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1981-08-09 - Orange Coast Pilot
....-.... w~ DUlll CUIT Ylll HDMITDll DAllY PIPll SUNDAY. AUGUST 9, 1981 ORA N GE COUNT Y C ALH O HNIA '>11<.INI'-, Controller union chief calls for talks WASIUNGTON (AP) -The president o! the striking air traf- fic controllers union said Satur· day it is time to negotiate an end lo the nearly week-old strike because neither the union nor the government can win "a clean-cut victory.·· Robert E. Poli , president of the Professional Alr Trame c·ontrollers Organization, or PATCO, said the controllers re- mained firm ln their resolve Saturday, the sixth day of their strike, despite the Reagan ad- m inistratlon 's position that since the strikers had been fired there was no longer a strike. "In other words, somebody has to come to an understanding that we s it down and say, ·Ronald Reagan you were right a nd Mr . Poli you weren 't wrong,' " said PoU in a Cable News Network program. "Survival bas to be an un- derstanding to alt down and peo- ple have to give a little on both sides.·· ln Santa Barbara, Larry Speakes, the deputy White House press secretary, was asked lf any negoUaUons are un- der way. "Not that I'm aware or," he said, "but I sure would not want to rule it out either way.'' Poli said he has never said the union "will have a clean-cut win here, that we know that will hap- pen. The administration also ls SEE RELATED STORIES, PAGE AZ actine like it has a clean-cut win -'We've bJown them away. -Deity ............ ..,,......_ Workers and engineers put finishing touches on control room where plant operators will run San Onofre units 2 and 3. Reactor safety plnns 'lacking' Officials doubt evacuation of 79,000 people within 10 miles of San Onofre By DAVID KUTZMANN OI ... o.tty ~SU" ·'The Southern California EdiMm Co. ha.s announced that o problem currently emts at tM San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station that could develop into a more seriou& situation. SCE &ta.tea that there ia no danger to anyone a.t thia time and they ore working to cor· rect tM problem as qUickly as posli· ble ..... -Emergency message for radio and TV But suppose they couldn't. Suppose t he im)>r obable w e re to occur . Somethin g like this ... A fire on the sprawling San Onofr e plant site three m iles south of San C l emente threatened to llUnMAMM d estr oy or c ripple safety systems used to keep tbe nuclear reactors from overheat· ing and melting down. While plant personnel bur· ried to assess and control the situation, off-site agencies on the locaJ, state and federal levels would h ave been quickly notified. ff the situation worsened - raising rears of a release or deadly radioactive gases -de· cision-makers on the county and community level would de- ON THE INSIDE PERFECT SIZE -Defense and space system contracts from $1 milllon to $!)() million at- tract engineers to Ultrasystems of Irvine that has "the personall· ty of a mini-Fluor and high technolo&y expertl&e of a TRW, Inc." Page Cl. &NEE-HIGH -Your fall wardrobe won't have a knack without knickers. Short and · perky in corduroy or Cleecy wool, they are part of the trend to puffy pants. Paee 86. LIPE IN MINIATtJaE "People don 't realise the physical and mental aufferine it takes to create doll1," 1ay1 Madame Alexander who baa 1racefully weathered the de- manding toy trade competition for llO years. Pa1e Ae. Editor's Note. The U.S. Atomic Safety and Licenaing Board u to begin hearings Aug. 25 in OTonge County on the adequac11 of em~ evacuation plans for communities near the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. In a three-part lttie• beginninQ today, the Doily Pilot examines the usues surroundJng the evacuation plan. SUNDAY SPECIAL termine if they should put into e ffect emergency response plans. They might involve evacuat- ing all persons Uving and work· ing within a 10-mile radius of the huge nuclear power plant. Right now, that would be more than 79,000 people. But would s 4ch plans be adequate? Cou ld they protect an edgy public· from exposure to radioacllve gases that could be disgorged in the event -and an unlikely one ll would be, say nuclear power plant proponents of a meltdown accident in· volving overheated uranium fuel? The answer . various officials said, is not a simple yes or no. The plans now taking shape, they said, are by no means the same ones that may be in effect one, two or three years down the road. "The revisions to the plans are an on-going thing," said San Juan Capistrano's emergency plan ner , Cindy Ferguson . "They're always going to be changing.'' Added a federal emergency of- ficial familiar with the San Onofre issue: "Our knowledge and awareness changes and im- proves. We may review (cur- rent) plans at a later time and see new things." But at least one high-ranking state official has voiced strong concerns about the adequacy or local emergency planning ef- forts, citing "serious deficien· cies" in the documents. FederaJ officials, however, say the plans appear close to be- ing recommended for approval. FinaJ authority for this -in- sofar as licensing of the plant goes -rests with the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. And with feder al licensing hearings for newly built units 2 and 3 al San Onofre to focus on the evacuation issue, there is a predictable division or opinion between the two main pro- tagonists who will square off in the quasi-judicial proceedings. They ar e the Edison Co., which strongly endorses the plans, and the plant's critics, otherwise known as intervenors, who contend the documents are elaborate but unworkable. ln between are the various government agen cies which have reviewed and critiqued the documents, in cludi ng the N uclear R egulato ry Com - mission, the Federal Emergen· cy Management Agency and the California Office of Emergency Services. Though the state has review but no approvaJ authority over the plans, ocie official expressed the strongest reservations about documents examined by her of· fi ce. "We have found serious deli· clencies ... We have not seen plan:; that are totally adequate," said Dr. Mary Reed, chief of the nuclear power plant division of t h e Office of Emergency Services in Sacramento. There are five local off.site e mergency plans, s he said e ncompassin g portions ol Orange and San Diego counties, San Clem e nte , Sao Juan Capistrano a nd the Marine Corps at Camp Pendleton. The Capistrano Unified School District, which serves southern Orange County, also Is preparing an emergency response plan, borrowln1 heavi- ly from the San Clemente plan. But Dr. Reed identified two areas-coordination between agencies and deficiencies in (See COASTAL, Paee A4> HA.RD TO BELIEVE -The weird wahoo of overnight suc- cess amuses Kevin Wade, un- known actor-turned-playwriOt. His first -and only -scnpt, "Key Excha nge,'' 11 an off- Broadway blt. Page Bt. Fires break out in I 00-degree heat INDEX . ,.. ........ ., c ...... ~M.Ot-U f-O..., ~ .. ......... C1I ......... ..... ................... ··-·--... ~ ... ""-CM =~ :: ..-... ='--... E::... r.: _...CM -· --.. By The Aaaodated Prea A number of campers and hunters were safely e\'acuated after being trapped by a brush fire Saturday that burned 5,000 acrea near Ukiah, Calif., and about 300 people were evacuated from the path of a ra11ne f «tit flre ln the Sierra Mountalnl near Sacramento. Air tanken dropped fire retar· dant cbemlcala arouad tbe Wlllow Creek camHround ftve mil• eut of Uklab u the bnllh ftre burned out ol eootrol ln llW Creek Canyon, aald California Depart.meat of Fonstry ranter Noel l.A>ckwood. CDF 1poke1man John McAdoo sald an unknown number of campers and deerbunten were led out ot the area. No iltjuriea were reported. Some 150 l'lnft1hter1 baWed the blue, •bJch broke out at 2:30 p.m., but were hampered by steep, ru11ed terrain and temperaturea In exc... of 110 dell'ell ln mldaftemoon. In the Sierra• east or Sacramento, U.S. IO, a major route betw,een S.cruneato amt Lake Tahoe, ,.., cloeed bJ a forwt ftn toucbed off by a four. car crub that killed two people and UQand at leut ll, molt of <lee naa, .... AJ> They (the union) don't exlst.' " "We know better than that," he continued. "We're much stronger than that. The ad- mlnlstration is very strong in their position. There has to be a meeting of the minds and an un· derslandlng so that both parties can preserve their dignity and come out with a reasonable set· tlement. I th.ink there is a way.'' However , Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis bu used the past tense concernin• t.be strike and bas begun replaciae the 12.000 strlklne alr con- trollors. On Saturday, the FAA said it has hired 321 applicants for air controller tralnee and t.be first 144 will report to training school next Tuesday. The FAA said the nation's air traffic system "conllnues to run smoothly." Mideast plan new approach Saudis open to recognizing Israel BEIRUT, Lebanon <AP) - Saudi Arabia's Crown Prince Fahd has proposed a new Mideast peace plan, saying Arab slates would recognize Israel's right to "live in peace" if Israel allows the creation of a Pales- tinian state. Israeli reaction was mixed. Fahd, in charge of daily af. fairs in King Kh aled's monarchy, also called for a new United Nations resolution for a comprehensive peace settle· ment. He laid out his eight-point blueprint in an interview with the official Saudi press agency In Tel Aviv, Isr aeli Foreign Ministry spokesm an Henl lnbar said, "We don't have the Saudi proposals. We have only what we get from the media. and those are unacceptable pro· posaJs to us." But lnbar said his was a "first reaction," and Is rael would wail for more details. A spokesman for Prime Minister Menachem Begin said be was vacationing and could not be reached. Israeli television quoted mem· hers of Begin's Cabinet as say- ing the plan was "a turning point." The unidentified m inisters said Fahd's statement was the first time the Saudis have said they were willing to recognize the J ewish state. One minister was quoted as saying, ·'Indeed, the conditions are the most radical and are totally un- acceptable to Israel. But the readiness to recognize Israel must be viewed as a fundamen· tal change in the Saudi posi· lion.'· The Saudi plan calls for Israeli withdrawal from all territory oc- cupied in the 1967 Mideast war; removaJ of lsraeU settlements from the West Bank and other occupied lands ; freedom of worship guarantees for all sects in the holy lands; recognition of Palestinians' rights of repatria· lion; a U.N. trusteeship or the West Bank during a transition period; an independent Palestin- ian state with East Jerusalem as its capital; guarantee of all states' right to "live in peace," and guarantee of any agreement by the U.N. or "some of its members," presumably the U.S. and Soviet Union. In what so me d iplomats viewed as significant, Fahd's plan made no mention of the Palestine Llberalion Organiza· ti on, which the U.S. and Israeli governments have refused to consider as a partner in peace negotiations . "Perhaps the omission is to make it easier for the U.S. ad· ministration to support the sort of U.N. resolution he is suggest· ing," said one Western diplomat who declined to be identified. Mes an slain on street Costa Mesa police reported almost no clues late Saturday in their investigation of the slaying or a Santa Ana A venue man ear- ly Saturday morning. The only information police said they had was that Jeffrey Randall Knox. 33, of 2588 Santa Ana Ave. was shot severaJ times shortly after 1:30 a.m. as he walked north on Santa Ana A venue near the corner or Del Mar Avenue. Police said Knox apparently was shot from a vehicle travel· ing south. There was no descrip- tion of the vehicle, the assailant or the circumstances s urround· ing the incident, and no motive is known. Knox was pronounced dead on arrival al Fountain Valley Hospital. Police said they are unsure how many times be was shot, though three wounds were visible. Police also said they are unsure what type or gun was used in the slaying. Soviets keep eye on Polish turmoil WARSAW, Poland (AP) - The Soviet Union sent the Warsaw Pact's commander in chief to Poland Saturday for the fourth time this year as concern mounted over continuing labor turmoil. MarshaJ Viktor Kullkov held talks with Premier Wojciech Jaruzelski , who is also Poland's defense minister , Gen. Florian Siwicki, the Polish army's chief or staff, and Soviet Gen. Afanasi Shcheglov, the Warsaw Pact representative in the Polish army, the official PAP news agency s aid. , "The participants at the meet· in1 discussed the current ac- tl vlties of the united armed forces, including the issues per· talning to the combat readiness of the Polish People's Army, which is a reliable link in the de· tense system. The talks were held in a friendly, cordial al· moepbere," PAP said. Kullkov visited Warsaw three timea previously this year, and it wu presumed he was on the Battle Friday when Soviet nurinea began a hu1e am- plllbioua landlns exerclae In Sov- iet Llthuant~t some 15 mUes northeast of LDe Polish border. rl'be maneuvers and Kullkov's vt11t were Hen bJ obsenen u a 1wr wam.lq to encl th• unrest In th1a Irey Wart•• Pact ally. The Poll1h 1overnment an· nounc.d prior to Kullkov's ar- rival that atrilren will be docked salary for lut ""Ir'• protelta over food 1borta1u, wblcll It called a ··direct attack" on the gov~rnment that threatens to kill its policy of negotiating with unionists. Lech Walesa, head or the in· de pendent union Solidarity, asked for national TV time to de· bate the government's chief labor n egotia tor, and Solidarity's spokesman urged a halt to protests until alter union leaders meet in the Baltic port of Gdansk Monday arid Tuesday. Last week's protests included a walkout by nearly 1 million workers In the SUesian coal and steel region. Officials said the Silesian strike Friday coat the government 200,000 tons of UD· mined coal valued at $18 million. Coal is a vital export, earning hard currency which is badly needed by the communist re· glme, already saddled with a t:l7 billion foreip debt. Officials said the atrtkera were off the job In violation of an ac- cord with the 1overnmenl and would not be paid. Richest realty Feel like a million? If you feel llke a million dollars, you'll love the homes featured inside today's Daily Pilot. They're homes ln a class by themselves, with prices bealnnin1 at U million. On pages C8 and C7. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 9, 1981 Do you have feelings of anxiety or danger living near the San Onofre nuclear power plant? By JEFF PARKER Of .. .,..., .......... Wiiiiam Toumlllofl Costa Mesa, tlectrlcal COlttractor: "No. I'm an engineer and I think thet plant Is as safe as It can be for toctay. I'm not worried when we areen- d:Sngered In so many other ways. There's very llttle risk for the amount of good the plant does." Barbie Wagner Costa Mesa, bank supervtsor: "I used to live In San Clemente and the plant never bothered me. I was In San Luis Obispo when the no-nukes were demonstrating against the Oiablo Canyon facility and I thought it was kind of stupid. There are so many things more dangerous, I think." Michele Stephenson Costa Mesa, secretary: "Yes and no. I hadn't really given It too much thought until the Three Mile Island disaster, even with all the publicity nuclear power plants have had. I am more than a little concerned about the recent problems with San Onofre. I don't worry day and night, but the thoughts are there in the back of my mind." Richard Kolesar Fountain Valley, developer: "No, I think nuclear energy is the most logical solution to our e nergy problems. I think the plants a re built with proper safeguards." Matt Magness Costa Mesa. painter: "Yes, I worry sometimes. I don't like the idea of a nuclear reactor In my backyard, but what can we do about it? I've heard that the San Onofre plant is one of the most dangerous ones. I don't like it at all." Shawna Smith Costa Mesa, farmer: "No, I don't really worry. I think the San Onofre plant plays a n important part in our economy here. They haven't had any accidents yet, and I hope it stays that way." Mark Capps Corona del Mar, studer.t: "I don't wo rry a bout it too much, but I know there's a danger there. I'm a student of engineering so I know a lit· tie about the safety factors built into the San Onofre plant. But I also know what could happen in the case of a catastrophic accident. Even with the operators bumbling like at Three Mile Island, there was no great dis- aster. In the event of an earthquake, I sure wouldn't want to be around It, I 'II tell you that." Dennis Loreque Dana Point, magazine distribUtor: "I I Ive in Dana Point, but I don't really know too much about the San Onofre plant. I know that it's near a fault, and that's not too comfortino. My neighbor works there and he says it's really q uite safe. I'm in favor of nuclear power in general." Arthur Gutierrez Perris, retired engineer: "Absolute ly not. I'm an engineer, so I have some knowledge of the plant. I ha ve confidence In those people en- trusted with the design and execution of the plant. There are accidents, there have been accidents, but I don't think they're that dangerous." Westminster girl killed A 10-year·old Westminster girl was killed Saturday afternoon when she was struck by a motor release the girl's na01e late Saturday because some rel· atives had not yet been notified. They said the girl was struck as she crossed Magnolia Street near Edinger Avenue at about 3:5Sp.m. • home as she crossed a street in that city. West.minster police would not ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Thomas P Haley Put>t,aner ano C"'9t E11tit..ytiwe Ofh<'et Robert N. Weed "-Thomas A. Murohine [fllOf M1ch11I P Harvey ~·• t O••tc'Of L Kay Sel'lultz 0..-ol~··-· Kennelh N Goddard Jr , ~"""°''"'°' Bern1rd Schulman eoow- C h ar In H Loos ._,,~50 .... Carol A Moore .__,( ... CIH1lfled ecfvertlllng 7141942·5111 All other department• 942·4321 MAIN OFFICE llO Wot a.,. SI • Cott• ~.-.u, CA Mall ·~ Bo-'"'°· Costa Mn•. CA .,.,. CopytlQhl Utt OtM1911 Co.ut Pub11Slu"9 C.,,._n, No n•w\ ~10rt•5 ttluMr•lfOn\ P01torlAI m•ttrr Of •ct v•rtt\•mttnh tu•r•in m•v b# t•e>roouctd •Uhoul ~Ptt< 111 "rm1,uon of copyri9l'll OwMr S*<On<I Cl•\• "°'l•Q• D<l•CI 41 Co.I• Mi>\<t C•lllOtn•• I u I'S 144 IOOI !>IA>\<riPlton bY ,.,, •• , ... 00 monlMy lly m•ll U JO monlhl' mllllary df'•ll,,.llon' \4 00 rt\Or'IU\ty VOL. 74, NO. 221 11-year·old Keith McDonald shows his form Saturday at Victoria beach skimboard contest. There will be more competition today from noon to 5 p. m . Pilots say aviation still .safe By The Associated Press To hear some pilots teU it, the skies were just as safe as last week -and maybe even a little friendlier -than before the strike by air traffic controllers began. Delta was ready if you were, according to Jim Gray, second officer aboard a wide-bodied L · 1011, after a hop Cr9m Atlanta to Houston to New York and back. With fewer planes in the air. he said, "If anything, it's even * * * better now." Pilot Dave Fitzgerald of Unit· ed Airlines, safety chairman in San Francisco, flew from the West Coast lo Chicago to Boston and back to San Francisco. "AU controllers. to the man, were most professional and totally competent." he said. "In fact, we had better handling than we normally get." The Federal Aviation Ad· m inistration was using 2,500 supervisors and non-union con· trollers, along with severaJ hun· -'"" * * * dred people from the military. to rill the void left by Monday's walkout of 12,000 members of the Professional Air Traffic Con· trollers Organization. Western Airlines pilot Roger Tonnesen. returning to San Francisco from Las Vegas, made the point that. "The supervisors taught the guys on strike how to do 1t." "You don 'l forget how to roller skate and chew gum ," he said . Dick Edwards, 42. of Milan. Mich .. a pilot for Republic * * * Airlines for 13 years. said, "It's business as usual." ·'The biggest problem in the last few days has been getting people to rill the airplanes." he said. John J O'Donnell, president or the 33.000·member Air Line PiloL'i Association, said Friday that his organization, which has safely coordinators stationed at each of the nation's 23 regional control centers, has detected "no maJor safety problems de- veloping anywhere." Foreign air controllers give support to American strikers Gray and other Oyers noted a bit of camaraderie over the radio last week between control tower and the cockpit SWAT team search turns up empty PARIS <AP) -Striking air traffic controllers in the United States began lo pick up strong support abroad Saturday. A ma· JOr French union decided to block U .S.·bound flights and New Zealand controllers voted to refuse clearance to all American aircraft. In the first major action in support of the U.S. controllers who have been on strike since Monday, the National Union of Air Traffic Controller'S, which represents 45 percent o r France's controllers. called on its members to deny takeoff authority to all U .S.·bound aircraft. Union spokes man Jacques Fournier also. said the French controll e r s co ul d refuse pe r mission for U.S . ·bound aircraft from other points to enter French air space. Fournier said although the ac· tion was taken in solidarity with the striking American con- trollers, the measures decided upon by the union leadersbjp From Page A1 FIRES • • • them children, the -Highway Patrol said. By early evening the fire had raged across 1,000 steep, heavily wooded acres, and more than 300 people bad been evacuated from the Wrights Lake and Sugar Loaf r«:creation areas, the U.S. Forest Service said. No fire-related injuries were reported. Heavy weekend traffic stalled for miles in both directions as the fl.re burned on both sides of the highway, and ambulances had difficulty reaching the acci· dent scene. The highway was expected to be closed until this morning, said CHP Officer Bill Harvey. The fire was fanned by a 10 to 15 mph wind and temperatures around 100 degrees, and air tanker pilots said it was so hot the liquid tire retardant vaporized before it hit the ground. The Forest Service said ii bad 260 firefi1hters on the scene and more on the way. 'l:be Jn1hway Patrol station ln Truckee sald the report on the two deaths ln the traffic acci· dent came by radio from an of· fleer at the acene. Tbe injured were taken to bo1pltal1 ln Placerville, South Lake Tahoe and Sacramento were primarily ror reasons or safety. The spokesman said the union believed present conditions in U.S . air space were very dangerous. He said the situation in the United States was similar to that in France during a con- trollers strike in 1973 when the French government instituted a contingency plan using supervisory personnel and military replacements . In March of that year. two Spanish jetliners collided over the Atlantic coast city or Nantes. killing 68 people. A French court later ruled that the French gov· ernment was 85 percent at fault in the accident. The decision by the French controllers came too late in the day to arrect most nights to the United States. the majority of which leave in the morning or early afternoon. All but one of Air France's flights already had left, as had Pan American World Airways· only fli ght and three of four TWA fhghts. The Air France and TWA flights for New York scheduled to leave al 5 p.m. local lime also departed without problems. Fournier said the union's boycott of U.S. flights probably would not go into complete ef· rect until today. He said his un· ion was in the process of con· tacting the four other unions representing French controllers m an effort to forge a united ac· lion. On the other side or the world, New Zealand air traffic con - t ro 11 e rs voted to refuse clearance to all Americ an· registered aircraft beginning at noon today <5 p.m PDT Salur· day I. Robin Soar or Auckland, the Pacific region vice president of the international Federation of Air Traffic Controllers, said no U.S. aircraft would be cleared for takeoff. A SWAT team came up empty handed early Saturday morrung after searching a Hunt· ington Harbour residence for a reported burglar. The team had been called out to the residence at 16871 Morse Circle Friday night after the home's owners had come home Lo find a truck backed up to the residence and (urniture piled near the front door. police said. The owner had reported he had caught a glimpse or an intruder. police said. Police evacuated · three res· 1dences near the house. Two riOes and 1,200 rounds of am· munition belonging to the home's owner were in the res- idence, officers sajd. About 1 a.m .. SWAT officers entered the house, but found no one in the search. Police said the intruder had apparently fled the scene. ~·' ~--------,y.1-----------~ • Newport Surf and Sport MOW IN STOCK LACOSTE® FOR BOYS 1lze110.20 20 colors to choose from in solids. !Sizes 4· 7 solids Newport store only) ....... z22!£ii$-.c1. " .... ' S..7174 t :OO-t:OO Olly t :)O am-t pm lwn· Tl'lurt ttl t pm frrl & let ShnZ 2101/1 ....... A••· . .... ...... 67).7126 I O:fO-t:OO hly 10.7 Sun·Thura Ill t Fri & Sat • Shrel S...C...t ...... c .... MtM 641.0UJ M.t ....... hly • I Dmly Niil ....... .., CMrtH ~ Despite this spill, 11-year-old Robert Bartlett took first in his heat in the South Laguna skimboard competition. Neutron bomb revived Weapons to be stockpiled on U.S. territory only WASHINGTON (AP) -Presi- dent Reagan, reversing a con- troversial Carter administration decision, has decided to go ahead with the production and stockpiling of neutron warheads. the White House said Saturday. The warheads for the Lance battlefield missile and an eight· inch howitzer s hell wi ll be stockpiled in the United States and will not be deployed outside this country. The State Department, in response to questions about the decision, stressed that "produc- tion or these weapons is an in· ternal U.S. government matter'' and noted that "deployment out- side U.S. territory is not in- volved ... The statement said there were no plans ·•at this time" to deploy the weapons out- side the United States. In Santa Barbara, deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes confirmed that Reagan had made the go-ahead decision Thursday. He refused publi cly to provide additional details about the decision. Administration leaders are now in the process of telling U.S. allies in Western Europe about the decision, the State Depart· ment said. Western European leaders have generally opposed IJ .S. deployment of the weapons in their countries. President Carter first support- ed the weapon and approved its manufacture a nd stockpile Then, in 1978. he decided not to produce it . but instead permitted the weapon's key components to be built. The neutron warhead is a high radiation weapon designed to kill people without inflicting in- tolerable damage to surrounding structures. It carries twice the radiation but less than one-tenth the explosive power of a conven· tional nuclear weapqn. The intended purpose of the weapon, according to U.S. de- fense planners, would be to halt a Soviet tank attack in Central Europe, where the Russians now have an estimated 3·tO· l advan- tage in armor over NATO armies. Reagan's decision within the past several days to produce the weapon came ilfler a lengthy re- view of the entire neutron warhead question. a study coordinated by the National Security Council and including representatives of the Pentagon. State Department. and Energy Department. One of the key administration figures supporting production was Defense Secretary Caspar Weinberger. Under Reagan's order, the warheads and launchers will be built and stored separately, a customary practice with smaller nuclear weapons. Sen. John Tower, R-Texas, chairman of the Senate Armed Services Co mmittee, was told about the production decision early Saturday a nd he ap- plauded Reagan's stand. Philadelphia soaked City of Brotherly Love gets 4.36 inches of rain V.S. summary A ce6cl ~ tpr'Hd fair Skiff and mlld ~-e<ro91 IM 'ffltral pert of ... Ntlofl s..r.ley. ""'"• • heat spell Ufttl!IUH In -far Well MW.....,...,_""°"'"' rein o,.... ltwE..e. HN"l' rain i.11 -the middle AllMtk C:O.tt states, wltll 4.al lncllff of ralrl. 1'1111-.,Na, '~ ,..,.. 1,.. of -str.b af>d amell crwlLL Wiim.._,., Del., got 1 11 Inches of rein. Tll~r$ elto Nm"°'"' llW G<Af CoHt, wl111 1.74 lncMS of rain at Oel Rio, T .. as. Hltfl ~'" contlnwd In the Weill, wl1'I lllgfls •bove 100 detrwt from h SoutlMett deMf'ls aloftl uw coast to riortNm Calltorni.. Mt.Kii of o....., lled Mghs In 1M tO!I, and the lleat -•• ••PKl4MI to contlnw 111•9Ulll ""--'-· On .. .,... hend, perts of Teus llM ,_ _, fer Ille del•, wltll a re ..... f1f " at o.tl-Forltl W.nll and"•w-r....--.... around h Ntlofl at mldMy 5Mur119y •9"99d from a low of,. .. Artata, Calif .. lo. lllgll of 11M at a1yt11e, Calif. In'"' AtlMtk, tropkal sWnll Deft. nla ,_,_ del'S away from land. TIM ...,.,,.,11119Ntt _ .. .._, wlNls were•"""· ..W It•• locet9d -· IOU\llw9leoftlle~Verde 1Slands. For today, t<•ll•r •d thwn· • ..._.. .... forecat -.... MMl"'9nl Atlantic CoHt wltll rein o,.... N9w England. s..ntoy Skies_,.. f--~. T..,..w"'-ln die 709 _re _ dkled ter .. t10rtMn1 Pt.Ills -flMw E•Wld; lntfle .. Wlcltea l11 tll9 SOUltlNIC; In the tot e<rKS llW Weslef'11 ....... and above 100 In Ore1on, tlle Inland welleys of Ca!Kltmle -ttie W-1 SolltllweM. California l"elr tfWoulll Nlelldey wltll c- ,,.._. ... diel'l ift4end -"''"' -,_...._ -.. cout. wllfl ... -... , .... Ill """' .... IMf'llll\t . lleura. ~ .... C-ty fll9N will re1191 '""" .. ._, 70I • tM llMcllel .. ..... ...._.i.-lnlowtomldllM ..... ....... ....,. 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S.ntalMrlo SllntaMllN<a Stoel<'"" Ta'-Valley TIW<TNI Torr.-.<• Yuma CANADA Cal9M}' Ed..- -.1ru1 Otuw. Re91N T-Vane_. G~LTaM" Amsl«dam Alllem 8a"911dl Bel9radlt Ber11n llruuels ll'AI,.. Cairo CMac.n c_,_n Outllln Fra'*1urt O.neva .Helslnlll HOftO Konv JeruUlem Jo'burg Kiev Lima Ustion L-~ Manlt. MokOW .... D9ltll Mkosle Otlo P«ls Rio ,._ S.OP-S.OVI s1,._.. Siio<-s ....... Taltlel Tel Aviv TOll'l'O v ....... ,, ,. 1m .. 107 11 ICI 17 14 .. .. ,, ,, 11 10 ., 14 tl 1• 1J .. '5 11 1S 10 .. 12 u '° to u .,, M 11 M to .. .,, u .. n ,, to tl 11 7S ti IS u n • 11 ., SURf REPORT " u .. 4.1 ,. ., .. .. JO S1 S1 " .. .. u n 11 10 •1 " " n .. u " M " SS 12 M ,. S1 S1 " '1 .. 1S S1 • 1J S1 M St .. S4 M 11 SS • ,, n n M " SI n ... ..... A .. ... -• ... ..... ............ . ....... .,., '2 • " " " .. 61 .. n '3 " 11 z-, S.....Mlink<I , I 4 • .....,... 1 SM °"99 c-icy I ~ ter ........,: Little <flel\tle. II It tt 11 t 2 SW I I SW t I SW 1 I SW We're Listening ••• What do you like about the Dally Pilot? Whal don 't you like? Call the number below and your message wiU be recorded, transcribed and deUvered to the appropriate editor. The same 24-hour answerina 1ervlce may be used to record letters lo the editor on any topic. Mailbox contributors mual inc:lud~ their name and telephone number for verUlcatlon. No clrculatlon calls, please . Tell us what'a on your mind. 642-6088 -.... .... ., • =·Jw ____________ """"!"' __ ~ ...................................... .. ' ' ,, Orange CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 9, 1981 H~ donations welcome Other side of story softens grief of cycle fatality By STEVE MITCHELL °' .. .....,,.... .... It waa well pa1t mldnlcht when Danny Garrard bld farewell.to bis friends ln Laiuna Nl1ueJ, hopped on his motorcy· cle and beaan the long ride down Crown Valley Parkway toward bis Laauna Beach home. The 19-year-old Laguna Beach Hiah School graduate wasn't wearing a helmet the mornina of July 24, though his mother said he frequently wore head protec· lion whenever he rode bis motorcycle. As he rounded the last long curve before the road ends at Coast Highway, Danny's motorcycle slammed into a pickup truck turning left onto Pacific Island Drive. Following the collision, Danny was taken to the trauma center al Mission Community Hospital. The truck driver went to jail, booked on suspicion or drunken driving. Danny, an active surfer, skier and swimmer, never regained consciousness the six days he re· mained in the intensive care unit at the Mission Viejo hospital, his life sustained only by complex medical machinery. When it became evident to hospital officials that Danny would not survive, doctors ap- proached the boy's family about the possibility or donating some of Danny's organs . ·'The doctor said that if Danny didn't make it, the organs could go to other people," Tess Gar- rard, his mother recalls . ''The doctor said he mentioned it as a possibility because Dan was so young and his organs were so healthy." Danny's parents. his older brother and four older sisters discussed the proposal in the waiting room of the hospital, reaching a consensus in short or· der. "It seemed like a good thing ror us to do ... his mother said. "We felt uplifted after the de- cision was made." With the family's consent. Mission Community officials im· mediate ly contacted the Regional Organ Procurement Agency on the UCLA campus. Blood samples were sent to UCLA and information was fed into a computer containing the names of thousands of patients in need of organs. "By the current law, Danny De6ty ........... "-19 Tess Garrard considers it a miracle that son Danny lived Long enough for doctors to find a teen recipient for h1s heart was described as a patient with brain death," explained Linda Pierog , trauma nur se coordinator at Mission Com- mu~ity. ·'Trauma center physicians and the nursing staff talked to the family about continuation of life support," she said. "The family became very interested in donating his organs to someone. ''They realized the person - Danny -was no longer there, and that something could be done to help others." Mrs. P ierog said. Six days after the accident. with Danny still on life support equipment. surgeons at Stanford Medical Center called to say they had a 16-year-old girl in need or a new heart. Acting quickly. a surgical team removed Danny's heart, which was flown by Lear jet to Stanford. where it was implant- ed in the young girl the same night. A week and a half later the girl, who suffers from a rare de- generative heart disease, con· tinues to recover at the medical center. Since that transplant, other parts of Danny's body have been successfully placed. Danny's corneas will help a 25-year-old man and a woman in her 705 to see. Captive great white shark still healthy And a 40-year-old at UCLA Medical Center received one of Danny's kidneys, as did a 30· year-old at UCI Medical Center. It's been a little more than two weeks since Danny's family was shattered by the early morning phone call telling them of the crash. SAN DIEGO <AP> -A great white shark that has survived in captivity longer than any other member of the species was re- fusing food Saturday but otherwise appeared to be in good health, officials said. "He's still in there swimming around with the other sharks," said Diane Taramasco, a spokeswoman for Sea World. The sin-foot, 100-pound shark was caught in nets of a com- mercial fishing vessel Monday. and at noon Friday broke the world record for longevity in captivity. Sharks often refuse to eat and then turn lethargic before dying. But marine scientists monitor· ing the young male said it re- mained alert and fairly active as it swam a.round a 400,000-gallon exhibit with about 20 other sharks of four species -lemon. bull, brown and nurse. To ease the possibility that the ' sunwear · COIOMA DIL MAI 213 I I. C..t Hwy. 675-9700 , new arrival and the other sharks might battle, the other sharks were being fed more than usual. The newcomer wasn't in- terested in food, "but that isn't a problem." Ms. Taramasco said. "( do know that a lot or the sharks that we do have in there now, they didn't eat for quite some time, and sharks can go for a long lime without eating." Scientists cautioned that breaking the previous 96-hour mark "doesn't guarantee" the great white will accept its new surroundings. The s hark represents Sea World's sixth attempt since 1976 lo keep a great while alive for research. Two tries failed the week before the current shark was captured. The first shark died after a day in captivity and the other was returned to the ocean after developing signs of stress . At Hobie's It's still Summer! SPORTS LTD. SPORTS CENTERS "There's been a lot of crying a round here but I think that since we've heard what good things have happened since. we all seem better." Mrs. Garrard said. Three of her daughters nodded their assent as they sat in the living room or their parents' hilltop home overlooking Aliso Canyon . "Danny loved life so much he would have thought it a shame to waste it," said Nancy, his oldest sister. Tess Garrard considers it a miracle that Danny was allowed to live long enough for surgeons to find the teen-age girl with the heart disease. "Someone up there was letting Danny live long enough -six days -for the girl who needed his heart," she said. "It's nice to see the other side of the story.·· llVIMI 4701 ,.,...c. 552·5252 ,. 'I .orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 9, 198.1 From Page A1 Worker heads out of one of three fire exits from Unit 3. Door opens on tunnel through 12·foot wall to another door. In between, negative air keeps any fumes inside the chamber. Map illustrates coastal portion of Emergency Planning Zone within 10· mile radius of San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station where evacuation plans are most critical. City planners constantly update systems to alert residents. Ninth hunger striker dies COAST AL EV ACU A TI ON PLANS INADEQUATE? • • • BELFAST, Northern Ireland (AP) -Irish Republican Army guerrilla Thomas Mcllwee died Saturday on the 62nd day of his hunger strike in the Maze Prison, s parking riots in Catholic areas of Belfast and Londonderry Mcllwee, 23, was the ninth guerrilla to die at the Maze since the fasting campaign began March L His death came on the eve of the loth anniversary of Britain's policy of jailing sus- pected terrorists without trial. Although the policy was aban· doned in 1975, the anniversary is usually marked by riots. Youths lobbed gasoline bombs and rocks at security forces in Catholic West Belfast after word of Mcllwee's death spread. They were answered by a barrage of rubber bullets. Poli ce outs ide a precinct house in the Falls R'oad section. a Catholic neighborhood. were Mmbarded by rocks and debris from apartment rooftops. Nine people were arrested when police stopped a march in front of Belfast City Hall. A German photographer was wounded in the leg. Police did not disclose his name and said it was unclear if the injury was from a rock or rubber bullets. Violence also flared in Lon· donderry, near Mcllwee's home town of Ballaghy. Hundreds of protesters and police clashed. Mcllwee was serving a life sentence handed him by a non- j ury court in 1977. He was ar- rested in Ballymena, 20 miles north or Belfast, in October 1976, after a woman whose bouti· que he firebombed burned to death and a bomb exploded in his car. That bomb blinded his left eye. His right eye was reported severely infected when he died. He also was said to have suf· fered kidney failure. A brief statement from Bri· tain's Northern Ireland office said Mcllwee "took his own life by refusing food and medical at- tention.·· One week ago, Kevin Lynch, 25. starved himself lo death. and a day later -Sunday -25-year- o Id hunger striker Kieran Doherty died. training -as signiricant prob· lems observed during a dis· aster drill which took place last May. Most agencies with plans participated in the exercise. Many implementing pro- cedures for carrying out these plans. the California official said, had not yet been written at the time of the drill. The test was requested by Southern California Edison Co., which has the authority to ask for such a test as part of the li censing pro- cess. Additionally, Dr. Reed said. the drill may have been pre· mature since several agencies had not completed or submitted their "standard operating pro- cedures" beforehand. (Several local planners said they had completed procedures but had not yet submitted them for review before the drill.) "We certainly want the coordination problems to be solved," the nuclear chemist and slate administrator said, ad· ding that her agency's observa- tions and evaluations were f orwarded to the Nuclear Regulatory Commission. Local officials said efforts have been made to insure that the various plans "mesh,'' in· eluding formation of a local planning group made up of representatives from agencies that must prepare the docu- ments. Plague found near Reagan's ranch The group, which meets once a month. is made up of San Diego and Orange counties, the Marine Corps. San Clemente, San Juan and the Edison Co. There also are federal and state observers. These meetings have become especially important as the local agencies work on final drafts of their plans, various spokesmen said. . SANTA BARBARA <AP> - President Reagan ls taking pre- cautions against bubonic plague. which was found last month near the mountaintop ranch where he is vacationing. "The White House was recent· ly advised by the county health department of the possibility of bubonic plague being in proximi· ty to Rancho del Cielo," said a statement issued Saturday by the traveling White House. "Routine precautions as recom- mended by the county health de· partment are being taken ... Those precautions include not handUng wildlife and tucking trousers into boots, said deputy White House press secretary Larry Speakes. The plague was found last month in a wood rat less than a mile from Reagan's ranch in the Santa Ynez Mountains about 20 miles from h e re . Bubonic plague, which claimed 75 million lives in Europe in the Middle Ages, has not been found in the ranch area since last month, and Speakes expressed little concern over the president's safety. Dr. Daniel Ruge, the pres!- • d ent's physician, reported through White House press aides Saturday that he had been ad- vised of the possibility of the plague before the president ar· rived here Thursday night. But no thought was given to cancel- ing the trip. Federal officials, while acknowledging there were prob· lems with the evacuation plans, were less critical In their evaluations than the state. "(The plans) are well on their way to being acceptable," said Ra y Fi s h , the Nuclear Regulatory Commission's team leader in the recent evaluation of the disaster drill for San Onofre. Fish, a radiation specialist who works out of the federal agency's omce in Walnut Creek, said the commission's principal responsibility was to review and evaluate Edison's on-site plan, Topaz and Diamond•. From our colorful collectfon1 of predout and teml· preclout atone Jnoelry. A. magnlflu nt blue topaz of 13.36 carots In pmdont with four marqvlae-cut dlomond1: $6,000. 8 . 7.37 carats amber topCll ring drcled by round dlamondt: $5,800. C. pendant with 6.11 corata amber IOpal and •mond1: $4 .500. In 18~ gold. Bailey Banks& Biddle World Renottmed Jewelers Sina 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA, COSTA NE8A Ant,..... Bulock'a .... (114' 711.-.0 A-.Ma..V ... llt,,_.F..,_..,._ \ r which is fused to the others by its accident notification and as- sessment responsibilities. Off-site eval uation was handled mainly by the Federal Emergency Management Agen- cy. In ~ssessing last May's ex· ercise. that agency concluded that further review, training and drill efforts were necessary "to correct current shortfalls in ... coor ~ination and communica- tion. areas." E.laborating on those recom· mendations, San Onofre project officer Kenneth Nauman Jr. said that, even though his agen- cy felt improvem ents were needed in the plans, none re· quired any major overhauling or revisions of the documents. Nauman said they were the types of changes required to "smooth out" the plans. Added a nother federal emer gency official, Verne Paule. "We have reviewed the plans. and while there's room for improvement, they provide an ord erly procedure for evacuation ... Both Nauman and Paule praised local planning efforts, describing them as "exceptional and thorough." Not surprisingly, Edison Co. officials -heavily involved in the preparation or both the OD· site and community-wide plans, agreed. David Pilmer. s upervising engineer in the utility 's nuclear engineering department and coordinator or emergency plan- ning, said the disaster drill was a success and demonstrated a "high degree or involvement and commitment" by the communi- ty planners. He said the Federal Emergency Management Agen· cy report concluded that all plans were generally in order although further training and implementation procedures were needed. That evaluation by the federal agency will likely play a major role for both sides in the upcoming hearings on emergen- cy planning, set to begin Aug. 25 at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel. Earthquake safety bearings by the three-member Atomic Safety and Licensing Board already have been held in San Diego. Challengers of the $3.3 billion units 2 and 3 at San Onofre claim that the study bolsters their contentions that emergency plans are unworka· ble in a real crisis. rOn Monday, how emergency plans for San Onofre work and the typea of emergencies they cover wiU be detailed.) REMODELING? Professional help: your home, your boat, your office 2650 AVOM ST., MEWPOIT IEACH 642-2255 color coordinating! Space planning! Total design! All Stock carpet 20°/o below wholesale FREE clesfCJll COftlUltation with carpet or drapery order. t 2HOA••St. · ' PedfkC .... H • Shores Interiors ONE STOP 'FOR ALL YOUR R>ME DECORATING NEEDS TOT AL DECORATING SERVICE ALL ITEMS DISCOUNTED 30%-50%-MORE Draperies, carpet. wallpaper, reupholstery, mi niblinds, Levolors, Ohline cedar shutters, woven-woods & vertical blinds. Slipcover sale still going on. FREE home design service. Just call for Fltll ISTIMA TIS. Id 1(MJJ, -~ ~. 590 W. 19th St., Costa Mesa 631-4402 Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguet 9, 1981 Al Nuke plant power eyed To better widerstand radiological hazards associated· with nuclear power plant o~raUon, one must know sometblng of how it plant operates. ,. San Onofre, according to Southern California Edison orticlaJs, ls a pressurized water reactor-type generatlna station, with an output of 456 megawatts of electricity from Unit 1. That unit has been in operation slnce early 1968 but ls currently shut down for repairs to a damaged diesel generator. Each of the two new units awaiting licens- ing at the plant will have an output of 1,100 megawatts each. ::,imply put, a pressurized water reactor works in this fashion: Heat is transferred from tbe nuclear core to a heat exchanger by water kept under high pressure to achieve high tem· peratui:e without boiling in the primary system. Steam LS generated in a secondary circuit. PA"TITIO~ Pl.ATE Ma ............ c.llMnil• .... Diagram details how nuclear energy is used to generate electricity in reactor. The steam then drives turbines which spin the generators, according to The Edison Co. thus producing electricity. ' The plant's reactor cores -contained within large domed concrete buildings which rise along the coastline near Interstate s in northern San Diego County. use enriched uranium dioxide as a fuel. A ruit load, in pellet form, can weigh about 72 tons. Before being placed in the reactor (the pellets are contained within fuel rods> the uranium fuel is only slightly radioactiv~ and poses little hazard. Once the nuclear fission process begins in the reactor, however, producing heat, the fuel becomes highly radioactive. The byproducts formed in this process pose the primary hazard ~ssociated with a nuclear power plant, accord· mg to the county's emergency response plan. "It must be assumed that whenever a nuclear generating plant is operated, a nuclear accident ts possible," the county document says. An accident could occur in this fashion. If the coolant systems in the plant which keep the reactor core from overheating were to break down , the Cuel core could melt, falling to the bottom of the pressure vessel. <The odds against this happening, nuclear proponents contend, are astronomical. A nuclear powr plant has numerous and redun· dant safety systems, Including an emergency core cooling system. which are designed to pre· vent a meltdown from occurring. Nucle~r critics rear that, in a strong earthquake. the safety systems could be lost and a meltdown would be inevitable). Aller the Cue! coremelled, a steam ex· plosion would be possible if a pool of un· e\>aporated water remained in the bottom of the pressure vessel into which the molten core fell. Concluding this disaster scenario, a state analysis of nuclear power plant accidents says: ''If this were to occur, under certain restricted conditions, steam would be generated within the reactor pressure vessel at an ex- tremely rapid rate as the molten core interact- ed with the pool of water. "The resulting pressure buildup within the reactor has been hypothesized to occur rapidly <so) that it resembles an explosion ... "In the steam explosion scenario ... it has been postulated that a large segment or the upper head or the reactor pressure vessel could be driven ofC with violent force under the in· SUMMER SALE OF ESPADRILLES Group of Jacque Col1cn c:s poc1rilles in o t uiclc l '(lrier~J q{ s wnn1er colors. C)rig inally $28 to $32 519 to 52 1. JO:H: :t'1' :E-10 G ..A..:t'l' 111 /-'<1<.,/l1<lll /<.,/rn 1<1. ,'\'l't q.>< m Celllt>r <i.+.+ 7 HX > • one eal rtuence of the extremely rapid pressure build· up. "This massive missilt> has been simplistically credited with such high velocities and momentum that it could be driven com- pletely through the roor of the reinforced con· crete containment structure which houses the reactor, leaving a lar~e hole through which fis· sion products could escape directly into the at- ~osphere." The state analysis notes that such an acci- dent has never occurred in a nuclear power plant. There are other types of accidents which have been postulated ror study purposes, lnclud· ing a meltdown which causes seals around pipes lo fail, in turn leading to fission products gradually leaking through the "relatively small, maze-like openings around the seals." The radioactive materials would then leak into the atmosphere. It is with these possibilities in mind -re- mote as they may be -that emergency evacua· lion plans were r equired to be drawn up for communities surrounding the San Onofre Nuclear Generating Station. -David Kutzmann Me dfly found outside zone SANTA CRUZ CAP> A fertile Mediterranean fruit ny bu been found ln Santa Crui County, spurrin1 otficlala here Saturda)' to launch the fint Chase ol a contlneency plan to protect their ripen· ng apple crop. Santta Cruz County Agriculture Commissioner Jack Slmmen &Mounced Saturday tJlat a lone female rnedlly carrylna ~mmature e111 was found in the San Lorenzo Valley near Boulder Creek, about 30 miles south and west of the 267-square· mile area already quarantined because of the medfiy lntestaUon. On Frida.)(, medfly project officials announced that 179 additional square miles, south of the zone where aerial spraying began July 14, would un· dergo al least six applications of malathion, a pesticide, at seven to 10-day intervals. And the realization that the fly's life cycle can be as lon1 as 70 days, Instead of 30 days as fU'Sl thought, prompted J erry Scribner, director of the eradication effort, to order eight rounds of pesticide to be aerially sprayed over the 267· square mile zone, which was originally slated to undergo six applications. Daniel De Los Reyes, a project spoltesman, said Saturday that cool weather apparently alloW1 the flies~ live as long as 42 to 70 days. The fourth round of aerial spraying was scheduled to begin early Monday. De Los Reyes said the first application over the new zone -a seven-mile swath divided by U.S. Highway 101 and extending 19 miles south to Gilroy -will be done on Wednesday. Thursday and Friday. Growers who are part or California's $4 billion yearly produce business dread the medfly, which can lay its eggs on . and ruin, some 200 varieties of fruit and vegetables. Fear that malathion's long-range effects might be harmful prompted residents to protest the aerial assault and Gov . Edmund G. Brown Jr. to delay its beginning. A threat of a federal quarantine made Brown drop his opposition_ to the spraying. Meanwhile on Saturday, Florida officials re· ported that residents of an area near Tampa that had been ground-sprayed with malathion were not objecting to aerial spraying, scheduled to begin Monday. The ground spray10g was quickly ordered after the thre'e medflies were found in a citrus tree in East Tampa on Tuesday. It was the first trap- ping of medflies in Florida in 18 years, officials said. Free Lecture How can you or members of your family avoid being on~ of the more than one mllllon people who die yearly In the U.S. from heart disease. strokes. diabetes. certain cancers. or high blood pressure? Come lo the LlrtSTYlf energy and I reel great: At the free lecture. you·11 also learn how to earn money using our advanced marketing system. In Join the party! •• , 2000™ free lecture so you II learn how to prevent or reverse symptoms or theM: h1terdous conditions with our nutrition and oerctse program recommended by experts. I 9~ there were only 6.000 mllllonalresl Now In 1981 there are over 600.000 mllllonalresl Over half the new mllllonalres this year wlll be women. Build your future without Investing a lot of money or time. You can get In on t~e ground noor. lle•ulte or membere II••• been lmpre••l•e1 Michael Oodfrey -My cholesterol went from 274 down to 178. my need for lnsulln ucturebJ• Nlct1olas R. dttreescd 10 units In less than :2 Delgado, graduate or U.S.C. weeksl" Mary Perez -"I lost over formu Director or the Prlllkh'I 13 ll>S. In 3 days amazingly eaeyl" 15etleT Health Program and now Charlle Mosey -"I have more f'resldent of LIFUTYL£ 1000'""· NllLICTUll 1:00 ,.-.. T--.. A ... I I.WESTMINSTER L18RARY, 8180 13th St. .. "" .,, 8MC:ll .... -lo ,.,. ........ 10:00 &&. ht ..... 11, CAAMENYUPAOONFERENCECEN1"8'. 1•11 Delllwlr9 St., Huntt~on ~. .................... ~ ----·- ( I To a very small tot who might havt' to go there, a hospital can seem like Dr~cula's castle, or the big bad giant looming at the top of the hill. But Hoagy Parties, held every Wednesday afternoon, rain or shine, at Hoag H6spital, show kids while they'~ well that hospitals aren't all that bad.· Hoagy Clown is there with a nurse to demon- strate blood pressure cuffs and thermometers and other things a child might encounter during a hospital stay. Later, the youngsters visit the pedi- atric unit. Familiarity helps remove fear; the giant is cut down to size. For your group of friendly Brownies, Cub Scouts, Indian Guides, or for the child who's , facing a hospital stay, ask about Hoagy Parties. Reservations are as easy as pie through a call to the Public Relations Department, (714) 645-8600, ext. 2108. If a clown answers-don't hang up! HOiii HOSPITAL HOAG MEMORIAL HOSPITAL PRESBYTERIAN 301 Newport Boulevard Newport Beach. California Your OoOd Niilbboi1 ~your community since 1952. · This ~c is brouaht to you throullf the acnerosity of a donor-at oo expense to patients r ____ .........,,,__ _______ -~ --......-.---- Orange Cout DAIL y PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 0, 1981 0.11, ......... "~ Madame Alexander. 85 , says appreciation and im- mortality m dolls make work worthwhile 1.-nc T Tropical Fish • Fresh • Marine Sped•I Aug. 5, 1911 -Aug. 11, 1981 Br•chyd•nlo renrlo: .89 I Inhabit the fast flowing streams of India. My basic color Is olive green with blue and silver horizontal body stripes. I am an ebullient little creature always active. See me at Aquatic Tropicals where I am on sale under the name "Zebra" for only .89 • 1510 W_ Baker• Costa Mesa 549·1391 •Corner Harbor & Baker. :lectronlceity eliminates flying and crawling ~ ONE SINGLE PURCHASE CONQUERS YOUR PEST PROBLEM WITHOUT CHEMICALS! PROVEN EFFECTIVE AGAINST • Fleas • Roaches •• Flies • Spiders • Mosquitos • Moths • Ants • Rats •Mice • Bees/ • Crickets • Water ~asps Bugs • IHICTIVE. SAFI. SILENT UL TllASONIC WA VH • SAFI TO HUMANS AMO P£TS • PISTS BJMIHA TIO IM 2 TO 6 WEBS • USES OHL Y 4 WA TI'S OF POWEil • COVHS 1500 SQ. FT. • HO SPECIAL IHST ALLATIOH NOW 56950 ! MONEY BACK GUARANTEE IF 3 O·DA Y PESTFREE DOES NOT SOLVE YOU PEST PROBLEM! USA EPA est. No. 44862-IL-02 Dimensions 6~ in x 5\4 in x 2\4 in. • I WCT0a IAL8. 14114 COAST HWY.• •AM POINT 1=. ":" ~.~'.; ..... .; ~ ;;;,; ;p. ~·· ·..:::..,.,.. i I:;;..'::."',.;; ;r ;;;;.;pa;,;.;,;;,;; ...... , . .,.. ._ I I .~•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••··· I ~ .............................................. 1 1 laty .... ,, .. ,,, ........................ Zip .••.•..•.••• lvte.'Mlltercttd No .............•••.....• Exp ••••••••• I ~ ........... , .................. _ ...............• _______________ .. s~ designs storybook dolls. • • By MARY JANE CA&CELLO o1 .. .....,PMll .... Fifty years a10 a 1truaaUn1 doll maker rrom the East Coall vlllted a California car· toon11t'1 ramblln1 atudloe put toaetber from a few 1ara1ea. But the makeshift 1urroundln11 didn't detract from the friendly conversation. "Madame, you and I are 1oln1 to make It," Walt Disney predicted to Madame Alexander aa she left. Last week she sat ln a 12th·fioor 1ulte at the Disneyland Hotel with a view of acres teeminl with tourists. Her commemorative and storybook dolls, ror sale al selected shops within the hotel and the park, have proved so popular with collectors that sales are rationed, according to a Dis· neyland merchandise buyer. "You can see the' resulta of our ambitions," said Madame Alexander with a laugh, "but I don't know how Walt knew I'd make it. I thought he was prelty well established al the time, but I was just beginning." The 85-year-old designer, simply called "Madame" by her e mployees and as· sociales, says the company was named Madame Alexander because "it sounded more inleresUng than the Alexander Doll Co.. and someone told me I looked French." She wore a red, ruffled blouse and black slacks for the interview, and a scent of rose perfume wafted through the hotel suite. Allhoufh very much a part ot the present, she didn't mind a bit of remln11cln1. Madame ducrlbu heraeff 11 "born amon1st dolls" because bet father operated a doll bolpltal, a aklU learned In Germany on bis way to America •• an lmmlirant. "He learned the art of rlxlng broken porcelain, which all dolls were made rrom then, and he was supposed to repair watches, clocks and mechanical toys," she remembered. ·•But he wasn't qualified to do the mechanical things, and he always ended up atv- 'People don't know the physical . and mental suf- fering it takes to create dolls.' ing money back to (he dissatisfied customers. "Al that point, my mother suggested he stick to the porcelains and dolls," she said with a laugh. "But one of my earliest memories -I must have been about 7 was seeing children cry because some dolls couldn't be mended. I re- alized how Important dolls were, and by age 12 I wanted to make a doll that wouldn't break ... 5.50 Our Reg. 7.97 Women'• Utility Oxford Fasc1nators. 3 eyelet oxford Tan vinyl with dark brown stitching Women·s Sizes 5-10. ~1 11 Poo j Pk9 " L sgg ' But years later, when try In& to make a cloth doll, ahe found that the flat faces weren't interestina. "l didn't have much knowled1e in workln1 with the muslin,'' ahe said, "and the facial con· tours were hit-or-miss. I had trouble getting them even.'' Lining the muslin with a heavier buckram fabr~ worked better, she found, especially when wet. . "'I used a large tablespoon to puff out the lit· tie cheeks," she said, "and put in more stuffing to hold the shape." Doll collectors, knowing her original Alice In Wonderland flat.face dolls are worth $1,500 to $2,000 now, would be pained to hear that her company first distributed them to stores for $14.40 a dozen to be sold at a retail price of $1.98 each. She created her "Lillie Women" dolls because "I was the oldest of four children and identified with that book." Another doll , "Baby Geruus," came from a song she heard on the radio and had a cloth body but composition' head, hands and feet. "Composition was a powder made from fl our and resin mixed with water and baked," she said. "Some manufacturers had problems with crackmg from hot or cold weather as the dolls sat an storerooms, and even the poorest child <See Page A7' 4.66 Pkg. Evaporative Window Cooler 12.50 12 TrHh Compactor Bag• En1oy cool comfort for very low cost Fxpandable mounting frame s1mphlies onstallatK>n 1n any window Three·speed operation Time-Zero~ Twin Pack 78¢ Malted Milk Balla Polaroid<• SX-70• film 20 exposures Focal Flaehber II Twtri P.c:ll ....................... J .33 5.97 10" Saute Fry Pan I t~Y 10 clean S1lwrStr.>n1o.· """ stick c;O<lk•nq 'urf;i~e • OVPon1 Al>!><oveo f 'reli••··········· 97e 1 2 .50 250 Count l 111•11111 ' Colortex Napkin• Men'• Kingaport Golf Shirt Cotton/Poryester knit. Extra long tuck·1n cut, flapped pocket: Assorted colors Sizes S-XL. Made with real malled milk for that old '-.] !!It.I. LI.... Great IOI home °' OUIOOOr •• 2 . ---· ,..,_ 25% OFF All wi1JI reed c1f1 curt1i11 11d wi1JI roll-up blinds i11 stock • 48-0unce• . Cryat•I Vanlah T0tlet bowl cleaner helps to disin- fect and remove sta111s ·-w1 fa shioned flavor 13-0z. • size · ._ ... 2.47 Vinyl T•ble Cover• "Espana" designs: 52x70• size. 60x90" oblong or oval ..................... 3.97 c ook·ou1s Strong and atxolbent Stereo Headphone• Headband adjusts for comfort Softly padded ear cushions 4-Ply -.-.......c:::Tl=::'z::=::::---,Polye•ter .......... Cord Blackwall• s24600xl2 Plus F.E.T. 1.39 Each • 7 Muth ''ped T reod Ribs • "78" 5of its T reod 0.11gn e Alloidoble Bios Ply ~111111~!11, • Whotewolts, 2.88 Moie Eo. ................ AH Tires plvs F.E,T. Ea. ~"""' lftdvdecl NeT,.._lfllequirett Men. thru Sat. ,....,~ Alltnm.nt 7 .97 ,_.. u.s.c.n • 1--I I ' . ,~, ·I.,_,-. • I.. ..... ..... '-} 00 ,· ~-'::'..::::. -c.,,, Out, I• .... Sale Price •59 •19.•39 4,_•3& D6ec lltelce Job Fronl only. For many Amerlcan cars. • •ar •,__• ._.,.,.. GeneretOfS, alllfna· 1011 01 St Ir ltll Save K.D.lttoctle HHlly·duly model lor man'I' U S ca11 Sl\llllQI ,,, ........ With Etrc:...._. 46.88 .......,....,, For many U S cars ana llljlhl trucks Save I ...... '\a. .. .. • • • • ,. • • .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 •• .and some from real life, too (From Pase At> '" doesn't want a doll with a cracked face." She remembttred that one competitor waa tlooded with def ectlve dolls returned after Christmas one year. "He went up to the roof ol h1a bulldlna and Jumped," she said. "People don't know the physical and mental suffering it takes to create dolls." And the introduction of plastics, while welcome in the toy Industry, had its problems. "Plastic developed yellow spots,'· she said. "I went to DuPont and told them it was impor· tant to millions or chillil"en that they improve it.'' 1 Madame described her attitudes as mid· Victorian but admitted she pioneered dolls with realistic anatomy. ''The dresses didn't look right on flat- chested dolls, so at first we band-sewed buttons inside each dress for a bustline. Then we glued the buttons on the dolls. ''Finally we did 'Sissy,' a doll with a bustline, but I had to keep it away from the public for three years. Things have changed since then." Many of her designs are inspired by famous literary characters, and a few are from real life. ··1 admired Scarlett O'Hara, so I made a doll or her years ago. This year a new Scarlett ap- peared with a Rhett Butler doll. ., .... ,~-t .. ~.~ 0 ~ f 4 ,. 0 4~ ~ ~ ·" ,,._ "We've also made a Uttle Lord Fauntleroy doll. Did you ever read that story! It's enchant- ing. tUs mother was American, you know. and never accepted by hls father's English friends and famJly. "I include a little synopsis.of Uae story on the tag that goes with him," she said. :·People ask when I'm going to do a Prin- cess Diana doll, but I ask, 'Whal'• she done yet?' I like to do dolls of someone who'a con- 'People .ask when I 'm goi ng to do . a Princess Diana doll. I . ask, 'What 's she done yet?' ' tributed something. Besides, her hair style is all wrong for her." She has done two series on presidential first ladies and a third series Is yet to be released. '·It was a mistake to stop production on the first series, because it's driven prices up from $45 to as much as $1,500," she noted. · Doll production is slow, and her company is almost four years behind in orders, even with as many as 1,000 employees during the peak season. "A person only can do about seven or e'ght hairpieces in a day," she pointed out. "Ftrst the hair la given a permanent, combed out, set with invisible pins and then baked to set the style. "And it's hard to get and keep good workers. Not everyone wants to sit all day and sew sleeves Into a dress with an armhole the circumference of a quarter.•· But all her dolls will find a home, and Madame refuses to name a favorite. "Does a mother have a favorite among her children?" she challenges. Her dolls are so popular that all 600 tickets for a dinner given in her honor at the hotel's grand baJJroom sold in less than a week with no advance publicity. Doll fanciers had to be issued tickets for the privilege or standing in line to buy dolls with autographed tags, and Madame Alexander was embarrassed. "It makes me feel selfish," she said while refusing to pose with any of her creations. "I'm not here to sell dolls.'' But she knows what she and the dolls have done for each other. "I wasn't born with knowledge -just in· stincts." she said. "I had the natural gift of creating and a sense of my own convictions. "I've worked hard, but it was worth 1t, because I'm immortalized in dolls." II K mo•I" AOYUITISfO fil(llCHANOlll POLICY °""""'"' ................ ,,_ ........ ,~ .0.-• •..a...,,. ,io)(•r.o ..,.~" •• ,,. ........ ~.....-'"""•·••••oo..,, r-~•·· ...... • .. ·"'"' .. ,. ..... .,. ..... . ..._.... ·-·"-( .... "' ~.., -"' ........ , .... ~ ........ ,, .. ~ ... ~ ..................... ..., •. _ ........................... ~ ... _.. ica.•~.O. ..... ,.,._... ..... ~ ..... --..c ........ ot". 1.86 10-Quart W Plastic van;r~1~eba1k~t decorator COiors. S~:~et tn 16.97 3.44Ea. 4.97 Corelle® Dinnerware 16-Piece set. Set Includes service for 4. in a selection of patterns. Satin Sleep Pillow Enjoy sweet dreams on the luxury of a quilted acetate satin sleep pillow. Soft polyester filling. 3For88¢ 1.38 2For s1 \ Framed Door Mirror Your dally aid to good grooming! Walnut- look plastic frame. . 2For88¢ Di1po .. ble Lighters Scripto® disposable butane lighters. Adjustable flame. Prop•ne Fuel Cylinder 14. 1 ounce net weight. For use with propane torch. In-tank Bowl CIHner Cleans. deodorizes up to 8 weeks. Non-toxic. 7'h-oz. • 1 Renuzit® Air Fr .. hener Solld air freshener works ef- fectively. 6-oz. net wt. 23d0'' Hall Runner 1-G•llon• Pl•nta Multistrlped nylon/polypropy· Your choice of Aralia Seiboldi lene. Non-slip backing. or Italian Cypress. ~..-.... ~ ... ~·ec.m.o-81M WetO....• OUlck clean-up when soap and water ara not IMl!table. $1 H.' g..pa\r Knee-~~ Nude Sheer suet ch ny 8 'h·' '. heel aaslc tones. ·,...-o r 11a.t-tone sun ...... 78!on Sprey Enarne1 Fast dryin • f!.!_d, White giacGklosss, flat. -"' · · ave. 2.10 ~:::~:· dCh .. •8 yacaron\ ~n etable. roll Wl\h seasoned "~t1 ot water- and butter. Plus ' melon. Attention to detail distinguishes Madame Alex· ander dolts such as this Martha Washington. Graftd OpeMlg Sale Delicious All Beef Sausage $3. 79 PER POUND cit Trader Joe & PrOllto From Tillamook C-Ounty, count. Oregon, we have an ex-Please visit our newest cellenl Beer Sausage, Trader Joe's at the in- made 100% from Beer tersection or 17th Street" Top round, for only $3.79 Newport Boulevard ana per pound. Buy a whole Superior Avenue <next to three pound stick, and Denny's and Barclay's earn another 10"/o dis· Bank.) NOW IN COST A MESA We Merit Your Interest. , EARN19°k-23%1 NTERES T With Secured Trust Deeds. Rates vary according to amount charged borrower. Yields can be higher if loans prepay because of bonus as allowed by state law. Call Investment Division 953-8500 or 997 -17 41 Calf Direct or Collect t::;1{)J1 MERIT K>NE Vl/l.> IQANS Your Full Service Home Loan Brokerage 328 South Tustin Avenue Orange,C.llfomla 92666 UGHTNING ONE D i\Y SERVICE· T h e D a i ly P il ot offers classified advertisers 24-bour service. Call us at 642-5678 by 5:30 p.m. any weekday and your ad will appear in th,e next day's pape r. Also, if you call by 5:30 p.m. on Friday y~ur ad will appear in the Daily Pilot delivered Saturday morning or, place you r ad b e for e n oon on S atu r d ay for S unda y morning's pape r. Our friendly ad-visors make It easy to place an ad. And, you may char ge your ad or ha ve u s bill it to your M as t e r C harg e or BankAmericard/VISA. It only takes a few words In the right place to attract a buyer. Along the Orange Coast the rig ht place to advertise is 1n the DAILY PILOT Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 9, 1981 Resin beauty· takes lots of polish lb STEVE MITCHELL °' .. ..., ....... Hi• eerie artwork 1lve1 ~ ll· l uaion Of depth, yet Tom Bellonl'a polyester raln render· Lnc• are sometime• le11 thu a 16th ot an inch thlck. Place one of hi• lar1e ~l•Ual palntlnl• on the noor and the viewer can almoat experience acropbobla -a fear of hel&hll. CreatJna planets and asterolcla with pl1ment11 1pray lacquers and even duat from other proJ· ecta, Bellon.I hu come up will> a unique art form tbat de~dl prlmarlly on con1tructloo material• -re1ln1 , cataly1t1 and 1Wtlc1e boardt. The· former partner ln a Marina del Rey boat yard l1 creaUn1 aurrealtstlc palnUntt ualnt the tame aubltance be used to slap on the h\1111 of sloops at1d runabout.a. Only oow, he. carefully applies up to flve coats of clear resin to bll alrbrua bed products. patn1takln1ly aandlna ll'ld poll1h1n1 between coata to pro· duce the depth evidenced ln the tlnlshed 9roduct. He 11y1 he's worklna with the thickness of color, rather '1lan Juat layers of paint. "The Licht Interacts with lhe Western landscape inspiring o..., __ ,..... By JOHN NEEDHAM Of ... ..., ........... For photographer Rick Rosen, the coastline. mountains deserts and canyon lands of the west have become bis favorite subjects. The 34-year-old Mission Viejo resident is showing hie work this summer at the Art·A·Falr Festival in Laguna Beach. He said the sharply contrul· ing western landscape is hiahly inspirational for him , and a welcome but radical cbanae from the scenes he photo- graphed in his native state, Michigan. Rosen said he is especially drawn to the starkness of the Mojave Desert near Death Valley. "I have to spend my first couple days just walking around without a camera getting the feel of the area," he said. beauty not readily visible in the barren area. Rosen also has a series of photocraphs on display taken ln Yosemite, another or bis newly adopted haunts. He said be has taught student workshops in the nationai park under auspices of famed photographer Anse l Adams. "When I started taking photo- graphs ln Yosemite I knew I would be compared to many other photographers who have worked in the area," Rosen said. "I suppose there's a question in many people's minds about the originality of working there." resin to produce hues you can't achieve with other art forma like acl')'llca and oils," the bearded artist aays. At 34 Belloni 11 a Sawduat Festival veteran, clocklna In his flrat decade at the vlllaae·ll.ke exhibit this summe~. He's also eXhibltlna his mixed media works at the Festival of Arts <his ninth year there) and speodB much of his time running between the two booths and his 1,000.square·foot studio which is also located in Laguna Canyon. Ws paintings cost from $65 to $3,:i()O. In the higher price range is a nine-foot tall resin monolith that Bellon! calls "The Blue Pyramid." His largest work was an un- titled 16-foot·long modular unll mounted on four indivi dual frames. But even his smaller paintings a re eye-catching, as evidenced by the stream of restlvalgoers who walk slowly through his small, open air booth at the Sawdust. It's like visiting a small piece or the universe. A celestial ex· perience. Tennis a·nyone? A rinai series of summer ten- nis classes will begin Monday at Newport Harbor and Corona del Mar high schools. o.I""-' .......... ART-A-FAIR EXHIBITOR Photographer Rick Rosen He said after the third or fourth day in the desert be begins to become aware of the Rosen also has a selection of nudes on display at the festival. ··Nudes are alwa ys photo- graphically interesting to most people," he said. "And nude photography is one of the most demanding. It's very difficult to do a aood figure study." The Art·A·Fair Festival will be going on until Aug. 30. Classes, offered through Newport Beach's parks, beaches and recreation department. will run for two weeks A $25 fee is charged. Call 640-2271 for times. Resinous artworks by Tom Bellom m airy booths at two Laguna Beach festivals give viewers a celestial expenence r ·SINGS ELLA FITZGERALD ' Friday, Sept. 11 • 8:30 p.m. · Irvine Bowl , Exclusive Orange County Appearance Aese~e Seat T1tkets S22 50. $17.50, $1500, s 10 00 · l.aguna Beach.Mu~um of Art Seneri' Perlonnence . ~ mets ev~llabht at Leguna Beach Museum of Art, . ·Tlcketron and all regular Ucket agencies. For further mformat1on call: (714) 494--6531. , }!QUr DR7'1 'ERY Drapery collects smoke. dust. grease and dirt.. It~ Grime and It can destroy your investment! Because replacement costs are skyrocket- ing. have Coit. .. the World's largest Drapery Cleaner ... clean and restore your draperies. Ser· vice includes pick-up. take-down and rehang RADIO DISPATCHED VANS SERVING ALL ORANGE COUNTY '1lr'M ..... A Dll"'J. C4ll Ce ., .._.... T•" • AMA ... M •• X>S S Slate Col!eqe 81 5JS.l0Jt • ~TOM HACH 7l55 Sloter 142.0UO •COSTA .,._SA ••• 1102 N.wport 81 642.0270 • LAGUHA HACH •••• lb2 Tlwd SI 7 ..... 760 • & TO.O' ........ 2)lbl 8 T0to Rd H~I 166.• SANTA AHA •• 1~E. EOnq.. Ave flJ-2171 • IUUHTOM 2S4S E. ~Ave 71NOJO • S. OUMGI CO. 2'4302 Del Prodo U 1·21 J4 ·•.UDIM ••OYI 11m &.ddA ..... '71·1171 •TUSTIHJOIA ....... 1020 1rv-e1 7Jl-4171 •• S.ears H1111tin1fto11 u._.aeh PLUS STORE EACH Of THESE rues RF~OIL v AVAILA8LE FOR SALE AS AOVERTISEO We sell first quality and discontinued merchandise from Sears Retail and Catalog Distribution. "Was" prices quoted a re the regular prices at which the items were formerly offered by Catalog or in many Sears Retail stores around the country. ---Effective 819181 AM'FM STEREO • &TRACK •CASSETTE was 189.95 50% 'OFF NOW '99.99 #91944 JUNIOR SPORTS BAG was4.79 LAWN FURNIJU.RE Aleo NOW 1.99 REPLACEMENT CUSHIONS AVAILABLE 20" 4 H.P. GAME MACH~NE #2 SELECTED VAN FURNITURE LAWNMOWER was 219.99 lncludel: code hunter grand prlx sub hunt black jack ahootlng gallery 50o/o OFF ~r-r ~ Graftd op..-g We ALT A-DENA RAW MILK at Trader Joe's Alla-Dena Dairy 1s the only dairy in California which 1s certified to make raw milk milk whi ch has been neither pa s t e ur ized n o r homogeruzed H )Ou en· joy milk with a natural flavor-hke 1t was back on the farm-this 1s the rrulk for you. Please v1s1t our newest Trader Joe's at the in· tersect1on pf 17th Street1 NewPort Boulevard ano Superior A\•enue cnext to Denny's and Barclay's Bank Call 642-5678. Put • few words lo work for ou. HOW IN COST A MESA Save 25% to 30% · Custom draperies, , top treatments and custom bedspreads. Choose from over 1 00 pettems reduced fOf th<s Siii CnclUdes anhque Allnt , sheers, oe>en weaves. damesll. lextures and Pl'intS You save on fabne and labor Ins lallatiOn al no add1tlONll charge Sele pricM eff9Ctlve tl':rough S.L. August 29. 30% off these decorator window coverings. Most eny w.ndow problem can be IOlved bV our selection o4 deeOrltor window COllerings ChooM from 1' bllndl. YertJcel blinds end wovon WOOd blinds N. practical and V«'; et1racll\le 8elected lonel II 30% off ennence yOUf decor and sevet lele pricn on 1" bllndl effKtlwe thtollgh Seturdly, s.pe.m• $. WOffft woods ttlrovgh S.tvrclay, Avgu1t 2t, ~I blind.a through lelvnllly, AUfllll 22. Save gas •.• save time. Call for a free In-home appointment! AllCAOIA Clllt1'...-14 ,. ... PAlllt 1'141 UMO>O CANON CIUI IM-ttOO Cll\¥111 CITY ''0• HIUS' (llJ) uo•tt• DOWNEY (IUI MMUI, Plll.LlllTON 1"41 l11-414J 01.tNOALt 'OALLllllA'.,JlUI l4M'OO H\ltlTl!llOTOH MACH c11•1 ltNrr1 I.AO.A Hll.ll 11141 Ml'l100 lAQWOOO 11111., .. , ... 1.0l Al.fOI Cllll ...... 11 llOIOCL.Ul 11141111 ~II ""Ult 9"1111101 "UI U M UI l'AIAotNlll llUI JH•Jrt, l'\llNT[ HMS (IUI tts•J•I lllY(llllOI (1141 MMOM l"N MllNAllOl!fO l1U1 MHIU THOUIAllO OUI CIOSI •tr~llt fOflflANCCI (11)1 )11 .. 111 UNTA tAMAllA (IHI II~! HIMlfl11'1 .. ...... INOIO (11.c) .... Utl ftNT\IM 41911 ... , .. wut cov•• 1101 *"711 _..lfWOOO llUI .. J.)tll __,OllT MACHf1141 ~l>U "'°"'MlllMl 11111 .... , ... "'° -.uwooo111at"'4UI llM.L 0# a.ANG( t'141 .... ., .. °"""°' ''"' c1n ,,.., ,,.., ... JCPenney • ,. • ... r •·-~--, r.....-·,,,. "T!"...,.FO'ZTYrn~ ~·-····--.....-· < .. FANCY GLAZED QUARRY TILE • BEAUTIFU~ PRACTICAU GLAZE RESISTS MARS! • JUST SPONGE CLEAN! 1 C~88!. Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 OUR NO. 1 SELLER! ELEGANT, PRE-FINISHED GENUINE OAK PARQUET! Factory-finished solid oak parquet manufactured In Color Tiie's own plant for remJlrkable, no-mlddle- man-mark-uli-savln,s! Hs t)ch lustre adds a look of uxury to your home. Tongue and groove edges make It easy to Install with pro- fessional precision. Our special price cut makes It easy to afford. And our experts will show you how to do-it-yourself! now OILY . SOUD TEAKWOOD-. OUR FINEST WOOD FLOORING! EASY-TO-INSTALL FAMOUS LENNON CERAMIC TILE WALLCOVERINGSf REALISTIC 'BRIK' WALL· TILE! • LOOKS,, FEELS UKE IEllUINE BRICK! • UIHTWEl8HT, NON-SU • OWEll52D DO-IT ·YOUlllELF SUPEllMAITI COAST TO COAST Ale Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 9, 1981 Mississippi minister makes media mind morals TUPELO, Mias. <AP> -The Rev. Donald E Wlldmon w11 Irritated. Ht paced hl1 cramped and cluttered offlce, drawln1 rapidly on h1I pipe. They had 1otten bis dander up aaaln. This time it wasn't the televttlon brus - the network chieftaina who, he tb1nk1, have turned America's youth to an unholy script of vulgarity, violence, and out-of..tbe·cloaet sex and whose prime-time act be'e determined to clean up. This time it was a maguine wbicb, be said, bad gone to creative lengths to misquote him. It was a s mall quote, no '"real transgression, perhaps, but Wildmon picked up the phone and called New York. In a pointed conversation, he argued, cajoled, reasoned. and argued some more. He hung up, still irritated. Nothing seemed clanned -nothing except a certain sense of mutual misgiving between the party in New York and the party in Tupelo. But Wildmon and bis Coalition for Belter Television are used to wrestling with the media. His target is prime·time TV, and his weapon the threat of a selective bOycott of TV advertisers' products. The first planned boycott was postponed late in June alter talks with advertisers who, Wildmon says, convinced b.im that they would now show greater concern about the contents of the shows they sponsor. "We'll be monitoring this fall," he says. "I hate to state any absolutes. but this fall, if we have been misled ... " Right now. at 43, Wildmon is slightly weary but still exuberant from b.is summer surge into national prominence. Mississippi-born and raised. family man, Methodist minister. religious writer, travel business promoter, founder of the National Federation for Decency -suddenly he was crisscrossing the country, in the midst of a thickening debate. What bothered him about TV was : "There is not a single program that shows a contemporary nuclear family, where they have their own children, where they are not something other than normal, and where they have a meaningful relationship to a church. ·· 1 have not seen a program on TV in years that has any meaningful relationship to a church or synagogue. "Nearly without exception.'' he says, "when religious people are put on TV, they are charlatans or con men or ripoff artists or alcoholics. They're never intelligent people who make a generous contribution to society." He says the TV program executives seem to look on him that way, too. "When you're a preacher from Mississip- pi,'. be says, "and you're head of the National F e d e ration for Decen c y , then you· re stereotyped as a fire-eating, Bible·toting and Garden project • sprouts savings DETROIT CAP ) -The City of Detroit is helping take the bite out of rising food costs. Through its Farm-A-Lot program, Mayor Coleman A. Young hopes to make more city dwellers tillers of the soil by offering them the use of vacant city-owned Jots to farm. The pro- gram is designed to tum such lots and back yards into productive gardens. Sharply rising food costs are expected to make home gardening a popular and productive pastime this year. Michigan Consolidated Gas Co. is cooperating with the city's program by providing free seeds to gardeners participating in the Farm-A·Lot. "A Detroit family enrolled in the Farm·A· Lot program can save as much as $100 a season in food costs," Young says. The program is open to any local resident who wants to start a garden either in a vacant city-Owned lot or in his or her backyard. Treat Yourself to a Mini Vacation! PUERTO VALLARTA SEPT. 24 -28 LuKurious and very affordable Bug•nvlllu-Sheraton GOING PLACES TRAVEL Cell for lnfomt•tlon (714) 641-8064 5th Annual FALLBROOK ANTIQUE SHOW & SALE At The High School Gym Mission Rd. at Stagecoach Noon to 9 p.m . Friday August 14th Noon to 9 p.m. Saturday August 15th Noon to 6 p.m . Sunday August 16th Donation $1 . .50-Free Parking-Door Prizes FALLBROOK Chamber of Commerce ,... Rev. Donald Wildman battles TV because ··shows don't have any meaning/ ul re la· tionships ... Go1pel·quotln1, hellrlro 1nd·damnatlon, rural stupld person. "You're a fraud. You aro" and he laughs •'exactly what you 1ee on lelevl1ion. · · However hl1 opponent• may view him, WUdmon would not 1udltlon w~ll aa a litter-day Elm r Guntry. Thick, brown-rimmed 1111111, recedJn1 baJrllne, a voice not vibrant enou1~ to hold an eleclronlc church con1r•11UoQ th thrall. His wardrobe holda lwo 1u(t1 and on• pair of dress shoes. "You cun only wear one pair of shoes at a time," he HY•· "I'm not 1 mombor of Moral Majority," 11Bya Wlldmon. "I aarc~ with a lot of thlnas Moral Majority 11 doln6'. But I have been inac- c urulcly deacr lbed u Moral Majority 's tolevla1lon crlUc." Th111 111 not euclly a sore point with Wlldmon, but he c mphHlzca that CBTV. a 1981 off1hoot of his four-year· old National Federation for Decency. la not an arm of M ort1l M Mjority. Moral Majority, he uy1, Is a member of the coalltlon, by tar Ila bi11eat out of some 300 af. fillated 1roups nationwide. It also is the member with the most apparent clout: Moral Majority's founder. the Rev. Jerry Falwell, has promised to spend $2 million to support CBTV's advertiser boycott. if lt materallzes. The boycott -which also might be aided by millions of mallouts under a contract CBTV has with conser vative mall marketer Richard Viguerie -is the stick Wildmon finally grabbed after a few years of largely inconsequential arm wrestling with commercial television. That means boycott. To his critics, lt atao mean.a cenaonhlp. One of his better·known advenartu, TV ex· ecutive Norman Lear, bu formed aometbina of a counter-eoaliUon, People for the American Way. Critics of Wildmon say Americana have an absolute right to watch what t.bey want to watch and to tum their set off if they don't like lt. They contend that many thouahUul, experimental or challenging shows could suffer from a Wlldmon· style boycott. Wlldmon, however, says a boycott ts a traditional American riebt, but that the censors are those who would try to stop it. "If they want to show a porno ruck on television," he says, "they can do that. U a company wants to sponsor that show with ad· vertising, that's its right. And if I want to take a stand and refuse to buy the product of that com- pany supporting that show, that's my right, too." Wildmon says he's not advocating a prime- lime lineup of nothing but updated "Ozzie and Harriet" sitcoms. There's a place for more con· temporary themes, he says, "but right now It's way out of proportion, it's way out of whack." "I can live with a 'heJI ' or 'damn' every now and then," he says, "but if I showed you how many times they've been said in the last few weeks, it's just too much." "Children are being raised on television," he says. "And what are we teaching them?" Wildmon feels that TV moguls in New York a nd Hollywood "don't know grassroots America. They live lifestyles far removed from the typical American. They know eros but they don't know agape," or Christian love. •TIME SHAIE A YACHT'• LUXURIOUS UMIFUTI YACHf lec.te4 i. tU., C.. ~ ·~ fw ,...._, UllhMt w ne H cotlde • 5 weeka use per year • Professionally managed & ma1ntainec:j • S8,600 ownership coat YACMfS UMUMrTID. IMC. '7Mlll 64'·9400 In. ~ LIDO DRUGS 3445 via lldo • newport beach• phone 675.0150 ti ll'fllllll An. nm& llWNITIUCI Ml-2213 PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK (OMl•I SOM TO llEWNRI BEACH is completing the final phase of Magnolia Court in the beautiful Mausoleum of the Pacific. We still have choice locations available and offer a monthly savings plan. Discounts range from $205 to $680. Talk to us now about the advantages of purchasing before the need arises. Oran9e County's Complete Video Store LOCATION * VIDEO MOVlt RENTALS * EQUIPMENT RENTALS * VIDEO RECORDERS * VIDEO CAMERAS * VIDEO ACCESSG:>RtiS * INTELEVISION * F.C.A. *SONY * M.G.A. *MAGNAVOX * PANASONIC * HITACHI /4 149 Riverside Av . 'f.· Newport Beach n PACIFIC VIEW f ~ MEMORIAL PARK * COMPUTERS * SANYO * BLANK TAPES * ZENITH * PRE-RECORDED TAPES ' ' And we'll guarantee ' completion in 28 days!* Let Anthony show you how the equity in your home can qualify you for the financing to build a pool. With a rrunimum down and affordable m onthly payments. A nd beca use your p ool's value Westminster. 15161 So. Beach Blvd. {114)83t--t131 Orange-Tustin, 1046 No. Tustin Ave. (714)197-3182 548-2213 R 1ght Next To The Po!>t Ott1ce will increase with your home's value. your pool may m ore than pay for itself when yo u sell. We've built and backed 144 ,000 pools nationwide. making Anthony the leader -by far. An Anthony Pool Planning 3500 Pacific View Drive Newport Beach. California (714) 644-2700 Specialist will custom design a pool to harmo nize with your home · and give you a complete estimate. All at no charge. • AnlhOny w11I bu•ld your pool in 28 working days lrom excavallOO (Mon lhru Fn ) Of pay you $50 a d.y for each day over-mulmum $750 Excluded are delays beyond AnlhOOy s conrrol· lndement-ather. customer delays. inspection hOldups Otfllf ends August 23 Does not apply 10 Exercise Pool/Spa or In Sen DH190 County Laguna Hills, 22821 Lake Forest Dr .• El Toro, (714) 831·9340 Anthony Pool• r I Pooll 0 !l>as CM-43 SOUth Gate, 5871 Firestone Blvd. (213) 117-2703 Of 82W381 5871 FwestoneBMI Soulh Gate. CA 90280 '11tne Addlta--- 0 Sefld me FREE bl'OctVe t 1 c .. me lof lj)p0in4men4 Phooe ecy _____ si.11 Zip - OPEN SEVEN DAVS A WEEK. . . . , I I ! I l I I 1 : J J I l • * ' ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 9, 1981 -Co-Sponsored by - Daily Pilat • AND ORANGE COAST COLLEGE FIRST FOUR SUNDAYS IN AUGUST AUGUST 9 PROGRAM Overture, "La Vie Parisienne" ............................ J. Offenbach "Swan Lake", Excerpts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . P. Tschaikovsky Suite, "Porgy and Bess" ............ ' ...................... G. Gershwin ... ~ -. Slavonic Dance No. 8 ....... : ................................ A. Dvorak . ''South American'', Suite .................................. Traditional Three Dances-Gayne Ballet . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A. Khachaturian ''Sound of Music'' ............................................. R. Rogers "Stars .and Stripes" : .... , ............................. : . . . . . J.P. Sousa SUNDAY EVENING AT 7:30 Bring your own blanket.or folding chair! All , I ' i Fl pl ar th M Al a: dJ br of ep Pf sa b~ I I is 0 u "II Orange Cout DAIL V PtLOT/Sunday, Augu1t 9, 1981 : Federal Clean Air Act should not be relaxed Orange County Supervisor Bruce Nestandc assures us the Reagan Administration's pro- posed modifications of the 1977 rederal Clean Air Act will have no detrimental e ffect in California because we'll still be permitted to write our own strict anti-pollution rules without in· terference from the federal gov- c·rnment. Indeed, says Nestande , the t1·end to balance en vironmental tontrols with needed economic development will be a blessing for the whole nation. The supervisor . who served in the Reagan administration in SaCJ·amento. also is a director of the South Coast Air Quality Management District and in that role appeared before a Senate committee hearing on renewal of lhe Clean Air Act. Reagan appointee Anne Gorsuch, new head of the En· vironmental Protection Agency. insists the administration re- mains co mmitted to "steady progress toward clean air." But California Rep. Henry Waxman calls the adm inis tration's 11· point program to modify the act .. nothing less than a blueprint for the destruction of our clean air law " The prog ram would greatly relax federal environmental con- trols. leaving them large!