. t He 1s survived by his ughter Linda of Costa esa. CA .• brother Wayne of orida. and hair brother C.oren Services were held on Memorial Chapel with Chaplain Vernon E. Stein· berg. Capt.. CHC. USNR·R. offi ciating. Final interment services will be held at Ri verside National Military Cemetery, Riverside. Ca. Services under the direction of Harbor Lawn· Mount Olive Mortuary or Costa Mesa. Covnl';I , .. ,.. et Ota,.. c-i, °" ...-s.n11. Pl'1W months from the date of ...._...,.. ar.,.. GoetC o.i1, P11.c fl t I A11t. 1.1•. 11, •· 1•1 unt1 rs ssuance of letters as provided In Section 700 of PUBUC NOTICE the Probate Code of California. The time for filing claims will not ex· Ptcnnous au11•1u plre prior to four months •MM ""ffN'" from the date of the hear· ...!!'!.~1owine --11 dolnt ....,. Ing noticed above. OllET CENTIElll. ttSJI ... ,11 YOU MAY EXAMINE ••v• .• Hl.Wltl....,. 9Nt11, c..,,.. the file kept by the court. ••tlllMn OrHr, tllJl Potion If you are Interested in the L-.H~hedl.c..,,... est t fll ni. ...,._. ,, condll<IPM..,.,. lft· a e, you may e a re-dlvl"'6.i. quest with the court to re· Tiiis .=.::.°= ni• .i111 .. ~eive special notice of the c-1., Clef1l • 0r.,.. c:.uncy "Jiiiy inventory of estate assets n. 1•1. and of the petitions, ac- P,..1...., 0r.,.. CM• o..~1 ,.. ... c o u n t s a n d r ~ po r t s .1111.., J1, Aug.1, 1•.11. 1., ,. .. 1 described In Section 1200 •one•~ l'UkJC M•••tNO HltOlt• TM• CITY COUNCIL OP TMI CITY CW l'OU'"AI• YAUAV of the Callfornia Probate Code. Howard A. Zlotnick Attorney at uw 4059 Adams Ave. San Diego, Calif. 92116 (714) 2'0·7670 Published Orange Coast Dally Pilot, Aug. 6, 7, 13, 1981 3532·81 ...cma NOTICE IS HEllllaV GIVEN Ille! on T-y ......... II, 1"1, et 1:00 p.m. Ill the C-11 OW,...r, llDOO Slelar A1ten11a. Po11nteln Vella'f, Cellfoml .. IN Cl!';I C-11 will Mtd • .,....le '-'lftt on 111t ...._ .... , lOHE OtAHGE HO JSt-...,.._ -----------to •au.illfl "'8blle _,,. and lt·I Mntl• 1....i1., ••kllr><• ioNnt on tlW .... u ... ,.,,.... .. -""'' .. 92111 hl"'1 A-end 111,.. • .,.._,.. Stl'Mt. TiwN ,.,,.... .. -....... -c11rrant1y 1011ao A·I Gan•r•I ... cv1 ..... !Mstrlct. Tlllt "1etler It tlalnt ••KHted _...,..•the l"l-lftt laws• !tie State .. Callfornle 100¥'1 COde kl._. u.ooo ..... , .... tlW "-talll v ... .., Zonlnt Ordlnence. Tll• Zonlnt 0nt1-. Z..lftt ,,._ -•lllWlllu .... Oii fU• In Ille Pl-Int Oep9rt,.,.... .... -.......... for .... le._, ... alld •-INllon. T,_ dnlr1nt lo t..rlly In fevor w 111 oppotftl91 to 1111• pr-f •Ill .. 91v.., ., -•l111tlty to do ... 11 l11n11er lllfwm•llon 11 dnlra«I. you "'•Y clllllact tll• PIMfllnt 0.-t· "1ltfll, NOTICE OF DEATH OF ROBERT B . MABEY, AKA DR. ROBERT B. MABEY, aka ROBERT BURNS MABEY AND OF PETITION TO AD- MINISTER ESTATE NO. A-10tl14. To all heirs, beneficiaries, creditors and contingent creditors of Robert B. Mabey, aka Dr. Robert B. Mabey, aka Robert Burns Mabey and persons who may be otherwise Interested In the wlll and/or estate: A petition has been flied by Jane c. Mabey In the Superior Court of Oranoe County requesting that Jane C. Mabey be appotnt- ed as personal represen- tatl ve to administer the estate of Robert B. Mabey, iecmc1:_T~•·suL1 aka Or. Robert B. Mabey, ,,..,.... aka Robert Burns Mabey 0n ~ o. ,..,, •t 10:••·"'-· (under the Independent Amer1c .. 1ecwit1" ~,. • cw· Administration of Estates hursday. August 6. 1981 at OOPM at Harbor Lawn -•tltn, at !My ........... Tn1t1" SMITH ...-. .,.. .--t to Oeec1 et T,,.. Act). The petition Is set for MAR y c AT HE RINE '9< ...... .1111, •• ""· •• 1 ... 1.. .... hearing In PePt. No. 3 at 540-SSS4 ! I .... CllaOTHHS S......n4S' MOnuAIY 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 •Jta, ..... 111M. N9f ... .,.. r• 700 Civic Center Drive, SM ITH. resident of Newport rK.,... ~ n. 1m. es IMtr. W t 1 t .. -Cit of ., • t e h c p ed No. um, ..... 1U10 • ..., ~. et Of· es , n •.... y ._n a · A~~~~t ;: 1::t si~a~~~ ~~~,"~.,~ ·:m~.:;:"'~':":: Ana, California on Sep- formerly head dietitian at 1....-. in'111t ott1c. • t11e ~ tember2, 1981 et9:30a.m. the UCLA Med ical Center '1teceN1r t111 0r-. c-ty, stat• ot IF YOU OBJECT to the h ,..._ f h ' call,.,._ WILL SeLL AT PvaLIC "'rantln"' Of the petition MEllT, RNAllC£ ......... Up"" tfv\tMo \l•Mf'd fft\NmitM~t \ fn\f'\tW•ftll Vi •Mrd \IOM' tu l..oen liletW\ W.eflttM MOf1t•H11i Th ' ANNOUNCEMENTS, IUSONALS & LOST & FOUND Annuunc •""""' l u P<d U-...1 \our .... !AM ' 1 ... ...s Pff"4Wlal\ Nlirt.111 flwtw. l'eHf S£nlCES EMPlOYMEllT & mrmnow Vhollil"' ltt'\tr-Wl•llt JubWenlrtl ll<l•••Nf'<I \I & I MEICMAllDISC ........... ~~·' """ .... H1r\1~ ~W.1\1. M •tf'ttel~ t ~-· •"-' t: 'ftril'l'"'' M l •h ,,.._ t'rtt ltt '"" t\ltntlwtf (,..,..,. .. , ..... Ho< ... ·~··otod' Jhtln U<i.n&orl ..... ._l,..,, M"'"°ll•IW'\Att. Mix.tt......,.,., "-"'"'° Mu,,t•lln,,~,....."I"' OffH'f' .-.,~' t.qi.wti """ ~·Or••"' St. If\& MM htftf" 5ponJft41 t:ooch ~wt ltrr.fiNf•M 8•r ~7•r_,.o H1t·1 ""'" BOATS l MAllN£ EDUl"'CNT <..-ti l!lo•b N1tM ,.,,,., .. fto,.4, M•fl-.. tq411p fto..c, Po-rr &•h RtM t tl•rl.,, INbl*I ... h-Shpiri Uo.tt. -·~'~' ....... ~,,, .. , llANSPOUATION Alrt'r•h feMPlft'\~-M.-at Df'f'tr1fC.•r' ""'1«Mor C\if.t, """'"°''' Motllf'" Hnh '-ff. "•"t r,.1ttn T"\ ti !:;~~!~H~•rl' tittM,•I MllOMOlll~ Alll~lih '", .. _. ... ltnru l111tt \.t>fl•t lt"l .,,,, .... , " M•d a.-k'tl OtHrt ''"' lh \ ... , Aivl11L.•U.)lft~ A•wtW•"4f'tt AUTOS. IMPORTED "'""'"' Alf• komrv ""'' ~:~" lt'41fC') t:;r' °"""" .. ,,..,. t"t-4 -· J•~Ht )jJ $26,000 DWM! \0111 Republic homes! 4 huge ~~ bdrm•. 2 bat.hi. family ~~ room, brick fireplace, ~11\ country kitchen Owner ~· .. anxious, may carry NTD at 13'Yo. Price ooly 1129,500. Act now 1 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATE RS hocltfrallt Ca.do $2400~! 5 Star huury beachlront condo. Air cand.itioMd. Dally maid service . ;~;· Kitchen. Pool-side bar Cootinental restaurant Full prlre U9SO or :~ terms! 11311/48 moa. Call ,.,1, Bob Burdick. Time ~ share Agent today' ... , ...m ..... .... , """ llUM ...... ""' ..,;o ..r.1 :! UICUTIYI :: SU7,000 .. ~ Almoat new 2 story =:.; beauty Sun rilled -kitchen, formal dining :: room , wark and cozy ,.HI> family room too! 2nd -story hosts secluded muter suite with crackling br ic k ""'" fireplace. 3 more queen :: sued bdnns too! Don't '""' miss out call 'MCI ..,,., "1711 -..,., ''"' __ .,., SEA COVE PROPERTIES 1 r.f-63 r.6990 MO ~ DOWH! ~ Must qualify for pay. ~· menu, 5% needed ror = coat. Colle1e Park 3 "*' Bdrm, 2 bath. ramily -room, double fireplace, cul de aac atreet. A bar1ain at $134,900. 541-zm THE :REAL ESTATERS You attthe winner or TWO FREE PASS~ (117 vaJue> RINGLING BR~. BARNUM fr BAJLEY c•cus Anaheim Coovenlioo Center Aug. 6-17 Loo1 Beach Arena Aug. 1~23 To claim puses. call 642-$678, ext 272. Passa m111t be exchan&ed for reserved seau at box o ff ice prior t o perform~. ••• YOUI BEST BETS!! 10 UNITS: A.uumab&e · 117 2,000 In loans . S:.0,000. Orange 8 NEW CONDOS. From 1125.000 to 1137.000 Costa Men DUPLEX: 1 Yr old !u sumaule SlS0,000 loan 121.S.OOO. Orange. 8 UNITS: Brand new. SJ61,000 loan. ~.ooo San Berna.rd.loo. LOT IN DANA POINT. 29 ~ down · will ubordinate S\'5,000. SO. CAUF. UAL n 546-5605 WHATAYAWI . II you've waited ror an exceptional buy-thb is it! A charmln1. com· tortable 3 Bdrm home k>cated on 1 quiet cul-<* sac st. Al only SU0.000 this is the best priced home in this area. 751·31Jl c:::. <,1 f ( ' -f"' J 1HI ii 'I I~ l •t 1, AIHOl.MAL Can you rmd a property tour doors from the So. Ba)'froot with a '5XIS' lot on Balboa Island where the owner wiJI consider anythlnl ol value·stocb, cub, land, unitl, you name it and the owner will trade. Includes plans for a new duplu. A*inl tiW>,000 . .......... .., '7U700 TSL PROPERTI~ 642-1603 IALIOAPIMMSUU SIH,tOO Charming 2 BR cottage with firepl.a~. walk to Pavilion. ferry, bay or beach Owner will finance -be cttative. 759-1616 ... ....,,. °""" Auume ,.,..,~ loan or 90% financing available at only 121,;~. A lot ol house, 5 Bdrm 2 Ba. Qn. ly 1109,900. Call now 11118-5370 ALLSTATE REALTORS WOODSIDE YILLACiE •3 Bdrm. 2story. lll.000 don.. SlC».900. •3 Bdrm, 2at.ory, 111.500 down. $114,900. •3 Bdrm, 1 Ba, ll500 down.94.900. •3 Bdrm. t at.ory. llNOO down.9113~ •2 Bdrm, 1 story, ~ down. 9'7,900. •2Bdrm,111.ory, •.ooo down.as.900. All have pools, spa. fauna available. Walk to South Coast shoppin1. Call tor more detaila. 541-m.3 THE :REAL ESTATE RS THE :REAL ESTATERS &IANTRXll 5 Bdrma, 3 Ba, pool, RV 1cce11, 2 frplca. and great rinancln1 Call now for mott inform•· tioo. Full price $1&4,900. Ci Mi ANTIC SIEDIOOM ... needs decoratin1 ! Private ~yard entry leads to h11&t Newport Bea c h Estate . Endrmow family room with blazin& flttplace ! SW10y. IGU"Det kilchell. Large, Juab 1rounda. J~l liated and priced to aell. Only .. .$00. Call today 1 l7U550 THE REAL ESTATERS TH .... TO~ Call lbe apecialistl at the condominium ln· rormaUonceater. Touchatone Realty 9UW1 {\ COIM.CAY 4 and 5 Bdrm new waterrront homu, $200,000 down. builder will finance bala.nce. No qualifying. Gated community. From M10,000 to "50.000 . l '•CIAC Y•w , MIMOltAl",All s e was a mem...::r 0 l e AUCTIOf!I TO HIGHEST •tODElt .. ,. • Legion of Mary. the Third 'o" CAM4 t...,-. •11._ of aal• lft you shOuld either appear Order of the Dominicans, a 1ewt111 _., .. a. un1ttc1 s1atet1 et: at the hearing and state member of Tri Delta Soron-ti....._,,_--• to ttw 0r.,.. your objections or file . c-..., •• ~. cny of s.m. written objections with the ty of the Uruverslty of North AM, MMe a1 cailfwftle, •II rltlM. t111e court before t .. e .. -•ri""'. Dakota. She ls survived by .,.. .....,_ <_.,... eo.,... -Mid " ,,.,... ..., -KeuMMO•u• •• ,lf. lltt\Mf'\ ti.et lit; lllll l.UCID Cbarmln& wood •hlnlled townbome, Suo mlecl kitchen overloob cozy patio. 3 lar&e bdmu ph• MWinl room too. Only 1100,000, call SELL Idle itema with a -·oc---... ~-----• Dally Pilot Clasalrled _ _.., Ad. 8'2·5118. I Cemetery Mo11uary Chapel.Crematory I 3600 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach 644-2700 • McCCMMK:ll MOITVAl•S Laguna Beach 4'94·9415 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Capistrano 4'9£>.1776 HM90ll LAW~MT. Of.JYI Mortuary •Cemetery Crerrwtory 1625 Gisler Ave . Costa Mesa 540-5554 '9MCIMOJMllS .a..•OAOWAY ...otn'UAIY I 10 8roaaway CottaMna 642-9150 , her sisters Margaret s .., 1t..., Mid OeeC1 o1 Trwt ltt • Your appearance may be Fitzgerald of Newport ~=:,'"Ml• c-ty.,.. In person or by your at- Beach. Ca . and brother ~111•TrectNo.m ... 111own111 torne,, FY· y 0 U ARE A Bernard J. Smith of Van • ._.._..."' ... tt, P .... • Nuys nieces Mary K MldJtatllllllOl'-Wl~r.c..,. CREDITOR or a cont- Fitzgerald ot Santa Ana, ca'. "~":...~ .. t _..aw,_ lngent creditor of the de- a n d S I s t e r R a c h e I -....,.. .... 11 ....,, " • ..... CHsed, you must file your F ·t Id cs J t .....,...,_,.,......,.1•""'"'°'" claim with the court or 1 iaera . . .. o .... 1 ... 1¥t-.on.,.,T,.._. L;afayette. ca .. nephew o.11a.~.,., present It to the personal Daniel Smith of North TM ... .._... T,,..... ... ....._ representative appointed Dakota Mass of Christian MY Hm11tty ,.,, MY 1t1e-1Mu • by the court within four · · ....... .,.._ _, .._ c~ months from the d•t• of Burial will be Oil Saturday, ....... ,, ... ,,.,......,...., first Issuance of l.tttrs as Au1ust 8. 1981 at 12 :00 noon Self .... w111"' ,,..., _. ...._. rrovl..._ In ~~tton 700 of a t t h e H o I y C r o s a c....,. • ..,.....,, ...,_ • ""' "'""" ~ Mausoleum Los An•ele• ,...., ,....,... " .. • •111 ......," ht Probate Codt of ' • ' _ _...._... .. ,.., .. ,_...... C llf I The ti f Ca . wtlh Bishop John Chedld .,,...,.. -" .. .,..,., _ _... • orn e. me or celebrant. Entombment w..,. o.. at Tn.M. w1111 ._,... flnno cl•lms will not ••· services immediately follow· ~ • ...... "' ...,. _..,_., plre prior to four months Ing. Ser vices under the ;:.-=:.:,~-:::, :..e;:e..: from the deq of the heer- dlrectlon of Harbor Lawn· ·--et h T,.... _, ., .. ln9 notked eboW. Mount Olive Mortua.ry or .,_.er-.. lllr _.. o.. et TfWt YOU MAY EXAMINE Coata Mesa. 540-"54. ::'-.~w ..........,., ........ the file kept by the court. ORN90 ,,_ If you ere Interested In the C' .. un'E .. JNOHNSON Tnoet ........ ~ :: !:: :. estate, you may tll• • ,... Lon n . • 11-.. ................. .,....... quest with the court to ,. resident ol Cotta Mtsa, Ca. Dec....._., o.twtt _, o-... PaaMld away °" Ausust 4, .., ........ • Wfttt111 .... 1e, ., cetve speclal not!« of the 111><1 ........ ~': Mf'ft•trith , 11..ihk•llr ~ ..... ~~ -... TOlu4• rr .... ..,. \~···"·· \'•h• AITIS, 0 AITOS,USEI 1881. Ke l!t' auntvtd by hll ::::"..:: ,9::.":" .';,r:;.r.:'.-= ~'::s-:rlr:' .=~::.:~~~ wUe.HarrlettotCoeta Meaa, ~ .................. ,,..counts end roportt ..-ICI Ca .• 1 IOl'I MUtAm S. Jobnaoa c.,.. "' .. ~ ...,.. .. ,.... .-. ..... bed In Sec1fon 1200.5 ~" ot c.o.ta Mesa. Ca .• l slater ..,....._.......... .,...., ' ...... tlllll -WI• • •I) ~ .... *1 :to -» Ill» flNI -WU ..., --.. M l ---Ml Grace Ryun of D•trolt, Oller:!=-.... of the c.ntomle Probete MkhlJaD, 2 trandddlclJ'tft .... fnlllle c...,... Codi. ... OailJ Piiia a-. a.od l pat·&rackhlldr•. ,._....,..c:... LaeMt a Wetld9I, At. ... •....., IWr Prhate family urvlcH A11M terHy •t Law, HI I. _,••· .. ~ ... , ~-.... -held I ii .,...... l"""1r k, La Aftllil9. -_. @ SEA COVE I PROPERTIES 1'4-'31.6990 SELLER WILL HELP FINANCE AT U 3. Cboice coraer d11p&u. I ~I 3 bath llP,:. J bdrm, 2 balb down. WD CGll· vert lo a larter home. 1'1'115,000! .... ~ .... ....... •671-70 ... LIQllOATION SALE BAYnONT 12•=••111•••. ~., ........ -··-·· ...,n•• .... ,QI • ., ... ---,. nm•cm BlllT ,.. ........ t'ORJ mE llDUI 1,1111 ca. OVER 55 YEARS OF SERVICE eUATYllWNOMI New Listing · Firat Time On Market. Exceptional Location AM View Of 'lbe Back Bay. Lush Landleapina, Huge Wrap-Around Patio, End Unit, Plus Second Front Patio And wee Viewing Deck Off Master Suite. Immaculate Three Bedroom, 2~ Bat.b. Offered At 1325,000. COSTA. MUA IUUI Just Lilted Thia .Lovely Dupla In Eutalde Colla Mesa. Eich Unit Baa Two Bedrooms . One Hat Patio, 1be Other UDlt Hu PriYa Yard. lotla Unlta ReceatlJ Carpeted • PllDW. .$1'19,500. --------------. wue . 11le am 'Y re----dlllec:A•· CA ftl7t . ••t CUI> u=;WI• ........ _,,,.. q11 .. u no nowu• Pitre. ~~~--~ ' • .~ .... 8roUier• 8tll Broadway ,._...::...:'c..°*'""" ~c.-o.w,... llortaarJ ctlreclon. Mt-I, '4' It,"" ..... ~ • M."" ' .._ 'lllNI i.i...-~----~...__.._.. __ ....__.;......,_~~-.....,.--.;;;.....&;;a.-.. ___ ;;;;;,iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii . .. -. . .... , ,. ..... , ,. '~ ,-...... ! i I • i i , I Orange Coa&t DAIL y PILOT/Friday, Augu11 7, 1981 Hontt Fer u. ....... foot w. ...... For Ut .._, .. For Wt .. ~~.~~.~ ....... ~~.~.~ ........ •••••••••••·•····••·••• •••••••....•••••••••.•••••••.•••...•...•..•..• ·····················24 ~~ 1041 ..._......... ~,..,Wt "-ttkrS• ..._.thrWt GtMr.t 1002 G...,.., 1002 e.,... .. Mlr 1012 ~~~!-!~~ ....... !! ... Hr= 1042 ...................... . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• AllTC>F •••r• IOOJ 01•:4' IOOJ Gwrll 1002 ... ,... 1002 2 Bedroom House wllh Mtw,.tHCJh ArH ................ ,. .. ;~ .. ••••tt••••••••••u ..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••n •• .. ••••••o•n•••••••••••• new 3 8edn.10m Unit 4 Brand ntwt ft'ln4•1t T2~nh!e 1780 acidt t~ HUV94 ho ------..---·-1!!'1111-----• --.:....._ ---.-. ---car 1araae. lar1e lot quallty~'39R,2'• 1ua. •u•r 1¢• Sparlllln&38drm mt' --H·A·R·a __ O..._R ...... ~R, .. D-G_E__ / 201\ down 875 0582 ba Pantiutu: f1nannln11 <'f.omr'n . oown.-r I w~:' 0 n be. \I 11'u11 )' LINDA ISLE tlroker. Coll now tur dtt11ll• 1nanrt wnr 11.. tand•caped comf'r lol Excitsn~ opportunity! Wide channel 434 llGONIA 7$9~ li42,~ m 4l9'/J 5490 Sooth1nc spa. wood view Crom spectacular architectural ESTATE ., Elegant rww 4 Hr V1r· lrti.t I 044 ~!~!'O'ce:~,e~.v:1~~d de 1gnl'd 4 bdrm. 5 bath. pool hom(• torl11n parttul .vu, •••••••••••••••••••••" lnsparquetC\oor$,plush Shp lor 2 largt• bout~. Sl,495,000. ownrirontractur JUlt THl«IMG rarpeU. cuurmrl Summer Ocrupancy ''Serioustv for t'..a.." comi>letaga_ ssr~,ooo TOWMHOME7 lutrhen LDww pnc<''" '1 ,.,_, CDM ILUFFS , 4 H POOL HOMI Call the •Pt'''i111isb 111 the area. U .500 LIDO ISLE HOMES Featured on Homes 1'ours this love!~ lrad1t1onal spal'IOU)). t•ustom 3 bdrm. 3 bath home. rwwlv rcdt•c·orated. Pmed to sell quickly at $475,000. Must see. • NC\\ ly rt'm1xll'lt•d 3 bdrm . 2 bath plus lge rel'l'l.'tllion room & 2 pat 10 Bl'am ('l•tllngs Grl·al 101 t•n!t•rtarning. S42o.uuo. lkst pr1t·c tor tht mcmt•y, PENINSULA POINT IEACHFRONT Punoramit' bav & ut'l!an \'iew u t V.l•dge, lrom pnml' large lot.~ h<lrm. 3 bath custom honw. :m10 :-q II lttatur mg marm1• room Sl.385.UOO NEWPORT CREST CONDO 2 bdrm. den. spacious Plan 8. 1m· maculate. Le>\\ pnl'ed at $215.000. BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR 341 Bu;\•dr Dr·~·· N 8 67) 6161 MESA VERDE-IEPlll.JC llJME 4 Bdrm, 1&34 Bath. Excellent condition . Lovely gardens. three patios. many producing fruit trees. Adult occupied. "th: Y'Mffe 1ltU<1 JH/, REALTORS ---546-8640 REDUCED PRICE NOW $739,000 Magniftl'ent & truly outstanding. One of a select few . lhl! celebrated .. Jodcllt•" Estate Home situated on breathlakin~ m·ean. toast & city h~hts vww lot An extremely s paciou:; l level townhome of quality & d1stinct1on, 3 bdrrns plus family room. formal dining room. exqu1s1te patio areas, lofty trestle ceiling & gorgeous decor. OCEANFROHTS Old CqroM Dpb Six lo be exact from J usl I isled prem 1 um SS0.000 down & ~ low as qual:ly w1lh l'tl-O 3 Rr un· 12'. interesl on lhe NIW CUSTOM COMSTlUCTIOH Lovely Old CdM corner location. South of the highway. Luxurious mai:;ter bedroom with retreat area. four bedrooms in all with four and a 1l'l baths, several fireplaces, and quality in every detail. $575.000. U~IVUt: ti()Mt:S REALTORS. 675·6000 2443 Ea1t Coatt Hl9h1111y, Corona d~I Mer WE HAVE 45 OF THE BEST AGENTS IN TOWN 1------·1hlboa1..... 1006 COROMADa MAI ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sharp & spacious NOCASH duplex Pnvale comer TD OK for down Cute 3 location With lots or BR 2 Ba rouage, lrade t r e e s 3 + d e n OK Desperate S385,000 downstairs and 2 bdrms Ownr /a_gt. l~Hl693 upstairs Very attrac· -- live ne11uve financing SALE IY OWHH S320.000 J27 Coral 61~0188 Capfttr.ohcKlllOl8 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •y ~ E.xctllent Colle11e l'ark the condominium in "'",_ aru lfu lll0,000 Lal. 118 r mation ""nL r .boy ... ""'ach. full ""e.in or ... .: "' ""' "' sume •114'~ 1146.llOO T ..... oo .. K"alty & Jetty \IU fmm every OUCtQ• "' "' l H + poof + ipa 116.1-llt67 rm. 3 Ir& Ur. I'll Uv rm + Harbor & Baker 11rea. - kll • 211 Ba. 2 sty, 2 brick Sl4S.llOO owner will ASSUMA.ILE VA I frplcs, 2 declla. bt-11rh ct1rry at IJ"I wilh $40,000 Take over h111h b;ilance acc~ss, semi pvt road. down VA loan 00 this alm<>l>l Sl.2SO.OOO P P Appt on 4 H WESTSIDE new 3 Bdrm 2 Ba on ly 714 61:HWS s110.0110 ~:Hellcnl luge lot N1ceupgradh. PAITMYSHIP DWI.IX $160,000per•H. ncll(hbnrhood Nred& central air, lrg covered oew loan Owntr mu.sl patio Call for detruls ull c1111 ua~•d -= H/\NCH ~ Hf,'\LTY ~ ~~ii 2000 The prrfHl du11l ownership pruj>('r1)' w11h 2 almost ~ual 2 Bdrm, 2 Ba. unils with 11111•lt•r suites. stooe frpl<' uud wood beamed r1•1llnK!l i--~~~!llllll!!!!i!!llm•I OWNER Turlle Rork. ell on an ovrn11ied lot 'Jacre' Det, upgrad 4br with prlvali' 111111rn1 iind 59 13 +den) 2ba. form din. decks ~.IXX>. H~, ml tile enlr) & atrium. J hnanrina priv yds. xlras Nr pk & Col Mow 644-7211 2 BDRM UNITS ::,:~u~tz!~~g 5235K double garage ror ear h wut forced 01r heat On 3.32 or rei. Pnmc Costa Meo area Prml' only Ask fur Betl) 645 9161 IJn NIL[l ll/11 LL Y ~ ASSUllATES *•REDUCED! its. beams, fireplaces. balance. Call for details .. shade lr~ 6 yrs nl:'". and the super locatJOflS • seller will e~chanl(e or JACOBS REAL TY ~ be creat1\'e with your A 111,·1,inn ol ll•rms Offert•tJ al 675-6670 ll.1rburlrl\t'~lml·n1l'o 0~ S347.SOO i-------,•-11!11111-~!!!!119~1 IH HT 0 RS l OPEN HOUSE REALTY ;,!'' Super rorner locat1on 1(1ves great pnvar) to lh1s lovely backyard. highlighted by an almo~l new hot tub' The owner.. are anx1ou:. and nex1ble term:. are a\ a1lable -1 Bdrms. 2 Ba and onl} S163.t(.i RCTaylorCo' r •• 10 'Jl>OO OCEANFRONTS ORAHGE REAL~ATE CAPO IUCH CUSTOMIZED IEAUTY SPYGLASS HOME 3 bedroom home 1!1 ac Offered for you ex rented with sla1ned elusively A sele<'l New glass & eartht.one decor Bedford feature:. 4 Br 4 Jacuu1 111 master bath. Ba. family room and large lol Will lease op. formal din1nl( F:i. t1on. SIS7,SOO tensive upgrade~ ancJ k1.ng·s1ted yard makes TRY USS THAH lhlS home a trul~ unique I 00/o DOWH rind. Offered iii ~.ooo EASTSIDE GOOD IE' Lge FR. LR. w fpk. dbl gar w opener grl'al cond Quiet nbrhd Bk r 646 4380 \\'\H\d h rld(jl' KtalllJ :i:ll :JtMHI 19~~1hrr4nt'a !'~'"·"""" MAKE OFHR! don osen f•'l" tor-.. 499N.COAST HWY LAGUNA BEAt'll 497.48411 New Modular Type Homes, leased lunl1, Oreanfronl Pk, 3 pvt brh.s. 24 secur1t). ftshtng pier rrom $34,900 499·3816 Roddedgt lylhe Seo Walled and gated cx•ean front estale w11h fabulous view Pvl slep!> to the sand Call for brorhure CAROL TATUM . RI.TR 494-0029 A unique & beauuful vie" home Steps from Woods Cove Beach Creal I\ t' finanring Pnnc1pali. on ly plea54! IB50.000 llart Rea I Est al~ 49'J..1645 AL.of ForAUttle I acre + bldg site. gent ly sloping parrel shon d1s1ant't' from tennis & bearh Ownr has in rluded plans for custom villa $175.000 Spet c:icular view:.' MISSION REALTY 4.94 0'131 IN VESTOR Needt'd $12.SOO IOlal ln\Slml $20() neg buys ', homt' 499.5889 CITY LIGHTS WESLEY N TAYLOR CO. HEA LTOHS ~1 nt·t· W4H 6 to be exact rrom Very clean 3 bdrm. ~.000 down & as'°" a~ ram ii} rm . frplc. lge 12•; interesl on the fenced yard F'rwt trees ~ balance. Call ror details S119.900 I and the super locations MAURY STAUFffl JACOBS REAL TY SEA LIOH REAL TY .i75-66J9 l-~1!1!16-7l-1111!!5!!!!!!3!!!!!!54!!!!!!1!