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1981-10-11 - Orange Coast Pilot
_, ORANGE COAST YOUR HOMETOWN UllY PAPER SUNDAY. OCTOBER 11 , 1981 ,, OfiANGE COUNl Y, CAI IFORNIA . SO CENTS ' · Egypt entonibs fallen leader Sadat f CAIRO, Egypt <AP> -Egypt buried its fallen leader Anwar Sadat on Saturday to t he • ' homage or w9rld leaders, the comforting words or the Moslem holy book and the sorrowful fury of thousands of ordinary Egyp· tlans kept Crom bidding a final farewell . At one point during the stately ceremony. gunfire briefly clat· * * * Carter, Ford return WA S HIN GTON l AP ) Former Presidents Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter re· turned late Saturday from what Ford call ed a ·'very sad and very emotional trip to Cairo" for the funeral of assassinated Egy ptian Presid e nt Anwar Sadat. The two former presidents ar· rived in a presidential jetliner at Andrews Air Force Base outside Was hington about 9: 25 p.m., where they were greeted by about 100 people on a chilly evening. Each of the two spoke briefly to the crowd before boarding other planes to fl y t o their homes, Ford going to Palm Springs, Calif., and Carter to Plains, Ga. Richard Nixon, the third former president who was part of the U.S. delegatio n to the funeral, did not return with Ford and Carter. Ins tead, Nixon made an unannounced trip lo Saudi Arabia and met in Riyadh with Saudi King Khaled. Nixon's trip was private and there were few details about it. Ca rter s aid the Ame rican d elega t ion "returned with absolutely no doubt that Egypt and Israel are absolutely com· mitled to the completion of the Camp David peace process" between the two long-lime foes. On the long flight back, there were predictions from con· gressiona l leaders that Presi· dent Reagan's proposed sale of military hardware to the Saudis. inc luding five sophisticated radar planes, will win con- gressional approval. Sen. Charles Percy, R-111 .. told reporters aboard the plane that he thinks the Senate will ap· prove the deal by a two-vote margin. P e r cy. who was also a member or the u s. delegation. s aid the Senate Foreign Rela· tions Committee of which he is chair man, will vote against the s ale by a 9-8 margin. But he pre· dieted full Senate approval by a two-vote margin. The proposed s ale has been sharply criticized . tered as police had to drive back a surging crowd trying to reach the burial site. The assassinated presldept • was laid to rest at Egypt's tomb of the unknown soldier, on the desert outs kirts of Cairo, bene ath a black m onolith memorializing him as a '"hero of war and peace." But his Arab enemies, who saw treachery in Sadat's separate peace with Israel, re· joiced. ''The traitor ls bur ied forever,'' proclaimed Syrian state radio. Three former U.S. presidents and dozens of other world states- men paid final tribute to Sadat and then Clew home, leaving behind an Esypt stunned by its loss, anxious over the ri.ture and seet'hing with unrest among Moslem fundamentalists, the re· ligious· extremrsts blamed Cor Sadat's assassination. Security was so tight that the Egyptian public was barred from t he funeral ceremony, which took place under the mid· day sun on the same military parade ground, in s uburban GRANDEUR PRESERVED -Someone once said that William Randolph Hearst's "castle" at San Simeon shows "what God could have IMlly,.... ..... ., .._.O'o..41 done if He· d had money ... Heirs and the state now share ownership. Other views of the stunning rooms and artwork on Page AS . Nasr, or Victory Cit y, where the president was fatally wounded in a blaze of gunfire las t Tue:i· day . After four days of relative res traint, public mourning welled over. C rowd s rus h e d fr o m boulevard to boulevard in sear ch of a way around the * * * police cordons and to the parade grounds "Sadat! Sadat! You will live again'" they shouted. "As long as the peace persists your spirit will remain alive with us ." While the dignitaries were paying respects to the widow, Jihan ·Sadat, one crowd ap· <See SADAT'S, Page A2) * * * Haig, leaders warn Libyans ' CA IRO, Eg ypt I AP > Secretary of State Alexander M. Haig Jr. and leade rs of five other nations agreed Saturday on the need to defend the Middle East from "both external in t ervenlion and internally manipulated intervention," a U.S. spokesman reported. State Department spokesman Dean Fischer said the warning was intended to discourage other nations fro m tryi ng to make trouble in countries such as Egypt in the wake of the as- sassination of President Anwar Sadat. Asked if the statement was directed at Libya, Fischer said, "If the shoe fits, wear it." Haig m et separately with leaders from Israel, Oman, Somalia, Sudan and Liberia after Sadat's funeral. Fischer said he did not know whether the proposed sale of AW ACS radar planes to Saudi Arabia was discussed with I s ra e l i Prim e M i ni ster Mena chem Begin, who opposes the deal. But Begin, after returning to Tel Aviv from Cairo, told re· porters he had discussed the A WACS with Haig. "You can probably divine what I said and what he said," Begin added. He also s aid "som e new problems" were raised at uie meeting, but he refused to elaborate. • The prime minister brushed aside questions about an Israel R a d io r epor t t ha t h e and Preside nt-desig nate Hosoi Mubarak sought to coordinate strategy agains t the Libyan re· g im e o f Co l . Moa mmar Khadafy, a bitter critic o( the Egyptian-Israeli peace pact who praised Sadat's assassins. A State Department official, who did not want to be iden· tif1ed . s aid the s t atem ent against both external and in· te rn al interve nt ion wa s "perhaps a little more pointed" than llaig's previous wa rnings against intervening in the af- fairs of other countries. "It is a warning to make sure everyone understands what we a re concerned about," said the official. Asked if the warning applied to involvement by other coun· tries in the activities or Moslem fundamentalist groups in Egypt. Fischer said that it did . "I wouldn't suggest we had evidence of that, but . . . the secretary's remarks in that re- gard ought to be interpreted as an expression of awareness of the danger of that happening," Fischer said. He said such involvement is "one example of the kind of things we are concerned about." Egypt has said the four men who attacked Sadat were fanatical Moslem fundamentalists. Balloonists over northern Alabama La nding expected today T h e Super Chi c ken Ill balloonists appeared late Satur- day to be on the verge of com- pleting the first-ever balloon flight across the continental U.S. Super Ch icken Con trol in Scottsdale, Arizona, reported Saturday that the balloonis ts. who s tarted their journey early Friday an Costa Mesa, were over: no rthern Alabama and doing· fine. : Top volleyball team's failure puzzling Spokesman Tom Mazzetta: s aid crew members J o hn; Shoecraft and Fred Gorrell; spoke with their ground crew at 9 :03 p.m. PDT and reported that they were eight miles west of Gadsden, Alabam a, and cruising at a speed of SO knots (about 57 miles per hour i a nd a height of 24,700 feet. One minor problem , the failure of the gondola's healing system, was not creating dif· ficulties for the pair, Mazzatta s aid . Des pite frigid tem- peratures at their altitude they r eportedly were flying with their windows open and bundled up in warm clothing. Was county's promising model for amateur athletics ever more t ha n a 'house of cards '? By GLENN SCOTT Of tM o.lly ...... Slaff It was only a few years ago that the American National Volleyball Association produced an amateur team that was one of the premier squads in the country, if not tbe world. The team of girls initially selected from a group of 150 who tried out one November day in 1973 at Golden West Coll ege quic kly m atured under what seemed at the time a wiMing formula of intense training and aggressive fund·raising. They drilled 30 hours per week in practice sessions during the school year, 40 during the s um- mer. They arranged offbe~t ex- hibitions suc h as challenging boys' and men's teams -and beating them. A youthful sales force was dis· patched to sell exhibition tickets ON THE INSIDE HOGGING THE BUSINESS! -When Aaron Funk couldn 'l find a caterer to roast a whole pig for a party, he built a barbe· cuing machine that he now sells to restaurants. See Page Cl. POSITI VE PORTRAIT -It may be p ainful fo r Jackie t()nassls lo go down memory lane, but Jaclyn Smith, who portrays tbe former flrst lady ln a TV movie about the KeMedy years, hopes she will watch. See Pase ee. door-to-door, urging people to buy them as a charitable dona· lion even if they didn 'l care to attend the matches. The team's reputation grew, the crowds grew, the treasury grew. The organ ization was hailed as a model for developing athletic squads . A match at Orange Coast Co llege drew 3,000 fans. Another in Torrance at· lracted 5,000. When the girls fina lly were old enough, many enrolJed at the U ni versity of Southern California where they promptly won a national collegiate title. A few more championships later, five of the girls advanced to the next rung -the one they had prepared for. They joined the U.S. national women's team in Colorado as 'it aimed for the 1980 Olympic Games in Moscow. INDEX SUNDAY SPECIAL They would ha've gone to Moseow favored to win a medal -one of the few times an American voll ey ball team achieved s uch a lofty reputation -but the U.S. participation was called off after' Russian tanks rolled into Afghanistan. It was about the same time tbe players' hopes for Moscow sank that their old organization back in Orange County also began to go under. A $200,000 gymnasium was built stri c tly for training purposes for the orga nlzation in early· 1980. It was billed as the first gym built in North America solely for volleyball. Before t.be year was out, the gym had been vacated and the only nets in use were the eossamer webs s trung by spiders. Bills started piling up faster than press clippings and by January 1981, the directors of ANV A filed a bankruptcy peti· lion in U.S. District Court in Los Angeles claiming to owe $450,000 with no way to pay off the debts. The gym ls st.ill empty and locked. Brent Ascouch, lawyer and spokesman for tbe landlord, Los Caballeroe Spol'U Club in Fountain Valley, says the facili- ty, which doesn't even have bleachers, la "klnd of a White elephant." ANVA'a collapse Wll IO •wt.ft ind so sever~ that some of t.bole who had dealings with the or· ganization were left wondering if the promis ing m odel for a m ateur athletics ever had been more than what one skeptic dubbed "a house of cards." But the man whose financial savvy was responsible during ANVA's heyday for bankrolling its athletic su ccess, Donald Green of Huntington Beach, claims• t)le organization couJd have been saved. He says it wu a combination of mismanage- ment and the demoralizing ef· feels of the Olympic boycott that caused the collapse. Green was no longer affiliated with ANYA by the time the bankruptcy action was taken. He had resigned bis post as chief operating omcer under pressure from the board of directors who charged in the bankruptcy papers that his "ln· volvement in this matter ahouJd be given a very thorough in· vestigaUon." The Orange County District Attorney's Office, for one, did look lnto tbe way ANY A raised it.a funds, but tbe investigation was bat~ after the bankruptcy action. Deputy District Attorney DI ane Stavenhacen aaid there wasn't enouyh evtdence to merit a persona examination or Green's role. Green wbo says "you could write a boOk'' about the ANVA'1 hlalortt. uld the oraanlsation still managed lo carry out its original function: To train young players to improve the cali ber of the U.S. national team. As far as I'm concerned," he says. "it was a smashing suc- cess." Indeed. probably no group of women volleyball players ever enjoyed the athletic success achieved by ANYA 's first string under coach Chuck Erbe, who is now the head coach for t he USC women's team. The youth program began in 1973 as the Orange County Volleyba ll Club, a parent. sponsored organization. The better players, however, were separated and were quick· ly initiated into a more demand· ing training regimen. This group was intended to be the eventual world class squad. It was named the American Junior N aUonal Volleyball Association. Erbe said his team initially bad the support of the United States Volleyball Association, which ls the sanctioning body for the sport. Jn 1975, tht>ugh, tbat support was lifted and the squad was in· structed to change its name so not to compete under a deaigna· tlon that might be confused with the USVBA's naUonaJ team. It was during that same Ume that USVBA officials became concerned about Green's tund· raisins tactics. ln later lawsuits, USVBA leaden charged that the door-to ·door sales people (See WHAT, Pate AC) "They're in great spirits," Mazzetta said. Barring major difficulties, the balloonists and their lO·story high helium balloon will com- plete their night sometime after d aybrea k Sa turday n ea r Charleston, S.C .. Mazzella said. Shoecraft and Gorrell report· ed in their 9 p.m . call that they would lowe r the balloon 's altitude to about 20,000 feel and spend the night at that height. Mazzella said. Don't forget bridge open West bound motorists will be shirted onto the new seven.Jane P acific Coast Highway bridge in Newport Beach Monday morping. C(ty officials are warnln1 drivers to expect traffic conces· lion Monday because the west approach to the bridge will be narrowed to one lane. The one· lane restriction is expected to last from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. Eastbound traffic will remain on the old bridge. Officials say It will be two weeks before tbil trafllc ls routed onto tbe new structure. • ' • 0 0. • CIU Or1nge Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday. October 11 , 1981 I , ... Do you think Orange County is ready for a major music center? I f the proposed Orange County Music Center is completed, will you use the facilities? By JEFF PARKER OfU..OMlyPIMeltllft M•rk Hastlftgs, cwu ~J Cost. Mesa, computer theorist: "Sure we could use more culture here. I'd certainty attend myself. We've got little enough cultural out- lets here to begin with -television is about It, and Reagan just killed $300 mllllon In funds from PBS. I hope the new center t ries to represent the ethnic makeup of this county." 00 • .~·r•J b I I; i~n t..1 ,. " J! I tdlko TurJey, Cotta Meu, housewife: "I'm looking forward to the center, and I'm thinking about doing some volunteer work for It. There's a real need for a cultural center here. I t's shameful to have all this affluence and so little cultural to do." t';~lt C:tl'1 I Rick Cohrone, -Jtll Huntington Beach, optician: -llU o!d 9hl· i i;.t -~ "No dOubt about it, with seven million people In Los Angeles it's hard Just to get tickets sometimes. That center would give people In Orange County a better shot at musicals and events. This is a highly populated and highly cultural area and a center is long overdue." ~' H l"''i .) ~·' ' ., Mike Daly, El Toro, postman: "I think it's a good Idea because ever yone here has to go to Los Angeles now. I think Orange County has enough people and culture to sup- port it. Right now, all you can do Is go to Los Angeles.'' Bob DeCrescentis, Huntington Beach, warehouseman: "I'm not into classical music personally, but I think that center woutd bring a lot of people into the area. I'm not so sure that's what this place needs now. I've got nothlno againsf people, but Orange County is overcrowded as It i s right now. I'd hate to see It turn into another Los Angfles." llr Han-ISOft, ,.ewport Beach, student: "I 'd certainly go myself. I go to Los Angeles all the time. The county is populated enough to support such a venture and I think culturally, we're definitely ready," Dawn Porter, Costa Mesa, bookkeeper: . "I wouldn't go myself because 1 'm not into that kind of music. But I think the county is ready for it and we need a cultural place to go." ·~1...------------------------------------------------- ~ew Dallas 'mystery' .. olved: It's Kristin LOS ANGELES CAP> - .. Dallas " watchers got the answer lo a mystery that the popular television serial left hanging in spring, but the at· tempt at creating the public in· lerest of last year's "Who Shot J . R.?" show flopped. A woman's body was found in the swimming pool at South fork Ranch, home of the oil-rich Jwing clan, and viewers in the ~ring were left to speculate who she was and whether the villainous J .R. Ewing, played by actor Larry Hagman, killed her. Not quite the s ummertime phenomenon of "Who Shot J . R.?" this year's cliffhanger was answered in Friday nitht's sea~on-opening show: The body turned out lo be last year's culprit. Kristin Shepard - J .R.'s former mistress and the one who shot him played by Mary Crosby. Last season's mystery stirred intense interest in the United States and England, and the show exposing the culprit broke all viewing records. There was much less publicity this lime around. In Friday's episode, J .R. im· mediately became a prime su.s· pect in Kristin's death. He has been portrayed as having a strong motive to want to be rid of the young woman, who said ·he fathered her child. J . R. was taken to police head· quarters ror questioning, but the show's producers say it will take several episodes to clear up all llspects of the mystery. ORANGE COAST Daily Pilat Claaalfl9d advertlalng 7141842·5678 All other department• 1542-4321> Thomas P Hatey ""°*"'*""" o.i e.-... ome-Aobert N. Weed ~ Thomas A. Mul'Ohine l-..or Michael P Harvey M-illt~ L. Kay Schultz ~OI~ Kenneth N Goddard Jr ~Ondor ~ird Sctlulman Oolel H. Loos .......... ~ _Carol A Moore • -.-.-u- MAIN°"'C£ 1oJO West..., St, C-. Mltw, CA. Mall ecklt'nf: 9o1 IJtO. C:.la Maw, CA. '761' Cottvtf9114 ''" Olanot Celtt ""'4tslllnt c~,. No ,..~ stoflH, lltv1t1e1lools, ffttwlal "'an~~,.. Vt rtllit-................. t~ •"'*-t41«la l l*mf"*'flf <tllYtltflt OWMt Schmitz • fined $3,000 SACRAMENTO <AP> Republican 11tate Sen. J ohn Schmitz of Corona del Mur and his cumpaign staff have agreed to pay $3.500 in fines for violat· ing state campaign reporting laws in 1978, the Fair Political Practices Commission said> Schmitz, currently a can· dldate for the Republican nomination for the U.S. Senate, and his campaign committee were fined $3,000 and hi~ cam· paign manager, Loretta Tam bourine, was fined $500. Charges against his campaign treasurer. James Hadobas, were dismissed. Schmitz admitted in an agree· ment submitted to the Orange County Superior Court that he failed to accurately report pay- ments made to an Orange Coun· ty consulting firm during his 1978 campaign for the state Senate from the 36th District Schmitz's campaign state· ment has reported a payment of $6,500 to the polling firm of Opinion Research Inc. and failed to state that $.5,000 of that was earmarked for the Butcher· Forde consulling firm . The statement also failed to list another $10,442 payment to Butcher-Forde that was in- cluded in payments made to Below·Tobe, a mailing firm. The FPPC (iled the lawsuit against Butcher· Forde and others in August 1979. Another defendant, Chandler Media Inc .. has already paid a $1 ,000 fine Anaheim man arrested in BP homicide An Anaheim man has been charged with .murder in the shooting death of an 18-year-old Buena Park man whose body was found in an alley in Buena Park early Saturday. Derek Ralph Mitzel, 18, of Anaheim turned himself in to Buena Park detectives at about 5·30 p.m. Saturday and was charged in the case, Buena Park police said. The investigation of the homicide is continuing. police said. Dead is William Michael O'Connor of Buena• Park. who police found in an alley off Santa Inez Way in that city al 3:55 a .m. Saturday. A single gunshot wound was the apparent cause or death. police said. Tbe body was discovered when police responded to a call stating that there was a person down in the alley. police said. ""_. champion of ptatt ... ...... .___ ,. .. ,._....... Foreign d1g111taries and common folk bid farewell Saturday tu Egypt's Presulent Anwar Sadat assassinated Tuesday To many he was a visionary statesman. a peacemaker. But to many of his /~I/ow Arabs he was reviled as a traitor From Page A1 SADAT'S FUNERAL .... parently tried' to crash through a police line onto the grounds, and the officers fired Into the air lo repel them. No injuries were re· ported. The three ex·presidents - Richard M. Nixon, Gerald R. Ford and Jimmy Carter -got a first-hand look at the violent g rief when their motorcade brus hed within 20 yards of a stick·waving throng of Egyp· tians being pushed back by police. The 62-year·old Sadat, the Nile Valley villager's son who rose to become his nation's supreme leader for 11 years, was borne to his grave in a solemn military procession along the parade grounds's October Sixth Avenue, named for the Oct. 6, 1973, Egyp. tian offensive that opened the last Arab·lsraeli War. The day's ceremonies began with a prayer service over the casket in a mosque at the Maadi military hospital, where the body had lain since the as· sassination. The slain presi· dent's son, Gama!, 25, and other male family members took part in the private service. The casket was then flown nine miles by helicopter to a stadium at the Nasr parade grounds and, draped in the red· white·and·black Egyptian flag, was loaded onto a caisson drawn by six black stallions. Nine units of blue·bereted pres idential guardsmen , ' paratroopers and other soldiets marched slowly in the lead, many carrying a green thicket of memorial wreaths, as the pro- cession began on schedule at 11 : 15 a . m. A military band # played the national anthem and somber martial music. The Egyptian and foreign mourners trailed behind. The dark-suited Hosni Mubarak·, Sadat's successor and Gamal Sadat, holding hands, were in the first rank. Haig was near the front, and Nixon, Ford, Carter and former U.S. Secretary of State Henry A Kissinger were in the mass of mourners behind. Thirteen pallbearers, includ· ing Gamal Sadat, carried the cas ket up a red-carpeted !?ta1rway to the gravesite, beneath the soaring pyramid· like monument to the unknown sotdier. They carried it down into the narrow, white-marble tomb. As they did so, Mrs. Sadat, wearing a black dress and tinted glasses, broke down for the first time during tbe l l,o\z·hour -old ceremony, bursting into uncon· trolled weeping. .. Remember that God created you and God will call you back to him," a Moslem preacher re· cited from the Koran. ''For life and death are not your right to decide. God chooses the hour. And in your life as in your death .you should acknowledge that God is great." Crashes take toll on youth A 17·year old youth wus killed and another ser iously Injured when the motorcycle they were riding collided with a car in Newport Beach ln an unrelated accident, two Orange Coast teen-agers were rn1ured Suturday when the car in which they were riding ov~r· turned in Costa Mesa. Dead in the first accident is David Triggs, 17. whose addre.ss was una\tailable. Triggs died of injuries sustained in the early morning accident at 2 p.m Fn· day at Fountain Valley Com munity Hospital. according lo hospital officials. Word of Triggs· death was withheld until Saturday be~ause his pare nts h a d not been notified. Another person on the motorcycle, 17-year-old Frank Olvera of Santa Ana, remained in serious condition at the Foun· lain Valley hospital late Satur· day. Newport Beach police said the two were traveling south on Superior Avenue shortly before I a .m Friday when their motorcycle veered into the northbound lane and collided with an oncoming car. It is still unclear who was driving the motorcycle. The driver of the car. John Arthur Reynolds, 25, of Newport Beach , was c harged with drunken driving, police said. In another accident, 17 ·year· ol d Sonia Rush of Costa Mesa and D~bra Wander. 18, of llunt· ington Beach were hospitalized after a car 1n which they were riding overturned in Costa Mesa early Saturday afternoon. The driver of the car. is.year· old Jeff Perrin of Costa Mesa , was uninjured. The accident 1s still under investigation. Costa Mesa police said the car was traveling north on Placentia Avenue al about 12 45 p.m Saturday when it overturned on a curve south of Swan Drive. The accident is still under in vestigation. Miss Rush was listed in fair condition al Fountain Valley Community Hospital late Satur day. Miss Wander was treated and released at the hos pitaJ, of· ficia Is there said. Coast Guard to intercept Haitians M IAMI <API A Coast Expedition checking reports· of dinosaur in the Congo Guard cutter sailed Saturday on the first patrol to intercept boats off the coast of Haili, putting in · lo effect a new policy of turning back illegaJ refugees hundreds of miles from U.S. shores. The cutter Hamilton picked up supplies and fu el at the U.S Naval Base at Guantanamo, Cuba, before setting out, accord ing to Lt. j.g. Neal Armstrong at the Coast Guard's Miami office. LOS ANGELES (AP> -An expedition of Ame ricans and Africans is moving deep into the swampy jungles of the Congo in search of what they hope is a liv· ing species of dinosaur that somehow survived extinction millions of years ago, says a spokesman. After preparing for about 31,o\z weeks at the Congolese capital of Brazzaville, the group headed by Herman Regusters of South Pasadena is "now in dinosaur country," said Jack Sack, an as· sociate who remained behind. Sack said the expedition "is now officially sponsored by the Congolese Ministry of Water and Forests." Before leaving the United States last month, Regusters, 47 , a consulting engineer, described a series of reported sightings of a giant creature the pygmy natives of the region call mokele·mbembe. The reports began in 1776, when a mis- s ionary reported animal tracks 36 inches across. Pygmies have described a 30· Savings told in recycling Newport Beach residents have donated 8,242 tons of newspaper wlth an estimated value of $250, 150 to the cily since Newport began a recycling pro- gr am seven years ago this month. Wade Beyeler, the city's general services director, calcul ates the recycling pro· gram has saved roughly 25,000 cubic yards of landfill space. Revenue from newspaper eales. Beyeler said, Is put in the city's general fund and used primarily to purchase equip· ment such as re.fuse collecUon trucks and street sweepers. · City crewa pick up newapaper bundles monthly and realdenta can obtain coUectioo schedules from the police, fire department or library. For furtber tnlonna· Uon, call 640-2188. foot creature, which Regusters and others say resembles a brontosaurus, a type of dinosaur that has supposedly been extinct for 60 million years. Though most scientists scoff at the idea, a number of small expeditions have searched for mokele· mbembe. One explorer claims to have fit med the creature, but ob· servers say the subject is hard to make out and could be a log, Sack said. Sack said the expedition in· eludes Regusters' wife, Kia, and professional photographer Darby Switzer of Reseda . The plan is to go, with a dozen pygmies hired as equipment bearers, 40 miles up the Likouala Aux Herbes River by canoe, then hike 40 miles over- land to Lake Tele, the center of mokele·mbembe sightings and the s pot where one was re- portedly killed by natives about 1930. Regusters has said his ex· pedition wants only to photo· graph the creature. Coast Guard officials had re· vealed Friday that they would put into eCfect over the weekend a new Reagan administration policy cracking down on the number of refugees who enter the United States by boat . The Hamilton's crew is to in- tercept boats suspected of bring- ing illegal aliens to Florida and turn them back. The ship will patrol the Windward Passage between Haiti and Cuba. 600 miles southeast of Florida ~------c;r1.------~ • Newport Surf and Sport NOWIN STOCK LACOSTE® FOR BOYS ... " 10.20 20 colors to choose from in solids. !Sizes •· 7 soltds Newport store only) ......... U2= .. d. M IMda • 5-7174 9:00.t:OO 0.-, 9:30 •m-1 pm Sun-Thura tll t pm Fri a Sat 1Malll(A1tt11t l Slwe2 2 I 01/1 ...... An. .... ~ ,,.,..,. IChOO-t:OOO., 10.7 lvn•ThU" Ill I Fri & Sat • S.-.3 S4Mlllt c...e .... c .......... 641.oul ......... hlr • , • --------------~---·-------------------------------------............. °" Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sunday. Octobor 11 , 1981 I Europeans rail~ against Bomb BONN, West Germany CAP) -More t ha n 250,000 people gathered Saturday in the biggest anti-war rally 1n recent memory and gave thunderous applause to speakers urging Europe to free itself of nuclear weapons and prevent Germany from becom mg '"a shooting gallery of the superpowers." The crowd, which came to the. m ention that rally organ~er1 said the demons tration was aim ed al military policies of both the Soviet bloc and the West. Speakers told t h e c rowd, massed under gray. rainy skiK -in a garden of the stalely 1-'ricdrich Wilhelm University, that Western defense pol\c~es were threatening the true in- terests of Europe. DRY RUN FOR "DIVE! DIVEi" -Shant' McCarlh\' and ht~ st:-. lt.'r llt..•athl'r of '.\l iss1on \'it..•Jo tak_. a ltl tie cruise 111 lht.• o.tly ............. , u. ... .,.. pseudo s ubmartn(' on thl! bea<'h next to Balboa P1t..·r. :\loticC' who gt•ts lo work in thl• t•ngml' room West German capital by charti:red train, by,'>CS and river steamers, included soldiers in uniform. scores of parl1amen tary deputies and l eading figures from the nation 's cultural a nd religious life. Guests at the rally inc luded Cor etta Scott King, widow of s lain U.S. civil rights leader Or. Martin Luther King J r. and si nger Harry Belafonte . Mrs King told the crowd "millions of Americans stand by your side" a nd the two Americans joined in singing the civil rights hymn "We Shall Overcome" al the close of the nearly 12-hour rally. · The pt:ace movement sbows • that the old nations of Europe an• more than chess figurC19 on the board of the world po"ers, both world pow ers." said Erhard Epple r , a fo rple r cabtnet mfoister and m ember ol th<' pre!>idium o f Schmwt's Social Democratic Party. ' Eppler. whose remarks , re· ce1ved u thunde rous ovaf.ion likene d the courage o f :the de m ons trators to that of the Poles m their struggle ag~~nst ~ Soviet domination Erosion seen as food threat ··Here in this coun tr y., we celebrate the courage of the Pole~ who do not want to be directed how they s hould live," he said. "ls it so bad if we dd not want to allow ourselves td be to ld how we have to die?" Sp ecialist says topsoil los s in U.S. could lead to shortages Ab s e nt was C han cellor Helmut Schmidt, who on Friday denounced the demonstration as a "declaration of war" against the defense policies of his gov· ernmenl, includjng plans to sta- tion U.S. medium-r ange nuclear missiles here. WJ\SfllNGTO~ IAPl The loss of topsoil in the United Stat<.•s and other countries is so sever{' that it could trigger food short ages in the 1980s surpass ing thl• impact of oil s hortages during the 1970s. a ney. studv <:onl'luded Saturday · The study by Lester Brown. head of the Wo rldwatch l nsl1lule, said a doubling in world food output since 1950 was ach1 c·ved al the e xpense of sen·n· land ~bu'ie ing because of an excessive loss o f topsoil each year. Brown said. A detailed s urvey of erosion levels by the Agricultu r e D e partme nt las t year dis· covered .. alar.mingly high" soil erosion in several s lates. It t-stimate<l soil losses o f 14.1 tons an acre in Tennessee, 11.4 tons an acre in Missouri and 10.9 tons in M 1ssissippi. production, fallow cropland e roding from exposure to wind and rain . overgrazing and urbamtation. "'In the Midwestern United States. shopping cen ters stand where only a few years ago corn grew. West Germany is losing one percent of its agricultural land to urban encroachment every four years. In southern China. factories ar e being built on land that for generations yielded two rice harves ts an- nually, .. the report said. "Each year, urban sprawl, village ex- pansion and highway construe· lion claim several million acres of prime cropland while land hungry farmers pus h c ultivation onto ever more fragile soils." He called on the U.S. govern· ment to commit itself to a $103 billion program over 50 years, more than doublin ~ t'Urrl'nt soil t'rosion efforts. The Worldwatch Ins titute is a non-profit research group which con cent ratCi> on glob<tl environ- mental probl<.•ms. The last major peace rally in Germany took place Sept. 13 in West Be rlin during the visit of U .S Secretary of State Alex ander M. ll:ng Jr Although the rally was billed as a protest agains t the arms race in both East and West; lhe chief target apprear ed to be the December 1979 dec is ion by NATO to deploy U .S.·niade cruise and Pershing II nuQlear missiles in Western Europe. · Perhaps the most serious sing le lhrt.•at human1t,> now faces 1s. the Y.1despread loss of topsml," Hrny. n, an agncullural s peciali s t. said in the i.tudv. which is being publishl.'c1 as · a book t1tlerl · Hu ildtng a Sustaina blc Sot·1et v " .. C'n t11:iat1on cannot survive this l'Ontinu1ng lo~s of top~oil ."" Brown said. .. If not arrested. lhb loss of 'iOil could cause the food prC1blt·m to unfold dunng the 'ROs as the l'nl'rgy problem did c1urmg lhe '70s Jus t as the world ha!> come to depend heav1 · ly on the M 1ddle Eas t for oil. 1.0 1 t n o w cl t' p e n d s o n N o r t h America for grain And JUSl as l he :\t iddle Eas tern otl is being dt>vleted. c;o too are North American soils · One hundred countries now de· pend on the l 'nited Stales and Canada for grain s hipments. This increased world demand has accelerated eros ion prob· lems as l!.S . farmers aban- doned tradition<1I crop rotation mt•thods to concentrate on plant. ing corn and other row crops. Losses tn producll\'ily can be mas ked for a lime b) increased use of fertilizer. which has risen from 14 million tons in 1950 to 113 million tons tn 1980 I killed, 3 9 hurt i~ IRA explosion In Mos<'OY.. Soviet t elevision i.ho Y. cd film chpi> of the rail~ and told viewers the marchers s upported detente and opposed the de ployment of {.; .S. m1ss1les in Western Eur ope. ll did not The decision. supported by Schmidt but opposed by ofllers in his party, was aimed at ooun· tenng Soviet SS-20"iTi1Sslles and Backfire bombers . Tht• product1v1l.\ of 34 p<>rcent of A meric..in rropl:rnd 11. dechn But. Brown warned, use of fertilizer can combat the prob· lem for only so Jong He said governmt-nt in the United States and other coun tries should pro- mote solutions such as terrac- i ng, contour farming and minimum tillage Those techniques would help ease loss of topsoil resulting from s uch varied causes as forl'i>t land stripped for lumber LONDON t AP> The IRA :.truck less than a mile from Buckingham Palace on Satur· d<1y . detonating a booby-trapped laundry van by remote control and sending six-mch nails and bolts scything into a bus carry - ing 23 Iris h Guards and lheir families • Police said «1 woman passerby was killed and 22 g uards and 17 o t h er people. in cluding two chi ldren on the bus . we re wounded in the blizzard of nuts. Cooler, chance of rain LtQP'lt v•r••t>'" wind§. ttuouoti to do Wtsltrlr '"""'" 1 IO l IOI •nd mild weonn.o.y .no Thursday Co.ut•I •rH l'llghl amid 60\ al lhe oucn•• to mid eo. 1nl•ncl valleys anc:r to•~ '" the ~ Mount•in rt10r1 l•vtl l\IQM H 10 6S w1111 tows lS loo Con.1dtr•l>4• <IOU<llMS• with SllQM -----------( "a"<• of s.howi!" U.S. s1uu111ary Aloanv Al!wquo T r•¥tlen •l"d hunter\ ~v1s.orif'~ Anc.f\Ore9f wtrr POStti<J S..turday • .., cold r11n A§.Mvttf• .tnd \now chlllf'O ~~tern Mont•rta AU•nt1 •nO Halltrtd lhul>dtr \hOWU\ loll All•nl< Ctr ovfr muct1of th•Wp,,t 8•ltimor• 1 to,p tnunoitrsnGw ff$ \,C)r••d trom 81r-mift9htn •r,ttrn Moru•n• aero\'\ wrsttrn Btsm1rctt Wyom1nQ lo southwtsltrn OrtQon Bois• •nd I.,. n0<1iwrn hall ol Calllornla O~ton TllundershOw•r\ •lso dampened Bull•lo tht GYll Cont and tne soulh•rn Ch•rlsln SC Allanllc co..i 11 w~ ra•nv onr lhe Charl\ln WV Ohio Valley Chenn~ Br m1<Utter-S.lurCS.r \ktO ChlcaQO wrr• 'unny howew-r ov•r much of Clnclnn•tt 1ne nation Cl•nlanc:T Wultm MonlAIM wu uPKlfll to Columo .. , ~I more V'OW ml .. d "'Ith rain 10-Oal-F!Wtll d•Y. and !ht Nallonal Wuth•r Denver s .. rvtce S•1d IO<•tlv h••vy '!no• Ot' Mo•nH •Outd l•U tn tht' nortl\f rn Rocky Oelro1t Mountain> Falroen~> Th~ torrca\tt n •l\o predlci.O ,.,,.. Hartford •or lht ~r Qnlo Vlllty •"Ct •cron t-4•t•n1 tht tff'\tr•I Atl.ntlc Ceo.st as well Honolulu as lrom M>Utftwf'Sttrn Lou1\.1•na over Houston Ill• USltrn h&ll ol TOH 1ndn•pl" TtmOtrlhH~\ werr e•Pf<ll'd to re Jactuonvlllt main •bavl tlW .. .,.. tod<ly H on IC an1 C "' Salurd•Y T•mperaturts S.•turday •' L•s Veo.t' ttrl'toon r1ngied •rom • low of •O l lttll' Roc.k dtQrns 1n Cartt1ou •nd Houllon, Loul>vlllt Main• ano M•\)O<Jla Mont to a n11111 Mtmphl• ot '' dtQree. In McAllen T•us. Mleml Milwaukee -----------MDh·SI P Calif or11ia Con SI-.ol<I CIOUOll .... \ t nrQU9110u I lh• Soulhland tnrOUQh todav with 10 ptr(l'nt chal'ICP ot rein through ton19nt Partly CIOUdy Monday Or•nOf' County t an t 11per<:t h1Qhs '" the .Os •nc:T tow 10\ L-• on m•d SO\ Cooter Monday v attov• '"" ui>«t hlQh> 68 10 14 Lows tn llW SO\ G"'tv nonn wind> IMllow passn tn ~ Ft•,,...do Vallty late lodn Nashv1111 NewOrlun1 New Yoo Norfolk Okla Clly Oman• Phlladpl>I• Ph<>e nla PtlliOurQll Piiand, Me Piiand, Ort Aeno ~lcllm Sall Lak• S.alll• NATION SI lt ,. u ,, 11 S• '' 61 Sl 60 u 61 31 ... u " lJ 63 •• SI 42 n ,. .. S9 ., .. n 61 69 61 61 St ,, 51 SS ., 91 " 16 •• 12 6S 70 .. as S4 Sc .. " 63 60 61 S7 .., '° SS S4 60 6S .. 6) S9 ~ '° H St. LCK.lls SIP-Tampa SI Ste Marie Spokane Tul18 WHhll'IQlon Wichita CAL.,OllNtA Apple Valley Bakf,.lltld 81rslow Beaumont BiQBur Bl•ll~ Blyth• Calallna Culver Clly Eure~• Fruno l..•n<•sttr Lono Beach Los An9ftH Marysvllle Monrovi. Montt bellO Mt Wllt1111 H•flllt> N tw port 8ffCh Ontario Palm Sprint!> P•wdena Paso ROC>IH R•d Bluff Rtd-Clly Sacramento S.llnH San Bernardino ... ...-, 11 s1 S.n Dteoo .. 67 Sen Jo.. st J3 Sant• ..,.,,. 11 6S 74 67 s. 62 n 32 Sa nta Batoara .. St Sa nta Marie .., " SloO.ton •• ., 10 S2 .. s. SI 41 T ahot V allty Thermal •• .. • . , 16 SI 71 SS ., .., 12 Sl 67 J7 n l9 92 66 1S .., 7• '3 .0 SS 70 St .. S1 74 6S IS 66 .. s. 11 .. to S1 60 41 .. 69 12 SI ,. 62 11 .., IS' St .. ~ ._ se Calgary Edmonton Montreal 011••• R•olna loronto Va ncouver Winni- CANAOA H .. H H ,, S2 S• ., l'Alll AMElllCAH TEMl'S >). J1 l6 J1 J.j J.j •• 45 Acapulco tO 11 Bermuda 11 6' B09ol• ..... Gull<la tejar• tJ 62 G,._1_ 90 7S Muallan It IS M•r~a tt IS Mulco Clly 1' SI Monterrer tO 7J N .. 18U 11 M San Juan, P R " 11 Teo11tloatpa 11 M Trl11ldad I& 7J ;~ :: GLO.AL TEMl'S S SO Am\lerd...,, :. 6l Al1Mn1 BanottOll Soulhwe>t wi'>lh 10 lo 30 mph IO· day In mountltlns 140rl"••SI wtridt 11u•t1no 10 25-«> mp11 Mondev HlOfl> tod•Y St to 6S d lo SS l'ollonc:Tay l-• lonlohl • to 41 lonlghl 11 to l9 Mon d•y nlQhl ~-------------------------~~~.:!:tun fli .... ~~Rf Rf PORT ~~( S7 0 .... •o n .... .. !O •4 44 1J .. .. ., Norlhtrn ar>d Central Calll0<nla turnong c-ar>cl windy x atltrtd shower,. tOGly c.ont1rK11no tn Sierra Nevada Into Mond•Y· .... _ .......... _ ... ___________ =~:;.~1111 )) . 79 St " n so u u ., Exte11ded outlook lwf •ta<ll Ayt .... ...... ............... Mev MH Dir Otlo Rio Rome Sllltac>OA Stockholm l•l Aviv lokyo " 6l .... 7J ., COASTAL, MOUNTAIN AREAS vartatlte cloudlneu Tueod•v •Ith 9u>1r wind\ In 11\t mountain> F41lr Dally Pollot Dell•ffl hG.. ... "4 ~ "-l•v r,,Oa~ It .-C'u f'Jv N t h•11f\ You' P1Pl'1 by '> J(l n m 1 all OP'~,. ·' D"' 1"'1 Y\'V' C. O'f ""' t f' 11'• vfl1'1W3 ~,,.,,,,,., •id r..u~u, ,, , , 1cl l"'W'\t •ec,,...e }' ""' orv b.,. ' 14 ,., u 1 ,.-,.,,,.,. 10 ~ ~ AM )rf\w t r)(l't' #II 1-lf\ M 11rfllffF1 Zuma 2 San 1 a Monica 1 Nt•port l San Dl•oo C-tr l Out._ lo< Nlondey· Lllllt chan91 II 12 12 u I I SW I I SW 1 2 w 1 2 w We1re Listening ••• What do you h ke about the Daily Pilot? What don't you hke? fa ll the number below and your message will be recorded. transcribed and delivered lo the appropriate editor 7' S1 '° n s.. 0 u .. 7S ... The samt' 24 hour answering service may be used to record let ter11 to the editor on any topic Mailbox contributor s must include their namt.' and telt>phone number for venfication. No circulJtlon calls, please Tell us what ·s on your mind 642·6086 bolts. flying metal and glass that turned Ebury Bridge Road out· side Chelsea Army Barracks in· to a blood s pattered battle- ground A spokesman for Westminster Hospital said eight of the guards were undergotng major surgery and one was on the critical list wit h a fra ctured s kull and another was likely to lose an eye .. It was just madness." said witness Debbie Jones. ..There was blood everywhere. There was a girl s1tlfng down. She had a hole in her leg. Another girl had a metal bar straight through her foot .. Police identified the dead woman as 61 -yea r -old Nora Field lfazel Cole, an expectant mother who had been talking to Mrs Field when the explosion went off. said s he "look the full force of it." The Irish Republican Publi<'i· ty Bureau 1n Dublin said the at· tack three-quarters of a mile from Buckingham Palace was aimed at the soldiers because of a "state of war" e xis ting between the British government and the "oppressed Iris h peo- ple:· I It was the Irish Republican Army's first major attack on a British target since the collapse of a seven-month hunger strike at Northern Ire land's Maze Prison a week ago, and police said it could be the start of a new I RA campaign of violence in tht• British capital O.ltyl'llllC ......... aklMINK~ STILL TOO YOUNG -Carel'r cho1 t'e decisions are s till ~·e<4rs awa~· for these t~·ke!-. hut the~ decirlC'd to try on fi refighter!'.· gear anywa~· at the Cost<1 '.\1esa Station :'-10 . 1 open hou$e Brothers Joey Pie rson. left. :l. 1rnd Aurr. 2. \'bited the oi:ien hou se Saturda~. held as part of Fin· Pre' ention We<.>k ill Ua\larti Bnidcr Bas1 and Bavaria Hlu Denmark West Gcnnany We've travele so you. won't have to. Ever tried n;itural smoked Bruder B<NI dlt't:Se imported from We::.t CAimany? A -.hce if Holland Gouda? How about D11ni.o:;h Hav;irti spiced with dill' Or even America's own Port Wine Cheddar Spwid at $I nff the reinilar price ,eer pound) Well. at Hickory farms. we've traveled far ;md wide so you can try dn:r.en" of th~ world's finest ch~. Rut that's not all. You can sample uur (;mn;m· style Old Fashioned Liver Sau S<ISe ;md save fl()C off tlw regular pnc.e ix·r pound. You can also sa\'e on our Yankee Tradt•r' Soup Mix fmm Swi11ertand. m 14 savory flavors. Sn if ynu w~1t exciting tastes from 'n~nd the wofkl, they re as nearby as Hickory farms. 0 1Tel'1' ~through Oct. 31, 1981 • ff ickof1 ferms or OHIO• · ve you a taste of old-time country xJness:" i OF OHIO IN ~oath Coast . 'Plaza: Iii I I I Orange Coaat OAILV PILOT/Sunday, October 11 . 1981 FrQm Page A1 WHAT CAUSED COUNTY'S TOP VOLI,EYBALL TEAM TO COLLAPSE? . • • l"epruented the squad aa bein1 \he Olympic or national team rattit1r than 1 private club team. So the team cbanaed tu name one day to the Adidas naUonal tralnin1 team because. Erbe aald, the players happened to be wearlna shoes made by that maker. lt wu W\der that title that the team was commonly known, although the fund-ralsing non· prortt corporation retained the official title of American Na· tlonal Volleyball Association. Over the next five years. the Adldas women's learn won two USVBA open division club team championships and the USC team won three national col· leglate tJUes. But the real glory years for the young Adidas squad of Sue Woodstra, Debbie Landreth, Carolyn Becker , Debbie Green (Don Green's daughter), Terry Place, Star Clark, Paula Dill· mer Goodwin and Lynn Luedke were 1975 and 76. II) 1975, the Adidas squad - with most if not all of its mem· bers still in high school -won the USVBA open division na· tional club team championship by beating the true U.S. national women's team. In 1976, In a year when the U.S. women's team bad faUed to qualify for the Olympics in Mon· treat, the Adidas team, accord- ing to Erbe. flew to Canada and sc~·mmaged four of the teams. bey beat Hungary, the even· tu fourth place finisher. and E~t Germany, be said. They lo to Peru and Japan. the gold m dal winner. · The Adidas team was known all over the world, .. Erbe boast· ed "It was a model for what is . no our national team." fter those successful years, Er lei\ the day-to-day opera- tio s of ANV A and went to USC. He said he never enjoyed the po tical bickering or the ele- m nts or controversy that se ed to travel with ANVA. . · All I reaJly wanted to do was co ch." he said. "I was not in- ter sled in the business. I had no int rest in the politics. They we e such distractions.'' ANVA squads continued dur- ing the next few years . Erbe not- e d i that the organization "cha nged forever" the USVBA's training philosophy by em- phasizing play at junior levels. In fact, once the gym was in o peratio n . ANVA o ften spqnsored j unior tournaments attended by such teams as the Orange County Volleyball Club, which by then was no longer . .. o.ltr ............ Sign on door of abandoned Fountain Valley gymnasium sums up the demise of the American .Vational Volleyball Associal wn. part or the same organization. said Green. · · r think ANY A provided a lot of s ervice to volle yball even though it was controversial ... said Erbe. "l really wish there still was an ANVA ." The organization's last hurrah took place in the s ummer and fall of 1980. Green scheduled a 40-stop na- tiona l tour to showc ase the players from the U.S. national team which by then Included Woodstra, Landreth, Becker , Place and his daughter Debbie -against the Japanese national team. When set up, it was to be a post -Olympic tour. That was before the boycott. There was no question during those days that American officials were highly o ptimistic about the team's chances or winning a medal in Moscow. "Most people said it would have been the U.S. and China in the finals." said Green. Instead, the U.S. and China teams didn't go. Neither did Japan. And the possible spirit that ANVA officials bad hoped would be whipped up by television coverage during the games was deflated. ··rr the women's team would ha ve puJJed orr a hockey team- type victory (in Moscow) or at least if they 'd come very close, w e figured there would have been a big turnout for the tour." said Green. Needless to s ay . there wasn't. Green said the youths he had hired in the usual door-to-door Avco Thrift gives everyone the chance to earn high interest. You don't have to have a big account to feel welcome at Avco. And it doesn't take a lot of money to earn high interest. We have plans to fit everyone's needs. And people who can make you feel at home. So come on in. Our people will put you in the best company. Term Investment Certificate $500~ 15.00" ....... Invest as little as $500 for 111 short o time M 90 days. Aanaal rate of 1na. .... t Rota sub)eci to change on a weekly basis In the event of early wllhdrowt1l, maximum Interest paid Is 6.0% We also offer 8¥2% Passbook Investment Accounts with a minimum Investment of $25. Earns fTOm date of deposit. Interest compounded dally, paid qullrttrly This Is a hmlted offer. available to Callfomla residents only .L/!JAVCD THRIFT 25252 Cabot Road l.a~na Hills, Callfomla 92653 (l ) 581-1700 620 N~rt Center Drive, Suite 101 N~rt t;Seach, California 92660 (714) 644-9490 ticket sales loll their H · thualum after the boycott, and few people atteoded the matches. The tour, he aaJd, lost '35,000. That ml1bt have injured ANVA rmancl&Uy, but Lt dJdn't kill It. Green said a bigger problem was that while be waa on the tour, others on his businea at.aff made critical erron that dried up the cash now and cau.sed com mission checks to bls youthful sales staff to bounce. Wben the sales staff quit work· lng. the revenue quJt rolling in. "It was the snowballing ef· feet," said Green, wbo resl.ined In November at odds with several of the directors. It was by no means an amica· ble split. In lbe bankruptcy papers, the directors wrote that a "substantial likelihood" exists tbal Green bad illegally transferred assets into his personal account. Green admitted that he sold three ANY A vehicles and kept the money. But he said he bad previously kept the organization afloat with bis own money and the transfer was only a small re- payment. ''That didn't even make a dent in the money they owed me, .. he said in an interview last week. "I should have grabbed more than I did. but that's one of those things ... The ill-fated post-Olympics tour also resulted in lawsuits. Green first sued the USVBA in March of this year seeking $15,000 in damages because, he claimed, it failed to honor its agreement with him. Even though Green was an elected member of the USVBA's board of directors, he still was unpopular with many or its top brass. In May. the USVBA filed a counter-suit claiming that Green never repaid a Sl0,000 loan for the tour and was liable for $500,000 in damages. USVBA officials charged in the suit that ANVA was in effect Green's "alter ego" and that he used the or1aal11Uon primarily for bla own benefit. · Green bu denJod the 1lle1a· lions in the USVBA lawsuit. One of the stronaest cr1Uc• ol Green'• tactJca hu been USVBA Executive Dtrector Al Monaco. who la baaed In Colorado Sprlnga, Colo. He uld the playera were promleed that 8ome ol the money earned on the tour would 10 toward their llvln1 expenses. But. be said, the players never received any money and neither did the creditors. Monaco sald it is "pretty easy" to explain the collapse of ANV A: "They bad too many debts, they didn't pay any bills tor a long time and their house of cards collapsed." Ascough, the Los Caballeros lawyer, also is skeptical of the way ANVA suddenly went out of business. Los Caballeros bad filed suit shortly before ANV A went bankrupt claiming it owed the sporta complex $27 .ooo in rent. utUity payments and back taxes. He 110.id the organlzatJon either h1td aeriOUJ mlsmana1ement or bad based too huge a atue in pot~ntlal revenue abould the Olympic team have succeeded at thu Moscow games. Arte r re-e xami ning the bankruptcy papers, A1cou1h said the business sitle of the volleyball organization seemed destined to failure. Since he left ANYA. Green bas started a new fund-raisin& en- terprises based. in Huntinatoo Beach called the Minor Sports Foundation. It Is set up to solicit funds for development and train· ing of athletes in 23 minor s ports. primarily Olympic sports. However, elsewhere, he hasn't been suc ces sful in gaining permits for his sales staff to seek donations door-to-door. Investigators in such cities as Torrance. Beverly Hills and Loe Angeles have recommended de- nial or permits, basing their ad- vice on what they call the ques- <See TOP, Page At) AWACS defeat results outlined HOT SPRINGS, Va. <API - Failure to win congressional ap- proval for the proposed sale of sophisticated radar planes to Saudi Arabia would not have "terribly dramatic or drastic" s hort-term consequences . Walter Stoessel, undersecretary of state for political affairs. said Saturday. But Stoessel said defeat for the Reagan administration could put the United States "in a bad light·· and added he e xpects Congress to approve the $8.5 billion sale of AWACS planes. He was questioned on a wide range of foreign-policy lssues at a news conference Saturday after appearing at a closed din· ner meeting Friday of the Busi- ness Council. an organization or chief executives of large U.S. corporations. Stoessel said he told the ex- ecutives the president reels that ··any rational assessment of our national interest would indicate that the sale of those planes is a good idea." "It is clearly a tough fight. but I expressed confidence that the administration will win it and that the sale will eventually be approved by Congress,·· he said. Asked what the consequences would be if the de a l falls through, Stoessel said, "I would not e xpect a nything terribly dramatic or drastic in the short term ." Octelter 11, 1981 2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m. South Coast Plaza Hotel Tickets available through: Ticketron Musicians· Assoc. local 7 2050 S. Main, Santa Ana Ca 92707 HENRY BRANOON'S SYMPHONETTE wrn open the festival at 2:00 p.m. S 10.00 at gate -$8.00 Presa le THE LOS ANGELES RAMS BAND performs at 6:00p.m. Benefit recipients: 300 MUSICIANS PERFORMING Musicians Relief Fund Scholarship Fund • Big band dancing and concert bands The Orange County Music Center • Top 40 lounge groups and rock groups • Organists and single performers • Classical AUSPICES MUSICIANS" a.us LOCAL 7 A.F.M . • Jazz groups • Dixieland jazz bands • Country western bands For information call 714-546-8166 Sears . H 1111t 1111!ttt11 Bt•;1<•l1 011.11111111·-. .11111 ........... , ..... , ••••••• h11111t·d ...,., hlll l \ 111 ' SURPLUS STORE EACH 0# THU( f (Mt Ill.ADii. Y AVNlAlll. C 'OA SAU A$ AOVE A rtSEO We sell first quality and d1~rontinul'd m e rr hand1se from Sear!. RN a1I and Catalog Distribution . ··Was pnres quoted arl' the rei;tulitr P rll"l•' at which the Items were formerly offered by l"al<1loii or in m<1ny Sears Retail :11tores around thl' rountry EVERY TUESDAY IS CLEARANCE DAY! Specially Selected Stock is mark~d down again f ro1n the already 20o/o-60o/o off prices. Everything designated with a RED SIGN will be a minimum of 50% OFF but nl08t will be 60o/o off or more. We'll try to 8elect clearance stock from all departments 80 you'll have plenty of opportunity to save on MORE BARGAINS! REMEMBER if it's TUESDAY -It must be Clearance Day at Sear8 Surplus Store in Huntington Beach. ................... 9IMS "''"'' , •• _ .. •••Mii• m11•u• nol19!KIU· ::.::=: ......... ~. !\ ......... _,,.r,,.. .... "Ii -~---·~------------------------------------------------------~--~----~~ Alf./\ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11, 1981 --------------------------------------------------------------------------~-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ,..111mtam 111st 111;t side a que.-;t hou.<;e '1 II cm • 11 , 8'il irtJfo ,01q lillo f1 011 ,0 }lbA · V2U Blh 16i>l 'I -13!>1 1H ~----..,,., 'OW ·u:') --..;-:_::.~""-iu--•o(f 1 ut'J A house Hearst built Rlue arui c111/d t1/1•s as well us statuary decorate the indoor pool. which most guest!i 1gmm:'d in /m•r1r •JI •Jw 1111td111Jr p1111/ By MAR\' JANE SCARCELW O! U1e Dally l'llet Staff So01eone once observed that William Randolph Hearst's "castle" at San Simeon shows what l,;od could have done 1f He d had money. The home, if that ·s the correct word, was begun in 1919 on a hill overlooking the Pa<:ific about 30 miles north of Morro Bay and Hearst didn't consider construction complete at hi s death m 1951 lie imported quantities of European artwork with their accompanying chunks of history in the years after World War I when nobility had fallen on hard times and governments hadn't realized they were losing national treasures. Subsequent changes in foreign export laws and the increased value of fine art ma'ke it a safe bet that no one will amass such a collection again The director of the Louvre Museum in Paris. on a recent visit, gave an off-the· cuff estimate that the art alone is worth $1 billion, although several pieces have been described as priceless Hearst was a newspaper publisher and the only child of George Hearst, a mining magoatc who bought the San Francisco Examiner The son built a news e mpire through a com bin a lion of business acumen and sensational journalism. listing among his holdings 18 newspapers in 12 cities and nine magazines The estate was built on what had been the family cattle ranch. and the Hearst family still owns 85,000 acres of turf there with the state responsible for the 137 acres around the buildings at the top of the hill and another 22 acres of parking below. California was reluctant to accept even that portion after Hearst's death because of the extraordinary maintenance costs Al one point it was estimated that San Simeon cost Hearst $6,000 a day in upkeep. but he was n't worried because his daily in- come was SS0.000. And much of this was before income tax. A five-mile bus trip up the hill brings visitors to La Cues ta Encantada (The Enchanted Hill J. landscaped grounds studded with statuary. pools and tennis courts. The main house is built in Hispano· Moorish s tyle and surrounded by guest houses which Hearst filled with friends from the publishing world and show busi- ness. They were in vited to arrive on a specific dale but departure was optional. and one man stayed for two years. Interiors rival most museums. and vis- itors stand open-mouthed at hand-carved ceilings. gold faucets. medieval tapestries and ancient mosaic tile floors. Hl?ads and necks can't s wivel fast enough to take in everything. The dramatic dining hall boasts a walk- in fireplace. heraldic flags waving from a high ceiling and a lengthy table groaning with silver candelabra taller than most children on the tour. The setting is complete with bottles of catsup and mustard because Hearst, who redefined opulence, insisted on battling the ' Pay No Income Tax In 1981, 1982, 1983 And Legally Recover Taxes Paid In 1978, 1979, 1980 You can invest dollars already spent, are currently s pending and will s pend in the future for taxes, into tax sheltered investments that: a l average a 510 ('~ tax write-off b ) are highly profit motivated and c ) have a history of positive cash flow a nd appreciation Le arn how this can be done by attending a com- p Ii mentary 90 -minute seminar -enjoy some refres hments and gain more financial knowledge in 90 minutes than you have been able to acquire in a lifetime . · LIMITED SEATING Call Now To Schedule Your Reservation 759-1401 Gerald L. Kozak, Financial Services 359 San Miguel Drive. Suite 110 Ne~port Beach. CA 92660 f 714 J 759-1401 If it floats, chances are you'll read about it in the Daily Pilat 642·4.321 catsup out of the bottle just like common folk . Tour guides admit that visitors are most fascin<1lcd by the estate's two pools. As might be expected. both are immense and combine antique artwork with 20th cen- tury construction techniques. The outdoor pool is almost blinding in the sunlight with ils bright blue water and dazzling white statuary. Although it appears to be sunk into the ground. the shell actually sits above the earth and 1s encased in a steel shell to pre- vent earthquake damage. Much of the house. too. has foundations reaching 30 feet below, almost making it part of the mountain for protection against tre mors. The indoor pool resembles a Greco· Roman bath with its tiny mosaic tiles in bright blue. Designs in what appears to be gold are JUSt that layers of pure gold sandwiched between Venetian glass create the tiles alternating with the blue. The pool is below the tennis courts and was less popular with guests because of its distance from the house , so Hearst finally let workers use it and referred to the goJden beauty as "the employees· pool." The estate is so massive that three dif. ferent tours are offered and another is in the planning stages. Tour I takes vis itors through the grounds, one guest house, pools and the lower floor of the main building where a film is shown about San Si meon's early days when celebrities roamed the halls. oq m 1~ J nl "'J Diamond drama. In our necklace of 18 karat yellow gold' > 83 round diamonds dramatically set the: ,{~ scene for a d3J1'f ing star of 9 marquise diamonds: $8.500. J f 'l1orqe \cp1w 1'' /1111t1 •rl . rr f) Bailey Banks & B iddlti ':~ World Renowned Jewelerr, Smee 18Jll 1tw SOUTH COAST PLAZA. COSTA MESA First level. Bullock 's wing. (714) 751 ·5640 ..\/,,, 111 I U\ Vt•yu'" m 'hr fashr«HI .~hou_ The Reasons For Shopping South Coast Plaza Have Been Considerably Reduced! Mall wide Sale starts Saturday, October 17. Two Days of Adventure, Saturday. 10 to 6, and Sunday, noon to 5, October 17-18, where you'll find merchandise at most mall stores at greatly reduced prices. Register both days for prizes in any store. 14 vacation trips to San Francisco courtesy PSA. You will stay at the Sheraton Fisherman's Wharf. Also, a 4-lsland cruise via American Hawaii Cruises. Many more prizes.• SOUTH COAST PLAZA ~ • StOfe tmployH1 1ht11 ramlllu t!ld Pint .,.,,onnet not el!Qlbte Mutt De 111 Of older \ Ae Orange Coaat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11, 1981 Title targeted .TOP TEAM'S DEMISE PERPLEXING • • • By JOHN NEEDH-'M °' ................. La1una ·s fremler dart thrower wll compete In December against 128 of the world's bes t darUmen In Enaland. John Kramer, 24, has been in· vlted lo'compete In the World ln· vltallonal Masters tournament, considered the World Series of darts. Kramer recently won top honors at a tournament in Las Vegas whe re he defeated 5everal top seeded players, In- cluding world champion Eric Bristow of Great Britain. The 1975 Laguna Beach HiSh School graduate is ranked 20th • In the ~orld ahd second In the U.S. He said his trip lo the world championships in England is be· ing sponsored by the American and British dart associations. Though he plays as much as four nights a week and competes in numerous tournaments in the area, Kramer said winnings are • ' slim plckinJI In the U.S. com· pared to England. "Over here It's not a well known game," Kramer 11ld. "ln England dart players are celebrities, like football player• In this country." He sa.td top players In England eurn upwards of $70,000 annually from tournaments, exhibitions and product endorsements, and don't have to wait until they're 21 so they can play in bars. ·'They begin playing much earlier In England in tourna· ments sponsored especially for young people. In the United Stated most league play takes place in bars. where young peo- ple aren't alJowed." As a t\JneOp (or hfs trip to England. Kramer said he will compete in the Tri-Counties Na· tlonal Cup tournament Nov. 14·15 at the Laguna Beach Boys' Club. "It would be nice to make big money. But I usually consider myself lucky if l break even. Ir I TOPS JN DARTS Laauna·s John Kramer find out I can do really well in England, who knows. maybe I'll just stay over there.·· C l'rom Page A4> Uon1ble tactics used during the ANVAday&. to Torrance, for example, police Lt. Robert Armstrong said ANYA salesmen did not have a Ucen.se but continued to solicit door·to-door anyway. Green says the need for a city license may be unconstitutional and he is considering chaiieng· Ing the law in court. ln his application for a license in Torrance, Green s aid 35 per- cent of the funds raised would go directly to athletic programs. Another 35 percent wouJd go toward paying the solicitors. 15 percent would ·go to manage· ment. 6 percent to administra- tion. 5 percent to reserves and 4 percent toward 'compliance with local laws. Green says the 35 percent re· turn to the athletes is better than what the U .$. Olympic Committee provides through its fund-raising. An average percentage for charUable funds is unknown and, of course, various charities Robinsons use different procedures for raising money. According to officials at the American Cancer Society, however, 78 percent of the money raised goes into pro· grams for service, education und research. Nine percent of Its funds go toward administration and 13 percent are set aside tor fund raising. Besides ANY A and the Minor Sports Foundation , another similar organiiation called the American Council of Athletics - which sold track meet tickets door-to-door -was created in Southern California. It was s tarted in San Diego by at lea.st two men. Don Harden and Frederick Mintz, who formerly were principal executives with ANVA. ANYA. in fact, won a superior court restraining order In Nov· ember 1979 prohibiting Harden, Mintz and others from enticing the ANY A saJes staff to join their newly-formed organiza· lion. In July 1981, the Orange and FALL SALE AND CLEARANCE ( SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: SUNDAY 11·6. ' I '" . ;' ~ 60%. off AUTHENTIC CHINESE PORCELAIN CHINA DINNERWARE, 45·PIECE SERVICE FOR 8 Nosegay Serenlly Chantilly Reg. $250, sale $99.99. A classic for centuries. And a beautiful Investment for the future. Our porcelain dinnerware, Imported from China In traditional patterns that mix perfectly with contemporary accessories. Make your selection from five patterns: Ling Rose (featured) and Serenity, s'usan, Chantilly or Nosegay. Each 45 piece service for 8 Includes. 8 each: dinner. salad plate, soup bowl, cup and saucer. plus a 14" oval platter, 9" round serving bowl, covered sugar and creamer. Hurry-quantities are limited to stock on hand Robinson 's China, 67 . Sorry, no mall/phone orders this time. But do ask about our China Club Plan . Susan ROBINSON'S WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment with our consultant at your nearest Robinson's. We'll record your gift preferences In every store via out new computerized service. AOblnson 's Fall Sale and Clearance ends Saturday, October 11. Hurry.Jn wtille quanlltles are plentiful and,selectlons extensive. All Items subject to prior !¥lie. ' . ' San Diego district attorneys' of- fices Jolned with the state At· torney General'• office to i111M a civil complaint seekin& $400,000 in penalties against the San Diego-based councU. ll w11 ac· cused of soUciUng money door· to-door ''through false and fraudulent representationa." ANVA was investigated also, IC· cording to Ms. Stavenhagen, but it was not prosecuted. Erbe. the coach, referred to the business and polttlcal aspects of ANV A as its "dart side." But he also pointed out that the organization was a trail blazer from the beglnning. ·'Anytime you are an in· novator and you tread in un· touched areas, you are going to .get a lot of public exposure," he said. "You become involved ln controversy." The perplexing part of the AN· VA story, isn't simply the con· troversy. It is the unfortunate, apparently self-inflicted demise of a promising athletic organiza· lion at the very moment it was to achieve its ultimate glory. -------------=----------------------:. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sund y, October 11 , 1981 Some kids fear School URGENT AUCTION HANDMADE ORIENTAL RUGS RECOVERS -Singer J~rry ~e Lewis. who n ea rl y died o f perfo r ated s tomac h during summer. is. scheduled to a ppear Mo nday on count r y Mus ic Associated Awards show . NEW YORK (AP) -Back·lO·School blues are normal for children from aae 6 to 18. but if avoidance and healtatlon continue beyond lh6 first few autumn weeks parents should take note, says a psychiatrist who hu done extensive research on the causes and treatment of "school phobia." It ls a syndrome that can be so traumatic th)lt some children will accept any reprimand or punishment rather than attend class. ex· plains Dr. Rachel Gittleman of the New York State Psychiatric lnsUtute. "The term ·school phobia' is m1sleadine." she points out, "because we have found through clinical study that these kids are not afraid of teachers. blackboards or the school building itself. "They suffer from extreme separation anx· iety; they're terribly frightened to leave home." , Ms. Gittleman said this separation anxiety could be so sever e as to cause physical symptoms. such as dizziness. nausea and ml· graine headaches. "Parents must listen and watch children closely," .she said. "Kids are not always able to express emotions directly. lf children become physically ill at the thought of attending school . they obviously are suffering." Some children, she adds. may threaten to hurt themselves. or even kill themaelves. Worklng with school-phobl<: children at the non-profit Psychiatric lnstltut.e, Ma. Gittleman and coUeagues found that separation anxiety could have physical, rather than emotional, roots. Children at the Psychiatric lnstitute's Child and Adolescent Depression Clinic were treated with p ychotherapy, which was successful in many instances. ln the cases where psychotherapy failed. however. the researchers found that 60 percent of these children were able to resume normal school careers a fter biochemica l separation anxiety was treated with medication. The medication successfully alleviated the physical symptoms that motivated the rear of school. ''Separation anxiety can be a biochemical reaction ... Ms . Gittleman said. "Overprotective or fe arful parents may cause a child's separa- tion a nxiety. \ IHIPMe~ 1~!?!~~!r.!~. J::.~,A~n~l!xPRHS. SHl!ltMENT 2: 20 ,OOT CONTAINER, VHML INCOTRANS SPIRIT. e have to sell urgently over SOO hand picked oriental rug o raise urgently needed cash to release the abov mentioned shipments from U.S. Customs. Included In the auction will be rugs from all the leading ru weaving countries. All of these rugs are of the finest quallt and are in excellent condition. Sizes from 2'x3' to 12'x12' wH be available. THIS AUCTION SHOULD NOT BE MISSED SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11TH AT 2 P.M. MARRIOTT INN 900 NEWPORT CENTER DR. NEWPORT BEACH Rug• c•n be view~ t hour prior to auction lnform•Uon: 213-70..oo28 A,A&A Inc. Uquldtto,..Auctlon•• ·:aut in many instances, the parents are not lo blame. Moving to a new neighborhood, death of a relative, or divorce also can stimulate separation anxiety." Emphasizing the fact that parents are often not the problem 1s the statistic that the average CSce FEAR, Page A12) Read all todays news 'everyday Daily Pilat in the Robinsons FALL SALE AND CLEARANCE SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS: SUNDAY 11·6. 30%-60% and more off FIRST QUALITY SHEETS FROM WAMSUTTA, STEVENS, MARTEX, SPRINGS, '3.99 TWIN. You may have a hard time deciding. we have so many patterns and colors to choose. Flat or fitted. Patterns and sizes vary by store. so be creative and mix and match. ilobinson's Domestics. 30. Sorry, no mail or phone orders this time Twin ... Full Queen King ... Standard cases. pair. King cases. pair. 40%-45% off Orig Sale $ 1 1 ·$12 $3.99 $13·$15 $6.99 $ 18·$21 $9.99 $22·$24 $13.99 $9·$ 1 2 $5.99 $10·$13 $6.99 THE ll~·PERFECT PRICES OF CORONATION 100% COTTON TOWELS You won't be able to resist the luxury of thick cotton double terry loop that soaks up water in a hurry. Especially In all these colors: russet. mocha. sea foam, sky blue. raspberry, yellow. parchment However. finding the Imperfections may be a real challenge. By Cannon Mills. Bath, 25"x so:· If perfect $11 , now 21$12. Hand, 16"x 2a;· tf perfect $8, now 21$9. Wash. 13"x 13;· if perfect $3.50, now 2/$4. Bath Sheet. 36"x 10:· If perfect $25. now S14.91 ea. Robinson's Bath Shop, 31 To order, call toll-free 1·800-523-7800. 516.99, any size DOWN·AND·FEA THER PILLOWS AT 53%·60% AND MORE OFF Rest assured our exclusive Century II pillows are !he plumpest most luxur1ous pillows ever to grace your bed Choose from 3 sizes with medium support Cotton downprool cover All one tow price By Northern Feather Standard. 2o··x 26:· orig $36 . Queen. 20· x 30 orig $44 King 20 " 36. orig. $50. Robinson's Bedding , 54 . To order. call toll·free 1-800-523-7600. 50%-58% off THE IF·PERFECT PRICES OF QUAKER LACE When the holidays roll around. you'll be glad you hurried 1n and got some extra special tablecloths, placemats and runners. (No one but you will know there are tiny 1mperfect1ons.) Choose from several styles in white or ecru cotton/polyester . Quantities are limited and selections may vary from store to store. Sorry, no mail or phone orders. 70"x 90" oblong or oval, If perfect $60, now $24.99. 70"x 108" oblong or oval, if perfect $90, now $39.99. 70"x 126" oblong, if perfect $ 125. now $59.99 90" roun d. If perfect $100. now $49.ff. 60"x 80" oblong or oval, 1f perfect $60, now $24.99. Also available, first-Quality napkins. reg $3.75, sale $2.99.Robinson's Linens. 29. To order. call toll-free 1·800-523·7800. Robinson's Fall Sale and Clearance ends Saturday. October 17. Hurry lf\sWh ile quantities are plentiful and·selectlons ext,nslve. All Items subject to prior salft .. 1111 Ill lh Orange Co st DAILY PILOT Sunday. Octob r t 1, 1981 <'11pt11111 /.11111· ,,, •/I/' ""'' j ""': /1'1·'•• ·····~ .,.,. I l•J•l•I' .,. /ll 'llfltll'11 \ 1•,,1 \I/:••// ,J,/,11'111' (1«1 •1 Sailing tug ·Rebel' saves fu el, time 'l:OHH>LK Vu 1A P 1 l•rom the l'oast <:uartl l'ullcr'> off New .England and the rrH·n·hant ..,hips of th1· C:rcut Lakes, Capt Lane Ur rgg!> built a bcttt•r tugboat A Tuganttnl' a tugboat with sails A high l 10\\ l'tl !>IJUUl'l' sterned ltttle vessel railed thl' "l:orfulk lkbel that carnes 849 squar<.· feel or <'..irn a .... 1s l>hl' lows and :,ahuges and Ctshei. fh..it :.aH•s on fuel cosb ..ind time Brtggi., lhc p1elurc of a Sl'a capta in with mutton <•hop:,, muslut•he gold earring, wind bh•al'hl•d hair and corncob ptJX>, has seen a joke turn into a working dream. a federal grant, pcncl111g lcg1slatt0n, a nat1onw1de conferem•e ,1nd a liutlding tnlt•rnatronul organrzat1on ·Hut tht' bt•auty about 1t 1s that she dot•s !>~111. Bnggs :-.uys on tile bndgl' of tht• Norfolk HC'lwl ih her high white su1ls pien •e th£• black lll'"s ofpn· da\\n abo\c llamµton Hoads, pulling a barg1• of p1p1ng from (.'..ipe Ch<trles to Newport Nt.'"" Tlw Nurfollo. Ht•bcl h as been \\Orking stead1 I\ -.11\l'l' "lfftng and · ll .., making the bank pa~ 1nt·nt:-. Hriggs '>av:- W1lh 30 ye;irs al s<•a beh111d him, Briggs :-.aid lw "·" e:-. 30 lo W p<·rcent tn fuel costs and m ..i~ bl• an hour off a towing JOb "hen lht' wind 1:-. right :111tl the ..,~11b art' up Ful•I t'osts l11rn about SI :1x a gallon \n hour of his timt• l'an l'U:-1 tht• h1ru $811 J Hngg.., .., .. ~ :-. thl' ~orfolk Rl'lwl mack 7 knoh undtr ..,,111 alont .md om• of ht:-. m<Jtes 11b1sts hl· j.!lll uµ to 9 8 knots lie ·s pushed 13 .,., 1th both _ 1•ng1<n>t.• amt :>atl 1 d ·i 11, ,.,..10 n one lO\\ 1ng JO J un er sat . the captain 1 ·. i., ... a.':-.. tw w<is pulling about 4 knots and burning <1'1t•l' Tl(,, Pagt• \91 OLD FASHIONED ICE CREAM Under New Owners •ICE CREAM •CULPEPPER POPCORN •JELLY BELLY S •GUMMY BEARS VIDEO GAMES ' THE ARBOR VILLAGE CENTER ' 551-0404 Su n~ay -Thurs. 12:00-9:30 Friday 12-10 . Sat 11 -10 For cornplete ad copy and art services advertisers all along the Orange Coast rely un Daily Pilot ~~~~------~-~----=--~-~~ ~~~ --------- Robinsons FALL SALE AND CLEARANCE SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS SUNDAY, 11·6 40°/o off SPARKLING CRYSTAL ASHTRAYS Cr r< !'f• <: 1 » $10.79 he;:iv( g1ea~111q crv~·..i ri fl(:> t• '1011"'' jpc, <:;' a•fr,.H 11'/P C'l<; WP (IC:. fl. c, i 11r .. B ~~ ·~nJ r O.a ''de-> c. r, 50% off 1 VOTIVE CANDLE HOLDERS BY DONGHIA Or q ~30 set of ,1 'tile $14.99 Cand1P.l1ql"1 rr>ver iust=c:. ti" rri,191c Our CIP,ir glass s111qlP con'ClmF>rs Pl vou o •• cl-' vo1,r cand1e<; in s:•atP.g1 oct f rorn Do•1qr11rl lor T osc?1nv l r 40% off &·PIECE MARTINI SET 011g $50 set sale $29.99 ThP cockta t hour becomes evPn rr>QrP plN1surabte when .,,., m<Jr 1n1 iHe c;ervPd 1n ur cr<1CPli:; soar1<11ng q i"> •• -, lrom tnP ir mCJtch•ng r 'lPr bv Toscany I I 519.99 special HANDSOME SERVING TRAY An 1rid1spens1ble household accessory QPnerously sized (20 x 16 l to hold a host of qlasse'> dishes. whatever Pearl white heavy o ac;t1t .-11cohol and stain-proof by Mikasa ~----------- 11 I I 40% off LONG·LASTING DRIED FLOWERS Reg $3 'JO each bunch <;ale $1 .99 Flowers enhance ary decor and thesP ore re>al blooms and branchpc al spPc1ally treated 10 Iris! ;:ind last And U1Py npver need Wdter1nq• Bouqu~I of 8CJby'<.. Breath 8-.1nch al euc rl yptus bOlh riv Corham .. __ , ,. .... .. ' -........ . ,,. / 40% off CLEAR GLASS VASE Or1q 18, sale $10.79 A tall. slender vase adorned with climbing blooms iust the thing for your new flowers by Toscany Robinson s Gilts. 59 To order any item s on this page. call 1011.free 1·800·523·7600. ROBINSON'S WEDDING GIFT REGISTRY. Make an appointment with our consultant at your nearest Robinson's We'll record your gift preferences 1n every store via our new computerized service Robinson's Fall Sale and Clearance ends Saturday. October 1 7 Hurry in while quant1t1es are plentiful and selections extensive All items sub1ec1 to prior sale ' I ' ' --1 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT1Sunday, October 11 . 1981 A9 TUG AVES ON GA , TIME ... I From P1At' AKI le11~ thun 10 J(allon~ ot lut·I un hour A pl1s1n old puwtir t ul( on a i;1m1lur ruri uobblcd up about 2K I( a llon"' lH 0 knots Briggs has 11 S74.464 grant throul(h the V1rJl1ruu &!u Grant ProJcct that will ~up1wrt studlt·~ or lhtt Norfolk Hcbl-1 by the V1rg11111.1 In:.t1tute of Mannt• Scienre Jon Lurv of VIMS. one of thOM~ qu1c·kly lltkt'n by the Norfolk Rebel. i.ays VI "1 S wall make sea trutls with the \'CSsel to f1gurt-out the most efficie nt comb111at1on of pow<'r and sutl und compute 1r. und how. the t'Xl'l'lllit' or rigging cun be recouped Although Briggs has the only Tuganttnf'. then• a rt> su1l-asi.is ted fishing bouts ulong tht' Wei,l Coast. chasmg a lbucort'. and a Ccw cargo hJult'n. dt·s1gned b) Merrit Walter St•n John W11rn er , f< V&&. and Sp»r k M 11lbunuga, J> thtwait. would extend a 1~ p ·r <'t'nt tax crt>dll tor sull equip~ vt.ts els built or rt-ftllt'd 10 the Unttc.-d 'Cates And lo put l:IOffi\" wind Ill lht' KUllt. O( such meusu1·,·~. Briags is or~un1z1ng a non profit aroup <'allt'd the Suil A~s1sted lnlernat1onal 1.luiison Al'iS0<'1•t1on SAILA Al the center of this art-Briggs und the \lorfolk Hebt!I. launched with a bottle of Hebel Yt>ll !<illur mas h on Ma) 22. 1980, National l\1 1H 1t1m1· l>ay. her keel laid on April Fool's Uuy. 1978. born of a Joke in 1975 Hngg!> threw a part> for h1!> neighbor~ who ht>lped him repair the rickety old marina ht> took ov<'r as the cit~· was about to condemn 1t One of the obscure· rules Briggs promulgated "a~ no -.;ulboat. no food ... _ Tugatttlrte . .\'orlolk Rebfl ngh1 ea.~eli toward -.1ster ship. rhe Steel Rebel. durmg a towmg uperat11m • Fitted u,ith 849 square feel 11( carwa., th<' tuc.1 cuts an f11wr nlf wb when u·mds are nght Lucy and Briggs arc also planning a na t 1onal t•onforent·e in late sprang 1982 or all tho~<' working on sail a ssis t ed boati. 1n :'llorrolk although Briggs pronuses not to hold 1t on his Rebel Manne Services dor k. much as he lovci. a part~ Briggs didn 't havt-a !tatlboat and couldn 't come to h11> own party But he did have the tugboat Steel Rebel. !>O up "'ent tht> tablecloth ;and a fe\\ other odds and ends The ragtali! sails were :-.t1ll up the next day on a towing job. and Bri g~!> realized he was picking up a knot and a half The Norfolk Rebel was conceived. .. ' A bill m a Senate committee. introduced b> Robinson's FALL SALE AND CLEARANCE SPECIAL SHOPPING HOURS SUNDAY, 11-6. 521.99 MEN'S FLANNEL SLACKS Reg S30 L1ghtwe1g ht oolyestPr acry'ic •ayon n grey charcoal tauoe brown 30-38 S-M·L lengths Size s0lec11on vanes in each store Robin son o;; Mens Soortswear 123 529.99 MEN'S VELOUR PULLOVERS Orig S37 50-540 V-nPck. or olacket collar styles Rust burgundy navv camel ecru sky bluP conon oolyest~r S-M-L-XL Robinsons Mens Knits 2 t 59.99-515.99 MEN'S SWEATS Ong s 13-S20 White nJvy black red royal grey sky blue gold cotton acrylic z1otr on1 hooded or crewneck shirts and drawstring sweat oants S-M·L·XL Robinsons New 01rect1ons 170 521.99 MEN'S VELOUR SWEATSHIRTS Orig 530 In about evPry color you d e1ssoc1e1te with fall Cotton polyester S·M·L·XL Robinsons NPw Directions 99 20<ro-25% off REVOLVING GLOBES S16.49-S21.95 reg $21 ·$2995 Choose from 12" models by Replogle both with relief detail Robinsons Books 24 42%-60% off RAINWEAR S2.49-S26.99 orig s 7-S4 7 Your choice of coats iackets. ponchos and hats 1n colorful nylon or vinyl Styf P and size selection varies 1n each store Robinsons Not1onc; 14 33% off CERAMIC FRAMES S4.99-S16.99 reg $8-526 Our entire collectaon o f Terragraph1 cs rectangular and oval ceramic frames 1n dusty rose or c reme Robinsons Stationery 13 FREE IMPRINTING, CHRISTMAS CARDS Choose from our entire collection and we II pnnt your one-fine name on the cards your two line address on the envelopes at no extra charge Robinson s Stationery 1J Allow two weeks for 1rnprant1ng order FREE IMPRINTING, DECKLE-EDGE STATIONERY Choose blue ecru or white. and we II print your one-fine name on each of the 100 sheets your two-line address on each of the 50 envelopes at no extra charge Boxed stationery by Rytes. each $6.99 Robinsons Stationery 13 Allow two weeks for 1mpnnt1ng. • 20% off SAMSONITE · NYLON LUGGAGE S35.99-S99.99 reg S4 5-S 120 Thi:: Freestylf' Series 1n cooper or smoke Cordura nylon Stylc:s ancJ sizes vary 1n each store Robinsons Luggage 19 40% off DRIED FLOWERS S 1.99 oer bunch reg S3 50 Choosr> babv 5 breath or eucalyotus bolh 1reatf'd 10 last lo r y~ar~ By Corham Robinsons Gifts 59 40% off CLEAR GLASS VASE s 10.79 rPg s 18 Eoually stunning N11h onf' stem o rsPvcral By Toscany Robinsons C.1tls 59 40% off CRYSTAL ASHTRAYS S 10.79 req s 18 Choosr> round sou.ire or oval each is ideal for your high-tech den Robinsons Gilts 59 50% off VOTIVE CANDLE HOLDERS S1 4.99 set of four reg S30 By Dongh1a for Toscany clear glass containers for setting the mood Robinsons Gaff s 59 519.99 OVERSIZED SERVING TRAYS Soccaal 16'," x 21" tacouer-look ol;_ist1c trays designed by Larry Laslo for M1"-asa Whit£> only Robinsons Gifts 59 40% off 8-PIECE MARTINI SET $29.99 reg $50 One graceful pitcher si'x matching glasses one glass stirrer By Toscany Robinsons Gifts 59 25% off WOMEN'S ANGORA-BLEND SWEATERS Orig $54-$84 sale S39.99-S62.99 A wonderful collect1on 1n luscious angora/lambswool/nylon For S-M-L from SRG Group Robinsons Sweaters. 1 1/3 off WOMEN'S JONES NEW YORK SUIT SEPARATES Executive material 1n rust or beige wool 6-1 4. Jacket. orig. $138. sate S89.99 Skirt. ortg $ 76. sa le $49.99 Robinsons V I P Sportswear 3 25% off WOMEN'S SCHRADER SPORT COORDIN,ATES S38.99-S 102.99. orig S52-S 138 W1nterwe1ght jackets. skirts. and blouses designed to move you up the corporate ladder 6-16 Robinsons Heritage Sportswear 9 Robinson's Fall Sale and Clearance ends Saturday. October 17 Hurry an whale quan11t1es are plentiful and selections e.l(tensa"e All items sub1ect to prior sale t I · .. t f; .. 0 0 •• Orang Coeat DAILY PILOT/Sunday, Octobor 11 1981 Friends ' complete ban of growth regrettab l e O rw h~1s lo bcl1t•\ l ' thut .1 ~ruup known ti!) f.'rwnd~ ul tht· tr·v int> ('o,1st ha:-. on ly nn <' goal in mind in fi ling a lawsuit alllll'U at O\ <.•rturnmg n•<·e nt approv<tl of a dt>n•lopmen t propos a l for tht· 9.-&00-:.H·re tt.·rntor~ bt•l\\t:t.•n l.a~una Reach and Cororl<t cit-I ~ar • Quite s 1mpl~. th<.•1r rhetn1 ll' ~side. th<.• F'nend !) wa~ to pn· \'enl for as long i.IS po~s1hlt• perhaps fore\'er. an~ ell'\ l'lop mcn t O('('Ul'ring on thl' I n ·1rtl' Com pan.' -owm·d prop<.·rt~· Somt.• nw~ 11.•call that 1l ''a-. more than 10 ~cm·~ al-{o wh(•n tht• C'Ompany first propo-.cd its pl L111:- for the -.t.·enit.· coast It <·alled fw <ibout 12.000 d welling u111ts and related de\'clopment that t·ould on I\ be clesc n bt.'<I a~ in l en"l' · :\ lot has huppt.>nl'd O\l'I' thl' 'l'ars Th<.• ..,tall'. for L''<.lnlJ>lt.• made the large-.t park pure h.i:-t• 111 lb history . acquiring tht• t·oastal shelf st.•awa rd of Padfll· Coast I hgh\\ a~ and the ruggt•d and scen ic a r ea~ ''' )l orro Can\ on It rt'<:l'i\'l'd Jll opt11111 tt1 purl:ha"l' adJ~l<'l'lll J('l'C<l!!<' The I r\'i rll' Com p;.in~ 111Hll•1 pn•:--.urt.• I rom n·~1d;.1 ton ,q.!l'll e1t.·~. 1ndud111g < >r.1ngl· ( ·111m\.\ 1.?0\'t.1rnnw11l and llw .... 1:1lt.• l'11us1.tl C'o nH1·u-.:-wn r ,11l 1t•t.ll h n•dun•d \ht.• lllllllht.•r ol 11111h lo h1 • built Ft>w(•r· ttw11 2.0011 wut-. t.'\'l•n111,dh \\ill Ill' lot·akd Ill I ht• .11 l'il 111,000 fl'\\ l'I' I h:m 01'11-(IJlally pl llJ>OSL'd I 11 .11ldilJnrt. t Ill· <'om pan~ ha:i mack -.1g111f11·o1nl c·orH'l'"''on-. holh in thl· prn<·t.•clu1l' lly whit'h :1dd1twn.il opl'n ... pan• lc.1ntb will lw donutt.•d tu till· c·11t1nl' tor puhl1t· u-.l' and 111 tilt' ;1mount e1I t·um ntl·n·1:il llt•\'l•lt1p111t•111 ;.11 a p.111 elf l<lllf'l~I Of'll'flll•cl l'l'lll!'l'S In l>t• lo1·;.1 tt.•d 111 tb <'O!lstal hold111gs Tilt• g;.1111 .... for t lw puhlit· an• -.1g111f1<·Jnt \'l't 1h1• Fr·1t•11<I-. PL'r ... 1:-1 111 tht.·11 h<·l11'1' llwl till' pl a II I~ :1 po111 111\l' I h.tl lilt' 10 ·' t.•a1· pl.111ni11g dlen I 1:-.11 t ...,ulf1 dl·11t. th:.il .tll ma1111t·r or :-talt· l,t\\" l'l'ganltng roa -;tal n 'MHll'C'L'" h.I\ I' bt.'l'll \'IOl:Jtt.•cl ~I) tht•\ :-.ued And \dlllt· th<',\ h,l\'l· ·i.l nghl lo hnng ll'gal .ic·1 t011 ti i-. mon· than d1:-lw.11 lt•11111g till'~ 1·how to l};I\ l' dmll' ~II Ill I ht• fa('(' 11f ti\ l'I' \\ twlrt1111g 1·\ 1d1•tH't' I h.it ...1 l!Ood pl,1n 1111 I ht· I 1'1111• < ·ua-.1 h ...... llt•('ll cl1•\ dCJJH'<I Don't restric t judges It ha:i been a n·gul<ir otcur n•11ce throughout Aml·l'1ea n 111~ t <JI',. th ~1 l \\ hen c v er int L' rt'~ t gro.ups of \'arying pol111t·al st npe~ hel'ome ups et ~1hou1 fed eral court dN·isions u hut• and ('r~· has an sen to curb the pm' l'I'" of the federal Judiciar~ Angt.•red b~ federal l'<>Urt rul 111g~ nn abortion. pornogr:n>h~ school pra~·er and busing ~l'" Right c:ongre~smt•n ha\ L' 111 troduc<.'CI \ anou:-. hilb th<1l \\ould l'l'ffiO\'l' n·rtain pow<: rs rnnn I ht• SupremC' Cour l and low<.·1· f<·dc·r:d t nbunab The :'\c.·w H1J.!ht :-appn1:H·h 111 n 1rbing jud1e1al p<rn er .... 1.., not ne\\ And the danger tl po:-.e.., to the tndcpcndenn~ o f the ftodl·rnl .1ud i<:iary is a!. n·al now a:-. 11 w;1., 1n the pas t Our federal court ~\slt•m ,.., the uni\' instit ution we· h:n·t· that can e nsure thut the fundumcntal rights outlined in the Const1tut1nn \\Il l he uplwld :.i:-fa1rl.\' .incl <I" un1formh "" '" humL1111\ po-.-.1hl1 Suh1ecting the c·oL1rt t•> tht· w h ims of wht.Jtt•\·er pass ion hap pen:, to hl' in \ ogu<.' woul<l go .1 long \\a~ toward l'hangmg our government from om· of l.rns to on<' of ml·n The st1pulatt0n that the Constttut mn is tht.• su1wl•m<· l<lw of the land w11uld bl'('onw mt'amngle~s Om.• of the IH'opo-;ab lwf111't• Congress that pose:-. this dung<.•1 1~ a proposed con:-lltul1on\!I amendment h\ Sen . Orrin llatth. R ·L'tah . that ~·c>Uld give Congres~ and th<.• state-. the nght lo rt:g ulate ahortion and rt' mm t.· thl· iss u e from judi cia l rc\'ll'W AnothE:"r is a bill O\' Sen Jcs -.e lle lm s. R ·~.C . to han Suprl'nw Court re,·ie'' of cast.'" in\'nh 111g pra~·er Ill publ1e school:-.. Some 20 lnll!-> to curh the 1udicwr~· drt' before Congn•ss Tod av 1l 1~ the consl•n at 1\'l':o. Rut in the pas t llb<.·rc1ls han· p11:-ht•d lnl' th1" l\pt' 111 ll·g1~la I it Ill B:H·I.. in 1 IH· d;I\ :-111 l'hl•l1dc in· Hoc1-.('\ l'll t ht· I 'rogn·-.-.1\ , . ..., lhl' lih1•r.1!-. 111 1111·11 111111· \\l'll' 111 <111 upn1,1r ;i ... tlw Supn·nw <'11urt -.1 rtH'k do\\ 11 e1111 Pr 111.t1 l'''" I' l,I\\ <t 11 l'I' .tlllll he•r T11e1I-. of I hl' trust-.' th1•\ l'lll'd r·:1wrnll'" of tl1t \\•1tk11H! m,cn r II l'l' m l' cl ~ l Ill' ... 11 ll :I I II) n :--o nH· 1'rc1gn·:-:-1\·t.·-. propo-.1•cl 0111 right aholtl 1011 111 1ud1t·1,ll n •\ It'\\ < >t lwr-. <'.tll1·d for t,,111n1ng n ·\ ll'\\ .,f 1·1•rt;1111 -.01·1111 c·n1111n11< h-~1!-l.e I le tJI \ll v111pt-. 111 lt11ll\ lh1• I ll cl I (' Ill I'\ h ; I \ (' t ii k e' fl II t h (' I for m-. B;11·k 1n I ho111;1-. .)\'! lt•r -.011· ... d,I\ 1·11r.1~•1·cl Jl'lle·r-.c. 11 1 .1 11, , 11 u g h I t e 1 1 m pl' a ( h Fed1·r.rl1-.1 111rl ~1·-. \\ho lhl•\ 1 ·1iM~1·cl \\t·n· lt•.1d111g 1tw l' S Im\ anl d<·..,1111\1-.rn \ncf ,111\ -.1111ll•l\I 111 111-.101 \ n·1twinl1vr ' I ho • 1·11111 t p.te·k1n j..!· pl<1ll ol tlw 1•1:11i... \ fni-.11 aH·<.l ~·1 ,1nkl111 I) 1(11e N'\ 1•11 '' .1td11ni.: tlw Sup1,.nlt' t'11111t -.111!..l• dO\\n h1 .... '\l''' l>1'.il l,1\\" -.ought tlw po\\ f'I' 111 ,1ppn1nt .idd1t1011.il pl l' :-u11L1hl.\ prn .\t·\\ l>•·id 111s t H'I'~ 11n 1 h<• d11h111u " gr11111111 ... 11f m~1kmg 1 hl' hu~lt l'llllJ'I Jilt 11 l' t'fl 11'11'111 \II I hl'"t 1·,.1111ph· ... h;I\ t' <1111 • l'tlll\tllOll I hi 1•,ul l'ht•\ ,ll'l' .111 .1l lc·mpt 111 <·nppl1· 11u1 111dept·mflon1 111d1l·1.11 \ tor t r.111-.11111·, pollt1<·,1I 1rn rpo!-e-. Tht.·\ .in• d.rngl'l'Oll'> c l f111'1S t o t:.imp1·t· ''1th th<• Umt• hnnm·ed :-\·st Pm of l'he<'k-. .11Hl ha I :.t n<·t.·~ Prcsidt.•1\t W1ll1.rn1 !Inward T .1ft s umrnC'd up lhl1 1~:-uc• bt:>sl '' h t·n 1 n op po-. 1 ng m o\ e~ Io J>l'l'fllll re•t.·<rll 111 1udgt.•s ht· \\l'Ol1• th..il tl '-' <'" So Pf't'llll'lllllS 111 lh l'f ft.•('I '-II dl'.,\l'llC'l I\ l ' of tht.• Ill d<.•tH'lllll'IH'l' c>I 'he 1ud1l'i~ll'.\ . .,el lik<.•h lo -.11h1e1·1 till' 11~h1" of th1• 1 ncl I\ 1du al Io po-.s 111 It· I \ rann~ of th<• popular m:i1on1~ Let's bone up 011 lio11es t y Mort Stein of :\'t.•wpurl Beach teache::. a cour~e at Goldt•n we ... 1 College on being honr-;t 1n h11s1 ness. I n an er~1 of too m..1n\ :-.leai'\ deals and npoffs. lilt• pnigram 1.s dearly nt.•c<le cl ll 's a ~ad commt'nt ~tr~ nn our· times. Stein Sa\'s that some hu-.ines., practices a re unneeded .md un wise not only bt.•cause the~"rc had but a lso because thr~ re not p r ofit able In short . the~ <irl' bad bu siness. "It's possible and praellC'al to be h onest in busi nes~ ... s a.,·s I hl' • 't·lt.•ran p11hlit 1'l'k11 wn~ pr:.ict1 llOIH'I' ~fo~t h11s11H·-;-.t·~. s m:1ll and l.1r~t.'. ha\'l' und(•ro.;tocirl and prac t1n•d th1~ Hut tlw 11umhl'I that don't has hcrn 1n1:n·;1~i11g n11->idly u-. ha~ I hl· 11w1dt•111·1· of c h<.· at lllJ! all through ou1 ~IH'H'I~. from tlw cla~sroom t11 thl' ~1th ll't1t· f1<•hl. to I he incom<.' l'1X form. lo 1 h1• in .... uratl('l' c l.um and 1•wn in to cha1·it,v and rl'l1g111ll 1\nd Stein point~ out lh:H those ''ho chl'at pay for 11 1n oth<•r 'A\l,\'S Stl'in's ml'ssage that honest~· 1s lhl' best poltt.·~ dl'"\'r\t's to h<.> hl'11rd b('yond ht ~ rl:1..,-.ro11m Op inions expressed in the space above are those bf the Daily Piiot. Other views ex· pressed on this page are those 01 their authors and art 1sts. Reader comment 1s 101111 ed. Address The Daclv Pelot, P 0. Box 1560. Costa Mesa, CA 9262b PhOne 1714 ) 6•2-4321. O RANGE COAST Daily Pilot ,.vDhVltcl ,.,.,1 Off Of e,.. Yt•• •• »0 Wttl B•Y St (O\I• MoW .tOCI'"' <O.,nponOfn<t lo Bo• I~ (O\e• IMW 1.4 t1•1• Thomas P. Haley P ublisher Thomas Murphtne Editor Barbara Kntlbich Edltorlal Page Editor \ - GOP realigning after Sadat W AS If I N G T 0 N I-' orly · t h r e e tt1.•publtcan st.>nators ~um moned to hear an emotionul appeal from Pn•s1dcnt Reagan Wednesday for s upport on the /\WACS deal were s tunne<l when Sen Hob Pa('kwood of Oregon. pet.ovish and 11ns nllllng. predicted that Egypt's post. S.ldal lt.•ader~ would bt> disposed of in ·six months, .. and off{'red to hcl mone\ on it · "I 'll take th:il bet " snapped Sen Ch<lrlcs II. P<:rcy, chairman of thc Sl'nat<.• 1''nn·1gn Relations C'omm1ltee. \\ ho~l' t·1rn rageou:. s tands on tht• M 1dl'Usl have hurt him bac•k hom1• in II lino is P(•rt•y and Patk wood reflect the "1den1ng s pltl on l s ral'I 1n the Hepuhllcan Party. Whtie headmg lht• 1982 lkpuhl1C'<.1 n St•nate camµa1gn. P ack\\oud also run~ 1h1• camp<11 gn again'it the prestdl'nl 's I\ WACS deal wtlh un intensity that has Sl<lrtlt>d the \\' h 1 tt.• I lnusl' Whal Hcag;rn had o.lanned 111 the wakc uf An\\ ar Sadat's <lea th to bring his ma· 1urll) part~ m the Senatl' togt·thcr may havt' sllghlly narrowed thl' s plit but in· tens 1fied lhl' bitterness Before the meetmJ.: in thl' stall' dtnmg room t>nded. St.on .Jesse ffrlms h111led of his concern thal dl:'fcat 01 thl' Ul'<tl \\llUlcl JfllUSt• lhe ht•ast or anti Sem1t1i:m Tenswn <tl the ml'eting caust•d b~ l'ccck\\oo<l's unsupported µred1ction of ne w Egyptian turmoil \\as heightened b\ a vt·nomous attacJ.. on Saudi Arabi<t and Reag<1n 's policy h) tht• usuall.> affa ble Sen Rudy Bosch\\elz of l\linnl'SOla l>cliH•nng what one ('Olll'ague callC'd <1 · l1radl'.· he s aid the diffc•renc(• bl'l"' el·n lhl• S;i udi-. and tht· rest or the Arabs \\:.IS e.1 111-rold 1ncrl•ac;e in orl Prtl'l''> compared \\Jlh an 11 fold 1n l'reasl' "What k111d of friends are they"" he askl•d •·If the Saudis are moderates. thl'n the rest of tlw Arabs are real son~ of hitches · Contr.11 \ lo u:iual praclit'e, Reagan 1nlt•r 1 Uf>lt•d Uoschwitz. a rguing the AW ACS dl'al 1s necessary to bring the Saudis into the Camp David peace plan But BoM·hw1tz continued. denounC'in~ EVANS I NOVAK Ht·.igan's Saudi polic) 'The Saudis havt· bought this government," he rh <HJ.:l'd Rcai?an voc•1Cerouslv denied 1l I rwed \Our help. · said · Reagan in 11111·ntng-tltt· meeting Newly energized in lhl' AWACS fight by Sadat's death, tht· prc-;1dent Lold his fel low lll'public<rns that Democrats "would l1kl' nothing bt.'ltt•r than to knork me out ·· on this 1ssut• Sl'rrctary or State Alexander lla1g SJlll that with Sadat gone, Saudi Arabia bC'<·omcs .ill tht· more im1>0rt:int as an \rab fncnd St·n. John Warner of Virginia asked tht• prcs11lcnl whl'lher he had "looked at .i Sc•nalc res olution designed to plat.•Jtc AWACS cr1t1cs Reag:rn rcs pondecl that hl' had not only "looked al tht• rc~olut1011 but lhorou~hl) JP pro\'(•d of ti Thus. hope fur H.epubllran unity fluur1 o.;ht•d bril'fl) Rut freshman st.•nator Slade <iorton of Was hington wanted to hear Crom Packwood. who llegan the ucnmony with his foreC'ast of an E gyptiiin ~civt•nt mental on•rthrow BoHh\\llt's outburst followed llt·lm.-. next went to the podium to quote a n unnamed "sen ior Dt•mocrat ic st•11ator" who had told tum On this tSSU<'. you fellows will dem- un"trate in fart wh1•tht:r vou re a ma- JOrity varty You Wiii 'ckmonstrat t' whether your prcs1dl'nt h<ts any credibili t y 1n foreign policy anymort.· If vnu H(-'.1>ubllcans can 't t•vt·n support )Our own president. how c-.rn you a~k Derno<:rats to do so .. ll<•lnis warnctl "If wt· slaµ the Saudis 111 lhl· f:tl·c . the~ will go to England and huv 'll1mrods <radar µlanes 1, and then lht'y won't owe u~ anything " Ill· prl'<hctcd that defeat of AWACS nrntd ~et• a ret urn of three hour gas tin<.·~ and addl•d · · You fellows ask ~·ou rsdvcs "'ho the A mencan people \\rll blame for this .. Without s pec1Ctcal- ly mC'ntiun1ng anti S<:m1t1sm. Helms' w;ur11ng "as clear The' most 1mpass1oned speech came from pro-AWACS frt.•..,hman senator Jl'l'l'rntah l>l'nttir1 of Alabama He said that his long yl'ars m a Vietnamese POW (':Jmp resulted from the same hlin<i ness Congrt.>ss wa~ cltsplay1ng on J\ \.\ "cs Sadat s death thangcd Sen~ Orrin Hatch of Utah anti ./\Ian S1mvson of \\'yo m 1 ng to I ht· pro A WACS side Charles :\l ath1a~ of .\1:.in•land ts m<iqng 1n that d1rect1on But the hars h ''ords s aid hy ffrpubhcan -.enalor~ tu the president·:. face in h1<, own house ~ho\\ the difficulty of hts l<ik ht>Ur s t rugglc lo avert a c·utastrophc for the lfrpuhllcan P arty, not to ml•nt1on tht· countn Cheaper workers key to prosperity? l\1 r Heagun is promis ing m 1lliuns more JOhs 1'h<' nat un· of llJl' work and pa) arl· not ~<'I announl'cd ... o ~ou m ight \\ Jnt 10 wait .i f('\\ rla.' c, hC'tore apply 111g Bt• pati(·nt :.md t hl' t·conom1c o.;µon tant•ous <'Omhu:-tion I hat \\ 111 be 1i.:111ted b .\ t ht• -.um uf th1-. roundhead t1d ministrntion·.., poll1·1 L'S "ill crank out 101,.., fj:o.ler th.in our .lav:im•se friends muk(• llond<1s .'\: nnc>lhelcs:i, sonw ur t ht· thrngs th(ll Hea,ganauls arc dnini: m11-.1 lead to kill 1n~ of t•mplm ment <•thcr things ma) 1ndel0 d trcJtt· 111·w J<ib:i but not nl'l'l'S!iJrJly Jilt. .. lhat you .11HI I \\<>Uld ";rnt to ha\'e THE ASNOUNCEO p111·p.1se of the Hl'<t1'!an lax pol1c1 e:-. ts lo t•ncourage 1n vestmt•111 1n nC\\ pl<1nts and ne\\ equip ment to "mcn•ase productivity .. That ic; an impt>rsonal phrase for saying labor saving or Job·eltminating new machinery It is already a Lru1s m around Detroit that. regardless or how -.ucrt•-.sfullv GM and F'ord lrarn to com- PC'tl' with · Oriental 1mporb and how high s ales 10001. many I ho11sando.; of the present!~ laid off autom oh1le worker-. will never be called hack Robot-.. for whom no workmen's or unl·mployment compl·n~alurn nl•etl (>\er bl· paid ha\'e taken over their Jobs. Whl'nt•ver this observat1un 1s made, the reply 1 ~ automat1call~ the same labor saving equipment rreate1' ne\\ Jobs mdking the labor-saving equip mcnt The unstated presumption here unstat<•d ht-cause 1t 1s 1d1ot1<: p, that the number nf labor hours net.•dt•d to manufaC'ture :.1 car or anything el<;e is ron:.lant IC those hours are not put 1n on lhr <1ssembb hne. then they will be put in making the machines which will \\Ork the as::.cmhl) line Budd lhc cars IJ} hand or butld hy hand the robot!> \\ hlC'h \\rll bud<l lhl' Clll'S h 1rtunalch or unfortunately. labor '"\'Jng mathirwry docs save labor Enormous quanlll1es of 1t Look al agri(•111tu1 c 1\1 the turn of the century about half our w11rk forl'e was engaged Ill ~rowing rood and fiber. Today SIX ra-' ' VON HOffMAN pt•rc<'nl µroduce many times as much j.., \\a~ sh1 pped to the• market in 1900 Tlie mtlhon:-forced off the farm are not t.•m1>loyed hu1lding tractors for thos t: who're still on ii llOWEV E R . other Reaganistical policies may combine to creat e jobs because. taken in the aggregate. they ma\ c·ombinc to force down the price of labor relative to other costs When labor 1s less ex111'ns1vC'. would be employers .;omet1mt·1' :-witrh O\'er and become ac tual t•mpll1)ers ,\nybody who owns a hou~c kno°"s th1!:t tr carpenters are mc1k1ng S2(J an hour ('C rtarn projects like c·nrlosing tht• porch get postponed Al $12.50 an hour, t he homeowner starts to review lhe h1cld111g During the l)eµress ion. you couldn't s<'ll a labor snving device like a forklift Lt1b111 \\as l'heapl'r than the machinery to n •pla<'<' 11 Com1• World War II and µ ros pent) a11<1 I hey t'•>u ld n 'l m a kc forklifbi fast C'nough It 1s this not ver~ original insi~ht that has promptt.'d the Reaganauts and o thers to argue for lowering t he minimum wage for teen ager.; or for in· nt•1· t1l\ areas <iffltcll'd \\tlh .. term1nal pauperl:-.m If labor 1:. ('heap in this or that plal'e .... o the theor) goes, employers will locat1' therC' to l<1k1· ad· vantage of 1t So the\ ma' liut no matll'l' ho\\ trd( tll~ the iaw grantrng t•xemp11on!> tu the minimum wag<· 1 ... dr:.rnn once ll 1' llft- t.•d for sumt· it \\ 111 be• ltftt•d for miln\' rnort: P(•Ople arc 1101 J,!Otng Ill lost' thci·r Jobs 1u~t ht·C'<:Hlst' lhl!y arc not legally c•l1,g1ble lo be 1wrd le-.-. 1f thl'y h:I\ t' to. I ht·~ ·11 kick p:,irt nf lhl· "ag<•s bark to thPir emµloyers undn lhe table TH E KE.\G.\~ admin1strat1on 1~ ('on :-1c1l'rtng (Jthcr thing~ lhat will also w11rk to lower wages Tlwrl' is the tmkc·ri ng "'Ith S.)c·1al Secunt;. to Corn' peoplt! to .... ork to 65 or bt•vond bl'forf' retirement . al:-o the propos~ls to make unemploy· mt-nt compensation less generous and \\Clfare more stringently given must in- crease the number. o f job seekers and therefore tend lo pus h down wages The s maller wage raises given to federal ~overnmenl employt'l'S. the laying-off of thou:-.ands of teach er-. a nd other local government employet':-.. and the proba- hle repeal of the Davis Bacon Act assur· ing workers on go\'E'rnment construc- tion pro;ects the h1ghe:-t wages. all of these I hmgs, "'hl'n 1 aken m the ag· grcgate, have• to create a situation in \\hteh pt'Ople , ... ,11 be obliged to work for lt•ss. i\ssuredly there wi ll be some more jol)s but how man) is past lht' power of prediction Cheap wnrkers may be the foundal10n for a ne w s urge toward gr <'ater prospe rity. or we may drive more people into the labor force thereby ll'<;Sening productivity as more of us work for fewer dollars in our pa)·rhccks Fundaillentalists take Jesus' naille • • ID VOID One of the rich ironies of the so·called ·fundamentalist.. movement is that while 1t prca<'hes Christ. 1t forgets J esus. F'or the fact is that the living .Jesus would not be an appealing figure to the members of the Moral Majority For the fact further is th at he was a thorn in the side of the fundamentalists of his own time Jesus wanted to reform and humaniie the religion of his time and his church He saw it as falling into the hands of the legalists and the narrow m oralists He saw it as becoming pr oud a nd priggish a nd pw1itive when it should be hum b le and compassionate a nd for giving THE FUNDAMENTALISTS of h1~ church reviled and condem ned him tor his actions, his attitudes and his say- ings. He associated with prostitutes and tavern -keeper s and tax collectors. He • min gled with the riff.raff. not with the respectable m em bers of the clergy. H e was a revolutlonary ln a moral, not in a political. sense. He reminded us t ha t the Sabbath was m ade for man. not mM for the Sabba th which means • that what 1s "right" or "wrong" to do depends upon the human end, not on the legal code ur the ecclesiastical edict · He was strict about the way we ought to behave toward one a nother, but le- nient toward our persona l weaknesses. Ile warned the self •ighteous t~e SYDNEY HARRIS ~ not. that ye be not judJted." He pre- f e r red the poor , the outcast, the strug. gling. often t he "sinner," to the ptous, respectable, hypocritical upholders of t he la w and trustees of the temple. T h is is why t hey ha t ed him a nd hounded him. Because he saw that re - lig ion had h<trdened into ritual, that the early fait.h of the fathers had turned cold a nd formal and self-r ighteous, that the zeal of the pr ophets had been re placed by the dogmas or the prtesta. YOU CANNOT re ad the New Testa· m('nt without realldng thnl Jesus was • irrevocably opposed to the Moral Ma· jority of his tim e. His mission was to re· vitalize and rehuman ize t he J e wish church. to reawaken its early passion against injustice and oppression. His idea of "mora lity" had nothing to do with gambling or danc ing or dnnk· ing w ine or s uch frailties. His idea was truly "funda mental" in that it went right to the bottom of men's relations w it h one another in terms of br otherliness, toler ance. help, mercy. His parable of the good Sa maritan wus shocking a nd r evolting to the Moral Majority of his day for he showed how the priests and t he pious passed by a fallen man. wh i le t h e despised Sam a ritan (the "nigger" of Palestine) was the only one who tried to work God 's will Whatever the modern fundamentalis l claims to be, in the na m e of Christ, he is taking the nam e of J esus in vain. For Jesus was not setting up a church, or establishing rules, or condemning his brothers. He was showing us how God wa nts us to act toward one another, by his own e xa mple. It is a lesson th~ tun- dnm entnllsts still b11ve to learn ~ . ' Orange Coa1t DAILY PILOT/Sunday Octob r 11. 1981 11 Rising demands boost high cost of lobbying CAN'T YOO.JUST PICTURE IT, COLONEL.? RUNWAYS THERE: AND IMER~, TOWER IHERE ... IERMINA~S ... HANGARS ... PARl<IN<S LOTS ... CAR R&NTAL A~ENCIES .... <11FT BOUTIQUES By C'tlARLES G. tJa:;LL Or Chorlfls C Hell 1:1 o pro/euor oJ poht1cat S('1en<'I" at Col State f.'ulle'rton. St utc government's handling of the budget, crime. budget cuts. or reappor· t1onment tlHs year muy have upset or p lttused us, but more than anything CALIFORNIA COMMENTS e lse. we should be concerned with the horde of special Interest lobbyists In Sacramento. Lobbying. protected by the constitu- tional guarantees of free speech a nd the right to pt.-tit1on. has become a m ajor component of California government. S pending more than S30 million a year more than 600 lobbyists roam the Caµ1tol corntlors. testify a t commit· tee hearin gs, p repare .1nform at1on briefs. and arrange for vis1t1ng co1l:.t1 - luents to meet their l(lt•al legisla tor a ll to plead their client ·s case. The waning and dining that was so com mon a rew years ago has largely disappeared. th<inks to reform legisla - tion enacted in 1974 Califorma's professwnal lobbyists outnum ber legislators by better than 5 t o 1. During the year. they will cost their interest group cmplo)ers about S250,000 per legislator on the average. Tha l cost has nothing to do with cam- paign c·ontn butions and very little with socializing. Almost all of it 1s spent on l ob b yists· f ees · o f fice s p ace, s ecretaries. transportation. telephone. etc It 1~ ob\'1ously not a pe nny-ant e gam t.' being played in Sacramento Whom do lobbyists represent., Of the 605 pr ofessional lobbyists reg is tered with the secretar y of state, mor e th<tn hulf represent business g roups the butc·her. the baker and the candlestick maker S ixty-five loc<il governments such as the Orange County Department of Education. County or San Francisco, or t he Fire Districts Associa t ion or California hire full -tim e lobbyists to influence s tate go\'er nrrfent And in. these post-P roposition 13 da ys. local governments t ry to get ci ll the help t hey can from Sacramento Seventy-three hea I th deli very groups such as Blue Cross t he California I lospital Associat1un. and the Ccilifornia Medical Association tour doctors) have lo bbyists in Sanamento Another la rge group 59 insuran<'l' and finance or· ganizat1ons such as the Bank of Am erica. Colonial Pt•nn Avco. and Wells Fargo protect themselves 1n Sucramento w1th hired lobbv1sts T hirty·e1g ht organized labor groups r e presenting the /\ FL·C IO, state employees. teachers and farm workers. for example. wield considerable power through their strong lobbies as do re fo rm groups such as Common Cause. the A.C L.U .. and Tom Havden·s Cam- paign for Economic Of'mocracv It's hard to imagine the broad range of groups and people represented by lobbyists Among the more obscure or- ganizations would be the Inland Pilots. the AcupunC'ture Association of Amt!rica or the Amenean !