~ up to the states so that statutes could he formed in keeping with local needs s tricter in h eavih· polluted urban centers. lighter in now-clean rural areas. Contrary to earlier fears. it still would place health benefit considerations ahead of cost con- siderations. but with the require· ment that solid scientific data be used to determine where air qualit~· carries health risks. It would s ubstantially relax auto emission control standards. ell minate requirements that polluted areas show st eady prog ress toward meeting na- tional air quality standards and eliminate provisions designed to protect air quallty in areas not yet polluted. The only areas in which pre- ventive rest rictions would be re- tained would be in the national parks a nd wilderness areas. (Could this have something to do with Reagan's campaign asser- tion that trees are among the worst polluters? l Supervisor Nestande is con- vinced California will be just fi ne so long as we keep our own rules strict enough. How the state Legislature could be persuaded to do that in the face of s ubstan- tially relaxed national rules is open to question. We hope Nest<tnde is right. But the nature of recent appoint- m e nts to the federal Environ- m ental Protection Agency s tirs some niggling doubts. They in- c Jude. for example. former lob- byists for the paper. auto. oil and coal industries. In their former posts their task was to lobby against en vironmental rules that would involve loo much expense for their industries. Now lhev're using their expertise to help write the new rule book. What's that about setting the foxes to watch the chicken coop·? The unfortunate fact about cleaning up pollution and keeping it cleaned up as many other nations have discovered is that it takes so long to get effective rules in place and see that the~· are enforced so that the results are visible . In many areas we haven't yet arrived at that point. But once the rules are r elaxed it could take still more years to un- do the damage. Congress should not be too easily swayed on these proposals. Leadership underlined There·s liHle doubt most Americans cheered , aloud or sile n t ly when Pres ident Reagan faced up to the air con· trollers' s trike by ordering participants fired. The rash of s trik es a nd threatened strikes this s ummer most of them directly affecting the consumer has brought the public patience to the breaking point. Reagan·s decisio n. or course. should have been predictable to the strike lead ers. He is a law and order man and this time the law clearly was on his side. Air controlle rs. like other feder al employees, sign a no- s trike oath when the"' are hired. In return. t hey are · guaranteed almos t lifetim e security by the government. with assured jobs and assured retirement benefits privileges not enjoyed by most of those who prefer to gamble their careers in the private sec- tor. T he controllers. citing the un- arguable stress of their jobs. sought <T32-hour work week and a $10,000 annual pay raise. Since their pay now averages $33,000 a year. making them among the highest paid fede ral employees. one could hardly expect the • average c itizen to shed too m any tears over their failure to sell this inflated package. T he government offered a $4,000 pay raise in each of the next three vears and overtime beyond 36 h·ou rs of work not exactly a pittance and refu sed to talk further. But the strikers realized the s udden loss of al mos t all the country's highly trained air con· trolle rs could not fail to have a dramatic impact on the airlines and the traveling public. ap· parently counting on this pres- sure to bring the administration to heel. The airlines soon began to fee l the pin ch as uneasy passengers canceled trips . But the government hopes to fill the void with supervisorial. military a nd newly t rained controllers. It may work. · O n e thing is certa in . Reagan's prompt action made him stand an inc h taller in the public eye. And. coming on top of his s uccessful efforts to bring Congress around to his way of thinking on government spending and tax c uts, it will not be over- looked by those across the sea who had been tempted to write off United States leadership as feeble and ineffective. Opinions expressed in the space abOve are those of the Daily Pilot. Otner views ex: pr essed on tl'lis page are those of their authors and artists. Reader comment is invit- ed. Address The Daily Pilot, P.O. Box 1560, Costa M esa, CA 92626. Phone (714) 641·4321. L.M. Boyd/Puffing golfers A pipe smoker who plays a lot of golf may a ppear to be a distinguished citizen, but it's not liltely he gets much work done. That's the opinion of th~ productivity specialists. You can figure he'll burn at least an hour a day in filling, tamping, relighting and cleaning His pipe. And who knows how many hours fl week on Ule fairways? Claim is the unrettred pipe-smoking golfer would 10 bankrupt In a hurry, il be were operating on hls own money. Maybe so. It is a fact, anybow. that few self· made millionaires elther smoke pipes or play amateur J(olf. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat 1'11l1Ut!IM -"' .. ,. Of uw JMt •I JllO WH4 a.y $t., Cost .. MeM Add<• oontt,.,._t IO llo• IUO, c-Mtu, CA ti.a.. 4 I Q. Who's the highest paid disc jockey in the United States? A. Hal Lewis known locally as "Aku" in Honolulu, Hawaii, Is said to merit that. considerable disUnction. Al $400,000 a year. Il was in St. Petersburg , where the re!)owned Russian prima . ballerina Anna Pavlova first danced lhat classic, "The Dying Swan." In 1907, lt was. M•de quite an im· preaslon on the world of arta. On An· oa, too clearly. Rer dying words in 1931 were: "Bring me my swan cos· , tume." Thomas P. Hatty Pubtlsher ;,TllolMs A. Mll'111il• Editor BarlNra Krelblch Editorial Page Editor Reagan's first strike stuns W ASlllNGTON -Glancing quickly at the two statements prepared for him on the air traffic controllers· ( PATCO) strike, President Reagan reached for a white pad to write his own version and suddenly asked: Let me see the no-s trike oath; I want to use it. The time was Monday morning, the day the strike started. The place was the Cabinet room. Transportation Secretary Drew Lewis, author of one of tbe two pre- pared statements (the other was the White House staff's), quickly produced the no-strike pledge taken by all con- trollers. Reagen wrote his statement, including the entire no-strike oath. Then, minutes later. be stepped into the Rose Garden to go on TV and teach the striking PATCO union a lesson they were learning the hard way. It was the same lesson that House Speaker Thomas P. (Tip) O'Neill and other now- wiser Democratic· grandees recently learned -also the hard way. The lesson: When Ronald Reagan picks a target, be is as blunt and stub- born as a sledge hammer, despite his velvet glove of affability. Among the 13,000 striking controllers. learning that lesson will cause anguish, tears and probably tragedy after the ex- citement of early combat wean off. For behind the cold, anti-strike logic pouring from Lewis' Transportation Department, Atty. Gen. William French Smith's Justice Department and the 'editorial pages of the Washington Post and the New York Times, Reagan's sense of his own rectitude is the real guarantee against retreat. That _ ytends the president's sway beyond,Jthe Democratic-controlled House, where Tip O'Neill and his aides learned to their s urprise that an ideologically committed conservative president could bend the House to his will on radical budget and tax reform. It puts on display a president willing to assume the righteous pose of union- busting strike-breaker without apology. "Don't forget that Cal Coolidge is one of this president's favorite characters," a top Reagan adviser told us. Gov_ CooUdge of Massachusetts broke the Boston police strike in 1919; the key event in his becoming president three years later. Weeks before PATCO President Robert E . Poli pulled his men out on r:.~r:: l-Vl-IS-/-ID-Vl-1·~ strike, back in June during the first potential crisis, Reagan had counseled Lewis against offering more than the $4-0 million settlement package then on the table. Reagan stayed near the center of the long negotiations between the govern- ment and the union. He privately labeled the strike threat a virtual declaration of war against the govern- ment and be feared that any settlement over the $40 million mark would un- dermine his anti-inflation fight and crack his federal wage ceiling. But the president's sense of timing made him acutely aware of the political advantages of taking a hard line in a labor crisis that might have been made in heaven for t he glory of any president. The raise that Poli is demanding would give some of his members a higher salary and shorter working hours than the secretaries of State and Defense C and all other Cabinet mem- bers l. That would not make emotional atries out of blue-collar workers. Along with the no-strike oath, re- garded by Reagan in the old-fashioned way as a solemn undertaking, the con- ditions that underlie the union's strike were a political safety net for presiden· tial intervention. The one threat was that with 13,000 controllers on strike, the nation's airways might indeed be forced to shut down. Thal would lead to an irresistible public demand for ending the strike, playing into the union's hands. The ad.ministration is meeting that threat frontally, decrying the scare tac- tics of Poli that passengers are risking their lives in daring to fly during the strike. Thus , six days into t he s trike whatever course it takes and howevei militant the union remains, Reagan seems headed for political gains in the handling of his first labor crisis. Th at gives bi m an early-term dimension denied recent predecessors: a third conspicuous presidential success in a row, this one far beyond the con- gressional budget and tax wars. Reagan is showing an ability to pick his targets well and to use the sum of hi s powers to gain bis end, a performance likely to reverse the da1'gerous erosion of presidential power at a time the Western world has max· imum need for a strong presidency.• New districts stretch GOP reach WASHIJ'iGTON -"I've decided to go back to Texas," said the young man methodically packing his books into cartons in his basement apartment on Capitol Hill. "I'm going to teach school." Teach school? Wow ! It isn't every day you see an administrative assistant to a congressman take a 50 pe.rcent cut in salary to leave the capitol for a high school in the high plains. ''Somebody's got to be there to get the campaign going for 1982," he said. "This is going to be a very rough year for Democratic congressmen in our part of the country -even for Democrats, like my boss, who support- ed Reagan on the budget." Ronald Reagan and redistricting meant a trip home for my friend. In fact, on the night last week be wu packing, lhe Texas Senate, overwhelm- ingly Democratict, was giving fint ap: proval for new state congressional dis- tricts -based on the 1980 census -that could give the Lone Star state four new Republican congressmen. Because of national population shifts since 1970, Texas will gain three new congressional seats. The plan adopted last week with the backing of Republican Gov. William Clements and a coalition of Republicans and conservative Democrats will prob- ably mean that Republican candidates RICHARD lllVIS will win two of those new seats -and the revised lines also endanger two Democratic incumbents. "The new lines can't help us and the same thing is true around the country,'' said the administrative assistant. (True to the code of bis trade, he asked for anonymity because the boss doesn't like to see staff members' names in the paper.) "But the biggest danger for us is that How to write lawntakers U.S. SENATORS Craastoa, Alan (D), 11100 Wilshire Blvd., Los Angeles, 90012 (213) 824-7641 Hayakawa, S.J. (R), 3848 Campus Dr., Suite 213, Newport Beach 92880 (714) 545.7175 During Congressional sessions: New Senate Offic:e Bldg., Washington, D.C. 20510 (202) 224-3121 U.S. REP&ESENTA'nVES Oraa1e Couty Baclbam, Robert (40th Dlstrtct-R), 1849 Westcliff Dr., Newport Beach 926&3 631 -0CMO Patte .... , lerr, (38tb District-D), 3' Civic Center Plaza, Santa Ana 92701 835-3811 i..a1rn. Du (34th Dlltrict-R), 5514 Britton Drive, Long Beach, 90815 (213) SM--9181 Ourln1 Con1resal onal aeulona : Baclbam, llOI Lonportb HOUie Offtce Bld1., Wuhtniton, D.C. 20515; Pat· teraoo, 2U8 Rayburn House Office Bld1 .• Wublnfton, D.C. 20!15 ; LUDlfen, 13.U Lon~rtb Jlcue Office Bide .• w~. D.C. 20515 ftATB IENATOU <Orus•c..tJ> kll•IU, Jelll (Jltb Dlttrict·R), 4eoo Ca mpus Dr., Newport Beach 92660 979-9670 Briggs, .lobn V. (35Ul District·R), 14'1 N. Harbor Blvd.. Fullerton 92635 879·234.S Carpe11ter, Paal R. (31th Dlstrict-D), 5400 Orange Ave. Suite 203, Cypress, CA 90630 952-3201 During legislative aesaions.: State Capitol, Sacramento 9Ml-' (916) 322-9900 STATE ASSEMBLYMEN (0rHge Couty) Ber1esoe, Marlu (74tb Diatrict-R), 4400 Campus Drive, Suite 344, NewPort Beach, 92880, 641·74'1 Frlaselle; Nela• (73l"d Dlstrlct-R), 18800 Main St., Huntington Beach 92848 8'2-7335 .lolaum, RoN (69lh Dlstrict·R>. 1501 N . Harbor Blvd., #201, Fullerton 92685 731.5153 Wra1, CIH!t (71st D11trkt·D), 1m1 Valley View, Suite 181, Garden Grove 92M513M811 Lewie. J.-(10th Dtttrlct-R), mo Town •Country, Orant• 12111 NM775 Durln1 le1l1latlve H11lon1: State Capitol, Sacramento 95814 (tlt) m.• ........ .. Reagan is doing a lot better than you would guess here or by reading national polls. He's reaching people and may be organizing them. "We got more letters thanking us for the budget vote -real letters, in· dividually written -than we got thank· ing us for everything we did in the pre- vious two years. "The mail is amazing. It's more than doubled. Unless there's a great political revival going on, the Reagan people and the Republicans are out there somehow gelling people to write. It's very dangerous for us -even if ReaJ(ao loses popularity, it probably won'( be before the '82 elections." Next year , 1982. is even-nufQbered, so the entire House of Representatives will be elected from 435 districts -new dis· tricts based on the 1980 census. Partly because of that mandatory re- apportionment by stale legislatures, Republicans expect to take control of lhe House for the first time in decades. Here are some of the reasons that might happen: -Thirty congressional districta, all of them from the Atlantic Ocean to the west bank of the Mississippi River, lost from 10 to 15 percent of their population between 1970 and 1980. That's the old in- ner-city populations -those cities will have fewer representatives -and every single one of those 30 seats Is now held by a Democrat. -Of the 30 congressional dlstricta that gained the most Population in the last 10 yeau"S, almost all of them in tbe West and Florida, 18 are now represent- ed by Republicans -and tboae Republican votes may be the balance of power in the new districts in thole fa.tt· growing areas of the country. -Of the 10 congressional district.I which have lost t.be most J>OpuJaUon, seven are now represented by black Democrats. Republicans will make a great and noble show of preserving those seata for blacks by concentratiot black voters into Ulem. And lsolaUn1 them. RedillricUng is tbe integral ca.lcwua of politics: Few people understand ll, but thole who do often have more Im· pact on who is elected and wbo lln't tban famous 11 peecbea and fancy televlalon commvciaJ.s. Many, many elecUorw are decided Ions belo.ro candlclate• an selected; they are WOG and l°"t on the bull of who i.a allowed to vote ln a dJatrict. . \ I I tJ ~ n p g st c N ·K L Pl to m SE SE Pl in I Fr pi• an th• Tj . Mt Al'! at is or Uv of . ~~ :~ I m• at ve lo an .. ' . .. . ( rDJ rn rn ~ rn UJ ~ rn ~ rn [(] Campaign funds trip Brown Dr Charle1 C. Bell i8 a pro/euor of polttlcol science at Col State Fullerton. Gov. Jerry Brown. "the Mr. Clean or Pollt.ics," may have tripped up on the very issue that gave him his start - campaign finance. The current investigation of the use of state equipment (a computer mailing system) for campaign fund raising ac- tivities clearly jeopardizes his political career. Even more damaging, the destruction of material evidence and the alteration of documents opens the governor t o c harges of a "com · putergate." AS A RESULT, the state's Fair Political Practices Commiss ion ( FPPC> has asked the Sacramento and Los Angeles county district attorneys to investigate for potential criminal activi- ty on the part or the governor's staff. It is an investigation whlch might touch the governor personally -and will almost certainly damage him politically. At this point, there appears to be no clear evidence personally link· ing the governor to any illegaJ fund r aising -the commission's investiga- tion has been focused on his staff. But the effects of the investigation, the headlines, and the potential results of the district attorneys· investigations could badly damage or destroy the gov- ernor's U.S. Senatorial ambitions next year. There is an obvious irony in all of this. Jerry Brown road to political office and power on the wave of public reac- tion to the campaign finance corruption in Ri chard Nixon's administr ation, popularly known as "Watergate." Brown, as California's Secretary of State ( 1971-74) vigorously enforced the slate's Utlle used and aeneraJly ~tble campaign finance disclosure laws. Three weeks alter he took office as Secretary of State in 11r11, Brown filed a $250,000 lawsuit against Gulf OU and Standard Oil for illegal campaign con· tributions in a 1910 ballot measure elec· Uon. ln September 1971, Brown publicly warned 134 candidates who had run for various otrices in 1970 that he would CALIFORNIA COMMENTS prosecute them iC they did not file the required campaign finance statements withln one month. Brown a lso went after Frank DeMarco, a minor figure in the com- plex Nixon drama, for falsifying a notarized statement. All of these actions -and others -gave Brown substantial publicity and earned him the title, "Mr. Clean." BROWN ALSO PIA YED a significant part in developing the state's Fair ' Political Practices Act -Proposition 9 -which voters enthusiastically ap- pr oved in June 1974. Proposition 9 had four major pro· visions : (1) lobbyist regulations; (2) s trict campaign finance reporting re· quirements; (3) limits on campaign finance; and (4) conflict of interest reg- ulations . It a lso set up t he Fair Political Practice Commission to ad- minister the law. Much of Proposition 9 has subsequent- ly been struck-down by the courts on various grounds. But some remains - and the intent was clear. Brown took political advantage of the Watergate scandal. While the voters were approving Proposition 9 ln June 1914, they also gave him the Democratic Party's gubernatorial nomination. W atergate also des t royed the Republicarui' major contender for gov- ernor that year -Lt. Gov . Ed Reinecke. SO JERRY BROWN earned a reputa· lion, won a nomination, and gained the governorship as a "new breed" or politician -clean and uncorrupted by lobbyists and campaign money. l n fact during that time ( 1974) Brown asserted that Californfa would see a new era of honesty in government when Proposition 9 became law. "Govern· ment behlnd closed doors will come to an end and politicians who refuse to conduct their business in the open will be pro.5ecuted. · · Now the FPPC has come lo the con- clusion after a six months' investigation of the governor's campaign fund raising staff that the commission was "mis· led"; that documents were destroyed; and that evidenct! was a ltered. WHATEVER THE OUTCOME of the investigation by the Los Angeles and Sacramento dis trict attorneys - Brown's image wilJ be tarnished. It is clear from the commission's investiga- tion that documents were altered and material evidence destroyed. Whether there was criminal intent is unclear. tbut cynical voters are likely to believe there was. Not only has Brown been damaged, but he has fallen victim to the very is· sue which he so successfully used in his earliest victories -campaign finance corruption. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguet 9, 1981 All Lavish spending foolish By ARIF HAJJ Of .. ~NMIUfl What can $2 million buy? In one part of the world, where people are so poverty-stricken that the flesh between their bones and skin has almost disappeared, $2 million would feed 10 million of the world's starving people for one day, or 1,428,571 , for a week or 333,333 for a month. In another part of the world, where people spend lavishly and foolishly, $2 million can buy a "royal" wedding. Just last week, there was a wedding so elegant and lavish that a breakfast and cake for 2,500 guests cost $40,000. Decorations, flowers and barriers along the procession route cost $100,000. The bride's engagement ring cost $60,000, security ran $600,000 and the list con- tinued until the tab reached S2 million. Also caught up in the madness were foreign dignitaries who sent an estimat- ed $7.2 million in gifts. The most ex- pensive came from Saudi Arabia, cost· ing about $1.5 million. United Nations officials estimate that it costs about 20 cents a day to provide each person in poverty-stricken areas, with sufficient protein, carbohydrates and other nutrients. Now. if the $7 .2 million in gifts re· cei ved were translated inlo food for the needy, 36 million starving people could have been fed for a day or 1.2 million for a month. Maybe, Prince Charles and Princess Diana have never seen poverty in the vicinity of Buckingham Palace, but I have seen both, the poor and the rich. In my chlldhood in Uganda, l have seen the haunted faces of youngsters wbo have gone without food, and now I have seen The Royal Wedding on television. Granted the royal weddiiig has a very s pecial place in British hlstory and tradition. But in today's day and age, when there are an estimated 400 million "severely undernourished'' -starving -people. how can the government of an alleged humanitarian country justify spending such lavishly on one wedding? If those starving people. that we in the democratic free world supposedly care about, had enough with whlch to fill their stom achs, then such foolish pageantry could be justified by the man who will become King of England, a symbol of democratic philosophies. By displaying such elegance, Charles endorses foolish expenditure and has in- s ulted the world's needy. And while ·people continue to starve, ' th~ Prince and Princess of Wales are enjoying a two-week honeymoon at an estimated cost of $300,000 .. 'Don't repeat East Coast's resort development mistakes here' To lhe Editor: Major development for seaside re- sorts is not a new invention. We have seen the traumatic conditions the de· velopers helped to create in Atlantic City. Coney Island, and Miami Beach. We hope that the Newport Beach City Council will learn from t heir mistakes. It is in the best interest of every citizen MAILBOX that we curb tbis fever growth im· mediately and begin. without delay, to shrink it dramatically. Newport Center expansion and subse- quent Irvine Coastal Plan development will demand additional lanes (6) on Pacific Coast Highway. creating many problems for the established business merchants and residents. The lanes will cause deletion of parking in Corona del Mar. The shops will suffer economic losses or even bankruptcy. Are they to be s a crifice d to big business and political pressure under the pretense of so-called progress? TH£ IMPACT of heavy tr affic from these new developments (an aiditional 25,000 cars daily stated by an Irvine Company official) will not only ag- gravate the existing congestion -in- crease air and noise pollution -but it will make the present traffic tangle on PCH look tame. If the Irvine Company finances the building of Pelican Hills Road and San J oaquin Hills Road what will that mean in terms or future costs to the taxpayers? Maintenance costs? Or even additional lanes? Airport Expansion demand to accom- modate the tenants and clients or Newport Center is inevitable. The Irvine Company has said at council meetings that 41 air passengers will be added to the daily passengers currently using the John Wayne Airport. But they failed to tell the public what percentage of passengers wiU be using the airport from the Irvine Coastal Plan develop· ment. The need to provide additional police/fire protection and other municipal services will be in demand - placing an economic burden on the citizens of Newport Beach. Last but not least, the bus terminal at MacArthur and San Joaquin Hills Road will have &{l adverse eUect on prime residential areas adjacent to or near the depot, in· creasing congestion and air quality problems. Just who will choose to live next t-0 Grand Central Station? I strongly urge the City Council to consider a complete denial of GPA-80-3. IDA Z. WILLIAMS Clainu incredible To lhe Editor: The advertisements put out by the Irvine Company in favor of t.be Newport Center expansion are full ol blat.anl Uu. Company official~ clalm lbelr proposed lnt.emalional hotel will cause no prea- a u re lor John Wayne Airpol't ex- pansion. Are they limiting their IUfJ:Sla to bike.rs and bicyclist.a only? Company offir.ials claim lhe U · (>aalion and their mana,emenl ol tral· Jic will cause a decrease ln trattlc Jama. How can anyone believe such state. , . .._....,,.. fHll! ,....,, •• ..._ Tiit,..,. we ...... ._.. ....... ftl .... ., ................ 1• ,_., ~.,, -_._., ......... .,_ ......... All .............. ·-=-~ ..., "*''"' .......... -""' .. ••• eit,..... If '*"lclMI ....-............. ,,.,, .................... LMtW• _., .. "'"'**' .. ....... ... _ ........ ,.,,....,Ill N Clfltl'IWllW ll'llllll • --"°' ,,.,,,lt.at!M ...... . ' ments when everyone acknowledges that 20,000 additional trips per day will be generated? Company officials claim this intense commercial development wiJJ enhance our tax base. How can they make this claim when the most intensely de· veloped cities of this country are all on the brink of bankruptcy? These are only a few of the grossest inaccuracies ap- pearing in these ad vertisements. P .M. FRENEAU Orily $50 per suit To the Editor: The Daily Pilot editorial article "No Penny-ante Game" that appeared July 31 , mistakenly misstated the amount of m oney that the Airport Coalition attorneys would get by a factor or 300 percent. fostead of the $1,350,000 claimed by the Pilot, the attorneys will in fact be getting $450,000. This $450,000 is spread over three years. As indicated In our fuJl page ad referenced by the Pilot, the total amount to be contributed is "$150 per year for three years." The ad went on further to indicate that this payment of $150 "equates to 14 cents per day per person for a family of three." Fourteen cents a day times 365 days is approximately $50 per year, not the $150 per year that the Pilot erroneously atated. ' WHAT I got out of the Pilot's comment was that somehow the Airport Coalition auomeya would be mai1G1 out like banttita. Ttie trut.b of the matter i s the auorneya will be tJ11n1 approximately a,ooo Hpante individual lawsuits over the next three ye.an. Tber wlll not only me and prweu these a,ooo sep,rate aulta, but atao rell*ld to a,ooo aeta of int.erroptorl• from die countJ'• defenM attomey1 on theae 3,000 auit.a etc. For tbia the Airport Coalition attOrbeys will receive S50 per year per suil or $150 per year per family of ~ (average family size in Newport) which is hardly a rip-off by anyone's standard. TOM WILLIAMS Coordinating Director Airport Coalition Neighborhoods suffer To the Editor: The residents of West Newport have recently begun to complain that they are being treated Ii ke second-class citizens by the City Council's majority ; consequently, some of them are mulling over the possibility of initiating a recall. I've got news for them: They're not the only citizens who have been relegated to second-class citizenship by lhls city government. At the present time, no citizen -unless he or she represe.nts a large development firm like the Irvine Company or Beeco -is deemed worthy of serious consideration by the lofty ma- jority on the City Council. LET ME provide some 'evidence: Citizens from throughout the city reg- ularly appear before the council and speak against city actions wblcb would promote al.rport growth. What haa the city done? ll promotes airport ex- pansion by supporting both t.he growth of the hot.el industry and extraordlnari· ly' dense commercial developments. Furthermore, lti bas supported a tri· piing of lhe slie ol the John Wayne Airport, a tripling which cou.ld accom- modate 123 commercial Jet rupta per day. The clty-auppe>rted npanaloo of the J WA 11 for the benefit ol Lbe bot.el 1ndu1try (etaestUailY outlide buaibeaa 1ro"'-P1> and not lor Ute raldeotl. Tbe well-beln1 of lnd1vldua1 neighbodloodl b-.idee West Nn-port a. aJa.o beina ianored by lbe Pl'tltDt City CounclL Old Corona de& llar'a whole bus•nH• dl1trle\ ls •bout lo be des\royed by lrYine Comp&D.1'• de- ve,opmenll. Tbe lraffle • Padllc Coaat m,taw., al the Newport C..-II IO bad that dlbenl ol rm.. TerraH are almoet priauera of tlaelr own homes. The residents of the whole city are treated like second-class citizens when the residents' complaints are ignored by the City Council majority and when the City Council allows cancerous growth promoted by outside business moguls to destroy our city. In my opin- ion, Newport Beach could be run with less money and more efficiency if we did away with the whole facade of city government and let the real forces (i.e., the major development firms) present· ly running the city do it without the costly front of a mayor, council and planning commission. AMY ROBSART Adopt lifetinie pet To the Editor: I was appalled by the ignorance or your July 19 article implying kittens are difficult to adopt. Kittens are not in short supply. More than a hundred kittens weekly must be put to sleep at the Orange County Animal Shelter. Individuals and private shelters must euthanize even more. The homes are very few. Education is the only answer to save these little creatures. Cats do not have reguJar heat cycles. A cat w~th 10 day old kit· tens can become Rregnant again. If you think your cat has mated, s he can be spayed. I PF.oPLE, as your author wrote, who "peddJe" tbelr kittens, may be able to give them away in front or marketl and discount st.ores. But since the adoption ls an impulse, the kitten rarely lives bla first year in thal home. Chlldren unt tQ slorts to rtve klttens away are otleD told by theTr parents to "1et rid al them or don't come home." Pet shops begin . re~eivlnt kltt.ens when private effort.I &o find bom• fall. Pet abopl t>etome O\let'ioed.M rau.ltln1 in "free kltteos'1 wltb a DUl'ChM, and of courH eut.banula. Don't adopt a kitten unMll It'• for a lltetlme. Don't make your pet a bned- ln1 machine for profit, or a aex educ•· lion toy for your child. A cal doesn 't need to experience motherhood. or fatherhood. Spayed and neutered cats make much better pets. LACIE ROUSH Thanks for co11cerl To the Editor: Thanks to the Daily Pilot, American Home and Orange Coast College, my f ami ly totally enjoyed the first American Home Pops. This letter is to ex press our appreciation to the sponsors and everyone else who con· tributed to the success of this occasion. We hope that the seties continues and expands -the music was wonderfuJ ! JIM , CHERYL AND KATHERINA KENDRON Concerts start at 7·30 tonight and Aug. 16 and 23 -Edttor Fourth fines lacking To the Editor: Concerning illegal fireworks in ~ewport on July 4th, and particularly on the penins ula with its narrow one way streets. We had a terrible scare when a firecracker exploded alongside a car parked adjacent to our home. Had the car caught fire and exploded, three older homes would have gone up in flames because Balboa Boulevard was locked in with traffic and fire equip- ment couldn't have reached us in time. We previously warned the approximate 15 young adults. standing on a balcony, but they brazenly continued lighting firecrackers , not to mention the obscene language yelled our way. Three calls to the police department brought the answer, "we are doing our best." No complaint against the P.O. As far as more expensive enforce · ment, let's try giving rea11y sWf fines and it will soon get around it's ex- pensive. It could take some pressure off the police department. L. KEPPLER Caring's contagious To the Editor: 1981, if nothing else, has revived love and caring in America and Britain. If they never revive their economies, because of OPEC's blackmail prices. workers' unconscionable strikes for ever-high er wages and increasing inflation, President and Nancy Reagan's hand-holding and caring, and now Prince Charles and Princess Diana's touching and intimate smiles, have revived love. May its contagion spread throughout the world. GOLDIE JOSEPH llBllY lill OK, baseball rans: Finish (>ut the aummer with your ramUy lik~ you have been doma. Let lbe prf ma doana playen fiture out who ii sotnc lo pay their •alari• . DlSGUST&D FAN ) I ~· Orange Co11t OAIL.Y PILOT/6und1y, Auguet 9, 1981 'Future Siwek' author explores new wave of 1.eadership SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -Prealdent R1111n and former Prealdent Carter are. polltlcal dlno11W'I 1pla1hln1 around in the 1wampe of hl1· tory while humankind await.I leaden capable of rldlnl ''The Third Wave," 1ay1 author Alvl.n Tof· ner. While Toffier. In an Interview about hla new boot, "The Third Wave," aald he couldn't draw a personality protUe of the auperlor leaden needed to shape the future, they will bave to be unuauaJly lnteIU1ent aad nexlbje. "They are 1oin1 to have to have a world view" say1 Tottter. "They are 1otn1 to have to be capa· ble ol ayntbesls and of th1nkiu ln terma of Im· pllcaUona, the more remote lmpficaUOOJ of the de- cisions they make." Toffier suggests that attempttna to lranamtt power and ideas through clumsy, lnefflcient or· ganizaUons and systems is as outdated as the or· SAVE48e ·-"~ ~!~-~ESH SPECIAL! IVORY BAR SOAP Personal Size Beauty Bundle • 1anlsaUona themMlva. ln the woru, h• addl, la a ootenUal evoluUon of aovemment and aoclety, work , Hx and love, aa well N other US>eell of human experience, which 'The Third Wave may be the last wave or change to be experienced by a human species. as we know it.' are creaUna a new order of reality. Toffier'a 1980s book, "Future Shock," dis· cuaaed the unsettling chan1es facing future generaUona. "The Third Wave" attempts to put the dynamics of change In perspective. Tomer pro- SAVE40c KLEENEX 'IOUTIQUE" UTIHtOOM TillUI lSSORTtD PRINTS poses that the world will not only remain manaaeable ll people ·face It resourcefully, but that humankind can thrive in new modes of society and conaclousneaa. The Idea of revlsina the Conatuutlon may frighten tradltionallata, he aald, but a "constitu- tional crisis" Is Inevitable wtthln lO·lS years because of conflicts over regional power, changes In moral codes and other laauea. Our survival may depend upon how quickly we recognize the need for chanaea sbaplna thQ wav.e he said . If the human race does survive tne crumbling of traditional government worldwide, it faces a future Tomer concedes la beyond his com· prebenslon. The "first wave" of history was agricultural, the second Industrial. Both built toward the •·mass society" in which people were increuingly inte· grated Into the mechanisms of work, politics, re· DOWNY FA8alC SOnlNER IT'S CONCENTRATED ~· ~oLLPAKJIC 2.11 64 oz. KING SIZE august llgion and conflict. Think alike, look allke, act alike. In the third, he said, society will be Incredibly more complex, allowing -even demandln1 -that individuals reestablish primacy and control over their lives -the "demaaaifled society." What will follow "The Third Wave?" "One could s peculate, and I underline speculate, that the Third Wave may be the last wave of change to be experienced by a human species as we know it," Tomer said. .. And 40 or so years down the line we may already be rapidly evolving into some new klnd of species as a result of some new kind of genetics, you know, this incredible explosive revolution, which does indeed create a new stage of evolution for us." SAVEaoc I.II .. 8oz.SIZ£ SAVE •1.70 OS.CAL TABLET~ Supp11:m1:rit w•lh V1t,1m1n 0 Guaru aqaon<.t ta1c111m dPl!C oell( y WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! 4 BARS 69C (3.5 oz. EA.) SAVE70e JOHNSON'S COTTON SWABS In Decorator Pack.age p~~lOO 1.49 SPECIAL! ARRID ANTl·PERSPIRANT SPRAY AD PRICES PREVAIL: SUNDAY. AUGUST 9th THRU TUESDAY . AUGUST 11th. KODAK EKTRALITE 10 CAMERA OUTFIT llALlH =0¥67.95 KODAK COLORBURST 250 INSTANT CAMERA wttll IUIL T _.. £LECTitONIC Fl.ASH 1 0 .0 0 S1mp1e.-a1m·and·shoot • 11UAn _ operation Dm«CT,.... .... W 50 'llM~llAU ....... u.u KOO AK M o"e' ( ord --·- FOSTIR GRANT "1000" SUNGLASSES NEW" Polarized Fhp·UPS Black or Brown 9.99 ~-=;?.giJ) FABRIC SOFTENER SHEETS Works 1n the dryer BOX OF 40 SHEETS BARBASOL SHAVE CREAM Concentrated Lather Asst Formulas 11 oz. 59c SIZE u . POND'S ~ 100 TABLETS SPECIAL! SIGNAL MOUTHWASH & GARGLE For rt.111~ or,11 hy1i11·1w 32 oz.219 SIZE SAVE28e DI.GEL l_t ANTACID • 100 TABLETS • 12 oz. LIQUID A'>~ t Fltivors YOUR CHOICE 1.69 u .__ ____________ ........ Tll9lCT =MT COlOlt 6 BB lt W . 57.95 Cream & Cocoa Butter D ------------------------.... ___ UM! ________________ .... ,__ _______________ __ SAVE&Oe ~~.!,.~N •i ' OIL OF OLAY YOUTH FOR YOUR SKIN Protects !he skin against wrinkle dryness 4 oz. 3 39 SIZE • II t•• t•-...H.A ... '- '"" 11 ..... . . ····· ) :: ::· ~==J..< ............ . . . . flJ j •• NOllTHUN ~ • PRO PISTOL 1250 WATT ~ HAIR DRYER u Compact. hghtwe1ght Sile easy to handle #1171 11.99 GIMCO WARI ( -~ COFFEE SYSTEM Coffee Brewer & Wh1sthng Tea Kettle plus Filters 112702 8 oz.1 59 ' . saE • ~- SPECIAL! PHOTO SPECIAL . ...,.,. "" ...... KAL KAN DOG FOOD Choose from assorted flavor&. MOVIE & SLIDE PROCESSING Kodachrome & Ektachromt 135, 126, 110-20 Exp ._____ slide fllm. Super and 23.5 oz • SIZE Reg 8 movie film 2:s1 1.39 u -______.... SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK f :11111 AM 111 ·l HI l'M MONDAY lHRll \AlllR[li"IY • .) I'[• .~Y 'tl "ll PM \l.~rll\'T Makes 6 Quarts SAVE•t .00 -w...••....,_._.,..., •• , • ....,_.._ ........ lll9WllOllT-, ........... ..... IL TORO-Ml?l RI" RsS. RIM •"90N Vll.IO-_,. llir1ua ......... POUNTAIM VAU.IY -Miii' ... l W8'Mf ----"' ,._, . .. ... ......... __.. .. ,,,,,...,.,.._ __ ~ ..... ... . . ... . ltwlMl-C....,Dt.aW-.. IMTA~-•u ...-1....s-.... ' . ., r \ I y t:; ao:;::w •f 14$ I C 0$¥0 0 0 4#40 ¢0 1114 • llllJ Piiat SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 1991 FASHION E NTERTAINMENT TELEVISION 86 89 811 The Newport Water Polo Foundation is still. alive -but barely . B2 . Angels ready f o:r 2nd half Team's performance S'µrprises Mauch .By ED ZlNTEL O(_..., ........... Someone was talking percen· tages t.})e other day in the Angel dugout and Gene Mauch was the focus of all the talk. "Can't deal with them," the Angels ' 55-year -old manager said. "I thought that when I went from the American League lo the National League as a manager, I could play the percentages. I was wrong. And I was wrong again when I came back to this' league." MA UCH PREFERS to m anage from the gut level, bas· ing his decisions on Intuition after 37 years in uniform as a player and manager. Mauch's intuition at the mo· ment is that the Angels are ready for the 1981 season to beginer, begin again. It's one day and holding. Mauch 's intuition Is well founded. Saturday night al Anaheim Stadium, the Angel pitching staff turned in another respectable ex hibition p e rformance altho ug h th e Angels dropped a 2·1 decision to the Cincinnati Reds. A night earlier, it was the hit· ting that provided the spark in a 5·0 Angel win. · tie. The Aneels demonstrated over the last two nights, that they are in fact at least in good shape, physically. if not mental- ly. for the SO games of post- s trike baseball. "I was pleasantly surprised with what I saw because I didn't knQw what to expect," Mauch said . "To get nine good performances out or 10 of your pitchers, well. that's very en· couraging." · Three Angel ·pitchers shut out the Reds Saturday night alter s ix combined lo do the same Fri-: day. Only Fred Martinez was shaky in the t\\'.O games as he came on in the eighth to allow both Cincinnati runs on four hits. Dave Frost starte d a nd pitched two strong innings, al· lowing just one hit. Jesse Jef· ferson pitched three innings and also gave up just a bloop single. SANDWICHED IN between those two performances was Bruce Kison the story of the evening. Following surgery July 24, 1980 on the ulnar and medial nerve of his right elbow and wrist, respectively, Kison hadn't pitched in a game situation since July 14, 1980. That's why the crowd of 11 ,654 gave an ap- preciative round of applause as he took the mound Saturday night. John Harris records an easy out at first base I N ANY EVENT, win or lose, Mauch is encouraged as he awaits Monday night's opening of a six-game road trip in Seat- Two innings later. Kison had (See ANGELS, Page BZ) · while Bobby Grich touches 'em all after home run 'State of Mexico' gets All-star start Fabulous Fernando will hurl for NL, while Detroit's Morris is AL's choice CLEVELAND (AP) -Rookie sens&· lion Fernando Valenzuela of the Los Angeles Dodgers and veteran Jack Morris of the Detroit Tigers were named Saturday as the s tarting pitchers for the 52nd All-star basebaU game, delayed nearly a month by the strike of major league players. lional League career record of 3,630 hi ts the day before the strike began. He will be shooting for the record when the re- gular season resumes Monday night. "When you start with Pete Rose, you're starting with the best," said Green. Behind the Ph!Hies' first baseman, Green said he would bat shortstop Dave On TV today channel 4 at 5 Frey said the AL lineup would a good one and I'm proud to be a part of start with Angels' first baseman Rod it." Carew, followed by second baseman Frey said the American League team Willie Randolph or the New York "could be a 45-man roster as far as I'm Yankees and third baseman George concerned. It was a numbers game. I've Brett or the Royals. got a dining room table full or statistics. New York's Dave Winfield will bat I picked the 'tea m based on the fourth and play center field, followed by P.erformances in the first few months Ken Singleton of Baltimore in left field and I tried to do the best I could." and Reggie J ackson of the Yankees in Green said he would use each pitcher right field. on his staff for no more than one inning Chi cago catche r Carlton Fis k , and that Tom Seaver or the Cincinnati shortstop Bucky Dent of the Yankees, Reds would follow Valenzuela. . and Morris complete the AL starting · Managers Dallas Green of the World Champion Philadelphia Phillies for the National League and Jim Frey of the ·Kansas City Royals for the American League announced their starting pitchers and o pening lineups for tonight's game as the baseball com· munity gathered for a resumption of the season which was interrupted by the lineup. FREY DID NOT limit himself to one Concepcion of the Cincinnati Reds. Pit-Green said he looked forward to his inning per pitcher and said Cleveland's tsburgh's Dave Parker will be in right rirst All-star managing assignment. Len Barker would be his second hurler. seven-week strike. · field. batting third. Third baseman Earlier this season, Barker pitched the Mike Schmidt or the Phillies bats "FOR A GUY who doesn't want to first perfect game in the major leagues VALENZUELA AND Morris had each won nine games before June 12, when the players walked out in a dispute with management over free-agent com - pensation. cleanup, followed by left fielder George manage, a lot has happened in one in 13 years when he defeated the Toron· Foster or Cincinnati arid center fielder year," he said. "This is special. It to Blue Jays at' Cleveland Stadium. site Andre D~wson or Montreal. Catcher almost got away from me but we made or tonight's game. Gary Carter of Montreal will bat it." There was one roster change an· seventh, followed by Los Angeles Green said choosing his 30-man squad nounced. with New York Yankees' re- Green said h e would open with Phillies first baseman Pete Rose lead· ing off. Rose tied Stan Musial's Na- second baseman Davey Lopes and was difficult. Uever Rich Gossage scratched because Valenzuela, or, as Green referred to ''I've made some mistakes but I back of a bad shoulder and .-eplaced by team· him, "the state or Mexico." off to no one on this club," he s aid. "It's <See ALLSTARS, Page 8) ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~....;....~~~-'-~--:.~~~~~~~~~....::_~~~~~~ BVD TVCKER Tyler's disease: • f umbleitis Some of us were sitting around Frank Cozza's restaurant drop- ping names into the martinis and talking about this, that and the other thing. A guy mentioned Wendell Tyler. "He's healthy," said Ray Malavasi, the coach of the Los Angeles Rams . "He could have a hell or a year ... THE RAMS ARE in quite des perate y earning for a breakaway runner to have a hell of a year. Tyler bas been enroute to a couple of them but pulled up lame. ''He also rumbles•a lot;• a guy said. 1 'All exciting runners fum- ble," Malavut replied. This is traininC camp where it ia impoaible for a group of two or more lO enter into conatruc- tlve difcuulon without mention of the act of dropplna the ball while running with It. Fumblinc i• referred to more tutelully around camp u "couahlJll it up" OI' "loslng lt." A rtJllBLEa IS cursed and may have acquired bia dlleue at birth. But it's poaaible to de- velop the tendency throulb P"O-lonsed aposure at blah school aacf eoUece levell. • Pumbleltil II auppoMd to be arrested by tbe bl•b ldM>ol and eollep eoeebes bUt acute UNI nn• are. Tlail la wbJ. fWDbUq C promtneat m•Uon at a pro. 'ollal tratniq camp wbere tM coecbes would ''"'• not to be required to teach rundamen· .tals. Wendell Tyler or the Rams fumbles honestly. He did it con- sistently through his high school career and al college at UCLA and will fumble regularly'for the Rams If he carries the ball re· gularly. ''All exciting runners fum- ble,'' Ray Malavasi saia . Once last autumn, agafust the Atlanta Falcons, Tyler was run- ning unmolested toward the Falcons' goal line when the ball squirted ahead of him· into the end zone for a touchback. IT IS AS though you can bear Ray Malavasl· adding to his statement that all exciting run- ners fumble . . . "but not now ... !·· ferhaps it ls impossible to cure fumbleitia wben it reaches a stage as advanced as pro foot-' ball. At least, there does not seem to be any great effort to re· move the stigma from Wendell Tyler and be' carries the football like a alx·pack·of beer. It l\lY said this ls one ol the caUMS of fUmbling. . ••All excllin1 runners fum· ble," ~Y Malavui aald. Perhaps the theory 11 that a areal runner ii worth the risk., GBO&GE •t:NBFEB, tbe R11m trainer who ba1 beeo around \Ince the helmet.a were leathet and the ball a lmoat rouad, )aaa Men bu.ndrtdl ot ad- (8een7CSS&, Pa1e M > ShorUtop Bm Campant'ril ii taw«J, out at tlM ~· bt1 cmdmtati pUchtt Bruce BermY'. -. . ~ . , . . . ' Nelson assumes control DULUTH. Ga. (AP> -Larry Nelson. from nearby Acworth, Ga., used a strina of three con- secutive birdies and a record· matching total to establish a commanding four-stroke lead going into today's fi nal round of the 63rd PGA national cham· pionship. And Nelson, who didn't take up the game until he started beating balls on his lunch break from a factory. has a habit of winning when he's in front. ''I've won four tournaments on the tour and every one has come The Leaders Lury Nelson FuuyZoeller Tom Kite Andy North Gr99 Norman Bob Murphy Bob 'b1twood Venc. Heefner IHOAokl Jerry Pete J>•n Pohl 70-66-66--202 70 68-61 206 71-67-6~7 ~7 ~~ ...... 73--208 67 -69-72-209 68-70-~ 75...ge.gg.......209 71-61-70-209 69-67. 73-209 when I was leading going ilieo the last reund ." Nelson said after s~•il four-under-par 66 in Sat~s third round. Responding lo a question cerning his attitude going the final round, Nelson rep ''My nerves are·· 1 • ing forward to . • He paused fo -beat,. let the hint of a smile break the often eX]>ressionless cast of his features, and said,·~· Especially · tomorrow evening." ... _a. Jack Nicklaus, the defen<llftPll c hampion who all but took himself out of it, acknowledged Nelson's control or the situation. "Whatever he does tomorrow is the dictating factor to the rest of the field," Nicklaus said. "I don't think he'll back up, and he'd have to do tbat lo ctve anybody else much of a chance. Larry's a good player. And he's playing in wet, humid conditions he's familiar with." And be's playing before a familiar gallery, a vast gather· ing of friends, relatives and neighbors who wildly applauded bis CO-ahead burst or three COD· secutive blrdies. That burst combined with Ntcktaus' inability lo make any definltive move at the leaden severely da111aged any bopela Ute "Golden Bear .. may bave bad ol maltlng a successful title d• f en1e in this, the last ot tbe year's Bil Four evenll. Nleklaus, seeklnl • retOfd ai.a- th PGA title and ltth m_,.. pr. f...aona1 crown~ could do llO bit- ter than a Tl t.bat left blm at no. lahaeaolftbepaee. The 4)·year-old Nickl._ wu very much aware of the dll· ficu.lti• facin1 blm ln the quest <See NEUON, Pa1e BJ) . . . ' .. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t Q, 1981 Wallach belt1 winning homer Tim Wallach. a 81ddl1b1ck Collea product, homered wtth two out In the ninth lnnln1 to power Mon· lreal lo a 5.4 win over Boltoo ln an e xhlbillon buebaJl conl .. t Sat~rday. Wallach unloaded on Jolul Tudor'• fll'lt pitch to deliabt a Montreal crowd ot 15,284 . . . El&ewhere, Joe Mor1a11'1 leadoff home run trt11ered a three· run tint inning that b lped San Francisco to a Steinbrenner comes to Kuhn's defense 6-3 win over Oakland. The Giants scored live runs off Corona del Mar High graduate Matt K eou&b, although only two were earned . . Gene Tenace lashed a two-run double and four St. Louis pitchers com· bined on u three-hitter as the Ca rd inals downed t h e Royals, 4 1, before 33,617 In From AP dl1patclile1 NEW YORK -Baseball Com· ~-· mJssioner Bowle Kuhn took a lot of criticism ror his handling of the players strike, but one person who isn 't blaming him is New York Yankees owner George Steinbrenner. Wallach Kansai; City . Jobo Mayberry, who earlier belted a two-run homer, hit an RBI single to cap a three-run rally in the ninth inning that gave Toronto a 9·8 win over the New York Mets before 4,671 in Toronto ... Tltn Blackwell raced home from second base with the winning run after an errant throw by short.stop Greg Pryor in the seventh inning, giv· ing the Chicago Cubs a 4·3 decision over the Chicago White Sox Ron Gwdry and four New York relief pitchers combined on a six· hitter and Dave Winfield hat a home run as the Yankees defeated their Bradenton, Fla., farm club, 4·2. Steinbrenner rapped his fellow club owners Friday night and said they should give Kuhn more power. "football has a com· missioner and baseball should have a commis· sioner." Steinbr enner said. "It wasn't his (Kuhn's) fault for the recent strike. He had no power. He had no license to do anything. I think he stood up admirably with all the criticism that went his way. CFA goes head-to-head with NCAA •·Some owners who claim to be his friend s hould have backed him. A camel is a horse created by a committee and I don't want baseball to be run by little pockets of power. A s hip cannot run without a captain. "I'm tired of him <Kuhn) taking a beaiing and I want this printed even if I get itato trouble. This is not a knock against Ray Gre8ey. but tbe trouble was created by the Player Relation s Committee, which voted for the bylaws we now operate under. The commissioner simply has to be the commissioner. I don't blame Bowie at all we're so stupid we stripped him of all bis power." Steinbrenner was quick to point out that the owners have lo change the system. Quote of the day KANSAS CITY, Mo The Ci] College Football Association an· 4 • nounced Saturday it has reached an agreement with NBC on a four-year. $180 million contract. Ten days ago, the National Collegiate Athletic Association announced a four-year . $263 million agreement with ABC and CBS. The two organizations, the CFA and NCAA, now ap- pear to be in direct conflict, and in the words of one official, "It's anybody's guess as to what happens." The CFA is a 5-year-old group comprised of all major football conferences and indepen· dents, except the Pacific 10 Conference and Big Ten Conference. Charles M. Neinas, CFA executive director, said the NBC package would guarantee all 62 CFA members a minimum of two television ap· pearances and $1 million dunng the four-year "The owners won't underestimate the players anymore. That's probably the most important thing to come out of the strike. If there was any victory, it was a victory for the spirit of the players." Baseball player representative Marvin Miller. period. . Both the NCAA and CF A agreements cover the period from 1982 to 1985. ABC has this season remaining on ats contract with the NCAA. The CFA pact will be presented for ratifica- tion by the CFA membership at a special meet· ing Aug. 21 in Atlanta Newport needs help ... and victories Industry Hills came from behind with three goals in the third quarter and matched the Newport Water Polo Foundation team with a goal apiece in the final period to post a 7 ·6 victory Saturday during the second day of the 1981 AAU National Out· door championships at Newport Harbor High. The loss leaves Newport in a precarious position to win the ti· tie with two games scheduled to· day. Newport does not play In· dustry Hills A again but could move ahead of Stanford South with a victor y today. Industry Hills A and Stanford South are undefeated and each has eight points. Newport and Concord A each have six points as the tourney enters its final day with these four competing Jim Kruse scored three goals while the Vargas brothers, Joe and John, each had two as Newport defeated Stanford North in a morning contest. 9·6. Diggy Riley and George Robert.son each had one goal apiece. In the game against Industry Hills, Kruse was held to two goals with George Newland, John and Peter Campbell along with Julian Muscratt getting one each. Newport failed in a bid for a tie when it had a six-on-five ad· vantage for the final 30 seconds but couldn't score. The four teams competing in today's final round were the top seeded entries in the touma· ment. lo order ror Newport to win the tournament, they must win From Page B1 both games · including one with Stanford South , then hope another team can defeat In· dustry Hills A. In the women's competition, Newport was elim inated by Modesto-Stanislaus in a 10·6 de· cision. Industry Hills A, Com· merce. Anaheim Hills and Valley Aquatics are the other finalists in this competition. Coach Ed Newland feels that the team winner will have a tough time finishing with an un· defeated record but isn't looking for any miracles today. "We'll have to win our games and let the othe r s take care o f th emselves ." h e says. In Stanford South's victory over Co n cord A , former Newport Harbor Hi g h star Jamie Bergeson scored the win· ning goal with seven seconds re· maining to keep his team un· defeated. Newport will play two games today, the first at 9 this morning against Stan f o r d Sou t h , Bergeson and teammates. ln the other game. Newport will tangle with Concord A at 2:10 to com· plete its play in this year's tournament. Rhinos at home The Orange County Rhinos will host the Ventura Americans Saturday night Aug. 22 at Eddie West Field. Kickoff is slated for 7 :30. Half of the gate proceeds for the contest will go to United Cerebral Palsy. For more information. phone 546-5760. NELSON IN COMMAND • • • for his first victory In 12 months. "I'll have to s hoot in the mid-60s tomorrow to have a chance," he said, "And even that might not be good enough.'' Nelaon, once an illustrator at an aircraft factory in the AUan· ta suburbs, put together a lead· tng, 202 total, eiabt strokes un- der par on the Atlanta Athletic Club c:ourae, a difCicult layout that playa much longer than its listed 7,070 yards. Illa 5'-bole total tied the re- cord for PGA championabip play, Mt by Ray F1oyd ln t•. Nellon, winner of tour touma· mentl over the last 2~ teuon• and iunntn• tor the first m.Jor UUe In an unusual career, took command with a 20-foot putt on tbe lltb bole, the tirat of three conaecutlve bltdlea for the sllahtly-bullt. 1oft·1poktn 33· year~. Aild, Just aa be be11n to move lo JoJom tbouta and y.U. ot hil iallW,. the other tontadera betaa to tadt and lett the tom 1nrt la tu. handS. la tM ID4. oal.Y tr• •plrtt PuaJ Zoeller, the eu1·101n1 former Masters champion, could keep hUn in sight. Zoeller, win· ner o( lhe Colonial National In· vitalion earlier thls season, birdied the 17th bole for a 68 that left him at 206. Tom Kite, golf's steadiest , most consistent performer this seasoo with finishes of seventh or better in 10 of his lut 11 starts, and Andy North, lhe bll guy who bas finished second ln bis last two starta, were another stroke back at 20'1. North had an erratic 70 that included four blrdies and as many boaeys, and Kite abot 69 despite a ball ln tbe water lhat led to a double·bosey on theut.h. Bob Murphy, who bad led the first two rounds, slipped to a 73 and was lied at 208 with Grea Norman, Bob Eattwood and Vance Heafner. Norman, the whlte·balred Auttrello wbo ch1Jlenled ln ~ the Matten and U.S . Open, had a ea. But,.aod tbot a 12 tllat iachldecl a bole bl one, a 3-lron abot that tound the cup on tbe 110.yard tOW'tb. Heafner shot 70. •• Benny Ru:ardo ' Sore ar1n sidelines Gossage NEW YORK (AP > -With the resumption of the baseball season just around the corner, the New York Yankees learned Saturday that they may have to do without r elief ace Rich Gossage for awhile. The Cireballing right-hander. who leads the majors With 17 saves and has a minuscule 0.56 ERA, disclosed that he has pulled out of tonight's All-star Game because or what be described as a throbbing pain in his pitching shoulder following a one-inning stint in Friday night's exhibition game against the Yankees' Bradenton, Fla .. farm club. "I think I strained a muscle in the back of my shoulder," Gossage said Saturday. "My arm always goes th.rougb this in spring training but it's a little different from what I usuall,y feel in the spring. ''lt feels pretty good today but lt throbbed alter the game last .night. I 've never bad a tooth•che. but I imagine that must be the closest thing to it. 1 wouldn't pitch tr we opened the s eason tomorrow and I may be doubtlul for Monday night too!' Tbe Yankees, who won the ftrsJ·half mtnl-pennant In tbe American League East, start the second half of the strike-tom aeaaon against Texas Monday night. Gouage was replaced on the AL All..atar squad by tea.mm•~ Ron Davts, the other halt ol lhe Yankees' overwhelmln1 l·.2 re· Uef punch Dnla bu stnack out eo blU.en ln 48 1·3 lnnlnp and h ... 1 Z.2 reeord and 1.18 ERA. However, Go11ace aald he would Co to Cleveland and swt ur, althcM&Ch he wlll not be part o the 30-man AL squad. TRAFFIC COP? -Angel Manager Gene Mauch mav look like he's directing traffic, although he's actually leading his team in calisthentics. Baseball today On this date In baseball in 1978: Before a national telcvl Ion audience, John Candelarau of th Plttsbursb Pirates no-hit t.h Lot An1ete11 Dod1en, 2·0, ror tbe first no-hitter by a Pirate pitcher at home since 1907 On this date In 1960 : Boston Red Sox slugger Ted WUliams crashed tne Sllth home run of his career. tying rum with New York Giant lmmortaJ Mel ott for fourth place on the all-time list. Today's Birthdays: Boston Red Sox manager Ralph Houk is 62. Red Sox pitcher Bill Campbell ls 33. Milwaukee Brewers catcher Ted Simmons is 32. Cincinnati's Junior Kennedy Is 31. All-stars won 't whistle this tune ,, JI CLEVELAND -Paul Meagher •. ls bringing 10,000 whistles to Sunday night's All·star Game in hopes that fans will join him in a massive protest toot. Meagher , of Washington, founded the American Baseball Fans Association which earned a non-profit charter June 19. He said the , organization, a product of the 50-day baseball s trike, has about 600 dues-paying members in 22 of the 24 major league cities. excluding the two Canadian entries. Toronto and Montreal. ,,. .. Fans have been ignored during the baseball strike," said Meagher. 38, a bartender at a Capitol Hill restaurant. "It is our game. We carry the statistics, the memories." Meagher's protest calls for fans to "blow the whistle" on owners and players after the ceremonial first pitch thrown by Vice President George Bush and after the first pitch of every inning. Coe wins British AAA 800-meter title Sebastian Coe overcame a painful • blistered left foot to win the British Amateur Athletic Association 800· meter tiUe in 1:45.41 . . John Tate, former WBA heavyweight champion. used a four-Inch height advantage to easily defeat Claman Parker in the first round of their scheduled fight in Knoxville . . . Second-ranked middleweight contender Dwight Davidson knocked down fourth-ranked WUford Scyplon in the first round on his way to a convincing 10-round decision in New York ., Some 250 yachts sailed from the Solent at the start of the 605·mile Fastnet race during which 15 people died and 24 boats were abandoned or sunk two years ago in the worst disaster in ocean racing history Qualifying records fell one after another as Gregg Pickett won the Trans-Am pole, Al Unser, Jr. took the lop spot in Sut>er Vee and Paul Hacker gained the Rabbit pole for today's tripleheader at Brainerd International Raceway an Minnesota. Outch kick by Ricardo 35-yard field goal with 33 seconds left gives Saints 24-23 win ~ From AP dispatches NEW ORLEANS Bennie Ricardo. a Costa Mesa High and Orange Coast College product, kicked a 35-yard field goal with 33 seconds left on the clock to give the New Orleans Saints a 24·23 victory over the Baltimore Colts in a National Football League exhibition opener for both teams Saturday night The kick capped a bizarre fourth quarter rally that saw the Saints score twice on fumbled snaps as the Colts lined up to punt Earlier in the quarter. rookie linebacker Rickey Jackson recovered a fumbled snap in the end zone for a touchdown to put the Saints in posi· tion to win the game. Pittsburgh 35, C leveland 31 CLEVELAND Cliff Stoudt, who has spent his five National Football League seasons in the shadow of veter an Terry Bradshaw. took advan· tage of the preseason spotlight by scoring two touchdowns and throwing for three more in lead· ing the Pittsburgh Steelers to a 35-31 victory over lhe Cleveland Browns. Stoudt, who grew up in nearby Oberlin, dazzled and disappointed the Browns' record pre· season crowd of 78,610 by completing 14 of 19 passes for 228 yards in the same stadium where tonight's baseball All-star game was to take place. The outstanding Steeler offensive show was marred by news that veteran linebacker Jack Ham broke his arm in a third.quarter pileup near the goal line. It was not immediately known how long Ham would be out. Oakland 17, Atlanta 16 OAKLAND -Arthur Whittington ran 41 yards for a touchdown late in the third period, complet· ing an Oakland comeback which gave the Super Bowl champion Raiders a 17-16 victory over tbe Atlanta Falcons. Atlanta, 0·2 in National Football League pre· season play, drove to the Oakland 12-yard line late in the final quarter but placekicker Tim Maizettt missed a JO-yard field goal attempt. Early in the game, Mazzetti missed an extra point attempt. The Raiderit, playing thelr exhibition opener, trailed 13--0 before getting their first points on a 31-yard field goal by Chris Bahr just before halftime. St. Louis 12, San Diego 10 SAN DIEGO -St. Louis rookie quarterback Neil Lomax, directed two fourth quarter drives to set up field goab by Nell O'Donogbue, rallying the From Page B1 Cardinals to a 12 10 vactor v over the San Diego Chargers Defensive li neman Ball Acker preserved the victory by blocking Mak e Woods' 33-yard field goal attempt at the final gun. Lomax. the all tame NCAA passing and total offense record ho lder from Portland State. marched the Cardinals 54 and 52 yards . with O'Donoghue booting the go-ahead field goal with 6 ·54 remaining Green Bay 21 , Dallas 17 IRVING. Texas Quarterback Lynn Dickey threw two first-half touchdown passes and the Green Bay Packers beat back a Dallas rally to earn a 21 -17 victory over the Cowboys. Dickey completed 13 of 18 passes for 196 yards in the first half as the Packers built a 21· 7 lead. lt was Green Bay·s first preseason victory in two years . The red-hot Dickey completed eight con secutive passes during one stage of the second quarter as the Packers charged up and down the field against Dallas starters and substitute~ alike New York Giants 23. Chicago 7 CHI CAGO Phil Simms' 26-yard touchdown pass to Tom Mullady and four-yard touchdown runs by Doug Kotar and Scott Brunner led the New York Giants to a 23·7 victory over the Chicago Bears. Simms' only completion came in the first quarter to give the Giants a 6-0 lead. Otis Wilson deflected Joe Danelo's extra point attempt. Detroit 21. Buffalo 19 ... ORCHARD PARK, N. Y Detroit Lions de· fensive end William Gay recovered a Buffalo fwa· ble in the end zone as the Lions scored twice wttbtn 19 seconds late in the fourth quarter to defeat tl1e Bills, 21·14 . Detroit came from behind twice, forging a 7'7 tie on fullback Bo Robinson's seven-yard blast in the third period and a 14·14 deadlock on a one·yal'd plunge by Vince Thompson with 4:21 left in the game. Miami 20, Minnesota 6 BLOOMINGTON. Minn. -Rookies Br8d Wright and Tommy Vigorito combined on a five· yard scoring pass and com erback Ed Taylor ri· turned an interception 28 yards for a toucbdown·.as the Miami Dolphins posted a 20-6 triumph over die Minnesota Vikings. ANGELS LOSE IN NINTH, 2-1 • • • marked the first chapter ot his return a success as he allowed just one single. In all, Klson threw 22 pitches, 11 of them strikes. "I'm amazed," Mauch said in reference to Klson's work. "Seven weeks ago, I didn't tlve him a prayer. He bad no dexterl· ty or control of his pitches. But he came back and that comes from hard work." NOW. IT' decision tlmt for Mauch. He has one openJn1 on hJa 25-mNl roeter. Does he ltve it to KilOll or does he take a chance on aomeone elae, I.e., • minor leaauer? .. R11ht DOW, l don't k:ftOW wbat I'll do," he said ''I'll have to think about it tonl1ht:• Kison was as pleased as could be expected. "l had to make the adjustment to bring the ball down some. All things con· sidered, l telt good. "A brief stint in an exhibition game is not like a full regular season game but it l bad given up four runs or somethin& I'm sure I'd be very down rlgbt now." IUSON SAID he wasn't sub· consciously or otherwise In tear o( hla outing prior to Saturday night. "I felt posltlve aolna in and now I feel positive comm• out.'' Rene(u.na on the mlnt-ae.rtes with the Reds, Mauch aaid be couldn't have uked for nor ~· ctived more. "The 1ood pitcbiftt ' that they C Cincinnati> off4"fcj was great for us. I'm glad e got to see them.·' The Angels got their only ~ on Bobby Grich's second holler in as many nights In the nnUil· ning to right-center fi eld. ·* A11t••L NOTCI -Wltfl ti-. ·~-=JM lllkllen D-. •• -... Tre-, • tlle Allllllt' ~ ,....r MW enlwl -1lle ................. ., """' -...... ""' _...,. -el Mefle"'1 I....._. TM lW9 ...... INt -,..,,.....,,, M Mey .. , .... Ill Olllit'f ...... (IMlllMll -.... .....,.... , ... MfWt I u..-., W.111. ,_ ....... I ......... _..lier ... ~· ~----............. Ciiiey . ,........ ........... ... (7-6! ..... 0..... ...... tMI ..... <N> ....... ..... ..., ...... ,,,,.. '"'' -.. ........ (>I).,...,... a.e ..,.T ..... ,_... ...... ...,._. • . ,,, .... ..,,, . ~ . "" ....... ............ ,... ....... .. °' .................... . • ' .., . ,~ ........... . ..... ,,. . / ~ f~ -----~ --. .. -.p,_....., ............ ~, -··--.. -.--.~+-•-•-•-+*f-Y*~-...··•• PO 40 4# #I( 0 N ....... , .._ f" !Baseball bac·k on tube I • 'All-star game, PGA, tennis, boxing featured today ' lh, .• _HOWARD L. HANDY °' ... ....., ......... Baseball will make a strong pitch to bring the 1 rans back into the stands by playing the annual All·star game tonight In Cleveland Municipal Stadium. The game was postponed In July because or the recently concluded strike. . Tonight's action is the forerunner of the return or regular·season action Monday nlglit. The game wlll be brought here live on Channel 4 beginning at 5 o'clock. The conclusion of the PGA golf championship from Duluth, Ga. will be seen on Channel 7 at 12:30 with CBS Sports Sunday (Channel 2) bringing the Roberto Duran vs. Nino Gonzales junior mid- dleweight bout II ve from Cleveland at 1: 30. There is also the finals or the men's U.S. Clay Court championships from Indianapolis (Channel 2, 11 a.m .). Following are the top sports events on TV to- day. RatlnQs are: I 1 I 1 excellent; 1 1 1 worth watchlnQ; 1 .t fair; / forget It. :<I' 11 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ TENNIS: U.S. Clay Coort Championships. Announcen: Pat Summerall and Tony Trabert. It wlll be Jose·Luls Clerc of Argentina facing Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia In the men's singles final to· • day in lndlanapolls. Clerc defeated John Alexander In the semlflnals, 3-6, 6-3, 6·1 despite losing six straight games and the first set of their match. Lendl , defeated Guillermo Vilas, 6·3, 7.5 to gain the other • finals berth. .f) 12:30 p.m., Channel 1 .f ./ ./ ./ GOLF: PGA Championship. Announcers: Jim McKay, Peter Alliss, Bill FlemminQ, Dave Marr and Bob Rosburg. Larry Nelson has taken over the lead after three rounds of the PGA and holds a commanding four- s troke lead over Fuuy Zoeller with a 202 score. Jack Nicklaus. seeking his sixth PGA title, is in at 210 eight strokes behind the leader and says he will need at least a 6S to win the tournament. (i' 1 :30 p.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ CBS SPORTS SUNDAY: Duran vs. Gonzales. Announcers: Tim Ryan, Gil Clancy and Angelo Dundee. Roberto Duran is the former undisputed lightweight and wee welterweight boxing champion. It will mark his return to the ring for the first time since his loss to Sugar Ray Leonard in the eighth round of their wee welterweight bout in November. In that fight, Duran quit and said he would fight no more. Gonzalez, eight years younger than Duran, has an Impressive 24·1 record as a pro. The wee rates him No. 12 among super welterweights. ~ 5 p.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ ./ BASEBALL: All-star Game. Announcers: Joe Garagiola and Tony. Kubek. The Angels' Rod Carew will start at first base for the American League after being selected for hts 15th straight appearance In the summer classic. Carew Is the tone Angel In the star11ng lineup. George Brett of Kansas City was the only pleyer to get over one million votes in balloting for the American League team this year. The game marks the return of major league baseball with regular season games slated tor Mon· day In most parks around the American and National Leagues. OTHER TELEVISION Noon (7)-GOLF-The big hitters have their day In the national long drlvlnQ championship, taped at the Atlanta Athletic Club In Duluth, Ga. Peter Al· lists and Dave Marr report. 3:~ p.m. (4) -SPORTS AFIELD -Angllng for bOneflsh in the Florida Keys with Jerry Chiappetta. 4 p.m . (4) -SPOATSWORLD -Renaldo Snipes (21-0) vs. Gerri Coetzee (2~2) in a scheduled 10- round heavyweight bout, taped at the New Westchester Theater In Tarrytown, NY. 7 p.m. (28) -TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE - Coach Vic Braden explains the basics of ball rota· ti on. RADIO Baseball -All·star game from Cleveland, S: 25 p.m ., KNX (1070). Rebroadcast : First game of the 1968 World Series between Detroit and St. Loois, 1 p.m., KMPC (710). (The Dally Pilot Is not responslbtt for late changes .. ) From Page 81 ALL-STARS • • • mate Ron Davis. Morris said he was surprised to be picked as the starting pitcher for the American League in his first All-star appe arance. ·•It's probably the biggest thrill of my life. I'm all excited about it." he said. Morris depends on three pitches: fastball, s lider and changeup. VALENZUELA, A screwball specialist. was not present al the media conference. He was quoted in a trans lation provided by Dodge rs· broadcaster Jaime Jarrin, his in- terpreter, as saying, "First I was very excited to learn I had been named to the All-star team in m y first year in the major leagues. Then to learn I have been na med to start the game is an even greater honor." Brett, the AL batting champion and most valua· ble player last season. compared playing the All· star Game after an eight-wee k layoff to coming back from a long injury. "Last year, I missed 30 days with torn liga- ments in my right ankle." he said. "This is s imilar. But I'm in good shape and I look forward to playing tomorrow night. I'll do everything possi- ble to win.'' Frey called the All-star managing assignment "a big kick for me." "I like being here. I played 14 years but never in the big leagues and there were times I didn't know what I'd be doing to make a living. much less managing an All-s tar Game." Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9. 1981 83 Roger Stacy has a slint lead WHEELING. W. Va. (AP> - Hollis Stacy, overcomin g a possibly disa strous 18th hole, fired her second straight sub-par round with a 70 Saturday ror a t wo·s hot lead ove r Kathy Pos tlewait after two rounds of the West Virginia LPGA Classic. Al one point during the second round. Stacy with birdie putts of 10 feet apiece on the ninth and 10th holes held a seven-shot lead over Pos tlewait But on the final eight holes. Stacy lost two shots to par while Postlewait birdied three or the final eight holes. Stacy was at 138 whil e Postlewait fired a 71 for a 140 total. Stacy held a three-shot lead over Postlewait going into the 18th hole, a dangerous 475-yard par 5 that was playing particularly tough because of a difficuJt pin setting on the front edge of the undulating green. Putting from 20 feet for a birdie, Stacy's putt meandered down the green, rolled past the hole and wound up on the fringe of the green about 25 feel away from the cup. Stacy then played it safe. placing her par putt at· tempt to within two feet of the hole. then tapped home for a bogey. "I thought I'd be putting all nig ht.·· said Stacy. a runnerup here in 1977. Spectacular show Challenge of Champions final today • RIVERSIDE -They tuned up for today's Cballenee or Cham- plons race at Riverside lntema· tlonal Raceway Saturday with two qualifying events and lr the final product comes near to rivaling these two prellmin~ries, it should be a spectacular show . The qualifying races were for the $40,000 final feature or the Bridgestone SCORE world championships and both pro- vided numerous thrills and un- expected finishes -or non- finishes as the case may be. IN THE FIRST race, veteran Mickey Thompson took the lead in a sprint to the first turn and held it ror two laps before he became entangled with son Dan- ny at a horseshoe turn and both were out out of contention Huntington Harbour 's Al Arciero, another favorite and one or two brothers from this area in the race, los t control in the first turn. hit some hay bales and bounced back into traffic. He lost the right front wheel and was out of the race when it was re-started a few moments later. Before his short run, he said: "These are the scariest cars in off.road racing and I love them. But this type of r acing isn't a paying proposition. If you were to win e very race on the circuit this year. you would probably lose around $10 ,000." VETERAN DRIVER Fritz Kroyer of Reseda was the win· ner in the first race while Frank Arciero. Jr. qualified in 14~ position. Steve Casagrande of Littlerock. Calif. was first in the s econd race. The field of 30 s tarters today will vie for lop honors. The re w e re a myriad o f vehicles of aJI sizes and descnp- tions on hand Saturday and will be there again today. Sponsors have a field day displaying their banners and with the insignia printed on the s ides of their rac· ing machines. Unfortunately. one lap or less around the track and that printing is covered with dirt and virtually unreadable. "I've been in this off-road rac· ing since 1969 and there isn't anything else that even comes close lo the thrill I get out of it," says Irvine's Joe Mac Pherson whose Chevrolet agency ad is clearly visible on the cars his group runs in Class 8 competi- lion, the last event on the pro· eram today at s. "I drove for two years an a mini truck with my son as co- driver beginning when be was 14. Then he told me one day that I was loo slow and look over behind the wheel. In his first race, he won his class in the Parker 400 at age 16. I've been riding as a passenger e ver since." Another father -son combina· Lion Is that of Gary and Steve are the The se scariest cars road racing love them. in off· and I -Al Arclero Myers of Newport Beach. Gary, the father, is only in his second year of d riving a mtni·truck <Toyota 1. Steve is 15. "STEVE RIDES with me and he.does the shifting. We have an automatic transmission in this truck and he knows when to put it down into a lower gear . He's done it for a couple of race~ and . is catching on ver y well." Gary sa ys They didn't do too well in Class 7 Saturday which was won by Roger Mears who put his 14th triumph on the boards at Ri verside He'll be racing in Cla!>S 3 and Cla!>s 8 todav seek· ing further triumphs · Area dnvt.•rs competing today i nclude Kurt Hamalto n <lrvine 1. R a~ Bates <Costa Mesa). Mak e Lund < lluntmgton Beach 1 and Neil Phillips 1Laguna llalls 1 an Class 2 In Class 9, Kurt Kovacks of Seal Beach and Pepe Rodriguez of Westmmster are entered Three·wheeler e ntries include Terry Sasluskas, Rick Wallace and John Andre. all of Hunt- ington Beach . Chuck Halzfeld of El Toro and Lee Rodgers of Mis- sion VieJO Action gets under way at noon with Classes 5 1.600 and 10. followed at 1 wath Clases 3 and 4. 2 with Classes 2 and 9: 3 with the three-wheelers: 4 with the Pepsi Challe nge of Champions; and 5 with the heav) metal challenge Class 8 -By Howard L. Handy I . t • !Baseball back tube on All-star game , PGA , tennis, boxing featured today By HOWARD L. HANDY -... ~ ........... Baseball will make a strong pitch to bring the fans back Into the stands by playing the annual All-star game tonight In Cleveland Municipal S tadium. The game was postponed in July because of the recently concluded strike. :ronight's action Is the forerunner of the return of r egular-season action Monday niglit. The game will be brought here live on Channel 4 beginning at 5 o'clock. The conclusion of the PGA golf championship from Duluth, Ga. will be seen on Channel 7 at 12:30 with CBS Sports Sunday (Channel 2) bringing the Roberto Duran vs. Nino Gonzales junior mid· dleweight bout live from Cleveland at 1:30. There is a lso the finals of the men's U.S. Clay Court championships from Indian apolis <C hannel 2, 11 a .m .). Following are the top sports events on TV to- day. Ratings are: / 1 1 1 excellent; 1 1 1 worth watching; 1 ' fair; 1 forget it. : ® 11 a.m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ TENNIS: U.S. Clay Court Championships. Announcers: Pat Summerall and Tony Trabert. It wlll be Jose-Luis Clerc of Argentina facing Ivan Lendl of Czechoslovakia In the men's singles final to-day in Indianapolis. Clerc defeated John Alexander In the semifinals, 3·6, 6-3, 6·1 despite losing six . straight games and the first set of their match. Lendl defeated Guillermo Vilas, 6-3, 7·5 to gain the other finals berth. e 12:30 p.m., Channel 7 .(· ./ .( ./ GOLF: PGA Championship. Announcers: Jim McKay, Peter Alliss, Biii Flemming, Dave Marr and Bob Rosburg. Larry Nelson has taken over the lead after three rounds of the PGA and holds a commanding four- stroke lead over Fuzzy Zoeller with a 202 score. Jack Nicklaus, seeking his sixth PGA title is in at 210 e ight strokes behind the leader and says he will need at least a 65 to win the tournament. ('t 1 :30 p .m., Channel 2 ./ ./ ./ CBS SPORTS SUNDAY: Duran vs. Gonzales. Announcers: Tim Ryan, Gil Clancy and Angelo Dundee. Roberto Duran Is the former undisputed lightweight and wee welterweight boxing champion. It will mark his return to the ring for the first time since his loss to Sugar Ray Leonard In the eighth round of their WBC welterweioht bout in November. In that fight, Duran quit and said he would fight no more. Gonzalez, eight years younger than Duran, has an Impressive 24-1 record as a pro. The WBC rates him No. 12 a mong super welterweights. ~ 5 p.m., Channel 4 ./ ./ ./ ./ BASEBALL: All -star Game. Announcers: Joe Garagiola and Tony. Kubek. The Angels' Rod Carew will sta rt at first base for the Amerlcon League atter being selected for his 15th straight appearance In the summer clas.slc. Carew Is the lone Angel In the starting lineup. George Brett of Kansas City was the MIY player to get over one mlll lon votes In balloting for the American League team this year. The game marks the return of major league baseball with r~ular season games alated for Mon- day In most parks around the American and National Leagues. OTHER TELEVISION N~ (7)-GOLF-The big hitters have their dav In the national long driving championship, taped at the Atlanta Athletlc Club In Duluth, Ga. Peter Al· llsts and Dave Marr rePort. 3:30 p.m. (4) -SPORTS AFIELD -Angling for boneflsh In the Florida Keys with Jerry Chiappetta. 4 p.m. (4) -SPORTSWORLD -Renaldo Snipes (21-0) vs. Gerri Coetzee (24--2) In a scheduled 10- round heavyweight bout, taped at the New Westchester Theater In Tarrytown, N Y. 7 p.m. (28) -TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE - Coach Vic Braden explains the basics of ball rota· ti on. RADIO Baseball -All-star game from Cleveland, 5:25 p.m., KNX (1070). Rebroadcast: First game of the 1968 World Serles between Detroit and St. Louis, 1 p.m., KMPC (710). (The Dally Piiot Is not responsible tor late c~nges.) From Page 81 ALL-STARS • • • mate Ron Davis . Morris said he was surprised to be picked as the starting pitcher for the American League in his first All-star appearance. "It's probably the biggest thrill of my life, I'm all excited about it." he said. Morr is depends on three pitches: fastball. s lider and changeup VALENZUELA, A screwball specialist. was not present al the m edia conference. He was quoted in a translation provided by Dodgers' broadcaster Jaime Jarrin, his in· terpreter, as saying, "First I was very excited lo learn I had been named to the All-star team in my first year in the major leagues. Then to learn I have been named to start the game is an even g reater honor." Brett, the AL batting champion and most valua- ble player last season, compared playing the All· star Game after an eight-week layoff to coming back from a long injury. "Last year , l missed 30 days with torn liga- ments in my right ankle," he said. "This is similar. But I'm in good shape and I look forward lo playing tomorrow night. I'll do everything possi- ble to win.'' Frey called the All-s tar managing assignment "a big kick for me." "l like being here. I played 14 years but never in the big leagues and there were times I didn't know what I'd be doing to make a living, much less managing an All-star Game." Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 Bl Roger Mears. Stacy has a slini lead WHEELING, W. Va . (AP) - Hollis Stacy, overcoming a possibly disastrous 18th hole, fired her second straight sub-par round with a 70 Saturday for a two -s hot l e ad over Kathy Postlewait after two rounds of the West Virginia LPGA Classic. At one point during the second round. Stacy with birdie putts of 10 feet apiece on the ninth and 10th holes held a seven-shot lead over Postlewait But on the fanal eight holes, Stacy lost two shots to par while Postlewait birdied three of the final eight holes . Stacy was at 138 while Postlewait fired a 71 for a 140 total. Stacy held a three s hot lead over Postlewait going mto the 18th hole, a dangerous 475-yard par 5 that was playing particularly tough because of a difficult pin selling on the front edge of the undulating green. Putting from 20 feet for a birdie, Stacy's pull meandered down the green. rolled past the hole and wound up on the fringe of the green about 25 feel away from the cup. Stacy then played it sale, placing her par putt at· tempt to within two feel of the hole, then tapped home for a bogey. "I thought I'd be putting alJ night," said Stacy, a runnerup here in 1977 Spectacular show Challenge of Champions final today • RIVERSIDE -They tuned up ror today's Cballe nae of Cham· p lons race at Riverside lntema- tlonal Raceway Saturday with two qualifying events and lf the final product com es near to rivaling these two prelimin~ries, lt should be a spectacular show. The qutlllfying races were for the $40,000 final feature of the Bridgestone SCORE world ch ampionships and ~otb pro· lion, the last event on the pro- aram today at 5 "I drove tor two years m a minJ truck with m y son as co- driver beginning when be was 14. Then he told me one day that I was too slow and took over behind the wheel. In his first race, he won his class tn the Parker 400 al age 16. I've been riding as u passenger ever since." vlded numerous thrills and un-Another father-son combina- expect ed finishes -or non-Lion is that of Gary and Steve finishes as the case may be. IN THE FIRST race. veteran Mickey Thompson took the lead in a sprint to the first turn and held it for two laps before he became entangled with son Dan· ny at a horseshoe turn and both were out out or conte ntion. Huntington H arbour's Al These are scariest cars road racing love them . the in of l- and I -Al Arclero Arciero, another favorite and Myers of Newport Beach. Gary, one or two brother s from this the father, as only in his second area in the race, lost control in year of driving a mini-truck the first turn. hit some hay bales <Toyota 1 Steve as 15. and bounced back into traffic. He lost the right front wheel and "STEVE RIDES with me and was out or the race when it was he-docs the shafting. We have an re-started a few moments later. automatic transmission in this Before his s hort run. he said : truck and he knows when lo put "These are the scariest cars in at down into a lower gear. He 's off-road racing and I love them. done it fo r a couple of races and But this type or racing isn't a is catchin~ on very well:· Gary paying proposition. If you were s ays to win every race on the circuit They didn't do too well in this year, you would probably Class 7 Saturday which was won lose around Sl0.000." by Roger Mt·ars who put his 14th VETERAN DRIVER Fritz triumph on the boards at Kroyer of Reseda was the win· Ri verside llc'll be racing an ner in the first r ace whale Frank Cla!>!> 3 and Cla!>!> 8 toda\ seek- Arciero. Jr. qualified in 14~h in~ further triumphs . position. Steve Casagrande of Area drivers l'ompetang today include Kurt Hamalto n Llttlerock. Calif. was first in the 1 1 n ane I, ll:n Bat es cCosta s econd race. The fi eld of 30 · s tarters today will vie for top ~t esa ). Mike Lund Clluntington honors. B e a c h J a n d N e JI Phi 11 i p s There were a myriad of r Laguna ll11ls1 an Class 2 In vehicles of all sizes and descrip-Class 9, Kurt Kovacks of Seal lions on hand Saturday a nd will Beach and Pepe Rodriguez of be there again today Sponsors W <'slmmster are entered have a field day displaying their Three·\lo'heeler entries include banners and with the insignia Terry Sasluskas, Rack Wallace printed on the sides of their rac and John Andre. all of Hunt- ing machines Unfortunately, mgton Beach, Chuck Halrleld of one lap or less around the track El Toro and Lee Rodgers of Mis· and that printing is covered with sion Viejo dirt and virtually unre adable . Action gets under way at noon "I've been in this off-road rac-with Classes 5-1.600 and 10, ing since 1969 a nd there isn't followed at 1 with Clases 3 and anything else that even comes 4: 2 with Classes 2 and 9: 3 with close to the thrill I get out of it," the three wheelers : 4 with the says Irvine's Joe MacPherson Pepsi Challenge of Champions : whose Chevrolet agency ad is and 5 with t he heavy me tal clearly visible on the cars his challenge Class 8 group runs in Class 8 com peti· -By Howard L. Handy ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-=----=~~~~~~~~~.;._~~~ ~~- I • ~ t• t ••• "' ... • ' Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 9, 1981 NOT SO FAST -Oakland quarterback Jim Plunkett gets his shirt pulled by Atlanta ·s Joel Williams during first quarter action ........... Saturday . Williams threw Plunkett for a nine- yard loss on the play. Oakland won. 17-16. Ainge had second thoughts Basketball looked awfully attractive during strike NEW YORK <AP > Danny Ainge, who s hunned a million-dollar pro basketball career to play for the Toronto Blue Jays, may be wavering in his commitment to baseball, he indicated Fri· day night. The t•a use: a seven-week long baseball strike that Ajnge admitted took some fun out of the sport for him. "l 'LL SAY THIS much. During the strike, l had thoughts of playing basketball," Ainge said Friday night before taking the field for an exhibi· lion game against the New York Mets. Asked if he had talked with any National Basketball Association teams since the strike began on J une 12. Ainge replied: "No comment." Ainge is in the first year or a three-year deal with the Blue Jays A clause in his contract pro· hibits him from playing competitive basketball while playing for Toronto. Amge, a first team basketball All-American out of Brigham Young. was drafted in the second round by the NBA's Boston Celtics. who reportedly still would be interested in signing him. AS A 6·4 GUARD for the Cougars in his senior season. Ainge led his team to the 1981 NCAA East Regionals, where BYU defeated Notre Dame 51·50 before losmg in the regional final to Virginia, 74·60. The crowning moment of his collegiate basket· ball career came in the Notre Dame game when he grabbed a loose ball. dribbled the length of the court through the entire Irish team and scored the winning layup as the lime expired. Al the conclusion of the NBA draft early last month, Celtics General Manager Red Auerbach said. "We all know if Ainge was completely available. he 'd go hi gh. We had a lot of offers for that 31st pick, and we turned thorn down. You don't turn down offers lo play games. We think we have a shot at him " While refusing to rule out the possibility of an NBA career an the past, Ainge has maintained steadfastly that his first love was baseball. He is considered a fine fielding third baseman. but so far has been unable to break the .2!i0 barrier in hit· ting. "The strike made me realize bow much a business baseball really is." Ainge said. ''I've a lways looked at the game as being fun, but I guess when there's that much money involved, you have to know it's a business, especially when you're out that long over an issue that should have been resolved." Ainge. born in Eugene, Ore., but now living with his wif~. Miche lle, and their daughter, Ashlee, in Provo, Utah, said he felt the game itself would recover unscarred from the strike. "As far as I can see. there are no negatives for baseball coming out of this strike,'' he said. He added that while some teams' players may harbor a lingering bitterness for management, that was not the case on the Blue J ays. "We didn't have anyone really that directly in· vol ved in the negotiations," Ainge said. "I sure don't see any bitterness here." From Page 81 TUCKER • • • vanced cases of fumbleitis. Menefee was to tell us about a running back named "Beep. Beep" Smith who came out of Tex- as. or somesuch place. Beep Beep was so called because he had the speed of a road runner and twice as many moves. For all his speed and maneuverability, though, Beep Beep could not hold onto the football for any length of time and the coaching staff was afraid the guy would fumble away the season. All man- ner of cures were prescribed and tried, none with any success. "Finally,'' Menefee recalled, "we taped a foot- ball to his hand and left it there every minute he was not on the football field.'' Beep Beep walked around camp all day and took his meals and even slept with a football taped to him for all the world like it was part of his hand. It seemed like the perfect cure for fumbleitis and Menefee was asked to kindly refrain from dangling us in suspense. Did it work? 