~ SI l,OOODOWN I Take over 9'; loan on ~uper s112.ooo home 963 5671 REALESTAT!-: 6HOMES c 0 as t Ii n e v 1 e w J with allral'11ve owner bedroom ln·level <'Ondo f1nanc1ng a\·a1Jable Versallbly of terms un D.M. Marshall Rltr matched. assumable 760.0835 financing Greal buy Coita M~ I 024 1199.000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 831-8440 Charming. modtm 3 1111 2 Ua hou'>e lluill1n k1l rhtn. lra~h rnmp,ll !01 G real ouldoor II\ in!( Patio htl( UIHl "' ra1~ed dt.>tkin.i: lanJ1 "Ja t·u1L1 \u lu ~s.irink h~rs. prl·~ll.1(1ou~ dft'3 Onl' 114!1 Ollll A ( T u •\ R l ~. ' p If' 213 463 11148 Npl Hi!h dupll·~ 3 Hr .! Ra + nN 2 Hr 2 Ila Term'. AITD or \ un I tral't S275.<X•i &15 741Ml Ow11r Owner leavinl( area. must ~ell 3 bdrm . 212 bath townhouse Many upgrade!> ind air cond Owner will help fmanl't' Li:'~!> than 12', llll AGT !IS I 3-l'ii WOODBRIDGE townhouse 3 ttr I'> Lia. S00.000 l23•', Isl T U S132,SOO Ownr 6#9030 SS!l 4720 b) night ranta~111 ocean views b) day Ex cept1onal 3 Br 2 Ha home on p\1 lo< in ex cellenl nbhd Featuring s k y l1ghled br1l'k gourmet k11ch + de1 guest house v. fp & 1Aet bar Owner will help "' rinanclllg $365,000 2·STOlY DUPLEX·NEWPOIT HACH snrs TO IUCH-OWHE:R FtHANCE See this fine duplex today' Live in one unit & rent the other. 4 Bdrms. deck & 2 baths in upper; 2 Bdrms & 1 bath in lower. Fireplace in each. Some view of ocean. owe 1st T.D. & note of S247.000. int. only, SS2.500. down pmt. No loan fee. $299.500. WESLEY H. TAYLOR CO •• REALTORS 2111 San Jooqum Hilb Rood MEWPORT CENTER, H.I. 644-4910 ••WATERFRONT•• 12% INTEREST Owner is willing to carry 1s t trust deed on this detached 3 bdrm in move-in condition'. Located on canal within walking distance of ocean & beach!! Private tennis & pool. Priced for immediate sale at $230.000. WATERFRONT LUXURY Sensational 3 Bdrm . townhome featuring used brick. plank floors, French doors. ceramic Lile & a mul titude of interior upgrades. Priced at $319.950 with assumable loan. • • WATERFRONT HOME *• HO PAYMENTS ••• for l year!! Charming 3 Br home located s mack on the white sand beach with a private stairway. Features fireplace, 200' deep lot in R-2 zoning. ONLY $695.000. Owner will carry 1st T.D. at 13"'r. OWNER WILL CARRY .•. 1st T.D. on 3 Bdrm. home with family room. in prime area o( Costa Mesa. A rare offering at S110.000. PRJME FOUR·PLEX All 2 br units featuring fireplace & family rooms. All 1 story with assumable financing. Super price at $205.000. I0>/40/o FtHANCIHG AVAIL Assume existing 1s t T.D. on this 4 bdrm h ome in NEWPO RT Riviera payable at S668 per month! ! Featuring French doors, fireplace. 21,,. b a t hs. rais ed wooden deck. &·new carpets & paint. Only $141,900. $814 PER MONTH. .. when you take over existing low interest FHA loan! ! ! This is a superb starter home for a young family. Lots of potential & priced to sell at $89.500. NcW,ORT IUCH OfffCE 2670 Son Miptl Dri¥t 1714175'·150 I 11141 1sz.nn RESIDENTIAL llEAL ES TAIE SERVICES OM THE IAY Best view of Newport Harbor from this outstanding home w 1 5 BR. L1brarv & all the 'amenities for gracious family livmg in Bayshores. Large pier & slip Priced lo sell NOW' Sl.100,000 LH. J.J1 NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 VILLA BALBOA--IEDOCED! Profftlioftclly decorated 2 bed. 2 bo. ift 0 security buildittcJ with auanitiu. Gn-crt price of SI 78,500! O~ will help flM:tce! LINDA ISLE-EUROPfJN mLE DktinglliWd Clfltotft ,..lidlece In the WATER wittl dromotic 2-ltory entry. Soorl11g celll11qs with bea1u t...tiful cofledor dollltd & lecMMd CJloH wiltdows thrvout. S.Cond floor bdtcOll'f /9f!M«V OYeriookt fht ..... of C)tMrotl• moi11 rOOlftS. FonMI li•""J room. ~wn pub-bar ls111a1M fca ""' fortMi dM.nll. + , .. --.. patio and kol pond. S.,Orote If*'°"' :nosw suite with WA TH VU1 + 4 f111Utity bedroo•1. Dock for 2 yachh. $2,600,000. lttehtclel .-.. 631-1400. BEACHFRONT CAPE COD COf'Mf cottocJe Oft prime ~wwwufrOllf. Recentty remodeled 2 bedroo. for -toyuwuct now of • Newport .....-r wlfft SI00,000 down OWMI' wll carry. $499,500. 631-1400. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC R[AI FSTArE ~" RtolM•, I'''"""" ~"'9r'"Pn• 2436 W CoMI tt .. \ J l~ M•tull' A,,. NfWPUI I BetK h flalboa I JI.ind 631-1400 '7Ut00 '::~::.~' S© \\dll lt\-9' £~s· :: -----IM4 1>1 ClAf l PO\U.N O•-•a-oe It"•" ol IM 1...,. '"o""'ted WO'd1 l,l4I low .., 1 ..... ·-...... 1e -di r l1"{ i1"1 I r I L UH QA I I I' I H U J 0 T I ; My n111 ctoor Mighbor I I I• I' " drlvtt IO IHI Ht't named Ille ~ 1mbtf light bttwHn a grHn ,----~-=-~..., lllJhl tnO • rid llQ!ll "-:· SU NOFI I I I I' I ·1 o ~ ~~":'..:. ~ .'-..1.--J-'--.L .......... _.__, ,,., "'"'°' ''°"' Up No. 3 btltw On 12 acre Pnme loca I ion . new rooh and pu1nl Seller will f1n:ince SJOO.UOO al 131 ,r, 963-5671 REAL ESTATE Sl6,000DOWN Corona def Mer 1022 ......•••......•....... TllPLEC Three unil s with fireplaces on a 45' Corona del M .tr lol. for the price of a duplex f'a vorable asi.umable l~t loan. seller "' carr) 2nd. P med at S329 .SOO down payment $82.000. MOVEIM COHDfTIOH Sharp J R<lrm, 5 year:. I new. larl(eopen kitchen, I lovel> alnum, eanhlone C'arpet~ Mktnr.i $134 YOO I Call !>401151 ~HERITAGE . • REALTORS Take over 121~·, loan $890 per month \ real charmer wi1h toz) r1replacl' 11nd tlnulile enclosed garal(e S89. 500 963-5671 By Owner Bkr w1ll l•---~--- coopera1e 675-3141 SI 0,000 DOWN I CAMEOSHORES Eas1s1dt Costa Me)a EXECUTIYEHOME Townhouse 2 Br 1• Harbor and ocean \lew balhs. P\1 ~ard. 2 i:ar I 0 rama 11 r puo 1 & gar. 'aulted l'elling~. landst·ape 3 RR 41 i Ila. pool and ~Pll SIO!l.S<Ml S850 000 owe straigh• note I · 4615 CAMD1';N RUI lm"t 7S2 2197 Top of=' OPE%NSUNDAYI S I /7 ~ OW HER FtMAHCB> OWC ,000 ,,4..a. u,a, ~ Large 4 Bdrm 2 balh Gorgeous custom esta1e. ! REAL ESTATE 644 .6397 home , b taut 1 r u I ocean & harbor views. I wallpapers thn.ioul Cul ulllmate design & de OWHEI OOIOUS de sat str('('I O"ner "'II corat1ni: 4 Bdnn 3' 2 Ba. carry AITD for 7 }ear. formal dtnmg Reduced 3 bdnns 2t2 ba. lg a~ al IJ.sr; 1ntere~1 For an lo Sl.39S.OOO s~mable !st at 1112'·; appoinlmen< to see. call European flavor Very S40.1ISI private $410.000 548-l~ SPYGLASSHIU Lovely executive home ~HERITAGE • • REALTORS for entertaminl( Enter _ lhru custom stained By Owner Two 2bdrm glass doorways. large houses on I lot Sl:.l.000 bvmg. family & formal Assum11ble II', Is< T D dining rooms. 3 BR 2 Ba OWC 2nd 640-7464 Spectacular sunsets & I! ... s~•DI! night lights. View from 10A ';>t s; ocean lo Catalma Lo lhe S7 ,500 DH! JUST REDUCED Nearly new 4 Bd 2'• Ba, family rm. Great terms' S208.500 Call for details Ownr Agt Rick Keeler 631·0213 dys. S46 6706 eves. mountain s Pror Swimming Pool+ pool lndscpd You mu.~t see to house 3 bdnn. 2 ba + apprec1ale the value den on ~ery Ill lol. beau Call for appt. Ferguson cul·de·sac Gn.'at loan Reajto~, 7J.4·7~1·02ll5 $175,000 Agent l'hrL'iltna ,,_ ... ... _ ·-·-·-.-... .. ,. ·-... ·-·-·-·-·-·-·-.,.... .... Mtw. ::=-·~=-..... n• .. _ ·-..... ==-=~ ==-t,_ 111-,,_ ... ·-.. _ ... ·-"-:::.. ::. ::.. ·-·--·-·-...... ... •Ott ·-.. ... ·-·-·-·-·-..... ·-.. ·-.. ·-·-:::--::. ::. • ®"'-t)No-' IRK &RN IUPUTAILE PERSONS G L P M A 0 A W X E L A 0 Y L E K I L 0 A y " His "0 s(R E Pl~ T x 8 l E ~ O R L U 0 G T T R E S H S R E P T C O QI P G H 0 AL Y L EK IL E'R GU W W K R T E E H T E R E V 0 R A 0 T 0 0 0 C E R K C S E S E X W S E 0 A R L M L 6 R 0 6 T I T Z 1 A 0 E 0 8 A H S A L 0 S S E 6 P N M I N H E J L L 0 0 H E Z I T I C E L 8 A T C E P S E R H U F 0 0 H L U 0 0 G F H I M V 0, E S C I T 0 0 6 T T Z R 0 £ T A C J E W L E A U 0 H I S 1 A T L 0 X U 0 0 G E 0 P T OJ A RTT L L GE GOOT OJUS GTO GIA AOY 0£0TO S60C E ASECRSWALNG S MAHLEGR 1151-5117 or i'i7 Z78J HARIOR POINTE COHOOS 2 spacious mslr sullei. or 2' 2 story w1lh lofted mslr. bdnn. Boch mdls have attached 2 car garage w opener Open daily 1 1-~PM . wknds I0.6PM ~ A\'ocado SI • 631-~S EASTSIDE 3 BR 2 Ba. 2 car garage. fireplace, covered pal10 Owner aruuous Call for inlQ... ait._63!:5661 $25,000 down 2 houses Easts1de lot.. Xlnt ren· Lais Assume low in terest loans. Owner will carry balance. llO.SOO p ~ 7_S4· 16!8 121/4% RHAHCIMG Mesa Verde exec home S80,000 down Pool, spa & solar. Xanadu Real Estate, 957·1568 __ 3S9 Pnnceton CM. $120,000 0 n House Toda ! MESAYERDE OPEHHOUSE Fri I 0.2 Sat 12-4 2823TABAGO Pl.. New on mkt! 3Br. 2 8a hm wtramrm. w/w rpts scrtened cabana. 2 pool siie. lush backyards. Cls to 11chls & shoppina rua.oo Don Tyler Assoc Inc. ---~~10 EASTSIDE. 2 adorable bousa oo l lot Prinle lotal1on 311$ Flower St Assumable loan. Spa. redwood derlt. rte Devm Ir Co. &U~ J .. UdH! I Ulllh. CM. sa:t~t~lt Call ror detaals Cenlury 21. Gold Cout R.alt.ort 548-lla BY OWNER ·I bdrm . 2ha pwl. J<il' Mt''J <lt'I \1ar area Slti4t CIOfl 5St> 'i27 I S80,000 AITD 12°'1>·30 yean l hJnn m.1: I l1t·l1rnom fre~h lll'IA IJJIOI tit• t 0 r il I ti r I II u ( h WOODBRIDGE rh owner 4 br Assum r1ii Uelatht'(I home on qu1el cul dt' ~ar $183.!IOO Appl, ~I ~II * *CREEKSIDE 3 Bdrm Poplar mdl. one or '-' oodbr1dge ~ mo~t dt>s1rable floorplans Formal d1mn~ alnum l'On \er\atton p11 ttlt L'all for deta1b LOCJllllO Vllaqe R.E. 497.17,, OC E»IFIOHT FIXBlUPPH 3 br 2 ba 111 r ho1re loca llon nr Alt~o Beach park Pnl'e inC'lude~ TOPO GO & plan~ Shown b) appl onl.' S87S,000 49-1 0700 AE_l '""'"'"'"' ""'"'' 1 " 1 (~i)"'" >dhrld•c frnnl IJIAn 111101 ~11r \ ., bJtk )Jrd lh 111Am·r Really Llihl "t'l'kentl ht•fon• "<' --1 '1000 h>I St3S.l.IW 11-lll 4',111 "'~ ' D1' orce for res Sale Lo" er 3 Arch Ba) Greal ocean new p~t area 4bdrm bearh how.e 4~3144 Open llouse Sat & Sun I 5 2635 Solana Wa' Laguna Beach 3 Br i•. R.1 Custom home "1th smashing 180 degrte ocean view. oHered JI $425.000 Nora H1ggm~ lia.i:u \h'l>a lh·I \l.1r 1'·"'narranr• 1 ~""'"'"' llSI !HOO ~15 6J.lll IARGAIMAT SI 15,000 FUUPRICE 2 Hllrm homt' on lat.l:t' lot 10 East L'll'l.t \\l''J 91,•, u~i.umahle ltldn I Owner "111 t'Jrr' ~mJll 2nd llurr} C/21 Newport Cntr 640-5357 760.6767 1 Select Townhome Th1i; ne.il nmrtum101um 1~ rrad \ to mull' into on a q u1ei l(rr<·nhl'lt Ol'J r ~hop p 1n~ Jn rl .Ir l'ollt~t> 2 Brtrm 2 12 11.i coz~ frpk. 2 l'JI i:ar<ll!t' :\ l(ood '"' t''ltnent JI SIO'i I.IOU 751 Jl!ll C:. SELECT -f'"'PROPERTIES BToro 1032 ...•................... TERMS, TERMS Spolle~s lrR 4 lld. ~how~ like a modtl ,\ssuml' 9l•', Onh 5161.000 or lease option Pat n<'k Tenor<' 631·1266 R&'MIC Rf:ALTORS Large 2 hr. 2 ba condo. des1rahle encl unit S99,SOO. 64&-_11582 BLOW 1/,,, MILLION the right way' Mo't> to beautiful El Toro and get a lrg S Bdm eslate w pool. spa & 1•1ew 1 nol a matchboxl Great terms Assume 91 2'» m teresl Call Patrick Tenore 631·1.266 R&'MI< RULTORS Hwutitc)toft lectch I 040 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ON EXCLUSIVE HlJN. TINGTON SEACLJFF'S GOLF' COURSE' 3bdrm, pool, xtra lrg lot Many xtras. S39S.OOO Br oker : 633·6633. .¥1·6266_ 135.000 Down, 2 story, ~ Br .. ram nn. bonus rm, 3 Ba Near beach ~1ss .... ooo. Bk_r. 842-1418 B1 Owner. 3 Br. 2 Rn. S & S built '87,00J 1st A ~uml' at 9.5'~ Sl~.000. ~aJllfLer6PJ\t 962·7m. tXECUTIVI': SHOWPLACE Hugt 4 bedroom drum Nearly aooo aq. r~ Scpmate dining room. family room. flrtJ>lace Topped orr wlll\ • •park li na awlmmin• POOL and easy cart ;yards $240,000. TAR BELL., REALTORS. r?l~ IS LOCATION IMPORTANT? Vou bet 11 is • So settle I your family mlo Cam pu!> \'1r1A J bdrm. 2 ba formal din rm Close to 5hopp1ng and recrea lion \'en altraC'll\ e terms to help )ou pun·ha!>e SliS 000 Woodbridgt' Eslale., Wa shington model 3bdrm + den . 2200 sq fl Assume SllS.rul tsl lh owner $1119,000 ~9-5778 IYOWHER New on the mrkt Com rortable 3 br. 2 ba single ram1l) home 111 Turtle Rock Ou1el neighborhood Walk to park & pool Assum Cinant'tnj. 7S2 1324 WOOOIRJDGE LAKf:flONT Dramallr floor plan. spe1•lacular \•iew 3 Bdrm. 2', ba bbrar) 5319.000 Ask for Lynn Noah TOWN & COUNTRY RLTRS 552 1800 LCICJllUMI YilaQe I .E. 497-17,1 OCE»IVIEW A lovel} 2 bdrm condo close 10 pool Sensa lion al IBO degree \ 1ev. ~ & gorgeous Calalin.1 sunsets 2 stoq w11h r1replace & dec k S24S,OOO VICTORIA l~CH Dramal1<' oceat \'1ew~ from lh1s superb y ron structed older home Well located near beach stairs. mrlude<. 3 bdrms J baths & den .\ 'er' comfortable homt' $645,000 MIGUB. SHORES The youngslers can walk to school from this nirt.\ 3 hdrm . 21, bath townhouse 1n a jlale guraded pmate com mun1\\' PRICf. REDL;CED TO $187 000 OPEHSUM 2·5 42lHiledge t~r._ ... ·:\4'o~1Jei1tk~ 17141494·11 77 ll's a BREEZE t'lass1r1t.'d Ad' 642,56711 '"iftt 1044 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 'lr!IW£NAB U~rv_ ELEGANCE AHD LUXURY This Beautiful Montecito. is offered with landscaping. p~lio. draperies & exceptionally good terms! ~ BR & fam. rm & pool size Int . S375.0UO ~ladeltne Cr awford 752·1414 (Vll > GOlf COURSE VIEW Especially IO\'ely upgraded Rancho San Joaquin condo with outstanding view. Air cond. & security systein. CrcatiH' rinancmg available $187 .soo Jackie Wiley 5.51·8700 IV12) toW.amaa. TOW. umraorm Dally Pilat FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1981 LIBUIA lllCH /SDUTH COAST FEATURES COMICS BUSINESS 82 84 BS Wonders of chemistry provide the solution to Rubik's Cube ... BS D a l1·vine launches hid for coastal area &t RICHARD GREEN or .. °",, ........... A bid to place a stretch of coastline into Irvine's boun daries was boosted Thursday night by the City Planning Com· mission. The commission decided 4-0 <Commissioner Ray Catalano was absent) to recommend that the coastal area between Newport Beach and Laguna Beach be placed in Irvine's School budget delayed Approval of the 1981 ·82 Laguna Beach Unified School District budget will have lo wait untH enough trustees get back from vacation to form a board quorum. A vote on the district's $6.6 million spending package was scheduled Thursday night. But trustee William Kentle was the only board member who showed up at the 7: 30 p. m. m eeting. Al leas t three of the fi ve trustees have to be present for district business to be con ducted. According to school Superin· tendent Bob Sanchis, trustees Harry Bithell, Ronald Chilcote, Marylyn Pauley and Mike Sagar were unabl e to attend Thursday's meeting because of vacation conflicts. "The meeting lasted JUSt long enough for us to take a roll call and adjourn the meeting until Monday night," Sanchis said He said dis trict officials thought there might be a prob- lem getting enough trustees at the meeting to form a quorum, but didn't expect the solo ap· pearance by Kenlle. Sanchis s aid Bithell, Sagar and Kentle will be attending Monday's meeting. enough to act on the budget. However, he said, Chilcote and Mrs. Pauley probably wilt Still be on vaca· ti on. District trustees will meet Monday at 7:30 at district head- quarter~. 550 Blumont St LB loan plan • • oppos1t1on time short Ir you're opposed to Laguna Beach borrowing $1.2 million from the state to cover cost overruns on a sewer project, you have until next Friday to get your opposition recorded on the ballot. Lagunans will go to the polls Nov. 3 to approve or disapprove city plans to obtain a low· interest loan from the state to cover its share of cost overruns on an Aliso Water Management ·Agency sewer project. City officials argue the state loan, al 5.5 percent, is rar better than trying to sell revenue bonds with an estimated 10 percent in- terest rate. The $1.2 million which the city must come up with is Laguna's s hare of the cost overrun burden o n the $100 million sewer system, expected lo be complet- ed next summer . The City Council has drafted an argument to appear on the ballot In support of obtaining the loan. But City Clerk Verna Roll· ioger said anyone who might be opposed to the notion has until 5 p.m . next Friday to present a written argument against the proposaJ. For information, call the City Clerk at 497·3311. Woman fights off attacker A 25-year-old Laguna Beach woman was assaulted while walk· log home Thursday night, but eaca_ped her assailant's sexual advancea when a passing vehl· cle frtgbteaed him oft. PoUce saJd the woman was ac· coated oa the comer of Catalina and ThalJa streets at about 10 p.m. by a Hispanic: male with shoulder length hair parted in the middle. The victim aaid her asaallant wore denim trousert and was about 6 feet tall. sphere or influence, which is de fined as an area outside city boundaries but earmarked for futurt' annexation That reeommend:1l1on will be considered 1..1.> lhl' I rvme City Council. whiC'll 1n turn wall make a r ecommendation to the Orange Count~ Lucal Agency Formation Comm1ss10n . the gov ernmcntal bod:. that decades city boundaries and spheres or in fluencc Newport Beach currently has a sphere of innuence which in· eludes much of the coas tline between ats southern border and the northern border of Laguna Beach. The city that ultimately an· ncxes the coast , which is now in unincorporated county territory, will garner a portion or the sales tax revenue and property tax as- sociated with planned coastal development. PARK A POTENTIAL PRIZE WINNER Lag una Bea ch City Coum·tl mt.>rnhl·rs ha\'e nominated the Crescent Bay vie"' park at the north p:.irt of tht:' city for a California Coastal Conu111:-.:-1nn dl•-..ign <l\\ard The park. completed last Oc Irvine city orficiala say that their city deserves this revenue because coastal development will create costly traffic and pollution problems in Irvine Newport Beach orticials say that they will suffer the most costs from the development. A spc>kesman for the Irvine Company. which owns much of th e coastal land betweeo Laguna Beach and Newport Beach, sa1d that the company wishes to con· tinue to build its eoastal projects under county jurisdiction He explained that any annexa- tion to a city might mean that company development plans would have to be resubmitted at the local level. thereby delaying building projects A total of 2,000 hotel rooms. Delly~.._., 1-M•MM tober. presents the visitor with a panoramic \'ie\\ of the Pacific, including nearb) Seal Rock. ha\'t:'O to dozens of sea lions and seals. NB group • • • 1oins suit on airport Bolsa Chica status mulled by Newport Reagan ho1ne bid rejected -A Nt.'Wporl Be·1ch envaronmen tat group has IHkt·n lej?al steps toward J0101ng a lawsuit that seeks to invalidate and overturn Orani:te County 's mas ter plan for .John Wa) aw \irport Tht' 400 nwmher group known as SPON <Stop Polluting Our .'.°'it'wport 1 ft lt•d a motion Thurs - day an Orange Count~ Supenor Coun to 1nt,:rverie an the lawsuit filed b~ lht• C'at\ of Newport Beach The lawsuit. ftll•d last March by two pn\ :.te law firms for the city, chall enges en\'1ronmental data prest•r11ccl 1n the airport master plan Ro bbv I ovel l . a S PON spokes woma11, said her group agrees v.1lh tht.' l'll} 'i, position She said SPON will "round out the city's stance. · Hugh Coffin. Nt'wport 's city attorney. said he agn•eli SPON should .. st rengthl'n our positwn and providl• an attack from a different front " A court hcdrang has been set for Aug 25 to determine whether the environmenlal group will be allowed to intenene in the case. Attorneys for the count) are ex peeled to oppose such a move Clemente Shute. an environ mental attorney from San Fran· cisco retained by SPON. claims authors of the master plan "treated 1t as a hoop to Jump throu~h " and made "blatant" environmental errors along the wa y. "It's clear the county was bent o n rcach1 ng a certa lo de· ternunation that would result m airport expansion." said Shute. •·and its findin~s reflect that." He said the city and SPON agree that the master plan should be set aside. The master plan. among other things, calls ror daily jet de- partures lo be increased rrom 41 to 55 by 1995. Brush fire quelled in Mi88ion Viejo Fire burned about an acre of brushJand In the vicinity or Vin· tage and Summerwood ways in Mission Viejo between 10 a.m. and 11 a .m . Thunday. Orange County Fire Depart· ment lnformaUon omcer Chuck Murphy said there was no dama~e to homes tn the area and no inJuries Five engines were calle<t to the scene. By PWL SNEJDERMAN Of t111e Oelly r1..,. Saft The Bolsa Chica marshland may be surrounded by the City of Hunting t o n Beach . but Newport Beach residents also have a slake in its development, according to Newport Beach yachtsman and architect Bill Ficker F'icker. who also is president of the Orange County Coast As· .sociation. urged ya chts men gathered at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club Wednesday to sup. port marina development at Bolsa Chica as a means of re· lieving the congestion caused by recreation seekers who crowd Newport Beach's oceanfront. Before Orange County's rapid growth, Newport Beach was easily able to accommodate the a rea's boating, fis hing and swimming enthusiasts, the architect said. "Now. for selfis h reasons, Newport Beach should press for development or other visitors' facrnties," Ficker said. He said he is not opposed to preserving and enhancing a por- tion of the Bolsa Chica wetlands. ··But if the Coastal Com- m 1ssion continues to pursue its goal of preserving all of the \\e t lands. Newport Beach's future is going to be pretty dis- mal," Ficker said. "We can no longer provide the ocean access fr>r everyone in the county." The yachtsman says he sup· ports the development plan ap- proved in April by the Orange County Board of Supervisors . <The marsh area is in county territory.> This plan caJls for 600 acres of preserved wetlands. an 1,ID>-sllp boat marina, 530·foot -wide WARNER Al/ RO~{)A CH/CA MARSH Newport eyes future navigable channel connecting to adjacent Huntington Harbour, a linear park on the southern bluffs and 5,700 new homes . Th1s plan, which still requires Coastal Commission approval, has been criticized by environ- mentalists, who wish to preserve more wetlands, and landowner Signal Landmark Co., which would prefer to develop more waterfront bomes on the site. "I see this as a super com- promise." observed Ficker. He said the county desperately needs more boating recreation centers. Even the development of Dana Point has provided little relief for congested Newport Harbor, he contended. "( don't know if we'll ever be able to reduce this tramc." Ficker said. "But It would be nice to keep it from growing at the same rate as the rest of the county." 