~hydrated Or11on & Gurhc Associa t ion Where do lobbyists come from '! No one ever grows up thinking "I want to be a lobbyist ·• No university or college otrcr:. a mujor in lobbying. Most lobbyists come, or i1(inslly, from their first client group where they worked as ;;in a ttorney, Hccounlant. or in publi<' re la lions On e antt•rL·~tang :.ourCl' of lobbyists 1s the Legisl<1ture itself At p resent l7 ex· lawm akers defe3ted or retired from the Legislature wor.k as profession31 lobbyists in Sacrnmcnto For1 example. ('X ·leg1slator Dennis Carpenter who used to represent southern Orange Countv and a small part of north San Diego County in t tle state Senate now lobbies for Orange County and I wo other clients While mu~t or us are underst andably concerned about the SJO m illion s pent in lcg1~l<1tl\·e CJ mpa1~n <'Onlribulluns b) interc:,t groups in l980 those same groups spend twice as m uch on support 1ng t heir lobbyists in Sacr amento dur rng a two-year legislytive session Jn a ll, interest gr oups invest more than S90 million in a lwu-vear session That·s about half o r what the taxpnyers spend in supportiog the solons JiiOM OHf\JSO f'J DAILY PILOT Mention of attack To the Editor In the moments <ifter the ass<assana tion of Egyptian Pres ident Anwar Sadat the scramble for newsworthy com ment from '"quali fied observers .. for the evening edition must have been intense and frantic. At tht• top of your front page on Oct. 6 was an artidc quoting t he wor ds of a UC Irvine professor of social science and former a~sistant vice chancellor. MAILBOX George Roberts. as saying .. , wouldn·t be s urprised if the Israelis attacked or did something. r would perceive 11 as bein g in their self-inter est.·· It appears that all the Isr aelis a re go· ing to do is send Prime Minister Begin to attend Sadat ·s funeral while the Egyptians appeilr to perceive (buzz word'' 1 that their greatest 1mmed1ate pent would originate to their west an Libya MV CiRA OFATHER used to start each day with a long pause at the bay windows at the front of the house and would then deliver himself of the ob • L.Pttl'r\ tram tf'.of'r\•re •tlt..Otnr T~ r1Qht totanotnM tel '"''to tu WW<.• or •hmu·wtf' 110.I 1\ ,,,,,,.ed Lt11f'f'~ o• JOO w ord\ or It\\ will Ot Q•vfll CH'tter•nc• All l•U•" mu\t tn t luOP \>•QrWlure ano n'l••hno •OOr•u b\lt rwmt • m•r be .-ittff'IOtlCf On rtqutt\1 tf \Uftl(tltf\f rt•wn f\ •OCWrtnl f>oetr'f ••Hnot ~ puot1\n.tt'O Lru..,, '"•Y tM-1.-eononed to._,., .oe. N~mr •no~ numMr of tf\f CCr'ltr•t>vtor IT'M.iSt bt o••tn tor ... , 1t1c •Hon puroov' servat1on that ·Som ething bad 1s bound to happen .before or after mad night ' ·· Roberts shares a niche with m y grand father .both percei ved <the re's that word again) somethin g m alevolent wher e no th reat exists'. Fr ankly, at see·ms beyond compre· hension that Roberts could both reach and a rticulate suc h a pre poste r ous con e lusion Israel is al pea ce with Egypt. T hey have p eace on a long .border and with the superior military power m the Arab World and have only Syria and maybe J orda n (probably as a token gesture ra ther than as an ag. gressor> plus the PLO to trouble them . There is no im aginable r ationa lization for an invasion of Egypt by Isr ael even if one assum es Isr ael 's lea ders ar e totally opportunis ti c. cynical, and without honor. Besides that, the United States has taken the position that they will guarantee Egypt·s integrity so I have no fear that a n v wild a dventurism would either be ser iously contemplated by Israel or rountenanced by t he United States One is compelled to assume that Prores~or Rober ts h as insights 1n geopolitics a nd m i litar y m a tte r s <possibly divinely insp ired? I which es ca pc both astute a nd ordinary morta ls and I hat he will not shrink from instructing us as to his transcende nta l brand of wisdom However . and mosl'importantly. I am compelled to ask you. the Editor. how this incredibly outrageous commentary managed t o find its way past you ECONOMICS QUIZ .QUESTION: Whichci these two lnstltutions hos reen so rorauMed with~ that it now threatens fo turn ihe Uhited States into a. secohclrote lndusttiaJ: power Produdn9 900ds of inferior quaiity? ANSWER: Both Freshman shows grasp of adulthood By MARV GERARD DENIGAN Mary Gerard Demgan 1s a reS1dent of Newport Beach. (f I ever wonctered whether our son w as r eady to ~o away to school this year , to be really on his own with the decisions concerning the direction of his life put into his 18-year·old hands. r don 't have to wonder anym ore. Yesterday he saved a girl's life. He didn't tell me about it. llis older sister who is in the same city was the one who phoned us. So far. his dad and I have resisted our Immediate impulse to call him with our congratulations He a pparently doesn't think that he needs them . \i He !IWObpe d aw ay t he traces of herois m that might have clung to the stor~ after he to ld it lo his sister with his own conclusion "It was no big deal." F or the girl who was choking at the c afe te ria ta ble, U must have beM a very big deal. The room wa!I packed with the noon crowd but he heard her gasps down the way from him over the din of t he s tu- dents. Her com panJons were looking q uizzically at her while her sounds were turning into strangling errorts and her face was turning blue. He shoved his c hair :iside. raced down the le n gth of the table a nd grabbed the girl with one arm while he used the other to check down her throat. lie fe lt nothing with his finge rs so. standing behind her. he got a grip around her middle and m ade an upward m otion w ith h is fists unde r h e r diaphragm Her struggling was becoming mor e feeble and her face was a darker s hade. lie later told his siste r that he was feel- ing desperate and shaking so hard that he wasn't certain that he could be effec live al all Again and again be pre.~sed against the area until he thought he co uld a lmost reel her backbone. Suddenly, a large segment of gra pefrujt popped out of her throat T he girl began to sob a nd the others all stood self-conscious ly s ilent around her Gradually, s he composed herself and began to giggle. She turned to a gir l friend a nd said, "Wow." She didn't seem to notice her rescue r. lie wa lked across t he cafe te ria towards the exit and. on the way, one boy murmured . "That was good." I'm secure, now. that our red-haired son with the freckles and conlageous grin c an be the keeper or his own life. I see that he values others' and that he instinctively recognizes the Big Deals even it he chc>oses not to name t hem that And the girl? It ne ver occuM"ed to our boy to ask her nam e. His job was, sim p· ly. to keep her life Intact. He thinks she too Is a freshman. If o, her reaction, then. to being so "different" In a publlc setlina was t y pical enough When she is olde r. h owever, she may reflect Ul)On the di!· fereoce of one classmate's behavior. was 'outrageous' a nd /or your editorial staff and or1to your front page'' The Arab-Israeli que:.tion has bl-en the subjeC't of muth controversy fo r over 30 years and the repercussiol}S . . even as far away as 1n home tll\C·n U.S A. Ciln not be better put into pers pective than to remind people or the t w isted m ental aberrations which m otivated Sirh<in Sirhan to assassinate Sen Robert Kenncdv or wh1c:h cu rrent ly m otivate som e people to d('secrate J ewish cemeteries and tt•mples P r o fess or R e>be rts h as a gr e,a t per sonal responsibility to deul objec lively with his aberrant thinking and conc lusions, assumm g he has some re· maining intellectua l faculties to CCIII upo n . That Roberts expressed a personal opinion and that it does not necessarily (?) refl ect your editorial policy might bt> open to dispute 1r you fail to mak(' ci public effor1 to remedy any 1mpn·ss1on to t he contrary DAVID J STILLER Res lore ,.,af ety valt'P To the Editor · 1. m glad that President Reagan has not done away with affirmative action nor with the other equal opportunit~ laws <and they are la ws 1 Furthermore. I hope that now 1 hat he is president. he will realize that it is too s oon to eliminate them: on the contrary. he s hould see that they are re·inforced. because the truth is th at those lav.s have so many loopholes in them they arc blatantly ignor ed in many cases Poor as they a re. they ha\'e helped. and som e progress h:is been made In m y 1Jpinion. thest• affirmative <1c· lion laws have alleviated some of thl· unfa ir tr eatment of fellow American~ The law has acted as u safety valve to keep our country strong and on the path o f gre atness Re latively few minor ities <women. blacks. browns or orie ntals I hold more than menia l jobs. The ones who do have lo be outstanding persons, while white m a le Americans can be med1oae in in tell1 gence. preparation. and expertise and still get top positions and promotion because of their sex or color. MINORITIES WANT equal opportuni ty to compete for top positions anli pro motions. They ar<.' generally denied this opportunity The equal op portunity law~ and the affi rma t ive action laws state just that Americans, •all Americans. h ave the right to compete ror any and a ll positions on the basis of ability. not on t he basis of sex or colo r Until this is m ore fully accomplished. we must keep these la ws and see that they are e n· forced. for it will not happen volun· tarily. I believe an pri vale enterprise and competition, just as President Rea~a n d ocs. I believe in living within ou r m eans and in working rather than tak· ing welfa re <except in extreme cases J. a nd I believe that if we treat our fellow Ame r icans with human d ignity and respect and allow equa l opportunity in scho.ols. businesses and government. m a n y of our problems would be e lim inated. Enlightened white Americans have recognized this fact and have helped to incorporate the affirmative action plan into law for the good of our country We Amer icans must e liminate 1n jus tices and i11d lgnities toward a ll fellow Americans if we a nd our country are to rem ain great, and it is through the reasoned m ethod of affirmative a c Uon and equal opportunity that it will be done . 1,ENOR E. HAM MONO S1tggestions 'payoff To the Editor . I read with great interest the series or articles on the Ne wpe>rt Mesa School District written by Jerry Clausen. My congratulations to Mr. Clausen for writ· Ing s uch an informative series on such an Important subject, and to the Dally Pilot for perform ing $UC:h a timely public service (lf p;,erticulur 1ntt•n.•s l to me wu~ the article on John ~icoll. D1s tnct Supenn- tt•ndent ~ot to takl• away from any of .. H1g .John·s .. .'.lrcomphshments. I do tah• opJ>Qs1t1on to Jll the credit l>eing ~i\'l'l1 h1:-. ··1nnm at1on~ for selling and lt•asmg M'hool s1tE's Beginning an No- '' em bi.' l' 1980 ;,end for ~ix mont hs thl'reartl·r. Or '\1toll insisted that the thrt'L' Pll'Ct>::-. of s urplus propert) cu r 1·c11tly owned but nl'\'Cr bu ilt on by the cl1~tnt'l :,houhl not be divested of nor <·ould the fund:, rrom such a d1\ e:.t1ture be utilized b.v the district I thank the whole stor) s hould bt..• told WJl£N MY husb;ind. Tom Wrlliams, ri rst proposcJ th al the school district tl1\eSt 1t:.df of thei-e properties certain mcm bcrs of the hoard and adminastra I ion stuffed al the 1deu John Nicoll even went so far as to l'all it ··absurd t.'('C)l'IOm1cs:· Whill rmall) changed their m1ncl:-. about ~ett1ng rid of these propert1~·s" \\'a~ 1t ~1 1 J<.1mes ~orvell of the N1•wport ~Jt>:.c1 Schools Founda t1011·1 1\ ft er Mr ~orvell was presented w1th all the facll> b' Toin on the d1str1<'l's s urplus propt•rt·~. the leadership of the foundation se(•med to rt><'ognize the absurdity of the foundation raising and l'Ontributing m1JIHIO'-Of dollars to the dis trict whilt• tht· district sat com · placently on S35 mill10n worth of un- developed property It would a ppear that Dr Nicoll, in the hope of deriving future funds from the foundation. somehow found a w:.iy to overcome the .. a bsurd C'Conomics" and I!'> nov. in lhl' µroCe'\S Of lr~ mg to divest the d1stnct of these p<ircels A prudent move on hi~ part bul h<.1rdly .. innovative or c reatl\ t' ' I have l<lkt·n the llml' and space to tell this sturv not bccau~t· Tom Williams de · ..,Cr\'el> accolades. but In t he hope that other parents with good, sound ideas wall not be dissu<ided from speaking up because of rebuffs from Dr. Nicoll o r members of the School Board. It seems that the only way to generate tht• crut1<1l independent thinking that is snmt•thmg so :.oreh lacking '+'ithm cer · l <11n sectors of holh this school board and udministr:.1tt0n . is for the public to kc·ep hammcnn~ them with an idea un tal 1t f1na lh· s rnks 1n as Tom did for almost a ye<ir nn thl'se d1 stnct·owned propertw:-. Unfortunate!). 11 seems lo me that m all loo man y cases the chance for clear. independent thought and input from the ~tUtll'nt:-.. parents and teachers of this District 1:. stifled at its inception by the nbs trul·t aonist and st cam roller tactics of our Admint~t ration ROSALIND WILLIAMS ~ lt1111p 0111 ~oof-off" To the Editor It has happened again and two years fro m now fi rst class postage stam ps will cost 23 cenLo; per ounce There wi ll be cou rt actions of protest and I will be happy to testify m these is· sues. T his verv da' whe n the 20-cent an· nounc<!ment was made. I filed a union grievance on the subject of Cost a Mesa Post Orrice. Tour II. productivity and protested the .. goof·offs." I have written on this s ubject before 1 I car ried the picket sign in front or this orfice several year s ago, if anyone re· m em bers> and it continues. I've placed calls to the postal autht>rities for the m lo place action al the proper sources. Ra re ly do I see remedies until It gels to Washington. Honestly folks, your lett er s do count to gel what you de m a nct rro rn your elected representatives. Apathy is cost· ing every person who uses the mail system. Overtime and "goof-ofCs" are just and good cause for a judge to s ign an lnjunc· lion order until all audited records are presentl.>d for a fair r equest of increase cost Wha t ever h a ppe ned to the balanced budge t system 9 SOPHlA •·COATS ---"~-----------------~---------------------------. ' . . i'ta . FEAR . C ,.rom P11e An • • • •at of 1chool·phoblc children la 11 : children m ay have attended and often have enjoyed school ror five or six yean before the onset or .sevti re anxiety Early wurnrng signs , -of separation anxiet y 1r1ay be a child's reluc t•nce to vis.it friends or .play outside alone, ac· .cording to Dr Leonard J\e i c h . a c hild psychologist who has t reated more than 50 achool·phobic childre n for ihe Mental Health Ser vice or the Hea'lth lns u ran ce P l a n or Qreatet" New York. Fir mness and in - 1Sistence that children at· t e nd sc h oo l , f o r .e xample, treating an •bsence as if it were breaking the law, may a.e lp m i n o r sch ool phobias, he notes. But Ms . Gittlem a n warns that a child seized w i th p a n ic a t th e thought of the classroom w ill most likely "break the law'' and accept any punishment rather than leave home. OrangeCOaat DAILY PILOT/Sundav. Ootober 11 , 1981 Enrollrrwnt dips at state sclwols SAC RAMENTO <C NS> Thia fall California's publlc elementary and secondary 11chools begin the school year with about 4,076,000 students. 0.3 percent below last year's attendance. Although there are fewer students this year than last, the drop is the lowest decline since 1968 and next year the state expects an increase in enrollment. About 310,666 youngsters will attend public school for the first time as kindergarteners. Enrollments for grades one through eight are expected to total 2,496,304. Grades nine through 12 ~hould have about 1,223,076 students. Thal represen~ a drop of 14,324 students from last year. A state Departm ent of Education report also not,s that the statewide teacher force has been reduced by 3,000 instructors. from 188,000 employed full-time last year to 185,000. The average annual salary for a teacher In Cali fo rnia is $21 ,000. Teachers' salaries are ex- pected to be 5 percent higher than last year. The ethnic breakdown for the state's K-12 student population is expected to reach 45 per· cent minority. In 1979 it was: 60 percent whites, 23.4 percent Hispanics, 10 percent blacks, 4.3 percent Asians. 1.4 Filipinos and 0.9 percent native American. 642-4321 Direct or collect, I •1 ,.1 _. to subscribe to your hometown paper, the . . . II Y 111 TH ~'1ersarJ ~s~~~~~sale! DOORBUSTERS . ,~ ! .... iiirf\ ;,~~~~ 2 8 8 11-'!i'J~~J r SH GALS MOM •229 FREE FREE FREE-- • SJ0.00 cu\hion1 FREE wilt. eoch purcho\e while tt.ey lo•• •FREE Orow•AQ for S353 00 lo·Z·8oy Recliner on Oct. 17, 6 p.m. No purcho\e ...ceuory. 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"Was" prices quoted are the regular prices at whkh the items were fonnerly offered by Catalog or in many Sears Retail stores around the countcy. SEARS BEST 10 PIECE CAST ALU~INUM COOKWARE SET 3 PIECE LUGGAQE,-SET SAVE 50°/o SAVE 50°/o was 69.34 NOW 34.99 • Golden Wheat • Coffee • Fresh Avocado• Almond DISCO ROLLER SKATES were 47.95 NOW 14.99 SAVE 69°/o • Suede low cut uppers with nylon side panels • Solid urethane wheels ASST. LIGHT FIXTURES FLOURESCENTS 50% to 60% OFF Former Cat81o9 Price was 134.99 NOW 69.99 MEN'S SWEATSHIRTS with zippered hood Huntlniton Beach 9045 Adami An. Adams &c Maanolla (714) 96.J..2666 (611 ...,. '°' l~onMttOft !lotf\ ~ _. UA t Mft,. ,..,,. CWdtt\ NOW 8.99 STORE HOUR!> \4• ·•tt It 4 '4 ... P\4 ""'' ........ "" ...... .. ...... ,.,. Ask about Snn crtdit plam . hen uoure loo ing or quality. • • ... look in the right direction. REAL VALUES i South Coast Plaza Village Located at Sunftower & Bear Streets Santa Ana, CA 92704 • (714) 751-6695 on items from applesauce .to zippers . Illy __, are advertised every day In the r .. 1 . .., -~--_,_--~------........ ----------------------.................. a .... •a .. •2 .. 2 ...... ....... Bruce Penhall proved his world title D 0 , ENTERTAINMENT 09 was no fluke . B3 . This ti~e Trojans can't pull off Dlagic Arizona dominates the game in upsetting No. I-ranked USC , 13-10 Sat urday's football By ROGER CARLSON o1 ... CNllY ......... " LOS ANGELES -If you're searching your mind trying lo find a reason, a trick, a freak moment or an excuse for USC's 13-10 Pac-10 Conference loss lo Arizona's Wildcats Saturday, forget it. If noted fi oancial Jigure John Houseman was doing this story he'd tell you, "The Wildcats won it the old fashioned way -they earned it." The Wildcali outplayed the nation's top-rated coll~e football team in every category before 56,315 at the Coliseum and although .USC Coach John Robinson placed most of the blame on his team's inability to move the ball offensively, once again the junior-dominated de- fense s howed it could not contain a good offense, either. Oklahoma ripped the Trojans apart with its Wishbone running game recent· ly <despite losing) and Saturday it was quarterback Tom Tunnicliffe shredding the Trojans' secondary for 293 yards, in· eluding a 13-yard scoring pass to Vance Johnson with two seconds left in the thir;d quarter. That gave the Wildcats their first lead of the l'(ame -still m ountains of time Stanford upsets UCLA, 26-23 (S•• Pege 82) left for the Trojans lo storm back through these 21 '-ii-point underdogs. But the Trojans' anticipated retalia· lion -a trade m ark of USC -(,never materialized. Instead it was a punt with 13: 32 left, th en with 7 : 21 left and finally with 2:23 left on fourth-and-13. "We still had two time outs left at that point," explained Robinson. "l felt we cQuJd ~et the ball b~ck, I had to reJy on thal <rather than gamble on fourth- and-long>." It was a shocking turnaround as the Trojans jumJWd to a 10·0 lead in the first quarter on Marcus Allen's 74-yard dash and a Steve Jordan field goal from 41 yards out. "It started so easily," continued the Trojans' boss. "Then we couldn'J get in· to focus when it got serious . . . we couldn't respond. "It's as bad an offensive performance as l can remember and Arizona certain· ly deserved to win, in every phase we were outplayed and outcoached. · · Arizona offensive g uard Ger a ld Roper, a Canadian import by way of Golden West College, expressed amaze· m ent in the winner's lockerroom. .. l couJdn 't believe USC's defense," said the Jubilianl 239-pound senior. "Achica (noseguard George Achica ~ just kept reading ana all I had to do was run with him and do the job. ''They'd try to run over you every time and it didn•t work ·'They're big and strong but they never tried to juke you. they just tried to go over you with no fakes. USC is big and s trong, but . . " Backup quarterback Gil Compton, a product of Fountain Valley High, placed the credit for the stunning upset on the defense. ·'The D just did it Lo them. We knew we could do it at halltime. We knew it was just a matter of playing USC at its level." said Compton. ·'The defense had great preparation. We felt if we could s hut Allen down, <~ee_usc, Page 88) Wnt Arlrona 13, USC 10 Stahford 26, UCLA 23 Washington 27, Cat 26 Washington St. 23, Oregon St. 0 Arizona St. 24, Oregon 0 Rock'-5 UNLV45,BYU 41 ' Midwest Wisconsin 24, Ohio St. 21 Michigan 38, Mich. St. 20 Nebraska 69, Colorado o Florida St. 19, Notre Dame 13 south Alabama 13, So. Mississippi 13 North Carolina 48, Wake Forest 10 Georgia 37, Mississippi 7 Southwest Texas 34, Oklahoma 14 East Penn St. 38, Boston College 7 <Complete scores, page 86) Fernando gives them a final ole" Whole enchilada is stake today BY EDZINTEL 0( ... O.lly ,..... sc.tt LOS ANGELES -Certainly by now, everyone from Sonora. Mexico to Caribou, Maine who's picked up a sports page in the last six months or seen him on television knows that Fernando Valenzuela is what Pedro Guer· rero caJJs. "a great peetcher ." But what makes Fernando so enjoyable to wat ch is that ever yone, whether he speaks English or Spanish. can relate to him. Like Saturday night, for in· stance. As awkward as he looked, sit· ling there with cameras and re· porters staring at him as an in· terpreter translated the English to Spanish and back to English again, Valenzuela had that kind of innocent charm that made you want to squeeze his pudgy, little burrito-Wied cheeks. the mound and you get up close to him, you clearly see that Fernando is no more than a roly- pol y kid from Mexico, who somewhere, sometime, learned how to be a great peelcher. Wasn't he just that Saturday night at Dodger Stadium? The Houston Astros will tell you he was. It was they who we re frustrated for nine innings, col· lecting just four hits and not quite enough to hold the Dodgers back from tying the best-of-five National League West playoffs at two games apiece. But it's the Dodgers themselves. who of course were On TV today channels 4. 11 at 1 the beneficiaries of Fernando's wizardry and who were hugging him all the way to the dugout after Los Angeles· 2· l win. And all the meanwhile, there sat Valenzuela , Just s miling and saying . "Bueno" this a nd "Bueno .. that. Deity ...... ""9.., Qel1eS ..... C}CC 's Brian Dykstra hauls doum El Camino's Greg Baron Saturday, but m the end, Bucs were hauled down. See 83. FERNANDO, WE SEEM often to forget, is just 20-years-old or so his birth certificate says. But up there on the peetchers, mound, he looks so imposing. So does his deli very, or so say the batters who have to face him. But once he comes down from SOMEONE ASKED the in· terpreter to ask Fernando if he was nervous going into the gam e , the biggest of his short career and the biggest for the Dodgers in 1981. Phils happy Bowie may have to take a dogskd Vukovich Look for chilly reception for commissioner if Expos r each Series "Bueno," said Valenzuela, and then something to the effect that, "no, it was no big deeeeel to me." stayed PHI LADELPHI A (AP> - George Vukovi ch almost watched the National League East Division playoff series on television. Instead, the Philadelphia Phil li es decided to kee p Vukovich on the roster and drop a pitcher. The move paid orr Saturday as the Phillies beat the Montreal Expos 6·5 on Vukovich's leadoff pinch hit homer in the 10th in· ning. T h e victory enabled the Phillies to tie t he best -of.fi ve series at two games apiece and force a fifth game today. Philli es Manager Dallas Green . in deoiding to keep Vukovich on the 25-man playoff roster, said he did it because he fell he would need a pinch hitter more than an extr a pitcher if the Phillies reache d the World Series in which there will not be a designated hitter this year. Vukovich was ecstatic. "My heart s topped for a while when I hit it ," said the utility outfielder, who was brought up before the baseball st rike from Oklahom a City of the American Association. "But then it was probably go- ing at 8,000 beats per minute, on· ce it (the ball) went over the fence." Vukovich spent all of 1~ on the major league roster and had only 58 at-bats. He had 26 at-bats lhi11 season, wlt.b 10 hits, four runs batted in and only one homer. ··Last year .-Opie were won- dering why I ·was on the ball club," Vukovi& observed. Commentklg on h ls aood fortune on being kept on the roster for the playoffs, Vukovich said, "In a way I worried a litUe about the decision . r r u lly dldn 't have any Idea what tbe <See PIDLLIES, Paae 81> LOS ANGELES -Those who would cause journalistic commotion will now scurry to the archives to resurrect pie· lures of Bowie Kuhn silting at a World Series game in his shirtsleeves. The significance of the baseball com· missioner's haberdashery is that he was demonstrating the logic of night baseball in October despite an Arctic chill gripping the stadium. Night baseball and the World Series were important lo the commissioner in 1971 because television wished the World Series games lo be played at night when the dates fell during the week. If in the future. television wishes a World Series game to be played on a barge in the Gulf of Mexico. so be it. AT ANY RATE, the possibility is being conte mplated of a World Series game be· ing staged in Montreal, Quebec. Canada as late as Oct. 28 and later in the event of rain delays. Heretofore, the only games played this late in the year in Canada were hockey and football. At that, football in Canada starts in July so as to get it over with lest players peris h in the snow. The record cold for Oct. 28 in Montreal was in the neighborhood of 12 degrees below zero. This did not approach the record for the date set in Saskatchewan, but minus 12 degrees is still quite cold for basebaJI which is not even played in the rain. SPORTS COLUMNIST BUD TUCKER Of course, a late October World Senes in Montreal is not all bad if one is a humorist because it is possible to envision some very amusing scenes. NATURALLY, THE ABSURDITY will lead off with a repeal of the commissioner sitting in his shiJ:t s leeves surrounded by an audience cl~d in parkas. ski goggles and moon boots. If Billy Martin is the American League manager. Billy will con· tribute to the spirit of the moment by strapping on snow s hoes to trudge out to the mound lo get a pitcher. World Series games have been decided by outfielders losing ba ll s in the sun. We may now have outcomes dete rmined by guys losing balls in blizzards. Umpires may suffer snow blindness. Spitball pitchers will have to go to the mound with thermos bottles. If a pitcher gets on base, the bat boy will bring him a coonskin coat. The term "warm up" a pitcher will take on new and significant meaning. Similarly, when an infielder "boots" a ground ball, the descriptive phrase will be entirely accurate. Coffee and broth and .hot dogs will sell in the grandstand. Cold beer and frozen peanuts will not. And so on and so forth. WHETHER ALL OF T HIS is precisely what baseball deserves in s trictly a mat- ter or opinion. It is brought on by the m ini· series. which were brought on by the great player strike of 1981, which was brought on by the greed and ignorance of both sides. In past years. the team winning the most games had a shot at progressing to the World Series. In the case of the National t.eague this season, the club with the best overall record was Cincinnati. The Reds are already out in the cold1 The mini-series structure is said by baseball to be a means to establish satisfactory division and league cham- pions so as to assure what they term a "representative" World Series. It is the unclouded view from here that events as they are now transpiring are designed to recapture as much as possible of the revenue lost by the strike. ' MORE FRIGHTENING is the mum- bling on the boulevard that the mini-series will become a part of baseball tradition. If so, the same status may befall World Series games in the snow. Unhappily, this can only lead lo rumors , suspicions and innue ndoes. For instan ce, there are those who s nicker up the sleeves of their jackets and suggest Bowie Kuhn wears thermal un· derwear under his shirt. And the veteran sports writers just looked al one another and s hrugged. Here was this kid. who still has traces of pimples all over his face, acting as if he had just successfully taken out the garbage for his mother. A II the while , m ost of the 55,983 who jammed the Stadium to watch "El Toro," were doing Mexican Hal Dances in the parking lot. Others were waiting in line to get their tickets for today's grand finale. And what a finale it s hould be. How about Nolan ''No Hit" Ryan vs. Jerry "No Hit" Reuss in a 1 o'clock ga m e under Southern California a utumn s kies for all the marbles? EVEN FERNANDO said he'd probably have goose bumps for the game. Back to Valenzuela, the guy who r eally did put the Dodgers where they are today, he tried lo come up with an explanation on how. How did he and does he do it? ·'The only thing 1 try to do is win," he said . "That·s all J wanted to do was win, regard· less or how. "1 can 't explain why I'm <See DODGERS, P age BZ) Vuckovich helps Brewers get well with 2-1 • Will NEW YORK (AP> -Pete Vuckovich and the Milwaukee Brewers are both off the critical list . Vuckovich, fighting off a siege of tonsillitis, fever and upset stomach, blanked New York on one hit for five in· nings as the battling Brewers held on to nip the Yankees 2·1 Saturday, squaring their American League East Division best-of-five series at two sames apiece. The final game is scheduled for Yankee Stadium tonight, with Moose Haas pitching for Milwau.kee against New York's Ron Guidry. They were the starters ln Wednesday's opening game, when the Yankees c hased Hau' in the fourth inning and pinned the defeat on him , Guidry left in the fifth and was not involved In the decision. On TV today channel 7 at 4: 10 •'The pressure is on the Brewers and on the Yanks," New York 14ana1er Bob Lemon told reporters ln the interview room while owner George Stelnbrenner gave the Yankees a ton1ue·lasbin1. In staving off elimination for the second day in a row after dropplna tile fi rst two games at home, the Brewers produced just enough offense agalnst Rick Reuschel in the fourth inning. Cecil Cooper drove in a run with a sacrifice fly and Ben Ogilvie, hitless in 12 previous playoff at-bats, delivered the decisive tally with a two-out double. "l felt well," Vuckovich said, "but 1 had trouble focusin1 a Little blt and my eyes were watering. I threw up a few times ln the Jobn beft\nd the dusout, but I kept going out there and tried to 1et the hitters out.'• · Despite the late afternoon cblll -lt was 61 desrees and drOpplna at J•me time -Vuckovlcb Pf4Cbed wlthoul benefit of a Jong-s leeved s weat.shirt un· der his unllorm jersey. "I figured pneumonia is t.he next at.ep because I had everythint else \.be tut thr ee days," Vuckovich joked. "I d'oo't like to wear a jersey under 1111 unllorm. It binds my armpit.I. Maybe it doesn't bother me phyalcally, but I feel that way mentally. J'\18 pltcbed t.bat 1fa1 since I was a youn1 boy la Conemaqh, Pa., so the cold doesn't bother me." Nellber did tbe Yankff bitten la what Vuckovich called tM IMU•t 1ame ol bla lUe. "Yoa tMtter ...,_It, man.~ la for the marblet," ......... • Bl Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 , 1981 By George, Reggie says he'll leave From AP dlspatchti• , NEW YORK ··u we don't win • Sunday, I'm gone," '' dls11runtled Reggie Jackson said after the New York Yankees had bowed to the Milwaukee Brewers 2·1 in a mistake-filled gam e that dre~ a bitter \ongue-lu bing from owner George Steinbrenner. "Others will be gone, too," added the slug- ging, controversial oulflelder. "My brain can't handle much more of this." Steinbrenner met with the team moments after the Saturday game at Yankee Stadium which saw t he Brewers tie the American League East Division best-of· five playoff series at two games each. The Yankee owner closeted himself and declined Jackson to meet with reporters after the game. Asked what happened1 Jackson, eating a r oast ~f sandwich, said "If you don't know what happened, I'm not going to tell you. I ain't gonna hide, but you wouldn't believe what hap- pened." J arkson's report of the meeting was backed up by veteran Lou Piniella, who also was outraged and said, "He just wants us to win quite badJy, almost as much as we want to win it ourselves. "Why does George keep on reminding us. We know there's got to be changes if we lose. You don•t have to read about it every day. We don't have to hear about it every day in the clubhouse We are professionals and we know what we have to do. "If he wants to clean house, let him do it. If 25 guys have to go. fine. If five, that's OK, too. Let us just go out there and play without all that noise." Bob Lemon. the grandfatherly manager who was brought up a second time this season to replace ousted Gene Michael, admitted Stein· brenner had spoken to the team but declined to discuss it. "Yes, he talked to us," Lemon said. "What did he say?" a reporter asked. "It's nobody·s business," Lemon added. Quote of the day Los Angeles Lakers owner Jer ry Buss on the total value of Mitch Kupchak's 14· year contract with the Lakers, which has been estimated at $8 million: ·•It's com· plex. There 1s no absolute number. I'll probably know after the eighth. ninth or 10th year or the contract." Canadlens roll over Buffalo Veteran Guy Lan eur 11nd rookie 111 Mark Hunter scored two 1oals , aptece a Mont.real bombed Bulfalo, 9·0 in a Nullonal Hockey Leaeue match Saturday in M<intreul. Rook ie netmlnder Rkk Wamaley turned a Ide 22 Sabr~s· shots tor hls second career shutout, while the Canadlens peppered Buffalo .ioalies with 40 !!hots ... Oefenseman &rje Salmlng brokei a 63·icame scoring droutthl with three gouls to pasi; the 500 point curecr mark und lead 1'oron- to to a wild 9 8 victory over Chlcaeo m the Muple Le ats' home opener . Bobby Sm ltb scored one 'goal and assisted on three others as Minnesota whipped the New York Rangers, 7·0, and ruined the homecoming of St Lafleur Paul native Herb Brooks. lhl' Rangers ' coach . . P a ul Gardner scored two power.play goals us Pitts burgh won its firs t game of-the season·. 2·1 over Quebec . . Bobby Gould scored his first three NHL goals, includ· ing the game winner 3: 58 into the final period as Calgary won at St. Louis. 6·4 . Colorado'!! Lan ny McDonald scored on a rebound early in the lhird period to give the Rockies a 2·2 with the New York Islanders . Three goals In the first nine minutes of the third period helped Washington claim a 6·3 victor over Detroit . P eter McNab's power-play g I with 10 ·01 left in the game enabled Boston to a l ·l tie with Hartford Mitchell moves into tie for lead Tour veteran J err Mikhell went n on a birdie binge on the back nine Saturday to carve out a 65 and gain a share of the lead with rookie Payne Stewart at 8-under-par 202 after the third round of the Southern Open golf tournament in Columbus Ga. Mitchell , whose only triumph in five year~ on the tour came in 1980 m Phoenix, had six birdies and one bogey in his round. He caught second-round leade r Stewart after three con· secutive birdies starting at No. 13 . Ben Crenshaw edged fellow Texan BUI Rogers on the last hole in the rain to reach the final of the World Match Play Championship in Virginia Water , England. He'll meet Seve Ballesteros, who downed German Bernhard La nger of Germany 5 and 4 1n the other semifinal ... J oAnne Carne r held a one-stroke lead over four players after the third round of the Inamori Golf Classic in San J ose. Carner shot her second straight par Saturday to hold a narrow lead over defending champion Amy Alcott, Sally LU· tie, Donna Caponi and J an Stephenson. John Henry becomes richest horse BUI Shoemaker and John Henry • teamed to win for the third straight time, this time in the Jockey Club Gold Cup at Belmont Park Saturday. John Henry is now the richest race horse in history as he passed Spectacular Bid with his latest success .. J ohn McEnroe dropped b is second match in as many days Saturday, losing a 6-7, 6-1, 6-3 decision to E liot Teltscher in the S uperchal lcnge lenois tournament in Melbourne. Australia . . Richard Noble of London drove his Jet-powered racer to an average speed of 418 mph over the measured mile al Bonneville Sall Flats to become the fast British driver ever APWI,...._ Pedro (;ut>rrero raises his arms to /ans after h1ttmg a home run From Pa:f!1 DOD E RS •. ~ nevt:r nervo~Thal'a just my natural way. ust co.ocentrate on the game." Ear Iler . ser m a na1er Tommy Lasor • filled the room with Dodger Blu how sraUfy· Ing It was to wlM o games In 11 row with their s t-0 the wall, how dilfl{'ult It as to explain th*! Dodgers· advantage over the Astros in LA. how the Dodsers have overcome lwo obstacles and the Greut Dodger In the sky was going to make sure they overcome the third today, and on <md on. SOM EONE ASKED Lasorda 1f, after Valenzuela having glv· lng up bis (irst run in the ninth and then pullil'\g the tying r un on first with lwo ut, he consider ed taking Ferna o out? To which L· rda replied. ··tf I wer~ going take Valenzuela out, 1 was goi to send Reggie Smith out to et him. No. it never entered mind." Then Lasord ent on to talk about how rem able it was for the Dodgers to ve Fernando, how cool the ki cted, how ut· terly amazed h with him and how som e ti when he watches him pit "I think I 'm dreaming." So might the Dodgers thlnk they're dreaming by playing in today's game. But Valenzuela is the stuff of which dreams are made FERNANDO, pitching on only three days rest, finished with a four hitter Saturday, m owing down the first 13 Ho uston batters in the twilij!tJt hour with his dio- CSee DODGERS, Page es: UCLA upset with 0:46 Jeft Stanford blocks fi e ld goal, setting up winning TD STANFORD <A P > -Stanford football coach Paul Wiggin takes pleasure from the small th ings in life. ··J'm excited. I'm not 0-5" said Wiggin after Stanford posted its first victory of the year Satur· day following four losses in· a 26·23 upset win over 17th-ranked UCLA. ··There's a lot of relief with this win, but we're still 1 and 4 and f can "t forget tJiat," Wiggin said . Stanford got its victory on a 2-yard touchdown dive with 46 seconds remaining by halfback Darrin Nelson. not the largest running back to play the game. ··1 don·t know the stat.Jstics. but he was in· credible today.·· Wiggin said or the 5·9, 185-pound senior ·· 1r you think he 's a litUe guy. you should have watched what he did against people much bigger" a 4-yard pass from quarterback ~m Ramsey to tight end Tim Wrightman. • Stanford, however, stayed in the game with Harmon, who kicked field goals of 30, ~ and 47 yards in Lhe first half and another one for 22 yards in the thfrd period. K ings fall, 7 -4 I NGLEWOOD !A P > Edmonton winger Mark Messier scored two goals and center Wayne Gretzky tallied one and assisted on another Satur- day night, leading the Oilers to a 7.4 National Hockey League victor y over the Los Angeles Kings. It's showdown time UCLA coach Terry Donahue had no apologies ror his decision to try a field goal. which was blocked by Stanford. setting up the winning touchdown drive. "l 'm not going to second-guess myself on the blocked field goal," he said. "J thought the field goal was the best thing to do. 1 don't know why it was blocked, but there was a breakdown ~omev.here ·· The Oilers took a 2-0 lead after one period on goals by wingers Jari Kurri and Messier. Kurri's goal came during an Edmonton, power play as he slapped a 20-footer past Los Al\geles goal-keeper Mario Lessard Messier split the Kings' defense moments l<1ter and lifted a 1 25-foot shot past Lessard. I The Falcons have the Rams right w here they want 'em The Kings. 0·2·0. made mo'ie;al Ed monton in the second period. scoring three iOals and tying the game at 3-all on a' power-play goal by winger Jim Fox at 15: 10. However, Dale Hunter put the Oilers. 2 1-0. ahead to stay just 24 seconds later with a 25-foot shot that caromed into the Los Angeles goal off fallen defender Jerry Korab. By JOHN SEVANO 01 tll• o.i1, I'll .. SU.ff ATLANTA -In 29 meetings since 1966. the Atlanta Falcons have beaten the Rams just five times The problem is all five wins have come here at Fulton County Stadium -including three victories in the Rams' past four visits. l ndeed, recent years here have not been pleasant for Coach Ray Malavasi's squad. On Monday night three years ago a bartender beat them with five field goals AND, LAST YEAR was like a horror story as the Rams entered the 61,000-seat complex with a 5-2 record and departed tied with the Falcons for On TV today channel 2 at 10 rirst place after Steve Bartkowski hit Alfred Jackson with a 54 -yard touchdown pass with a mere 75 seconds remaining. For those who have forgotten, the Rams never did catch the Falcons after that -and really haven't been the same club since. Now the two teams meet again with the Karns in a good position to return the favor. Both clubs are 3·2 as t hey enter today's con· test, but the Rams are s urging while the Falcons are reeling The Rams come in having won their last three games, including an impressive victory over Cle,·eland a week ago. THE FALCONS, oit the other hand, have lost their last two -to Cleveland and Philadelphia. Naturally, a win is critical to both, but a Rams , victory would certainly help them regain some lost pride after last season. Remember , Atlanta was the first team in eight years to unseat the Rams atop the ~FC West. The pressure of the contest will be shared equally by the Rams' offense and defense. Defensively, the Rams will have lo focus their attention on Atlanta's potent r unning game led by ' William Andrews and Lynn Cain. Cain rushed for 915 yards last year while Andrews totaled 1,308. ''THE KEY TO STOPPING Atlanta is to stop their running attack,'. says Malavasi. "If they get • six or seven yards when they carry the ball on first down then they can do just about wha t they want t to." •· The Rams can 't afford to ignore the Falcons' passing game though, either. Coach Leeman Ben- n ett who, inc identally, served on the same coachlng statf as Malavasl under Chuck Knox. has four talented receivers in Wallace Fra ncis. Alfred Jenkins. J unior Miller a nd J ackson. J enkins. Francis and Andrews had more than 50 receptions in 1980, Miller had 46, and Jackson and Cain had more than 20 each. Offensively. Pat Haden will have to contend with u defense strong against the rush and weak against lbc pass. Haden, hlmsetr, feels it's imperative that tbe Rams score early . ''IT IS IMPOATANT that we ac:ore early lo all our road sames," ,.ya Ha den. "U we do, we can turn the so-calll'd home field advantage into our favor "If, on the other hand, the home team scores a quick touchdown or two, then it becomes increas· mgly difficult for the visiting team. thal"s where the home field advantage comes 1n ·· Haden, as have the Rams, continues to im- prove with each passing week The Rhodes Scholar enjoyed hi5 hest game of the year against the Browns when he was 21 of 31 for 205 vards and one TO. He also hasn't thrown an interception in his last 71 tosses. AS FOR THE R AMS' running game, it might suffer if Wendell Tyler is forced lo spend the after· noon on the sidelines nurs ing a pulled hamstring. The weather and how loose Tyler can get will de· termine whether he starts or is replaced by Mike Gum an. ·'The next three weeks are the heart of our season," says Haden. referring to road games here, in Dallas and m San Francisco. "I'm not saying we·re going to have to win tbem all, but if we continue playing the way we have and improving as we have, we're certainly going to be in all those games "Right now r feel pretty good about this team and we can easily win all three But if things go badly and we don't, it'll only be the halfway point of the season. "We'd still have eight games left to fight, scratch anJ claw and work our way into the playoffs." Why do things the hard way. though'> E dison, Mar ina await showdo wn The victory, sparked by four field goals by Mark Harmon, was Stanford's first of the year following four losses UCLA, now 3·2, dropped to l·l in Pac 10 After takmg a 16·14 halftime lead on a 47-yard field goal by Harmon. Stanford yielded a UCLA touchdown by Frank Bruno and a 41-yard fie ld goal by Norm J ohnson. giving the Bruins a 23-19 lead with 8:04 remaining Following the blocked field goal, Stanford qu<1rterback John Elway hit halfback Vincent Whtte for pass completions of nine and 11 yards to give Stanford a firs t down on the UCLA 14. Nelson. who accounted for 186 yards in rushing and pass receptions, then ran to the 2 yard line and scored lhe winning touchdown two plays later. UCLA scored two first-half touchdowns on a 3-yard run by Kevin Nelson, Darrin's brother. and N FL standings Gretzky. the NHL's scoring champion last !>eason, picked up his first goal of the new cam· pa1gn al 1 12 of the third period during an Edmon· ton power play. He faked Lessard to the ice and pulled the puck around him Center Pat Hughes scored the sixth Edm onton goal on a 30-foot shot as he came down the right side of the slot. Los Angeles rookies Doug Smith and Steve liozak each tallied their first NHL goals in the second period. Steve Jensen 5'ored the Kings' final goal on a mad scramble ln~rllont of Edmonton goal-keeper Ron Low. glancing tt\e puck in off his pads al 13 · 52 of the final period. -'-~~~~~~~~~ ************* • I * .. . : JOHNSON & SON : ~ATIONAL CONFER ENCE Western Division AME RICAN CONFER EN('E .. « .... Presents . . . • W I. T PF PA Pct. Ra m s 3 2 0 123 96 .600 Atlanta 3 2 0 122 78 .600 San Francisco 3 2 0 113 106 .600 New Orleans l 4 O 50 105 .200 Eastern Division Philadelphia 5 O O 109 53 1.000 Dallas 4 1 0 126 78 .800 St. Louis 2 3 o 94 117 .400 NY Giants 2 3 O 71 83 .400 Washington O 5 O 77 149 .000 Central Division Minnesota 3 2 0 103 115 .600 Ta mpa nay 3 2 0 96 80 .600 Detroit 2 3 0 97 99 .400 Green Oay 2 J 0 96 119 .400 Chicauo l 4 o 82 109 .200 Western Division Pct. ~ W L T P F PA "?' San Diego 4 1 o 162 120 .800 « Denver 4 l 0 106 54 .800 Kansa s City 3 2 O 124 132 .600 : Oakland 2 3 o 63 62 .400 • Seattle I 4 II 68 101 .200 « F:astr rn Oivislon • Miami 4 O 1 125 83 Buffalo J 2 o 121 67 NY Jets I 3 I JOI 145 New England I 4 O 106 121 Baltimore I 4 o 87 145 Central Division Pittsburgh 3 2 O 128 104 Cincinnati 3 2 0 112 112 Houston :J 2 0 80 82 Cleveland :! :3 O 81 l 14 900 • .600 • 300 « .200 • 200 .. • .600 fl 600 • .600 '. 400 • • .. • • .. .. .. It .. • • • Peh l\-•-cirNls" ! t'iR.'s : it Three teams remain with perfect records ,_,., o- ft f. k f f tb JJ t' b t "•"llatAllenta CC-12,10a.m.l • ·• Pickl of Thew.-It .. It .. a er 1ve wee s o prep oo a ac aon, u c1ev11-1tt PlttWur9fl, rciwu .... 14, 108 m.l not for long -top-ranked Edison and upstart New Engl-•• N•w Yorl< J•i. 'ft Marina collide Friday night in the featured ~l'r:~~~~~~r~ .. ni • * SUMDAY • • game of the week, and when it's over the Dai· 001eftd •I tc:tMe' c11y • R-• s .. 111 .. t ~°" « ov•r :it-1 y Pilot's Top 10 will surely need revis ing. TamNe.yatGf...,Bo I. Edison maintained Its No. l slatu11 with ~:.~:~"'::"'~c~=Ko CCMM9I 2, , A ttc.fa : another lopsided victory last week. while the Pm > 1: D.._ • Vikings of Marina did likewise to set up their °"''°"•' o.t1..., on r S Le h d M ln...tot• at SM\ o~ 11 s-£.. __ ..... __ Jt unset ague !I ow own. s1 Lou"••N ... v°'-01,,,.s _, ~-'it Dropping from the upper echelon was Miam••••utta1o.'~::,:;~~.1 : O•land • Estancia, which fell into a tie for loth place • on r • with Corona del Mar (each is 4·-0·1), while • Kanan City • Villa Park and Pacifica exited • MOMDAV • · Orange Count y Top 10 •* * * * * * * * * * * '* * * * * * .,, * * * * * * * * * * * .,, * * * * * * * * * ' ~ Miami * • Dally Pllot football rankings • Watch for Se Jih 1 t o•ff • Pos. Te am, record Nut game • p I p· e e ....... . 1. Edison (5-0) Marina (S-0) .. ete s 1cks at I< • ~: w:~~~s~~lley (4·l ) Hunt.~~=~~:~:~~ ; Johnson & Son E' "'CfTING ~ \.. !· 4. El Modena (3·2) Tustin (2-3) "?' A 1 I j .... S. Servile (4·1) Mater Del (2·3) • • 6. Westminster (4·1> Ocean Vlew (2·3> • Lincoln-Mercury * II '82' * • 7. Es~za C4·1) Loara C3·2) • 262 •• S • 8. Mlssfon Viejo (5-0)Capistrano Valley (3·2) it 6 HAllOll ILYD. · • « COST• MIS• . ... 9. Foolhlll (4-1) Canyon (2-3) ,. ,. .... 10. (tie> Estancia (4--0·1) El Toro (2-3) :. . 540·5630 . AJ JOHNSON & SON _! Corolla dcl M ar <4--0·1) SadcUebaclt (3·2) • • __________________ .....,. '\. ................ **** * * **** **** ** ..................... : \ \ .. --·-...,,-·-.. --=-----------......-------------------- Delly"" ..... .., Qerttt ~ El Canuno's Jon Smith r 12 J grabs a pass despite defense from OCC's Jun D1malante. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 , 1981 8 3 Desperation act sinks Rustlers Golden West suffers 21-15 setback By CURT S•:•:DEN Of .... o.lly ...... '~" If you hke cliffhanger situa- t ions, e ither 1n the dosing minutes of a half or of a game. you would have lovt-d Saturday night's community college pre conference el ash bet wee n Sant a Monica und host Golden West For the record, the Corsairs of Coach P ttl Young held on for a 21-15 vfrtor y before a bout 1.200 fans at Orange Coast College Rut 1t wus the last-mrnute ac t1v1t1es of both tearvs which pro v1ded the real excitement in what otherwise was a lacklus ter battle. Most exciting. and t•ertainly most dumaging to the Rustlers was a go for broke 40-yard touchdown strike from Corsair quarterback Fl'cd Rafcedie to Daryl Castille with no time re- maanin~ on the clock in the first half. The desperation pass, thrown into the corner of the end zone. a ttracted no less than six players -three from each :side And after skimming at least six hands. the ball gently landed 1n C'astllle's waiting arms for a 21·7 Corsair lead E<irlwr. S11nta Monica had JUffi Pl'd to u 14·0 cushwn on the stre nl(th or a 2 yard dive by Pat Johnson and a 19 yard TD hooku" between Rafeed1e and Cast ii(' G WC, now 1·3 . sliced the lead in half on Sam Aiello's 9-yard touchdown pass to J ohn Slouka at 2:02 of the second quarter . Tht> second half turned out to be a defensive s truggle. with the Corsairs olow1ng several op- portunities bccaust.' of penalties. GWC. on the other hand. moved the ball well enough, but the Rustlers just couldn't convert kcy third-down situations St ill . GWC Coac h Ra y Shackleford cam e away pleased with his team 's performance. "We obviously played better tonight than we did two weeks ago against S anta Ana ," Shackleford note d. referring to an e mbarrassing 37·6 setback to the Dons "We were our own enem y in the first half." Shackleford was r eferring to a bevy of fumbles, three of which wound up under Corsairs From Page 81 PHILLIE • • • dtJ<.'ISllHl wuulcJ be . fl WllS JUSI one or lho:.c things wh~rc lhc> frlt they hud to go with the h1lkr rather thun lhc v1tcher " "I ' II enjoy th1 t1 night and I hopc Lt•fty IStt'vc Carlton > beat!'I them tomorrow," Vukovich !.:uct Montrt•ul Munuger Jlrn f<'an ning suld, "Wt· were down 4 0 ut one point but we scrambled back We hail opportunities lei i.con· extra run~ and didn't and I hey had some opportunitws and dad · fo'un11111g ')aid of rellevt•1 Jdf Ht.>ardon , who threw the homl' run b;ill to Vukovich , "l think he :.till h:id excellent stuff " ~·;rnnm~ sa11J that thl' turnm~ point 111 ihe game m1gttt hiivt' bt'cn wtwn starling pitcher Scott Sandl.'rson didn't t•alch a pop fly in t he first inning Just 111 back of the mound . then Mik e Schmidt hit a two run homer "I thi nk 1t was critical hl•c aus e S chmidt's homer follt>"l'd, · said Fanning "But thc1 e \\l'l'l' many turning points We h;11I the bases loaded m the fourth JncJ got one run. and had to pull out all stops in the sixth In gt•t two · It \\aS only lht· fi fth f:':Jrncct run off Heard on 111 Utt' I a st 40 111- nin~s in wh1l·h he pos ted an 0 97 earned run a'~· age. Reardon had s:ned the .\lontreal vll·tunes 1n the.• first two gamE''> of this sen es OCC's schedule has Tucker wondering Both teams played impressive defense throughout the second half until Aiello :.tarted a march from his own 28 that eventually brought the Rustlers to within a touchdown of Santa Monica with less than a minute remaining. \'uk<l\'ICh . who has three pinC'h h1b 1n tht• st>ries. battled for winning 1t·l1cvc r Tug Mel; raw He hit an 0·'1 pitch for his .,.. inning shot Pirates victimized by another highly-ranked team: It's El Camino , 35-20 The firth and decis ive game will be played today with the first game pitchers Carlton and Montreal's Steve Rogers matcht•d again By CURT SEF.DEN Of'"• o.i1, ...... 1i.tt Or ange CojtSt College has n't won very miij1y football games over the pastlthree years. After back-to-back 2·8 seasons, the Pirates are off to yet another rugged start a l ·4 start to be exact -following a 35-20 set· back to powerful El Camino Saturday afte rnoon at OCC. And, Orange Coast Coach Dick Tucker is gelling pretty darn tired of playing powerful fool· ball teams ··w e'r e playing five teams rat· ed one through five.·· Tucker complained after the Pirates fell vit•tim to an impressive passing performance by Warriors ' quarterback Tim Green But more about Green's ex· ploits later Tucker was more content to t al k about the Sues · rough schedule, and in particular, the bit of scheduling that pitted OCC against No 1-ranked Pasadena last week a nd ,EJ Camino Satur· day "l think it 's a bsolutely ridiculous to be mandated to play practice games." Tucker steamed. "Whe n som ebody a certain distance away tells me who I have to play . . " he trailed off. Tucker was referring to a new schedulin g process which was develope d this year when seve ra l community college leagues were shuffled. Last season , for instance. Tucker scheduled Golden West . whic h has always been the Pirates' No l rival, and Long Beach CC This year . however, the Pirates o pened agains t Pa lomar like they did last year. but then tangled with then-No. l Saddleback, Pasadena and El Camino. Pas adena and El Cam ino w(fr;e not Tucker's choices. Conference foes Cerritos and Fulle rton <Nos. 2 and 3) are next on the Pirates schedule. but they don't concern Tucker "It's not that we want a breathe r. but we've been down for two years and now we have the hardest schedule I've ever had," Tucker continued. Tucker's concern is for his players and the effect one defeat after another has on them "All I hope is that our kids believe they can do it. This is the best team I've had in three years." Tucker added. Indeed, the Pirates a re a bet· te r club, as evidenced by their three touchdowns agains t a classy El Camino outfit. Even more importantly. the Pirate defense held the War - riors' rushing gam e to just 20 yards on 30 car ries. Thal means the Warriors had to get their points some other way, and QB Green s upplied the answer. Before the afternoon was over , Green connected for 23 of 43 passes for 372 ya rds H is favorite receivers were Francis Rodriguez who hauled in 10 for 195 yards. and Jon S mith who gathered 1n five more for 116 yards. The Warriors opened a 20-0 halftime lead behind a IS-yard run by Greg Brenton, 3-yard TD pass from Gr een to Donnie Goodman a nd a I-yard Green dive. OCC got on the scoreboard when QB Clay Tucker hit Mike Giddings with a 27-yard s trike at 5:27 of the third quarter. The teams then tra ded touchdowns. El Camino made it 28·6 on a 26-yard Green to Rodriguez con· nection with l ·28 left in the third quarter OCC counter ed with a 2-yard burst by Mit('h Olson to close the score to 28-14 Green fo und Brenton alone for a 5-yard TD pass early in the fourth period before OCC closed out the scoring with a halfback option play which resulted in an Olson lo·Mike Roney 3-yard TD. It was Roney's fourth touchdown of the season ··We scored t hree t imes against a very tough team." Tucker added. "Still. I'll feel a lot bette r when we start playing g u ys (t eam s > that we 'r e familiar with I when South Coast Confere nce play begins next week ). "I've got nothing against El Camino. It's a class team and I don •t mind playing them Pasaden a has better players than some four-year schools. It's like they're castoffs from the Rams ... Tucker added. Santa Mom ca, whjch was as· sessed 133 yards 1n penalties. re re1ved its most damaging call after Aiello hit J ohn Slouka with a 38 yard strike The Corsairs were called fo r a personal foul on top of the play. giving GWC a firs t down on the Corsair 17 ya rd line Pour plays later, Aiello found tight end Tony 1.aPla nte in the end zone for six points. Todd El· liotl added the two-point con- version to bring the score to 21 15 G WC's onside kick attempt then failed. sealing the Corsairs' third victory in four tries. Although Santa Monica col- lected 383 yards offense on the e v e n i n g . t h c G C d e f e.n s e managed to blank the Corsairs in the second half. bringing a smile Lo Shackleford's face Tht.' Phillies grabbed a 2·0 lead in the first inning off Montreal starter Sl'Oll SancJer~on With two out. Bake McBride singled and ma1or league home r un leader Mi ke Sc hmidt slam med a homer over the left held v. all for h1-. first of the -.cries Saddleback wins, 41-0; Stewart stars Penhall gets out of hospital to win title Lance Stewart :-.cor ed on runs of eight and seven yard:. in the first eight minutes of the game as Saddleback College slarted quickly and overpowered visit · ing Antelope \'alley 41 0 Satur· day n1~ht The Gauch os, now 4·0 , marched 78 yards after taking the opening kickoff to go in front with 12 29 remaining in the first quarter A Tom Fis chbt•ck 26 yard run was ins trumental in the drive By HOWARD L. HANDY Of, ... Dally ~* sutt There's an old saying that you can't keep a good man down and Bruce Penhall proved beyond a doubt that the saying is true in speedway motorcycle racing. P enhall, the world champion who calls Balboa I s land home, got out of a sick bed in a local hospital at 3 o'clock Satur· day afternoon with one purpose in mind -lo successfully defend his U.S . national s peedway c hampionship at the Orange County Fairgrounds. He did it the hard way, losing his first heat race to seven-time champion Mike Bast, went back to a tank of oxygen in his pit a rea. then proceeded to win tus next four heats while Bast was falling aside along with others in the field. Penhall's vic tory was a popular one with the capacity crowd of 8,995 and he was as happy for them as he was for himself. "This is fantastic." he said follo wing his final victory in Heat 18. "Naturally. the world c hampionship is lhe ultimate in s peedway r acing but I s ure like to come back here and make ever ybody know it wasn't a fluke " Pe nhall came down with a virus Thursday and when he went to his doctor Friday, he was imm ediately put in the hospital and a dvised against participating by that doctor who has been his personal physician since birth. ··Yes. the doctor said I s houldn't r •e ." Penhall ad milted. "I was really dehydrat· ed and I lost seven pounds. But he finally let me go." Penha ll. a gracious winner . didn 't let his second place finish behind Bast in the first heat race bothe r him. "I knew ther e was no way someone was going to sweep the program tonight. I settled down Join the Rockwell International "Know-how" Teom RockWell's Space Operotlons hOs severol excel- lent opPOrtunitles tor Conventional Mllllng Mochlne ond Jig lo,., Mochlnl•ts on the Spoce Shuttle Orbiter program You'll machine protolype and shOrt-run production ports using non-standard tooting Soc years reloled experience Is reQuifed. as weH as o comprehen- sive knowledge of shop mathematics, Including trlgof'lomelry. YO>J must be able to moke your own setups whlle working from englneerlng drawings ond sl<etches. Entov these outstanding company-paid benefits: llberol llfe. dental, and medicol lnsuronce: cost-of. llVlng Increases: 2 weeks paid vocotton. ond 10 day end-ol-V80f hOlldoy Apply 1n person or coll Jim McGlvern Space Operations Rockwell International 12830 S. Ctarit Street Downey, CA 9024'1 (213) 922·2901 Equal Opportunlly Employer M/F ~I~ Rockwell p.~ International a little bit after that first heat. I've won a lot of r aces that wav in the past and I felt 14 points would be e nough to win " P enhall picked up those 14 points. one shy of a perfect score for the night ··No 1 means everything to m e and I feel fantastic about that. But I wish I felt better physically. Having my family here tonight m eant a lot to me But there is no way I would be in the pits right now if I felt like I did yesterday 1 Friday1 · · Penhall will go back into the hos pital Monday for further tests, then w ill leave for England to pursue anothe r title Saturday night when the top riders for e ach of the teams in England where he has cam- paigned the last few years are matched against each other While Penhall was coming back from a firs t heat defeat. Alan Christian of Huntington Beach had trouble all night. He spilled in his first heat, then had a chain break al the starting gale on his third try He won two heats. Bast salvaged second in a runoff with John Sandona third a nd Mike Faria. the Northern California champion, fourth All three wound up with 12 points. two behind Penhall and staged a special runoff for the three posi- tions. NFL e e statistics After an exchange of punts. SaddlE'back struck again Rick Bre.,..er blocked an attempted punt by Antelopf:' Valley to posi- t ion the Gauchos on the )larauders · 7 yard line On the first play, Stc .... art earned 1t in and the rout was on Saddle back tallied again b e fore the E'nd of the first quarter. and led 27 (J at halftime B:> the second half. Gaucho Coach Ken Swearingen was able to empty his bench The Saddleback defense pre· served the shutout j us t before in- te rm ission whe n the visitors reached the Gaucho I -yard line OUTSTANDING NATIONAL CONFE RENCE AMERICAN CONFERE NCE VALUES! Offense Offe nse Yards Rush Pass Yards Rush Pass Minnesota 1873 527 1346 Pittsburgh 2178 937 1241 Washington 1835 434 1401 San Diego 2020 557 1463 Dallas 1815 888 927 New York 1901 763 1138 San Francisco 1705 633 1072 New England 1893 723 1170 Detroit 1676 751 925 Buffalo 1880 723 1108 Green Bay 1621 6:Kl 991 Cleveland 1846 593 1253 A ams 158% 749 833 Denver 1757 678 1079 Los Angeles 1582 749 833 Ci ncinnati 1752 523 1229 Philadelphia 1572 735 837 Kansas City 1743 817 926 Chicago 1511 566 945 Mi ami 1722 677 1045 Tampa Bay 1499 480 1019 Seattle 1598 427 1171 St. Louis 1476 601 875 Baltimore 1594 782 812 New Orleans 1464 652 812 Oakla nd 1206 584 622 New York 1413 358 1055 Houston 1128 623 505 Defense Defense Was hington 1335 582 753 De nver 1158 513 645 Rams 1354 654 700 Oakland 1529-643 886 Detroit 1412 407 1005 Buffalo 1581 581 1000 Philadelphia 1466 512 954 Pittsburgh 1594 601 993 Green Bay 1533 647 880 Cincinnati 1676 702 974 Tampa Bay 1533 647 886 Cleveland 1697 669 1028 Minnesota 1645 592 1053 Miami 1765 671 1094 New York 1653 624 1029 Houston 1779 606 1173 Atlanta 1684 570 1114 Seattle 1811 763 1048 New Orleans 1695 641 1054 Kansas City 1914 537 1377 Dallas 1703 494 1209 New York 1914 816 1098 San Francisco 1714 659 1055 San Diego 1975 574 1401 St. Louis 1831 772 1059 New England 1988 1176 812 Chicago 1882 727 1155 Baltimore 2054 758 1296 I JIM MARINO VO(KSWAGEN-ISUZU 11711 BEACH BLVD • ....._ __ ___. HUNTINGTON IEACH CALL 142·2000 IRAHD MEW 1981 vw DIESEL RABBIT FACTORY STICKER $7945 DISCOUNT $950 SALE PRICE S6995 (2634) ( 184699) BRAND HEW 1981 ISUZU PICICUP FACTORY STICKER 56478 DISCOU NT $613 SALE PRICE c 1s2~97i?oi ,, IRAHD MEW 1981 vw DIESEL PICICUr FACTORY STICKER $1345 0·1scOUNT $1150 SALE PRICE 114 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 , 1981 San. Diego State upsets 12th-ranked Iowa S~ate •·rom AP (U~patcht"!i SAN DIEGO -Senior quarterback M au Kotler pussed tor 444 yards and four touchdowns, lncludUU( lhree...scoring strikes in a 28·pound third quarter, Powering unbeaten San Diego State to a 52 31 collegl' rootball up~et over l2th·ranked Iowa Stale Saturday night. Kofler. the latest passing protege of Coach Doug Scovill. completed 32 of 45 passes without an tnll'rreption llis 27·yard touchdown run ignited the Azters' third·perlod explosion that Included touchdown passes of 25 and 45 yards to wide re· t'l'tvcr Darius Durham and a 37·yarder to tailback vf>on Roberts. Kofler finished nine yards shy of setting a st•hool total offense re<.'ord. He accounted for 517 yards, including 73 yards rushing on 15 carries. The San Diego State school single.game record- holder in total offense is quarterback Dennis Shaw with 526 yards in ct 68·7 blitz of Southern Mississtp· pt in 1968. • Now 4·0 under first year Coach Scovill, the Aztecs amassed their highest point total in stx years. It came before a home-opener crowd or 45, 750. the 10th largest turnout in i.chool history. Scovill came lo San Otego State from Brigham Young. where he was offensive coordinator and produced outstanding passers tn recent years Iowa State, 4-H. had battled Oklahoma to a 7 7 tie last week, but its defense couldn't handle Kofler's devastating aerial onslaught. Forced to play catchup. the Cyclones set a school record by Rams, Dodgers h e ad TV slate Today's schedule is full By HOWARD L. HANDY Of llM Oaltr l'I ... Si.H Following are the top sports events on TV today. Ratings are: v • • • excellent, • • " worth watching; • , fair;" forget it. ® 10 a .m., Channel 2 " ./ v v NFL FOOTBALL: Rams at Atlanta. Announcers: Vin Scully and Hank Stram. The Rams battle the Falcons in Atlanta and despite some key injuries, the Falcons a re favored at home by three points. The Rams, under Pat Haden, have come on strong in their last two games to gain a first-place tie wi1h the Falcons and San Francisco for first place in the National Conference West division. Steve Bartkowski directs the Atlanta attack. 10 a.m .• Channel 4 v v v v • NFL FOOTBALL: Cleveland at Pitt~urgh . Announcers: John Brodie and Don Criqui. The Browns will be trying to bounce back from Sunday's loss to the Rams while Pitts burgh is rolling after early setbacks. The Steelers are four.point favorites with Terry Bradshaw on the firing line and his two favorite receivers back in line -Lynn Swann and John Stallworth. Cleveland will have Brian Sipe directing the attack. ® 1 p.m ., Channel 2 v ./ ./ ti NFL FOOTBALL: Dallas at San Francisco. Announcers: Frank Glieber and John Dockery. The Cowboys suffered their first loss of the season last weekend and wiil be favored bv four points over the 49ers. Danny White and Tony Dorsett direct the Cowboy attack that has taken the team to a 4·1 early record. The surprising 49ers are 3-2 and tied with the Rams and Falcons for the lead in the NFC West. Safety Dwight Hicks was largely in- strumental in last week's win over Washington as he returned a fumble 80 yards for one touchdown and a pass interception 32 ,yards for another score . 1 :05 p .m .. Channels 4. 11 v v " v BASEBALL PLAYOFFS: Houston at Dodgers. Announcers: Joe Garagiola and Tony Kubek (4): Ross Porter and Jerry Doggett ( 11). It's the showdown for the National League West title with Jerry Reuss of the Dodgers facing hard· throwing Nolan Ryan, who defeated the Dodgers in the series opener Tuesday on a two.hitter. 9 4:10 p.m., Channel 7 ./ ./ ./ ../ BASEBALL PLAYOFFS: Milwaukee al New York. Announcers: Keith Jackson, Howard Cosell and Don Drysdale. The Milwaukee Brewers have battled back from near oblivion and wlll face the Yankees in the fifth and showdown game today. The starting pitchers tor the first game will return to the mound today with Ron Guidry (11 ·5) facing Moose Haas (11·7l . In the first game Wednesday, Haas was the loser 1n a S.3 Yankee vtetory, pitching 3113 innings. Guidry had no decision and worked 4113 innings. OTHER TELEVISION 9 a.m. (28) -SOCCER -Taped coverage of the FI FA world youth soccer tournament in Australia. 9 :30 a .m . (2) -N FL TODAY Brent Mu sburger is the host. (4) -NFL '11 -Bryant Gumbel is the host. 3:30p.m. (7) -use HIGHLIGHTS. 4 p.m. (7) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL '81 - Highlights of games played Saturday. 6 p.m. (2) -PRO FOOTBALL WRAP. 11 p.m. (9) -SPORTS SHACK. 11 :30 p.m . (9) -COLLEGE FOOTBALL UCLA vs. Stanford, p layed Saturday. RADIO Football -Rams at Atlanta, 10 a.m., KMPC ( 710); Oakland at Kansas City, 10 a.m .• KNX ( 1070); Minnesota al San Diego, 1 p.m., KSDO (1130). Baseball -Houston at Dodgers. 1 :05 p.m .. KABC (790); Milwaukee at New York. 4: 10 •p.m., KNX (1070). Basketball -Lakers vs. Seattle at Fresno. 7 p.m ., KLA C (570). (Th• Dally Pilot is not responsible for late chanps. > .. Tropic~l Fish e Fresh e M•ine AquMium SupPlies Oct . 7, 1981 ·Oct. 13, 1981 B arbu• achwanenfeldl: 1.29 I have resplendent silver SGales, orange fins edged In black, my peaceful but active nature makes me a most welcome addition to any aquarium. See me at Aquatic Troplcal5 where I am on sale under the name ''Tin Foll Barb" for only 1.29. 1110 w ..... , • CMla.... ... • .... 1111 •Comer......,l..._r - WEST llrnn{'hing 4ti pai.ses Le<1ding 17 9 at halftime, San Diego State scored 14 poi nti. in 18 seconds shortly i.fler the second hair began to dinch the victory. Washington 27, Cal 26 BERKEL~Y Chuck Nelson ki cked a 21-yard field goal with l l seconds left lo e1ve Washington a 27·26 comeback victory over California. The kick, which capped an so.yard scoring drive, redeemed a fumble·plagued performance by the Huskies . who had to overcome a 21·0 California lead early m the second half Huskw tailback Ron Jackson rushed for more than 150 yards on 27 carries and caught one touchdown pass as Washington bounced back. Jackson's 4l·Yctrd run in the fourth quarter set up the third Huskie touchdown. a 16-yard charge by reserve tailback Sterling Hinds with 9. 19 left to play. The llusk1e defense stopped Cal for most or the game . halting the Golden Bears three limes on the six inch line in the second quarter following an in- terception by California on the Washington 14. California quarterback J Torchio completed ol"'ly 10 of 42 passes and the supposedly pass· Men'a Crew Socks Orlon • acrylic /s11erch nylon socks Firs 10· 13 OuPo-.1~ TM oriented Ctallfornla offense ittlned l~ yard1 on the ground and Jus t 163 In the air. Wwshington, In making iL'I Pac·lO record 2·1, r ushed for 206 yuds while quarterback Steve Pelluer completed 22 of 40 throws for 234 yards Cal dropped t.o l ·l in the conference race and is 1-4 tor a ll games. compared lo Washington's 4 1 Washington St. 23, Oregon St. O CO RVALLIS, Ore.\ Quarterback Ricky Turner 's 119-yard touchdown dash one minute lnto the lhtrd quarter broke open a scoreless Pacific 10 Conference game and Washington State went on to beat Oregon State, 23·0. The Cougars added 17 fourth·quarter points and improved their record to 5-0 as they continued on their best start s inre 1930, when they were un· defeated in nine games before losing to Alabama. 24·0 in the Rose Bowt. ' Turner took over in the third quarter for starter Klete Casper , with whom he regularly shares quarter back duties. Turne r opened the fourth quarter with a 17- yard run to OSU's 33·yard line. From the 20, he carried the ball 10 yards and, as he was being tackled, tossed Jt back to Tim Harris. who ran the fina l 10 yards for a touchdown. A deflected pass from Turner was hauled in by Jeff Keller for the two·polnt conversion and a 14-0 WSU lead with 12:39 to play. Kevin Morris, with the help of a strong wind, Savel Soft Fleecy Robee ForMl ... e . All our newest styles including wraps Zip fashioned of plush acetate blends or Celanese® Arnel tri- acetate. In luxurious cool·weather colors. udded field go;d11 of 5'1, S2 and 33 yards In the lin1J period Arizona St. 24, Oregon o TEMPE. Ariz. Quiuterback Mike Pagel threw two second·half touchdown p.sse11 and scored once himself on a one.yard soeak as Arizona State defeated the University of Oreeon, 24·0. Ahead 3·0 at halftime. Pagel directed the Sun Devils to two quick scores late In the third quarter and another early in the fourth to close out the scoring. The win raised Arizona State's rerord to 4·1 overall and 2·1 in Pac·lO play. Oregon tell to 1·4 and 0·2, respectively Oregon entered the game with the league's best defense -allowing their oeponents just under 15 points and 24S.S yards total offense per game. But it was Arizona Stale which flexed its defensive muscles, holding the Ducks to 38 yards rushing. Utah St . 17, Pacific, .. STOCKTON -Dale Money booted a 2S·yard field goal with seven seconds to go ~ the game lo push Utah St. to a 17 14 victory in Pacific Coctst Athletic Asi.ociation action. University or the Pacific led 14·0 at halltime. but Utah St. scored two touchdowns1r one a 78· vard punt return by flanker Fred F~r41andes. The other score came on a 28·yard run by tailbac k Maurice Turner. 7.77 Hand-held C•lculator 8·d1g1t L.C.D calculator with memory. per· cent key Men·~ Chronograph alarm. women's S- tunc11on. Seneor-Lite. Turns on automahcally at dusk and oft at dawn Safel y when you are away Our Reg. 4.97 3.50 Women, Chalef SlipPer ~lk. or Natural vinyl Sott ricot and foam l1n1n crape sale full sizes g on 2 s1 SB;le Pkg•. Price Km•rf"l vecuum Bag• >-If' oags 10 ht most 01~posav vacuums ~·4 in pkg 100 Pitt Box Mini M•g Shell•• ~igh·velocity .22·cal. long· nfle shells Holder. Save Men'• QoW..1-Chroftograptl Alemt-.-.. -29.97 w.-•e ~ Mwtctton Waldt-...... .21.17 ,. t Baby ) ~~.T~ r----"".!17··., . . ~ . g . I ~I 1.27 K mart@ Baby Shampoo Gen!IP and mild tor the entire family 2 ForS3 Dyn•mo® Detergent 32-oz A quarter cup of Dynamo® Q!!tS your whole wash clean. Roa 1.28 111f1P'' Diah Towel 'Win~ow Check' cotton/po- lyester. Ow 77' Dlllldl4ll, 111tr, I ,_ 11 1.17 Q.ttpe® Cotton Sw•b• Value package of 300 dou· ble·tipped safety swabs. 7-D•r Sale ••••• 8t ... -bett4MI Radlal8 1.97 Hot Cocoe Mix 20-oz mix w11h mini marsh· mallows or regular Save ....... 3.37 Save On "8yer® Aeprln Large bottle of 300 tablets For fast pain relief Save Sale Price ~mo~~JS8 39 97 \ ~.~T. Sale Price 17.97 • Ea. 1. 73 Ea. All Tires Plus F.E. T. Each AU I( matt Include Mounting e No Tr.cs.In Requlr9d Computer BalAncr EAc h Whef'I J 97 14.88 Ea. ............ .......... a-IOr _.,us. car•. ~vrch ,.... .. AddlllOfla l pene. ................ ..,..,......,..~) ...... 1.47 C,_...te Chilt Coolliet Large package of delicious fresh cookies for lunch or soacks. Delicious any lime •• 79c lweet 'N Lo~ ft8Ckett Granulate sugar substitute Box of 100 packets °"' Reg 68.88 48.18 .18 . .... D'I~• eulk• ..... ....... ""'· IOr .,..,,., ~-wre ........... ~ . ----. (' Orango Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. October 11 . ! 981 BS . . ::~;rt l Wisconsin · upsets Ohi9 State; Irish tumble 4 •• PROVO. Utah (AP > Quarterbuck Sam King r,r ed I.I 20 yu rd touchdown pus* to J im San du s k y !ath 19 s~('onds left as ~evada L a s Veg a s sJ u n n e d t ighth-ranked' Brigham Y oung. 45 4 1 and s napped the Cou gars· 17-gamc winning streak Saturday before a disap· pointed ho meC'om1ng cr owd. King, who mar c hed the Rebels 79 yards for the final score, threw a.nother t-0uchdown pass. • ran for a third score and set up two other UNLV to u chdowns with long passes. In all , the 6· l senior co mpl e t e d JP'of -5 7 passes for 473 yaras. B YU's winning streak had been the nation's longest. but the <!ougars were playing wit~out in- jured All·A(h"t!rican quarterba~ll Jim McMahon. From AP dl'IP•lches MADISON , Wis J ess Cole tired two touc hdown passes und Wendell Gludem scored the go-ahe1&d points with a so yard field goal on the last play or the first half, leading Wisconsin to a 24·21 college footba ll victor y over 18th ranked Ohio State Saturday Wisconsin, 4 1 for the season and 3·0 in the Big Ten. clinched the victor y whe n Cole threw a 10 yard touchdown pass to Thad Mc Fadden for a 24· 14 lead with 12: 27 to play. Ohio Slate. which fell to 3·2 for the season and l · l m the Big 10, scored with 38 seconds to play when Jim Gayle swept over from l yard out The Buc keyes then tr ied an onside kick, but Wisconsin recover ed at its 48. Wisconsin's defe nse. led by safety David Greenwood with an inte rce ption a nd a fumble r ecovery, for ced five turnovers as the Badgers broke a 21 game losing streak al the hands of Ohio State. The Badgers last defeated Ohio Stale l2·3 here in 1959. when they went on to the Rose Bowl. Fla. St. 19, Notre Dame 13 SOUTH BEND, Ind. -Rick Stockstill threw a pajr or second-hair touchdown passes to Mike Wh1tmg Saturday to lead ~Odak •nstant COior filrn 20th r anked Florida Sta le lo u 19 13 vie· tory over Notre Dame. J um es Har ris set up the winning touchdown when he intercepted a Blair Kiel pass In the fourth quarter Five plays later. Stockstill hit Whiting with a 5-yard tie-breaking touchdown pass. Earlier m the half. the same com b ina tion connecte d on a 17-ya rd touchdown pass as the Seminoles boost ed their record to 4 1 with a second straight victory over a Midwest power Last week. the Seminoles upset Ohio State 36 27. The loss lert Notre .Dame with a 2·3 record under rookie Coach Gerry Faust M ichigan 38, Michigan St. 20 EAST LANSING , Mich. -Butch Woolfolk rus hed for 253 yards and Steve Smith run for two touchdowns as No 6 M 1chigan rallied to de feat Michigan State, 38-20. in a Big Te n Conference game. Lawrence Ricks also scor ed twice for the Wolverines. who tra iled 20-16 early in in the third quart er before taking charge. Woolfolk, carrying 39 times, gained more than 100 yards for the e ighth strai~ht gam e and beca m e the first 1.97 12.97 2 s7Tw1n /Full For Size 1-lb. Canned Ham Polyester Blankets En1oy convenience and great taste w11h Plumrose~ fully coalted delicious ham. 'N•lw1 ,. Twin-pack Instant Film PR 1 O® hts all Koda I® instant cameras Faster developing. 20 color prints. Soll blanket provides warmth without weight. Nylon binding. 72x90" size. Save. I_ _i 4.44 38-qt. WHtebHket L1f1-top style (rl easy-to· clean plastic Cj:>rs Save 1.76 Jhirmeck Shampoo a oz• With cond1t1onin!!i factors that help slop spht ends and dry- ness. g ives h r body and sheen s79 Chicken Fried Beef Patty With whipped potatoes and gravy, seasoned vegetable, roll, and butter. Metal Truh Can Galvanized with deep coriuga· lions, and raised bottom for strength and durability. 30 gal. size Your Choice Glad· Wrap or Ziploc • Bag• Greal savings on kllchen essen- tials 200-sq -It Plastic wrap. or 20 gallon-size storage bags Feat-dry Sprey En•m•I Interior-exterior spray enamel White and colors $274 38.88 36" Ceiling Fan ThreP metal blades with 4 srieed switch. brown and while. model ere 36 Senl-Flu•h® Granulea Clean disinfect, deodorize toilet bowl easily 48-oz • ._.., Ootdetar® 1al' ~ BIW AC/DC TV Solld state cili:ditry tor greater depend· ab1l1ty. opera)~ on AC or DC current w11h ada pter cord VR230 Compttet CerouM'® Mlcfowev• Compact Carousel® mlcrowav1 oven With variable cooking. Oval timer and acrylic Interior. Model R5600 KMC 12" ::. 8/W TV Htgh performance SOiid state dependabll- lty, Instant picture and sound UHF/VHF Tuning. hghtwelght. KMB 1221G Missouri 58, Kansas St. 13 MIDWEST COLUMRIA, Mo Senior Bobby Wolvenne s ince 1975 to s urpas:. 200 yards rushing to a game Meyer ran I. 4 . and 11 yards for lt1\H'hdowni. and quartt:rback Mike Hyde fhpped pa~isei; for 202 yards and another ~t·on'. µacing No 13 Missouri lo a 58· 13 Ht~ 1-:1ght triumph over Kansai. ~late RiC'ks put Michiga n up for good on a 3 yard burst m the third quarter. and Smith iced 1t with a 37 yard s pnnt on Mich1gun's nt:'xt possession. U nb(•alen M1ssour1 converted three Kunsas State miscues, two of them fumbles, into first-quarter touchdowns t•n route lo its fifth victory Iowa 42, Indiana 28 IOWA CITY, Iowa Gord) Bohan- Hestncted lo spasmodic s uccess on the ground . Missouri required marches of only 5. 34. and 22 yards lo grab a 21 0 ll'ud in the opening 71 ~ m urutes non threw three touchdown passes and Norm Granger returned a kickoff 99 yards for another S<'Ore to spark 15th· rated Iowa lo a 42·28 victory over In· diana in a Big Ten Conference game Purdue 44, Illinois 20 WEST LAFAYETTE . Ind <~uarkrbatk Scott Campbell passed for 290 vards and three touchdowns and ran 20 }·ards for another score, leading Purdue lo a 44-20 Big H) Conference vtc· tory ovt·r Ilhnoas Iowa St'Ored the rarst five times ll had the ball en route to a 35 14 halftime lead and sent lhl' Hawkcyes. 4· l overall and 2-0 in the Bag Ten Indiana fe ll to 1·4 and 1-2. IL wa:.· thl' lllin1 's first loss and Purdue's first vi<•tory 1n three con ft•renn· games and left both tl'ams 3 2 overall. Indiana quarterback Babe Laufen- berg, who threw two touchdown passes. kept the Hoosiers dose, but they couldn't ovcrcomt' a second-quarter s purt during wh1th Iowa scor ed three times an It's:-lhan 41 ~ minutes The Buill'rmakHs, a ided by three larst hair field goals hy Tim Clark. built a 2:1-t4 halftime lead. Ill m•rt• AOVCRTISlO I M[AC'1•ND15E POucv ....... , .. . ····· -··· .... ~ I 1.58 Spiral Bound Photo Album tO page magne11c phoro album w11h decorated cover Save. 2.66 2 cu. tt. Decoretive Bark Your c..IHHC.e of medium or co.11<-l p1ec.Ps Help~ •e1;i1n moi-,li.Jll' and cur b weed yrowlh 97~ Juniper Tams A dense symmetr1ca1t spreading hordy plant Wide/' used for all types ot landscai •ng 1 gallon size 1.38 Pkg. Everaedf°' Batterie• 2 k "C" or "D" Energ1z· -pac v b t or card ol 1.9-a -ers, tery. Save now AlahaDia held to 13-13 tie Tar Hee ls , Clemson romp From AP di!.patches BIHMING H A ~. Ala Sophomore Steve Clark kicked a 40-ya rd fie ld goal with eight seconds lefl to give Southern Mississippi a 13-13 tie "'1th seventh ranked Alabama m college football Saturday ·1 he J ast llml· the Golden Eagles had such sue cess agam:-t Alalwmu. back an 1956, it was by the saml' St'Ofl' The deadlock dl'layed Alabama's drive to gave Coach Re<ir Br yant a rc<•ord 315 victories. Hts mark now 1s 310-80 17 Quarterback Reggie Collier. a pain for Alab<•ma tht:' enlire game. directed lhe Eagles from their 20 lo set up Clark's tying kick. his SO UTH second field goal or the game . Cother ran for 8 yards and completed four passes in the pus h. an· eluding a 27 yardcr to tight end R aymond Powell to put the ball at the Alabama 24 before Clark's kick. Peter Kim's 41 -yard field goal had given Alabama a 13-10 lead with 7 .15 left. and, when Alabama held Southern on the ne xt series. the Cr imson T idt• appeared in control North Carolina 48 , Wake Forest 10 CHAPEL HILLS. N.C. Sophomore Tyrone Anthony scored two touchdowns and rushed for 224 yards on 26 c<.irraes as No. 5 North Car olina romped lo a 48-10 victory over Wake Forest in an Atlantic Coast Conference game. Anthony. starting in place of IOJUred tailback Kelvin Bryant, a mas~ed lhe firth-highest singlc- gam<• rushing yardage total in Tar Heel history llis touchdo\\ns C'ame on runs or 30 and 2 yards. The Nor th Carolina 1ndiv1dual r ushing record is 286 yards. set by Amos Lawrence against Virginia m 1977 Clem son 27, Virginia O CLEMSON, SC Clemson tailback Cliff Austin ran for t wo tou<.'hdowns as the ninth-ranked Tigers lrounced Virginia. 27-0. an an Atlantic Coast Conference game The triumph. w hich opened Cle mson's ACC schedule. was the Tigers' firth straight without a loss. The Tigers' touchdowns cam e on runs of 42 and t yard by Austin and a S·yard run by fullback Jerr McCall Clemson's defense completely dominated the game. allO\\ing V1rgan1a into Tiger territory only lwtcl' once each in the second and fou rth quarter!'. Georgia 37, Mississippi 7 OXFORD, Mass Herschel Walker ran for 265 yards and the l llh ra nked Georgia Bulldogs ripped open the game with three second-quarter toul'hdowns ror a 37.7 victory over Mississippi in a Southeastern Conference 1':a me The 220 pound All-American running back car- ried the ball 41 times againsl the Rebels' young de· fenders. Sl'Oring o n a 6-yard leap-and-run to start the second quarter point spree which propelled the Bulldogs to a 24·7 halftime lead -·P-, I ~ HOME RECORDER •Remote • 2-4-6 Hr • VHS Video Recorder •Same AS Magnavox 83 10 • Same " Quasar SO 16 OPEN STOCK OHL Y a 538 #9 .... m'9"1TELEVISIONS MOVIES *MOVIES* OVER 1000 TO RENT All LAlllT llUAIES •BLANK TAPE '11" •ACCESSORIES VARIETY NEWPORT Rf ACH ••I,.. I '.' I. I ' I ' ·''--"~ •V, H.,, !ju ltd PH. S48-22 I 3 RUSTY PELIC A~ ) I f I ) ----------.. Orange Coast DAIL 'V PILOT/Sunday. October 11 . 1981 Sail.ors suffer 24-14 setback College, prep football College WHl . : Newport's Cochrane criticizes officials Arizona 13, USC 10 Washington 27, Cal 26 Wash. St. 23, Oregon St. Q Utah St. 17, Pacific 14 San Diego St. 52, Iowa St. 31 "'y JACK MINTER of .. o.Hy ...... .-... The El Toro High football :iquad vaulted inlo first place in the Sea View League Saturday night at the hands of the winless Newport. lfarbor Sailors, 24 -14, ot Mission Viejo llaih The Chargers, now 2·0 in league and 2·3 on the season, beld back the Sailors after ewport got off lo a fast start. In El Toro's second possession C the game. quarterback Mike ~Douglass fired a pass right into he waiting arms of Newport de· :.tensive back Scott Maha ffey at the El Toro 3~yard line Mahaf· fey. a 6· l, 180-pound senior for licoach Hank Cochrane 's Sailors raced in for the opening TD with t just 2:45 s howing in the opening t stanza. Shawn Culp's PAT put Newport out in front. 7-0 f "I thought our defensive team i played well tonight. Twice I felt • we got bad decisions by the refs that led to them scoring!" Cochrane remarked In the second quarter with less than 19 seconds s howing for the half. Newport quarterback Greg :,Selby was driving the Sailors i:toward a score when El Toro's pTodd Williams had different ideas . UCI triumphs . in volleyball The UC Irvine's women 's volleyball team comple ted its swing through the San Diego • area with a 15 7. 15·2. 15·10 • triumph over USIU at Torrey • Pines High Saturday. In running their overall record to 11 -4, the Anteater s were paced by the play of sophomore ~se tter Chris llensley and • freshmCAn Linda Kelley. who had 1 10 kills . ~ UCI will be back in action Saturday to host Pepperdine. .... ~ W11llurns intercepted Selby at lhl' goal lint and raced almo:1t the entire length ol the football field before being brought down by Newport's Ri<'k Deans at the Newport 18. "'fhere's no way that any time was left, yet the refs. put two seconds on the board." an angry Cochrane insisted That two ~econds that the Of· fic1als put on the c<lock• was just enough for the El Toro kicker, Danny Gla~ser. lo execute a 35-yard field goal El TorO had scored earlier in the quarter by the swift running of Damon Sweazy as he cut into the Newport defense llis 26-yard TD run with 3:37 left in the hulf had knotted the score at 7. Following Classer's FG the Ch<Argers held a slim 10-7 spread going into halftime The Chargers came out Just as their n1<.•kna me 1mpl1es ·rharging· by scoring on their only two possessions of the third quarter Sweazy, adding two more touchdowns on the night. scored from eight and two-yards out. Glasser was perfect on his PA Ts. .. The calls on that second drive were also bad. Both men were going for the ball and they call us for unnec·essa ry rough- ness Our guy got mad and said something he s houldn 't bave and unsportsmanlike conduct is called. The refs gave them that TD'·· a flus tered Cochrane stated F ollowing the offl(•ials' mark· ing of the ball at the n ine. Sweazy was the workhorse He ran for 102 yards on the night .vith 26 carries. Newport's other score came with 10 :56 left 1n the final quarter as Selby found Rob Berry in the end zone for an eight.yard passing ~core Culp's PAT was again good Selby finished with 15 of 31 for 171 yards UC poloist s romp past Cal, Pacific UC Ir vine's water polo team completed a four ·ga m e Northern California trip with a pair of victories Saturday lo give the Anteaters a 3·1 record in the two-day double-header series. Saturday UCl defeated UC Berkeley, 13·5. with Digey Riley scoring s ix goals and John Vargas getting three. The Ant·1 eaters moved in front early and held an 8-2 edge at halftime. then breezed in the final hair. Then. in an afternoon game. UCI toppled the University 01 Pacific. 9-6. in a game that was easier than the score indicates. UCI went in front 4·1 al halftime <And 8·1 after three periods before reserves gave up five goals in the final stanza. In the ·Pacific game, Vargas was the leading scorer with five. J eff Campbell added a pair of goals in each game. Friday night the Anteaters de· feated Santa Clara. 16·1. after losing to St~nford earlier in the day, 9-7. UCI is 12·4 for the season with two of the defeats coming at the hands of Stanford. In the NCAA water polo rankings , UCl is second be hind Stanford CS Full 13, Fresno St. 10 R•dllnch it, UIV•rne • S.11 OJ.911 U )I, W11t11i.r H S.Cr_.o 51 •. s.tl FrenclKO Sl 11 1111.iH P«lll< 2', Cl•,.mo<lt·MllOcl 0 Cel LutlWr.,. H. Cel Poly ,,,__., 10 Cal $1•1• NortNldQO •. CN<O SI It St Mery'JJ7.~0 Humbolctl SI 10, UC Oevl• 11 I!. Wall\l"91011 2•, Heywarf SI, 10 Ll11fl•IO ), ~ TKll) Pee Luhr.,. 1', Cant. WeJlllllQton • S. Or990ft U. lAtwlt " Ciera 11 Wll141mel1e 17, E. Of"90fl H W. Of-21, '"a<fll<, Ore 14 Aoclcle1 UNLVO BYU41 Hawaii 14, Wyoming 9 Arizona St. 24, Oregon O Miss. St. 37, Colo. St. 27 New Mex. St. 26, UTEP 3 Boise St. 20, Mont. St. 10 S. Ulall 11, S. Color-12 Fl l•wll l•. COio. Wenem U Idaho SI. 21, Po<ll...., SI • W• ... r SI ll, P\IQitl Sound 10 N•veOe lR-1 lol, No ArltOfta If Montflll 1•, Idaho 1' Soulh Alabama 13, So. Miss 13 Auburn 19, LSU 7 Clemson 27, Virginia O Duke 14, Va . Tech 7 N. Caro. 48, Wk Frst 10 VMI 14, Citadel 0 Florida 15, Maryland 10 Georgia 37, Mississippi 7 Tennessee 10, Ga. Tech 7 S. Caro. 28, Kentucky 14 ·Louisville 14, Mem. St. 7 Lamar 17, NE La. 13 Furman '12, Applc hn St 18 E. Caro. 17, Richmond 13 Tulane 14, Vandy 10 N.cNeese St. 42, NW La. 21 Oevtd.on 44, ~'°" U. u Akron 10, Ten,_u .. Te<h 1 E Ion 20, NorfOlll SI. 20. II• lenolr·Rllyno 2', Gardoer-WebO 11 Murrey St 10, T-.·Merttn 1 Tn .Cll•llAlnoG91 lO. Mar.,..11 o Vlr9lnl• Union •l. Clar~ Col, O w C erollna 11. Wofford JO Wlnsl.,...S.lem )$, LMnVilone • E l(enluclly ?J, M-T-1 Nl<llOllJ St, 5', SoutlWrn U u T..,n•uee SI U, Gremblln9 SI. 10 01,1. of Columbia 7. St. Peun o Towson SI. 21, Cenl Conne<tl<ut O c.w. ,..,., 37, J_.,,,,..,,.on,. Prubylerl.ln 11. C.e141wl» 7 Wuh ,. lee 1', Maryvlllt 12 W Geor9t• '1, Ham90lrn-Sydr10 IS Mor9•n St. lS. N C. Cenlr•I 11 S Cerollne SI 11, J C Smllll 0 Auilln Peay Q , __ _,SI 28 Bowl• St.'· Fa~lte~llle SI 6 Oell• SI. 31, Liberty Beptlll I Morrll &......,, U, MonthOuM 4 St JOMl)ll, Ind 17, Geclf'Qelown, Ky 14 , ·~ .. ' TDDAT'S llDSSIDID PUZZLE Irvine lVins I ·: ACROSS 73 Noggin tops 11em 1 Mariner 74 Varangtans 138 Decimal 1 Cauldrons 76 Try-outs base 11 Bark Cloth 78 'The -139 December 15 Frays of Rock VISllOr 21 Store sign 79 Churcn 141 Wood sorrel 2 words off1c1a1s 142 Eltclama11on 22 Malay law 81 Lose hooe 143 Cuckoo 23 Swedish 83 Excuse 144 Furniture measure 85 Relaxes items: 24 K11e 86 Witness 2 words 25 N1cket 87 Bowltke 147 Shoottng symbol curve malch Fr 26 Dull no•se 88 --and 149 Palm Illy 27 Word trom fakeno11ce 150 Close by Poe's raven 89 Landed 2 words 29 llAal\e lace property 152 Needy 30 J E Carter's 91 Ro1or 153 Arduous state housings journey 31 Or ·s assn 93 Rise , 54 C11y desk 33 Backs of buoyancy man necks 96 Beelle 156 New York 35 E•plode 97 Lyric muse island 36 Isle of song 99 Title tor 157 Jeanne 38 Olshgure 129 Across d Arc 39 Alratd Scot 100 Communion el al 41 Cape dish 158 S111ches 42 Bacon 101 Authors 159 Prohibits accompan1-weapon DOWN ment 102 An met 1 Submarine 44 Haggard 104 Headliners de1ectors heroine 106 Delaware 2 "Lou Grant" 45 Estimate Indians role 46 CXOOI 108 Conduct 3 Exists 48 Borac11e 109 Taxi timer 4 Campus SO Large 111 Woody bulldJng guUles plents 5 Pearl Buck 52 Foreshow 113 One 01 a heroine 54 AdjUSIS Disney 7 6 Postponed 56 Military 114 Merits case student I 15 Derby stte 7 Storefront 59 Midway 118 Chooses sec lions a11rac11ons 120 Pany tidbits 8 L yrtc puems 61 Sandy 123 Tiiter 9 Hebrew tracks, In 125 Schedulers Jell er England 129 Guinness 10 Intervene 62 Verb torm 130 Farm area 2 words 66 lmllated 132 Spirited 11 Meddled 67 Copyrights horse With COUSlnS 133 Also 12 I love Lat 69 Rescues 134 Printer s 13 Green spol. 71 Assign term 1n Paris places 135 Layer 14 Regions 72 More Sp 136 Property 15 Hiding place 2 16 Turklah regiment 17 Cistern 18 Printing measure 19 Envoy 20 Fh<ed looks 28 Dogs name 32 Big fuss 34 Sums up a speech 37 Sentence parts 38 Chess piece 40 [)e<:hned 42 Irish export 43 Storms 45 Gets up 47 Wager 48 Ancient race 49 Mad one 51 Old soldier 53 Flytng toys 55 Prying bar 56 Vacationers choice 57 Armadillo 58 Prospector lor one 2 words 60 Main and Water 63 Fourth Estate product 64 Abyss1n111n language 65 ShOrt jacket 67 Rain sounds 68 Distress signal 70 T rles hard 73 Stk:kum 75 Shadow boxed 77 Commence· 2 words 80 Meadow· land 81 Roman goddess 82 Aris Lal. 84 Or· Lat 86 Pack rats 88 Looked Bl' 3wo1ds 89 Dutch expon 90 Food dish 91 Begin 92 Lubrlc:ate 93 Coal told 94 Tone. Scot 95 Concludes 98 Depones 100 Gitt wrap 103 Ice ptnnacle 105 Closes firmly 107 Snoooed 108 Endures t 10 Talk. mod style 112 01Sperses 114 Alrhne abbr t 16 '1'1eJdmg 117 Leg jOtnlS 119 Like some cream 120 Poultry treats 121 GrosSly wrong 2words 122 ~apoleonlc mershall 124 Doctrines 126 DOE'S com- mend 127 Church offlclat 128 Steps 131 Kennet sounds 133 Chores 136 Poker stake 137 Horn sound 139 Goulash 140 AUlatanl 14311Au5f1Um display 145 Orkneys mlet 146 Exist 148 Tease SJ 151 Rough lava 155 Chinese paaoda invitational By JACK MJNTE R Of Ille Delly l'llet Slaff The CIF's ninth·ranked Irvine High girls' cross country squad, running without its No. 3 run- ner. narrowly beat Esperanza in Saturday's Buena Park Invitational cross country meet. The Barbara Vasquez-led team totaled 49 points in defeating Esperanza (51), Katella (90> and Dana Hills ( 105>. Vasquez finished fourth in the 3·mile run on the Buena Park High campus with a 19:04.2 clocking. "We tend to run faster on this course. Today we ran without Carla Figueroa and still won.·· and Irvine Coach Jeff Swigart said. Vasquez got help from teammates Janet Lam (eighth in 19 .21.4 >. Patricia Quiros l n inth in 19:21 8>. Sheri Satterwhite !10th in 19"26.3> and Erin Greenfield (18th in 20: 14.9). Gus Qllinonez, an age-group distance record holde r now running for Huntington Beach High ~as the area ·s leading boys distance runner Satur Ciay. Competing in the fastest race of the day. Division Ill. Quinonez ran with FoothiU's Jeff Williams and Tustin's Mike Parker for much of the race until Williams and Parker sprinted the last 600 yards to the finish. Williams ran 14 : 53.8. 10 seconds off the course record of 14 :43 set by Steve Valen of El Modena in 1980. in beating Parker (15.04.4) and Quinonez < 15· 10 8> .. Huntington Beach finished fourth in Division Ill. Newbury Park. ranked third in the Cl F 4A poll. won the championship with 58 points. Tustin was second with 60 points. while Foothill was third C68J Irvine High's boys team s uffered its first in· vitat ional defeat this season. finishing second to El Modena in the Division II race No. 1 runner Cyril Oblouk missed the race, leaving the pressure on Steve Meehan. The Vaquero responded with perhaps his best race of the season with a third place finish in 15: 28.1 lrvine finished with 99 points. while El Modena. ranked sixth in the 4A poll. won )llith 51 points. Davis' 38-game s treak ends ARCATA <APl -Dennis Miller kicked a 38-yard field goal with three seconds left to play to give Humboldt St. a 20·18 victory over UC Davis Saturday. The victory broke a 38-game winning streak in the Far Western Confer ence for UC Davis, which had beaten Humboldt for 11 years In a row. MoedayNltllt~ 3 ~IAMT SCRHNS 75c BEER & HOT DOGS cum CB.ElllDES/IAFFl.E AT H~ Dyer Ad. Exit/Newport Fwy. Stint• An• SEE CLASSIFIED SECTtON FOR ANSWERS 549·1s12 ... ( Mld-11 Wisconsin 24, Ohio St. 21 Purdue 44, llllnol~ ?O Michigan 38, Mich St 20 Minnesota 35, Nrthwstrn 23 Nebraska b~1 Colorado O Fla. St 19, Notre Dome 13 Iowa 42, Indiana 28 Okla. St. 20, Kansas 7 Ci ncinnati 19, Ohio U. 9 Missouri 58, Kan. St 13 Kent St 31, N. Ill. 10 Toledo 42, E. Mich. 7 Iii. St. 2S, E. Ill. 3 Bwlng Grn 7, M1am1 <Ol 7 Cent. Mich. 15, w. Mich. t3 Drake 24, Wichita SI. 23 llllllOh C.OI , •. •ow• WHly(I n Mluourl Viii 21, Ott•w•. l(en ?c Plll•t11o1rQ SI :M, Mo Souo,.rn I Sterlln9 17. B•tlltl, Kan 7 Cen1ilu' 11 Ohio NOf1,.,.fll 10 Hlll,dale tt, s.Qlnaw 11•1 SI 0 Hiram COi 11. r111•1 •• Mo11nt Ullton JI Hel!Nllle.fQ 19 Ot>erlln 13, Grove City 10 W Kentucll:y ». Y~•lown SI 1• Wltttnb9rQ •I, ONO WHlyn 0 Cec>lte l 10, MvOlnQUm U Cent. SI., Otlto ''· llnco111 1 Oav1on o, FrM1t1 .. r9 St 21 Gr•nd Valley St 40, Way,.., Mllh II l(enyon JO. Marlett• 0 W".·Slout 11 W'Wll Plelle••ll• I Woo"er 24, u.inlw;n 11 Au9u"•N. Ill )I. Mllll~tn 0 Hope"· Alt>lon u Ketemaioo 10. Al"'a 11 N OHO!• 27, Morn1nv,1oe 0 N O•kola SI ... S. Oak<Ha St ,. Norlllwd, Mith 13, Fttrll SI. 10 SI 01•1 14, Ml<lllQ.tn T.ch 0 S Ooola 17. Ntt>ra•aa-Om•llA it w11m11191on 11. Tevlor it Wll ·Riv Fall• 10, Wll °'"""'", Beth•ny, K•n JI, Tabor O Do.one tt. 0.ne 1 H•mlln1 7. Me<Aluter O Henonr ll, BluHton I Mldl•nd 21. Conc0tdla, N•I> 21 SI TllOma,31. AVQlbur9 75 Sioux F•ll• I), S. Oakot• Teel! 14 B•ldwln·Wallau 19, Oller lie In 7 C•rroll, Wi• 35. WM•lon u Concordia, Moor tt, l•Uland 2J Keniu wu1yn :M, Mc Pnenon 21 llelley City St 27, Mayville SI 0 Wllllam Je-1127. Terklo • Adrl•n u . 011.,.1 O An<ltrJOn 47, Menc~ter t• Buen• Viste JO, Wllllem Penn 1 Carleton )0, Kno• 11 Carroll, Monl 10, Rocky Mountain 10 Cent. Mluourl •,SW Mtuourt •· tit CIWldron St 31, Hut1nv• 1 Con<orc:ll•, St P JO, Bethel, Minn 11 C0<ne11. •-a S., Moftmoutll. Ill U Gr•<•l•nd .0. Md Am N•reront 79 Gu .. 1v AOOI"""' ••.SI Jol>n'\, MIM 10 . Hut on lO o ... oc. \I • L•lle fOfftl II, (111<-.0 IJ L•wr•nc• '4, DtlOll u lulher 24. Stmpoon 71 Minn. Oulultl 10, St CloUCI M 7 Mo WH....,, )t. Weylle, Neb IJ Mwnt s.MrlO 17, Me--"• n NE M,,...,,, ,.., se M1Mo0Ur11• ,.E 1111no111•. 1!1.1nu u Ptrlol SI. 10, Nebret~e Wtttyn O lllpanU,C.,1 SI Norllerl 17. lOta' I Web•.,," Wesll1"9ton, MO •• W••ll>olrttl, o.....--. Wohburn 17, [Mj)Orl• SI 10 W lllln0t• 21, N l°"'a 1' WI\ E ·~ C.l.llr• "· Wit Slh•"' Pl ,. YanktOll'I OaaoteWt'llyll n Southwell Texas 34, Oklahoma 14 Texas A&M 7, Houston 6 N. Tex St 38, New Mex. St. lb SMU 37, Baylor 20 Arkansas2~Tex .Tech 14 Rice 41, TCU 28 Ark. SI. 14, SW La. 3 Tex.-Arl. 31 , La. Tech 14 S 111 29, W Texas St. 22 C.ent Arkan-20. Ar~ MonU<ello It S Ar11anwi 21, O..acl\1141 1 N . M.. HIQl\1-l 4", W New Mu 1(0 1 Anve•o St •· 51epflen F Au•ll• 13 4rk ·Pl,_ Bluff 17, ~,..I Ar kanw' Tec:h .:M, H1rdln9 u C•meron o. NE Ollt•nGm• ll HendefMln St. 2•. SE O•l•hom• t 7 SW T .. ai SI. 41, H-•rd Pey'W 0 Sul ROH SI u . Trtnllv Tu • Tun Soull•rn 2•. AICOfll St 11 Bishop~. Pr.,.le View O E rex .. s1 JI, Slim Houston•• Panh•ndle St I•. NW Okl•homa 0 T .. o A&I :M, Ablle,.. Chrhllen 21 Mh-1·~~ ,., HW Mh-rl 11 J NW l_a.,_WH_t Allre(I II, Sl1 La-...c. 0 tatl>y 10, u-, H. V. ) Foro11am 14. Qtvr911town, 0 C 0 1111•<1 30, ~·14. M•I"" 2•. -~I,. 16 Melne Merltlnlt «I, Curry J New He.,... 30. IC..,. t6 ltlorwltll U, ._""" 51 O Rh04H Ill-U. HOt'lhNfl•rn O lllocll••ttr IO. H_,t 0 Salem, w Ve I), siw1111ero 10 Su•Clue-u, ~r9 J Trl111ty, C-. 1', Wllll-'"' U Wa9ntr J), HOfttr• IC w Clle•IM SI ~. 8'-'1.o.iro St .• W Maryl...O •S. l'rr*lll & M.1""9111' AllMlny, N Y ,,, 8 ... lalO 0 ll•t .. cJ, Hammon I) O.tew•r• V•I. u. Lycom•nv 1 F•lrmont St. JI, Conc0<d •• Lebanon Vat I•. U•llnv• O NY TKll21, RPI I Refldolpf>--Ol'I 10, LOO He ...... SI 0 WHleyen 24, c.6l ~rt J WtH Ll-.y U. W VltQlllla S1. 10 Cori tend St 24, Brockport SI ) Mlddl•bt.lrY tt, ~ti I Mlll•rwllle $t 11. ~Mti.1os1 11 Plymou111 SI u. Mau Merlllme O w N•w En9••nd 10, Brd9wa1tr, Mao. 1 . , w V• w..irn 11. w 111ro1n1• tee11 o Alle911env•.c-w .. 1orn u Bowdoin I, T .SIU 1 Calllornl•, Pe.•. Edinboro SI ) Cu,..9i.·Mellon •. Betllany, W.Va. .. G•,..va u , S. l'r•nc••. Pa I How•rd U. JI, Detew•re SI 11 Jlldlene, Pa. 10. 111-v Rock l John Carroll t• W•sll. & Jell 0 M•rcyhunl '" Oi.nvlll• SI I Ra me po J7, J-y City SI 1• sn1_n_9 SI• ta. Cl.Ir Ion SI 0 Trenton SI 11. \ellll•H 1 WHlmn"r P•. U, Way,..~rQ 0 Albrl9M 17. UP\elt 7 Fr•mlnQllem SL 24, NlcholJ IJ MonlCl•lr St :ro, S.ton Hall 7 tast Community college P . El Camino», O..noe Coe•l 'O rinceton 21 , Columbia 14 sent• Mon•<• cc 11, 0o1o.n w .. 1 u Rutgers 17, Army O sac1d1e1M10 •1. Antt1oeie 11a11n o Penn St 38 B ston Col 7 Ml Sen Anlonlol7, l.Oft9 8HCll cc )I • • O Sarita Ana 1', l"-rl.lt llallty IC Pitt 17, W. Va. 0 Cerrito' u. eao"11t10 11 Navy 30, Air Force 13 l'ullertoni., Pa~ 10 Brown 26, Penn 24 S•n OlevoMewH, PleruJs C.,..,,plon 2•. c.nvon• 3 Delaware 38, Mass. 1 S Groumont n ~ Al\Qltles valley 1 Harvard 27 , Cornell 10 S•n Bematdlno JI, Sen 01990 cc Lafayette 37. Bucknell o sou111wttten111. Mir.Cost• 11 I h C , lltnture ?I, WHI LA 6 Leh g 21, onnect1cut 17 0 , • ..., ... ».LOlA119e1H CCJ1 W m & M a r y I 2 , sen1• e-r•cJ.Rlo HOndOll Dartmouth 7 r:'C:.~~';~~ ... o Yale 29, Holy Cross 28 High school Temple 31, Colgate 0 E• Toro?•, NewportHefbor u Bat.er u.c...1 Melllodl•I 0 LA B•Pllll M W-idQe 27 Elmllunl .,, Cert114191 u IC•MedY 21. l"'*ren•a. E••nvel 12. Ollvel Naurene 1 Troy 6, S.v-J Fr tend• U,SW ~tM .. 24 !ounny Hiii• 21, C•lllomla 1 Woodbridge upended 8 y TERRY WllJTE Of IM Dally l'llet S\4111 Los Angeles Raµtisl lligh used the fine offensive performances of Rod Shac kleford and Mall MacArthur to turn away the Woodbndge Warriors. 28-22. before 500 fans at Irvine High Saturday night The Warrior~ hCAve )-Cl to win their ftrst vursily football game while the Knig ht!, are 4-1. LA Baptis t drew first blood when Shackleford scored from seven yards out with 6:56 n•maining in the half to j?1\'e the Knig hts a 6·0 lead With 11 56 remaining m the third quarter Shackleford scored again, this time on a 68·yard run from scrimmage down the left side line to give his team a 19-7 lead MacArthur also figured prominent ly in LA Baptist's offense. He made a diving catch in the end zone or a 20·yard pass from Greg Goens with two seconds remaining in the half to give the Knights a 12·7 lead With 51 seconds left in the third period he returned a kickoff 58 yards to the Woodbridge 17 to set up another score Four plays later he booted a 33-yard field goal with 11 .49 left in the game to increase LA Bap- tisl 's margin to 22-14 But MacArthur w<Asn 'l finished yet Five-and-a half minutes later he scored on a 47·yard punt return down the right sideline to give his team its final points NEVER WAX YOUR CAR AGAIN ••• MING ITI AS LOW AS 119.95 Whether It's your Car. Van, Truck or Whatever. gel It Mlnged today Why? Because the Ming Mirror f'lnf•h protects your car's paint against weather, California salt air. dirt and pollutanls Which break down the finish and dull the shine. And It does 11 all teltho11t any h(;oatfng•,H .. tea.r~•," .. dlf<-on~" or .. tt>llon•.n \'011'11 nr~rr hat"~ to K"a.r flOUr ~ar again! Ml1ta 1s a unique paint 11n1sh1ng process that first , deep cleans. then amoothes tne paint to the most brilliant shine possible. and It comes with a 3 year guarantee1 MING 11 and we'll gjve you810 OFF our lntt>rfor •talll• proofl119, 11nct..n-oatln9, rtufprooll119, l11t•rf•r JJha•poof119 and"'""' top ~~ondltfonhtg. RAIN OR SHINE 754-6404 MING AUTO BEAUTY"CENTEA 1520 Ponderosa Ave. Costa Mesa MON.·SAT. 7:30 tJI 5 2 Car DIKc>unta • Brtng A Frtend --·-~~----......,-....------------------------------------------........... , Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 , 1981 - Texas overcomes first half jitters to belt Oklahoma, 34-14 From ~P dilpatcbes OAU..AS Quarlcrbac:k Rick Mclvor's lwo second-hair touchdown passes rallied the un· beaten, third·ranked Texas Longhorns lo a 34·14 victory Salurdily over the 10th-ranked Oklahoma Sooners in lhelr annual collegiate rootbaJI feud. The jittery Longhorns. now 4-0, hell>f'd the Sooners, 1-2·1, to a 14·3 halftime lead with two fu mbles. includin g a miscue on the opening kickoff. Mcivor and wide receiver Maurice McCloney revived the staggering Longhorn or- fense in the third period after All-American de fenslve tackle Kenneth Sims and end Eric Holle put the clamps on lhe Sooners. A 49-yard Mcivor to McCloney pass positioned Texas for A.J "Jam" Jones' 1-yard run to narrow the deficit to 14-10 early in the Uurd period. Sims then recovered a Stanley Wilson fumble GWfT Sill 49 oz. 1.81 .. PEr@pll "NJ"' "<>TOR OIL -- PENNZOIL MOTOR OIL wttll z.7 20.30-40 WT. QT.age •j\jiJ:l1• co~~=: CASSEROLES \ D °FR•NCH WHIT•" 'f:':f( • 15 oz. OVAL r ·~ •l&oz.IOUND ( ~AKOF2 7.99 SOUTH WEST [fl at the Sooner 6 and place-kicker Raul Allegre made 1t 14-13 Oklahornu on a 22-yard field goal. Oklahoma quarterback Kelly Phelps then was sacked by Sims at the Texas Z7 on fourth down and the Longhorns drove 69 yards for the go-ahead touchdown It came on Mclvor's 36-yard toss to McCloney, who was 15 yards behind the nearest defender. "It was like two different balJ games," said Texas Coa'ch Fred Akers. who enjoyed his third straight victory over Oklahoma Coach Barry Switzer. "The second half showed this team has a lot or will and heart. We didn't think there was . SAVE•1.oo 11111\~ FOi f'IUHO DEATH anything wroni with the way we played the First half except tor the tumble.a." Texas held Oklahoma to no pa11in1 yarda&e u the Sooners missed on elghl attempts. "We gave them (the Sooners> too much and it wu a challenge lo our defense which we ltccept· ed ," swd All-American tackle Kenneth Sims. "We beat a good football team and beat them decisive- ly. It s hows we are as good as anybody in the coun· try." " Quarterback Rick Mcivor threw two second- half touchdown passes as the Horns scored 31 points in the second half. Swiuer said, ''The way I take it is Texas made a big surge in the second half and we couldn't make the fourth-down play. Our defense got tired out there in the second half. SPECIAL! "Wt can still come back and be a good team. Texas ls good. a very good football team." SM U 37, Baylor 20 , IRVING, Texas -Tailback Eric Dlckllon 11cored three touchdowns and rushed over 100 yards for the seventh consecutive &ame to boost unbeaten, 14th-ranked Southern Methodiat to a 37 ·20 Southwest Conrerence victory over the Baylor Bears The victory gave SM U a 5--0 record and a tie with Texas A&M for the SWC leadership al 2-0. The loss all but ended any hopes the Bears had of defending their title at 3·3 overall and 1·2 In the swc Dickerson scored on runs of 1, 15 and 21 yards as he passed Doak Walker and Kyle R~ on lbe career rushing list at SMU. SPECIAL! IOI Of 200 SHUTS ' 40 oz. SIZE 2.11 l.71a~ I e WE HONOR YOUR CREDIT! Ma~ter Ca rd DRUGS & SUNDRIES StiiER SHOWER AD PRICES PREVAIL: •th*M·• VIDAL SASSOON CURLING IRON SYSTEM Complete 6 piece kit 19.9 9 solid ~~aa'.e dual handle lfVS.