'Yessir," Menefee replied, "it sure did. lt worked perfectly ... right up until Beep Beep car- ried the ball in a game." RAMS SEASON TICKETS Dufour presents the world's most successful sailboard. LIMihd 'Choice Suh 213-463-1101 lAsk for Sunday t 714-752-0960 In Just two years since its introduction. the high performance Dufour Wing has become the run· away best-selling sailboard throughout the world-with more Dufour Wings sold last year than any other sailboard manufacturer. The reason ls simple. Each Dufour Wing combines exceptionally high quality con- struction with the performance that h~ won many major International races and regattas. Yet It Is extremely stable. easy to sail by young and old alike. and carries a very attractive price tag. Dufourao WllGe DUFOUR WING HOBIE NEWPORT is also your Southern California dealer for WIND GLIDER (the only olympic board). LASER SURF SPRINT Laser, Sidney Sabit, Tadeo Kayaks. Vagavon Sailboats Hobles • Hobles • Hoblel Hobie 14 • Hobie 16 • Hobie 18 H081E NEWPORT 1700W. COllt H~. ~:= Aztecs def eat surf, 4-3 Playoff berth now uncertain for California lb CUllT SEEDEN or .. .....,,....._ . LOS ANGELES -In many re1pect1, it was a game of first.a at the Coliseum Saturday night. For inatance, the Los An1eles Aztecs' 4-3 vie· tory over the Calllornia Surf marked the first ap- pearance of the season by Surf defender John Faulkner. It also marked the first start by goalkeeper Mike Mahoney ln months. That's just the beginnlng. ntE GAME MARKED the first lime Steve Seargeant did not play the entire 90 minutes of the game this season. And, for the first lime this year, Carlos Alberto failed to connect on a penalty kick. But, in one respect, it was a game of ninths, for it was the ninth time ln a row the Aztecs have sent the California Surf home a loser, and it was probably the most damaging defeat the Surf bas suffered this season. With 5,294 looking on, Bill Faria scored two goals, including what turned out to be the winning tally as the Aztecs continued their mastery over the Surf. "Nothing seems to be going right." lamented Surf Coach Laurie Calloway. While the Surf was dropping Its match. three other NASL teams battl· ing for wild card playoff berths -Tulsa • Portland and J acksonville recorded victories. .. "As long as 'e're not mathematically eliminated, I stall y we ha,ve a chance," con- tinued Calloway, tr ng to express some hope for his team. "We don't have any chance for second place. Right now. we just have to go out and beat San Jose Wednesday night." CALLOWAY SAID HE wasn't sure if he'd start Mahoney in the nets against the Earth· quakes. Mahoney, seeing action for only the second time this year after regular keeper Alan Mayer sprained his finger. was far better t han the final score indicates. While it took Faria JUSt 29 seconds to beat him, Mahoney managed to tum in a strong first half while his teammates struggled both offensively and defensively. The Aztecs were credited with a whopping 33 shots in the game, and Mahoney came up with seven saves -several on point blank shots. The Suri had an excellent opportunity to get back into the game early when referee We rner Winsemann awarded a penalty shot at 34 :10 when the Aztecs' Dragan Simic hauled down Paulo Cesar in the penalty area. That set the stage for Carlos Alberto's special ty. On his previous successful penalty shots, Alberto had waited for the goalkeeper to commit himself. Alberto would then calmly fi nd the open corner. This time, however, Aztecs' young keeper Chris Turner mana1ed to bat the ball away. · "The goalkeeper moved about 10 seconds before the penalty (shot) was taken." Calloway said after the game. ' TIIE SURF LOOKED llke a revitalized club in the second half, thanks mainly to two substituti<tns As long as we're not mathematically eliminated. I still say we have a chance. -leurl• c111ow1y by Calloway as the ftnal 45 mtnules of play began He removed iron man Seargeant and Faulkner. replacing them with Cr aig Allen and Tony Crudo, Jt took Allen just 12 minutes to notch the score at l ·l , as Carlos Alberto and Jan Van Der Veen collected assists at 57: 17 It was Allen's sixth goal of the year . The Aztecs wasted little time in regaining the lead. as Simic scored at 60 .30 off a free kick. Two minutes later. Cesar scored his fourth goal of the year off a free kick by Alberto with a perfect header past the diving Turner. Both Ossama Khalil and Charlie Cooke had op· portunitities lo put the Surf on lop. but a goal by Khalil was nullfied by an offsides call and Turner foi led a solo effort by Cooke a few seconds later. Then. it was the Aztecs· tum to just miss. First Faria. who had scored the Aztecs' first goal. must have seen Pele's move in the movie "Vic- tory," as he tried to duplicate the shot with a backwards kick, only to see it travel JUSl wide. A SHORT TIME LATER Simic found Faria all alone in front of Mahoney and Mahoney made a sparkling save on the player they call "Buffalo Bill" at the Coliseum The Aztecs forged ahead at 85 30 with a goal as Poli Garcia with assists from Bnan Quinn and Chris Dangerfield. And for good measure, Faria added a goal with just 29 seconds left in the con· test. ------------Tl-IS WEEK'S SPECIALS!------------, LUBE, OIL CHANGE & FILTER Plus a Compl~te ~ Vehicle Inspection ~ 511~! ;J T~b P..,,001 Mu~-'0111 0.1 I Includes up to 5 Quarts of high Quality 011. a new I oil filter. plus a professional chassis lubncat1on. I ---------------------- TIRE ROT ~TION Well rotate all 4 wheels and inflate 11res to recommended pressure tor maximum mileage ---------------------J ,-~------~ -Al.IGNMENT 1 ----SYearSO~OOO°Mil;--1 ALIGNMENT l .. ~·~~!"!!.";':::'~39~~1 ---..,. llYe ,...,. Of 50 ooo c.ra onc1 I ....... --,,,.. s.. c:omoiee. ..,_..,,...,. e!lcl~-_..._ •• nc1-""* ~ I I NI""-"*'-.•-ci.. .. n .. and COIT'C*IA ... 1111ron1-On.,.,..., I ::'::: ~ Parta •Jtlra •I,,......, "° --chltv-'°' laclory I -----------------------~ --------------~ ~ . . .. " ALL·STAR ROSTERS American League aATTINO I Olly Arm.•. A ' l!uddy S..11, R.-i911r\ G•Otlll' Bretl Rov•I\ lllt<lllw-.A ...... Ill .. C.onw, A-1• 8u<lly OM1, V•n•ee\ Bo DIAi, lncll•I'" Uw1gnt Ev•f\\ Rl'O So• (•rttton ~1\& Wn1tt Soa R~9,. J«hon Y•n•••• l'r9'1 LYM, A-ls EOd't Ml.irr•v Onol•\ Al OllwH R•nQf't\ fr.trf' PM.Of .. M•rt'W' W1llt• A4'nODIP" Y •n.,,.,., f Pd Sfmf'nOr"I~. 8r .. w fr\ ..:. •n ~nv1e1on Or •Oln C.Ort~n Thon'"!•\ Br•wrt••' F r•n• Y'ih1tt ,.Ov•I\ O•"'f W1nf1!-ld Y•nk~•\ A••"• lllBI 7" 13 .. 1'1l ' •I )IJ I IJ ,.. , 1• 1" J II t•1 71 J~ • H :Ml ll ,. 1'11 I 1' '" ' H .174 I U H• 8 U 321 I ll l?t I )I HI I II 101 • JO lolO • ,, IU I) lA 711 J I~ )7• I 40 P ITCHING l t-n e.,,., lnQ14tn\ 8r lff 0U'f"I\ ~.,,,., So<IL Oou9 C0tbltt1, fwtn\ AoU•f' '"'"'9''' Arew"'' K •n Fww:fl, A,,.eh ~on 04,..,\ v .tn'f't'\ ~( Otl ~( G tt!'QOt Or tOlf"'. JA( k Mort I\ f!Ql>f\ M +•fl No"•\ A \ u ...... ~ht'-0 a~v• Jd<r\ W L S ElllA ' l 0 I QI / 0 l~ 1 I 11• ' I II ' ).o • l e J.V 1 I • I .. 1 0 I II 0 116 0 I 1) 0 I I• National League BATTING Ow1ly .. •er,~t Bruer Bf'n.•d1Ct 8fltV .. \ 8111 bu<kMr lutr. G•ry (.•rtH t •Po\ D 4 vt Con<•0<1on R"'"d\ Andr~ O.~on E x.C•\ M i-.f' bt\l•r Pttot•\ C.toro-FO\t•t qNh Phil c;..r,...t P1r .,ef\ Steve GMvey, 0ed9ert Pl'Clro Guer,..ro. Dod9f'n f ,,,,., '<frlf'Wd~ IJ.t(Jl'tl>\ 0.1¥• LOOK Oof.-rt 9•11 MdOIO<. ~ Ptt fltf-. Ott'i' .. P•rllP' PH •ft"\ t "'' q•IM\ £ •UO\ Pttt" Aoo...t" Phdl1t!\ M1~fl ">c.Nn1(tt P l•t1111 .. ~ 0 11•'" Yn•th PM>r.•' M .tnnw lr1flo Pf'\11t1f'' JOf'I Yr>vnC)C>•OOd Ml'h P ITCHING V 10• Bh• ll••nt\ Sttvr (•'''°" "'"1111•' 8wr1 H-.... Oodqff1 8001(-Atlro1 O•t" Rutn..,...n Pn1111f'' N OIMl Ry•n A,\,ro-. r om 0S.•v•• Re<t\ Bru(f' Sult~• C1rd1"dil\ F Y•t .. luief• Oeote#\ A•t HR •Bl )0) JI ,., n l•l •• 10 , JO JOo ... Ill IJ 1" JI/ • 11 14'1 u .,.. ?IA I U J1' • JJ JU 10 lD 108 0 ,. I•• I ll• l 7• llM> S II 117 l ,. IJO 0 •8 l&A U •I h• O •I 1"1 ) •• IW • ll W L S ERA ' I 0 I II J I 0 180 0 2-.. 1 • 1 tS I 0 •OJ \ J u ' 11 I I 0 101 I )01 • • 0 I 0 FIRST HALF STANDINGS American League WEST DIVISION 'f'•d\ ( l'U( ttcJO A ...... ~.,.....,\ (1tv "-t"dlltf to•onto W L ""Cl JI !) •II u n .cJO 1' 11 18S GB '. , . JI 1" \II • 10 JO 400 •1 11 lb M " ,.. )l)t EAST DIVISION it 11 001 41 u l• H )1 1~ JO " lo 1• 11' I l!M ) \" J , l lo • uo \ •ti .f1 11& t9 ToAtQht't G.lm• All S1¥ G•n~ •IC l•v•liitnO Meftd•y't G•mH .,,..,, •ldnn t •• a1 ~~'"" ADCOl1 1 .11 ,.. c n1C•QO •Dohor'' )I ,;i 80\tO" 1 E<9'eq,l~y '., f'\ -.. ttn\t'K (•IV L"<>n•rO & 11 (tf Rall•rnorp 0 Mdtflnf!'/ I J " Mi1tw•uk,. VUf,OW1fh •"I• -:J• (if'Vf'f~nd I 81Ylf"Vf'n, .. , n ft'•tt\ t ().Jr¥r!l'1n I •1 ttl "-14:'• 'fr>f' ()OM \ •~ n toron10 (l•O<w JS ttl 0.1to1t IW1t<O• • I n 0 1;11ti'Mld iNtHft\ 8 1"' l•notor<I \ n <111 M tMM'\nt• 1 E "t "'°""I fl; n National League WEST OIVl\ION • ~· (U'U •l'V\dh H('lu,t<'W" 4 tlttnt• W L Pel GB II> 1' &n H 11 •II ' II 1" '°' 81 /\ 1'I '6l 4 , S•n J r•nt.•4-1 o S"n D•f"'QO // J7 •18 10 1l JJ .. ,, '''• Ph1litdrlpru• St l OU•\ Mc>ntf"f .. I P•ff\OUf"Qr'I Nfw VC)t' Cn•<.oc> EAST OIVISION :J.t 1• JO 10 JO n H 11 " •s lA l1 TOlll .... l'I G•- 4 11 Sttlf Gdm .. at Cl•'lf't41nd Me...Wr'•Ga m .. ••• 600 11 J so • n1 s~, lll •S ,.. ,,., (1nc1nn•t• 1 P•\torf J )t •I Decl .. rt Af'UU S-11 n N,., York l!koll J.•1 •• Choca90 tl(rv_.,.. l 6 1 P1lhburq,, t 8 •t>bv • l1 •t Montr•et R'~nl al n St LOUt~ I B For\.th • ,. tll Ph1l60etl)f'M• ((tl' "tt'nson 2 ~J. n Afl•nt• 1 P N•ekr o "4• 1t S.9n D•f'C)O • E •<rwlbtr9"' •JI ri t-10U\ton I ~1.-ro •SI •• S." ~r•nt•Ko 18IUP s s Of Al~••noer j •• n NOTE WOf'I lo\I rK ord\ •rt thaw up to Junt 11 Nfw Vorti. Ind O••••nd •n tM AmtrtC•n L~tt9ut •nd Lo~ An9f'ff'\ and Ph1IMtPlot11a 1n the N•U'Otw• L~•OUt' ~vt Qu•llflf'd ·~ orehm1n.trit otayoth .•oa·~· \eCOnd·Nlf d•Wi\IOn ..,,nners If Onf' 1N m win' Dot~ l\llW'\ 1t wHt "'4t~ the d twl1'10" ~ p0_,.n1 ••1h ltw M•I bf\t ov•r•U \M son perct11I- E11hlblllon lt-2.A-'st ClnclMMo 000 000 0<71 1 7 ) Calllornl1 100 000 000 I 4 I Solo, UCMS (]). llerelly• U), COtnbt <71. Humt ti ), Price (91 and O'lkrry, l<rMt, Khon Ul. J•ll•r:wn Ii i.' Martinet <II -DownlnQ. Oii fr Hume L -Mar11<W• S- Prlu >ill C<lhlor"'•· Grle:ll A 11,u.o c-4, Wllltl S01I ) Chic-(Al 000 001 100 l 9 Ch"-(NI 110 001 IOl .4 I I 8 •11mQ•rl•n 1..a.ftp Ill. Trout Ill. llO~motl C.I >io<U Y (ll. F•r,,,.r Cll - Ft'"· euten. Bird. Mc.GloU..11 Ill. Maru Ul Griffon t•I. C....,111 (Pl, EHIWt<ll (I) •"4 81e<IJMll w C....,111 l Hooey HR Cllk -IHI Durham A 10.lll a 1 ... J•YI t, Me1' I H•w Vork IJJ 110 ~ " , T or~to OCM 100 10). • U O Sw•n. Jone' ISi. MoHer <SI, S.•r•9t 171. All.n l•l -SIHrM, HOClteh; l.••I, Bol"ll· ooc• Il l J..:kson l'l, M<UIUOflllll <ti -WM\t. Mal"llM l W ~~In L Ai- "A ....... Yor ... V•leftllM, l(lnoma11. C• DOOe. Toronlo, lort . ~'l'btf•y A o,.r1 ·-···· .......... Br.O.nton 000 000 OJO 1 • New York 000 tO) 00• 1 I """"""''' ... llol• Ul, MllCftell IA), Rijo UI, Ol•ln <•l J_, 111, 119-• Cll - Lomwo Out0ry, ~r l>I. •tvl(""' Ul, Ne1M1n (11, "-"•'• flt .,.. eor-. ,, ... W _,,.., L Mllc7'ell Hit Ht"' YW~ .... II~ Id A I ,40ll ~ .... .., ... , SI LMI 000 -t00--4 ll 0 IC•"tatCllV 000 000 I• 1 4 I $0f'lftWft, ~f11ne1 m. av-n m. oc-m, IC ... 1tt Mid T-<• SM<llet, S.C11> IM1 c;. .. C•l. Wr'9M t•I, llr .. 1 (II, Olli- .. ,,, I ti ""' W-""'". CN!f'll. W MM11ne1 I. OM. A U,'11. .............. 9"1911 ..... l~U I _,.,.... OIO ttO '91 J • 0 forttl 8vrv-.w1er tt )t•f\ley ,., t t.AllU1 ''' and CtfOm.tif'\ Alt•n\on, P•lro., Ourr1, I •I f;jW(ler\ <•I l M Ill 11011\011 Ill '>oW 1•1 •ftd RA<tlO\ C •rl•• W \ow I T- HU\ ~IO<I ... oll<or ll•11t11t• MonlrMI P•"•"P\ W•ll<tt(n 4 •\ H • O"'nto •.At J O••••l'O 000 010 lnO J 10 J \•n ~r-1><0 111 000 •0• • I I I(~ ""<t.a"r (•I Ko"ljm•n (I/ •l'tll Ntwu~n Wnu.on, (,,"ff1n tlL ... IPl•lf ()) I 11lh Ill lioll•ncl <•1 "'•nlon Il l onO IMW 8ron•y w Wllol.on I ,._,. \ M>nton MIC ..... f'renct><o,MOrQ•l\A 11)•1 LITILE LEAGUE Majors f 11·12·yea1-oldBI 1., ...... _, S!CTIOHAL "INAU S«ti..i 4 5i••-.1ew ' ~orw•U• C•ntrAI 4 l<t\-.tn PIO<lll\IPI OIVISIOHAL PLA YO .... S <•I wui... Vleto Y-~ Pan) T-r'•Game If V't"'F ,_.Of'tt\ 'W\ Sf•• t'<# \ JO p m Big League 116-18-year-olds) <al s.tnta AM --••I Pan 1 01 •l>Qf Villa P•rlo •J. FountA1n Velley t Fuut'\t•1n V•llev et1m1~tH) NFL EXHIBITIONS Lions 21 . Biiis 14 Seer• 1tJ O...r1en ~tro1I 0 0 1 h )I 8 ufl •IO I 0 I 0 14 But &utt•r l j Od\!l from F'~rQuSon IM lll11f ,,,,.VWf lt.1<td D•I AotHn\Of\ 1 run tMurr•y 11L1(k) Hut f!rttnlil.111, 11 CM\S from ~<• 4M •k• l+A4Yff ll1(kJ Df'I V f'->""Piw>n l '"" (Murr•y IU<k) o.-t Grt-en tK_O'IU-tf'(J tumt>IP 1n tf'd ,...,.. M u"•V 11.Kk A 13 MO ,,,.,,., ... ,, Le-n quSHtNU Oe-tro1t Rob1n\on •~•o. Bu\'-f'V ) t'i -C.41M • u Sim\ \ 10 r~ ) Q t ••1ttutt \ 8 O•n1ft'ii0f\ 3 4 1(11"'9 1 l """"Ml\ 1 1 <omlo J a Buft•lo, McCvtcrwon I •• ("!». ~)I) HOO'\ ,, 1', Brown ).10, M~nu<c 1 6 R1d<11(i-\ 1 PA~SIN(, O.troll O•n•t•wn .. 11 ........ 11tomto q u --0 & 8uft•to F •rou\on .,."4--1\. Manuttt I 11 1 tJ/ ~ECEIVIN(., D•lrO•I ~cotlt43 Nt<l\01\ i 38 Roo'"""' I II C11t1(utl 7-11 \un\ I i H ill t I Nor, 1\ t \ 8ufl•lo 8uU•' ) .. 0 8tM"l"'f" l 19 HOO~\ 110 Fr•NWn 1 8J f:t",.Qf''\On, t] Crut>O'\ 1 I 8•rnett 1-4, Mtfutt npon 1 • Steelers 35. Browns 31 Seo .. by 0...r1•n Ptll\DUr9n I 11 I ~ l.S (lf'vPldnd I 1 3 14 31 ttf F""'""'' \NU from Snipe tJ ec.ob\ ,,, It, Pit R O•v•\ 11 t>a\'\ from Stouot tBMr ._,H "'' Pit Sloval 1 run l9•tr ll tCk t C •• L09<tn 11 IMh •ro,., Sipe IJ..:OC>\ ......... Pit Sw~m'' 13 p.t\\ trom Stoueft t8Mr It. •4.' I p,, Sta1•wor1n) P•\\ trom StC>udt f8¥r , ... "' t I• ~G JokO~ )1 Ptt Sloud14 run <8•'' k•Ck l {Ir f:pet<tlPr 8 ~"" from Mt.Oor\AJO •J•<~~•<ll.» Ct• Ntw~ J N\\ trorn Mc(')cifwkt J •C Ob\ lilt( It.~ ll'Mt1Vldu41\.• .. n RUSHIN(, Po1ts1>ur9n, T"Or<\IOn S '4 R Ott'll\ & ti S1ovcn • JA H•wtftOrn.t / -J.t P ot1•10 • ?O Cott•-. t ~ ¥••one 2 • ( IPv,.tano. ( M•ll•t ) 11 Whit• I 1l. l M •Htor tt '° M Pf"v•tt ,. 14, c; Pruitt, ~•. Mt Don.ltd ' ' Sipe I & PA'!tSING P1tf\bUfCJ" Slo"dt u •• 1 m _,.,,.. 1 s 1 •I C••••••no s- ,. .. I 19') ""< Oor\•IO i. 1* '" RECEIVING l>•lh t>urQh, Sl•llwonn. JI? (unn1n9h"m. l tO R 0 •"''' J.H M.wthonw l ffi Sw•nn 1 23. Gro\s.rn.n 1 ?1 ~mttn t 10. (otf•v. 1 I F inn I• Clf\lf'taino Wh~tf' 1 3' Fe•<"•' s •• .... ouon, 4..,1 ~" I 0 G Pruolt, l ·ll, C Miiier, ) lb I M 11lflllt I 11 l OQ(tn 1 11 M Pr~t1 • t I Hill l q N .. w~• ) 8 Dolphins 20. Volu ngs 6 S<0re by Ow•r1en M1om• r • 1 o 10 M•n,..\01.a 0 I l 0 M•d 1 i1v•o' 11 P-1\\ 1n~t•<•c:>Uon hOft \t ""m"nn It.•<-. 1 M1~ f(, "on S<n.amann J4 M '" f: (, 0 4'ntTWtf{"' 1l M·• ~(,•on S<hctm•nn ti Mm ~C WttQnf't l' M•• VtQO, 1to \ Od\'\ tt om W t1Qh1 I V()tl '>t h~l'TWN' k •. \ • A ....... tNll'ltdy,,&j '--...... ~ RUSHING M •t!tn"ll 8f'n~n 0 ., HIH ~ '"' v1oorito • 10 F'•""''" t).Sfi l•nwn 1 o' J1~u1nto • 1 M1nrw\Ot• Brown S---~ 'founo •' P1Uc f'ta e. 14 H•''•ll ) I A.-.ow•,.... > " Od\ 1 J l•4"'-"-•""t• M1~m1 Wood1py 8 l•l 1') W• ..,,,, JO 1} l~n\of"n J ~ 0.11 M1n,.>Ota IC:'d',...., 911/911 O•I\ 11)4 0-1l6 At' E V1NV M ••m• Hill 1 n H•"'' I I) Moot• l U V•90"10 J 1'I l~ I JI, G·• qu1nto 1 10 qOb,,.,.,f' '~ M1nn•iot•. 'fOUrtig S )0 Mill~• J )J Mutpl\'f 1·3' 8rutr I II P•K"'11 S-'6 R><!wono I I. Lt ••• I 11 Ll'-Counl 11" Packers 21. Cowboys 17 Score llr O...rtff'I c,,..., a.. 0•111\ ' " 0 0 1 0 0 11 10 11 G R _.,._."' • p.au from D•<lll.ey tVef"nCW' tr.•c"• C.8 •very I r11n IVtrnOfl kick) GB Tnomo•o" s o•u from Ooekey •Vernon k1c1t.1 Oa• C~,,,. •2 o•\s from Carano fCas1ro k•< • J D•I w.u\ tS blO<IU'd ou~I ritlurn cStt•n'-.f llK ... I D•t FC. Stt•nlor 40 A SS,Oll l""lvl-1 L•-n RUSHING C.rten Ba. l•trv •O 0 , Elli\ u ,. Dalla\ Oorwn 6.0I J Jonn I JI P•SSI NG C.rten Bay Ooc-•r IJ 18 0 Ille Wl,.tthur" I IS t.6) Datta" wn•I•; U-0-1•. Carano 10 n 1 ,,. RECEIVING Gru11 Bar A Tl\0m01o011 ) SI LOl\O<I J '2 Pt¥\On) •• Cm-.).10 Giants 23. Bears 7 H Y G1•nt"\ Cll•t-Ne• YO<"k lkoCk l•tl.01 Sc.,.. by ~ .... • 1 0 I0-1> ' 0 0 0-1 .,.u11.o., 16 ~u lrom Simm• Chlc•QO WAii• ] DH • ••om ~Vall\ IT~kKkl N•w Vo,.., Kot•r •run t O.nelo ltttk) New YorlJ rGO-loJ' Ntw York 8ru1111er • r11n CO•llelo klekl A St 411 1 ... lv!Wal LA-n RUSHIN(, Ntw Vorll, J<Kason ... lS, l(o t•r 1-10. BrlQ"' 6-4), M•ttll••• 4-U , Bro-lee .. ,, 8 Tey•or J.11. Br11nner 2·1, 0 Hu i 1 ... ,..,,y 1 J. R..O 1.0 ClllCago, WHll•ms •·JS H•rCM>r S·IO, E••n• .. ,,. P•vton J.1S McClt,_, :l-4, Sklbln\111 l·S. SuhtY 2-4 PA$SING Ntw V0<ll, Simm\ ·--· 8 ru,,ner H 0 71. II-•·•-O··" Cl\k-Ev-11.1..0.ISI, Pt\1-• 7·1·10 lllE.CEIVfNO New Yorlt. MwllllOy J-S1, M ltller J.Jl. Vouno 1·15, G•rrt1t •·11. J eck.toll M•. SI-ton I 14, Perltll\\ Mt BH'1. Wllll.n" I st. Mor ... t11m >-n. W•tU J.lt, 811tow...-1 t·1', w,_y 1 u , ,. • ..,... I 1 Cardlnat112. Ch1rger1 10 k•• lty ow.n.n SI."°"''' ""°'-SD F(;-1>1 • 0 0 ..... ,, ~ 1 0 0-10 SL Tttlo 1S o•n lr•m Herl (IJl<k __ ,. SD Floyd • wn fr..., 1.llll•V ,._., "c111. SL FG O'DolloQl\ut )4 ~L FGO'~JJ • .4',U. llMll•llliNI ......... ltlllHING St. Loul,, l r .. 11, .. ,., Meff\s t.JI, AnOet'-~. Nor...ii 11·1' ~ Ol9Qo, Mufltle .. J I, J .,_, .... , ..... , lllO'on .. ,, PASSING SC Ldlllt, H""" .a...1 42, I.hell >'•,.., ~. ~•t•"' .... Olttl. ~ 4-M M.l.MIMrU·,._l IJl, ltltl lVIHO SI Wiii•, JtlM ... , irt .. her t-441 Tlli.., , .. , H .. ntll t-tt, Meffl. M. ~I ..... 1'11, -Olttl. J ........ ,.. Jel~ 1•$4, CNrlH t .)I Ne..,.." 2·•· le1"'9n ..._, I 8reoa• Ml, ._ .. 1'4, .... .,. '~ Oronyo Coasl ()AILY PllCJl Sur1Cli1y. Auqui;t 9 1961 llS 4A' Ang I, Dodger eh dole 0 n ~ •, . Angeli on Aedlo KMPC (710) Angeli on TV Chennel5 . ~s Dodgers on Radio KABC (790) Dodger• on TV Ch1nnel 11 • O•~••• t~ ca.---Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday August10 11 12 13 14 16 ~ at Seattte I 30 • ~tis Al Seattle I j/l All&lls at Seattle l JO Bme~ ~1 Dtdc1rs. 31 • Allfels a1 A ~ l JO • Mells at A s l al Dedftts. ~ lll R ) al ~•rs. 1 lfl Reds al DMttts. 1 'II' !!ta.es 11 Dtdprs. 'W l!r.JVt~ Al IWpf1. 1 -·-.... ---22 H 17 18 19 29 21 • _. at A's. I JO Wprs JI COJbs : I Jn ()iolts at Aftttts. 1 11 • Wprs at ot I ll ()!()le .it Allllls. 7 lll • a.rtts at Cubs 11 Ill l)IOl,.s .11 Antell. I~~·· ,, Ancell. I I() Dldpts •• 1 Cdld~ ) Jn "1dl<YIS a' Alctls. I •~al Ca!d~ 5 BrMSat ..... 1, I . 2~ 24 25 26 27 28 29 lndlllS ii &llllls. I Boston at Ansets. T lO ·.._.,at P11a1es •l 10 Boston at All&tls. 1 31 • llMprs at Pu die~ 1 m • Mttrs at Puatl" 4 l(I ~di Oi .~ ~ J Allcels at Ol 1oles 4 IO • Alftts di OllOles. • ll • "'C•n al t:auls 11 lfl C di Dodiers. 1 lll Ci.bs at o.4&•rs. 1 IO Cubs et -..n. 1 _,_ 5 JC 31 Sept. 1 2 3 4 • Altltls al ()IOfes 11 ._. at BostOfl 4 JO Alllefs at Bo~to11 .i JO ~els .it Boslon J 30 Anclls .i1 lnd1.i11> .t Jn !:.Yds a' ~e1s. 7 lu All(els al tnd1ans 11 CcYds a' Dedetrs. I l(1 Alllwls at Indians 11 C..ds at 9M1trs. I Cdls at 0.tefS. I P11ales at Dooper~ 7 JO PK ates ar D•cers. 1 11 P11alh al ~ers. 7 30 Raiders 17. Falconi 16 k er••rO.r1en Allanl• t J It Dn l¥111 o l 10 O 11 All Fr.,o<I\ 11 ~" lrom Mo•O\kl <••~· •••1.01 All >i19C111u I run IM.111•111 '"'I 0.k FG • .,,, JI 0•' R•rnHy 11 OI U lrom Wll•on 11.. ansloro 0.101 O•k Wllltlonoton •1 run IL11n>•O•O a.0 1 Alt FG lUCUlurll 10 A .,,.~/ 1...i.tv ..... l le-n R U!;HING All•nt•. FIU911rato 1-S.. M11v1>err; • 1' >i1991nt • 11 Mc°""91110 S 7l Moro••• 1 II, Qe11n l-11, C•ln :1-S. All °''"'' 1 1 o...i..-o. w1111t lnQton • "· .>en-• ,.. WUM)n I 1J H•w .. 1ns .. to Wlllf\ .. 1 •en E..,_ • • K •"9 I m1~\ I P ASSING All•nlA JonH 11 11-0-ISS Moro•~' 6 11 O 11 O•al•no P•unUll 6 10411, WU-S lo-Q.60 RECEIVING All•nta, R vom .... H I, R \moll\ 1 ,., Mok .. 11• t 14 Fr•n<•• I :i., BHll I 14, .i.nkoM I 17, Hl991n\ I 10, J4Kk'°" I• M•yberrv I 6, F1t1oer•1d t •. M•tler t • 0 •0.lano. 8r-10•w 1 16, Cn.\ltr 1 ti, Ku'9 1 s Qraoxn I 41 M•n•n ' II R.,.,, ... I II (h•ndlf'f' 1 It MulMmM.O t t Saints 24. Colts 23 Scot• by O...nen B111t11'''"• 0 • I I 1l N••O.l ... M I I 0 10 14 ~O '"''' 7tun ,A1ceroo••ct\) 8 •1 C1t'r I Jh'S\ hom Jone\ 01-.ll '••ledl NO w W ll\iOn 1 ,.~ t R•<•'ck> \I(\' 8•1 fG Ar1r1 l1 8 •1 M(M 1i1an J run IAnrl ''"'' R~u McC•ultot \ Olll\S trom L•ndry tAnr• kf(ll. • NO A J.Cll\(Jln tumble r•covtry 1n tf'IO I OfW> I Pro\.py 'f( • 1 NO FG R•UtdO ll A <o l<r/ lndlYIO..al Le-" RUSHING 8•U1morf 01•0n ti SI 0•< '~v Cf 10 M(M1H•n 1 1~ Sim\ 1 ~ l.And•y 1 • McC•ulfY 1.0 N•w Or•••n' (, ROQitr\ d )• w Wtl\O<\ I 13, Holm•• s •6. Ga1M.). ••. J ROQl'f\ ) 1 T ..... ,. t , Wood•ro I '· 0 W1l\on t-0 PASSING B•ll•mon JQf\e\ I) ·~-1'1, l dndrv If 14 0 Uc ,_,.,., Orlt•ns. Scott O 17 0.9' ~rk1n' 1 4~ l D Wll\O<\ 1-1143.S RECEIVI NG !111•t1mor~ McMill•n .. 11 Mt(•uttv \\l D••on •11 C•o J jl Sh.,.rw1n 1 J1 M<Cre•r'f \ U, S.,ul• t )1 f\iffw Orttian\, W W•hon) 72, Ch•ndler 7·1'. 8 William\ t It HOlr"'W\ t t) Tyler 1 t 94'" \ ' «> H•rdy t s woooar-o 1 j Etl''o'' • m1f'MJ\ 1 I( W1l11•rn\ I 1S Bengals 24. Bucs 17 Sc.,.. lly 0...r1•n l •"" 1nn~1 'ttmp.ai B•w { 1n H~tt r 1\ t Btf'f'(:h 't(k I ( 1n M4n1\ l8r......cnt1.l(ll..> (•"' FC, 8tflie(_n 2\ ,. ) 0 I r 8 W1ll14m\ 1 ruf"' l Rov~to lt.•Ot;) C +n Httr' 1\ 1• o." tr om J h0t'n01i0" 181tnfy,1C11t.1 T 8 ~C. RO•Plo •9 t8 Et•tlll'OOd l,.un 1qovetO k 1t-1t.I A 6/S>-1 lndlwo-1 le-'1 quSH INC,. Ctn<.1nNh H•r91ovt 10..JS. JO"n\On .f tJ Gr1ff1n J ~ Thom"G'\ 1.J. 1 v• ""' I 1 S1m1>'i0f\ I 1, ~ ... J 1, Al••· And•r ' 1 MOt\tQO,,,.,V 10, Sm1tn 1•mlnus J '>c"Oner1 I mon..o> I l•m~ 8AY, Fuslno I )I Eck.,_, 11'I 8•11 '-2• Wol-~16. W•ll••ms 2 ' C. O•'lt\ > 4 PAS~ING (1n<•f'ln•t1, Andert.on 6 7..0.-U T nom!l"'1n • 14 0~1 Scl\one" 7 •O 0 S8 lam u• Bao; wi111~m\ 17 Jl·O l•• F us,n• ~ ••O·"O RE-CEIVINC, (jnc1nn.th. M l "1•tri\ \ &1 Co1t1n~wont1 j..a1 l(rf'1cteor • 41, Prvor 1 18 Lf''len\illler 1 1\. S•rnoM>n > m1nu\ 4 MontQ04'T"llet't' I I Alf'••ndt--r 1-A s..n1th I , f •mP• B•v Wolck• • 67 EOWOO<I S st JON'\ 1 S8 8f'I! 1 t1 G11t\ I 11 HOUW 1 0 ·~numa"" 1 •· C•rlt' '• C. 0 a¥1\ • • Loi Alamitos l<IUDAY'SLATIE •IESULT tUrd .. t1..Ul•11..an ... -. _..,., TI N'OI •ACIE. 440 YWO• \l r•w Cllpclwr IPtlkt n1on1 •l 00 l.tO S IC Tr11 A-..st (P..,ll<W I 1100 1 OC Acl<led V•lw (H•rll J IC .. ISO r•citd Oock•Y\ RtDel, A•a<IOn, Fr en ty J•,...s. J•llors. Owt>toon tr"h sr..1<.e R•<ln ~ver Time n 1t n IEXAC TA (J.11 ~·o SIQl.80 Al .. ndal\O 11,1113 SATU•OAY'S •HULTS (Mlll ....... le ..... ~ "'"'Hot' I' 11'5T ltACI . 150 y•rds. Perr S.I• ( 8r00ksl 11.JO II 40 • 10 Noollh um1u 1P..,nne1 t> 40 t.10 S.Couls Bet>e (Mllchelll J IO Al\O raced CH ll lo ~r•. JeOo,.rt. A I OH i To Jtl, Runnin SI•, e•>v Jol•M , L•>I of tM 8'KI, To.i~ Hol TOU1Y ,,,.,. 17'2 U EiC.ACTA(• SI petO U 17 tO SE COHO lllACI . SSO y•rd' Ory P.tcn (C;terosw l S 00 ') 40 7 t0 N•P!volle M~ ICre-r I • 10 l t0 T lltnk I C... ( Armstr0A9) l 00 AIM> roced. 819 Wlllk. Boll Va11 Moon, 8ar B0Ma11 • ,,,.,,. ,, 31 THlltO •ACE. 400 Y•rOt MYH-y-Spke I Fryday) •.tO l 40 HO FtO le Jet (Ml'c .... 111 ) 40 l,40 RHlletS A•le Cer«tu ) ,.., Al\O r<Ked· R•mt>lt119 Fl9h\or. C•llln • O•Meen.. ll'ly I.la• Arro .... MIU Arrow F('f. Miu Bundi• Of Jo~ ,,,.,. .... POUltTH ltACl.400yeros. Flyl119 RoOtr (HAr11 1 00 ) IO :LOO Hot Stock t8 roollll 17 10 1 to HOftOeJel IMltc,_111 JM Al\O r.c.ecJ Nocon.I\ C,,_,, ... , H•y - D•ts, Mutual ll•scioct, l onlll.cl t1111nnet", Jiit "'C~, o-l treteoy, ltte. P••W loy. Time' 10 >2 U lllACTA 11-41 N ld ,100,.0 "'~ .. An. t10 Y-•· Fk kM Elleny (FIOl"H) JOMQO llle•IMI c;ot lllf GM/I (W OI IU O '°' HO 100 , .. ' , .. AllMI r«.O OO·Ptbtl OM flOoll(y, Mr O lllt k11•U , l ou11d ,.UUl'I\ 0C>-OllQ\04llli..0-..-1Ht Tim. 4,S .. IUITft llAC•. HO Y¥dt Tflll*>ie (INl"dl tOOO 400 U O •• ,..., ,.. .. (tlleVttll t-00 ... R.wdY ..._"" ... ·~· 4. Al.O rec.-llr 0-.. IOI, ,. .. ~ 1(!119. Sir ltllft_.., l t•d a.If Oieler, Tltl Y- H•t. i911 el T~ T• .. Merl l 1"'9' t1 •S U llUiCTA l•'I M141 UI .. H VINTMllAd • .,...,_ f wl(elllts.lct (llllytetl II JI •• l• f .,A_.(,,_y) ,.. IUI A••O.IH_,l lM AIW rllCM ._.,,.,Mo._... l'~Sellt, Jlltl .... ..-.1110ruM ,...,.., '"''" ~. T--~1119 r-.ak U aucTA 11111M1'41 ~14"'° 1 tONT" llACI 1/0 yArd• z .. ,MllolPMlll<WI 1410 S.10 140 Mr St.er loo llrMwr•J J Ill l 10 NHhvtllt 11.0 (Mttc,_111 4 00 At \O r •<•O rltQh1 ln\"r•nc e, PtrPelw•lor M••• A 8 10 Goer P o t. R0<h to ,,,.,. 0'7 U PICI( SIX U 16 • 1.-1 D••O ll.l:M 40 Wlldth )I WlMlncJ he Iii.eh lfl'lf' nor\rl\) l1 PKk Sia con>e>l•ll<lf\ IM•O SS. 00 wolh JSO "'"'""O tl(tr.#t\ Oour Pt<M'W\t PGA champ•O •Ship (ii Olllwtll G• I HINT" lllACE 400 Y•<O• Prt•m 8UQ t f ryoa,' 1' 10 • 80 • 40 1..•tt•t C•wy 0.ck t01•r11 •.cl S 00 O•t k L~llM\\ I frf"•,ure J I IO iAho r•cl'd l<•d •' fte•rt Good FN•u,.,.. \.of Peo""r Ff'4h,,. Es f\ 'p E•\Y Ap pro.cf\ l th Do It to It f1nw _..,. U IEXACTA II II D••d l lM IO Del Mar ~TUlllOAY'S llESUL TS t l"h Of 0--<t•t• thoru9nort<1 methnc;u "llST ltACE • lwlenws Pr1n<f' F•lmttr t(•il•r..eo.> /IO •IO J .0 8t•9•urn SIHllV•1t111 ... l•I 110 7.0 1 utumer tToro> l .0 Also r•<•d Semft1n• Our Goo••tM' Flttt T1rmnQ lmt10U'\ A Aound T"1tt G, ..... 4ge W1nch0r Houw 8oc tC•nr fr1ttot Tome I 111 S SECC*O RACE.• lurtong1 R19hl0<1 Too1n t1>1nuy1 q 00 l .cl 760 G•ff#,-o IH••teY 1 1 60 1 .tO Slo Ow 0"190n IL•C>l'•mt l 00 At\O r.cf'O M4r"-t"t Ch•mtt .,tm1no1f' k •0. Stml <on~tOu\, C•nOdOO lion.so••" T•-I 111 S U OAILY OOUll..E 111 IH•O '-'1 00 THllllO RACE I' I&""'" C.•m!HvlH•wlh• 110 HO 1'0 A-.1 Wf\V I V•l•nJ ... ·I• I .0 ) 80 '.on•,_ !Pon<av l 70 Al\G r.cttd Vt-l•nc: 1an l•ce-Jo•n \ l •c:h Mind~ \ 8•,l'lblflO (•fl Mtt Go' OftO"\ ,. .,,.. • 444 ~ U IXACTA I I• P••d IO• 00 FOUlllTH lllACE I I I& m o to Pock fl Ml.'tn I Mc Htt'9'*. Is 60 6 10 ) 10 HonchO Notat f P1t\{a y 1 1 00 \ llO V•~ntn S.• H•w• Ohv•rt\1 11 &O A114 r.cf'G Mtinott• C•t•bono• •t \ • Sha m, NObl• (MYr Stir Mt UP MaJe\h( Ptete<'l'A W1lm1nqton ivor l,.. ,,~ t ... , ) F1 nH RACE &•urlonq' (;•rl1f'ld t U..ldhOU\'"'f" I 1 t AO 1 fliO t 00 l ,trt v Nt'l\On r-UUJ /Qetllf:ir rom Kil• Anov Nll'1'1 Gte9 N0tn'\dn 8ooMurpny lloDE•\I.,_, Vt;'<• H~•rnr-r l\40 Ao-• Jf'rrv P•t~ Dan Pario O•v1d E dwarca J•• ~ N 1t lilldU\ JOfl 1n~n J t ...,......, k t•ttl f ._.fQU\ Jonn < DOii Hrucf' l 1•1111.r Rr• C••dwt 1 M•fla H4'f'f"\ Don J•~"'" R~y J:-•owd C,•• MotQotfl 01u A~r~ 0011 '°'Oulrt 80D Uil<Jrr'r fi•IP Irw in thuc~ J-1p1\,,_., [d fH)r to'" Purttf'r Dann.,. E. Ow•'<J!l rommiy Vo1.-n1uw Mtllf'Mvflflt Lon H1n.ltW W•'fnf' Lt"v• (j.l'f'Q Powt"f\ tom W••,.,ocr Jim lht.fitpr J•v "1.,6\ 8df't\i JM<~f'I Dav• Sloe Iii ton l-IMf'I .. W..0'11 1'1\ ~VP 8.tllf'\lf''O' Mill~ S.Ul••wif\ H\lbfirt (.,,~,, Pptf'r JMot>Yofl 8001>• C l•mpett QO(J Cur Jtlcll. q,.n"'' M11r~ NW Cumtw• Mar~ O ~•r.t M•rir. l .,,. ,.,.,..,o ... ru 10 ...... 10.0tiM /1 &I 14 .. &•It> '1 •1~ .. -~ /) 1>1 ,.y n ~ij 10 /I) ,, btt &6 I .. 10 ~"&I It " 6~ t(J 1' oi 11 J II f) /t () IU 11• '' ,, 6'f ,,, I/ OY 10 }I I '(')J()/I 111 oil /l II I' 10 ,. .. Jtl '(J iJ "' ,,, " 10" ,., 10 0~ U '' ) /)~ )\I .. 10•\il )q '' f)lf IC) .Jt ,, ,. 66 ,,. 't """' 1 t I J fll ,,, IC> 10 11 }t I /J 11 10 "' It /tl 11 1'' 1) , ' , • ,,, . ., , ... ~ ,., '0 " 1l , .. 0 1() ,,,, ,,. fl '11/ JP t 11 I }t l •Nf H 1'" I) ,. -.'ii /1'i ltJ t\ If> 111 lh " '• ,,. I• I• I I I'' Ir , 1 " ,,, 11 1• 71 )I• IA I' 11 11• \ ' ) ,,, \ I"~ ,,, ~'It.I H ~'' ff I• 'i }It I/ •t/t I '·' ,,. . , ,. ~ r • • • I 8 •\11 I01tt1' 10 10 S 00 M 1 Cot>r• 'Si«'"'v•"-'""_.1ap J 10 ••so 'Mf<I Hot N Qf',Hf'U f m pty Ao.a St•' (t•ff You' B'•"f" Lanoino West V1r91n1a cl assoc t•l W""hruaJ r,,.,.... ' \Oil ~ U EXACTA 0 l o IH•O \1'11 SO SIXTH AACI. ~turtono' Don 1 Ju09'f' •C• .. t1nNM1 "'tXJ \ 10 t 00 M•m• T •11 I 0.-tf'Q4 J I t .tC) 0 IO O.••""• v.1 .. n1utol&1 a 10 Al\() ,,,,,.. .... ..p, OH t\1(,,, "••POV A tOP-t J ttnd•nQrr 'Mi 9.-.-..1 tu, On,. Sun\l\1Ni' \tar\/\11\f" ""te>t i,-M11t1 r 1' ,,,,. I 11J '\ SE VENTH RACE •'"''OM~' -,,,•noP-•••" W1nlanG \ 80 Spokfl-Swon'W'f\ 'H•wlt"\I' • '>41• ~ Sono 1va1en1vt-•..t •70 170 1 00 1 00 • 00 v,,,. ,, .. •tso rd<•d P••\•9'• Comm•''••' turf' ~Of corriw•ll Enq•oino•v t•Stttnl [Get F-twVfllt. ''""' ' 10 U E XACTA 18 •! P<O>O l 'S1 00 \1 PICK SIX I • I J & 04 0 i..J 111 .0 #tfh tnreif" ""''""'"9 t·< \f>t~ O•• hOrw \, t.2 P1(i.. Sia (on~df•fJt'I Q;ti10 \S80 OiO wit" r\ w1nn1r"Q h< "'"' lfl'Vt ,,o, ....,\, f_ IGHTH llACE Ont>"'"''" on tut'1 w. '''l•ro tC.!1>1anf'<I• l .0 J 10 l 00 L•\•w6n tMtc.HarQv .. , '100 •JO \at1tt R1bfir• rS1b1fl,.~ 'tO Aho '• fr<' Sw•lt ffiro Aou.,n• O•\<:onll 1 •'"• ~ ~•f' Wtld L flt? N O••" f•mr ' JS' \ NlN TH R ACE I tu,tonc;u.o" 1ur• Roe' Sof11., H•wtp., \ 10 l JO HOiii\ ~·~" <•lP,y D()\11,.Wdlf "•'""' ~.,._.. P•t tir.Ol•v Catnt~r• M •df',... H•OO" Rar~'• MoaM'\ Su''" M<:Afl"I,.,. Httv .. ,1,.y O••'' r •"'"-"', {,a I t--tir•t• A ll(f' q.11,...,.n ,,,,_,.,,.,Pull M.,, ... ,... no¥ti B•tO.f"• 9•,,ow c~uttv *''.,.. AllCP M 1llf"' 0-..1r Lunoav1\I (ht'J\ JOl'ln'°" 'tltC'• T •bot ../t< 11.' ~.nqlf'ton M•,.ty 01<llt ti00 ka1t-y vovnq J•MIAlf• Oebbt• M.A\\ot-. M•tOPll w 111;.,,. WATER POLO •4 10 •Ill e.q " 14() l h4 ,., IO I, tt } I q 141 , ' J) ''J , • 11 t•J 10 ll ,.3 ,,, I) 14-l • 10 , .. t ),, 144 ,, 1) '" 10 ,. 144 ,,,,. , .. /CJ " 1 .. ''ii '0 "~ 1\./0 10 1111 10 11) ••) 10 1} .. } 10 II 10 ,. 10 ,.,, II I\ I'll ro 10 ,..., In I& t.f6 E n~nct V•t•ntUf't•t • 10 , 10 ) llO 1 40 L 01W!'lf'Ur ~ Mc.C•,.ron1 Al\O r•tfd M dlOf Don I wo Boh G•ntlf'..,...n \LUC:"-. PtH'(flit.1" M1dn1tf' Coo- AAU natoonat cnamp1onsh1ps l•I Newpor1 H1rbor w1,111 \e<o"° Uty 11 .. ..it1 H......., •. SU nferd Honll. CM< Tome o 1'l"I S U E JUICTA t).71 e><lld HI 00 A llencl;onc • 1• 001 Sl•nl0td Nortn 0 I ) I ~ Nf'wPO"t I • I , 0 Nf'Wl)O('t W:Oflt\Q JOf' V-trQ49\ I, '(l'U\<t John 'v'•rQt\\ 1 Rtl•y t Robitr1\0n 1 e Irvine North IS n ext for Seavie w Section Ft\'l' champion lr\'ine North wi ll pla~ St•<·t ion Four 'u·tor $('a ne\\ 1 n the hr st round of thl' Little Leu).!Ul' major dl\·1~1onal fin als Tucsda~ night at 5 30 ut the Mii;::.1on \'ieJo Youth Athlt>l l<' I' ark lr\'lnc.· :-.;orlh <:aptured it::. ~<'<'taon a l tatle, 13·4. O\'t•r Leffingwell Set.Ivie\\ won the Se<'tion t our "'own ''1th a ;; . .i dec1::.111n O\ er :-.ior\\ alk Central Sut urda' afternoon. Thl'. Mission Vi ejo tournament gets under w ay Monda~ C'vening with two games Section One will play Se<'l1on Sax while Section Eight will face Se<' tion Scvt•n. Both games start al 5.30 Tuesday nigbl. Seelion Two and Se<'lion Three m t•et on one di amond with t he Seaview Ir vi ne North J.!amc on the other. also at 5.30. TJ11~ is u sin~le loss elimination affair with the <'hamp1on to IW ('ro\\ned Thur:.day ntght The winner will ud van<'e to the Regional tournament in San Rcrnardino which will include t('ams rrom Northern California. state champions from Alaska, Arizona. Colorado. Hawaii, Idaho. Montana, Nevada. New Mexico. Oregon. t.:tah. Washington and Wyoming. Tourna01ent set The Third Beach Rasketball Tournament or lhl' i;ummt:r. presented b) the city or Laguna Ucach Rt>Neution Depart menl. is set for tho \\l'ckendR of Aul(. 15·16 and 22-23 at the Main Roi•ch Courts ThE> fl foot·und·under and open divisions will compete tht> ri rst we kend. whale the 30-and older and &-3·und '1.nder will battle for lhtir respect ive cha mpionships th(' second weekend. Entries must be received by Thursday at S p m. preccdina ellch division·~ weekend or play at the t.ajt\lna Bettch R~creation Oepartm nt. SIS t-~orest Avenue Co l P r tntry is $16. 1-"'or more inrorm .. uon. pbon~ 497·3311 text 2031 •• l~tr• Hllh A I Newfl0r1 • nOu\.fty H1lh /4 1 l J t I N•WPD't I 1 I I • ,,,...wport M..Ot•~ N~wl•nd I Kru'-?, ..I C amoc.11' P (•mpotll 1 ~u\C •att t • OUMit w.w.' tllOu\h y H•lh A U FA!) l 1 ~ ..... ,.,...,!>®Ill II ... ~ .... -l (ontoro A q ~ont• Me,O.r• 1 ~IM1l0td Souln ~ C.on<OtO A I ~ttrf"lfOf'O No,.1n 1 f AS I o ~t>\l-000 • ~"'" 8•rt)lr • • TOOS.y 1Sclleclwl• "'.t ,.,, St•n•oro South"'' Newp0rt 1() 10 d ·P C.ont.oro A"' tndu\lr'f H1lh I IU 0 "' (Ont oro A V\ Nf'•OO" 1 JO p "' ~t•ntorci SouO'I "' •"'""'''"• ttdl\ A Two-"'CS4f St..ftdlrtt-' ,._. lndu\tt" ,,.,11, A Sl•nford Sou-th I '1•• N••pc,,.tl C.CH'Koro,.e. WOMEN AAU N~llONI CMmP1onJll1~ C~ N••Port H•rltler "•t'-l ~to St.tftttt•w' 10, H•w.-r16 MUdfrl\fe> St•n• .. lttV\ 1 J 10 1 f } I N•w~•vo••nQ Ma111ou • ,..,.,,.1.no1 0 1Mr Sc,oret O••t• Aou.tt•l \' H•w••' '141nDOw\ \ l'Hfu\I# 't H1lh,. HJ va11 .. .., AQudllC:' 0 ( 00-."lf-'1 fl' If •nctn'"'"' H ill ' fod4" 'G•rn•t I'•_,,. .... ti /{J I m M11h •1 .I.I u"' "1.,, ... ' JU 0 tr\ f1f' "Ou\lt11 Hdl\ A ((>n"tm"'l• • I An4hrrp1m H ill •• V•••f"• AQuftltl'\) U S Clay Coutt t•t lf'tdt•IWO-lt') Meft'' S.Mtflfl•I ,.,,, .. , /f)'\V LUI\ (lt'fl ()t•f JQtln ,A,l•.1•nc:Jflll, l• b k • .,.,.. ~ •n111 "'"' r,u•llt"•"'O V·••\ bl W~ '\•fttM~ F'trwh AN'l''"d J~r M• \/1fQ1n1• Ru/I( O I •0 Men s tournament ,,., Cren C1ly, Otu•t OW'1•r'ftft.ll ~·~'•' 8•1•n t~.c,.., Qftf \l«Jn \m·1" • l • J ""'' Pl•\fllu ,,_..,, PP\11 O•nt t. ) f.I) J°"'1" Au'''"~· r.,... Vu 1111.\rrfJrn • •) frt.f••• ~ "'""'° ~ Pttttr J. lt'IT'~nQ It J o J Surt 5tar.sttcs S<tir• tly Pt'rtord' ( •l1fl)fn1• 0 ' J l O'\ Ar'IQf'le\ ) ' ~<0' nQ l O'\ &t1Q•lt'\ r-.,,. O •nV"'' t•••o (I '" I t "' •ortu• •·ten Vdn ,..., v ..... n A lf)rt rf(t , 11 ' LO\ A "9'"''"' \1m1( 1"''-t\\f't .. O1 00 JO t t .. llfC)r fh• L~f AlbP'1o ~) ~ \ '<"'\ AnQ"'"' G•,.,. ·• O•nO'"''''"'a Ou•"_._ 8) lO t. r-•"• ~·m•t 0.it"O'"'••~IO """ It I (dl1torn1a .c'.P\(9111 •AllCin eq \ti '"Oh C1111torn1• 111 LO\ .a..-.1• )1 \tt.,tl>\ (aritorf'I • •M 4"1)"'f'.. I lO\ An9f>••\ '""...,., / ,..°"'' L•ti•o•n•• '' LO.,A"'OPl .. ,~1 (CJ!lf'ttlJt ••t ~\ f dll•l(Jrl"l•I l 0\ Anc)f"I .. , , QH \1M C. ( entor"•llt • L ()'\ A tHJ ftlfl-\ ~ Alt•"°""'M,. \ /Q' NASL S•lwr~y·1 S<erfl LO\ AfWJl"'lfl'\ J S.Vrt 1 J •t ll\O""'llH• ) M O'\ftp• 7 \() tu1w 1 (f\1<~ ~ Port1ano i 0•11•\ 1 San JO\I' J '>tdlll~ Q '!tdf'I 0•¥90 1 \f 4n<ouv~• 0 / -Orange Coait DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 9, 1981 fASHION Knickers! Reliable wear for autumn wardrobe By SANDIE JOY Of ... Deity """..... • Whether it's sophisticated sweats antr•thermals, kicky kni c k ers teamed with swashbuckling pirate shirts or snappy striped sweaters with collectible corduroy Jeans, casual clothes with '81 savvy are sure to become the reliables in this fall's wardrobe. "Sweats have become a way or life," said Ken Karl- stein, senior vice president of The Gap stores. "They're versatile, colorful and. most or all, comfortable." Karlstein said The Gap has added a wardrobe of shapes for fall from shorts to V-neck pullovers to take the wearers from day through evening. Consider the possibilities. On tpp, it's the classic crew- neck pullover and hooded zip jacket, plus the newest V -neck and h ooded pullovers. Pants come in classic drawstring-waist varieties or the newest pull-on style with knitted ankle cuffs and roomy pockets. One of the freshest looks this season is The Gap's mini sweat-dress that looks as great over tights as it does worn as a tunic over jeans. For fall, The Gap colors sweats in rich purple, black. fuchsia, olive or navy to mix with classic crayon colors like red, blue. white. yellow a nd green or lighter pastels and earth tones . J The twist this year is to mix your sweats with warm, comfy thermalwear -solid crew or V-neck T -shirts. newsy striped T's or pants that hug the legs like leg- gings. Try thermal pants with the sweatshirt mini-dress ; mix the T-shirts with a sweat jacket and contrasting s weat pants. (See KNICKERS, ~age 88) , Knickers hit the spot when it comes to pants thal are fashionably cropped. Try them in closely cut corduroy with the look and feel of velvet I I I American woman will dresS to suit her lifestyk Guided by her native common sense and by the inflationary economy, the American woman, fully aware of fashion trends, will adopt fall-winter 1981 designs to fit her lifestyle and budget. It is lo this woman that the majority or womenswear manufacturers are addressing their efforts. It is lo this woman, often involved in a career or community activities, that investment dressing is of major import.ance. Fashions made from updated, imaginative, long-wearing wools and wool blends will most often be the first choice of this large and discern· ing sector of women because wool epitomizes timeless, tas teful dressing -especially the new wools that can be found in a wide selection of weaves, weights, colors and color combinations. Wools and wool worsteds can be strictly tailored and superby detailed. There are soft, light •oolens that faU into the new gathered skirts, the gently rounded jackets and the feminine suit as well as tbe robust, weather-beatlng fabrics that are the backbone of the touted big wrap coats, capes and omen'1 ndt1 take a tkdckdly ~/in«I rout~ for tfw foll enormous shawls called the Big Sweep. · Sophisticated, luxe wools, especially in black, are decidedly urbane when trimmed with satin or elegant silk braid. The most traditional wools, the flannels , sheUands, tweeds, crepes, twills and gabardines, are there for the woman seeking value and lasting quality, but they will be made exciting and in· novative with brushing, twisting, unusual weaving or varying thickness of yam or made interesting with unique patterns. l • Fall color preCerences are non-colors with off· white, the new neutrals and black leading the way and, oCtentimes being used together. Dusty colors in darker mauve, rosy clay, loden green and muled blues to blue-greens look confi- dent and well-mannered while traditional brights, yellow, red. green, violet and French blue add seasonJess cheer and ebullience to a wardrobe. Taupe, lilac and purple crop up frequently and brown from sable to caramel will have a year or triumph. I ~ I Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 111 SOmethiiig has gOne out of their DEAR ANN LANDERS: My huaband and I are 40 years old and have been married for lJ years. We have three children, are both Catbollc1 and attend church re1ularly. Our aex life ha1 always been satisfactory -not overly demandin1. butiood. • Durtn1 the past five years our intimate rela- Uonsbips have dwindled to -1moat nothlni. In the past six months we have had relations only twice, and both times at. my suggestion. I persisted becauae I felt we were too youni to give up this part of our lives completely. Durtni these two relationships I 1raWled him but re- ceived no satisfaction. Tears were shed because I didn't get a hug. All he did was gel hla and roll over. I don't want to sound coarse, but these are the facts. I asked my husband about this, and be said, "I can't be forced to do something I don't want to Ullllllll do." I don't want to ask him to have sex with me a1atn becauae of the hurnlUaUon I feel when I re· • ceive no response. My q uesUoo: Am I the only one .or are there other '6·year-old wives married to men who don't need sex? -SAD AND BEWILDERED DEAR SAD: Of coane, Uiere are otlaen, ba& tb.11 dona't IOlve your problem. I 1a11nt you di•· can tile ltt•atJoll wltb a coaudor or tberaplat. It wouJd be woaderful If fOU bubud woGld 10 for Join& eouue1ta1, but I auaped be won't. Maay fadon coald prodwtee a drama&lc recluc· tloa la a maa'• 1ea drive -flaaaelal problem1, H · ceHJve d.rtalda1, U..ble at work, &o aame 1 few. I lllope you wW panue W. wt~ 1 profeaaloaal. I 1troecJy suped yoar .. u bucl'• befaavlor la &be bedroom l• a symp&om of ot.laer problem•. DEAR ANN LANDERS: For years readers have been unloading their pet peeves on you. Now it's my tum. Nothing Irks me ao much u a person who says, "You look tired." In my book It is the same as saying, "You have a nose like a banana." The message these people pretend to deliver Is one of concern ror your health. What they are real- ly saying is, "You look beat-up and old. Are you falling apart?" tr you a re NOT tired and someone says you look that way, you are bound to wonder if your face knows so!11ething you don't. At best, this ~ost successful fund-raising year Shriners get ready for chili cook-off BY MARY JANE SCARCELLO crt .. Dmtty ........... The numbers are in, the books are closed and the 15 women's guilds for the Children's Hospital of Orange County are celebrating the most successful fund-raising year in their history. The busy women donated a total of $337,000 to the hospital, bringing the total since 1962 to $2.9 million. This year's contribution is the largest ever donated by a women's auxiliary group to an Orange HAPPENINGS County hospital, according to Frances Stawicki , coordinator of the guilds,' and it puts the total close to the six-year pledge of $500,0QO to the CHOC Foundation. Newport Be ach '.s Cinderella Guild contributed $31,000 during the past 12 months and hopes to do as well or better next year led by newly-elected President Eve Holmgren. Major source of the funds for the non-profit, pedia tric medical center was an all-guild fashion s how in March, with Christmas card sales a close second. More than 35,000 children each year are helped by CHOC. Stock up on chili peppers, another chili cook -off is being put together. Announc ement came at the Balboa Bay Club, where Lynn Whitesides, potentate of the Los Nietos Valley Shrine Club of the Al Malailcah Temple, and Jim West, executive director of the Interna- tional Chili Society. announced the First Annual Shrine Chili Cook-Off of America. The hot competition is scheduled for Oct. 4 at Tropico Mine in Rosamond and will be open to the public. Entertainment will include a blue grass band competition, skydivers, square dance groups and a frisbee contest. ~pplications for a cooking booth are $25 with another $10 fee lo join the International Chili Society, based at the Bay Club, and general admission tickets will be $7.50 per person. The Captain and Tenille will headline this year's benefit for St. Joseph Hospital, according to Keith Renken, chairman of ti benefit committee. Tickets for the party , which ~Ill be on Sept. 26 at the Disneyland Hotel, are $175 per /late, and many individuals an organiza. lions are sponsoring tables. Newport Beach sponsors include Mayor Jackie Heather, Don Koll of the Koll Co., J . Calvin Mead of the E.F. Hutton Co., Tim Paone of Virtue and Scheck and Dave White of Swenson and Clark. Laguna sponsors are Diane An· derson of Rockwell International, Paul Cleary of R.J . Noble Co., William Dennis of Dennis Print- ers, Dr. James Pierog and Dr. Milo Tedstrom. Costa Mesa supporters are Keith Renken of Deloitte, Haskins and Sells, Doug Jacobs of Arthur An· derson and Co. and Richard Mury of Frank Hall and Co. . Other sponsors are George Del Hermann r /rom lef tJ . Lynn Whitesides and Jim West Richter of Shappard, Mullin , Richter and Hampton in Los Angeles and Newport Beach, Dr. Robert Ruper of Corona del Mar, Dr. Harry Siesmonsa of Corona del Mar, John Thomas of Coopers and Lybrand in Corona del Mar and Allen Weidman of Corona del Mar. You need Yoo <8><f DI. YOO RUFFELL'S \ me111age can dampen your apirit.s and ruin your day. Do you a1ree? -WELL-RESTED IN DETROIT DEAR DETROIT: I do l.Ddeed. "Y• leek tlred" la a boa a fide downer. TeW.1 a penoa ... <or 1be) looks ba11ard wlU DO& eacoua1e ~a& peraoa to get more rest. It will merely cre•te depression. There is a big dilf erenct between cold and cool. Ann 1 Land4ra allows II°" how ro plaJI it cool without /rtnin(/ poeople out in her book~t. "Teen.Age Sn -Tn Wa,1 to Cool It." Stnd 50 cent• ond a long, ul/«ldrtJHd, aramped envelope to Ann Landen, P.O. Boz u•s. Chicago. Ill. 60611. Exposing kids • to negatives A couple in England who wanted to adopt a child were turned down because they were too hap· py and offi cials said, "The child would not be ex- posed to lhe negative aspects of life." Boy, that's something we all fight every day, isn't it' With a houseful of ki ds dancing around, spiD· ing sugar, destroying furniture , clogging up the toilet, borrowing your car. and changing clothes every three hours, it's really hard not to "go with the now," and succumb to terminal happiness. IRMA BOMllCI !~-- That's why, early in motherhood, I made up my mind that my kids were going to get all the ad- vantages of being exposed to the "negative aspects of li fe" if I had to sit up nights. It was a rotten job, but someone bad to do It. My children have never told me to my race, but I hear from other people they have declared me the best bluebird of misery to ever come down the pike ' I try. "Negative aspects" are more effective when a child is happy. Example: You have just told your child he can go with you on an airplane to visit your sister in Pennsylvania . He jumps up and down with ecstacy and you say, "You keep bobbing up and down like that and you're going to hit your head on the cup- board, and end up in the hospital with a concussion and you can just stay home." Prom nights can also be made depressing if you try. "You look wonderful, but if you're not home at curfew, we're going to be waiting up for you and you'll regret this night for the rest of your life." Even the occasion of a new bicycle is fertile ground for negativism. "Happy birthday! And re· member, if you so much as lea ve this bike un- locked, just once .. it's gone. They never find them and you'll be back to pedaling your feel!" Frankly, it's hard for me to imagine a home where parents never point out Hfe's pitfalls. They never know hostility They never know anger. Wh at do they talk a bout" Sometimes , I feel I spoil my children with so many advantages. a: 0 m a: c( N••lf 1port1 •4•l•••ntf Aw • ..,, • ...,. I Chlropt«tk . X .. or1lfN.c•-Y 770-5251 OPfN fVfS I WHKfNCY.. Utl I lAA f IOllf SI Oltl VI ' WHOLSTERY 5-.,_,_ ..... ltU HAltlOl ILYD. COSTAMISA-541-1156 NEWPORT TILE & CAllNE'J DESIGN CENTER THERE'S A LITTLE HAM Ill ALL OF US. .. I: L&J J: t- i.I. 0 "' c z :> 0 "' 0 LI.I £C Ill I- "' " •u.s. Fi-r a..iGed Ad ACTION Call A OAa. T PtlOT . AD-YtlOa Ml·U71 * Co ....... Tt. tue•lltlCMt * * Hwt-111 g * THE MOST COMPLETE SELECTION OF TILE BOTH DOMESTIC AND IMPORTED ceramic Tile • Hardwood Cabinets • FIOOf' and Wall Treatments • General Contractor 64'·121 S Pick the gutsy one! Brown or tan leather with tons of western stitching. 69.99 ~ MesterC.rd • Visa SOUTH COAST P LAZA FOR IMPORTANT oecAllOlll, 'IOU CAii ALIJMYI OEHllO 0# A Na.1 IMED NAM. Ard you·n never be dlsappolntea. Every ham Is cOOked up to 30 A spiral sliced Honey Baked Ham hours ... flve times longer than nor-serves~ectty as an open house mol kitchen cOOklng ... while the buff t lol ,.. ..... _,__ h delcote. smoky aroma of hickory e or any spec V\..~' sue chips Is fltered lnto each tender as weddings. hOlldoys and birthdays. fiber c:A the meat. A honey and Since 1925. every Honey Baked spice gkJZe seals In all the ham's Hom hos been processed ustna a savory Juices and flavor. ~ret ord urmatched recipe lo A Honey Baked Hom comes to produce hams c:A consistent QUOllty you at the peak Of Its natural good- and urique flavor. ness. You can depend on It. -Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Auguat 9, 1981 Sagittarius: Get new start I Moeday, Au1. H BJ SYDNEY OMAllR AllU~ (Mlrch 2l·April 19): Declsion is made regarding direction, lnstructioms and correspon· dence. Question o! divided loyalty wiU be settled. Strive for intelligent compromise. Older family member plays major role, especially lf born under Cancer or Capricorn. TAURUS (April 20-May 20): Steps are taken to tfa lt inflationary spiral. Money. budget. HOROSCOPE part.nership, responsibility dominate scenario. Those who claim to have "feelings" for you may be called upon to prove il. Keep eye on Gemini! GEMINI (May 21.June 20>: Take extra time with details. Insist on specific answers. Put a haJt to evasion. Start rebuilding program. Gain access to i nformation con cerning legal rights. permissions. Partnership or marital status com- mands attention. CANCER (June 21.JuJy 22): Follow through on bunch. Read between the lines. study small print. One responsible for repair work may have to be recaJJed. Gemini, Virgo. Sagittarius persons figure prominently. A change is necessary and might in- volve member of opposite sex. LEO (July 23·Aug 22): Basic domestic adjust· ment dominates scenario. Focus on variety, speculation, intensified relationship and affair of heart. Taurus. Libra, Scorpio persons play impor. : · tant roles. rn SPorting events, slick with number 6. VIRGO <Aug. 23·Sepl. 22): Possible sale of property dominates personal scenario. Focus on costs, basic values. potential and liming. You'll be dealing with Cancer, Scorpio, Pisces persons. Insist on definition of ter"'J'. Second offer likely to be accepted. 1.JBRA <Sept 23-0cl. 22): Relative chides you regarding costS". responsibilities. relationship and long-range possibilities Humor, versatility IY ASHLEIGH I BRILLJAHT1 HAVE t(OU TRIED • J ., THE LATf:ST CONSCIOUSNESS - EXPANDING TECHNIQUE? -IT'.S C A LLEO ''SLEEP." become your twin allies. Refuse to become em· broiled in senseless conflict. Money comes from surprise source. SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21). What had been a financial drain will no longer exist. You have valid opportunity to recoup loss. Know it, utilize public relations and bring forth powers of persuasion Aries, Leo, Sagittarius natives play prominent roles. SAGITrARIUS (Nov. 22·Dec. 21J : Focus on fresh start, new love. creative endeavors and sue· cess via pioneering project. Ignore envious in· dividuaJ who accuses you of being "self-centered." Wear bright colors and make soecial appearances. CAPRICORN (Dec. 22·Jan. 19): What had been elusive becomes available. Hospital visit. in- volving older family member, could be on agenda. You gain access to confidential data. Additional sources of income brighten scenario. Missing ob- ject is located. AQUARIUS <Jan . 20·Feb. 18): Aura of celebration exists as wish is fulfilled and romance boosts morale. You receive pleasant surprise re- garding business deal or recent stock purchase. Gemini , Libra and another Aquarian figure prominently. PISCES (Feb. 19·March 20): Position is strengthened if you look behind scenes. Aura of de· ception is part of proposed transaction. Focus on major objectives, standing in community. pre- stige. honor and quality. You will know what lo do : • • . Knickers reliable fall dress From Page 86 part of the trend toward puf- Sweats enm go out at fy pants They·re important night. Slip the mini sweat-in even: fabrication from placketed pirate shirts . A soft suede vest adds texture and s tyle dress over metallic or n) ton corduro\' that looks like pants . Or. dress up a classic velvet to soft. fleecy knits. As for sweaters, they 're sweatsujt with metallic flats s weatshirt style. the top of the fall season in andglitteryjewelry Team knickers wi th over s ized. body-hugging Knickers are the impor-s weatshirts and thermals for styles or roomy versions to ·'It will have you cheering!·· G-Slwolll, NBC· TV, TOdlly S1>ow NOW IS THE TIME FOR HEROES. PG;.~!~'!*!!oH>4 ~~ .. ~.:~~:~~IN!, ~ICT~~.RF. NOW PLAYING ..... w_ ~~ AMC OllAllCl MALL lOWAllOI' YIUO TWll O•l•Qt 6ll Ol•C M1uion V t10 830 6990 lDWAllDS SDUTll COASl CINE-CENTE• Coil• !.'HI ~49 ll~2 WHlml,.ttr ftl 3')1 ua CITY CttllMA 0••"9' 63' lilt OllAllGI DlllH·ll °''"<ir ~ ron •PUNllCCUTO '°" ""' .-Mtll tant pant thi s s eason . a s pQrty look or top them layer over traditional plaid _ T_he_y_'_r_e_s_h_o_rt_a_n_d_p_e_r_k_y_a_n_d __ w_it_h_o_n_e_o_f _the new ruffled, __ a,_..n_d_fl_a_n_n_e_I _s h_i_r_ts_. _______________________ _ TDDAT'S CIDSSIDID PVZZLB ACROSS 1 HMdtike structure 6K_.. 11 Blemishes 16 Wed MCtetly 21 Herengue 22 Journll 23 Perfunctory 24 LNr·s daughter 25 Laughlet sound 26 Mlled's son 27 Not: Prel 28 "- prolundls" 29 Morlndln dye 30 Sudanic language 31 Verb form 32 Guido's note 33 Norae hero 35 Fenoe 1teps 37 Brezlllen bird 39 Drench 41 Squirrel. e.g. 43 You: It 44 Nemetore Mllano mlN 48 Mixer 48Helmpos 49 Alleviate 51 Tendeocy 52 Dravidian 53 Old-lash· loned oeth 54 Spanish meuure 55 Auttera 56 MOit uncleen 58 Provides food 61 Large pond• 62 Refrlgefetea 83 S«blan meuure 67 Accumulate 68 D11tenoe unit a 2 89 Future tulips 70 Bucy1ncy 71 Saucy 72 Abates 73 Montane city 74 Call bad names 75 Alfonso s q""" 76 Peels 77 Demolishes 78 Take charge of 2 words 79 More secure 80 Edible rool 81 Treveler's slop 82 Give• 85 Anger• 86 Long for 87 Statute 90 Dweller 91 "Pear· shaped" sounds 92 Make merry 93 Australian tribe 94 Hlghweyt 95 Cobblers' concerns 96 More uncommon 97 Rescued 98 Rage, old slyle 99 Pigpens 100Gelted horM 101 Tell 102 Stair poeta 104 Houae pests 105 Sojourn 108HM1th rnorl 109 Reclng circuit a 110 s.. h•wk's ~Ida 111 Pepper shrub 112 Donkey 115 Roundup ropes 117 Euence I 18 Otagust expression 119 MO!Of 121 Represeota· ttve 122 Singing group 124 "Met" llY9flt!I 127 Releted 128 Behotdl 129 Hetmpos 130 Continent Abbr 131 Odin's brother 132Anamese tribe 133 Nero's "sh~" 13-4 Not: Pref. 135 Greek leller 136 More unusual 138 Loafer 140 Wiped 142 Fog, In Frenklur1 144 Volceno craters 145 Age In life 146 Intelligence 147 Burning DOWN 1 Stick together 2 Spanish region 3N-ZM- land Ion 4 s.vio. able 5 Thr•: Mus. 8Sk- 7 Roeksalt 8 Wlreserv. 9Counlel 10 Makes laatlng 11 Fl~pet11 12 Pula1kl'1 homeland 13 Approve 14 Arabian district 15 lncreues rapidly 16 Mleteke remo\19'1 17 Citrus fruit 18 Blbllcel king 19 HMl1ated 20 Matrlculetes 34 Cerpllke fish 35 HeedllnefS 36Cardgeme 38 Celcium symbol 40Jepanese herb 42 Approaches 45 Dregs 4 7 Felaehoods 50 Continent: Abbr. 51 Captures 520-of Thebel 54 Most desirable 55 Swansea's country 56 Electricity units 57 Go 58Sleevelesa garment 59Sobe111 60 Scerlett • s hOme 61 Luxury ship 82 More adoreble 84 Atebtc letter 85ChlneM lribelman 66 Extraordl- nary peraon 68 FetNle hor ... 69 Motor ~ 70Cap 72 Thin cookie 73 lnfantt 74 Hon.y badg« 78 Noggin tops 77 Govwn• 78 Concea.l 79 Make gloomy 80 Fork prongs 81 Linger over 82 Black tern SEE CLASSIFIED SECTION FOR ANSWERS 13 Hautboy 84 latand ott Sume1re 85 Broedwey pet1S 86Gr1ln goddess 87 Volcanic: overflow 88 Reclcon 89 FOfd 91 Wonc1 herd 92 Speed COOl9111 93 Uncle 95 Hurries. 3 'WO'dl 96 "Frames" 97 Auto style 99 "Wlllop" 100 Supplk:1tlon 101 Spllts 103 Cllcll beetles 104 Sheclllea 105 Egyptian soul 106 Downhlll ski rece 107Chlnete temple 108 Plurel 119tb 110 Man'• name 111 Sll<lM 112 Scottish oek t13Ambuaher 1 14 Helpleuly old 116 lnteriof 117 Attending 118 Blblic.I pronoun 120 Hebrew thief 123 EuropMn Juniper 125 Skin opening 126 Aulatent 1~ Feminine name 137 CO<ded fiber 139 French 1r11c1e 141 Al home 143 Two: Prel. JUDSON SCHOOL BOARDING GR. 3 · 12 SMALL CLASSES D•~•lopmental Reading & Math ESL Art. Music. Drama. Outstanding Curriculum. lntematlonally Known. Co·Ed. Extensive Activities. Travel. Healthful Western Life. Sports incl. Football. Riding. Soccer. Tennis. Golf. Skiing. HENRY C. WICK Ill, YALE B.A .. DIRECTOR, Box 1S69, Scottsdale, AZ 85252 Catalog · 602·948-7731 • TELEX 669440 ..... a• ... _ • .,..._... ... :..=·--=··-•• ...... ~, .... .:!' ...... ~==~·· .. ·• -.c.vt ....... ~ ................. _ 1', lfll 1 0.. . • •w .... ._, ....... CA lfll lM llMlll &..11 ... ..._ ............... Liit .... The most fun money can buy JKllnl(OIOr® ... OllUON -.CfllllU ,. ...... Tlw WAllNO 11101 0 ........ c .... -.... ··~· c._, C•ttlO.."ft11111C._ Al .. I\- *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Performances b efore 5:00 P M (hcept Special Engagements and Holldaysl LA MIRADA MAU o Morodo ot ~o•ecrons LA MIRADA WALK·IN 994·2400 .,._, _ _...c ... .,. "ARTHUR"'"' tl!:•,t • • .._ ....... ~ ..... .,_. __ "TARZAN THE APE MAN" I'll 1•tt.L•.~.t 1&.t•• ............ ttAM•~· .. RAIDERS OF THE LOST AAK" (PG\ tl::ll.~t.:11.,~ • ...-. LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN ----........ "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK:,'~) --11:-•.•-... lii'.a ..... --·111)--"WOLFEN" i-1 ···--..... _ LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WALK·IN focully Al Oel M'IO 213/634·9211 en,,,...,.., n......_ • .. VICTORY':J.PGI , ...... ~li;:m.r. ... "UNDER THE RAINBOW'' (PGI '' ... .,..., ,,.., _...,MIAO _.......,,__ "SUPERMAN II" tNI ,,.,. ... ·-e:i.. ... focully ot Conolewood J 213/531·9580 ----"SUPERMAN II" (PG) --., ..... t:::a. a:a, ,.. "ON ANY SUNDAY II" IPGI ,. ... t ... -., ..... 1irM ----· "ZORRO, THE BAY BLADE" IPG) ., ..... 4 ......... , ... ----,.-----......... , ...... ....._. M.1..-....UT• "VICTORY" IPGI ILM.t'lt.6:4',Hl, .. t{ "STRIPES" (Al LAGUNA so. COAST WAlK·IN South Coo•I H1woy 01 ••ooowoy 494-1514 ., ___ _ "TARZAN THE APE MAN" (A) __ ,, .•. ~ .. ....,..... IOM • ....... AU.-.a "RAIDERS OF THE LOST ARK" IPG) ... ... ,...~ l'ACIFIC THEATll(S OlllV(·IH SWAP ME£TS s••nt• tOu• IUt•l -1.,•0 ••I U• .. HAlllOll llVO OlllV( IN 6 OllANG[ OlllV( IN IH 10 ) .. UIUlltA1 & lu•O•• • Jlll •H•MtC; Su•DA•S at ,...,«•• ll&Oou• ~.. .... J .. 1 .10 IMPORTANT NOTI CE' CHILDREN UNDER 12 fRH! H11U• 100 W11•t1 Mt• l~rw f11 6 lD • S•I Sun Hol1 6 00 rM t lNf.fl SOU110 • 'IOU~ AM CAR llADICI IS YOU" Sfl[MDI 111 NO AM CM llAOIO WITH tGHrllON ACCCSSOll 1 !OsrTION -IMIG AM~ l•AU ()Ht.fl DIWHIS l30 Oii Alil llAOIO ANAHEIM ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN "YOU'RE NEV!R TOO YOUNG TO LEARN THE SCORE" "THE NIGKT THE LIGHTS WIENT OUT IN QEOflGIA" (PG) """ Jreewov 91 ol le"'o" St "ROAD GAMES" (PG) 179•9150 CINl fl SOOllD --.,---.-.----.,....-~nil~'iirr~ - "TARZAN T~~P£ MAN" (R) . .-... TU= =IES" IRI "CAVEMAN" (PG) ...,. "CAMPUS COflPSES" (PG) CINI 11 S0UH0 CIWI fl ~ &U!NA PAllK BUENA PARK DRIVf ·IH l'1K:oln A•• •••t Of ""Ott 121·4070 FOUNTAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE·IN -MA.~·Mj,fDQ~ "THE OllPtAE STRIKES BACfC '(PG) """ "STAR TAEK" (G) ,,. __ _ "SUP£RMAN II" (PG) -son 01e90 lrwy ol lroo"•unl(So)"ANY WHICH WAY YOU CAN" (PG) 962·2411 C•Nf 11 SDUIOD 11*1'1 .. ;;ffa;3:.. J "ON ANY '=AY II" (POI "LOOK DOWN AND DIE" (") "THE NIQKT THE LIGHTS WIENT OUT IN GEORGIA" (PO) """ "ROAD GAMES" (PG) CINI " SOUND ;1Nf fl SOUND --------.,-.,.-.... -,-.. ~---i'---ltO-Dll---.-._-___ _ "THE CANNONBALL RUH" (PO) "TARZAN THE ~ MAN" (RJ """ -"AR'THUR" (P'O) "CAVE MAN" (P'O) CUil fl SOUtiD CINI ·Ft SOUllD l A ><A8PA LA HABRA DRIVE IN .......... 0. ............ '""' ....... 171-1162 Rlll ...... PAUK LINCOLN DRIVE IN ~-om Aff we11 01 anon 121-4070 QA.~r,f "OH ANY SUNDAY II" (P'O) """ "LOOK DOWN ANO.DtlE"(PQ) __ . .._.._.... ••RAJOEJtS OF THE LOST AM"' (f'G) -"HANGAR 11" (N ) Sonia Ano f rwy ORANGE DRIVf IN "ON AN'f ~'f H" (NI "vtCtOtlt'f"' (N) ' A.. A•, ~ I -~ ~, ---T"··--· "•LOW~'(R) "l'Oftc:a: l'IV." fRI &tUOilf,,....,. __ .......... MISSION 0111Vf IN "ITUOl'"-800tU" (9') "'° "CA~flW COftnU" tPOI . . .. .. . .. ... . WARNER 0111Vi IN ~ ~ ...... OI ... ~ ....... 147·H91 / \ Unknown writes ~ Key E x change' just to keep busy 81 JA. Y SHAJlBU'M' bere and a finely honed aenae or the loony. • o-....., · HiJ play concern• a trio of youn1 Manhattan NEW YORK Kevin Wade, youns unknown modems -a couple whole "open" relatlonablp actor by t.rad", got tired of waltlnt for Jobs. So he get.a a dire case o/ the wobbllu and a 1uy wboae tried wntm& to keep busy. He wrote a modem, bit-for-Ute marrlaae ioes PoOf tn juat l~ months. ~~~~~=~~ romantic comedy called "Key Ex-Their sad stories untold d\lriDI a summer of Now it's an oCf-Broadway hit. Now he can pay bicycling In Central Park. Every time tbey stop his bills. Now he's been photographed flanked by rollinl, they lncreulnlly resemble the New York ' Liza Minnelli and Kate Jackson, ex-angel of edition of love's wa1Jdn1 wounded. Cha rlie. on a star-glittered opening night. · / Wade, who lives ln Greenwich Villaee and Now various movie powers ask him to write hails from Cbappaqua, N.Y., scratches his head for them, ask if he has other plays in the trunk. To when asked what he's trylnl to ~a}' in "Key Ex· the first query. he says maybe later. To the change." second, he has to say no. "I guess," he says amid biles of breakfast "Key Exchange," starring Brooke Adams, grits, "it's that people here get very boeged down Mark Blum and Ben Masters, is his first play. He in things like, 'My boyfriend is this,' 'My girlfriend wrot.e it in three months -on an old Royal is that' and 'It's so hard to live.· • typewriter his mother gave him. The writing "And yes. 'I don't go to an analyst, but I know began onJ y last January, and only after he learned a lot of people who do.' ll seemed to me there was to type a lot of humor in all that. Once you get a little The weird wahoo of overnight success amuses perspective, you see it's pretty funny." him. tie cites an opening-night interview with a The process of creating finished by April, the young TV type. process of production began in May when Wade "Ile was an Australian, from some cable news showed "Key Exchange" to a pal. The pal showed outht here He kept asking things like, 'Do you find it to an agent from the William Morris talent em- it very difficult writing for Broadway and the porium. screen as opposed to off-Broadway?' The agent suggested it be shown to those in "I say, 'Ah. this is my first play.' He says, charge at off-off-Broadway's tiny, but respected, 'Did you always write for stars; did you have a WPA Theater, starting point for Broadway's "The particular actor in mind?' I say, 'Ah, this is my Best Little Whorehouse in Texas." Kyle Renick, ~' first play ll really is my first play!·•· WP A's producing director, promptly loved the t Wade is 27. balding, has a beard, two Connec-play and, Wade says, opened it June 4 after barely lieut years of college, two years of acting studies 21i1J week.s of rehearsal. '• . •, .-• llYI! OPINE NEEDIR 1(> love a stranger is easy. 'lb kill a lover is not. R c~· NOW PLAYING UnttedArtlsts COSTA MESA Cinema Center 979 414 1 ORANGE Cinedome 034 2553 WESTMINSTER Cinema West 891 -3935 "° "<UfS ACXl"to "" r.os 1oGA<.1 .. I' r Mallllff• Dally at Most Theatres J 04tt..Y1•kll ... ....... abeto tl Mlo l?. -lr••llt.Mlo ___ , .. endlessbe :.v:::::-111 ~,, .... It ······-KURT elCAPlf nn RUSSELL i!fiiB l!:ll :.::.:~·.·:" ,.,., YIM'K "WOLFEN" IAI llAAY -·--·---AUIA't "BLOW OUT" To !ewe • •trMglr t. -.y, IYI O' THI NHDLI UlllTIO AllT!en II IM.1' , .. , -. '"" a.£> tKACOWftlF•f .. ~ OAll.1' 11111 .. -···""·'- CHEW CHASE ~ CARRIE FlSHER IJ!Ja,~ ' I ~ti,J. 'J "ON ANY SUNDAY 11 " '"' -..--~ ... ~•t:-11 _._.,.._ .......... 1. I "ZORRO, THE GAY BLADE'' (PG) II "FOX ANO THE HOUND" (PG) "ONCE UPON A MOUSE" Ill "ON ANY SUNDAY It" (PG) DAIUI ... -. ... r•.-.1- ,,._ IAC.A CONTINUU --,..., .................. , CHAISTC>PttlA REEVE O!N! HACKMAN IN "SUPERMAN II" IPOl ..... ,, ....... . -·""- 111.c:mzue CHEVY CHASE CARRIE FISHER UJ-11. ~ Orange Coeat OAIL V PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 Playwright Kernn Wade fWlth beardJ surrounded by actors in his play . Mark Blum deft J Broofce Ad(lm and Ben Masters TOGETHER AT ROG ER MOORE as.JAMES BOND 007'; FOR YOUR EYES ONLY Stamn& CAROLE BOUQUET • lOPOL LYNN·HOU.Y JOHNSON • JUL1AN GLOVER You'll root for them all ... but you'll never guess w ho wins -=(M~''Lwwt ~~RRUN ADRIENNE BARBEAU JAM/£ FARR TfRRY BRADSHAW Mfl T/ll/S JACKIE CHAN MICHAEL HUI BOTH FEATURES ON THE SAME PROGRAM edwards HARBOR TWIN HAllOI IOUUVAID ATWILSOM COSTA MHA 631-3501 FRI. Evea 8:20 • Cennonbell 1:30. 10:40 SAT/SUN Eyea 4:00, 8:20 C•nnonb•ll 2:05, 6:30, 10:40 edwards WESTBROOK WESTMINSTER AT IROOKHURST GARDEN GROVE 530·440 I FRI. Eyea 8: 15 · Cannonball 6:20. 10:40 SAT/SUN Eyea 4:00, 8:15 C•nnon 2·05, 6:20, 10:40 The comedy adventure of two amateur spies who weren't cut out for intelligence. ALAN ARKIN CAROL BURNETT JACK WARDEN ANO TH E II• .. IHIR l Jll M!l •11 'till tll I Ii ~Im fl~· .. ~1111n ·••·•IUI .. ~~l!lllll w.,~llJMlm I~~:~• :iiW~~!' __ .~~~~.Ci\ ST~RTS FRIDAY 1/14 AT A THEATRE NEAR YOU I r94 u;:a u q ••+••·••• Orange Co11t DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 8, 1981 brooke shield martin hewltt ndlesslove y0r..,, Picture• A Universal Rclcuc •e •,, • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • G l'#ll v .. ,~ C. tt> StM._,,• Nii of the £1!JJ§tf' ~~~ ~ NOWPLAVING •U!ll&lll.MllTM COAST MHll PlA PLAlA rAClflC'I 10\HN COAST 1 Cotll ~ 33~1 B•t> ~lq ~))q i.ovn~ llt.tcn '94 I~" QIUMa,.IAOOUUCK •CllltOOMl llllCOUI D~1'E·lN u-....~\88() t Ot.tf'q"fJH'._'t &t"JP4•t8/J "IJ'C ·==!.c:~J~m IO,., ... ACCIPTtD fOll TIMI l.ualllf•T •ru...,....,r ''°'""'s..·-"'"*iWr THIS SUMMER'S EPIC! ACTION SPECTACULAR ........ ,., ......... ............. ,,JO, FLY TO IT · The greatest thing to happen to motorcycle movies rn 10 years . No, make that 111·· 1 • /, ,i f al 1•Jf r' r i r , ' '. • .'. NOW SHOWING Orange Drive In 558-7022 UA City Clneme, Orenge 934-3911 Orange Mell, Orange &37-0340 Hlwey 39 Drive In, Weetmlnater 891·3893 UA Cineme, Coste MeH 540-0584 DOING BUSINESS UNDER A FICTITIOUS NAME? If you heve Juat Hied your new Fictitious BuslneH Name and have not yet 1ubmltted It tor T publlcatlon, pleaH don't forget that the !Imitation la 30 daya from date of flllng. The DAILY PILOT wlll publlah your 1tatement for $38.50. Our clrculatlon Include• the entire Orange Coatt area and legal notice• appear In all edltlOna. In order to 1ubmlt your atatement for pubflcatlon Hnd approprtate copy and a check to THE DAILY PILOT, P.O. Box 1580, Coata Meta, CA. 92129. We'll do the reat. For Information about 1 ... 1 adverttllng pleat• call 142-4321 Ext.332. 1-----------~----..11,. ........................... Wedneldliy, Aug. 11th onty "uby Keeler In "42nd STREET" A...., flltwo rn..da wllo4Wa'tbow tMJ wvc RH 0114 ............. ~ .. II C lt"CC II Clk• C> A'ILAS'I 'IH•welll.9'SFIRS'I COll•DY H0 .. 011 IMtYIE. NOW PLAYING (OWA"DI CINEMA ClfllJUI LDWAlllDI IADOlllACK liAM1M IHUYl ·lfll (Ml4 Mew q IQ 1111 !I llJIO ~I '>880 AIW!tlm 87~ 98W lOWAllOI llllllll#GTOll TWiii ua CITY CllllMA .... ~ • 1111~11no1on ee.ic11 ~a om Ot~no• EH 1•i11 MIHIOll Dtllf£.111 S." J1141n UP.Sit ~no 493 4~4~ ''l love~orro!'' G••• •ll•llt, r•d•r•ll•w, N•c-rv ...._,. u TOllO um• OlllAllGl AnatleWn DrlYt 1n SiOdltt>.c~ WOOODl>Oge C1neoome 879·9850 531 ~ S~I 06~S 634 2S~3 COSTA MIU fCMHITAI• HlllY lACllHIA IUCll WllTMlllSTlll Soulh Caul Fount11n V41111y Soutn Coast Ho Wily 39 011ve In 546·2711 839 1500 494 1)14 891 3693 I•-M:arl9,. nm wil[ihfi,_. Deity •• llloet ThNtrn I ONE OF THE BEST THINGS THAT EVER HAPPENED IS ABOUT TO HAPPEN AGAIN. ,.,. . '" .. ~ .. ·· ....... "'--"f 'f Al fol"•• t~ ·M f 4 (. Once'llpo~A ~us~ NOW PLAYING! ANAHEIM Brookhurst 772 6446 am com MESA El !ORO ORAN CE Or.inge Mall &Jl 0340 UA Movies UA C1nemd C)Jddlelldt k 990-4022 540 0594 581 ~880 WESTMINSIER UA Cin~md 893 0546 You're never too young to learn the HEAVY METAL IRI SHOWS AT 11 .30 1:15 3:00 4·45 6:30 8:30& 10:15 ... "' nMY tM · I llftdet o. .............. vo .. AM•<Mooll yo,.-'t•.lfnoAM -fOClio "'''" ..... ..... -· _..k) ... ,,, yo .. -..AM .......... lo, HEAVY ml'AL IRI ALSO PLAYING AMERICAN POP (RI WOLFDllRI ESCAPE FRQM NEW YORK (RI I lME IM'tRESY'RIK& BACK l~GI Plu1I Co-Hit a.n1e &•yonc1 rtte Stert (PO I ... ~(R I . And Fo11M(R) ~l :-::i=-OW•t Flrtt lit• Ito! OPEN 7:30 NIOHTL V Undef12,AllUnleeeHoMd N&&Jtlli .,_ ~ "'""'"'" rana ...... nLll 01oao1 SAMI LTOlf .. zoaao. T111 OAJ' I.I.ADI .. __ LA&lal# HUTTON aUHDA VA.CCAao ... llOHWllJfAlfJ ....., '-"-''-" _. ...__ .. IA# la.t.Ua .... _ ............... .,..,,A A&.MJ.0. A.&.C. .......,. ... ,,......_, Jrf&UOI lrMOW -.-..,._, •• •AL N.UlfU ...,.....,,. ..... , 11, MAL HUJlfla _, HI.Cl Al.'r U OOW .... Ltl'n .. , aoa IAWMU ,..........., '' Oa.ote•I WA•lU'Off .~ C.O UICllaoflf .._, .. •• ,.,.. ........ ~~.' ~-O:~;;;;;~;PAPUUC• " "" .UiJ . ENJOY THE OLD TIME MOVIE MAGIC BIG SCREEN/BIG THEATRE PLUS THE NEW "ST ATE OF THE ART" DOLBY STEREO SOUND EDWARDS CINEMA HARIOlAT ADAMS COSTAMESA 546· 102 FRI 1:00, 1:30, 10:45 SAT & SUN 1:00, 3:30. 1:00, 1:30, 10:45 BIG SCREEN DOLBY STEREO THE ADVENTURE CONTINUES GENE HACKMAN CHRISTOPHER REEVE e._LJPf:~"1Ajj ~"~ edwards NEWPORT MUICOAST HWY.&MACAITHUa · H Wroatl eomrna '44-076 Deity lhowttmea 2:15, i:OO, 7:IO, 1:41 70mm 6 TRACK DOLBY STEREO The ultimate hero in the ultimate adventure. 'IJJJJDERS OF THE PiOST ARK IPGI A PARAMOUNT PICTURE edwails SOUTH COAST PLAZA IMaSTOl AT SU""-OWM COSTA MIS.. 546-2711 D•lly Showtlmea 12:30, 3:00, 5:30, 1:00, 10:20 70mm 6 TRACK DOLBY STEREO edwanls HUNTINGTON llACM AJ' IWI. M.I. 141-0Jll '"'· 1:11, 1:00, 10:0I IATJIUN 1:00, t :41, 4:JO, 1:11, ~. 10:00 edwards CINEMA WEST WUT-JTH 891 1 3935 AT OCX.OlflWHT • D•lly Showttmea 1 :00, 3:30, 1:00, 1:30, 10:45 35mm 4 TRACK DOLBY STEREO A STEP BE~ SCIENCE FICTION. edwards BRIST8L CINEMA PISTOL AT MACAnHUI 540.7444 Delrlho.._1 1:00, 1:00, l:tO, 1:00, l:OI, 10:41 BIG SCREEN 4 TRACK DOLBY STEREO ' I "' .... I>.\' ~MORl•.cia:oo• NaW8 l:M I ITAA TMK S.45 CHM~ CLOIEUP ~ 8 MU8IC AHO THI SPOKINWON> 8 OA YBAl!AK LA. fJ Yot/T'H AND THE ISSUE.a Ho•I· JONI A. S•-na m ll8l.E AHSW£AS Cl) AOMPUI AOOM ml VOYAGE ()) THE BAXTEAS Q!AGEHTLEWAYTO DIE HARMONIOUS -The Mills Brothers, in s how business ror more than 50 years. join the Boston Pops for "Old Time rs ' Night" tonight a t 8 on Channel 28. Edwin Newman and 0.,.,,. Cic.ty Saunden ol St Chnaloe>f*'• Hoaplce In London dt8CUU the PfOb- letna fec:ed by lhe tetml- nalty Ill cm LAR'-A·THON A com9dlan hott and l our comic contestants who compete against one anothef .,. laatur9d In thla uncenMl'9d comedy game Show e:30 8 MARSHALL IEFAON'8 SUNDAY 8CHOOL(R) 0 THATSCAT 8 LEAVE IT TO BEAVER U PEOPlE7 Host Anna Chavez. U DAVFY ANOOOUATH G) ABWESEEIT ml VOYAGE ()) TV-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING (C)MOVIE "Targell" ( 1968) Borll KarlOff, Tim O'Kelly An aging horror-movl9 11ar trlea 10 reaaon with a mur- derous sniper at a drtve-tn movie thuler [S)MOVIE "Don't Min The Boel" 1:00 8 TOOAY'S REUGlON 0 SEAENOIPl'TY 8 AO&ERT SCHUl.LER U IT IS WRITT'EH U KENNETH OOf'ELAND G) DAY Of DISCOVERY ti) MIGHTY MOUSE fD 1N1 DRUM CORPS INTVINATIONAL CHAMPIONSHIP The moat accompllShed drum cor~ In the U.S and Canada participate In 1hl1 compe1111on from Whit•· water, W1acon1m ml VOYAGE Cl) LET THERE BE LIGHT «§) OIRECTION8 "The Moral 01 Masaoa The fight for retlglous Ir.._ dom which occurreo at Masad1 cen(urles ago and Its ralavance 1n the Mid ... , t<¥!ay 1re exa- mif>fld CJ!SUHDAYMASS 7:30 II FIJTHWAYS Host Sherry L1ndrum 0 WHITNfY ANO THE A080T . 8 GILUOAH'S ISLAND 8 V1EWPOINT ON NUTNTlON G) JIMMY SWAGGART ml VOYAGE Cl) INTtRNATIONAL HOUR @) PU8UC PULSE Host Bob Mll ... Qt THE WORLD TOMOAAOW (C)MOVIE "Animate Are Beautllul People" ( 1975) Oocumen- lary CrMturas ol African wlldtlte ara _, In their natural habitat 'G' 1:00 8 SUNDAY MOAHINO G CHA&STOf»HEll CLOSEUP 8 POPEY&AND FRIEN08 U PERSONAL DIMENSIONS Host Miry Dorr. U UOYOOGILVIE • CUFFWOOO AVENUE Kl08 "The Kida Go Ape" The kids agrea 10 houlftl1 i nd end up 11ngllng with 1 cat burglar and an Mc:aped c:Nmpanz" ei) AMENCAN GOVEANMENT (!I JERRY FALW'EU. Qt REX HUMBARD (S)MOVIE "No Oepoalt, No Re1Ul'n" (1978) David Niven, Oanan Mc:Gavln The Children ot neoi-c11ve parents decwi. 10 atage their own kidnap- ping to gel 80IM 1ttenllon 'G' ~ D THl818 THI! UFE D TODAY'S Bl.ACK WOMAH ~t: Freda P•yne. 0 MUT..a TIME AT CM.VA..V -~K.PAICE • IHOW MY PEOPLE ID AM1!.A10AN GOVPNMl!NT Cl) DAY 0# Dl8COVMY QI KNOW VOlM ~ l':OO D OOYSIEY HoatL Franll Kwan. Kallh Barw,clc, Law AyrH. GU418t Slltikh Muzatfef ..,_ Jerrahl. "*"u.i Med of IM Halwll-.lefrahl Sufi Oro.r •lq)Ullna -of tM bMlc pr9e19te of thla rellg· Ion and the ~ of 1halr 8llCnd C8r8ll'!Of'ly, the "dllrhr." I ~~. THa IONQ. 00.-.G NimllCAH 90'oiWW .. fT a rr•WNna ~SAMMY'S SUPER T • SHIRT In a l1nt1ty WOl'id ol maq 9Clenlllll, • bOy ballev .. ' magic 1·81'11r1 IMh help him wtn a raca t:30 ~~ACE THE D Qt MEET THE PRE.88 U IT Mtehael 0 Rot>er11, co- atat of "Barella." talk• ab<>ul hit childhood days, 1"41 llaty of how soap works 10 clean your skin U DAY Ofl' DISCOVERY G) THEWOALD TOMOAAOW Cl) JERRY FALWELL '11) AMEAICAN GOVERNMENT ll]l KENNETH COPELAND 10:001J NEWSMAKERS 0 ATONE Guest Frank Herber1 8 MOVIE * • "W1cklell Wagon Tr11n" (1978) Bob Oenver. Forrett Tuctcer A wagon· master 1nd his bumbling assistant guide a party ol live acroa the Watt. U CAMP WILDERNESS U HEAALO Of TRUTH G) REX HUM8ARO '11) AMENCAN STOAV Cl) GREATEST SPORTS LEGENDS Qt NEW&CENTER WEEKLY lCJ MOVlE "Madame Rosa" (1978) Simone Signore•. Claude Dauphin A woman's per- sonall1v undergoes an extreme 1r1nalorma11on when she Involves herself 1n a romantic affair which brtdges lwo widely differ· •no cultural levels · R $MOVIE ' Oh God I Book 11" ( 19801 George Burns, Suzanne Pleshette When 1h1ngs go wrong, God calls on e illlle girl 10 be I'll• earthly aS11"1- an1 'PG 10-.30 I} INTERFACE D O KID8AAE PEOPl.ETOO Guests Lall Garrell, comedian Pal Hurley, trea- sure hunter Mal FISher. Or Tom Cottle. (R) G AOeERT 8CHUU..ER G) JEMY FALMU. 9) CALVAW< CHAPEL ml AMENCAH STORY Cl) THIS WEEK IN BASEBAU. Q! AGRtCULTURE U.8.A. 11:00 II Cl) U.S. Cl.AY COURT TENNIS CHAMPIOHSHIPS The men's lln1.1s In this championship meet leaturlng soma of tha worl<I'• top players. will be telecast live from tha Sport• Center In lndlanap· 0111, lndlana · 0 ONCAMPUS Hoat Georoe Fenneman Featur9d young comlca from Whittler Cottege, Pepperdlne Cotlege, Occ1- den1al College, Chaomen College anti LoYola Univer- sity G TEARY COLE- WHITTAKER ti) CHURCH IN THE HOME &;) MASTERPIECE THEATRE FESTIVAL Of FAVORITES ml AMERICAN STORY QIMOVIE • *1"' 'Trell Of The Wiid" (1974) Documentary The plight of the Eaklmo In his dally atruogle to 1Urvlve In the frozen wastelands of the North ii deplc1ed. 11:300 AGENTU:WAYTO OIE Edwin Newman and Dame Clcely Saunden of St CMstOl>f*''e H~ In London dl1cu11 the prob- lems laoad by the terml· nallylH. D ANIMALS ANIMAl8 ANIMALS "Songblrda" (R) m MOVIE • • • "The Three Musk- e 1eer1" ( 1948) Lane Turner. Van Hanln. In 17th- cantury France. three daanlng advenhKerl oome to the aid of King Louie XIII wtlen they ...,., llm hie crafty clerlc, Cardinal Rlclwllleu, le Mtc:hlnQ a nasty plot a.galnet him. ID AM!NCAN STOfn' 0 SPBTf'MIM -AFTERNOON- 12:00 e L.081' IH WACE Faced with dying Of thlrll, th• Robln•on• 111\cl • 10Uroe of water In a ""41 tNlt eeuaet ~ ~owth. • 9 NATIONAL LONG ONVNa OHAMf'tal•. Goll'• drM ~ CHANNEL LISTINGS t I KNXT !CBS> Los Angele!. l<NBC tNBCl Lor. Angele<, I KTLA (lnO I Los Angele KABC· TV tABC) Los A ngel11s "~MB 1cast Snn D1e90 I(~ TV llr'ld l LOI AnQelet KCST (ABC) San Oulgo I l(TIV (Ind) LOI Angelti> KCOP TV (Ind I LOS Anpe1111 KC£T TV IPBSI LOS Ang11IH • KOCI! TV tPBS) Huntingt on Be en . -- .. lat• via tor S25.000 In purM money In t"-finale ol thll ~1h annual 8V8f'lt (from the Athletic Club In A081'1la, 0. ) • 8EAACH "Dlec:owrad A Pac:ulltr Peopla" G) MAACU8 WELBY, M.D. 14. boy'e jHlrenll IUffer U he unclergoae enou-Mt- back in hll Mlalong illt'4IU fl) F\.AM8AR08 "Entry To A New World" Chrl1tlna. Dick and WIHlam plot to u va Sweetbrier from being IMlt to the ken· nets (Patt 2)(R)O '11) APf>UED SKETCHING "Caricature Sketching'' (t)UOVIE • •~ "Bli ck Magic" ( 1949) Orson Welles. Akim Tamlroff. The mysterloul C1gllo1tro I• prevented from taking over an empl'• MOVIE "Wl'lan Time Ran Out" ( l880) Paul Newman. Wii- iiam HOiden. A love trlan· gle develops on a newly opened Island re101t threatened by an active vok:ano. 'PG' {%)MOW: "Fallo" ( Ul80) Com OeLulM , Anne 8ar)Cfolt. A ponly compulalve eater finds thll nothing can d1mpen his desire for food until he tall• In love 'PG' t2:300 MOVIE **'II "The Lady In 0.-. tton" { 1940) Glenn Ford, Rite H1yworth A juror respon1ible for a girl's acqulttal attemp11 10 ra- PfOMCUte her when he is o.,...come wtth JealOusy 8 0POA CHAMPION8HIP Live co_.age of lhe final round of play In lhlt golf tournament (from Iha Ath· letic Club In Atlanta, Ga.) U WILD, WILD WORLD ~ANIMAJ...8 "All Kinde OI Parents" Animals have parents 100 - -an<1 --almoet human. ~ APf'UED 8l<ETCHtNG ''Summary And Review Ot Sketching Tachnlq~" 1:00 8 THE MUN8TV'8 Herman II ottered a )ob promotion bu1 i1 would ~moving out of town. fJ MOVIE • • "Sherlock Holmes F~ Death" ( 1943) Bull Rathl>OM, Nigel 8ruca Holmes SOives a dual MUI'· <Sar altat d~ing an undargtound crypt ti) BAAETTA When Biiiy ls llkan 001- tage, Barella begins Illa and death negotlatlonl be'-the captors an<I a polltlcally·mlnded sMriM. 9 MUADEAMOST EHGU8H "Tha Nine T1ilor1" Ch1nca, or perhaps lata, brings Lord Pater Wlmsay back to the village. (Pin 2) '11) APf'UED SKETCHING "Caricature Sk.tehlng" a 8POf'T8WON.D Boxing •• 10~ound heavy- weight boul be tween Renaldo Snipes and Gerrie Coatzae (H\'8); Survival of theAtt .. I 1:ao 11 Cl) SPORTS 8UNOA Y Boxing -10-round junior mlddlawalghl bou t be'-1 Roberto Oun1n and Nino Gonuiez (Mve from Cleveland. Ohio) 8 F-TROOP "Old tronpents" ml Allf'l.IED IKETCHINO "Summary And ~ Of Sk.tdllng T~·· 1:36 {%)NEWS: IO YEAM AGO THt8 WEIK 1:41{%)THa9HAOOW OF THE EAGLE "Whan ThlaYM Fall OUt" (Chaptar9) 2:00 D aUNOAY Hoete: Pat Sajak. S- Hahn. Location: M\'8 from 1"-Gamble HOUM In P ... lldena. • OIU.ICWfl ISlAHO A bOghl c:ute off tM cat• wrfe tood IUpply. • MOYIE *•~"A Dey 1'1 The Rec- .... {1937) Marx 8rot'*11, Maureen O 'Sulllvan. CllMtlnQ and CllMlng hot tlpe hlgNioht • vfalt to lfla track by Or. Hedlenbulfl and °"* unlea. • MOVla .... "Deer...,. .. (1"6) Glenn FOfd, GeraldlM Pa.ge. A _,.to-~· t\Od Mlelman ~ tht OOfeCI Of "*''°" for a .,,._ ~*' Wiit-a ~~Oom.a .aw "A Lott lut\ltllad'' A Wld· -..... tht *'°'>' Of the._ °' '* ...,., -~~ "C>nQlrl 01 The \.#llWrM •• ~MCMS ........ ltoclllflgl" (1957),,.., ..... I O)'d ~All._...llm procluc., becomH .,_._. wltfl • ..,,,... ,__._...,. ........ (J)MOVll ... ~ .. Alk ""' GW' (ttll)~ ....... Dlllld ~. Jolt Md ... .......... OOCIWP>' ... . l tlmie °' • Olf1 newtv ., , IVed 111,_VOtltCJt .WOW! .. ~. 1:11 (J)OIWUI ~ TAUCI..,..... G90MI ~ t:aO. M.UCL&N'l llLAHO A >'ouno 111an d girt Cledet• that llM " CUll-9*'1'• • ._. ~ .,. .. he _....her "°'" dtownlnQ eMOYW * • "Th• 14.cou,.ad" ( 19511 Donald WOltl1, Aob- ett lrt>". A 001ot* 1\81 a ....., ,....,,. tor ltlllltlng ,. Old _..,.,. to join him tor a rMllon. • ll'Ol.no·e1 "Mimlt'e The Word" The lnttfnel!oolal ~ 01 m1m41 la ••plored by two very om.rent gr<M$1 S*· forming at Spot.to - lndle'1 Kattlalutll and La CleOe Theel,. Colnpany • "'°'*" UNMMI "Aelatlvtty'' QIMOVIE ••'A "Pony Soldlar" ( 1962) Tyrone Power, Camar on Mltchall A moontle attempt• to QU8N the hot t8f'1198t1 of • tribe of reballlout lndlan• ®wow "TNI HMIW" (1980) Trish Van Devera. Joaeph Cot- ten. A ICtlooltMCher lrlea to recowr lrom a nerv°"8 breakdown ., '* lat• aunt'• h<>ma. Wf'llci\ la beelegeO by <ltmon• 'PO' S.-00 8 2 WITH YOU 9 MOVIE •'A "The Oeerslayar" ( 1957) La• 81111<8<, Rita Morano. B...O on tne 110- ry by J-Fenimore Cooper A wtllte man la raised by indlan1 In the frontier d1ya of early America. e OPENMIND L.. Brown, tormar radio and TV corraapondant tor 11.e New York Tlmat , d~ "Channel•" •• a ,_ magazlne about the alec1ronlc madl1. ml PAOJIECT UHM!ME "Cosmic Implications 01 RelatM ty" Cll ST AR TREK The EnttwpriM goes In March of • missing scien- 1111 on a dying planet. (%)MOVIE • • • "Dinner At Elgtlt" (1933) John and Lion81 Barrymore, Jean Harlow Revettlarllion• of varying lntenllty ripple lhrOUQh New York City's high socl· aty u lhe QUMI 1111 for an lmpor1anl aoclal eno•oe- men1 le prepar9d a:ao II MOVIE * * * "On A Clear Oay You Can Saa For-" f 1970) Barbra Stralland, Yvee Monland A young woman dilCOvers ahe hit ESP while trying to curb her chaln·amoklng G 8PORT8 AflELO A vlall to lhe crystal delw shallOws of the Florida Kays to fish for t>oneflsh 81 AEY£'8 SYNdAoME: THE CHILO KILLER Host Bob Ryan loolcl at tt>e symptom•. cauees and treatment• of Reye's Syn- drome and the current "'°"'.,,...,, to Inform per- ant1 and doctors about 111e ~oflMMI..-. e PAOJECT UNIVEA8E "Destiny Of The UnlYerM" OMOVIE "Candlaatloa" 119n) Jodie FOS1ar, Oa>Ad NI.,,.,,. A tomboy from the l1tWta of LOI Angalaa lnher1ta a tanarad Brttlth .. tat•. 'O · 4:00 D 8fl'ORT8WOAl..D Boxing •• 10-round M•vy· weight bout between Renaldo Snlpae and Gerrie Coetzee; SUl'Vlval of the Al18Ct U 0 l8llJE8 AHO AN8WEM Cll MOVI& ••• ,., "HOW To Commit Marriage" ( 1989) Bob Hope, Jackie Gleuon. An unm1rri.d couple give 1helt baby UC> for adoptjon, and the girt'. divorced par. ent• decide 10 rear the child un<lar 1 lake name. G) MOVIE * * * "A Girl Nam9d Sooner" ( 1975) Lea "-""· lcll, Rlc:llard C<enna. A brtstly badlwood• grand- mother loaM ,_ &-yeat· otd oranddaught• to • young COUf)le wtth no Chil- dren of their own. .. MOYll • • * "Town Without Pity" ( 1N 1) Klttc Douglal. E.G. Manllall. A German community bec omes ~ by • gang rape -lmlolvlno U.S. Gia. 9 WAU. ITAEET WD!I< "Flnanclel Plannlno Thal Wotk1" au.t: Lany Blatll, , pacutl\oe vtoa praaidenl. Balllard, 8ietll & Kalaar, Inc. ID ONCI! Ull'ON A ClAS8IO "Oomlnlo: Hangman'• Hol· low" Dominic Bulman, • young neval academy 1tu- dent, and hie guardian a..... Mt OU1 lo ayenge tM muro.r of hie parents. (Part 1)(R)Q (I) WONDIR WOMAN Wonder Women arrlYM In "°""wood and dlaecMlrl aome behlnd-tll9--- ectlon IN1'• not It\ , .... ac:rl"1-81110YW *** "Sink The Blatnllrclc" (1HO) Kenneth Mof9, 0-Wyntet. The l8fnOU8 Germtn ~ ....... ">' .. ..,....,.. • air and ... rorc.. (C)llOlll "Anlmlla Ara 8-JtlfUI P9Qpe" ( "78) ()Ocul'nan... tery. et.etur .. of AlrlCtln ..-. .. llMfl In ~ N11Ur111 ,,......, 'G' (l)lllOVS ''Oii God! 9ocMI II" (tMO) 0-.,. lume. ..,_,... ........... WMn t"'"Oe 00 WfOllO, God Cllll on • tl1tle flr1 to .,_ l'tlt earttvy _..... ant. 'f'O' ... DiMCnoNI 111e1111· 11Hpeflf'tfon Wedi~ end,.. ... ,....., ..... _ ""V ltl9>' ..w ........... . ; .,,.. ... ,0NW9( •MV8 enmwnaw ..,... IM TltOfllCIHft .,,_. ...... -f#fll'I .,,_ °' Orengo CoHt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 91 1981 I TU BE TOPPERS KCET 9 8:00 and KOCE 9 9:00 '·Evening at Pops ." The' Mills Brothe rs Join conductor John William and the Boston Pop Orchestra. <See photo at left .> KTTV ID 8:00 "Llttle Women " June Allyson and Peter Lawford i;tar in film based on stor y by L ouisa May Al cott. K T LA 0 9 :30 "Wo rld or Survival." J ohn Forsythe tracks a l- ligators in Florida's E verglades. KOCE 9 10 :00 "Exchange," Focus is on compa rative look at th(' status or children a round the world 9 NEW8MAKEM '81 CID.....,..,_ WHEN: frLL NEVER FLY Tha datarmlnallon of Amaric:an k\ventor•. whOM conc;ep11 and i<lea$ even- tuaHy changed the face or the entire nation. I• ax•· mln9d by Dick Cavett ©) RA8CAL DAZZLE .>.try Lewis narr11ea lhta look al Altllll Spanky, Buck-• and Dart• the Lillie RallC8 ... and remem- ber• the day1 Wf'len we and they war• young 4:58 (%)LA FIE.STA DE SANTA IAA8AAA 6:00 G BASEBALL 8 BK>NIC WOMAN Jaime combll• robot repli- cas of OSI MCratartes who ire plolling 10 kidnap Oecar Goldman (P1rt 1) G TO BE ANNOUNCED SI ARING LINE .. The Ptjghl OI The Oemo- cra11c P811y" Guest SeNI· lor Al1n Cran11on {0· Cam) ml THIS OLD HOUSE II' a lime 10 lntulate lhe houle and replace the old lumece with a new energy· aHiclenl healing system (RIO Cl) M•A•s•H An amb111erad or••••• relUM9 lo heed Father Mulcahy'• counsal t>ec:ause lhe priest has never experlenc.c:I lront· Une duly 6:115 ~= "Fame" { 1980) Eddie Bu th, Irene Cara Four talented a1uden11 spend an exciting lour years al lhe High Sctioot of Per- forming Ans 'R' 6:IO 0 N8C NEWS I =STOYOUR HEALTH "Phob11t" (A) O Cl) WELCOME BACK, KOTTER Mr Woodman lhraatan1 10 Cancel Horenaci. '1 spot on the 9Ct\oot radio t>ecauae of bad ratings ~~EWS "Targell " ( 11H18) Botts Karloff Tlm O'Kelly. An aging hOrror·movie 111r Ir-to reason woh 1 mur- derous sniper et a drive.In movie theater (HJ MOVIE "The Outlaw Joaey Walat'' ( 19711) Cllnl Eaalwood, Sondra LOCka A men becomes an OU11aw when a rutNeas band of Union SOI· dt«a delttoye hit South- ern l1rm and k lffa his wile and son. 'PG' OMOVIE • *"' "The Young War- lord" (1976) Ollver Tobias. Michael Gothard A young laadar unites MWfll tribal lnlo a fighting unit 10 com- b•! the S1J1ons -EVEMNG- e:oo II ()) C88 NEWS 8 MOVIE • • • "Muat1ng Country ( 1978) Joal McCrea, Patrick W1yne A for.,_ rodeo Champ la Joined by an 1dvanturou1 young man tn trying to capture a magn1flcen1 norse Wf'lleh roams the Montana wil<ler· -U 1100,000 NAME THAT TUNE fJ Ml88 llLACK AMERICA PAGEANT Roger M oHly. Madge Slnclalr and Rosalind Cash g~l 11111 In lhe 14th annual pagaanl 18 MOVIE *•"A "For Pete'1 Sake" ( 1974) Barbra Str91sand, Mk;hMI Sarruln A devol· ad wtfa ln\IOIYM '-eelf In -al wacky ~to ralM -extra money so that her cab dri..... hua- ban<I can finish hi• educa- tion. • MOVIE **'A "Wt1' OI The Wll<I· cate" (1943) John Wayne, Manha Sooll A pretty ac:hoOlleach8f OUll9d from a 1mall town for having written a con1roverllal book b8c;omM the oblect ol rom1nlle rlvalry ~ two Oklahoma oll men • AU CMATUAl.8 GREAT AHO IMALL II "Brink 0 1 Ollutar" Evan In &lptemt>ar 1939, war M8fnl remote eompar9d to an outbrNll ol cl ....... {f_at1 23) -~AT IYMf'HONY SelP en-a conduct• tM -tC)ft 8)'111phony ~ tra In Strevlnaky'• VIOlln Conoaf1o In o Major, and tht 8ympt!Ony HO. 3 In F Mlttor by lfahrna. 9 WAYNINIO ....,.. .. ...._The llood" .Nee .... cm YWTMAM:,,. nN ~ND~YWM .. ,...,_.1 U.I .,._._ "°"'and lactlaa, ~ Nmott~.iw .,_...dlNllC 11'1 Nelofy ............. (,.,,,) (l)lllOVS "No~.No~" c1m> o.vld .....,, °'"" MoQevln, Tiie dllldrm .. ..... ,~ .............. .......... OWi\ .... ..... ................ .. .. ..... U MATCHGAME @) SPECTRUM: SPECIAL EDmON Hoit Fr9d Norllaat lhOWI hlghlig/111 of the Un119d Negro Collage Fund Telethon 7:0011 Cl) IO MINUTES G Qt OISNEY'S WOND£AFUL WORLD "Follow Ma Boy1" A cn1ld· less scoutmHtar and his wlla ade>pl 8 ltrMIWIM boy and ralM him to become • doctor {Part 2) (R)Q_ U ®J THOSE AMA.ZING ANIMALS Featured lh11 u1a ol teeche6 1n modern med•· C"'8, wild COVOIH Invading tuburban rwllghborhOOda, wolves stelklng members ot 1 carlb<>u herd (R) &;) VIC BRAOEH'S TENNIS FOR THE FUTURE ·Approach ShOI Spin And Service Return Vic Bra· den demon11ra11s Iha baa"s of ball rotation (R) ~ARING LINE Thi! Plight 01 The Demo· cra11c Party·• Guest Sena- tor Alan Crtnaton (O· Cahl ) 'C MOVIE • •" · Brack Magic' ( t949) Orson Walles. Akim Tamiroll The myllerlous C1g11011ro la prevenl9d from taktng ovar an empire (),MOVIE · Tne Hunter p979) Steve McOuean. Eh Wallach Ralph "Papi" Thorson leads 11 dangerous Ille 88 a modern-d1y bounty hunt- er 'R' 0 A CEL.UAATIOH Some 01 the biggelt 111111 ot pop-c:ountry mullC per form their grallasl hill al The Forum In Los Angeles, Included are Maureen McGovern ("The Morning Altar"). Krl• KrlstollerlOf'I ("Bobby Maoea"). ROCl<y Burnette ("T-ii Up"). Glen C11m9bell ("'Rhin.- 1tone Cowboy") and Tanya Tucker ("Ll y Beck tn The Arms Of LOve") 7:80 fJ FOCUS ON BRITAIN "Gloriously Mad Pnnce Charles expl11n1 lhe haz· ards of crOSSJng the frozen wastes of Antarctica Ind describes the lirll hall ol a journcty round Iha world trom North 10 South as host Kal1h 8arwlCk talks lo Sir Ral'Kllph ~. a•pe- d•llon lea<lar on bOard I he lh•p In Loe A"l)84e5 hlr • bour &;) AV£HUE28 Host Nancy Becker Ken· nedy FHlurad "The Inno- vators." "M11t1era 01 Con- cern,' ·Something ShOul<I BeOona MOVIE 'Felao" {1980) Dom Deluise. Anne Bancroft A portly compulsive eater finds lhet nothing can dampen h•• desire fO< lood unt~ he 181111n love • PG' 1:00 II Cl) ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE A youthful health lnspactor lnvtles veronica ou1 on a dale (R) 8 NATIONAL GEOGAAPtilC 8~L "The Mystery 01 Animal BeflevlOr' German na1ur- 1N1t photogr1pl'let Hetru Slelmann has ~I hts hie rec0<dlng animals In lheir naJural habitat& 8 ®' MOVIE • • • "The Slbte In The Beginning" (1966) G80fge C Scott, Pater O'Toole Olrec1ec:I and narrated by John Huston. The slaty Of man's creation, 1111 and eventual aurvlval 11 told In tt>e Book of Ganesls la dramatized (R) CiJ IT 18 WAITT'EN G) MOVlE • * • "Llttla Women" { 19A9) June Allyson, Peter Lawford Bued on Iha sto- ry by LOUIU M1y Alcoll. The tour Maren .. ,,.,., lorge amo11on11 tlaa never to b8 broken dur1ng lhe hardlhlp-flllaCI dlyt of ,,,. Clvll War tit HEEHAW Guee11: Branda Laa. Thrasher 8rot'*11, Mllllon Dollar Band. • EVIHING AT POPS "Otd TlrMrt' Nigtlt" TNI thr" Miiia Brotr-1 JOln conductor John Wllllama and Iha 8011on Popa Orcheatra tor an evening ol heartWarmlng mualc and llawleu harmony (R) G) MAITMPtaCE =-NltTIVALOf' "U))ltalfe, Oownstalre: .The GloflOUI DHd" Altar IMminO ot '* ftance'• deatti, Aoae QOM 10 • ..,., • ltua119t. (Pert 4)(A) ®MCW!a "T~ 11\1.. Brother•" ( 19801 John W,ehl, OM A)'lcroyd. hlo ~ aing-.,. nwtt oontand wtth the ~ Poll09, IM CIA, ~ enc1 u. ue Alfftl/ to put tog.ether • MMflt OOMel'I to ,.. ~ '°' ttlelt petWI 'A' Cl) ... "A\IMlng" (1971) MldlMI Dougl.M, htaft An~ • Hmwlng felled .. ~ e-f'Nng In Illa ..... ,... ~~ cflYOtoed - ....... to "Y CNt •• ........ .., .. IJ.I, °"""* TeMI 'N' GMOVll "A" Tllll Jar" (tt7t) Roy khel<l8t, Jeaalca Lange The lun!IMIUOUI Mia Of I profeaalonal dancer la fol- lowed frOl'll eucoaae on Ille tteoe 10 petaonal cr!Ma. 'Ill' t:aO. (I) ~ CM't'ATA TlMIE Ann and NIC:tc '1 IMckerlng Qell Olll Of hand {A) G SUPE.AFANS D THEWON.D TONOMQW H08(1) AUCI fM ION of a QloM Irland ptomQl a Mal 10 !Aka a long, hard look at hie own Ille and Ille way lie lf .. 11 oth8r1 (A) G CHIPa 0 WILD IOHGOOM "und Of The Dino<>" a WIU), WllD WOM.O O#ANIMAU 'Balwffn Tha TICIH" There i. an and .... affot1 for aurvlv11 along Iha •llorallne. 9) DOU.Y Gu .. t: Lynn Anderson. 8l) MASnAPIECE THEATRE FUTIVAL ~ FAVOAITU "Upetalra, OownsU1U• The Olorious De1d" After IHrnlng of her !lance's death, ROM goea 10 • Sptr- lluahst (Pan 4) (R) ml EVENING AT POf>S 01<1 Timers' Night ' The three M1ll1 Brolhefs jOln conductor JOhn Williams and the Boston Pops Orcheatre for en evening ol heartwarming music and flawless harmony (R) fC)MOVlE Assaul1 On Precinct 13 { 1976) Austin Stoker, Dal'W1n Jo11on POiicemen end convicll a1a forced to 1oln logelher to prevent a teen-age gang trom com- pletely occupying 1 police at.iion R' 0 MOVIE How To Bell The Htgh Cos1 01 LMng" 11979) Susan Saint James. Jes&•· ca Lange No longer able lo keep up with lnll•lion. lhree Oregon hOUMW!ves lurn to larceny lo balance I heir bu<lgall PG' t: 115 Z., MOVIE • • • • "Chinatow n" ( 1974) Jack N1chot1on, Faye Dunaway During the 1930s. 1 prlval8 d41tec11ve ln"lsttgates 1 case thll r......is • trail ol corrup. tion, Inc.II and murder t:30 I} Cl) THE JEFFeASONS George bulls In the hmellgnt alter saving a woman trom a mugger unrn the 1hug escapes and comes looking for htm (R) 8 WORLD~ SUfMVAL ''The Gentle J1ws' Host John Forsythe lracka alll- galors In Florlda'1 Ever· glades and dlecover• that there 1118 both ftwOCKIUI and gentle llWI 10 be tound. fJ BREATH Of LIFE ··The Haat1" Hoel Cha.