'Bottle' recovered That Inflatable 32·foot tall Jose Cuervo Especial tequila bottle that was stolen from a Laguna Beach restaurant July 28 bas been recovered, but pol\ce say the man found In possession of the botUe won't be prosecuted. , The diatributor who owns the promotional bottle called police this week to report 1n anonymous informant bad re· vealed the bottle'• wbereaboutl lo Laaun• Beach. Police arrived at the Bluebird Canyon Road addreas -a half .. I """"' . ,~ .................. . ___ _.... ......... ...__ ' dozen blocks from t.he restaurant -and found the deflated bottle and tbe 2l·year· old occupant of the house. And while the man admitted to havtna poeseaslon of the bottle, he was not arrested, police aaid, because the distributor u ked that thel'e be no prosecution ln the case. The inflated bottle wu atolen from the roof of the Tortilla Flats restaurant wblle •OO participant.a and apectatora of a volleyball tournament celebrat· eel inside. A Huntington Beach realtor's offer to buy President Reagan's Padfi c Palisades home for its full asking price -$1.9 million has been rejected. Joe Peterson. marketing director for Coldwell Banker, which is handling the sale. said the bid from realtor John W. Saunde rs was forwarded lo Reagan's business managers. He said Saunders' bid was re- J ected because the Reagan ad· visers did not approve of the financial te rms proposed by Saunders. The 39-year·old realtor mailed his offer to Coldwell Banker last week after reading a newspaper account that stated the Reagan home has been on the market s ince January but remains un· sold. Students get tips on UCI Community college students planning to tr ansfer to UC Irvine in 1982, can get individual counseling from transferable credits to housing at UCI next Tuesday from 10 a .m . to 3 p.m. Counseling will be on a walk- in basis in the lobby of the Ad· ministration Building, Also, un· d e r g r a d u a t e a ~a d e m i c counselors will be available in various schools of the uni · versity. Officials said s tudents coming for the counseling session should bring copies of their high school a nd college transcripts. For more information. call 833·5518. Parent class scheduled Saddleback College in Mission Viejo will sponsor a class called Parent Survival Training for parents with problem t.een·aiers beginnlng Au1. a . The course will provlde guidance for acblevtn1 better famlly living. It ta open to all parents of teens who Uve ln the Sadd.Jeback Community CoUe1e Dllt.rict. The class will be held from 7 p.m . to 10 p.m. on Wedntldaya. For more 1nform1tlon call the Depu1.DMRt of Human Services at 131"4130. '· 2.000 houses and office and com· mercial space is planned for the coastal area. Irvine tried unsuccessfully tn 1976 to get a coastal sphere ol in· fluence. The city's bid for a por- tion of the coastline was denied by the Local Agency Formation Commission. No dale has yet been sel for Irvine City Council consider a· tion of the proposal. Weapons • station suit filed The way Seal Beach Police Chief Stacy Picascia sees it, "It's a Navy weapons station so we have to assume they have some weapons stored there. But we have to have enough faith that the Department of Defense has adequate safeguards." Six local residents are suing the U S. Navy and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. They wanl explosives and aJ. leged nuc lear arms removed from the Seal Beac h Naval Weapons Station, an oceansidt base situated inside the com· munity of 23.000. Their case. filed Thursday in U S Di s tric t Court in Los Angeles. !)ays the weapons pose ··a new and unprecedented threat and danger to the sur· rounding community." Plaintiffs George and Janice Laine. James and Frances Coodwm and Robert and Mary, Lou Brophy concede they have no proof nuclear weapons are stored at the base. But they say light military security, weapons handling procedures and their own research indicate the arms are there · It's reall y irresponsible of the lJ S Navy. knowing what it knows about wh at goes on, to al- low the people in Seal Beach to sit there without knowledge of what's goin g on beyond the fence hne." Laine says The Nav) refused comment on the nuclear weapon allegations. "The Navy neither confirms nor denies the absence or pres· ence of nuclear weapons on any s hip , s tation or aircraft," Ensign T om Miller said io Washington D.C The swt says Defense Depart· ment regulations limit the amount of explosives at the base's wharf to 55,000 pc>unds, with a resulting danger zone ex· tending from doc kside to the base perimeter. However, legal waivers have increased th6 wharf limit to as much as 250,000 pounds, the suit charges. That "expands the potential explosive hazard zone to include approximately 98 acres of com· munHy property an acci· dent while handling that quanti- ty of explosives. according to the Comptroller General's report on wharf activities in 1975, 'would have a severe impact on the sur· rounding community' " Spokesman John l''ry says tne base hasn't sought a waiver for docks ide explosive limits m rour years. He had no figures on ex· plosives stored at the base itself. The suit also seeks an environ· mental impact statement which could reveal the amount of weaponry. Plaintiffs' attorney Leonard Weinglass said the statement "would require con· sultation with the community and a hearing. If an environ· mental body would say it's okay • to store nuclear weapons there, okay. But I hardly believe they would say that.'' • t ' l Weinglass said he doubts any government defense of national security would stand, citing a July 1980 legaJ precedent which Involved efforti to block Navy nuclear weapons storage near a Hawaiian wildlife sanctuary. U.S NAVAL WEAPONS STATION -----. ---...... -----·-·~ ..... • 0 4 0 a ass s a s a s t a a t a ; s Orange Coast OAILV PILOT/Friday, August 7, 1981 She's drawn to younger man DEAR ANN · LANDERS · Never in my ltfe have I felt the need t.o write to you, but here I am wlth a problem I never Im· aalned could touch me. I am a marl'led woman, 38 years old, with three great kids. My husband and I share an ex- t remely satlstactory rela- tionship, and I love hlm more to- day than when we married. So. what is the problem? Simply put. I find myself il'eatly attracted to a young man. near- ly 20 years my junior. He is an acquaintance of my teen-age daughter and he visits quite UN WlllRI often. He has always been very respectful to both my husband and me and has no idea that I am smitten with him. J have never had a sexual re- lationship with anyone except my husband and before this never even considered it. But now my mind turns to lhoughts of seducUon. AM, I know lt 11 wro.,, but 1 need t.o know lf these fantaale1 ur e normal. Am 1 tick, or morally cor rupt? I am sure my famlly would never understand my feelln11 if they knew. In fact, if this young man had any idea of the thln1s I have been imagin!ng, be would probably run ror his life. Please answer quickly. Every day that passes I feel more and more out or control. I cannot give my address or name, and I'm asking that you don't even use the name of the state where this Is being mailed from. - C RADLE ROBBER JN THOUGHT IF NOT IN ACTION Dear C.R.: I don't believe you are alck or morally corr•pt. Robert Loul1 S te veaaon once wr~. "We all bave thouptl that would t bame bell." People cannot control tbelr futaalet, but tbey CAN cont rol their behavior -aad tbJ1 you MUST do. Be cordial when the yomg man 1bow1 up but abaea& younelf promptly. If your fan· taalet get tranalated lato 'acllon and you end up teat1n1 your wow-powe r on this kid. you could disgrace yourself In the eyes ol your family and mesi up your Ute. ~~P.Y ASHiEJGHl ~-~~~_!_~LLIANTJ Rich foods won't aggravate ulcer ........... Visitors to Sea World marine park m San Diego gel a close Vlew of a 51l·foot great white shark that was apparently thnvrng during its third day in captivity 1 DON'T ALWAYS NEED EVER.YTHI G EXPLAINED, By J OHN D. ROSEN, M.D. DEAR DR. ROSEN: My wife was born in Mexico and cooks what is probably th.e greatest Mexican food around. We eat it often and she prepares il ver y hot and s picy. J just found out thet I have an ulcer. I love her cooking and would hate lo think I have to give it up altogether. Would il hurt to have an oc- casional chili pepper. -J .S .. SANTA ANA cers to be choosy about what kind or food the patient eata. Your ulcer won't beal any faster on lhe traditional bland boring diet that it will on a steady ln· take or the food you love. <By the way. If you think Medcan food Is bot, try some Indian dishes . . . they'll bum your socks ofr!) Sea World shark • • • excites scientists .. for marine scientists was at hand with the shark on display. BUT DO NEED. DESPER.ATELY, TO BELIEVE THERE IS SOMEWHERE AN EXPLAf\JATIOtJ. ANSWER: I have never felt It Important In the tre atment or ul· ASK THE DOCTOR ~SAN DIEGO tAPI -With the JP.test great white shark to sur- "ive capture apparently thnving in captivity, experts say they're cager to learn t hings -for ex- fmple why such sharks a ttack bumans but "just won't eat us." "Every time they bite us, they l'pit us out ," said San Fran- cisco's Steinha r t Aquarium iireet.or John McClosker. Rosenblatt said he disagrees with those who say it's all right "if the shark 1s hauled out of the net, hit over the head and then butchered for market but a bad thing 1f you try to keep it alive in an aquarium.·· Gemini: Follow your hunch ' The ulcer Is caused by the add manufactured by and ln your s tomach. This a cid Is much stronger than that found In food. Very acidic foods are quite mild compared to the 1&cid that's already there. The stomach's own acid is what e ats a hole through the lining. This hole Is called an "ulcer." .. The s harks ' ability to detect f.aint electrical fields is what in- terests Dr. Frank Carey, a fhysiologist at the Woods Hole f)ceanographic Institution in ~assachusetts. ,. In a telephone interview , Carey said a great white shark "can detect all kinds of elec- t}ical signals that we're totally 11naware of. such as the Earth's rriagnetic field. geomagnetic potentials from ocean currents " ~ A huge. 300-pound great white (hark was released at Steinhart Aquarium last year after start· ibg to bang its head on the glass iull of the tank after an ex- tre mely slight amount of elec- tricity leaked from a light socket. "If you took a flashlight bat- tery with long wires on the end of it and put one wire in the harbor in Miami and the other in t}le harbor in New York. you'd ))ave a gradient of about. a hun- dredth of a microvolt per cen- Umeler." Carey said. "And the snark can detect that kind of tradienl." Richard Rosenblatt, curator of ()sh collections at Scripps tnstitution of Oceanography. agreed that a rare opportunity And, said McClosker of the 51 i ·foot, 100-pound male caught Monday ore San Diego: ·'There it is. swimming in a germ-fr~ environment. being Ced on a dai· ly basis." According to records, the species has attacked humans 33 times in California, causing four deaths The only great white shark in captivity swam past his 72nd hour in captivity at noon Thurs- day in the big tank at Sea World marine park and by noon today will have passed the previous. 96-hour record for a great white shark in captivity This is the third and largest caught by commercial fish- ermen off Southern California in the last two weeks. The first died after three days at Sea World. which r eleased the st>cond after she started banging her head on the tank. A spokeswoman at Sea World, which paid Sl,000 for each, said of the latest one: "There are nothing but positive signs but we"re cautious we've had dis· appointments No one knows why they don't survive in captivity. Carey said they may suffer respiratory dif- ficulties caused by the confining life. or hormonal upsets an~ stress. Saturday, August 8, 1981 By SYDNEV OMARR ARIES: (March 21-April 19). Mystery is solved and you get profess ion a 1 accounting . Spotlight on money, invest· ments. joint· efforts, partnership proposals. Key is to know when to "let go ... Leo. Sagittarius and another Aries figure prominent· ly . TAURUS \April 20-May 20): You're pullec! in two directions simultaneously. Key 1s to clarify meanings. define terms and s treamline techniques. Those who make sensational claims are due to be exposed. Hold off on contract signing play wait- ing game for best results and of- fers. GEMINI (May 21-June 20 ): Follow through on hunch; intui- t ion is sharply honed. You perceive potential in accurate manner. Writing, advertising. publishing claim major part of scenario. Basic issues will be re- solved. Keep diet-health resolu- tions! CANCER <June 21-July 22): Popularity increases, numerous changes occur and you become more aware of travel and com- munication. Gemini, Virgo, Sagittarius natives figure in RUFFELL'S ~ "~ · 0mnrs 1 ~ CUSTOM ~lfllG · 1 I gp.dialzlng In SHADOW BOXES 1803 Newport Blvd. cusa t: 11 ~~ • Get Rid of Cellulite • Lo9e Unwanted Pounds • Herbal Energy Tablets UPHOLSTERY s ... "-'· ... OCJOilt 1922 HAalOI IL VD. COSTAMESA-541-1156 100°/o • Skin and Hair Herbal Care Money-Back Guarantee! Call Enzo 963·4634 Seven Days -24 Hours • The ROUND-UP RESTAURANT And LOUNGE 843 W. 19th, Costa Mesa 646-0804 Now Ope11 For LfJNCff -• DINNER Daily lunch Specials Complete Dinner Menu Featuring The 14 oz. Ro und-Up Porterhouse "'~""""' s 795 f. rtlerl~'.St"" fl" · Re8t. HourK Mon.-Thur8. 10:30 A.M.-9:30 P.1\1. Friday 10:30 A.M.-11 P .1\1. Sat. 4:30 P.M.-11 P.M. HOROSCOPE scenario. Member of opposite sex declares intentions. but you may not be "ready." LEO <July 23-Aug 22J : Focus on details. building materials, restrictions. need to break free from those dominated by pre· conceived notions . Emphasis also on shelter, property. deal ings with older individuals whose views may be outmoded. VIRGO C Aug. 23-Sepl. 22> Emph<is is on variety, s hort trips, calls, messages. directions and artistic endeavors . Gemini, Saggitarius and another Virgo figure prominently Member of opposite sex presents format. written material and outlines travel scenario. LIBRA tSept. 23-0ct. 22>. Ma jor domestic adjustment is featured. Family member dis- plays '"hidden talents," includ· ing unusual sense of drama and ··singing voice " Focus on art objects. purchase of luxury items. money and income poten· ti al. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov 211 . What seems a "sure thing" may be deceptive and lack substance. Get promises in writing , separate reality from wishful thinking. You make valuable new contact. It could be the start of something big! Watch Pisces. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-Dec. 211 : Apparent setback rebounds in your favor. Someone on the "inside" passes valuable in- formation to you Individual you aided in recent past 1s now ready to return favor. Watch Capricorn! CAPRICORN <Dec 22-Jan 19). Past obligations surge to forefront. You get job done if c reative, daring and willing lo appeal to more than an "inner circle ·· Widen horizons -your message can be put across in graphic, dramatic fashion AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 181. Professional superior offers op- portunity which would result in greater independence. chance to be original and creative. Accept challenge. realize promotion is on horizon and help is on the way. Keep eye on Leo! PISC~ I Feb 19-March 201: Sense of purpose, direction is re· gained. Missing link is located. Bits and pieces fall into place - you are capable now of viewing picture as a whole. Cancer. Capricorn. Aquarius persons figure prominently. There are many blood vessels in the wall of the stomach. If the ulcer eats through a vessel, you get bl~ing. U the bole eats all the way through the wall It is an e me rgency requiring Immediate surgery. Treatment o f t h e ulcer requires the use of a ntiaclds. These med ications tum thr acid into w ater. A r ecentl y discovered drug. Tagamet, is ofte n used because It actually cuts down the amount ol add manufactured by the stomach. AJthough you may e at any food you wish , there are three s ubs tan ces that must b e avoided. The r e must be no intake of caffeine, Ccoffee, tea, or chocolate), alcohol, or pain relievers which contato asptrin. Tylenol is okay. Dr John D. Rosen. a prachtumer in Newport Beach. welcomes your questions. Mat/ requests to Ask the Doctor. P 0 Box 1560. Costa Mesa. 92626 Gr.ct op..mg w. WHY PAY $7.497 TIM~RELEASE VITAMIN 1-100 Only $3.75 at Trader Joe & Pr•to The Finest In Resort Wear Now In South Coast Plaza Trader Darwin 's Balanred 8 ·100 offers eleven kinds of B vitamins. And its lime release formula will pro vide a rontinual suppl~ or B-complex vitami ns throughout the day A leading health rood rhain sell s this Item ror $7.49-but we sell a bottle of so tablets ror only $3. 75 Please v1s1t our newest Trader Joe's at lhe intersertion of 17th Street . Newport Boulevard and Superior Avenue <next to Denn\~ and Barria~ ·s Bank I · MOW IH COST A MESA W altah Clarke's South C.oast Plaza In The Mall By The Qlrousel 751-7500 FASHION WEST CLIFF REAL VALUES • on items from applesauce to zippers the· 111.IJ Pl.Ill are advertised every day in ISLAND PLAZA .._. llMcll 9404030 '"" ......... "'-' ~ '4N>l72 OPIM 1 DAYS • FA<* F ash1on Island . · Newport Beach ' I/ STEREO SOUNDS OF THE HARBO,R . :~ I ( 1 J ~ '¥ T Ir A tk " flt ... C4 .. no ,,, f .. 0. "~ ,.,., .... , ... ..... d11• Chet !tie Trvt Tt .,.. ..... , ... ., O! Mt 4 .... 11 .. tl -.. -· .... .... ~ lleefle ' t ,. .. 0 0 0 • • y Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 L •• Namath in 'Damn Yankees' By llAaJLYN AND HY OA&DNll .,.l'IOllal Poetcard to Tbote Reader• Who Wanted .to Know What Joe Namath 11 Doinl ThtM Da)'I: Would you believe 11n1ln1 and dancinc on •late! Namath la appearln1 at the outdoor Jones Beach Theater in Wantaah. Lona Island ln a revival of the Broadway hit "Damn Yankees." "Variety'•" critic 1ave the former superstar of the N.Y. Jet.a a little bad new• and tood newa. Flrst the bad news: "Broadway Joe, u he is affecUonately known to b1J fans. should 'GLAD YOU ASKm THAT' receive as much credit for courage here, as on the football field, for attempting the miracle of being able to sing and even dance a little. He is untalented ln both departments." Now the good news: "What Namath does bring to the assignment, however, is a winning personality that overshadows the professional flaws, assuring him of positive audience support ... Q: Actress Glenda Jackson bas been called a contemporary Sarah Bernhardt and I'm curious about whether she has any movie idols or her own? -S. JOHNSON, PITTSBURGH A: Yes. And it's Bette Davis. "I've long since outgrown the crushes I had on film stars as a child," says Miss Jackson. "But Davis is still impressive, even more so as a human PUBUC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI •UllNCIS f'ICTITIOUI aultNCIS NAMU STATCMUNT NAMC STATCMCNT H•• loll-11'19 peraon1 ere dolnt ~Ts'th•.,• .. o11-1ne "'"'°" Is c1o1ne 11u11. lluslMu n : ·-STELLA'S LUNCH HAVEN, 1GO CROWN AUTOMOBILE LEA.SING, • Newpo<t lllvd., .._, .. Kl\, CA 11>01 llH<h lllttd • IJ. HIMlll"910fl .,...,, llHCll, CA ftM7. CHI· YUAN CHANG, l4075 AttkMe Suun Slewer1 Peyton, 1010 E SlrM I, Miu loft Viejo, CA '2691. CMrlllo P-Ori.,., S.nte Ane CA bein1. The more I meet and chat with her, the more remarkable she becomes on the acreen. When you think of aome of the rubblJh ahe actually managed to invest with style and intelligence, It ·a amailn,a." Q: My husband ia a bl& fan or Pi\l1bur1h Steeler Lynn Swann. And bein& a football nut, he wants to encourage our seven-year-old aon to start playlna the game. I feel he's still too young and 1 wondered if Swann haa any thoughts on the subject that I could pass alona to my husband ? -MRS . JACK J .• PITTSBURGH. A: The football great, who himself began playing at a very early age, is glad to tackle the question. "I think that possibly seven. eight. nine years old could be too young lo a child to be out playing football," says Swann. "Especially ir he has a coach that is emphasizing only the winning and the toughness . . . to be a good football player. But I don't think you can stop a young child's competitive attitude ... And I think in the little league football, that com- petitive 4lllitude and that desire to win can be channeled in the right direction." Q: 1 recently heard something about an all· inmate TV station broadcast from a prison somewhere. And I wondered if you could tell me a little about it and where it's located?-JACK R., SEATTLE A: From what we understand, the broadcas t is to be at Washington State Penitentiary. With the call letters, KWSP (or PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS IUllNllS NAMC ITATCMCNT Tiie lollowlnt per1ons •rt dolno bullneuet: R. E . LOGAN AIR CO N· DITIONINO REF"IOERATION CO., llJ11 Slenhl•ul $1r .. t, Founleln Velley, CA GLENDA JACKSON . channel 7 on your dial if you're unlucky enough to be able to tune it in ). the broadcast will run 12 hour s a day. In addition to som e reh.abihtation programs. there will be inmate-acted skits, or "sit-cons." the prison announced. Talk sibout a captive audience! JOE NAMATH ... Way <1/f Broadway Send your questwns to Hy Gordnn, "Glod You Asked That," care of this newspaper, P .O. Boz 19620. Irvine, Calif 92714. Marilvn and Hy GordMr will answer as many questimu as they can in their col· umn, but tM volume of ma11 'f1'14lus ~ repl~• impossible. CHIA·YU TENG, 2A07S Al\llere '1701 SlrMt, Mission Viejo. CA '2691. T"I• Duslneu Is condll<ted llY en In· t BIRDIE M . HWANG, 2075 dMduel. Anker• StrMI, Minion Viejo, CA s.. .. nSlewert "-"°" mtt. T"ls Stal-I WH llled Wiii\ 11\e 1 This Dusi,,..