-125 Ctjif(.i* CHRISTMAS KNITTING YARN from WOND•R ART Var iegated (fd/ 9 9 C g~~e0n~t~g::~n 4-Ply Acryhc. 3 oz. UHQ+ IRISH SPRING SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11th THRU TUESDAY, OCTOBER 13th fer-::-Of 31.49 CHERACOL 0 DEODORANT SOAP Gal:DI er YlUOW IATII Silt 2 :79c 5 oz. BAR s C\ijjM* FANCY .PINK SALMON RUBINSTmN'S cnuo+ TEA BAGS "TACiUSS" BAG OF 100 ggc SPECIAL! CHOOSE YOUR PHARMACIST LIKE YOU WOULD A DOCTOR Tiit pblrtuclat 11 an Important •mller of JM lttllltl can ea1111 ancl Jiii should ultct °"' 11 you w111ld a doctor. Our phar1111clala are profeulonals wht can abetlt yeur hulltl and wlll give ytu ltlllr personal an.ntltn to your pracrlpllw end n laltd hall.II nttda. CHOOSE A SAY-OM PROFESSIONAL • cttRONOm "DIGITAL" ALARM CLOCK ~~;~~ 1~•;:•~;~~:.?~:~ case •121 10.88 AM/FM MltlATUllE PORTABLE RADIO :.=::l~a=mlA1VI£ 11.88 antenna~ #7·2500 "MAGI.A" lllONING IOMD PAD ~ COYER SET -4.99 !;,,!!'::,l!~!~~.G SET 5.99 trallers or school. #l• COUGH SYRUP -.:: 1.99 .......,. CORICIDIN "0' t ~-· D£CONCESTUT 24 TA8L£TS 1.49 O· TIPS COTTON swus ...,..tt. .. ...,....... 89 PAK Of 170 c Brewed with 1 s 9 1 /3 real beer . . 11 oz. sat vmuNE Dermatology f'OlllUU LOT1Dll (11 &) atUll (I-.) 3 49 Penetrates deep • lA. SPECIAL! PAMPERS IMSPOSAa£ DIAPUS DTU AISOllDT (24 .. ) wDAY'IWl (30'•) AIM TOOTHPASTE wltll FlUOllDE 1.19 8.2 oz. TUBE 4 :liij:£·t:+ LADIES' TOPS h Oehcate loose knit, with neck trimmed in lace. SW:Ss...t 6.88a SPECIAL! • YDJ.OW tt DOI. 'S NOD (ll"' u. > ' • ..... CAii (SI&) SHOP 7 DAYS A WEEK 9·00 AM TO 9 30 PM MONDAY THRU SATURDAY 9.00 AM TO 7·00 PM SUNDAY HUNT. IEACH -AafM 6 aroottflum -Spftft9d• .. 6 ldht .. r -8Hctt A Oetfletd F<>INTAIN VALLEY -M•tnOtl• 'Wem•r NEWPORT -1020 lrYtM, W•llldtft l'teu IRVINI -Cul•er Or. A Walnut EL TORO -Jolin Rocllfteld Roed M9l llON VllJO -U1?2 M•rtuertte "'-r· I ANTA A~ -111 t louttt I Mtot l tNet _______________ ,_ _________________ ._. .... -~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11. 1981 ,_.;,,;.__ __________________ ~~ ~------------------------------------------------------------~ ~ It I .. . NL WlST PLAYOFFS Dodfl•r• 2 A1tro1 1 o_,.,., NOU$T'Qtf LOS ANOIUI PYlll, rt Garrwr. 111 kott. tf Cf\11, II Geeltl\0,111 W•lllno. 111 Ho-. )II ••r ll.. • ...... 4 1 I 0 L-•· 111 3 0 0 0 4 0 0 0 L•lldtu,<I 4 0 0 0 t II I I IOtr, II l 0 0 0 4 O I I Gervty, lb ) I l 0 t : ~ ~ MOl\dty, rt 20 0 0 3 0 I O ThoMH , rf 0 0 0 0 ~~,.~~ , o o o G.,.rrtro, JDJ 1 1 1 >OO O Scloscl•.< 1000 Ruhle, p Gertie, pll I 0 0 0 AutMlll, IS l 0 2 I 1 O O O Vel'r11'11.41 2 O o o Toi"• ~ I 4 1 Tott lt tl ) 4 l -...,, ....... HO<UIOll 000 000 001 -l LOS A119t!t$ 000 010 10. -t LOii -Houlton l, LOl AftOlifl 3 1111 - Pylll HR -Guor-.ro 111 $ -Vt ltftlutla, 1111~•1. RUftie. ""'' .... lluhl•, ll..0-11 1. ......... 111' H It • 4 2 V•l•nrlltla tw, l~l I I t •-sua. • 1 oo. IE lt 11 M> 2 J I NL EAST PlA YOFFS PhllllH 6, Epoa 5 G-P'Wr MONTltlAL "HILA.DILll'Hl.A ....... •llrll lll Crom rt While, r1 O•wson, ct S 0 0 0 Smllll, ct J 0 0 0 ] I 0 I M•ddox,cl 2 0 I 0 S 0 1 0 llOM, lb 5 I I 0 ''""· < Parrltn, JI> S I l 1 MC Brld, rf l I I 0 S I 1 0 Reed, P 0 0 0 0 Franco Rurjlon,p S1Mltr, H Mtnlltl, lb Miiner. on Phllllps, 2tl St ndrsn, p 8 eh.Qtft, p Mll11,pll Joh~ln,Oll Frymen,p W•lltch, r t 4 0 0 0 AYllU, ph 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 0 McGr•w, p 0 0 0 0 4 2 2 0 \/ uh <lt, ph I l l 1 1 0 I 0 Scl\mdl, lb l I ' 2 1 0 I I Mallhtwl , II 4 2 2 I I 0 0 0 Mortlnd.c J 0 I 2 I 0 0 0 8~, c I 0 0 0 O O O o Bowe, u 4 0 1 0 0000 Trillo.ti> JOOO I 0 I I NOIH, p 0 0 0 0 o o o o Bruu1er. p 0 0 0 0 I 0 0 O Lyle, P 0 0 0 0 Otvls, rt 1 0 0 0 Tolels :II 5 10 j Tol•ll :M • t • I $(-•r IMlftet Montrtat ooo I 12 100 o -S PhlltcHlpfllt 202 001 000 I -• E -.......... OP -Pllll-lpllla I LOB - MontrH I 7, Phlladttphlt 6. 28 -Speier, Cttltr, -· Hll -Scllmldl 111. C-r 121, Mtllhtwl Ill, Vu-ovl<h Ill SB - O•wMlft. S -HOIH SF Whit•. M-rMI II' H II llt •• $0 Stnder-2i., • 4 2 2 1 8ahl\Mll I 'I) I 0 0 I I So14'., 100 0 0 I Fry-IV> 3 1 I RHiloft IL,0-1) 2~ I I I 1 0 ............ ,. 0 I Nol<': 4 l , l 11 ....... r 1~ 2 2 0 Lyt... v, o o O RHt; I I I I I Mc°"9W (W, 1-0l J 1 0 0 0 N .... plt<lled lo l ll•ll•rl II\ Slit R..,.Clon pltclled lo 1 lltller In IOlh T J.41.A -ll,111 Al EAST PlA YOFFS Brewers 2, Yenk11s 1 G_,..,r MILWAUltllt NEW YOlllt s I I 0 , .. ,..... ···~'" M<liltor, rf 4 I l 0 Rndlpl\, 211 l O O O V-l, H l I I 0 MYphry, Cl • 1 0 0 C*l•r, Ill l 0 0 I Wlntlt ld, 11 • 0 I 0 SI"""°"'· c • 0 0 0 J ecOOll, rf 4 0 I 0 o vtf11•, II l 0 1 I Gt mlll•. dll 1 0 0 0 T,,_,H,CI l 0 0 0 Plnlt llt ,dh 2 0 0 I Ed .. rds, ct 0 O 0 O Nettles, lb l O O o HoW.11,dh l 0 I 0 Wti.Gn, lb l 0 I 0 Bellbo. JI> 3 0 O 0 Brown, pr o O o o GaiWer. 211 > o o o Revrno. lb o o O o Foott,Oll 0 0 0 0 MYrcer. Oh o o o o Mlll>on1, H 4 0 I 0 CerOM,c 1 010 Tot•'• " 2 • 2 Tolall n I s I kw•'' l•fft91 Mlllt)tu•" 000 200 000 -2 Nt ... 'YOfk 000 001 000 -I E -C-r, Gtnt"4r LOB Mllweu•" 2, ....... Y-I 18 -Ogllwl•, Wlnllt ld. SF - Cocpr. MllJ• ..... V~wlch (W,I 01 Ee.rly Sit ... McQ urt '" N It 5 J I 1 0 0 ti.. 1 0 I 0 0 ., 1 0 Ill II $0 0 l 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 I F l"f!'rs IS.1 l N·Y- ReUICl>tlll.,0.11 ' 4 l 1 I o • ., ) 0 0 0 0 Vllhovlcll pitched lo J btller1 In •111. W!-VYCkO'Wl<ll T -2 l4 A -SJ,017 .; Beeeball pl1yoff1 NATIONAL LIAOUIE WIHT H8'111onl.~1 Htlltllon 1, ~" 0 ( 11 lnnlno>I 0....,s ., H-IOfl I 0•91'12, Ho.nlon 1CStrlH 11t G, 1·2l T .... y -.-1on •I Oodotn . I O.S P.1'11., CIWl-ltOflCll1. -: NATIONAl.1.lAOUI. IA.ST MtllllrHl J, Phll-19/11• I MW\lr•al >. Phll-IOhlt I P""ede!phlt •• MontfNl 2 P'!t'-IPlll• •· Montretl 5 !Sarles tied, 2·~ .... y --.1real t1 Phlt-IOfllt. I CM pm, ,.. AMlltlC.AN Lt:AGUI: WEST O•ltftd •. K-s Clly O 0-lend 1. KlllMI Chy I ,.- 0 41.lellO 4, K.,.,., CllY 1 1ou1tnc1 wt11a Mir I~, >-01. (Qakltnd -"~ the AL chem-plorttllp -les TueMley t i Ntw VOl'll or Mll .. llll•I. "" ANltlCAN LIAGUI I AST N-Yorll s. Mllweuk" J N"' YIKll >, Mllw•u•" 0 MllwM" S, H-Vorlt l Mt'-..._ 2, New Vorll I IS.rlts 11.o, J.2)., Tt'O -Mllweuk" at Ntw York, • 10 p.m.Cl\etw1e17 .Alt-tlmuPOT A Q.&trlft ere bffl-oMIYt • .. .. • .. • .. .. • .. • .. .. COll!GI! Artzone 13, USC 10 s.c-•YOIMl"lt" Arl!ORt 0 J 10 0 U Sovtllefn c.1 10 0 o O 10 USC -AlleR 74 rvn IJO<CMl'I t.101 use '0JM-" A.rlt -l'G Weber •7 Arlt -1'0 weber U .Arlr -J-.. U "'"from TUMICll"• IWtberkk-l A -St,31, fumtllltlUIO Al'U VIC l'IUI OOWI\• 11 I~ Rllll>tl•Y.,0• «) 112 St-U7 P•t•lno ,.,~ 1•3 60 RttutR ,.,~ 0 M Pan.. 2117 1 •1•1 P1.nla "~ S"'2 Fum111 ... 1oa1 2.1 ...a Pt 1141lltl yarCH 10 .. 2 ·~ Time OI Pou.tto!Otl 17 01 22 " IMMflloll Sllltlatk a RUSHING -.Arlron•. Nt11on t·tl, HOllt nd IS-01, Rt<lmen .. ,, Solltl>trl\ C.I, Allt ll 2 .. J I I, Crutc_ l_.2, McClt114hlll 1·2 P ASSING .Arlron•. TYRnlcllllt 11.JM·lfl Souuwrn Cel, Ma1ur •·14·1..0. RECEIVING • Ari1ona, Ktel t S4, W•rO l .. t, Ctn.r .,..., .AnderlOll l_.., Hollel\CI J.S. Soulhtrll Cal, M. -· l tO, Slmmo111 1 I), Cornnell I S, Alltll 1., St1ntord 26, UCLA 23 Sc"" •Y 0..-rtt .. UCL.A 1 7 J •-U Slllllord l U l 7 -2' UCLA K NtllOll J '"" lJoMIOfl -let.I Slt n -FG Htrmor> JO UCLA Wrlor11man • l>tH lrom RtmMY (JOlllllOI\ •l<k) • St•l'I Tolll.,r t PO• from Elway IHermon •lo l Stan -FG Harmon 21 Sltn -FG Ht•mon t7 UCLA FG J Ohntofl 41 Stell FG Htrmor> 12 UCLA BrvnotrYn (run l•ilt OI Sien 0 NellOI\ 2 run IHtrmOl'l •IOI "-10 103 TumSlllll1llu F in l clowns RYsh .... , .. os PtUlllO Y•rdi Return yarcn PUMI UCL.A 1J •• I .. 713 S'-22 4-\01 JOI 61 Py11i. l'IHnlllH 10\I Ptn•lllH•YMd\ T lmt OI POlMUIOI\ " 1 .. 22-1 .. ., J.J .. n H 5" 1••J2•.J ~JO 0.0 1-IS J3·0. CS Full. 13, Freano St. 10 Sc-'' O...rtars l'uller1on SI. o l o 10 1' Fru noSt 1 J o O 10 FSU -Ttdfor 2 run I O.rrow "<kl Full -Sttlnkt 41 kick FSV Derrow 52 klt ll FYll -lAwls 1 r"" ISttln~• klO) Fyll Stelnl<~JI kick A -20,)411 TttmSIAllltllu Fln tcloWl\1 Ru~1ardi Peu l110 yards Rtlyrn yarOl ....... Pul\b F11mo1e ... 1os1 Pen•llln-ya<Ol T lme of POl»tsoon '"" ll S0-1'3 IS4 " 2t-14·1 HS 11 1.fO 's 12 COMMUNITY COLLEGE nu 14 »41 m XI 2S.124 MO ).1 7-SI U .tl El Camino 35. Orange Coa1t 20 sc-•yOWrta .. El Ct mlno • u I 7-lS Orano• Coa11 o o • 14-20 EC-Brenton IS r"" fkOCk DIOckt<I) E C-Gooclmen l l>tH from G-.en IPHS felled) EC-G,..... I r"" IRoclrivuer "'" lrom Greenl OCC-GIOc11"9S J7 peu frOfYI T..cktr (kl<k t•ll•dl EC-llOOtl-11• ~u from G,..., IGoolJ. m en peu from G,....,I OCC OllOll 2 run (GldOlno• l>tH lrom Tycktr) E!C-BrenloR 1 P•U from Green ICHltll-•k kl OCC-Rono > PUS lrom Oltol\ (peH ltlltdl .Alttl\dancO -1,100 ltlllmattd) G-$11111.Ck a IC First OOWM 12 RuSM l-Yttd\ JO.JO Passino y•ds Jn PHMS 1J~J..l PYflll J.SI FumDIH-IOll 1 I PtMltlH-ya<cn u -u t occ .. 1 10.IOI ...... i-111111111119 EC.-Brel\lon, 1>·41, Goodman. S·I . L.Str•l)el, 1_.; GrH'n, 10.for·minu">O OCC Frlntl, .. u Soutllwenl, 9·10, Olton, I 11, Ur""°", I IS, Tu<ktr 11-IOt minus-I, MoloreN, 1.for.,,,lnus.e IMl•....,l"•ul119 Ec-G.-, U.4J.J. sn OCC-Tuck1t<, IJ.J1.J, I It, MaylOrtftt, >->~.,,. °''°"· 1-14, l tM!w....,l ll•o lvhoe ECC:-Rodrlo111r, 10·"5, Smith, H ll, Cot•m•.n, ~»; ~' 1·21; Brenton, '1~. OCC-PtftOtf, 2·14, FlyM, 2-n; R-y, >I•; °""'*"• 2·11. Frln•, J.14; Gleldlfl9', 1.27; Huol!H, l·•; Urmson, 1·3: Olton, 1-0 Senta Monica 21, GWC 15 sc-w 0...r1•" S.l\lt MOl'lk• 0 11 0 0-21 GolOan Wttt O 7 0 1-15 SM-J-2 n111 I Lev-klc-1 SM-CMtllle 19 pen lrO(n Rale.dl• (l.t llf. que klekl GWC Sloul<t I ~u trom Al•llo CGlem Ueki SM-Cas!lllP 40pau trom A•IHdl• (Lt .. Q\11 klekl GWC-LtP1tn1e 1 "'" from Aiello (El· 11011 run) Alltl\danct -1,SOO IHllmt ltd) Ot -Slllthllu SM F lrsl OOWtll 11 "UlhH·Y.,.OI 4&-111 Penlno '"°' JOI PttMl 12·14-J Punts •·JI FumDIU•IO\I 1-0 Pen•l11es-yar0l 12 1l3 l ... lvl-1 llllSIH ... owe ,, 40-117 ,,. IJ.2'-0 ... ,, 7 •. J •10 SM Johnson, 11 10. Ptr1on, U ·U . l •rn•n , 4·22, RttO, S·U, Castlllt , I·~ • Porter. l ·lor-ml"US·1; R•t•edle, 7·1or- mlRIU·l1 GWC-IElllOll, JO.Ill; CrllllRger, t·U IC ottk •, • 11. Aiello, ... ,°' ·mlRUs·JO ,..,, ...... 1 ......... SM-R•latdlt, 1lolt-l, 2111 owe Aiello, 1:i-n-o, 1,. l ... V ... l llK•lwlfl1I SM·CH1111•. 5 ... ; JoMaon, •·SJ; PtrSOfl, MO; M<Oortakl, I 12; Barrett, l·I GWC -SICMI~•. >-52; LePlt nlt, •t2, C•IH, 4-4'; MtGoo, 1·•• S1ddlebeck 41, Ant. Valley 0 tc.t•yo..t.wn Antel-Vall.., 0 0 O o-0 S.odleback ti • 7 1--41 S-Stawer1 I r1111 IMllllr kk kl s-s1-1""' 1M1111r -k k> s-.iv-10 .,.., trom lttwen CMlller ~ICkl 5-l'lttftMcll 2 l'\H\ (lo.lck l•lltd) S-GI-t ""' (Miiiet -k kl S-A~ t <1111 (Htllrkh kick I •tt•"4Slflct ->,aao 1 .. t1rNltdl o-si.uatk• AV P'lr11 0....,. •• ""JllH-y-1'-1~ P•ulno yaro. 121 .. _. 10-ll-l """'-).)I l'wm_...,,... 2.0 "'"•lll•Y.... ,.. ................... s 1• 5>216 141 11-12-0 , .. 1-0 ll•lft AV-SH, ,..,.; •toer, •·JO; ... ~ ...... 1142; "·· ... : ~ •.. ,; ,,_., ).14; , l'Offtlla.1, 1-4. S-Sttwerl. U ·lt, l'IK111"Cll, 12 ... 1 Atfwll, Wl; Gleed. M , J....,, 2'4; .. ......... •11; ~--. )-4; M<K-141, ..,,; Miiier, J·lor.rnt1111•·1; McNell, l•for•ml11ua-a; llllC ... r, 1•1 ,.....,.....,,....,. AV-S., "11-1, I•; l'-.w\, >11-1, 1'. s-s.._., ....... ; Miller,,., ... "· ................... AV-.1.,.._ .... , 'Mtllll. ...,.; ..,,.., t-14; ,,Ille ..... "'· 1-AttlW, ••: ........ ti, ... 1; ...... l•U ! f'ltc!IMC-11, l•H I Mo"'IU, t4/ ,....,_,,. l!I Toto 14, Newoort Herbor 14 kWe"' °"""'" ..,., ... ""'"""" , 0 0 , 14 a t Toto o It 14 ~u NH-MeftlHy" ll\l•rc•PllOl'I rttwtfl ICulo lll<lll It IOWMIY 1t •1111 tO..uer i.k~I IT-G_..,IJP'~ I! f .........,, f\11\ 10..at -IC'k) IT s_,-, J •Ill' IGHal -•0 1 NH-Wrv I,_ from S.l'V IC\llD kkU Allt~e t,IOe t9'\ll..,.ltcll o-•1a111tk • .... "'"' ·-· .. A11.i.t1 y•O• It." "•nine yttOI 111 Ptn•• l)lM IT 12 •I 1.0 lO 110.1 4 JI 1-0 .... P11nu M J 1"11mlll .. !OJI 0 0 l"t llt lllt .. YttOI • SO 1..-1w..,.1•1n111ae NH -Sttlly ll·U. Swlu, 4 U, Brow11, ) 1. BtrMll, 1mlflln1 IET-Swu1y, 1• 101. Trl<Oll, t 40, Oouotu~n. Sn4ot0. 1 o. wooo,, HI; ""' n•I, I mint!. 4. IWl•-.al"•l&iflt NH S.lllV, IS.)11, 111 ET-Oouol•tt, l·I0.2, SO IMl• .. lllM•I•~ NH llt«V, .. ,.. 9.,,..11 4 o , v ... 0.1. mle11, l·t•. Maritlly, l·ll. 8rown, 1·10; , .. , ... , .. &T-Fouh, Ml ; HO<~n. In· Wiiii.ms. I 10 lo\ 81ptl1t 28, Woodbridge 22 k -h °"'""" LA h pll\I 0 12 7 t 2t Woodl>tlOgit 0 7 I t 'l2 LA II SNcklttorO 1 n111 loeu ltlltOI W -l'l911eroe H peu from llYu•ll lhvtrtlltllk kl LAI MkM-10 p;tl\ lrom Gotll• t-10 DIOCktdl LAB · SlltOltlotd 61 run (Ma<Art""r ~IOI w -Ftgutf'CMI S rYll llt•artn• Ueki LAB MacAr1h111 SlFG LAB -MtcArth11r .i punl "'""' loau lt lltdl W -A.rm1trono • peu from llYn •ll I Fl9Ytrot IMIU I All1ndtnct S00 (ti"tlmtloOI o -•IAltt••k • LAI W l'ltllDownJ 14 IS R11at>t1-yercn 2 .. tll Jt-42 Peulnv varo. 11• 111 Pau as • 14•1 ._,~ p.,,... l ·SO ~ Fumt>IH·IOll 0-0 2-0 Pen•lllH·yttOI 11 lU S-52 IM1wi-111111111o1t LAB Shtc~letoro I• 171. Me<Ar1""r 1·7, Riiier H , Got"~ l·I W -Fl-ro. 2J.SI; Coc>c1o S·J3, RYu.til 10-IS. Morel-I-It 1•vlf..a1,.eu1,.. ui.e-o...ns .... •. 11• W-llYsttll .. 1..0, 111 IMl•*t lltecthrl119 LAB Amnwrman 2·ll, M•<Ar1""' J.JO; SMCkltlord J.1$. Mllhtr 1.e. w Flou•ro• l 11. MOrtl•nd I IS, <1rm11rono 2·1S HIGH SCHOOL STANDINGS See View lHgue L.Mtooe O....MI W LT , 3 0 I 0 I • 0 1 l , 0 J > 0 ) J 0 0 s 0 2 1 I Et Toro Corona del Mar Ell•ncl• W L T , 0 0 0 , 0 I I I 0 I 0 1 0 0 0 Unl .. rtlti' CotltMaM St OdltlM>Ck Newoor1 Htrl>Or Irvine 0 l 0 S.-y'tS<- EI Toro24, N--1Hutior14 NHL Ollera 7, King• 4 Sc.,.llYPatlHt Flm ParlM 1 J-7 l • -· I Edmonton, l<urrl J IGr•ltky, Slll-n), • JI ?. EdnWllol\, M"'sler 2 (.AnOtr-.1, 10 2• Penalli.t -AnOt.-.. Edm, 2 ... Htrrls, LA, 3 ,., Hardy, LA, •:11, M•Ultr, Edm, u ·o., Taylor, L.A. IS 02 Fooolln, Edm, cloublt·mlnor, 15 02. s.c_ ,..ried J Los An2e1u, Bozo I CTeylor, Lu serdl, S:O. 4 Edmonton, Meuler 3 (U1't99rl, I• '-LOt Al\9flH , 0 , Stnllll t IHOP-IRS, H•rrbl, 1)'1' • LOS Anoelft. Fo x 1 (L Murpnyl, IS; 10. 7 EdmonlOl'I, Hunter 1 ll.trl•ltrol, IS.:M. P9"•111H - Boner, LA, 1:2 Wtlls, LA, • J3, Ct 11'9f>tft, Edm, 6 S7. Slll-n, Eclm. u SJ; Fo904IR, Edm, It JI, L. Murplly, LA, 1'·11 Tlllrf "tnod t Edmonton, GrtlOy I IAnder10fl, Slllant nl, I ll. 9 EdmoRIOn, Hu(IMS 2 IFooolln, L-•>. 11·U 10 LO. .A119tlfl, J eftHn I IHtrdy, TtrrlORI, 1l S2. I EdnlOl'l- tOI\, Siii•,,.,, 2 IYNlssltl•dl, l• :JO Pe,..nle~ Lowe, Edm, 4 l2, l(urrl, Edm, 7 41 , l(orao, LA, I• 0. IM"'td by l(ellyl. Shots on toel·Edmonlo" •·11·1J..J5 Las 4'0ft•les I HS·l2·l8. Go•ilt1·Edmoftl0fl Low Lo\ An~ltl. Leutnl A-4"39 C.AMl"IELLC()fjFlllENCI! SmVUltOMt"" W LT OP: OA - Vtncouv1r EdmOfltOl'I C•IOtrY COloreoo ...... ) 0 I II S S 1 I 0 1• I• • l 0 I 1 5 l 021 11JI 0 2 0 s 11 0 Nenh Olvlsl"' Toronto Mln11110lt O.lroll l0 1 1112S I 0 1 10 J ) I I I 10 10 3 SI LOUii Winni~ c111ceoo I 0 10 I 2 I 0 I • J 0 I I II 14 I WAl.H COHP:llllNCE ll'etrl<k Ol•lt""• NV h lt nOtn I 0 I • 3 3 Plllll>Urol\ I I I I 12 3 Wttnlnoton 1 I 0 9 I 2 Pttll•Otlpllla 0 0 I J 2 1 NY lltll09"' 0 l 0 1 JO 0 Afa-DMt'- Ou.bee M ontr••I e .. 11.10 H•rllord 80.IOfl 2 1 I 0 1 0 0 I s..-··•S<..-n EomonlOl'l I, Klfttt 4 Boston 1, Htr110nl I Monlrt•I t , Bllfltlo 0 Plllsl:lurgll 2, 0..111< I Toroftto 9, Clllc.-• Wu hlflOlon •. 011rol1 l 0 I• 12 1 , .. s 0 s 12 2 11 12 I • I Mln"flOI• 7, New VOfk Ra,.rtO Ct lQery •• SI LCKlls 4 NY lsl~2.COIOt-1 Teftlellt'aG- WtshlnotOl'l alBO\IOl'I Vt n<OUYet at 8111ftlo Pltttl:lurgll el Phlledttphle C•lo•rv" Clllc- CTOH country HIOH ICMOOI. ._ ...... '""llAI'""" ...,. OlvlflMI I I, W•lk., (Troy), 1S:2l.1; 2. Mc:C..rtfly IEtl•Rclel. IS:U 2, >. Sllwe ICoa<Mll• V•ller ), 1S '1.2; •. l.AWrwtKt IE-ret\UI. u·o.•: s. Huoo!M IE-lllHI. IS:-..2;. L..tnoenwaller IE.,,.rtllu), IS:•7.S, 7. C.· ru co flue"• Par!(), 1•: 11.0; I. 511•• ICM<IMll• Valley), 16:11.S, •. umll tu H•l>r•l. 16. IS.t; 10. "''"° ca-P•rll), lt:l4,9, Tt•m l(O<ll\g: I EIOtrlrllUI, »; ' ·-Par•. S1, 1 C<»chelle V•llty, 75, 4. Lt- Hiil\, 10., S. E11M1Cla, 123 O!Vlt ... 11 1 Lun• IGtann>. U : 1t.>, 2. M•drltt (Monl<l•lr'l, IS:10 O; ' Mteflan tlrvlfte), IS;ft,I; 4, ~UI 11!1 Moelt"4), U:•.>; S. Gl•ll•llO tKatelle ), U .41.1; 6. lei LUN IOltnnl, 1$:47.t 7 Jofto IAn•ht lm >. IS .... 6; L Slmt IOtN Hllit), U ·U.J; t V•IM Il l MldtM), U:JS,1: 10. M<Gaflt (El MOWn;e), IS;M.t ; Olf•r•: 1 .. Wllltw llrvllw), tt:•.t;. TtMI KWlfll: 1, I I ModlM, Sl; J. '""'-• "; 1 Mttlt<i.lr, Ult; 4 ANMl!tl, 1J I; $ 1. ••• Jtnlan, IM. OtYWoMlll I. Wiii...,_ 111.-..111, 14:0 .1; t Perl!M (Tlltlllll, U:OU; J. Qui-I IHlllllll""'°' hKll), 1t:10.I; 4 ,..llMt IT11t1l11), 1S:IS.I; $, JllllU,_ (Ye Alam"'°61, 1J:1U; 4. .. ltlflfltld IL..e. Milll.9'111 IJ11U; '· aic. (Ntw'MY l"efttl, U :IU, oa. KIM l~I. u:a.s; '· ..,_ 1~ 111tor111, u~e.•: IL $'-~,......, ...-.1, U ;•.o; ......,t U.. C11av• (~ IMcll), U:S>.1; "· .... , ....... ~ 9HB), ........ ru m l(orlnv I N ... 111.try l'•r1t, M. a h n ll11 .0, I ,oolhlll, ... 4 M1111U~ e .. c11, 1ao. , 1..1 M1111-..... ,,. Olrlt 01w1.i.1 I Alltye IGM(twlla V•lltYI, " '1 I. 2 .. 111111•• l.,_oOlllllUI, It·$• I, t M11Mt11ll 1eru-011~1. JO ot 4, 4. Slwlmw-tLA H••r•I, l!0.11.7, , Shlimtn ce ret-Olllldel, JO H I; • A911ll•r 10 •<1 .. lla Va llt r l. 10 n a, / ""''" '"""-""· to l4 a, t Sflyeler I~ Dff<ll), JOU•. t , Mlew IL•t ..... llu<lll, to U.1. 10 S<lllYltr (11\ltlle P•rlt), 2l."0) t Olllert 14. "'' ll.•t1111e l eech), 21 >t O, It ERttlr- IL•t11n• e-c111. ,. JI " Her11u .. I W-llrlOO•I, JI .. l Tu m teorlnt . I lrtt·Ollno•, 4t, t 1.,.un. 9-h. n. > CMCMll• v.11,.,, 1•. 4 l.•t1111t Hiii\, IGO, S. II-"•rk, 107 OM .._,,11 I r Vt lO•• IE•Ptt•n••I. lt.30.$. 2 ""•"• IMoftlCltlr), 1• U.I. l Foyle 11!1 Moelt llt ), tt l7 t , t VH OY 1 (lrvllltl, 11.04.2, 5.S Vale1t11E-rt11rel, 1t:U I,• H•o•n co.in. Hlllal. It. T4.J, 1 0v4,,,. 10.na HlllU , tt·u •.• L•m tlfYIMI, " ti 4, I 011••01 llrvlne), It JI I 10 S.lltrwllll• UrYIRel. 1t 111 >; Tu m Korlno I l"'lft•, 4'; t E..-renre. ,, • a K•lell•. '°· 4 Oen• Hiii•. 101, ) El MOO.Ra, t)I DIYlt* 111 I Ml119' I r ... tlnl, 17• .. ,S; 2, Kt rtly IFoun- lt lR Vatiefl, It lle.J, ) Stryker IT111tlf1), 11 >• O; • C(•lllrff tfo..n1al11 V•ll•vl, , •• >S.5; S t40wt (T11nl11l , II 43 0, • 01lkc>wtkl IL:'8. Mllllll.•11), 11:•t . 7. J-• I Ne w llury Per• I. II IS. 4, I Pllomm IT11u lnl, lt.00.1, t S<Oll !Tustin). 19 07 " 10 M•.tOwla.111 (Tonlln), It 09.0, otl>tn 17 Roq11e IFOUnltln Vell1yl, " J7 I; " Mlllt (Founleln V•ll•y), 20·11.s. r .. m scortno 1 Tu11111, 1• t L 11 Mllllktn, '1, l Fo..nlell\ Velley, U , 4 NewDury Pen., It, S LOt Al•mllo1, 1 u Southern Open l•IC .. 11-1,0a.> P eynt Slewen '745-70-102 Jtll MllCMll ••·t •0 -102 Ctlvln o.ete ~7 ... -20) Gt oro• B.,..., ~49-4t-204 Peter Jee-.,.10-.1 JCM J c SRNd "*70-JOS Vt110 Heafner ---20S Jim Bo«o. 71......._105 Da•• Elchelwroar 10......._20t Mer-Lye 124 .. 7S.-20t J im Dent ••·7H7-2Dl Mike Holltftd '7·70.70-JOI G•rv MtCOfO 11-70-107 Alltft Miiier •HHI 207 Mlkt SYlllWtn .._11-10-107 ScoH Hod1 I 1-10-..-JOI Pttor Oosler1t11ls •7·7141-107 Ch•rlH K,...,ktl .... 70-70-10I Lrn Lott •• 70..t-10I J ty HH S •t-71 ........ 10I Rooer Mal'°" 7J4741-10I BOO Glldat 71 .... 7)-10I oovo T-1 10 ,,...__. Gr•o P~ 4t.7-7l-10I OOuo Black 70·7147-10t Jtrry Pell 704S.74-:IOt JO/Inc-.... 70.71-10t Howero Twllly 724~ Freel COUPltt 71 ·7CMl-JOt VIClor 11-ledll 10-6 .. 71-210 Merlo Plell 41-71°70-110 8111 llrllloft 1147-72-210 JO/Ill AOMM 7149-4•-210 Leonerd Tl\on'IOiOft 71 47·71-210 T•rry Mauney 104 7·7J-210 G•oro• Arc-7047-1)-210 Boo Murplly .,.1w•-211 Johnny Mllltr 11·7141-211 Ba r ,.. y T "°"1C>IOft I 0-71. 7 0--211 Jim Bt111er .... 11.12-111 GlllC>y Giibert 7147·1>-211 Jim Slmont ,,..,.11-111 Stmm'I' Rte,,.I\ 73·'7·71-111 o ... Barr 70·70-71-211 Jtll Tllomten 70·11°71-212 Si.we MtlflYk 70·70-72-117 Chi Chi Roclf~l 10·71·11-211 JOllR Schnieder ll-70-71-212 Booov Nkhols 7147 14-211 Tom Jtnt.111• 12·70-70--212 Rlcllerd CrtwtorO ••·73.•70--211 Pal Lll\Cl"'f ll·7HO 212 Oouo CttnPOell ll••-70--212 Critrllt GIOtoft 1241-11-212 Mlkt MtCllll-h 72 .. t-11-211 · Andy Bffl\ ••·12·71-212 Lff EIOtr 7l4t.71-21J LOI\ Nlti..., 71.71 11-21J L•rr y 11 ltllltr •t·72·71-JIJ Tom Storey 72-6t-72-21J BOO 8ymt11 1 H0-7'-213 Rik NIKM..... 70·71·71-213 Grier J~ 11·10-IJ-114 Rooer Ct l•ln .... 71 -1S.-214 lllll l(ratitf1 71·11·71 21• Boo eu .-11-10-11-21• 8000y wai.1ru 70-71-12-214 Wor1d Match Play tel Vlrel<olt Water, IE,,.i. .... I S-111•••• SeYYY llallttloros !$pain) del Btrn,.,.rd Lenger IGer,,..nj), s .. no_.; Bt" Crtft'11tw IV S I Off Bill Ro09'l (US l, I"" ln1morl Clenlc (t lS...J-) J.,.n,,. C.rner OOflne C_,1 Amy Alcon Sally Ll111t Jen s11.,,_..son VIO i Fe,_ Holllt Stacy Vicki Te°"' Nancy L.DPer·Mtlton S11slt McAlll>ler Cindy Hiii ICtllty McMuileft ll•rlltrt MolNl.S J..Oy Cl- Btlh Denlel Cerol J o C.lllton JtenMtttKarr Ptftny Pulr Myre V"'Hoote JeRtl Alu Pt11y SIWel\efl Ctlhy -Sll•lt Bertolaccll\I Olenne o.lley M J Smltfl Leonore Mllf-• HOiiy Har11tY Btrlltrt Nllirtt111 J""' s1-.r.pyno St ftdr• Hayr1lt Amell• Rorer Sendr• Pelmtr Slltll•V Htmlln Kyle O'Bri.n Oel>l>lt Ma9ay ... 7).7). 214 IJ.72·70--JIS ... JJ.74-115 6f·IJ..7)-21S JJ.70-71-JIS l).7).10-21l 10·7 .. 70-21• 114'·10--216 10.7•71-2U 10-IH2-217 IJ.4t.7S.-217 77.75-11-211 1HJ.I0-21e 7>-IN>-111 71-1•7)-tlt 7J-69·1•-211 7)4'"7t-211 71-7S.7)-21t , •. 1 .. 11-21• 70.72·17-2" 1 .. 10.1s-21t ••·7J.71-21t 74-JJ.7)-120 '1·7•74-!20 15·7l-71-t20 IHs-74-220 1S·1J.72-220 l .. 7 .. IC>-220 '9·7J.7t-t20 11 ·7H1-t20 IS.7S.71-221 7H2·1'-m 11.1•1>-m 11-1 ... 11-m 11.1J.11-m Oek Tree SATURDAY'S •ISULTS . '"".rai•.,-· ,._, ........ 1.,.1 "atT aAClf. ""' llWI~ Su1>tr Star Vln<.efll (Hewley) 10 ID S.20 J.llO AYt~r IMcCMrOl'I) l .60 uo Back Bay a.at (Plncay7 UO Alto rac:M Sl•r IM Or-. -·""" L•pln, Hither •no Tllllh•r. 01vr1111l•d PromlM, Stormy Prince, Succeu s..11 .... lltlt lf'Ofl. Vlnctrw, Se Le Tt . Tl"": 1:154/S SI COMO aACl. 1 1/16 Mii ... .Ameil119 C-tMtCMrOl'll 6.00 1IO a 00 Crlmaort ,......,.,. ,H.-yl 7 .IO •··'° Fl"I lt\lltr IC.1...0.) 4.GO AlllO rac.ad: llarlCJ In tht Roao, 11..,.. .. ,.., T ruco, Mon1l911or W•lsh, 1.011·s Oerlr( or .. rn, o.t1""41Y, ...,,_,,. Sc0\14, Mtt-" Ml»lon, Onltr of CorftmeM. Tl"": 1:4U/5. U DAii. Y DOUeL• IU > ~Id Ul.40. TMlaO •ACI. O<w milt. Courtly C-t Valtl\tuele l 1.00 4.tO • 20 v .. 11tltr (H.,_jeyl •.60 tAO llrlllflll'f JUllDtd uo Aho ,.cto: Slylls ll Splft, Forevtr TllC>uollt1UI, ON P--,, Pal• ""'1>tt , .... 1 .. 1(11 ... Tlmt. 1:• 11s. '~"nt ..ca .• ,.,,,...,. Vk lllt't(HI (Wini~ 4 60 S.00 t..O J arnlltt 1~11) J,JO ue 0-'1Lld\l l~ .. ~I UI .A1 .. ....i1 Oltl1MdCafwr ......... arty, .,. c ....................... ,_, Tlmt. 1:10>/S. 1'9'TM aACL I ~ mlln on 1"'1. ~tr (~WI UO UO L40 Orafll• 0-(wtnl...01 S • UO ~·..-.IT-> t• AIM rac.M: I'm ·-y, o.<ta 0,_, 0-. '--'· ,.. OlllM. ~ ~ Ille f'lMr, w.nfwlR QuMn, Tl""; 1: .. 1/S. .. •IUICTA lt .. I .. ._ S11A tl•TM ltM;,I • .,,, ll#i.Rvt I Old l'erll (l"lfttayl SOO U O U ll '-•" SI-.. _, .. ,., 7 lO 4 40 •ltOlly •l"W\le IM<C..rron) 4AO Al .. t-· frat1 .. 111trk t , N•llwe h llt C.-if\ l"flfttt . Olowe .Mall, Kinv T-Nt, ,.,,,,_,__ Tim• 1·1u 1t. tlV•WTM llA.CI •• .,,, ,..,,_, '-Y<llY ~ (Htwley) •IO l 00 140 Nell••,......, IValtl\rlltl•I • .0 , 40 0 H llC't5oort IC...ltMcHI 2 lrO AIM r~ J-Jlmt. I. Hetty, 0.lt•-(oprtU, ,.., Nlenl•, A Hero Tim• 1.170, U l)(AC'TA 11-61 p;ilU /1 )() U 1'1(.1( tlX 1'-4 ).2 H I Daiei •1 tO with in wlMltlt llOtl\ Ith -.. ,, u Pkk SI• tOft\OlellOft Ptkl ~' 20 wllh 2,0" wlnnlf\9 llO•ttlll"'ller-) llOMf H 11.ACI I Ill• mll•\ t.h.omeo I Pl11U1rl , to Mejor S~ ITorol JIG UO •tO t'IO Loo '' lk.lt ISllMll•l Al.O r«M Al••Y• Bnl, Cetoery, N-Tr.011100 ttmt I 414/S ''° F .. tletO, f'Ot1 lllNTM llACI 7 fllflortv• Htllve Tt<llo IDtl•ll-vel 7 40 U O U O \<ln\hl.,. Swav I Pl~aYI J .0 J.00 M••t.• Warr.; (V•lenr.,.ltl 6.ID AIM rk90 Hea•y Ht nd, Jynv le JO..., J t<. 't PrOMln , Aurlt C. Wiii! Liberty, l'truk lltY Tltnt I llt/S U IXAC'TA (t-fl 1>tlO W )() A lllnGMl<t JO, 2:12 Hollywood P.,k IATUllD.AY'S lllSULTS 141111 .. ti~ ... ,_ ....... ,1 ... 1 ,, HT !IA.Cir. 0... mlle pt<t Cle H IC L.N C.Andtr_,I t lrO t 40 4 00 ScorlftO 0.1"" I Llgllthllll I 40 UO Fire Pit IWllllemsl 14.20 A.IM rectd. L-lno Glau N, Kevwt J-, Oo<tor Don N, Felr Truitt, Jeroml•h• Boy, lllernev W•'f, Moftkent 11•11• Tim•: l:ffl/S, ~ l )(ACTA (l·lJ 1>tld '11 10 SICDND llACI. 0rw mile ~u Rt O Rich (.AndtrlOI\) 11.40 '00 •.00 J emu MIUIOl'l IGoudrHu) • 00 l IO AlmelO\ (S_r_,,I J 40 AIM tacad: COOi It Man, Mulll Ht novw , Gerwood, Kone Coe11, F1,..1 s-p, S.nlt l T wl,..ie, Grlbllln. Tim•: I SI 4/S Tl41110 II.AC~. ON mllt oa<o. Brendl1>9 lrot1 ITeu lerl 9.00 J.60 3.00 CIH>Y R-1 (Gouclrttul l .tO 2.llO Astrlo AM IV•ll-lngNml 2 IO Also rtetO. Open House. Ht l Chtrlt, Gunsmo•• N, Hlohlt Rd Byro N, Log•n Clttnct N, Julie Harper, KtnluOy Klt19 Tim• 1·513/5 U l)(ACTA IHI 1>tld k4 SO. l'OU llTH 11.ACI . One mlit pact. ikH MtrlM IAYl>ll\I 4 to J 40 2.to Granite llelt IH.-.1 S 10 > 60 Me< AdlolA (1("9111 ... 1 3.10 Also ract<I: n.. Geftl N, Bramble Sc:r...,. bit, Menllal Tlmt I S7 t/S 1<1 l<TH ltACl. One milt pece Ptler Oftedln (AnderlOfll l lrO 2 IO 1 40 SllulU N ISl>trrtft) • llO 3 JO M•rcleno N ll.OllOOl 2.tO Alto rteecl. Reclno HH rt, Ft lllmtnlo, Vo..no Miiiion, Nit< LO!lell A, MOOdy Blue N, Armor Piel•. lr1>y Lt,.. Tim• 1.00. U ()(A.CT.A IH I 1>tld U 7 SO. JIXTM llACl. Onemllt PtC•- Al>le GOIO I T_,,ley) 14 IO llKOURI N (l(ueClfff) Rlcllerd H"'°"'' (A.:-trmt nl 7 60 s.oo • 40 u o l.20 Aho rec.a Or. Al•n Hull•~ CMnct, Hall•t Wtrrlor, Kllr, 8 C Kalll~ttot, Try My IHI Time· I.SI 3/S. SIVUITH 11.ACIE Ont mlle paco Gengttll t<htn ICollbl lJ.111 10.to 4111 SyftCopellon IH.-il J.40 UO M•ple l'rllt IV•li-lnQlt•ml l to Atso ·-· Tefl)Of1 Bou. S.n Marlo. NO Ho Nero Time I.~. u IX.ACTA, ... " oelo U!I 00 \l "ICI( SIX lt-S-6 S.10-•) l>tlO Jl ,IS.AO •Ith JI wlnntno llOds Clln horMll. u Pl<• SI• conlOlallon paid i20.20 will! UO wlMlnv 110 "' (four "°'""' l l:IQNTH 11.ACl. One mllP peco Rambllno m11111 IF•rr•notonl 4.10 Joo t to GeMt S-(lltyi.ul 4 40 t 40 PIRt Slllp IAndl"°"l •.IO .A110 ,.o o : B.C Count, Flytno Rivet, Nl(kylou, l.tlCly Htftlty P9l1r, Ft l ... r Ovlly, Lord Pt ler Tlmt 1 S7 115 it EX.ACTA IS.II p1ld 564.~. NI NTH llACI. One mllt pt<P Pe<lno HI IPMktrl • '° J.00 2 ID Kt l\wyn IOHomert 1.60 4.00 Altu A•Y IWllll•mll 1 ID Alto read Tawl\al Chltl, Cenny Bret. Lon• Lao, °"" Woods Sltd~•mmer, HYndrecl Collar' Time 1:'91/S IJ IXACTA 14 11Ptldlea40 TINTN ll.ACI. One molt pKP Most H•PPY PoPl•r I Andt~IOlll I Ml S,40 4 10 I( C t Netbll I PtrU rl 7 to S to Snow Ot nct (CrogNnl t 40 AISo reetd' Wlnlulo, Ory St <'. Mr Wiiiow, Rau, J amn H.,._, Georoe Fiith, Chem"9"9 Prince Time: l:jt 1/S ll I XACTA IJ.11 paid JIOI 70. .. ti tlldence -I ,JM, College uc1 ..... n.cttlfarwl•• UC tr wlftt J S 0 S-IJ C:.lllol'ftlt I I 0 )-1 VC lrwln• SCOl'lnQ. RHO •, Vergas l, C•me>btll J, ,,_.,_._, 1, McCormlo 1 UC l"I"' t. Pacific • UC lrvlM 1 2 4 I • Ptclll< I 0 0 5-4 uc lrwlnt teorlno' veroa• 1, Cemptiell t. Riiey I, Ood:IG\ I Women' a volleybell c:ou.•o• UC lrYl,..dtf. USIV, IS-7, IH, IS.10 Misc. ~ ...... llillllllllml~F .. 317111121717112 .. F•PPlilllli? .. l?mesills .... •s~a ... im~e11.s112 .... a..•n ... .-s ... •s-• ... •tlllllil' .. ~·1111· ...... a .... a711111s .... ·•2....,,~,....,.•..,. .... a·-.-... .......... ..-....~~~~~~~-- From Page 8 1 USC • • • con t a in Al l en. you l'ontoln use .. Allen broke awuy for th3l cur ly 74 yard touchdown run and fini:shed with 211 yn<di. on 26 NU' r1~s . snapJ>tnR recordi., etc . but the Trojan~· running s tar was lrJsl Ill the postgi•me s huffle this time Alt~ough Allen's verformanl'C was semi brilliant. lhe fact or the matter wa.; the Trojuns were outguined by u 405·297 margin and Arizona ran off 80 running tt nd passing plays. c·ompared lo only 48 tor l.'SC "It was jUSl a day where Wl' didn't function," i..atd Robtnhon Asked if thl• Trojani. perhaps look t he Wildcats lightlv. he '<lid, "If you mt:an were we ar rngant or l'ock y. no. It's not that )11mvle We ttren'l s tupid. we know we're vulnerable." Once the T rojans got their quick 10 f1rs l·quarter points they were unablt' lo even come close enough for a fit'ld goal attempt lhe balance or the game Todd Spencer's rumble at the Arizona 40 was tht-deepes t ·penetration.. for the Trojans Also coughing up the ball we re Bob McClanahan at the SC 45 and Fred C rutc he r <1l the Ariwn<.1 41 a lter <.1 33.yard run Tha t sel the stage for the win ning march as sophomore Tun- n1cl1Hc, a product of B urrou~hs High in Hurbank and passed up by L'SC and UCLA re<'ru1ters. went to work, directing the 59· yard ma rch with a 12-yard com · ~>lettol\«> Mark Keel. a 25·yard s trike to Brad Anderson and fi na lly th(.' 13-y ud payoff to J oh nson, who took the pass 1n the left flat two yards behind the line of scrimmage and raced in "'1 felt confident all the way," s aid Tunnicliffe. "Eve n when.we were down by 10 points we knew there was an awful lot of time left. thf;!re was no need to panic We knew we hJd nothing to lose. · Arizona Coach Larry Smith c<.1 lled the v1ctorv the No 1 ac· complts hment 1n the school's h istory "'I told t h em this players1 the difference between No. 1 and No. 56. or No 300. 1s s imply the fa<'l that each Satur· day you lay 1l on the li ne ·· The loss drops lhe Trojans into a multiple·lit• for second place. one gam e behind unbeat e n 1 w o u l d ,vo u bel1cve " 1 Washtnglon State Arizona's first ever victory over L'SC aft er HJ losses leaves the Trojans 4·1 overall a nd 1·1 tn conference Arizona is 3·2. 2 2 tn the conference. Tunnicliffe l'ompleted 21 of 37 passes and his two 1nterce pt1ons <both by J oey Browner 1. were m o re than compensated for by the lJSC fumbles At the other end of the spec- trum wa s liSC sophom ore quarterbac k John Mazur. who was held to six completions in 14 attempts for a meager 60 yards and also one inte rception F i e ld goals of 47 and 25 yard)! by Brett We ber pared USC :, lead to 10·6 before that winning drive. hut L'SC has been there before ctown bv a frw points in the· latter stages This time, how<.'ver. there was no magic. just a lot of 'Cats p laying the TroJans n0se to nose. From Page 82 DODGERS • • ping and diving screwball. F inally, Cesar Cede no lofted a bloop single to left field for the fi rst hit of the game with o ne out JO the fifth. But Cedeno was erased at second as Vale nzuela c a u ght him leanin g toward second on an attempted steal. Ce d e no the n p r esen ted the As tros with even worse news when he had to be helped off the field with a pulled hamstring. Even if the Ast ros win today. t hey won't play with Cedeno for at least seven days. While Valenzuela brought the crowd lo its feel at the end of each top half of the inning, Vern Ruhle. Houston's r ight-handed pitcher who came in with a glossy ERA of 2.91 a nd nol·SO· glossy r ecord of 4 ·6 , had matched Fernando He had retired the first 14 Dodgers in order until Guerrero came up with two out in t he fift h. fl was a fastball. Guerr ero would say later , which he lifted into the left field seats. 390 feet away. Ruhle was ruffled . . but not for long. He finished up the fifth a nd sur vived the sixth unharmed The seventh proved decisive. A single by Steve Garvey start· ed the inning. Rick Monday followed wtth a sacrifice bunt. Guerrero flied to center . Mike Scioscia was intentionally wa lked. BUI Russell singled to right for what was the evenluaJ gam e-winner. And so the Dodge rs a nd F ernando had done it. They had defeated the Astros tor the 13tb Ume out or t.he last 15 at Dodger Stadium . And t od ay, the chssac match·U]). It was Ryan who deruted lbe Ood1et"1 on a lwo-hillel' ln the openln11ame or lbe series. lH . But that was lhl cosy c.naet of lhe Aatrodome a nd lbe Oodaers were feellnt more than confident al\er Saturday nl.1ht. " Jackie: Jaclyn Smith was last-minute choice to play ex-first lady LOS ANGELES tAPl Jaclyn Smith, her bare fetit propped on a coffee table, e xplains thul she was virtually a las t-minute choice to play Jacqueline Kennedy. "I think they wanted to go with an un· known," she says. "There was 1t long seareh and they tested a lot of people. "They asked me to do a photo test, in wigs Hlld different clothes. I didn't know 1f I wanted ·to lest. I hadn't read the script. I'd just gotten back from Spain, so they sent me a script. I loved it. Then I wondered if l could do it '' She did it; ant\, her title role in the A BC movieo-"Jacqueline Bouvier Kennedy " Is her mos t demanding in a career that includes "Charlie's Angels," "The Users" a nd "Night Kill." . , Miss Smith .sits on a couch in one of the few finished rooms m her house in Bel-Air, which is under reconstruction. In a poplin s hirt worn bloused over her tiny waist, a pair of green pants banded at the cuffs. and with those bare feet, she is the antithesis of the chic first Lady of the early 1960s. She talks in a s low Texas drawl a diphthong's throw away from the clipped acc0ent she learned for the film. In wigs and the 83 costumes created for the movie, and with the accent, she bears a close resemblance to Mrs. Kennedy who is now Jae queline Onassis. but the movie ends shortly after the assassination of President John F. Ke nnedy. Writer -director Steven Gethers calls the three-hour movie, which ABC telecasts Wednes· day. a love story. Producer Louis Rudolph"calls it a n .. affectionate portrait .. Both say one reason they undertook the film was to correct what they saw as a wrongful im· age of her as a l0old. aloof woman who spends m ore on clothes than most people make in a lifetime. ~ethers says it's an unauthonzed version. "Neither she nor any Kennedy would approve an authorized version." he says "What we'r e doing is a very positive portrait of her She has been a rather m aligned individual." . He says every person he talked to during his research spoke of her marvelous sense or humor. She is also a woman of will and de· termination. as illustrated in the movie by her standing head-to-toe with Joseph Kennedy Sr. Gethers emphasizes two maJOr influences 1n her life. First, her bittersweet relations hip with her fal~e~. ".Blac~jack " Bouvier . a charming socialite fmanc1ally ruined by the stock market crash. He is a dyed-in-the-wool Republican who holds Joseph Kennedy Sr. personally responsi· ble for his then-penniless state. Gethers also concentrates on her romance with the bras h young con~ressma n from Massachusetts. the second maJOr influence. On first meeting, he confidently informs her that I "SNAKE FIST FIGHTER" (A ) II "FOX ANO THE HOUND'" (PG) "ONCE UPON A MOUSE .. Chapman & Santa Ana fwy MallnHs Saturday • Sunday Luis Valdez ZOOT SUIT CR> 1:003:105:20 7·30 9:40 70MM CANDICE BERO/o:N RM:H ANO FAMOUS( RI 1:00 3:20 5:40 8:10 10:30 I NIMQ[~THE CITY (A) 12:003:15 6:30 c::::=:::;;;:9: "5;::;;:::==::c:: f Rs.NCH ~UTUUWTS WOllAN(R) 3:1 S 7 :50 Only When I l.&Uth(R) 1:00 5:35 10:10 l'aye Dunaway ...... E DEARQTIPG 12:00 2:40 5:00 7·4S I 0: 15 Cf:ioiconomy ieafl~tc:o RAIDSlllS ~ THIE LOST ARK (PO I 12:00 2:30 5 :00 7:309:55 Contlnen111 DMde(PG) OltLY ...... I LAUOH (R) • s..ms Uk• Old Times (PO) TATTOO IRI BRUBAKER (RI one day he wlll be president. Gethe rs vouches for the film's accuracy. The unnolations substantiating every scene run longer than the script itself. lie,. lls "The Greek Tycoon'' a "disgusting e xploitation" or the Kennedy-Onassis rela· lionshlp. Ne vertheless, it is James Franciscus. the Kenoedyesque pres idC>nt from that film. who 1s ('ast as the real article Miss Smith, recently married to Tony Richmond. the British cinematographer who photographed "Night Kill," says she learned her ac<'ent with the ttelp 6f Robert Easton, Hollywood's dialect doctor who also worked with Franciscus Easton's task was to turn Miss Smith's s mooth, heavily drawled vowels into Mrs. Ken· nedy"s quicker st accato rhythm. The transition was eased, Easton found, by the fact that the two womt'n are p<;ychologicalt.¥ similar. both are well-educated. courteous and polite. She calls the role a character part and adds that it"s the first time she's ever had to play to a pre-conceived image. .. In 'The Users' I d idn't base it on any real person. even though it was wntle n about a real person," she says "This is scary. Everyone has an image of he r . I was in grade school when she was in the White House. I didn't reaHze how young she was. l remembered only an image from my youth. '"I'd love for her to see it, but it could be painful for her. She may not want to go down memory lane. If it were I I'd want to watch.·· Miss Smith. the only actress to stay with '"CharHe's Ange ls" through its five years, was the calm center of the storm that frequently raged over that ser ies She says. "I thought the criticism was over· done and the s how was over-analyzed. And the sex symbol thing was silly. I hardly ever wore a bathing s uit and in five years I never kissed anyone. .. But the main thing is the public loved it. It wasn't to be take n seriously. Still, it was more than just three girls in tight panL'i ." ----~--- PORT • 290$ E Coa\t >i"'Y C0ton• dlll ""''' • 6 13 6260 I Bruce~n -=-====--r I AMA.-RICAN .. BWOU'IN &.0'9DOlt ( R l 6 A.ssoaate Producer ROBERT F COL£SBEAA< OirectOf of Photography ARTHUR ORNITZ Screenplay by IOYCE BUNUEl Based on a slOfY by BOB BROOKS ai:=m:::tte=a=v:y~Me-=t=•l:::R~)ml:D[ eu .. L MURRAY snu,..uo ARTHUR (flO) Produced by JOSEPH E. LEVINE and RICHARD P LEVINE Directed by BOB BROOKS t=;:;;=.:::===::::::=::,...MM..r.i.i~R~Oe VORZON Read The PINNACLE Boole Ora nge Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. October 11 . 1981 JACLY.\' S.\11'/'ll 1111 /neut 1011 in D C IUllT MTNOl.DS PAnRllrrT . ·:"'ft -.,. .. _.._ ... ,_ ,._..,.,_ .,. .. _ "THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN" ,.... ........ _ ... ,-..... --... -.. - .. ZOOT SUIT" "'' ....... ,,., .. .. ,_ ···-·· I II. 11>11(11) ·---·-''TATTOO" (111 ,ltl ..... 1:41,1 .. M IAT-.t-.•M,-t ·U ,11 .. nif • .,._,_, "'°"5TER w--.r w ~ ---11!1 '"•· t :u . ,., .. U T .. UN t•, t·U, , .. ,. BODVHERT A~~; ,.., .... .. ,-.. , ... .,,,.,.. V.0.:."!."1:1".C'-<V.J_m --·-... ,_,, __ _ ·--.. "TATTOO" (Ill """'"'· "" ... ,_,_ ....... ,.,. .... ~-"RICH AND FAMOUS" .......... , .. -... ,-.... a .. ....... , .. -... < Former star a playwright NEW YORK <APJ Stones about him U:lually are or the whatever-happened·lO varie· t y. They begin "Gardner McKay. dashln1 star of the old 'Adventures 1n Paradise' series is a playwright now " ' Well , he is. And his funny, touching "Sea Marks," about love. a lonely Irish fisherman and ~ lonely se<'retary m Liverpool, recently premiered off-Broadway, 1n Greenwich Village. . He used to live there. back in the '50s, pay- ing $25 a month then for an apartment In a con- demfl~ buHding. Fr~h out of Cornell , be was a scufnmg st•ulptor Then a photo of him alongside his sculpture appeared in Town and Country magazine. ll touched off a sequence of events that led to an agent, a studio contract and stardom from 1959 to 1962. As a South Seas schooner skipper in ABC's ''Paradise," hi s launching included a colot portrait on the cover of Life. It s howed him as a handsome, manly but sens1t1 ve voung hero The headline . · Ho w About l11m , Gi rls? The New Challenger For American Good Looks. Well. he survived that And the Jokes about his acting ability, o r the lack thereof. But after his show folded. he quil C1cting, preferring to travel, lo wrtte and to teach writing Three years ago. he resurfaced as the drama critic for the Los Angeles Herald· .Ex.a.miner. coming from a stint as a playwright- mg instructor -he no longer does that ror a UC LA extension class. Now he is back in New York, 30 one·act plays done. s ix full -length dramas in the trunk. and "Sea Marks" under wa} here after eight productions in other cities and a ninth on PBS. . · · ~Y stays here keep getting longer -I think I m trying to go east." muses McKay. 49. a ba<'helor whom the years have treated kindly. Still lean and handsome, time and the Hollywood ramble have given him a wry, amused manner Born in New York, he still lives in Los ~ngcl~s. But he. has kmd of a love-h1;1te thing go- ing with the City of Angels. He"d never been See Gardner, Page 811 CARBON COPY , -. ...... ,_ .. , .... 1::11i,1 ........ 1t-11..1.-. IUllTMYNOU>S PATEiiNITY PO __ ,.. , ... -· ••• lt:JO .. ,-~ .... -~·;"~ ctrtlu- ,. .......... t: .. ... ,_ ••. ,,..4'. t:ll ........ . "TATTOO" , ............... .. .. ,-.... ... ........ ,,1:-• "'THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT"& WOMAN" '*· 1:11 ..... IAT-1:11 •M.1!11.ll• 1111 BODY HERT HEWANTSYOU TO HAvt HIS BABY OUll.T llCYNOLOS MTIMITT .. ,~,~ 6ftLLIPOLI . . .. I t ••• Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 . 1981 Broadway: NEW YORK <AP> Nelle Nuaent and Ellut>eth I Mccann only hung out their shingle .us Broadwu v produc-ers rive years a~o. But they're doing OK . Their eight-show record: Five hits , 30 Tony nominations, 13 Tony awards. Thl'y'vl' helped give Broadwi,y two hit re vivals , "Dracula" and "MorninJ(S at S<:ven," . "Home," a new American play , and, froro London, "The Elephant Man," "amadtus." "Night and Day" and ''Piaf " Their latest 1s a new English Import. It's not a small one the Royal Shakespeare Com· pany's stage adaptation of Charles Dickens' "The Li fe and Adventures of Nicholas Nickleby," all 65 chapters or it The show, now in previe ws, is easily Broadway's most talked-about production this fall, if only because ll l ast s 8 12 hours <with three in- termissions and a meal break 1. It 's one o f the costliest tickets in Broadway history $100 for any seat in the 985-seat Plymouth Theatre. And you can't buy JUSt $50 worth of ''Nickleby." It's all or nothing. Granted, this mammoth Dickens display, with 42 RSC actors playing 135 parts. got rave notices and sold out in London, where tickets ranged from $36 to $10.50 a seal. But $100 for anywhere here'.' It's a lot. but it's necessary, say the pro- ducers, whuse show will run here from Oct. 4 to Jan 3. The} cite its relatively short run and the high price of bringing the lavis h, 375-costume production to town, likewise the transport and lodging of the large RSC troupe. It adds up to a Sl 3 million program, they say "The odd thin~ lS, we're getting no price re- sistance whatsoever," Miss Nugent insists. She says potential patrons are worrying more about the show's length than 1ls ticket tariff. "What we're getting is the question. ·can J S il for 81 2 hours''' we Amencans, who like cverythmg fast, including fast theater." As you 'd expect, she doesn't think that'll be a great problem She suspects her initial reac· tion to il will be shared by most Broadway theatergoers. "When I first saw it in London." s he sirys, "I didn't know 812 hours had passed. There were children sitting in front of m e. kids 8 and 9 years old. and they d1dn 't even squirm ·'It was starry eyed wonderment for hours. HE WANTS W@M PG TO HAVE HIS BABY ISUllT MYNOLDS PATERNITY .4.~Y V• • c ~ c.,.-,,. ~·v• ._.._....,.. -w.. ... ~ ..... ,tin.-.. NOW PLAYING CDWAllOI SADDllUCK lDWAlllDS fl fo<o ~81 '.880 •tSllOM fllJO •All IDWAlllOI HISTOI "'' """''• •9' 6?10 Com ...... ~·o 'H• IDWAlllOS C••lMA WUT IRAlll.Dll ClllUU CHllll ..... ,,_,... •t 89• 393~ Cow IOts. 91' • •• 'llrT CITY ClUlll 0. .• oJ• 91!1 -·· •·hltjil .,, • •1 lj• ••O... I IUUA 'AM INllJI-.. a...... PM> 111 4010 -· INllff.11 0.-\U I011 ~ OicV<\C>"t,.,...Al'CW..-. ""8ANS "'-"""'•Al'rnO.~PelXZll -~ MO"Mf ~r '*'-""'°-""OAID ~ .-'C11'1lfl'Ct Ot6.l -"""'""""""""~""' (pA/llf\)l0'5<N•..._""l'Qjlt'O\ >118.#'61 ~-.-'Cl~V~O.,.,QCUOl(Jf'l(tti).·~b>o~-- PO --a_,,.-Or-l<waa.~-A~l>tv< .... -----~--NOW PLAYiNG---· ---~!" Ul MOYlfS IDWUDI lllW,DllT SllO ll MlllA DA ORIH-1 8't.a 990 •O;'I \e,.~-BU'"' 6•• 0760 \-1 G'') CIHDOMI IDWUDS MUllTINGTOll TWIN ID'lf!ODS WOOOllllOCI '•"Qt 6)4 2!>~3 ... ,."\! "''Q'O" 8UC" 8C8 QJ!i8 .~::, t I '\~ • IDWAllDI CllllMA WlS I IOWAllDI VllJO TWiii Nl·WIT Jt OlllWE·IN Wl\t'".nS'fl 89' )91" V \\ '.'!~ I t (I 830 69q0 !/\,. ·'' ,, "" ftQt l6Q] mD 'Ulll ACC.,lH JOll Tllll llUIU•Oll DAILY PILOT Two produ,cers doing very well,, thank you \'elle .Vuge11t 1 sta11d111q . a11d Elizabeth I \lcCa1111 The show's really like · PeriJs or Pauline' strung together. a cliff.hanger ." She says neither s he, her co-producer nor their partners in this effort -the rival Shubert and Nederlander theater empires -expect .. Nickleby" to be a gold mine, odd as that may sound. They're hoping for a s maJJ profit, or at least to break even. And if not that, "I'm going to try to lose as little as possible," she says. only part· ly in jest. Why bother with such a high-risk. low-profit with luck -venture? "We just feel, all of us, that it had to be don e," smiles Mi ss Nugent, a crisp, pleasant woman who wears well-tailored executive threads, doesn 't s moke and shows no tendency to openly fret. Mi ss McCann. who favors Jeans and <See Broadway, Page Bil> AN AMERICAN OR I G IN AL EDWARD JAME.$ OLMOS • CHARLES AIDMAN JOHN ANDERSON • TYNE DALY DANIEL \lALDEZ as Henry ReyM """"'"'1 lo<~ ><>ttn by LUI'> Vl\l.Oll -on two. °''!I""" pi..y OngtNI"""" by ~Ill VAUX.I A,..,. .. ,~""°""'" l'Hllllr I \rARlA Co l'IO<luc~n. KlNNHH 6~(Hlll """WlWl\M f' WIN<..Alt C.-vuw l'todu<~• Wfl[)()N 1)1\\llOSON rlQ(lucffi by rt II M llUUlll ~rw by LUIS VAlO{l A MAAK 11\rt.R fOltUM r"'"'"'"""" [ °'1§!""' ~.:;c-~ ""MCA ll..:ootk "'"' 1-P!ij 1R i .......... ;.;_:::: AUNMltSAlPICT\JRl ..... .......,.~ ... ,.,~ .. G .; --:: ... ·:.~'':'~":::~'- Now Playing 'SENSl'RROl:~D Plus "It's only once In a great while t hat such a fantastic motion picture comes along. A landmark film. Run, don't walk, to see It." -Hor-McLain Stoop Aftfr Dark OUltGI OllllQt Or1¥e In 5$& 7022 WllTMl•ITlll UA IQ# 8'3 0546 --.. . -· ....... ~- "Hurrah and hallelujah!11 -Shella 8ent0n: LOS AHQELU TIMES lDlllAllDI IDllTI COAST l'lAU t,*l.lfli l1>41 •• ., .... j Lu .. 1 .... " .... i 141 , .... ) ~ I c'1MtDO•t "• ,~ i , 14 ""~-.. ........ ~ ----- lOWAllOI HOOtlUCll llADIUM Olllfl I• t '"'"" -"' '..Miio ''''~Uf ,, ftl "' Tn •tDWAllDI '• CIJ(......,~ Clllt•A lllUT ._, °""' .a:1"11 • "'"''''' ,, I'll l"f ...... _,"""" ... "' "I lost my )Ob, my house. my Rolls Royce, my fomlly left me ... what else con possibly go wrong; ~ IDWAlllDS '5:J WISTllllDDll .................... _ .. G.,._c. ... • l.JIO.UGt It is unlikely thiJJ any Olher Af11t'rioon fdm this year wiJJ txettd '771e French lieutenant's Woman.' It is a romana of erotic passion, a glorious film to Joue and linger ooer " -C-.MoW \flC "'fTodtlt/ "Shining. Meryl Strttp pf'()(Jides new life to a cinema starved for shining stars " -fl"""'J Corlw r- "Tempestuous. A romantic blocltbu.sler ooe of the. most pfOVOClllive mooies of the year " -fklt•d AnHn ~"' Htwt MlJYL S11£U JflDO' 11"6 • Wil wsz,.,, 11iE 11.fKH UfllltXOO'S ~ LEO McWN H.wUl l\'OU JOltll f™'US C.W. 00'!5 i.ror. Cl.OU WEI. msz IUOM.Wlil1~l 1\0fl«r.l.OI' ~ .. •'"ClftM•W•t:i-•.lll•G~tA.IW'm) Jtr-::.;:r .!; ~-.. . .. -· ~ . ---·~· ...... .,_. MISSION WIWO M1SSIOl1 Voeio l.lall 495 6220 NOW PLAYING lllWPORT BUCH ORAllGl WlSTMlllSTlR NewD011 C•ne<lome Cinema Wes1 644 0160 63l 2553 891 3935 STARRING NEWPORT BEACH Program.ming That Gets You Right Where You Live! MONDAY 8:00 PM "Newport Now" (movtng to 7:00 PM. October 26th to facilitate our live City Council coverage. On the nights that the Council does no1 meet -"Citizens Forum" w111 be cablecast at 8:00 PM.) TUESDAY 7:00 PM "Sound Off" WEDNESDAY 7:00 PM "Newport Now" THURSDAY FRIDAY 7:00 PM "Sound Off' 7:00 PM "Newport Now" TUNE IN TO CABLE CHANNEL 24 or K We are Thleprompter Cable 1V of Newport Beach. and we're beginning our new Fall Season of programming. Our llneup Includes our new discussion sertes- "Sound OfT." our lntervtew show hosted by Mayor Heather-"Citizens Forum:· and live coverage of Newport Beach City Council meetings. Plus. we continue to cable- Ca.st our popular magazine fonnat show "Newport Now.'' Our focus ls on the Issues that are happening around you. and we feature people and places that you know. Your neighborhood and Its restdent.s are our stars. PROORAMllINO- .. IN 11IE PUBLIC INTltRlt8T" TB EPROMPTER NEWPORT BEACH FOR PROGRAM INFORMATION CALL (714) 842-&797 • - .. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 . 1981 Gardner McKay turn play11,right •·rom Page 119 there betorl'. hl' says, until arriving in _ -· earadrn- Car11. freewa~. smog"'y breezes. palm Jrees. the Sunset Strip, acres of fast food pu rlprs. cash·and·carry preachers on TV. everyone a future star and nobody walking. It t•lfn jar you some. It dlq him. "I wept when J got there ... slk's McKay raised in suburban1 r~t "i.'2»t·:11nd Mid: ;ile~ Jl.:{~ rt1W"'1lo'\ a weeper. but when • l.llf "~Ou re out there alone. something hits you. I don 't know what it is It's a very disorienting thing for Easterners. "EverythinJ( is " a PDu~e . "semi· wonderful." .. He's uncertain about moving back h~re. (hough. For one thing. he notes. you have a lot of room out there. and at 6·feet·5 Mt'Ka\ can certainly use the room · But New York is best for a dramatist of an" s ize. he feels · · · 1 love the short d1stanc~ bet ween the playwright and the stage in ='/ey, York It's \'ague in LA. there's no real connection. and that ·s part of the problem .. Yes. he says. Los Angeles abounds with lit· tie t heaters. He grins ·· 1n LA. if you see four actors walking toward an empt~· warehouse. an abandoned garag~. with somebody who looks tike he might be~ director. there's gorng to be a play there in about a week ... But he thinks m any of these arenas exist primarily <1s s howcases for at·tors anxious to get into TV or films. "They ha\'e what they call industry nights." hl' nole!i. meaning s undown see-me festivals to .,., hich mogul s. network scouts. agents and others of that ilk are invited The pla,"s not the thin g. only the players · An ONON l'<C•UllfS ...... . Uuv W&.tllN(llll 1•0$ 0 /ti w.,,,.,_, Co"°'"'"''11<.11+0"• Co""~"• c. ,., °''°" "''""' ICI•• .............. ._ ... ~ tUWAHIJ~ ~JOUNfAIH VAlll Y c,,...,,_,,,_ .... ._ ..... ,__. _ _..,.... . .,. uoo m ..... e•u P•ll• sou1~1 Broadway producers .,.,\NtJOl'f,. ILJ'<tSI MRHERMOS.iwu- ,,. WARNERBROS.O•-~c.o-.-. C•••a..-....__,.._.,..,.,.._ • ._._. From Page 810 sneakers. s mokes and paces nervously while l<ilktng. and general!~ seems to own the firm 's .,., orr~ ronress1on. elaborated . a nd with fer vor · · My partner's dotng 1t to prO\'e the 1mposs1- bll• can be done. sort of ·Let's mO\'e the p~-ramids to ~t anhattan ·The rhallenge . I think lht' Shuberls and :'l:ederlanders are motivated b~ the sense of presenting great theate r in ;.o:ew York .. And I'm moti\'aled to some extent b~· hop tn~ to sa~· to lh1 s city. 'When are you going to get ~·our acl together and start a repertory com pan,, .... · "Because this" the show and the RSC '1sitors "is a s ingle tribute to the kind of re- sources a nd dedication that the English put into the repertory system. And there's no reason wh_,. we can 't have it in this city ... The t wo women are in their middle vears ThC'~""e worked in New York theater half their lin•s. coming up through the ranks in the best tradition '.\l iss :'\ugenl began a s a s tage manager in 1960. fresh out of college. '.\liss :\l<'Cann started with Ma urice E\'ans Produc- tions . latl'r toiled for s uch as Saint Subber and Harold Prince In time. the~ became executl\·es at the Rroadwa~ theater a nd productng emporium of Jame~ '.\1 :'\ederlander The~ Y.orked there fin• ~ l'ars befort> setting off 1n 1976 to ta ckle Broadway a~ a team "Jimmy te1uj?ht us a lot. but 1l was time to see 1f we could do 1t. make the action ours ... '.\l 1ss :--;ugenl !>a~ s -STARTS FRIDAY .. ....... l l GUH ,.....S COAST"'.' .w ., A tt f • ..,,,. °'" •• .,, • ..... u•it MOVIE RATINGS FOR PARENTS AND YOUNG PEOPLE ,,,. OOtKflo'ft 01 ""1 ret1t191 ,, to "~ /Mfff'\lj •f/l:N' tn. Wlll>llfty ol ITOV)(t corwm fC)r v;ewing oy ,,,.,, crMGNtn AU ~ ll'iJI ""0 Fil ... S RECEIVE lliE SEAi. OF lt<E ._.OltOh PtC IUAE COO£ OF SElF ACC.UlAfl()N COSTA MESA Harbor Twin 631 3501 U TORO Saddle back 581 5880 IRYINE Woodbridge 551 0655 ORANG£ C1nedome 634 2553 WESTMINSTER UA Mall 893 0546 '-0...-'-. ...... , .. •• _. ...... ).fi.46 The show belongs to the women. A swiftly paced comedy ... trashy and touching, literate. ludicrous and bitchily funny. Jacqueline Bisset becomes an actress equal to her heart·stopping beauty; fiery and smart. grave and worldly. and very moving. Candice Bergen has never seemed so relaxed on screen ... brassy. gauche and silly. she gives a spirited comic performance. -O.w1d Amt'll, Newsweel.. Magazrne RICH a11J FAMOUS Metro-Gold"' n-~l.1wr Prl'<,t•nt'> A Jacqut•t-William Allyn Produrthin A Gl•mgt• ( ul.ur Film JACQUELINE BISSET CANDICE BERGEN "RICH A \;D FA 10US" DAVID SELBY HART BOCHNER Music by GEORGES DELERUE St·n.'l.'nplay by GERALD AYRES Ba"L'd on a play bv JOHN VA!\J DRUTEN Produet.>d by WILLIAM ALLYN Dirl>cil'd by Gl:ORGI:. CUKOR R "llTlllCTIO '1"-\ti 1 Re•1 ~1111' •••• __ ;,......., .... ,. lf'!t. - UI DU 11 UQUlllS AtCD•HHIU MGM ........ lftlela , .. m o• IOUll IUU OIH NOW PLAYING ANAHEIM El TORO Anat1e1m Drive In Saddleback 879 9850 581 5880 FOUNTAIN VALLEY Fountain Valley 839 1500 WESTMINSTER UA f win Cinemas 893 1305 BREA UA Movies 990·4022 ORANG£ Cinedome 634 2553 COST A MESA ' Cinema Center 979 4141 I• Muu 1CC1m:u .. llllS ~I -.... --............... I ·Ur j ~ ~ UA MOVIES 4 ............... , o...,... •• -· ··-. "° 4022 ~ cvt .. ,., .,..,.,., ,. l•u•"<• ''"'"• U 1 Ot"S *BARGAIN MATINEES* Monday thru Saturday All Performances before 5:00 PM IEreept Special Engagements and Holidays) LA MIRADA "'1All o "'411000 01 llo1ecron1 LA MIRADA WAUMN 994-2400 __ "'°'_.,CAllW'f "ARTHUR"'"' ,.,__...,.._,.M,14'1.t.,ei;41 A8TAA AU--._AlllOl"ICa 'MOMMIC, DEAREST ,...,, tl! .. 1 11. ..... u. , ... LAKEWOOD CENTER WALK·IN A CIOf' .. ~ "°900T I..,. "PAINCE OF THE CITY" 1111 ......... , ...... ........ MA.l(Mli • .... " ~ "ONLY WHEN I LAUGH" IRI 1•, a M. t;•, I 11. ti 11 LAKEWOOD CENTER SOUTH WAlK·lN Foc:utly At Del Amo 213/634·9211 -& "-"Ca "OU -MUAOOO "GALLIPOLI" •Ni , ...... t.:41.4 ....... ".,,. l>'GUNA "TATTOO",.., u• •• •• •• ••. , .... ___ .................. "AAIDEAS OF THE LOST ARK '"' ,.._ OOla' ITl.AIO .,. > .... ' ..... •uaT .. 'f..c)LOe ... "PATERNITY _, tl"M JM •».tM t M t•M focully 01 Cono•e •ooo 213/531 ·9580 "TATTOO" 1•1 . ... , ......... , .. _,.Yl.fl'Ml'PAMIJWH_.,_ 'THE FRENCH LIEUTENANT'S WOMAN" ,,.. ... J 11, .......... "* "SO FINE" 1•1 ,,, ......... .. '10" I'll , ...... , .... ..._..._.. f'IOAO • IC,AailM MJ..9 ... "AAIDEAS OF THE LOST AAK' tt.Ja. t:•. 4 ... , ... , .. ., .. so. COAST WALK·IN Soutll Coast Hlwoy Ol l lOOO•Oy 494-1514 ·----.... .... "PfllNC1: OF THE CITY" 1111 ..,..,.., ...... &AT .... i..1t1,1a ..,,..,.0 ~ • J4Clr WMOOI 'ARTHUR" 1001 ..,....,.. , .... .. ... , .... ·--· ........... , .. 'ACIFIC THEATllES OlltVf·IN SWAP MEfTS u ant .. fOU• t UC•S ,,. .. o ,.,., 0A1 ., HAlllOll llVO OlltYE·IN & OllANGE OlllVE-1N 1 •• to 1.-• u•u-on • su .. ou J IU JU•••' IVflllOAU &f &•&Jtftril lUOtU• .... !It·· ~. \ 1ff" 8 30 IMPORTANT NOTICE! CHILDREN UNDER 12 fREl! H11•11 1of W""•' lllto I••• fr• 6.30 • Sit Svn Hol\ 5 JO"" CJHf.FI $0\IHO • •OoR All [.All llADIO 1$ fill/A SPU•£A •If l<O 01 CAR l\ACMO WIT~ IGNrTIOll M:CU~Y l'OSl1l00i -INHG ~ l'OlllllU l•AU Clllf.fl OIVYt-<HS di ON Alli llADIO ~NAH!IM • JACOUIL ... •laMT • CANCMC.e ..,_ "RICH AND FAMOUS" cW ' •w• ANAHEIM DRIVE·IN "MORE AMERICAN GAAFFIT\" .,_ ''•••oy 91 ot lemon St 179·9850 ---TOii "THE PflOWLEA" 1111 C•HI ' SOUhO -KGAl.&llO-IOI ........... "CARBON COPY" JNI PLue P\"'9 "I DllMEMeERl!D MAMA" <•t· Cllll flSOUllO 8UINA PAH BUENA PARK DRIVE-IN uncoln Ave W••' ot Cnon 121·•070 fOUNIAIN FOUNTAIN VALLEY DRIVE·IN lo" D••oo frwy ar trao~"u111 (Sa1 962·2'81 WI SIMINSllll Hl·WAY 39 ORIVE ·IH "SNAKE FIST FIOHTEA'"• C •t '' !IOU~O _, IW\'IOOLDe "PATERNITY t.ol ...... CADDYSHACK l"I llllOeilaTM ....0 .. _,.l•TOU'WW.. · TRUE CONFESSIONS' llll PLU9 'THIEF" t•I a.ocn &"'o So or Go1oen GIO•t F1u wo• 891·3693 "9 ...... UTUIMMU.f'Ofll I A""'"' A LIGllNO 'ANDA.,.,,.,. ,, "THE PAOWLE"" 1•1 "MOMMIE DEAREST" '"> "'-"' PLue "I OISMEMBERED MAMA" 11'1 "LlnLE DARLINGS" 1111 ------~Cl_Nl;;....ll~SOU;.;_N0;;.... ______ ~----___;~~1N..:.._I llSOUNO l'WJt'f~Tl~L.IAY.lfTe ...,.A ... ._.....,.. ••• _..TY....:MCM. "TATOO" I'll "ONLY WHEN I LAUOH" 1111 PUie PLU9 "BRUBAKEfl" 1•1 "SEEMS LIKE OLD TIMES" !NI CiNt II SOUND CIN! JI SOUND IA HA811A LA HABRA DRIVE IN ·-·""'"_"_ ,...,..,._ 1'7Hl62 BUl"'A P AI/I LINCOLN DRIVE·IN l•ne,o•n A•• Wetl ot cnott 121·•070 •lllA,..GI -llTDe-·-11•..,.,au "TIIUE CONFESSIONS" 1111 ...... "THIEF" I'll n. .,.., ""' ..,.., cu.,., "ARTHUR" l""l "' ... "ST"IPES" 1111 ORANGE DRIVE·IN Sio,,to Ano,,..... • S101e Co1t•o• 558-7022 ----· "PATl!lllNITY" --"CAD0Y9"ACK" llll .. ~ ...... Al !lo/ ·~l MISSION DRIVf·IN . _ ...... __ "_--' "CAfllO~OPY" 1Nt l "toOY HIAT" 1111 l t Orange Coast DAIL Y PILOT/Sunday, Octobor 11. 1981 1 1978 CHEVROLET CORVETTE Equ ip ment in c ludes an 8 c y l e ngin e, automatic transmission air power steering & brakes. stereo tape. t- top. and mag wheels (302VOE). $10,495 1976 CHEY. CHEVETTE 1976 FORD MUSTANG EQu•pment 1ncludeo; a 4 cy1 ,1u1oma11c EQu1pment includes a 6 cyl engine automatic transmission radio and oower steering (097RLC) transmission radio white side walls ( 105POR1 1977 DATSUN 8210 1977 DATSUN 200SX EQu1pmen1 1nc1ua~s a a cy1 engine 5 speed tran~m SS•on •iiO•O and wh•te .,,':le wa IS EQu1pment includes a 4 cy1 engine 5 speed transmission air cond ano radio t857SWRJ (687SFZ1 5 ]l,95 1978 DATSUN 810 1978 DATSUN PICK UP Ec;iuopment 1nc1uoes a 6 cyl Pngone automatic transmission a" cond and srereo t8J3TYTl EQu1pment 1nc1uoes a 4 cyl engine a speed transmission air cond AM FM stereo & r<ipe and s3995 more 1981 FORD MUSTANG I 979 BUICK REGAL EQu1pmen1 includes a 4 cy1 engine 4 speed transmission ii" cono radio oowe• steering & oral(es & more' s 6 3 9 5 EQu•pment includes a V·6 engine automatic trans air cond radio oowe• steering & brakes stereo tape and much more' "•'Vil ·O ,, '""0<.' 1y 1"f8' A 1 "'J'~ .,vVi•'"' 'O o• O• '"'e o u~ ta.-c & •'1'-'''C.tiJIP 1Jo1. ftff -.. 911111 ....... ~~ new port ''Your Disl!ounf '°'"4 ~:P}-. Datsun 9fore ''~I ' ~ ALL 1981 DATSUN 210 SL's, 310's, 510's 4 x 4 PICKUPS & SPORT TRUCKS . 4C~~-U_ _ i~'~ OVER INVOICE Bring your best deal in writing & see whal we II do tor you Ad applies to vehicles on stock Cars sub1ect 10 prior sale All prices plus tax. license doc fee dealer installed opttons & finance fees Ad must be presented at time ot purchase Sale ends Monday. October t2. 1981 at close or business Tire Newest Economy Car From Japan ISUZU 1'-0MOUHCIO ll·~00.2001 THE ISUZU DIESELS ED E!!! IMMEDIATE DELIVERY! EPA CITY T hese figures are for comparison only, your mileage will vary EPA HWY. t I ~ • I . llllyPUlt SUNDAY, OCT. 11, 1981 STOCKS REAL ESTATE TELEV ISION C3-4 CS-7 C10 fuside Fluor's think tank ATD delves into future technology genetic engineering Interested in how your Orange County stocks are doing? C2 8 y KEJTll 'fUBER ammonia/urea: b1orriass;· coal ·· up 1~ the r\exl fl ve·to-len iear5.~__::.we·i·~;,;d-1~ c~inate-w\"'-l-----~-=".'""":'----::::: o.11yf'i11e'!:!!!!'-_!l!!!t. --rasifieation:--co11t-itquet11ctrorr,--'rhats why AID was"'"§Tirred, as Energy Resear ch Corp., St . Fluor Corp 's Advanced desalination, environm ental. a parall~l ~.vision." Joe 's research unit. l un - Technology Oivi.sion showed off geneti_c engineering, '!letha!M>l, The ~vl8.1on's largest project derstand they're involved with its new facilities on Kelvin Drive nuc lear, RAM ( r ellabi11ty , -':"hie~ ts a lso the l arg~st fuel cells and advanced bal- in Irvine to employees and their availability and maintainabili-eng.t neermg and. cons trucllon teries for electric cars, which families last weekend to add an ty >, shale oil recovery and solar project. currently m p~ogress in makes sense since they produce element of informality to what is utilization. lbe. Uruted States . -ts the. $10 lead," Dusbabek said. ostensibly known as a think "Projects have gotten very billion G~s Centrifuge Enrich-The division is familiar with tank. . large," said ATD Vice President m~nt Pr~Ject. known as GCEP, Genentech, however . Fluor owns The division was established and General Manager Mark R. being built for the Depart~ent 4 P.erct:nt of t h e geneti.c on Nov 24 1980 to · Dusbabek. of Energy at ~ortsmouth, Ohio. engineering company. and 1s • Perfor~ feas ibility and con-"In the old days -even 15 The plant ~111 produce nuclear helping the firm in the design ceptual studies that become the years ago -all.you needed was fue l. lts lrvme oper~tions area and p~oduction of a major pil~t base for major engineering pro-a handful of engineers and a pro-wa~ closed for security reasons plant m Palo Alt.o. The plant will curement and cons truction' ro-ject could be completed in a du rm~ the open house. be . concerned wi th new .r~rm~n· jects to be performed by orher ye_ar and a half. Tod ay.' you . While Dusba bek refused ~o talion and product purification Fluor divisions might have 1,500 people m the disclose the ATD budget, he did methods. · office to produce d esigns and s ay the division ha s 800 "Besides producing studies, *To create the proper environ-documents and another 5,000 to empl oyees a nd that figure.._ we try to forecast the direction ment for developing capabilities 10,000 in the field. s hould reach 1,000 by year's end . -of technology." Dusbabek said. in new technologies. ''This has created a manage-Dusbabek, who owns a con· "Genetic e ngineering is one of •Provide specialized services m enl problem forget the con· do minium in Irvine a nd has those areas . to other Fluor divisions . struction and engineering . Ex· been with Fluor for 28 years. "There are three m ain steps *P erform engineering on all ecuting the work is not high said the division is just now get-involved in this," the executive nuclear fuel cycle projects. technology in itself; it's not con· ting acquainted with St. Joe continued. Among the activities the cerned with the evolution of Minerals Corp., which merged "First is the extra hig h divi s ion is c x p Io r ing a r e technology and what's comin~ with Fluor earlier this year. <See INSIDE, Page c 21 Fluor·s Ad1.:a11ced Tech1111loqy Dw1 s1011 headq11rtrl1•r' 111 I rr111<• Local entrepreneur goes wild over fresh pork Aaron Punk admires the keystone of his business. the $5 ,500 to $8 ,000 Port-A -Pig.unit. 'Pooling power' can be substantial, but check purchase clubs carefully By PAT DUNN Ot UM D .. ly PlteC Slaft Most consumers are aware t h at inflation e n courages various "get rich quick '" sche mes such as pyra mid sales and commodity frauds which promise instant r iches from "on- ly a small investment." However , today's inflation rates have introduced a new tune from this old the me -t he "m a k e what you have go farther" plan. This variation theorizes that pooling p urchas· ing power stretches your m oney. In many instances this con· cept works very well, and con- s umers do save. §ome food buy- ing clubs are gOod examples. Cooperative groups, usually or- ganized on a neighborhood basis, pool their money and time to pur c h ase wholesale foods tuffs. · Overhead Is covered by char1- lng minimal m embership fees, and savings range from 18 per· cent to 35 percent. Coordinated volunteer efforts make the dlf. fere nce between success a nd fallure in a food buying club since personal services are ex- changed for savings. Another type of buying club is commercial. selling mem · berships on the premise that consumers joining together will gel br and·na m e products at prices lower than those in retail stores. Generally known as "dis- count buying clubs." these or- ganizations offer savings on furniture. appliances, carpeting, drape ries. a nd sometimes automobiles. Memberships are solicited through the m ail. bv door-to-door sales persons, and occasionally by means of street corner handbilJs . No matter where or how the consumer receives the sales pitch, it is often the same . "Fight inflation! Join a buying club. Combine your purchases with other con s umtrs ' purchases and get lower prices for everyon~." This sounds too good to be true, a nd il usually is because any savings depend on the ans wers to the following questions: -What Is the membership fee? Many commercial clubs re- quire a large initiation fee pald up front. In 1976, 80 percent of 239 buying clubs surveyed by tbe Federal Trade Com miuloo charged S20Q or more to join, and membership fees r~ from $400 to $600 were not u.n· usual. This means you start off "in t he red" and can only save money by spending enough to re· gain your original fee. If you paid $500 to join and saved 25 percent on ever ything you bought, you wouJd still have to s pend $2.000 on merchandise before breaking even . -The FTC.the federal agency responsible for preventing the use of unfair, false, or deceptive t r ade practices, obtained in· come statistics from~ of these buying clubs. Income from the sale of merchandise amounted to less than $3.5 million. However, money coming in from mem- bership fees was $21.4 million. This mig ht lead some con- sumers to think that the best way to make money is not to join a buying club but rather to own one. -What is the incentive for good service? As long as clubs m a ke their money fro m ex· pensive, up·front initiation rees, they may have no real incentive to give you good service once they have pocketed the lnlUal ln· vestment tbls would apply especially to thOse clubs whi'cb ·are mainly in bualneas to sell mem berabipa rather than merchandise. One major drawback of bu.Y· ing clubs has been their in- s t ab i I i l y a s business organizations . The FTC's in· ves tigalion found only two clubs s till in business arter eight years, and 192 clubs that went out of business during that in· quiry. When a club folds. con- sumers have little hope of re· covering their advance mem- bership fees. The California Attorney General's Office has found that these companies are typically undercapitallzed. using mem- bership fees as well as merchan- dise order paym ents to develop the company. Such companies generally require a 50 percent to 100 percent down payment on or- ders, operate on a very slim financial margin, and put con· sumer s in danger of losing everything -down payment, or· dered merchandJse and mem- bership fee -if the business goes under. It is not unusual for a con- sumer to pay several hundred dollars for membership and t.ben $4,000 or $5,000 for furniture. This money is somellmet 1pent by the buylng club operaton before lt ls sent to the manuf.c· t u rer, leavln1 t he con1umer holding an eme>ty 1hopplng bac. -What are the aavln11? Sup- poae a club claim• 2S percent aavln,.. (1tbia25 percent off the <See LOCAL. ••1•a> Newport Beach realtor creates a business with Port-A-Pig gadget By STEVE TRIPOLI 0t I ... D•llY Plle4 SUH Real estate sales man Aaron Funk is a dedicated backyard barbecuer who had always wanted to cook a whole pig for his guests. Thal des ire and a love of tinkering has resulted in an in- vention that has become a full- time business for the Newport Beach man. and may become the new rage al large gatherings and restaurants as well. lt"s calJed the Port-A-Vig. and it is just what the name implies -a portable ove:t that can go any where and cook anything from a whole ISO·pound porker to a s ide of beef, whole goat, poultry, deer or hundreds of pounds of fresh fi s h. Funk says he perfected the Port-A-Pig Cthe name is now a trademark) early this year after four years of work. He and partner Jim Shea of Tustin hope lo market th e produ ct worldwide. Funk said his invention came about onl y aft er he exhausted other avenues for obtaming the whole roast pig he had always wanted. Funk wanted a pig to be the centerpiece of his party in 1977 when he retired from full -lime real est a t e s a les, but no restaurant, hotel and caterer he contacted could s upply it. Some offered to cook one in the ground luau-st yle and other s orrered s m aller s uckling pigs. but neither satisfied Funk. He wanted to go whole-hog, as it were. And so came the firs t Port·A· Pig, a crude invention compared with today's tested models, ac- cording to Funk. The early Port-A· Pig attract· ed some media atte ntion, however. and that is how Shea entered the picture. After seeing a report on Funk's invention on Los Angeles televisio n. Shea phoned Funk in May 1980. T he initial contact resulted in Shea's purchase o( a Port-A-Pig, which he used to cater parties, but demand was so high that he soon was knocking on Funk's door to purchase another. Shea's continued use of the in· vention resulted in improve- ments and refinements leading to the current model. or the ap- proximately 35 Port·A-Pig units built, about half were scrapped before being sold because of problems that made them unworkable, Funk s aid. The res ult is the current oven, a s tainless steel unit called a "bar-b-smoker ," which cooks with charcoal and wood chips whose he at and s moke is circulated by a fan for max- imum flavor . the inventor says. Slow revolving of a rotisserie at two revolutions per minute a nd controlled heat locks in juices while releasing fat. Funk claims. The Port-A-Pig also can be used to smoke meat or fish. Funk said. A Daily Pilot staff member who recently tasted a s lice of pork roasted in the contraption says 1t was tasty and JUicy . Funk and Shea already have sol d Port·A·P1g units t o r est a urants in Orange and Buena Park locally. and in other cities. such as Phoenix, Ariz., a nd J ackson Hole, Wyo. Though they recommend the coal-and-wood mode ls. which are safe for use indoors, models that use gas and just enough charcoal for flavoring also are available. Prices range from SS,500 lo $8,000. Funk said. The partners also continue to sell a catering service, with Shea doing the cooking, though they e nvision going solely into sales soon. Use of the unit plus a 100-pound pig that feeds 100 and the services or Shea a nd an as- sistant for most of a dav cost a minimum of $500. Funk said. A 100-pound pig cooks in about eight hours in the oven. The company now employs three full-time salesmen who are bringing film presentations and Port·A·Pig units (which are pulled trailer-style behind a car ) to r estaurants, clubs, hotels and indi viduals for demonstration. Funk said one of the salesmen works out of Phoenix, another in Newport Beach and a third in Palm Springs, with one of those salesmen concentrating on foreign sales. Th'e Port·A· Pig :.ales cam - paign contains some humor as well as a lot of hard facts. The company's motto is "Take a Pig to Your Next Affair," and Funk has been known to supply cos- tumed Miss Piggy Im itators to liven things up where a Port-A· Pig is in use. The unit is an attraction In itself al parties. he says, a con· tention confirmed by one re- porter. All of which the partners are hoping will drive potential customers hog-wild, and prove the invention is no pig-in-a-poke. . , ., ., ,. .,.. ' • l • . ,. ' ,, "' ,. ; . , •. . .. .. . ~-~~~~------------~----------------------------............................ . • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 1 I , 1981 DRllGIClllTITDCIS Following are the stock market activities of publicly traded Orange Cou11 ty firms for the week ended Friday. October 9. Data provided by Newport Securities Corp ---. ' --, .:··· -----i--,(fd ·•Id I I I '"" U&DOVO TU I l'llOOUCU .._,.n PrlcuPr1 • I ~I P I &HU U t • thr•I Ill~... • • • ., l lf LOC&TlO• .. • ' ·l t 10-t r•aNCU! • '" oo·• t AlSIP•• Mliit'tit Ut• ror..,. l••r t41tV ••• , h 1 •• ••• ,.Ht " :St • ..... ,. h•• T Mr•• .. llftlll~ ,., I a..tt11·C>r •"'•" 'I k4'111Mft lftat. tlJ h~t '•• Lat>• "I ttl '""1 •\, lnr, Ai.M l All UT"ll ., .. ,. I Bf I SC f rd ra • 11' 1 Df q •• •.r """"' h •P"'"*"' 8.. · '' •rtrff ('(.rp. C•Tllf If '"•••SHI•"• C"Hl'.J --'• ............... ..,., - 1A "lt••n Sys. 1'1 Cf)tv•bla Sa~. • 10 e.,••roo. Inc. CKRO l' ro ... rct hn" • )1 o•pre, C•r• 0.M :l ~o:f~!~~ '"t ~~~~. l!> C'utl'INn E1 tct CUSH l6 Ott•H·on OTRN 21 Oa tu• DAfti!t U ~•n••l loy o•n 19 Do""'" "n'. DS.t. 1"' ''""0, tac. ~ 1' UP .,.,(',.,,,, ftht 1' !'l'10rl t10 bnill tl.t'l8 11 r..uh .. Cet•p DU.J• lr. ho11.-' ion T•~" -• , .. 1u 1t"Yt. 1"11. ur ib J·ar V1ut., rtn. "'' 'Jl ,.Ir\' A.a•r-.f. YIJll• )P, ,., .. ", liW•VP-0,., Ftllbl '9 ''' r ,.o,.p. 'L' • c.? ~ Jf'lr t-a,.t Jn 'r81• ,., ,,,,. A•t.t•r t.. rertt• '-l 'ienertl Aut.n. "l£HA t.l 'ien•r*1 t er·fll. 'lTrt It-'iol1Sen 'ii H. 'iWH • llS .;,.•at W, Koap ~VtU •6 H•el0 1't 1n1. 111 1'lel t"'ne\tc11 HlLIU ii! M•r I Ull;I! &"• "RTB i;~ hi11•yt l'Of'I !t'IC f'1HU ~" •t ronl•, he. -'S' ICyle Te~h KYLE '!>2 La• Mt & I~ Ut LClU 11 ) Llf"I •on 1111 r' LM>te~ ~If lt"I••'" l""tr..i LPlll: ~' ..-ro._,.,, .•• ,, • .. ,.,.,. .J, ..... .,. ' WI • •• l. .. t , .. .,, • ! t •l '' -~.. • t .... ' ., ..... 10:. 1 • '4"1111r"',.. rrirr;. HF\IP• I I \"Jf"'t)"' Ot•,., '!"lilf • • ~•vr-,., P• , .... "'vrM • ,,..th .... ro .,. f ••,.. -. r•r• " o'""' ., l'lr•r N., ,.. P~ ~ ...... ,.,. .. ,.., -"' . .... ,,. . . ' ·-Iii·• • .., "t ! •"' T•'"' •"tt :~ ::~!.-~~\t~;i. lt;TO 8 Hf !n > p .. •.,.\•5 ~Ill A1 h!'l.t t ""'' .,.,, •Ot J • .F. w ~ti •1 lt1 f). 1i1.,. ,.13 .. "'""~ ,.r •~r • 1t .,.., ~,. ( ,.~. ~, •• "' ~,.,' f',. ;,. •• ·o • ~: ~~~~,~~ ~~s ~t,..t1• ~" '"1l1•r r .. ,. 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Jr•ln• ln•t'l•l a U•una flt'atl lnah•t" Tu•tlf'I S.t1t1 '"• Orance le vC>Qrt f1art\ [r"t""' Anah•I• Newport lta4'h Or•n•I! "'hstnn Vt•Jo L.e•U<'\a Hiii'\ ,..,, l•l"t.on lr•lnt '-•1..ir• NI ~" -.o" A, ,,.11n, ,..!),.tJ """'"" 'rv1 r'" F'OYrl' e1n Yel "'"'' ''· ..... ' ....... \ , .. . f..1 _,.,.. , ......... . ,..,,..,.r ,,.. ,.,. .. •· 1.-vtnf' "'''" ~t s •• ~n111 Af'I '-"'vcnrt fl"• " .. .,, ~ M.••• "-•.o p· ,.t I•• t ... ,,, • ., .. !. '""""~:. '"""'"'"' Hewpnr• f'•,. ~"~' '"• .,.. . ..,., .. ~ ... D" ....... ,. Jl"Vtfll• N•111~nrt f'•tt•tt Irvtn• Sarita Ana [rwtn« Tutti" t,.wlnt lA•J"'a" \ .. ?rwtf'I,. ..,,..,, .. ~~:f~~t a_..,." ev,.l'la 94 .. 11 "'"Wrllt'' fl~• )' 'll•".4 "-'"'• ,..,,. .,,,. ' ""'"""' "'•r "'1•"'"'' 1 • ljAr·1•n --;,. An,.11 .. !..., ;,..,,. .. 'rv r,. .... "-'"• .... tttwto,.t p,.. • "\rani1• ''"""'"" Or•rill" ?r•tne Anaht:lm N•o11ror• ,..., ... " c.,·d•n -;,. .,. ,. .,t\.ln N•vport P"•a~t S.nu Ana rour.hln '111. ru l l .. r ton -············-·";,···· .... MlorOC!'MC'W\•r' SY• !:~~~ ;.: ~ ~V .,: t worm Mo•e bidl' a •h cit . a.en"'"• nl • ri.act f.qlJ\p. ~ ....... .. " .. ". ra.e. t1u t ,., • •Y•· Cll t pOubh ••dloaJ "9rvictr 't•\10na NUllAQ ~. T~ 8 ~o ur .69 .~• .. ...,.o 1.1e '·" ,-ctr ... ,., "·11 llT< !,M •.oa fif'fSC 14. ,, "·'f) ()'f 4,lt; ~,H f'llf~ ~.~o ?. "'">,.no i•.1• tU.,AO \ft.U -.,,.,., MA~AQ •'I ' ... ·141.' 0,ftt ,, ' . n.~ co.01 • 9 • . l.' ".Qt ' ' llf,.. ~') ''·' • \.tt .,, n '•.~ M" (I I • ',q ~ • . .. ' ...... • fi. ft ;-,ori "n.'l ... 1' ,•!)(• .. ,, ..... Q. -.. ,, ,,,,. I•"'•", lo•• \, "' ~ .. .... '"" t}1 IU M. I l 1, IQ • ~ •If . .. •. •1• '•"HI . •" ·') . , oi· •e.~o~ "• '"" "' rrot•n to1 ·1 ~rod. •eei f.a\.e~ e lnW••'. .... ~.,.. ••'ll:lAO •.O? 1.•1 t ~.~., t." 11.n .. ;.if) ~ .~) t1tf "If 1 00 ' If .'J' i\ I 1.1f.,lip , If~ 11')j """ ·~.~o " "' t f 0 ,. _, .. • • ....... .. •• , \ ••• *•"·· • ,,.,.. CW""d•-"'•· VooJ 100,.a ~HUO .•• ••• lift' "• ,.. "\-, "'• 1... 'llof41 I .. , "'"'""' .,,~~·~:~~ ,:·~r -~~ +.~; ••.~ /,:~\::r ; ·~;,. i~' J!l.~~. "4i.A.r.ll. ~· --J~~-~-·---"6~1 1\t tQOll_f.,._!!• .,.Yln•a .\ \oen Nllltary 11•. •t11r Co•,.•retta kfl•~•I flt•H" dar • •1• .llflt1\C·•Pti1t•r1 Hoe• tu"t lf•,.• J11dto • T•l•· I ft"at'I. "'lc,.oproo•••or •1•· !t~eo. •l•C· •Y•· Dentel h b. 9f'Od. S.•ln1t• • lo•,, Cl•~t ,,., \ 1V\ r .. ht t ~\~f"Owt"'• c• '..lftl@f"• a.nil"tn, !l~ctronlet -=-•rr. r~~ !1Tf •• no i .l)o t(Ae.t&;; 111.'tO a,1\0 .. ~;g .n~ ,ug •UNO •O.?S •O,-.,, •UO•O •. lJ •.,O NI SOIO 1,,0 8.00 •UDIO .I~ 0.11 •ISDAO '.88 1.00 NA'ID•O l.O~ 1.0~ Hf •·II ~.•O A![ ~.Al a l\t ~l'IND 8. '' -.•• l\Tt , ,,Cl<' ''· ""' ~A!f\&0 O,t)n 11.-.0 , •r: ·"' • "' .~, .. ·~ ' ~8 Slunca • \0.,1 '°~' 10.tl ''·"~ tl,l• lnavranoe ,u.,Ae '1.>4' r1,c.o ... t ft ta~• '"'"•1t.. "fAM>AC Nl -.& "'••Y'f •n•r· \ r-on•' ,,y Sf \I\, 11 ~o.-.o ,,.,,,,.,,,.,.non Dl1tUc-• 'f&4tOtO tt').4"10 Q,I\.., Pt'ee••l eoncr•t• Mtnleoep1.1ter 1y1. (tW1out•r '11 apl •V •_•r, 'tc>Ol l hO.e• ~•rtl• i,c•oH•h M-t•lt·" •P•* Mfc fl•,.tronte tcult 9'itt'cln1 ta.unodt•~nott• Pro..1 Cor• 11tit•orw Pl"'da. Pace .. 1t•r T•r•tttah Stwer ••l"VlC•• lrr. lt••l proo.•Or'I . !t.rtp t"tiier t "•~nr1er ltl1 M Ir• t'arlit ,. ..... rrartt Jntr"v""O'J" ,.,.," ·l~r lit•&~ _.,.,.,,. A ~4rt ""11r!I 1f''t\f'. ~V\'11P't \ 113•'1 ...P> ,.. ne ""': , r ... d,. NA!\DAO l,7'\ ~.7"' NA'IOAO 1,_, T.AI ICA';f!AJ 1 .1)0 t 1' .. ,f •.} .. ,.,, ' Ni.,,&Q '".7C, 10.00 otr "· 1~ a. v IOS'AO li .... c c.,71\ XA"tn&O ct.1~ 10,t)I') N AS'DAO ' • 00 1 • , l Oft" • '' • t 1 llfA~•o -. .. ~, ,,..,, MiS'lO , • Ci"' '.•O ~-~·... IU !U NA~ili .. >.>C. 1.n 'IA!: l.. IJ& 'IA • t. "10 ''· ' •, ~ 'I~ # 1.l"(l ·'' .•• a•£ • ., !~,.~,. r• ""'' " t '' a. •1t• •n•ry ,,.,.. ,.,.;.. o\ '- Voeat 11"1n•' ""',_"" ,., .,.,., lli't' ' . " I, • , ... , . : .. t'""' '°'I 1rrtUr''i NA'.':tlA1. "·"'" 'l."' Ylbr•• Inn ,4,1t J>ll•nt ~A!lU, r~~<'t. ••••"'· '""'''" -cavi• .. • ~.")I) tQ, ~ t,HI .,_,,. """ •""11;r. lrfA s:'A.. ' .. •• ..... ... ,, -•f'•'•r .... ,.,~•· ttA';!i&,.t ' "'"" till ~ f & • .-•"' 'fA-A.. "'• n lnr ,.., """"• ,,.,., --•~4 .. • ~ ;r:~. ,.: "';~:nn;,.~~-"" :;!~ .. ~: ~~ 1'1'1 l r.a8 1'Ust"Al t,f'\I'\ l I *"' .... • "1 ... ~•<H•r ~ ... , ,,.~ 't' .t.:•S: At . , • 1 •• o n " 1iil Nt'. A.O c r. o. ~· . •.o ' ,, . ..... ,, ' .4,it,'I CO.O' • c,, q o .... .,Z9 • ._ l'I :0 I • '... ri. '~ !ff' I • 1 • ., ... ' • ' Q .... • O• • "'. ~ • 11• •17,A o. ., ... llf· •. • ., .. ·'~·' • 2.0 .. . , .. . '· H' N•' .. ,~.n . ~ _,, • t 1 .• ·''· ~ • • 1 •• .11. l N' • is;,• .-~· ..... ~A I 1 ··•."' .. • .. '. ·~ I ... ... .. ., ,. ••. o • Ajll ....... 1 I l lo, •• Nf' n.,. .. • .. ....... ,. r • .. , . ·' . ,,, • "l ,P . . . 1 .... ..... , ,.O•f> ""')r.11• "Y"' l\tJ. 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" .... l ~I ; l ct •t ,11)' ' ,. •.1t:'f .,.'l"> ·~ ··' •} i, ,,,,. '•, •)14 Hl.," .. ft ...... ,)•8 '··"''"' ,., •• •. l 1t. \} ~ .'ltJCll '0,• 11'1 ~' "l 171,,.,e; ' ' ..... 11 .. I.' . ·' .... ... ... .. a ". . , . .. .. ~ . ' I: 1' It . ' . : ... '• ... .. ' . •' ... . '· .. . .. '" .. ,•• ... .. ' . ,,., ... . . .. .. .. .~ .. _,, • -14 1111: .. ,,, ... , .... 'i -.... , ~-· ... ••• i_l)r.f • t I "W •,•.I) •,:>!\• . ,, "·"'' .. ·~"" ·" ·'·"""' ',. ·'"'" • nq I ,('4'ti .,. ~~. , ',qino •• ~. l .~·· ~ ' ~b' ~r~ ~~~ 1q• ., ,,o: £•''"'"' .,,. •''·r•a ar• .. :1,. "'<> ia1a .. r-• 1"'"' -.cc-.Jra-r •,.,tJ '.l ... lree' ,. ti'•• :h"• "''• tt~d ltt t.h••-'at>l-"11. ,..,. •. ,., .... tt•>"::S ~ " 11" '"" rf" l"T•l • Ce rtl l•bJ•. "'"'' tut~ accur•cy and t'IM"l •ftt.t• a~ .. not ~..i•r•nt ••d et'4d Hevp.,,.1 ~,.11r ' .. , •"" \"t 11 ntv~· P•otr' Ut11•~ no l1•"11Hy for •"Y ln•c("ur1eh t or :Jf'ltl• .. 11,,tl, of tn• "•t~ 01.1hll,.n~11 l't•rt. ~j Daily Pilat Classifieds - - "I never knew IO mclftY people read Hie Clouifi~. I had I 42 calls on this od. I couldn'tbetieve the rHpOMe!" ~~~1 @ 642-5678 charge it~-by phone From South Laguna & North County call 540-1220 tolMree. RADIO PAGER S6.65 PER MONTH For services only Unlimited pages and pur- chase your recon~itioned pa- ger ror only SJOO with 30 days guaranteed parts and labor. Be paged in a four county area. Los Angeles, Orange. San Bernardino and River- side Counties. 401 S. SANT A FE SANTA ANA CALL 714/835-3305 ORANGE COUNTY RADIO TELEPHONE SERVICE wheeloarrows• recreational vehicles•golf carts*model trains*bikes *pianos•cars r efrigerators *skates•••••• LEASE FACTOR ON LUXURY LEAS ES From Page C1 .... INSIDE FLUOR' ATD TmNK TANK • • • terhnoloa:~ an·u .,( itcnc phcmit. or C'lo111n).l . Tht' st-C'o nd i~ frrmcnlation, which is a ctually a chcmu:al engineer ing problem of gett1n1< oxygen in and heut out The third ll> separating out the des ired ,·lcmcnl:. from the hl'olh .. ATD actl> as an intl,'rface with Genente c h . and regular meetings a rc scheduled That cJoesn 't mean. however. that the divisi o n and th e geneti c engineering company':. labs are totally related. 'They don't tell u s ever~ th IO g... :J.lu.'>lutb4• k...a.d m I Ued. From Page C1 Wht•n they cam(> out with a v11cC'lnt' for hoof-and-mouth d111· t•aiu.•. wf' didn't know a nythlnac , about 1l " Perhaps the mos t important internal proJt'Cl lhe d1vis1on ti. \\Otkln1o1 on 1s :.i t omputerized :-.-em lo contro l the col>ts and s~edultng of lar~c proJects · ·sa~ then· are 111.000 things necesl>ar~ to gel a Job done . Ous babek explavied ··Those item s must bt' 1den t1fil'd . put in s1•qut•nct· and a time a llott'd ror t•aC'h function J II m anu:.i 11.' You • h<'n 1ntegratt' lhat m form:.itaon tnlo a s~·stt•m . LOCAL ENTREPRENEUR "suggested retail price·· or the m anufat•turer's Ji!;t 1>rice·• .. If the allegC'd savings are orr tht• lattl'r. tht>n you probabl~ ccin do better ut un ordinar~ d1~count -;tore \\ hid1 does not t harge a members hip fee The FTC '>laff found that d ubs ..,o met1mt's g1vl' po t ential eustoml'I':. 1naccurnte price lists. merely COJ.'.' mg a C'ompetitor·s list. or t.'\'l'n muking uµ pnces ThC're ll> onh one \\a\ to muke sure you urt• acluall~ getting u ~ood deal look around :vl ake What sales techniques are used? ,1 list Of \\hat \OU wunl IO bU\". and comp<H.l' · lol'al retailer~· priC'eS with \I.hat the bu~ ing.club ts offerml( ,\lso cheC'k to "ee tf a d ub has added freight or otht•r "l'n tCt' chunzt':. Thl'">l' fCJctor' ra n makt' lht• d1fferenrt· bt.'tween a good tn.1rirn1n a nd no hargmn ut all If the club won·t l>how pnC'e lists or a ratalog o r C\'l'n let ~ou set> its showroom until after \OU JOtn. bt•war c· An~ r lub t·hat rea I ly believes it can save you mone~· has no reason to hide 1ls prices . Whal sales tec hniques Jrt' couiCTOfla COllNIUI ..... ~ ........ -· .. -, .. ~ CO.Ill C'"9"'41.• Sit.,... Cl. $9.•7 ui.ed '' At'Co rdinJ,! to the fTC. ··B uying c·luh.., ... o irt et1 m es c•mpl o~ high pr e..,sur e -;a ll's lN·hntqut•s If ~·ou must ~1gn up no" o r losr tht.• t'ham·e to JOin or If \OU rind \'Ourself bt.•IOg 1ntl'r\'t('Wt'd lo .,e·t· 1f \OU are worth:· t'no ugh to Qu~hf~ for membt•rshtp. look out' Tht•se tactics don't hll\'<' lo be used b~ a C'lub ufferinl? legitima tl• bar gains · Al lt•ast se\'t'n slates 1 !0"<1 :\Irnm•:.11ta . South Oakot::1. II lino1s. Ci('orgia. W1srons1 n a n<l Californw 1 han· l<.1ws requiring buying c lubs to post bonds before the' l'an do business The bondi.. rnnging from 525.000 to Sl()0.000. can be u~ed to rl'fund membt•rsh1 p f<'t's 1f the club izot'" out of hu:.1nt•i.s Ca1trorn1 a·s la" .ibo requ1rl's disclosure of c urrt•nt prices. th<.• club·s price m a rk up and reu· sonublc est imutcs of freight and deli"ery charg<'S . and man d;He., a refund 1r the good:. are not dt.>ltH·rt•d "1th1n a spee1fwd t1ml'. usual!~ six \\l't•ks ~ Co n-;uml'r s t <.tn find good 'alul'S Ill sonw bu~ 1n1? dub.., Soml' ha\'l' lo\\ ml0mbersh1p fl·C's and cio offer n·al bargains to t heir custom<.'rs Still. 1f \OU n• .ilh \\ant lo ·make wh.at vou ha~·e .QO farther .. he C'aref11I and act caut1ousl~ Other" l"l' "iu ma' find that ~our monl'' ~' gon.e 1><.'J'lod INVESTORS und iel a c O!ih flow t urve on euch uct1vlty. ·You t<rld up "1th lht· t•ntirt· cash n o\4 of a prolN'I. 1dl.'ntlf~ mg thosC' thtn~s th.it rt'pre:.ent tht• hm.it'"l l1mt• l'lt•mt·nt-. uf t h1· prOJl'l'I. \\hldt 1:-. ntllt·d the critit•u l path Tlw n mu rnn piny thl' gaml' or tr~ 1ng to shnl'll•I\ lhf' len1Nh h~ '""1gn1nJ: mort· cngint.>ers JI tht• times lht·~ an· needed. It':. important prc>Jt'cl managC'lnent :vl ost 1mp11rt;rnl "hl·n roll s tdt'rtng that 1-·tuor bu'.., Siil m1lllon of ... 11111 ,., l'I \cl;J\. Oushatwk ..,,1111 Busi 11e ss~ nie.dia rlash railed nll'lh '.\:EW YORK 1,\f'1 Dt•sp1ll' s t• ' t.• r a I h 1 J.! h I ~ p u b I 1 l ' 1 Ll' d C'lush(•:. bet\\l'l'n hUl>l nl''s and brouckast Ill'~\.., organ11at1ons. th<• pt•rc<'1n•d antagonism mily bl' .. more mvth tha n n•altl\ a m a1or adve;·t1s1ng ugt•nr~ ·~·on l'ludl's after a ... un t'.' 11f t :11)11 corporullon~ Brouillard l'11mmunt('at1ons J di\'1s1on of .J WJlll'r Thompson Co . :-uuJ thal '.1!.15 compan1 t.•!- re:.pondcd to lht· mail ... un l'~. und 2 ts li2 J)l'rt'l'nt of thl• 'am~ pit.• :.aid th:.it om• or morl' c·x ecut1ves had part1l·1putt.·d 1n bro;1d<.·ast nt'\\l> l"ft•n'll'\\S in lhl' past lK months I n almo't al l t·ast.'"· Brouillard said 1n a report on thl' surve~. "re:.pond<•nts :.aid thi.lt their s pokespt.>ople h ;.i d ht.•en treatl•d ·ra1rJ~ · ciuring tht•w in- tc•n 11.'\\:o. · \\' l' Ix• lt t•\'t' lh 1:0. r1 ncl IOJ,! dill''> not reON·t a ml·llo\\ mg b' nt'ws organ1iwt1ons 111 '1gtlann• or a s lackening in '1g1lanct•. John A l1 1gg1ns. a Brou1llarci '1ct· prt·~1denl and thl' di\ 1:.1on s puhlte· rl'lal1on:. d1rt>clor .... aid ·1nst1:ud ... lltgg1ns :.aid. w1• thmk mon• and mort• top l'or porute cxecutl\·cs ha n· ll•Jrned "hat their rights art• Kr_n_ M•Plt LHlfl SOP.sos '°"'Sliver B- awy s.11 MM.St MM.St .-......... s.su.se ~M ...u.• ..... SCrtlfltd Trust Dllds on residential Real Estate Minimum equity, 30G4. Eadl Trust OHd rlCOfdld 111 your name. TRUST DEEDS S3,000 minimum Investment. WE ARE PRINCIPALS. WE IELL CXM OWN TRUIT DEEDS THE VB COMPANIES 22o/o to 26% CALL FOR INVESTMENT PACKAGE 2111•--714/771 ·4AG NET YIELD PER YEAR SPECIAL IOllUS TO 32 'Ja SHORT TERM A USC Bachelor's degree in b11siness iS your entree to the executive world. The U 111v~rs1w of S11uLl181·n CalU'0rnta offers Lhe uJt.lmate tn flexible f"dt1cat.1on fur 1:tca.ren .ln business: FLEX-ED. Through this spPC'.'i.. pr gram ln U-w Sc•h .i:ii 'f Business Adm.lnlSt.ra.t.lrJn , you etin wtrn 48 upper ctvtston units toward a buchelor's clegr'(,"e R.L a schtdule and t.Jme convenient. to you. All courses are fully accredited and par· of t.hf' regular currlculum offering. FLEX-JID Is a system of lndt'ptmdent. study, utJllztng casseLte tapes, workbonks, '1J1c..! one-on-one tut.orlaJ service at your eonventen cP, ar:id can &:comm<Xlat.e Rn,v full LtnH~ work scht->duJe. Our lnlt.18.J Orange C.>uncy course offerings for Spring 1982 tnclude: Imroduct iry Accounung, Business Communtcauon, Market.Ing Man~ement, and Legal Environment. of Business. Subsequem course ofTerlngs wUI Include; Management. Accounung, Organtzauona.l &>havtor, Business Ptnance,,6ppl1ed Management. Science I and II, Man~erla.l DeclSton MaktnR, Bustness Qromh and StabU1za1.1on, Econ~c Anal.YJ!IB for Business Dectstona. All work mey be accomplished 1.hrough t.he Orange Councy Regional Center, wh !ch opens tn January 1982. ..................... Por more IJ1fonnaLto11 oonVUlt t.he FLEX-ED (1Ff!CE tU. (7H) 9e7-a9'7 or Wrltl'I u . Sherman L 'Ju,Asp:e Aseocl&li' 01 mt.'lOI'. Pil"X Ed use School or B\le1ne111 Adrntn1st.n1.tk)n · IJ<lvtc11k)n Oonterenoe O.n!Alr 210 Loe Mgoltf, 'CA 90007 .......................... Please send me your free l'LIJ:-BD broahuro de9C?rlblng !.he program courses and reglSU'tU.lon prooectures. Name~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Addreea··~-----------~--~-~ Cit¥-------Ooau palJOn_,......-=;;.:,.;...... ___ -"----'--- omoephone ( ' 't I j I' ... •I II\ o .. )6 )t ... l• • 0 •• ) .... >O lu 16 • )6 I• ,.., 18 ll ·~ , .. ~ 1' I d'-J ,. .. .... Ml • 61 )6 1 • J I o• 1• .. l• • 11 )\ .. )) ., 1l I .. lo ll II )/ 8 •• ,q )Q 10. ,. ... . .. I~• 1 18 lO • S; 10 I• ,. )0 ·~ ll 8 • .... I)~ '1 ' • ' SI 0 J1 • ,, ,, '. 11 JO I n ll • •I •I " J • W• ... .JO • ,, .. 1'6 J1 I '" I ) ll •• lo /JI ,, .. , .. I ll 1 •• J I 1 10 ... 14 j~ 11 I \o ,. 1• I .. .... JO. ,. .. ,, . /J i. . 11. II"' )I l•. ... 10 sn. " . " l ,, .. .... ,. ... 1) ... •I• µ l\ JI • • >"• ,.,. ti ll ... ., I• I ,, .. JI • ,. 11' , ... " . • ,. J) Jt ,. ,, ... 11 • 11 ''" 11 .. ,. JI • ... •• .. JO I) ... I• • ... , ... 11 .. ·~ ~ ' ... •• 111 " IUJ 00 116(1 11'1() 111\0 60 • 60 \lo .. 1116 JO lOl 111 1m IOI 10 I '° 10 M ' I IO I I • 0' ll , .. I• ,. . ll }] )0 I 18 II ... ... • n JI 11 ]) JS ,. .. • IS" "'· . "" .... l JOO 1 I 0 ) l 0 I 1)1 ; ,. lJI! ,. • Jlll 11 ' 111! ll JI '1 cli llO 71"' l1 1 .. 1 .. ,. ti • ~ 111' l3 II I •J • Ill > .. n I 1' . "'' l I fl 0 IO l I JIM iW 101 lto m , I f IOI 0111 1'1 .., 81 I ' . , .. I I) • 161 11 .001 9' Ill .. -\ I/OJ J 11 11 • >• . .. e 111 I &llt )ll .,, l?ll 119 .. I.I 00 m "' 111 Ill " m • ·~ jjQ llO 1111'1 Ill tOSO ,.,, tUO ., ,. ,.,, SI ,. JI , .. m ,,. ,,,. .... .,,. ... 5A s •"4 ~ ,. ·~' II llJ U11'6l 111 I '"' ll'• ,. " ,.... ~· lt ll 11 .. Jl 21 ll • lO " ' )4 n"' »• ll ll 8 ' 1 .. ~. I 11 • ll IS 19 • I ... I" D ti\ • S\1 I" SI> ""' SI "'"' ,, 1t • • • t~ II 10 .. 10'~ 1• 11 l I ,.,. '° ... 2t ti"' '°' ... • l .... 11 • 1,.., • • • 10' '"' II 13"4 ........ 1•~ IS1 ~"' SJ>. ., ~ '° > " 1•'-l• " ,. ., ti IS.., II"> • s. J-. J" ll'h ,. ~ 11 10"" It~ 11 )I .. -I) • 100. U' •I n ,, .. ti IO''I lt ''t II\ )J )l\o ""' ,. > )le\ , .. ,. ' l)i,, Jth )J "" ,,. . ,. .. 0" l" l\O u~ nlll WllfID ., . '" ... ,_,. , .. 11\41 "" ~ I.~ ~· I) ltlwOI I )0 :: , tL'l<-,,.: :1 11'4 8Wll1ll 1 u It'• II~ .... n :r. ... r :: *,,_po'° \llW 110 ""' rE• .. . ._ .... t luMv .o fl • 1-rH l 1• I flutll/ICI 1 11 )I flllNlh 111 ' • &rlNo pt JI 11 I 8rlH !If l 1) u. .. B\11,,. • .. S , Bm\lll 1t au. gll '" ivllf ln " BuHo Or nge Coas1 DAILY PILOT Sunday Oclobcr 11 1 q51 NYSE t:OMPO ITE TRANSACTION ~ OUOU llQlll.lll(LUOtlU Ol\Oll tllllllWYOll. MIOWUI h (.l,t( raw IOUO• Olll Oll ... O (tNClllllATl\fOO f •CMAllOU AllO Hl'OlllO l'I' Tiii MAtO uo ttotTlllll ni.. .... l . ~ I I ,0 .. ) .. 1• ~ 1• "" ,, ll • II )) II .. ,~ ... 11 , ... IS • II 11 114 IS ' )61 1S • 1' .. ~. ll II 10 I ' )0 .. ll • •I •• •• Sltn I' I Ille• L- Iit" ""'Ml n n ,., J011 " :U 1 N .. fil;W I /0 t lit .04 ,...._ I .. NW\IUI I II 6 1'41 ... ~ :~ =~.::~ I ';J I)~: 1t .. I~ 10 NOSIP,, l ~ 111' Wn U" 1) .. NSP,,, rill Ml t~fO H I\ H YI 1t HSPw P" Ge • 110 2t ll2t 11 H\"" pU 10 II• lt"1 dl7'1 :IO I;\"'* pU ~ -JO \ JO 0 NSPw 111• IO •110 0 clO .. N~P pl 10 )6 ilO .. -II N~Pw pll IO ltl'O n Ol1•1 H • NOi I ol o I :I* Cf • Jt'/I I Ofl!IOoll O 163 U• '"' ~ .. ~:li. : J .~ ~ : U N"'11kp I o4 t II)) II )• 11-. N#1I{ • JO • ,... ll I~ II NwEn Pl1 U 1116 U lt'- rllo Nwl nd , .. )116 ''"" ...... 11'-NWIP pl I \0 I) II'\ tl'O II Of"'1P Of I lt • t&ln ""' ... N•Mlf 10 /I 9'• ... lO Nw\IV. I 10 II 2S\o 1• r »'-NOflClf' IO )U ,,.,_ " 1' • NOi~ II I (II )111 llo 10• J1 NOt1' pl I 60 Jl'-SJ\, .. -----IJ<lllr9'.. i>'ll •• NIAOI .. 10 Ill It l>'h 0 0 0 JI t 0.0 n > l• IS tl6 )t 2t 11 ' 0.~ ltP I «) I t lO IM l ... OC< Pe 1 lO > '101 U"' 1;v. J'IOuPpl)t Jl.0 )'l'H ... °'' p pl)"° • I) '°"' ... ()(( P 1>11 lO 0 11 e\ I~ ll 0« p Oil ,, 1) ""' I•"> .... <><• p ptl lO ' • ,~ " .. ._ Ou P pl t •1 >17 """" .... IO O!< P Of • ''° .. 121io 11, OOECO \ IO 10 I )t ltllo 11\o 1•._ o.io.n I IO )SI )QVJ 1'1-> II OliooEcl 16 ttOI 11 1\n 1• OtlE o Of ) tO • 40 2• J; H , Ol>Ed pl • 40 1110 'I' l•"' H._ OllEd pt • " 1JIO JO ,..., " Ol>C o Of I 1' •JOO 41"> •S .. OnEd pt 8 10 1100 .. ' .. .,., t OhEo pt t 10 •II 1 "" 17 Oii( 0 pt y fl ,, 10 St~ " 41 > OllEO pt t.. ilOO SO... SO ... •' OllE pt 10.. 11110 10, .. .. OllE p 10 16 tlOO .. ... •1 Ol>P Pf t 04 iilO lO .. 0 OhP pl( 1 60 110 •l'h •lln ll 1 ()!IP pfG111 11 U'h ""' 9< OhP pfA • 1 lllO tS.. 9<1' 91.,. Of\P 01r • •IO .,. " .. Ol>P 0!011• i 0 ti t ii'> Ill .. ~l~C.£ I 'lo 'i'I~~ ~~ w.. .... Omo • .. • ., '"' 11"' 11 • Otl< 0. .. I )I 10'h 1~ 11 , ONEOic. 110 I 111 ~ tt I '8.P:n~! 12:& • :S ,f: oli~ ! <>-•"9f ·~ • 161 '"' ... ll" O<oOll( 41 II St? ... Is-. to>.. OuloM 10 > .. ) 16 ~ 11 15 ... Oul ti 60 JU >4"-JO ' • Q>,rnO fl " o '" I)'°' 0. Tr • IO t HI 16 1• I .. O.Sn1> ' IO • Sh 10 19 1J • ~(. lO I) 1011 u , ..... fl' 0..Hll I I S6 S 111 JO lt'O 011ro1n .. > ttJ 10 .. 11\n "~ 'L, ~~~Ml 1 J: 1; ' ~:: ~~ •:;: JI\ PP(, l ~ & I :IOI oO JIV1 , .. ?SA ~ 101 ll"' 11 • p._ .. \ l.. .. ... • ... '''°' PIKGE 111 t MOI 11'-ll'H ~"o P.cl lO 11& o •9J u19 " 11"> 11 P.ClM \I 10 1] lit 11'-U • P.CPw l 04 6 •IS. 11" II 11 Pot P o > rs Ml H , 7l 1 P•<~ > JJ I JIO tS"' IJ .... I Pot< TT I 40 I 1'°40 1 I& 0 PIKIT o • rlJO •I 41 ,, 1' PIK n I • ) 16'> I~ II P• no W 44 11 ],.. t ; 11 11 P• mlk 110 lo 111 JIV It"' I) PenA8 n I• JO uU 4 IJh 1 Pen•rn )018 J,., H• JO'-P•nnEC ) I l~I l2'->01'> I•"" Poe>< It lie 1 11• 131' 11 ~ IS P• Oyn " 1m "° • ]I ., 1~-! ~.~· • '! ~ lm ~:~ lk ,, .. P•rH•n "' I l•l '°"' I~ • P• • Ptn ll 0 !SJ I • " 18 ,,.,,.,,. ' J Ill )) """ I P•1"1 1'I I I• II ~ II\\ 11> P,, \N \ ll t I.. IS 14 A. II PoC\11 r1 is 6 7~ ulO ""' I Pf.OO n t ]JM) I hi 11 PH•y ft • II 2• )1\1, II 1 """9o •If l11' I~ U• PtnCtn Of'l "" JI"' 11 t ,,.,,Cn p Ill IO ll"' 104,, • PfM(P lo 911 • '" lO ptN..fy ~ 10>.. PoPl 11• 18 P•Pl pl t oO 1t P8Pl pl • SO SJ P•Pl pt 160 I \ P•PL pt I 40 61 P•PL pf t l• I• PePL pt 07 P•PL pf I} IO P•PL pt I 17 P•PL pt & 10 I~ Ptnw I 110 ~; ~,J' l~ .. ,...,, pt8 I .. "-0 )J >o • "-E" l °' l• ~Co .. 2 Pt"E " J ,, ' .. .... Or1nge Coast DAILY P~OT/Sunday. October 11 , 1981 ...._._ AMERICAN STOCK EXCHANGE OU Of UI0-~1-Cl.UOI fUOU 011 Tiii .... VOal, •t .. lltT ,A( .. 1t,, ,.. IOHOlll OIHOlf 6110 CIMCIH•fl tTOCI l4C14HOUUIO•ll'Olfl0 n l .. I llA'OAllOUl"l .. f ..... Law ' , .. • ,.. ----..- High 871.14 low 851.26 Close·d 873.00 ll0-=~·-111 M T W T F , .. .. ') Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 . 1981 c Huntington apartment .complex now renting The Goe<ft!n Co of.(rvine 1s ~ur· homes C'urn•ntl> remain ~1v1ulable at rently celebrating lhe grun'd openrng lhe Mer1t·kt•I OC'vl'lopn1ent com · of its new Huntington BeaC'h apart rnunity. menl complex. Bea~hpqlnt Apart·. Ou9inR tht> trnles close-out1.1t Shef't; meots. The complex IS c6mpnsed of field Ma11ur. a S2 500 bol'lus whicnJ .. 68 units with condominium quality may be u~cd tow 0 ard reduc~ng the..'1 f~atuTes. Three floor plans feature down payment or <'losing costs: re· 119 eithe r one bedroom and one bath. or ducing monthly pa'yments for the::l' two bedrooms and two baths. The in· first year . or selecting upgr7tde"l terior living space of these plans ,.r rang~ from 720-to 1.160-square feet ''!: ., .. av~:t~~ ranges C~~2~ t~.~!~. _l{OJIS1Ht.BRl£ES. ~ • Beachpoint Apartments and its two ~ • • •. furnis hed ~1& are Jocat.ed M 7~12 items at the Decorating Center . is be·r Beachpoint Drive in Huntington ing offered. The offer 1s available un-;t~ Beach. The rental office is open daily •·• from 10 a .m. to 6 pm. Take the San til Nov 1, 1981. Current financing for• Diego Freeway, exit south on Beach the three bedroom Sheffield Manor:;l' Boulevard a nd turn right on Beach-home-; is a:-. low as 13:1. J)t'rt'ent in·~t, point Drive. For more information. terest c 14 percent A P R >. I ~i' call 848-3723 or 848 4343. Model:-. featuring interiors by Back~~ * Street Interiors. an• open for viewing~f' Sea breezes and ocean views d.aily from 11 a.m lo dusk. Take the:'~ enhance the hillside setting of Warm-Santa Ana F'reewav to the Culver .. ' Drive <.•x1t Go nor.th on Culver to" ington Development's luxurious new Potomac Landing homes in Laguna Irvine Boulevard and turn right t~? N' I Th h t d · Yale Avenue. Turn right on Yale' t igue · e om es are presen e 10 Avenue. ri"ht again <1l Northwood, .. ,1rl four single-level and two-story floor ,., • plans, featuring two and three right on Savannah and left on"'J bedrooms. two or 21 2 baths and up lo Chesapeake to the model homes "f, 2.502-square feet of Ii ving s pace. * • t: Co11structio11 of t wo Bayside Square office buildings at bridge entrance to Bal Isle under wau. The homes in the initia l phase will In le:.:-. than l WO wc•eks since its in·,,n· be priced from $228.000 to $295.000 itial grand opening, I wo homes have:' sold at C'hateau C'lf>menle in San; Models decon1ted by a'Aard win Clemente and there have been s\x ~' ning interior designer Carole Eichen. reservations -a aslcs performance:i2 a re open daily from 10 a m . to 6 p.m. rute that is being attributed to the de·"!1 Take the San Diego Freeway to velopments' 123•': financing, select• 1 Crown Valley Parkway, drivt' south ocean selling, and dramatic archilec-~tl Fix-it-yourself becomes new trend 8} The Associated Press A gro\\ing number of Amencans are trying to save tame and money by doing their own repairs around the house. and a major appli<1n<:e manufacturer hopes to cash in on the trend The rompany, General Electric. has dl'cidcd to sell repair manuals and 94 common replacement parts along with its products, providing detailed advice on how lo fix problems with five major apphan(·(•:. Tht· appliance industry in general of fe rs help for people who want repair :-.crv1ec and can't get it. Several years ago, lht• industry established the Major Apphann• Consuml•r Action Panel to re· <>o l VE' d isputes. For informat1on, write MACAP. 20 :>i Wacker Drive. Chicago, 111. . 6060(i Bruel' H. Albertson ,. the man in <•hargt• of the program for GE. said the introduction of the r epair plan is not a sign of deteriorating product quality. :-Jor. he said. does it mean that you t•an 't get service if you want it. Albertson said the company simply recognizes that appliances. like any other me('hanical item, are subject to trouble. sooner or later. .. A n•fnger<1 tor ()per ates 24 hours a day for 15 years or better," he said ·'.':o matter ho'A good it is. it's going to break down " At tht• same time. he said. the com- par\y has found thal an estimated 40 percent of all applian('e repairs are be· 1ng donl' hy O\.\ ners a nd those people need help t\lberbon said GE 1s not try· 1ng to t'n('ouragl:' consumers to make tht!1r own repairs· It is. however. trying to persuade dedicated do·it-yourselfers to buy GE products rather than another hr and Stud1l'S ha\'c sho'An that the public 1s <lissallsfu·d not onl y with product quah· 1~. but al~o with tht• type of service pro· \· 1decl R II Aruskin As:-.oc1ates. a market potential cause and possible repairs, to Del Avion. turn left on Del Avion lutal features. ...~ along with the difficulty factor. and left on Barkentine to thC' model Buyers have the c hoice of two •t The refrigerator m anual, for exam-homes . financing pl ans that are considerabtyq, pie, lists 36 possible problems. No. 5, below conventional interest rates :~! CONSUMER .. Refrigerator too ('old." has two possi-• Plan A features a 30 year loan, with~aJ researt'h firm in New Brunswick, N J ble causes the control is set too high Nestled within a neighborhood of a 12:14 percent fixed rate for the first~:: s ampled 2.504 men and women in or the control is defective. If you decide S200.000-plus s ingle-family homes in three ~ears. and saves owners up to~~: January and asked them whether they the control 1s defective, vou are direct· Irvinc·s popular Northwood Village SI.774 68 a month when compared"o' thought s pecific products were better or ed lo Page 53 and repair procedure 16. Shefrif>ld Manor is a g rc•<1t value at with today's 18 percent current worse than they were fiye or IO years The rl'pair is rated as "difficult .. prict's that st<.1rt at Sl42.950 Only 10 market interest rate~ The remaininEl ago Only 17 percent of those questioned balance of the loan is set at a fixedJ believt-d that lode1 y 's new appliances • 1nteresL b'-tsed on the rate in effect at..., ... are better than they were m the past. Open house announced the clost· of cscrO\.\ Plan BIS also a ,, while 46 percent s aid they were not as • 30-year loan. with a 13:1~ percent rate;•fi good. Thirty.five percent of the survey for the first fi ve years ·ii participants said the quality of new ap Priced from S249.000 and located on• ' pliances was unchanged and 2 percent Douglas Development Co .. a whol-g round floor and Me rrill Lynch. the ocean s ide of the San Diego~!J had no ans wer. ly owned subsidiary of McDonnell Pierce, Fenner & Smith Inc will OC· Freeway overlooking the ocean, the"f: In lhc area or repairs. only 12 percent Douglas Corp. announced that it cupy the majority of the second or homes come in fi ve different floor ; said appliance servicing today was bet-w i II host an open house Oct. 15 to pre-m a i n f Io or w h 1 ch re at u res a pl ans and range in size from 2.575-to. • ter than it used lo be. while 39 percent view its new nine-story, $20 million landscaped terrace 3, l50-squ<1rc feet Features include a ,, said it was worse Forly-r ix percent tower. Located at the corner of Both levels connect to a fully c hoice of ceramic tile or marble en-. r: said 1t was unchanged and 3 percent MacArthur Boulevard and Campus secured parking structure and have tries. large hand built fireplacl?s -"~ had no opinion. Drive in Douglas Plaza. Irvine, t he separate entrances. done in undressed stone and Italian .. ~ Albertson s aid there are several 156.000-square foot structure has According to Susan Mc Kinniss. marble and hardwood stairways: :l reasons for the increased number of do already been r e fe rred to as a vice president of Douglas Develop-with hand rubbed balcony railings ::., it.yourself repairs. The first, he said , is landmark in the airport business m ent, "We are hosting t his party to Take the San Diego Freeway to• ti money The cost of repairs is going up complex. familiarize the broker s and prospec-Camino de Estrella exit West. turn"~ a nd the tre nd is not likely to change. Des igned by William L. Periera live t enants in the area with the left on Camino Mira Costa, then left:'~r Another reason is qua lity _ "people . . Associates and David M. Kl ages As-t ower and all of its unique amenities. on Camino Alondra until you reach"'' believe that the only way to get it done sociates, the building incorporates We also are extending the invitation the models The sales office and .. t} right is to do it yourself." Other factors. two separate eptry level floors to the to those who contributed to and are model homes are open from 10 a.m .... f. AlberLl.on said. are the sense of ac-building Crocr<er National Bank will responsible for the building of the to 6 P m For more information. call {t comphshment and the convenience of occupy 22.000 square feet on t he tower ." 661-3444 :af not having to stay home to wait for a re r-:----------.---------------------------------------------1"1 •'fI pairman !f Th e GE program -dubbed the "Quick Fix System" -covers washers, dryers, refrigerators. dishwashers and ranges It does not apply to televisions. air <.'onditioners or microwave ovens. where s aid Albertson. "there's a safety factor " Manuals and the replacement manual costs $6.95 and runs about 100 pages It includes photographs, dia· grams and explanations of how to find the model number of your appliance It also h<1s a listing of common problems. ' ...lllll...111113I%. 'J '] .J" 4 5~eor rate 12-1/40/o APR QUALITY CONDOMINIUMS IN HUNTINGTON BEACH NEAR HUNTINGTON HARBOUR (Annual Percentage Rote) Investment Quality Condominiums in Newport Beach If you have waited to buy, now Is the perfect time to take advantage of this fantastic oppor· tunlty. The bullder will pay your prlnclpal and Interest payments through December '81 as well as all non-recurring closing coats! Beautiful 2 and 3 bedrooms each with enclosed garage, amidst a picturesque settinQ of waterfalls, ponds and streams. Vaulted celllngs, woodburnlng fl replaces, spacious private patio or deck, swimming pool and therapy spas. Easy quallfylng for first time buyers I 1 From $111,990 Open Dally 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 846-5557 See Slllnpet'lon for uaoci9Uon dues .,l<i llMnClng det.ita. Below Market Financing Investors Welcome ' A substantial price reduction combined w1ch on extraor- dinary 5 year financing pion offers a rare opportunity to own beach-close condominiums 1n Newport Oeoch. This superb financing provides on ideal situation for investors. Sandcastle hos a charming. resorc·scyle atmosphere with pool and cabana and 1s w1th1n walking distance of che beach and Oalboo 13oy. Toke odvancoge of chis excellent opportunity in Newport Oeoch real estate. For a rare invest- ment or a resort home In the financial and social hub of Orange County. there is • 5 y•ar financing plan no better time co buy -----. than now. 80% loon to value ratio 10% second TD ovo1loble o c 16% interest Fem and second loons all due and payable In 5 yeofs From $i49,500 Oroker coop~rotoon ( 714) 670-0271 • -_____ _,__.._.,._ _____ ~-----------------.. Orange Coatt DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11, 1981 BIA officers n·amed Anthony Allen president; Karl Bergheer first VP The Oranae County chapter of t.be Bulldlnl In· duslry Aaaoclallon of Southern California has an· nounced tu 1982 slate of otllcera. The otrlcera selected were: A.ailaoay AIJea, aeneral manager of Tustin-baaed Cftatloo Bullders, preaident; Karl Bercbeer, president of the San· ta Ana-baaed Bergbeer Co., first vice president; Roland Oa1ood, president of Newport 8 .eacb·based Irvine Pacific Development Co., second vice president; Boti AlberUoo, -presi· o.