- 0 Brooks Guest Or Her· man Rk:kana ti) NASHVILLE MUSIC GU418ta. Loralie Lynn. Ron- nie McOowett R 0 Ban- non, Buddy s~ 10:00 II Cl) TRAPPER JOHN, M.D. A new Intern has the rest ol the hospnat 11en bo1»ng wllh rage (R) D IFAMIL y FEUD am NEWS U ERNEST ANGLEY m IHOEJ>ENOEHT NETWOAK NEWS fli) FREE TO CHOOSE "Who Pro1ac11 The Wor1« er? Or Millon Friedman dtlCU-h11 bellet that Iha t>MI l)fOlection lot lhe work•. and for SOC1411y. 1s the wortter'• own freedom to choose (R)O ml EXCHANGE "Promises To Keep" A comp1ra11va look 11 taken al Iha status of ctl•ld•en around the world O S)MOW 'Whan Time Ren Out" ( 1980) Paul Newman, W•"" llam Holden A love trlan· gle devalo9• on 1 newly opened l1l1nd resort threatened by 1n acllve volcano 'PG' 10:06 0 MOVIE "Touched By Love" Deborah Ralfln, Olene Lane An emotionally dls- lurb9d teenage girl davel· ops a trlendahlp with EM• PrllSley Wf'ltcn changes h8ll' Itta complelaly 'PO' 10:18 MOVIE "The Greet SanOnl" ( 1979) Robert Duvall. Blythe Di nner A rough-ind· ready Marina Corps olflcer tacas domestic bllll" wnen he tr,.. to Impose hll military Ideal• on his lam~ ly. 'PO' 10-..ao D NEWS CENTER 4 m JERRY FALWELL .., JIMMY SWAGGART ('C)MCME "The Rftz" (1978) Jack Weston, Rtt• Moreno A bumbler unwt111ngly ltum- bles Into • gay balhhouM while Miking refuge from hie murdar·rnlnded brot'-·ln-law. 'A' 11:008 G ClllII NEWS 8 PAQIUTTEAI Hoel· Lany MoComlldl Cll WILD, WILD WON..D ~AHNAL.I "Links To Man'• Patt" How do chlmpe get a1ono Vllllh MCh other'1 • 8NEAJC PMV1EW8 Roger Ebert and G«l8 SltUI review "Blow Out," "Tanen, The Af)8 Man." "Wollen" and otl'ler8 D Titl ONGINA.L8: TME WMVI IH AMMICA "JaMt "•nn.r" Janet """'*, "Genet" for The New y ortl• lor ft\19 deo- lldaa. commontt Ol'I her Wf'lllng ""' photOgr9')ti• 1111<1 clltcuMM tM wrher a an ertltt encl • Joum•t. (R) (J>)MOvtE "The N\IOe &omo" (1MC>) Doi\ ,,.._, 8yMa I(,... Sec:rtt 1"4\t Ma.-..11 8nw1 "'* .... "*" d.,.. Qtroua ~ 1n "' lrcti ......., whO plafW to laundl ~ ....... cllatolle IN 9fttn fMMft ~srt1 • 'flO' U1t11me...a ,,. WOM'I ....... ............ Bil 8 MOVll! -"T iit Aew111lurt• Wll(~ltfllarry l'IM " I :,~ WMJ>, WILD WON.O MANIMM.I "TrCJC)ICll Web Of Ufa" • The WOl1cf'• e•otlo teln tor· •11• .,. 1 .... 1no wtth ~I ble m UO'M • * * "A Girt N8mecl &ooner" ( 19741 IM ~ lck, Richard Ct'9t1M. 4 btlally badlwooclt Otancl• mother toa. her ._~ • o1<1 orlllddaughter to • ~ GOUl)le wttll no chl4- dran ol 1Mk own • ll'OPI GOa,... COUNTRY Oueeta: Oa\'8 Rowland I Sugar, Chel Atklne. • nte TOM OOTTU SHOW A Lou 8urvlY8CI" A wid- ower al\afM the ltory of lhe IOI• of hi• wile. ()) FIGHT BACK WITH DAVID HOM>WfTZ III MOYIE • • • "The Detectlva" ( lllet) Frank Sinatra. LM Remld< A ~ finda that Illa -°"O man wa electrocut9d for the mur- det of • youno hOmOM•u--. ul (l )MOVIE 'Fama" ( 1910) Eddie Barth, Irena Cara Four lalenlec:I 11u<lanl• ~ en eaclltng lour ~ II the High SehOol Of Par- lorming 14.rtt 'R i 1:46 II THE AOCKFON> 1'1LE8 Rockford trails 1 young beauty tn th• 11ope9 that she will lead to the rec:ov· ery ot $1,000,000 fJ EHTE1'TAINER Of' T11E YEAR AWAAOe Mike Douglas ho•ll • star· studded extr1vaganz1 lrom C-• Pat-In lea VagH Pertorme,,. appearing 1nolu<le Rodncty Dangerfield, Carol Burnell. Ann Miiier, Dolly Parton. Iha 01k Ridge Boys and manyotherl. OMOVIE • • 'Ho11agaa" ( 1943) Luise Ralnet, AnUl'o de Coroova Dunno World W1r II, -•I members ol 1ne Ctech rfflat1nce er• taken hostage by Nazla In relallahon for lhe <Math of one of their compatrlOta. -Ml>NIGHT- 12:00 Cl) AOOt<JES &;) LOS ANGELE.8 MSC IN REVIEW Host Clete Roberta Cl) PEARY'S RACE TO THE NORTH POlE QtMOW * * ··Tha AdVWtture1 Of Hucklebefry Finn" ( 1981) Kurt Ida, Forrest Tueller M ark Twain'• cl•Hlc ~t of the aacapedee of a Missouri fann boy Is ratol<I. (R) ~MOVIE "1900" 11977) Robert 0eNlfO, Garlld ()epardleu Seventy year1 of ltali1r1 1ocial 1nd polltlc al Chengee .,. -lhfougl'I the eyes oJ two unlikely IMISI lnend& R' .S, HOUSTON IMO LAFf OFF Bitty CrySlal lloats lh>I 114Rd·UP comedy compell- llOfl taped et Rockalaller 1 In Houston 12: 115 D MOVIE * * "The Advw!IU<M OI Huc:klaber'ry Ann" ( 1981) Kurt Ide, F0tr81t Tudlat. (ff)MOVIE "Tne Hearae" ( 1980) Trish Van Oevenl, JoM9h Cot· ten A scnoollaachet tries to recover lrom a nervous breakdown at ,_ late aunt s home, which tt besleQed by demon• 'PG' 12:4151} NAME~THEGAME Glenn How1rd plays a dual role '" old and -Vf!<· SIOf\S of 8 legendary gur>- ligflt '" the ol<I _, 1-00 0) NEWS 1:150MOVIE "All Thal Jau" ( 1979) Roy Schel<ler. Jeulca Lange. The 1umulluou1 Nia of a prol8SSI0<1al danoar •• fol· lowed from~ on the •tage lo perlOf'lal crlMs. 'R' 1:30 cm MOVIE "Ha Knows You're Alone" (1980) Don Scatdlno, Call· lln O'Heaney A psychotlo murderer Slallts 1ttrac1lve young brldw-IO-ba. ailenl· ly and lethally llMNng tnelr <lraarns of W9dded bllu. 'R' 1:4159 ABCNEWS {%) CHAAlD CHAMPUN TAU<S WW™ GEOABE CUKOA 2;00CJ!NEWS 2:188 NEW8 0 ATONE GuHI: aclrau M1tgo Kld<lar. ~!:::ts REUQtOH ** • "Otnner A1 Eight" (1933) JOhn and Uonel B1rrymora, Jean Harlow Reverberations ol varying lntanlllty ripple through New y ork City'• high l(ICI. ety a1 lhe QU81t 1111 tor an irQ9ortant IOClal ~ mant la prapmnd 1:00 I FAITHWAV8 $:11 MEWi 3:801~ °"°°~ T al 8abllonle encl Aenoy Gardnat join ,_. Slttp Staphanaon M ten c:ouplirie from Around "" WllOtld ClOl'llP«• for the tttl• of WOttcl rOllet dllOO Cflarnfll• -.... ~ 4:tl CC> MOVll "Tha Te11111t" ( 1t77) "°"'8n Pollnll(I, ...... AdJ#tl. Am...,......, ..,.,"'111 ....... PN"'I• -tenent~ ..... .... dda lfld '**'-,.., .. nold MICM .. f-.,Ma. .... di (2)&.A ....rA 09 MMfA llMMA ..... CZ>"'°"" "'ltto" (1HO) Dtm o.&.uiee. N-. ........ A ~ _,,.,. ... .... .. ..... ... •1_.c ...... ... ..... ... ..... .,.; l.. I ' t J MA.MY MORE TO CHOOSE FllOM AT SIMILA.I SA VIM&S! Bring your best deal in wntlng & see what we'll do for )'OU. 1vJ , applies to vehicles in stock. Cars aubiect to prior sale. All prices plus tax. license. doc. fee, dealer Installed oPtions & finance fees. Ad must be presented at time of purchase. Sale ends Monday, August 10. 1981 at close of business. " FACTORY AUTHORIZED DEALER FOR ALFA ROMEOeMASERATl.SAAB•PEUGEO THE FINEST USED CARS AVAILABLE •TRIUMPH•BENTLEY•FIAT•VOLVO•AUDl•PORSCHE 848 DOVE ST. NEWPORT BEACH 752-0900 Tlte Newest Economy Car from Japan ISUZU THE ISUZU DIESELS E .D E!!! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! EPA CITY EPA HWY. These figures are lor comparison only, your mileage will vary · <'••l'~t• IA••• .. t A • ,. ..... ,.. ,..,. ....... Bf9('ar .. .,tttall('ar -ou~r~ .... ,_ .. , ""r Trad ... •! fsu~u·. ~-. COSTA MESA .., ) .,, ... .,., ..... . 2925 HARBOR BLVD . "/ ., .... ,.,,,jf,,.,,,en ~n j Uay-<\ '\\ ,.,.i. -3 Rl 0<·lu. ~outh of th .. ~ ... Oi .. 110 Fr .. ,.,. .. ~ 9 7 9 • 2 5 00 Dilly Piiat SUNDAY, AUGUST 9, 1911 STOCKS C3-4 REAL ESTATE CS-9 CLASSI Fl ED C10-14 Orange County's leading firms are featured in stock spotlight ... C2 A i-Fluor' m.oves ahead Deity Nie ..... .., LM P- Ph1f Stevens stands behind a model of the company's proposed $50 million ethanol refinery plant for the Imperial Valley. He expects to hear from the Department of Energy on it this week. Tipping still big at local restaurants By PAT DUNN Of .. Deily pti.t MMt Orange Coast waiters and waitresses won't say how much they earn in tips -the information is top secret when it comes to at- tributable quotes. Off the record, however, their earnings are at least SlO an hour plus minimum wage, CONSUMER CLOSE -UP and this is at the low end of the scale, accord· Ing to a Daily Pilot sampling of area restaurants. Five-hour shifts at restaurants with entrees priced from $9 to $17 or more often bring In an average $75 to $100 per day in gratuities. Randy Johnson, a waiter serving the luncheon crowd at Hamburger Hamlet in Costa Mesa, said there's no sure way to de· termine how mucb a Up will be. "It really depends on the individual customer," he said. "Some people tell you they appreciate your good service and then leave a good tip. Others just look at the bill, figure the percentage -generally 10 or 15 percent -and never say a word. "Women tend to tip male waiters better than men and waitresses always receive more from men than women." A businessman being served by Johnson said he Ups according to service. "I always leave 15 percent as a diMer tip ii the service is adequate, and 17 percent if it's good. If the waitress is extra pretty, I may leave 20 per- cent. By the same token, surly service rates a surly tip." A couple at the next table said Inflation has affected the a mount they leave for a tip, and the percentage is somewhat less than it <See TIPPING, Pa1e CZ) Stevens constructs 20-year game plan By KEITH TUBER 0.lly .............. When Phil Stevens was going to UCLA in pursuit of an engineering degree, perhaps he cheere<l the Bruin football team on to victory with the chant, "de-fense, de-fense, de-fense." U he didn't, he should have. Defense became to Stevens what Westerns became to Gene Autry or jokes to Bob Hope. After graduation . St evens went to work in the aerospace industry where he designed and tested missiles. Later, while working for TRW, he direct- ed and managed the technicaJ aspects of the com- plex billion-dollar-a-year Minute Man III Weapon System. His job, though, was n't m erel y ad- ministrative; Stevens was personalJy responsible for creating the missile's design. Today, Phillip J . Stevens is president and c hie f exec utive officer of Irvine -based Ullrasystems, a company he founded 12 years ago. Its business? Defense and energy. "I've always been interested in weapon systems," said Stevens, 52, al his corporate office on Michelson Drive. That interest has filtered down to his off. spring: His son, Greg, 27, is an engineer for Ford EXECUTIVE PROFILE Aeronutronic • and daughter Kimberly, 21, is ma- joring in engineering at UCI. Another daughter, Sherri, 18, has recently graduated from Corona del Mar High School and is now attending Cal State Fullerton. Stevens, who lives with his wife Joan and their daughter~ in Newport Beach, likes to describe his company as "exhibiting the personality of a mini· Fluor blended with the high-technology expertise of a TRW Inc." The description seems apt. Enginetiring and construcllon accounts for 65 percent or the com- pany's business composition. Projects have in· eluded the building of oil-fired steam generating plants and providing design, construction, main- tenance and repair services to the petroleum and petro-chemicaJ industries. Defense and space system projects have in· eluded studies to evaluate the reliability of on- board computer systems for the Space Shuttle and the testing and integration of command and con- trol systems used in conjunction with space satellites. currently, the company is awaiting notifica- tion from the Department oC Energy on its $46 million loan guarantee application for a $S0 million ethanol refinery plant planned for the Imperial Va lley. "We have received indications that approval from the DOE can come as early as next week,'' Stevens said. "Some $500 million has been re- tained by the DOE for geothermal energy, so there's funds available after the fiscal year ends in October." Stevens pauses a moment to reflect on the magnitude of the project. Jn 19619, when he started his company. Ultrasystems produced total rev- ( See STEVENS. Pa1e CZ) \ \ \ D O Extension of nm may be profita~le, hut is it fair? By .JOEL C. DON °' .. .....,"-..... 1be Orange County Fair marked a major turn· Ing point in 1972, when the annuai event expanded from six to 10 day1. The chanse boOlted fair profits and proved popular amooi fairaoen. Ten years later, the aummer event continues to draw lar1er and larger crowds. Thia year'• total ot 388,903 vlsiton from July 10 to 19 wu a new rteard. Tbe 10 day1 Include two weekendl. which ahow the bipest turnaWe counts each year. So why not extend the fair to 17 day1, givtn1 tbe eapolitioo three full weekencll and an even treater pnillt martin? According to an efftdal wltb tbe 1tate Divilion ol Fain and Expoettlona, that'• po11tble. The or-.e County Fair Board bu complete autboritf. to lenfthen the run. Jl'inal bud1et approva , laowever, 1t1U rests wltb the 1tate. But tJ1e fair board wouJ,d have to make Aolil&ical ewkSeraUc.a to accommodate fair COD· cesslonaires, exhibitors and carnival operaton. Alao, several county fain occur throuthout the state before, after or overlappin1 with the Oranae County Fair. "Every fair works lnd~eoUy 1 11 aald fair general manager Kenneth FUik. "You're P.."actical about it. It's common courtesy that you d aay to another fair, 'We'd like to move up a bit.' "But·w\lb 62 falrs in the state, lt'1 hard to have Just one fair' at a time." U they bad a choice, fair olftclala mllbt prefer to include the Fourth ol July weekeQd in UJ ex· tension plan, Fulk 1aid. Howner, the Soatben California 8Qo91Uoa la SID l>leco Onitbel up dur· int that weekend and mQJ CCIDCelSimalrel -ID· cludina the carnival -~ fn>m Saa Dieto to Oranp County. The San Dle10 expoelUOn. held at the Del M• faiflJ"OUllda, II a cue in poAnt ol a fair tUta1 full advantqe ol a lucr.Uft acbedule tbat lael .... three 'W'letenda. ~ ·--~ -- In 1970, the San Dle10 fair wu extended from 10 to 12 days. Two yean later, it luted 14 day1. It was pushed to 18 day1 three years qo. 1b.la year, San Dte10 fair offlclala made Sun· day, July 5, Uie clotinl date -tumln& the expoei· Uon lnto a 1'1-day run. Attendance laat year waa approximately 888,000. Wlth an extra weekend day, San Dleao's attendance jumped pa1t the 700,000 mark thia year. "We ftpre there were IDOUlb people (to 1up- port 17 cla)'I) beeauae It wu vaeaUoD Umt," •aid San Dleco Expoeltloa tmenJ manacer WlWam DulDGDd. "I thiak It 1pl'elldl attmdanc:. out a bit and ft ftiured it would be fhaaDdally better for tbefak." llldeed, the monetary iactDtlYe lnerelHI wtth an lldded weekend, e1pecla111 u Orante County's jOpulMlm baa DOW ,..W PMl tM I m•mo. mad. .. hlk ...., .... ...,. ....... '* • ....... I ••• •'The key tbtng ls we: re not in thla bustnesa to make money.'f he said. "Sure we don't want to lose money, sure we want to make money. But we want the fair to aerve the community. U mone1, wu our entire goal tbl• would be quite a different fair. "A fair ls a place where people IO to * boW other people live, work and plQ ... !'ulk said the f air'1 bud1et Juat ablut breab even when official1 settle up •tlclpated rn•uea with expenditures. A The yearly buqet for the fair'• ........ opera- tions nma a UWe more than • .awe.. ' That ncure includes tbe Rmmet tw, a..tm activiUa such u trailer cannu a1tn1 UM faclliUea and car aad motoreycle v_,_. ill falr- lround bulldlnp, UM 1wap meet, the eq...mtai cent.er and tbe Fall l'air and bone radnl at tM LOI Alamitot racetraek. Thi summer fall\ ,.,... meet Md ....._ ae- (8ee f'AI&. .... Cl> Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 LOCAL STOCKS SPOTLIGHT --CLOSE NET ~ ...... HDQ • AtTr«rl . ......, IX04. an CHANGE Fluor Irv In• Eng/Const. M,826.3 NYSE 36¥1 +'h ~ktrlntl Orenge 011 products 1,~7.• NYSE 451/• NC Smith Intl. NewPOrt Bch. 011 products 748.1 NYSE S4'h + 1'1'1 Beckmen Inst. Fullerton ln$truments S..9.3 NYSE 3111' -2 Wynn's Intl. Fullerton Auto products 173.7 NYSE 111,1 .. +~ Downey S&L Costa Mes• S&L 140.9 AMEX 5~ -~ Presley Cos, NewPOrt Bch. Home building 132.• NYSE 12\'• -~ Gen. Autm. Anaheim Cmp. products 125.8 OTC 12~ +11h St.-Pac.lflc Costa Mesa Home building 121.7 NYSE 12112 -'h 1st. Amer. Fin. Sent• Ana Title Insurance 121.0 OTC 17 NC WTC Inc. Newpor1 Bch. Fgt. forewarder 116.9 AMEX f>:\o't +'II Varco Intl. Orange Oil products 108.6 NYSE 26~ -1'1• F/Wst. Fn. Cp. Newport Bch. S&L 89.• NYSE 13 NC Nat'I Ed. Newport Bch. voe. training 89.3 NYSE 1S1h -•/1 RB lndust. Irvine Furniture 85.• NYSE 7:i,-.. +'I• G.W. Homes Santa Ana Mobile homes 84.1 AMEX 11~ _...~ Cmp.Autm. lrvlne Cmp. products 81.2 OTC 1211:1 -1'.4 Am Pac Newport Bch. Home building 76.7 PSE 61/1 ~ Merc ury S&L Huntington Bch. S&L 74.9 OTC 6711 +~ Pac. Scientific Anaheim Control Inst. 62.8 NYSE 2S~ + 1/1 Fluorocarbon Laguna Niguel Plastics 62.6 OTC 10111 -¥. Cov.ng. Tech. Irvine Home building S7.6 OTC 1 7 /16 -1/16 Silvercrest Ind. Buena Park Mobile homes SS.9 AMEX No trade NC Bentley Lab. lr;vlne Med. products 52.1 OTC 381/• -'h MSI Data Costa Mesa Cmp. products .is.• NYSE 181/a -1'/e EECO Santa Ana Elect. products 4'2.6 AMEX 101/• l/9 Brgford Fds. Anaheim Food process. 40.7 OTC 43,'e NC Al tee Anaheim Sound systems 4'0.S AMEX 1 + 1/16 Comp Care Newport Bch. Health care 39.2 OTC 1 sv .. -31/e Pnntronlcs Irvine Cmp. printers 37.0 OTC 22:V.. -l 'h For Bet. Liv. Laguna Niguel Concrete prod. 36.0 OTC s NC Ramp. Gen. Irvine Fireplaces 27.6 OTC 111. NC Swed low Garden Grove Acrylic shtg. 26.3 OTC 43/• +1 VTN Irvine R.E . services 25.2 , OTC 1 :>(.. NC Stang Hy San Clemente Dewater equip 23.3 OTC 911 .. NC West. D1ot. Newport Bch. Elect. circuits 20.S OTC 8~ -~ First Newport Newport Bch Hotels& R.E. 18.6 OTC 61/e -3,'e G<OH .... " .. liVUret from ...... _..., h,u, ...... T .. over.1 ..... -cau-• IOTCI Dti<ei ....... i.. Did lo• .... Ollt. Ouol•hcnJcour\~Y S.W<ll.,. El<l\19r,Hlll Rld>¥d~ IM , NewPort BH<ll From Page C1 TIPPING REMAINS BIG BUSINESS : .. 'MU S several years ago. "The size of the bill kN•ps going up and we just can't leave as m ut·h as we· used to. If we get terrible serviC'(', we don't hestiate refusing to tip anything " Getting "stiffed" is not that common. however. Most waiters and waitresses said occaswnally they don·t receive any tips and seldom can figure out the reason. Chn~l• Barham. who said she "definitely ma ke~ a good li ving" at Tony Roma's Newport Beach "place for ribs." exclaimed she was amazed when a patron paid his $100 tab recent!) a nd "didn't leave one cent as a tap." Ms Barham, a pe tite brunette, also said men tJp better than women and "secretaries out l o a Friday lunch are not overly generous." A Newport Bea ch real estate salesman. who was dining at the Arches Restaurant, s~ud . "I leave a tip that looks 'good' on tbe la· ble. After all, you can't leave less than a quarter for a 50-cent cup of coffee, especially when you have a refill. I tipped SS for a $32 tab at dinne r for two last night." The we ll-dressed young man added, ·'Service does affect the amount I tip. The worst experience I ever had was when a restaurant lost my credit card and then in- sisted I pay cash. Needless to say, I didn't leuve a lip tha t time'" J ay .Johnson, manager of Ma Barker's Family Restaurant in Costa Mesa, says infla- tion has affecte d his waitresses· tips. T hey're down, e ven though we've added .;1de-d1sh s pecialty Items to our menu to bring up the total bill while keeping the has1c entree p~ices reasonable." Two women from Anaheim and Mission V1eJo. lunching at Ma Barker's, said quite firmly that they tip "on service and always leave 10 percent or a llttJe more. but only if they deserve 1l." A waitress at International House of Pan- cakes in Costa Mes a said, "The amount of 1 he Up depends on people. and you can never know for s ure what motivates them. "l do think service matters a lot, but the high co.~t of living has made people less RADIO PAGER S6.65 PER MONTH For services only Unlimited pages and pur· chase your reconditioned pa· ger for only $100 with 30 days guaranteed parts and labor. Be paged ln a rou r county area, Los Angeles. Orange. San Bernardino a nd Rl\•er· side Countle . 401 S. SANTA FE SANTA ANA CALL 714/835-3305 ORANGE COUNTY RADIO TELEPHONE SERVICE generous . It used to be that a waitress could earn as much as a person with a college degree. but that's not a sure bet anymore." An IHOP customer noted that she has raised her tip percentage to 15 percent because of inflation but "J also have left two cents when there's exceptionally bad service." Almost without exception, diners are tak- ing a closer look at the amount they tip. Service is scrutinized carefully to determine what percentage or the bill will be left as a gratuity. There's e mphasis on prompt service as a prerequisite for a "good" tip, and not one restaurant patron interviewed felt a lip of any kind was mandatory . Jill Finden, a waitress at Baxter's in Irvine, said, "Service comes first today. It also helps if a waitress can take the time to be friendly and have a little conversation with the customers. ··People really like that and sometimes they feel neglected when a waitress is extra busy and doesn't have time to chat a little. Our tips generally run 10 or 15 percent of the totaJ bill -with a little more in the evening." Waitresses at the Reuben E. Lee, a float- ing res taurant replica of an 1800s pad- dlewheeler moored in Newport Harbor, work effi ciently and quietly. providing good service to the dining public enjoying leisurely meals in the authentically detailed decor of bygone riverboat days. Most customers said they lip at least 15 percent and seemed oblivious to the quality of the service. Jn this and other fine dinner houses along Pacific Coast Highway. the size of the gratuity does not assume the same im- portance it does in less expensive restaurants. "Money is not that Important to many of our customers," said a waitress at another oceanside dining spot. "They expect good food, excellent service and everything else that goes along with what s~ould be provided by a fine restaurant. They get what they . want and almost all or the lime waiters and waitresses know they will receive a generous lip. Alter all, this Is not a coffee house!" CAl:L 74424 From Page C1 STEVENS' PLANS FOR ULTRASYSTEMS enues of $340,000. In 1981. that flfure approached $20 mllUoo. Net worth lt nearly no million . Recently, Stevena took the company public throuth SeldJer, Arnett & Spillane Inc. ln an effort to substantially Increase bondlng capacity "We're looklna at $200 million worth ol pro jects," Stevens said pridefully, "so we needed to build up our net worth. By leveraging it :W-to-1, we'll be able to accommodate those plans. "Actually, this ls unusual in that we woo't use any oft.he capital to pay off debts.•• Stevens Is banking on the added funds to further accelerate the company's already dramatic growth pattern. Ke credit.a bis manage· ment philosophy as contributing to Ultrasystems· success. "Management ls responsible for both looking to the future, as well as managing the present," Stevens said. "If the management of a company lacks vision. the company wlll either stagnate or perish. "In the type of business in which we are engaged, we stress a 'heads-up' management ap- proach, rather than have our managers take a myopic view of their responsibilities." His management team has been assembled from many of tus competitors, rlrms like Fluor, Bechtel, Parsons, Holmes and Narver and others. Whal attracts these top engineers. according to Stevens, is the size of the projects. "We're shooting for •rojects from $1 million to $50 million, and there is a lack of companies in this range," Stevens said. "Projects or this size are too big for father/son firms. while the larger companies are concerned From Page C1 with $100 mlllion to $200 million cootracu. "What W1 means la Lhat we can'1lan'1e a laree job that may take a couple of yeara, and our enaineers can be involved in the entire project. Al companies Uke Fluor. ror instance, a project can last 10 years, aJ\d an englneer be Involved In only a s mall segment ot the entire operation." Though thi ngs are gotn1 well for Ultrasystems. there have been aetbacka. The company had destined a computer system for the lranJan police, and then came the revolu· tion. Ultrasystems filed a claim for $65S,OOO with Iran. and has been invited by the government to negotiate a settlement In Vienna. Another project oow ln the inactive file is the company's airport foa dispersal field. Succeaaful demonstration of the concept was conducted at Vandenberg Air Force Base, and full-scale opera· tionaJ installation was planned at Otis Alr Force Base near Boston However, that scenario has been put on hold. "Unfortunately, the military funding that was being made available to us for the system has been ass igned to a higher priority," Stevens said. "There's still more research needed ... Despite these setbacks, Ultrasystems con· tinues to nourish If Stevens' 20·year plan for the company goes according to schedule -it bas for the first 12 years the firm will advance up the competitive ladder "In the '40s. Fluor was our size," Stevens said. "They started as construction and added engineer- ing. Parsons started as engineering and added construction. "We filled the gaps. and come at both ends ... FAIR DAYS ARE SAID 'NUMBERED'. • • tivities are budgeted at $2.3 million, he said. This year's fair budget also included a carryover of $800,000 in profits from last year's events. Profits from the various fair activities are pumped back into improving the fairgrounds, Fulk noted. In addition, the fair must pay about $600,000 a year in principal and interest to the state on a $4.2 million loan for construction of new parking lots, buildings. grounds improvements and addi- tions to the equestrian center "We can serve the public well in 10 days," Fulk added. "To go to a longer fair we'd have to stretch things such as the livestock show. I think a 10-day fair best serves the area." Fair Board President Howard Dickerson con- curs. ~r..ct Opetlillg Sale HARD CIDER FROM CANADA OHL Y 99 Cents at Trader Joe Cllld ,.._.o Here's a clean refreshlnfi hard apple cider from Canada. called ~ AmbeT. We're selling it for only 99 cents per firth less than many "sort .. ciders sell for! Please visit our new~st Trader Joe's al lhe in-tersection or 17th Street1 Newport Boulevard ana Superior A venue 1next to Denny's and Barrlay's Bank > HOW IH COST A MESA AUTHENTIC FRENCH PROVINCIAL CHATEAU ON MALIBU RIVIERA WANTED: $2,000,000 C9ld cosh fOf' 9 month• for m•estn.ftt purchaM Terms: Negotiable with participation possible ~ • loft -lr91td HW --of• kW 2 ec:r. .... -,.ti lllle ..ttillCJ with 500 p9r' old .,...... Opportunity to double your investment CALL C7 I 4J 494-5704 or C7 I 4J 759-0396 COLLECTORS CORNER R.,• Cotna • Stemp• GOLD la SILVER l--M1 ca.NC-..._.. ..,_Cl.MM ..., .... "There are no plans to enlarge it (the fair> at this point. There have been no discussions,·· he said. •·on the one hand, I like it (a 17-dayfair) because we would have a greater opportunity for people to go to the fair. On the other hand, it's twice as much work." Dickerson sees advantages especially for com- mercial vendors having moretimetoselltheirwares. "But the quality would suffer when you expand something. lttakes more work. morepeopleand more overseeing and and financially it costs more. Though more fair days means increased re- venues. he points out that a longer run probably would just spread the attendance out over the added days. "It doesn't mean more money because we have to pay out more money to performers and other groups ," he said $50,,000 to $500,,000 INCOME PROPERTY SECONDS • lnt••••t only pay.ecnl • lnco•c • Co-•rclal • RcalcfcntU.I • Weekly co•alt.-te • N onth ly f•IMll .. • • 6 •ontt.9 to S ~ • So•th•"' Callfonail ( ,,,,1 llf (714) 759-1515 AMERICAN ..OWE MO..-TGAGE :>30 N~wPO<'I Center Oove Oes19n Plua NewPOn Beach ea11•o•n.a 92660 KrU01rr-Ml1M M11M M._,le~ ..... Mta.• 100 eor-..... ,. .,...,. so,,_ ...,,. .. ,,. ~~,_ .. _,. ... flPIUI 70% Benk Flnenclng IRA & Keouah (714) ~!le-CMJ:iG' South Coaat Plaza Vllleg• ...,__ ....... ••·---c-111,...u1 warmington homes - a great place to hang your hat Warmington Financial - a great place to invest your"'money To find out more about Investment opportunities at Warmington F!nancial call Linda at ... WARMINGTON FI NANCIAL CORPORATION I , 'I Cl)\'o~i,, >l fl/Sl n ~'no, RVINF CAll~ORNtA 027 1·1 "A Southern Callfomlo Fomlly Helping Souttiefn CollfO«'\lans" (714) 540·2635 Aaallf~~ I om Interested in Trust Deeds with Wormington Flnonclol; l Personally IRA·KEOGH Pension/Profit ShOl1ng Nome ~~~~..._~~~;;.._~~~--; ......... ~'"'--"---..~~~~~ AddfeSS ·~~~~~~...;._~~.;..-~~~--:=-~~- ( 5'l9el) (City) , ........... ,.., ...... let ........ . Phone Home --------~'"----WM • ~ _, ______ .... ,;_ -·--~ ·- .... .. ---. !lfijjjtfilll""J•ta~~~"~~adt:SU!S5-.·~t1~. ~.tm. ft!Sr~•a:st:i!i"' 1~s•~1S~it•S¥0:••~t:~t~ct:aia•c===i¥*1::; •• :i~i•c:rtsctc~!:'le•tt.:•t•~~"'~sisu;;ae=1:un:;;:::::=J¥!:•e•;::c::~ir .. ,i=iww••;t1•~rc;¥ar;zaic•r::r•ci::s••1~.irattcsst1::11:~t:?::::::r!::t••~~~j-=aar::aa::se.;::a::--wr:s.:wr.~tt-::~ti:1u~~t1•1.t::U:i l...lfa . . . ''. 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ICl.U0l tUDUOll flll lllW YOH iiltDWUT '•CltlC, •Ill!' tOUOll. DIUOIT UiO Clll(IUAU •YOCI O CllH •U a •O IOOIHIO I Y Tiii 0,0 UO llUUlflf ............. ...... 960- Aug High 953.58 low 942 .54 Closed 942 .54 950 • II M().11 • M T W T F ••••••••••••••••••• . . ~ I ti ] Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 9, 1981 • I Bankers and brokers ! I finance home sales ·too By ROBERT J. BRUSS DEAR BOB: As a reaJ esta&e broker I am fr~a&ed trylns to flan~ some of my bome sates. Mott of my buyen ba¥e Sood Joi» aad cu meet reuoaable moatkly mon1ase payments, but tlle 861.1 here are very bard &o cleaJ wltb llOW. Oae I day tber-aeem to hHe money to lou ba& tile next day they plead pover&y. I bow you advocate aeller flnaaclng ba& lllat Isn't always posslble, especially If the home's seller needs cull &o bay aaotber boue. Ally Ideas! -Yolanda W. DEAR YOLANDA: To replace the traditional S&L and bank home mortgage lenders, creative mortgage bankers and brokers have developed new home loan sources. Non·traditional home mortgage sources include pension trusts, semi- govemment agencies such as Ginnie Mae and Fannie Mae, and insurance companies which buy multimillion-dollar home loan packages. .__ These sources and others can be tapped by contacting mortgage. bankers and brokers specializing In home loans. Since mortgage bankers and brokers work on fees, they are eager to make loans. Otherwise they starve. REAL ESTATE MAILBAG This is the opposite of salaried bankers and S&L loan officers who often don't care if they make loans. Shopping among all sources for home mortgage money is more profitable than ever to- day. Appraiser protests analysis DEAR BOB: Recently, you suggested bome buyers and sellers get a "competitive market analysis" to set asking prices and offer prices. As a professional appraiser with 14 years experience, I disagree. The best way to be sure of a home's market value is to hire a professional appraiser. He or she will not only consider recent sales prices of nearby homes, but also the home's pbyslcaJ coadJtion, Its r.eplacement cost, and the effect of financing OD the saJes price. Spending a few dollars on a true appralsaJ is the best way to correctly vai11e a home. -Bert T. DEAR BERT: Until a home sells after being exposed to the marketplace for a reasonable time, with neither the buyer nor seller being under pressure to buy or sell, only an estimate of market value is possible. Most experienced real estate agents are highly accurate when using a "competitive market analysis" based on recent neighborhood sales prices to estimate a home's market value for buyers and sellers. Even professional appraisers are sometimes wrong. I recall seeing an MAl appraisal of a com- mercial building's market value which was more than $2 million dollars above what the property sold for after being for sale more than a year. An appraisal Is only as good as the ability of the ap- praiser. Check with a lawyer DEAR BOB: I own a dry cleaning business which I sold. When the laadJord got hJs rea& check from !he new owner, be had his lawyer phone me to find out what's going on. I told him I sold the buslnesa. The lawyer sald I can't do this without the land.lord's permission. My lease bas 11 years left at a low rent. It bas a clause requiring the landJord's permlssloD to sublet or assign to a new tenant. The landJord says be will approve a sublet lf the new owner will pay $300 per month more than I was paying. Is this legal? -Joel T. DEAR JOEL: That's a difficult question. The law used to be that a lease clause requiring the landlord's approval for sublets and assignments was valid. But in recent years, the courts of several states have ruled landlords cannot un- reasooably withhold their approval of such lease transfers. This is a rapidly developing area of law requiring your consultation with a real estate at- torney. Indemnity pact saves sale DEAR BOB: Shortly before we sold our home we bad a new kitchen noor Installed. Bat the work was done poorly so we asked lite comp.any to cor· rect the ripples. They refused and filed a mechanic's Ilea on oar bome. lo the meantime, our realty agent found a buyer who would purchase our bouae if we got the kitchen floor fixed. This ltsae dragged OD for weeks with DO solution. . Finally, the realty agent sa11estec1 we give the buyer an Indemnity agreement aecared by a tblrd mortgage OD oUr n~W boa.se. Tbe happy resaJt WU o•r old home's sale cloeed, the new owner (a lawyer> ae1otla&ed a seUlemeat wllb lite Ooor compuy, and tile lndema.lty alJ'eemeat waa cu· celed. Jut U.O.pt l'cl , ... along tllla idea la ease otller teUen hHe shnUar problems delaylag ~lr aaJett.lq. -MldgeT. DEAR MIDGE : Thank you for sharing the idea. Another related idea is called an "escrow boldback." U the sale ls ready to cloee except for a small dlaputed amount, it's often possible to bold back Crom the seller's proceeds enough cash to cover the urusetUed amount such as for uncomplet· ed repairs to the house. Your attorney, escrow of- ficer or Utle person can give you details on boldback aireementa. Opiioru report a"ailahle ' A new supply of the popular Brun Report ''How Short and Loni Term Leue-OpUona Can In-! ereue Your Really Profits" la DO'V available. To . obtain x....our copy aend a S2 check pa7able to "Newspaperbookt" for Report llll~ to the Dally Pilot, P.O. Bos 251, Norwood, N.J . 0'7- back a '20,000 second mortgage, what ls our secart· ty for our loan to the buyer? -DortsT. DEAR DORIS: Using a loq term lease-option, your security for the buyer's debt to you would be a $20.000 promissory note secured by the long term lease-option (instead of a second mortgage). If the buyer defaults and doesn't make bis pay- ments to you, bis action ends the lease and purchase option. You remove the buyer with a normal evic- tion proceeding which takes 30 to 60 days in most communities. Ask a real estate attorney to explain further. More details on lease-options are In my new re-' port "'How Short and Long Term Lease-Options Can Increase Your Really Profits." Tp obtain your copy send a $2 check payable to '"Newspaperbooks" for Report 80111 to the Daily Pilot, P .O . Box 259, Norwood, N.J . 07648. Can private /,ender charge fee? DEAR BOB: Recently you tOld another reader he gets an income tax deduction as interest for the loan fee he paid to get a new mortgage on bla home. I am in the process of buying a home where the seller is carrying back a wraparound mortgage. To Increase my income tax deductions, can I take a tu deduction by paying the seller $2,000 as a loan fee and reduce the sale price by $2,oto! -JennJeJ. DEAR JENNIE: No, but you get an .. A" for a good try. Loan fees paid to obtain a new mortgage qualify as tax deductible interest only ii paid to a lender who normally charges loan fees. Since your seller is not in the loao business and doesn't usually charge loan fees , your loan fee woul<t.not be tax de- ductible as interest. Ask your tax adviser for further details. STILL FOR SALE -President Reagan's 11· room house in Pacific Palisades ramains on the market, priced at $1.9 million. Huntington Beach realtor John Saunders recently offered t~ pay that sum for the house, which boasts a pool , redwood deck and a sweeping view of the coastline. But a spokesman for Coldwell .~ ........ Banker, which is listing the home. said Saun- ders' bid has been rejected by Reagan's busi- ness advisers because they did not approve of the financial terms Saunders proposed. Thus. the president's home. on the market since January, remains unsold . R e alty firm eyes bankruptcy TORRANCE (AP) -A real estate company and a mortgage brokerage firm will try to re- organize under federal bankruptcy statutes follow- ing collapse or bankers' credit extensions. the firm's attorney sa)'s. Sun Financial and· Sun Realty, both owned by Pal05 Verdes businessman Robert Nelns, began having cash flow problems after four banks hold- ing loans on the financial company tightened credit extension, said Taylor Daigneault, Neln"s attorney. "Mistakes were made," acknowledged Daigneault. but be declined to elaborate. "Their le\tel and necessity of credit exceeded our desire to provide it," said Richard Balter, senior vice president of American City Bank in Century City. The best part of Newport 1s not in Newport. A small elegant ~ommunity of luxuriously appointed townhomes . Perfectly placed in a prestigious area near two major country clubs, tennis courts, parks, shoppi ng and all the recreational advantages of Newport Harbor. .~~~_,~-.., .... ~ Longwood Greens In Mesa Ver~. Protected from the congestion of Newport Beach, yet near the best of everything the area has to offer. And consider this. If Longwood Greens were less perfectly located, it would cost a whole lot more. Spacioos t\\O bedn;xm ttM'lllxmes ftOOi $174,990: Southeast Comer of Adams and Placentia • Costa Mesa, California 92626 Sales Office open 11 till dusk. Phone (714) 557·6477 1-\& · ~ .. •'*1 to chlicwe wltWrt notlee. S. SaJtl C.Onsultm fot •llf'ICtl\• flnanrl...i ~ -. '• .. .. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguet 9, 1981 Newly constructed Mediterranean Villa atop Spyglass Hill captures unparalleled views of Pacific coastline & Newport Harbor. Authentic old world detailing & charm are offered thruout this 5 BR, 7 bath home. Guarded by iron gates & carved lions. special features incl. carved doors. imported tile floors. stone & brick ceilings, stained glass windows & onyx dressing rooms. entertainment center & master suite. Enjoy views of pool, ocean, courtyard with gardens • & fountains. $2,400,000. Barbara Ballmann, ·Hillary Thamer. COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL Real Estate Services 2161 San Joaquin Hills Road ~~:.l:.::~=..:.;.;,:,;....!!.:.~==~=~5:'...:-..,1;,t-....:~:=::::::J Newport Beach. 644-9060 ~ \~•.,.,.,. .-!"~ ; ~~~ .... (•''' "; • l}t": ..-.. ".·•... " ._ : ': .. • .... fr , IO V f 1 0 • • o • 0 ,. ·~ ' . . . " . . . . :;;~ ~ .. .,. • -~ .' ~ ,... • • •• ' • ~. •• • • l i:.., • , .. •' ( ... ,. • . •• · •. 'Jo(., . . . • ••• 1 ~ ~ ~:~·.,:-.· .. :.i. ·. •.•. . . . t'. ; ~t' _ __.. -·-· ..... . ._ ........ Prime location on the tip of Linda Isle w/127' on the bayfront. Exquisitely detailed chateau of approx. 6500 SQ. ft. Spacious formal living & dining rms. handsome panelled library, lg playroom for billiards. Mstr suite w /tiis & hers baths & dressing rms. Some amenities include 5 BRs. pool, spa sauna. air cond .. attic. wine cellar. Dockage for 80' yacht. Offered as a leasehold estate at $5,000,000. Catty Schweickert 642-8235 MACNAB-IRVINE REALTY 901 Dover Drive, Newport Beach 642-8235 Beautifully designed appointments in this spacious and private 2-story home. Large master suite included in this 4-bedroom, formal dining room home with stained glass. quarry tile and many more amenities. You own the boat sliQ plus a small yard and 2 docks. Views of water. boating and lights. $1 ,200,000. WATERFRONT HOMES 631-1400. lll·~--~,i .' .· .. i .. ·: '' ' ro.Jr . ' . . ' ~·.' . . Jti~:.,;J,-..:;" . ·... ... . . ,, .... _ .\...., ... ;.,,. -· --: Imagine 61 ' of bay frontage on Linda Isle. Located on the main turning basin. this magnificent 5 Bdrm 6 Bath masterpiece has a captivating view from most rooms. It includes every custom feature. private courtyard. pool & spa, elegant decor, 3 frplcs. game room and superb cabinet work. Completina this dream come true is a double dock large enough to accommodate 4 large yachts. and seller willing to carry the financing for a qualified buyer. Offered at just 2.1 million. R.C. TAYLOR CO. 640-9900 Distinguished custom residence in the WATER with dramatic 2-story entry. Soaring ceilings with beams, beautiful collector stained & leaded glass windows thruout. Second floor balcony /gallery overlooks the drama of generous main rooms. Formal living room, step-down pub bar. immense tam. rm., formal din. rm. + large ) outdoor patio and koi pond. Separate spacious master suite with WATER VUs + 4 family bedrooms. Ooek for 2 yachts. $2.600,000. Includes land. Owner-builder must sell this home now. Newport Beach's exclusive Peninsula R> int. Brand new 4 Bdrm. 4 bath bayfront with boat dock. Open House Daily 12-5 PM, until sold. Your terms or cash discou~t. ROGER 'S REALTY Gall Dan Bibb 675-2311 or 640-7665 ·~ ''' .. , • • • • • • • t -_.. • -\.. • ••' • • r ~ ' ~ I, \ •. • • " • ' • ' • ' ' •if':.~ I 1\ ·'~• I',, .. • .. • • •. • • • • o ' ~...I f .. ,. . . .. : -! . . ' ' . . ' . " . . • , ' ., .. . ' ( \ ' . . , ... ,• '\• \,'. ' '1r • • • • • • • ' '. • I ~-~ ..... -n-.,. . . . . •. . . -•. ' .. ·~. ,.. , 1 ·: -·~. i.-.•..•• ,.11_ , ... ·t .. ·.,f.i ;s,~Ll .......... ; .•. ·.... . • . ~-f) ....... ., .• ,, •• -' ~1-.•'•..,,Jil.1-L4'4• ...... ,.~ '.._,.·. _ ... .,;..;• __ ,0',"&'\.~-..... "'!" ... -. Six bedrooms .. five baths .. dining room .. family room .. designed by renowned architect J. Herbert Brownell in the Frank Lloyd Wnght tri!d1t1on .. Every room I n this dramatic ottering is meant to be enjoyed ... the sinfully superlative view is but one of its many satisfying sensations .. private pier and slip allow four large boats to moor .. $1 ,400,000. DALEBOUT BAY & BEACH 631-7300 ~~~~•\..P•~ ... ·~·•"-~';r..'' r • ........ .., • .., ... -,1' ',._--,·..r:~~·.-.· ''11''1,l'P'~~.·~•.ir'l.oX..~.-.•~; ~· -"· _..I\~{,.· J.:lL. .~ •• • ~ .,,,. .. 4' ., .. -..,-.-:.-:"M''·•" •&,,..,-,,....# •'¥tlrf.:'.t..:>i.: ,,,._ ~.._,,~:··~, . , ,,___ 4"1·i.".t .... , •r··• • ') '· , . ~r-.,..,.._.;.A ...... r • , ·~,• .... ~, ~'\ • •• ~ )! -J(:~~ .JI •( •• ' • • • ,... • • • • • .• ~ .,. ... •' ·,,. ~ • • • ' .. a • lt t • ! • .• .....-1• • . . • ?·, -~· t 1 J., J ' ' •• • • L. I ~ t~ ~ ' ' ~, ' ·, ' ~ I f l • • •• ' ' ;r,.~4'~.·c ~ • .::r. f<;~;,:1·~ '.: -'. "·.1.~. ;., ... lK. _'.~'.\& r:'""l.~· .~l.1 IJF't';t_~:-~ ;.c~u"ll~· • -"'-·~~-•• all/r.~... ~~------ This immaculate 4 BR family home features superior existing 1st trust deed and owners will consider a large 2nd trust deed with extremely favorable terms. Also features large slip and side tie. $1 .200.000 including the land. George Grupe 644-6200 MACNAB-IRVINE REAL TY 1648 San Miguel Drive Newport Beach 644-6200 ' ; ' • ,• r -f, : . ,, . -., . . . .. . . . . -' . -·. . . . A unique pleasure to own the "Queen of the Boardwal)<" v.ilich features 2 mirror-image homes. each with 3 bed. 4 ba famrm.. 3 fireplaces. Also 2 bed. apt. + 2 room & bath guest suite. Sparkling ocean Vu + Catalina Island. Also, VU of Bay & nite lights. Owner will consider exchange ... make an offer ... $1 ,950,000. WATERFRONT HOMES 631-1400 ---·--------------· ----- . . -. On the golf course. a1g CanY9n Country Club. A masterpiece of elegance and dignity overlooking the lush green fairways. Created by Newport's finest builder. Top quality craftsmanship & materials, abundant imported marble, air conditioning plus numerous other fine appointments. Stately marble floored foyer with Impressive circular stairway. Elegant crystal chandelier. Queenly master suite · · plus 4 additional bedrooms, each with Its own private bath. Banquet-size dining room, richly paneled family room with marble fireplace and wet bar, fully paneled billiard room with bar. Refrigerated wine room. Realistically priced at : $2, 150,000. · ~all for appointment to see. WESLEY N. TAYLOR CO .• REAL TORS 2111 Sen JoaQUin Hills Road NEWPORT CENTER. N.8. 644-4910 ., ' ' -------~----~~~-~~-.... , ....... w,. -.. IW ••f'"~¥_.. MII.I.ION OOLLAR li_OME§ FOR THE CONNOISSEUR OF ELEGAINfJE • • • J1,200, . 16711 Carousel Ln., Huntington Harbour. Mediterranean style custom built home. t Diagonal 45' boat dock that can accommodate 2 boata. Sweeping main channel view from Seal Beach and Huntington Beach. 4 Bdrm, family rm. 21h ba.Sunkenjacuzzispain master bath w /pvt outdoor garden. Floor to ceiling 2 story windows in master bdrm. Kitchen includes microwave. numerous appliances include indoor BBQ, trash compactor. etc. Artists loft, utility room, storage galore. KELLY SNOW AND ASSOCIATES, 714-846-1315 ---~---·~r::.;---.. . "'-.. , • • • • • • • : r, • •. ,.,,,., ) . ·~· "" ' .·· . . •\ .. ,. ·. ,, ... ··~ . . .. . . . ' ••.••. ~i ,.~. " , .. '"" 't N t '•. ' ' • -... , -• • -' • ~ • • I.. ~I ~ l ... -_. _,,,._ ' ·~ .•• •. , -..J . .' ...... ~~ • "'1£•: 4 f • • ',. . ·. .Jf ~ .~.· ·. 5 BR English Normandy estate overlooks golf course. Circular staircase leads to mstr suite w /his & hers baths, sauna. spa & 3 guest rms w /baths. (j()rgeous views. $1 ,900,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 MACNAS.IRVINE REAL TY 1648 San Miguel Dr. Newport Beach 644-6200 • • ., ' ,: • -, . , . • . • ' • ' . -: ' I ': '' ;'( • • r '. . ;.-··.1~ . . . . .. ~ "'•\ ....... ~ • . . . • • , II '~'°!.-•' ., r\·::r .. :. • ' ~ .. • • .JI • y ~-· -- - THE BAY, BEACH & BOATING ACTIVITY. Lovely new home on Balboa Island. 3 Br & tam rm. surrounded w /Views! New custom construction. Slip for 30' boat. Jane Paquin 642-8235 MACNAB-IRVINE REALTY 901 Dover Dr., Newport Beach 642-8235 . . . .. ..l. .. ~ . ' ' ---- Sweeping view of Newport Bay and Harbor lights · from this exciting Balboa Island duplex. Gorgeous owner's unit of t'NO bedrooms, 3 luxurious baths, just remodeled warm center island kitchen with eating area. roof top garden. Lower level offers a generous 3 bedroom apartment with bayside patio. Property could never be duplicated today. Easily converted into a single residence. Appointment only $1 ,350,000 Evan Corkett COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL · Real Estate Services 2161 San Joaquin Hills Road Newport Beach, California 92660 Office 644-9060 Residence 673-4195 ------------------ Built with extraordinary aaftsmanship. Vaulted beam ceilings accentuate this unique three bedroom home. Hardwood floors, trench doors, marvelous brass fixtures add to the elegance. Decorated by one of the coast's leading decorators this home boasts a library, guest quartera and a family roo.m all with exciting sea and hill views. A · very special home. $1 ,125,000 Evan Corkett COLOWEL.L BANKER RESIDENTIAL Real Estate Service• 2181 San Joaquin Hiiia Reed Newport Beech, California 92eeo ()fftQe 844-9080 Relidence 87M 195 I ... ----. , . ' • • 1 • • NEWPORT BEACH BAYFAONT. looking south down Newport's main channel, this property is an ideal location for a very large yacht. The present 61 foot slip may be expanded for even more space. The spacious. tastefully elegant residence incorporates only tne finest in materials. workmanship and modern conveniences. Truly a gem rarely available in this exclusive residential community. This newly offered opportunity is the perfect selection for those seeking the finest of bay property. $5,000,000. C.Ontact Edie Olson COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL Real Estate Services 2161 San Joaquin Hills Road Newport Beach 644-9060 -; .._ • •• • .!..I.I' ... ' • " .. • ------·-. f J " r 1 •• , .... rl ~r··t_-.u'1.'""'.~ •. f-• .• f •. f ; ' •• , . • ;, '"! • r~ . . • "' ~ ~ ~~· . ., . • • rr· ~ ' . .. ~'tlV'·a '',I 'j 't .,,. I b ;.1 • ~ • ' Ii; p, °I • '' ~·. • i . .l..!. J.:..~.· :· J' ~~~~"tci; • . ~ .. , . 207 North Star. Newp9rt Beach. Exceptional quality. 5600 sq. ft . of elegance. Dock will accommodate oo· yacht plus side tie. With $500.000 down owner w ill carry fantastic financing. Four bedrooms. five baths. den. the best of everything. 114 feet of onme bay frontage $1 .450,000 fee. UNIQUE HOMES, REALTORS. 675-6000 FRENCH MANOR. ~ 80° VU OF aay. Ocean & night lights. Magnificent qualrty & detail throughout this 5700 sq. ft. residence. Still time to select your own decor for this formal home with 4 bed, library, formal dining rm. immense tam. rm. and glamorous master suite with fireplace, sundeck. sauna & spa. Impressive and custom for the particular homeowner. in the best tradition of this Louis XIV Manor house $1 ,995,000. WATERFRONT HOMES 631-1400 • • • . • -w '"'G. A'¥~' . . .• ............ -~~~ . =-.,. I .. . . ' . : · .. ' • I • .• ;.,, I . -I ~ ~ ~~4,. ....... _, ..... I-~• • " ... . . Lovely Dutch Colonial residence on lido Isle. Best bayfront location, adjacent to community beach. with a park-like setting. -- 5 bedrooms. including master suite and maid's room. Large formal dining room and library. Pier and slip for 70' boat. Kathryn Raulston COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL Real Estate Services 2161 San Joaquin Hills Road Newport Beach. CA 714-644-9060 ---- Newer c ustom designed residence in Yachtsmans Cove, with 4 bedrooms + family and dining rooms. New landscaping, carpets and paint. Dock with 2 slips for 45' boats+ 2 side ties. Large assumable loan. $1 ,950,000 (fee) Kathryn Raulston COLDWELL BANKER RESIDENTIAL Real Estate Services 2161 San Joaquin Hills Roed Newport Beach 71+644-9060 Orange Cout DAILY Pll..OT/8unday, Augu1t 9, 1981 • opening In a terraced view setUna within blocks of up· per ]'lewport Bay and adjacent to lrvtne' Cout Country Club in Newport Beach, McLain Develop- ment Co. lntroduces its newest luxury rnldeotJal community at the araod openln1 ol Sea lllu4 Ulla weekend. An initial phase of 40 bomn ii beina presented at tbe coodominl1,1m development. with ftnt oc· cupancy slated for November. When completed, the community will encompus 132 residences, to be built in three phases. The collection includes seven noor plans de- signed by Corbin-Yamafltji & Partners, Oranae County-based architecture and plannins firm. Prices are estimated to avera1e '885,000. The noor plan selection includes one sin1le- story design, available in upper or lower-level con- figurations, and a choice of alx different townbome arran1ements. Ransing in size from 2,111· to 3,003-square feet, the homes feature two bed.rooms with two or 21,4, baths; two bedrooms plus a den or library; and three bedrooms with a den or library and four baths. HOUSING .BRIEFS Seven model homes were designed for the Sea Island community by Saddleback Interiors of Corooa del Mar. Landscapina, designed by The Peridian Group of ,Newport Beach, ii now being completed. Viewing of the models will be by •P· pointment only. -.. Broadmoor Homes, Irvine -a division of Genstar Corp. -has named David Grant as assistant purchasing agent. In his new position, Grant's responsibilities in· volve gathering and evaluating construction bids. He was most recently with the Baywood Development Group as assistant construction supervisor. Prior to that, he was with The Irvine Company. Grant lives In Irvine . .. TbomH Motberway has joined the lrvine- based construction firm Saffell & McAdam Inc. as vice president of finance. His duties will be In contract analysis and administration. He will supervise traditional control, reporting and treasury functions and will be responsible for con- tract administration and planning . .. Construction is well under way at Si. Albaaa, a 220-unJt condominium housing development, bwll as a joint venture project by Cadillac-Fairview Homes West and M. David Kelly Development Corp. of Newport Beach, on a recreation-oriented site near South Coast Plaza. The first move-ins are scheduled for mid-October. Five floor plans will be offered, ranging from a junior executive model with sleeping area and 590-square feet to a two-bedroom model with 1 185-square feet. Priced from mid-$70,ooq_. the lease-held land is expected to allow more fint· time buyers to purchase new housing in this prime area of Orange County. For more information or to be included on the REAL ESTATE QUESTIONS/COMMENT By RANDALL R. MCCARDLE Q: Could you e:splala the adjaatable-rate mortgage? I read where eeveral lenders have a program whereby tbey will make a bome loaa to the hayer. However, the baterat rate ii lacreued pertodkally depending on aa "ladex." I wCMlld ap- preciate yoar helpla' me adentaad bow tllla worb. B.N., Co.ta MeH A: As you have probably found, many lenders now offer home loans on which the interest rate and monthly payments can be adjusted periodical· ly to keep pace with current market conditions. N. interest rates have increued, looa term fixed-rate mortgages have often left lenden with loans on which they lose money. So, lenders have been reluctant to make fixed-rate loans and many prospective home buyers have been unable to set financinJ. With a loan on which the interest rate ii not fixed, lenden are more likely to 1et a reason•· ble rateof return. To further encourage national banks to pro- vide home loan financlns, and aive pr09pec:Uve home buyers more conventional ftnancln1 optiona, the Comptroller of the Currency recently approved a new type of loan, the Adjustable-Rate Mortca1e (ARM ). Under the Comptroller's re,WaUou, tbe ln· terest rate on an ARM may chance u frequently as every •ix months if chanc• In an lndepenMnt interelt rate index warrant it. llderest rate ln- creues and decreases *" llmited to one peftft· taae POiDt semiannually. Jl tile interest rate on your ARll chanea, y61ar monthly loan payments will alao increue or decreue accordingly. Howev•, tbe nsulatlom al- low lenders -within speclfted Umlta -to de- tel'll9ne bow and when tboM paJIDeat clwll• wW be made. All national ba.nkl olf.tq ARll .... mut tell you bow their ARllt wWk 10 tbat you can compare different types o1 ao... Far uample, Bank ol Amilitea oftsl • ad- Juatabl•rate loan propam eaw ... Cutom Home Loa Plm. UDder tldl ~ tailiW .,. two payment optiou. With .W. ~ ,_. li&er•t rate wUI remain tM 1ame tor IM ftnt II DltAI of the loan. After tbe ftnt year, your loan will be re- viewed for • rate chan1e every als monthl. However, method and frequency of payment chaos• WW depend oa tbe option you cbooH. . The index used to dMenDlne rate adjUltmenta la baled on tbe montbl1 avenp.ol weeldJ auetlon rates on m ·moatb U.S. Tnaaurr BUii publlsbed in tbe Federal Relene BulleUD. AD aver .. e of that pubUlbed rate for a Ila·.,... ,...tod ineed· lnl a rate cban1• Wlll M .... M llllil M11111a1 ....._ Ralldall llcCOf'dl.e ti ,,,_,..., of TBS UAL Sl'f'ARU· lw ti ellO • _,,.,, 1Mw1r -~ for .... ~ ............ lt., ........... 11ee.., c/o ftt DllMf ,..,, .O. a. 1•. CMG Jf1m,OoM/.ftm. I f Sea I sland features private court entries and a guarded gate entrance. Prices average $695 ,000. interest list currently being compiled by George Charles Realty, the sales agents for St. Albans, call 675-7512. The project is located at Bear and MacArthur Boulevard. * Cultu del Mon&e, Palm Springs' only con- dominium timeshare, is completely sold out from May 9 through July 16, it was announced by James See, vice president of Sun Canyon Realty, ex- clusive sales agent. The units include furnishings, appliances, linens and everything else that makes up a com- plete vacation home. Each encompasses 1,600· square feet with two bedrooms and two baths. For those whose vacationing tastes sometimes extend to other locations, Casitas del Monte offers an exchange program whereby they may enjoy comparable accommodations at resorts throughout the United States or abroad. This pro- gram is conducted by Interval International, an in· dependent firm serving the timeshare industry. Further details can be obtained by ma.king reservations to inspect Casit.as del Monte. Call 320-4108. ·' * the land, the three bedroom and family roorq Nearly 500 visitors attended Coutry BllJ1 homes range in size· from 2,508· to 3,368-square Eetata in San Juan Capistrano for the com· feet. munity's July 18 and 19 "Summer Specia l." Highlighting the event were demonstrations of microwave cooking and lhe Nutone food processor. The special event marked the opening of the final phase of construction al the community. A total of 32 residences are planned, with prices starting at $259,950 for three-and four- bedroom homes encompassing from 2,248-to 2,724-square feet. Take the San Diego Freeway to the Avery exit. Drive east one block to Marguerite Parkway; then right to Via Escolar. Tum left to the sales center and models, which are open daily 11 a.m. to 5 p.m. For additional information, call 495-1780 . * Pacesetter Homes is offering at Westcllff Grove a creative financing opportunity that features no down payment and no monthly pay- ments for six months. Only five of the luxurious single-family homes in Newport Beach are left. Priced ·from $390,000, Including ownership of .. . Butler Housing Corp. 's Woodbridge" -a recreationally oriented condo community where prices begin at $63,950 -has been popular with young, first-time buyers. Only 5 percent down i1 required, and interest rates begin at 11~ perc.ent. This amounts to an initial money outlay of $3,000 (plus closing costs). And the combination of low price and low interest makes it easier to qualify for loans. · The Woodbridge a re available in eight one· and two-level floor plans and seven exterior de- signs. Comprising up to 1,241-square feet of living space, features include air-conditioning, efficient forced-air heating, and decorator carpeting in liv- ing room, bedrooms, hall and wardrobes. Take the San Bernardino Freeway or the 210 Freeway to Garey Ave.; turn north toward the L.A. County'Fairgrounds to Grove Ave .. and turn left to the homes. The sales office and models are open daily fro{Jl 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. except Fridays. Call 593-1371 for more Information. • 4 -5 • $ , ...... .. z a o c ; • Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/SUnd1y, August 9, 1981 Creative finan~in~ 13~4<Jo 30 YEAR FIXED RATE . . m;arketplace • m Bankers view SAN FRANCISCO ( BW) -The California Bankers Association told an assembly sub·commlttee In· vestigatJng "creative financlnt" ln California real estate transactions that t.he risks are enormous to the buyers and sellers of homes in the current "unstructured real estate marketplace.·· R.L. Kemper, president of the California Bankers Association and a vice chairman of Wells Fargo Bank, said there is a "larae difference between the consumer safeguarda provided in a well·structured lending industry and the high risk environ· ment of credit financing. "Creative financing was brought about by high interest r ates and the Wellenkamp decision which repealed the due-on-sale c lause," Kemper said. The Wellenkamp decision by the California Supreme Court in 1978 bad the effect of maintaining residential real estate loans on sale of property when the loan was assumed by a new owner from the previous owner of the property. In testimony before the assembly's s ub-committee on Finance , Insurance and Commerce, Kemper said, "It is clear to us that the creative financing environment pro· duces a scenario in which the buyer and lender are vulnerable because the players are making up the ground rules as they play the game, while they hope that conditions will improve before the day of reckoning comes." He cited several risks facing the borrower in creative financing tr ans actions : -Debt service obligations often exceed the buyer's ability to repay, sometimes demanding as much as 70 percent of gross income. -The buyer is not provided a long- term and fully amortized mortgage. On the contrary, the borrower in most cases accepts mortgage pro- visions that expire within one to five years. -The buyer has no assurance that the mortgage can be renewed at the end of that one-to-five vear period. -The result is ·that -risks of foreclosure climb sharply. Realtors view Results of a recent real estate finance survey document the extent to which the current California houa· lng market la dependent OD the avaUabillty of creative flnancin1. the California Aaaociation ol Realtors bas announced. The soon-to-be-published survey, a comprehensive analysis of the cur- rent forms of financing being used in real estate transactions atatewlde, details the consumer reliance on DOD· conventional financing approaches. Innovative financing, frequeDUy re- ferred to as "creative financing," generally features the preservation of outstanding loans with lower in· terest rates and direct seller involve· ment in financing arrangements. "Current market dependency on the availability of creative financing approaches is due to both the virtual withdrawal of institutional •lenders from mortgage lending activity, and the record high interest rates," said Art Godi, president of the Realtor As· sociation. ''With the current interest rates ap· proaching 16 percent to 17 percent on new first mortgages, creative financ- ing has been critical to buyers and sellers in maintaining even today's reduced home transaction volumes," Godi said. According to the survey, more than 70 percent of sales completed within the last 12 months were facilitated through non-conventional financing methods. The traditional .80 percent institutional first mortgages now ac- count for a small proportion of ac· ti vity. less than 20 percent of au transactions. Clearly. the most wide· ly used financing method consiru of the assumption of an existing loan with its original interest rate and as - sociated terms. According to the survey, preserva· lion of existing financing through either an assumption or wrap-around mortgage formed the basis for nearly 70 percent of all transactions. In many instances, 48.1 percent, addl· Uonal secondary financing wu re· quired to facilitate the transaction. Even though junior trust deeds carry generally higher interest rate$, the total effective interest rate on as· sumptions was 11.28 percent. Predic· tably, those loans by institutional len· ders· carried significantly higher in· terest rates. Two and Three Bedroom Townhouses From $134,950 GARDEN PARK VII,I,A:GE was conceived and developed on the same site as the original Roger's Gardens. For many years Roger's was Costa Mesa's most colorful spot, now it has become it's most desirable residential community. The unique design and custom touches that made Roger's Gardens famous have been given to each phase of the project. You 'II live near one of Southern C81ifornia's great shopping centers and It's theatres, restaurants, schools. churches and freeways; and Just five minutes from Newport Harbor and the beautiful Blue Pacific. Business. pleasure, entertainment and a Garden to live in . . . It's all here in Garden Park Village. MODELS SHOWN DAILY FROM 10:30 A.M . UNIQUE FEATURES: • Assumable loans,no pre pay penalty • You own the land • 21h baths -Ceramic Tile • Woodburning Fireplace -Gas Lighter • Custom Kitchen -Greenhouse Window • Double Garage -Automatic Opener • Direct Access from Garage to Dwelling / • Wet Bar -Private Patio Plus Deck • Recreation Area. Heated Pool. Spa. BBQ * (13112% A . P.R.) . NOW OPEN PEOPLE COUNT ON US EVERY DAY FOR: ! > • ~ "\. ·'There are numerous buyers and sellers today who simply do not un· derstand the ramifications of their real estate financing," Kemper said. "Also due to the creative financing, we have a situation where buyers ar.e paying artificially inflated prices for homes." "For the past 12 months, lending institutions have been quoting an in· terest rate of 15 percent or more," said Godi. "Given the cost advan- tages t he attraction of creative financing to home buyers is quite ob· vious." Coupon Savings1 Complete Stocks, Local News ancf Sports, and Advertised Values. D ·1y p·llll"'" READING ENJOYMENT 7 DAYS A WEEK in the II Finally a Sensibly Priced Boatslip-$695,000 In a world where more and more buys le11 and leu, we're pleaaed to announce some• tlUng as reasonable aa Seaside Pointe-the laat new waterfront homes on the i1Jand1 of Huntington .Harbour. De.igned for tho1~ wh0te re1idence i1 a statement of achievement al well 11 an il\veatment in livin1t each home it 1ump- tuoualy appointed. completely landscaped, and include• a l' foot boaulip. If you must pay two to three million dollan for your waterfront home, pleaee 10 to Newport Harbour. ~aside Pointe Is for the (Horne Included) fru1al rich who still seek to economiie oq e11ential luxuries. If you wish to build your own home near your boat dock we have waterfront home- titea from $528Po<>. Seaaide Pointe la npt for everyone and ia not 1hown to everyone. For an appoint• ment please call (7 l'4) 8'46.06'41 or (2l3) S92·2816. l year, 5 year and JO year flnanc .. ina plaQ1 1tart at 12 .. 7 /8% (a"nual perceatap rate). Cooperation to broken. ~-IN HUNTINGTON HARBOUR ' , \ . -........ '"'••:-,..,.-....--.-. ·-. -........• ··- PUBUC NOTICE "'CTITIOUI 8 UllNIU MAMe &TATIMaNT T ... fol.._.ftl ,,..._la ..... t>u.i· M"H HALL CONSUL TINO, 1 .. 11 Sl•tw Avenwe, • 107, l'o11~laln Velley C.lllornlettNI Oennll K Ma ll, IUU SlelOf' Ave1111e, • 101, "011n1al11 Valley C.119"1Nt21tl Tllll ~ la c0ftdllel09 DY all lit- dlvl4\lel. Dlftnl I K Hall Thia at-t wea lllecl wHh the Counly Clor11 of o...,.. c-tfly on Jiiiy ... "'' "' .... Pwl>llllllecl Oranve Co.all Dally Piiot, J11ly "· 2t, Awo. 2, •• "" 111 ... 11 MLIC MOll:E NOTICI TOC•IDITO•I Of'BUUIT•AN,,•a Cleo. 6ttt -•Mr U.C.C.I NOTICE .. HIRIBY GIVEN tot .. cnclllora ol B•AD DOR,MAN, , ............ -llusl-~la 127 Uni Slrwt. City of H•-' IMO, County of 0r..,.., St•lo of Callfoml•, IMI • ""'" .......... -· , .. -mecle lo DAVID MORENO, M D .. T,....,.,. •. -...,.._ ....... 11 P 0 -42, City of l'Yllortall, C:--, of or..,... St_ of C.lllomla. The ..,_,. lo ... ,,_..,,... .. oncrlelecl !ft -•Ill •• All atocll Ill Ir-. lhrturH, -1....-t -..... wlll of tl\M AllCADl!/Rf.TAIL SKATE. SALES--.."-n Uni Strwt Soor1s Arc .. ---•I 1'2 nnt StrH t. City of N--1 hacll, C-..y of 0r-.. Si.toot C.lllorftle The lllllk tren•r •Ill 119 c- metecl on or alter tho 16th NY of AYOYll, 1911, al 10 00 A.M. at GROVER ESCROW CORPORATION, who .. •dcltUI •• 2J4e0 Rocllllelcl Blvd., 1Sullo 2H I, El Toro, Calll°"'4• Tl>.ll u. IHI o.te lor 1111"9 clalma la Auo.,.1 u . 1•1. So far ea la"-to lhe Tren1tor•. ... llonlnK• _,,., -aclcl•euH .,..., by -Tr-loror !or tho ..-11 lflt• yura ero SAME. D•i.cl Jiiiy 2J, 1•1 0.vkl Mor-. Ph 0 , Trenderw PublllNcl 0.""90 Cooal Dally PllOI A119. '· 1•1 U71 .. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE l'ICTITIOUS BUSINEU NAME ITATIMINT Tl\e following perllOfts are clOl"9 busl.-1• PUBUC NOTICE ITAT8 .. ltT Ofl Al' BID Dll:M81tT 011' UM Ofl ll'ICTl1'10UI !WltN• .. ..... , .. ........,.. ~ -..... -......... " I .. llN., IN fktll .... llutiMM -: B~·Wl!$T ANIMAL HOlf"ITAL, t241 letae An1111a, WHlnllnater. '11:'1~":. 1w1 ........ _ ,. i.<ret ta ....... ., .. lllW In o..-.. c -••.,J-•,1m J ..... V, BM11•Y. D.V..M., ft4 ..... ·-· WottmlrtMM, Callfwr\le ttiU Thlt llWINM WM cOl>Clu<IM lly .. lncl!Yld...i ,,_,... V. BM'tl•y, O.V.M. Tiii• aU.1-1 wat flied wltll , .. County c .. r11., Oranee c-1y.,. Jwey 16.1911. Law OMc.. of...,. a. T-M U Via o,.rt•, .... -u. MaftM v ....... ....... 11-aCMHenlla, fl6'a ll'IMJJ P11llllalwcl Or .... CMll 0..lly Piiot, Jwly 19, U, ""8. 2, t, f911 122041. PVBUC NOTICE "'CTITIOUS 8USINISS NAMB ITAT•MENT TM fol-.. .,..._, la cliD'"9 lllnl· .... ... , C EILING'S THE LIMIT, UOr Fal,..,lew P.IOf, C.te ~ 926»; P.t Boa116'1,c-i.-.c.a111w,.;•tu2' Jimmy L•• Ba11C1e r , 2JOO Fa irview , P 201, Coile Mua. CalllM"'-m» Tllla tius"'"6 la c-.Cted 1>y .., In· dl•klll•I Jimmy L. eeuc1 ... Thia at.ll.,.,_I wn lilecl with the Covnly Cle<ll of Or-c-ty July "· "" ,,6'Sl1 PuDllalwcl OtaftVe CoeSI Dally Piiot, Jwly 1', U, Aug. 2,t, 1•1 Jlll .. 1 PUBLIC NOTICE "'CTITIOUS BUllNIU MAME ITATIMaNT Th• lollowlno P«M>M ••• clolno bu•l-aa: HAii~ 800Y WOllKS, INC., 101• Plac...CI•. eo.i. Mew, CA '2627. ALMEROH HEWMAH JOHE.S, a Oll!ornl• COf'POr•llon, .,17 lronwooel, Seel llNCll, CA 907.0. "' SARAH KAY JON1t.$, 4917 iron-. S... IMcl\, CA t07.0. Thia buSllleu la c-.Cled by • <•" p0ra11on. Martlor _.,-ks, Int. Al ........ H.JonH. Prftldltnl Twenty-seven huge dishes make up the Very Large Array, which picks up signals billions of light-years distant. COUNTRY BILLS BBO, 2000 Ho-Ill..,., CooU. Mou. CA '2tM HUAH PHAM, I051 MIHlon, Ho. A, CO!U Mew, C.A m2' HAI TRAH, 105I Mt .. lon, Ho. A, Cost•-_ CA '2u. Thia ...,,.....,, was IMecl wlltl IN c-, o -ol 0.-Couftly on JllAy 10.1•1 ""' DUllftftS la <e1n«Nctecl l>y .., In· dlvl-1 "1UU1 PUllll-0. ..... C:0.1t Dolly PlloC. The VLA hns its ears to the sky HUAHPHAM Thi1 1U.t.,.,_I W•\. lllecl with - c ...... 1y Oen ot 0.-Covnly on July ]I, 1•1 PIUIG Publlslwcl 0'""90 C:O.SI Dlllly Piiat, ""' >. '· "· n. 1•1 ,.,. .. , AYOUsl 2, •• , •• 23, 1•1 ,,......, P UBLIC NOTICE ,ICTITIOUI BUSINIESS NAMa STATllMENT PLAJNS OF SAN AUGUSTIN, N.M. <AP> - Thls anci~nt lake bed, wrapped in an aura of bar- ren silence and enveloped by rugged mountain ranges, is on the forefront of man's probe into un- explored regions of space. . Situ$ted in its heart is the world's largest radio telescope, so sensitive it could detect CB radio signals from a 1-watt rig operating on the planet Pluto. Quasars, pulsars, extragalactic radio jets. in· terstellar gas, supernovae and black holes -all are within range of scientists who operate the telescope in the southern New Mexico desert. The huge instrument complex is aptly dubbed the Very Large Array. Its laboratory is the cos- mos. ·'The most distant objects we look at are the edges of the observable universe." says Dr. Dick Sramek. one of 15 staff astronomers at the Na- tional Radio Astronomy Observatory's VLA. The one-of -a -kind facility. an eerie space-age erector set, has 27 white dish-shaped antennas, each 82 feet in diameter . 92 feet hlgh and 210 tons in weight. . The massive dishes sit high and dry on miles and miles of the parched Plains of San Augustin a mid rolling tumbleweeds and cattle feeding on sparse vegetation Jumpers reunite World War II troopers. Korean and Vietnam veterans, will join present-day jump- e r s f or the 82nd Airborne Division 's 35th annual convention in Houston , Thursday through Saturday. The three day reunion is scheduled at the Astro Village Hotel. For more information tall (609 ) 468-4373. Neptune Society CllEMATIOH BUlllALAT SEA 646-7431 y..,, -IM -••UY --•M .Mmh1htr.lll• .....illa may a,.iy -·r~ -C-1•-~a.. C:.11 for 1,... portlell• 24 l>ra.. Cem./lllr. f'lllCI .. OTHIH SMITHS' MOITUART 627 Main St Huntington Beach 536-6539 'ACtRC VIEW MIMOllAL,dl CerTWttery Mortuary Chapel-Crematory 3500 Pac1l1c View 011ve Newport Beach 644·2700 McCCMMQC MOITUAl•S Laguna Beach 494·94t5 Laguna Hills 768-0933 San Juan Cep1s1rano 495-t776 HAllOll LAW~MT. OUYI Mortuary· Cemetery Crematory t625 G1sle< Ave . COSIB Mesa 5-40-5554 "MCI .. OTHHS llUNOADW.U MOtlTUAIY 110 Broadway Cosla Mesa ~2·9150 IM.Tl 186RON SMJTH&MMU WISTCUfP CMAPIL 427 E '1th St Costa Mesa 8~9371 , I Radio facility hears the living cosmos "I think the rich countries of the world have an obligation to add lo man's knowledge," says Dr. Rick Perley, another staff astronomer. "You never know what implications our discoveries will have in the future." "It's sort of like thinking on a several- humlred-year time scale," Sramek says. "Elec- tromagnetism once was a curiosity in the physics lab. We now deal in a very commonplace way with electromagnetis m -television. radios. com-puters." The site is skirted by four mountain ranges, protecting it from much of the electronic in- terference caused by television, radios and aircraft. The lake bed sits at an average elevation of 1,900 feet. Flat terrain, high altitude and low water vapor in the air minimize the adverse effects of at- mosphere on radio waves. The area's low altitude permits observation of about 75 percent or the sky. The dishes are arranged along three arms of railroad track. laid out in the shape of a Y. Two of the arms are 13 miles long, while the third meas ures 11.8 miles The Earth rotates the Y like a turntable. creating images that have the same detail as if us- ing a radio telescope 2'h miles in diameter. "It gives us a quite well-defined circular beam," Sramek says. The key to the installation is acute sensitivity and high resolution. Sramek says. The VLA uses a very fine radio beam to probe a distant object emitting radio waves, Sramek says. "The finer that beam is. the greater detail we will see in the source. Detail is important. especially when looking at objects billions of light years from the Earth. That's a long way, considering light travels 186,000 miles per second. A light year is the distance light travels in one year. A special 36-wheel transporter moves each an· tenna to one of 72 observation stations along the three arms of the facility The antennas are recon- figured about once every three months "It's kind of like a zoom lens." Sramek says. ·'The further vou move the dishes out. the higher the resolution: If you bring them in, you lose some detail, but you have a large field of view." The antennas receive signals, which are filtered and fed into computers that correlate the r eadings and feed out radio maps of the skies. . The radio maps. enhanced by the computers m vivid colors on television screens, are printed as photographs or dra wn as concise topographic maps. Unlike optical telescopes, whic h use lenses a nd mirrors to gather light waves, the VLA listens to the noises the uni verse makes. "We 're detecting natural radiation -not signals transmitted or originated by intelligent life " Sramek says. "Any type of astronomical ob· ject. just through its natural physical processes. is putting out a lot of radio waves." 'The most distant objects we look .at.are at the edges of the observable universe.' PUBLIC NOTICE Tne lol._ftl ..,_, la dolfl1I Conl· MHA$ LOS JARDIHES ca SANTA AHA. L TO , 1•1'2 8e«ll 8owlevMcl. Hunt· NS ,_,. 1"91on IMcl\, C.lltomla n.47 ... CTITIOUS BUllNllS Hector i'oM•HCh, 1'10 B••ch NAMESTATIMENT 8owlever cl, H11nt1noton Beech. T111 lollowlno pe<M>n' ••• dotno C•lllornl• ~7 buslnnsaa. Thia t>u.ir>tta is conelw<led oy • IMPE RIAL REPUBLIC, 1'1'1 limited PM'netVMP H•I• A ........ Irvine, CA t27U Heclor AMn.<h WILLIAM W TAYLOR, )U -JIU\ Thia ,l•le-•••filed wllll lhe Sire.I, N...._, Beech, CA.,.., County Cler11 of Or-County on J11ly R09ERT E. LONGMAN, $10 -I•. 1''1. :t1111 Sll'M1, N-1 Beecll, CA '2..:1. 1'1w.JU Thi• buslneu ta condwctecl l>y • Pwl>lllNcl Or-C:O.st Olllly Pilot, gener•I partnership. July 1', 2', A119. 2, 9, 1'11 Ult-ti Wllllam w hylor R_.IE ~men This Slal.,.....t .... rllect with the PlllJC mm c.-ly Clen. of 0.-Cownty on Jlly -----------11, 1'11 .,,.n., Pubtl.,.... 0taft9e C:O.•t Dlllly PllOI. Aug. 2. t, 1', 21, 1•1 J41M1 PUBLIC NOTICE ... ctlTIOUS BUSINESS NAME STATEMENT Th• 1011owlno oer-. '' CIOlno 1111•1· ne1s es ARSEN 'S EUROPE AN T AILORING ~ ALTERATIONS. 11« t4ewport Bot.tltv•rO. Co,•• Mes.•. (•hlornia m» Ar nn Guluer, H11A Elden Avenwe. Coote i!MM, c..t411ornia tMV This ~nn• Is tonclll<lecl l>y aft In dlvldwal ArwnGvltWt Thi• ... t.menl WH lolecl wllh Ille County Clerk ol 0r•"911 County on Jiiiy "· "" l'lw.aal PublllNcl Ot-CO.SI Oelly PllOI, July 19, 2•. Aug 2, '· 1'91 J17M1 PUBLIC NOTICE "'CTITIOUS BUSINESS NAME STAT.MINT Tne 1ot10w1no oenon •• cloino -n•uat SHAMROCK DISTRIBUTORS, 1..:11-. Coste -· Ce. '2626 PMrlck Allen ~. 1663 1-. Coau~.CA mlt Thh buSJftH~ '' conduclacl by en 111- dlvi- PWkkAllenL- Thlt w.1e ..... 1 was fll«I wttfl - Co..nty C .. rlt. of Ou-County .., Auoust•.1•1 "'Uftll Publl-Or-(OHi 0.lly PllOI Aug '· It, U, JO, 1•1 )j,._.1 PUBUC NOTICE "'CTITIOUI BUllN•U NAME ITAT•MENT Tlw lollowlno llO'am> It clolft9 -· ...... : CHERF CONSTRUCTION, tn At.al• 0r1 ... eo.i. Mew. CA '2t». PATRICK M. CHERF, ... AialM, Coale MeM, CA '26». Thia bualneaa la concluetecl by ., In· l'ICTITtOUS BUii NESS dlvldll4>1. HAMIE STATIEMINT P.llrkll M. a-tt Th• ro•l-1"9 '°''°"' ••• doing Thia Sl-'-1 wn lllecl wllfl UW bu$1r;::: '::~ROYO PARTHERSHI P. a County 0 -of 0.-Couftly °" Jiiiy Calllornl• PM1non1'1P. llO Newport JO, 1•1· ,.,um Caftltr Ori..,., • HIO, Newpof'I Beech, PUlllllNcl o..,.. C:0.11 Delly PllOI, C•'"r.";.•= e wllder•. inc , • Awo 2•9• 11·23• 1•1 ,,.._., Calllomla corporation, llO H_PO,, Center Ori..,., • 100, Hewporl Beech, 011 lornle niMQ. The Arroyo~-. a Ollfornl• cor· porellon, 40 E Colorado llvd , PeWcleM. C.lllornl• 9110S This t>uslneu Is conovcted by • ..... , •• __,.,,,p L.111 Ron blllld9f'a. Inc. PUBLIC NOTICE "'CTITIOUS 8USIN•U NAM« ITAT•MllNT JS COHSULTAHTS, tOI Dow Stroel, ~..:: 200, .......... 8e.cll. Cell1W"'41 G. Sain Brown, Vk e Presl· Joaeph Peter P•lmoM, 15441 clonl Tovlowae Cr., lrvlM, c.1Horftla t27t• Thia --•• lllecl wlltl lhe S.lly LOii -· 11t 1 IE .. t l'lm Cownly a.r11 of Or-Cowtty on Jiiiy str .. 1. Twtln. <:alllorlN "'*' ... ,.,. Thh IMdiMU I• conduclM l>y • P166m .. NHI .... b.aHp. P11bllsMcl Or-CNll O..Uy PIM!t, J-.ifl f'. 11'-'-ls.tly L _,__ The VLA operates 24 hours a day. seven days Jw•v 19• u . AllO. 2. •. 1911 1121 .. 1. T111s ......-... 111• w11t1 .,. a week, slopping only for maintenance and some -----------f::""'o.not0r .... c-.,J"'y"i holidays. . . . Piil.iC mm ...... Scheduling is tight and competition 1s keen. • Pv"1-or.,,.. c-st oaa1y Piiot. Scl·enti'sts flock to the facility from all over the -----------tJ111r 1•·-.""'·2•9•1"1• ,,...., PfCTITIOUi •UllNIEU WOrld, vying for time lo Study their projects at the NAMIE ITAT9MINT P VBUC NOTICE $78.5 million facility. · ... !.h~::•1'-'"' ....-1 ... ,.. 11u1 .. Studies have included radio stars, gas clouds THE ROYALIE PARllOT, ~ f'1CTtTIOU19UttN•11 t b I ,..... ed and' gas clouds w1ndlor c-i. Coate Mew, C•. m• NAMtl ITATIEMllNT where new s ars are e ng aurm • Liiii.rt s. Rot1ert1. ~ w1,,.,_ Ttte 1ot1-1,. ..-r-....... ,.. that remain when a star ends its life in a violent cou11.co11u.-... c •. m,. ...,.._•: explosion _ called a supernova. Thia 11us1ne" 11 c-.c1ec1 by w. ,,.. STUl"T SURl'ER, '°' -'s"' I • I cllvldllel. Street. ......... 9Mdl, CA "'6l. Detection of optically Invisible rad o emass ons uui.n s. Rot1em JACK t>H LINSCOTT, • e. Of SUpernOVae in distant gal,xieS needs the Tlllt I~ was flied Wltll IN C-1........,, •S01,.....,t9Nd\, sensitivity of the VLA, Sramek says. About once i~':..cimotoHn .. c-•y°"J"'y c•:_BA M. LI NSCOTT, • •· every 30 years, a star in a given galaxy will ex-,,.,1n c ... ,...,._.,, • ., . ....,_,BM<fl. h Ii ht h l Pllllllslted Or .... Coelt 04Hty f'llot CA taMI. plode and briefly shed as muc g as one w o e Aue.•.1 .. u .JO,tt11 u.M1 TMt....._.1.~11,.•• l ~w,.... ga axy. . ----------1 --.M. L.INcetl VLA photographs brilllantly s how radio ....C •m .,.... ......... _ 111 ... 1111 .,. emissions that arise mainly in a shell formed ___________ 1c.....,Oefl&.,0r.,.c...My.,..My where debris thrown out by stellar explosion meets ,ICTITIOUI 8 u11,.111 •. 1"'· ,.,.,.. surrounding interstellar gas. NMM ITATllMHT ~ 0r-. c.e.. o.11y ,..... "The last supernova ill our galaxy that we tio!:::.fol .. ~"11 --•r• "'"' MB-a.•.,, n, 1"' wui know of was 250 years ago," Sramek says. "What THE w1Da ~Loo,. OAMH, 1------------, we now see (with the VLA) ls the radio remnant." 21010....,. 111111., H~ 8"cl\ Extragalac~c radio jets a1ao are being studied ca.=:: s-tt, 1154, c:au..._. by the VLA S(:ientists SUSftAl't that black holes St., H\1111""'9ft ... II. C..-.. ' I · r-. h Qwts ~·· 9541 CallleW'll (Collapsed etars) could be kicldn1 '1ound in t e . 1t. ............. 11.c .. ,... center ol a few of those galaxiesbri. b dl ....ta • ..::.=::: CAIMIKIH .., • Sucb'1alaxies show very I t ra o s....-m 1ue1rs.n-e the center On either side of some of the galaxlu T"" ....,_, t': 11 .... wtt11 a. are long, ihm reeions of radio emissions -some ~: .. c:;:. "' ~ c.-y "" 600 000 llgbt years long -shooting out of the .,,.,. ' ' di j PllOlllNcl Or ... c .. 11 04Hly PlloC center. These are called ra o els. Aue.•. 1 .. u. ao. ,,., mw1 + The VLA als6 bas studled radio radlation from a strange double quasar, the double-Imaging caused by bending of both light and radio waves in a gravitational field of a massive intervening galaxy. "In atudyina. for example, the nuclei of galax- ies we are seeing matter in condensed states and m~sses never experienced on Earth," says Sramek. We are studytne it an extremely hllh denalt.i•. It's Just that our laboratory la 1lven to us in our sty." ~~~ l1ily· Pilit nclunw~ tn tlw .. If lt 'sgot wheels, 1 you'l I move It faster in a Dally Pilot classified ad.Call 642-5678 and a friendly ad· vfserwlll help you turn your wheels into cash. Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 £ 11 -.~----------------------------------------------------------------------------~------------------............. ____________________ ..;.;. __ .;;... __ ...;. ________________________ _ Golden Gate- .. suicide symbol .. . SAN FRANCISCO (AP) -8) anyone'• • reekonln1, the Golden Gat.e Brtdse ii one of lhe wonders or the modern world -a monument to runcUon and beauty. a landmark recoantsect u : •mooi m1.0·11realeat englneerins achievemenu. Sul the 1racetul span that 1uarda the entrance lo San Francisco Bay bolds eother, darker, claim lo lame. It is without doubt the nation'• tavorlt~ :".,spot ror aulclde. Since its openlng In 1931, the Golden Gale bas '. erved as the final atop tor at leut 708 souls. The ' rate lB better than one suicide per month. " The CaHfornia Highway Patrol, which keeps the morbid statistics, lists another 285 ''posaiblea" -cases where notes or abandoned vehicles were found but where no one was seen and no body was recovered. An additional 720 people have been stopped before they could jump the low raJUng and fall 220 feet to the cold, choppy bay. The search is almost aJwaya the same. A 41· fool Coast Guard utitity boat churns oul, •!lometimes beneath blue skies, sometimes in the gray-wblle fog that blankets the gate. "We search as long as we can, but there are very heavy tide rips and turbulence," Coast .. Guardsman Dave Cipra said. "Many times we can't find the person even if we saw them jump." At the Marin County Suicide Preventio. 1 Center north of San Francisco, counselors deal with people threatening to jump. "ll's become a symbol," center coordinator David Nolan said. "People look at the bridge in a very romantic way, and they see sukide there as romantic. They describe it to us in almost positive terms." Indeed, survivors -there have been barely a dozen -report euphoric sensations as they hurtle through the air. "I fell like eternity, like flying (hrough t he air like an angel." said Thomas Baker. who lived after a 1969 jump. "I fell absolutely al peace with myself for the first time in my life," said another survivor. "l .bad tbe reeling that I would vanish from the face of the earth and be with God." Another man who lived said, "The hardest • thing was stepping over the rail. Once I pushed off. it was different. I really remember the air. I was flying. You see people fall in the movies, and you hear that godawful scream. There was none of that rear." For most. however. death is quick. It takes about three seconds to fall to the water. Speed at impact is 75 mph. Those who survive are just lucky. Last sum. mer German stuntman Wolfgang Hans Gunther Kopke tried to set a world high diving record by jumping off the bridge inl-0 the bay. He wore pro· tective clothing -a wet suit, wrestling shoes and a life preserver -and he tried to land on his feet. But the wind rtipped him on his back and he died on impact. Most people jump out of desperation. Lost love, illness and financial troubles are the com- mon reasons. But there are exceptions. Last sum- mer a Coast Guard seaman left a note s aying he preferred death to serving Ronald Reagan. Soft foods to shrink face? SYRACUSE. N.Y. (AP) -The food we eat lo· day is molding the races of our descendants 2 million years from now, says an orthodontist who has spent 33 years stui;fying the human skull. David Marshall bas come up with a model of future man by combining evolutionary changes with such factors as present-day eating habits and the environment. Marshall's version of the future human being is a sleek-featured, diminutive person, much like the creatures seen in many science-fiction movies. Today's diet of soft. processed foods will take its toll on the human jaw and teeth, which have been diminishing since prehistoric days when our ancestors used their mouths as weapons, in addl· lion lo making tough foods palatable, says Marshall. "Nature has a wonderful way of providing for her needs. Whatever she doesn't need, she gets rid of," Marshall says. "Things develop according to function. If you use something, it develops. If you don't, it disappears." Since people today do not use their teeth the way they once did, future people probably wiU have much smaller, and fewer teeth, Marshall's :prediction indicates. They will be practically hairless and their 'jaws will diminish as they have for thou.sands of years, he says. The chin and nose will be more prominent. The changes Marshall foresees also will give future people a wider range of facial expressions. Marshall came about bis concept by studying the evolutionary changes since prehistoric times and projecting the changes lnto the future. Marshall, who bas degrees from Syracuse, 1Columbia and Maryland universities, bas de- veloped a reputation that extend.a beyond his or- 'lhodenture practice with bis work on tbe human skull. He haa been recognized for bis wort with citations from tbe American Medical Association and American Dental AlsoclaUon. He baa written several articles foe medical and dental joumala. His knowledge of the skull i"I useful in treating .bis patienta with severely cleft palates, he aays. He has twned bis office into a museum on the ' development of the human skull, traciq ita evolu- ' ttonary and embryooJc proerea in exhibita and I photographs. He once spent two yean ualng an old Indian procedure of flllln1 akulla wttb ilma beana and emersint them in water to separate the many bones for a display in his mus~. One of the exhlbita in bb penonal museum la a line ol buata depictin1 the evolutionary cbanses in lbe human akulJ from prehiatoric times to bis vision of wbat people will look like 2 mllllon years into ta. tuwre. For~ first t.lme ever, mankind la beS1nniD1 to exert control over its environment and may ln· lluence evoluUon with the aeaeUc counaeJlna and 1enetlc en1lneer ln1 under way today, llanbal111y1. The lntnaalon ol scienc. ln&o human S•oetlca may effect future evoluUon, be 1ays, wanalq, however, there are dansen ln that reHattll. "U w an IClAftl co "-troJ man, it I.I up to himalf. Re It pfuinl wltb eSaneerous tooll at thla Point," ...,.. llanbaU. 8Ut ..-wtt.11 tbe J)OllllldV of ldenWlc ad- •aace1 ~ evol~ llU'llaall UpnlMI eoandmN um bla proJeetlom camot.,. c11apNc1 . .. Ho one I.I IOIDI to ..,.we mt," bt 1a71. ·:n.., WOll't • U'OUDCI ••• :. rn[ffi~~~~~~rn The marketplace on the Orange Coast _ .. 642-5678 2 • 5 6 7 8 D A I L y p I L 0 T c L A s s I F I E D • I t"t'1~1"a~ ...... ,.Wt ...... ,.Wt -....... Wt ........ ,... FerW. All ftl) tllllt Id· .................................................................................................................. . 1 urlhtd h tbl1 l1•rtl 1002 .._,.. 100 l•rlll IOtJ 100 1002 ~~~-~ ····~·······~~·· ·····~it;~···· ······~~······· ..••.•.............•...•..•................... lat Act of • •blch ~~LY 171 000 5 aa~ c b 1 rm l n I wood , · IDU• k Wical to ad· ~ 'I VVllll lblDIW townboaw Sun Vtrtltt .. ., anftrtott Lowt1t rrletG ult ... Dttd• dtcor1t101 ! ruw kltchln overioota :: ltmlt1tlon, or dl1: :,v•ll•~~atable =~ ~~ aot.ry cosy p1tlo. a lar1• !$ ~!~~1·::: br~~lo.~DD 1at"'!:·'"' for 10 = 8. a c b 'T. t ~ ~rmo:,~':oo ~!if" ... ... or DIUOuJ °"""' 14ul ....... or IUID· f'.llormow fa.mlJ.y room . • • . I = ot an lnt.llldola to makt tntr W.S..way ..... to wit.II bluillf f\Nplace! :: 11y lllcb preference bay. Vin bolt.I bom SllftllY, IOW'!Det kitchen. 10.. llmlhtlon or dh'. front 1ltttn1 torcbl Lars•. luab 1ro11nd1. := crimlnaUoa:1 Hl&rrY, c.UITJ.IMO J111t lilt.ct and priced to 1eu ..U. OaJy -.SOO. Call :: Tbla nn1p.per will not today, 17N560 ::. knowln1ly accept uy '°" 1dvert11ln1 for real :: ttlate wbidl II In viola· THE REAL ESTATF.RS SEA COVE aw mm ""'"'''"' lM" "Pitt ....... "" !Mio ta:-!!':~rh l'tfftrttt) Loh l'r) """ l'•mtrce•t Ptue>tf1' l'w•nu•lhfft'\\ Kalt o..lt•n l ••h '41< -..1obollO\fd 1..--roooon' lndtrblnel Pr~rh 14• for S.1• lhlltlo ll..,. Toi• l'fa• Moritnl" ~n lit•~' 0JM&t lo Pn'P ~~~C:~i·,~up M•Nh#, t'erm .. lttuu, lu.1 t:&t•lt t uh•"•' "'·· • ,, •• ,. • ·~C'd 1£NTALS :: -Uoo=-="':...:the=..la::;•::..:·---1 IM llW l:llO lt!ll llllO JliW t!Oii llMI IWlO ~ f tlll ll\XJ ?Ml WI DAI All) ~1-.................. 1 ZDJ l'al• ...... tws. ••••••••••••••••••••••• DICUnYI sm.ooo Almoat new 2 atory beauty. Sun rilled kitchen, formal diain1 room, wark and co1y family room tool 2nd 1lory b01t1 aecluded muter aulte wltb cracklln1 brick fireplace. 3 more queen •lied bdnm too! Don't mlu out call. @ 11 ........ t'urnhlw<t 1100 c;i, .. ,.. I 002 SEA co VE Kou""' l ntvrnhMd ~ ''°""' 1·••• ... t •1 n •00•••••••••••••••••••• PROPERTIES THE ~EAL ESTATE RS f PROPEITIES 714-631-6!_90 THMCM hoc....,C_. .c.}~~ at $2400 !'-P.! tbe condominium In· 5 Star luxury beachlrool formation center. coodo. Alr cood.illoaed. Touchlto>e Realty Dally maid service. mOll7 KJtcben. Pool-aide bar. Continental restaurant. Full price SOSO or terms ! Sl.31/48 mo1. Call Bob Burdick, Time abare Aaent today! MISAVllDE SIH,950 What a lwtaln! With a "'laeable down!" owner may carry lat. 3 Bdrm, 2 bath, tam.Uy room , briclt rireplace, walk to 1bop- pUi1. Call now. 546-23U t::=::::~::t::· l: UMIUYAIU! r .... .,...,.,.. .... ~ as Bdrm poollapa bome 7r4-631 ·6990 .seu thinp rast wilh Dally I:,~t~~n"' t: io Costa Mesa under --------i PiJotWantAds. THE REAL ESTATE RS llupl .. -. I., -SU0,000. Owner will belp VA ---------------... ,\jlt> l\11n fiW .. Aph l••··· .., on f ioanclna. Call ·su.too =:::'""°' 1 •1 : 979-S370 t.ocS.y for more 3 Bdrm 2 bath, kJtcben, r~: 'M~;~j:'' ll6ll del.alla. family area, tparklln& ~¥~1~~,,~ b1~~ ALLSTATE = .. 0c~:Cc,~~ MnLrh h• "'"'' Alli _ detalls 548-2313 C•••lh '"' Mtnl 11~ REALTORS • ()lf1ffMf"M•I ... _,,.., ~~~,~~::::~, :~ I THE REAL ESTATERS ~:;::,~ 11 ... ..s :,: What a Wonderful World I II"' "••hh ...... or Shoppina. right al BUSINESS, INVEST· your rinaertips every· "'(WT nN•Nt[ d a y ! D a i I y p 11 0 l Cadillacs to Go-Carts Whatever the Fad Roll 'em off the market With a Classified Ad Call Now! 642-S8T8 " • 11 Classified Ads. To place =::::;: ~~':..!J ~~ your ad, call 642·5678 '""'',.,,."' ""'""' , 1011 and let a Classified Ad· ~~~";:;f,.~:"'"" = Visor help you. '4CINl\~'"'f'd ~ ·-------------- MW!f11.w .... 10... All-\ ANNOUNCEMENTS, PERSONALS & LOST & FOUND A""°"'"""""""'" ~ •' Poe-A l.tul\•lil•••'' ~' •. ,~nd '"~·'" °"Jil••lt 1-.~ r, .. ,,.1 SERVICES CM~OYMENT & nEPAUTION whi.,, .. l•h1ru11 .. 1n JuttV. .. nh•I u .. 