• Is conduc-by.,. In· County Clertl ol Orenge County on July •1 .. 10...1. n . "''· t Tiiis ~!:~ H:.~lled wlll\ ti. Publl'1*! Ore19 c -1 Dell~,~~ ,County C*1l ol Orenoe c--, °" JUiy July 24, JI, ""9.1, 14, "" l2•M1 DONALD A. MELLINGER, 1U11 Slenllleus Slffft, Fountain Valley, CA '21111. NANCY C MELLINGER, 11111 StanllleuJ StrMI, Fountain Velley, CA '27111. R E . LOGAN, Hiii Eletne Avenue, N-•lk, CA MJO. Tiiis l>Uslneu Is col\ducted by • o•n.ralpertner1Np NM>ty C Melllnger The Taipei collection. New twist on an old Oriental idea. ,21. ltll. ,.,...,,•------------ P11blllhed Or-Coes~lly Pllol, PUBLIC NOTICE , July 24. 31, ""9. 1. 14, "" u1w11 ___________ _ PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUS aUllNCSI t NAMC ITATUQNT I Tiie foo-ine ,_,_, 11 doint bull· MUH: t WESTLAKE SERVICE. 16 Soulll S.ftCI, lrvlfte, CA '2114. James Wiiis, HO Belbo• Ave • llelboe I~. CA '*2. T"ls --· Is condYcted by en In· dlvlduel. J-Wllls This ~t WU llled with , ... )County Clerk of 0r.,. County on Jvly l'ICTITIOUS, aUllNIU NAM« f>TATIMENT Tiie tollowlne ,..,.ons •r• doing buslneu •• AMERICAN BANDSTAND, un North Mein SI .. Sant• An•. CA. Amerlt •n Bend.iend, Int • • Celllornl• torPQrellon, 2n2 Nor111 Main SI., Saftle Me, CA. Merlo Cennetto, 19 Sterb<.lrsl Cl , NewPOrt 8Ntll. CA Tiiis buMnHJ 11 c-led by • cor porellOfl. ArnHiten B...O.tanc:I, Int MarloCennevo VkePresldenl Tiiis sl•l-1 wes filed wllh tne County Clerk of Or•not County on July l'l""1 IS, 1911. l'l .. DI Publl-Or-eo.11 Delly Piiot, PubllsMd Or-Coest Delly Piiot, 22, '"'· July 24, 31, ""9.1. 14. 1"1 ~I July II. 2•. JI. Auv 1. '"' 3171 .. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE f'ICTITIOUI IUllNESI f'ICTlnOUI aUSINHS NAMC ITATEMCNT HAMS STATCMIENT The foll-ne ,....'°" Is doi1'19 busl· The lollowint per-. Is dolnt bu•I· MUH: neues· • ANTIQUE HAVEN OF DANA MACHINE SPECIALTIES, JOU POINT, 2A* Otl Predo, 0.... Point, Medelre Avenue, Costa Meu. CA CA '2'29. »•2' "°"•Id Allred H•YeftS, 24366 0.1 CHARLES J. TROM, 3033 ~Ir• Pr-. Dene Pohtt, CA '2629. Avenue, Coate Met.a, CA ma. Tiiis --1 Is condloct.G llY .... In-Tl\lt buslrtHS Is <ondu<led by •n In· dlvldU•I. div I duel. Roneld Allred H.,....s CNrles J . Trom Tl\11 stei-1 w-. flled wllll 11\e Tlllt stetement wn flled wllll tne County CIWll o1 ~-CCM.Wlty on JUiy county Cl-o1 ~ ..... County on July n.1 .. 1. ,. 1t11 f'1"7tt • . ~, .... Pub11"'9d Or ..... Coast De ity Piiot, Pvbll"'9d Orenoe COHI Delly Piiot Jwly 24, ll, ""9· 7, 14, ltll ~I Jvly 24, 31, Aug. 7. 14. '"' :1314-t; PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE ----------- f'ICTITIOUI IUSIN£15 f'ICTITIOUS aUSINIESI HAMS ITATIMCNT NAMC ITATEMINT The followl"t ,....'°" Is dolnt bull· Tiie foll-Int Mrsons ere doing neu •s: 11u11neu •= JACKSON & KIRK. ll20 ll-ll HST PROPERTIES, .. W 16111 St .. Wey, Cott•-... CA fM~ V E RN 0 N E . K I R K, l 12 O Newport llM<I\, CA '2.U •Roosevelt way, Colla Met.a, CA '2U.. Irene C. T.,..ner T"'sl, Clerenu J . Tiiis buslnest It c-.Ct.G by en lft· Tvrn.r Trust, .. W. t•lh SI., N-pol1 leech, CA ""3. dl•ldualv-E Kirk Amend• Saller Trust. Ellrebeth This sta'-1 .... llled •Ill\ ti. S.llM Trust ... w ,..,, SI., Ntwpol1 llHCl\,CA~ C·ounly Clerk ol Or...-c-.ty on Jvly Merk Harri-. Trust, Linde Her· 22, '"'· rlson Trust, o.t HMrlson Tnm, Mn ,.,..,.,. Herrhon Trust, ... W. 16th SI., Pullll-0r...-Coesl Dally PllOt, Newpon BHcll, CA '2.U Jvly 24, 31, ""9. 7, U, 1•1 ,,., .. , Tl\h lluslneH Is coftClu<ted by • PUBLIC NOTICE teMrel pe-lp. Cl..-:• J . Turner Trust• Tiiis stet-I ••~ 111.0 with IN llM)TICC 0,. County Clerk ol Or-c-ty on JUiy ltC*-HSf'C*Sla lUTY 22. ltll. NOTICE IS HE"IEIY GIVEN lllet ~l .. "I Ille llftdenl .... wtll llOt lie r_ll .. e Publl-Or--oe Coesl Delly Piiot, I« AftY ._ or llabllltlet CCMttraclH July 24, JI, Aue. 7, u, '"' ~· 1by AftY-et .. r -mywll, IWI °' This sta._I •u llled wltll IN County Clerk o1 Orenoe County on JUiy lt, IHI. l'1um Publl'1*! Or•not Coest Delly Pllol, J uly JI,~ 1, U, 21, '"' :1314 .. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE ---------- f'ICTITIOUI aUllNCIS NAMI ITATUMCNT Tiie tollowlnt persons er• doln9 bvslneues: DEE·LIGHTFUL G RAPHICS, 1*2 Pebble Cl., Fovnteln Velley. Ce '270I Dt.,... L. S..to-LA11, IOIU P-e Cl., Fountain Vellty. Ce '210I Cllllord Lau, 10lt2 "-bC>le Cl , Founteln Velley, Ce. '270I Thi$ 11u1lne11 h t onducteo by • eenerel P¥tnerslllp. 0.....,. L S..IO·Leu Tiiis st.t-1 •et llled •1111 11\e County Clm ol Orenge County on July lt, ltll. f'UIJll Publl-OrMte Coell Delly Piiot Jwly 31, Aug.1, 14, 21, 1'11 lM.fl PUBLIC NOTICE SU,.E•1CM1COU"T01' CAUf<OaNIA, COUNTY Of'OllANCK o"o•• TO IMOW CAUH l'Oi. CMAHGC Of' NAM£ CAIC NUllMaai. A·l- ln Ille Metter of 11\e Apptk etlon ol ATANACIO PEREZ PETERSON, lor ChenteofName ATANACIO PEREZ PETERSON hes llled • petition In 11\11 coun rcw en order •1'-'no petitioner 10 cl\e-Ills neme lrom ATANACIO PEREZ PETERSON t 11 DO NALD ATHANASIUS PETE: .. ~N. II Is hereby oroered 11\el all perSOM lnlerHted In the matter eror ... ld •P. peer llelore lllh court In Oepertment No J el 7llO Cl•k Center 0.-1 ... West. S.nle Ane, C:•HtOt'ftle. on Sec>t..,,t.r 2, '"'· et IO:lO o'clock e.m .• end ,...., and there -cewse, If .,.Y they heve, wtly said petition '°' <"°"9e of n•m• should not.,. 9ren1e<1. II Is further ordered lhet • copy ol 11111 order to .,_ t•vse .,. pubOll\ed In 111• Deity Piiot, • newSPee>er or ten.rel clrcllletlon, pUbll"'°" In lhh county el least once • -lor lour (OftMCUll .. _, prior IO tl\e dey of 1ald,,. .. 1ne De led Jvly 22, 1"1 RoneldH Prenner Judge ol IM 5-rlor Courl SHEfO,.MlaO I O.ORAW, AL.ew~otMl1 lllUW.,.,.,A_.. ,........, ven..,, ca. '2711 171410.-1• Publl'1*! Orenoe Co.st Delly Piiot, July 24, JI, Auo 7. 14, 1•11 mw• PUBLIC NOTICE •fter 11\11 ...... PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI IUllNESS Detad IHs J09I cSay of July, ltll. NAMIE ITATIMCNT J_, en-. 1-------------Tiie lollowlne persons ••• dolnt .. ........,MS N .. 79161 buslt>HI n · '"""'CL mu f'ICTITIOUS •UllNISS BUCKHORN SHOPPING CENTER, ,.vb11'1*1 g,.._. Coe1t Delly ,.Ool NAMC STATIMINT P 0. llox llWO, ~ llrcll SI., Ntwpol1 Jwly l1, ""9. 1, 7, ••t 1421 .. 1 Th• foll-Int person' e re dolnt 9Hcll, CA 92t60. ~ln.u-.: Nellonet ResMve Lite lnsvrenu PUBLIC NOTICE THE MOTORCYCLE INDUSTRY Compeny, 41' Weal 29111 Strut, BUSI NESS JOURNAL, 117U Vie T01Mk•, Kens.tr1. ~-----N-.--..----Verone, lrvlne, CA '271S. M••Oow Acres, inc .. • Kensal <«· --· H A N c 0 c I( B R 0 w N poretlOfl • .,. West ,..,, SlrMI, T-lt•, ..ones°" &ALIE COR POAATIOH,. C..llfomi• COf'POf•· l(ensH. Of' amAL ...-.an lion, 111'2 Vie Verone. 1 rvlne, CA All son O.W.oprnent Co , P.O. llox AT NIVATC aALa f:t11S. I040, UU lllrcl\ SlrHI. NewPOrl IN TMC IUNalCM COU•T Tl\11buslnest11 conducted by•<«· llu<"· CA '2660 Of' TMC ITAT8 Of' '°'etlon. Tiiis l>UslMn ll conducted by e CAUPOttNIA""' HAHCOCK·BROWN CORP eener•I ~Slllp. THC COUNTY Of' HA•es Don J. llrown, ALISON DEVELOPMENT NO. A•tWtll Prftldtnl ll-Bauman, Prn. I• Ill• MaUW el Ille 8llet• ot This st-wn filed with llM Tiiis stat_, wn filed wlll\ tlM MA y WA a D DAVID eAT c M, COunty CIWll of OrengeC-ty on July County Cl-of Or ..... County on July o.c...-10, ltll. 1'1 .... 2'.2. ltll .. ,..,. NOTICE IS HIE"EIY GIVEN ttwt Publl-Or ..... Coest Delly Pllot, Pvb11'1*! Or-C:0.11 Delly Pllol, u. 11..-w11...-. wtll ...... "'1•••• ..le, lo Ille "'"'"* ....... ~. Jwly 24, ll, ""9. 1, 14, 1•1 DIM1 J11ly 24, ll, Aug. 1, 14, 1•1 Jl21 .. 1 111111ec1 Ip conllrmotlon el H I• Superior c-1, ., w oflOr , .. 12'11 •Y MJC mJa .. Aw ...... 1"1, ....... office of DAVID 1-------------WA•"EN et WA""IEN & alE"01!". ....,-,.----------- 1'711 Ma<Ar"'-'r at••·· Swl .. l.U, IYNOl'Stl Of' THC ANNUAL STAT CMS NT lrYIN , c:..ity _, ~ ...... SIOM .. MllM41.ANDS UNOC"W"ITCaS UIWIUUK• COM,.ANY Catl,_,flla ft71S. a41ttw1'11111. title AM •JCf'f'C"'°" STaCCT, llOUSTON, TUllAI 1191 j111twe.sl llf M1•-...... M .. llmeef Yur CMNI DK..,._,, t• 41Mlh ... 8'I "" ,.._, .... Oll4I Ill· Total edmlftad euell .. .. .. .. .. • .. ........... .'..... .. ......... Sll,461,06S :::~,:-: :::.::.:· ~=-: =~\=:,-G;.'i.;,;i; ·~~iiii~~·~i:: ........ : .. 'i.•:•. l,.i,os7 :.:r:::. =:::. :'::'.: 0••• pol6.ln end clM'llrllluN<I lllfPIUS •..••...•............. 2,.00,000 • ., lft ON1 .. etl 110 t af\llfl roof ,,._ UllOMI"'°" '--C_.,.1111 ·• · .. · • ............................ ... -t., .......,. 111 , .. .-. c:..itr ., 1wp1 .. oar...,• PolkYllOld9n . . . .............................. 10.-.• 0r..,.., ...... COf ........... l'Of11c116or· ·-... .,.., .................................................. U4,747. ly -.c.... ......... ........ O.tlN ........... ,_ , ... yHr ............................................ ..a.sv • L..C QI .. Trect .... -. it1 .. 0-We ..... cenlfY !Ml.,. ..... I ............ KC.Of~ with ... ~· 1y., " ... -· lll9dl,. • .-.. • su,.~ :'.2. .... ~ ~-C:C-~~ ~-_.._ , .... ,,.."'_. c-- "'•• t1W1"f ,. ...... lft ..... '"· "' --..... ..e....... •,!MK_,. ... -· ,.I. • ,. __. • ... ~11-J.A.. Terry, PrHldem •• ' -• --· Phil D Herrlson Treasurw .,..._,,..,...ti UH Or-. C:-.Cy, · ' mer• comn.0titr l:M•ft ••: UH f>;jbflllWdOr.,.. c ... st Dolly Piiot Aue, a,4, s.•. 7. "'' L.MIMI Ortw, ~ 9oodl. CA. ...... Twmo fl .... <Olfl I" l.-t-.11 -V If ttlo UftltM IUllto M clllf""**"1 If ••1•1 •r •••• cul\ 111• •0 10110 ------------oj•e11co• •'I' 11•1• ttc.re• •Y .atU Mer'9111t fK T,_. 0... 911 .. ,,..,. SYNO"ll Of' T"a ANNUAL STATCMClfT fYM ... T911~_,.,....... 0,. to .. .._...wl'91111141. MIOMl.ANDS UtW•AMCa ~A•Y aMll • ""'1 .... lit .,._ ... ..,.,,. •• IOM IHCaT, MDVtTON, TC•AI ~ Mll ..................... Offleo .,_.,...~ .... "-.. ,,,,, .... ..._ ttw ..,_ ,...,..._ T"'91 ..... ttecl""" . .. .. . , ... ., ............................. *'611, * -=--==-i.·:,:-.... ~=~:~·~·~i.i.iiiiii~'~i'.'.'.'.'.'.','.'~ -.m.M CAU ",.MT IANlt Of•I,......... ... CtflltllllftM _..tu.,., ..... , ............... .Ml,• ew1 ...... \..---. u,............._,_,.11,j ................................ t1.•• Vice~ -..,,,..,. .. ,...., ... lcyf:Mew ..................................... 1n.-.a1 ........ If .. b•1 lllCOIM fir .. .,..,., •••...•..• ,.,,., •••••.•.• ,••••••• •• ,,,, ..•• ,,, tM,-.m ..... ~ °' ................. ...,. ., ................... " ................. 111~ ..... ..._ WI--~ ............. !Wiii on .. __....e '""' .. Aflllllll ........... ....,,_. ..... .,_. ...... OKOfllllw tt,,. Mm .... .__ QIM. __ ,___ MIM'-11 ....... lfC ......... ,,.._.. • ._, ..... '·" r.rt. "'"'~ ' --..... fllftll o. -rttei:. Tr..--·~ ar .... c-.c Del\:':; "'*,....cw-. e-• Do11y ";ttot Awe.>. 4, s. .. '· 1t11 ..,.,, ..... ,,,1, .. fi ..... ,. ,...~,. .... ..., The willow and the oak. It is a classical saying in the East that the willow is wiser than the oak. f or the willow knows how to bend with the wind. But the oak fights against every storm. and one day will be broken. This wisdom of the willow is the reason for the remarkable durability and comfort of our exclusive new line of Taipei cane furniture. Dress·up rattan. Because supple rattan sur- vives monsoon winds.jungle rot and clawing tigers, there was once a tendency to relegate rattan furniture to the porch or backyard. Now, however, rauan has come indoors. Today's high style rauan belo ngs in elegant rooms amidst crystal stemware. an nouveau incirlentals and Persian carpets. Such is the case with our new Taipei cane collection. The main members of each piece are finished in a honey brown and bound with blond peel rattan. Cane seats and backs are almost wheaty in color. There is a special quality to all these pieces that makes them at once remarkable in themselves and friendly wit hin room arrangements. Treasures from an unlikely place. Taipei. interestingly enough, has never beer known for r.at- tan. We failed to call on the maker of this furniture for two years, because we didn't believe COSTA llESA 2710 Harw BNd. • M0-7*37 Dinmg t.tb~ $159.99 1G4:. .. wol41 .. ,...r .. 1m1 <-h•m $79.99 ea. Armchait $89.99 CAllEll CIOVE 1d1 HarbOr Blvd. • 131-2411 the rumo rs of fantastic qualrty and beautiful design. fortu- natelv, he finally cornered us in Kaohsiung at the other end of the island of Taiwdn. Instantly, we fell in love with his beaut i- fully crafted work. and had to admit chat treasure is where you find it. As far dS we know, we are the only am porters to bring Taipei cane home to America. We invite you to stop bv and share our delight in this new ratlan that \.OU \H>n.t want to leave out on the porch . collections Our muni poller. Kttp 'our r«~•pt If for 4ny r~•JOn •ou'tt nU4 h<lpp• ··uh "h4t •OU bu•. r~um 11 w11h1n l~n d<t~s for a lull ttfond, >I - ·e I . t I " e I J ' w~ii.iiiir;tl"l'_.......-·-·••·=--•••••••• ..... , ............... ~a~s.__.. ... s .. s•s•s .. 2~2 .... a .. 2 .... •21111m21212121&ISISIJIZ•!ll•£llllllllllllllm .. ------_ ... Ot1ngt Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7. 1981 T HE f "Mlt" Cl•Ct l 81GGEORG£ by Virgil Partch (VIP) "Daddy doesn't need a life jacket 'cause the captain hos to go down with the ship." "On second thought, make It 1 double." ll.\Rll:\Dl'IKE by Brad Anderson Hank Ketchum Jl'DGE P:\RIKER WHAT WA!> MN50N'~ REACTION WHEN YOU !>AID YOU DIDN'T WANT HIM TO 'CO AHEAD WITH H16 OIVOll:Cf, 1!'>6 WEf>6T~~? G:\Rt'lt:LO WMA1' C70 VOO WANT TO PO 'fONOMT, GARFIELP? VO YOU WANT TO GO JOG(',tNG-? GO'TO A MOVIE? Pl.AV MINIAT~E OOLF 8·1 llOO:\ lll'LLSNN - 'Bein' a big shot around here 1s easy, Joey tong as the state bread holds out." I lOLO HIM I THOU0HT WE fMOULD ~TOP !:IEEINC:i EACH OTHER FOR !)IX MONTH~! by Harold Le Doux MEANWHILE t>AM. l'M C1lAD YOU CAI.LED! MAOOI TOlO ME OOMflHINO YE!;TERDAV THAT I THINK YOU 5HOULO ~NOW! JAOON C1AMt)Ell WAfJ THE PER&ON WHO C1AVE HfR THE &EEPIN6 CAP5ULE!> AND AMPHETAMINE6.' ~ .......... by Ferd & Tom Johnson ..... -~-~-~~-------~~~----~~---!".;.. c:...-· · ---ON HOT D/.tlis @ ACROSS 46 Toil 49 Lowetlng 1 Unction 53 Probate 5 Castro-land 5' &9ress awe 9 Tin Pen Alley 55 Bitd org. 56 ErOded t• TUM 57 Indigo plent t5 ~s 58 Cont•t 18 •row: Pref 59 Keen 17 ~uous eo Cut• 18 CMlt 61 Spfey clouds 19 Of ttlesun 20 Chent DOWN ntlMIOAY'I PU%ZLI IOLVED 22 RVth 23 AmtyVIPs 24 Hurting 1 Adnlllc pOt1 liiiillii6rf~ 201hr~lslet 3 ManifMI 25 Ontario city 28 SchOOl 19ml 32 Che«M 33 Ille Of Wight reeor1 3' CtlOler 3S~ ,. M6Gl't 4 H•dwood 5 8ethtlouee I Army~ 7 Bundle 25 Speectwty I Invite 2t A.llrm • Guer.m.. 27 loetllecl 45 ~ 10 Suppllet 21 $9feecl Med 48 Hope delly 1 2 3 4 14 l7 Ptg tood ltOI'~-.. •Cemented • PrOftOUll .,....,,.. 11 Wtelllmln 2t Floor 1ayW 47 Tro4'1y eat t2 .,_down 30 Une¥en 41 Ult Of"""* ................. ..._..,_ Abbr. 31 l<llP on 49 Editor 13 Skin 33 ~ ~ °""" -oPll*'G 3e CMdeted 80 Diie -: o.y 2 t Eft 37 llWldt Of Wrettl ._....,__..,_..._,.__ 22.Four>begOer 3t Hinder 51 Fomierty 24 Did,..... 40 "· Mu. 52 ~ .... ... """' $40tlleter 43 ...... lleh ""'-•• i'hll lilldlr IT SURE ~YS TO ~ET UP CAALY ,AROUND HERt=. PMNL'TI l'M AFAAIV' PRtJCE IS EJORt:P Wini 1.-IFE: AE1AIN1 IH:A~! GORDO OUR GARDEN DIED DURING THE DRY SPELL WHILE WE WERE AWAY--- 11',. PAllr OF 'T'HJ: ~. L.:.-~"!'9' Cl>MPAPfl.Ef ~™AT vf>Jrt.e J.I~ IJOl!tMAL P60PI.£, ~OOT rJOfUoW_ PJZCe'-tM~! e-1 .._ ______ ....... _____ __ by Charles M. Schulz ~E'S PROeABLV SEIN6 ~ASTIC 8UT~ MAJH, MAVBE ~ REAu.V Ol5'0VER£t' 50METHIN6 .. by Tom K. Ryan by Jeff MacNelly './-. ~·· :'lwl. "' . ' ·"'" ... • • • by Ernie Bushm1ller EVERYTHING EXCEPT ,_,,,..-:=:::::.-=::i THE SP I N .. CH by Tom Batiuk Ft:NIK t' "IN9'ER8EAN OKJll.J, NOCAl 1l4E Fl6HT ~ 15 PlNJEO EACH 1lME 1ME 1EAM SCORES A lbOC.HOOOJN ! SO I 'VE 64UEN ~OF CJO(J A UX'tJ Of rT ... OtO ~00 MISS ME. WHILE. I t.>RS ~. ~CE'? ~ ,,..,..,., --.. , by Kevin Fagan by George Lemont 1-r's oNL..Y' -rHose LARGeR HOSPl"T"AL..S .,..HA"T" CAN AFFORP e1.-eC'f'RIC PAPPL..eS, Ktt:'c::>O.' -L Or1nge Co11t DAILY PILOT/Friday, Auguat 7. 1981 1110T1d o• ll'uidt Rl11n11A 11,0lll TMI IOA .. D 0, ~ NllVllOIO °' THI COUNTY 01' 0 .. 4 .. 01 TO CONatOI .. THI O•,Ut'f l N O 01' A C AeL.t Tl\.aYIMON "IANGHlll MOTtee It HI .. leY OIYIN INI M IN ""'MY ti ~ti. lt'1, et .. .._ "'t;IO t''*-t I'll , 11W ... ~ti ......,..,_ WIN hot• I .... IC llNrlflt ~ IN Hiii .. AamMl"rttlM, It (l•lc c:...... ,,......1-1. ""'· '8\1 ........... ctlltWtr I~ trt11ll11t ti I Ullle .. ......,.... weMtllw .. Te..,....., et ...,...,., Clll,..nle, Inc. All ll\te,... ... ,._ -lft•I• tit etlltM IN Ill ....... o.t.111111 1«1\M~tfJ~Y, "" • ., oaoe• 01' THI 90AllO 01' •ul'lllYISOllS 0 1' OllANOI COUNTY, CALll'O•NIA. lllALl JUNIALIXANDlll ( .......... ._._ .. ,_...,,.,..Of Or_C:_t,, Caillon!lt l'WltllM Ottnet (Mtl Dt llY PllO(, A ...... I, 1"1 J ..... I. PUBUC NOTICE ----------- l'tCTIT10UI aUl.INIP ..... ITATIMSlllT Tiie ltflowlne .. r,.~• .,, dolnt .......... ; AlllWAY SANOWIC:H ~HOl'PI, JIOO Alrw_, Avt ., $4illt 1q , C:oti. --....ea..,.. "'" J. '""'II. 11on A-..10 I.II., Hwnll ... 9"cll. CL n ... l'rlKlllt It, Smith, tt01' Am• wwlo LI\,, H""lll\9IOll a..c11. C•. ., .. Tlll1 ll<nlneu 11 conducted DY • ..... , .. -~. Prltc:lll• I( Smllll 1'1111 --1 wt• tll.O wltll the COUll!y a.tll ol 0t""9 COllMY on July "·'"'· 1'1Ual1 l'ulHlaloff Orll\90 Co .. t Dally PllOI July 11, Aue. 7, u. 21, '"' U.041 PUBUC NOTICE l'ICTITlOUI aUMllllU ..... STATIMINT Tiit lollowl119 PtflOn• tre OOln11 WllntlltS) NOllTH OllUG INC., 1170 Ba'ff '"· CMi. MeM. Ct . '2UI ___ __,, PUaLI NOTIC& PtJW NM'lCI tltett~IUl•'*••M mTICa TOCH .. T'Otlt MMe IT•.,..'*' Ofl euuc T..,.PH "" ftti.wlftt ,,.._ .,, ...... , ........... "le.CJ wtl-•, llltllU h llttHy t n11 It 1M C & M MI 11 C "AH DI I I """"'"9f 'llMtCli H. OlltOI, tM UNLIMITIO, n» -.. ....... Aw., MAltJOllll o, Oll'UI, Tr-ltr-.1 WHIWll.-W,CA..., wile .. l!!ltl11tt• Hlllreu It lt .. J Ill• Mlwle ,... ... Jtll Trtlll, 11-...-(lly ol T11Mift, c-IY tf WHlml-, CA.._ Or ............ Cell,.,.,..t l•l t ... ._ c-vi Mwle TINIU, lttl Tr ... lr•NH.' 11 ....,. l• lit 11\Ne .. JAi (. WO .... ~,CA-CHOI 111111 M YUNG J , CHOI , T111t ... &llMP It U ftMIM 11J • Tr_,-., .._. -..iMll ---.. Mttl ~ le, ... Un.lltfll Clrclt, •D, (lly ti .... Mtlit Twtlw H1111ll•111 .. tell. C-IY .. Ot ..... n.tt ~ w• llltlll wltll Ille l ltlttlCellf'""• c-·· CIMI .. Ot ... (-y ... July Tiit '"""1r .. lit "-'-"'" la tt, 1 .. 1. •tc:fllltlll Ill lllM' .. H All tltcll Ill l'lltlll ., ... fl•-· ................... f'ull!I_. Or" ..... Cat1t o.ily ,.., .. •Ill ol tllt( Mlnttl ._,_" t1 "'IA J~y It, Aul. r, 14, JI, 1"1 '*41 l(INO'l ICOllNlll" -•ocet .. 91 Jlt1' -------I . l'IClll< Coett HlfllWty, Clly Of PUBUC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUI eUllNIU NAMll H ATIMaNT tlle IOfl-int ,.,_, la ~ '"'"' neu a t (t i THI CAii CONNECTION (Ill llV ANO 90AT CONNECTION lcl YA(ATION TIME·SHAlll CONNEC· TION (ell BEACH IJllONT llENTAI. CO NNECT IO N (t i fllLUM IUtlTEIR$, a2tl Mlcl\leen A•• .. c0t1e~ea111...,.. ..... Etttnor M•row•lt• ll•IO Trowu, J2't MIUllQtll A .... , Ct•le M .. e, Celllo•ni.~ Tlll1 DutlMt• ll <°"4UCltO t>y 111 In· dMOUtl E•-M A Tr~ll lhlt .... _, .. ., 111.0 '""" .,,. Cownty Cletti Of OttnQt County on JUiy 14 ..... .. 1 .... Put>llll\td Or ... C:.." Dally Piiot, July 11, 14, lt, Auo. 1. '"' ~1 PUBLIC NOTICE cor-Oii f/IM, c-iv Of 0tt11111. , ...... Callrtml•. TIW ---ltenMff •Ill .. ,.,,..,.. mtte4 Ofl or ., .. , tl'lt Uth .. , tf A11tu1t, 101 ti IO 00 A.M. et WllTllRN MUTUAL ISCllOW CO lll". A TT N MAfl lL'l'N WIUTMO'll51.ANO, w1'0M --II uoet a.. Y-at. s..tte "'· Tll•tlll, Ctlllomlt nteO. TMI IN l•I Mft ror llllf'lt <lt lmt Ill Ill• _,_ , .. ., ... ,. """" ,, ...... 14, ""· St lt r at II '"own 10 1111 t 'aiwft,_, •II IMailltN l\tnlet Md tOOr-.... d lly lllO Trtntl'"" lor tl'lt OM!,,,,... ... ,.,,,. -· Ott.O: July JI, 1'11 JAEC.CtiOI M'UNG J CHOI T•tn•lerMt PuDll>Nd Ortn119 CoeJI Ot lly PllOI, Aue. 1, "" uo1•1 PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS eUllNIU Ka.Mil $TAT•MINT "" followln11 penont ••• 0011111 l'ICTITIOUt eUllNlll llutlneu u : NAM• ITATllMINT MOUNTAIN PACIFIC FRAMING Tiit tollowlno O•n•n• er• dolnt co .. 7000 w Pectrk Cot•I Hwv .• S..lbt INllllttltl. II, N•wPGrt 8etell, CA '1MO OllANGE AIOES, 1'U l'Otl SCOTT STEPHEN OE \/RIES, Wtybrldlt Pl•<•. N•wport Bttcll, II•• Ntr\t A.._, elQ a.er City, CA Calllotnlt t2* n>t• J#ltl How.rd Jee-. lttS ~ Mii(£ I( EATON. 1n SltnfOfd Wtrb•ldtt Plac•. N•wpotl llHCll, Wey, Bio Beer CllY, CA t2JU; p 0 Ct lllOrl'llt t2* 8oa llU, Blv 8etr Le••, CA '2JU Mtrvtrt II. \loot. • c-lllClll't. Thi• .,._,ntu I• conctucttd t>y an un· trvlnt , Calllomla tUU lncotpOteted tt-••tlon et,.,,,,.., a Nwlfl Dnlt 111<., 1110 lllU• SI., Tiii• buslntu I• condvcl•O Dy t O.,lntrollfP. • Coll• Mne. Ct. n'2ll otnarel ~al\lp. Scotts o. Yr1-. Thi• ~ 1• conc:tucbtd by t cor--.... y II Yoot TM• ttaf-nl .... flltO •Ith 1·~ -•llon, T I • ,,.. NORTH DRUG INC ". ''-''"""' .... llltO Wllll Ille COllflly ,,.,,. Of Orat191County011 July Audrey"''°' · ~,ou,";.~ Clet11 Of Ot-County of\ July 22, '"' 5t<r-y·Tr•twrar • "'""' '1Ut2' Pwt>ll,_ Ortnoe Cot1I Dally Piiot c.!!'.", :":"ci.::. ~=.;~': J: J ~wt>ll-°'"""' Coe•I Delly Piiot, July 14, )I, AllQ, 1. 14, 1 .. 1 ntMi tt, l .. t. II y JI, Aug. 1, U, 21, 1 .. 1 Jat.41 I'll/US l'lllHlalleO 0r"'9' Cot•I Ot lly Pllol July 11. A1111. 7, u. n. '"' W5-tt ·------------- PUBLIC NOTICE PUBLIC NOTICE IJICTITIOUI aUllNIU NAMa ITATIMINT Tiie 1011owln11 ptnons art 0011111 IHltll'ltU H : l'ICTI TIOUS aUllNl,U NAMI STATUlllllllT Tll• following P•no11• ttt ... MMU tl. AOllAHCED VIDEO COM· PONENTS, tl70 Loean A .... w . "F" doing COlttN19u, Ctlllornltt»» MAll5"A LEE APTS .. UH So. Lotra SlrMI. Antfttlm. CA CARL F, MARTIN, JOSI Lt HermoM. l.tgunt Nl911el, CA •1111 OONALO VAN ATTA. J21t Ben Mll,T.