\..4! ~aata. ADa4'~~-Vill•ge. Homes of California , treasurer; and Ranlet .Barria. prealdent of I rvine-based Ridgewood Developraent, secretary . • Dan S. Hayes has been elected vice president and generaJ manager of Butler Commerc1a1110- dustriaJ, a division of Butler Housing Corp. Hayes served as general manager of the division for 1 ~ years, and was elected vice presi· dent at the lrvine·based firm's recent board of directors meeting. In his new capacity, Hayes is responsible for directing --------- all land acquisition, plan· MOVING UP IN ning, construction, sales, leasing and financing of a 11 Bu ti er c 0 m . REAL ESTATE mercial/industrial pro· jects. ------------------• Charles' A. Corum has been named vice pres· idenl/design and planning for The Comanche Co., which is developing and marketing all Broadmoor Homes projects in Orange, Los Angeles and San Diego counties. . . Corum will be responsible for product design and project planning functions including .c~rdina· tion of in·house and consultant design activities. Corum, who had been the corporate architect with Broadmoor Homes since October 1979, pre· viously bad been manager of planning and finaJ engineering for the city of Irvine. Prior ~o that, ~e operated his own business, Corum Architecture m Irvine. He lives in Balboa. • Michelle Buck has been named sales represen· tative for Avco Communjty Developers' newest Laguna Niguel community, Niguel West II. She moves from her position as sales hostess from a nother ACD community. The Terrace at Rolling Hills where she has served since the project's opening in November 1980. Ms. Buck has been affiliated with the company since 1977, having worked at ACD 's Continental Escrow office. A member of the SaJes and Market· ing Council, Ms. Buck recently acquired her sales license. She lives in Capistrano Beach. • Dick Fentlman has joined Lingo Real Estate TREASl'RER Bob Al bertso11 SECRETARY Hornet l/arns Shaul, who has been with Lloyds since 1979. is a member of the American Institute of Real Estate Appraisers. • Dane Haas has been appointed assistant vice president o~ Commer~e Bank. Most rec~nUy Ha~s. who lives m Placenlla, served as assistant vice president/real estate loan officer at Golden State Sanwa Bank in Rosemead. • J erry Hay has been appointed president of , Hawkins Development Co .. a subsidiary of Herbert • llltllr llou'q Corpontlcm Prallltl:---- 9 3/'Yo* IO~An~u•• . /4 · =~~entage Newport Beach~ Just 26 Units In A Olarmlng New England Style VIiiage Newport Knolls ... the ~harms of a small Cape Cod village in one of Southern California 's most prestigious areas. Newport Beach ... a state of mind ... spectacular sunsets and superb shopping, the good things in life s ummed up in one magnificent sweep of place and time. Where you live says so much about you ... at Newport Knolls, discover a lifestyle unsurpassed for its choices. Beautiful 2·bedroom townhomes in tune with their surroundings. designed for indoor/outdoor living. Because the external upkeep of the village a nd townhomes -as well a'!> the land· scaping of the grounds -are prof es· sionally maintainedt, you are free ... bas k in the sun. swim in the Newport Knolls pool. throw a party or relax before a roaring fire in the village recreation center. jog to the beach "and fill your pockets with shells. There's a world of free time. Newport Knolls in Newport Beach .. 1sn\ this the life youve been · searching for? t~e Cal1fornl11 Deportment of Reol Estate Pl.lbhc Report lor 1nlorm11llon concerning status or foc1ltties. m111ntenance. obhgauons and monthly costs to condominium owners ': iii Sar> Diego Frwy (405) ---,....-------------~~ F~om $148,800 (714) 646-9618 ., ... < ~ (. New~ KnOlls Luxury Condominiums as vice president and residential sales manager for its Newport Beach operation in Newport Center. Ha W kins Realtors· He wi II be stationed at Because of our conunu1ng policy or reseorch and dt!'velopmenl. Butler Housing Corporation reserves ' Fehtiman comes to the company from Donald- M. Bird Associates, Tustin, where he was vice president of resale operations . Hawkins' Santa Ana office, 2001 E . First St. the right to modify speclficauons. materials. pnces. and financing ~~~~-~========================================================== • Robert 0 . Henninger has joined Daon Corp .. the Newport Beach·based development firm. to as· sist in the project management for Daon 's planned community of Shadowridge in Northern San Diego County. Previously. Henninger was planning director for L. D. King Inc., where he was responsible for administration of the plannlng department as well as management of individual projects. Henni~~er also bas been affiliated with the city of Anaheim as zoning super visor , was an environmental analyst for Southern California Ocean Studies Consortium, and served as an economist for the U.S. Army Corp of Engineers. • Two Lloyds Bank California employees have been promoted in the Regional Real Estate Ap· praisaJ department in Santa Aoa. Ronald Fox has been appointed vice president and assistant. chief appraiser while Wayne Shaul has been promoted to appraisal officer. Fox joined the bank in 1977 and ls a member of the Society. of Real Estate Appraisers. Realtors' uinner Eighteen-year-old Frank Cornella of Hun· lington Beach won second place in the National As· sociation of Realtors' 1981 Private Property Week essay contest. Cornella won a trophy and a $500 savings bond. Com ella is a graduate of Edison High School. He is a freshman atthe University of California. Weatherize plan told Dave Brown, presi· d ent a nd o wner of Ca I ifornia Lifestyle LTD .. is encouraging homeowners to take ad· vantage of a 6 percent, 20·year financing plan. It is made available by t h e Souther n Cali fornia Gas Com· pany's Limited Quick Start Progr am for the home installation of solar devices as well as energy.savin g and water·conserving techni· ques. This program will be offered to the 3.6 million households serviced by the utility but will be valid onJy for the first 9 ,500 applicants throughout the slate. For a..llled Ad ACTION Call A DilY ""°' ....~ 642-5611 yearvacaHon your own personal lllce of M1mm0th Mountain Save now Save for the future when you PUrchase a Timesharing Vacation Certificate at Crestview. the resort condominium Ifs your own slice of time for one or more weeksa year for 30years1 ANO HERE'S YOUR BONUS. at the end of 30 years the property will be sold and can receive up to the original purchase your certificate• Crestv1ew·s central lo- cahon affords easy access to the ski hits at hell·skilno . hiking. biking tennis. 'fishing' aw1mmino .. sailing and much much more, Each completely furnished and decorated unit at Crestview has a wood-burni~ firepface. aarpet p~ 1 t 4' 500 and drapilries. fully equippecJ kitchen. ski locker rom • and underground perking Share some time with us at Cre11v1ew1 ·~oo _.., __ _ cono"...., M • .._of uM For furt"•r lnlormatt0t1 call ua at (1M) 04-2151 or Miid> fOf our detailed brochure r·::~:n:~:;.:~::~------f ~~=;--==~:-~:--1 l trM colorbrochure! ~~ l'IUtllU\.lln ~.J • : Haine TmesHORl'G . i I . I I ~ by 8tuen.e"'10n, I &"-><:..... I ()jty Sta.. Zic>--Pola OftQ 8oll Me. I Mltnmoel IANe. CA.,... I ··~ I L-----···-----·-··------··-·-------··----~-----~----------~ • . ~~~~~ i)~'is ~\11. ~~\, s\.~v <;O\~ Finally a Sensibly Priced Boatslip-$695,000 In a world where more and more buys less and lest, we're pleased to announce something at reasonable as Seaside Po inte-the last new waterfront homes on the islands of Huntington Harbour. Designed for those whose residence is a statement of achievement as well as an investment in livina. each home is 1umptuoutly appointed. completaly land.caped and include. a JS foot boaulip. U you must pay two to three mil .. lion d0Uar1 for your waterfront ~pleueaotoNewpon ~ . - (Home Included) Seaside Pointe is for the frugal rich who still seek to economize on euential luxuries. If you wish to build your own home near your boat dock wt have water· front homesites from $528,000. Seaside Pointe is not for everyoM and is not shown to everyone. For an appointment please can (714) 846-4463 or (213) 592·2839. A varldy of f'inancin1& pl•n• art avallabl~ with r.tes as low as 1l V.% (Annual &teen~ Rat~). CooPfta"' tlon to broktn. s~ ~NTINGTON IPOllNm HARBOU R • .. ......... Cit J .s ....... HOl Vcntutt Dr. Lawyer not best route Do-it-yourself seller may encounter problem.s By ROBERT J . BRUSS DEAR BOB: I read In your anlclea and others about the dlfflcwty of aelllal a home In c.>day'• market. Since I am wllllnc to sell my borne for 10 percent down and carry back a lO·year mortgagf for the balance, U> ahould I save the sales com· mission and handle the sale through a lawyer,'(ZI do you think I will have trouble ffllln& my house, and <3> what ls the best way to advertise my house? youri:, and hil \'l' nP\•er had any proble m with a mnrt guge ll'nder trying to enforce a due-on-sale cluuse As a practical ma tter, it is virtually im· poss1 bk because c 11 the deed and tire Insurance policy remain in the seller's na me and 121 only tht> purchu~e option 1s r ecorded. so the lender can't prove a sale has occurred. Yet the buyer gets all the benef11-.. includin g t ax deduc tio ns . or owner:-h1p The on!) loser I!> the greedy morts age lender For dctu1ls read my report "How Short and -Mrs. Dan F. LOnJ.: Term LeC:ti.e-Opt1ons Can Increase Your DEAR MRS. DAN F 111 You may .want a ReC:tll~ Profit'>· To obtain your copy send a S2 lawyer~s assisttnce with the ~gal aspects, of the <'hc.c.k 1rn~ablc lo -·,.".Je.,wspJAll&"book_.B" f~ Report s ale l fot most l~wyers __ art;.,!!.Ot_ql.l_!Ufl!d to h~ale.-8?111 to t{!<· Oa1lv P1loL....P..Q. BQ.K.259-.~aod.•"i'"rfrr\'ftt'r~fT'i'll"'ltSpeets or your sare. s ucn as nelp· ~ .r 07~A ,, • Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. October 11 . 1981 Single FamilY Homes in . . .. ' . I c,70 - l A •ob ion '3 ing you set the correct asking price. advertising the house. marketing through the local multiple Handicapp ed llol eligible Hunt_ingto'1 Beach rmm··sr11g-;990-~ ·~, -_ ~· I . REAL ESTATE MAILBAG listing service, qualifying prospective buyers. showing the house. obtaining an offer and negotiat· ing counteroffers. arranging the sale closing. and handling other sales aspects. <21 Yes. it is often very difficult for a do·it- yourself home seller to negotiate directly with a ·• buyer A real estate agent cannot only locate qualified buyers but can also handle the negotia· lions and the 1.00 1 sales details necessar y for a SUl'Ccssful closing. The realty agent can a lso pro lect you from unscrupulous buyers who sometimes take advantage of naive do-it-yourself sellers. t 31 Newspaper want ads are usually the most productive method of advertising homes. But other techniques such as lawn signs. multiple listing service and intra·broker advertising are also ef· fective. . 4. IJ<rlldoni 'Ill propPrt y DEAR BOB: Whe n we visited Las Vegas about two years ago, we contracted to buy some land there. Each month we pay $76.14 plus taxes on our land. Now we realize we shouldn't have bought the land since It is loo far out of town and we probabl~· will never build on ll as we had planned. For the last six months we've had the land listed for sale with a hig hly reputable realty broker there. She told us tha t our chances of selling were very poor becau~ much other nearby land is also for sale. How can we get out of this bad purchase even if we have to take a loss? -Coorad S. DEAR CO:'llRAD. If you purchased the proper- ty as investment or bus iness property. you may qua lify for an abandonment tax loss using Internal Revenue Code section 165C Since t here is C:t mortgage on the property. con· suit your lax adviser or attorney for the proper way to abC:tndon the property so you will get a t ax loss deduction without adverse t ax consequences. Buy hontP~ for retltal DEAR BOB: There are several homes for sale in our neighborhood. Since I koow my house bas been my best investment, I'm coDBiderlng buying one or two of these houses for rental. Do yeu think this is wise at this lime? Is 16 percent interest too hlgh? Are rental houses good investments? Have you written any books on how to handle Invest- ments like this? -Walter Y. DEAR WALTER: Yes. yes. yes. yes. Today is an excellent ti me to buy a house for personal use or investment. Competit ion from other buyers isn't too keen. so you can negotiate good terms with t he seller. But 16 pe rcent mQrtgage interest is too hig h. Get the selle r to carry back the fin ancing a t not more than 12 percent or 13 percent interest. Avoid getting a new mortgage and buy onl y homes with seller financing at an affordable interest rate. Investment houses are excellent investments whic h usually rise in value at least at the inflation rate They are also easy to manage and maintain. In addition. the 1981 Tax Act makes the tax shelter ad vantages o utstanding. My ne w book "The Smart Investor's Guide to Real Est ate" t Crown Publishers. 1981 1 will answer most of your really investment questions . It is available at larger libraries and bookstores . UsP lo111r-tPm1 IPnsP opt ion~ DEAR BOB: The mortgage on my house has a 9.5 percent Interest rate. The lender says that Ir the house sells the buyer can assume the mortgage at 16 percent interest. As a resuJt, nobody will buy my house. Is there any way a buyer can take over my old mortgage without ttus Interest rate in- crease? -Vann E. DEAR VA~N Yes. For over 10 years I've used long ter~ lease-o lions in _ci rcumstances like NEW tlJMES! Spacious Pe ppertree He ights <'O ndos featuring 2 Bdrms 21 2 Baths. & 2 Bdrms. 2 Baths from $129.500 to S139.500. Ope n 11-6 Sat 'Sun. 2600 blk on Santa An a A\'e. Costa Mesa . Va rious fin ancing including plans starting a t 131 1', interest. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA REALTY 546-5605 631-6194 High-oil a LEMON HEIGHTS · ORANGE COUNTY New. authentic tudor home on chOice hall-acre view lot In prestigious Lemon Heights. Orange Coun1y Over 4,000 square feel. five bedrooms. library, generous master suite, dining and entertaining area. Security g1le ... m90nif1cent.f0Untry views We invite your v11l'I. or call for an appointment Priced Under One Miiiion Dollars 12'1tl\lt INT.• Ft0m 1~ s.nu ,.,,. Fwy f&J ta41• ,,,. ~ ,. .. ott·••mp •no.,._ "0'1MoFoot1141181¥11 Tutnugl\tonFOOllllll ti....t1glllonS\ytoMO. rtgllton l.mc>nH9f91\190< -tlglll90'l"'onGOICISt8tl" 1 ..... IOllOwlOfudO<H1ff Atll IMuf lt*)l81 HKutlft flft8"Cint> ~ '"" COftW ...... 1o 811 lwoll9". ,..:.,, "'-(114).,.._1 •1tv.~ A.P.A. .,,...._t. ) ot-:AR BOB: I recall reading that Congress was going to utend the "over 55 rule" home sale tax exemption to handicapped sellers below age 55. As my husband is 48 and on railroad disability, would we qualify? -Hilda W. DEAR HILDA . No the 1981 Tax Act increased the "over 55 rule" tax exemption from Sl00.000 to Sl25.000 for home s ale profi ts. But the rule was not bro;.id<•ncd to include handicapped sellers below age 55 as wa:-. propo:-.ed p H'Oldi11{( p e riod re tained DEAR BOB: I haven't seen anything In the news paper about long-term capital gains tax re- ductions. I thought Congress was going to cut the holding time to six months and reduce the tax. Do you have details on this? -Donald G. DEAR DONALD Congress retained the 12· month holding period necessary to qualify for long- term capital gain tax Also left uncha nged was the 40 percent taxable and 60 percent tax.free ratio. But the maximum long-term capital gain tax was redu('ed from 28 percent to 20 percent. To illustrate. if you sell your prope rty with a Sl00.000 long-term capital gain . $40.000 will be tax- able. If you a re in the top tax bracket, your max- Special Bonus: $1,000.00 Decorator Allowance Builder pays Non-Recurring Closing Costs Magnificent 2 and 3-bedroom homes across the street from scenic Lake ~k. only a short walk to the beach. • Creative exterior.designs are in perfect harmony with the ambiance of the ocean. Lavish interiors offer an abundance of ooen space and feature sumptuous master suites. Massive hand-made wood-burning fireplaces, private fenced yards with large patios and attached 2 and 3-car garages. A warm village atmosphere. plus the convenience of a central location In the charming old tree section of Huntington Beach. Fff simple tiffe and no monffy auoeiatlon fees. Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. (714) 536-1459 10o/o Down Special New Financing .. ... "' f-l 't Alf IJA na uh lib 'Jb 11b •1n >·JI I,, •ill ,.,, 111$ 'II J imum tax on your gain will be $20,000. It would Seesalesperson tor11nanc1ngdetails ,;J have been S28,000 under t he old law This change affects sales after June 9. 1981. • •. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.._~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~--•ffi 1, ni:; ill ------------------------~-- C'8 Orangu Codst OAIL Y PILOT/Sunday, October 11 , 1981 Young cancer victim's fare well Arrowcraft sale scheduled O£t:A R ANN Li\NOl<:tts The .:nclosed up pt•11rt•d in thl' Srht:!llt'c•tud) Gu.wt11• It v.n~ wntl\'11 "' a h'cn ui.tt' bo\ "ho dtl.'d from c.'anC'er His p.1rl'nt~ \\ti°i't' d1von•t•d anti ht• ;111d h11> sb.lt•rs Wl'N.' hl'llll( l'Ul ... l'<l h\ ~r .. ncl1)JI t•nl!-> l'lt·Usl' tr\ to (11111 11111m for 1h1.., l.111•\\t II m1•.,,,1.:1· 111 )OUI c-011111111 \\I' \H'lll lo ... \'1111111 \\llh 1\1°\lll, •'"cl hi.' \HI' l111h 11111• 111 ;a 11111111111 ANN lANDIRS nt•1.:hhms \\ 1111 ..,.,nt llo11att0n.s to l'liuritu1s In my OJffil' Jnti uh, lhm.~· gorftt'QW. flowt>r 1 What a hl•,111Ul11l arro.1\' 11 "II" Jlmo:.t a ... 1f I w.,,.., buc-k 111 tht• ll11",1t1<1n 1i.l:111tli. ,1guin a µlat·t· I trulv Im c·d l\l.1m' 111 tlw 111.1111 ... Jilt! l ll1w1·r-. 1H t• now 10 our honw IH·111g lt•lllll•rb l'al 1•11 for h) m) ): I J 11cl 11111J ht·r To lho-.t• \\ho 111,11lt• lll) lht• funt'ral cortegl• \\h;it .1 ..,,ght th..it \\,1-.' Tht•1t• "ere over 30 \ 1•h1l'l1·., rnw .iftt•r tht• 11llwr. ull with ltlt.'1r lights 1111 \\'h:it .1 J!rt•ul i.cnd oH. l lo\'l'd 1t' J'o "" IJ1111I) Kl'il). <'l'l1<1. Gina c.ind Katie I a Ill 111 oud to haH· been )our one und only l1rntlwr I 1n :-.orr~ I lwd to ll'a\l' you. but l know \1111 "'" .111 i.:11m uµ to"bt· good c:1t1ien:. and a rr 81-:Ti\. r111 v.111 hold LIO Arruv.c·r,1fl Sall' \.\'l•d1w,1h.1~ at 10 ~· 111 1n lht• homi> of AhC'o D<1v1" ol Laguntt lltlb For mon• rnforrniJtJOn 1·all 67:J 75til or li4l :mfiO ('IUUS'l'IA" ~\OME N'S ('l.llU of Suddll'bU('k lllt'l'ts Tul.':-.tl:n 111 El Atlobt.• Ht.•staur:int for lunc-h For m1111• 1nf11.rm.1t1<1n t•all 4!l:l fi7ti7 ur f!HI ll57!1 CLUB CALENDAR '\t;\\l'OHT 111\RHOH LOl>C i t : of U n.11 0 rith m(•1•t:-. Thurstl:t' 111 Wt>i.l1•rn Fl·<leral Savings ond l.9.111 , I ('urpornti• l'l<JZil, Nt•wJ)Orl ffrad1. al II JI m l-'111 mon· 111fur11wt111n <'•111 644 875H JAl'AN <.'l l l.TLlli\I . ASSOCIATION offer:. 1·la .. :-.1.·s 111 1·11n\ l'l''.'>.1t10nJI JJJlilll(''t' bt>itinning• l hua """' l'IJs'>l'!'> "111 lw held t•vt•r) Thur!-iday a l 1 :m pm Jt lhl· .J;1p<m ('uHural Assucialaon, 1615 N Hush "t Santa J\n:i For mort• 11\formation rail '> 17 77:\:! • 111•tl1t to our g1 .1111lpan·nh .\\'E K\ Sl'EC'L\I. TllA~K \'0( 'l 11 (;1 ,1111 1111d Crand!)<t Th~s for t.'vc•nthan~ lltVl ~t: TO \ST~11S1'Kt:SS ('l.l H ml't.'ts ,11 11 :111 :i nl :\lond.1) Ill I.11th· ~oe s Hestauranl ~2-lll \l.11t111g;1h· Wa). Nl'\\IJIH"I Hl'.tl'h For mort· 1n forn~t~~t1!_K:1:1 197 1 ~ __ IMltHOlt VISTA S ECTION 11f ~ataonal Coun 1.·tl uf .11•\\ 1 .. h \\ 111111'11 "111 mt.•1·1 l'ut•scla) at 10 30 a m 1t1 llw homl' ol :\1 r:-. MH·ktl' Sholkorf For 01111 ,. rnfo1 r11at11111 1·ull Ii 111 ll).1:! ---l(-1-Wt"ft.' lrttt"k-mi nrrth -watkm~mung rou: 1-'f'i1ilf>aO c:lxr l'<Jllt.>dnw ju~t \\ ht.'n I was n :achJ:v" •• ,., ,... ~11}.d »-..1Ut.4w~,i:·~ ~· i-4.> • .u~~ ..... -·~ • ·--==:-·•.he-~~'\"""', l'otttdll1Vt""ot-t.·n orhelP to you I re To thl• clortor~ and nur.,t·'> at Ellis llosµat.il Jlll.l'cl a long llll'l' .igo th,1t. you wen: exceptional ·~\\· :i-a-:icunoRs. lUilTOrl1'till"'rrlee1 ..... M1.· ... ----·Cll~i1.T -(;(iil.o of (>ri.lo;e t'<;u11ty meets Wed who attisndt.'d me und mack .,un• I d-1d nm suff1•r Pl'oph• r ~"' .1 lu1·kv ).!U\' t11 ht• your grand:.on :.iny unnt'l':-.s:Jn paw 11unni:: 11w 1llnt•ss l'o .ill Thi' ... n t 1111· t•nd Wt• an• sun· to met't UiJ\ot at 7 :10 p 111 ut llw 0~ llanson S\\1m Club 111 111•sda\ at 7 1;1 pm an P t•ralt<.1 .Junior High S(•hool. SJll Vlt•11wntt· l·'or mur l' anfor111:.i11111t t•all 496 155:! 2rno \\ <'.111.11 St Oranj!l' For more 10formut1on To all Ill\ .,rhool flll'IHh fur \our l'unn•rn .111cl 11:a1r1 I 11lw011 h,utd \\ .11t1ng \\ht•n you arnH·. and k1ndnt.'SS. fo1 ttw 111.111.\ v1s1ts you rnadt• to thl' \\1·'11 t<1\..e uµ \dtl'l'l' \\I' lt•ft off KE\'l:'-: IHlLA'.'I 111 1.1; l :rn1;) <"" 1 >l2H :!11x2 1·hapeb und l'hur1·h1•-. to µr,I\ tor nH· fur lht• OHIO\ l'lli l 1981 H t ' T I ' (; T 0 N B t: ,\ C II L a .., 0 l.1 " 1'11,1-,t ffil.,t l'l"iS ('lulJ 01 l'l'ls \\'t•clneSdJ,\ al :\-Jl•f('Uf) SJ\'tngs anu Lo,111. 71H2 Edingl•r A\ l' .. 1Iunt1ngt1111 l\t'a('h i.il 7 :m I' rn For mun· informatwn <'all liar l'H't ,\dani... al R~l t 125 Ill l:Wi HISS U El.T \ G \~ :\1,\ Al.t' ~1:\1 Assot·1a11on of LJguna lk111·h 111t·l.'ts Monday al R p m . in the hornt• of B:11 bar<t ll,11111l ton For mull' information 1·;dl 1·~1 21~1:1 hours ~ou spt•nl .at lhl• h11-..p1t.il hl•lp1111-: l11 l'ht't.'I' me Ut:.\H FH I E~U I:\ S('ll t:~E<TA O\': T hank up ancl lift tlw spirit-. ol m_\ l:imtl~ For tlw \011 for 1>hari11~ t hat t•xtraordina ry messagt'. For memorial Sl'I\ 1<·1·:-. '1111 l11·ld 1111 tlw .,ll'ps of IJrapt•t thO'>t' \\ho ma' bt• "ondt-ring ho" Kt•\ in kne" lht> ll1gh S<•hool th1· rhl\ 1 ldt th1., •'Jrth numbn of Hhidt•, in the rum•ral corteg1• and the• To ult \\hu l'.rnw b) tht• IUOt'l:ll honw to PU\ fa('! thal mun• tha n 100 passed his comn. his IR\'t"iE ('tli\RTEK (.'llJ\PTt:R of Amt·nean Bu.,1 nt•..,.., \\'onwn ., A ... suc1Jt1un mel'ls 1n tht• Slwraton '=l'\\ port Tu1•.,dt1~ For mun· mformatwn .. :i 11 957 :moo S Dt<'ll,\ C'lll\PTEtt. B'°\;,H H'nth Women. mt•t•h l'h111 ... dJ\ ,11 noon 111 Colum1J1:.i Su\'lng<, dlld Loan. <·01 m•r of llarbor and W1l.,11n, Cost" Mr!>a 1-"or rnorl' 111format1on t'all 960 :1at1J their l:.ist l"l''-Pl'l'ls I -.topp1·<1 l'IHl'llltrlj.! \\hl·n thl' rart'\H•ll m1•:-. .. a.:•· \\a' v.rittt·n St'\Pral da}' before numbt•r n·t1l'IH'tl IUO ht· pa..,.,c•d a\\a\. tk h·rt blank :-.pact''> for hi!<. older Tu ~•II \\ho 'l'nl 111,1-,:-. l'otl rh .ind s) mputh) ll•t ,j,tt'r to fill in artc•r hi-. dt•ath. tl'rS. Thl') \\l'l"I' Ml ht·lplul 1'11 \ ou dl•;11 flll'lllb .11ul lll'IJ.!hhor., \\ho cooht•tl Jll that ckli1·11111s fowl ,11111 li.tl-l'<I thost• \\11n<lt•1 fut pastrtl'S \'our gu11d11·" Ill"! .11>0111 l'•l\'t•n•d 1•\'1•1' flut surfot•(• 111 our hunw Jltm I ""'h I tould h.1\1• t.1sll'Cl ..,11nw of tlwm To thl· th1>ul!hllul 11·1 .. 1111:-. r1.·l ~1ll\1'" "1111 Aries: Progress tt' S\'U~E\ Int \HR 'ionda', Ut•tt1lw1 I:!. l'l"I \KIE!>-"·"'"'' \p11 1•1 \\,, 1•1l1,1111ll••rp111 •'l"l'''· ,uh .lllt <'lllt"lll ,11111 1111 I•,, 1 t1 J 111.1111·1.d p11I 1•1111.d 1'11111111.: llldi,:1111•111 ,111• 1111 I ,11 ~·I \»II II h1· .11 111.!111 pl,1l'I' ,II I 1"111"1,d 111 II h Ill T \lltl:--\pi ll •11 "·" •11 111'"" ''"" 1111 d1 I l"'lllll.ili' \flU .111• Ill 1111 '1111'1 I t' \ ttll ft ' dtJ11 ltt hllllOt I' b.IC'h. 110111 "I I UI ·'"' 1·1 '>II I 11 .. 11111.! ".Ill'• Ill Ill< II\ 1·1 h,t( ~Jiit'"' ••L! .. llll I 1tpp1•lh Ill""' (,t,'11'1 \J,11 "1 .J11111 'ti \,.,,.,11(tl lwtHlll• lllJ \ 1 nr;ohl\ 111111h 1•d '"' 11111"' "' "'"' h.olll• .11 1·111pli.1'1' 1111 lll'"'lllh'lll' '11\HllHll it II• 1111 l•llll.11111• lh• I •I HOROSCOPE (',\,,('t:lt 1.111111· .!I 1111• .::.! ~11111 111!11111)11,11'. 111,11 .1p1ll'ar c·old 1ndrll••n·111 In 1111111 11111\1·\1•1 1111•1 ,111• •II \ tuu' hl t",tU't ul \nlll 1 • • • ul "'"·'', ...... \t 1 ••f1f 11n .1d111·1 t'llll'rtl LEO • .luh ·•:1 \11 c :!'1 I, "''ll' 11•1·1·11lh t. .. 1111•·d .11 • 111111 apph .. ol 11111 '' .11 Ii 1111111· I" 1111h 11111 .. 111 • 11111 lllllllll'<ll lllfl ,111• 111>1'11 ,111d I 1111 lfrl I \\ti Ii 1111111111·11 \"lf((;(I I \ti)! •:1 "•'l'I :!~ ht1 II' 1111 I I t•illl I ,111111.!'> 1.1 \ .,hdll'r-. .ind 11n.;1111.111••11 ol • 111111 ,11 1 \•••I II 1 .. ,.:.1111 l'll"l' ul <1111•1l11111 1.IUIC\ •S•pl :::1 11,·1 1 .. ,,1, lt1•1 .. 11d ll11 1111 111t·d1a1t· \1111 II """ l1t 1'"1'111.11 1111~1t1 .111.-r .1111111°111 """'1111llw1111l1·h•111"1.11 1111 111111•" \\h.11'1'1"11 '1" lw ,, -..dh.u·I-. S('Ol<l'IO I kl ""I,,,, 'I \l.11111.1111 Ill""' I .II•' ,,_.,.,. B"''ll' '''lh•' c·•11n1 111t•• -..11.111• 'ft .11 l•tt 11 IHI• tu 111,1 "ll',111\l'd 1•111\ lhlooll1..h It ll'l<tll I• llt \\ ,111.f ,1 I• li11tld111~ pl'llt't'" T ransn:n<lc:n cal lY1ed i tat ion A Program Usht:nn~ In TI1t: ' A~t· Of Enl1ghcenmenr In Th 1s C.rt:ner,umn B1.. h I ') I ) 2 ,)-.; (.) ( ,, ~ ' Medical Weight Reduction $20 Monthly -Includes • Doctor Visit • No C.Ontracts • Medications • No Hypnosis • Personal Diets • No Self Hypnosis • Friendly Offi ce • No Electric Shocks Dr . Joseph A. Corig M.D . 80 I M. Tustin Ave. #305 801 Med ic al Bld9., Santa Ano Hui lo Ntwpori Fwy. Call 547-0341 HAVE A QUESTION ABOUT MENTAL HEALTH? THROUGH INFORMATIVE TAPED MESSAGES· CALL 833-2411 CCIII Mon.·Fri. 8-5 C>-1 Sell·Conf1dence and Sell·Esteem C>-2 Teenage Problems C>-3Wtlat 1s a Chnacal Psychol091st? C>-4 Divorce and Re1ect1on C>-5Sleep Problems "INFO-LINE" D-60besity and Permanent Weight Control C>-7 Fears and Phobias 0-81mpotence C>-9 Alcohol Problems E-1 Relat1onsh1p Prboletr6 -Manlal or otherwise E-2 Premature E1acu1at1on E-3 Problems with Female Oraasm E-4 Managing Stress Soccesstully E-5 When to Consider Psychol091ca1 Help E-8 A nxiety E·7 Depression E-8 Effects of Stress E-9 Oepre'ss1on an Children and Adolescents F-1 Stages of Graef F-2 Communication in Mamage F-3 Resolving Probterrs in Marnage F-4 Sexual Issues in Marnage F-5 Talking With Your Chtld ~ Suicide: Facts and Myths F-7 Disciplining Your Olild F-8 Alcoholism. A Famnv qr,111 I f sssms Dr. Ericson 1001 Dove St Suite 280 \1111 f 1111tll'I ~ r1,.,, ''' 1'\ 11•1•11 ug1• clnnlnnq -lls "'''"" II.\ ft'(l///11'' / 1 t1rll //It' /ll<'IS ny re11d111u Bouzl' u11cJ } "" I-"' "/'1'"" \qt'r., I >11111. · /)I/ Ann f.andN.~ ''ll'11d '>I• 1 ,·r1h '""' 1 /11r111 ~l 111uldreswd ~tamped 1•11 11 l11p1• 111 \1111 /.11141/l'r., /' u /111r 11!1'•. Ch1caqo, Ill lilllil/ • lS .., "·' rr \n11 ·:-. . ,.,, .!:! 1>···· ··1 \ •111 11141·1 111 hP,1r1 RUFFELL'S UPHOLSTERY So•~ fromt\, 11u 09oin 1922 HARBOR ILVO. COSTA MESA -S48·1 IS6 If TRI EARL'S II\. \lloltlil00"4f A tu•O '4i1.,Wet•'H••tl"'9 --~ ~ ' Bock to School Supplies .. , 111.1111·1'' Fut II Hll 'I •'.II I\ II I ,,.11 "''""" n .111cl '""' 111111 111111!1.·1111111 ll• p11·p.111·d 1111 '"111 1h.in1:1'' ( \l'l<H'Oll' lit 1 ,:·• .l.111 l'I \111•111 on h11m1• h.1 I• 1itll1Ult' 1·1·1111l1 llHI d1•,dllll!' lltlh oftl.-1 Ill ~1 1fali . ' ~~J~-' ., VI~ Ii~" LIDO.DRUGS \• ' 11 • ., .. .,,,., .... ,...,.. , • ..," •• T' C • !>•'"" lltf'.t'• .. '"' rut 4·r• COSTA Ml'.u641 -1289 ,,,. ................ di\ 11h1.1I IS. 1hpl11111.1111 h11l 11!111 I .1h.111d1111 11nrw1pl"' \lH \ltll " l.111 _'11 l·1•h IX lh·l.1\11 1' rrlJI hl' ,,Ill 1, t ,. liul 1h1•1 t 1111111 ,iJ.,., l•l' 1111.11111111111•d 1.;111111 11 hl'1•d 'If I q\\I lOllft t I •1as~ v11..o49S-0401 1.-ne. .... c ...... ,,.. t••" 0...-#rwy at •••'Y '"•f I 1'1..,< I :--1, h 1:1 \l.111 h •11 \11<"111 "" 11''l"1n ... it11h 11 .11111111111• p11ll111•, 11h11 h .111· h,111d1•d dn11n t1~ 11111· h.1• \our ~1·.,l 11111•11·,.,1' ,11 h1•,1rt 3445 via lldo •new port beach •phone 675-0150 SUNDA\', OCT. 18, 1981 2:30 MATINEE CARLO MARIA GJULINI conducting O \\'ID RRF.IOF.:\Tll,\I,. ba.,~oon SATURDAY, OCT. 31, 1981, 8:30 p.m . CARLO MARIA GJULJNI conducting RONALD LEONARD. cello SATURDAY, NOV. 14, 1981, 8:30 p .m. CARLO MARIA GIULINI conducting ALEXANDER TREGER, violin • World Pre miere presents Los Angeles Philharmonic 1981-82 Season in Orange County October 18 , 1981 to March .13, 1982 The Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra returns to Orange County fo r a JO.concert seric.rs with Maestro Carlo Maria Glulinl, Music Director. ~pon11ored by the non·profit Orange County Philharmonic Socll'l.\ as their ZRth season. the IO·concert schedule is offered in two Sl'rles of 5 concf'rts f'ach, a singll' lO·conct>rt snies. and no" on <;ale in single concert tickets. Enjo~ famed soloist1o. guest conductors and world premieres from one of i\mtrlca 's "big fh•e" symphony orchestras. performing hrre in Orange County. 10 CONCERTS * 2 MATINEES SUNDAY, NOV. 22, 1981 2:30 MATINEE CARLO MARIA GIULJNI conducting SATURDAY, JAN. 9, 1982. 8:30 p.m. SIMON RA'M'LE, conductor EMANUEL AX. piano SATURDAY, JAN, 16, t98Z; 8:30 p.m . SIMON RA'M'LE, conductor ITZHAK PERLMAN. violin SATUROA\', FEB. 6, 1982, 8:311 p.m. ~1\'UNG·WHl1N CHUNG. conductor JAMES GALWAY. flute JAMES WALKER. flutt SATURDAY, FEB. 13, 1982, 8:30 p.m . MICHAEi. TILSON THOMAS, conductor J EANNE WEISS, piano SIDNEY WEISS. violin S .\Tl RDA\', )JAR('ll 6, 19RZ. 8:30 p.m. C.ll'SEPPI-: SINOPOLI. conductor SYLVIA CAPF.LLINI. Plano SATl'RDA\', MAR. 13, 1982. 8:30 p.m. CARl.O MARIA ClllLI NI conducllng l>i\\'10 \\EISS. OOOt' ALAN GOODMAN, bassoon ,\l,t:XAND"E R TREGER. violin RO~Al.O Lt:O~ARD. ctllo of .lohn Corigliano's "Pied Pipn Fantasy" for rlul<• and orrhe'llra. All Concerts hrld at Santa Ana HJgb School Auditorium , 520 W. Walnut, Sa.nta Ana. • Famed olois ts including Emanul'I Ax, ltzhak Perlman, and the first Oranl(e County performance of "the man ~ith the ~olden flute," Jame:. Galwa}. Box office opens 7 p.m. concert nights, and 1 p.m. for unday rn1tlnees. Box office phone SS8·S811. Sponsored by •Guest Conductors Orange County Philharmonic Society 234 E. 17th St .. Costa Mesa 646·6411 Includes Myung·Wbun Chung, Gluaeppe SlnopoU, and Michael Tilson Thomas. For membership inrormaUon about seating priority, concert previews, ticket dJscounb, committees and o~hf'r membership benents, call 646·6411. TICKETS NOW ON SALE! $15.50 and $14.SO -Special tudent Rates -S4 Now Available at 234 E. 17th Mt., C'oitla Mesa or call 646-64H toda~. Credit Cards Honored. Call 646·6411 to order tickets by Mastercard/Visa. <Sl mallln1/handllng charge >. A publk 1enlce 1ponaonhlp of the Oranae Coaat Dally Pllot a - ·- •· e p _ noun,.~ ·- estiv~ 0 an e WHAT lS THE FESTIVAL OF LEARNING AND PERFORMING! Ir is a local foundacion serving as a liaison berween young performers and internationally recognized arrisrs. The Festival provides opportunities for the young performer ro learn and perform before renowned concert and opera singers, symphony directors, drama, dance and ocher coaches, teachers and arciscs ro learn from this ric h association . Arcisrs of great sracure coming ro rhe Festival enrich rhe area wi ch their knowledge, cheir professional "know-how," and leave sharp, indelible imprints on minds and ears. Audiences attending sessions, concerts, lectures, mini-concerts and Gala Concercs are doubly enriched by observing the fine professional at work in an informal situation and watching the growth of the young talented performer. After 11 years of growing accomplishments, che Festival is recognized by rhe Internal Revenue Service and the State of California as a Non-Profit, Tax-Exempt Educational Foundation for Public Benefit. WHY SHOULD YOU CONTRIBUTE? You may remember wi ch war~ ch the teachers and persons who cook the rime and patience co guide you and open new vistas for thinking. Only lacer do you realize the growth from chis experience. So it is wi ch the Festival. You wi 11 help bring talented young arc is ts together A pubhc service sponsorship or the Orange Coast Daily Pilot Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 , 1981 Because ... you are a devotee pf the perlonning arts, you are cordially invited to consider that the artists of tomorrow are on .the .Festival of-Leaming and Perlonning today. Encounter internationally reno\vned performing art is ts in a unique and intimate setting. See and hear the coming young art is ts gro\\' under the <.. guidance of the <.. finest ~faster Teachers . Becon1e an integral <... part of the Festival's continuing Jevotion to the learning and performing process . Fn.>nr1spu:cc "f 1rcb1rd'" l re-.ucd by Gt'rd I.mg for HaJdJnd Glass of Norway with famous international luminaries of the professional world of cheater, opem and dance. You become a viral part of their progress co their own international success. l Your contribution will provide the creative atmosphere for the development of young artists within this community, and wi 11 help the Festival provide its important supportive role for all the existing performing arcs in the Southland. THE FESTIVAL REQUIRES FUNDING TO: Present its heralded Master Class Sessions for the aspiring singer and pianist, which have elicited such critical acclaim from che press, audiences, performers and Master Teachers alike. Augment existing disciplines -co broaden the base of the Festival co offer more opportunities in dance, drama and musical cheater. Maintain che ne~essary requisites for effecrive management of che Festival's business . • BECOME A MEMBER TODAY. Join che many other distinguished patrons of the arcs, firms and corporations in supporting the Festival's continuing devotion co the learning and performing process . Your tax deductible contribution entitles you co become a Festival Associate, with invitations co "membership only" events especially presented for you . BOARD OF DIRECTORS r --------------------------------------------, SusanB d o· Cha ttnner, Foun er-•rector . . . . . . innan I D. James Bentley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Vice President G. H. Hemmen . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . . Vtee Prcsidenc I I I I I I I I I I I I D YES. I wouJd like ro become an inregral part of rhe Pcsrival of Leaming and P~rforming. My chrck 1s enclosed. D PLEASE SEND ME MORE lNIUR.MATION ABOUT TiiE PESTIV AL. FEStlVAL ASSOCIATES =r~;rcle ........ '.'. .. ,.'.' ...... .".'.".'.'.' .. ".".'. :~~~ :~~ ~::~ Guaranror . , , . . . . . • . .......•........... , . . . • • S ~00 and over P1u"'°. . . • . . . . . . . • . . ..... , , . . . . . . . . . . . • S2~0 and over SponJ0r . • • . . • ..•.. , • • . • • . . . . . . . . . • • . . St 00 and over Donor .... . ' . '... . . . . . . . . ' s~o and over TiiE PESTIV AL OP LEARNING AND PERFORMING IS A NON-PROFIT, TAX-EXEMPT EDUCATIONAL FOUNDATION IOR PUBLIC BENEFIT. OlY _______ _..TATf. __ ~ZtP----- TELEPHONr----------------~ KindJy make ch«k or money order payable to and mail to: FESTIVAL OP LBARNJNG ANO PERFORMING Post Office Box 912 Sanm Ana. c..Jifomia 92702 Fnr more informauon pl~ call (714) H3·0$43 I Dmn1s Mangers . . . . . . . . . . . . • . . . . Vice Prcs1dcnc I Morris Glasser, C P.A. . . .... , , . . . TrC11$urcr Virginja Leachman . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S«remry I Oydc Benge. Jr. . .................... Dift'Ctor I Donald B. Lane, Esq. . .. , .............. Director florcnce Schumacher ..... , , ••......•... Oirecror I Greta Weatherill ..........•. , ......... Oim:tor I Phyllis Elliott . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Honorary Director I Artisrs Presented by the Festival NaJ1ne Conner, Herra Glaz, Dorothy K.inttn, ~rnll I M1lllC5, Mona Paultt, M11rcial Singher. Gioraio Toui. I 11 11 of Metropolitan Opera fame; Gwendolyn Koldoliky, pianist and accomparua<; C..l•in immons. I conductor, New York Ciry (¥ra. Mtuopolitan I Opera. Director, O.kland Symphony; Glynn llot1, ~rwraJ Dlre<tor, Snttlr Opeta; N*'1 Merriman; L.--------------------.------------------------.1 0.rtcs Rot;Jamu ~gait; 1lnd more • ------~~~~-----~--------------------..... -----------....................... ~ ·10 .,, ;\I):\' -MORNl«J- 5:00 C MOVIE * • • · I Cover The Waler· tro111 ( 1933) Cl11udet1e Coltiti•I, Ben lyon A wa1ertron1 111por1er 11111 In love wllh • smuggler I daughter G $ MOVIE * * *.. p,,va1e B,,.1a 1111n" 11980 GOid!• tta..m. Eileen Brennan A -u 10 do yo..ono woman m1s1ai.. enly jOtns the Atmy loOow •no the deatn ol her new husband on lhetr wedding ntglll R 5.30 0 JUDY GARLAND IN CONCERT Judy sings some ol ,.,., most populd• sc>11g'> ac;compan11K1 by • lull orcheSlta ;n 1n1s u nu1ior1 al one-woman snow 5:'5 Q) CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP 1:00 8 FOA OUR TIMES 0 THAT'SCAT 0 MUSIC ANO THE SPOl<EN WORD 0 DAYBREAK l A. 0 YOUTH ANO THE ISSUES Q) BIBLE ANSWERS ti) ROMPER ROOM (J SUNDAY MORNING Q~ MORMON WORLD CONFERENCE 1·15 H MOVIE • * The F 1n111 Count 11ow11 1 1980> K.,i. 00ug I.ts Marlin Sil-Oen A mys 1e,,ous •IO<m .ti seJ tran Spotts Ille dlOmtC po-•l'd atret.111 Climer USS Nim •ll baci. 1n 11me 10 Oecem ""' 6 194 1 po5111on1no tile vessel bel-n Pearl Har bOt and the 11dvanc1n9 Japan~ lleet PG 8 30 8 LOUIS RUKEYSER'S BUSINESS JOURNAL 0 SERENDIPITY 0 ROeERT SCHULLER 0 PEOPLE 7 0 AMERICAN STORY Q) NEWS 10 CHRISTOPHER CLOSEUP C MOVIE • • • Ma""Y s Orphans 11':1801 Jim Bo'•ll Mal.ithy McCourl The boy\ al a11 orptrnnage risk lht'l11 Ch9rt· iv fund '" Jr> a11ernp1 10 help their soccer coocll pay baci. u $40 000 de1>1 . 10 lhe mob 'PG 0MOVIE • • • The Hour>d 01 Tne Baskerv111es f 1978) Pete• Coo~ Dudley Moore Mil~ 1er s1eu1h ShPtlock Hotml's 1r>v.,s11gJtes '1'1ys1e,.ous 90<n9s on al Ba~lo.P11111te Half and t>egtns to ~uspe<:I ove•yone 1nclud1ng htm· sett PG 7:00 8 TOOAY'S RELIGION 0 WHITNEY ANO THE R080T 0 POPEYEAND FRI ENOS 0 IT IS WRITT£N 0 KENNETH COPE LANO Q) DAY OF DISCOVERY ti) CARTOONS ID YOGA FOR HEALTH tO DIRECTIONS 39; SUNDAY MASS S HUGHIE Jason Rooards Jno J11ck Dodson s1a1 1n this nrie-11c1 p1ay about 1wo me" Ir orn opposite worlds who shar11 the loneliness or !ho b•g Ctly 7:30 8 LIFETIMES 0 THIS IS THE LIFE 0 VIEWPOINT ON NUTRITION Q) JIMMY SWAGGART ID EXPLORING LANGUAGE; T)41Nl(IN0, WRITING, COMMUNICATING T\1-8 LOOKS AT LEARNING 'I}' PUBLIC PULSE J'i'ITHEWORLO TOMORROW 1:00 8 SUNDAY MORNING 0 ODYSSEY Guests Bl'11y Binder 01rP<.tor ol 1ne Sptr1tuel Awareness CenlPr Los Angele~ Mark Her let bus1n1"ss manaqe• o l Maraf\alhii V1llago a Ch11s1111n snopp•ng ceri111r 1n Sari111 Ana Vernon How- ard, 1n11e1 11111 1oncner and practical psycho1og1$1 0 PERSONAL DIMENSIONS 0 LLOYD OGILVIE &i) WORLD CHESS t HAMPIONSHIP 'IJ LET THERE BE LIOHT tl~ JERRY FALWELL ~ REX HUMBARD C MOVIE * • * ' , On The T owr> f 19501 Gene Kelly Fronk Sinatra A 1rio of sallon leam up with o la-1 drover arid an an1hropotogis1 to h,..d a beautiful 91tl wnose DtClure 11 d1sctayed 1n tne subway H REMEMBER WHEN OOTEAM,001 Host I r>attalot Otck Cavett cheels Amenc·a s love ol sports with a close 10011 at the superstars arid gre11 tf!lms grand goofs btg brawls and tile unique dedicauon or IAns encl ptayMs DMOVIE • • "Liiiie 0 1agons Charlet Lane PG 1:30 B NEWS CONFERENCE TODAY'S BLACK Orange Coast DAILY PILOT /Sundey, October 11 , 1981 IT'S A FORO I lu r r ls C'ln F'nl'<I L., ..,ht>\\ 11 Ul ('Xt'h&..'>IH' footagt' fr Olli 111•,: 11111'1 •!.•.i,t•tl lllt>\'IL' Bladl' H tnllh·r 111 .111 \JI( dot'umentar\' ·tfoor,1\ 1111 111111\ \\011d tonight at 7 ,·m ( 'h:in11d 7 WOMAN 0 MEETING TIME AT CALI/ARV Q) FREOERICK K PRICE fD I AM, I CAN, I Will e TIM LEHAYE ON FAMILY LIFE )91 KNOW YOUR BIBI£ S MOlllE "'. ffUHhh lf\lfft 111 th'"' f fi•~ Jtillt!•t I ,f ttV•' •pt•t Htil\ t~t~UIJfJift\1 f U\ • t•f hil' llUtt.t 'Uh'•, 1110 I\'"' 1•l 11i "",.Y"'' l1••PP••d ~tlfltlf t\~HlH ll tlllO,j !\HI I 1 9:00 D Ml!ET THl PR'8S 0 I/Ill.A Al £0Rl (fh O 8' OR.Al noarn1ii fD SOCCER f ll;I '.\'uthl '••\1lt1 \ !1 Iii! ' .. \11Hilt1 ,&II'''" t111utl11ro , 1•111 p, •••• "' ll\tlft htP• I •. ,,. A, ... ., tl11•H• •ht'' 10 IT 18 WAITlfN H MOVIE • • 'ht• .-,.,, •• 111tl1t11 I IU /~I t '"' " ''""""•'" p,. ' .._,,,\•It '"-''"'''' 1'1•• P1·1 "'' ·• l•u1•H·1111 f tt1 "'' I· h .._,,,, -1 .1...._k1t1 I 1130 8 NFL TODAY D .)9 NFL '81 0 IT 0 RADIO BIBLE CLASS Q) THEWORLO TOMORROW 8 MOVIE • • Death 5..,., t(•nce 1 19741 Ctott~ l••o"'m.l" Law enc~ L uci.1r.b111 A iut 01 1n a mur d~' rdse ,ea111es that 41 is tit.:r h,,., b.1nd not thP rn,.;" ()fl 1'•AI who IS lhe k1lle1 110 KENNETH COPELAND @MOVIE • * Ttu'> Am.,l•na Ao-.;,...11 lu1e!. 0 1 Joe 9U G t0.00 f) NFL FOOTBALL LOS ArttJf'te~. Rarri; ... At1.rn1a Falcon• 0 NFL FOOTBALL C1evPlrtnC1 81,,wn\ 11 P.tt' t;urqh S1ee1.,rs 0 MOVIE • * Th., rn, .... Sto..g., .. In Ott.HI t 1qt 2• TtH..+ S1009es Ca•o c11 .. ~1 .. n sen Tl\rP-~ m• n r ec " t: uwolve<1 w1lh an .,,,,,.•nh ,, 09vetopeo h Mu l•ar ~p1t1-.-; 0 CAMP WtLOERNESS 0 HERALD OF TRUTH W REX HUMBARD ti) BATMAN W MAGIC OF OIL PAINTING l9' NFL FOOTBALL Req 1ona1 er.~ .... , 3Y' n1 Cleveland B'""'"' JI f'111r, Ourgh SteelPrs New Eng lanes Patrmts at NP~ vo,.., Jels. Ook 1a,.d f1a1de•s '" KaM~s Cny Ch11>I• C MOVIE • * • Tne P• son.-• 1)1 Seconct Avenua 1 l!l7t>1 Jack l"mmon AnnP B1n crolt Baseo on"'" 1,1•i'ly t;, Neil Simon Ao aovefl1s1n9 •'.•l'Cultve loses his 1ot> and his sanny because 01 the recession a.nd tr'le ht>Cl•C Manh111on pact! PG 10:30 0 (16 KIDS ARE PEOPLE TOO Guests hockey Gretzkv Jenilee Hdrt1<u,. p1aTP' W;1,,n~ teac..her of thr> year J3v Somme• Tlt!'.l<a Ward ol the .-..ar'Pm 0dnre I neater 0 ROBERT SCHULLER Q) JERRY FALWELL ti) SUPERMAN W MA.GIC OF Oil PAINTING $ LAFF·A· THON A comedian hos! an11 ruur r.om1c c.ontestanls wno rompetP tHJ.tHPd ont: ono~het ... re fPdturt:ta 1p th•~ uncen<oretJ c om,,.t.ly qatl'e ~now 11 :00 0 TERRY COLE· WHITTAKER ti) MOVIE • • • ·My s., loves ( 19631 Debbie ,,..,vnolds. Cllll Roberlson A Broad- way a~l•P5' •s J dopled by "~ abando'1ed cn11nren •he !1n<ls l1v1og on hN ot0perty in Ille country fD MASTERPIECE THEATRE W WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW (R) 8 THIS WEEK IN BASEBALL H INSIDE. THE NFL liOSIS Len Da"'son ilnt.I Nt<:k Buon1con11 presem h•ghllgllls o l crot1cat games analY$•S and or,.. d•clrons ot upcommg con tests m lhe NFl $ THE WACKY WORLD OF JONATHAN WINTERS Gul)SI Oebb•e Reynotos 0 808BY I/INTO~ Bobby ll•nton perlotms some or hos btoge•t h11s from 1ne Sanos Hotel In I .1· Vt1,JJ 11 JO 0 ANIMAi ~ ANIMAi 8 ANIMAlfl W CHUA<:H IN 111( ~IOMr a!) WAI I • 1111 t I WI I ll • 8 WUHlllN OllTC)()("lfltlMAN 10 flf)f( llHIM S WllO WAN I II II) llf A Ill 1111 I\ \l'tlllt' IH Ill hlHlfl llu I I j H ,,, II•'·'",, 11111 "" 11 f id I tllH hJi1 ~hftlt htt tll'~lltlH\J \ h,t, 110hl' ..... -AFTERNOON- t } 00 0 LOST IN SPACE 0 110 188UES ANO ANSWERS 0 SEARCH W MOVIE • • llllby J ,11.eto A 11,lw 1 191•1 Sn11 l•y I eni pl\"t '''"t>"• Dunt• A d im ,,1 •. '·-"~•·ti C.h1lct stat t°'t.'CO,,tl An 11111. ~' $Wt'"f'f httottt fD FLAMBAROS Pn:,nnv•-.. Of WJf Ch'•"" l•n:l rtt511ote' Fla•-noard.> 10 • .. ,,r1t1nq 1.11m w11n Ot< k s "etp 1Port I011RI , W OCEANUS· THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT & GREATEST SPORTS LEG ENOS C MOVIE • * • M.1n11l ~ Ori MJn~ 11'1801 J1n1 IMl11:1 M.Ha1:hy McCo•HI l11e l>OV' ,11 ~" ',,,,,,lfhlt.Jft ,.,., ttum c.n.Ht •y tun t .,, .10 .uu•mt>I to ".-1p th~·r c.occor r1..1Jrh l'•IV tiac> ,, S~!l 000 rlObl tc.. ltiemnll r..10 H MOVIE • • !hf· F111,JI Cot.wl '"-•N• 1<i801 .._,, .. Ooug '" Mar 111 Shef'n A mys t-·11ous ~•...,rm at Stin tran ""·"""-, ,,,_. J10M•C·POwf"rCCS J1rc, 1fl t..JH1 .. r U 5 S Ntm •ll bac.-''' hmt! 10 Oecem t,.., f 1'141 l)OS•ltOnirl<J '"'' "'"'""' r Mtw~n PPatl ~ 1 t ,, tj 1t,., .t01o-•' 1nq 1 ,, .1nr-,, ... ,., PU S MOVIE • • ft ·••dttt 1r1:a rn ''"' .. ''ld t .... ~.,, ..... ,.) ,t,, l1ll ''"··· t"(,. ...... ., l'OU•(IC •i] rOt ~ .. , •hll., • 111-ct \~hl fl~ lh._ t t "'"''° t Qt•t!:.o t rl&JI 'n oo il•"'"' nu ff 1n tl(.1'1 r,. @MOVIE ... J r-'"'' "'"1 Adorns. Sf •Ill ~,, t1 I '°;t•fJ••1 ,tgfot M,1,. Wt l 1n• 1 t fttC._. h111t f'r()!\I t.:tnf)f!' 11' Jdvf•re't('Hy 1f' \n 1rc ,, .1111 ttt' ~htt pl.ins If• 1.uinct. 1n ,41••' u.,•t will 1J1<roh• "" 1•nltrP h1.1H)An porut H•nn PG Z MOVIE • • • ..,,,v,Hr• BA'1Ju " 1r\ 1 14.'iO Go1cJ1<-Hawr. f•lttf.on Brrnnao A wPll .. f'l 1h1 yuuf'IQ wom,ln m14l•a"' •·Illy 1ou ~ lllP Army h>lfuw 1ng tne rtealh ol 1'141• new hu'\tHtnd nn lhftir wPddir.g n1ghl H 12 JO 0 SAFARI TO AOVENTURE 0 THE 8.AXTERS W OCEANUS THE MARINE ENVIRONMENT 8 NFL TODAY tO COLLEGE FOOTBALL '81 \'\'pt4 ry h Cjh~1gt t NC.AA ~onln~t~ .(-r It'(! 1 00 8 11 NFL FOOTBALL M111r>osOtd V1k1f\Q5 ,lf Snr. O•PQo Cn.1191•1 0 MOVIE • • • Ja~un AnU Thf' A•Qnr1ot1Jt~ 1 196 .. 1 foll<l A1m~11r1r.r1 NolnCy Kn¥dCI> J t::i.uu ,.., tit\lt)r,.-d from rll\1mmy h1~ ""one bv the ~:ioootch fnt 1t1ft Gold•lH rh"lCe 0 THE MUNSTERS While llstentng to his horn radio Herman mls1<1kf>~ •om11 playing chlld•en lr>r be•ngs lrom outer iP1lC" 0 DIRECTIONS 0 TEEN TALK ti) AOAM·t2 ff) MURDER MOST ENO LISH F1•f> Red 14Nrt0QS 0 1 !hf' ~·· suspK.IS only oot• could "'"'' ktllftd Camp t"lf Jl>Jrt JI W UNDERSTANDING HUMAN 8EHAlllOR 10 NEWSMAKERS Jt MEET THE PRESS t·30 0 LEAllE IT TO BEAVER 0 MOVIE • • • To SH Wtlh Love (19671 Sidney Po11tt'lr J11Uy G"MOr> A black man te11<:he\ his student\ rnoro lhu11 wllAI lhO IO•lbool(I h11ve to Ofl('t """ llCCePI· IOQ ~ 1011 In an (&SI ( nd London ~Mol 0 WILD, WILD WEST Q) ~OVIE WaKLY 1·110 '2 "Z" MAGAZINI OF THEAIA 2!00 8 OILLIOAH'S l&lANO Cl) MOVIE * • • • Jnt1n l'•ul Jontt c lllMll Aooe11 ._,.".. M6c;clunal<I CAJ•y Jonn Paut JO<"-play.a a O'lllj<lf IJ•r I 1n Amt1ttC• • ~ •n09'Mt"d•nc• ENINOAT SYMPHONY Seti• Oawa condu<.ta Ith• , Bo•ton Symphony Orc;hvs tra In Bach'• Smto111a to• Doub•• Orc;hes1r11 ano T10<t Po111oa Lttu•o••• ~ Ohvklr M .. ala1J11 tRI Ui) AMERICAN GOVERNMENT 139'.MOVIE • • • '"" Silttlh"OI~ I 19Gll) 0.11n MArttn Stoll11 :>tov*"' It. ~ ... nu~r•tlot+d 111'-'y •• M»•ovutttJ th" ti'"'" of lnullng .. dt•IN. tr>r ,111d II"' 1i1•mlm g ~11nl trom dts.cros my 11ll.) itt-Ct\tf 1nff\ffHBltOfl C MOVIE • • ... • 011 rt.a Tu.wt t 1'J'·Of t .. •nu .._ ... u.,. Ir rnk c;1rtttl1,1 A tt•O ,.f -.uilnt\ IU;40 "" ""''" I fJ.A Jt•YfU orul .... ,1ftlh-oputoo1111t h> J1ul1 ,, O••.tullful "''' vrwhn"'• "" huo 1'\ d1-.ol,.~tt.ft n th .. -.uh"" •Y It Sf ANDING ROOM ONLY lht• ~I Jll (JI ft\t" ,t,o\ M•lt4ut ht>tlt• tin,ts. tl'H~ 111,UJh .11 nnu•dy SlJOChJI f1•,•h1fllHJ ~IH h "-•IPt"""''·•f~ 11. I lt( II•• ~JH Jl!Ch. ltlm· n1uf1 Wollt'r Mt11th8u .tnd ltit ... V UI r •Atl~U 1n ;l ditil · lfllHI dt\play OI tndQIC:OI l 11t._,, aoo ,.,.,,n,•d\ S MOVIE • • • lJt•n I f.o.> Nt jf f1111 W,alltl \ l'J!JJ, (.ll'Hll f UttJ l.Jt .. l S< dlO WOtld W ,h II -,,11IOr~ in thu South I 11• 1fic. tmcf thdt tr ev 111;tfJCI n11ly .1 "'l't."11hc1n h{lll 1r, cnn1plttfl• "'''" r>•"•'u'~~ G @MOVIE * • * "AtrplJne• 11980) Rut>erl Hays Julfe He9e< ty Alter en atrhne• s crt1w tJlls ,,, rooo po1r.on1ng ,. nervous l0<met war p1101 ti> IJ••ssed 11110 St!IYIC~ .ind must contttnd Mtr on- IK> •O hysteti..1 a :.<><.r•·t•vP con1ro1 rowu .. no ti•<"" 11111:0 mf'mor•es r"t> Z GANGBUSTERS Under Crumbltnq W '"" 1Cnap1er 61 2:30 0 GILLIGAN'S ISLAND 0 MOVIE • • Snertock Holmes And Thf Hovse Of Fear 1 194 Sr Basil Fldthbor>e N1ge1 Br u~e Based on lhe Five P1os by Ar1hur t-onan Doyle The 8r<t1sh supersleuth 1n•es1t9;Hes tho murder~ ot rnernbl'r> of a gentlemen s club W AMERICAN GOVERNMENT Z MOVIE • • • • Resw,et t1f')n ( 19801 flle11 Burslyn Sa1T1 Sneµar<1 After .l nP.l• fatal ,1ut,, aCC•cJent a ~Omdn find~ mat •ne has lhe abtll· I\ to neJI others but 1s oe• · se<:ut...i O«a .. se or llP• refus.al lo c.la1m a QivmP 1nlluer>cP PG 3:00 0 ATONE r~ue~t lt'Jhtt l1U~ d ''"' 11 t r,f tho Qo1phm R~ .... trrh ~ •t.Jr t1iil1f'n 0 MOVIE • • , ""n.P fhu~ ... <itO<•g•·s Mr~• t tt.-.1 c;;11le... 1 Of.ot. 1 1h1L-.. St""!oges V1r;5o. Trrc.lilPtt lh1•t11t u~f: 1•r:1 .....,.,,\, '''d'"'(le h '•·•···• , .. , m llt•ri(.•• "'aw t\, l•t Ant 1t-nt (,rdec..e fE) NEVADA FALLOUT· THE HOT YEARS Jt,.nct',•r5 ·•' d ,e$HJ~nh of N~·vJO 1 t t:"ldh stOttf"·~ "' whAI 1.,11out from .. 1t10'-'' Hit~ '1"-"lU1ltJ nucf~&r bCJ.,.,t, tPr.tr. c mdu\ 1ec1 dt.trinq lh•' 19'>0~ ha~ do11e lo In"" t 1m111os hves1oc"" ar1rJ ""'t' 111\t)t)d W YOU AND THE LAW 10 ROBIN HOOO H MOVIE • • Tt1~ p,., ... Ftt~'11PI t'l1'11 !1rn Co..,way Dc111 Knotts 0"""9 me O.,pres 1>1<1n J bumbJing t'JO JP< an cl f'ltS WIS{f·C• ac~ tn'.l m;ina(le• try to outw11 the mob PG 3 .30 0 COLLEGE FOOTBALL HIGHLIGHTS A• lOna v'< uSt. Q) MOVIE ..... Tf'll' M1sf•IS 11<101 1 C1111k Gable Ma••lvn ~o,, tnP A yuunQ divorcee l1g"lt~ a901n\I the < P1t'ltv ut;t~ tn the 'Otjndun ol w1•t1 horsec; fE) LOS ANGELES WEEK IN REVIEW W YOU ANO THE LAW @MOVIE • * Tne PtlOI 119801 (.;hfl Roberlson Diane BakPr A p1101 turn~ 1., dr.nl\tng IO PSCape 1111 1mllapp1neu ol n1s mar riage and lhe lrustralton nl tM career PG 3:59 ~J BASEBALL II 11r1h garnes in the Ameri can League d1v1s1ort'll olayulls are necess11r\ th11y will hf' tPlecasl bee•" n1ng al 1 00 ET prl'·t•mpl 1110 regularly scne<11 led ot0gramm1ng 4:00 8 LAST Of THE WILD 0 SUNDAY SHOW l 1ve from Ille Gtancl Natoona. 111sh Fa,, at Dev onsh11r oo....,ns 0 COLLEGE FOOTBALL 'II W<>ekly n19n1,qrtts 01 key NCAA contests are p•e· sontoo 0 MOVIE • • The House That Scteameo ( 197 1) Lilli P111me1 John Moulder Brown An overly "'tel K noolm1S1•ess f0<ces f>e• aook'lscen1 pup11s to turn to fantasy es a means of ellC'tPf' Cl) MOVIE CHANNEL LISTINGS • * ·~ · Tho Fot lune" I t9 75) Jack Nicholson WtJrren BtAlly Two bvms ptan !he murdel of a dlz:ry g111, who 1$ lwllrMS 10 " huge lor1une * * ·~ "Oellc;nfo Oelln quenl (19!171 Jerry L-ls, Martha Hye• A tool<le cop hods Iha! h•s days are ne11- t!f <lull .,..hen he d&1l1 with lhe deltnquent t_,_aoers he or-U0 Wllh f) KN.ICT IC8S) tJ l(NBC INRC) 0 1<TL.A lln<I I CD K.ABC tABCI 0 KFMB IC8S) 0 l(HJ TV 1 ln<I I • KCST (ABCI • KTTll (Ind I e l<COP·Tll (Ind I •KCET (P8Sl e KOCE (PB!tl 0 On TV l TV 1< HBO e fWORI NV ,N Y 11 I Wl BSI f $ • • IE!.PNI (Showtlm.) I Cable Nf W\ Nel ... Ot t..1 Cl) AOAU.t2 m UNOf.RSTAHOINO HUMAN BEHAVIOR 110 MOVIE * * · Beyond Allanlls' ( 1975) J ohn Aatiley George NaCIClt A•QI~ g11111 dltcOver WI Island belieYed 10 l>t llWll IOll Cr· 111\enl of All81'111 l)t NEWSC(M'T£A m WAU STREET WB:K GOO<I N-s I Bad News For The Economy Guest Edward S Hyman Jr sen· tor vi<'e C>r"klent ancl econom111 IOt C~s· J La-enoe. Inc • aD CALUGAAPHY 1U81NU8 JOUAHAL THAT't INCMDlkti l"Mfl.lt4ICI 8 ICtlool but TUBE TOPPERS ABC f) 7 00 AB ' :"t•\.\o~ CJu,~uµ f loo n n for I lull~ wood · ,\ b(•hind tht• :.<'l'Jlt•i, look ut tl\l' r1..,k~ ,incl n •w.1rds of th(• film mdu~tn KTLA 0 8 UO 'l'ht• S1ngrng Whal~~ J<H'4UL'S l'uu~tt•au .ind hb l'll'\\ look al t'<Jll<.'t'r'lS of till' Ul11.·p Kt' ET 2f X 00 V10hn :\1\'stt•n lhl' mn.,"tt•n · 'or violin · · "Nova T he Gr(•at s(' 11..'l\C'I.' l l'lt'' I() sol Vi..' lht• gr·(•at Str.1c_tiv:ll'I 'J BC 0 H oo l)a\i :-, s t a 1 sthoolt (•atlwr l'Ollh F;11n ii~ H1•1tn1on lh'tll' ~ 1 n t h l' .., t o r ' 11 f a ''hu n•t1n·.., lt) find her dt1"W•• wf\n wt)" tw«" mlflmu lJn•ldf' t f(I( ~t•I f.>tU.llf•IQ\1 L "' •It' f' '•hO•·tt141 II lOd ttlt t '''"'' W•lfl{l,Jt ~\llr;•ftt 1)1.tr>llS )9' MOVIE • Gnldun Nnu\..lf~), 114741 Jiit• C>u11 Fl .. ~.,, I 111 .1tu lfl A-..hh:•y A v ih•iihlf-1 t..h11w ·•• •l14'u+• tul>C' omu1i tt'u nbl4"4. t ot "" 1nH•tna 11r.t\til -..t.•ottr• t•y 1f10'l wllu f1ol1t-v~ lht:il 11 c.unhuna ruy-.tl(..••' '*"< ttus o l hoolO\ ~rut vituflly C MOVIE • • T '"" ~f1 a(tt" Ot J h '"~ ') '0 (.,nttll f tlf 1~, Allnr f .utt1. ""'" "lu1t1 m ,1 'l.JIH•t ""'·" 1 1 ''v..t11 nungry 91 f'1•1 ,tilt ,flf\k I 1!\!r4)I Uf Hh1 -. .. ,...,,yru•, hJfllH t.llV f>(., S HUGHIE J l'-f"\fl rtol111ttl~ jllHt ftU .. (11,,J,tt11 .,t.u H1 uw,untt·,tf I pl.•v .•tlHht twt1 m11n ltOHl C•(Jl,1' t,t11~ W•••l\J•. wth1 ,r, Ht• I hl ICJO••hf'H. •, , uf U ~· • t •tt~ ~lly 4 t5 ~ MOVIE • • • ~ Orwtt.1 /h1.,..,1uo ( 1\1651 Omu Sh 111f I .11,1 tltn(' (,t .. 1pl1n Two lf')vtu~ ~ltugQI~ .vn 1'1 tfw \plf1t and OJ'>'i•O••~ u r U•tt f1q• 'S•dn R~vOlul11tn .,_., 4.30 8 INTERFACE 0 GREATEST SPORTS LEG ENOS J~ Fr.at .. , fD WASHINGTON WEEK IN REVIEW W CALLIGRAPHY 8 FACE THE NATION 0 MOVIE • • Ni, u~~l,, >'' Nl Rr1lu•ti t 1'<761 Oav1d Ntvefl o,,n.,., Mc.Ciav1n fho r.n11<1, ... n of 11PQl~ct1v,4 (ldfPr\t"-dee Klb llJ :iol1•Qf.f: th'!1r ,,,.,., ••IJ•M(lf• ng t• QPt sOtrll\ attf'nt .. 111 C> 5:00 8 NEWSMAKERS 0 STAR TREK 0 ABC NEWS m THE WORLD or COOKING Italy A V1'rwt1 1ri ~11t•11 1R) W THE VICTORY GARDEN Bob 1t • r , •lfh.,~ ad..,•ct t•r , • .,., ', , '' t'•f' t gc:trden1nq 8 M'A'S"H 10 NEWS H REMEMBER WHEN GOTEAM.GOI H "lC.1 n ,,, JI t () " C ...... It r:h~•t Am(' .i S I ,._,_ t )CJ«Hf., .,. l! ·• C'C": ' , ,.., d• u., t...1t>•• i,.t,,,,.. ar•o lfl~,jl h',Jf11't fl I 1 I']' f~ t 1 t!raNi ,,Ht tf • 1 •11q\w Jl'J•t. 11t ' f 1 U~ 1U•, '1fJ-ft-*th, 5.30 f) FACE THE NATION 0 NBC NEWS 0 NEWS EI!) THIS OLD HOUSF A, !t'ln~ , ... \.)•Pf" d, ''1•°" f\t'••' If ft1• ti••O JH <•\ifl ,1nc1 't1f-' t ,, twst tit·•"-H p.,1 frf1 tr1tJ "t ~""-·~"'' 1hl" \ltl, .. \f'd tr , yatO fl) , 8 WELCOME BACK KOTTER 10 ABC NEWS S LAFF·A· THON A 1.omf"rhan r·o~I JnCS fov 1.. 11m.r r Of'llP .. I tnh who r:omp•te (l? 110 .1 ore anothe, arf" tf'ar,,, .. d •n thl!. Uf\CftflSC.red (Olnt'i'1y QEil"'Y\H "hf'w 0 EDOCE RABBITT ~aQnettr COU'llty por ,, " EdOlf Rt10h•tt .... fP<l tu• Pd 1r ln ~ An1nq nt dyoam1r mus' ,u lnP RO•y 1n l oc; A01U>lf'<. -EVENING- 8'00 8 PRO FOOTB.ALL WRAP D NEWS 0 MOVIE • * C ap101ti Nt>mo And '"'" I ncJi'r"'ll1t'r C1ty 119701 Rollml R7an Chuck Connor< S1~ ~h•pwrc.,. ~ ;t,H 'f'IYOfS .J'~ t«)l\t• \ tO dl1 uru.h•twah-~f c.11y ru(• h'f fl rectus.tt h nm r.1-v1l•1..tt1ott 0 KOJAK m M·A·s·H Col POl!Pr asks J wound f'd p'\yC.h alr181 10 COW'llM)I somp ol lhf! li>Brn beca11sl' •h~ r mor')I" '" lnw ti) MOVIE • • * BuQsy Mulor>I' 119761 Jo<1111 r O'\ler Scott Omo A g1oup of 12 lwelve year old r.encl1m0fl chautrevr tn1111 t>ones 1n pedal driven ltmOu!mt•i and •hoot !)\Jr>S IOO<"'" w11n veom pulls fD THEVOYAGEOF C)4ARLES DARWIN Oorw;n •S .lpp.tllecl whf'n hr d•S..:Over'S Otonrtral fuan Manual de Rosas system· ;itl<'olfy 11aterm1r>at1nq the lr>d1ans. "' lhf' Andes ne .i1~covers 1oss111111<1 sa11 Sl1ells 81 12 000 IMI (P•11 4)(RI W THE WORLO OF COOt<ING "Fr•rice An Alpine M11nu (j) CBS NEWS @' THE ROCKFORD FILES Rocklo•d 100p111d1zes his 1r111nd1hlp wllll Becker whfln he lllk" II upon n1m· setf 10 1nve•t1oate Iha s11y ino ol Deputy Chief Towne'• unfanntul w1te ~NBCNEWS C MOVIE * * •'• Tiie Pll~ 0 1 Second Avenue C 197111 Jec:tl lemrn0ti. Anne Bao· croll BeMd on IM play by '"'I Simon An lldvctflltlng l•ICUltve IOMI Ns jOb find hl• Mln41y beceuM of 111<1 r-.IOn Ind llWI hectic Mat\1'11111\~ PO H MOVIE • • Trlr' F111a1 Ctiu11I· duw11 ( 1980) Kltk Oou11 la~ M.irttn Sneen A mys te1rou'\ ,tn1m at sea u an· •IJOrt~ It.et 01om1c-powl''>etJ ,.,,,'"ft car11@r USS N1th 111 bac. on ttme to Oec.em- i,.._ .. , t 194 l pos11iomn9 Iii~ \te1.Wl't between Pearl t1<1rbor 11n<1 lhe advancU>9 Japane'" flet;t PG S THE WACKY WORLD Of JONA THAN WINTERS Gu11S1 ll4!bb1e Reynolds 830 f) 8 l'l!NEWS 0 FIGHT BACI( WITH DAVID HOROWITZ 0 PEOPLE'S COURT Q) THE MUPPETS Gu~I t.and1C4I Bergen W THE PHOTO SHOW Three Key Camera Con lroh lurtJthan Goel! clemnnl\lr.t1~s the t.O,UtC t lJ'Sti at ,.,(\ aperttJr t! ,fh11 lfl, -.p, .. t><I •H'd focusing '"'Q 0 MOVIE • • • , Thu Mus•c Man · 119621 Robetl Pri!~lor> Shirley Jones A l11St·•"" 1119 Siil"'"";in comes to a small tuw11 in Iowa to orga n11f a bOys band rlnrl 111af'1vL~rtent 'I ta11s m IQvf' w '" ;tu 1J '"''°"'t-ci hh'a" ... S ANIMAL YMPICS fl ' Jt\IO att:-CJ 'Umt!dV lt<4tu"ng IN• v•11<.e!. ol Gil· <.J:l f4..tCJiu~ ;.n<l 81J1-v Cry~ tal too~s at ,,""""' the vat "'c. ''"""'1~ prepare tor 111e11 """n Ol1mp1c gam~ 7 00 8 8 80 MINUTES 0 39 THE FLINTSTONES F11>0 di>r1de• lo enter a m.•rilthon tunning r..M:e ... " 0 1.9 ABCNEWS CLOSEUP HQor~> For ••vllywo,,<I l ll1• 11sks anti rt'woros ol th-. Am~r1cain ftlm industry ~HP doc.wnenled 1n a t1et11rid the scPnes lol'I• ilt Hollywood 0 GOLDEN EAGLE AWA RO fhc;ardo Motil.1itla11 hosts" ~pPC1a1 honor1r>g H1span1c perto,.me15 Q) SONNY ANO CHER ff) GATES OF ASIA W FIRING LINE Nhur.• Do \\'e Go On lmn\1Qrat1on"' GuP~t A1t1vnev r,enrtra1 W1thdm frt"n..._n r,m1tn 0BENVEREEN \l••fPton 01esents h•S d.,na ,, 1.-. n•gnlch.Jl act trom tne R1~1efa Hol~I 10 Las Veg<ts 1 30 0 J9 HERE'S BOOMER Cior nu"' f1f"l<J<. fnmself n lhP m1C1\1tl'" ol an 1nri('t 1!y t.J.r1t1Q Wdr ., ff) TRAINING DOGS THE WOODHOUSE WAY f'rot,tar1 Dogs 7 35 l MOVIE * • * Pr1vJ1e Senta· ''"" 11'1RO Gnld1e Hawo F .1.,. n Brenn1in A well lo 10 yoll''9 wo'''(tn m•sta~· tHI~ 101n!'I 0"••" Army fol1ow 11q mu oealh of ne• rww t1u!>hdMt1 on thHu we<Jf1•1'9 n1gr>1 fl aoo f) 8 ARCHIE BUNKER'S PLACE ROQer ~hows an mteresl +n A•c h•e ' nlt'Ce D ~CHIPS Jon arid Poncn belriend a ooy 10 prev11n1 htm rrom 10110 ... 1ng 1n Ille step~ or n1s 1Jaren1s wno are pell) cr1m•nals 0 UNDERSEA WORLD OfJACOUESCOUSTEAU Tnu Sonq·no Whati:s. Noc1ur.,JI concerts 91v· .,,. by a t'lerd ol hurT"pback w11a1~ la~e Captain Cous tPau trom fhe WPSl fnd1es 10 thP Arr tic seas 0 10 THE MYSTERIOUS POWERS OF MAN R•ch;ird B&~oharl looks '" the myslN•ous and sorne- llmes bizarre YWOrld Of lllb al pu1cT1ces 0 IT IS WRITTEN W MOVIE • • ', Hard Coti1<aL1 ( 19691 James Coburn. l ee Remick A ooaulilul wom- 11n cauMts 11 htre<l k •lier 10 ellartdon h'" plans to com- mit a lhtrd murder ti) SOLIOGOLD El\) NOVA l hA Grl'dt V1011n Mys 1ery' Some lasc:rnat1ng ~ttempts to unlock 1he seetet ol !he sound of rhe great Sltad1va11 111ol1r>S are revealeU : ) W MASTEAPtECE THEATRE A Tov.n L•lt.e Ahce" Joe Hai men an Ausllallan POW helps tne Engltsh prisoners or war and develops a special Interest 1n Jean Pagel (Part 21 O C MOVIE • * *' • On ftie Towo ( t<IS()) Oene Ketly Frank S1r>•1ra A ttto of sailors team up w•th e tax• drlvef and Bn anlhropolog1SI to find a beeulllul gjtl whose plc11.1re 1a displayed In !he subway Hl STANDING ROOM ONlY 'Tl'H! Lasl Gteet Vaudeville Show" FHtured are Don- ald O'Connor. Debbie Rey. notds Charlie Caltu and Matllyn Michae la a& George M Cohan, Sopllltt Tueller, Gea<ge .i.ssel •I'd Fanny 8'1Ge lo !his s11r • lludded te-ct"NIJorl ol - ol Arnarlca'a favo•ll• eti1e'181nmftnl ,_ •• the vaucl..-lller- $'MOVll • • • '• "Superman' I t97'1 Cllritta()Mf ~. Margot Ktd4ar Miid· m111tfl•1 flO I "IW• 1.. { l•r ~ "'*"' clo11• ,... reo c:..pe "110 (JM!\ ntt IUpefl\UMlAtt ix-a to 1nwat1 11'1 aH h t•lm•r>lll • IJl<>t ftt Chltlroy lht W .. I C:u..•I Wtlf'I 11 QtAttl MlfhQUtkt PG 0MOVll! • • • Cnapta1 f wo l 197111 J>1tr1H C:1t'4n Ma• •lllO Mw!Wln ~()(ltl all09 hll w1l11 \ d11t lh 1 wr11•r l1ncl• 1t1m..,ll ••luGllnlly lallmc.> m fOv• tlQ&tn PG 8308 •1.i ONEOAY AT A TIMI! lfu•11•011 P111m•t.r11) .1114• ~nl to 11•1' w11n h11 11\0trtor dnd tll'Pfillh.. totlow11111 NICI! 1 danm runs away 111 be w111l Arut iond 8Brba111 0 TH!WORLO TOMORROW 9:00 0 I 8 I ALICE Vt.•11 Ollt!mp" lo t>rt<llk lht! -d IDP dQ(IClno rl>('Ditl O tJ~M~IE ' Family ~n•on (Po111 Ii f P1em1u•e) l:lttll• O.av111 J Ashley Hymon f lld b.lth w'"flt."td .. rut1r .. o ~· noolltt..)t.hftt ct1'-<.o~•-•1 • thdl >;ht'I mt..-.:t t1Qht rnt•m. O~I\ Of "~' lamlly I') ftf4 su•vu ner loJm11y ldn<I .iflO ht'r•IQQI' • 0 WILD KINGDOM Roundup On The Ou! bact,, 0 10 MOVIE • • • Ana Ju111 ~ ' 01 All 1 l'l7!h At Pac1no Jae• Wd,c:Jen An 1Cledll~t1c lc1w y•• na~ ltOUOle COP•"ll wtlh lhP tnsan11y o t the Am~" t.311 fUd•C1al Sy•h•m 0 OR.CHO ti) HEE HAW Gu.,slS AIAh.1mo M1lf1on Oolla1 Ba11d Hetlan HQw a•d Carolina Ko, C1ogge1s Mac~cnz1e Coll fD MASTERPIECE THEATRE A I own I 1kt' Altc1t Jut1 Ha,man ._.,, AuSi,tJhdn j.JQW llt!lp•, !11<• fnqh~h "' 1soner" ot wut 1no auve•ops J ape< 1.11 1n11""" 1n Je.in Page1 tPo1rt ~l ) W MOVIE • * Thll Kl!nrlf>I M11r01>r Cdse I 19J'll W1111am Pnw ell Ma•v A~tur OetP<"llY•• Ptloln Vanc.11 s•fl\ 1nrougn t'a\Jt'S l nd 4. f'.lfl"eS uU Witt• ~ven pnss1DIP .-.uSPt-ct~ 1n tfle murdl1t ot a 4i.p(1th m~n H MOVIE • " M1dOI• AQe <;.ra1y ! 19801 Anf'-Morgret &•uC:to °'"" A 1,,. d~ ()Pv(·lop;ir Soc.C~s\tut 1ob Jnt1 t'!4"Ch1h fut wit-.: mand9e 10 '1r vtt him into d wtd hit tf•'J•" R 0 MOVIE * • • Tne ~"" Oeaci1y Sir• t 19AOI rra11k Stnalm F av" Dunaway A ve1er..n NPw 't'o•• City VOlltt' rlt'ler llvp whosP wife •& $.Vfff\tin9 f(Ofn ... ,,~riOu'i 111 noss lllf!~ 10 r '"" 111>1ulul h•ll~r teHOtlllPIO Mlmhilt ldH R 9·30 8 8 THE JEFFERSONS C."<i•ge scr>en11·~ ,,, oet Unnei 10 \PP a m.ttt 1.)Qt<> .. ounseior tPutt 11 0 WORLD OF SURVIVAL 0 BREATH OFLIFE Z MOVIE • • • n""· l••'' Po''• 1 t9801 Pdul Simon Em ... Browr A flnCO·pOp.11 •. u perfo""ff' ·~ pu.)ssurert b~ evet fOfle around him tr. drop n1s ~tyte nl mus•G .wd ... ,,,ti songs lhJ• can n11"g h•m bilclt 10 the !Op 40 R tO'OO f) i TRAPPER JOHN, M O vonru ,1..,d lrappl'r ··~ !Ct h""'" an .r•fa ;f N1tt\ '1 n t·d'1 a11ment w"'> f'hJS been d heroin adO•CI StnCP birll'\ om NEWS 0 ERNEST ANGLEY ti) INOEPENOENT NETWORK NEWS fD JOHN CALLAWAY INTERVIEWS [)( Arrn rnrl Hammer tJ1::i.Cu~~e" ti•(, 1ttlAt1ntt\ w1H1 fote1q1. •~adtjf 4IMd HO'W hf' mad,. hi< V )f10uor. li..H'lufW' C MOVIE • • • Stttosno1 11'l" '1 Paul Ne.,man M1cho~1 Ontkt'lan After J m1f\O• 1ea9uP lior.k ey 1~11rn oec10l'S IU IPrUC:O' uo tis image by praying 1..hrty 11 ends up mak1n9 hOCkPV h•story R t0:30 Q) JERRY FALWELL ti) JIMMY SWAGGART W MOVIE • • One In A M•lllOr 119371 Sot'l1a ~""'" Don Amecne A 5ka1111 wins al !hp Otymt"C' w•ll'\ lhP n~o ot a young •epnrie• H REMEMBER WHEN GOTEAM,GOI Host narrator 01Ck Cavett ~heers Ame11ca ~ love ot sport~ with a ctose too• of !ho superstars an<! great !Psms qrand qools lllg ht awl~ and ti'\" "'"QUC! \Jnd1t..tth1,, nl fnn~ fll•d Jllllyf'IS S MOVIE • • • "FAme t 19801 lreno Care, Barry Moller St>vPral gilled sludents 01 a Now Yo•k hlQh sc.hool lo• !he petlorm1no art& e•penencl) various sPtba~ks And ~uc ce!.Se$ (II h<'!I' f)f'rSOnal ~nJ ptofp•,s1orie1 nntu•e' PG @MOVIE * * * 'The HOUt'\d 0 1 f M BMlt4'•v1lles ( 1978) Pt>lef Cook Ou<lle)' Moore MBS· IN sJe1.<lh Snei•ock Ho•mM 1nves11gates mystertous goongs on 01 Bask'"""" Han ano t>egins 10 suspect evetyone. 1nctud1no him· self PG I t:OO IJ D ~NEWS Q PACESETTEAS 0 SPORTS SHACK fii) SNEAK PREVIEWS Roget Ebe<1 and Geoe S1skel rt!v•ow The French L1eu tenent ~ Woman. "Pate1n11y · !Ind "Ptlnce 01 Tho Clly ' '~'MOVIE * * '"' "llolkes \ 19801 Roger M ooro. Jarn1s MaJon A d&pper women- hAUog lrogml la called Ir> 111 lhwart I plant of ext0<llonltt1 wno have hllaclced a 1upply tl'llp alld ate Chrea1enlng 10 dHlroy two North Sea Oii rliJ• 'PO' 1, t:1s a cee NEWt I rl MOW 1 1t ,. ,. * "Resun ectlon" (tNO) El*l Buttlyn, •~ Sf'llP4Wd Alt• e nMr tttel aulo ecxildenl. a WOf'Mll find• that tile hal the Mllll- ly 10 .... OtMtt ~' le ptf· Meu*' «*** Of ,_ tet\IMI lo claim • dMne 1nl•u•flC4I l'(.J II $01 ·~FINAL 700CLU8 >4!.0 N£W9 C!) OOU.EGE fllOOTBAU 811nlot<l •I UCLA • MOVM! • * • f,.. Mtthta (Ifft} Clarh Oablfl Matttvn Mon roe A yovng <l••OtCO. ftghlt t1Qllln111 tllcl C.ru.,lly IJMM! '" f~ r<>ulltlup ol wtl(j nor~ ti) OAWN OF A NEW DAV 1J MOVIE \,)fJ MOVIE • * * My l\1dnl pp<i1 My love' t 11180) Jame• Slacy Mickey Rooney A. vnndor µ10th to e•tott rnonoy fr om lhtl p11ron11 ol a runnwll'y g111 IJlj H MOVIE • • • • l.h•nutr.t1wn ( 19741 Ja<.k NtCf'IOl>Ofl fa~" Dunaway During tn.. 11130~ a privett; de1ec11ve ll\V~19&'U ~ -11"'1 ro¥eR·a 1'11111 nt cortup l•On 1nc,.s1 1rnd mu7n .. r A t t 45 f) THE ROCKFORD FILES 0 MOVIE • • * M~ Kidnapper My 1 "" t 1\1801 James SIJccy Mo<.~o1 Roon4!y A vendor p101)1 10 t-AtOtl mone)' h om tne paffmts. ot l.i tunaw;ty Q•ll IHI -MIDNIGHT- t2.00 0 ABC NEWS m ROOKIES 10 ENTERTAINMENT THIS WEEK C MOVIE • • * • 1 l h1t Pnsonur 0 1 S1>cu11t1 A•enut• ( 14161 J.IC~ lummon Anne u~n ~roll e .. ,,-ed on 1h'1 play tly N1<11 Simon An a<lvtJrltsinq u,11tJt.t111ve loses his JOb and ht> \.Jn11y because ul the rece-.s•Of\ and !he hKt1r M.,nha11an OJrf' PG 0MOlllE * * • Tho Jork I 107ri St('•~ Mat11f\ f•trnB<lella Pt:ttu!t /4 chrome..~<.'~ up "'t'lake:it mdhon"> CJr a 1i1111reHd invent.on onl<y tn •o~ 1t at ., t.on!.umPt tJ.Jm<1qe su11 .. .. 12 15 0 MOVIE • • • 1 t... 1.as1 A~Q•; M.;n I l'lS91 Paul Mur Oav•t.I w a,ne 12 45 f) NAME OF THE GAME Gt.~nn Howara ~US(*(;fs, " ... 1\ tw1nq lramPO .... n..,n d• uo..-1t"11"""JI "")man .. "rf1P r.r 1ngt;. >4-1•1 ~t;Jd'"S' "•'" 1 00 10 MOVIE * • Sher10<.• ~•ot'l'les 1r Pu• w•I Io AIQ1f'r s • 194 1 Bas11 Ratnbon.. 1<1111'1 Brue.ti S MOVIE • • S•av A> vnu '"'" 1 t'lf\01 Mar~ello Mastro•al• n1 Na~tas~·a If.ms•• A marrlfJd m1001e .u;e,1 m,,.,1 ,~mbdtk~ un an dll;.w w 1H1 1 h.~n-Jg ... g1d who rn""' t • r~1..-1eo to"''"' Z MOVIE • * • p,.\lale BenJtl· min l 1 )80 r.n1t,J1f.-HAwn f 11,_..~,, BtPr1ri,u; A v.etl·tC• t1 a 1nun~ wnrnao mis.ta~ t!HI\ 10"'"' lflt• Arm., follow •"fl th~ dP••" of npr new husoan•' 1 ·n rt1P•' ....,edC n n1gn1 ~ l'.30 Q) TURNABOUT 39 NEWS @MOVIE • • Pnob1, 1 19801 P-1,. M 1c.hdel G1a~e1 5uson H"q.1n A 9' ouo o• m~•1t111 pa1 Pnl~ HP "''-''ClerPO Jr.C.C'Hd1n4 IO the~' 1nc11v1du al redr .. R t 45 Q ATONE GJe~I Tcp1111 Otf' s.111011 H STANOCNG ROOM ONLY Jn ... l 1~1 Grf",q V..tuOevillt< 5,.,CJw fcahir(.ltl -uP Don .110 0 Cormor 0PbtJ1t R.,, n 11tJs C norl•~ Callas af'd ~d1•lyt M 1ct'lat-IS as r,.,nrQt: M Lor.an Sn~h'" Tu<.ktH Gooroe .JP~~' a"tJ r ,.,,,,. B11c:..P 10 this ''J' \ht liJ(~d 1e-c1t•3t r.1n nf 1,me ot A,..,,(\,•t"A' ta1.1"nte 1•ntf'ttt ... 11nm.,-nt torm°:' 1he vaurtev11Je rPvut.' 2'00 C MOVIE • • • Sl.tpSllOI ( 19771 Paul Ne,.,,..a,.. M1cnap1 Ont•ean Alt('• a m•nO• tPaqu.-hoc:~ey 1eam <lec•dt's 10 ,pruce .p ·I~ ll'fl~t' h olay r1q d1tt, ,, Pnds uo rri...1ti..1no nort.., v l'l1StCiry R 2 t5 8 NEWS 10 ABCNEWS 2 30 8 TODAY'S RELIGION 2:45 0 NEWS 2 50 Z "Z" MAGAZINE OF THE AIR 3 00 f) LIFETIMES S LAFF·A·THON A comedian host and '°''' comic con1es1an1s who r.cmnelr 11ga1ns1 one another are leal ured"' lhis \IO(.t•n•,Orf'd CO'T'ledy Q{lm V shrw Z MOVIE * *" * Resunectton f 1980) Ellen Burstyn Sam Shepa•d After a near fatal l 11to acc•<lent. o woman 11ri11' tnBt she has the ebll• ly 10 heal omers but is per 'fl< vt..O bec~use ol h"' relu~al to cla1tn a .J1v1ne 1nlluence PG 3:30 8 NEWSMAKERS $ lAFF-A-THON A comedian host and tour comic con1es1an1s who compele aga1ns1 one ;motile' ore featured in tilts uncenSO<ed comedy gam1t ShOYW OMOVIE • • 'Ransom Ottver Reecl Stuart Whitman AOll 4:00 8 INTERFACE !Ct MOVIE **'" 'The Snape Of Things To Come' (1079) J•ck Palance Aller Eatth's destructloo 1n a robot wa•. a power-hunofY 1enegade seeka c0ti1101 or the survtvor1· lunar city 'PG' l S'l MOVIE • * • ''°' "Tl\e Bad And n,. BHutllul" ( 1952) Kirk OouglU, Lena Turn« A cold·h••r1ed Hollywood ptO<lucer alfec:la IM 11"91 of-· people put*""'O a1Wdom 4:41 (1) MCMI • • • "Ont-Trick POft'j C 1910) Paul Slmoft, llW 8'own. A ~pettomw le pr-ed .., ~ lttOUtld him tO drop .... etytt of ,.,._ IN ............. -~ ,_ Nd! 10,.,. 'OC> 40 '" I ' I I I ; J i ! Oran e Coast DAILY PILOT/Suriday. October 11 . 1981 C l I Separated twins' traits similar 81 KAY BAJtTLETI' ._ ... ..._ ....... MlNNEA POLIS A Universit y of Minnesota psychologisl ls prepuring for a good old·fa&hloned c1demlc brouhaha when he publlah aciunUfic results of a compr benalve study on hlenUcal twins who were reared apart. 'twins who ln mos~ cases did not meet each other llntll they were adults. "l( somebody bad told me ahead bf time what we wouJd rind, I wouldn't have belleved It," says Or. Thomas J . Houchard Jr .. head of the MIMesota Study or Twins Reared Apart. "This ls going to be very controversial. .. The controversy revolves around the age. old (luestion of nature versus nurture -what J.ttM. gel\es ptay 1l'l such things-as personality. -1~ iuteratr. \tl:t':=-:rtU ~ --vironment. Dr Bouchard is guarded about making flat pronouncements. but findings so far suggest that genes may have a stronger influenc~ than s cience has yet s uspected, from the powder keg topic of lQ right down lo phobias and idiosyn· crasies. Dr. Leon J . Kamin. psychology professor at Princeton University, already contends that the Twins Project ''is not serious scientific work. Human genetics is an almost impossible dis- cipline. You can't do laboratory work "If you lived in a science fi ction world you could scatter these twins randomly and then go back and find them. But they don't get put into • homes by storks. They are put into homes by adoption agencies and sometimes the parents ... Al" ...... "'CTITIOUI 1u1111•u NAMI STATIMINT Tiit tollewlne 119'"'°"' ••e dolno ..,,,,,.,., ... I .JN •NTIRPll15ES, t SYNlfllGISTICS OllOVI> ) J C •uTIN, UIJ C•ll• Mo"•'°· .... Cle!'lltnlt,CAtitn H~"*' WM\, 2'11 C.lt. MoN<t, &./ICle,,_..,GA,..72 Jvtlllll C lulen, U I) Ce llt MeM<e, Sall ~te. CA mn Tlllt Ws!IWH h (9'\dll<l .. by e ""'lled '*1......,,..· HOtllWI ....... Tlllt tllC-1 ... Ill• wllll tlle C-ty (lerll .. Oranee C-IY all 0<1 I, 1,.1 1'1111711 ll'llOllJNO Or.,,.. C...lt 0.lly PIMH, Oct 11, 11. U. Ho¥. 1, 1 .. 1 "'CTITIOU ... USINHS NAME STAT•M•ll'T Tht followln no"' •r• dolno .., -= ~ • ,.CTITIOUI auatN•U llAMl ITAT•MllNT Tiie fallowlne l)er\on• ••• Oolno blltlllffJM. ' MD S PAfllTNlllSHlll', 4001 WHletly ,._., N--1 lhoell, c..a .,... H,I' GUITY .lolll..-• ..01 W..llH· ly 11'1.ce, "-'I ltff<'ll, CA ft ... 50NIA THOMAt, .-1 WM .. rly l"IOce. N.-t INa<ll, CA ftMt DAVDOD GUITY MEHR. 40fl Wetterly P\oLa, N~ ...... CA ., ... SHOLEH OVITY·MEHfll, 4001 Westtrly l'tau, """'"°"' ••och, CA n..o Thi\ bullneH It clftdu<leO llY e oe<Wrtl~-· DAVOOO GUITY-MIEHlt Ylllt .,....,_. w•i ntecl wlltl Ille Count¥ Cle,,. of Oranet c;-ty on 0<1 1,ltel MOWHfll, Ol•TNlfll & lfllOWN, A ........ .._ c.wei-...... A-•· ot 1.ow. u. c-onw, ,.... Oftke ... J.WJ, --1 a..cti, CA '*1. ,., ... Publl•'*' 0r.,. cout Delly Plto1, <>.£!· 4, 11, 1e, U, 1'111 .uMI SAFAflll TOU~. llQO NewlOOrl l------------8011l1v.rd, S11ltt 201A, lhwpor1 P'UIUC M80C( ... ,.,, cenrornta t2'liO Merilyn VIMI, II» Eatt lt- Rooo, # n, Ptlm SQ<'lnos. Ca ll lo•nle mu Clllcl Manin, IJO Vie E'lrede, l"•lm Spn-. Colllornt• ~ This t><nlneu h cond11Ued bV • oenerel _,,,.,.. ... p MerllynVIMI Tlllt llol.....,I wti filed wllh the c-ty Clerll o1 Or.,ge County on O<, •-r l,1'111 MUNICl~AL ClOUfllT 0" CALI l'Olll N 1 A WllTOtlAllOI COUNTY JUDICIAL OllTflllCT '1411• tt. ••••._.w,C..~,... PLAINTIFF: LAltAY T AUElL. DEFENDANT· GAfllY MICHAEL STEPHENSON, EDDIE O. HARO. encl DOES 1 INOU(lfl "· IMlvtl .. IJ11U6l SUMMOMI Publl"'*' °" ..... CoHI Delly PllOI, ca.. NO._, Oct. 4, II, 11,15, ltll •3'1 .. 1 NOTICE: You !lave ..... -4. TM PUIUC MOTICE coun mey decide -Inst .,... w1-.1 YOU• belno -d unles• you r•-d within JO den. R-.,. lnlcwm.tklfl Ml-"'CTITIOUS aUSINESS lllAMI ITAHMellT " you wlill ., --ow adV Ice of •n enomey In 1111• matter, you .,_Id do Tiie lollowlno -ton Is dolno bu•I· .., promptly '° tNI yo1.1r written iwn .n: ,._.. ... 11 any, moyt>elllecl...,llme. VllCING INTERNATIONAL, 7ot AVISO· Ulted he Melo dem-Dr. Kamm insists "there is a grotesquely underestimated degree of previous contact" and that .. there is an enormous amount of pressure on the twins to come up with cute stories. The whole thing is a media s how busi- ness hype that simply str:ains credibility." Tony Mil.asi. left 'no moustache J looks at hrs u:1entical twin Roger Brooks as they are observed by Dr Thomas J Bouchard. who rs studying twins reared apart at the University of Minnesota. Bouchard has found uncanny sim1Lant1es despite differences m ho.me environment Randolpfl A,.., Coote Mna, ca. '26M El trl-1 pwdll dKldlr contra Ud More 8. Kaplan, ml Pacific A .. ., Mn elldlenclo e ,.,.,_ -Ud. r_,.. COil •-.. ea. 92627 d4 donlro de JO dies. l...t• .. lnlcwme This t><nlneu ll c-..Cted by en In· clon que ~. dlvldu•I. SI U•teddnea 1dlcl1M •I conMlo • Mlor< 8 Kepten "" ·~ en HI• .,.., .. , •-I• Tiii• _.,.,,..._ •• hied with llle hecerlo l""'edlelemente, de HI• C...,..ly CJer11 d Or-Covnty on S9il moMre, Ml ·-· -rll-. M hoy Dr Bouchard makes no apologies for inv1t · ing reporters and cameramen lo the campus. "How else am 1 goi ng to find the twins? The more people who know abqut this. the more l wins we a re going to find .. And he's finding the m like he neve r dreamed possible. One week in September, he had two sets on campus. In one case, one came from Australia, the other from Michigan. The other two were British and had found each other seven days earlier. ··At first. I had hoped for eight or nine sets of twins. Then I said 25 Just a few months ago. l said 50, but now I'm shooting for 100. You get greedier and greedier.·· Bouchard's study has turned up some s pec· tacular s imilarities in personality patterns. behavior, traits, quirks. attitudes. tastes and tn· tellectual makeup ·of twins reared apart in dtf· ferent environments. And while some twins had \'arying degrees of contact. Bouchard says. others had never met until reunited for the pilgrimage lo Min· neapolis. The coincidences have been amazing: -Bridget and Dorothy met for the first time to make the flight from England to Min- neapolis. These two strangers each wore seven rings and multiple bracelets on each wrist. Each had named her children "Richard An· drew" and "Katherine Louise" and "Andrew Richard" and ''Karen Louise." -Oscar was raised Catholic in Germany by his mother and was brieny part of the Hitler Youth Movement. His twin, Jack, was raised Jewish by his father in Trinidad. They had met once before and had spent 10 days together, but things were strained because of their diverse upbringing and because Oscar spoke no Englis h. Now, as men in their 50s, they showed up in nearly identical blue shirts with epaulets, iden· tically receding hairlines and nearly identical aviator-type glasses. Both stored rubber bands on their wrists, had the peculiar habit 'of flushing the toilet before and after using it, and both liked to sneeze in elevators to startle peo· pie. Barbara and Daphne were dubbed the ''giggle sisters ... Although no one in their respective adoptive families were gigglers. they both giggled incessantly Both fear heights. dis· like the sight of blood and turned up at lh~ir re- union wearing almost identical beige <tresses and brown velvet jackets. Dr. Kamfo speculates that perhaps Bridget and Dorothy adopted the same number of rings when they met shortly before boarding the airplane. Dr. Bouchard says not so. "l verified it with their children and their husbands," he says. "If we fan't believe that. we might as well fold up shop." He says he is aware of the pressure some of the twins feel to do things alike. "The critics mus t think we are dumb. Of course, we see that. We see those who are out lo make every buck they can out of this and we see those that want absolutely no public.jty. All of this will be weighed and interpreted.·· Dr. Bouchard began the project in 1979 after he read a newspaper article about the 39-year· old twins who had just found each other . He quickly got emergency funds from the university and flew them to the Twin Cities before they were "contaminated," i.e .. got too familiar with each other. The results of the first set dubbed the "Jim" twins because each had been named Jim by his adoptive parents -were staggering. "l was looking for differences," says Bouchard. "That's my field, individual dif· feren ces . lnstead , l found amazing s imilarities." The coincidences were eerie: Both of their firs t wives were named Linda; their second wives Betty. One named his son James Alan, the other James Allan and both had dogs named Toy. They both chain-smoked Salems, had served as sheriff's deputies, and both drove their Chevrolets from Ohio to the same three- block beach on Florida's Gulf Coast. Both chewed their fingernails to the nub, disliked baseball, were mediocre students, en- joyed stock car racing an!f had basement workshops . They had both built circular benches around a tree in their respective yards. They had both inexplicably gained 10 pounds at about the same lime in their lives and then lost it. They both felt they had suffered heart attacks but had not and they both started getting migraine headaches of about the same duration in the same period of their lives. The twins themselves called it spooky. Dr. Bouchard isn't sure what he's going to call it when he publishes what will be a cluster of scientific papers, including case histories of the first 25 sets of identical twins he has studied. "l would like to have waited until we had 50 sets of twins, but the people providing the money are starting to ask what we 're doing, .. says Bouchard, a tall, balding man of 43. Dr. Bouchard and his colleagues expect to start publishing their work by spring. Because of the controversial nature of the research, with plenty of opposition to the notion that genetic inheritance outweighs social in· fluences, schools, and si milar factors, Bouchard is reluctant to discuss his funding. The Spenser Foundation. a private Chicago· based foundation making grants in behaviorial sciences affecting education, is his prime source. It awarded Dr. Bouchard $96,300 over an 18-month period. He also received other support, including grants from the National Science Foundation. It costs between $4,000 and $7,000 to bring each set of twins to the campus. Dr. Val Woodward, professor of genetics and ceU biology, is most vocal of the on-campus criticism. Says Dr. Woodward: "This report will be quoted just Like Shockley and Jensen were quoted. It is a biological determinist view. To spend tax dollars on this is a farce." Psychologist Arthur Jensen and physicist William Shockley suggested a genetic link between race and intelligence, theories that caused storms or dissent. Meanwhile. Dr. Bouchard carries on, fl ying twins in from all over the world. STATUUMT M AUJtDCHUHMT NOTICE OIJ l"UBLIC AUCTION MUHOfl ,ICTITIOUI IMllUllllS MAMI: BICYCLt! AUCTIOfl TIW tollowlnv --he .. a-. Oc'-..r 24, 1te1 dO<Wd t,_ ine of ti• FIC1119-Bllll· IO•OO A.M. ..... Nel'N; Fouttta1nV•ll•Y Po4ke 0.PI 1em~r 17, 1'111 aloune, ...--r911lltrade e tllmpo. ,,, I TO THE DEFENDANT: A Clwll Publl-Or•"O' Coe•I Delly Piiot complelnt hn ....., llled.t>y ttie pla ln-~pt. 20, 27, Oct. 4, II, 1"1 41J0 .. 1 UH -IMI .,_ If you wtlll '°def- l'ICTITIOUS auSINUS NAME STATEMENT Th• followlnQ P9''°"' •rt dol1111 bu$lneu •.: I SVHGROWTH VIII , 1 SUNGROWTH IJC, 1120 Pa<lfl< Coe:ll HIOhway, Hunlln91011 Beac h , C•lllornl• n.. 11111 le.null. you m .. 1. wllfll11 JO dey1 _.ler thll .....,,..._ 11 ,......, on you, Ill• with 11111 G-' • wr11ttn r...,OMe to ,,,. complolnt. Unless yOU dO IQ. your defOl.lll wlll be •nl019d on op- pllc.tloft of IN plolnttfl, •nd 1111, coun mey enter • lud91"-' _1,,.t 'l'O\I few IN •ellf// -In trw c~eln\, w?lleh COllld r....tl In 09ml.,,..,.,.I of •eoes. 1•1nv of ,,,.,.y cw .,,_,,Y « otller ••II_. reque1t9CI I" tlM com- plal111 Dated Lewrence D Scllley, .. ., Herbor DK•rnCle• I, '"° Key Ctrcl•. Huntlnoton Beech, Rlcllarcl J . W9Ck, Clerll Calllorn1e.- G 1enn L Geer herl, 12111 8yYolenda Ponce. o.p.,ty S.eworlhy L.Mw, Huntlngton ee9Ch, ~ Olfkee _. Cellfo'"I• 92641 141• =.,•"":,U w.. It> Tllh bullneu It conducled by • _......_,Co.,_ oenerel .,.,,,,..l/llp 17MI ..,...,. 1...1 ... enc. D Scllley Put>ll-Or-Coast D•Jly Piiot, Tiiis st•-• wai llled wltn ,,,. >ept 10. 27, Ocl. •.II,"" 41'1 .. I COYnly Clerll of Orenoe County on O<· ------------1-r I, 1'111 PUlllC MOTICE IJl1JH1 Publllned o..,. Coall Oelly Piiot. ------------0<1 4, 11, 11, H , 1'111 4360-11 "'ILIC MO~E IJICTITIOUS aUSINESS MAME STATEMENT The 1011ow1no po._ 1, dol"9 l:Nll· neu .• , CUSTOM ELECTRONICS, 141'11 STATEMINTOF Deenenn Pleo, Wutmln\ler, CA AaANOONMINTOIJ '26a USE OF IJICTITIOUS BRIAN LEE JORGENSEN. 1 .. 1 BUSINESS MAME O.enenn, -.Olmln51er, CA n.a Tiie followlno ,..,~ Nve •!Min-Tiiis buslneu '' c-.Cted by.,, In· doned Ille use of the ll<Ullous bullneu dlvlduel. neme. Brion L. Jorgenson C embrldO• EHrow , 4000 Thll ll.el-1 •••filed with Ille MecArlhu• 8011levard, Suite 4400, Cou111y Cler1l of Or•noe C°""'" on Ntwpor1 Beodl, Cellloml• nMO Seol 14, 1'111 Tiie FlcUI'°"' BWneu Neme re· 1'171'1t !erred to -· .., .. llled In Oreno-Publl"'9d o.-Coast Delly Pltot, County on J.,,...ry ,., 1'111; Fii• No. Sept. 17, Oct.•. 11, II, 1'111 412W1 F·l)4S11 TIW Slmon·Ehnnfeld GrO<IO. 1n- corpora1ed, • calltoml• corpor•llon. PUIUC MD~E 4000 Mec:At1hur Bouleverd, Suitt UGO, ------------ Newpon 8N<h, Gallloml• t2WO "'CTITIOUS BUSINESS Thi• buslnns •H conducted by • NAME STATWMENT corporetlon Th• toll-Inv persont ere dolno The Slmon-Eh,.,,leld Group t>ullnau es: Inc GRAFIKA LTD .. IS5SS H_I,,...._ Tllll 1~1 wM filed with 1tle v111o09 LMw ... Huntington lle9Cll County Cle'11 of Orengo County on Oc. CA n..-1. lobar I, 1'111 WITOl..0 GODYCKI, USU HUftl· fl1MJ71 1noton VIII-1...1 ....... HIA'IOngton Publlllled 0.-Coell Oelly Piiot, Beo<ll, CAftM7. D<t 4, 11, 11,JS, 1"1 OS,_..1 E LIZABETH GODYCICI, ISSSS SURETY OOOlt CONTROi.., II ~~~~~A;~.. ••1uc -TV'[ s.nc1 Doll• c-t. ~ h•ll. ....... ~u '''11"' Ce . .,.., Publlllled Or..-oe Coast Dally Pllol, ----.-------- Hunt"'91Dn VIII-Lo,., .... Hunl lnoton Beoc:ll, CA '2W. Thh business ll conducted t>y en 111- dlvldu•I Tiie Fictitious Bllllness Name ,.. Oct. "· 19111 4320-tl • larr9CI ID ........ wM fllecl In Or_,.1------------"ICTITIOUS aUSIMUS County In "*'-Y. 1-. Nil.IC llTlC( NAME STATEMENT GUY LEROY WATSOfl. 11 SM4 ------------bu!r!,~°!s~l1'9 per>Ons ••e clolno Doll•·~·...._. hedl, ca. '*3 "'CTIT10US aUSINESS CAS INC., ,.,. South Clemef'llM, w E-Watson, 110 Dan-NAM• ITATEMEllT Anellelm, ca . .,.,, bury Ln., Colta Mn.a, ca. n.IM d I Tlllt bust,... wes cOflducted by • Tiie lollowtno perM>n' ere o no CAS Software. Inc .. • callfornte O-M••I ~rslllp buth•nes: corppretton, 161• S Clementine St . Guy L Wabon VICTORIA INVESTORS, 2061 Su AnelMlm, C. f2'07 Tlli• _.....,. WM lllecl wltll tile Cow i.-, Coote Mew, Co. m» Tiiis bullMH 11 c-.cted by • ccw· Wltol<I Godyckl Thll "91-1 WM tlled wllll IN County Cl••" ol Ore1199 County on ~pt 17, 1'111 ..,,,., Publl.-Oreno-Coe't Delly Piiot, ~pt. 20, 27, Oct. 4, I I, 1'111 411HI PUUMD~E County Cle1'11 of°" ... C-ty on~ M•i.o-CoolOtetklfl (• calltwnto PO<•llon. IJICTITIOUS au11111ss ------------~------------------------------------~·em~ru ~1 cor~r~• ~Ion ~anl. ~1 ~· ~~~•AIM. ~llTAT•MEMT ' ' 1'11'11" Cove I.A,., Coote Nieto, Ce. ft62' David H. Trueman, Neptune Society CREMATIOH BURIAL AT SEA 646-7431 Our literature tells the complete story of our society. C.11 fof-lrM pontoho 24 ,.,, C.m /llllr McCotlMICIC MORTUARIES Laguna Beac:n 494 -9415 Laguna Hills 768·0933 San J .. an Capistrano 495-1776 H.Ulott LAWN-MT. OLIVE Mortuary • Cemerery Crematory 1625 G1ster Ave Costa Mesa 540-5554 "lllCl llOTHERS lti.L llOADW A Y MOITUAIY 110 Broadway Cos1a Mesa 642·9150 IAL TZ IHGERO" SMfTH & TUTHILL W'HTCLIFf CHAPEL 427 E 17th St Costa Mesa 64s..q311 PtHCI llOTHlU SMITHS' MOHUAJlY 627 Main St Hunllngton Beach 536-6539 PAClftC YllW MIMOat41. PAI• Cemetery Mortuary Chapel~Crematory 3500 Pac1l1C View Drove Newport Beach 644·2700 B PACIFIC VIEW MEMORIAL PARK is completing the final phase of Magnolia Court in the beautiful MausolNm of the Pacific. We strll hove choice locations available and offer a monthly savings plan. Discounts ranging from $205 to $680 available until Nov. I , 1981 . Talk to us now about the advantages of purchasing before the need arises. ~ PACIFIC VIEW T 'T T T MEMORIAL PARK AND MORTUARY 3500 Pocific View Ori"e Ne""POrl Beach. California (714) i>AM-2700 Publl"'*' Ol'er>99 Coast Deity ll'llot Wllllom 5"'111\, JO $1mpMn, Otd P1'KldenC Tiie loll0wt1>9 perlllfl Is dot"9 !Mlsl· Sept. n Oct. 4 11 1• 1"1 as..e• a.tt\pego, N.Y.11904 Tllll ·~1 •• flled with the ntUH•o'· ~E~ ·GENCY, -So. Y~e. ' ' ' ' EllW.-.:1 Pl,..lero, 6201 SN!uP. Unit C-llo Oen fl/ O\'Wlgl County.., S..-...., ,. ~ ._ .. 1.i. Wood!Mq Hiiis, eo. t1J67 temllef 11. 1"1 Slrit• F, s.r.to Alto, ca. f2?04 Oreo, IM., 7'DO Irondale, C.nooe "11tm Linde Holm", 212't WavttAl1 Peril, Co. 913113 Publl-0r8llgl OooS1 D•llY Pllo1 Cir., Hl#lltnvton lle9Ch, ca. '1604 ,.ICTITIOUI au1111•11 It . Vlllenuevo, 1025 Mount ~pt. 20. 27, Oct. 4, 11, 1"1 41.o-t1 This llUllneu It condlKled by en In MAM« ITATUodNT Ml<hMlls Or<le, "-loin Velley, ca. dlvlduollina. L HOlmn Tll• foll-Int ,.. ........ ,. delno '27Cl9 •••• .,. -nl'( Thll tl.temen1 ••• ,..., wltll Hie t>wlness •: Tiiis llusiMSI ts~..., by an un-ru"""' ""'"' SURETY GLAS$ AND 000111, 1160 I"'°'--MIOCl.Clon othe1 "'°" • ------------c-ty Clerll fl/ Orono-County on S9ll M911rowlo Stnft, S<ilte A·I•. Cosio POr11Wrlhlp. IJICTITIOUS aUSINESS temt>er l1, l'lll. ,17,_1 ~u. C..lfomlo ~ MALAGA CORPORATION NAME STATIMINT Publl-Oror>Oe Coast Delly Piiot Guy Leroy Watlen, 11 S-Dollar __. G. fllke, The toll0wl1>9 ,..,_ It clolno bull· ~pt 20, 21, Oct 4. 1 I, l'lll 4112_.1 Ce11rt, N-port BHcll, Ca llfMnl• P.,,,.. neu u f2663 Tllll .,.__. wos flled wilt! Hie Cll IMAGE CONSTRUCTION ------------ Wede E1199ne Watson, U112 County Clel'1l of OreflQle County on~ CO,, 121 IMAGE DEVELOPERS. U> Morlft• VllU, Dane Polfll, catlfornle tember 22, 1'111. IMAGE SOLAR SYSTEMS, 26J Eesl '2t2' IJ17t.41J 1•1h Street, CMI• Mffa, Celllornle ------------ PUIUC MOTICE TlllS buSIMtl Is cOftdvcted by a P11bllsllld Or9ng1 Coast Delly Piiot '2627 IJICTITIOUI BUSINESS ~·I -ti., Mlp s.pt. 27, Oct. 4, 10, 1e. 1•1 4UW1 Dev kl F LAoch, 26l Eul 16111 NAMl ITATIMINT av., L W•-Slrttt, Coste-· caitfomt• ~ Th• tollowtno perso11J are clolnt Tiits ....,,.,.,. -n1ee1 wlU. the _.,. -Tiil[ This buslneu ll c-.cl9cl by on In-l:Nlln~n&es'w s ER v I c ES, '1 SS Cou11ty Oertl of 0reflQl9 c-.ty °"Seti-~ "911111o dlvk111al tember tA, 1'111 Oe•lcl f'. 1.. .. c11 8roollhum • "O. Hl.WltlnQlon IM•h "'"612 ... CTITIOUI •USINIUS This stoWmenl wes 111• wltll .,,. ca ~ ... Lloyd INllorcl Jr .. 16' T11llp Pubfl.,.,,Or-Coast Dally Ptkll, MAM.t: ITATIMEllT County ClentofOr-c-ty ons.c>-L-•C.Colte-. ca.'211t7 s.pt. 17, Oct. 4, 11, 11, 1'111 '"7 .. 1 Tiit lollowlno per'°"s ore dolno tember 14, 1'111 l..ynn c-.stocll, 21SS1 BrODIOI"" blistiwu es: "171"' • 1'°• H11111nQlon BMdl, ea. 92'4 "'CTITIOUS auStNHS NAM• STATIMllllT Tll• followlnt ,_...,,, ere OOlno business•: A 0 INVESTMENTS, "7S Jomes .-1wer Clrcle, IJOYnteln Valley. CA 709 Jim ....,.,,.,....,, 21112 Vecellon l.n., Hllf'lll""°" llHdl, CA 92'46 Doft' SllNrmen, SW G,_...o YNl,AneM!m,CA Thlt IMISIMSI It C6ndu<ted by e oener•I ... ~p. Jim ~ Tiiis """"""' -fifed wltll the County ctetti _. °".,..~,on Oct. •• 1te1. ,,,1711 P11bll.,_. Or .... CO.St Delly Piiot, bet. 11, 1e. u . Nov. 1, "'' -1•1 BJ's av THf; SEA, 2200 w. 0c .. n Pllblli.Nd Or•noe Coast Delly Piiot, Tiits t>uslneu 11 conductied by • Front,"-' hodl, CA.,~ S.p1. 27, 0c1. 4. I I. 1• ••• 417WI O-Mr•I pertnerslltp. Burton Goodtnen, 2200 W. Oc:Nn Wellotf L. Ball•clJr. FnNll, .._. 9Mdl, CA.,,..,, PUil.iC M011C£ Tiii• .......... , wes flled wltfl .. J Nn ~n. 2200 W, Ocean C-ly CJel'1lof 0rOflQI CoufttyOft ~ FrOftt, N-1 hodl. CA '*I 1 .... i.r 11, 1"1 Tiiis bualneu 11 conducted by ,.CTITIOUI BUSINeH ,,, ... lh111band Ond wtfel.., lncllvlduol NAMI STATIEMINT Pul>llll._., Orengo Coast Delly Piiot 8urtGft a-.... Th• lollowln9 ""°"' ••• dolno ~pt. 20. rJ, Oc1. 4, 11, 1•1 41Jl.ll This llot-1 •• fllecl w tt11 I,_ l:NMMU M: County C1«tl .. O!'anot Ooullty on Oct NEWHOPE PROPERTIES, t1SI •• ,.,,, T•lbef'I A-. Fountoln Velley, CA P0111t tt7Cl9 1>111>11.,..., Or ..... Coast Delly Piiot Kennell\ Kubot•, t7SI Talbert ,.CTITIOUI •UllNllS Oct. 11, le."· Nov. 1, 1te1 Avenue, Fountain Valley, CA '170I NAME ITATEMENT ---------~.__."" I It-rt KUllOle, s Musteno ANd, Tiie tollowlno per'°"' .,.. delne Re"'llo Polot V-, CA '0274 l:NMMU es: Ted K\IOOU, 190 De,,,., Dr., S-ta LE ROSE LIMOVSl.q: SERVICE -.-.-ANlj:-:. ~. 9201 IE. lttl SlrMI, LTD .. "'° Wint...-, Piece, N-por\ ,._,.., eM<h, Ce. 92MO Ptcnnous •ut••••I 8ueNI P•rk. CA '°6tl G.A. ~y ""°"90oe & ln,,..I NAM9 ITAT•Mt111T Judy Kubole, t1S1 teii.n Avon ... menlt Corp. I• Collfornle co.--o- Tlle ......... --It ~ but!-Foullteln Volley, CA '2109 ''°"'· "'° WltSlffi't' Piece, N_,.,, Nil.IC •TICE -n : Tiii• b\dlnns 1, coM\lctect •• • BN<ll, ea . .,,..., ----ptU---~-------1 SHAMl'OCIC ll'ltlNTING, ,.._H O-Nrel ~ubota Tiiis buMnH1 ll conclllct9CI by a Ck "''IM: Of'••"-• c::au Mesa, c:.. m• le T~lt _, _ _. --flled wllll Ille poratlon. ------------1 c1rc:'.1::. ~ ~ 7.D1 Oii C~ty c:;;·.;c;,;;; County on Oct. ~·~~~~i~c'ri~.RTGAGE ":.C:,:.~~!:'::.::S Tlllt .....,_ ,, <MMtef 'Y .,,""' e. 1te1. ,.,11711 By: a_, A. S\Kev. TIM IOI,..... ~ 11 ~ llusl dlv._.,WIMI Get-_. ll'vbll.,..., l>er>99 CAHI Delly Piiot, Tiiis ,':::::: -fllect wtlll the ""'H: Tiiis .......... -flied wtttl tN Oct. II, ll, U, Ho•. I, l'lll Counly Clel'1l of Oret199 County on Oc THE JEWl!LEltS l!>CCHANOIE, c:-tyOer1101C.-.~yOl'IS.,.. 44111.at -rl,l'll1. 10121 .A4-AW., lt\.it"'91on llHcfl 1 111 ------------PIPUM CA '2M6 i.mt.er l ' l. "111171 PmJC ll11C( Pvblltlled OreftQll Coast Dolly l"llol SlmOft A.~. 1lilt T~, ll'WlllMd Or .... C..lt Delly l"llet Oct. 4, 11, 11. "· 1'111 U11 .. 1 C.:~T.~~..,.,. '-'· u.on.•. n,,., 1., dJM1 ---,-~-,-. -""9Vlf--.. -.-.. -------------- dMdua1. NAM9 ITAT•M ... T PlllJC tlTIC( a-11..~ PlllJC llllf Tiie fOllow~ ,__,•re d91no, ____ , ______ _ Tlllt ~ -......... "" IMIMMta•: ,. C.-ty Clel1t 9' Or .... CtlMl'f ... ~t Ct1 coMl'uTllt IJA81tlCATIOtl "'CT1TICM.IS au$1NllS •• ,,.,, PICTITIOUI I U$1N•IS CDltll'OAATIOH; (2) 'COM IJAI, am llAMa ITATaMaMT Pl llMMalTAftMe.•T Ca•llle< Ave1111e, CHI• M•to, The tollOWiftl P9nGfl 11 dot"ll ltutl> ,,_..._. Or .... CMtt o.llY "'-t, Tiie IOI ..... --la ...... -..i CAlll..,..... M•t H : ~·· , .. 1e, as. ..... 1,,., MH H : Clr<ull Mii ........... c..,... .. 1o11, (.I "AT 1 0 HA L IM A 0 E *NI 1••·00C. 11111 Alletoot. Ave., 11'.0 • C.llf9nlla °"""' ....... -c•mec COOltOINATf IHTIRll'ltllllS/ ltl la• 1'1, ..... lllend, CAftM.1 A-.C....IMM,Cel........... AUTO ~ltf Sll'ECIAL. ... ....._AM Use the Ot.llY Pllol "Fasl Result" service directory. Your service la our 1peclally. Call 841·Wl8ext. 322 Ce11atanu IC. 1te11Hlllll, Ht Tlllt-....,_ ts <eMllOM Illy o c.r· $1""4.. i;...-.....-., CA taut. ...._Aw., ...... ,....,.,CAflMJ ..,.ti... JAMii L. OMIN•lt. Mt S.... TMt....,_lt~"'.,""' Circuit Mene .. ,..e111 AMS"*"-~-..11.eA...,t. .iw~. ' C~..ioii Tiiis IMIMtt It<~ try e11111-~ •~ Ft9ntl• J. llwrllM\, Vic• Olv!Wet. • Tl!ll lltlltelNlllt ... ti'-" wlttl h l"l'fti.nt J-. &.;. 0..- c-fy o.rtlf#Or .... C...... ... ~t. Tiiie .......... -fl'-" .... .. ftle .......... --...... •. ,.,, "-'°"""Or .... c-y-.""' c-fy °"'"Of ... C-.., • 0.. l'Ulm lllMW-."" 1, lt91. ~l--Or .... CIMM OMty ....... Ptrtlll • ..,,_ Oolt. 11, " ....... '•,.., ........... Or-.. 0..-OtllY ....... .... ..... Or-. c-.. Dilly .... 4491.., a..t1,<k1.4,U,1',"9 ...... ~.1,U,11,111.ttlt .... l' -----·~~--~-----------------~----.._,_....._.. ________ ...., ................................................. ... f 12 Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. October 11 , 1981 The marketplace on the Orange Coast ... 642-5678 74"c of people buying real estate have read classified ad& in the past week. a national study indicates RMI ht9h Holtha for W. Hou•• For Wt Ho4M1 for We Ho.nei for Wt 1 For Wt Ho.Mt For Wt • For Ut Hot.HI For W. ....•••.............•......................... ·············-········· .•.•.•.....•........•............................••.................. ·······•·····•········· ••····•··•············· GtMrW 1002 G...,.a IOOJ Gaw.a 1002 Gawtll IOOJ Ga•rtll 1002 .._... 1002 tOOJ . ······················· •..••...............••• ·····················~· ····•·······•·········· .•.•••••..•............ ···········~··········· .....................•. OCUMFIONT DUPUX BEST IN BLUFFS ILUFfS SftlCTACUUI VU HOMES PAMOlAMIC OCIANYllW t 2-l'4%A.l.T.0. COMDOUYIHG Foratt lhe yard work with this 2 Bdrrn rondo ' Larae auumabl& loan and own~r will also as alst. What morl! do you Owner will t'trry Magn1httinl v1t!WI Up per 3 bdrm, 2 bath & lower 2 bdrm. 2 bath. Completely rurn1shed. For winter & summer ren1 .. 111 Owner has lefi uate. Br1n/J orrers Pnced al S'lS0,000 6 front row beauties. Highly upgraded. Professionally decorated, finest quulity, 3 bdrm, 21"1 baths. All ha vl' beautiful patios overlooking bay. Of 1%40,000, MORE MORE. Wood & glass design, top quality. wlk to bch, s«urity system , vacuum, interrom Ask· lng S395,<m Ownor must sell. Open Hse. Sat 1°" want? $75,<m full price 1-...-..---~- EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY ,_.,...,..s Hotlc•: All real estwle u.d -:'"' ~ en1sed 1n thh newspaper is subJect to the Federal 1"air Hous ~t11g Ml CJ( 11168 which mak11s il illegal to ad· associated Bll U"-lll~ IHllLl';P~ •\I.' 'i\. fulvv. O •I>• I vert1se "any preference, ·-------I l1m111111on . or dis crim1nat1on based on race, color. religion, sex. or nauonal origin. or an intention to make any such preference. llm1tation , or dts cnmmallon " ThlS newspapt'r will not knowingly actept any advertising for real estate wluch is in viola lion or the law ERRORS: Ad¥flifMn should chldl their ads doily ... ...,.... ~,,. ron 1 .... c1ate1y. TM DlllL Y ftlLOT OUlllM5 labllity for ttw flnt I.cornet iastrtioA Oftly. . WY MESA VERDE Ava1l 1mmed Chance to buy lovely 3BR home Situated on quiet cul de· sac. Assumable loan of $98,500 Selling price $144,900 Owner Anx· IOUS. t Cote Realty & ln\estment 640-5777 3 BDRM STEAL! Xlnt cond. Lrg yrd. Good location. Assume 9.2()'1. ! Only $92,<XXl Won't beat this' Patrick Tenore, Agt 759· 1221 Hot1tesforSale $69,950 ••••••••••••••••••••••• $7,000DOWN G•Mrol I 002 A most see' Security ••••••••••••••••••••••• gated 2 Bdrm condo. EASTSIDE pools. saunas. spas Va· cant and owners anlt CHARMER 1ous Act now, 546-2313 Pretty as a picture w1lh: park like grounds ' 3 ~~!.~·!1 Bdrm, l''" ba, hardwood r:;-;w't;;s floors, dbl gar .. on a "-11 ......... 1!11-!1!!!!1!!-!!!!-!!ll!""""'!"'!!!!@!l!!"'!l!~~'-~a~g1e1 ~·2 21~ ~ R~n~ 1to SPYGLASS HILL $154.900-refng, washer VALUES & dryer inchxled ' Call to •Reduced $95,000' New see' 646-7171 Bedford w ocean & ba) THE REAL ESTAT&:RS EXECUTIVE ESTATE vu owe s300.ooo Pru:ed to sell al S6SO,OOO 11R educed $50,000' Capeborn w ocean & bay vu $250,<XXl avail at 14 75 '1 . Now only • SS48,500. CaU to see. but hurry. Bruce Blom~ren, Agt 759·1221 LOWEST PRICE CdM $224,950 Only steps lo Corona del Mar Beaches' Now re doced S25.000 by motivated owners' As· -· ~·-1-i111 Vfsto ..... UU.000 Ul V'-te ....._ $215,000 50l A••· C::-,0. U75,000 2643 Vldo Omoda. $255,000 2147 Vlata Eatrada. $495,000 lopptl 2617 Vista Ol"Mda. $435,000 lopptl HST IUY. 2 bdrm overlook1ni.: wide greenbelt. Extellent terms. $139,500 HARIOR VIEW HOMES . Beautiful 4 bdrm. fam rm. I levd Mont ego. Lgc nicely landscaped lot. $335.000 including land. Of'EN 1·5 1735 PORT MARGATE HELEN B. DOWD REALTOR, INC. 644-1034 List & lwy Wittt 11te Experh j \ .~ A - REALTORS 675-5511 OPEN HOUSES 1-5 IRVltU TERRACE MASTElftlECE: CoN SH tWs hoftdcnrfted becmty. Colllple-ly remodeled. eve~ ii MW and r.ady for you to MOH ift! 3 bedrOOft 12 Mas-nl 3 laths +famity room too. Alkinq $349,500. I 06 Serenode T erTOCe MEW CUSTOM HOME: Wrap,-d arOtlltd a huge 9f•ss tttclosed atriuni an 3 lewef1 of groclCMas modent living. 4 bedrootM, faMity l'OOf'D and Library. Alt ope11 b.arMd ui!Mcj 9roces the treetop living rOOM with a wiew of ... OCHft. Added to all ttiiJ, a separate guHt suite, 1po and many patios & decks. OWMr will trade. Offettd at $675.000. Call for brochure, 333 Poppy. COLE OF NEWPORT REALTORS 2515 E. Coast Hwy .. CoroM del Mar 675-5511 OPEN TODAY 1-5 UNIQUE IM SPYGLASS Five bedroom. three bath. new carpet. French doors. expansive ocean and c·1ty lights view, plus terrific assumable financing. 5695 .000 Fee. See Natalie Fogarty at 77 Montecito. UNIQUE IH ftARK UDO Two bedroom two bath Townho~e. fireplace. patio. laundr y and s torage room , community pools. great adult living Terrific financing. S135.000 Fee. See Marilyn Rousselot at 452 Bolero Way UNIQUE IN LUSK HARIOR VIEW HILLS Exl·ellently maintained family home. four bedrooms. 212 baths. night light view. close to beaches. Flexible owner rinancing. Well priced at $420,000 Fee. See Marian Reedy at l225 Keel Drive. • UNIQUE IN SPYGLASS Truly beautiful in every detail. Fou·r bedrooms. three baths. two fireplaces. s pa . everything you have ever dreamed of. even ass umable finandng. $479.500 Fee. See Sarah Stefl at 32 Drakes Bay. UNIQUE IN llG CANYON Everything is beautiful about this four bedroom l3roadmoor. Pool. spa. guard gate:;,. and too many extras to mention Priced to sell Cast at $685.000. See Bonnie Ila rrington at 6 Winged Foot. UNIQUE IH NORTHWOOD Well designed three bedroom includes fireplace. skylight. c;pa. wet bar. \'aulted eeilings. powder room. interior laundry room. S199.900 Fee. See Laraine Shaw at 28 Miners Trail Custom golf e~tate home 4200 sq. n 200' fairway frontage' SBR. 41,aa. formal din rm. recreation & hobby rms. 2 frplcs, ram rm, sun deck. porch. pool & spa' Panoramic views from most rooms. 3 car gar Storage galore For personal preview ca ll Bob Licata . Bk r 759-1221. sume 11:i.'1 lst, owner ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ UNIQUE IN OLD COROHA DR MAR You'll foll in love with this elegant completely remodeled big and bright 5 Bdrm dream house The best of ever)1hing. S625.CXX> See Pat Merry at 442 Begonia will carry 2nd Call now' 673·8550 VACANT FIXER tl~$M1 OCEAN VIEW CONDO WITH YU Reduced over $40,000' Sellers are very motivated~ 5 Bdrms pltLS huge family room. As· sume 9114~ Isl 3 private beaches. Only s.118,000' Ca 11673-8.\.50 UNDER I 00,000! It's true! 2 B<lr, 21, Ba wicentr. air. s mm. to beach. 2'n dwn to as sume IO'i financing hurry' Greg Astle. Agt 759·1221 THE REAL ESTAT&:RS k r-Do.I, Am-•1 !N.do J:j. V Acco,J1,.9 '• fliie .S•Otf To dtHlop f'l'ltl\ogt-fot Sri.tndo1 trod WOrd\ (Otrnpondu-.g ro nurnbfn, o1.,.,.,, lodoOC b•rtn 1•9" ,.~..... 6,tlio-_ )1""'°'1~,.,1U•• )JV. l l ... )ti-" .. fo ... »j~ ., WT'lel )6_..l'l(l t&Wi~g J1. f7H()llF )I l•••,1 "If fll $o"'C•t• 1T ... et ltNe,.. te.tftlf"'()il\o 10s-.~.-.O'"'•• ,0,11<!9 Hl~l t•Gotit ll!t isa='!!I :~= :~~ . ~~~· ,... HW "4$Me •""9 1'0wil u ,_ l\'1aAu .. ,.,. "~ .,~ ,,~. .. ,. ., .... "9"'C.., •IOvH1111 "O"'I ~Wtl<"' '°'" ~'""' ••<>~ ~o... &1~ \)~ 63"•" ~.. lAP•W ~' h~.,. MO• "'°" .,ad., ,,, •• .., ,,.__.11i ,.,....,. . """' ,.c;o •ht•t• JO• 90,.,_ «1'~ ~Good ®Ad\'t'nt £,t-;:~t,f"d r::~::.~' S~R~lv\-~ t.tr~-:::: ----14 ... 4 ~~ CUT I ,~N OhotrOnQO I~• 6 1trambl•cl -d• ti..tow •o .,olo 6 ,..,-pit WOf<h Print lettet\ of tOCh 1f'I •) f,~ of te)IJO't l C 0 A l E T A C E E D D KAR BYE I I' I I I I " u H 0 A T ' I I' I I I tANOWED I I' I I I IM THE SHORES Large 2·story w near new carpeting. fireplace. all bit-ins etc. PLUS 1t 's \'acant and ready! Seller says "get a down payment of some kind & I'll carry the balance." Asking $188.500. PRICE, TERMS, LOCATION Th is 3 Bdrm "D'. plan in the Bluffs has it all owner says bring me an offer Asking $234,500. Call to see CLOSE TO IEACH Big duplex on FEE land. Asking only $279,000 and owner will carry with zsr;~ down . Call for details JACOBS REALTY 67M670 2919 Newport ltYd., conter 30th OMTHEIAY OftEH SUH 1·5 31 lalMMI Coves Beautiful bayfront home with sandy beach & boal slip Lovely deck & patio. Lite & cheery 3 bdrm + den. 2 bath, open beam celling, brick BBQ. 2 ca r garage + EXTRA PARK1NG !' A bargain at S59S ,000 I NCLUDES T H E LAN D! Owner Agent 673·9187 or 675-7060 UDO ISLE $60.000 Doww OWCLcJt lad Wttt. ao pay1Mllts! ! Priced slashed to $315,000 ! Mu st sell! Mu$t have 30 day escrow! o,... Sat/S. 1-4 214 Via Dlfon 963-8112 UNIQUE IN IACK UY A three bed room Country doll house at 1t 's very best. Used bncks. French doors. huge family room, pool size private yard This is your dream house. Unbelievable al $217.500. See Nancv Laux at 384 Mira Lona · UNIQUE IN CORONA DEL MAR Duplex. three bedroom with beamed ceilings. fireplace. brick patio and two bedroom unit has priva te patio, Spotless and spacious. $325.000 Fee. See Sara Marvin at 718 Heliotrope. REALTORS.675-6000 2'43 Eut Cout Hltfiwey, Coron !kl Mar WI HA VI 50 Of THE IEST USTIMGS IM TOWM THE BLUFFS OftEH TODAY 1-5 405 VISTA GRANDE 4 Bdrm, 3 bath, family townhome. Totally re· painted & recarpeted TerrHic location. Best sq. ft for SDOLLARS value now avail at $230,000 536 VISTA GRANDE. End unit, 3 bdrm, 212 bath. great location with 3 IDRM CUSTOM EASTSIDE Quiet cul-de·sac in prime E. Side Mesa. Parquet entry. Brick frplc Tiled kitchen. Pantry. Family rm. Water filter & softner. Spa Enclosed oHstreel RV pad. Giant patio Storage shed. fru it trees. OWC lg TD al 13%. Very Oexible. Low 6% 1st TD. Only $175,000. Bob Licata. Bkr759·1221 The fastest draw in the park & mt. view. Totally repainted & all new cpl. ~W~ejs~t.~~.a~Da~i~ly~Pi~loit::::::::~I Spotless! Offered al Classified Ad. 642-5678. $240,000 Nith creative nnanclng poss). MAGMIFtCIMf UTATE This lovely residence in Three Arch Bay is on 3 Ocean front lots. 6 BR . 7th baths, formal dining room, gourmet kitche n. li brary & projection room. Large pool & greenhouse. Owner will help rmance. SJ,950.000. Fee. OPEHSUH 1·5 502 LUCIA. AS IS "Fixer Upper''. A marvelous 3 bdrm, 2"'1 bath spacious 2 story end unit setting with lovely "original area" view. But. oh my! the interior needs help ' Your very best Bluffs opportunity for the able & talented buyer. Priced right It $193,000. ~·1 ! '1: I: \ \.I ' . . \, ' I I ~ t ' ' ' ' I ' OCIAMllOMT TU\11 Condo c:onvenlon pote.n· tJal. · nti~. I RXEA $103,000 3 Bdrm-huge back yard-great for first lime buyer-don't miss this one. Call now! @ SEACOVE PROPERTIES 7'4-631,-6990 HACH HOUSE • years old, 3 BR 3 Ba. 1900 aq. fl. Tot.ally re· furbished. Xlnt assuma· ble financing. S235,000. D11n Hodge. 780 9$01 960-SS80 NEWPORT COASTAL PROPERTI~ To place your m~agt befortthe readinoubllc. phone Dally P\lot Clutilled, IQ..5'71 C111979·S370 Molo. leal &tat. ~ '97-5454 ALLSTATE REALTORS Want Ai Results 642-5678 Want Ad Help! 642 ~8 CE llDBll ILlllS ca. OVER 57 YEARS OF SERVICE 542 HARIOR ISUM> DRIVE PROMOHTORY IA Y OPEN SUH 1·5 Special Custom Bayfront. FEE LAND. Cathedral Coeihngs. Parquet Floors & New Carpets. Lots Of Wood & Glass. Three B~drooms & Convertible Den. 312 Baths . Separate Dining. Huge Family Room With Wet Bar. Kitchen With Pantry Breakfast Hoom. Sauna. Study. Three Car Garage. Wood Deck Overlooks Bay & Dock. Owner Wi II Carry Large Second Sl .600.000. 1207 SUSSEX LANE WESTCUFf OPEN SUH 1·5 HEW OH MARKET!! four Bedroom, Three Bath Sparkling Clean Remodeled llomt> Call For Best Terms In Town Lease-Option Possible. $287,000 2000 BARRANCA ILUFFS OftEH SUH 1·5 OWNER FIHAMCIHG Bright & Airy Three Bedroom End Unit On Greenbelt With Sunny De ck & Open Beam Ceiling. Located On Quiet Cul-de-Sac: Near Pool & Tennis. Owner Will carrv at 13.5': . Vacant $169.900. · 2121 YACHT YANKEE SEA VIEW OPEN SUN 1·5 Fantastic Four Bedroom. Three Bath. One-Story Home. Offering One Floor Living At Its Be st! Gourmet Kit chen. 'T'wo Fireplat'eS. Family Room + Two-Car Garage, Attached. Ele\•ated Lot For Views Of Western Sunsets & City Lights . Gate Guarded. Priced Under Competition At $383,CXX>. POOLSIDE SETTING Elegant Condo Neutral Tones Two Bedrooms . Two Baths Formal Dining Room -Gorgeous Sunsets Super Financing -Very Lov. Fixed Interest Rate Shown By Appointment Asking S220.000 A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. BIG CAHYOH VIEW! Beautiful Versailles Model On Quiet Cul -de·Sac. Winding Stairway With Suspended Walkway Overlooking Marble Entry And Spacious Living Room. Elegant Features -Garden Kitchen. Den W/Fireplace. Huge Master Suite. Highly Landscaped Garden. Paddle Tennis Court. Great View ! Special Financing. $875.000. EMERALD IA Y MOOf:RH One Of The Most Delightful Houses We Have Had The Opportunity To Offer Jn "Many A Moon ." If Modern Styling Is Your Taste. You Must Inspect This Attractive Home With All Its Special Attributes High Beamed Ceilings -Intricate Custom Lighting Sharp. Clean Features -Lovely OCEAN VIEW . SpaC'ious Sun Deck Priced At $695,000. S MILLICH S VIEW S Lovely Courtyard Entrance -Tile Ga lore -Plus Bay View -Huge Patio -Potted Plants -Flowing Fountains -Indoor/Outdoor Living -This Two Bedroom, Two Bath Condo Shows Better Than A Model. Shown By Appointment. A "Joy Of Newport" Listing. CUSTOM IUILT HOME On Promontor y Bay. Formal Dining Room. Den /Librar y Spacious Mast er Bedroom Overlookingfl"Bay Has Fireplace. Three Other Bedroorm & Maid 's Room & Bath . Pier & Slip For Large Yacht. Owner Will Assist With Financing. Sl.850.000. DUPUX Balboa ''Little Island" Waterfront With Full Bay Vi ew From Both Units. Upper Unit (Which Would Make A Wonderful Owner's Unitl Has Four Bedroorm. Lower Is Three Bedroom Unit. Large Front Patio. Sandy Beach. .® 759-9100 CAT Ai.IMA SWSET Enjoy µcatcful views of Catalina Island in this appealing Cape Cod family home This spacious 4,000 + square foot house \\ith its many amemlles has excellent financing available Beautiful landst•aping. t'ustom oak bookcases. hardwood floors. t'ustom shutters and separate maids quarters are but a few of th e luxuries available. Open Sat 1Sun 1·5. 25 Bodega S675.000. SPYGLASS FIONT ROW This former model home 1s very highly upgraded. 4 bedrooms. famil y room and s pa with s pectac u I (\r ocean vi ew, air conditioning. pool. seeurity system. Priced below market at Sf.i29.000 LARGE FAMILY HOME OH THE IA Y Enjoy waterfront living on Lido Isle in this fantast1<· 7 bedroom Colonial style home with french doors. shutters. and used brick patio. Large balcony off master bedroom overlooks the water and the private sandy beach. This unique home on an oversized lot 1s ideal for family li\'mg and entertaining on the bay Sl.750.000. LEASE OPTIOtil IN SPYGLASS This ma gni fi cent 6 Bdrm home 1s a\'ailable for just S35.000 option money The lovelv home 1s 1n move-in rondition and includes a gardener $699.500 Open Sun 2·6 11 San Mateo CUSTOM ELEGANCE IN BIG CANYON This beautiful home epitomizes the casual elegance of Big Canyon and offers the ultimate in quality. c·omfort and c:harm 5 bedrooms including maid's quarters Pool and spa . Elegant woodwork . classic moldings. total seeurit.\' system. golf course views. By appointment $2.300,000 OWNER FINANCING IM ILUFFS Owner will carry a large second on this beautiful 3 bedroom condo Pri\'ate end unit \\.lth large patio. Priced at $249,500 Open Sun 1·5. ·100 Vista Quinta . · LIDO LIFESTYLE Remodeled Lido Isle home with 4 bedrooms and 3 plus bathrooms 15 perfect for f am1ly and entertaining. This home has good financing and owner ma) consider a lease option. Enjoy th e classic livin g o f Newport's largest island Offered at $525,000. CUSTOMIIEO SPYGLASS A select New Bedford features four bedrooms. four baths. family room and formal dining room. Extensive upgrades and king-sized yard make this home a truly unique find . Offered at S589,CXX> with attractive owner financing available. OWHH FINANCING IM TURTLE ROCK Like new three bedroom and den split level condo in Turtleroc k Vistas. Large family room with wet bar opens onto patio and greenbelt. Large master suite v..ith balconv Priced under market for qu1<:k saie at $279.500. $650,000 AT 13% for 30 years to qualified buver:: This s plendid C'ustom Co untry French estate with 4 bedrooms. 31-, baths. familv roor.i. llbrarv 4 fireplaces and more is offered· at S745.000. ftlCTURE Pf:RFICT Professionall y landscaped front and rea_r. Very private entertainin g pat10 and pool area 3 oversized bedrooms and 3 baths. Large kitchen /family room combo Owner wi II finance S369,500 LEASE OP'TlON. •• or buy this fixer in exclusive Shorecl1ff:, on pool s ized lol C'reative ow ner anxious. Asking $359,000 Open Sat1Sun I 5 320 Seaward HEWPORT HEtGHTS CUSTOM Beautiful <·ustom home has large living roo m. fa mily room with wet bar and hardwood floors. 