1., v. .ntfltf \I /. t' MERCHANDISE AM~"""' ~.,.,.,.,.~,., A..-ttvn '*"""' .. kl+ ... 't.,,,, .. . t ;tftWt •' 6 • ·~ ... 1•n1• fl1 \.1, 11'••" •hi' tu''"' ~\UNl\ttr c ... ..,.., ....... -l~tfd•.1u1h Jt•flr\ Lt't· ... -~. MM"l\UMff\ Mt~•"•"'""W itftle't'll•~,.-.•M.0 \t~·''"'"\11"~"' OffWT tuu1 ~ t quip ......... C:': ~':~:nn,.~ ~··"IGaod' ~tRNNrant.1!4r ~~·~to .. , •• :-..,....., BOATS & MARINE EQUIPMENT ld°ftn•I "'"'" \l.11M ...,,,11,-"°•'" "•''" .. • lttfll\ An•I.\ J'o""' Ho•h "'~ ' ... ,, .. , Bo.t~ "-" &Mh"I,,.. u-~-, ..,.,.,<t'P"'t'd •~· • no.c: .. ,S1,,.,o TRANSPORTATION 41r«•n l •MP"f"t ~Ir k"'M t:l<ttn< '•" '10IOf CHff"""t '-fw4f \1tillor thn .. ~k! M•"' Tr11ltr .. Tr.\tl tr .. ttt-.. l hh\\ 4¥iO!liitf"Uff' "•tlt. 4..tMt41 AUTOMOBIL~ Aflll~Wn t. l•;.i\ .. Kt\ ru1~•,n \\hit. It•• ~"h Hint' R••I ... ~'"'''«''t f1wdo• \•fh 4WIUl.t'•'IHiii. i\ul'-"Wo11Ut•I AUTOS, IMPORTED Vfltirf41 \11"' M1>,.,U A"'t. \\Ol1n llul.-) HllW f.T.' l>•bM ftff•ll '••t H<.Wt• JiJo!W•t J..,_ K•rrrwtt• t.'u" llUll• °tef'n"...,,tt.-"' )Iii, llt;H \lp<I PMllrt• t"fol,;jo'.t'Uf Vor'Kltot "~_._.,, KulltKU)f., tc"'"' "-•b wwrw fo1"4• fru;mph \vf,1•t1.C'A \'ohu fHf'tffaf Ill: 110111 ILllllS ca. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE 206' VISTA D& OIO ILUFfS OPIH SUM l·S S MIUIOH S YllW S Lovely Courtyard Entrance · Tile Galore · Plus Huge Bay View Patio · Potted Plants · Flowing Fountains · Indoor /Outdoor Living · This Two Bedroom, Two Bath Condo Shows Bet- ter Than A Model. Open For Your Viewing. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. 207 VIA MENTOMI UDOISLUI» OPIM SUM l·I Move Into This Bright Four Bedroom Lido Island Home With Only 20% Down. Assume The Large First Trust Deed At 12% & Owner Will Carry A Second At 12%. A Fabulous Op- portunity To Own Property ln One Of Newport Beach's Most Picturesque Communities. An Excellent Buy. $475,000. 0 lAIMIOW lllMI TVlnHOCI llMI OPIH SUM l·S Fabulous View. Select Locaction. Two Bedrooms, Two Baths, Plus A Study. Many Upgrades Including Plantation Shutters, Parquet Entry & Carpeting. Great Financing. Large Assumable Loan. Priced Al Si75,000. Submit. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. 2701 CAlDltW. DllVI MISA VllDI OPIH SUM 1-4 Beautiful Contemporary Home In Costa Mesa's Best Area. Features Include Five Large Bedrooms, Two Impressive Fireplaces, Gorgeous Liv- ing Room & Family Room, Skylights, Wall Coverings, Wet Bar -Fantastic! Priced At $223,500. SPICIAL CUSTOM IAY .. OMf FEE Land . Four Years Old . Cathedral Ceilings, Parquet Floors & New Carpets. Lots Of Wood & Glass. Three Bedrooms & Convertible Den. 3~ Baths. Separate Dining. Huse Family Room With Wet Bar. Kitchen With Pantry. Breakfast Room. Sauna. Study. Three-Car Garage. Wood Deck Overlooks Bay & Dock. See To Ap- preciate. $1,600,000. •HAT VllW HOMI New Lilting -First Time On Market. Exceptional Location And View Of '111e Back Bay. Lush Landlcaplne, Huie Wrap·Around Patio, End Unit, Plus Second Front Patio And Larp Viewiq Deck Off Muter Suite. Im· maculate. Three-Bedrooa, 2 ~ Baths. Offered At 1325,000. ILUM Great Invatment Or Starter Unit Wltb Excellent Flaanctna. Sharp Two Bedroom End Unit Wltb Deck 0¥erlookinl LovelY Gr.mbelt. Walk To Sbcipa P1tk l PaGL Owner 11 Motlnled 6 Will Carry A.JTD At ~. Prlee, SlJl,IOO. ~lii \ ..... ' HARB<)R R EA LT\' HARBOR VIEW HILLS Spectacular rebuilt home. Everything is here and tastefully done. 3 bdrms. including the huge master suite with fireplace and large walk-in closet. 1be family rm. is simply s mashing with massive stone fireplace, rich wood bar with leaded glass door, soaring beam ceiling and French doors opening onto the lush landscaping patio with its spa and rock waterfall. Just listed and at $465,000 won 't last long. Open Sun 1 to 5. Be sure to see 3906 lnlet Isle Drive, CdM. CORONA DEL. MAR This is the best duplex value in town! Owner is moving East and will finance with just $70,000 down. Two large units with 3 and 2 bdrms ., beam ceilings, fireplaces and privacy. Prime corner location with lots of trees and not Car from the park. Asking only $320,000 so you'd better act fast. Open Sun 2 to 5 see 720 Jasmine Ave. BAYCREST A tremendous value in a large home. Traditional styling, custom built, immaculate throughout and ready for im- mediate occupancy. 4 bdrm.5., family rm., formal dining rm., office with outside entrance. pool and a huge upstairs game rm. There's a wet bar, 2 fireplaces, large cedar lined closet, bit in central station security system, professional pool table, com· mercial multi -line telephone system -to mention just a few features. A terrific value at only $399,500. Open Sat and Sun 1 to S located at 1730 Marlin Way just off Shipway Lane. Difficult to fmd, so check your map or call first. WEST CLIFF CONDO Perfect adults only living. Very convenient location at a price you can afford. Spacious 2 bdrm. first floor unit with private yard and patio. Owner will help finance , so submit your terms. Asking only $129,500. SAN JUAN CAPISTRANO 5.5 Acres with a view. Just minutes Crom Dana Point Yacht Harbor. Horses OK so you can ride or sail. Ideal estate site - private and secluded. 9695,000 . Owner will finance. OPEN TODAY t-5 UMqul IM HAHOR VIEW HOMES -· Compare and save. This lovely Carmel model, three bedroom, two bath, fireplace home can be yours for onJy $229,500. Excellent financing. See Donna Sehroeder at 2016 Port Bristol. UM9U1 OM THE IAY -Two large bedrooms and den, plus a wonderful bay view. Excellent financing and the luxury of living at the C.Ove make this a very interesting property. $595,000. Fee. See Laraine Shaw at ~3 Baysid e Cove West. UMl9UE IH COROHA DR MAI - Duplex with 2 bedrooms in each unit, sk~lights and bay views. $4.50,000, call 675-6000. UMl9UI IH HAHOR VIEW tlUS - Private courtyard, four bedrooms, vaulted wood ceilings, two fireplaces. master bed room has separate dressing area. Excellent owner financing. $420,000 Fee. See Marian Reedy at 1225 Keel Or. UM9UE IH llYIME THIACI -Owner financing available, custom three bedroom , two bath , s uper neighborhood, good buy with lots of potential. $435,000 Fee. See Bert Reedy at 612 Ramona Drive. UMl9UE IM OLD CdM -Quality construction , corner lot. cedar ceilings, a two bedroom and a three bedroom unit in this new duplex. Skylights, textured walls, terrific al U49,000. See Barbara Riggs at 700 Marguerite. Utl9Uf IH SU VIEW -Beautiful 3 bedroom Hampton Model. Cul-Oe-sac location, community pool, spa and tennis. Unbelievably priced at $395,000. See Barbara Hutchings at 1900 Yacht Maria. UMl9UE IN llVIMI THIACE Beautifully remodeled and completely decorated three bedroom plus borne. Pool, spa, privacy, and a terrific location. You 'll want to move right in ! $395,000 Fee. See 1315 Santanella Ter- race. UMl9UI IH IACIC IAT -A three bedroom Country doll house at its very best. Used bricks, French doors, huge family room. pool size private yard. This is your dream house. Unbelievable at $225,000. See Natalie Fogarty at 384 Mira Loma. UMl9UI IM SU WIMD -Expanded three bedroom Carmel rmdel. Stained glass, parquet floors, ltWi landscaping with fire-pit. Bright and terrific in every detail. $359,000. See Pat Merry at rJJ1I Port Lerwick UMqul IM OLD CORottA DB. MAI - Country kitchen, sophisticated master suite, two fireplaces, three patios, bay view, two bedrooms, 2~ baths $324,000. See Sara Marvin at 502 Acacia. U,._l()UI: lifMl:i REALTORS, 675-6000 1443 E.llll c-t Hltllwey. CotOM del ~ar WI HAYI •OP 1MI l8T AMMTI 14 TOWN Make your 1boppin1 SELL Idle Items with a eaaler by 111in1 the Daily Daily PUot Classlried Pltot Cluaifted Ads. Ad. W ,5f78. It1o11're looklncror a bet-DAILY PILOT ter Job, you won't want CLASSIFIED ADS to mll1 Ule employment 142•5178 cohamu in a..illed. ., ----~ ... ,.... ••• -:w * .... ---:-------,__._--"'!!l"n~--~ ....................... Wlllllllll• ... •""lllJ~llll!IJ .. lll'!'"!"lfl!!ll!'"""11'91~"• .. 'llllllllllf•ll'l11911 I Cll Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunda~. Auguat 9, 1981 ....... ,., We ....... ,.,We ...... ,.,Wt Kea.. hr Wt Ho.Mt,., We ........ ,., Wt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• "-et,_, W. Per l111NI t 002 •••rtt I 002 ca, .. ,_, t OOJ le•rtt t 002 l••r.. I 002 Ge•NI f OOJ ........ .. ............ ............. . ........................................................................................................................................ . ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••• • •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 ... Nt I oo• lt•ttt I 002 l•rtf I 001 l•rtil I 002 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• MAUOl_.I Award wlnnln1 "Jodellf" ttttte home lJl r.uLe offtrlna on Ulla exqullltety 1ppoilll- r d townhome with maulve view of be)'. ocean. «*lllne • nJ&ht U&bl.I Now ~uced to IT• OQO '~I : \ I : , ~ _\ \I . '!u'.il I.' I it1/I I h.11 I ' '1'11 1 ;~T1J' /l11 l I I I .iul! ~ ' I litd / l.ookin& for a home o( your own7 You'll find man)' homes advertised for sale io Cluslried evuyc!!L_ __ _ LIASI OPTIOM MIWPOITICH Ran Baell Bo op· portllllll)' I Enjo)' )'OUr own private pool. spt. and paddle ttnnla court! Spanish tilt eolr)' Spaclou1 llvlnc room with 1oarin1 ctlllnas. Gourmet coo ll lna llltchen . • 1enerou1 bdrm•. OnlY 1289.000 Won't lut, burr)'. call 813-8$50 THE REAL ESTATE RS WANT ACMON? Claulfed Ads 6'2-5678 AESlOENTIAl AEAl ESTATE SERVICES flSA YEllE--lfPIU -4 Bd rm, l&~ 81 th. Excellent condition. Lovely gardens, three patios, many produclna fruit trees. Adult occupied. There's an easy way for People who are seeking you to sell that bicycle an apartment look first you no lon&er use. Just in Claaal!ied. Will )'Our advertise It lo the ad be there? To place Clauilied! CaJJM2·5678. Your ad,g!!_M2-5678 IN NEWPORT CENTER 644-9060 OPEN HOUSE 1·5 OPiH OH Sl'YGLASS HIU. D istinguished cus tom Mediterranean Villa. Commanding ocean view. $2.400,000. See Barbara Ballmann at 17 MUIR BEA CH CIRCLE. Ol'EH IM NEWPORT CUST Spectacula r ocean view from almost every room in this lovely 3 BR. 21f2 BA . condo . $240,000. See Rita Quiggle at 11 LANDFALL COURT. OPEN IM IA Y SHOIES Distinctive Cape Cod. Beams & shutters. 3 BR . 2 BA . wf}. patios. $l35,000 LH. See Melinda Marsten at 2661 CRESTVIEW DRIVE. Ol'EH IM IRVIME TEUACE Custom 3 BR. Ocean view. Spa. ~.500 Fee. See Nancy Simmons at 1023 BONNIE DOONE OPEH IH MORTHV.000 Beautiful Peppermill Run. 4 BR. 21r:i BA . Executive home. $235,000. See Maggie Guth at #46 MONTICELLO OPEN IN WESTCUff Spanish Hacienda complete w ;tiled . floors & heavy beams. 5 BR. + Fam. Rm . & POOL. $495,000. See Bill Beuts at 1437 ANTIGUA WAY OPEM IM TUaTLEROCk Garden Home . 3 BR. + Fam. Rm. & Hobby Room . Great financing . $243,500. See Craig Kindjg at 34 RAINBOW FALLS OUTSTAMDIHG LOCATION On BaJboa Peninsula just lh block to the ocean. 2 bedroom.5 & 2 baths. Screened eating area. $295,000. HARIOR RIDGE A charming 2 BR . 2 BA. DYNASTY model. Highly upgraded. Terrific location. Gua rded community. Pools & tennis courts. $4.25,000. UMDERSTATED ELEGANCE OPEN IN HAHOR VIEW HIU.S Head·on ocean view. 4 BR. 2~ BA . Den & Sparkling pool. ~.000. See Wendy Beam at 966 SANDCASTLE OHN OM IAYSIDE DllVE Newly decorated 4 BR. with private dock. $1,950,000 See Paula Erd at 1617 BAYSIDE DR . OPEH OM LIDO ISU Smashing 3 BR . + Den. Atrium POOL. Entertainer's delight. $>95,500. See Cynthia Rumsfeld at 204 VIA EBOLJ OPEH IN HAllOR VIEW HIU.S A park·like setting frames this spacious 4 BR. Lusk built home. Fireplace & custom built·ins add to charm . $355,000. See Lyleen Ewing at 4000 INLET ISLE DR. OHH IN IA YSHORlS On the bay. 5 BR. Library. Lrg. pier & slip. $1,100,000 LH. See Suzie Exley at 2752 BAYSHORE OPEN OH LIDO ISU Tastefully decorated & spacious 2 BR . in ideal location. Owner assisted fi nancing. $365.000. See Edie Olson at 227 VIA ORVIETO Ol'EH IN DOVH SHORES Dynamic 5 BR. Bayfront. Large pier & slip. Owner wiU carry all financing. Sl.500,000. See Brenda Peterson at 134 MORNINGSf AR IAUOA tSUND CHAIMH Immaculate home with beam ceili ngs, lots or used brick and Hansel & Gretel charm. Good street location near South Bay Front. Three BR. Den & Two baths. Terms available. $450,000. l'RICE REDUCTION! This lovely 3 BR . CARMELITA in the Bluffs has been reduced & the sellers terms make t his an excellent buy. Owner wiU sell on an AITD With 30% down. Now $229.500. tJ1fJ-34ll SUNI llVIMI LOCATION -2 Bdrm condo In Walnut Square, xlnt condition. Perfect start.er or investment. Owner will carry at 13.5%. OCIAH VIEW AMD THI SOUHD OF THI SEA -Outstanding 4 Bdrm custom home. Extra large street to street lot. merely steps to the beach. $685,000. WATHNONT DUPLO -2 Bdrm plus bachelor. both units with brick fireplaces . Pier and float, with room for two boats. $4:?<),000. HUHTIMGTOM HAHOUa -Davenport Island, custom 3 Bdrm home with 62' of bayf ront, boat dock, sauna and spa. exquisitely ap~inted, shutters. parquet flooring , paneling, rich tone thruout. Owner w/carry at 14% with $175,000 cash. It's smashing! ~.000. OWHll WILL TlADI -20 acres near Rancho California. Owner wants condo in Nwpt, Irvine. Costa Mesa. Can be divided into 4 to 5 acre parcels for small equity or $140,000 takes all. AICHfTfCTS SH THIS Ote -Top location, a couple of doors from the private beach in the exclu sive guarded co mmunity of Bayshores. Easy to remodel 3 Bdrm, 21h bath home. $375.000. TUITUIOCK HIGHLANDS Natural beamed wood ceilings, paneling, warm earthtones. Lovely view this 4 Bdfm Edinborough has everything. Excellent financing. $405.000. SUVIEW -4 Bdrm. 1 story, view home. Prof. lndscpd. New carpet. Enclosed brick atrium. Lge master suite. L1gnt & airy. tleaut11u1 nignt light view. Guarded gate. Owner will assist with financing. $383.000. HARIOl VIEW HILLS -Wat c h the changing of the colors in this smashing 4 season garden. flanned for year round blooms. Every detail o the 3 Bdrm home shows pride of ownership. New neutral carpets. i.mmac~late~y maintained thruout. Owner w1 II assist in financing. $299.500. COSTA MESA -Air filtered & cond ., 4 Bdrm Hall of Fame home. Remodeled kitchen, hardwood floors, xlnt corner lot. Near schools from kindergarten through college. Try you r VA for a low down. $134,900. . COIAL CAY -4 and 5 Bdrm new waterfront homes, $200,000 down, builder will fina nce balance. No qualifying. Gated community. From $670,000 to $950,000. DUPLEX -Prime location in Old Corona del Mar w /nice owners unit + 2 good rentals. All surr ounding s wimming pool. Call for appointment. $320,000. A Mlbsidiary of John D. Lull& & Sott 2515 East Coast HlcJflway CCM'OftCI dtl Mw On a 45' lot on exclusive Lido Isle, this remodelled home has all the amenities for gracious family living. 4 BR. 3 BA . Den. Study. IAYSHORE CONTl~Y Extra wide street frontage and large patio compliment this spacious 3 BR. + Den. Private guard gated area with great beaches. Land included. $450,000. l'elUng the mo5l people rhese hllle a~s really Have someUung Lo sell? possible IS important lo w o r k ! J o • n l h e Classified ads do 1t well. the success of any lhoiuaods of other peo--. Formal dining room & two private garde~ courtyards. $.599,000. $114 l'EI MOMTH •••••• when you take over existing low interest FHA loan!!! This is a superb starter home Cor a young family. Lots of poten- tial & priced to sell at $89,500. 759-l.SOl or 752-7373. ** WATHFIOMTHOME ** HO PA YMEMTS ...... for 1 year!! ! Cha rming 3 Br home locat- ed smack on the white sand beach with a private stairway. Features fireplace, 200' deep lot in R-2 zoning. ONLY $695,000. Owner will carry 1st T.D. at 13%. 759·1501 or 752·7373. OWNER WILL CADY .••• 1st T.D. on 3 Bdrm. home with family room, in prime area of Q>sta Mesa. A rare orrering at $110,000. 759-1501 or 152·1:rt3. W ATHFIOMT WXUIY Sensational 3 Bdrm. townhome featuring used brick plank noo~. Frenc~ doors. ceramic tile & a mulUtude or mt.er.tor upgrades. Priced at $319,950 with assumable loan . 759·1501or752,7173, 10¥4o/o FIMAMCM AVAL Assume existing 1st T.D. oo this 4 bdrm home in NEWPORT Riviera payable at $668 per month! I Featuring French doors, fireplace, 214 baths, _raised woooen deck, Ir new carpets & paint. On· ly S141,900. 759·1501or752·7373. S 11,000 DOWM Takeover 9% loan on super SU2,000 home'. 963·5671 garage sale. Make sure pie Ill this area who are DAILY PILOT your s is listed in regular users or c• .&jfjf•FlfD •os C I a s s 1 fie d . p ho o e Classified. Call our ad --~ "' 642·S678. taker at SC.5618. 842 ·5818 SPECIAL OFFER REAL ESTATE LICENSltc SCllOL WEEK MIGHTS Oil WHIEHDS s3900 For more information ............. Hlft.LM t6J.S671 71f.llOI PltMI FOUMUI All 2 br unit.a f eaturlng fireplaces & family rooms. All 1 stoq with asauma· ble financing. Super pnce at $205,000. 759-1501or752·7373. St,OOOIOWM Takeover large 10.S% loan on )>eautlful SOutb · Coaat Villa Townhome. Asking ,$89,$00. 983-5671 6HOMIS On •r.i acre. Prime location, new roofs and paint. Seller will finance $300,000 at 13V..%. 963.5671 St 6,000 DOWH Takeover 12~% loan -$800 per month. A real charmer with cozy fireplace and double enclosed ga rage. $89,500. 963·5671 FIXll Demolished 3 bedroom. Cheap! 963·5671 SI 0,000 DOWN Sharp 4 bedroom beach bpme. Seller will help finance at less than interest only. to keep payments low. Asking $130,000. 963-5671 $1ct0 IUYsm What charisma! ! Huge family roo~ with Swedish fireplace. Decorated in earthtones, manicured lawns. $107 ,000 VA/FHA. 963-5671 IOCVo LOAH $12,000 down and takeover $78,000 loan. Very affordable payments. 963-5671 **WA TllFIOM1' ... 12"-IMTBIST Owner is willing to carry l.st trust deed on this detached 3 bdrm in move·in condition! Located on canal within walking distance or ocean & beach I ! i Private tennis & pool. Priced for immediate sale at $230,(XX). 759·1501 or 752,7373, ••• O ' 1 ans so+ ca ss n a a trOt ,tOO I' 0 - .. YISTOIS •No ne11U¥e Ulll now •No vauacy. •No ml1nln.a.nce. •No Uni.Ill probJema. •An lnt.ere.l in rut pro-perty. •Tax BeneliU. For information call Bob Newell. Lido Omce. RtdblU Realty,873-7.xl. WOODSIDE VILLAGE •3 Bdrm. 2atory, 111,000 down. flt9,900 •3 Bdrm. htory, Sll.SOO down. $114,900. *3 Bdrm. l story, S9500 down.lGUOO. •3 Bdrm. I story, Si4.soo down.193,•00 •2 Bdrm. 1 story, Sl!800 down.1117.900 •2 Bdrm. 1 story, $8600 down. SBS.900. All have pools, spa, sauna available. Walle to South Coast shopping Call for more details. S46-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS D&ftEX $94,900 lnvestors delight! Two 2 Bdrm. Units. Current Jn· come . $740 Mo. l year home protection plan in· eluded. Call to see! 646.7171 THE REAL ESTATERS YOUR BE.ST Bm!! 10 UNITS: Assumable · $172,000 in loans . '380.000. Orange. 8 NEW CONDOS: From Sl2S.OOO lo St37,000 Costa Mesa. DUPLEX: 1 Yr old. As· sumaule $150,000 loan $215,000. Orange 6 UNITS Brand new $168, 000 loan $255,000 Sao Bernardino LOT IN DANA POINT 29 '7. down . will ubordioat.e $145,000 SO. CAUF. lW TY 546-5605 121/J% $18,000DWN Vacant and owner wants oul! Huge 2 Bdrm 212 bath condo with large ramily living area Al tached garage. $115.900 tolal price. Call now, 546-2313 THE REAL ESTATERS cars'bikes• ·skateboards' trucks.baby carriages•tea carts•trikes rol lerskates • walkers*toys •wagons•••• scooters" hot rods· coupes· trailers"hard tops• convert· ibles·motor homes*lawn mowers*limos •corPorate headquarter s •garden carts Model A's*' .. •typingtables wheelbarrows• recreational vehicles'golf carts*model trains*bikes *pianos•cars refrigerators *skates•••••• Redhill~ Realty I .ido l{l'alt ,. tlllire *HOUSH* UDO.NIMCH MOIMAHDY Brand new Country French 4 bdrm + den with 4 baths. Stained glass & special wood exterior. You have to hurry with financing at 13'h % & owner will carry 2nd T.D. IEST IUY OH UDO Price for immediate action. Newly finished 4 bdrm dream home on extra wide lot. Owner very motivated, will help finance. Submit all offers. Only $550,000 20% DOWN ON UDO Will move you right into this spacious 4 bdrm home . Owner will carry papers at 13'1 Owner very motivated . Submit all offers today. Hurry !! SPANISH VILLA OH UDO is very versatile on an extra wide lot. Orig. 6 bedrooms. now 5. but could be changed back to 6. Features a large lovely sunny patio. New kitchen, a must to see! CAREFREE LIVING OH UDO in this 3 bdrm cozy charmer on extra wide lot with large patio. Extra parking space or small boat storage. LOCATION OH UDO is ideal in this 3 bedroom sparkling clean honeymoon dream home. Close to bay, beach & tennis. $100.000 down. Assumable loan & owner will carry balance. CUTE "A" NAME Newly painted 2 bdrm plus den, 3 patios. pool & tennis Owner anxious. Asking $138.000 EXCE:LLEHT FIMAHCIHG Large 5 bdrm. formal dining room plus bonus room. Located on pool size corner lot. Owner motivated. Asking $349.000 ASSUME LOAN SI 39,000 Newport Beach Condo 3 bdrm plus r etreat. Wet bar & mirrored wardrobes. Has 2 patios. Walk to beach. pool, and tennis . Great terms. *CONDOS* WAnRFttONT COHDO Boat slip for 45· boat. Beautiful condo on the bay. 2 bdrm & den. Owner will carry or trade $600 K. NEWPORT COHDO This 4 bdrm + family nn condo has all the extras Walk to beach. tennis & pool. Wet bar. bit-ins + brand new carpets make this a real dream. Owner will carry large 2nd T.D. MESA WEST COHDOS We ha ve 6 brand new 2 bdrm condos left. From $139,000 to $187,000. Call now. 673-7300 J377 VIA LIDO NEWPORT BEACH CUSTOMIJED HAUOI RIDGE Lovely 4 Bdrm Lautremonl model with 400' addition. Formal dining 3 Baths. $869,500. Owner will carry $600.000. IEST VIEW IN SPYGLASS Beautiful 5 Bdrm Southport , (USlomized throughout, professionally decorated. formal dining. bonus room. 412 Baths. $949.500. IUILDER'S CLOSEOUT Two lovely large customized homes in Cherry Lake Estates. 3 & 4 Bdrm, family room. formal dining. excellent terms or try lease option. Asking $335.000 and $365.000. 714 / 760-C)':\ ~ ~ Your friends and It )'OU want your ad· neighbors \lie Classified vtrtislnf mes.sa1e to re· when t bey h • v e ach more people at something to sell. lower cost. Clusifled is They'll tell )'OU how well the way to ro! Call Now ! it worked ror lhem ! M2~ If it's got wheels, you'll move it faster In a Daily Pilot classified ad .Call 6•2·5678 and a friendly ad- viser will helpyau turnvour wheels Into Clst\. HARBOOI VIEW ll1S COIONl on. Outstand.lne ocean and bay view home on fee land. 2 Bdrm, 2 bath, formal dining. Gor1eous pool. Owner will carry large lit TD. ~D 11•.•1>·•••0 ~ •M.l.IOUl&CO .. IMC, ............. tll1 Ziii Lee.at N.y. llit 1t7 cPMtNMlll ~ ..... CA 91611 . . - Me.ff._ Wt ..._., 11w We ..._...,_,.Wt ..._..'-Wt .._.,Pot Wt ..._..,_.We Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. August 9, 1981 ······················· ..................................................................... ······················· ······················· ~ l . ..,.... Fer5t6t l1•rll IOOJ ltMNI 1001 l•r• 1002 l•NI IOOJ l1•rtl IOOJ • ...,.. IOOJ Honttflot-Ut ..._....,i. HMMtllof'S. ...... ! .............. .. Cll •..••.•••...••••...•••• ....................... .•••••...••••....•••••. •·•••••••·····•••••···· ••••.......••••......•.•••••••••..........••.• ··••····•·••·····•••··· ·····················!· ....................... 1002 • ,, ... •M ... ----· --------------v .... ••r• 1002 ..... 1002 GIMAI 1002 ~. • ............. . ..... 11.,a..-....._.-..........-....... ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• lfAl ESTATE PrkMTeW -------------. , _ SALESMuJB ~'tr:~~~~ Dalebout ·~ I * * * * * * Major reclonal brokeraee firm with 13 Prime ~:'iio & h Her1'tage c·ollect1'on years experience In the coastal area ia a.tic..... Bay Beac - -searchin1 for an experienced person l bedroom famtb' home. . tnocem. tnage its expanding Newport Of· ;c·boov·.~ ...... ',!JO~.::...~IOle to Rea I Estate OWHH FtHAHCe Large 4 Bdrm 2 bath home, beautiful GIOIGIAN COLONIAL II.Aun wallpapers thruout. CuJ·de-sac street. Highly visible Fashion island location MOllolaln cabin naUed llG CAHYOM COUMTIY CW1 Owner will carry AJTO for 7 years at with 15 full time agents has the poten· on over ~ acre. 2 REAL ESTATE EXCEL.LENCE SINCE 1949. CALL FOi COLOI llOCMlll 13.57< interest. For an appointment to Ual tor 27 agents. l>Hroom. beamed cell ' Gorgeous view overlooking the 8th see, call 540·1151 This firm has over 126 f ulltime agents and offers residential investment, escrow, secur ities and mortgage brokerage services to its clients from 8 offices located Newport to San Clemente. The person chosen will receive liberal starting salary and an override on the office production along with other benefits. All responses will be held in strict con· fidence. Send resume to: Drawer 18, P.O. Box 2000, Corona del Mar, 92625 BEST IN BLUFFS CUSTOM IAYFIOHT. Spectacular view. 2500 sq . ft. 3 bdrm, fam rm, 31h baths. Expanded & luxurious country French decor. Beautiful. $495,000. OPEN l·S 2147 VISTA ENTIADA EHD UMIT. Beautiful 4 bdrm, 3 bath, lovely outlook, 80% financing at 14. 75 for 30 years. $285,000. OME YEAR MEW. 3 bdrm, 2 bath, highly upgraded. Large liv & din rooms You own the land . $325,000. OPEN 1.5 I H2 VISTA CAUDAL HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR, IMC. 644-0134 List & Ivy Wfffl n. &perts Pete Barrett Realty presents JASMINE CREEK -,LAM 2 This outstanding 2 Bdrm den home has many extras. skylights and spa -super financing ! $365,000. 5 Mcritfme, CdM Opell S... 1·5 MESA VERDE -VACANT, IEADY- 4 Bdrms and large fa mily room, remodeled kitchen, excellef)t carpets, ni cely upgraded. $179,900. 2862Tthjo,CM Opel!S...1·5 HOlllES -IOATS -CARS One-of-a-kind customized 3 Bdrm and den, 2'h bath home on large lot. Enclosed rear yard with extra 3 car ~~!_ag~. $179.500. 1806 leryl, Ml IAYCREST-MOVE IM MOW 3 Bdrms, family room with used brick firepla ce and builtin BBQ; shutters, beamed ceilings add warmth to this immaculate home. $279,500. Owner ma y lease opt. Owner may lease opt. 1343McrfMn,NI NICE AND llG IM MEWftOIT Spacious Regency 5 Bdrm home. Circular drive, courtyard entry and large private back yard. Marvelous family home with lots of extras. 1500 HicJNc-d, Ml 0,.. S-. 1·5 CUSTOM COTT AGE -MEW UmHG Sparkling 4 Bdrm charmer. Interior completely remodeled. Tree cov- ered patio. Owne r will finance. See it today. 2'6 Rose LA., CM LU" WATHFROMT LOCATION Immaculate 2 Bdrms and den home with lovely wide lawned side yard and ornamental fountain -spa., sandy beach, pier and slip. $635,000. HAI.IOI VIEW HIUS WITH VIEW Rambling 4 Bdrm, family room and view·side patio. Community pool, easy care yard. $429,000. WATUFIONT-SELLH AMANCIHG Pier and slip, SS' on water with two 2 Bdrm units., double garage. S795,000. Call for appointment. MIWPOIT DUPLIX OH THE llACH Waves and sand at your door - Catalina, sunsets, and oceanfront activities are your view from 3 Bdrm and 2 Bdrm units. FUmisbed or unfurnished. S750.000. AlfOaDAIU L Mesa deJ Mar -ASSUrnable 1st, ~ owner will carry 2nd. 3 Bdrms and custom family room with vaulted ceiling. Excellent condition, very private yard. $135,000. 2. MESA NORTH -Northgate comCortabJe 4 Bdrm f amlly home, convenient to schools and shopping, near Fairview and Paularlno. See a appreciate. $127,000. 642-5200 .. tnes. - -----green of the exclusive Big Cyn go1' $141.500 COMI WITH us ... TO DOva SHORIS. MAJESTIC course. Elegance personified! Built by ... , ..... ._. FOUR BEDROOM HOME .. IMPRESSIVE GALLERY the finest builder in Newport Beach Huge {bedroom hoi;,ne, ATRIUM ARRANOEM~NT WITH SLIDING ROOF. I f h' 1 'd th approx. 2100 sq.feel. INDOOR·OUTDOOR LIVING AT ltS BEST .. FRENCH or lS own persona rest ence on e Close to South Coasl OOORS ANO WINDOW S. flREPLACE .. VIEW .PATIO, most prime site in area. 4 Bedrms Plazaandbeadl! POOLANDSPA. GAS BARHEQU£AND Jo'IRF,PIT I plus luxurious master s uite, lge SlS0,000 ASIC FOi IONMIE MAltAVICH ............ U00.000 ' formal DR, fam. rm, billiard rm, M ... v_. _ _ _ _ _ _ j refrigerated wine rm & 61/:z baths. 'ool~ - - -----Imported marble, crystal chandeliers Sprawlloa 4 bedroom, & lots or wood paneling. Call to see · 2~ bath. About 2800 OP&ITOOAY 1·5 sq.feet Prestige area. $USO,OOO. 979-2390 3707 S. BnslDI, Santa Ana nut>ell, RFALTORS 0,84 SUH I ·5 38 lc6oo Co•es 45 ' BOAT SLI P. SS9S.OOO! lncludes sandy beach deck & patio + large quality 3 bdnn + den. 2 bath home. Fireplace, brick BBQ + extra parking Owner/Agt., 673-9187 or 675-7060 3 Easy Pieces with Impact PRINTED PATTERN A690 SIZES 8·18 Just 3 main parts couldn't be easier to stitch up the important new tunic that falls slim and s traight over elastic-waist pants and skirt. Note dropped shoulder. boat neck. Printed PaUem A690 by Vera Maxwell comes in Misses Siles 8, 10. 12. 14. 16. 18. Si:r.e 12 (bust 34 > tunic 25/8 yards 60-inch. pants 1718; skirt l' •· Send S2.SO for this Print- ed Pattern lo DAILY PILOT. Box 59, Old Chelsea Sta .. New York, N. Y 10113. Add SOc for postage and special handling. Print Name. Address. Zip, Style Number and Size. Designer fashlOOS at far- from -designer prices? Send for exciting NEW 1981 PROMINENT DESIGNER PATTERN CATALOG with over 65 fabulous designs from the lop names. All the newest soft, romantic looks in jackets, blouses, skirts. pants. dresaes. COME WITH US ••• TO DOYa SHOW WATllflOHT. PIER AND SLIP .. EXHILARATING VJEW FROM LJVIJIJG ROOM. DINING ROOM WITH WET BAR THREE BEDROOMS. PEE LAND EXCELLENT FINANCING. SEE DORIS BROWN. ROOM WITH WET BAR THREE BEDROOMS Jo'EE LAND EXCELLENT FINANCING. SEE DORIS BROWN I 036 'OURIS DRIVE ••••••.•••••••••••••••••.. SI .125,000 COME WITH US ••. TO DOYa SHORES. EVERYTHING rROM THE HERRINGBONE BRICK DRIVEWAY TO THE UPPER BA'{ VIEW AND NIGHT LIGHTS SUGGEST LUXURY . FOUR BEDROOMS FORMAL DINING ROOM DEN GOURMET KITCHEN WITH t'OMPLETE EQUIPMENT SEE CA RLYN STEINER 2106 SANTIAGO DRIVE ................ FEE UMD $559.000 COME WITH US .•. TO IAYCREST. PRESTIGIOUS HOME .. FIVE BEDROOMS. FAMILY ROOM .. DINING ROOM, .ISLAND TYPE KITCHEN BUIL T·IN BARBEQUE. .BRICK PATIO .. POOL SIZE YARD .. PADDLE TENNIS COURT THREE CAR GARAGE. SEE PIA D'AURIA. 1818 GLEHWOOD LAME .......................... $495,000 COME WITH US ••. TO UDO ISLE. L0VELY FOUR BEDROOM, TWO BATll HOME .. ONE AND ONE-HALF STORY ON WIDE LOT, 4Sx88 .. BEAUTIFULLY LANDSCAPED PATIO .EX CELLENT LOCATION HANDY TO CLUBHOUSE .SEE VIRGINIA SWAN II I VIA DIJOM .................................. $495,000 COME WITH US .•. TO IAYCREST. LOVELY FOUR BEDR OOM HOME. LARGE LIVING ROOM WITH BEAMED CEILINGS FORMAL DINING ROOM .BF.Atmf1JLLY REMODELED KITCHEN WITH BEAMED CEILINGS .. SKYLIGIIT .OAK CABINETRY JENN-AIRE MICROWAVE OVEN AND COMPACTOR LAVISH · MASTER BEDROOM !)UITE WITII SUNKEN ROMAN TUB THREE BEDROOM CIHLDREN'S WING WITH TWO BATHS SE!:: JUNE ADAMSOR PAT ANDREWS 1315 ANTIGUA WAY ............................ $360,000 COME WITH US .•• TO HARIOR VIEW HOMES. IMMACULATE THREE BEDROOM HOME. "CARMEL" MODEL. FORMAL DINING ROOM AND FAMILY ROOM FEELAND .SEE JIM MELSON. 1930 ,ORT IRISTOL CIRCU ••••••••••••..•••••••. $268.500 COME WITH US •.. TO THE ILUFfS. LARGE CARMALITA MODEL .. FOUR BEDROOM CONDO .. TASTEf'ULLY DECORATED IN NEUTRAL TONES .. BONUS ROOM OFF GARAGE. TWO PATIOS. SEE MICHELLE DAVY. 2116 VISTA ENTRADA ............................ $239,000 COME "llTH US ••• TO DOVEi SHORES. FOUR BEDROOMS. FAMILY ROOM .. BEAUTIFUL CONDITION .. DELIGIITFUL UPPER BAY VIEW .. OWNER WILL CARRY FIRST TRUST DEED WITH $75,000 DOWN .. SEE ELAINESVEDEEN. 2130 SANTIAGO •••..••. LAND IMC&.UDq> .••••••• $371 ,400 COME WITH US ••• TO WISTCUFF. THREE BEDROOMS. FAMILY AND DINING ROOMS .. CUSTOM WALLPAPER NEW CARPETS .. NEW ROOF .QUIET LOCATION .. OWNER Wll..L CARRY FIRSTTRUSTDEEDWrm 170.000DOWN . .SEEIRENELOUDON. 1528 CORHW ALL UHE •••••••••••••••••••••••••• $229,500 AV All.AILE IY APPOINTMENT COME WITH US ••• TO THE COIOMA DB. MAR WAY Of LIFE. CORNER LOT WITH OCEAN AND JE'ITY VIEW FROM LIVING ROOM AND DECK TWO BEDROOMS. TWO PATIOS LOCATED IN THE FIRST BLOCK ABOVE OCEAN BOULEVARD. OWNER WILL CARRY FIRST TRUST DEED OF $200,000 AT 1v.r;. WITH 175,000 DOWN. ASK FOR LUCY CASEY .......................... $375,000 COME WITH US ••. TO MEWPORT IEACH. COZY FAMILY HOME .. THREE BEDROOMS. TWO BATHS .. FAMILY ROOM WITH F1REPLACE .. NEW CARPETING AND ·PAJNT .LARGE COVERED PATIO. ASK FOR DORIS IROWM • • • . . . • • • • • • • • . • • • • . • . • • S 197 ,000 COME WITH US .•• TO HARIOR HIGHLANDS. THREE BEDROOMS. TWO BATHS .. HUGE FAMILY ROOM WITH BRICK FIREPLACE CORNER LOT ON BEA UTIFUL TREE LINED STREET ASK FOtt SUSAM FROST ...•.••••••••••••••••••••• 119,000 1617 WESTCLIFf DIJVE •••••••••••••••• 6ll·7l00 ... ------vev-vr. ~ ------------ c::. t..,f l ! ( 1 ~PH<JP! l~lll'> Betty Kerr Really ltatb.yTenMit COrGMdefM•. Plus SOc BONUS ------- COUPON for any pat· 1-------• c ..... forYoS'Mff. $340,000 ild. t.d. Lem of your choice. Send $1forBook31 now. JUST REDUCED Near ly new 4 Bd 2~ Ba. family rm. Great terms! S208.soo. Call ror details. Ownr/ Agt. Rick Keeler 631-0213 dys. 546·6706 eves. Opttt Sat/S.. 12·5 14075••-.. 673-1181 ON lj(i CAHYOH GOLF COURSE SPICT ACULAI '-VUSA.IWS" $895,000. Largest lot of all the Big Cyn Deane Homes! What a spacious & beautiful yard for entertaining! Lovely pool & spa plus a darling gazebo (with even a chandelier). Gated front courtyard with fountain. Dramatic foyer w /huge crystal chandelier. 2-story ceiling in living rm. formal dining rm, paneled den w /parquet floor, 41/:z baths, 4 bedrooms including glamorous master suite with marble bath. Call for appoi ntment. Mil. & MRS. ,ERFECTION SI 35,000 .-.rm KIDMEY-SHAPB> POOL ROOM FOil ,ADDUlltNS Immaculate picturebook 3 bedroom home nesUed in flowers and shrubs. Large grassy back yard for the childre n, pets or guest house. Beautiful pool with large deck area. 00' wide frontage. 1.oned for income. A wise investment for young or not so young. Call 644-4910 to see any time. V ACANT-YllW-AMXIOUS Panoramic view or bay, ocean Ir sparkling lights. 4 Bdrm>. l(e family rm . Formal din.· rm. 21h Baths $395,000. Submit offer on price and terms owner anxious. 1251 SURR.IME WAY·HAUOR VIEW OHM HOUSE Sat & Stitt 1·5 'M 2-STORY DU,LEX·MEWPORT IEACH sn,s TO IEACH-OWHB RMA.MCE See this fine duplex today! Live in one unit & rent the other. 4 Bdrms, deck & 2 baths in upper; 2 Bdrms & l bath in lower. Fireplace in each. Some view of ocean. owe 1st T.D. & note of $247,000. int. only, $52 ,500. down pmt. No loan fee . $299,500. 11 l·Ord St. IAUOA DU,LEX-$450,000 4 Bedrooms upstairs & 3 bedrooms downstairs with patio and deck. Covered garage + laundry room. Excellent for summer-winter rental. Just steps to the bay & beach from the door of this excellent tax shelter + pot~ntially appreciating property. MR. AllOWHEAD-VU TO CATALINA Unobstructed view 25 ft across to see the world. 3 Bedrooms. Western red cedar inside and out. Archi tect's award design . See it. then live in it. A great value hid-away . Ask $96,500. WESLEY M. TAYLOR CO., REALTORS 21 11 S• Joaquin His Rood HEWPORT CENTER, M.I. 644-4910 Colesworthy & Co. 2S4S EASTBLUFF DR. NEWPORT BEACH, CA. 640-0020 tAPE COO BAYPOINT CllDJ 2So/r-down moves you in. Seller financ - ing at 13 12'7,. for 10 years. New Pacesetter, 2 Bdrm, den, 2't'.z ba, fireplace, upgrades galore, private patio. Common area spa. BBQ, V-ball. Model home condition. Also lease OP· tion terms available. $189.000. BLUFFS ONE LEVEi. REDUCED $14,IDJ Charming 3 Bdrm on greenbelt, 2 enclosed patios, fireplaces many up- grades . 131h% seller financing availa- ble. $171,000. Open Sun 1·5. 1961 San Bruno INCOME PIOPllTIES 2285 & 89 Santa Ana Ave. l>7 Hamilton 415 Hamilton . 1• & 99 Baker St. COMMaClM. 3 Lots · 23rd I( Newport llSID~ am Monrovia $265,000 $175,000 $190,000 $375,000 $275,000 THE MOSSEi •M HC. 7 I 4/ 641-1713 ASSUMAIU LOAN. HO QUALIFY1M• Freshly painted, sharp 4 Bdrm 2 bath, large yard , new driveway. Brlck fireplace, 5 years new. Owner anx- io us. Mo ve in condition . Asking $127 ,500. For an appointment to see, call 540-1151 ASSUMAIU ftNANCfHG WTSIDI Beautiful 4 Bdrm plus family, featur· ing enclosed courtyard. entertainers back yard with Koi pond and lovely patio. Very open and lots of glass. Asking $197 ,500. For an appointment to see. call 540·1151 ERITAGE IUY THIS IEAUTIFU.. "ILUFFS'* HOUSE MOW! $249,500 S.iper 3 ldr1t1, 2 latll MIM te.hn1 Me:dcott tile efltry. lrg kltchu/fa1t1lly roo1t1 witll all tlt<tric appllClftCtt •d '1"-d" ran9etop & lllood, blt·i1t ~•tt CMd brick fit epac• it LR., walcoYeritMp of ~ doll! + ftoeked & foil wallpaper, SUPa TERMS offered by 1~ler. Call 855·0233 for all details. Ted WaswmM1R. Opit Sllfl 1·5, 3032 Co rob. IM THE ILUFfS Shows like MW, freshly~ 4 lldrm ''I(" pl•, Ht-ift ~ 2 lllCJoMd patios, 1t.ps to pooi & walkl119 dlata11ce to 1cllool1, lhoppincJ .ct partL Ollly S 191,500. 2477 Vista Hwrto. Opit S. 1·5. FAMILY HOME WITH POOLSIIE Y AID lMr'e i1 r00111 to expmd ill tMs ct...&..crt3 .... 21a ..... Located at ttw Md of a ~MIC i. a CJOOd f...ity Migllborfliood a. l'Wwport lffch, YOtl C• mid to ... she of ttw hotM U. H•.,.. ways or expect ttw outdoor n.i.q ~ witll pool & 1pa. Fi..a1tci•9 nailable. Offered at S 179 ,500. Opt S.. I ·S. 2904 !'aper LA MEW LISTING '" .... lhrfft. Eater ~ ...... doon to etijoy ... , .. CMd ~ •lew fro"' Hte l1Yi11q roo111 md master ldnll suite. Fr...c:h dDor-s lead fro"' tastefully decONted fcnity rOOM to a .-y. pri•• flower filled coutyard. Two fnplaces. 4 ldnM, 21h k Sllows lib a llftOdef. o,.. S-1·5 2227 ~ 1130 IRVIME A VE. ~ OYet' $30,000 wfttl ...... tw..clftc). How $294,500. WATEIFIOMT WIMB l ldrwl ei4111isit. c .. to. ha.. + IKOMt ... .,.. skytkjlit. ,. • .,. FM Imel OH., al for °"" st5o,ooo. Great fil•0itcl1tq n4lilable. Catt"°"'" SllWda. llG CAMYOM FAIRWAY HOME 4 ..., 3 lo ho. located 01t llllt 6th fairway. 'rf•crt. patio with lac.111, 3 car 9oro9e, f.,... cW.g '°°"'• boNtt '""' .......... $695,000 UHl9UE VI A TEIFIOMI' PIOPEln IH Mn ICH To '" It to twfoy, 200' of ,_- ow• boyfro.t, lacl14t1 19f"9e ,,. ......... dock ,.. ,... for ..... .•. ... ,,. .• ,.. ........... b.y. , .. ..., ..... wtth •)Hie• ........ ..., ,._ wfttl I My ..... llO .... •ltw frOlllt tt.e IM1t9 ,.... - •• ., ... ,~Mo .......... ........ fw,... ,.,tk• ..... ....... ...... tt..c"'9 _...,. •r--..,__ TWO SUPll MCMMDUSTllM. PIOPllTllS C.... of I ltei & Wttlttler! I 1.000 Ml ft of ,,... leclfflal ..... hN ..._.. + twe ~ RI •I 111r -.,. '*'I Ctl llMDl. TH I Ora Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunde Cl4 ~.~~ ....... ~~.~.~ ••••••• ~.... ......Peru. ........... Ne.MtPerWt ..... 100 ·-· IOOZ ................... ;,;;;, .................. ioo" ................. ioo· ~ .. ;;;; ........... itoi -•uawa MCI IAY MIA. Attradlve home w/4 8"Cioul BRI. Lrt. f am nn overloob covenct patlo • roae garden. Motlvat· td aellera. OPEN SUN 1·5. 2375 REDLANDS. Only S210,000. of n.wl"'rl REALTORS 611-111 I OPIMHOUSI •••.......•....•...•.. . ........••••.......... ·············~········· ....••..........•.....•.••...........•..•.•.••..........••••••••••••• • CAMIC> SHOllS OC .... I JITTY YllW ODe ...,._ from water, pvt ~achn. •• ooo. Open Sun l $ ~~~....._.. HAIBOR llllE IU SAT &Sii #3MONACO Come see the most IJ)ectacular view 1n Newport Beach. Stunning 3 bdrm, family room condo. Just muce to S'731}.000! LINDA Ill.I Exciting opPortunltf. Wide channel view from spectacUlar archJtectural designed 4 bdrm, 5 bath, pool home. Slip for 2 large boats. $1,'95,000. UDO ISU HOMll IALIOA ISLAND'S lowest priced dupl!x. Probate sale on ~es· lot. Bldr s opportunity. low, low 1289,500. OU CDM: C.._let ........... Mu....,....,..c ... te.t_J..., POITORMO WITH POOL IZO VIA 9UITO OM4 SUM 1·1 Featured on Homes Tour WI fovely traditional spacious, custom 3 bdrm, 3 bath home, newly decorated. Priced to sell quickly at $475.000. Must see. WATllPOHT DV'''X on 1"' Jots w/wide channeJ,\,..-from both 3 BR & 2 BR units . :') garage. M99,SOO! -z .............. A1J'r 1.A~ I .. SZ7t,IOO. OpH ..., 1·1. 702 .......... Plus guest house with bath. $350,000. Open Sun. 1-5. 214 YIA ITHACA OPIH SUH l·I, Newly remodeled 3 bdrm. 2 bath plus lge recreation room & 2 patios. Beam . ceilings. Great for entertaining. $420,000. Best price for the money. LIDO'S nsT IUY. Lrg. lot on wide street w /sunny So. patio. 3 spacious BRs, formal din rm. Sophisticated styliq. $425,000. MIWPOIT SHOllS: OWHll WILL lllMAMCI. .... ..., ...... 3 .... J .... e. ..... o,.. llH••4 ctltl•t•· cosy A ••IHt, Melo lid ........... SI Jt,100. PIMIMSULA POIMT SPANISH CASA 1S33 Miramar. $459,000 ..uca s10,0001 so..-Sll' 5 BR 3 Ba . 1827 Port nmn. $339.500. RCTaylorCo PENINSULA POINT llACHNOMT Panoramic bay & ocean view at wedge, from prime large lot, 4 bdrm, 3 bath custom home. 3700 sq. ft. featuring marine room $1,385,000. D A v r D s 0 N R E A L T l r N C. · r,, ... , · h . • ·• ' b/J YObO COLI OF NIWPOIT llALTOIS 2115 I. C...t Hwy., C.... .. W. 671-5111 VllW FIXll CAMIO tl.+tLAMDS 4521 Dorchester. $335.000. 640-9900 HIW441VH UVID IN JASMIMI Cllll--f!UH I For the buyer who wants lovely new 2 BR and den home inj ·guarded community. on a beautiful quiet street, close to pool and tennis. Large assumable loan at 121/•% interest. s:us.ooo. UMIVHSITY Pill DIANI HOME, SJlt,000 Charming and spacious 3 BR + family room home. Comer loca- tion-across from park. pool and tennis. Retiring owner wiJJ carry fm~cing at reasonable rate. SPY.USS FOllYH VllW 3 BR 2 Ba. formal dining. fami· I)' ~m. 2 fplc's. New lux cits, designer decor. $635.000. MIW LISTIM~ IH CAMIO SHOUS $695,000 fee. One of Cameo Shores finest views. Pool. Owner w/finance. 20% down. STARNES COMPANY TIS, THiii iS A SANT A Imagine 4 BRS. Fam. Rm. & Pool just reduced to $265,CXX> with low down and interest! IAMDITS W AM'f'm You can steal this sharp 2 BR & den townhome with pool, spa. sauna. Low low down only $1~.cm. Ftlll DUPUX Great potential in convenient Costa Mesa area. Seller will help. Only $117,500 Hurry! llVINESHAIN Pin sharp 4 BR .. Fam. Room. gourmet kitchen. atrium, best Irvine location. Drastic reduction. $205,000. OLD COIONA DWLD Just listed premium quality with two-3 BR units · beams · fireplaces · shade trees. 6 yrs. new · seller will exchange or be creative with your terms · offered at $347,500. Call us now! NEWPOIT CllST CONDO 1 19 lSCAl'ADE CT. OPBU.AT/SUH 1·5 2 bdrm, den, spacious Plan 8 im· maculate. Excellent Hnancing. ' $215,000. '~!~~· S©\\~N\-~t.tNs· :::= 1-.4 ~ ClAY I l'OllAH ----0 leo,,OnQllf """ 6 K'O'"b&ed •Otd\ brtloo-•o ""'°"• 6 """D'• ..otd• ,,~, i.t-.,, °' tO<~ " ,,, .... ol tQYC>tet F Y H E R Z NEE T AB R U l T H E I ·1 I I' I FOi LIASI Newport Beach, 2 BR + den. $1.000 mo. University Park, 3 + family, $1100 mo. IM:EANFIONT AXER--3 UtlT PENINSULA " llACH HOME Sharp 3 Bdrm home with lots of stonework, bit-in kitchen. fireplace, HUGE master suite, double garage on extremely quiet street. Seller will fmance at 12% interest. Asking only $350,000. OCEANFIOMn HIGH ON A tlU. Overlooking the blue Pacific is this 6 BR + Fam. Rm . home. Complete with Pool & Jacuzzi and perfect for entertaining. $795,000. owner will carry. I c u T s 0 c I ' I I I I I' 111n·111 amazing? We can ............ --1... -.r......&. • ......J.... -1. go a111ne way 10 1ne moon I lo pick up rocks and bring . them back Here on eartn we Clon'I even pick up ·- .... """' ...... to ... at fw ... ... , s-. ... .. Mrf. OWMf' ... MOllLI HOMES cerry ht T.D. of 121/2"-lltterett. $675,000. 631 -1400. WATERFRONT HOMES.INC Six to be exact from $25,000 down & as low as 12% interest on the balance. Call for details and the super loca- tions. --. We have lovely mobile homes for sale in choice Newport Beach and Irvine areas. From $38,500 to $79,500. RE.Al EST~TE .),,,1ip1, R.-nl"'\ Pruoittl\ \44n.9t'mtn! 2•30 W (()o)SI HWI JI~ M41•n~ Ave NeWl>Ofl Buch B.ilboo l~~nd JACOBS REALTY 675-6670 Zt 19 Newport 11¥4 __.JO. '31-1400 67J..6t00 --------------t ~~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~~~ ~ RCTaylorCo 640-9900 ·~= .. r r r r r r r r r r r 1 ~.::!I I I • I I I I I I I EASTILUFF-Great 5 BR newly refurbished home . Good view location & pool size lot. $329,500 Leasehold Tom Allinson 642-8235 (V46) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 1-5 2215 Alta Vista-Eastbluff-Newport Beach IAYSHORE IAYFROHT "Nantucket" architecture with magnificient view ! Spacious living rm, dining rm & fam. rm. 4 BR, 3 car garage. Lovely garden & large brick courtyard. Offered at $2,000,000 incld. Land Cathy Schweickert 642·8235 (V33) OPEN HO USE SUNDAY l ·S 2616 Bayshores -Bayshores 45' OM LIDO IAYFROHT Mediterranean gracious living. Distinctive architectural details, 4 BR, fam rm, marble, custom tiles. Master s uite w /2 full baths, & skylight dressing rm. Dock for large boat. $2,300,000 Dona Chichester 642-8235 (V34) PICTUIES9UE IAY VIEW security gated community close to Newport Center. Slip and side tie for 2 large boats. Delightful waterfront patio for entertaining. Four extensive bedrooms, 4~ baths, maids room, family rm, spa. $1,600,000 leasehold. Lois Egan 644·6200. ( V3S) PUASUU • PIOFfT enjoy bayfront living, your own boat slip, a new custom borne with view, fee land and the continuing appreciation of waterfront property. Creative financing. $1,350 ,000 Beverly Morphy /Jane Pacquin 642-8235 (V36) OPEN HOUSE SATURDAY & SUNDAY ~-s 1010-1014·1016 E. Balboa Blvd. Peninsula. NEWPORT IAYNOMT-swal FIHA.HCIHG ~ gorgeous 4 BR home with large, low interest rate 1st T.D. Owners will consider a large 2nd T .D. with very favor able terms. Slip will accomodate a boat in excess of 55' $1 ,200,000 incl. land George Grupe 644-6200 (V37) HillOlt llDGI WITH YllW Newly listed 4 BR Devonshire offering prestige, security & night light views. Upstair s offers one ,story living with atrium, master suite, den formal living-dining & fam. rm. $995,ooO Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (V38) MACNAB IRVINE REALTY A SUBSDAR'f OF THE~ cntv'PANY LOVB. Y llG CAHYOM 6 BRS on large lot w /pool and spa. open patio and charmer kitchen-Excellent value at $745,000. Gated community plus private alarm system. Helen Wood 644 ·6200 ( V39) SUMMER FUM -WIHTER IMCOME A wonderful duplex on the oceanfront in Newport Beach. Your choice to use the lg 3 BR or the 2 BR right on the sand. A great investment w /good income potential. $725,000 Coby Ward 642·8235 (V40) HEWER ILUFFS-FRONT ROW! ''Dolores'' Plan-end unit overlooking upper bay area. 3 BR, 2lh BA, Dick Halderman 64.2·8235. (V48) OUTSTANDING REHAISSANCE Elegance & harmony throughout this 3 BR home. Library loft opens to living area below. Quality appointments & custom features enhance c harm & warmth. City & nightlight views. Gated comm. with pool & tennis. $550,000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 (V41 ) HARIOR RIDCiE Award-winning "Casa Blanca " w /view! Designed for m<1oor /outdoor entertaining & family living. 3 BR library, faro rm formal dining, & security system. $52.5,000 Belle Partch 752-1414 (V42 ) WXUIY WITH SICUllTY Beautiful J asmine Cr eek h ome located on lovely wide greenbelt. 3 BR, 2~ baths. Total privacy in security gated community $369 ,900." Madeline Crawford 752·1414 (V43) GUARDED GATE COMMUHITY Fantastic 3 BR home in "Seaview" with view of ocean on Fee land with community pool. spa. and tennis c -:urts . $365.000 Sharon Smith 644·6200 (V44) CHARMING 3 OR 4 IR remodeled home w/garden dining rm. library, master suite w/bay views + separate maids or In-Laws quarters over garage. All new kitchen. Seller will help finance $625,000 Martha Macnab 642·8235 (V22) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 12-4-2211 Waterfront-Corona del Mar IEASTSIOE COSTA MESA 3 bedroom, 3 bath condo with a great private patio to add to the roomy livibility. $149,000. Tom Allinson or Terry Hanes 642-8235 (V~) TURTLE ROCK'S FINEST City lights and Mountain view! 4 BR, Fam . Rm condominium . Community pool and 3 lighted tennis courts. Assumable loan. $325,000 Marilyn Kershner 642·8235 (V47 ) IHVIST MEW PROPERTY Large R·2 lot in Costa Mesa re-development area -Cute existing cottage with new kitchen & bath, 2 BR & 2-car garage. $128,000 Beverly Morphy 642-8235 (V31 ) IALI OA. PEHIHSULA. IAYFaOHT. 2 bedroom , 2 bath condo with boat slip. Main bay view, pool view and full security. Own er will help f inance . $3 lS 000 Barbara Callihan 642-~. (V(9) ' SCIAM-l.ETSA.wenillC~SIOO PRIME LIDO ISLAND Lovely 2 BR, 2 BA lg sunny patio. Immaculate · Professionally decorated . Too many amenities to mention. Seller will he lp w /financing. $347.500 Berit Mitchell 642-8235 (V45) HOHOLULU-WAIKUU COM>O-Exquisitely furnished home. Large 1 Br, 1 BA corner on 4Ist noor. Views of ocean, yacht harbor, mtns, sunsets & city lights. Seller will assist. $247.000 Dan Johnson 551-8700 (VSO ) MIGKT LIGKTS & MOUNT.AIM VIEWS Located in lovely Harbor View Homes, this 2 BR & den home is situated on an extra large lot. Commuruty pool & greenbelts . Assumable financing & seller will assist. $225,000 including land. Jennifer Suchomel 644-6200 (V51 ) MCf:.AIH llG CAMYOM Newport Best Buy - Dehghtful 3 BR Condo bright & airy with community pool & s pa, tennis & security gated. Seller extremely motivated. $225,000 Suzanne Shuler 642·823.5 (V52 ) IEASTILUFF IARGAIM Enjoy a great family area at a truly sensible price. 3 BR & fam. rm. Lus k built residence. Excellent Opportunity. $210,000 Coby Ward 642-8235 (V53) NEAR PARKS AND SCHOOLS 4 II. one-s tory Turtle Rock family home. Walking distance to pool , parks, and elementary school. $209,000. Fee land. Lorraine Reid. 551·8700 (VS4) 2 OH A LOT-ACROSS RlOM PAIK Owner will carry first T .D. on these two nice 2 bedroom units. One block from shopping. $157,500 Larry Dyer 642-8235. (V55) COSTA MESA Near new condo -Two master bedroom suites -Easy terms - Seller will carry first Trust Deed. $129,900'- Marilyn Kershner 64.2·8235 (V56) EIWIM LAICE -llCi llM -Build your dream mountain retreat on these two adjacent lots in the fast growing area of Erwin Lake·Big Bear. Close to ski runs ·and lake -enjoy fresh mountain air I $27,000. Toni Morris 551-8700. (V57) !O!AL SIBVICI. !O!AL SA1'181AOD>ll • • BMW:tOE DACH mvma 901 Dover Drive Harbor View Center Campus V&Uey Center Woodbridge Vill~e Center Newport Beach, CA 92663 Newport Beach, CA. 92660 (714) 642-8236 (714) 644-6200 Irvine,CA.92715 Irv1ne,CA92714 (714) 762-1414 (714) 561-8700 HOUSES FOi SM.I I l .. OOM 015 lrvine, Newport Beach 645-0303 $135,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 J l•OOM 326 Orchid, Corona del Mar 673-53$4 Sal/Sun l ·5 226 Pauline Pl CE/Side) CM 640-5357 $115,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 502 Acacia (Old CdM) CdM 67~ $324,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 10 Rue Fontainbleau, N~ Bch 759-1221 $425,000 Sun 1·5 2162 Maple Street, Costa Mesa 6U-0675 Sun l ·5 214 Via Dijon, Lido Isle, N.B. 963-8182 $335. 000 Sat/Sun l · 5 Z IR ... FAM RM w DIN 365 Bayview Terr, Npt Bch 760-9333 $175,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1515 August Ln. (Npt Hgts) NB 640-9900 $130,000 Sat/Sun l -5 973 Bayside Cove W. (Coves ) NB 675-fiOOO $595,000 Sun 1·5 •5 Maritime (Jasmine Ck) CdM 642-5200 $365,000 Sun 1·5 605 Agate, Laguna Beach 497-3331 $310,000 Sun 2·6 12Nuevo, RSJ, Irvine 551-8700 $185,000 Sun 1-5 227 Via Orvieto, Lido Isle, N.B. 644-9060 $365,000 Sun 1-5 l HDROOM 1860 Port Wheeler (HVH.ms> NB 760-9596 $239,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 661 Virginia Park Dr .. Laguna Beach 631-1400 $304,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 9103 Marina Dr., Naples 631-1400 $340,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 801 Cliff Dr., Newport Beach 631-1400 $375,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1723 Plaza del Sur, Newport Beach 631 -1400 $295,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 224 Via Lorca, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $425,000 Sun 1·5 •682 Capital, Costa Mesa 751-3191 $129,500 VA terms Su 1·5 612 Ramona <Irvine Terr) CdM 675·6000 $435,000 Sun 1·5 1614 Santanella (Irv. Terr) CdM 552·2000 $229,000 Sun 1-5 1824 Port Stirling, Npt Bch 640-7020 $250,000 Sun 1-5 2904 Paper Ln .. Newport Beach 640-7020 $179,500 Sun 1·6 2716 Shell, Corona del Mar 631-7600 $795,000 Sun2-5:30 SOS Seaward (Corona Hglnds ) CdM 760-0807 $350,000 Sun 1·5 24318Calle Portola, San Juan Cap 831-8440 $157 ,500 Sun 2·6 23316th Place, Costa Mesa 642-8235 $159,000 Sun 1·5 2611 Bayshore Dr., Bayshores 642·8235 $495,000 Sun 1-5 955 Coronado, Mesa de! Mar. CM 646-7434 $130.900 Sun 12·4 345 University, #L·4, C.M. 631-5751 $131.000 Sun 1·5 mll Halecrest, Costa Mesa 546-2313 $123,500 Sun l ·4 2441 Bayshores (Bayshores) NB 675-3411 $375,000 Sun 1·5 332 Poinsettia, Corona del Mar 644-7211 $498,000 Sun 1·5 38W. Yale Loop <Wdbrdge) Irv. 752.1700 $173,900 Sun 1·5 •781 Center, Costa Mesa 646·7434 $129,450 Sat/Sun 12-4 2328 Vista Huerta (Bl uffs) NB 640-5357 $198,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2718 Vista Del Oro ( Eastbluff) NB 646-7434 $175,000 Sal/Sun 12-4 1406 Vivian Ln .. Newport Beach 673-3355 $179,900 Sat/Sun 1-5 1010-1016 E. Balboa Blvd. Peninsula 642-8235 $1,350,000 Sat/Sun 2·5 12 Rockrim, Irvine 552-4018 $214,900 Sat/Sun l-5 l H pin FAM lM tw DEH 3222 S. Grisel, Santa Ana 751-1047 $135,000 Sat/Sun 10-5 ~ Westgreen. Laguna Niguel 831·2437 $382,000 Sat/Sun 11-5 4615 Camden (Ca meo Shrs) CdM 644-6397 $850. 000 Sun 1-5 1100 Dennis. Costa Mesa 557-3314 $245,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 •1761 Port Manlejgh Cir., N.B. 640.0325 $269,000 Sat/Sun 10·7 341 Peachtree, Newport Beach 631-5476 $189,500 Sat/Sun 12-5 2823 Tab~go Pl (Mesa Verde) CM 640-8770 $158,000 Sat 12·4 499 Nyes Pl., Laguna Beach 497-3331 $390,000 Sat/Sun 1·6 2635 Solana Way, Laguna Beach 497-1761 $425,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 • •38 Balboa Coves, Newport Bch 673-7060 $595.000 Sun 1-5 ••3711 Seashore, Newport Beach 673-6578 $895,000 SaUSun 10-4 •2327 Colgate, College Park, CM 646-7434 $138,SOO SaVSun 12·4 3116 Klondike, Newport Beach 631-1400 $310,000 Sun 1-5 2298 Redlands, Newport Beach 6.11-1400 $265,000 Sun 1·5 3024 Ocean Ave., Newport Beach 631-1400 Sl,350,000 SaVSun 1·5 1.806 Beryl Ln (Hbr Hinds) NB 642-5200 $179,SOO Sat/Sun 1·5 1343 Marine~ (Bay crest> NB 642·5200 $279,SOO Sat/Sun 1·5 3202 Carob, Newport Beach 6'4·7020 $249,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 6l4 Plata <Bluffs) N.B. 640-5357 $327,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 8 Columbia, Newport Beach 631-1400 S270,000 Sun 1-5 '5ll Camden (Cameo Sbn) CdM 673-7761 1925.000 Son 1·5 2921 J'acaraada (Mesa Verde) CM 8'5-«t0.1 SlM,900 Sat/&m 1 ... 4008 lalet Ille, C..a dll Mar m.M11 ... soo S..1-5 ••• DIRECTORY • ..,._.._.,~.-.,.. .. ...._.~,_,.._,a i,u .. ....._w.4.,... ... •talle4 la.,.._ ... ~ ••••u ......... ....,., OAl.Y PILOT WAMT ADI. Nrw ...................... ., --...--.. -· ...................... ,...., ... ,...,, 517 Poppy, Corona del Mar 548-1904 $410,000 Sun 1·5 28631 Breckenridge, Lag. Niguel 831-8440 $257,500 Sun 1·5 ~Port Lerwick (Seawind) NB 675-6000 $359,000 Sun 1·5 1900 Yacht Maria (Sea view ) NB 675-6000 $395,000 Sun 1-5 • 1315 Santanella ([rv Terr) NB 675.roQO $395, 000 Sun 1 ·5 384 Mira Loma (Back Bay) CM 675-6000 $217,500 Sun 1·5 2650 Crestview, Newport Beach 7~ $349,500 Sun 1·4 •8 Monterey Cir., Corona del Mar 760-~ $475,000 Sun 1·5 11 Sunrose, Turtlerock, Irvine 752·9061 $349,900 Sun 1·4 2016 Port Bristol, HVHm, NB 675-6000 $229,500 Sun 1·5 2149 Anniversary Ln., Npt Bch 751-3191 $180,000 Sun 1·5 • •46-01 Seashore, Newport Bch 644 -6200 $875,000 Sun 1-5 17206Citron, Irvine 640·9900 $169,900 Sun 1-5 31261 Via Parra, San Juan Cap 551-3000 $285.000 Sun 1·5 245 LaJolla (Nwpt Hgts) NB 645-0303 $379,000 Sun 1·4 2544 Carnegie (Coll Pk > CM 979-5370 $132,500 Sun 1·5 •llOOSandpiper. Coronadel Mar 673-8550 $359.900 Sun 1-5 4627 Cortland, Corona del Mar 673·8550 $325,000 Sun 1·5 964 Victoria. Costa Mesa 545-9491 $105.500 Sun 1·5 24151 Vista D'Onde. Lag. Niguel 495-9444 $425,000 Sun 1·5 •3906 Inlet Isle. HV Hills, CdM 673-4400 $465.000 Sun 1-5 1921 Tradewinds Ln .. Baycrest, N.B. 631 -7300 $325,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2039 Shipway Ln .. Baycrest, N.B. 631 -7300 $285,000 Sat/Sun l·S 1915 Bery] Ln .. Hrbr Hghlnds, N.B. 631-7300 $197,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1528 Cornwall Ln., Westcliff, N.B. 631-7300 $229,500 Sun 1·5 • •1036 Polaris Dr., Dover Shrs, NB 631-7300 Sl.125,000 Sun 1-5 1930 Port Bristol Cir .. HVH. N.B. 631-7300 $268,500-Fee Sat/Sun 1-5 34 Rainbow Falls, Trtlrk. Irvine 644·9060 $243.500 Sun 1·5 •204 Via Eboli , Lido Isle. NB 644·9060 $595.500 Sun 1·5 472 Lenwood Cr (Nwpt Hgts) CM 631-6990 $179,900 Sat/Sun 1·5 l.20 Via Quito, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-6161 $475.000 Sun 1-5 214 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, N.B. 675-6161 $420,000 Sun 1-5 4 UDIOOM 2477 Vista Huerta, Npt Bch 640-7020 $198.500 Sun 1·5 •2221 Francisco, Npt Bch 640-7020 $275,000 Sun 1·5 2211 Waterfront, Corona del Mar 642-8235 $625,000 Sun 12·4 2217 Maple, Costa Mesa 645-0303 $122,500 Sun 1·4 1739 Labrador, Costa Mesa 979-5370 $139,900 Sun 1·4 •2347 Irvine, Newport Beach 631·2494 $289.000 Sun 1·5 10072 Crailet. Huntington Bch 963-6767 $225,000 Sun 3·6 395 Granada Wa y, Newport Beach 546-2313 $239,500 Sun 1-4 2'J'l Via Mentone (Lido ) NB 759-9100 $475,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••827 Via Lido Soud, Lido Isl, NB 673-7300 $1,500,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 118 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, N.B. 673-7300 $550,000 Satl-5/Sun 3·6 296 Rose Ln . (Eastside) CM 642-5200 Sat/Sun 1·5 24546 Los Serra nos , Laguna Niguel 497.3511 $159,500 Sun 1·5 2375 Redlands, Back Bay, N.B. 673-9060 $210,000 Sun 1·5 18:)6 lowa (Mesa Verde) CM 546-2313 $137,500 Sa 1-5/Su 1-4 • 1194 Atlanta Way , Costa Mesa 546-2313 $125,000 Sa 1·5: Su 11·3 2210 Canyon Dr., Costa Mesa 546-2313 $159,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 4 ll ... FAM RM ot DIM 1521 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $529,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 1533 Tahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $529,500 Sat/Sun 1·5 •2078 Phalarope Court, C.M. 957-1568 $269,500 Sa 1·5/Sn 11·5 204 Via San Remo. Lido, Npt Bth 64<>-5777 Sat/Sun l·• 3Trafalgar, Harbor Ridge, NB 760-8181 $1,685,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 7 Elmwood, Woodbridge, Irvine 551·5511 $183,900 SaVSun 12-S ••8 Collins Island, Newport Bch 631-1400 $1,200,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 ••124 Grand Canal , Newport Bch 631·1400 $885,000 SaVSun 1·5 •3213 Nebraska Pl (Men Verde) CM 751-3191 $149,950 Sun 1·5 11)252 Kamuela, Huntinstcm Bch 9'19-S370 $128,900 Sal lo.4 •3115 Bermuda, Costa Meu Gl·!a $184,000 SaVSun l·J 1800 Pst Carlotf. HVR. N. B. ... ., ... 000.he Slt/S.. l-$ 1909 Lanai (Mesa Verde) CM 963-6767 $345,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •#1 Trafalgar, Hrbr Rdge, NB 644·6200 Sl, 795,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1251 Surfline Way, Harbor Vu, CdM 644·4910 $395,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 u2274 Channel Rd. (Penin Pt) NB 675-2311 Sl.650,000 Sat/Sun 12-4 • •207 North Star (Dover Shes) NB 675-2311 Sl,450,000 Sat/Sun 12·4 223 Via Quito, Lido Isie, N.B. 673-7300 $575,000 Sat/Sun 1·4 363 Newport Glen Crt .. Nft Bch 760-9333 $335,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 6852 Silverbeach, Hunt. Beach 848-8667 $329,500 Sun l ·S 1724 Port Sheffield CHVH> NB 673-7761 $350,000 Sun 1·5 •1730 Marlin Way, Baycrest, N.B. 673-7300 $399,500 Sat/Sun 1-5 1118Somerset Ln., Westcliff, N.8. 631 -7300 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2106 Santiago Dr., Dover Shores. NB , 631-7300 $559,000-Fee Sun 1·5 111 Via Dijon, Lido Isle, N.B. 631-7300 $4.95,000 Sun 1·5 1315 Antigua Way, Baycrest Way, NB 631-7300 $360.000 Sun 1-5 2130 Santiago, Dover Shores, N.B. 631-7300 $371.400 Sun 1·5 ••1617 Bayside Dr., Corona del Mar 644-9060 $1.950,000 Sun 1·5 2121 Ya cht Yankee (Seavu) NB 675-3411 $383,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 1225 Keel CHVHls ) CdM 675-6000 $420,000 Sun 1-5 26841 Canyon Crest. San Juan Cap 493-8812 $485,000 Sun 1·6 2227 Arbutus, Newport Beach 640-7020 $320,000 Sun l-5 1509 Highland, Newport Beach 631-7600 $339,900 Sun 1·5 2862 Tabago Pl (Mesa Verde) CM 642-5200 $179,500 Sun 1·5 14 Morro Bay. Corona del Mar 760·0835 $589,000 Sun l-5 2501 Lighthouse, CdM 760-~ $450,000 Sun 1·5 11 Monterey, Corona del Mar 760-0835 $629,000 Sun 1·5 lOWOOdhollow, Irvine 551-8700 $219,500 Sun 1-5 • •2616 Bayshore Dr., Bayshores 642-8235 $2,000,000 Sun l·S 2321 Aralia, Eastbluff, NB 644·6200 $315,000 Sun 1-5 50 RidgeHne, Hrbr Rdg, N.8. 644-6200 $770, 000 Sun 1-5 •• 132 McKnight. Laguna Bch 642-8235 $895,000 Sun 12·4 9672 Westwood, Westmimter 979-5370 $178,000 Sun 1-4 21872 Kaneohe , Huntington Bch 963-6767 $172,500 Sun 1·5 • 1862 Bayport Way. Newport Bch 546-2313 $315,000 Sun 12·4 13 Rimrock (Trtlrk Hly) Irv. 675·3411 $405,000 Sun 1·5 • •606 Harbor Island Dr .. NptBch 644·9000 $1,750,000 Sun 1·5 5 IEDROOM 8421 Seaport, Huntington Bch 546·2313 $259,000 Swf 1-5 2585 Irvine Ave .. Newport Bch 631-1400 $499, 000 Sun l ·5 5 ll plm FAM RM tw DEH 1641 Orchard. Costa Mesa 751-4293 $165,000 Sun 11-5 105 San Remo. Lido Isle. N.B. 673-7300 Sat/Sun l ·5 1500 Warwick, Westcliff, N.B. 673-7300 $349,000 Sat/Sun 1-4 1407 Santanella, Corona del Mar 673-1181 $340' 000 Sat/Sun 12-5 1500 Highland (Westcliff) NB 642-5200 $439,000. Sat/Sun 1·5 5 Deerwood, Big Canyon, N.B. 644.QOO $1,900,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 6212 Sierra Siena, Trtlrk, Irv. 551-8700 $218.000 Sat/Sun 11-6 ~ Evening Star Ln, Dover Shrs, NB 6.11-7300 $950,000·f ee Sat/Sun 1·5 1818 Glenwood Lane, Baycrest, N.B. 631-7300 $495,000 Sun 1·5 ••314 Morning Star, Dover Shrs, NB 644-9060 $1,500,000 Sun 1·5 •17 Muir Beach Cir., Corona del Mar 644-9060 $2,400,000 Sun 1-7 ••314 Morning Star, Dover Shn, NB 644-9060 $1,500,000-Fee Sn l :30-S 2735 Cibola (Mesa del Mar> CM 631-7370 $176,000 SaVSwi 1·5 •2 Mission Bay, $'pyglaa, CdM 760-1410 $535,000 Sun 12 ... 2703Cardinal Dr. (Mesa Verde) CM 759-9100 $223,500 Sun 1·4 828 Via Lido Soud, NB 7~ $725,000 Sun 1·5 2215 Alta Vista, Eastbluff, NB 642-8235 $329,500 Sun l·S 1863 Boa Vista (Mesa Verde) CM 840-9900 $215,000 Sun 1·5 1801 Warwick, Newport Beach 673-8550 $299,500 Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOR SALE I HOIOOM •By app't, So Coast Plaza Area ~9-0775 $69,200 Sat/Sun 2 HDROOM 355 Avocado, Costa Mesa 631 ·3405 $115,000 Sat/Sun 10-6 •43 Rainbow Ridge (Trtlrk)'lrv 759-9100 $175,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2277 Pacific Ave., Mesa West, C.M. 673-7300 $137 ,000 Sat/Sun 1-5 523 Avenida Ca mpo, Newport Beach 760-0835 $298.500 Sat/Sun l·S 251 I W. Sunflower P2. Santa Ana 546-2313 $87 . 900 Sat/Sun 12-5 38 Coventry. Hr br Rdge, N.B. 644·9060 $425,000 Sun 1·5 •2069 Vista Del Oro <Bluffs ) NB 759·9100 Sun l ·5 •23821 Hillhurst #41. Lag. Niguel 495-~ $107.950 Sun 1-5 Refreshments 2 ll plus FAM RM or* 19 Escapade Ct. Nwpt Crest. N.B. 675-6161 $215,000 Sun 1·5 3 HDIOOM 184 Yorktown , Monticello, CM 557-8071 $575.000 Sat 10·4 1741 Tustin #lB <E /Sidel CM 646-3255 $145,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 •102Scholz Plaza, PH 28. NB 759·0120 $360,000 Sun 1-5 11 Brookfield, Irvine 551·8700 $118 ,000 Sun 1-5 505Avenida Lucia , Coronadel Mar 673·8550 $199,000 Sun 1·4 9Aries Ct. (Nwpt CreslJ NB 546-2313 $199,500 Sun 1·4 11 Landfall Crt <Npt Crst) NB 644·9060 $240.000 Sun 1·5 l II plus FAM RM or D94 532Cancha, Bluffs, N.B. 631-7300 $189,500 SattSun 1-5 16 Redwood Tree Ln. Uruv. Pk. lrv. 759-1501 $162.000 Sun 1-5 ~ Club house Cr (Mesa Verde) CM 549-1366 $179,500 Sun 1·5 4 IR plvs FAM RM or D94 2116 Vista Entrada. Bluffs. N.B. 631-7300 $239,000 Sun 1·5 MOBILE HOMES FOR SALE 2 IEOlOOM 8811 N. Coast Hwy, Sp. #19'i. LB 497.5494 $75,900 Sun 2·6 8811 N. Coast Hwy., Sp. ttUl6. LB 497-5494 $86.500 Sun 2-6 2'.1'101 Beach 81 vd . Sp. #27, N. B. 536-7247 Sal1Sun 1·5 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2-2 IEDROOM 2516/2518 Bayside Dr .. CdM 675-6000 $450,000 Sun 1·5 l .. ,..,. 2 •• 700 Marguerite (O ld CdM> CdM 675-6000 $449.000 Sun 1·5 702 Marguerite. Corona del Mar 675-5511 $279 ,500 Sun 1-5 720-7201~ J asmine Ave., CdM 673-4400 $320,000 Sun 2-5 411&11R ••~Grand Canal. Newport Bch 631-1400 $675,000 Sun 1·5 116 Marine Ave., Newport Beach 631-1400 $495,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 41R&21R lll-43rd St .. Newport Beach 644-4910 $299.500 Sun 1-5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE J HOIOOM ••3310Tempe, Hunt. Harbour 963-6767 $310,000 Sun 1·5 J la ... FAM RM w DIH •25Canyon Isiand Dr., BigCyn, NB 675-5200 $275,000 Sun 1·5 J llDIOOM 72 Briarwoocf, Irvine 7$2-1700 $129 500 Sun 1·5 32Se1 Island <Big Cyn) NB 752-1700 $257,SOO Sun 1·5 J.,..fAMIM•DIM is Draa~ <Deerfield> 1rv 559· $134.500 Sun l·S llG CAMYOM CUSTOM French provincial family home with S bedrooms, includes formal living room and dining room, secluded library, richly paneled family room, and pool and spa. Living areas off er full views of lhe golf course and night lights. The ultimate in formal elegance as well as comfortable livability. Call for private showing and regarding financing. $2 ,300,000 UDO ISLE WITH RHAHCIMCi This enchanting home has all the amenities for family life plus luxury e nt e rtaining. With 5 bedrooms, each with its own bath, there is plenty or room. A $400,000 assumable first TD at 11% is .available with owner willing to carry some balance. This classic hom e will not last long. Open Sunday from 1·5. 828 Via Udo Soud. MEW LISTIHG -SrYGWS Highly upgraded Tradewinds model with a spe ctacular ocean and city Light view. This former rrodel home has 4 bedrooms, family room, and a hu ge ya rd with spa . Air-condition ed , full security system. and much more. Priced to sell at $629.000 Open Sunday from 1·5 11 Monterey Circle. A SUPER LOT IH SPYGLASS. . compli menb this love ly New Bedford home It features four bedrooms, four baths, family room, and fo rmal dining room. Extensive upgrades and a king-sized lot make this home a truly unique find . Offered at $589,000 with excellent financi ng available. Open Sunday from l·S. 14 Morro Ba y. SPYGLASS FOR I 5% DOWM This immaculate professionally decorated home ts loaded with charm. The bright interior features the finest in carpels, wallcovering and window treatments. The custom pool and s pa together with lus h landscapi ng make this comfortable home perfect for entertaining. Open Sunday from 1·5. 8 Monterey Ci rcle $475.<XX> SUNSETS & SAIUOA TS Charm . grace and soph isti cated living are yours in this beautiful four bedroom home with sweeping views of the bay. ocean and city lights. This home was designed for elegant entertaining plus active fa mily life. Offered for $450,000. Open Sunday from 1·5. 2501 Lighthouse Lane IAYCIEST Motivated owners will finance this lovely 3 bedroom, 3 bath home situated on a huge professionally landscaped corner. The privacy, pool area and go rgeous gardens are just a few of the many amenities. $*>9,500 COUMTIY FIDICH IH IAYSHOUS Charming co untry 3 bedroom, 3 bath home. private master suite with balcony , gate guarded community with two beautiful private beaches. Excellent owner financing makes this a great buy at $K9,500. Open Sunday from 1·4. 2651 Crestview IA YCIEST -WESTCLIFf A 4 bedroom 3 bath home with a versatile noor plan in a quality area of Newport. This tastefully landscaped home features a very private pool and spa. A large country kitchen plus a formal dining room . Owner will finance ... $315,000. f'IJCI HDUCTIOH Lowest price in prime location, original Bluffs E plan on lush greenbelt. Price reduced - excellent financing. 2 bedroo~ and as cozy as it can be ! $298,500. Open Sat & Sun 1 ·5. 523 A venida Campo ..W ILUFFS USTIM'i 3 bedrooms. 21h baths, family room, wrap around patio on lovely greenbelt. North Bluffs, plan "X" -completely renovated with brand new carpets and appliances. Mint condition with over $165,000 of assumable loans. Offered at '245,000. Open Saturday from 1·5. 2716 Vista Um bros a . ""'9JIYAILI Low down or $18,000 moves you in and owner wUI finance al 14%!':1 l bath, covered patio tarce I yard . . . submit au oif en.1123,SOO. DI Orange Cout OAILV PILOT/Sunday, ~uguat 9, 1981 ~=. .......... !~~~! ~~~:~ .......... !~~~ ~!.~.~ ........ ~!~.~ ........ ~!.~~ ............. !.~~ .... ~ ~.~~ ........ ~•~•~••••••• ~•~•~••••••• ~!.~~•••••••• 1;~ .... iilii;:~ ... -~ I ~~::~~ououuoo!~! ~.~~ ... !!.~! :~~~ ...... !!.~~ ~~ ...... !!3~ ••••• l•Z•••r• IOOJ tOOJt1••• 1002 2 Bedroom H®'t with IEDUCIDC"'•E 48tZlla,So.CoutPl&ll ....................... ••••••••••••••••••••••• .................... , •• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• t.1.Y.LOAM new 3 Bfdroom Unit. ' ~ area, 1900,q n. ror •ppl. MISAY9DI Very special home for very special family ! lg. 5 bdr + fam. rm. + pool +outstanding loc. across from park. Call for appt. Jackie Handleman 631-1266 C~i-SAC Walk to golf course & tennis from ttlis prime 3 bdr., 2~'2 ba home. Seller may assist in financing. Asking $259,900 a nd ready to sell ! J ACKJE HANDLEMAN 631-1266 VIEW SPECT ACUUl 180 view of the blue pacific is yours with this lovely 3 bd, 2 bath home. An added bonus is t he spa in your own private courtyard & 3 private beaches. Super fl exible terms. $395,000. Kasey or Norm 631-1266 PEACHES, flWMS. POMEGRAHITIS, OlAH<iES, , LEMONS. CiUAYAS & APRICOTS Room to breathe on this 1~ acre lot. Super fam. ~ome with lots of privacy. 4 bd, 212 bath, 2F.P. & much more . Low On. payment with grt. terms. $259.000 Call Kasey or Norm Now. 631·1266 or 548·6492 110 OCEAM VIEW $395.000. 3 bd +spa. See Tim Rhone today. Call 631-1266 10%DOWl4 New COM cape cod home. Move in today. Call Tim Rhone 631 ·1266 UMDA ISLE Finest location on a ll Linda. 76' of waterfront, rm. for up to 85' ya cht. 6 br, 1 ba formal dining, Bayside pool & spa. Game room . lrg s it dn. bar, wine cella r , outstanding financing avail. Priced a t 4 Million. Bob & Dovie Koop 759-1221 HARIOR RIDGE CUSTOM English Tudor 4 br, 5 ba, fam. rm .. den. with lrg oak bar, lrg master suite w /bay view. If.! of acre, rm. for pool, lrg. 1st T .D. avail. Askin$1 ,600.000. For private showing call Bo b & Dovie Koop 759·1221 WATIRROHT 30' DOCk N~wport's best water buy $525,000 gets you a 3 br, 3 ba, huge master · s1;11te w/spa. Sun decks w/.grt vu. Sit.dn. bar. Excell terms. Trip for 2 Air & hotel Bonus to Hawau. Bob & Dovie Koop. 759·1221. "3" HEWPOIT CREST CONDOS Ocean vu, all 4 br, 3 ba, fam. rm. wet bar, din. rm., pool. tennis . ··3" to choose from. $197.000 to $210,000. Submit all offers to Bob & Dovie Koop ll<i CAHYOM Prof. decor Dove r 2 br, 2 ba, fam. rm. lrg yard, room for pool. Guarded gate. Must sell. Submit any offer or terms . Assume existing $300,000. Price $450,000 Bob & Dovie Koop. 759· 1221. CAMEO SHORES 4 br, 312 ba, fam . rm., din. rm .. lrg yard w/pool. Pri bches. Grt financing, $724 ,000 FEE Bob & Dovie Koop 759-1221. UDO ISLE 4 lr, 4 ba, lrg lot, steps to beach & tennis. Asking $460.000. Submit any terms or price. Must sell. Bob & Dovie Koop 759·1221. DUP\D CHAIMEl-OCUM YU Perfect for owner·occupant, 2-sty, 3 Bdrm, spa, dining rm, lrg frplc , dbl door master suite w /ocean view! 2nd unit helps pay the way with 3 Bdrm, open beamed ceiling, 4 car garage. Owner ma y help finance at 13% with 20% down. Call Jim Davis now, 759·1221 l~UISTHOME lt9UCID SI 5,000 Large tastefully decorated executjve home. Ci rcular drive to lovely 3 Bdrm 2 Bath ranch style home. Complimented by giant sparkling pool & guest house ! Excellent financing available. Just reduced $15 ooo - hurry, there is only one! Call Adrienne 759·1221. ' HIU TOP llTllA T I Jo/e AXID--t 0 YUISI Secluded hilltop split level custom home on half a cre! Owner will ft~ance at 13% fixed rate, 10 years! Spectacular canyon view . yet 5 mmutes to sand and surf! Massive master suite. Custom Italian tile bath. Garden and fruit trees too! Privacy abounds at an impossible low $179,000! Call Bob Burdick now! 759-1221 FORIVll YllW - llST IUY OH SPYGLASS Possibly the best buy on Spyglass Hill . 4 Bdrm single story Capehorn has views of the ocean, bay & Catalina from the family room, living room and master Bdrm. Priced to sell at $600,000. Opn Hse Sun. 1·6 P.M. Bruce Blomgren 759-1221 HOTTUI HYll Walk to So. Coast Plaza from this highly upgraded emotional home. A redwood hot tub steps from the master bedroom will ma ke your evenings something to look forward to! Excellent financing makes this 4 Bdrm two·story EAZV to purchase and no balloon paym ents! Only $149,500. Bruce Blomgren 759-1221 HIWPOU SHOUS WAI.I TO Iii.CH Just 4 blocks to the sandy beach this home offers much more than the price suggests! Two-story, 4 Bdrm, 2~ Ba, trg lot + community pool & tennis ! Make your ''Live At The Beach'' dream come true. Only $194,900. Bruce Blomgren 759-1221 Rt'MICJ ¥ D4 .. 1711 St .. c ................................ 6Jl·l2'6 4412 le1•c1 ~ • .,... ......•................... llf·f400 II C1qr• ,_ MJif M •••.. • • ...• · . . . . . . • . . . . . 71f· 12Z I hdlp1nd.i11 Meml:* Brokers llNBA ISLE--(URoll'lU STYLE An ume t.bll M ,000 VA car caraae. larae lot COD CHAI.MEI 642 8807 e Ownr ru.n loan and I.be owner may ZO'!. down 61 S 0582 Vau nt in move-In ('Ol'I .,....._,.._. att. .,. .. t 9 Ill tt. u rry al a 2nd TO. Love· Broker. dluon. Naw only 1129,900 120/o DOWM WATfl •Hit ••llfk ~ IY 3 &inn 2 Ba Mesa .. 3 .. 1-.-... tor neat a Rdrm 2 Ba No qualllyina Hl~hl .JM..... ...... ,,., ....__ Woods homewithdlnin& "' "' -.-b o ded •bdrm c.._,,. """' -d dd U "'le~ant ~ 4 Br Vlr to wn o uu w n t' r up1ra .. , I ' I .d I room an a -on f1m y ir. ,.,.,. ed ad r u-kit 1"e lot Call c II or tte •td H t eu room. It also fl!ltures a lor an partial vu, mot1val llnd rt 'I or Y , on.. . wl•dow1 Uinottt. Stco14 flotr spa, some new carpet ownr/contrat tor JUS I orrera. ca.u Diana Cap 957 2819,owoer/~-· -~OllY/fllttY o•trioob 11t ._ of Ina, aarage door opeol.'r com£Let~$S'75,000 pel 631-lB HO MOHIY DOWM 911ttrottt IHMI rooas. ......... h'-t and mut h more Fu ll 5,YGlASS Seller wUI carry I.ht roo•, attp·dow• p•b·bw 1 ..... , price 118.),000 down payrtttnl for tbis -.,... ..,_ dll.na. + llr'9I ......,. M•hdllt w..I &tunnlna 3bllnn + loll .......... _.... L-• __.. ~ MMC.... 5 Br. 3 ba + bonu!I rrn. Wood Stream roodo. l.m· r----,.....-.......--Lie corner lot w/pool & mac cond Back Bay _..,. ..tt. wttta WA VUt + 4 jacuui. aarden & ph1y SELECT area. Won'l lu t at falllly btdrooMt. Dock for 2 yecllh. area ~.000 Open hie MESA Y9DE Slll,000 Open House $1,600,000. IKW.1 IOIMI. 63I·1400. Sun 12-4. 2 Mission 8ay 6 r and 0 e w 0 0 l he Sunday 1-5. 34.5 Universi Dr. A l. 7&1>-1410. _ market. See this 3 Br 2 ty, #L-4, (W or Irvine, BALBOA IS. BAYfDT CAM EO HIGHl.ANOS· Ba bome you'll be proud E of Sant& Ana) Vs\' ltc.tfM 4 ~ hoMt • corwtr wftti 48r, ram rm, frph·. to own. Owner will help R1let 631·5751. _ SUPll view, pick your terms. fln11 nce. Priced at boat tip. Two dory wood .d CJ1o11 Down payments rrom Sl39,000. 7513L91 &Toro 1032 coat::~:':f wif!'....t.~~~ ~ STARTll S20,ooo to S89,000 Pay ..................... .. p--ft ~-_ _.. .... .,_. Fnb uloul! rlnancing menlS rrom S2,000 mo to TERMS TERMS lft PalM Sp..W.,.. Ar-ro•ad. available' Beautirul 3 $3,800 per mo. Owner • .._. °" 1 OwHr _.. •tltt wftta BR home. f resh paint in w 1 1 1 11 carry and con.sider s1•1.pokAtl~ssmlr!~1Bd~!.~?!~ and out Plush carpets a trad-Owneriagt "' " uuc ~ ...... fiMltcNtg. $1 ,200,000. WJ• cOlltlder Large, cheery kitchen H · 9~.... Only Sl61,000 or ~ fw-Mthtd Skylight in balh Huge 760-l&66, 968-J33l Mor• For Your lease option Patrick • covered patio. Generous CAMEO SHORES M~y Tenore 631-1266. DOVER SHORES nayrnnNT yard + RV slorage EXECUTJYEHOME TblS bo meis a real v11lue °" fftU Sound areal., It is' Only Harbor aod ocean view !or you.r fa mil)· It is i i ~J &I 8ecJmif occtfth & dtcorwfftt~ 196,000 Call now, Dra m ati c poo l & locatedinalovelyCosta r •d w.,..tt., Two 1tory hOMt with 645-0303 landscape 3 BR 41. ba Mesa area and has 4 lrg lllfll.r.M.11 1M19trwitt,dtcb&pGHofor S850000 · ~ · Bdrms t aden Tht f-·-•'•-~ 1... ...a...1 4 btcl ._ wfth ' CAMDEN bonus room can be used "' ""' 4615 , as Bdrm or family room Large 2 br, 2 ba co~o. or11 01t1 IJ roo .. ,kltchttl +ltedtd OPEN:sUNDAY I S Owner's are anxious to de s irable end unit fott, bnn1 antiqye •· forN cln. ""' ./? tl/ -:z::> move and rmancing can s99.soo 1)46..8582 - wfttl ...t»lt flrtploct. Dodi for SO' -'-1.b Y etlV ~ be arranged Call Anne BLOW 1/4 boat. s.ibMit offfn ott ~ & "'-· -ta... --REAL ESTATE 644·6397 McCasland 631-1266 MIWOH Ownet-fttxlMe.Sl.400,0 .fft. HtwO..-~_,,., -OWMHAMXIOUS Iii; i~h· I the right way' Move to uaneoR RIDGE fRnlf'H MANOR Neat 4 Bdrm, I sly home 3 bdrms 2~'l ba, II( as-r beautiful El Toro and f1M -U1'I on quiet cul de sac New sum able lst at 11, ,. . get a lrg S Bdm estate 180°YU Of lay. Ocean Ii Nf#' HCJM1 paint. rarpet. minimum European navor v:ry' _ I • i w pool, spa & view lnot ._._:4:1 -...11 & d_&..JI _...... d rk s · -a ma tt·hbox l Great ......,.. .. cut ..,.... ty ,...,_ 1111 ...,....t yar wo 134,950 Agt private. $410,000 BY OWNER·Lg assu.ma 1 . A 9, 'l tWs 5700 sq. ft. rtsidnc:.. SM .... to 549-1366 548-1904 ble Isl at 1225'. on lhL' t~~:t c~e Pa.,t ri~k ..WCt yow ow11 decor for tlb ~ lotboa l"-d I 006 S'YGLASS HIU 3Br, study, 2' ,ea, 2 ~t)' Tenore 631-1266 hot. wlttl 4 btd, library, forN ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lovely executive home ~a,_s24~ooo :>57 J;ll1 rm., lfNMftM fo1t1. nn. ed C)llllftOl"ous for entertauung Enter By Owner Two 2bdrm lftCllttr s.dtt with fl,..piou, ...dtdl ATTIACT1YE lhru custom ~1<11ned houses on I lot St:.>.000 WM~ ICllllMI & spa. l1t1prHsln ed antowl for. 2 STORY glass doorways. large Assumable 11•: Isl Tl) tt1t pcrticulor homeowner, it ff1e btst + MODERN APT li ving . family & formal OWC 2nd. 640-7464. RF.AL TORS trodfffan of this L04'is XIV MCNr houtt REDUCED! dining rooms 3 Bil Z Ba Huntit,toa leach I 040 SI 995 000 3 Spectacular sunseb & EASTSIDE ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• , , . 6 I· 1400. AREA'S IEST IUY night lights Viev. from 3 BR 2 Ba. 2 car garage Nr bays, all xtra lg 28r, oeean to Catalina to the ftreplace. l'O\'ered patio AIAMOOHED BAYSHORES BAYFRONT -VU New Oft Hie mftet i• a f.._ locatioll witt. ...obstrvcttd YU of • hyfroet octMty. Ytnotilt odutt -fainitJ hofM wfttl aA tt.. charm & quality of Mtwport. Optt! & smoothly flowi99 ~ ,-wlttl hMjl pitched beOftl cell. hdlcrE. and pri•ate brick lttttrior wf qcmbo. One lt•tl wfttl 5 , fmn..rm. + dKk with lorqt spa Oft Hie lay. s I ,J 50,000. 631·I4oll. OCEANFRONT -PENINSULA PT. Tri,..x Oft o•eNl1t lot. 6000 sq ft. OWMt' MOHvated ond wll COMJder ClltY """°" .... oHw -......._ ncb•g11. hnM. tk. ,,... of o .. er.wp. It~ to Sl.95~.000. • COUNTRY ELEGANCE-IAL IS. OWMt' will lto.e/optiott tWs be..tiMy decorated property with $50,000 coJi doWft .ct "$4000. -per "'°""' for total price of $650,000. Chanft. tt.gaRct & nery contnit1tce + ... t conitr locotioft. lncllldts 3 btd -.. & I btd rtftfal + lftOids wtlt. 67l-6900 BAY AV[ CONTEMPORARY ThrH ,_. old custoftl ..._ wt"' YU. Wood, gloss & skytiCJM1, _,kite..,, lnttnttiftg l btd. + study. OwMt-wf M cony ~"t T.D. $375,000. 50 n. TO SAND -LARGE VU a..tiful Cltltoftl dliplt1 OflJ ~ -~ old. 0.. block to S•ha ·AIMI Jettr. Large OWMr's llftit wiffl 4 btdroa.M, pitched bt.N, stolMd C)lo11 & spotlftt decor. s..e.. YU of surf. LGnJt 3 bed ,....... 111tlt, bctllHt fhtnclftC). Rtd!Ktd to $595,000. ELEGANT CONDO -VIEW Proft11lonollJ dtcorottd by Ro9tr Tho1t101 , La91tno leoch. ftlo11 S ht Htwport Crest w /3bd. i.d. uumttr Mitt, lar9t fo111ilJ rM. & pGllOrClf8ic YU. Quality & eltcJanc• ""~· OWMt' wfM cony AITO. $270,000. 631-1400. PENINSULA POINT AXER 0.. tht gr"ttft wfttl the privacy of o pcft, yet wall to lcrr or IHch 3 bed. 2 MHat for tht Wider °" ct.corafor. lttt priced for qielck ••• $295,000. 631-1400. GRAND CANAL ON WATER L-. • lo•tfy 2 ... ~4 bed .... Oft quiet Llttlt It. b OJ ytor 'roHd rte'""°"' Alto I .............. Tit for 2 boots.. $675,000. 67Ut00. HARBOR HIGHLANDS -POOL Sllper' f..aty Grff ott a ... tlrMt. L...., pool and dtck ONG Iii o Mdttdtd bocli yerd 11trro1Htdtd by CJntMry. ()ptft ll•iftcJ rOOM ........ .., ,,_ ... d ldfcl.. Two a..droHt + *" tlMlt cOlld bt Jrd ~ $115.000 ftt. LARGE BALBOA IS. IUlEX Spec• 2-story 4 In ....... I Mr. ... Ant .... Otl ..... .. locaHa. °" MeriM Avt. ~ ,..,. to So. loy. Ow1ttr flH1t. 19Mt4 to $495,000. WATERFRONT HOMES, INC. IEAl :fATt • ......,. i'niPn•v M.t..,.,..,., 2436 w COM! H~ JI~ ~Mtnl ,,,~, ~· 8"<11 Bllbol I~ 6JM4M 67Nfll frplc, P.Ba. apt income mo \I nt a 1 n s Pr of Owner anxiou.> Call ror 2 STRY +POOL $495 mo $385.000 lndscpd You must see to inro ait 631 S61il St8,900 F'a bu lous assumable appreciate the value ' -Immediate possesson financing Save $$$ Call for appt Fergu:.on S2S,OOO dov.n 2 house!'. Rent Lill your; Here 11 RENE R"'.u TY Realtors 714-751·~ Eastside lot Xlnt ren 1s' Big 2 story T.H ~ -' -tals Assum e low 1n C2 I 3t 434-0908 terest loans Owner will "' frml living. gourmel D1rrerent from th e carr) balanre $90,SIMI kitchen, COt'kta1I paUt• NOCASH typi cal a 2 Bdrm p P,754.1648 and larfite master su1tr d I I All JUSl mmutes to mile~ TD OK for down Cute 3 up ex + rg guest qtrs 121140'0 Ru .. uc1uG f d rl ........ BR 2 Ba cottaga trada that will surprise vou 1• '' ""'" " o poun mg su + .,,. •· "' So of hwy Owner ma > Mesa\'erdeexec home do '"n pa)ment S o OK Desperale 1385,000 580,000 down Pool. •pa qua hf) ing Hurry ca ll Owor1aat 1=1 ~93 carry.Agt 64.5-1103 ~ -A' -vu "" & solar Xanaclu Ile.ii 963·7010 Realt> World OPEN HOUSE Estate, 957 1568 Beachs1de SUM 12-4:30 CDM ILUFfS 359 Princeton CM H · 315 ONYX IY OWMER s1.20.00> 1Mtinqton first t1me0Hered, 3 Br I above beat·h, full ocea n Ope n Hou.~t'Today' Harbour T'reawre Ba borne. 2 car garage, & Jetty vu from ever~ EASTSIDE. 2 adorable .f:~1~~~1~~=~ b;i;w~ lrg hvmg rm "" fr pk. rm 3 ~rg Br. lrg 1" rm + houses on I lot Pnme close 10 No Bayfront kit ,2 ~ Ba.2sty.2bmk IM•ation """flov.er .,1 pnred on Tn nsda d -frplcs 2 decks tx-arh "' JJ..1 "' Island Tenant s have Owner will rmance Ask · · Assumable loan Spa, forCathy W>.000 ;f,~~cioose~il\'lp::i~ redwood deck. ell' ~~~~t:dn!s1~;~e:utj ~s/ lora vance realfor · 61 j lOlt/ ly 714 673-6.\25 De\in&Co &IZ6~ su mable Isl TD ol Super Ocean v;w Irvine Npt Hgts duplex. 3 Br 2 SI 11,000 at 9 50 and Terrace 3 Br 2 Ba Ba + new 2 Br 2 Ra OWC Call now, moLivat G u a rd & w a 1 e r Term s, AITD or con ed owner Diana Cappel Included No Pets tract SZ75,ln) 64!> 7400 •63•1,.1266 ...... ,.. .... .., Sl200 Mont h Broker, Ownr 759·9100 .!:!o~:~Jar II~ ~i~ih :- OPEM SUM. l·S Mesadel Mararea ··-·-·--OWHElt RMAMCIHG !t&O~OOO. ~7271 ON EXCLUSIVE HUN 1-------• 1 This new rustom 3 Br 58r, fa mily rm. SlG.5,000 TlNGTON SEACLlf'F'S SALE IY OWMER 327CorJI 673-0188 IALIOA ISUMD GRANO CAHAL Owner will fman~ on this charming Cape Cod 3 Bdrm. den. 2 bath home with lovely wra p· around paUO. Spacious I Bdrm I bath apl Dock for two 18' boat.s. You'll love it I $699,000. UNIQUE HOMES Rsla &Tom Boland 67s.6000 lyowwr Balboa fsland "Condo", Sl35,000 full price. Owner will finance at 12% 640..1818 Pnn onl PAltlNEaSHIP DWLD SllS,000 Owner w/carry lge mortgage. ~ blk from So. Ba front. 64().1818 lalboa p.... 1007 • •••••••••••••••••••••• 2•, Ba. home is one of Good fin ancing See I Go L f c o u RS E · Corona del Mar's most open house directory 3bdrm. pool. xtra lrg lot exquis1le offerings Ex-Agt 75H293 Many xtras SJ95.000 lensiveuseofoak.spa& Br oker 633 66 33 view at a real1st1 r $80,000 AITO 637 6266 '498.000 NOQUAfJ FYING 332 Pomsett1a 120/o-30 JeC1n XLNTTERMS Col Mow 644-7211 SIG.5,000 Nr bch Lrg 4Br Cborming 4 bedroom v.· 3 Ba l 0 ', d n fresh new paint de OWCl21<'; interest t ..!..:..___.:__ r o r a t o r t o u r h 962· 1227 96J.~ • • throughout Beautiful SJ.5,000 Down. 2 story, 1 front lav.n. pool size Br , ram rm. bonus rm. 3 Costa Mtsa I 024 bark yard By ov.ner Ba Near be ac h ••••••••••••••••••••••• Lasl weekend before v.e S~S_,(100 Bkr 842·1418. L ,..ST CH,.. ucE hst Si35.000 840 San "' "'" !Iago Mesa Del Mar By Owner 3 Br 2 Ba. S & FROM FSIO S built $67,000 Isl As ~I 9~148 suma at 9 «·, ·Sl<",(l()(t 10'7 .. down on thls 4 Bdm "' .., -condo in Costa Mesa for Call arter6PM. 962·7677 only SIOl.000. no points. MESA YERO' B Y 0 W N E R A S no qualifying. Take over Best buy in town a 3 SUM ABLE io•,<; 4 Br loans. Bring paint and bedroom charmer lorat or 3 + den. family rm 1magioallon. Diana Cap. ed on a hugt rul·de·sac large kitchen, 2 Ba pet. Ownr/Agt. 63l 1266_ lot This is a former 846.m7 or846-8602. model home rilled with MESA YEIDE extras Clost to tver --------IEST YALUE yt hin g . orrered at GOLF COURSE Sbarp2Story,4 Br. 3 Ba, SIH,900. Assum able new carpet, redwood loan of $98.SOO Hurry on spa. easy care yard As· this one' sume 9~"+ loan. 10"; * C " down to qualified buyer. ote Realty S165,000. D. Bourke & Investment Realtor 546-9950. _ 640-5n7 Htwporl HfJh At9o '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~•I Brand new! Finest 1:: quality condo! 3 BR, 21,., ba Fantastic financing Call now for details. IARGAIHAT $115,000 FUU.PllCE RlcjW °" Fairw9J Executive I story, 4 bdrm Hunt ington Seacurr home with sper tacular panoramic viev. Seller will help hnance OPEN SUH. I ·5 6852 Silverbeacb CASnE R.l 14'"'667 759·6499 2 Bdrm home on large H~ lot in East Costa Mesa H--1..::._ 1·0_.2 ~Ian fY Real! y 91'l<; assum1ble loan ..._. "' Owner will carry small •••••00•••••••••••••••• 28r, IBa. 1 lot rrom oco, potential ocn & bay views, ree . Good as· sumable SlG.5,000 Firm. 673-7407 Townhome, owner CorondetMcr IOU wl(inaoce W/IS't dn 3 •••••00•• .. •••••00••••• BR . rplc. dbl gar •••t OaC.tro.t Sl 10,000. Ruth Laurie. 2nd Hurry. Twnhse 1760 sq rt. 2$1. C/ll HewportCwtr 2.., Ba . guard aa:<e co mm , owner ••'l 640..5357 760..6767 fi nance. Ownr/1tt Exciting remodel in bkr. 646·4!!0 China Cove. 3 8d 2-sty, elevator, VU, steps lo water & pvt beaches. Owner will assist. Va· cant Lease. lease opt. Opn Sun 2·5:30. 2116 Shell, COM, S79S,OOO. Jeri Hunt. H.t&Mloclatn Ul-7600 LOCATIOH Near SCP 2·sty condo. $139,9000. Four yrs old. 3 Bdrm , 3 Ba. Move lo condition Ooo't miss it! Call now. Ula Duarte 631-12166 R&'M* IH \I r 11H\ s~c.-Nur nu • 1paclous, 1---_._ ___ _ courtyard/ape entry to Cbarmlna. modem 3 BR dramatic mirrored 2 Ba house. Bulllln foyer. Opn beams kitchen, trash compac· lbruout, S lrg Bdr w/vut tor. Great outdoor Uv· Ir patlOI, fonn. vu din· Ing. Patio, bl& BBQ Ins. 1ourmet k.itch.. 3 w/raised deckin&. lanal fplcs. owe 1sl TD. 1.2 w 1Jacu11 I. Aut o mUUoo. Jeri Hunt sprinklen, prest11lous H..t•A11ul•1 area. Only 1149,000 • A S S U M A B L E $242,SOO (714) 997-5490 CHEA PY l"M lt44 Only Sl2,900 down & you •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• can own 2 large bdrm 's $I I f S" ·w & cheery kitchen! Condo 4, .,.. DllG w/lar1e 2 car garage & Lovely 3 Br ranch more for Sll9,900! AS· kitchen, close to pool. sume loan ' Your parlt &: lakes. Good chance. call ~s now ! financing ava ilable. Call 646·7434. for s howing. Sur._ee CENTURY 21/Goldslar Millf'r ~MIO • Wl*.ITOH VIU.AGI Elegant sin&le family home. Prof. lndscpd & decorated 4 BR/3 BR/ --TH-.... --__;;;;= lib , a i r , a larm , TO~ 1menlties1a1ott. "~ Call lhe 1Pttiall$&t at • RED CARPET 754-1202 the condominium In rorm1tloncenter. TouchstoM Realty 8'Ull'7 Ul·1'00 AITD. Agt. Eole. ------- . TU\D 21S.4'Ml•,---- 'T b rte unite witb HAllOIPOIM'rl fireplue1, on a 45' COteOS Corooa del M.ar lot, for 2 tpackM mttr. auitea the pric. of a duplelt, or l\t 1tory rib lofted Favorable u1um1blt IDllr. bdrm. 8alh mdll. lit Ion, ,..... w/cany bot atlachd I car lltMI. Prieecl It sm.-llrtt' w /OJflllff. Open don ..,_. •• dail1 11-IPll, wknd1 Ir o...lar -will INPll, •A ...... I IASTSIOI 3 UD It flltt $1 ll,500 '75-1171 ~.~~ ....... ~.~~ ................ ~~ ....... ~.~.~ ........ ~.~~ ....... ~.~.~....... Or1nge Cout DAIL y PILOT/Sunday. August 9. 1981 .,.,... t044~1Mdl 1041 .......... 11048 ...... IMdt l,41Mtw ...... IMclt 106tMtw,._.._. I06tHo.M1'°'W. .._.,,.,Wt .._,.,forW. ~ .... ... DJ ..........•........... , ....................... ···················~··· ................................................................................................................................................................ . TUl1\llOCI LOW DOWN owe 2nd Mmwclto wMew AIC, 1 bdrm, atrium, 4u/bdrm. ram, nn • UY rm w/frplu, 01k llool"I • ahu&ttra. TlJe Jae out.tide o( mailer au1te stone pallot, l111b landsc11pln1. Kil w/butcher blk Island Owner tranarerred m~t aeU J111t ~ut'ed Call tor appt , dya 9'79-916': eva 9M-01'5. IHIDIMCI WITH INCOMI Whitewater ocean views, walk to. beach & villaee. this lrg duplex, upper 2 Br 2 Ba + study, lower 3 Br has $197,000 ~ssumable financing at 11%. Own r will carry. $367,<n>. Fred, Agt. Nolan R.E. 661·1161, 661-5791. WOOOSCOVI IOOMTOIOAM W•fv.efor MtwpertlMdl 106t wpertlMdl 106t S.C..._.. l07' C1-1rcW llAUTT tn tb11 tolail>' rectone :s s257,soo ....................... ....................... ....................... r,.,..,ty 1•00 Private driveway leadt Br Wttklitf pool homo. 4 8dnn bomt, expandtd SACIJACE ••••••••••••••••0 •••u l.O ele11nt 2 Br home Opll bt1au, S rrplca, llvhll rm, patJo, deck S20K UNDEJUIARK£T RARE C l·ll Hew port VI Ith • d d It I 0 n 1 I loadt or charm w/bnc:k Buch ProPtrty. 50' caretake11 quartet1 on & nu l111h laodAcap1n1 ovorloolclnC wawr. Call CUSTOM HOMI Yr-old duplextt. Allum fN>ntaae In prime loca· larae aec:luded ocoan 1133 Hlebland. 1395,000. P teJo loant LowdownOWC lion OwntrwW flnanc:e view lot. 2 blocka l.O lht• Jen H1111L 3 Trelalgv, Harbot Rl<fl', Newport Bach with 9S3 8MS. 9G8-'77~ ~xc:lu11vo Principal• beach. plt'nlc:lablt &t w Hw& A.Moclltet itscummendingoa..n &c1ry ligbuviewe hanoc 77S-0~75J 9916 _ only Aak for Irene lnl Included 12el,500 Ul-7600 onlythuxchuiviryththiprpricedbomebu)'CI S...._ Loudon , Agt, G314M7 or Alaumable flnanclna. ----it Jooiina for, bur alJo the c<>ul tcdu1H>n aad C.,U"-I 071 631 7!!00 A t'ftl ~7~. ILUFfS COMDO securiry t1w cuscom homt bu~n demand. This •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ,. p " Ch' lmmaculatt 3 Bdrm p11nv IN $$0,000 down. \;acre, 4 ~~ rop uolsa · •ti i __ .. H• I 050 condo, cklle to pool End Mii tltganc frtneh atyle reside-nee of excepuona.I Br. ocean & mounlbin She>ppmg stnp, Warner .. ••••••••0 ••••••••••• unit $198,000. ff lBDM VIEW quality and fauJdw lUtefeiicurea• 6700sq. ft.• 4 view Assume lBI T 0 Comm bid& & (,'2 Lot, MIUll~ALI C /21 Ne.,,..tc.tr. M8UR bcdnnw/blth•fonnaJdn.rm.•4fireplam•4car owe 2nd Trust Offd SA Cumm bldg land. Newc111tom.atealview, '40.US7 760.6767 Smashllil family room gar.• air rond. •complete 1«Uriry system • A N D WA I V ~ Whit.tan Agt. 8111 . TURnBOCK l"iM I 044 Seller rinant'ln& or takf' ••••••• •••••••••••••••• lar1104100',48t,4 c:er with wet ba.r Un oxcellendinancing•Jl,68S,OOO•by1ppoio1.1T1en1 PAYMENTS IST 83H257 L•::..t.sa -OH 11 ar a g e. 16 2 5, O o o HEWPOIT CREST believablv ~uutlfuJ en· I y EAR 1349 !XX> Broker C d 1...1 /T -.. ""'"'' Ownr/Bkr, 159-0706 or 3 Bdrm rondo. Close to tertalner"s patio 5 Bdrm on Y· Call Du~M Young • United Broken, ' · 011 0 "'"' ~ ow• 1P'~f!