-,CA. Tl•I• b<dlnH• 11 co11ducttd Dy t ......... ~p. C. Mertln Tiii• ti.t-1 w•• llltO '"'llll Ille County Cit,_ ot Orenoe County Of\ July TLF Corport11on, • Ctlllornla cor pon llon, IJIO LOOI<' •...,.w. "F", Coste N!He, Ctlllornle tll626 Tlllt "'31neu It condllcltd by a cor POrallOll. TLF Corporallon Tllomtl L" Flsc:ller. Jr., ~, .... Tllla stet-I w• Iliad wlln Ille C°""'Y Oen ol Orenoa to11n1y on JUiy 29, '"' "1'1UI 2', '"'· l'IUJll Pu1M1.-Ortn91 Cotti Delly Pllol, Publl.,..d 0ranea Cotsl Dally Piiot. July JI, Aue 7, U, ll, '"' J«._11 J11ty )1, Aue. 1, "·JI, '"' 1*.fl PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS eUSINIU NAMa ITATllMINT The IOft-119 PttWn Is dol119 ....... l\IMH: KATHLEEN'S tNTERIOltS, JllU "'"ton LM9, H\lnllf1910n Betc:h. Ct. ,, .... ltt llllMn G,..,, 211n Potion ~.~on euc11, Ca. ft .... Tlllt "'9lnt9I ta <onOltelff by .., In· ......... t<t911tefl G.-Tlllt .._..,._, WM llltd wltll Ille C-ty CMt1I ol a...,,.. County Ofl July Jt. IM1. PUBUC NOTICE l'tCTITIOUS aUllNIU NAMl ITATIMINT Tiie fotlowin9 ,..,_, 11 ...... bu-'• nt1SH . OllEGG ENTEllPlllSE, 6100 Eel· lntt•', H..,llntton 8Mch, CtltlOt'llle ., .. , Jern" 11. Gr .... IJOO £11,...r, Hunt111"°" llttch. Ctlllornl• ,..., Tiii• Mlnt$1 Is undlleltd by 1111 Ill· Ohl .... 1. J _fl_G,.._ Tlll1 tt~-1 •t1 Ill.a will\ .,,. ewftly Cltn< ol 0.MI' C-ty on Jiiiy tt, '"'· "1&1111 l't'1m P111Mlllltd Ort1199 Coeat Otlly l'llot, l'..-elllltcl Drenoa eo.tt Oally Piiot July JI, AUi 7, u .11. 1"1 un•t July JO ...... I, If, JI,'"' ,.._., ·--------- Cl' .... IMl'CMITANT NOTICE IF YOUR P RO PEllTY IS IN FOll£CLOSUllE BECAUSE YOU AllE e£HINO IN YOU ll l'AYMENTS, IT MAY BE SOLO WITi.ouT ANY COUllT ACTION. end y~ _, -IN .... , rtgr.I to brlfl9 y-ec-"' .-cl nenolne bv .,..,.. l"f t ll d '°"' -1 -pty"*lb PM permlfttd <Giii -t,._ wllllln IM• -lrom 111e ..... 11111 NOiiet of Otfewl1 wes rec-. PUBUC NOTICE l'ICTIT10UI aUllNISI lllAMI STATaMaNT Th• lollowln9 ptf'SOftl tr• 001119 11ust11tt1 es. Ill llllTH I N G ll OOM CONCEPTS OF AMERICA, UI BRC AMERICA, l DS Whlllltr Ave .. S..lt• A·1J. Coa .. Mhe, Ct. t2W J ohl'I Hettl1191r Woocl~H·y. 404 River A ..... Nf'#ll8rl 8Mcll, Ct . ., .. , Jellrey II Slr0ft9. 126 Mtlody L•n•. COi .. MDII, CAI. nw Tllll bu1lntU 11 COll<NCl.0 t>y a """"'° -1ntrslllp Thornet 0 . WOOdllury Tlllt 111i.r-1 wtt llltO wllh Ille County Cl•f'll OI 0r"'91 C°""'Y on July , .. '"'· This .,,_ Is 16,210.21 H of July 21, 1"1 !Ind wlll lncttt .. untll your te· ,_, *-cur,.m. Y~ mty not ha ... to ,,., Ille tntl,. u11"9ld portion ol .-k Cownl, • ...., lllovgh fvll PIY· ment "'" o...-. DW1 you must pey 1'1'1J1f PUBLIC NOTICE ~ICTITIOUS aUSINISS NAMI S'TATllMINT TM 1o11_.no pooon ts clolflQ 111111· ,,.,.,as. C A l.IFORNIA LEGALNIANAGEMENT, .. 0 N-POfl C•nltr Ori .. , Sulla till>, ljtwPOrl 8tteh, Ct llforn1a t'l660 Oanl•I King 'Tllomoton, 50U Pewo o. V19e, In.Int. Celll0<11le U7U T~I• llullneu Is conct\ICttd by en In· dlvloua1. Otnl•l I(."'°""'- Thi• 1tel~I ••• lllad wltll Ille County Cieri! OI Ortntt C:-ly on July u.'"' 1'1MZU Publlt.lled Ortnoe Coait Otlly Piiot, July 11, U, )I, AllO 1, '"' lllMI PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS IUllNISS NAME STATllMENT Tl\t lotlowfnt perton Is dDtne bu•I· ,,..., ••: DIRECT ONE HOUll PHOTO. Newpon Plea, 1000 Brlstot St. No ~11• 1. __, .. .ell, CA n..o. Ctrl•"WI L.. l(erg. 0.-tl f'WI,..,, 17 No. Le 5'"cll, 5o. l.Alfl#lt, CA 926'7. This lluslntu II conclucltd t>y • llrnlltd -'"'""'-· c:.rntnin L Kero Thi•,..,.,,..,_ -lllM wllll U. County Otr1l d 0r.,.. c:-.ty "'Jiii' n. "'' ~1"1M PulMlllltd or.,,.. Cet1t o.11y Pt'°'• July 24, ll, ........ 1, ••• .... lm.fl PUBLIC NOTICE PICTITIOUS aus1111au NAMI STATEMENT Tiit lollowf119 pe..-Is dolne -I· ,,.., .. , RICH P~E$TIA OATA SYSTEMS CONSUL. TANT, tJtlS Via Slln11t90, Min ion Ylt)o, Calllomlt "11'1 Rlcllen:I CNrlei PrHlla, mu Yia Se nllago, Minion lll•jo, Celllornla mt1 This llllllntU Is ConcMKltd by ....... dl•IOUtl. RiclltrCI C. PrHlla TlllJ otee.menl WM llltd Wllll Ille County Clef'lt Of OraflVO COUlllY on July IS.'"'· '1tu!' P11t>llslled Orenge C:..st Delly Piiot, Jyly II. 24, JI, Aug. I, '"' ll6 ... I. P\JBUC NOTICE the,,,_, sltltd tbOve Publls-Or-Coe•t Dally Piiot Al•r t:llr"• months lrom tlle CS.l• ot July JI. Aue. 7, 14, 11. '"' ~I NOTICE 01' reurci.tloft of thl• do<-t 1wi.1<11 T11un11•s SALE cute "' recordttloft ·-•" ,,.,._,,, P UBLIC NOTICE -1t1•tn..i unteu IN obl19tllon 11911111 fore<._ T.S.. .... 61•1 -permtU ....... period. you hew BENEFICIAL SERVICE co ... du· only lhe l•t•I rlt lll to ttop 111• IJICTITIOU5 eU51NIU ly appointed Tn1tl" unottr Ille loll-· IOrtCIOture by ptyln11 lllt entire NAMll 5TATEMENT ,,., d•Ktllltd .. td ol trust Wlt.L .......... ~by your "editor. T~• lollowln11 per1ons er• doing SEl.L. AT PUILIC AUCTIOfl TO THE To nno Olll ,,.. .,,_,,, 'tOU m11tt t>uslntH ff HIGHEST 8100ER FOR CASH pty, or loerrenoe tor ptyment 1011"" NEWPORT MONOGRAM, ·~o (Pty•bl• at time ol .... '" lawful lht forwc'°""'"· °'If•-Pt011''1l' la Eu t 11111 Strut, Coste Mue, monty Of Ille Unit.a Statt11 •II tltfll, Ir> fOrK"*''• tor eny ot,,., , .. ....,, Celllornl• n•» Ulla ano lnlffttl conveyed 10 and -contKI: VI<" K•Y Harris, tO Oenver llelO by II_, w kl Deed of Tru1I In AMElllCAN SAlllNGS ANO LOAN Ori••, Coote llMW. Ct lllornla tUtt Ille property ,_,.INllwr •tc:rlbtd; ASSOCIATION, IS7U E Wllllller Marllyn J l.onO, ll4 Ootptlln. Seal TllUITOR: BRAOFOllO A. SMITH, l lvd .. Wllltt"', Ctlllornl• ~, PH. BNch. Ct lllornl• 'I0100 • slneJ• me/I (7U) ns.na Tiii• ~"'-' WM flied with "" BENEFICIARY STATE MUTUAL ti Y.OU lltvt any question•, yow COllfllY Clet1l Of Otenoe Ctounty on Ju-SAVINGS AND LOAN ASSOCIATION, al\cNIO COfllect • .. ...,..,or'"'.,,..,~ 1y u. '"'· ,., .. 221 • co•poretlon ment egionc:y wtilcll may hev• 111aured Pwt>ll.-Or• ,. •• 1 0 11 Pll... Aec:or...i Merell u , '* •• Instr • toe R be YOU MAY "9t ...-s • y v .. No. ,...., ,n llOoll IUU Pt9I .,, ol Of· rc:;rE LEnGAL·~~T~'1F YOU DO Julyll,2'.lt,Aue 7•1911 ni.•t lltltl Recordt In,,.. office of 1r.. NOT TAKE PROMPT ACTION. llecorCltr Of Ortr199 COllnly, stkl Cleft llEFERENCE NUMBER Bt·'°1"4 -PUBUC NOTICE of trutt O.tctllll't tl'lt 1911-lne Pf'• voe..., 11eny: NOTtCI Of' Dll'AULT AND II.IC-LOIJ 1076 -1077 of Trec1 '°'·City TIC* TO Ht.I. UNOlll 0110 OtJ Nl-lftf7 ' Of N•wport 8Mcll, In 11\t COUflly of TRUST SUl'l••e» COUltT OP THI STATI Or•noe. si.t• .. Ct lltornl• ••• oor NOTICE IS HEllEllY GlllEN: Tlltl 01' CAl.tf'OltNtA mep ~ln 900I& ti, PllltStHoM ,. RST CHAii TE R Fl NANC IAL. l'OR THI c:o.INTY 01' lltYlltllDI Of Mltc•O-Ml9&. In tl\tofflo •' CORPORATION, • corperellon, I• ... ...... ..... • ... (O\Hltlo •e<.o<'dtr ol wld c .... ty. ~ru•• -a Oetd Of Tf\ISI Oeltd l'.O .... .,, "° Ylt awe--. N""9flrl IMcll, My 6, 1m .,.Kllltd by ROBIE AT E. 111¥wal*, CA Hlf1 c.tlfWftlt . Y'OCUM AND MARGRETHE I(. PLAINTll'F: LAll•V SANDERS "llf•llreettddr-orcommonde· VOCU~ HUSBAND AND WIFE.• JQHNSON e 11lll CHAll LOTTE sl9nettanlt ~AllOV•,nowerranly TruMor, 10 1«11,. <..Vin obllttl'-l!t.IZAIETH J()t4N.S()H. 11 t lven ti lo Ill <Mnpl-U or Cor• Ill ftvor of AMERICAN SAYINGS DEFENDANT STEPHEN L. LUCAS; tte1ntuJ.'' ANO t.OAN A5$0CIATION, t corpor• YIOLET ANH LUCAS tlld DOES I Tiie beftlflcl.try under H id Ottd Of tlon, t1 llentfklt ry, recot-.i July U, tllrouQll Xx, 1nc1w.... Trvat. 111'1 ,_Of• IWete:ll or del"'" tm In e-. tzm, p..._ 16'.S of Of· IUMMONI In tll• tlllloatl-Mell<" lhtret>y, PUBLIC NOTICE ~ lt1CT1ft9111 e1111 .. •ta ...... tTATIIMl•T Tiit ltll .. lltt "'-ere lelttt lllltllllHetel It ) IUMOllOWTH l'INANCIAI. I, C•I IUNOllOW'nt 'tit 11• l'ecllk C•HI ....... ,,. HIHIU11tt"' •Mell. CtlllitnllttM41 L.tWfW\U 0. ICJlllY, ... H.,_, kty Cite••· H11111t1111t11 ettcll, Cttlletlllt ..... Oltn11 I. 0 1trlle rt, 7ttJJ htworllly ~. H-ll'lflOfl ... II. Cetlt.flllt ,._. Tllll '"'91 ... M I• <"'411<t" t; e ........ ~ ~-•D.kMay ~l..0....llt'1 Tiii• """"""4 -"' • wllll tlle C""'h Clllt\ ef °'""'° ~-.tr"' July tt.1 .. 1. .. ,., ... f'_,..I.,,.. Or.,.. C:-Otlly l'tltt, July II, Alli I, U, ti, '"' ~I PUBLIC NOTICE N'-ntM 'ICTI TtDUI aU•tNIM ..... STATIMSNT lM lollOwlnt ,..,_ le 091119 !Nol• nt't•a•• VOOUI HAROWARt! PllOOUCTS, .. , .. Ha lt A ... 11ue, In.Int. CA t'J714. DOUGLAS WONG, It l 19te Point, lrvlne, CA '21 ''· Tiiie .,.,_,_, I• conclwc:led •Y an Ill dlvlOUtl. Oougia. w..,. Thlt •lal-t Wtl 111.0 with Ille C....111y C..,_ Of Orenot County on Jul'lf 20. , .. , ,,,_ Pwl>ll"-11 Orange C:..tl Delly l'llOt, Jult '4. JI, .t...q. I. 14, '"' m+tt --'------------ PUBUC NOTICE 111'°'-UTION NO. IMJ.C NEWPOllT·MESA UN IP'IEO SCHOOL OISTlllCT OICLAllllNG THE INTENT TO LEASE TO THE CITY OF COST/I MESA THE RIA SCHOOL, WHEREAS lllD REA SCHOOi. iii Ille 091n1on ?I 1111• eo..o It not ~ 10. Sc""'•' Dlllrkt --·· -· WHEREAS 11\e CIT'I' 01 COSTA MESA lltl lnolctttd Ill ... ,. to•- Nici 1<,_ lor • .. ,1o4 Of llv• ISi , .. ,.; N OW THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED tll at pur.11e 11t to l'rovl•lon Of EOUC.tlon C.O. St<llClll )tj(IO 1""°"911 >Htl'J, II II tlle Intent of 1111 8Mfll Of Edlleetlon ot NEWPORT· MESA UNIFIED SCHOOL DISTRICT lo ..... ,,.. REA SCHl)()L to"" CITY of COSTA MESA \lftdef' Ille lol-tno l•rm• -condll!Ollt: I Tiie l.ttM WWII! be lor e 11 ... IS) year period commenclne ~ember I, ... , 2 Tiie CITY Of COSTA MESA ""'" pey 10 OISTRICT tr.......,. Of -llun· Oreo •nd 1tn 111ou .. nd 0011.,, "' 10,000) per yter at rtnl ). Tl\t CITY slltll mtll'ltt ln wld pre· mi ... <N<ing 1 ... PHIOO of •tlO Le•M 1n0 al\tll mtlnltln OUblk ll•bllllt 11'1- twrtnct on w kl pr-rty BE IT FUllTHER RESOLVED lhtl notk• Of h P'opottO Latte 119 t l•an lly 1>11t>rl•l\lno • COCIY of II of stld L .... wltll lhe CITY Of C:OSTA MESA. AOOPTEO, SlontO tncl t P1>rowed 1111• Uth dey Of July, 1 .. 1. 80AROOF EOUCATIOH NEWPORT·MESA UNIF I ED SCHOOL OISTRICT Publltlltd Or"'Ot Cotsl Oally Ptlol. July 24, ll, AUil-7. 1 .. 1 Wt•1 PUBLIC NOTICE MUNICll'AL COURT 0~ SOUT1t ORANOI COUNTY .,., c-"....., """'""' U9IOM ......... CA ftUJ Plalnllll. INSURANCE COMPAN'I' OF N()llTH AMEl"CA Ot,.,,..,,1: COllENE CANIP8ELLtl'lll DOES t "'""'911 10, lllCIUst ... c:ae ........ .., IU....,..t lllOTIGll Y• Nft .... _.. T1lle (ewtllltyllllKidt ....... .,.. ....... ,_.._llleN ..... _ ......... ....... ...,.. ............. 1111. ...... II you wtlll IO --,,.. -lct Of I ll ..,_y "'ltllt ""'1 ... ¥911 lhO\lld clo '° promptly Ml lhtl your wrlUe11 ""'°""• 11 IH'JY, mey be llteo on time AVllOI u.... ........... , ... .. II ,,. ......... dtd4Mr , ... u .. .-~ .. ·--u .. ,....., ................ Lat ............. , .............. SI Utltd ._ totklw et con•to o. un • ....-en ute -to deberlt hac•rlo lnmtdletama11tt cl• ••I• m tnt" W r09VH1t •sc:rllt II lltY ....... a _.,. Ill< ........... I tempo I TO THE DEFENDANT. A cMI com111tlnl fits llton flied bY 11\t P•••n· 1111 •OllMI yow. II you wtlll to •lond this lawwll, yow '""st within JO 0ey1 alter thl• """"'°"' 11 .. ,...., on YOU. Ille wllll lllls court t wrltt•n ,....,... to Ille <~tint. Ul'llH& you clo Ml, your delwtt ... 111 be tnttred on ap. pllcellon or IN pltln11ff -llllt court mty tnler t l~I eotlnst YOll lo< Ille rellef o.mencltO In Ille complelnl WhlCll COUid ftt<llt lft ttnlllllmtnt of ••-· t•lng of money 0' P•-1Y or otller ttll•I reqw01H 111 111• com· plalnt. OetH: July ?t, t'IO , J.,,_ B. Herrta, Cler' 0.0.Hlllmeclle~~y COOOllNO, aUlllSH • MOOOY A,.........,.,c__.... l'.0 . •HUii t•J St. c-t ~ .. s.11• "' c .... -...~,.. Tef. f7UI -.,,tt Put>ll,_ Of-CotJt Dt lly Piiot, July 11, 2•. 11, Aue. 1. '"' :ntt-t1 PUBLIC !liOTICE l'ICTITIOUI IUllNHS NAMl ITATIMINT Tll• 1011-•ne perttns art dol119 M lllHfH: T ANOE COHSULTING, 1'361 Pel· lerttn i.-•I. Huntlflllon a.tell, CA ..... TllOMM F Ot...,,, 1'361 P'1*- LtM e 1, Huntlftgton 8Mcll, CA ttt46. IEdflt DI,_,. 111161 Pettwto11 l.tnt • 1, H•nt'"91on a.t<ll, CA m.t6. Ttllt bllllntSS IS Con4u<tecl by a .. n1re1 Ptrtnersnto. Thomes F. DI...,, Tiiis stet~ •ti flltd wltll Ille Cownty Cletll of Ortnee c-ty Ofl July t2, 1111. . 1'1'61W P\it>lllllld Orenot C..st 0.lty Piiot, Jiiiy 2•.11 ....... '· 14, , .. , .,....., PUBLIC NOTICE flcltt llt<Or41 In "" Otfl<• Of Ille CAla NUM9•• ,... l\tretof-•aecllltd end c1e11 ... rtc1 to lle<oroer of Or•nt• Ctu11ty, llOTICll Y• NW .... _., T1lle lllt 1111dco...,_, • wtlntfl O.Clerellon "~~:!~:.:::- Ctllhtml•, tt 111strument No 1'475 <_, _., •• ....... ,_ .,.._ of D•••ult MCI 09mttlcl fof S.-. t1M1 Tiit follow!"" .,_90n1 •rt cut11t Mkl ..,._..._ Incl"* • 1iromlsl0rf y-....._. ...,.. ...... ,_ ,....,... wrlll•n nMlq Of llf'"cll tnel etetdOfl 111 .... 1101• for Ill• prlnctoel tum of wt••• .. ,.. ....... ..,_, ..._ c.., .. ,,,.~flOntd1oMll ~pr .. t>uJI::~::;,. L.t~. 1m ...,.,.,. •1~1000.00; Tlltt • """'" ot, -• ...... 119rty to Ntllly u ld obli.11on1,.,... Bl 0 u tt .. 9 .. G 1 ......... c • '"'"Ill,.,,. ollff9t11orK fot wlllcll W<ll II you wtlll to -ti. .-vtu et ., 111trealW 11\t """"'"ONd ctvta>O Mjtl • ·• n • " • ....... "' OoM It tt<Ul'llY Ms K<lltred Ill ltlel ettornay In 11111 metier, Y"' "'*"" llllt notice of Wotc:ll tnd of MKtlOfl to M "'"· lleY"'9M,,..,. llton m .. of: .. P•Ol'f\ClllY .. thet .... , wrltlM r,corcl .. o\orll "· 1'11 -'"'"'· No. HAI NGUY EH, .... , AntWlll• Ille 11 I A'"""'• CYP""lll. CA a.JO "" INlaltmel\t Of pt ,,... -Ill-••lllOlltt. ....,, INY ....... ""'""'· 161U In .. uo" ......... Of ttld Of. THUY DO. MU ~Illa •-w. IWeth•lllc:ll*-°"'J-tS,1'"; A'lllOI V... lie tNI Om 3 .. flclel llt<tf'dl Cffrt ... CA ..... ~..,... t11111 ,.._. E9'e'9 Te11ee • the .,._, •1 .,..-,_ '9tllllf ,_.,. UC. Seki .... wtll .. l'Nldt, 11111 wit._.,. -, .. , ,.,... 0.11..-1, end ... • ... ..._... -.... "'-........ COVOMM IF _,.,,.,, .,..,, ... ., Im-Tllh -...ineu •• c"""''" •Y "" .... ........ t ....,.,,..., wflkh *-.. ._rt .. • ..... ue .. ....._. ptlH, ,...,...,. 1111'· ........... tr 4tlvl-.iHAI NOUYIN lll1tt ,..,_,..., l11CIU4lln9 111y '"• c1..... ...... encumw-.... t• p.y lrlit rtf'llaif'llll <""""" Olf ett'fr IUMI peylibl•......, SI UMM ..... Hll<lltl' el <-Jll• ,,w.ci.-Wlftetttlel\OW(I) tt<Wedll'y Tllll t\lltemtfll -fl ... wllfl IM Ille~ Of teld Hott tr OHd 11f wn ....... '" •ti• •-le, ....... U lcl OHd .. T ..... •l .. llll-* .. lft County0...tl0r ... ~Of1Julf Trvet. """ .. l"'f'll•dltlt-te, .. e11a Mid ~ ,....., .... Mvtnc:•t. II '"'• U , ltll, .. , .... Tllet llY rteMfl 111ereot, lllt -I'll-•• . .., ,....... """'· ti NY ...,.., IN """9 .. Nici Deed tf Trwt, .,......_., ......... lltlltfklt ry -,, ... , _. _ re,i11rac1t • t~ Ifft, c,,.,ttl encl u"""' of 111t l'lllHI...., Or-CMt1 Dally ''lift. twll ..... NI •-"""9 .,,. tltU-1 TO THE OIFIND.\HT: A <Ml TNtt• t1111 of 11\t trutU CrN'94 by Jiiiy r., II, Awl-1• 14, 1't1 ~I te MIN T,,..... • -ttt.fl QKltr9'IOll toml'l..,,. llti Mfl llled by h ......_ Mid 0.-OI Tr\111. s.14 Miit wlll 1111 -ef ~ MCI OMltnd ,., Sele, .... 1111 ... !Mt you. II You wltll .. lllefelllll lltl41 Oii P'r-,, ,..._, 14, t•t ti t :OO llM -...i11t11 with Mid Tru•• wtll t1111 lt....,.I,.,.,, mull. wltMn a .. ,_ ,.,m , tt tl'lt (lltPf'll•n Avenve •n· PUBUC NOTICE ....... ell -..-nts t~ ... ener llllt ..._ 11 .--111 yey, trWt , '6 Ille Clvk Ctnler lullllllllO, 1------------- tl .. t'--llf'M Ille.....,, eM .... Ille wltll 11111 _.t t wfl1119'1 ,...,_ JOO 1 .. t "'-"*'A-. In IN City • ...., ....... ....., * ..... "' t• '"' ~" """-.,.,, .. ... Of Or•/191 Celltwnl• . .-1 -~ llltrtll't il'l'f'llHl•l91y "'°' dltfWI ...,II Ill ...urw 111 -Al Ille 11-tf Ille lfllti.1 P<*l<ttltll .............. end lltl. •14C ... eM !144UllM .. IN ...-itfl, .... 11111 C~ ti 1111• l\Otlce, IN ..... -· el IN .... ....,. etecl • <Wit "" 11\ftt mn .,,. • ~ ....., .. .,.. lw unpt ld btttnu 01 tll• ••lltttltft .,....,., .. lit ...... '-""' "" ... "" ...... ..._..... ... lN ~. _,,, .. ..,, ......... lltt<llbed .... et t ... tlefteeNNlllllMf'My. wlll<ll CllM ,...., Ill W'fll..,_ .. lt'UWI eM edltNled Cttb. • ........_ AM«lllCAH "'VINGIAHO ...... llllllllt .. _,, •• ,..,..,tr '"' ..,_ ,, .-s,k>.U. To ... LOAN ASIOCIATIOH •llltr """ , ..... M 1tt tM ,_. lffmlM .. *"'""bid, .... rney ull \/ ........ M. Slk-w, "4•111L lllfl 917.-.., ...... .,~.......... OATID,,_.,ll.1..,. Ot•1~~~"1 '-0 . T' ..... , 0eMN 0. lotlllWei\. wwec. C.. ......... .,_,, 0-. ,.. .... T...._ °""'J\lly n, 1111 &. SIMM&. ., T.D. ..... Cllllifmr, •S• 7 '"" ............................ ..,...,~... u... .... .-.~ _,.... ____ J..., ...... ,_,__......_ ==~..: ......... ~ ---.. .................... . ... .... .... ~. ....."-CA... ..... ..... :::: ....,._ .._ 1111 ,,., ..... ~or.,.. c.q Di"IY,..... ~ 0..... C... o.llf '°'"'-= <...._. IM 0.-.... c..-.... 1.~rt.a..... ~ J .. ,,. ...... ,............ ,.... , .... -.ai. ........ ,,~ 'Charity' tax plan told Contributions co'1ld be doubled at no extra cost 81 JOHN CUNNIFF ............. NEW YORK -You may for the moment have ha&d your fill about taxes. but could you spare another few minutes lO consider an lngenloua 1u1· gestion Crom the president of the University of Rochester? There's a reason It may be worth your tlme: It could almost double your charitable contributions to arts, education, medicine, religion -without costinc you an extra penny. A& a university president, Robert L. Sproull observed that most people who 1lve to hls ln1Utu· tion are also corporate shareholden. He reasoned: If these sbareboldera could tell their com· panies to donate some of their dividends to cbmrl t y, Instead of accepting the dividends and then making the contributions, the university would gain enormously. It works this way : -Corporations can donate money lO charitable causes and institutions before calculating profits. Whatever a corporation gives, up lo 5 percent ls Cree of federal income taxes. -Money that a corporation cu111N1"' sends to shareholders as dividends is taxed. That is, the dividends to the shareholders are paid after the corporation allows for taxes. And the corporate tax rate is 46 percent. -If the shareholder decided to forego dividends, telling the company instead to donate the equivalent to charity, that contri bution would go lo Ure charity untaxed. The charity would get $185 instead or $100. Assum.Ing that the shareholder would have given $100 anyway. he or she is no worse off rinan- ciaUy. The corporation also is no worse off either. And the recipient has received an 85 percent in· crease in support. By now, it is obvious that there is a loser: the Internal Revenue Service. But from most ap· pearances, little has been done to violate the tax code, either in the letter or the spirit thereor. It is timely too. Government bas cut back sup· port of many non·prorit cultural and educational activities, so a gap bas to be rilled. And some rouo- dations are not as able as they were to contribute runds. Furthermore, as a vehicle of tax-free contribu · lions. corporations have a Ion• way lO 10 before meeting the maximum allowable contributions . Few companies give more than 1 percent, although last year, for the first llme, corporaUons gave more to charities than did foundations . Well, what holds up implementation of the plan? There seems to be some question among lawyers and accountants about whether t~ dividend that shareholders did NOT receive mis be taxable to them as if they bad received it. und the obscure doctrine oC Constructive Receipt. :: For these purposes. the less said about Ut! doctrine the better Its mere existence, howeve~ makes Sproull anxious for an IRS ruling and an.ii ious aJso for a congressional blll to clear the a'1' and encourage corporations to institute the plat» Sen Daniel Moynihan. D·N. Y .. and Rep. BarbU Conable. R·N Y . are now working on t haj purticulu angle •: Sproull remains mystified why It hadn't ~, proposed before, and reasons that the idea m~ have come to him because oC his many roles. :~. He is a physicist who sees beauty in efficiency, a donor who seeks the most from contributions. a president who must always seek funds and a co(, porate director who appreciates turning $1 in~ $Ul5. l ITI earnings up International Telephone and Telegraph Corp.'• nel income ror the 1981 second quarter rose 1111 percent over the similar period last year. 1 Sales were at the same level as the 1980 second quarter. The company said that the sharp increaU in second quarter net income can be directly ~ tribuled to a significantly lower foreign curren~t loss in the 1981 quarter than in the comparal>W period last year However. higher interest a~t matenal costs caused operating earnings for Utt second quarter and first half to be below l levels. • .. ConsoLidated net income for the three mont.fts ended June 30 amounted to Sl36 million. or 92 ce~ a share, on sales and revenues of SS.8 billion. T~f compares with net income in the 1980 second quarter of S64 million. or 44 cents a share. and s ales and revenues of $5.9 billion. 11!> II<' ,al 1le ~xt lk \II un· I C '" lOI· ,lug RJlrl 1001 For ~8 ii on ute<S for ~ero; •ide tetlt"f b au h the eic• I I I ( t I I l • ; • 0 0 • • ~-emistry proviaes uhik's Cube solution SAN FRANCISCO <AP> -W.C. Fielda would ave said it to Mae West wtt.b a nasal drawl: 'Chemistry, my dear. Simple chemistry.'' Simple chemistry 1ave Mae Weit ber allure. It ave James Nourse the know-bow to solve the evllishly difficult plastic pude poppin1 up all ver the COWllrY -Rublk's Cube. Nourse, 33, a research a.aaoclate at Stanford nJversity's chemistry department, picked up the ulticolored pu1de cube someone had left in bls hemistry lab in December and bei&n to twill lt. The cube, designed by Huncarian architect rno Rubik, has six sides, each with three rows of hree smaller cubes made in six colors. All the cube's planes can be twisted in relation o the others. The object, after twisting the cube so he colors are scrambled, la to restore the cube to ts original state -a solid color on each of its six ides. The cube bas an almost unbelievable 43 quin· illioo possible combinations. That's 43 followed y 18 zeros. ll also has only one solution. Ideal Toy Corp., which bas the rights lo make e cube in the United States, Canada and the aribbean, has sold more than 10 million of the uzz.les since February UBI. "It is in a different league from virtually any uzzle that is available popularly," Nourse said in recent interview. •·People don't realize that right way." But Nourse, who lives in Menlo Park south of ere, is a quick study. In ~ember, he solved ubilt's Cube in 4~ hours. Now It takes him less an a minute to reassemble the puzzle. He timated that only about 1 percent of the 10 illioo people who have tried to crack the puzzle ave s ucceeded. The key lo Nourse's rapid comprehension lies ot in any extraordinary genius. ll lies. instead, in ernistry. Nourse writes computer programs that help ernists determine the structure of molecules. It curred to him as he struggled with the cube on is first attempt that finding a solution to the uzzle was similar lo tasks he encountered as a re· archer. ( "The type of work I do involves mathematical Tethods that essentially are the same as those lpat solve the cube," he said. , Nourse found himself thinking of the cube as a rpotecule and envisioned the s maller colored tttocks that comprise the cube as atoms. "I decided what the basic problem was and l al this is exacUy the sort of thing I do," he said. AP ........ James Nourse. 33. a research <Usociate at Stan- ford Univerlity 's chemistry department. holds a l'Oir of Rubik's cubes f<rr which he 003 derived a rpeedy solution he has published in a highly suc- cessful book titled: "The Simple Solution to the Rubik's Cube ... ·'Then it was a matter of pride to be able to solve it ... But solution was not enough for Nourse. In partnership with a friend, graduate student Paul Weinberg, Nourse published typewritten Instruc- tions for deciphering the puzzle. · When requests for the instructions began pour- iae in, Weinberg approached Bantam Books about publication. Some 200,000 copies were released June 10. Eight days later , 250,000 more came off the presses. To dale, 1,650,000 copies have been print· ed. and the book has made it to the New York Times Best Seller Llst. It's calJed "The Simple Solution to the Rubik's Cube. · Nourse said his book is the simplest solution available to Rubik's Cube. Once a group of colors is arranged on one side of the cube, his step-by. step solution for the balance of the puzzle causes only minor disruption of the completed side. COLLECTORS I CORNER IR•r• ColM • Stemp• GOLD a SILVER ...... 0,11• 15* Uns .. cl! I 1·4•11 ..... a.. ......... Ct.S&.6' ..., ... r .-.n M M.rt .-.a M'7.JS .., .... .... .... JS .... ,. Sllwt' .......... -... 70% Benk Flnenclnt • IRA & Keough I (714)~ South Coect PfaH Vlllege ___ ..._ (Ac,__ ._C:-..... e) PURE DllY ROAST PEANUTS .tT....,.Jee&Proato There's a big shortage of eeanuts-at any price, But we ha ve t-Ons Of Un· s alted dr y roasted peanuts for only S1 .69 per pound. Compare at $2.39 elsewhere. Please visit ow newest Trader Joe's at the Intersection of 17th Street , N e wp o rt Boulevard and Superior Avenue tnext lo Denny's and Barclay's Bank) MOW IM CO A MESA the no hassle second 'Why complicate a simple idea. At Warmington Financia l we don't . Quick funding on the equity in your home with pay bock terms to meet your needs. Call and ask fOf the no hassle second a t ... WARMINGTON FINANCIAL CORPORATION 17862COWAN STREET, SUITE200. IRVTNE, CALIFORNIA 92714 (71 4) ~2635 0 0 0 use ssszsossssc $22&22JJ J 3 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Auguat 7, 1981 Strike boon tO Reagan? W AStUNGTON (AP> -Before the atrtke by air trafnc cootroUeu eruoted Into the t.ou1be1t labor confrootatton of Aonald Rea1an'1 ad- mlnlstraUon, many blue-collar workers ,were un- happy wt~ the president they helped elect. Now, ironically, the air controUel'I' strike could help Reagan regain some popularity amon1 this tracbtionally DemocraUc aroup and amon1 Americans genually, a pouibUity some union leaders view wtth forebodlnc. Douglas Fraser, president of the United Auto Workers and amone the most liberal American labor leaders, warned lhla week that "thla (air controllers strike> could do massive damage to the labor movement" and that the main winner would be Reagan. The reason is simple. The public generally OP· poses strikes by the government workers responai- ble for public safety. Thus, the air controllera have provided Reagan with the national equivalent of an unpopular strike by policemen or firefighters. And the air controllers picked quite a time to call the first national strike by federal workers In U.S. history -the moment that Reagan is riding the crest of public dissatisfaction with the costly federal government. On top of that, while many federal programs are being slashed, the controllers want a big pay Tbe walkout be1an Juat u pubUc oplnlon poll• lndlcated that union and blue-collar vot•ra were drln.tns back, at leaat tAmporarily, t.oward the DemocraUc camp that has been their home 1lnce the New Deal. Durtna the campa1cn. Rea1an 1tnte,Ut1 de- cided the Republican candidate'• economic po1i- tions could appeal to the blue-collar workers who have helped give the Democratic party its paat electoral successes. Reagan's advlaera were right. On Election Day last year, blue-collar workers split their votes, with Reagan eettin1 '8 percent and Carter 45 percent, an aatoniahingly iood show- ing for a GOP candidate. Reagan didn't do quite as well among those from union households. losing their votes to Carter by a 42.:;o maraln, accordina to the AP-NBC News poll of more than 11 .000 voters on Nov. 4. Since taking office, Reagan's support among blue-collar and union voters has eroded somewhat, the most recent AP-NBC poll showed. For example, only 45 percent of the blue-collar workers gave Reagan good or excellent marks tor his work, according to the latest AP-NBC News poll. That's a rull 10 percentage points below the r ating given him by the public as a whole in the survey, taken July 13·14. raise to boost their average salary of $33,000 a niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii9 year -far above the average taxpayers' annual income. The strike also is illegal. Ross moor's • earnings up Rossmoor Corp. has reported net income or $492,000 or 15 cents a share for the third quarter ended June 30, 1981, as compared with a loss of $128,000 or 4 cents for the third quarter of 1980. Revenues were $7.3 milJion vs. Sl million. For the nine months eoded June 30 net income was $1.5 million on 47 cents a share, on revenues of $19.4 million. as compared with year-earlier re· suits of $274 ,000 or 8 cents on revenues of $6.6 million. Approximately $6.2 million of revenues and $1 .5 million in pre-tax income res ulted from the sale of the properties totaling 163 acres in Ra ncho Mirage during the third quarter. This more than ocrset a loss Crom residential development and re· lated operations; no residential units at Leisure World were delivered during the third quarter. The company is nea ring completion of the con· struction of the last 110 units to be offered. One un- it was delivered in July and the remainder are ex- pected to be delivered through next spring. Shareholders at a special meeting June 17 vot- ed approval of a plan of liquidation under which the company wiU dispose of its assets over the next 12 months and dissolve . CONSTRUCTION MONEY AVAILABLE AT HERITAGE BANK . • Residen tiaJ •Commercial BuildinlPI: Takeour Commirment required along with lease&. • Land Loans up to on e year 50% appraisal. CONTACT: •Jeff Johnson- lrviile Office (714 )851-4050 TI-IE UNCONVENTIONAL BANK. IT E Herit~e Bank M""""' FDIC ~ fCllW -Ll!NOI! .. 1 Whle the world offers a m..ilt1· I phe1ty of often seduct111e yard-1 sticks "" which to meaS1.¥e a ca's worth. there is only one acid test its resale value when used A cnterl()(l Ideally suited to the BMW 3201 For according to the Janua-y 1981 NADA Used-Car Guide. whle the value of other cars dwln· died b-f as much as 50%. the average BMW 3201 manufactl.Xed <Nef the past 4 years retained a phenomenal 95 2% of its ong1ra wchase pnce But as remarkable as thts feat 1 of conservatt0n is. 1t is rivaled "" the BMW 3201 's abthty to conserve 'PJ fuel With 5·speed stardard trans· I m1sSJOn (automatic is available). 11 delivers an 1mpresSt....e EPA esti maled 25 mpg. ard 36 estimated mpg on the hghway (Natl.Kally <V fuel efficiency figl.f"es a-e for compaflsoo only I YOU!' actual mileage may vCYy. de- perong on speed, tnp length ard weather. 'lbl¥ actual hghway mtle- age WI• most kkely be tower.) I Of COtXSe, to dlM! the BMW 3201 is to ~nee an exhlara· too that cant be calculated 1n ftg· 1¥es. An emotion hlnred at "" the ed1t0fi>Ubkshe< of Cw ard OnYer magazine when he wrote. "The 1 BMW 3201 1s the sort of car that I enthusiasts turn into legend " If the notoo of OWf'llng such a~ 1ntngues you, we~ you contact yo.x neaf est BMW dealef to <K· rar'€e a thorough test drr.ie at yo.x conYenEOCe . .,. .......... ~lqll!~I _ ... LET YOUR LOCAL BMW DEALERS ARRANGE A THOROUGH TEST DRIVE "A SoutMm ColtomlO fomlty Helping Southern Collbnlanl" ALHAMBRA CANOGA PARK HUNTINGTON PARK LONG BEACH NORTH ~--IMll .. ..,.._ .. M0•111• LIMllM:I-HOLLYWOOD RIVERSIDE ~-7850 Indiana ~ 1811 West Mam Street 7050Topaoga Canyon '9tlTS 3670 Cherry Avenue mr .. ._ (213) 570-8444 Boulevard 6000 Pacmc (213).427-5494 -. AZUSA (213)346-3144 Boulevard (714)636-6790 4270l..anket'5htm u.11-.-. GLENDALE (213) 583·1901 LOS ANGELES BIVd. 791 East ArrOw Hwy ttam-LA HABRA ..... ..._ (213) 761·6133 (213) 967·5331 818 Sovth Brand ~ 3443 West 43rd St NORW'LK =~~ ~=6543 85'0~Beach ~t~t~v~E~o ==ooeBlvd ...,... HERMOSA BEACH Boutevaro ~ (213) 868-3233 9022 WllSh4reBtvd ._,.._ 2 3 691-6101 (714)636·6775 (213) 273-3980 • 2901 Pac1f1c: Coest ~714~ 522·5333 28402:averite PALM SPRINGS CAMARILLO Highway LANCAST!I\ Pk~ v.&.a--Ullln. ___ ....,. (213)376-0935 111111.. (71-4)831-2040 4095E.astPalm 411 DlllvOn~ 45201 NotthSierra N£wPORTBU.CH ~(71 )3~:525 (805) 482-8878 Hi hw •CMW1,a (213) 889 2312 t:!'li:.)ay48"6004 1540 Jamboree Rel (5Q .. 9• (7 14) 640 6'44 NEWS from all over California Is rounded up each day lnthellllJPlll (714) 785·4444 SANTAANA <11¥91 ...... 208 west FtrSt Street (714) 835-3171 SANTA MONICA ICIM__. 1820 Santa Monica Boulevard (213) 829-3535 VAN NUYS -----5230 Van Nuys Bou~ (213) 788-1791 -, J ( t t n 0 h N 0 F M J) Dally Piiat FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1981 FEATURES B2 COMI CS B4 BUSINESS BS Wonders of chemistry provide the solution to Rubik's Cube ... 85 0 0 • e launches bid for coastal area By RICHARD GREEN Of .. Dl6tf .......... A bid to place a stretch of coastline into Irvine's boun· daries was boosted Thursday night by the City Planning Com· mission. The commission decided 4-0 <Commissioner Ray Catalano was abtlent) to recommend that the coastal area between Newport Beach and Laguna Beach be placed in Irvine's Newport foes in lawsuit A Newport Beach environmen· tal group has taken legal steps toward joining a lawsuit that seeks lo invalidate and overturn Orange County's master plan for John Wayne Airport. The 400-member group known as SPON (Stop Polluting Our Newport) filed a motion Thurs· day in Orange County Superior Court to intervene in the lawsuit filed by the City of Newport Beach. The lawsuit, filed last March by two private law firms for the city, challenges environmental data presented in the airport master plan. Bobby Lovell , a SPON s pokeswoman. said her group agrees with the city's position. She said SPON will "round out the city's stance." Hugh Coffin, Newport's city attorney, said he agrees SPON should "strengthen our position and provide an attack from a different front." A court hearing has been set for Aug. 25 to determine whether the environmental group will be allowed to intervene in the case. Attorneys for the county are ex· peeled to oppose such a move. Clemente Shute, an environ· mental attorney from San Fran· cisco retained by SPON, claims authors of the master plan "treated it as a hoop to jump through" and made "blatant" environmental errors along the way. "It's clear the county was bent o n reaching a certain d e· termination that would result in airport expansion," said Shute. "and its findin~s reflect that." He St.lid the city and SPON agree that the master plan s hould be set aside. The master plan, among other things, calls for daily jet de· partures to be increased from 41 to 55 by 1995. The system for in· creasing takeoffs is tied to a plan for reducing jet noise. primarily by urging carriers to use quieter jets. The county's master plan also calls for construction of a new terminal roughly six times the size of the existing facility The lawsuit is set for trial on Oct. 5. Two bandits get $11,000 in Newport I Two well-dressed armed ban- dits escaped with $11,000 in casb and jewelry after tying up four employees of a Newport Beach antique shop and makjng them lie face-down on the floor. Police said nobody was in· jured in the episode Thursday at the King and I, an antique furniture and jewelry shop at 1727 Westcliff Drive. One of the crooks. officers were told, entered the shop at about 10 a.m., grabbed the female manager by the arm and shoved a gun in her back. She told police that she was handcuffed and pushed to the floor. She said the gunman re- moved a bracelet from her wrist. The second bandit, police said, entered ~shop through a rear door where he waited and grabbed other epiployees as they showed ue for work. Police said a second pair of handcuffs was used on one employee and that nylon cord wu uaed to tie up the remaining two employees. Witb t.be shop workers secured and face-down oo the noor, the bandits ranaacked the store, flnallf leavina wltb $10,000 worth ot Jewelry and n.ooo in cash. The employea, wbo mana&ed to free themaelve1 and call police, . aald one of the cl'OOU had a beard and waa wearina a tweed coat. · ·· sphere of influence, which is de- fined as an area outside city boundaries but earma(ked for future annexation That recommendation will be considered by the Irvine City Council, which in turn will make a recommendation to th e Orange County Lo<"al Agency Formation Commission, the gov· ernmental body that decides city boundaries and spheres of m· fluence. Newport Beach currently has a sphere of influence which in· eludes much of the coastline between its southern border and the northern border of Laguna Heach. The city that ultimately an· nt:xes the coast, which is now in unincorporated county territory. will garner a portion of the sales tax revenue and property tax as- sociated with planned coastal development. Irvine city ofCiclals say that their city deserves this revenue because coastal development will create costly traffic and pollution problems in Irvine. Newport Beach officials say that they will suffer the most t'Osts from the development. A . SPokesman for the Irvine Company, which owns much of the coastal laod between Laguna BRIDGING THE GAP A cr ane s wings a $200.000. 70-foot \\ oodl'n span into position to replace a portion of an Irvi ne footbridge that was demolished l'<Jrller this summer when hit Deify~_.,...,, ....... by a tall truck. T.he footbridge over Barranca Parkway near Lake Road will open to pedestrians Sept. l after workmen build a ce· ment floor on the walkway Newport pair guilty in fraud case A Newport Beach psychiatrist and his wife have been found g uilty in Orange County Superior Court of grand theft and Med1Cal fraud charges in- volving the fi ling of false billing statements to the stale. Sentencing proceedings for Dr. Leonard Lesser and his wife, May, will be Sept. 3 in Judge Frank Domenichini 's Santa Ana courtroom. The couple were convicted Thursday in a non-jury trial of eight counts o f filing raise MediCal claims and one count or grand theft. Each charge car· ries a penalty or up to three years in state prison Bolsa Chica status mulled by Newport By PIUL SNEIDER MAN Of Ule Dell' ~i.t S\aft The Bolsa Chica marshland may be surrounded by the City of Huntington Beach, but Newport Beach residents also have a ~take in its development, according to Newport Beach yachtsman and architect Bill Ficker. Ficker. who also is president of the Orange County Coast As· sociation, urged yachtsmen gathered at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club Wednesday to sup- port marina development at Bolsa Chica as a means of re- lieving the congestion caused by recreation seekers who crowd Newport Beach's oceanfront. Before Orange County's rapid growth, Newport Beach was easily able to accommodate the area's boating, fishing and swi mm~ng enthusiasts, the architect said. WAANlR AV BOLSA CHICA MARSH Newport eyes future ... (ll 01ce to keep it Crom growmg at thP same rate as the rest of the county." Beach and Newport Beach, said that the company wishes to con· tinue lo build its coastal projects under county jurisdiction. He explained that any annexa· tion to a city might mean that company development plans would have to be resubmitted at the local level. thereby delaying building projects. A total of 2,000 hotel rooms, 2.000 houses and office and com merciaJ space is planned for the coastal area I rvlne tried unsuccessfully in 1976 to get a coastal sphere of in nuence. The city's bid for a por- tion of the coastline was denied by the Local Agency f'ormation Commission. No date has yet been set for Irvine City Council considera lion of the proposal. Six sue over Navy weapons The way Seal Beach Police Chief Stacy Picascia sees it, "lt's a Navy weapons station so we have to assume they have some weapons stored there. But we have to have enough faith that the Department of Defense has adequate safeguards." Six local residents are suing the U.S . Navy and Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. They want explosives and al- leged nuclear arms removed from the Seal Be ach Naval Weapons Station, an oceanside base situated inside the com- munity of 23,000. Their case, filed Thursday in U S. District Court in Los Angeles, says the weapons pose ··a new and unprecedented threat and danger to the sur- rounding community " PTaiiitlrrs George and Janice Laine, James and Frances Goodwin and Robert and Mary Lou Broohv concede they have no proof nuclear weapons are stored at the base. But they say tight military security, weapons handling procedures and their own research indicate the arms are there. "It's really irresponsible of the U.S. Navy, knowing what it knows about what goes on, to al- low the people in Seal Beach to sit there without knowledge of what's going on beyond the fence line." Laine says. The Navy refused comment on the nuclear weapon allegations. "The Navy neither confirms nor denies the absence or pres- ence of nuclear weapons on any s hip, station or air craft." Ensign Tom Mille r said in Washington D.C. The suit says Defense Depart- ment regulations limit the a mount of explosives at the base's wharf to 55,000 pounds. with a resulting danger zone ex - tending from dockside to the base perimeter However. legal waivers have increased th~ wharf limit to as much as 250.000 pounds. the suit charges. That "expands the potential explosive hazard zone to include approx"1mate1y !Rf acres of com· munity property . . . an acci· dent while handling that quantl· ty of explosives, according to the Comptroller General's report on wharf activities in 1975, 'would have a severe impact on the sur- rounc!ing community'." SPokesman John Fry says the base hasn't sought a waiver for dockside explosive limits m lour years. He had no figures on ex- plosives stored at the base itself . The suit also seeks an environ· mental impact statement which could reveal the amount of weaponry. Plaintiffs' attorney Leonard Weinglass said the statement "would require con· sultation with the community and a hearing. If an environ- mental body would say it's okay to store nuclear weapons there, okay. But l hardly believe they would say that.'' WeingJass said he doubts any government defense of nntional security would stand, citing a July 1980 legal precedent whlcb involved efforts to block Navy nuclear weapons storage near a Hawaiian wildlife sanctuary. I -- _ 1 0. "' "'*" ,,... CE.VTER Of' .'i'/'OH \1 /\Jaual weapon!I slut w11 Reagan home bid rejected A Huntington Beach realto1 ~ offer to buy President Reagan .., Pacific Palisades home for 11 ' full aslting price SJ 9 m1ll11111 has been rejected Joe Peterson, rnarketin~· director for Cold.,., ell H;inkt•1 which is handling the· sale. •;;11d the bid from realtor J ohn W Saunders was for\.\an.IC'd le• Reagan's business man ager<; He said Saunders bid \\as rt• jected because the Reagan ad visers did not approve of the financial terms pr oposed by Saunders The 39-year-old realtor mailed his offer to Coldwell Banker last week after reading a newspaper account that staled the Reagan home has been on the markrt since January but remains un· sold. Saunders said he did not want lo live in the Reagan home but wanted lo see it used for com munity services purposes The Pacific Palisades home 1s described as an 11 room res idence with three bedroom<;. se r va nts' quarters. pool. redwood deck and a sweeping view or the coastline Students get tips on UCI Community college students planning lo transfer to UC Irvme in 1982. can get individual counseling from transferable credits to housing at UC! ned Tuesday from 10 a m to 3 p.m Counseling will be on a walk- in basis in the lobby of the Ad· ministration Building Also. un· dergraduate academic counselors will be available an va rious schools or the uni · versity. Officials said students com111g for the counseling session should · bring copies of their high school and college transcripts. For more information. call 833-5518 Charges against the Lessers included allegations that they filed false billings and canceled psychiatric appointments and also filed billings for one-hour psychotherapy sessions by. Lesser for patients not actually seen by him or another psychiatrist. It was alleged they collected about $139,000 in false billings. "Now, for selfish reasons, Newport Beach should press for development or other visitors' facilities," Ficker said. 