4 br and 3 ba. Large front yard provides nire set-back from the street and the private rear yard is bcaullfully landscaped around a dramitllc pool and ga7.ebo with spa. $389.ooo. Open Sun l·S. 3106 Broad Street. .,. Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday October 11 . t 981 DI ~!.~~ ........ ~!.~~ ....... , ~.~~ ....... !~!!!.~.~ ....... HMHtF.W. ~'-rW. .,, .. ,.. ' I ooz G~·· ............. ······················· ••••• • •• ••• ••••••u ••• .. • •, ••• ••• • ........... I OOJ G..,... I 002 • For Wt ....._,. For Wt ..._.. For S. Ho.n.t for Wt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEt4 HOUSE 1 .. 5 OPIH OM UDO ISU Smashing 3 BR. + Oen. Atrium POOL. f<:ntertainer's delight. $595,500. See Edie Olson At 204 VIA EBO LI O~ .(»l IAYSUll DIJVE Beautiful ne~ decorated Bayfront · residence. 4 BR. + Fam. Rm. Pier & slip for two large boats. Sl,950.,000. -~ee . Se&• Cy nthia Rumsfeld At 1617 BAYSIDE DRIVE OP&t' tH DOVEi SHOIES Dynamic ~ BR . Bayfronl. Large pier & slip. Owner w11J carry all financing, Reduced to Sl.350,000. See Frank Sennes Al 314 MORNINGSTAR OPEN IM IRVIME nRRACE Charming & unique 3 BR. Private corner location. S365,000. Fee. See Nancy Simmons Al 1543 SERENADE TERRACE OPEN IM OlD CORONA DEl MAR Super duplex with two 3 BR . units .. Light & bn~ht. Remodeled kitchen . Good financing. $345.000. See Valarie Marshall Al 709 POINSETTIA OPEN 10H THE HACH Oceanfront/ duplex Fantastic financing. 3'+2. S575.000. See Nancy Nichols At .2402 W. OCEANFRONT. ·OPEN 2·5:00. <>MM IM WTILUFf Great potential & price. Lusk 3 BR. Fam . Rm w, fireplace. Sunny patio. S207.000. See Rita Quiggle At 2507 BA~IBOO ST OPfH IN USTILUFf Beautiful Lusk built 3 BR. Lovely decorating & landscaping. $236,000. See Lisa While At 901 ALDER PL. OPEN IN TURnYOCI( Spacious 5 BR. in Highlands. Great financing S459,500. See Jane Mitchler At 9 SILVER CRESCENT CUSTOM llG CAMYOH Beautiful custom home above 8th fairway of Big Canyon C.C. 4 BR. + Library. 'Large master suite. Security ·system . Pool & s pa. Electrica.Jzy controlled gates. Air conditioner. $2,300.000. Fee. SHORECUFf CHARMER Split level 3 BR. home in desirable location. Master suite on upper level w1deck_ Family room looks out to used brick patio. Could be great remodel. S585,000. CYPRUS SHORE ESTAU Next to San Clemente's Casa Pacifica. Lush green park between you & private sandy beach . Two master suites plus 4 more BR's-7 baths. Exercise room Sl.650.000. llG CAt4YOM EXCLUSIVE Former Deane model overlooking 18th fairway This customized 3 BR. "Monaco" has it all. French doors. crown moldmgs. brick patios & spa off huge master suite. It has been modified & profe ssionally decorated by a top interior designer to absolute·perfection. $640.000. CDM LAMDMARIC Quiet elegance just a few doors from Ocean Blvd . Beautifully appointed unique residence on a 30x 118 lot with leasehold rn?hts to 1the adjoining parcel. 2 BR . + Den. Gazebo. too. $650.000. UNDEISTATED ElEGAMCE On a 45· lot on exclusive Lido Isle. this remodeled home has all the amenities for gracious family living. 4 BR. 3 BA Den. Study. Formal dinmg room & two private garden courtyards. $599.000. IARGAIM ILUFfS CONDO Owners have reduced price to sell quickly and are o"ering to carry financmg at l4<7r with 25c < down. Charming 3 BR. Carmelita with open beamed ceilings & private patio overlooking tree shaded greenbelt ~I. Now at S219,900. EMERALD IAY-THE LIFESTYLE THAT HAS EVERYTHING Surrounded by trees. steps to beach. pools. tennis. and park , this 3 BR . 3 BA . home is unconventional and great fun . Designer hardware, cathedral ceilings. security system, spa. sub zero refrigerator and many other features. $735,000 SI ,000,000 MW FOi S6'S,OOO Includes a 4 BR. home with pool, 1<01 pond. s.pa. family room, spacious diniog room. hardwood floor!i. new .ctrpets, new paint & attractive fitr. ring in Spyglass .. IN NIWPORT CENTER ( 614-9060 You've Arrived at ... HARBOR RlllE Lovely . English .country estate combining classic design with formul eleganre und traditional old world charm . Cust om four bedroom , four bath home with every amemty and view of ocean, bay and city lights. One million dollars in asSUfl'ittbie financing. Full prt{'e $1. 700.000 Call for Ann Vaughn Santas. . ... LINDA ISLE Tht-l'ha rm of ·yesterday. yet modern as tomorrow. A superbly constructed 4 bedroom home on the water with luxury plus. Will exchange fur premium income . producli\'e ('Ommercial or multiple residential propel'ty. $1.895 million . Exclusive with William S. Cote BIG CANYON Experience the pleasun' of an adult custom home 10 years in the planning. Inc redible attention Lo detail . . elt>gantly proportioned and poised over a three par green. Si.8 million. Open Sunday l to 5 15 Royal St. Grorge. Big Canyon BIG CANYON 4 Bedroom home 'Allh 2 bedroom guest quarters. Impressive view of 18th fairwa y. Billiard room and pool Owner \\111 assist in finanl'mg $1.7 million . Exclusive \.\ilh William S. Cote Open Sundav I to 5 8 C~ press Point .. Big Canyon LIDO ISLE Smooth. smart and sophisticated ''' Four bedroom island home 111 Pristine tondition . Close to l'Vl'rylhing. Assumable loan <1nd owner will earry $625,000 Open Sunday I lo 5 204 Via San Remo. Lido Isle· VILLA BALBOA Luxurious villa newly decorated in .. easy tu live with " neutrals. Ivory carpet and tile. Large airy rooms . Arizona flagstone patios. $148.000 assumable loan al 120; and owner will carry. 5275,000. BAYFRONT Spectacular duplex encompassing O\•er 5000 sq ft on 11 :! ni ce lots with commanding view. Private pier and sltp. Approximately SI million in assumable fmancing. Priced for 1mmed1ate sale. Call quick ly for appointment and be the lucky one Sl,850.000 F'F:E. Ask for ~1arv Frizclle Le\\IS MESA VERDE . An11lable immediately. Chance to buy lovely 3 Bedroom home. Situated on quiet cul·de-sac. Assumable loan of S98.500 Selling price $144.900. 0'ATier anxious . WESTCUFF Two bedroom. 2 bath condo. Large assumable loan with low interest rate. Owner will carry 2nd. $129.500. SEAVIEW Three bedroom 2 bath home on pool sized cul·de-sac lot with city lights view. This lovelv Nantucket mod el is located in ·a private gated community with tennis courts and swi mmmg. pool. $250.000 available finan cing. Best buy in Seav1ew Priced for quick sale al SJSS.000. By appointment with Ann Baughn Santas Open Sunday l to 5 1901 Yacht Maria. Seaview BAY FRONT UVING Brmg your boat home Sharp se,•en bedroom home. Single family with tn·law quarters and zoned for duplex Excellent financing available Lo qualified buyers. Selling price $545.000. Cal l Ann Vaughn Santas. BIG CANYON Magnificent view! Large kitchen, form<1I dining room. pool. spa and sauna ! Th ree bedroom. 3 bath home. 3450 sq rt. all new carpeting. Great financing! Exclusive with William S. Cote. $895.000. ESTATt SIE Four bedroom . 2 bath Eastbluff home Must be sold to pay estate taxes. Beautiful pool. Two patios. large lot. Fantastic. Won 't last price. $209,800. Call Ann Vaughn Santas today for de•ils. Open Sunday 1 to 5 2672 Basswood. Eastbluff 2075 Sin Jo1quln Hiits Ad. Acro11 from BIG CANYON Newport BHch &40-sm G...... I 002 G1w.t I 002 Gt Mu .t I 002 Gt.r.t I OOJ EUtlJW! .•....•••......•••..•.....•••................. , ......•••..................................... 89'-0466 Dtl'LU WcSlm1n!lter 8rt11d & Huller l'nitll Anuml' wilh 112.MIO tluwn No drlerred tn111nLC'n11n('t' ·rake It aWll)' for $112.WO U11ve HUGE FAMILY ROOM b•-Upgraded 3 Br home IMth new r~». new roof. nrw paint Ill out. n1•11. k1t('h & toll y rtN t playhouse and a~~un1e II'<', V.A In for St+S.000 lr~ne ,,.. .... .._ -I Spa<'ious 4bedroom 21,; bath ramily home In prime area Features formal d1n1ng roum, comrort&H>le f•mlly room, hearty fireplace Fully landscaped lot Large rear yard. Try yourterms' $179,SOO VIRGIN CONDO Super C:urdcn GroH• loc:1tt100 3 Br 211 ha . C 2 car jar w elet• opnr A..,;,ume 13' • V A In w11h Sf0.000 do"wn Irene . • CUSTOM COSTA MUA HOME Sunken firepla<'e. v11ullt-d re1hng. <'handdwr 11nd many more el(tr1111 SJ)ltclGus 2 Br + "den . l'W baths As~umt• with SSOO<I down Only S 11111.500 D:m' 'IJ ACRE + 3 BR S.A. HOUSE Only $7000 down and unJer $900 µer mo i\ steal al SSS.000. Dov~ 1-'or further information anti Real !!:state Ad\ ll'e & l'oune1I Call Da~e or Irene 'Enm 1f you only have S10,ooo 1 4 IORM, 2 BA TH CM FIXER , This could be a ('Ulie for the Isl home buyer at low price with good financing available . SI 12.000 or s ubmit your offer GREAT FINAHCIMG Spac10us 3 Bdrm, 211 bath condo with new carpels. lots of mirror and large master suite Needs fast escrow. Slll.000. MOBILE HOMES/UDO WA TERFtlOMT Cozy l Bdrm . large living room with rireplace. Great year· round li ving or weekend retreat. S.59,500. 759-1616 1115-3411 Ch-.aDIJl'I Coado Stunning 2 bedroom Condo in a beaullful local1on Sunny dining area Community pool Below markel f111anrmg available Must see to truly appreciate $!16,SOO. Call today ! Mtreditll Gardtttl Enati•• Dramatic 4 bedroom 21, bath exei·utive home with pool & spa. Formal dining room. family room. fireplace Large low maintenance yard. Localed on qwet cul de sac street Submit terms today ' $240.000 lib To T~leocJt Plenty or roo.n in this 4 bedroom beaut)' Big ram1ly room with crackling fireplatc. Tile entry Custom draperies Covered patio BBQ. Oversized lot on quiet. 1.Jttle !raffle street Close Lo South Coast Plaza and the beach $147 .000 Don't miss this one' 979-2390 3707 S. Bnstol SanlaAnu Tarbell, HL\IJOHS STEPS TO IEACH! Super IOl'ation. street to street lot 1A1th room lo add on 4 Bdrm custom home with coastline and wh1tC'waler 'iew'. Ma!!nificenl large deck. !)('rft'l't for indoor and outdoor hnng. $685.000. NEWPORT BEACH WATHFtlONT! 2 Bdrm plus bachelor'.. usl' as duplex or single family home. Both units have wood burning fireplace + dl'cks. p1l'r <llld flout for 2 boats• S450.000 TURnEROCI< HIGHLANDS! Beautiful Lu sk built 4 Bdrm 3 bath ~hlcGr~gor model with hardwood floor~. shull<.>rs and bay \.\indO\\t'd breakfast nook' Grt.'al fmanl'1ng ' Prrme neighborhood $350.000 L!JCATIOH, LOCATION! Corona del Mar duple>. situated m beautiful old CdM . Private secluded owners unit. 2 firepla('CS. great rental in co me. call now '. $325.000. HARB!JR VIEW HIU.S! Bright and cheerful. out· standmg 3 Bdrm 2 bath home with fam1lv room Close to Sl0hools and shopping. neutra·l deco~ thruoul Pool s17.ed vard. Quiel familv oriented neighborhood. 0\mer may assist with f manc- ing. Call for appointment. S299.500. nRMS, TBtMS! 3 Bdrm, 2 bath. Laguna Beach home with s pa. wf;'t-bar and lovely ocean view' Perfect famll~· living. Owner will fmance. $229.500. BUILDERS! R-2 lot. located South of Coast Highway in Corona del Mar. Mmutes to shop· ping. Submit on terms . Call now. S230.000. UMIVERS~TY PARl<I ~ughly upgraded 4 Bdrm. 2 bath Jultard model. Picturesque greenbelt loca tion. Call for financing mformation. SI90.000. <> OWNER WILL FiMAHCE! 3 Bdrm home plus m- law quarters. located m the area of Westcliff close· in to Newport Beach. A must to see· $167.300. . ASSUMAILE LOAM! Fantastic location 3 Bdrm. 2 bath, Bear Creek condo. Located in Costa Mesa. 3 years old. Xlnt financing . $134.950. FOR LEASE! Beautiful Corona del Mar 3 Bdrm. 3 bath home with den. lanai and view. Call for de· tailc;' A ••Hhrv of Jola D. LN & So. 2515 h1teo.t .... ey eo,....,M. COME WITH US. •• TO SPYGLASS. FIRST TIME Of· • ..,.1-~D. HIGllLV UPGRADED "SOUTIIPORT" ON CllOICE,110 D E G R E E v I fo: w LOT . . D E c 0 R A 1· -0 R p E It n ;-c·T THROUC HOUT .Mli'ICULOUSLY MAINTAINED INSIDE ANI> OUT. POOL AND io1HEP1T. ~BY AP POlNTM ENT SI , I 00,000 AVAILABLE BY ~POINTMENT COME WITH US ... TO SPYGLASS. TIMELESS CLASSIC SOI.ID AS NEW ENGLAND ITSfo:LF FIVE SPACIOUS BEDROOMS IM PRESSIVE LIVING HOOM FORMAL STEP DOWN DINING ROOM CUSTOM CABINETRY THE LAST WORD IN GOURMl-;1 KITCHENS JACUZZI Tl.iB IN MASTl-:R BATH FOltt 1 .. IREPLAC.:ES TWO Wl"J' BARS FOUR CAH GARAGE $1 ,500,000 COME WITH US •.. TO DOVER SHORES. MAGNIFICENT COl:N TRY FRENCll , SIX BEDROOMS ... FORMAL DINING ROOM . H UG~: MASTER BEDROOM SUITE WITH FIREPLACE .SEPARAn: CHILDREN'S WIN<; ......................... , ..... , $950,000 COME WITH US ..• TO DOVER SHORES. MAJESTIC . ARCHITECTURALLY DESIGNED FOR CONVENIENO..: AND FAMILY COMFORT UPPER BAY VIEW FOUR BEDROOM S EACH WITH PRIVATE BATH SPARKLING POOL, SPA •• $825,000 I COME WITH US •.• TO DOVER SHORES. FANTASTIC FOUR BEDROOM llOME-SLIDING ROUF JN ATRIL'M ENJOY INDOOR OUTDOOH LIVING fRENC~I WINDOWS AND DOOHS PLAN TATION SHUTTERS llAND RUBBED OAK CABl~ETRY L'PPER BAY VIEW COMPLETELY UPGRADED ............. $600,000 OPEN TODAY 1·5 COME WITH US .•. TO IRVIHE TERRACE. SPEC:TAl'l:LAR OCEAN AND BAY \.1EW TllREE SPACIOL'S BEDROOMS FA'.\1 ILY HOOM WITH FIRErLACE. SPARKLING POOL BEAllTlfUL H0)1F. WITH MOTIVATED SELLER 1935 SAIRINA TERRACE .......................... $515,000 COME WITH US .•. TO WESTCLIFF. ELEGANT fOl'R BEDROOM S. PROMINENT BUILDER'S OWN HOME . QL'ALITY AND PRIDE OF OWNERSHIP IS REFLECTED THROUGHOL'T FORMAL DINI.GROOM FAMILY R00)1 HARDWOOD FLOORS. LOVELY \'ARD WITII BRICK TERRACE A:"\D GAZEBO 1118 SOMERSET LANE •••••...•.•..•.•...••••••..• $495,000 COME WITH US ..• TO DOVER SHORES. ENJOY TIIE l'PPER BAY VIEW AND NIGHT LIGHTS QUALITY Bl:ILT fOL'R BEDROOMS FAMILY ROOM . GOUR'.\1ET KITCHEN OWNER IS MOVING NOHTH MOTIVATED. WI LL HF.LP WITH FINANCING 2130 SANTIAGO DRIVE .......................... $371,400 COME WITH US. .. TO IAYCREST. CUSTOM Bl'ILT f Ol'R BEDROOMS. KITCHEN AND FAMILY R00'.\1 COMPLETELY UPGRADED. OAK CABINETRY BEAM ED C:EILl~GS TWO SKYLIGHTS IN KITCHEN AND FAMILY R00'.\1 PAR(Jl'ET FLOORS WET HAR 1315 ANTIGUA WAY ............................ $360,000 COME WITH US. .• TO IAYCREST. :"10 DETAIL HAS BEE" SPARED IN THIS nrnACL'LATE THREE BEDR00)1 HOME .. DE~ AND FORMAL DINING R00)1 f'l:"\ISHED GARAGE LOADS Of STORAGE. POOL SIZED YARD l.l'Xl lllANT LAND. CAP ING 1921 TRADEWINDS LANE ........................ $325,000 1617 WESTCLIFF DRIVE .................. 631-7300 DRUM HOMES NEW PORT BEACH SUPER NICE and LOW PRICE Bluffs X plan 3 BR 21, BA. nr comm pool & walk to NB tenn1~ dub $225.000 314 VISTA TR UCHA TURTLEROCK. IRV FABULOUS execullvt> lownhome. 4 BR 3 BA. views. spa. <'USlom up grades. $337.500 SO ROCK KNOLL ITurtlerock Concordia I I 640.6259 ( _/lv1!.Jf'll R E A#L TY AMAHEIMHIUS 12.50/o Luxurious home on ror ner lot 5 bdrms, 3 baths. Cantilever decks, pool. spa & firering Check this one out today! Rl'dh1ll~~Reaity 1;7:1 7:Hl(J WATERFRONT W /SO'DOCK Fee fand·3600 sq H, never lived in. Owner re· duced price and will of· fer good terms Call Pete Johnson, Agt 631 l266 2ADULT HOME Sii, 900 Singles find a partner. Two big private. separate bdrms. each with full beths. Quiet. pride of ownership, hid· den away l level condo with pool and communl· ty rec room. Near S. Coast Plau. C•ll about terms. 752-1700 THE :REAL ESTATE RS * * * * * * Heritage Collection C.2 LOT High traffic co unt 62 .6X307 Lot Existing house on prop4erty. Flexible Uses. Owner will consider carrying 1st T D. Asking SI99.500. Call 540· 1151 EHTERT AIHERS DRIGHT EASTSIDE Assumable VJR financing available on this charming. light and airy home r~eaturing 4 Bdrm. plus family room. enclosed courtya rd. lovely back yard with Koi pond Asking Sl88.400 For appointment to see. call 540· l 151 ERITAGE Have something lo sell~ I Find what you want in ~lassiried ads ~<!_11 well I ~!!!Y P1 lot Classifieds JUST LISTED -EXCLUSIVE HAllOR llDGE ESTATE Popular "De vonshire" in prime location with panoramic views of ocean, city lights and 'Fashion Island. This beautifully appointed home features 5 Bdrms. dramatic living & entertainment areas. go urm et kitchen w/delightrul breakfast room, luxurious master suite, and private courty1 rd entry with lush gardens & walerf all. To view this excilinJl homt nil 544·9411 . . DJ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11, 1981 ....... ..., Wt ....... fwWt ........ For Wt ........ For~ •••••••• ~:.~.~ ••••••• ;;;;; .......... iO"Oi 9;:;~ .......... iilj ~ .......... iooi .:;;;;·... 1001 ~~··•••iii.-.•••~ ......... For,. ........ For,. . "--'•Fors-. .......... s. ········ .............• ! ................................................ ·····················!• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••' ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·-------------I ~1/10/0 ~ 1002........ 1002 ._.. 1002 ••• ,.. 1001 6 ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• ••••••••••••!!!!,!•••••• ·~··..:•.!•••:.•• ''''!!!' ···••••••••············ ~ ~ · SI 15 PB MO. _ 81k• to t.be btarh !rom • lhla towcnna 2 atory 3 HQBQI Im( ESJAJE LINDA ISLE Bdrm 2 bath. ramfik Outstanding Miramar model. 2 Br + Exciting opportw\ity. Widt!vlew from ~~eeprart u ~~ ~[,~)oo den. parquet noors, new carpets, spectacular arch.itcctttral designed 6 down Price Sll0.900 cau 2 )AC ESTATI': New hu1e blU&op eaiate 360 dee. vu tu ()(ean. Pool, elec 11ate, horau ' mu rb mon' Call Patrick Trnore, All 758 1221 bdrm. 5d>ath. pJayroom. dark room & ~23l3 custom band carved bar, dynamic den_. Slip ror 2 largc boa.ts. Sl ,3SO.OOO. SPECTACUUI "VaS.AIUES" COi. city lite views Asking $695 000 Lgc cor. site on Big Canyon golf · ' f course. Oramat1c foyer 2-sty Liv LIDO ISLE HOME Rm. Jt'ormal Din. Rm .. 4 Bdrms. 4~~ 120 VIA 9UJTO OPfH SUH 1-5 B Pool & bo $950 000 Featured on Homes Tour this lovely traditional spacious. custom 3 bdrm . 3 bath home, newly decoral.ed. Priced to sell quickly at $475,<XX>. Must see. a. . s pa gaie . . . GEORGIAN COlOMAl. MAHSIOH llG CANYON COUNTRY CLUI PEHINSULA POIMT-Cape Cod 3 BR. 2041 l lc6oo lfycl., ... .. WPOIT CllST-2 Bdrm, den end. It he.,.. Ct., H•wport .._.. . OOVH SHOllS -Lg 3 Bdrm, den I JU G•xy. M•wport IMclt tWtlOI HIUilDS 1 3 Bdrm. den. 1106 htyt Dr., M•wpcwt IHdl 214 VIA ITHACA 0.,.. SUH 1-5 Newly remodeled 3 'bdrm, 2 bath plus lge recreation room.. & 2 patios Beam ceilings. Great ror entertaining $4.30,000. Best Pf'tff fol' the money A tl'uc pi cture of elegance Overlooking the 8th green ~ Bdrms , 612_.Haths. Formal Din. Hm. Fam. ' Rm ., Billiard Rm . Abundant w t marble. & crystal chandeliers. S2, l50,000. Finanring avail~bJe, CALL WANT TO MME MONEY? IAYSHOHS -3 Hdrpi. den & spa. 260 I Wonrty. M!Jwport IMdi WISTCLIFf -5 Bdrm. din rm. + isoo HicJW-d Dr .• M•wport 1e«11 • FOR COLOR BROCHURE. 71 4 /760-9333 llG CANYON CHICIC CONDOSTEALS! THEMAUIT PENINSULA POINT IEACHFRONT Panoramic bay & ocean view al wedge, from prime large lot. 4 bdrm. 3 bath custom home 3700 sq. ft featuring marine room. $1.385,{J(J() OWMER WILL FtMAHCE 2·STORY DU,~PORT IEACH 200' TO UCrmG IE.404 SZ7',500 Handsome building! Ong. owner Beautifully mafot. 4 Bdrms. 2 Ba & lge sundeck in upper; 2 Bdrms. 1 Ba & darling patio in lower. Fplc in each OWC 1st T.O. $230,000. int. only $49,500 Dn. No loan fee. Great investor l'Ondo. 3 B. R. n•, BA. Assum . high balance loan. vacant & seller anxious. Try an AITD or carry back 2n<I Only $99.900. DRASTIC UDUCTION Own this beautiful townhome below market value. 2 B.R. + den . pool. spa , sauna. Good assum. financing. Reduced to $119.00l P\HIMSULA 'OIMT -~m, aen . 1701 E. Ou•• lc6oo MESA VERDE -4 Bd sy yard. 21UToMgo.C MHa EASTSIDE 4 Bdrm, family room. 29' loae LA. Costo Mna I .( CHECK THESE .( ./ WEST OCEAMFIONT Triplex units. Xlnt financing. $600,000. 2 & 3 Bdrms avail. Beatbuyinatta.3Bdrm SIB2.000-$235 ,000 . and add-on family w/terms! Must liquidate room too' Refrigerator now Patrick Tenore, and home warranty · ii Agl 759· 1221 tbal's not enou,h · try 8~~ assumable loan. SliS,700. Cati now 979.5370 ALLSTATE BILL GRUNDY, REALTOR .J 11 f\,.y"'l' 01 ..,,. N B 67) 6161 VACAMT--VIEW--AMXIOU S Panoramic view of bay. ocean & sparkhng lights. 4 Bdrm. Lge Family Rm . Formal Din. Rm. 212 Baths. $395,000. Submit offer on price and terms. Owner anxious. See any time. OPPORTUNITY TO DEAL Motivated seller will sell or trade a choice Spyglass 4 BR on corner lot. Try creative terms including gems. Only $459,500. I LIDO 1Sl.E-44EW LISTING Charming 2 BR dining room on Lido Soud. Newly redecorated $375,000. I KIMGS ROAD-HEW LISTING Lasting view. 4 Bdrm, pool & spa. You own land. $600,CXXl. I IALIOA 'EHIHSULA DUO SELL idle it.ems with a Daily Pilot Classified REALTORS CUSTOMRXER 2 Units on the Point with exceptional financing. $339,000. Ad. ~~~~~~- IL\JtB<>R REA LT\' 'LOOKING FOi VA.LUE? DAVIDSON P.EALTY INC ". . · -. L7J 90o0 UDO ISLE BAY VIEW! 4 Br home on lrg corner lot. Separate 2 Br unit over garage. Lrg assumable low interest loan. $575.000. 1251 SURFllHE WAY-+C.ulOI VIEW 0'EH HOUSE Sat & Sun 1-5 'M FOR LEASE-Sl,500 MOHTH Big Canyon Tt>wnhome with a beautiful golf course view Lovely El Dorado Model 3 Bdrms. separate Din. Rm . and 212 Baths. New ca rpeting thruout & newly painted. See now! Walls of g lass overlooking sparkling pool. Great financing. Seller wi II assist in selling this Mesa Verde home. 4 B. R. Just $26.5.000. I IAUOA HOME WITH INCOME 2 Bdrms. dining room , country kitchen plus 2 Bdrm unit. $289,500. ./ MEW'OIT SHOIES-WA Ta,_ONT Big lot 4 Bdrms, 2112 baths, near ocean. pools, tennis. l250.000. ./ IALIOA ISUMD IA YFIONT Here's a beautiful custom built home wllh 3800 sq. ft. located in exclusive Baycrest for only $389,500! 4 bdr~ .. forma l dining rm .. hobby rm .. pool and a huge paneled familv rm. with wet bar, pool table and plenty of built in storage. $100,000 down -seller will carry lst T.D. al 1331.io/t. Fast escrow OK 1730 Marlin Way will be open Sat and Sun 1to5. 'EHIMSULA POIMT. Low interes t financing for this new luxury home . 4 BR w/sep. fam rm Formal dining. 3 car garage. 3 fireplaces. $655.000. 26 CAMYOM ISLAHD DR. 0,... S• 1-5 OFF FOID ROAD IREA THT AICIMG VIEW F'rom this Spyglass 4 BR. faro room. 2112 bath on quiet cul-de-sac. Offered at $695.000. Pier and dock . 2 units. owner financing. $750.000. I CUSTOM OCUHNOMT Panoramic view single' 6t duplex, fireplace. open beams, lots to offer. I OCUHFROHT Dll'UX HUGE WOODB> CORNEil LOT PARK HERE Choose the perfect location on parklike greens in Irvine. 3 B. R. 2 BA . e nd unit on cul -de-sac. Financing can be assum. plus own. will assist. Ready to move in at $156,000. 1714) 673-4400 121 ll 621-2121 IACK IAY .AREA. Attractive home w14 spacious BRs. Lrg. fam.rm. overlooks covered patio & rose garden. Owner will finance. Only $210,000 SI 29,000-Sll,OOO DOWN Attractive 3 Bdrm, 2 BA lge. Family Rm . Mature landscaping w/lge trees.· In desirable Mission Viejo. New cpts. Owner moving. Highly motivated. WESLEY H. TAnOR CO., REALTORS I 0% IMTEIEST 3 Bdrm. 2 bath + 2 Bdrm income. Reduced to $719.500 The Harbor A'"'• l.GRIJtlt btabli~ RHll Estate COtillllClllY R\llB()ll IALIOA ISLAND'S lowest priced duplex. Probate sale on 30x85' lot. Bldr's opportunity. Low. low $289.500 WOODIRJDGE TO~OUSE.. 2 Br. 1'2 Ba , fireplace. custom mirrors. Owner w/finance. $124.500. 2111 Smt~HihRood HEW,ORT CENTB. H.I. 644-49 I 0 On this adorable 3 B. R. Hunt;ngton Beach starter complete with pool and priced to sell at just $135 ,000. Hurry! ./ -HARIOR VIEW HILLS-¥1EW Spacious 4 Bdrm. family room Broad moor. Assumable financing. I MESA DEL MAR-WEU RHAHCB> Excellent 3 Bdrm, family room. large assumable 1st. $135,000. ./ LARGEST DOVER SHORIS sen 3 Bdrm . formal dine rm. lanai W•spa. Privacy. $425.000. DUPLEX. Near the ocean Xlnt starter property at S187.500. Want Ads Call642561slSell1dle 1l~642·567~ I I * Sl5KOOWH • DESPBATl! 4 Bdrm 2 ba pool home Assume h1·balance loan OWC Slra1ghl note. SUCCfSS REALTY 549799_1 __ I . MACNAB BAYFROHT $649,500 FH.. You don't have to be a millionaire lo have a bayfront home. This charming 3 BR. home boasts 3 BR .. 2 frplcs. lge deck. a sunny patio, a dock on Newport Is land. Barbara Aune, 642-8235 . ESTATE OM THE BAYFROMT! Prime tip of Linda Isle over 121· with s lip for so· boat. Lg rms for entertaining incl.2-story. hv rm & s tone fplc. Secluded pool & spa. 5 BR & fam rm. Play room & library., $.5,000.000 Leasehold. Cathy Schweickert 642 -8235 < E27 l MAGNIFICENT CUSTOM HOME Enjoy the .superb ocean bay & city views from thi~ Pollendine built home featuring 5 BR. pool, s pa & extens ive lis t of outstanding amenities. $2.500.000 Lynne Vale ntine 644·6200 I E28 l ''MAMTUCKET" on the bay of Newport Beach residence with magnificent harbor view. Fam. rm. w wet bar & f pie. Spacious formal dining rm. 4BR. 3 car garage. Gate guarded community with two comm. beaches & adjacent marina. $2.000,000 in- cluding land. Cathy Schweickert 642-8235 (E29) OPEN HOUSE SUNDAY 2-5 -2616 Bayshores Drive · Bayshores PRIME BLUFF PROPERTY Substantiall y low interest rate & long term fin ancing availa· ble. You have it all. .. The BEACH VIEWS of the bay. ocean & night lights and TERMS. $1,500.000 Jennifer Suchomel 644-6200 < E30 ) THE SUPREME LIFESTYLE Linda Isle Style. the ultimate. Spacious sin g le level w/features & decor to appreciate. Guard- gated comm. w /all amenities. Slip for lg boat -Location. Lifestyle equal value~ $999,000 Jane Paquin 642-8235 ( E31) ISLAND BAYFROMT Sensational new 3 BR home located on the Is le of Balboa. Includes a marvelous master suite w/fireplace & luxurious bath. lg. fam. rm., and upper deck for entertaining, 3 f pies & slip for 30' boat. $975.000 Jane Paquin 642·8235 ( E32) IRVINE REALTY A SUBSDARY OF ntE RVINE <Df*tANY OCEAN BAY & HIGHT LIGHTS From th is beautiful cus tom 5 BR home. Harbor View Hills. New drapes & shutters separate children ·s play room. Exc;ellent financing. Fee land. $595,000 Rosemary Seitz 644-6200 (£33) CAMEO SHORES R ~ga ll y Grecian courtvard entrance \\1th pool & fountain featuring lg mstr suite w 1fout additional fam BR. Spatious li v rm & formal dining rm with panonimic ocean view. Private Cameo Shores Bea<.'hes $875.000 Lynne Valentine 644-G::!<X> < F..34 l HARBOR VIEW HILLS This exceptional 3 BR . fam rm. home offers a full complement of elegant amenities. Lg. country kitchen & fam rm opening to spacious gard en. Mstr BR suite & li v ing area pool. spa & pvt patio a ll with OC'ean view. $685.000 Lynne Valentine 644-6200 ( E3.5 > BAYFROMT FOR QHLY S649,500 On Newport. Is land . Two large fplcs, wet bar marvelous patio on the bay & private deck for sunbathing. Master suite has view & fplc. Barbara Aune 642-8235 (E36) BEAUTIFUL CENTER COURTYARD Highlights this Lido Is land 4 BR home on one and a half lots! French doors. beam ceilings, hardwood floors, 3-car garage. $525,000 Including land. Jan Young 642-8235 ( E37 ) IAYSIDE COVE PENTHOUSE Fabulous bayside view spacious 2 BR + den ; elegant master suite, professionally decorated. prestigious community, pool & s pa ~18,000 LH. Deborah Fratt 642-8235 < E38 ) FANTASTIC FINAHCtHG Lovely Stewart Plan in TurUe Rock Hi ghlands. 5 BR , 3 BA w/3 car garage. Call for financing details & appt. S459.500 Lorraine Rennie 752· 1414 <E39l TURTLE ROCK PRESIDENT Over . I :J acre lot ~ 3.000 sq. ft ~ 4/5 BR home "'ith teenage or lh·e -in re treat ! Playroom for kids! Original model home. Fee land. $449.000 Darlene He rman 752-1414 < E40 ) TRADITIONALLY LIDO ISLAND Lg 3 BR fami· ly home convertible den or fam rm - balconv Owner will lease option or selL $395 .000 Fee Excellent financing. Tom Allison 642-8235 ( FAJ ) EXCLUSIVE CAMEO SHORES 3 BR fam rm. dining area & 2 bath. Situated "f>n ohe of Cameo Shores largest lots. Room for pool & expans ion. Walk to 3 beaches. Only $359 ,500 Leasehold . Donna Gods hall 644-6200 < E42 > DOVER SHORES. Yearly lease. 4 BR., dining rm .. family rm., gardener. $1795 . mo. Barbara Callihan 642-8235. FRONT ROW -HEWER BLUFFS! Lovely end unit, Dolores Plan 3 BR. 21'2 Baths, Master suite. two patios, built-in kitchen and views of upper bay area & mountains. $325,000 Fee Dick Halderman 642-8235 (E43 ) OPEN HO USE SUNDAY 2·5 -2944 Perla -Bluffs. Newport Beach MCLAIN -BIG CANYON. Dehghtful 2 BR. lower level Oakcrest Model. Formal din. rm. & pnvate & secluded patios. Security gate & L'(>mm. pool. spa & tennis . Seller will h e lp linance. $179.500. Suza nne Shuler 642-82:15 . LOW DOWN PAYMEMT Owner wilt carry balance Price r educed to $298.500! Spacious 5 BR refurbished \•iew home in Eastbluff. Great kitchen with Catalina view & freshly painted/papered & carpet- ed throughout. $298,500 Leasehold. Tom Allison or Terry Hanes 642·8235 (E44) OPEN HO USE SUNDAY 1-5 -221~ Alta Vis- ta . Eastbluff -Newport Beach 1 LAKEFROHT PROPERTY -PRICED UNDER MARKET Enjo~· dail~· serenity while li ving on the water & green belt. Desire for quick sale. necessitates low price on this 3 BR detached condo $275.000 Lorraine Reid 551-8700 ( E4 5 I TURTLE ROCK ASSUMAILE LOANS Excep· tional home w 4 BR 3 BA 3 car ga rage on a cul-de-sac near a lg green belt. lst & 2nd TD are assumable. Separate Utility & sew- ing rm. Owners need fa st escrow & wi II cons ider many types of financing. $236,000 Lorraine ,l<1<.'kson 55 1-8700 <E46 ) ONE OF THE LOWEST PRICE MONACO MODEL'S in Harbor View Home~. 2 BR + den with an extra lg front ya:i:4 . Enjoy comm. pool & greenbelts. Assume ... the ex- isting financing & sell er will assi~t1 This is an excellent value at $225.000 Jennifer Suchomel 644 -6200 <E47 ) REDUCED SI 0,000 Immaculate 3 BR 2'h Ba McLain Big Canyon Townhome . Rare El Dorado model. Move-in conditioft . Seller wants a fast s ale. Security gate. communi- ty pools. s pas. & tennis. $215 ,000 Suzanne Shuler 642-8235 ( FA8) SOMETHING DIFRRBn' IN UNIVERSITY PAlll< TERRACE don't miss this rare Cardiff w/loft. Just steps from com m. pool, 2 spacious BR w /built in bookshelves add to the appeal of this special home. $147,950. John Richard 551-8700 (E49 ) !O!AL SDVIOI. !MAL SA!ISl'AO!IOB. 1lmWJIOllT U•OB mvm• Ce.mpus va.ney Center Wbodbridge Village Center Irvine, CA 92718 Irvine, CA 9271.4 (714 ) 752-1414 ('n4) sm-s?'OO 901 Dover Drive Ha.rbOr View Center Newport Beach, CA~ Newport Beach, CA 92660 (714) 642-8236 r ('n4) 644-6200 ' ' ' "-'••For Wt Howtt• For Wt Ho.Mt For W. "-"'for Wt ' Hoe.Ht For Wt "-"'For Wt Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday October 1 I 1981 03 ·············•········· ..............•........ ·•••·······••·········• .................................................................... . !:~!!'! ......... !~~ .................. !!!~ .............. , ... !~~ ~ .......... !!!~ ~!~!~ .......... !~~ !:~!~ .......... !~.~ ~:!!.~.~ ....... ~:.~.~ ....... ~~.~.~ ........ ~!~!!.~~.~~./ ..... . ri~=! ~WLISSl'\t\')LASS .. ~~~~ .......... !~~ ~:~!! ........ ,.!~~~ ~~~~ .......... !?~~ ~~ ........ ~.!~~~ A If tNTION DEVELOPERS You muat 10 thl• INVESJOIS! 1 e n•Sv i.i,tnl fee . Great THt .. tHG tle11nl 3 Rdnn I bath tfl 1 b~y & 0\ wdO view TOWHHOME? MnoVtrdit l;;iiiiiiliiiiiii;;;::~llllllll,_ THE LAST OF THE TRUL Y C OAST Al PROPERTI ES Corona d~ Mm' Blvfh home with a beauUf\11, S.t•lfMllTu Call Lhe spec1ah&ts al Country Clu b Villa . W•lk to fairways' 38r. 38a . overlook1011 pool, lov~ly grounds Own4lr flnanc:~ ()fft'rt'd at $179,500 Own1•r1a&t spadou• llvln& room Credt ONI ILOCk TO OCEAN the roodon11n1um in with overlooks secluded Well molntaloed on 2~ Retractable roof. steps to rormat1011 ct-ntc:r b1ck yard. Garden Ukto arres produrlng grove private beach "ales. Ocean Touchsturwn .. 111ty kitchen. dlllin« area and 15 well as preiitagious " 9631»167 LINDA ISLE WATERFRONT. family room overlooks home site with vlt'w. Vll'W. ()!> ~;N SUNDAY $9'l5,000 another 14.'(hlded p1t10 tlt'r wat er an d Im f ec WANTAl"'flON~ t'la11slfl'd Ads642·~.l! S49 13116 Hew Oft tht marlitt! Formal. but cOMfortoblt "home on tht wot.r" wtth tlip for 2 booh. Con•fftffoftol easy-flow floor ,,_ in ttils lonfy 2-story holM with 4 bed. + maids qAHtrten. S,oclout ll•lftCJ room, formal dlfting room, ,_....,.t ldtchetl pi.. 1onJt fomlly room with dtp·down bar for tftjoyablt etttertalnlncJ. Courtyard tfttry. pkls patio Ir decka. Own.rs flexil* on flnanciftCJ Ir wlll conJlder trade for amolltr "waterlrot1t". $1 ,595,000. 631·1400 . 180 VIC'W lrom l'H'r\ v.1ndow Abov.-brat'h. ti.low Ort'•n ljl\d Storn1 pm11tc road. Out of trarr1c l'ro~rt~· hn11 h111h lHll' l'louble your 111ve11tment In 2 ye1ars Clear 11111<.1. 1ncludtd '1 .2~.000. OWC Pm ate: party' Man ~. m•n)' othrr provedac1"tSS toproper ''"fa1l feel~. Owner ly XlnJ t.-rrns 195,000 wil help with financing • CAM HIGHLANDS RXER Fee land. $318,000, l>Offit! vww By appointm~nt oft'( 673-6525 CUL.oE-SAC Priced only SlSS,500 Call5*Z313 THE REAL ESTATERS Walk to golt l'Oursc & lenni from lh1s prime 3bdr .. 2kv ba home Seller may assist in rinant'ing. Asking $259 .900 and readv lo sell ! J ACKIE llA~DLEMAN 631 12tXi . 4'1 I MESA Vt:RDE CHARMER Old fa~h1oned charm and value. 4bdr .. sparkling ()OOI wa. must sell. Asking Sl91.500 J/\CK IE JIAN'OLEMA~ 63H2ji6 MESA VERDE Cape Cod charm. 3bdr. + fam. rm., lrg swimming pool. new c·a rµets and fresh pamt. Good terms . $190,000 Also a\'ailable for lease. JA CK IE H:\~DLDI.\~ 631-1266 GOLF COURSE VIEW Contemporary wood & glass C"ustom home O\'erlookmg pri\'ale golf course. 4bdr. fam rm .. rumpus rm pool w spa . hghted paddle tennis C'ourt elr ell' Call JACK IE HAN DLEM AN 631·1266 DON'T IUY THIS ONE lJnles~ rambling 4br and fa m. rm. with pool and spa ~s co rner lot with R. V. access in C.M. 1s what our family wants. Onl y $154 ,500. Owner assi financing of course. Bill Kennedy 631 -1266 •• I INCRB>lllE ST ARnR Tak}:tJp where the contractor left off. Man y. many quality upgrades m this 2br home situated on private corner lot m C.M. Owner \\ill help wi th financing Priced lo sell at only S93,900 To see call Bill Kennedy 631-1.266 3 YEARS NEW Sharp -I bedroom with bonus flJOm and secret "Kiddie Ka stle" inside ~!mi Farm. play area and large patio outside All this for Sl48,000 and the loan 1s assumahle. Call Anne :VkCasland 631 ·1266 FOUNTAIN VALLEY This home has -I lg bedrooms and 3 baths Just seconds from ~Iile Sq. Park on J huge corner lot. $200.000. Call Anne ~lcCasland 631-1266 BIG CANYON'S Lt"'(\U PRICE Prof dttcor Dover 2hr \ \) n. rm .. lrg ~a rd. room for pool. r.~ (\ .. \lust sell. Sub mit an~· oftfr or term ... ~ \) ... existing $300,000. Price $425.000 Bob & Do . .: t<oop 759-1221 TRADE ORANGE & AVOCADO RANCH 78 ac Va lley Center. sub map com pl. 4 sep par. Sell or trade al l or part for home in ~pt.. Laguna or ~fission \'1ujo Sl.200.000. Bob or Dovie Koop. 759 1221 "2" NEWPORT CREST CONDOS Orean \'U. -I Bd 3 Ba. Fam rm . wet bar. dm rm . pool. tennis $210.CXX> ea. Terms Submit anv offer lo Bob or DO\' le 759· 1221 • 180" OCEAN VIEW 4 BR . 31:: BA . Fam. Rm. Om Rm . Lg. yard w pool P\ t heach $72.5.000. Bob & Dovie Koop i59 1221 '' LINDA ISLE Finest toe on all Linda . 76' of waterfront. rm. for up to M~· yacht Gbr. 7ba formal dm. Bayside Pool & spa • Game room. lrg s1l dn. ba r. wine cellar, outst<1nding fin. avail Priced al 4 Million. Bob & Dovit> Koop 759-1221 COASnJME & OCEAN VIEW Cameo Shores finest 3 BR. 3 BA + den. FR. form al Din .. huge courtyd w/pool. priv. beach. Bob or Dovie Koop 759· 1221 CAMEO HIGHLANDS :i BR . 2 BA f ormal Din. Just redecor. & remodeled. Ocean view. Pri. beaches. S339.000 LH. Bohor Oov1l' Koop759·1221 40 FT IOAT DOCk •1 HR . 3 RA . Formal din. Fam. Rm . Huge master !iUile wt bay view. Lg sit-do bar. Lg. patio to water li m• S575.00l Bob & Dovie Koop 759-1221 234 E. I 7tti St., Costa Mua ................ 631·t266 4482 larranu Pkwy. lrviM •............... 559°9400 15 C ote Plcno, Npt lc.h ........... ; •... 759-1 221 Independent Member Brokers IOACUS· Ho.Es<_.. $120 ,000 Own~r wall carry at 12'1 with 20': down. FAMTASTtc HOISIRAHCH l'io. Yseon<llOO "Bacres. ~!"'! ;;q-ft1nodmrnBe: Help quarters. Drive lhru large modem barn o m ce. exrept lge 1.Jghl ed ring, pens, corrals, SO ton hay storage, elc. etc. elc S250.!XXl Owner will carry at 12': with 20' i down S MAL L A P T t'OM PLEX ~1th owner'i. 1Marhed house. A han dyman's opPQrtunity F a nl a s t1r t erm:. $250,000 Santo Fe RHlty 614 So Santa Fe Av<' Vista, CA 92al3 Office I 726 1221 or loll rree 1-800-~8910. MJJ PENINSULA POINT OCEANFRONT OwnN will finance th1~ 4 bdrm bead1 house in prime 101· View~• Pnvary' OPt;N SUN 1·5 1554 E Oceanfront 1.1)~ t::;. lifoou.. t<.il~., u{' i.)~~.F'I ~]~~ (71 4) ti:il 0680 lven Well& rustom with relractable roof. 4 larg1· bdrms very l.Jght & OJ>(.'n home with sparkhn~ pool Ov.ner will c.irr) $200,000 negotiable ralt• $395,000 R-3 properly Th rel' 2bdrm rentals $120,000 Owner Wiii rinanre Agent. 631·0680 TUSTINIUUTY Beaullfoll)' redecornted 3 Br 2 ba + den Dbl de tarhed gar Fenced reJr yard w large patio All completely rederoraled Large 1rrei;tular tot on cul·de-sac st Extslrnl! I private loan & ov.ner may ht'lp ran an, l' I $210,000 Opt>n Sunday l·S 18671 Eun1re. Tustin M1rkey Sharer Bmkl•r 900-l!lftll EASTSIDE I $155.000 STARnR CONDO Good finandng, $119,500 snrs TO OCEAN OR UY Penubula Point 5 BR. S-15~.ooo ..,..----- -• ~NJ~!tQ.8£ $695.000 fee + good finandng. ROQITl.lO exvund. HV HOMES PORTOFINO H e d u r e d t o S 3 O !I o o o S~l'lal'ulur pool IEAUTIFUL IA YCREST 3 BR + off1tt' w tww pool & spa . SH5.000 under market \'alue. $250.000 f t't'. GERRY & CHRISTA 760-1397 673-7761 STARNES COMPANY • WA YME JOHMSOM * EASTILUFf SPECIALIST MOTIVATED IM THE BLUFFS Ju!>I redutt'd $14 .uOO' Seller v.11! fin.nur al II • • Rea11t1rut :1 Bdrm )!arden hurnt• :"'u" 0111~ Sl!l5.UOU' llurn . (•all 673~~ THE REAL ESTATERS LINGO HAS SOrlTHING FOR EVERYONE! SUPER ST ARTER In Costa Mtso -Mftt i ltedrootM1 • ~-yord .-..awi MMl~Prpe!lt.cJ..Ut::'lna. • • • -• TERMS, nRMS, llRMS!~ lllls l bedroom, 2 both home is kKat.d hi tht P"'tfglous Harf:Mw Vltw area and offers terrific flnonclftg. $242,500 ENJOY VIEWS OF THE GREENBELT in LOCJWla NiCJWI from this 3 btdroom Foothills Patio home wit+. good financing availab~ with low down. $147,900 IDEAL FAMILY HOME with 3 btdrooms, larqe yard, fireploc~. covertd patio and Hart.or View location. SDS,000 WALK TO WOODS COVE in Loguno ltach from tflis 3 bedroom home wit+. spa, Hcludtd pcrffo and C)Orqf<MIS •iews. $575,000 644-7020 ENCHANTING WATERFRONT Coe1rtyord ptry Into coordiuted fM9anc• Clfld good tast.. Hlghlighh of tftl1 homt lncludt o prohHIOftOI p..,·bor witti la'C)• fam. rm. formal din. rm. with fireplau, Hparatt ~ous master witt + l btdr00fl'l5. Pier/sJlp for lo")t yacht. Ow1ttr wi• carry I~ not. & T.D. s2.ooo.ooo. * * * CALL FOR DETAILS OH THESE FIME PROPERTIES layfront Co-op I Br ........ $280,000 layfront Co-op 2Br . . . . • . • . $285,000 layfront Condo 28r ........ $595,000 Comer 3 Ir home ....•..... $265,000 Bhrfft 3 Sr Condo .......... $248,000 ViUa Balboa 2Br ............ SI 77,000 Balboa Is. 38r .............. S420.000 OcHlll Fixer Dpl1 ............ $650,000 Hew Condos by btoch •..... $255,000 Ntwport Shr 38r ............ S 144,SOO Ptt1insula Pt lBr ..........•. S399 ,500 New Hrbr Rid9e 48r ...... SI , 995,000 Col'OftO Highlands 21r Vu ...• S6 I S,000 "'A 1 ERf HO!\ l 110"11 ~.1\1 10 Al I., I A II ''· '\' 31!> Marne""'" Ba1ooa 1s1anel 673·b900 Elegant Executive Residence MAGNIFICENTI I !ere is beauty so rare that it becomes an instant love affair with the senc.es An incredibly bedutrful home that stands alone in its architectural uniqueness tn its charm and elegance . 1n its warmth and comfort. <?riginal in every re~pect . 11 combines classic, traditional styling with every modern amenit~ Superb crattsmanship and meticulous detailing. as well as exquisite decor at1ng ha\ e produced a truly grand manor-type home that will always be considered one of the fine t execut1\e residences in Orange County. 8rea1h1ak1ng view' or hill-. and city hght~ lrom almost every window, our st anding landscaping a gorgeous pool and spd further enhdnce this very peoal residence. Extraordinary are the fabulous master be?room suite, 2~'x32' recreation room with hand-rubbed oak panelled walls and a large s1 tdown bar. w1nd1ng antique brick tunnel to a large wine cellar with ?dioining t~ting room. lO'xJ~' living room wi th htgh ceiling, crown moulding~. a huge ba\ with oak trimmed French w1ndowc; with 30 ro 40 mile views. Other det<J1b 1ncludt:' ..J hedrooms, 6 baths. 4 lir~laces, in 6, 5<XJ -.quare leet. Pnced slightly over one million dollar<i. with excellent owner ac.5<1sted financing al 12 '',. interest. OPEN HOUSE DAILY TO QUALIFIED INDIVIDUALS RICK ALDERETTE REAL TOR /DEVELOPER Only SIO.l.00 do~n l!l'h you m10 lhL~ totall) rt' I modeled ~ Rdrm homt• Large comer lot. Ko• pond too' Won t lasl, t•alll now ' (714) 731-4444 ® SEACOVE PROPERTIES ]14-631·69JO ~·~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~!!i~~~~· AmHTIOH INVESTORS •$2,500 BUYS IT• Pay closi ng cosl'> onJy and our seller will finan ce. Excellent tax shelter with new 15 year depreciation sched ul e. asking $130.000 Call ror details 556-7035 I Ol/40/o RMANCING S668 PER MOMTH when you t:.1k e over existing low interest Joan on 4 bdrm home NEWPORT RI VJF.R A featuring French doors . fireplace & 212 baths + raised wood & deck, new carpet & paint Only $141 ,900. 759-150 l or 752· 7373. EXECUTIVE EUGANCE Im agine yourself s urrou nd ed wi th EIGHT THOUSAND FIVE HUN DRED square feet of luxury li ving with a spec· tacular INDOOR POOL perfect fo r en tertaining large groups. Relax in front of the massive stone fireplace or retire to the sumptuous master suite. Situated on a co rner lot on two thirds of an acre, it's vac<lnt and ready to move in. So bring $142,000 down payment and you won't have any payments until January 1983. For a private showing call 556-7035. ll%MEWLOAH 25 YEARS RXID un Almost impossible to find financing on this spotless 4 years new townhome near South Coast Plaza. Formal dining room, brick fireplace, 3 spacious Brms & 2112 ba. $1~.900. 556-703.5 CONTRACTOR'S DBJGHT Completely remodeled custom built home situated on 11:1 acre in ex· cellent residential neighbo rhood. Storage galore including huge 20 x 50 garage with 3.i bath (could easily be converted to mother-in -law quarters). Two RV .accesses for t railers or ca mpers plus custom pool & spa. 963·5671 • HARIOR VIEW KHOUS • 9 l/4 FIHANCIHG A rare opportunity lo own a much sought after model in unique area. Featuring CAPE COD style architecture, 2 br. 21-i ba on fee land wilh outstanding terms. For a ~mvate showing call 759-1501 or 752·7373. • 10°o DOWM • l )1f2C>,o FtNANCIHG AVAIL ..... . on this spaciou~ fam11,\ home lealunng 3 Br den, fa mily rcxim & formal dinmg w 3 ca r garage ' Only S240.noo lee Cull 759-1501or752·i373 SHORT OF CASH? •HERE 'S YOUR PASSPORT TO OWNERSHIP• We ha\ e an IO\'C~tor \\1lhng lo make a 20', rtO\\n payment 11 you \\Ould likt' to m<lke lhe Sl250 mo payments on lh1s gorgeous townhome. Onl y 2 years old with 1650 square feet of ll\·in~ space. 3 Brm 212 ba Y.1lh douhle attached gara(!e Security galt' for t'OmplNe 1)1'1\'IH'Y 963-5671. •HARBOR VlEW HOMES• 15% DOWN PAYMENT!! Assume 10.9'.; 1st T. 0 . & OWC 2nd on CA RM F.L MODF.L w \Xl<ll & Jacuzzi & solar system. S269.000 Call 759 1501 or 752-7373 sa.ooo DOWN!!! Bring paint brush & broom lo save SSS on this 3 br f1xt•r in qu1N Co:-.ta :\lt•sa area. Creative :-rller say:-:-l•ll ' i59 1501 or 752 i3i3 S20,i>OO DOWN!!! • NEWPORT IUCH • Spacious 4 br in Presti ge areu. Anx ious owner says try Leasei Opt.ion. land con· tract or '!"?Call 75!)-1501 or752-7373. •••• WESTCLIFF SENSATIONAL Mo ..ct to ~ .. -1-t •n la. ~t~orlllllihla...._.wltt. ............... ....,.pool ..... .. ~ ..... For ........... -o chef'a ci1HCJW liltch.. wltli o wo.dtrMly ., ............ i.cWecL Sl25.000 .... DECORATOR'S BLUFFS "6" PLA" LGnJt _. latHJ.rJ .l..tary Y• ~ • ' my a'valloble! QWtt pd taste. wltll 4 bed. + forlftal dln.r'1n. $295,000. 673-6900. INVITING APPW.~UFF II. Drive by IOI CUff Drt.. IM ,-n •• to go lnsJ•! Great Newport loc.otlN and flexible .. ,..... Newty dtcorat.d 2-ttory 3 bed. 10"91 t...""' dam\ & V11 fro111 2nd floor. Pool 1111 yord, 2 firtplocH. $350,000. COONTRY FR~EWPORT Ooll cobifteh, ltolle Hit, bt.tlfwly remodeled In top ~· ~ lbd. c.,,,_ home on a .... 11rttt. $265,000. LIDO ISLE BEACH llJUSE Strftf to strodo locGHoft! I block to teftnis, clubhouse btock. 2 btd. I ba. ho.. with se,-. I bed. bo. CJHsl ..,ten. Priud riCJhl at $355,000. BALBOA ISLOO-IEDOCED! lownt priced 2 ltd coftogt, c.oevtttltttt to al. Just steps to lay and V1'°9e shoppincJ. Sl 19,000. 673-6900. LUXURY COtDJ'S NEW! &Mi .. rooftop ••W.IDICJ area with lcry & Ocean VU's. FWst CllftlftftMI & fWsll details. $369,000 -$09,000. 63I·1400. LARGE HOME & INCOME! On Grand Canal walttfroftt °" quiet utHe lslond. spoc;o. 2-story 4 bed ho.. with famlly "" & gourmet kitcheft, patio. Tie for 2 boats. Includes I bed l'ffttol. $675,000 Gtd OWMf' wil help fiftcwtce. 673·6900. TOP FLOOR-VILLA BALBOA Woodsy view from this I bed. + deft. Owner will help fNtanc.. $197,000. BAYFRONT--BALBOA IS. SLIP S..tifully decorated 2-story 4 btd. holM with stained 9;tas bClllcony & deck. Owner will HCtic.g. for other property. SI ,200,000. fee. BAYFRONT--PEJINSULA--VU l.onJt & spacious 5 bed. 6 bo. din.ra 1onJe patio. As..,.._ $900,000 io.. s 1,600,000. with boat sip. DRAMATIC LINDA ISLE Sec)ant citstom 5 bed-. with 2 story optft fettinc) GRd ptHffcJlous dtstc,t. ~p for 2 boats. o~ will n chaa91 S?.600,000 iftckMlts ic..d. UNOBSTRUCTED YU-PRIVACY Cowtyard elltry Oft all dt IOC wiffl 2 btd. & 2 ba. ROOM to npaftd la e .allo. S cno near Ptk• ... OW9lf' wlH Mlp finance. $615.000. 673-4900. OCEANFRONT YIEW~DM 5hincJled charm cmnolllJll beautiful ltttt with 75 ft. on Ocean llvd. Wood panetlnq & total qyalty d.wt In It.ls 3 bed. home. 2 1eCJC1f loh.. OWMn wl II !Nip flnmtce. S 1.350.000. OCEANFRONT LIVABLE TEAROOWN S.1t prict & tenns °" tWt conwr 2 bed, I bath home. 10% flttGnClng a.all. $499,500. FORMER MODR--OCEPTIONAL SoMttut 2 i.v.t cOftdo with 3 Ir c.ct 2 bo. lft beout. cCMMtfflca L..C)f OS ..... lo-. $174,900. OCEANFRONT-MNSULA PT. Triplt1 " ovH'li9 lot. 6000 141 ft. OwMr' •ti•ahd ...... cOMkW .., ruso .. oMe offff -.,...., tXCMncJtt, tenM, etc. rn• of o ... nWp Rtct.ctd to Sl.950,000. NEWPORT YU llJfl! TERMS , •• -'c vu of ..,. Oum a ...... J..tWy tpllCJoel ] W llrp f9a.NL 6anL $7'5,000. 0...-... c ....... ...... HOUSES FOR SALE J IDOOM 1440 OeauviUe, (Fr Qlr) C M 751·3191 $91,500 Sun 1·5 452 Superior ( P'ark Lido ) NB 675-6000 $135,<XX> Sun l·S 546 Catalina, Newport Beach 6.11·6990 Sl65,000 Sun 1·5 428 Riven Terr .. Corona Hghlnds 673-6900 $615,CXXI Sat/Sun 2·6 ••3314 W. Oceanfront, N lf 631 1400 $499.500 Sun l ·S l9 Valley View. 1'rtlrk Vista. Irv 759· 1501 $278.000 Sun I ·5 214 Via Dijon, Lido Isle, N.H. 963 8182 S:l 15.IXX> Sat/Sun I 4 2 H plus FAM RM or DIN 15 Royal St. George. Big Cyn, NB 640..5771 SI .8 million Sun 1 5 17 Odyssey Court. Newport Crest .. ~1-1400 -$229.500 • Sal/Sun J·S 19 Escapade Ct ( Nwpt Crest> NB 642·5200 $219,000 Sun 1·5 417 Tustin, Newport Beach 642·8235 $275,000 Sun 2·5 1515 August Ln. Santi Ana Hgts 640-9900 $119.00> Sun 2·5 2 IR pM GUEST 305 Poinsettia. Coronadel Mar 673·4921 $350.000 Sun 1·5 3 IEDROOM 5008 River Ave .. Nit Beach 675·1771 $187,000 Sun 1·5 •1001 W. Stevens #30.5. Santa Ana 751·3191 $101,000 Sun 1·5 400 Vista Quinta, Eastbluff. NB 760·0835 $249,500 Sun l ·5 20612 Egret Ln .. Huntington Bch 960·2183 $1 10.000 Sun l ·5 5.50 Vista Gr ande, Nit Beach 675·6670 $234,500 Sun 1·5 1824 Port Stirling, Newport Bch 644-7020 $239,~ Sun 1·5 1654 Palau (Mesa Verne) CM 640·9900 $145,000 Sun 1·5 2944 Perla. Bluffs . N.B. 642·8235 $325.000. Fee Sun 2·5 4S Dogwood . Irvine 640.9900 $156,00> Sun 1·5 20U Paloma, Costa Mesa 631-6990 $229.500 Sun 1·5 2197 Santa Ana, Costa Mesa 963·6767 S149,500 Sun 12·-t 1328 Conway Ave., Cost<i Mesa 646·7171 $129,500 Sun 1·5 618 Mangold. Corona del Mar 640·4521 5380.llOO Sal Sun 1 6 513 17th Street, Hunt. Ueac-h 760·9501 $235.000 Sal1Sun 12·5 104 Via P<ilrrmo. Ltdo Isle. NB 673·7300 Sun 1·5 3279 Moritz. Hunlint.'ton Harbour l213 1 ~34·3427 ~.00> Sal Sn 1·5 801 Cliff Dr .. Newport Heights. NB 631·1-tOO $350.lXkl Sat Sun 1·5 3024 Ocl'an Rl vd .. Coron<.1 dcl Mar 631·1400 SUSO,<XX> Sal1Sun 1-5 2041 E. Balboa Bl . Perun Pt. Balboa 642·5200 $350.00) Sat 'Sun 1·5 1830 Irvine Ave ., Newport Beach 644·7020 S294 .SOO al Sun 1·5 1245 Blue Gum . Newport Beach 645-9850 $415.00J Sal Sun 1·5 237 Virginia, Costa Mesa 540·0702 $159.~ Sat/Sun 1·5 1761 Port Ma nleigh Cir. INH, NB 759· 1501 S2ti9.900 Sal Sun l ·5 3 IR plus FAM RM or DEH 305 Hamilton St . Costa Mesa 751-3191 Sun 1·5 1112 Grove Ln !Wcstclilf) NB 646·5092 $410.000 Sat, Sun l ·5 • •3711 Seashore. Newport Bch 673-6578 S895.tXXI Sat Sun 10·4 209 29th St. ( Penin. 1 NIX Bch 673·3355 S339.00> Sat 1·5 •3165 Bermuda, Costa Mesa 631·1266 $159,500 Sat Sun 1·5 800 Balboa. Laguna Beach 497·3331 $469.000 Sat/Sun 2·6 4615 Camden, Cameo Shores. CdM 644·6397 $695.000.lsehold Sun 1·5 • •38 Balboa Coves. Nwpt Beach 675-7060 $595.000 Sun 1-5 •1901 Y:.tcht Maria.Seav1ew. NB 640-5777 S355.00I Sun 1·5 2635Solona Way. Laguna Beach 494·2894 S425.UOO Sun 1·5 #7 Rue Grand Vallee IBig Cyn l NB 631·7300 SJ.500/month Sun 1·5 • 1935 Sabrina Terr (Irv.Terr I CdM 631·730<) $585.000 Sun 1·5 1315 Antigua Way I 8aycrestl NB G31·7300 $360.lXXl Sun 1·5 1528 Cornwall Lane tWestcliffl NB 631·7300 $219,900 Sun 1·5 1930 Port Bristol Cir (Hrbr View )NB 631·7300 $268.SOO.fee Sun 1·5 1921 Tractewrnds l.n. 1Baycrest ) NB 631·7300 S325.00l Sal/Sun 1·5 219 Memphis. Huntington Beach 848·4115 $225.<.00 Sat/Sun 1·5 221 Memphis. Huntington Beach 848·4115 $225.000 Sat/Sun l ·5 209 Via Cordova. Lido Isle. N.D. 673-7300 S418.00> Sat/Sun 1·5 2'l31 Cliff Drive. Newport Heights 631· 1400 $795,000 Sat1Sun 1·5 305 Columbia. Newport Crest 631· 1400 $259.000 Sun 1·5 9<r1 Van Ness. Costa Mesa 631·1400 Sun 1·5 ~Harbor View Dr. <HVHls ) CdM 644·2919 $725,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 2298 Redlands, Back Bay. NB 631·1400 $265.000 Sun 1·5 •204 Via Eboll. Lido tsle, N. B. 644·9060 Sun 1·5 t393Galaxy <Dover Shores) NB 642·5200 $525.®fee Sat/Sun l·S 120Via Quito. Lido Isle, N.B. 675~161 $475.000 Sun 1·5 214 Via Ithaca, Lido Isle, N. B. 675-6161 $420.000 Sun l·S DIRECTORY , .... .....,~ .. \19 ........ •,_ttt•r ' 'sAl .. ....._.WM...._ _. ·-~ .. .,....., .._, t, ...... ' I ........... ...,.. DA&T PtLOT WANT AH. Nrw ....... .._. ............. ~ .... -........ 11 ............ ui.r., IMS..,. 1905 Yacht Camilla,Seaview. NS 644·6200 $429,000 Sat/Sun 1 5 1308 Sus~ex Ln. Westcliff, NB 64-&·0060 $285.000 Sun 1·5 J032 Carob. Newport Beach 644·7020 $249.500 Sat/Sun l·S 901 Van~es~ta Mesa· • • 63l· 14(l0 $JrtlXX> Sat 1·5 l283 Waterman, Huck Bay. Npt Bch 631·1400 $235.M Sat 1·5 789 Bayview Pl<.1ce, Laguna Beach 497 1761 $365.000 Sat Sun 1·5 18671 ~u111re. Tustin 960·1980 $210.IX.O Sat/Sun 1·5 4518 Wayne <Caml'<>Hlnds) CdM 673·77til $2!>5.tro-L/H Sun 1·5 *1472Galaxy Dr .. Dover Shores. NB 64i·25IO $685.IXK>-Fee Sal/Sun 1·5 17932 Hopkins. Univ. Pk, Irvine 552·4477 $165.000 Sun 1·5 28 MinersTrail !Northwood) Irv. 675·6000 $199,m Sun 1·5 964 Vi ctoria. Costa Mesa 645·7221 $103,000 Sun 1·5 1436 Serenade Terr., CdM 675·5511 $349.500 Sun 1·5 2900 Paper Ln .. Newport Beach 760·9333 $180,000 Sun 1·5 1806 Beryl Ln ( Hbr Hinds) NB 642·5200 $185.~ Sun 1·5 *2700 Hrbr View Dr. (Hrbr View His ) 644·6200 $699.000 Sun 1·5 5871 Snead Dr .. Huntington Beach 894·7521 St 14,000 Sun 1·5 17206 Citron. Irvine 640·9900 $160,000 Sun 1·5 1101 White Sails Way, HVH, CdM 644·6200 $395.000 Sun 1·5 2135 Aster Place. Costa Mesa 673·8550 $187,CXX> Sun 1·5 3332 Wyoming Cr (Mesa Verdel CM 645-0303 $164.~ Sun 12:30-3:30 982 La Mirada. Laguna Beach 675·3411 $229,500 Sun 1·6 2732 Gannet (Mesa Verne) CM 645·0303 $204 ,900 Su n 12-3 770 Allegheny, Costa Mesa 752· 1700 Sl27.~ Sun 1·5 3918 S. Birch, Santa Ana 752·li00 5147,000 Sun 12·5 3 IR plus GUEST 1621 Louise St., Laguna Beach 494·7578 S295,000 Sun 1·4 4 IEDROOM 230Seaward. Shorecliffs. CdM 760·0835 $359,000 Sun 1·5 1207 Sussex Ln ( Westcliff) NB 759·9100 $287,000 Sun 1·5 16531 Monroe. Huntington Reach 962·5585 $127,500 Sun 1·5 296 Ros<' Ln ( Easts1de) CM 642·5200 $149,500 Sun 1·5 2210 Canyon, Costa Mesa 546·2313 St59.<.00 Sun 1·5 1537 Ocean. Newport Beach 631·6990 $.190.000 Sun 1·4 •2340 Cynthia Ct., Costa Mesa 646·7171 $169.~ Sun 1·5 223 Narcissus. Coronadcl ~ar 1213 l 402·3434 S.S95.(XK) Sat1Sun 1315 Bonnie Ooone. In-. Terr .. CdM 644·9674 $329.~ Sun 1·5 •2672 Basswood. Eastbluff. NB 640·5777 $209.81.x> Sun 1·5 1594. Murtlewood. Costa Mesa 675·1770 Sl-t0.750 Sal/Sun t 118 Via Ithaca. Lido Isle. NB 673·7300 Sat1Sun 1·5 u s Collins Island. llalboa Island 631·1 ~00 Sl.200,lXX> Sat/Sun 1·5 2138 Vista Laredo. The Bluffs. NB 673·6900 S295,COO Sat 1·5 4 IR pl..s HORSE PROP. 25052 Bu c kboard. Nellie Gall. Lag Ills 675·34 I l S244.500 Sat/Sun l ·5 4 IR pau. FAM RM or DEH 3106 Broad, Nwpt Hghts, NB 760-0835 $389,000 Sun l ·5 1225 Keel CHVHls) CdM 675·6000 $420,000 Sun 1 ·5 32 Drakes Bay (Spyglass) CdM 675·6000 $479,500 Sun 1·5 •6 Winged Foot <Big Cyn) NB 675-6000 $685,00> Sun 1 ·S 1800 Glenwood, Dover Shores. NB 6.11·0680 $395,000 Sun 1·5 384 Mira Loma (Back Bay) CM 675·6000 $217,500 Sun 1·5 **2616 Bayshore Dr., Bayshores 642·8235 $2,000,®Fee Sun 2·5 2208 Port Durness, N.-Bch 640·9900 $450,<XX> Sun l ·5 •1509 Highland, Newport Beach 631·7600 $.139,500 Sun 1·5 • •3531 Court.side Cr., Hunt. Hbr 894-7521 $1 ,035,<m Sun 1·5 1 7~ E. Ocean, Penin Pt, Balboa 642·5200 $370,<m Sun 1·5 2.862 Titbago Pl (Mesa Verde) CM 642·5200 $179,500 Sun 1·5 um Newport Hills Dr E .. NB 644·7020 $352.!m Sun 1·5 •~11 Beaumont (Mered.Ith Grdn) HB 979-2390 1240.<XX> Sun 1 ·5 952 Den ver (Mesa North) CM 979-2390 $147 .000 Sun 1·5 21161 Richmond Cr., Hunt. Bch • 848·0709 $178,500 Sun 1·5 3914 S. Birch, Santa Ana 752·1700 $163,000 Sun 12·5 •Z181 l 6eeanviewLane, Hunt itch- 848·-0709 $178.900 Sutt l 5 412 Ventaja (Bluffs> NB 675·6000 $289,000 Sun 1·5 2385 Ba y Farm Pl.. N.B. 645·7221 S205.000 Sat 1Sun 11·5 320 Goldenrod. Corona del Mar 673·8494 $625.0CKI Sun 1·5 •204 Via San Remo. Lido Isle, NB 640·5777 $625.000 Sun 1·5 l521 'fahiti, Laguna Beach 497.5454 $529.500 Sat1Sun 1·5 1533 Tahiti. LagunC1 Beach 497.5454 $529.500 Sat/Sun 1·5 210 Via San Remo. Lido Isl. N. B. 673·2556 Sat/Sun 1·5 1441 Galaxy Or., Oow r Shores. NB 548·5647 S420:0CX) Sal/Sun 1·5 1521 Anita. Newport Beach 645·0532 S.295.<XX> Sat /Sun 1 5 2812 Europa. Mesa Verne. C.M. 644·7383 $190.000 Sat/Sun 1·4 30 225 La Jolla Dr . Nit Beach 673·3355 $299,900 Sat 1·5 1251 Su rfline Way, Hrbr Vu. CdM 644·4910 $395,000 Sal/Sun 1·5 • •2331 Tustin A ve., Newport Bch 646·3627 $.595.<l<XI Sat/Sun 11·5 ~2 Harbor Island Dr !Prom Pt) NB 759·9100 SI ,600.CXX> Sat/Sun 1·5 2L21 Yacht Yankee tSeC1view) NB 759-9100 S383.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 * 17521 Via Espanla. Hunt. Beach 673·7300 Sun 1·5 IOSSan Remo. Lido Isle. NB 673-7300 S650.0CXl Sun 1 4 333 Poppy. Corona del Mar 675·5511 $675,000 Sat Sun 1·5 2130 Santiago Ddve. Dover Shrs. NB 631 7300 $371.4()1-Fee Sun 1·5 1118 Somerset Ln . I Weslcllff ) NB 631 7300 $495.000 Sat1Sun 1 5 Ill Via Dijon tL1do Isle) N B. 631·7300 S-t95,IW Sun 1 ·5 • •208 Grand Canal. Balboa Island 673·6900 5675.000 Sat Sun 1·5 •2601 Wa verly (Uayshores) .NB 642·5200 Sal/Sun 1 5 • l Trafalgar. H11rbor Ridge. NB 644·6200 Sl.795,000 Sal!Sun 1·5 27602 Tres \'islal>. Mjssion Viejo ( 714 l 855·4343 S899,® Fee Sat Sun 1·5 *49 Montecito <Spy~lassl NB 552·1714 $700.000 Sat1Sun l-5 • 1730 Marlin Way. Baycrest. NB 6i3·4400 $389.500 Sat Sun l ·5 201 Wake Forest <College Pk 1 CM 979.2390 $128.l~ Sat ·sun 1·5 * •1617 Bavs ide Dr. Yachtsmans Cove. CdM 644·9060 $1.950.00J Sat/Sun 1·5 4410 Sunswept. Sant.a Ana 631·1400 SI 15,00J Sun 1·5 • • 124 Grand Ca nal. Balboa Isl. NB 673·6900 S885.00J Sat 1·5 3202 Dela wan~. M~a Verde, CM 545·9258 $139.500 Sat/Sun 11·6 3108 Madeira (Mesa Verne) CM 963·6767 5159.000 Sat/Sun 1·5 614 Ga ry Place, Newport Heights 646·2017 $269.000 Sat Sun 1·5 154 Bay St . ( Easts1de l CM 645-0303 $145.000 Sa 11·5: Su 1·4 2415 S. Lowell. Sant~ Ana 645·0303 $98,500 Sat/Sun I :30·4 :30 1942 Port Nelson, Newport Beach 673·8550 S350.000 Sat/Sun 1-5 •2832 Drake. Mesa del Mar. CM 645·4483 S159.500 Sun 1·5 4511 Camden <CameoShrsl Cct M 673· 7761 S925.IXX>-fee Sun l ·5 15 Cedar Ridge. Trtlrk Hlnds. Irv . 675·3411 SJS0.000 Sal/Sun J.5 **2242 Heather Ln. (Cherry Lk .) NB 955·0809 S262.000 Sat /Sun l ·5 3092 Ceylon I Mesa Verde> C~I 546 2313 Sl49.900 Sat1Sun l 4 t860 New J ersey I Mesa Verde) CM 546·2313 $139,950 Sa 1·4/Su 12·3 1850 Kentucky Pl. CMesa Verde> CM 546·2313 $132,500 Sun 2-5 5 IEDIOOM 20222 Sunshine Dr .. Hunt. Bch 962·5585 $178,500 Sat;Sun 1·5 121 Via Firenze. Lido Isle 645·9950 $695,(XX) Sat /Sun l ·S 2S85 Irvine /\ve. Back Bay, NB 63H400 $499.500 Sat/Sun 1-5 49 Goleta (Spygl~) CdM 642·8235 $895,000 Sat/Sun 1·5 5 II p6n FAM 1tM or DEM 442 Begonia, CoronadeJ Mar 67~ $625,000 Sun 1·5 77 Monteeito (Spyglus) CdM 67s.m> $685,<XX> Sun 1 ·5 221s Alta Vista, ~tblurr. NB 642-8235 $298,500-LH Sun 1·5 49 Nighthawk, Irvine ~1·3000 ..,.4.000 Sun 1·5 84 Harbor Rid ge Dr .. N.li ' 544·9411 $995,000 s 1407 Santanella. Coroni del 87J.118l $34~ Sat 1·5 •23 Narbonne. Harbor Ridge, ~ 644·6200 S2.SOO.OOO Sat/Sun 1·5 5 Deerwood, Big Canyon. NB 644·6200 $1 ,900,<XXl Sat/Sun 1·5 1500 Highland (Westcli(f) NB 642·5200 S4~.ooo SattSun 1·5 * •314 Morningstar. Dover Sh rs. NB 644·9060 Sun l 4 30 1823 Port Taggart (HVH~) NB 552·1714 $312,500 Sun l·S •3 Muir Beach Cir , CdM 640-9900 $2,300,<XX> Sun 1·5 442 Begonia (Old Cd M> CdM 675-6000 $625.00> Sun 1·5 6 llDIOOM u tl20 E. Ball.ioa Blvd .. Pe 642·8235 $1. 700.000 6 II ,.., FAM RM w D9e 25 Bodega Bay Drive, Spyglass. CdM 760·0835 $675,000 Sun 1 ·5 11 San Mateo, Spyglass. CdM 760-0835 $699,500 Sun 2·6 8 Cypress Poml. Big Canyon.NH · 640.5777 SI 7 million Sun 1·5 CONDOMINIUMS FOil SM..E I IDOOM • 1000 W ~facArthur lf87. C.M. 546-1883 $80,000 Sat. ~un 12·6 2 IDOOM 88 Navarre IRSJ Villa) Irv. 552·2000 S151.00J Sa J.4 Su 1·5 1827 Big Ben Ct.. Fountain Vl y 963·5585 $129.~ Sun 1·5 *25 Cyn, Isl. Dr, Big Cy, NB 675·5200 $265,000 Sun 1·4:30 • 102 Scholz. PH34, Versailles, NB 673-7300 S256.500 Sal/Sun 1·5 1932 Meyer Place. Costa Mesa 631·4361 64 1·1991 Sat'Sun 12·5 ~>36 Vista Grande. Bluffs. NB 640-5560 S240.00> Sat Sun 1·5 1001 W. Stevens IH58. Santa Ana 645·0303 $84.900 Sat1Sun 1·5 200 McNei I. # 112 Versailles.NB 759· 1501 Sl45.(X,() Sat Sun l 5 3 IEDROOM 502 Lucia. Bluffs. N.B. 640·5560 $193.CXX> Sun 1·5 862 Bear Creek. Costa Mesa ' 675·3.tll S134,950 Sat 1Suu 1·5 9HollowGlen (Wdbrg) lrv. 551-3000 $129.500 Sun 12·4 3 IR phis FAM IM or DEH *2000 Barranl'a <Bluffs ) NB 759·9100 S1G9.900 Sat Sun 1·5 4 IEDIOOM 405 Vista Grande. Bluffs. NB 640-5560 S230.CXX> Sat Sun 1·5 TOWNHOUSES FOR SALE I II plus FAM RM or DIM !1766 Verde Mar Dr .. Hunt. Beach 968·8341 Sat Sun 1·5 3 IR pa.s FAM IM or DIN 314 Vista Trucha (Bluffs) NB 640·6259 $225,000 Sun 2·6 4 H pin FAM RM w DIH 50 Rocky Knoll <TrtJrk l Irv. 640-6259 s:l37.500 Sun 2·6 DUPLEXES FOR SALE 2-2 IBllOOM 110.7101-i Fern leaf. ('orona del Mar 673·8494 S.265.00l un 1·5 412-412 12 Goldenrod, CdM 673·8494 $325,000 Sat 1Sun 1·5 2402 W. Oceanfront. Newport ,lie a ch 644·9060 S.575.00> Sun 2·5 lll .... 211t 718 '7811,2 Heliotrope, CdM 675-6000 $325,®f ee Sun 1 ·5 4 H,.... 2 II. 4800 Seashore. Newport Beach 631-1266 S42S.OOO Sun 1·5 HOUSES FOR LEASE 3 H p6n FAM ltM er Det 1721 Kings Rd .• Newport Beach 759·1501 Sat1Sun 1·5 TOWt-ltOME · FOR LEASE ·- l 11 ,._FAM IMw oe. 26Canyon ls l. Or({)ff Pord Rd 1NH 644·4910 $1SOOsro. Sun 1·5 * , ... •• w ......... ••• w ........ ,. - Hem.ti For Wt ~"For W. Ho.iit1 for s• Howtei For S. Howttt For Wt HcMttff Fors• Orango Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. Oc tober t 1 1981 DS U ···················~ ··•··••···········•···· ~····:.i··········r~J ••··•••·······•·•····•• ·····•·•••••···•·····•· •··•···•············••· HcMtt.tFor s... ~...... I ~~~~~. • IOOJ .. ~ ................ , 1002 ..... ,.._. 100• CorwtlltMlr 1022 ....................... ~!~.~.~ ....... ~!!!!.~.~~ ........ ~!!!.~.~~ ...... . ••••••••• • •••' •••••••• ••••••• ••' •••••••••••• ••• •••••••••••••••••• '' ••• •••••••••••••••••••• Coro11a clef Mer I 02 C t M I OZ4 0.. Poilf I 026 044 IY OWHll FIX I SAVE ......................... ~:.~ •• ~ ................................... ".. I C61esworthy & Co. 2S4S EASTBLUFF DR NEWPORT BEACH CA t . I 640-0020 PERFECT BACHELOR PAD 2 Bdrna + Ul'n. ('omplclt' "orkshop. 21:1 Ba ll 1 g hl~ upgraded Bar. fl11Cro '' a\'C', t·cdar ltnt'<i dosets. super storage. Setludto'Cl patio '' spa deck. \'tew of baC'kbay \'a<'ant and read\' $218.0oo Opt>n toda) I 5 2022 A\ cn1da Chirn JUST LISTED SINGLE LEVEL Smart co1.y 2 Bedroom 2 Bath. firepla ce. 1·1o•ry pn \'ate patio. Walk to s hoppin g . S J69 .500 . Financing al'ailable. Wt always ha•t the best listlncu of the bu t prices! •r.: RESIO(NTIAl REAL ESTAH SERVICES WESTCLIFf J EWEL Swimming pool. t·on•recl tt.•rrate. 2 f1replan•s. :l lx'()rooms . 2 haths. s pnnklt•rs. island knthen. full utllit .1 11111m l;11od finandng S285.ooo HILLARY TMAMER IN NEWPORT CEN.TER 644-9060 ···~························· • • : 8-DA Y WEEK SPECIAL : e 8 Days 3 Lines • 8 Dollars e e Its easy to place your 8-0ay Week Classified by mail and 11 e e costs 1ust SB -thats only a dollar a day1 To qualify tor this e e special offer you must be a non-commercial user o ffering e • merchandise for sale up to S800 per ad. and the price must e • be in your ad The cost stays the same whether your ad • needs eight days selling time or Just one • • e Use one word in each box About 4 words make one e e classified line of type Minimum ad is 3 lines Please pnnt e e plainly e , 1 • r --;---------------------------, • •1 • . , . •' . •' . . • s 8.00 • • 10.60 • Balboa ltland "Condo" lrvtne Terr pool homl! 1 OR rondo bt-lo"'' murkl ~ ••••••• •••••••••••••••• <Duplu pemershlp) future• 4 Bdr. ~r rm CUSTOM $20.000 dwn. 11 T 11·, 30 A ~1utlful tahmd Duplex. w lpooltablt & mui·h lk·~iancr homt 10 prtml' vr loan n~um ~IAA.1 SPECIAL \'1 block from Bay morel Nttda a llttlt-Tl.C location lo beach Oreun • St35 ,000 full prit't but OWMr will r arr) b l virw from 2 noon. Urst FRllDOMHOUSl w•y Owner will ftnaMe. TD. •l approx 13'1 ilnd buy 1n fdM Owner unx J Br I lh1 larj!c· }.ird " MO·llllS owner 1i; ne.t1bJe! Gr.... 1oiu Will 1•onM1kr ,., S95,000 641 (171JJ A DANA l'OINT Of •• ChlUll{l' C:llARM~ll ' S....,. JOlrOWll htnlta. Astle. Agt. 7• 1221 Call Jo Ann Uoran fnhm\•, bi lrvt•I. fpt• 3 A!l~um.ible ftnan1101t I' Uf[ Offer down payment or 8 51-9522 Olt, 3 b.i priv ytl, mu•ro, 1H allallll' on 1h1~ 2 1nh!rut on this new upitr.idt OWl' 10'• du bedroom . I IJt1th wll111t1· Balboa Island home ~~ CREATM Sls9,ooo 8.5l 99'.JO with 11 f1f'\·ph1c1•, bt•Jm lllH~. Rltr • PORTFOLIO Tnhmr, h1 h·vl'). fp!', 3 c~1hntt•· antl ~ituatl'li 1111 675-21,6 """""'RTIE.S,INC. UH. 3 b11 pnv ytl, mu·ro. :a larl{l' 101. SI09.9SO 6 CDM UNITS l'l\Vr~ upgrade owe: tu', OJI 493 8812 AWAl1'S YOU' In tht• tr.rnqu1l wateri. of Wood lmdge Landing, 1 Rr 3 Hu, 1irur10«» m~tr i.u1lt', 13llt 28 bonus ruu111. l'll'g.int de('Or and pro fe~s1onal landi.c:apan,: IY OWHa ~.ooo 111 121.i;;. an as StS9,000. 8.51 9990 Cape Cod Charm & solid sum finan. Jo'.I'., O•W. I LOWEST PRICES MO OOWM com fort 10 a wood plillos. refr1g, blk to 4RR Ml'$U Verde llonw panelled 4 bdrm & ram beach, immac Call me, Ho,..e1 + lncOtM Ov1•r 3000 sq fl of llpl'l'1al lll'inJ: At ~.900 with only 16' J'; dowu. ow nor w 1 II 1· firl'} rm home. J~t steps Lo Tim Rhone,Agt6311266 2 hdrm rottage. all Owner wall do shan·d South Bay. Plus neat I .or 673·00SS ~h1ni:tcs & bril'k + :1 l' <I u 1 1 Y P r o ll r a 111 bdtm rental with ne111.~unnyl bdrmu1111 14< qualifi ed buyer lirephm. S24S.~I l'rnw o~ly Ukr,S51133:n f'Ountain V..-ey I 034 S4IO_..Q90 673-464.8 S 13-5 131/J Jasmine a~k for Jo.d ••••••••••••••••••••••• OPEN SI. T /SUM 12·4 Con.a cW Mer I OU 30 YRS AXED S265,'000 & sl.'ller ma) DUMP!!! 8 SUNRIVER . ....................... -------------1 1111.0Jo cbHoo VIEW HOME Owner desperate. moH' Serend1p1ty By Tht' Sea in today OWC $123.000 VU VU VU COmt' by & assum Blk to beat•h. see us, JIJC!1 Harbor Vie" o w, auto garagt', Jo' p Drive Sat Sun I 5 lowest prirt' 1n town 640... 161 Tim Rhone. Agt 831 t21itl or673·00SS ~# VOCEL PACIFIC VIEW LOT on Pacific Dr. with bay & orean views, 751 ; fin ancing. $695,000. fnrarrre sona 6ulll 2 bdrm homt!. n.-.ir nf'~ 2 bdrm, 2 h.1~h uml 4 rar garai:e 71 o. 7 I 01/1 f.enl'eof Ooze& '1lla11e charm 2 bdrm homl'. 2 bdrm apt. no ~tep, ~1rn1lc" Goldrnrod bndgl' JreJ ~.000 412-41 21/J Goldeilrod '( ow1111 fif./, Ila 1 •. 1'~1/u' I /(1'.; f/j.l-S1.'/1 3641 E. COHI Hwy .. CdM 13% FIHANCIMG F: x q u 1::. 1 t e Jal> m 1n1· l'rl'ck 3 Hr Fam Hrn Uecorator Cre:.h & n\'w S!IU.1100 down OWC halanrt' Brokl'r !!51 880t.I 434 BEGONIA b hatd t11 fmd Check nrr this •I BR 1•. b1.1. Stoller 1~ 1·oop1•rat1w Ca.II now 752 649'.J Plan IV Realty CUSTOM Onl' of a kind -l Br I'• Bo Pool Fam1l) Hm Sl5,000 down $15!1.500 Agent 645 4483 Open Sunday I S 2832 Urakl' COSTA MESA FREEDOM HOME FOR SALE BY OWHEtt LEASE/OPTION AV AIL IMMED. W/SMAUDWN. Tastefully upgraclt'd. re mod kitchen. nt>wl) ttlrd bathroom. nl'w l'rpts & drps For mon• anfn Lall Oan 6.11 3793 FIXER Owner 111 default mu'I hqu1date .i Bdrm r1• ~1dencl' in good lo1·allon Nel'ds TLC: \\Wml' loans Tl) .in) ofC1•r' · Asking $120.0011 631·2242 .. H1111tinC)f°" leoch I 040 ....•••.•..•......•.... JUST LISTEI> Elegant 5 Hr II ll estall' on hu.:1• CDs lot of 1, +al' Extrernl'I} l'ffiCJ l1onal. oodll'~ of up g r a d e::. T .i k t' 1H 1• r Sl27.YOO .ii SlfilJ pr rn o $189.600 A).'l 957 fi507 ur 963-9101 $8500DOWH Wnrner Curr A,,:t 559.9400 MOTIVATED Fast escrow poss1bll• on this 3 Br 21, Ba lntnt' tow nhome f'r1{·1·d tn wll Owner will r:1rr} l>a1·k lar~l' natl' M1•\t' 1n t'ond1t1on with no 11uah (yang Won t lasl al $139.SOO e RANCH REALTY 55 1 2000 THIHl<ING TOWHHOME? C::ill the sper1ahsts at I he condom1n1um 111 Corm a lion center Nt•w ctr1iant 4 Br \'11· toraan parltJI \U 316 JASMINE I ow nr i:ontrJ<:tor C111an 2hdrm.112bathhou:.e 2 ll\a1I S575000 ~wed~ :.ome TLC but ha~ load b of potential J Bdrm 2 Ba lo<·ated in Mesa dcl Mar d<n.e 111 I par!..:.. '-l hoob & ~hop pang Submit ) our term!> A:.kmg 5129.500 New l'r I Br <·ondo <:atl'rl t•on1 m w vool 'Pa Pri ml' II B lo\' ~;ap\ fn w" acn~~ Call P<'ll' John~on 1\gt 631 1266 Tourhslone Rl'alt' 963-l&'i I rar garage l 12 blh to I Lq. Cmt HOME ocean Owner. S300,uoo Casta MH a I 0241 4 beiJr~. 3 baths 21675·417i '·•••• ••••••••••••••••••1 MEAT! a~ a pin Spotl~' 3 Ar 2 Ba home w P\ t )lated patio entr} '1;1.-ar nl'w l'.trpeh & m1l·ruwaH' CIO!>e lo \l'ho11b & ,hop ping Onl) Sl29.0UO Call fordl'1a1ls s tory I bl ock from -COM BlUFfS 1\SSl'\1 EL.\HGE1.01\~ Bcarh Lo w down ~OOllhtTO alll 2. , ••••••• , HARDTORHD LOW IMTEREST Eiw,tmg 7 9'. l\l with 15'. 2nd \!mutes to males nf blw pound1nj! surf This 11111 mJtnt Townhouse w I HH l'll or pa} m't Owner wtll Above beac-h. bl•low llwnt>r -'111 tarr) ,ml t·arry Open Sat & Sun Ocean Bhd Semi pm I 2nd LO\t>I) townhnUM' 223 Narnssus COM 12131 Rd. Out of tramr l80 '' n po o 1, n t•' 1 tu 402•3434 degree view Ot·ean & l'lubhuu)t' 3 Br :? Ha -Jetty Crom evef} 11.m tri ll'H'I formal DR OPENSUMl-5 dow Proplineh11:h1tdt' fr1>l. Jt1 2 i·ttr l!.H 4615 Camdtn. Obie mvest 2 yrs CleJr 11 opC'ncr ~:\C'lus iH· I RANC H REA LTY 55 1 2000 . .ia 2nd BR I '• B1\ htghl) S8.000 down. take QfC't·x upgradl'd has 3 poub. CAMEO SHORES 3 Br land incl Sl.250.CHJO rnm mun1t1 rH•;ir S11 4'' ba. private beach. OWC P P Appl ooh l'oai.t Plaia for ''"" e n I' I rou rt ya rd 171_!!673·6.S?S,67.J·2210 SIJi,500 Ownr .\g't 1 s t 1 n g f 1 n a n t' 1 n g J a l' u z /. 1 , t t n n 1 ~ . SlG.S.000 3 HR E S1dl· clubhouse wl't ba1 all w !> p u c I 0 u & p 0 0 I 540 7743 n 2 lot .).16-~ for eas) ll\'tng Open 0 I d w 0 r I d Forever harbor and orean vo $695.000 leasehold ~~s~ REAL ESTATE 644 ·6397 Cossack Look of High Drama PARTMRSHIP DUPLEX S 160,000 P~r Unit Th e p e rfl'l't dual ownership property with 2 almost equal 2 Bdrm. 2 ba units with ma~tl'r~. stone f1replat'l'!t .ind wood be:amt'd rc1hng~ ALL on a.n OVERSIZEll LOT with pvt patiu:. anti derks S320,000 w1th 10' interest Cmancrng 644-7211 Mm1 gaH•<l l'Mate owrll'r' Sal Sun I 5 !1766 Vt•rrll· Rt'dU tl'd t housands •GOV'TLOAMS• Mar Bkr 536 HitlO or E~ce IJt•low appratstil' AS ~OS~l b,le 5'. d~IW II 968 8341 Ovt•r s12<i.dXi Ill upgrad SU M E L 0 W Mu ll·l4 ' ml rate .. IO yr 4 ., 2 1 3 R· , 1 mg make~ this ont• or the PMTS • N I f loans free info or s y. a, p,1 ao. b I I h o qua 1 ) tnj:?' 2()252 New b\ Ln 963 1120 most e<1ut1 u ome~ 1n Newl) dt•toratt'd 5 or 6 Wortd R.E. s159 500 · In ml' and a showpla<·r hr ln('lud m:.ii.~l\C' dl'11 5 56-7777 · · for antique buff) The N O Ql'1\l.IFYING ~I~~ indoor J~< u111 ' Charm ml? ~bdrm. 2ba Warm & wondHful 4 Br ora~mal 5 Br 3 Ba 3 ctir S1~.ALS~!l:SUI llurr) I home. E Coast :\11.',a. super pool ihkanu garai;e home has bt.>en t·all now Ed or l.indJ oak kitrh .. n. sta inl'd " enlarged and redone !157 0741 )!la's w mclows. Sl!I0.000 $178,900 Rkr 848 0709 w 1th too muny amenities TAX REUEf 20'. dw n. as~um bl or sur ER LOAH/LOC. to h)t S227 .fXXI In J) -.;,1 i·apital IO\t"-tment S97 OOOat l5'z' ant 11111 2 blks bc.·.irh ~br prtdl' sumable loans or !>Clltr llMI ow rwr ranam·t'!l .at ,.,in,1der 2nd II\ o~ nl'r 12' J\)UmJbll· ~91.fJO(} 11 111 rJrr) w 20' dwn 13' t ( ·• I ~ ~951 · S91i mo Total pr11·1• Offered at SJ&l .. )00 For ' • l lr ·onc,u II(' I s ~ 000 964 runher tnformatton and lor J !I'll hi II 11r 11 1' Owner Will Finance 141 ' S561l pnv .uc shov.1nR ca II S' • I SI Ill IJOll \\ .anl 'hort IC J ~harp low m.11n 1:\1 \(;l~F. Glen Hellwanh 559 !l-1!KI. t;C ('!.t'fllw l'nnnpalsonh tt•nan rl' 1 Hdrm homt' I s1tt1ng in \OUr l'ountr_\ rhr BY OWNER "NEW " CdM CUSTOM BLT 2300 SQ FT ATRIUM HOME Wik to bch. 3Br. 311Ba. r1rrular s t airway. skylile•,, garden w1J1dows Asking $380,000 OPEN llOUSJo: SAT SUN 16 618 Mangold 640·4521 637 8778 Belly Kerr Realty S50,000 DOWN Agent 556 6..'ilti w 1th 1·u tom spa and k1tr hen lookang out O\er BB\,/ lnll'rt"\1$ )OU. :.l'e I Jt'rl'~ or green. enter J Br 2 ba wuh 1)!1 fJlll1h this brand new SelN·l taming in \OUr .tdJarent rm & f rp I,. ()II n ,. I f I r I h rinJnnnj! ,11 1111110 Propert> F'anta~t 1 cl am1) rm w rpt·. ugl' 64 2 1523 f1nannn1:· Full pnn· 2 ~tory Takl'O\t•rSSC.33.1 s:tlS.OOo 751 3191 lo.in al !I' • • • S1•llt•r ~ IRVINE Li•t In Mf.sa Vtrdt ani.1ou~. prtl'l'll undl'r OWL' ranam'IOR un thii. 3 I markt•l SIJK.50!1 \gt ORAMGETREE bl•droom fa mil.\ room I Beth Ounrnmbl• !157 H507 PATIO HOME homl• 111 om• of thl.' b1.·~t or963 9101 Tai.lt>fullv up)?rJd<'rl df(•as ll ~ llfll'('{f to sell Nl'W custom honws Opt'n owe to S.'J(),(X'c) al \Int JtS129.9007513191 2BRCONDO S:il Sun 1 5. 1.iulltlC't rates Formoremfol'<ill C::SEIECT ...,.,PROPERTIE':> So. Coast Condo 3 lldr. a:..~um:ibh· lo:in . no down 540 3'ititi Whelan Real Estate S25k OWN w hl'lp fmanrt• $225 .tWIO O:cn 631 Ji93 12' • fman1·m1?. Sfl!I SCHI eath 219 & 221 Ml'mph1s Dan Hodge 1148 ~ 115 bkr I IRVIME :'\EWPORTCO,\ST.\I ;1 RR p , Ba. Wooclbrtdl!\ PRUPERTlE!-. . BEACH CHARMER rondo ll1Rhl) upj!raded 760 9501 . 960-5580 Jbdrm. 2ha, lol,l> or lrt'l'S Comm pool'. lf'nms 3 Bdr hou.w. den. frpk near Fedoo Bv o" rier Sl2ti,OOO ~2428 2 HOMES-I LOT 3 Bdrm. 2ba. modern kitchen dbl i:ar ALSO 2 Sll0.000 Open 111111,e lake ~129 5110 l'all Sunday, I S 2C)ll2 EJ(rct 551 JOOO. \\:oodbr1d1?t' Ln 960·2183 Rralt) lrYin~ I 044 DISTRESSSALF: ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ranrho SJn Jo.iqutn Arr you an actl\l' .!. .it condo San Carlos mdl tracll\I~ D1vorr~ or re Pnt'e slashed S25 0011 hred ~:xecu11ve' You'll :'llo>A Slfi!l .500 A1tt lo\ e trips l'\ er) month 975 Ofil6 .. NOTHING DOWN RR I bath II rrplr. dbl pa111es lawn how hn tt : 13.20 : • 15.80 • • : Add $2.60 for each additional llne for 8 times : ~ ~~ A big house With a htlll' price and low down Large assumable loan with LOW interest rJtl' and owner will earn· balance Rede('orateci S340.000 With land 1·ar Ra r w 1th offtre .\n BY OWNER I nual s chedull'd 1trn~~ in OESPERATED I c·ome Sl4.400 pt>r \ r lla\e Jlr<'ad) rn1Hed. Sl85,0000WC: ;:5146811 can't make pa~ment!> I SS600 GET YOU IH! Take o\er ci.1~1 1 ni: 2 Br 1'2 Ba Condo f In an l' Ill I! JI I 2 '. "' 131 z'. S('ller finanrlO)? Beautiful Hlr JBr. nrr Va ranl Readv for \Ou bch. pvl rear. rlel' Pnneipalsonl\ te nnis l.ocal t•tl an Northwood!>. lnme Im macolale 2 Rr :! Ba w double rar i:arag1 All for $84,900 8J2 '.119\1 e e JI I I Open Sat & SW! 12·5 1407 Santaneffa garage, lots more Agent · 556-~16 $195,000 675 7104 e Pub lish my ad for 8 days starting e ,;1· ~ · /, ~ • Classification • DOLLHOUSE •• • PRINTED lf' 3 Bdrm doll house i;outh 3 0 Yr FinancirKJ LEASE OPTION 2 bdrm 2 • h . J USTS.~.()()(I ON f1rrpla1:e, · com:nuni~ \ • Name • PATTERN · I 1 or hwy Private yard with elevated custom • Address e A781 deck and spa orrerm~ ,_ ''· • IZES 8·18 Catalina & bay view St IOO MO pool & spa. 2 car ~a rage Super 4Br. 3Ba !s:llXI JIJ Walled vard. 2 yr old. phcd lo total pm·t• ca S159,900.' SSO.!XXI dn Bal mo, I Spu. l'U1 <l<' sac. 30 yr al 13'•"r. Paul rinse lo bch St9\l.OOO llickey Agent 832·3910 • City Zip Phone______ S254,000 in assumable • • financing. Owner 675·9522 - MESAVBlDE • Check or M.0 . enclosed 0 e Loop buttoning sweeps -'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!6!!!!!7!!!!!3-!!!!!I !!!!!11!!!!!1 ~II! to one side m this roman--= 59 UNITS COSTA MESA Large 4 bdrm & den home Comerlol R\'ar res~ Jacuna All in xlnt cood1L1on Owner motivated SI00,000 .• C~arge my ad to: • lie s h1rtdress. Clloose • • new puffed sleeves or 0 -# Exp classic straight style No • ~ • • tipper skirt opens tn front so you step m • Q # E • Pnnted Pattern A781 by • . X P · • Morton Myles comes m • L ------------------------------• Mlsses Slz:es8,10.12.14. 16. 18 Size 12dress (bust • r---------WE'LL PAY THE POSTAGE -------------•• 341 lakes 3 yards 6().in. 1 fabric. belt 3/8 yd. 45 in. • ' 1 • Send S.2.SO for this Print· • ! 111 NN~~~;;::vE : • ;~L~~'.e~o!° s~.A~I~ • 11 Ir MAllED 1 • Chelsea Sta., New York, IN THE N.Y. 10113. Add SOc for • t UNITED STATES Q • postage and special • j : • handling Print Name-. e ~ BUSINESS REPLY LABEL > • ~~!~:~!~d~·~. St yle • g Fl'lST CLASS PERMIT NO ll COSTA MESA, CALIFORNIA ~)C • Sensational savings on _ sensational clothes are • i POSTAGE Will BE PAI() B\' AOOflESSEE 5 • your w~h our NEW 1982 e < J~ Orange Coast Daily Pilot ~ e ~E~i8N~R1 ~~:R~ •• i .~· Daily Pilat t : ~~; :~:::. _ 1 names, !lfwest easy-to. • : Box 1560 I • sew cfesi1mer looks in 1 • • dres ses. coa t s . • I 330 W. Bay St . •, 1portswtar. Plus soc • : Co1t1 Mtll, CA 92626 1 • BONUS COUPON tor I t any P•llern of your 8 1 • • choice. Send SI SO for •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ •• ~~~k~37~~~·~- Lo as s e ns S25,000 DOWN Lg. assumable loans Remodeled 2 br • mre patio. R-2 lot w plans for unit S265,000 Owne r Agent 957 ·9:.131640-14~ SPYGWSHIU For Lease option or Lease. Beautiful 5 BR On 3.32 acres All 2 Bdrms. double garaRe!>. great buy' 645-9161 .;. OPEN HOUSE . REALTY )!'' .... Nantucket Pool & Spa --------$1600 mo 760-0297 . 831·3046 agt 1"'1 BLOCKSTOOCN Spacious 2Br home w/guest hse. 40' R2. as sumable loans. $370,000 Pr in only. Ownr / agt, 673·9208 Low hit. FManclltcJ HEW CONDOS 2 ma ster s uites . fireplace. fenced patio & ya rds. double garage, Close to ocean. • OPEN 12-5 1932 MEYER PLACE 631 436!.; 641-1991 ajt IRVIHETBRACE EASTSIDE Fantastic buy! Well· Woodland School area maint 4 br home. new 'd r h R crpls & drps, brick frnlc pr1 e o owners 1p 3 B • ·,. 2 Ba. I master w own A H 98-0748 644-9674 ba J + spac LR w 1 fl)k Paul Martin Real Estate 644.T.113 GREEN THUMI? Easts1de F'rwt trees & r oses ' Pr1va r' serlusion m park hke ya rd SuMy 3 BR. Brirk rplc Covered patio Pride of ownership Room for expansion On- ly SIZ4.000. Call 645-0303 COLDWeu. BANl(C!RC HERE'S I TO FIX Needs interior patnl. ~ome bathroom tile & cptng, but 4 BR 2 Ba on quiet Mesa Verde cul de sac. Best oUer Listed S134,9SO Agt S49 1366 Newport Bay view for A/C lge fam rm Only sale, inclds cust()m $139.500 Try 20'• dwn Spyglass S BR home. Ruth l~a ur1e . a11t pool & spa, recently 646-4380 lo•tty Mtso VtreM featured in Orange Co. SllARP ~IDE Tn 3 bdrm Yt'/dtn rm. hu~e Home le Garden plex 3 8RO'ttt'Ml'lunlt+ famrm.2firtpla<'e Xlnt m11uloe. Very llttle 1 fc 2 BR. <>wner financ rln w/SSO,IXJO dn & $1330 ~n • 11N terms. By 1n1. $235,000 Devin 41 mo p1y'mt. SlS0,000 owner.951.-S Co.MZ·Ulll_ _ .QwMrA~ ™''~- XLHT FIMAHCIHG t' n 1 ' e rs 1 t } I' .1 r k F'ordem 2200 -,q fl, 4 hr 21' b.i . Cam rm. form.ti din Dl'<'orator hom1• Spa . many t·xtra~ 559 8513 IROADMOOR COTTAGE 3 Br 21• Ba dclal'hc•d home. hot tub. draprs & upgraded carpet. JUSI a few or the m.in) xlra\ Low interest & J~i.uma ble !st T D $16\1.9111 9, Owner Call for uppi 8571972 aft s rM 12% FIMAMCIHG 4 Br .. Bonus Room. 3 car garage Ideal lo('at1on near the park owe al 12'1 or will lea~ option Broker 8518800 OUTSIDE INSIDE Walls of glass fra mt' towering birch trees. soaring cathedral ce1I tngs, hie entl). formal dining and breakfa~t nook. 2 spacious bdrms. huge patio, carrfree en lertaining. Privatr t'Or ner lot. Popular D<>ane home University Park. Only $189.~. Call now, MS·0303 COLDWeu BANl(C!Rtl FllH WITH POOL Cood 1,sumablt fin:.nc int 4 Br I~ 81 •·•m Rm Spa. C•ll A11tnt Bettina 56l &lllO ot rt !•dentf' 833..-r 4 IR 21/l la tl yr~ old. S31 .000 ctn OWC A I T D at 12'. 4 ~r!> Opn Ilse Sal Sun J\172 /\~h t,J11a1I Place Prope111e~. 752-1920 * •5 BDRM 3 BA This hut(e Woodbndgr home 1s <lcrorator i.harp, has its o"'n custom spa . and seller's will consider bonds. or other asi.et.s for part or their equ1t~ Opri Toda' I 5 Q49 Nt):?hthawk \\\,oo h ridge Rcaltlj !ia 1.:111011 19:!0 llarr1nc ~ l'k'"', lr\1nr, Creatl•t Fiftc.cillq buys lh1s h1Rhly up ~raded 2 Bdrm 2 bath townhome f:nJOY all tht• amen1tiei1 of Wood bridge plus your own redwood hot lob C:ull Sa l1 Friedmnn .1t 552·0129, agt 2GOOO TO LAST lr\•ine. C:ihf<11'T11a llo]lw, 4 Bdrm, I i;tory, vi·ry clt;in Al rn<I or Ire(' llnt•d prick> ol Ownt.'rr>.hlp rul de 1111r s:i.m •lown \u Vt:TS or !\t•llcr will 11• 1 l lht f~ ,,..., S~,500 ?S2 11°'1 THE R EAL .ES-.A ... L..i~S .. ,. I " ·~' : ? 4 $?¥ -... 1!!11 J ll Ofange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 , 1981 ~~!.~.~ ....... ~!.~.~ ................ ~.'!'!:. ....... ~~.~ ....... ~.~.~ ....... ~~~~ ..... . '~.~-~ ........ He.MtF.W.. HwtF.Wt ....... ,...w. ~~~~ ... !!!! ... ~~~.~ ... !~~! ... ~~~ ... !~~!-!~~~~ ... !~.~! ~~= ..... !~?.~ .~'!~.~.~.!~~ •lrtllt ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Pi 4bd lo I ••••••••••••••••• 1044 ~.... 1041 U.,..IHdt 104 ... .,........ Ifft «?Cs.IAMFI D&ftlls• ... A HAI• ll'l HID 111111 111111 n::~CUll r.Ta.~ A~~ ZOJ~ .. fo•;a.3 x'Ot4T•n • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •• • • • • • • • • • • • ., Otlllll ~ 1111.M tor Df nnt1 8 4850 or " • LOWPllCI WA1WWAT9 IJl/J~-l.arJt48r+%Brunlt. oMMTl•fY •93ea8 Un tall~ .. for lS unih IWtlCI tvaYWtal COUMTIYfllMCH You ran't beat thb! 30 unobltNNd vu. owe rrUlllllllftl ,llYAll UICI S64.dlw1t 118.000down.. l bdrm Iba Oranae Selhilb1bovel.a11un1'a MOITHU~UMA 1ear loan at 12~'l + +usumable lit TD 11 Prime 4S 'Xl40 ' OrlHHOUSI Stller will rarry 5 Tl'te' Pal~O Homn Nlrt ramt'd Rl'Vitra l'OJStllnt 1215,000 wu.m loans at owe hd It 12 s "'o 9\.~ A~ies 11lore w1tuirontlotwilbcxilt· 1i Dl'rt• \\OOdrd propt'l'1\ SAT /SUM 1-5~ yrul\JN.lolonly ly loutf'd tnd 1111it Cen ilnd thl1 1pect1cular ~ Lovely 2st1. 3 br. 2 Be1utlful 4 Br 2~ Ba Ca11 OeUa, Ai\'31·12166 inl pier aDd allp for 45' Runrunit Slrt!lllll. 5 BB, JOA Panoramic HIMUDA DUHIS tnl air conditlon1n11 contempora.r1 split lvl ba homt w/playhouse, Coodo ln ~Crest y1chl Pnceot SU00,000 Al'rou from l'twrr)' Ll!kl'' Ocean View SU9,$00 1 AC, Zoned R 1 Xlnt IOC Eltcnsivt' mrHt1on1I h 0 m, w , de ta 11 e d Sylvan sl'tlina. Htar lhe TSL Prope"'"-lncludea cleartd lot, IP Seller will heir with facillllts Adult only archite ctur e o f ~•n S«in11ttslovlng CallDolonil 8'2>11103 proved plans and 2331 TmtillA•• .. H•wport flna1mn1.Meml Lynch near coif coursu rommunityl76.~ wood l a lu cco & It. A11klng S33S ,OOO ----='-'" -· permlbforalu.Juriouss drn.3BA 3400 sQ O Realt1/Ka~ll1166l·J568. Sl.s.1~a"c~~•-•··~ HR EAT tt TAK t NC wftt1rm11 Will t'Onslder * * IElllEIJ 411 Bdrm S both French 5116 2700 • ._ ... """"' VIEWS OF rnE SEA, trade. NOW UIG. Re1enc1 horne with OPE .. SAT/SUH. I l·S 7141 3J~-- CANYONS at VILLAG F. *' 6o/o S6' C--. ~, lliUTIRA.L y many etlta.9. S...... 2\.'a Acm SlU.000 BELOW • or $J0,00b Dhc. Up to 45' slip avail with MAIM1'AJMIO Term A•lilclblt SS9S.OOO. ,\gt Ki!n or Lu C••frallo I 071 This proputy located in SprawUng 4 bdrm floor TO PRINCIPALS lhla hu&e 2and 1 den or 3 3 bdrm. 2 bath. Westcllff Call Pacetetter Homes ••••••••••••••••••••••• fast growing area of San phin srved by 3 baths Ken, owner/aet, '94 ~7 Br condo w/water views liome. Close to school&, for details and appoint-Brlallt. Spacious 2bdnn. Bernardino Co. citn bt- futures, 2 FRPLCS.. from both living rm & ment. 646 5002 64'-3627 Zba Condomlmum. 1 yr bought on easy l~ms Ing, hm. rm., lrg. srECTACUlAI neutraldeoor&thebest in s 12~~cz onlySU0,000 Day 7JW·2'2·4§17 Wl!:T DAR, be11med cell-matr suite. Gorgeous ::~!!i:~~~:a~~~ 1111111111111 old Assume S70,000 Geo. Frey R E In<' kitchen w111ll modern rlnancing at lhe beach 11· l&S,SOO. lime (2131 3:29·7156 After COMMtrdal lt523CAMN5Dl·IR"IME con\•enleoces & HUGE ; ,oc~1"e!FfA h Callforyourpersonalln ~ LE"'SE 6!7141!96·lj928 rrop.rty 1600 MASTER SUITK 0111 ro rem e . ·re specllon. ~ ••••h••••ttuii.uH•A• Ing area opens throuah Bay, 3bdr-m. Sba, furn MIW IXctUSM 0"10H' HTAIL IUl..DIHG IYOWNB NEW ON MARKET Comfortable ~or. 2 ba S\ngle family home In Turtlerock. Qu1l't loc Walk to park & pool A$ sum. hnancin . 752 t~ s I 1 d In II g Io SS t 0 rm, garden kltchen, liw.. .... b d u..a-W-'-4.ont $SOOO dwn and buy Ill 6 5.SACUS EXPANSIVE patio & security gated, walk to ff J "'""' rl Qe • 41QAll mos for Sl!),OOO w'IO'.l Sweei)inir viAw from 2'1S011q. ft.. New owner ~~~:~KARI~ pvt be9cll 49N663. fl• Rei~g HOM"" ;~~::~~{1~~~~ ot ~7;1art!a1B~ d~11kc:na~o ~~~~::~.~=n~ ai:d\CC:~.~rbo~ WATERFALL SS l·:IOOO Prfctbdlctiolt ...., fer total living cnJO> vantage! Rae Rodgers. site! OwnerwUI financt Realo o-~--~~6700 for those who requ1rl' • 1m narr1nn Pkll\,lr~I•• 4 sty, s br. s ba re-ment Re<'enlly updated Agt 631.1266 17141673·4400 PRUI ECOSTAMESA the finest you may have LCMJIMO Hicjiltt I 052 61 den cc Fam rm . & detailed, lh1s sp11c1ou) 12111 U l ·HH MJ:OldAL BLDG all of th~ •including 2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 3 Br cottage, Harbor elevator, 2 car gar 6% DOWN Sbdrm,Sbathbomehas lho 11.11l•11.111"1 "'""1t· ... 1 + praetkew res1dence ' OWC lst. ol $90K atl 13'1 Highlands area, nr I J r I assumable loans> for on on th.is 4 Br. 2 Ba. home schoob & shops. Owner Seclusion & security arge IVlng rm, orma 111-.11 bl.ill 111 m Huge t'Sllsle si~d lot L.ogii..hodt 104t ly . S3S9 ,000 FULl. Mtn Valley vi ew' will consider lease op Landscaped terrace PRICESLASHED d1n1ng rm, n~ tile w lge parking area ••••••••••••••••••••••• PRICE.CALLTODAY' Highly upgraded! Just {ion Sl8S,OOO Agl overlooks 60' pier w 3 T0$415,000 kitchen & docl{"for 60' $335,0~6 Won'l lasl ' Charming 3 bdnn, 2 bath MISSION REALTY .$152.500 , TR Realty 673·33SS. shps. $2,900,000 WSEOl'TIOM boat uch, much more -------• 9&4 6688 ~m~~!~J;:~a~owe;:~ ~~~~oC:ftna 49?-~ _ ~1~~1~~;f~·1 H09UA&JFYIHG S2R7~P~~98&Assoc .OPD~LHYOUSI LE ALLST'"TE' lo beach. AMume loan. ---MlHiOfl Viejo I 06 7 EXCLUSIVE Tnut/Est.ate Sale OWHEI DESPEIA TE v•.,.,,.. ""' -o I,. Owner wdl help finance PANORAMIC ••••••••••••••••••••••• Prestigious area-walk to illlllli-.11111111_.__...._.._~ Brand new condos 1n ' 1111 ""111 ••I REALTORS $295,000. Peg Allen. Rltr. OCEAN VIEW Bac he Io r par ad 1s e WESTCUFf HOME View lot. 3 br, den 21,oi ba. wtr from th.is hne 3Br. CANAL FIOHT Costa Mesa located :it II.II hw 1111 1·,inh'lll ('o 4!M·7S78. 12¥•%A.I T.D. seclud. 3br . fp . beams. OPE S TS 2 (p's, covered pallo JBa home w/formal din-MewDCWf~L---2277 Pacific Aw. Gn•at 1111!!!!!!!!!!!11!!!!!!!!!111---•J ~-6688 ____ _ OC EANFRONT.New Of $.240.000 OR MOR E. study. spa $169.000. PP N A / UN 1 5 Great Location! Owner. in~. 2 frpks, cathedral lo en ~ finanl'ing. great buy' Sovfh LOCJlllO I 086 Modular Type Homes, Wood & glass design, top 645 1496_ 1112 GROVE LN ·NB l I 8 2 1 ceilings. skylit.e rm and 2d patios 0 enjoy the out· Come & see. Redhill ••••••• •••••••••••••••• SUPER, SUPER leased land, 3 pvt bchs. 1· lk b h Charming single story 3 u PP • on Y . an oversized lot Assume oors + move Ill cond . Realty, 673-7300. Lrg l20xl40 lot + sml qua 1 ty · w to c • H.wport leodl I 069 Bcirm, 21/i bath home. S296AM/7S9-~Plti 13.~%. owner w1·11 carry thls 2 sty 4 BR. 2 fplc 's. '"'!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111!1--~ blda. 919 SWl.Set. CM. Jn· 24 hr security. fish mg s c c u r 1 t y s y s t e m . F t · 1 d "' ·· t to I be h & -= pier from $34,SOO l<>?r vacuum , mten'Om. Ask ••••••••••••••••••••••• ea u res Inc u e difference on straight ~e~~~s. O=r wil~ctake BE "'CH HOME dustrial z.oned. Act now. J!.own. 499·:1116 ing $395,000 S frplcs $10,000 DOWN garden room with wall BAY • BEACH note at reasonable rule. l;A won ' l I as t. Chuck Open Hse.SatlSun l·4 Underpriced 2br lux and celU11g of glass, cozy 0 ,,_ House lst or 2n.d TD for equity 3 Br. 2 Ba. $136.900. Spiller, Agt 631-1.266 WHITEWATEIVIEW HoloftRMIEstate condo. No qua!. Must ki tchen with brick ANO BOATSLIP Sat/S. l·5 $245,000. 4Br.21S8a$240,000 3 Br. with 2 Master 497 545 sell. JohnS59~.lliKL_-fireplace in dining area. 1245 ... I"--.._.1 R1chardSowers, Rltr 4 Br, waterfrontage Suites, 3 Ba, enclosed __ • __ 4_ formal dining room and Investor or mvestorlte· -" Gwen Henry Ca ll Pele Johnson, Agl decks for entertaining, EMERALD BA y a 2nd fireplace in the liv nant. Whoever thought AGT. 645-9850 714-S98-5674. 990-_2478 631 -1266 SOUTH LA GUN A family rm, private spa DOVER SHORES rng room. Priced at you could buy Bayfronl PRICE n°"UCED $224 ,000. Assumable New elegant cslm S Br 4 S410,000 property for less than VIEW ! llLQI f. Own car gar. Ali extras. In-Fi· · I bl most homes 10 Newport 0 .. UDO ISLE mancmg. er anx "red1ble wh1'te water 1441 G I D nancing ava1 a e 0 Sa S 1ous. A.!!!!1494-4730. ~ a axy rive thru Pacesetter Homes Beach? WE are selling Best on the market Con • pen t/ un l·S• v1ew.Call7~071S _ Builder Call for in i,, interest in our 4 do 00 the Bay S4?S,OOO 118 Via Ithaca Newly WOODS COVE LOWER 3A.ICHIAY 4 Br . Den. Formal Om formation and appt bedroom hme with 42· Owner/Agt. fuushed 4 bdrm dream Lovely 2 Br home with Pvt area. ocn view mg Room. 2 Fireplaces. 646·S092 boat dock for $275,000.1 675•1676 675-1'444 h 0 ome on extra-wide lot seperate guest quarters 01 vorce forces sale 3 car garage + large I Whether you move in 1 wner obtatning fmanc- on very large wooded Make offer. Poss l.rade 'Hobby Room Pool s1ied l· 7"11 • yourself or lease it out -NEW OH MARKET! 1ng to provide jumbo to the beach Price re ~ Owner assist at fina nc ._ fantaslic. Beller hurry Cresl Coodo. Nr tennis V 1rg1 n i a 0 ' Ur 1 en . ocean view lot 2 blocks B Owner 714 499-3144 lot. beaut landscaped fl the earning polenual is lmmaculale 3 Bdrm AITD at 131-,'1 Ag l, duced to S25S,900 OCEAN VIEW , 1ng. Eslale value only 1• on lh1s one. 673 --4666 courts. pools and ocean ~3-l~. $200,000 1n assumablel A lovely 2 bdrm rondo • $420,000. .. • Owner/Broker. Special financ ing HACH HOME finan cing. Age nt with sensational 180 OpenSat Sun 15 Sl89.000 H-aYOUl"Temu 494-4730. degree views & gorgeous Robinson· Reailor THE ILUFFS Hollis Wood, lttr. ....... Catalina sunsets. 2 slory 548-5647 o_ __ ,,'111. w 67M67..!.. $24,000 DOWN S 1,000,000 VIEW FOR $425,000. New 3 Br 2~ba + fam rm. Open Sun l·S. 2635 Solona Way. Call Nora at Edna A Lundberg, Realtor & Assoc 494-2894 Charming 3 bdrm, 2 bath + guest apt. No end Emerald Terrace Walk to beach. Assumable loan Owner ~~.!~I help finance. S29:>YJW Peg Allen, Rltr. 494·7S78'- DEVELOPERS LOOK! PLAT R-2 Lot. with a 2 Bdrm. 2 bath Laguna charmer on it Ripe for Redevelopment and you can capture a ter riric ocean view from 2nd story! See and sub- . mil. AskingS24.S.OOO IH EMERALD TH· RACE 1625 Hikrnt Dr. 17141494-1177 PENTHOUSE CONDO with fireplace and decks ./ att<:Jtt,/f} MOVIHG -MllltSel with owner carrying for entertaining Com· '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!!!!!!!I HOM ES Ex c e I financing paper or take over ex 1st munity pool & elevator '!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!J lease /opt. Carmelita FLEX9LE mg loans with effective from garage $24.S.OOO. 9°/o DOWN plan condo 4 Br 3b<1 • I FIHAHCIHG rate of approx. l2 4,.; LOWDOWN, owe WestcliH4 Br2'1'1 4BDRM8EAUTY Br/bath downs tairs OHUDO custom 3 bdrm with sellers wiU cary A.l.T 0 Ba. only $279,SOO. Norm Only S27S.OOO wllerms. Beaut. greenbell view. on this 3 bdrni country enorm ous charm on ree at less than current tn· & Kasey McKtnJey, agt Great locauon Patrick Newly redecorated. French home on an ex· land 2 blocks from the t ere 5 1 r ate The 631-1266or 548-6492 Tenore. Agt 759-1221 $239,500. Call J .L. Tyler lra wide lot. Hecently re beach 2 nreplaces, dou youngsters can walk to Eve1wknd 759-8989, modeled.Try20'" down. ble garage,deck&pat10 school from this mfly 3 wkdy~ 152·8011 Assumable loan Owner all for s229.500. Submit & b d r m . 2 ''2 b a t h Deluxe P...thouM will carry. A real must call us at 1714 ISS2·4477 townhome 1n Niguel One bdrm. $125.000. tosee.Callnow! WALKER&LEER 1'.: Shores, a gate guarded AJTD Sl0,000 dn Owner Tired of private community. Re!1'od~led Beach House WESTOCEAHFIOMT will carry at 1512'7, MHlo.Dollar St87,000 with income un1l 3 Triplex Xlnt terms & 645-6059_ ----· '"TrodHo.nn?" URL B d r m s . c Io s e l o prime localJon S600,000 Decorators & S North End local1on bayrronl Assumable Agent ~s-6161 Remodelers If pyglass & Harbor Walk to the beach from $123 ,000 loan Asking ~--Ridge disappoint you. $190.000 Agt ~J..8849 or I ILK A TTENTIOM! come to Laguna Beach. this neat & Udy 2 bdrm 833-2650 ___ TO THE BE .11.cH Do your thing and make Innovative archllel·ture. own your own umt On ~ mon"y at the end of re-DEVa"'8eaS craftsm sh Calf s the Oce·n side or th" UEWPORT C111""T --.ooo dwn buys th·· 3 "' vt"°Ul an Ip, I " "' " NIM' .,..u ..... modeling lovely Back 506 "!"STREET best view Sl.100,000 hlghwa} and offered at ABSOLUTELY PRIME Bc1 2 S Bath home on fee Bay Area home and out 1 bdrm, 2 balh apt O\'er 3 financing av:iil Sale. an affordable price Former model. 3 br3ba, land Nu carpets & of money. Buy me out car garage.. Bay view Trade. Lease Option $140.000 master s u 1 t e w 1th paint. Asking S234.SOO. and rinlsh 4 bdrm dream 45x 110· lot. SS6S.OOO 499-5648 ~ttrttCr pnvate retreat overlook· owe Ownr' Agt, Bruce home. $295,0000wner I Title Ins. & Trust Co -I \. i._c mg tenrus rourt. pools. Blomgren 759-1221 _64S-0532or6Bl·~-LewlS 9SJ.21m. ex 7371 Sl0.000 REDUCTION' ~ ~~K! '-~ and spa Good assuma Re/Max. I TrustlEslateSale Harbor View home ble loans. U•r Comtnlctioft !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!11!!111111!!! M on a co M o u e I C/21 He-t C..tr • 4 BNOOL OH UDO ISLE Professionally derorat •IG!tN °'""'.....,,._, 640.~5_,.....357.' Spacious family hom e, This 3 bdrm dream ed shows like model l..19h_,,°' '216i brick frplc, w1great fun home will be a true dr· HEWPORT SHOIES lligh ar;sumable JO yr yard for entertaining hghl Wilh a $20,000 de· OM THE CAHAL loan 12.5 loan Lock box. Desirable location posit, lhe owner. a pro $269,000 t860 P ort Wheeler Owner will be rrealive fessional derorator, will 675-1771 $235,000. Owner Agt $339.500. Opn Sun l 5 provide any wallpaper 955.2245 or7_~9596 HEW CUSTOM LIDO HOME SPLENDOR A <;R OSS FROM OCEA NFRON T I Bedroom, 1 balh mobile home with new parnt and carpel.Ulg $18.000 Fl NANCI NC AVAILABLE on lh1:. home with a 2 bedroom I bath unit and a I bedroom I bath guest unit SISS,000 499 4551 C.Z. COl'Mf' Lot Excetlenl Costa Mesa locaf11 on Zoned for man> uses 3700 sq fl Large 1ot Good fmanc· mg Charht" Elwis, Tarbell Realtor.; ,83)..ro30 I st ThM Offwed 3900 sq n. ol traditional eleganee + 3 car gar & hoat yrd on bst Lido SL 4bdrm tor3+dent.4ba. e SALE,. LEASE lrg din rm. fam rm. L. UR indry sewing rm. 3 1ngo Hl9h ide .. lty free frplcs Incl lndscpg & .... b .. n doftdlftCJ 3000 ft spklrs. sec. pre wire. crpls. Open Sat Sun. buildlftg CMEWI. 1·5pm. 210 Via San Sun,etleodl IOH H.ar M•wport at Ill ~e'!!~ QW!!_e~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• E. I 7tti, CM. MEW C()tl4DO OH Priced to Sell Air cond. & parking_ FEE LAND Only mrnutes lo the Wm E Doud &Co. Inc Beveled glass entry beach h~~e family rm 714/673-1600 New kit & flxlurc~ & lovely:i,,b\ rm ~1rrpl<'. !--II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ Decorator 1·arpet & 3 Br. I ~ ba f or only matching wallp:iper $265.000. Jeanice Allen Pvt bkfst p<tllO Call Ag.I-213 439 2161 Pete Johnson, Agt 631-1266 Ottier Real &faff ....................... MoblJe Homn For SaJe 1100 ••••••••••••••••••••••• OC !>;AN FRONT Ne\\ OR.AMGECOUMTY Modular Type Homes. 2 tenaml romm'I bldgs leased land. 3 pvt bchi.. Leased. lo w main-THE llUFF 24 hr secunty, f15h10g tenance, passive ln\'est· Pl.AH "X" pier rrom S34.900 10•, ment Ex 1st mg 7'""' 3 bdrm. dJn rm .. bv down 499 :1116 loan owe 10'1 financ-rm .. ram. rm . f P. 21, --mgforl0yrs.S37S.OOO ba, xtra large porrelam IEACH/ Affot dab6e Quail Place Properties lub w1ceram1c llle walls S48,SOO with low lo~ I 752-1920 & floor 4 covered patio down 2 yr 2 Br. 2ba . .., -----p · S230 000 5, fam rm Min age l8vri.. "a re N B ocean view C· l ~~~;. as~~~e S40.oo1 b~ I sm I pets OK Arross propertr 120 rront rt I l d ed l "I I XI ' from bch Mary Jank owe Isl T D Agt, rus e a • 2 • • n. · 631 7300 land lease S853 00 per Rltr 631-1094 ----- year Can't change until OWN YOUR CGftdomiftiuffts/Tow• year 2003 w : ml only houses for ICIM 1700 Classy' Meticulous Refurbished and a Good Ocean View Posbshed Oak noors. Oak cabinets and imported ules used in the ALL NEW KITCHEN and baths. Elec/gar. lge veranda and a coveted pnvate patio. See this "Special" Offering Toda y 3 Bdrm. 2 bath and dining L. Assume $192.000 and submit terms. $345.000 2 new cstm ocean ,.u homes. 4 Br's 41-, Ba, FR. 1521-1533 Tahiti ~?!1,.500,_Agt. 497 -54~-- with slip for 40 rt sailboat. 180 deg oeean. bay and city li ghts views. Large assumable loan Security + pool. lS09 Highland. & o r de cor a t i n g Hllftt& Associate$ services at wholesale 6)1·7600 rosl. Agt. Virginia 2nd trust deed duel MOllLEHOMELOT ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1986·87 Call owner for Al affordable pm·es Lake Arrowhead Condo appl. daily afl~r 11 am Top Palm Spnngs A.rea Pvt lakefront l'ommuni· lcrysho'" by Owner (714 t 346-5860 Com~lete Country Club ty. perfect family or cor· trg 4 BR . 4 fc\A home f ac1ht1es R GREAT BUY 494-7551 C/21 Newport C..tr 640.5'357 -NEW- HEWLYREIUILT O'Bri~n,6'7J..l323 _ REMOOB.ED REFURllSHED RB.AX! WESTCUFf AREA 4 Ir. $198,000 OWHEI Steps away from pvt ------1213.12717395 rs~~:~ ,~:~~;~~g :~m~ beaches Owner will as (7141568-9193 rm w full bar beautiful sist in financmg or will PRIME PENINSULA S & R S«-tic.n, llK. lake 1r forest ~1ew. owe consider tradB. Shown POIMTDUPLEX 2bdrm. lba. bayside 12~.'~-$389.000 Ed by appt onl.y. Prin only Half a block to beach comm., Np( Bch. c p, Earl. Merrill Lynch. Excepllonal home on pvt view lot. 3 Bcinns. 2 ba. artist's studio Owner motivated and will help ~ HU'I with financing. S36S.OOO J11:.. McCOIMACI U LOCJUM Vii9 R.E HARBOR RIDGE Cameo Highlands Bcirm & den. S29S,OO< MUStUAYE OCEANFIOHT BYOWHB SSJ0,000. Prine only Ron These 2 BR. 2 BA com-adults only 2 pools, 2 rec Kate!!!.._714-337-0731 Jackson ~UIOO~--pletely separate units s · II Jasmine Crei!k-Owner have a high assumable rms $32~ ubmit a H•lilMJtoa Harbow -_4_97-1761 __ LOCJIM Hih I 050 LOCJ1910 Hiib I 050 .............................................. LUXURIOUS UMDA ISU OH THE IAY SIDE "A home for all seasons." Extensive use of specially woven rugs, drapes, and exquisite oak paneling ac· centuate the recently completed interior designs by Ca nnell & Chaffin. This 7 bedroom, 7 bath home boasts an Italian marble entry. winding staircase, 4 mar· ble fireplaces. spectacular brass lighting fixtures. elevator. and mu ch more. The master suite overlooks the 3 boatshps. Exist· ing low fi nancing assumable loan with owner willing to assist in financing by carrying a substan- tial loan. Unduplicable at current price of $2.900,000 Leasehold . Barbara Lomma. (714) 85.5-4343 ISLAHD VIEW -Spectacular panoramic lake & mountain views in the prestigious gated community or Arbor Lake . Private beach & community boat house, dock, & spa. Watch the sun or the moon come up over the lake from one of the 2 BR . Ft>rmal dln rm, & den. One of the better waterfront locations . Owner will assist In financinc. S211.900 Pat Aden C714) 855-4343 Just listed S BR 2ba. Renaissance Model Outstanduig view with great financing. Pnced for immed sale at S49S.OOO Agenl. Dan Bibb ~~~S~-23==-ll=------'64(}.7665 OCEAN VIEW CQiC>O Beautiful Versailles Penthouse. 2 bdrm, 2 bath. Owner will carry leasehold. OPEN TODAY 1·5 A_gtnl. 673-7761; 760-1397 J QUAIL I A.!~;~. NEWPORT HGTS 2 houses on a lol $129.000. $16,000down. Quail Place Properties 752-1920 Isl T D. 1256,500 '!!!!!!!!![!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~ OPEHTOOAY 1-5 Open Sat/Sun l-5 PM I 02 Scholl Plcno 2242 Heather Lane. NB. PettfhoMM #34 Lrg 4BR. 2"'a8A Fam Redh1ll~Realty i;-;-:~ ~:{IHl Immaculate 3 Br. 2 Ba. Sl~.OOOTerms. Custom 3 Br. 2 Ba. IO'i'r down on Cee land. Both have commly pools & leMis. walk to beach. Agent 642-3850. rfl'!.-Pool. A 955_:.~ Trade Luxury Newport home on i,., acre for In- come Units or ? Equity $280,000. Act now ! Broker Co-Op Agent 631-4516. Open House Sat/Sun 36S E 22nd. SJ/Tustin Ave. LIDO rrice Redlcedl to $695,000 H•wDOrl ~ Elegant 5 bdnn on large Open l-s. •BR. !Bath. comer lot. Owner will Family boDft 00 a quiet carry all r1t1ancing after reaaooable dn payment. Cul~e-Sac. 1269,000. n....... Sat/Sun 1to5 Quail Place Properties. v~n ' 121 Via flrcnu Owner/ Agent. 646-2017 645-9SSO ~S-41l6 614 Gary Place. Nr lSlh &Tustin Streets. BAY FRONT 3Sft. dock "'---L.. 1 Excellent opportunity! ' ...,_"' Bulldcr bu opt.Ion. Good Uftflm 0.'tr terms. Plans ready for to purchase "Carmel re-model. Will sen pkg. Model in prestigious or joint ventur e w I Harbor View Homes for financial partner. onty SlS,000 dn. Seller 871-6812/67~ will carry AlTD oc land -=.::....;:;.;=;.;:,,;,.:'-==--- contract at below llG CAMYOH market interest rates. O,..S.1~30 Totally upgraded JSC-w-1 ..... Dr. landscaping and In· Of( Ford Road. Spilt· terior. Call AJent level condo Oreenbrle1 7S9·0704. ~ Model. Din rm, lgt SI 0,000 DOWM maat.er 1u.ite w/dreatlnf IY OWlB • 1itlin& am + bdrm & Spacious 1 br, family bath on lower level. GOU rm, 2~ ba totmhome CCM1ne vt.w. Pool, ten Vlfw ol Bia C._yoo Golf Ills. Auum. loan. owe Comte. TIM over o.lst· 2nd. Atktns.•000· lac flu1cla -12~. 611 WAUCB I 6 O' Will help finance or possible lease option. Agenl, 646-1044 or 646 -1046. Call to see anytime. New cusl. bit 2 sty French Normandy 3 BR & den home. Can be split. S895.ooo. owe n11 Seashore.673-6578 MUST SEU Elegant ~· bayfront home located 3 doors from John Wayne's former residence. High ceilings, crown molding. Master suite on the bay with Mr. & Mrs. Bath. Sparkling pool, galleria sun · room on the bay 3 BR suites, maids room & bath. Leasehold. Price slashed to slllo,ooo for im· mediate sale. Call Terry Hanes (714) 642.8235 . tor.u. mom. 'IOl&L l&!llbDDll. SWWIOllr llUGll llCI lloN' Drln HMJar Nw a.aw IJ...-pM fllldl. CA 8'aell3 11.-por\ lllolCll. c.t. llllell() ( '714) 6411-1133& ('714 l 044-ellOO BEAUTIRI. DOYER SllHIS VIEW Elegant & spacious living describes this unusual 4 bdrm, 4 bath home. The master suite, accented with Ooor to ceiling mirrored wardrobes, & the living room are a must to see with a breathtaking nighttime view. View the courtyard pool from every room. Great financing & terms. Priced at only $850,000. To see this intriguing home, call 993·3660 or S49-3755. . ' OMA'Gr cwr lfAUY JNC. fin avail. Prime loc. loan plus the owner will ~ffers 548-4426. Op-.11 Sot/S. 1·5 ocean vu, 2 & den, 2 ba carry large 2nd trust REDUCED $4000 09,000down condo. Pool. tennis. deed. Dynamite buy at Cosla Mesa 1980 2bdrm. M~lnChannel gate-guarded Open $385.000 20X44. clean. quiet. no Owner financed $389.000 Sat/Sun 12 5 19 Curl pet adults over SO park. 3 bdrm Admiralty and Own 1agt, 640·1515, Walk to supermarket PCH 3279 Moritz Vtsta 728·S1Sl 645-6702,_~~ Reajt..,y t2lJJ 434·~ $10,000 LAGUHA 0.WxH/ REDUCTION! Ocean view. co,es. 011lt1S'• 1800 Ha rbor View home. :;;;;;;;;;;;;;::; beaches. fishing I ••••••••••••••••••••••• -Bdrm large bath 12 Units Costa Mesa M 0 n a c 0 ~ 0 de 1 · Private residence or ~M . Sl2SM dn 10'< Professionally decorat-BAYfRONT dual ownership SIO,OOO Net $5000 per year ed shows hke model Call day or eves Mon & 631 2150, 2043-2049 High assumable 30 yr OWNER BUILDER Tues 499-2928, Wednes Wallace loan. 12.S loan. Lock box. Must •ell beautiful 4 Sun 4!M_·88:1!. 1860 Port Wheeler 0 p S23S 000 0 IA Bcirm 4 bath home With L'v u..a....1-•-lncotM roperty 2000 , . wner gt bo d k A k a.eon .., ,... ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9SS·224S or7_§0-9~ _ at oc · 5 mg price at an affordabl e price. . 50/oDOWM Sd~~~:~~bTnJt ~~~ Charming mobile home 20 UNITS, E'S1de CM nr water SSS.000 Sub Pride or ownership $2,000 per mo. lmmed. Dan Bibb. term s 642 6173 or Prine. Sl,249,0001sub· possession. Lovely S BR 675-2311&640-766.'> S46·S096Ag_t m1t ~ Ask for Kevin. 2 sty, Back Bay area. ROGERS REALTY -F ... M· ILY p.aRK S46·S8IO, aJ!. Owner 631-7215 A "' 3 IA YFIOMT HOMES. • Choose your location. N.B. living at its best Your boat at your dock. Seller F!nancin~ .. HEW UHSOLICITED LISTI~! 45 feet on peninsula . See the world. 3 stories high, privacy, yard for children. 219 Via Lido Soud, 2 yrs. new . Ea sy care custom design, 1'12 lots .. Open Sunday l·S UMOA ISLE 50 NIT main bay view w/70 foot plerhead line .. Pri(•e reduction Sl.850.000 rlNMul DONA CHICHESlH u1..ezn ' Lg 3Br beauty, anxious Trade Luxury Newport owner has pnced for fast home en 1 2 acre for In· sale Affordable Cem1ly come Units or • Equity housmginOrangeCoun $280.000 Act now! ly Call NOW ' 1 Won 't Broker Co Op Agent last IJB2040-41 ) 631 4Sl6 Open House CHOOSE YOUlt SatlSun 36S E. 22nd HEW MOllL! HOME S t T u s t 1 n A v e Space av111I in Hunt New_R9rt -- - ington Harbor area for IEACH DUf'\.£X one of our beautiful new Drosffc It~ mobile ~es Call for Owner must sell Will info on lhlS rare oppty 1151en to all olfcrs LUSE Ol IUY Playa lt.E. Luxury mobile hOJD#. '73-l900 truly bcautdlfl ---· Reasonable Seller very --------motivated. See to ap I 00/o DOWN prec Submil your 3 8drm wilhtwo2Bdrm terms. <SC1459J. units Ex~llenl rondi· MULHEAIH tiori Good rental 11re11 RIA&.TOIS A!l'klng s~.ooo. MoWlt Ho. DI•. (7141 527-5900 •OMOIU! On 811211r .. •.ooo &taut. 2Bt. , .mo.ooo t8drm auoo ._. __ -- o..r .. .,...... U.fwwliwd Hoatt Ullftnl.-t Ultfwll•d CD1do ' • Orengo Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. October 11 1981 ........... • .... • ..................... •.... ... ..... .................. .. .... • .. • • .. • ................. • .......... ••.. U... •••d 1425 I D7 ._._,._,.., IOOO ........ lt•ad Cott M 3•2• lnM l244 ... ...,__..--..... JZ6f ....................... Af-itw•U.... Afalwilh&Ww... Af 1*""~ U1.t11-ni111111M1 ......-r ••••••••••••••••••••••• I IN a • nw-~·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ol'llW ·M··:·~~.··~-::=·,· ..... , .... J101 ··~·.'c;·~ .. :.: .... :d .. ~; .............................................. Be.~~.S~P~ ~tR 2 ..... , .... ltO M... lt24 Hwitkitf• .... lt4C ·s···e···~··w···1·,··H····o·· ~"' ~ vrr'lift ....................... • c.llltl • No11bwood, a • I. l'Vrd WISTCUFf u . I aqd ' ...................... ....................... ....................... "' a br, J~ ba. winter. aeR, IBA, rorm din rm, P•llo. fp, ale, all 1ppb . Ba, rp c. dlntn1 rm, THE SEVLLLE Ad1<a. VIL' •GE a lntomt Propt'rt1n Mts mo Q Monltro fmt/bk yrd Tl sbwr old dutt a. waler 1nrl No Lux u r Io u 1 r our rtfrla. AdJts, no ~u Nfw 1 BR apt Bay View cqita. drapes. patio, THI WHIMITIH r """' Eastatde Cott• Mesa 187Hltl 2l3 33.S-4116 fuh tub. t'r1d1Ct' Pl't Pfls saoo1mo 73U421, bt'droom, lbru bath '69$ &40-1814 s.\$0mt'lud.i.n&ut1l watu pd . Call 1 s L.u1ury Adwt wutul a New 1.a bdrm huury Owner will tarry 4 -OK S&75 G rno lu t 1213llll4Q4d}'s homf Btamed l't'llm1s M ArlltirVIL-l 6267~._67l-63118 636...&120 fordablt IMllJI 1,2 41 3 adult apt.s In 14 plana I Pnrtdt1> U' Ocean vu, Wlnltr Nirt 7522282 da£i. &425261 tnllvln&roc>Qla.ndf1m1 tB~pool.t~;;;'ftub BaySldelBr"50 2'19"I"SanLaAna '4M Br Well decorattd Bdrmfroml.e.tbdrrn J1· NE~ "" J ,, t!f ~l 11 t. 11 1 r..i 1 071\J 292S l'ollt·i:r A' 1· l'o'l a ~ll''-1. (' \ btwn BlC SU ?&3 Br, 3 ev .. 14' wknd s Lall..,_ Ltee ly room SKI~ PoOI Octln view 1 Br $$S0 $460/mo 2 Br l Ba nu Olympar sn• pool ha.ht rrom ~. Townbou1t car.aarkilll ~.00 •EASTSIOEC<m'AGl::• Panoramic' day & n1tl' !>Ill' yard Spice for bollt ~· ~ 4.1I0~64U02ll Adult.a, no peu Sav11gr l ·ari>tU & d 'pei; ed tt'nn11 rour1. J11cun1. rrom SfllO + pools, ten lot-eleadt 314 Tiny 1 Br tor quM \lews or Woodbridae or tralln S~ monlh Nu 2BR Woodbridge WildelrQ> 8756008. P:~ 'et 2800A H,~~or · park hkt' l1nd.,npin~ nli, watufalls. ponds! ••••••••••••••••••••••• stn&Le S395»Uut1l•piud Lakt :! HR 2611 & den. yearly bul• Agent Irv 11'18A,paUo S6SO ll!ua ,_111>..111n•o.1 J1 j i req'd No kli M<>1t bf't1ut1ful bld11 111 Gu for rooltin&' hHI Whitewater vu ~merald Stovt frige Nodo1.1~ Gated romrnwllty Very 631 7300 6'J3..~ rv "---" ~ ~"' 5.'ll S22I JI H 1n1 paid From San Bay 2 Br 2 Ba + Lort 2335 Eld 116 !lfiO.• luxurious $11001mo No t: Blur condo Hr 2 ~ ba. NEWPORTCR~'T LUX Oceanfront. 2 Br. back J!LJk' · •·· 846 0019 Otego Frwy dnve North tennis pvt bftt'h pools • ~ Pttl CaU Lynn No11h. 835 Amigos Wy #8 $940 3BR. 2~llA. DIR, wet unll, lg d«k, 1>1rkin1 for 2 Br I"' Ba frplt'. pr\' MAllMEIS WALk on Beach lO Mcf''adden S13SOmo.Aj\494-1177 2 bdrni, l ba. SAie r»r A(l ~2 llW 2l3 S.1-4460.1.541~13 bar, frpl, lel\llL~. pool 2 L•1: $595 /win~t·r. pauo. t:llrlljlt' ~Mo T h then West on Mtfadden OC~ANF'RONT I BR. pvt ~~· ::,~ <'~.v~11j· ~~u~t5 LoCJ-a ltoch 3241 BA 't'SHOR&li. 48R,3BA 1875. (213169'J 9<l>7 ~~{/11Y 64().2092 ~·5478 ~p~s 3 p:[,Q,,, 08~111!u~ to Sc•w!.'!.d Village point Spt'l'lu,cular Rent S.95 ~ lkmurd ••••••••••••••••••••••• Home. Across from , --E.sidr 2 Br 1 Ba duplex, double car 113r11ge11, 1714)8935_~- vaewa. I lll' 2 •dllli S990 offun1t 8M6 362'? OCl!:ANt.RONT Mob1lt! Swim ~ch $1450 mo . .,.,.....,~ ICo~y I Or, yearly, bay sgl gur, mature 11dult~ nrar Hunt Harbour N ~ w port Be II t' h 10% ON .