~'te10~!r:~~~·. !!44·..illL pool llnd ~ Exc:el SommMut on fee 11nd 7l1/646_z227 -71417&81§! 499-152e. ho'9Mifor• 1700 over existing fuumces ol WOODIRIDGE approx SL116,500 on th!J s; lovely 2stry, 48dr bome By owner. 4 br A&sum. with formal dining rm, fin. Detached home on hnly room, 2Va ba. 3 car q u let cul-de sac 1ar Plus lr&e bonus rm. SW,900~ SSl SSH. Wlk acl'065Sttopooland Woodbridge Estates prk. View of hills, fmt Washington model' a nd r ear Ask Ing 3bdrm + den. 2200 sq. f\ $287,500. Open Sat & Sun, Assume Sus 000 1st By J2·6. Stop by 5952 Sierra owner. SUl9 oOO. ~5778. Siena or call owner --=-- ' fin ancln1 Pnt'ed to sell. Absolutely 1mmacuh1ll' ... ,_.... ••• .. -•••• **BEST VALUE ····u·~·0·:;.·s··7•0•••0•0•0••••• PANORAMIC OC~AN LcMJ-e ....... 1051 St89 500 m()ve in condition " "" VU . X Int term » ........................ C/ll MewpcwtC.tr. Creutlve finant'ln.-: ~~ Over 3100sq tt on huge Nr South Co!A)t Pina' $695,000 Hroker OPEHHOOSE _640.5357 760-6767 available lol. Beauuf~ upgrades de ro rJtor ~h11rp ' 499-ls.26 SUN l!Mevebyappt • rAn Trust Sale Estate Sale & very neXJble terms ~·anhl-One I &Inn ('()fl Open Ho~Sat. & Sun 1-:S 28r, 28a, den, corner OCEANFRONT RED V'V'llPE'T Opn toduy I 5. 3l26l Vio d~. air. pool. spa rlbhse 2635 Solan a Wny , lot. many upgradea. NEW IYOWNER 754·1202 -TRUST WILL ANANCE Parra Byowner L.aeuna Beach 3 Br m S1S4,900. Foxalove Mdl S~.0010 979 C117S Ba Custom home with ln Lake Pk ........ c1·mar 3 l:l R & den. 1895,000. I LUFFS FEE LAND smashing 180 degree ron Ct. Ow I 610 a.18 Approx. 2fl00sq ft condo. anoram1c views beckon you to this W,l\ldbrldgc single story, end unit, at· a ent. 97~0061 IY OWNER -3711Seuhore p · · [g) Leisure World I BR , ocean view, ofCered at 831·9949aft6PM.Ownr. ne rw c~-"-°" Will go oo market in 2 14 room residence. 6 bdr~. 5 baths, $425,000. Nora Hlg&ins IY OWNEI OC1tu.-~ wks Beaut. remodeled Realltj t11ched garage Air, (pie, L V ~"'"' family room , library, sewing room. 2 ass um 11b1 e Io an 9CJ1M ~ I.I. $450,000 Call Pete Johnson for 551 :moo .M 126 OWN ER.Turtle Rock, New on the mrk1 Com \.Jacre! Del, upgrad 4br fortable 3 br. 2 ba single (3 + den) 2ba, form din. family home m Turtle tile entry & atrium,• 3 Rock Quiet neighbor priv yds, xltall Nr pk & hood . Walk to park & pool Asking S235K. pool. Assum. r1nancin11 ~l-807024hrs. J.52·1324_. __ 4,7 17 I Attractive home on a to see .... ,._ MODEINIIED KITCHIHS. Office & 837 3264, ...,,,.1 • Thia orrering is an estate . . ...... """· ltZO Buranra Pk .. " In Int' Niguel Goll Course. Ap. elevator, 4 car garage, wide balconies 011 tt.t Woter OCEAN VIEW prox. 2.00sq ft 1382,000 sale. One of NewPorl overlook 60 FOOT IA YRONT LOT. rte A Low mlerest rate as A lovely 2 bdrm condo Assum ab I e Io an Beach's ftnest views 3 S_.. AINI 1 OIO w"ll as a •~·· pn'he for bdrm home ..nth guest WITH l SUPS • •• •• ••••••••••• ••• • • • • -.;; "'w ... close lo pool. Srnsa· &31·2437 -· ' this 2 bdnn, 2 ba In the lion al 180 degree . views --BY OW .... ER apt or 2 units. IY OWNER heart of Nt>wport Beach & l(orgeous Catalina " Realonomics ~ Additional 45xl00' bay view parcel Nr So Coast Plaia Boat slip avail Submit EXEC HOME WOOOIRIDGE Transfer forces sale or LAKIFIONT sunsets 2 story with 3 bdrm. 2 ba. ram rm, 1'4 YSHORES with apartment over 3 car garage. su.ooo down 3br, 2ba. all urrer• •at '"5 0101 rireplal·e & dHk J!in.rm~tio!-1_l·0263 4BR2Ba.famalyrm, ~~~ SuggestedSalePrice,$4,405,000 corner lot. RV prkg Wknd's.~2~f4J3~ & this beaut.iJulNorthwood Dramatic floor plan, home. 2700 sq ft of lux-spectacular viow . 3 u'ly Uving. Huge family Bdrm, 2''1 ba. library room + bonus room S319,000. Ask for Lynn Private spa Owner will Noah help finance. Call for de· TOWN & COUNTRY 5245,000 3Br. 2l2Ba. 3 car garage $2.85)100. owe. 631·5S96 bd nnE IMSUR'4MCE & TRUST CO. ~~000000a7s5su1:'1~~te rirst 714 557.3144 VICTORIAIEACH + RV 1boa1 storage. 3 rm, din. rm .. Uv D ~ t Dramatic ocean views dinette ID kitchen. new rm . ram rm. F/P, 21) an Lewis (213) 614-7371 ~ LOCJlllMI 1086 Lou lion \ll'\I 10« as from this superbly con· carpeting, fully lndspd, 1 Rt0dlteedSSh300,000 ba, xtra large Porcela111 ~ ....................... ;t;d"/~.1t>21 }i/ag 1~/ structed older home fncd. pvt pool & jacuzzi n over ores S600 tub wtceramir tile walls Well localed near beach area over looking L sq.fl or top quality con· & floor 4 covered patio •••••••••••••••-COUNTRY tnwnhouse 2 frplr's, tails RLTRS stairs,mcludes 3bdrms, Niguel Golf Co urse struct100. ~ 5 Bdrm areas.Pril't!~.000.5'1 RlGAHCE landscaped back & side 3 baths & den. A vrry $339,000. ~ Medal style residence as down. assume k0.000 lsl * * * VILLA BA' Dnl * * * 5 Br 3 Ba 3000 sq fl ~ .nds Loc at top ol h1U e-J~,\NCH HE AL TY SSl 2000 552.u.J() LOCJ'MCI Itch I 041 ••••••••••••••••••••••• comfortable home. lhebestoflocalionsand trustdeedal7'-"'k .Xlnl LUUft Countryk1trhen,formal o\erlook1n~ E S64s,ooo. has lhe best of financing land lease $853 oo per $280,000 dining room. ~ h 1 te fullerlon This as lht 4 .EDROOMS a 'labl OWC •n50 000 c · h I t I n1t•es1 condo 111 town & MIGUa r11.10RES va1 e. n • year an t c ange unu w a er v ae w. a r g ~ New Modular Type _.. Immaculate Pacesetter at9~'2"'• int Fullpricetn year 2003 1•"' · t. onl" wooded lot. 2 blcx·ks lo rnced to l>tll quickl) at H I d I d The youngsters can walk . • o'C ID , 10·11 !. OI loan ')ft y·~ 9 soo ".Ill ..., .. omes . ease an . 1od1v home w fex eluding the land 2nd trust deed due 72/o · .xJ .,_.J the beach. 5399.000 As 17 • 7..,..,..,,.._ Oreanfronl Pk. 3 pvt ~o sbc~~~r'.'°~ 1~15b ~i~h pans iv e view New Sl.450,000. Call Dan Bibb 1986-87. Call owner for sum able 1117r1, fmanc lnc:om~ Property 2000 MA.KE OfHR! ~~~s~ 21 :::'~3!1~;~~g townhouse in a gate t'rptg, fonnal din. rm. for appt. appt. daily alter s pm Owner will Carry! 111_g_ A ent494-47:.J _ ...................... . Owner leaving area. _.99.3816 guraded private com· Quiel rural atmosphere ROGER'S llEALTY 17141760-842.5 Oceanfront 12'1 fin 70'"< must sell 3 bdrm . 2•,, m u n 1 1 Y p R 1 c E Ong. owners orrer thl5 675-2311 ___ ___ _ Tustin I 090 loan Slln Diego No Cty bath townhouse. !llany Roddedgt R E 0 u c E D T 0 ram1ly homt> for only _ 1 MU 3 ID c~oo •••.•.•.••.........•... 7U S619K Bkr97>1120 upgrades incl air cond lyTiwSto s1s1.ooo ~1;:i:::~~~. H05ler. --llG CAHYOH t A beauty wi~frplt'. One bedroom -den -view IM FORECLOSURE 1'rade Luxury· Newport Owner will help finanrr Walled and gated ocean OPEH SUH 2.5 OPEHSUH 1 5 patio & spe Try SI020K fireplace _ microwave _ Price reduced with home on •, acre ror In Less than 12'1 inl AGT front estate w 11 h 423 Hiltdge • down. assume 11,,,.1 or S34 ,500 dwn pa) ment. t<Jme l:mts or ., Equity ___ 55~1-3477 fabulousVJew.Pvt st.eps 25C•yonlslmtc:IDr. lease opt Won't last. upgr aded takeoverkianorSt62000 $2110 000 Art no"" W o o D B R I o G £1 to tbe sand Call for I '"l~_...,. FOXIOIOHGTS. Off ford Rd. Split-level Patrick Tenore631.1266 carpet -linoleum _ tile _ etc. at 13'~ and mo\e in thu. Broker Co Op Agent Lownhouse 3 Br l 'r.z Ba. brochure. ;\.,~~-."'-, IEAUTY townhome with golr vacant pool home nu-. 63 1 4516 Open !louse $96,000 12~.% lsl TO CAROL TATUM, RLTR ..... .. Excepllooal 2 sty, 1 yr course view Pool. ten· in Tustin area Lrg 4 B1 Sun 365 E 22n d SJ J2.SOO. Ownr 644.9030. 494-<l029 0 Id , 5 la 1 n g I ass , nis, security. Assum FOR INFO CALL rant'h home w1RV a(· St Tustin Ave Ne_'!POl'1, 559·4720 .... LO ___ T --tl~H ~~ hardwood nrs Lovely loan owe 2nd T 0. Ask· cess Approx market "' ~-..o. -· landscaping, mountain ing S275,!XX>. 673-6607 or 1-883·4303 \a lue O\C r s210 000 UMfTS NORTH WOOD-THE LAKES 2Br Condo, highly up- graded, AC. lg assum11 ble Sl27,lm By owner 759-0244 eves. __ TURTlEROCK Highlands Garden Home. Beaut upgraded 3br home. lge master br wlfprlc. spac. ram. rm. 2~ ba. ut1I rm, lge yard Assum. loan Must see. '349,900. 752·9061 ASSUMAIU LOAH on this 2 bdrm. 2 bath Shady Hollow Home m Northwood. Upgraded. extras s how like a model. vaulted t'e1lin1?s throughout. Sl47.900 963·8182 FORALrTnE view. Elaborate se<' Gii WAUER Great buy Pnn onh Any size. 60 30 40 16 That's what you get with 17141 494-1 177 system in lhlS 4 br. ram Rea 675-5200 MEWPOIT CREST Down pay may be nex1 l'attror set 1105 511).36(,6 this prime ACRE PLUS -----rm. frml din rm. Lge. S Two or 3 bdrm + den, ~ ble Call Les. Ownr Agt Whelan BUILDING SITE A assum . oan of Sl56.700 9,000DOWM 2~ ba Low down la1 .. _, coedo WANT house an Newpon 559-9400orS59--0769 gently sloping parcel, COURT Oll>EREO plus owner will carr)' Versailles 2Br, 28a pen· Owner Wiii finance at Sweeping View from Heights for client Cleo. --Real Estate localed JUSt a short dis PROIATE SALE 2nd TO of S!33,000 lhse. ocn view $137,000. nominal mteresl rate. mountains to ocean with Uni led 8 r o k er i. OPEH HOUSf ta nee from tenms & the Magnificent ocn & bch Reduced lo $369,900. Assume Sl28.!XX> or S&L Broker, Tom Gollier u n a u r passed Ba y 673-7771, 548-27:1) I ·5 Sat/S.. beach, provides SPEC· views. pvt comm, 2Br, loans at 17% Sl828 mo 646·~-____ panorama. Security GrMte>c...Vitw 19202~R•. 6~~~~~\~sANN:i 2Ba Court sale dale, -WATERFRONT Ofc 730-2270, Hm SPLISH-SPLASH bldg.0k 7S,OOOE-....-& Spacious 3 bdrm pen Gorgeous. brand ne-.. Aug 12. 9AM, 700 Civic HOMES .§!2·2682__ Ctaftf'Tilll'n' thouse. corner unit, 3000 sq fl 4 Br cu.~tom enough~ The owner has Ce nter Or .. SA .. Dept 3. REAL ESTnE .... I. l"'"G"'I... iHn. hlrl g dp2oo8dl. Harbdor Wonderful ramHy home security bu1ldmo, nc"· home on cul·de·Sal' with included detailed con· Rec e nt appraisal "' " -"'" ag 11n rm + en on the best or al1f ., central air & .i $200.000 struct1on plans for an S340.000toS37S,000 First 631-1400 Sll.000 down . nice 3Br. w wet bar. Owner beaches S850,000 r arpel1ng & wood subs1d11ed 1st Trust unbelievable CUSTOM overbid $299,700. Exast· 2•1Ba home. ,, blk to r1nan c1ng $198,500 6758676 67~ kitchen flooring Xlnt Deed. Just above 17th VILLA IN MEDITER. bch,ownerw111ranance. Harry Frede ri ck --· ~ --financing. S360,000 mg lJl,q lsl TO. Info --Fo --orr Newport. S278,950 RANEAN STYLE. We cal (7141 642·9038 or Lollt rHt 1055 S20S.OOO. 631-1266 DOVER SHORES .Ag_ent, 7sa.ol20 Cd644-721 I believe you 'll agree it's (805) 646-8521 ••••••••••••••••••••••• SUNSET I.E. 1441 Galaxy Dnve 4 Br , Villa Balboa "A LOT FOR A LIT l~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~I I OFAIUMO 542-5108 Den. Formal Dining 3rd Floorview em TLE" at the full offered 4 bdrm home on the --Room, 2 Fireplaces. 3 Largest lloor plan . as s price ot $175.000 For MOCASHDOWH walerfalls in Lake car garage+ large Hob· sume I0112r.: :.>yr loan ~ terms.call S500,000ATll% Forest By owner fcftl_ by Room Poolsiiedlol. J..Qan Howe,67>76!!6 __ - MISSIONREALTY 0'4CTor$60,000 Sl81,500.8»~ ~ Owbeaneurt.asslaasntdastcfiatnpaendc· 985 S Cst Hwy, Laguna CASH DISCOUNT CIR BEST VALUE IN 3. Br 2 Ba, tush surround OtMr Ital &tat. Photw ~9_4-0731 Xlnt investment & tax l'Wwport a.och I 069 ing Esta~ value only an gs. SI 79,900 Al!l ... ••••••••••••••• ••••• sheller 4br. 5ba estate •11••••••••••u11•••••• """"" EASTBl.Uff St20,000. Open Sat/Sun. 673 3355 Opn Sat Sun Mobile HOlnH I BREA THT A.KING VIEWS Dana Point CO-OP apt Oceanfront bluffs, over- looking harbor Large 2 incl massive master WaldottwbHch MICC*loS91,000 l·S Robinson Realtor l·S 1406Viv1an ~-ForSale 1100 I •· r d Fromanyof 3 Bdrm 2 bath, am ~5647. __ suite. rg uv. am. m h b . Lowest pri~ orfering macuUite! Owner anx· ••••11••••••••••11••••• rooms + sauna. idea l ese argalDs. in elegant S(>cure com· $20,000 DOWN OCEAMFIONT 1 Br Trailer, I mile from room for maid. ofrl ce. 2 Br 2 Ba. 2 Crplcs. 2 car mumty CaU Bill or Lin ious. $205·000· 2 Br 2 Ba Condo. S 195,000 c:mll doww beach S69<lO sewing. ' Panorama<' gar+ den $1:1),500. ~631 ~-·-Roy Mc:c.dt, Rltr. partial ocean view Sell will carry $600,000 s.&8-4190 PROPERTY MAMAGEMEMT We manage l!XX> l'n1ts 1n Costa M~a Newport H1•at'h for professional mJnageml'nl of ~our ID l'ome propert) please \'all u~ We cun i:1\e )OU pen.anal :.en 1c~ TSL MG~T 642 160~ 4 PlEXES Covington 4 plex nr So Coast PlaLa S28i .soo Call for ltrm' 4 I BDFl\1S ~r !'1\'1r C11 1n SJntJ ~n~ S 14 Cl 000 0-. n 1• r 111 1 ll fmancr Denn!s R1l'ketts & \SMX" 85111421 "'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Bdrm. 2ba. r1replace. c= Owner hnancang. white water. c 1 t y. Lowest pnced in NPS 541-7729 Owner will help f1nance b · islands views from most canal rront 3 Br. 2 Ba. 2 2 500 s~ FT w 1 l h $20 ,000 d 0 w n alance·mlerest only s, Open 1 s 2m01 Beach Bl. d f I years Choice cornt>r sp195. HB Plush 2 Rr 2 rooms +from pool spa sty. w, rp c, new Nice 3 bdrm. ba. Back WESTCUFf 4 ID Guarded gale, adult duplex 3 bdrm 3 bath Ba 5,. less than ma I:! unit,, F: o,1dt' l'o:.la :.1c~:i S5i!'t,l.IOO $200.000 mm do"'n Will c·or151der l r a tit' u 1• II 111 n r .\ i: l 1).14 ii22 DESIRABLE AJisal Model in Rancho San Joaquin Villas 2 bdrm, 2 ba , stained glass entry Excellent location near gotr t.ennis-pool ·s pa shopprng·Sr Citizen Center. Adult onl)· com munity SJ44.900 SJIS,000 area Owner, M·S. 9-S carpel Price JUSl Bay area, Cherry Lake commty. Sl94.500 Call bd hd SLASH ED ......,. ooo s · •· airy up. 2 rm, 2 bat own Crom ocean, Ira as!>um 768·001 to*'""'· side Pymts Sl9SO mo. pac10us, open .. · Sandy A I ex a n de r c " 2 IDRM CO.OP ----Just listed 4 Br. 3 Ba, p I Sl89,SOO. 631·5476. beaut 4 8d w/2 patios. 8roker673-274_9.__ an convert lQ large loan S67.950. II arbour 181( dowtt --------•I tam rm. sundeck . dw, 642-77« Assume 10.95% int A re· home. SalesSJ6.8334 8 unat.i; owe. trade North end Laguna Sl.50.000 Hare• & Hom R.E. 998 Glenneyre 494-8511 COLDWeu.. BANl(eRC MOMARCHIAY ULTIMATE UYIMG Build Laguna's most famous home on this credible escape size view lot. Proposed build· mg plans and survey ln· eluded. Owner rinanc· mg. $600,!XX>. frplc . lrg 1rrg lot THE•••-s a l value Patri ck lci6oalayProp. Luxury2bdnn,J1,ba.b1g Owner desperate a111 St89.900. ~ Tenore 631·1266 CJ.MALROHT-I.._, k1tch 1600 sq rt Finest f>4f; 1544 With land 3 Br. +den. 3 PRIME view rondo 3 HICE & MEW •675-7060• adult park Term~ a\:111 RE Sales people lo learn Cull ba, 2 frplt's. On the Bdrms-front. row. Fee Two patio6 lo enjoy the 0 p e n Hou se I 5 I 1n\'es 1men15 & e ~ water $329,950 land Lo-. down -outdoors + a "move·m Sat Sun o~ner Agt changes Xlnt oppty for Fixer, bring a pa 1n1 creativefinancutg. & li\'e" cond. m this 2 RHl&tahSaM-s 536-7247 n"hl person I()()'"; com brush, 2 sty, 3 Br A C /21 Hewporf Clltr. sty., 4 br home with 2 BrokersorSalespeople .... .. "' 1 b C frame. $163.950 ~~0-5357 76~6767 rireplat'es Steps 10 pool. Full or Part Time ,..p_anwkflh m1ss1on ava1 a le On· 4 Br 3 Ba. canal front. HarborVitw beach&tennis $.245.000 EARN 900/o forSait 1300 f1dent1al 1nlen1e-. Xlnt cond thru out Prest1g1ous Newport ad· Move in condition. 3 Offa'ces;ftNB&CdM •••••••11••11•••••••••• 546~. Vance d.ress-3Br, JBa, ram rm. bdrm. 2 ba home an u• 9 Un1t.s, to,.11home apts S279,ooo. formal dining, cat.herdal Harbor View. H.1gh as· -WAThRFROl'iT John CareyGRl, REC! Lg units. close to shop· 40 UNITS Good assumable &seller ceiHng·an elegant set· sumable loans. Highly HOMES pmg, fw ys, appraised l:l 6XGross, S3l.OOO pr uo financing on all ! ting on an extended lot. upgraded throughout.. REAL ESTATE S675,000. owner wall sell 11 OWC Jl 12'"; 4 builrl Milifa& CralcJO'lrietl 10'1 down. S4 25,000 Shows !Jkr model Must 631-1400 S650.000 Will help 1ngs on 4 legal lots 14N201 w 1a.ssumable loao. sellfast.AskingS2:1),500 ••w•""••yo1u u •nc finan ce or on contrart. Qu1rkesnow Pnn only John Coombe Bkr. Owner wiU help rmance. incl land Come ror m· 645 9850 please Al(t 631-1266 or S BR, 3 ba exclusive private commWlit.y 't523 CAMP'15Dl:IRVllfE ocun view, pvt beach, t'lubhouse, spa and ten· nis. Only $365,000. IHTHEHEART Exclusive residential building site with custom plans. Ocean & canyon view. dose-ID. super tenns. S95,000 BLUFFS CONDO·Single Agt. 645-9850. spection Sat. Sun 1·6. S48 6492 story, 3Br. 2Ba. L.mda 0Cr. .t.. .... FlftU'I' 1860 Port Wheeler or call lffch Properly 13501-------• PRIDE EAJ""llllll ""1 76().9596 Owner/ An4 •••••••••••••••••••• •• • 111:-"UT • .... J,... • .... Plan. New applias, Lile, By owner. Best Balboa 6' ~ • -..,_,,_ of ownership. This 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. w/rormal dining room shows like new home. Lovely yards w/wrought iron rence on cul-de-sac Don't min this one ! Assumable rinancing. Asking $126,500 EMERALDIAY La rge assumable loan. While wa~r view 3 BR, 3 Ba, sunUt atmosphere. ~ back yard Only etc. Ass umable loan, Joe . Lgepricereduction. JUSTUSTED s..,.r.,.....Dph SHORESIEACH owner/agt S230,000 4&2brdplx.64().7990 Cute 2 8dnn fixer near Ocean view. 3 doors to 8552013 Harbor High. Great beach Carlsbad S23 S ,OOO Paul 8 units Suprr pnde of ownership Outstanding Jrt'h1tectural des111n by Selden B KeMed), Jr. AIA Oual1ty & c rartsman~hlp rarely seen Award wmn1ng 497.5494 *•BOAT SUP PRICE REDUCED Lim ited Time Orf er 2U3 Miramar. Redu~ to firm price of $419,500 until Sept. l. 7S% financ- ing al 12% Principals only. 556-~. 642.0346. potential. Assumable Wopschall. rNil tor loans. Won't last. Joyce ,000 l'!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!I Up to 45' slip available THREE ARCH IAY RmREOllEGIM! wtthis huge 2tden or 3 Waltie631·12166. t714104-1~ Situated on 3 oceanfront May LMM OoHon Br condo with water lots w/pool, greenhouse Near Emerald 'say in views from both living & ma id's quarters. this 3 Bdrm. 2 bath room and master suite. Elegant contemporary meticulously restored. Gorgeous neutral decor home Breathtaking · Id · h and Lhebest financing at. VI.ell• from every rm. quiet res ence wit GO FOR IT! G 0 ~ rm el kitchen nothing left to do except the beach. Call for your Library, 6 BR . 71-'J expand if you choose. personalinspecUon. FASTESCROW,lgecor----------1 bath ......... S3. .ooo. Assume Sl92,000 loan. [g) ner, immac. estate, **20% DOWN •tt·ll20lll "ll' Submit. orter s o n \\bodbrldge qu iet r esld. area. .,, $345,000. Realtg Garden, pool, RV pad. Uke new 2 Br coodo in -=u:=..., Carmel 3 br, FR, DR. 9restigkM Woodbridge. · • Rat Lot 51 XtO 551·3000 owe lge 2nd 1269,900. Close to park & pool, INV ESTOR Needed . Builda 2storybometo mtllarruu'11wy,ln•lnt ...:640-~03i5==------ areat starter home with $12,500 total lnvstmt. capture a RAP11JROUS --------PARK UDOCONDO auumable financing. S200 nea. buys ~home. ocean view Owner will EASTIWFF 28r, 2Ba, 2 car gara.ge, $10$,000. cau for details. ""m;;;.;;...·5889=-='-------finance. Priced low for a Unusual 1 level 5 br or 4 pool, adult community, I CITY LIGHTS rut sale at S175,000. b ofri I by owner. $135,000 un ut...-.ab r + poss. ce w sep. rum••b ...... •150,000 com ""'"' ridge by night · tantulic entrance. Hu&e Country "' ..,.. • Rc•hl ocean views by day Ex· 494-7551 Kit., Lee Playroom w. ~Y ruroi1bed. ceplional 3 Br. 2 Ba. wet ber fr pool table, 3 ...:.:::....:.:.=------• 551·3000 home on pvt. lot in ex·,....._..,,,. tlWI bath. Xlnt financing. IASTILUFF 1110 Pkw)',tnlnt cellent nbhd. Featuring MICOIMACI• lmmed. occ. 1261,500. 4 bdrm , fam rm, fplca, RFIM~ RHI TOR<; Trade Luxury Newport home on ~ acre for In· come Uml.s or 7 F.quity S280,000. Act now! Broker Co-Op. Agent 631-4516. Open House. Sun . 365 E . 22 nd St/Tustin Ave. 50/oDOWN New financing available at approx. •t 151 /8~. Call for details. John Marshall &Si.1288 ·-;;;;::=---------• s lt y lighted brick, ________ Owner/ast,758-0564. Xlot flnancln1, Im· ---.. ~~!1111!~1 gourmet kitc:b. + det. CUSTOM OWC lltTD mediate occupancy !Br lBa I lot Crom om guest boule w/fp & wet L.A6UMAPAIAl>ISI N'u on mtt 4 Br/PYm ! pou tbJe. U85,000. potentl0al oco & bay bar. Owner w11l help Tucked away on private Ba, great pool w/tbermo !fMlll. M0-8107 .vltwe. rtt. Good ,,. w/finaod ng. $365,000 roa~1 1a tldl maplncent cover, nu crpta Is palnl.(•------•I 111mab .. $lG.OOO Firm. ~'!';r. It.I. j 4 uorm t'Olltemporary 1339. 800. Ca II Vee MIWPOIT CllST 673"7t07 . home on over ~ acr. of StlAaon. 0pn Sun/Wed nrst time bll)'er and rt-----'-' ............ 5-T-.. -.---- oc• ... ...._... complett aeclusloo. 1.$ a.H&Chl&nd ••~ t-...i .. w up a-.a KA ..-T" .. ,.;;-~· Gourmet ltJtcben Sun H.t& AJ11d•1 ;;t~ ~~i.:;:n'u. A t:O ~0111oneae, 'a~a'p2Bapr'•'l11sectl drenched brukUal 6•1.7.L-bedroom condo wlth loU " • 3 br, 2 ba. In choice loca· • d k d --~al:.:,....:;_;9WV=~--· -000 l~ dn owe lion nr. Allio Buch ~::a'rhta1t.1n1'cco!st~~e MIW USTl«i of character. Vaulted bal is~ft 1/0. tM hold. park. Price lnclud.. ~illnp and wetbat are Owller req•iret coop TOPO·GO It plus. view.rt'5,000. tr:-,2 ~':;~~0':1; JI.Ill eome of tbt •llRS 1031 tu U · Sbo•n by appt. onlJ. Snt,tOO. Call Pete =~~~~-~ food to ~cbanl!.'f9D. . ...,.'g __ ---._ ms.ooo. -.0108 Ac\. Jolauoa ··-•.ooo da ..... to bch .• Ot~rorcess... *Cote Realty yra ae• ra1 lal4 Lower I Arel! Ba1 ' lnvnt.IM'llt ID, JM• DI.; I IA Gl'fft oamn Yin, pvt •· a car ear. •• uu. •Mr• beull ... 5'77 Z:h our l•Ut, :....!!~!.!l!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!I ........ 49ak __ , • ._ You 've Arrived at ... HUBOl llCE CUSTOM ESTATE !New ListinqJ Not just a gracious home-a way of life. An authentic Williamsburg Colonial manse overlookin g the Newport Harbor & Pacific. This beautiful white home with columns is situated on a % acre cul-de-sac lot & is in complete compliance with the Williamsburg Historical Societ y Board of Authenticity. Among the amenities included in this beauty are many handmade brass & pewter fixtures & sconces. Also crown moldings, wainscoting, hardwood floors & the very finest in wall & floor coverings. 6 bedrooms, ·~ baths & 6000 sq. rt. o( unequaled quallly . Al so in cluded are children's retreat, maid 's quarters & service porch. Much accent on detail throughout. orrered at $2.35 mUJion. Exclusive with William Cote. By Appointment. 2075 lln Joaquin HUit Ad. Acfotl from ltG CANYON NnpcNtlNcta MN777 I lnillitH Proptriy 1400 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOISALE properl)' Charmrng MtwG_... home·hke atmosphere OffktlelildilMJ Luxurious. elegant , Tustln-3'00 sq n spacious 2 bdrm, pegged wood fl oo rs. rplcs, Fullerton·2275 sq n plastered wall~ Walk to Orange-MOO sq fl best. beach, bus, shope, Xlnt fin ancing, tax ad-L.J Beach & Tennis vantages Chns Pauls Club. Ma1nta1ned by (714)S58-077S rastidaous owner --'M=on::.::d:.:::a"-"'lhru;::...=..F""'ri:.:.d=a""--1 S 1.800, 000 OWC. P r\n Prime retail loc. Harbor cipals only. please and Newport Blvd CM. 552-3081. 4000 sq rt or less. 548-3402 l"!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!ll!!!!!!!!!! Eves, 541-3270. HB.r! C1•t.t r Lds/ Need sharp •-pin In H B Crypti 1500 Have 70K ca.sh Pri.n on ••••••••••••••••••••••• Jy_815-9797 ----- Westminster Memorial Parl. D lot in beauttluJ Meditation Section Sacrifice. '700 ~l-9561. c1-•rcW P,..,etiy 1600 ••••••••••••••••••••••• IYOWNB 4 lg units Loni Bfach. Cub flow 10~ fill. $1191500. 644·:o.:;1'5::,:.1 __ 4PLWS 2 BR t BA year So ~-------· Cout. Terrific rtntal COASTIMIM' A Y MIWPOUllACH G~at loeatlon. 1000 aq ft bid& and U year lease Prime wkMlow °" Coast Kwy. Grut p1tklo1 Owner will flnuce. Oool for fut foods, dub, otnce. ttf. 1110,000. ~TERF'ROM' ttOM1S MALllfATt 831·'400 arta, uctl. cond. J.2 2 l· Suptt cond "'" brah even lhe first year Undtr lOX (t'OU • • RED CARPEf . 754-1202 .. _ ~ _ p. ~. • ... ~~-----"""'· ....... --~4,-oi .... .,..112•., .... ~.,..""', ... ' ... $2 ........... ~,,.. ....... a .. 111101111a .. a1111s111110 .. a112•0"0•s111101111s111011s12•211011112"01101112•s11s11s•&llSllS•&10111211c•a•z Of1ng1Co11tOAllYPILOT/Sund1y.Augu1t9, 1981 ....... u .... .., "-"U.._,...a..cl ..... ,. 1 ¥t ..,.,. he.M ••wtsu.tw.. .,.,.._ .. ttu.fwit. - -••••••••• •••••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••••• U.fw: I rh~ J421 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••• •••••••••••••• •••• • ••' •• ••••••• •••••• <*er W ..... Ollef I...... 16 1 0 • ......"* 1 0 • ..... JJ6f ....,,......... 12'9 Heueueo••nHHHH ... .,........ J7'9 c.th MfM JIJ4 Hwl .... •'-d Jl40 ... " ..... ,,.,,., .... ,. •••••n•• ............ ,, •••••••••";"••••••• .. •••• ••••••••• .. ••••• .. •••" •••• iO•••••••••••••••• •••••••••• ... ••••• .. ••• CONDOS fOR RENT. ••••"••••••••••••••••• •••••u•••••••••••••••• ••••tt••••••••••tt••••• ........ rt, ....._.,,flit! IOMMtw ...... JIHO..P.W JZJt ~1ft ~~8E0ct~ J11 Crll.lbr,2\Atba.1ec ~taM;a ~new. W111ter.~bl.llocu11,3br. J lrTew••• THl.!HMITUl1 • .......... .\ ............................................. , .......... , ........ •••••••••• .... La ewM= • {t...J ;· &ate, ttlln.lt, pool. Jae. To~:hom.e~ ~ 2 ba. Se~ l2·June 5. Ntwly decor, 1u pd., Luxur7 Adu~ unltt2•t,: 3 ~............ liwl.,..,_. lllbdrm Mt pt.tel COQ• we: bara r1.utl •-ni~' rnbll vw . DY•. • ttOO/m~Jt encl aar , pool, dswhr f8otd•wble 11l1vd1ro1rat9' 11 y (i dot man ame11ltl11 ' • ._ •· .t020· ves. » !I ---3 Br ocean vu new 2 car Adulta. kl son r e e Dalebout "°1'!.!• ha~ vu ' : l. Jae , IOO/mo. New Exec Home -• Nt:W. Be lJl tenent. ~· Avail t /1 tO 8115 -CHOICIWTSIDI Olymp1c 111epool, bihl w lfllllr, S -... • ba, •· '.L "' Un1&1ual edlllt complex ed tennis court, Jacun1, family room, 4lnlnl Mallltvt• ~ J240 •tlaloui area. ucun w/ •at.. • po0t Near · Rltr. 9080. Sharp tBr In am db park like land5~1pin(I Bay & Beach room, lPOOl. la yard. ....................... W._ ... '::Mewl vl':ritpoolit!~·1.':1°1';. S.C. Plua. Secluded 1 bdrm luxurioul. Pool, complex wlpool. Cpta, Moat beautllul bld& In Lltfor llaoP,rmo. Brand new 1 .br1 3 ba •Lo':J or no pav. :C .,J., I ~ .11: comer unit. 1 BR, din· Jac•1Ym.lnVerulUe1 drp1, frplc:, blln1 H 8 "2 afUPM boUMlordiac:nnunaUna mntrequirtd. , -~ lni. patio, cent. air '850alo.CallS3HMi ran&tlovtn. d1hwahr From la W-Ol19 Real Estate ·~CAMYOM ~:.~·.~~~~~c:: •Lower IDCIClthly pay ~·=~~~::a~~: ~~S::e:.en~!.~o oc;;,;r,;;tptfl.;,ula, 2 :S1'~~:c. S.IO mo. HURIUCH,210IM Sec11nty, privacy, vie•. a 1 rd 1 n er Inc 1 menta. Z\\ car aaraie. Adults, -u. Br. 2 B1. Wlntet rental ......... ~ Crpts, drpe. bll lns, at Completely f\&mlabed, a UOOfmo.m.o~ o:aalerQuaUfylnJ. no pet.a lit fdaat+S200 s::-$750_a.t .87 lrnw.a......-.. lchdgar.~?S.5360021. REAL ESTATE EXCELLENCE SINCE 1949 to 8 Mo. '2500 Mo. S clo1.t1 3 Br/3 e;,-lrl *8uy,Uvelntoday depo1lt. h Mo. t81 WUTIM HOUSIS-Yearly Z Br l Ba Bach. or l Br apt. with DELAWARE PINES Owner/ .IMMSlL paR 2800 ft 3 •T11Btnenta. nta oa iu•so.lal\6 COM>OS carport sa>Mo tnclda balcony or pal10 , APTS COMI wmt us ... TO COIOMA oa MAa. ATTRACTIVE DUPLEX •. TWO BEDROOM TWO STORY HOME IN FRONT .. REAR U N l T llAS ONE BEDROOM. OWNER Wll~L CARRY FIRST TRUST DEED FIVE YEARS AT 14CX WITH ONLY 251\ DOWN rm.soo. ,._ ...... b ....... 2 e r 1 ·' llCl • car For infonuUoo caU Bob _, -· cathedral cemna pool & ~''I UllllC .. --.fe, r ar, ll-1 (DJ to be.,rh. 11 d 1 "I' DOCK Apt., NewflC)rt Beach utlls Avail Sept 5 1019 1 b 1 ndsea in" Spac101.S t lt2 Bdrm lBa.FW'ft.Wln~rrtn· /m . 8118 Newt• LI o Ortce, "' CostaMesa.CaUus,we W.!.Ba1Ave.873-187t. spa, us 1 P • f r plc , •l ove, d•s tal. f>lMl. Uv\I 8-15'12. Sh condo 2 b 2 b RtdhlU Rffll'Y, 87S.T300. S Br. 2~ Ba. Nicely de· manage 600 unlu 'on or o•--Adulta, oo pets. $385 &i hw11>her garbage dis Mo. m .1mio. tarp • r. 1• corated Condo. Avoil near water. S750 & up. --..-u · S.9-2"7. posal p00I laundry (ac UDO ISLE cbarminl t cb':~·o':°'r..io'l:t. ':tau! 2 Br mobile home 011 S.12. &75-m~. Call OelottaGelber& ~ bd~~· fa!O. 3 ~r'\2 2 Br 2 Ba. 1ar11c. laun sm111i q~et romplcx bdrm,2belh,newlyre-ft Garfield HS·0787 water , quiet , no Exclusive Ble Canyon TSLMGMT 6'2·1803 o! ~··w~tol ac . dry. No pets S4 25 Adults' ooJy Pets con decorated. 11800 mo eves. klds/petssel!O. •&164 townhouse. 2bdrm. 2ba, ORANGETREE CONDO tale~~O ~ Sl e:fe11~~~) 831-8065, 675-8074. sadered I Br kSO lmo 2 Yearly Abo other ren· NR BEACH 3bd New CondoNwpt HChla 3 pvt aar. S1250 /mo. 1 BR +loft. Super loca· ll24·010. 2 Br Upper, balcony, Br. SSSO /mo 1922 1 COMI WITH US ••• TO IALIOA lals avail Bill Gnmdy, 2...,·ba fam rm fncd '~· Br. 2\.'a Ba. 1500 sq. n. fS40.1126or~·S.7l. t1on. Adult.a. 8 Tennla enclsd gar. dlw. Adlts Oelaw11tt St (So. ot PIMINSU&.A. ·rwo NEW DUPLEX~ .. ONE 675-81'1. gar ~/d bku • dnf in'. Drive by 292 Palmer Oceanfront, on beach, Ct1 2 Pools. Av11il. Im· ~-rt.elltl No pets k25 ~-~or Ga rfield > M2 8807 O! ON WEST BALBOA BOULEVARD WITH S.C....... Jl7 cl sBss ~·1 llA. S800 Mo No pets. spectacular new 2 br. med_S.Z Mo.~"216 -V f I t.d ~$446. _ f1ce hrs Tue~·Thura THREE AND TWO BEDROOMS .. THE •••••••••• .. •••••••u•• Lo. 1 · h . I no children Call tam. rm 2 sty twnhse ... S C_...._ • • Lite Brite 8ra11d New 2 afte r 5 OOPM. Fn Mon. <Yl'HER ON46THSTREET JUST ONEBLOCK lbdrm,Oceanvlew,So ve Y, ouse on Y 7S2-N99. /moCall67S.2062 . "r o ••.--••••••••••••••••••••••• B ' 2 0 C d 0 95PM FROM THE OCEAN .. OWNER WlLL CARRY San Clemente. Avail S600/mo. 3bdnn, l~ba, Newport J1land Home · · 3 bdrm rondo drapes G...,.. 3102 r a o n ° · FINANCING FOR TWO TO THREE YEARS AuU5. t98-435 beaut. decor. Crpted 4br, 2ba, privacy, steps SANTIAGO DRIVE and cplln& Overlooks ....................... Waterfalls & streams, Avail. now 2 Rr. I Bh AT123 .. $425,000EACH -thruout with lrg yrd to ocn/bav, Sl200/mo. apace, ll&hl. privacy Greenbelt. Pool, spa, AnMTSFOllBfT frplc, micro. 2 car u ri sta1rsd l!:1hws . Stove & dryer 1ncl..Mu.at ........ ,..c ~ from strm, 4 BR 3 Ba, clbhse avaU Sec Gale H B NB ,._,_ M garage wlopener No re n ge, w • . cooy 1 1617WISTCLlfFDl,N.l '31·7JOO HwsU....,ie.cl see lo appreciate u .... ......., availnow.Sl800mo Jse S62sMo · ·• .' .~ .. esa ts S7SO.Mo54HU.S ch1JdOK.nopc:U plean. ~......-~ ....................... ('7lt)9G2-7T80,ukfor El· Newport Shores t Br 3 642·5200 ·m8231 ~~b.lhi:~r'Br~uiJ':r!ie SGtundn1ngA. larPooge1 '··Br ~:s 545-2000 Agt, no ~ f.a.d l206 liotl. Ba. Canal Front. • 2 br, 1 ba, security, Apts. Certain locations ar en pt "' rer -- - Ra.chta ~ •••••••••••• .. ••••••• .. ._rR..t~L...-962·81183. DOVER SHORE S child ok, no pets SC offer : Poo l , s pa , area. S38.S Mo. 710 W Deluxe pools1.de xl ra Gro•~ 2700 Yearly. 3 Bdrms .. 2 ba, rv -HARBOR VIEW HOMES BAY FRONT pier and Plaia Area. kSO. fireplace laun room _18th ~L _ __ large 2br. 2ba, bltn,, ••••••••••••••••••••••• den, fpc, larie patio. No S.t-S. I ·2 PM Super 4Br, 3Ba, clo6e to sllp3 BR, S21600 mo yrly S3J..l6S3/~&844 aft 6 b e amed c ei 11ng 5 : 1 br, clean, pvt, rrpts. dswhr 112 miles beach 4-Plt ..... t luy l .6XGrou! lo super rental area Posit ive cash flow w t22'1 dwn Assume S98,000 loan & owner will ca r r y. Full price S195 ,000 Call Bob Horwttz agt !179-5370 or 851·2175 ltHblrd lt.-cla children SBso mo. Ref 19162 l..,er La prk ft pool. Jusl re-Barrett Rily, 642·5200 3 BR 2~ Ba, new cpts, garages. all buil t·ins drps Convenient loc Adlls, oo pel5 kSCI mo 140 acres nr Fallbrook Isl, last. sec urity. 3Bdr,fp,nu cpts/drps decorated.$1Z1Slmo.1n· BLUFFS3bdrm,3bath. paint, Nwpt Terrace Garden & Townhouse Gas. wa ter, SJOO SJ6 8362 dj F 760-9061187S.3624 Nr schls/ahopa. S7SO cld. grdnr. 644-0472. ram. rm. Neutral. Im· 11 1 1 S e a m i s t design. NO FEE. 646·9".?!._ 2 B E D R 0 0 M ;0 ~c~nt;ov~a:~0~;t0 Beaut.decor2Brduplex. 761H.22S Oeluxe3Br3baduplexin maculale. Near pool. 714·738·4526 $690 per TSLMGMT. 642·1603 Easlside 2bdrm.lba u11 TOWNHOMt:: Pool. Yrly SSOO/mo Avail 8/20 $600. Mint cood. 2 Br. 2 exclusive Bluffs. Beaut. SlOOO mo. Bkr, 644-0134. mo ........ __ ,_._.... 3906 stat rs, oo ........ no liqwd Park · n ~ .ir beach Macadamlas, approx. SO 0 C · ._.. -..-.~ 963 5191 more plant.able acres 3 L RAV~ ERLTR Ba. Nearoce111 No pets greenbelt view w/pool.s. WATllFtlOMTHOMl EAST BLUFFS--••••••••••••••••••••••• fum k2S wel ls . year ro und S73-4062 133-80!0,&13-Dn. Availforlyrbeginning 2sly customhome4BR, New, lux 2 br, 2 ba. IAYRtONT --~l-6lS.S MARIMBtSWAl.K stream Elegant ranch Bayfronl. Yearly. 3BR, '"'" 3z44 Se p t · 1. S 11501m0 · r or ma I din i ng & view, high wood beamed 3 8.R 2 Ba. xlnt bayfront Lovable l BR upstairs. J. 2 & 3 Br Townhouse Dll'LEX ho use. bunk house 2BA. frplc, lrg patio, ....................... 644·5137· breakfasl nook. 3 car ceilings, spa. Adults on· location. Avail. Sept. 17 encl gar Adults. No Apts from S475 PalloS', F a rm v e h i c I es. avail Sept 15. 11400 mo. ORAMGmEE gar .. lge closeta, pantry, ly. Xlnt loc No pels. Sl200 mo. 0wnr 644-9513 pets F ridge & elec single & double car IHHlWPORT 3 & 2 bdrm. onl,y 3 shon blocks to beach Lower unit has den or 3rd bdrm S23C.900. Call for more details machinery Sl,375,000 675-70091 67~ "Bd lB HARBORVIEW 3 fplc's, lge deck, boat Sl 200 1mo. Ofr ic e or845-SOOO,X326 __ ran_ge ~mo 642·5964 garages. near Hunt IBE JOHNSON LAND CONDO E. Bluff. Super' ;duit c!~2~~r ~!~!~!: ~ .. 1~7.int~ ::• ~o~~~ dock avail at extra 644-46M ; res. 640-8862. • ........ __ P-L......_ 3807 Deluxe new 2 Br 2 Ba 84Hd0r.6807bour Children OK CO. 4BR fam rm frplc dint. g , bl rd charge. For lease only Vi ndo it I ht --frplc, pa!JO, dswsr. ga r · · · pool, gym, sauna. Avail . n • v~~ & YI • Call Peggy Pattison. ew co . c Y 1g s, ••••••••••••••••••••••• -__ 714/728-4412.' $1,250 mo. 67S.0604 Aug. 1. $5*1/mo. 1st, last privacy. JUMi/mo. ocean 2 BR 2 Ba. loft ' 2 S2'75 nice Bachelor resp Ide a I r or oHI c e or NEAR THE IUCH CUSTOMliNCH CoroH.defMar lZZ2 & cleaning depos it CORNf2 BDRM il~~S5·2473 wkdays decks, luxury' Lse adlts,ulilpd no ~lsl06 singles S475. 759·1914· 2Br,2Ba,bllns,patio.dk Lovely home w/4500 n. •••••••••••••••••••••• Warner Carr, MS-9400 with 2 ba . P1noramic 5 ---S!:._000. 964-34fi6 ---E Ba Ave A 9 494·2962· skyhtes. gar. adlts, no designed for enlertaut· 38d2Ba,2 cargar,opn rnettsp~~ ~?:::is:.001 Dgu:,.l~xy~i::~:R~2~~ 3Br. 1"'1Ba. nr Hunl Bayfronl 2 Bd,,_; Apt Easts1de 2 Br, 1 Ba. up-J>t'LS S.m mo 4922 Ed ing, 4 yrs old, pror de· beam ceilings. S7SO/mo. u 5950 2BR IBA dn Harbr, HB S600 mo. S7SO mo. yearly, sl!p is stairs, no pets :'\r mger 846-8319 963..Sl82 rorated & lnds pcd , Jim Davis 751H221 Agt. OCEANFRONT J$o. NO PETS ! Submit 1~6·137.1 dys. 894 ·2833 available. Michael Real ~~~.~~~ & shop!> k 2S Hllfttingtoft s pa r1ous mslr suite 2 Bdrm, 3 ba, spa, dble ~:~n~·,~Yfr~~a~~~I on children. Yrly lease. ~es Shirley J:s!!le.673-~ ---! • HorbOur 3842 w/parioramic view or garage. Nr Fashion mature adults 5875/mo 1 J ac kie, 631.4046 or 28R, spacious nr Bay & CholuEoshidt •••••••••••••••••• .. ••• lhe valley, pool, lennis Is land, redecorated. University Part. 3 Bdrm, m -7500. Hew & Lua low ocean Yrly S450 mcl 3 Bdrm 2 Ba. bit 10s. St ud ao C..:ondo &c:ros.a. court & sepa rale guest S745 per mo, 2 yr lease. 2~ ba, large bonus rm Walerfronlffomes, Inc tvEC 5,.R:C-...DO 2 Br, 2 ba in Costa Mesa util Mature adults No frplc. enclo~ed yard, from bch. bit m~ fplc home. 14 acres of bear-(213) 991-0687 or (213) S800No pets 631·1 400 1!;A • ·~ """ • Dbl garage w/openr .Rt>lS 675-4.172 __ garage S700 mo Call patio S4Z>j l62..C9U Waikiki 2 BR fum condo mg a voc:ados Asking 782-3382 SSZ.~79 4 Br. refng, micro. dis· Microwave, fclush crpts 2 br, 1 ba, 2 sundecks. CenturWSurf 97t-1~ I . 314 .. $995,000. Agt. (7 14 ) LEASE 4 Bd Woodb ·d 3 b lt,-l b posal. wls. S950 Mo. Call & d f p I -"91• , 14th nr view, pool, ocean vu · rt ge, r, • a Bluffs. J BR or 2 + den. 631.0460 rps. rp c. oo & gar S6SO'mo yrly, ut ils 3 br, 2 ba. centrally l<X·at· ••••••••••••••••••••••• nr beach Saleorexchg 644•9513 -Th . fam rm, beaut. pool & condo. S62slmo. avail. 2~ BA, fplc, patio. pool. · spa S7SO. m2940. paid 673-1Ui6 __ ed Immaculate Adults. Irvine condo The Lakes. 1 S98,0000wner~_.1451 Gr ass Va lley "' spa. S1600/mo. Marcia immed.~7690 1875.760831M,67S.5930 llQC..,..T~M Lge 2br.lba,w'2patios, no pets Near OCC BR loft. S52S mo leedatria~ Starlire Ranch. 2 homes Redick. 63J.121i6. Agt. Turtle Rock, 4 bdrms, J Br. 2 Ba. House with 3 bd'rm, 2..., ba , golf 2 br + den, 2', ba rondo, gar. & lndry ssso mo 54Q.224_L_ 7~2 1983 dy~. ~59 9581 2100 14 acres. gardens. or· Co1taMftCI 1224 family rm, din rm, liv swimmina pool + 2 ad-coursev1ew.Sl400 2 c ar gar, refrig. yr!y.675-8213. Adults only Lrg 2bdrm ev~ ProlN chard. spnng fed tpond . ••••••••••••••••••••••• room & kltch, 2~ ba, ditlonal utiUty Br., fam 640-5274 washer, dryer. gas BBQ, C ... _.Mar 3822 apt, dishwasher. patio Orangetree. I br rnndo. ••••••• •••••••••••••••• 1 r r1 g at ion· pas u re · DLX CONDO 2 Br. + lrg S900 mo. Avail Sept 1 rm . , fr p I c. n Ice I y Co do Uni · hed 3 B pool jar Sliuna S72S Ol'Ofta _.. Comp I rede<> S4oo mo I f 7,SOO sq ft. Xlnt tt>c + S39S.OOO wilhSlSO,OOOas loft Br. 2...., Ba. frplc, SS2-4136after4PM landsc:a..-.1. SllSO Mo n , umtS . r 6J1.:i213 o;979-403i ... ••••••••••••••••••••• 717 James . .\pt A ao\~1la c1md;en~~1:~· 6000 sq ft Fenced yd sumable OWC lo 20'i-gar., ale. oew S74S. ORANGETREE-2 Bdrm 640-1327.Sii-6188, office W /Back bay Wate r ------Fantastic ocean & city 640.4979 __ space has mod AC or Pr ine only <71 41 67~u"cor""'~"....... 1 Ba, 2 fta r gar. Adult View. Refrig, Preezer. Newport Versa1 lle stdio hght view from every S330618 fices. can be spbl. 2919 S 548 2445 ,,_ ...........,, , • 759-6597. Washer, Dryer Included co nd o p L , J a c. room l Br $(,()()Mo Call I Br carpet5, drapes T H E LA K ES . , Haladay. SA 646 7512. --·-E.SIDE C"""'-IDO comm unlly Tennis· (THE COVE) Bayside SlOOO/ Month Broker sauna ,gar rerrg k 2S Anthony d·ays 642.c7c7, pool Adults, 11u1et at· waterfront rondo, 1 Br Real Estat. Vl""ll pool. gym. sauna 759 9100 mo 851 lt.e " " 548-6900 r -ch-2800 3 ~d 2 ea 1 , frplc. lrg s5801 mo. ls t & last Dr. Exec. Condo. pool, · -'--· eve eves & wknds 644·8889 mosphere Business & loft rrpk n•ntral air Lots fo ~_._ 2200 ~ -"T" all S6SO 646-0329 spa & private beach, I professional tenants c:ond S52S Mu 12131 r ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• JP o. W_ .. _"!'°· +sec. deposil ~-9400 B d 1..., B 2 t Nice & brite 2 Br 1 Ba ••••••••••••••••••••••• Palm Springs house with oyce .......,, Warner. r, en. a., s ory, FIOMT IOW O.,Wxta IMfww 3600 Sundeck, palJo. ca~ 731 6829~1 592 21711 f l frplc $995 l ea se VIEW BEAUTl""UL 2 B 2 B o d b FOR SALE m beaull u pool, Sl39.500 S53.000 3 Br. 2 Ba College Park. New 2 story Woodbndge 759_1092. ••••••••••••••••••••••• No children pets r r a rangetree coo o. 1 r S h a s t a Co u n t y equity Will exchange blt·i.ns, . D/W. frplc home. Jbdrm, 2"'1ba. Spacious single story Corona del Mar, 2 bdrm. 760-1713 Mesa Verde. 1100 sq ft Plan 3. a c d1~h.,,.a!>her Californi a. between Newport Beach area. Available. S700. Ask for frplc, drapes, earthtone OCR_..,..,_,.. Eastbluff home wilh un Iba, patio, comer unit. Blk t o Ocean, upper 2 br. fplc. lndry, patio, dis drapes. on lake . .,. pool Redd mg and Alturas. m Cll!!_327·l328. Pete. 751·3191 carpet. din nn & dinettl'. ""'""'"" • obstructed Upper Bay $.575 I year lse 644· 7220 1 ba frpl patio carport hwshr, encl gar. Ad Its. tennis rec rent\!f $4541 the gorgeous Fall River Exchange or tradefor CONDOS FOR RENT. 2 car atlch gar. ale. !r~!i~~ ~!;.f~ and night Ughts view 4 or 549-l7SS coin' ldry. Quiet adlt~ no pets SSSO lease Gordon, 497 l4llli Valle) 5 acres O\'er look oftean front or income Brand new See Westbay shopping & lake nearby bdrms. &. family rm. lm SS6S 3107 ~l!S!.._ !'>40-440<> 2 Br P 1 t tu rt>~ q u t.' '"t! thl' n.1 River Last • Sl.SOOmoyearly.67s.8562 d. t •--"----A-Fw-'.+.A B h I I d t c d b u• ro property, 3 condos Townhomes ad, section Pool & teruus No pets. --me ia e occupanry ........,.--. ll'llll-"111 --642·3153 ac e or, new Y ecora . Orangetree on o. ' lot available. SlS0,000 Steamboat Springs, Col 3824. $850/mo. 1714)847.82(M. US11LUFF Sl,195 permonlh ....................... ed , pr iv ate p at io. stream. t.eMts & sw1rr>-~.~~~~~A~w~r~~lg Ski·in,ski-out,oo slopes. SECLUDED 1 Br. very DHrfitldCOlldo ~f:c~nn~t~~=~~ ~~~.~!~ ..... ~?.~~:~:~~~~ ....... ?~.~! Ea~~$~~~n No ~i:67t~ Sept Isl p,l!Qne mate916 JlS.2673. 7141540-4752 private, quiet & woodsy 3 Bdrm. 3 ba, gar, dis· S700 Mo/Ytarly Beaut. MESA VERDE home at Adults. no pets. New h~asher. ,.. __ to pool location. S8SO per mo. "' Ch Lot for •ale b• o.,.~er in ,. ..,..,,,., W .. d 7"''"175 ,. u r n a r m I n g . mospbt-2 &. 3 lllJt ant< Stiver Lakes' fo~ mfo FOR EXCHANGE ca!JN!lS._ddrapes, range and rec cent.er. Avail eel• ays ~ ( pnvale 2 Br with sun No pets.'~1034 .,... Min1-eslat.e in Bel Air off Uttls pa1 . lSl. + secun· Aug 15. SS&-58 Seav ew 4 Br 3 Ba. amily deck over garage. 306 1 --.i'._~IJ>45 71S8. Stone Canyon, electric ty. S52S Mo. 642-~ or: rm, dining rm, ocean & Coral Ave. Do not dis· HEWLY DECOR. Mo...taill,Dewrt, gates. reatur ed in 646-6423 G,.•.trHHw nightligltviews.Pool& turb tenants. Shown by I Br. gas pd, encl Rar Resort 2400 Architectural Di gest NEW 2 Br I Ba. Quiel & 4 bdrm, 3 ba. fireplac~. tennis. S1800pr mo. A °'''~mn of 3_2Pt. onJ 2131S.S7·3S3S_ d washer, pool Adults ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOR EXCHANGE ror cool, bulll·ins, refrige gar. dtShwu her Avail llJrbor lnn..,lml'nl Co lalboa P..-.-3707 642·~5117~3-__ D ....... Hots-home on watAr Call Adults. no pels. Utils Sept 1. ~5369 Waterfront lease, 4 Br 4 ...... n r ...,... ~ B r Uy rm top con •••• • •• • •••••••••••• ••• 2 Ir. I lo Apt Duplex. l'Omer proper Helene Allison paid. lBl. + sec:urtly. R A N C H 0 S A N di~ion~~oc.k fo~ 40 boat. !!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1"11111!1!1!1!!!!!~1 Bachelor Apt. Ullls incld Ntwly decor (fas pd ly, near park &shopping S650 Mo. 642-0835 or JOAQUIN on the golf S• C"-"te 3276 Yearly renwil S32S. Call encl gar .. pool, dshwr center 2 br + 1 br w -WAITRFRONT 64fi..6423 course. 3 BR 21,', ba. S900 S2200. ••••••••••••••••••••••• aft. 6. 67S.9394 Adults 642.scn3 I eocl sunroom. indoor & HOMES Mesa dtl Mar beauty. 813 mo. Avail Sept I, 4 Br 4 Ba. clean & sharp, Panoramic oet;an view 4 Coda MtM 3724 outdoor pall~. frplc, a c REAL ESTATE Presidio Dr J bdrm. 2 Barrett Rily, 642-5200 & be h br 2 ba quiet cuJ.de USTSIOE + desert roolmg, 2 car 631-1400 ba, lg cov patio, Cplc, Ln· LAKIFIONT ~~~~or O:~ie sa~. sundecks. fenced ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avail. now 2 bdrm. lba , gar Extra lot 1nt'I els gardntr & water. LEASE 759.1221 yard, gardener S975. CASA DE ORO I atory, sha~, drapes. ?:~:~a~~\ ~ira~~I.'"' ~ Real Estate !~~i 9~f.7·4Yi'I. 54S.6445 Luxurious living. Exc1t· Pvt park. 3 Br 2\.ia B11 49'l·3729 ALL UTlLITIES PAID ~=~:?~:~~a/w~d~J~~ S90.000 1329-9891 1>6241 0 MODERNW&STSIDE ing views. Large 2 BR. W/D, refrig S72S/mo. Wfftw....... 3298 Compare before you S4751mo. Flora DHS92240 We11tted 29 O den in private gated Kids OK no pets ••••••••••••••••••••••• rt nl. Custom des1ga TSL MGMT 642·1603 __ ... -•••••••••••t••••••••••• 3Br.2~Ba Townhouse. Woodbridge communi JohnManhall HOMEFORRENT features: Pool. BBQ. TRADE OR SB.1. Rtsl~--&.1_.l--h patio, deck. frplc ty. SUOO/mo Ask for 631-121616 3 Bdrm. $575 Fenced HEWPORT -._ p f ct for kids $775 rd ·ds & cov 'rd garage, s ur· PALMSPRIMGS Older ResidenlialBchor Mere · LynnMiUer,Owner/agt. ya & gara&e Ki r ounded with plush APAITMIHTS. Secluded view rstalr Waterfront property. To o.S4S-722S. 552·1800 pets welcome 54s.2000 landscaping. Adult liv 2 2Bdr m l ·lBdrm Point 9 acres. pool. spa, purchase & or join Uy de· 3 BR 1 Ba. Federal Aye • Woodbridge 4 br, 2 ba, A ent no fee ing at its best No pets Prom S270 mo + ullls Approx 2000 sq ft Was velop I will provide new cpls, drps, pauit, ram. rm. gardener. Nr Co.do•Umm l Brfum from k45 No children, no pets. no des 1 g ner Raymond IOO't rmancing. Charles fncd yd. grdnr. ~mo. schools, parks. SlOOO mo. fwM"-d 3400 36S W. WU.50!:! 642-1971 waterbeds. Loew> s re tr rat ~!!L 956-1211.1___ ~~mily f ooJ~. c:r1~r1e5n \213l42.4·7462, "24-6874 Steps to beach. 2 br, 2 car ....................... New decor lbr dplx. sep 2.450 Newport Blvd. Beautifully updalcri ·re 5· vai 32 ... gar frpl yrd $6SOyrly Lease/Option beaut furn b Q · Id COllta Meso S4 98 000 Allr1ana Need to seU? I need lo ReplytoAdNo.931,D11i· INcti -968-8263 , . . adlt condo 3 BR 2 Ba. Y gar. u1et emp .,.,,.97·86 a buy pool house CM. or ly Pilot, PO Box 1560, ••••••••••••••••••••••• adult over 3S, no pets _.-__ ' gt nearby w/OWC, assume Costa Meu, CA921626 Beach rentals from S450 Harbor View Homes · SlOOO mo. (Sale price SJso. 548-lOZl "-c--.. · Adltsonl b ~ t E •bd S145,500 unf ) Will vr'~ _ .. , or~ Call21J.76S-6261 Mesa Verde 3 Br den 2 mo. y. e u · u c. rm . negotiate furn. 1745 SUS CASfTAS Property 2500 --Ba 2 frplca N~ pets 531118. 3\llba. sep. mother·ln· Tustin #lB, ownr agt, F 1 br .,. S32S & •••••••••••• .. ••••••••• ltttt Is $850 I 91i2.4SJ . Lovely 2 Br. home for law or maids quarters, 642--. d ,u,, 3255 um. . a.,.. r-1ott..--L c............ a ease. . L B h lovely grounds alarm ~ .,..,. up. End gar. Adults, no ~..-,,..fV'f'll' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3Br 2Ba WestcUff area rent, aguna. eac · le 1 Sl400/ pets. 2110 Newport Bl Exqu1s1te llOO sq rt hill ""'"Fla RI t.d l?th ft J'rv fncd yd 1675 partial ocean view, walk ;r;~9 ease mo. wport leodl 1269 548-4968 blwn 8 &. 5PM. top home on 10 gentle ••••••••••••••••••••••• mo. 642:2293, (·213 1 to beach Avail. Sept · ••••••u•••••••0 •••••• plantable arres. Pool. lol»oe 1.-.:1 3 I 06 "3-S252 Call 847·1122 1.:: ::ii~°:~~. no pets guest house. view to ••••••••••••••••••••••• E t S'd C d aBr Monarch Bay T. 4 Br. 3 646-788J Qcean. Probable split. S750 Mo. Winter, 3 Br, I 2~~ f 1 1: lg ~l~· S650 Ba. Din, fam. fr lndry ll•Ara.IAO IMMID OCCUPANCY! 2 Br. 1 Ba. Apt. Beam ceilings, laundry rm, pool . Adults only, no pets. TSLMGMT 6'2·1603 I Br. Garden Apt SU>ve & refrige. Adults. no pets. $335. S41H377. Bachelor S24S Inc Ids LocJ-o IMC:h 38.41 ullls, garage & refnge •••••••••••••••••••. ••• 645 2075, 5411-5763 I bdrm. new, lrg deck. Large 2 Br I Ba Newly Nort h end Close lo decora ted 720 "B" beach SS25.4!M 7079 Shali.!!cl.!.f ~ 64fi..2613 Spartan IBR 2blk~ to Large 2br. 2ba, 2 car gar Brh. uul incl 3\'ail no.,. 229 W Wilson. it2 $575 through Dec S20tl mo 2 13 18 50 0266 or da)s 975 4017 e'e' 2131271-1290 851 1345 NEW BREED AP'l'S 2 br, I ba. oc.ean \'1e.,. BACH SJ3S SSSO incl ut.1b :'\o pe~ Frplc. rec room. pool. 645 231_7 _ __ 1a ruu1. gas & water LOCJlllHI MlcJ-f 3152 patd. l)dults. no pets 393 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hamilton, CM 645-4411 2 Br 2 Ba Condo On 1tolf or63!)1SO,_ course v.asher dr)cr PINE BLUFFAP'l'S refnge 1nrld S600 2 Br 2 Ba. Cluld OK. no 492 6700 pets Patio, view, frpk , Newport IHch 3169 encl gar gas stove SS50 ' ' ••••••••••••••••••••••• 631-21SOAM 6Jl-6107PM PAii NEWPORT Large I bdrm, newer APADTUENTS tnplex, Near So Coast '""' Plata Garage Adults. no pets. S395 mo Agl. 9293. Unfum 2 Br Yard & garage. S550 + secunly deposit. Kids & small pets OK. Avail. now _645-8369. COUMTRY CLUB LIVING IH NEWPORT BEACH An adult community on the Ba ck Bay Sper tacular Spa. 7 swim m111g pools, 8 lighted ten n1s courts, bike trails. putt i n g g r ee n Bachelors. I and 2 THE JOHNSON LAND Choice loc 116 Diamond · 831-8065 &875-8074. ~-.~ ••••••••••••• .. ••••••• CO. S75-41.8S,S4CM917. Spacious 3 Br. + Oen. Spec. ocean vw. abr, lnY•~ SIGHT·SOUNDOFSEA $545,000 Ba, completely furn. mo ·a:tm ' rm. Kidt OK 11000 Mo a nnl"L,IV\g L .... ~ 374 2 BR lwnhouse Living bedrooms apartments . . weatiBllU Rm ., Dining a r ea , and townhouses from To~OM-kitchen, frplc, gas & l51000permonlh 7141728-4412 L n dry ho o It · up , fr pie, hrdwd lloors, REALTY s:m wk Aug. wntr $400 0.. fC--'v WIHTaRIMTAL gardener lncld. No pets. deck nr town/bch mo .,..,., ~ water, attached garage. On Jambor~ At CONDOS FOR RENT pool, jacuzzi, laundry SanJoaqwnHllls Road 2 Br. +Oen. 21h Ba. $640 fac. on property. Adulls. <TI4l64+1900 , o Z"' 2550 9/14-6/14. 3 br, llh ba, srrs. Savaae Wllde & Co. $mo 4w · ·-·-.--{7HH94-5184, 337-2222 '°f"t··1 $725/mo.873-23t& 87S.I006. · · . Ba"h'"'lo ti fur ••••••••••••••••••••• .. -Sun drenched h1llslde EL M •R 2 to 4 BR • " r, P Y n, 2 ~~~~:;l3150sq.f\~ no pel3. Avail. lmrued Oceanfront for Winter Horse property, 3 acres. hlbociP ....... JI07 3br,2bacmdo,a.tt.gar , home, 3 BR. 3 BA. COIOMA D ~ ·S ry 1333/mo. incl. otils & 3bdrm house. I ba ........................ pool. $5'75, lst, luU111c. Formal din, Fireplace. 21h BA spacious duplex, freshly .aar, lat&lasl. l·S&t-1329 1 Br, xtra lrg SSlS &3l·UM --Rentals. Fum1shed & L9 BRAND NEW , full D .. PoW 312' unfum. Broker. 67~ ownerwiU carryatl5%. ON THE BEACH: lint Near OCC. 5S7-807l. 2400flcarpeted,FronU1 refurbished. Close to shopping & MewportllMdi 376' Sl39,000. San Bemadino loc. Winter Rental Avail 646·tz73 back yard w/ gardner. schools. Available now. $1.100 per ••••••••••• .. •••••••••• size t.ownhomas. double ••••••••••••••••••••••• NO FEE! Apt. & Con<lo garages, private y1rds, Large bac~elor. Dana ~ntals. Villa Rentals. area. 465-0256. Sept. 12. 7 Br. 2 Ba. 3 Bdrm 1 Ba, crpta. 8800 mo. LelH. Avall. , month Lease Donna Godshall Carlsba d-waterfront. ~pks·~· lrqtle drapea, 1 cu 1ara1e. Sept. lat for app, 644.62()() Come home too retreat' · roo • u ~ fenced front /back, 4'M82SAfter7PM. Spacious 2 Bdrm, 2 full ~~s.;,ua. 21st. or ca M25/mo. 8'13-S7l9 evea, 3bdrm, 3ba, fam rm, wet· Ba, gorgeous view. . &f.S.S'22 · bar, 2 frplc's, open SU0.000. Lowdwn. Wmter Rental: Sept. 12th Beautiful new X mdl, d• beams·newet In 3 Arth R &ff Jnv't. 752·2197 lhru June 12th. Clean. 2 corated ' landlcaped Bay. 11000/mo lease. br.paUo.e.arace 'l•un· Somerset Citihome Act·U.-1561 CAii.SiAD dry. S600 Mo. +deposit. (Baller/Bear St>. 3 Br 3 . • A RE~L SLEEPER! Adulta.f75..3S71. Ba. 2 c:ar car $150 ........ M. 3250 $100,000. 30 yr, 10~ Reap. partlu only ..................... .. a1manlted loan + as-C~ 842.-Jlvmaa HOMEFORRENT ·sum 122 ooos~tlrst. Lrg Newly decorated, 3 · 3 Bdrm, laS. Fenced SBR 3BA Mah view bdrm, 2 ba, atepe to Z Br. wtlh ttove. eaclad yard ' c•r11t. KJ<ll fc bom~ lft finest am Ask· beachs.. no dilldttn, no 1ar•1e. Adulta, not:;:· pell welCOmt. $45-2000. lng uso.ooo. By •PPt 00. pets. :)ept 1 to June 1. ns. '773 W. WI ion. A&eot, pofee. l.y. wonu«t. 729-4630or 8'75-1475 fil·•· " ...... 1JIZ home1 722-'ZZT7 Charmine cou.qe. atepe D"'8 ...................... . OCEAN FRONT CONDO to beach, 2 Br 1 Ba, yr)y W•taldt/Bluffl area. J a Br. I Ba. Gardea Hoene, zbdrms,Sbalh..toft leue. Coast Prop. Br, 1 a .. Fenced rur N\lutl sa.., prhate New 1810 14 ~. lmptrial 673-s.tO yard, la'1t r..t yard. commty, pool, beach. Be•chSoofSanDle10 Lagllll.._. ll41 dlaluu1ber. w11btr taso.-.po.•t·ml. MLOC Realtor51S.8714 .................. ,.... hooll·up, .elld 1ara1t. Ntw 4 bdrm. lam. rm. · Lt film 1 bdrm bM, or SHO . ht • lut. rrof decorated , CM ef S.. 2600 atalll 8HdL ~per mo Gardeller meld. ea.t1a. 10 o o /mo . Do DD a. ,,..,.., 'tfl$11S•• MUA VIRDI. IBR. l·OIWI . ...... : ............... En&Jiab ~&ase. 2 Br. 2 JBA. elee llitcb, di•· .:e~z:.i-=!.----.., I' ...._., Ba. Dmlll rm. Walk to h•aahet. Oft'* cul· Mlwpert... JUt U""" b b 1bops UH. -. .. c. tnl 1IO. Dan, .... ,, .. ,_,,, .. _ .. "Th rt• bdrm count~)' ,:,,J,.;rut. · .... ""'· --· IMut. nr, I bl t. Upptr llom• • WMbinl'OD • . u.r.n 1 • ~ 6 111. Pool w '""; ha11ll11JI Olympic M .. e ~ acs.trtilial • -+ iecdr J!fdHtr. SUOOlmo. AP•IDPllwltlaU.,.ol dollar 10 ,.,._., Ult M Kida 6 ...a RllU Jand ud lot It OD 1')11rbulm..'"'7 .. 1 oi Avall ~ I _..ur:i=------Yamow lol Dir JUyer. In the Ca.tnlcl _.. · · · ... ,.. · ILL .... llt9 wlUl a ot thl1 11•••••"· l>allJ Pilot Clulllied aan ton . H CAMTOM Newport custom home -Seven Bedrooms -1'\·e Baths -Terrine Golf Course view. For Lease $4,250/mo. Marilyn Kershner 642-8235 ... AtllAl.IMm•aPYn••· fireplaces. No pets. Point. Patktng, laundry, 67S-4912Brolter Located Z blocb from 129$. 49l-031B iBR. 2 ba. yrly S720 mo. downtown shopping, 5 H•lilgtwlwlt Jl40 Frpk. bltns, patio, gat min. to beach. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Like new 129 3Slh St w:t= f~ Nr. new 3bdrm, 21ft~a. Don't disturb occupants 666 w 18th St CM frplc, dbl encl l•t. patio. Days-Gi.n, 213-331·9* 645-lTas~642~· UOO /mo Ask for BEACH YRLY RE~· Rosemary G ~2262 TALS lBr fr bachelor ntE VICTORIAN. New· or96H633. .Jonesfil!y&7U210 YIAIMIOUNO FUN: ly decor 28r. w/gar, Oceanfrobt deluxe studio 81 ff 2 BR 2 8 E' Socltt Ao1tv111os 01· adlta crpts drps bll· d he nd u s. ~ A. lie rector • Free Suna.y In• Fnc:d Yrct w I Palio con °· on l 51 · sec: a a r . P o o I U 7 5 Brunell • 880 s • water pd. 83M120 call gate. all amenities. 640-5296.~7~ Petties • Plus mo1e 1•5. 86'1 Victoria. $450. Reas. 951'91541 . • GfllATflECMATION: SPAClOUS 2 BR Adult Nur new, xtra dlx VI.CM« leM1S•Freeles10nS · • townhae apt. lrg 3 Br. 2 (pro & pio shop). 2 open beamed celling, Ba. frplc:, blt·ns, wfd hk 3 b d r m , 2 b at II . t4Mtt11Clllbe•Saune Iola of wood, serving up, ii:yUahts, vaulted fireplace, bit U'\J, IMW'ly • Hy!if:' m1m 9e • bu. SUO. No pets. 22S6 c:eilin&• dbl tl lt rtfurblabed. Vrly al $1!'1 Sw1 1n9 •Goll Maple. 548-1351. ' ~!,. gar, mo. OrM AlnQt §?S-.U. :,t~tn.s. ..._,, Call associ ated ~~~. • 2 Br, l Ba. Nr S. Cst • 1.195 2 Br 2 Ba Pool rootM • rurnl1hed P~au, ~~Adult.. SSOO. pal\!a. KJda 'ok. tio.1.a.: ·~·MMll --~iMo . No Ptl•. Spartlin1dun2 Br. Hit Super 2 Br lYi Ba 2 I~ 1 '• t tJ.., "t /1 -1'"' o ") ' ..... l -' •1 "400tl• Open Deily Ba, '470. Fenced, ut.ils 1tor y condo tr pie 9 \08 P•l d . Rtfr tg . .... h ' ' TWLY Otkwooct 2 amall•dllld OK. No ... war. tru compactor. ~ BUC'l'OOCEAH Gtr'lleft _,. .... ,.. pdl ltlOWallace pello, zan1t. Commty Sbr, lba,llOO/mo ~ ...... .._ -1!-•!I .... , r;;;.,;.~~:!,siee~ 2br.lba,1510flll0 m ltv~•1 ~1 ~r )OU'19 Illa,..°" lbdrm, 2llil ooedo, I car 0..., mmo I 4) t1 11m ... Clulllled ad• aar. 1ar door opmer, Maturt ptllOrl or cou~ ..... .,u..-1. "rtlllal wtl l't "°"' paUo. °"1 ...... • 11 R puttaouu •t 1100181\~S'*" attt• .. '° tM ritht loal\I, SUS/ao . Vtrsalllts View, iat ... (7•1•4•• -·--•I= C1ll 'May! IU/lut. Sito au, 6 aare ... "'°. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 Sllll SPB:W. !~~ ........ ~.~ ........ ~~ ............ ~~ .. ~, ............. ~~ ................ ~~ ........... ~:~ ................ ~~~ ......... : .. .. DESIGNER, OIUonally· Shampoo 6 aturn clean. Direct from manutac· JAPANmEOarde4er TREE/SHRUBTRLN Vacatlonlna? Need a tYtft Mtv ... Co.• rArllH.AM6tMG BALBOA ROOFmG CO known, wlll customize Color brlaJUnietl, wht turer-decor pilJowa, Maintenance, Clean-Up Garaae 6 yard clHn· boutteltter! caU Cher ror Your bat move yet, ~ yra up Free est The only roolma co ror ~J;~}~~y your weddln1-1own1, crpla 10 mltl. bt.ach IP r .. d1 , etc. Bev Freee1timate. 9U2588 u . r . 5.S'l-11271 7U/t48·~'t2 Responal· hlajb vN. &42·1329 Labor, $8/roll Ir up thecout f13-S7'3 -- aueu, etc BevThayer HalJ, Uv.41.n mu SU: Tba ar &sl·<lrl ---WEHAUL ITAU..! ~!.Rtfa. '-'-"'"· ---JOo/t Off HORIZON ROOrlNO fora 851·058'7 ---•~I U ~.SO; couch 110; fw Yt• 1 ·~:a Dtmolltlon, yard clean· t..chc.,.. ,::;;~............... wallpapu it we hana It Low summer ~rlcu on WW.,.. ~ C uar.~Um.pet .. ,;"; .................. M ed ' It up.D11mJ>_lnlclt,bolxat ...................... •fmtpalnUn&byRichard BOOKSbroo&btto your roorlo1 Cal now. ....................... r rpt rcpa.1r. 15 Ytl Grttn modular sofa arp ow1n1. llftl. ra "''· 8y bror ~ ~ 8rothereConslt'\ICWl'I Stnor l.lc, l.DS. 13 yn ol home. For appt. call 5'8·3609 ....... ___ _ 30~~d DAILY Pl.OT AVALOMCOMSTL tJLp. Do work myaell. Foldamtofoambeds 5 •w1eepina free llAULINGWANTEO l660SanlJIAn1Av.CM happy N.8 . customers RobertJDecor.S»-$508 Stw .. /.U•aHo. BuUcUna • Rem•lln& Rers~l-OlOI --lecea kOO IM0-4335 eit m Ile•. Mf.O!M4 or 1 ~TON TRUCK P I a n ta • I n t I ex t Thank_Jou. 631-441_0__ The Pa""r H•naer, Prof ••••••••••••••••••••••• ll 1..... No Steam/NoShJampoo ~ ---84H 737 L"'"T"'0 ""7·°'2'7 l.a d ..i..g tree sur ""' -... C D u k SllVICIE DIUCTOIY DO IT NOW ! 24 Yfl· C·11111. 847-732t> Stain Specialist. Fast Drywel Sam Fukumoto YARD -"""-"""... n sea...., . • DB's PAINTlNC install Decorator quaJ st m reu "'a ma HOii! IMPROVEMENT dr F eat 8»-LS8Z ••••••••"••••••••••••• MAINT " Clean-ups. HomK...... gery. sprinklers Ltc lntlexl Neal reliablt. Free est SUveS47 4281 alterat1ons/Rep11rs AddJtlons/RemodeUns · ree · Drywa~S 1ahat T ...... tri 1 mall ....................... I C27 3528C7,646--0SSS _ refs Dave~evs ,.-1--L. -Conaultation 10 your OB ERTS CARPET Qu I •· . N-w •. r'"· r'""' mm ng , • T T I . ------90 •UOM home7""8370 Guaranteed. ·1323 ~ • " "' ,..-WantaREA.LLYCLEAN ree r mm1ng . re· RALPH'SPAJNTING ••••••••••••••••••••••• --V'r REPAIR. 0 -t-t"h. re· m ... -. •. ~-."""·" lan<bca,p!.J:l · 00~ u G h mo I ma•-t .... yrs Alllflors.h Your Dally Pllot Service Directory Represent.at1ve '41-5671, tllt 322 na '" ~ _ !!_.. ....,........., HOUSE! Ca ing am va · "'· "" EILl /1.nt, reas, prompt ONE FREE l.l::SSON1 5,,..len ltOOMADOfTIOMS lay Allrepain. . ALL TEXTURES&-H.d'ya• Girl. t'reeeat.~5123 u~. Farmer, have Lie 1-'reecst 9&4SSM New ApproaC'h' Enjoy ...................... . llEMOOB.IMG 87~ DrywaU.Cleanf(depen· "jAC.KOFALL.TRAO·~· ROBIN'SCLEANING ~p. Xlnt~f MM3l8 AGAPEF'ORCE I earn 1n1 1 8 ob SPRINKLERS&SOD ~~~!:~F!~~s~~: .... 4c.o.HC dable. Re .631·2.'MS Plumbing.elec.heatln& Service a thoroughly M&IOIM"'f PAlN'flNCCOMPANY Beardsle S48~~· Tree Removal. DIG IT ·············~········ DRYW &II •• ... •• Odd b '"'"~Q I C'leao house 54().0857 ••••••••••••••••••••••• G t'A r lo '--/R--' Landsca 646-7070 windows, skyU1ht.s, oak Acoustic Ceilinaa + ~ -_ ~ s. __,,., . · . BR 1 c Kw o R K • s m 1111 3 enera "'ns u ,. 1....-....-r '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~inter .. oak stairways customh.andtexturing TheC.F Group 'JS4.U39 Rooting. muon~y , Qu~lltyl~learung Jobs Newport, <.:osta Pt1nllngExrellence ....................... f,...S~ ..,,. .. c....... Plans. we 301007 Free Lie 399944 532.$549 Ta.pe,Texture.AcousUc carpentry, home 1m w1thPersooa.JTouch Meu. Irvine. Refs ~SBSI Ne11tp11tches &tex1ures ...................... . ....................... e1t Reas.30yrs.Allen ....t/eo.cr.t. -Ceillngs.FreeestReas. provement.s & repairs. Freeest. Beth~OlS6 675·3175 _QuahtyPtg.Lowestr11h•11 fftee1t. Hl-IOt JAYETlHCAlE GUAR. USED REFR's E Johnson 8'0-5656 or •••••••••••••••••••••• Kevin 67~9CXl8/67J.1503 631·5406 ~ANTED,! Hou11~cle»n BRICK : Walls, Wolks. 1n OC Neat prom pt PLASTER PATCHING Toppin11, pnming, re SALES&SERVICE 840·4724 eve11. ool Decks and Patios, Btctrical ---HOME IMPROVEMENT ing exp d, reliable, Planters. Patios , Serv 8485684_._6~7149 _ Int/ext :.>yrsexp moval&spraying.IOyrs Goodcond. 642·TI54 GHWICK&SOH Masoory,Sport&TeMis ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plumbin&. dean·up~. honest SS.71Z5afl4PM Ve o e er s, etc Slarvmgllouse Palllters Nealw_Q!'k PaulS452977 exp Local refs Free As..... BuLldersSulce 1947 Courts. Lie. 374067 Bob, ELECTR ICIAN-priced odd jobs. 28 yrs exp •Housecleaning• Block work. Concrete Ouahty Work Reas Restuccos Textures est. Lie 0Cll566. 640-9D ...................... Additions. remodeling, Ml 1966, &47·7078 right, rree estimate on 979·2265 Protessional·Thorough l.1c. fi.efs. 64&U97 Free e.!L_ 543.gm Doug Intl ext Patchwork TREE D~IGNS Driveways, psrkmg lot plans. Free est. Reas. DRIVEWAY CLEANING Inge or small jobs. Carpentry · Masonry Xlnt Local Ref's Frplcs. Pal.los, Planters QUALITY PAJNTING Free est 645-8258 Pruning, Sculptunng repairs. sealcoating Lk310942. s.t9-2170 Improve ')'our home ' Lie U96621 673--0359 Roof111g .Cer. Tile ~arbe831-~ For 0 job done right State lie.~ 16 yrs .......... Top, Thm. Removals. S&S Asphalt 631·099 c.,.,...ter ---Remove ugly oil It rlJSt RESID./COl'ltM'L -Drywall · more 499-~ Rehable. Great work' Larr 7$0-9028eves Oran&.e Co 8J9.~-....... ~.............. _f!ean·up. 631·~13 Llc'd ....................... stain. Forest. 897-4888. Hi&hly qualified. No Job HordwoodAoon Steady Job Refs. C.:all CUSTOM MASONRY THE Cl-. GROUP McCORMACK Pl.MSG Window ~g ASPHAL1:REPAJ~l_NG All Types Remodeling & THO PSON'S toosmaU.631·2345 ••••••••••••••••••••••• after4PM.64&-7228 Brick. 81ock, Stone. RES 1COMM EXT REPAIR&REMODEL ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~alcoaun~&Striping Repairs. top quality. 17 CONCRETECONSTR. Electricaan-qual. work~ H~RDWOOD FLOORS Give a Girt ' Scrub-a Dub lOO's or local ref's PROMPT l.IC'U Stoppages Reas rate& OngmalWindowWasher ~omm/res1d Free est. yrs in area. Ucensed. l.ic. 393383 642 M82 reas rates. No job too Cleaned&Waxed prof houseclean in& 645·8512 ---_754-1539 Lic:..•194378 67~11194 Avg 3~~:r ~ Lie. #397362 645-8181 Mr. Palombo, 962-8314 CONCRETECONSTR small! MS-9803days An)'Ume, 832 41181 S.A service Reas, rel.Jable. EXPERT BRICK & Edward's Palllliug <:u. -- labyt""'-Cabinets &countertops. Foundations. slabs. A El IW k HCM6tg refs.Je&IJJ.631·5016 Masonry. Small Jobs & l nt ./e xt b y pro PoolSenlct ,Repoirs "Let theSW1Sh111e In" <.:all Sunshine Window Cleanm Ud S48~ ,.,_,, dr'1veway• walkways ny ectnca or ••••••••••••••••••••••• """I f · ••••• ••••••••••••••• •• Room additions & finish '" • L 11 F THE ORGANIZERS repairs .. •., c acmgs fessionals, dnt refs, no • •••• •••••••••••••••••• · in bl k 11-t · In ° ge or sma · ree est Haul. cleanup, concretn c I · Babys1tl g, my home. 1 work Free est. 754.4420 oc wa "'· re am " w k 213)438-1027 ' We can set you tree _f!efs 551 4.SM_,1~70'H l'harge est Oay or eve. om p ele sen ice re year and up. Nr Vic (bet7&9am s&lOpm) walls Local refi. or uar. --removaLOUmplruck 53&-8682 Mo•t..... 6610228...:.. pa1rs.&solarl/\Stall So loria CM642-8482 ' 953-8255 G_....*1 uickserv.642·7638 -Ji Cal Pool Sen-ice Remodel. kit cabinets. Ch.Id Cort ••••••••••••••••••••••• DUMP JOBS Reliable Couple does ren· ••••••••••••••••••••••• t:xl house pamtmg only 642.8663 a.di patios, bookshelves. 1 CLEAN·UPSILAWN tal & yard clean ups, Moving ? The Starving WedotheJobright' CALLJUUO'S For all your house & wmdow cln . 645-5689 I . d . . d •••• ••• •••••••••••••••• SmaU Moving Jobs C 11 S .... __ u ,. ~1...hi..... ••••••••••••••••••••••• s 1 1ng win ows , Childcare. My home Mamtenance-Lndscp Call MIKE64&l:lll haulln11 1.'lc.642·~ o ege luu•:11lsmoving LEl-:Paintm.,&846-48119 "e,wio ...._, •DIAL-A.IAHD• frames, door hangmg Flexible hours CM Freeest. 642-9907 Expert, exper German Co.hasgrown.lnsured. Need; pa.snter• Want a •••••••••••••••••••••••t--------- (714)7:11-1342__ 646. ~ ---area. S40-991S Mowing Sl»JS..$25 Hau ling~ Dump Jobs. girl will clean your home Lac llT12M36 64~ 8427 pro Job. but not a pro WOOD REFINISH ER loc*kffpiRg RO UGH OR ~lNISH COfttrocton, GeMtal Haultng/Movmg $2S Ask~~~Y immaculate 556 1233 _Watch us row -..e_nce? RanQ)',5.Sl! tl~J Bo~~·J:~etc ••••••••••••••••••••••• Doors. rencmg, etc ••••••••••••••••••••••• 7S4-9904/95S-0095 Mark HAULlNG-Stude.nt has ar_t. 5._ • A·I MOYIHG• Summer Speeial. u tlmt NEED HELP•: CALL Chris84().41»3 CONSTRUCTION YARD CL~·UPS, tree lge truck. Lowest rate HottSffitttllg Top quality Special pamting Pror Rsnbl RoofiltcJ "Tbe Acrountary". bk Carpet SerYlce Add remodel. concrete work, imgauon & re· Prom l Call 7S9· l976 •• • •••••••••••••••••••• care In handling 2S yrs _free es! ~~ve ~7 4281 • •• •••• •••••••••••• •••• kpg & acctg, PU .tr del ........................ Freeest S81-8300a1L.5_ pair. Maintenance. T~ankyou John DONTBEEMPTY. exp Competitive rates. ,.opering WILBF.RROOF'ING .lnc Lowestrates. 8S7 4646 We CareCrptCleaners HERITAGE PAJNTING Greenbelt Landscape, • · THIRSTY OR LONELY l!Q.Q!ertime. 7:.l-13.5.L_ ...... ................. All type), new tonstr & Steam clean & uphols. & REFURBISHING CO 642·0102. Cle. Up Yow Act "Security Plus" wall sit SEU. idle items with a "We gals should hang tc·roofmg, Lnl>, bonded. Truck mount unit Res1d or comm. 25 yrs Find what you want m Garages, litehaulmg. your house. plants & Daily Pilot Class1hed 1ogl'ther" S 10 rol I he 322119 Free est Work guar. 645-3716 exp. Lie.~. 997·2020 ~~~PalolClassaf~ _ _Lton truck. S2S 631-1993 ~l 7587 Ad U~hol. wall!. 839 q;xi 827 0861 FOUND ADS AIE FIEE Ci~ 642-5671 Aportmtah Uwfunl. loo.s 4000 R...tols to~ 4300 Rtntok to Sl9an 000 Office llewtol 4400 Office ltfttd 4400 t.tlntn lualHts lusinus Motley to Lo. 5025 • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 0 pporflllity s 00 5 0 pporflllity s 00 5 0 pporflllity s 005 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Hew-~ leoda 31691 Furn room an Costa IMovmg• Avoid deposits Rmmle wanted. Male to PLUSH 0 Ff' ICES. F'urn or Wlfurn oUu·~. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• IUSIHESS LOAMS •••• r.:::•••••••••••••• Mesa home. avail. now, & cut l.JVU1g expenses' shr2bdrmapt.S2001mo. 500 6000 SQ ft 1801 At, ulil pd, parking, BIKE RENTAL BUSI Well established Real JANITORJALACCTS SS00.00011Syrs .. 19'l VERSA ILLES spac 2 br. $200/mo.646-5006 Professionally since Please call George Newport Blvd. C.M Ph Coast Hwy. NB 5425 In Laguna Beach For Estate office All Equip :-lwpt Bch, S642 mo. ask _998·9350Mann> 2 ba. sec. gate. Clbhse .. FR EE rm wt pvt phone, 1971. 642·6381 art8am. 646 !M~-mo 645·7500 morunfo, ca114!M·3304 ment & Franchise in m.&_4~. 646-6146 lad LOAMS ocean view. adults. no m exch for cleaning, HOUSEMATES Business woman, 27-35. lo HEWrOlT I 7TH STREET PRINT SHOP eluded m sale Appeal A L o E v ~ R A 9 0 '< 0 r v a 1 u e 3 0 ~ $750.557-1997 .f.Q§la M~751·552S I 8J2.4134 find & shr apt, C.M ,~ .... s••"' COSTAMESA ..... _. C M ing price All rephe~ PRODUCTS Nat'I farm yrs SI00.000 . Pvt E bl fr 3 B 2 B 9524 ti;J"ll" -2 3 tri t Thnvmg ~mess. · • confidential #7~. CtO d asl u r a. CdM guest bdrm/balh MtwPottCrHf area,w.same.646· · _ Spacious exeC'ulive of· or roomo 1cesu1e~ low overhead. Call for DailyPilot,POBo.xl.560, ne e art!a c enter money.998-93SOManny Townhouse Apts 2 car with pvt. entrance 1 $3$0/'Mo. v, utils M IF to share large new rices acra;s from City Avail now Call details $65,000. Craig. manager for Orange Mof4n-Trwt ara e. 644-1010 --quiet adult. no pets. S215 Professional female to Irv in e house immed Hall AIJ services ava1la· Realonom1cs_.!IS.6700 631·1266 ~~ Mesa, CA~ -Coast Area TremendollS .. ~.., Nr Hoag Hosp 2 stv. 2 br. 646·0295. __ Share condo with all with yonno professional ble. 'optional' From 225 W"'S..,.._.•usTra returns upon invest Dffdt 5035 I -~ E" ' .... " I .... ILa.l"P t I r 0 M r ••••••••••••••••••••••• 10,, ba, din. rm. lndry Sleeping Room only amenities. Jacuzzi.Pool male.S325Mo.Cal1John sq.ft up at reasonable 12oOSQ FT EQUIPMENT R1cr .. AL men n Want investor for Npt hook·up,'500.642-6629 Everything furnished available Laundry 552·4030. rentals. No lease re· 14308 Beach Givd ·Htwn YARD Mel.!g£en mQ.5~5 bayfront home Give New dlx 2br. l"'iba upper, $45 week. 631 1254_.__ m ach in es in condo _quired, call67J.3002 2 frwys Civic Center In growing Morro Ba) Res._._. & well secW'ed lJl or 2nd nr Lido. rrplc. deck. Furn Lge bdrm. shr Won 'tlast.available1m "Gay Male/Female" BOAT SLIP ShoppingCenler Prime Caltf lnclude'lallm\Cn Codail~ T~Agt,67>6161 5650,adulu.631·0'2:56 bath, garden. pvt ent mediately. G.R.C RoomateContacl location 979 8889 or CMmllulSenle tory Seller ll> motl\•at In central Calif Coast Soffltt-t.M.. Co. Spacious 2 BR t2 BA. Sgl man pref Laguna 642-4691 -~rv1ce.U ·7PM. o•ollobltiRyowlecne 645·1260, --Sw.....-grool ed ~AskingS60,000 C1ly Sl.000.000 an All types~'Jal esUate waterfront apt. Loads of Canyon. S60 •wk. 3 wks !213)631-3040. .,...._ )'Oii choose ow Gro11nd flooroHice i.pace SO Orange Cout Area 631-2242 gross 8 YI'! old Ong investments since tlM9 amenities including pvt dep 497-63S4 det.H lOOO to 4000 Avail for lease. 400 to No exp ntt WilJ train ov.ner. new Z>-yr lse of S---~ lel sunbathing beach Slip Mmutes from Fashion '•lloo'"""~l••c'" Npt Bch. Westclilf. S21S. Sq. Ft. oHicff, Cal 1400 sq rt Uttl furn s15,000 cash down Plus fered AAA loc . prinr ~.::::' available. No children. Island Kitchen priv ~C ""\t 'V MatureFem.Nice2Br. Saieldlii67M662. Harbin In vestme nl approx S7000 for equir only FullpnceS475.000 6'tlil•an no pets. 700-an9 Employed male $250 tf'l'i'irulcf'S_l 2 Ba. Pool.631·5489. -----Service Inc. 1625 E 17th needed Call Mon· Fr Ca 11 Smith ·Meyer 642-2171 _1.~061 I Newport Hgts/3 BR, 1 Ba. Mo. 640-5987. ·-·-----N.8 . apt, pvt ba & pool. Prime office space in new SA. 541-4171 9·6 PM 4(B.867.011l 111·640-53S7 or548-J~.!3 01Scounled Trust ~ duplex. nr schools, bch. Hotels, Mohk 4100 Oldest & largest agency Female non·smkr. $225 bldg. Dana Pt. Ocean & ._..., ._... 4450 Would you bke to keep Patnl St.ore Lo ln,•esl DISTUUTOl available for lnvestors sbo SS25 lse. 631·2122 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ill SO. Caltl. since 1971 total 631-3526 mtn Views Avail. 9181 ••••••••••••••••••••••• your present JOb~ Or 8 yrs Npt Bch Irv Direct sales to busllless XJnt yield For details EASTBLUFF. spacaous 1 BS H--l hr uni 2B Pre-completion leasing For store & office space would you like to retire Dealer for Consumer estab. protected terr ~1~7 Broker SUL.All( MOTB. Credits. ABC.NBC.C . ome 0 5. • u~ r, bonus. 661·33Sl ble t Reports lop.rated paint s 000 Jrd TD D 4 bdrm. Pool, quiet area Wkly rentals now avail. Cosmo. Phil Donahue I mstr. kitchen pnv. 1-'t al reuona ra es. in 1·5 yrs. 966-6401. Sll,SOO paint & suppl.Jes Sales exp helpful or will 10. ue m Sgle adlt. No pets $500 Sl26 & up Color TV .t,off• util. $325 mo. <master). IAYFtlOMTOFACE 500to4000SqFt. New po rt Bea cht mvty, xlnt sbelvtng. 2 train Semi retired OK mo~ Will yield 45 <; mo644-4767 Phones an room. 2274 to all new cbents who $275 mo. w bath Adlts. 500 sq ft Parking. MESA VERDE DR operator beauty salon, colonint mach, shaker. M111 S2000 forstock 8111, 548-5832 Versailles Bachelor Pen New po rt BI v d CM need a place Refs req 546-0648 art Janitorial, etc 76G-!}440. PLAZA $5000. 91yl'$. established displays. signs, $10.000 832.)49'1 --Placing a Classified ad t.s !house. balcony ocean 646·7445 5PM . ---AIRPORT.Alli 1525MesaVerdeE.C.M b11siness. Low rent, total price. Must move Investment 1n rare as easy as d1ahnl( )our view. Talce occupancy On the beach, yearly, I Newport8each.641 l899 F1non-smkr. vegetarian. Furnished or un 54Mlll S3SO/mo.inclutil Owner rrom present s pace l postage stamps Please phone Gi\'e ~a call 8· t7. Pat 7141857-8343 room apt. kitchenette & Serving all theS Coast 3BR CM apt. W 12 F stu· furnished. Lg window Office S.U. moving lo Lake Ar Punt, Paper & Thmgs Call John ~9736 Arter we 11 du the r est 6·J0.7::.>PMdaJly. bath $290 per mo + dents S3l5 mo ·~ util. Executive Suites in NptBeacb rowhead.67~1347. 640-9193.__ _ _ lt>lL_ __ 642·!"1678 __ Garden Grove.~ 3482 C llJod'e ~11 Reti!r·!~:::.~ units ~~tyo~~~~[ ~~ OpenSat.l-00! 10-5 Ch~istia~ .Mlroommate ~~~~~~~gdistance ~~~"ai:~iv~~~c~, ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• Newport Beach. 2 Bdrm 673-4154. 28r, 34lh St. N.B Penn P\A1A Terri (714)752.-ll!M • • $160. 673-7856 Dan eves EXECUTIVE sums :;:f;r:.~~£?::: ;~·:·!~~ Sh • .,., c~;.,,w, ~:~:~-;:, "':!'.. "h,~, ~r:f~~;:~~. f:?fir~:1!~W:. :. 8· D As oayys ~3 EL1nEesK . 5ao Po,E1arCs I AL••. ~~~~°'a\v:f.: s:fo ~i~~~ ~!n~~:y~~~1:ms. C HO~EMATIS 1 Mm. to bch. Jacuzzi. ---Ca. 9l60( N 3 B -1 ho -onvenaent room ma e w D. mny xtrs $250+ Costa. Mesa. 704 sq ft Newport Beach ts x SO. -----ewport r use personal profile service Call Judi 645 2362 Medical General office. SSSO.l~WestclitrOr • It's easy to place your 8-0ay Week C lassified by mall. and 1t • Spac 2 br. sundeck l ") from ocean. parking On 94 .-.. ground floor prv patio 751 5525A.n:rtime blks to beach. $625/mo. Wkly avail now -~·"""'---6-lO:J'M.Avail.9tl5 __ $563/mo 0771 ·3350. PllM.E L""ATION • costs just $8 -that's only a dollar a day! To qualify for this • ll!l'._;. 67J.28301vy --675-6775. M~1~2~~o~b~~· ~ r::;r, ~~;!~F atgtst;, 4!M·4797 _ _ u., e special offer. you must be a non-commercial user offering e Npt Hts 2 bdrms. IOO'FROMSAHO Stt.After6PM.549·Xl26 frombeach.67>1049 Costa Mesa. 250 .sq ft 1941 Hewportlf.d. • merchandise for sale up to $800 per ad. and the price must • fireplace. s.575 Days NewPoPrtBeach -------SUtle St75 mo. Utils ln COlhlMna d 752·1111 (Riehl Eves !Bdrm, SJOO/Wk. Shr ha home.MV iCM. 2 Garages cld 779 W 19th St Newfr1!est.and.ing 8.ooo be In your ad The COSt stays the same whether your a 752·0591 2Bdrm S375/Wk. frpl, 2 pto. macro. sft h20 for •..t 4350 771-33.50 ii bid • • ed ht d II t t • W I D. S46.:M211. S26S _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Offlce/StoretBusm;;; sq.ft. reta g. or · ne S e1g ays se 1ng 1me o r JUS one. Ocffft View CClftdos Newly decor/sharp F 23 +.Clean. resp. Stu· Balboa Isl. 2 garages, 1., .... X40. 30l"A Harbor w/large parking lot • • New 2 bdrm. 2 ba rrom 1714)997-0432,675-81Z1 d t r S140 + S1SO pr mo ea .. .,.., ~ A1rcond.NNN.95<sq.rt. $8•0 Also Newport lBr 1 blk to bay & bch. e.n pre . mo 010 mo, . Blvd Costa Mesa 7141645-4509 548-5518 • Use one word'" in each box. About 4 words make one • ., util. HB. 9fi0.3942eves. Balboa/Mai:lne Starts acros's from Fed co· Beach rentals.summer, S400mo.yrly.2Br,yrly M/Ftoshr.roomin2sly. Sept.1.Manlyn752-0202 Avail. now ' $475. agt c A N N ER y . classified line of type. Minimum ad is 3 lines. Please print • wi n ter. year.round. $750 mo Jones Rily house. All amena·ta'es wkdyss·»5·30 VILLAGE-'50 sq. ft of-I . I 675-9111. 673·6210 . . . s.t9 1366 fice or retail shop space • p ain y • S22S + utils. 962-7861 !H) Offic ....... 4400 1 Br 1 Ba.Stepslobeach. Balboa Pen Weekly. & ........ ""!WI ask for • a..t.&KS.it. avail 1mmed $475/mo. v..v~ • • •• • • • • • •••• • •• • • • • • • • 67" ., • .,., • • $350. Property House comp. furn 1 block to Mitch 1617 westcliff.NB Want 1186sqft.atHuntington ............ r:------------------------------, 642·3850or642·1010. Ocean. 548-9878 Easy going M/F 2().2S lo financial inst. 70005.f. Executive Park. Pick up Rn AL SPACE • I I • Bach. Steps to beach. LABOR DAY WEEK 8-29 shr 3BR Duplex 34lh St. ul. floor. A enl 5'1·5032. good rema111ing lease Harbor Blvd. 770 sq n $250 Property House. to 9-5. S3SO. Bal Isl. 3 Br N.B. S25067HOU Mike .... ~,OIT HACH ~all 640-8712or751·7S60 Newport Blvd. sooo sq. • I I • 642-3850or642-1010. furn. Choice loc. :~6 Seeking yOW'lg lady 20-30. F~tt~ervice exec of· Prine rt. Avail. now. Call • I I • Large 2 Br. 2 8 a . DI a mond. 675· 41 . Share 3 BR 2 BA duplex. fices from $397 "On Realonomics 675-6700 I Bayrronl Condo. with S40-4917. 1 block from Newport Call " exec. offices from MewDOrtleodtLoc Coroeadtf Mcr • I • view. security bldg., Steps to beach Furn 3 Bea ch S325 + ulll Sl05. lnclds. secretarial, INT t RS EC TI 0 N 4200 ~fl Ground floor • I • pool. parking Yearly Br. 2 Ba. Minimum 2 S3H365 phone a"•., .....,rd pro-MACARTHUR AND "'···t '""ha Sl950. Broker67~4912. weeks. 642-2643 ""' wv JAMBOREE. 2400 sq rt \AM.JI .. w y. I • 76 Female roommate want· ceuing, Telex,qwip. Full service garden Rea.lonomics 675-6700 • S.C....... 31 Yocatiolt ..... 4250 ed to share 4 bdrm Ilse THEHCOE~ANlUA!,TERS stylebuilding Caa•irdall • t. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Huot. Bch. S22S mo Lin· nz-""" --"'-'-4475 2Br. 11,<JBa, frplc, lndry, Oceanfront Peninsl.lla. 2 da Da 848·2225. Eves 714/8Sl·0681 <213>820-8857 I...-I • nlce, new drpl. paint. No Br, 2 Ba. $600/wk. Aug & Nwpt Bell. small office. ••••••••••••••••••••••• • ... ls. S4SOmo. 493-2710 <'-pl."7"'!""W). 8'8-9097 8ll8, 1827 Westclilr Dr., Coul Hwy rrontage. Ap· • I • ~~=:..:;..;;=..::~==-=-"~ -=~:.:::.o:;_:::.:.;v c,.:;~..;:;=.;::,__ ___ Prof female, non·smokei'. NEWPORT • 0900 prox 500 sq ft ground S. J-INDIAN WELLS Ra e· To share prest igous N.B. rlSO/mo.6ll· noo. So ~ . l.500 I Ca..&..frmo 1171 quet Club. Lovely 2 br. 2 Turtlerock home. Frplc, C&fTEI Professional Offices-to m/ Turne~:~soc • I • ..... ?"::............... ba view condo. 24 hr pool, 3BR. 2BA. total up-,........._ 4000 sq ft. Remodeled to * U77 • I • Clean 1 Br. l Ba. Casllas sec., full rec., mnthly. graded, many Xtras. No LocaHo. your spe~ifications • de Allpaz. Pool. $450. Avl. 9-1. 700-2553 pets. $340 mo & share 3 window offices availa· Birch Sl nr Airport. Call ld•h NI...... 4500 • I • 412-6700, 861-3526. Beautiful Lake Ebinor, utU. 752·2.836. ble in Full Servl~~gal 644-7722 Zim .. ~ .. ,t·:,w;·;:c·;;•; I • s.t.AM JllO view,1Br.l8a.wetbar. lor2Prol Malestoshare SuitemNe~portv.:nter. N E w Po RT encoffice.2 rearover e Pub lishmyadfor8 daysstarting le ••••••••••••••••••••••• Wknds, Wkly or Yrly. luxury 2700 sq ft home Avail. Now. PENINSULA . head doors ample park· • Class1'f1'cat'1on NEW CONDO near S.C. 67J..2181. So. Cst PLua area, 641).5640 2 premium air condd. ing.QuJet CM area. • ---------------------1. Plaza. Small adult com· •--A-&..toSMn OOO C.M. with owner absent ores. avail. Facing on t7t~Sll I I S Id_... r --d ~ .. R l THE·u-~ Npt. Blvd.8'7Ui:928sqft. Name pex. ecu eu corne •••••••••n•••••••• .. •• 5 aya per...-.. en ~· 0 b ii' 000 SQ FT If •. ---------------------------• unit.1 BR + extru. 1495 w /P over 40 .to 1h1re nc&otlable. Call Nick, SPACE pen eam ce gs .. 1• w 0 c I + utll. m.zseoeves. motel apt. Pool, u 1ma. 545-1790, THEllGHT ~~~t~a='. ~2511:; :n· •:a. O/H d.r. S175• e Address 1 e SCMlltl L.... Jll6 S50 + share cook & Female/ male to sh.re 3 -u-E SQ. ft Mark 673-6606 • I • ••••••••••••••u•tt•••• clean. Slim W/M,53. Ex· bdr house-big yard East '"'"'-' · · ..... W..e.4 4600 C1'ty Z1'p Phone d GUAIAMTllD! Ideal for Architect or •••••••••••••••••...... • -------I • !Br. S5oO mo. cpts. rps, ec. No strinas. 64S-4840 aide CIL SD>. 642·1323. n.....l.,...er."""' '"""sq. n. Prof. prop. mfr, 111. ocean view. $18 aft !:llt 7208. Eves • 300to eoooSq. Fl Prime ~ eu .....,.,_., Check or M 0 enclosed 0 I ZPM. Wknd't. Rmmt.e to shr Mrm bse Waterfront om cea in Sltypark ma. lmme.d. wHta am. beachfront • · • • b '7al. N.B. ~blk from Newport Harbor wttb occue-ncy. '751·2382. apt Sepl·Apr. Will exch. k d '• ........... PwiltllN Owner bu 3 bdrm, 2 a Bcb. &4&-7633 imme. oc-boat alipa available. Exec. office with view ror prop, mpntaerv. fou U • Chdrge my a to: I .• !':~.~.!.!.!.!!!'! ::~:i1Ej:~~M· :~ ;7;."mkr, 2BR, %BA ~~~t~ ~~::!~ ~~~~~~e~w:,ot~~· p1r>::. Of part, f.d (71') ~ • # 1 • SE AW I HD ~}110.~~lad ies. apt.CM.SD>mo.Kathy. ln1term1nowa•aUable. fes1lonals.548-ll66 .. MM/limtt/ • 0 Exp . 1• VII I .A.11!..E 545-91'7J. avaU Sept 1st. Call Todlyl Ofrlce apace, 2U7 sq rt, .....C. • I • ~• 2 Mu ter Br 2 Ba, fplc ! hlm.-nao will Share 17141675-1662 aublease, uadt.r mrltt, ........................ # E New 1'2 bdrm ll&Rr)' 1ar.S395 + ~utJJ Clean f\lmUR,28A aplnrSA .... A: furn./unfum . Adj. to . it;,: • D xp . le adult ape. ID 1' pl1111 1 • lliettU Couatr1 Club. 30·45. Cruy Horse Rest .. 0 ' It I.. I 8dnn from S..S, 2 bdrm Pool, pttio, view. 1225 HIWPOIT Cltfra Brookholtow G1rdtn Of. .... • ................. ~L-- ---------- - - ------ -- - - - - - - --• ~= ::+ 1;::~t': mo. Daya, 754·1174. PmtlJioul, hill HrVitt flea P ark. 80'/aq rt w.11 .. Cl•·'ftlill Aift11t1• 1 • 01:i ;::=; r::t: ~~~~~~::..~~ict y.::::~;;: ~ ~~~*~ ~ ..=:;:Office ~=;'£~; I . ·111 p·ll 1 I' JJO w .., .. • • 111 pafd. Prom Saa dlrertoey. Your 2.,. bl em. pool. jac, ~-cteeor. cant. rm. • ~ Newport 1t1e•. lfew • C.-~ ~ fZ'26 • Dieao FnrJdrt.eNortb lel'Vict lsOt.1r l!.l ..... m ff!DP. 11 1• 111Ciilllrlr. ldcb-rlMllMC'. Tlh• .. ~ ;_a;:~== 111«ialty Celltil ...._ Riii 001 ~ 1ui1e1. It£., l7ID " ~ Wl1I •ride. ud taW. ...... All • . • to St1wllld VUltl•· c.ll ld-~7hxt.m ;.-~Aq. r&rr:;.u-=at:=.~· --•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••. ... llAlll! IOMl!ON[ HA,..Y lllA11£ IOMIONE SMIU Place a HAPPY AO in lhb column for only $3.2S. Cal1642·~8 --- ***** HAPPY BIRTHDAY Rama Sea.son Tickets for sale. 2 for $600 752-0960 (213)~1101 For total stress reduction & relaxation massaa•. Steve 10.8, 54S-2817 l"enottel Serrkft Sl60 ••••••••••••••••••••••• COUMS8..IMG Family, Business. Marital, Weight Loss. Licensed & guaranteed 673-9368 & 67$-6032 Ambitious emfloyee couples /si ng es to manage small bus P /T 831·3838 Apt. t1••!1'f' Retired couple, 36 U. Newport Beach. 2 Bdrm cottage + yd + ofc + DAD Contemp vocal instr. for salary. Quiet bldg. Rick those who .wish 10 be at (213) 763-9406 or send LOVE. resume to: 12'27 Ven· prof entertainers. tura Blvd .. StudJo City, 646'9916'-----Ca. 91604 Helpf~I rral estate broker 1-=-==.!.------1 would spoMOr beguine rs i--------•I Sa.cly S.... and plhmers Witnauer ARTIST ... Alm 851-6376 ,.tty Daty ,. .. -, -5450 ***** ..................... . a ving for Pittsburgh 11119 Nttd to shr gas & Ho~irtWly dr1vin~~ __ I ah1ti now 1st class 3 ISiand 9-day trip Leav. mg 9 '25 Group rates Ph LuvYou t HapnlirtWly Guy 642·5624 or Jeff Dad Ml-~78 __ _ Jer • .1or" Detr-r..-,_.." Lost & Fo.d 5300 '",. atlOiili ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ------IH•lpW-.ct 7100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• FOUND ADS Accotllf9gClftotl ARE FREE Excell. co. benefits. pension & profit sharing l'.JL plan. mechcaJ & dental ~ coverage. Prefer l~key 642·5671 by touch & knowledge or RETAIL LAYOUT ARTIST BUILDERS EM · PORIUM. a division of the Wickes Companies. is currently seeking an all around layout and production artist, to creat graphic projects. JOB R ESPONSI BlLITl &S INCLUDE: •Layout and cover design for all circulars •Color indication. SECRETARY Challenging position for motivated individual with strong secretarial skills and loan docwnen· talion background for our expanding Business Banking Group. Our success ui the ui· dustry allows us to pro- vide highly competitive salaries and benefits in- cluding Medical. DenlJll. PAID vacation, retire. menl and more For immediate con siderahon please call Personnel Dept 714. 760-6000. ~ ~BanJc ._.of .. Newport Equal Oppty Empl M IF * TWIIS * We offer excellent s alaries and great benefits including. •Paid medical/dental •Profit sharing •Free career apparel •Free parking •Excellent growth potential Pl ease a pply on TUESDAY. August 11. Crom 9.30 am to 3:30 pm at: ""!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!lmi!!!!I how to post & balance = accts I yr. exper in Lost petite sealpo1nt payroll Contact An. S 1 a mes e Cal w 1th 71•·540-8671. E.O. E. •Call out of inlt percent· 1--------FIDELITY FEDERAL SaYIMp..t Lo.ASIA. 1515 Westcliff Drive crooked wt. Vic Balboa . Peninsula. SlOO Reward. Accountuig S.upervisor to 675-9119. 2SK RecessJOO proof in· dustry needs your ex· REWARD: Lost fem pertise Be an tnticate lrlsb Setter. Wood-partoflhecorporatede· bnd e. Jessica ~·9511 cision making for this in- REW AID! temat1onal Firm. XJn.l Lost fema~ calico cat, advancement opporturu. no tail, vie 22nd & Santa tx. Please caU, S49-9820 Ana Ave 646·3396. ACCOUNTS 979·26Sl , A Y AIU CUU $500 REWARD for info on Organized individual return of Blue & Gold with busy AIP de Rt. Lile Macaw Wten from lllJOI typing, gd benefits. Samoa Or., H.B. on A,ug. Newport Beach area. 4th. He was a very Im· 640.~. portant ramlly pet, son ~=-=='----- is critically Ill in hospital 1-------- & this has put one more ACCOUMfS burden on the family. REPOIT Cl.HI Call anytime 962-7073, Entry level pos. Must S58-l~. 000.9749. know 10.key by touch. LOST: Gold Seiko watch. Call: Sandi. 642· TTOO vie. 17156 Edgewater· li!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I!!!!!!!!!~ H.B. Aug. 5, 81, 6PM 1--------REWARO. 842~ Reward: lost female cat. black, white & brown mark ings , Monrovia fVlctona area, C.M.6'Ml76 F..-cl: 5 nys !>ft rin« wftJ1 IMC lull. oe July 12 on saaabursh. .Jl)-5121. Accounting ages and correcting of color prools. •Create and produce special promotions for internal oorporale use ThlS is a caner position requiring a strong back· ground in a retail en· v1ronment. Good start· ing salary and com pany benefits. Please submit resume which MUST include SALARY HISTORY. NO PHONE CALLS PLEASE. JOHMJOHUC fo 41ar- Rtliaffolll•4 .. 191r BUILDERS EMPORIUM BANKING How's the time (at Dover) Newpart Beach An EquaJ Opportunity Employer If you're looting for a ""'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ carttr in bankuig , 11 's -= time you discpvered l•B•_-_.,,•_1-----• Glendale Federal Sav· ... uun lngs and Loan $$$ $$$$$$$$ We have an opening for a CUSTO MER SERVICE REPRESEN· TATIVE with previous cashier or teller ex- perience preferred We're prepared lo oCfer : attractive environment, competitive salary and a compreh ensive benefits pac,age Now's the lime. For immediate consideration please contact: CltftCll BONUS OF ONE MONTH SAl:ARY! LA<iUHAHUS OFFICES For interview, call Carol Tbuyns, 831).8800 B.DOUDO IAMK E.O.E. PURCHASING CLERK • Wa offer a chattang1ng and rupo n11ble fob with in our Procurement 0.panment to. an 1ndlvlduel who has 1pprox1matety 4 yeers currant clel'fcat experience. with 1 year witllin the purchasing environment desired Must be able to type 60 wpm and be able to woo under pressure and handle h11vy work load Our company 11 } people oriented firm, offering • profeaslOnal and cheerful working environment, ucelleot l11nge benefits and 11 convenlently located IU11 off the San Diego fwy. II vou ere lntarttttd In INMWlclr end tht ebove position glv• u1 1 c111 or drop by at your convenience, Monday through Friday betwHn 7:30 1 m. end 4:0C} p.m T,,. ,,.,.,,. of_, Mlnttt ~ ""' '°" N 1 U.I. ClflHn. JW, Mlftln IWHertlor ...... C.... ...... CAnat (714) ...... nt. "' BRUNSWICK'S Defense Division 1s currenlly loolung to ldd to its already technically competent stall lhe lollow1ng DESIGN CHECKER Electro·Mechanal A A Degree in E/M Drafting with a minimum of eight (8) years aerospace checking experience Must have extenstve knowledge or MIL and ANSI spec1f1cat1ons and standards and be familiar with standard shop practices In machlmng and fabricating of hardware Wiii check engineering drawings and printed circuit boards tor torm. lit. tuoction, accuracy, completeness and cost eltect1v1ty SENIOR DESIGNER A.A Degree 1n e/M Dratting with a m1n1mum of 6 years current expenence 1n electrolmech11nieal design of aerospace fhght hardware with emptlasls on printed circuit board and electronic peckag1ng design. Must be able to prepare layout from concept to flnat draw10gs Muat be knowfedgefble tn d1g1ta1 electronic circuit theory and MILSPECS DESlGNER A.A. Degree In E/M Drafting with a mimmum of 4 yqrs current aerospece Hperience 1n electr~meclltnlcal dellgn/drafllng Must have thorough knowledge of mechanieal design concepts and pr1nclpln and hive• general knowledge of sheet metal and machine parts design 1nd electronic tenematica. MILSPECS, and be proficient In Mil stand1rd drawing practices Join Our Technical Teaml BRUNSWICK'• 0ettnM Ottleton Is locltld 1n CO.ta Mesa, just 2 blocks off the Sen Otego Freeway. We offer excellent benefits, competitive wages, unique capeblllt1t11nd 1 highly diversified operation with a company who cert1 at>oot people Viall or gt¥t u1 1 c11l: ..,....,_. Employment .......... wd Cotti ..... calf .. nt2t (114)•-- DRJVB W /economy car to work F /T, Mon -Fri days Have something to sell' Call Moo.-Fn .. 642·9430 Classtl~ ads do il well. Distribution MANAGEMENT TRAINEES Distribution Center now accepting applicants fdr 50 management trainee positions. $1200 PER MONTH Ne a t , h'ard working young people with cars. High promotion potential. 847-24!2, ext #4 Iii"' Pilat I ••• : ............. ··.: : ., ~ f llld Sais Supervisef' Limited Optnlnp av1ll1ble lo the Oranae Coast arta, ror self motivattd c1rttr orienttd indlvld u1I wbo can wOtt with Field Sales People. Train, motlvttt and &et reault1. Station w111on or van necessary. Exceptlooel tarninp, plus Job rel1ted btntnta av11l1blt ror U1t n1bt Eple. If you can produc~· re1uba ~ t t1lk •l>ovt U. ce ll ;.,, HO.QJIH for ltrview. A•lt for Mr. Chm. • . 1 , I~ ' ) . , \ I ~~~~ ..... ?!.~~~~ ..... !!~ .... ~~ ..... !! ... ~!!~ ..... ?!!!!~!!~ ..... ?!!! ~!!~ ..... ?!.~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. August 9, 1981 87 J Jbel . r1o!~ur , ~== ~!!!~ ..... ?!.~~!!~ ..... ?!.~1 ~!!~ ..... ?! ....... !~; .... ?!!! f/llme, top 11'1· Irvine S.U, 11-7. Coov. ~ PAIT Ttmt. AN. MfV, llAOM M>I UC.,./TYPIST MrWMaT llrlf'IA ar•a. Ea per. only. Beach .,., Free r. AAlf'DOClftl 6 eveninp 8 to .. 10 bn ""'r wk ., 1 0 t Buch ad· R~TAURANT 11 ntwnnu """"' ..!!!:___ · medical, dental ' Ii•· No up. nee. cau btwn a "" . · •• •J! r -m llMb ( D O G L O y t: R Only poelUve a(tltude 6 4• JOPM Moo Fri Perm pc11.IU00 Train· vert11to1/P .R. firm •MltMAlllltan •U..C .. ........ c:..Mw ..... Stnlct c:..Mw •PM H .. 1b1~11 flUIU. WANTED> Km.nel,help SU·IOU "2·U E _· ~I r.:~c c~.~= =:: ry~~ need e d will train NURSING " P/TIMIH•t•S G me train Hr1 : f ·hm ~2121 LYM J.11:.JOPM · C I M4 W TIOllCIAM Sml prtv conv hosp Im· v..:.~.:t. 1141.ISTATI ..::;::::i=~---- Mlxea .. •~•· rubber matulate, ad atafrin& Ad t•· .... ,.,_ PROJICT Ma UCd.,./SIC'Y • ~.. 20382 Santa Alla Ave u .. •IUl OUllta, ..... 1 Imme late o ptoiDI lonnulaUom. Cooducu The~OperolionldMilonclRod<. Stnta Ana Hel&hts . attractJve pel'IOIUllJUea, Muatbek:oowled11bleln Pleasant~ voice' dally • monthly quality well lnttrnotlonol nos exc e lle nt Mt-3081 wbo enjoy wort.Inc with all phases ol real etlate •PJlflr~ Good typ. control ditch. Ap· _,J _ -lO·U year "Id youth11 s II In llHla H .nowltdaeol .... ' . Exciting, estabUshed hotel hu immed. run & p'allt time opportunities avail. for qualified applicants. Propriate back1-W'ld hr ~nm•• IOI convenllOnQI M1111no Nuralna .. venln&t "-.fp~· ·Call d evelopment. e • I• · •v Moctn MoeNn1m et......... ,., " 1\1 1t.artcr. Hotel cblin de-aeoeral olllce work1CaU sci.nca ~ulred. Ex· on the "'"""""" ST.,.DIV. fl42 ·A321 , ht 343, vetoplng new 'eobcept. hm· 12 noon, Mrs . cellent wcnaa lnvlron· hlttte Ofblter Pfogrotn. DfUCTOI between 2PM to SPM, Orange Co. based. Rep-Weaver.LlJJ4)$40.8180. We are seeking people·oriented persons who have a sincere interest in a future with MARRIOTT CORP. ment ai benefit.I lnclud· • Must llove minimum 0( alx (6) years LVN with abllit)' to a1UorLori. 1 Bo IK* New rt tnl 4/day work week. ew-t."'---e In -.....hw.v. "'Oloi.~ teach It supervlae. E•:· PBX Au Serv. P'/T • y: x ' po lec~t Pl -"' '--_....,..., """" ,,,."" ,.. ''"" II • Beach,CA92680. E"e"u'1've suite In eases ...... •wume aa ond •l'lett-MI PfOduetlon ports ullllg desired . Ca A PIT . Exp. helpluJ CM. "' ~ • llOOn as poulb&e to: Mlke non.alondord tooMng. R9Qult9' moklng mlnlstrator, Newport 5*l77? IOAM-4PM RW ESTATE lnlne, tie.vy telephone. ••• Smith , Fluorocarbon· i::>wn setups While wonclng from -""' Conval. Cftiter,~7764. PB~ LOAM PACIAGll UJht typl.na. front office. R e e v e s R u b b e r ""....,.. Needed ror commercial p r ote ss Ion a I a P Division, 415 Avenlta ~~~OWinQS ond ~!:_~· oknv~U Nursine AECEPTI ISTS developer, Oranee Co. pearance, ex per nee Pico, San Clemente, Ca. °' u ..... "" 0 compr.,...,..Q<Y• now.. IM-4.VM C...,_ based. Must h.ave work· 851·0744 No e x perienre Is necessary! Please apply at the local.loo most COD· venient for you betwttn lbe boursol2PM ·4PM We offer excell. co. benefits including a FREE meal per shift. Apply in person 9A M -Noon, Mon -Fri. PERSONNE L. 92872. edOe ot shop molhemohcs lnclUdlnQ 3-11 &c 11.1 relief. 6>.iv trigonometry, bospt. with excell. re inc experience with len· HCEPT/TYfltST Law Enforcement putatloo. Beacl\ area ders & real estate loa.n Law o rr t l' es 0 C E~ these outstanding company POid beneflll Lt>erol We. dental l medlcol lnsufonce. IO'Yings pion, cost. ot.-vtng Increases. 2 weetcs paid voco. lion, ond 10 rJay et)d-ol-veor holldov Free mJr. medJcal, den· P • c It a Ii n g W 0 r k Airport atta sBootmo w i l b o u t c I o s e Call 8J3.9124 1Hi tal ai lire. Top salary. 'ASSOClAT~ aupervisioo. Reply. Box -900 Newport Center Dr .• Newport Beach F.qual Opp Emplyr M/F Flex. hrs. 642"°'4 Spedallsta in 8088, Newport Beal'h llCB'TIONIST OIAtiMil Office exp needed Work TemporaryClerical 926e0. For dr·s office Must be COUNTY with public. F1lin1. 10 Penoonel enthusiastic. motJvat~ SHlllff-S Al:>Ptv npersonOfcol key, phones. Wort on 540-0400 & t ype well l::x1> DEPAITMENT Jim McGlvem Saturdays. Apply TUH· l.llOCMSltypartBlvd IHl&t.hS.. '1elprul, but not ne r Spac e n......rollona day through Thursday Suite2~ Irvine ForJ:t. 642-4~ _ has open.lnu and is ac .,_ 12 4 c t .., •rof aool.ii I f 12830$.0orltSI · · onuc .r. Phone people. No sales. .-· ltlCEl'110HIST GIMllALOfACE Hana Cbder Mlg. needs ceptingapp catons or Oowney,CA902 .. I Weiner . J ewels by Distribute doorhangers Newport Beach Lido Of Wor"lng knowledge someone with the ability Jo.se-.. 541).9066 r d rice n.......i-l'real.lve. 1 ,, Co w lpre g recepl "' CQl•~ftU (213) 922·2901 .,... in a lernoon. An /or """"' " needs replacement for A/P, AIR & payroll a ~o performt lmbouJUpll ejoh.bs * ~"v" OFFlCE Person. Variety work telephone in PM. gressive agents who 4-6 mo. May work into General must. Computer input ro1 m m&e a s P o 1s 11> SEIYICES Equal Qpp0tl\Jnlty (mpl()yer M1f of du ti ea includloe S4.00 hr + $4.00 P.'r appt want to maximize in· permJ°:i. elwwhere in exp. helpful. Huvy P ng rete1v ng . TEC~I...... bkpg lite ty"""I ans + bonua.Call Mikeafter dividual potential. Phones, Ute secretarial Phone: 547-63116. """-~ ' .. .-. ' . HIGH COMMtSS10NS! Co. ell groomed, CS.......,CMJ -~ R k II busy phones. Able to SPM.~4941. personable , goo d • responsibilities. Front HAIDWAIE SI Us .. SI 506 OC we work .under preuun1 & PLASTJCS Co. taking ap-_c!!!!a!!!!l!!!!!l W!!!!!a!!!!!l!!!!!t,!!!!!67!!!!!).!!!!!7!!!!!~!!!!!.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l lelephone manner• -office appearance Full·lime retail salu lnternattonal maintain a pleuln& pllcations for 2nd & 3rd = various duties FIT. ~:l~rin~~~n~~~~t perso n , gourmet MollfMy r1~nallty. "1l1 Um~. shirts. Working With ltULESTAn S4.SO start. NOll·!!mOker. C J ho u Se w a res de Pl D::W, •"••• >e••"<• qei. oo wn 10 bu,,n,,_ 8 1 or •Pill. a.ft. lOA · saws & vacuum form· SAl.ES APPLY LO lo l Onsite 0 n tact e n n 1 fer : 67S-6704 * 979.0747 in~. Ex per. helpful but II Ph t h 3303 (714)955-lSIKl. SHBU I -' Th1sisour36lhyearse · o ograp 1cs, ~=-:-.:::;iiiiiiiiiiii;.lHF.ALTH wi ltrain.OnJy resPons•· ing fine Southern Harbor Blvd CM Unit If Y w 're GOOD Yw'n KB.l y· EYEIYIODYUKES Sl417 .. Sltll OrderDesla . ble &dependable people Cal ifornia hom es. _E·5 __ A WIHMEI MlilllMr Maintenance Penot1*J nee4 apply. Must speak Perhaps you would en· •=t Be ptrt or the fast.est OIT MANACiBS P1lll fluent English. 8AM to joy joining a firm active C t growln. g --pany ;n the •RECUATIOH P OF AedggreafisiUve people want· lnt'I. co. will train for or 3 : 3 0 p M . Sch u It z in luxury residential '-Ull' u• LO~ 1m:•cH 'to 1 management d d k T · 0 Plut1cs, 1142-l<t!& ~reas such .... a1·g c a. H you like people. can health L nulrit1'on fi1eld DIRECT,,_ J •1L nw ~ er es . yping, I -• ...., h f d Unlim1t~ income OP''" VfttS "' IS LOOklMCi FOR: pos1t1ons fOI" Orange Co. key, & phones Nr Practical Nurse nyon, Spyglass Hill, th indkl onhyour eeht, an BOB'B BIG BOY .. as an equaloppty emplyrmtr RETAIL SALES Gourmt!t housewares sales person. fwl·time .!!S.11704 ----- Retail IUUOCIS SOUTH COAST Has unmediate opening both full & p/timt! in our cosmetics dept. for the CUnique line. Previous cosmetic experience is desirable. These perma· nent positions orrer full company benefit• in· eluding employee dis· count. medical & dental plans &c paid vacations. Applications are being accepted at the person· nel orr.ce. 3333 Brist.ol, Costa Mesa, tues lhru Fn . IOam-Spm. •CLUKS •TYPISTS *51CIETAIJES •llCEPTIOMSTS •WOID c ,.. Stll6 .. 1751 Harbor Maintenance Shakey'sPizu.Mustbe airport. Benefits & gd for elderly couple, bve Irvine Terrare, Linda an e eavy Pones. ty. Mr. asey.8JH 755 · ........., Mechanics <Plle driving 21. Exp. preferred. Isl wages! S850. Call. Mar in Cook, drive!, light lsle, etc. we have a place for you HEALTH CLUI & limber con s tr year potentiaJ $20,000 jorie Sullivan, ~5001, hsewk, ref. 61>11634 If you are presently ac in our pnvat.e commun1 1--------• Attend ent, Mon. -Fri •SE ..... IOI COOK specialist) to construct 646-3224 M·F Snelllng &c Snelling or p da .. _ d t1ve in real estate sales ty Assoctat1on otrice 0 6 66 " & . . d k & d N Be h A /lJme, 7 ys, 2 m :.. a1 do you have immediate Call 493-01.22, 9 30 lo s. to E.0 .E. PIOCESSOIS l am 4pm 44·4 4 SI071 .. Sl425 maintain oc s Manicurist wante forl ewPort ac gency, ly. Am delivery, LA h d h ( M h "'"C D EOE • unl1'mrt· ed a""-s to &c e ule interview 00-2l. ~ w a r s us l ave busy Mens shop. Contact , 4...v am pus r., Times. SlOO per week. "' '-'-~;> ---r h '-J ·r ., •• ._,., La unll 8ea"h .• ..., •• 96 the president of your N 1guel Shores Com HOTB. DESI( eavy t1,111.,..r construe· em t!r, ....,....,,, 1 ~ _...,. l '"*·~ t l •· h "omn•ny,or is hehid"'en mum Y™•a ion C• -... SHaff~ ton • mec amc ex M<t Faddens Bayside P A I N T E R '-...... " ~ .. ~ p e t enc & b n/TIMETIACHEI . away in an IVOry Lower RECEPTIONIST Typist. Must have experie&ce SPECIAL kno~k!dgeabl~ in cone t~ow a,cc~~~~uE·ca· MEAl~TeENceANCEe 5MAN Afternoon s 3·6. 5 removed fromthesctne "'1t h dtctaphone & RETAIL Part ume clerb. STOPH'GO MA.ltlCm 4555 eo.tHwy .. Kelly Semces can offer you 1mmed . txc1ling.I temporary positions when & where! ·vou want. Apply to Mr. McNeil or I OFflCEI I st ruction & mlllllenance 10 1 05 Aor plwie-w.,... xp f iipet. 1 n642-~~ s ary, days /wit N.B. Susan. Our president is avaJla switchboard exp pref'd Mrs. Baltazar between of waterfront facillties on ~M ~oody 111 rrsdon. _u_.ame. ___ .,...,_ 640-8820 ble. Do you need add1· Frootofc Tues-Sat Pvt 1._ __ !!!!~~~~!' llam -4pm , Ho tel SJ094t.Sl459 Contact Clv1I Serv1ce 2-4 ay. nay t1onaJlra.irungt.ohelp countryclub644-S404 ,-Lag~a .. 494-llSl, 425 So ........, Board (2131500-6201 for 333 Bayside. NB PARTS ' · n /TIMI DIMO you increase your earn RECEPTIONIST R.H. Htwporf lleocli !ELL~-·~· Coast Hwy, Laguna rurther1ntormation. FlONTOFFtCE PERSO~ Fri/Sat. $4/hr. Car nee ings~.. . Real Estate Investment 2 to3days7·3·30PMor 3 Beach. Apply Immediately NEWPORT BEACH " 54l-07l8j (2L3)8'77·1135 Exper ienced or mex· Co Good front office ap-to 4 days 3 to 11 .30 PM se~v.c e s 2102 Business Center Dr .. 1208, I rvine. 833-1441 (Nr. MacArthur Bl. & 405 Frwyl Hrs. 8·5 or 27957 Cabot Rd., Laguna Niguel, 831·0542 (Crown Valley Pkwy. exit> Hrs. 9-3 or 16152 Beach Bl., l~E. Hunt· ington Beach. Hrs. 8-5 Housekeepers wanted 0 B G Y N . he a v y pen~nced you may well pearanre. tight typing, Sml priv oony h06p. lm- SeacUff Motel, COUNTY OF Submit applications by telephone. experienced .Experienced parts QUALITY Pror1t rro~ .our color 41 2 day work week maculale. Gd Staffing. 494-9717 ORANGE Aug. 21, 1981 to· CIVIi only. Call Answer Ad person needed 1m. ASSUIANCE vtd~tapelislillg&sa.les Newport Beach 20362 Santa Ana.Ave. H ousekeeper-live·in. Service Board, City or IS25.L.642-4300,24hn. mediate~ for a marine MAHAGll traanmg P!Vgram ~h1ch 549·2988. Santa Ana Heights 5/da~s . appreciative Personnel Dept. Loo! Beach, 333 Ocean ~ENERALON=ICE ·~~~:lhave ~e':d~e~~~ Mfg. co. in electrical :vea1~:lle 1s the ftoest RecpfSec part time 2 .::;.54.;.;:9...:;.J06c:.;:.:l ____ _ family . Oceanfront 635RNOom. RossG·'~t.. !!!.,V"" .. Long Beach. Ca. Typing, f1'11·ng, busy D . D' I Alli componenta need• top W . days per week 8·5 Npt SALF..5/ADVERTISING R r, .,.< ••<>1 "' .....,.,.. elro1l tese son fli&htexper'd.QAMer.3 e art! not a fran.t•hJSe, Yacht Broker~ge Growing 0 .C. Publica· _e s . .....-w;, • Santa Ana. CA 92701 phones. s alar.)( com· School and have ex· yrs. min. exp. 15 a QA ~ranch or substd1ary-General skills r""'wred lion looking !or . exp'd Housekeeper, mainly (71.)834-2.844 mens urate with ex· len s iv e par l s Supervisor or QA Mgr. JUStheadquarters. Call Sharon G7).SSll pros-top commission babysitting in exchange Afrirmative Action E q u 3 I o pp · l y · A r perience. Contact: Lee knowl~ge. Mission V'iejo area. Ex· We have openlngs for a --"'-==== paid 835 . 9692 83S-8S.s9 for pvt. lbdnn house. Employer M/F r i rm al ive Act i 0 n Staffe, 754-5783 cell. benefits, growth few· highly-motivated Recept1onast pos1t1ons I Per! opp'ty for couple Employer. Medical We offer a compel1llve pc>Unlial. Sampling pro-persons who have a de· available. Part & full· or single lady. 646-M26. Learn Legal Law Firm Fashion Island . pmce s a I a r y a n d a cedures, mecbarucal in· sire to be mare sue t1me Wtlh established E.0 .E. MIF/H Housekeeper-live·in or would trade your good Management need~ Back Office Girl medical /dental In· s pec l ion, micro-cessful. For an in· executive Finn In NB !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!j out, 3 school children. typing skills •pleasant ~GR TR.AIMEE to do EKG · s. in -surance package Apply inspection.. Must be.able terview appointment Contact Rita Paulson, Tustin •ref. Begin Sept. phone personality for International company travenous Punctures & in .person at 12354 to analyr.e problems &c with the sole owner & 851-1021 .._,.. Isl. 544-0:'iSO. training in the law field. establishing South Bay In~ctions. 1·2 <Uys per Lakeland Road IJl Santa recommend aolut1ons. founder, call Wesley N Recpt Full-time for busy Leading NewPort Beach HOUSlMAMACiEI Plush offices & Xlnt &OrangeCo.dislril'tof· week.Call644-«18l. FeSprinp. Realiability trend Taylor. Irvine CPA Firm stoek lirokeragetanvest M l~ benefits. Please call fices. Complete training Medical analysis exper. is 1mpor-WHJey M. Tovlor Co. Answer phones Greet alure woman wan S49-9820 & bbt!ral remuneral1on. Chiropractic Asst / Part.lime tant. Only those Rl:ALTd'Rs cbents Fibng, typ111g, ment firm has openings lo manage. housekeep, · If I led ..... TYPIST/-.,.., II !if' d I II • 21·11 S4 n Joaquin Hills erran .. * Front offi"e an. ror the following pos1 babysit 2 YT old. 3 to 4 Leaving ror Wilmington se ec "" prepared Receptionist. Beaut. ... .__ qua 1e Pease ca · • U3 ._ ,.. tions : days week9-4 PM N Carolina. Fri Aug to start 1mmed1ately. busy office'. Good ap-Mrs . P i er 1 c It at Newport Beach pearance. Pltnh offlC"eS •orT~o-<7141u 1...,.. 14th Need2drivers 24 Call Mr. Helber g pearance. healthy, en· S5.7~S6.9'/ .... : i;;71;4;.sa;t;·3l30~;r~ora;n;a;p;;pt.;!;~~~6~~t~IO~:;;; Xlnt benefits S800 to "' ·-·rr"' r--~ .....,..,, · · 847-6588, Mon. Tues. lhus1astk. knowledge of start Ask for Valerie Jr. Acca.t.t HOUSEW ARESa ftrtemroto3 · rhome. 963-2'784, Wed. before l ins. billing, pea board· W o r It w ith c iv t I IEC-ftUIST 975-~ - An U Clling new concept related to tbe interior design lndl.15\ry is ex- panding Lo the Orange County Area. .\pplica lJons now being accept. ed for consuJtanu who ar~ p r ofessionally oriented and highly motivated. A romplete lraming program 11 pro- v1dt!d. High commisaion plan, with no income Euc. Secrefcrf Full-time retan sales . Management restaurant compu~r very "tielpfuJ. eneineers on varied, o"*'-Pl;asantg""u:di~needed Restaurant-Need out&<>-(with Word Procas1ng> person for gounnetdept. LEGAL SIC'Y position opento qual ap-Great career potential. complex Wks. Requires for om ce work of typing, inc penonaUty for food We are a growing co. of. 1n ha rd ware· store Small Newport Center pUcants. Resumes req. Call 631·5664. high schOol grad or GED Ca..+rAI filing & telephones prep, sandwich makmg.1•-------• fering exceU,benefits & 675-6704 law firm seeks trainee pr ior lo personal In Medical equivalen'cy ' I/yr of UllU U Ideal pos. for mother or meat slicing, cash re SA&.E5 growth opportunity Pis. lmmed.oi>erungs,p/lime with dnt typing skil!s. tervie w. M.C.B , 177 H.B Alle rgist nei:ds typing /clerical up. student with aftt!rnoon g ister 8·4 Mon ·Fri COMMBCIALl.l. c all : Personnel , work Lag Bch . (71 4)640-6300. "F " Riverside Ave .. back office assistant, with ability to type SUpeM·SO~. classes.P/time.8:30AM k Jhr.Also needup As Tir~of sellingbousel7 limit. 546-37118 752-0070,EOE Telephone sales. de· LEG••SEC'Y N.B.,Ca.~. Tues & Pri. £xp. prer. ~pm. Contact Irwin I . PM M F · Pis st Mgr, 7·3, at k .SOfhr days a week? We oeed II . ""'" . -Mill ,,.,.,3128 P bU t.o 1 ·• on· n. · Ii ... to I ... very drivers. Up to 3-S'yrs exp. &c disso. exp ·But will tra.in. Call er, ....,. •. u c caU: 714.95J.6719 646·8883 ooe c.,nsee earn uie GIRL FRIDAY for Flight $6/hr 497·4188 .after req. 4 day wk, flex. hrs. Mana~ement liquor store SJ0.5690. • Works l>j!pt., Cit)( of We are seeking a strong Restaurant skills to manage, broker School, bookkeepin g 2pm lrvm·e.u 1.1733 daytim, e pos. open to Newport Beach. experienced Qualjty l'ommercial reaJ estate. und t h -"" ' E O E M/F Control "'·· rv•--r who 1t1C--..IST Food Prep & sandwich 1 ( backgro . · ·r1lUS ave INTERIOR DESIGN qual. individual or cou-&tgr needtd t.o run snack · · · ..... pe ....., R"JIVl"I It f · ncome rom mtmt o u lg o .• n g Phone SALES. Flair ror de· Live In Housekeeper & pie. Submit resumes bar al Tennis Club. Call Part-time sales. Exp. dis1'rer!taadnyd~t;a~el theove1'nr.. Progressive real est.ate mlya ceonr.s~ienyoliu.ousare n&endde while you learn. Super Ut 549-2203 Cook Must be ex M F · 11 2 .. ., 5683 .. ....... .. u "c ompany investment · ' ' · benefits·, life a.nsurAnce . rsona · coratlng necessary. 1 · _.. •-h · pr ior to intervit!w , on· n , · ........ Ladles spec shop. Fash, pro"esa i'ns .... rt"ion or pendablt! we want you. Flexible hours. Will r::e:~:s~ <>:n :'.:mrt M . C. B .. 177 "F " MNGMNTPOSmOH Is. Eves, some Sat/~~· 'maj'°or powe~'";ystems. ~~~an~hl~~~o:O~ Now h1nng ror full time ~1al~a~~:c~ :::: NGIJMGOCHAIUEt'S train. 4~1461 bath on beach. Call cR.iv9e!!!~e Ave. N.B . Fabric· chain, C.M. & 7F~e995x hlrs. C•ll M1M1. .Position requires a SUC· phone voice and basic ~iti,on. s.s,. AMponl·Fri 67W700. e w restauran -llthrior,,_.Co 499-1972. · _..... Anaheim. Xlnt oppt'y. _. cessrut ·track record in typing skills lo fill a ic.llpe · pre, P Y an '!!~~~~!!!!!!!!II!~!!! Mexican/American has openings for exper MAJMTINAMCE MCMOl)ln Geri~4040. Parl-liine sales girl quality, prererably in challene~n' p~silion ~~~~1~~111llc!:[~ Sales food. Accepting appUca· technician with ref S850 POOLW-EI Ma ture, seTf starting MODELS/-"ORTS needed al Fotomat, the elettrical power Res. pon.s1b1l1.t1es a re M-a. Earn Sl~$300 per day lions for waitresst!s, mo. 642·3800 -.-, husbanll-wile team for ~ Mon-Thurs, day shift. field with a variety of yaned, mduding heavy ~.. taking ordel"9 door to cocktail waitresses -=.;::..:...::;.=-:=----•Orange Coast College, busy se" s•A-age fa~1'"· TopMars95J.0071 Apply in person: Q l8 c"•tom•-. t t 'th 1· t R l t. C t 'r hostesses. Must be JS 5:30·2pm, Sl228/mo. bdu ...,. url u. Models needed. All PCH, South Laguna. -..... con ac w1 c ien s. es auran a e ing doorforl.Cilltycocnpany INVOICE Cl.Bl Cleaning, maintenance, ty. 1 rm apt + I on T M W rn & f.99..3650 . There is room for career firm bas opening for rmance attic msu.lation years old. Exp. pre· repair 00 district pool pr\!mises, bg~t mam· ~f::· ~· o ~ · S~lary co!"mensurate growt_h in a stimulating reaJ)On. adult to operate program. Offices in ferred-not necessary. & ASST 111'1 facilities. a-.UHl ap-tenance. bookkeeping. . ren. o expenence PART Time. Ans serv. w1lb e)lpeneoa;. We C?'· working environment. Hl>bart auto. sheer &I Orange & L.A. Counties. Apply in person· lOam· SSS 0 ·SI , 000 D 0 E . U . ro-G Should have good sales oettUary. 54$-7762. No exp. nee. Call btwn 8 fer a aenerom benefits . So: Coast Plau area. learn portion control For the olfi~ n.anst noon : 4 Pm 6 Pm Mature, able to take pre-P . ca.tit onCot: lgst f3~0 and public relations Models needed. All types & 4: 30PM, Mon-Fri package includlnf paid Salary & benefits rom-Exp. ptYf. but will tram you call Mon-Fri rrom FormerlyCharlieDon's asure.LltelypinJ.Post· muAdniy A~~es,C M skills Salary and Me n , W o men & 546-3333EOE bolldays and Cbnstmas mensurate w /ex· 9:30AM to6PM Mon 10 am . 4 Pm restaurant. 2l6022 Cape Ing A/P & help t>alan«! 556.~~; .tr ·s~mit. by benefit pac kage + ChlJdren No exp nee week shut~own. You perience. Call 549-3185 lhru Thur. 6AM lo lllM IZlllS!18~. · ·Dr., Laf\l'la Niguel. monthly led ger . Gd. Spm, Aug. l9lh. bonuses 5 day work 548-7762 p . may apply m person or for interview. Ask for Sun. §79,(1147 ror appt E o E with figures. To type all week. Perm position art time. ne1'spaper call Belle at kl-5240 to Kathryn. · Lori's Kitchen · · · --------~ invoic.es, help reUeve E.O.E.· M/F /H Sorry no c hildre n. MUISRY work early Saturday arranee for an after Guards phones,etc.Nevera ree. MM 1 • ce Linkletter Properties SPECIAUST and Sunday mornJ.nes. houninW'View. Now HlllMI' Call: Gary, 540·8055, S '--967'8191 Greenhouse assistant Must have large staUoo na Coastal Penonnel Agy, •"W • needed to fill full time wagon, van « Dickup Security Officer posi· 2790 Harbor Bl., CM. C b a 11e ngi n 1 a nd MAHAGoa po5. at public garden in truck. Good d.tivfn1 re-EMERSON ElECTIE CO. tlons are now available EOE respon.aible position in Hallm a rk Gifts & Corona. del Mar. Must cord ne~sary. Work •-Mission V1'ejo & So.!!!!!!~!!!~~~!! private community. Cosmetics. Exp pre-have ex.,..r. working consists. or delivering w General malntenaoce r ed 64().7373 ,.... b di t.o D ·1 Pilot Laguna for mature-1 .. -------• d A•-s perv'·e err · with plants including a un es ai Y minded individuals. No 1 " an rep....... u .., knowledge C?f soils , 11ewsp1percarrler. JAMrTOR'/T small crew. If you are .... OTICE rerti"li'zers & propaga. Good •tartlne pey with prior experience Is lmmed. opening for a not afraid ol hard work " uJ hedul d I Industrial Controls Division 3300 s. Standard St. Sant, Ana, CA 92702 necessary. Must have Jan Ito r to work and are looking for a how ·oail.y PUo.t Class-lion. CaU: Alex, Mon· · ree ar sc e n- own phone fl c ar. Saturdays &c Sundays permanent position, we lfied ads display their Fri, 8:30AM-4PM only. t~l~s~ Wil li t Veterans bring DD214. only 2PM-11PM shift. would like to talk to meas1111es with legibility 673-2263 ~32l ~ore 1~ :r ~':!~~~:\t!7~! ~; I~ro ~~te~~e;e 1c:J~'. i!u~ ~~llh=~ 9i~ !~d.~m:~~ ~~Y~C::: NURSING-cerUfied or after2PMdall,y . equa.loppty employerm/f/h Radio Shack s tore). 714.975-0700 or come In : tervlew. Niguel Shores ally get results. Phone e'xper. aides, 7-3 shi.tt. lii.!;i:~~!!!!~~;;;~;;; 657·9020. Equal Oppty Ad van c e d H e a'1 th Commmlity Allocialion. "42.:i878. Call 646-7764. 11 l:mpk>yer. Center, 1000 Bristol St. ' ~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I Nort~ Suite 100. Npt.. Hair Dreuers wanted. Bcb. r;OEM/F W e 11 known sa 1 on . !!!!!~!!!!!!~!!!!!!!!I Be1irulera or esp. Real • or percetlt.qe. Guara.n-Have tomethlo& you teed. Call o•n•r: -want~ seU7 Clusififf 50-1111. It II. ~ N~ .... : ............... .\ I : : . .., Asslplmt : : Slcntary ti ~. ExlCltin. : . . . . . . . . . Immediate Ol*.dnt for ver11t1Je 1n: dMd11al. Mtllt bt capable ot bandl-iDI fut·Plelld. vart.d and lnterell· laf duut. lot ~per executive • Ptraomiel aclmlnlllrator. Call: . . MMl21, Elt. m for appt. ~c..., D)n~ . Cotta llna, CA · Equal Opportunity EQloyer_ . • ! . . •• <.. •• .. ..,, ...... ,. ............................. . KIOS-- SUMMER JOIS. earn $30-MO per WMk. Tripe & Prim. Ctl Mr. Cll •••ti t61-f6M · Nursing ntVN X-UYJECHS IESPIATOIY .TECHS YOU'ii tMVl'T8) • •To Join the # l t;'am 1 •To Earn Dynamite Pay -To Re~ve Super 8-llU -To Crtate Your Own Schedule l 3%~..;. I A urlelr of •atltn· menl1. Sbot1. 6 lcm1 ••rm, ladud111 So. Oneceeo.ty. . Ort. Co A.lrpon .... 114-761-1641 A.llalMiim ~ 714-7••• m ..... , .. ,, .. PllZA/Secretnl Serfia ~zilgin RESU~ES TYPlll CONSUL TATIOlllEPMAll~ COMPLm~ .. . · CHOICI O' STA1'10t9Y .FOi ...... COYB~S ComM9 • SMAL••ll . IMMlllA11 TmMMCUte SATUIDA YI~·· HOUIS • NEWPORT BEACH ·Stop n' Go is currently seeking persons for : . . NIGHT MANAGERS EVENING MANAG.ERS PART TIME CI;ERKS $4.50 Hr. 14.00 Hr. StQp p: Go offers strong salaries and excell~t' benefits including : . • P~id T.rilnlng · • Paid HoipltaUzatlorr and Llf e Insurance • Paid Vacation • Retirement PROGRAM. • College Tuition Program . . . P.eople·40+ are encourtged to i~ply, ~pply in persOn: . 4555 Coast Hwy., . NewPort Beach · br call for inlocmatlon n•:11,.n11 -....... -- • Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Augu1t 9, 1981 Sell it all and Put Cash in your pocket! DAY WEEK 8Days 3 Lines 8 Dollars Special flat rate for non-commercial users offering merchan- dise priced in the ad for $800 or less. Cost is the same for '8 days or one. Minimum three lines. Extra lines just $2.60 for 8 days . . For an EXTRA day, call today 642·5678 The new Daily Piiot 8·Day Week Its a Classified PLUS ~~~ ..... ?! ... ~~~~ ..... !!.~ ..... !!~ ..... ?!.~ ~.~~~ ..... ?!~ ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ~.~.~·~ ..... ~!.~~ ~~ .......... !?.~!,~ .......... !~.~~ ~~~ ......... !~~~ ~ ......... !~.~~ Sales Secretary SECUTAJtY Service St11t1on Night • TtlnihoM * --., ..-.. .--.-.. ~ .-.. -~ ..-.. .-.. ....._, Danish modem teakwood Dinette set. wood Kram Sales JOIN A SUCCESSFUL, PVT. SlCRETAaY Part lime Mon·Fn. Must Mgr. '0.48 hl'll pr wk Soltciton --~-----~~ dining table with 6 new rormica, 4 ctuurs, like EARN TOP$$$$ NATIONWIDE Oreanized. loyal, part have good lyr'ne skills Benefits N t'llt a p Are ~OU tired or wurkin~ Alexander Forster Presents rn al chin g c II n e d new, s200. 96UZ91 - SALES TEAM tlmemomln s. 549-Q.')28 &S/H optjona . Call Mis· pearance, must be over full tlffit' for 1»1rt time S. CJe••le'a s_, cha 1rs-S275 00 B.ent l.ovely wood bed framt'. PAIT/TIME Be one ct over 600 ID· sion Bffchcraft, 18741 N 21 yrs or age. Apply 2590 ~? .t....i-a Colee~ .. as. glass oak cluna cabinet dble SJZe, 2end tbls. Sunllghl Energy Systems is now expand· inc O.C operations & has 1mmed1ate openmg.s for: dependent sales agents Airport Way Santa Ana NewportBJJ.CM__ ..-.-.., -..,..... 1 tant1que reproduc 673-230.'> selllne products or The Secretarial :...0-2720 -SERVICE Stal.Jon Allen Why not ~ry rw101rk1ng ....., 7, I , t llon>·S295.oo. Kl.og·med --- Thos D. Murphy Co . a STEM<> CUii part time .or u time .._.. -le IO rw ·Sa MM11 .. ' maple headboard with SACRIFtCE! pioneer in specialty ad· dant Exp·d Days & money Work 20 lo 24 hrs Dealers from 8 different stales, Grandma·~ drawers turned spools. Wood & suede bck&am vert1s1ng since 1888 $1,066 toSl.326 MO SECRETARY eves Fu~I; prllme Ap. per wk m plush new of lrirles lo the finest and elegant 18th. 19th 20th Beautyrest mattress & mon tbl & chairs, only Throueh our sales force. New po rt Beach To ply · She talion. 17th & r 1 ct: in the Sa 111 a Ct-11lury CoUection. To be held alt.be: springs ·S250.00 ca II $285 -valueS800~ while •Phone Appt Setters • <ex penenced only) •Phone Survey Takers• •Field Survey Takers • K risline. ~0'122 we provide imprinted Environmental Agency Sl,650. Help set up this lrvine.._N 8· -Ana Costa _Me.sa area Trtto. C ...... IH6alt ScMol ~ 971 7352 after~ love seat. S2SO, value calendars, sped ally is seeking ~ppllcants new o (f 1 c e r r om Service Station Altt'n '?r well established Co Freeway lf5 & Pico exlt east $an Clemente S61S Rattan & glass items and executive with the ability lo type furniture to filing dant, FIT ev~. eXPt'r. 1'.:irning polent1alors220 DAILY SIOO ~ * * I BUY * * brkfst nook. S2SO. value gifts to thousands of SOnwpm, take shorthand systema. They are Also Mechanic, f ·r per wk b;ue +comm+ flHrdi.,. food•,,..... Good used Furniture & $600 Xlotrood businesses who ad at 80wpm & 1 yr second largest m their days Apply 10 person ~n~b <.:all ~888.J for nited ... h 1 w_..W5e& Applianres-OR I will __ 548-9988 vert1se by giving girts to secretarial exper to held. A neat team spinl Mar's Texaco. 18502 .PP ~~~ sellorSELLrorYou Modem Wal breakfront. Sales EXP'DOR their customers. ThtS IS work in our Engineering exists & your good skills Be 8 r h B 1 v d • 11 " TRA YB. AGENT I MASTBlS AUCTION $250 matC'lung bureau, your big opportuoity for Div. Excell. benefits Ill· will be an asset. Great 968·~ t:xp comm 'I 11 .:ent Alltlq•Show/Salt DOCJS 8040 6-'6-86t6,IJ).t625 $l250B0~1864 good commissions and elude a 3 day wknd benefits Sew Moch Open nl·ed~d for fast gro~m~ Free admL~s1on Today •••••••••••••••~••••••• I IUY FURNITURE Sofa bed $150, rattan continued income from everyol.herwk.Apply : 557·6122,731-7711 Experienced. quality OCagem·y.Apollo e1tp thruAug.9.Huntm~ton AKC Silk y Terriers , Les ~7-8133 couch & chair. $1 50 SH OP TUI MEES We're looking for salespeople lo join Mark repeat orders If you Personnel Office. 11J144 100'7< FreetoApplicanl work.Costa Mesa prererretl Chery l Center Mall. 4<ll Fwy & adorable. shedless. 20SOFAS S98 a pecan din tbl 4 chrs want independence and Ellis Ave., Fountain 642·96.\2 833·0492 ~eachBlvd,H.B _ hot~. M $225. F' SJOO ISLoves:a':·$75 eea szso. rdrig $250 C Bloome , So Cal1rorn1a 's 111 Tire Aulo Sen ic e Center a selling career. con· Valley, Ca 92708 ~II TYPIST/RECirwr Onentol Vases $45 Sr hl 551·2348 -957·57""or•~•.41110 640.7900 tact John E. Morrissey. '14·540-2910 EOE M F 11;1" • • 1 k S90 he h "" ~ SPORTS-MINDED A ~ L C oe ,pltC rwas 8assetpups,AKC,6wki.. WATE-RBED w 31.1ght green , s ort Phone 602-62>753.S. 2851 tlraclive aguna basin S75 Curio Cbnt gorgeous colors $200 h d Sof So CamUlO. El Gre"O. S A L E S 0 P lorat1 on 4 da~ week · drawers bof ks helf nauga Y e a. very ' ,,,,_.. SK•ltt , $375 Plex1 j!lass $25 Pvt n.arty. 89'l~_7 e\S . r bl d. Green Valley, Anzona SECRETARY PORTUNITY Earn possible Please call 6315979 .r. -hdbrd $35-0 645-6072, com orta e, nice con 1 We offer our employt'es an excell starling salary & an outstanding benefits package that in el ud es Lde . Medical Denlal 1n surance. profit sharing, credit union. discounts & much more 85614 West Coast district sales 4S00Campus Or, N B Sl5,000 to $20,000 first 49'J·2283 · Shellie puppy. AKC. all 1148-2820 !Jon S60 ~2644 SALES omce of major Mid·West year on salary plus African Mahog. Roll Top shots, good d1spos1hon In xlnt cood. matchmg Living rm set. sora. lov I If you're loolung for an 1 exciting career in sales 4cenjoy working with the public. we've gol the opportunity & we're wailing to hear rrom you ! PLEASE CAU: MR SUMMIEllS 714-557-1000 MARKC. BLOOME Equal Oppty Employer Now accepting appUca lions (or ru11 & p/time sales staff. Expenenced in micro computer pro- gramming or use very helprul Successrul ap- phcants will have bark· ground 1n sales & pos1twe attitude Call Lev ( 714 )540-15~ Sai.sPc:riT._ Evenings in our El Toro Store $4 75 per hour Contact Chester Hipple PACIFIC STEREO (7141951 USS _ Sales PA.INT Exp. preferred Must be able to work Sat & Sun. Other hrs. to be ar ranged Wages based on SaJes exper Apply Ul person Gmd fl oppt to earn Kerm Rima Hardware. S8K wk W•rcnl break 2666HarborBl.,C~1 1ng. mulli·mrktg sys Sales ()!,~~· s~~1k ~e~o c:1i SHOWROOM S~LES btwoS.12 ~ Parllime or fulll1me ' · Must be able to work Sales GltUTHOURS 9AM-2PM or 4PM-9PM with mtenor designers & answer phones Hours flexible Variety or work The Accessory House, Irvine, 966-1622 SALES-Start earning now for Christmas. Sell Join the Los Angeles toys & gi.ft.s. Wkly pay, Times circulation team nocollectingordel Free SJOO kit. 840-6912 & adapt your work s c h e d u I e to y ou r SALES TRAJNH lifestyle Work 5 hrs a Yng men . stereo day m a Times Circula speakers. transporatton lion sales office near .[>rovided Call 540-7653 your home & have more Sales ----- lime for your family, Wanted : overweight studies or leisurely people interested 10 los periods. We paY hourly mg weight & gaining wages & romm issions money Fool proof Call LOSANGELESTIMES Dotty 557-2234 or Kay 1375 Sunflower Ave . 5 851 1910 -c M • aleswomen men 540-0301 Equal Opportunity __ Em l2_ler _ THE FB>E:RA TED GROUP corp. has a secretarial 14211 Yorba St, Tu.stm s e m 1 a n n u a I Typists Desk, beaut. cond $3000 Sl25 531·3438 _ sofa 5350, arm cha., eseat, corree table. 2 end position available now. performance bonus Na· TmlS· ts 50WPM Call 548 0294, 642·477o Lhasa Apso, AKC. 7 wk~. Sl95. coffee table s1os. tables. rm d 1 v1drr Good phone & typing Open Monday Eveoings tional sales firm seeks Antique Auction. Mon Mi F, $~$350 side table soo. lamp $60. 847-7271. SIOOOLOBO skills. Automotive leas· 1 By Appotnlment Only an outstandin~ person I l'Ct" Sec'ys Aug 1 0 l h · 6 Pm 494-4193 or S7 85 A LL Bel h Queen Elertnc AdJust 1\ mg background helpful for the locnl area. sell.Ing UI American English & 540 1872.;_~ 6,J7J.8406 Bed S 150 673 7677 but not necessary Start sports relnted Hems [ Sec'N French furn & ,small\ LHASA USO Decorator pieces from 673-7873 mg Salary up 10 51050 + .. _ · 1 Profit shanng plu.'i ex JeC JS o minimum. nsper ""cretana II o.~ r k tion all da)' u 00 Aug 5 Monthsold.shotsuplo Chan.dlers Gold rose ........... a...-uG--L 8065 benefits For app't con· ~ ce ent ...... ne II pac age c~ C~' '" . " ......... -~ tact· * C°'""-rrr * Previou~ s ales ex I ·~ · • 10th Larry Morgan. date Male AKC motif wroughl iron ••••••••••••••••••••••• LEu...LE ... SE Assist. Sr Exerut1ve perience prererred Lodrfora Auctioneer 168SToronto l>apers~100'-646-!»44 lamp, S70 Large scones. Lge tum~ seascape. "" '"" Varied pro1ects Gd. Send reswne to Harold Chalei9ncJ Way, C M Toy Poodle, female. blk, S75 (28X~l Gold wood 3'x4 ' approx . askin.i: 2172DupofttDr. skills &professionalap· Mausleller, 6915 Nu\'a Opporiwtity \714 1646-~11 AKC registered S1S-O of rrame mirror. S60 S7SO tenns ~9-8986ev~ St .. 15 '"._... pearance Prestigious p k S ( ~ .• 07849 126X44 J Gnld ~ood _t -..-. • ..... ar w11y, acramento. Chinese Antiques. ap er""· _ carved rramt', s4s Drapes wide. beige ~old l714Jll).92l 1 ~~·g~rf~rsa~'!=~~~~1~~ CA 95823 ~~~r t:ho=i ~l\:! praised .... documents MINI SCHNAUZER 128x34 1 Conversation neck. clean Like nt>~ 7 potential Salary to --ha\•e long & short tenn rluwer vase. S75. leapot AKC REGl!>ll':RED piece p1ctlln!, S40 Gold _.Q!!r., S2(20 7~1384 SECRETARY $15.600 CaU . Mar}One S_tamed glassstud10M;k· Jobs available lo the S22S. lge 24" high 'ase Szoq 842 7159 rose r arved boudoir Carpet. drk bro~ n Parttime. with good t)'p-Sullivan. 540-5001, Snell· ing exp cral\sman Call 0 C Airport area Week· S.SOO 855 ~ me to Y• 1045 chair w Light blue ~eat & sculptured pal!Hn mg skills Onepersonof· 10 g & Snelling of JQ!:.l!l>Pt 646-7474 ly payc"~1ts. quarterly Antique Dresser $300 ••••••••••••••••••••••• matching king size clean, like ne11o 12XIJ hce So Coast Plaza s r """' D p Leaf table w 2 L' I . I d k d ~CJ\ Olh II s100 7"" ,.,.,. Newport Beach Agency. tart earn111g now or bonus trips. Never a fee ro r ree mu ti-co ore IL sprea . ~. er sma --:..-~~· area. Linda Ragle. 4340CampusDr .. EOE Christmas Sell toys & Callfor appl.t.oday. ChairsS400.645-7386~ lens. t1ger·striped grey. pieces 641·8685 arter 6 1ox12· Carpet Blue. 546·7268 --'---gifts. Wkly pay, no col· 557 MJC 4pplanus 8010 while, orangt> & blaC'k PM green sheared pile.new SECRETARY lecting or del Fret•~ "UU't\I ••••••••••••••••••••••• Call 548-6219 an 4prn King site waterbed. mcl SSO 751 ·2ll7 A take charge person * •SECRETil.IES• * kit. 840 6912 r-n.. Lin.~ I IUY Am.IANCES GD Home. Lab Seltl'r all. $400 Brunsv.1ck pool Jewelry 1070 who is well organized CustServ SASl5,600 Stock Ir Detlnry U \• I \":: Les 957 8133 m 1x . fem Nds rm table. Windsor model ••••••••••••••••••••••• andcareer onented.d1C' SH90 MortgageS18,000 Excellent compan) llMl'OOAVHtflSONNllSllMCIS HARBORAREA Smart. sweet lo\mg S400 551-4.l!S_ Pvt pty wtshestobu~ for ta phone. typmg · and T65 D1ct/FashlSl6,800 benef1b Room for rapid APPLIANCE SER \'JC F: 548 5174 M!tit Sell cash 111 CT·3 CT sohtare word processing Ex SH90 REfNeatCo$l8,000 advancement Appl) m 3723 lirch Strfft Bl'Y SELL· REPAIR Good home desperate!)' ~lahogan) DBL bed w diamond weddl.og nng perience desirable Exp Consultant Ours person 4.95 E 17th St . NtwPorlleadl 549-:m-I needed 2 wonderful cat~ maltress Night stand No dealers please' Salar)' negoiatable Call Lli Reinders Agy, Inc. c M t O.E. r db 1 d homeless. due to deoth and dresser to match 557.3534 Kathy 1714) 64().~ 4020 BlrrhEst'64EOE Store manager. rastuer· 2 /er~ i gt free z ~ ~ r of owner Before 5 PM Like n~w Must see to 14K YG lad1e.s' opal rmR. SECRETARY/ Newport/8.13-8190/Free clerk Full·lime V E T E R I N A R Y w ice maker frost·fret• 1213) !M7 1719 appreciate Only S800 S W 10 full cut diamond GIRLFRIDAY ___ 54&7863__ HOSPITAL needs full xlntcond ~.159_?557 Free toGoodllome Man!_6}l·n 97 eves melee,k.'iO 7S91795AM wanted for company SUPEIYISOR lime cleaner, kennel Wh Wh I 1 '" b CATS& KJ1TENS 4 dwr met rile cab, $25 4 1 ct. Marquise, V\'S2 pers~. 10cl wk.nds App ile ir poo "as er c..u: -·1 ant oak chrs $125 17 cu starting up. Expenence SECIETAllYEXEC. vu $ 75 K _,,...,. __ ,.,..__ · · clarity. FColor. faceted m business orflre re Personnel Advemsmg Pl time Exp. tn demo IAy Mon dFn.N8Rl2 c Nl3331 I p~rtone e~:';,~~e ;,~~ !RISH SETI'ER in refng $150, stoneware girdle GIA RATED quired WeU organized Dept. bas opening per field Wages t romm v 0 ca 0 P s 557.7l)5 J 2 yr male. beautiful dmn£r ~et,__S25 642 l359 Mane <7141759-9282 and consc1entJous Sub· expansion. Npt Bch Car n ec 541 0718 . Center belund theatre l 175 -891·3118 Bdrm set, xlnt rond 2 Wh1t-;-gold weddUlgdm (2131877 113.S Whirlpool washer Works --. -l t d d mit resume and salary financial services firm ---WtMter/W~u great SIOO Beau11rul mixed breed ni e s an s. resser. ner nng, appraised at r equireme nts to · Gd.lyping,shrthd .. exp. SwitchboardOper. Apply btwn 9AM & 548.24s.t after5PM dog. 212 yr F. spayed, chest of drawers. SIOSO.SeUS6SO 498·7720 Murphy & Bro ad req'd. Non·smkr Call. Nites. Ftime Will Noon Charlie's <.:hih, Microwa\'e. Noreh:o. shot~lovmg.750-4419 ~~e~p~e:ll~S200B-~~~ I 1 an Publishing Co .. 425 30th 640-0l23btwn. 9&2 tratL61_2·~13 ~I Redlull. Blrlg 112. 5125 Tra h romp Gar FREE Kl1TENS 10 good a ~---. AQUAMAR L"'IES cut & St .. Suite 8. Ne~port TE"-CHEn ~le n26,CM rers & Sattler. $125 home I White. I White Patio furn SD>. desk & poltShed. Onl) sso per Beach, 92663· S /!tM.-'""" ""' WA IT RESS W a 11 er 631 1743 w orange spolS. 1 Whit e chair SlOO. dble bed Sl50. st~n~~~8688 tcy __,... Cert & exper Pref ex w carror 11o1cker basket ..... black. 546-5967 stereo $350 ~I sr Stc~'I Small mortgage bank· per m toddler care 21 i U p r 1 g ht ( re e z e r . ---7~-0988 _ _ A ColKton lttfll Acl!Mliltratfn ing rirm 1n Irvine yr olds 5 days 9-1 NB lunch sen 9 :Kl-I :.>PM, Frq?1da1re. 1~ C'U rt. ADORABLEKJ1TENS Unusual t•ustom made Aver) sptt1al Cusl de Interesting. challenging Duties include phones. Susan 640-8820 M F Earn $~5175 wk rrostfree. S65 55&-1633 '"Himalayan, 6 wks s ign Gold & Fresh .... t typing and hght book· --:.i ly Must be neat. 751-5376 antq wht coffee table Water Pearl bracelet pos1t1on m pnva e com . r bl TEACHER Pre School personable & energeti<' eve~ --$175 493-1457 munily. If you can use ~~~1~:~;~:t orkaC'a~ Full time, permanent. 979.0747 art IOAM for Old Wedgewood ~tove for H11 I'm Caesar. I'm potty Call for appt lo inspect ln1lahve. exercise in Estate knowledge pre· liberal benefits Also ~l>t country kitchen $95 trained I would hke to Carii:t ~~iq ~~ N:;~r 644-0323,eves ~~~~~~~r;aj~~~e~~1~l ferable Contact Mrs. AIDES Call Marilyn WANT ACHAHGE? ~"8~583 704 Mangold l1vt~a~1~erin:::~r1l~~~ Gsreey-blue S696A\ess -Li~'1~.J~~~ ty or general secretarial Adamson al 1133-!l'Jll 19 847-5284 -We need C'06metologisl.5 Frost rree-rer Xlnt cond ~trangers are around than wholesale 645 '430 Must sell 846-~ assignments, we'd hke AM to4J Teachtr'1 Aict. & manicurists for I've had all m>· shots, & Waterbed, king must -------- to talk to you Call SEC'YTOY.P. P.reschool, exp'd Full Shorecllrr hair salon Sl50 I'm living at Sheries sell. coil matt . mirror, Mochi111ry 1071 493.0122. 9·30 to 5 to Large established So. _'l)me.642·0'11 492 ·2288 bet 9 & 3 557-4639 Poodles.Sot&~ rab1nels S500 OBO ••••••••••••••••••••••• srhedule inter view TEACHYOURTRADE V k ) WARDSGASRANGE S 631-4249 , Sliding table for California builder seeks • ( -1£ 1e Dbl oven. rlean. works Beauty! English pr --Rockwell Unisaw near Niguel Shores Com· sharp , re liable In· Capist rano· Laguna mger Sparuel Reg l''J S1mmonsh.Jde·a-bedS100. w ' · Sales High Earnings. 01strib utors wanted for product com s umed dall y Dynamic marketing plu. New to area Call Kim : 645·1339. Mon & Fri 9-4. Tues. Wed . Thurs, 8-11~ munityAssocialion dividual to perform Beach RegionalOccupa· MerchanclM !ood.LS7~.646-34S8 __ yrs Great dispo Simmonssglbed.com· Jyne ,S381S.S»S723 :~~i~~~:Sroper~Ps;~~a~~~j S~ecretary, expe.rien<'ed variety of secretarial tlonal Program needs ••••••••••••••••••••••• G E refr1e side by side 962·322Q.__ ..1!1..S7S 645-7807, 645-6521 MkcellaMo. 8010 Personnel for a great op-1~ escrow for financial duties. P061lion requires pa rt· t 1 me teachers: ~ 1005 ire water door 5450 0 80 4 flurry. healthy kittens to Sofa bed 8', vm ·I sofa 8'. ••••••••••••••••••••••• portunitywithourgrow firm near airport. accuraletyptllg,filing& Retail trades <retajt. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 64.S ·l.864 --good home 8 wk s xlnt cond l100 ea ProfessionalSonarDrum mg rompany Benehts. Salary neg ability to do general ad· ingl. bustnt!S$ ore skills Letter written by A llcyclff 102 640-8927 645·1609,S48-6:!1Q Set w1cases S650 Pet Sales/mgmt P ...... °"'Y Needed for growing Health & Beauty com peny earn as much as S500AWEH Excellent career or sup- plement. Mr Dallas. 5$8-3375 213-728-5100 (Call Moo-Fri, 9·5l SECRETARY needed immediately Responsible position working with the pres1· dent & rontroller. Must have good lyptng skills. shorthand & some ac rounling knowledge Call 9·12noon. Mrs. Wea ver,,JH4)540-8UIO. •aily Pilat .. · .. ······ ······ · ... : . ~~ . Trainee For District Manager This highly successful local newspaper bas an opening for a trainee In the circulation department. Basil' skills will entail supervision of 10 to 14 year old boy and Jirl home delivery earners. Areas ol supervision will be delivery, collectJOns and sales. Ask for Barbara Bassett min. tasks Shorthand <serretariaJ>. positions Conan Doyle. framed ....................... Free 6 yr old Scotty Toshiba copier. S7oo 6 ft Snake, rareS7o S.91875 851·0991. preferred. In exchange start at S!:J.$15 per hr wilh pictUtt, S275. letter Racing 12 spd, Titanium w papers must have storage cabinet. SIOO Compact rolltop desk •SECRETARY• Excellent opply. ror sharp gal lo work in fast· paced Newport Beach comm 'L real estate ore. Excellent typing & die· taphone slulh required Challenging position for right gal. Call: Laila, 833-2900 SECRETARY Take the step to further· Ing your career and join one of the leading elec· tronics manufacturers in Southern Calilornl1. This position l.s respooai· ble to the Pmldent and Financial V.P. You s hould possess good communication and or· g1nizaliooal 1kllla, u well as lhe ability to In· leract with au levels ol em ployeea. Require· menta Include typing 50·55 WPM . and for ability to (unrtion Call Dr Zane De Arllkal written by Rudyard frame/forks. full cam _l'.ard. 842-41so Manual typewnter, S35 Sl50 Color TV w remote well in busy office com· l714/ 496-3118, 831-2031 Kipling, rramed with pagnola, l mo oh! $1700 F -1--p--All very good cond S200. La.mb ,mmk Jacket pany offers friendly at· Telephone Solicitors picture. tm. miniature Eve 645-5432 e m a e 0 m e r a 673·22112 Sl75. Stereo console SlSO mosphere, competitive WE 'RE EXPANDING oil portrait of woman. -man/Shelly, spayed, 4''2 salary & good benefits. s T A R T I M _ with frame on table IO spd bike. like new yrs old . Free to gd Round gourmet choppmg S.5·3722 Send resume & salary MEDIATELY stand. $225 . lovely 14th Uni veg a S100 home. 546-4147. block S200, same as ne~ 5 PC twn bdrm set. trailer history to J.L Conkey, Salar y + lu cr11t1ve Century color calli 67~ f'ree purebreed 12yrold, 6 gm Hitchcock dmmg hitch to pull boat Pwr Presley of Southern bonus graph) on sheepskin. Srhw1nn Beach Cruiser. male Samoyed to good chairs SlOOea. 631·9272 mower & edger. lounie Calif., po Box 2200, 01132 rramed, ~ r p Call gd cond w lock & chain home 556-lZ76 9 FT La~ "T" Gold chair, antique rloor Newport Beach, 92663 -1714) 95Hl83. S80 846-0916 - -Can't keep beau. charm with matching chair lam · 64&2041 -- ---=E.O E. · FOR SALE 1930's Srhw1.nn Varsity togin-0utcat.nuffyblk· Sl50 645-6583Golf rlubs Mac Gregor kitchenware. Rare Hall women s 10 Sp. Excel. re 631.3647 Liv. rm furniture & -ac Tourneys , Tommy R&D ELECTRONICS 3·5 veart experience w1th1n •n A&O env1ronm1n1 Must h1v1 working knowledge 01 high voltage power system• AF analog and d1g11a11og1c. be e self·starter and c1p11>1e of work ing with 1 m1n1mvm ol ,vperv•••on Will per1orm breed boerd•no <11agno1hc troublealloot 1ng and 1ep11lta and us11t senior <1es1gn personnel 1n the <1e11e1opmen1 nl ~F magnttron rnodulaton ond Fiesta 0\ler 300 Cond SIOO. 64()..7583. 704 cess .. l yr old. cost S2500. Armour models Woods pieces Buy one or all. Mangold, COM. ___ Fwwffwt 8050 must sell. Sl!OO or oHer. l-4, 693's laminated , 840-4068. _____ Srhw1nn. 20 in cruiser ••••••••••••••••,•••••• 752-1483 S350 Irons 2·9. 945 Silver w s pr 1 n g er. 2 s pd 8 rt beige coucll with 3 BeauU!ul glass inlaid cof· SrotlS, S350 Xlnt rond WtsTMINSTl::R ABBEY ANTIQUE MALL Dally 10-6, Fri 10.9 CIOtled Tuesday 11751 Westminster Ave. Garden Grove 554·6103 kickback S8S 548-1067 pillow back~ fee & end tbl S450 548·7419 C~ --__ 67~37'16 673-4743 Airline t1ckel. I way, L-l--' 10) KING INN ERSPlUNG Virtue tble 36 x 46•70.. LAX to Philadelphia, .....-...--EXTR FIRM · ' · musl use before Aug. l.S. •••••••o•••••••••••••• A mattress S80, 6 fiber glass chairs will sell at discount. Pentex 35 mil. Xlnt cond. set, never used, worth $20 ea, ~1320 al\ 7 or 5150 64().6233 Almost new James, SS30, sacr. $248 del. week-ends 1.-..--...... ...... • '"'"'"~----- 675·0138 Never used queen sz, Orange floral couch. 8~ HMOA~HMINAGDPEIQLULo\,TSs C~non FTB, 35MM . worth 1399• cash only (t,$150.ReboWldpoolla· ''" MtnyGello.d wllensing case. Xlot ~187~· Usually home ble. $125. Wooden file 9a).04ll6 Mone cond. SUOOB0. 8'7-7271. . cabinet. twenty 8 inch PAlNTINGS Divorce forca sale of --------Bunk beds + trundle dra•ers,Sl\.552..a9 original oils. early Ceh 1035 custom made xlnt cond. works or well known r a r , a n t 1 q u e . ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• 3 mattresses . SlSO. While s pindle lullabye artist. SS-18$. Sat/Sun handcarved Stander. 2 Himalayan Kltten!I, '7S·SSS9aftSPM. crib & mattreu, $95. Moving, must sell this Sealpt ch. Unes, papers, 6, Ta'"'ak Wall Un'it oood Wood spindle rndle. :t:· 12'2 Somerset 1.11, week ' shots $. .1379 " · " $50. Other items. Cati 1--· ------(805) 963-3731 quJlity. S200. 675-7440 after 3 PM Used beige etrpet for liv· Selected applicant will re<-eive liberal starting salary, regularly scheduled raises bonus opportunities and many fr- in&e benefits such as rompany paid den· taJ and health plan. group life insurance. vacation and sick leave. ' shorthand la p~fured. We're offerini thla poel· tion to a camr minded Individual who •ould like to become u late. Tfl• MflJfl of our twt/MU ,.qUlr., "'al you bl • U.S. C/lf11n. L.rle Cry.lat beaded Doti 8040 $48-9'90 Movin•! Roll·lop desk, lnJ rm & bdrm. good ••••••••••••••••••••••• • .. ~..1 u ........ Chandclltr from t920's KEESHOND Pu AKC Tropltone paUo rum1ture. Sl25. 3 tables.'"°· Book wuu • ...,1 . .-_ Com.pany vebirle Is furnished durinf ..tin• bouts. Applic1nu must be over 18, have a &OOd drivln:c rtt0rd and be neat •Pl>farinf. Houn are aenerally 11 AM to 9PM, Mon· dly thru Fnd1y. Some overtime Is avail•· ble. In If you 1tt qu1Urled and ttmted in leanial tJw cirtul•Uon buslness. contact \ht o.tly Pllot It 330 w Bay, Costa Ka i W... 10·30 AM or afttr 2 PM dall1. Al). for Dan WUams or llto Goddard. ..... • 1ral r,•rt of our pro· greu ve t.hlnkln1 or· 11nlutlon. Por Im· mediate contlder1U0ti • plea" fotWa.rd ret-.nt wllh 11laty hltl0'7 &., ~to:P...,. ael Dept. -or ull · n...,.... MICIO EXCELLENT FAINOE IENEFl'rs OPf!UD! Apply 1n perton or Mnd vovr 1eavme to •• a-•• Hollywood Mansion Cbamp alre Mrr·Petlt 4 chain & ~bit SZ75. cue. ISO. Be.ncb. k5 BRUNSWICK Full sz '375.tOO yroldSoUdOak show Pvt 'pty ChalH,SU5.IMO..u>O ~9147.Mustsee! pool tbl. S149 111cludea Grandf1tber Rocker 213/697-0011\§em. . Nu 3-pc sect!ooal sor_a1 NEVER USED ~tau top baUa l c11n.891·9'764 $400. n1tural/bemnibon, po dinette, SZ90. QJ1 Bdrm 18'' At l11 Skill Saw, 842-97$5 A.KC • puttbred Ulu1 SlZC>seU'750.5S7•8073 SSlO. Sof1bed U'10. ht1vydutymodel. Sm , Gibson rreaer, white up-~!!j~1~..m~51.i3I;ka M1.11t Sac. immed. Bnnd Bunks Sioc>. Matt/box $48.,idQ rlah.t. Good cond. $175. 0 1 -• nu f'iv rm, aame set, 1pmp. twn trs. f\111185. for Sale J1>hn w ayne @!:_1191 Great P1,.,...puppla, dlnette, curio, lat'IPf, ctn 512 5. MORE !! Tennis Club hrolly ,....1 .-AKC. Slso.1175. 3 miles, ete B1toh'.8S . UO.OIOl mcml»tn.hlp S750 lnclds _., aASS lfetaa · S:M2.fr4 • RKIJMr in..u.ce chalX 2 cbain. awtveJ rockers. truafer fte1. (71 41 0 ~lnides l 4 rtl. LhutAlllOP'IJll18 w /but rollers • urlbtonea, U o u . b~r:eo:ith puc:fe wka, N • r, adof•bie, vibrator, 118. Roy•I ZenkbCOlllO&t colorTV,1::r=u::-111.....,.t'.""l•_rt_rl_c_bo_s_p_it_al bt1bH bl• 4"' Inch ROOt1.-.ml tltt. typewriWw/tatt, ...!!.-llD 549-ml bed bouSM new llled 3 diam.Jr. wm sacriftce P11ppla ~ mi• HI. lotb hke ftt• Sil piece n.o11111vllle wka, 1111ttr•1: ren1, al t415. Call eves. at W . S.99 web old, ' bedroom f\amitllrt, off orolftr "' tili>~ ~H Mike Duatall jCoedil,llio.-..c.llD'-1 •llttt. KWtmD ukU., nmort W1111tr • ~MC.I 1trle, •owa·fllltcl M0.17!9N.8. Dryer. ~ a.a,., 811.L hbe ..... wt1h • Stet Poo41• ,.,,.... ~ .. ........_ CCNcw: -lltmlm SoUct ... ,.. St"4111t DaUJ 'PUt& Claum.ct "'*• 1 •all. MC, ._ fellllltc. llld ...._ w -i.d. tad Dttk w/tllair. lluc ........... Mllltlfr:Ht• ttMe~lllt 0 rl ,.._ IOI IMh, p..., H40 ...... Slfll/ MMoriM4.... 9140 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 .. •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 9070 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Otar. s yr oJd AKC mat. '1t 14' Wtlkraft AlnlOC ....................... CJAO. MOl*f. t..ow ml. Metontdet/ Tr.Men. TNftl t 170 ..,..,/ Aac".:::f. ·9120 Malanu.U lll!ld.I homt. 110 ZIO HP. dble nit Htlmet, Lotk, BalktU. S<....... fl 541 •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• Cliilsks t SJO Fam . b a• mo v • d \railer. c~ttr cabin, 811~ ltla.nd S200 ....................... K nakill l4 FT S700 firm •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• ~t12·-0240tAS S1uoo-.._. 20.:::~ tota> '90KawaZlR~.~ml SleeJ)IS.llltxlnt.Movea PUTTllST My darlin& Triumph 1 .. 1-40•,_ Claulc SouthcoHt u --. -'1'7HONl>AL2Scr Ltkenew moo tullv. GI '57T-lllD Herald, all white wlttd Wlthl1t'fnt>" Crulstr &Int eond fulJy Slip11va1I up to~, CdM M&41M Allto Sena P.ta 1._.T<>Wtfl Int Convt Xlnl cond . ....,.,...___ tqulp~'td Good 1llp area Ii OO h Pe&u Run.sgood, mo 1980 KZ ~ Kaw 10 000 a •·--·~ t '" SSOOO s7S.13'7 __ _,_ . t · Paltilon. 95$·2473 ~7·90'7j..M1Jll&hv1 • •---. IESTOfflltl • Cl u "lnl Maraw Bl 6 eold SMO avail o tne bttt nnbl wlt~8 5PM Foxi·GT moped nuda m1, must aacrlf Very •••••••••••••••••••••• COCl\!KZ) rr troen cv #\ 0 Cockatiel. tame. albino o.f!!LRt.mJ__ ---minor re lnl150 xlotrood~~w1__ $SAYISAYIS cond sa.soo OB . MO. Cockatoo. Umbrella '71 SltipJack J4 Fl. FB T---'-"-::_1894 '71 RM 370 Xlnt cond WITH USll> PAITS Private Part ~-- l650. 1.532 Twin Volvoa Vtty ~eU ·-....... ---Maoy Xtru. S700 1 ....... "' ~ equl d It. d I •••••••••••n•••••••••• Minl-blket/HoodaSOltal· S.U·5078 M24ll Miit mpon-cW/* V.WCa.. flJO N•nday Qinures Parrot w/Lr1ca1e 1140 549--9823 1tru:::t1t7c>0.0018,7~ C•.~St*/ 91 ~0 jet SO Lb\ke ~rtw 18 Hond~ XL ~ JC~l AU~~PPLY ••••••••••••••••••.,••• 548 5357 ....., ' lh uo oa e o er dill 3700 't t I '77 CJ7 Jeep. "Rtnapde ••••••••••••••••••••••• 770·8063. c~n on o a lOlN.Manchester 24 ft flberalaH Navy 76 V'6I c•u•a ---I miles. 17~. 980-7~ Anaheim 774'9900 I options" Low ml N1ver Blue·crowned Conure Whale boat Dleul "" -.r Motorcvdtt .7• Tt d CO....,. -1-. L d . ---, abused Clean 4 w~ dr. Parrot w/WJ'OU&ht Iron powered. Good cond. Oynamlte Westfaha Scooftn ttSO .::in,00o!ssz,o';,\~5~~~· 70 •n c~;r ~or 'JtFOaD V·S. 3 spd Hrd Jop. ea e JSO.Call673-78lt_ SMoo e.u.705e pop·top. Automatic .... •••••••••••••••••••• ii · trans, SJ.SO. O BUJ. Custom 4 dour In AM/FM cassette stereo -.-·--Veryclean!(0689fl9) '74HondaMotorcycle19K ler.S73-~ --wrecked. S200 all, or orig10al •http cond. 615-9988 ESTATE SAU MARR IAGE SALE ! 2403 N Ouk mount, San i''urn : easy chr, comp. ta Ana 8.30AM to 3PM. giant waterbed, dresser, Aug 10. 11.12. J\rlt rum . antq typewriter. fishing marble top tables & II e a r , c Io c k Corkatoo. Sulpher Creal 17 Whaler, center con, 85 55995 11 P 1 t d Motorcyrle Swafi Meet parts. 642·243.4. Eves Run 8 & d r I v e 5 ----ed Lesser young, & HP,trlrl8500 m es. er ec con · , 645-9502 VW Dune Buggy , A·I healthy,t60b,withcage. Da752·25M Ev~om JIMMAIJHO Sl(I00.549-3758. Orange Cty 1 ar,est ----· 1s7oLMY l shape, aU metal bqdy. Ml,ke -~ 'll0-13'Bos:.00Whaler -VOLKSWAGEN M,USTSELLorTRAOE ~~!~~ ~v!tt~~~=~rrer~· uti~ ~' ~~crm~r: S2195 Klreet le aJ.962·38.\2 ,.io.ot&Onjms 1090 & trailer, '81-35 hp l87l1Beach8lvd. 76 KZ400,faitingS600 Aug 14. Or. Cty Fair· ment tires on LO" wide JIMMAIJHO SP!>rfl, Roce. etagere, Vic rouch Automotive trlr w'malchmg ch.air.., pal hitches. gd. Holley tern glass RS Germ 4BBL. cass deck, tools. plates, beaut hnen~. boat ladder. beaut. q u 1 I t ) . c: r o r h e t leather toonna Jackel, bedspreads. Oriental men 's clothes & lots or ....................... Evinrude, lull cover, ac 142-2000 , Ha_!l surgery. . 548-Sl~ crouods. 24 hr Inform&· VW rims. pair S40 YOutSWAGEH Rods ff40 2 yrs ntw, Whitney by cess. 750 646-0491 lOh Camper Four Star 11 Husky 360. M1nt condt· lion 714/&9226 642.3379 187tt Beach Blvd ••• •••• •••••••••• .. •••• K1'mball up 'ght I t · s R w / f · & lion S800 or best ulfer • - ---142 2000 '6• S b AIA' rt , x n • 78 ea ay eek.ender. w re ngerator stove 646.8c;oo '79 Honda CBMO, xlnt. eFT Six·PAC Camper -· ~ un eam ,,.11c $600.631-3512,751·9740 VHP, CB. stereo. bait Port·a ·potty All __ .__ like new. 1700 mi. shell paneled, sliding Coc8ocCOllY Sl,495 Ortradetorbi.ke, Masonl Hanlin BBL 7 It tankd, Stlr81r .! m7::89e 36New SBl~leapnse,6Queelnnesxiuc•lbedl•nt. 6S5 0 c ~ 1 '7R8 y a._mla hka alwaya garaged, lainng, wmd Rear door SlOO. 1964. orig owner. '49K ~ .. ~ •42881 • dune bu 8« Y rugs,lo~more great bargains• 418 romp refln. Xlnl tone con ~-.-~ .. "' per1a WlS "" oo s helmet, Sl~ ~. 631·3929 miles $2500080 """ -675-7570. 12' Klamlh aluminum rond1t1on $1250 Call freal 645-9035 • .. WL....-I ~ '550 HELEN Mot.AND Oceanfronl Walk (at M 0 V 1 N G S 1 Adams St nr Balboa ~~""""''-------1 between 10am5pm. 12~· 857.0343 - --VWEngme,reblt1600ex 494~ "" ...,.,.,....,., Kawai prol studio piano, boat 9.9 Mere. 1980, -CC:---Motor Ho.n, St*/ Int shape, strong S350, ,64 Cadilar Dt' Ville Con ••••••••••••••••••••••• a e P1erl Sun ooJ Refri gerator. Wash Or> bdrm ~et LOADS of goodies' 110 couch & lo;~eat. l'Ort~ Brookline, C.M <Mon- & end tbls. dei.k ptl·kup llcello Condos) Sat Sun nr new. xlnl cond. Sl350/beal orr Tim 631·7657---- -1978 Suzuki TS l2S Xlnt RMt/S... f l60 cuslom high bac'k seats vert White white lop 80 Jtep CJ·5, 12 5xl5 ebony,$~. ~Q5611 t'42-6180 Camper shell. fits Toyota eond, lo mt On road, off uuuuuueoenn•n SlOO. 673-0015 dark red Ult '1-'lllal yr for 11 r ts. s poke w h Is . lruck, dmclle bet. patio 9 4 •..w.. .... ~,t--HO USBO"T & Courier longbeds, roadlegal SMOOBO WEC ... ._.SB.L ------the tail f1t1ned Cadillac customgnll,bumper,6 ""'""--, " panelled. new dual 646-1136 "'" fo .r....1.. cyl 8K m1 556 4347 ---'63=1· J 22, ocean going, 120 hp spit rs. tokhng fulJ bed. YOUR R.V A4lto1 r -E ssen t 1 a II y or 1 g. · · · OMC 1 0 range rel g Just Mamed-musl sac • ••••••••••••••••••••••• met1culously main 642·8722 furn Man) ulher sm W..WLAcJo ... items 9 lo 5. Sat & Sun. 675'-6144 -T Steinway 5'1 walnut grand. bit in 1948. better than new cond. Ham mond Organ & Piano. 111 water.' have trlr f~ts ~r~v~:7~orage, '77 750 Honda, 5800 mi. W-l304 IMPORTANT ta111ed Cal car m nearly '74 JEEP WAGON of character SJ900 --------showroom cond Many For Sale 2 Trailer N<YnCETO flawless cond Xlnt m Heavy dutyMud&Snow Aug 8 & 9 3781 Clare - mont St , I r11ne HllCJt~S.! 957 8180 '69 ~. ton Chev wt cab extras.whls. exhaust. Courhea. Approx 34'. & READERS AND vestmenl 111 a quality Tires. Buckel Seats. Air SPORT FISHERMAN over camper Xtrs. S2700 ~hrome. $1395. 67~4068 Approx :I>'. Furnished ADVERTISERS Automobile B«>st Oller Cond Power Steering. 1Cuherd11le1 Sporting goOds, anti· Move ID Sale. all kmdi. or ques, clothin&. etc . .500 stuH SJt Sun. 227 l8th blk 17th St HB Sat-Sun CdM. 644-8931 S.wlacJ MocMH1 1092 For sale by owner, dis· OBO 644~ '78 Hondamatic 400 631·31~ '1s.&.Jll4L _ The price or items bet ween S3.500 $4000 T ii 1 whee I L 0 w tress sale Flyi ng . _ Xlnlcond.SlOOO GEHllATORS advertised by vehicle 848·8377 LateE\f•i.bellt \ti leage 53400 Call St H B 900 7310 g..5 P-'Mc=...-____ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• SINGER Futura in solid Walnut '3 drawer desk $400 546· 1435 bridge. Bimini lop. dual Motonaedllret 9140 __ 64&9092 dealers in the vehicle Ray, 17421 N1d10ls Unit 557 1868. WARDIOUSE class11ied adverus111g J HB 93647 -----controls. '63 Hwiter 38. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '77 HONOAEXPRESS OVERSTOCK columns does not tn· · -'80 4x4 AMC Eiagle Stert"u Console. Curta111 Garage Sale, Sat/Sun, Rod), Corner Table~. 9 5. 3152 Country Club Lamps. Clothes & Ma~c Dr,_ C.M. {Mesa Verde). Twin Crusader Z70's m· '78 Bala vi.LS Moped, Runs 2690 miles. Sl75 Portables/ alternators/ elude any applicable Wagon. Loaded. 12.000 stalled '78 low hrs, 4kw gd, looks gd. S300 [!_S.0297 elect. parts. Must sell, Laxes, license, lransfer To Place your miles. ~or best of Onan. teak cockpit deck, 548·7487 _ ·79 Honda CRl.25, Moto X, pvt. ply Call: eves or rees. finance charges, ·•Past Result" fer 5S2..SIS5. VHF , C8, AM RDF. Grycnr moped, t'OSI $800 xlnt cond. ~. 960-2971 ~nds.646-6463 _ leestor airpoUutioncon· Servire U1rcrtorv Trucks ff60 Sat 8th Sw1. 9lh Off E Mew L.1n w._ SportittcJ Gooda 8094 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 16 l h St on I s !13 all sties many to cboee Redlands Pl CM from .S~t·Sun (other Ram season tickets avail. Private party. Ca ll Janelle, 213·788·6802. Days . Barry , 213--990-7468, ~ves power winch. full canvas new only 28 mi $500 .§ee lo a ec Tralltrs, r,....tt 9170 trol device certifications ad Call Now ••••••••••••••••••••••• covers. All fishing equip. l)BQ 4!!4·261!!1__ _ ·71 650 Triumph. xlnt run· ••••••••••••••••••••••• or dealer documentary '69 ~. ton Chev w cab Open Sat Sun !I 5 2458 items for sale) 8-3 1950 San I" \ na "\l' l' M Federal Ave Costa Mesa 92627 646 1031 See to Gold dredge, coP.;;., ap_pr bdrm set. boal·motor- B1g garage sale Sun. End trailer. puibaU & other ment 6' bow plank , in '79 Puch Sp( MKJI, lo mt, n in g con d , de p 64 AWO , 15', S900/trade preparation charges un 642-56 7 8 01 er camper Xlrs SZ700 board bail tank. 2 fight xlnt cond, ~or best or transport. s100010BO tor6x10 flatbed less otherwise specified Ed. 322 080 Coll AR·lS "shorty". 223 caliber. C.oll scope, am mo. SSSOobo. 548-9981 ing chairs, outrigger~. rer ~2-9889 Jeff 548-6104 _!!<"""" by the advertiser. ,, •• ......,.. outboard kill sack. . """""' -.,......._, portable ba1t receiver Avtos, Mew 9800 Asltos. Hew 9100 Autos. Hew 9800 Autos, Hew 9100 Autos. Mew 9800 Avtos, Mew 9tOO Long range 300 gals ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ible~. roll a·wa y beds. elet games 1561 some tools. etc. 2040 Pegasus. SA. lbel TY.Radio. fuel 1n 4 tank!>. 120 gal.s ....... 11111 water 111 2 tank! Living aboard: 2 relrgs. butane Pomona Ave CM Br1stQJ & Mes~.L HiFi, Stweo 8091 Succes~lul ~ell1nq ,.., 642•5678 a cinch whPn vou . ddvPrt1~e 1n the 0dily Pilot . •••··~··•••••••••••••••i s t o v e w o v e n , Beautiful Color TV. 2 yr monomallc head. tape wrnly free delivery deck. swim step. board· _!!_~--ing ladder, sleeps 6 GIGANTIC COLOR TV Safety eqwpped 3 rare I SALE-2S" RCA. Zemth, ext1ngu1shers. 2 Jare MisceUCIMOUS 8080 Miactl•eo. 1010 portables & consoles rafts. flare kit, 3 bilge ••••••• ••••••••• ••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Sl.28 & up. All must go by pumps Best otrer over lo Ye Balloons 1 Marsch stencil cuthng Sunday 2 yr wmty. free S12.ooo Call answer ad Helium Rouquet~ rlv mach, I" D1agraph delivery.646-1786. U87,642-dl0 livered PerfHt lnr Bradley SC mach, S7S Stereo. Solid Stale. Elec· CHARACTER BOAT for e1·eQ'Ort..l.'>t0n 673 4419 t-8 1 new Ohaus tnple lrophon1c. Garrard parade Aug. 16th Past Lob Caballl'ros llt'alth beam balance gram Changer. Xlnl rond & winner! Price is nght! Club Mt:'mhershil'. s~o ~cale. SSS 751 2496, sound.S12Sorbestotrer Slip avail 673 7677, or offt>r Call ,\ns"erAd Frank 673·2l81 673-7873. ns.2, 642 4:.JO, :.!4 hr.. 24' exl ladder SlOO 1· loah & Marine loah, Retrt/ Ftll' •·abmel. 4 drawer, truck rack $200 Tool box Equi,.....t Chcrtff lock. heavy g11ul(e btel'I. ~ 493.2450 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tan, S80 Dr:.k. Oanish Adult tricycle Lrg rear Getteraf · 9010 --------•I Teak wood. It brown. basket. Cable lock Good ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·~lilfll"Plll~ modern excrut111" hlac·k rund S60 631·0137 _ Tax DeductJon Donation 48' Luxurr sailing yucht. leather !'ha 1 r S 150 MlscellOMOUS Boats · Cars · Planes Cully eqwpped, sips 10, 833 1619 wanted 1081 _ _J!~l6.S4·23!! _ _ $480/day Nwpt. Deposit 811( Sall' on Patio ••••••••••••••••••••••• O.B. motor. 35 hp. S175 & rers req Capt. 111cl'd Furniture F1b1•rgJ.a,~ O L D S T Y L E Sm. & lge Aquasea bait (2131467 9067 Table & 4 l'ha1rs Reg TURNTABLE with flip tanks. SJS New 12" $395 for S295 + Btl( Sale needle to play old 78 re· B&W TV, S7S. 54C).(ltS_3 on All merch.rndtSI:' ta cords 97~~cves _ loah, MaiAtt ... ct/ loah, Sal 9060 ble. rha1n.. bolas. etr Guns wanted all types. Se"ice f020 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 2nd C'hanC1' Antique~ & cash •••••••••••••••••••••••Lido 14 with trailer Ls e d F' urn 1 lure 1714)640-7822 Marine Electrician Great cood Sl300 Call 631310.> BAR REFRIG Small Design/install repair 675-5679 - TEN~ IS ~1 E ~I BE H elec rerng to take to Qual. wort 549-2520 evs_ H O B I E 1 4 I t SHIP Ltndbor)( TennlS colleite Cheap' 9512551 loots,M.,.;---YellowtWhate Xlnt ~~~or bei.t oHer dlt 6or_wknds aJ!X!tme Eqlli,.... 9030 cond. Many Xtras. Must M · ol ••••••••••••••••••••••• sell! S875.846-ltl8 _ PP bU)tng lS Miier & USIC IOU '80 511".P SEA GULL 16' Hobie Cat with trailer gold coin~ llciehri.t lttsfrUIMllts Motor forward & re Sl.500 d k ••••••••••••••••••••••• . pnces pat 67.>7562 as Sac rifice must sell. verse, low hours 5525. 67~ forTom Walnut Baby Grand 642·7056 LASERS750 Orig Rl'vere \\are, 16 Piano Xlnl cond '79 7~HP Suzuki Out Xlntrond.extras. pcs . nice, sell by l"r1. a~ 546·31114 board. like new S425 S7SO. 9114-5032 set SllO 546 0659 4 piece Pearl drum sel. 673-2303 16' Hobie Cat, no trlr, DOG Hous a-; Good cond. S400 OBO. Anchor chain, Lewmar good cond. Sac Sl200 ror S60 545 2168 #8 winches, wind vane. fast sale. 645-9190 673-6928 120 lass Accordicmt jib furling gear. SELL INTEREST. Will ~s __642·3379 548-ooal sell ~ inlA!rest In Cal 20 Rams Season T1rke~ tor sale. 2 for S700 -1611 Swordfish plank, Ll s a i I boat Io ad e d 752.0960 12131463 1101 l GUITARS wt metal w/spear sta w/everything tor $2500 675-8243 lion. Teak walkway 3 or S250/ mo. Boal lh & -sets, harpoon gear SS storage S70 mo. Pnme Typewriter SCM Elec ~~~hfW'ftlr'ln1" Radio, au or part wk N.B. Marina location tric Portable w case & q r-n-<" 8015 d a Y 6 3 4 · l 4 1 4 675-9111. £_overS75 S599f.i4 ;:0,;.;ddj;~t;.;;;;·,;.~~=j wkndtnighl52.8-~--Alajuela 33, '79, lull Meta l detector" head desk w chrome trim. loots, Power 9040 equip. cruise/live phones, great lor beach 30"x60" wood top $105 ••••••••••••••••••••••• aboard. S73.~ SJG.5723 $250 0 BO 64 S 1609. 857 0343 Cabin Cntlser, good live· ""'P.__P..__ ____ _ ~8·6390 l.arge melal d~sk aboar d Located in l6'Hol*Cat Charier famtl) mem t ter shetr Sito. France. 26' diesel bersh1p. John Wa) ne :n/~:~er metal file Si5.ooo. 979-2890 __._..... ¥;r: t=~efnt cond. Tennis Club. highest bid cabinet SlO 27!17 Bunting 'artMn wwmru 960-5943 Eves der tak~s 644·4036 CM S57-S5ro I '79 ,_ Y• chwl Live-aboard slipslflnll!C· Ce11Jng Ian Casabella. re Ofttt>e Desks & Chairs Sportrisber Sl.54 mo ing. With New porter verse wood blades. hght Steelcase Reasonable. 24'SearaySD SlJOmo 40 /0efever 40 /Fuji included.WasS239take Call89191116 2S'SkipJ1c:k. Slltmo 4s 1Morgan 411Fuji 35. J!GO Jud~ 7J0.0086 s~all desk, drafting ta· Slip rents included Call I N T E R EST E D I N bit>, IBM Selectric II and Plus equity dn paym 't 7 SEAS. 675'-9137 H E A L T II A N D model 60. electric porta· Da 7»-6620ev S57·9327 NUTRITION? Have Ion ble typewnter. exect. PACIFICA41 Generators tor sale, rost and sec chairs, recep· Like New only 30 hrs + 10'1 ·overslock 9 12 tion table and chairs, use. SACRIFICE David Mon Fri !7141 543-17114. dic tation machine Fraser (714J67~,S2S2 _!~Mon·Thurs842·6224 S48·244~S'--·---- MOVING MUSJ'SELL ,.,.. 1017 2 capt chrs for van. ••••••••••••••••••••••• re frig •freeier: bed. Scarlet macaw. 6 mos baby crib, baby items old, tamed & talks. Cage 540.S82Q. _ 2x..!X5'. S2tSO S46-26S9 SHOGUH '77 Fibe'rglass 41 ft Grandbanks. Skipper maintained. Call eves only 673-3778asltlor Lee '71 Catalina Z7' Sloop, 1980 Honda 7.5 Outbrd. 6 salla, spinnaker gear1 possible slip S12.000. 498-3945 Classic Star J37 l l and trailer. GI.ass over wood. Rblt, refinished. & re· rigged. A complete fast beauty. $3600 or possible trade for G-Cat SM & casb.53&-48C» W ESTSAlL 32-0ush deck. a steal. Only 139.000. Hans s (714) 631· 1212 Cal 20. flhp O/B, hin&ed. mast, aood cood. PP. $3800. 738«9 SJ&-0817 SABOf-XLNTCOND. flber1la11, oak base mu Call 49'-797. HO•t4S750 or belt offerl7 15' Finn, Dice, but needs work, xlnl traller, /belt.m.GI Oorvnado 27 lllbd. ldn&ed, maat, aplnn, NB 1llp susooso•u Lido 14 f&, 2 IN Hila, trailer, ~r. extras. SI s. S4f. 1981 VOLVO 2 DOOi SEDAN Equipment fnctudes an automttle transmlulon, power steering, power brakes, pin stripe. wtieet well moldings and morel (204126), 59622 lf77TOYOTA r1c1uP This one hll a long wt!Mltllle. 1t1tomatce lftnsmisslon. shell, rldio with an 8 track tape. stripes end whitewall tf1ea. (1H10!Mf4. ~SU lf6f MEICmB l8fl 2JOlllS& Equipment Includes air oondttlonlng, 4 1peed traneml..ion. AM·FM stereo; runt I drl• llkt "NEW"I (07851Si • 55919 1981 VOLVO 2DOOITUUO Equipment 1ncludea it speed overdrive transmission. power steering. power brakes. air oond .. alloy wheels, pin stripe and morel 11 .... 11 . s12,302 1974 YOLISWMIN IUS Equipment lncludd 4 cyl. engine, 4 lpeed trtnamlulon. air conditioning,~ sterto & complete custom lntMtor. (8S1SYD~ 1.981 VOLVO 2 DOOR SEDAM Equipment Includes an automati c: tr1t1sm1sslon. power' steering, power brlkes, pln1trlp1, wheel wall moldings lfld morel 1195mJ 1979 VOl.kSWAGS. DtES&UllR' 4 eyl engine, 4 speed trans .• air conditioning, powtr disc brlka. AM-FM 1tereo, Vinyl irttefiof. tinted gl ... wtwte std9wall redial tires l morel (322WKO> $ 5899 ••• Orange Cout DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 9, 1981 DEMONSTRATOR Sale GrHt Selection Including GRAND PAIX1 TRANS AM1 PHOENIX• T10001 BONNEVILLE• end others a. magnon · pontiac 2480 Harbor Blvd., at Fair, Costa Mesa 54M300 SOMETHING DIFFERENT! DEMONSTRATOR Sale GrMt Sein .. kt I I 4 DOOla lliTt ST A TIOH WMOMt ......... a. magnon subaru 2480 Harbor Btvd., at Fair, Costa Mesa 549·1457 t7290 ·$500 <'"~~· 1.i I !Jiii" ~· $6790 I tit ARlll I( 4DR ::.=:.= ··----·- 1tll A•lll :.:.::..:~ K WM=..,,...,_. '·""~ ., ..... 1tNNrA Co.uA .4695 10 CHIV YAll CONNELL CHlYROLET ~H•rbor Hl'd t 't t-T A \1 t:.•"\ S46·1200 •-o... .......... ................ ......... ,..,..._ $2195 1'76 LUY PICK·U' 'll!!!!flll-e.-.--·~ $2495 , ....... ~" d .. ........ ......-: ... .................. -.. ......... ,.._ 71cf!.H1 ... -..... ... __ ...... --.. ........ ........... c... ... -·-$4995 1'11 vw YAllAOO• .................... --.... ·---ue·- Earle Ike TOYOJA.YOLYO l•UH.,._lh& c ........ . "'•0-00)., S40-'467 Top Dlllar · Paid For Your Cat! JOHNSON & SON Lii~ 2626 Harbor Blva Costa Mt':!'I_ S40.S6:Kl WeP!l. OVEK lllltlool& For Your Good VW. Porsche or Audi ·g Oi~'18~ VW PORSCHE AUDI 445 E Coast H1wa> at Bayside Dra\'e Newj>O~ l}each 673-0900 Premium pnreii paid for any used l'3r I foreign or domest1r 1 in good condition See Us First! 771MW 320i Dynamite automat1r w air Very rlean' 1471SYHI $7,995 JIMMARJHO VOLICSWAGEH 18711 Beach Blvd 842:.2000 OR AH GE COUMTY'S OU>EST o· Fiat 1976, 124 Spyder Con vert Red, xlnt cond S4.300 0_80 714 494·6189 •75 SPYDER $3400or best646 63.!I_ HOftda 9727 ............•.......... VISIT YOUR ORANGE COAST HONDA HEADQUARTERS TODAY!!! UNIVERSITY SALES&SERVICE OLDSMOllLE HOMO A GMCnUCKS 2850 Harbor Blvd COSTA MESA 540.9640 '81 Prelude. blue with beige ant 5s pd . 9M S8200 64>6733 '79 Honda Accord LX. ~ spd , $5995 Slvr. xlnt Sales-Serv1re Leasing !73·8700, 7~3 _ Roy Carver,lnc. '75 Beaut red Honda Rolls 'Royce BMW C1v 1c CVCC . Hon· tS40Jambore-e damat1r. topcond lo m1 New~n Beach 640.6444 $2800 cash ~-6234 . J CICJllCI" 9 730 70 BMW 2CX>2. burgun ••••••••••••••••••••••• I dy black int 4Spd. new dutch. ctean in ·out JAGUAR j 714)497·6.144eves OWNERS Copri 971 We need your 6 cylinder WEIUY •••••••••••••••••••••• 1976-1981 Jaguars' Top USEDCARS&TRUCKS '77 Capra Ghia, snrf. dollar paid for good COME IN OR 1 am fm stereo. air. 4spd, rars! CALLFOR new paint $3495 IAUERMOTORS FREE APPIAISAL .!"·~· 2925 Harbor Blvd Connier-DeLlllo 77 CAPRI COSTA MESA CHEVROLET Amifm, a <'.new tires. 979-2500 l8211 BEACH BLVD. S2SOO 64±.8693 --=--=-.;._;;;;...;;...-_'--- HUNTINGTON BEACH Dats. 972 MAGMRC&n' 847-6087 or •••••••••••••••••••••• CLASSIC i6XJ12L 549-3331 73 DA TSUH 240% 40~ s12,exx> _ 64G.27l9 Highest cash for good cars & vans. _551..8285. Dynamite ·z· roupe 4 '72 Jaguar XKE 2+2. speed. air. mags, stereo 46.000 m1., 11lnt rond It's clean! (2JSHNLl 19,500 080 Call Lorie Sl995 9S7·0SOJ days. 953-5389 JIMMAllHO VOLKSWAGEN e~- 9705 18711 Beach Blvd ·74 Jaguar XJ6L. dark brown, saddle int S7000 644·3554 days. 752-2:599 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 842-2000 '78 Spyder con\' . 21K. ~ - or ig owner. perfert 1910 DATSUN '74 XKE 12 Convertible c on d S7000 O B 0 200SX UFnACI( hard top. BRG rolor. low 546·2352 Automatic trans . air mileage. xlnt rond cond., pwr steering, $JS,500 Firm No HO CASH -AM /FM stereo. cruise Dealers 64.>5885. Just assume remaining control: pwr mirt'ors; Ka""~ GMa 9734 lease payments & drive rear wiper & a ,ewel ••••••• ••••••h•••••••• away ..... Or buy for (843YNR>. ·74 Karmann Ghia. good S91SO '79 Sprint Veloce OHlY $7495 cond. AM 'FM stereo. GT. black. sir, leather. MIRACLE MAIDA S3SOO best ofr 960 6489 nice Desperate' Dave ~-at 857.866'9. 2150 Harbor Blvd u..; 9717 COSTA MESA AllClli 9707 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 645-5700 _ '74 Lotus Elite, am/fm '78 Audi sooos. air, 77 DATSUN stereo. AC. elec Win- i( I dows. 5 spd. Dual Weber Blaupunkt am m , Dynamite 810 uxury carbs. &real gas mila"e. metallic peach. :Kl,000 sedan. Low miles, auto • $ · · •-31,000 mt Eng & paint in mi, 7000. 759-0689. steenng. air • stereo noal sUlges ol restora- '76 Audi Fox. 42.000 m1 . Clean, sharp, ortginal lion Will be rimshed in 3 air, snrr. ster c1Ss. <322YZEI wks . Sold new ror <&spd. $3600/080 Paul SlttS S38 ,000, will sell for 642·2858. JIMMAllHO u2.ooo OBO . 17 14 1 IMW t7 I 2 • VOUSWA~IH -=639-~47=3=-l ---- ••••••••••••••••••••••• 18711 •Beach Blvd. Mnd9 9731 SADDLBACIC IMW 142·2000 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '78 2002 Orange l6m2 fM ttlO MADA 626 '77 830 CSi silver/blue • 4 Door Limited Edition low m I. x Int cond over invoice sale now s &peed trans., air rond., ($621.SP). on! Sttouradontoday's AM/FM stereo, alloy • 7 9 3201 loaded . Four Dealer Import wheels ' only 11.000 yellow/blJt. <•XZMI Paae fordetails! miles. (1ACP98). SADILllM:l IMW MEWPOIT DATSUM OHL y 16"5 jJl-2040 49 t4t N=~RTS:::CH MIUCUMAJDA 2000CS: 2002 engine. rag ll"I JOO 2L50Harbor81vd. top, nu dri chain. 11500. J8 COSTAllU~A 79.0209 '845·6.132.· '7t-.ZX 64M700 'IO S20 I. Snrl, AM /FM ~ lt7'U.7 cauette. All options s spd, air, 2 tone. Leue"or~.Coopper. Bit/Camel Interior. H664·DLR. 645-2963. 5 spd, stereo, AIC. mag 540-8811 752· wheels, $416 + W:e over '78 320 1. Very cit.an. Low '71 240Z. new enc, tires, lease of 1224 mo. with • miles. Extras. inti. am/fm/cau w/e· contract balance of &44.(137 quallier. many xtr11, S7200. Lease til 3/U. •79 320!. rompl loaded. mint cond. t5UI0/080. 1 __ 67.-:...S.=91....=U'------ Call 545-61211. 'llO RX7 GS. Sorf. air. l.!:!~~===----i'2 Datsun 1200. Runa sterto. Lo• Ml. Xlnt 1reat. 2 door. Recent cond. Red. 752-1127, walve and cl.icb work Eves. daet .... M$-7S'71 ...::"11:;.;.M=a.:_adt_R.X_·f-GS-, 91pd llAUIWUL!l prf, 1lll "'811. • •• ·u uoz. lur1n· •L •1a1 ..,., a.• d11•ct ill. ""'*-· 51HTS7 or ..... I -.::a::.:!ZllE:.:!::.s::::a-i n.. 11tw .... ••r. ·u •u•• 111 'os. ,., .. , •. lll·Hl I ~·--.. ... ~-----~.~-.-·-~-- ' Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, August 9, 1981 Dll ~ 1_,IN'ttd Alltot, '-porftd • ...,,.w ..., ,_,,..w ...... UHd Aa1to1 U1td ................................•.............................................•......................................... : •••••.•.......... MeM1'9tl 97l9 M61 t144 So11t '760 V ... w.... 9770 C1•11 ffll c.-. ttll Altot.UMd Mtol, Ultd Mto1, U1td Aaltol, Utt4 ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• OIAMGI 11 MM ma Saab OLE 40,000 ml 'I I u.rr 3. C.-.C "15 Cltt•rolet tt20 Ford 9940 Mm... ftl2 COUHTY'S Dynamite '8' RoadJter i lol. ll200 DllSIL 13 8 Q n••••••••••••••••••••• •••••••••n•••••••••••• ••••••••••••u••••n••• •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• EXCLUSIVE In British min& &l'ffn -i!J4>.-l240 Dynamlte rllltOm 2 door • O 1910 SeVIJle Ele1ante. SEE US FtlSTI '71 Torlno Wason 351 2+2 '85 MustanJ. • spd. M J.SERATI Very dean at sharp' S... 9762 w/1Un ·roof Orlalnal loaded, t.ntl moon roof, We haveagoochelectaon en1. Runs perfect Look• oria • compl. res:~~! ~ (S9$RTHI ..... , ................. beli e . Very s harp! lo ml,IUl,IOO 551t.5m_ ot N EW & USED 1rea\ 1750 080 new ena. tra... IDI DEALEISHIP $3,695 WANTED To buy used (181GM7) A.P.R. '67CPEDEVILLE Cbevroletll 147.7151 -dill w~=ldertrade. We'll deliver anywhere JIM MAllMO SUBARU BRAT $6HI That's ri&ht! Through Good transportation '79 Granada Xlnt cond In lbe workt 1 VOUCSW A.GDI 642·3379 JIM MiUIMO tbu nd ol Auauat we u n S600. P~38 Loaded, S!iOO tfSS IEACHIMPORTS 187l18tach81vd '80 •X4 BRAT. AM/FM VOWWA... f i nan ce you r new C 9917 __il14)67S..1993 ••••••••••n•••••M•••• slereouss, 15Kml. Like Cad!llat purchue watb -.wo '76STARF1RI 148 DoveStttet 142·2000 .. 1811\ Beatb81vd. OMAC at an aMual rate ~··•• ... •••••••••••••••• '70 LTD &ood trans . runs 752-MOO '7HiT,overdrive. Excel :::.ci51~arranty ...,,19S. 142·2000 of only 13.8%. On a 48 71 Z29. Uke new, low well ISOO.After 5 V&. 5 spct.ata'.10. 1969 Harbor Blvd cood. Makeolfer month purchase coo milea1e. loaded. 5411-:lllB '-1850~·:..---......:.;:!!:l~ I, __ 631·7170 7~70 Toyoto 9765 VW Co.• ...... • tract with an unpaid --67~ --'77 E l Camino. Auto '75 Granada 4 dr, all AC. P•to "57 ••••••••••••• .. •• .. •••• BUGS , ootcbbar k1, lCJ(X)t\irlo BNcl balance or Sl0,000 that '78 Z28, silver, xlnt cond, teachers babied car. PS. PB, PW, good cond. ••••••••••••• .... •••••• t Mercedet._ 9740Pet1CJ10t 9741 71TOYOTA aquuebacki,faatblcks. co .. t.1Mt .... 1S40C)100 translates into a mon· loadedS5:15, Loaded. Air. PS, PB. S1950.640-018'1 '7lPlnlo.Ori1.owoer.4 •••••••• .. ••• .. •••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Dynamite Cellca 5speed 0~':,.·J~~~'::,.: ,~':!,~· thly aavinp or $19.99-or 551.,.D _ hitch, auto, nu tires. -·79 Pinto spd. XLNT. RUNNING '87 P e u geot Sla llflback . Air cond . BUGCJTY,l~C. ·7o.dr,x.lnloond,ever· atotahaviop of$959.52. '68 CamaroSSClassi<' Must See $4900 OBO 15,300mi.$3,000 ~"~~~Mkh.Ure.llOO. SELLING YOUR MB! tloowagoo. Good buy. Beioe/bel&e. It's clean! hln U your unpaid balance ls 327 eng, good cond. _968·7327. 67~ .,..,. -~ WEPAY $600 Needs work. (fJ>2VQB) SS-5224 yt I new, must sell. ---.,......., · w i k 631·5429 75 VW1~ 831·2244, 966-1~ higher, your savings will 11900~~ art. 6 -Chrytltr tU5 ~ tt50 7S31350~io;o. a5rs'9.~;c33', TOP DOU.Al SS $4H5 -beA devenh gi;eater! 11 '75 Camaro, bronie, A/C, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••• ~~ .............. . Call Jack Bacon Ponche 9750 JIM MAIJMO Dyoamlle cUJt 20 , 4 '74 Eldo, showrm beauty n w at. s more-a our AM /FM , a 11 p w r, '77 CORDOBA, full pwr. ORANGEOOUNTY'S ~·2-404~Alan=:.;..· --- JIM SUMOHS ••••••••••••••••••••••• VOUCSWA.GEH speed R&H. Original & lhruout, all opts, only 1 new Cadillacs are dis· radials, lo miles S2800 Gd cond. Rel trans. Mov· Pty.o.th ff60 IMPORTS 71POISCHE924 18711 BeachBlvd. sharp! (~PCF> likeit,$2450.646-727• counted during our or best orter Must sell. ing,makeolr.494·5857 LINCO~~~lacURY ..................... .. 1970Harbor Blvd Dynamite sunroof 4 142·2000 $2,195 ELDOIADO Au g ust y ear e nd 831-7070. COftflltttltal 9930 DEALEocu ip '77 ArrowGT,5spd,air. COSTA M&5A s peed w/air Clean! JIMMAAIMO ..... S'I _.. tri In c lea ra nce. A spec -·~· AM/F M. xlnt r oo d. 631 -1Z1 6 .. .., 9300 (lBOAiB3l 79 Celica LB, 5 spd, ••· 1 ver,~5 PP g tac ular sale on all Ci.t•rolet 9920 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ~,,_,,, ... _ pp 83 -.9 ....... ·1 b k • VOUCSW.._G_. am/rm ... _~ Auto ful ·11 M k v D ~· 'J.~•d:&' ~ .,.,st. l·-. '79~0 snrl, llbr, all ex tras, 1mmac $25,900 __M0-62_15_, 966 1779 '74. 450 SE Ivory Air s1 ver/ lac , 82 tags. "' m a<Q"''" • · Eldorados Coupe de ....................... ar • esigner _.....,I eves/wknds S7tt5 Xlnt.S44750BO.Aft6:30 l87118eachBlvd. ly equip, xlnt cond Villes, Sedin de Vllles. Ital CHEVROLET Series,lo mi,mint cond, JIMMARINO PM,Chns,497·~--142-2000 Sll,800 Fleetwood Brougham RCA.MINO loaded, S6300 or best or LINCOLN-MERCURY '73 Ply mouth Sta Wgn. VOUCSWA.GEH '8 0 T e r ce l S R5 '63 VW DualCab PU (714)49M754,49M764, Sedans and Coupes lfl Co n q u1sta with ftr,mustsell.752-1483 16·lBAuto CenLerDr drives like new, new 18711 Beach Blvd hatchback, extras, must Reblt eng, runs great. 628-6194 stock Choose from our automatic trans .. air Co"effe 9932 SO Fwy Uc Forest exit tires. auto, AC. S~/bst 142·2000 sell, best offer 1·528·0145 8S7-8000 '79 diesel, Eldorado ex· tremendous selection of c:ond .. pwr steerlllg, 2. ....................... IRYrNE ofr 754_,·1.=.:a78:.::_. ___ _ 70PORSCHE '81 Celica Supra 12,000 71VWIUS t ended range tank, over 200 n ew lone paint, rad10, lllt 73VtfteT·Top -~130.7000 PCNltlac 9965 m1. New cood. Snrl. all loaded, mint cood. Sl,000 automobiles and take wheel, rallye wheels. 350 ... ......... /C ........ '70 Marquis. all pwr, a c, ••••••••••••••••••••••• '6' r yl. Near mint Dynamite 7 psg r under BlueBoolc advantaoe of the m""'t fi'"'-1 "'""'•A • ~ '76 F1'reb1 rd Formula R d b I k Xtras. 831·1930 h d • v.. .,.,re u s shell & only stereo. am1rm rass. Lrlr AM1F M stereo Ver y - clean AfLer 6 7S9-9M5 '79 JOO TU RBO 01&5EL. snrf. aux tank, stereo cass. 26.500 mi, dk red, pvt pty S27 ,000 Call 673-9336 or answer ad 11226, 642·Ul0. '70 220 4·dr, 4-cyl, R/H, auto, tape deck, radials, xlnt condition! S4400 P.P. 548.:~36 art 6PM wkdys. Sat/Swi all day e a r automatic wlover ea 7~8321 substantial savings this ll.OOO miles (LX.84l10) po w tr , 1 t tr to hitch, 1 owner. xlnt Creme w/tan tnt, im· r BIZARSRIOE.'0)00 '79TOYOTA. a(001~VQVE>ery s harp '77 Seville. Best Offer year Tremendous dis· OHLYSl995 casMth, oriq ow.er, c:on4.i._S950.962·5950 mac! All pwr, cruise. Ca.ICA. LI over S7JOO. Bill. 83J.12S7, counts on all diesels, MllACU MAIDA Xlnt colld. 673-1429. ale, amlfm w/booster. JIM MARINO 5 speed, silver/black. $5,995 •96-2969. V·&, V8-6-4s. Ill colors 2ec"H bo Bl d bt1/wltad's. '75 Mere SFta. Wbgn 9 new radials orig own. VOLISWA.GEH excellent condition. JIM MARINO you want .and with the ""' ar r v · pass Ami m. P · ps, (213)592-1481 Vo•t1SW ... G1EM Ass um e leas e -1979 options you d ... ire All COSTA MESA Co......,r 9933 Loaded.$950 64().7~2 ·~=-===-----18711 Beach Blvd. SOSO -"' m Eldorado diesel w/ex-'"° 6 _.r 5700 ~ '73 F1rebird, ·rm cass. t_42·2000 646-7227 18711 Btach Blvd tended range tank. r~ady for immediate de· ~--••••••••••••••••••••:•• MmtClftC) 9952 food tires. nms good. 142-2000 Loaded,mint cond.CaU h~ery ! Whether you 1970 NovaS.S,lom1,xlnt ESTAT E SALE· 67 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1495.494·1868 '66 912 Porsche red xln~ '76 Corona wgn, auto, 752_8321 wish to buy ~r 1 1 ease. cond. Posi traction. rac-Cougar, new paint, good '69 Mustang 351 Fast cond. S5800 080 Debi ale, roof rack, $31()() or '78 Bug Conv See to ap. NOW is ~he time .. But In a tran Headers $1500. tires. Beslofr.760-9396 back, auto, AC Xlnt '67 Firebird convu t, (213 ) 430-1667 , 1714 ) besloffer.552·6564 preciatc. Absolutely '79 Fleetwood8rougham, s,upply is definitely o;n536_7864 '68 Cou.gar, new eng, cond Origowner white w/red int .. newtop _ooo_-05_28_ _ _ •72 Corolla, dependable. must sell this week! fully loaded, low mi, hmlted-so be sure 10 ~-trans, p1lint ; ale, ps, pb, 644.59137to9PM & brakes, xlnt cond, 74 914 l.8 Blue. excellent economical lraruip, $1600 Sacrific~ S6450. 673-71<MI $9950. Extremely sharp. hurry in early ror the '79 CAPRICE Class•~· 4 S149S. 546-9134 66 MUST Cl.AS.51C S4SOO. 644-4<SI 540- FOR SALE OR ASSUME cond CaU Mike. days firm 675.9669 71 VW c ... upy Call Churk, 1·~1281. bestselectjon, dr, auto, air, Pl~, I /8, 1978 Pontiac Grand Prix. LEAS E '80 240 0 Low 675 1:>56 E 673-6397 """ P/W, AM/FM, tilt whl. Dodge 9935 VB, auto. air. pony int Fully Loaded. Low mi. mi. Many xlras Like . . . ves, -·71 Corolla.34,000orig mi. Low mileage spirit con· S4,79S. or Lrade for late ••••••••••••••••••••••• PS, restored $3450 S3,995. Mike 8S7·96S8 or new.644_0685_631 7100 58 Por~che Speedster owner, 4 spd, new tires, version. Sun roof. Mags. '68 Fleetwood brougham NABE~~ mdl van 714.496-7762 '73 Dart 4-dr. 6 cyl, very 1·535·5865 ~.,,7588 ~ Ori g Xlnt meehaniral· immac, like new. Sl99S. Its sharp' (OOWVl l immac. inside & out, -I Int d Slll5 .,..,,. =-----'81 380SL Save $6000 ly New tops. tires & ml "'"·8717 11!.1.,995 $2250/080. 645-46.11 CA DI l ( '66 Chevy 2 door Im pal a. c ean. x con . . '65 Mus tang, 4spd, V ·8 . ....:. _ _._.............. 9970 p '"' -_, J .,,/ _, Good cone! SlOOO 0 80 536·2403 $1800 or best offe r , _ _."""' r1vate party mu ~t Rbll eng 494 0607 . 197-7 C Ii . Int d JIMu•••o...10 J .v'tl ... Ford 0 93 6268 ••••••••••••••••••••••• sarnr1re thlll wttk Sun 673 3150 e ca, x con · l"'UIUU" ' ado x.ln d '""' "1'' ""'" Call Edwar:!l._848£7~ 994 4 · '61 T BIRD good dn"ve Ac 5 d AM FM VOLt1SW.._Glbo.i 79Eldor , t con ., (,,..,.,, .. .._,c,.m •!i(XI yellow Dn,en only 900 '76 912 E. bm cork. xlAf ~.,..:., <•!_!!...,:. · " "' m low milage, luxury op. '81 El CamlllO 4000 mi. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '66 Mustang. VB auto. train. needs body work .M!_536 0332 t•ond Mikedys s.57 1900 ~ ~-"-"'" 18711 Beach Blvd tions $12,750 or lease . SSOO down Assume '73 Ranchero302eng New 81,000 ong miles Must Good tires S750 080. Convert '67 250S F. evesG7J..5480 · · friulnpll 9767 142-2000 __ withno down.S375mo48 Classified Ada, your one lease. or $214 per mo tires, gem top Xlnt rond s e e' Ma ke orre r 642-4557. 2103 Federal. Sacnhce. $20,000 <:all '77 PORSCHE924 ....................... '60VW RW\Sgood Needs mo. P/P548-2445 I stops~J_cent~ Afler6.9S7 2819 979-7698 ----49G-03SO c.~M~------ Harry,64S-?S4l Im mac , lo mi. air TRIUMPH pa1D5'ii~agto~. $800 cash. Autos. Htw 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 Autos, Hew 9100 Awtos, Htw · 9100 "67 230 SL MB Auto. new stereo. tape. snrl. S8SOO OWNERS ~fte S PM ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• lop, paint. tires Rblt Ask for Travis 544.9470 W ed 1980 '71 Bug Rblt eng Xlnt ~~37~t cond 494 0607 .1 64~ ~ : T~7~e or §~::fl~(" Top ong con~1:i7 . 9., .. 00 ·r '79 -924, bright red, dollar paid for good '60 Bug Needs work $7 7 ~ 4 sp, snr ·stereo custom whls & mirro r, cars' cassette Low m1 Mmt sunro~. a c. am rm BAUER MOTORS OBO. 645-9046 cond 645-7512 cass, xlnt cond. 832·3527 2925 Harbor Blvd. MG 9742 '57 VW Convert Very LEA.SEORIUY COSTA MESA orig , xlnt body, new ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 911 SC TARGA-_ 979-2500 MGA1959,reblt eng,ne" _ pai n t Best o ffer . mterior s:.xio best orrer white. exquisite cond, '78 Spitfire Xlnl cond 673-2?50 Serious inquires only most options 7000 pam· Must see! Asking $3850 '76SilverSclrorco _497-6431or494.0207 pe re d m Iles , le a se 548-8352 $3 000 available, ~ mo 48 -644 9187 ~ 5' :.>PM MGI 9744 mo. nodn P P ~o•swCICJlft 9770 --· -: · ••••••••••••••••••••••• i714) 548-2445 _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• · 7 1 S q u a r e b a c k . MGB OWNERS 1968 912. Great sha pe 79 RA.lllT Automatic. Very good We need your 1976·1979' Must see WPM 257 4 speed, fuel injection, cond. Rblt eng. S14CIO. MGBs' Top do llar paid 67S·S984da's e x c e 11 e n t co n d i 492·5733 ror good rars• R llsR ~ 9756 tion.1276XWH) ·11 Kar. Ghia convert. BAUER MOTORS .~ •••• ~!~•••••••••••• SADDUIA.CK IMW ~uen: y gr~~~· a ~ewsf:~ot: 292S Harbor Blvd #l DEALER IN U.S.A. 131-2040 495-4'4! 638-7623 COSTA MESA C ... SH FOR 979 2500 ROY "' '62 VW, new radials, ---• ~ CARVER YOUR VW OR needs eng & body work. MGB '64, runs weU. orig r ROLLS·ROYCC WE WIU SBJ. IT S700 1best ofr 546-040 owner. Best offer P P l~Jambo<ff FOR YOU !_Yes. 960-4066 ..... _, amft l*J City, AK. '78 VW van, bed. snrl. Find what you wanl m ....,.... 139-5224 am rm, xlnt rond $6300 Daily P1l~Class1f1eds CLOUD SUND~ 549-8751, 770-1Z12 80 VW RA.lllT '79 Scirocco Looks same A.altos, Ustd Autos, Used Dynamite custom 2 door as '81 "S Model". 4 spd. ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• automatic wlair It's air, cass. fog hghts. True ks, Vans & 4X4s We're your Ram Tough Trock r.tnter1 71DODGE 71DOOGE VAH CONVEISIOM 414 PICKUP 111(1'124 56991 79 PLYMOUTH ILDUSTER WAGO S6]91 '71 DODGE VA.H CONVHSIO (111011) 55291 sharp! !7S0226l grey. Ver y clean. $4995 $6700/0BO. 6'2>5284 JIM MARIHO '73 Bug , Xlnt cond. VOUCSWAGIEH AM/FM cassette. sun- 18711 Beach Blvd. roof. Best offer. ~2456. 842-2000 '68 Bug. Snrf, rblt eng, New paint, br1u , cltch, '71VW starter. 548-1 . .-348--"'-. ___ 1 D e l u xe 2 do o r automatic. Cle an & Vol•o sharp'. (768454) ••••••••••••••••••••••• $1995 #I VOLVODEALB JIMMARIMO INORANGE COUNTY ! VOLKSW A.GEN 18711 Beach Blvd. 142-2000 '6(). '65 vw left & right door, '73 left door. S50 each. Western style whl rims for Super Beetle S20 ea. 548-9744 SA.LES, SBVICE OV E~l....\ftli.i'"v\RY EXPERTS EA.ILllKE VOi.VO 1966 Harbor Blvd. '72 Karmann Ghia Xlnt COSTA MESA cond. Completely rblt 646--9303 540-9467 New blue paint, ttres & 76 VOLVO 2''4Gl nms. S3,800SS9-74.29. VW .67 BUG CLASSIC. Auto steering, air , xlnt cood S2800/080 stereo, sun-roor Low 497 ·4981 eves. miles. (607$AN) ....:::..:-==~~---! $49'5 '73 Ghia, lo miles. AC, JIM MA.llMO good cond. $3000/best VOUCSW .._'-_, ofr. 673-6996 "'.,._, 18711 Beach Blvd. '73 Poptop camper, new 14 .. 2000 '74 eng, new radials, xlnt ---=-.:.:..-:0.::.=:;.._--1 cond. inside & out. S4700. '79 VOLVO'-IMGL 645·5074 Lo mi. Xlnt cond. '74 Superbug. 70 K mi. 2~ $9500 548-61186 MPG . MicheUns. New 73 VOLVO bra kes. $3000, OBO. lME Sedan. Automatic 1'12 CHEVY PICKUP IDXllllO ...;846:o;.:..·-=-5306=------• steering. air. Maroon '76 DODGE '79 Beetle Convertible fin ish. (321G5.S) YAM COMVEISIOM Classic white on white, SZ.9'5 s 1981 (91MUI 1~991 ~ _1e.=ss=th-=an-=--=JOOO=--m-i._S87_00 1 JIM MAIUMO ~ ~ J irm.675-9669 VOLKSWAGIM '73 Karmann Ghi a, 18"l118eachBlvd AM/FM, radials, orig. 142-2000 owne r , good cond. __ ...;...:.:....::.:.;:;.:;... __ 1 7141559-6672 ...... UMd ti; '71 VW Convertible, ••••• : ............... .. ~ perfect mech cond. HIO ~ Looks good. Must sell. •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• $3000. 496-38. &6Hlt9 I t7t IUICI •70 Bug, great cond.. ••ALL1D. must sell now. 675-9&43; m.3546 Ve, automatic trw .. air -~=-=.::::""-"".;.:;..;;;:;..;;,;;..___, cond., pwr. 1tterln1, '63 Camper Bus. 12 Volt, split seats. cruise toa- 1600. Everytbin& new. trot, lilt wheel ' wire Ori1 paint. '1800. Call bubu pe. (JIZXDD), After 6,83'1·92l65 OMLYIHtl '79 Van. Low ml. Rlllll MllACLIMAIDA great. Loaded. Xlnl 2110llutlorllhd. cood . SIOOO 0 8 0 . COITAlllllA •·5'41 eves. 6_.700 ''7 Bug. 71,000 ml. Very 76 .......... ort1. Very clt an. Mech -.,.. slllt. Tu . M!. Ml-TIU A11kl, pwr, alr cond, VW complete f1ttor1 lteno, mUll 1111. t1llO rastop SUNROOF for·1-=•::.1·..i::P=._....; ____ , bal /080. 1174 Oran e Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Auguat 9, 1981 · BRAND NEW 1981 V .W. SCI ROCCO (2690 ) ( 022608 ) ~~~E '9175 wmm •88~ .~:~ $8288· PRICE ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• BRANO NEW 198·1 Y.W. RABBIT DIESEL (2565) (177 528 ) I :.~~y *7695 , DISCOUNT '840 .:~IAL M!8hh PRICE T u tJtJ 4 speed. 2 door. ster eo prep, leatherette & much more . •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ·BRAND NEW 1981 V.W. DASHER WAGON (2362) (910292) PACTORY $10 610 STICKER . ' . DISCOUNT '1315 -~~~ ~£~E s9295 Air conditioning, stereo, prep and much more! •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• : BRAND NEW 1981 V.W. DIESEL PICKUP • (2557) (174795 ) : LIST *8345 e PRICE :· DISCOUNT '85 7 . : ~~~E $Pj488 - • PRICE ' 1.8L 4 cyl. engine. wsw steel tires, • 5 speed, 65 amp alt.. custom value pkg .. tinted tinted glass, rear defogger, much more . e glass. stereo prep & more . ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• (1263: (0708015) ~ i BRA~~70~~~) 1981 Y.W. PICKUP ~~CE . ~"-: FACTORY $7460 ------- ----'-i;:---+'---._ : STICKER ~ ~--~~~-" _ .... e SPECIAL P I -•PRICE l .8L 4 cyl engine. E78xl4 tires, step bumper, power e front disc brakes, rally pkg. Metallic paint and more. · • •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• B . C : (1272) (0702088) • LIS f e PRICE e O UR SALE PRICE TAK • • • • • •• • --.;. OH, VEAH? WELL, 0065 CAN 00 LOTS OF TMIN6S THAT StRDS CAN'T DO ••• . NA~CY BIRDS CAN'T RIDE IN CARS WITM THtlR HEADS OUT TME WINDOW ••• YDll HlllTDll DlllY PIPll A D06 CAN STICK HIS 14EAt' OUT OF TME WINDOW AND LET 1-415 TON6UE AND EARS FLAP IN THE WIND LIKE nus .... ~AT'S W14AT WOULD HAPPEN •• . WHICH, NOW 'THAT I THINK ABOUT rr; DOESN'T PROVE . VERY MUCH •• By Ernie Bushmiller GARflELD® ( I .. '-' , r'"" -. ' . DENNIS THE MENACE J:. MIGHT" A9 WEU- GIYS UP ... I'M NeveR 6'0NNA GE:T A HORSE. MY FOLKS ALWAY9 f;Ay iHE: ~IH I~ ... WHERE: AM. I GONNA - KEEP HIM? LASAGNA . ANVONE? fHE:Rf: Ml.ET E3S: LOT9 OF PLACE9. 1 GOT A t>OG AND A CAT IN "THERE: NOW. .. ·by. Jim .. Davls . .... 1 THINK l 'LL WAIT FOR DESSERT l DONT THINK IT WOULD WORK • OU1jJO'p:t. By Hank Ketcham THE ~00 CA6.RK ... AND CELLAR? THE 9TAIRS ARf;. , -~9TEEP. WKO WANr9 A HOR9E TRYrN' 10 GE:T IN . .BEO WITH )Q,.J rN 1Ht=. MIDDLE OF !HE NIGHT? ............. r-...... •. L' I ~IJDGE PARKER ... -..... - WHILE INTERVIEWING LANA WEB5TER. ALEX RENO 16 ·~ . INTE~RUPTED f t>Y A PHONE CALL. FROM eAM DRIVER!' 'ARQJ.7:1 I/ -pouK-/,,~ 8-9 '\ YE6, 1 APPRECIATE HEARING FROM YOU,51R! I 'LL TRY TO 6ETTHAT INFORMATION FOR YOU! -- I'M WAITIN& HERE JN YOUR LAW Llf>AARY,· ALEX! IT'6 VERY ·IMPORTANT TO KNOW A~UT .LANA AND MER ~ELATION &HIP TO UAMe>EL.L.! I'M 50RRY.FOR THE INTERRUPTfON , M16fJ WE.6t>TER! ,___ ____ _ \ ---.. ~ . . . • . \ '. ' rr~ AMAZIN6, HA~RQ ! fl ' MOON MULLINS . . . . , . . . . ~ . . . YEP. .. LOOK INSlt>E" •· DOCTOR SMOCK . PR. RHeeM 15 HAVIN<5 A PRINK? A-r' -r'HIS '"f"IMf: OF PAY ?! MAYBE THIS IS THE BE,ACH WHERE SoMr: PIRAT5 BURIE:D HIS IRE/SU~E·! AN EMPTY COLA CAN ... \ p ; -I _________ ...._.. .r . ~· ..... ~ ./} - / JfJ WHAT'D Y,A FINI>, l<AYO? LANOMINE5 f j1 ' .r - "' / ,., SOME k'ID1S • TIMECA~~LE FROM L,AST WEE~. HNIH "nflSIR, SW!:ETS! t"rS Ml!, VER PflUNIS CHA~MrNGi ( IN NEWS S:ROM AAJUNO .,.M& WOAl.C>••• &&SS WHU1'~ NAVAHO SHEPH&ApS IZ HAVIN' A ROUNPIJP NeAR HeR& J WANNA RIPe OVER iO 'TliE: SHEE:P PIP AN' WATCH me PARASITES PROWN?.! c .... ..,. .................. ...-\ ........ .. . ~ A V.ORL.rl FUL.L.A CHICKS, AN' , I err MISS PLJLL.SVIL-L .. E. • IN F"C!, W&'AE SO 5eNSITlVE ~&OU• IT,, "THAT WE JUST 'THROW MOST OF ~ MAJL- AWAV WrTMOU'T ~lfAOING lT / ( '* CAN YOU TRUST YOUR IYllt ,__ .,. et ..... Ila ...,_ .............................................. qu.Uly can you find themt 0.Ck aMWitn ...... ..._ ....... ·eu1n 1w •I 19"111$-. ·1u"'1w If Pllfl "I ' ..... ti .. ,. ,_,..lllO., 't ·eu~11un1110C1•1'1>•i 'C ·1~•--11Pt111Nt ·c ...,,n 1wt1.-,·1 :---IQ .. • US vs. THEMt PffMps n. laltter above Is ..,.....mmtd to get • hit. """ ··"··· Connect dots to c:omplett the seitfte. SHILL $AMII Sl...,ey Md tM .......... colen neatty te .... :. "'v.a~ ttlfl famflllr Maslwe ..... , t-llld. 2-u. blue. a-.... 4-Lt. lwown. S-Flftlt ....._ .-Pink. 7-Dk. brtwft. SPEltBINDER . •. v ICOttl 1t ........... """' ...... - ...... "' ............... to tprm . . ................ : . aaaNACtl j --.. Ci_......,--=--· .... . ... : TMIN..,.. 2 ........ Met. tor alt Wlrdl ef..,, lttten or more ..... ................ · Try te sare at lust SO points. . ....,~:~...-.. fR0'1 NOW ON ... You TWG tAKE 8EPARA1E BAIHS . ..... . l 1 l j GORDO - THI:, }IOME6PLJN 6P6AD 15 C#Al=/AJe/ MV P.EL T F/4,41/X? R:R · A a4LL Y OA/' 71-IE WJ.IAT I/Of A D021~G Aet?M•O WtTJ.1 FOl.11<- IN-HANO AT #ANO{ Cl/AL.LIS' • Se;raRe l t.eAve, l'O LIKE TO Etf&f{t'"'f ~M6 ()~'f~£,11ttfU ~45 oc=-eDU..U.i L.t F"~ ! . c 1• UNled ~ &ynclcete. lne. . By Gus Arriola ,.I. Cl<AVE A CRAVAT/ :r. NEEO A FOVLA/20 l=!X/ II= HE W~l)P . IT'J..L /!IE A CAsl!: CF Tll!AND DJS' • 1 Auguat 9, 1981 Daily Pilat Cambridge ~ ~ ~ Soft Pact: 1 mg "tar:' 0.1 mg nicoti,._100' 1: 4 mg "w;' 0.41119 nicotinuv. Pl' c..,_ by FTC Mllhod. • Cambridge ~ ~ ~ SeflCI h QlmtlOll • I ........ to "Asli,'" f '"1lly _.ly. 6'1 LtulglOfl Jwe . llew 'l\)f1I NV 10072 w.·1 oay l5 !of OUblaSllecl qunt1011$ Solry. we c111·1 w -Olhtls FOR CHARL01TE ZOLOrOW, vice pres6dent and MIOdate publisher, Junior Books Group, Harper & Row ff-. c:llM_..,.... ID boollie c' 91 d; .. the boob .............. ad? -0.L, S..