'Bottle' recovered Parent class scheduled The Lessers' Los Angeles al· torney, Kenneth Klein, s ub· milted the case to Domenichini on the basis of the preliminary hearing tranacript from Harbor Municipal Court. ProsecuUn* the couple was Deputy AUorne7 General Frederick Millar o the state's MediCal fraud unit. The Newport Beach couple were allowed to remain without bail pending sentenclng proceed· lnas next month. • He said he is not opposed to preserving and enhancing a por· Uon of the Bolsa Chica wetlands. .. ·But if the Coastal Com · mission continues to ·pursue lts aoal of preserving all of tbe wetlands, Newport Beach's future is-1olna to be pretly dis· mal," Ficker aatd. "We c-" no tonger provide the ocean access for everyone tn the co~ty." ''I don't know tf we'll ever be able to reduce this traffic." Ficker saJd. ••But il would bt ' That Inflatable 32-fool tall Jose Cuervo Especial tequila bottle that was stolen from a LagWla Beach restaurant July 26 bas bee n recovered, but p<>Hce say the man found in possession of the botUe won't be prosecuted. The dlatrtbutor who owns the promotional bolUe called police lhts week to report an anonymous informant had re· vealed the bolUe'e whereabouts In Laguna Beach. Police arrived at the Bluebird Canyon Road address -a baU dozen blocks f rom the restaurant -and found the deflllted bottle and the Zl-year- old occupant of the house. And while the m an admitted to having possession of the bottle, be was not arrested police aald, because the dlatributor aated that there be no proeeeutloa ln the cue. The inflated bottle wu stolen from the roof of lb41 Tort.Illa Flats uatauraot while •Oe> parUclpanta and 1pectaton fl a volkybJll t.ounlameot celebnt· ed lnittde. Saddleback. College in Mission Viejo will sponsor a class called Parent Survival Training for parents with problem teen-ager~ beginning Aug. 26. The course will provldu guidance for achieving better famtly living. It ls open to all pareQta ot teens who Uve in the Saddleback Community C-Olle-ge Dlstrict. The class will be held trom 7 p.m. to 10 p.m. on Wednesdays. For more information call tho Department of Human Servtcts 1t88l..CT~. _ ____. __ ........ 0 •••• 0 u 0 • 0 .. -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 She's drawn to younger man DEAR ANN LANDERS Never ln my life have l felt the oeed to write to you. but here I am with a probl~m l never lm· oglned could touch me. · I am a married woman. 38 years old. with three acreat kids. My husband and l share an ex tremely satisfactory rela tlonship, and I love hlm more to- day than when we married. So, what is the problem? Simply put, I find myself greatly attracted to a young man. near- ly 20 years my junior. He is an \acquaintance of my teen-age daughter and be visits quite ANl lANDERI often. He has always been very respectful to both my husband and me and has no idea that I am smitten with hint I have never had a sexual re· lalionship with anyone except my husband and before thfa never even considered It. But now my mind turns to thoughts of seduction. Ann, I know it ls wrena. but I need to know If these fantules are normal. Am I sick, or morally corrupt? 1 am sure my family would never understand my feeUn11 If they knew. In fact. If this young man had any idea of the things I have been imagining, he wouJd probably run for his life. Please answer quickly. Every day that passes I feel more and more out of control. I cannot give my address or name, and I'm asking that you don't even use the name oJ the state where this is being mailed from. - C RADLE ROBBER I N THOUGHT tF NOT IN ACTION Dear C.R.: I doa't believe 1ou are sick or moraU1 corrupt. Robert Louis Steveaaoa once wrote, "We all have tt.oupta tbat would abame heU." People cannot control their fanta1IH, but they CAN control tllelr be havior -and tbil you MUST do. Be cordlaJ when the youag man 1how1 up but absent youneU promptly. If Y°'"' faa· tastes get tranala~ lal.o action and you end up tettlag your wow-power on tbl1 kid, you could disgrace yourseU la the eyes of your family and mesa up your Ufe. APWI ....... Visitors to Sea World manne park in San Diego get a close view of a 512-/oot great white shark that was apparently tfmvmg dunng its third day m captunty 1 DON'T ALYVAVS NEED EVER.YTHI G EXPLAINED, Rich foods won't aggravate ulcer By JOHN D. ROSEN, M.D. DEAR DR. ROSEN · My wife was born in Mexico and cooks what is probably the greatest Mexican food around. We eat it often and she prepares it very hot and spicy I just found out thet I have an ulcer. I love her cooking and would hate to think I have to give it up altogether. Would it hurt to have an OC· ca sional chili pepper. -J .S . SANTA ANA cers to be choosy about what kind of food the patient eats. Your ulcer won't heal any faster on the traditional bland bortng diet that it will on a steady ln· take of the food you love . <By the way. If you think Meidcan food is hot, try some Indian dishes . . . they'll bum your socks off! l Sea World shark • • • excites sc1ent1sts SAN DIEGO <AP> With the for marine scientists was at hand with the shark on display. BUT' DO NEED. DESPERATELY, TO BELIEVE THERE IS SOMEWHERE AN EXPLANATIOtJ. ANSWER: I have never fell it important in the treatment of ul· ASK THE DOCTOR latest great white shark to sur· vive capture apparently thriving tn captivity, experts say they're eager to learn things -for ex· ample why such sharks attack humans but .. just won't eat us." "Every time they bite us, they spit us out," said San Fran· cisco's Steinhart Aquarium director John McClosker. Rosenblatt said he disagrees with those who say it's all right "if the shark is hauled out of the net. hit over the head and then butchered for market but a bad thing if you try to keep it alive in an aquarium." Gemini: Follow your hunch The ulcer is caused by the acid manufactured by and in your stomach . This acid is much stronger than that found in food. Very acidic roods are quite mild compared to t he acid that's already there. The stomach's own acid is what eats a hole through the lining. This bole Is called an ··ulcer." ' The sharks' ability to detect raint electrical rields is what in· (1!rests Dr. Frank Carey, a physiologist at the Woods Hole O ceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. In a telephone interview, Carey said a great white shark "can detect all kinds of elec· trical signals that we're totally unaware of, such as the Earth's magnetic field, geomagnetic potentials from ocean currents." A huge, 300-pound great white shark was released al Steinhart Aquarium last year after start· ing to bang its head on the glass wall of the tank after an ex- tremely slight amount of elec· tricity leaked from a light socket. ··u you took a flashlight bat· tery with long wires on the end of it and put one wire in the barbor in Miami and the other in the harbor in New York, you'd llave a gradient of about a hun- ~redth of a microvolt per cen- t,meter,'' Carey said. "And the ~hark can detect that kind of aradient." t Richard Rosenblatt, curator of t:ish collection s at Scripps !nstitution of Oceanography. agreed that a rare opportunity And, said McClosker of the 51"2·foot, 100-pound male caught Monday off San Diego: "There it is, swtmming in a germ-free environment. being fed on a dai· ly basis " According to records. the species has attacked humans 33 times in California, causing four deaths. The only great while shark in captivity swam past his 72nd hour in captivity at noon Thurs- day in the big tank at Sea World marine park and by noon today will have passed the previous, 96-hour record for a great white !>hark in captivity Ttus 1s the third and largest caught by commercial fish· ermen off Southern California 1 n the I ast two weeks The first died aft~r three days at Sea World. which released the second after she started banging her head on the tank. A spokeswoman at Sea World, which paid $1 ,000 for each. said of the latest one. "There are nothing but positive s igns but we're cautious we've had dis- appointments ... No one knows why they don't s urvive in captivity. Carey said they may suffer res piratory dif· ficulties caused by the confining life, or hormonal upsets anl. stress. 0mar~ "<> RUFFELL'S I Spedillzlnta In l SHADOW BOXES UPHOLSTERY aturday, August 8, 1981 By SYDNEY OMARR ARJES: <March 21-April 19 ) Mystery is solved and you get professional acco t1nting . Spotlight o n money, invest· ments, joint efforts, partnership proposals. Key is to know when to "let go." Leo, Sagittarius and another Aries figure prominent· ly. TAURUS <April 20-May 20>: You're pulled in two directions s imuJtaneous ly. Key is to clarify meanings, define terms and s treamline techniques Those who make sensational claims are due to be exposed . Hold off on contract signing -play wait· mg game for best results and of· fers. GEMINI <May 21-June 20 >: Follow through on hunch; intui- tion is s harply honed . You perceive potential in accurate manner. Writing, advertising, publishing claim major part of scenario. Basic issues will be re· solved. Keep diet-health resolu- tions! CANCER (June 21 -July 22): Popularity increases. numerou!i changes occur and you become more aware of travel and com- munication. Gemini , Virgo. Sagittarius natives fi gure in • CUl10t!1 FftA.MllltG . , 1803 Newport Blvd. ! Co$taMesa ~ ltllHAalO« ILYD. ~ ~11 o--~ COSU MESA-548-1156 The ROUND-UP RESTAURANT And LOUNGE 843 W. 19th, Co ta Mesa • Get Rid of Cellulite • Lo!le Unwanted Pounds • Herbal Energy Tablets • • Skin and Hair Herbal Care 100°/o Money-Back Guarantee! Call Enzo 963-4634 Seven Days -24 Hours Phot1f' for H~·ofiomr 646-0804 J Now Ope11 For LUNCH • DINNER Daily Lunch Specials Complete Dinner Menu Featuring The 14 oz. Round-Up Porterhouse t,i.~e "'''' S 795 l" i. '"' tnt'r tl .S1.lfl· ~ e · Rt>11l . Hount Mon.-Thur11. I 0:30 A.~t.-9:30 P .M. Friday 10:30 A.M.-11 P.M. Sat . 4:30 P.M.-11 P.M. HOROSCOPE :;cenario. Member of opposite sex declares intentions, but you may not be "ready." LEO <July 23-Aug. 22): Focus on details. building m aterials, restrictions. need to break free from those dominated by pre· conceived notions. Emphas is also on shelter , property. deal· in gs with older individuals whose views may be outmoded. VIRGO <Aug 23-Sept. 22) Emphas is on va riety, s hort trips, calls, messages, d irections and artistic endeavors. Gemini, Sag~itarius and another Virgo figure prominently. Member of opposite sex presents format, written material and outlines travel scenario. LIBRA <Sept. 23-0ct. 22 1: Ma· jor domestic adjustment 1s featured. Family member dis· plays "hidden talents." includ· ing unusual sense of drama and "singing voice." Focus on art objects, purchase of luxury items. money and income poten· ti al. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21>: What seems a "sure thing" may be deceptive and lack s ubstance Get promises in writing, separate reality from wishful thinking. You make valuable new contact. It could be the start or something big! Watch Pisces. SAGITTARIUS <Nov. 22-D~c. 21 >. Apparent setback rebounds 1n your favor. Someone on the "inside" passes valuable in· formation to you. lndividuaJ you aided in recent pas t is now ready to return favor. Watch Capricorn! CA PRICORN <Dec . 22-Jan 19 >: Past obligations surge to forefront. You get job done if creative, daring and willing to appeal to more than an "inner circle." Widen horizons -your message can be put across In graphic. dramatic fashion. AQUARIUS (Jan. 20· Feb. 18 >: Professional superior offers op- portunity which would result in greater independence. chance to be original and creative. Accept challenge, realize promotion is on horizon and help Is on the way. Keep eye on Leo! PISCES (Feb. 19· March 20 >: Sense of purpose, direction is re- gained. Missing link 1s located. Bits and pieces fall into place - you are capable now of viewing picture as a whole. Cancer , Capricorn. Aquarius persons figure prominently. There are many blood vessels In the wall of the stomach. II the ulcer eats through a vessel, you get bleeding. If the hole eata all the way through the wall It is an emergency requiring immediate surgery. Trea tme nt of the ulcer requires the use of aotiaclds. These medications tum thr acid Into wat e r . A re centl y discovered drug, Tagamet, is often used because It actuaJly cuts down the amount of acid manufactured by the stomach. Although you may eat any food you wish , there are three s ubstan ces that must be avoided. There must be no intake of caffeine, <coffee, tea, or chocolate>. alcohol, or pain relievers which contain uptrln. Tylenol ls okay. Dr John D. Rosen. a practitioner m Newport Beach , welcomes your question!. Mall requests to Ask the Doctor. P 0. Bor 1560. Costa Mesa. 92626 Graftd o.,..mg Sale WHY PAY $7.49? TIMf.llELEASE VrTAMIM 1-100 Only $3.75 at Trader Joe & Pr•to The Finest In Resort Wear Now In South Coast Plaza Trad e r Darwin 's Balanced B-100 offers eleven kinds or B vilamins. And ils lame release formula will pro-vide a continual supply or B-complex vitamins throughout the day A leading health food chain sells this item for S'T.49-but we sell a bottle of so tablets ror only $3.75. Please visit our newest Trader Joe's at the intersection or 17th Street , Newpor t Boulevard and Superior An•nue !next Lo Denn\"!. and Barclay's Bank > MOW IM COST A MESA Waltah Clarke's South O>ast Plaza In The Mall By The Carousel 751-7500 FASHION WES TC LIFF REAL VALUES , ' on items· from applesauce to zippers 011.IJ Pl.IOI~ are advertised every day in the ISLAND PLAZA ~~'40.-1111111.-~...,,~n O'IH 7 DAYS . • , • . • ' \ J \ I l l FROM Fash ion Island . ~ Newport Beach • .... ----~ •; as· cs 2 a· s snn·aanr 72 STEREO SOUNDS OF THE H~RBOB' 9 SSS - • - • • • f ••• • so 0 a 0 ; a 5 3 4 a 0 0 5 4 $$ a a 2 1 a 51aa5 0 3 2 2 a 3 1 2 ~ . DlllJ Piiat FRIDAY, AUG. 7, 1981 FEATURES 82 DRllBI COAST COMICS 84 BUSINESS BS Wonders of chemistry provide the solution to Rubik's Cube. . . 85 0 0 l1·vine launches bid for coastal area By RICHARD GREEN o. .. a..ty ........... A bid to place a stretch of coastline in to I rvine's boun- daries was boosted Thursday night by the City Planning Com· mission. The commission decided 4-0 <Commissioner Ray Catalano was absent> to recommend that the coastal area bet ween Newport Beach and Laguna Beach be placed in Irvine 's s phere of mnuence, which ia de- fined as an area outside city boundaries but earm arked for future annexation. That recommendation will be considered by the Irvine City Council, which in turn wiU make a recomm e nda t io n t o the Orange County Local Agency Formation Commission, the gov- ernmental body that decides city boundaries' and spheres or in- fluence. Newport Beach currenUy has a sphere of innuence which in· eludes much of the coastline between its southern border and the northern border of Laguna Beach. The city that ultimately an· nexes the coast, which is now in unincorporated county territory, will garner a portion of the sales tax revenue and property tax as - sociated with planned coastal development. Irvine city officials say that their city deserves this revenue because coastal development will create costly traffic and pollution problems in Irvine. Newport Beach officials say that they will suffer the most costs from the development. A spokesm an for the Irvine Company, which owns much of the coruital land between Laguna FOR CONTORTIONISTS ONLY :vtost people use water fountains for qUL'nching their thirst. but Chri~ Grot~ 9. and Dennis Hausmann. 8. both of Costa Mesa. ha\'c found u new o.lly Hoe re.• Irr LM ... ,,_ use. Stopping at th~ fountain on the Corona del Mar bluff atop China Cove. Dcnnjs takes a foot bat h. washi ng off sc.t nd from the beach. Newport pair guilty in fraud case I A Newport Beach psychiatrist and his wife have been found g uilty in O r ange County Superior Court· or grand theft and MediCal fraud charges in- volving the filing of false billjng statements to the state. Sentencing p roceedings for Dr. Leonard Lesser and his wife, May, will be Sept. 3 in Judge Frank Domenichini's Santa Ana courtroom. T he couple were convicted Thursday in a non-jury trial of e ig ht counts of filin g false MediCal claims and one count of grand theft. Each charge car· ries a penalty of up to three years in state prison. Charges against the Lessers included allegations that they filed false billings anp canceled psychiatric appointments and also filed billings for one-hour p sychotherapy sessions by Lesser for patients not actually seen b y h i m o r a not h er psychiatrist. It was a lleged they collected a bout $139,000 in false billings. The Lessers' Los Angeles at- torney, Kenneth Kl ein, sub· mitted the case to Domenichini on the basis of the preliminary hearing transcript from Harbor Municipal Court. Prosecuting the couple was Deputy Attorney General Fredenck Millar of the state's MediCal fraud unit. Brush fire quelled Fire burned about an acre ol brusbland in the vicinity of Vin· tage and Summerwood ways In Mlasion Viejo between 10 a .m. and ll a.m. Thursday. Orange County Fire Depart· ment information oflicer Chuck Murphy said there waa no damqe to bomea in the area and no injuries. Five engfnea were called to the scene. Newport unitjoins l awsu i t on airport A Newport Beach environmen· tat group has taken legal steps toward joi ning a lawsuit that seeks to invalidate and overturn Orange County's master plan for J ohn Wayne Air port. The 400-member group known as SPON (Stop Polluting Our Newport> filed a motion Thurs- day in Orange County Superior Court to intervene-in the lawsuit fil ed by the City of Newport Beach. The lawsuit, filed last March by two pnvate Jaw fi rms for the city, challenges environmental data presented in t he airport master plan Bobby Lovell , a S P ON spokeswoman, said her group agrees with the city's position. She said SPON will "round out the city's stance." Hugh Coffin, Newport's city attorney. said he agrees SPON should "strengthen our position and provide an attack from a different front." A court hearing has been set for Aug. 25 to determine whet.her the environmental group will be allowed to intervene in the case. Attorneys for the county are ex- pected to oppose such a move. Clemente Shute, an environ- m enlal attorney from San Fran- cisco retained by SPON, claims a ut hors of the mas ter plan ·'treated it as a hoop to jump through" and made "blatant" environmental errors along the way. "It 's clear the county was bent o n r eaching a certain d e- termination that would resuJl in airport expansion," said Shute, .. and its findinfi?S reflect that." He said the city and SPON agree tha t the master pla n should be set aside. The master plan, among other things, calls for daily jet de- partures to be increased from 41 to 55 by 1$95. The system for in- creasing takeoffs is tied to a plan for r educing jet noise, pr imarily by urging carriers to use quieter jets. The county's master plan also calls for construction of a new te rminal roughly six times the size of the existing facility The lawsuit is set for trial on Oct. S. Traffic mishap kills Mesa woman Sylvia KJine, 68, of Coata Mesa, was killed Thpraday nilhl when she was hit by two can while trylna lo cross Newport Boulevard at 19th Street ln Costa !desa. police aald. Mrs. Kline was pronounced dead at the scene of the 9: 30 p. m . accident. Police said Mn. Kline wu crosa!ng the southbound tana of. Newport Boulevard at about 9:30 p.m . when she was hit by a car. Police said after a second car just avoided bitting the woman a third car ran over her. Police said all three drivers claimed they had lbe ireen llabt at the intersect.ion, which baa a pedestrian cro11ln1 slpal. There are no other witneue.a and no one baa been arreAed. Police continue to investiaate the accident. Two ban dits get $11,000 in Newpor t Two well -dressed a rmed ban· dits escaped with $11,000 in cash and jewelry after tying up four employees of a Newport Beach antique shop and making them lie face-down on the floor. Police said nobody was in- j ured in the episode Thursday at the King a nd I, an antique furniture and jewelry shop at 1727 Westcliff Drive. One of the crooks, officers were told, entered the shop al a bout 10 a .m ., grabbed the female manager by the arm and shoved a gun in her back. She told police that she was handcuffed and pushed to the floor. She said the gunman re- m oved a bracelet from her wrist. The second bandit, police said, entered the shop through a rear door where he waited and gr abbed othe r employees a s they showed up for work. Police said a second pair of handc uffs was us ed on one e mployee and that nylon cord was used to tie up the remaining two employees. With the shop workers secured and race-down on the-noor, the bandits rans acked the store, finally leaving with $10,000 worth of jewelry add $1,000 in cash. Loot in Newport burglary 88,500 George Holstein's Eastbluff borne in Newport Beach was stripped of $8,500 worth of belongings by bur1lara this week wh,Ue be was vacaUonlna on Catalina Island. Police detectives aaid the ln· truder remot"ed several 1taa1 panel trom a bedroom window to gain entry and ranaacked every room. • Beach and Newport Beach, said that the company wishes to con· tinue to build its coastal projects under county Jurisdiction. He explained lhat any annexa- tion to a city might mean that company development plans would have to be resubmitted at the local level, thereby delaying building projects . A total of 2,000 hotel rooms, 2.000 houses and om ce and com mercial space is planned for th.to coastal area Irvine tried unsuccessfully in 1976 lo get a coastal sphere of in fluence. The city's bid for a por lion of the coastline was denied l)y the Local Agency For mation Commission. No date has yet been set for Irvine City Council considera tion or the