• 4 PLEX per mo 400.:.JU ,, d " ,, lloine11 SIOOO mo Obi 213·385·2176 213·441·3252 ••••••••• .. ••• .. ••••••• v 1 e w • S 5 O O m 0 0!ili'· $500. 540 3666 Chaldrrn OK. 840-Glta7 waterfront. 3 '2 bdrm1. orlln nt'W 2 ur ..:ondo 2 d 8 --, ____ ._ .. __ ,_._... 3706 714 /67HT74 3 8 2 B . Mtwportleodt 3169 Bu, 2 l'llr gur w1el~I' wa e 4ll'J·!lH LUXURY•e.yllr.8,.._ .._ -1 br 3 t !l'"VM refr·au-Large r ·" ll UNT I NGTON IJAY bayor~agi ~5;!!!1-N I ct b I" 2 Br 1 n 1 Hr t1"U"" Balcony -""""' ••••••••••••••••••••••• p •. .., ~. ... enclosed garage Lower CON[.)() 400 A " ••••••••••••••••••••••• door.trplc,dL~hw35her, "~~ . • 38r28awilhboatsUp CutesmuU2bdrm, Iba, rk S400/mo Call $4%Mo MesadeJMar " ROOMt "' Riverside No v11r1incy BAY CREST s bdrm micro. washer & itryi•r, oceun view. rrvtr, tov d Avail. Oct I.lit Mllny winter rental S5.SO mcl ~75.~l2aft 6 2 Br 11, 811 I 11L10, ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• lwnrroll~oeffs~~.ooo· btl.o>'!. bQml'wlpool,larjtCyard pool, JilC. bakon> No PJrlcan~ Utll 1n(') oml!t11tle11 13500 Mo.· UI 675.(619 Nope_ls751-99m t'arvc>rt. washer dry .. , NBLr11PvtFurnStud10 ..-... v $1800. LIDO ISl.E' pet.s•Avail.immt.>d $750 s.so mo 552-5698, Brnker 67~12 ~ ---~u- 3122 Upper I Br $380 u~llb 1ncl.Water&trasbP11.1d Pnv S.50. nc11 cash flow $179,000 charming 4 bdrm, 2 Mo 540 2253 5 30pm to9·30(>m --, BAL B 0 A I SL AND Corou _.. ._-paid, t'arport Quiet Comm pool Adult5, nc 64GQOO PP S 'I 5 7270 d Y 5 . bt1th. newly redt'Cor11tt!<I R • 2 Bdrm z bath guragl' 2 Br I B• for le!lH Furn BAY FRONT· Share 3 ••••••••••••••••••••••• adll, no pt't !13 w Bay pel.6 ssis 1 S500d~JIOStl -----. j 67s.6Z22tves. Sl800 mo. Ye..rly Ball •s3c ;1 2 Basc:nd1~· '\r vu!w No End ·~ 1110' urunJum Nopeu Sti:p~ Br 2 Ba. withZFor lM. 3 bdrm tl't'ently rt-5411-11516 • AnnL,.!111..(U.lf~ 1.agu.naBeachJlo&ocJ.im. -· .ZOJ-....4,..,~s . Grun41,IJ75.0181 lo:n ..,~"°· UCJ\ ('ooh Id. Turnar:AiliOC 4!141l» t9beach. ~Mo A& 1F. '37~ ueh. 81yfn mod•l6d. oea~111 •tdt TO~OUSE2br 111 985 No P1c1hc Coast ~ ~ • - 4 --~ ..-..una ..._,.,., 1 ,..... Jud1 ~!MOO 673·1388 PCll $800 l71419983008 · · 11 L· • a Beach 'T!y Covingtbn C olre Fantastar Townhouse. OK S49 3Z!2 ~uch ~hu.ck l Re. S400 • · ----e\• ba . lg pvt yd. f p . 112 l"i11e 3844 w~. Wa~ K' M loutions. Auumable ocean vie". Crpk t-\t'r LARGE !'EN f;O YAKl> l035 l'alullna Owner ILUFfS. VIEW ~ ,.._ 3707 Oc f I• 2 B garages, no pet.s S47S ••••••• .. •••••••••••••• ~a1 ~·bl ~· l1C t n loans Flexible down & Ythang furnished $895 Kids OK. 2 BH 1 Ila. 673 1464 On Back ~y. 2 Br 21, •••••••••••••••••••••• 1 e~~ v~ wper;' ~o l~ '@0-091~ Beaut Woodbndg~ COtl ~:."~ a4!M~52!14 w Wiii er terms $280,000 Pnn on Mo 76_9·9111 0 W d11po1>al uttl pd OCE •a.JfROUT Ba Den, Coodo 2 car 2 bdrm rum. laundry, u1e1 nonsmoker Eastsade 2BR ltemdld do, 2 Br I Ba, nu plush e -----ll'J>.le.!_se~. 549-1366 WestcllU 3 bdrm. den. :i $600 'Av1ul 1i> lS Cali ""'"' "I i:arage, Crplc $1300 Mo r1reph1ce. d!llhwashl'r q 640-8945 UI '81 Kids OK S57S Ult! t'arpet, lt'velor~. prof Balboa Inn. S90 & up Dana Point Triplex . ba . nr schls . pk, Bob 6459161 noft!t' 2br lb.t. 45, on darr 548·0767 Winter rental $550 . . ~aid 631~ Bkr det'orated.pnme ronaer weekly Kllt'hennette. S155 000 o P l water gardner pd ms .=..1. Least> nr LEASE Ol'T 673·7083, 12131 25113760 Step~ lo ~an Large 3 ----loral1on Ava al 11 1 oceanJroot. ~-8740_ SSO.Ooo. WEBB R~yRmen mo avail thru June 3 Br . nev. ktlt'hen Pvt bl!Jt'h. guard gate EXEC HOME arter5 Br 3 Ba Man Y New 2bdrm. 2ba condo. S62S mo 7528318 XLNT pvt ba & enl. nr 831·2170AM 646·863S eJ-2781 beaullful home 1'163 No ktdb. no pet.s Room HARIOR VIEW -amenities SHOO Mo /l.n wa~er oriente</ proie~t -lloag no smok1k1lrhen OCEAN,FRONT 2 HR Continental $700 mates OK $85() 49-ll0'.15 48r 2l2Ba.Fam1ly rm. C t M 3724 thonydays6425757.eves Mi cro , rµ < 2' i--ltodl 3148 $275M6-Un5 CllHVESTMENT · ssssoo1 ANXIOUS Oinrm.U>Osq.fi SISOO Ot• tM &wknd~63l~ washer/dryer hkup1>, --ro------- wmter $675 mo ---M D b fi l806 •••••• ................. -car gar w opener pool •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• TUSTIN COHDO ,IOPEITIES Barr'en Riiy f.K2 5200 EASTS I DE 2 Ht ('lt>an. Winter rental. Ot't July P:rt A~~ c!ll ~~~6499 $375/mo. Deluxe Mobile 2 Br 1 Ba Largl' t!xlerwr J!lLf/IStmo 54s.3'115 · 1 Bdrin , I bath, lge deck , ttds proC person to CK'· llACHTIJPLEX v 11 lo 1 r 2 quiet beautiful <'OrJ)t'ti. I 3 br, 3 ba. Emerald --Home Mature adults, no deck . Crplc + eparute --lsd d ocean view S500 Turner n S300 270/o DOW.. ersa1 es, Ve)' urn drap~ fol'<h~n! g11;. Uu\ 2500 sq fl. i.ph l 4 b r. 4 b a home In pets Quiet secure 1991 garage SS7~ Avu1I im I Br Duplex, enr yar Assoc 494 1177 cupy lrg Wlfum rm. On ly S125 per mo ~:::2~~.oceanHi. laundr»· hkups 'chtlrl k't'I No pets Sl250 Buyshores A\la1l 1st Ne~rtlllyd.64G·8373. med.770.(1347 & garage.' w.asher ~ COND02bdrm.2bath, mo UlalpdCall Bobby negative. $.11,000 down -;-Welt'ome s.550 Watl'1 t furn $15001 ~97 4154 v.eek in Jan $1800 mo. I 2 bdrm 1 ha duplex Secluded l Hr Walk lo dryer space, c11rpe~ ocean view. No t:nd al 73().647~or~·9051 _ Assumable loans al less ''f.:OVfi.ON-llDO" pd No UOR,\ .aft 12, 497 2215 yr lease Ron Jack!ion Quiet neighborhood $425 beach S.S25 Mo. Util)> in ua~~.~ll. ~""~29 S875 mo Turner AbSO<' Lido waterfront ~,~Up. than 10•1, Owner wall This charming & 182 E . Wilson 1Nr Stunntnl( \'tew or ocean ~·l800 548·892t cld Avail Nov 6th 0·---or 4941111 luxury condo. ulll inrl. carry 3 years straight spaciou!\J,bdrm contem Eld1tnl 96().3989 from this 2bdrm! S42S' WEST<.:LIFF 3 bedroom. --675-2740. 2 Br. 2 Ba. rrph:. gar. pvt Rm & Ba $650. note for balance. Pmed por~ry home is a true -EWPORT RIVIERA Feutures bnght k1t.chcn I story with pool, family L le«h 3748 2 Rr 1 Ba. New carpel & completely redecorated Newport IHcJI 3869 675·4140or9924fi29 _ for quick sale Call John delight. Sunny ,Pa.tao. ~ck Bay condi). 1 ht, "" l~rgc paplry & din111~ room, 2 firepl~~es. din· •~•••••••••••••••• paint, patio. sundet•k, 75. 675.(XY73. ••••••••••••••••••••••• c M. m pvt home, kit. & Tucker, Agl, V1rgmHJ 0 Brien, 2, b· · 1 are.1 ror enlerta1nin.:. mg room, 3 patios. etc Furn Jux studio spa TV rrplt' cur port No Eastside 2 Br 2 Ba VERSAJLLF.S lndry pnv .. resp.Mover 714-134-9393 673·1323 ~=· s';~n~3~i Jllr. S h J g co r P l'l 1 n i: l'IC. $1SOO Mo. 646·44'!_7,_ maid service'. ph~nh'. chtldr~n vr pets Lease downstairs. No pets. Bat'h bdnn, re:frig S470 4Q_S275. 642-2S.tl=::.__-~ OCEANFRONT Deluxe sa ' throu1:houl1 Mu.,l ~ec' fl2Swk. 4sg.2227 S620 76().l7l3.833·3307 Near schools $425 SanQ..y64Z.~49 Need room lo rent list 'Owner fin. 8 9 tames gross. Or Co 4Plex 2BR 152.5 $152,500 Bkr 63t·4320 __ B 2 B 2 bd•m, 3 ba, lovely 114993 ---• 6316155 W'1n5terr.$lll2001amo townhouse. pool, gar, He~llmes631 4555 Fee llG CANYON Ot'eanfront 1>tud10. new 2dBrk I Ba dGar. sl~~goe . PAR" MNIPORT wwk.1ntdpallly Ocuptto~/Jmano .. Adlts N l $700 Luiturious Three crpl, paint Ss501mo er gar en .,., 2Br l'• Ba Townhouse. ft ntft .. ..,.., YrlySlS00 1 mo ~~548 4426 opes L09W10Hils 3250 bedrooms Two baths Lower rent handyman Im med occupa11cy garage, patio quiet APARTMENTS what'h has to incl ulil, 213~~~ -••••••••••••••••••••••• Rat'hly decorated. Muled 497.1725 Open d a 1 I y 602 1 ~ IHestyle. mature adults. lndry. bath & katch fac. For sale/exchange 7 un I•--------Mesa Verdt> 4 BR 2 Ha. 3 Ur \'1ew Ito me tones 3000 square reel Narcissus 67S 2740. nochildrerl.nOpt'ts S500 Would prefer Missio11 Its o n 2 lots mad BAYVIEWCONOO dblga:.lgeyard.grrlnr Absolute!} gorgc'<>us 6 Overlooks 10th lee or Me rta.odl 3769 2132765620 Mo M8-S479 COUMTRYCLUB V1eJo to San Clemente Penansiila 6 l br, I lg 2 2 Bdrm 2 ba NH·el" & wtr tnl'L i\\latl No\ I Mo ~n Mo l(I \1o 'l:o 11011 l·ourse S3500 month I wpo "" ..... 2 2 Br. 1'2 Ba t•7< Adult!>. LIVI~ flJ areas 975-3258dys. ~ S8SO mo 54() 47J.I hmt> nn•s i«h \"t nt .. Y 1 1 R · •••••••• .. ••••••••••••• 4uu112 Aracrn. J uurm. '7' ., f'llV "" br, gross $37.000 As furnished Securil) 759 2434orc I r;9"'u ·1w1 . ' .. • GeardyV e,aseu 111 s Ut'I ba.o~ean\tev. Sll75 Call newly redemrated, 1hs NEWPORT Room for rent. Chruuan sum able f1nant'1 ng bldg S1200 moyrly "" .,..,. ran 11 ee pen un· 673 7942 hwasher. a c. gas & couple looking for a 1565,000 Owner Waterrront llomes lnr 4 br. 2•-, ba !'Ondo. frplr 110~ Jo: FOR RENT da) I s To see call v.•aler paid Patio or BEACH M F. non smoker Many !213> 79().5942 E\'e_s 631-1400 E Side. lcn1m. ~pa 3 lid rm 5650 renl'ed 631-7300, Realtor 3 br. Iba front dplx, gar· balt'ony. carport. pool. extras. $200 1l util 1 __eool tJSO. 54R-6311 > ard & garai:e Kids & (rplc · stove. rcfng, sno party room. Call aft 11 An adult community un Avail Nov 1 493-7864 ev Lots for Sde 2200; 1S395 rents thL~ t'harmtn.I! peLS wekome 545 2000 Horbor V"teW Hilb 644 6632 evs Casa Granada, 979·1911 the Back Ba)' Spel· Large. Costa Mesa area, •••••••••••••••••••••••HotnffUnfuntilhed 2bdrm w step~ci\t'r \gent,nof~ F.nJOY summer livmg .ill SPt\C IOUS&SllNNY Larular Spa. 7 swim near bus, working adult Rll!ftj~ll!.ft ••••••••••••••••••••n• kl h &I ru('a.-...rl\d 3bdrm.2•,baths,din1ng year Walk Lo COM 2BR I ming pools 81.agh\edlen only, with or without Anno.IAI 11 ' en an~~. r · 09UftG Hlc)utf 3252 rm ram ii Y rm. 2 Beat'h 1 bdnn. patio. ·enc · gar. upper nas coun.s. bake tra11l>. CorotHldeCMcrHOMe GeMnll 3202 fork1ds l>t'lS -ti4!>t ••••••••••••••••••••••• fireplaces.3cargarage 1 d ssoo D W, adlts:Ai. o pets kitchen pnv. Ref's. Older dplx '5xl18' lol on •••••••••••••••• .. ••••• Also . 5280 rent:.1 th•~ horl'!i 3 Br 2 Ha lleat•h, SL200 mo. Gardener in YEAR·ROUND FUN. ~: ~~~11 ~~~~!t ~. ~~cthtetl~r~. 111r:nedn 2 642 57~"'-'-· ----- ocn side ol PCH. Poss1 RENTALS lbdrm coetage-Sl) e "" lenn1s S825 No pets cl Jmmed. oct'upant'y SOc1a1 Ac11v1t•e• O• ~-~ 54Q:.M16 Narely rum Master Br. & ble to build 2 Condoi. YEARLY·WEEKLY partulllillespd1164tll 831·2327 iec1o••~reeSun<1ay 675-~ E Side bachelor. qu1t't bedrooms apartments. Ba . S200 i·nclds uta'ls, 99i-1717 ownr. W I N T ER . 2 . 3 4 Reptl_mes 631·4SSS fel' Agt~O·~-·--B1unch • 880 ~ • Lrg & pvt 2bdrm. 2ba and townhouses fr~m BDRMS NEWP ORT EASTSIDE 2 BR hou:.e iulonViejo 3267 Seav1ew4Br3Ba.ram1ly Parhes •Ptu~moie beam reillng. dis sglperson.nopets.$350 SSJO toSl<XX>permont kitchen pr iv Non-35 R·I lol. Final map, Ct· BE C & BO h ••••••••••• .. •• ••••••• rm. dining rm. ocean & GREAT RECREATION. h wash er• no pe l s tn!l~l~Jill 364_6 -On Jamboree At smoker·drinker, remale. l)' or Riverside call A H BAL I\ w ti h c a r a t' 1 c r 3 k e M 1ss1 on V 1 c Jo night hght V1ews. Pool & Tenrus• F•eel~M t650 mo 559.9265 Townhouse apt 2 Br. I' 2 San Joaquin Hills Road 963·6421,......_ ____ _ 641-8777 Owner, Ag_t J.R Property Managers Fireplace. 2 car garagl', Waterfront fo:xerult\'l' tennis $1000 pr mo. un. tpro & pro •hOPI • 2 Ba. carpet. drapes. gas <7141644 1900 E'SIDE C.M. Mo91toln, Dewrt, 67~173 S600per mJL~6368 Condo Speclat'ular furn,St7(10furn Hea1111C1ut1s•SauN1 Coita MHG 3824 stove, patio. water paid . Oceanfront ror Wintt'r HICE·l'llVATI Resort 2400 lolboa l1a.d 3206 28R w gur XJnt area view. lar.-ie 2 Br 2 Ba · • Hydiom•h~age • ••••••n••••••••••••••• sml child & pet OK $425 Rentals. furnished & Large room avail Ocl 1.5. d l f h d Waterfront leai.e 4 Br 4 Swomming • Goll ~•5 6169 ••••••••••••••••••••••• •n••••••••••••••••••••, $475 l'tora or umis e or 0,.,.ng Ronge MESA VERO~ home at !!:!_. unfurn. Broker 67!>·-1912. Own entry. Must su to WHICEHDCAllM M~sl lease 2 Br I Ba 962·79-IO unfurn Sl200 Mo :i~;o~a~~krr~~~gp~~~-BUUTIFULAPTS. m05phere.2&3dlxapts 2 Br, 2~, Ba townhouse. NO fEE1 Apt & Condo appreciate. n>l>/mo lst N I . ed . d & with front yard, year!) g:i1 7666. "'" 2 8 No ""ls 546-1034. frplc. encl gar , patio rentals Villa Rentals & last r""'. Gal pref. ew y pamt. 1ns1 e S700. 643.2949. SlSOO Remax or Npt, S111gle~ 1 & eo .,, ~ .. out on S view acres ---------D1111a Pot.it 3226 Newport leodt 3269 Bob or Dovie Koop. Al(l. ruom~ • Furn1s~eo NEWLY DECOR. ~mo. 675--4166_ _ 675 4912 Broker_ 646·337S alt5pm. Partially furn Located ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• 759.1221 &Unturnoshed •AOun 1 Br gas pd, encl j,!ar I & 2 Br upstairs, stove 1 BR Versailles Pen Large Br Business · A I Vall Hts On WINTBI R&fTAL • •BE.ACll llO"SL~ Ocean nit•> light \'1ew 3 uvong • No Peis • /I.dulls Rers Couples ""'rson or st· .. •-t, Ref's tn ppe ey · "'"--' Bl UFFS Jbd 3b 1.<ooe1s OpenOa11y d washer, pool Adults lhouse.SS40permonlh ..-UUIC'I• ly $33,000 with good IBrLitttelsle S500 2 br frplc. bualtan~. liK.2 baFR.grdnrml·I ,;mrm.ronn:i":i'mr~: 9106 6425073 prererred S33S & S3SS 6H 5369. 548 ·0425. reg Call646-5268. terms. Call to see Geo 2 Br Iba SliOO g.ara_ge ssso. -t99-29116 Xlnt cond No pell> St375 ~:!127____ 7 5 1 9 1 1 o. 6 4 s 6 2 4 2 Lovely east Newport Apt. Fre y RE In c 3Br2ba S8SQ days9S71100e:c:t212.eve SllOOm_Q_~zn> Oakwood · 21r.lla~ 1 Br garden apt t'rpt. OwnerA_gent toemployedlady Light (714)1·242-~ 3 Br 2 Ba $400 wk Fowttoift Vdtfy 3234 8.57 o:m 3 Br 2 Ba Lido Isle. Garo.n Apartmfiltl Newly decor C:as pd drapes. patio SJJS + household pm Private Lake Arrowhead Condo W•r+n.t HotnH .. •••••••••••••••••••• Sl400 llVH 2 > r tease Avail now' $1250 Mo Newport Beach N. encl gar . pool, dsh"r seeurty AdullS. no pets 3 IEOROOMS Br & Ba. S2SO incld utils. Priv lakefront com-631-1400 673-6900 HOMJo:Jo'ORIU~NT 4BR, 2'1BA lrg yrd 760-1977 _ 880trv.nt •••11;1• Adults 6425073 ~27~-21ATHS 548-40'17 munity, perl~l family 4 Bdrm POOL $950 \'1ev. l>rive by 2012 NEWPORT (7141645-1104 3 Ir To.._. S675 MONTH Room . ..:.w-=--1k-il-ch-pn-.\-, _Lo_v_e-_ or corporate get-away. 5 lalboo PetWnulo 1207 Fenced yard & garal(e Port rard1rr Pl are SHORES ,..,.po11 Beach s Newly decor gas pd ~UIET I PRIVATE L29 35lh St, lov.er unit . ...iy security protected bed .• 3 ba., 2 fireplaces.•••••••••••••••••••• .. • Kids & pets ""el~oml' I A\atl No\' I 644 5966 I 1700 16th Sa °"''' a11&1h encl gar . pool. dswhr Li e new Bachelor. I & 2 xlnl t'Ond Avail now home Nr SC Plaza. large game l'O?m wnh 2br,utalspd.S67S mo.113 ~~ Agent,no £'(' cAu ... Lll!llll~HME 4 Br, 25 Ba. Walk lo (714)642-5113 Adults ,,.~<1'1'73. Br Apts w gar or 12131966·1711 Over40 .MPref Answer a~d r~~~t ~~~ u O:C: E Balboa Bl\'d HuntiftgtOft ltoeh 32401 :'llewport Shores 4 BR 3 ltase oplJon SlOOO mo ---2 Ir. I lo A.pt pa taos. ponl. spa, hbq I bdrm oceanrmnl 1450 Ad •508 24 hrs 642·4300 r II b Be l r 1 1 k "'""' "'"""' bearh Will consider' ""'""' carport Bal C'nnae~. · optional owe 12~.· I. 673-53511 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ba. I year lease $1200 7 5 9 I 2 21 Bruce Oceanrront Neal 2BR Newly del'Or Gas pd laundry, lush shaded I mo All Utll paid Call Laguna Canyon Rd. 2 S389.000. Also, spec· New, custom luxury 3 br llOM E F'OR RENT I mo. Isl & last Gwen Blom_g__ren_._AgL 1 $575 Mo Winter Adult. encl gar , pool, dshwr landscapin,1!. $:B1 & up 10 4 pm, 675·161.2 f u r n r o o m s . lat'ular lakefront lol home. l block Crom 'I Bdrm S700 Fenred ltenr) ILUFFS noj>ets.~)~·3018 Adults !)425'Y/3 Matu re ad~lt s :-JO 2 Br IBa. $.S!l()yrl) Opn patio garden, quiet. 88Cl. x 12«t. in exclusive Ferry. 4 Crplcs. Ja('. zi, yard & 1taragr Kid~ & R11'hard Sowers. Rllr 3 bdrm, 21"' ba. rpr, OCE~NFRONT 2 & 4 Br PETS M~a f\lle:.. 2650 beams. steps tu bearh common bath. single guarded gate com mun•· ba, gar Mo to Mo. or yr· pelS welrome 545·2000 714-598-5674 cedar paneling. patw. 2 Avail Winter Weekly 3 Ir Towtlhouw I! a r I a . 549 244 7 o r l' I I I 6 W Ba Ibo a man prer $50 & $60 wk ty of Pt. Harrulair with ly $1250111~ Can rurn ~_g_ent1 no ft'\' 4bdrm execullvl' hnrne car gar. pool S850 MonlhJy 67..J..711?3. Newly decor gas pd . MS·3115 2131865 2.542 Isl & last 497 6354 for le\1el access Pnce In· 130·()6l!2_. 968-3050 Family welcome 3 hr. '.! IOC' 1n ~ecurat) !(!lied 759.~ PACI FICSUNSET en<' I gar .. pool, dswhr Lrg 1 Br /I.dolt. Near A<'ross rrom beach 1 Rr appt. ___ _ clu d,es plans a!ld Copistrono~h 3218 balwnhse Closetnpla.1 romm v. pool. tennis ---VIEW Adults 8425'Y/3. shops, pool, all u11ls pd + den Yrly S44S Pree Furn rm In ex permits for S~ sq. n ••••••••••••••••••••••• ground,shops&srhnol~ ~ourt St20o mo rnunth SonClell'lftlfe 3276 lS steps to sand. i.11 2 Spacious 2 Ur I Ba 1884Munrovla,_5480336. Pool 1gar.210Cedar Apt change ror custodian custom designed home Exet' Bluff top duplex. $550 mo 752·2197 mo n I h on I) Ca 11 ••••••• •••••••••••••••• bdrm w1 carport. bal, Laundry rac.. pool. $395 2Br. I Ba. E. Side. ad Its. "6 640 5078 work al Church in CM with. the family or ex Ocean vu. 3 Br. 21? ba. 2sty.2hr,11~bacondn,:l li75 6646 833 3622 11r OCEAHVIEW! ldry Car ut1l inr $655 548-9556 nopets,S450mo Npt Hgts I Br SJ75 7515525 ec uttve entertammenl in frplc, ram rm, hv rm car gar l·hildrcn Ot . 644-80111 2 story 3 bdnn, 212 ba. 851·9417 LUXURY DUPLEX MJ.5478 Gar age, I' a 11 Pete MICE. fltllVA.TE mind. Single slip dot'k S 1200 · mo 493 865R, $600 968·me\s t BR, tort S4::,o 204. 44th Ca replace. wet bar. Bil· 1 br. lovely rum. pool, 2 Br 212 Ba dble gar Dix 2 BR t i;im ~~ patio 673·5265 Isl & last USTSIDE C.M. Sunny southern ex 833·0210 ---St Upper Dmeb> 1st& mst750831-6510 spa. gum. sec. guard IMO sq ft . with ever.' YEARLY 3BR tBA posure. $750.000 Ed -ExcutinLoCwsto -, garden. more to see · Lge room. avail Oct IS Earl. Memll Lynch. Cof'Ofla .. Mer 3222 t bdrm. 2 ba lg '" rm. l'all 752 6400 2br . de~. fp . walk to ~_Qw_!!_!lh_631 6666 ittra. huge rear yard Re rs S4S5 & I a s t New t'arpet. pamt I blk O"n entry. Must see to K.atella ti14)337·0731 •••••••••• .. ••••••••••• ram rm, formal dining Charm1nj!3Br2Uahouse beach.leMis&gotr Nu OCEANFRONT-Balboa with RV gale Adults 6451693 Crom ocean S67S mo appreciate S300 mo. 2 Br frplc, gar, special Bonus rm. 2'~ car gar w frpl & 2car gar Yrly dee $673.mo.4927913 dlx wmter3Br.2Ba.S850 ~ 673-~~642·9666_ T;wnhousetypeapt 2 Br Uul ind 217•2 33rd lst last req. Gal prer ~~°"~ 2500 :780,e t'all 97~·05;8 or ~~~ J2n~/l':. per mo ~~~~'10Coas1 Propert1~ S~oa,;~s!i!::~ !~:i:!~ ;t, !~fiS, ~~· No s:~~i~! CE~~IA~lS ~~~a:e~ <J:~~;d:~I ~::il.s hthse. 646·3315 al\ S.P.ffi __ _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• 760-6276 · ---979-5370, 77().7928 1 Br 212 Ba. Yearly, all tile' Woodbuming frplc Junior 1 Br Versailles Encl gar. patio. dshwshr Adults. $4.501 646-~ 2 Br 2 Ba Commly pool ~~~!~~ .... !!~ JUST 189.900. 4 Br, dbl 5Br nr beach. reduced lo Char~ing quail Jbdrm amen111es. Club & pool & gated. enclosed yard Rec rac sec. $495 Mo & stove M06t uttl rree Roomy 2er. adlls. pool. S750 675-3787 frplc.TryS!IOOOdn.Bkr Sl ,000 mo Lseopllon house 11.ba a\·a1l1m foe's Good area SllOO Astealat$550!117880 6445369, 5480i 25. Nopets nrstores.bus.nopeLs SEAURICMOTEL 848-0709 avail Also For Sale at med 'No pe~ S7SO mo Broker6754912 Plus 2bdm: bungalow _na 91l<!..._6'5-6242 2 BDRM $475 $375 mo 642 1603. OH THEllACH Wkly rentals now avail. o.t of Co.ty $340,000 Freshl> paint mcl grdnr tst. la~t + Woterfrwit COftdo tn quiet area F.m4 Ocean front 3 Br 2 Ba 2323 Elden /l.\'e CM 642-31~ WIMTB ll8'TAl Sl12 & up Color TV P'°fNrfy 2550 ed inside. avail 10 15 d.!!>2!0·2281 or857 6097 I Try llunllngton llarbour _Rentames6;)1-4SSS Fee Very nice Completely 642-7~ 3 Br 2 Ba S800 Mo ~~o:epso :~ ~~d ~~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• A&!_ ?60-83lJ $435 rents this countr} Weatherly Bay So.Ito A.llCI 3280 furn Winler rental EASTSIOE Chris 956·S8'71 646 7445 TriJ*tx S 130,000 2 Br Love Nest. <'anvun sty It 2br w p1rket (nt'e 36' boat slip comes with ..... • ••••••••••••••• • • P rope rt y House . 2 Br Bllns. enclsd gar. 2 Br 1.' 2 ~ Townhouse. 2 -Br 111 Sa Adults no Th 1 s · ' Pr 1 d e or view· stove Si95 filS \3rd & kitchen w new t h 1 s gr r a I 2 R r 3 Bd. frplc. yard. nr So 642·3850, ~1!!!9.:. Upper Apt $490 Mo 76S all built-ms, patio yard. pets $425 ownership" Apple Eo.J>_p,t,67J.t464 applt'' Mustsee ' 116.'.IOO Waterfront rofido 2 !'at Coast Plaz.a. $100 fmo Ham11lon 760·0734 , Crplc. gar . Small pet 548-26112 Valley prop gives many 3 bdr. 2 ba. F P, 2 car Also rent to own this 2 entl gar Tennu., ~pool. Rick Keeler, agt 63\.1266 VIEW 631-4402 OK SSSO Mo 642 1603 Furn yearly lease 2 Br benefits. low \•acancy gar. Walk to bea<'h story home w/ent'lsd etc $1200 mo 8464655. w., ......... .....__ 3298 Slunning 2BR 2 Ba.sun· Lrg clean 2BR . gar. ISL MGMT frplc . garaoe $595 Mo Lave al Newport Beach t P C HI $!00 weekly Pine Knot Mote l. 645-0440 I •--c I o R I -·.....-deck. f1replace, 2 car SS20 Mo 2 Br 1 Ba Apt " area, ow Ult um omp Sl800/mo ceana ea yard. Onlys.550! 119646 846·_4457 ....................... 1 Id adults. nopet.s,J435. 2178 · · 2104tst St 631 2914 l D t Oex1 t (213) 394 37"• F garage, security nc s B' I Garage. washer dryer, V • I •zso mgm , n pym as . y .,, Renlimes6.l14SSS ee OCf:ANFRONT Deluxe HOME FOR RENT silver, linen, king bed, .. . p acenlla.545J_~ aJI bwll-ans Small t'htld 2 Br 2 Ba. Condo walh accrtiofl lflhlh ""' b I e S 77 oo a!' nu a 1 2 br, I ba, r,;;ic. new crpt Huntin... 5 Br 2'~ Ba. 3 Bdrm. $625. Fenced etc. Bring toothbrush • 2Br 2Ba. Near So C OK cat OK Only 1 year Frplc . romplelely re •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• depret'lalion avail Call No pe t s. ad u 11 s 'JI'°" 3242 WinlerSllOOmo yard & garage. Kids & Agt. 64&.32SS Plaza. S.A. Luxury Con· old.' Call for appt. ca rpeled & painted OCEANFRONT 2 & 4 Br now. George Frey R E $6501 mo. inc rler & Hart>Our Yrly SISOOmo pet.s welcome. 545-2000. - -do / I dulls only p I Ad I $675 M Avail Wlnter. Weeltly / Inc. 71411·242•4677 water 673-1180 aft 5 ....................... 213/446-6684 Agent, no fee 28R. patio, garage S<IOO ' w poo' a TSL MGMT 642' 1603 oo u ts o. Mo_n_thlv 67_3·787. 3_. __ _ Weather)y Bay Nare 2Br mo. Util included Open S5SO 83J.8![4.:.... • -845-IS2ll ~ RtGI htot. Afford;-ble O<:e;n Vus condo with 36' boat shp Horbor V"tew Homes HOME FOR RENT House. Sal/Sun 2091 i Spacious I Br. Garden Dano Point 312f ckea v ew Condo 2 Br Lrg Bag Bear cabin. Pool bchMIJI 2800 This 4 Br 2 Ba borne is Rec. fa ci I 846·4655. F 0 r I ease, s unny 4 Bdrm Pool. $750 33rd. Apt Pool & rec. All utlls r.i·i~·;••i•t,•;d•;:;~·~·.' + o~n 1 $750. Ad, ults. no t .. ble, color TV, 2 fpks .. ••••••••••••••••••••• available 11 11 for y~arly 846-4457 , Monaco. 3 BR. covered Fenced yard & garage. VII.I.A BALBOA 2 bdrm paid. Adull,nopet.s downstairs, Sto11ehall pels Savagr Walde co Slee.PS 14 7t41~16 __ _ OCEAN VIEW lease at St5001mo New lnine 3244 patio. Avail. am med Kids & pets welcome. well Curnished Condo. El Puerta Mesa and Golden Lantern 675·9006. SKI PARK CITY, UT So.Lagunagatedeslate. carpelsand drapes Call ....................... $1250 mo Marilyn 545·2000 Agent,noree. pool. jac. security 1959Ma..l!!et-ve ~l 5 S375mo Versailles bach bdrm. And slay tn luxurious 3000 sq rt, prof deror Gina REMTALS Bulklex,a_gt SS2·1714 • JBr 2ba. dbl garage. S79-2l74 EASTSlDE sharp 1 BR, ---•~ refng. mirrored t'lsts. private homes. Ournon· $549,000. Trade for Palm D.M. M...w Rftr ram rm. lg rncd yd bltns. pvt entrance. $475 Sandy64Z 6149 holiday rates for 3 to 5 Springs. Lake Ar 760.0_1lj 3br,2ba $1175 VERSAILLES S675 /mo+ser 14361 For Lease. Bachelor gar., no pets. $425 mo ll•t~hodt 3140 bedroom homes with rowhead or income real 3br,2"'2ba $925 2 Bdrm 2 ba. Security, Purdl'.,_~t 848-6354 Unit Furn1shed1Un Ctll 540·1158, ask for .. ••••••••••••••••••••• * Oc ... Fn.t * varylngamemitiesare. estate. 499>34~ SS1·8215. Front 2 Br I Ba. stove. 3br. 2ba $725 Lug Hills clubhouse, pool and spa. ill furnished. Balboa Bay Larry or Pam. an 6PM, 2 br. 2 ba. crpt, OW. encl Luxury Condo 2 Bl<. 111 Sl2S·S200per night rer . gar. patio 600 hlk ~Jh1sorRlty833·8600 includesrefng.$750 mo Coftdo111 -3400 Club . S850 Month . 97_9.3848_Pam gar, upstairs Nrbeach BA. Great view Secur1 $600-Sl!OOperwee.ll ltaUstot. Mari old $6505.57·2674 The Lakes 2 s lo r y Winter Fvrwitlwd Broket75&-9100 kSO. &42·11>32 _ ty bldng, parking S750 S1200·Sl700per month W..ted 2900 2 br. 2 ba 7?~ grg . xlnt l w n h s e. on water. Waterfront llomes Inc •••••••••••••··~··••••• OCEANFRONT I Br. SSOO L 1 r g e 1 b d r m WALK TO BEACH 1 Br ~75·7264 Lut'ttn Property Mgmt ••••••••••••••••••••••• SSOO. mo Ca 11 Sun I bdrm. a c. fridge. 631-1400 3 Br. 2 Ba. Tenrus, Sec., mo. wmter Jones Real· w/dlshwasher. carport. with stove. S350 Mo 18011649,6655, PO 1BS4. Lot w/plans WB.ldllrb has 760·8668 frpk, pools & t'ourts Balboa Peninsula 3 Br I ~"lll~~le to beach. S8SO t 673-6210 ldry rm ~~e. $400. 536·2456_..5.16-7979_ 2~mmow/2gl5ar~~~~e~I~ Park_City, UT~., coo.st money 1 uy or ---3224 Adults only, no pets ba Close lo beach """" """ ~ -.N """" 1' Joint venture 499-4820 Costa Mno c -LS-.. W All TO RACH fQr 1_p_pt .!_1~5'.5-1969 I , ••••••••••••••••••• .. •• I yrleasc.S.SSO 730-6046. $675 /ytly 673·8849 & Olldo-~ IHSTANTIM! twhlhto~ 430G Have B~yer for~ or 3 Br 3 Br I l"J Ba. rrplc, o w, O o r 1 s C I a r k . 833-2650 U.twll•1d 3425 Uifw w•d 2 Br. 2..., Ba 1650 sq, rt 3 Br or 2 Br. frplc. gar . E/l.STBLUFF Spacious I ...................... . Condo tn .secunly area. bit-In stove. dbl t'ar gar. l2131373·l~a~er~m. Xtra large AdultJ Br. 2"'1 ....................... ....................... Twnhse. w/every xtra. patio. Xlnt. 675-9132 Br. Pool, patt0, view an Co ndo lo share wl\h Would hke to trade pool. patio. encl. Rancho San Joaquin t'On· Ba End Unit Condo HOHEOF '"-trctl 3102 big dbl gar & yar~ Near new, xtra dlx pleasant area S1n~le Female, Newport, lncld S800.000 Gem Stones. backyard, sprinkler venlenlly IO<'. Charm Frpl t'. pool . 2 ca r THELUCICYFEW ••••••••••••••••••••••• Adult.1 .. PetOK.S645Mo Twnbse. lg 3t>r, 2ba. adult. no pets. $525 '1 orage & pool. Avall 641l·l°'4. system . $800 w I pool ina. t'heerful. 2bdrm & ara e. so. 673·3.113. Rent in Costa Mesa's SZ2:5' lbr wttb gleaming 67 ·6336 ~ frplc, bltns, W ID hkup. 644-4767. ed SJ25 640-804 lilcw P.operty 2000 service. Water pd. dtn overlooking Jtol f Bayrront. Pier& Slip. 3 NE w EST gated 20 hardwood noon! #5402 QUIET ADULTS over 35, skylights. vaulted ceil Waterfront. 3bdrm. 2ba , ~:: p.o r t ·Be 1 c.11 • ••••••••••••••••••••••• Mar uente ~3666 COUr&f. No pets. Submit Br, 3" Ba. New Kitchen, Town home VILLAGE $280, Sunny s1 tudlo In unfum 1 & 2 BR. from in gs, dbl aitch gar , boat slip, no pets, $1100 Westcl I ((. S250 afo . ,.------------onrh1ldren.~/mo. + Com p I et e I Y COMMUN1TY.2&3Br. bestC.M.area.#6395 $32$. Beaut. landscap· m~y.f,~~ .. ~lts. no !73·912ior67!-6209 Female. lovely.2 Br 2 I sec. Eves. 851 9331. Refurbished. Carpeting, 2~ Ba. 1800 . lJIOO sq. ft. $330! HB lbr w/utlls pd Ing. No pet.a, LEEW ARO ·.., · ~ -.:. • S. Ci...ft 3176 Baths. Pool. 831·5'9. I * BEST BUY IN ORANGE CQ * days: 9SS~. Drapes Off.street Park-of pure huury. Garages, Wilk dist. to bch #5364 APTS 2020 Fullerton. 3 Br. 2" Ba. Fam. Rm. ....................... · • · I $695. 3 BR Orangetree Ing. Year Lease . hydro.tubs In master Plush~dredsofothera! CM.63\.1097 Patio.2carenclsdgar .. TOWNHOUSE. 2Rlks Rtspon1'1bltMl•to~hJff I llY FAIJ Patio Hme. Fresh decor, S3000/Mo. Bkr. 759-9100 auite. formal dining Renumes83l-4M5 Fee Lg 2 BR 1 ba. $4~/mo. dw, frplc, near bch. S600 rrom Bch. 38R. 28A, house. !S-SO Yl'll of ••~· 98 UN ITS . Priced FAR BELOW I Rar opnr. adlt comm.. rooms. wood burning ..._ ,......_ 3107 Sl75 dep, laund racll. Mo. 536-3934 --downstairs LrgUvrm &: NIRht pel'IOll preferftd. I · all amenlU~. Ne\ P<:h rlreplaces. mlrro-wave ... •••••••••••••••••••• adults. rat OK. 2000 Mo 2 br. l ba. 7794 Newman frplc. modem kitch up· Private Br •• Ba.\ "" a ppr a is a I for quick s a I e · I 552-4146. 8.13~-_ 3 IDIM, 2 IATH ovens. fent'ed patlol! & __ _..__ ple St. Mgr •K 54ll-S86I 5450, 1st, last +del>O!llt stairs ~ + smo dep tri"t'e. sm Mo. '*~t-i Completely remodeled in 1981 1001;( Or ~ .. A 2 Rd Double car garage. yards. Private .. ele1ant r..-wor__... f\2 • 642-4o431 e (Rerundabltl m 7743 poe1it Ptrttnt.lllr ~. . I an~etree w nuu, ' lrvlneAve .. nur20thSt. l1Y1n1 onJ.u 1.5 minutes Oceanf:ont. 2 bdrm. -·-m --v~. Ref's c o-ta Mt'"I I rented and managed. Ultimate tax AIC. pool/teMl.s. adult, Kldt•pet.sOK S750mo. from Fashion lsland 7 baclturut.ladttk.pklng 2 Br. To~. adults 2 Br wilh stovt & dis T•tt. itto MHlOll wri te-off and inv~tmcnt.J,cs. than I no pets. 58t 31fiS eves loy MCC.., Ur. mlnutes.toS.C. Plaza' or for 2. Lae •1 winter. only , no ptts 54~ Mo hwtShl'r, l{arage Child ....................... M/f betw D..a icir,.Jlid I 20'; down . Owner wi 11 carry a 11 I '535. 5..._7729 o.c. Airport. Just east ot' 172$/yrty 755 w ttlth St.146-9$0!__ or small pet OK. k7S Large. 2 bdrm. l\1 buoa 2ba 11~ tbll rn.1·""·1a I financinf(. Can close rast. Brokers ~OOOB RIOC E-New Newport Blvd. Ii so. of S1S-7m,_640-DZ Avall nowl l' 2 Br .• M0.$!6·~.536·19'79 do.kida•pdlwtlrome Npl12$41mom.am and Principals welcome Rick I 3Br, 2VJ8a detached S.n Dle10Frwy.Start· WlawrmU1.Lc4BR2 Ca.n>ort.pooUdaundry, WALK TO B£ACH Nr Npt Fruw11)'. bome. nr pool & Jaaoon MEWPOIT .-n 111& at $1000 a moat.h. ba. Oceu View. film or Adwlts. "° pets. $41$ • Bach .. stave II mriae. lh1adden. $$2$ I Byers. Broker 714nro.7292 I on Orttnbelt $875 mo. 2 Br. yard.1ar.S:SSO. Ul-509, 2473 Oranae unlur. 5304 Suabore M40 Mo. + bliS dtpoait All uUla 'pajd. ms Mo Rtff 754-tm, --------------~ Ml-l514afUPM An.,COltall4a. 151..aa70 a1w. St.541-0C 511-24$1,SS.l"Jt_ ••aft.tr.I. , ------·------~~_..---~..,...~--~--~----~--~--..__._..,.,,_ ____ _..., ....................................................................................... 1191 ........ .. •B ~ < ( ~·,·.;·:~:~ ;IL:r~s:~~·; ~:~· 11 . ,~, •. • 11 ,~11 .)~~~ • • , 5'nlet1Mrtctli' ...... ,.,me./ c.,.tStrtla Dfyftl rit•rtils.mct. ...... ~ ..._,... ".wtltt t,.....tyM011•lf •••··~··••••••••••••• Senlct •••• ••• •••••••••••••••• •• •••• ••••••••••••••••• •••••• .. ••••••••••••••, ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••• •••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••• •• ••• ••• •••••••••••--••• • Fill S1Wllay Tb.at'• A.U..ryou PllY ror• JO day ad 1nthe DAILY Pl&.OT S•YICI OlllCTOllY DO IT NOW• AtliForS.... Your Dally Pilot Service Directory 8jt'elell~trve 64J "'· ... 321 ••• .. •••••••••••• .. •••• WeCllrtCrptCleanen; DRYWAU.IACOIJSTIC AlrCoednt..tiaa DUMPJOBS HOLIDAVOOMPANV' STUD£NTMOVl::RS c.,_,...,._ P•Oflan Eiq~, beahhy ftmal• Steamde111Auphols l' yrs exp. Fully lk'd & Rod ~M34aft I 'SmallMovlnaJobl L.tlmeckanyourhome Anythlna. anywhMe. ZS ,.. ~ Ue. ~1 MAHAGIMEH'f 111lor w'refa, avail. to Truckmountunlt ~ur $32-~ , -CJll MU<.~MA1!9l Ru•.t~Jl~blf.Ml-0140 anytime. Antiques. eo%ded IM ad Col ll've Jov'"'· f Worlt11uar MH716 DRYW 1 T PING f or Small Macbll\e 'IAULING DU ~ · short notice, Arizona · · • or Oran11e Co•~• lb yri. ' "'"'""or your Al .... A Shop3 a "bear''inspec ~ & MP Marrioc)ts.rricH Chup ratei, lntelllgent It"~ lDlck_ expenenct Call for info sallboat. N.8. 11re11. Call Shampoo & steam clean. All lutura & acoustic lion servicu 548· 7227 JOBS, 111k for Randy, ••••••••••••••••• .. •••• 1erv1ce 673-5686 Call us RENTALS PAINT!!:O ond rotes 966·Ql.63, Color briahtenera, whl rrtt t.al. Kev~ 11?$-m . 17 4nm I 1141·8427 Married today No blood '1r1 I Perfect. nrnmpt, l"fH ,,~ • 112 11 • ..tu__ t'l'J)ls -10 min. bluC'h -\. '.l'.!!!.i --II UL NG DU U ided .t ir:· ----.n Hall, IJvldln rm11 StS, Drywalll Pluttr Wi: Hol1at1c A pro1ch A 1 ' MP test.a req c prov ~L-<r-•--StaaldePnlJ..~.ao8 1t---..t...a...1•---a .. ••••••••••••••••••••••• patch any holes faat S40 s f JOBS, ukrorRandy, 968-3797 aft 5. all day ,___, _.,.....,_, ......,_._...,........, .. w 1v1 t'OOm $7 .SO. {'Ouch 1 L pirtlual I ealcr & IMl·S42'7 wknds ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• , ..... ~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• G ICIC & SC>tif '10, chr ~ Guar tohm m n_lc ~ ~124311 Couuelor496 7_032___ • , . ------••••••••••••••••••.•••••General rontructin1t. Bu1ldenSince 194'7 pet odor Crvt n:p11ir lltdrical H-Aw fRtESISHRUBTRIM MCllOM'J • •Jac:quchne's Nurain& Also Hne/deeor icomml home improq•ments Additions, l"fmodchn11. IS yrs UJ> Do work ....................... -rift• Ga nae & yard clean· ....................... Service Qualified com art w or It Magg I Also dam ace ttPfllflj lsl plan~ Free est. Reas mnel(. Rt~.~1·0101 ELECTRICIAN priced 0j~C.KOF.ALL.TR~oi.S" ~:J'ruest m 8271 _ ~RICK WORK Smatl pelenl 'nurses i.erving Moralu, MFA 8'7H722. class work we ll1M !1798 Lie 1!110942 S49 2170 No SteamtNoShompoo ri11hl, free estlm11tt> on Plumblnll ele~tmal HAULING ...student has JObs , Newl>Ort, Coste 0ran11 c Co a r u 646·2lll Roofiftn • ..L..1~1....11~1 St · s,,..,.1·ali.sl Fast largeorsmalljobs h · . • lge truck Lowest rate Mesa, Irvine, Refs •u °"?S "--'---.,, •MOuon~..-. uan ..... ~ t.I 39002 ·3 eating Odd Jobs · 615.3175 ....., . ..., r..,....._., ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• Custom carpentry , dJ:l:,!o'reost.8391Sll2 _ _LJ -1-61 0359 63&·4068 Prompt Call7S9-l976. -••••••••••••••••••••••• BALBOARCXWING C:O decks, pat!Oel J.S Const ROBERT'S CARPET . RF.SID ICOM M 'L HOME IMPROVEMENT _ _J_hantu.oo • .Jobn. EX PERT BRIC~ & The Paper Hanger, Prvr Also skyllpit.s & Co Nobody does ll bet REPAIR. Restretch, re lllghly quahr1ed No Job RF.PAIR PLUMBING Masonry ~mall Jobs 4' p~ ll\Stall. Derorator qual plasttring ter I L1r'd & bonded IU.J~.!!Lrepairs 61J.8490 too ln!lsmall Ml 2004_ ~e~lln&, carpentry. elec'. Cl.UN ur Y'OOI ACT ~e:r:1~s .. 1~;:1c<ri'f ....................... F~ eat. Steve S..j_ml fo're.nst • 613 11'743 Free ul Call Joe, Ce'iMtd/c.o.cr.t. RreonastMtn1c"9e We Free est No Job too HAULING·-6311993 -'t'1 -Fall Special, ell/Int WALLS BY BOBBY Orlnge <;oa~l Rouf1n&. 559·5511 ........................ •!••R•1•••••••••m··~···1 ••• mall. ~2811 . _...._ -= HAUMAS<>tiflY p&f(lllng. Prof Rsnbl. Quallly, tasuervlte R•roo1in(. repai rs Calf l!!!!!!~m!!•m!!!!!ml!l!!!!ml Patios. deckmgs, ext std THQMfSQN:S CE I FIED F c.A_ lM .-CllrPftllO'. Maeoney WA,.... tt.6HJ Brrctrwork. blockwalls, Fueesl. Steve s.4'7-"281 1!1'rs exp. __ ~1.(~_22 6,46·2389, 548-1733 .. AccOllilthf ingl , l'clnd!cape deltfM CONCfttl'ECONSTR IN"STRUCTORS 1eurh Roofing Plumbing -Jlm,548-3964 wood rences Concrete Fine painlan~ by Richard Any type wall covering Tro••I SHYkff ••••••••••••••••••••••• & ml, work Free est Lie 093383 642 8482 all aspecl.JS of handgun Drywall Stuct'Q ·Tile A·Z HAULING Coruitruc P adl 1o6 · c,o. m eJ..e.J..e Sinor. Lie, ins L3 yrs of I n s t a I I e d b Y ••••••••••••••••••••••• Acct Bkkng fo nail Lk bonded 631·0401 -------derense. 847·3597 Jan scapes .... c ~ r sr • · --Pool Decks and PaUO!i, ---Remodel_ J .B.646-~ lion & reslder)llal clean 646 U97 happyN B.customers Journeyman paper SOUTH AMERICA busineu Marv Goens • REMOO&JHG * Masonry ,Sport & Tennis Gor*itlftc) Carpentry Electncal ~!!lll truck 631-0322 -....: Thank you. 631-4410 hanger. Ins, Uc, work TRAVELSERVl<.:t.:S 7 l 4 ·64 6 1751 Eves Rm add & new consl Courts Lie 37406'7 Bob, ••••••••••••••••••••••• Plumb111g Painting Brick-Block Concrete LARRY'S PAlNTING grntd. Ralph Caruso My specialty Call Ter> 213·862-1636 Res Comm. Quality 851-196684770711 CLEAN-UPS LAWN DaveorMike 964-l917 u_, __ ~ Veryreas.Lic,bonded. lnl/exl.5yrsexp ~11936 Jackson Touno 7590873 ..,.... Gua ranteed Leming NOJOBTOOSMALL Maantenance-Landscp ---i:iOMEREPAIRS ~ ,__K-~ BobS4S.7650/5J6.9906 Reas. rreeest. ~9383 N &. f S le ••••• .. •••••••••••••••• Construct.iontBZ70791 1 Brk&Blk.L1c 351449 ~reeest 642 ~ &~MPROVEMENTS; w;~~~·REAfiv•cL•EAN CUSTOM INT/EXT •• ~ •• ~•••••••••• .~ •• ::-: •• :••••••••••• Driveways, parklllg lot 900-~ Dale. home 963 8767 t: leanups ·Tree Tnm g Reas. Free est &cs-0423 HOUSE? Call Gingham Mo•llHJ EX PERT SERVICE Theory-Piano-Sight see TREE OF.SIGNS repairs. sealcoatrng MacHALE COHSTR.. Ans,_~·2182 ~eJ12Jlt Jtau~n~;e~~l~ance MAINTENANCE MAN Girl. Free est. 645.5123 ••••••••••••••••••••••• LOW RAT~ in g College prof Prunmg, Sculpturing S&S Asphalt. 6314199 Custom homes, frum· CONCRETEWORK --M1screprurs,nojobtoo ROBIN'SCLEANING •A·IMOYIMG* NU·BROOK642·1403 Travels Any age Top.Thu,,Removals, ~c. ing , remod. French Foundauoos. s1dewulks. TREES $mall or too big, from Service a thoroughly Top Quality Special RALPH'SPAJNTING ~ Gr~SSS.9282 Cl~an ~ 631 ~13 ALLSTATE PAVING doors, skylight.s & patio pu t10 slabs . custom Topped 1rernoved, clean carp e n l r y to yard clean house S40.08S7 care in handling. 25 yrs Ext tint· Reas· Prompt Motter /lepolr JAYE TREE CARE ~~~l:~~lin~0;~1fR~~· cov~rs. 848-36S2 brick. Lie 900-0539 eves !!J?hlaw~v _751·3416 ma1nt Steve~·9383 Expena!e Housekeeping ~':fov;~~~~~e~tes 1.c'd_ Free est 964-5566 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Complete s~n u·t· and Free est •397362 CobiMt Mc*lRg CtramleTile Gardening. landscapmg, , RESID COMM'L supphes rurn1shed: All Paint&ng·uit S4SO ut Neat patches&textures stump gnnding IU )f!> 645·8l8l ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• tree lr1mm1ng & re ComplettMa111tenance trustworthv 957·8003 •ABC MOVING-Exp • S6~0 Neat, complete frtet1t. HJ.1439 exp Lie Ins &$09n hb ~ --All types ~itchen, bars, llansens Ceramic Tile. moval , ma.ior clean up fi:il 8961 Clean Up Your Act Co ~~~~iu/~:r:rc~~Ssz~~~· Freeesl, refs&Sl-7292 lnt Exl Patchwork TutoriftCJ ys ... '"'f garage un 1 ts Day floors, showers tubs, lns'd. Free esl 642-4889 llOM E IMPROVEM~NT Housecleaning, apts & Ext. house painting only Restuccos ·Textures ••••••••••••••••••••••• 9•;;;;i~ti~~~·;;·;;,;.~~·; 645-652l, eve549-l6& call art 4~557 8280 Mowing SL'i-$20, Hauli,;g T1 le floors. fencing, oHices ps. 631-1993 STARVING COLLEGE We do lhejob nght • FREE EST. 645·8258 Individuali zed proi:r<1 ms yr & up, nr Victoria. Carp .... ter THETILEMAM & Dumpmg$ZS 754.9904 plumbing, 1111 'Small LETTHEMOUSE s1iD~~~-~C LEEPainting,894·3449 PLASTERPATCHlNG In shorthand , t>111ng & C, M. 642-M821640·57S9 ••••••• ••••••••••••• ••• Free est 640.2062 or 955.0095 ~ark -JObs 28Lrs exp. 979-2265 CLEAN YOUR HOUSE Insured. 641.8427 COLLEGE STI/OENT Int/ext.:.> yrs exp orrice skills 641 0671! Babysilling,. rull ·llme, ~t7J hn~~~~~ft~G Child Ccn -~\1ARDEN:G WA~ED Elec.'lrical·Plumbm~ _ Ca llSue,851·6818. WATCH US GROW ' Exp Int/ext. job for Neat work. Paul 545.2977 I tutor Sparush all leH•ls myhomenearO.C.C ~3749 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 owing, glllg, r mg. Carpentry, rough/finish COLLEGE COUPLE STARVING COLLEGE less• AlexSS2-02:31 ,......!HJ BA Credential Larn ~. DAYCARE s w. e e P' n g . ( re e Roors Masonry-Stucco Will clean your home. STUDENTS MOVING Quality plg. Lowest rate! ••••••••••••••••••••••• 963 1662 HUNTINGTON BEACH French drs, hdwd noon.. Spec a a I to working estimates 645-4372 or Refs. _M0-3981~ Good. dependable. rers CO 1.1c. llTLU-436. in 0 C Neat, prompt McCORMACK PLMBG Wi1tdow CleaftiftcJ Mother babysits, 6 wks ~~~lgd h"g ~ sfh1enl vi isohg parents_ CM. 646 5423 645.5737 -Hardwood Roon Steve or Oebby842-9383 Insured. 641~ serv 848;·5684. 636-1149 REPAlR & REMODEL ••••••••••••••••••••••• & up 6 6 kdy 892 6304 Ralph Caballero & Sons ••••••••••••••••••••••• General Housecleamng WATCH US GROW' INT/EXT PAlNTING ~toppiiges. Reas rates Original Wmdo"' W J:tht!r I • ws. . Com plete servtces. Free Cle011ing StrYicH Gardening service. 10 HARDWOOD FLOORS Reliable neferences • Two Brothers Moving • Lic 'd, Refs. Free Est Lie. 11294378 675 9l94 Avg 3 br home $35 diildcare, loving home. est . Bonded. l1c'd •••••••••••••••••••••••yrs exp Compl maint. Cl~aned&Waxed Own trans. 962-0510 Prompt Court eous 646-1067 Drains from SIO Main 631'7~ hot lunch, companions, ~·4015 W1 ndows1carpeb1 floors Commtresid Tree trim· Anyum~832-4881 S.A. Do you need a fantastic Service 957 .0500 or International Painting rrom Sl5. Plumbing re "Let the Sunshine In renced yard. 556·3098 ROUGH & FINISH Home. <'Ondo. office ming & removal, clean· Hauhg I housekeeper with xlnt S40·B448 Hagh Quality. Int/Ext J!..airs. M&M, 642·9033 Call Sunshine Windo\\ Doors. fences , windows. 1·997-8139 63J.9168 ups Free est 646 ~ GetGREENcash etc Rers. rree est aft.4.30 •••••••••••••••••••••••1 refs'Call61J.8890. PADDEDWAGON FreeEst.556-1631 -Selling aoytlung with a Cleanin&....Lld ~88853 for~HITEelepbant.s 84-0-4043 tChns) --Haul. clear.up, concrete --MRS CLEAN Movers Saint Laurent&Sons Daily Pilot Class1r1ed Ad 'UttheSW\Sh111e In -Trade your old sturr for llauling. lree tnmm1ng & removal Dump Trurk. u AK""" IT GLEAM '. Careful. Courteous Best lll. p .. ;"l & Paper IS a simple matter l'all Sunsh111e Wando\\ w1t a Classified Ad new goodies with a removal. ma111t. clean· Quick erv ., • ., 7638 "' ..., ~· __ _.C""a=Jl-"'642=-'·5678~'---Classified Ads 642·5618 Classified ad 642·5678 _ ~· Reas. 641 1096 ~~te_ s · .....,. 646-2240 ~d Cheap. 497-4056 548-0850 631·1351 Just call 642-5678. Gl!,!amn.JL..b!ct. 541!::_~3 ~~!'!!~.~ .. ~?.~~ ~:!:!'!.t:!~ .. ~~~~1~~ ... ~~.~ ..... ~~.~~ ~~:.~~ ..... ~~.~~ ~~~.~.~~ .. ~~.~~ ~~!.!~~ .... ~?.~~ ~~~!.~.~ ...... ~?.~~ ~~~~.~~~.~?!.~ ~.~~ ..... ~!.~ ~~!.~~·~~ ..... !~~~ Cut livingexpeoses' . 1617 WeslcliH N B Want 1200SQ F'T Widow has money to loan Lost. tan Germ Shep Mature active retired Accounting Es t ab I 1 shed 197 l ~ror trave~g[ ~oo:in~ Share 2 o~c su~e m P;;5 financial inst 70oos r COSTA MESA $375 for RE $10.000 up No puppy, M, Magnolia & genllm seeking house ''CCOONTJNG controller Operations Feat'*d ID Time Mag or same 0 s r r, stigious airpo area 1st floor Agent 541.5032 673-5340 credit check, no penalty. Y o rk t o wn . H B sitting pos. N.B area. " Manager Lar'e Clientele ba , 1~ old;:~· non ~~For details call ---Nwpt Bch 4001 Birch Call Denison Assoc Reward. 963·3108, USCgrad.expd,respon. CLERK Growing OC S & L Pers<Oia I attention & ~'i.~IOe r · m 0 1 NEWPORT MIA Zoned, dbl gar. S200 673·7311 957 8761 Jackie have refers. 615·~ seeks experien c ed cerehtl.sc~g. NEWPORT IUCH ·'ENIMSULA Mo. A~nt541 ~ ~Trust Found Maltese type I T uch 'Ponderosa Homes, one person for Controller & T1meSavmg' Prof. M seeks mature Full service exec. of-Spacious executive of· S 4550 D d 5035 small white remale dog " D or Cal1forn1as ma1ur Operations manage- HOUSEMAnS female to shr hse fices from 5397 "On fices across from City lorGCJ• H ' Brookhurst & Ellis Of Class ment Excellent growth 832·4134 $3001mo. 548-5035 Call" eJCec. offices from Hall. All.services ava1la ....................... ....................... home builders. h11s an potential, working l'on SI05 ln clds secretarial ble. 'optional' From 225 S T 0 R A G E ScrttlerMtfi. Co. 848·1983 _ ----Modelil opening for an Account· d1t 1ons & be nefits --------•!Roo mmate waol ed. phone ans word pro: sq.rt. up at reasonable WAREHOUSE nr N ~ All types or real estate Found kitten. Grey with E'~~':'Lcoo\lies'9 mg Clerk work111g with Salary cnmensurale "Cay Roommate clean. qwet nonsmoker cessing Tei~x Qwip rentals No lease re Post Ofc 12x35 . investment.ssmce1949 white slnpes and rurry 83S·l005~_1C_'Visa our Home Decorating with abilH~ Send re Contact Services" ''"' blk to beach. NB THE HEADQUARTERS quired, call 673-3002 _ Sl751m.Q.~ ~o Sp.ciahi!HJ 111 White neacoUor494·4734 Center sume 10 Ad =910, The L a r g e s t G a y Steve, ~5386 da)s till COMPANIES Rflltals W..ted 4600 2ndT'Dt F o u n d Germ a n EMTY Dall) Pilot. p 0 B?>- Male Female Room· ~ 714 851.0681 THE RIGHT ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1.42•2171 54r: 0611 Shepherd, Beagle mix, PWOMEH'SC The position require) a 1560. Costa M<'~a. C.a ma.le Service in So F~-35shrC.M hse,w f , -SPACE Need 2 br unrum house _v__ r -Temerm1x.Lab, V1szle regnaney testing. im min1munor12yearsac 92626·9~ C.llr G R C for rental WE PAY '1"UE MOST p · B II T med results. Low cost t b I ex -. . . . gar .. pvt yd. Pel OK THE RIGHT by 1015 or 10/31 , CdM or •" mix, it u . ern poo, couo s pay a e "DMIN. "SSIST. needs.11·7PM $200+ 642-8056 Kathe AIRPORT Lag. Bch, patio. SlOOO For your TD's & notes Border Collie Also Cats, 11bort1on. All methods of perience Construction A A ~13)600-3040. p f . 1 M F PRICE max No children/pets. AtDenmsonAssoc Kitten s & Rabbits. b1rthcontrolavail 24thr and /or retail sales ac forsmal11TOn&steel1m - l8MesS~n~r mo c~:; EXECUTIVE GUARANTEED! 644·9911 673-73ll. Irvine Animal Care hel lane 547.9495 counts payable ex port ,r1rm Ill Irvine Gd Scott Or Terry SUfilTE 300 to GOOO Sq Ft Prime Want lo rent 2 Br. House 1~vESTORS Center 754.3734 peraence prererred ol ppt y for bright. fnend· Several or ices avail m Waterrront orflces in "" Tro••I 5450 y. amb1t1ous person 673·4.239al\6pm foll service exec su11e Newport Harbor walh 1n Newport, Balboa HJgh yield Lrusl Deeds Lost cat. greyish tiger ........................ We provide a foll com who has an analvtical 21bd, l ba. balcony. w d, loc nr O.C A1pport boat slaps available area Newly marrted Sare. well secured Call f , 12 yrs,ShorecliHv1c . 121 round trap airline pensallon benefit m.ind & enjOys working A Professional Service Grand Canal. Balboa 752·0869 Plus 3 long list or special with dog Wall recarpet CIR FlllanciaJ 855-4455 Q M 7fi0.0040 tickets to Seattle Vahd package plus out.stand-with people P~1t1on m- For Proressaonal ~~~~sJ!~S~':,°& J~~Y M.I . OfffCES amemlies. Terrific leas· ~~y67g3~amage de· FB~r t T D---b ~b ~a~:~e~~e ~:~· ~ t;hun~: ~~; 15th mg wor~ s~round· ~~~vre;ti'J~1~.1~~:hu~~~ People. F . .hr BR·C~ 2 premium offices avail mg terms now available Youn~ Chns:--u-!-an Couple p'u;chased fo~ ;,!,n500. ; C M. Reward. 979·4361 . iniis Pie app lo contact Prior impon Non-smkr s 3 M Prime loc .. new carpet, Call Today! ,., _,, k 548 5821 h experience not required 3ofricestoscreen, check Apt. $205 mo. Prefer wood noors. sky lights. (7 I 4J 675-8662 seek living arrange yr Interest only at 20r'i ~ • m. POMDEROSA but gd typing skills & ref's It employment, will Vegetarian. 548-6511 open beam ceilings. 3 c menls in exchange for with discount. & Int FOUND Kitten wired &noloy!M'lll & t h 'th th hl loot Sips A•aflable! services, compamonship yield 27 ~'< yrly. 57'l collar & blue slones. ,,..1paratioft HOMES pleasant l>Cr'l>Maht) are ma c you wi, e ng F to shr 2 br. 2 ba apt 944 & 892 sq ft al SI 25 -essential Start around Roommate w view. Promontory Pt. per sq fl Call Mark l\1k1 MEW,ORT CENTER &tor rent SS9·40l!O. loan to vaJue. Call Mr. Mesa Del Mar area ••••••••••••••••••••••• SIOOO Conlacl Renee N B . S360 + de p al 613 6606 Preslig1ou.s. full service I'm a very old fisherman Chris Shaw73o.6056 545·8681 Sclhoob1ts"-i-7005' Gena Mezo Labine at Trans ";irk 30DayGuaranlee 675·3889 EXEC 0H1 ces lnclds with a ho~keeper. a 31 •---c~/ Found Golden Retnevt>r rr-..-I 1714 1975·11i09 957.5751 SOC> sq ft bark orflce . -~ S h r r u r n . Ba Ibo a mull i. use Sp a Cl' in rcpt, sec. xerox. under-ft boa I & an AAA·I credit P•"°'1K!IJ/ in Spyglass area. CdM ••••• ••••••••••••••••• • 2082 Bus111ess A d-;;:; I n I s l r d II \ e bayfront,priv.bchp1er, Irvine Industrial nr groundpk'g,telex&an rating We need a &.ost&Fo.td 644-5043 Rnt Secretary Due to ex 2 br, I ba, ~. lsl, last Airport Perrect for taque dt>ror conf. rm waterfront home with a ••••••••••••••••••••••• Found Smokey Grey Christimi Church Ce~ter Dnve pans1on an ex~llent up Avail. l01LS. No pets artist 75<persqrt 644•1189 --min 2BR. 2BA & Boat Allno•c.....ts 5100 altered M Tabby Vic PRE-SCHOOL& wte~ portunity has arisen for OrO!HJeCo:851·:7714 J!efs.615·110318.33-32lt 54().3903 EXECUTIVE sllp,lfashfromlheback •••••••••••••••••••••••Andros Street CM DAVCARE CENTER lrvine,CA927t5 acapablesecretaryw11h or my boat, which re-AAA Credit m 30 days 546-6772 792 Victoria. CM word processing skills MASTER/VISA MiFshrhse,6blksbch. Pri!MNptkltloc. SUITES maansanlheSllp Your Guaranteed Free (corner Victoria & Equal()pportunll) ab1lit" 1o do re""rtS ,.........,i HB W D DW micro 00 r N I 11 ( FOUND Small kitten. Pl E lo r u F •1 ~ ,,_ Ac-.~ · • • · Approx. 11 l suite I Pace w1 get tons o Brochure Call Allee, acentJa ) mp ye '" ' _ most of all v.1lhnJl to !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I S200 9fi0.S260,~~ Prkg., full serv , on the HERITAGE TLC r r o m my 5527045 v1c. Eiits, Jacaranda, ENROUJ:NGNOW ' carq out ciS)q!ned floshr2brcondoin H B. F 21·2.S to shr 2 br, 2 ba water f'lA1A housekeeper & your · rv 968·1481 Isl 10 children enrolled ACCOUNTS tasks Will rel)'irt direct w/same. Te~·. pool. aptinH.B $205/mo Cell Comesee1tnow' New luxuryorricespace check will come in like Chris._,.,.. Bl ed k' B SI0.00 Discount Hrs f'AYAILEC&.YK ly to vace president WI D ~ '"' · Anna ""0 ""'"" u r.: •-L.... 1 Clockwork. I'd like to * * Ofl~ * * ue ey itten. iege 6:30A M·6:00PM Part· Send resumA. in con . _,., + T• s 1 ""°'w. "ew AR4111'$ in Irvine's bus esl f S ~· 'with Black markings l t d ts ted R;ipidly growing Jn "' dep.STS-4743 M/Fshr2bdrmupper.on Talia ... lldftg. ceoter! Easy Frwy ac-pay romSISOO to 1700a Individual or g.roup Foundonl6lhstreelNB. ame s u en accep . lernatlonal company r1dence. lo Tom Roll, NB ~ror genlleman will beach in Nwprt, $320 + Call Judy cess. Avail. now! Call month one yn lease. tr charters. Reservations S48 86S3 After6PM 5-4 ·3468 seeks enthusiasllc selr Wright En('rgy Corp .. ahrtfbeaut home w/mlf ullls.6'2·5895eves 642-4644forappt.tosee fordetails. you'd like a tenant like 8'73-1434 · · starling individual ror 200 Newport Center ovr30$375. 76().-0802. Proresslonalfemale ~lo NEWPORT BEACH Nr 551-1231 640.4230 me. please call my son Dny't Lodler LOst Lg Fem Calico Cat Help WClftttd 7100 position lll ou r A/P dept Drive, •3-08. Newport Bob. walh particulars at Balboa Pavilion Gleneyre •. Mountain ••••••••••••••••••••••• Good lyplng & 10 key Bea£h.....9 92660 M to stir furn. 2 br, 2 ba shr lux Balboa Condo O.C Airport. 340 to 1100 $250 Up. Hunt Bch .... 2229 "' · W h F I 0 .....,. Rd 1.ag o-b Accounting capabilities required .a.ov!Eans1uG Balboa Isle apt. Neat, 1t ema e. ccan sqft.644·7'1?2 _ Car pet, drapes. air SCRWUJS °" co · 1 h p I r I "' u.. " v· M R & B REWARD494·1928 an rvine as 1m Al experience hep u s•• Eir: nonsaiioker, prof S320 iew. aster m a OFFICE SPACE 17301Beach.842·2834. lusiftest/lft•Ht/ med opening for person Xlnt opportumly for ad ~ mo. Jfly · 673-3311 Nice, S400 mo. 673·6098· r l r::...-ce 'N~~ ext;rienced in working van cement Outstanding Southern Cattlom1a II) 6 7 3 9 l 5 7 N o 1849 sq t • en ire ,..,.._, " '1ftUl'1 L'ost · Smoky Blac k ter1·0 des g bl t Lido "Wllterfroot w/slip, ground floor with sign •• .. ••••••••••••••••••• w/ ank P/R system & compensation & bener1ls r 1 n pu ica ion lux~ condo. ulil inrl. smokers/Pets. rights avail Great loca· lniHH Rental 4450 lnittH1 Locale Decade A I le red M Cat . handhng AIP & related '" a pleasant working needs hard working. ag t .... •· B $650 Male/Female 30+ to OS Bakery -Autumn -Declawed . Reward. functions.Outiesalsoan envi·ronment. Contact gressive. organized pv m "' a lion near O.C airport. ••••••••••••••••••••••• Oppo~ SO D ed H dl """ 692 675 ....... or992 • .,..,. share 2br 2ba Ne"""'rt C 11 K J h R t ·is Best be h • ·--·r awn -ar Y -,..,.,.1 · __ elude· Maintaining cost Pal Mi'lls, AMF "-ien sales reps to call on de -cai ,_v · · -,.... a agt, . osep son, e a1 tore · ac ••••••••••••• .. •••••••• TAKE'Il{AWAY "" Wan•~~: remale, non· Beach Condo. Patio, 7'2·1111. location in Newport ! LOSING LEASE, quit sheets & gen. lyrmg lilac Drilling ltl. 18011 sign & er<:hileclural "'0 frplc phone $290 incl New car owner "When p ____ ... 5350 Good co bene Its Ma-tchell s . Ir" In" businesses Protected amolter. $205 mo. Steps · · NEWPORT BEACH .,,. $150 Mo. 116 23rd. St ling busllless. selling out b be •~ • "' uttl 646 7332 ...,.. you uy a new car, Salary negot w exper cc7_9051 temtones 1n 0 C & LA to IM!a ch Newport · · · --No. Newport Blvd.180sq 675-4US, 673-1401 ALL supplies and fix· carerul to read the war· ....................... Call 7S4-l93l "" EOE M F Counties Grov.'lng coin~ 631-#74. _ Garoqes rt. at Sl.S5. Sierra Mgmt lures including: ranly I found out the EXECUTIVE Accounting pan>. ex rel op pl·). Chrlian F to shr big forltllf 4350 Co. 641·1324 RETAIL SPACE Display cases. waiting bard way. The bold print SEHIOI ~CCTG draw + highest com hoh~ll In HS27.B.5N~~t.sd or ••••5•to•••••••:.::.::.:•••• Office space near Hoag 1280 sq. rt. Harbor Blvd. s~~::i h~l:d~ye~:a~~~ giveth and lhe small * SlftT£ * ACCOUMTAMT masgQ.!Ul.1316!>7 6l2J 968c II!!,."· +....v ep "°9t-p-....,.. I Hosp 2 large rooms + +slorage.$500mo. hydraulic chai rs, mir· prinlTAKETiiAWAY." 24HourESCORTS Exreptio~~pt'y tor Degreed or nr deg reed A•robiclnslnlctor .. _,. on Balboa enansu o kitchen +bath 800 sq. Realonomics 675·6700 h I d I ls Car Pool 5150 953-11'9'9 ~/Vl10 seU motivated in-a cc n l f or In Exper onl) Newport BA !"' O A IS L AN D next to Fun Zone 11ov.r n rt. ssoo Mo Cull Ed ro1rs. s e ves an hp an · ••••••••••••••••••••••• "" """" -d' 'd 1 . veslmenl/slock broker Be h 7"" 201.._ rt > A so, make·UJ>, s ampoo 1v1 ua 111 our account-staff Resporullble ror ac ~r.!a ,,., 1458 BA RONT· Share 3 lt ,, Wells 673-3510. RETAIL SPACE and hair products Rider wanted, private i n g d e p 1 . . 1 Br. Ba. with 2F or lM, 613·~, 673·39:.l ll'lllll r. G Call 63l·9'1:)4or van. Newport to LA dai· G,.... ~_, Responsibilities include mamlamlllg severa set.s ASSIMIL y lF ~375 each. Bryan S111gle garage for rent. an OmC~ 900 sq. ft. S650 mo. real ly (213)485-5708 (714 > E1eorh report processing, re oboor lkim1ted part1 n1eedrship work an plastics Im 67., ....,a , •-. "'-h • .,. 2 paneled ...1ri,_ t large exposure. Harbor Blvd. after 6, fl98.6a)9 s gener• a"r ed l " d ... -. ....guna nr ma111 "" • """ rront orr1Y'ce."~c~arpeled, Call s w I m m I n g p 0 0 l 644-4209 24 Hrs. 64l·Ol80 conciliations & general h . ·~ a "" ..i m 1a e <>penings ,,ee -•"• 3044 rr· k b cas mgmt ac review an11 girls for (1rsC and Se<.'Ond Roor;:for rent, 4 BR hme mo . ...,... air, parking al rronl and Realonomics 675-6700 Chem1"al Se~•a'ce Busi-Lott & Fo.d 5300 Cotlt/c:Mcb 0 ace support. I(). ey Y ex.planation or various h f M k d I Cl •ft "'Ah 3 r " •· "MR-/~IVt.-touch, data e ntry. s i ls usl spea an 111 '•· ' oge ~ "" r 2 car garage or storage rear entrance Ideal for Store ror rent or lease. ntss. Laguna Niguel ••••••••••••••••••••••• "' ~ _, ..... familiarity with com· profit and cash projec understand English Ex- protpeople J ....... ing or only· 6 blks bch, H B. I or 2 attorneys, inslilu· 1200 sq. ft.. Newport & area No exp necessary, puter re""'1s are desire· lions PI ease ca 11 per hetprul, will tram re rmiii ate s2 7s mo SllO/mo.900-52Sl lional,sales,etc.Faces Harbo r Bl vd . C M willtrain.S.'50,000.Full •uuuuo.+u•1 ble. w';"~trer com 7S2·0070.EOE. _ li~ble_J>erson~21026 968-1134 Eastside Costa Mesa 12 Garfield on SE comer or ,,.,,_77•1 ""'1·7'"" amount req' Will net FOUND ADS PSY,......C .,..,p ...... ~ ,..., ""'v ~ · c..;, g:litive salary & rull If you 've never placed a AssemW.rT~ trv1• 1 br In nice 2 br xl2 x 28 Garage for rent Brookhurst. Huntington CdM Prime Loe. 2500 sq $40,000 +. CalJ Collect. READINGS flt k w Cl f'ed ad · P u.%' II bl ARE flEE ne 1 s pac age. nte ass1.1 . . you re in No exp nee lmmed a~wul apt, ava . S95 Mo. 646 ·1164 , Beach: Very reason~ e rt. Great Show rm ex-Mon-Fri. 9·6 PM . by AMANDA ClusifaedAdl1.S,Daily theminonly'Tryitonce ~mg NB 5487383 now:f265.8S7·2560 6'5·8543. rent if you. qualify posure. Lighted Roof a.&B'l-Olll FREEQU~ON Pilot, 0 P.O Box 1560, and see how quickly you , FemSe non-smolm. ful·IOfffcel..... 4400 962-44S8morrungs. Sign. Garden View . TCE CREA M-Xlnt Call: ANSWEREDBY Costa Mesa. C A gel results Phone~ss~mblers We will £.l~~wla~eav~~doul~~······o··A···T· .. s··L·,·,····· ~!~~i~~.y~e~it::~:~~I CParkingdal.673-4120. ~ri:ng.:~=)~~~F\.111 642.5671 CALL=NOW' 92626.~. 1142·5618. ~=~Gre::r~:ch~.'~~I ..... ble.Ann.754·0274 __ \"!:~';! 4475 FOR SALE : Industrial& ................ '.'I a1·1y P1·1at ·· .................... :: .Placentaa,CostaMesa _ M/F mmletoahare3bd, onll•blt wht9' Io" CM u1 ••R• commercial car pel Lost: Sml Siamese Fem. COEDS-Would love to 2ba.' .... do c.M -mo. t..---.........__ 2 00 '" -~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• F ama'ly grieving Big · h Calls .a.5511!.t...oia1 l!.B5 1• un 41<..w ---2 room office, wet bar, 2SOO Ft, undeveloped clean ing business. · party wit you. ue "' llP'--Sl~ p. fmmed, 646-6665 to 600014 ft. offkn. b1J1iness UK ooly. S22S space avait Rl&h rise $10,000. Canyon. &'n-3544 or Ka l h y anytime Mechanical assemblers r Sfr~ight. shr 3BR5 aplj C .. S.-. w ._. Mo. utils incld.646-1684. waterfront bldng in ~18; 63l-2.S29 V ~~.~~':l! cL:k~ 953-8383 : ACCOUNTS RECBYABl.£ ~~n gr~w~~g e~a::~ c~ c ~area . 646-41 67s.t'61 ur.t L-.... ir:--.. Newport Beach. Sl 00 JANITORIALK SUPPL C Park ·area. "Snook,y" I'm 1 KHOF viewer & : • mechanic•! assembly S.9~. " ~ ~ per Ft. Good potential Net 35K, 25 down, OW would like to mut • Sold .. &4&-5413 I 71H STIHT ~val able for sub:leasc for manv l.llet. Newport 53.Hn/675-1'181 Reward. 536-G321. others in the area CalJ -CREDIT IM'ISTANT -er1n11 & ll11ht shop e of Newport s ex ..., • M-11 ex per prererred F.x Shr :Jr11 luxury home COSTA MESA ~i~rve office complex: Arches Bldr. ~·46« Small 11allery · gift shop. LOST KEYS 613"8247 • Will prepare bank deposil11 und molvc • cell. insurance pack11~e wt"'3r per900. l!t last+ 2 or 3 room olfice suites. es Quiet handsome set· Harbor Shoppana Center, Laguna. Very reu. rent. Vic. Newport Blvd & ERlC : WE MET YOU AT • credit and billlnit problems. 2 Yt'ar~ credit & (0, paid benefit~ App de]C A.IC, plenty of prt(I. UtU U~tt includes reception/. stores f~ 644 to 2,160 714/497..3768, 213/SOl-4444 Bl1stol, Oct. l. 546-5357 TH f; WAREHOUSE . • exper. Good accountin1t llkallb. includm1t lYl>e • ly at: l.eakmann t-:l<'r r 54&-3428 incl.Avail.now.Call phone coveraU • sq.fl. Availforren\.2300 San Juan caplstrano U· Found 10/8/81 am. rust W £ N E E 0 A : 40 wpm and 10 key by touch. MuKl he lro·Opllc$, In( F.0.E. NB.• llt. 2BA. Pool. ten· Realoaomics 8'7H700 utilities • Janilor111l • HARBOR BLVD • CM quor Store tor Sale. colored q .Very small, BARTENDER WITH A : dlplomatic and aracioui. in dt.ihn11 with th•· Sa n J u a n Ca Po nilj ac. Nrbch. •mo Colta Mesa, 250 sq. I\ 100 frtt photo copies/ Toaee, mSte.17 113$,000. Xlnt k>calion. appro11• 1 yr. Sllelt.ie Uke B L E N D E R public and salei. slllrt UlmJX"tlllve '"hm . 114~93-66?A P'.,~ 30.St&-mrs. suite. Sl7S/mo. UtHa in· mo • ample parkinc • ................ 4500 Terrlflc fllturtpotentlat. futures.675-5139 CALL .•. DAWN 986-2054. ; and employee t>eneflb 1nd1Ml1nit 1·om11unv • ,_ ______ _ c~""' HC>Uff. p 18·ZS cld. 779 W. 19th St. sttry service avail. • •••••••••••••• .. ••••••• 714._.l...,.. Capistrano Found 1~ large white WED-SUN EVES. paid heallh, Ille an<l dcntul 1n.~urun1·t• rull : ASSIST'Mlt:Run;R ~aimc•hllles lit.II. HB. 851-182.11. kitchen ca.JI Qualified Rent, 11.25 tq.A. S400 mo. V•llex Re.alt,Y. male rabbit wtaUchts Exr. .. healthy female ' 642·4321. t>xl 277 for 11111•HnlMl·nt • SIR. AcUve, faxl pwettd Nr.I Ii~ BAYPRONTOFFICt Services at: 975-0740 for 1355 Logan, '1. CM. r would like to b1t1 Into SAHel&h1.1..$$MOl? sa Jor w/rtla, avail to ! intel't!ill~jot>. womc:n'll · · • --~ 3 a~ $00 feet, Janitodal, park-viewing 875-$11$ your ulsllng servfce Uve, love It care for your OIAHGI COAST DAIL y PILOT : fuhlOn•. •lxp, htlprul nr prace 1Ut• Int. etc. 78).IM40, Beautlfu.I olfice in suite, Cotta Iii• ott Baker &r bu1ine11. Pool main-You don't need a 1un to =· N.B. a~a. Call • l30 W. IAY ST .. COSTA MIU, : wlU triin brllttll pt'n<ln · ~lrport-t ofntta + 11 nr Airport. Prt1 Incl. + Fairview. 1311 aq. ft. tenance or U bavea Bl· "draw f•t" -"en you · • C ... _ .. 26 •.:,:OCS ;:.moty Non. ,._. cti'1ded rm, 9 *I fl. In-teemarlat. Prtler R. E. S.S. 17'10 11q, I\ S415. tit money Md • lot o1 place 1n Id In Uie Dilly 4 pc Uv rm Mt. s:Dl llake • -Y-, ~ ~ ooa:J.o = H -'°..UT ti. ma.Int~ l.lllJ Nl.eD'JO. or aseoclated bullft •· J.D. Property Mamt. time. Call: Answer 1-llot fhnt Adi! Call Offer ~. _,,. toU.tl ~ tw\01'• : can.. lacUtmt.• I ••··---~-~.i,,.ltwelt 14·111'1 78·Sll11 7Sl-2711 AdtS0'7,I0-48,14hn. now -I051'71. • S..IS1 ·................................ .......... et Ti.;11.... 'f'.o.. ~"""···~----· 25c;{. ofr With ttus ad \ I j .. '-~--''-"--·-~---.!o:.... .... ;;.. .................................................................................. _0 ...... +M± ..................................................... ._.~ ...... $ ........ ~-------~b-----·~·~--~-...... -~.---------u ~~~ ..... !!.~~ ..... ~~~ ..... ~!!~ ~!~~ ..... !~.~ ~~.~.'!':.~ ..... ~!.~ ~.~~ ..... ?!.~ ~~.~~ ..... ~!.~ Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday, October 11 1981 A in o M t ch 1 n I t' ... -------Clerical Profnsklftll uni)' ZO'f BANKING Mature Pt'fSOO Ar · puts SO 't Labor rurete typl1t. Good CUSTOMml• AblU\11.o de.al w th pt(» pie, type Mwpm, lddln• m1eb10t\ p"9nes and lttep blll1n1 r-etorda Teleprompter Cable TV 101 W 18th St N8 ~~ 813 mo * Tfilll * wlfiaure:. Xlnt bentOta A\'TOMOTIVE Jamu Insurance , • .._ Jrvlne Call Joyrtt -•• F1dehty l"edttr11l. a H" nz 0990 EtW COUMT9MAM in1ta lead4!t. has an 1m -' ,. Oulersh1p ot fore11n mediate part time auto parts ••peril'n1·t open1n11 tn Its twuullful Pl'Tftrrfd C.JI Olen for Laauna 8t11ch offl<'e an appotnt1-n\ Experi.tnre ls preferred, IOY CAIYll but we will con, Ider IOW IOYCI tr111n1n1 If yuu havt m AMO IMW months ca.sh h11ndlin1 64CM444 uperaent·e S11turd1Jy work will be N'qulrt!d 8A8YSl'ITER MATURE We orr,r top sturt1na for 2\., yr old &irl. My llAIMry 1md p;11d career home In Npt l:lt>h apv11rel itnd fre(' purk ~/lime wkdl'.i 64$-6930 ina Plea~e <'all Geni· IAIYStna Fmclle at 1714> 494 7~ for Infant, mr home or tor an interview appolnl yours, M F, vie Elhs & menl, nr upply durinR BN>Qkhul'l!t, lt'V !If~ 4700 11avin1s hours at Bakers Exp in Donut maluni: or will tra111 Appl> ul Winchell's 202 El Camino Real SJn (2temente BALLROOM touch dance wtructor tramet-s. P T F1DELITY . FEDERAL Sa~Ji9..ct Loe.As..._ 310 GleMeyre StM:t Equal Oppty Employer eves, eam as you team.---·-·----.-.-;.-;;_~ lo $1,000 mo. or more possible, Mr Ellis, S42-9047 Bank mg IEPUIUC RDEIAL SAVINGS has Opemngs for I 11 C time Nev.· Arcounts Counselor & '11 p lime Teller. Laguna N1~uel branch 831 1940, 4.95·0850. _,l\f lF H_ Banking TELLER EOE ssts!m11ss OFOME MONTH SALARY ! LA GUM~ HILLS OFFICES • N•w Accts R•p •Loan Prouuor Credft Ci.etc.,- .. -............ llil(Cus1um1r8erv1<"e CLBICAL TB.8'HOHI Growma laser co t.ttks SAW r IT uper <'lttital perton lo Major resporufblhy In handle matenal l'Ootrol t ludca phone t0Ur1talion record• Efficiency &t ror uble tcltvtsion subo neatntas a mUJt Will swpllon ~rvi<'t' $ 9 PM tn10 quahlled 11prh M-F Job encb ~· 31 3 c a n t ~ Ex <' e I positions avail llow11rd benefltS/!\lllary based 011 Derman 720-2818 e x p e r l' o n l • c t "-d de Laakmann Elertro -(>"JGtOUra un r _eart tlm~ Optics Inc !:: 0 E. Siin "ELlV~~RY DRIVERS Juun CaPQ. 714-4.9l-6624 u - • II!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~~!!!!!!!!!!!~ Apllicalloos now beinK t11kcn for furniture de· --------~ livery dr1wn1 Xlnt driv Clerical 1011 record reQ Call LEGAL SIC. Mon fr1 , Balll.JWD,. Slr.ISl9. Good typing, dlctaphonl' -DWVBY p.n helpful. onswer1ng ,,. phones Will train in the To b11J111e.sses Flex . 2.5 leRal field & general of hrs/ mo No sales $5 hr rice Cllll Janinl'. +ml 64~2440 S40·605S. Coastal Person Dell\ er L A Times to nel Ag) . 2790 Harbor homes 1n II U & C ~ Blvd., Ste:mc M. EOE 3-6AM $400.S4.501mo + Free to applicants bonus Dependable Cdr '!'!!!!!!!!!!!!!l!ll!!!!!!!!!l!ll!!!!l!lli!!!lll~ needed S~6 4481 ur -------~ 964 4982 Clerical Dt..tal A11i1t . RECEPT10HIST Ellp DA tor Endo OHll·c Answering or phones. wanted I' T Mon & light typmg, invoicing Thurs only 1'011 pay fihng and other l(eneral 631 3380 office duties Cull D~nt;i J. d n 1 n e · S~O-G05 s A Orthodon1l' A~!i1st11nt Coastal Personnel Agy . Recept101111;t wanted 2790 Harbor Blvd · Ste PleasHall Dr Ja1•obs 207C M EOE . fo'ree to applicants ~44-M DEHTAL TECH ... -------•11'.:xper . dental Clerical technitan Partial dept STOP Proces~ & ruu~h. ell· LOOIUMG Salary open Call M ~·. START ~9 ~2 EDUCATllS PAST/PRBSENT/ ftmJR.£ t:duuton 111pplement your lnromt" with pltlm• or f lime day/eve duld ca~ If ovtr 3), call Sil lera Unllm.it.ed, So Cal's la ritut r h11d 111ltin1 1u:rv1ce 642-4610 (Corionit..e_Hd~ tUCTIOHICS P /T for11k1lled&aeml :1k1lll'd or wr tram appllcan~ w 'eood m1th "ack ground . CaUf Air N11· t1on1il Guard. Prior military helpful Call C'1ndy c~hr1ng 7 I 4 /979_131l:L ELECTRONIC Sl.fS M11nufacturer 's representati~ with ell· pand1ng linCli In elec tronic compooenli. seeks sa1es engineer tr1unee Attractive commission rate and beneltts puck age offered For ap potntment call 894 7257 EUCTIOMIC ASSEMILY Coll wht«Mr Ir 01· Mfttbler for·~ O.C. Co. Mf9 of df.lcry '"•' & ..... torn.rs. hp. or willing to leorn. Cal 540-9264. YALOI ELECTROH!CS EXECUTIVE SECRETARY With advert1:.ing (1rm Great compan} w1lh SP<'l'la1·ular sea \"lew Call Bentl~y Hayes S4!1 2625 Ocn1ul .... W...W 7100 W...tM 7100 .... W...W .~.~~••••••••• ··••···•·••······•·•··· ii:.dit-:.-··············· ························------.. ·~~ "°' LOOIJMG ........ T.......LT--&....-Phy•lc11 tt1to,..P1Jt 1.u'l 1ae-1--ur ~ -PARTmME" tMSUUMCICL.ml nttded for 1rowma N li Real £.t~t:deve• STAil' UIMIMG ftttponslbltl tor clean up llC.-noMST otn~ S4l-OW1 mt' n t r 1 rm nr il 1 \ & an I m a I can In Needed '°' tMy N 8 PllSS Ofltl.ATOI maturt' sharp front ol• • ~ Kelly Servi~ r 11 offer ynu lmmcdJate. nrlllng lt'mportry po11t1on• when & whtff you want pharmaceutical R ' D Lab. Medi.Cal experl wanttd for tn house fire p T pel'!IOC'l to &l'ftt •. tarlllty 4 $ hours per req Hou,_ a.$ Mon F print •hoo tn Newport pllb.lle & a.nsttr ~ • day . AM or PM ~::eg1.gertOnS eall Bfach Mlnimum 1 yr Muat havt art.'\lrlk typ. U TS /hour Diane, 1.!L -upr on •mall utr at't tntc M21$11 XZ2. Mon Fn MllMCAL preas Oood rompany 9 lL~m. Front omce solo NB, benefits i---lllllJ!ll!!![lllmlll!IN •CU:RKS MO M "' Call7~17 •TYP~"l'S , Land$Cl1Plllll Full time 40/hrs on r rt ARC AMEJUCA Corp •St:CHt."J'ARI t:S C1111 Betw~$..7 PM Salary open. Pluse 714/U~323J I(~ •WORDPll<>n:ssoRS Sl82 send ~·u~to. Ad No EOt /Aflrrn Action lAUNDIY HS.I 9.35, Dally Pilot. PO eo.-Em I. Apply ut M t> n Fri ' 1 3 3 0 = Costa Mesa, CA KELLY Newport V11la, 4000 -- SEIVICES II ii a r I a Wu y . N B MODB.S/ESCOITS 2102 Business Center 642-5861 -To Ool(a~ll63.Q971 Or., •2~. R33 1441 tNr Legol Models needed. All typet . MarArthur HI & 405 Frulance Legal Sel"Y & Meo. women & chlJdren. Crwy l !Iris I! S or 27957 Legal Word Processors No_e~nec. ~77~· Ca bot Hd , l.a11unu needed Pleue c:a ll Newspaper delivery I.A ~i&ucl. W·~..J.l:r,~wi.+~M~!U'<Jl.uoi-....&.A.~ ..'fi111es t~..ffal Valley 'Pliwyeiil> rs :r.ete~ _ __. Pen SSSO per mo 9-lor Huntl.llt?(tlfl lie11('h L.14uor St.ore. Stockllla" S48 8"lor 13 Hr!. 8 5 &17 3C98 Cash Register ex · 6 IEL[~-=,.., ... lll'rience nerusary. All MUhlltsSESConA.l alES t Ytrl o\ er t& Apply between II 5 •1 · v escen & 3 weekdays 11188 Hosp11al. Beach area se "'I • c. e c. Placenua Co5t11 Mesa xlnt benefits Pre-rert 1-:qu~~t:~~nll) MACH:...::IN_l_S_T_S_ ~:::e~Ji~~:g .::,; M ffH Call. MrsSLone __ 642·~ lltH SUPf:RVISOlt 7 30-3-30 PM. Mon-Frr GENERAL Hat Prestige: Woml'llt xhop in Cdm Must h11vr smt•.err interest m Quitltty Ap parel. Send reply C11re of J Moon IT1fo' lt1vrrsutc AveJiB 92663 P/llme. 7 day1, 2 hni. d111 ly AM <killvery, L A Tiulcl. ..111».~ -W.&:cl U1una Beacll.J94-M96 '/TIMHVIMHGS Ca .... Y Olltlt Ccrritn Adults with outstand111g •llracllve personaht1eb "'ho en1oy worlung with 10 IS year old }OUth~ Evenings 6-9 p m Call 642 4321. ext 343 between 2 p.m <llld 5 !' !D ~k for Andre11 $1000/Mo. Consider Joining the Rol'kwell International "know how" Team We have operungs for Con v e n t 1 on a I M 1 I Ii n'g Machine and Jig Bore llhch1n1st.s on lhe Space Sh uttle Orbner pro· gram For details, see our display ad 1Jl today's Sp(lrts settion Strong leaderslup ab1li-1--------ty Cheerful, dedicated f?UA.IJTY •IOOKKEIPING ISECRET ARIAL •ORDER ENTRY •WAREHOUSE •DISTRllUTIOH •RECEPT10HIST & other J>01>1t1ons NO EXPEi. HEC. Supt•r bend1ts Young people prt>f (7141847°2422 GENER.AL OfffCE Space OperaHot.1 Roe kw .. ltat1nwtiotloi Downey.CA. to good patient care. CONTROL Bea ch area Xlnt ~_,.TOR benefits. Call· Mrs IM.x-~ , Immediate open10g to S~ne 642-3).H handle vunety of inspec MURSIMG twn inrld 1ncom1ng RECEPTIONIST : Anim»I llolpillll toolcinJ for l'~P . aR11rei.s1ve person PIT eves. & wukend.s ~I· 1030 llCEmOMST/ HOSTESS f'er~onal IUNl!slllnt lO succ.'e~sful, ve ry boty uerut1ve MU!ll be ex· lrem t'1y allractitc: 11uµrrbly grll:()nled & ~~ • "'"•<'l«P9-4tt1••--.... personalit}' Duties In· J duda lnht _,.,tAnaJ... 1 exlrrmcly quiet preny • ~, OOl' girl Offil't! + COit> .~ siderabl~ kx'lll drivi"'- Benef1h uiclude IOU of \ ancty & rreedom. great sianmg pa) & un i hm1ted tcrowth poten- l1ul Good 1.-dUl'llhon, stability & t.e lr· •I moll\ al1on A MUST l Write \el) detailed let , ter 1ncludmg ambmoos. I quahf1c11l1ons. personal desrnpl1on & desired i.alar} Wnte Boll •946. Daily Piloc. PO Boll 1560. Costa Mri.a C A 92626 0560 R~slaurant COOK Coco's. 4647 MacArthur. 1s accepting apJ>hl'a· 11011s for everun~ t•ook. 1\pply daily, :J}lm S_pm. Rest.iuraul Pacific Federal Sav111gi. & Loan has an immed opening for 11 v time Teller a\ their San Juan Capistrano branch Ex - per 1s helpful. but not required !"or 111lerv1l'~ ca II Carol Thuyos. 830 8800 ElDOUDO IAMK EARNING DIETICIAH·HG. For 82 b~d psych hospital m Dana Point Take full l·harge or bw.y Dietary Dept mcl plan n1ng . purch11~1n1c budgeting & personnel We need o :.lrl)nl? superv1:.or w11h a creatrve & raring at t1lude Tlus challenging •---------Our rapidly CllpandinR lnterna11onal compa11) J.:q u a'I Oµport u 111 ty 1-:rnployer M Jo' ROCKWELL IMTERMA TIONAL RN 's, LPT's, LVN's We mechanical & electronic have numerous oppl'ys parts. work ln process & for licensed pro finished goods Must be fessionals on all shifts. ablr to read blu~prinls Ex per. in a psychi11tric Min 2 yrs. ex per ~:x facility desirable. We of cell benefits parkugc fer competitive salary & Salary based on exper xlnl benefits in a unique Contact Laakm:1nn setting. Capistrano by t.leclro·Opt1cs. Inc the~a H06pt 496·5702 E.O E San Juan Capo 714-493 6624 r~ Deh hand~1ch makers & cashiers, 18 or over. full or p time. $.1 SO to start, will tram. Fntzankol· lers li431 Brookhurst Salary commensurau.· E O E with uper XJnl beneflbl•ll!!!!l---~ ... ~p a ck age whi ch 1n eludes dental & Vlll1on ca re. Plea!>t' appl) in Ptrson lo. PACIFICHDSlAL ' SAYINGS hauty Assistatt for busy NB salon l'all ROIERT&TAYLC>a 641>-7197 3 2 0 3 9 C a m 1 n n Beaut} Capistrano HA IR DRESS f. R & SanJuanCap ,9'.!693 Mo\NICL:RIST for gd l714J661 7200 N B salon Clentele Equal ~mj!IQ.ycr pref The HJlr Handlers. Banking 642 8484 Kelly Sen1ces can offer you 1mmed1ate. exciting temporaq pos1t1ons when & where you want •CLERKS •TYPISTS •SECRE.'TARIF.S •WORD PROCESSORS Appl) at pos1t1on orrers outstand KELL y mg work environment. opply for growth & xlnt SERVICES benefit s l'apu.lranu b} 2102 Busines:. Center theSea,4!16-S702 Or , '2<ll 833·1441 (:->r 1111111!1 _______ _ ~lar.\rthur Bl & I05 - frwy l Hrs 8-5 or 279S7 D IS,ATCHER SAYINGS •BIKESTOHF.• Cabot Rd . Laguna DRIVEttfTRAINER f'artor} E O.E ASSEMBLERS PACKERS W H S E CLERKS MACH. OP. We need you now Work da} or swmg shin Paid week I) no fee t( .. P()"A~Y .Sl~VICfS tlOC 2061 Business Ctr 11200 Irvine 752-6666 REPllSEHT A TIVES Full & p/time. Seeking individuals who ~njoy publir contact Mu.st be able to work Saturdays. Call Mr L evan 642·7411, 360 E 17th St C.M. Assist Mana l(er ,ir Niguel. 631 ~ ICrnwn D ; s p a t c h e r mech for Schwinn de Valley Pkwy ex1tl Hrs Drlur/Trol••r for alcr M usl havr prior 9-3 or lluntmgton Beach tra1t1portotl0ft ·~· s to re exp Sa I a r) Hrs. 8·5 847-3498 H .. ~ leoch C $1Q.400. 544-~ IEL[~ The ,...._,,_. Fas hionable Newport BOOKKEEPER ·=iii· Schoo I DI• t . Beach Fashion Island $1173·Sl412/MO.c»-Salon und er new DOWNEY SAVINGS E.O.E. Tustin. full time. F C S E "'v c e-s ,....CJ°" •irptr. A~ owners h 1 p see k s h 1 g h I y organ 1 ze d , Equal Opportunil ~ ply 7 35-14th St. H.I . Operator with following Banking responsible. expE>r. non Employer ~j_,6.flS_I. & hai. available rental --------•I smoker Good salary M F H room 64~_S11nd)'.. A R, A P Pd )roll DRAFTBtS JOB OPPORTUNITIES LAGUMAHIUS OfftCES TRAl~EF.S ACCEPTED •Tdtn .... & part """) .w.-. • .,,.." (part llmel • AccOWlfs Pcryabt. Cleril (part time I •L09Prouuor/ Crwdit Checbr We offer growth op portunil1es. excellent working cond1tiuns . salary & benefits Call· Carol Thuyns. 830-8800 aDORAOO IAMIC E.O.E G rou 1· nu m rg r •-• ·-------T FOOD SBYICE ft ., "' ~ elecommun1cat1oni. service oriented bu'>1 Cook Baker engineering firm neem WOIKEI !!esses 832·7300 Drafurs expenenced 111 Orange Coast Colleg~. CAFETERIA L I k •1 I C M 25 hr week. 10 mo. Bookkeepmg ero} 11 on " y a r ~< -S6 9 h CO m Irvine hJs 1mm1·d Good head & hard posiuon ....,,...,. l 1 r. r workers onl) need <tpp 8am lpm. Moo-Fn. Con-opening or person ex COOK ly K&B En1un~er1ng tact Coast Community perienced •n "'orkmg Colleges. 556-5&47 for ap· w bank P R sv~tem & 1714 1~0.1614 handling I\ p & related SS.34/t.ow phcat1on & ~ubm1t b) functions Dut1es .. tsoin i--------•1 Spm .Ot'l lb t lude M.11nldmm~ msl Will prepare main dis· ORAAERS 1': OE M f_1! sheets & gen t.\PlllR hes, bakepastnes.serve GARDl::NER Cood Co l11•n1•fits food m larite quanlll1es Duties include draflml( f'me rei.ort llotel has Salary negot "' l''l(J>l'T and perform other relat mechanical dei.1gn. w1r 1mmed1ate opening for Call 7~· 1931 ed duties 1 n g d 1 a g r a m s , lhe nghl individual. /\p schemal1es and product pl) Personnel 1107 IOOKKEEPER F/C I Appl} al Room 131 111 des iitn changes Re J.imboree RdJ NB~ lndep_endenl film dis-j Huntington Beach Union quires m1111mum 2 Yl'ar)i Ga:. Attendant req full & lribul1on t'O. located 111 High Sl·hool Distrit.-t. l'X per1enre 111 Jes11in part time w some exp Newport Beach has ' draflini: and layout uf 1mmcd opening CdM Open1111t fur (uikhar~t' ! ~\;'OTO eleCttonlC equipment In 64'1 5053 bookkeeper Salar~ I / add111on w the ab1llty to -commen~urate with \'X work mdepenllentlv gener11I per Don,BSI 1502 · I Dl'ntal , front offil'e BOOKKF.f.Pl::R I' T We offrr a itencrou~ gr o u 11 II r act 1 re . Arts or moms Xlnl pa\ benefits packaite that in-cha Ila ngrng po~nion. Apply 1n person. no el udes paid holidays and room for growth 1o 1th e>e· phonecalls, BackSlreet. NauNao Christmas week shut cell bcnef11 s Call . 6SS B St!.l Tustin 10251 YorktoWn .\vf down. Please apply an U1ane lus '""°"' Huntington Beach. person Monda} through 973 ~95 F II · c I CA92li46 Wednesday 9-llAM or General u lime, ontmenta t·3oM or call for an in· E . k" . Cuisine Ask for Ken c xecuuve see mg Ill· 673-3233 equal oppty employer terv1ew appointment di\ idua Is tor business CASHIERS m4f h expansion in Oranite --------•I wanted for auto wash in --------l•lli!!lll!!!!!!!!llllll!!!!!l!ll!!!l!ll!!!l!ll!!!l!ll~ EMERSON I Coun!l'..:8411:eJ95 BANKING Nwpt Heh & Ir' ine GENERAL OFRCE areas 644446() COOIC ELECTRIC co. li eavv hgure work WEARE GROWING! Raleigh Hills Hosp1t;il 111 f · CASHIH Newpon Beach has an Musi be pro l\'tent '" HOU SEW ARE SALES immediate opening for 3 Industrial Controls r1~ures, 10 key by touch, D1v1S1on bookkeep111g or accounl· Full or P IJme Appl) cook to work second 3300S SlandardSI mg ex~r. helpful. lite Crown Hardware. 1024 shift. 10-~ AM to 1 PM Santa Ana. CA 9Z702 typmg Oppt'y for ad· Columbia Savings has ln1ne 1WestrllffJ NU Experienced in lhe 1714>54.5-S.'iSI vanceme.nl. Xlnt com- an immediateopeninit in ,.J hospital setting pre pany benefits. Informal ou r beautiful Lake\. ATER 1:-JG Servi ce irerred Excellent frinl!e equalopp1yem11loyer office C.M Call Millie Forest orfice An excep need> f O(l ct 11 rep benefits f'or interview. afier 9am 645_._5800 lional work environ wo rk er:. $4 hr call: Barbara Duran .!!!..(f1'L - ment, compet1t1ve F'ulltu~e. MM I 30PM t i'l4 16~5-S707 E.O.I': HEf:DHB.P? Eager buyers read the salary, rully paid com-Part l1mt>. ~AM::! 30A M M f' HelpyourseUtoa Classified ads every prehensive insurance or IPM -61 M l.un s Cosmetologist must have Heapmgselect>onof day If you hll\'e package and frtt park Kitchen. 3077 ll arbor knowledge uf ~tyhng. Qualif1ed Hopefuls something for sale. re- lng are only a few of the BL, S.A 979-0747 for apt blowing. cutting. tnm-in the DAILY PILOT ach them fast and 1nex· benefits Columbia has lo CASHIER ming & penning or hair. _HEJ..P ~Afil..ED ~ _2enSi"'.,e!l'..,s.ajl 642-~78. offer. Contact Renee HOUSEWAIESALES Knowledge or Farsi Breslof at (7141 770.906.5 • , . language 1s preferecl to learn more about the t ull or P llme. Apply SIOOO per mo. Must have f 11 . · Crown llardware. 1021 c a I 1 r 0 r n 1 0 0 owing opportunity Irvine <Westchf() NR _ Cosmetologist hrense SAVINGS CHECKER CAI Send resume to 9944 needs a few gd drivers Hamilton Ave HB Ca REP 493-8888 92646~=-· ____ _ Selected candidate wlll Childcare COSMmclAH a s s u me T e I I e r Cheerful reliable in Wanted to manage large responsibllltJes 1nr1ud· dividual ~ to pro· Cosmetic Dept in rnend Ing an ong0tng ex~ure v1de care for 3 children 2 I y n e i g b b o r hood to customer relations afternoons per wt'ek. (ko. pharmacy Days. Mon and rece1ving1disburs· casional full days Our Fri. &«·2lll in&Junds, in addition to Cd M home only car & Costa Mesa area. AP· ass1sttog In our new ac ref a mu.~ Satar; neg prentice level. metal & counts ~rtment. Re S40·9~ _ woodworking. nex1ble rent savm~. operallon I~ hrs . bot.h full & part experience Wllh •bank C •II time. Plea!ie c all or uvlogs and loan and 714 754-7748 liaht typing slulls are re lo S15501mo ·Expansion · quired. has createcl this new C-+er/Cllrical pos1Uon wit..h boundless Person for equipment opport unities Call rental store. Saturdays Bent!!r·Ha es_Sil[l-211_25 required. Waj!cs open Uni t e d Rent All . KIDS-STUDENTS Columbia Savings cmdl.olit CL.alCAL .§45·C17.~60_. ___ _ NEEDED A~ PAIT TIME 2.1622 R«kneld Blvd Looklnf for 1nten~11ng El Toro. Ca. 926.10 w o r k Ty pt n R • no Equal Om Employt'r ahorthand Omce loca Mlf' Uon on PCH 3-day11 per ------111111!1 ... I •Nk,Sat&Sun 6-16-7431 Pl1cln« your Ctuatntd GARAGE SALE-....... ad Is so stms* . just .._ in give us 1 nll on the the Dally Pilot bnn1t, pbonf and w11 Mlp y hippy mutta To place word yowtd forhdl ~ your drawing tlrd. CUSTOCMAM Coordinate & schedule cleanlog/malnt. Order supplies. Equlv ilant to compeletion of 8th arade. I yr schl·rtlatrd cuatodlal/ maint uper Sal.al')' $UOS to SIJ48 mo. Xlnt buwlka. APOly by Oct. ub Westm1nster Se hl la t , 14 121 Earn $30-$60 per week. Trips & Prizes. CGI ..-. a-c ... 539.0601. Is i.eeking un en lhus1ast1c sell slartin~ I indn 1dual for a general offlc~ posll 1on 1n ou1 purrh:i)1ng dep:.irtml'nl Good t)'111ng. phon~!> & (I 11 n g t l' q U Ir l' 11 Outsta11d111g rumpeMa lion & Xlnt l'omplln) lx'nl'r11s Pleasanl '-'Ork ing env1ronnlenl Con tact Pat Mills. I\ \1 f ~1ent1r1t' Dnll111i: ltl 18011 "'11tcht!ll S In inc SS7-00Sl EOE M F G•niOffiu Accounts Pay.a. Pers1Jn ne..>ded for grow mg rest:iurant Corp of fll'e The ust: of tU kt•~'. hte typing. & bkkm~ Some A C payable ex per helpful S11lar.)' l'Om mensuratc w11h ab1llt> Call for interview 17141 S49-9322 Rusty Pehcan l!estauran~lnc , Ir\ me Girl f"rrday 9 3 Costa where science gels down to busmess needed for detail craft l•--------work Must be perfoc· t1onists. Pie«> work al R.E. IMVESTMENT home Earn while you learn 98 1"""9-SC lh H E R I T A G E Maift~Woriler _4_ ~ ~ INVESTME NT '-'Ill Immediate emplo}ment Pamt10g, custom Painter teach you cre.ill\'e lo perform general ruslom rrun 7 yrs re rinant•ing. 1031 ~:x m a 1 n ten an l' e & ferences, own truck changes. investor de custodial tasks for 3 a1·re pref 1·all after 6 PM al velopment & rounsehng s ch o o I s 1 t e ~ 8 964·_!828 Ex per counselor~ re classrooms + I ad I •-----.. --I ce"·e 100"; romm The is m1n1strall\e unit He PARTS an unusual oppty for 4u1res hflmg & movml( nghl person Confiden of furnllure & 11p PERSON t1al inter view tall pl1ances f.mployer VinceS46-S880 paid Pre employment. physical exams re quired Start111g salary. $12,900 St~.200 I Neg l Plu s Xlnl fring ~ benef1h Holidays & Vacation days Apply to Lane de Arakal Chier Adm1ni s1rato r Ca pistrano Laguna Ht.>ach ROP 31522 El Camino Real, San Junn Ca pistrano 92675 Tel 714-496 3118 E x p e r 1 enc e d pa rt s --l!-!!.!!!..!l!..!!!._!!!._!!__!11! ... - p er son needed 1m mediately for marine fac1hty in Costa Mesa Must have• extensive parts knowledge We ofrer a compet1t1ve salary and u medical dental in surance package Apply 1n person at 123S4 Lakeland Road 1n Santa Fe Springs. REAL ESTATE Offering best rum mlss1on opportunity and prof atmoeiphere to ex per. salesperson Pnme N B location Start making more and ke~p ln~ 1l lhan ever before Jnqumes U> Jeri Hunt. Hunt & Assol'1ates 631 -1600 or 499-~ RECEl'TIOHIST needed for insurancr St t"V __ _ RESTAUIAMT IOllURHS 1s nol4 hmng S day llostes!'o position In- tel'\ 1ew 2-4pm Mon-Pri. 37 Fash1onlsl~~-B. Restaur:1nl CARL'S JR. HELPS MAKE ENDS MEET! Carl's Jr would like lo help you make endJ -· m eet We have iru · med1a1e FULL or PART Tl M .E employment op· ponunil1es available. ASSISTANT MANAGERS Mesa W~sts1de. light typing, hook!> & ship 1>inK 646 0244 Moilttettonce persons needed for steam cleaning Full lime pos1uon available Mosll) night "ork Call brokerage firm m N B Part-time Sales help Duties 1ncludelelephone "'anted Prestige ani.wenng&litet)p111g We offer excellent,,. gourmet cookware shop _for al!Pl call 644 SS22 benefits. super work~&. * GIJU.S• T-.o. 16 25 yrs to tra"el dncl help writer No e-:p Call 8 to lOAM. Mon lhru f'n on I) As k fut Tl'tT) ~1-67!>0_ L'hns 641_1079 m Cd M Must have sin ,:;;.. cer?inlerestincooking RECEl'TIOHIST cond1t1ons and g r Call Berle al 951-3335 or Part time for prest1i1ous pay' Starting saluy .._, MANAGEMEHT Executt ve seeks S key people w mgmt exp & ab1hty to work w others Xlnt income potential teac:h1ng simple bus1 nrss S}\tem 12131596·2!184 Nancut 673--3444 salon Someone who en $4 SS per hour • ---· ----k JOYS people. & can han j Part lime office wor die busy phone Musi be .\II ~h1f1s are a\ a1lable Perfect for housewives fashion consriuus Hour~ so you ma) be able lo & College students Eas~ I Wed-Thurs·fn 4 8 Sal "ork houn. lhat are ron-work must be consc1en GoH~mes:.. IJve m "ant ed for 2 l'h1ldr1?n Resp. maturt'. ex1wr. refs Good ~alary & IX'nerit~ !':I B 611 5144 ofr hous. l O 20 hrs week 8-S Apply 1n person \ l' n 1 en I to v o u r $3 75 hr CaU 646-9741 Richard Ouellelle Beau ~1·h1•dule · ----ty Salon. 200 Npl Center Part time Sales Fashion ! I Dr NB Find out for )ourself lla1rdn·ssmg us~1~lanl bo.s\ )alon Laguna BE'ath 3 dy~ Jlt'r week 497-2:1.'13 usk for l~nnl\' Wi lham& MAHAGEMEMT Retail fabnr store Island women's special L.:. what Carl's Jr. has to of· ty store. nex hrs Some RECEmOHIST fer you ' Please apply ID 6 locations Southern California Trainees & assistant managers Ex r iling, challenRing, ex rellent benefits & start mg salary Must have retail background !'refer RTW or related eves & sats wkends Call Phones, some typm~ & person Tut>Sday Satur- ll1 imi . 759-9951 general office "ork da\ 2 00 pm 5 00 pm. -----Start St,200 per mo . ar:tl HARDWARE SALES F t1m(• l>OfiiUun 111 retail harc1w .ire :.tori• S«.>e Ste\ e II W Wri):hl Co , _!26 Rurhe!)ter. L' M HOUSECLUMBS to work for Ja111ce s Ra ggedy ~. 4 J:iys week,8-4.Pm t,152514 Hsekpr. 4hnlwk S..5 hr H B Must read Enl(hsh 962 ;!_257 Housekeeper Nanny h\e m Im e children !-Pt'ak F.ni: s1113r} .+ ''"'n mom 6 da) "k dm<'. h1ghl~ r~p , refs req d 759 8004 HOUSB<HPIMG Surf & Sand llol el , ll 11use k eep1n1? Supervisor. night shift pert time · $4 25 hr Englis h & Spanish speaking. 497-44n. 365 .1.~~n_!! Beat'!._ _ .[Q!= INSTALLATION TY DEPARTMENT Must be able to handle larl(e units, hours 1211 pm Mon·Fn Avply in person T\' dept Kerm Rima Hardware 2666 fu.r~r_i!L._ C)1 (2]3)627-4471. __ - MAUETIHG MAMAGIMEKT TIA.IMH $1200 PER MO. TO START Hoe~e.c. lJ 14)847-8132 Married. employed but want lo make more' Local execuhve seeks 6 stable amb1t1oos people p1t1me with manage menl ab1hly Call for l!.21> '!._4942 168 MECHANIC Own toob, 31yrs exper in brake & front ·end pre rerred Gd pay & medical benefits. No Sundays Slday work week Apply :klOO East Coas t Hw y, CdM 644 8022. PART TIME Crew SupervlSOrs. work P time evenings & weekends Supervising the cloor to door sales ere"' of youngsters. Ex· cellent earnings for person wrth ability to motivate Van or large car is needed. Call Media Merchants 213-4Z1·2'156 EOE Part time evenings. answering service. no exp nee Call 636-8000 EOE. PA YROU CLEIK The Jolly Roger lnr . an eslabhshed restaurant cham. has an opening for an experienced Payroll Clerk lo work in a 4 person dept. Ab1hty to handle extensh·e phone communications a must Salary com mensur ate with ell pericnce. Apply 1n person between 8am & Spm at· THE JOI.LY ROGER INC. 17042 Gillette Ave Irvine.CA (7141~1 MECHANIC Facility Maintenance to S2000 Fantastic pro gressive company needs Insurance an expr'd high rise Acco.t llttp building maintenance Petition circulators S7 + hr FIT, P1T Fun & eas "ob.~I!,_ Photographers needed Please Call. ---'6.1~1-·2254 l"G F' has opcmngs in person Air cooditlOning customer service dept and electnc background Handle all aspecti1 of a must Call Bentley persona I ~nes business Hayes S49 ~ Make your advert.ismg Sta rt1ng salary com There's an easy way for dollar go farther! List mensurate with Exp & you to sell that bicycle your business every day Ab1hty Xlnt company you no longer Utt Juat in tbe Classified section benefits&c1reeradvan· advertise it in the of this newspaper cement potenlJal. For Clauifle.d! C1Ufl42,5678, _642·5678. appt rall Pauline at D •1 p•1 ' ~~~, = 11 J 111 ................... '\ Salesperson for hne • PART TIME EYEJI~ Newport 8e11rh jewelry ~ store. Experience pre- forred. but will consider lra in in g right person Interview by app1t only. Call644·288$ LCllbT~T ..... PA RTrrlME Responslblt for lab m aintenance I n ' ptiarmareutlcal R It D facility . t &pm S3 75 /hour. Drane. t42·1$11 X 22. M. F. We are presently seeking adults wl\h pleasant personalltles who would be interested in working In Sales & Promotion wtt.h Daily PHot Carriers 10 lo l$ years old: Unlimited earnings available to riaht person, Hra: S;30PM to 8·30PM, Monday thru Friday, Some Saturday availablllty. f or appointment. call 642-4321. ask for Bt1n WI Illa rru. c--. .. ORANGE COAST OAtL Y PfLOT : no W. 8AY lf:.i_·~ITA ~' ~· tlllt : Alf l:OUAl ~TUNI fY (lllrUn' l a .' Paid vacation, lnsuran ce· perm anent Buo;y construrt1on orr1 cc Call Janet Bai retl Torre Conslrucuon C•) Inc 1101 Dove St Ste 240 CARL'S JR. 4960 larranco Pkwy. '"* NB. 7S2-17~ Equal Oppty Emplo}er f;ct!!.aj..9.21.!lJ Emplo)er M f' Reep sec Full-time Small (!rm Accurate typ1s1 Good Starting wage Medical coverage. Call arter Class1f1ed Ads are the answer to a succf'Ssful garage or yard sale''lt's a better '-'ay to tell rnore £e<>~le' ~~ =====::-- IlCTaylorCo 640-9900 NEW REAL ESTATE LICENSEES IF: YOL' r1 an ~PL't'l <.tl11l'tl. 1wrson;JI "Hov. To" tramul).! lrnrn onl' ol the most successful sales trainers m the busmc~s. YOC want to '-'t1rk in a plu!->h. well·locall'd orf1<·e \\ llh J group of h1~h ly moll ntlt><I prof 1· .... ~1<111<.11!-> YOt: want on going ~oph1stt('atcd edutation & tn.1in111g YOU desire the chance to grow with <1 rap 1 cl l ~ t• \ pun din it .• pro~res!)l\'t> rnmp;.1n~· CAL L M ~; I'\ O W 1 n confidence and BE A WINNER! MEL RUDMAN 640.HOt ~ • I aulta.fU.. . _ ~eMZ·Slllloda • Ced E.O E.·M/F • .!:l!.--~,__ __ _ . ........ ' ................................ . 1 • ··----~ ·----~ .. -~-----__ _.... __ ~~~~~~--~~~~~~~--------~ ..... ~--~-------............. ._._ ..................... "" ........................................ . IHI . Pocket! • myour DAY WEEK 8Days Special flat rate for non-commercial users offering merchan- dise priced in the ad for $800 or less. Cost is the same for 8 days or one. Minimum three lines . Extra lines just $2.60 for 8 days. 3 Lines For an EXTRA day, call today 642·5678 8 Dollars Tt. MW Dally Piiot 8·Day Week It's Q Classified PLUS ..... '""!l' ........ ____ '!'"" ____ ~----------------"!""----------------------.................... "!"" .. _., .. ~--------":'9--"""'" .... ____ .._ ____ ~ ....... ------------,-------------... ._~-~!.~~ ..... ~!.~~ ..... ~~ ..... ~!~~ ~~~.~ .. : .. ?.~~~,~~.~~ ..... !!.~~ ~.~~ ..... !!.~~ ~~.~~ ..... !!.~~,~~~~· ....... !~.1.~ ~~~~~······~~.~~ ~!~ .......... ~~~.o ~!~ ......... !~.~~ • Reep typist for property SEK\llCE~'TATION Refrig. fl"06l free. very Lova~le. gentle white KING INNF.ltSPlllNCi * * I BUY * * ResuiurantOl't'nur.:s Sales management localed rn SECRETARY Mature l't'nun ror XEROXOf'EIATOR rlean works fme S250 lub Shepherd ml ix 11 ~XTRA FIHM maltre's r. ~-' ..,. L' We'd like A 6Ruy OPPTY I( Reprc>durtron l(raphrl'S . mo Neukred. II I )hots h ''""' U5w ~ un111ure & U\ new HuntmgtOn Beach AOMllt....I ASST se ~en•r(•e gas & car h . · S48·8513or548~ 12131 S9Hl&4 set. llt'Ht UM'll. "on Al'plranct"S OR 1 wrll Of free Park Pleasant f"lll • wash. A11ply 1701 Tustrn tee n1~1a~ to opl~ra1: Washer, rlean. work) WANTED good hornes for $530 )!lCr $248 del i.ell or SEU. (or You to lntrod!Ke r,outo ... 101 S llG IOY! b "J1l111.: for ) uu as an Industrial Saft') Reprcsentat1\'r "rth l.ubm·a11un Enganeers. Im t\ men ca s fa:. test llro" rni: lubrrranl markelll\~ rompJny p6ont vorce Typing 55 TO $15 600. Avt> <.:M rbopd} mac rne:.. c~ atl' good S95 S48 8513 or Never usl.'d queen ~' M "'$Tr.RS "'UCTION ,. WPM Good benefrt ' 'L'Jtvl''F: TF.Cl~N C rn reports Neatnes~ dogs. Net'd Ill\ rng worth S39'J ('ll!>h (Inf\ "' 5 "' · ' 5 Growing automob1 le >c. '-• ' •• I IA es)enllal Fullume Ap 548·4485 parents' M f . lg !>m S218 d I l' · ·II h · 646-1616 133-9625 5-36-7551 coad1 burldrng Co needs for healing & air condr-ply 111 person to Mr Freeter, older UJ'gr1ght, 7.?t 37)4 _ 154 1~ !>Ua > omf' > dynam1r self st11rll.'r tronrag <'O mpan) Fuentes al Robert Bein. clean. works good $75 llUYFURHITURf .Ind Ul\t' Uf lht• llljfl\ restaurant opporturrnu.•) wr ha1 e J\ u1IJhh· 'io experient·e requm•d \\'l' will tram Plea'l' :ippl) 1n person llt-llH•t•n :! 111m dail) SECRETARY Serretarral posrt1on Laguna Hills area Typ rng 70wpm . Irle shorthand, good co bene(lls. salary open Call . Sue Anne. between 4 S PM Mon Frr w all around :.kills 10 P('rmanenl positron for W1llr 11 m Fros I & A• 548 8513or548-4485_ Small F Temer 1 ) r old MUST Sfll Lei. ~i IHJJ I f ed 3 ~ ;J -Spade To good hom1• lake charge of front of qua 1 1 pt>rson w yrs :.()('1ates. 14(11 QuJrl St . Refrig. frost free. work!> 645.5015 \I 11hogan} !Jbl Uv<l fr re Type 65wpm or mure exper Pd Newport Beach ood S200 5488513 w mattre:,) Nrghl!>t.ind GoorcteJeSalt 8055 knowledge of bookkeep lluhda)s & P">frt shar g -or Male Shepherd mrxed all & dre!>)erlo mJll'h Lrkt' ••••••••••••••••••••••• You don't havt' to be an l'Oglllt>er ur lt't'hnrcal person lo c nJ O) a l'hallenKrng and frnan l·rally reward111g c:areer st•llrng rndustnal lubrr l'3ntf> to businesses rri:ht rn rnur commuruty. and } ou wrll Ix' homt' every 01gh1 mg. payroll & good com rng, & med bent'frts X-RAY TECH. S4B 4485 whl 12 wks llall shuts new Mu!>t ~l't' 10 al' MU S rnunicauon skrlls <>si.en LagunJ Nr.:uel Call Private lab, 11 to 5pm Kenmore appb port dr!) 966 1142 preciatl' Uni)" SIOOO or AM AL ALE tr al R Stramt'n co 779 831 0700 Mun thru Frr No rll pa hwusher SIO. lge dryer PLEASE HELP! be!> 1 ,1 ( (er ~1 ar 1 a ot H.I. Ells Club W 16lhSt CMS48-6611 )ERVICESTATION trrnt& Ht'udxrn) only $10f0.:. .. dl(U$~""slo\'e27S912~ Swe"'l,w"'llmaM"red F' till 7?!J; o1fl til'~I WProt·ceds locharFrly WAITEHS W .\ITIH:SS~:S COOK TRAI;\ l·:t-:s CASlllERS 4.\111 ramp1L' nri"· nt'ar \'t'r;ino lrvm1• 586.4490_ Wiii trc11n ll<•'d 111 So au.: """4!17· I , • • kd ti ard&Talbert. V ATI&4DEHT dtvrdualfo400'l0'.! Terrier cross must frrrcl IHt' ay'. "11 ·1 ml' SAT SUN 10·4 SECRETARY tEXEl' l Enthusraslrc. efficient & ~cretary Full or part time Evt'n CE refrig. II", SIOO, & a homt'' Love!> kid~ & Wl'eken<ls I( no ans"er rnos& week·encls Mac's llutpoint 9'z' upright has been s i>a "t'd pll'aSl'k('l'.i'lry1n.i: Garage sale. dirt bike. organited, w bkkpg Typist for Nw11t IJ<·h exp. 4 da) wk. Pd vut & R F: lnvi.t Co Stat typ " M•rchanche freeze r. S 7 5 C a 11 , stereo skr boots sk rs Texaco 968-6505. 640 1581_ 646·9029 Loft llt'd. Comp 11 mat · • · , holidays. Send resume. rng 8 must, shorthand & SERVICE STATION ••••••••••••••••••••••• tress ladder l(uunl nul 1!174 AMC Stalron \\ag Antiques 8005 Kenmore washer & l(as FumitvN 8050 Sl30 ' ' ' l'rnball machine. golf will contact. Write Box word prO<.'l'bSOr ex ATTEHDAHT "' off fl l 9 o ·1 p 1 l'O perrent·e preferred n e l'r cx1·1• en com II 45, a1 y 1 ot. 549 29811 Apply Chel'ron, 1251 No •••••••••00•••••••••• dryer xlnt working ••••••••••••••••••••••• !16:1 ~ dubs and t·art, rallan cond $12:i ea S225 pr N E V ~; It L S ~: D table top, kttrhen ap l'ASlllEH."i mr)blOOb and bent•f1ls Box l!i60, Costa Mesa. l'uast llwy, r. B IS-4 E 17thSlrt'l'l Sales experirnre or 92626·0S60 _ I near fullerton mechanrt·al experience SECRETARY CARSON SECRETARY SHIPPING AMD CostaMl'~a I) helvful. but not MaJOr corp seeks exper Loral Newport Beach RECEIVING 11!!!'-------•I ne<'t')~dQ because 1<e secretary for Car~on Savrngs & Loan ri. seek Marl. exper helpful trd1n }VU rn lubrreant Sales Ofc Must be good rng a self motivated Some hrting r5Q.80lbs1 WESTMINSTER ABBEY ANTIQUE MALL 11751 Westminster Ave GA RDEN GROVE 554-6103 R balesmanshrp, lubneanl lyprsl. front ok ap secretar) wrth strung Xlnl tompany benefrl~ estaurant 11roducts. and lubneant 11earance Customer secretarial skrlls . Informal office.C M 'Cherry dble bed, 6' Opp Ort ••• l JI' PI rt' al runs 1 n a c t cl b h thoroughneS!o and t·on CJll M1Jbe after !lam I hdboa rd & foot board. uru •es thorou .. hl.\ profes:.ronal. on a . usy p ones I ,,. 5800 • • ,. Xlnt salary & benefrts genral manner to work ""~" • srde rarl. new matt box B b• lOm11an> pard pros:ram Applicants only Call for the \'Pof Lonni.. and Sl .... GERS I fil1L$6SO 957.{1700 0 s Biq Boy On lhl• JOb trarnrng Kerrn Holmes 1213 1 VP or Admrnr:.lratron ,... . 111111 • • follo") rrght rn yourter 84! .t2J2 Ext 126 1-: () E Safar) St,200 per mo Eastern Orm~n Srnl(1ng 345.7694 . Sofa loveseat $300, (ln 31'c Babyllne Wrm ~el plian<'es and rlothes bdrm SS40. bunks. S200. c·rrb + mattre-.l> rl1'rnl( t 8 l t 6 Dew be r r > . glas~ top dinette S22S. rng tbl dres)er i:ood l;nrversrty Park. Village Refrrg 30 c·u ft Sidi-by Side S32S OLShwnsher port Sl2S. b& w T\' Port '35, typewnler tall C aj)S ) $.SS S42 8791! Mauresses box springs cond S12S 968 2504 11 Sat & Sun only r1~n Msg>Rt!~l~7;.i<~~n Nt•w 2 Jam~. 2end tble:. Monng Sale E\·er)thrng Refrrg Hotpornl srde by side White. auto ice maker $250 ~2 7744 Chrome & glas:. md tbl ~ 6 Breuer Chri. s:!CIO 548·7896 c1es wknd~ 6421170 Montgomer) Ward Drnrng :.el. Ct'nluq ref rig 1980. fro:.t free, •·country C'lassit~ 1 xi whrle, 15 cu ft $350 table. 6 ehrs l.rke nt'1< t'Offee tble. U U Pme goe!>., 8J9.8TI6 Ask for tags )trll on 64-1 SJUI Allan or Terry Full ~z box ~pnnl( & m;il G I A ~ T 2 Ft\ M I Ly tress ne" SISO C A R t\ C E S A L E . 673 "22!'> Sat Sun 9 4PM Ant14ue \'Jnrt) " mirror 401 E Ba) SI CM Positrons Jre "'c11lahll• rrtor) , ~ f' H w full insurance Telegram Co needs rm med1c11el) \o C\ • '· -p bene(rts & pard career i.rn gers who love to ••URGENT"•• I REFRIG GAS l>Pal·rous 96().3904 $895 548·"811-1 Perl .. n~"' requrr"" \\ .. 1 :o\o rn Vt'!>lmenl rs :>e<'retary. art·trme 3 ••pp~rel Ple~•Acall perform rn public· Musi ~ '' ~11 ' days a week ~ ~ ...,.. h 1 b 1 • •Tlus week •• lower freeur copper gel will trarn Pll'll"' appl\ lll'l'eS)Jr) exl·ept your Must be at•<·urate lyprsl Ms Denny Pansra ii ' e r e r ii e ••only '''•• cond St SO pr<'k up from2 4pm . j full trme effon. and )OU 760 8868 Ask lot 714645650.S iransportalwn 1714 1 7 Oriental Rugs. $65 to 5563740 644·2215 Loft Bed Comp ~ mal tress, ladder. !(Uarrl rarl $130 963-5845 & stool S200 So!Jd "ood Ansa·phone. almo~t md pedl'!.llll drn tbl l new. SIOO Four paster I\ e~ 4 char~ S200 Sein) while French Pro1'1nr1al rt.<el tu rt't!l lJpt' ret S75 Jx>d. full siu> with prne if.O 9672 spread and canopy rov· Kenned) tool l·add) S9!"> l'r. $125 Full :me mat equal get an exdusrve, fully E o E 670 1212 M F', 9 5 u 25 Oversize roHee WAJTEHS I 11rolel'tcd terntor} with Margaret lll!!!!!.119------•1-ilat ront'r}' store 1n tble. $85 2twrn bds. $40 WAITRESS~:S I hundreds of prospects Secr..+ary, Enc Corona def Mar needs End tble, $35 Mexican COOKTRAIJ'\EES for 11roducllo that repeat I( you are lookrng for a •SECRETARIES• l'\J)\•r"d saleslady full· Swag Lamp,$45 2Chest 7311 Edrnl(er anti repeat )ear alter fast pace positron work lrme 5 days, '<lnl worl. of drawers. S40 earh ~ near Gothard )ear You wrll re11resent Ulg with top exeeutrves Pres ShllOOS2-l.OOO rng l'onds 1-:s11et·1ally Oak towel, lorlel rack&. Hunl1ngtonB1•arh a<·ompanyonthemow. al Orange Count) RE Mkt ShllOSl8.000 frnechentele 1*17482 $10 Cork tamp, S20 2 • • lht' qu:rlrl) leader in the Airpurl. Martrn Avratron S80 fullChg'T' B$22.000 fEACll EH srlk screen prints, SSS. WAITEHS lubrll'anHrt!ld for O\t'r a mav be the place for Exp Consultant Ours $45 2 Oval mirrors. rorlt -; I R d A 1 /\ppl1ra11ons bernl( ,. WAITR£S.':i~;s quarh'r l'('nlul") ynu. Appllt'ant must be a .iz ern ers l(y. rrt· lakl.'n for teaeher Apply rra mes. $125 each 4 l'OOKTHi\l~n;s , fast, accurate typist. a 40208rrchl'.:.-.1'64l':OE llawtllllrn l'hrrslran Voguemrrrors,S3Seat"h CASlll El<S I :o >ee tf ynu quahfy for good organr1.er and have Newport 833-8190 fret• s r h 0 0 1 1 6 11 :J :-, 2 Sidi.' Chairs. SIO II ft 2J952A\f'ntcl;i ,tll'rrttuQ.wnd)ourre· the 1nrt1at1ve to get nrookhurst Fountain wrde oak wall shehes. de la Carlota I ~ur:ne or 11 nk lo things done without be SECRETARY /EXEC Valle) 962 33l2 SJ25 Carpet remnants. near EIToroHoatl :-iah·~ Personnel :"itgr mo told :\linrmum of J L I ,. a roval blue O\•er 100 L 1 1 E 11 ., arge nsuran,e a.,enl'y TE "'CHER l.agwia llrll~ u mca ron ~ .. merr~ >ears experience re hJ!> opening for elt "" books All type. S2 00 10 • • .1851 Arrpurt F ret>wa~ qurred Excellent salan l.'tu111·e t.'t·retar) Must n e e d e d E a r I ) $5 00 Saratoga Trunk COOK TRAl~E~ fort Worth. TX 76111 and benefits pal.'kage 10 be self starter and ha\ e rhrldhood. t•ll'mentary S4S Used 6 months, C ASlll EHS EquJI Oppl) F.mplo}er the rrght pt>rson Call good oral .rnd written cred1mtral or l'hrld de Make Offer 33SSS Bnstol .\\e Pal Hodgins at ril41 communrratron skill~ 1t'lupml·nt pl.'rm1t 3 494-2932 ne11r.\lal·Arthur ~6·4300.JorUl_t_erv1e11. Xlnt pa rd compan> 4 hrs a Wt> Sdiool age 111111 S Santa Ana SAW SECRETARY ~9n;~ Call Linda Jl ~'~\~re center Call CAS~tERS I COMMERCIAL R.E. Rigllt Oft to..,..... ~!1111111-----TUTTL.E'S "'..-,t'YIES ""u'2 '1 f'k Tr red of sel!Jng houses 7 Pl · rt t I •--------1-::: ~ "'"1 "rV -.,.., "arguen11· I<) da\) d week' We need ay an rmpo an roe Telephone I Now open for bustne!>s, near Avery Pk" I one hcen!ll'e to leam the rn th rs grow111g Southern SECRET ARY PHONE PEISOM I 1860 Newport Blvd c M \l15s1on \·rt'Jo Orange Co. firm Call Newport Beach area to P trme phone person r We accept consign • • sktlh to manage, broker Ben•le . Ha ·es<•0 """< S21,600 nus World"rde I ~ -~·.._.., n°rd"d to c·all & set men" Come rn & sr0 n 1·ommerr1al real estate drstrrbutor has an Ol)t'n ' ' '"" " nppl) t'rnJlfn\l'rl lnrnrne from mgmt mg rn new IO<'al nffwe app Is (or bUS) S{lfar up for free Hall Tree.> m ( 1 ~hrle ~vu learn Super ADMINISTRATIVE forsom('()flewhoenJOY~ Ener~) Co S4~ hr ~ 646·4041 Storehn.106 l>eneflts Irle 1n~uran<'e. SECRETARY people. 1~ profl.'s~ronal & bonu~ Ask for :'ltrchefll' I SACRlf'ICE I health rnsuranc·e & den Corporate banking o( rs looking for that AabattsSo&arDi•. Picasso l.Jtho 5.i5 Oalr I 1 tal plan Contact Ken. (ice seeking a proven perfect JOb Kl>eP The 537-7130 ett·hrng S7S 53.5 S.).'IS Retail Salts 675 ti700 secretary Requires Boss orgaruied & deal Butt·her bloc·k authentrr Kron Chot'Olalrt:•r Ill ----... ---· Xlnl skrlls 80wpm l}I' Wtlh all levels o f rra\'l'I JOXJO . 5200 83078911 South Coast Pla1a ha~ SALES MANAGER in g. s horthand d rt' management. F'abulou~ Comm'I A--' E1·es Washer. dryer. L.id) Kenmore Heavy dul~ perm press Sl.50 ea 6Th S273 963.5845 Must Sacriflt't' BrJnd new. tables, lamp. paintrngi.. mrrrorl> Best Offer From S2.'> to S;j()( 553 1041 Elec stove oven. deluxe. whrte, A I roncl SllO Eves 770 1!)<12 Ll'g M aplt' Ta hit' -i ('hurrs S150 Good C:und !J63.6.1Hl licyclH 8020 Sofa ancl l11ve ~eat 2 ••••••••• .. ••••**••••" months old, bro11n floral CHUISEI< prrnl Scot Guardt·d Boys' 26". like ne" S95 Was S900. st'll for ~Ill l'all Da1•1d, 673 4728 8.51 2300 Grrls 24 rn 10 •pd fllue Must sell br set Sl411 \ofo Good Cond S50 S22S ch rm tbl Sis uphol 75!11211 Ext 284 da1·s chrS90drn cab$1601;imp 640 Oz.i nrghts . SIS monk t•hr S75 ctesk ADULTTRICYl'Lf. chr S20842-3196 17 fnr Sl.20. Eh~c· dr>t•r tress. near new. SJO 9. & b 11' l'lln~I T\ ~u l'a drawer dresser. S3S 4- 846-671!7 d r a w e r ch es t. S 3 !"> "lt.>11 lull i-rLe bed, mat 3·drawer rhest. $40 Ires) & box sprrng~ 5641 Waring blender. SIO Call anytime 75051Sll Toaster, SS Clothes. Sola bed. SlllO Chair & clothes. l'lothes. 14. 1612 l>lde t:ibll'. SIW and 2012·2412 Shoes 811 675·34115 \\' All pnces Krng srze reHrsrble comforter. It naq blue S25 Chair~. SJ. SIO P1etures. dashes 2 ser\"1ce for 8 Ironstone dinnerware sets. ~JO each ~urh mueh more ' Wrou!(hl 1mn 18" round i:lass table ~ l'ha1rs. 4 bar 'l(\01.\ Xlnl l"Ond i1so 1!33 ~ 1~ after spm II ., II ( J I 11 \ e 't• a I 2 m:.111·h111g l'hatr\ eanh tont·~. >.Int 1nn11 S41~1 all .\ft 5 &. "t't'kend, l'a II H3 I 11:.1 --- Nrne11.·S1so 962 :ll56 Re1i:e ~ hrtr 3P< St•c Ilona I Hunk bed . solrd 1<oOO Sl 50 Good rnntlrl ron Buff el hutch, coffeetable antq Sledmer trunk "O\ en "ood blrncf!... & much mure =!I Lindberg. Ir-559·8483 Sat Sun , handcrafted outsldnd 642 3512 • . • rn_g qualtl) Sll5 536 4926 1 Bed Sert.i full <;r 7e hildifHJ Mahriak 1025 Med drn table. 3 12 \1attn••' !lox ~pringi. ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 leaves. 4 srde t•h 2 arm I frame \ I ~ h4tl 4038 ,RED".fOOO 2X6'S $750 4 rd rrenc~ pro\ Bare J Loun~cr ro<·kcr G i1111t Yard Salt! Antiques. household goods lots of plants Sat Sun 9 ul 4 313 \'15ta 83y~ Cost.a .:\1esa 4 to 20 long Xlnt det'k coffee thl Sl.2S End tbl I rechnt'f o;i t meal hki I rng Fresh load arm rng $50 613·~ Sat Sun nt·1< s:mo ~9 JS9!1 weekly Save al SS< ft Mon 1•-------• Jrm 6469885anyt1ml' • k •. k k 12 mdll'hrni: nri:ht ,1,1n1h EST .. TES"'LE , ,.ntrq r<' r .,150 O.i. r<' 1 "llh 1 ur l dra"er'i "' "' REDWOOD UTHE w uphol St'al S8S Oak 1;ood Mndrt••>n Jnd rt' fo'urn ·antrques free1er 50 6 boards bundh'. ~~/87~7 SC'jl patl Sil~ ai.onablc ;):JG 31;.i~ refrrg frames luggaRe $12 bundle 646·~J1m .,... An dl't'O 3 p< hdrm furn l'lothes·looh lrnens '•"PLYWOOD Brg Canyon lrg 111rm111 I mut('hetl:.rt IA•\l·I~ unl! ktlrhen"are cnstal Guod 1 srde, SIO sheet ,.... ' """'"' '"' " " 645-932.S l\lmost new i'<lnt 1·onc1 lamps Stl'reo·IO d1n1n~ lull and part ltml' J>lhl taphone be e( t I led I ..,... ... lions availablt• Wr nerd an experienced, n 1 s rnc U< Cnmputrr 1ra11wd eom 546·Kll0:'1. I t a k l' (' h a r I! e Newport Center lora merrral agcn1 wrth l!ood t'ontemp desraner furn 1 t·c•nd ~"""' ~~1 ~·,u.1 l·handelrer·vaeuum origSSOOO.no" al Ill'. •>I Teakw~ hlk rounddtn rm cha ir~ 2815 Elrbtrdt• Oak table 4 rhrs ,from Oak mostly 2xs·,,. 12· cost 2 m:rlch 5· ~ora~. l lbl!' .. I I~~,"~:. 3 •'hr' Cd M I Harbor \'1c" Kans a s $800 ~ t rm I long !Jam•e floor. deck. matrh 5'. 7' sofa,. >1< 11 t•I St95 OBO ,52 51>4!0 Hrlls l Sun 11 4pm knu11 lrdi:eable 1n · Iron. Xlnt salary DOM INTI. kn11~ledgr dt\ tdual "hu desires Oulstand.lll. g '-n"fll' & needed al onn• for RETAILMA.~AGER I h h d th """ ,, N t l \ 1g rncnme an .grow prolrl sharing For ton . ewpor n·1nl' / 11enn· MEW TIMES potenlral tu head up our frdentlal rnlel"\•le\\ sub \\'or Id\ rt'\\ Tr a\ e I CLOTHING CO. plu:.h ~ewport Be:ich of mil resume to Jackre 975 1200 Uarbar:i Crvrc SOl:THC'OASTl'l.1\Z.\ I frc1• Great 1ncen11ve Ek.VP 14211 YorbaSt. Tuslrn TREETRlMMtm No" hrrrng ii Store 11IJn l'IU) hrgh rum AMERICAN 731 7711 1-;xprd rn all~hases o( Mana0 er & Ai.srl>tant m1ss1ons available Send t k ~• " STATEIANK 4500CampusDr NB ret' wor a muuem Managers Must be ~ale' re~ume rn strrct ron C S5Hll22 equrpmenl Top pay and producers . fa!>hron (1denee to PO Box 193. 500Newport enter Or lll!!ll'!!!!!!!!!!!!ll!!!!ll!!!!!!!!l--I benefits Please rall oriented & e-cperrenced Coronadel Mar .. 92625 NBEOEMtF 7684751from9 am to 3 Ul m1sse & JUnror ap Sell with EASE' --------·1 em parel H rnten-sted. call It 's a BREEZE Classified Ads. your one SECRET ARIES ! fRl'CK Omer & pm<lur M r 0 rd es k ,. iJ I Clllssr(red A~&l£.S67.!1_ ~lQ2.!llQP.Pl!J.g_eenter Iron lrarnee 21 vrs old (213>703 1716 Jorn a professional team Cd drrvrng_rl'l' 548-98.'ll_ ROOFERS . I a1·1y P1·1a1 ....................... :. today, & "Ork as earl\ fYPIST Smallen"rneer All t 3 as tomorro" Call or " )pes )r~ r'p ini: lrrm neecls good needed Great pay & c.>' come rn and we ~•II l}'p1st Ma) also perform tra benefits Con I .icl Sale!> answer an) questions Grrl frr dulres p T 4 ~1ke or BJ 64.2 7222 you may have about hrs per day. momrngs & Sales Prof. Saksptop~ °"'Y Market in~ rep~ lo 'l'll J producl lhal 1' ~ant1·d & needed h1 1•v1•rvonl• Earning i)()tent.1111 S.iO.IOJS.50,lMll• •Co Tra1111n11 • Q11abf1etl Lt•Jcb • lt1~h lnrnmt• Aobotts SolCM" DI•. 537.7130 Ask for Michelle ~ALESPERSON full lime ' ror antique & home furnish 1ng store \I usl "'ork weekend~ 3305 Laguna ran)On kd !_.ag_una Beac:h SALESPBSOM m men s rashron 'lllrl'. • La~una Bearh r trmr & ( lime Sal.rn 1 rom m 4S4 56811 SALES.r /TIME The Los Angeles Trmes C1rrulatron Dept t'ur rently ho11 pos111on s availablr tn !>Gies a~ a • representative You II earn an hourly waAl' t generous rommlssions Call 957·23SI. t'Xt 1204 Trainee temporary employment a f I e r noons. Sa I a r y based on skrlls & exp For District Manager w~~g::r~~~s (.'all Kab37!n Thi\ h1to:hl\ )UC~{'SS(ul local newspaper LECALSECRET1\RH:S hu~ Jll 1li>t·111ng for a lrainl'e rn the TYPISTS <:trt"ulalwn tft•partmenl Basic skills "'II l'llt.111 :.uperv1s1on uf 10 lo 14 year old buy and 1?rrl home delt1·ery 1·.rrm•rs t\rcas of :.upen•1i.1on "111 l>e delm•rv. r11llec11ons and sales rYPIST RF.CEP - TIONIST P R & fund de velopment dept P(•rsonable, organized se lf starter Varied responsibili t ies . SS 65wpm. Excell benefits & oppty. to ad· vancc Santa Ana area 546 5760 Sclectl-d ap)Jhl'ant wi II receive liberal -.1..irtrn~ ~Jlury, regularly SC'hedul('(I rut~t'~. bonus oppor!unrlres and many lllOl?l' benefits such lls t'ompany paid dent.ii Jn!l health plan, group life 111 .. uram·e. \ .icdllon and sr<'k leave ('ompan) 1·ehrl'le rs furnished dunng "orkmi: hours. ;\pplrcJnts must be over 18. have a good drt\lng rerord and be neal Jppearrnl( !lours are generally II AM to 9 PM. Monday thru frrday. Some O\ertrme rs a\•arlable If 1ou are qualified and interested rn lt•arnrni: the circulation business 1•1rn111r1 the Daily Pilot at 3l> W. Ba}. (.'o:.t:i Mesu before 10 30 AM or after 2 I')! !1111!1 ,\,k lor l.>o11 Williams or Ken Goddard. Field Sales Supervisor l.1mrtcd openings avarlablc in thr <)r1rn1te Coast area, for self·motivated. c1.1rcrr oriented individual who cen ~ork wilh fo'rl!ld Sales People. Train. motmitr and gel results. Station wa11on or van necessary. Exceptional euriung!I. plus job related benefil6 a1·a1lutile tor the rig ht people. If you cun proc.lure results. not Just talk about ll. rall 960 0694 for interview. Ask ror Mr Ch11nct. TOP PAY STEADY WORK lVJCKI HESTONI & ASSOCIATF.S 540-0400 18004 Skypark Blvd Ste Z35 l rvme TYPISTS I All levels needed 45· 70 Skreury wpm TOP Pay for your S Ltoal *'y S TOP skrlls. Beautiful Fashion Island ofk Fantastic Jorn the Norrell Team of benefits includrng bonus Pro fess 1 on a I Te m & pard parking! To poranes $1,500 1()0';; Free. Call Debbie BenllY 540-5001 Snelling & Snelltng o( Newport Beach Agency, 4340 Campu,, Dr .• E.O.E. SEC'Y /IECS'T. Independent rllm drs tributlon ro. located tn Nwpt Bch has opening for Secretary I Recep tionlst. Salary com mensurate with exper ~~ 8SJ.l!i00. S.rStaAlhlld. l\onell® SDl¥US. llC. 2061 Business Ctr #209 Irvine 7S2·6666 EOE WArTlESSES Exper 3/y rs min fl trme avail. Apply rn person. Jolly Roger. 400 So. Coast Hwy .. Lagun11 Beach. Pumps. minor lube-Wt1nted 2 part.time work. slatron mainl eventna phont" 50lic1tol'!i 548 69116. for appt truckbed'bl3·5686 barrel t•hr.2rn;itt·hollo Water Heel "1th llt<,tl1·r 1 642 5350 anytrnut Shutters 2 brn wood 644-4655 PM 0 c1 k h 1• .i ti b 11 a r ti MOVING SAJ.E Jpc 111 5 vol set of Italian art I 34x52" ea. 3 bm 34xfW Color T\' S40. wh1ll' ttltlon bookea~t· rm set Sl.50. 4pr bdrm books. lrmrted edrtron, ea 2 wht 31itS2" ea sofa SIOO. rusl over Sli5 fii:J 82JI sel S200. color T\' Sl80. sns 536·7!54 640·8!178 stuffed chair S2.5. krl ta Twin bt>~ sprrn1t mat frriz. $70. Ml'CH MORE Porrelarn frgurrnes ble 4 bamboorharr:. $40, Ires~& framt'. ~Cil pr E1erythtng goes 3013 plate. Jar. foreign coins. Cats 8035 Apt 51 refrrg S40 chilcl , 499 5224, 499 5000 Coolidge apt 30. C :'11 off old miniature Singrr ••••••••••••••••••••••• wardrobe S3S Tv.in twd. 'A',\'f"",RBL,'D Baker sew m3ch. mus1r box Himalayan K.rttens. Cf/\ ,, r. 1Sw1ss movemenll. 2 Sl7S 770·8688. eves hox sprg & malt ne". Krng size t'Ompletc 1<1th YARD SALl::. Sat & Sun Vasrs paintings. good 5515663 $40 GasrangeS2S ti( all at"t't'~'orrt'' & Oct10&tl.9am trldark grft items. good lamps. CFA kits. Hims. Burms. fers acce_J!(ed. 979 2151 book~hel( hl'adhoard 209 Ogle. C :\I llalran marble table Sr ams lnqurrres. 7'8' orange berge sofa 'lie1< t'ondrtron 200 Sun onl) 115 F'umrture. t o11ers11ed1. cof Term s SIOO S25U barsink.Oanrsh~1odrrn 'lie1< bah' trih ~~11 rlothrng rL szl. lots of fee eorner md table 548 8587 brown leather charr & il4 iSI 8Slti mt~<' !1572 Che')' ChaSl' S36·71S4 ottoman &IO-~ H B 1 II am r It" n Pl p Ch DocJt 8040 -Mt:SrSELL' Krni: malln'S' 'l.trrn~s llushardl ~11 ec1rf\ ayer rano er ••u•••••••••••u•••••• Ne"' BP John dres,er frame. 5 mo:. Ill'" S225 ·alns rywood. Regular & KEESHONO p Al\C I Cd f ~.,. "" n·9~ ,, ' Rinks T1nlt 40 rolls Xlnt ups S2SO r\ew queen mall so 3 """ """""' Conditron mJO Eves. Champ sire M "° Pet & box frame $1i5 Offer~ ,._ _______ _ s how P v I p I y ,,.2 O 8 ,. 951IS47 __ 0avs.97_5 4367 ""· 7 7 GIRl,'S TWI'\ P<>Sn:11 -s -_ 2131697 1345 aft 6 pm •-I 10 Io Lrvrng rm set rout'h. R f. D . A 'lj T I <) L' ~-_,.,.. OltCft SHIH TZU pups. AKC. loveseat. ei1Hee tahle W 11 I T ~: ~ !i n ••••••••••••••••u••••• S250andup.Cashonly I MATClll ~<: ('1\,:>;0P\' HARBOR AREA fal.g~ amp stand S400 bst olr APPLIANCESERVICE 673·_8849 1-"RAM f. ~I~ T\\'t'. We buy used appltances Golden Retriever Pup COCKTAIL TA BL l:: Y f: I. I. 0 w -We sell recond .. guar pres AKC s2oo Si75 36xJ6. :i.4" threk ~lass BF.DSPR~:AD PILI.OW aj!pliances. 549.:3077 Canleavealstweekof lop, Elegant chromt' SHi\M MATt'llJ N<i Nov 545·7264 base. S300 best offrr YELLOW <'1\~0PY I IUY APPUAHCES Golden Retnevers· AKC. 640·885S S 2 o G n E 1': :\ Les 957·8133 OFA . Males, $200 Brand new sofa & 10, llI::DSPRI::AOSET.~211 HOT OFFER! COLD CASH! TO EDISON CUSTOMERS! Gel S2S for your opera ble second refngerator Ifs rosting you up to SI« or more a year rn elertrrr brlls Donate your operating second refrigerator to one o( the charities listed below. be sure to mention this special offer when you make the arra nge ments, get a receipt. and Sout hern California Edison will pay you S2S. Your donation is tax de· ductible. Free pickup by the charity. This special offer expires Derember 18, 19111. Children's Hospital of Orange County '714)97H2A2 St Vrncent de Paul 1714> 633-9190 760·8185 LARGE D1\l<I\ llEA'.' eseal. green wheat. ur B A G c 11 A I R s 1 s -AKC Irish Setter Pups 2 F 10 wks. s hots. wormed $7S 646 194? AKCCOLLIE F. 5 mos old, tn·colored, lots of white. family rarsed. w shots. leash trained. $200. ~l 9697 • AKC registered I rrsh S.tter puppies •, 10 wks ~Id, Sm-~ Russian Wolfhound, all white female. 21., yrs. gentle AKC Good watch dog. SSO or offer .154· 7899~ -- SI BER IAN HUSKY PU PS AKC. pp, Sl95 blk/wht Champ. breed 536·3485 __ _ AAA Home OogTraminR. People Tra1n1ng for Dogs Is Your Dog A Pesl' Call UR. We'll do the rest. 6.11·921!-5 _ Beaut. AKC Shih Tiu twin male puppies W/ShOl• 10 wks old ~/bolh or S300 earh. 64$-1615_ cent pillows Askrnr S4S 8362 $75-0 OBO 5524()11 fumrture rloth1ng. ~ur fbc>ard mrsr Sat &~un 2321 Ba>fann,SA Hgts Sat Sun. 9-6pm 1675 :'<e~ Ii a m p s h 1 r e . C ~I Molorryrle. artist mat ting b0oard, 100 !> lo choose fro m. mrs1· clothl'S, & toys Balboa rattan couch. cul or TV's. Ras dryer, eler dryer. (lie rahinels clean bed. twn bed, tool s etr fi73 5686 408 E Oceanfront. near lht• ferry ~;;;:· l30 w-:-~y Street (o$tO Meso, CA Full lime. Apply ~' r. settrna appotntments for Tht Salvation Army eotu. ZdQFairvaew C"!_ salesmen. Saltiry + (11•)$4?.(1(13l Otchshunds puppies. Std AKC Champ bloodhne ~ ~ Opportul'lity &npoyer : . . .................................. t ••••••••• • 1 I • l "' :L. I ,...,. Comm. Call Blase or --xrv ee alMJon at .... iuant Marie. 714-115'1.()783 Have you rud l.oday'a S.IOPM A!le>ly al Shell -------Clu sllltd Ads' U not Station 1ilh • Irvine S.11 lhincs fast with Dally you're mlsslnl. lht best Blvd. NB. .l.Llot Want Ads bar alnalntown' lhle b&it • •tm e~. 116' 211S$da ~xc r Codltr Spaniels. 6 mo Campa.me. '200 .... IL.-~--c:...--...... --... ------------.;.-..__..._ ________ ..., _______________ ---------- ~.~ MHMhc.el•a• IOI OftktFw•a1& Peww t040 ........._. ... ft40 4We...10rma tHO •• • ••• ••••••• •••••• ••••••••••••••• • I 4 91 m rt IOll ••• • ••••••••••• ••••••• ••• •• ••• •••••••••• ••••• •••••• ••• .. •••••••• • ••• PllftU, Ollitar. TV, 2 rof l9•tl61a1 .. :. ... ,, .. ,, .. ,,...... MABUN BOAT Y«ollow Batavua, lo mJ, '19 ••ord f'l50 PU. ~I V8, AilfM W..etd tHO .... l .. a-W ......... a.por"ttd 1, hJ wi.4 ftt tablet, booi.ahf'lv". Ht It um Bouquets dt· Copy machines tor Sale 24 • Luhre wlth tuna xlnt cond; lurn llsnala, auto. air, Pl. pb, amlfm, ......................... ••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• bdrrna~ S4S-'1253C.. lhered Perfect ror Xlfttcond.-.50 lower l80IXI or best ol btlft\ $300.*-''16'!. _ 10,900 S4S-mo Wt;PAYTOPOOU..AR w t71J .._,. 9717 '740 Sola l love.tat, ~tvtl. evtrj'octaslon fn.4419 IM-N99._'ftl810l2 --let ~3138$_ HONDA MOPED •J•S• tor top uttd cars ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• rha1r1. lamps. ant mdl LOSING LEASE, quit· rtJClSUOUCIO 'aU mtt1I boat, 30 hp SJoo Alma1tNtw1 Gov't aurpl1.11, l&stfd lot lortl1n. domttllc• or • '71 BMW m xJnt l'Of'ld. VISIT YOUR _,_ bo11t SIO SZ$O ill Sun t1n11 bwun., ullina out DIAMAT1CAU YI Evlnrudf, tlec alatt, CaU 1142-8607_ S.'1198. IClld for $44 For cl111lc1 " your car lS I u t 0 . Ac. AM r.. •Ml.,.. ..... a 102 222l..t(beurt:l>M ALL supp11ts llld Ill New and usl'd olfaca trader. lnlide controls. MOTOBECANE moped Information , call utra .C'"'f· '"' us ruselle. ntw llrH. OIAMGICOAST e.dMerudtr tures tncllidtn1r furn Mdal and wood also hctnied at Sis<> &ood cood . WO best 1312)931 1981 ut 487 FIRST MU~T SELL m» HONDA to'__. Elettrt<"rloc.hn drytr, Oiaplay C'&MI, walt1n11 duks S2S to s100 Ma.DUO olr 4tHIJ21af\.L fntcb tHO ~ ~7187_ -HEAD~AITHS ., ... getM? works 115 Xtra Iona room ch1ir1. Beauty Lock.tu sso 'to 1150 tt17 SICl'JACI( MOPED. Ltkt New TO y t'omp11re llOOse o( Im twin bed. ortho mal Salon halrdryua and Ch1ira lllu wurk Load d k F & h k ••••••••••••••••••••••• C.,. t7U A !!! ports Otrtct lta~earul60 t pit he-ad bo rd hydraulic ch11rs, mlr bt cb • t bl • ood l e • oever cpt Ill root rt"•r J oc J Worker-. S1>«1al' ••••••••••••••••••••••• U IVRaSfn mo~ 1fns11Jlr p}'mh S~tas,ma • . rort 1helvHandpl1nts hnl rs, abooe~ w wa er. nawltu Finan<' Runs great 1100 mi '79 FORD fl.SO Plrltup lt7tc•-• N "" 0 l a I 2 I 3 or .. o t:olfet tbl 13$ •1 , • t v1n1. ..-cues. lf!1 41M·8Zl0 Cost S4M>O/new Now only _.."" 8ALES4iSERVICr. Btdaprud Sl5 Small n ao. make up, Shampoo cabineu, penllix l~ u ........ oboua ..;...St llU~r lin11 worker built "' ... "'--c--Ghia model With an OLDihUWIHE 714 M ERCEl>~~ I' m appliances 12 S$ tk>at and ha1rproduct1. SAYE SS$MOW! P...._W.ttdl _.. _...,. _ _,, tve tou1b. It's ready to t:o' "'""-.--_, automaue trans .. air _,... or714 637·2333 bumper S3>. &ok1 11> & Call 8.'JI 97S4 or CE Surplus OOke ti•um 26 ' Penn Y ii n S F Motorcrdn/ llTU984 I MUST SEU.' 2B2$ llarbor Bh·d cond , aterro w/lap<" & HONDA 75 M·IEHZ 3000 up 2306 Laurel Pl, a(ter6,898680'J 204.4 Pla~ntia St c..:M' Diesel 19'19 ln1m11c.NB Scoohn tl50 Nttd reliable penwn to COSTAMESA leather inlcrior GMCTIUCtCS Newport Bch cotr Ceili n& Fan tasabella 631·2777 sbp $154 mo+ eqully ••••••••••••••••••••••• llssume balllllce No old 979·2_5_0..Q __ (~ZERJ ~Horborlilvd SB>AH lrvlntl. ~7962 Victorian. Antique edi--~ dep .. DA 645-8790, Ev '74 Honda Motorcyc le l9K contracts or baek pay T s• "'OUl"'"tl IMW COSTA MESA Looded. Vt·n t leon lion. 5%" blades. re· Olrlc~ ~'urn for ule. M?-9327 mllea. Verf.,t'l t•ond ments du~. Will ht1lp l H Ollar ,.,,, . "'-540.'640 t276L09t . vene. 4 tullplights. wtAs Bond cop1er, lobby rum p•aruaw•...-... 1000.549-37511. finance. cau Mr. Snndy, •r.Pid 11 ,·2040 -''~!t S9950 u----1060 """"'Tak• ,.,.. 7..,.lllMMI Exec desks, chr~ "' " """"'-MOVE Must ~"II '68 lion Frank Proto t./M (714 ) 0~·-t7ZCl '79 HONDA JIM MillMO ~ ..,,... "' ~ ~=-Credenin Call Terri at New 43' l.al:lelle trtcabin "" · .. _ ••••••••••••••••••••••• Ford Shell Tnn 1100 King I S da 901 only 13 000 mi. 847·366l For Your Cur! ••••••• •••••••••••••••• Oynam1td.'VCX' 2 door 4 VOLKSWAGftil -... . 7S2· l194 Mon l.hru Thur11. cruiser lnaw er tar or U(l'IOB0962 44ii 19?2 Ford Courier. New JOH .... SON' s,,... '79 D"'TSU.... 5 peed. Very ti t'O II IK71 I p-.... h lllvd Pari;rn1Slddle Rare Bdrm set S150 Coffee & ---NU Boat Show Twin .~ · " "'" "' " f318XED> "'•' ... Orange Coast DAILY PILOT/Sund1y Oclober 1 I 1981 .... BeslOffrr .end tables $50 uch th 1017 d 1 es e I • 7 ~ K w 80 U o N DA C Uoo p1int, spoke w.Jleels. U.Co .. ~411°1t.y 1210 • • Sltt5 142·2000 --·-· t:allS1~... ~ClU..c.AJ~c ... i.tQI), __ ,.,..., .... ,, • .,.---•li0.,.5bdttfi,~c~ ~iM!Qm,_QJljy_.'?JU) r~!~ .. 111 ~~v~ ,..11Nilref,~. ~*°Wd-.. -S.~clt. W ...... _,, ao ._ ______ _..,,..., ~9135 ¥ • .,. II t d' lfMIU!li:"5lllllN " 'l'.V...,., c-ta M---..... ~ ... "assette. I .. mtl"". A ·-··-:nll'l!"MAll" i-s Year old Pinlo ~tud ""-_ LOV£BfRtli BeauOful equ1p'd Value SISO, mi H. l'X~uen <'On r w ,.,... .,,....,.NoN "' -. u.1 .... SELLING YOUR MB' Btauuful ~ Needsa Magnificent 6ft MODEL Babies Pea<'h faced 128, 1-J or 13 av a.ti. Oa lion & .loaded wub .ac 84:4·050S. WE -P-AY -real beaut)' <~1•1 VOLKSWAGEN WE PAY 11oodtr111ner.SMO SHlr Only StlOO' PiedS30.~J~IO 6458790J evS57-llJ27 cessor1es $2690. Call IT Pl<'kup '66 GMC ~ Sl'95 11l1llfk>arh81vd t S 641 MZ1 640.11688 --Blue & Gold MaCaw. Wall SPORT FISHERMAN . 559·9299 atter m RWls gd Sl.500 1>$t orr TOP DOLLAR JIM MARIMO 142-2000 Ca~~~.~~ S ~Good. 1065 Evuut & Jennings sacr Hand T:imed, lalk For sale by owner fly-71 R75·5 BMW .. Excellent 840.3237 FOR USED CARS VOLKSWAGEt4 '76 Honda Wogon. •t>r} JIM st.EMONS ••••• •••••••••••••••••• Wheel <'hr Brand new . 1 n g s. 8 0 0 l I r m mg bridge, Bimini top. con d It 1 on ' SI 5 O 0 '66 R1nchero. xlnt cond, ALAM MAGNOH 18711 Beach Blvd clean. ne"' paint $24~ JMPORTS Antique Oak Glass dr Asktnt.P5()LS4Q-92'75 W v1tamll\S. book. food dual <'Ontrols, '63 Hunter . 962·0035/892 8900 new valves, brakes. int PONTIAC/SUIAIU 14J·2000 1195 IOS6 1301 Quail !\1 bookcase, S3SO New Carpet, apt grade. 13n, 1~·7203 -38. Twin Crusader 270's 81 750F. blk beaul), 2 $2200. 493-0748 2480 Harbor Blvd '78 t'IVlt' WAGO~ :-a:Wl'Olff HE.\t'll N1sh1k1. 1nterna11onal w cushion air pad ta<'k One Pair Corkat1eli.. installed '781owhrs.4kw mo old, all opts. :.port Toyota Pick·UP camper COSTA MESA 4SPD.SL'Pt::H CONO 8339300 bike. $200. Copper Fire strip. installed. ·$6 oo normal split pied. mov Onan. leak rorkp1t deck. hnr111g +more! S3800 in shell. casi.elle rm am 549•4300 5 ... 9._1457 S29'.l5 1131 KJOfi i•------111111• Extinguisher lamp. $75 yard rompl Approx JOO ing. S85 pr. 957 8170 he VHF, CB. AM ROF. vested, sell for S3000 stereo New radial tires, ~ ,73 Civic AM r:.1 l'J):. Pair captains <'hairs. ,Yds ... 645·9325 mess•_ powerwmch,full ('anvas 080 Needca~673~02 reblt eng Pa101. body PORSCHES Mo\•ing Mus i i.cll '80M-IENZ I.SO. F'ullhdbrd.ntstand, Full set H~gt'n Clubs, MY NA bird for sale covers All f'1.shing Mu6t sell motorcycle rind hne cond S3295 WANTED $1700 ORO S46 42l!I JOOSDTIIRIO ~· Ro~·::;ay bed. S50 bag, <'art SlSO. Singer Needs good home e~u1p.me~t. 6 bow 1975 CB SOOT. S800 or OBO 67~J:Bl or C7\4 J Allow ustheopportunity 24K Loadt'tl ' J.1kt' 1ww rass t· lamp. W 11 g zag . m 8 n Y ac $200080 962·5647 plank. tnboard bail tank. l!est_11Cr ~-0140 ~-1006 to consider the purchase ;,04JUar 9730 127 IZA I' 1 4!M·4Q'.!S_ -cessories SIOO Arter Must st'll Qickatoo. pd 2 righting chairs, outng M UST SELL • 7 5 '71 Ranchero Auto. air. or trade·in or your clean ••••••••••••••••••••••• $29,950 J•w•lry 8070 5pm G73·8271 $1800 Sell lod800 Cage gers. outboar<! kill sack, Yamaha 17SDT S390 PS. PB Patnt, hody, mt Porsche. Check with us 1978 JAGUAR JIM MARIMO ••••••••••••••••••••••• Avocado gas -stove xlnt & all. 675-~14 portable bait ~etvel obo gd W itop $1400 offor Today! -----XJ6L VOLl<SWAGEM Mar Que wed cond ·52 MG. TO PI &n.-.. 8090 Long range gas _Call640-51S5 ~Ol!6ll ~-1978D•TS• .... FIO Polaris exter1u1· with 187118eachHlvll r n . . I e ~o 1ransm1ss1on '!W·!Ol.!L_ •••••••••••··~··••••••• water m 2 tanks. Livu1g '80 Suzuki 450L. 6500 m1. evy u ur :111, ·• IJI) 5 speed trans. & this one l' b on Y I n l t.• r I o r 842-2000 i g 25KT Wh t Id ano1 ._.. .,..... fuel tn 4 tanks, 120 gals ·11 C..:h S b b 67K 11 ~, "' "" ~oh?. ~7·9590 after ROCKING HORSES . Plano, very nice. Made aboard 2 rerrlg!>, w/rack, must sell, x.lnt miles. outo, air. power i.(.(, isinexcellentconditwn! (!174UZK J . '7!1 240·0 . ~unrool. i1uto ~ Hardwood. rustom built, by E. Gab.let & Ur.us. butane stove w oven. _$1500 or bst. 848-1771. $2200IOrfer 673 6336 & ........... "0 ...... C454ZYN). Mow °"'Y SI 0, 995 S 1.8 · 0 00 Be au ti r u I o r d e r no w f o r 1854· Sacrifice fur quick monomat1c head. tape Motor HOMtS. Sole/ 642·9f!.66. r,.,~3~,t~!~~! ~zm SADDLEIACK IMW S.4DDLEIACI< IMW lrans. air. stereo. 1vor~ & bamboo. 35.000 n11 I m m a' r $ I 7 .'> 1111 851 6226 Diamond Ring Set .!13 Christmas. pre-l'ut kits sale. S46'.3184. Sun t'Ve deck. swim step. board R..t/S'--f 160 '73 Chevy Luv Pick Up _lll-2040 495-4949 831·2040 495.4949 Ca .89C.Must seetoap· available. lhruFri.af!~~n ing ladder. sleeps 6. ••••••••~:::?: ••••••••• Overhauled Great WEBUY - prec1ate. Call 581 6708 oo,7300 S.wi!HJ MachiftH 8092 Safety eqwpped 3 nre RENT 22. Lux Motor cond' Good lire:. Sl700 for a~pt ~~at Bank For Sa le al I wool ••••••••••••••••••••••• extingu1she~s . 2 ltfe Home. sips 6, s~lf-cont . OBO 673·218t CLEAN CARS ilm~ ault Karastan Rugs, 9xt2 & ZlG·ZA:G S111ger sewmg rarts, rlare kit. J .bilge xlnt cond PP,64!Hl585 VGM 9570 AND TRUCKS 1971DATSUM 280%2+2 Arctic white a<'<'ented with beautifol :.1 mp le tan. air cond1t1oning . AM I FM radio. mag wheels. sbadow f 167~ l 1979 RX-7 \'ery s harp \ltlh automalll' transn11:.~1un a lso h.i \ 0 1r cond1t1(lning. Men'<!, and race) looktn l( alloy wheeb Onl> 11.2 IO Ort!( miles Convertible 67 250 Sa1• Best urrt-r OH'r SISK 67:\ 70K I or !17~ O 112 II arr) Very exclusive Vicuna 6x9 mate~ 830 9262 machine "' rabtnet & pumps. Sl2,000 CASH ,73 Toyota Ch ook ••••••••••••••••••••••• wool matenal. enough to Electropedic AdJuslable buttonholer aitch Gd FIRM Call answer ad Needs trans. ~t offer '67 ford Van. 6 stk make men's women 's Bed Brand new Paid cond $150. 646-1473 387, 6424:nl. 968-0JH Dependable. ran sleep 1n lull length coat. 536. 7154 $742 Best orrer 548-2429 Sporting Gooct. 8094 32' Chris Craft. 1960. sips Trai'-n T .. 9170 $1250 OBO M USl see MI NK STOLE Sh k ---••••••••••••••••••••••• 6, needs ~ork. mu:.t sell. • ""' Call 5-7PM 5J6.19!12 Beige,sz S, $275 a r Island mem · Royal golr clubs JO 1r n · $3500 OBO 645-23!18 •••••••••••••••••••••••! CO..MRL CHEUOLET .~ll.;rb1r llJ\,1 f'!l'\1 \\H 'S \ 546-1200 SADDLEIACI< IMW 831-2040 495-4949 '79 3000. ull extra' cossette. t'Xlra tanl. sunroof. sht't'l)s kin~ 44.000 miles miot coml Sl8,900 O.i\!> 525 1700 536 71~ bersh1p F'or Sale Reg & 4 woods bag & l'~rtsl -1941 Admiral. 14 rt Best • 1974 DOOGE ----·-$1.500 special S500 xlnt SISO 6n.4225 · Sl2.900 24· Sk1pJack Xlnt orrer over S250 2330 Excel cond Auto trans MadiHry 1071 675-6462 L' ---me<'h Calley trlr da Newport Bl CM PS. PB. AM l''M CB · Allto1, bnported ....................... 1 Man ·s Sch~nn Bike S75-SOL().Rf)( 751·2195 ev 64().0J!M 642·'382, 494 3317 tape ster~t d. mag!> ...................... .. $8,195 TARGET DATSUN 1373Harbor111 GardenGro\c _ 17 I 4tj_S4-9000 '76 :<J 12L 131\ m1 xlnt rond1t11>n fo:ves 675 J.135 .. ~ • '81 MBI SOOSL PRESS ' 3 Roll-Away Beds. ii Il l IMtni Gym I Ad\·ertised 14' Glaspar. 70HP Merr. Paradise by the Sea. 22'2 smi: c:ert 1 14.Mdl 9707 new $50 ea<'h. 1 Dark 1". Sports Illustrated. elec start Trlr. h<'. must ft Ideal trailer In 549-00l2 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1>4().2719 '73 2401. . ·71 XJ6 L1kc ne" U> \II Good cond New 72 Sacrifiet> S4500 OU() carbs, recent tuneup 645.9628 Rar e E uro peJ n modt'I L'S l't'rl1fn•d. brwn ml'I pa lom1nu lthr. rull options, 1m med dell\'t'I')'. $..)2,500 AM/1250 Room Sink, free stand Tim.e. Playboy & Run sell $950 orr 644 6174 Garden Setting Across '72 Oudgt> Spt.sman, good '77 Alldi Fox MULT1-UTH tng,newSS0.645-6066 _ ner s World and sold d_ys from Swunmiog pool 3 cood Sl,575 Auto . Loaded. must see $3995 Sh • new '495 Ask mg $385 private beac"~ For 1·n w h I rd Mus I ~" e ' ""'1 21c• Gray noor model shoot arp Isle Yarhl Club ~&354 •-~ Sail 9060 •JC> . -" 0" • ,,.. White1red int S3750 840·3992 '69 Jag 2 +2. rt'blt tran~. O\•eri.eas J mport.~ 17 14 I 966-8306 clO~t'd dehvery. rebuilt Good SO'f or new memberslup ---.vwss, fo Call Tim. Wed Fri. ~-8785 IMW 9712 d · r ti'""' 6912 BMX· 20" Rike Diamond ••••••••••••••••••••••• 494·9154 oreves493·6846 $750 OR B"""""OFf'L:R • --------•I nu paint. 111 mt cle.in best over~o(XKI i;73 Olilll __ sun l'<>n ition ~"':... -back. Alloy bars. neck. 28' Classic P28 sloop, 9180 .67 Dodge .-Wi~ow Van. ••••••••••••••••••••••• '73 240Z Datsun Run!> 642.5457 Mlac.itaMous wheels. post Free Volvo dsl w tho1re Nv1 Tral'-n, utilty 1981 IMW and looks great. .Xtras LC111Cla Arter6PM W.t.d 8081 wheel. MX seat $175 moor1n11 $15.500 •••.•••••··~··•••••••·~· runs ood_SJ().2997 CLOSEOUT 830·2511:631·1458eves ••••••••••••••••••••••• ouuooouoooouuuu• Mission Viejo 830.4727 661 1313 U.ttl Trailer 9x7_x9 '76 Chev van. >...Ion, VS, s ,79 Beta Seda1t, hh nl'\I , Generator·4KW, 110 & Wanted The Letter "A" --U-dSc b· 1980 Vakyne 24, cruise Storage area on .sides auto, ps. pb. radio. xlnt AVE'.'· '80 Datsun 210 Wagon lo m1 loaded $~.595 111111 ......... 220, gas powered, never For the Pepsi Challenge se u a equip l'omplete wlbve oboard $450/bst ofr. 1146-~ con d $2000 St 3 n Air, stereo. 5 spd 11.000 645·9447 used. S600. 673-1174_ _ Game tUnderthe Caps --75 l-f_9~7 slip. SIJ,500080 A.11to S•"lc•, ~arts !"·~O_wkdy:.8 s. mi. SS4001ofr. 642·2004. M . do Will trade extra H.D. s Of Sort Dnnksl Will pay Sto~. R~. t213l433"'1818. & Acceuorift 9400 Aut Wanhd 9590 HUGE s'a.ECTIOM S48·1S58 -•• ~=••••••••••••••••••• ....... _. .... ~ spd Alias Drill Press ror SIOO to the person who lar 8095 (213)~9-8409 ••• •••••••••••••••••• •• 0 • r d 497 5372 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Aircompressor847·9742 111 5..Qm!· -·----••••••••••••••••••••••• PARTMEIWAHTEO SSAVESAVES Misc.UCllMCMIS 801 Ch1ldren:s wooden rock ~?n~l~~in1!~:e~l;n~~~; CAL 20 WITH USS) PARTS ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1ng chat rs. Reasonable. ALL 1 d f 759_92 19 759•1945 Imported car parts Sofabed. rrusc furn . ap S36·3645 supp ies an ix IMPORT ture5 including pies . chandelier. MMSlcal o J ALLTLU AUTOSUPPLY Karastan rugs. etc fnafn-MI ... -ISP ay cases. waiting IOI N. Man<'hester ..,,.......,_ 1013 room chairs, Beauty 57 Ffl(fTCH 497-2719 ••••••••••••••••••••••• Salon hairdryers and Custom bwlt 1970 Fam1 Anaheim --716-_99C.!Q 8 x 12 wool rug, slate blue DRUMS hydrauhc chairs mir ly of 5Just returned from CELICA RIMS wl ivory gold design, 8 pr Rogers Drums, $750 rors. shelves and plants 21 mos cruise 1n So f'1ts other small Toyota SJOO. 957-07~ OBO .§4tHl4~~-Also. make-up. shampoo Pac1r1c nus yarht has ca~ .. 512S OBQ, 548-495;! Seattle bound~ Save $100 ACOUSTIC GUITAR and hair products e~erythtng XJnt l'ond 3 Goodyear Poly Steel Round tnp for 2 Air Cal tb Blk "B n .. Call631 !n~or PP will finance ('On Radials P~n5Rl4. $22 .. .. . anez utter Y after& 898-680!! sider real estate trade ea or3 for""<. won trip can t use w custom pearl inlay --" ...., Must Oy befort 11 15 81, shadow uanducer pt:. TV, Radio, Taxes b; ~lier $170.000 _ ~9734 __ _ days 213·864·Z129 nights matching hand-tooled Hlf;, Stereo 1098 Call 714 8:11·5899 '77 Celtca GT wheels. 714·673 1187 aslt for leather strap & hard ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1980 Catalina JO. loaded. rings, lugs, new SlOO. Wt'll Buy Or Sell Your Cleon lmporl On Con,iqnment''' Call Our U1ed Cor Manoqer TODAY·~· 831-2040 495.4949 Soddleboc~ 8MW Minion Viejo George __ shell case Mtnt cond1 Bet a Vision 11 r rom S3000 & take over pay 830.4727 M•~lorfCI i.w 11 0 n S4 25 o Bo Sears. 9 mo\•1es Mui;l ments at 113•'. 771 3292 Wanted 4 Rally Wheei; ~ ---- 1 Club 1!!-751-8516. sell. $700. 968-2:87& eves for 1979 Chevy Van Art HIGH IUYEtl Full membership avail Alto sax. Bundy S250 New GE Big Screen TV Dufour Wini( Almost 5PM 640·~ __ Top dollars ror Sports at 15% below lhe reg Perfect horn for begin· Paid $3400 Sell '21100 New S700 Saddle tanks ; rustom Cars, Bugs. Campers. priceofSl600. ner Xlnt tone ·cond _OBQ.840-~ 675-441tl made for early short !114's. Audi's ContactS51-3'733£Y _ S36·4926 SearsPortablel5inColor Ourour Win g. Almost whlbase Dodge trucks AskforU1CMGR p A. SPEAKERS diagonal w stand SIS() new f'ast S700 !100Jlr. 536-4926 JIM MARIMO Marble·top Coffee lable. $150. CB radio, Sl20 Story or Llfe Med1ral books, SSO. 646-0697 Whirlpool frig SIOO Gold couch & chair SIOO Panasonic stereo S20 963.0789 Sunbeam Elec Lawn Mower Topcond. SIOO 96().9589 PAN AM 2 for 1 boarding passes Value up to S2.'i00. Sell $200 759.9320 Pair or Mitchell BC 84 -67~7~!;1 675 4483 Camper Shrll for Toyota VOLKSWAGEN speakers wit.h 6" stands. Yamaha WP-071 tumta 2 Dufour Wings Almost or Courier long bed 18711 Beach Blvd I New condition low ble. direct drive. quartz new Fast. $700 ea ch I Xlnl Sl25. 673 .fi331l, HUNTINGTON BEACll mileage. Great for lock . value $300. sell magnum. $370 l.ike 642 9666. 142-2000 small-medium size club Sl25 0 80. 892 7841 art ne~ great rree style. situations & casuals. _2_,_ S650 675'4483i arter6 A.lltol for Sdt WE HEB> S600 OBO. 714-751 ·8516.:... loots & M«W Force five 14 · <'omp ••••••••••••••••••••••• YOUR EXOTIC Grand piano-Kawai. blk. EquiJNMftf witra1ler $1100 Firm IMPORTANT Ir IRmSH CA.RS satin fin pp xlnt cond. •••• ••••••••••••••••••• 831·7506 NOTICE TO $3,900. eves wknds G..wral 9010 Sacrifice HOBIE t•' lhgh READERS AND S5.!·~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• performance. Many Ex· ADVERTISERS MXR PHASESH1FTER Brand New. 211\ Down tras ,_, the pnce. Call The price or items l~q Sales and Leasing at competitive prices Ex· cellenl service snd parts dept Good selection or pre· v1ou11ly owned BMW & other fine cars m ex rellent rond11too 1976 280'12 + 2 4 spd , A/C, am rm stereo. AskingS5700 -__ 752 5620 - '78 280Z. xlnt cond. 4spd. air, am rm Ca ss S77001best. ~3456. ex~ STOP H & YISIT-.. '75 DATSUN 210. Blue I _ s~~ 315wkdys. ~ACl.nYI owner. R H. Re<'enl re-,~: We also have a lease ~rs. S1995, call 645 3655 HlXT M4lD• company that leases 1973 Datsun 240Z Xlnt ~IE « ·~ other makes or autos. , cond. 4 spd. air cond _ • ~ • ~ trucks and vans For ad-am rm c™tleS4.000 wr ::.<11 •~ d1t1ona I information on 1 551-4762 1•n Miii n um •m l4HlM leasing please call ·16 8210 4 dr a~ rm 71419?2·tZ70 714 6619611 reblt t~ans. ·30 mpg: .Rotar};Transponat1on For a good deal and good . ---Rot.ir} l'nl<?m~. 4 spd $2JOO 775-1200 I 76 MAZDA RX 4 wai:on. arter sales service sre , 76 Long bed w <'am per t r a n s a 1 r co n d CREVIER SALE S-SERVICE-{.EASING 208 W 111. SANT A ANA 71 4/835-3171 CLO!ED SUNDAY We Meet or Beal Any Bonar1de Deal Come See Us Today'' SA~ACK IMW 28402 Marguerite Pkwy Mission Viejo AVERY PKWY shell 1452WRG1 MUSTSt;L1,' S4<KKIOBO I Need reliable persl)n to _645-51lJ I assume balante Nu old Dfl.o~• 9721 contraets or bo<'k pa} ••••••••••••••••••••••• ments dul' Will help 81 oa.n1H:•M rmanre t'all Mr Sand,· ~ Frank ProJo L M 1114 1 S spd stick S32.900 847 31i6I 731·~34 hmari 9723 '81 Mmda RX7 ••••••••••••••••••••••• New , on() 2K miles 1979 Ferran. 308GTS. AM FM tape . .i spd. Ar 28167. Sacnrire Dir (714)523-7030 1981 Fmwi ~ Red/tan S&.000 Overseas Imports ~·8306ClgsedSun SI0,900 l)r tJkl' O\ er lease S44 1~ Maa.rati 9739 ••••••••••••••••••••••• ORANGE COUNTY'S EXCLUSIVE MG ~'742 ....................... 'i!! Mti. showroom cnntl IS.000 m1 ~ ;HX 116~ e\·es MG M 1dget i4 das~1l beaut~ Only 30.000.mi 1\4.S 50:Jt; MGI 9744 ..................•.... Beautiful new white wed· ding gown. never been worn. s11e 9-10 SJOO 631-5794 "100" dual controls East Tugboat. Slip incl 754 4647 days 586·8557 advertised by vehicle Newly rebuilt $75 Sleeps 2. Xlnt for r1s eves & Weekends dealers in the vehicle Bareos Berry Pre·amp hing, div~g. bay rru1s CAL 2 Z4 Newport Shp classified advertising $45 714-751·8516 tng, Catalina. $7000 P P Be 1 rr' S6 800 columns does nol tn SS7-8527days s 0 er over · elude any applicable Leblanc clarinet. xlnt -Will rmance Sll-4871 1 f · 3100W Coast Hwy Newport Beach 642-94«> \ IEXITHWY I 131-2040 495-4949 Closed Sundays 65 Ferrari n>CT. 2+ 2. 1mmac. 36K mi . dk brown. Cognae. Borrani wires. air, AM FM cass. elec windows Fact ron'' to Ford 351CJ 1Pan tara l, VS & 4 spd. $12.000 PP. 714-496·8325 or 549.1757 MASERATI DEALERSHIP We 'll deliver Jny"'herc m lhe world• '78 )I GB {'om l{n. 241\ m1 A\I l'.\1 ~terl'u taJ)t'. I ~pd PERPElMJ · 55195 642 JSi I cond. suo. Bugle. S25 Avon Rederest S700 . L'd 1• n t h 1 1 Laxes. icense. trans er Johnson 2 hp $200 Both 1 o ~. ee c amp as fees. finance charges, MOVING OVERSEAS Orum,Sl5 S36-7~ S800.846·002I yr W trailer Cheap feesforairpoUuhon<'on-Offin Fwllllwt & • 6'5·2297. trol device certifications Selling all household Eqtli,.....t I085 loots, Marw Cal 25. excellent SI0.500 or dealer documentary furnishings incl brand ••••••••••••••••••••••• EqylptlMllf 9030 64().8161 for appointment preparation charges WI· new navy cord. sora ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1 oth · ·r· d paintings & plants + Like new Executone Volvo outboard sail tosee bessh derwis.e spec1 te girl 's clothing K1500 charter key m oto r , 3 9 hp . llob1eCatl6'.red.almost Yl ea verttser (sweaters. boots. etc ) telephone system, voice alternator. like new. new , has everything. ""c~:L. PleasecaU644-5776 over page. 20 mstru-$425. 857-9037 ' trlr. bargain for quick ,_., ... ments. Own your own -----1 673 :1155 9520 JOHN WAY NE tennis system m your new of· German Plalh sexton All ~ club Family charter fi ce. Must sacrifice. Brass. Perfet"t.$475 9oot1, Sips/ membership for sale. Chas. Pem714/956-1281 642-8791 Docb 9070 $950 . or best offer. IBM Correcting Selectric Evinrude 4 HP QtR runs ••••••••••••••••••••••• CW..·4036 II . xlnt cond. S500or best great. $300080 · Boat charter, fishing. Julte Box Seaburg St~reo orrer 548-8569 64S-59l6 ~~~~~n~oa~~llc::r~~~~ xlnl cond. S300 OBO New Sohd Oak Filing loah. Power 9040 548-0644 P.P 645·3003evemn ~ Cabinet Credenza Paid ••••••••• .. •••••••••••• O TS P .7820. O ., .. , . k 22S 8 A LlPS FOR RENT ool table for sale S87S. Sell 1475 Wicker pen ..... pJa.r NPT BCH 23• 25• 211· Bruruwiclt ''Monterey " table & Chair Set, Paid HP Volvo 110., bait tank. 32. & 34. · • · • lullsizt portable model, S52S. sell S22s. Misc Mir· tandem trailer with · 642.4644g.5 PM automatic ball-return. rored planters. cubes & brakes. 49'7·~ home. ---- ••••••••••••••••••••••• PREmEST '57T-llRD IHTOWH! IESTOfffl! ll>OOUKZI THEODORE ROBINS FORD 20bC HARBOR BlVO (QSTA M HA M2 0010 complete with table· Tables . New GE Big ~l-5165office. _ BOAT SLJPS ~R ~EN'! scoring. balls, triangle, 8 Screen TV. Paid $3400 22 ft houseboat. O<'ean go-~~ ~~H 23 · Z5 • 28 • llMO Ford Sedan Deluxe. cues. wall cue-rack and Stll 080. ~6836 ing. 120 HP. 1/0 w/trlr · 642 4&44S.S PM concours lropby winner. score·keepers. chalk In water. Must sell Fan· grol.llld UJ> restoration, and chalk drawer. two MUST SIU. wtic deal at S2500 or NEED sUp or side·tie for Sll,500. 851.Q.26. bridges, Brunsw1 <'k Exec desk & credenia. malteoffer. beaut 26' Sea Ray, '65 Sunbeam Tiger. new brush. Newly recovered sales desks. Buy exec. 957-81*> Dana Pt or N.B Call 289, emblems. fast. by professionals Pnee desk. receive free sales 24' Tolly Craft Cabin <ll n 49?-43421973-0307 -clean Returning lo S385. See by appoint desk. Make offers Cru1Ser. Low hrs. Like 20' Sail Boat Slip school-must Hll. S6500 ment. Phooe6:30to8·30 545-&41l new throughout. Loaded S160 Mo Call Mark.28th. OBO. 979-6600 X138, evenin s (714l 847-t624 w/everthing. Tandem Street Marina,673-6606 64HS68=------ Ho.a .. oldGoods I06 ffMstlloldGood.1065 trlr.714·564..:Ml UDO 1' w/trailer. Xlnt '29Ford,2drsedanbody, WIUCUFT condition. S2.'i00. Arter xlnt cond, $1200. '28 Ford •••••••••••••••••••••• ••••••••••••••••••••••• WANTED! Late model Toyotas and Volvos Call u s TODAY!!' Earle Ike TOYOTA-VOLVO ltUH ..... lh4 C•••·~·· "'•O ·tJOl or HO·t4'1 W•P!l OVER ••look For Your Good VW. Porsche or Audi VW·PORSCHE·AUDI 44S E. CoastHiway at Bayskk Onve New rt Be.ach 673-0900 Premium pnces paid for any used car (toreignordomestir J m good condition. See Us First! SOUTH COAST Dodge lll...-a.....1-a ........ u...L S m 675-6658 AR Sport Cpe, $2000. a.ti------675·3175 ~8 llarbor l\l\'d S,.CW ._, $5945 MtWllOl't Sip 1979 Aubom Roadster, -l'11sta ~k~a ~O O:l:IO __ URGENT AUCTION Handmade Oriental Rurs Wt have to sell urgently o,·~~-~ hand picked Orlenhtl R~s to r11ise urgl'ntly nttded ca3h to relea.~ two shipmen~ from U.S. Custom~ Tht ln\'tntor,\ ('Onl!iSIS or n beaullrul )l('lttlton of rul(" in all mok~ 1111d si1es l LOCATION .....,.. .... ,"....,..~Dr .. .:7:~. '=~ .... 2 .WwpertlotfClllttr 645·02florG73-3329 auto ateertng, brks & 64MOIS air. AM /FM tape, tilt, Din gl\y. 9 ft Montgomery 2 HP Suzuki motor. Davits Ancllor & Oars. SllOO. 8SS-62$1 '77 ao· Searay, nybridge, radar l fish finder ~other xtras. low hours, id cood. rtteal ovtr· haw. make oner + at· aume $31,000 Bof A IOan Gii : US•IUS ore; ITS.SW ews. ,_.,cwtaekwt lealhtr, black &c silver. •••• • .............. ••• Never regiate~. 25.012 Ml 795·2011 '54 Vette orie. drivtn dal •••••••••••••••••••••• l.v unreston!d Isl resona· O~ Camper Four Slar ble offer 6'4-0lll • w/rdrtgentor' stove ------Port a po U 1 A 11 '54 T·Blrd. ps, pb, auto, 2 Butane. ~ siie bed. topt. compl. car. a.~klng Sleeps e. In excellent 10 750.~rm coDdltlon $900. Call Mate 1our 1hopplnf between IOam·Spm. eulerbylalqtheOally 131·7~7 Pilot Claaaified Ada WllUY USED CARS & TRUCKS COME IN OR CALL FOR Fiii UPUISAL Connltt-DeLUlo CHM OUT 18211BEACH8LVO HUNTINGTON BEACH 141""'7• _14t·HJI SADDUIA.Ck IMW' '67 2002 CS Coupe rare. sunrf t #431651 BEA.CH IMPORTS 848 Dove Street 752-0900 1969 llarbor Rh d 631-7 170 Porsche '7SO .........•.•••••••.•... I 97S PORSCHE 914 '7(1 2000 ~dr sdn.(976SGI) ·73 Bavana, auto, air. stereo XLNT cond 1#87365) Rot --9725 Mffcflh.s ltftl 9740 B r a 7 1 I 1 a n t· ,. ~p t' 1 blended \11th wlute in ll'rtor 111r t'Ond11111nin~· AM F'Mrad.10 102002 1 •••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• S7.99S TARGET DATSUN 13731 llarbOr 61 Garden Grove 17141 55~9000 '76 530i, air. stereo. cass (Ser #895184) '79 320i. Gulf yellow 1369XCM) '79 3201, red, air, stereo cass.sunroof 1•9'3891 '80 S281A. Auto, cruise, sunroof. Exeeutive car (#76329) '80 630CS1 . Sapph blue/Prchmt int low mileage exec cur 11994235) SADDUIAQC IMW 131-2040 495-4f49 TM Moat bdtiitg P.+OfYow ' IMW Pwclme Or LHMCOlllWS. McLart11 IMW!! hyOrl.toM I O..,.._rt.! ( 4) 522· l Sa les·Servlce-Le.aslni RovC.wr.k Rolla 'lloyce BMW IS40Jambofff 1976RAT 124 C OMVERTllLE Rich mocha with sort saddle interior. AM tfM rad i o, 4 speed transmission. low 52.000 miles. ( 132291 $4,495 T AltGfT DATSUN 13731 llarbor Bl Garden Grove 17141 S5~9_00Q '70 Convert. runnint gear. tires, top & ne~ mt. Needs body work & paint. SI~ 67>3581 78 Super Brava . Salver /blue velour. 2 door. air. am rm ('8SSelle. 38K mt , 5 speed. P P $4500/080 549.1757 o~ 832·~1!14_ Hottdo 9727 ••••••••••••••••••••••• '18 HONDA CVCC Brown, s unroof . hatch bit. ~S, C~!_~365S ·n H onda Civi" H1tchbaclt. Air c:ond Reblt eng. new radial tires. new cass<'lle fm /am stereo. body. tn· tertor fine t'Ond. S289S 080 675-3380 or 111<1 1 88&>1006 New rt~ac~~M44 '7 BMW-'7'1 Gold Honda Aecord O ..... -· Auto Xlnt l'Ond A'C 117~~~1 ri:. 67~1.i.844-~ -r7 BM.Ii GDCSI. meulbc 1911 ..... "° red, AC. anrf. atereo, •-Wll St,OtS .07IJ --·~--• '79 MB 240D Stick. xlnl tond111on $15,000 644 7400 '70 Mcr1·1.-<les 2.'10. 4 dr Clean $4125 963·5111.1 '79 911SC Cpe. loaded. a!> '65 Mercedes \90(', I dr 4 sum<' lease, S.577 mo. 2·1 cyl. ready lo restore mos lcrt. S1500 dn"' n S900 499.4457 alt 5PM 673 1585, 686-5280 1972 220 '8 I P 0 R 9 I I S C Clean, new lrans. new T A.RGA tires new blaupunkt Rare l':uropea9 Jndl stereo and sheepskins w rull turho ~) h\ $6.000orbeslorrer PP Kremt'r Ram1.i. W 842 4718 Germ am lmmed dt• M BZ 300SD lflM New 40 gal DSL Wnk Cltan, all extras f.1ther S35(kJ and take over advantJj!eous lease or S211.000 1;44 9272 aft 2_pm '72 Sedan 250 AC:. AM FM Good t ond Best o rrer 67~ 4149 '7S 4SOSL. 1\'0l'Y tan int Immaculate 831·7969 645 7400 ll\•er} $45.000 <h·er~ea~ lmP,Qrh 17141966 &"U clol.i-cl Sun ' Porsche '65 3~6C Gooa <'ond Beilt otf er m4Hi75~l'\~ '54 l'or:.rhe fo r SH It' Plea~e <::ill 9611~ for mform3llon 1971:1 Porsl'lw 924.• ~Int. sun r on l. A <:, 111·" radials lmrn11c:uC:1t1· '81 300 SO Turbo Diesel 675·9132 8i lver hluf, poli:i hed .71 Por 914 ULK ,-A:'\ wheels. sunroof llK mL AM fM . Cass 111 vnl S32,900. 89I IS88 maas. show rm 1•1:und '78 300CO coupe, Aunrnor. S3500m·:B91l I' I C'•tr11 tank & niter. wire ;1 Por:.t·he 9lA. l' 11.,.. whetls,cassette. 497·6494 ma lei., i·lli.ln,,.,.lnt '81300 SO. Metallic Crey s~e111~t IAadl'il l.lk1• Snrf. l(rey lei.tht-r 1111 new md~t i.1·~1 f.\:11111 900 ml t'ull W11rra1'ly 080 1163 5"0 ~ S3S.500. Or OOcr M' '70 9llt: Uor11h,iM «i1•1 67).31rif, 7~· l<m ORO ~ 'II 300SO Turbo An M!Zll'1..-,l_ Ulracite JftY E:x~lfnl ''4 Poradif Wl!!!"ll-. coed l3,CllO ftli a..• ~~~ 6 ·.'!!~MMI -Giii IMtl~ ...... .., ~ . .. ' Dll Oranqe Coast DAILY PILOT/Sunday. October 11, l981 ' Alilhtt, l•p1rt.d Aalto.1, la,Otttd Ailhtt, a.,_,w U...t • Aftot. Ut•d Alllfot, Ut~ t.. '800 .... 9100 ....... ..... tlOO ...... Hew HOO ~:;~·;;;; ....... ;;~~ ;;;:;:· .... ·;;;; ;;.;;:;::;. ....... ;;·;; ~;;: .......... ;;·;; ~:;.~; ......... ;~·;; ~~ ............ so ~~~················~·················~~······················'······················· ·····:..················· •.......•••••...............•••••.•..••.••.....•...••................ ···•·•················· ······•••····••···••··· • 1 uEALER IN U.S.A. '10 YW CAMrlll '60 '!IS vw '*" & nttht COMTa.fll..tTIHG I S•m ~U}I> dmt• II llttll' .... l'•pn, BlrH'k ~b1M. II ' Auto trans . AM/FM stereo. Custom air POWer .Disc brakes. white walls-:-w.re wneet OO'>'&rS S ~ 3989t)} ..al.-_ _.. ;. '8272 r a. ma~non1 pontiac 2480 Harbor Blvd., at Fair, Costa Mesa 549-4300 ' rma~n0n·sunaru·-· 2480 Harbor Blvd., at Fair, Costa Mesa 549.1457 CLOU D Sl,INDAYS Soab 9760 ••••••••••••••••••••••• 74 Saab 99 LE Ext·ellcnt cond 1ns1~ and out Lo m1. 673-1763 Wt:nraha p 27 4 1 t>d door. '73 ltft door W CAIMUAC? uvt l£ l(t. · un 11..,111 IJI t') I Llkr ll(•w w air l2.000 m~~ urb Wflll!m atylt whl Wt l pttlallu tn lea!lt') l'orvf'llt"> ~u1ppc'd with ~ 1699 Oyn1m1lc1 1146ZYS1 nm• ror SuJ)f'r Bt•tllt" ror tht bualneu l'lt. " SJlt't'd or 1utomut11• '7t M....,.n w~ $12.500 $2\lu 548-9144 ecuUvtliprofeuional lrun~mt~\IOO Lo mlll'llllf' f ull> JIM MAllHO '77 YWDASHB LerpS.ledi0tt -t31t177 R£0 rqu1p d xlrll cond VOLKSWAGEN Uyn1 m1lt automatic OfM.w 1981 ~3:'J::;n.1~1~ ~ 43Jl 18711 BeathRh d wa 11o n Ai r. cleun. CocllaCI 103Q'l7 BEIGI-: 1td4*j tfS2 142-2000 !I h 11/,P . 0 r I a In 111 How"' Stodc! J038(r4 RRONZt: ······················~ llMl!SF I. I 6G M u,t \' hulc1 ;ur I' S 1979 SlttS N~BER~ xlnt tond S'l.~ COHVEITllU JIM MAAJMO -1 5..\14242 Whitt' with wh1ll• in VOLKSWAGEN C f)ILL1\ , GG M u~tunl(, lo mt. 11ood 9765 tenor. AMtnt ca~seltt!, 187 11 lkach Blvd. I••)• If,,• lh.• <IOI S El Camino lk11I 1!1li: Net•d\ minor bod~ <'hro me wheelb. low 142-2000 1 .,.,, \h 1.td"•1m SanC'lt>rnt'nlt' work & p11mt.SU!.50 Toyoto ••••••••••••••••••••••• 19,UO() miles (23869()) 831 "'"0 I"" K."'.IO 675 MSl MUlll Sell '711 TO)Ola $1,595 ,·79 Wht vw <.:onvt!rllhlt', """ '" "' <.:elii:a $3500. Good TARGETDATSUN suporb S9000. 17141 "Luxurious UeVtlle" DodcJe 9935 '70· Or111ma.IOwner. lo~ Sbap4l Call John Dana 13731 Harbor RI 346·51~ aft 6PM. '79 CADILLAC Sedun ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1111h•:t11t' (,oud 1·ond 3 Poin t.496·3828 GardenGrovt' ·~· De Vi lle . elegantly •64 DodcltDart Spt-cd $1200 497 1398 '76 COl"QftCI Wnon 17 Ht 554-9000 '63 bus, moving, musl eq uipped with lealht•r _!S00~0629 Oldtmobilt 9955 d Wh' ~ sell. 0 80 .Pp. 497·S72S interior. ltll whel'I , . ••••••••••••••••••••••• 4 sp 1le S2.500 'H ¥W ¥AMA CtlU~e ..t.ll:M.rA! wU Lillie old ludy i. 1971 Dart ---ut.en-~.,.... '72 S G9 · ·powe r 13S889l1 MUST "Owin~g~r llf.-goo miTt's, . ~t Vaiuf!·~tt'nl'e . Tri...,,_ -'7671 ~~~t~ t~~r ~u!h1: Xlot cond New reblt SE L i.,.'~ Need reliable IJke_n,ew suso 751 91:112 R7e7f/.e~c~ Dl~o~p~ 8 ~rd~ ••••••••••••••••••••••• speed \'W Excl'ullH• S~ P p person lo a ssurnl! Ford 9940 ramou' dependab1ht} & 1980 TR 7 Conv, whill'. lo unit 11239611 645-9502 ba la nee. No old l'OO •••••••. ••••••••••••••• Ill\ u n 1 00, Fu 1 h m1, all!.ays garaged s9995 'G7 \'W ClibS1r Ne111 eng. trarts o~ bark payment~ For 'ale 57 Fa1rlane, a~ eq u 1 P ped i HS 1-;032-, 496-:!l&I JIM MARINO oi:v. brks W10 due Will help finanre t:. tall 545 ~ ,1,k for ~I L'ST SEU •• !"L>ed rl' '74 TR6 Low mt See to VOLkSWAGEH ~0418 Call Mr Sandy. Frank Burry fortnfo(.•\, huble Pl'~ lo a~~ume appreciate $3500 18711 Beach Blvd '69 \'W Bug New radial ~~~~ L M 17 14 1 '76 Granada Ghia nl'"' balante '\o ol d con Call 67>8109 842•2000 ltres Runs great S2000 · -brake~ & lraru. Cc! rnnd lr<H'L' or baL·k pa~ menb VollsWOCJftl 9770 080 S48·8738 1965 Cod Conv $2100 642 7931 due \\'111 help fmanre ••••••••••••••••••••••• ·10 VW Com1 Xlnt «c>nd '70 VW Bus Sundial con while. red intenor. lo\lrl' FASTA$TIC DE \I, ('all Mr Sa,nd~ Frank 30.000 m1 on rblt t•ng ~ers1on Excellenl $2750 wheels. :.lereo cas!>elle. '78 Granada Sl70CI r r o Io I. ~I 1 7 I I I am fm $3950 Nan<') 8J3.2QJ good top s:.lOO Trade for 646·4s.IO t.·12 ~Ju IS47 3661 846·8312 VW Conv 72 Clas~1c jewelry, boat rar" ·72 El Ca1111110 Goucl Transporlal1on rar ,f/.d '63 M11:ro·Bus. clas~ll'. yel blk top Ong owner 835·6684 Cond NeL•d, l 11hol i:a~ m1 Hum. Xh11 S600 1981 RAUIT E RN AND LEARN! COMVERTllLE Fire engine red with bright white top. air ron d1t1on1ng, A M FM rassette. low. low 3,500 miles !046251 many extras. new tran~. Under 1001\ orig m1. '77 Seville An all blark $2400 6'12 SW~ S2195 080 661 6l~ New top. new eng & beauly with real chrome 979 ~1112 ·74 Cul la bs. run~ lo\ell. nd5 ,77 Con\' 43 .000 mi . drive tram Many xtrs w1 rt> wheel!>. $7950 Li In 9945 ,..onll' bod t lo\o rk De I iv er the Daily Pilai Boys a nd g i r Is 1 o or o Ider Ca 11 642-4321 and apply today. TAR GET DA TSUM 13731 liarbor81 Garden Grove white. mint cond Sli,GOO $4350 673 8958 7 9PM Jerr}' 673·2.549 nco $.\SO OHO 960 9213 673·1247 '75Smocro. askmgS3600 19 8 1 F I e et.; o o d ···:~1:~::~·1:1~·;0~~~···· Pinto 9957 Daily Pilat 1982 CELICAs HERE THI (7 I 4t 554-9000 '69 VW Van. <.:orva1r Con· ve rsion X1n1 l'Ond 968·3140, 552-6616 I '69 Bug. new paint. eni:. radials. i:a~!I 52250 661 3982 Laguna '80 J t'lla ~rfCL't l'ond a II xtras. best rsnble o(for t2131434·llf74 BRAND NEW WEEKEND I BRAND llEW I 1982 TOYOTA . 4x 4 PICKUP 1978 DATSUN 200SX HA TCHIACK 4 cyt engine. s speed lrans owr brakes bucket seats AM·FM stereo. sunroof & more' Super cfean1 ( 129TWY) 1976 MERCURY CAPRI COUPE cyl.. 4 speed trans . air cond . kel seats. AM·FM stereo. vinyl ool. mags and low mi les• 68tNLD) Won't last long at 537ft Our sale price includes an AM·FM sl ereo. dual Ultra mirrors. chrome step bumpe r . window package and more. Hard to find beige exterior. (027464) 1980 VOLVO 242 SfOAH 4 cyl. engine. 4 speed lrans Power brakes. AM-FM siereo tinted glass. cloth intenor, radial tires & more! (1ANG442J. 1975 VOLKSWAGEN RAlllT Economical 4 cyl engine. 4 speed 1ransm1ssion, bucket seats. AM·FM radio & morel This one 1s 1n exoellent condition! (968NOl) 1982 TOYOTA TERCEL SEDAN Don't miss this'!! This economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed transmission. 2 door model is Toyota s answer lo lhe economy car' White wi th beige interior (327121). 1979 HONDA ACCORD LX 4 DOOR 4 cyl. engine S speed trans . velour inter1or AM·FM slereo. cruise control. tinted glass. radial tires & super clean' (015616) S58ft 1979 TOYOTA 4X4 LAMDCRutsa 8 cyl. engine. a" oondltion1ng, 4 speed lransm1ss1on. bucllet seats and low miles Another sui>er clean unill (698XSU). 57299 1975 TOYOTA COROLUW~ Economical 4 cylinder engine. automatic transm1ss10n. luggage rack. bucllel seals, vmyt intenor and in excellent cond11ion1 Musi see• (239NIF) s29ft 1976 DATSUN 1210 Economical 4 cylinder engine. 4 speed 1ransm1ss1on. AM·FM radio. vinyl top, mags and morel Super gas mileagel (24 7POM). _. ......................... .... Am fmsterrocass.new Brougham 2 door '71! LINCOLN ~\HK\' ••••••••••••••••••••••• brks & tlruc, 4 •. pd, a c D'Elegance Cadillac • . ' ' 'T ~" ·' . rulh equ11JP<'<I "1th all 1977 Pinto Hl'NAllOL . Well pamperf'd Must Ve ry low nuleage .Dark the· luxury )'OU wunl • sl1t·k ~h1fl, \'er) dl'an. sell 1213)597 ~ brown exterwr. saddle T1h whe1:I. tru1~1: mn mu~t st•ll S2,0llO OHO 1970 VW Bus En1t 1ne leather mtenor.All lux trol, stt>rt·o t331LOJ 1 !lii21743 lfiOOcl· Single Port, all ~[!. ft10~~ .~~9~roof. ML'ST SELL' :-ired rt• ·73 Pl:'JTO new beanng.~. has hghl . -~-~ 59 llabll' pen.on to J~Wml' Rl NSGOOD.S750 oil leak MUST SELL' 78 Seville, JSK. s<ilmon. bulant't' !'>111 0111 l'on 962i!Otil LongBlock only.S200or perfect cond. S9SOO trarL~or l>ackµa\ment~ make offer 951 8838 or . S49·824~~~-<!900 d.ue Will .hl'IJ.1 r;n~111•e lymoufft 9960 586 3091 afterSpm 71 CDV. ictht rood tm1s Call Mr ~ancl~. ~rank ••••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 SCIRROCO sing right dr handle! pr 0 t 0 L M I j I 1 1 73 Fury. 4 dr. rs.PB. 318 Fast w many xtrs. lo $700. 220 Camelha C~I 847 3661 enfl, 1046 m1. must st>ll m1 S1her S42000BO .~2·37~7 Mercury 9950 S6500BO ~'>2591 675-4775 73 E• Dorado. a true •••••••••• ••• •• ••• •• ••• '71 VW Super Beetle Semi auto Sl!lOO UBO 962-9792 ~ VW Squarcback, Euro pean Ed1t100. rblt eng. new brakes . ne"" generator Nl*ds paint. SISOO OBO G.'.ll 1696 aft 6 '76 VW ronvert1ble Xlnl cond FM Tape. $.5,500 low m 1 559 6.54.'l '80 VW DIESEL Custom Rabbit 2 cloor sun roof 5 SJ><.'t'd. air & stereo. Cobull blue Dynamite' (1169371!) $6195 JIMMARJMO VOLkSWAGEH 1871 1 Beach Blvd 842-2000 78 VW SCIROCCO Chumpagne F.d1t1on Wh1tr factor) air. 4 s prcd . s tt>rl'o U) nam1te' ISl8VAG I $5995 JIMMARJHO YOLKSW AGEH 18711 Beach Bhd 842-2000 Volvo 9772 ....•.......•••••••••.. #I VOLVO DEALER IN ORANGF. l'OL'NTY' SALES, SERVICE AND LEASING OVERSEAS DELIV t~RY t:XPER1'S EARLEllCE VOl.VO 1966 llarbor Blvd COSTA MF.SA 646-930] 540.9467 '63 P1800, restnred in & out. health forces sale. must sacr 536.1643 '70 242S, 4 sod $2700968-~ Autos, Uted ••••.•................. 9905 •••••••••••••••••••••• 1976 HORNET 50.IXX> miles $2500 & classic' Cood cond . '79 Zeph) r 6 r~ I 4dr .1u10. Pontiac 9965 e_lect sunroof_ !>46-1359 P S & P B v1n) I IOp 1 m • • ••••••• •• •• •• ••• ••••• '76 Se\ 1Jle fully equip 2· mJc 897 8"23 l>H <:TO chl'rn cond ('Lf'. '" FAST CA R ~lfi95 tone. new radials )>ee to a_p_£rec 897:8423 '76 Seville fully equip 2 lone. new radials ~ee tu a_ppreL_897·8423 '78 Seville 36K miles Xlnt con d Many xlra~ SJ0.000 Days 833 3776 or Evenmgs644 2137 '76 Seville. f1rem1~1 green beige \In} I top Full pwr. lea mt. tlt•an $6500 Home 640 5ill8. bus 54§· 7360 ext 21 K Comoro 9917 Econom) Spt"r1al' '81 ~1 ER<.:l'RY (.',\l'HI super eL·onom~. ~IX'l'IJI \'alue no""' 1Bl'll7121 Ml:ST SELV Need n: liable pen.on to a!l~um1• balance No old ton lrac~ or back pa~ menl~ dul' Will help f111an1·r Call Mr Sand~. Frank Pro t o L M l il41 847 3661 1978 7.EPll EH I cir ~ta I I 0 n " !I ~ ,, n \\' (' 11 t''l U Ip pt•<I SI 111(1 i5<! 15711 193 9411 l!liO F1reb1rd. ne" paint ~ll'rt'<J G•xid transpuna toum r.ir Bod\ 111 xlnt l'ond s211.i ;5o 5142 a rt IP~I 'f\5 Pon tiat· Grand Prix RUO!<l(oodS250 154·7166 1i1i (;To Ori!!. owner \1J1nt••nenc!' H1s1on \1an11u ls s1sciJ 4!r.'·4189 Th1o111derbird 9970 .. F.t·onom~ l'ul ' ~··•••··~··••.••••••:·~· 110 ~1 E HCL'R \' ROB ••••••••••••••••••••••• 74 Camaru. auto. I S. I CAT 4 l'\ I enl!lnl'. 1 !>pcl 68 T Bird S12.SO, P B. air. 75K mi. i:oud tr.inb · mai: lo\hl.'l''-h3T B1rdS2950 CO,!ld $200) 962 5234 1tiOOZAT1 .\ll 'ST SELi.' !Hn0389 '72 Camaro. runs l!r<'at Need rl'h.1bh.' J.l('r,on tu S2200 OBO · a~~Uflll' balanL'l' '\o old eCJO 9974 962 3765 t"Ontr...trt' or b .. td, p:n ••••••••••••••••••••••• Chevrolet 9920 mt'nt~ due \\ 111 hl'lp '75 \'1•1ta Sta \\'gn GT S ••••••••••••••••••••••• fmanrc Call Mr Sand) ~pd 710CX/m1 nel'ures CL... ,82 Frank ProlO I. .\1 •ii 11 hc~t offer 5Si 1100 or • -·· 1147 3661 &14 ~16i New J ~:~=on A1r.1Awtos, Used Awtos, Used automctl•r tram, . pwr ••••••••• • •• • • ••••••••• steering & brakes. radio. lilt w het'I. more' • 11 E IAL Sweetheart ! 14677 1 ONLY $7995 HOW ARD Chevrolet Dove Quail St.s. NEW PORT BEACH 83J.0555 1979CORVITTE Spark hnl! silver with crea m rn tcrior. has EV ER Y OJYrlOt-; with auloma11c transm1ss111n ( ll073l $12,495 TARGET DATSUN 1373 Harbor Bl Garden Grove 17 I 4t_55~99_90 SEE US FIRST! We have a good selection of NE W & L'SE D Chevrolets! CONNB.L CHEVROLET -'12!1 llarbor Hh d 1·osTo\ ~n:.-. . .\ 541>-1200 '68 Chev Mahbu xlnt 1981 CORVETTE Locn1 .. 11 1;i .tt1 G1~1"'l "cq~ .1ri.1 J "' ·• ··• 1 tran!>mr')'J1on 1 1 CNP-192) ONLY .516,997 Trucks, Vans & 4X4s We're your Ram TouRh TrtA:~ Center' '79 FORD IROMCO '72 DODGE YAN RANGER XLT CONVERSION ,,,.., 72'1 1 l)IOFT01 s7997 ~ ~ '79 JEEP 4•4 PICICUP l44lll931 556 4353 eves weekends cond AM FM radto. 9915 $900. Codiloc ••••••••••••••••••••••• 642-6C»J4 ·79 Cad Coupe dt> Vi.lie I ·73 Wgn. sm. V8. aulo, nu La n dau Top W1.re tires. ps. pb. a r. runs Wheels. Leather. cruise xlnl, $500. 499.5754 control. 8 track & Stereo . ----31K mt.Xlnt.S88000 BO 1 72 Nova. nt>w cooling 49H8Sl system. runs. nds elec E DO work $600 OB0642·015.'I 75 L RADO -----XLNT CONDITION '76 Loaded. Stereo S2900 546-3736 63~ '80 Eldorado. assume lease at S437 IS1mo. or purchase out r ight al SIS.~ Special Edition convertible top look. black w/burgandy, new Mich. 1.11-es. 133.000 m1 Be a utiful ' 760·3661. '69 Chev :m. 69,000 mi Posi·tract1on rear AA t_rack~ 841·~ ·79 Caprice Classic. full pwr. lo mi, l!.'ire whls, air. beaut cond $4950 96S.SS23 ·-- _!46·~15 '79 MALIBU Lease~ f act. air, S3200 '79 Eldorado. Moonroof ns.~ Blk/81k leather $29,000 SUPER DEPENDABLE m1 Sll.900 ·71 Malibu. reblt cng. '78 Seville Moonroof. lrans~~Jirm_~0.27lS Wires etc, xlnt S9,000 CMHRflltal 99 JO '78 Sev ille die sel, ••••••••••••••oo••••••• vougues. wires, xlnt Super Sharp Luxury '78 FORD COURIER PICKUP (lll1'71) '7t CHIYlOUT MONIACOUPf tcNXwtl 53597 '7'TOYOTA COROLU (H'IQ() s3997 '71CHfflOLfT CAPRICE ~ s4997 7t OU>SMOIU D&TAll DIESB. OMYMll S8500 '77 Seville . peac h w/velour interior. Xlnt '81 LINCOLN MARK VI s5997 Beautiful inside & out. 71 MEICUlY llPHYI SIDAN "°""'' '3797 '71DOOGI CHALL84Ga l*l.lm s4697 74D4TSUH uoz !lC"'701l s4997· '10 FOID MUSTAHG ... , '5997 super loaded with all the luxuries. See il now! '7' IUICK 116.AI. 'IO ,.eAJDA <BIF877 > MUST SELL' TUllO IX7 COUPI $7700 '78 Lincoln, 4 dr. lo mi $5950 '80 Omeea. 2 dr, air, auto. radio. Xlnt 14500. '79 Ford f'airmont 4-dr. 3.1,000 m I. S3S$O Above urs are lease re· lums and carry a 00 day warranty. ''ts:',;;-. Need reliable person to ~ IM4VJC! assume balance. No old '6397 '8697 contracts or back pay , .. fiments due. Wi1i.helP 1W1••••••••••JJ1?•••"•?1t~ inance. Call Mr ..,.1ndy, •IV Sl.IYICI SPICIM.tST Frank Proto t.1M 1714 l , WSIHG AU MAHS •SI HA1LA ISPAMOl MP~l Hours Sales 9 am hi 9 pm O.Cty Conettt Service 7 1 m hi 5 30 pm M-F ••••••••••••••••••••••• '79 C1dill.c Seville Dsl. C°'""' I t7t · cooperete President's White, a r. CNist. Xlnt automobile. All •tru . cond. lt,000 ml 9$0C> 111.000. Lo mi. ~ Week dayso.ly or 2131-.Mtl. --""'11-..14-.>~-, --- ' ORANGE 0 A .ST FASHION SECTION OF THE ORANGE COAST DAILY PILOT Jo Anne Mix, Doug ThOmpson aboard The Pilgrim • SUNDAY, OCTOBER 11 , 1981 Daily Pilot Photo .bY Patrick O'Donnell I : ·.-8 e Ii eve it or knot: +~ . =~~~ :~i ScarveS aren't just :·=~ . for necks anynlore ~~~ l I Piiot Style Sunday, October 11 . 1981 English moors -reociii~g new LU~UON Mentioning that it was overcast the du~ wo left London is like telling someone there's water In the streets in Venice. When t he s un does appear here occasionally . it becomes such a s ubject of conversation one begins to reel that only the second coming or Christ could command more attention. Fictionalized. dramaticized yet harshly vivid as the film was. I could still hear Merle Oberon who CQuldn 't have been less in control of h~r own life -as Kathy call- ing into the wind. ··Heathcllf(! Heathcliff' ·· But it was too late. He wa!> gone. this young broodmR Laurence Olivier. Perhaps practicing for u later Hamlet. And was it Leslie Howard the family found ucceptu· ble·• I c1m"t remember. · 'H~Jghts' ·~ movie crush and maybe to relive that film. I actually did. Lord knows our copy of the book is bedraggled enough. :\tovit' crus hes have their good !Sides though. I got hooked on tht• Brontes durin~ 1 hut pt'rrod ··Did you sa~· you wanted to o up to H~~·worth"'"" Hal's voice intenuptcd m~ musing. ··wc·11 have lo turn soon.·· ---i This ti me·O~t6ber played it'!-lr.'utri tune. -----------...."'!o I thought for u moment ··'.'Jo I don·l think ~o. I final· I~· answered. ......... ....... .._ ____ ...,_....... ...... ..,..._ -.... ---~ ~s we started north across the moors toward ' , ' ' ' Et'lgland's border country and the Scottish lowlands what had been threatening clouds broke wl!ter fi lled the roads. splashing hea\"il~· against the car As the wipers hit rhyt hmically CJgain:-.l the windshield. I dropped the seat back. wrapped m~· clo<1k a round me a nd mused sleepil y about m~· own personal i rn;i.ige or the English m oors . • I happen to love rain. (t ·s somehow a throwbuck to childhood. I suppose. when Eastern winter rain~ made it impossible to go outside. <J nd I had an cxcust• to <:url up and read at my leisure . . I felt warm and cozy and cared for. 'For so~ n•ason I tiave the same association with ginger ale. grah am cracker s and tapioca pudding. I realized as I ruminated that my images of thi~ most ck~olalt' arec.t in England came from seeing the fir-;t \"L•rsion of th«:> movie ·· Wuthering Heights."· But no m atte r . It was the first time I began to think how dreadrul the caste system was und that ~·oung lon~rs s hould throw convent ion to the proverbial winds i.lnd ru~h off into the world together. I was young. It wasn·l until ~·ear~ lutt·r lhut I un derstood the realil~ of such a s itu<.ition <Jnd SU\\" whul u mess that could lead to. But that cold winter in Philadelphw I n•ad and rt• rL·ad ··Wuthering Heights·· m~· :vtom sa~·~ five time:-. find that hard to believe. but Oli\"ier w<1s m ~· first ' I ""Oh"?"" the question was apparent in his m ice. ··:"llo Bronte country·; You don"t wunt· lO see the p<Jrsonug<.'°10' ··Hayworth is an industrial arect."" J ~e1id We"d been tra,·eling through rolling hills. lush green fields on either side. clust('r:-. of bnck houses ne~tled against the ro<.id. ··Besides. I read H<.iyworth has made un indu~t ry of the Brontes."" I added. ··That may be all right. · lfal said rt•<tson abl~ The~· may have nothing else ·· ··Wt•ll. ·· I ... :..id . I don 1 "<Jnl ln liJkl· I ht• di.inn· ·· Sometimes the irtwge is bl'tll'r than th<.· rci.llit~ We passed the turn. ·Where lo. ~l udam "' · ··o n to Durham. I think we should 'lt'L' whl'f"t' thost' crul~· Ct•ltit monks finiJll~ ll-1 Sr Cul htH"rl n·-..1 We s ped through the r·ain a nd durkenmg -;k1es towards what hus been callt•d th~ mo ... t dra matic \"ision of the past in all England.·· ... ~ Laughter livens the West End salon in London where Gina Fratim designs gowns for the royal family and frilly fashions such as those modeled at right aboard The Pilgrim in Dana Point Harbor. Gina: a natiOnal potpourri LO~DO~ Youthfulness and warmth are the first im· pressions one gets of Gina F'ratini. Dressed in blue jeans und a sweater. s he mo\·es swift!~· und lightly into the room . gr eeting the \·isitor with ~ forthright hands hake and a gay s mile. S he was born in Japan of English and Irish parents and laughs al the limes she ·s had explaining her name. 1 ··Quite simple: really. I was married to an Italian.·· Did she have a choice <.tl 21 of dual citizenship"' She laughs again and sa.' .... ·~o. rm English But 1f I d been a boy, I wouldn"t have had u choice al all. I "d han• been .Japanest•. Funny isn·1 it ".' The~· don· t <:a re u bout girls·· H l'r m obile fact' falls serious for soml' moments a-.. she recalls the <.irri,·at of lh1.· Japanese in Burma She wa~ 9 at the time and fled with her parents to India when• they lived for another few ~·ears. It ·~ only u brit•f -..eriou:-.· ness. howen•r l.iJughter 1:-. A Sunday Section of the Orange Coast Daily Pilot Thomas P. Haley Publisher Thomas A. Murphine Editor Nora Lehman ltyfe Editor Michael P. Harvey ahrtlettng Director Marjorie Fandel . Retall .... , ahneger For Newa Call 642·4321 , Ext. 205 For Advertising Call 642·4321, Ext. 251 Main Office 330 West Bay Street. Post Office Box 1560, Costa Mesa, Calif. 92626-0560 !cOVER: Daily Pilot Photo by Patrick O'Donnell I Gina Fratirii designs reflect another time and place. iralpiring Jo Anne Mi% to hOp aboard The PUgnm in Dana Point Harbor to modd thU gown wUh lilk organ.ta Frmch ribbon and lace bodice ~ a lilk taffeta and ribbon skirt and tarlaton pet· ticoat. Doug Thompson of California Pacific A<tventures in Dana Point po1e1 as a pirate to complete the fantcuy. too muth a part '•I this \\Oman·-. per-.onal!t~ to be a hsent for long. Did shL' always want lo be u dl'~ignt•r ' · ~ot con~ciousl~ until I went to the Ro~·al College But as I J,!rew up. I clothed all m y dolls. my Teddy be<Jr~ ever~·thrng .. e\·er~·thing got dressed. ··Then I made paper dolls. too.·· she adds. her hands cutting out dolls 1.md clothe~ in the air. lier mori..• than 20 ~·eur:-. in professional designing start· ed with theatrical produ<:· lions and movies. She did the e ntire wardrobe for ··stop t he World I Want to Get Off."" But it was the ball gowns and wedding dresses she did for friends that led to her go- ing into business for herself 16 years ago. · · 1 love dress-up clothes."· she says. ··1 always ha\"(~·· Her West End Salon with i t s w a 11 s p a i s I e ~ .. h u n g . dresses. blouses and s kirts of cotton. silk and \"el\"el. and reels of ribbon. lace and or· ganza trimmings reflects her love of designs. Cleart~· an extension of the F'ratini personality. the~· are ranc~ful. whimsical. feminine -a lmost reflecting another time. a nother plCAcc. Gir'la Fratini designs are exclus ive with '.';e iman· Marcus in Southern Califor- nia. Nighttime sea breezes won·t bother her in Gina Fratini"s dotted black velf1et chemise with magnificent white ruffled collar o/ silk organza tied with silver ribbon. '\\ ....... ._ ............ Have the pirates tied Jo Amw· Miz to the mait in thU dnp bMr91'ftdr wh1ft gown wtth Elizabethan Jloun.cfl 1leew1, anttqw lac• collar and ~bboud piettkoal'? 4 ' ' --------------------------. Pilot Style Sunday, October 11 , 1981 :J lri the Spotlight ... Jo Anne Mix: Orange Coast Lady of Fashion . . . Count on Newport Beach artist Jo Anne Mix to ap· • .preciate the romantic soft· ness,. colors and-frills of an • evening gown. The same qualities are reflected in _her prismatic and lahfic, iiaiotines.th.a.t- h ave been exhibited tn Paris. San Francisco, Palm Springs and 10 solo shows at Cha llis Galleries in Laguna Beach. She will present a com- missioned portrait -0r actress Helen Hayes on Oct. 24 and is traveling to Texas to paint two families in the ir home s ettings in Dallas a nd Houston. Her s t yle. w hich she describes as "representa· tional with old·fash ioned the mes depicted in a cubism for m .·· appeals to s u ch Harbor Area a rt collectors .. as Clem e nt Hirsch. Tony Vitti . Maury DeWald, John Lus k, Made lyn Gonzales. Linda Marston. Jim Benson and Bill Ray. o.Ntr~•Wt,.... .Jerry Richards met .Jo Anne and her l1usba11d. Gene .\1iI. 111 the /!Jhhq d11rm4 lhP S1mp/11 Sterling .. gala that raised more tha11 S55JIOIJ for Snuth Coast Repert11r11 . Guggenhfi'm. ··A Mix paint- ing cons is tently captures beauty as few a rtists can do.·· She is cons ide r ing turn- ing some of her artis try to textiles, but for the m oment is satisfied with reveling in others' des igns. ·'The new gowns with Renaissance costumes but their elegance is time less ... s he said of the formal wear s h e chooses for Orange County Music Center fund- raising galas. And now s he has a new wistful. innocent or puckish s ubject : 3-week-old ,grand· daughter Dani e lle . Laurie a nd Neil Beverage of the peninsula are her parenL5. . i . • •• Jo Anne .\11x is currently pamtmg portraits 11f Helen Haqe<t and R11hert Crmrad Bet ty Ford was one of her sulnec•s 111 Palm Sprmqs ''When her na me is men- tioned by art connoisseurs. on e immediately t hinks of h appy childre n . flowers. brilli ant colors and a unique presentation.·· says Robert I their big s leeves and billow- ing s kirts are a lmost like Her civic involvement is c urrently concentrated in its Sound of Music guild s ince she is busy preparing a new por tfolio and two collector·s plates. Jo Anne ·s hu s band . • Gene. owns a h ydraulic • valve company. Their other dau g h ter . S ta cey. is e mployed in real estate in ... ; -~-.. Hawa11 X: Fashions for Hitll Those 'g·rubby' shoes are out The .. d r e"si ng up .. of m e n 's footwear. which 1s ,so e,·ident this fall will dominate the men·s shoe lint•s for s pring 1982. according to a spokesman for a major n<1tional shoe manufacturer ··we a r e '\ee ing major ch<1nges in men·s footwear "t~·ling for the first timL' in sen•ral yeur...:· -.aid .John :\lc.\lpint•. d1ns ion manager of the .JarmCJn Shoe Cc). .. The ·gruhh~ .. look is c>ut. CJnd ·dressing up· is in :\s a consequence. tht• entire men·s foot\\ear bu'\iness 1s dre,:-.- ing up· and se<.1 rching for li,·etier looktni! styles ·· He expects the classic and new Italian-looking st~·les to be big sell ers this s pring. .. Saddle oxfords c.1 nd tradition<tl loafers wi ll continue to be strong in the standard blacks. browns <t nd burgundy But we will also be seeing whites. lh·e lier s h<1dt•s and exotic skins ... hl' added. :\'lcAlpine. who former!~· st~·l ed the popular Laredo Western Boot:-.. -.aid the new interes t in exotic s kins i-; a '\ptn-off from the western wear craze. ··We expect to see a lot of soft leathers. calf'iJ<ins and snakeskins which m e n have be/.fn wearing only in the form of cowboy boots. But now there·s more interest in these s kins for dress s hoes .I' which are somewhat European in styl- ing . .. The s lick. yet consen ·ative. look for spring certainly corresponds to the cha nging mood of the country which has been obvious since the last presidential election. Just as peopl-e seem to be eager for a return to basics in society. men Hre dressing in the more basic. conser\"ative tradition. Bar ber shops have e\·en re- ported more bus iness."· he quipped. More me n today select footwear because of styling than ever beforf. "They have become more concerned , with the eye-appeal of dress shoes. Our market research shows that price was fourth on the list or buying moth·ators. E ye appeal was first. .. Mc Alpine said. "They are looking for nicer shoes that will las t longer. As a result. we will be seeing heavier soles and fashionable details.·· , SFA 5 Columbus Day Event. .. The Pure Wool Skirt.suit: An Excellent Value at 129.90. • Shown, the single-breasted jacket and side-pleated skirt in pale grey herringbone. • It's just one from an exclusive collection of two-piece skirtsuits all in menswear wool flannels and herringbones for sizes 4 to 14. • Also find pure wool skirtsuits by Larry Levine in tweeds, flannels and herringbones. Originally '160, now s129.90. • And pure wool me/ton and tweed coats by Larry Levine ... an exceptional value at '159. • And a collection of blazers in cotton t=orduroy or wool tweeds and f/annels ... great values at 39.90 to 79.90. • All in 'SFAbulous Coat and Suit Collections ... where we are all the things you are! South Coast Plu._ 3333 Bristol Stfftt. Costa Mesa.Open Mohda y throu1h Friday from 10 am to 9:30 pm; Saturday 'ti/ 6 pm: Sunday 12 noon to s pm. r .. '• I ,,. I i r , ' -' Piiot Style Sunday, October 11 . 1981 Designing Women have els without words • • • BY NORA LKHMt\N Olll"lrr PtMI..,.. ..... . , • I • l'VE BEEN TO A WONDERFUL PARTY hum. hum : Busy Ray und Phyl Contino both have cars. Thttl • r ,. would '\ndkate that on occasion they leave their glorious spot on the coast in Laguna Beach. H it were my s pot. however. I know I'd be tempted to hole up' there pe rmanentl~· and let everyone come to me. ,J.,,ots of lawn fills the foreground. Beyond. on a spit of la ud 1 l'a't"hing into the ucean:-ttrer~'S '9c1 ·~nnm ttaJf. '1l putting green and. at the end. a gazebo. From it all a breath·takint-! view up a nd down the coast. Waves Wl're crashing white against the rocks below and the sk~ was turning dus ky when the Designing Wo men·s party began. Then the lights came on • graduall~· glittering in the distance. ' But that glitter didn't outshine the guests men in dinner jackets. most women in long gowns but a good number in s hort dresses or the glamour of the '.'Jeiman· '.\larcus "Best of Europe " fashion show. Tables. clustered in the no rthe rn end of the garden .and seating more than 300 guests. wer e banded on the :-~liff side by a multi-level lucite ramp. ::: The modC'l s. li ghted by spots place d on the roof of the ::guest huust•. prancl'cl or s lithered across the ramp to a '.:stair·stcp s tage. The dt•C'ision by '.'ieiman-Marcus·s Kitty • Les lie and .J<.tck Schoen bron to go with just music. no commentar~-. w;.i s a bsolute!~· right. The produc tion car ried itself o.lly , ......... ,..... ./~>h11 .\larlm 11t Costa \lesa. H11lo Outc:aulr 111 l.m1111111 /kc1d1 11111/ />111t11 Oner ''' .\e1cp11r1 Beacl1 admired 1111/cl 111 \1qhtdre"' h11 \111111 111 .'\lw/1111111/ r·.111111111' Ladd If:' a1uf Peq Ht>da11 ra1.w<I '•11"' ,, 1111 < ;'11rtu 1111d ./11h11 \(1111111'1./ l-wt11ri• \ 1'111/f)ll ,,,,,, '" ,,,,,,,.,., 111111 "'' '11 '''""' J ust a h<.lndful of thos<.· enjo~·ing t he s how and danc ing to .Joe '.\Io-.ha~ s music were the Gil Van Camps. '.\tarn• :\kDt·,·itt P<1t a nd Bob Hitt. :\laxine and Harr~ La wre nc<.· Dick Dimmitt. Ollie a nd Stan Hill: :Jerrie Dwan .. Jim Ingram. J oAnn Killings worth. the ~nrm ~1 x ons. :\large and P<.tul El mqu1sl. Sett~· and Bud Godfrey Pat and Terry '.\for an . Atha lie Cla rke. and Eleanor Smith. who c<.1m(• from Palm Springs to c heck out how her daughter. chairm<rn·of.the·event An ne Colin did 1n getting thb <J('t togelht•r At the price~ paid these days. no l'iJ lt·rt·r '>hould ht• anythi ng except excellent upwards of 575.000 t11w<.1 rd tht· Or .. ng<.• Count , '.\tusit· Center a t a dinner dann• and .1ul'lion tn .\n;,iht•1m B<1rbar<1 Bu:-.h.'. \\ho chose the eatert•r <.1nd menu. wa:-. dis appointl'cl with thr outcom l' I had not thought of thb eolumn a:-. one in which. LISH sideline.•. I eritiqued catt'rC'rs. But the response to a prl' nous comment has been so positi,·e l"\"l' decided to men lion those who ha\'C done ex lraordinar~· jobs with fond and ser\'it•t• suc.·h as South Coast Plaza Hotel':-. hor-.. d 'oe u,·res at ·simpl ~· Ste rling·· •the b<J nquet food l'H• heard dese r1bed a:-. ··awful'· to ·<Jdequate" 1 and Delane~"s whole number al the ~ewport Harbor Art :\l useum·s Antiques Show openin,g . Those who fail the test will be kept on a reference li st or a non·refe rencc list until pro\'en better . l guess What wa:-. Barbara B's complC:tint " Well. not onl.' \\'iJ!'> the salad not what s he'd ordered. it re:-.t>mbll'd tht• kinrl found 1n hospital cafeterias The rest nf the m t•ul ,, :.i:-. <ill nght what hetcl been order Pd but hetdly "l'rn.•d Sigh. si ~h it's hard to make it pl'r'frtl llowe,·er. iJ!'> a 1wr!-.onal t'omment to :\Ji·:-. H . 11 \H1 '>n t lha I bad not enough lo really upset anyone (but ~·ou pprhaps l and certainly not enough to take a way from the loveliness of the setting. the good humo r of the crowd a nd the li veliness of the s how. All in a ll. :\tr:-.. Smith can be proud of ht•r d:.iughll·r .\nnl.' and Anne can be proud of her committet• It w;1'> .1 j!Ood IW rt~ l'P, lJP A~O AWA\' Burgund.'. pink and whtl<.' balloons bobbed above baskets of greener~ at l'entt•r t<J ble when the Sound of .\.lusic a nd Camelot chaptl'r:-. rLtht•cl The Dysart Quintt•tk -..trollt•d <.i mong Rep <.i nd :\1rs. Ro bert Badham . .\.fr~ Bt•ll\ Bl'ld<.•n and tht• :\k:-.:-.r:--a nd :\l m<.•s Ton.' Allt•n .. John Cnt·lho. H11lwrl Fluor. \\'ilhur Layman and Mike Manno t'hl'('king th<.· silent auction. .\fter a gourmt•t dinnt'r t hl'l'l' ""'"' d~111t1ng to the Lt'sler Lan in Ort'111:.•-..1 ru en,.,, 1·d h~ t lw \k:-.:-.rs <.1nrl :V1mes '.\lalcol m <;reen. Stank.,, C n l'I'. l.11 u1:-. Knobbe. WilltiJITT Lang:-.1011 .. Jum1•., :ll o nt g11m\·r.' .Ju m t·" :\°;Jg;imats u. Kl•ith '\"orb,\ .. John IL1u Ed" ,1rd \\'iJrm· 1ngton and Dr:--;111d :\I mt•-.. Htdwrd 'l\·-..tl'r. l'<iul Kuhn a nd Hurr.' Fahl·r SOl'~OS OF .01BITIO~: lnwgtnt• \\afktng around B<Jlboa lslLtnd and not b<..'tng .il>lt• to heur thC' clipping of oars. the puffing of 1oggt•r-.. I ht• t•ht·t•n ht•llo of <.J pe1sser· by. the s plash of a seagull or the '>queak~ wheel of a bike <Continued on Page 5) Finishing touches make leather care a challenge By PAT DUNN Of tM Dally ~ Stalf This fall 's fabrics and fashion ac· cessories run the gamut from ultra-soft s uede to shiny meta llic . The look is fan- tastic. but the care a nd cleaning of these unusual materials can be a confusing challenge. Bill Spurlock, owner of Kuster's Quality Cleaners of Costa Mesa. war'}S that label·reading is a must when it comes to c leaning decisions . ··Although m a ny s uede-cloth gar- m ents can be home laundered carefully. according to label directions, suede or s mooth le ather requir es specialized cleaning." he s ays. "Unfortunately. ther e are only about six qualified leather cleaners left in the state. and we find it 's costing more and getting harder to find skilled leather cleaning crafts me n ... Spurlock says it's a mistake to wear a fine s uede leather garment to a foot- ball game : "This looks great in a clothing ad, . but I've seen the results of spills that happe n during the excitement of a game. Most of these stains just don't come out or leather a nd the garment can be a total loss ... Spurlock notes that the quality of s ome le~ther garment s has declined in the last decade. "Even though certain leather fabrics from South America a nd Australia are used to make expensive garments. the quality leaves a lot to be desired due to insect ·caused blemishes on t he skins.·· Although antique finishes on smooth leather garments are attractive when new. Spurlock says some of the luster is always lost and many times the color of the garment changes when it is cleaned. "This is because the antique finish is applied over the leathe r itself and there is a lot of d ye instability." he explains . .. P eople really s hould expect to •see these changes even whe n a fine cleaner is used. It's almost unavoidable when dealing with leather ... Spurlock advises against us ing products that are advertised as leather preservatives. "These can change the color and texture of suede and make it feel oily. "It's also important to realize that some of the fashionable metallic gar- m ents require very gentle treatment. They are designed for appearance, not durability. "The wise wearer puts on a metallic garment at the last minute and removes it as soon as possible after getting home. In other words, be careful ! .. Spurlock adds that metallic gar- ments can be cleaned professionally by most dry cleaners and the results are usually excell ent. B. A. Poladian, a leather cleaner with National Dye House of th'e Cit y of Commerce, su ggests careful home-care for leather garments to avoid freque nt cleaning. "Never throw a leather or suede garment over the back or a chair," he said. "Always hang it up, bec ause leather absorbs up lo 78 percent of su r- face soil it contacts. "If it becomes wet, air dry in the shade a nd use a slightly dampen ed . sponge to bring back the natural luster' and to recirculate oils. Small grease · stains m ay possibly be removed by sprinkling fine sawdust or cornmeal on t he garment, waiting a few minutes and gently brushing.·· Poladian, whose f amlly has been in the leather cleanin& business for 10 generations , s ays a non-ionic liquid de· tergent <never a dry detergent> with a Ph balance of 7 can be used to clean s mooth leather. foll owed by rinsing with a cloth dampened in clear water a nd blotted dry with a white terr y cloth towel. Caring for leather and metallic ac- cessories is not difficult or expens ive. J ack Smith of Anthony's Custom Shoe Repa ir in Corona del Ma r. says regular care of suede purses and s hoes can prevent excessive soil buildup and need for professional cleaning. "Daily brushing to re move surf ace soil keeps most s uede s hoes in good . s hape ... he s <.1ys. "'There arc a lso a number of s uede cleaning products on the market that do a n excellent job. If suede shoes get wet. let the m dry in a cool place t.1nd brush lightly to restore their s mooth appearance ... Smith said m etallic shoes of any col- or can be professionally cleaned lo look almost brand new again. "The best sug· gestion I have for hom e care is to s pray metallic accessories with a waterproof- ing product · when they are purchased. Shield and Rain-a nd·Stain ar e two of the bes t .. The concept of endurttnce, the Jaca of Integrity. ----------Rolex man'• Date}u1t In 181c yellow gold with handsome •ea-green malachite dial, $8350 . Rola day-date Pre1ldent with Impregnable Oy1ter ca•e In 18k gold with 18k gold hldden-cla1p Pre1ldent bracelet, $1950. Charge Account.! Invited Major Credit Car<U Accepted Bailey Banks&Biddle World Renowned Jeweler. Since 1832 SOUTH COAST PLAZA. COSTA }llESA First level. near CaroU#el. f7141 751·5640 AtllO In Lii• Vf!fCH In th~ F•ltlon ~,._ ' < Pilot Style Sunday.October 11 , 1981 S • cruise ·speakers describe sigris ~ithout s.ound • • • ..., ,... ....... .,o....~ Mike Marino and Phyllis Carpenter stopped to chat among the balloons and smiling faces. Was Georgia Spooner checking out auctwn bids with Elaine and Bill Red- field during banquet intermission m Anaheim? An auctioneer·s punchline made .Vora and Vm Jorgensen chuckle at ··up. Up and Away.·· .. Dr Lock C. Ding and his unfe Ruth table-hopped among the Orange County Mustc Center faithful at banquet (From Page 4) That was the example Valerie Scudder used to pique the curiosity of 50 people aboard the Isla .\1ujeres Thurs day evening in a new newspaper for the deaf. printed in Sutton Sign Writing Valerie Sutton of ~cwport Beach. hi.t s expanded her patented movement writing technique from choreog- raphy to help the deaf communicate.'. She. her parents and William HC:1milton of the Can ner~· restaurant. \\ere launching CJ c<.1mpaign for S40 .000 to acquirl' a he<.1d · quarters and executive director to oversee publitalion of the newspaper and eventu<1lly a dictionar~· First to hear about the proposal as they nibbled on ·spinach-fi lled pastries. shrimp. cheese-piped vegetables and baklava were Bob and Elaine Bas majian. Rud~· and Suzy Baron. Beverly :'liestandc. Denni!-> Landes man. Ron Cunningham. Bob Shelton. and P aul and \'irgin1a Bender The group finis hed the cruise.' b~ -.ing ing ·11app~· Birthda~.-· to Emma J ane Rile~ Wonder ho \\ lht• song would ha\·e looked m sign writing"' Designers dramatized "The Best of Saks Fifth Avenue.·· a custom i,.zed fa shion event to benefit South Coast Repertory. will be presented by the Friends of SCR Guilds at SCR's F ourth Step Theater on T hurs day. The spectacle. billed as. "a style pro- duction of leading American designers.·· will begin at 11 a . m. and include an al fresco luncheon catered by South Coast Plaza Hotel. g:tfa country,fhll A~D THE BA~D PLl\YEO O~: and on Jnd on ' Phew. I think it ·s over ' Se,·ent~ -fh·e ~ e<.ir:-. to <.'elcbral<.' and with an~ more parties we all \\ould hCJ\"l• lookl'CI ...... 1f we·d lived through e,·ery year. BreakfCJ!->l. lunch. cocktails and dinner \;ot <.'\"l'I"\ <la~ inc luded ult fou r . but some dtl~·s the re :-.t•eml'd to ht• ;.1t lea st two. '.'!ewport BeCJch·s birthda~· festivitie~ -.;tCJrll'd of'f1C'1<.1l I~-. I think . o\·c.•r at the Pa\"ilion breakfast After the opening song. inrncation and µledgl' of ;,ii lcgianC'c. some wag at our table remarked thut the lus t time hc"d said the pledge of allegi<.1nce thert· wasn·l an.' ··under God·· in it. A younger man looked so puuled while the rest of us laughed it was obvious that ht• wus too young to realize there had been such a timl' Les Stephenson. who one knowledgeahlt• per!->on call ed ··ward & Harrington·s st'tret agent .. hec;w!->e "'' few people realized what he did to put mone~ in the bunk. was in 'good form that morning One ma~ not agr<.•t• with him. but he certainly pre:-.ents h1:-. point entertu1n1nJ,!h Ra!->ing his remarks on gro"th paltt•rn:-.. hl' took h1 " I'° .,. audience bac:k\\al'd through tht• \Car .... ha\ llH! peoplt• stand up who hc.1d c.1 rri\ ed during l'<•th dc.•<.'adl• • t•xce1}t thl' 1950s. whieh he forgot for ""111l' n·.1....,111 Bill Grund~. Rill and J>pi,.: lkrll·lu11 ancl \J,!nl'" Blom· quist stood up t1rn;.ircl tht• 1.i ... : Hoh (;.irdm·r \\J-.11 t then• to admit hl· was born 111 till' ;1n•a Poll~ Okcr <.1nd C'it•I and \\"ciod~ Woodm<.111 eould ·hun· risen during the ·s1b hut \H'l"l' C1\"t•rlc111k1.•rl S11 take .'·1iur bow!-> now. SJ\\ Tom Wolff and :Vlari ;m lkrJ.!t'"on. Ka,· Brown and Dot Cloc k and IJ.' no\\ tht· ulnqu1tou:-. <;wenda Wa tson. 1 Ila ,·en ·1 :-.t'l'n her for month:-. ;111d nc''' I Sl'l' her l'\'l'r~·where. • Befort' lht• h1g g1e 1111 th;.it Bl<; Saturd;.i~. thl' 2nlh. .Jackie He<Jther hc.td a ma\111 .. ..., part' al thl' \l urn11tt Donna Bunn· "a:-. thl•rt· lo "t'l' th.it ht•r l'hargc:-.. the lrnne .\h.1sll'r Chorah.• \\l'l"l' pt·l'f111m1nl! \\t•ll •The~ ''en· Buh Hopkins and Tom Fm·11lt·..., eh.1tll•<I about the m oney raised at that la"t ba'\l1on 11f .di m.dl'nt'"" the Bi g Brother!-> Big Sister" fund rai...111 ).! p:1r1' Yo u A re Invited to a special SHOWING Diane Diehl of the Irvine Guild is in ch arge of the events committee with .modeling being coordinated by Shelley Kaufmann, Saks fashion director. and he r assistant Billur Wallerich. The models will be attired in casual s portswear, separates, afternoon and dinner dresses and evening gowns. The designers represented will be Saks ex- c lusives ReviJlon Furs and Adolfo as well as Albert Nipon, Anne Klein, Perry Ellis, Ralph Lauren, David Hays. Oscar d e la Renta and Genlillesse. !tom crazy~, thz. ~ic ehzUond "'M:Ol S'Ml.al<ir. wz.ar it with <ivrzrythinS,ftom khakis to)O-lt" ~it.<z.. i~-a muet tbr)O.Jf" full wardrob:z..; m a rainl:xw d' co1ora of the JACK BRYAN COLLECTION for Fall and Holiday p resented in NEWPORT CENTER: Wednesday, October I 4th Pictured: Jack Bryan ·s black and s ilver sequined chiffon gown, s izes B to 14. $2 so. Assisting with arrangements for musical accompaniment and use of the ··Ah , Wilderness" s cenery are commit· tee members Sally Powers, Sue· Weeks. Betty Taylor, Janice Hustwit, Mona Martin, Joyce Jus ti ce and Ellen Ketchum. To reserve $20 tickets for the event, contact Kris Hagen at the theater, 655 Town Center Drive, or phone 957-2602. Spectators can look for bigger co;ats with capes and s hawls and new shapes in pants, like the already popular kn ickers, zouaves and evening bloomers created with son , pane velvet. "Leather ~nd suede are important fabrications this season, and Hollywood glamour and re,al dressing have in- flue nced the golden and bejeweled look or the evening gowns," said Ms. Kauf- mann. I ' @J~c@@)~@ 44 FOllhlon lllond • Nftllf)Of1 &och • 714/644·5070 1001 Watwood Blud.. ~ ""•. 213/108.Jt13 111 Fashion ISiand Newpon cenrer 644-7/00 .. • , . . . r Sunday, October 11, 1981 Flair fit "*' to be tied Take a scarf along on a holid ay or vacation a nd create multiple ouUits for casual wear or a night on the town -save valuable luggage space, too! T hree crepe-b ack e d satin sc~rves, at right. make ~r .... lle.lt.at...the waist a nd pull.through a s ilk cord at t he neck to create plush petals. Gold printed Chinese flowers give an im.perial richness to an outfit when a 44 -inch silk satin scarf is dramatically draped over one shoulder and tied on the opposite shoulder. top left. A larger . 48 -i n c h Kashmir paisley print scarf can be worn like a luxurious ca pe . Or twis t a 52 -i n c h met a llic g ilded scarf t o evoke lilting s trains of a sitar. To create your own drama when going to the theater . wrap a crepe scarf with gold leaf mosaic a nd lurex stripes around the waist and fling over one shoulder in s was hbuckling style. ...... _. __ _ .. ~---,--- smooth Little dabs • can • • • ffR VJ DA · I have small ,·ertical ~ d m~· lips. The lipsti ck runs ~t . crease~ and looks messy after an u or so 1:-. tht'rt' an~ \\a~· to an>id this" . ., ' I • i .JOYCE S 1 i Costa :\Jesa 1 R JOYCE: Try this a nd see if it ~ b~I ·' 1 f I • 1 ~·~~ !:itf D~ . 1 i ~. t ,., .. - your founda tion over your rwdcr the lips lightly. Brush cess powde r then use a colored aear the shade or your lipstick ~our lips. This should prevent also might tr~ lo find a lipstick f,1 s c ream y. However if you are !*'•e ~· dr~ lips. a dd a light coaling ~ ~~ to the botto m lip and avoid pr~sslrlk your lips togethe r. ; RP . AR \'I D t\ · 1 ha ,. e bus h.'" Unmistakably a e~·ebrows that <.1rc so unrut~·. r ,·e bel•n lold I s houldn "t clip them. but I do want a s moother brow lint• VICKI :\I. ~ewport Be<:1('h D EAR VICKI : Vo u are right. You shouldn't use scissors on your brow~ or pluck them if they are alread~· sparse. A simple trick lo control them is lo use a little hair spra~ in your palm. dip your brow brush into your palm and then brush the brows the way you would like the m lo go. DEAR VIDA ~.'" daughter was hes her hair ever~· da~· and blows it dry Is n·l that too oft e n·1 J"m afre1id she will damage it. CATHERl:'-<E W Irvine D EAR CATli E RISE : )!y h a ir sty list sa~·s your daughter's hair will slay healthy if s he uses a good s hampoo. conditions he r ha ir regularl~· and does not use the hair dryer too close lo her hair o r at too high a temperature. DEAR VIDA : I like to take showers instead of tub baths I don 't <.1lw<:1ys feel that my feet are getting clean It"s dif- fi cult for me to balance myself on one HOWARD FOX ... Spectator The ultimate elegance of the finei.r tailoring. and wperb crafHmani.hip. Detailed ai. you love them. CCllMI c.atf wllh Otwy c.atf v.,. .,_ c.atf wllh Toupe c.atf v-. Sues AAAA 6 lo 10 AAA 6 lo 10 AA 5'1lo 10 A 610 9 B '10 10 99 Fashion Island •.. Newport Beach ... 759-9551 foot while I scr ub the other. What do you s uggest ·> C HA RLE~E T Costa "1 esa DEAR CHARLE S E: I have a friend who sa,·s she stands in a rectang ular . ._ sha ped plastic container as she s howers. She says this keeps her feel in wate r and the reby keeps the m clean. However I like to soak my feel in fool powders a nd warm water al night when I'm reading or watching TV. I do this a couple of nights a week, and I am confident that my feet are clean. There are fool tubs on the market. and some eve n come with vibrators. Talk about lux ury~ Also <'very lO days or so I treat myself to a ho me pe dicure and gh:e the m a n ext ra good soaking. A pedic urist once told me that most women ignore their feet more than a n.' othe r part of their bodies. Treat ~·our feel with lender loving care. Quest1011.i; Imm readers are welcomed arid encouraged They help us all to he aware of problems that could af feet 11ur constant ef. fort to stay at1ract11;e \\'rite 111 Vida Dean. c o The 0011.1/ Pilot P 0 H11r /.WI. Cf)sta .\1 e sa 92621) ShQP-P-ing Sampler SAKS: :'llicki Que. Chanel artis t. will be available for make ups and d em · onstrations :\'fonday through Saturday A. Christian Dior a rtist is scheduled for Tuesday-Saturday appointments. S EU1A'.'i·)1ARCl:S: A represl'n· tative of La Prairie will be on h<.1nd Wednesday to discuss the Swiss treat ment line. BROADWAY : A Re \"lon makeup artist will be in the ~ewport Beach store today and Wednesday demons trating eye makeup and foundation. SORDSTR0 )1 : From 11 e1 .m . to 4 p.m . Wednesday·Frtday two models will demonstrate the UM! Qf products in Es tee L<:1uder·s new BODY SP.-\ lint> NEWPORT BEACH STYLE I The ~dding Pic~ .. Alexonder-Copelond Candice K. Co peland of Fountain \'all ey and Wayne L .. \lexander of Hanfo rd. Calif.. recently exchanged wedding rnws in Chri~t Church by the Sea of :\'ewport Be<.1ch. The bride. da ughter of '.\tr. a nd '.\l rs. Jerry L. Copeland o r .Fountain \"a ll e~·. graduated from Fountain \"a lley Hi gh School and Cal State Fulle rton. "The bridegroom. son of :\tr. and )lrs. Lawrence B. Ale xander or Hanford. gr adual· ed from Ha nford Hi gh School and the Ame rican Conservator~· Theatre in San Fran· cisco. He also ;Jllended Los Angeles Cit.'· College. .Wrs . .Jeffery Jeffery-Swies Mary Lou Swi es of '.'iewport Beach and Jeffrey Roberts of Rohnert Park exchan~ed wedding vo ws recentl y a t St. Mar'k ·s Pres byterian Church in Corona del Mar. The bride. '<laughter of :vtr. a nd :vtrs . An· thony J . Swies of '.'iewport Beach . attended the American Inte rnational School of the Hague in Holland and graduated from La Jolla High School and Cal State San Diego. She is employed by The Broadway. The bridegroom. son of Arthur and Reba Roberts of Rohnert Park. graduated from Rancho Cotate High in Rohnert Park and at· tended Orange Coas t College in Costa !\tesa and Cal State San Diego. He is employed by Kleen Line Corp. Dootson-Gordon Leslie Gail Gordon of San Francisco and William Craig Dootson of San Diego and Costa Rica. Central America. were married recently in a garden ceremony at The Esplanade at Shorecliffs in Corona del Mar. The bride, daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Altred Frank Gordon of San Francisco. graduated from Urban High School of San Francisco and attended Cal State Sao Fran-• . . .\.fr. a11d .'tfrs Wa'k111 1> W otkins-Bonner Brynne Susan Bonner of Corona de l \Ia r and Gregory Wa tkins of Sherm<1n Oaks re· cently exchanged wedding \'OWs in .:\'ewport Harbor Lutheran Church. The bride. d a ughter of :\tr. and :vtrs. Wellington F. Bonner .Jr. of Coron CJ del :vtC:1r. graduated from Corona del :\tar High School and attended L"SC. .Wri>. Lltsinger Litsinger-Shoffer Leslie Lauren Shaffe r of Huntington Be ach and Richard Marshall Litsinger of Lynwood were married recently at La Venta Inn in Palos Ve rdes Estates. The bride. daughter of R. James and Donna Shaffer of Huntington Beach. gradual·· ed from ~farina Higl\ in Huntington Beach and USC School of Pharmacy. where she re· ceived her Doctor of Pharmacy degree. The bridegroom. son of David W. Lit· singer and the late Ardelle· Litsinger of Lynwood. graduated from Lynwood High and Compton Community College. He is employed by the Los Angeles Police Department. The couple plan .to live in Downey after a honeymoon in England and Europe. cisco. The bridegf'oom, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Walter Dootson of Corona del Mar. graduated from Corona del Mar High School and UC Santa Barbara. He is employed by Scripp's Institute of Oceanography in La Jolla. Following a wedding trip to the Grand Canyon, the couple plan to li,ve in San Diego. The groom. son of '.\tr. and :vtrs Harold F. Watkins J r . of Sherman Oaks. graduated fro m Buck le~· lligh in She rman 0<1ks <.ind also a ttended q;c. lie is empl o~·ed b~· :vtG:vt Studios as a sound engineer Foll owing a wedding tnp to ll<1 w<1i1 . .:vt c.1zatla n a nd Ca bo San Luc:as . tht• c:oupk pla n to li ve in \'<1n :\'u ~·s .\lfrs .\.1urray M urroy-Bre stel Cynthia Desiree Brestel of ;.;ewport Beach and Dennis Anderson Murray of '.'Jew York City were married recently at Com· munity Presbyterian Church in Laguna. The bride. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William R. Ruggles of '.'ie wport Be ach. graduated from Corona del :\tar High in Newport Beach and attended Orange Coast College in Cos ta !\tes_a and UC Irvine. She works as an interior designer. The bridegroom attended '.'Iortheastern University in Boston and is employed by TRW-Fujitsu. After a honey moon in Laguna Beach. the couple plan to make their home in New York. Cote-Canova Ann Nita Canova of Stockton and James F . C.ote of Newport Beach were married re· cently in St. John's Episcopal Church of Stockton. A dinner dance reception followed at Stockton Golf and Country Club. The bride, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Norman Canova of Stockton, graduated from Lincoln High School in Stockton. UC Santa Barbara and tt1e University of San Francisco School of Law. • Pilot Style Sunday. October 11, 1981 1 .\fr. and .\1r.~ \\'1ezt'I W iezel-Ward Wendy Dianne Ward of Costu :\k !.a <1nd Edward H. Wiezel of Saratoga "ere ma rned r.ecently in St. Andrew~ Presb~ ten an C'1urc:h in ~ev,1port Beach / The bride. da ughtt•r of \Ir ;rnd :\Jr..., Paul , S. Ward of Costa \k sa . gr:.iclu~•lt'd fmm Estancia High in Costa \lt·~•· ;.ind LTL.\ Sht' is empYoyed by Joseph T R~ t•r...,1in & Son The bridegroom. 'on of \1 r ;.ind \Ir..., Pie rs J . Wiezel of Suratr1g;.i . gn.1dL1<1lt•d I r11m Monte Vista Hi gh in S:.in .J11:-.l' and L"SC llL· h employed b~· Superior Fust FrciJ.(ht After a wedding trip to Caho San Luc:as. :vte xico. l ht• <:oupll• pl;.in to Ii\ t· tn But·n ~• Park .Wrs. Hawkms , Howkins-W itt Diane Elizabeth Will of Laguna :"Ji guel and Mi chael J ames ll<i wkins of El Ce1jon ex· changed wedding vows recent!~· in South Shores Baptist Church of Laguna :\'igue l. The bride. d a u ghter o f Or\'i n Hol· lings worth of Lagune1 :\'igucl and .Jack Witt of Long Beach. gradua ted from Dane1 Hills High School and attends Cal State San Diego. She is employed by Paradise Vall ey HospiliJ l's Trauma Center as a therapist. The bridegroom . son of Mr. and :vtrs. James Hawkins of El Cajon. graduated from Valhalla High in El Cajon and attended Grossmont Junior Coll ege. He is emplo~·ed by Thorpe Insulation Co. The bridegroom. son of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer L. Cote of Newport Beach. graduated from Corooo del Mar High School. UC Santa Barbara and the University of San Franci.sco School of Law. Following a honeymoon in Hawaii. lite <f.~uple will live tn Santa Barbara. where th,V both practice law. The bride has decided to keep her maid name. • --t -- 8 Piiot Style Sunday, October 11 , 1981 • ' Stars' strength shows • 1n silhouette Sophisticated, pared-down classics that evoke the self-confidence of Katharine Hepburn and Greta Garbo are the latest designs by Ralph Lauren to cap· ture the freedom and ease of American dressing. The classic, tweedy segment of his collection epitomizes the understated tailoring that has become his trademark. These are quiet, non· headline clothes -ones that enhanc~. 'that perforJll. Dorl't look for a "fashion" statement here; there is none -and that is the po1nt. Instead, look for e egance, po s , a rich blend of-l'!xUrlOUs-fabrics Plaid and houndstooth llepbum pants are worn with cashmere cardigans and wool herringbone raglan coat. style and subtle men's patterns put· together pattern-on· pattern with dash and nonchalance. . Here are pleated, wide-legged trousers softly · rolled to show a pretty cashmere sock and a polished man's wing-tipped shoe. These are worn with slouchy, cashmere cardigan sweaters in feminine shades of aubergine, tangerine, sea green ·and eky blue and are often teamed with an oversized ·men's style raglan or Polo coat in thick, lush herringbones ·-~d donegal twe~s..:._ __ _ The whole is an "appealing mix of gusty patterns ....... glen plaids, houndstooths and donegals -· in- terspersed with soft colors -"men 's " clothes made utterly feminine. Two new jackets emerge in this group: the "Hepburn" and the "Shooting." Again, they are sim· pie, cut with the comfortable lines of a shirt. The Hepburn recalls the dash of the loose, safari jacket given so much style by the Academy Award-winning actress. The Shooting. a cardigan style with a rich suede shooting patch. has the authentic appeal of the English sportswoman. Heathery, Fair Isle sweaters, weskits, plus fours , argyle socks and kiltie shoes are the compo· nents Lauren uses to evoke the golden age of English sports dressing so reminiscent of the Duke of Windsor. Lauren has not forgotten the needs of the city woman either. For a weekend trip to San Francisco, consider his double-breasted spectator dress of pinstriped worsted wool. Worn with pearls and high heeled al· ligator pumps, this is executive dressing at its best. The same fabric is used for a pantsuit as well as a slack suit -a matching shirt and trouser in pure wool gabardine topped with a matching mouton- collared storm coat. Well-bred dressing combines houndstooth Hepburn jacket. corduroy campshirt and black donegal Hepburn pant. '· .. (stil) n. (ME Latin stilus) • I. a) the current, fashionahl~ Way of dressing, sp~aking, ~cting, etc. b) something stylish; esp. a garment of current, s~art design, c ) a f ashionahle, luxurious existence. 2. distinction and elegance of manner and bearing. .. . .. . . ... 3. distinction, excellence, originality and character in any f()nn of. artistic or literary expression. 4. all of the above, and more, in I:' new Sunday section published by the . <>range Coast Daily Pilot. . I Every Sunday in . . . Diiiy Piiat For home delivery. call Ml-41ll For dl•play advertJatnt. call ta.mi J - .. ,-'f .. -· ~. ,.............,....., .. ~. ~ , . .. . . . • ·HCINU 10111 CUil • • ~ CMARLIE BROWN, MAS ANYONE I EVER TOLD vou THAT YOU WALK FUNNY? NANCY .. '(OU DON'T HAVE ANY R"YrnM ! STAND UP STRAl6~T .• NOW YOUR FEET PO.NT IN ALL TME MOVE FORWARD ••• WALK WRONG DIRECTIONS .. '(OUR ARMS TME WAV I TOLD VOU ••• SWIN6 TME.WRON6 WAY ••• I LOOK--l'VE IVE GOT ONE THIS IS A REAL I'VE GOT ONE LIKE GOT A GOOD LIKE IT OVER LUCK CHARM r--7 THERE COMPASS PHOOEY--- ! GIVE UP r IT I'LL BET SHE DOE5N•T HAVE .,.___. WHAT IVE GOT·TOOA.Y , . . THf 5115 CALLED, ''5TA~IN6 OVER Rl6HT FROM Tl-tE 6E61NNlNG II MY N'EW RING HAS A PICTURE I THATS THE SAME AS THE ONE IN IT I HAVE J lr'9 ONLYA GQl.ll~EL. JOEY. 1'M 60 HAPPY l'O 6E ON LOCATION AATHE« TMAN AT THE ~TUDtOf A5 YOU PR06A6l Y KNOW, 'THI~ Will ee MY FIRST r--------.. P1GTURE JN fOU"-YEAlt~! 5ME'5 OUT ON THE 6ROUND5 ~MEWHERE, 5HOWIN6 RANOAU. FOR6E5 AROUND! AFTER MARY'6 OEATH l 6EEMED 10 l.056 AL.L MOTIVATION! SPENCE~ FARM6 15 ONE Of THE MOST BEAUTIFUl PlACE5 l'VE EVER ~EEN , ABBEY.' IT'6 A PERFECT 5ETTINC, FOR 'AVALANCHE ' . ANO JOE LONDON WA6 f0~1'UNATE tN HAVIN6 YOU MAKE IT AVAll.ABlE TO V~.' ~ IT'S EXCITIN6 FOR ME TO HAVE YOU HERE, RANDALL.! 11 WHEN 1 A6KED LINDA MAY u: SHE WAS EXCITED 1'0 ee IN THE SAM£ FllM A5 AANOAU. FOlt6E5, 5HE 6AIO, 'WHO·e, AANDAllJOR&E~? ' lHE PICTURE l'M '701Nu TO MAKE I~ CALLEO AVALANCHE, NOT THE Rl&UfU'iCTION ~ "' . , .. ,. -MOON· MULLINS • J(,Ayo, .ARE you Rf,APY -ro Grve ·IH~ C ~,ASS YouR R5?0RTON PRESIDENT / MILLARD FILLMOl2S? IN OUR LOCAL NEWSFMPER / RE:AD'h Ms. CHALk. Gl?A8 Ii!. GRAS rr ! OON T .10ST C~A4SE rf" ! &na.0lBtiJ~ btacR L.abrd.dol; Ct.,OV. ~ c.olumbl.15. Nebr., thin~ ehe i'!> a cat bec~u~ 6he ~r\e~ to PIJ~R when &he~ hapP,J! DY .. era ana 1 om 4'ohnson · .. ,AND .AFraR B!:IN<1 Bof<N lN A LO<:, CABIN, HE' -- CAOVERTl$EMINTI When you sendln 2Kello ~ l\lp.:rarts- Dox ~-- - >, .. youR OR,AL REPORT W,AS ;o BE ~IVEN WITUOUT NOTES. 'I Now Kellogg's~ Peg-Tarts~ is popping up with more than great-tasting toaster pastries. For 2 box tops, Kellogg's will send you six pencils with your name in gold-colored letters, free! See order form below. Remember-great things pop up with Kellogg's Peg-Tarts. -- -OFFICiALOROERFORM-----, Th11 form must accompany your order and may not be mechanlcally or otherwise reproduced. Add1honal order IOl'ms are not available upon mell request. LIMIT: ONE SET OF PENCILS PER ORDER FORM.EACH ORDER FORM MUST BE MAILED SE~RATELY (CAUTION To avoid misspelling, plene print plainly Leave a space between first and last name ) Maiumum spaces 24 MAIL TO: Free Personahzod Penal Offer P.O Box 2973. Reidsville. NC 27322 NAM! WUCTlO Oll'll<lS(Nlll "•'-'-W .. IAlll'OINll WINAMI t N¥e enelOMd 2 ~r PPC>-Tarts• toaster pastri• boll toc>S. Pleale send me oNlSit o personalized pencils. ,_.......,. ...... ""..._.~-· i l . GCXX> N~ JEF~Y-- SLE.EP T\GHT. PLEASANT ~ . . . '~"'•''••a ,,.. ••~~.,..,,,' ~~. ,,.._~ ,,, •. l'M HOME FROMM~ PIP IN-rt> "A wew..sPRINGS O' LON& &REeNEfN J / . IAKE: HEAITT, PReCIOUS! l'LL MAKe r-r LJP-ro YOUSE: SOMEHOW! ••. HOW MANY MAR~l-ES PICI C?E?'( RUN OFF Wll~ Sf\JOOKIE= r?EA~? f3L..~VEr\J; I SHOVEP ~· ~~h~~· SIX UP ~I L.l-Y1S NOSE AN' e-J~ ;,,~1 FIVE UP PICKY'S. ~ ~J -. ''. v HN DARLING .... ...... ......,.,~ .... YOU'VE PROBABLY WONDERED HOW 4:.fitia=~a\iq~4!~""'""-n-~\' THE HOSTS OF TELEVISION TALK SHOWS ALWAYS KNOW HOW MUCH ~1 ............ llME IHEY HAVE IHE F=LOOR Dl~ECTOR USUALLY WEARG A HEAD5E-T WHICH KEE.PS HIM IN TOUCH WITH THE DIRECTOR IN IHE. CONT~L ROOM ! LEFT, AND WHEN .. ",.-.,,. ID BREAK FOR A COMMERCIAL! AND rT'S Hl5 ~E5PONSl61 WTY 0 J.<EEP THE HOST INFORMED 1¥5 TO HO\N MUCH llME HE HAS, WHAl'S COMING-UP NEXi, ANC' OTHER FACi5 · HE NEEDS iO KNOW WHILE He-SON .~t'S1fM IHE AIR! I .-.: ..... -· . -.. -. ...... . .. . .. . .. ... ... .. b Armstron & Batiuk WELL-I THE. PE.R'50N RE5PON51E3LE FOR KEEPING THEM ON SCHEDULE AND SEEING- "'THAI HE SHOW RUNS 5MOOIHLY IS IHE. I ~LOOR DIRECTOR ! ~~-r:r_-• .._~;::: ~.:::a;;~~ ~~ NEXI 'TIME, WE'LL IAKE A LOOK Al ANOTHeR MEMBER OF iHE TELEVISION CRE ... CAN YOU TRUST YOUR EYES? There ue at least sl• differ· encn 1n drawing detitls between top and bottom ,.ne". How quickly un you fi nd them7 Check answen with thoH beltw. .... 1•111P '1llOJ6 n11 • IUIJllllP " u61<; ~ ~, •••• "u•w • 1u•J•ll10 '' '"'~ c Ou•'"""''' <1u1•d10!>J t ••1.104\ t i Ao; I .tll\it••lllO ~Q "&~ Virs fo.r+cN ® • ' . ~WlllllD~lr-W[}u ~ ~ • -------by.Hal Kaufman · - • NUMllR PLIASll Nti'"'9tn ttetM In "'81e etory 1nd ftf"M ttttet art wteftl1 1. ~ SMw Wtttte ...... SI• Dwlrtl. I. ,._ uttt. Pit•· 3. ,_, Ill~ MMe. 4. A Tale of "l 3 VERSI! lltOIEA TISTSWIT$ ,IVt CUtn. I. A.II ..... 1NI tht l'Mtty TNeffl. Mew P ~ltid1ly caft you c....-.ct thtmt ~ .... .., ' ... , t ..... L l ..... , • ~ I • Chati.nt-1 Touch your nOl4I wltft = elbc>N. 0 Touch youi' .. r with your elbow. Touch ti t •tnd voor tMKk. Good luck! • • T1mt Giit! Tak• Mlf, • third ind a fourth of the hour lu1t struck 1nd the tot1I will be one tarter than that hour. What houris that? ••s•M4 ,11,,."-.iJ • Ci ty Wise? Which Is the smartest city? Sa9aclty. Which Is the bolct.st city? Audacity. Which city gets t~e m~t attenllon? Publicity. Which city tfrttches the lmaglnat!onl Elas1iclty," Here Is • ver ... ,lddle that m1kt1 11nse only If you tta n1t1lt lt llterally. ~ut on y04Jr thinking cep end He If you can find tht one word antwtl', THEY'RE OFFI Add col•rt to enhance this big moment In his· tory : 1-Red. 2-lt. blue. 3-Yellow. 4-Lt. brown. S-Lt. grHn. 6-0k. pur,le. 7-~. brown. I -Dk. blue. 9-lt. purple. TOI flttttef yecht, ad(I • teuHh et '"°''and then a fourth of able. To 1 fifth of whffl, add • fourth of rHI, ·~then a fifth of fable. Unite the whole and VO\i wlll 11.1rv1y A netwottl spread for unsuspecting prey. See Illus t rati on above for clue . 9 3Mll0) '' Jao"uy 7 8· .. 9 ·10 \( IY.23 18"16 is. 17. 12. HELLO COLUMBUS! Wh.lt an you drlW ,. cempl•t• ttlls time.Iv dot picture? To find out, add llne1 dot to dot. .. ~ c l z a 11'1 l ~ SPELLBINDER SCORE 10 points for using all the letters in the word below to form . two complete words: CATEGORY '" .... . . . .. THEN tcot• 2 points each tor all words ot tovr tellers or more found emong th• letters. n, .. ~ •• IN•t •• 1111lnt1. .,., '"-'° '"''""" .. ~ ... , by Lynn Johnston • . "/00 FOf\GOT lb DOST ONDER THE PIANO . ~ . . .·· .. () (~ I J 'I IO I . - SHOE --· . . -.. .. ., by' MacNelly 'IOO'U ~ A..i~tOO< 1l> (,ff' "°°1t '(VRtJ . 'loV ~11' ~f;N 'Alt~ 'f~Af 1'~~ \&lOftl..0 t<S U~OfR A1YA'K r~ &40~l.£ f<)(Gi~!~ • GRt~ SA~E.5mER! .. ~ I l ~l·I ~ . . J~lt:. ~----~~~·~·Z-;;:;....~t"?J~ ....... b Tom Batiuk IN ALL MODE5W , I'Nl PROBABLQ ONE OF THE • • TOP FIVE 'AIR-G0/1AR15fs' IN 1fiE COLJNTR4 f • • .,.___...._._ I • • • ~ ._.. .. October 11, 1981 Cambridge TH Em YOURSELF >I'll(! •n, Qut\fl()ll ... '911cM. to •s• ·~·ly wet~'· 641 l t11nqton .... , lit .. '!Qr• lj ' 100?7 Wit " N• S~ tor PliOl•..,.tO Qut\fo()n\ ~"V "t t "'1 t "11\,.r• lllnt• FOR CONGRESSMAN JAMES V. HANSEN (R-Utah) Do you think the legislators will hear the publtc and pus your bill to cut their salaries and shift 10me of the burden of lnftadon &-om the peop&e?-R.A.R .. Ogden, Utah •My proposed bill would immedi- ately cut the salaries of legislators by approximately $5.000 annually. It does not affect other high-level Federal officials. I sponsored the bill Wmted: dolor dipbmocy from Congress. so that members of Congress would have the chance to say. "Hey. our economic crisis is real; we've aJJ got to cut back some to get our house in order Before we ask needy Americans to accept our budget cuts. let's show'we can accept one. too "Unfortunately, I'm afraid many legislators do not agree that such a message needs to be sent to the public. FOR MR. BIACKWEU.., fashion designer If you Md your ~ which colon and whAch t.bdca would you •e to.,._ tnto obtMon? -S.1., Durham, N.C. • I would send Into exile chartreuse and that teal blue that has too much yellow in It. What do they do for any- one, man or woman? They are bad colors to ltve with and twice as bad to have to wear. As for the elasticized single-knit polyester fabrics, they're simply dreadfuJ. looklng! And denim -In anything but jeans -bores me to death. FOR NANCY AU£N, co-star of Blow·Out Since you~ In your hUlband'1 llm1 (director. Brian De Palma), what are the pros and cont of a married couple woctdng together? -M.P., Hutchlneon, Kan. • The only con is outside pressure, since we have respect for each other's work. Brian knows what I do best and knows how to use those qualities. I know how his mind works; he can give me a direction with a look. But If he puts me In a movie, he's accused of favoritism; If he doesn't, the question ls, what's wrong with her? FOR RONA JAFFE, author of MOl.eS and Monsters Since you're an authcxtty on ooUege li6t (you're ..-,. wrtdng about tt), how do todaV• students compare to your generation In ternw of ea? -N..B., Lima. Ohk> • I think sex without guilt and fear Is aJv.iays better than what we had. As far as the much publicl2ed sexual free. dom In the coed dorms is concerned, after a while, young people with any sensitivity begin to realll.e that relationships and friendships are more Important than just making out and be.Ing popular. FROM rnE "ASK" EDITOR • a...c A.lmov, best known for his prollflc set-ft output, works on three or four books at a time. Right now, he's busy on his 250th book, Expanding Horizons. Isaac estimates he has turned out around 15 mJllion words. Due to this avalanche of verbiage, he Is constantly asked what he's worth, and he constantly replies, "Ask me for a detailed description of my sex llf e, and ru be delighted to tell . But If you want to know what I make, caU the l.R.S. That's a personal matter be-Jewel-bedecked jewel of show biz. tween me and them." ... When Sam- my Davt. Jr. headlined in the Catskills. he ordered a chopper to fly him from the airport to the hotel, plus five Umos, to transport his 53 pieces of lupge. Entertainment director PhU Greenwald sighed: "And that was just for Sammy's jewelry." FOR DR. JOYCE BROntERS, PfYChologlst Whv does ~ want to p6ck quarreA. wid'i you whm pou are a 9'....t on puel .t>ow.? -A.H., Chino. Calif. •If you say things that evayone agrees with, you are not saying anything worthwhile. ln my case, I think what I say tends to be ahead of Its time, since I am ex- posed to trends long before others are. I lecture around the country and get a preview of what people are think· Ing and feeUng, long before others do. And this Is where the arguments stMt. FROM ntE "ASK" EDITOR • Tom .k>nes has come to the reluctant conclusion that he's getting old. Gals no longer toss their "Intimate" gar- ments to him onstage. Now he's being showered with flowers ... Prinoeel Farahnu, 18-year-old daughter of the late Shah of lran has, with the help of famed plastic surgeon, lvo Pttanguy, acquired a brand-new nose ... Lawrence Welt, whose brand of "cham- pagne" musk: could not be consld· ered as a remote cousin of rock, nevertheless feels he paved the way for today's combos, In the nutty names department. His original group was called The Hawollan Fruit Gum Band ... According to MU. O'Keefe, star of Bo Derek'• Tanon, the Ape Man, the way to shed weight and gain shape Is not the way he does It -via running, weight-llfttng, calisthenics. "You really tal<e it off II your wife, husband or lover leaves you," he Informs. "'Then the last thing you think about Is food." ... One reason why Queen Elluh.th doesn't spend too much time on her royal yacht Britannia Is because she's a lousy sailor. PRO Robert l. Edwards, U.S. Attorney General's Task Force 0n Violent Crime. director. Florida's Division of Local Law Enforcement PRO AnDCOO CO~ Trudy H~. consultant. Privacy Projee1 , N. Y. CivU Liberties Union In order for law enforcement to ef. fedlvely combat career aimlnals, criminal-justice agencies must have accessible, accurate, timely .. and detaUed Information on such of- fenders. Presently, a prototype is being tested which Is the result of a joint effort by the F.8.1. and the states. The F.B.I. would maintain a national Index of criminal offenders. while the states would keep the complete record .. If this prototype proves feasible. It will be the most economically ac- ceptable approach. mlnimtzing the Im~ on exist· Ing state systems. Should the U.S. Government Set up a National Crlmlnal-HIBtory Record System? s...-_...., ...................... ' °"'" F-., ~ 141 ~..,,,.,.,"""' 1aau wo,..S1011t..,,.-.. Computerized aiminal-hlstory sys- tems have never been effective weapons against violent crtme. The most common uses of afm- inaJ-hlstory records are for preem- ployment screening. A national In· dex would only result In the denial of jobs to millions who might once have been arrested for minor crimes, many of them never convicted or even pro· secuted. Inevitably, It would be riddled with mis· takes. The "safeguards" to prevent misuse of existfng crlminal records have all proved unavalling; we can- not expect any better from a massive natlona1'tnde)(. Cl 1911 FAMILY WEEKLY. All rlghta t9Mn'ed. I ' Like private eye Tom Magnum, Tom Selleck is the type that well-bred parents Uke their daughters to bring home with them -permanently. Con· skierate. patient and thoughtful, exuding responsibility and self- pos.sesslon , but not self-centerednes.s. he is a man who speaks with obvk>us aff edion of his parents and his dog. His manner Is quiet, low-key and self-assured without a trace of arrogance. Much of Selleck's appeal. (on camera as weU as off) has to do with his self· deprecating humor. that talent for wry understatement (on his 14-hour-day, six· days-a-week shootlng schedule in Hawaii: "It's a bit of a bear of a schedule"), that quite sincere bashfulness around women. It all makes Selleck far more interesting than any merely macho man. Magnum. P.l.'s Tom Selleck with estranged wife Jacki. ''Keeping to myaelf seems Important now." Despite his classical movie-star good looks (with a rustic rough-hewn edge). Sellec k's manner By Susan Squire F or the past few years, television has belonged to the blonde. She has played dumb In sitcoms like WKRP and Threes Company, been tormented by love in prime time soaps like Dynasty. Do/las and Fla- mingo Road, and yelled "freeze" in action shows like Charlie s Angels and Po/Ice Woman. This season, blondes have by no mans been banished from the screen, but viewers have something else to feast their eyes on: the return of macho. Such big-name male 1V stars as James Amess, Mike Connors, Lee Majors and James Gamer have returned to our living rooms In actlon- pac.ked series featuring guns, fists, fast cars, and even a few fast horses. U there was ever any doubt that macho wo~. It was dispelled last seMOn by the success of CBS's Magnum. P./. The star of the show. Tom Selleck, ts the hottest male sex • • FAMILY WUl<LY, Oetoo.t II, ltll symbol to hit the tube. the guy who has been called the new masculine version of "jiggle." Selleck, 36, knows that his show draws action lovers. but he's also aware that plenty of women tune In for that fabulous right-chee.k dimple, lovely long body and those Impossible hazel eyes. And Selleck seems sincerely be· mused by the whole thing: 'The net- work Is always getting letters from viewers saying 'get Magnum's shirt off more often,"' he says, "but I don't look that grat without a shirt." Selleck happens to be more than macho. He 1$ one of the very few strikingly handsome (six-foot-four) men on screen whom women feel the powerful urge to ... protect. It's that tendeme5' he projects, that soft-guy vulnerability: he gets so fnuolued, so touched (more than once the 9Cl1pt· writers have allowed him quiet tears) by hls Magnum encounters with gran- nies and damsels In distress. seems somehow d o· ser to Woody Allen's than to Clark Gable's. He disarms yo u in person ex· actly the way his volceover-mono· logues o n Magnum disarm on TV: He lets you in on himself. He ls not one for bravado, for playing at being perfect. The character of Tom Magnum was originally written as supersmooth, superhuman James Bond-lsh -until Selleck insisted Magnum be able to make mistakes and oocaslonally lose his cool. '11lere's a lot of me In Magnum," Selleck says, but he claims they are hardly twins. "For one thing," he says, hls mouth curling Into a sexy smile, "Magnum's a pretty resourceful free-loader. rm not nearly as re- sourceful -or as cheap -as he is.'' Magnum Is a Vietnam veteran who lands a job as a glortfied secwtty guard (and does private-eye WOik on the side) for the absentee owner of a palatial, Hawdan beachfront men· sion. In exchenge for his ICfVlces, M'lgnum gets to drive the owner'a bright red Ferrari and share the deluxe surroundings with a stuffy British ma· jordomo named Higgins and his two threatening black Dobermans. Mag · num, P.J. is the only one of seven pUots Selleck dJd that actually sold with him in it (Selleck self-depreca- tingly jokes about It now). Selleck Is also the veteran of several feature films including Como and Myra Breckenridge, a semlregular stint on the soap The Young and the Restless and countless guest spots on lV series (including two memorable episodes on The Rockford Files as Lance, an obnoxiously polite and ef- ficient private investigator) . Tom IS the only Selleck off spring who did not follow his father into the real-i!state business. Born in Detroit. he grew up in Los Angeles and at- tended the University of Southern Ca· lifornla on a basketball scholarship. He was spotted by talent scouts when he appeared on The Dating Game (ironically. he was not chosen as the bacheJorette's date). In addition to acting. he worked as a model. posing in ads for Pepsi, Right Guard deodor- ant, Salem cigarettes and as the Chaz man for Revlon (an ongoing assig· ment). AU told. it took him some 13 years in front of the camera to become "an overnight success " But just two weeks after Magnum went on the air last year, he was voted one of the 12 Most Watchable Men In the World by Manwatchers, Inc .. and this year came in third (after Robert Redford and Burt Reynolds) In Peoples reader poll of the best-looking men in Amer· lea. "I don't have much of an appetite for au the attention I'm getting ... Selleck says seriously, "but it's part of the job and I don't resent it. It's just that rm a private person. kind of shy ... I'd love to do a character with a beard and a hat. and walk the streets and not be kno wn ... " Someday, he'd like to get in- volved In the production end of the business -"not as a dh'ec· tor, but as producer" -but for the moment his goal Is simply "to be recognized as a profeuional by my peers." Because of the Intensive Magnum shooting schedule, SeDeck has had to forg0 numerous offers this year. Including the stantng role of In- diana Jones In Raiders of the Loat Ark. "Sure. I regret not being able to do It," he remarks, "but I was so entertained by It that t can't be jealous. Hamson Ford did a great job." A current hiatus from the series ha$ Selleck up ln Seattle completing ftlm - .. Ing of an ABC-1V movie called Di- vorce Wms co-starring Jane Curtin, and then it's back to Hawaii for Magnum until early next year, when he hopes to have the time to do a feature film . While in Hawaii, he spends his Sundays (his one day off) scuba diving. playing voUeyball on the sand and fixing up the house he bought on the island of Oahu. "It's just a small place on a small lot with a good view -I like thin9S under- scale. and I'm not greedy," he says with a smile. "I felt that if I was working this hard I ought to reward myself with a place to retreat to " He's installed a hot tub "for practical reasons -I hope it'll help me sleep, which I have difficul- ty doing while I'm WOt'klng ." He likes an "eclectic" look . and collects wicker. C urrentJy separated from his wife of almost 10 years, Jacki Ray Selleck, a stunning ac- tress/model In her early 30's, Selleck doesn't have much time to date ... and he figures It's just as well. "It would be a nightmare to get se- riously involved with someone now while I'm trying to figure out if I'm still manied. Keeping to myself seems more important than dating right now." But Selleck keeps in close contact with Jacki, his stepson Kevin. 12 (Jacki's son from a previous mar- riage). and his Gordon setter. Mc- Duff (they share a Scottish heritage), who all live together in Los Angeles. Kevin often visits Selleck in Hawaii, and though Tom wouldn't mind hav- ing his own children at some point. "I don't think I'd feel any differently about them than I do about Kevin - we've been together so long." Clearly a homebody at heart. Sel- leck misses the "built-in support" of having his family nearby. Tom is still extremely close to his parents and stays with them when In Los Angel- es, though the visits are Infrequent because of his schedule. Says Tom regretfully. "The only time ( get to talk to them seems to be when I need something -like a place to store my car. " EVelltuaDy, he'd like to settle down wtt.hln commuting distance of his fam- Uy and keep the house In Hawaii as a vacation retreat. He also hopes there'll be more free time. "An actor Is only the sum of his experiences," Tom says, '"We're really students of behavior. If all your ttme Is spent on a movie set wtth other movM! people. you can't grow." In the meantime. he11 be patient. 'Though I do get a bit loony llJ thae days." The dimple flashes. Mike Connors James Gamer (as Maverick then) James Gamer (as Maverick now) Those Thrilling Stars of Yesteryea r R ccording to the advertising agency Dancer Fitzgerald Sample, Inc .. which each year does an In-depth analysis of new TV series, we're definitely In for plenty of action this season. The agency reports that there's a drastic reduction in the number of sexy "jig· gleft shows and an emphasis on law· and-order action dramas. And many of the new action series wUI feature male 1V stars from the pa.st: Mike (Mannbc) Connors In To · days FBI (ABC): a dedicated FBI man, directing young agents on undercover assignments. Lee (Six Mflllon Dollar Man) Majors in The Fall Guv (ABC): a Hollywood studio stuntman who supplements his income by work· ing as a bounty hunter. James (Mooerlck ) Garner in Bret Maverick (NBC): a smooth· talking gambler (a re-creation of the role he created in the SO's) James (Gunamoke) Amas In McClain's Law (NBC): an e.x· policeman who returns to the force after an 11-year absence. Rock (McMllJan) Human in The Devlin ConnectJon (NBC): a one- time private investigator who comes out of retirement to assist his son In running the business. Lome (Bonanza) Greaie in Code Red 5 (ABC): a chief arson inspector who works with his two sons -and his daughter Robert (The Untouchable•) Stack in Strike Force (ABC): a veteran cop who spearheads an elite team of law enforcement specialists. The question Is. why the shift in emphasis? Scon Siegler. vice presi- dent of drama program develop· ment at CBS Broadcasting, tells us: "There is a natural pendulum when it comes to public taste -once one show works there is a tendency to duplicate the idea until finally the au- dience gets bored and looks for something else. If you present some kind of option. It is a welcome relief. Law-and-order shows tend to be satisfying because the villain is van- quished while good triumphs. Un- like real life, a 1V law-and-order JomaAmaa show has a problem with a clear solution. Also. in bad economic times people tend to enjoy larger- than·life escapist adventure." Actor Mike Connors agrees: "The climate is right in America for ~w enforcement shows. With all of the cnme going on. the networks feel that people are interested in seeing how our agencies deal with cleaning up societ~'·" James Gamer. who says he'll play Maverick the same way he used to -except "20 years older" -also believes the public is ready for a change. "People are tired of sex- slanted shows -they're not work· ing anymore. Hopefully, adventure shows will boost the ratings ·· Casting big name male TV stars m the lead roles won't hurt. But the right balance is essential. Says Sieg· ler: "It is important to cast a TV hero who is sexy enough for the women. yet doesn't threaten men -James Gamer and Tom Selleck are good examples. They have an honest de· cent edge. and also a certain raM sexy chann . ., l&J Save$2Sl 1 Carat total weight• Reg. $1,250 Now $999 Save$1S1 1/l Carat total weight• Reg. $750 Now $599 You HAVE 90 DAYS . Save$101 y, Carat total weight• Reg. $500 Nows.199 TO RETURN ZALE DIAMONDS. You're not the first person to get butterflies in the stomach at the thought of buying diamond jewelry. That's why it's so reassuring to know that any jewehy decision you make at Zales is as reversible as it is exciting. · Y* give you up to 90.days to be sme about your: seJection. If ~u'1e not compleJe)y aatia&ed, just mum itb;afull~ From $200 From$400 $1,400 Cor't"""'l~MllH" w Cdd>r.llt: t~ t•umml( holi<lJY' with l'-.c coup<)n' 10 11ruc:r or crl'tli1 t:ard eleaaoce .inti eue. \\:'a,h.1hk "lace hnldi:r. t"Jn l~lll m lll'Ct ~lomJ:t\· thru tablecloth•" 11f 100'¥, d.1rn111 pol\t:~ti:r Friday 10 .\.\I to -t PM. cZOI) -11-.x:iss 6. with ~rm:mc:111pr~'11n"h \\:'c \\l'k'omi: inqumt:' Imm nr)(:lnir.ttiun~. -------------------------------------, r COfllTilUNTAJ.flllUSINC. p _ .......... _,,_,..._.,.~~--.--. I OUT.ti. 1t'4\UGllANDA~ I ouilc;;T-....., I NOITHVAl..l!.11(10764., ·--'1 \l.t.<iln-'J \1Wlbnk .J Oi«ic/ I rtln.,.m....n m.· -~ I ,,.. Th.ink'f(l' 11'11 -fit ~h ~ •'lm<.'nC:lrd \I() I ~ 11 onlt-nnic t>c11h. I"" T for Tiunk'fll\ llljl. C t11r I I I I ( ( f I J I I I f I I I l I 0111~m.._1,mc llC'lCI 111 tnlor dc.•'lr<'tl, on""'!"<"' Al'f1 I ~oMy l>M'lt jlU•tanrc-c I ~.. Pri.. a.c• ._ .. ~·· Fxpi1111~111 O:uC' I s..... ''JCNCUl'"e-----------1 70d0 SU.IX' 8 ;:::,.... _ _._ I 10 • IOA M0.00 8 ::'- I 70 a U6 s.s.oo 8 ::!- I NAPKINS S UO I "' I ~== ... ~':~~:.._-;-.: iu~-- Slllk ________ ,,,,, __ _ L------------------------------------- Tug of Love: The Anguish of Child-Custody Cases By Richard Neely I t is the law in most states m this country tha1 . in a divorce case. the mother automalleally gets custody cA young children. A growing num- ber of fathers have become irate that courts have disregarded their par- ental claims in favor of their wives. To them. a law arbitrari· ly favoring the mother seems both stupid and unfair In my opinion. the rule is unfair. but not s1upid. Maternal preference makes a great deal of sense when we recognize that it is designed to discour· age child-custody court battles and encourage out-of-court settlements. If a dJVorcing cou- ple agrees automatically that the mother will receive cus- tody of the children. then there is no need for a custody fight. But aren't courts specifically designed to make wise Judg- ments on such matters? The answer to that is no. Almost everyone who has been to court as a litigant knows that couns aren't able to give individualized 1ustice. What happens in court is tha1 judges are asked to take complex human problems and fit them into legal theories -and this is particularly true in domestic cases. During the years that I have served as a judge I have agonized more over chUd cus- tody cases than any other cases in my court. How does an average Judge figure out which parent should get custody of the children? Ironic as it may sound. when courts are successful it is not because of the cases they decide, but because of the cases they do not decide. The great value of courts is that they Inspire people to settle their own disputes. And in domestic cases the fairest resuh usually occurs when the parties. through their lawyers. work out a compJOemise that takes ·into account all the human factors which do not fit neatly into legal boxes. So then courts, which appear to be hard-hearted towards fathers. are really just trying to reduce the emo· tional trauma for the children by dis- Richard Nu/~· rs umong Amt'rlcas foremost e>eperlS on domesHc relaDOns. He became Chief J11111<e of 1he Wt'st V1rg1nla Supnme Courr oJ ApPt'als at th«' agt> of 38 Thrs /all Yolr Unlll«'rsil~· Pre.. u.•m publr:sh hrs """' book. How Couns Govt'm America. an In sldt'r i occounl of our rourl$ 8 • MMIL.Y WHKL.Y. ~lo09f 11, 1911 couraging litigation about custody. In· evitably. lawyers who handle custody fights will want the children to testify 1n court about which parent they love more than the other. Children usuaUy can't cope with that type of emotional pressure. The practical approach is to force settlements with as little emo- ~ I Mery l01>9l tional destruction to the children as possible. It Is at this point that the ar· bitrary rule begins to make sense W hy is the arbitrary rule de· signed to benefit the moth- er? Because courts have concluded that. generally. mothers are better caretakers than fathers. Most of the time. mothers are the primary caretakers. They usually prepare meals for children. change diapers, make the trips to the doctor and communicate with teachers. Fur- thermore. it ls usually the mother who entertains the child all day long. or at least when the child is not in school. · Consequently It is usually the mother who is closest to the child. Of course. this is obviously unfair to men who don't fit the general rule. But what we're most concerned with is fairness for the children. and that means keeping them out of a court fight -wtth all the brutal t&Ctics involved. For instance. when I worked as an at- torney and represented men in di· vorce cases I always had my client de· mand custody of the children. When some chents told me they didn't want the chUdren. I told them to fight for them anyway, at least In the Initial pleadings. I knew we could tTade the chddren for reduced alimony and child support out of court (good (continued) A. Peml>rol(e Drop-Leaf Table 19" x 30'' x 27" High with leaves down. Opens up to 38" x 30" 1 Drawer $299.00 B. Cha1rs1de Chest. 22" x 16~•" x 22" High 3 Dr~. F1n1shed Back $199.00 C. Cocktail Table 48 .. x 28 .. i 17" High $279.00 D. Lamp Table. 22" x 26" x 24" High. 1 Drawer. $279.00 E. Curio Cabinet. 20'' x 14" x 72" High. 2 Doors. 3 Adiustable Glass ShellleS Light in top. $399.00 f . Drop-Leaf Pembfoke Dining Table 19" x 38" x 29" High with leaves down Opens up to 38" a 84 • $479.00 Solid cherry for the entire home. At prices you can afford. By CraWford ef Jamestown . .Just whal you\'C always \\anted! Beautiful olid .cbcrr.y .oocaMgnal .ploo~ ,for ,Lbc ,foaug .r~m . .bed- room. hallwa\·-where\"t!r you want the cha rm, the glow of quality hardwood. ·111cse lovcl} 1radilional pieces are ideal fc:>r today's smaller lh-ing areas. Crafted in solid Pennsylvania cherr~ and painstak- ingly finished in Crawford's Heirloom finish. you'll IX'. proud 10 own them for years to <·omc. This ''ersallle group ma) ne,·er be so mocleratcl}" pri(·cd again. so pi(·k ou1 your fa\'Oriles soon. Ladit's l'ksk '.!.i 1h " x li1h" x '.~!)" Hi~h. 499.00 See this beautiful Crawford furniture at these fine stores. Oxford Showcase 1010 N.' Batavia #B Orange, CA 92667 (714) 771-5310 Boogaard's Fine Fumlture 16435 Paramount Blvd. Pdramount, CA 90723 (213) 633-5577 (213) 630-1889 Cell or._, ·• 'r ~· la no dealer r ur 1ou. Crewtord of J1mtetowtt P.O. 00.c ~Ea Jamestown, NY 14701 (716) 665--4227 CUSTODY, C'u111i111u·d I mothers are so 1emf1ed by custody fights that they will trade 1ust about everything to keep the children} and that was what usually happened. The children were V1Clim1Zed each step of the way. This doesn "t mean that mothers should always get custody. Courts recognize that an incompetent mother should lose custody. Thus where a husband can prove that his wife doesn't adequately supervise and pro· tect the children from danger. he can most Ukely win custody. However. when we get into anything more sub· tie than the type of care which any lay person can recognize. all we can do 1s invite a battle of t?Xpert social workers. psychologists and psych1atnsts In my expenence. fast-gun -for-hire expert witnesses will testify that the sun rises in the west if they are paid to say it. But what about the house-husband -the man who stays home with his children most of the time and does what mothers used to do? We can"t let the law be unjust to him. and in WeS1 What we're concerned with Is fa irness for the children, and that means keeping them out of a court .fight. Virginia we have tried to solve the problem with a new rule. The way we approached the issue was to ask what it ls that the maternal preference rule has been designed to do. First. we wanted to assure that the parent who is closest to the child gets him or her. Second. we wanted to eliminate ex· pensive. emotionally destructive litiga- tion about issues which iudges can't reaUy figure out. With these as goals. the new rule holds that the "primary caretaker par· ent" automatically gets custody if he or she is a fit parent. If that happens to be the father. then he automatically wins. If. as Is more frequently the case. it is the mother. she still auto· maticaUy wins. We do not try to de· cide which parent is "better.·· All the trial judge must figure out is who had primary responsibility for child care - feeding. nursing, etc. -before the di· vorce proceedings began and whether that parent is ftt. And then there is joint custody. which is becoming popular in many metropolitan areas. Where a couple continues to live near one another. joint custody works well -particular- ly since It assures the chUd that he or she Is stUI both welcome and loved . The most important thing for di· vordng couples to remember Is that almost any consensual arrangement for the care of the children that lets the children know that they are loved wlll work No maner how much a d1vorc· mg couple may come to desp1~ one another. It IS important to t~ke the children out of the dispute as fat as possible. hours he or she spends with a par ocular parent V1S1ta11on rights ac compUsh nothing 1f the child cannot go and come without a weekly or monthly brawl 10 avoid sohcumg the alltancO! of the child m a ·spouse punishment pro· gram ·· In my own experience. close pt?r:.onal love 1s a rare element m this nomadic society, and every panmt should make sure that his or her child has a!> much of· 11 as rnwi possible 1iLJ Stability and lcXk of emotional strain are far more important 10 a child"s welfare than the number of Consequently. no matter how much one parent dislikes the other parent. every effort should be made Aldens Christmas Catalog has brand name gifts at low prices. Cover to cover values. A money-ba~ g~tee. The 47,000 items at the Aldens Mall make Chrisbnas shopping the convenient way to save. Order your copy of the new Aldcns Ch ristmas Catalog now and ro1,;civc a $5 Christmas gift certificate in return. 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By John E. Glbaon 5 . True. A United States International University study probed the relationship be- tween death anxiety and self· esteem, as determined by standard psychological tests. Andlngs: Subjects with high self-esteem had significantly lower death anxJety scores than subjects with low self· esteem. Other studies have likewise shown that people whose lives were most re- warding and who reported a high purpose and meaning in their lives tended to fear death less and entertained calm and philosophical (111 attitudes regarding it. l&.J TRUE OR FALSE? 1. It's easy to tell If someone suffers low self-esteem. 2. The better opinion you have of yourself, the less you care about "what other peo- ple think." 3. High self-concept males spend more time girl-watch- ing, and they Interact dif- ferently with members of the opposite sex than do low- concept men. 4. Who you're likely to marry Is apt to depend on how much -or how ltttJe - you think of yourself. 5. The higher your self· esteem, the ie'6 fear you have of dying. ANSWERS 1. True. A study conducted at New Mexico State Univer- sity revealed that people who make low scores on self- esteem tests have one telltale mannerism that differentiates from people who make high scores: In encounters with others, low self-esteem peo- ple engage in self-touching (of the head, body, hands, face) much more frequently than people who think weU of themselves. The lnvestlga- tors suggest that persons with low self-concepts -who fail to recognize their potential worth -may experience greater emotional stress In encounters with their peers and that self ·touching may serve to reduce this stress. 2 . True . Studies at Poland's Institute of Psychology. Mickiewicz University, show that people who are overly concerned with "what people think" (how others evaluate them) are characterized by ''low levels of self-evaluation and self-acceptance, feelings of inadequacy and sensitivity and anxiety concerning the revelzrtton of Inadequacy." This is asaibed to a high. negative discTepancy be- tween perceptions of the ideal self (the kind of person one feels one should be) and the actual or real self. It Is pointed out that this disc.om· fortl.ng situation Is remed1ed by bringing unrealistic goals and ambttions Into down-to· earth focus so they become both reasonable and achiev- able. 3. True . University of Akron studies of the behavior of male subjects interacting with females. showed that QUIPS & QUOTES row, A man sat with o hearing old In ~ my uole4! wa. low. Throughout my talk he •mlled a •mile That IA/OS a bit mysterious. You tee, the fellow al.so 1m1~d When I was deadly serloua. When I hod ftnllhed, aold mv say, And }Ult before I'd gone, I saw him turn his hearing old - 1 think II was to "On." -Richard Armour Today's Thought: You owe It to yourself to be success- ful; after that, you owe it to Internal Revenue. -George &rgman ZERO HOUR Succeu, popularltv. Gt/ts, money, loue - Today has come up with None of the oboue. -E.B. de Vito Obeervatlon: It's a shame nobody recorded a little sl- Jence before It became ex- tinct. -Funny Funny World Payday: If you're o tax· payer, eoerythlng Congnw call. a bill -Is. -Current Comedy ll'AMIL'I' ~UllL'I', Octobet 11, 1111 e 1:1 high-concept males spent a lot more time "looking" or girl-watching than men who made lower scores on self· esteem scales (were less self· accepting, evidenced less self -esteem). And It was found that when high self- concept males Interacted with especially attractive females they maintained markedly more eye contact than low self-concept males. 4, True. Studies conducted by investigators from two universities (Purdue and Kansas State University) ad- ministered a self -concept scale to 54 young married couples. The duration of their marriages ranged from newlyweds of one month to more than eight years. It was found that persons with high self-esteem tended to be at· tracted to, fall in love with and marry persons who slm· llarly scored In the high self· esteem bracket. Conversely. subjects who were on less good terms with themselves or had so little self ·esteem Fly free to Acapulco for an '82 Fiesta Cruise. Seven days of fun. Ole! What a way to start the new year! Sail away for a week with a Princess -the Pacific Princess-star of the /.oz'<.' &a/TV show. 4 more enchanting ports -and Los Angeles. Or. if you pref er, sail Los Angeles to Acapulco - or 14 days round-trip at a savin~. Just choose a Saturday in Winter or Spring and Qy to swmy Acapulco. On us~ There our British-registered loz-r Boat ts your hotel. Play golf or tennis. Take in the night life. Then sail Sunday at sunset to EnJOY superb cuisine. Daz· zling entertainment. Matchless service. Sparkling pools. A casino. One price buys it all. Contact a travel agent now. • u..~ on lo""'' ~pph• ""'' •tr larl" lu and Imm 1h1• hip lrom man1 maJor n1 .... r-:-----1 qp'CJl&ls I I I 20'l9 Century Park East. Los Angeles. CA 90067 Dear Love Boat: Please send me your brochure. Then let's sail away together soon. I ~al i\(ld!T« ------- sale!~~ $1988 Hanover House MO ltoplar ... ......_, ,._ t7JM NOW ONLY $19.88 THOUSANDS OF THESE SUPERB sns SOLD AT~ s15 BE LOW OUR 0 WN NATIONALLY ~ . ADVERTISED PRICEI save $82.37 Copper Clad Huge 10-Piece Stainless Steel Cookware Set ONLY $34.95 $19.88 COMPLETE You con now enjoy the timeless beauty ond practtcol benefits of genuine Copp« clad stainless steel cookery ot on ottordoble price. Your kitchen won't be complete without these elegant and efficient help motes. Tums cooking chores Into o joyful pleasure. 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IAVI ll09lt °"'9r TWO .... b ~ ..... plUI '7.00 ,,_..,, welgf'tl shipping anCI '-'dllng. money bO<* guorartlMI OMAMI n, ':J VI~ 0 COltlt llancfw 0 OIMn OU> • AmelloOn l•oi-I) '*""" OIOI09 lnlWbOI* No. Accl No ~°'*-----~ ~•$ (PA ..... add.._IOIC) Name~------------~~ ~-------------- °'Y ~--------------~ 9IClle lip _____ _ ::i Checle nera olld tano &OC '°' yeol'a 1u0tcrtptton to -Ml· color cototog or nne ottt• 1Z3111W). we tlllp wltNn fOft\'· ••OM noura. Oeloya ftOtlftad PfOl'll~'I'· Dall"'*'Y 0-111 IHO ....,, lldy 00\'I C..._.,.__,l"O When the Boss Speaks: A Gulde to Doubletalk By Peggy Schmidt If you're having a hard time under- standing the real meaning of some of your boss's words. rest assured that you 're not alone Doubletalk 1s one of the most troublesome office communication problems. and ac- cor ding to organizational psychologists. even the best boss-em- ployee relationships are affected by 11 There are many varieties of double· talk Some of the most common you're likely 10 encounter on the job are. • The humorous warning: If some- thing you've done is annoying but not terribly serious, your boss may try to bring it to your attention by teasing you about it. For example. he or she may say with a smile. "Here are the calls I took for you -you're obviously a very popular person." But the hid- den rnessage may be: "Why wasn't your phone covered when you were away from your desk?" • Misplaced Irritation: A boss may sidestep what's really making him angry and instead pick on a more ob- vious but less important slip-up. For instance, he might say. "You were late to amve at the meeting." when what was really annoying him was the fact that you weren ·, around beforehand to help him prepare for it. • The coded message: Rather than being straightforward about a dif- ficult bit of news, a boss may commu· nicate his feelings through innuendos in an attempt to spare your feelings • The cool tone of voice: There's no direct criticism but conversation is less friendly than usual. probably because your boss hasn '1 decided how to respond to something you did that he doesn't like_ However doubletalk manifests itself the reason for it is usually the same Bosses use double talk. above au. to regulate the way their employees behave. "A boss can't always control an employee's behavior or get the best performance out of him or her by vir· tue of his position,'' says William M Jones. author of Survival: A Manual on Manipulating (Prentice-Hall). "Doubletalk is a way to assert power. communicate dissatisfaction, In- fluence behavior and avoid problems." There are several situations in which supervisors are prone to use doubletalk with employees. One of the most common Is when a boss anti· cipates a negative reaction. In this In· stance. a boss may avoid talking straight because he doesn't want an employee to refuse an unpleasant order. A boss's signals may also be ambig· uous when his goals are unclear The boss who changes procedures or pn- onties after you've already begun working on a proiect. for example, may not understand what hrs boss - or company management -wants And if he's fee~ng insecure because his superiors are putting pressure on him. he may try to bolster his ego by ques- tioning or criticizing you in ways you 're not accustomed to. Supervisors also rely on doubletalk when they have to debver bad news Often bosses try to mask bad news by talking about it in a positive tone. mtx· ing h wrth encouraging language or smoothing over the real reasons for a decision Bosses often use doubletalk. to regulate the way their employees behave. PinaDy, if a boss is put off by your behavior he may be ambiguous in communicating his anger. Bosses have a particularly hard time talking about the Uttle things that imtate them. your personal habits. for example. or style of working Instead of telling you to lower your voice. for instance. your boss may communicate his ire by slam· ming his door Many employees blame their faUure to understand such signals on person- aUty differences. but in fact it is more likely to result from differences in per· ceptlons and goals. says Jerald JeUl- son. an associate professor of psy· chology at the University of Southern California. Heres whar Dr. Jellison and other behavior expens recommend you do to learn how to recognize and handle doubletalk: 1) Observe how your boss treats other employees, colleagues and ch· ents. You am gain valuable insights In· to why your boss reacts the way he does by listening to his exchanges with others. 2) Don't hesitate to initiate conver· satlons with your boss. The more regu· larly you talk to your boss. particularly on business-related matters, the more opportunities you 'U have to learn what's important to him and how he operates. 3 ) Realize that your boss is only human -that he has to cope with the same pressure$ that you do from company management, friends and family, and that his behavior Is usually unrelated to your -actions. If you put your boss's behavior Into perspective. It won't interfere with your r911 work . llLI ,AMILY WEEKLY, Oetoo.r 11, 1•1 • 11 LIMITED SUPPLY AT THIS LOW, LOW LEATHER PRICE! ORDER NOW! RICHLY TANNED. KITTEN-SOFT LEATHER. .. CRAFTED INTO THE MOST EFFICIENT ORGANIZER/WALLET EVER! let a luxurious new Checlc/ retary keep your handbag free of mess and clutter ... put eYef)'thlng you need on every shopping trip at your fingertips Instantly! Its 2.Compartment Framed Purse holds your money, makeup, keys and change. Separate ID card Pocicet keeps your driver's license handy. There's a S.. 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Thanks to f eathersprings I don't awaken in the morning with that burning feeling. Please feel free to use this note." J.D .. Pennsylvania "/never want to be without them. I am a university professor and have to walk across campus and up and down stairs several times a day. -My feet are never unbearably tired. most calluses are gone, bunions are not sor e. and I can even wear dress shoes/ I admit I was most skeptical about ordering these, because I seldom buy by mail." M.C.O. Oklahoma C 198 I ftolhtrsprn19 lnter110honol Corp. 13100 Stone l•fftlle. Horth, Seo1rtt Woshongton 98133 1;;;.;;;-,;;e;.-;;;no.;L coRro~ott 't I 131 ..... Anti• ..... Dept. FWM21 I ................... ,33 I YES! Tell me more about Featherspring Foot I I Supports. Please send me your FREE lntor-I mation kit. I understand there is no obligation I and no sa'8aman wilt call. I I I I Print N1me I I Address I I I I City Stale Zip f ' L-!.~n~~~~~~~~!!._.J TERRIFIC TAILGATE PICNICS ~AYI -~ Enjoy ~all, football and food with th~se ideas ~~---~· -~ especially tailored for hearty appetites. FAMllYWUIClY, OolOOef 11, ltll • 17 TAILGATE PICNICS W._____5@1-~ simple to really elaborate spreads. the custom of tailgating is a venerable Am- erican food celebration. With a grand party in mind. I asked Chef Victor Pap of the Colonnade Hotel in Boston to plan a fitting menu. He responded with this beautiful feast which we photographed at Harvard Stadium, Cambridge. Mass. Menu and recipes follow. Colonnade Hotel Turkey P&te Lobster Susan Allen Dill S.uce Colonnade Clam Chowder Maple Syrup Batter Fried Chk:ken Cold Rout Leg of Lamb Ro.emary Kidney Bun and Muahroom Salad Zachary's Draalng Cranberry Orange Relish Gr~ Tomato Reltth Hard Rolla BlacuJta Fresh Fall Fndta Bo.ton Cobblestone Cheae English Sage Cheae Pu« Putty Apple Pie Wlna 1976 Fume Blanc 1975 Cabernet Sauvignon Korl>«l Naturei Champagne LOBSTER -SUSAN AU.EN " • ( 1-to it..\ -lb. eln) live lob9ta'I Salt 3 table~ l)()iW llU¥>ftnal9e 2 tu~aa• cbllt NUCC 2 'If s a am Medi-. Juice oft--. l •. Kint <:Ab -·· chopped 2 ti 'f Dam chopped dll pldii. 2 ........... llMly chopped ......,.. TebMco .,.,...-.._ m.hlv .... Wedi pi.pp. ~: pdW llebv com, _ .. _.. .......... DllS... 1. Flll llrsi-1ob1t.r pot or deep kettJe halfwey with cold water. Sting to a boll end add 8 ~ IPOOflS .it. Add loblters. Re- rum to boUlng and boJ 5 to 8 minutes, according to size. If your kettle IS not large enough, boil four lobsters at a time or even two at a time. 2. Remove lobsters from water and allow to cool. Using nut· cracker. sharp knife or kitchen shears, remove ch11ws. Crack claws and remove lobster meat. Reserve for stuffing 3. Just before serving, make seafood stuffing. In large bowl, combine mayonnaise , chill Slluce. ketd'1up and lemon 1uice; mix well. 4. Stir In crab meat, dill pickles, shallots and reserved lobster daw meat, chopped. Add salt, Tabasco and pepper to taste 5. To stuff lobsters. Place lobster on Its back on cutting board With a heavy. sharp knde. cut firmly down the mid- dle of the lobster from a point between the antennae to the fan-shaped t&I. slicing clean through the back shell to form two halves Repeat with each lobster 6. Scoop out head and body cavity, leavmg the delicate green tomaly (liver) and the coral roe. Leave tail meat in- tact. Remove intestinal vein running the length of the lobster. 7. Arrange two lobster halves on each lettuce·llned plate. Fill each cavity with seafood stuff- ing. 8. Garnish With a skewer of pick led baby corn, mushrooms and gherkins. Serve Dill Sauce on the side. Makes 8 servings Dll.1. SAUCE 11a cup mllYC>flnalM I,\ cup DtJoo mu.tard •,A, cup plain yc>tUrt % cup ch.opped fresh dW 2 cableapooM CogNC or other brandy Salt Frailty ground b1adt pepper 1. Blend together In small bowl, mayonnaise. mustard . yogurt. dill and cognac Add salt and a few twists freshly ground black pepper to taste Serve with cold sufood salads. Makes l 'lz cups MAPLE SYRUP BA TIER-FRIED CHICKEN 2 (21n-MI. eln) bn>Uer-fryer cbk:k-. cvt Into Mr\llng pMcea Salt Ground ba.dl ~ in aq> nuiple ¥\IP 1 cup al-9WJIOM llour 49ftll,wellbatn 3 cvpe Inc dry end.er crurnbe Otl °" lard °" mlature of bod\ b frytftg 1. Pat chicken dry with paper towels. Season with salt and pepper. 2. Brush each piece generous- ly with maple syrup. then let each piece "dry" for 10 minutes or so. 3. Dredge chicken with flour. coating all sides. Next dip In beaten eggs. 4 . Finally coat chicken with cracker mixture. Let stand brief- ly, ebout 15 minutes, or if not ready to cook, cover lightly with waxed paper and refrtgerete. 5. Pour o(I Into deep skillet to cfepeh ol lfl Inch, heat until very hot, 350'F. on deep-frying ther- moma.:r. &own ~ p6eca 10 mlnuta; reduce heat end coc* 15 mlnuta longlr. Tum chicken p&eca over. Cook drickcn 15 to 20 mlnuta longer. 6 . Drain chicken on paper toweUing. Une casserole with paper towels. Transfer pieces to casserole dlSh and cover with foU . Heat in 35QOF. oven for 15 minutes before serving. Molces 6 to 8 servings Note: To take to picnic, wrap covered casserole in several thicknesses of news· paper and place In tight-fitting box. KIDNEY BEAN AND MUSHROOM SALAD WITH ZACHARYS • DRESSING Zechary'a Dreaing: 1 cup walnut or Mlad oU 'Ii cup cider Wlepr YI lUIPOOfl dry lftllltard •;. teupoon minced garlk 1 teupoon chopped frnh ball Salt Freshly ground black pepper 2 teMpOOM chopped ahallou Salad: ~ lb. fresh lftUlhrooma 1/i lb. fresh grft'D bfllna 1 can (101.lt oa.) red kidney buns, drained 1 jar (8 on.) baby corn, (available In ~ ah~ and tlne aupennarlieta) 1 head Botton lettuce 1 cup cherry tomaton 'i4 cup chopped Kalllona 1. Combine Zachary's Dressing ingre· dlents In jar, cover, shake and set aside. 2. Clean mushrooms: leave small mushrooms whole: quarter large ones. Marinate In 1/2 cup Zachary's Druslng overnight. 3. Clean, string and cut green beans crosswise Into 1 ·inch sections. Blanch 8 to 10 minutes In boUing water until tender; drain. Marinate overnight In 1/2 cup Zachary's Drusing, adding 2 tea- spoons chopped shallots If available. 4. Place rinsed and dried Boston lettuce leaves on a round serving platter. 5. Place baby com In the center of the platter Arrange kidney beans, drained mushrooms and drained green beans alternately around com. Garnish with cherry tomatoes arid chopped scallions. Drizzle 11 little Zochorvi Dru.sing over all. Malta 8 wrvlnga Not.: To take to tailgate picnic, place Zocharyl Drasing, kidney beans, com, mushrooms and green bans In teparllle jars or plastic containers. Take lettuce, cherry tomatoes and 1talllon1 In plastic begs; place In Ice chat. Take a platter and as.wmble at site. ·Zachary's ts the elegant continental restaurant at The Cok>nnade Hotel, Boston. l"AMILY WEEKLY, Oc101MW '1, 1•1 • TUR.KEV PA TE 10 OD. allced bKofl 11.lt Iba. Indy diced rew twby meat (light and dark mat) 8 ou . .-tt ahoulder, tlndy vround 6 oa. portt fatbeck. Indy ground ~ cup lrwly chopped onion •n ~rubbed ... ~ y, IUlpOOn around ll\K'4! 2 teupoone uh 2 tab&apoon. drained gt'ft'D and ptnk pcppaciom. 'I• cup ahelkd whole p&.tachto nuta 1 tablapoon brand)! t «119 1. Line pSte pan or 9 x 5 x 3-inch loaf pan with bacon slices, reserving 3 shces 2 . In large stainless steel or glass bowl, combine turkey meat, pork shoulder, fat· back, onion. sage. mace. sah, pepper· llrenel corns. pistachio nuts, brandy and egg: mix well 3. Spoon pate mixture into prepared p4te pan: press mixture down evenly and firmly. Top pate with any remaining bacon slices 4 . Cover pate pan securely with aluminum foil 5. Set pate pan in a baking pan filled to (continued) 100% Natural Butter Flavor Granules No · · No artificial ingredients 3ways better than butter! 94% fewer calories than butter or margarine C()()t( with Butter Buds and season with it! The 100'/e natural butter flavor of Butter Buds adds a buttery t>ounce that brings out the best In food-without the cal0<ies. 99% less cholesterol than butter • 99% fat free Dietary studies show that most important 1n lowering blood cholesterol levels is a decrease 1n the consumption of saturated lats. Butter and many margarines have ' a high level of saturated lats. .-.,g ~ i =~8~I 2:.~: 3 ::rn~:V tsps.) with Vt make' oz. ol food you OOQtt. cup I' oz.) ol melted bUtttr hot tap wat.,, flaVOI' . .... "'"" .... Uqu6d 0¥9( cooked vegeteb!M (Ilk• belled potato..~ tieana. ~I~ flat!, nooo .... ~ and penc:aMe; °' ml• In CQMf'OIM, uuc.. gra¥tee. Aeclpee 1nc:tuoeo In ~ bO• Ho refrtQet•tlon needed until reconetilutacs. Costs much less than butter One four-ounce box of Butter Buds (8 packets) equals the flavor of two pounds of butter. but costs less. lutllr 8udl ..... II I Ince of butter ........... cakwtM, chalMterol or coat of..,._ Mr. Peanut's Diamond Jubilee Celebration can give you something to celebrate. Free diamonds. Up to $250.000 in diamonds as prizes. But you don't have to be one of the lucky L016 sweepstakes winners to be a winner. Just buy Planters Peanuts and you 11 get a beautiful prize: a replica 1906 nostalgia can with Mr. Peanut's delicious Gx:kt:ail., Peanuts or a 75th Anniversary decanter with his scrumptious Dry Roasted Peanuts. (Both are limited editions.) In either case, it's nice to know that while Mr. Peanut is filled with nostalgia. his cans and decanters are filled with Planters quality, crunchy Peanuts. Llke they have been for 75 years. ' You may haft alreadJ won a d•a11IODd. You'll know In an lnltaat U J011re awbmer. Match Mr.Peanut In tbe coupon wbb Mr.Peanut• tbe ean ordeeanter. I. 1'i ut"t...-nurw 1.I vuu h.w '""1 • pri1e atrTlully cu1 out 1lw ln..nJ .. Q-Pon"' CUUJ'Ol1 un tlu&fT;'l"rnn10lini"41 the Mr. Pe.nut M.~ch1rc Symhnl. Comi>.ir• yrur Mr. P<0nu1 Symbol ,.;th th. Mr. Pnnut on .iny label of I 'lantmi l~Ot~ O.C..n1er IV. l~ar. !'Oltaipa c ... n. 1\mu'" U-o1. "'"or S.•v. );Ir ol 11Ul1'. Or ... ith 1hto Mr. J',.mut on 1h<· 1n-t11nrt' Pbntt'nl Oi•mnnd .luhilff S-.t"'f'lll.W.. wsri..¥- 2. If )'1Ur Mr. l'Nnul Symhol m;11chn •xxtly in wt. you •«' •111118Cun1 "'innt'I' anrl h.1-. '''""a pr\1r. 10 dUm your rrv•. "'" 1he couron in the 1po-.c• pro\ltled and fill in vuur n.'111>1'. ~. Fir cod.t and trlrrhooe numbrr. Sud vw cl'Ttifi.J m.til coc Pi..ni"" Oiw1'ooJ Juhi!ft. S...~". l~O. llo. 82042. S!. l'aul. MN 55182. l l"Q PL llCI IASf. SF.CF~ARY.11 you cannoi lin.J • Planten nut product M Planten Diamond Jubilft &.'ftP"ll'~" dieplay. you NY ~ a c:opy ol dw Mr. Pnnut to mA1'h ui )'l'JUr Mr. PfQJ\ur Symbol in on!« lo ~mninr if you att an inow:t1 ... inner. Smtl • •amprtl. wlf·addr_.t •n\'t'. tn: l'lanten Ul.Jmond Juhill"f Sow~ Mr. Pf'llTlut. P.O. Box 81n+J. &. Paul, MN 55182. 4. To oluin a Mr. Peanut M:11chirc Symbol wntl a IW!lptd, tell·~ enw~ nx Plan"" Mr. 1'""'1ut Mau~hirc Snnbol P.O. Bo. 82044. &. Paul. MN 55182. 5. lnlClnt "'inrwr prizft ,...;Q be dtolermlned viii a random <hv.irc ol all elisibl. inant wlnmn l'KA'iwd by~ Internacional. An ind~m1 iudsinc orpn.izatlon who.it d«ilic>na a..: 611.al. AU matchq winnirc entrift mUll lw J11l1(11Wited by J1nuary 20. 1982 and ~wd no L>ter 1hAn .January 31. 1982. 6. E:Kh i,....,,, wlnne-r encry -...W be wrilltd by 1t.. llld~I Judi!,. orpnl:tadon IOf ~ wilh WI 111' '"~ Nia prlao-to awvdl,. lt'llllll'll winMI' prim. Thor indepmdent ~ cq1n.Ualinn '• d.!cililona..,.. fiNI in '"""'" ~1ar1,. 10 lny ponion ol thfw Nks. lvly fl\ll'Y thM ill forpd. mutilalord. ak.....t or CJ(h<>twiw dtl-i or tam~ "'-ith ii uOl!lldcaDy I/Old. 1 ...... -~ Pr-. Cl wi.-~ 2-C.-~ 5-M Pm (S ~I~ oi...M; nw,... (IO w...n~ y..c.. oi...M; F.-.. Pn. (J.000 wi-.n): 10 Pl. Dio.eet ...... .......................... I ., SZ50.000. All LOil> prir.ft "'ill be .,.-arJetJ ,;a nlil1chirc and/or dw uncJanw.I prizr <lr•v.1,.a. Qldo of "innirc a matchi,. rril• an-a funruon ol t..., Circulation ol Oc1nner 11. 198l F rtt Sc.nclirc "-n and F.imily WeelJy ntv.'fllOl>PR ..-110 di1Kribu1~ thia lnllan1 Winrwr S...·~ .... ,.;ma1..J up 10 +H«UXX>. ;ind th• n\JJl'lhtr nl partidJ)ilnbl "'ho wrilO for a Mr. P•illlut M..1durc Symbol rui. of winnlnc und..lnl«<I pr;, .... ;n he tleiennirwtl by rhr numhrr nl uncl.>imed pnrts and ilw numb.r of tlliihl• •nlrle. rt«tve.I. 8. SrconJ O,.nc:,. S...·ttpiW."' AU unclam,...J rrveo "'ill hr a-.. .. rd.J in a n1r1dnm dr.a ... i111 conducied hy 5po<u lnternational. •n indt'prndmt )udcl,. orpni7aoon wh•-d«.ioions att 6nal. 10 par1iop•11•. piclr. up• Sr.:ond Chancr S...·...,,.w; .. encry form from 1 h.! Pim~ Diamond Jubiltt S.......,,.Weo &.play or hand prin1 your nanw. add.-. lip rode and 1d.,,honr numbrr on a plain 3" ~ S" pwce ol ~· MaU t<r. Planren Obmond Jubiltt Srcontl Olanu S...~ ... P.O. Box 82045. &. Pliul. MN 55182. AU •"'""° m..i he rutniarited by JanUW')' 20, 1'182 •ntl r-.ceiv..d nn lattt Ihm JanUMY )l 1982. Emrr.,. oft•n.,. you w.h. hu1 each mll')o nn..i be moiled ~··!)< 9. Winnen will hr notilled by mail. No wub.otutione for pozeo • offrnd. No aoeh rttlempOona. Prittt are noMnnslrnble Only one pri1r ~r lamlly or tio.-holJ. Wlnnrn may be ~rm to •xec:u1e an allldavh ol •fiaihility and~. Winnrn c:or.n1 10 1h• i-of 1heir nam8 and liUnr. for .dwnwns and ~ ~ "'ilhou1 additional c:ompmarion. No mpunoaDiliiy it-.mtd tor looi!. mitdirtc:ted or IK• 1Tl1liL Any prm won by a minor will M 1wanled in the nanw of • s-nn1 or i.aJ ,uardiAn. 10. Thia·~ .. open II• all reoidmbl ol IM Cononmcal L'.S. nape ""'~and !her famiie1 ol Planttn. i111 tu~ •nd aJWiaird COflllW\I•. i111 advmilins ~ ...i.. promodon apl'lcift. iudsirc orpni7'1tian, and printirc COfllJIW\lft. \bid w~ prohib- 11.J or r<tlrirud by law Subjea ro all ftdft-.U. -• and local lawa. l.xf'I. ii any. arr th~ llOie ~biliiy of th~ winnrn. \bid in ~ Wile ol \V'llCOl'Wln. IL For a lite of major pnu winnon. wnd a ~ ttll· ~ m'-elopr toc Plante-s CMmond Jubiltt ~ Win· ni'ri Litt. P.O. Box 82046. Si. Paul. MN 55182. Mateb ddstDMr.Peanat on tbe can or decanter wbereJ911 bQ Planten. SICNA'T\.~f--------------------- NAME t""-r....1----------------------- A.Dl>RE.SS-----------TELE1'HONENO-------- CTY----------STATE _______ 1JPCQOF. __ _ D7'hY do you think your W brand is lowest? Because Us ads say so? But other brands' ads are saying the same thing-that they're the lowest tn tar. Just where is a tar- consctous smoker supposed to turn? Well. numbers don't Ile. So we'ue put the tar Leuels of all these claiming-to-be-lowest Box brands into the chart below. That way you can see just how much tar your brand has. And something else-there's ~brand lower in tar than any qfthe other"lowest" tars. Now is the lowest lOOs Box. Now is the lowest lOOs Soft Pack. And there's no cigarette in any sl.ze that's lower in tar than Now. Do you want to know for sure that you 're smoking the Ultra Lowest Tar"' brand? Well. there's only one-Now. NUMBERS DONT UE. NO CIGARETTE, IN ANY SIZE, IS WWER IN TAR THAN NOW. NOW l..lulhan W.etllon ' O.Olmg lmg O.Olmg 2mg wutllan CARLTON ,O.Olmg lmg• lmg 5mg 1 CAMBRIDG O.lmg I ~~·-lmg -4mg I BARCL.A Img lmg 3mg All tar norrbe1s are av per c1gdrene tJv ~IC me mod. e~Ctll>t m~ one as1e11ske01·1 which is av pei c1garene bv r1 C Reporr Mav Bl The io.oe.t in ta.rofall IJrands. Warning: The Surgeon General Has Determined Thal Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. BOX. BOX loo·s, less thll'I 0.01 mg. "tar", 0.001 mg. nteo11ne. SOFT PACK 85's FILTER. MENTHOL l mg ... m ... 0.1 mg. nicotine. SOFT PACK lOO's FILTER.MENTHOL 2 mg. "tai". 0.2 mo. nicoune. 1¥ Pl' Ctglflttl by FTC mtthod. TAILGATE PICNICS ~"---i~I-~52@11 1 cup dark teed1ete raittnt 16 large Granny Smith appla (6 lbt.) peeled, cored and cut Into dghtht l·lnch depth with hot water. Bake In pre· heated 325°F. oven for l1h hours. 6. When pat~ Is finished baking. cool for 45 minutes. Then place 11/2-lb. weight on top of the p~e and refrigerate for 8 hours. 7. Tum out of pan·, place bacon·llned bottom top·slde up on platter. Garnish with gherkins and parsley sprigs. S~ce and setVe with Cranbeny Orange Relish. Malce.s 3 lbs. pad, enough for 16 seru/ngs COLONNADE CLAM CHOWDER S6 medhun..u.d hard shelled dame, ach about 3 lncha In diameter 4 a..,. water 3 tabMspoou chopped eaJt pork YI cup IMlv diced onlont 4 tableepoonl Sour l 11a cupe diced poc.atoa 1 taMPQOn eaJt 1A tealpoon frahly around white pepper '.4 t.-poon mAnc.t frah bMtl leava tK pinch drted bMll leeva 1 cup light creem 1 cup ecalded mllk 1. Scrub clams thoroughly under run· nlng water. If time permits, place clams in large bowl. cover with water and sprinkle cornmeal on surface of water. Place In refrigerator or keep in cool place for 2 to 3 hours or overnight. In this manner, th~ clams will clean themselves. When ready to cook, pour off water and rinse In cold water. 2. Place clams In large, deep saucepan; add 4 cups water. Bring to a boil, then reduce heat and simmer about 10 minutes or until shells open. 3. Remove clams with slotted spoon. Pour broth slowly Into second saucepan through triple cheesecloth to filter out any sand that may have settled to bottom Cover broth and keep hot. 4. Render salt pork In a soup kettle. Add onions and cook slowly until soft but not brown. Remove salt pork and discard. 5. Add flour to rendered pork fat and stir continuously for about two minutes. Add l lh qts. clam broth and stir briskly. Bring to a boil and add potatoes. Cover and simmer about one-half hour or until potatoes are soft. 6. Using a sharp knife, cut the soft centers out of the clams. Cut away and discard necks. Place bellies into cold water to .remove any remaining sand. Drain well and pat dry. Chop coarsely. 7. Add salt, pepper, cream and milk to broth. Stir In chopped clams. 8. Add more seasoning to taste. Serve Immediately with puff pastry (feullletage) strips or common crackers. Makes 2 quarts Note: Chef Victor Pap rolls out puff pastry rounds to flt tops of soup cups, brushes With egg wash, bakes and floats on top of soup. Attractive and delicious! PUFF PASTRY APPLE PIE Pastry: 2 pkp. (171/• oa. eac.h) fronn pul putry theeta 1 en butAm wtth 1 tu.poon water flWng: 4 cupe w•IM 2 cupe eupr 1 v...wa ban, tpllt lentthwlM Gelatin Mixture: 3 pk91. (3 oa. each) red rupbeny gelatin 3 cupe watar 3 cupe cranberry Juke cocktail 1. Line a 9-lnch round, 4-tnch deep bowl with two 23-inch·long pieces of re· gular aluminum foil (do not use heavy· duty foll); leave a 2-inch overhang of foil . Using fingers, smooth out buckles In foll as much as possible. Fill with crushed foil balls (2 Inches In diameter or less). pack· Ing them in firmly. Fold overhanging foll over foil balls to enclose completely. 2. Thaw puff pastry sheets 20 minutes. Put Into refrigerator and remove as need· ed. On a lightly floured surface, roll one pastry sheet to an 11-lnch square; cut in· to an ll·lnch circle using a plain pastry wheel; transfer to a large ungreased baJ<. Ing sheet. Put foll ball. flat·slde down. In center of pastry circle; brush ed~s of pastry with egg mixture. Chill. 3. RoU second pastry sheet to a 17-inch square; cut Into a 17-lnch circle. Place pastry circle on top of foil ball; press pastry firmly around the bottom edges to seal with bottom pastry. (If necessary brush again with egg mllcture.) Using a plain pastry wheel, trim off excess pastry. leaving a l ·lnch·wlde border. Chill. (continued) ltS here! 100%Natural Meat Tenderizer. No ifs, ands or additives. Adolph's is proud lO introduce our 100% natural tenderizer. It's a totally natural, easy WJY to make sure that every meat dish you c0<>k turns out tender and juicy every time. You don't need Mtifid•I chemic.lls to m* me.it tender. You see, there is a completely natural sub- stance called papain-that's found only in pa- paya melons. And papain not only makes meats more tender, it also helps them retain their taSly juices as they cook. ~·ve taken that natural ingredient, and combined it with other basics like coconut oil, sugar and salt to produce a tenderizer that is 100% natural. It has absolutely no artificial chemicals, preservatives, additives or MSG. So ~ can feel comfortable about using Adolph's lenderi.lef' as often as you like. How to srt ~ettr on norbiln mNlprica When you use Adolph's• 1(.)()'l. natural tenderizer you can actually fit mote mt>at meals into your budaet. Because you can buy those les.s expen- sivl-cw such .is bottom round and chuck, and benefit three ways. First, you can save money. Secondly, those meats give you m<>rE' p<O(ein and /e'iS faJ than the more expensive cuts. And when you use Adolph's. those cuts will taste as tender and juicy as the more expensive cuts. f-eel free lo use Adolph's on everything. You c:an use Adolph's on all your beef, chicken and pork dishes. All you do is shake it on senerously all over the meat (label mari<s will help you use the right amount) and pierce the meat several times with a fork Then cook. That's all there is to it. If you have any questions a~ using Adolph's. you can always call us toll-free at t-800-243-5804.• Adolph's It.as the uw..i solution to your mNt PftPlroltion problem5. Adolph's guaraneees that from now on, the beef, pork or chicken dishes you setVe to your family will be 100% nat- urally tender and juicy e\'etV single time. '"' < ,_.,. 111 1 All I 8fll 1Sl SHI TAILGATE PICNICS -g~13d-~ZZ@Jt 4 . RoU each remaining pastry sheet to a 10-x 13-lnch rectangle. Cut each crosswise In half end put one piece into refrigerator. Using a fluted pastry wheel. cut remaining pieces, as shown above. to mAke about 30 pastry tr1angles. 5. Brush pastry dome with egg mix· rure. Arrange pastry triangles vertlclllly on dome with t •/2-inch-wide side at bottom. JUst above pastry border, and '12-inch· wide side toward top of pastry dome. Brush tr1angle with egg mixture and re- peat with remaining triangles until you have completely covered the dome with vertical strips of pastry. 6. Remove remaining piece of pastry from refrigerator and cut Into 3 circles one 5-lnch. one 3-mch; one 11/2-lnch Top pAStry dome with circles, brushing each with egg mixture. Using the blade of a small sharp knife, cut pastry border at base In toward center of dome. at l ·inch Intervals to mAke a scalloped edge. 7. Heat oven to 350"F. Put pastry in oven end bake 35 to 40 minutes or until puffed and golden brown. 8. Remove pAStry from oven; transfer to wire rack. Using a sharp serrated knife. cut around IArgest pastry circle on top of dome and remove. Tum circle over. saape off and discard uncooked pastry Open foll ball inside of pastry dome and let steam escape Let cool completely 9. In a 6-to 8-quart saucepan, bring water, sugAr and venilla to a boll over moderately high heat. Add raisins and apples and cook. stirring frequently for 8 to 10 minutes, until apples are tender but not mushy. Drain apple mixture and chill. 10. When pastry Is cool. gently pull out foU balls and foll lining, being cAreful not to break pastry. All pastry with apple- ralsln mixture and chill thoroughly. 11. Prepare raspberry gelatin according to package directions: dissolve gelatin In 3 cups bolling water; add 3 cups cran· berry juke and stir. Refrigerate gelatin mixture or stir over ice cubes unul thickened to the consistency of unbeaten egg whites. Spoon Into pastry opening over apple-raisin mixture and replace pastry circle from top of dome. Refrigerate 8 hours or overnight before serving. Cut with a serrated knife Into wedges to serve Makes 1 puff pastry apple pie, about 14 to 16 servings HOT BARBECUE SAUCE 1 bottle (14 oD.) k«tchup 1 bottle (12 OD.) chUI NUU l/J cup vtnegar Yt cup Worcatenhlre aauce 'It cup pKited brown 1ugar l/J cup drted chopped onion Yt teupoon aalt If• tUlpOOI\ ground black pepper 1.lt teaspoon garlic powder I teaspoon Tabuco nu,ce 1. Mix Ingredients In saucepan and slm· mer slowly for 15 minutes. If too highly seasoned. add more ketchup or 1 can (8 oz.:s.) tomato sauce. 2. Pour sauce over pork baby back ribs or country-style ribs or chicken and marl· nate, covered, overnight In refrigerator. 3. Tum ribs. chicken and marinade Into large roasting pan and bake in preheated JOOOF. oven or until fork tender. Maku 4 cups sauce, enough /M 6 lbs. of rib$ or chlden Recipe from Cherry Start. wtfe of Coach Bart Starr of the Green Bay Packers, Green Bay, Wis. Reaaers: Don~ forget that the mo- nev-savlng coupons appearing In Famflv Weektv give VoU a shop- ping bonw. 14 • fAMllY WEEKLY, Oc!OO« 11, 1111 QUIPS & QUOTES ARMOUR'S ARMOURY STUCK WITH THEM Two pa!Je$ of our daily paper Oft stick together as I/ glued. I tug, I crumple, try each caper. With wlll to win I om imbued. One thumb I moisten, that might work. 171 smy with it all day, I swear. I won't giue up, retreat, or shirk- Important news may well be there. At ICJ$l, somehow, the pages port, And I'm the happiest of lads, Until I /Ind, with downc0$l heart, Those precious pages naught but ads. -Richard Armour Couer up? When I hear that the na- tional debt is now almost a trillion dollars, I can't help but think: He's got to be eating more jelly beans than he's telling us about." -Robert Orben NOW HEAR n us You'd like to know who rules our roost? The children? Father? Mother? Belleue me, friends, what I say goes (In one ear. out the other). -Hal Chadwick People are becoming conservation- minded these days. Recently I heard a shopper who had been looking at quartz watches say to the clerk, "Very nice , but doesn't It come In plntz?" -Martin Rogowoy Hae'• adola from a banlca: Always maintain an account at a bank, no matter how small. Then nobody con refer to you as "that no- account so-and-so." -Lane O/inghoiue ARRESTING THOUGHT The thoughtful motorist's no myth; 111 teU you where to ftnd hlm- Look for the guy who's driving wtth A cop car right behind him. -Dick Emmons lt'I amailng how LOI Vegas keeps up wtth the newa. I was playing o sJot mochtne ond got a lemon, an oronge and a /rult fly. -Current Comedy I knew a guy who used to subscribe to the theory that men are superior to women. Then he got married and his wlf e Immediately canceled his sub- scription. -George Bergman LITTLE EMILY By Frank B1glnakl "Automation Is something she doesn't haue to worry about. " A thrifty Scot was asked how he liked his new alarm clock-radio. '~he music Is grand," he rep/led, "but It strains the eye ta read by Its wee light." -Lone Olinghouse Kida see Ille differently. Send original con trlbutlons to "Chlld," Family Weekly. 641 l.eJtlngton Ave .. N.Y., N.Y. 10022. $10 If used-none returned. THROUGH A CHUD'S EYES One hot. summer day my grand- parents loaded up their station wagon with kJck of aD ages from the neighborhood and headed for the beach. When they ltopped for gaoltne on the way. two old men, littlng with their chaJn leaning agalnlt a budding, began counting .,_. and were appar- ently amued at the total. One of the oldMen vennnd owr to the back of the wagon and Mad a 5-year-old, '"Sonny. th-.e here all your brothen and listen?" .. No, 11.r.• the youngster replled, ., haw two awl!y at college.• -Mra. PDmda Mflehal HMtt. Tam ,.AMllY WttlCLY, October 11, 1't1 • b Let Our Vlbra-Massage Do The Work While You Just Sit Back And Relax/ -··~ ltOUll TORE MUSCLES AltD TRIM ¥OUR R&URE FASH WAS~ NOW ONLY $1699 No More Strenuous Exercise, No More Dreary, Drab, Diets/ Here's the miraculous new way to tone up flabby muscles. and firm up a flabby figure that all the women are raving about! It's like having a professional Swedish masseur at your beck and call-for a relaxing rub down. or a figure· firming massage. The Vlbra·Massage works electronically to tone your body, take care of troublesome bumps and bulges, dissolve away Cellulite and whip you back into shape And all you do is lie back and enjoy! 2,000 Vlbfatlona Per Minute Simply slip the adjustable Vibra·Massage around your waist. buttocks. hips or thighs turn 11 on ... and let It go to work. Dozens of suction-cup "fingers" knead and massage just where you want them. Set 11 on "high" and 2.000 vibrations per minute stimulate circulation tone up flabby muscles. and massage away excess fat and fluid to trim your figure fast. Or. turn it on "low" for a gentle. relaxing massage that eases away tension and strain, relieving aches and pains, and soothing away the cares of a tiresome day. Utte the Expenat.e Flgure-Sak>n Modela The Vlbra-Massage is beautifully made, with a 45" adjustable bell, and art extra I orig 66" pawer cord. ll's 1ust hke the e•pensive professional units used in the expensive figure salons. lt'a available to you now on our money-back guarantee. Send for yours today. Use it on waist, hips, thighs or buttocks to massage away un- sightly lumps and bulges, and firm up your figure fast! ..... MM ...... •••~•~•M•~•o•••••••••••o ........ ~ .... ~..,.. 30-C>AY MOHIY-eACK OUAMNTH You muat be thrilled wit" the way Vlbra·MMuge firm• up your figure, or relum wltl\ln 30 daya tor prompt refund of purchue pt'iee (ex~t tnl1>9ing and handling). -. -----------.. ---~WALNUT HtLL COMPANY, Dept. FW-M ~ •1• '"'4......,.., NY 11111 I Pl .... Ml\d mt __ ~ hlt(1). Ptint NarM --------0 one Belt for Jua1I1ue plua P. 7& 1h1pp1ng I & hlftdllng. I I 0 IAW M.• TWo 8e4ta tor jYat $28.M ptu. Addl'MI --------- • 1S::.:'~0'1.·!1~lno· City I I Or UM yout c~ card E.lltp ;J 0 MastefCerd 0 Visa o ... ---State Zip Catd• . .,...,.,..,.~1• ------------------- Warning : The Surgeon General Has Determined That Cigarette Smoking Is Dangerous to Your Health. sa\tm L\GHTS Sa\tm L\GHTS 1005 UGHTS: 9 mg. •tat". 0.7 mg.111to11ne av. per c19are111 by FTC method: LIGHTS lOO's 11 mg. Hta(. 0.9 mg. ntcotroe av. per c19arene. fTC Report OEC. ·19. T ranSitions: 45 years .. ·--------------~-------------------------Coping with Life Ctises 34 years 28 years 22 years By Diane Cole In her 1976 bestseller. Passages. Gail Sheehy gave Americans a new way of looking at themselves. She popularized a fresh psychological theory of the way adults develop. change and grow. Grown-ups, she maintained, must pass through a set series of age·llnked periods -"pre- dlctable crises of adult llf e." But some behavioral scientists now suggest that the adult llf e cycle may be more flexible than Sheehy's book in- dicates. wpeop1e change In different ways." says Paul 8. Baltes, professor of human development at Pennsyl· vanla State University. "AJ they grow older, they become more and more dlff ettnt from each other, and their experiences become lea and less uni· venal. Do spedftc changes occur at spectftc ages? They might, but these changes are not as Important as some people say." Uke Bakes, Cornell University SOci· ology proftllOr Gien H. Elder Jr., ls lmpret.Md with the complexity and vartablllty of people's Uves. "There are It was the bestselling Passages that first popularized the theory of people going through certain life cycles at different ages. But now It looks like life Is more complicated. diverse pathways to adulthood and multiple timetables." seys Elder. In other words. we don't have to expect our 20's to be "trying'' or our 40's to be "forlorn." These scientists are by no means dlsmissing the idea of life cycles. Sheehy's book was based on serious long-mnge studies done by a variety of researchers, and valuable Insight can be gained by looking at how groups of adults grow and change. "To say that our lives do not follow a Jock.step structure Is not to say that no structure exlsts," Elder points out. One of the primary sources for Possogu was Daniel J. Levinson. prof es.ter of psychology at Yale University a11d authoc of The Se0$0N of o Mon • LJfe. From hi! studies of the llves of middle-aged American men, Levtnson concluded that every man passes through an orderly se- quence of psychosocial periods, none Lasting more than seven. to 10 years. Each period begins and ends for each man at approximately the same age. Each period poMS spedfic tasks. cholca and probJ.ms. Stable periods, during which these Pf'Ob'ems arc tern- porarily resolved, alternate with mm· sitional periods, during which new concerns, challenges or opportunities for change arise. For instance, in what Levinson tenns the Early Adult Transition (ages 17 to 23). the young adult straddles two worlds -adolescence and adult- hood. He must break away from the security of home and take the firs1 ten· tatlve steps to establish himself as an independent per$0n. The years that follow. a period Levinson calls Enter· Ing the AduJt World (ages 23 to 28). may be the most stres.sful period of a man's life. as he searches for a life work -a goal or dream to which he can commit himself. The age 30 crisis Is f oUowed by a period of settling down (ages 33 to 40). during which the by·now respon- sible aduJt sew to establish his place in society. But by the time he reaches the midway polnt of his life. his Mld- Uf e Transition (ages 40 to 45). a man has begun to assess how well he has succeeded In reaching the goals he set for himself In his 20's. In this midlife passage, many men struggle to find new meaning in their lives. Some may decide to break out -to quit a ;ob, move to another part of the country ar leave a spouse. Others wtll find new satisfaction wtthin their homes or jobs. By contrast. the next period, Entering Middle Adulthood (ages 45 to 50). may be relatively stable. Thus goes the theory. But how rigidly do we conform to this sched ule? How closely must o ur lives follow the timetable that Levinson and Sheehy suggest? Baltes maintains that, as people age. histor1cal events -wars, depressions or other social changes ~ become more and more cruclaJ In terms of the psychological and emotional effect they have. Ukewise, unexpected or "non-normative" life events -such as serious Ulness, divorce or a career change -can occur at any time and wtll lead people on different and varied paths. "People continue to le.am and to show plasticity through old age." Baltes says. "They have the capacity to change, and they also have the capacity to remain stable and main· tain old positions. Levinson has prob- ably described Important themes in a man's life. but these themes don't have to be the only themes. In a man's life. only some of these themes may appear. And they don't have to appear in a particular order. nor do certain themes have to appear al all." Fl s a sodologjst, Elder is acutely aware of how the history or SOcia1 customs of a specific time or place will affect people ln his book, Chlldren of the Great Depre$$/on (University of Chicago Press), he descnbes the many ways in which the economic conditions of the 1930's gave people growing up then a distintive outJook and phUosophy. Like Baltes. Elder believes that 1diosyncratk. or non-nonnative life events take different tolls on dlff erent people. A person wlll not be affeded In the same way If war breaks out when he Is 10 and his older brother Is drafted that he wtll If he is 20 and he himself ls drafted or ti he is 50 and his son Is drafted. Similarly. a divorce will affect a 20-year-old man differently than a 50-year-old man. Levinson argues that his theory is more elestic than hls critics allow. "If I talk about the age-40 transition, I don't say a bell rings when a man turns 40," Levinson notes. "I say 40 plus or minus two years That gives a fair amount of Oexibillty." Levinson acknowledges, in his • book, that, "Many Influences along the way shape the nature" of a pe:r· son's life . ''They may produce aher· nate routes or detours along the way; they may speed up or slow down the timmble within certain Umits: in ex· treme cases they may stop the devel- opmental process altogether." One thing on which all these social scientists agree 15 that more research is needed. "We want to flnd out. under what circumstances do changes cx:- cur?" says Elder. "In the future, we're gotng to have more knowledge of the life course which will help us make sense out of our lives." And thot, It seems. Is something that man hos been trying to do sinoe life l'!WI began. ll&tJ F~Ml\.'I' WUIU.Y, Oc10094 I I t•I • 21 I '""t-\..·1·~s· U"• .. -·· Sn<,ill\r '°'(H( .,_ .... t t ~ ,•f the littlest • unicorn A 24 Karat Gold Verme11 Pendant The magnificent unicorn is said to have vanished from the earth forever. thousands of years ago. Ord1d he? W 1th the body and tail of a horse. a charming bearded chtn and one glorious silver horn that possesses special powers, the magical unicorn has been sighted and sought throughout the centuries. But no one has been able to capture 1t. Until now We've found the littlest Unicom in the world Long cherished as a symbol of love and dedication. the unicorn's beauty is legendary. And our little unicorn is surely the most beautiful of all. The Utt/est Unicorn 1s exqu1s1tely detailed from his graceful mane to his tiny goatee beard and electroplated in pure 24 karat gold. His eye twinkles with the spark of a genuine 4-point claret ruby And atop his head is a magical silvery horn. An enchanting gift to give or receive. The l..Jttlest Unicorn has an 18-inch. 14 karat gold-filled chain so you can wear him on any occasion Nestled 1n a handsome gift box. our tiny unicorn, 1ust like the unicorns of legend, is certain towtn your heart. or the heart of someone you love. No matter how long or hard you search for The Utt/est Unicom, you'll find him only through Calhoun's Collectors Society. If you want The 1..Jttlest Unicorn to be yours. please mail the coupon below as quickly as possible Who knows how long 1t will be before he vanishes once again? • -~--------r~-----------------~-Calhoun's CollectOfS Society 7275 Bush Lake Road P.O. Box 1218 Minneapolis. Minnesota 55440 Please send me (Oly) LIN/est Urwcom pendant(s) at $25 ()(J each plus 51 76 postage and handl•ng each (tOlal $26 76eacn) 111 am not comple(ety satished. t may reiurn the pendant(s) Wlthtn 15 days loi a refund of the purchase price Of charge card credit. whtchever appltes O I enclose s2s.ocr plus $1.76 postage and handling (total $26.76) for eecn of lhe peodants I have ordered 0 Pteae charge this to my 0 MastefCard 0 VISA 0 ~ -=:i Account Number (al fl) ....... ~ m:iil I I I 1 1 1 1 1III11 I l&Do., ___ _ I ~·----------1 ''--" I ::.. ,,_~~ j l_ ~-.... .io...,1a100t-• 5'-le> 1-.1!1 ~------------499 ___________ ,__ ________ _ Phone Surveys: Don't Hang Up! By Remor m. Sutton You're just S1epping into the shower one day when, sure enough. the phone rings. You'd be a little annoyed no matter who ii was. but irritation turns to suspicion when the voice on the other end announces. "HI, this is Steve with 'Your Opinion CounlS· Research Company ... " Don't feel alone in your annoyance or suspicion. Last year. mo re than 185 millio n people m America re- services were marketed nationally Dr Roy S1ou1. the director of marketing for Coca-Cola U.S.A . reflects: ·we needed to find o ut what pleased the customer." The phones began lo ring across America But nol every phone, It was dis covered by computer analysts 1ha1 the opinions of a large group of people can be reflected in a much smaller "probability sample" if the "makeup" -the distribution of such factors as age. race. education and income level -of both groups is the same Researchers ~ develop an ac· ~ ;o curate sample by 0 using telephone s numbers c hosen § completely at ran· ~ dom Take the sur-~ vey names inrer· ., viewer Cindy Rees ~ will be working on J at the offices of ~ Marketing and r Opinion Research -(MARC) in Atlan· ~ G ~ ta. eorgia. Telephone researchers called 100 mflTlon Americans last year. A manufacturer of insulation has ceived unsolicited phone calls from "research" organizations. About 85 million of these calls were from wolves with sheep's voices. .. researchers" who Invariably opened with an Irresistible sratement such as. "We have a wonderful free gift for you:" These callers were really just trying to seU something. The other 100 million calls. how· ever, were part of a very legitimate and very misunderstood business: the teJe. phone opinion research industry. Each year. thousands of businesses -from girdle manufacturers to bottlers of Kickapoo Joy Juice and even the phone company -employ tele- phone-research organizations to find out what consumers really think about their products or services. Based on the answers. these companies then make key decisions about discontinu- ing old products and/or developing new ones. lllere are now approxi- mately 200 major telephone research organiz.atlons, employing over 3,500 people. <:onsumer oplnioo was first recog· nlzied as Important ln the mid l 940's. Before that time, the supply of mos1 products and services could barely meet demand . But after World War 0. the supply of goods -soap, cars, vtr- tuaJJy ~ -did exceed de- mand. Consumer compantes quickly IUbed thet mll8ons of doBan could be saved If the public's tastes and destra wen? tedc.ooed wtth before products or 2*• FAMILYWUJ<LY,OclOMt 11, lt91 retained MARC to determine if homeowners who haven't added extra insulation to their homes believe that adding It will result in a savings in their healing bills. The "universe." or potential market for the product, Is all the homeowners in the country who haven't added extra in- sulation An accurate sample requires 4 .000 completed questionnaires. To conduct her research. Clndy sits in a room with 20 o ther researchers. phone by her side, eyes foUowing a small television screen. Tied to a computer at the Dallas headquarters of MARC. the screen will display on command the phone number of an anonymous individual located some- where in the 50 states . The first questions Cindy asks are · "screeners" designed to weed out apartment dwellers and others who don't flt the universe. and each ques- tion is more specific than the one before It. Only a person who answers eoch question satisfactorily Is quahfled to take the survey. What should you do the next time you receive a ''research" call? First determine lf the call ls legitimate: Ask for the name of the company making the calls. Keep in mind that legtt1mate research companies never sell any- thing. If the caller arouses your suspi- cion. don't be afraid to say goodbye. But If the person Is truly conducting opinion research, why not talk with him or her. It's a chance to r1WI make your opinion oount 1Ai:.1 FANTASTIC · Sticks·UP cotendor Clock Displays hour and minutes with quartz crystal accuracy- changes automatically every 2 seconds to show month & date! Fantastic Price Break! Not $14:95' 2 for only Not $20:00 s711 SA~MOREl IT'S SO Wl TO STICK W Mmn!Ell! NOW ONLY s7.44 ea. Use 'em everywhere to lceep you on schedule: • TV set • attache case • refrigerator • desk • boat / / • NO WINDING! NO Pl.UGS! NO BUTTONS TO PUSH! •SPACE AGE ACCURACY! • BUILT·IN COMPUTER adjul'b for lonl •nd short months! • EASILY REPLACEABLE BATTERY (Included) powers clock for one FUU YEARt • SUPER·STICK, DETACHABLE FELT BACKING grips instantly to any surface, lets you stick 'em up anywhere! •CHOOSE F'ROM'3' DECORATOltCOt.ORS-red, yellow or t>eige! 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If fOf' any reason (0< no reason at all) you are not completely satisfied with the design. color, WOf'kmanshlp, size or material of any product you buy from AmbaSMdOf' simply return It to us wtlHn 30 d9ys OI receiving It. and we wlll r9funcl the purchase price promptly -or, If you desire, ,...,._. the product you bought free of charge. }/l{..t,{_ METHOD OF PAYMENT: 0 Check enclosed 0 Master Card 0 VISA Cttelll C.ro No. (Ptinl ALL dogllal Caro E•PlrH Mrs .............. ....., ................. ..... ,..., ..... -~·"-" ... w ... • ....... TOUI for Mlrctw ldiM s ~andH#dtng s I 50 , ............. Cf*lld • 1At~-~ ..... ._.,.,, •• ..,.., l'llOCOOtt .,..M•U -----------------.....,..-....,..,.---------IA0281 _Mr FIBIN-lMIM- SlrMI AdCltHs _________________ Apt NO ------ I C•I)' St••• ZIP _,..;;;;., _______ _ L----------------------------------1 . Can Batt Stair Sting 8Gck the Pclck? i lh c 0 .. :> 8 ... StorT now: Flue losing sea.sons houe dimmed his lustre. By Tony Wolter I t is the midnight hour. but suddenly new life appears in Bart Starr's tired eyes He leans back Into his den chair, grips his glass of beer and talks about life these days in Green Bay. Wis. "The experience we've gone through is like driving on a freeway to Texas." says Starr. once the Packers' great quarterback and now their oft· beleaguered head coach . "You can get bored awfully easily and fall asleep. But if you take the backroads with all the chuckholes. you're going to be more attentive and alert. We've emerged as more complete because of the experience. And right now we're on the state road heading back to the freeway." Chuckholes. in the form of five 1os· Ing seasons in Starr's six years as Packer coach, have bred considerable fan discontent In the community that set the standard for pro football ex· cellence In the 1960's. When Starr's Packers staggered out of the 1980 season with just five vie· tories and a tie In 16 games. It left the Hall of Fame quarterback with a mea· ger .345 winning percentage (31-57-2) In his half-dozien seasons. It also prompted many observers to call for a change In leadership. "I think we've gotten Into a rut as a team," says one veteran player who. not surprisingly. asked not to be Identified. "I don't think the players have a lot of con- fidence In the coaching staff." Last December. the 45-man Packer Board of Directors removed Starr's other title . general manager. and rumors were rampant that a coaching change was not only necessary but also imminent. Starr managed lo hang on. but it is obvious that in this. the final year of his coaching contract. he most likely faces his last stand. True to form. Starr. the 47-year-old son of a retired Air Force Master Ser· geant. sees the high·noon scenario as nothing more than another challenge "Because of the emphasis on this be- ing the last year of my contract. peo· pie have a tendency to panic," he responds. "This is an impulsive socie· ty and it's panic-oriented. They an· nounce there's a shortage of peanut butter and people rush to the store to buy all they can without thinking things out.'" However, even Starr must admit that the last two Packer seasons have been rocked by controversy. Ace receiver James Lofton drew fan cri· tlcism In 1979 when he made an obscene gesture to boob19 crowds during a game at hometown lam· beau Field. Starr didn't discipline Lof- ton. but public-relations director Chuck Lane was quoted as saying Lofton was a prima donna. When the season ended, lane was fired . Last year, during a 38-0 prese.ason loss to Denver, defensive end Ezra Johnson was seen eating a hot dog on the bench. Assistant coach Fred von Appen called for Immediate dis· cipllnary measures, but Starr de· dined. Von Appen quit four days before 1980's ftrst regular season game. (continued) FAMILY WEEKLY, Oe-11, '"' • 31 _II MEMO CALENDAR YOUR SPECIAL PHOTO ENLARGED 400% IN FULL COLOR only TO THIS •299 NEW FOR 1982 10 J7 24 31 4 s IJ 12 18 19 25 26 l 2 6 . --7 8 9 13 14 IS 16 20 21 22 23 27 28 -. 29 30 ~ 0 Now your favorite photo can become a superb. lasting and beautiful wall calendar -to hang all the year long where it will bring you pleasure every day. Or. as a gift to remind a special person of your thoughtfullness and love. A new scientific breakthrough makes It possible to enlarge, with absolute fidelity and clarity, any color photo and reproduce it in GIANT size. You get all the tones. all the beauty. all the vibrant live colors. so exactly that the giant photo seems actually better than the orlginell Any snap-shot . negative. slide. transparency or Polarp1d - color or black-and-white -can be used. and will be returned to you in perfect condition . Even a tiny 1 %" x , .. slide becomes a giant 8" x 10" printed on a fine quality linen-look calendar that is 14 .. x 22" overall. And the calendar is a year-round aide. with plenty of room for notes. reminders. appointments. red-let1er days. etc The price is super. too. Only $2.99! An incomparable value these days. Just send your favonte photo or slide (please pnnt your name and full address on back). We 'll even mail calendars for you to any ltst of people you want to send us. Use handy order coupon. Pro mpt service and satisfaction guaranteed. BENNETT..QRAF, Inc. 1450 NE. 123 St. No, Mtemi. Fla. 33111 I O,,,,~ 1::1 --------------------------------BENNETT-GRAF, Inc. Dept. -4346, 1450 N.E.123 StrMt.No.Ma.mt, Fie. 33181 PIMM ,.,.,., G1en1 PtlolO c.ler-o11t11 efllA1~0 from lf>e ono1oc11 enclOMCI 1Wt>en Ofder•"ll w....O.•s to IM M •tl to ITID'• then on• oefSOft encloM "" ol .,_, •llCI llOlllHlft on Moerete w.11 r or e«ll c:atenoe• 1 l!ntloM 0t,-..n1 al '' 1111 D'IA 1~ 10 hl!lo Oeltay ~leQe a..a ll.lndl•"Q c"'•Q<t\ ro1a1 P9Yf'l9'l1 •ncloMd t -----!Fla r...o.titt .00 Alff IA•I SENOT01NAMt1 ------------------- ST~El -----------------------o~ I STATE Zll"--- L --._.-.------------------------... _.__J From The Editors Of BEITER HOMES AND GARDENS. and PARADE ... 17TOP MEDICAL EXPERTS TELL YOUHOWTO PROTECT THE ONLY BODY YOU'LL EVER HAVE. e Big 8V1x11 size e 480 informa- tion-filled p1ges e Over 300 photos and illustration' -;-most in rolof e Thou"nds of medial facts at your fingertips r e Printed In la~. dear, nsy·to-rud type e Comprehenllve lndn for Hsy fingertip merence -•a.a•F•.;---:.;len~ Homes and Garden~' HAN0- e lu"urtously bound for a lifetime of use YOURS FREE 1()()1( Of COMMON MfOICINfS di~ cvHft -200 common ~Ion and oo-n~nter dNp by rwne -how they WOtti In your bOdy, their lmerac:tlons, pom'ble ~s and ~n. ll"s yc>UA FU£ -no matter ........ )'OU de<'lde ~ the Amil 40 HIAl TH & MIDtCAl CVIOf. Don't risk tM best years of your life! Learn how and wh>' your body changes ... know whal to ex pee I. and when unexpected medical problems arise . at.I before they become serious. Do you knowf • five ways to 1ell 11 you have a stroke- prone personality( •Trails common 10 people whu live tu a ripe old age< • Whal your legs can \omellme:. lell yuu about the condition of your heart? • Whal unc mgrt~dicnl you should .:ilwctys avoid in foods( • Seven simple-measure\ lo rC'heve cHlhri- li'i pain wilhout drugs< • How a falal heart atlad, c ctn oct ur evt'n when lhc heart is in ~ood cundil1on? ~ .ible to discuss your concerns precisely .ind intelligently with your doctor .•. If you require surgery. or a mt>d1< al lesl . don't be "in the dark" .. Learn whal a biopsy 1s ... How a coron- ary bypass can !Mlve a healthy heart ... 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YOURS AUE the HAND800K OF COMMON MEDICINES will be yours to keep FREE even If you decide not to puKhase the AFT£1l 40 HEAL T)i & MEDICAL CUIOE. ~-------------------------------------· 8att Stott ... and then: In his glory days with mentor Vince Lombardi. True. Injuries deprived the team of several key players last year, but Starr bickered constantly with the press and the once-mighty Pack suffered some humiliating losses, particularly a 51-21 defeat at Los Angeles and, worst of all. a 61-7 pasting from the archrival Chicago Bears late In the season. All this is a long way from the disciplined -and winning -ways of Vince Lombardi. In his nine years as coach. LombardJ led the Packers to five championships. and his teams be- came synonymous with fierce pride and perfect execution. Starr is not alone In failing to live up to Lombardi's legend. PhU Bengston, Lombardi's hand-picked successor, was dismissed after two lackluster seasons. Dan Devine. recruited from the college ranks, was personally and professionally abused and quickly returned to the campus when he could do no better than one playoff appearance (1972) in his four seasons. "I always felt like I was following Phil Bengston." Devine says today. "But so many people felt I was fol- lowing Lombardi. What people didn't realize was that if Phil was a fa11ure. then it was Lombardi's failure ." When Starr was tapped to be head coach In l 97fr. he was immediately at an advantage. He was a Packer hero of the 1960's. He was a Lombardi disciple nonpareil. He was the people's choice. Starr put aside his business Interests, which Included an Alabama automobtle dealership and television sportscasting, and took the plunge. .. The easiest thing for me to have done would have been to tum down the Packer job," he says. "Many of my friends urged me to tum It down because they were concerned that the Image I had developed as a player would be spoUed." Although Green Bay obviously wished upon a Stan, Bart says he entered the job with severe handi- caps, prtndpaDy a lack of coaching experience ... I knew what I wanted to do when I ttarted here," he says. "It was just a matter of not knowing how to go about It. But experience has been a great teacher. I'm much, much wiser now. I was too naive when I started coaching. too trusting, too gullible. Today I'm a far better, more complete person than I've ever been in my life. "The Packers have suffered with me as I've been learning," he con· tinues ... but they11 be receiving a bet· ter prodUd ... Whether Packer fans will be recelv· ing a better product this year. though. remains to be seen. Although the team enjoyed an excellent preseason. the defense remains a real question mark. and there Is a serious lack of depth everywhere. It seems that the Packers have. at best. only an outside chance of a playoff berth. B I.It Starr remains religiously steady. "We're not going to depart from our plan because some people are grumbling," he points out. "We believe we are charting properly. I see a winning season for us and a great growth period for this organlza· tlon. We need luck along the way, but we most of all need consistency. We don't want to be on a roller coaster any longer. We have a core of talented, prideful players who really want to win. and we 're just a shade away." And steadily religious. "I basically feel that what has hap· pened to me is all part of God's plan," says Starr. "It's His way of having me grow as a person. I guess I haven't al- ways grown the way He wants me to, but I'm pleased with the growth I've seen in myself.'' &rt Stan has been given the two· minute warning. nme Is running out. The losing seasons have removed much of the lustre from his golden years. And now for many Packer fans. the glorious memory of Stan sneaking Into the end mne behind Jerry Kramer to win the 1967 N.F.L. championship has faded. replaced by the sight of Starr standing stok:ally on the skiellnu as his team loses I!) yet again. FAMILY WEEKLY, Oc~ II, lll1 • 33 EACH GIFT-BOXED SET CONTAINS: 16" fine braided 15" rope 18" heavy braided 7" rope 15" Serpentine 18" medium braided 16" fine Italian link 16" medium Italian link 24" rhodium-layered heavy braided POOLE'S JEWELRY LIQUIDATORS, Dept. CE-27 565 Fifth Avenue, New York, New York 10017 Please rush me first class mail (Qty.) sets of individually selected chains layered in 14 karat gold. boxed for gift-giving at S 10 each plus $2 postage and handling for each set. I enclose s _ payment in full by 0 check 0 money order or charge my 0 VISA 0 MasterCard Exp. date _____ _ Account# I understand that if I am not completely delighted. I may return my purchase for a full refund. 0 I am responding within 48 hours; please include a ninth chain at no additional charge. Please send my gift-boxed sets at once to: Name (please print) ________________ _ Address --------------------- City --------------------- 1_ 10 mg "t1C 0.8 mg nieottnt rN. per cig111tt1. FTC Ripon Mar :81. Big ls Beautiful By RoaoJyn AbrevQYQ mid-Westerner Cathy Smith ls 25 and has a pretty face and shapely legs. She also happens to be a size 20. Until recently, Cathy and more than 25 million large-sized women llke her were llterally "the forgotten women" to the fashion industry. But now they are actively being courted by top designers, retailers and manufacturers. f AMIL y WEEKL y canvassed top clothing ftrms and national retailers to talk about this unusual fashion re- volution. Major sportswear firm Evan Picone launched a large- size division called The Classic Woman two years ago. "The clothes are virtually a replica of our design5 for the average-stz.ed woman," says Frank Levine, one of the division's sales repre· sentatives. "But one difference Is that the pants are elasticized In the back." Levine points out that there are, of course, some American designer PauUne Tr!gere does not design for the large-size market directly, but each season six or seven styles are plucked from her elegant coat coJlectlons for Abe Schrader Corp. to be re-proportioned for large sizes. According to Trtgere, "Those coats selected are usually not 'fitted' styles and, because the larger woman generally has a short neck, we reduce the size of the collar." A hint of things to come: Tngere hopes that In the near future, the ample woman will be wearing one of her cape designs. Two national re- i tailing chains, Lane ~Bryant and Roa· ~ man's, have been ; pioneers In clothing ~ for the large customer. r Lane Bryant's sen- 1. k>r vice president and general merchandise i manager, Peter Cul- l bertson, has been behind the push to 11.. lmproye the fashion picture for his cus- styles from the regu-Separates that match tend ro lar line that would flatter the /orge·slted woman. tomers. Three years ago Culbertson began adding clothes from Gloria Vanderbilt, Oscar de la Renta. Pauline T~e, Lon· don Fog, Cacharel and other designers to the store's racks. The company has also in· not be cut for large sizes-for example, a fully pleated skirt. Couture designer Pierre Cardin has put his Gallic talent to work for the large-size market through his licensee firm . Pour La Femme, Ltd. The firm's vice president and mar- keting manager. Robert Cohen, re- ports, "We're really the first company to offer collection sportswear for large slzea, with design direction from Cardin's line In Parts." The line will Include jackets, sweaters, blouses, skirts and pants. "Our philosophy lS to think ftnt of fashion and quality. then address ourselves to the proportions of the ample figure," says Cohen. Inter- estingly, the typical lerge-sl.z.ed woman has average-tlz.ed shouldetS, IO the firm capbbn on Cardin's silhouettes which have always em· phattzed the ahou.lder-llne. Th.ls em- phalis helps to balance the full figure. Adda Cohen, "Un.like her 'skinny' sister. the large·sized woman can c:any open neddlnes better and, con· trmy to myth, can wear dramatic pet· l8m5 that would overpower a smaller wonlan.'' creased its buytng trips to Europe and Asia, with the goal of "carrying a good variety of silks." Lane Bryant Intends to continue to offer a wide choice of fashionable garments In quality fabrics at affordable prices for those looking for the best in large· sized contemporary clothes. Evelyn Roaman, vice president of fashion administration for Roaman'a and author of Heauv Can Be Happy (Uppinoott & Crowell). has been, for nearly 40 years, the most v\slble sym- bol of the retailing chain. She vividly remembers the old attitude: If you were heauv, Jock yourself In a closet! But she Is delighted with the change In people's perspec:tlves today and the relative ease wtth which she's now able to persuade manufacturers of re- gular-slZe clothing to offer styles In larger sizes. To learn firsthand about hef cus· toTTlQfS' needs, she goes on store tours across the country three times a year. Says Roaman (who It a slZe 14), "It's a joy to talk to and leam from these women . Their gratitude for today's f ashlon options ls slmply r1111 limitlas. '' ..:.;, AOvenlMlllMI What Your Doctor Doesn, Tell You AboutThe Side Effects Of Prescription Drugs You probably take drugs your doctor prescribes to feel better, to combat in· fection, to relieve pain, or to help you sleep. But drugs often cause side effects. This new, easy·to-undcrstand book reveals the sidccfTCciS before you start taking your prescription. Herc arc some of the 200 drugs in this book listed in alphabetical order. Achromycm !Xmulen lsopto Actifed !Xmerol Carpinc Aldact.azidc !Xxedrinc lsordil Aid act one Diabiocsc KeOex Aldomet Diam ox Kena log Aldoril Digoxin Kwc ll Ambtnyl Dilaniin Lanoxin Ame ill Oimetanc La rot id Am ox ii Di meta pp Lasix Ampicillin Diuril Libra.it cl An1ivcn l>onna1al Librium Aprcsolinc Doridcn Ldcx Aristocort Orix oral Lomotil Atarax Dyazidc Lo/Ovral Atromid-S E.E.S. 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Cyclospasmol Hydrodiunl Nitrostat Oalmanc Hydroprcs Norgesic Darvocct-N Hygroton Norinyl Darvon llosonc Norlcstnn Dcllamycin lndcral Novahistinc Demerol lndocin OH Hydrochloride Iona min Omn1pcn Orinasc Omadc Spanule!i Ortho- Novum Ovral Ovulen-21 Panmycin Parafon Forte Paregoric Pavabid Pent ids Pcn-Vtt--K Percoch1n Pcriactin Pcritratc Pcrsantinc Phenaphen Phcnergan Phenobarbital Polaramine Polycillin Poly· Vi-Flor Prcdm~onc Prcludin Endure ts Premarin Pnncipcn Pro-&mhinc Prolo1d Provera Pyridium Quaalude Quihron Regro1on Rcscrp111c Ri1alin Robaxln Robax1sal Robim upset stomach. 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Mak•· th1nQS for 1/3 HIP rnst of l>uy1nq tht..'fl't. Cr1fts 'n Thint1 stiows you how ... vv11h 1!3SV UHP.CtlOns ~tcp by SIP.JJ illusrra110ns. futl-s11e nattcrns Mon•y-b«lc !JfJ•r•ntH. enru 11 ni.,s. 01,c. s ss . I I ,., ... ,..1LH11• f1.11•1 my \uhtcr1p11on t4.1 ,,.,t" n T.,,n~ 1 """ ,_." ... ,,..,.. F'R(( .,, ... ,~ltQtt\ I ~1 fut I )'f.U If• 1u·u, •fill I J1r; c '~"''" I "': PJv,-,,.."•I •nclnV'ft ":: 8 ·11 m11> I 1 ~-I Mo''" l.§ J.!!'-::.!!P_ -- --:ill When You Order From Advertlfff9 /n Family Weeki~ Please allow four to six weeks for deltvery. Since our advertisers often receive thousands of orders from all over the country, occa· sronally unintentional delays oc· cur If they do, Family Weekly wants to assist you as much as possible Just send the details ot your order to: Linda Mount, Family Weekly. 641 Le>11ngton Avenue. New York. NV 10022. A Gallery of Fine Art Is Now Available on T-Shrrts and Wall Prints lrom Emil Enterprises For Your Catalog ol our Complete Gallery ot Fine Art Prints rush $1 00 to EmU Enterirrilu Post Olfrce sOx 1532 San Lv1s Ol:>lSPO CA 93406 Buyers Guide Shol)ping by mall Is tun, convenient and easy! Please send yOUt checll or money onief to the comparnes hsted. Have a rice weell! ator or ltfl'f metalfic sut1ace. lnsef1 pet recipeS or c¥toons. mo! Ideal, !hen, tor ~ grocety Hst, memos. etc. Magna-Pix holds tllem snugly lo place. Terrific party tavors! Set ol 3 Magna·Pix. S4.9~ plus 950 p&h. Additional, $1.65 tacfl. K. 8ookrnMI & Co .. Dept. FW, 4 Matttltw A¥9., Kendall Pw11. NJ 0682-4. Tasty Otflt1 You'll recliw 3 generous slices ol mouttl-wai.rinn, delicious "'#oMs best frui1takt:'· A gcMmet confec· tion, cMI is bursting Wltfl ctloice lruits and nuts from all Ovef the wor1d -soaked togelhef In aged·ln· wood boult>on, n.m and brandy. Fof your scrumptious, taste·treat samples, 1ust send S1 (refunded when you order a hll~slze cake). Butterfield Farms. Dept. FWE, 330 Wl.shlngton St .. Solle 308, Marina Del Rey, CA 90291. Beautiful 100% Nahnl Cotton, soft but ever so durable. Early American A true legacy of Early America This elegant , , , , woven bedspread Is fully pre-shrunk and ma· COLONIAL LOFT chine washable, with no ironing ever. Rich, full, BEDSPREADS decorator tr~e. Gu.rantffd. Wes~ fast. • Heny-aott-ctuni.,.. r;I Jt';.mpun-Cr".fb;;·:s~:r,~.02 • 100'Y. Quality Cotton ......... ,.._,... · c:.1to111Lt11 • MacNne we•ti.ble I C'-~•whlt ··• I ___ Slrt.,....l ___ ,_,alllr. __ • ,....,... •Of ,_,ura I ~ Cll9ct ~ • 0 ....._. • c wu • Specl•I Pric:n: '-' . ,..,. •• uo......... . ..., GI.ID I CIWIClr•.. ______ EIJ Ill. __ _ 0.-,102•120...._W _.,QUO MlrRI '""•. ,,o, ............. ..., ISS.IO I ... K .... , •• , ......... ..., ... 7.40 I ClllJ s. ___ llf __ _ lft.-te ................ St2 •.AISa •tC.¥11A--a1Tllff91.~lblll2..W Ado 5100Ht01a.t '"' •"•0011111 CALL NOWt °""good tlll ~JO 2 OLD COINS (Ii..~~-,,. 1 INOIAN HEAD PENNY 1 BUFFALO NICKEL 40d40' poa~ -EOIAT£SH-lfl, -..... _ _, __ _ V1LLAG£ COIM ~HOP DEPT. 'W PLAJ~TO'W, ".H. NM5 GAS MATCH • S.te s.Mlllvt• lor Meld.e • 2000 Uglltl Light all your fires ...• "fireplace Ogas grill fl pilot light Oc•ndle • Standard lutene Ref HI •YSIUI ,...,, .......... ....... • Adftlttable Fl•-• s.nct checll Of money Ofder St2.50 to: elm'k })i~tributing P 0. SOX JOit. n'.11111£ HAI/Tl. IN t7IOJ PECANS! The flMSt 1n Choice nutmeats from the hHrt Of AIMl1a S 5outtllanct ano .-ouno the wortO -otft Idea tor VOUfWff. fftfncls, flmllv ano l>USIMSS. S.tkfactlOn ~ t..i Of' vour monev baC* SENC> US YOUR ENTNlf CIJT LISTI For Mator creoit caro <>roen ano Fastest o.ll\lerV, tall 13121 564·3277 NO colt«t al~. OIHW ACI NCAN COMll'IUIY, INC . 9th and HarTIS Stl"Mn, ~-7U C~le. GA 51015 Offff UOll'M O.Cember 51, 1981 ... -------~---------~ Greet Olft for Under ... 00 I I JAR OPENER I JAR OPENER will open any I I 1tandarO 1ar or bottle In I HCond1 without 1tr•in. In I eluding Soft Drink bolllee I ·Baby food 1ars · Pickle iara or I •nv other 1•rs with up to 4" I I ICrew(:lpt. I IDEAL FOR FOLKS I WITH ARTHfUTIS I 1'£11MANUfflY MOUNflO tT NtWll I GETS LOST IN " OllAWlll I I =-I I ~ I I ~·n I I ts.• I I DuPont Speclaltlet. lne. I , o, ••• t. °"""'· ClA ,,.. .. SATllfACTIC>ff OUAllANTHD 'nc• IMll>M tao 8M -.... ------------------· MAN Bl'.HIND THE MAKEUP The life of a movie makeup man can be tough. Just listen to Rick Baker. 30, whose amazlng new "Change-a" transformation process can currently be seen in An Ameri· can Werewolf in London: "As a kid. none of my friends's parents would let me in the house. Of course, this was after I had painted various gashes and third-degree b*"1S on their children " Movie makeup has come a long way from the days when simply simu· lating blood was the big trick (com syrup mixed with food col- oring is the most popular recipe to- day). You may have seen Baker's work. for example, in The Incredible Shrinking Woman , Star Wars (he designed the famous extraterrestrial saloon scene) and King Kong (the much publicized 40·foot mechanical Kong was used in only six scenes, he notes. The rest of the movie featured Baker in his homemade gorilla suit.) Interestingly, Baker (above), whose ghoulish creations have turned many a weak stomach. says that originally he planned to be a doctor. "Except I can't stand the sight of blood," he laughs. "Whe~ I cut myself. I pass out." NEW TWIST ON RUBIK'S Rubik's Cube, that confounding 21/2-inch plastic puzzle that's driv· ing everyone crazy, has already sold over 10 mil- lion copies since it was introduced in· to the U.S. in Feb- ruary 1980, and it's said to be rak- ing in $2 million a month for its manufacturer. Ideal Toys. Two books on how to solve the little ras- cal have already hit the best-seUer lists, and a third (You Con Do the Cube). written by a 13-year-old London boy, is just out. Now word comes that Emo Rubik, the Hungarian archi- tecture professor who designed the cube, has come up with a sequel -Rubik's Snake. It consats of 24 connected pyramids and has about 1.000 possible solutions. The cube, meanwhile, has only one solution hidden among 43 qulntilhon (43,000,000,000,000,000,000) wrong turns. The snake Is already selling in Europe for $12 and, re- portedly, various American firms are checking It out. OUR HIDDEN HUNGRY A woman who bolls bones until they are soft enough to eat. Another who survives on two peas a day. And many more who simply don't eat at aD for days at a time. In traveling around America, the "land of opportunity," for seven years, Loretta Schwartz· Nobel found that millions of people -elderly, inner-city dwellers. even farmers - are slowly starving. many of them to death. She reveals the who's. why's and some possible solutions in her shocking new book, Starv· Ing In the Shadow of Plen- ty. "Some 25 to 30 mtllion Americans are Uving below the Federal poverty line ($8,450 for a family of four) and they are aU struggling to get food," Schwartz- Nobel told us. And the Reagan budget cuts will severly worsen the situa· tion . she predicts. cutting critical f undlng by at least 25 percent. "It's up to us as human beings now," she notes. ''If we remain inactive, those barely able to survive before simply won't. There is a lot you can do Many areas have emergency food banks and food pantries you can contribute to. Or simply caD up your church and ask how you can help. So many people say their lives are meaningless. Here's a simple act that can bring you tremendous satis· faction and perhaps save someone's life." HEADUNEACT In May, two F AMIL v WEEKLY papers were honored when Champion International announced its 1980 Media Awards for Economic Understanding. The Sentinel-Record in Hot Springs, Ark. won a $5,000 first prize for its 32-page special section on the state's children of poverty, and Jack Moseley of the Fort Smith (Ark.) Southwest Times Record won a $2,500 second prize for his series on U.S. im· migration policy, an Issue he examined in two stories for FAMILY WEfKL Y (May 31, June 7, 1981). Another first prl.ze went to Edith and Armstrong Hunter, who for 10 years have exemplified the spirit of National Newspaper Week (Oct. 11 -17) by singlehandedly putting out the Weathersfield (Vt.) Weekly for their 600 readers. Mrs. Hunter's story detailed how a proposed dairy cooperative would af. feet Weathersfield's nine farmers and 396 cows. She describes her job at the paper as "editor and dehvery girl" and her hus- band's as "publisher and janitor," and says the $5,000 has gone to add a screened-in porch to their 160-year-old house. (The paper Is published from the barn next door.) THI'. DIRT ON SOAPS Some coincidence. huh? ABC's General Hospital, consis· tently the highest-rated daytime soap opera these days. is also the soap with the most sex. ac· cording to a new study pub· lished by the University of Penn- sylvania's Annenberg School of Communications. Runners-up In the soap sex derby are Search for Tomorrow and Love of Life. while the least sexy soap is A// Mv Children. Most soaps are sending out · some rather skewed messages about sex, the study found. Whenever sexual intercourse was suggested, 49 percent was between unmarried lovers; 29 percent invorved strangers and only 6 percent of soap sex was going on between married partners. (The rest is between engaged couples and work partners.) BIRTHDAYS (All Libra) Sunday -Ron Leibman 44. Monday -Dick Gregory 49; Luci- ano Pavarotti 46. Tuesday -Art Garfunkel 39; Marie Osmond 22; Margaret Thatcher 56. Wednetlday -Roger Moore 54. llun· day -Linda Lavin 44: Penny Marshall 39. Friday -Angele Lansbury 56; Hal Lindon, Kate White. Food Edlto~ Merilyn Hansen; Aaeoc. Editor, Elio1 Ki04en A ... t. EdltOf, Mery_ Elim Bar· ~et1t:: PhOtG}dltor1, $1111 Gitlitz; Art rector, !chard vald81~ Ar!. Art lrect~ n Pertlr,"rJ. rt>tra ablorl, ScantO!'I. cwin ditor, ~'!.' ~timer; ontMbul1rig Wrt\.,., ""'!r Sloln Fader, John ~t>aon. N0tman l:.ObllN. Anrta Su1MM11 V.P.-M~ l Olr. of. O~ratlons. Aloha~ ~l\len; M•~~t .,,Roe>erta 11n1· R>d. I , Clll In "retmer. ~nnlng, :irri .. , ontemurro. t).j,og,.pner, Debra Rote V,f!·Ad MllnlG4K Gerald S.' Wroe: V,1'.•Wtlttm M·gr., Jot f ,.zar, Jr .. Ea11em Mgr., Jirnes B Puwett: A• Suzanne Somers 34. Sat· urday -Rita Hayworth 63: Arthur Miller 66. Roger Moore, Linda lAvln 8:1. Eutem M~, Rlchtrd K. Carroll. roll Mgt, wrenoe M Fnn. If., Pertfins. tec>!leos~von cler ~th and Ha~rd; V.P.-metll~n1 r., S1sn1ey , 81'1fe~.J •~•tin gr.. Kent 0 lessangrO. MO• gr., MarQaret Alexander ~fttf>af:,' R1t.tlon1: VP.~ E"•S. Chritri:'n:p=~·~. M~;~ JatMS~ ~her...,. rt H. Marnon. wrs~ "~~Ion MQf~ nn. let · on gr., Ptivt· lerQ, IQITIOI on r., John Brown. c1rcu1~1a1t1on Pro~ollon, Rooert Bantter· turner ivlctt, Lindi MOl.ll\1, 'j, m n. A$1l., rb1111 ShaPlro. V.P .. F=iri•noe, Allan RabfnO· wltz. C<introlltf, Jemea Enrioht C-PllOlo b~ Cl&. lnMtl ttop to bottoni1· Jl8C, HIO I u.s. Pai.nt No 37H:ICll No. OlS0.734 Anlba111dot1 wt popullr ... -. -.. .. co•plete with ............ ecceuortes. .. a11t. ,.,_Ind for you llld ,._. n I spec:llL .. CHRISTMAS SALE PRICE! It'• a gift any woman wlll IOYe -and our moet eensatlonal handt>IQ bargain ewr. A genuine Ultimate Bag at an unheard-of price. You not only get the stunning bea -you get 8 acc:es- eorlei, too. And they all flt In spectal pt.cee Inside to keep you organized, atweys. Quality· crafted In our rich-gralned, wl(>4H:lean Madrid VI~ P9Bonal!Hd with your 3 custom em· bfred Initials. A gtMt value at our original price·-at this speclal Christmas S.le prfoe It's an unbeatable bergalnl COMES WITH : 1 Ballpolnt Pen 2 Wallet/Organizer 3 Cosmetic Case 4 Change Purse 5 Key Ring 6 Key Ring 7 Address Book B. Memo Pad @ Special pocket holds your glasses or sunglasses. @ Snap-in/Snap-out Change Purse holds bills and small change in sepafate com- partments. @ Removable Wallet Organizer fits in special pocket. Puts money, credit cards, check- book at your fingertips. @ Cosmetic Purse with e~ zipper fits in its special pocket In your bag, Holds make- up beautifully. @ Two lnsta-find Key Rings snap Into bag near the top where they're easy to find. © Full Length Pocket holds store discount coupons, trading stamps and other valu- able papers. @ Lift flap on full length pocket and you'll find your personal memo pad. your personal address book and your ball- point pen all in separate pockets.• REGULAR PRICE a4ae- NOW ONLY $ 98 It ·s a $20.23 value .1 h 'lttlllttd Compar1bte Accu sory Rtt1ll V1h1e Monogrammed Bag S12.ii Wallet/Organizer 2.00 Cosmetic Case 2.00 Change Purse 1.00 2 Key Rings 1.00 Memo Pad .50 Address Book .50 Bellpolnt Pen .25 YOlJSAV£$2.00/ f/~$28.!S ~AAIA•s·• ••R 111 west Broadway ™ B ft Tempe. Arizona 85282 -----------------------------------·------------------....... 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