--. Mich. • I don't think that the children who love fantasy today are different &om those of years past. There always Is a place for every kind of book -the lovely fairy stories of long ago and the realism that some chUdren -some· times even the same children -want _,.__ In books. Children have always been JQda' '°*'" h happllv ever""-'· more aware and more lntellgent than most adults aedlt them to be. A MW respect for younger readers Is reflected in those J>ooks once drected at older children and now read by younger ones. ~Writers of chldren 's books are quite alert to the changing cultural scene with its acceletadon toward rnaturty. FOR MMES NOBl.£, _. ol lVs Ben.on Yoar rola of..,... ... oa the lbow .U. me wonder • pou ........ ~ ...... lo enter polldca, the way .,.... ec:ta1s do. -P.f ., o.c.am. IL • No. For one thing, my memory for faces and names could not be worse. And the awesome responslbillty would be too much to bear: To do or say things that could change the course pf many people's live$ is a frightening and horrifying prospect. I'd better stay in act- ing where, If I make mistakes, no one suffers. FROM ntE •ASr EDJTOR · • Ever wonder how comb "warm up" their audience;, put them In a jovial and receptive mood? This Is how .lom Rlwra does It: She starts off by asking, With a ~t face: '"Is Jackie Onesais here? No , then we can talk about her .... Is Liz Taylor here? If you don't know what she looks like: look for a woman In Orson Welles designer jeans •... Is the Queen of England here? Look for a woman In a house dress trimmed'wlth ermine, and wearing a qown that's faDlng on her nose." FOR SPENCER Nian.JN, creator of ad11et1s1ng Jingles Do ,.,. -Iv Witte,..... -producl9 pou realv believe •? -LV., C..-. W,O. • I feel a responsibility not to help sell a product I know to be shoddy or inferior, but In the case d national prod- ucts, the Industry ltseJf has the responsbllity to make the best possible product. I do not personally test every bra and pedume. The·biggest difference between products of slmiar ltrUdure Is the way they are marketed; most . are equal to their compedtors. PRO Hide Howland M. MMoo, Member at large, Council oi the Diltrtct of Columbia For 180 years, Inhabitants of the ~of Columbia have only par- ttaly shared in the American dti· zens' experience. They fully shoul- der citizens' responsbllties. They me taxed by the Federal Govern- ment though denied representa- tion ln that Government. Their laws and budget must meet with FROM ntE •ASr EDrroR • Are you med oi those lsts dealing with women with the best or worst colffs and feel that men have been left out in the cold? Well now Hollywood hantylst George Carol reviews some well-known fellows and tells what they ·are doing ~t or wrong: a.rt. topher R.ve: "super hair, conver- ti>le style, looks great on the fly"; Cary Gnat: "silver fox, perfect 10, from jet black to bright white"; Ron- ald Rapa: "aging but still a sptrtted look"; Elma Zlmblllllt .Ir.: .. most distinguished look"; Paul Newmm: Redford: Among th« bat ira.d. "cool look -wtth blue eyes lke that, who needs hair?"; Omar Sharif: .. con- tinental look"; Robert Redford: "medium-cool look, and It's natural blond"; Perry Como: .. always In style -once a hairstylist always a ha.ntylist." (Perry was once a barber.) FOR LYNN-HOIJ.Y JOHNSON, co-stantng 1n For Your Eva Only Whld te more Important to you -pour r.patatlon .. a elud.er or • an lldl'eM? -E.D., Vancouver, w..h. • In Ice Casda, my first film. I was hnd because of what I did on ice, not what I did before the cameras. I was much more concerned about my skating because, in ltlat respect, I had a reputation (sdJ) do, in fact) and I didn't want to make a mess of it. Now rm equaDy con- cerned about my acting and my skating. FOR JOHN GOODRUM, researdi scientist, University of Georgia Agricukural Experiment Stations What~ have you bad In running pour c:ampm IMIS- -or pour tncton on pcuut oil? -R.S .• Beachwood, N . .J. e Two University of Georgia buses have run 20,000 miles without a hitch on a 50-50 mtx of peanut and die· sel oU, and one of our experiment-station farm tractors has been running on 100 percent peanut oU. But it costs twice as much as diesel -so research continues. FOR LANNY LEWIS, hotel manager, Loews Drake Swt.otel. New York City a.1t tough being a woman aec:udw ID a ........... which • run m.mlv bv ma? -A.B .• Oklahoma a.,. Okla. • If a male manager gives a customer hls walking papers, that customer could reward the manager with a black eye._ Guests don't argue with a lady. They wind up apologtzing effusively, and sometimes send me flowers . What Is tough is coping with the hotel industry Itself. h __ ... does not welcome women with open arms . CON Senator Orrtn Hatch (R .-Utah). chairman, Subcommittee on the Constitutlol'I I oppose the D.C. Amendment be- cause It would accord the District the benefits of statehood by allow- ing U.S. Congressional representa- tion without requiring the District to bear the responsi>lllty of statehood -raising Its own finances . h would be an extremely bad precedent for our system of Federalism to allow a . · ~·) --- Coroaaonal approval. Supporters of statehood leek nothing extraordkimy, mereJv the heritage of every American dtlzien: self-government and Con- 91 a 111 cinal 1ep1ese11tation. a... ........ ..,a_,. .......... Minn. nonstate to be represented In Congress. Having lltde or no farmlng, mining, manufacturing, flshJng or bumnas, the Oiltrict Is dominated by a single interest -the Federal Government and tts employees. ... ...... ,,_...--. ......... .,.,c...,.-..,. 141 ~ ---... ll'f. tm!. Wlll ... St ...... ~ C 1981 FAMILY WEEKLY. All rlghtt ~ • 8y Ernest Volkman He might be the quiet old man who seDs newspapers on the comer. Or the retired busi- nessman down the street who now spends most of his time tending his roses. They are former Nazi war atminals, and they live In vtrtuaDy every nook and aanny of the United States. For the most part. they lead quiet bves, often as pdlirs of their communlties. In some cases, ther identities are false , but most of them live under tha real names, convinced that they will never be brought to justice. And, by and large. they are right: The chance that they will ever have to answer for tha role In the slaughter ol 13 mJlllon human beings -half of them Jews -Is remote. Oe.spie a new drtve by the U.S . Juatice Depart- ment. the record shows that In the 36 years SWlC.e thls country helped de- stroy Nazism and bring b leaders to Juttk:e, tt has managed to deport only Mi9Wcwld Nmi·hwwr Simon Wlaenthol: Manv of the war afmtnoa~ In his flu lue in the U.S. one accused Nazi war atminal. And even that modest effort by the Fed- eral Government Is now threatened by budget cuts. Nobody knows exacdy how many former Nazi war aimlnalt are bvlng In the United States today. The estimates range from 400 to 3,000, but what· ever the actual ~. the United . States is the world's greatest haven for such aimlnals. There is no single desaiption that would sum up the Nazi war criminals now living In this country. They repre- sent nearly every stratum of American society and Include: e Bishop Valerian Trifa, head ol the Romanian Episcopate Church of America, who has been accused ol leading an anti.Jewish pogrom in Romania during which men, women and childreri were hacked to plecies in the streets and hung up on meat hooks. • A Tex.as farmer {not yet officlally charged) who won a clec.9ration from the Nam for 1nventing a method of automatic:aUy destroying bodies re- moved from gas chambers. •Karl Llnnss, a retired businessman In New York who was QDCe the commandant of T artu, an Infamous concentration camp where victims were burled alive. • Andras Artukovic, a Calfomla man who was a high official in the Nazi puppet state of Croatia, where he dlrecteC! the extennlnat19n of near· ly 800,000 peop&e. most of them Jews and Gyp-.. 1be ._ goes on and on. These are just the highlights from bulging Gov- ernment rues. jammed with eyewlt- netS reports, documents and other evidence. Few of these details hflve ever been made public, which ls why there 11 extenllve public ignorance about the exent of the problem in this country. Molt peqple seem to bebeve that Nu wer aima Mre committed by a handful of notorious men. notably Hetnrich Himmler, Adolf Eichmann, Hermann Goering, and. of course. Adolf Hider himself. Those atminals who escaped. such as the Infamous ~ Joeef Mengele (known as the "Angel ol Auschwitz," he selected those to be gaaed and amied out hideous medical experiments on In- mates at the camp) are assumed to have escaped to South America. In fact, however, the Nazis set up a huge apparatus to c:any out their plans to exterminate millions of "sub- humans," including Jews -their most prominent vidfms -Gypsies, Slavs, various religious sects and the menmly Marded. Nearly 25,000 people were needed to run this killing apparatUs. And of that total. accord- ing to estimates prepared by the West German Government. less than 10 percent have ever been brought to jusdce. Where did the rest of them go? Many of the leading war crtmJnals organ1zed them- selves Into a group called Orgon~n der SS Angehorigen, known by Its more familiar acronym, ODESSA (which translates as "or- gantzatk.>n of SS members;. Thls gro,µp functioned as a secret escape organlt.atfon. producing false travel documents and identity papen. then splrttlng WlU' atmlnal fugtttves On· eluding Adolf Bchmann) via escape · routes to overseas sanctuaries, mainly In South ~-Most ol the major atmlnals chose such friendly South Amerk:an countries as Paraguay and Argentina after buying citizenship and protection with huge sums paid out of the loot stolen from their vic:tims. But the vast majority of war aim· lnals returned to Germany with the retreating Geman Anny when the Third Reich ooUapeed and did not use such sophisticated escape machinery. They simply walked Into dllp&eced persons camps and ~ them - selves off as refugees. A siQnlftcant portk>n of them ftnaly wound up In this cowmy. 1be reason 10 many wer. afminals found ref~ In the United States was a law caled the Dlsp&aced Persons Act, which was passed by Co$as shortly after Wortd Wer 0. Simply, the law offered Immigration to Amertca for anybody who was a displaced per· son -homelesl refugee -as a result of World War 0, wkhout regard to Im- migration quotas. Provisions were ad- ded to the law requlr1ng dlsp&ac:ed persons to sign two affidavits upon entering the United States: One cer· dfted that the person had never pm-· ~ed in a .. aime agai'lst humanl· ty," and the second oertt6ed that the person had never belonged to the ~. Gestapo or other Nazi organizations. As a practical matter, of course , this meant that there was virtually no scre.enlng at all, stnce Nazi war atm- inalt blithely signed such affldavls. assuming their pasts would never catch up with them. What happened later Is illustrated by the case of one of the most notorious accused Nazi war atminals 1Mng in this country today. He is Boleslavs Maikovskl.s, now 74. a retired carpenter who resides on a tree·llned suburban street In a quiet community some 40 miles east of New York City. To his neighbors, he is an unfal.lingly courteous and rell- gk>usly devout man who fbes an Amencan flag at his home. But according to the United States Government, which Is now trying to deport him , Boleslavs MalkovskJs was a l.aMan police offidal during World War 0 and worked with the Nazi SS to exterminate at least 40,000 Jews. Maikovslds, who has also been ac- cused of genocide by famed Nazi-• hunter Simon W5esenthal and various Jewi.th groups, followed the classic pattern establshed bi; many other ac- cused Nazi war atmlnals. Oaiming to be a displaced person, Maikovskis entered this country in 1951 with his wte. and both signed the affidavits re- quired of them. But In 1965, the Soviet Govern- ment demanded that the quiet car- perne:r tving on Long Island be ex- tradited back to his native Latvia to face w• aimes chmges. The U.S. Government refused the extradition request. Foe one thing, the Unked States has never recognized the Incor- poration of Latvia into the U.S.S.R. But there was an even more Impor- tant poltical consideration: ~ov skls had become very active In anti· Communist exile organiZations, and the Federal Government was unwill- ing to run the poll:tlcal r1'k of moving against a strong anti-Communist. But why not try Malkovskis In thiS (conllnued) P:AMll.Y WEEIU.Y, Auoull t , 1tll • & ~. Wat Ctlmln~a c.tering. Ml8l wW1 pool patdes, bullelll and diwMtrl torhoodredl, 1he lalltttg )Q' need k> think about ii your hair. Wllh RMI Nal9 you don't have k>. . If 1 nol .,, aeroiol. ii'• cancenlnlled. Wilh enough hold lo .. you from lhe kitchen to 1he oftlce to .. pmttea and kelp your hllir 1ookinQ 90ft. naua1. and .,good yau don't hlWe '°'** twioe eboUt it. 09MIC..1NI Frei Net hi:St.p ~tran~ cb In the case of Maikovskis, the Gov- ernment did not daddeto move legal- ly againlt him until 1976. The IUIOn for-the ~y was that the U.S. lm- m91&n and Naturallradon Serva, a Federal agency conlidced by IOIM to be ... had jul1ldlc:tloc1 In such matten and platnly did not want to Gpend Ill duonk:aly undmtaffed re- IC>Uroa In proMCUllng ~y w. . alma ca.es. (The cases are difflcuJt becaUM the courts have demanded ltJtd ltandards of proof.) It w only a&.r ltrong COO{Ja- lional prellUre was ex.ated, led by then-Congre11woman Elizabeth Holtzman of New York, that the Im- ~ Service In 1974 began to move agak\lt MYeral c:ma that had been gathering dLllt for years. However, akhough the Immigra- tion Service was aware as early as 1945 t.Mt some Nazi war atmlnals had managed to find sanctuary In tJUs country, by 1976 lmmJgraHon had managed to deport only one atcused war atmlnal -Hermine Braumtetner Ryan, a Queens, New York house- wife. She was e>dradlted to Wat Ger- many to feat charges of atrodtla she allegedly committed while saving as a guard at the Makienek concentration amp, where <>Yer one milbon Jews were e:xtermlnated. (In June, Ryan, now 61, was convicted and sentenced to llfe Imprisonment. Her case is being appealed.) T he Immigration Service record was so bed on Nazi war aimi· ·na.1 cues that such cases were taken away from lmnUgratk>n three years ago and given to a new unit at the Justice Department. Since then, the new unJt has opened files on about 450 QMS and filed charges in 17 of them. Deportation charges have recently been filed against Andreas Artukovk, and In June, John Dem- janjuk, 61, a Ukranlail Immigrant ac- CUMd of being a Nazi death camp guard known u .. Ivan the Terrible," wu strtppcd of his U.S. ctttzenship by,.; a Federal court. Whie the unit has earned high marks for dedlcation and vigor OJl such caMS, tt now faces an biexorable enemy: time. In some of the cases, 40 years have pMMd since the crimes were committed, whk:h means that survtvlng wllnaees may be dead, the trail of evidence has grown cold and even ~ who can be located may have faulty memories after all the dme that has palled. The NmHiWJten DOW face sdl another enemy: budget 1abaints. Re- cently the Reagan administradon bud- get-<:Utt., told the JUltlce Depart- ment that Ill spedal Nan·hunting unl, known offtdally as the Of6ce of Spe-I cial Im• 1 i2"'9'k>ns (OSI), wll get Is I nat ~reduced 1rom tt.6 m11-I lion to S2.4m8on, plus a cut bi per-! IOflnel from 50 to 45 profaaonal < staffers. Almmed, a bipartisan c:oalidon ol three Repubbn and eight Demo- aadc tenaton, led by Senator Chris- tapher Dodd ol ~ "wglng President Reagan not to cut OSli I budget. Whether It will sucx:eed Is d open to quatlon, but the lar]Jel' illue renialns. As 5anon W5aenthal puts It, "If you cannot obtain )ustk:e for the murdercs ol mlDons of people, then ~ cannot have jultk:e • II! I: t 8 'AMILY WIBLY. A""* t ; 1tt1 *""= .. == ·----.. ...-.:c ..__ DE. ............ .,Ji' 5 r-------~---------, I CQI ,..., MCON> a TN'EC&.U9. flO. .. me , .................. 471t1 11--I I ..... __, ..... 1arlUl(wHcfllnc:U:tle 11• '°'"" 12Mlldlol ..... 11.111 lor ~Md twdng). ...... 80CllPt ::L. _.,......, ~~ Wldlr the -- lcMll*9 In ttlll ~it.•.-tD buy nine more.,_ OI ~(Ill ...., Cklb prices)~ the corMlg .... ~flW/C...-11..,_ltllp~....,dc*llleo . .._ .......... .,1211t1cl1• _ .. _...._ RND MY SLL!CTIOHS IN THIS TYPE .,..,_ 0# AfCOftDIHG (be-.to °** -): o •.._.c..._.. ORllllT .... o .... c a 0 ..... MY MMH lllUstCAL ~MST IS (di«*-): (Ml_...,.._.,~.._.,,~) o..., Ullllllllll2 0-..-.1 o~ 1 OC.....,l(no,..,.,_> o.-.•cno,..,.,_> oe. Bit ............ ...-.. :a:~ 12 RECORDS OR TAPES FOR 1 CENT f0R£1GHEA HEAD GAMES • ..H:. .... -- , -EGETRBLES freshly hotveeted aops Ole avolbble row In VQtletlea ond abunCJonce to odd color, flaVOf ond nuttltlon to summer meola. By fllatllyn Honaen he carefully tended home gardens are now bursting with all kinds of fresh vegetables. Road- side markets and supermarkets. too, show the season's splendor In neady ananged rows of fresh. nutritious bounty. Many of the varieties of vegetables that we enjoy today are the results of the work of the W. Atlee Burpee Com- pany, plant seed breeders and growers since 1876. I recendy visited Mrs. Lois Buwee at her home In Fordhook Farm. Doyles- town. Pa. The farm was originally established in 1888 as a testing ground for seeds and as a breeding center for ne\A.I and better varieties of flowers and vegetables . Sitting on the shady terrace under the graceful linden and walnut trees, I found the afternoon to be a welcome break In a fast-paced week. It was re- freshing to talk with this thoughtful (conUnued) PeQ8, simply steamed or in salads, keep their popularity year In and year out; the Maestro uarlety 1$ a prolific producer. Kandy Kom Hybrid, a new com ~rlety that ls winning enthusiastic /rfends. Unldual ls· Burpee'• Golden Beet. featured here In cooked amber lhcu and taAgv steamed beet tops. FMIM..YWHIQ.Y,A .... t, tttt •tt l This )USt may be the wor1cts stmplest redpe fOr beaUUfVlng a a.rt. or llfY othef' vegetable.~ process CheeSe 5PrUd mans a sauce that's lnaedlblV smooth, Pl'KtlCaNY fOQfproof, and It's almOSt as fast as vou cai sav ·secone1 twtp1ngs. • #D SAUCY VEGETMl.ES "' lb. VB.WETA 210-oz. .... ft'OZSI alt ......... PrOcess ~ blW. COOlllCI. .......... _.,wt 1' ~---Qmcl 1 carrots.~= 1 =:,.. mwnal FfmCh frtld Heat VJellweeta process d*9Se spread and mlk over loW heat; stir untll sauce Is smooth. Add green beans and carrots; heat. POur lntO serving dish; top With onlOnS. 4seNtngs ..... ~ .. H'll•l!!ll' Irr ~-~--- Cl 1191 KOii!. Ille_ . - -#)) EGETABLES interesred in it ... Loil &rs became Interested in food wtlie MlQ In Palatine where her father was a medical ml9slonary. and so many foods there Vol'el'e <Merent Marilyn Han.en c:hid's llfe, the chsacter is dewlop- lng. Chidren lam many things from parmds; aallades to be taMll toward peopk, how to opm th* eyes to the world around them. '"Cooking need not be drudgery; It can be ae.ative and adventutesome, like trying new and different vege- tables: not jult to eat the vegetables, but to haw an lnlerest in where they came from and how they are used In Iha nallw country ... Mn. Burpee continued with her warm smle, "For Instance, the egg- plant ottglnated in the Near East and India. My favorite way to prepare It is to tc00p I out, stuff tt and bake It with a tomato sauce. The Indian way is to cook I , then mash ti, season It and mix It with 9ISllJDe seeds and serve hot or <X>kt. .. Aila, when you Introduce a new iood to dlidreu, tell them something about it and then they will get more from those of her nadve Scxitland. Lois conUnued, "Vegetables aren't something just to put seasoning on - they have their own flavor. For in- stance, ~squash has a slightly nutty tas&e. I llke to season It with but- ter and a lltde Sl*:ie or sheny. rve dewJoped ~ recipe for spaghetti squash salad that people really enjoy." . Mrs. Burpee is cunendy writing a book on gardening and cooking. We share some of her own recipes with you. This summer, Fordhook Farms wiII ageio be open to Burpee customers and friends far two long \Al eelii!i ds: August 14;15and 16andAugust21. 22 and 23. VislClng hours will be from 9:30 AM to 3:30 PM. Ww comfort- able shoes because a good amount of waldng is necawy to see the trial 8eJds and gardens. If you plan to bring a ~p of 15 or more, pjea. cal or wrtte in advance. For inbmallon Wftla: Lola a.,-.... ..,,_,,_ plana, w. Adee Burpee~- Ulhldt ~ ctmb the /rfll'M oJ a re-300 Park Ave .• W_..,.,,..,.., PA 18'J74 cycled d1'dFeu~ jungle gym. • (215) 67~908 l SCORCHED EGGPLANT (lots&up.) i-..or1...a •"••<.a-.tl .... ) l_....,alll• ........ ol I ............ oaao-. chopped "'9chtur..tc 1-.t' IJDIMI__. .... I/a t I" a -coNIDder .... s.lt Ground bled! P9PPG' 1. Place eggplant on a pan about 8 In· ches from the broiler. Tum broiler on and, as eggplant scorches. turn It <>Yer continually until the skin ts all brown . 2. Remove eggplant from broiler and bake In a 450'F. oven until eggplant Is JOft. S. Allow eggplant to cool. then scrape off scorched skin with a blunt knife. Discard skin. Mash eggplant pulp. 4. In medium sklllet In hot vegetable oil, saute onions until golden brown. 5. Combine eggpleot, onion, tunnertc, MSame Meds, coriander: add salt and pepper to UlllC. Mo/ca about 2 cups Mrs. Burpee Ays, "This Is an Indian dish. You mi!jlt Mo went to add lemon )uk:e." EGGPLANT AND RICE CASSEROLE (Lois Burpee) ..... ol ~ ......... '11.edl dddl Va ~ daopped CMlioe v...-.o1 , .......... IDIUlo 1 'i4 c..-dddt-. ....... Va ~rtc:e , .... ,....toeato 4hlhbMI ...... .... Cndrs or .... dry bnM crwDbe ,., ••• ct.we 1. Lightly brown eggplant and onion In a litde oil. 2. Cook rice In chicken broth. s. Aacc her the eggplant slices and onion In the bottom of a ~Uled 11.h-qt. casserole. 4. Place three tomato slices and two basil leaves on top. Spnnkle with sah. Now spread half of the rice on top and repea1 the layers. 5. Top wth dabs of butter, aumbs and a sprinkling of Parmesan cheae. 6. Bake In preheated 3SO°F. oven for 30 minutes. Make-4 N7111ngs SPAGHETTI SQUASH SALAD (Lois Bwpa) 1 t .. ~., ......... ....... "' ~ .... hJlil • •• !Mled ol ... ............... 1 ....... a-. ...... chMe Va to ~ a.-~ ct.opped Cllay ..... ... ~ 1. Make a half·lnch hole In spaghetti squash so It won't float. 2. Boll squash whole In· water to cover for 30 to 45 mintua. until forit tender. S. Remove from water and pien:e ends with fork to allow drainage. Cut aero. and set halves. open ends up. to cool In a pan. 4 . When cool enough to handle, 9e00p out seeds and tOUQh center fiben wtdl a spoon. 5. Scoop out flesh by running a spoon Just Inside the skin. With your fingers or two forks. pull the flesh apart Into spagnett!·llke strands. Cool and drain fw. ther In a colander. 6. TOSI drained 1P&9hetti squash with salad dressing, chives and celery. Mix well, taste for seMOnlng: you may want more salt. Makes 5 or 61em1ings TOMATO ASPIC (Lois &rpec) l pt. (I cape) c...a ....._, brukm .. 1 ........... ,ond ........ l 'IllJDW .... 4hlh .... ~fW Va· rsa•W• · iMe ewe 1. Put 1 cup tomatoes In tmall loaf pan, 7 >< 3 tncha, and sprinkle gelatin over It. 2. Heat remaining tomaloes with lt9C and baslt le.aves and bnng )ult to bo4lng . {conUnued) YoLll Almost a mllllon peopie are cooking their way through the flrst VELVEETA cookbook. Now here's the exciting sequel. Forty more gOOd-as-gold recipes with the secret Of velveeta process cheese spread. They're all yours Just for asking. r----------------------, Matt to: FREI GOOD IDEAS VOL II P.O. BOX 806-Dept. FW SOUth Holl.and, ll 60473 Ptease tel US hOW much you · now use Wtveeta, and we'll senCI you fOrtv new ~ you coutCl <eneck tne !)OX: o at lent once In g montns. o once a ~ttar; o less tt1an once a yean Cltv----bca----210---- I I I I EGETABLES BOURBON CORN CHOWDER 4-tz:blll!ll UM ....... buu.r ~cup ..... ... 3. Pour hot tomato mlxtuna over toma· to~ oombmation In pen and stir un· Iii weJI mixed. 4. Remove basil leaves. If used; discard. Cool mixture, uncovered. When cool, stir and place In refrigerator to gel. 5. If you are going to serve the aspic on a bed of lettuce and not In a mixed salad, you may add to the hot tomatoes 'II cup each ol ftneJy chopped carrots and ce.lcry. 6. When aspic ts gelled, cut Into l ·lnch cubes and mix with greens just before ter· vtng. If pladng on a bed of greens, a scoop ol cottage cheae makes a nice ac· companlment. Maka 4 to 6 am1lngs CRISPY HERB CHICKEN (Lois Bwpee) l~ cw (l~-o. ... , cwrud ~ of chldl.9 .... ,,, ~ of Cllery .... l tr" 'fa om.__,_. l~ •11'fa .. ct.on••.._.. rwy or ~01 JD119~.,rw)I l .., c:Wdll9,... ~ ~C:-.'-' I .,... .......... ...... 1. Combine eoup, lemon jUlce and rotemary In a small bowl. Blend v.oell wtth wire whisk. I. Dip each piece of chicken tn IOUp mixture, coaling completely. Ftaca eldr'I llde up in shallow baking pan. I. Pour rcnwdnlng .oup mixture owr c:hldcen. Beke, c:oY9'ed In paetielted 4000f. own for 50 mk\uta. •. Sptnlde c:hldcen wtlh herb ltufftng c:rwnbl m\Ci bAke uncow:red 10 minutes longer. MoJca 3 CK 4..,..,,. CORNY EGGS 4*-beicoe .... l )9r'(41n oa.) ......... aumld con s.a. ... ,..,.,. to ..... 1. fJy bacon In a sklDet until critp; drain on paper towel. Reserve 1 tablespoon of bacon grease In skillet. 2. Beat together eggs and creamed com. Pour Into skillet, sprtnkle with crumbled bacon and cook owr IMdlum heat until set. Maka 2 NnJlngt 14 • FAMILY WEEKLY, AU0U9l t , •1 l~ c.,. c...t aMIMd com 'i4 c:up ~ whW&y IJ4° JDllll ............ 1 . ra•liollil9'orr...a-1111t ' rs •11 Wed&,..,.. l«S .... T~e..ce Popeye Patties your ct.Id to -... tat.let . 1 lb. ground beef M.-GerlWsen.tP.aaa •-. 1 jar {4~ oz.) GERBER the u c P .. ile~tmt an STRAINED CREAMED help you a..ke tutt "JOUI chB-SPINAOI clnn -the vftuNrw and 1 egg u•wra they need to ltay ~ cup dry bread aumbs healthy. 3 tablespoons onion, 11w Grat Pattetders finely chopped moe pt~ with wholesome ~ teaspoon garlic salt Gerber Staai11ed and Junior ~ tablespoon Worcestershire Veptables, and they've been sauce ' taite-te.sted by pceschoolas.So a dash of pepper ao ahead, try them. They're so good you may want to let your whole famlly try them too. In a medium-size bowl combine .ill inpdients together and mix wen . Shape into 3-inch patties. Arrange on a shallow, ungreased baking pan. Balte at 400°F for 15-20 minutes or until done. Yield: 4-S patties. ~ cup~ .eodl ~c:up~c:r.- 1. Melt the butse.r In a saucepan. Add ~onion and cook until transparent. Stir In com. 2. Heat bourbon and flame It fc. one minute. Pour It, still flaming, over com. Stir In r~ ~ts. 3. Hut thoroughly and MtVC hot. Sava 6 as a ftrst course, 3 as a main· Sunshine Sipper 1 jar (4 ~ oz.) chilled GERBER STRAINEb CARROTS 2 jars ( 4 2 A. oz. ea.} chilled GERBER STRAINED ORANG&PINEAPPLEJUICE Combine ingredients, mix well and serve Yield: 2 servings. Canot Muffin Cakes ~cup sugar 2 cups flour 1 Yi teaspoons baking powder 1h teaspoon soda 1h teaspoon salt 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1A teaspoon cloves ~ cup flaked coconut 1h cup maple syrup . dish soup. Nota: Jf you want a tl)lnner soup, add more stock. Recipe &om Lany EDman, proprietor of The Cattleman, the adult watcm res- taurant In New Yen City. CARROT .COCONur BREAD 'hc:-....- 2 ape ................ .,. lift'« 'fDW ...... powder ~' 1'fDIMI eocla 'h h lfaD• Mil I e..pooe lf'o.d dllnaw "4 'r rp aa • llfClmd do.. .,.,,~ .... cocmut .,.,, alp ...... OI' ............ .,. .,.,,~\1 ....... ol 2 ... l J-(7'h oa.) JuaAor carroca l t .. -~atrKt ~recipes for vegetab1e biters. ~ cup vegaable oil 2 eggs 1 jar (7~ oz.) GERBER JUNIOR CARROTS 1 teaspoon vanilla Blend together sugar, flour, baking powder, soda, salt and spices. Stir in coconut. Set aside. Beat together syrup, oil, eggs, carrots and vanilla. Stir in flour mixture. Spoon batter into 2 '!-l-inch greased or papered muffin tins, filling half full. Bake in preheated 350°F oven for approximately 20 minutes. Test with toothpick to see if done. Yield: 18 muffins. Stuffed Baked Potatoes 6 medium baking potatoes ~cup~ or butter 1 jar (4~ oz.) GERBER STRAINED SWEET POTATOES 4 oz. shredded Cheddar chee9e salt and pepper to taste Bake potatoes at 4~°F for 1 hour. Cut potatoes in half lengthwise, then scoop out potato from skins and mash. Add margarine/butter and stir until melted. Stir in sweet potatoes, salt and pepper. Mix well. Spoon mixture back into potato skins and top with cheese. Bake at 400°F for 15-20 minutes. until cheese is golden and potatoes~ heated through. Yield: 6 servings. 0·2..~!-!!~ ............ "'---.50..-. a...,_..°"-"'",__,...., r,--------------------Free Oller @ Otf91 ffo1111 PleeM l'ront CfTY ______ STAT1!'----Z11'-- 1. Blend together sugar, flour, baking powder, soda, alt and tplces. Sttr In coconut; Mt aside. 2. In a medium bowl, beat together syrup, oil, eggs, carrots and vanilla. Stir in flow mixture. Pour batier In a greased 81/2 x 41/4-tnch loaf pan OI' two 71/J x 21.h·tnch loaf pans. S. Bake in preN4ted 350'F. oven for 55 to 60 minutes (45 to 50 minutes for smaller pans). Tum out on a rack to cool. Maka l loo/ BAKED TWO POTATOES 6 ......... bekMt poCUoel 14~_...,... 1 J-(4~ oa.) lhlntd _.. potato. SettMd,..,,.-totMta 4 Oii. abr.w.d Olieclds cheeae 1. Bake potatoes at 400'F. for 1 hour. Cut potatoes In half lengthwise; scoop out potato from shcDs and mash. 2. Add margartne and stir unUI meltA!d. Add sweet potatoes, salt, and pepper; mix we.II. Spoon mhdure beck Into shells and top wtdl dlellM. S. Bake In preheated 400'F. oven for 15 to 20 mlnuta, W1tll dieae Is golden and potatoes are heated through. Maka 6 .avinga QUICK GREEN VEGETA.Bl£ SOUP I ape~ .............. W.:ll'ns,.,......~. Woccol. ... .._ « .... l'h ape• I .. ~ • paa•Mlt 'h °I ll'U•cl9-.d F• ..._ heWy tlI'omd Wedi pap-,_ ..... aecwarller ...... ......., 1. Place green vegetables, butt.ennllk, salt, dlll weed and pepper Into electric: blender container. 2. Cover llnd blend about 30 MCOnds or until smooth. S. Pour dlrecdy over Ice cuba In chunky g&... cw nifrVer• b.be eevtng. <*· n1lh with cucwnber ldc:lu. Moka 3'11 cupa (continued} ,NllLY WEEKLY,~ t, 1111 • 11 I I I I A $4.00 VALUE FREEi A MMUC>Ua tr.g,.~ •m,.terious a the Orient ltMff •• .In a cooling aet perfect for summer months. Soft, fey and light. yet long luting. Delight him with the cloeenns of this mysterious fragrance. It's tor the woman who dares ... Accept thl• tube of .. nNl Iced Cologne (Pteue • .1 free gift per person) _________________ _._...------------- MIO-STATE PRODUCTS COMPANY 1000 Robina Road Lynchburg, VA 2~ sensa1• Enclosed la O check 0 money order payable to Mid-State Products tor S1 .00 to help cover postage and handling. Please rush my FREE tube of Senaat Iced Cologne. I'm dartng I -ptMMpnnt - NarM Addf ~ty St.le Offer good ttwough "*' only. MP100 -----~----------------------- Now ... A Prof ess.ional Pedicure In Your Own Home! Professional 10ENAIL~ Avoid Ingrown tMnai1s and trips to tlw doctor. Order Today! ----...., .-rioll ...... ....,. _____ :,. STUUHC HOUR. Orpt. :TM~ Sttrhs hiWI ... ~. N.Y. 10923 VIS! rd "'-to sfw •ywJf a pro#ftelon.al Pldlcun-and prrlftlt inafVWft tom.Ill" !'le--" -.... ~y ..._. ~TOENAIL SOSSOti. 0 1 fwonlr_Sl.9hlut70C P • H. SAVE. ORDER MORE nlAN ONE NOW! 0 2 fOf' Oftly $6.lO plus 9&C P • H. 0 .> foe ocilr SI 95 plW St.15 P • K. 0 Endoeed .. juttS ----- C.:HARGE IT on ord.n of 2 or lftOn: D VISA 0 M.1te..Vrd E11plrn - ~·~-------~--------AM"""-------- CltY---------._ ______ ~-- NOW $399 ONLY • Cut th~ Tough~st Nails - Easily and Quickly. • PrKision Instrument in Surgical Qualit~ Steel. ~de in West Germany. • Sure-Grip Comfortabl~ HandlH. • Extra-long Shank Gives You Mott uv~rage. • Special Design T aperTd Blades for Perfect Control. UNCONDITIONAL 1· YEAR MONEY -BACX GUARANTEE . _____________ .. _____________ _ a EGETABLES NNRAITAN CURRY 1 ............ i.4 • • .-"-.ma 11 IN ........ 1-..~ ... 1..-...... ~ ... a ... l ............ ..... ldow.-k.~ lcup.....,cr.a 11111cn• llllll F .. .._.....,_....w.:k,..... ~ IS rp I oe tlll-.tc • Clll'ry ,_... Y.cup•a•• ........ •~ a.4 CllP,...... , .... ....., ........ ... 6 Nd dMntl9.,..... ... ..... l. Prepare vegDbia, s;nger end gartic. 2. In large akilet, hut cram until It ju.It am to boll. Add ~ peppc, Q1.n9a and gm1k: and simmer for 3 minutes. 3. Add carrott, beans, pas and potato. Add salt, pepper, turmeric, nuts and rai- sins. Mix well. Heat to bolling, reduce hut and cook uncovered 5 to 8 minutes or Jutt unttl vegetables are cooked through. Stir &om time to time. t . When Jwt about c:oobd, add tomato and chenia. Molca 2 to 3 acrvtn91 Recipe &om The Bomb9y Pa&ec:e, ~ Yori<. N.Y. GAZPACHO , ........ 11 ............... ± ,, •• , ....... __ ... ~ ...... .......... , ...... ·~ ........... ......... I .............. ..... ,~ .... ...... l'h c..-........ )lilcll ~G! ........... , ...... .. 1 .... , ......... ....... l t" 11•• 1 letl llC I Ofl .... )lllce ~ ., 1so•1W1eeco,....-. ~t caa•.W......,...._ ~ •••dried bMI ..... l. Set aside for gamilh l/• cup PCh tomlllo, pepper, cucumber .nd onJon. ln i.,. bowl, mix together rerM!ning toma· to, JMPP«, cucwnb.r m\d onion. Add gadlc, tonwm ~. ollvc oil, vtnegar, salt, lemon )Wee, hot JMPPer uuca, or• 9111"° MCI bllllll. J. Pour half ol mtxnn km bMnde:r. 8'end at high spnd 15 NCOnds. 3. Repeat undl all ~ ... blend· .ct. O\il 2 houn. To ..,,., gamW\ Mt\ r..ved chopped wgltables. ~ ll CUI» Editor's nae.: It II ~ In Speln to add • dMt'I of oboeo lhcny end • hMd· fuJ ol fresh brad crumbe to~- BROCCOU-YOGURT SALAD 1 ... (3-..)a.-........... ~ .... - ~~ .... ~ 1 .... (10 OL) '-I sh rt cool& dl1"1• ~at ...... ~ 1 (1-..) ..... ,....t It CH I ..... ..... l . o...olvc gelatin and salt In boling water. Add frozie:n brocc:oll and ttlr until broc:coll Mplllita end ge:iMlr\ begin$ to thicken. Blend In yogurt; add onion. 2. Pour mixture Into 4-cup mold. Chill until ftrm, 2 hours. Unmokl. 3. Garnish Mt\ sallld weens. If dcaed. MoJca 3¥.J cu,,. « 7 aervfnga ..... (10-..)._ 11, I .... crflll9 ....... 1£ ,.,, ..... _ ...... l " 111 ...._ I ' ; 1•_,._. l ~ c..-...... CIDoliiaill dlilclle. l~ mauw....., 1 ...... _ ... 1. Prepare yeg19-W.. • dW«:t8d on peclc9. ~ mix In Yineglr, 1DY uuce end chicken. Spoon onto platta lined wllh waNre:ra6. 2. Spmki. Mt\ .....,. seeds and MrW ilt ones. MaRa 4 C'Upl CN 3 ~ MIXED VEGETABLE SALAD , ..... (1-.eeda)•l ....... (6 oa.)1-oe ... ....... lbellf ....... ... le..-.... .... i.-....c10-.)._S•••• cool& .... 1£ 1tlh1 1\4 c..-c.w .... 1 uar , ... ...._ l . oi.::.Nc ~ end boullon cubes In bolling war. Add frOllln ~ end ltlr unlll wg11eblet ...,.. ... end~ begins to d\kMn. I. Stir In cold -and vtnegmr. Pour • mixture Into indMdul rnc*ts. CUil until fml. about 2 hows. Uimold. Gmmh with Ml9d grems, If da&nd. Mobs ~ cupe or 9 M'Vfn91 Ma-vou-.. -.. al 91111 tell> ...... lurW:·tpOn. PrtM.d Pllllrn. NINe Sims ~UI: Mll2·14t. U16-18l. Md.II ... 2 ~. 45ft:h. SU.m.. . . $200 --c-t.r i.,q, -r;.t.t al'*"' )mn In.,.,.'**'~ wlltt ....... o.r- ...... b ,,._Sun PrlO: 12·14 lncludld ..... S2.00 @ . . aa-Ff'Oll CJl'l a 1,'1 P~ c. _. bn*llr .. ..... lluue cr.at.r of 24 maa& CJl'I 11· blocb; dndloN tar ~ • ~--. ..... . ...... $2.00 -------- 7t11-Nows. ~ al»-ldmrmd wlllt 8 w:h.1~"' ... Eli8V~ ~ 8 1-llllf mod& 5 • fj tldl.. ........................... 12.00 ,__ T wn *"'Y ldtctllll IOwlh "*>a fllt. Cnxt.t bardmrs on *"'Y .,,,.. tar aipun. hlindv bunan-cin '°""" .. • pob:M.,. Ollecllons ..............•...... S2..00 New Craft P~tte1ns (M99 fOI 11 w DOlL WARDROBE FOR TEEN FASHDN MODEL OOLU MM-SisptM • ltde ~ ~ a .. oobe fer lw 18" S..,.. SIM T_., Doi. Ute nm'llnts. Prtntlld Pattern fer 7 ·pleot wardrobe ........ $2.00 7M6-Knit daD dothes b her 11 ~ • ..,. doll. Dndlans b suit, ket:Hef, Wit. shorts. sweter. gown. stole, pWlts lncbt.d ............. $2.00 M9'-B!lrt glamorous fastDls fer her 11 in. t.,. ~ mode doL Use saaps of lebric. Each one desi!Jl- ed to pleaH. Olrec:tiom ...... $2.00 706t-Crochet S2 x 7S-doch of one strand jiffy cotton or 2 strands bedspmd couon. For 34 x 46. scarf one stnnS bedspad oonon ............. $2..00 6t7-Embro6der the Oowcr-of·ach month on 72 x 102" ciuilt. Transterof 12 &our motifs. da!Jan11, c:dor dwt. ys· dagts; chctions . . . . . . . . . . . . . $2.00 7111-Use bri!#ll scnps b easy .... que. add •1ibrdday b fo&cblllr pothc*ilrs. Pattan pleca b 3 polholdas. &ctbd tnduded ... $2.00 7566-Easy·to-cmbroldft Wiid West ciui1t. U., ~ blodu b Plow tops. Dhctians. tilsue nnsilr of 2A molifs lncbW. $2.00 --C-·~ ......... ,... jaln ..... ~ ...... Oiod.-d ...,_ ~ 3 c:man o1 ..-I. ~ calar .. 12.00 928 C anton claims to be lowest tn tar. And tnfact. Carfton and Now share the dtsttnctton of befng the lowest 80s Box. And the lowest 85s Soft Pack. regular or menthol. But when ft comes to lOOs Soft Pack. regular or men- thol. you.1l note tn the chart on the r1ght that Carllon contains more than twtce as mu.ch tar as Now! And when U comes to lOOs Box. Now ts lower byfar Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarene Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. than Carlton. Inf act. Now Box lOOs ts lower than any other 100mm cigarette anywhere. NOW ..... , .. .,... .. MMCC*ta There's no qu.estton about tL Now ts the Ultra Lowest Tarn. brand. And if that's what you. 'd Wee tn a lOOs ctgarette. there's no qu.estton about what brand you. should be smolctng. NUMBERS DOtrT LIE. NOWIOOs ARE LOWER THAN CARLTON lOOs. ..,, ... lOOs.= 100 ,_ 1005- NOW 2mg .Less than 2mg O.Olmg CARLTON 5mg 5mg lmg BOX. BOX 100's: Liss thin 0.01 mg. "tat", 0.001 mg. nic:otina. SOFT PACK 85's FILTER. MENTHOL: 1 mg .• ·fir". 0.1 mg. nicotine. SOFT PACK tOO's ALTER. MENTHOL 2 mg. "tar·. 01 mg. nicoti1e. w. per c:iglmtt by FTC lnllhod. Everything You've Wanted to Know . About 5ex Thetaf>!J i Wl/llom Masters and Virginia John90n took $#!X from the bedroom to the lab. -The middle-aged couple hold each other's hands os they tell a sex therapist about their problem. The husband has been Impotent on many occasions for almost a year. Hla wife, equally dlstTesKd, belleuu It ts her fault -that she is no longer attrac- tlue enough to arouse him. -In a medical center's human aexuallty clinlc, a young woman reueals that she ls lncretUlngly uninterested In •x. When she auolds or rejects her )1usbond's ad11ancu, he is hurt and she fu& guilty. "Yet I loue him os much os euer, "she soys, "so why hos this happened to me?" 0 nly 15 short years ago, most couples who had sex- ual problems like these suf- fered in silenc.e. But since 1970, when William H. Masters and Virginia Johnson published Human Sexual Inadequacy and pioneered the techniques ol sex therapy, thousands of men and women have found the courage to seek help for their dif. ftculties. And they represent only the ttp ol the iceberg. Experts say that nearly one ol every two mantages Is troubled by sexual dysfunction of one kind or anodler. To meet the need for coun-aeq, there are now men than 100 clinics nationwide speclaJizJng In human sexualty, most of them at- tached to hospitals and medical tchools. There are also several thou- sand aex therapists In pdvate pn.idice. But the explosive growth and in- crealed acceptance ol therapy in this onoe-taboo area Is raising questions: The answers to some of these ques- tions provide a good picture of current trends, accomplishments and prob- lems in sex therapy today. Whcd cloa 0 8fX therapist do? Most still adhere to the basic method outlined by Masters and Johnson. 1bis consists of an intense but relative- ly brief series of sessions that begins with an exploration of a couple's sex- ual history and problems. A medical history Is taken and often a physical checkup ls suggested. since a small percentage of sex problems stem from medk:al causes -for example, dia· betes, hormone imbalance or the skie effects of certaJn medications. Actual therapy starts with "sensate focus" exercises during which the man and woman , in private, stroke all parts of each other's bodies except the sexual zones. 1lle purpose of this ex· erdse is to teach them to give and ac- cept sensual feelings without the pressure of having to perform sexual- ly. As~ proceeds, the partners increase tha sensual and sexual con- tact to the point of intercourse. In of. fice sessions, a therapist will discuss with the couple their feelings about sex. By ·experiencing the growing re- wards of sex through thJs process, a couple learns to exchange negative feelings and patterns of behavior f°' pos;ltlve ones. Hou Is Kl therapy changing? Until recently, most COl.IJ)les who sought ~ suffered &om what thera- pists call the bask: problems of arousal and climax. Thae Include Impotence. premature ejaculadon, painful lnter- coune and cldftculHes In reachtng orgasm. Today most oomp&alnts con- (contlnued) I I Advettbe••at AND &ET ONE FREE! For the next 15 days only! • A ulutiall If .. "8st e ;11 If U.S. fllRRll ..... .-......... 100,.., .. N ow! For the first time. Numismatic Collectors Guild will send you one solid silver Mofgan Dollar FREE with eac:h set of fiw ordered. Don't miss out on this incredrble offer good br the next fifteen days only. Numismatic Collec:tots Guild has acquired a limited supply of Morgan solid silver dollars, considef9d by experts to be the peak of the engr8\'ef·s art. These solid silver dollars of 412.5 grains of ninety percent fine silver. three quarter ounce of pure silver, are the most sought after coins eyer minted Int.he United States. Dated from 1878 to 1904, 1n very fine condition. these coins ha-.. become so popular that collectors and Investors have been hoarding them for years. As a result. thefw are no longer any Morgan Sll'tler Dollars m citCUlation. Sllwr Dollar coins, in general, have Increased OWf 1.000% {thats nght over 10 times) In value in preceding years. Some Morgan SiiYerOollarssell for as much as$20.000 and a prime mint condition Morgan SllY8r Dollar recently sold br $42.500. ~ we have uaembled our limited supply into 9'Cqulsite solid siN&r oollectlons of fiw Vfll"J fine Morgan Dollars. Each set IS displayed on a royal blue background in a handsome prnentation case. Makei a lifetime gift Which can be handed down from generation to generation. To Insure your complete satisfaction. each collection Is accom· panied by a Certlficaje of Authenticity. We guarantee a full refund within 15 days if not delighted. Reeentty these coins were selling at $250.00 per set. but we are now able to offer them to you at our low price of $175.00 per set which we can guarantee for the next 15 days only. Remember, we will send you absolutely free one solid silver Morgan Dollar with each exquisite fiY9 Morgan Dollar solid silver collection ordered. Order yours today. Numtamatlc Collectors Guild, dealers in gold and sllYer bullion and rare coins for over 30 ~ars. Is a member of the Retail Coin Dealers Association and the American Numls· matlc Astoclation. FOR CREOIT CARD OROERS CALL TOLL FREEi 1-800-257-7880 New JlfWy ReMents Clll 1.eoo-322-8650 r----------------------------------------------------------------, : NUMISMATIC COLLEClORS GUILD, INC. Dept. FWW-858 : 35 w..t 35th Strwt, New York, It. Y. 10001 : P'"'9 Mfld --MCC•I ol 5 Morgen ~ Oollr9 • St75J>O J1e' Ml pl\'9 SS.00 p..p heftdllng and t tnM'era (Umllt 5 .... Clef QIRJ!ner) E-" Ml 11 ~by a FREE tcJlld ._Morgan Dollar I~ : '1 dledc, Q money order In the~ ol S Ne* 'fb!tl l'Mident9 please acid Nin IP '1 Name CMAMI MY: l J YtlA ' : MAlmtc:MIO I • l A.aecM DP'lllU •. OMelS CWI • : Address ~ .................... . • c.....c.. ... . i City ,....,1 , ..... ,-'-rl-.-1-'o-I ,.., .,..., .,....,, , ..... ,-f~1-1 -, I I I : St•• Zlp ............................... ! ·----------------------------------------------------------------- SALE LOWEST PRICE EVER OFFERED 14K Gold Chains ss until August 31 · {This is not a misprint} As of an advertisin& campaign to promote the sale- of gold jewelry we will ship from our corporate vautt to the address ol every reader ~~-----~~~___;:.....--..11iflt$]Rrn4ni>"llftrpl'tnt notice before Midnight, Aus. 31, a 16-incb solid 14K sold chain for the sum of only S8 plus S2 shipping and hand- ling. There is no further monetary rcguirement. [Each chain is composed entirely of solid 14K. gold, including the clasp, and will be accom- panied by a Certificate of Authenticity to that effect.) This advertis1n1 notacc as -....... -----....... ------- bcina placed simultaneously in other publications. If you see it in more than one publi- -<2tf'Oll';"'ptt'Dt""tenlrtno--........ --~~--~~--·----~~...-..__...~~--_._ this information is hdpful to ~. Should you wish to return your chain you may do so at any time to the address below and receive a full refund. No request will be accepted past the date noted abon. Your uncashed check will be re- turned if postmarked later than that date . .---·GOLD CHAIN REQUF.ST FORM----. Mall to: 48HN4THY A <"LOSTHH, LTD~ Gold a.Ma CaapUp. Dept. 6tl-5t, So• 2tl, c..-"9a, Nn Yon 11514 I am responding as directed. Please send me (check appropriate box): 16-inch gold .chain necklace (Al40llO) 0 I for S8 0 2 for $16 0 3 for $24 7-inch gold chain bracelet (AU370) 0 l for S6 0 2 for $12 0 3 for $18 Necklace and bracelet both (Al3'20) 0 I set for Sil 0 2 scu for S25 0 3 sets for $37 TOTAL OF S eecto.d (Add S2 shipping .t handlin&) Or c~ to "'Y 0 VISA 0 MASTER CARD bp. C•4•------------------0..«---- " ..... ______________ ,.. ·-- CkJ-------~ _____ ..1.7..ip ... ------ • 1•1 _,,, & C-uo (Al5070) I _____________________ ..... cem a lack of sexual dake (why, ther- apists aren't sure.) This Is a more d1ft- cult problem to deal~. The io9I of erotic desire sektom has a single cause. It Is usually due to compkx factors within the penona1i1y of one or both partners, such as anx- iety about one's ability to perform well sexually or the unconscious fear of be- ing too vu1neral:*? to rejection by a partner. Sometimes the cause can be a deep sexual conflict within oneself, stemming from parental Inhibitions about sex during early childhood or unpleasant sexual experiences in adolescence. In many Instances loss of desire is a cover-up for other con· flicts within a marriage -and therapy . in these cases usualJy Includes sexual exercises as weD as more traditional marital therapy. """' ~ .. .a tMnipy? Al.:-cording to some studies, problems . with arousal and orgasm are treated succes.sfully In more than 80 percent of cases. Problems with erotic desire have, so far, a much lower cure nite -about 15 percent. However, crtUcs claim that much of the therapy that wms s-iccessful may actually pro- duce only a temporary Improvement. They charge that claims of .. cures" cannot be proven statisticaJly ... Any f onn of treatment is likely to work some of the time," says Or. John Money of the Johns Hopkins School of Medicine. These attics dte the 50- called "placebo" effect: If a patient ex· peds to improve, he or she wlD im- prove -for a while. Ja tlH!ft matt than OM appooch to .ex thavpy? Though the basic techniques are stzmdard. there are several variations tn the way therapy Is offered. For instance, experts at first believed It "took a couple to cure a couple," and therapy was always done by a man-woman team . Today most therapists practice lndMduaDy. Group therapy Is also a growing trend. "People learn they are not the only ones in the IAIClrld with a sexual problem," says Or. Sharon Satterfteld of the UnJvenlty of Minnesota Medi- cal School. Many women like groups because they provkte the kind of emotional clmate In which they are &ee to talk about and be more com- fortable with tbeir own sexual feelngs. Because some men and women find it difftcult to speak franJcJy at first to a the:nipist, Los Angeles sex counselor Or. Ron Pion enourages dents to daat. tha MICUll t'dlklrles mid pob- lerns on sa audio c--.. ~ In- formation serves as a starting point for In-depth dJ9cusslons during therapy sessk>ns, .. he says. No single approach to sex therapy ts considered "bat" or ts equally ~ for everyone, says New York therapist Or. Dorothy Strauss: 1he bat therapy Is the kind that WOl'ks for a particular client" What about C/Jllll? Mastera and John9on's two-week Intensive pro- gnun costs $2,500, but MX therapy doesn't have to be that expensive . Private therapists usually charge from S35 to $60 or more for an hour teS· slon (the price is h1gher If two therapists work as a team). On the average, treatment requjres from eight to 20 sessions. Group therapy Is less expenstve (around $20 per per- son a session ) , and many sex clinics and tndlvldual therapists often gear their fees to what a clJent can afford. 1""" do I blOUI ta .x tha..,,W .. .-II/fed. and compdent1 Since sex therapy Is a relatively new 6eld. no state has yet set mlntmum stan· dards or llce.nsing regulations for Its practitioners. Most legiUmate sex therapists, however, have at least a graduate degree In such fleJds as medkine, psychology or marriage 4nd family counseling, and belong to professional organizations In those areas. It is wise to Investigate the creden· dais of a therapist closely, as well as his or her approach to therapy. Does the therapist, for a.am~. guarantee c.onftdentia)ty? Is he or she wlllng to explain procedures In ad- vance? Does he or she sut:.abe to ethical standards prohi>Ming sexual In- timacy wth a patient? WID he or she answer questions about his or her trarilng? Al too often ID-trained or un- trained people call themteJves sex therapists after attendklg only one or two tnf workshops in the 6eld. When Masters and Johnson first made therapy an acceptable way to deal with sexual difficulties, many people were shocked at the idea of openly discussing sexual problems. Others denounced the use of what they called "mechanical techniques" for improving sexual performance and satisfaction. SUD others claimed that by focusing on physical petfor- mance, sex therapy overlooked the importance of Jove and tenderness as essential elements in a good sexual relationship. But these objections have largely evaporated. For one thing, the new sex therapy does not rely simply on techniques; tt also explores the ln- terpersona) relationship that largely determtnes the quaBty of a couple's sex We. Most Important, sex therapy has proved successful. "Problems are be- ing faced mote honestly than ever before," says Or. Judd Mannor, a Universtty of Southern California psychiatrist. Sexual guilts and anx- ieties are being removed. And It has become clear that the relief of a sexual problem has a profound effect on a marriage. "It can change the pattern of a couple's sexual communlcatk>n for the rest ol their lives," says thenpist Dr. Helen f<ac>lan . "It can make their whole relationship more genuine, mature and 1'111 trusang.'" .. I ""'1A.Y WllbU.Y, Ai181* I, •1 • 11 Specially Crafted To Meet Our Highest Standards, Only $J9.95 The nostalgia of yesteryear and the warmth of genuine wood make our Grandfather's Medicine Chest a fabulous find for all true lovers of Americana! This fine piece bas a bright bold mirror, gingham cloth-lined interior, and fine ha.nd antiqued finish . There's plenty of room inside-on 3 generous sbelves- and, naturally, there's a knick-knack shelf on tOP,, and a towel rack beneath! SpeciaJJy handcrafted, ·more than 20" high only $19.95. r ---~---~------------------r 1 Sheldon Gift•, Dept. BC-~ I 500 Market St., Perth Amboy, N.J. 08861 I 0 Please RUSH me my Genuine Wood MEDICINE CABINET($) #20920 I for only 519.'5 plus S3.9S postaae cl handling. (total S22.90). 0 SAVE $6..40! Order TWO MEDICINE CABINETS for just $35.90 plus I SS.SO posta1e cl handling. (total $41.90). I Charge my: 0 VISA 0 Muter<:ard Bank #-__ _ I Exp. I Acct.# Oa~ . .::--- 1 Print 1me ---------------,------------~ I Addrc:a -------------~-------------"""-- ! C1h -----------~---------! Sta.le Zi L-------------------~------------'------ 1ra interesting how runy pertOnS r..ct the Bible •nd QUOC9 the Bible without knowing 8nything of the atort of how the Bible C8me to be writt9n. Not tNt the BIJl8'a atoty w mcn import8nt th8n the Bible itMlf. But .,,,,. knowtectGe of the t.ckground ~to evokt rMny ..... notions. One such f.... notion ia 1hat whk:h -the Bible • the ~ of the Church 8nd vice veru. Another ia the notion that the Bible can be r..t rn • vecuum • though it Md no history •t .. or no ,dependence for ~ upon the hietory end culture of Its hum.n euthora 8nd their communftiel. Oui\9 8'*1 from .widfng error. • knowtedge of the history of the Bible ·helps to enrich one's reading of the Bible and therepy dMpen1 one's ,...,_ For • ..,._ Introduction to the gr .. t subject of the Bit*'• beginning 8nd ~t. writt for our frte pamphlet, "God's News to M•n'." No one will C811 on you. --FRE~ -Mail Coupon Today! ----------- Please send Free Pamphlet entitled "God's News to Man.# This Oller la loMiled lO -frM pef'llClhlet FM·3 City --------St8te _____ zjp __ _ CATHOLIC INFORMATION SERVICE , . ,... KRIGIDS •• COLU••us.· • ,~ T~ laxative ~II works in the lower tr~ · not i~ your stomach. An Eyewitness Re~t on Actteu Slgou1ne9 Weavet Sy Pattlda Boawor~ T he red arid whtte sad· dle shoes are the first thing you nodce. That plua beggy coverals and a visored cap IMm amost Inappropriate garb for rising movie star Sigourney Waver. whoee artstocratic features haVJ often been Ilk· ened to those of a debutante. "Yeah, and I was a debu· tante," ~ey. 31 , admits chffri)y. "My mother has photographs of me In this big whtte ball gown looking very stiff and proper. Now r can't believe I WU like that... . PartlcuJarly llnce her daz. zflng IQ'ftf\ debut In the Id.ft thrtler Men. Cdlcs lov.d her as the funny but authori- tative asb'Onaut who -clad only ln T ..ttlrt and panties - singlehandedly slays a hide- ous mon•er aboard her spaceship ... I'll bet you didn't know the script Wat originally written for Paul Newman," sh• says, laughing. Weaver secured her repu- tation as one of the up-and- coming . actresses of the 1980's with ·the recent film . Evewtneaa, a romantic: mys- tery dlnicted by Peter Yates and co-starring Wllltam Hurt. She plays a cla9*ally trained musician who becomes a TV reporter against her parents' wlshes and ends up Invest!· gating a mUide:r. Sigourney always suspect· ed she would end up on stage. "Show business Is part of our family," ~e states emphadcaly. Her mother, a former actress, appeared In the Bette Davis rn<>Yle The 1:.etter and her father, Sylvester "Pat" We.aver. was the visionary praklent of NBC durtng the 1950'1, as well as e pioneer In cable 1V. One of Weaver's flnt roles was Bottom ln a 7th-grade production of A Mid.summer. Nlghti Dream. But as a teenager she was so tal - she's 5 feet 101,.; inches - and gangly that no one thought she'd survive In the theater. She did manage to get work In summer *>ck, II • ,AM!l.Y WUKLY, AllOUll t . ltll and later, at California's Stan· ford Unlversity, she pezformed with a comedy troupe that toured the San Francisco area. "But I was very much a loner -and a self-conscious loner at that." In 1971 she enrolled at Yale Drama School and wasn't cMt In anything until she began studying dance and learned to make her height work for her. Fol- lowing ~n she moved to New Yori< C1ty with an ln- aeased sense of conBdence, yet she was rejected at moet audtions for "being too taD and offbeat." She eventually got her first Broadway )ob as an understudy and assistant stage manager In The Con· ltant Wrte. stzmng Ingrid Bergman. "I felt bke her soul- mate because Ingrid Is close to six feet." After that came the TV soap opera Someraet and numerous Off Broedway shows. Her big break was landing the role In Alm, wt*=h she flmed In London during molt of 1978. Always one for realy ~ Into a part, Sig- ourney did much of her own stunt work In Allen, Including using a SO-pound flame· thrower. For her role ln Evewltnas, the actres5 learned to play a Mendelssohn concerto ("I had a piano moved lnto my apartment for three months ") and ac:tualJy went out on assignments for sev- eral weeks with a New York City TV reporter. Since filming Eveuritnas, Weaver has returned to Off Broadway for several pro- ductions and ts now in Texas fil(ntng a new movie, Lone· star. The 1Creenplay was writ- ten by her boyfriend, James McClure, a handsome 29-year~ld playwright/actor from J..outslana. They've been .. going steady" for two years. . When asked if they Uve together she is deady un- comfortable with the ques- tion. "look," she says qui- etly, '1 have a real thing about my privacy. I treasure It, I guard I -OJ<.? Be*1es 1 beleve In secrets." Weaver pausa and then suddenly o8lrs a radiant grtn. "What's so terrtble · about being a lmle ,_ mysterious?" _., The World WUdllfe Fund announces an original work of an in fine, hand-painted porcelain Surprise1 Jnauaurating du World Wddlift Fund's Ji~ collection of baby animal sculptum in porcelain. Jssa«d in a limittd edition . Art of tXa,t;onal chllrm and beauty, at thL my attractivt pria of U5. For the first time in Its history. the World Wildlife Fund has undertaken the cttation of a coUcction of porcelain scuJpruresofbabyanimals. S~I. ponraying a charming link tiger cub. inaugurates tbt coUection. Crafted in fine band-painted porcelain. il is a thoroug.hly· delightful wodt of art. And it will be issued at the ~ry modest pric( of $45-which may Itself be paid In two convenient monthly installmcms of $22.50 each. This ntW and original work of art has bttn designed for the World Wildlife Fund by Eva Da!Mrg, one of the world's most talented pornaitlsts of animals. Dalberg was chosen for this commission because she has the unique ability to capture the lovable quality of animals. Herc the linle tigt'f ls ponrayed In an amusing- and totally u~xpccted situation. With a bright green butterfly perched right on the tip of his ~I ThJs ddightful sculprurc will be crafted In 8ne porcelain and completely hand-painted. So. all the colon and features will be clear, crtsp and vibranL The tiger's orange roat and black stripes, his sparkling black and yellow ~es. his striped tail-and. of course. that devilish little grttn butterfly. ~! will be crafted for the World Wiidlife Fund. under the supervision of Frmk.lin PoK'Clain of Japan. &ch sculpture will be crafted in Taiwan and will be backmarked with the official "WWF'" symbol In addJdon. a Cert.iftcatc of Authenticity attcsdng to its official status and bearing the signature of the Dlrcctor ~neraJ of the World WtlGlife Fund International. will be included. In the tradition of dassic works in ftne porcelain, thJs enchanting scul:ptutt will be mack available tn a limited edition. ttSt'fWd exclusively for t~ who ordt'f from · ~collection of porcelain animal sculprures durln11981. When all valid ordt'n from these lndividum have been filled! the edition will be permanently ctosm. You'll enjoy displaying this enchmti.na link tiger in your home and showing it to all your friends. It will be a con~rsation piece you will treasure. And you will have the satlsfacdon of knowing that it is created in a loog-~bllsbcd tradition. For. of all porcelain pieces collecton prize. small figuttS of animals arc among the most popular. To reserve Sltrprisit! by Eva Dalbcrg. you should act promptly. Please be sure that your Reservation Application ls sent IO the Wodd WUdli~ fund, C/o Franklin Porcelaln. Frankltn Center. PA. 19091. by Au1ust 31. 1981. • I'--J-• r----------------RESEltVATION APPLICATION-------------------------, I I I I : Surprise~ . : I I ' World WUdUft' Fund Valid urrly if posmrarud I • C/o Franklin Porcd&in by August 31. 1981 ' Franklin Cm~r. Pmnsylvmil 19091 ~ &'t'q>C my rcsnvadoo for Sln'priltt by Eva DalbctJ. nus oriaiiW sculptutt w01 be cnflcd for me In ftJ1(' hand-painted p0rcelain. I undcmand thlt I nttd send no money at this time. 1 will be billed in two equal monthly inst.allmt'nts of $22.SO-plus Sl.25 forshippina and handllna. the flni payrtl('nt dUt' bdott the work ls Sftlt to me. i .,...,_....,_ Signature __________________ _ .... --. .............. ........._ ML/Mrs./Ms. ________________ ~ Addrns ______________________ __ : City. State. Zip -------------------' I • • I Umit: OM sculpcutt per person. ~-----------·-·-·-----------------------------------------------4 ()PEN SC>'*S SCAlfS& CHAFING HOt sPOTS Doti ·1 ignore die wM"lliq lilns of dan- pr. Scnlchi.._ can lead to infecboa. nccdlesssufrc:nag8Dd~ Nofta colllrc::an bdp. Get veta\~ SULl'OOENE. This pMllless. des liq- uid quickly stops i1chin1 and scrau:h- ing; Kll 10 promptly treat SClRS, ans. hoc spotS. ccz.cma and aids I healing. SULFODENE.e - checks special dog amns th8t can ~ infection end pein. Don't ipn your dog's skin p-oblems. Get SULFODENE. Al'OC'I'· ice's No. I dog KiD medj. c:adon,indnlg. pa stores and supennlrt.as. SULFODENE• "--""'°"'**-O IWl~klc Sleepyhead 12-lnch plljama doll Qaft 2'9 has pattern pMices: fuU diredions. Send $L50 .... !SC for ....... wl b ... for melt petnm. F~Weeldp,,...ztne P.O. &o. 431. Dept. A·16' ...._ Stlitlo., N. Y~ N.Y. 10018 lldllil-..W.-. 111>codt...ia11t-~ v .... s. ............ edd .-w.i. --~-------------------~-------------- air --~~--....... Sunbc>ntMl Sue in petchwortl •ncl applique. Cnlt 318 has penem pieces: directions. Send $1.50 ..... 25C for ........ Mil• G I for uda pMten to: F...,W..U,111 .. ..,. P.O. Boll al. De,it. A-141 NWt-SUtio8. N. V ~ N. Y.10018 lllCNdoNfN Mdt.-l "PtodoMldc"'I'"""''°"' ~ Vork St.i• ,......,., add ..i.. 1 .. 1 At 25, Tun Black 15 ltill a baby of IOlts. ~ over sbt feet taD, Tun (not hil real name) has never ~wn up emotionally. He II afraid to. marry. in· capable of holding a job and to dependent on his agtng mother that he sulks If she forgets to keep his car's gas tank ftDed. lin Black's severe depen- dency on hJs parents began when he'was a chid and It's a problem that's more com- mon than we realze. "In my Z1 years woddng with fami- bes, I've seen the problem many ti.mes," says Dr. Victor One, a professor of psychol· ogy at the University of Utah, Salt Lake City. "If you don't raise chUdren to be doers, you11 be supporting them In their middle age." What makes a child !J"OW up prone to dependency, laziness, lack of direction? Quid exper1S like Dr. Cline have some answers, and schools now offer new help to families facing the prob· lem . As a first step. parents who are worried about an unmoti· vated child should check with a pedjatridan to make sure that the youngster has no visual or heartng impairment; no leamlng c:Usabllities, such as dyslexia; no biochemical Imbalances, due to improper diet or a need for medka· tlon. Once a child Is found to be physicaDy normal. other fac· tors should be considered . Ac.c:ordklg to Dr. Cline. these Include genetic d.Jff erences (children from the same par- ents may vary widely In tern· perament and disposition due to lnher1ted factors). de· pt lln and low self-Image. Anoth• common cause - becomklg even more slgnlfl· cant today -Is overindul· gence. Unwlttlngly, a parent who does everything for a chtld establishes dangerous patterns of dependency. Whatever the reasons, parents can make a dif. ferenc.e. Dr. Cline, who Is allo the author of the book How to Mab Your Child a Winner <Wd<er and Com- pany) and the father of nine. M 8 FAMILY WEEKLY. A119U1I t, , .. , A child's pocx .elf-Image can lead to his chronic dependency. offers these strategies: • Set an n•mple. Par- ents who routinely seek chal- lenges and thrive on activity teach their chlldren to do the same In a subtle but powerful way. 1 • Olla.-the problem opmJy. Without browbeat· lng, caD attention to a child's unsatisfactory behavior. Otherwise he /MY never know he has a problem. • 0•111• Jobe at home. O\lldren who don't help aroWld the house may some~ day expect ther spouses to do k al. Instead, expo&e kids tC? nonsexllt chores: boys to dishwa.shing and diaper- changing, girls to weeding and i.wn-mowtng. • WR ebtglkle a chlld. Teach the joy of WOik bt; hqmg a chld to bake a cake or clean a room. Then discuss the importance of a job weJI done. • Rewwd good wodt. P11rents should prepare kids for tie in the real worid bt; making them fee! I is ~· while lo be produdtve. Rou- tine chores. such • ~ thei' own rooms tidy. need not be rewarded, but scrub- bing the bathroom might mertt pay, oc a tpeCial O'Jting wth a p1nnt. Smaler chS- dren IOm8tbnes respond to chart-keeping, wkh points that add up to prilles. -. ,...... ...... .,.... MllJ. Too much teoldlng can create a deaf ... Instead, temporarily take away a priv- ilege dear to • child: deasert, TV time, lllll of the tele· phone. ("This Last one really works with teen·agers," says Dr. One. who has used it in his own famlly.) But long before the tele· phone beoomes a bargaining tool, parents should begin les- sons In self-sufficiency. "Some parents want thft chl1dren to remain babies, so they do everything for them," says Geraldine O done. head teacher of The c.atholic Uni· versity of America's O\lldren's Workshop. a developmental day<ZWe center In Washing· ton, 0 .C., for chlldren 2 to 6. "Once chlklren I.ft in first grade, they're vying wth 20 other kids for the teacher's at- tention, and there INOCl't be time to teach basic skills. The time to ~ them develop their natural curiosity Is now." For chUdren who show early problems, some univer· sides now have earfy-tnter· ventlon programs to help chlJdren under 3 catch up wth thei' peas. To locate such a program. Odone sugge:Sb cheddng with the psychology and education ct.pemnenrs at a nearby uni- versity. If problems persist, Dr. Cline says a good famUy therapist or chUd therapist - recommended bt; your doc- tor -might be consuked. Sometimes parents need counseling as much as, or more than, an overly depen· dent chid. After a year in therapy with Dr. Cline, Tim Black's mother was able to loosen her !J"MP on her son. Now Black earns his own way -and fll:s his own 1111 gas tank. ., I i 1 % Addr-es.._ _______________ _ City Stat Zip,,_ __ _ Have you ever worn a wig ro Yes. 0 No.· AnEvaGaborWtg?DYes. O No. ~~-----AP'-- 1 ::·~---------"' ..... --I L--~-~·--- WHEN YOU ORDER FAOM ADVERTISERS IN FAMILY WEEKlY Please allow four to six weeks for dellvery. Since our adver11sers often receive thousancrs of orders from all over the country, occa· slonally unintentional delays oc· cur. If theY do. Fatnily WMkly wants to a,alst you as much as poulble. Just Mnd.the details of yoUf ordef to: Linda Mount. Family Weekly, 841 Le1dngton Awnue. New YC>fk, NY 10022. .-'~ Guide .,.._ ............. ................. ~· )( •• 111119 .... """' tlliltc. ...., ................ ... ......... lilt/ ...... ... LO. 1111111 tar ldlDal. ~ 11111-..... Mii-. 50 _.. ..._ 12.75. Or. 100 tar $3.75. ~ ..... ca.. -FW81 . ,.0. .. 5,llOltlll,MAQt101. ---------------............ rn-...................... : NAT\1RAU7E& De,t.&11 S.. i...cn... It-'. ~IL 18$.. . ~ IJZ..3SUS31. OYACE TOTAL AMOUNT OF Ml:RCHANDISE ~---t Silles~lftd1Ladd121Dlll'.'~-----------~"----t llinoil t'llllidmls. pAp.-e add~ Illes W!A..------+.:----4 SHIP.PINC (S2..00 ... item. "75 each additicnal item,__ ______ _ O ~ lelld fte aalai TOTAL REMITfANCE w.-..---' On mldiOorwl cyles N"'M'------~------------- A.ddnw'-----~--------___;.---CitJ Selk Up . Pbmt'------o MMter-0.. oV• Am.a No upmtm .... o......,_ ___ _ O Cid · O Mai-t' Onllr (Sany, NOC.Op.> JO DAY liENIY IWl[ GUAIW!ITIE IF J«>T a»ilPLETELY W'&llDPIUVUID SllJBS HAVE NOTlll!EN WORN. .. BIRTHDAYS (AD Leo) s..nley -David Steinberg 39; Rod Laver 43. Moad9y -Eddie ~her 53: Jimmy Dean 53. Tuesday - Mike Douglas 56; Lloyd Nolan 79; Arlene Dahl 53. Wednesday -George Hamilton 42; Jane Wyatt 69; Buck Owens 52. 1bundlly -Fidel Castro 55; Frtday - Susan Seiit James 35; Bud· dy Greco 55; Nehemiah Per· soff 61. Semrdllv -Mike Connors 56: Princess Anne 31: Ju&a Child 69. RECORD ml'PORT You may remember the recent chutzpah of Mark Bohn. 24. who. bewildered that his earnest pleas foe a marketing job in the record Industry drew nary a nibble. ftnally asked himself, "How can I get their attenti'on?" His answer -to hang a 40 x 33-foot "resuam" across the draw the attention of CBS Records pre5ident Bruce LundvaU, who. impressed by Bohn's Ingenuity, invited him up for a chlit. We'd love to report a hap- py ending to this saga, but despite several interviews. ._ __________________ ..,. street from CBS Records in •BCURIAL LOR It may not be the most romantic acxouterment, but a new device olfeTs the pro- mise of adding computer ac- curacy to a birth control method that tsn 't always so precise -the rhythm tech· nlque, the only form of con· traception condoned by the Roman Catholk: Church. Developed at England's New York Cl!Y. Cllnbl Research Centre, the The giant resume and cov- device -nicknamed the er Jetter. made from sewn- sexometer -consills of a together muslin strips, took small box with a temperature slx months to fashion. says sensor attached to the end of Bohn. But the toughest part a long wre. Before engaging was convincing the owner of in sexual relations, a woman the parking garage across puts the sensor in her mouth, from CBS headquarters of much like a thermometer, his Intentions. "I assured him and a computer microchip the message wasn't obscene, inside compares her tern-though. and he let me hang. 1.1n1y perature against her normal it from his roof." notes Bohn, Bohn has not landed a job readings. Three minutes who says he just hoped with CBS. "I still don't know later. the sexometer lights somebody would notice. Ut-whether to buy a shotgun or ._ ________ ..,. green if tt's safe to tie did he know It would champagne,•· he says. have sex without .._ _________ ...., _________ .,._ _________ ..,. risking pregnancy, red if it's time for a cold shower. About 50 leXO· meters are cumntly being tested In England, end the device might be commercially avail· able for $25 to $40 by next year. The N~ Magezlne '41 L.e.t~ A..._ tffw ""* If. Y~ 1002t Cl\ainnan ancl Put>llaher Morion Frn PTe1lcMnt and Anoe. PubllStlel' Palridl M ltnll(ey V~tJncl Genl. Mgr. JOnaltlan Tl\omcl90n &ecvtive Editor, Ant\ur Cooper Maoaallla. EdltQ!, T.om Mull•~n. 8enl0f EaltOtl, HOUJyn ~Myl, FANTASTIC Sticks·UP St>eruu>bere cotendor c1ock Di~plays hour and minutes with crystal ace quartz ch uracy-ev:~,ue 2s automatically h · seconds to s ow month & date' • NO WINDING• ' • SPACE AGE . NO PLUGS! NO • BUil T·IN COA~CURACYI . BUTTONS TO PUSH • EASIL YR PlJTER •di us I FULL YE;:.LACEABLE BATT ts for long and sh Break! •SUPER-STICK ERV (Included) ort month•i ~~"0" sncK PfJ •J:••LE FELT BA • powe" clockfor one • OOSE FROM 3 0 ANYWHERE• CKING grips . ECORATOR CO~OR instantly to any surl 8--red ace, Use • · yeUow orb · em eve ••••' •TV set • attaciwhere io kee . 77 rgerator • de k u e: , e case • refr' p you on sched I 5 • boat NOW ONLY SAVE MORE! 2 for only $8.88 ea.· Now, athom . . . ANO DATE e, in the office . LCD-DISP~~ays just a gl~~~ your workshop or And now du . CALENDAR Clg:;~;r-with the::~:i"ave the TIME ~~~;K;'AN~;i;.;~~·~~~stic PRICE BREAK •ble ORDlR ~8~~~ in full (ex~~:.;;,~T!SFAcfi';i~e~~~;;'A CALENDAR g & handling). RUS~~~E09ryour . . Old Village UR ~-----· Shop I - -tiatlCMI( I OUJ Y1t1AE..;;;; .IA--'I'""" I 0--.-.vz.™8_, I CW:NDAll C Mnd -· ,340--L TODAY I ... 77-•• ':W' • ...,,r;..sri;,KS UP -.... ;:.;.-------- ! · rr=:vtl•ol<" -• ..,.11.., ONLY , I '°' ONLYSend$ "" 2 CAWO PRI I I Co 11.n -$2 DAii C<.DCl<S KT NAN< I I . 0 =r.t"i:i. . .25 -& bd ... I I I CUJCXS lo< I """ A I I ~ hd ... I ONLY $24.or ~' CALENDAR DDRESS • I I lot choices· $3.00 shin I OChedc . . ,.. I CPA ....::..-..-, • Cl"' I I g"""'· m" a"-..., ":'I!'....:_. I I Cwlo_,_-l I I a ..,_.,, ... oor ... "'G:' O YISA STAtt I I """• · I · · O -•M ZIP •-----"~-,,_..,Z,'"'""'"'"' I - - - - ----Wt SlliP w':i atllOI' of flfl.""' 1ulllcrlptkMI I __ .C>OidYli .... ~-"'· .:11 .. ",," ..... ·..:-f ........ 1981 IUl(tlllttd withrn no lilied I ~---"eo 4IYi • -----. I ________ J NAiii TlllMMEll lets you be your own barber! Just glide over head tor nut. easy trim! IH THE CUOI WITHOUT IUllHt StanouO-slzt C1rcts 111ve giant mal'lllnos A plnsurt to usel CATCH NAiii TlllM CLIP· THllUD AIY HEDLE l•- P•llt No messy ctun-ups: ITAHLY wltll Automatic !telly hair down bacll! Snap-Threader' Jutt put thread 1n on v111y1 c:ovtr-up 1111 lltalblt groove, puJll bunon & you re rim. Great for perms. linling. ready to sew! No fumbling. . ~ etc! Wipes clHn: ad1ust1ble. wetting thread. Bullt·in cutter O 'ft'I• Tnr snips thruct at any ltngtll -Great for ~1os1 Poly. Blades separate O trt-er (99•90) O lllMH (0'82•04) .. ~ 123267) ········· ~ 0 "'""'100307) .. ~ IE--NI CHTMLI DA•PHll to prevent mildew. mo ld, clo1111n11 cllllMOf' 6 01 11r 01 oclol1tn c11t1111UI granules 111sor111 molJturt: 11111 months! For clollt. """'*· ilaMmlnt. tnic. 0 I ' IF (Oll231 "-" CAllCIWD QllCU COU&.O IAft YOU MCNIEYI So kHp t"'111 sil1 & Nlldyl Sturdy U · panctablt Ille has 12 c.omp1n- 11ie n11 to 1t11p checks In monthly ordtr. 4• • a· 0 C.M• Flit 198533) . ·····~ I uacaa.rra. K..S7 INllCD--.... r. c. a.,. r ... °""" I AT\MTIC"" tu.1M11 "~ ••..,.... 1._...__ 1 .......... -a...-. Cllelp .. -r: I "'1r"" ... -, ...... --,---------0 MAITP CtWIOa I .. _, a VISA a ~ICAN IXPMa I.,.._.._____________ WY CMDfT CloRD ..,._ la: ... tr••· .. -·11111 Cltltr.--= ..... . iS ..., ~ ~ . 8 . • ' ! I fi I I I I I I I I I YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUARAHTEEO I .... I OR YOUR MQNEV CHEERFULLY REFUND~! ----POITMll CllMT °"*' "' " M" ......... ·~ ....... ,. ----~:r ,_ Olto1···1 &111 Qlrtl -----::. =r= ·1::::fi ,_"= :t.lll~~:c~ ... ..., ~,.." .. Al. TIMM r... .0 to U.00. • 1S ...... ll.tl.\"\ ..... llC, :r •••. r.--id'"ll!fl .. K." '::i .... •• ci-•:w: .45 ~~~ w:. =:-" tltll F199 1 l• 3 · :=.... Wt,_, ,,_ I to 17 • ::::. ... ~,,~ .. rtlt. ,._ 7.01'1 • • ""'"'" ....... '2. ow. 11.00.. ..., 1S --............. ....., ...... Sf'laAL -..S ..:-..r1--PIUI --.. W -Tt • DJtllLI). A ...... Mn...... .. ........ :'Z..,.....,... ......... ~ u ........ .,.,_.llftlllllt .. trtllll, .... --•-lfD..Llll6r .._. ........ __ All -=.:t=..· --c..--,..... .... ""** l'l Die. 17, 1 It.. b"f... ...... ::.= ....... $100,000 !'1111 WilW wfl M ·i:-..=...19t11ei11 .., ... l. ... I ......:: .............. ,............... • .... All ......... ... .... .... ,...... ..... 4 ~ llOllYCOMI TillUI ITICll· .................. ..,. taa I IMrl open Into 3-di· mension1I gllt decorations. JHl pHI & Stiel!! 2t'f• hi let If 11: 1 I taos I net. O T11Ue ... 1 (0·551'31 .......... ~ "FHL IUTA'l llUI" CHllllTMAI POIT CAllH IOOl ls a lltlltlltfuJ "touch & lllvt cflttry staSOt11l 110tlf1. stt" stoty tor 1011. Has Pie· IOvety arnunas & elfin cllarm turts tllty can really touch & to win tht 11111ts ol 1111 3 lltl-flulfy rein0et1 tur. soft merry designs. 25 c11ds on btarll. rougll br1ck. ttc. lltavy printed S1ocll. tacll 4lt. 0......... 15~·. (11521) ... : ...•... ·"-• 0 NeCll*I0-52$11)~ POIY·PllETTY ClllHIC FUME ONIS I p1tCIOU1 pllOto tl1g1n11111tmtnll Charm· lngly Ylc1orl111 In white ct- ramlc. ldor11td tritlt roJts. Eutl llld. 2~·. 3w.·. Q eer.tcffllff 1'!19081 .......... "*"' ICMOOl llE•lltH IOOI II ,.,11111111~ with child's n11111! 12 kltj)SW tnllllopu for 1st grade 1llr11 12111 Ot"ldr. pllCtl tor pllotos. sio111111res. ltc.llall191 ..... O llMll·htl (P-91558) ••.••..••. ~ YOUll OWi PllllTIH lETI YM 111 J ce••••t• 11,e.1-11111 ...... , ••• , •• , •• _ 101 ct11r1cten-p1u1 stamps. Ink pad. tweezers! Ptrsonallze clltclll. books. · pr1nt algns. etc. FocJtt·t.iz!. 0 .,. .... (1313e) •• ·mtl COUl'Oll IAVlll CAif llttps ·em organized . tuy to col· Itel, tUY lO llUdJI whllt sllopplng. Sturdy envelopes for 12 grocery groupings 11t 1u1.wid Into p111St·slze book· ltt. IW' 1 3W. ~ 0 c..... ... (11121) ··~ Ill.Ill UL.Uhl PAL rel!MMbtrs.for rG•I Llls ~u ................. _ plan allt141 H11 r~m for llllly llOlel '~! 10'-., 11'1!•. HM01111 hoo~. O C.......'91 (73205) ............ fb4t lllllMT OWL NTHOLOllll Alll IUIUTICI A wise pale of pan llandlers-tllty add a Cllury nott lo kllclltnl Quiltt4 rayon1cotto11 •111' col· orful owl dts~n. H • 1 sYt·. 0 ... ...... (0-™'8) .... lei II I al:tt. WIATHU-illlf IWl gtvts a "lloot" about 1111 wuthtr- and ctianges color to' prow II! Ht s blue wftt!! •Ult art l11r; 11loltl wtltn a ctlangt Is 11111: plnll mtUI 11'1 "fowc· OUI· ......... Wllllk: 3!ft.: Ill o ....-... ~1~ Flmn YIUTIDf Tllll· Clffft tops your 11olld1y tlbll witlt colorful Christmas. ac:anH SIHinllltCI wttll brltfrt, OOIOtn uowfllUll A giaftt 5-4. r 12·"' Wlpe-cltan ptultc. D ""'CWtr (18021) • • • • • • • • • • • • • IAHA HUI ALL TH CAMI-In Ills ltol~dldlecl slllglll Grlltl119 Clrd Holder llu room tor Ill you rtce~! Merry decor to·UH yNr lfltr 111r1 Stu~ cr~oard. r lg. O CMIMftli (~I ............ ~ •lllllY nru POT llOlll1'I fllYI m..anttic grtpa tfllt cllllg to sttel surfaces.· Handy for holiday balling! Brlgllltns kltcbtnl Wull1lllt cotton1 rayon. kt er t . O Ywle-"'* (O·oooet) ...... ICICUHY llll toB IPHl1l .... CllYl1llll Tum your 1111 .... I winter wonderlJndl Twist dt1iGn flfllcts ewry light. PllStic; ~·. 0 12 ....... (0-43307) • . • • I ICHTID CHllT•U CAI· DUI In cllttry rtd. grltfl & wtlitt '" IONld Willl sculpn,,ICI, haM· ,.1n1tc1 y1lt dttignl Plump YO· tifts, pert.ct for ctntarJiea~ 0 ICMlll ((µ2572) ... CMftllTllAI Hftvtll DllM l••t lvely oflers snacks & flome-111~ golldits It llotl· d1y gtHdgtllltrs. Ro1111d Dlsll. 1~·; Oval. 11~· Plastic. 0 YMltllll ...... (17395) CHllY, C•IHY CHIU PEOrll llgllt up your !tome •ltll 1 lllppy Cllristmu splrill Cltolce of 3, H . Y 111. o c...,... ..... ~ ..... (117097) .......(971391 • Aellf (t7147) II OLD·FAHIOHD Hll llFT TAU ltllurt 3 differ· ent noslllglc Yule scenul O~llrt, mtrry·colortd old· time tags art llH"Y printed stock. 2· a 2~·; tie strings Incl. · 0 lift, ... (0-521711 ~ PHT YULE IOHY PIH- f utlve t rim for llo llOly ll1lrdo s! SILPU stocking stuffer tor young miu! Ill If t (3 prs) witll g1lty enJineltcl "signs 011111 sauon." O IM'9Pl1t ~t43tt) .. ·······~ Rm•llUt .......... ,.. ... gl~• • mffl!OlHklllJr look to notes. name cards, in- viUttons. rsV11'S, etc! Rich Flortntlne·linlsll pen writes 1n "gold"-4 "gold ink" car- tridOtS Incl. 0 ....... (0-5000S) ~ 11 U"IUI 1• A POUCMI A ltlltU' llA91 PUQUD tell kid's dra1m collectlon of col· !tit work! a room Is all llleirs! Or1vl..gln5 "clt's •Yt•" -In-Wlllt 1 ttlrlll tor any youno-ct.cli119 jurnb4 sllooter• All In tterl Ceramic: self-adheres sturdydrawstringl>ag-ready 2-· x 11'.·. 11111111 ..... to tr1de, PllY or stuh away! O ••• ,..._ .. O 71 llMlllu lfff'a (P.03061) . . ..• tNI.. (72504) .. . . . . lt:«t. .,.,., (P-03079) ..... ~ IMllCMTit CMWNtl ctea1kla .. elllly 11llrl Let trn d r1w on t11ll, sink, akin! Suds right off! Mild 501P: sate COlot In If U. 0 a.,.c.e.r (()..80119) • ·~ PICl-UP mcaa TMl A a.mtt .. lllAPll Not IHl "ttlCk: tiny tooll, awords, llclcllra. more! Try Hftlnt only one It 1 time wlttl 1-"' lleoll (lllCt). fvn fer a I 0 ........ (12122) . • . ,.ll·AWAY IClllOH IO •YWMHll Tuck In purn, (tlocktt. 111ttcue1 Always lllftfy Wiien you llHCI t!IMI !Sharp llttlt ICIUOIS IOld to fu1t 2~·1 tn vinyl case. a ,.. .. ...,. (IHtl) ........... tl:ol( tnP M CAUINl WITllOUT .. AllfTilAYI Palm·slu .. ,,. tnt butler tits In pocket, 1urst! Permits neat dl1poul 11 u~ts. anywhere! lt1th· irtttt·covereo metal 2~·. J ...,. ... ,,., <38174) . . ....... ft"l ,UllOHLIZH ,ocan. llZE •m N0-100 allftts to 1ot down lists & Important tfllngs to dot tQvy ltatlltrent cov.r: gokltn lttttring 3· x 4t't'. ltallu••· 0 ........ (P.73114)-. 0 I ... ,._ f0.73133)ftl( LADIU' MllCMT f'OClllr' NIHI •HEY, VALUAILH -Invisibly In bra' Lets you travel securely! Dainty 3• a 4• dacron pouch slips In bni & fastens to straps Whitt O l'M*·••Y (13880) .. . .. .... s'l':tt I· HAR PURSE llCAETMY tucks In purse or pocket-has 2-ytlr planning caltndu; phont·lddresa stetion: area code map. dates & pgsl Vinyl covtr: asst c:olofs. ,. .. ., (92213) . . .. "MOT FOOT" PADI 1111, flll w1111 in cold wntherl Give glow· ing warmth on body contact! Tnm & lip "" shoes. Cushion feel. tool 0 Met Feel (92304) • • • • .lt:q wu.l IOCIM lfeullm ,LATE! Waler-thin 1luml· num-permantnt copy car- rlts in waltet-can never tar or burn 3 • x t4'.•. S,ttlfy n••l••lltr. 0 .... lelerttw ,. ... (P.144261 . ·~ HCURITY DOH LOCI TIIAVIU WITM YOUI Installs without tools-Instantly! Just press into door lamb. Take along to motels. hotels & IHI sale!'"' 111't h "'"' ,,_ Hlliffl Mtlal. Q llyfHI Liii (99390) ~ HI llU•·DOW• NEILi! NoiUIUS Sl!Ot taps kHP hMIS lltW tor months' Non· skid potyu11thant wears llU Iron! ,_. tf I plr. 0 lllNT•••'Hk .~ .. .. 10·56697) ..... . . 10·56705) llUI N •TON MUI Mlf IOll- nmm •-~OllLY -,, ........ ,......~ IA•IOO IACI ICRARNEll lets you get 10 tllost ltard·to· rNCll stOUI 17" lg '""'sturdy prongs tor 111-111siiinno rt- llt ll Solid bamboo. cleverly carved Hanging loop Q ktlelMr 147167) WMIU MAIR HUIMU CWJI II IECOHll Clever brush cltllltr has angrtd wire brlstlts Zlp1 out trapped hair, lint effortlessly' Rugged spnng steel plastic handle, 4· lg 0 1 ... aa.-c1e11 (88096) .. llAll llllll AT PORCTLYI .... ,. '"'''''. ,,., ,, leal · lnvlsiblt · gu11ds slip under any size ring-masslvt or petite. man's or wom· an·s-lor a per1ec1 ht! ltl 11 i widths. vinyl. 0 ..... (0-t6046) ,.,.. HVH saum1 HOTMER TUil ol toothpaste. allam· poo. hair crnm. Just push button ror right amount. Plas11c dispenser empties tube! Self·mounta 1n a 1iffy' O PtU·A-T•H (301811) ··~ TAU FUZZ OFF IWUTUll D.full-11 whisks balllno. matting. pilling from swuttra. blanltets, coats 1n aeton05! Sturdy plll,I~ _ 0 D-.f1Zl·ll(227491 .. ·~ IYHLAll REPAIR llT lets you tighttn or replace binge screws In T*ff HAI Rf PHFlCTLY, .. ITAITLY ••th comfortable t lutlc uttnders. Simply 11001t onto bra & volla-a per1ect ht! W1Jte 0 ,....... (().99168) 3 .. (t.le. a ,....... <0-9917al ,..,~ 0 ...._(()..99184)Zllf~ seconds! Hu mini-screwdriver. -~ maonityino glass. 4 screws. ~ Sam trips to optician-& m2,.'1ty~ .._ 0 a,.a1n (H 5t1) ..... p,qP"_ --• FAMllY WESU.Y. August t , 1111 IDW YOU CAI WU'f AWAY Ill rAllT, UHllMI Specillly 1r11tld cloth mHls furniture stripping euyl No d1ngtrou1 chemlClls. lumes! .. _ _,.wipe! .... "2. O llrl,,.,. (0-13396) . . ...•.. ·~ YllllTH WOllLY CIAIR Liii: rungs, any loose wood IOlntJ-Wlthollt otue. cllmps, • mw· -Pt11" l111tct1 amulng sW1lh11111g1nl fhlt maJces 'em frt & stay tlgllll OTlte·""" (Mlotl .. ..~ lal.IH UITlll CUTTER CUTI Un.I from mttll to tiuue paper-& never needs sharpening! Tlle se- crtl? Blades ot se1t-sharptn- 1ng 1tttl! 1-· 1g . o • atarc.t tS3n7) ... . ···~ TWllT·TIE DllrEHH- Spool holds 151 ft . of g,.111 plastic twist-lit HlllCly 1H111t- ln CUHlf sn1p1 olf lllt UICI length you need! Great for gar· denlng. 1tor1gt1truh bags. more! 0 Twt1Hln (9308ll ~ IAIY LA.WI IDllH-.IUIT HAW A U.I Grass & wttds won't cross It' No more tnm- ming-.fitrl Lasts all ut-son Kiits grus 1n cement cracks. loo. 8 oz.s. treat 100 t111nr It. 0 U.."~•(35907)fhq DOI I CAT 1.0. THI! St•i"'tss stetl ug assures pet's ur1 return wlltn ht strays! Looks liu aoecorattve pendant! ""'" ,..., •••· '*'""a,..., _,..r. 0 ... "' (P-t ... 15) IN. 0 Cit Ttt (P..99473) ~ lllVH WAIN WllDDWll Just whisk wonder Cloth over any glas 111r1ace. Special cllttrliuls rult1 water stains, am-... Grut for MMS~ man, WilldllMl, IOOl.111'" ~ ..... CIMlt (80451) • • • • Clif llAT _..NT Tl .... I ft.Oltll '91111 C9111er on.., a tlot· .. ..,., ............ 1ft~11ft·. ,..... ...... 1111111 ·~---.... -__ 0 Cll .. (~451M). • DOW'T CHOP, DHl OR IUIT to Ott nd of atumps! Pour Stump-Ro1 1n10 pre-drolled holes-it 11tt...,..., 11. hrsl Helps decompose & preptrt slump for easy rt· moval by slow bumi119.I ou 0 .... , .... («974) ~ ~ ·~ . _ __: .• °'W" IUPU IOID-A DllOP MOLDI A TOii Cements m11e1. gins. ceramic, ruo- ber, plastic. No m1Jling-1p- plirs from l\lbl1 No damps- sats 1n 1 min Holds 5,000 lbs pull per sq. 1n. 132 bOndt:. __ a ........ (8123') ~ HrH lrHll ITOPI FWOIT trom lormlng on car wlncl1h1ekl! Ends .c.._plng; ltffPI view cltarl Spec1111y 1rut1d with anll·trost agent -lust rullon wlndsllitld, win· dows Alllsabl1. .0 ,,.. ... ., (71741) l't:4t FOLDAWAY lllH RAU EJIOI lf'tW II CAAi Flips open 10 hold canorcup hrmty. Folds flat to sup rn gtove com· pat1mtnt. Hoolll steurely into window trlCl. Plastic, 7~· 10 C lrill_..... (133421 .. • . . • .. .. fto:q OOl'T LOCI YHA•Lf OUT OF llOUH, CAii! Magnetic cases lllOt sptre !lays utety. Cling to Iron or stHI ca~• bellind drain. under lender. ttc sc"1.1~··2~·.11uu. O ~n (0-IN31) ..... ~ cu DAIMIOUD co•rUI shows true dlrtetionl BolO blldl lltters help kelp yo1 "Oft course" 141 car, bolt. t•: lllCtion-moutt'• __ 0 C..,111 (43021) • • . ·~ ILAll TAii nN UU ITll1. ITUPll Sllf-Mllaltt ~ ... ..,.. wltll l•Dl'llUl-rt· lilts 1111 to 200 1111. ~st Sells ,......, "°"'· .... ~-o _. ...... (412"4) DIE WI" llll'I FOi HI •IT ._Tl AllOlcl ICCidlnts due to poor windshield vision I Chemically treated sponge helps kHP windows. mirrors log-fret tor wttlls! 0 ,....., (64118) ••••••.•••••• ~ Al .... 11 TOH lllTL I IAVll liq11ld Y1nyl·Meftd quicllly dries 10 strong. pl11blt m11t· "''· lilo mixingl Mtnds tears. burns, IPIU seams: vinyl, can· vu. 11c I 1 ~ oz. 0 vi.,. ..... (107931 .•.•... ~ '~-.. ~ ~' :. __ ·~C . . . AICTIC Utll&U UU U · RlllUlHPllQlllJlllttill . with lllklnt IOclal Poly PM· oul11 & babr 11t111 lffofb toed odors & musty 1mt111 D Aiii.... . .~ 4° ...... l1(1H74) ft• ..... (IOtl5) IUCf 111011 HRFlctLY. IAfllYI Handy bolcttt tw ll m inltss st"' prono1 to gnp 11ippery onions: guide knife tor 'Mr1tet. thin llicetl Wide handle kHPI lingers safe! 0 0.lel-MeN (990931 ....••••.... ~ NlllCll PIY CUfTBl llAld nn auco Qulcllty, ... 11y1 Sllarp mttll thrtldt form erk! tltat slices right t11ro119ll ,.. tato-savt• time. luul Uni· form lllca try bltllf, tools"·· O fry c.atr (W03) .. ,. ••..• fhtt IUPEJI IClllOllt Cllt 1lmo1t anything-paper, cardbcwd. cord. linoleum. fabric! Clip llowera. small branches! Zip thru fisll. poultry-bones & all! Mt111 & plastlc: e· 1g. Q S.,..ktuen (58161) ....... : ..• ·~ llAIT FOHi LIFT HAITI, POULJ1tY, NAiii fron1 pan to pl• tlfl 12" 10 with wide tintt; ll!Me NttJno a dncll! Wllod lllll.dlll. 0 I F•-lllll (0-15811) .. ftl.4t A OUtea nnn opens the most stubborn jars & bottles! HHever- 1ge Jar WrJllCll loosens lids from tiny nail Polish bpttle to.big "lctie .i.. Plated stftl 1~· lg. 0 .,.,... .. (45131) MMOY ...... NlllUt Ala:zP ....... flalllls frozen looda With 111e con- tents I d1te. Specl1I Ink writes on foll, frMzer wrap. b•o• a boaH ... ,, ,... tnl 0 ,... ... (20el5) ....• ., ..... ~ CUT POYAll IAltl8 TI• II MAI.fl Alumlaum Plltlto Blur conducts heat to center ot POlltO FAST Bikes lntlde out .. ltt .. 2. Eull llold1 4 potJ:tou. 0 .... , ... (0·99051) MM. fUI 111111 lllY All 10 llwe a lone & l11111riou1 Ille. havtlful Neptu11t Fe111 from Entllth Cll11ntl growtlls. "911 ltlVtr have to w11tr-doun'I need soil! l.Mt on air without car....__ 0 Ute,.,. (17451) .. ~ MIX Oii llAlCH MUI AllY I Oii llOM .,... .. ~ CATM.Oe -.y 8& ,, ....... .....--~ laTAIT •1. CUDY -.. •I tt 24 ,... ... ot HUP. 11uce, dretsing mixes. Holds • 't111 upriglft, eny-to·findl White. plalllc·coatecl wire, 7• • a 3llo", Stindt: flln91. .0 •11~ (8'702) ........... !Mt_ C0,,11 POT LIH·ALlll •rtttlly 11oi.1 iMtMt coffff on tlllle, countw. Screw-lite lid 11-.s It httll. Nlet tor 1ug1r, cr11mer1, too. Cry•· tll·dt&r plastic, llallfy sp00n tnciudld. 4V." hllfl. a.... .. O Wee ,.. C171MI ··~ tHAT·llEfUCTlll DllP PMI give old electric r1noe cltan new look! ll•Ract k1tt Spttd cOOlling: "" power! Cllrome·plated stul: lit notclltd pan elements 0 1· Ott, Pu 1734581 C't:4l_ 0 ... '"',.. (731M) IN( CllfHY NTMOLHll All •AlllTICI lrlgllt ··Ho1111 Swwt Home" 11e11111 adds a lllHY nott II Ntntl• II.old ttlem prettily on atove: 1ny metal tur1act ...... 2. 0 ..... .,..... (0-IMn) ......... ~ WI ITEtiCILS give SwHI trlltS 1 flllCy touch! Just pllCe on to p: sprinkle with sugar. nuts; lltt off. ltt 91 I incl. cit· •Ions tor wedding, b1nlld1y, etc. Reuublt . 0 CIU ltllldls (0-M393) ..... NH .. AUIH HI •Al MIUCll U\ICUfft LIUTI cu'I 1lld1I Olsll stays ltllll II~",.,. ... '"'' CMllfY ,._ on lop & lloCtOfll lncrlClllllt 111111 Is run by a lloldlillt. ~floor. too. -~ ell! ltllt" ,.._ Wllitl ri..,t wltll lllrl!Y pup-llfttralH ill PoWlf • ....,. ..... tfW1tH· ...... 1 ....... -tofl•adlltt...,..... -· -wlllla .... lllyl llllldY! 0 ..... (145151) ~ 0 ..,lJllll(41171) .. 1T'!9t ........... IMHIULMIU llftll ftfTE A llPVllll AD· Dlfll AUii! JHt Wtl & sti'"· For all rtatlOllnT-dlecb. llOob, IDOi 3 ffllll-..... _, 11111........,.,. 0 .. '*" (D-72541) ~ 0 DI.,_.., (351H) ~ IMAL II THE DAMI Giant Ez· Su 0111 glows 1n lht dartl. Lu· mlnous numerals are over 3 times Ille size ot regular phont numbers Enos tum· lllHI Adhesive tlack. Black plaa11c. 114 tf 2. 0 (1·01111 (0·1198•9) ~ llllt.AY YOH TitUhlH PLATH 011 lland501M llard· wooer llinoeo us1t1. £1tg1111 ebony enamel fln1111 entlancta your collected pltcta shows tlltm off btlutltu=I 0 t· &Ml (536-tS) •.• 0 .. &Ml (531152) • • . • YOUI FLY TUI' CllCHEI I IATI llHCTll Eata me11. 1001 Ont of nature·a rarltiu l Producu uotlc w h1lt blossoms. pink traps Bulb develops In 3_. weeks O VMlll'll'., 19201101 . . . . . . . . . .s):oq "lnl" MAl .. UP kHPS all your llouuhold l11y1 In one handy place I Carved trom wood & ndlty stained. 11 sptlls out .. keys" -has 3 hooks to hang lhtm on. II It". 0 • .,. .•• .,., (8~51) OUTOOOll TMEHOMETEll presa-mounls 10 your window outside-you read tempera· turt 111 eomlort from inside. E11y-r11d1ngJ No tool• to fn. sllll! Plastic: 1~·. o .......,..n.,. (17031) ...•••. ~ Mfl....aTI ICU'-"Wl Wblmllcllty llOfU• I ttn11t· llln dHply tntfOIHd-1• tllt 111wst (Wiii '" m1lnt1ln Illa po1ttlon on tht IHuttl) CIMr 111ttllcflft: 3". O" .......... .. (12580) ........... ~ MIX CNt MATCH MUI .... °" ... lftmtM1"1• CATA&.00 OM. Y 811! (1 ........ ,,.... . ......, Bii u.mY -VII: LUllM IOOlll loot pOStl sprl11g In pt1e1: 1111· ad1u11 to flt shelvta ll'r"· 131'1°111. Hold boob. records. m11uines nntly up11g11t Goldtone metll: 1tt ef I. 0 ...... (0·9M2') ···~ IEYU OYU·WATUI 011 lllda-wmll l'\MTll Water- R111 tells you wlltn to water• Insert In 1011..,..turns white wnen water's needed. grHn Wlltn Okay. Ptdl ti •. 0 Wlltlt'llllt (0· n298) •"h4t. IEYlll MAIO·LAUIDEll HOH 011 LlllElllE HAlll Do them saltly 1n wuher & dryer with nylon 11111y Washer Cue! Protects from sn1as. tw1st1~I Holds up to 12 pr Real tlma & work 11.v~~· 0 Wllall-CUI (81067) rr.c( HIP YOUll llATTllHI IUllHllE fllHH wlttt 11t-1r11i4 ,r111ctlH cennl "Envelope · Cover of 1011. pllablt plastic comptttely en· closes mattress on IOP. t1ouom. 11ae1 Let11h1 lovtly pattern on mattress covarlng show thru- & mattrtUH stay clean, newt Slops on In 1 Jilly! Wlttrproot: alltrgy-lrea 0 Twit •1ttr1u C:.Wtf (9791111) . . •!$ 0 ftltl ... tu C... IHOCMI . . • • • 0 lleffl lbttrul C:.Wtr (98012) . . . • _........ ............... ---------------~~- MAH 11 IMllTI II t• Of CLOUT IPACl-wttbout cruslltn0. wrtnta1ng ! Juat llOott caddy over clont rod & llano clothing. Taper·dtS~n 1wo1ds wnnllhng. Stffl. 1· wd. 0 IMrtCIUy (69704) HE·TOUCM ILIOElll move huviest appltlftctt with east: tnd Struggling to rearrange furnlture1 Rulltltr tops; nicktl·coated bottoms 2· diam. ltttt•. 0 ......... (D-49320) • . . • . .• l'Ht