proposal. Newport m u ll.s Bol.sa project By PIUL SNEIDER MAN Of .. o.11, ....... , .... The Bolsa Chica m arshland may be surrounded by the City of Huntington Be a ch , but Newport Beach r esidents also have a stake in its development, according to Newport Beach yachtsman and a rchitect Bil l Ficker . Ficker, who also is president of the Or ange County Coast ~­ so ci at ion , ur ged yachtsme n gathered at the Newport Harbor Yacht Club Wednesday to sup- port m arina development al Bolsa Chica as a means of re lieving the congestion caused by recreation seekers who crowd Newport Beach's oceanfront. Before Orange County's rapid growth. Newport Beach was easily able to accom modate the a r ea's boatin g, fis hing and s w immin g en t husiasts, t he architect said. "Now, for selfish reasons , Newport Beach should press for development of other visitors' facilities," Ficker said. He said he is not opposed to preserving and enha ncing a por· lion of the Bolsa Chica wetlands. ·'But if the Coastal Com · m ission continues to pursue its goal of preserving all of the wetland s, Newpo rt Beach 's future is going to be pretty dis- mal," Ficker said. "We can no longer provide the ocean access for everyone tn the county." The yachtsman s ays he sup· ports the development plan ap- proved in April by the Orange County Board of Supervisors. (The marsh area is in county territory.) This plan calls for 600 acres of preser ved wetlands, an 1,800-slip boat m ari na, 530-foo t -wide navigable channel connecting to adjacent Huntington Harbour, a linear park on the southern bluffs and 5,700 ne w homes. Ttus plan. which still requires Coastal Commission approval, has been criticized by environ- m entalists, who wish to preserve more wetlands, and landowner Signa l Landmark Co., which would prerer to develop more waterfront homes on the site. "I see this as a super com- promise," observed Ficker. He said the county desperately needs more boating recreation centers. Hur1t1f'l(IHJ' Hd,rtJ•JV' 801..SA C/llCA .l\[AHSJ/ Sewport e,11es future u • R eagan h ome bid rejected A Huntington Beach realtor s offer to buy President Reagan's Pacific Palisades home for its full asking price $1.9 million -has been rejected J oe P eter son. m arketint: director for Coldwell Banker. which is handling the sale, said the bid from realtor John \\ Saunders was forwarded t11 Reagan's business managers He said Saunders· bid was re jected because the Reagan ad visers did not approve of the fina ncial terms proposed b) Saunders. The 39-year-old realtor mailed his offer to Coldwell Banker last week after reading a newspaper account that stated the Reagan home has been on the market since January but remains un sold. Saunders said he did not want to li ve in the Reagan home but wanted to see it used for com· munity services purposes. The Pacific Palisades home is described as an 11-room res ide nce with thr ee bedroon1s. servan ts' quarters, poo l , redwood deck and a sweeping view of the coastline. Six sue Navy o ver nuke arms storage The way Seal Beach Police Chief Stacy Picascia sees it, "It's a Navy weapons station so we have to assume they have some weapons stored there. But we have to have enough faith that the Department of Defense has adequate safeguards ." Six local res idents are suing the U.S. Navy and Defense Secretary Caspar ~einberger. They want explosives and al· leged nuclear arms removed from the Se al Beach Naval Wea pons Station, an oceanside base situated inside the com· munity of 23,000. Their case, filed Thursday 111 U.S. District Court in Los Angeles, says the weapons pose ··a new and unprecedented threat and danger to the aur· rounding comm.unity." PfililUIH -Oeor1e and Janice LaiQe, James and Frances Goodwin and Robert and Mary Lou Brophy concede they have no proof quclear weaponia are stored al the base. But they say tight military security, weapons handlJng procedures JDd their own research indicate UM arms are there. ••tt•a really lrr•ponaible of the U.S. Navy, tnowlna what it kDOWI about what loel OD, to aJ~ low the people In Seal Beach lo alt then wit.bout kno•ledie ol DIEGO FWY. ' §' w! ,_ a> I WESTMINStrn !\V " '/ I U.S. NAVAL I WEAPONS I~ Ir STATION ,u I 1 ... --------'6 a:i DMy,_ ... CENTER OF STORM Naval weapons station what's going on beyond t he fence lin•," Laine says. The Navy refused comment on the nuclear weapon allegations The sull says Defense Depart mentJ reg .. lations limit the amo\&nt of el(plos i'Ves at the bue'• wharf to 55,000 pounds, wtt.b a rel\lltlng a•neer &One U · tending from d()(lt!lide to lhe base perimeter. Ho1rever, legal waivers have lncreaeed lhe- wbarf llml~ lo u mucb 11 IS0,000 • pound&, the .Wt cbarces. _ ••••••• --... r --.. -.-.-.-----.. •-•r-Tt11-.u ....... , ........... ,,_,,., ... ,_,..,..,..._....-~, .. c ... c111c...,;111c11J111110•011111141111z ... s .. c•z ... u11[1111111s .. ;-.:J1CZ"'Jllld•C•t•tllll9&•& .. & .... &.6•t .. S•l•tll!•£ ,3 .. C••£•S•£16•£1£•••£•£•J•£ -Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Friday. Augu1t 7. 1981 She's drawn to younger man DEAR ANN LANDERS Never ln my life have I felt the need to write to you, but here I am with a problem I never lm· adnl-d could touch me. ·1 am a married woman, 38 years old, wllh three areal kids. My husband ud I share an ex- treme I y satisfactory rela · llonship, and I love him more to- day than wh.in we married. So, what is the problem? Simply put, I find myself ireatly attracted to a young man, near- ly 20 years my Junior. He is an acquaintance or my teen.age daughter and he visits quite Ul lAllERI often. He has always ~n very respectful to both my husband and me and has no idea that I am s mitten with him. I have never had a sexual re- l ation.sh1p with anyone except m y husband and before this never even considered It. But now my mind turns to thoughts of seduction. Ann, I know lt 11 wron1, but 1 need to know If theae fantasies are normal. Am I alck. or morally corrupt? I am sure my ramlly would never understand my feellnga tt they knew. In fact. If tbia young man had any idea of the thlnga I have been imaglnJna. he would probably run for his life. Pleue answer quickly. Every day that passes I feel more and more out of control. I cannot give my address or name, and I'm asking that you don't even use the name of the state where this is being mailed from. - C RADLE ROBBER IN 1'HOVGHT If NOT lN ACJ'ION Dear C.R.: I doa't beUeve you are atck or morally tornpt. Robert Loula S&evea... Mee wro&e, "We all have &a11oa1.1t&1 that would sbame bell." People cannot coatrol tbelr faatu&ea. but they CAN control tltelr behavior -and this you MUST do. Be cordial when the you& man ahowa up but absent yourself promptly. If your faa- taalea get traulated lato action and you end up testln1 your wow-power on tbla kid, you could disgrace yourself la the eyes ol your family and meta up your life. ......... VUitors to Sea World manne park m San Diego get a close view of a 511·/oot great white shark that was apparently thnvmg dunng i t s third day in captivity. 1 DON'T ALYVAYS NEED EVEKYTHI G EXPLAINED, Rich foods won't aggravate ulcer By JOHN D. ,ROSEN, M.D. DEAR DR. ROSEN: My wife was born in Mexico and cooks what is probably the greatest Mexican food around. We eat it often and she prepares it very hot and spicy. I just found out that I have an ulcer. I love her cooking and would hate to think I have to give it up altogether. Would it hurt to have an oc- casional chili pepper. J .S .. SANTA ANA cers to be choosy about what kind of rood the patie nt eats. Your ulcer won't heal any faster on the tradlUonal bland boring diet that It will oa a steady lD· take or the food you love. CBy the way. U you think Mexican food Is hot, try some Indian dishes . . . they'll bum your socks off!> Sea World shark • • • excites sc1ent1sts for marme scientists was at hand with the shark on display. BUI DO NEED. DESPERATELY, TO BELIEVE THERE IS SOMEWHERE AN EXPLA~ATIOt\J. ANSWER: I have never fell it Important in the treatment of uJ. ASK THE DOCTOR SAN DIEGO (AP) -With the latest great white shark to sur· vive capture apparently thriving In captivity, experts say they're eager to learn things -for ex· ample why such sharks attack humans but "just won't eat us." "Every time they bite us. they spit us out," said San Fran. cisco's Steinhart Aquarium director John McClosker. Rosenblatt said he disagrees with thos e who say it's all right "if the shark is hauled out of the net, hit over the head and then butchered for ma rket but a bad thing if you try to keep it alive in an aquarium." Gemini: Follow your hunch The uJcer is caused by the acid manufactured by and ln yoar stomac h . This acid la much stronger than that found in food. Very acidic foods are quJte mild compared to the acid that'• already there. The s tomach's own acid is what eats a bole through the lining. This bole is called an "ulcer." The sharks' ability to detect faint electrical fields is what in· terests Dr. Frank Car ey, a physiologist at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution in Massachusetts. In a telephone inte rview, Carey said a great while shark ''can detect all kinds of elec· CricaJ signals that we're totally anaware of, such as the Earth's m agnetic field, geomagnetic potentials from ocean currents." A huge, 300-pound great white shark was released at Steinhart Aquarium last year after star\- tng to bang its head on the glass t.tall of the tank after an ex· tremely slight amount of elec· <rlcity leaked from a light socket. "If you took a flashlight bat- tery with long wires on the end or it and put one wire in the harbor in Miami and the other in the harbor in New York, you'd have a gradient of about a hun- dredth of a microvolt per cen· tjmeter," Carey said. "And the shark can detect that kind of gradient." Richard Rosenblatt, curator of fish collections at Scripps Institution of Oceanography. agreed that a rare opportunity And. said MrClosker of the 512-foot, 100-pound male caught Monday off San Diego . "There it is. swimming in a germ -free environment, being fed on a dai- ly basis.·· According to r ecords, the species has attacked humans 33 times in California. causing four deaths. The only great white shark in captivity swam 'past his 72nd hour in captivity at noon Thurs· day in the big tank at Sea World marine park and by noon today will have passed the previous, 96-hour record for a great white s hark in captivity This is the third and largest caught by commercial fish· ermen off Southern California m the last two weeks. The first died after three days at Sea World, whi c h released the second after she started banging her head on the tank. A spokeswoman at Sea World, which paid Sl,000 for each, said of the latest one: "There are nothing but pos itive s igns but we're cautious we've had dis- a ppointments.·· No one knows why they don't s urvive in captivity. Carey said they may s uffer respiratory dif- ficulties caused by the confining life. or hormonal upsets anl.. stress RUFFELL1S a.HOLSTERY Saturday, August 8, 1981 By SYDNEY OMARR ARIES: <March 21 -April 19): Mystery is solved and you get professional accounting. Spotlig ht on money, invest· m ents. joint efforts, partnership proposals. Key is to know when to "let go." Leo, Sagittarius and another Aries figure prominent- ly. TAURUS (April 20-May 20 >: You're pulled in two directions simultaneously. Key is to clarify meanings, define terms and s treamline techniques. ·Those who make sensational cla ims are due to be exposed. Hold off on contract signing -play wait- ing game for best results and of· fers. GEMINI <May 21-June 20): Follow through on hunch; intui- tion is s harply honed. You perceive potential in accurate manner. Writing, advertising, publishing claim major part of scenario. Basic issues will be re- solved. Keep diet-health resolu- tions! CANCER <June 21-July 22): Popularity increases. numerous changes occur and you become more aware of travel and com- munication. Gemini , Virgo, Sagittarius natives figure in ~r: · 0mzi~ "~ _ C~="~~tllG . ] l I SHADOW BOXES 1803 Newport Blvd. ! Costa Mesa ! 1'UHAllOULVD. .,.,. !Hf.4511 ,,.._~'f/ COSTAMESA-541.-1154 The ROUND-UP RESTAURANT And LOUNGE 843 W. 19th, Costa Mesa • Get Rid of Cellulite • L~e Unwanted Pounds • Herbal Energy Tablets • Skin and Hair Herbal Care 100°/o Money-Back Guarantee! Call Enzo 963-4634 Seven Days -24 Hours Piion«> for ftp..,,.•atlon• 646-0804 No1v Ope11 For LUNCH • DINNER Daily Lunch Specials Complete Dinner Menu Featuring The 14 oz. Round-Up Porterhouse \,ill~~''' s 7 95 t "'erl~'.St.&Ji. ~ e · Resl. Houn Mon.-Thurs. 10:30 A.M .. 9:30 P.M. Friday 10:30 A.M.-1 1 P.M. Sal. 4:30 P.M.-1 J P.M. HOROSCOPE scenario. Me mber of opposite sex declares intentions, but you may not be "'ready " LEO <July 23-Aug. 22 ): Focus on details. building materials. restrictions. need to break free rrom those dominated by pre· conceived notions . Emphasis also on shelter. property. deal- ings with old e r individuals whose views may be outmoded. VIRGO <Aug 23 -Sept. 221: Emphasis on variety, s hort trips, calls. messages, directions and artistic endeavors. Gemini, Saggitarius and another Virgo figure prominently. Member of opposite sex presents formal, written material and outlines travel scena rio. LIBRA (Sept. 23-0 ct. 22 1: Ma- jor domes tic adjustment is featured. Family member dis- plays "hidden talents, .. includ· mg unusual sense of drama and "singing voice." Focus on art objects, purchas e of luxury items. money and income poten· ti al. SCORPIO <Oct. 23-Nov. 21): What seems a "sure thing" may be deceptive and lack substance. Get promises in writing. separate reality from wishhH thinking. You make valuable new contact. It could be the start or something big! Watch Pisces. SAGl1TARIUS <Nov . 22-Dec. 21 >: Apparent setback rebounds in your favor. Someone on the "inside" passes valu able in- formation to you. Individual you a ided in recent past is now ready to return favor. Watch Capricorn! CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan 191: Past obli gations surge to forefront. You get job done if creative. daring a nd willing to appeal to more than an "inner circle." Widen horizons -your message can be put across in graphic. dramatic fashion. AQUARIUS <Jan. 20-Feb. 18>: Professional superior offers op- portunity which would result in greater independence. chance to be original and creative. Accept challenge, reali ze promotion is on horizon and help is on the way. Keep eye on Leo! PISCES <Feb. 19-March 20 l : Sense of purpose, direction is re- gained. Missing link is located. Bits and pieces fall into place - you are capable now of viewing picture as a whole. Cancer , Capricorn, Aquarius persons fi gure prominently. There are many blood vessels In the wall or the stomach. If the ul cer eats through a vessel, you get bleeding. U the bole eats all the way through the wall it la an emergency requiring Immediate surgery. Treatment of the ulcer requires the use or anUat:lds. 'These medications tum the add Into wa ter . A recently discovered drug, Tagamet, is often used because It actually cuts down the amount ol add manufactured by the stomach.. Although you may eat any food you wish, there are three s ubstances that must be avoided. There must be no intake of caffeine, C coffee, tea, or cbot:ola~), alcohol. or palD relievers which contain uplrln. Tylenol ls okay. Dr John D. Rosen. a practitioner 1n Newport Beach, UH:lcome1 your questions. Mail reque1ts to Ask the Doctor. P 0 . Box 1560. Costa Mesa. 92626 '9rCllld o~ Sale WHY PAY ,7.49? TlME-ltELEASE VrTAMaH S.I 00 Only $3.75 et Trader Joe & Pr-Ollto The Finest In Resort Wear Now In South Coast Plaza Trader Darwin 's Balan<.'ed B-100 orrer s e l even k i nd s of B vitamins. And its lime release formula will pro-vide a <.'Ontinual suppfv or B-complex vitami n s throughout the day. A leading health food chain sells t h is item for S7.49-but we sell a bottle of SO la blets for only SJ 75. Please visit our newest Trader Joe's at the intersection of 17th St r ee t . Newport Boulevard and Superior An•nue <next to Dcnm ·~ and Barclay's Bank J • HOW IM COST A MESA Waltah Clarke's South C.oast Plaza In The Mall By The Carousel 751-7500 Ff'Of!' """ 11v11 A<1Q 31 ti IQr ~ Oit'ES£ BALl 0t CHEESE lOG Sole! .__., , ...... ol ()ll;oe ... ~· 11· to'"" Mutcutw l>/llrOOl'ly At· -ion REAL VALUES on items from applesauce to zippers 111.IJ Pl.lat are advertised every day in the FASHION ISLAND H-' llMcll 6404030 WESTCLIFF PLAZA 111~ a ,,..,_ ~ 11eec1> '42•7' 0,"41 OATS FROM Fash ion Island . Newport ~each STEREO SOUNC>S OF THE HARBOR ??3?39279 Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Friday, Augu1t 7, 1981 N 111 NYSE COMPO ITE TRAN ACTION MOfAt ... • ••tl.UM , ...... 011•••111•• \IOIUC ....... ,. ""'C"'I<, , ••• NnO•, ...... , Al!IO t lNCllUIAfl noc• 1 •'-_.,..,, Mtt •lll'OIHD 1¥"'"• •uo a110 ••no .. , ..... ..., ~I.._. CM• Clll \ 3725777 a b n Dow Jones Final Off 10.38 Clos ing 942.53 . ~"' ~,·· .... ,~ Study available alarm systems Some time in this decade, our Uves and our possessions in our homes almost certainly will be protected by a two-way cable TV system monitored by a central computer. But "In this decade" is not Aug . 7, 1981, and right now, burglaries, fires and other threats to our safety are soaring. Neither firemen nor police can respond rapidly enough to save us in most cases. for an astounding 95 percent of our homes still are without adequate ~r~tce~tfo~ t !_ ~ and thi s , despite the fact ~ ,.. that we spend ..:;. more than $1 A • ~!l:io~ e: u ~f ~; -.-,,-, ... 11---,-.-RT-IR-- devices . Most or that $1 biUion, though, goes for locks or locking devices, says Ronald Davis of Davis Marketing Group Inc.. an alarm industry consultant -and these can be easily forced or circumvented even by unskilled burglars. As for fires, most of us rely on our noses. not smoke detectors. Worse, we may be being robbed or burned by our faulty selection of security systems, improper installation or just defective devices. By the end or the 1980s, we may be spending close to S2.5 billion on home protection (in addition to taxes> with about one-third of these outlays going for alarm s ystems, s ays Predicasts. a Cleveland company which has researched the private security market. To spend these billions wisely , you must make basic decisions on buying. You have three choices. 1) Buy an alarm-only system, the least expensive even if you buy the most elaborate system. But it may not be cheapest in the long run. If you make this choice, tell your insurance agent, for many insurers will cut your premiums by about 2 percent if your system meets their standards. 2) Buy an alarm system tied to local police and fire departments. Check your police and fire officials as well as your insurance agent here. Proper devices, correctly installed -and this usually means by a professional, not a do-it-yourself job -often qualify you for a 10 percent insurance premium reduction (as against 2 percent on the alarm-only). 3) Buy an alarm system monitored by a professional organization. When your alarm goes off, the professionals don't show up themselves. They call the police or fire station, after they have called you to make sure you didn't trip the system yourself. If you are away, they also notify you, or some responsible person you have designated. This is the most costly system of all. but it should earn you an insurance premium reduction of 15 percent or more. Before you buy, check your insurance agent, safety officials and others who have this type or service. No matter which protection level you need or can afford, consider the following points -before contacting any insurance or official sources. UPS AND DOWNS GOLD COINS Pel Up 12.t Up t .I Up 7.7 Up 7.6 Up '·' Up 7.J Up 7.2 UP 6.4 Up 6.J Up 6.1 Up U Up U Up S.S Up U Up .S.1 Ue l.O Ntw\'Ottl( IA~)-t'NM ._ ........ ...... cMM,~--····-··· "'* .,..._,ny ......... .... .......... 1 ..... -. • ..,1 .... ...... .............................. ..... ..,...~ .............. ...... ~:a...,.,.,. MflALS HEW YORK (API -5C10t llOftfe,._ INUll priCeS toMy. C...-........ <...es a llOYM. U.S......._ ,._ ....... '9flll.~ IMc •WI cMlb a ........... _... Tiii 11.,,. .......... <-'" ... • ....._. , ... -a """'4. H, \I, ~ ..... _, ...... ............ troyoa.,H.Y. SILVER Hendy 6 ....,_ ..... per troy- ; .. 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M7l • ...,.., morol(ooe&14ll&nl Mtl • ...,.., 4 DOOa HA TCHIACI IOMG CAI Gl 5 o.,...i .,.,,.,,......,,,_"'°"°"'PW"' 66 5 7 (Qul-nt Incl.-6 -trono ~ ~ aido moldlnclo (221821) l.LC:E9 s.nn S unoorcoat I motdong puc•aoo '6862 s.nn -.•vu ~ 'T7 (0t17tl)(8tk.IWIO) 'T7 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FltOM AT SIMILAR SAVIM&S! lAUI l'llCI Bnng your best deal in wnting & see what we'll do for you. NJ , applies to venlcies 1n stock Cars subject to pnor sale. All Pfioes plus tax. license. doc. fee, dealer installed options & finance fees. Ad must be presented at time of purchase Sale ends Monday, August 10. 1981 at close of business. LIT n · IS•W FACTORY AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR • ALFA ROMEOeMASERATleSAABePEUGEO THE FINEST USED CARS AVAILABLE •TRIUMPH•BENTLEY•FIAT•VOLVO•AU D~•PORSCHE 848 DOVE ST. NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 The Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU -NC• ... toO.tOOl tHw.-u~-.ct •••• THE ISUZU DIESELS. E . D E!!! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! EPA CITY These figures are for comparison only, your mileage will vary EPA HWY. ·:.::::~:~~ ...... _ fl_auer;r~ CMOESTSAA Me> \-.f l o Hr Trad ,.•! I SU%U ~ o .... ..,, .••• ,.,., 29'l5 HARBOR BLVD. ~ .,._._._.,u,mr Oswn 7 Daya A _.rrll -3 BloclL.Sou1hol11lf'San Oir110 frf'..,.ay 979 • 2500 , ......... ,,_ •••• """"'-4 ............ ..,, ,_ Allhrrt-4 ....._. ................... ...._ ~ H.,_ UI °'"'...,,..,. .. ,.._-it: